TRANSLATION ,AW OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CUBA AND POKTO RICO .' WITH SPANISH Tl ANNOTATIONS, EXPLANATORY NOTKS, AND AMENDMENTS MADE SINCE THE AMERICAN OCCUPATION. ' RNT, bxviBiojs OF IB a lFFAIB Ortoh ■ .. 1901. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 9il. GIFT OF -rK**t . C ,C .^Uv^ TRANSLATION LAW OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CUBA AND PORTO RICO ( WITH SPANISH TEXT), ANNOTATIONS, EXPLANATORY NOTES, AND AMENDMENTS MADE SINCE THfr AMERICAN. OCCUPATION. WAR DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF INSULAR J±WWJ±.1R&, October, 1901. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 19 1. tfol INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The translator of the Code of Criminal Procedure in force in Cut and Porto Rico begs to call attention to the fact that a large number ( decisions of the Supreme Court of Madrid have been inserted as foo notes, which serve to elucidate the language of the text. These dec sions are authoritative interpretations and in the Spanish courts ha^ practically the force of law. The references, also inserted as footnotes, calling attention to oth< laws in force, to royal decrees and military orders which modify tl procedure prescribed by the code, it is thought will also aid in makir the work of practical use, both for those who desire to inform thee selves as to the methods of Spanish procedure and those called upon 1 practice before the courts in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. At the suggestion of a number of attorneys, the Spanish text, take from official editions of the law, has also been inserted for purposes < convenience. The Cuban civil orders contained in the first appendix have bee inserted as published by the respective authorities, and in man} T cas< the English equivalents of the Spanish terms will be found to diff< from those used by the translator in the text of the law. An effort has been made to secure as correct a translation as poss ble, and in some cases the translator may be accused of sacrificing whi may be called good English for fidelity to the original text. He h$ been constantly on his guard against making an interpretation of la instead of a translation. Frank L. Joannini. I certify that the following is a copy of the translation of the La of Criminal Procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico on tile in the Insuh Division of the War Department, made under its direction. Clarence K. Edwards. Chief of Division. in 381497 fXDICE GENERAL. LEY DE ENJUICIAMIENTO CRIMINAL. Pdgina. Exposition 1 Real Decreto 15 Libro Pbimeeo. Disposition i* >/' m rales. Titulo I. — Preliminary 17 Capitulo I. Reglas generates 17 II. Cuestiones prejudiciales 18 II. — De la competencia r donde Be determina la compe- tencia 19 II. De las cuestiones de competencia t-iitrt' Ice juecee v Tribunalee ordinance 22 III. De las competencias negativaa y de las que Be pro- mueven con juecee 6 tribunalee especiales, y de los recursos de queja contra las autoridadee ad- minietrativae 28 III. — De las recusaciones y excusas de los inagistrados, pieces, asesores \ auxiliares de los juzgadoe y tribunalee, y de la abstention del ministerio fiscal 30 Capitulo I. Disposiciones generalee SO II. De la sustanciacion IV. — De las personas ;i quienes corresponde el ejerciciode lasaccionee que nacen de los delitoa y faltae V. — Del derecho de defensa j del beneficio de pobresa en Ice juicioe criniinales 18 VI. — De la forma de dictar providencias, autoe j Bentencias, y del modo de dirimir las discordiae 49 Capitulo I. De la forma de dictar providencias, autoe y sm- tenciae '•' II. Del modo de dirimir las discordiae >i VII. — De la.- aotificaciones, citacionee j emplaaamientoe Vlll. — De los suplicatorios, exbortoe y mandamientos 58 CONTENTS. LAW OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Paga Address 1 Royal decree - 15 Book First. General provisions. Title I. — Preliminaries 17 Chapter I. General rules 17 II. Preliminary questions 18 II. — Jurisdiction of judges and courts in criminal matters 19 Chapter I. Rules for determining jurisdiction 19 II. Questions of jurisdiction between ordinary judges and courts 22 III. Questions of negative jurisdiction and those raised by special judges or courts and complaints against administrative authorities 28 III. — Challenges and excuses of justices, judges, assessors, and assistants of superior and inferior courts and the abstention of the prose cuting officials 30 Chapter I. General provisions 30 II. Hearing and decision of challenges of judges of ex- amination and justices 31 III. Hearing and decision of challenges of municipal judges 33 IV. Challenges of assistants of inferior and superior courts 35 V. Excuses and challenges of assessors 36 VI. Abstention of prosecuting officials 36 IV. — Persons who may exercise rights of action arising from crimes and misdemeanors 38 V. — The right of defense and the benefit of poverty in criminal causes.. 43 VI. — Form in which orders, rulings, and decisions shall be made, and manner of adjusting disagreements 49 Chapter I. Form in which orders, rulings, and decisions shall be made 49 II. Manner of adjusting disagreements 54 VII. — Notifications, citations, and summonses 55 VIII. — Letters requisitorial, mandates, and letters rogatory 58 VI TiTULO III. — De la celebracion del juici al — ( '< mtinua. Pagina. Capitulo III. Del modo depracticar las pruebaa durante el juicio i iral 169 Secci6n L." De la conf esi6n de loa proceaadoe y personascivilmentereeponaablee. L69 2." Del examen de loa teatigoa 172 3." Del informe pericial 177 4.* De la prueba documental y de la Lmspeccidn ocular 178 5.* Dispdedcionea comunes a* las cuatro eecciones anterioree 178 IV. De la acusaci6n, de la defensa y de la Bentencia... 180 V. De la suspension ilel juicio oral 183 Libro Ci-arto. De los procedimientos especialt 8. Titulo I. — Del modo de proceder cuando fuere procesado un Senadoi 6 Diputado ;i Cortes 187 II. — Del antejuicio necesario para exigir la responsabilidad criminal:! los jueces y magistrados 189 III. — Del procedirniento en los casos de flagrante delito 193 Capitulo I. Casos en quetiene lugareate procedimiento 193 II. Reglas ii que debe ajuataree este procedimiento. . 195 IV. — Del procedimiento por delitos de injuria y calumnia contra par- ticulares 199 V. — Del procedimiento por delitos cometidos por medio de la imprenta, el grabado u otro medio mecanico de publicaci6n 201 VI.— Del procedimiento para la extradieidn 203 VII. — Del procedimiento contra reos ausentes 206 Libro Quinto. De los recursos de cagacidn y i'." De la interpoaicion del recureo 231 3.* I'd recureo dequeja por denegaci6n de adiiiisi.'in del de [caflaci6n por <|iiebrantamiento de forma '-'.">'-' i. ' hi- la Buatanciaci6n del recureo i ie la d< ci-ion ,!<■! recureo. . , '-" ; i VI Title III. — Holding of the oral trial — Continued. Page. Chapter III. Manner of taking evidence at the oral trial 169 Section 1. Confession of the person- accused and persons civilly liable Hi!) 2. Examination of witnesses 172 !. Expert examinations 177 4. Documentary evidence and ocular inspection 178 5. Provisions common to the four pre- ceding sections 1 7S; IV. The accusation, the defense, and the sentence L80 V. Suspension of the oral trial 183 Book Fourth. Special proceedings. Title I. — Manner of proceeding in the trial of a senator or deputy to the Cortes 187 II. — Preliminary action necessary for the purpose of enforcing the crimi- nal liability of judges and justices 189 III. — Proceedings in cases of flagrant crimes 193 Chapter I. Cases where these proceedings lie 193 II. Rules to which these proceedings must conform... 195 IV.' — Proceedings upon crimes of contumely and calumny against private individuals 199 V. — Proceedings on crimes committed through the press, engravings, or other mechanical means of publication 201 VI. — Proceedings for extradition 203 VII. — Proceedings against absent criminals 205 Book Fifth. Appeals for annulment of judgment ami for review. Title I. — Appeals for annulment of judgment 207 Chapter I. Appeals for annulment of judgment for violation of law 207 Section 1 . When the appeal lies 207 2. Preparation of the appeal 213 3. Remedy of complaint on account of a refusal of a transcript requested for the interposition of an appeal for annul- ment of judgment 215 4. Interposition of the appeal 217 5. Hearing of the appeal 220 6. Decision of the appeal 223 II. Appeals for annulment of judgment for breach of form 225 Section 1. When the appeal lies 225 2. Interpositon of the appeal 231 3. Remedy of complaint on account of the denial of an appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form 232 4. Hearing of the appeal 233 5. Decision of the appeal 234 VII Tiroxo I. — De los recursos de caaaci6n — Continua. Pfigina. Capi'tulo III. De la interposici6n, sustanciacion y resoluci6n del recursode casaci6D porinfraccion deley y por quebrantamiento de forma 234 IV. Del recurso de casacion en las causae de muerte. . 236 II. — Del recurso de revision 238 Libro Sexto. Delproct dimit nio para el juicio sobref alias. Titim > I. — Del juicio sobre faltas, en primera instancia 240 II. — Del juicio sobre faltas, en segunda instancia 243 Libro Septimo. De la ejecucion de las sentencias i'4o Disposici6n final 248 Apendice I. Decreto8 del Gobiemo Militar de Cuba. No. 41.— 14 de Abril de 1899 249 No. 63.-25 de Mayo de 1899 259 No. 92.-26 de Junio de 1899 259 No. 109.— 13 de Julio de 1899 281 No. 135.— 11 de Agosto de 1899 287 No. 157.— 5 de Septiembre de 1899 288 No. 176.— 21 de Septiembre de 1899 28S No. 58.-9 de Febrero de 1900 289 No. 152.— 10 de Abril de 1900 289 No. 166.— 23 de Abril de 1900 290 No. 181.— 30 de Abril de 1900 293 No. 192.— 9 de Mayo de 1900 296 No. 2 1 :;. —2n de Mayo i Le L90I I 298 X. .. 228.— 3 de Junio de 1900 312 No. 269.-3 de Julio de 1900 312 No. 31 1 .—8 de Agosto de 1900 No. 362.— 17 de Septieml >re ■ le L900 317 N« ». 4l'7.— 15 de Octubre de 1900 322 No. 165.— 14 de Noviembrede L900 331 No. 468.— 15 de Noviembre de L900 332 No. 500.— 10 de Diciembre de 1900 332 No. 513.— 19 de Diciembre de 1900 334 No. :;. -1.° de Enero de 1901 334 No. !••. I de Febrero de 1901 335 No. 84. 25 de Marzo de 1901 337 No. 95. L0 de Abril de 1901 338 No. 520.- 21 de Diciembre de L900 Al'KNOH'K 11. Artfculoe del Codigo Penal 6 que hace referencia La Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal An M.i, i 111. Artfculoe de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil 6 que bace referencia la de Enjui ciamiento Criminal VII Title I. — Appeals for annulment of judgment — Continued. Page. Chapter III. Interposition, hearing, and decision of an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law and for breach of form 234 IV. Appeals for annulment of judgment in causes in- volving the death penalty 236 II. — The appeal for review 238 Book Sixth. Proceeding* in actions upon misdemeanors. Title I. — Actions upon misdemeanors at first instance 240 II. — Actions upon misdemeanors at second instance 243 Book Seventh. Execution of sentences - 245 Final provision .• 248 Appendix I. Orders of tin Cuban Military Government. No. 41.— April 14, 1899 249 No. 63.— May 25, 1899 .' 259 No. 92.— June 26, 1899 259 No. 109.— July 13, 1899 281 No. 135.— August 11, 1899 287 No. 157.— September 5, 1899 288 No. 176.— September 21, 1899 288 No. 58.— February 9, 1900 289 No. 152.— April 10, 1900 289 No. 1 66.— April 23, 1900 290 No. 181.— April 30, 1900 293 No. 192.— May 9. 1900 296 No. 213.— May 25, 1900 298 N< >. 228.— June 3, 1900 312 No. 269.— July 3. 1900 312 No. 311.— August 8, 1900 313 No. 362.— September 17, 1900 317 No. 427. —October 1 5, 1900 322 No. 465. —November 14, 1900 331 No. 46S.— N. .vember 15, 1900 332 No. 500.— December 10, 1900 332 No. 513.— December 19, 1900 334 No. 3.— January 1, 1901 334 No. 45.— February 4, 1901 335 No. 84.— March25, 1901 337 No. 95.— April 10, 1901 338 No. 520.— December 21. 1900 342 Appendix II. Articles of the Penal Code referred to in the Law of Criminal Procedure 344 Appendix III. Articles of the Law of Civil Procedure referred to in the Law of Criminal Pro- cedure 348 LAW OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. EXP0SICI6N QUE PRECEDE AL HEAL DECRETO DE 14 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1882, POR EL QUE SE APROBO EL PROYECTO DE COD1GO DE ENJUICIA- MIENTO CRIMINAL. Senor: — La ejecuci6n de las dos leyea promulgadas en virtud de Reales decretos de 22 de Juniodeeste ano presupone un nuevoC6digo de Enjuiciamiento penal, una modificacion profunda en la ley organica del Poder judicial de 15 de Septiembre de L870, la determinaci6n del uiimero y residencia de los Tribunales colegiados que han de conocer en unica instancia y en juiciooral y publico de los delitosque Be come- tandentrode su respectivo fcerritorio, y, por ultimo, la formaci6n de los cuadros de personal de esos mismos Tribunales cuyoa presidentes deben estar adornados de condiciones especiales de capacidad para la direcci6n y resumen de los debates. Basta la mera enumeraci6n erecho, sino tambi£n en el conocimiento especial de la topografla, censo de poblacion, veas de comunicacion y estadistica criminal del territorio de la Peninsula e" islas adyacentes. El Gobierno de V. M. no se propone publicar todos estos trabajos a la \i7.: antes al contrario, cree convenient^ anticipar la promulgaci6n del C6digo de Octubre de 1879, de conformidad 000 l<> preceptuado en la autorizaci6n yotada por las Cortes; pero aef y (...!<>. son tan radicals la- reformasen «'l introduci das, que bien podia pasar |>"i- un C6digo completamente nuevo \ de 1 ADDRESS PRECEDING THE ROYAL DECREE OF SEPTEMBER U, 1882. APPROVING THE PROPOSED CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Sike: The execution of the two laws promulgated by virtue of royal decrees of June 2'2 of this year presupposes a new code of penal procedure, a radical change in the organic law of the judicial power of September 15, 1870, the determination of the number and seats of the collegiate tribunals which are to take cognizance in first and last instance, and in oral and public trials of the crimes which may be committed within their respective territories, and, finally, the selection of the personnel of the said tribunals, the presiding judges of which must possess special qualifications for the direction and summing up of the cases. A mere statement of these preparatory works is sufficient to show that neither by their character or nature, nor by their extent and exceptional importance, could they be concluded in a short time. The undersigned, nevertheless, has the pleasure of to-day informing Your Majesty that all of them can be considered as concluded, thanks to the patriotic assistance furnished to the Government by men eminent in the science of law and perfectly conversant with the topography of the country, census of the population, means of communication, and the criminal statistics of the territory of the Peninsula and adjacent islands. The Government of Your Majesty does not propose to publish all these works at the same time, but, on the contrary, it deems it advisa- ble first to promulgate the Code of Procedure in order that, until the criminal audiencias are established, it may be studied and known by the justices, judges, Jlscales, attorneys, and other persons who are to con- tribute in a more or less direct and efficient manner to its establish- ment and application. Its study will not be very difficult or require a long time, because, after all, the draft which the undersigned Minister herewith submits for the approval of Your Majesty is based upon the general compila- tion of October 16, 1879, in pursuance with the authority vested in the Government by the Cortes; but, nevertheless, the amendments introduced therein are so radical that it might be said with reason caracter tan liberal 3 pw^rGsivo; conw b] mas adelantado de los C6digos de procedimiento criminal del oontinente europeo. Entre esas reformas son Bin duda las menos tmportantes aquellaa que, sugeridas por la experiencia, tienen por objeto, ya aclarar yarios preceptos mas 6 menos oscuros y dudosos de la ( !ompilaci6n rigente, ya nniformar la jurisprudencia, 6 ya, en fin, facilitar la sustanciaci6n de alguVios recursos y muy especialmente el L835 y otras disposiciones pos- teriores mejoraron considerablemente el procedimiento criminal, seria temerario negar que aim bajo la legislaci6n vigente no es raro que un sumario dure ocho 6 mas anos, y es frecuente que no dure menos de dos, prolongandose en ocasiones por todo este tiempo la prisi6n pre- \inti\a de los acusados, y aun podria anadirse, para completar el cua- dro, que tan escandalosos procesos solum no ha mucho terminar por una absolution de I" instcmcia, sin que nadie indemnizara en este caso a los procesados de las vrejaciones sufridas en tan dilatado periodo, y lo que es mas. dejandoles por todo cl resto do su vida en Bituaci6n incomoda y deshonrosa, bajo la amenaza perenne de abrir de nuevo el procedimiento «■! dia que por malquerencia Be prestaba :i declarer con- tra ellos cualquier yecino rencoroso y vengativo. Esta practica abusiva 3 atentoria a los derechos del individuo pugna todavfa por mantenerse con este 6 <'l otro disfrazen ouestras costumbresjudiciales; v es menester que cese para Biempre, porque «'l ciudadano n todas la- preocupaciones y prejuicios que ha hecho tiacer en su animo la instrucci6n; criminal y abrumadoe los juecea de primera instancia por el cumulo de bus multiples y vaxiadas ateuciones, delegan Erecuentemente la pr&ctica de muchas diligencias en el escribano, quien, ;i solas con el procesado y Los testigos, no siempre interpreta bien el pensamiento, ni retrata con perfecta hxLelidad las impresiones de cada uno. por grande qu<' sea su celo y recta su yolun- tad; que por la naturaleza misma de las cosas y la L6gica del Bistema, ouestros juecea y magistrados han adquirido el h&bito de dar escasa importancia a las pruebas del plenario, formando su juicio por el resultado de las diligencias Bumariales, y no parando mientes en la rat i- ficacion de los testigos, convertida en vana formal idad: que en ausencia del inculpado y su defensor, los funcionarios que intervienen en la inatruccion del sumario, animados de un espiritu receloso y hostil que se engendra en su mismo patriotico celo por la causa de la sociedad que representan, recogen con preferencia los datos adversoa al procesado, descuidando a las vecea consignar los que pueden favorecerle; y que, en tin. de eate conjunto de errores anejos a nuestro Bistema de enjuiciar, y no imputable, por tanto, a los funcionarios del orden judicial y fiscal, resultan doa cosas a cual mas funestaa al ciudadano: una. que al compaa que adelanta el sumario se va fabricando inadvertidamente una yerdad de artincio, quo m;is tarde se convierte en vcrdad Legal, pero que ea contraria :i la realidad de loa hechos y subleva la conciencia del proce- sado; y otra, que cuando fete, Llegado el plenario, quiere defenderse, no hace mas que forcejear inutilmente porque entra en el palenque ya vencido, 6 por lo menos desarmado. Hay. pues, que restablecer la igualdad de condiciones en esta contienda juridica basta donde I" con- sientan los tines esenciales de la sociedad humana. Quizas se tache de exaevrada e injusta esta crftica de la or^ani/acion de nueatra justicia criminal. |Ojala* que lo fueral Pero el Ministro que suacribe no manda en su raz6n, y esta* obligado :i decir a V. M. la verdad tal coino la siente; que las Llagas socialea no 8e curan ocult&ndolas, aino al reves, midiendo su extension y profundidad, y estudiando bu origen y naturaleza para aplicar el oportuno remedio. Km aentir del que suscribe, s61o por la costumbre se puede explicar que el pueblo espaffol, tan civilizado \ culto \ que tantos progresoa ha hecho en lo que va de Biglo en la ciencia, en el arte, en la induatria j en su educaci6n polftica, se resigne :i un sistema semejante, mostrdn dose indiferente 6 desconociendo bus ncios j peligros, como no loa aprecia ni mide, el que habituado & respirar en atmosfera mal -ana. llega hasta la asfixia sin sentirla. El extranjero que estudia la organi- preliminary proceedings; that the judge who sits thereon la the Bame as the one who pronounces the sentence, with all the ideas and preju- dices to which the investigation has given rise: that, civil and criminal matters being confounded, and the judges of first instance being overwhelmed by the accumulation of their multiple and various duties, frequently delegate the performance of many steps to the court clerk, who, alone with the accused and the witnesses, does not always cor- rectly interpret the thought nor does he portray with perfect fidelity the testimony of each, no matter how zealous or how good may he hi-- will; that, by the character itself of the things and the logic of the system, our judges and justices have acquired the habit of attributing little importance to the evidence introduced at the trial, forming their judgment upon the result of the preliminary proceed- ings, and do not pay particular attention to the ratification of the wit- nesses, which has become a mere formality; that in the absence of the accused and his counsel, the officials taking part in the preliminary proceedings, animated with a suspicious and hostile spirit, which is engendered by their patriotic zeal in the interests of the societ}' they represent, give preference to the data against the accused, forgetting at the same time to record those which might favor him; and that, finally, from this number of errors in our s} r stem of procedure, and which can not be imputed, therefore, to the officials of the judiciary or to the public prosecutors, there result two things veiy unfavorable to the citizen: One, that in proportion as the preliminary proceedings advance, a network is being inadvertently woven which is later con- verted into a legal truth, but which is contrary to the facts, and causes the conscience of the accused to rebel, and the other, that when the latter wishes to defend himself at the trial he does nothing but use- lessly contradict, because he enters the arena already defeated, or at least disarmed. It is necessary, therefore, to establish an equality of conditions in this juridical contest in so far as the essential ends of human society will permit. Perhaps this criticism of the organization of our criminal justice may^ be considered exaggerated and unjust. Would that it were so. But the undersigned Minister is not master of his judgment, and is obliged to tell Your Majest} r the truth as he feels it. Social evils are not cured by concealing them, but, on the contrary, by measuring their extent and depth and by studying their origin and nature, in order that the proper remed}- may be applied. In the opinion of the under- signed, custom only can explain how the Spanish people, so civilized and cultured, and which has made such progress during the present century in the sciences, arts, and industries, and in political education, should resign itself to such a sj^stem, showing indifference or ignoring its vices and dangers, like those who breathe an unhealthy atmosphere and reach a point of asphyxiation without knowing it. A foreigner zacion de nuestra justicia criminal al vcrnos apegados a on sistema ya caduco, y desacreditado en Europe y en America, tiene por uecesidad que formar una idea injusta y fal>a de la civilizacion y cultura espanolas. . Lo que hay que exanunar, por tanto, es si el adjunto proyecto de ( Iddigo remedia, si do todos, al menos loa mas capitales defectos de que adolece la vigente organizaci6n de la justicia criminal. Es preciso en primer termino sustituir la marcha perezosa y Lenta del actual proce- dimiento poi uu sistema que, dando amplitud :i la defensa y garantias de acierto al fallo, asegure, sin embargo, la celeridad del juicio para la realizaeinn de dos tines ;i cual mas importantes: uno, que la saerte s primeros libros, para (pie los jueces instructo- res en el examen de los testigos y en la practica de los demiu medios de investigation se cinan a solo lo que sea util y pertinente \ . por ultimo, la intervencion del procesado en todas las diligencias del sumario tan pronto como el juez estiine que la publicidad de lasactua- eiones no compromete la causa publica ni estorba el descubrimiento de la verdad. Por regla general aadie tiene mas interes que el pro- cesado ea activar el procedimiento y si alguna vez su proposito fuera prolongarlo, se lo impedirla el juez. y sobre todo el fiscal, :i quien se da el derecho de pedir la terminaci6n del sumario \ la apertura del juicio oral ante id Tribunal colejriado. ( oiieurnra taiul>ien al propio I'm in inspecci6n continue y sistemAticamente organizada en la ley, de la Audiencia de lo criminal y del Ministerio publico BObre la niarclia de los prOCeSOS en e| periodo ile la in>t ruccion \ la conducts de lo> jueces instructores. No es, Gnalmente, para eehado eo olvido, ouando de la brevedad del juicio se brata, el libro i ". donde >.■ estableoen pro- studying the organization of our criminal justice, in seeing us attached to si system out of date and which is discredited in Europe and in America, must necessarily form an unjust and false idea of Spanish civilization and culture. What is to be examined, therefore, is whether the attached project for a code remedies, if not all. at least the most notable defects con tained in the organization of criminal justice at present in force. It is necessary, in the first place, to substitute for the slow and lazy prog- ress of the present procedure a system which, in giving full scope to the defense, and guarantees of certainty to the judgment, shall never- theless assure a speedy trial, for the consummation of two ends of the greatest importance: One. that the fate of the citizen be not indefi- nitely held in suspense, and that not more inconveniences be caused him than are absolutely necessary for the investigation of the crime and the discovery of the guilty party, and the other that the punish- ment follow soon after the fault, for the purpose of its proper efficacy and example. Consequently, Sir, I state herewith the measures which the new sys- tem affords for the attainment of such important results: The substi- tution for the two degrees of jurisdiction by the only instance, the oral character of the trial, separation of civil and criminal matters with regard to the sentencing tribunal; a similar separation with regard to the examining judges in certain largety populated towns where there is more than one judge of first instance and much crime; a considerable reduction in work with regard to the other judges, who are not required to take part in the trial, nor to pronounce sentence and give the reasons therefor, as unsurmountable reasons of economy do not permit the extension to them of said separation; a large number of rules of detail scattered here and there in the attached code, and especially in the first two books, in order that the examining judges in the exami- nation of the witnesses and in the execution of the other steps in the investigation confine themselves exclusively to what may he useful and pertinent; and, finally, the intervention of the accused in all the steps of the preliminary proceedings as soon as the judge considers that the pub- licity of the proceedings will not compromise the public cause nor hinder the discovery of the truth. As a general rule no one has more interest than the accused in hastening the proceedings; and if his pur- p( )s,. were at any time to prolong the same the judge will prevent it, and especially thejlscal, to whom the right is given to demand the conclu- sion of the preliminary proceedings and the beginning of the oral trial before the collegiate tribunal. The continuous and systematic inspec- tion provided for by this law, of the criminal audiencia and of the public department, as to the progress of the proceedings during the period of the investigation and of the conduct of the examining judges will cedimientoe especiales y sumarios para Los delitoa mfraganti, para loe de injuria y calumnia y para los cometidos por medio de la imprenta. Podia ser que ni la Comisi6n de C6digos ni el Gobierno hayan acer- tado 'ai la eleccion de loa medios en este punto tan interesante de la ciencia procesal; pero La yerdad es que no han encontrado otros, ni se Los ha Bugerido el examen de Los C6digos modernos atentamente estu- diados con tal fin. La Ley de 11 Eebrero, en la base referente ;i la prisi6n preventiva, permite, por la flexibilidad de bus teVminos, mejorar considerablemente esta i arte de nuestra legislaci6n sin necesidad de pedir bu reforma a Las Cortes. El texto legal Men analizado resulta tan elastico, que lo mismo se presta al desenvolvimiento de la base en an sentido tirante y restrictivo, que en otro mas amplio, expansivo y liberal. Ocioso parece afiadir que el Gobierno de V. M. se ha decidido por lo ultimo, toda vez que podia hacerlo sin cometer una transgresi6n de la Ley; como en la materia de fianzas, tan intimamente Ligada con todo Lo referente a la prisi6n preventiva. ha procurado armonizar los fines de la justicia eon los derechosdel procesado, poniendo coto :i la posible arbitrariedad judicial y estableciendo reglas equitativas y prudentes que permitan mayor amplitud que hasta ahora, asi en los medios y t'oiiuas de Las fianzas como en la entidad de ellas. Es igualmente inutil decir que la absoluci6n de la instancia, esta corruptela que hacia del ciudadano a quien el Estado no habia podido convened de culpable, una especie de Uberto de por vida. verdadero siervo de la curia marcado con el estigma del deshonor, esta proscrita y expresamente prohibida por el nuevo C6digo, como habia sido antes condenada por La ciencia, por la ley de L872ypor LaCompilaci6n vigente. De esperar es que Las disposiciones de la nueva ley scan bastante eficaces para impedir que semejante practice vuelva de nuevo :'t ingerirse en forma mas 6 menos disimulada en nuestras costumbres judiciales. Los demas vicios del Enjuiciamiento vigente quedaran sin duda cor- regidos con el planteamiento del juicio oral y publico j la introduc- cion del sistema acusatorio en la ley procesal. El reglamento provisional de 26 de Septiembre de L885 j las dispo- siciones posteriores publicadas durante el reinado ^\r la augusta madre de V. M.. introdujeron, como ya Be ha dicho, evidentes mejoras en el procedimiento criminal; pero no alteraron bu indole esencialmente inquhitiva. Las leyes de L5 de Septiembre de L870 3 22 de Diciem lire dc L872, inspirandose en la> ideas de libertad proclamadaa por la re\ oliicion de L868, realizaron una reforms radical en nuestro sistema de enjuiciar, con el establecimiento del juicio oral \ publico; pero 5 also contribute to the same end. Finally, Book TV must not be for- gotten in treating of the brevity of the proceedings, which establishes special and summary proceedings for flagrant crimes as well as for the crime of outrage and calumny and for those committed through the press. It may be that neither the commission on codes nor the Govern- ment, in their selection of means, have covered so interesting a point in the science of procedure; but the truth is that it has not been pos- sible to tind any other measures nor have any been suggested from an examination of modern codes carefully studied for this purpose. The law of February 11, in the basis relating to provisional impris- onment, permits, by the flexibility of its terms, a considerable improvement in this part of our legislation without requiring the Cortes to amend the same. The legal text if well analyzed appears so elastic that it serves for the development of the basis in a strict and restrictive sense, as well as in one more ample, expansive, and liberal. It appears unnecessary to add that the Government of Your Majesty has decided finally whenever it could do so without committing a transgression of law; as in the matter of bail, so intimately con- nected with all that relates to provisional imprisonment, it has attempted to harmonize the ends of justice with the rights of the accused, putting an end to the possible judicial arbitrariness and estab- lishing equitable and prudent rules which permit a greater scope than allowed heretofore in the character and form of bonds as well as their amount. It is likewise useless to state that a dismissal of the case for lack of evidence, this abuse which made of the citizen whom the State could not convict a kind of paroled prisoner for the rest of his life, a true serf of the parish marked with the stigma of dishonor, is proscribed and expressly prohibited by the new code, as it had previously been condemned by science, by the law of 1872, and by the compilation in force. It is to be hoped that the provisions of the new law will be sufficiently efficacious to prevent a similar practice from again being grafted in a more or less disguised form into our judicial customs. The other vices contained in the procedure in force will no doubt be corrected by the establishment of oral and public trials and the introduction of the accusatory system in the law of procedure. The provisional regulations of September 26, 1835, and the subse- quent provisions published during the reign of Your Majesty's August Mother, introduced, as has been said, evident improvements in the criminal procedure, but they did not alter its essentially inquisitive character. The laws of September 15, 1870, and December 22, 1872, inspired by the ideas of liberty proclaimed by the revolution of 1808, established a radical reform in our system of procedure by the estab- lishment of oral and public trials, but they continued the inquisitive 6 mantuvieron el principio mquisitwo y el caracter secreto del pro- cedimiento en <'l periodo de instruccion, siguiendo »•! ejemplo de Francia, Belgica y otras oaciones del continente europeo. El Ministro que suscribe, de acuerdo con sua colegas, do ha vacilado en aconsejar a V. M. que de un paso mas en el camino del, llevando en cierta medida el sistema acusatorio al sumario mismo, que es. despu^s de todo, la piedra angular del juicio y la sentencia. Ed adelante el juez instructor por su propia iniciativa y de oficio podra, 6 mejor dicho, debera* acordar que Be comuniquen loa auto- al procesado desde el momento en que la publicidad y la contradicci6n do sean on peligro para la sociedad Lnteresada en el descubrimiento de loa delitoe y en el castigo de loa culpables. Si no se hace espontaneamente en el plazo de dos meses, contados desde que se Lnco6 la causa, la ley daal acusado el derecho de solicitarlo, ya para preparar loa elementoa de bu defensa, ya tambien para impedir con su vigilante Lntervenci6n y el empleo de los recursos leg-ales la prolongation Indefinida del sumario. En todo caso, antes y despues de los dos meses, el que tenga la Lnmensa desgracia de verse sonietido a un procedimieuto criminal, gozaH en absolute de dos derechos preciosos, que no pueden menoa de ser grandemente estimados dondc quiera que se rinda culto ;i la personali- dad humana: ano, el de nombrai defensor que le asista con bus «"n Bejos y su inteligente direcci6n desde el instante en que se dicte el auto de procesamiento; y otro el de concurrir por si 6 debidamente representado a todo reconocimiento judicial. ;i toda lnspecci6n ocular, a las autopsias, a los analisis quimicos, y en suina. a la practica de toda- las diligencias periciales que se decreten y puedan influir asf so ore la determinaci6n de la indole y gravedad del delito, como sobre los indicios de su presunta culpabilidad. Subsiste, pues, el secreto del sumario; pero solo en cuanto es aece- sariopara impedir que desaparezcan Las huellas del delito, para recoger c inventariar los datos que basten :i comprobar su existencia y reunir los elementoa que mas tarde nan de utilizarse y depurarse en el crisol de la cont radicciou. durante los solemnes debates del juicio oral y publico. V :i tal punto lleva la aueva ley su espfritu Favorable :i los fueros Bagrados de la defensa, que proscribe y oondena una preocupa- ciou hasta aliora muy extendida. que al pudo ser excusable cuando el procedimiento inquisitivo estaba en >u auge, implicarfa boj eldesoono cimiento de la indole y oaturaleza del sistema acusatorio, con el coal es incompatible. Aiude el infrascrito :i la costumbre, tan arraigada en nuestros jueces \ Tribunales, de dar escaso6 aingun valor :i las pruebas del plenario, buscando principal 6 casi exclusivamente la verdad en las diligencias sumariales practicadas ;i espaldas del acuaado. NO: de hoy mas las investigaciones del juez instructor aoseran rino ana simple preparaci6n del juicio. El juicio verdadero n<» comienza Bino con la calificaci6n provisional y la apertura de los debates delante principle and the secret character of the procedure during the examin- ing stage, following the example of Franco, Belgium, and other nations of the European Continent. The undersigned Minister, in concurrence with his colleagues, has not hesitated to advise Your Majesty to take one more step upon the road of progress by extending, to a certain degree, the system of accu- sation to the preliminary proceedings themselves, which are, after all, the corner stone of the trial and sentence. Hereafter the invest igating judge, on his own initiative and motion, may, or rather must, order that the record be made known to the accused from the moment when publicity and contradiction are not a danger to society, which is inter- ested in the discovery of the crimes and in the punishment of the guilty parties. Should this not be done voluntarily within the period of two months from the date of the institution of the cause, the law gives the accused the right to request it, either to prepare his defense or to prevent by his vigilant intervention and the employment of legal remedies the indefinite extension of the preliminary proceedings. In any case, before and after the two months, he who is so unfortunate as to be subjected to a criminal proceeding will fully enjoy two pre- cious rights, which can not but be greatly appreciated wherever per- sonal rights are honored and revered: the first, the right to designate counsel to assist him with his advice and intelligent direction from the moment the indictment is found; and the second, the right to be pres- ent in person or through a representative at any judicial investigation, ocular inspection, autopsy, or chemical analysis — in fact, to be present at any expert measures which may be ordered, and which may affect the determination of the character and gravity of the crime or the clues of his presumed guilt. The secret character of the preliminary proceedings, however, still continues; but only in so far as is necessary to prevent the disappear- ance of the traces of the crime, to collect and inventory the data which may be sufficient to prove its commission, and gather the elements which are later to be utilized and their truth ascertained in the crucible of contradiction during the formal arguments at the oral and public trial. And to such a point does the new law carry a spirit favorable to the sacred privileges of the defense, that it proscribes and condemns a preoccupation which, until the present time, has been very extensive, and which, although it might have been pardonable when the inquisitive procedure was at its height, would at the present time impty an ignor- ance of the character and nature of the system of accusation with which it is incompatible. The undersigned refers to that custom, so deepty rooted in our judges and courts, of giving little or no value to the evidence introduced during the trial, seeking the truth principally or almost exclusively in the most summary proceedings had behind the back of the accused. No; hereafter the investigations of the del Tribunal que, extrafio :i la instrucci6n, vn ;i juzgar imparcialmente v :i dar el triunfo a aquel de los contendientea que tenga la raz6n y la justicia de bu parte. La calificacion jurldica provisional del hecho justiciable y de la persona del delincuente, hecha por el acusador y el acusado una vez concluso el sumario, es en el procedimiento criminal lo que fn el civil la demands y su contestaci6n, la acci6n y sua excep- cieces. Al formularlas empieza realmente la contienda jurldica, y ya entonces Berla indisculpable que la ley do estableciera la perfecta Igual- dad de condiciones entre el acusador y el acusado. Est&n enfrente uno de otro, el ciudadano y el Kstado. Sagrada es Bin duda la causa de la sociedad pero no lo bod menos los derechos Lndividuales. En los pueblos verdaderamente libres, el ciudadano debe tener en bu mano medios eficaces de defender y conservar bu vida, bu libertad, bu fortuna, bu dignidad, bu honor: y si el interes de los habitantes del fcerritorio es ayudar al Kstado para que ejerza liberrimamente una de bus fun- cionea mas esenciales, cuaJ es la de castigar la infracci6n de la ley penal para restablecer, alii donde se turbe, la armonla del derecho, no por esto deben sacrificarse jamas los fueros de la Lnocencia, porque, al cabo, el ordeD social bien entendido no es mas que el mantenimiento de la libertad de todos y el respeto reciproco de los derecho- lndi- viduales. Mirando las cosas ])<>r esta prisma y aceptada la idea fundamental do que en el juicio oral y publico es donde ha de desarrollarse con ampli- tud la prueba, donde las partes deben hacer valer en igualdad de con diciones los elementos de cargo y descargo, y donde los magistrados han de formar su eonviccion para pronunciar bu veredicto con abstrac- cion de la parte del sumario susceptible de ser reproducidaen el juicio. surgia natural y logicamente una cuesti6n por todo extremo grave y delicada; es a Baber: la de si la contradiccion de un testigo entre su declaracion en el juicio oral y las dadas ante el juez instructor en el sumario, seria por si sola fundamento suficiente para someterle a an procedimiento criminal por el delitode falsotestimonio. El Gobierno, despu£s de madura deliberaci6n, ha optado por la negativa, Al adoptar esta solucion ha cedido en primer termino a la- exigencias de la I6gica, que no permite atribuir a los datos recogidos en el Bumario para la preparaci6n del juicio una validez 3 eficacia incompatibles con la indole v naturaleza del sistema acusatorio. No es estociertamenteautorizar, id menos Bantificar el engafio y la tnentira en el perfodo de la instruc cion: esa tnisma contradicci6n en las declaraciones testificales podra* ser libremente apreciada por los jueces 3 penetrar en el santuario de su oonciencia como un elemento de oonvicci6n, >i llega el caso de juz <_ r ai- el perjuriodel testigo; lo que unicamente quiere la Lej es que este examining judge shall be nothing but ;i simple preparation for the trial. The true trial does not commence until the provisional classifi- cation and the beginning of the arguments before the tribunal which, apart from the examination, is going to judge impartially and decide in favor of the party having 1 right and justice on his side. The pro- visional juridical classification of the fact to be judged and of the person of the delinquent, made b}' the accuser and by the accused upon the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings, is in criminal procedure what the complaint and answer, the action and the excep- tions, are in the civil procedure. The juridical contention really begins at the time of their formulation, and it would be unpardon- able if the law did not then establish a perfect equality of conditions between the accuser and the accused. The citizen and the State con- front each other. The cause of society is sacred, no doubt, but indi- vidual rights are no less so. Among a truly free people a citizen must have in his hand efficient means to defend and preserve his life, his liberty, his fortune, his dignity, his honor; and, if it be to the interest of the inhabitants of a territory to assist the State in unrestrictedly exercising one of its most essential functions, which is that of punish- ing the violation of a penal law for the purpose of reestablishing the hariuony of the law where it has been disturbed, the privileges of the innocent should never thereby be sacrificed, because, on the whole, social order, strictly speaking, is nothing more than the maintenance of the liberty of all and a reciprocal respect of individual rights. Looking at things from this point of view, and accepting the funda- mental idea that it is in the oral and public trial where the evidence is to be thoroughly sifted, where the parties must under an equality of conditions, state their charges and denials and where the justices are to form their convictions in order to pronounce their verdict, abstracting that part of the preliminary proceedings which can be reproduced in the trial, naturally and logically a question arose which is extremely serious and delicate; the question is, Whether the contradiction of a witness between his testimony given in the oral trial and that before the examining judge in the preliminary proceedings would in itself be a sufficient reason to subject him to a criminal action for the crime of giving false testimony? The Government, after mature deliberation, has decided in the negative. In adopting this solution it has, in the Hist place, given way to the requirements of logic, which does not permit that there be attributed to the data collected in the preliminary proceedings for the preparation of the trial a validity and efficiency incompatible with the character and nature of the accusatory system. This is by no means an authorization, and still less a sanction, of fraud and falsehood during the preliminary stage; such contradiction in the testimony of witnesses may be freely weighed by the judges and pene- trate in the sanctuary of their conscience, in case it should become 8 no sea procesado como autor de falso teatimonio por la Bola raz6n de aparecer en contradiccion con sua declaraciones sumariales, debiendo serlo qo mas cuando haya motivos para presumir que Ealto* a* la verdad ,i, el acto del juicio; porque siendo este el arsenal donde el acosador y el acusado deben tomar susarmas de combate y de defensa \ el Tribunal log. fundamentos de su veredicto, claro es que en definitiva 61o en este trainite puede el testigo favorecer 6 perjudicar injustamente al pro- cesado y ser leal 6 traidor a* la Bociedad y a bus deberes de ciudadano. A esta ra/on. puramente L6gica, agregase otra de mayor transcendencia, C uaJ ea lade Eacilitarla investigaci6n de La verdad yasegurarel acierto de los Eallos. Inntil serfa rendir culto ;i los progresos de la ciencia rompiendo con el procedimiento escrito, inquisitivo y secrete, para sustituirle con Los principios tutelares de la libertad, contradicci6n, igualdad de condi- ciones entre las partes contendientes, publicidad y oralidad, Bi el testigo, cuyas primeras impresiones ha recogido calladamente el juea instructor trasladdndolaa a los autos con mas 6 menos fidelidad, se presentara en el acto del juicio delante del Tribunal Bentenciador y del publico que asiste a los debates, cohibido y maniatado por el recuerdo 6 la Lectura de bus declaraciones sumariales. Medroso de la responsa- bilidad criminal que podria exigirsele a la menor contradicci6n, en vez de contestar con solttura y perfects tranquilidad ;i las preguntas del presidente, del Ministerio publico y de los defensores, limitariase a ratificar pura v simplemente bus declaraciones. convirtiendose entonces BU examen en el acto solenme del juicio en vana fornialidad. Si no lian faltado escritores distinguidos y jurisconsultos eminentes que al analizar las condiciones del procedimiento inquisitivo han censurado acerbamente que se obligara a los testigos del sumario :i ratificarse en el plenario, con la seguridad de ser castigados como perjuros en caso de apartarse en la diligencia de ratificaci6n de lo que antes habfan declarado; si esta Eundadisima crftica iba dirigida ;i mi sistema en el que el sumario era el alma de todo el organismo procesal. por no decir el proceso entero, tratandose en la hora presente de tin m£todo de enjuiciar en el cnal el sumario es una niera preparacion del juicio. siendo en este donde debeD esolarecerse todos los hechosy discutirse todae las cuestiones que jueguen en la causa, no es posible sostener aquella antigua legislaci6n tan inflexible y rigorosa que, sobre anular la libertad y espontaneidad de lo- testigos, expuestos :i una persecuci6n originada en una traducci6n infiel de su pensauiiento, pugnarfa hoy abiertamente con la indole del sistema acusatorio \ con la esencia v lo- alio, fines del juicio publico y oral. necessary to pass upon the perjury <>f the witness; the only thing which the law desires is that the latter be not tried as guilty of false testi- mony only because he appears to contradict his statements at the pre- liminary proceedings, and only so tried when there are reasons to presume that he did not tell the truth at the trial; because as the lat- ter is the arsenal where the accuser and the accused must receive their arms for the attack and the defense, and the tribunal the bases for its verdict, it is evident that definitely only in this stage can the witness favor or unjustly prejudice the accused and be loyal or a traitor to society and to his duties as a citizen. To this purely logical reason is added one of greater importance, which is that of facilitating the inves- tigation of the truth and insuring the correctness of the decisions. It would be useless to attempt to further the progress of science by abolishing the written, inquisitive, and secret procedure in order to substitute therefor the protective principles of liberty, contradiction, equality of conditions between the contending parties, publicity, and oral trials, if the witness, whose first impressions the judge has heard in silence, transferring them to the record with more or less fidelity, should appear at the trial before the sentencing tribunal and the public present at the discussions restrained and with tied hands by the recol- lection or the reading of his depositions in the preliminary proceed- ings. Fearing the criminal liability which he might incur upon the slightest contradiction, instead of answering offhand and with perfect ease the questions of the presiding judge, the representative of the department of public prosecution, and of the counsel, he would confine himself purely and simply to ratifying his statements, his examination in this formal act of the trial being converted into a mere formality. There has been a large number of distinguished writers and eminent jurists who in analyzing the conditions of the inquisitive procedure have strongly criticised the system of forcing the witnesses at the pre- liminary proceedings to ratify their depositions at the trial, with the assurance of being punished as perjurers if during the ratification they should waver from their previous statements. If this well- founded criticism were directed against a system in which the prelimi- nary proceedings were the soul of the entire organism of the procedure, not to say the entire process, as the method in question at the present time is one of procedure in which the preliminary proceedings are a mere preparation for the trial, it being in the latter where the facts are to be arrived at and where all the questions involved in the cause are to be discussed, it is not possible to continue the former laws so inflexible and strict that, in curtailing the liberty and spontaneity of the witnesses, exposed to a prosecution originating in an unfaithful translation of their thought, they would at the present time openly conflict with the character of the accusatory system and with the essence and high ends of public and oral trials. 18473—01 2 9 Todas estas concesiones a] principio de libertad que a una parte de nuestros jueces y magistrados pareceran sip duda exorbitantea, no eon- tentar&n aim probablemente a ciertae escnelas radicales que intentao extender al Bumario, desde el momento miamo en que Be inicia, las reglas de publicidad, rontradiccion »' igualdad que el proyectode ( )6digo estytblece desde que se abre el juicio hasta que se dicta la sentencia firme. No oiega el infraacrito que inaignes escritores mantienen esta tesifi oon ardor y con fe; pero hasta ahora no puede oonsiderarsela mas que como un ideal de la ciencia, al cual tiende a acercarse progre- sivamente la legislaci6n positiva de los pueblos modernos. fSe reali- zara* algun dia por complete 1 HI Ministro que suscribe lo duda mucho. Es dificil establecerla igualdad absoluta de condiciones juridicas entre el individuo y el Estado en el comienzo mismo del prooedimiento, por La desigualdad real que en momento tan critico existe entre uno y otro: desigualdad calculadamente introducida por el criminal y de que este solo es responsable. Desde que surge en su mente la idea del delito, 6 por lo menos desde que pervertida su conciencia, forma el proposito deliberado de cometerle, estudia cautelosounconjuntodeprecaucionee para Bustraerse a la accion de la justicia, y coloca al Poder publico en una posicion an&loga a la de la victima. la cual Sllfre el golpe por aor- presa, indefensa y desprevenida. Para restablecer, pues, la igualdad en las condiciones de la Lucha, ya que se pretende por los aludidos escritores que el prooedimiento criminal qo debe Ber mas que un duelo noblemen te Bostenido por ambos contendientes, menester es que el Estado tenga alguna ventaja en los primeros momento-. siquiera para recoger loa vestigios del crimen y los Lndicios de la culpabilidad de su autor. Pero sea actualmente rigentes en la Europa continental, el que lia desarrollado con mas I6gica 3 extensi6n el sistema acusatorio, 10 The new code decides the other fundamental questions of the pro- cedure upon the same basis. In penal matters there are always two rival and opposed interests; those of society, which has the right to punish, and those of the aeensed. who has the right to defend himself. The individualistic character of law is evident in the accusatory system, which includes both respect for the personality of man and liberty of conscience, while the ex officio and inquisitive proceeding represents the social principle, whose special object is the restoration of the judicial order which has been disturbed by the crime, quieting at the same time the popular alarm. Therefore, the problem of the organization of criminal justice is not correctly solved except by clearly defining the rights of the accusation and of the defense, without sacri- ficing either of the two or subordinating one to the other, but, on the contrary, by harmonizing them in one superior combination. The preliminary proceedings being instituted ex officio or at the instance of a party by an official independent of the tribunal which is to pronounce the sentence; the examining judge being required by law to collect all information, favorable as well as unfavorable, to the accused, under the immediate supervision of the fiscal, of the private accuser, and, in so far as possible, of the accused or his counsel; a popular and public trial of the accusation being provided for, instead of confining it to the injured persons and his heirs; the existence of the department of public prosecution being recognized and sanc- tioned and to which is entrusted the mission of taking the steps for the ascertainment of the crimes and the punishment of those guilty thereof; without, however, at the same time ignoring the defense of an innocent accused person, the result is that without danger to public or private interests, the duties of the tribunal may be restricted to the exercise of one attribute only — that of deciding as an impartial judge of the matter without being subject to evidence previously regulated by law; in fact, unrestrictedly following the dictates of his conscience exempt from the passions which are always raised by the struggle in the minds of the contestants and without the wounding of the amour propre which is engendered in the examining judge by the stratagems which the accused and the private accuser employ to frustrate his investigations, or even without this, by the ordinary difficulties which attend the investigation. In order to sustain the tribunal in this serene and elevated sphere and not defeat the object of the accusatory principle which the new code provides, the undersigned is of the opinion that only the repre- sentative of the department of public pr< ►secution or the private -ecuser, if there be any, should prepare the information, including therein the points which are to be argued thereafter, following herein the Austrian code of criminal procedure, which is perhaps of those actually in force- in Continental Europe the one which has developed the accusatory 11 Asi e8 como so logra que la cuesti6n criminal que en el proceso se agita 6 discute vaya intacta al Tribunal aquien corresponde decidirla; asi es como las partes pueden preparar con perfecto conocimiento de causalos respectivos elementos de cargo y descargo y hacei sua acusa- ciones 6 def ensas con fe y libertad completa, sin la coacci6n, siquiera sea paoral, que qo puede menos de existir cuando el que ha de fa liar prejuzga en cierto modo el fallo formulando de oficio el acta de acu- sacion, lo cual Ueva naturalmente el desaliento al animo de aquel de lo8 contendientes a quien perjudica la calificaci6n juridica hecha pre- maturamente, aunque con caracter provisorio por el Tribunal. Ni son estos los unicos inconvenientes que acarrea la admisi6ii del acta de acusacion de oficio, pues una vez formulada 6sta, 6 Be obliga al Minis- terio fiscal a sostenerla contra bus convicciones poniendo en fcortura su conciencia, 6 se le deja en libertad para combatirla, en cuyo caso ya no son las partes quienes contienden entre si, sino que se discute uni- camente el pensamiento, la opinion, el juicio formulado por el Tribu- nal, que de este modo desciendeala arena del combate para convertirse en acusador, con el riesgo inminentede que la excitacion del amor pro- pio de los jueces ofusqueo perturbe su inteligencia. No: losmagistra- dos deben permanecer durante ladiscusi6n pasivos, retraldos, aeutrales, a Bemejanza de los jueces de los antiguos torneos, limitandose a'dirigir con animo sereno los debates. Por esto, entre las obligaciones impues- tas al Ministerio fiscal en Francia y Alemania de formular un acta de acusacion cuando asi lo ha acordadoel respectivo Tribunal, y la libertad que a dicho Ministerio otorgala ley austriaca, ha optado el que suscribe por la ultima solucion que respeta mas los fueros de la conciencia. los derechos individuales, y esta" mas en consonancia con el principio fun- damental en <[ue descansa el sistema acusatorio. Este principio, aplicado en absoluto, adoleee. sin embargo, de un vicio. quehan puesto en relieve insignes magistradbs encanecidos en la Administracion de justieia. Proscrita para siempre la absoluci6n de la instancia, y rigiendo sin excepci6n la maxima rum bisim idem, evidente es que el error del fiscal en la calificaci6n juridica del hecho justiciable produce la Impunidad del delincuente. Esta* bien que en los proceso* civiles cl Tribunal tenga la obligaci6n de absolver 6 condenar, asi como taml>icn la de ajustar estrictamente su Eallo :i los terminos en que la> partes hayan planteado el problema litigioso, 6 sea :i la acci6n ejercitada por el demandante y :i las excepcionea formuladas por el demandado; porque las cuestiones que en esos procesos Be ventilan sonde tnero interns privado, 3 porque ademas noes raro que pueda aubsanarse total 6 parcialmente en un nuevo proceso el error padecido al entablar la acciou. para lo cual suelen hacerse reservas u verdadera calificaci6n jurfdica, ; que* dificultad puede haber en que hipot&icamente, sin prejuzgar el faUo definitivo y solo por via de Qustraci6n, invjite el presidente del Tribunal al Ministerio publico y defensor del procesado para que en bus informea discutan una teala mas? El principio acusatorio quedaria quebrantado si e*sta do hubiera de discutirse y pesolverse con arreglo a las pruebas ya practicadas, dando Lugar a que se abriese de auevo 6 se prorrogase el juicio: pero como fete estd ya terminado y no es permitido volver sobre el; todo lo que puede suceder es que el fiscal 6 el letrado nece- siten \ cinticiiatro horas para razonar, sobre la hip6tesiS « I « - 1 Tribunal con la conveniente preparaci6n. Con ser tan modesta y estar tan cenida esta facultad, declara sin embargo la ley que no se extiende a los delitos privados 6 que s61o pueden perseguirse a instancia de parte, ni a la calificacion de las cir- cumstancias atenuantes 6 agravantes, ni & la de la participaci6n respectiva de los procesados en la ejecuci6n del crimen, quedando reducida a la satisfaccion de una necesidad apremiante originada en an interest publico y de orden social. Ann encerrada en tan estrechos limites, el Ministro que suscribe hubiera renunciado a ella, y mante- nidose en el rigorismodel principio acusatorio, si los C6digos maspro- gresivos y liberales de la Europa continental le hubieran alentado con su ejemplo; pero no hay ninguno que node* mayor amplitud & la inter- vencion del Tribunal enel juicio. En Francia y Alemania ya se ha visto que el Ministerio fiscal tiene la obligacion de formular el acta de acu- sacion cuando asi lo acuerda el Tribunal respectivo, y ademas la misma ley alemana y la austriaca dejan a 6ste en libertad deapreciarel hecho justiciable sin sujetarse a la calificacion que de el hubieren hecho las partes, y sin tomar la precaucion de someter a estas la nueva Eaz de la cuesti6n, a fin de que la discutan ampliamente antes de que recaiga el veredicto. Precediendo este solemne debate, no ampliandose ni refor- mandose en ningun caso las piezas de convicci6n, no puede en rigor acusarse de incongruencia al fallo, puesto epic la ley en suma Be limits a establecer un medio de suplir la omisi6n del fiscal, cuyo deber es hacerse cargo de todas las calificaciones probables que autorice la prueba practicada y que pueda aceptar el Tribunal, redactando al efecto cuando fuere necesario la pretension alternativa de que habla el art. 732. El Tribunal propone, hipoteticaiiiente \ Bobre la base de una prueba Inalterable, un tenia de discusi6n momentos antes de pronunciar bu veredicto, cuando cada magistrado tiene ya formado su juicio definitivo sobre el voto quese \ a :i dar. Mejores, por tan to, que le emits despu£s de un debate que puede iluminarsu mente y rectificar bu juicio, que no autorizarle para que en el fallo se separe de las oon diciones debatidas por las partes 3 siga bus propias inspiracionea no contrastadas en el crisol subject-matter of the trial fully and with a correct understanding, [f at this moment they should enter- tain some serious doubt as to its true juridical classification, why should not the presiding judge of the court, hypothetically and only by way of illustration, invite the public prosecutor and the attorney for the accused, without prejudging the definite decision, to discuss an additional thesis in their briefs? The accusatory principle would be violated if this additional thesis were not argued and decided in accord- ance with the evidence already taken, causing a postponement or reopening of the trial. But as the trial is already closed and it is not possible to review it, all that can take place is that the public prose- cutor or the attorney bo granted twenty-four hours for the purpose of arguing upon the hypothesis of the tribunal with sufficient preparation. Although this power is so modest and restricted, the law neverthe- less declares that it does not extend to private crimes or to those crimes which can be prosecuted only at the instance of a party, or to the classification of extenuating or aggravating circumstances, or to that of the respective participation of the persons accused in the commis- sion of the crime, being thus reduced to meeting an urgent necessity originating in a public and social interest. Although confined to so narrow limits, the undersigned Minister would have renounced it and remained within the excessively severe accusatory principle if the most progressive and liberal codes of continental Europe had encour- aged him with their example; but there is none which gives greater power to the intervention of the court in the trial. It has already been seen that in France and Germany the public prosecutor is obliged to prepare the indictment when ordered to do so by the proper court, and. furthermore, the said German law, as well as the Austrian law, leave him at liberty to weigh the act without subjecting himself to the classification thereof made by the parties, and without taking the precaution of submitting to said parties the new phase of the ques- tion in order that they may discuss it fully before the verdict is ren- dered. Before this formal argument, without the evidence in any case 1 icing amended or extended, the sentence could not be said property to be incongruent, because the law in substance confines itself to establishing a means to supply the omission of the public prosecutor, whose duty it is to take charge of all the probable classifications which tin 1 evidence taken may authorize and which the tribunal may accept, preparing for this purpose the alternative claim referred to in article 732, whenever necessary. The tribunal proposes, hypothetically and upon the basis of an unalterable proof, a theme for discussion a few moments before pronouncing its verdict, when each justice has already formed his defi- nite opinion upon the vote which is to be cast. It is better, therefore, that he should cast his vote after an argument which may enlighten 14 C6digos austriaco y aleman, ;i pesar de ser los mas adelantados de la Europa continental. Tales son, Senor, prescindiendo de otras muchas reformas de menor importancia, aunque sustanciales, y de evidentea mejoraa de detalle en el m£todo v la redaccion, las aovedades de bias bulto que el proyecto adjunto introduce en nuestro procedimiento criminal. No desconoce <'l Ministro que Buscribe que la aplicaci6n y cumpli- miento de la nueva ley, singularmente en los primeros afios, tropezara* con graves dificultades, siendo la mayor de todas ellas la falta de cos- tumbres adecuadas ;tl sistema acusatorio y al juicio oral y publico. Educados los espanoles durante siglos en el procedimiento escrito, secreto e inquisitorial, lejos de haber adquirido confianza en la Justicia y de coadyuvar activamente a su recta administration, baciendo, como el ciudadano ingles, inutil la institucion del Ministerio publico para el descubrimiento y castigo de los delitos, nan formado ideas falsas sobre la policia judicial y se han desviado cada vez m;i> de los Tribunales mirando con lamentable recelo ;i magistrados, jueces, escribanos y alguaciles, y repugnando figurar como testigos en los procesos. Pero este 1 1 1: 1 1 sera mayor cuanto mas tiempo pase; y como lo actual no puede seguir sin desdoro do la Naci6n y de los poderes que la gobiernan, lo mejor esdecidirse, quealguna vez so ha de empezar, si la Espana no ba de ser una excepci6n entre los pueblos cultos de Europa y America. El Gobierno de V. M. tiene tal confianza en la aptitud especial \ las condiciones privilegiadas de nuestra raza, que espera sera" breve el apredizaje, no tan solo en la aplicacion de esta ley, sino en la obra aim mas delicada de compartir con los jueces la misi6n augusta de adminis- trar justicia como Jurado; y que muy pronto el ciudadano espanol demostrara* que es digno di' gozar de las mismas ventajas que poseen los extranjeios. Al logro <\r I'm tan importante y transcendental coady u varan, sin duda, el celo 6 ilustraci6n de la Magistratura y del Ministerio publico; que no es posible, Sefior, montar una maquina delicada \ bacerla fun- cionar con exito, sino contando con el asent'miento, el entusiasmo, la fe y el patriotismo de los que ban de manejarla. En \ r ista de las razones expuestas, el Ministro que suscribe tiene la bonra de someter ;i la aprobaci6n de V. M. el adjunto proyecto de decreto. San lldefonso, I I de Septiembre de L882. Senor, A L. R. Y. M., Mam i.i. AXiOMSO M mciim./.. 14 his mind and correct his judgment than not to authorize him to depart from the conditions argued by the parties and follow his own inspira- tions, which have not been brought together in the crucible of contra- diction as authorized by the Austrian and German codes, notwithstand- ing the fact that they are the most advanced on the European Continent. Such are. Sir. without speaking of many other amendments of Lesser importance, although substantial, and evidently improvements in the method and preparation, the most weighty innovations introduced by the attached bill in our criminal procedure. The undersigned Minister is not unaware of the fact that in the application and fulfillment of the new law, especially during the first years, serious difficulties will be encountered, the greatest of all being the absence of customs applicable to the accusatory system and to an oral and public trial. Spaniards having been educated for centuries in the written, secret, and inquisitive procedure, far from having gained confidence in justice and actively assisting in a proper administration thereof, and, as the British citizen, rendering useless the institution of the department of public prosecution for the discover}' and punish- ment of crimes, have formed erroneous ideas as to the judicial policy, and have every day drifted further from the tribunals, looking upon the justices, judges, court clerks, and bailiffs with lamentable distrust, and disliking to appear in the proceedings as witnesses. But this evil will increase as time passes. And as the present state of affairs can not continue without discredit to the nation and the powers which govern it, the best thing to do is to decide, as it must be begun some time, whether Spain is to be an exception among the cultured peoples of Europe and America. The Government of Your Majesty lias such confidence in the special aptitude and the privileged conditions of our race that it believes that the apprenticeship will be short, not only in the application of this law, but even in the more delicate task of sharing with the judges the august mission of administering justice as a jury, and that very soon the Spanish subject will demonstrate that he is worthy of enjoying the same advantages as those enjoj'ed by foreigners. In the attainment of so important and transcendental an end, the zeal and high character of our judiciaiy and of the department of public prosecution will no doubt contribute. It is not possible, Sir. to mount a delicate machine and successfully operate it unless the assent, the enthusiasm, the confidence, and the patriotism of those who are to manage it are to be trusted. In view of the aforestated reasons, the undersigned Minister has the honor to submit for the approval of Your Majesty the attached bill. San Ildefonso, September 14, 1882. Sire, at the Royal Feet of Your Majesty, Manuel Alonso Martinez, MINISTERIO DE ULTRAMAR REAL DECRETO. Llevadas & cabo por la Comisi6n do Codigos del Ministerio de 01- tramar las modificacionea necesarias para que pueda aplicarse en Cuba y Puerto Rico la ley vigente en la Peninsula Bobre procedimiento cri- minal de acuerdo con aquella Corporacion. ;i propuesta del Ministro de Ultramar, y en virtud de la autorizacion que concede a mi ( robierno el art. 89 de la Constitution de la Monarqula, en Qombre de mi Augusto Hijo el Rev D. Alfonso XIII, y como Reina Regente del Reino, • Vengo en decretal- lo siguiente: Articulo 1°. Se aprueba para la isla de Cuba y Puerto Rico la ley de Enjuiciamiento criminal vigente en la Peninsula, en virtud del Real decreto de 14 de Septiembre de L882, con las modificaciones propues- tas por la Comision de Codigos de Ultramar. Art. 2°. La nueva ley comenzarf a regir en ('una y Puerto Rico el dia 1° de Enero de 1889, en que empezaran ;i funcionar las Audiencias de lo criminal. Art. 3°. Las causae por delitos cometidos con anterioridad al L°de Enero proximo, continuaran sustanciandose con arreglo ;i las disposi- ciones del procedimiento vigente en la actualidad.' Si las causas a que se refiere el parrafo anterior do bubieren llegado al periodo de clasificacion, podran sustanciarse eon arreglo a las dispo- 1 La jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo, Bobre 1" preceptuado en el miamo arti- culo del Real decreto de L4 de Septiembre • L882 aprobando la leyde Enjuicuv miento criminal vigente en la Peninsula, que en riadadifierede la diBpoeici6n que anotamoa, ee contradictoria, puee mientrae en Bentenciaade S de Septiembre, 24 de Octubre de L884y26de Diciembre de L885, declaio que loe Tribunalea existentee antes ctubre \au por el Duevo procedimiento^ compete conocer .lc la causa a* la Audiencia de I" criminal respectiva y n<< .-i la territorial. En otra .!»• 12 de Agostode 1884, Be .-. ni que, seguida una causa con arreglo al procedimiento antiguo, dictada sentencia en primera instancia, consultada con la superioridad y repuestas las actuaciones al estado .!«■ Bumario por disposici6n de la tnisma, si los procesados ..plan por el uuevo procedi- tniento, ee competente la Audiencia .lc 1<> criminal :i quien correeponda, 3 no l"> Tri bunales antetiores ;i la creaci6n de dichas Audiencias. 16 accordance with the provisions of tho new law, if every one of the accused in each cause should choose the new procedure. 1 For this purpose the jud^e who may be taking cognizance of the preliminary proceedings on the first clay of January next shall order all the accused to appear before him. together with their counsel. Should they not have counsel as yet, they shall be assigned to them at the motion of the court for the appearance. This appearance shall be duly entered upon the record of the cause. Aur. -ir. Judges of First Instance shall at once be considered as examining judges in the causes which are prosecuted in accordance with the new procedure. Art. 5. As soon as the actual promotores cease in the discharge of their duties, the functions of the Department of public prosecution in causes which are being heard in accordance with the procedure in force at the present time shall be discharged by the municipal Jiscales who may be attorneys, and, in their absence, by those whom the Jiscales of the respective audiencias may designate. Art. 6. The Administration Chambers of the Audiencias and the new Tribunals shall submit directly to the Colonial Department for its decision any doubts which may arise in the application of this Royal Decree. Given in the Palace on October 19, 1888. Maria Cristina. Trinitario Ruiz Capdep6n, Colon 'ml Mmister. 1 It is sufficient that all the accused present select the new procedure for it to be adopted in accordance with the rule we annotate. This was declared by the office of the Fiscal of the Supreme Court in instruction number 3, of those attached to the Memorial of September 15, 1883, deciding a question submitted to the same as to the application of a similar precept of the Koyal Decree approving the law of the Penin- sula, and the said Court confirmed it in its decisions, among which may be men- tioned those of June 30 and December 23, 1883, according to which "only the accused present at the trial can be affected by the form of the procedure and the senteni e closing it; and, therefore, the absence and default of the others with regard to whom it is suspended can not redound to the prejudice of those who, submissive and obe- dient to the law, find themselves in urgent necessity of defending themselves, and if the latter choose the new procedure the proper criminal audiencia is of competent jurisdiction, and not the territorial audiencia." In another decision, of August 12, L884, it was stated that a cause having been prosecuted in accordance with the former procedure, a sentence rendered in first instance, a consultation being had with the higher court and the proceedings having been returned to the court of primary juris- diction by order of the same, if the accused then choose the new procedure, the proper criminal audiencia is of competent jurisdiction, and not the Tribunals which existed prior to the creation of said audiencias. 18473—01 3 LEY DE ENJUICIAMIENTO CRIMINAL. LIBRO PRIMERO. DISPOSICIONES GENES ALES. TfTULO PRIMERO. PRELIMINARES. CAPITULO PRIMERO. REGIES GENERALES. ArtIculo 1°. No se impondra* pena alguna por consecuencia de actos punibles cuya reprensi6n incumba :'i la jurisdicci6n ordinaria, s'nio de conformidad con las disposiciones la presente ley 6 de otraa especiales, y en virtud de sentencia dictada por juez competente. 1 A i; r. 2°. Todas las autoridades y funcionarios que intervengan en el procedimiento penal cuidar&n, dentro de Los limit.-, de su respectiva competencia, de consignar y apreciar las circunstancias asi adversas como favorables al presunto reo, y estaran obligados, a falta de dispo- sition expresa, a instruir a este de sua derechos y de los recursos que pueda ejercitar mientras no se hallare asistido de defensor. 1 Extrafdo de Portugal el espafiol Joaquin I iupido y condenadoa* la pena de muerte, interpuso recurso de casaci6n por Buponer infringido el art. 1" del convenio <1.- extra- dici6n celebrado entre Espafla y Portugal en 6 de Diciembre de L875, Begun el cual loe criminalee a 1 quienes corresponds la pena de muerte, b61o aeran entregados a* con- dici6n de que se lee conmute dicho caetigo. El T. S. declara no haber lugar al recurso: "( onsiderando que .-l los Tribunalee no correeponde conmutar las penas, porque la conmutaci6n supone la imposici6n previa de aquella que se ha de conmutar, j la Eacultad de elegir libremente la que Be ha de imponer en cambio, propia j exclusiva de la prerrogativa regia, siendo por tanto s61o competencia de la administraci6n '!<• justicia aplicar la ley penal, Bin que infrinja, aplicandola .i reos extrafdoede Portugal por delito a que seflale el C6digo la pena de muerte, el art, I'del tratado de extra- dici6n vigente con el Gobierno portugues, precepto cuya obeervancia prooedera, conformeal pacto international, despues - Impuesta en (alio definitivola referida pena," — Sola to., Sent, 16 AMI, 1884. <•'"'■ t8 Septiembre, p, 158. 17 LAW OF rniMINAL PROCEDURE. BOOK FIRST. GENERAL PROVISIONS. TITLE FIRST. PRELIMINARIES. CHAPTER FIRST. GENERAL RULES. Article 1. No penalty whatsoever shall be inflicted as a consequence of punishable acts the punishment of which pertains to the ordinary jurisdiction, except in accordance with the provisions of this and other special laws, and by virtue of a sentence pronounced by a judge of competent jurisdiction. 1 Art. •>. All authorities and officials taking part in a criminal pro- ceeding shall seek, within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, to record and consider all circumstances for and against the presumed criminal, and shall be obliged, in the absence of an express provision, to inform the latter of his rights and of the remedies he may employ, while without the services of counsel. 1 A Spaniard by the name of Joaquin Cupido having heen extradited from Portugal and sentenced to death, interposed an appeal for annulment of judgment on the ground of the violation of article 1 of the extradition convention celebrated between Spain and P< irtugal on December 6, 1875, according to which criminals subject to the penalty of death shall be turned over only on condition that said punishment be commuted. Tin- -upreme court declares that the appeal does not lie: "Considering that it does not lie within the power of courts to commute sentences, because a commutation supposes the previous imposition of the sentence to be com- muted, and the power to freely select that which is to be imposed in lieu thereof, which is properly and exclusively a royal prerogative, it beingwithin the jurisdiction of the administration of justice only to apply the penal law, without violating in applying the same to criminals extradited from Portugal for a crime to which the code affixes the penalty of death, article 1 of the extradition treaty in force with the Portu- guese ( rovernment, a precept, the observance of which will be proper, in accordance with the international agreement, after the said punishment has been imposed by a definite sentence." — Second Chamber. Decision of April 15, 1884. Gaceta of September 88, i>nije 158. 17 18 CAPfTULO II. I i i>i |, ,\i> PREJl l»l« CALEB. Art. 3°. Por regla general, La competencia de los Tribunales encar- gados 'If la justicia penal se extiende ;i resolver, para 96I0 <•! efecto de la-represion, las cuestiones civilea y administrates prejudiciales pro- puestas con motivo de los hechoa perseguidos, cuando tales cuestiones aparezcan tan mtimamente ligadas al hecho punible que sea racional- mente imj >< >r-i 1 >1< • su separaci6n. Art. 4". Sin embargo, si la motion prejudicial fuese determinante de la culpabilidad 6 de la inocencia, el Tribunal de to Criminal bus- pendera* el procedimiento hasta la resolucioD de aquella por quien co- responda; pero puede fijarun pluzo, que noexceda de dos meses, para que las partes acudan al juez 6 Tribunal civil 6 contencioso-adminis- trativo competente. 1 Pasado el plazo sin que el interesado acredite haberlo utilizado, el Tribunal de lo criminal alzani la suspension y continuum el procedi- miento. En estos juicios gera" parte el Ministerio fiscal. Art. 5°. No obstante lo dispuesto en los dos articulos anteriores, las cuestiones civiles prejudiciales referentes ;i la validez de on matri- nionio 6 :i la supresi6n de estado civil, se deferir&n siempre al juez 6 Tribunal que delta entender cuestiones preju- diciales i Lob autoe sobre procedencia de las cuestiones prejudiciales a que se refiere el :ui r de la ley, por do estar comprendidoe en .-l 860 (16 Abril y 5 Junio, i s ^ s . (c) Bl auto de sobreeeimiento provisional (9 Abril de 18 Lo arts. 4°, 5°, j 6°, son excepci6n d< i>>- 1 1 1 j 114, que por regla general pro- hibon el ejercicio aislado de tods acci6i] civil, derivado 'l«'l delito, tnientras ao Be resuelvs la penal & que ■ •! becho reputado punible hays dad igen. 18 en mtki; ii. PRELIMINARY QUESTIONS. Art. 3. As a general rule, the jurisdiction of courts charged with penal justice extends to the decision, for the purposes of reprehension only, of the preliminary civil and administrative questions arising in connection with the acts prosecuted, when such questions appear to be so intimately connected with the punishable act that their separation is practically impossible. Art. 4. Nevertheless, if the preliminary question be one involving a determination of guilt or innocence, the criminal court shall suspend the proceedings until the decision thereof by the proper person; but it niay fix a period not to exceed two months, within which the parties may apply to the civil or administrative judge or court of competent jurisdiction. 1 If said period shall expire without the person interested proving that he has availed himself thereof, the criminal court shall raise the suspension and continue the proceedings. The prosecuting official shall be a party to these proceedings. Art. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the two pre- ceding articles, civil preliminary questions relating to the validity of a marriage or to the suppression of the civil status shall always be transmitted to the judge or court which is to take cognizance of the same, and his decision shall serve as a basis for that of the criminal court. Art. G. If the civil preliminary question shall relate to the right of ownership of real property or of another property right, the criminal court may decide thereon when such rights appear to be based on an authentic title or indubitable acts of possession. 2 Art. 7. The criminal court shall conform to the rules of civil or administrative law, respectively, in the preliminary questions which it may be required to decide, in accordance with the preceding articles. lr Ihe following can not be appealed from for annulment* >f judgment: (a) The decree temporarily suspending the proceedings against an accused person. (December 4, 1879.) {b) Rulings as to the legality of the preliminary questions referred to in article 4 of the law, on account of not being included in article 850. (April Hi and June 5, 1888.) (c) A decree temporarily suspending the proceedings. (April 9, 1887.) 2 Articles4, 5, and (i are exceptions to articles 111 and 114, which, as a general rule, prohibit the separate institution of any civil action derived from the crime until the penal action has been decided which arose from the alleged punishable act. TfTULO II. DE LA COMPETENCIA DE LOS JTJECES Y TRIBUNALES EN LO CRIMINAL. CAPiTULO PEIMEEO. DE LAS REGLAS POK DOXDE SE DETEUMINA LA COMPETENCIA. Art. 8. La jurisdiction criminal es siempre Lmprorrogable. 1 Art. 9. Los jueces y tribunales que tengan competencia para cono- cer de una causa determinada, la tendntn tambicn para todas sua Inci- dencias, para llevar a efecto las providencias de tramitaci6n y para la ejecuci6n de las sentencias. 8 Art. 10. Corresponderd a la jurisdiccion ordinaria el conocimiento de las causas y juicios criminales, con excepci6nde loscasos reservados por las leyes al Senado, a" los Tribunales de Guerra y Marina y :i las autoridades administrativas 6 de policia. 3 Art. 11. El conocimiento de las causas por delitos en que aparezcan :i la vez culpables personas sujetas ;i la jurisdiccion ordinaria y otras aforadas correspondent il la ordinaria. salvo las excepciones consignadas expresamente en las leyes respecto a la competencia de otra juris- diccion. 4 Art. 12. Sin embargo de lo dispuesto en el artfculo anterior, la jurisdiccion ordinaria sera siempre compel cute para prevenir las causas por delitos quecometan los aforados. 1 Llamase prorrogada La jurisdicci6n que siendo incompetente se bace competente por voluntad de los litigantes, segiin la ley :'>-', tft. 2°., Partida ."> :i .. y la 7*., tit. 29, libroll de la Novisima Etecopilaci6n. En lo criminal estd prohibida la prorrogaci6n de La jurisdiccidn, dedonde results que b61o el juez competente con arreglo a* las prescripcionee de esta ley puede enten- der en la persecuci6n de lofl delitos y Laltas que se cometan. •Begun declar6 el Tribunal Supremo en Bentencia de24 de noviembre de L863, en la ejecuci6n de sentencias se comprende la exacci6n de costas Lmpueetas en La causa, que son una pens accesoria de La principal. 'Corresponds al Senado hacer efectiva Is reeponsabilidad de los Ministros, los cuales serin acusadoe por el Congreso, Begun dispone el art 15 de La Constitution \ igente, Sobre competencia de la jurisdicci6nde guerra, veanse losartfculos LO Si 1 7 « !*■ la ley law 32, title 2, partida 5, and law 7, title 29, book 11 of the 2s ovi'sima Recopilacion. (Bell's Die, 7th ed., p. 868.) Prorogation of jurisdiction is prohibited in criminal matters, so that only the judge competent in accordance with the provisions of this law may take cognizance of crimes and misdemeanors which may be committed. -As the supreme court declared in a decision of November 24, 1863, the execution of a sentence includes the exaction of the costs taxed in a cause, which arc a penalty accessory to the principal one. 3 The Senate has jurisdiction to enforce the liability of members of the cabinet who shall he accused by the Congress, in pursuance of the provisions of article 45 of the Constitution in force. With regard to the competency of the army jurisdiction, see articles 10 to 17 of the law of military procedure of September 29, 1886. Articles 21 and 22 of the said law mention the cases in which soldiers are subject to the ordinary jurisdiction. *See articles 15 and 16 of the aforementioned law of military procedure. 19 20 Esta competencia ae limituia a instruir las primeras diligencias, con- cluidas las cuales, la jurisdiccci6D ordinaria remitim las actuacioaee al juez 6 tribunal que deba conocer de la causa con arreglo a las leyes, y pondni :i su disposicion a los dcteuidos y los efectos ocupados. La jurisdicci6n ordinaria cesara* en las primeras diligencias tan luego coino conste que la especial competente instruye causa sobre el tnismo delito. Los autos de Lnhibici6n de esta clase que pronuncien los jueces instructores de la jurisdiction ordinaria sou apelables ante la respectiva audicncia. Entre tanto que se Bustancie y decide el recurso de apelaci6n, se cum- plira* lo dispuesto en el art. 22, parrafo segundo, a cuyo efecto \ para la sustanciacion del recurso se remitira* el correspondiente testimonio. 1 Art. 13. Consideranse como primeras diligencias: las de dar pro- teccion a los perjudicados, consignar las pruebas del delito que puedan desaparecer, recoger y poner en custodia cuanto conduzca&su com- probacion y a la identificacion del delincuente, y detener en bu caso :i los reoa presuntos. Abt. 14. Fuera de los casos reservados al Senado, y de aquellos que express y limitativamente atribuye la ley al Tribunal Supremo, a las audiencias fcerritoriales, a las jurisdicciones de Gruerra y Marina y a las autoridades administrativas 6 de policia, seran competentes por regla general: 1 ". Para los juicios de faltas, los jueces municipales del termino en que se hayan cometido. 2°. Para la instruccion de las causas, lo.s jueces instructores del par- tido en que el delito se haya cometido. 3°. Para conocer de la causa y del juicio respectivo, la audicncia de lo criminal de la circunscripci6n en donde el delito se haya cometido. 1 1 Bobre apelaoioii por el fiscal de los autos de inhibicidn, \Yase hi oota al art. 25. El Tribunal Supremo tiene declarado, en sentencia de II de Eebrero de 1880, que el becho de haber comenzado tin .Inez a conocer de una causa y reclamado su juria- dicci6n, no es bastante para atribuir < ipetencia; yen otra de 5 de agoato de 1886, que la jurisdicci6n ordinaria es competente para instruir diligencias Bobre Buicidio de de un Boldado. 'De las causae contra jueces municipalee y jueces de instruccion 6 de primera instancia > de laa promovidaa contra consejales de ayuntamiento y autoridades administrativas de poblaciones donde no hubiera audiencia 6 no -can capitalee de provincia, id^beran conocer las audiencias de Lo criminal 6 laa Balaa reapectivaa de la- ten itoriales? La QBcaha del Tribunal Supremo reauelve La duda en favor de Laa audicncia- de Lo criminal de La drcunacripci6n en que -<■ baya cometido el delito, primero en la ti'.) de las instruccion. s que acompafiaron & la Memoriade L5 de septiembre de i s s;. '•> en la circular de is de Agoato de L884. De conformidad con la opinion de la flacaUa, el Tribunal Bupremoba establecido 20 This jurisdiction shall be confined to the first steps, upon the con- clusion of which the ordinary jurisdiction shall transmit the proceed- ings to the judge or court which is to take cognizance of the cause in accordance to law, and shall place 1 the persons detained and the effects seized at the disposal of the same. The ordinary jurisdiction shall discontinue the first steps as soon as it becomes evident that the proper special jurisdiction has instituted proceedings on the same crime. Decrees of inhibition of this character issuing from examining judges of the ordinary jurisdiction may be appealed from to the proper audiencia. Until the appeal is heard and decided the provisions of the second paragraph of article '22 shall apply, for which purpose, as well as for the healing and determination of the appeal, the proper transcript shall be forwarded. 1 Art. 13. The following are considered first steps: Those taken to protect the injured parties, record the evidence of the crime which may disappear, collect and place under custody all that may conduce to the proof thereof and to the identification of the delinquent, and, in a proper case, arrest the presumed criminals. Art. li. With the exception of the cases reserved to the Senate, and of those which are expressly and specially assigned by law to the supreme court, to the territorial audiencias, to the army and navy tribunals, and to the administrative or police authorities, the following shall have jurisdiction as a general rule: 1. Of actions for misdemeanors, the municipal judges of the district in which committed. 2. To investigate the causes, the examining judges of the judicial district in which the crime was committed. 3. To take cognizance of the cause and the respective trial, the criminal audiencia of the circuit where the crime was committed. 2 1 With regard to appeals by the prosecuting official from decrees of inhibition, see note to article 25. The supreme court declared in a decision of February 11, 1880, that the fact of a judge having begun to act in a cause and claimed jurisdiction thereof is not sufficient togrant jurisdiction; and in another, of August 5, 1886, that the ordinary jurisdiction is competent to institute proceedings relating to the suicide of a soldier. 2 Do criminal audiencias or the respective chambers of the territorial audiencias have jurisdiction of causes instituted against municipal, examining, or judges of fust instance, as well as against members of Ayuntamientos and administrative authorities of towns where there is no audiencia, or which are not the capital of a province? The Fiscalla of the supreme court decides the doubt in favor of the criminal au- diencias of the circuit where the crime was committed, first in the 69th instruction which accompanies the memorial of September 15, 1883, and subsequently in the circular of August Is, L884. In accordance with the opinion of Hie Fiscalla, the supreme COUrl ruled in its 21 Art. 15. Cuando do conste el lugar en que 3e haya cometido una falta 6 delito, ser&n jueces y tribunales competentes en su caso para conocer de la causa 6 juicio: 1". El del termino municipal, partido 6 circunscripci6n en que se hayan descubierto pruebas materiales del delito. j '. El del termino municipal, partido 6 circunscripci6n en que el presunto reo haya sido aprehendido. 3°. El de la residencia del reo presunto. 1". Cualquiera que hubiesc tenido noticia del delito. Si se suscitase competencia entre estos jueces 6 tribunales, se decidira dando la prefereucia por el orden con que estau expresados en los aumeros que preceden. Tau luego conio conste el lugar en que se hubiese cometido el delito, se remitiran las diligencias al juez 6 tribunal a cuya demarcaci6n corresponda, poniendo a su disposicion a los detenidos y efectos ocupados. Art. 16. La jurisdiction ordinaria sen! la competente para juzgar ;i los reos de delitos conexos, sierapre que alguno este* sujeto ;i ella, aim cuando los demas sean aforados. Lo dispuesto en el pdrrafo anterior se entiende sin perjuicio de Las excepciones expresamente consignadas en este C6digo 6 en leyes espe^ ciales, y singularmente en las leyes penales de Gruerra y Marina respecto a determinados delitos. Art. 17. Consideranse delitos conexos: 1°. Los cometidossimultaneamentepor doso maspersonas reunidas, siempre que estas vengan sujetas a diversos jueces 6 tribunales ordi- narios 6 especiales, 6 ipie puedan estarlo por la indole del delito. 2°. Los cometidos por dos 6 mas personas en distintos Lugares 6 tiempos si hubiese precedido concierto para ello. 3°. Los cometidos como medio para perpetrar otros, 6 facilitar su ejecucion. 4°. Los cometidos para procurar la impunidad de otros delito-. 5°. Los diversos delitos (pie .se imputen a un procesado al incoarse contra el niisino causa por cualquiera de ellos. si tu\ieren analogia 6 ensentencia del LO de marzo de L885, que la sains de las audienciae territorialee, en cuanto .i Loa delitos '!<• Ins jueces de in8tracci6n Be refiere, b61o sun competentes para conocer de los cometidos dentrodel territorio 6 demarcaci6n quelesest^ aaignado, edendole exclusivamente la- nuevas audiencias para persejtuir y castigar los que hayan tenido lugar dentro de las suyas respectivas (sentencia de 23 de febrero de r Los jueces de Lnstrucci6n de mi circunscripci6n respectiva. Los mismos tribunales son Los competentes para conocer de las causas contra jueces y flacales municipalea 21 Art. 15. When the place where a misdemeanor or crime baa been committed is not known, the following judges and courts shall have jurisdiction, in a proper case, of the cause or trial: 1. That of the municipal or judicial district or circuit where mate- rial proofs of the crime have been found. 2. That of the municipal or judicial district or circuit in which the presumed criminal may have been apprehended. 3. That of the place of residence of the presumed criminal. 1. Any judge or court receiving notice of the crime. If a question of jurisdiction shall arise between these judges or courts the decision rendered shall give the preference in the order mentioned in the preceding numbers. As soon as the place where the crime was committed is known, the proceedings shall be forwarded to the judge or court within whose district such place is situated, the persons arrested as well as the effects seized being held subject to orders of the same. Art. 16. The ordinary jurisdiction shall be competent to judge per- sons guilty of connected crimes, provided that one of them is subject thereto, even if the others should be subject to special jurisdictions. The provisions contained in the foregoing paragraph shall be under- stood without prejudice to the exceptions expressly mentioned in this code or in special laAvs, and particularly in the war and navy criminal laws with regard to specific crimes. Art. 17. The following are considered connected crimes: 1. Those committed simultaneously hy two or more persons together, provided that they are subject to the jurisdiction of different ordinary or special judges or courts, or who might be so on account of the nature of the crime. 2. Those committed by two or more persons at different places or times, if there shall have been a previous agreement between them. 3. Those committed as a means to perpetrate others or to facilitate their execution. 4. Those committed to secure immunity from other crimes. 5. The different crimes charged against an accused person upon the institution against him of an action for any of them, should there be decision of March 19, 1885, that the chambers of the territorial audiencias, in so far as crimes committed by examining judges are concerned, have jurisdiction only of those committed within the district assigned them, and that the new audiencias are exclusively competent to prosecute and punish those which may have taken place within their respective district (decision of February 23, 1885), and that, as the supreme court has repeatedly declared in an explicit and final manner, the jurisdic- tion of crimes committed by examining judges of their respective circuits pertains to criminal audiencias exclusively. The said courts have jurisdiction of causes against municipal judges and prosecutr ing officials. 22 relaeion entro si a juiciodel tribunal y no hubiesen sido hasta entonces objeto de procedimiento. Art. 18. Son jueces y tribunales eompetentes, por su orden, para conocer de las causas por delitos conexos: 1°. El del territorio en que so haya cometido el delito a que este senalada pena mayor. 2°. El que primero eomenzare la causa en el caso de que a los delito.s este" senalada igual pena. 3°. El que la audiencia de lo criminal 6 el Tribunal Supremo en bus respectivos casos designen, cuando las causas hubieren empezado al misino tiempo, 6 no conste cual conienzo primero. CAPITULO II. DE LAS CUE8TIONES DE COMPETENCIA ENTRE LOS JUECES Y TRIRL'NALKS ORDINARIOS. 1 Art. li>. Podrdn promover y sostener competeneia: 1". Los jueces munieipales en cualquier estado del juicio. y las partes desde la citacion hasta el aeto de la cornparecencia. 2°. Los jueces de instruccion durante el sumario. '.'<". Las audlencias de lo criminal durante la sustanciaci6n del juicio. 4". El ministerio fiscal en cualquier estado de la causa. 1 5". LI acusador particular antes de formular su primers petieion despues de personado en la causa. ♦'»". El procesado y la parte civil, ya tigure como actora, y aparezca conio responsable, dentro de los tres dias siguientes al en que 8€ lea comunique la causa para ealificacion. Akt. 20. Son superiores jerarquicos para resolver sobre las cues- tiones de competeneia, en la forma que determinaran los articulos siguientes: 1°. De los jueces munieipales del mismo partido, el de instruction. 2". De los jueces de instruccion de una misma circunscripci6n, la audiencia de lo criminal. 3°. De las audiencias de lo criminal del uiismo territorio, la audien- cia territorial en pleno. 4°. De las audiencias territoriales, 6 cuando la competeneia sea cut re una audiencia de lo criminal y la sala de lo criminal de una territorial, el Tribunal Supremo. ' Las reglas que Be Qjan en eate capftulo para Bustanciat competencias, no Be aplican cuando l<>s COnflictus sc susritan in c:iu>as seyuidus contra reus ilc Ihm'iante delito; en eaoe caaoe Be abrer ia la contienda tramitandoee y deddiendoee pot el prooedimiento especial 'Id art. 7sl\ * Derecho del ministerio fltoal /»'/" promover in oompetencia in cualquier ettado tU l<< causa. Eate derecho entrafia la Eacultad de ejerc$tar la inhibitoria 6 la declinatoria sin limitation alguna; y si entabla la primera deepuea de terminado el sumario y de abierto <■! juicio oral, no puede tenet aplicaci6n el procedimiento marcado en el art. 83 liciembre >■. , 1886. ) 23 Cuando cualquiera de Lob jueces 6 tribunalea mencionados en los numeros 1°, 2° y 3°, no tengan superior inmediato comun, decidira* la competencia el que lo sea en el orden jer&rquico, y :i Ealta de este el Tribunal Supremo. 3 Ai;r. 21. El Tribunal Suprei o podia* formar ni promover com- petencias y oingun juez, tribunal 6 parte podra* promoverlas contra el. Cuando algun juez* 6 tribunal viniere entendiendo en asunto cuyo conocimiento estuviere reservado al Tribunal Supremo, ordenara" este ;1 aquel de oficio, a excitacion del ministerio fiscal 6 ;i solicitud de parte, que se abstenga de todo procedimiento y remits los antecedentes, en el termino de segundo dia, para en su vista resolver. El Tribunal Supremo podra sin embargo autorizar, en la misma orden y entre tanto que resuelve la competencia, la continuaci6n de aquellas diligencias cuya urgencia 6 necesidad fueren manifiestas. Contra la decision del Tribunal Supremo no se da recurso alguno. Art. 22. Cuando dos 6 mas jueces de instruccion se reputen compe- tentes para actuar en un asunto, si a la primera comunicaci6n no se pusieren de acuerdo sobre la competencia. da ran cuenta con remisi6n de testimonio al superior competente. y este en su vista decidira de plain • y sin ulterior recurso cual de los jueces instructors debe actuar. Mientras no recaiga decision, cada uno de los jueces instructors seguira practicando las diligencias necesarias para comprobar el delito, y aquellas otras que considere de reconocida urgencia. 9 Dirimido el conflicto por el superior a quien competa, el juez de instruccion que deje de actual 1 remitira las diligencias practicadasy los objetos recogidos al declarado competente dentro de segundo dia. a contar desde el en que reciba la orden superior para que deje de conocer. 1 Corresponde al Tribunal Supremo la decisi6n de la competencia suscitada entre • Ins juzgados enclavados en distritode la misma audiencia territorial, pero pertene- ciente uno de elloa :i circunscripci6n de audiencia de I" criminal. Fundase esta doc- trina en que "formando parte del pleno de la audiencia territorial la Bala de lo crim- inal, vendria ;i Ber juez y parti'" si dicha audiencia territorial decidieee <■! conflicto. [Sola ■:. tent. -/< junio ?8 ,■. SO id. ) 'Este precepto, aplicable a* las competenciaa negatives por virtud del An. di. no permit* que Be remitan al superior las diligencias originales, pues entoncee no pueden Beguir practicandose las necesarias para comprobar el delito y bus circunstancias, {S, ul, urn, ,1, .,/,/,, ml,,-, I'D ,|,. [886. | Tern si, est" no nlistailtc, leluitell la- act liacit Hies originales, tal irregularidad aodebe producir la declaraci6n de estar mal formada la competencia. (Julio L7 de 1884 ' Desde que un juzgado tiene conocimiento de que otr" ha prevenido causa Bobre el mismo hecho de que aquel conoce, debe abstenerse de dictar resoluci leflnitiva antes de promover la inhibitoria, yde no hacerlo asl la que recaiga no puede Ber obstaculo para decidir la competencia - Uenciadt ■■• < I, Abrildt 1878.) 23 When any of the judges or courts mentioned in numbers 1. 2, and 3 shall have no immediate common superior, the ((notion of jurisdic- tion shall be decided by the hierarchical superior, and in the absence of the latter, by the supreme court. 1 Ai;t. 31, The supreme court can not institute or raise a question of jurisdiction, nor can any judge, court, or party question its jurisdic- tion. If any judge or court shall take cognizance of a question, jurisdic- tion of which is reserved to the supreme court, the latter shall order the former. < ./■ officio^ on motion of the public prosecutor or of a party, that it discontinue further proceedings and forward the same, on or before the second da}% for the proper decision. The supreme court may nevertheless authorize in the same order, until the question of jurisdiction is settled, the continuation of such proceedings the urgency or necessity of which is apparent, There shall be no remedy against the decision of the supreme court. Art. 22. When two or more examining judges consider themselves as having jurisdiction of a matter, if upon the first communication they should not agree as to the jurisdiction, they shall make a report to the proper superior, forwarding a transcript, 2 and the latter shall decide eo vnstcmti, in view thereof and without further remedy, which of the examining judges shall have jurisdiction. Until a decision is rendered, each of the examining judges shall con- tinue the proceedings necessary to prove the crime and any other proceedings which he may consider of recognized urgency. 3 After the conflict has been decided b} T the proper superior, the judge of examination who discontinued proceedings shall forward the pro- ceedings had, and the objects gathered, to the judge declared competent, within two days after receiving the superior order to cease taking cognizance thereof. 1 The decision of a question of jurisdiction between two courts situated within the district of the same territorial audiencia, but one of them belonging to the circuit of a criminal audiencia, pertains to the supreme court. The basis for this doctrine is that "as the criminal chamber of a territorial audiencia forms part of the audiencia in banc, it would become a judge and party" if said territorial audiencia should decide the conflict. ( Third Chamber, decision of June 28, 1888. Gaceta of the 80th.) 2 This precept, applicable to negative questions of jurisdiction by virtue of article 46, 'Iocs not permit the transmission to the superior of the original proceed in junto .'7 yS y SI de diciembre, 1834- 2 No es procedente suscitar competencia sobre conocimiento de una causa Eallada ya definitivamente. (Sentencia dejulio 8 de 1878.) '^Cuando debera* apelar el ministerio fiscal de los antes de inhibici6n \ que se refiere este artfculo y el 12? "Si el ministerio fiscal ba sido ofdo antes de dictarse Los indicados autos, y bo opinion se hubiere aceptado por el juez 6 audiencia respectiva, qo debe interponerse recurso alguno. " "Si el ministerio fiscal no ha tenido intervention, 6 hubiera opinado en contra 1<» dictado |»>r un juez municipal 6 de instrucci6n. "Respecto ;i ]<>s Eallos dictados por el Tribunal colegiado, debera* interponerse el recurso de casati6n, si bubiere motivo legal para ello." (N&mero 5°dela Memoria dela fiscaHa del Tribunal Supremo de 15 de septiembre dt 1888) y 10 dt la dt .' tiembre 1886.) En Bentencia de II «1<' aoviembre de L883 declaro el Tribunal Supremo que contra el auto de un juez inhibiendbse del conocimiento de ana causa en favor de la juris- diction de guerra, qo es admisible el recurso '!<• ca8ati6n, purs contra tal provefdo procede petiti6ii que Be le dirige Be juzga Lncompetente y acuerda inhibirse, Bin que por I" tanto medie tocta [a semejante cuesti6n ni haya que tramitarla, a* ao Ber que, acogiendose los interesados al recurso que La ley en su titado art 32 les fatilita, acuden en apelati6n al Buperior inmediato > este determine que Bostengasu jurisdicti6n y se Bustantie j resuelva el asunto de la ma una \ por quien en el expresado tftuloesuf prescrito. 24 Art. 23. If during the somario the public prosecutor or the private accuser shall consider that the examining judge has uo jurisdiction to proceed in the cause, they may object before the proper superior court, which, after the investigation it considers oecessary, shall decider mstcmti without further remedy. 1 In any case the provisions of the second paragraph of the foregoing article shall be complied with. Akt. 24. Upon the conclusion of the sumario, any question of juris- diction raised shall stay the proceedings until it is decided.* Art. 25. The judge or court considering itself competent must raise the question. It shall also giant the inhibition in favor of the competent judge or court when it considers that it has not jurisdiction of the cause even though the persons interested or the public prosecutor have not pre- viously pleaded thereto. The decrees of municipal or examining judges inhibiting themselves in favor of another judge or jurisdiction may be appealed from, in which case the provisions of the last paragraph of article 12 shall be observed. An appeal for annulment of judgment lies from decrees of audiencias. 3 *.An appeal for annulment of judgment is therefore inadmissible. | Decisions <>f June 27 and Decembers and 31, 1884.) 2 A question of jurisdiction can not be raised as to the cognizance of a cause which has already been definitely decided. (Decision of July 8, 1878.) '■'■ When must the public prosecutor appeal from the decrees of inhibition referred to in this article and in article 12? •■ft" the public prosecutor has been heard before the issue of said decrees, and his opinion should have been accepted by the respective judge or audiencia, no appeal can be taken. "If the public prosecutor si lould not have had any intervention, or should have opposed the issue of said decree, he must then appeal therefrom, if it issued from a municipal or examining judge. "With regard to the decisions of a collegiate tribunal, an appeal for annulment of judgment must lie taken if there is a legal cause therefor." (No. "> of tin memorial of the staff of the public prosecutor of the supreme court of September 15, 1888, and 1" of thai of September 15, 1886.) In a decision of November 14, 1883, the supreme court declared that an appeal for annulment of judgment does not lie from a decree of a judge declining the jurisdic- tion of a cause in favor of the war jurisdiction, because an ordinary appeal lies there- from according to article 25 of the law of criminal procedure, which is not affected by article 50, because the latter provision relates to a case where a true question of jurisdiction exists or is liable to arise, and not when a judge voluntarily or upon the first demand or request addressed to him deems himself incompetent and consents to his inhibition, without such a question arising and having to be decided, unless the persons interested seek the remedy of law granted them by the said article 32 and appeal to the immediate superior, and the latter determines that he shall sustain his jurisdiction, and that the matter he heard and determined in the manner and l>y tin- persons prescribed in the said title. L8473— 01 4 25 Akt. 36. El ministeria fiscal y las partes promoveran Ins compe- tencias por inhibitoria 6 por declinatoria. El uso de [mo de estoa medios excluye absolumente el del otro, as! durante la sustanciaci6n de La competencia, como una vez que esta se halle terminada. La inhibitoria Be propondra* ante el juez 6 tribunal que se renute competente. Art. -ll. El juez municipal ante quien se proponga la inhibitoria, oyendo al fiscal cuando 6ste no la hubiere propuesto, resolvera' en ter- mino de sou-undo dia -i procede o no el requerimiento do inhibicion. El auto denegatorio de requerimiento cs apelable en ambos efectos para auto el juez de instrucci6n respective 1 Art. 28. Si el juez municipal estimare que procede el requerimiento do inhibicion, lo mandara practical- por medio de oficio, on el cual consignara los fundamentos do su aut<>. El oficio se remitira dentro de vcinticuatro Moras precisamente. Art. 29. El juez municipal requerido de inhibici6n, oyendo al fiscal, resolvera en termino de segundo dia si desiste de conocer 6 mantiene su competencia. En el primer caso remit ira dentro de las veinticuatro horas siguientes las diligencias practicadas al juez requirente. Si mantiene su competencia so lo comunicara dentro del mismo plazo, oxponiondo los fundamentos de su resolucion. Art. 30. Recibidos los autos por el juez requirente, declarara* sin mas tramites y dentro de veinticuatro horas, si insistc en la competen- cia 6 Be aparta de ella. En el primer caso lo participara" en ei mismo plazo al juez requerido para que remita las diligencias al juez 6 tribunal que delta resolver la competencia, & tenor de lo dispuesto en el artfeulo 20, haciendo el la remisi6n de las suyas dentro de las veinticuatro horas siguientes. En el segundo caso, l<> participant en el mismo dfa al juez requerido para que 6ste pueda continual" conociendo. 1 1 Be neceaaria la firms de letrado en el eacrito proponiendo la inhibitoria ante l<»s juzgadoe municipales? Los arts. 27 4 32 que ae ocupande las cuestionea de compe- tencia entre tales juzgadoe, no exigen eee requisite, que en cambio impone como aeceaario el art 38 para proponer la inbibici6n ante los tribunals de lo crtmtno/, en cuya frase noaabemoa ai eataran c prendidos, para el caso, I"- jusgados munici- pales. Con arreglo a* la Iegi8laci6n anterior, el Tribunal Supremo tenia resuelta la ■ In. la en el si ii lido ilc que era indispensable la finnade letrado en el escrito de inhibi- toria, por exigirlo, sin distinci6nde cases, el an 366 de la |t»j organica judicial U ncias
  • , 1877. ) 96 Losautosquelos jueces requeridos dicten, aocediendo & la inhibicion. ser&n apelables para ante el respectivo juez de instruccion. Tambi&i lo seran los que dicten los requirentes desistiendo de la Lnhibici6n. Art. 31. Recibidas las diligencias en el juzgado 6 tribunal llamado a pesolver la competencia y oido el fiscal por el tannine- de Begundo dia. la decidira* dentro de los tree siguientes al en que el ministerio fiscal evacue el traslado. Contra lo resuelto por el juzgado 6 audiencia procedera' el recurso de oasaci6n. Contra la resolucion del Supremo no se da recurso alguno. Art. 32. Cuando se proponga declinatoria ante un juez municipal, resolvera* 6ste en fc^rmino de segundo dia, oyendo previamente al fiscal, sobre si procede 6 no acordar la inhibicion. El auto en que se deniegue la inhibicion es apelable en ambos efectos para ante el juzgado a quien corresponda resolver la competencia, el cual sustanciara" el recurso en la forma prevenida en el parrafo primero del articulo anterior. Contra la resolucion del juzgado procedera' el recurso decasacidn. Ai:t. 33. La inhibicion ante los tribunales de 1<» criminal Be pro- pond ra en escrito con firma de letrado. En el escrito expresard el que la proponga que no ha empleado la declinatoria. Si resultase lo contrario. serf condenado en COStas aunque se decida en su favor la competencia, 6 aunque la abandone en lo sucesivo. Art. 34. El tribunal ante quien se proponga la inhibitoria oirf por termino de nno :i dos dias, segUn d voluinen de la causa, al ministerio fiscal, cuando r.-te no la hava propuesto, asi coino a las demas partes que figuren en la causa de que pudiera ;i la vez estar conociendo «-l tri buna! ;i quien se haya instado para que haga el requerimiento, y en bu vista, mandara* dentro de los dos dias siguientes librar oficio inhibito rio. 6 declarard no haber lugar ;i ello. Aim. :;."». Contra el auto en que se deniegue el requerimiento de inliiliifion solo liabra lugar al recurso de casaci6n. 1 Art. 36. Con el oficio de inhibici6n -»• acompanara* testimonio: del escrito en que se haya pedido, de lo expuesto por el ministerio fiscal 1 Eate artfeulo .-<• revere a* loe autoe en que Be deniegue el requerimiento de inhibi- ci6n !""■ \><- tribunales de I" criminal j no 6 loa que loa juecee de primera inntancia pueden dictar en asuntoe de bu c petencia. (Sentencia e inhibited consenting to the inhibition may be appealed from to the respective examining judge. Those of the judges requesting the inhibition desisting therefrom may also be appealed from in the same manner. Akt. 31. After the proceedings have been received by the judge or court which is to decide the jurisdiction and after the opinion of the public prosecutor has been received within the two days following, a decision shall be rendered within three days after the prosecuting officials submit their report. An appeal for annulment of judgment lies from the decision of the court or audiencia. There is no remedy whatever against the decision of the Supreme Court. Ai:t. 32. When a declinatory plea is interposed before a municipal judge he shall render a decision thereon before the expiration of two days, after hearing the public prosecutor as to whether the plea is or is not well taken. A decree overruling the inhibition may be appealed from for review and for a stay of proceedings to the judge to whom the decision of the jurisdiction pertains, who shall hear and determine the appeal in the manner prescribed in the first paragraph of the foregoing article. An appeal for annulment of judgment lies from the decision of the court. Art. Sfe. Inhibitory pleas before criminal courts shall be in writing and signed by an attorney. The person interposing said plea shall state that he has not inter- posed a declinatory plea. Should the contrary appear the costs shall be taxed against him, even though the question of jurisdiction be decided in his favor or he should subsequently abandon it. Art. 34 The court before which the inhibitory plea is interposed shall hear for a period of one to two days, according to the volume of the cause, the prosecuting -officials, if the latter should not have interposed it, as well as the other parties appearing in the cause which the court is hearing before which the plea for inhibition has been interposed and in view thereof, it shall issue, within the next two days, a writ of inhibition, or shall overrule the plea. Art. 35. An appeal for annulment of judgment only lies against a decree denying a writ of inhibition. 1 Art. 36. Attested copies shall be attached to the writ of inhibition, of the petition requesting it, of the statements of the prosecuting officials, and of the parties, in a proper case; of the decision rendered, 1 This article refers to decrees denying a writ of inhibition by criminal courts and not to those issued by judges of first instance in matters of their jurisdiction. (Deci- sion of April ..'8, 1SS3.) No appeal lies from the decision which denies an appeal. (J)rrisioi, <>f February 10, 1880, Third chumhrr.) 27 x por las partes on su caso, del auto que ><■ haya dictado y do lo demas que el tribunal estime conducente para fundar su compefoncia. El testimonio se extenders' y remitira' en el plazo Lmprorrogable de uno a tres (lias. segun el \ uliiiiii'ii de la causa. Art. 37. El tribunal requerido acusara" Lnmediatamente recibo, y oyendo al ministerio fiscal, al acusador particular, si le bubiere, al procesado 6 procesados y :i l<»s que figuren como parte civil, por an plazo que no podra* exeeder de veinticuatro boras ;i cada uno. dictara* auto intubiendose 6 declarando que no ha lugar a hacerlo. Contra el auto en quo el tribunal se inhibiere no se dara* otro recur- so que el de casacion. Art. 38. Consentida 6 ejecutoriada la sentencia on que el tribunal se hubiese inhibido, se remitira la causa, dentro del plazo de tres dias, al tribunal que hubiera propuesto la inhibitoria, con emplazamiento de las partes y poniendo a disposicion de aquellos procesado-. lasprue- bas materiales del delito y los bienes embargados. Art. 39. Si se denegare la inhibicion, se comunicar£ el auto al tri- bunal requirente, con testimonio de lo expuesto por el ministerio fiscal y por las partes y de todo lo demas que so crea conducente. El testimonio se oxpedira y remitira' dentro de tres dias. En el olicio de remision se exiedra que el tribunal requirente oon- toste lnmediatamente para continuar actuandosi qo Lnsisteen la inhibi- cion, 6 que en otro caso remita la causa a quien corresponds para que decida la competencia. Art. 40. Recibido el oficio que expresa el artfculo anterior, el tri- bunal que hubiere propuesto la inhibitoria dictara. sin mas tramites, auto en termino de segundo dia. Contra el auto desistiendo de la inhibici6n solo procedera' el recurso de casacion. Akt. 41. Consentido 6 ejecutoriado el auto en que el tribunal desista de la Inhibitoria, lo comunicara' en el termino de veinticuatro boras al requerido boras al requerido de inhil>icion para que remita la causa al tribunal :i quien corresponda la resoluoidn, haciendolo el de lo actuado ante el mismo. 27 and of anything else which the court may consider proper upon which to base its jurisdiction. The attested copy shall be prepared and forwarded within the unex- tendible period of one to three days, according to the volume of the cause. Ain. 37. The court sought to be inhibited shall at once acknowledge receipt, and after bearing the prosecuting officials, the private accuser, should there be any, the person or persons undergoing trial, and those who appear as civil parties. Eora period which shall not exceed twenty- four hours for each one, shall issue a decree inhibiting himself or declaring that there is do reason for so doing. There shall be no remedy but an appeal for annulment of judgment from decrees of a court inhibiting itself. Art. 38. After the decision by which a court has inhibited itself has been consented to or executed, the cause shall be forwarded, within a period of three days, to the court which proposed the inhibition, with a summons of the parties and holding- the accused at the disposal of the former as well as the material evidences of the crime and the goods seized. Art. 39. If the inhibition should be refused, the decree shall be communicated to the court demanding the inhibition, with transcript of the statements of the prosecuting officials and of the parties, and of anything else which may be deemed proper. The transcript shall be issued and transmitted within three days. In the communication of transmittal it shall be required that the court demanding the inhibition answer immediately, in order to con- tinue the 'proceedings if the inhibition be not insisted upon, or that otherwise the cause be transmitted to the proper person for a decision as to the jurisdiction. Art. 40. After the communication mentioned in the foregoing article has been received, the court that proposed the inhibition shall render a decision before the expiration of two days, without further proceedings. From a decree abandoning an inhibition an appeal for annulment of judgment only lies. Art. 41. After the ruling by which the court desists from the inhi- bition has been consented to or executed, it shall be communicated within a period of twenty-four hours to the court sought to be inhib- ited, transmitting at the same time all proceedings had for attachment to the cause. Art. 42. If the court demanding the inhibition defends its com- petency, it shall communicate the same within a period of twenty-four hours to the court sought to be inhibited, in order that it may transmit the record to the court which is to decide the question; and it shall do the same with its own record. 28 Akt. t3. Las competencias se decidiran por el tribunal dentro de los trcs dias siguietftes :il en que »'l ministerio fiscal hubiese emitido dic- tamen, que evacuarS en el termino de 3egundo dia. Contra estos auto-, cuando procedan de las audiencias territoriales, habra* Lugar al recurso de casacion. ( bntra los pronunciados por el Tribunal Supremo no Be da recurso alguno. Aur. 44. El tribunal que resuelva la competencia podni condenar al pago de las costas causadas en la inhibitoria :i las partes que la hubieren sostenido 6 impugnado con notoria temeridad, determinando en su caso la proporci6n en que deban pagarlas. Cuando no hiciere especial eondenacion de costas, Be entenderan de oficio las causadas en la competencia. En el caso de que un tribunal sin causa Legftima debidamente ju-ti- ficada, Be hubiese extralimitado en los terminos establecidoa en el pre- sente titulo para la sustanciacion y decision de las competencia-. Bera" corregido prudencial y disciplinariamente, segun la gravedad del caso. Abt. 4."). Las declinatorias se sustanciar&n como articulos de previo pronunciamiento. 1 CAPITULO III. DE LAS COMPETENCIAS NEGATIVAS Y DE LAS QUE BE PROMUEVES OOS JUECES (') TRIBUNALES KSPECIALES, Y DE LOS RECURSOS DE QUEJA CONTRA LAS AUTORIDADES ADMINISTRATIVAS. A.RT. 46. Cuando la cuestion de competencia empenada entre dos 6 mas jueces 6 tribunales fuere negativa por rehusar todos entender en la causa, la decidini el juez 6 tribunal superior y en su caso el Supremo. siguiendo para ello los mismos tramites prescritos para la- demas competencias. Art. 47. En el caso de competencia negativa entre la jurisdiecion ordinaria y otra privilegiada, la ordinaria empezara* <'> contmuara* la causa. A.rt. 18. Las cuestiones de jurisdiecion promovidas por tribunales seculares contra jueces 6 tribunales eclesiasticoa Be Bustanciaran y decidiran por los tramites y de la manera que se establece en el titulo HI del libro I de la ley de en juiciamento civil." Aim. 19. Cuando los jueces 6 tribunales eclesiasticoa estimaren que ic- corresponde el conocimiento de una causa en que entienda un juez 6 tribunal Becular, podrdn requerirle de inhibici6n; \ -i no accediese 1 Fijan el procedhmento para la sustanciaci6n y deciai6n de I"- artfeuloa de piw i" pronunciamiento, I"- arl fculos 666 ;i "'711. 'Tratadeloe recureos de fuerza en conocer, | \i-i-. L26 :i 152 de la leyde enjui- ciamiento ch il \ igente en lag ielae de Culm y Puerto Rico. ) 28 Art. 4."). Questions <>f jurisdiction shall be decided by the court within the three days following that on which the public prosecutor may have given his opinion, which he shall do within a period of two days. An appeal for annulment of judgment lies from these decrees when issuing from territorial audiencias. Against those of the supreme court there is no remedy whatsoever. Art. 44. The court deciding the question of jurisdiction may tax the payment of the costs occasioned by the plea of inhibition against the parties who have defended or opposed the same with marked per- sistence, deciding, in a proper case, the proportion each shall pay. If there be no special condemnation of costs made, those occasioned in deciding questions of jurisdiction shall be understood to he ex officio. If a court without legal cause property proved, shall go beyond the limits prescribed in this title for the hearing and determination of questions of jurisdiction, it shall be corrected and disciplined accord- ing to the gravity of the case. Art. 45. Declinatory pleas shall be heard and determined in the same manner as interlocutory issues. 1 CHAPTER III. QUESTIONS OF NEGATIVE JURISDICTION AND THOSE RAISED BY SPE- CIAL JUDGES OR COURTS AND COMPLAINTS AGAINST ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITIES. Art. 46. If the question of jurisdiction raised between two or more judges or courts be negative by all refusing to take cognizance of the cause, the superior judge or court, or, in a proper case, the supreme court shall decide it, observing therein the procedure prescribed for other questions of jurisdiction. Art. 47. In case of negative jurisdiction between the ordinary and a specal jurisdiction, the ordinary jurisdiction shall begin or continue the cause. Art. 48. Questions of jurisdiction raised by secular courts against ecclesiastical judges or tribunals shall be heard and decided according to the procedure and in the manner established in Title III of Book I of the Law of Civil Procedure. 2 Art. 49. When ecclesiastical judges or tribunals shall consider that they have jurisdiction of a cause of which a secular judge or court is taking cognizance, they may interpose an inhibitory plea, and if it should be overruled they may complain to the proper court, which, 'The procedure for the hearing and determination of interlocutory issues is fixed by articles (5(56 to 679. 'This title treats of civil remedies against actions of ecclesiastical courts (Arts. 125 to L52 di' the Law of Civil Procedure in force in Cuba and Porto Kico). 29 a clla. recurriran en quejaal superior respectivo, que, oyendo al fiscal, resolver&, sin ulterior recurso, 1<> que crea procedente. Ai;t. 50. La> ouestiories de competencia que se promuevan entre tribunales ordinarios y otroa cualesquiera especiales, que do -can eclesiasticos, se sustanciaran y decidiran con arreglo ;i lo dispuesto en el presente titulo. correspondieudo on todo caso bu resoluci6n al Tri- bunal Supremo de Justicia. Art. 51. Elespecto de las competencias que la administraci6n suscite contra los jueces 6 tribunales de la jurisdicci6n ordinaria, y de los recursos de queja que estos pueden promovei contra las autoridadea y administrativas, Be estani a lo que dispone la seeeion 4'. titulo 11. libro I de la ley de enjuiciamento civil. 1 Articulos 116 & 124 de la ley que se cita. 29 after hearing the public prosecutor, shall decide without further remedy what it may deem proper. Art. 50. Questions of jurisdiction between ordinary and any special courts, not ecclesiastical, shall he heard and determined according to the provisions of this title in all eases by the supreme court. Akt. 51. Questions of jurisdiction raised by the administration against judges or courts of the ordinary jurisdiction, and the com- plaint- which the latter may make against the administrative authori- ties, shall conform to the provisions of section 4, Title II, Book I, of the Law of Civil Procedure. 1 Articles 116 to 124 of the law cited. TfTULO III. DE LAS RECUSACIONES Y EXCUSAS DE LOS MAGISTRADOS. JUECES. ASESORES Y AUXILIARES DE LOS JUZGADOS Y TRIBUNALES, Y DE LA ABSTENCltfN DEL MINISTERIO FISCAL. OAPfTULO I. DISPOSICIONKS < ; KN K KALES. Art. 52. Los magistrados, jueces y asesores, cualesquiera que Bean su grado 6 jeraquia, solo podran ser recusados por causa legit ima. Art. 53. Podran unicamente recusar en los negocios criminales: El representante del ministerio fiscal. El acusador particular 6 los que legalmente representeD susacciones y derechos. Los procesados. Los responsables civilmente por delito 6 falta. Art. 54. Son causas legitimas de recusation: 1°. El parentesco de consanguinidad 6 afinidad dentro del cuarto grado civil con cualquiera de los expresados en el articulo anterior. 2°. El mismo parentesco dentro del segundo grado con el letrado de alguna de las partes que intervengan en la causa. 3°. Estar 6 haber sido denunciado 6 acusado por alguna de estaa como autor, complice 6 encubridor de un delito, 6 como autor de una falta. 1 4°. Haber sido defensor de alguna de las partes, emitido dictamen sobre el proceso 6 alguna de sus incidencias como letrado, 6 interve- nido <'n aquel 6 en estas como fiscal, perito 6 testigo. 5°. Ser 6 haber sido denunciador 6 acusador privado del <|ii<' recusa. 6°. Ser 6 haber sido tutor 6 curador de alguno <|u<' sea parte en la causa. 7". Haber estado en tutela <'» guardaduria de alguno de I"- expresados en el nuniero anterior. 8°. Tener pleito pendiente eon el recusante. '.•". Tenei- inteies directo <'• indireeto en la causa. 1 1 ruin que <-\iM;i el motivo ■!(■ recuflaci6n 'It- este Qiimero, ee preciso que hi denun- ciii reuna \<* requisites y Burta loe efectoa aecesarios para proceder, en bu \ irtud,^ la a\ii iguacidn de loa hechoa que comprende, Begun declar6 <-l Tribunal Supremo en h«ij ( i estuviere en incomunicacion, proponer verbalmente la recusacion en el acto de recibirsele declaraci6n, 6 podra* Qamar al juez por COndueto del alcalde de la cai'cel para recusarle. En este caso debera el juez de instrucci6n presentarse acompanado del secretario, qui- liaia constar por diligencia la petici6n de recusaci6n v la causa en que se Eunde. Cuando fuese denegada la recusaci6n, se le advertira' que podrii reproducirla una vez alzada la incomunicaci6n. Akt. 59. VA auto admitiendo 6 denegando la recusaci6n serf hindado v bastard notincarlo al procurador del recusante, aunque este se halle en el pueblo en que se siga la causa y lia\a tirmado el OSCrito de recusaci6n. Aim. «>". Cuando ••! recusado no Be inibiere por no considerarse comprendido en la causa alegada para la recusaci6n, se mandarf formar pieza Beparada. Esta contendrf <•! escrito oricrinal de reousaci6n \ «■! auto denejra 31 10. Intimate friendship. 11. Manifest enmity. 12. Haying conducted the preliminary investigation. Art. 55. The justices and judges included in any of the cases men- tioned in the foregoing article shall abstain from taking cognizance of the cause without waiting to be challenged. No remedy Lies against this resolution. In like manner they shall decline jurisdiction without remedy what- soever when, on being challenged in any manner, they shall consider the alleged cause to be well founded. In either case they shall order the record to be transmitted to whosoever should substitute them. Akt. 56. The challenge may be interposed at any stage of the pro- ceedings, but not after the oral trial has commenced, unless the cause of challenge shall have arisen thereafter. CHAPTER II. HEARING AND DECISION OF CHALLENGES OF JUDGES OF EXAMINATION AM) JUSTICES. Art. 57. The challenge shall be in writing and signed by an attor- ney, by a solicitor, and by the challenging party, if he knows how to sign, and should be at the place where the cause is pending. The petition must be ratified by the latter before the judge or court. If the challenging party be not present, only the attorney and solic- itor shall sign. In every case the cause of challenge shall be stated clearly and explicitly. Art. 58. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing article, the accused may, should he be incomunicado, interpose the challenge orally when his declaration is received, or he may call the judge through the warden of the prison in order to challenge him. In such case the judge of examination must present himself, accom- panied by the secretary, who shall make a record of the written chal- lenge and the cause therefor. If the challenge be overruled, he shall be advised that he can renew the same when the incomunicacion is raised. Aut. 59. A decree sustaining or overruling a challenge shall state the reasons therefor, and it shall be sufficient to notify the solicitor of the challenging party thereof, even though the latter be in the town in which the cause is being prosecuted and had signed the written chal- lenge. Art. 60. If the person challenged does not inhibit himself, not con- sidering that he is included in the causes alleged for the challenge, he shall order a separate record to be prepared. Said record shall contain the original written challenge and the ruling 32 torio de la Lnhibici6n, quedando oota expresiva de uno y otro en el proceso. Aur. 61. Durante la Bustanciaci6n de la pieza separada do podrfi mtervenir el recusado en la causa ni «'n el incidente de recusaci6n, y serf sustituklo por aquel £ quien oorresponda con arreglo :i La ley. Si el recusado fuese un juezde instrucci6n, deberd este, qo obstante, bajo su responsabilidad, practicar aquellas diligencias urgentes que ao puedan dilatarse mientras bu sucesor se encargue de continual la Lnstrucpi6n. Art. 62. La recusaci6n no detendra el curso de La causa. Excep- tuase ••! caso en que el incidente de recusaci6n ao se bubiese de< idido cuando scan citadas las partes para la vista de alguna cuesti6n 6 inci- dente 6 para la celebraci6n del juicio oral. Art. 63. I nstruiran la pieza separada de recusaci6n: Cuando el recusado sea el presidente 6 un presidente de sala de audiencia territorial 6 del Tribunal Supremo, el presidente de sals mas antiguo; y si el recusado fuere el mas antiguo, el que Le Biga en antiguedad. Cuando el recusado fuere el presidente de una audiencia de 1<» cri- minal, »'l magistrado mas antiguo de la sala de lo criminal de la audi- encia territorial. Cuando el recusado sea un magistrado de La audiencia de Lo crimi- nal 6 territorial 6 del Tribunal Supremo, el magistrado mas antiguo de la respectiva sala 6 tribunal; y si aquel fuere el mis antiguo, el que le siga en antiguedad. Si porconsecuenciade la recusaci6n de alguno 6algunos magistrados de audiencias de lo criminal no quedase en estos tribunales numero suficiente para format- tribunal, correspondera* la Lnstrucci6n de la pieza separada de recusaci6n al magistrado mas moderno de la sala de lo criminal de la audiencia territorial respectiva. Cuando fuese juez de instrucci6n el recusado, instruira* la pieza de recusacion el magistrado mas moderno de la respectiva audiencia. Art. 64. Formada la pieza separada, seoird :i la otra uotras partes que bubiese en la causa, por termino de tres dias ;i cada una. que b61o podia" prorrogarse por otros dos cuando & juicio del tribunal bubiese JUSta causa para ello. Am. 65. Transcurrido el termino seh*alado en el articulo anterior, con la pr6rroga en bu caso. y reoogida lii causa sin necesidad de peti- ci6n |k.i parte del recusante, se recibira* :i prueba el incidente de recu- -acion. cuando la cuesti6n fuese de becho, por ocho dias, durante Los cuales se practicara* la que bubiere Bido solicitada por Las parte- \ admitida como pertinente. A i: i . »;•;. ( Sontra el auto en que Las audiencias 6 el Tribunal Supremo adinitieren o denegaren la prueba, no se dara* ulterior recurso. 32 denying the inhibition, an entry being made of all this in the original record. Art. 61. While the separate record is being heard and determined the person challenged can not act in the cause nor in the issue of the challenge, and shall be substituted by the proper person in accordance to law. If the person challenged be a judge of examination, he must, never- theless, under his own liability, take such argent measures as can not be delayed until his successor takes charge of continuing the examination. Art. 62. The challenge shall not delay the course of the cause unless the issue of the challenge shall not have been decided when the parties are cited for the hearing of some question or interlocutory issue or for the oral trial. Art. 63. The separate record of challenge shall be prepared — By the senior presiding justice of chamber if the person challenged be the presiding judge or a presiding judge of a chamber of a terri- torial audiencia or of the supreme court; and if the judge challenged be the senior, by the one next below him in seniority. By the senior justice of the criminal chamber of the territorial audiencia if the person challenged be the presiding judge of a criminal audiencia. By the senior justice of the respective chamber or court if the person challenged be a justice of a criminal or territorial audiencia or of the supreme court; and if he be the senior, by the one next below him in seniority. If. as a result of the challenge of one or more justices of the criminal audiencias. these courts should not have members sufficient to form a quorum, the preparation of the separate record shall pertain to the junior justice of the criminal chamber of the respective territorial audiencia. The junior justice of the respective audiencia shall prepare the record of challenge when the judge of examination is challenged. Art. 64. After the separate record has been prepared, the other party or parties to the cause shall be heard for a period of three days for each one, which period can only be extended for two days more when in the opinion of the court there be just cause therefor. Art. 65. When the period fixed in the foregoing article has elapsed, as well as the extension in a proper case, and the cause is taken up again without the necessity of a petition by the challenging party, evidence on the issue of the challenge shall be admitted for eight days if the question be a question of fact, during which time the evidence submitted by the parties and admitted as pertinent shall be received. AJBT. 66. There shall be no remedy against rulings of audiencias or of the supreme court admitting or rejecting evidence. 18473—01 5 38 Art. 67. Cuando por Ber la cuesti6n de dereoho, no se hubiere reci- bido a prueba el incidente de recusacioji, 6 aubiese transcurrido el termino concedido en el art 65, se mandara" citar & las partes, sena- lando dia para la vista. Ai:r. 68. Decidiran los incidentea de recuaaci6n: Cuando cl recusado f uese el presidente 6 on pregidente de sala de audicncia territorial 6 del Tribunal Supremo, el tribunal en pleno. De igual manera se proeedera cuando loa recusados fueren dos 6 mas magistrados de una misma Bala 6 secci6n de estos tribunales. En los demae casos decidiran estos incidentea los tribunales 6 salas a que pertenezcan los magistrados Lnstructores de las piezaa separadaa. Art. 69. Los autos en que se declare baber 6 no lugar u la recusa- ci6n, seran siempre fundados. Contra el auto que dictaren las audiencias solo proeedera' ebrecurso de casaci6n. Contra cl que dictare el Tribunal Supremo, no habra recurso alguno. Art. 70. En los autos en que se deniegue la recusaci6n, se conde- nara en las costas al que la hubiere promovido. Adenitis se impondra* al recusantc una multa de l_. r > :i 250 peaetaa cuando el recusado fueae juez de inatrucci6n, y de 250 :i •'>" , > cuando fuese magiatrado de audicncia. Se exceptua de la imposieion de las costas y La multa al ministerio fiscal. Art. 71. Cuando no sc hicieren efectivaa las multaa respect iva- mente aenaladas en el articulo anterior, cl multado quedara* sujeto ;i la reaponaabilidad personal subaidiaria correspondiente, por via de sus- titucion y apremio, en los terminoa que para las causae por delitos establece cl codigo penal. CAPITl'LO III. DB LA 8U8TANCIAOI6N DE LAS RECU8ACIONE8 DE L08 JUEOE8 MUNIOTPALE8. Art. 72. En los juicios de Ealtaa Be propondra" la recu8aci6n en cl mismo acto de la comparecencia. A i; i . V:'.. En rista de In recusaci6n, si la causa alegada fuese de las expresadas en cl articulo 54 y cierta, el juez municipal sedara* por recusado, pasando cl conocimiento de la falta :i su suplente. Art. 74. Cuando cl recusado no considerare legftima la recusaci6n, pasani cl conocimiento del incidente :i su suplcntc. Iiacieudolc COnatar en s tribunalee •'> al ministerio publico. ( ( Vdigo ctvfl, articulos SIB, apartado 8°, 262, 269, numeros 12 y 18, y 274-) En \ob pieties sobre prodigalidad, cuando el demandado no comparezca, tendrasn representaci6n el fiscal 6 en su caso el defensor nombrado por el juez. ( ( "6digo civil, iirlirnlo 223. La mujer casiada. — Los cases en que necesita iicenciade bu marido para compare- cer por si en juicio y los en que no necesita, se determinan en los articulos 60 j 1387 del codigo civil. Consiirsndos. — Una vez hecha la declaraci6n de concurso, quedan Lncapacitados para la administration de sus bienes todos {1161 le sus juntas administrativas representan tambien ;i sus respectivos pueblos, cuando se bate . '. 0. 80 Enero is:,;. \ Las provincial eran representadas por el diputado provincial aombrado al efectocon arreglo al articulo 37 de la ley de 25 de Septiembre de 1863; luego lo fueron por el gobernador, con forme ; i los articulos 9° y 70 de la ley de 2 de< Ictubre de 1877, y hoy lo son por el vice presidents y the public prosecutor or, in a proper case, by the next friend appoint e< 1 by the court. (Qikl Code, article 228.) Married woman. — The cases in which she does and does not require the permission of her husband to appear in an action are mentioned in articles 60 and 1387 of the Civil Code. Bankrupt*. — After a declaration in bankruptcy the hankrupts are disqualified from administering any of their property (1161 of tin Urn- ofOivU Procedun "ml 1914 of the C',,11 Cod* ), and consequently are deprived of the full exercise of their civil rights. The depositary-administrator is the legal representative of the estate of the bankrupt (law, art. 1181) until trustees are appointed. After this has been done the trustees represent the bankrupt in court, defending his rights and taking the actions and exceptions incumbent apon them. (Ibid., articlt 1181, rule 1.) Judicial persons (corporations, associations, "ml other judicial entities). — Towns and municipalities are represented by the procuradores sindicos, and in towns annexed to others in order to constitute a municipality, the presidents of their administrative boards also represent the respective towns, when actions or rights are involved which pertain exclusively to the said towns. ( Articles .56 "ml 90 nf tin law of 1877, and Royal order of January SO, 1875. ) Provinces wen- represented by the provincial deputy, appointed for the purpose in accordance with article :>,7 of the law of September 25, 1863; afterwards they were represented by the governor, in accordance with articles 9 and 70 of the law of Octo- ber 2, 1S77, ami now they are represented by the vice-president of the provincial commission, in accordance with article its, number 6, of the law of Angus! 29, 1882. 'I'!,, public treasury has been represented by the department of public prosecution in the manner prescribed by the decree of July 9, 1869, and by the order of the same date; bul since the decree of March 16, 1886, it is represented by the stale attorneys. 1 The words of this article do not signify that the crime which is the subject of the complaint must be of those which the Penal ('ode denominates crimes against the 40 2°. Los ascendientes, descendientea y hermanos consanguineos 6 ute- rinos v afines, ;i do ser por delito 6 falta cometidos por 1<>- unos contra las personas de los otros. Art. 104. L;is acciones penales que nacen de los delitos de estupro, calunmiae injuria tampoco podran ser ejercitadas por otras personas ni en manera distinta qne las prescritas eD los respectivos articulos del codigo penal. Las faltas consistentes en el anuneio por medio de la imprenta de hechos falsos 6 relativos a la vida privada con el qu"e se perjadique li ofenda :i particulares, en malos tratamientos inferidoa por los maridos a, sus mujeres, en desobedieneia 6 malos tratos de estas para con aquellos, en faltas de respeto y sumision de los hijos respecto de sus padres, 6 de los pupilos respecto de sus tutores, y en injurias leves, solo podran ser perscguidas por los ofendidos 6 por sus legitimos representantes. Art. 105. Los funcionarios del ministcrio fiscal tendran la obliga- tion de ejcrcitar, con arreglo a las disposiciones de La ley, todas las acciones penales que consideren procedentes, haya 6 no aousador particular en las causas, menos aquellas que el codigo penal reserva exclusivamente :i la querella privada. Tambi^n deheran ejercitarlas en las causas por los delitos contra la honestidad, que con arreglo ti las prescripciones del codigo penal deben denunciarse previamente ]»>i- los interesados, 6 cuando el ministerio fiscal deba a su vez denunciarlos por recaer dichos delitos sobre personas desvalidas 6 faltas de perso- nal idad. 1 Art. 106. La aecion penal por delito 6 falta que de* lugar al pro- cedimiento de ofieio nose cxtingue por la renuncia de la persona ofen- dida. Pero se cxtinguen por csta causa Las <\uv naccn del delito 6 falta qne no puedan ser pevseguidos sino a instancia de parte, y las civiles, cualesquiera que sea el delito 6 falta de que procedan. Art. 107. La renuncia de la acci6n civil 6 de la penal renunciable no pcrjudicai'ii masque al re mine i ante; pudiendo continual el ejercioio de la penal en el estado en que se halle la causa. 6 ejercitarla aueva- mente los demas a quienes tamhien correspondiere. tltulo viii, libro ii (parricidio, aeesinato, bomicidio, infanticidio, aborto, Leeionee y duelo), Bino que la ley alude i la condici6n «K- que el becho ofenda :i persona empa- rentada con el culpable, que puede bbi perseguido & instancia de la agraviada, aonqne al delito sea de injuria. [Marzo ?del886.—Oaceta, Octubre ;.> 1 Km CTunpUmiento del artfeulo 467 del codigo penal rigente en las IslasdeCaba v Puerto Rico, <-i ministerio fiscal tiene la obligaci6n «!«• ejercitar la acci6n penal en Inn delitos de rapto y adulterio :i que el mismo se reflere. 40 2. The ascendants, descendants, the uterine brothers or sisters, <>r relatives those by consanguinity or affinity, unless for a crime or mis- demeanor by either against the persons of the others. Art. 1<>4. Nor can penal actions which arise, from the crimes of seduction, calumny, and contumely be instituted by other persons or in a different manner than those prescribed in the respective articles of the Penal Code. Misdemeanors consisting in a notice in the press of false facts or which relate to the private life, by which individuals are prejudiced or offended, in the ill treatment of wives by their husbands, the dis- obedience of or the ill treatment by wives of their husbands, lack of respect and submission of children to their parents, or of pupils to their tutors, and in slight acts of contumely, can only be prosecuted bj T the persons offended or by their legitimate representatives. Art. 105. The public prosecutors are obliged to institute, accord- ing 1 to the provisions of law, all criminal actions which they may consider proper, whether there be a private accuser or not in the causes, except in those which the Penal Code reserves exclusively to private complaints. They shall also institute them in causes for crimes against chastity, which, according to the provisions of the Penal Code, must first be denounced by the persons interested, or when the public prosecutor should himself denounce them, because said crimes are com- mitted against helpless persons or those lacking personality. 1 Art. 106. A criminal action for a crime or misdemeanor which gives rise to proceedings ex officio is not extinguished b}^ the withdrawal of the complaint by the person offended. Actions which arise from a crime or misdemeanor which can only be prosecuted at the instance of a party, and civil actions, whatever be the crime or misdemeanor involved, are extinguished for this cause. Art. 107. The abandonment of the civil action or of a criminal action which can be abandoned shall only prejudice the person who abandons it; the other persons interested in the cause being permitted to continue the criminal action in the state it was, or institute a new one. person in Title VIII, Book II (parricide, assassination, homicide, infanticide, abor- tion, injuries inflicted with violence, and dueling), bul the law refers to a state when the act off ends a person related to the guilty person, which may be prosecuted at the instance of the person injured, even though the crime he an outrage. {M. | J In compliance with the provisions of article lo7 of the Penal Code in force in the islands of Cuha and Porto Rico, the prosecuting officials are obliged to bring a crimi- nal action in the crimes of abduction and adultery referred to therein. 18473—01 41 Art. 108. La accion civil ha de entablarse juntamente con la penal por el ministerio fiscal, haya 6 no en el proceso acusador particular; pero si el ofendido renunciare expresamente bu derechode restitucion, reparacion 6 indemnizacion, el ministerio fiscal so limitara a pedir el castigo de los culpables. Art. 109. En el acto de recibirse declaraci6n al ofendido que tuviese la capacidad legal aecesaria, se le instruira del derecho que le asiste para mostrarse parte en el proceso y renunciar 6 do a la restitu- tion de la cosa, reparacion del dano e* indemnizacion del perjuicio causado por el hecho punible. 1 Si no tuviese capacidad legal, se practicara igual diligencia con bu representante. Fuera de los casos previstos en los dos parrafos anteriores, qo Be hara a los interesados en las acciones civilea 6 penales notification alguna que prolongue 6 detenga el curso de la causa, lo cual no obsta para que el juez procure instruir de aquel derecho al ofendido ausente. Art. 110. Los perjudicados por an delito 6 falta que no hubieren renunciado su derecho podran mostrarse parte en la causa, si lo hicic- ren antes del tnimite de calificacion del delito, y ejercitar las acciones civiles y penales que procedan, 6 solamente anas u otras, Begun les con- viniere, sin que por ello so retroeeda en el curso de las actuaciones. Aun cuando los perjudicados no se muestreu parti' en la causa, no por esto so entiende que renuncian al derecho de restitution, repara- cion 6 indemnizacion que a sn favor pueda acordarse en senteneia firme; siendo menester (pie la renuncia de este derecho se haga en su caso do una manera expresa y terminante. Art. 111. Las acciones (pie nacen de un delito 6 falta podran ejer- citarse junta 6 separadamente; pero mientras estuviese pendiente la accion penal, no se ejercitara la civil con separation hasta que aquella hayasido resuelta en senteneia 6rme, salvo siempre lo dispuestoen los articulos 4°, 5° y 6° de este codigo. Art. 11^. Ejercitada solo la accion penal, se entendera" utilizada tanil.ien la civil, a no serque danado 6 perjudicado la renunciase 6 la reservase expresamente para ejercitarla despues de terminado el juicio criminal si a ello hubiere lugar. Si se ejercitase solo la civil que nace de un delito de los que no pue- den perseguirse Bino en virtu d de querella particular, se considerara* extinguida desde Luego la accion penal. Aki. II:;. Podran ejercitarse expresamente las do- acciones por una niisnia persona 6 por varias; pero siempre que scan do-- o mas las 1 La obllgaci6n de instruirde bu derecho a* loa interesados en la causa, nosolo .«<• establece ;i favor 'If l<>s perjudicados i»>r el delito, sine- en beneflcio de loa presuntoi culpablee, conforme al artfeulo 2°. 41 Art. 108. The civil action must be brought jointly with the crimi- nal action by the prosecuting official, whether there be a private accuser or not in the cause; but if the person offended shall expressly renounce his right to restitution, repair, or indemnity, the prosecuting official shall confine himself to requesting the punishment of the guilty parties. Art. 109. As soon as the declaration of an offended party having the necessary legal capacity has been received, he shall be informed of his rights to become a party to the action and to renounce or not the restitution of the thing, repair of the damage, and indemnity for the loss caused by the punishable act. 1 Should he not have the legal capacity, the same information shall be communicated to his representative. Aside from the cases provided for in the two foregoing paragraphs, no notice shall be served upon the parties interested in civil or crim- inal actions which shall prolong or delay the course of the cause, which, however, is not an obstacle to the judge informing the absent person offended of his rights. Art. 110. Those prejudiced by a crime or misdemeanor who shall not have renounced their rights may enter an appearance in the cause, should they do so before the classification of the crime, and exercise the proper civil and criminal actions, or either, as they may desire, without, however, causing any retrogression in the course of the proceedings. Even if the persons prejudiced do not enter an appearance in the cause, it shall not be understood that they thereby renounce the right to restitution, repair, or indemnity which may be granted them by final sentence, it being necessary that the renunciation of this right be made in a proper case in an express and positive manner. Art. 111. The actions which arise from a crime or misdemeanor may be instituted jointly or separately ; but during the pendency of the criminal action the civil action can not be brought separately until the former has been decided by a final sentence, excepting always the provisions of articles 1, 5, and 6 of this code. Art. 112. If the criminal action only is instituted, it shall be under- stood that a civil action may also be brought, unless the person injured or prejudiced renounces the same or expressly reserves the right to institute it after the conclusion of the criminal action, if necessary. If only the civil action arising from a crime which can be prosecuted only on a private complaint is instituted, the criminal action shall thereby be considered as extinguished. Art. 113. The two actions may be expressly instituted by the same or by different persons; but should the actions derived from a crime or l The obligation of informing the parties to a cause of their right is established not only with regard to those injured by the crime hut also in favor of the presumed criminals, according to article 2. 42 personas por quienes Be utiliceu las acciones derivadaa de an delito 6 falta. lo verificar&n en un solo proceso, y si fuere posible bajo una misma direcci6n y representaci6n a juicio del tribunal. Art. 114. Promovido juicio criminal en averiguaci6n de un delito 6 falta, no podra* Beguirse pl«Mt<> sobre el mismo hecho; suspendiendole, si le hubiese, en el estado en que se hallare, uasta que recaiga senten- cia tirme on la causa criminal. No sera neccsario para el ejercicio de la accion penal que haya pre- cedido el de la civil originada del mismo delito 6 falta. Lo dispucsto en este entiende sin perjuicio de 1<> estable- cido en el capftulo II, titulo I de este libro respecto a las cuestiones prejudiciales. Art. 115. La accion penal se extingue por la muerte del culpable; pero en este caso subsiste la civil contra bus herederos y causahabientes, que solo podra cjercitarse ante la jurisdiccion y por la \ia de lo civil. 1 Art. 116. La extincion de la accion penal no llcva consigo la de la civil, a no ser que la extincion procede de haberse declarado por sen- tencia tirme que no existio el hecho de que la civil hubiese podido nacer. En los demas casos, la persona a quien corresponds la acci6n civil podra ejercitarla ante la jurisdiccion y por la via de lo civil que pro- ceda contra <|uien cstuviere obligado a la rest ituc ion de la cosa, repara- cion del dano 6 indemnizacion del perjuicio sufrido. Art. 117. La extincion de la accion civil tampoco lleva consigo la de la penal que uazca del mismo delito 6 falta. La sentencia firme absolutoria dictada en el pleito promovido por el ejercicio de la accion civil no sera ohstaeulo para el ejercicio de la accion penal correspondiente. Lo dispucsto en este articulo se entiende sin perjuicio de 1<> que establece el capftulo II del titulo I de este libro, y los articulos 1»»<>, 107, 1 in y pdrrafo see-undo del 112. 1 Este artfeulo es sustancia] repetici6ii de Lob L25 y i:>l', ndm. L°del oodigo penal. 42 misdemeanor be instituted by two or more persons, they shall do so in one proceeding, and if possible with the same counsel, in the discretion of the court. Art. 114. 1( a criminal action i- brought t<> investigate a crime or misdemeanor, a suit can not be prosecuted in the same; the proceeding being suspended, should any be pending, in the state in which it may be, until final sentence has been pronounced in the criminal cause. It shall not be necessary for the institution of the criminal action that it shall have been preceded by the civil action arising from the same crime or misdemeanor. The provisions of this article shall be understood without prejudice to those of Chapter II, Title I, of thi- book, with reference to pre- liminary questions. Art. 115. A criminal action is extinguished by the death of the culprit; but in such case a civil action still lies against his heirs and successors in right, which can only be brought in a civil court and through civil channels. 1 Art. 116. The extinction of the criminal action does not carry with it the extinction of the civil action, unless the extinction be caused by a final sentence declaring that the act on which a civil action might be based did not exist. In other cases the person having a right of civil action ma}' insti- tute before the civil jurisdiction, and through the proper civil channels, an action against the person who may be obliged to restore the thing, to repair the damage, or indemnify the losses suffered. Art. 117. Nor does the extinction of the civil action extinguish the criminal action resulting from the same crime or misdemeanor. A final judgment absolving from liability rendered in the suit brought by the exercise of the right of civil action, shall not bar the exercise of the proper right of criminal action. The provisions of this article are to be understood without preju- dice to the provisions of Chapter II, Title I, of this book, and of articles 106, 107, 110, and the second paragraph of article 112. 1 This article is substantially a repetition of articles 125 ami 132, subd. 1, of the Penal Code. TfTULO V. DEL DERECHO DE DEFENSA Y DEL BENEFICIO DE POBREZA EN LOS JUICIOS CRIMINALES. Art. L18. Los procesadoa deberan ser representados por procurador v defendidos por letrado, que pueden nombrar desdc que Be les notifi- que el auto de procesamiento. Si no loa nombraren por si mismos 6 no tuvieren aptitud legal para verificarlo, so lea designani de oficio cuando lo solicitaren. Si el procesado no hubiese designado procu- rador 6 letrado, se lc requerini para que lo verifique, 6 se Le tiombrarfi de oficio, si requerido no lo.s nombrase, cuando la causa lleguea estado en que necesite el consejo de aquellos 6 baya de intentar algun recurso que hiciere indispensable su intervencion. 1 Art. 119. Los perjudicados por el hecho punible 6 sua herederos que I'm rcn parte en el juicio, si estuviesen habilitados para defenderse como pobres, tendran tambien derecho a que se les nombre de oficio procu- rador y abogado, para su representaci6n y defensa. Art. 120. Los abogados :i quienes corresponds la defensa 4c pobres no pod ran excusarse de ella sin un motivo personal y justo, que califi- caran Begun su prudente arbitrio los decanos de los colegios domic los hubiese, y en su defecto el juez 6 tribunal en que hubieren de hacerse las defensas. AjRT. 121. Todos los que scan parte en una causa, si no estuviesen declarados pobres, tendran obligaci6n de satisfacer los derechos de Los procuradores que les representen, los honorarios de los abogados • pie les defiendan, los de los peritos (pie informen :i su instancia y las indemnizacionea de los testigos que presentaren, cuando los peritos y testigos al declarar hubiesen formulado su reclamaci6n y el juez 6 tribunal la estimaren. Ni durante la causa ni despu6s de terminada tendran obligation de satisl'accr las demas costas procesales, a no ser que :i ello I'ucren con denados. 1 Loa abogados estan obligados .i defender :i loa pobrea [mpuesta a* an :i t »« >?_rm l« » la correcci6n discipUnaria para que estan autorizados losjuzgadosy tribunales, resistien- e represented by a solicitor and defended by an attorney, whom they may appoint as soon as they are notified of the indictment. It' they do not designate them themselves or should they not have the legal power to do so, they shall be appointed ,,/• officio, upon their request. If the accused should not have desig- nated a solicitor or attorney, he shall be required to do so or they shall be appointed ex officio, if they should not have been appointed by him when the cause reaches a stage where he needs their counsel or some step should be taken wherein their intervention is necessary. 1 Art. 119. The persons injured by the punishable act, or their heirs, who ma}' be parties to the action, if they have been declared as enti- tled to defense m forma pauperis, shall also have the right to have a solicitor and attorney appointed ex officio to represent and defend them. Art. 120. The attorneys whose duty it is to defend the poor can not excuse themselves therefrom, except for a personal and just cause, which shall be passed upon according to the prudent judgment by the deans of the college, where there is such, and in their absence by the judge or court before which the defense is to be made. * Art. 121. All parties to a cause, if not declared poor persons, shall be obliged to pay the fees of the solicitors who represent them, of the attorneys who defend them, of the experts testifying in their behalf, and of the witnesses which they present, if the experts and witnesses at tin- time of testifying shall have filed their claim and the judge or court shall have allowed it. Neither during the cause nor after its termination shall they be obliged to pay the other costs of the proceedings, unless adjudged to pay them. 1 Attorneys are obliged to defend poor persons. A disciplinary penalty having been imposed upon an attorney, for which superior and inferior courts have author- ity, as he still refused to acoepl tin- defense of a poor person when it was his turn to doso, he was tried and convicted as guilty of grave disobedience, in accordance with the provisions of article 2(>5 of the Penal Code, and upon taking an appeal for annul- ment of judgment it was disallowed, it being held that said article had not been vio- lated. (Decision of March 7, 1887.) 46 4 4 El procurador que nombrado porlos que fueren parte en una causa, haya aceptado bu representaci6n, tendra obligaci6o de pagar los bonora- rios a los letrados de que Be valiesen los clientea para bu defensa. Los que bubiesen eido declarados pobres pod ran valerse de abogado de bu elecci6n; pero en este caso estaran obligados a abonarles bus honorarios, como se dispone respecto de los que n<> est£n declarados pobres. Art. L22. Se usara papel de oficio en loa judicios Bobre faltas y en las causas criminales, sin perjuicio del correspondiente reintegro si hubiere condenacion de costas. Art. 123. Solo podran ser babilitados como pobres: 1°. Los que vivan de un jornal 6 salario eventual. 2°. Los que vivan solo de un salario permanente, 6 de un sueldo, cualquiera que sea su proeedencia, que no exceda del doble jornal de un bracero en la localidad donde tengan su residencia habitual. 3°. Los que vivan solo de rentas, cultivo de tierras 6 eria de gana- dos, cuyos productos esteu graduados en una suma que n«> exceda acreedores, se aplicardn al pago de las costas que deba satisfacer el defendido como pobre. 1 ' Este artfeulo debe entenderse Bubordinado al L25, j . por Lo tanto, procede denegai el beneficio si la sala deduce s Bignoa visiblee <1«- riqueza que »■! que le pretende tiene medios Buperiores al doble jornal de un bracero. S nh nciaa del Tribunal Suprt um 18 Febrero 1870; SI Didembn 1877; 9£ Sepliembre, 18 y 91 Noviembri 1879; 10 Bnero, 99 tfarzoy 94 Junto 1880; 11 Febrero 1881; 16 Diciembrt 1888 y otras. intra la rentencia que concede ;i on Litigante el beneficio de pobreaa no |>n>- cede el recurao de caaaci6n. Sentencia d* 10 Mayo 1881. (c) Tambien debe declararse pobre & La persona l' whose services their clients avail themselves for their defense. Those who have been declared poor persons may select their own attorney, but in such case they shall be obliged to pay his fees, as is provided with regard to those who are not declared poor persons. Am. L22. Official stamped paper shall be employed in trials for misdemeanors and in criminal causes, without prejudice to the proper payment therefor, should there be an adjudgment upon costs. Art. 123. Only the following can be permitted to prosecute and defend as pool' persons: 1. Those who depend for a living upon an uncertain wage or salaiw. 2. Those who depend for a living upon a permanent salary or wage, from whatsoever source derived, which does not exceed double that received by a laborer in the locality of his habitual residence. :!. Those who depend for a living solely upon rents, farming, or stock raising, the proceeds of which do not exceed the wages of two laborers in the place of their habitual residence. 4. Those who gain their livelihood solely through the exercise of an industry or from the product of an} 7 commerce on which they pay a tax lower than that fixed in the following scale: In the city of Havana, 150 pesetas. In the capitals of the other provinces of the island of Cuba, 100 pesetas. In the capital of the island of Porto Rico, 100 pesetas. Jn the seats of the judicial districts of the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, 50 peseta-. In the other towns of both islands, 25 pesetas. 5. Such persons whose entire property has been attached, or who have made a judicial assignment thereof to their creditors, and who are not engaged in any industry, trade, or profession. In such cases, if any property shall remain after the creditors have been paid, it shall be applied to the payment of the costs incurred at the instance of the debtor defended as a poor person. 1 1 (a) This article must be understood as subordinated to article 125, and therefore it i- proper to refuse the benefit if the court shall deduce from visible signs of wealth that the applicant lias means which exceed double the wages of a laborer. — Decisions of ih, Supreme Court of February 18, 1870; September 22, November 18 and 21, 1879; January 10, March 29, er day, left him by will 15 Akt. 1^4. Cuando alguno reuniere dos 6 mas medios de vivir de los designados en el articulo anterior, el tribunal apreciara' los rendimien- fcos de todos elloSj y do otorgara* la defensa por pobre si reunidoe exoe- dieren de los bipos senalados en el articulo precedente. Akt. L25. No 86 otorgara" la defensa por pobre a lofl eoinprendidos en eualquiera de los casos expresados en el art. L23, cuando a juicio del tribunal se infiera del niimero de criados que tengan ;i bu servicio, del alquiler de la casa que babiten 6 de otroa cualesquiera signos exte- riores que tienen medios superiores al jornal doble de un braoero en eada Localidad. Art. 126. Tampoco se otorgara" la defensa por pobre al litiganteque disfrute una renta que unida a la de su consorte 6 al producto de los bienes de sus hijos euvo usufructo le corresponda, eonstituyan aeuinu- pensi6n de 20 reales diarios, que Be la dej6 en testamento para ella y sus tree hijos. — Sentencia 25 Octubre 1880. ( <\t- la lej de enjuiciamiento ci\ 11, para pretender los beneficios de los artfculos 18 j 14 dels misma & ntencia l ', Octubre 1886. I." propio sucede cuando Be encuentran bipotecados 6 dados en garantla. SenU ncia 18 Septiembre I 45 Art. 124. If a person 1ms two or more of the means of livelihood mentioned in the foregoing article, the courl shall include all of them in the computation of the income, and permission t<> prosecute ami defend as a poor person shall not be granted him if the total thereof exceeds the amounts fixed in the foregoing article. Akt. L25. Permission to prosecute and defend as a poor person shall not be granted to a person in any of the case- mentioned in article L2o when in the judgment of the court it i< inferred from the number of domestics in his service, the rent of his residence, or from an}* other visible signs that his means exceed an amount equal to twice the wages of a laborer in his respective locality. Art. 126. Neither shall permission to prosecute and defend i/n forma paujh ris be granted to a litigant who enjoys an income which, added to that of his spouse, or to the proceeds from the property of his children, for himself and his three children, must lit- granted this right. — Decision of October 25, 18S0. (d) In order to decide whether the person requesting permission to prosecute or defend as a poor person who has acted in his own name is entitled thereto <>r not, the tax which he pays as the manager of an association can not be taken into con- sideration. — Decision of September 9, 1882. (e) The refusal to grant the benefit can not be based on the fact that the person interested should pay an industrial tax of 40 pesetas per annum, although he does not do so, the courts being obliged to consider only whether the tax is or is not paid without being allowed to declare that it should or sin mid not be paid, which is a matter of the exclusive jurisdiction of the administration. — Derision of October 31, 1884. (/) The habitual residence referred to in article 15 of the Law of Civil Procedure, for the purposes of the benefit of poverty, must be that which the person interested has at the time he requests said benefit, and not the place where he may have resided for a longer period in former times. — Decision of May SO, 1SS3. [fj) All litigants shall be considered wealthy until they prove the contrary. — Derision of Novi mber 12, 1883. (h) It is incumbent p.pon the litigant to prove the amount of the wages of a laborer in his locality. — Derision of June S, 1887. (*) The children born of a first marriage of a woman whose husband is wealthy are entitled to the benefit of poverty, because the conjugal property of the second marriage is not liable for the litigation instituted in the interest of the issue of the first marriage. — Derision of Aprjl 18, 1893. (j) The benefit of poverty is individual and does not extend, therefore, to any collectivity, such as industrial and commercial associations, unless each and every one of their members prove that they are poor. — Derisions of April 15, 1879; .Turn S, 1880, and July 9, 1881. (k) A person who is deprived of his property by virtue of a judicial attachment, and retains the products and rent thereof, can not allege that "// his property is attached, as required by number •"> of article L5 of the Law of Civil Procedure, for the purpose of securing the benefits of article 1.'! and 14 thereof. — Derision of October 14, 1886. The same is the case when the property is mortgaged or given as security. — Decision of September 18, 1866. 46 ladas una suma equivalente :il jorna] de tree braceros en el lugar domic tenga la familia bu residencia habitual. 1 Art. 127. Cuando litigaren unidos varios que individualmente fcen- gan derecho a ser defendittos por pobres, se Lea habilitarf como (ales aun cuando los productos reunidos de los modos de vivir de todoa alios cxcedieren de los tipos que quedan sefialados. Art. 128. La declaracion de pobreza se solicitarf ante el juez 6 tri- bunal que estuviere conociendo de la causa. L<>- auto- de Los jueces de instrucci6n resolviendo estos incidentea son apelables ante el re- spectivo superior jerarquico. Art. 121). La sustanciacion de la solicitud de pobreza se barf en pic/a separada, acomodandose a los tr&mites establecidos para l<»s in- cidentes de esta clase por la ley i) Cuando el padre es rico nopuede concederse al bijo pobre que esta* bajo >u potestad el beneficio de pobreza para Litigar con on tercero, porque si bien el derecho de ser defendido como pobre es personal, este principio noexcluye La aecesidadde temi in em nia la< circunstancias que concurren en casos especiales, como, cuando se trata de personas cuyos derechos sen Lnseperables de Los / February t6, 1876. A decision of September 21, 1888, repeats the doctrine that the benefit can not be granted to a wealthy father, in a legal sense, to appear in an action in the name of his poor children, because the duty to defend the property of the children in court is inherent to the parental authority. 47 Tambien se habilitara al que hubiese obtenido declaration de inaol- vcncia, sin perjuicio de la oposicion que el ininisterio fiscal y la otra parte puedan deducir. Fornmlizada oposici6n, Be sustanciara* en pieza separada el incidente com arreglo a lo dispuesto en el artfculo anterior. Art. 131. El queentablare la pretensi6n de pobreza tendra derecho a que desde Luego Be le otorguen Los beneficios Legalea de la misma sin perjuicio de lo que definitivamente Be rcsuelva. Akt. 132. Cuando fuere el acusador particular quien promueva la pretension, se sustanciara el incidente con citacion y audiencia del pro- cesado, si ya le hubiese y no estuviera en rebeldia. Akt. 133. La pretension de pobreza entablada por el procesado Be sustanciara con citacion y audiencia del quercllante particular y actor civil, si los hubiese. Art. 134. El ministerio fiscal sera parte en todos los incidentes de pobreza. Art. 135. El procesado a quien no se haya citado ni oido en el inci- dente de pobreza del quercllante podni impugnar en cualquiei estado de la causa la habilitacion que a favor de este se hubiese decretado. Art. 136. El que no hubiese sido declarado pobre durante el suma- rio, hayalo 6 no solicitado, podra scrlo durante el juicio oral si justifi- care que con posterioridad ha quedado comprendido en alguno de los casos del art. 123. Lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior sera aplicable al que para seguir el recurso de casacion pretendiere ante el Tribunal Supremo la decla- racion de pobreza que le hubiese sido negttdo durante el curso de la causa, 6 al que hasta entonces no hubiese presentado la solieitud. Siempre que se deniegue la declaraci6n de pobreza, se condenara* en costas al que la hubiese solicitado. Art. 137. Contra la sentencia definitiva del tribunal de lo criminal que resuelva negativamente el incidente de pobreza procedera solo el recurso de casacion. Art. 138. El declarado pobre noestara obligado a pagar sua respect] vos honorarios y derechos al abogado y procurador « i m* le hubiesen defendido y representado de « > t i * - i * > . ni tampoco los honorarios e indem oizaciones correspondientes :i los peritos \ testigos oitados :i bu instancia. Art. L39. La declaraci6n de pobreza no eximird :i quien la obtenga de la obligaci6n /■/*, only an appeal lies for annulment of judgment. Art. 138. A person declared poor is not obliged to pay the respec- tive salaries and fees of the attorney and solicitor who may have defended and represented him ex officio, nor the fees and indemnities of the experts and witnesses cited at his instance. Art. 139. The declaration of poverty shall not exempt the person securing the same from the obligation of paying the cost- taxed against him. if property be found on which to levy therefor. Art. 110. A person declared poor must pay the fees, charges, and indemnities referred to in article 138: 1. Whenever it be proven by those entitled thereto that dining the 48 durante la causa Be encontraba el declarado pobre en alguno de loe casoe en que no deben otorgarse loe beneficios de la defensa eo este concepto. 2°. Siempre que por el resultado de la causa percibiere algnna cantidad. Ed este caso sera destinada proporcionalmente la tercera parte de 1<> percibido al pago de las expresadas atenciones. 3°. Si dentro de tres anos despues de fenecida la causa viniere ;i mejor fortuna el que llegare a alguna de las situaciones ;i s juzga- dos y tribunales se denominaran — Providencias, cuando sean de mera tramitacion. Autos, cuando decidan incidentes 6 puntos esencialea que afectan dc ana manera directa a los procesados, acusadores particularea 6 actores civiles; cuando decidan la competencia del juzgado 6 tribunal, hi pro- cedencia 6 improcedencia de la recusacion, la reposicion de alguna providencia. la denegacion de la reposicion, la prision y soltura, la admision 6 denegacion de prueba 6 del beneficio de pobreza, y tinal- mente Ids demas que segun las leyes deben fundarse. /Sentencias, cuando decidan definitivamente La cuesti6n criminaL Sentencias jvrmes, cuando no quepa contra ellos recurso alguno ordi- nario ni extraordinario, salvo los de revision y rehabilitacion. Llainase ejecutoria el documento publico y solemne en que Be oon- signa una sentencia firme. La formula de las providetifios sc liniitara a la resoluci6n del juez 6 tribunal, Bin mas adiciones que La fecha en que &e acuerde, la rubrics del juez 6 del presidents del tribunal y la firms del Becretario. Los nit/ os se redaetanin f undandolos en Heaultcmdosy Considerondos^ concretoa y limitados unos y otroa a la cuesti6n que Be decida. 1 Art. 112. Las sentencias *^ redactaran con sujeoi6n :i Laa reglas siguientea: L a . Sc principiara" expreaando el lugar y la fecha en que sedictaren, los bechoa que bubieren dado lugar :i la formaci6n de la causa, loo aombrea y apellidoa de los actorea particularea, si Los bubiere, \ de los procesados, los Bobrenombres 6 apodoa con que scan oonocidos, bu edad, estado, oaturaleza, domicilio, oficio 6 profesi6n, \ en su defecto todas las demas circunstancias con que bubieron figurado en La causa, y ademas el nombre y apellido del magistrado ponente. 1 La . .n i i-i.'.u de eeta f6rmula no motiva la casaci6n por infracci6n • !<• lej l : AbrU, 1880, 19 TITLE VI. FORM IN WHICH ORDERS, RULINGS, AND DECISIONS SHALL BE MADE, AND MANNER OF ADJUSTING DISAGREEMENTS. CHAPTER FIRST. FORM IN WHICH ORDERS, RULINGS, AND DECISIONS SHALL BE MADE. Art. 141. The resolutions of superior and inferior courts in matters of a judicial character shall be called: Providendas, when they are of mere practice. Auf<>s (rulings), when deciding incidental issues or essential points which affect in a direct manner the accused, the private complainants, or parties to the civil actions; when they decide the jurisdiction of the superior or inferior court, the sustaining or overruling of chal- lenges, the reversal of some order, the refusal to reverse an order, imprisonment or liberation, the admission or rejection of evidence, or of the benefits of poverty, and, finally, all others which according to law must set forth the reasons therefor. Senteneias (decisions), when they definitely decide the criminal ques- tion. Senteneias firines (final decisions), if there be no ordinary or extraor- dinaiy remedy against the same, except review and discharge. Ejecutoria, the public and formal instrument in which a final deci- sion is entered for enforcement. The form for providencias shall be limited to the resolution of the judge or court without additions other than the date thereof, the rubric of the judge or presiding justice of the court, and the signature of the secretary. The autos shall be based upon Resultandos and Considerandos, both concrete and confined to the question decided. 1 Art. 142. Decisions shall be prepared subject to the following rules : 1. They shall begin by stating the place at and date on which ren- dered; the facts which gave rise to the formation of the cause; the names and surnames of the private complainants, should there be any, and of the accused; the titles and nicknames by which they are known; their age, conjugal condition, nativity, domicile, trade or profession, and, in the absence thereof, all the other matters by which they may have figured in the cause, and also the name and surname of the justice te. l The omission of this formula, can not Berve as a basis for annulment on account of a breach of law. {Decision of April 12, 1880. 1 49 50 2 a . Se consignaran en Besultcmdoa nnmerados loa hechos que estu- vieren enlazados con las cuestiones que hayan de resolverse en el fullo. haciendo declaraeion express y tenninante de los que se estimen probados. 1 3 a . Se consignaran las conclusiones definitives de la arusarion y de la defensa y la que en su easo hubiese propuesto el tribunal, en virtud de lo dispuesto <'n el articulo 733. 4 a . Se consignaran tambien en parrafos Diimerados, que empezaran con la palabra ('oiixldt-raiido— Primero. Los fun dame ntos doctrinales y legales de la calitieacion do los hechos que se hubiesen estimado probados. Segundo. Los fundamentos doctrinales y legates determinantes de la participacion que en los referidos hechos hubiese tenido cada uno de los procesados. 1 Expliviiciun ilt ■Ins resultandos por los considerandos. — Si la relation de los hechofl probados es defeetuosa, procede aceptar la explication que de los inismos se haga en los considerandos, para no sacrificar la realidad a una falta de pura forma. (Senten- cia 28 Abril, 1884, V 17 Nomembre, 1886.) Pero este criterio de tolerancia no es aptica- hle a las sentencias en que se impone la pena de muerte y que deben ser casadas por quebrantamiento de forma, confonne al articulo 912, numero 1°, euando no contienen en los resultandos los hechos constitutivos del delito y la precisa declaraeion oth of the accusation and of the defense shall be stated, as also, in a proper case, any proposal made by the court, in pursuance of the provisions of article !?>?>. 4. Also in numbered paragraphs, whieh shall begin with the word Considercmdo^ shall be stated: First. The points of law and legal principles relating to the classi- fication of the acts which are considered proved. Second. The points of law and legal principles relating to the par- ticipation in said acts of each of the accused. 1 Explanation of the resultandos by the considerandos. — If the statement of the true facts is defective the explanation of the same made in the considerandos should he accepted in order not to sacrifice truth to a breach of mere form. (Decisions of April 28, 1884, and November 17, 1886.) But this broad interpretation does not apply to sentences imposing the penalty of death and which must be annulled for breach of form in accordance with subdivision 1 of article 912, when they do not con- tain in the resultandos the acts which constitute the crime and a specific statement of their being proved. (Decisions of June 25, 1885, April 2, 1886, June 20 and July 5, 1888. ) ( 'oiitnidiftiiiii between the facts according to tin 1 .statements in the resultandos and con- siderandos. — This must be decided in favor of the resultandos. ( Decision of February 1, 1887.) Affirmation of the crime having f/een committed without stating the acts constituting it. — It is not sufficient to affirm in a decision that a crime or misdemeanor has been com- mitted if it be not previously determined in what the voluntary action <>r omission consisted which has been the subject-matter of the action, because an appeal for annulment of judgment for a breach of law being nothing but the arguments which the parties may present in this chamber with regard to the injuries which, in their opinion, they have suffered in the decision appealed from, on account of an erroneous juridical classification of the proved facts and an incorrect application of the penal law, any contest and proper decision of the legal classification of facts omitted which should have been included in the sentence as an unalterable premise is rendered legally impossible, from which the juridical element of the former must be derived, that is to say the considerandos and the practical application of the law contained in the decision. (JJecision of February 18, 1889.) The phrase " Hecho probado," with which a resultando closes can not be under- stood as referring exclusively to the last item stated in the same, nor to any of the others, but to the substantial aggregation of all which are stated in the resultando, and known to have reference to each other. ( Decision of April 5, 1884. ) An annulment of judgment does not lie when there is no declaration of the acts being proved in the resultandos, when such statement is contained in the conside- randos. (Decision of December 7, 1887.) The declaration of proved acts in a sentence, according to the provisions of this paragraph, is not of all those which the parties believe should require such statement, but only of those which, in the judgment of the sentencing chamber, constitute the crime and are connected with the questions to be decided in the sentence. ( Decision of March ?6, 1886. ) 51 Tercero. Los hmdamentos doctrinales y legates de la calificaci6D de las circunstancias atenuantes, agravantes 6 eximentes <1«' responsa- bilidad criminal en caso de baber concurrido. Cua/rto. Lo< fundamentos doctrinales y Legates u presi dente, y donde la planta fuese menor de cinco magistrados, con Los magistrados suplentes, y ;i falta de estos con Los magistrados de la audiencia de lo criminal mis proxima que por turno designe el presi dente de la del territorio :i que ambas pertene/.can. de quien liabra de Bolicitarlo con la anticipaci6n debida el de la -ii la ><-n- tencia < j m- la sala diet* como termino del juicio ora] :'>. Art. 150. La discusion y votaci6n de las sentencias se verificara" en todos los tribunalea :i puerta cerrada, y antes 6 despues de las boras senaladas para el despacho ordinario. Art. 151. Discutida la sentencia propuesta por el ponente. votara este primero, y despues de el losdemas magistrados por orden inverso de mi ;mt iguedad. Aim. lei'. Cuando la importancia de la discusi6n lo exija. deberl el que presida hacer un breve resumen de ella antes de la votaci6n. Am. L58. Las providencias, Los autos y las sentencias se dictaran por Vease en el ^pendice l. la Orden No. 88, •!«• Mayo 26 .1.- L899 52 cia where the case occurs. For orders of mere practice in any of these courts, two justices shall be sufficient, if they agree. Art. L46. In every cause there shall be one justice ponerde. The associate justices of the court, excepting the presiding justice, shall take turns in this duty. 'When the courts <>r chambers are composed of but one chief justice and two associate justice-, the former shall also take his turn as pom ntt every fifth time. Art. 147. It shall be the duty of the ponenin : 1. To advise the court of the petitions of the parties. 2. To examine everything relative to the evidence offered and advise the court whether it is pertinent or not. 3. To take the depositions of the witnesses and any other evidence when, according to law. the same can not or should not he taken before the court ordering the same, or if taken without the town where the court is sitting, and when judges of examination or municipal judges are not commissioned to take them. 4. To propose the rulings and decisions, which are to he submitted for discussion by the court, and to finally draft them in the terms agreed upon. If theponente does not agree with the vote of the majority, another justice shall be charged with the preparation of the decision; but in such case the ponerde must prepare a dissenting opinion. 1 5. To read the decision in open court. Art. 148. If for any reason it is impossible to decide a case on the proper day, this fact shall not be an obstacle to other cases being decided which may have been heard subsequently, without, however, altering the order more than is absolutely necessary. Art. 149. Immediately after the conclusion of the oral trial or on the following day before the hour for public business, the court shall discuss and vote upon all questions of fact and law, which may have been the subject matter of the trial. The decision approved shall be prepared and signed within the period fixed in article 203. Akt. 150. The discussion and voting for decisions shall be held in all courts behind closed doors, before or after the hours designated for the ordinary dispatch of business. Art. 151. After the decision proposed by the ponerde has been dis- cussed, he shall vote first, and afterwards the other justices in the inverse order of their seniority. Art. 152. When the importance of the decision so requires, the pre- siding justice shall make a brief resume of the same before the vote is taken. Art. 153. The orders, rulings, and decisions shall be made by an '(See in Appendix I, Order No. 63, May 25, 1899. 53 mayorfa absolute de votos, excepto en los casos en que la Ley exigiere expresamente mayor numero. Art. 154. Si despues de la vista y antes de la votacion algi'm magis- trado se iniposibilitare y no pudiere asistir al acto, dara bu voto fun- dado y tirmado y lo remitira direetamente al presidente. Si no pudiere escribir ni tirraar. Be valdra del seeretario. El voto as! emitido se oonservara" rubricado por el que presida en «'l libro de sentencias. Coando el magistrado no pudiere votar ni ado de este modo, Be raters* la causa por los no impedidos que hubiesen asistido ;i la vista, y si hubiere los necesarios para forniar mayoria, estos dicteran sentencia. Cuando no resulte mayoria, se estara a lo que la ley ordena respecto de las discordias. Art. 155. Cuando fuere trasladado, jubilado, separado 6 Buspenso algun magistrado, votara las causas a cuya vista bubiere asistido y que aun no se hubiesen fallado. Art. 156. Comenzada la votacion de una sentencia. no podia inte- rrumpirse sino por algun impedimento insuperable. Todo el que tome parte en la votacion de una provideneia. auto 6 sentencia, firmara lo acordado aunque hubiese disentido de la mayoria: pero podra en este caso salvar su voto, que se insertani eon bu tirnia al pie en el libro de votos reservados dentro de las veinticuatro hoi*as siguientes. 1 Art. 157. En las certificaciones 6 testinionios de sentencias que expidieren los tribunales nose insertaran los votos reservados; pero se remitiran al Tribunal Supremo, y se hanin publicos cuando Be inter- ponga y admita el recurso de casacion. Art. 158. Las sentencias se rirniaran por todos los magistrados no impedidos. Art. 159. En cada tribunal, sala 6 seccion de lo criminal se llevani un registro de sentencias, en el eual Be extendertin y tinnanin todas las definitivas. El registro expresado estara bajo la custodia de los respectiyofl pie sidentes. Ai:r. L60. Las sentencias detinitivas se leenin \ notitiearan a las partes y a bus procuradores en todo juioio oral el mismo dua en (pie se tiiinen. 6 a lo mas en el siguiente. Si por cualquier circunstancia 6 accidente no se encontrare :i las partes al ir 3 bacerles la Dotificaci6n, Be hadi oonstar por diligencia, y bastard en tal caso con la aotificaci6n beoba :i bus procuradores. Los autos que resuelvan inoidentes se notitiearan (uicamente :i los procuradores. 'Veaseenel apdndioe I. laOrden No. •;::, de25 Mayode 1899. 53 absolute majority of votes, except in Buch cases in which the law expressly requires a greater Dumber. Art. 164. If after the bearing and before the vote is taken, some justice shall become disabled and not be able to attend the voting, he shall give his signed vote with the reasons therefor, and shall forward it directly to the presiding justice. Should he be unable either to write or sign, he shall employ the clerk. The vote thus cast shall be preserved in the book of decisions by the presiding justice and rubricated by him. If a justice should lie unable to vote even in this manner, the voting in the cause shall be done by those who are not disabled and who may have attended the hearing, and should there be sufficient number to form a majority, they shall render the decision. If there be no majority the provisions of the law with regard to disagreements shall be observed. Art. 155. When any justice shall be transferred, retired, removed, or suspended, he shall vote upon the causes the hearing of which he may have attended and which have not as yet been decided. Art. 156. After the voting for a decision has commenced it can not be interrupted except by some insuperable cause. Everyone who takes part in the voting upon an order, ruling, or decision shall subscribe to what has been agreed to, even though he may have dissented from the majority; but in this case he may reserve his vote, which shall be inserted, with his signature at the foot thereof, in the book of reserved votes within the next twenty-four hours. 1 Art. 157. The certificates or transcripts of decisions issued by the courts shall not contain the reserved votes; but they shall be trans- mitted to the supreme court, and shall be made public when an appeal for annulment of judgment is interposed and allowed. Art. 158. Decisions shall be signed by all justices not disabled. Art. 159. In every criminal court, chamber, or section shall be kept a register of decisions, in which shall be entered and signed all final decisions. The said register shall be under the custody of the respective pre- siding justices. Art. 160. Final decision shall be read and served upon the parties and upon their solicitors in all oral trials the same day on which they are signed or not later than the following day. If for any reason or by any accident the parties can not be found when sought for service this fact shall be made a matter of record, and in such case the notice served upon their solicitors shall be sufficient. Decisions upon incidental issues shall be served upon the solicitors only. 1 Sec in Appendix I, <»nicr No. (W, May 25, 1899. 54 Art. 161. Los tribunales no podnin variar. despm's de firmadas, las sentencias que pronuncien; pero si aclarar algiin eoncepto oscuro, suplir oualquiera omision que contengan, 6 rectiticar algana equivoca- tion importante dentro del dia habil siguiente al de la notification. Estas aclaraciones podnin hacersede oticio 6 a instaocia de las partes 6 del ministerio fiscal. Art. 162. Los tribunales conservaran met6dicamente coleccionadaa las minutas de los autos que resuelvan incidentea y sentencias que dictaren, haciendo referenda en cada una en el asiento correspon- diente de los libros de autos y sentencias del tribunal. Las hojas de los libros de autos y de sentencias de Los tribunales estaran nurneradas y selladas, rubricandolas el presidents respectivo. CAPITULO II. DEL MODO DE DIRIMIR LAS DISCORDIAS. Art. 163. Cuando en la votacion de una sentencia detinitiva, auto 6 providencia no resultase mayoria de votos sobre cualquiera de los pronunciamientos de hecho 6 de derecho que deban hacerse 6 sobre la decision que haya de dictarse, volveran a discutirse y a votarse los puntos en que hayan disentido los votantes. Art. 164. Si en la siguiente votacion insistieren los discordantes en sus respectivos pareceres, se sometenin a nueva deliberacion tan solo los dos votos mas favorables al procesado y entre estos optaran preci- samente todos los votantes de modo que resulte aprobado cualqniera de ambos. En este caso pondran en lugar oportuno de la sentencia las siguientes palabras: Visto el remltado de la votacion, In >■ It y ^ mencionadoe vrotoe, y la discordia desaparece, la Bentencia absolutoria mi |iiicaj(» el eonoepto de que ao estime probadoe heohoi 1 de Mayo de 1886. 54 Art. 161. Courts can not amend their decisions after the same have been signed, but on the first legal day after the notice is served they may elucidate some obscure point, supply any omission, or correct any important mistake therein. These elucidations may be made ex officio or at the instance of the parties or of the public prosecutors. Art. 162. The courts shall preserve in methodical collections the drafts of rulings upon incidental issues and of decisions rendered, making - reference in each one in the proper entry to the book of rulings and decisions of the court. The leaves of the book of rulings and decisions of courts shall be numbered and sealed and rubricated by the respective presiding justice. CHAPTER II. MANNER OF ADJUSTING DISAGREEMENTS. Art. 163. If in voting upon a final decision, ruling, or order of mere practice there should not be a majority of votes upon any findings of fact or conclusions of law, or upon the decision to be rendered, the discussion and voting upon the points not agreed upon shall be repeated. Art. 164. If at the second voting those who disagree insist upon their opinion, only the two votes most favorable to the accused shall be subjected to another discussion, and one of these must be selected by all the voters so that one or the other be approved. In such case there shall be inserted in the decision at the proper place the following words: In view of the result of the voting, the law decides: ' The determination of what are the two opinions most favorable to the accused shall be made by a majority of votes. The provisions of this and of the foregoing articles do not apply to the case referred to in the second paragraph of article 153. Art. 165. In decisions rendered by the Supreme Court upon appeals for annulment of judgment or upon those for review there shall be no disagreement, the resultandos and considerandos which do not receive an absolute majority of votes being therefore rejected. 1 If a chamber be constituted of three justices, and one should vote for the acquittal of the prisoner for lack of proof, another for his conviction as an author of a frus- trated crime, and the other for his conviction also as the author of a consummated crime, if the latter should choose the first of these votes and the disagreement dis- appears, the decision of acquittal can not be appealed from for annulment upon the claim of itfl not considering acts proved which are such. {Decision of May 2, 18S5.) TfTULO VII. DE LAS NOTIFICACIONES, CITACIONES Y EMPLAZAMIENTOS. Art. 166. Las aotificaciones, citaciones y emplazamientos que Be practiquen fuera de lo.s estrados del juzgado 6 tribunal, se hanin ree- pectivamente por un alguacil 6 por un oficial de sala. Los que tuvieren lugar en los estrados se practicaran leyendo inte- gramente la resolucion a la persona a quien notifiquen, dandole en el aeto copia de ella, aunque no la pidiere, y haciendo nierito de uno y otro en la diligencia que se extienda, que suscribira el secretario u oficial de sala respectivamente. 1 Art. 167. Para la practica de las notificaciones, el secretario que interviniere en la causa extender;! una cedula, que contendra — 1°. La expresion del objeto de dicha causa y los nombres y apel lidos de los que en ella f ueren parte. 2°. La copia de la resolucion que hubiere de notLficarse. 3°. El nombre y apellido de la persona 6 personas que han de ser notificadas. 4°. La fecha en que la cedula se expidiere. 5°. La firma del secretario. Art. 168. Se haran constar en los autos, por nota sucinta, la expe- dicion de la cedula y el oficial de sala 6 alguacil a quien se encargare su complimiento. Art. 169. El que recibiere la cedula sacani y autori/ara con su firma tantas copias cuantas sean las personas a quienea hubiere de notificar. Art. 170. La notificacion consisting, en la lectura Integra de la reso- lucion que deba ser notificada, entregando la copia de la cedula :i quien se notifique y haciendo constar la entrega por diligencia sucinta al pie de la cedula original. Akt. 171. En la diligencia se anotara el dia v lima tie la entrega, y sera firmada por la persona ;i quien 6sta se hiciere y por el funcionario que practique la aotincaci6n. Si la persona a" quien se haga la entrega no supiere firmar, lo hani otra & su ruego; y si no quisiere, firmaran dos testigos buseadosal efecto. E8tos testigos no podr&D aegarse :i serlo, bajo la multa de 12.50 a 62.50 pcsdas. l Loe artfeuloa 207 y 209 determinan <-l t6nnino dentro >I<'1 coal « l«-t »«-n pmcticarae ••stiiH diligencias, y tratao de la aotiflcaci6ii '!<• l<>s autoa de priai6n v Boltura l<»s 601 v 517. TITLE VII. NOTIFICATIONS, CITATIONS, AND SUMMONSES. Art. 166. Notifications, citations, and summonses which are served beyond the limits of the court room or chamber, shall be respectively served by a bailiff or an officer of the chamber. Those within the court room shall be served by reading the entire order to the person in interest, giving him at the same time a copy thereof, even though he should not request it, and making an entry of both acts upon the record, which shall be subscribed, respectively, by the secretary or officer of the chamber. 1 Art. 167. For the service of notices the secretary acting in the cause shall prepare a writ which shall contain: 1. A statement of the object of said cause and the names and sur- names of the parties thereto. 2. A copy of the resolution which is to be served. 3. The name and surname of the person or persons upon whom notice is to be served. 4. The date on which the writ is issued. 5. The signature of the clerk. Art. 168. A brief note shall be made upon the record of the issue of the writ and the officer of chambers or bailiff charged with the service thereof. Art. 169. The person receiving the writ shall make and authenti- cate with his signature as many copies thereof as there are persons to be notified. Art. 170. Service shall consist of the reading of the entire order to be served, delivering the copy of the writ to the person notified, and making a brief entry of service at the foot of the original writ. Art. 171. The entry shall state the day and hour of service, and shall be signed by the person receiving the writ and by the official who executed the service. If the person receiving the writ does not know how to sign, another shall do so at his request; and if he does not wish to do so, two wit- nesses secured for the purpose shall sign. These witnesses can not refuse to sign under a fine of not less than 12.50 nor more than 62.50 pesetas. Articles 207 and 209 fix a period in which these proceedings must be had, and articles 501 and 517 relate to the notice of warrants of imprisonment and release. 55 56 Art. 172. Cuando ;i la primera diligencia en busca no fuere hallado en su habitation el que haya de ser notificado, cualquiera que fuere la causa y el tiempo de .su ausencia, se entregara* la cedula al pariente, familiar 6 criado, mayor de catorce anoe, que ee hullo en dicha babita- cion. Si no hubiere nadie, ae bara" la entrega a uno de los vecinos mas proximos. Art. 173. En hi diligencia de entrega se hara constar la obligaci6n del que recibiere la copia de la cedula de entregarla al que deba sot notificado inmediatamente que regrese a su domicilio, bajo la multa de de 12.50 a 125 pesetas si deja de entregarla. Art. 174. Cuando no se pueda practiear una ootificaci6n por haber cambiado de habitation el que deba ser notificado y do Ber posibleave- riguar la nueva, 6 por cualquiera otra causa, se hara constar en la cedula original. Art. 175. Las citacione.s y emplazainientos se practicaran en la forma establecida para las notiticaciones. con las siguientes diferencias: La cedula de citacion contendra — 1°. Expresion del juez 6 tribunal que hubiere dictado la resoluci6n, de la fecha de esta y de la causa en que haya recaido. 2°. Los nombres y apellidos de los que debieren ser citados y las senas de sus habitaciones; y si estas fuesen ignoradas, cualesquiera otras circunstancias por las que pueda descubrirse el lugar en que se hallaran. 3°. El objeto de la citacion. 1°. El lugar, dia y hora en que haya de concurrir el citado. 5°. La obligation, si la hubiere, de concurrir al primer llainaniiento bajo la multa de 12.50 a 125 pesetas; 6 si fuese ya el segundo el que se hiciere, la de concurrir bajo apercibimiento de ser procesado como reo del delito de denegaci6n de auxilio, previsto por el codigo pena] respecto de jurados, peritos v testigos. La cedula del emplazamiento contendra* los re<|iii>to^ 1 . 2° \ 3° anteriormente mencionados para la de la citacion. y ademas los siguientes: 1". El tt'rinino dentro del dial ha de eomparecer el cniplazado. 2°. El lugar en que haya de comparecer \ el juez 6 tribunal ante quien deba bacerlo. .'!". La prevenci6n de que, si no compareoiere, le para ran los perjui- Ci08 :i que hubiere lugar en derccho. Am. L76. Cuando el citado no comparezoa en el lugar, dia \ hora que Be le hubiesen sefSalado, el que haya practicado la citaci6n volveri a const it uirse en el domicilio de quien hubiese recibido la copia de la 56 Akt. 172. If the person to be notified should not be found at his dwelling on the first effort to do so, whatever be the cause or time of his absence, the writ shall he delivered to a relative, a member of his household, or a servant over 14 years of age who may be found at said dwelling. Should there be no one at the dwelling, the writ shall be delivered to one of the nearest neighbors. Art. 173. In the entry of service shall be stated the obligation of the person who receives a copy of the writ to deliver the same to the person to be notified upon his return to his dwelling, under a fine of not less than 12.50 or more than 125 pesetas should he fail to deliver it. Art. 171. Tf it be impossible to serve a notice, owing to a change of residence of the person to be notified, and it be impossible to dis- cover his new residence, or for any other reason, it shall be stated in the original writ. Art. 175. Service of citations and summonses shall be made in the manner prescribed for notifications, with the following differences: The writ of citation shall contain: 1. The name of the judge or court issuing the order, the date of the latter, and the matter on which it is based. 2. The names and surnames of the parties to be cited, the address of their dwellings; and, should they be unknown, any other data by which their whereabouts may be ascertained. 3. The purpose of the citation. 1. The place where and the day and hour when the person cited is to appear. 5. The obligation, should there be any, of appearing upon the first call under a fine of not less than 12.50 or more than 125 pesetas; or, if it be the second call, the obligation of attending with the admonition of being proceeded against as guilty of the crime of refusing aid, as provided for in the penal code with regard to jurors, experts, and witnesses. The writ of summons shall contain requisites 1, 2, and 3 above men- tioned for writs of citation, and also the following: 1. The period within which the person summoned must appear. 2. The place where he must appear and the judge or court before whom he must do so. 3. The warning that, should he fail to appear, he shall suffer the prejudices which may be proper according to law. Art. 176. If the person cited shall not appear at the place, day, and hour set, the person who served the citation shall return to the dwell- ing of the person who received the copy of the writ, entering upon 18473— 01 8 (•('(lulu, haciendo constar por diligencia en la original la causa de no baberse efectuado la comparecencia. Si esta causa no fuere Legitima, se procedera inmediatamente por el juez 6 tribunal que bubiere acordado la citacion a llevar a efecto la prevention que corresponda entre las establecidas en ol numero 5° del articulo anterior. Art. 177. Cuando las notificationes, citacionea 6 emplazamientos hubieren de practicarse en territorio de otra autoridad judicial espa- expedira suplicatorio, exhorto 6 niandainiento. segun corres- sponda, insertando en ellos los requisitos que deba contener la cedula. Si hubiere r courl issuing the citation shall immedi- ately enforce the penalty which may be proper of those 1 established in munber 5 of the foregoing article Art. 177. When the notifications, citations, or summonses are to be served within the jurisdiction of another Spanish judicial authority, Letters rogatory, letters requisitorial, or mandates shall be issued, as the case may be, inserting therein the requisites which a writ should contain. If the}* are to be served abroad, the proceedings prescribed therefor by treaty, if any. shall be observed, and otherwise the principles of reciprocity. Art. 17s. If the person to be notified, cited, or summoned should have no known domicile, the proper orders shall be issued to the agents of the judicial police b} T the judge or court ordering the pro- ceeding, that search be made for him within a brief period which he may set for the purpose. If he be not found, the writ shall be ordered inserted in the official newspaper of the province of his last residence and in the Gaceta of the capital, if considered necessary. Art. 179. After the notification, citation, or summons has been served, or a statement of the causes preventing such service has been made, the original writ or the letters requisitorial, letters rogatory or mandate, shall be attached to the record. Art. 180. Notifications, citations, or summonses not served accord- ing to the provisions of this chapter shall be null. Nevertheless, if the person notified, cited, or summoned should acknowledge service at the trial, the proceeding shall produce all its effects from that time as though service had been made according to law; but this shall not exempt the assistant or subordinate official from the disciplinary correction prescribed in the following article. Art. 181. The assistant or subordinate official who shall be tardy in the discharge of the duties imposed upon him by this chapter, or who shall fail to comply with any of the formalities herein prescribed, shall be disciplinary corrected by the judge or court to which he belongs by the imposition of a fine of not less than 62.50 or more than 250 peseta-. Art. 182. Notifications, citations, and summonses may be served on the solicitors of the parties. The following are excepted: 1. Citations which by express provision of law must be served in person on the interested parties. 2. Citations, the purpose of which is to secure the obligatory appear- ance of the said parties. TITULO VIII. DE LOS SUPLICATORIOS, MANDAMIENTOS Y EXHOBTOS. Art. 183. Los jueces y tribunalea so auxiliaran mutuamente para la practica de todas las diligencias que fueren aecesarias en la sus- tanciacion de las causas criminales. Art. 184. Cuando una diligencia judicial hubiere de ser ejecutada por un juez 6 tribunal distinto del que la haya ordenado, este enco- mendara sii cumplimiento por medio de suplicatorio, exhorto 6 manda- niiento. Empleara la forma de suplicatorio cuando se dirija :i un juez 6 tribunal superior en grado; la de exhorto cuando Be dirija a uno de igual grado, y la de mandamiento 6 carta orden cuando se dirija :i un subordinado suyo. Art. 185. El juez 6 tribunal que haya ordenado la practice de una diligencia judicial no podra dirigirse ft, jueces 6 tribunalea de categoria 6 grado inferior que no le estuviesen subordinados, debiendo enten- derse directamente con el superior de estos que ejerza la jurisdiction en el mismo grado que el. Se exceptuan los casos en que expresamente se disponga otra cosa en la ley. Art. 180. Para ordenar el libramiento de certificaci6n 6 testimonio y la practica de cualquiera diligencia judicial cuya ejecuci6n corres- ponda a registradores do la propriedad, notarios, auxiliares 6 subal- ternos de juzgados 6 tribunales y funcionarios de policia judicial que esten a las ordenes de los mismos, se empleara la forma de manda- miento. Art. 187. Cuando los jueces 6 tribunales tengan que dirigirse a autoridades 6 funcionarios de otro orden, usaran la forma de oficios 6 exposiciones, segun el casb requiera. Art. 188. Los suplicatorios, exhortos o mandamieutos en causas en s que solo por querella privada ))iic(lt'n ser perseguidos, se expediran r el juez 6 tribunal que los hubiere librado. Los que procedan de causas por delitos que solo pueden ser perse guidos en virtud de querella particular, podrdn entregarse bajo recibo al Interesado 6 :i su representante, :i cuya instancia Be libraren, tij;in dole terniino para presentarlos :i quien deba cumplirlos. TITLE VIII. LETTERS REQUISITORIAL, MANDATES, AND LETTERS ROGATORY. Art. 183. Judges and courts shall mutually aid each other in the execution of all proceedings necessary for the hearing- and decision of criminal causes. Art. 184. When a judicial order is to be executed by a judge or court other than the one issuing - the order, the latter shall commit the execution thereof by means of letters requisitorial, letters rogatory, or mandates. Letters requisitorial shall be used when he applies to a judge or court higher in degree; letters rogatory when said execution is directed to one of equal degree, and letters mandatory or mandates when directed to a subordinate court or judge. Art. 185. The judge or court which shall have ordered the execu- tion of a judicial proceeding can not address judges or courts of a cate- gory or degree lower, who are not his subordinates, but he must deal directly with such of their superiors as exercise a degree of jurisdiction equal to his own. Cases for which the law expressly provides otherwise are excepted. Art. 18*). A mandate shall be employed for the purpose of ordering the issue of certificates or transcripts or the fulfillment of any judicial proceeding, the execution of which is imposed upon registrars of property, notaries, assistants, or subordinate officials of inferior or superior courts, and members of the judicial police who are under the orders of the same. Art. 187. When judges or courts are obliged to direct requests to authorities or officials of another department, they shall do so by offi- cial communications or statements, as the case may require. Art. 188. Letters requisitorial, letters rogatory, or mandates in causes involving crimes which are not of those which can be prose- cuted only on a private complaint, shall be issued ex officio, and shall be transmitted directly for execution by the judge or court issuing them. Those issuing in causes for crimes which can be prosecuted only on a private complaint may be delivered to the interested party upon the giving of a receipt therefor, or to his representative, at whose instance they were issued, a period being fixed for presenting them to the per- son who is to execute the same. 58 59 Se exccptuan los cmsos en que expresamente se disponga otra cosa eu la ley. Art. 189. La persona que reciba Los documentor Los presentari, en el termino que se le hubiere rijado, al juez 6 tribunal a quien Be hays encomendado el cumplimiento, dando aviso aeto eontinuo de haberlo hecho asi al juez 6 tribunal de quien procedan. Al verificar la presentaci6n, el funcionario correspondiente exten- der^ la diligencia a continuacion del suplicatorio, exhorto 6 carta ordeu, expresando la fecha de su entrega y la persona que lo hubiese presentado, ii la que dara recibo, nrmando ambos la diligencia. 1 >icho funcionario dani ademiis cuenta al juez 6 tribunal en el mismo dia. y si no fuere posible, en el siguiente. Art. 190. Cuando hubiesen sido remitidos de oficio, el juez 6 tri- bunal que los reciba acusarii inmediatamente recibo al reniitente. Art. 191. El juez 6 tribunal que reciba, 6 a quien sea presentado un suplicatorio, exhorto 6 carta-orden, acordara su cumplimiento, sin perjuicio de reclamar la competencia que estimare corresponderle, dis-- poniendo lo conducente para que se practiquen las diligencias dentro del plazo, si se hubiere fijado en el exhorto, 6 lo mas pronto posible en otro caso. Una vez cumplimentado, lo devolvera sin demora en la misma forma en que lo hubiese recibido 6 en que se Le bubiese presentado. Art. 192. Cuando se demorare el cumplimiento de un suplicatorio mas tiempo del absolutamente necesario para ello, atendidas la dis- tancia y la indole de la diligencia que hava de practicarse, el juez 6 tribunal que lo hubiese expedido remitira de oticio, 6 a instancia de parte, segun los casos, un recuerdo al juez 6 tribunal suplicado. Si la demora en el cumplimiento se retiriese a un exhorto. en vez de recuerdo dirigini suplicatorio al superior inmediato del exhortado dan- dole conocimiento de la demora. v el superior apremiani al morosocon correccion disciplinaria, sin prejuicio de la mayor responsabilidad en que pueda incurrir. Del mismo apremio Be valdni el que bays expedido una carta-orden para obligar a su inferior moroso a que la devuelva cumplimentada. L93. Los exhortos :i tribunales extranjeros Be dirigir&n por la \ fa diplom&tica en la forma establecida en Loa tratados, y:i Ealtade est<». en la que ileteiniinen las disposiciones generales del ^ohierno. En cualquier <»tn> caso se estard al principio de reciprocidad. 59 Cases foT which the law specially provides otherwise are excepted. Art. 189. The person receiving the documents shall present them, within the time -set, to the judge or court to whom their execution may have been intrusted, giving notice at once of their delivery to the court or judge issuing the same. Upon their presentation, the proper official shall at once make a memorandum at the foot of the letters requisitorial, letters rogatory, or letters mandatory, of the date of delivery and the person presenting the same, to whom a receipt shall be given, both signing the entry. Said official shall furthermore make a report to the judge or court the same day. and if this be impossible, on the day following. Art. 190. If they shall have been transmitted ex officio, the judge or court receiving them shall immediately acknowledge the receipt thereof. Art. 191. The judge or court who shall receive, or to whom are presented letters requisitorial, letters rogatory, or letters mandatory, without prejudice to demanding jurisdiction which he may consider as pertaining to him, shall order what may be proper for the execution of the request made therein within the period fixed in the letters them- selves, or otherwise, as soon as possible. After the commission has been fulfilled, the letters shall be returned without delay through the same channels by which they were received or presented. Art. 192. If the execution of letters requisitorial be delayed longer than is absolutely necessary therefor, taking into account the distance and the character of the proceedings to be had, the judge or court issuing the same shall transmit ex officio, or at the instance of a part}-, as the case may be, a reminder to the judge or court upon whom the request was made. If the delay in the fulfillment should relate to letters rogatory, instead of a reminder, letters requistorial shall be directed to the immediate superior of the judge upon whom the request was made, advising him of the delay, and the superior shall punish the negligent official with a disciplinary correction, without prejudice to the greater liability he may incur. The official issuing letters mandatory shall also avail himself of similar compulsion to oblige a tardy subordinate to return the same duly executed. Art. 193. Letters rogatory directed to foreign courts shall be sent through diplomatic channels in the manner prescribed by treaty, and in the absence thereof, as prescribed by the general regulations of the government. In all other cases principles of reciprocity shall govern. GO Art. 191. Las mismas reglas establecidas en el articulo anterior se observaran para dar cumplimiento en Espafia a Los exhortoe de tii- bunales extranjeros, por los que se requiem la practice de alguna dili- gencia judicial. Art. 195. Con las autoridades, funcionarios, agentes y jefea de fuerza armada que no estuvieren a las ordenes inmediatas de los juecee \ tribunalos, se comunicaran estos por medio de atentos oficios, ;i no ser que la urgencia del caso exija verilicarlo verbalmente, haciendolo constar en la causa. Art. 196. Los jueces } r tribunales se dirigintn en forma de expo- sicion, por conducto del Ministerio de Ultramar, a los Cuerpos Cole- gisladores y a los Ministros de la Corona, tanto para que auxilien a la administracion de justicia en sus propias funciones, como para que obliguen a las autoridades, sus subordinadas, a que suministren los datos 6 presten los servicios que se les hubiere pedido. 60 Art. 194c. The rules proscribed in the foregoing article shall he observed in executing in Spain letters rogatory from foreign courts, requiring the performance of some judicial proceeding. Art. L95. Judges and courts shall communicate with authorities, officials, agents, and commanders of armed forces who are not under their immediate orders by polite notes, unless the urgency of the case shall require that it be done orally, this being made a matter of record in the cause. Art. 19(1. Judges and courts shall address the colegislative bodies and the ministers of the Crown by means of statements forwarded through the colonial department, both in order to secure their aid in the administration of justice within the limits of their proper powers, as well as to compel the authorities which are their subordinates to furnish the data or render the services requested of them. TfTULO IX. DE LOS TERMINOS JTTDICIALES. Art. 197. Las resoluciones y diligencias judicialea Be dictaran y praetiearan dentro de los terminus scnalados para oada una de ellas. Art. 198. Cuando no se fije termino, se entendera que han de dictarse y practicarse sin dilacion. La infraction de lo dispuesto en este artlculo y en el anterior Berfi corregida diseiplinariamente, segun la gravedad del caso, sin perjuicio del derecho de la parte agraviada para reclamar la indemnizacion de danos y perjuicios y demas responsabilidades que procedan. Art. 199. Los jueces y tribunales impondran en su caso dicha correc- cion disciplinaria & sua auxiliares y subalternos sin necesidad de petici6n de parte; y si no lo hicieren. incurrinin a su vez en responsabilidad. Art. 200. Los que se eonsideren perjudicados por dilaciones injusti- ficadas de los terminos judiciales podran deducir queja ante el Minis- terio de Ultramar, que, si la estima fundada, la remitira al fiscal a quien corresponda para que entable de oiicio el recurso de responsabi- lidad que proceda con arreglo a la ley, 6 promueva la correcci6n disci- plinaria a que hubiere lugar. Art. 201. Los dias en que los juzgados y tribunales vacaren con sujecion a la ley, seran, sin embargo, habiles para las actuaciones del sumario. 1 Art. 202. Seran improrrogables los terminos judiciales cuando la lex- no disponga expresamente lo contrario. Pero podran suspenderse 6 abrirse de nuevo si lucre posible Bin retroceder el juicio del estado en que se halle, cuando hubiere causa justa y probado. Se reputara* causa justa la que hubiere hecho imposible dictar la lcsolucion 6 practical* la diligencia judicial, independientemente de la roluntad de quienes hubieseu debido hacerlo. Art. 303. Las sentencias se dictaran y nrmaran dentro de los tree dias siguientes al en que se hubiese celebrado la vista del incidente 6 se hubiere berminado el juicio. 1 A los efectosde 1" dispuesto en este artfculo, se entienden actuaciones del sumario lascomprendidasdesdeel artfculo 622 al 833, Exposicidn del fiscal del TribvnalSuprt mo ■ I. i.. ,i, Septicmlm tU 1883, >•<>>„. 61 TITLE TX. JUDICIAL PERIODS. Aim. 197. Judicial decisions and proceedings shall be rendered and held within the periods fixed for each. Akt. It's. If no period 1»> fixed it shall be understood that they must l>r rendered or held without delay. Any violation of the provisions of this and the foregoing articles shall be disciplinarily corrected, according to the gravity of the case, without prejudice to the right of the party injured to demand any proper indemnity for damages or other liabilities. Art. L99. Judges and courts shall, in a proper ease. Impose said disciplinary correction upon their assistants and subalterns, without the necessity of said correction being requested by a party, and should they not do so they. shall in their turn incur liability. Akt. 200. Persons who consider themselves prejudiced by unjustifi- able extensions of judicial periods ma} r forward a complaint to the Colonial Department, which, if it considers the same to be well founded, shall transmit it to the proper prosecuting official, in order that he may bring proceedings ex officio to enforce the liabilit}' which may be proper according to law, or request the imposition of the proper disciplinary correction. Art. 201. Days upon which superior and inferior courts are not sitting according to law, shall nevertheless be legal for the proceedings of the sumario. ' Art. 202. Judicial periods can not be extended when the law does not expressly provide otherwise. They may. however, be suspended or opened anew, if it be possible without retrogressing in the trial from the state in which it may be. if there be a just and proved cause therefor. A just cause shall be considered one which makes it impossible to render a decision or perform a judicial proceeding independently of tin' will of those who should have done so. Akt. 203. Decisions shall be rendered and signed within the three days following that on which the hearing of the incidental issue was held, or that on which the action closed. 1 For the purposes of the provisions of this article the provisions of articles lil"_' to 633 are considered proceedings of the sumario. {Address of the fiscal qf the supreme court of September 15, 1883, No. /•-'.) til 62 Se exceptuan las sentencias en los juicios sobre faltas. las cuaies habran de dictarse en el raismo dia 6 al siguiente. Art. 20-t. Los autos se dictaran y h'rmaran en el dia siguiente al en que se hubiesen entablado las pretensiones que por ellos se hayan de resolver, 6 hubieren llegado las actuaciones a estado de que aquellos sean dictados. Las providencias se dictaran y tirmaran inmediatamente que resulte de las actuaciones la necesidad de dictarlas, 6 en el inismo dia 6 en el siguiente al en que se haya presentado las pretensiones sobre que recaigan. 1 Art. 205. Se exceptuan de lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior los autos y providencias que deban dictarse en mas corto termino para no interrumpir el curso del juicio publico, 6 para no infringir con el retraso alguna disposition legal. Art. 206. El secretario dara cuenta al juez 6 tribunal de todas las pretensiones escritas en el mismo dia en que le fueren entregadas. si esto sucediese antes de las horas de audiencia 6 durante clla. y al dia siguiente si se le entregaren despues. En todo easo, pondra al pie de la pretension, en el acto do recibirla y a presencia de quien se la entregase, una breve nota consignando el dia y hora de la entrega, y facilitara al interesado que lo pidiere docu- mento bastante para acreditarlo. Art. 207. Las notificaciones, citaciones y emplazamientos que hubie- ren de hacerse en la capital del juzgado 6 tribunal se practicanin lo mas tarde al siguiente dia de dietada la resolucion que deba ser notifi- cada 6 en virtud de la cual se haya de hacer la citation 6 emplazamiento. Art. 208. Si las mencionadas diligencias hubieren de practicarse fuerade la capital, el secretario entregara al oticial de sala 6 subalterno la cedula, 6 remitira de oficio 6 entregara a la parte, Begun corres- ponda, el suplicatorio, exhorto 6 mandamiento, al siguiente dia de dietada la resolucion. Art. 209. Las diligencias de que habla el articulo anterior Be practi- caran en un termino que no exceda de un dia porcada 20 kil6metroede distancia entre la capital y el punto en que deban tener lugar. Art. 210. Las demas diligencias judiciales Be practicanin en los ter- minos que se fijen para ello al dictar la resolucion en que Be ordenen. Art. 21 1. L<>s recursos de reforma 6 de Btiplioa Be Lnterpondran en el termino de 1<>s tics dins siguientee al en que Be hubiere praeticado la ultima Qotifioaci6n :i Los que scan parte en el juicio. Art. 212. Kl recurso de apelaci6n se entablarl dentro de einoodfas, ;i COntar desde el siguiente al ^ que express ''I articulo anterior. 'Definen Ian providencias, icp-autus y laa sentencias flrmea y ejecutorias, y deter* minan las solemnidades de bob tormulasrespectivas losartfcalos in y I42deestaley. 6a Decisions in trials for misdemeanors arc excepted, which shall be rendered on the same or the following day. Art. '2()4. Rulings or decrees shall be issued and signed on the day following that on which the petitions involved were made, or when the proceedings have reached a stage where they may be issued. Orders of mere practice shall be made and signed immediately when the necessity therefor appears in the proceedings, or on the same or the day following that on which the petitions therein were presented. 1 Art. 205. Rulings and orders are excepted from the provisions of the foregoing article which should be issued in a shorter period in order not to interrupt the course of the public trial, or not violate some legal provision by the delay. Art. 206. The clerk shall communicate to the judge or court all written petitions on the day they are tiled, if this be done before or during the hours for public hearings, and on the following day, if filed after such time. In any case he shall place at the foot of the petition, upon receiving it, and in the presence of the person delivering the same, a brief note of the day and hour of the delivery and shall furnish to the interested party a receipt therefor upon his request. Art. 207. Notifications, citations, and summonses which are to be served in the place where the court is sitting, shall be served not later than the day after the decision has been rendered which is to be noti- fied, or by virtue of which a citation or summons is to be made. Art. 208. If said service is to be made beyond the judicial seat, the clerk shall deliver the writ to the officer of the chamber or to a subal- tern, or shall transmit it ex officio or deliver to the party, as may be proper, the letters requisitorial, letters rogatory or mandate on the day following that on which the decision was rendered. Art. 209. The processes referred to in the foregoing article shall be served within a period not to exceed one day for every 20 kilometers between the seat of the court and the point where they are to be executed. Art. 210. Other judicial proceedings shall be had within the periods fixed therefor at the time the decree ordering the same is issued. Art. 211. Petitions to amend, or appeals for modification or revoca- tion, shall be interposed within a period of three days following that on which the last notice was served upon the parties to the action. Art. 212. An appeal shall be filed within five days following that on which the last notice of the judicial decision which is the object thereof was served upon the persons mentioned in the foregoing article. 'Orders, rulings, final decisions, and ejecutorias are defined by articles 141 ami L42 of this law, as well as the formalities of their respective formulas. 63 El recurso de casacion por quebiantamiento de forma Be interpondra' dentro de igual plazo. a contar desde el dia siguiente al de la ultima notification biecha & Los designados en el articulo anterior de la sentencia que pusiere termino al juicio. La preparacion del recurso de casacion por infraction de ley Be barl tambien dentro de los cinco dlas siguientes al de la ultima aotificacidn de la sentencia 6 auto contra que Be intente entablarlo. Se exceptuao el recurso de apelaci6n y la preparacion del de casacion por [nfraccion de lev contra la sentencia dictada en juicio sobre t'alta-. Para estos recursosel termino sera el primer dia siguientea] en quese hubiere practicado la ultima notiticacion. Art. 213. El recurso de queja para euya Lnterposicion no senale ter- mino la ley podra* interponerse en cualquier tiempo, mientras estuviese pendiente la causa. Art. 214. Los secretarios tendran obligation de poner, Bin la menor demora y bajo su responsabilidad, en conocimiento del juez 6 tribunal el vencimiento de los terminos judiciales consign&ndolo as! por medio de diligencia. Art. 215. Transcurrido el termino senalado por la ley 6 por el juez 6 tribunal, segun los casos, se continuara de oricio el curso de los j)ro- cedimientos en el estado en que se hallarcn. Si el proceso estuviere en poder de alguna persona, Be recogera' sin necesidad de providencia, bajo la responsabilidad del secretario, con imposicion de multa de 12.50 a 125 pesetas a quien diere lugar a la recogida, si no le entregare en el acto 6 le entregare sin despachar cuando estuv r iere obligado a formular algun dictamen 6 pretension. En este segundo supuesto se le sefialara por el juez 6 tribunal un segundo termino prudencial, y si transcurrido tampoco devolviese el proceso despachado la persona a que se reticle este articulo. sera" pro- cesada como culpable de desobediencia. Tambien sent procesado en este concepto el que ni aun despue^ de apremiado con la multa devolviere el expediente. 1 1 El artfeulo 376 del c6digo penal casti'_ r a eate ;i 3,750 pesetas. 68 Aji appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form -hall be interposed within a like period, counted from the day following thai of the last notice served upon the persons mentioned in the foregoing article of the decision which closed the action. The preparation of an appeal for annulment of judgment for a viola- tion of law shall also be made within the live days following that on which the last notice of the decision or ruling from which it is proposed to appeal. Appeals and the preparation of an appeal for annulment of judgmenl for violation of law from decisions rendered in an action on a mis- demeanor are excepted. For these remedies the period shall he tin- day following that on which the last notice was served. Art. 213. The remedy of complaint for the interposition of which the law does not fix any period may be interposed at any time during the pendency of the cause. Ai;r. '214:. The clerks of courts shall be obliged to inform the judge or court of the expiration of judicial periods, without the slightest delay and under their liability, making an entry upon the record of this fact. Art. 215. Upon the expiration of the period fixed by law or by the judge or court, as the case may be, the course of the proceedings shall be continued ex officio from where left off. If the record should be in the possession of some person, it shall be recovered without the necessity of an order, under the liability of the clerk, with the imposition of a fine of not less than 12.50 and not more than 125 pesetas upon the person retaining the same should he not deliver it at once, or should he do so without making his report or answer, if required to do so. In the latter case a second reasonable period shall be allowed him by the judge or court, and if not even upon the expiration thereof the person referred to in this article should return the process duly executed, he shall be tried as guilty of disobedience. Any person, who not even after having a tine imposed upon him, should fail to return the record shall also be likewise tried. 1 'Article 376 of the Penal Code punishes this crime with the penalties of tem- porary special disqualification in its maximum degree to perpetual special disquali- fication and a fine of not less than 375 and not more than 3,750 pesetas. TfTULO X. DE LOS RECURSOS CONTRA LAS RESOLUCIONES DE LOS TRIBUNALES Y JTJECES DE INSTRUCCI6N. Art. 216. Contra las resoluciones del juez de instruction pod ran ejercitarse los recursos de reforma, apelacion y queja. Art. 217. El recurso de reforma podra interponerse contra todos los autos del juez de instruecion. El de apelacion podra interponerse unicamente en los casos determinados en la ley, y seadmitini en ambos efectos tan solo cuando la misma lo disponga expresamente. Art. 218. El recurso de queja podra interponerse contra todos los autos no apelables del juez y contra las resoluciones en que Be dene- gare la admision de un recurso de apelacion. Art. 219. Los recursos de reforma y apelacion se interpondr:in ante el mismo juez que hubiere dictado el auto. El de queja se producira ante el tribunal superior competente. Art. 220. Sera juez competente para conocer del recurso de reforma el mismo ante quien se hubiese interpuesto, con arreglo al articulo anterior. Sera tribunal competente para conocer del recurso de apelacion aquel a quien correspondiese el conocimiento de la causa en juicio oraL Este mismo sera el competente para conocer de la apelacion contra el auto de no admision de una querella. Sera juez 6 tribunal competente para conocer del recurso de queja el mismo ante quien se hubiere interpuesto, con arreglo al parrafo segundo del articulo 219. Art. 221. Los recursos de reforma. apelacion y queja se interpon- dran siempre en escrito autorizado con tirnia de letrado. Art. 222. El recurso de apelacion no podra interponerse sino dee- pue\s de habcrse ejercitado el de reforma; pero pod ran interponerse ambos en un mismo escrito, en ouyo caso el de apelacion Be propondrl Bubsidiariamente por si fuere desestimado el de reforma. El que interpusiere el recurso de reforma presentara' con el escrito tantas copiaa del mismo cuantas scan las demas parte-. ;i las cuales habrfin de Her entregadas dichas copias. VA juez resolverf el recurso al segundo dia de entregadas las copias, hubiesen «'> no presentado escrito las demas partes. hi TITLK X. REMEDIES AGAINST DECISIONS OF COURTS AND JUDGES OF EXAMINATION. Art. 216. Petition- for amendment, appeals, and complaints lie from decisions of judges of examination. Art. 217. Petitions for amendment lie from all rulings of a judge of examination. An appeal may be interposed only in the cases determined by law, and shall be allowed both for review and a stay of proceedings only when the law expressly so provides. Art. 218. A complaint lies from all rulings of a judge which can not be appealed from and from decisions disallowing an appeal. Art. 21H. Petitions for amendment and appeals shall be interposed before the same judge who made the ruling. A complaint shall be interposed before the competent superior court. Art. 220. The judge competent to take cognizance of a petition for amendment shall be the one before whom it is interposed, in accord- ance with the foregoing article. The court competent to take cognizance of the cause in the oral action shall have jurisdiction of the appeal. The latter shall also be competent to take cognizance of an appeal from a decree rejecting a complaint. The judge or court before whom a complaint shall have been inter- posed, in accordance with the second paragraph of article 212, shall be competent to take cognizance thereof. Art. 221. Petitions for amendment, appeals, and complaints shall always be interposed in writing and authenticated by the signature of an attorney. Art. 222. An appeal can not be interposed until a petition for amend- ment has been tiled; but both may be interposed in the same instrument, in which case the appeal shall he proposed subsidiarily in case of the rejection of the petition for amendment. A person presenting a petition for amendment shall submit there- with as many copies of the same as there are other parties, to whom said copies musl he delivered. The judge shall decide the appeal on or before the second day after the delivery of the copies, whether or not the other parties have tiled petitions. in L8473— 01 '.) 65 Art. 223. Enterpuesto el recurso de apelaci6n, el juez lo admitira en uno 6 en ambos efecfos, Begun sea procedente. Art. 224. Si Be admitiere el recarso en ambos efectos, se mandara* remitir Los autoa originates ;i la audiencia cuando hubiere esta de CQnocer de la apelaci6n, y emplazar a* las partes para que Be presenten ante ella dentro del teVmino de diez dias. Si hubiere de conocer de La apeiacionel Tribunal Supremo, el empla- zamiento sera por terniino de sesenta dias y se reniitira testimonio que fuese para ellas de caracter reservado. Am. 230. Devueltos los autos por el fiscal, 6 >i este no fuere parte en la causa, por la ultima de la- personas :i (piien Be hubiesen entregado, 65 Ai;t. 223. It' an appeal be interposed, the judge shall admit it for a review of the proceedings only. or l><>th for review and Btay of the proceedings, as may be proper. Ain. 224. [f die appeal be admitted both for review and atay of proceedings, tl iginal record shall b tiered transmitted to the audiencia, if the latter i- to take cognizance <•!' the appeal, and the parties -hall be summoned for appearance before the sam< ■ within a period of ten day-. If the Supreme Court is t<> take cognizance of the appeal, the sum- mons shall l»e for appearand' within a period of sixty days, and a certified transcript of such parts of the cause as may he sufficient for a decision upon the appeal shall he transmitted. Aim. 226. If the appeal he admissible for a review of the proceed- ings only, a certified copy of the decision appealed from shall he ordered made, a- well as of the other matters which the appellant may request ami which can be given him, taking into consideration, in a proper case, the secret character of the sumario, and .such other mat- ters as the judge may order < ./• officio, 'Phis transcript shall he issued by the clerk within the shortest period possible, which shall he Hxed in the order requiring the issue thereof. Art. 226. Proceedings which, in so far as the appellant is concerned. are of a secret character, can not he shown him for the purpose of indicating the matters to he transcribed. A in. 227. After the transcript has been made, the parties shall be summoned to enter an appearance before the court which is to take eognizance of the appeal within the period fixed in article 224. Art. 228. After the appellate court has received the record, if within the period fixed in the summons the appellant shall not have entered an appearance, the appeal shall be declared abandoned ,./• officio, this fact being communicated in writing at once to the judge, the original record being returned to him. if the appeal shall have been admitted both for a stay and a review of the proceedings. Art. 22'.». If the appellant shall have entered an appearance, the record shall he referred to him for examination for a period of three days. Thereupon it shall he referred for a similar period to the other parties who have entered an appearance and finally to the prosecuting official, if the cause should involve a crime which gives rise to proceed ings ex officio or a crime which may he prosecuted upon a denuncia- tion by the parties interested. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, such matters as are of a secret character for the parties shall not he referred to them. Art. 230. After the record has been returned by the prosecuting official, or if the latter he not a party to the cause, by the last person 66 se senalara* ■_!. After the decision rendered becomes final, itshallbecom- municated to the judge for execution, the process being returned to him if the appeal shall have been both for a review and a stay of proceedings. Akt. 233. If a complaint be made, the court shall orderthe judge to render a report within the brief period fixed for the purpose. Ai:t. 234. Upon the receipt of such report, it shall be referred to the prosecuting official, if the cause involves a crime in which he must take part, for a written opinion thereon within a period of three days. Akt. 235. In view of this opinion, if there be any, and the report of the judge, the court shall decide what it may deem just. The decision rendered can not affect the status of the cause if the remedy shall have been interposed outside of the ordinary period for appeals, without prejudice to what the court may decide at the proper time when it takes cognizance of the former. Art. 236. An appeal for a revocation or reversal of judgment may be interposed against decisions of criminal courts before the one ren- dering the same. Art. 237. Such decisions are excepted, with regard to which the law expressly grants another remedy. Art. 238. An appeal for revocation or reversal of judgment from a decision of any court shall be heard and determined according to the procedure prescribed for petitions for amendment against any decision of a judge of examination. TiTLLO XI. DE LAS COSTAS PROCESALES. 1 Art. 239. Eh loa autos 6 sentencias que pongarj termino ;i la causa 6 ;i cualquiera de los incidentes, debera* resolverse sobre el pago de las costas procesales. ' Art. 240. Esta resolution podra consistir — 1". En declarar las costas de olicio. 2°. En eondenar a su pago a los procesados, senalando la parte pro- porcional de que cada uno de ellos deba responder, si fuesen varios. No se impondran nunca las costas a los procesados que fueren absueltos. 3°. En eondenar a su pago al querellante particular 6 actor civil. Seran estos condenados al pago de las costas cuando resultare do las actuaciones que han obrado eon temeridad 6 mala fe. Art. 24:1. Las costas eonsistinin — 1°. En el reintegro del papel sellado empleado en la causa. 2°. En el pago de los derechos de arancel. 3°. En el de los honorarios devengados por los abogados y peritos. 4°. En el de las indemnizaciones correspondientes a los testigos que las hubiesen reelamado, si fueren de abono, y en los demas gastos que se hubiesen ocasionado en la instruction de la causa. Art. 242. Cuando se declaren de oricio las costas no habra* lugar al pago de las cantidades a que se refieren los numeros 1." y 2.° del articulo anterior: Los procuradores y abogados que hubiesen representado \ defen- dido a cualquiera de las partes, y los peritos y testigos que bubiesen declarado a su instancia, podran exigir de aqueTla, si no hubiere l Este tftulo se liiuita a estableeer re^las ^enemies sobre imposition do costas y medios 'If hacerlas efectivas; pero los especialee relativoa ;i las cuestiones de compe- tencia, recusaci6n, defensa por pobre, antejuicio aecesario para exigir responsabib'dad criminal :i jueces y magistrados, etc., determinan qui6nes deben pagarlas en sus respectivos casus. Loa pronunciamientos Bobre costas no sou susceptibles de casa- ci6n. Sentencias de Wdeeneroch t890yd> 18 enero de 1887. 1 El precepto de este artfeulo se halla confirmado por varias sentencias del Tribunal Supremo, entre otras, una de L2 de febrero de L879. s Costas al denundador. No teniendo el denunciador los caracteres expresados '!<• querellante particular 6 actor ci\ ii. relevandole la lev de la obligaci6n de probar los hecbos denunciados, j no contrayendo otra responsabilidad 'i 1 "' Is correspondiente a* los delitos que hubiere cometido por medio de la denuncia 6 con su ocasi6n, mo <.■ i,> pueden iraponer las costas. 8aia *,SentmciacU 1* de febrero dt 1879. 67 TITLE XI. COSTS IN ACTIONS. 1 Akt. 239. A ruling or decision which terminates a cause or any of i lie issues therein must contain a decision as to the payment of costs in the proceedings. Art. 340. This resolution may consist of: 1. A declaration of costs ex officio. 2. The imposition of their payment upon the accused, fixing the proportion which each of them is to pay, if there he several. Costs shall never be taxed against accused persons who are acquitted. 3. The adjudgment of the same against the private complainant or civil plaintiff. The latter shall he adjudged to pay the costs when it shall appear from the proceedings that they have acted maliciously or in had faith. :i Art. 241. The costs shall consist of: 1. The cost of the stamped paper used in the cause. 2. The payment of the court fees according to schedule. 3. The payment of the fees of attorneys and experts. 4. The payment of the indemnities pertaining to the witnesses who may have demanded them, and the other expenses which may have arisen in connection with the hearing of the cause. Art. 242. When the costs are declared to be ex <>jfi<''". the amounts referred to in numbers 1 and 2 of the foregoing article will not be paid. The solicitors and attorneys who may have represented and defended any of the parties, and the experts and witnesses who shall have testi- tied at their request, may require said party, if the proceedings are 1 This title confines itself to establishing general rules for the taxation of costs and the manner of recovering the same; bat the special titles relating to questions of jurisdiction, challenges, proceedings in forma panprrix, preliminary action necessary to enforce the criminal liability of judges and justices, etc., determine who are to pay the same ill each respective case. Becrees Upon costs ran not lie annulled. i Decisions of January 10, 1890, and January 18, / ingthe acts denounced, and as he contracts no other liability hul that pertaining to the crimes he may have committed by means of the denunciation or on the occasion thereof, costs can not he taxed against him. [Second Chamber, decision "J February i 67 68 obtenido ol beneficio do pobreza, el abono de Los derechoe, honorarios e mdemnizaciones que Lea correspondieren, reclamandolos del juez 6 tribunal que conociese de la causa. Se procedera' ;i su exacci6n por la via de apremio -i. presentadas las respectivas reclamaciones y hechas saber ;i Las partes, qo pagasen estas en el termino prudencial que el juzgado 6 tribunal senate, ni tachasen aque'llas de ilegitimas 6, excesivas. En este ultimo caso, se procedera' previamente como dispone el parrafo segundo del articulo 244* El secretario del tribunal 6 juzgado que Lnterviniere <'ii la ejecucidn de la sentencia hard la tasacion de las costas de que Haitian loa aumeroe l.°y2.°del articulo anterior. Los honorarios de Losabogadosy peritoa se acreditaran por minutas firmadas por Los que lo8 hubiesen deven- gado. Las indemnizaciones de los testigos se computaran por la canti- dad que oportunaraente se hubiese fijado en la causa. Los demas gastoa seran regulados por ol tribunal 6 juzgado, con vista de loa justiticantos. 1 Art. 243. Hechas la tasacion y regulacion do costas, se dara* vista al ministerio fiscal } r a la parte condenada al pago, para que manifiesten lo que tengan por conveniente en el termino de tres dias. 1 Art. 244:. En vista de lo que el ministerio fiscal y dicho interesado manifestaren, el juez 6 tribunal aprobara 6 reformara la tasacion 6 regulacion. Si so tachare de ilogitima 6 excesiva alguna partida de honorarios, el juez 6 tribunal, antes de resolver, podra pedir informe :i doa indi- viduos de la miama profesion del que hubiese preaentado La minute tachada de ilegitima 6 excesiva, 6 a la junta de gobierno dt>l colegio si los que ejerciesen dicha profesi6n estuviesen colegiados en el punto de residencia del juez 6 tribunal. 1 Art. 245. Aprobadaa 6 reformadaa la tasaci6n y regulaci6n, se pro- cedera. a hacer efectivas las costas por la via de apremio, establecida en la ley de enjuiciamiento civil,'' con los bienes de los que hubiesen sido condenados a su pago. Art. 24(>. Si los bienes del penado no fueaen baatantes para cubrir todaa las reaponsabilidades pecuniarias, se procedera" para el orden y preferencia de pago, con arreglo ;i Lo establecido en los articulos respectivoa del c6digo penal. 8 1 \'.'-as«- en el Apendice I lasOrdenes Nums. 166 y im de L900. 'Se ocupan del procedimiento de apremio loa articulos I »7!» y siguientes de la ley r courl taking cogni- zance of the cause. Compulsory process shall be employed for their recovery if, upon the presentation of the respective claims and their presentation to the parties they should not pay the same within a reasonable time fixed by the judge or court, or charge thai they are illegal or excessive. In the hitter case, the provisions of the second paragraph of article 244 shall first be observed. The clerk of the court or tribunal intervening in the execution of the sentence shall make the taxation of costs referred to in numbers 1 and 2 of the foregoing article. The \'rr- of the attorneys and experts shall be vouched for by memoranda signed by the persons charging the same. The indemnities of the witnesses shall he computed accord- ing to the amount duly fixed in the cause. Tl ther costs shall be tixed by the superior or inferior court, in view of the vouchers. 1 Art. 243. After the taxation and appraisement of the costs, the prosecuting official and the party against whom the costs were adjudged shall be heard in order that they may state what they deem proper. 1 Art. 244. In view of the statements of the prosecuting official and the said party, the judge or court shall approve or modify the taxation. If any item of the fees should be objected to as illegal or excessive, the judge or court before deciding may call for the opinion of two persons of the same profession as the one presenting the item objected to as illegal or excessive, or the opinion of the board of administra- tion of the college, if the persons engaged in such profession should belong to an association located at the seat of the judge or court. 1 Art. 245. After the taxation or appraisement has been approved or amended, compulsory process, established by the Law of Civil Pro- cedure, shall be instituted for the purpose of enforcing the payment thereof upon the property of those sentenced thereto. 2 Abt. 246. If the person sentenced .should not possess sufficient prop- erty to meet all pecuniary liabilities, the provisions of the respective articles of the Penal Code shall be observed for the order and prefer- ence of payment. 3 l See in Appendix I, Orders Nos. 16<> ami lsi ,,f 1900. 1 Articles 1479 et seq. of the Law of Civil Procedure i" force in Cuba ami Porto Rico relate to compulsory process. 3 The articles of the Penal Code which determine the order of preference are articles 48 to 51. | See Appendix II. ) TfTl'LO XII. DE LAS OBLIGACIONES DE LOS JUECES Y TRIBUNALES RELATIVAS A LA ESTADfSTICA JUDICIAL. A in. iMT. Loa jueces municipalea tendran obligaci6n de remitii cada mea al presidente de la audiencia territorial respectiva an estado de los juicios sobre faltas que durante el mes anterioT Be bubiesen celebrado. Art. 248. Los jueces de lnstrucci6n remitiran mensualmente al presidente de la respectiva sala 6 audiencia de lo criminal un estado de los sumarios principiados, pendientes y conclusos durante el mes anterior. Art. 249. Los presidentes de las expresadas salas 6 audiencias remitiran al presidente de la audiencia territorial cada trimestre un estado resunien de los que hubieren recibido mensualmente de los jueces de instruction, y otro de las causas pendientes y terminadas ante su tribunal durante el trimestre. Los trimestres se forma ran contando desdc el comienzo del ano judicial. Art. 250. Los presidentes de las audiencias territoriales remit inin al Ministerio de Ultramar, en el primer mes de cada trimestre, estados en resumen de los que hubieren recibido de los jueces municipalea y de los tribunalesde lo criminal. Art. 251. Las salas segunda y tercera del Tribunal Supremo remitiran al Ministerio de Ultramar un estado de los recursos de casacion ante ellas pendientes y por ellas t'allados durante el trimestre. Cuando la sain de lo criminal de cualquier audiencia territorial 6 la tercera del Tribunal Supremo. 6 e*ste constituido en pleno, principiaren 6 fallaren alguna causa criminal que especialmente lea estuviese enco- mendada, lo pondrdn inmediatamente en conocimiento del Nfiniatro de Ultramar, remitiendo en bu caso testimonio de la aentencia. Aim. 262. Los tribunales remitirdn directamente al registro ecu tral tie loa procesados \ penados, establecido en el Ministerio de Ultra- mar, aotas ftutorizadaa de las sentencias firmes en la- que se imponga alguna pena por delito, \ de loa auto- en que Be declare la rebeldia de los procesados, eon arregloa' loamodeloa que ae lea envien al efeoto. Aim. l ; .»:'.. El tribunal que dicte sentencia firme condenatoria en cualquier causa criminal remitira* testimonio de la parte dispositiva de la misma al juezde lnatrucci6n del lugaren que Be bubiere formadoel sumario. TITLE XII. OBLIGATIONS OF JUDGES AND COURTS WITH REGARD TO JUDICIAL STATISTICS. Akt. 247. Municipal judges shall be obliged to transmit every month to the presiding justice of the respective territorial audiencia a statement of the actions for misdemeanors which may have been beard during the month. Akt. 248. Judges <>t' examination shall forward monthly to the pre- siding justice of the respective criminal chamber or audiencia ;i state- ment of the 8icmario8 begun, pending, or concluded during the previous month. Art. 24!*. The presiding judges of the said chain I ins or audiencias shall transmit every quarter to the presiding judge of the territorial audiencia a brief report of the statements received monthly from the judges of examination, and another statement of the causes pending and concluded before their court during the quarter. The quarters shall be formed counting from the beginning of the judicial year. Akt. 250. The presiding judges of the territorial audiencias shall transmit to the Colonial department, during the first month of each quarter, brief reports of the statements received from the municipal judges and the criminal courts. Art. 251. The second and third chambers of the Supreme Court shall forward to the Colonial department a statement of the appeals for annulment of judgment pending before the same and decided by them during the quarter. When the criminal chamber of any territorial audiencia or the third chamber of the supreme court, or the latter sitting in banc, shall begin or decide some criminal cause especially entrusted to them, they shall immediately inform the colonial minister, transmitting a tran- script of the sentence in a proper case. Aim. 252. The courts shall transmit directly to the "Registro cen- tral de los procesados y penados," established in the colonial depart- ment, authenticated memoranda of the tinal sentences imposing some penalty for a crime, and of the decrees declaring the persons accused in default, in accordance with the forms sent them for the purpose. Akt. 253. A court rendering a final decision sentencing a person accused in any criminal cause shall transmit a certified copy of the adjudging portion of said sentence to the judge of examination of the place where the xu/mwrio was conducted. 70 Art. 25±. Cada juez de instruceion llpvara un libro que so titulars' Registro depenados. Las hojas de este libro seran numeradas. selladas y rubricadas por el juez de instruceion y su secretario de gobierno. En dicho libro se extractaran las certificaciones expresadas en el articulo anterior. Art. 255. Llrvara tambien cada juez de instruceion otro libro titu- lado Registro deprocesados en rebeldia, con las formalidades prescritaa para el de penados. En este libro se anotaran todas las causas cuyos procesados bayan sido declarados rebeldes, y se hard en el asiento de cada uno la ano- tacion correspondiente cuando el rebelde fuere habido. Art. 256. Las audiencias 6 salas de lo criminal Uevaran un libro igual al expresado en el articulo anterior para anotarlos procesados declarados rebeldes despues de la conclusion del sumario. Art. 257. Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en este titulo. el Ministro de Ultramar establecera, por medio de los correspondientes reglamentos, el servicio de la estadistica criminal que debe organ izarse en dicho centro y las reglas que en consonancia con el ban de observar los jueces y tribunales. 70 Art. l'.">4. Every judge of examination shall keep a book which shall be called *■ Register of convictions. " The leaves of this hook shall he numbered, sealed, and rubricated by the judge of examination and his secretary of administration. Briefsof the certified copies mentioned in the foregoing article shall be entered in this hook. Ai:t. .!.">.">. Every judge of examination shall also keep another hook entitled "Register of persons accused in default/" with the formalities prescribed for that of convictions. In the latter hook shall he entered all causes in which the persons accused have been declared in default, and the proper entry shall he made upon the record of each cause when the person in default is found. Aim. •_'.'>•;. Criminal audiencias or chambers shall keep a book similar to that mentioned in the foregoing article in which to record persons accused who are declared in default after the conclusion of the mmario. Am. 257. Without prejudice to the provisions of this title, the colonial minister shall establish, by means of the proper regulations, the service of criminal statistics to be organized in said department and the rules to be observed in connection therewith by judges and courts. TfTULO XIII. DE LAS CORRECCIONES DISCIPLINARIAS. Art. 258. Sin perjuicio de las correcciones especiales que establece esta ley para casos determinados, son tambien aplicables las disposi- ciones eontenidas en el titulo XIII del libro primero de la ley de enjuiciamiento civil a cuantas personas, sean 6 no ftmcionarios, asistan ode cualquier modo mtervengan en los juicios criminates, siendo los jueces municipales, los jueces de instruccion, los tribunales de lo criminal y el Supremo, quienes, respectivamente en su caeo, podnin imponer las correcciones disciplinarias correspondientes. 1 1 El titulo que se cita de la ley de enjuiciamiento civil autoriza a los jueces y tri- bunales para corregir disciplinariamente, tanto a los particulares que asistan a 1<>s juicios, como ;i lus funcionarios que intervienen en ellos, por las faltas que unoe y otros conietan. 71 TITLE XIII. DISCIPLINARY CORRECTIONS. Art. 258. Without prejudice to the special corrections which this law establishes For specific cases, the provisions of Title XIII of the first hook of the law of civil procedure arc also applicable to any per- sons, whether officials or not. who arc present at or intervene in any manner whatsoever in criminal proceedings, the proper disciplinary corrections being imposed by municipal judges, judges of examination, criminal courts, or the Supreme Court. 1 'The title cited of the law of civil procedure authorizes judges and courts to dis- riplinarily correct private individuals present at judicial proceedings, as well as offi- cials taking part therein, for offences committed by either. 71 LIBRO SEGUNDO. DEL SUMARIO. TITULO PRIMEKO. DE LA DENTJNCIA. Art. 259. El que presenciare la perpetracion de cualquier delito publico estara obligado a ponerlo inmediatamente en conocimiento del juez de instruccion, municipal 6 funcionario mas proximos al sitio en que se hallare, bajo la multa de 12.50 a 125 pesetas. Art. 260. La obligacion establecida en el articulo anterior no com- prende a los impuberes ni a los qae no gozaren del pleno uso de su razon. Art. 261. Tampoco estaran obligados a denunciar: 1°. El conyuge del delincuente. 2°. Los ascendientes y descendientes consanguineos 6 alines del delin- cuente y sus colaterales consanguineos 6 uterinos y alines haste el segundo grado inclusive. 3°. Los hijos naturales respecto de la madre en todo caso, y respecto del padre cuando estuvieren reconocidos, asi como la madre y el padre en iguales casos. Art. 262. Los que por razon de sus cargos, profesiones u oticios tuvieren noticia de algun delito publico, estaran obligados a denun- ciarlo inmediatamente al ministerio fiscal, al tribunal eompetente. al juez de instruccion, y en su defecto, al municipal 6 al funcionario de policia mas proximo al sitio si se tratare de un delito flagrante. Los que no cumpliesen esta obligacion incurriran en la multa senalada en el articulo 259, que se impondni disciplinariamente. Si la omision en dar parte fuese de un profesor de medicina, cinigia 6 farmaciay el delito de los comprendidoa en el titulodel c6digo penal que trata de los cometidos contra las personas, 6 por suposici6n de parto, 6 por muerte de un nino abandonado, la multa no podrd bajar de 62.50 pesetas. Si el que hubiese incurrido en la omision Euere empleado publico, Be |)ondi:i adcnuis en conociinicnto de su superior iiuncdiato para los efectos a que bubiere Lugai en el orden administrativo. 7'2 BOOK SECOND. THE SUMARIO. TITLE FIRST. THE DENUNCIATION. Ai:t. 269. He who shall be present :it the commission of any public crime -hall be obliged to inform immediately the Dearest judge of examination, municipal judge, or official, under a penalty of not less than 1:>.50 or more than L25 pesetas. Akt. 260. The obligation established in the foregoing article does not include infants nor those who arc not in the full enjoyment of their reason. Art. 261. Nor shall the following be obliged to make a denuncia- tion: 1. The spouse of the delinquent. 2. The ascendants and descendants by consanguinity or affinity of the delinquent and his collateral relatives by consanguinity or uterine, and by affinity up to and including the second degree. 3. The natural children with regard to the mother in every case, and with regard to the father when acknowledged, as well as the mother and the father in similar eases. Akt. 262. Those who. by reason of their position, profession, or trade, should have information of some public crime, shall be obliged imme- diately to denounce the same to the public prosecutor, the court of competent jurisdiction, the judge of examination, and. in his absence, the municipal judge or the police officer nearest to the place, if a fla- grant crime he involved. Those who shall fail to comply with this obligation shall incur the fine prescribed in article 259, which shall be imposed us a matter of discipline. If the failure to give such information should be incurred by a pro- fessor of medicine, surgery, or pharmacy, and the crime of those included in that title of the Penal Code which treats of crimes against the person, or on account of a fictitious birth, or the death of an aban- doned infant, the tine shall not lie less than 62.50 pesetas. If the person failing to give the information be a public employee, his immediate superior shall also he informed for the proper admin- istrative purposes. -•> 18473—01 10 73 Lo dispuesto en este articulo se entiende cuando la omision do pro- dujere responsabilidad con arreglo :i las leyes. Art. 263. La obligacion impuesta en el parraf o primero del articulo anterior no comprendera a los abogados ni a Los procuradorea respecto de las instrucciones 6 explicaciones que recibiereD de sua clientes. Tampoco comprendera a los eclesiasticos y ministros (!•• cultos disi- dentes respecto de las noticias que se les hubieren revelado en el ejercicio de las funciones de su ministerio. Art. 2n4r. El que por cualquier medio diferente de los mencionados tuviere. conocimiento de la perpetraeion de algun delito de I"- que deben de ofieio, debeni denunciarlo al ministerio fiscal, al tribunal competente 6 al juez de instruccion 6 municipal. 6 funcio- nario de policia, sin que se entienda obligado por esto a probar los hechos denunciados ni a formalizar querella. El denunciador no eontraera en ningun caso otra responsabilidad que la correspondiente a los delitos que hubiese cometido por medio de la denuncia 6 con su ocasion. Art. 265. Las denuncias podran hacerse por escrito 6 de palabra, personalmente 6 por medio de mandatario con poder especial. Art. 266. La denuncia que se hiciere por escrito debeni estar tir- mada por el denunciador; y si no pudiere hacerlo, por otra persona a su ruego. La autoridad 6 funcionario que la recibiere rubricarf y sellara todas las hojas ;'i presencia del que la presentare, quien podra tambien rubricarla por si 6 por medio de otra persona a su ruego. Art. 267. Cuando la denuncia sea verbal, se extenderti un acta por la autoridad 6 funcionario que la recibiere, en la que. en forma de declaracion, se cxpresaran cuantas noticias tenga el denunciante rela- tivas al hecho denunciado y a sus circunstancias, firmandola ambos a continuacion. Si el denunciante no pudiere tirmar. lo hara otra persona a su ruego. Art. 268. El juez, tribunal, autoridad 6 funcionario que recibieren una denuncia verbal 6 escrita haran constar por la ce'dula personal, 6 por otros medios que reputen suficientes, la identidad de la persona del denunciador. Si este lo exigiere, le daran un resguardo de baber formalizado la denuncia. ART. -'t'.'.t. Konnalizada que sea la denuncia, se proeedera 6 mandara proceder inmediatamente por el juez 6 funcionario ;i quien se biciese ;i la comprobaci6n del becho denunciado. salvo que est(> n«» revistiere caracter de delito, <'> que la denuncia fuere manifiestamente falsa. Eh) cualquiera de estos dos casos el t ribunal 6 funcionario se abstendran de todo procedimiento, sin perjuicio information revealed to them in the exercise of the duties of their ministry. Akt. L't'4. He who, by any means different from those mentioned, should have information of the commission of any <• rime of those which are prosecuted at the instance of the Government, must denounce it to the public prosecutor, the court of competent jurisdiction, or to the municipal or examining judge, or police official, without being consid- ered hound thereby to prove the acts denounced or to make a formal complaint. The denouncer shall in no case incur any other liability than that pertaining to the offenses he may have committed by means of the denunciation or on the occasion thereof. Akt. 265. The denunciation may be made in writing or orally, in person or through an agent with a special power therefor. Akt. 266. A written denunciation must be signed by the denouncer; and if he be unable to do so, by some other person at his request. The authority or official receiving the same shall rubricate and stamp every sheet thereof in the presence of the person presenting it. who may also rubricate it in person or through another person at his request. Akt. 267. If the denunciation be verbal, a memorandum shall be made by the authority or official receiving the same, in which, in the form of a declaration, shall be stated all the information which the denouncer may have as to the act denounced and its circumstances, both subscribing the same. If the denouncer be not able to sign. another person shall do so at his request. A i: i . 268. The judge, court, authority, or official who shall receive a written or verbal denunciation shall require proof of the identity of the person of the denouncer by his personal <;<(u/. In the cases of the foregoing article, if a flagrant crime be Involved or some crime which does not leave any permanent marks of its commission, or in which there is good reason to fear the con- cealment or flight of the presumed criminal, the private individual desiring to tile a complaint charging the crime may at once apply to the nearest judge of examination or municipal judge, or to any police official, for the purpose of having flu 1 first steps taken which may lie necessary to ascertain the truth of the facts and for the detention of the delinquent. Am. ii74. The private complainant, whatever jurisdiction he be subject to. shall be subject foT all tin 1 purposes of the action instituted by him to the judge of examination or court having jurisdiction of the crime which is the subject-matter of the complaint. Hut he may abandon the complaint at any time, but shall neverthe- less be subject to the liabilities which he might have incurred by reason of his previous acts. 74 75 Art. 275. Si la querella fuese por dolito quo no pueda ser perse- guido sino ii instancia do parte, se cntendera abandonada por ol que la hubiere interpuesto cuando dejare de instarel procodiniiontodentro de losdiez dias siguientes a la ootificacion del auto on que el juez 6 el tri- bunal asi lo hubiese acordado. Al efecto, a los diez dias de haberse praotioado las ultimas diligencias pedidas por el querellante, 6 de estar paralizada la causa por falta de instancia del mismo, mandara de oficio el juez 6 tribunal que cono- ciere de los autos que aquel pida lo que eonvenga a derecho on el termino fijado en el parrafo anterior. Art. 276. Se tendra tambion por abandonada la querella, cuando por muerte, 6 por haberse incapacitado el querellante para continuar la accion, no compareciere ninguno de sus herederos 6 representantes legales a sostenerla dentro de los treinta dias siguientes a la citacion que al efecto se les hard dandoles conocimiento de la querella. Art. 277. La querella se presentara siempre por medio de procu- rador con poder bastante y suscrita por letrado. Se extender;! en papel de oficio, y en ella se expresara: 1°. El juez 6 tribunal ante quien se presente. 2°. El nombre, apellidos y vocindad del querellante. 3°. El nombre, apellidos y vocindad del querellado. En el caso de ignorarse estas circunstancias, se debera hacer la desig- nacion del querellado por las senas que mejor pudieran darlo a conocer. 4°. La relacion circunstaciada del hecho, con expresion del lugar, afio, mes, dia y hora en que se ejecuto, si se supieren. 5°. P]xi)rosi6n de las diligencias quo so deberdn practical- para la com- probaoion del hecho. 6°. La peticion de que se admita la querella, so practiquen las dili- gencias indicadas en el numero anterior, se proceda a la detenci6n y prision del prosunto culpable, 6 a exigirle la fianza de libertad provi- sional, y se acuerde el embargo de sus bienes en la cantidad necesaria en los casos en que asi proceda. 7°. La firnia dol querellante 6 la de otra persona a su ruego, si no supiere 6 nopudiere firmar, cuando el procurador aotuviese poder espe- cial para I'orniular la querella. Art. 278. Si la querella tuviere por objeto algun delito de l<>s que solamente pueden perseguirse :i instancia dr parte, exceptoel dr \i<>- lacion 6 rapfo, acompanard tambion la certificaci6n <\ur acredite haberse celebrado 6 intentado el acto de conciliaci6n entre querellante y querellado. l'oilran. sin embargo, pract icarse sin este requisito las diligencias de caracter urgente para la comprobaci6n de los hechos 6 para la detenci6n 7.') Art. 275. It' the complaint should charge a crime which can be prosecuted only at the instance of a party, it shall be understood that said complaint is abandoned by the person who made it, should he not institute proceedings within ten days next following the notice of the decree of the judge or court to that effect. For this purpose, after ten days have elapsed since the taking of the final step- n quested by the complainant, or when the cause i- :ii a standstill on account of hi- inaction, the judge <>r court taking COg- nizance of the proceedings shall order ex <>jji'-ir Legal representatives should appear to prosecute tin- same within thirty days next after their citation for this purpose, giving them notice of the complaint. Art. 277. The complaint shall always be submitted through a solicitor having a sufficient power subscribed by an attorney It .shall be drafted on official paper, and shall state: 1. The judge or court before whom it is made. 2. The name, surname, and residence of the complainant. 3. The name, surname, and residence of the person charged. If these details be unknown, the description of the person charged must state such distinctive marks as may best tend to his identification. 4. A detailed statement of the act, with a statement of the place, year, month, day. and hour it was committed, if known. 5. A statement of the steps to be taken for the verification of the act. 6. A petition that the complaint be admitted; that the steps indicated in the foregoing number be taken; that the detention and imprison- ment of the presumed criminal take place or that he be required to give bond for his temporary liberty, and that sufficient of his property be attached in cases in which this is proper. 7. The signature of the complainant, or that of another person at his request if he should not know how or not be able to sign, when the solicitor has no special power of attorney to make a formal complaint. Art. 278. If the complaint should charge some crime which can be prosecuted at the instance of a party only, excepting rape or abduc- tion, a certificate shall also be attached showing that proceedings to effeel a conciliation have been held or attempted between the com- plainant and the defendant. Nevertheless, proceedings of an urgent character for the verifica- tion <>f the acts or for the detention of the delinquent may tie had 76 del delincuente, suspendiendo despues el curso de los autos hasta que se acredite el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el parrai'o anterior. 1 Art. 279. En los delitos de ealumnia 6 injuria causadas en juicio se presentara ademas la licencia del juez 6 tribunal que hubiese conocido de aquel, con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el c6digo penal. 2 Art. 280. El particular querellante prestara fianza de la clase y en la cuantia que fijare el juez 6 tribunal para responder de las resultaa del juicio. Art. 281. Quedan exentos de cumplir lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior: 1°. El ofendido } T sus herederos 6 representantes legales. 2°. En los delitos de asesinato 6 de homicidio, el viudo 6 viuda, los ascendientes y descendientes consanguineos 6 alines, los colaterales consanguineos 6 uterinos y afines hasta el segundo grado, los herederos de la victima, y los padres, madres e hijos naturales aquienes se reliere el numero 3. "del articulo 261. La exencion de fianza no es aplicable a los extranjeros si no les correspondiese en virtud de tratados internacionales 6 por el principio de reciprocidad. 1 Segun el articulo 467 del codigo penal, para perseguir los delitos de violacion y rapto, no es necesaria querella de parte agraviada, bastando la mera denuncia de 1? misma, aunque no se formalize instancia. El acto de conciliacion que la ley quiere que se intenteantesdepromovcrsfinH'nll; por delito privado, no tiene otro objeto que el deevitar, aser posible, el juicio crimi- nal por medio de la avenencia de las respectivas partes, debiendo obstar en absolute la avenencia resultante a la Lnterposici6n de aijuella, por versarsobre cuesti6n legal- mente terminada. La indole especial de esta clase de avenencias no permite atribuirles distintoefecto, y esto supuesto cuando la querella criminal se refiere a un asunto asi concluido en el tramite esencial de la conciliacion, es conio si se tratara de coaa juzgada por juez competente, pues la avenencia consignada en la respectiva acta equivale, en realidad, a una sentencia definitiva, tanto miis resj)etal)le cuanto que consiste en el acuerdo de los interesados. — Sentencia de 12 de Febrero de 1886. 2 Vease el articulo 486 del codigo penal en el Apendice II. without this requisite, the proceedings being afterwards suspended until it appears thai the provisions of the foregoing paragraph have been complied with.' Akt. -J7'.». In crimes of calumny or contumely committed at a judi- cial proceeding, there shall also be filed the permission of the judge <>r court having taken cognizance of such proceedings, in accordance with the provision of the Penal Code Akt. 280. The private complainant shall give security of the char- acter and amount which the judge OT court may fix, to answer for the results of the action. Akt. 281. The following shall be excused from complying with the provisions of the foregoing article: 1. The aggrieved person and his heirs and legal representatives. •2. In crimes of assassination or homicide, the widower or widow, the ascendants or descendants by consanguinity or affinity, the collat- eral relatives by consanguinity or uterine and by affinity up to the second degree, the heirs of the victim, and the fathers, mothers, and natural children referred to in subdivision 3 of article 261. The exemption from giving bond does not apply to foreigners unless entitled thereto by virtue of international treaties or the principles of reciprocity. 1 According to article 467 of the Penal Code, in order to prosecute crimes for rape or abduction, a complaint on the part of the person injured is not necessary, a simple denunciation being sufficient, even though not made in writing. Proceedings to effect a conciliation which the law requires to be held before a com- plaint is made for a private crime has no other object than to prevent, if possible, a criminal action by means of the consent of the respective parties, such a consent absolutely precluding the institution of such action, as it then involves a question Legally closed. The special character ot such agreements does not permit of another effect being attributed to them, for the reason that a criminal complaint relates to a question which has been closed by the essential proceedings of the conciliation, and is there- fore a matter decided by the competent judge, because the conciliation included in the respective instrument is really equivalent to a final decision, deserving greater respect, as it consists of the agreement of the persons interested. Decision of Febru- ary 12, 1886. "See article 486 of the Penal Code in Appendix II. TfTULO III. DE LA POLICIA JUDICIAL. Art. 282. La policia judicial tiene por objeto, v sera* obligaci6n de todos los que la componen, averiguar los delitos publicosque secome- tieren en su territorio 6 demarcacion; practical-, segun sua atribuciones, las diligencias necesarias para comprobarlos v descubrir ;i los delin- ouentes, y recoger todos los efectos, instrumentoa 6 pruebas del delito de cuva desaparicion hubiere peligro, poniendolos a disposition de la autoridad judicial. Si el delito fuera de los que solo pueden perseguirse a instancia de parte legitima, tendran la misma obligation expresada en el parrafo anterior, si se les requiriere al efecto. Art. 283. Constituiran la policia judicial y scran auxiliares del ministerio fiscal, de los jueces de instruccion y de los municipales en su caso : 1°. Las autoridades administrativas encargadas de la seguridad publica y de la persecucion de todos los delitos 6 de algunos especiales. 2°. Los empleados 6 subalternos de policia de seguridad. cualquiera que sea su denomination. 3°. Los alcaldes, tenientes de alcaldes y alcaldes de barrio. 4". Los jefes, oficiales e individuos de la guardia civil 6 de cual- quiera otra fuerza destinada a la persecucion de malhechores. 5". Los serenos, celadores y cualesquiera otros agentes municipales de policia urbana 6 rural. 6°. Los guardas particulares de montes, campos y sembrados, jurados 6 connrmados por la administraci6n. 7°. Los jefes dr los establecimieritos penales, 1<>s alcaldes de las cax- celes y sus subalternos. 8°. Los alguaciles y dependientes de los tribunales y juzgados. \i.r. 284. Enmediatamente que los funcionarios de policia judicial tuvicri'ii conocimiento r district: to take, according to their powers, the steps necessary to verify said crimes and discover the delinquents and collect all the effects, Instruments, or proof of the crime which may be in danger of disappearing, and to place the same at the disposal of the judicial authority. If the crime should be one which can be prosecuted at the instance of a legitimate party only, they shall be under the obligation men- tioned in the foregoing paragraph, if called upon. Airi. 283. The following shall constitute the judicial police and shall In assistants to the prosecuting officials, judges of examination, and municipal judges, in a proper case: 1. The administrative authorities entrusted with the public security and the prosecution of all or of some special crimes. ■l. The employees or subordinates of the police of security, what- ever be their denomination. :;. Tlie mayors, deputy mayors, and ward mayors. 4. The chiefs, officials, and members of the civil guard or of any other body devoted to the prosecution of wrongdoers. ;>. Watchmen, and any other municipal agents of the urban or rural police. 6. The special watchmen of forests, plantations, and farms, sworn or confirmed by the administration. 7. The head- of penal establishments, the wardens of prisons, and their assistants. 8. Sheriffs and the employees of superior and inferior courts. A.BT. 284. A- soon a- flic officials of the judicial police shall receive information of the commission of a public crime, or should be called upon to order any preliminary measures to be taken by reason of the commission of a private crime, they shall inform the judicial authority or the public prosecutor, should they be able to do so without discon tinning the preliminary proceedings. Otherwise they shall do SO upon the conclusion thereof. 78 Art. 285. Si concurriere algiin funcionario de policia judicial do categoria superior i la del que estuviese actuando, debera este darle conocimiento de cuanto hubiese practicado, poniendose desde luego a su disposicion. Art. 286. Cuando el juez de instruccion 6 el municipal so presenta- ren a formar el Bumario, cesaran las diligencias de prevencion que estu- viere practicando cualquie/a autoridad 6 agente de policia, debiendo estos entregarlas en el acto a dicho juez, asi como los efectos relati- vos al delito quo se hubiesen recogido. y poniendo i su disposicion a los detenidos, si los hubiese. Art. 287. Los funcionarios que constituyen la policia judicial prac- ticaran sin dilacion, segun sus atribuciones respectivas, las diligencias que los funcionarios del ministerio tiscal les enconiienden para la com- probacion del delito y averiguacion de los delincuentes y todas las demas que durante el curso de la causa les encargaren los jueces de instruccion y municipales. Art. 288. El ministerio tiscal. los jueces de instruccion y los muni- cipales podnin ontenderse directamente con los funcionarios de policia judicial, cualquiera que sea su categoria, para todos los efectos de este titulo: poro si ol servdcio que de ellos exigiesen admitiese espera, deberan acudir al superior respectivo del funcionario de policia judicial, mientras no necesitasen del inmediato auxilio de este. Art. 289. El funcionario de policia judicial que por cualquier causa no pueda cumplir ol requerimiento 6 la orden que hubiese recibido del ministerio fiscal, del juez de instruccion, del juez municipal. 6 de la autoridad 6 agente que hubiese provenido las primeras diligencias, lo pondra ininediatamentc en conocimiento del que haya hecho el requeri- miento 6 dado la orden para que provea de otro modo a bu ejeiaicion. Art. 290. Si la causa no fuere Legitima, el que hubiese dado la orden 6 hecho el requerimiento lo pondra en conocimiento del superior jerarquico del que se excuse para que le oorrija disciplinariamente, :i no ser que hubiere incurrido en mayor responsabilidad con arreglo a las leyes. El superior jerarquico comunicara ;i la autoridad 6 funcionario que le hubiere dado la quoja la resolucion que adopte respecto de BU subordinado. A.RT. 291. El jefe de cualquiera fuerza publics que no pudiere prestar el auxilio que por los jueces de instruccion 6 municipales 6 por un funcionario de policia judicial le fuere pedido, se atendia taiubien a lo dispuesto en el articulo 289. El (pie hubiera hecho el requerimiento 1«> pondri en conocimiento del jefe Miperior inmediato del (pie 86 excu.swe en la I'ol'ina V paia el objeto expresado en los parral'os del articulo anterior. Ai;t. 385. Should any official of the judicial police «>t' a higher rank than that <>t' the official conducting the proceedings be present, the latter must inform him of all steps taken and immediately place himself at his orders. Art. l'sC. When the judge of examination or municipal judge appear to conduct the sumario, the police authority or agent shall discontinue the preliminary Steps in which he may he engaged and at once deliver any proceedings had to the aforementioned judge, as Well as the effects connected with the crime which may have been collected, and shall hold the persons detained, if there are any. subject to his order-. Art. 2*7. The officials constituting the judicial police shall, without delay, according to their respective powers, take such steps as may he entrusted to them by the prosecuting officials for the verification of the crime and the capture of the delinquents and any other steps entrusted to them during the course of the action by judges of exami- nation and municipal judges. Akt. 288. The public prosecutors, judges of examination, and muni- cipal judges may communicate directly with the officials of the judicial police, whatever be their rank, for all the purposes of this title; hut if the service required of them should admit of delay, they must apply to the immediate superior of the official of the judicial police, provided they do not require the immediate assistance of the latter. Am. 289. An official of the judicial police who for any reason whasotever should not be able to comply with the demand or order received from the public prosecutor, judge of examination, municipal judge, or the authority or agent who took the first steps, shall imme- diately inform the person who made the demand or gave the order, so that he may provide for the execution thereof by other means. Art. 290. If the cause should not be a legitimate one. the person who shall have given the order or made the demand shall inform the hierarchical superior of the person excusing himself in order that he may be disciplined, unless he shall have incurred some greater liability in accordance to law. The hierarchical superior shall communicate to the authority or offi- cial who made the complaint the action taken by him with regard to his subordinate. Art. 291. The commander of any public force who should not be able to render the aid requested of him by judges of examination or municipal judges or by an official of the judicial police, shall also observe the provisions of article 289. The person making the demand shall SO inform the immediate supe- rior of the person excusing himself, for the purposes and in the man- ner mentioned in the paragraphs of the foregoing article. 79 Art. 2'.*2. Los funcionarios do policia judicial extenderan, bien en papel sellado, bien en papel comun, un atestado de las diligencias que practiquen, on el cual especificaran con la mayor exactitud lo.s hechos por ellos averiguados, insertando las declaraciones e iuformes reci- bidos y anotando todas Las circunstancias que hubiesen observado y pudiosen ser prueba 6 indicio del delito. Ai:t. 293. HI atestado sera tirmado por el que lo haya extendido, y si usare sello, lo estampara con su rabrica en todas las bojas. Las personas presentes, peritos y testigos que hubieren intervenido en las diligencias relacionadas en el atestado seran invitadas a nrmarlo en la parte a ellos referente. Si no lo hicieren, se expresara la razon. Art. 294. Si no pudiere redactar el atestado el funcionario a quien correspondiese hacerlo, se sustituira por una relacion verbal circun- staneiada, que reducira a escrito de un niodo fehaciente el funcionario del ministerio fiscal, el juez de instruccion 6 el municipal a quien deba presentarse el atestado, manifestandose el motivo de no haberse redac- tado en la forma ordinaria. Art. 295. En ningun caso, .salvo el de la fuerza mayor, los fun- cionarios de policia judicial podran dejar transcurrir mas de veinticuatro horas sin dar conocimiento a la autoridad judicial 6 al ministerio fiscal de las diligencias que hubieren practicado. Los que inf rinjan esta disposicion seran corregidos disciplinariamente con multa de 62.50 a 250 pesetas, si la omision no mereciere la califica- cion de delito. Los que, sin exceder el tiempo de las veinticuatro horas, dilataren mas de lo necesario el dar conocimiento, seran corregidos disciplinaria- mente con multa de 25 a 125 pesetas. Art. 296. Cuando hubieren practicado diligencias por orden 6 requerimiento de la autoridad judicial 6 del ministerio Qscal, comuni- caran el resultado obtenido en los plazos que en la orden 6 en el reque- rimiento se hubiesen fijado. Art. 297. Los atestado.s que redactaren y las manifestaciones que hicieren los funcionarios de policia judicial a consecuencia * I * - las averi gnaciones que hubiesen practicado, se consideraran denuncias para los e feet os Iconics. Lasdemas declaraciones que prestaren deberan ser Qrmadas y bendr&n el valor de declaraciones testificales en cuanto se refieran ;i hechos de conocimiento propio. En todo caso. los funcionarios de policia judicial estan oUigados & observur estriclamente las foi inalidades legales en euantas diligencias practiquen, y se abstendran, bajo su responsabil;dad, de usar medios de averiguacion que la le\ do autorice. r9 Akt. 392. The officials of the judicial police shall make, either on stamped or ordinary paper, an attested statement of the proceedings had by them, in which they -hall specify, with the greatest minute- ness, the Facts ascertained by them, inserting the depositions and reports received and making a note <»t' all the circumstances which thej may have observed and which may l>c proof or evidence of the crime. Akt. 398. Thisattested statement shall be signed by the person who prepared it. and if he uses a seal he shall affix the same with his rubric upon every sheet The persons present, experts and witnesses, who shall have taken part in the proceedings set forth in the attested statement, shall he requested to sign that portion thereof which relates to them. Should they fail to do 80 the reason for their refusal shall lie stated. Akt. l".'4. If it should be impossible for this statement to be pre- pared by the official whose duty it is to do so, it shall he substituted by a verbal detailed statement, which shall lie reduced to writing in an authentic manner by tin 1 public prosecutor, judge of examination, or municipal judge to whom the attested statement is to be presented, the reason that it was not drafted in the usual manner being stated. Art. 295. In no ease, excepting force majeure^ shall the officials of the judicial police allow more than twenty-four hours to elapse without informing the judicial authorities or the public prosecutor of the steps which they may have taken. Those violating this provision shall lie disciplined by the imposition of a fine of not less than 62.50 or more than 250 pesetas, if the failure does not deserve to be classified as a crime. Those who. without exceeding- the time of twenty-four hours, should delay giving this information longer than necessary, shall lie disci- plined by the imposition of a fine of not less than 25 or more than 125 pesetas. Akt. 296. If they shall have taken proceedings by order or requi- sition of judicial or prosecuting authorities, they shall communicate the result obtained within the periods fixed in the order or requisition. Akt. 2!»7. The attested reports prepared and the statements made by officials of the judicial police, as a consequence of their investiga- tions, shall lie considered denunciations for legal purposes. Any other declarations which they may make must be signed and shall have the value of a deposition <>f a witness in so far as they relate to fact- of their own knowledge. In any case the officials of the judicial police are obliged to observe strictly all legal formalities in any proceedings which they may hold, and -hall abstain, under their liability, from using means of investigan tion not authorized by law. 80 Aiit. 298. Los jueces de instruccion y los fiscalea calificaran en un registro reservado el comportamiento de los funcionarios que bajo su inspeccion presten servicios de policia judicial, y cada aemestre, eon referencia a dicho registro, comunicaran a los superiorer de cada uno de aquellos, para los efectos a que hubiere logar, la calincacion razonada de su comportamiento. Ouando los funcionarios de policia judicial que hubieren de >cr corregidos disciplinariamente con arreglo a esta ley fuesen de categoria superior a la de la autoridad judicial 6 fiscal que entendiesen en las diligencias en que se hubiere cometido la f'alta, se abstendran estos de imponcr por si mismos la correccion, limitandose a poner lo ocurrido en conocimiento del jefe ininediato del que debiere ser eorregido. 80 Akt. 398. Judges of examination and prosecul ing officials shall clas- sify, in a secret register, the conduct of the officials who shall render services of judicial police under their inspection, and every six mouths, with reference t<> tin- said register, they shall communicate to the superiors of each of them the detailed classification of their conduct for the proper purposes. When the officials of the judicial police who should he disciplined in accordance with this law are of a rank superior to that of the judicial or prosecuting authority acting in the proceedings in which the offense was committed, the latter shall abstain from personally imposing the punishment, confining themselves to communicating the occurrence to the immediate chief of the person to lie disciplined. LS473—<>1 11 TITULO IV. DE LA INSTRUCCldN. CAPITULA PRIMERO. DEL SUMARIO Y DE LAS AUTORIDADES COMPETENTES PARA INSTRUIRLO. Art. 299. Constituyen el sumario las actuaciones encaminadas a preparar el juicio y practicadas para averiguar y hacer constar la perpetracion de los delitos con todas las circunstancias que puedan influir en su calificacion, y la culpabilidad de los delincuentes, asegu- rando sus personas y las responsabilidades pecuniarias de los mismos. 1 Art. 300. Cada delito de que conozca la autoridad judicial sera objeto de un sumario. Los delitos conexos se comprenderan. sin em- bargo, en un solo proceso. Art. 301. Las diligencias del sumario seran secretas hasta que se abrael juicio oral, con las excepciones determinadas en lapresente ley: El abogado 6 procurador de cualquiera de las partes que revelare indebidamente el secreto del sumario, sera corregido con multa de 125 a 1,250 pesetas. En la misma multa incurrira cualquiera otra persona que no siendo funcionario publico coineta la misma 1'alta. El funcionario publico, en el caso de los parrafos anteriores, incurrira en la responsabilidad que el codigo penal seiiale en su lugar respective Art. 302. El juez instructor podra autorizar al procesado 6 pro- cesados para que tomen conocimiento de las actuaciones y diligencias suinarias cuando se relacionen con cualquier derecho que intenten ejercitar, siempre que dicha autorizacion no perjudiipic a los lines del sumario. 'Segiin eentencia de 20 de Septiembre de 1886 las omisiones cometidaa en este perfodo procesal qo pueden constituir motivo para la casacion de una Bentencia definitiva, tanto porque pueden ser subsanadas de oficio con reposicion de la causa, conio porque pueden suplirse a Lnstancia de las partes versantea en ella. En la regla '.'>" de la circular de la fipcalfa del Tribunal Supremo de :;i de Diciembre de 1882, inserta en la memoriade 15 de Septiembre de 1883, se consign6 que "los fiecalesde las audienciae fijardn su atenci6n en la naturaleza especial de loa suma- rioe, Begun la aueva ley ;i tin de (pie se concrete]] :i l<>s puntos verdaderamente esenciales de los mismos, procurando su mas pronta terminaci6n poaible." TITLE TV. THE INVESTIGATION. CHAPTER FIRST. THE SUM ARK) AND THE AUTHORITIES COMPETENT TO TAKE COGNI- ZANCE THEREOF. Akt. 299. The sumario consists of the proceeding's had to prepare the trial and for the purpose of verifying and evidencing the commis- sion of crimes with all the circumstances which ma}* have a bearing upon their classification and the guilt of the delinquents, securing their persons and the pecuniary liabilities of the same. 1 Art. 300. Every crime of which a judicial authorit} T takes cogni- zance shall be the subject of a sumario. Connected crimes, neverthe- less, shall be included in one and the same proceeding. Art. 301. The proceedings of the sumario shall be secret until the oral trial is begun, with the exceptions specified in this law. The attorney or solicitor of any of the parties who shall improperly reveal the secret of the sumario, shall be punished hy the imposition of a fine of not less than 125 or more than 1,250 pesetas. The same penalty shall be incurred by any other person who, not being a public official, shall commit the same offense. A public official, in the case of the foregoing paragraphs, shall incur the liability which the penal code may fix in the respective place. Art. 302. The judge of examination may authorize the person or persons accused to take cognizance of the proceedings and steps of the sumario when they relate to any right which they ma} r wish to exer- cise, provided that said authorization shall not prejudice the ends of the sumario. 'According to a decision of September 20, 1886, the omissions incurred at this stage of the proceedings can not serve as a basis for the annulment of a final sentence, because they can Ik- cured by the court and the cause reheard, and they may also be supplied at the instance of the parties thereto. In the third rule of the circular of the office of the Fiscal of the Supreme Couii of December 31, 1882, including in the report of September 15, 1883, it was stated that "HieJUcaleSOi audienciae shall devote their attention to the special character of the mmarios, according to the new law, in order that they may he limited to the truly essential points of the same, securing the speediest conclusion possible." -1 82 Si este se prolongate mas dc dos meses, a contar desde el auto en que se declare el procesainiento de determinada 6 determinadas personas, podran estas pretender del juez instructor que se les de vista de lo actuado a fin de instar su mas pronta terrainacion, a lo que debeni acceder la mencionada autoridad judicial en cuanto no lo considere peligroso para el exito de las investigaciones sumariales. Contra el auto denegatorio en uno y otro caso, solo procedeni el recurso de queja ante el tribunal superior competente. Art. 303. La formacion del sumario, ya empiece de oficio, ya a instancia de parte, correspondera a los jueces de instruccion por los delitos que se coinetan dentro de su partido 6 demarcation respectiva, y en su defecto a los demas de la misma ciudad 6 poblacion, cuando en ella hubiere mtis de uno, y a prevention con ellos 6 por su delegacion, a los jueces municipales. Esta disposition no es aplicable a las causas encomendadas especial - mente por la ley organica a determinados tribunales, pues para ellas podran estos nombrar un juez instructor especial, 6 autorizar al ordi- nario para el seguimiento del sumario. El nombramiento de juez instructor unicamente podra recaer en un magistrado del mismo tribunal, 6 en un funcionario del orden judicial en activo servicio de los existentes dentro del territorio de dicbo tribunal. Una vez designado, obrara con jurisdiction propia e inde- pendiente. 1 Cuando el instructor fuese un magistrado. podra delegar sas fun- ciones, en caso de imprescindible necesidad, en el juez de instruccion del punto donde hayan de practicarse las diligencias. 1 En las causas para cuyo conocimiento sea competente una sala de lo criminal por la calidad de las personas contra quien se dirija el procedimiento, ^puede aquella dictar providencia mandando los procesos al fiscal para (pie pida lo que crea proce- dente respecto a la investigacion? Concluida la instruccion de las diligencias del sumario en dichas causa.-, cuando por delegacion las instruya un juez, $ quien correspondera dictar el auto de termi- nacion del sumario? " En cuanto a la primera parte, es indudable que la sala puede hacer li> que indica la consulta. " No hay motivo para que se abstenga el fiscal de pedir la pnictica de las diligencias que juzgue pertinentes, puesto que en la instruccion de estos sumarios, como en la >lc todos, ejerce el ministerio publico su inspeccion con arreglo & la ley. " Por lo que hace ;i la segunda, la facultad f 1887. ) 83 Cuando el delito fuesc por su naturaleza de aquellos que solamente pueden cometers'e poT autoridades 6 funeionarios sujetos :t un fucro superior, los jueces dc instruccion ordinarios, en casos urgentes, podran acordar las medidas de precauci6n necesarias para evitar su oeultacion; pero remitiran las diligencias en el termino mas I neve posible, que en ningun podra exceder de tres dias, al tribunal eompetente, el cual resolvent la ineoacion del sumario, y. en su dia, sobre si ha 6 no lugar al procesamiento de la autoridad 6 funeionarios inculpados. Art. 304. Las salas de gobierno de las audiencias territoviales podran nombrar tambien un juez instructor especial cuando las causas versen sobre delitos cuyas extraordinarias eircunstancias, 6 las do lugar y tiempo de su ejecucion, 6 de las personas que en ellos hubiesen inter- venido como ofensores (i ofendidos, motivaren t'undadamente el nom- bramiento de aquel para la mas acertada investigacion 6 para la mas segura comprobacion de los hechos. Las facultades de las salas de gobierno seran extensivas a las causas procedentes de las audiencias comprendidas dentro de su demarca- cion, y los nombramientos deberan reeaer en los mismos funeionarios expresados en el articulo anterior de entre los existentes en el terri- torio, prefiriendo, a ser posil^le, uno de los magistrados de la niisina. cuando no fuere autorizado el juez instructor ordinario para el segui- miento del sumario. Lo mismo las salas de gobierno que los tribunales, cuando hagan uso de la facultad expresada en este y en el precedente articulo. daran cuenta motivada al Ministerio de Ultramar. Art. 305. El nombramiento de jueces especiales de instruccion (jue se haga conforme a los articulos anteriores, sera y habra de entenderse solo para la instruccion del sumario con todas sus incidencias. Ter- minado este, se remitira por el juez especial al tribunal a quien aegun las disposiciones vigentes corresponda el conocimiento de la causa, para que la prosiga y falle con arreglo a derecho. CAPITULO II. DE LA FORMACI6N DEL SUMARIO. Art. 306. Conforme a lo dispuesto en el capftulo anterior, los jueces de inst ruccion formaran los sumarios de los delitos publicOS bajo la iiispcccion directa e committed only l>y authorities <>r officials subject to a superior jurisdiction, the ordinary judges of examination may. in urgent cases, order such meas- ures of precaution to be taken which may be necessary to prevent their concealment; but they shall forward the proceedings within the shortest possible period, which in no case shall exceed three days, to the court of competent jurisdiction, which shall pass upon the institution of the SUmario, and at the proper time shall decide whether the authority or official accused should or should not be indicted. Akt. 304. The chain hers of administration of the territorial audiencias may also appoint a special examining judge when the causes involve crimes tin 1 extraordinary circumstances of which, or the conditions of the time or place of their execution, or of the per ons involved therein either as aggrieved or authors, should furnish sufficient cause for the appointment of said judge in order to secure a better examination or a more certain verification of the facts. The powers of the chambers of administration shall extend to causes proceeding from the audiencias situated within their circuits, and the appointments must be of the same officials mentioned in the foregoing article from among those on service within the circuit, preference being given, if possible, to one of the associate justices of the same, if the ordinary examining judge should not be authorized to conduct the Chambers of administration as well as courts, when they avail them- selves of the power mentioned in this and in the foregoing article, shall render a detailed report to the colonial department. Akt. 305. The appointment of special judges of examination which may be made in accordance with the foregoing articles shall and must be understood only for the conduction of the aumario with all its inci- dents. Upon the conclusion thereof the proceedings had therein shall be forwarded by the special judge to the court to which according to the provisions in force the cognizance of the cause pertains, in order that it may continue and decide the same according to law. CHAPTER II. FORMATION OF THE SUMARIO. Aur. 306. In accordance with the provisions of the foregoing chapter, judges of examination shall conduct the sumario of public ciiines under the direct supervision of the public prosecutor of the court of competent jurisdiction. The supervision shall be exercised either by the public prosecutor establishing himself in person or through one of his assistants at the 84 de testimonios en relaci6n, suficientemente expresivos, que le romitira el juez instructor periodicamente y ouantas voces se los reclame, pudiendo en este caso el fiscal hacer presentes sus observaciones en atenta comunicacion y forraular sus pretensiones por requerimientos igualmente atentos. Tambien podra delegar sus funciones en los fiscales municipales. Art. 307. En el caso de que el juez municipal comenzare a instruir las primeras diligencias del sumario, practicadas que sean las mas urgentes y todas las que el juez de instruction le hubiere prevenido, le remitira la causa, que nunca podra retener mas de tres dias. Art. 308. Inmediatamente que los jueces de instruction 6 los muni- cipales, en su caso, tuvieren noticia de la perpetration de un delito, lo pondran en conocimiento del fiscal de la respectiva audiencia, y Los jueces de instruction daran ademas parte al presidente de esta de la formation del sumario en relation sucinta suficientemente expresiva del hecho, de sus circunstancias y de su autor, dentro de los dos dias siguientes al en que hubieren principiado a instruirle. Los jueces municipales daran cuenta inmediata de la prevenci6n de las diligencias al de instruction a quien corresponda. Art. 309. Si la persona contra quien resultaren cargos fuere alguna de las sometidas en virtud de disposition especial de la ley organiea a un tribunal exceptional, practicadas las primeras diligencias, y antes de dirigir el procedimiento contra aquella, esperara las ordenes del tribunal competente a los efectos de lo prevenido en el parrafo segundo y ultima parte del quinto del art. 303 de esta ley. Si el delito fuere de los que dan motivo :i la prisi6n preventiva con arreglo a lo dispuesto en esta ley, y el presunto culpable hubiese sido sorprendido infraganti, podra ser desde luego detenido y preso, si fuere necesario, sin perjuiciode lo dispuesto en el parrafo precedente. Art. 310. Los jueces de instruction podran delegar en los munici- pales la practicade todos los actos y diligencias que esta ley no reserve exclusivamente a los primeros, cuando alguna causa justificada los impida practicarlos por si. Pero procurardn hacer uso moderado de esta facultad, y el tribunal inmediato superior cuidara" de unpedir y corregir la frecuencia in justificada do estas delegaciones. Art. 311. El juez que instruya el sumario practical las diligencias que le propusieren el ministeriq fiscal 6 el particular querellante, si do las considera inutiles 6 perjudiciales. 84 side <>f the examining judge, <>r by means of detailed certified state ments, sufficiently explicit, which shall be transmitted t<> him by the examining judge at periodical intervals, and a- often a> requested, the public prosecutor being permitted in the latter case to submit his remarks in a respectful communication, and his petitions by requisi- tions equally respectful. Ele may also delegate bis functions to the municipal prosecuting officials. ART. 3U7. In case that the municipal judge should begin the insti- tution of the preliminary proceedings of the auma/rio, as soon as the more argent steps have been taken, as well as all those which the judge of examination may have ordered, he shall forward the cause to him, and shall never retain it for more than three days. Art. 308. As soon as judges of examination, or municipal judges in a proper case, shall have information of the commission of a crime, they shall inform the prosecuting official of the proper audiencia, and judges of examination shall in addition inform the presiding judge of the latter of the formation of the sumario in a succinct statement suffi- ciently specific as to the act, its circumstances, and the author thereof within two days after the institution of the same. Municipal judges shall make a report at once of the proceedings had to the proper judge of examination. Art. 309. If the person against whom charges are made be of those subject by virtue of a special provision of the organic law to an excep- tional tribunal, after the first proceedings have been had and before instituting proceedings against said person, orders shall be awaited from the competent court for the purposes of the provisions contained in the second paragraph and the last part of the fifth paragraph of article 303 of this law. If the crime be of those which give rise to provisional imprison- ment in accordance of the provisions of this law, .and the presumed criminal should have been surprised infragwvti, he may be detained at once and placed under arrest, if necessary, without prejudice to the provisions of the foregoing paragraph. Art. 310. Judges of examination may delegate to the municipal judges the holding of all proceedings and taking of all steps which this law does not reserve exclusively to the former, when any just cause prevents them doing so in person. But they shall seek to make a moderate use of this power and the immediate superior court shall take care to prevent and correct an unjustified frequency of these delegations. Art. 311. The judge conducting the memario shall take all the steps which may be suggested to him by the prosecuting officials <>r by the private complainant, if he does not consider them useless or prejudicial. 85 Contra el auto denegatorio de las diligencias pedidas podra* interpo- nerse el recurso de apelacion, que sera adinitido en un solo efecto para ante la respectiva audiencia 6 tribunal competente. Cuando el tiseal no estuviere en la misma localidad que el juez de instruceion, en vez de apelar, recurrira en queja al tribunal compe- tente, acompanando al efecto testimonio de las diligencias sumariales que conceptue necesarias, cuyo testimonio debera facilitarle el juez de instruceion, y previo informe del mismo. acordara el tribunal lo que estime proeedente. Art. 312. Cuando se presentase querella. el juez de instruceion, despues de admitirla si fuere proeedente, mandara practical 1 las dili- gencias que en ella se propusieren, salvo las que considere contrarias a las leyes, 6 innecesarias 6 perjudiciales para el objeto de la querella, las cuales denegara en resolucion motivada. Art. 313. Desestimara en la misma forma la querella cuando los hechos en que se funde no constituyan delito, 6 cuando no se considere competente para instruir el sumario objeto de la misma. Contra el auto a que se retiere este articulo procedera el recurso de apelacion, que sera admisible en ambos efectos. Art. 311. Las diligencias pedidas y denegadas en el sumario podran ser propuestas de nuevo en el juicio oral. Art. 315. El juez hard constar cuantas diligencias se practicaren a instancia de parte. De las ordenadas de oficio solamente constaran en el sumario aqueUas cuyo resultado fuere conducente al objeto del mismo. Art. 316. El querellante podril intervenir en todas las diligencias del sumario. Si el delito fuere publico, podra el juez de instruceion. sin embargo de lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior, declarer, a propuesta del tiseal 6 de oficio, secreto el sumario para el querellante. Art. 317. El juez municipal tendril Las mismas facultades que el de instruceion para no comunicar al querellante particular las actuaciones que practicarc Art. 318. Sin embargo del deber Lmpuesto :i los jueces municipales de instruir en sn caso las primeras diligencias de los suinarios. cuando el juez de instruceion tuviere noticia de algun delito que revista caracter de gTavedad, 6 cuya comprobaci6n fuere diffciJ por circun- stanciaa especiales, 6 que hubiese causado alarma, se fcrasladarti inmedia- tanienle al lugar del delito y procedera a formar el sumario, liaciendose cargo de las actuaciones que hubiese praeticdao el juez municipal y recibiendo lasaveriguacionee y datos que lesuministren los funcionarios de la policia judicial. Permanecera endicho lugar el tiempo necesario 85 An appeal may be taken from ;ill decisions refusing to take the steps requested, which appeal shall be allowed for review only before the proper audiencia or court of competent jurisdiction. If the public prosecutor be not in the same locality as the judge of examination, Instead of appealing, he shall cuter a complaint before the proper tribunal, attaching for the purpose an abstract of the pro- ceedings which he may consider necessary, which abstract must be furnished him by the judge of examination; and after a report from the latter the court shall decide what it may deem proper. Aim'. 313. If a complaint be made, the judge of examination, after admitting the same, if proper, shall order such steps to be taken as are suggested therein, excepting those which he may consider con- trary to law or unnecessary or prejudicial to the object of the com- plaint, which he shall refuse in a decision setting forth his reasons. Aim. 813. He shall reject the complaint in the same manner when the acts upon which it is based do not constitute a crime or when he does not consider that he has jurisdiction to conduct the aumario which is the object thereof. An appeal for a review and stay of proceedings shall lie from the decision referred to in this article. Art. 314. The proceedings requested and refused in tin 1 sumanrio may again be moved in the oral trial. Art. 815. The judge shall cause a record to be made of all proceed- ings had at the instance of a party. Of those ordered ex officio only such shall appear in the svmwrio the result of which shall be conducive to the object thereof. Art. 316. The complainant may take part in all the proceedings of the siniKif'to. If the crime be a public one, the judge of examination may, not- withstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, declare, on motion of the prosecuting official or ex officio, that the si(i» is secret from the complainant. Art. 317. The municipal judge shall have the same powers as the judge of examination not to communicate the proceedings held to the private complainant, Art. 31s. Notwithstanding the duty imposed upon municipal judges to take, in a proper case, the first steps in a nmnario^ when the judge of examination shall have information of the commission of some crime of a serious character, or the verification of which might be difficult by reason of special conditions, or which may have caused alarm, he shall immediately betake himself to the place where the crime was committed and shall proceed to conduct the sumario, taking charge of the proceedings which may have been had by the municipal judge and receiving the veritications and data furnished him by the officials of 86 para practical" todas las diligencias, cuya dilacion pudiera ofrecer inconvenientes. Art. 319. Cuando el Fiscal de la respectiva Audiencia tuviere cono- cimiento de la perpetraci6n de alguno de los delitos expresados en el articulo anterior, debera trasladarse personalmente, 6 acordar que se traslade al lugar del suceso alguno de bus Bubordinados para contribuir, eon el juez de instrucci6n, al mejor y mas pronto esclarecimiento de los hechos, si otras oeupaciones tanto 6 inas graves no lo inipidieren, sin perjuicio de proceder de igual manera en cualquier otro caso en que lo conceptuare eonveniente. Art. 320. La intervencion del actor civil en el sumario se limitara* a procurar la practica de aquellas diligencias que puedan conducir al mejor exito de su accion, apreciadas discrecionalmente por el juez instructor. Art. 321. Los jueces de instruction formaran el sumario ante sua secretarios. En casos urgentes y extraordinarios, faltando estos, podran proceder con la intervencion de un notario 6 de dos hombres buenoa mayores de edad, que sepan leer yescribir, los cuales juraran guardar ridel idad y secreto. Art. 322. Las diligencias del sumario que bayan de practioarse fuera de la circunscripcion del juez de instruccion 6 del termino del juez municipal que las ordenaren, tendran lugar en la forma que determina el tit. VIII del libro I, y seran reservadas para todos los cpie no deban intervenir en ellas. Art. 323. Sin embargo de lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, cuando el lugar en que se hubiere de practical* alguna diligencia del sumario estuviere fuera de la jurisdiction del juez instructor, pero en lugar proximo al punto en que este se hallare, } T hubiese peligro en demorar aquella, podra ejecutarla por si mismo, dando inmediato aviso al juez competente. Art. 324. Cuando al mes de haberse incoado un sumario no se hubiere terminado, el juez dara parte cada semana ;i los tnismos a quienes lo haya dado al principiarse aqu^l de Las causas que luibiesen impedido su conclusion. Con vista de cada uno de estos partes, los presidentes a quienes se bubiesen remitido y el Tribunal competente acordaran, segun bus respectivas atribuciones, lo que consideren oportuno para la mas pronta terminacion del sumario. Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en este articulo, los jueces de instruc- cion cstiin obligadosa* dar :i los Fiacales de las Audienciaa cuantas ooti- 86 the judicial police. He shall remain in said place as long as may be necessary to hold all the proceedings in which delay might cause inconvenience. Art. 319. When the public prosecutor of the respective audiencia shall have information of the commission of any of the crimes men- tioned in the foregoing article, he must proceed in person, or order that one of his subordinates proceed to the place of the occurrence. together with the judge of examination, in order to secure a better and more speedy elucidation of the facts, should ho not be prevented from so doing by other occupations of as great or greater importance, without prejudice to proceeding in a similar manner in any other case in which he may consider it advisable. Ai;t. .")•_'". The intervention of the civil plaintiff in thesumario shall be confined to securing- the taking of sueh steps as may contribute to the success of his action, which steps shall be passed upon by the examining judge in his discretion. Art. 321. Judges of examination shall conduct the sumario in the presence of their secretaries'. In urgent and extraordinary cases, in the absence of the latter, the}' may proceed with the intervention of one notary or of two hombres }>u, rws of legal age. able to read and write, and who shall take an oath to observe faith and secrecy. Art. 322. The proceedings of the sumario which may have to be held without the jurisdiction of the judge of examination or the dis- trict of the municipal judge ordering the same, shall be had in the manner prescribed in Title VIII of the first book, and shall be secret as to persons not connected therewith. Art. 323. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the fore- going article, when the place in which some proceeding of the sumario is to be held is without the jurisdiction of the examining judge, but at a place near the point where the latter may be. and there should be danger in delaying such proceeding, he may execute it in person, immediately advising the judge of competent jurisdiction. Art. 324. If one month after the beginning of a, sumario it should not have been concluded, the judge shall every week inform such persons as he informed at the beginning of said suma/rio of the causes which may have prevented the conclusion thereof. In view of each of these communications, the presiding judges to whom they may have been transmitted and the court of competent jurisdiction shall older, according to their respective powers, what they may consider propel- for a more speedy termination of the sii imi rm. Without prejudice to the provisions of this article, judges of exam [nation are obliged to give to the prosecuting officials of audiencia.- any 87 cias les pidieren, fuera de estos terniinos, sobre el estado y adekmto de los sumarios. Art. 325. De las faltas de celo y actividad en la formaci6n de los sumarios seran responsables diseiplinariamente los jueees de instruc- cion, y los municipales en su caso, a no ser que lo f ucran criminalmente con arreglo a las leyes. other information they may request as to the status and progress of SIIIH(ll'/'>S. Akt. 325. Judges of examination and municipal judges in a proper case sliall be disciplinarily liable for any lack of zeal or activity in the conduction of sumorios, provided they are not criminal liable in accordance to law. TITULO V. DE LA COMPROBACION DEL DELITO Y AVERIGUACltiN DEL DELINCTJENTE. CAPfTULO PBIMERO. DE LA INSPECCI6N OCULAR. Art. 326. Cuando el delito que se persiga haya dejado vestigios 6 pruebas materiales de su perpetracion, el juez instructor 6 el que haga sus veces los recogera para el juieio oral si fuere posible, procediendo al efecto a la inspeccion de todo aquello que pueda tener relacion con la existencia y naturaleza del hecho. A este tin hara consignar en los autos la descripcion del lugar del delito, el sitio y estado en que se hallen los objetos que en el se en- cuentren, los accidentes del terreno 6 situacion de las habitaciones y todos los demas detalles que puedan tanto para la acusaci6n conio para la defensa. Art. 327. Cuando fuere convenient^ para mayor claridad 6 compro- baeion de los hechos, se levantara el piano del lugar suficientemente detallado, 6 se hard elretrato de las personas que hubiesen sido objeto del delito, 6 la eopia 6 diseno de los efectos 6 instrumentos del mismo que se hubiesen hallado. Art. 328. Si se tratare de un robo 6 de cualquier otro delito come- tido con fractura, escalamiento 6 violencia, el juez instructor debera describir los vestigios que haya dejado. y consultara el parecer de peritos sobre la manera, instrumentos. nicdios 6 tiempo de la ejecu- cion del delito. Art. 329. Para llevar a efecto lo dispuesto en los articulos anterio- res, podra ordenar el juez instructor que no st 1 ausenten durante la diligencia de descripcion las personas que bubieren sido halladas eo el lugar del delito. y que comparezcao ademas inmediatamente las que se encontraren collect and include in the sumario evidence of any kind which it may be possible to secure with regard to the commission of the crime. Akt. 331. It' the crime be <>t' those which do aol leave any evidence of their commission, the judge of examination shall seek to establish, by evidence of witnesses and by all other means <>t' verification, the commission of the crime and the circumstances thereof, as well ;i~ the previous existence of the thing, if the object of the crime shall have been the removal thereof. Akt. 332. All the proceedings mentioned in this chapter shall be reduced to writing at the time of the ocular inspection, and shall be Bigned by the examining judge, prosecuting official, if present thereat, the secretary, and the other persons present. Aim. :;::'.. If at the time of the proceedings mentioned in the pre- ceding articles there should be some person indicted as the presumed author of the punishable act. he may be present thereat either alone or with the counsel he may select or that assigned him by the court, if he should so request, and either one may at this time make such obser- vations as he may consider pertinent, a record thereof being made if not accepted. For this purpose the order for the holding of this proceeding shall oe communicated to the accused such time in advance as the character thereof will admit, and the proceeding shall not be suspended on account of the nonappearance of the accused or his counsel. CHAPTER II. THE CORPUS DELICTI. Art. 334. The examining judge shall seek to collect during the first moment* the arms, instruments, or effects of whatsoever class which may bear upon the crime and which may be at or in the vicinity of the place where the latter was committed, or in the possession of the criminal, or in any other known place, making a record of the place, time, and occasion upon which found, describing the same minutely in order that a clear idea thereof and of the circumstances under which they were found may be formed. The record shall be signed by the person in whose possession they may be found, who shall be notified of the order to collect them. Akt. 335. Upon the finding of the person or thing the object of the crime, the examining judge shall describe in detail his or its state and circumstances, and especially all those which bear upon the punish- able act. If in \iew of the fact that a crime of falsification committed in documents OX" effects existing in dependencies of the State is in <|ite>- ( .H) necesidad de tenerlos a la vista para su reconocimiento pericial y exanien por parte del juez 6 tribunal, se reclamaran a las correspon- dientes autoridades, sin perjuicio de devolverlos a Los respectivos cen- tros oficiales despues de terminada la causa. Art. 336. En loa casos de los dos articulosanteriores, ordenar&tam- bien el juez el reconocimiento por peritos, siempre que este* indicado para apreciar mejor la relacion con el delito, de los lugares, armas, instrunientos 3- efectos a que dichos articulos Be refieren, baciendose constar por diligencia el reconocimiento y el informe pericial. A esta diligencia pod ran asistir tambien el procesado y su defensor en los terminos expresados en el art. 333. Art. 337. Cuando en el acto de describir la persona 6 cosa objeto del delito, y los lugares. annas, instrunientos 6 efectos relacionados con el mismo, estuvieren presentes 6 fueren conocidas personas que puedan declarar acerca del modo v forma con que aquel hubiese sido cometido, y de las causas de las alteraeiones que se observaren en dichos lugares, armas, instrunientos 6 efectos, 6 acerca de su estado anterior, scran examinadas inmediatamente despues de la descripcion. y sus declara- ciones se consideraran como complemento de esta. Art. 338. Los instrunientos, armas y efectos a que se refiere el art. 334 se sellaran, si fuere posible, acordando su retencion y conservaci6n. Las diligencias a que esto diere lugar se tirmaran por la persona en cuyo poder se hubiesen hallado, y en su defecto, por dos testigos. Si los objetos no pudieren por su naturaleza conservarse en su forma primitiva, el juez resolvcra lo que estime mas conveniente para con- servarlos del mejor modo posible. Si entre los objetos recogidos se encontraren cosas 6 vasos sagrados, el juez instructor mandara que scan separados de los demas y guardados aparte, evitando toda profanacion. Art. 339. Si fuere conveniente recibir algun in forme pericial sobre los medios empleados para la desaparici6n del cuerpodel delito 6 sobre las pruebas de cualquiera clase (pue en su defecto se hubiesen recogido, el juez ordenara inmediatamente del modo prevenido en el capitulo VII de este mismo titulo. Art. 340. Si la instruccion tuviere lugar por causa de nmerte violenta 6 sospecbosa de criminalidad, antes de proceder al euterramieoto del cadaver 6 inniediatamente despues de su exhuniaci6n, lieclia la descrip- cion ordenada en el art. 335, se identincara* por medio de testigos que, ;i la vista del inisnio, den razon satisl'actoiia de su conocimiento. AlJT. 341. N<» habiendo testigos de conocimiento, si el estado del cadaver lo permit iere. se expondrii al publico antes de practicarse la autopsia, por tiempo ;i lo tnenos de veinticuati*o horas, expresando en 90 ti<»n. and therefore there should be unavoidable necessity to bave the same al hand for their examination by expert*) :in has been made, it shall he identified by witnesses, who upon viewing the same shall give satisfactory reasons for their identification. Akt. 341. Should there not he any witnesses of identification, if the rondition of the body shall permit, it shall he exhibited to the public for twenty-four hours at least before the holding of theautoprty, 91 mi cartel, que se tijara a la puerta del deposito de cad&veres, el sitio, hora y dia <-n que aquel se hubiese hallado, y el juez que estuviese instruyendo el sumario, a fin de quequien fcenga algun datoque pueda contribuir al reconocimiento del cadaver 6al esclarecimiento del delito y de sus circunstancias lo comunique al juez instructor. Art. 342. Cuando a pesar de tales prevencionee no fuere el cadaver reconocido, recogera el juez todas las prendas del traje con que se If hubiese encontrado, a tin de que pueda n servir oportunaniente para hacer la identiticaeion. Art. 343. En los sumarios a que se refiere el art. 340, aim cuando por la inspection exterior pueda presumirse la causa de la niuerte. se procedera a la autopsia del cadaver por los medicos forenses, 6 en su caso por los que el juez designe, los cuales. despues de describii exactamente dicha operation, informaran sobre el origen del falleci- miento y sus circunstancias. Para practical* la autopsia se observara lo dispuesto en el art. 353. Art. 344. Con el nombre de medico forense habra en cada juzgado de instruction un facultativo encargado de auxiliar a la administration de justicia en todos los casos y actuaciones en que sea necesaria 6 conveniente la intervention y servicios de su profesion en cualquier punto de la demarcacion judicial. Art. 345. El medico forense residirsi en la capital del juzgado para que haya sido nombrado, y no podra ausentarse de ella sin licencia del juez, del presidente de la audiencia de lo criminal 6 del Ministro de Ultramar, segun que sea por ocho dias a lo mas en el primer caso. veinte en el segundo, y por el tiempo que el Ministro estime con- veniente en el tercero. Art. 340. En las ausencias, enfermedades y vacantes, sustituini al medico forense otro profesor que desempene igual cargo en la misma poblacion; y si no le hubiese, el que el juez designe. dando cuenta de ello al Presidente de la Audiencia de lo criminal. Lo mismo sucedera cuando por cualquier otro motivo no pudiese valerse el juez instructor del medico forense. Los que se aegaren al cumplimiento de este deber 6 le eludieren, inourrirrUn en multa de 62.50 i. 250 pesetas; y si Lnsistieren en su aegativa, serin procesados conio reos de desobediencia grave. Aet. 347. El medico forense estl obligado :i praotioar bodo acto 6 diligencia propios 3. Las autopsias se har:in en un local publico (pie en cado pueblo 6 partido tendrd destinado la administraci6n para el objeto y para deposito de cad;i\ crcs. 1'odi-a, sin embargo, el juez de instruc- cion disponer, cuando lo considere conveniente, que la operaci6n Be practique en otro lugar 6 en el domioilio del difunto, si su familia lo pidiere y esto no perjudicare al 6xito del sumario. Si el juez de instrucci6n no pudiere asistir :i la operaci6n anatomica. delegara m un I'uncionario de policia judicial, dando le dc bu asistencia, asi coino de lo one en atiuclla ociiiiicrc, el sccivlario dc la causa. 92 Ai:t. 348. It' in some case, in addition to the attendance of the offi cial physician, the judge shall consider the cooperation of one or more physicians to be necessary, he shall make the proper appointment. The provisions of the foregoing paragraph shall also apply when, on account of the gravity of 1 1 1 « - case, the official physician shall con- sider the cooperation of one or more physicians to be necessary and the judge concurs in said belief. Art. .".4:». Whenever compatible with the proper administration of justice, the judge may grant in his discretion a period to the official physician within which to give his evidence, prepare the reports, and answer inquiries and prepare any other documents which may be necessary, permitting him likewise to designate such hours as he may consider best adapted for the autopsies and the disinterment of bodies. Art. 350. In eases of poisoning, wounds, and any other bodily injuries, the official physician shall be charged with the professional attendance upon the patient, unless the latter or his family prefer that of one or more professors they may select, in which case the former shall exercise the surveillance and supervision incumbent upon him in order to comply with the duties of the official medical service. The accused shall have the right to designate one professor who, together with those appointed by the examining judge or the one designated by the complainant, shall take part in the attendance upon the patient. Art. 351. When the official physician, or. in his absence, the physi- cian or physicians appointed by the examining judge, shall not agree as to the curative treatment or plan employed by the professors which the patient or his family may have appointed, they shall inform the examining judge for the purposes which may be proper according to justice. The same may be done in a proper case by the professor appointed by the accused. The examining judge, when such disagreement occurs, shall appoint a larger number of professors to give an opinion, and after all the data necessary has been recorded, the same shall be tiled for use when the cause is to be decided. Ai:i. 352. The provisions of the foregoing article apply when the patient enters the prison, hospital, or other institution and is attended by the physicians of the same. Art. 353. The autopsies shall be held in the public place which shall be set aside by the administration in every town or judicial district for this purpose and as a morgue. Nevertheless, the examining judge may order, when he considers it advisable, that the operation take place elsewhere, or at the residence of the deceased, if his family -hall request it, and if it will not prejudice the success of the swmario. If the examining judge be not able to attend the anatomical operation, he shall delegate an official of the judicial police, the secretary in the cause certifying to his attendance as well as to the occurrences tin rent. 93 Art. 354 Cuando la muerte sobreviniere por consecuencia de algun accidente ocurrido en his vfaa ferreas yendq im fcren en marcha, uni- camente se detcndni este el tiempo preciso para separar el cadaver 6 cadaveres de la via, constar previamente su sitoacion y estado, bien por la autoridad 6 funcionario de policia judicial que inmediatamente se presente en el lugar del siniestro. bien por loa que aeeidentalmente se hallen en el mismo tren, bien, en defeeto de estas personas, por el empleado de mayor categoria a cuyo cargo vaya, debiendo ser preferidos para el caso los empleados 6 agentes del Gobierno. Se dispondra asimismo lo conveniente para que, sin perjuicio de seguir el tren su marcha, sea avisada la autoridad que deba instruir las primeras diligencias y acordar el levantamiento de los cadaveres; y las personas antedichas reeogeran en el acto con prontitud los datos y antecedentes precisos, que comunicaran a la mayor brevedad :i la autori- dad competente para la instruccion de las primeras diligencias. con el fin de que pueda esclarecerse el motivo del siniestro. 1 Art. 355. Si el hecho criminal que motivare la formacion de una causa cualquiera consistiese en lesiones, los medicos que asistieren al herido estaran obligados a dar parte de su estado y adelantos en los periodos que se les senalen, e inmediatamente que ocurra cualquier novedad que merezca ser puesta en conocimiento del juez instructor. Art. 356. Las operaciones de analisis quimico que exija la sustan- ciacion de los procesos criminales se praeticaran por doctorcs en medicina, en farmacia, en ciencias fisico-quimicas, 6 por ingenieros que se hayan dedicado a la especialidad qulmica. Si no hubiere doc- tores en aquellas ciencias, podran ser nombrados Licenciados que tengan los conocimientos y practicas suticientes para hacer dicbas ope- raciones. Los jueces de instruccion designaran, entre los comprendidos en el parrafo anterior, los peritos que han de hacer el analisis de las sus- tancias que en cada caso exija la administration de justicia. Cuando en el partido judicial donde se instruya el proceso no haya ninguno de los peritos a quienes Be refiere el parrafo primero, 6 esten uuposibilitado8 legal o ftsicamente de practical" el analisis los que en a(|ucl residieren, el juez instructor lo pondra" en conocimiento del presidente de la sala 6 audiencia de lo criminal, y este nonibi-ani el perito 6 peritos que hayan d\' practical' dicbo scr\icio enti'e las per- 1 llalini que llenar la> formalidades que exige *^tt' artfculo, qo b61o en el caso que haya sobrevenido la muerte por consecuencia .) ( .»4 sonas que designa el parrafo primero domiciliadas en el territorio. Al mismo tiempo comunicara el nombramiento de peritosal juez instructor para que ponga a su disposicion, con las debidas precaucionea y forma- lidades, las sustancias (jue hayan de ser analizadas. El procesado 6 procesados tendran derecho a nombrar un perito que concurra con los designados por el juez. Art. 357. Los indicados profesores prestaran este servicio en el concepto de peritos titulares, y no podran negarse a efectuarlo sin justa causa, siendoles aplicable en otro caso lo dispuesto en el parrafo segundo del art. 346. Art. 358. Cada uno de los citados profesores que informe como perito en virtud de orden judicial, percibira por sus honorarios e indenmizacion de los gastos que el desempeno de este servicio le oca- sione, la cantidad que se fije en los reglamentos. no estando obligado a trabajar mas de tres horas por dia, excepto en casos urgentes 6 extraordinarios, lo que se hara constar en los autos. Art. 359. Concluido el analisis y firmada la declaration correspon- diente, los profesores pasaran al juez instructor, 6 al presideute de la sala 6 audiencia de lo criminal en su caso, una nota tirmada de los objetos 6 sustancias analizados y de los bonorarios que les correspon- dan a tenor de lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior. El juzgado dirigira esta nota, con las observaciones que crea justas, al presidente de la audiencia de lo criminal, quien la cursara elc\an- dola al Ministerio de Ultramar, a no encontrar excesivo numero de horas que se supongan empleadas en cualquier analisis, en cuyo caso acordara que informen tres comprofesores del que lo haya verificado; y en vista de su dictamen, conlirmara 6 rebajani los honorarios recla- niados a lo (pie fuere justo, remitiendo todo con su informe al expre- sado Ministerio. Otro tanto hara el presidente de la audiencia cuando el analisis se hubiere practicado durante el juicio oral. Art. 360. El Ministro de Ultramar, si conceptuare excesivos los honorarios, podra tambien, antes de decretar su pago, pedir informe, y en su caso nueva tasacion de los niismos, a la Academia de ciencias exactas, Ksicas y naturales, y en vista de lo que esta corporacion expu- siere, 6 de la nueva tasacion que practicare, se contirniaran los bonora- rios 6 se reduciran a lo que resultare justo, decret&ndose su pago. Art. 361. Para \rerificar 6ste se incluira por el Ministro f experts to the examining judge in order that he may place the substances which are to be analyzed at his disposal, with the proper precautions and formalities. The person or persons accused shall have the right to appoint an expert t<> be present with those appointed by the judge. Art. 857. The said professors shall render this service in the capac- ity of titular experts, and can not refuse to do so without just cause. the provisions contained in the second paragraph of article 346 being otherwise applicable to them. Art. 368. Each of the said professors who makes a report as an expert by virtue of a judicial order shall receive the sum fixed in the regulations as his fee and in compensation of the expenses which he may incur in the performance of this service, and he shall not be obliged to work more than three hours per day, except in urgent or extraordinary cases, which fact shall be entered upon the record. Art. 359. Upon the conclusion of the analysis and after the signing of the proper declaration, the professors shall forward to the exam- ining judge, or to the presiding judge of the criminal audiencia or chamber, in a proper case, a signed report of the objects or substances analyzed and of their fees, in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing article. The court shall address this report, with the remarks it may con- sider proper, to the presiding judge of the criminal audiencia, who shall transmit the same to the Colonial Department, unless he shall find that an excessive number of hours appear to have been employed in any analysis, in which case he shall order that three coprofessors of the one who made it shall make a report, and in view thereof he shall confirm or reduce the fees claimed to the just amount, trans- mitting all with his own report to the said department. The same shall be done by the presiding judge of the audiencia when the analysis is made during the oral trial. Art. 360. The Colonial Minister, if he considers the fees excessive. may also, before ordering their payment, call for a report, and, in a proper case, a new taxation of the same by the academy of exact physical and natural sciences, and in view of the statement this corpo- ration may furnish, or the new taxation made, the fees shall be confirmed, or they shall be reduced to what may be just, and their payment ordered. Art. 361. In order to make this payment the Colonial Minister shall include in the budgets for each year the amount which may be considered necessary. ART. 362. The professors mentioned can not demand other fees than those previously Hxed for this service, nor require that the judge or 95 exigir que el juez 6 tribunal les facilite los raedios materiales de labo- ratorio 6 reactivos, ni tampoco auxiliares subalternos para llenar su cometido. Cuando por falta de peritos, laboratorio 6 reaotivos no sea posible practical 1 el analisis en la circunscripcion de la audiencia de lo crimi- nal, se practicara en la capital de la provincia, y en ultimo extreme en la de la isla. Art. 363. Los juzgados y tribunales ordenaran la practica de los analisis quimicos iinicamente en los casos en que se consideren absolu- tamente indispensables para la necesaria investigacion judicial y la recta administration de justicia. 1 Art. 364. En los delitos de robo, hurto, estafa y en cualquiera otro en que deba hacerse constar la preexistencia de las cosas robadas. hurtadas 6 estafadas, si no hubiere testigos presenciales del hecho, se recibira information sobre los antecedentes del que se presentare como agraviado, y sobre todas las circunstancias que ofrecieren indicios de hallarse este poseyendo aquellas al tiempo en que resulte cometido el delito. Art. 365. Cuando para la calificacion del delito 6 de sus circunstan- cias fuere necesario estimar el valor de la cosa que hubiese sido su objeto 6 el importe del perjuicio causado 6 que hubiera podido causarse, el juez oira sobre ello al dueno 6 perjudicado, y acordara despuea el reconocimiento pericial en la forma determinada en el capitulo VII de este mismo titulo. El juez facilitara a los peritos nombrados las cosas y elementos directos de apreciacion sobre que hubiere de recaer el informe, y si no estuvieren a su disposicion, les suministrara los datos oportunos que se pudieren reunir, previniendoles, en tal caso, que hagan la tasacion y regulacion de perjuicios de un modo prudente. con arreglo a los datos suministrados. Art. 366. Las diligencias prevenidas en este capitulo y en A anterior se practicaran con preferencia a las demas del sumario, no suspendien- dose su ejecucion sino para asegurar la persona del presunto culpable 6 para dar el auxilio necesario a los agraviados por el delito. Art. 367. En ningun caso se admitiran durante el sumario reclama- ciones ni tercerias que tengan por objeto la devolucion de los efectoa que constituyen el cuerpo del delito, cualquiera que sea su olase y la persona que los reclame. 1 Los tribunales no pueden rechazar la practica de una prueba que consista en algiin analisis qufmico, sienipiv que entrafie verdadera pertinencia, y aunque en A Bumario se liava vcrilicailo iliclm analisis, nin ipie sea prcciso (pic la citada prueba Be COnfildere abaolutamento indispensable, como exige el art. ."., sino b61o que ofreica probables resultadoa de importancia. (Expoaici&n del Fiscal del Tribunal Supremo dt 16 h iss:;, ,,,'nu. i;.) 95 court furnish them laboratory appliances or reactive agents, nor sub- ordinate assistants t<> fulfill their duties. If. on account of tin- lack of experts, <>i' a laboratory, or reactive agents, it should ool be possible to perform the analysis within the jurisdiction of the criminal audiencia, it shall take place in the capital of the province, or, as a last resort, in that of the island. Art. 363. The superior and inferior courts .shall order chemical analyses to be made only in cases in which they are considered abso- lutely indispensable for the necessary judicial investigation and the proper administration of justice. 1 Aim. 364. In the crimes of robbery, theft, fraud, or in any other crime in which the previous existence of the things the subject of the robbery, theft, or fraud must appear, should there not be anye^'ewit- aesses to the act, an investigation shall be made as to the antecedents of the person appearing as the injured party, and as to all the cir- cumstance's which may offer proof that the latter was in the posses- sion thereof at the time of the commission of the crime. Art. 3tfo. If, for the classification of the crime or of its circum- stances, it should be necessary to estimate the value of the thing which may have been the object thereof or the amount of the damage caused or which might have been caused, the judge shall hear the owner or person prejudiced thereon, and shall thereupon order the expert investi- gation in the manner determined in chapter VII of this title. The judge shall furnish to the experts appointed the things and direct ele- ments to be considered in the report, and should they not be under his control he shall furnish them the proper data which can be col- lected, admonishing them in such case to make the taxation and appraisal of the losses and damages in a prudent manner, in accordance with the data furnished. Art. 366. The proceedings provided for in this and the preceding chapter shall be had before the others of the sumario^ their execution not being stayed except to secure the person of the presumed criminal or to give the assistance necessary to those injured by the crime. Art. H67. In no case shall claims or interventions be admitted dur- ing the mma/rio whose object is the return of the effects which consti- tute the ror/>ns (Irficti, whatever be their character or the person demanding the same. 'Courts can not reject evidence which consists La a chemical analysis, provided it really is pertinent, even though said analysis shall have been made during the suma- rvo, without it being necessary that said evidence be considered absolutely indispen- sable, as required by article 363, but only that there exist probable important results. ^Statement of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September 16, 1888, No. 17.) 96 CAPITULO III. DE LA IDENTIDAD DEL DELINCUENTE T DE SUB CIBCUNSTANCIA8 PERSONALES. Art. 368. Cuantos dirijan cargo a determinada persona deberan reconocerla judicialmente, si el juez instructor, los acusadores 6 el mismo inculpado conceptuan fundadamente precisa la diligencia para la identificacioD de este ultimo con relacion a los designantes, a tin de ({lie no ofrczca duda quien es la persona a que aquellos se retieren. Art. 369. La diligencia de reconocimiento se practicara poniendo a la vista del (pie hubiere de verificarlo la persona (pic haya do ser reco- nocida, haciendola comparecer en union con otras circunstancias exte- riores semejantes. A presencia de todas el las. 6 desde un punto en que no pudiere ser visto, segiin al juez pareciere mas convcniente, el que deba practical - el reconocimiento manifestara si se encuentra en la rueda 6 grupo la persona a quien hubiese hecho referenda en sua decla- raciones, designandola, en caso atirmativo, clara y detenninaniente. En la diligencia que se extienda se haran constar todas las circun- stancias del acto, asi como los nombres de todos los que hubiesen for- mado la rueda 6 grupo. Art. 37o. Cuando fueren varios los que hubieren de reconocer a una persona, la diligencia expresada en el articulo anterior debera practi- carse separadamente con cada uno de ellos, sin (pie puedan comunicarse entre si hasta que se haya efectuado el ultimo reconocimiento. Cuando fueren varios los que hubieren de ser reconocidos por ana misma persona, podra hacerse el reconocimiento de todos en un solo acto. Art. 371. El que detuviere 6 prendiere a algiin presunto culpable toinai-a las procauciones necesarias para que el detenido 6 preso no baga en su persona 6 traje alteracion alguna (pie pueda diticultar su recono- cimiento por quien corresponda. Art. 372. Analogas precauciones deberan tomar los alcaldes de las carceles y los jefes de los depositos de detenidos; y si en los eatable- cimientos de su cargo hubiere traje reglamentario, conservaran cuida- dosamente el (pie lleven los presos 6 detenidos al ingresar en el establecimiento, :i tin de (pie puedan vestirlo cuantas voces fuere con- vcniente para diligencias de reconocimiento. Art. 373. Si se originate alguna duda sobre la identidad del pro- ccsado. se procurard acreditar esta p<>r cuantos medios fueren condu- centes al objeto. ART. 374. VA juez harfi constar, con la ininuciosidad posible, las sefias personales del procesado, a fin de (pie la diligencia pueda servir de prueba de su identidad. 96 CHAPTEB III. TIIK IDKNTITV OF THE DELINQUENT AND His PERSON \i. < n;< i US] LNGE8. Aur. 368. Whosever shall make a charge against a specific person must identify the same judicially if the examining judge, the com- plainants, or the accused himself have reason to consider this proceed- ing accessary for the identification of the latter with regard to those making the charges, in order that there may be do doubt as to what person the former refer. Abt. 369. The identification shall take place by placing before the person who is to make it the person to be identified, producing said person in union with other similar external circumstances. In the presence of all of them or from a point where he can not be seen, as the judge may consider more advisable, the person to make the identi- fication shall state if the person to whom he may have referred in his declarations is in the group, and in an affirmative case he shall desig- nate him in a clear and specific manner. In the record made all the circumstances of the act shall be stated, as well as the names of all who may have composed the group. Art. 370. If there be more than one person to identifiy another per- son, the proceeding mentioned in the foregoing article must be held separately as to each of them, without their being allowed to commu- nicate with each other until the last identification has been made. If there be several to be identified by one and the same person, their identification may take place at one proceeding. Art. 371. He who shall detain or arrest a presumed criminal shall take the precautions necessary in order that the person detained or arrested shall not make any changes in his person or dress, which may render his identification difficult by the proper person. Art. 372. Similar precautions must be taken by the wardens of prisons and the heads of detention establishments; and if any regula- tion dress be used in the institutions under their charge, they shall care- fully preserve the clothing worn by the persons arrested or detained upon entering the establishment, in order that they may clothe them as often as may be necessary for purposes of identification. Art. 373. I f any doubt should arise as to the identity of the accused, said identity shall be sought to be established by all means which may be conducive to this object. Art. 374. The judge shall make a record, with the greatest minute- ness possible, of the personal description of the accused, in order that the record may serve as proof of his identity. 18473—01 13 97 Ai:t. 375. Para aereditar la edad del procesado y comprobar la identidad de su persona, se traera al sumario certificaci6n de su inscripcion de nacimiento en el registro civil 6 de su partida de bau- tismo, si no estuviere inscrito en el registro. En todo caso, cuando no fuere posible averiguar el registro civil 6 parroquia en que deba constar el nacimiento 6 el bautismo del proce- sado, 6 no existiesen su inscripcion y partida: y cuando por manifestar el procesado haber nacido en punto lejano hubiere Qecesidad de emplear mucho ticmpo en traer a la causa la certifieacion oportuna, no se detendra el sumario y se suplira el documento del articulo ante- rior por informe que acerca de la edad del procesado. y previo su examen fisico, dieren los medicos forenses 6 los nombrados por el juez. Art. 376. Cuando no ofreciere duda la identidad del procesado, y conocidamente tuviese la edad que el codigo penal requiere para poderle exigir la responsabilidad criminal en toda su extension, podra prescindirse de la justificacion expresada en el articulo anterior, si su practica ofreciese alguna dificultad u ocasionase dilaciones extraordi- narias. En las actuaciones sucesivas, y durante el juicio, el procesado sera" designado con el nombre con que fuere conocido, 6 con el que el mismo dijere tener. Art. 377. Si el juez instructor lo coneeptuase conveniente, podra pedir informes sobre la moralidad del procesado a los alcaldes de barrio 6 a los correspondientes funcionarios de policia del pueblo 6 pueblos en que hubiese residido. Estos informes seran fundados, y si no fuere posible fundarlos, Be manif estara la causa que lo impidiere. Los que los dieren no contraeran responsabilidad alguna. sino en caso de malicia probada. Art. 378. Podra ademas el juez recibir declaracion acerca de la eonducta del procesado a todas las personas que por el conocimiento que tuvieren de este puedan ilustrarlc sobre ello. Art. 379. Se traeran a la causa los antecedentes penales del proce- sado, pidiendolos a loa juzgados donde se presuma que pueden constar; y respecto de los procesados que hayan residido eo la Peninsula e Lslas adyaeentes eon posterioridad a la ei'eaeion (ltd registro central de de penados de 2 de Octubre de L878, se pedirdn tambien al Ministerid de Gracia y Justicia por conducto del de Ultramar. El jefe del registro en el Ministerio estd obligado :i dar los antece- dentes que se !<■ reclamen 6 certificaci6n negativa en mi caso en el improrrogable t^rmino de (res dlas, :i oontar desde aquelenquese reciba la petici6n, justificando, si asi no lo hiciere, la causa Legltima que lo hubiese impedido. ".'7 Am. :'.7">. In order to show tin- age of the accused and prove the identity of his person, ■ certified copy of hi> birth record in the verycasa, if it be ir>t passibleto ascertain the civil registry or parish in which the birth <>r the baptism of the accused should appear, or his record of birth or baptism should not exist, and when by reason the accused stating thai he was born at a point al some distance, it should be necessary to employ much time in order to produce the proper certificate at the cause, the swmario shall nol be stayed, and the documenl mentioned in the foregoing article shall be supplied by a report of the official physicians or of those appointed by the judge as to his aire and after his physical examination. Ai;t. 376. [f there be no doubt as to the identity of the accused, and he is known to have attained the age which thf penal code requires in order that he may he held criminally liable to the fullest extent, the proof mentioned in the foregoing article may be dispensed with, if the production thereof should oiler any difficulty or occasion any extraordinary delay. In the subsequent proceedings and during the trial the accused shall be designated by the name by which he is known or by that which he claims. Art. 377. If the examining judge should consider it advisable, he may call for reports as to the moral character of the accused, of the ward mayor- or of the proper police officials of the town or towns in which he may have resided. These reports shall set forth the reasons therefor, and should it not be possible to state reasons, the cause for not doing so shall be stated. Those who shall give these reports shall not incur any liability what- soever except in case of malice duly proven. Art. 378. The judge may furthermore take testimony as to the con- duet of the accused of all persons who, in view of their acquaintance with him. can give information thereon. Art. 379. The criminal antecedents of the accused shall be produced in the cause, being requested of the courts where it is presumed they may be of record; and with regard to persons accused who may have resided in the Peninsula and adjacent islands after the establishment of the central register of criminals of October -. L878, they shall also be requested of the Department of Grace and Justice through the ( lolonial Department. The chief of the register in the department is obliged to furnish the antecedents requested of him, or a negative certificate in a proper case, within a period of three days, not subject to extension, from the date of the receipt of the request, stating, should In' not do SO, the legiti- mate cause which prevented him from furnishing the same. 98 En los juzgados se atendera tambien preferentemente al cumpli- miento de este servicio, debiendo ser corregidos disciplinariamente los funcionarios que lo posterguen. Art. 380. Si el procesado fuere mayor de nueve afios y inonor de quince, el juez recibini information acerca del criterio del mismo, y espocialmente, de su aptitud para apreciar la criminalidad del hecho que hubiese dado motivo a la causa. En esta informacion seran oidas las personas que puedan deponer con acierto por sus circunstancias personales y por las relacionee que hayan tenido con el procesado antes y despues de haberse ejecutado el hecho. En su defecto se nombraran dos profesores de instrucci6n primaria para que en union del medico forense, 6 del que haga sus veces, examinen al procesado y emitan su dictamen. Art. 381. Si el juez advirtiere en el procesado indicios de enajena- cion mental, le sometera inmediatamente a la observacion de los medicos forenses en el establecimiento en que estuviese preso, 6 en otro publico, si fuere mas a proposito 6 estuviese en libertad. Los medicos daran en tal caso su informe del modo expresado en el capitulo VII de este titulo. Art. 382. Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, el juez recibira informacion acerca de la enajenaci6u mental del procesado en la forma prevenida en el articulo 380. Art. 383. Si la demencia sobreviniora despues de eometido el delito, concluso que sea el sumario, se mandara arehivar la causa por el tri- bunal competente hasta que el procesado recobre la salud, disponi^n- dose ademas respecto de este lo que el codigo penal prescribe para los que ejecutan el hecho en estado de demencia. Si hubiese algun otro procesado por razon del mismo delito que no se encontrase en el caso del anterior, continuant la causa Bolamente en cuanto al mismo. Art. 384. Desde que resultare del sumario algun indicio racional de criminalidad contra determinada persona, se dictarfi auto declar£n- dola procesada y mandando que se entiendan eon ella las diligencias en la forma y del modo dispuesto en este titulo v en los demas the cause. At this hearing shall be heard such persons as are able to give posi tive evidence on account of their personal circumstances and the rela- tions they may have had with the accused before and after the commis- sion of the act. In their absence two professors of primary education shall be appointed, who. together with the official physician or the per- son acting in hi- stead. >hall examine the accused and give their opinion. Akt. 381. If the judge shall notice in the accused signs of mental aberration, he shall immediately subject him to the observation of the official physicians in the institution in which he may be under arrest, or in another public institution if better adapted to the purpose or if the accused be at liberty. The physicians shall in such case make their report in the manner prescribed in Chapter VII of this title. Akt. 382. Without prejudice to the provisions of the foregoing article, the judge shall take testimony on the mental aberration of the accused in the manner prescribed in art. 380. Akt. 383. If the insanity should occur after the commission of the crime, upon the termination of the sumariothe cause shall be ordered tiled by the court of competent jurisdiction until the accused shall recover his health, such other measures being taken with regard to the latter as are prescribed by the penal code for those committing the act while insane. Should there be another person accused of the same crime who is not in the same condition as the former, the cause shall continue only with regard to said person. Art. 384. As soon as it shall appear from the swmwrio that there is reasonable indication of the criminality of a specific person, a writ of indictment shall issue and an order that proceedings be had in the manner and form prescribed in this and the other titles of this law. The accused may, from the moment he is indicted, secure the coun- sel of an attorney, while not mcorrwnicado, and avail himself of his xrvices either to secure a speedy termination of the sumemo, or to request the taking of such steps as may be of interest to him and make demands affecting his condition. In the first case he may com plain to the audiencia, and in the other two cases take an appeal to the same, if the judge of examination should not accede to his w ishes. 99 Estas apelacionea do scran admisibles mas que en an solo efecto. Para cumplir lo determinado en este artfculo, el juez instructor dispondra que el procesado menor de edad Bea habilitado de procurador y abogado, a no ser que el mismo 6 su representante legal designen perapnas que merezcan su conuanza para dicha representaci6n y defensa. CAPITULO TV. DE LAS DECLARACIONES DE LOS PROCESADOS. Art. 385. El juez, de oficio 6 a instancia del ministerio fiscal 6 del quercllante particular, hara que los procesados presten cuantas declaraciones considere convenientes para la averiguacion de los hech< >s. sin que ni el acusador privado ni el actor civil puedan estar presentes al interrogatorio, cuando asi lo disponga el juez instructor. Art. 386. Si el procesado estuviere detenido, se le recibira la primera declaracion dentro del termino de veinticuatro horas. El plazo podni prorrogarse por otras cuarenta y ocho si mediare causa graye, la cual se expresara en la providencia en que se aoordase la prorroga. Art. 387. No se exigira" juramento a los procesados, exhortandoles solamente a decir verdad, y advirtiendoles el juez de instruccion que deben responder, de una manera precisa, clara y conforme a la verdad. a las preguntas que les fueren hechas. Art. 388. En la primera declaracion sera preguntado el procesado por su nbmbre, apellidos paterno y materno, apodo, si lo tuviere, edad, naturaleza, vecindad, estado, profesion, arte, oficio 6 modo de \ i\ ir. si tiene hijos, si fue procesado anteriormente, por que delito, ante que juez 6 tribunal, que pena se le impuso, si la cumplio, si sabe Leer v escribir, y si conoce el motivo por que se le ha procesado. Art. ?>s ( .l Las preguntas que se le hagan en todas las declaraciones que hubiere hubieren contribuido :i ejecutarlos 6 encubrirlos. Las preguntas scr:in directas, sin que por ningun concepto puedan liaci'i 'sele de un modo capcioso 6 sugestivo. Tampoco se podia emplear con el procesado g^nero alguno dv coacci6n 6 amenaza. A i: r. 390. Las relaciones que hagan los procesados 6 respuestas que den seran orales. Sin embargo, el juez de instrucci6n, teniendo siempre en cuenta las circunstanciaa de aqu^llos \' la oatumleza de la causa. 99 These appeals shall be admissible for a review of the proceedings only. In order to comply with the provisions of this article, the judge of examination shall order that an i n» I i« • t » ■« i person under legal age he assigned a solicitor and attorney, unless he himself or his Legal repre- sentative designate persons who enjoy their confidence to act in his behalf and defense. OHAPTEB iv. DEGLABATIONS OP THE ACCUSED. Akt. 385. The judge, at his own instance or on motion of the public prosecutor or of the private complainant, shall have the accused make as many declarations as he may consider advisable for the verification of the facts, and neither the private accuser nor the civil plaintiff can be present at the Interrogatory when it is thus ordered b} r the exam- ining judge. Akt. 386. If the accused should be under arrest, his first declaration shall be taken within a period of twenty-four hours. This period may be extended forty-eight hours more, should there be serious cause therefor, which cause shall be stated in the order of extension. Art. 387. No oath shall be administered to accused persons, who shall only be admonished to tell the truth, and the judge of examina- tion shall advise them that they must answer in a clear, precise, and truthful manner such questions as may be put to them. A bt. 388. I n the first declaration the accused shall be asked his name, paternal and maternal surnames, nickname (should he have an} T ), age, nativity, residence, conjugal condition, profession, art, trade, or means of livelihood, if he has any children, if he has been previously crim- inally prosecuted, for what crime, before what judge or court, what punishment was imposed npon him, whether he served his sentence, whether he is able to read and write, and if he knows the reason for hi- indictment. Ai:t. 389. The questions put to him in all declarations which he may be obliged to make shall be directed to the verification of the acts and the participation of the accused therein and of the other persons who may have been accessories before or after the fact. The questions >hall he direct, and it shall not be permissible to pro- pound them in a captious or suggestive manner. Nor shall any coercion or threats whatsoever be employed against the accused. Aim. :-!:»<). The statements made by the persons accused <>r answers which they give shall be oral. Nevertheless, the judge of examina- tion, always taking into consideration their circumstances and the 100 podra permitirles que redacten a su presencia una contestaci6n escrita sobre puntos diffcUes de explicar, 6 que tambi&a consulten & su pre- sencia apuntes 6 notas. Art. 391. Se pondnin de manifiesto al procesado todos los objetos que constituyan el cuerpo del delito 6 los que el juez eonsidere conve- nience, a tin de que los reconozca. Se le interrogam sobre la procedencia de dichos objetos. bu destino y la razon de haberlos encontrado en su poder; y en general sent siempre interrogado sobre cualquiera otra circunstancia <[ii<' conduzca al esclarecimiento de la verdad. El juez podra ordenaral procesado, pero sin emplear ningi'm genero de coaccion, que escriba a su presencia algunas palabras 6 frases cuando esta medida la considere util para desvanecer las dudaa que surjan sobre la legitiniidad de un escrito que se le atribuya. Art. 392. Cuando el procesado rehuse contestar 6 se finja loco, sordo 6 mudo, el juez instructor le advertira que no obstante su silencio y su simulada enfermedad, se continuant la instruction del proceso. De estas circunstancias se tomara razon por el secretario. y el juez instructor procedera a investigar la verdad de la enfermedad que apa- rente el procesado, observando a este efecto lo dispuesto en los respec- tivos articulos de los capitulos II y VII de este mismo titulo. Art. 393. Cuando el examen del procesado se prolongue mucho tiempo, 6 el nmnero de preguntas que se le hayan hecho sea tan consi- derable que hubiese perdido la serenidad de juicio necesaria para con- testar a lo dermis que deba preguntarsele, se suspendera el examen, concediendo al procesado el tiempo necesario para descansar y recupe- rar la calnia. Siempre se hara constar en la declaracion misma el tiempo que se haya invertido en el interrogator io. Art. 391. El juez que infringiere lo dispuesto en el artieulo anterior y en el 389 sera corregido disciplinariamente, a no ser que incurriere cm mayor responsabilidad. Art. 395. El procesado no podrd, a pretexto de incompetencia del juez, excusarse de contestar ;i las preguntas que se le dirijan, si bien podra* protestar la incompetencia, consignandose as! en los autos. Art. 396. Se permitird al procesado manifestar cuanto benga por convenient^ para bu exculpaci6n 6 para la explicaci6u de los hechos, evacuandose con orgencia las citas que hiciere y las demas diligencias que propusiere, si el juez las estima oonducentes para la oomprobaoi6n de sus manifestaciones. Ed ningnn oaso podrfin hacerse al procesado oargos oi reoonvencio- nes, ni Be leer;i parte alguna del Bumario mas que sus declaraciones anteriores si lo pidiere, :i no ser que el juez hubiese autorizado la publicidad de aquel en todo 6 en parte. LOO character of the cause, may permit them to prepare in his presences written answer upon points difficult to explain, or also thai they oon- sult ootes or memoranda in his presence. A 1:1 .:'.'.» 1. All the objects which constitute the corpus delicti or those which tin 1 judge may consider advisable -hall be exhibited t<> the accused for his identification. He -I mil be questioned upon the origin of said objects, their purpose, and the reason they were found in his possession; and in general In 1 shall be questioned on any other circumstance which may tend to establish the truth. The judge may order the accused, bul without employing any coer- cion whatsoever, to write in his presence some words or sentences, if he considers this measure useful to dissipate the doubts which may arise as to the Legitimacy of some writing attributed to him. Akt. •">'.':.'. If the accused shall refuse to answer or shall feign insanity, deafness, or muteness, the judge of examination shall admon- ish him that, notwithstanding his silence and simulated illness, the proceedings shall continue. The secretary shall make a record of these circumstances and the examining judge shall proceed to investigate the reality of the illness which the accused feigns, observing for this purpose the provisions contained in the respective articles of Chapters II and VII of this title. Art. 393. If the examination of the accused is extended over a lengthy period, or the number of questions put to him is so great that he should have lost the serenity of mind necessary to answer the other questions to be asked him, the examination shall be suspended, the accused being allowed the time necessary to rest and recover his calm- ness. The duration of the interrogatory shall always be recorded in the declaration itself. Art. 394. A judge violating the provisions of the foregoing arti- cle and of article 389 -hall be disciplined, unless he incurs greater liability. Akt. 395. The accused can not. under the pretext of the want of jurisdiction of the judge, excuse himself from answering the questions put to him. although he may plead to the jurisdiction, such plea being entered upon the record. Akt. 396. The accused shall be permitted to state what he may con- sider proper as to his exculpation or for the explanation of the acts. such citations as he may make and other proceedings suggested by him being promptly executed if the judge should consider them con- ducive to the verification of his statements. In no case can charges or reconventions be made against the accused, nor shall any part whatsoever of the swnariohe read to him, excepting his previous depositions, should he so request, unless the judge shall have authorized the publicity of the suma/rio in whole or in part. 101 Art. 397. El procesado podra dictar por si mismo las declaraciones. Si no lo hiciere, lo hara el juez, procurando, en cuanto fuere posible, consignar las misinas palabras de que aquel se hubiese valido. Art. 398. Si el procesado no supiere el idioma espanol 6 fuere sordo- mudo, se observara lo dispuesto en los articulos 440, 441 y 442. Art. 399. Cuando el juez considere convenient* el examen del pro- cesado en el lugar de los hechos acerca de los cuales deba ser exami- nado, 6 ante laspersonas 6 cosas con ellos relacionadas, se observara lo dispuesto en el articulo 438. Art. 400. El procesado podra declarar cuantas veces quisierc. y el juez le recibira inmediatamente la declaracion, si tuviere relacion con la causa. Art. 401. En la declaracion se consignaran integramente las pre- guntas y las contestaciones. Art. 402. El procesado podra leer la declaracion, y el juez le enterara de que le asiste este derecho. Si no usare de el, la leera el secretario en su presencia. Art. 403. Se observara lo dispuesto en el articulo 450 respecto a tachaduras 6 enmiendas. Art. 404. La diligencia se firmara por todos los que hubiesen intervenido en el acto, y se autorizara por el secretario. Art. 405. Si en las declaraciones posteriores se pusiere el procesado en contradiccion con sua declaraciones primeras 6 retractare sua con- fesiones anteriores, debera ser interrogado sobre el niovil de sua contradicciones } r sobre las causas de su retractacion. Art. 406. La conf'esion del procesado no dispensaia al juez de instruccion de practical- todas las diligencias necesarias ;i tin de adquirir el conveiiciniiento de la verdad de la confesion y de la existencia del delito. Con este objeto, el juez instructor interrogard al procesado confeso para que explique todas las circunstancias del delito y cuanto pueda contribuir a comprobar su confesi6n, si t'ue autor 6 c6mplice y si conoce :i algunas personas que fueren testigos6 tuvieren conocimiento del hecho. 1 A k r. l<>7. Respecto :1 la iiicoinunicacioii ' : de los procesados, se obser- Mtni lo dispuesto en los articulos 506 al 51 1. 1 Kst<> Be entiemli' niii-iit rus la cuusa esta i'ii suinario; purs >i al abrine el juitdo oral el procesado confieaa mi delito y su defensor Be conforma con la coniesi6n, edendo correccional la pena aplicable, si- dicta Bentencia sin oeoesidad de mas tramitee, Begdn los artfculoe 688 y 894. La coniesioo no basta para condenar por delitos cometidoa jior medio '!<• la Lmprecta, con arreglo al artfcolo 820, 'Veaseenel A.pendioe I. la Ordeu mini. L09, de Julio L3 de L899, 101 Art. :->!»7. The accused m;iy himself dictate the depositions. Should In- doI do so. tlir judge shall do so, seeking, in so far a^ possible, to record the very words which the former may have used. Art. 398. Should the accused not know the Spanish language or be a deaf-mute, the provisions <>i' articles 44<>, 441, and 44^ shall be observed. Aki. 399. When the judge considers it advisable to examine the accused at the place <>f the arts upon which he is to lie examined, or in the presence of the persons or things related thereto, the provisions of article 438 shall be observed. Art. 400. The accused may declare as often a> he wishes, and the judge shall immediately take his deposition, if it bears any relation to the cause. Art. 401. The questions and answers shall be literally embodied in the deposition. Ai:t. 401'. The accused may read the deposition and the judge shall inform him of such right. Should he not avail himself. of this right, the secretary shall read it in his presence. Art. 403. The provisions of article 450 shall be observed with regard to erasures or changes. Art. 404. The proceeding shall be signed by all who may have taken part therein and shall be authenticated by the secretaiy. Art. 405. If in subsequent depositions the accused should contradict his first statements or should retract his previous confessions, he must be interrogated as to the reasons for his contradictions and the causes for his retraction. Art. 406. The confession of the accused shall not excuse the judge from taking all the steps necessary in order to be convinced of the truth of the confession and the existence of the crime. With this end in view the examining judge shall interrogate the confessed criminal in order that he may explain all the circumstances of the crime and all that may contribute to verify his confession, if he was the principal or an accomplice, and if he knows any persons who were witnesses or may have knowledge of the acts. 1 Art. 107. With regard to the incommunication 8 of the accused the provisions of articles 506 to 511 shall be observed. 'This is understood while the cause is at the stage of the aumario, because if at the opening of the oral trial the accused confesses to the crime and his counsel con- sents to the confession, the penalty applicable being a correctional one, sentence shall be passed without the necessity of further proceedings, in accordance with articles 688 and 694. A confession is not sufficient for a conviction for crimes com- mitted by means of the press, in accordance with article S20. •Seein Appendix I, order No. 109, of .inly L3, 1899. 102 Art. 408. No se leeran al procesado los fundamentos del auto do mcomunicacidrj ouando le fuere notiticado. ni se le dani copia de ellos. Art. 409. Para recibir declaracion al procesado menor de edad, do habra* necesidad de nombrarle curador. CAPiTULO V. DE LAS PECLARACIONES DE LOS TESTIGOS. 1 Art.. 410. Todos los que residan en el territorio espanol. nacionales 6 extranjeros, que no esten impedidos, tendran obligacion de concurrir al llamamiento judicial para declarar cuanto supieren sobre lo que les fuere preguntado, si para ello se les cita eon las formalidades prescritae en la ley. 2 Art. 411. Se exceptuan de lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, el Rey, su consorte, el Principe heredero y el Regente del Reino. Art. 412. Estaran exentos tainbien de concurrir al llamamiento del juez, pero no de declarar: 1.° Las dennis personas Reales. 2.° Los Ministros de la Corona. 3.° Los president's del Senado y del Congreso de los Diputados. 4.° El presidente del Consejo de Estado. 5.° Las autoridades judicialea de categoria superior a la del que recibiere la declaracion. 6.° El gobernador general de la isla, el gobernador civil y jefe de hacienda de la provincia, el capitan general del distrito y el gober- nador lnilitar en cuyo territorio se hubiere de recibir la declaracion. J E8te capftulo determina las solemnidades y requisitos de las declaraciones testiti- cales, durante el Bumario, ante el juez de instrucci6n. Comenyodo el juicio, el examen de los testigos se verifica segun Los artfculos 701 a 722. "Teniendo en cuenta Lo dispuesto en los artfculos 410 y 420 de la ley the accused when notified thereof, nor shall a copy of the same be given him. Aim. I"'.*. In order to take the deposition of :ui accused person underage the appointment of a curator shall be unnecessary. CHAPTEB v. DEPOSITIONS OF WITNESSES. 1 Ai;r. 410. All persons residing within Spanish territory, whether natives or Foreigners, who are not prevented therefrom, shall be obliged to appear upon a judicial citation to declare all they may know in the matter upon which they may be questioned, provided they be cited with the formalities prescribed by law. 2 Aim. 41 1. The King, his consort, the crown prince, and the regents of the Kingdom are excepted from the provisions of the foregoing article. Art. 41l\ The following shall also be exempted from answering the citation of the judge, hut not from testifying: 1. The other royal personages. '1. The Ministers of the Crown. :;. The president of the Senate and of the Congress of Deputies. 4. The president of the Council of State. .V The judicial authorities of a rank higher than that of the judge receiving the deposition. »;. The governor-general of the island, the civil governor, the chief of finance of the province, the captain-general of the district, and the military governor within whose jurisdiction the testimony is to be taken. 'This chapter prescribes the formalities ami requisites of depositions of witnesses daring the mmario before the judge of examination. After the trial ha- con snced, the examination of the witnesses takes place in accordance with articles 701 t<> 7l'l'. 2 Taking into consideration the provisions of articles 410 and 120 of the law el' Criminal procedure, the doubt has arisen as to whether all witnesses who do not appear to testily incur the penalty prescribed in the latter article. This doubt arises only From the fact thai article 410 states the obligation of wit- ■ appear upon a judicial call to testify to all they may know upon the matters on which they are questioned, the following words being added: "If they are cited therefor with the formalities prescribed by law," ami as there are cases iii which, according to article 430 of said law, a witness can l»e cited verbally, some believe that then the correction- or liabilities of the said article 420 do not apply. In simply observing that this legal text imposes said corrections or liabilities upon a witness who does not. appear upon a judicial call, or refuses to testily in absolute terms, that is to say, without making any distinction whatsoever with regard to the form employed lor his citation, it will he underst 1 that it makes no difference in the application of .-aid article to him thai he shall have heen cited verhally or witli the formalities prescribed by law. [Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Cowrt of Sep- tember IS, 1883, No. 18.) 103 7.° Los embajadorcs y demas representantes diplomaticoe acredi- tados cerca del Gobierno espanol. 8.° Los capitanes general es del ejercito y armada. 9.° Los arzobispos y obispos. Art. 413. Cuando fuere necesaria 6 conveniente la declaracion de alguna de las personas designadas en el articulo anterior, el juea pasara a su donricilio 6 residencia oficial, previo aviso, senalandole dia y hora. Art. 111. La resistencia de cualquiera de las personas mencionadas en el articulo 112 a recibir en su domicilio 6 residencia oficial al juez, 6 a declarar cuanto supieren sobre lo que les fuere preguntado respecto a. los hechos del sumario, se pondra en conocimiento del Tribunal Supremo para los efectos que procedan. So exceptuan de lo dispuesto en cl parrafo anterior las personas mencionadas en el numero 7° de dicho articulo. Si incurrieren estas on la resistencia expresada, el juez lo comunicara inmediatamente al Ministro de Ultramar remitiendo testimonio instructivo. y se abstendra* de todo procedimiento respecto de ellas hasta que el Ministro le comu- nique la real orden que sobre el caso se dictare. Art. 115. Las personas comprendidas en los numeros 2.°, 3.°, 1.°, 5.°, 6.°, 8.°, and 9.° del articulo 412, podran informal- por escrito sobre los hechos de que tengan conocimiento por razon do sus cargos. De la misma manera podran informal' los funcionarios del orden judicial 6 ministerio fiscal quo so encuentren en este caso. Seran invitadas a prestar su declaracion por escrito las personas comprendidas en el numero 7.°, remitiondose al efecto al Ministerio de Ultramar con atenta comunicacion para el de Estado, un interrogator io que comprenda todos los extremos a que deban contestar, a tin de que puedan hacerlo por la via diplomatica. Art. 416. Estan dispensados de la obligacion de declarar: 1°. Los parientes del procesado en linea directa, ascendente 6 descendente; su conyugo, sus hermanos consanguineos 6 uterinosy los lateralos consanguineos hasta el segundo grado civil, asi como los parientes naturales a que se refiere el numero :>." del articulo 261. El juez instructor advertini al testigo que se halla comprendido en cl p&rrafo anterior que no tiene obligacion i< Septiembre d\ 1883, rv&mero 19. Ann cuando al reqbirm declaraci6n pore! juez instructor al hermano de un pro- 103. 7. Ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives accredited to the Spanish ( rovernment. B. The captains-general of the army and navy. 9. Archbishops and bishops. Am. H3. When the testimony of any of the persons mentioned in the foregoing article Bhonld be necessary or advisable, the judge shall go to their domicile or official residence, after notifying them in advance, fixing a day and hour. Akt. 414. The refusal of any of the persons mentioned in article 4li' to receive the judge at their domicile or official residence, or to declare all they may know a- to what may be asked them with regard to the facte of tin 1 8icmario, shall he communicated to the Supreme Court for the proper purposes. The persons mentioned in subdivision 7 of said article are excepted from the provisions of the foregoing paragraph. If said persons should thus object, the judge shall immediately communicate it to the colonial minister, transmitting a certified copy of the interrogatory, and he shall abstain from taking any proceeding with regard to them until the minister communicates to him the royal order which may issue in the case. Art. 415. The persons included in subdivisions 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 8, and 9 of article 412 may testify in writing as to the facts of which they have information by reason of their offices. The officials of the judiciary or of the prosecuting department included in this case may testify in the same manner. The persons mentioned in subdivision 7 shall be requested to give their testimony in writing, there being forwarded for this purpose to the colonial department, with a respectful communication for the State Department, an interrogatory which shall embrace all questions which they must answer, in order that they may do so through diplomatic channels. Art. 41ti. The following are excused from the obligation of testifying: 1. The relatives of the accused in a direct ascending or descending line, his spouse, his uterine brothers or sisters, and his lateral blood relatives up to and including the second civil degree, as well as the natural parents referred to in subdivision 3 of article 261. The examining judge shall inform the witness included in the foregoing paragraph that he is not obliged to testify againsl the accused, but that he may make the statements which he may deem proper, the answer which he may give to this notice being recorded. 1 'Even though the parents of the accused and other persons, who, in accordance with this ainl the two following articles, can not he forced to testify, shall have testi- fied at the Sti »/'//• to, they are net thereby obliged to testify at the oral trial. {State- mentqf the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September I5 t 1883, No. 19.) Even though at the time an examining judge takes the testimony of a brother of L04 2." El abogadodel procesado respected los hechoe que este le hubiere confiado en su calidad de defensor. Si alguno de los testigos se encontrase en las relaciones indicadas en los parrafos precedentes eon uno 6 varios de los procesados, estara* obligado a declarar respecio a los demas, ;i no ser que su declaraci6D pudiera comprometer a su pariente 6 defendido. Art. 417. No podran ser obligados a declarar como testigos: 1.° Los eclesiasticos y ministros de los cultos disidentes sobre los hechos que les fueren revelados en el ejercieio de las funciones de su ministerio. 2.° Los funeionarios publico*, tanto civiles como militares. de cual- quiera clase que sean, euando no pudieran declarar sin violar el secreto que por razon de sus cargos estuviesen obligados a guardar, 6 euando. procediendo en virtud de obediencia debida, no fueren autorizados por su superior jerarquico para prestar la deelaracion que se les pida. 3.° Los incapacitados fisiea 6 nioralmente. Art. 418. Ningun testigo podra ser obligado a declarar acerca de una pregunta euya contestacion pueda perjudiear material 6 nioralmente y de una manera direeta e importante, ya a la persona, ya a la fortuua de alguno de los parientes a que se refiere el artieulo 41t>. Se exceptua el caso en que el delito revista suma gravedad por atentar a la seguridad del Estado, a la tranquilidad publica 6 :i la sagrada persona del Rey 6 de su sucesor. Art. 419. Si el testigo estuviere fisicamente impedido de acudir al Uamamiento judicial, el juez instructor que hubiere de recibirle la deelaracion se constituira en su domicilio, siempre que el interroga- torio no haya de poner en peligro la vida del enfermo. Art. 420. El que sin estar impedido no coneurriere al primer Uama- miento judicial, excepto las personas mencionadas en el artieulo 412, 6 se resistiere a, declarar lo que supiese acerca de los hechos sobre qua fuere preguntado, a no estar comprendido en las exenciones de los articulos anteriores, incurrira en la multa de 12.50 a 125 pesetas; y si persistiere en su resistencia, sera conducido, en el primer caso. ;i la cesado durante el sinnario no se consignara, como exige el artieulo 416 'If la lev de enjuiciamiento criminal, la contestacion de este testigo ;i la advertencia que le flic dirigida sobre la facultad que le asisti'a de no declarar contra su hermano; y aunque no hubiera debido acordarse, como so acord6en el acto del juicio oral a instancia del fiscal <|iie se diese leetura a la deelaracion que lialn'a prestado, por haberse negado :i declarar en aquel acto, .estas Ealtas de procedimiento de oinguna manera est&a com- prendidae nitre las que dicha ley de enjuiciamiento en su artieulo 91 1 y en los demas que se refieren al recurso de casaci6n por quebrantamiento de forma menciona como suficientee para que se eetime el mismo precedente, — Scntencia de 7 the bete which the latter may have confided t<» him as bis counsel. If any of the witnesses should bear the relations indicated in the foregoing paragraph to one <>r more of the accused, he shall be obliged to testify with regard to tin- other-, unless bis evidence might compromise his relative or client. Aim. 417. The following can not be obliged to testify as witnesses: 1. Ecclesiastics and ministers of the dissenting cults, as to the facts revealed to them in the exercise of the functions of their ministry. •J. Public officials, civil as well as military, of whatsoever class, when they can not testify without violating secrete which by reason of their office they may be obliged to preserve, or when, acting by virtue of obedience due, they should not tie authorized by their hierarchical superior to give the testimony requested of them. :-'.. Those physically or morally incapacitated. Akt. 41 s . No witnesses can be forced to testify upon a question an answer to which might materially or morally and in a direct and im- portant manner prejudice either the person or the fortune of any of the relatives referred to in article 416. The case is excepted where the crime is of great gravity by reason of its l»eing an attempt against the security of the State, the public p.ace. or the sacred person of the King or of his successors. Akt. £19. If the witness should be physically unable to answer the judicial call, the examining judge who may have to take his deposition shall go to his residence, provided that the interrogatory will not endanger the life of the sick person. Akt. 420. He who not being unable to do so, should not attend at the first judicial call, excepting the persons mentioned in article 412, or should refuse to testify as to what he may know with regard to the facts upon which he may be interrogated, if not included in the excep- tions of the foregoing articles, shall incur a fine of from 12.50 to 125 pesetas; and should he persist in his refusal, he shall be conducted, in an accused person during the sumario there should not be recorded, as required by article 416 of the law oi criminal procedure, the answer of this witness to the notice given him ae to hie privilege of not testifying against his brother; and even though it should not have been ordered, as was ordered at the oral trial on motion of the prosecutor, that trie previous deposition be read on account of his refusal to testify at the trial, these breaches oi procedure are in no wise included among those which said law of procedure in its article 911, and in the others which relate to appeals for annulment for breach of form, mentions as sufficient for the allowance of such appeal ( Decision of Decern her 7 , 188.3. ) The exemption from the obligation to testify granted by this article can not be considered as subordinated to the privilege granted the parties hy art. I'M. (Deci- sion of November IS, 1885.) 18473—01 14 105 presencia del juez instructor por los dependientes dc la antoridad y procesado por el delito de denegacion de auxilio que respeeto de los testigos y peritos define el codigo penal, y en el segundo caso sera" tambien procesado por el de desobediencia grave a hi autoridad. La multa sera impuesta en el acto de notarse 6 cometerse la falta. 1 Art. 421. El juez de instruccion, 6 municipal en su caso, hara con- currir a su presencia y examinara a los testigos citados en la denunda 6 en la querella, 6 en cualesquiera otras declaraciones 6 diligencias, y a todos los demas que supieren hechos 6 circunstancias 6 poseyeren datos convenientes para la comprobacion 6 averiguacion del delito y del delincuente. Se procurara, no obstante, omitir la evacuacion de citaa imperti- nentes 6 intitiles. 2 Art. 422. Si el testigo residiere f uera del partido 6 termino munici- pal del juez que instruyese el sumario, este se abstendra de mandarle comparecer a su presencia, a no ser que lo considere absolutamente necesario para la comprobacion del delito 6 para el reconocimiento de la persona del delincuente, ordenandolo en este caso por auto motivado. Tambien debera evitar la comparecencia: de los empleados de \ igi- lancia publica que tengan su residencia en punto distinto de la capital del juzgado, de los jefes de establecimientos publicos 6 privados cuyas t'unciones scan de servicio permanente, de los jefes de estaci6n, maquinistas. fogoneros, conductores, telegrafistas, factores, rec-auda- dores, guardaagujas ii otros agentes qae desempenen funciones analo- gas, a los cuales citara por conducto de sus jefes Inmediatoa cuando absolutamente sea indispensable su comparecencia. 1 Habiendo surgido la duda appear by a writ Betting forth his reasons. He niii-t also avoid the appearance 1 : Of the employes of the public surveillance who may reside at a point, otherthan the scat of the court, of th-' heads of public or private institutions whose duties constitute a permanent service, of station chiefs, engineers, firemen, conductors, telegraphers, factor-, collectors, switchmen, or other agents discharg- ing similar duties, whom he shall cite through their immediate chiefs when their appearance i- absolutely necessary. 'III. doubt having arisen as to whether an insolvent witness who shall fail to appear at tin- oral trial ran lie declared subject to imprisonment in lieu of the tine which may have been imposed upon him. when he can not pay it on account of not having property with which to do so. the fiscal of the Supreme < lourt, t<> whom this question was submitted, replied: "Not at all; the law of criminal procedure 'lot- not authorize such a practice. Article 420 specifies what should be done in case a witness who has been lined for nonappearance at the trial shall continue in default; that is to say, that he be brought before the court by the agents of the authorities for the crime of refusing assistance. The law doe- not say anywhere that persons lined shall suffer imprison- ment in lieu thereof in case of insolvency, and therefore the provisions of the afore- said article shall apply to them." (,sv./7A question <>/ the n /»,,-/ <>/ the fiscal <>f the Supremt Court of September 16, 1887.) It make- no difference in the application of this article whether the witness has been cited verbally or with the formalities prescribed by law. {Statement of the fiscal of tiu Suprerm Court of September /•"<. 1888, No. t8.) 1 In accordance with article 790, in causes for flagrant crimes when several wit- testif] . only the deposition- of the most important shall he recorded. 106 Art. 423. En el caso de la regla general eomprendida en el parrafo primero del artfculo anterior, asi como en el del segundo. cuando la urgencia de la declaracion fuese tal que no permitiera la dilacion con- siguiente a la citacion del testigo por conducto de sua jefes inmedia- tos y el empleado de que se trate no pudiera abandonar el servicio que presta sin grave peligro 6 estorsion para el publico, el juez instructor de la causa comisionara para recibir la declaracion al que lo fuera del termino municipal 6 del partido en que se hallare el testigo. Art. 424. Si el testigo residiere en el extranjero, se dirigini supli- catorio por la via diplomatica y por conducto del Ministerio de Ultra - mar al juez extranjero competente para recibir la declaracion. El suplicatorio debe contener los antecedentes necesarios e indicar las preguntas que se ban de hacer al testigo, sin perjuicio de que dicho juez las amplie segun le sugieran su diserecion y prudencia. Si la comparecencia del testigo ante el juez instructor 6 tribunal fuere indispensable y no se presentase voluntariamente, se pondni en conocimiento del Ministerio de Ultramar para que adopte la resolucion que estime oportuna. Art. 425. Si la persona llamada a declarar ejerciere funciones 6 cargo publico, se dara aviso, al mismo tiempo que se practique la cita- cion, a su superior inmediato, para que le nombre sustituto durante su ausencia, si lo exigiere asi el in teres 6 la seguridad publica. Art. 426. Los testigos seran citados en la forma establecida en el tit. VII del libro primero de esta ley. Art. 427. Cuando el testigo no hubiere de comparecer ante el juez instructor para prestar la declaracion, se haran constar en el suplicato- rio, exhorto 6 mandamiento que se expida, las circunstancias precisas para la designacion del testigo 3' las preguntas a que del)a contestar, sin perjuicio de las que el juez 6 tribunal que le recibiere la declara- cion considere conveniente hacerle para el mayor esclarecimiento de los hechos. Art. 428. El secretario del juez comisionado (pie haya de autori- zar la declaracion expedini la cedula prevenida en el art. 175 ton todas las circunstancias expresadas en el mismo, y la de haberse de recibir la declaracion en virtud do suplicatorio, exhorto 6 mandamiento. Art. 429. Los testigos que dependan de la jurisdicci6n militar, podran, segdn el juez de instrucci6n lo estime oportuno, ser examina- dos por 61 mismo como los deinas testigos, 6 por <'l juez militar com- petente. En el primer caso, el juez de Lnstrucci6n deber^ mandar que la citacion liecha al testigo se ponga en conocimiento del jct'e del cuerpo ;'i que perteneciere. En el segundo caso se observarf l<> dis- puesto en los dos artfculos anteriores. 106 Akt. 123. In the case of the !_ r fn«i:il rule included in the first para- graph of the foregoing article as well as in thai of the second, when the urgency «>t' the declaration should be such as not to admit of the delay consequent t<> the citation of tin' witness through his immediate chiefs, and the employe in question should not be able to abandon the service which he lender- without serious danger or inconvenience to the public, the examining judge in the cause shall commission the judge of the municipal district or of the judicial district within whose juris- diction the witness may be t<> take the deposition. Akt. 424. [f the witness should reside abroad, letters requisitorial shall be directed through diplomatic channels and the colonial depart- ment to the foreign judge competent to take the deposition. The let- ters requisitorial must contain the information necessary and indicate the questions which are to be put to the witness, without prejudice to said judge amplifying said questions prudently and in his discretion. [f the appearance of the witness before the examining judge or court be indispensable and he should not voluntarily appear, his conduct shall be communicated to the colonial department in order that it may take the action which it may consider proper. Art 425. If the person called upon to testify should discharge pub- lic duties or till a public office, notice shall be given to his immediate superior at the time the citation is served in order that a substitute may be appointed during his absence if the public interest or security bo requires. Akt. 42f>. Witnesses shall be cited in the manner prescribed in Title VII of the tirst book of this law. Akt. 427. If the witness is not to appear before the examining judge to testify, the details necessary for the designation of the wit- ness and the questions he is to answer shall be embodied in the letters rogatory, letters requisitorial, or mandate issued, without prejudice to the questions which the judge or court receiving his deposition may consider advisable to put to him in order better to ascertain the facts. Art. 428. The secretary of the judge commissioned who is to authenticate the deposition, shall issue the certificate prescribed in article L75 with all the details mentioned therein, and with a statement to the effect that the deposition must be taken by virtue of letters requisitorial, letters rogatory, or a mandate. Am. t29. Witnesses under military jurisdiction may, in the dis- cretion of the judge of examination, be examined by him as other witnesses, or by the military judge of competent jurisdiction. In the former case the judge of examination must order that the citation of the witness be brought to the notice of the commander of the corps to which he may belong, in the latter case the provisions of the two foregoing articles -hall be observed. 107 Si algun testigo dependiente de la jurisdiction militar rehusare com- parecer ante el juez de instrucci6n, 6 se negare a prestar juramento 6 a contestar al interrogatorio que se le hiciere, el juez de in&truccion se dii-igii a al superior del testigo desobediente, cuyo superior, ademas de corregir al testigo, de lo cual dara inmediato conocimiento al juez instructor, le hard comparecer ante fete para declarar. Art. 430. Los testigos podran ser citados personalmente donde fue- ren habidos. Cuando sea urgente el examen de un testigo, podra' citarsele \rerbal- mente para que comparezca en el acto, sin esperar a la expedicion de la cedula prescrita en el art. 175, haciendo constar, sin embargo, en los autos el uiotivo de la urgencia. Tambien podra en igual caso constituirse el juez instructor en el domicilio de un testigo 6 en el lugaren que se encuentre, para recibirle declaracion. Art. 431. El juez instructor podra habilitar a los agentes de policia para practical- las diligencias de citacion verbal 6 escrita, si lo considers conveniente. Art. 132. Si el testigo no tuviere domicilio conocido 6 se ignorare su paradero, el juez instructor ordenani lo conveniente a los funcio- narios de policia, u oiiciara a la autoridad administrativa a quien co- rresponds para que averigi'ien y le den parte del resultado dentro del plazo que les hubiere rijado. Transcurrido este plazo sin halter averi- guado el paradero del testigo, se publicara la cedula de citacion en el periodico olicial del pueblo de la residehcia del juez, y en su defecto, en cualquier otro que alii se publique. Se insertara tambien la cedula, si el juez lo estima conveniente. en los periodicos oficiales 6 particulares de la capital de la provincia y del lugar donde se presuma hallarse el testigo, y en la Gad ta de la capital de la isla. En estos casos se unira :i los autos un ejemplar de cada peri6dico en que se hubiere publicado la citacion. Art. 433. Al presentarse :i declarar los testigos entregaran al secre- tario la copia de la cedula de citacion. Los testigos puberes prestardn juramento de decir todo Lo que supieren respecto :i lo que les fuere preguntado. El juez instructor, antes deexigiral testigo pfiber el juramento y de interrogar al impuber, les instruirfi de la obligaoi6n (pie tienen de ser veraccs, y de Las penas con que el c6digo oaat&ga el delitode Ealsotesti- monio en causa criminal. 107 If :m\ witness under military jurisdiction should refuse to appear before the judge of examination, or should refuse to take the oath or answer the interrogatories put to him, the judge of examination shall address himself to the superior of tin* disobedienl witness, which superior in addition to disciplining the witness. of which he shall give immediate notice to the examining judge, shall compel him to appear before the latter and testify. Art. 430. Witnesses ma\ be cited in person when found. If the examination of a witness be urgent, he may be cited orally to appeal- at onee. without awaiting the issue of the writ prescribed in article 17.'.. bul the reason for the urgency must appear upon the re. -oid. Also, in a similar case, the examining judge may betake himself to the domicile <>f a witness or to the place where he may be, in order to receive his deposition. Art: 4::i. The examining judge may deputize police agents to Berve oral or written citations if he considers it advisable. Art. 432. If the witness should not have a known residence or his whereabouts is unknown, the judge of examination shall issue the proper orders to the police officials, or shall communicate with the proper administrative authority, in order that they may ascertain it and inform him of the result within the period which he may have fixed. Upon the expiration of such period without the whereabouts of the witness having been ascertained, the writ of citation shall be pul dished in the official newspaper of the town of the residence of the judge, and in the absence thereof, in any other newspaper published there. The writ shall also be inserted, if the judge shall deem it advis- able, in the official or private newspapers of the capital of the province and of the place where it is presumed the witness may be, and in the Gazette of the capita] of the island. In such cases a copy of each newspaper in which the citation may have been published shall be attached to the proceedings. Akt. 438. Upon appearing to testify, the witnesses shall deliver to the secretary the copy of the writ of citation. Witnesses who have reached the age of puberty shall take an oath to state all they may know upon what may be asked them. The examining judge, before administering an oath to a witness who has reached the age of puberty, and before questioning one who has not, shall inform them of their obligation to be truthful and of the penalties with which the code punishes the crime of false testimony in a criminal cause. 108 Art. 434. El juramento se prestara* en nombre de Dios, Los testigos prestaran el jaramento com arreglo a su religion. Art. 435. Los testigos declararan separada y aecretamente u pre- sencia del juez instructor y del secretario. Si lo hiciereo en otra forma, salvo los casos especiales senalados en esta ley. sera" corregido disciplinariamente el juez instructor, a no ser queincurra en responsa- bilidad criminal por la falta. Art. 436. El testigo manif estard primeramente su nombre, apellidos paterno y materno, edad, estado y profesion, si conoce 6 no al pro- cesado y a las dermis partes, y si tiene con ellos parentesco. amistad 6 relaciones de cualquiera otra clase, si ha estado procesado y la pena que se le impuso. El juez dejara al testigo narrar sin interrupcion los hechos sobre los cuales declare, y solamente le exigira las explicaciones complementarias que sean conducentes a desvanecer los conceptos oscuros 6 contra- dictories. Despues le dirigira las preguntas que estime oportunas para el esclarecimiento de los hechos. Art. 437. Los testigos declararan de viva voz, sin que les sea per- mitido leer declaracion ni respuesta alguna que lleven escrita. Podran, sin embargo, consultar algiin apunte 6 memoria que con- tenga datos dificiles de recordar. El testigo podra dictar las contestaciones por si mismo. Art. 438. El juez instructor podra mandar que se conduzca al testigo al lugar en que hubieren ocurrido los hechos, y examinarle alii 6 poner a su presencia los objetos sobre que hubiere de versar la declaracion. En este ultimo caso podra el juez instructor poner a presencia del testigo dichos objetos, solos 6 mezclados con otros semejantes, adop- tando ademas todas las medidas que su prudencia le sugiera para la ma}^or exactitud de la declaracion. Art. 439. No se haran al testigo preguntas capciosas ni sugestivas, ni se empleara coaccidn, engano, promesa ni artificio alguno para obligarle 6 inducirle a declarar en determinado sentido. Art. 440. Si el testigo no entendiere 6 no hablare el idioma espanol, se nombrara un interpr^te. que prestara a su presencia juramento de conducirse bien y fielmente en el desempeno dv sn cargo. Por este medio se haran al testigo las preguntas y se recibir&n sua contestaciones, que este podra dictar por su conducto. En este caso, la declaracion dcdieni COnsignarSC cu el proceso v\\ c\ idioma empleado por el testigo y braducido :i continuaci6n al espanol. Art. 441. El int^rprete serd elegido entre los que tengan titulode tales, si los bubiere en el pueblo. En su defecto, serf aombrado un maestro del coiTespondirnte idioma; y si tampOCO le huliiere. cual- quiera persona (pie lo sepa. IDS Aim. 134. Hie <>:ith shall be taken iii tin- name of God. The witnesses shall take the oath in accordance with their religion. Aim. 186. The witnesses shall testify separately and secretly in the presence of the examining judge and of the secretary, should they do so in any other manner, excepting the special cases ationed in this la\s. the examining judge shall be disciplined, unless he incurs criminal liability by reason of the offense. Aim. 136. The witness Bhall first state his name, paternal and maternal surnames, age, conjugal condition, and profession; whether he is or is not acquainted with the accused and other parties; if he is related to them or bears friendship or any other relations to them: if he has been criminally prosecuted and the penalty imposed upon him. The judge shall permit the witness to narrate without interruption the facts upon which he testifies, and shall only require of him such supplementary explanations as may tend to dissipate obscure or con- tradictory statements. Thereupon he shall put such questions to him as he may deem proper to elucidate the facts. Art. -f'-57. Witnesses shall testify vwa voce, without being permitted to read any written deposition or answer which they may have. Nevertheless they may consult any note or memorandum containing data difficult to remember. The witness may dictate his answers in person. Art. 438. The exam i nine- judge may order that the witness be con- ducted to the place where the acts were committed and be there exam ined. or that the objects upon which his testimony is to be taken be brought before him. In the latter case, the examining judge may place before the witness said objects alone or mixed with other similar objects, taking in addi- tion any other measures in his discretion to secure as exact a declara- tion a- possible. Aki. 4:;'.*. NO captious or suggestive questions shall be put to the witness, nor Bhall coercion, deceit, promises, or artifices of any kind be employed to force or induce him to testify in a specific sense. Ai:t. 440. If the witness should not understand or speak the Spanish language, an interpreter shall lie appointed, who shall take an oath in his presence to conduct himself well and faithfully in the discharge of his duties. By this means the questions shall be put to the witness and his answers received, which he may dictate through the interpreter. In -uch case the deposition must he entered upon the record in the language employed by the witness and translated immediately there- after into Spanish. A in. HI. The interpreter shall be selected from among persons having a certificate as such, if there he any in the town. In their absences teacher of the respective language shall be appointed; audit* there be no teacher, any other person acquainted therewith. 109 Si ni aim de esta manera pudiera obtenerse la traduccion, y las reve- laciones que se esperasen del testigo fueren Ltnportantes, se redactara el pliego de preguntas que hayan de dirigirsele, y se reniitini a la oficinade interpretacion de lenguas del Ministerio de Estado para que, con preferencia a todo otro trabajo, sean traducidas al idioma que liable el testigo. El interrogatorio ya traducido se entregara al testigo para que a presencia del juez se entere de su contenido y redacte por escrito en su idioma las oportuuas contestaciones, las cuales se remitinin del mismo modo que las preguntas a la interpretacion de Lenguas. Estas diligencias las practicaran los jueces con la mayor actividad. Art. 442. Si el testigo fuere sordomudo y supiere leer, se le haran por escrito las preguntas. Si supiere escribir, eontestara por escrito. Y si no supiere lo uno ni lo otro, se nombrara un interprete, por cuyo conducto se le haran las preguntas y se recibiran sua contestaciones. Sera nombrado interprete un maestro titular de sordomudos si lo hubiere en el pueblo, y en su defecto cualquiera que supiere comuni- carse con el testigo. El nombrado prestara juramento a presencia del sordomudo antes de comenzar a desempenar el cargo. Art. 443. El testigo podra leer por si mismo la diligencia de su declaration; si no pudiere, por hallarse en alguno de los casos com- prendidos en los articulos 440 y 442, se la leera el interprete, y en los demas casos el secretario. El juez advertira siempre a los interesados el derecho que tienen de leer por si mismos sus declaraciones. Art. 444. Estas seran tirmadas por el juez y por todos los que en ellas hubiesen intervenido, si supieren y pudieren hacerlo, auto- rizandolas el secretario. Art. 445. No se consignaran en los autos las declaraciones de los testigos que, segim el juez, fuesen manifiestamente inconducentes para la comprobaci6n de los hechos objeto del sumario. Tampoco se consignaran en cada declaraci6n las manif estaciones del testigo que se hallen en el mismo caso, pero se consignara" siempre todo loque pueda servir asi de cargo como descargo. I^ii el primer caso se bara" expresi6n, por medio de diligencia, de la comparecencia del testigo y del motivode no escribirsesu declaraci6n. Aim. M''i. Terminada la declaraci6n, el juez instructor hani saber al testigo la obligaci6n de comparecer para declarar de nuevo ante d tribunal competente cuando se le cite para ello, asi como la de poner en conocimiento de dicho juez insl ructor los cambios que hiciere basta ser citado para el juicio oral, bajo apercibimiento, si no lo oumple, de 109 If the translation can nol I btained even in this manner and the revelations expected of the witness should be important, tli<' list of questions to be put to him shall be prepared and forwarded to the office of interpretal ion of languages of the I department of State in order that they may be i ranslated before any other work into the Language spoken by the witnOSS. The interrogatory thus translated shall be delivered to the witness in order that in the presence of the judge he may acquaint himself with the contents thereof and prepare the proper answers in writing in his own language, which shall he Forwarded in the same manner as the questions to the interpretation of languages. These steps shall be taken i>\ the judges as promptly as possible. Am. 442. If the witness he a deaf mute ami able to read, the ques- tions -hall be put to him iii writing. If he is able to write he shall answer in writing. And if he is unable either to read or write, an interpreter shall he appointed through whom the questions shall he put t«> him and his answers received. A titular teacher of deaf mutes shall be appointed interpreter if there he any in the town, and in the absence of such anyone able to communicate with the witness. The person appointed shall take an oath in the presence of the deaf mute before entering upon the discharge of his duties. Akt. 448. The witness may read the record of his deposition in per- son: should In 1 not be able to do so on account of being included in any of the cases mentioned in articles 440 and 442, the interpreter shall read it to him or the secretary in other cases. The judge shall always inform the persons interested of their right to read their depositions themselves. Akt. 444. Such depositions shall be signed by the judge and by all those who may have taken part therein, should they be able to do so, being authenticated by the secretary. Am. II".. The depositions of witnesses who, in the opinion of the judge, should he manifestly irrelevant to establish the acts which are the subject-matter of the twmario, shall not be made a matter of record. Nor shall similar statements of a witness he embodied in each deposi- tion, hut all that may serve for the prosecution or for the defense must always he included. In the first case an entry shall be made upon the record of the appearance of the witness and of the reason for not writing his deposition. Akt. 446. Upon the conclusion of the testimony of the witness, the judge of examination shall inform him of his obligation to appear to testify again before the court of competent jurisdiction when cited therefor, as well as of his duty to inform said examining judge of the change of residence he may make until he is cited for the oral trial, 110 ser castigado con una multa de L2.50 a L25 pesetas, :i do ser que incu- rriere en responsabilidad criminal i><>r la t'alta. Estas prevenciones se haran constar al final de la mlsma diligencia de la declaration. A in. 447. El juez de instrucci6n, al remitir el sumario al tribunal competente, pondra en su conocimiento los cambios de domicilio que los testigos le hubiesen partieipado. Lo mismo hard respecto de los que se lo participen despues que hubiese remitido el sumario, hasta la terminaci6n de la causa. Art. 448. Si el testigo manif estare, al hacerle laprevenci6n referida en el art. 44(5, la imposibilidad de concurrir por haber de ausentarse de la isla y tambien en el caso en que hubiere motivo racionalmente bastante para temer su muerte 6 incapacidad fisica 6 intelectual antes de la apertura del juicio oral, el juez instructor hard saber al reo que nombre abogado en el termino de veinticuatro horas, si aun no le tuviere, 6 de lo contrario que se le nombrara de otieio. para que le aconseje en el acto de recibir la declaraci6n del testigo. Transcurrido dicho termino, el juez recibira juramento y volvera a examinar a este a presencia del procesado y de su abogado defensor, y a presencia asimismo del fiscal y del querellante, si quisieren asistir al acto. per- mitiendo a estos hacerle cuantas preguntas tengan por. conveniente, excepto las que el juez desestime como manitiestamente impertinentes. En la diligencia se consignanxn las contestaciones ji estas pregunta>. y sera lirmada por todos los asistentes. Art. 44i>. En casb de inminente peligro de muerte del testigo, se proeedera con toda urgencia a recibirle declaraeion en la t'ornia expre- sada en el articulo anterior, aunque el procesado no pudiese ser asistido de letrado. Art. 45o. Nose haran tachaduras, enmiendas ni entrerrenglonaduras en las diligencias del sumario. A su final se consignaran lasequiyoca- ciones que se hubieren cometido. OAPlTULO vi. OKI. OAEEO I)K LOS TKSTIOOS ^ I'lIOCKSAI H)S. Art. 451. Cuando los testigos 6 los procesados entre si 6 aqu^llos con esto> discordaren acerca de algun hecho 6 de alguna circunstancia que interese en el sumario. podrd el juez celebrar careo entre los (pie estm iei-en discordes, s'm que esta diligencia deba tener lugar, por regla general, mas que entre <1<> bo will be punished with a fine of aoi less than L2.50or more than 1l'.~> pesetas, unless he should incur criminal Liability by reason thereof. These admonitions shall be entered at the fooi of the record of the deposition. Awt. WT. The judgeof examination, in transmitting the sumario to the court of competent jurisdiction, shall inform the same of the changes of domicile which the witnesses may have communicated. The same shall be dune with regard t<> those who inform him of such changes after the transmission of the sumario until the cause is terminated. Ai:t. 44s. If the witness should state, when given the admonition referred to in article 446, that it will be impossible for him to appear On account of being obliged to absent himself from the island and also in case there should he a cause reasonably .sufficient to fear his death or physical or intellectual disability before the beginning of the oral trial, the examining judge shall instruct the accused to appoint an attor- ney within the period of twenty-four hours, should he not yet have one, and that otherwise one will be assigned to him ex officio to counsel him at once to have the testimony of the witness taken. Upon the expiration of this term the judge shall administer the oath and shall again examine the latter in the presence of the accused and his counsel, and also in that of the public prosecutor and of the complainant, should they desire to attend the proceeding, the latter being permitted to ask as many questions as they may deem advisable, excepting such as the judge may reject as manifestly impertinent. The answers to these questions shall be entered upon the record, which shall be signed by all present. Ai:t. U'.». In case of the imminent danger of the death of the wit- ness, his deposition shall be taken as speedily as possible, in the manner mentioned in the foregoing article, even though the accused should not have the assistance of an attorney. Akt. 450. No erasures, corrections, or interlineations shall be made in the proceedings of the sumario. At the end thereof the errors which may have been committed shall be recorded. CHAPTER VI. CONFRONTATION BETWEEN THE WITNESSES AND THE ACCUSED. Akt. t51. When the witnesses or the accused disagree among them- selves, or the former with the latter, as to some fact or some circum- stance Of moment in the sumemo, the judge may cause those disagree- in- bo confront each other; but this proceeding, as a general rule, must take place only between two persons at the same time. Ill Art. 452. El careo se verificara ante el jucz. leyendo el secretario a los procesados 6 testigos entre quienes tenga lugar el acto las declaraciones que hubiesen prestado, y preguntando el primero a los testigos, despues de recordarles su juramento y las penas del falso testimonio, si se ratilican en ellas 6 tienen alguna variacion que hacer. El juez manifestara en seguida las contradicciones que resulten en dichas declaraciones, e invitara a los careados para que se pongan de acuerdo entre si. Art. 453. El secretario dara fe de todo lo que ocurriere en el acto del careo y de las preguntas, contestaciones y reconvenciones que mutuamente se hicieren los careados, asi como de lo que se observare en su actitud durante el acto, y nrmara la diligencia con todos los con- currentes, expresando, si alguno no lo hiciere, la razon que para ello alegue. Art. 454. El juez no permitira que los careados se insultan 6 amenacen. Art. 455. No se practicaran careos sino cuando no fuere conocido otro modo de comprobar la existencia del delito 6 la culpabilidad de alguno de los procesados. 1 CAPITULO VII. DEL INFORME PERICIAL. Art. 456. El juez acordara el informe pericial cuando para conoceT 6 apreciar algun hecho 6 circunstancia iinportante en el sumario fuesen necesarios 6 convenientes conocimientos cientincos 6 artisticos. Art. 457. Los peritos pueden ser 6 no titulares. Son peritos titulares los que tienen titulo oficial de una ciencia 6 arte cuj 7 o ejercicio este reglamentado por la adniinistracion. Son peritos no titulares los que, careciendo de titulo oficial, tienen, sin embargo, conocimientos 6 practica especiales en alguna ciencia 6 arte. Art. 458. El juez se valdni de peritos titulares con preferencia :i los que no tuviesen titulo. Art. 459. Todo reconocimiento pericial se luna por dos peritos. Se execptua el caso en (pie no hubiese mas ^r uno en el lugar, y no fuere posible esperar la llegada de otro sin graves Lnconvenientes para d curso del sumario. A.BT. 460. El nombramiento se hard saber :i los peritos por medio de oficio, que les serd entregado por alguacil 6 portero del juzgado 'Existiendo datos suficientes d juicio del tribunal Bentenciador y por lo que real- mente r witnesses between whom the pro- ceeding is to be held the depositions they may have made, and asking the witnesses, after reminding them of their oath and the penalties for t'al>e testimony, whether they ratify the same or desire to make some change. The judge shall thereupon state the contradictions which appear from said deposition-, and Bhall request tho>e confronting each other to come to an agreement. Aim. 153. The secretary shall certify to all that takes place at the confrontation and to the questions, answer-, and reconventions which the persons confronting each other may make, as well as to what he may observe in their conduct during the proceeding, and shall sign said certification together with all those present, stating, if any should not sign, the reason alleged therefor. Art. 454. The judge shall not permit the persons confronting each other to insult or threaten each other. Art. 455. No confrontation shall take place unless no other means to verify the existence of the crime or the guilt of any of the accused is known. 1 CHAPTER VII. EXPERT EVIDENCE. Ai:t. 456. The judge shall call for an expert opinion if, to ascertain or weigh some important fact or circumstance in the *>, scien- tific or artistic know ledge should lie necessary or advisable. Ai;i. 457. The experts may or may not he titular. Titular experts are those who have an official diploma in some science or art the exercise of which is governed by the administration. Nontitular experts are those who. not possessing an official diploma, have nevertheless some special knowledge or practice in some science or art. Art. 45S. The judge shall avail himself of the services of titular experts in preference to those who are not such. Art. 459. Every expert investigation shall he made by two experts. The case is excepted where there is only one expert in the place and it should not he possible to await the arrival of another one without serious damage to the progress of the swnario. Am. 4*',o. The appointment shall be communicated to the experts officially in writing, which document Bhall he delivered to them by a 1 If there be data sufficient, in the opinion of the sentencing courl and from what really appears from the cause, to prove the guUl "t the accused, the courl in refusing to hold the confrontation, has not incurred the breach of form mentioned in No. 1 of article 911. (Decision of February /<:, 1884*) 112 con las formal idades prevenidas para la citacion de los testigos, la cedula original para los efectos del art. 175, por un atestado aue extendera el alguaeil 6 portero encargado de la entrega. Art. 481. Si la urgencia del caso lo exige, podra hacerse el llama- miento verbalmente de orden del juez. haciendolo constar asi en los autos, pero extendiendo siemprc el atestado prevenido en el articulo anterior el encargado del cumplimiento de la orden de llamamiento. Art: 462. Nadie podra negarse :i acudir ;il llamamiento de juez para desempenar an servicio pericial, si no estuvierelegitimamenteimpedido. En este caso debera ponerlo en conocimiento del juez en el aeto de recibir el nombramiento, para que se provea a lo que ha} T a lugar. Art. 463. El perito que, sin alegar excusa fundada, deje de acudir al llamamiento del juez 6 se niegue a prestar el informe. incurrira en las responsabilidades senaladas para los testigos en el art. 420. Art. 4H4. No podran prestar informe pericial acerca del delito, cualquiera que sea la persona ofendida, los que segiin el art. 416 no estan obligados a declarar como testigos. El perito que, hallandose comprendido en alguno de los caso- de dicho articulo, preste el informe sin poner antes esta circunstancia en conocimiento del juez que le hubiese nombrado, incurrira en hi multu de 12.50 a 125 pesetas, a noser que el hecho diere lugar a responsabilidad criminal. Art. 465. Los que presten informe como peritos en virtud de orden judicial, tendran derecho a reclamar los honorarios 6 indemni zacionea que sean justas, si no tuvieren en concepto de tales peritos retribuci6n fija satisfecha por el Estado, por la provincia 6 por el municipio. Art. 466. Hecho el nombramiento de peritos, se notitieara inme- diatamente, asi al actor particular, si lo hubiere, como al procesado, si estuviere a disposicion del juez 6 se encontrare en el udsmo Lugar de la instruction, 6 a su representante, si le tuviere. Art. 467. Si el reconomiento e informe periciales pudiereo tener lugar de nuevo en el juicio oral, los peritos oombradoa no podran Ber recusados por las partes. Si mo pudiere reproducirse en el juicio oral, habra' lugar ;i la recu- sacion. \i:r. 468. Son causa tie rccusacion de los peritos: 1." El parentesco de consanguinidad 6 annidad dentro del cuarto grado con el querellante 6 con el reo. 2." El interes directo 6 indirecto en la causa 6 bd otra semejante. 3." La amistad intima 6 enemistad manifiesta. 1 L2 bailiff or porter of 1 1 » * - court with the formalities prescribed for t ho citation of witnesses, the original writ for the purposes of article 17."> being substituted by an attested statement which the bailiff or porter entrusted with the service shall draft. Aim. |t;i. If tin' urgency of the case shall -<> require, tin' rail may be made verbally by order of the judge, such fact appearing in the proceedings, but the attested statement prescribed by the foregoing article must always be made by the person entrusted with the service of tin- summons. Aim. i»'.L'. N<> <«iic can refuse to answer the call of a judge to fulfill an expert service, unless Legitimately prevented from go doing. [n such case he must inform the judge thereof upon receiving his appointment, in order that the proper action may he taken. Aim. 463. An expert who. without giving a good excuse, shall fail t<> answer the call of the judge or refuse to give his opinion, shall incur tin- Liabilities prescribed for witnesses by article -420. Aim. 464. No expert opinion as to the crime, whosoever he the per- son injured, can he given by those who. according to article 4it>, are not obliged to testify as witnesses. An expert who. being included in any of the eases of said article, should express an opinion without previously informing the judge who may have appointed him of this circumstance, shall incur a fine of not less than 12.50 or more than 125 pesetas, unless the act should give rise to criminal liability. Aim'. it'»."). Persons who shall make a report as experts by virtue of a judicial order shall he entitled to claim the fees or indemnity which may he just, provided they do not receive as such experts a fixed com- pensation paid by the State, the province, or the municipality. Aim. 466. After the appointment of experts has been made, the pri- vate plaintiff, should there he any. as well as the accused, if he should he under the control of the judge or at the place where the investiga- tion is being held, or his representative, should he have any, shall he notified of such appointment. Aim. 407. If the expert examination and opinion could take place again during the oral action, the experts appointed can not be chal- lenged by the parties If it can not take place again during the oral action, a challenge may he interposed. Ai:r. 168. The following are causes for challenge of experts: I . Relationship by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth degree with the complainant or the accused. •1. A direct or indirect interest in the cause or in another similar one. 3. Intimate friendship or manifest enmity. 18478—01 15 113 Art. 460. El actor 6 procesado que intente recu.sar al perito 6 peri- tos nombrados por el juez, debera hacerlo por escrito antes de enipe- zar la diligencia pericial, expresando la causa de la recusaci6n y la prueba testifical que ofrezca, y acompanando la documental 6 desig- nando el lugar en que csta se halle si no la tuviere a su disposition. Para la presentation de este escrito no estara obligado ;i valerse de procurador. Art. 470. El juez sin levantar mano, examinara los documentos que produzca el recusante } T oira a los testigos que presente en cl acto, resolviendo lo que estime justo respecto de la recusacion. Si hubiere lugar a ella, suspendera el acto pericial por cl tiempo estrictamente necesario para nombrar el perito que haya de sustituir al recusado, hacerselo saber y constituirse el nombrado en el lugar correspondiente. Si no la admitiere, se proeedera como si no se hubiese usado de la facultad de recusar. Cuando el recusante no produjese los documentos. pero designare el archivo 6 lugar en que se encuentren, el juez instructor los reclamara" y examinara una vez recibidos sin detener por esto el curso de Las actua- ciones; y si de ellos resultase justiticada la causa de la recusacion, anulara el informe pericial que se hubiese dado, mandando que se practique de nuevo esta diligencia. Art. 471. En el caso del parrafo segundodel art. 4ii7. el querellante tendra derecho a nombrar a su costa un perito c{ue intervenga en el acto pericial. El mismo derecho tendra el procesado. Si los querellantes 6 los procesados fuesen varios, se pondran respec- tivamente de acuerdo entrc si para hacer el nombramiento. Estos peritos de)>eran ser titulares, a no ser que no los hubiere de esta clase en el partido 6 demarcaci6n, en cuyo caso podr^Ln ser nom- brados sin titulo. Si la practica de la diligencia pericial do admitiere espera, se proce- derd como las circunstancias 1<» permitan para (\uo el actor y el pro- cesado puedan intervenir en ella. Art. 472. Si las partes bicieren usode la facultad que se les concede en cl artlculo anterior, manifestar&n al juez el nombre del perito. y ofrecerdn, al hacer csta manifestaci6n, los comprobantes de tener la cualidad challenge tin- expert or experts appointed by the judge, must interpose it in writing before the beginning of the expert investigation, stating the cause of challenge and the evidence of witnesses which he offers and accompanying the documentary evidence or stating the place where the latter may be found if nol at his disposal. 1 1.' shall not be required t<> avail himself t»t" the services t>l" a solicitor to interpose Buch challenge. Akt. 4~o. The judge, without taking any action, shall examine the documents which the challenging party may produce, ami shall hear the witnesses he may present at oner, deciding thereupon what he may consider jus! with regard to the challenge. If the challenge he sustained, he shall suspend the expert investiga- tion such time as may be strictly necessary to appoint an expert to take the place of the one challenged, to inform him thereof, and to establish the person appointed in the proper place. Should he overrule the challenge the proceedings shall be continued as if no challenge had been interposed. If the challenging party should not produce the documents, hut should designate the archives or place where they may he found, the judge of examination shall call for them and shall examine them as - a> received, without therein - staying the course of the proceed- ings, and if the cause of challenge should appear justified therefrom. he -hall annul the expert opinion which may have been rendered, ordering that this proceeding take place novo. A.BT. 471. In the case of the second paragraph of article 467. the complainant shall have the right to appoint an expert at his own cost to make the expert examination. The accused shall have the same right. Should there be more than one complainant or person accused, they shall come to an agreement among themselves, respectively, in making the appointment. These experts must be titular, unless there should he none of this class in the judicial district or circuit, in which case experts without a certificate may he appointed. If the holding of the expert examination should not admit of delay, the proceedings shall he had as the conditions may permit in order that the plaintiff and the accused may take part therein. Akt. 472. If the parties should avail themselves of the privilege granted them by the foregoing article, they shall indicate to the judge the name of the expert, and -hall submit, upon making this designa- tion, evidence of the person appointed being such expert. In no case shall they be permitted to avail themselves of this privi- lege after the investigation has begun. 114 Akt. 473. El juez resolved sobre La admision dc dichos peritos en la forma determinada en el art. 47»> para las recusaciones. Art. 474. Antes de darse principioal acto pericial, todos los peritos, a>i loa nombrados por el juez como los que lo hubiesen sido por las partes, prestaran juramento, conforme al art. 434. de proceder bien y tiehnente en bus operaciones }' de no proponerse otro tin mas que el de descubrir y declarar la verdad. Akt. 475. El juez manifestara clara y determinadamente a 1<>s peritos el objeto de su informe. Art. 476. Al acto pericial podran concurrir, en el caso del parrafo segundo del artieulo 4H7. el querellante, si lo hubiere, con representa- cion, y el procesado eon la suya aim cuando estuviere preso, en cuyo caso adoptara las precauciones oportunas. Art. 477. El acto pericial sera presidido por el juez instructor 6, en virtud de su delegacion, por el juez municipal. Podia tambien delegar en el caso del art. 353 en un funcionario de policia judicial. Asistira siempre el secretario que actiie en la causa. Art. 478. El informe pericial eomprendera. si fuere posible: 1.° Descripcion de la persona 6 cosa que sea objeto del inismo en el estado 6 del modo en que se halle. El secretario extendera esta descripcion. dictandola los peritos y subscribiendola todos los concurrentes. 2.° Relacion detallada de todas las operaciones practicadas por los peritos y de su resultado, extendida y autorizada en la misma forma que la anterior. 3.° Las conclusiones que en vista de tales datos formulen los peritos, conforme a los principios y reglas da su ciencia 6 arte. Art. 479. Si los peritos tuvieren necesidad de destruir 6 alterar los objetos que analicen, debeni conservarse, a ser posible, parte de ellos en poder del juez para que, en caso necesario, pueda hacerse nuevo analisis. Art. 480. Las partes que asistieren a las operaciones 6 reconoci- mientos podran someter ;i los peritos las observaciones que estimen convenientes, haciendose constar todas en la diligencia. Art. 481. Hecho el reconocimiento, podran los peritos. >i lo pidieren, retirarse por el tiempo absolutamente preciso al sitio que el juez lea senale para deliberar y redactar las conclusiones. Art. 4!S2. Si los peritos necesitaren descanso, el juez 6 el funcionario que le represente podrd concederles para ello el tiempo necesario. Tambien pot Ira suspender La diligencia hasta otra bora d otro dia, cuando Lo exigiere su naturaleza. En este caso. el juez 6 quien Le represente adoptara* Las precauciones convenientes para evitar cualquiera alteracion en la materia de la dili- gencia pericial. 114 Art. IT-".. The judge shall pass upon the admission of said experts in (In- manner prescribed in article t70 for challenges. Akt. 171. Before beginning the expert proceedings, all the experts, those appointed i>\ the judge as well as those appointed by the parties, shall take an oath in accordance with article [34 to well and faithfully perform their duly and for no other purpose than to establish and declare the t ruth. Aim. 17.V The judge shall, in a clear and specific manner, indicate to the experts the subject of their report. Ai;t. 47''>. In the case of the second paragraph of article 467, the complainant, if there be any. together with his counsel, and the accused with his counsel, even though imprisoned, in which ease the proper precautions shall betaken, may attend the expert examination. Akt. 477. The expert proceedings shall be presided over by the examining judge or, by virtue of his delegation, by the municipal judge. He may also delegate his duties to an official of the judicial police in the case of article 353. r I4ie secretary acting in the cause must always be present. Akt. 47s. The expert report shall include, if possible — 1. A description . The findings of the experts, in view of such data, in accordance with the principles and rules of their science or art. Akt. 17'.'. If the experts should find it necessary to destroy or alter the objects which they may analyze, a portion thereof must be retained in the possession of the judge if possible, in order that a new analysis may be made if necessary. Akt. 480. The parties attending the operations or examinations may make such remarks to the experts as they may deem advisable, all of them being recorded in the proceedings. Akt. 481. After the examination, the experts may. should they request it. retire as lone- as necessary to the place which the judge may fix for deliberation and the preparation of their findings. Am. t82. If the experts should require a rest, tin 1 judge or the official representing him may grant therefor the time necessary. He may also postpone the proceedings to another hour or day when the nature thereof so requires. In BUCh Case, the judge or person representing him shall take the precautions advisable in order to prevent any alteration in the matter of the expert examination. 115 Art. 483. El juez podra, por su propia inieiativa 6 por reclamacion de las partes presentes 6 de sua defensores, hacer a los peritos, cuando produzcan sus conclusiones, las preguntas que estime pertinentes } T pedirles las aclaraciones necesarias. Las contestaciones de los peritos se consideraran eonio parte de su iirforme. Art. -4:84. Si los peritos estuvieren discordes y su niimero f uere par, nombrara otro el juez. Con interveneion del nuevamente nombrado, se repetiran, si fuere posible, las operaciones que hubiesen practicado aquellos y se ejecuta- ran las demas que parecieren oportunas. Si no fuere posible la repeticion de las operaciones ni la practica de otras nuevas, la interveneion del perito ultimamente nombrado se limitara a deliberar con los demas, con vista de las diligencias de recono- cimiento practicadas, y a formular luego con quien estuviere con- forme, 6 separadamente si no lo estuviere con ninguno, sus conclusiones motivadas. Art. 485. El juez facilitara a los peritos los medios mater iales necesarios para practical" la diligencia que les encomiende, reclamdn- dolos de la administracion publica 6 dirigiendo a la autoridad eorres- pondiente un aviso previo si existieren preparados para tal objeto, salvo lo dispuesto cspecialmente en el art. 362. 115 Aim. t83. The judge may, on his own initiative, oral the request of the parties present, or of their counsel, put such questions to the experts, when they submit their findings, as he may consider pertinent, and demand the necessary explanations. The answers '>t' the experts shall be considered as a portion of their report Aim. 4*4. If tl xperta should not agree and their number be even, tli*- judge shall appoint another expert With the assistance of the last expert appointed, the work done by the first experts shall be repeated, if possible, and such other work shall be performed which may appear proper. It* the repetition of the work or new operation- should not be possible, the intervention of the expert last appointed shall be limited to delib- erating with the rest, in view of the investigation made, and after- wards preparing hi- findings with the reasons therefor toe-ether with whomsoever agrees with him. or separately, should he not agree with any of them. Akt. 485. The judge shall furnish the experts the material means necessary to make the examination entrusted to them, demanding the same of the public administration or addressing to the proper authori- ties :l notice in advance should they already be prepared for such pur- pose, reserving the special provisions of article 362. TfTULO VI. DE LA CITACICJN, DE LA DETENCldN Y DE LA PRISldN PROVISIONAL. CAPITULO PRIMERO. DE I. A CITACI6N. Art. 486. La persona a quien se impute un acto punible deberd ser citada solo para ser oida, a no ser que la ley disponga lo contrario, 6 que desde luego proceda su detencion. 1 Art. 487. Si el citado, con arreglo a lo prevenido en el articulo anterior, no conipareciere ni justi6care causa legitima que se lo impida, la orden de comparecencia podra convertirse en orden de detencion. Art. 488. Durante la instruccion de la causa, el juez instructor podra mandar comparecer a cuantas personas eonvenga oir por resultar contra ellas algunas indicaciones fundadas de culpabilidad. CAPITULO II. DE LA DETENCl6N. Art. 489. Ningun espanol ni extranjero podra ser detenido sino en los casos y en la forma que las leyes prescriban. 8 Art. 490. Cualquiera persona puede detener: 1.° Al que intentare cometer un delito en el momento de ir & cometerlo. 2.° Al delincuente infraganti. 1 Las personas a quien se cita y oye con arreglo a este articulo, no es necesario que presten juramento; basta que declarer bajo promesa de decir verdad, puesto que no son examrnadas como testigos, y sf como posiblea partfcipes del hecho criminal. (Eocposici&n del Fiscal del Tribunal Supremo dt 16 de Septiembre de 1883, num. to. \ 1 Reproduce el precepto del art. 4" de la Constituci6rj vigente. Begun el mismo articulo, todo detenido sera puesto en libertad 6entregadoa < la autoridad judicial, dentro de las veinticuatro horas Biguientes al actode la detencion, y toda detenci6n se dejara* sin efecto 6 elevara ;i prisi6n dentro tic las setenta y dos horas de baber sido entregado el detenido al juez competente, debiendo la provi- dencia que se dicte notificarse al interesado dentro del mismo plazo. La cita de la infracci6n de los arts. 489, 282, y 2t»7 como de men forma 6 prooe- dimiento, esineflcazal efecto del recurso de casaci6n por infracci6n de ley. [Sentm- rid ilr ."j ii, marzo dt 1887.) lie TITLE VI. THE CITATION, THE DETENTION. AND THE PROVISIONAL IMPRISONMENT. CHAPTEB FIRST. THE CITATION. Art. 486. A person charged with a punishable act must be cited only for the purpose of being hoard, unless the law shall provide other- wise "i- unless his immediate detention should be proper. 1 Akt. 4>7. If the pei-son cited in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing- article should not appear nor give any good cause which prevents him from so doing, the order of appearance may be changed into an order of arrest. Art. 488. Dining the progress of the cause the examining judge may order the appearance of as many persons as it may be advisable to hear on account of there being some apparent indications of guilt against them. CHAPTER II. THE DETENTION. Akt. 489. Xo Spaniard or foreigner can be arrested, excepting in the manner and in the cases prescribed by law.' Art. 490. Any person may place under arresi 1. He who -hall attempt to commit a crime, at the moment he is about to commit it. ■j.. A delinquent captured in flagranti. •Persons who are cited and heard in accordance with this article an- not required to take an oath; it is sufficient that they testify under a promise to tell the truth, as they are not examined as witnesses, hut as possible participants in the criminal act. nent of the fiKal Of tiu Suprnm Court of S, /itnuorr Jo, J.S'S.i, Xo. 20.) '■'This repeats the precept of article 4 of the < 'institution in force. According to the said article every person detained shall be set at liberty or turned over to the judicial authorities within twenty-four hours after the detention, and every detention shall he annulled or changed to imprisonment within seventy-two hours after the person detained has been turned over to the judge of competent juris- diction, the warrant which may issue being communicated to the person interested within the same period. A citation of the violation .,f articles 489, 282, and L's? as of mere form or proce- dure ie inefficacious for an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law. 1 1. i Urn "i March ."■>. 1887.) in; 117 3.° Al que so fugare del establecimiento penal en quo se hallo extinguiendo condena. 4.° Al que se fug-are de la carcel en (jut' estuviere esperando su tras- lacion al establecimiento penal 6 Lugar en que deba cumplir la condena que se le hubiese impuesto por sentencia firme. 5." Al que se fugare al ser conducido al establecimiente 6 Lugar men- cionados en el numero anterior. 6.° Al que se fugare estando detenido 6 preso por causa pendiente. 7.° Al procesado 6 condenado que estuviere en rebeldia. Art. 491. El particular que detuviere a otro justificara, si este lo exigiere, haber obrado en virtue! de motivos racionalmente suficientes para creer que el detenido se hallaba comprendido en alguno de los casos del articulo anterior. Art. 492. La autoridad 6 agente de policia judicial tendra obligacion de detener: 1.° A cualquiera que se halle en alguno de los casos del art. 490. 2.° Al que estuviere procesado por delito que tonga senalada en el Codigo pena superior a la de prision correccional. 1 3.° Al procesado por delito a que este senalada pena inferior, si sus antecedentes 6 las circunstancias del hecho hicieren presumir que do comparecera cuando fuere llaniado por la autoridad judicial. Se exceptua de lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior al procesado quo preste en el acto fianza bastante, a juicio de la autoridad 6 agente que intente detenerlo, p&ra presumir racionalmente que comparecerf cuando le llame el juez 6 tribunal competente. 4.° Al que estuviere en el caso del numero anterior, aunque todaySa no se hallase procesado, con tal que concurran las dos circunstancias siguientes: l. a Que la autoridad 6 agente tenga motivos racionalmente bastantes para creer en la existencia de un hecho que presente los caracteres de delito. 2. a Que los tenga tambion bastantes para creer que la persona a quien intente detener tuvo participation en 61. Art. 493. La autoridad 6 agente do policia judicial tomara" n<>ta del nombre, apellido, domicilio y demas circunstancias bastantes para la avoriguacion o idontilicacion do la persona del procesado 6 del delin- cuente :i quienes no detuviere por no estar comprendidoa en oinguno do los casos del articulo anterior. Esta nota sera o|)oi-tunanionto entregada al juez «'» tribunal que conozca 6 deba conocer de la causa. 'Eete i 1 1 « ■ i - < • ha Bido modificado para Cuba de este modo: "Al que estuviere procesado por delito que segun el Codigo penal mereciere de denominaci6n de delito grave." {V6(w enelApindia T,laOrden No.l09,cU Julio IS .1, 1899, ) 117 3. He who shall escape from :i penal institution in which ho may be serving a sentence. I. He who shall escape from a prison in which he may be await- ing his transfer to a penal institution or place in which he is to serve tin- sentence w hich may have been imposed upon him by a final sentence. 5. lie who shall escape while being conducted to the institution or place mentioned in the Foregoing Dumber. 6. He w ho shall escape while under arrest or detention awaiting trial. 7. A person accused or convicted who may be in default. Aim. 491. A private individual detaining another person shall state, if the latter ><> requires, that he has acted by virtue of reasons reason- ably sufficient to believe that the person detained was included in any of the cases mentioned in the foregoing article. Am. 492. An authority or agent of the judicial police shall be obliged to place under arrest — 1. Any person included in any of the cases of article 490. l'. Any person accused of a crime to which the code affixes a penalty higher than that of prisi&n correctional? 3. A person accused of a crime to which a lower penalty is affixed, if his antecedents or the circumstances of the act should raise a pre- sumption that he will not appear when called upon by the judicial authorities. From the provisions of the foregoing paragraph is excepted the accused who at once furnishes bail sufficient, in the judgment of the authority or agent who desires to place him under arrest, to allow a reasonable presumption that he will appear when called upon by the judge or court of competent jurisdiction. 4. A person included in the provisions of the foregoing subdivision, although not yet undergoing trial, provided that the two conditions following are attendant: 1. That the authority or agent should have reasonable cause to believe the existence of an act presenting the characteristics of a crime. 2. That he shall also have sufficient cause to believe that the person he desires to arrest participated therein. Ai:i. I'.'.".. The authority or agent of the judicial police shall record the name, surname, domicile, and other circumstances which may be sufficient for the verification and identification of the person of the accused or of the delinquent not detained on account of not being included in any of the cases of the foregoing article. This record shall be delivered at the proper time to the judge or court taking cognizance or which is to take cognizance of the cause. 'This paragraph has been amended for Cuba as follow: "Persons who may be undergoing trial for a grave offense, as defined l>y the penal code." [See order No. 109, July 1.1, 1899, in Appendix I.) 118 Art. 494. Dicho juez 6 tribunal acordara tambien la detencion de los comprendidoa en el art. 492, a prevencion con las autoridadea y agentes de policia judicial. Art. 495. No se podra detener por simples faltas, a do Ber que el presunto reo no tuviese domicilio conocido ni diese fianza bastante ;i julpio de la autoridad 6 agente que intente detenerle. Art. 496. El particular, autoridad 6 agente de policia judicial que detuviere a una persona en virtud de lo dispuesto en los precedentes articulos, debera ponerla en libertad 6 entregarla al juez mas proximo al lugar en que hubiere hecho la detencion, dentro de las veinticuatro horas siguientes al acto de la misma. Si demorare la entrega, incurrira en la responsabilidad que establece el Codigo penal, si la dilacion hubiere excedido de veinticuatro horas. 1 Art. 497. Si el juez 6 tribunal a quien se hiciese la entrega fuere el propio de la causa, y la detencion se hubiese hecho segun lo dispu- esto en los numeros 1.°, 2.°, y 6.°, j r caso referente al procesado del 7.°. del art. 490 y 2.°, 3.°, y 4.°, del art. 492, elevara la detencion a prisi6n 61a dejara sin efecto en el termino de setenta y dos horas. a contar desde que el detenido le hubiese sido entregado. Lo propio y en identico plazo hara el juez 6 tribunal respecto de la persona cuya detencion hubiere el mismo acordado. Art. 498. Si el detenido en virtud de lo dispuesto en el num. f>." y primer caso del 7.° del art. 490, y 2.° y 3.° del art. 492, hubiese sido entregado a un juez distinto del juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa, extendera el primero una diligencia expresiva de la persona que hubiere hecho la detencion, de su domicilio y demas circunstanciaa bastantes para buscarla e identincarla, de los motivos que esta mani- festase haber tenido para la detencion, y del nombre, apellido y cir- cunstanciaa del detenido. Esta diligencia sera firmada por el juez, el secretario. la persona que hubiese ejecutado la detencion y demas concurrentes. Por el que no lo hiciere tirmaran dos testigos. Inmediatamente despues serin remitidaa estas diligencias y la ptM-- sona del detenido a disposicion del juez 6 tribunal que conociese de la causa. Art. 4 ( .>!». Si el detenido lo fuese por eatar comprendido en los numeros L.°y 2." del articulo 490 y en el 4." del 492, el juez de inatruc- cion a <|iii<'ii se entregue praet icai'a las primeras diligencias y elevara ' l.i funcionario piiblico que detuviere ;i una persona j u>> la entregare :i la autori- dad judicial dentro de veinticuatro horas, incurre en la res] sabilidad del articulo 200 del Codigo penal. El 502 determina la pena aplicable al que fuera de I"- casoe permitidos en la ley, aprehendiere .i una persona para presentarla 6 la autoridad. ( Viaseel Aptndice II.) 1 L8 Akt. p.'!. Said judge or courl shall also order the arrest of those included in the provisions of article 492, upon the suggestion of the authorities and agents of the judicial police. Aim. I'.'... No person can be detained by reason of simple misde- meanors unless the presumed criminal should not have a known a person « ho shall arrest a person in order to turn him over to the authorities outside of the cases permitted by law. {See Appendix II. ) 119 la detencion ;i prision. 6 decretara la libertad del detenido, segun pro- ceda, en el termino senalado en el articulo 4 ,, 7. Hecho esto, cuando el no fuese juez competente, remitira :'t quien lo sea las diligencias y La persona del preso, si lo hubiere. Art. 500. Cuando el detenido lo sea por virtud de las causas 3. a , 4.\ 5. a y caso referente al condenado de la 7. a del art. 4!»0. el juez a quien se entregue 6 que ha}'a acordado la detencion. dispondra* que inmedi- atamente sea remitido al estableciinicnto 6 lugar donde debiere cumplir su condena. Art. 501. El auto elevando la detencion a prision 6 dejandole sin efecto se pondra en conocimiento del ministerio fiscal, y se notiticara al querellante particular, si lo hubiere, y al procesado, al cual se le hara saber asimismo el derecho que le asiste para pedir de palabra 6 por escrito la reposition del auto, consignandose en la notification las manifestaciones que hiciere. CAPlTULO III. DE LA PRISI6N PROVISIONAL. Art. 502. Mientras que la causa se halle en estado de sumario, solo podra decretar la prision provisional el juez de instruceion 6 el que forme las primeras diligencias, 6 el que, en virtud de comision 6 interinamente, ejerza las funciones de aquel. Art. 503. Para decretar la prision provisional seran necesarias las circunstancias siguientes: l. a Que consteen la causa la existencia de un hecho que present* Los caracteres de delito. 2. a Que este tenga senalada pena superior a la de prisi6n correo- cional, segiin la escala general comprendida en el C6digo renal. 6 bien que, aim cuando tenga senalada pena interior, considere el juez nece- saria la prision provisional, atendidas las circunstancias del hecho y Los antecedentes del procesado, hasta que preste la fianza que Le senale. 1 3. ■' Que aparezcan en La causa motivos bastantes para creer respon- sable criminalmente del delito & La persona contra quien se haya de dictar el auto de prision. 1 Este pirrafo ha Bido lificado para Cuba como sigue: "Que este delito sea (!<• Ins llamadoe por el ( '6digo Penal delitoe gravee 6 bien que, Mini cuando sea the condemned of the Beventh cause of article 490, the judge to whom he may be delivered, or who shall have decreed the detention, shall order that be be trans- ferred immediately to the institution or place where be is to Berve his sentence. A^t. 501. The public prosecutor, the private complainant, if there be any. and the accused shall be informed of the writ raising the detention to imprisonment or annulling the same, the latter being furthermore informed of bis right to request a rehearing, orally or in writing, the statements he may make being embodied in the notice. CHAPTER III. PROVISIONAL IMPRISONMENT. Art. 502. While the cause is at the stage of the sumario, provis- ional imprisonment can be decreed onty by the judge of examination or the one conducting the tirst steps, or the person who by virtue of a commission or temporarily exercises the functions of the former. Ai;t. 503. In order to decree the provisional imprisonment, the fol- lowing circumstances shall be necessary: 1. That the existence of an act presenting the characteristics of a crime is established in the cause. 'l. That a penalty higher than prision correcdonalbe affixed thereto according to the general scale embraced in the penal code, or that men though a lower penalty he affixed thereto the judge shall con- sider provisional imprisonment accessary, in view of the circumstances of the act and the antecedents of the accused, until he shall give the bond which he may require. 1 :;. That there shall appear in tin' case motives sufficient to believe that the person against whom the writ of imprisonment is to issue is criminally liable for the crime. 'This paragraph has been amended for Cuba as follows: "That this offense !><■ included in those termed grave in the Penal Code, or when, even though it lie a minor offense, the judge, considering the circumstances of the case and the antece- dents of the accused, may consider his provisional confinement necessary until he shall give the hail required." {See in Appendix I. order i<>'->. of July /•<', 1899.) 120 Art. 504. Procedera" tambien la prision provisional cuando coneurran la primera y tercera circunstancias del artieulo anterior, y el procesado no comparecido sin motivo legitimo al primer llaniamiento del juez 6 tribunal que conociere de la causa. No obstante lo dispuesto en el artieulo anterior, aunque el delito tenga senalada pena superior a la de prision correccional, euan el procesado tenga buenos antecedentes 6 se pueda creer fundadamente que no tratara de sustraerse a la accion de la justicia, y cuando ademas el delito no haya producido alarma ni sea de los que se cometan ton frecuencia en el territorio de la respectiva provincia, podra el juez 6 tribunal acordar, mediante fianza, la libertad del ineulpado. 1 Art. 505. Para llevar a efecto el auto de prision se expediran dos niandamientos: uno cometido al alguacil del juzgado 6 portero del tribunal 6 al funcionario de policia judicial que haya de ejecutarlo, y otro al alcaide de la carcel que deba recibir al preso. En el mandamiento se consignara & la letra el auto de prision. el nombre, apellido, naturaleza, edad, estado y domicilio del procesado. si constaren; el delito que de lugar al procedimiento; si se procede de oficio 6 a instancia de parte, y si la prision ha de ser con conmnicaeion 6 sin ella. Los alcaides de las carceles no recibiran a ninguna persona on clase de preso sin que se les entregue mandamiento de prision. Art. 506. La incomunicacion de los detenidos 6 presos solo podra durarel tiempo absolutamente preciso para evacuarlas citaa hecbas en las indagatorias relativas al delito que haya dado lugar al procedi- miento, sin que, por regla general, deba durar mas de cinco dias. El incomunicado podra asistir con las precauciones debidas a las diligencias periciales en que le de intervencion esta ley cuando su pre- sencia no pueda desvirtuar el objeto de incomunicacion. Art. 507. Si las citas hubieren de evacuarse fuera del territorio de la isla 6 a larga distancia, la incomunicacion podni durar el tiempo prudencialmente preciso para evitar la confabulaci6n. Art. 508. El juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa, podrfi, bajo su responsabilidad, mandar que vnelva :i quedar incomunicado el preso aim despuesde haber sido puesto en conmnicaeion, si la causa ofreciere 1 EJste pdrrafo ha Bido modificado para Cuba como sigue: "No obstante lodispuesto en <■! artfeulo anterior, aunque <-•! hecho que motiva la causa aparezca como constitu- ii\" de delito grave, cuando «'l procesado tenga buenos antecedentes 6 se pueda creer fundadamente que no tratard de sustraerse :i la acci6n de la justicia, y cuando ademas el delito n< i haya producido alarma ui sea de los que B6 c.nnclau con frccui'iicia en cl territorio >\>- la respectiva provincia, podra" cl juez <"> tribunal acordar, mediante fianza, la libertad 'Id ineulpado." ( V6om <« ./ Aptndice /. /" Ordm ni'mi. 109 r court taking cognizance <>t' the cause. Notwithstanding the provisions <>t' the foregoing article, even though a penalty higher than priridn correocwncU be affixed to the crime, when the accused -hall have good antecedents <>r there shall be good reasons to believe that he will not attempt to evade justice, and when further- more the crime shall not have produced alarm nor be of those which air frequently committed within the territory of the respective prov- ince, the judge or court may order that the accused be released on bail. 1 Ai:t. 505. To carry out the order of imprisonment two mandates shall be issued, oik 1 addressed to the bailiff of the court or porter of the tribunal or to the official of the judicial police who is to execute the same, and another to the warden of the prison which is to receive the prisoner. The mandate shall contain the order of imprisonment in full; the name, surname, birthplace, age, conjugal condition, and domicile of the accused, if known; the crime which gave rise to the proceeding; if the proceedings are ex officio or at the instance of a party, and if the imprisonment is to be ordinary or incomunicado. The wardens of the prisons shall receive no person as a prisoner unless an order of imprisonment be delivered to them. Art. 506. The incommunication of the persons detained or imprisoned can last only the period absolutely necessary to serve the citations made in the investigations of the crime which nuay have given rise to the proceedings, and must, as a general rule, not exceed five days. The incoinunicado person may, with the proper precautions, attend the rxpert proceedings, which this law allows him to attend, when his presence shall not defeat the object of the incommunication. Akt. 507. If the citations shall have to be served outside of the territory of the island or at a great distance, the incommunication may continue the period reasonably necessary to prevent confabulation. Akt. 508. The judge or court taking cognizance of the cause may order, under his liability, that a prisoner be again placed !n<-onnitn- cado, even after it has been raised, if good reasons should appear in the 1 This paragraph has been amended for Cuba as follows: " Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding article, although the act giving rise to the case appears In constitute a grave offense, when the defendant shall have is; 1 antecedents, or it may for good reason be believed that he will not attempt to evade justice, or when the crime may not have produced alarm, or where it is imt one frequently com- mitted in the territory of the province, the judge or court may release the accused on bail." ( ;;(• .1.- L9G0. 1-J1 cause; hut the second incommunication can never exceed three dav reserving the provisions of the foregoing article. ' ' ' The accused shall be informed of the reasons stated in the writ which orders the second incommunication. Abt. 509. An ituxmunicado prisoner shall be allowed the books and effects which he may procure himself, should there be do objection in the judgment of the examining judge. Abt. 510. The examining judge may also permit that the mconvmi- oado prisoner, should he request it, be furnished writing material if in his judgment this permission shall not offer objection; hut in theorder ^anhnn-su.-h permission he shall take the proper measures to prevent that tne effects oi the mcommunication be defeated. Art. 511. An inconwnicado prisoner can not deliver nor receive any letter or paper whatsoever, except through and with the permission Of the examining judge, who shall examine the contents thereof in order to allow or refuse its delivery. Art. 512. If the presumed criminal be not found at his residence and his whereabouts he unknown, a requisition shall be directed to the judges of examination within whose jurisdiction there is reason to suspec that he may be found; and in any case said requisition shall be published in the Gazette of the capital of the island and in a news- paper -or the locality or of the capital of the proper province, authen- ticated copies being also affixed, in the form of edicts, in the court or tribunal taking cognizance of the cause and in that of the judges of examination to whom the requisition may have been directed. 1 Art. 513. In the requisition shall he stated the name and surname, office proton or trade if known, of the accused person in default and the marks by which he can be identified, the crime for which he is prosecuted, the territory where it is presumed that he may be found and the prison to which he is to be taken. Art. ,514. The original requisition and a copy of each newspaper in which it may have been published shall be attached to the cause Abt 515. The judge or court ordering the imprisonment of an accused person m default, and the judges of examination to whom the requisitions may be sent, shall inform the authorities and agents of ho judical police of their respective territories of the circumstances mentioned in article 513. returned, after the presumed criminal has been heard, within seventy- two hours after the arrest. } *JfL 517 A ^^Tu ° f t , h ° ° rder ratifyin - decree Of imprisonment and that ordering the release of the imprisoned person shall be served upon the same persons as those upon whom notice of the decree of imprisonment was served. •See in Appendix I, Order No. 181 of April 30, 1900. 122 Contra ellos podni interponerse recurso de apelacion. Inmediatamente despue*s de dictados, y dentro de las mismas Betenta y dos horas, se expedira al alcaide de la carcel en que se hallare el preso el correspondiente mandamiento on La forma expresada en el art. 505. Art. 518. Los antes en que se decrete 6 deniegue la prisi6n 6 exear- celacion seran apelables .solo en el efecto devolutive). La tramitacion se ajustara a lo dispuesto en el tit. X del libro pri- mero de e.sta ley. Art. 519. Todas las diligencias de prision provisional Be sustan ciaran en pieza separada. CAPITULO IV. DEL TRATAMIEXTO DE LOS DETENIDOS 6 PRESOS. Art. 520. La deteneion, lo mismo que la prision provisional, deben efectuarse de la manera y en la forma que perjudiquen lo menos po.-i- ble a la persona y a la reputacion del inculpado. Su libertad no debe restringirse sino en los limites absolutamente indispensables para asegurar su persona e impedir las comunicacionea que puedan perjudicar la instruccion de la causa. Art. 521. Los detenidos estaran, a ser posible. separados los unos de los otros. Si la separacion no fuese posible, el jucz instructor 6 tribunal cui- dara de que no se reunan personas de difercnte sexo ni los co-reos en una misnia prision, y de que los jovenes y los no reincidentes se hallen separados de los de edad madura y de los reincidentes. Para esta separacion se tendran en cuenta el grado de education del detenido, su edad y la naturaleza del delito que se le impute. Art. 522. Todo detenido 6 preso puede procurarse :i bus expensas las comodidades y ocupaciones compatibles con el objeto de su deten- tion y con el regimen de la carcel, siempre que do comprometan su seguridad 6 la reserva del sumario. Ain. 523. Cuando el detenido 6 preso deseare ser visitado por an tninistro de su religi6n, por un medico, por sua parientes 6 personas con quienes este* en relaci6n de intereses, 6 por Ins que puedan darle bus consejos, debera* permitfrsele con las condiciones prescritas en el reglamento de carceles, si n<> afectasen al secreto y 6xito del sumario. La rclacion con el abogado defensor no podni impedlrsele mientras estuviere en comunicacion. 122 An appeal lies from Buch decrees. [immediately after being issued, and within the Bame peripd of sev- enty-two hour., the proper mandate shall be issued to the warden of the prison in which the prisoner may be, in the manner prescribed in article 505. Aim. 518. Decisions decreeing orrefusing to order the imprison- ment or release may be appealed from for a review of the proceedings only. The proceedings -hall be adjusted to the provisions of Title X of the first book of this law. Abt. 519. All proceedings relating to provisional imprisonment shall be conducted in a separate record. CHAPTER IV. TREATMENT OF PEBSON8 DETAINED OB IMPRISONED. Abt. 520. The detention, as well as the provisional imprisonment, must be effected in the manner and form which shall least injure the person and reputation of the person accused. His liberty must not be restricted except within the limits absolutely indispensable to secure his person and prevent communications which may be of prejudice to the cause. Abt. 521. Persons detained shall, in so far as possible, be kept separated from each other. [f such separation should not be possible, the judge of examination or court shall seek to prevent that persons of different sexes or co- cnminals be placed in the same prison, and that young persons and those who are not recidivists be kept separated from those of more mature age and recidivists. In making this separation the degree of education of the person detained, his age, and the character of the crime charged against him shall be taken into consideration. Abt. 522. Every person detained or imprisoned may at his own expense procure the commodities and occupations compatible with the object of his detention and with the prison regulations, provided that they do apt affect his security or the secrecy of the sumario. Abt. 523. When the person detained or imprisoned should desire to be risited by a minister of his religion, by a physician, by his relatives or persons with whom he has joint interests, or by persons who may give him advice, he must be allowed to receive such visits under the condition- prescribed by the prison regulations, should they not affect th- 3ecrecy and success of tin- mrrwrio. Consultations with his coun sel can not be forbidden him while he is not mcomwiicado. 123 Art. 524. El juez instructor autorizarii, en cuanto no sc perjudique el exito de la instrucci6n, los medioa de correspondencia y comunica- cion de que pueda hacer uso el detenido. 6 preso. Pero en ningun caso debe impedirse a los detenidos 6 presos la libertad de escribir a los funcionarios superiores del orden judicial. Art. 525. No se adoptara contra el detenido 6 preso ninguna medida extraordinaria de seguridad si no en caso de desobediencia, de violencia 6 de rebelion, 6 cuando haya intentado 6 hecho preparativoa para fugarse. Esta medida debera ser temporal, y solo subsistira" el tiempo estricta- mente necesario. Art. 526. El juez instructor visitant una vez por semana, sin previo aviso ni dia determinado, las prisiones de la localidad, acoinpanado de un individuo del ministerio fiscal, que podra ser el fiscal municipal delegado al efecto por el fiscal de la respectiva audiencia; y donde exista este tribunal, haran la visita el presidente del mismo 6 el de la sala de lo criminal y un magistrado, con un individuo del ministerio fiscal y con asistencia del juez instructor. En la visita se enteraran de todo lo concerniente a la situacion de los presos 6 detenidos, }- adoptaran las medidas que quepan dentro de sus atribuciones para corregir los abusos que notaren. Art. 527. Los detenidos 6 presos, mientras se hallen incomunicados, no podran disfrutar de los beneficios expresados en el presente capi- tulo, y regiran, respecto de los mismos, las disposiciones del capitulo anterior. 128 A r i . 524. Tin' examining judge shall authorize, in bo far as nol prej- udicial t<> the success of th«* investigation, the means of correspond- ence and communication of which the person detained <>r prisoner ma\ avail himself. Hut in no case can persons detained <>r imprisoned be prevented from writing to the superior officials of the judiciary. Ai:t. 525. No extraordinary measures of safety shall be taken against the person detained or imprisoned, except in case of disobedience, vio- lence, or mutiny, or when he shall have attempted or made preparations to escape. Such measures must be temporary, and shall only continue such time as may be strictly necessary. A i; 1 . 526. The examining judge shall visit the prisons of the locality once a week without previous notice nor on a determined day. accom- panied by a member of the department of public prosecution, who may be the municipal fiscal delegated for such purpose by the fiscal oi the respective audiencia; and where such tribunal is established, the visit shall be made by the presiding judge of the same or of the crim- inal chamber and one associate justice, with one member of the depart- ment of public prosecution and w r ith the attendance of the examining judge. During their visit they shall take cognizance of all that concerns the condition of the prisoners or persons detained, and shall take the measures within their power to correct any abuses they may notice. Akt. 527. Detained or imprisoned persons, while incomunicado, can not enjoy the privileges mentioned in this chapter, and shall be governed by the provisions contained in the foregoing chapter. TfTULO vn. DE LA LIBERTAD PROVISIONAL DEL PROCESADO. Art. 528. La prision provisional solo durara lo que subsistan los motivos que la hayan ocasionado. El detenido 6 preso sera puesto en libertad en cualquier estado de la causa en que resulte su inocencia. Todas las autoridades que intervengan en un proceso estanin ofoli- gadas a dilatar lo menos posible la detencion y la prision provisional de los inculpados 6 procesados. Art. 529. Cuando el procesado lo fuere por delito a que estuviese senalada pena inferior a la prision correccional, segim la escala general del codigo penal, y no estuviere por otra parte eomprendido en el numero 3.° del articulo 492 6 en el pjirrafo primero del articulo 504 de esta ley, el juez 6 tribunal que conociere de la causa deeretara si el pro- cesado ha dedar 6 no fianza para continual- en libertad provisional. En el mismo auto, si el juez decretare la lianza, rijara la calidad y cantidad de la que se hubiere de prestar. 1 Este auto se pondra en conocimiento del ministerio fiscal, y se noti- ficara al querellante particular }- al procesado, y so ra apelable en un solo efecto. Art. 530. El procesado que hubiere de estar en libertad provisional. con 6 sin fianza, constituini apiul acta obligacion de comparecer en los dias que le fueren senalados en el auto respectivo, y ademas cuantaa veces fuere llamado ante el juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa. Art. 531. Para determinar la calidad y cantidad de la fianza se tomaran en cuenta la naturaleza del delito, el estado social y antece- 1 Los dos primeros purrafos del articulo 529 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, se entenderan vw lo sucesivo redactados de este modo para Cuba: " Y.\ procesado tendra derecho al beneficio de la libertad bajo lianza, dempre que In fuere dot delito que pueda ser eomprendido en la definici6n que el artfculo 8.' del codigo penal da de 1<>s delitoe menos graves, Si el procesado por uno de estos delitos no hubiere comparecido, sin motivo legfti , al primer llamamiento de la autoridad judicial, estard en las facultades discrecionalee del juei Instructor el admitirle 6 no <•! beneficio ' of the Penal Code. If a person indicted for one of these offenses should, without good reason, fail to appear at the tirst call of the judicial authority, the examining judge shall have discretionary power i<> gran1 or to refuse him the benefil of hail. " In the decree hy which tlie jnd<_'o orders the hail, its character and amount shall he stated." [See in Appendix i, order 109, of July l.;, js:>:>.) 124 125 dentes del procesado y las demas circunstancias que pudieren influir en el mayor 6 nienor interes de este para fuera del alcance de la autoridad judicial. Art. 532. La tianza Be destinara a responder de la comparecencia del procesado cuando fuere llamado por el juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa. Su importe servini para satisfacer las oostas causadas en el ramo separado formado para su constitucion. y el restp se adjudi- cara al Estado. Art. 533. Es aplicable a las fianzas que se ofrezean para obtenei la libertad provisional de un procesado todo cuanto a bu naturaleza, nia- nera de constituirse, de ser admitidas y calincadas y de sustituirse, se determina en los articulos 591 y siguientes, hasta el 596 inclusive del titulo IX de este libro. Art. 53-i. Si al primer llamamiento judicial no compareciere el acu - sado 6 no justiticare la imposibilidad de bacerlo, se senalara al fiador personal 6 al dueno de los bienes de cualquiera clase dados en tianza. el termino de diez dias para que presente al rebelde. Art. 535. Si el fiador personal 6 dueno de los bienes de la tianza no presentare al rebelde en el termino fijado, se procederii a hacer e*sta efectiva, declarandose adjudicada al Estado y haciendo entrega dr ella a la administracion mas proxima de rentas, con deduccion de las <"-ta- indicadas al final del articulo 532. Art. 536. Para realizar toda mmza se procedera por la via de apremio. Si se tratare de una fianza personal, se procederii tanilticn por la via de apremio contra los bienes del riador hasta hacer efectiva la cantidad que se bitya fijado al admitir la referida tianza. Los efectos piiblicos, acciones y obligaciones de ferrocarriles y obras piiblicas y demas valores mercantiles 6 industriales se enajenaran por agente de bolsao corredor en su defecto. Si no le hubiere en el lugar de la causa, se remitiran para su enajenacion al juez 6 tribunal de la plaza mas proxima en que lo haya. Los demas muebles dados en prenda, asi como lt>s inmuebles hij>o- tecado>. se yenderan en publiea subasta, previa tasaci6n. Art. ."):;T. Cuando los bienes de la tianza fueren del dominio del }>ro- cesado, se realizarfi y adjudicara e*sta al estado inmediatamente que aipiel dejare de comparecer al llamamiento judical 6 de justificar la imposibilidad de hacerlo. Am. .'»:;.s. En todas las diligencias de enajenaci6n de bienes de las fianzas y de la entrega de su importe en las administraciones de hacienda publics interx endr:i el niinistcrio fiscal. 125 accused -hull be taken into consideration, as well as all other circum- stances which may bear upon the greater or Lesser interest of the latter to place himself beyond the jurisdiction of the judicial authority. Aim. 532. 'The purpose of the bail >hall be to answer for the appear- ance of the accused when called by the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause. The amount thereof shall serve to satisfy the costs incurred in the separate record required thereby, and the balance shall be adjudicated to the State. Art. ">:-'.: > .. The provisions of articles 591 to 596, inclusive, of Title IX of this book, relating to the character, manner of constituting, admit- ting, and classifying, as well as substituting bonds, is applicable to bonds offered to obtain the temporary liberty of an accused person. Akt. 534. If the accused should not appear at the first judicial call or should not give a good reason preventing him from so doing, a period of ten days shall he allowed the personal bondsman, or the owner of the property of whatsoever kind given in bond, within which to produce the person in default. Akt. 535. If the personal bondsman or the owner of the property constituting the bond should not produce the person in default within the period fixed, the bail shall be forfeited and it shall be adjudicated to the State and turned over to the nearest revenue collector, deduct- ing the costs mentioned at the end of article 532. Akt. 536. In order to recover upon any bond compulsory process shall be employed. I f a personal bond should be involved, judicial proceedings shall also be brought against the property of the bondsman to the extent neces- sary to recover the amount which may have been fixed upon the admission of the said bond. Public securities, stock, and obligations of railroads and public works and other similar commercial or industrial securities shall be disposed of through an exchange broker or an agent in his absence. Should there be none in the place of the cause, they shall be forwarded for disposal to the judge or court of the nearest place where there may be one. Other personal property given in pledge, as well as mortgaged real property, shall be sold at public sale after being appraised. Akt. 537. If the property constituting the bond should belong to the accused, it -hall be -old and the proceeds adjudicated to the State if the person accused fails to appear upon the judicial call or does not justify his inability to do so. Art. 538. In all proceedings involving the alienation of property constituting bonds and of the delivery of the proceeds into the admin- istrations of the public treasury, the department of public prosecu- tion shall intervene. 126 El fiscal de la audiencia podra delegar su intervencion en el fiscal municipal donde se encuentre el juez de instruction. 6 bien reclamar que se le remita el expediente cuando tenga estado, procurando, :i ser posible, deducir sua pretensiones en un solo dictamen. Art. 539. Los autos de prision y Libertad provisionales y de fianza seran ref ormables de oficio 6 a instanciade parte durante todo el curso de la causa. En su consecuencia, elprocesado podra ser preso y puesto en libertad cuantas veces sea procedente, } T la fianza podra' ser aumentada 6 dis- minuida en cuanto resulte necesario para asegurar las eonsecuenciaa del juicio. Art. 540. Si el procesado no presenta 6 amplia la fianza en el ter- mino que se le senale, sera reducido a prision. Art. 541. Se cancelara la fianza: 1.° Cuando el fiador lo pidiere, presentando a ia vez al procesado. 2.° Cuando este fuere reduci lo a prision. 3.° Cuando se dictare autofirme de sobreseimiento 6 sentencia firme absolutoria, 6 cuando, siendo condenatoria, se presentare el reo para cumplir la condena. 4°. Por muerte del procesado, estando pendiente la causa. Art. 542. Si se hubiere dictado sentencia firme condenatoria. y el procesado no compareciere al primer llamamiento 6 no justificare la imposibilidad de hacerlo, se adjudicara la fianza al Estado en los tei- minos establecidos en el articulo 535. Art. 543. Una vez adjudicada la fianza, no tendiii acci6n el fiador para pedir la devolucion, quedandole a salvo su derecho para reclamar la indemnizacion contra el procesado 6 sus causas habientes. Art. 544. Las diligencias de prision}' libertad provisionales y fianza se sustanciaran en pieza separada. 126 The fiscal o\ the audiencia may delegate his intervention to the municipal fiscal at the place where the judge of examination may be, or demand thai the record of the proceedings be forwarded to him when concluded, seeking in so far as possible to embody his desires in one and the same order. A.rt. 539. I decrees of imprisonment and temporary liberty and bonds may be changed at the instance of the court or of a party at an\ stage of tin 1 cause. Consequently the accused may be imprisoned and placed at liberty as often a^ required, and his l>ail may be increased or reduced in so far as may be necessary to assure the consequences of the action. Akt. r>4i». If the person accused docs not present or increase the bond within the period allowed him, he shall be committed to prison. Akt. 541. The bond shall be canceled — 1. Upon the request of the bondsman upon the .surrender of the accused. 2. When the latter is committed to prison. :'.. When a final decree of dismissal or a final sentence of acquittal is rendered, or in ease of conviction, if the criminal should appear to serve his sentence. 4. By the death of the accused during the pendency of the cause. Akt. 542. If a final condemnatory sentence should have issued, and the accused should not appear at the first call or should not establish his inability to do so, the bond shall be forfeited to the State in the manner prescribed in article 535. Akt. 543. After the bond has been forfeited, the bondsman shall have no right of action for the return thereof, but he shall reserve his right of action for indemnity against the person accused or his succes- sors in right. Akt. 544. Proceedings upon imprisonment and temporary liberty and bond shall be had in a separate record. TfTULO VIII. DE LA ENTRADA Y REGISTRO EN LUGAR CERRADO, DEL DE LIBROS Y PAPELES Y DE LA DETENCION Y APERTTJRA DE LA CORRESPONDENCE ESCRITA Y TELEGRAFICA. Art. 545. Nadie podra entrar en el domicilio de un espanol 6 cxtran- jero residente en Espana sin su consentimiento, excepto en los casus y en la forma expresamente previstos en las leyes. Art. 546. El juez 6 el tribunal que conociere de la causa podra decretar la entrada y registro, de dia 6 de noche, en todos los edificios y lugares publicos, sea cualquiera el territorio en que radiquen, cuando hubiere indicios de encontrarse alii el procesado 6 efectoa 6 instru- mentos del delito, 6 libros, papeles u otros objetos que puedan servir para su descubriniiento y comprobacion. Art. 547. Se reputaran edificios 6 lugares publicos para la obser- vancia de lo dispuesto en este capitulo: 1.° Los que estuvieren destinados a cualquier servicio oficial, militar 6 civil del Estado, de la provincia 6 del umnicipio, aunque habiten alii los encargados de dicho servicio, 6 los de la conservacion y custodia del edificio 6 lugar. 2.° Los que estuvieren destinados a cualquier establecimiento de reunion 6 recreo, fueren 6 no licitos. 3.° Cualesquiera otros edificios 6 lugares cerrados que no constitu- yeren domicilio de un particular con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el articulo 554. 4.° Los buques del Estado. Art. 548. El juez necesitani para la entrada y registro 6D el palacio de cualquiera de los cuerpos colegisladores la autorizaci6n del presi- dents rcspectivo. Art. 549. Para la entrada y registro on los templos y demas lugares religiosos bastard pasaf recado do atencion :i las personaa :i cuyo cargo estuvieren. Art. 550. Podrd asimismo el juez instructor ordenar en 1<>s oasos indlcados en el articulo 546 la entrada v registro, ^o dia 6 de noche, si la urgencia lo biciere necesario, en cualquier edificio 6 lugar cerrado 6 parte de <'l que constituya domicilio de cualquier espanol 6 extranjero residente en Bspafia; pero precediendo Biempre el consentimiente del interesado, conforme se previene en el articulo <'>." de la Constituci6n, 6d fait a de consent in i icn to, en \irtutl de auto inotivado que S6 notiticara L27 TITLE VIII. ENTRY AND SEARCH OF CLOSED PLACES, OF BOOKS AND PAPERS, AND THE DETENTION AND OPENING OF WRITTEN AND TELEGRAPHIC CORRESPOND- ENCE. Akt. 546. No one can enter the domicile of :i Spaniard or foreigner residing in Spain without bis consent, excepting in the oases and in the manner expressly provided for by law. Akt. ~>4»'>. The judge or court taking cognizance of the cause may order an entry and search, by day or night, of any public buildings and places, whatever be the district in which situated, if there arc indications that the accused or the effects or instruments of the crime, or books, papers, or other objects which may serve in the discovery and verification thereof are to be found there. Art. 547. The following shall be considered public buildings or places for the observance of the provisions of this chapter: 1. Those destined to any official, military, or civil service of the State, province, or municipality, even though the persons entrusted with said service or the persons in charge of the care and custody of the building or place reside in the same. 2. Those destined to any establishment for meetings or recreation. licit or otherwise. :;. Any other closed buildings or places which do not constitute the residence of a private individual in accordance with the provisions of article 55 1. 4. The vessels of the State. Art. 548. The judge shall require for the entry and search of the palace of any of the Colegislative Bodies the authority of the respective president. Art. 549. For the purpose of entering and searching temples and other religious places, a respectful communication to the persons in charge thereof shall be sufficient. Art. 550. The examining judge may also, in the cases indicated in article 546, order the entry and search, by day or night, if the urgency of the case should so require, of any building or closed place or part thereof which may constitute the residence of any Spaniard or for- eigner residing in Spain; but always after the consent of the person interested has been obtained as provided by article *; of the Constitu- tion, or in the 1 absence of consent by virtue of an order setting forth L27 128 a la persona interesada inmediatamente, 6 lo mas tarde, dentro de las veinticuatro horaa de haberse dictado. 1 Art. 551. Se entendera" que presto su consentimiento aquel que, requerido por quien hubiere de efectuar la entrada y registro para que los permita, ejecuta por su parte los actos necesarios que de el depen- dan para que puedan tener efecto, sin invocar la inviolabilidad que reconoce al domicilio el articulo *!." de la Constitucion del Estado. Art. 552. Al practical- los registros deberan evitarse las inspecciones inutiles, procurando no perjudicar ni importunar al interesado mas de lo uecesario, y se adoptaran todo genero de precauciones para no com- prometer su reputation, respetando bus secretos si no interesaren a la instruction. Art. 553. Los agentes de policia podran asimismo proceder de pro- pia autoridad al registro de un lugar habitado cuando haya manda- miento dc prision contra una persona y traten de llevar a efecto su captura, cuando un individuo sea sorprendido en flagrante delito 6 cuando un delincuente, inmediatamente perseguido por los agentes de la autoridad, se oeulte 6 refugie en alguna casa. Art. 554. Se reputan domicilio para los efectos de los articulos anteriores: 1.° Los Palacios Reales, esten 6 no habitados por el Monarca al tiempo de la entrada 6 registro. 2.° El edificio 6 lugar ecrrado 6 la parte de el destinada principal- mente a la habitacion de cualquier espanol 6 extranjero residente en Espaiia }' de su familia. 3.° Los buques nacionales mercantes. Art. 555. Para registrar en el Palacio en que se halle residiendo el Monarca solicitara el juez real licencia por conducto del mayordomo ma} T or de S. M. Art. 556. En los sitios reales en que no se hallare el Monarca al tiempo del registro sera neeesaria la licencia del jefe 6 empleado del servicio dc S. M. que tuviere a su cargo la custodia del edificio, 6 la del que haga sus veces cuando se solicitare, si estuviere ausente. Art. 557. T^as fcabernas, casas de comidas, posadas y fondas no se reputardn como domicilio de los que se encuentren 6 residan en ellas accidental o tcnipoi-alniente; y lo scran tan solo de los tal>erncro>. bosteleros, posaderos y fondistas que se hallen ;i su frente y habiten alii con sua familias en la parte del edificio :i este servicio destinada. Art. 558. El auto de entrada y registro en el domicilio de un par ticular sei^fi siempre fundado, y el juez expresarf en el ooncretamente 1 Para la recta Lnteligencia y aplicaci6n de este articulo, hay que toner preeento lo que disponen !<>s artfeuloe •"><'<', ">»i7 y 568. L28 tin 1 reasons for the action, u hich Bhall be served upon the person inter- ested at once or not later than l ; l hours after its issue. 1 Aim. 551. It Bhall be understood that :i pee-on gives his consent who. upon being requested by the person who is to make tin- entry and search to allow the same, performs on his part the acts acces- sary depending upon him for such entry ami search to take place, without invoking the inviolability which article <• of the Constitu- tion of the State recognizes in a domicile. Aim. 552. Useless inspections shall be avoided in making the searches, it being sought not to prejudice nor importune the person interested more than necessary, and all precautions possible shall be taken not to compromise his reputation, his secrets being respected. should they not interest the investigation. Aim-. 553. Police agents may also proceed upon their own responsi- bility in making the search of some inhabited place when a warrant of arrest ha- been issued against a person and they are attempting to cap- ture him. when an individual is surprised at a flagrant crime, or when a delinquent being immediately pursued by the authorities shall con- ceal himself or take refuge in some house. A im . 554. For the purposes of the foregoing article the following are considered domiciles: 1. The royal palaces, whether or not inhabited by the Monarch at the time of the entry or search. •J. A building or closed place, or that portion thereof destined prin- cipally to the dwelling of any Spaniard or foreigner residing in Spain and of hi- family. 3. National merchant vessels. Aim. ."»:»:». In order to search the palace in which the Monarch is residing the royal judge shall request permission through the chief major domo of His Majesty. Aim. 556. In reservations where the Monarch may not be at the time of the search the pei-niission of the chief or employee of the service of His Majesty in charge of the custody of the building or the person acting in his stead, if the former be absent, shall be necessary. Aim. .V>7. Taverns, eating houses, restaurants, and saloons shall not be considered the domicile of those who may be thereof reside in the same accidentally or temporarily, but shall be considered the domicile only of the tavern, restaurant, or saloon keepers in charge thereof and who dwell there with their families with regard to that part of the building set aside for such purpose. Aim. 558. The warrant for the entry and search of the domicile of a private party shall always set forth the reasons therefor, and the 'Tin- provisions of articles .")iiii, 567, and 568 musl be borne in mind in order to properly understand and apply this article. L8473 01 17 129 el edificio 6 lugar cerrado en que haya de verifiearse, si tondrii lugar tan .solo de dia y la autoridad 6 funcionario que los haya de practicar. Akt. 559. Para la entrada y registro en los edifieios destinadoa a la habitacion u oficina de los representantes de naciones extranjeras acreditadas cerca del Gobierno de Espana, los pedira" su vonia el juez por medio de atento oficio, en el que les rogara* que contesten en el termino de doct 1 boras. Art. 560. Si transcurriere este termino sin haberlo hecho, 6 si el representante extranjero denegare la venia. el juez lo comunicara' inmediatamente al Ministro de Ultramar, empleando para ello el telegrafo, si lo hubiere. Entre tanto que el Ministro no le comunique su resolution, se abstendra de entrar y registrar en el edificio; pero adoptara las medidas de vigilaneia a que se refiere el articulo 567. Art. 561. Tampoco podra entrar y registrar en los buques mer- cantes extranjeros sin la autorizacion del eapitan, 6 si este la denegare, sin la del consul de su nacion. En los buques extranjeros de guerra, la t'alta de autorizacion del comandante se suplira por la del embajador 6 ministro de la nacion a que pertenezcan. Art. 562. Se podra entrar en las habitaciones de los c6nsules extran- jeros y en sus oiicinas. pasandoles previamente recado de atencion y oltservando las formalidades preseritas en la Constitution del Estado y en las leyes. Art. 563. Si el edificio 6 lugar cerrado estuviere en el territorio propio del juez instructor, podra encomendar la entrada y registro al juez municipal del territorio en que el edificio 6 lugar cerrado radi- quen, 6 a cualquiera autoridad 6 agente de policia judicial. Si el que lo. hubiese ordenado fuere el juez municipal, podra encomendarlo tambien a dichas autoridades 6 agentes de policia judicial. Cuando el edificio 6 lugar cerrado estuviere fuera del territorio del juez, encomendara este la practica de las operaciones al jue/ de su propia categorla del territorio en que aqu^llos radiquen, el oual :i su vex podrd encomendarlas & las autoridades «'> agentes de policia judicial. Ai:t. 564. Si se tratare de un edificio 6 lugar publico comprendido en los numerosl.°y 3.° del articulo 54T, el juezoficiarf :i la autoridad 6 jefe de que aqu£llos dependan en la misma poblaci6n. Si este no contestare en id tt'nnino que se le fije en el oficio, se notilieai-a el auto en que 86 disponga la entrada y registi'o al eneargado (le la eonsorvaeion o ciistodia del edilieio 6 lugar en que se liul>iere de ent i-ar y registrar. Si se tratare de buques del Estado. las comunicaciones se dirigiran :i los comandantes respectivos. L29 judge shall Btate therein concisely the building or closed space to be entered and Bearched, whether it La to take place in the daytime only, and tin- authority <>r official to perform tin- service. Am. 559. For the entry and search <>t* buildings used for the resi- dence or office of the representatives of foreign cations accredited to the Government of Spain, the judge shall ash their consent in a respectful communication, in which he shall request them to reply within the period <>t' twelve hours. Ajrt. 560. If such period should expire without any answer being made, or if the Foreign representative should refuse his consent, the judge shall at once communicate such refusal to the Colonial Minister by telegraph, if there be any. Until the Minister communicates his decision, he shall abstain from entering and searching the building, but he shall take the measures of surveillance referred to in article 567. Akt. 561. Nor can he enter and search foreign merchant vessels without the authority of the captain, or. if the latter should refuse it. without that of the consul of his nation. In the case of foreign men-of-war, the lack of authorization of the commander shall be supplied by that of the ambassador or minister of the nation to which they may belong. Art. 562. The dwellings and offices of foreign consuls may be entered, a respectful communication being first sent them, and the formalities prescribed by the constitution of the State and by the laws being observed. Aim. .">•;:;. If the building or closed place should be situated within the district of the examining judge, he may entrust the entry and search to the municipal judge of the territory in which the building or closed place may be situated, or to any authority or agent of the judicial police. If ;i municipal judge ordered it. he may also entrust said entry and search to -aid authorities or agents of the judicial police. If the building or closed place be situated outside the jurisdiction of the judge, the latter shall entrust the commission to the judge of the -ame category in the territory in which it may lie situate, who in his turn may entrust the proceedings to the authorities or agents of the judicial police. AlCT. 564. If a building or public place included in numbers 1 and :'. of article 547 should be in question, the judge shall communicate in writing with the authority or chief in charge thereof in the same town. If the latter should not reply within the period fixed in the communication, the deer rdering the entry and search shall be communicated to the person entrusted with the care or custody of the building or place to be entered and searched. If vessels of the State should be in question, the coimuunieat shall be addressed to the proper commanders. OS 130 Art. 565. Cuando cl edificio 6 lugar fueren de los comprendidos en el numero 2.° del articulo 547, la notification so hani :i la persona que Be hallo al frente del establecimiento de reunion 6 recreo, 6 a quien haga sus veces si aquel estuviere ausente. Art. 566. Si la entrada y registro se hubieren de haeer en el domi- eilio de un particular, .se notificara el auto a este; y si no fuere habido a la primera diligencia en busca, a su encargado. Si no fuere tampoco habido el eneargado, se hani la notitieaeion a cualquiera otra persona mayor de edad que se hallare en el domicilio, prefiriendo para esto (x los individuos de la fainilia del interesado. Si no se halla a nadie, se hara constar por diligencia, quese extenders' con asistencia de dos vecinos, los cuales debenin firmarla. Art. 567. Desde el momento en que el juez acuerde la entrada y registro en cualquier editicio 6 lugar cerrado, adoptarji las medietas de vigilancia convenientes para evitar la fuga del procesado 6 la austrac- cion de los instrumentos, efectos del delito, libros, papeles 6 cuales- quiera otras cosas que hayan de ser objeto del registro. Art. 568. Practicadas las diligencias que se establecen en los articu- los anteriores, se procedera a la entrada y registro, empleando para ello, si fuere necesario, el auxilio de la f uerza. Art. 569. El registro se hara a presencia del interesado 6 de la persona que legitimamente le represente. Si aquel no fuere habido 6 no quisiere concurrir ni nombrar repre- sentante, se practicara a presencia de un individuo de su fainilia mayor de edad. Si no lo hubiere, se hara a presencia de dos testigos, vecinos del mismo pueblo. El registro se practicara siempre a presencia del secretario y doa testigos, sin contar los de que habla el ptirrafo anterior, extendi^n- dose acta, que tirmaran todos los concurrcntes. La existencia del interesado, de su representante, de los individuos do su fainilia y de los testigos a prosonciar el registro. prodmira la responsabilidad declarada en el codigo penal :i los reoa del delito de desobediencia grave :i la autoridad, sin perjuicio de que la diligencia so practique. Si no se encontrasen las personam u objetos que so busquen ni apare- eiesen Lndicios sospechosos, Be expidirfi una certificaoi6n del acta :i la parte interesada, si la reclamare. A in . 5Y0. Cuando <■! registro se practique en el domicilio de un par- ticular y espire el dia sin haberse terminado, r\ que l<> haga requerirf al interesado 6 a su representante, bi estuviere presente, para que per- ISO 565. It' the building or place be of those included in number ~ of article 547, the notice shall be served upon the person ai the head of the meeting or recreation establishment, <>r to the person acting in his place, should the former be absent. Akt. 566. [f the entry and search should have to be made in the residence of a private person, the order shall be communicated to the latter: and should he not be found at the first call, it shall be delivered to his representatii e. If his representative should not be found, the notice shall be served upon any other person of legal age who may be found at the resi- dence, preference being given to the members of the family of the person interested. If no one be found, a record of this fact shall be made, which shall Ite prepared in the presence of two neighbors, who must atlix their signatures thereto. A in. ."'»'>7. As soon as a judge orders the entry and search of any building or closed place he shall take such measures of surveillance as may he necessary to prevent the flight of the accused or the removal of the instruments, effects of the crime, or books, papers, or any other things which are to be the subject of the search. Art. 568. After the steps established in the foregoing articles have been taken, the entry and search shall be proceeded with, recourse being had to force if necessary. Art. 569. The search shall be made in the presence of the person interested or of the person legally representing him. If the former be not found or should not desire to be present or appoint a representative, the search shall be conducted in the presence of a member of his family of legal age. Should there be no such member it shall be conducted in the pres- ence of two witnesses, residents of the same town. The search shall always be made in the presence of the secretary and of two witnesses, without counting those referred to in the fore- going paragraph, a record being made which shall be signed by all persons present. The attendance at the search of the person interested, of his repre- sentative, of the members of his family, and of the witnesses shall produce the liability declared in the penal code upon those guilty of serious disobedience to the authorities, without prejudice to the pro- ceedings being held. If the persons or objects sought for can not be found, and no sus- picion- indications shall appear, a certified transcript of the record shall be issued to the party interested, upon his request. Art. 570. If a search be made of the domicile of a private individual and the day shall (dose without its being concluded, the person conduct- ing the same shall request the person interested or his representative, 131 mita la continuacion durante la noche. Si se opusiere, so suspendera la diligencia, salvo lo dispuesto en los articulos 546 y 550, cerrando y sellando el local 6 los nmebles en que hubiere de continuarse, encuanto e.sta precaucion se considere necesaria para evitar lafugadela persona 6 la sustraccion de las cosas que se buscaren. Prevendra asimismo el que practique el registro & los que se hallen en el edificio 6 lugar de la diligencia, que no levanten los sellos, ni violenten las cerraduras, ni perinitan que lo hagan otras personas, l>ajo la responsabilidad establecida en el codigo penal. Art. 571. El registro no se suspendera sino por el tierapo en que no fuere posible continuarle, y se adoptaran, durante la suspension, las medidas de vigilancia a que se retiere el articulo 567. Art. 572. En la diligencia de entrada y registro en lugar cerrado se expresaran los nombres del juez, 6 de su delegado, que la practique, y de las dermis personas que intervengan, los incidentes ocurridos, la hora en que se hubiese principiado } T concluido la diligencia, y la rela- cion del registro por el orden con que se haga, asi como los resultados obtenidos. Art. 573. No se ordenani el registro de los libros y papeles de con tabilidad del procesado 6 de otra persona, sino cuando hubiere indicios graves de que de esta diligencia resultara el descubrimiento 6 la coni- probacion de algun hecho 6 circunstancia importante en la causa. Art. 574. El juez recogera los instrumentos y cfectos del delito }- podra recoger tambien los libros, papeles 6 cualesquiera otras cosas que se hubiesen encontrado, si esto fuere necesario para el resultado del sumario. Los li))ros y papeles que se nvojan seran foliados, sellados y rubri- cados en todas sus hojas por el juez, por el secretario, por el Lnte- resado 6 los que hagan sus veces, y por las demas perst)iias que ha van asistido al registro. Art. 575. Todos estan obligados ;i exhibir los objetos y papeles que se sospeche puedan tener relacion con la causa. Si el que los retenga se negarc a su exhibicion. serfi corregido con multa de 62.50 a 250 pesetas, y cuando insistiera en su negativa, si el objeto 6 papel fueren de importancia y el delito grave, sera procesado como autor del de desobediencia a la autoridad, salvo si mereciera la calilicacion legal de encubridor. Am. r»7<'». Sera aplicable al registro de papeles y efectos lo estable- cido en los articulos 552 y 569. Ai:r. 577. Si para ddenninar sobre lanecesidad de recoger las cosas que se hubiesen encontrado en el registro fuere neoesario algun reco- Docimiento pericial, se aoordarfi en el acto por el juec en la forma establecida en el capitulo \'ll del tltulo V. LSI if present, to permit the continuation thereof during the night Should he object the proceedings phall be suspended, reserving the pro\ Lsions of articles 546 and 550, closing :in74. The judge shall collect the instruments and effects of the crime, and may also take the books, papers, or any other things which may have been found, if this should be necessary for the purposes of the Bumario. The books and papers taken shall be foliod. stamped, and rubricated upon every sheet by the judge, by the secretary, by the person inter- ested or the party acting in his stead, and by the other persons who may have attended the search. Akt. 575. All are obliged to exhibit the objects and papers which it is suspected may bear upon the cause. If the person retaining the same should refuse to exhibit them he shall he collected by the imposition of a tine of from 02.50 to 250 pesetas, and if he shall insist in his refusal, if the object or papers should be of importance and the crime a grave one, he shall be tried for the ciiine of disobedience to the authority, unless he should deserve the legal classification of an accomplice. Akt. :>7'".. The provisions of articles 552 and 569 are applicable to the search of papers and effects. Art. 577. If in order to determine as to the necessity of collecting the things which may have been found during the search an expert examination should be necessary, it shall be ordered at once by the judge in the manner prescribed by Chapter VII of Title V. 132 Art. 578. Si el libro quo haya de ser objeto del registro fuere el protocolo de un notario, se procedera con arreglo a lo dispuesto en la ley del notariado. Si se tratare de un libro del registro de la propiedad, se estara a lo ordenado en la ley hipotecaria. Si se tratare de un libro del registro civil 6 mercantil, se estara a lo cine se disponga en la ley y reglamentos relativos a estos servicios. Art. 579. Podra el juez acordar la detenci6n de la correspondencia privada, postal y telegrafica que el procesado remitiere 6 recibiere, y su apertura y examen, si hubiere indicios de obtener pof estos medios el descubrimiento 6 la comprobaci6n de algiin hecho 6 circunstancia importante de la causa. Art. 580. Es aplicable a la detencion de la correspondencia lo dis- puesto en los articulos 563 y 564. Podra tambien encomendarse la practica de esta operacion al admi- nistrador de correos y telegrafos 6 jefe de la oficina en (pie la corres- pondencia deba hallarse. Art. 581. El ernpleado que haga la detencion remitira inmediata- mente la correspondencia detenida al juez instructor de la causa. Art. 582. Podra asimismo el juez ordenar que por cualquiera administration de telegrafos se le faciliten copias de los telegramas por ella transmitidos, si pudieran contribuir al esclareciniiento de los hechos de la causa. 1 Art. 583. El auto motivado acordando la detencion y registro de la correspondencia 6 la entrega de copias de telegramas transmitidos, determinant la correspondencia que haya de ser detenida 6 registrada, 6 los telegramas cuyas copias hayan de ser entregadas, por medio de la 1 Por real orden comunicada nor el Ministerio de Gracia y Justicia ;i los presidentea de las audieneias el 12 de Diciembre de 1883, Be resolvi6: 1.° Que las administraciones de telegrafos deben facilitar las copias de Ins tele- gramas, tanto del servicio interior como del internacional, por elloa transmitidos, ;i Ids jueces y tribunalea competentes, cuando se los reclaman en virtud de 1<> dis- puesto en Ins artfculos 579 y siguientes de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal y con las solemnidades en los mismos consignadas. 2." Que asimismo estan obligadas dichas administraciones ;i exhibir ;i los jueces y tribunalea los originales de los telegramas para su inspecci6n, descripci6n 6 reco- uocimiento por peritos, y en general, para cumplimentar cualquiera providencia relativa al juicio criminal, Biempre que se Bolicite por escrito y auto motivado con arreglo ;i la citada Icy. Y :;." Que igualmente deben las administracionea de telegrafos entregar al juez instructor 6 tribunal competente los originales de los telegramas expedidos, tanto del servicio interior como del internacional, cuando en auto motivado y por escrito mani- fieateri la uecesidad imprescindible de tenerlos d la vista para bu reconocimiento pericial 6 examen ocular para que Sguren en el juicio como cuerpoa del delito 6 piezaa 'le convicci6n, debiendo en este caso quedarse la administraci6n con copia legalizada de dicboa originales y exigir del juez 6 tribunal que los devuelva despue^a de terminada la causa. L32 Ai:i\ ."-7 s . If the hook which is to oe the subject-matter of the search should be the protocol «»t* :i notary, the proi isions contained in the notarial law shall be observed. If a book of the registry of property should be in question, the provisions of the mortgage law shall be observed. If a I k of the civil or commercial registry should be involved, the provisions of the law and regulations relating to these services shall tic observed. Ai:r. :>~'.k The judge may order the detention of private postal and telegraphic correspondence which the accused may transmit or receive and the opening and examination thereof, if there should be indications of arriving by these means at the discovery or verification of some fact or circumstance of importance in the cause. A i: 1 . 580. The provisions contained in articles 563 and et!4 are also applicable to the detention of correspondence. The performance of this duty may also be entrusted to the adminis- trator of posts and telegraphs or to the, chief of the office in which the correspondence should be. Art. 581. The employee detaining the correspondence shall imme- diately forward the same to the examining judge of the cause. Am. 582. The judge may likewise order that any telegraph admin- istration furnish copies of telegrams transmitted by it if they might contribute to the elucidation of the facts in the cause. 1 A i;t. 583. The decree setting forth the reasons ordering the deten- tion and search of correspondence, or the delivery of telegrams transmitted, shall specify the correspondence to be detained or exam- ined, or the telegram-, copies of which are to be delivered, by means 1 By a royal order transmitted by the Department of (irace and Justice to the pre- siding judges of audiencias on December 12, L883, it was decided: 1. That the administrations of telegraphs must furnish the copies of telegrams of the domestic as well as of the international service, transmitted by them, to competent judges and courts when called upon to do so by virtue of the provisions of articles 579 el -<■<{.. of the Law of Criminal Procedure, and with the formalities prescribed therein. 2. That said administrations are also obliged to show to judges and courts the originals of the telegrams for their inspection, description, or examination by experts, and in general lor compliance with any judicial order relating to the criminal action, provided the request be made in writing and the reasons for the request set forth in accordance with the said law. And:;. Thai the administrations of telegraphs must likewise deliver to the com- petent examining judge or court the originals of the telegrams transmitted of the domestic as well as of the international service when they shall state the ahsolute necessity of having the same at band for an expert investigation or ocular examina- tion, in order that they may figure in the action a- COipi delicti or exhibits, but in such case the administration must retain a certified copyofsaid originals and require the judge or court to return the same upon the conclusion of the cause. 133 designaci6n de las personas :i cuyo nombre se bubieren expedido, 6 por otras circunstancias igualmente concretas. Art. 584. Para la apertura y registro de la correspondencia postal sera eitado el interesado. Este, 6 la persona que designe, podia presenciar la operaci6n. Art. 585. Si el procesado estuviere en rebeldia, 6 si eitado para la apertura no quisiese presenciarla ni nombrar persona para que lo baga en su nombre, el juez instructor procederd, sin embargo, a la apertura de dicha correspondencia. Art. 586. Laoperacion se practical^ abriendo el juez por si mismo la correspondencia, y despues de leerla para si, apartani la que baga referenda a los hechos de la causa y cuya conservaci6n considers necesaria. Los sobres y hojas de esta correspondencia, despues de baber tornado el mismo juez las notas necesarias para la practica de otras diligencias de investigacion a. que la correspondencia diere motivo, se rubricaian por todos los asistentes y se sellaran eon el sello del juzgado, ence- rrandolo todo despues en otro sobre, al que se pondra" el rotulo necesa- rio, conservandolo el juez en su poder durante el sumario, bajo su responsabilidad. Este pliego podra abrirse cuantas veces el juez lo considere preciso, citando previamente al interesado. Art. 587. La correspondencia que no se relacione con la causa sera" entregada en el acto al procesado 6 u. su representante. Si aquel estuviere en rebeldia, se entregara" cerrada a an individuo de su faniilia, mayor de edad. Si no fuere conocido ningun pariente del procesado. se conservani dicho pliego, eerrado, en poder del juez hastaque haya persona :i quien entregarlo, segun lo dispuesto en este articulo. Art. 588. La apertura de la correspondencia se hara constar por diligencia, en la que se refer ira cuanto en aquella bubiese ocurrido. Esta diligencia sera" iirmada por el juez instructor, el secretario y demas asistentes. 138 of the designation of the persona to whom addressed, or by other equally specific circumstances. Aim. 584. The person Interested shall be cited for the opening and examinat ion of correspondence. The latter, <»r the person he may designate, may be present thereat. Aim. 585. It' the person accused should be in default, or it' upon being cited to attend the opening he should not desire to be present, nor appoint any other person to attend in his name, the examining judge shall nevertheless proceed t<> open said correspondence. Am'. 586. The work shall l>e conducted by the judge himself open- ing the correspondence, and after reading it to himself he shall lay aside that which refers to the acts, the subject of the cause, and the preservation of which he may consider necessary. The envelopes and sheets of this correspondence, after the said judge has made the notes necessary Eor the performance of other work of investigation to which the correspondence may give rise, shall !><• rubri- cated l>y all those present, and shall be sealed with the seal of the court, all being afterwards enclosed in another package, upon which the proper endorsement shall be placed, and the judge shall retain the same in his possession during the swmario, under his liability. This package may be opened as often as the judge may consider it necessary, the person interested being previously cited. Am - . 587. Correspondence which does not relate to the cause shall be delivered to the accused or to his representative at once. If the former should he in default, it shall be delivered sealed to a member of his family of legal age. If no relative of the accused be known, said package shall be kept sealed in the possession of the judge until there is a person to whom delivery can be made according to the provisions of this article. Art. 588. A record shall he madeof the open in got" the correspond- ence, in which shall be stated all that may have occurred thereat. This record shall he signed by the examining judge, the secretary, and other person.- present. tZfutjo IX. DE LAS FIANZAS Y EMBARGOS. Art. 589. Cuando del sumario resulten indicioa de criminalidad contra una persona, se niandara por el juez que preste lianza bastante para asegurar las responsabilidades pecuniarias que en definitiva puedaD declararse procedente.s, decretandose en el mismo auto el embargo de bienes suficientes para cubrir dichas responsabilidades, si do prestare la lianza. La cantidad de esta se njara en el mismo auto y no podra bajar de la tercera parte mas de todo el importe probable de las responsabilidades pecuniarias. Art. 590. Todas las diligencias sobre fianzas y embargos se instruiran en pieza separada. Art. 591. La lianza podra ser personal, pignoraticia 6 hipotecaria. Podra constituirse en metalico 6 en efeetos publicos al precio de cotizacion, bien fueren del proeesado, bien de otra persona, deposi- tandose en el establecimiento destinado al efecto. Seran tambien admisibles, n. juicio del juez 6 tribunal, las accionea y obligaciones de ferrocarriles y obras publicas y demas galores mer- cantiles e industriales cuya cotizacion en bolsa haya sido debida ate autorizada, los cuales se depositaran conio los anterlores. Las fianzas sobre prendas que consistan en cualesquiera otroa bienes muebles seran igualmente admisibles ;i juicio del juez 6 tribunal, previa tasacion, y se depositaran, segun su clase, de la manera prescrita en los articulos 600 } r 601. * Art. 592. Podra ser liador personal todo espanol de buena con- ducta v avecindado dentro del territorio del tribunal, que este* en el pleno goce de los derechos civiles y politicos y venga pagando con trea anos de anterioridad una contribuci6n directa, al menos de loo pesetas anuales, procedente de bienes Lnmuebles de su propiedad personal; 6 de 200 por raz6n de subsidio con establecimiento abierto. No se admitira* como tiador al i\\w lo sea 6 hubiese sido «le ot ro basta que este* cancelada la primera lianza. ;i no ser que tenga, :i juicio del juez 6 tribunal, responsabilidad notoria para ambas. 1 Began el artfculo ■">::.:, Laa disposicionee de este artfculo y siguientes, basta • ■! 596, sun aplicables :i Las fianzas que Be ofrezcan \>ava obtener La Libertad provisional de on proeesado. i:;t fixed iii the same decree and can til the entire probable amount of TITLE IX. BONDS AND ATTACHMENTS. \i;r. 589. [f the mmcvrio should show indications of criminality against any person, the judge shall order thai he give a bond sufficient to secure the pecuniary liabilities which may finally be declared to lit', the same decrt rdering the attachment of sufficient properties to meet such Liabilities should he aot give bond. The amount of the latter shall be not be less than one-third more thi the pecuniary liabilities. Ai.t. 590. All proceedings upon bonds and attachments shall be conducted upon a separate record. Ai:i. 591. The bond may be personal, pignorative or mortgage. It may be constituted in coin or in public securities at the market price, whether the property of the accused or of another person, and shall We deposited in the institution set aside for the purpose. The stock and obligations of railroads and public works, as well as other commercial and industrial securities whose quotation upon the exchange may have been duly authorized, shall also be admissible in the discretion of the judge or court, and shall be deposited in the same manner as the former. Bonds on pledges which consist of any other personal property -hull also be admissible in the discretion of the judge Or court, after their appraisal, and shall be deposited, according to their class, in the manner prescribed in articles 600 and 601. ' A.BT. 592. Any Spaniard of good conduct residing within the terri- tory of the jurisdiction of the court in the full enjoyment of his civil and political rights, and who has paid for three year- prior thereto a direct tax of LOO pesetas at least per annum on real estate of hi- own ownership, or of 200 pesetas by way of subsidy on his business, may be a personal bondsman. No person shall be admitted a- a bond-man who i- or has been that of another until the first bond has been cancelled, unle— he is. in the opinion of the judge 01" court, well known to be responsible for both. 1 According t.> article •">.;.". the provisions of this ami of the following articles up article 596 apply to bonds offered t" obtain the temporary liberty of an accused to person 134 135 Cuando so declare bastante la fianza personal, se fijani tambien la cantidad de que cl fiador ha do rcsponder. Art. 593. La fianza hipotecaria podra por otra en meta- lico, efectos publico* 6 valores y demas mueblea de los enumeradoa en el articulo 591, en la siguiente proporcion: el valor de los bienes de la hipoteea sera doble que el del metalico senalado para la fianza. una cuarta parte mas que este el de los efectos 6 valores al precio de coti- zacion. Si la sustitueion si hiciere por cualesquiera otros mueblea dados en prenda, debera ser el valor de estos doble que el de la fianza constituida en metalico. Art. 59-1. Los bienes de las fianzas hipotecaria y pignoraticia scran tasados por dos peritos nombrados por el juez instructor 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa, y los titulos de propiedad relativos a las fincas ofrecidas en hipoteea se examinaran por el ministerio fiscal, debiendo declararse suficientes por el mismo juez 6 tribunal cuando asi proceda. Art. 595. La fianza hipotecaria podra otorgarse por escritura publics 6 tipuil net, i. librandose en este ultimo easo el eorrespondiente manda- miento para su inscripcion en el registro de la propiedad. Devuelto el mandamiento por el registrador. se unira a la causa. Tambien se unira a ella el resguardo que acredite el deposito del metalico, asi como el de los efectos publicos y demas valores en los casos en que se constituya de esta manera la fianza. Art. 596. Contra los autos que el juez dicte calificando la suficiencia de las fianzas procedera el recurso de apelacion. Art. 597. Si en el dia siguiente al de la notificacion del auto dictado con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el articulo 589 no se prestase la fianza, se procedera al embargo de bienes del procesado, requiriendolc para que senale los suficientes a cubrir la cantidad que se hubiese fijado para las responsabilidades pecuniarias. Art. 598. Cuando el procesado no fuere babido, se hara el requeri- niicntoasu mujer, hijos, apoderado, criados 6 personasque Be encuen- tren en su domicilio. Si no se encontrare ninguna, 6 si las que Be encontraren, 6 el procesado 6 apoderado en su caso, no quisieren senalar bienes, se procedera a enibargar los que B6 reputen de la pertenencia del proce- sado. guarddndose el orden establecido en el articulo 1 145 de la lev de enjuieiaiiiiento civil, y hajo la prohihicion contenida en los articulos 11 If. v I 117 de la misma. 1 Airr. 5'.t!). Cuando senalaren bienes y el alguaciJ encargado ^U' hacer el embargo creyere que los senalados no son suficientes, embargarl ademas los que considere necesarios, sujetandose :i lo prescrito en el articulo anterior. 1 v.'aiisc en el A.p6ndice III, los articulos de referenda. L35 When a personal bond is declared sufficient, the amount for which the bondsman is to answer shall also be axed. Aim. 593. The mortgage bond maybe substituted by another one in cash, public securities or bonds, and other movables of those enu- merated in article 591 in the following proportion: The value of the property of the mortgage shall be double that in cash fixed for the bond, thai of bonds or securities one-fourth more than the latter at the market price. If the substitution should be made by any other movables given in pledge, tin- value of the latter must be double that of the cash bond. Akt. 594. The property constituting the mortgage and pignorative bonds -hall be appraised by two experts appointed by the examining judge or court taking cognizance of the cause, and the titles of prop- erty relating to the estates offered in mortgage shall be examined by the public prosecutor and must be declared to be sufficient by the said judge or court when proper. Akt. 595. The mortgage bond may be executed by means of a pub- lic instrument or apud acta, there being issued in the latter case the proper mandate for its inscription in the registry of property. After the mandate has been returned by the register it shall be attached to the cause. The receipt showing the deposit of the cash shall also be attached thereto, as well as that for the public securities and other obligations in the eases in which the bond is thus constituted. Akt. 5!»«;. An appeal lies from the decision of the judge classifying the sufficiency of the bonds. Akt. .V.»7. If upon the day following the notification of the decision rendered in accordance with the provisions of article 589 no bond should be furnished, the attachment of property of the accused shall be pro- ceeded with, he being requested to indicate property sufficient to cover the amount which may have been fixed for the pecuniary liabilities. Akt. 508. If the accused should not be found, the request shall be marie of his wife, children, agent, servants or persons found in his residence. If no one should be found therein, or if the accused or agent, in a proper case, should not desire to designate property, such property as is believed to belong to the accused shall be attached, the order estab- lished in article 1 -H5 of the law of civil procedure being observed under the prohibition contained in articles 144<> and 1447 of the same. 1 Akt. 599. When they indicate property and the sheriff charged with levying the attachment should not consider it sufficient, he shall attach furthermore such properly as he may consider necessary, subject to the provisions of the foregoing article. 1 Sec in Appendix III the articles referred to. 136 Art. 600. Si los bienea embargados consistieran en metalico, ef ectos publicos, valores mercantiles 6 industriales cotizablea, alhajaa de oro, plata 6 pedreria, se depositaran en el establecimiento publico destinado al efecto; los dermis biene.s muebles se entregaran en deposito, bajo inventario por el encargado de hacer el embargo, al vecino con casa abierta que nombre. El depositario firmara la diligencia del recibo, obligandose a con- servar los bienes a disposicion del juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa, 6 en otro caso, a pagar la cantidad para cuyo atianzamiento se haya hecho el embargo, sin perjuicio de la responsabilidad criminal en que pudiere incurrir. El depositario podra recoger y conservar en su poder los bienes embargados, 6 dejarlos bajo su responsabilidad, en el domicilio del procesado. Art. 601. Si los bienes embargados fueren requerira" al procesado para que manifieste si opta por que se enajenen 6 por que se conserven en deposito y administracion. Si obtare por la enajenacion, se procedera a la venta en publica subasta, previa tasacion, hasta cubrir la cantidad senalada, que se depositara en el establecimiento publico destinado al efecto. Si obtare por el deposito y administracion. se nonibrara por el juez un depositario administrador, que reeibira los bienes bajo inventario y se obligara a rendir al juzgado cuenta justificada de sus gastos y pro- ductos cuando se le mande. Art. 602. El depositario administrador cuidara de que los semo- vientes den los productos propios de su clase con arreglo a las circun- stancias del pais, y procurara su conscrvacion y aumeuto. Si creycrc conveniente enajenar todos 6 algunos semovientes, pedird al juzgado la correspondiente autorizaci6n. Se enajenaran, aun contra la voluntnddel procesado y la opini6n del depositario administrador, siempre «iim^ los gastos de administraci6n y conservaci6n excedan de los productos que dieren, :i tnenos que el pago de dichos gastos se asegure por el procesado u otra persona a SU nombre. Art. 603. Cuando se embarguen bienes inmuebles, el juez determi- nara si el embargo ha de ser 6 no extensivo ;i sus Erutos y rentas. Art. 604. Cuando se decrete el embargo de bienes inmuebles se exjx'dira inandainiento para que se baga la anotacion prevenida en la lc\ bipotecaria. Art. 605. Si se embargaren sementeras, pueblas, plantios, Erutos, rentas y otros bienes semejantes, podra id juez decretar, si atendidaa L86 Ai:r. 600. If the property attached should consist of cash, public securities, commercial or industrial securities which are quoted, gold or silver jewelry. <>r precious stones, they shall be deposited in the public establishment set aside for the purpose; other personal j > i« >j > erty shall t>" deposited in accordance with an inventory by the person entrusted with the attachment, with the resident having an office he may designate. The depositary shall sign a receipt, binding himself to preserve all the property subject to tin- order- of the judge or court having cog- nizance of the cause, or otherwise to pay the amount for the security of which the attachment may have Keen made, without prejudice to the criminal liability he may incur. The depositary may collect and preserve in his possession the prop- erty attached or leave it under his Liability in the residence of the accused. Art. 601. If the property attached should consist of live stock, the accused shall be required to state whether he wishes the same sold or kept in deposit and administration. Should he wi-h it- sale, the sale thereof shall be proceeded with at public auction after it- appraisal, to the extent necessary to cover the amount fixed, which shall be deposited in the public establishment set aside for the purpose. Should he choose the deposit and administration thereof, the judge shall appoint a depositary-administrator, who shall receive the prop- erty under inventory and shall hind himself to render to the court a properly vouched account of his expenses and profits upon demand. Art. 602. The depositary-administrator shall see that the live stock give the profits pertaining to their class in accordance with the con- dition- of the country, and shall endeavor to preserve .and increase the same. Should he deem it advisable to sell all or some stock, he shall request the proper authorization of the court. They -hall be sold, even against the will of the accused and the opinion of the depositary -administrator, whenever the cost of administration and preservation exceed- the profits they give, unless the payment of said expenses be assured by the accused or l>v another person on his behalf. ART. 603. When real property is attached, the judge shall decide whether or not the attachment is to extend to it- fruits and rents. Art. 604. When the attachment of real property is decreed, a man- date shall be issued ordering that the notice be entered which the mortgage law requires. Art. 605. If plantings, fruits, rent-, or other similar property should be attached, the judge may decree, if be should deem it advisable in 1-17;; 01 lb 137 las circunstancias lo creyere conveniente, que continue administran- dolos el procesado por si 6 por medio do la persona que designe, en cuyo caso nombrard un interventor. En el <;iso de que el procesado manifestare no querer administrar por si. 6 de que el juez no estimare conveniente confiarle la adminis- nombrara" persona que se encarguede ella, pudiendo en este caso designar el procesado un interventor de su confianza. Art. 606. El juez determinant, bajo su responsabilidad, si el admi- nistrador ha de afianzar el buen cumplimiento del cargo y el imports de la fianza en su caso. Art. 607. El administrador tendra derecho a una retrilmcion — 1.° Del 1 por ciento sobre el producto liquido de la venta de frutos. 2.° Del 5 por ciento sobre los productos liquidos de la administracion que no procedan de la causa expresada en el parrafo anterior. Si no se enajenaren bienes, 6 no hubiere productos liquidos, el juez senalara el premio que haya de percibir el administrador. segfin la cos- tumbre del pueblo en que la administracion se ejerza. Art. 608. El administrador pondra en conocimiento del interventor los actos administrativos que se propongaejecutar, ysi este no los cre- yere convenientes, lc hara las observaciones oportunas. IV ro si el administrador insistiere en llevar a efecto los actos admi- nistrativos a que se hubeise opuesto el interventor. dara este cuenta al juez. quien resolvent lo mas conveniente. Art. 609. Cuando el administrador no hubiese dado fianza, el inter- ventor tendra una de las Haves del local 6 area en que se custodien los frutos 6 se deposite el preciode su venta, oadoptara* el juez las medidas que creyere convenientes para evitar todo perjuicio. Art. de la lev de enjuiciamiento civil. 1 Se alzard la retenci6n Luego que quede cubierta la cantidad mandada afianzar. Art. 611. Si durante el curso del juicio sobrevinieren motivos bas- tantes para creer que las responsabilidades pecuniarias que en defini- tiva puedan exigirse excederdn de la cantidad prefijada para asegurarlas, Be niandara por auto ampliar la fianza 6 embargo. Art. 612. Tambien se dictara" auto mandando reducir la fianza y el embargo a menor cantidad que la prefijada, si re'sultasen motivos bas- tantes para creer que la cantidad mandada afianzar es superior :i las 1 W-a.-r en < l A i i.ii. lie- ill el articulo de referencu 187 vim of the circumstances, thai tin- accused continue administering the same in person or through the person he may designate, in which case an intervenor will be appointed. should the accused express a desire not to administer it himself, or if tin* judge should not deem it advisable t<> entrust the administration to him, a person to take charge thereof shall be appointed, in which case the accused may appoint an intervenor in whom he has confidence. Am. 606. The judge shall determine, under his liability, whether the administrator is to give bond for the faithful discharge of his duties and the amount thereof in a propel' ease. Ai:t. 607. The administrator shall lie entitled to a compensation: 1. Of one per cent of the net proceeds of the sale of product-. L\ Of five per cenl of the net proceeds of the administration not arising from the cause mentioned of the foregoing paragraph. If no property should be sold or there should be no net proceeds, the judge shall fix the sum which the administrator is to receive, according to the customs of the town in which the administration is conducted. Am. 608. The administrator shall inform the intervenor of the administrative acts which he proposes to take, and if the latter should not consider them advisable he shall make the proper remarks. If the administrator should insist in carrvingout the administrative acts to which the intervenor may have objected, the latter shall report to the judge, who shall decide what may be advisable. Aim. 609. If the administrator should not have given bond, the intervenor shall keep one of the keys of the place or storehouse in which the products are kept or in which the proceeds of their sale are deposited, or the judge shall take the measures he may deem advisable to prevent any loss. Aki. 610. If the attachment should he of pensions or salaries, a communication shall be addressed to the person who is to pay the same in older that he may retain such portion thereof as is prescribed by article I l r.t of the law of civil procedure. 1 The detention shall be raised as soon as the amount ordered secured has been covered. Aut. 611. If during the course of the action sufficient causes should arise to lead to a presumption that the pecuniary liabilities which may definitely he required will exceed the amount previously fixed to secure the same, the bond or attachment shall he ordered increased by a decree of the court. Aut. 012. An order shall also issue requiring the reduction of the bond and the attachment to a lesser amount than that fixed, should there l>e sufficient cause to believe that the amount of the same is higher Bee in Appendix III the article referred t". 138 responsabilidades pecuniarias que en definitiva pudieren imponerse ft] procesado. Art. 613. Cuando llegue el caso de tener que hacer efectivas las responsabilidades pecuniarias a que se refiere este titulo, se procederfi de la manera prescrita en el articulo 536. Art. 614. En todo lo que no este previsto en este titulo, los jueces y tribunales aplicaran lo dispuesto en la legklaci6n civil sobre fianzas y embargos. L38 than tlir pecuniary Liabilities which may definitely be imposed on the accused. Akt. 613. If it shall become accessary to enforce the pecuniary Lia bilities referred to in this title, the provisions prescribed by article 536 shall be observed. Akt. 614. Judges and courts shall apply the provisions of the civil laws <,n bonds and attachments in all that is not provided for in this title. TfTULO X. DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL DE TERCERAS PERSONAS. 1 Art. 615. Cuando en la instruccion del sumario aparezca indieads la existencia de la responsabilidad civil de un tereero eon arreglo a los articulos respectivos del codigo penal, 6 por haber participado alguno por titulo lucrativo de los efectos del delito, el juez, a instancia del actor civil, exigira fianza a la persona contra quien resulte la respon- sabilidad, 6 en su defecto embargara, con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el titulo IX de este libro, los bienes que sean necesarios. Art. 61*3. La persona a quien se exigiere la fianza 6 cuyos bienes fueren embargados, podni durante el sumario manifestar por escrito las razones que tenga para que no se la eonsidcre civilmente responsa- ble, y las pruebas que pueda ofrecer para el mismo objeto. Art. 617. El juez dara vista del escrito a la parte a quien inteiese, y esta lo evacuara en el termino de tres dias, proponiendo tambien las pruebas que deban practicarse en apoyo de su pretension. Art. 618. Seguidamente el juez decretara la practica de las pruebas propuestas y resolvent sobre las pretensiones formuladas, siempre que pudiere hacerlo sin retraso, ni perjuicio del objeto principal de la instruccion. Art. 619. Para todo lo relativo a la responsabilidad civil de un tereero y a los incidentes a que diere lugar la ocupaci6n y en su dfa la lcstitucion de cosas que se hallaren en su poder, se formara" pieza sepa- rada, pero sin que por ningiin motivo se entorpezca ni suspends v\ curso (!<• la iiistniccion. Art. <)j!<). Lo dispuesto en los srtlculos snteriores se observarS* tanibi('n respecto a cualquiera pretensi6n que tuviere por objeto la res- titucion a su dueno de alguno de los efectos e instrumentos del delito que se hallaren en poder de un tereero. 1 En el c6digo penal determinan Los artfculos 17 ;i L9, qu4 peraonas son Babeidiaria- mente responsablefl !«• un hecho punible adquiridos :i tftalo lucrativo. ( Vkiseel Apindice ll. | 139 TITLE X. CIVIL LIABILITY OF THIRD PERSONS. 1 Akt. 615. It" during the course of the sv/mario the existence of civil liability of :i third person is indicated in accordance with the respective articles of the penal rode, or <>n account of any person having acquired profit from the effects of the crime without consideration, the judge, at the instance of the civil plaintiff, shall require a bond of the person against whom the liability appears, or in his absence he shall attach, in accordance with the provisions of title IX of this hook, such property a- may be necessary. A.RT. 616. The person of whom a bond is required or whose prop- erty is attached may. during the course of the sumario, state in writ- ing his reasons for not being considered civilly liable, and the evidence he can offer to the same end. Am. Hi 7. The judge shall refer the document to the party inter- ested, and the latter shall return the same within the period of three days, also suggesting the evidence to be taken in support of his con- tention. Airr. tils. Thereupon the judge shall decree the taking of the evi- dence proposed and shall pass upon the claims made, provided that he can do so without retrogression orprejudice to the principal objeci <>f the examination. Airr. 619. A separate record shall be made of all that relates to the civil liability of a third person and to the incidents which the occupa- tion may occasion, and at the proper time the restitution of the things which may be in his possession, but without in any manner hindering or suspending the course of the examination. Akt. 620. The provisions of the foregoing articles shall also lie observed with regard to any claim for the restitution to their owner of any of the effects and instruments of the crime in the possession of a third per-. .n. 'Articles 17 to 19 of the Penal Code Bpecify what persona are subsidiarily liable f«»r the return of the thing, the object of the crime, (lie repair of the damage caused or indemnity for losses; ami article 126 of the same sanctions in everj case the obli- gation of restoring the effect- of a punishable act acquired without ag 1 consid- eration. ( See Appt ndix II.) 140 La restituci6n a >u duenode los instrumentos y objetos del delito no podra" vrerificarse en ningun caso hasta despu^s que se haya celebrado el juicio oral, excepto en el previsto en el articulo 844 de esta ley. Art. 621. Losautos dictados en estos incidentesse llevaran fcefecto, sin perjuicio de que las partes a quienes perjudiquen puedan repro- ducir bus pretenciones en el juicio oral. 6 de la accion civil correspon- diente, que podran entablar en otro caso. 1 10 The restitution to their owner of the instruments and objects of the crime can never take place until after the oral trial has been held, excepting in the case mentioned in article 844 of this law. Aim. 621. The orders made in these incidents shall be executed without prejudice to the parties injured thereby renewing their claims ai the oral trial, or to the proper civil action, which they may otherwise brine. TfTULO XI. DE LA CONCLUSION DEL SUMARIO Y DEL SOBRESEIMIENTO. CAPITULO PRIMERO. DE LA CONCLUSI6N DEL SUMARIO. Art. 622. Practicadas las diligencias decretadas <1<- oficio6 a instancia de parte por el juez instructor, si 6ste considerase terminado el sumario, lo declarar£ asi, mandando remitir los autos y las piezas de convicci6n al tribunal competente para conocer del delito. Cuando no ha}'a acusador privado y el ministerio fiscal considere que en el sumario se han reunido los suficientes elementos para hacer la caliticacion de los hechos y poder entrar en el tramite del juicio oral, lo hara presente al juez de instruccion para que sin mas dilaciones se remita 1<> actuado al tribunal competente. 1 1 Vease en el Apendice I, la Orden No. 181 de 30 de Abril de 1900. Con In dispuesto en el presente capftulo, guardan alguna relaci6n las doa Biguientes consultas hechas en 1887 ;i la fiscalia del Tribunal Supremo: En las causae para cuyo conocimiento sea competente unasalade lo criminal por la calidad de las personas contra quienes se dirija el procedimiento, & puede aquella dictar providencias mandando pasar los procesos al fiscal para que pida lo que crea procedente respecto de la investigaci6n? Conclufda la instrucci6n de las diligencias ii las instruya un juez f the court or of a party have beeo held by the examining judge, if the latter should consider the sumario concluded he shall so state, trans- mitting the records of the proceedings and exhibits to the court competent to take cognizance of the crime. If there he no private accuser and the public prosecutor shall consider that sufficient elements have been collected in the sumario to make the classification of the acts and to begin the proceedings of the oral trial, he shall so inform the judge of examination in order that the proceedings had may he forwarded to the court of competent jurisdiction without delay.' 'Bee in Appendix I. Order No. L81, of April 30, 1900. The two following questions, submitted to the office of the fiscal of the Supreme Court in L887, bear some relation to the provisions of this chapter: "In causes in which a criminal chamber is competent, by reason of the character of the persons against whom the proceedings are brought, can said chamber make orders transmitting the records to the fiscal, for him to request what he may deem proper as to the investigation? " Upon the conclusion of the proceedings of the sumario in such cases, when they are conducted by a judge of examination by delegation, who is competent to decree the termination of the sumariof" The answer ( Instruction 17 of the report of 1887 I was as follows: "With regard to the first, there is no doubt as to the power of the chamber to do so. "There is DO reason whatsoever for the fiscal to abstain from demanding the taking of such steps as he may deem pertinent, because in the conduction of these mmarios, as well as in that of all of them, the public prosecutor exercises his super- vision in accordance with law. "With regard to the second, the power to declare the termination of a BUmario in the causes referred to in the question is vested, as in all processes, in the examining judge, who, even though he shall have been delegated by the audiencia to conduct the stim'tri", exercises during the proceedings proper and independent functions in accordance with the third paragraph of article 303 of the law of criminal procedure." Even though it shall appear that an accused person is exempt from liability, the examining judge can act abstain from holding all the essential proceedings of the tumario. | Report of the fiscal of the Supreme <'<>u,t of September /•'■, t888, number /■'■) I>avs upon which courts and tribunals are not sitting in accordance with law arc 141 142 Art. 623. Tanto en uno como en otro caso ae notificara el auto de conclusion del sumario ul querellante particular, si le hubiese, aim son hdbiles los d fas en que Los juzgados y tribunales vacaren con sujeci6n ;i la ley. (Exposicidn del Fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de 15 de Septiembre d% 1888, n&mero 18.) A varies fiscales de audiencias ha ocurrido la duda de si. dado el espfritu de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, y la letra de sus artfculos •>-'!' y 630, pueden el juez de instruceion y la audiencia, en bus respectivos caso;-, declarar que no estd tenninado on sumario, y acordar la practica de diligencias en contra de la opini6n del rninisterio fiscal. La cuestionque se propone es una de las mas importantes y de mayor dificultad que ofrece la aplicaci6n del nuevo sistema de procedimientos criminales. Para resolverla, hay que tener nmy en cuenta el principio a que obedece la reforms del enjuiciamiento en lo criminal, y las solemnes declaraciones que se consignan en el notable predmbulo de la ley vigente. El principio acusatorio, que informa el nuevo sistema, conduce 16gicamente bacia la resolucion en determinado sentido. Cierto es que ese principio no se ha desarro- llado por completo, pero cierto es tambien que 6 sus efectos serdn casi ilusorios, 6 ban de afectar d una cuestion de tanta gravedad e importancia. Separadas las funcionesde la instruceion sumarial, de las que competen al tribunal sentenciador; encargadas aquellas a un juez bajo la inspecci6n del rninisterio fiscal, reservado a este el ejercicio de la accion penal, en cuanto signifiea la repreeentaci6n del interes social, se tienen los puntos de vista, cuyo desenvolvimiento y consecuen- cias producen la resolucion que se pretende. La letra del segundo j)arrafo del articulo tii'i' de la ley de enjuicimiento criminal contribuye d facilitar dicha resolucion. El lenguaje (pie emplea la ley eshi demonstrando que, respecto al particular de (pie setrata, el rninisterio fis(;al no s.' encuentra en la misma situaci6n que ordinariamente ocupa en los asuntos en (pie interviene. No hace una propuesta en dicho caso, (pie el juez 6 tribunal ante quien se presenta es libre para estimar 6 denegar, Begun entienda procedente. No; el rninisterio fiscal, si cree tenninado el sumario, 1<> manifiesta, lo hace presente al juez de instruceion. y 6ste no puede desatender esa maniiestacion, y estd, por tanto, en la necesidad de remitir sin mds dilaeiones lo actuado al tribunal competente. He aquf una novedad importantlsima, (pie viened descubriruno de los efectos maa sensibles de la reforma del sistema procesal. El juez instructor puede, conforme al primer pdrrafo del citado art. 622, declarar tenninado el sumario. Luego el rninisterio fiscal cxaminara ante la audicn.ia la resolucion judicial, y dird si estd6 no conforme con ella. Pero ese derecho que en cierto modo, esto es, sujeto ;i la apreciaci6n que despu6a haga el rninisterio fiscal, asiste al juez instructor, lo tiene tambien, y en t^rminos absolutes, el expresado rninisterio. Cuando el fiscal, por los medios de Lnspecci6n que la ley reconoce en la Eormaci6n de los Bumarioe entienda que se ban Uenado los line- que para esae actuaciones exige el articulo 299 de la lev de enjuiciamiento criminal, y considere que en al sumario se ban reunido los Buficientes elementos para hacer la calificaci6n de los hechos y poder entrar en el trdmite del juicio oral, tiene expedite el derecho de tnanifestarlo asi' para que se (!('■ por tenninado dicho sumario. En este punto, lo tnisi [ue en todo cuanto constituye la esencia, puede decirse asi, de las funciones eneoniemladas al ininislerio fiscal, no puede 86* juez de sii con- ducta oj el f the sumario shall be served upon the private complainant, if there be any, even legal for the proceedings of the mmario provided for in this article up to article n'-''-'>. (Report of the fiscal of the Suprenu Court of September tS, 1888, number IS.) Various yhcaZea of audiencias have been in doubt :is to whether, in view of the spirit of the law of criminal procedure ami of the letter of articles ()•_'•_' and 630, tin- judge of examination or the audiencia, in their respective cases, can declare that a mmario is not terminated an. 1 order the taking of steps against the opinion of the prosecuting officials. The question proposed is one of the most important and of the greatest difficulty which the application of the new system of criminal proceedings offers. In order to decide it. it is absolutely necessary to consider the principle which is the basis for the reform in the criminal procedure and the formal declarations which are embodied in the preamble of the law in force. The accusatory principle, which the new system embodies, logically leads to a decision in a specific sense. It is true that this principle has not been fully developed, but it is also true that the effects thereof must he almost illusory, <>r that they must affect a question of such gravity and importance. By separating the functions of the preliminary investigation from those pertaining to the sentencing court; by intrusting the former to a judge under the supervision of the prosecuting department, reserving to the latter the exercise of the penal action, on behalf of the social interests, the points of vieware obtained the development and consequences of which produce the resolution desired. The letter of the second paragraph of article 622 of the Law of Criminal Procedure contributes to facilitate said decision. The language employed in the law shows that, with regard to the point in question, the prosecuting department is not in the same situation which it ordinarily occupies in matters in which it takes part. It doe- not make a recommendation in such case, which the judge or court to whom it is made is free to accept or reject, as he may deem proper. No; the prosecuting department, if it believes that the mmario is terminated, states this fact, brings it to the attention of the judge of examination, and the latter can not ignore this state- inei.t. and is therefore obliged to transmit the proceedings had to the court of com- petent jurisdiction without further delay. Here we find a most important change, which shows one of tin' most notable effects of the reform of the system of procedure. The examining judge may, in accordance with the first paragraph of the said arti- cle 622, declare the mmario terminated. Thereupon the prosecuting department shall examine the judicial decision before the audiencia, and shall state whether or not he agrees thereto. But this right of the examining judge, subject afterwards to the decision of the prosecuting department, is also vested in absolute terms in the said department. When the fiscal, by the means of the supervision which the law grants him ill the conduction of tumarios, is of the opinion that the ends have been attained which arti- cle L".i!t of the law of criminal procedure requires for these proceedings, and shall con- sider that sufficient elements have been collected in the 8Umario to make the classili- cation of the acts and enter upon the proceedings of the oral trial, he has the right to state this fact in order that the mmario may he declared terminated. In this point, as well as in all which constitutes the essence, so to say, of the func- tions intrusted to the prosecuting department, neither the judge of examination nor the court which is afterwards to pronounce sentence can pass upon his conduct. The fiscal conscientiously observing tin' legal provisions, absolutely independent of judges and courts, examines, considers, and decides what he may consider proper 143 cuando solo tenga el caracter de actor civil, al procesado y a las demas personas contra quienes resultc responsabilidad civil, emplaziindoles cedente on unasunto; y asi comono puede recibirun&imposicion que altera sa criterio respecto ;l la califieacion que hace de los hechos justiciaries asi tampoco puede, con mayorfa do raz6n, sujetar bu opinion y ajustar bu conducts al juicio 6 resoluci6n de quien por lespetablea funciones que deeempefie no tiene la delicada y alta miai6n de ejercitar la acci6n pdblica en representacion do los intereses sociales, cuya dofensa on primer termino so le lialla confiada. I Significa lo anterior que los tribunales hayan de seguir indefectiblomcnte siempre la opinion fiscal? De ningun niodo, porque hay quo distinguir aquelloe puntos en que el. ministerio publico resuelve con la manifestacion de su opinion, de los otros en que, exponiendo su criterio, el tribunal cuenta con la plenitud de facultadea que requieren la buena administraci6n tancias especialee que pueden afectarla. Consiste la primera en que, asi como tratdndose del juez instructor, puede este, conforme al pdrrafo primero del artfeulo 622, declarar .'!<> the court is not subjected in an express and final manner to the opinion of thefiscal. If the first circumstance deserves attention it must be considered in favor of the decision indicated, because if the judge of examination can order the termination of a sumario at his own instance, and this, notwithstanding, must subject himself to the opinion of the fiscal, there is greater reason for the court, which can not exercise this power at his own instance, t,, follow his judgment. The second ci rcuii istance the undersigned helieves can not deserve so much impor- tance as to discover in the law an inconsistency in its spirit. It is true that article 630 says only that the court shall render a decision affirming 144 para que comparezcan ante la respectiva audiencia en el termino de diez dias, 6 en el desesenta bi el emplazamiento fuese ante el Supremo. A la vez se pondra" en conocimiento del ministerio fiscal cuando la causa verse sobre delito en que tenga Lntervenci6n ]><>r razon de su cargo. 1 fevocando el del juez de instruccion relativo a* la terminaci6n del sumario. I' nosignifica que el tribunal, contra las razones expuestas, tenga facultad parasepararse del criterio fiscal. Habni petliilo el ministerio fiscal la confucmaci6n 6 revocadon del auto expresado, y por eso el tribunal, segdn la letra del artfculo <• recomienda quelos fiscales eaten, a la instruccion 25 arriba citada, y afiade: "cuidandodeprotestar siempre que contra su dictamen se revocare un auto de esta clase." Keiniiido un sumario & la audiencia, deberan notificarse al ministerio fiscal todas las providencias que se dicten en cuantos asuntos sea parte el mismo, sin que quepa bacer distinci6n entre providencias que afectan y otras que son Lndiferentes a* la acusacion. (JExposici&n del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo dt 15 Septiembrt <\, 1888, numero 35.) Declarado rebelde un procesado sin pronunciamiento alguno sobre terminaci6n del sumario, la audiencia de Madrid en su Eallo (de 4 Julio de L883 I consign6 el edguiente: " Considerando que conforme ;i lo dispuesto en el artfculo Mode la ley de enjuicia- miento criminal, cuando, como en el presente caso, la causa se eiiciieiitra en sumario, una vez practicadas las diligencias conducentes, debe declararse terminado el sumario y acordar ademae lo que establece el 622 de la propia ley, todo sin perjuicio de la declaracioii de rebeldi'a que pivviene el 839, y declarara terminado el sumario. 1 I la ofrecido vacilaciones el cumplimiento del artfculo 823 dela propia ley en cuanto :i si los procesados .-i quienes ha de emplazarse para su comparecencia en la respectiva audiencia dentro de un termino marcado, han deser requeridoe a* iiu de que nom- Preii procurador j letrado que les representee j defiendan. La lej . por Buponer sin duda que con arreglodlo dispuesto en su artfculo 118, eeerequerimientodebeestar hecho para toda ocasii'm en que pueda producir legalee efectos, no La vuelto :i exigir en otros artfculos la practica de tal diligencia. Mas como puede acontecer que no se haya practicado, 6 que el procurador} letrado designados, residiendoen Lacapitali- dad del juzgado de instrucci6n, no esten nabilitadoa para ejercer bub funcionee en la pohlacion donde haya de celebrarse el juicio, serfa siempre conveniente queen el fcra- mite sefialado porelcitadoaii [culo623se haga unnuevorequerimiento a los procesados, salvodnicamenteelcasodeque, requeridosconiormeelartfculoll8hubiesen renunciado 144 hilit\ . summoning them to appear before the proper audi mcia within the period of ten day-, or sixty days it" the summons should be t«- appear before the Supreme Court. At the same time it shall be com- municated to the public prosecutor if the cause involves a crime in which be Bhould intervene bv reason of his office. 1 or revoking that of 1 1 » « - judge of examination relating to the termination of the tumario. But this does not signify thai the court, in contravention of the reasons Stated, can act contrary to the judgment of the fiscal. The prosecuting department may have requested the affirmation or revocation of the decision mentioned, and therefore the court, according to the letter of article 830, may affirm or revoke it. I Report of the fiscal of tin Supreme Churl "/September 15, 1888, No. 96.) The opinion of the same office, as contained in the report of September 15, 1884, is Less decisive and even contradictory, according to which the determination of the conclusion of the sumario pertains to the judge " under the most complete liberty of judgment within the law, for a reason which renders the alleging of any other useless, because the judge is the only one responsible for the decree." and "the power of the prosecuting official is Limited to enforcing this liability at the proper time and in a proper case, if he deems that it lies." It is the duty of the court to decide whether a dismissal of the proceedings or the opening of the oral trial should take place, in case the public prosecutor and the private accuser are of different opinions. (Circular of the office of the fiscal of the 8upn m» ( burt of Now mber 19, 1883.) In the seventh instruction which accompanies the report of 1886, it is recommended that the fiscales observe the twenty-fifth instruction above cited, adding: "taking can- to protest whenever a decree of this character is revoked against their opinion." After a sumario has been transmitted to the audiencia, all orders issuing in any matters which are a part thereof must be communicated to the public prosecutor, no distinction being made between orders which do and those which do not affect the accusation. | Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September 15, 1888, No. 85. | If an accused person be declared in default without any utterance as to the termi- nation of the tumario, the audiencia of Madrid in its decision (of July 4, 1883) stated as follow.-: "Considering that in accordance with the provisions of article 840 of the law )f criminal procedure, when, as in the present case, the cause has reached the mm trio Stage, after the proper proceedings: have been had, the sumario must be declared ter- minated and the steps provided for by article 622 of the said law must be taken, all without prejudice to the declaration of default prescribed in article 839, and shall declare the tumario terminated." 'There have arisen doubts in the compliance of article 623 of this law as to whether accused persons who must be summoned for appearance before the proper audiencia within a specific period should be required to appoint a solicitor and an attorney to represent and defend them. The law, no doubt supposing that as in accordance with article 118 this demand must l>e made in every case in which it mighl produce legal effects, has not made a similar specification in other articles. But as it may occur that the demand was uol made, or thai the solicitor and attorney designated, resid- ing in the seat of the court of examination, are not empowered to discharge their duties in the tow n where the trial is to be held, it would always be advisable that at the proceedings mentioned in article 623 a new demand be made of the accused, excepting only when, the demand having been made in accordance with article l is, they should have absolutely renounced the right to appoint counsel. And even in 18473—01 19 145 Akt. 624. Si el juez instructor repataxe falta e] hecho que hubiese dado lugar al sumario, mandara* remitir el proceso al juez municipal, consultando el auto en que asi lo acuerde con el tribunal superior competente. 1 A in. 625. Ajsi que Bed firme el auto por haberle aprobado dicho superior tribunal, 6 por haberse desestimado <'l recurso de casaci6n que en su caso haya podido interponerse, se emplazara :i las partes para que en el termino de cinco dias comparezcao ante el juez munici- pal ;i quien oorresponda su conocimiento. Recibidos los autos por el juez municipal, se sustanriani el juicio con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el libro VI de esta ley. Art. 626. Fuera de los casos previstos en los dos artlculos ante- riores, el tribunal que reciba los autos y piezas de conviccion mandara pasarlos al ponente por el tiempo que falte para cumplir el te'rmino del emplazamiento, abriendo antes los pliegos y dermis objetos cerra- dos y sellados que hubiere reniitido el juez de instruction. De la apertura se extendera acta por el secretario, en la oual se hard constar el estado en que se hallaren. 2 absolutamente el derecho de nombrarse defensores. Y aim en tal caso, debe reepe- tarse el ejercicio de este renunciado derecho, cualquiera que sea el estado del juicio en que, sin producir embarazo a su progresiva y regular marcha, Ins procesadoe designen procuradoree y letrados ;i quienes puede admitirse sin perjuicio de estimar como valido y subsistente cuanto se hubiese practicado a petici6n de los defensores y representantee que de oficio se les nombraron, por no haber hecho uso de su pre- ferente derecho mas oportunamente. (Circular del presidente del Tribunal Supremo de 14 de Junio de 188S. ) iDebe ser oido el ministerio fiscal por el tribunal superior competente antes de que se dicte resolution confirmando 6 revoeando el auto del inferior, en que Be declare falta el hecho que hubiese dado lugar al suiuario? " Indudablemente debe ser ofdo el ministerio fiscal, antes de dictarse la resolucion de que se trata. " No importa que en los artlculos 624 y t>2» de la lev de en juiciamiento criminal, que se ocupan de este particular, se guards sllencio acerca de la intervencion que, para resolver sobre el mismo, ha de tenet- el ministerio fiscal, porque es «» the municipal judge, submitting the order thereon for consultation to the competent superior tribunal.' Ai;t. 625. As soon a^ the order becomes final by reason of the approval thereof bj said superior court, or on account of the non- admission of the appeal for annulment of judgment which in a proper case ma\ have been interposed, the parties shall be summoned to appear within a period of five days before the municipal judge to whom the cognizance thereof pertains. After the record of the proceedings has been received by the munici- pal judge, the action shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Book VI of this law. Aki. 626. With the exception of the cases provided for in the two foregoing articles, the court receiving the record of the proeeedings and exhibits shall order them forwarded to the Pont-nte for such period a- may be lacking to make up the period of the summons, first open- ing the packages and other closed and sealed parcels which the judge of examination may have forwarded. The secretary shall make a record of the opening, in which he shall state the condition in which they were found. 2 aoch case the exercise of this renounced right must he respected, whatever he the stage of the action that, without embarrassing its progress and regular course, the accused designate solicitors and attorneys who shall be admitted without prejudice to considering as valid and in force all that may have heen done on motion of the counsel assigned them by the court, by reason of their not having availed themselves of their righl at the proper time. {Circular of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of June J-i. 188S.) Must tin- prosecuting official lie heard hy the competent superior court before a decision is rendered affirming or revoking that of the lower court declaring the act which gave rise to the sumario to be a misdemeanor? •• Undoubtedly the prosecuting official must he heard hefore the decision referred to is rendered. •• It makes qo difference that articles 6'2-i ami 625 of the law of criminal procedure, which treat hen -of, are silent as to the intervention which in order to renders decision the prosecuting official must have, because it is essential and even rudimentary that in all causes involving acts which have the character of public crimes, the said prose- cuting department lie a party, and it is impossible not to consider the same, when an important decision is to be rendered fixing the juridical character of the matter. '• If against all that i> rational and logical, the unusual case should occur of a court believing the contrary, it would be absolutely necessary t<> avail one's self of the legal remedies, in order that it shall never he considered that the prosecuting depart- ment neglects or abandons what constitutes one of its most sacred duties." {Report cited oflSSS, No. 26.) 'See in Appendix I, Order .\d. 181, of April 30, 1900. 2 This article lias heen amended for Cuba a- follows: "Excepting the cases provided for in the two preceding articles, thecourl which received the records and exhibits in a case shall limit itself to opening the parcels 146 Art. 627. Transcurrido dicho termino, se pasaran para instruccion por otro. que no bajani de tres dias ni exeedera de diez. segun el volumen del proceso, al ministerio fiscal, si la causa versa sobre delito en que deba fcener intervendkra, y despues al procurador del quere- llante, si se hubiese personado. Si la causa excediere erios than three days nor more than ten. according to the volume of the proceedings. If this should exceed one thou- sand folios the court may extend the time to a maximum of fifteen 'lavs. - ' [Set in Appendix /, Order A'.-. 109, of July IS, 1899.) *This article has been amended for Cuba as follows: ••The court upon ordering up the case shall give such directions as it may consider proper, in onler that the fiscal or the complainant may examine the correspondence, books, papers, ami other exhibits, without danger of alteration in their condition." (,V< ;,/ A/)/><:iuli.r f, Onlrr Xo. 109, of July /.,', /.SY/.9.) s This article has been amended for Cuba as follows: " I'pon returning the case, the fiscal or private complainant shall accompany it by a communication in writing, which shall state: " 1. If they are of opinion that the order closing the preliminary proceedings should be approve.!, or if they solicit its revocation and the return of the case to tin; examining judge for continuation; hut the court shall not order tins return unless there shall have been requested the evidence and means referred to in Article V of this order, or others whose consideration may reasonably be supposed to have material influence in the qualification of the fads. "2. If they should confirm the order declaring the summary proceedings ended, they shall state whether or not the trial should take place, or whether they helieve 147 Art. 630. Transcurrido el plazo del articulo 628, el tribunal dirtara auto eontirmando 6 revocando el del juez de instruocion. 1 Art. 631. Si se revocare dicho auto, se mandara devolver el proceso al juez que lo hubiere remitido, expresando las diligencias que hayan de practicarse. Se devolveran tambien las piezas de conviccion que el tribunal eon- sidere necesarias para la practica de las nuevas diligencias." Art. 632. Si fuere confirmado el auto declarando terminado el sumario, se mandara traer la causa a la vista con citacion del minis- auto de sobreseiiniento, indicando en este caso, que" clase de sobreseimiento debe dic- tarse, y en que apartado de los que se contienen en los articulos 637 y 641 esta* com- prendido. "3.° Si solicitaren la apertura del juicio oral haran en el propio escrito la califica- cion de los hechos y propondran la prueba al tenor de lo que se dispone en los artf- culos 650 y subsiguientes." Vease en el Apendice I, la orden No. 109 de Julio 13 de 1899. 1 Este articulo ha sido modificado para Cuba coino sigue: "Devueltos los autos por el fiscal y acusador privado, en su caso, el tribunal dictara* auto proveyendo a cada uno de los tres extreraos a que se refiere el articulo anterior. Contra la parte de esta resolucion que resuelva acerca de la confirmacion 6 revocation del auto que declara terminado el sumario, no cabrd recurso alguno. "Si se revocase dicho auto se mandara devolver el proceso al juez que lo hubiese remitido, expresando las diligencias que hayan de practicarse. Se devolveran tam- bien las piezas de conviccion que el tribunal considere necesarias para la practica de las nuevas diligencias." Vease en el Apendice I la orden No. 109 de 13 de Julio de 1899. En sentir de la fiscalia del Tribunal Supremo, el tribunal puede declarar la revocacion del auto de conclusion del sumario, acordando ademas la practica de dili- gencias por el mismo determinadas, aim cuando el dictamen fiscal Euera favorable a la confirmacion de dicho auto. (Memoria del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de lo de Septiembre de 1884, 5 a consulta. ) Veanse las notas del articulo 622. 2 Este articulo ha sido modificado para Cuba como sigue: "Sialgunasde las partes acusadoras solicitare tan solo la revocacion del auto de teniiinacion del sumario, el tribunal se liniitara a proveer acerca del extrenio pedido. si lo declarare sin lugar, mandara* que los autos vuelvan ;i aquella parte p>r tennino de cinco dfas para que exponga lo que tenga por conveniente acerca del Bobreeei- miento, apertura del juicio, calificacion y |iniel>a. Si solicitare linicaineiite el BObresei- tniento, el tribunal proveerd entoncea a* esta Bolicitud, de acuerdo con lodispuesto en el articulo til I; y si en detinitiva, se aeon la re la apertura del juicio oral, los ai Ho- se pasaran de nuevo, por tree dfas tan b61o, 6 la parte acusadora, >|iu- aim no hubieee formulado la calificaci6n provirional y la prueba. " En todo caso en que el acusador privado solicitare el Bobreseimiento, el tribunal le tendril pordesistido de Buacci6n yenlo sucesivo continuara la causa sin mas citai lo iii ofrlo." Vease en el A.pendice l, la. mien No. 109 de Julio 18 de 1899, 147 Art. 030. l T pon the expiration of the period mentioned in article 628 the court shall render a decision affirming <>r reversing the decree of the examining judge. 1 Art. 631. [f such decree should be reversed an order shall issue returning the proceeding to the judge who may have transmitted the same, stating the measures to be taken. Such exhibits shall also be returned which the court may consider necessary for the taking of the new steps. 1 Art. 632. It* the decree declaring the termination of the sumario be affirmed, an order shall issue for the cause to be brought before the court for hearing with a citation of the public prosecutor if he takes thai there should be issued an order for a stay, indicating in this case what kind of stay should be declared, and in which paragraph of articles tv!7 and (ill it is included. "3. If the opening of the trial be solicited, legal determination of the offense com- mitted shall be set forth in the same document, and the proofs presented, according to the provisions of articles (550 et seq." (See in Appendix /, Order No. 109, of July IS, 1901.) 1 This article has been amended for Cuba as follows: "The proceedings having been returned by the fiscal or private accuser, as the case may be, the court shall decide, taking into consideration each of the three cases referred to in the preceding article. Against the part of the decision winch decides with respect to the confirmation or revocation of the order declaring the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings there shall be no recourse whatever. " If the said order be revoked the proceedings shall be returned to the judge who may have forwarded them, specifying the proceedings necessary to be taken. There will also be returned such exhibits as the court considers necessary for the continu- ance of new proceedings in the case." (See in Appendix I, Order No. ion, of July /.;, 1901.) In the opinion of the office of the fiscal of the supreme court, the court can decree the revocation of the order terminating the sumario and the taking of such additional steps determined by the same, even though the opinion of the fiscal should be in favor of the confirmation of the order. (Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Court if Sep- tember 1.5, 1884, -5th question.) see notes to article 622. - This article has been amended for Cuba as follows: "If any of the parties making accusation request solely the revocation of the decree ordering the termination of preliminary proceedings the court shall limit itself to deciding with respect to the request made. If it is denied the court will order that the records be returned to such parties for a period of five days, in order that 'they may make such remarks as they deem proper relative to the stay, opening of the trial, qualification, and proof. If stay only be solicited the court will then act upon this request, in accordance with the provisions of article <)44, and if. finally, the opening of the oral trial be declared the records shall again be placed in the hands of the accusing parties for a period of three days only, even though the pro- visional qualification and proof may not have been formulated. In every case in which a private accuser should solicit suspension of the proceedings the court shall consider that he has abandoned the prosecution and shall continue the case there- after without further notifying him or hearing him." (See m Appendix I, Order No. 109, of July /■;, 1899.) 148 terio fiscal cuando intervenga en la causa, y del procurador del que- rellante particular, si lo hubiere. 1 'Poronlcu No. 109 de Julio 13 de 1899 (Apendice I) este articulo hie modificado como sigue: "Cuando en la causa hubiese actor, meramente civil, se le comunicaran los autos, despuee de dictada la resolution a que se refiere el articulo 630, si en esta se hubiere abierto el juicio oral y tenida por hecha la calificacion por las partes acusadoras. El termino para el actor civil sera solo de cinco dias y formulara conclusiones linica- tnente en cuanto a los dos liltimos puntos del articulo 650. " Formuladas estas conclusiones, 6, si no hubiere actor civil, hecha la calificacion por el fiscal 6 acusador privado, se cumplira lo dispuesto en el articulo 653 y los siguientes. El termino a que se refiere el articulo 652 sera, de cinco dias, que pod ran prorrogarse a diez, si el volumen del sumario excediese de mil folios." Y por orden No. 181 de Abril 30 de 1900 (Apendice I) se volvio a modificar este articulo para Cuba, en la forma siguiente: "Cuando en la causa hubiese actor, meramente civil, se le comunicaran los autos, despues de dictada la resolution a que se refiere el articulo 630, si en 6sta se hubiere abierto el juicio oral y tenida por hecha la calificacion de las partes acusadoras. El termino para el actor civil sera, solo de cinco dias y formulara conclusiones linica- mente en cuanto a los dos liltimos puntos del articulo 650. Formuladas estas con- clusiones, 6, si no hubiere actor civil, hecha la calificacion por el fiscal 6 acusador privado, se entregara, copia de la calificacion y de las conclusiones, si las hubiere, a los acusados y a las terceras personas responsables civilmente, con el fin de que puedan, dentro del termino de cinco dias, para cada uno, expresar, en conclusiones nuineradas en correlation con las respectivas calificaciones, su conformidad 6 incon- formidad con cada una de ellas y en caso de inconformidad consignar los puntos da divergencia. "Durante esos cinco dias para cada parte, estaran de manifiesto en la secretan'a del tribunal los autos, correspondencia, libros, papeles y demas documentos fehacientes, noiribrando dicho tribunal abogados a los acusados 6 terceras personas responsables civilmente si no los tuvieren. " El termino de los cinco dias es improrrogable excepto sisealegarebajo joramento justa excusa a juicio del tribunal, en cuyo caso podra prorrogar el perfodo para examen de los autos por otros cinco dias a lo sumo. Si hubieren de formularse conclusiones por mas de dos procesados 6 personas responsables civilmente, el termino sera de diez dias comunes, para todos prorrogable por otros cinco. Si fuereii mas de cuatro, e] termino sera de quince dfas, prorrogable a veinte." La duda surgida eobre si el sobreseimiento debe pedirse en el escrito de qne se ocupael articulo 627, 6 si ha de solicitarse in rove en el acto de la vista a (pie se contrae el que anotamos, ha sido resuelta en el sentido de que se pretends la termination del proceso por medio de sobreseimiento definitivo 6 provisional en el acto de la vista :i que se refiere este articulo yd siguiente, haciendo constar la petici6n de sobresei- iniento en .-I acta (pie se levante o en la dilijrencia de vista que se extienda. :i tin de que puedan CUmplirse en sus respectivos casos las prescrijiciones de los artfculOB 648 y mi. (Circular del presidente '/ /; ■] mejor deeempeflo frez- can probabilidades de que esos motivos resulten de las pruebas que necesariamente, en ese caso, debe pedirseque se practiquen; pero abierto ya im juicio oral, hay al>so- luta precision de continuarlo por sus tramites legales, y terminarlo por la sentencia que se estime procedente. (Exposition del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo dt 16 "'< Sep- tiembre de 1883, numero 29. ) De conformidad con lo expuesto declaro el Tribunal Supremo, en sentencia do 30 de Junio de 1884, que para que pueda abrirse el juicio en una causa cualquiera, es preciso que haya sujeto determinado contra quien se dirija el juicio como autor, complice 6 encubridor del delito que se persigue, cuya determinacion se hace por medio del procesamiento durante la instruccion del correspondiente sumario. Para la apertura del juicio es indispensable que resulte alguna persona procesada, y no existiendo auto de procesamiento, el juicio no puede abrirse. (SenU ncux de i:> de Ditiembre de 1884- ) El sobreseimiento ha de pedirse in voce en la vista de que fcrata este artfculo, que hade celebrarse sin canicter de publicidad y sin intervcncion de los procesados, pero con asistencia de los que tienen el derecho y aun el deber de concurrir (el ministerio fiscal, cuando interviniese en la causa, y el proeurador del querellante particular, si lo hubiere). (Exposition del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de 16 de Sep- tiembre de 1883, Nos. 28 y 30, e" Instruction 8" de la memoria de 1886.) 1 Este artfculo fuc modificado para Cuba como sigue: "No seraobetaculo a la apertura del juicio oral, el que en la causa nose hubiere Uegado a dictar auto de procesamiento. Enestoscasos mientras haya parte acusa- dora, que sostenga la acci6n criminal contra determinada persona, esta seril conside- ra hiciere, se le aombrara* representante y abogado de oficio. Una vez constituida esta representaci6n, se procedera como lo ordenan los artf culos 652 y siguientes, En cstos casos, el acusado no procesado no tendrti obligacion de comparecer personalmente al juicio oral, que podrii celebrarse con b61o la asistencia do su representante y letrado defensor." Vcase,-nel A|.«'ndice I, la ..rdrn No. 1S1 de A I., il 30 de 1900. 149 Art. 638. The court shall decide within three days after the hearing, ordering the beginning of the oral trial or dismissing the CHAPTER II. DISMISSAL OF PROCEEDINGS. Aim. 634. The dismissal of proceedings may bo absolute or pro- visional, total or partial. If the dismissal of proceedings be partial, the institution of the oral trial with regard to the accused whom it may not favor shall be ordered. If it be total, the cause and exhibits whose owner is unknown shall be ordered riled after the taking of the steps necessary for the execu- tion of what may have been ordered. a prosecuting official not to respect the decisions of a court, and even rebel against them, attempting to enforce his opinions at any cost, no matter how well founded they may 1 .c. " \< ircular of the office of the fiscal of the supreme court of Now mber 2, 1883. ) The oral trial should not be opened unless there be sufficient reasons to charge a person as the principal, accomplice, or accessory of a crime, unless there should be probability that these reasons will necessarily appear from the evidence which must be requested taken in such case; but after an oral trial has been begun it is abso- lutely necessary that it be continued according to the legal procedure, and closed by the sentence which may be considered just. (Statement of the fiscal of the supreme court of September 16, 1888, No. 29.) In accordance herewith the supreme court declared, in a decision of June 30, 1 884, that, in order that the oral trial may be opened in any cause, it is necessary that there be a person against whom to proceed as author, accomplice, or accessory to the crime which is being prosecuted, which determination is made at the proceedings of the respective *>nnario. For the opening of the trial it is essential that there be a person indicted, and if there be no warrant of prosecution the trial can not be opened. (Decision of December 19, 1884.) The dismissal of proceedings must be moved orally at the hearing referred to ,n this article, which must be held without publicity and without the presence of the accused, but with the attendance of those who have a right and even the duty to attend (the public prosecutor when one takes part in the cause, and the solicitor of the private complainant if there be any). (Statement of the fiscal of tlie suprem. court <;/ S,j,tember 15, 188S, numbers 28 and 30, and 8th instruction of the report of 1886.) 'This article has been amended for Cuba as follows: "The fact that a warrant of prosecution may not have been issued shall not be an obstacle to the opening of the trial. In such cases, while there may be an accusing party continuing the criminal action against a given person, the latter will be con- sidered a- accused, and upon a petition of the accuser the trial against him shall be opened. The court will order that within the period of ten days, n>>t Bubjed to extension, ho shall lie required to present his defense and designate his counsel; ami will notify him that if he does not do so his representative and lawyer will be appointed '/< qfieio. This representation once constituted, the proceedings shall con- tinue as required in articles 652 et seq. In such cases an accused person, not prose- cuted, shall not be required to appear personally in the oral trial, which may take place in the presence of his representative and of his counsel." (Set in Appendix If Order No. 109, of July IS, 1899.) 150 Art. 635. Las piezas de eonviccion cuyo duefio fuere conocido eon- tinuaran retenidas si un tercero lo solicitare, hasta que Be resuelva la accion civil que so propusiere entablar. En este caso, si el tribunal accediere a la retenci6n, tijara el plazo dentro del cual habra de acreditarse que la accion ee ha entablado. Transcurrido el plazo que se fije, segun lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior, sin haberso acreditado el ejercicio de la accion civil. 6 si nadie hubiere reclarnado que continue la retencion de las piezas de eonvic- cion, seran devueltas estas :i sus dueiios. Se reputara duefio el que estuviere poseyendo la cosa al tiempo de incautarse de ella el juez de instruction. Art. 636. Contra los autos de sobreseimiento solo procedera en bu caso el recurso de casacion. 1 Art. 637. Procedera el sobreseimiento libre — 1.° Cuando no existan indicios racionales de haberse perpetrado el hecho que hubiere dado motivo a la formacion de la causa. 2.° Cuando el hecho no sea constitutive de delito. 1 Segiin la doctrina sentada por la sala 2" del Tribunal Supremo en pus senteneias de 29 de Noviembre de 1884 y otras posteriores, el recurso de casacion, habiendo de racaer sobre la parte dispositiva de los acuerdos contra que se da, no puede extenderse A aquellos que la ley atribuye exclusivamente al juez instructor, y en su caso al tribunal superior, como son los que se refieren it la apreciaeion de los m^ritos que arroje el sumario para declarar 6 no el procesamiento de la persona contra quien se dirige, contra cuyos acuerdos la ley establece recursos que, no utilizados, hacen firnie y ejecutorio el auto de termination del sumario en cuanto a lo actuado hasta entonces, y revocable solo por lo que respecta &, su parte dispositiva, 6 sea a la apertura 6 no del juicio, en el que no puede entrarse sin la previa declaracion de proceeamiento, garantfa necesaria para evitar que se halle a merced de cualcmier acusador someter d juicio a su acusado, aunque sea manifiestamente inculpable. Yai este concepto el recurso de casacion no alcanza ;i provocar la prosecucion de un sumario concluso ui ;i constituir proceso y abrir juicio sin preeunto culpable, :i lo que equivaldria casar el sobreseimiento libre dictado sin previa dechiraciou procesa- miento yacordar la apertura del juicio, dnicos tenniuos legalesaque puede contraeree en este caso la decisidn de dicha sala. [Sentencia cL ?8 de Fkbrero «/< 1885.) Si'giiu repetidas decisiones del Tribunal Supremo, conformea con los principios que informal] la ley de enjulciamiento criminal vigente, qo puede abrirse el juicio despuee de declararse sin reclamacion terminado an sumario en que no haya persona proce- sada, porque la regularidad y ordendeaqu61 y su preparaci6n exige determinacion del Bujeto contra quien deba dirigiree, por cuya Ealta debe aubsistir el Bobreeeimiento del proceso, que ee la sola resoluci6n procedente cuando no Bedalugard la aper- tura del juicio. [Sentencia di 19 de Noviembre de 1886. | 150 Art. »;:',;». The exhibits whose owner is known shall continue t<> be retained, ifa third person bo requests, until the civil action which it is intended to bring has heen decided. In such ease, if the court should consent to the detention, it shall lix a period within which proof shall he adduced of the institution of the action. Upon the expiration of the period iixed according to the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, without proof of the exercise of a civil action having- been adduced, or if no one should have requested that the retention of the exhibits continue, they shall be returned to their owners. The person in possession of the thing at the time the judge of examination seized the same shall be considered the owner. Art. 636. An appeal for annulment of judgment only shall lie from decrees of dismissal. 1 Art. 637. An absolute dismissal of proceedings shall lie: 1. Where there arc no reasonable indications of the perpetration of the act which may have given rise to the institution of the cause. •2. When the act docs not constitute a crime. 1 According to the doctrine laid down by the second chamber of the Supreme Court in its decisions of November 29, 1884, and other subsequent ones, as an appeal for annulment of judgment must be based upon the adjudging portion of the deci- sions against which it is allowed, it can not be extended to those which the law attrib- utes exclusively to the examining judge, and in a proper case to the superior court, as arc those which relate to the consideration of the merits adduced by the mimario to indict or not the person against whom it is directed, against which decisions the law grants remedies which if not utilized make the decree of the termination of the mmario final and definite with regard to the proceedings had to that time, and reversible only with regard to its adjudging portion; that is to say, with reference to the opening of the trial, which can not be proceeded with without a prior decla- ration of prosecution, a guaranty which is necessary to prevent that any accused per- son be at the mercy of his accuser and tried, even though he be manifestly innocent. Thus an appeal for annulment of judgment is not sufficient to cause the prosecu- tion of a mmario which has been terminated nor to order a trial without a presumed criminal, to which the reversal of a decree of absolute dismissal rendered without a previous declaration of prosecution and an order for the opening of a trial would be equivalent, the only legal terms to which the decision of said chamber can be lim- ited in such case. (Decision of February 28, 1885.) According to various decision.- of the Supreme Court, in accordance with the prin- ciples which are the bases of the law of criminal procedure in force, the trial can not be instituted after a final declaration of the termination of a mmario in which there is no indicted person, because the regularity and order of the former and the prepara- tion thereof require a determination of the person against whom it must be directed, in the absence of which the dismissal of the proceedings must subsist, being the only resolution proper when there is n< anion for the opening of a trial. ( Decision <>/ November /.'', 1885.) 151 3.° Cuando aparczcan exentos de responsabilidad criminal los pro- cesados como autores, complices 6 encubridores. 1 1 Cuando resulte del sumario haberse cometido an delito, pero se hayan desvane- cido por completo los indicios de criminalidad que niotivaron el procesamiento de una persona, debe sobreseerse provisional mente. (Exposici&n del fiscal reme Court of September 15, 1883, No. 39. The same office, in a circular of October 10, 1887, issued the following rules: "1. They shall move (the fiscales) the dismissal in accordance with numbers 1 and li of article 637 of the law of criminal procedure, whenever the sumario shall clearly show that it is proper, and otherwise they shall request the opening of the oral trial and shall formulate their conclusions in an accusatory sense, or at least in an alternative form permitting the prosecution of the trial, without prejudice to their modification after the evidence has been heard. "2. In order to move the dismissal in accordance with No. 3 of the said article 637, it shall be indispensable that the exemption shall be established in the sumario in a conclusive manner; but otherwise they shall request the opening of the trial, taking into consideration the provisions of the preceding rule. "3. If, the public prosecutor having requested the dismissal, the trial shall have been begun at the request of the private accuser, the fiscales shall formulate their conclusions in the manner they may deem just, without prejudice to the rightgranted them by article 732 of the said law." In causes against persons over nine and under fifteen years of age, should the dis- missal be rei i nested when the proceedings of the mmario offer sufficient grounds to consider the liability, oris it indispensable to await the oral trial to request and obtain such declaration'.' The foregoing question having been propounded by an audiencia, the office of the fiscal, in its instructions attached to its report of 1886, answered the same, referring to number 38 of the year 1883, according to which "the question is answered, taking into consideration the provisions of articles 637, 640, and 641 of the law, and adding: "If the exemption from liability is established conclusively by the sumario, there is no reason for the opening of the oral trial, and, consequently, an absolute dismissal is propei-. Bui if there is any doubt as tosuch exemption, because indications thereof only appear at the investigation, it is advisable to request the opening of the oral trial, and according to the result of the evidence, and making use of the right granted by article 732, in connection with articles 653 and 650 of the said law, the acquittal of the accused whose exemption may have been continued by the trial may be procured." The doubt has also arisen with regard to the application of this article as to w hen 152 Art. 638. En los casos 1. ° y 2.° del articulo anterior podra declararse. al decretar el sobreseimiento, que la formaeion de la causa no perju- dica a la reputacion de los procesados. Podra tanibien, a instancia del procesado, reservarse a este su dere- cho para perseguir al querellante como calumniador. El tribunal podni igualmente mandar proceder de oficio contra el querellante. con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el Codigo penal. 1 Art. 639. En el caso 2.° del articulo 637. si resultare que el h.echo constituye una falta, se mandara remitir la causa al juez municipal coinpetente para la celebracion del juicio que corresponda. Art. 640. En el caso 3.° del articulo 637, se limitara el sobreseimiento a los autores, complices 6 encubridores queaparezcan indudablemente exentos de responsabilidad criminal, continuandose la eausa respeeto a" los demas que no se hallen en igual caso. Es aplicable a los procesa- dos a quienes se declare exentos de responsabilidad lo dispuesto en el articulo 638. Art. 641. Procedera el sobreseimiento provisional: 1.° Cuando no resulte debidamente justiticada la perpetracion del delito que haya dado motivo a la formaeion de la eausa. ocurra la muerte del procesado, u otro hecho analogo por el que se extinga la action penal, que formula debera emplearse para poner termino a la causa, ya se encuentre en el estado de sumario 6 en el pen'odo del juicio oral. En opini6n de la citada fiscalfa (instruction 10 de 1886) no se encuentra en la ley precepto alguno termi- nante con relation a los casos de que se trata; pero por analogfa parece que en ellos el ministerio fiscal debe solicitar el sobreseimiento, y como consecuencia del mismo el archivo de la causa. Si el hecho acaeciese halkindose el proceso en el estado de sumario, el ministerio fiscal habra de solicitar que aquel se declare concluso para que, despues de su remision a la audiencia, pueda esta deducir la pretenai6rj ya mencionada. Con motivo de la aplieacion del mismo articulo, el Tribunal Supremo declare*, en senteneia de 16 de Abril de 1885, que la ley de enjuiciainento criminal no autorisa los recursos de casacion contra autos de sobreseimiento libre para el solo objetode convertir un sobreseimiento libre en provisional, puee para dictar este se necesita el conocimiento de datos y fundamentos especiales que no <»■ desprenden solo del caracter y naturaleza de los hechoa que motivan el procedimiento y que el tribunal de casacion no puede tener de otra manera; y en otra de 30 de Junio de 1886 que, aeguu tiene repetidamente declarado el Tribunal Bupremo, cuando no hay procesado, no procede el recurso de caaaci6n contra los autos de sobreseimiento libre, porser absolutamente imprescindiV)le para acusador, edempre que de la causa principal resultaren meritoe bastantee paraabrir el nuevo ])roceao." 152 Art. 688. In the first and second cases of the preceding article, in decreeing the dismissal, a declaration maybe made that the institu- tion of the cause does not prejudice the reputation of the accused At tin 4 instance 4 of the accused, the right may also be reserved him to prosecute the complainant for calumny. The court may also at its own instance order proceedings brought against the complainant, in accordance with the provisions of the penal code. 1 Art. 639. In the second case of article t',:-i7, if it should appear that the act constitutes a misdemeanor, an order shall issue to transmit, the cause to the municipal judge competent to conduct the proper action. Art. 640. In the third case of article 637 the dismissal of proceed- ings shall be confined to the principals, accomplices or accessories who conclusively appear exempt from criminal liability, the cause being continued with regard to those not included in such condition. The provisions of article 63S are applicable to the accused who are declared exempt from liability. Art. 641. A provisional dismissal of proceedings shall lie: 1. When the commission of the crime which may have given rise to the institution of the cause is not duly established. the death of the accused occurs, or any other similar act by which the penal action is extinguished, what form must be employed to close the proceedings during the gwmario or oral trial. In the opinion of the said office (instruction 10 of 1886) there is no conclusive precept in the law with regard to the cases in question; but by analogy it appears that in such cases the prosecuting officials must move a dis- missal, and as a consequence the filing of the cause. If the act should take place during the Sumario, the public prosecutor must move that it be declared closed, in order that after its transmission to the audiencia, the latter may make the motion above mentioned. In connection with the application of the same article, the Supreme Court declared, in a decision of April 16, 1885, that the law of criminal procedure does not authorize appeals for annulment of judgment from decrees of absolute dismissal for the sole purpose of converting an absolute dismissal into a provisional one, because in order to decree the latter the knowledge of special data and ground is necessary which arc not apparent simply from the character and nature of the acts the subject-matter of the proceedings, and which the higher court can not have in any other manner; and in another decision of June 30, 1886, as the Supreme Court has repeatedly declared, when there is no indicted person, an appeal for annulment does not lie from decrees of absolute dismissal, because it is absolutely necessary that there he an indicted per- son in order to begin and institute the oral trial, to whom the declarations and deci- sions rendered in the same may make reference, and that an appeal for annulment of judgment does not lie from decrees of absolute dismissal based upon this reason. 'The last paragraph of article 336 of the penal code in force in Cuba and Porto Bico US as follows: "The latter (the (unit | shall order proceedings instituted against the denouncer and accuser provided always that from the papers in the ease there should appear sufficient grounds for commencing such proceeding." 18473—01 20 153 2.° Cuando resulte del sumario haberse cometido un delito y no haya motives suficientes para acusar a determinada 6 deterniinadas personas corao autores, complices 6 ehcubridores. 1 Art. 642. Cuando el ministerio fiscal pida el sobreseimiento de con- conformidad con lo dispuesto en los articulos 037 y 611, y no se hubiere pyesentado en la causa querellante particular dispuesto ;i sostener la acusacion, podra el tribunal acordar que sehaga saber la pretension del ministerio fiscal a los interesados en el cjercicio de la accion penal, para que dentro del termino prudencial que se les senale comparezcan a defender su accion si lo consideran oportuno. Si no comparecieren en el termino fijado, el tribunal acordara el sobreseimiento solicitado por el ministerio fiscal. 2 Art. 643. Cuando en el caso a que se refiere el articulo anterior fuere desconocido el paradero de los interesados en el ejereicio de la accion penal, se les llamara por edictos, que se publicaran a las puertas del tribunal mismo, en los periodicos de la localidad 6 en los de la capital de la provincia, y podran publicarse tambien en la Oaceta de la capital de la isla. Transcurrido el termino del emplazamiento sin comparecer los intere- sados, se procedera como previene el articulo anterior. Art. 611. Cuando el tribunal conceptiie improeedente la peticion del ministerio fiscal relativa al sobreseimiento, y no hubiere quere- llante particular que sostenga la accion, antes de acceder al sobresei- miento podra determinar que se remita la causa al fiscal de la audiencia territorial respectiva si se sigue en una audiencia de lo criminal, 6 al del Supremo, si se sustancia ante una audiencia territo- rial, para que con conocimiento de su resultado. resuelvan uno u otro "'Yeanse las notas al articulo 632 sobre apertura del juicio oral y las puestas al articulo 637, en parte aplicables al que anotamos. 2 El tribunal que, conforme al articulo 642 de la ley de enjuicianiiento criminal, haya acordado que se haga saber lapretensi6n del ministerio fiscal, favorable al Bobresei- miento, a* los interesados en el ejereicio de la accion penal, para que, dentro del ter- mino prudencial que se Les senale, comparezcan ;i defender bu accion, si lo consideran oportuno, ;,jiodr:l ademas determinar que se remita la causa al fiscal del tribunal superior, para que resuelva sobre si procede 6 no sostener la acusaci6n, Begun autoriza el articulo 614 dedicha ley? La duda que acerca de este punto ha ocurrido & on fiscal, entiende este centra que no es Eundada, porque siendo una cuesti6n de tanta gravedad la relativa & an Bobresei- miento que hace imposible la apertura del juicio, 7 no siendo librae! tribunal para mandar abrirlo contra la opini6n fiscal, ha considerado la ley prudente conceder los dos medios que resultan de Los dos citados artfculos, para que el sobreseimiento se dicte con las naayores garantfas posibles de acierto, \i por el espfritu que se descubraen dichas disposiciones, ni por la letra de las niisiuas, encueiitra esta iis accuse one or more specific persons as principals, accomplices, or accessories. 1 Akt. 642. When the public prosecutor shall request the dismissal of proceedings in accordance with the proi isions of articles 637 and 64 \ and no private complainant should have appeared in the cause to Sustain the accusation, the court may order that the motion of the public prose- cutor be communicated to the persons interested in the exercise of the criminal action, in order that within a reasonable period which shall be given them they may appear to defend their action, should they con- sider it advisable. Should they not appear within the period fixed the court shall order the dismissal requested by the public prosecutor. 8 A i.i. 643. When in the case referred to in the foregoing article the whereabouts of the persons interested in the exercise of the criminal action should be unknown, they shall be called by edicts, which shall be atlixed at the doors of the court and published in the newspapers <>f the locality or in those of the capital of the province, and they may also be published in the Gaceta of the capital of the island. Upon the expiration of the period of the summons without the appearance of the persons interested, the proceedings shall be as pre- scribed in the foregoing article. Akt. 644. When the court considers the motion of the public pros- ecutor relating to the dismissal of proceedings not well taken, and their should be no private complainant to prosecute the action, before consenting to the dismissal it may decide that the cause be transmitted to the fiscal of the proper territorial audiencia if the action is being held before a criminal audiencia, or to the Supreme Court if held before a territorial audiencia, in order that, with a knowledge of a 'See the notes to article 632 with regard to the opening of theoral trial and the notes to article i>:!7, which are applicable in part to this article. 2 Can a court, which, in accordance. with article tj42 of the law of criminal pro. cednre, may have ordered thai the motion to dismiss of the public prosecutor be com- municated to the persons interested in the exercise of the penal action, in orderthat they may appear to defend their action within the reasonable period allowed them, if fchey consider it proper, furthermore orderthat the cause be transmitted to the fiscal of the higher court for a decision as to whether or not the accusation should be Sustained, as authorized by article l>14 of said law? The doubl which a fiscal has had upon this point, this office believes is not well founded, because as the question relative to a dismissal of proceedings which renders the institution of a trial impossible isof such gravity, and as the court is not at liberty to order such trial against the opinion of the prosecutor, the law lias considered it advisable to granl the two means which the said articles allow, in order that the dis- missal may be ordered with the greatest possible guaranties of certainty. This office is of the opinion that compliance with both provisions can not offer! lie Blighteel difficulty in view of the spirit or letter of either. I Report of Uu office of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September /■',, 1888, No. 33.) 154 funcionario si precede 6 no sostener la acusacion. El fiscal consultado pondra la resolucion en conocimiento del tribunal consultante, con devolucion de la causa. 1 Art. 645. Si se presentare querellante particular a sostener la aeeion. 6 cuando el ministerio fiscal opine que precede la aperture del juicio oral, podra el tribunal, esto no obstante, acordar el sobreseimiento a que se refiere el numero 2.° del articulo 637, si asi lo estima procedente. En cualquier otro caso no podra prescindir de la apertura del juicio. 1 1 Consultada la fiscalia del Tribunal Supremo si precede aplicar por analogia lo dispuesto en el articulo que anotamos al caso de que el fiscal haya solicitado que se revoque el auto de conclusion de un sumario, y que se devuelva la causa al juez instructor ;i fin de que practique nuevas diligencias, y dicte el auto de procesamiento que a lasazon no hayadictado; si lasala desestima la petici6nde] ministerio publico, confirma el auto de terminacion del sumario y cita para la vista que exige el articulo 632 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, aquel centro contesto: "Al contestar la consulta que precede, formulada por el fiscal de la audiencia de Burgos y referente & los articulos 622 y 630, esta fiscalia entiende, de acuerdo con lo expresado en su exposition al Gobierno de S. M., fecha 15 de Septiembre de 1883 (Instruction No. 25), que las audiencias no pueden revocar ni confirmar los autos de que se trata, contra el parecer del ministerio publico. Pero si lo hicieren, interpre- tando equivocadamente, en sentir de esta fiscalia, el precepto contenido en el articulo 630 de la ley de enjuiciamiento, el ministerio fiscal no tiene otro medio que protector contra tal acuerdo, y debe asistir a la vista prevenida en el articulo 632, e" interponer contra la resolucion que despues de ella se dictare los recursos que fueren procedentes, sin que pueda aplicarse a estas disidencias lo dispuesto en el articulo 644, porque su precepto se refiere de un modo concreto a caso distinto, y no seria legal darle mayor extension de la que el legislador quiso atribuirle." Veanse las notas a" los articulos 622, 630 y 642. 2 Siempre que haya en una causa parte dispuesta & sostener la accion criminal, solo puede el tribunal respectivo acordar el sobreseimiento libre, al tenor de lo prevenido en el articulo (545 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, en relation con el numero 2° del 637, cuando el hecho sobre que aquella versa no sea constitutive de delito. (Sentencia de 5 de Junio de 1884-) Es improcedente el sobreseimiento libre habiendo parte acusadora dispuesta & sos- tener su accion, y presentando el hecho caracteres de delito. [Sentencias de li de ./„/;,, y if de Octvbre de 1887.) 154 result thereof, either official may decide whether the accusation shall or shall not l>e prosecuted. The jUcal consulted shall inform the court making the request of his decision and return the cause. 1 A.BT. 645. [f a private complainant shall appear t<> prosecute the action, or if the puMic prosecute] be of the opinion that the institu- tion of the oral trial is proper, the court may nevertheless decree the dismissal referred to in Dumber 2 of article 637 if it deems it proper. In any other case it can not avoid the holding of the trial.' 'The office of the fiscal of the Supreme Courl having been asked whether the provisions of this article .an Nc applied l>y analogy to the case where the fiscal may have requested the revocation <>t' the decree of tin- conclusion of a sumario, ami thai the cause be returned to the examining judge in order thai new measures be taken, and that the warrant of prosecution issue which was not issued at the proper time; if the chamber denies the motion of the public prosecutor it confirms the decree of the termination of the gumario and summons for the hearing required by article 632 of the law of criminal procedure, said office replied: " In answering the foregoing question, propounded by the fiscal of the audiencia of Burgos and relating to articles 622 and 630, this office is of the opinion, in accordance with the statements contained in its report to the Government of His Majesty of September 15, 1883 (instruction number 25), that audiencias can not revoke nor con- firm the decrees in question in contravention of the opinion of the public prosecutor; but should they do so, incorrectly interpreting in the opinion of this office, the provis- ions of article 630 of the law of procedure, the public prosecutor has no other remedy except to protest against such decree, and he must be present at the hearing mentioned in article 632 and interpose the proper remedies against the decision rendered there- after. The provisions of article 644 can not be applied to these dissensions, because the precepts of the same relate concretely to a different case, and it would not be legal to give them a greater scope than was the intention of the legislator." (See notes to articles 622, 630, and 642.) 2 Whenever there is in a cause a party disposed to continue the criminal action, the respective court can only decree an absolute dismissal, in accordance with the provisions of article 645 of the law of criminal procedure, in connection with number 2 of article 637, when the act involved does not constitute a crime. ( Decision of June 5, 1884- ) An absolute dismissal does not lie when there is an accusing party disposed to prosecute his action, and when the act presents the characteristics of a crime. (Decisions of July 11 and October 14, 1887.) TfTULO XII. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES REFERENTES A LOS ANTERIORES TTTULOS. Art. 64:6. Ademas de los testirnonios de adelantos de las causae que el juez instructor esta obligado a dirigir al fiscal de la respectiva au- diencia, debera remitirle tambien testimonio especial de todas las pro- videncias 6 autos apelables, 6 que se refieran a diligencias periciales 6 de reconocimiento que le interese conocer para el ejercicio de su derecho corao parte acusadora, cuando no pueda notificarselos directamente, sin que por esto se suspenda la practica de dichas diligencias, (\ no ser que al fiscal se hubiese reservado anticipadamente el derecho de inter- venir en ellas, y no se irrogase perjuicio de la suspension. Art. 647. El termino de la apelacion para el fiscal que no este en el misnio lugar que el juez instructor empezara a contarse desde el siguiente dia al en que reciba el testimonio de la providencia 6 auto apelables. El recurso se interpondra por medio de escrito dirigido al juez con atenta comunicacion. De todos modos, acusara recibo al juez instructor de los testirnonios de esta clase en el mismo dia que los recibiere. 1 1 Para que el ministerio fiscal pueda ejercer la inspection que le encoinienda la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal en la formation de los sumarios, no solo habni de dar el juez de instruction los partes y testirnonios que la ley indicada establece, sino que ademas debera remitir al fiscal de laaudiencia los testimonies especiales que previene el articulo 646 de la referida ley. El art. 647 de la misma aiiade que el termino de la apelacion para el fiscal que no est£ en el mismo lugar del juez instructor empezara* ;i contarse deBde el siguiente dia al en que reciba el testimonio de la providencia 6 auto apelables. Esto sentado, como quiera que el art. 222 de la ley mencionada previene que el recurso de apelacion no podra interponerse sino despues de baberse ejercitado el de reforma, ha surgido la duda ut he most in addition transmit to the fiscal of the audiencia the special certificates prescribed by article 646 of the said law. Article 047 of the same adds that the period within which Afiscal must appeal who is not at the same place as the examining judge shall hegin to run from the day fol- lowing that on which he receives the transcript of the appealable order or decree. In accordance herewith, as article 222 of the law above mentioned prescribes that an appeal can not he interposed until a petition for a rehearing has been filed, the doubt has arisen as to whether the fiscal, in order to appeal, as he can do in accord- ance with article 637, is required first to file a petition for a rehearing. This office acknowledges that this doubt can arise; but it is of the opinion that, in view of the letter of article 647, the fiscal is not obliged to conform to the provisions of article 222. It is advisable, furthermore, to remember when relations between the fiscal,* of audiendas and examining judges are involved, that the former, although not of the same Bervice as the latter, by reason of the supervising duties which they exercise over the acts of the latter and by reason of their rank, are to a certain degree their superiors, and it does not appear proper that they should petition said judges t'"i a rehearing of their acts as any other [.arty intervening in the mmario. I Report "/tic fiscal of (he Supreme Court of September /■'», 1888, number 34.) 156 156 Art. 64S. Los fiscales llevaran un registro para anotar los partes de formacion de causa que reciban, los testimonies de adelantos mas notables que se Les remitan por los jueces instructores. especialmente los que expresa el articulo 646, y las contestaciones que a su vez dirijan a estos, 6 recursos que interpongan. 156 Art. 648. The Jwcales shall keep a register in which to enter reports of the institution of causes which they may receive, the statements <>i' the more important progresses transmitted to them by examining judges, especially those mentioned in article 646, and the answers which they on their hand make thereto, or the appeals which they may interpose. LIBRO TERCERO. DEL JTJICIO ORAL. tltulo primero. DE LA CALIFICACldN DEL DELITO. Art. 04:9. Cuando se mande abrir el juicio oral, so conumicara la causa al fiscal, 6 al acusador privado si versa sobre delito que no pueda ser perseguido de olicio, para que en el termino de cinco dias caliiiquen por escrito los hechos. Dictada que sea esta resolucion, seran publicos todos los actos del proceso. 1 Art. 650. El escrito de calificacion se limitara ii determinar en con- clusiones precisas y numeradas: 1.° Los hechos punibles que resulten del suniario. 2.° La calificacion legal de los nxismos hechos. determinando el delito que constituyan. 3.° La participacion que en ellos hubiereu tenido el procesado 6 procesados, si fueren varios. •i.° Los hechos que resulten del suniario } r que constituyan circun- stancias atenuantes 6 agravantes del delito 6 eximentes de responsa- bilidad criminal. 5.° Las penas en que hayan incurrido el procesado 6 procesados, si fueren varios, por razon de su respectiva participacion en el delito. El acusador privado en su caso y el ministerio fiscal cuando sosten- gan la acci6n civil expresar&n ademas: 1.° La cantidad en que aprecien los dafios y perjuicioa causados por el delito, 6 la cosa que haya de ser restitufda. 2.° La persona 6 personas que aparezcan responsables do los dafios v perjuicios 6 de la restituci6n de la cosa. y el hecho en \ irtud de\ cual bubieren contrafdo esta responsablidad. 8 1 N't'aiisc las notas ;i los artfculoe (i'-'li y <>2.'5. -' El ministerio fiscal no cumplirfa con su debei si al presentar «•! escrito de califica- ciuu :i que se refiere el ari (culo que anotamos, n<> expresara en la conclusi6n ">.", «!»■ I;i manera cumplida que es procedente, las penas en que hayan incurrido el procesado 6 procesados, si fueren varios, por razon de su respectiva participacion en »■! delito. No basta, pues, que se diga que la pena en que Be ha incurrido es tal y en <|iit'' grado; debi6ndose precisar la cuantfa <'< duracion <1>' la tnisma en la extensi6n en que 157 BOOK THIRD. THE ORAL TRIAL. TITLE FIRST. CLASSIFICATION OF THE CRIME. Art. 649. When the oral trial is ordered begun, the cause shall be referred to the prosecuting' official, or to the private accuser, if it involve a crime which can not be prosecuted at the instance of the Government, in order that within a period of five days they may classify the acts in writing. Thereupon all the proceedings in the action shall be made public. 1 Art. 650. The written classification shall be confined to the deter- mination in explicit and numbered conclusions: 1. Of the punishable acts which may result from the suma/rio. '2. Of the legal classification of the said acts, determining the crime which they constitute. 3. The participation therein of the person or persons accused, should there be more than one. 4. The facts appearing from the sumario constituting extenuating or aggravating circumstances of the crime or which exempt from criminal liability. 5. The penalties which the person or persons accused ma} r have incurred by reason of their respective participation in the crime. The private accuser, in a proper case, and the public prosecutor when they bring a civil action, shall state in addition: 1. The sum at which they estimate the losses and damages caused by the crime, or the thing which is to be restored. 2. The person or persons who appear liable for the losses and dam- ages or the restitution of the thing, and the act by virtue of which they may have contracted this liability. 8 1 See notes to articles 622 and 623. 2 "Prosecuting officials would not comply with their duties if, when presenting the written classification to which the article we annotate refers, they should not state in the fifth conclusion in the explicit manner required the penalties which the person or persons accused may have incurred hy reason of their respective participation in the crime. "It is not sufficient, therefore, that it be stated that the penalty incurred La such and in what degree; it is necessary t<> state the amount or duration »>f the same as it 157 158 Art. 651. Devuelta la causa por el fiscal se pasard por igual termino y con el mismo objeto al acusador particular, si lo bubiere, quien pre- sentara el escrito de calificacion firmado por su abogado y procurador en la forma anteriormente indicada. Si hubiere actor civil, se le pasani la causa en cuanto sea devuelta por el fiscal 6 acusador particular, para que a su vez, en un termino igual al fijado en los articulos anteriores y con identica formalidad, presente conclusiones numeradas acerca de los dos ultimos pantos del articulo precedente. Art. 652. Seguidamente se comunicara la causa a los procesados y a las terceras personas civilmente responsables para que en igual ter- mino y por su orden manifiesten tambien por conclusiones numeradas y correlativas a las de la calificacion que a ellos se refiera, si estan 6 no conformes con cada una, 6 en otro caso consignen los puntos de diver- gencia. Se les habilitara al efecto de abogado y procurador si no los tuviesen. Art. 653. Las partes podran presentar sobre cada uno de los puntos que han de ser objeto de la calificacion dos 6 mas conclusiones en forma alternative, para que si no resultare del juicio la procedencia de la primera, pueda estimarse cualquiera de las demas en la sentencia. Art. 654. El tribunal al mandar que se entregue la causa a las partes en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en los articulos anteriores, dis- pondra lo que considere conveniente para que estas puedan examinar la correspondencia, libros, papeles y demas piezas de convicci6n, sin peligro de alteracion en su estado. Art. 655. Si la pena pedida por las partes acusadoras fuese de caracter correccional, al evacuar la representacion del procesado el traslado de calificacion, podra manifestar su conformidad absoluta eon aquella que mas gravemente hubiese calificado, si hubiere mas de una, y con la pena que se le pida, expresandose adenitis por el letrado defensor si, esto no obstante, eonceptua necesaiia la eontinuacion del juicio. Si no la eonceptua necesaria, el tribunal, previa ratilieaeion did pro- cesado, dictard sin mas trdmites la sentencia que proceda, segun la cali- i-c considere que exi^en la parcipaci6n de Ins procesados y las circunstancias del becho. [Eocposid&n del Fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de /•"< 37 // Circular >/>■ /■'> .■' 'n el caso del art. 7:;l'. (Exposicidn del Fiscal the private accuser, it' there be one, who shall submit the written classification sub- scribed by his attorney and solicitor in the manner previously indicated. Should there be a civil plaintiff, the cause shall be referred to him upon it-- return by the private accuser or public prosecutor, in order that, in his turn, within a similar period to that fixed in the foregoing articles and with identical formalities he may present numbered con- clusion^ upon the hist two points of the foregoing article. Art. 652. Thereupon the cause shall he referred to the accused and to the third persona civilly liable, in order that, within a similar period and in their order, they may state also by numbered conclusions cor- relative to those of the classification which refers to them, whether or not they agree to each one. or otherwise state the points of divergence. For this purpose they shall be assigned an attorney and .solicitor, should they not have any. Art. 653. The parties may submit on each of the points which arc to be the subject-matter of the classification two or more conclusions in alternative form, in order that if the propriety of the first is not established by the action, any of the others may be considered in the sentence. Am. t;:.4. The court in ordering that the cause be referred to the parties in compliance with the provisions of the preceding articles, shall prescribe what it may deem proper, in order that the latter may examine the correspondence, books, papers, and other exhibits, with- out danger of any alteration in their condition. Aht. •;.">:>. If the penalty requested by the accusing parties be of a correctional character, after counsel for the accused have acted upon the transcript of the classification, he may state his absolute conformity with that containing the most serious classification, should there be more than one. and with the penalty requested, the counsel for the defendant stating furthermore if, this notwithstanding, he considers the continuation of the trial necessary. Should he not consider it necessary, the court, after the ratification of the accused, shall, without further proceedings, issue the proper is considered is required by the participation of the accused and the circumstances hi' the act." i Reportof the JU, of the same year.) Prosecuting officials may avail themselves of the right to submit alternative conclu- sions without tlic provisions <>!' the third ruleof article 142 beiritf an obstacle thereto, hut the use of this rij_'ht should he as restricted as possible, especially in the case of article 732. i Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September i~>, 1888, No, /"■) Alter evidence has been taken at the oral trial the public anil private accusers may modify their original classification, ami the court may propose another classifi- cation to the parties, according to article- 732 ami 7.';:'.. 159 ficacion mutuamente aceptada, sin que pueda imponer pena mayor que la solicitada. Si esta no fuese la procedente seguo dicha caliticacion, sino otra mayor, acordara el tribunal la continuacion del juicio. Tambien continuant el juicio si fuesen vario.s los procesados y no todos manifestasen igual conformidad. Cuandoel procesado 6 procesados disintiesen unicamente respectode la responsabilidad civil, se limitara el juicio a la prueba y discusion de los puntos relativos a dicha responsabilidad. 1 1 V6ase en el Apendice I, la Orden num. 181 de Abril 30 de 1900. El fiscal del Tribunal Supremo, en la exposicion a que nos venimos refiriendo de 15 de Septiembre de 1883, num. 41, resuelve en sentido negative- la duda suscitada respecto a .si, pedida por las partes acusadoras una pena correccional, podria exigirse al procesado que desde luego manifestase su conformidad. En sentido contrario se ha resuelto en la citada exposicion la de si, manifestada por la representacion del procesado su conformidad con la pena pedida y no concep- tuando el letrado defensor necesaria la continuacion del juicio, negandose el pr< >cesado a ratificar dicho escrito, podran su abogado y procurador seguirdefendiendole y repre- sentdndole, no habiendo necesidad de apelar ii otros procuradores y letrados, cuyo nombramiento no autoriza la ley en tal caso. Ha ocurrido la duda de si, cuando la representacion del procesado haya manifestado su conformidad con la pena pedida y el letrado hubiese dicho que no conceptual >a necesaria la continuacion del juicio, pero el procesado ratificase dicho escrito, debera devolverse la causa a la representacion de dicho procesado para que proponga las pruebas que puedan convenir para su defensa. En opinion de la fiscalia del Tribunal Supremo, esto no se puede hacer, porque la ley no lo consiente en este caso, y entiende adeinas que no por ello podni el procesado quejarse de indefension. El tribunal no tiene facultades para separarse de la calificacion mutuamente aceptada y continuar el juicio porque tal calificacion adolezca de algun error. Por ultimo, la misma fiscalia, en el documento a que nos venimos refiriendo, con motivo de haber ocurrido dudas sobre si en el caso de que continue el juicio porque no todos los procesados manifiestan su conformidad con la pena pedida, el que hubiera estado conforme podra ser sentenciado segun su indicada conformidad. 6 con arreglo al resultado que ofrezca el juicio, con los otros procesados, se expresa en los aiguientee tennino.s: "Desde el momento en que el juicio se ha continuado, no hay por qu£ recordar la conformidad deunos y la no conformidad de otros. Todos los procesados han de ser ohjeto de una sola seiiteucia, en que ha de resolverse segiin las pruebas que se liayan practicado, y por consiguiente, el que estuvo antes conforme con sufrir detenninada pena correccional, ahora ha de pasar por el resultado que ofrezca el juicio, afectandole, por tanto, las pruebas que se practiquen, :i instancia suya, de los restantee procesados d de las otras partes contendientes." La ratilicacidii del procesado en el escrito (pie de conformidad con la pena pedida haya presentado bu representacion ha de prestarse ante la audiencia. (JSeponetdn del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo rfc Septicmhre ':>.) Vease la cnemoriadeJ fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de L884, y las notaa A losartf- culos 711' y 7i». r ). Cuando ezisten en un proceso varios procesados y estdn unos conformes y otros no con la aensatidii, debe continuar el proceso respecto a Ioi|- to whether, it" the accusing parties shall have requested a correctional penalty, the accused could be required to state his agreement thereto immediately. The question as to whether if counsel for the accused having stated his conformity with the penalty requested and not consider it necessary to continue the trial, the accused refusing to ratify sai«l instrument, his attorney and solicitor may continue to defend and represent him, has been decided in a contrary manner, there being no necessity to appeal to other solicitors and attorneys, whose appointment is not authorized by law in such case. The doubt has arisen as to whether, when counsel for the accused having stated hi- agreement with the penalty requested and the attorney should have stated that he did not consider the continuation of the trial necessary, but if the accused should ratify said instrument, the cause should be returned to the counsel of said accused person in order that he might submit the evidence which he may consider advisable for the defense. In the opinion of the fiscal of the Supreme Court, this can not be done, because the law does not allow it in such case, and he is of opinion further- more that the accused can not complain of no defense thereby. The court has not the power to ignore the classification mutually accepted, and to continue the trial because such classification contains an error. Finally, the said fiscal, in the document in reference, on the occasion of doubts having arisen as to whether in case the trial should be continued because all the accused do not state their agreement with the penalty requested, the one who shall have agreed thereto may be sentenced according to his said agreement, or in accord- ance with the results of the trial, together with the other persons accused, make- the following statements: A- soon as the trial is continued it is not necessary to remember the agreement of some and the disagreement of others. All of the persons accused must be the subject of one and the same sentence which is to be decided upon according to the evidence adduced, and, consequently, he who previously agreed to suffer a specific correctional penalty must now adhere to the results of the action, being affected, therefore, by the evidence submitted, either on his own or on motion of the other accused, or of the contending parties." The ratification of the accused to the petition which in accordance with the penalty requested his counsel may have presented, must be made l)efore the audien- ■ •ia. [Report of the fiscal of tht Supremt Court of September 15, 1883, No. 39.) Set the Report of the Fiscal of the Supreme Court of 1884, and the notes to articles 742 and 795. When there are several accused persons iii one proceeding, and some do and other- do not agree with the accusation, the proceedings must continue with regard to all. ( Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Qouri of September t5, 1884) sixth question.) It appearing thai the prosecuting official in his findings classified the acts involved a- constituting the crime of discharging firearms, and requested the imposition of a 160 Art. 656. El ministerio fiscal y las partes manifestaran en sus respective^ escritos de calificacion las pruebas de quo intenten valerse, presentando lista de peritos y testigos que hayan de declarar a su instancia. autor la pena de un ano, ocho meses y veintiun di'as de prision correccional; que la defensa se conformo con dichas conclusiones, anadiendo que no conceptual^ necesa- ria la continuacion del juicio, ratificandose el procesado en las mismas; que la audiencia de lo criminal, estimando que pudiera corresponds pena mayor ;i la solicitada porel ministerio fiscal, aeordo la continuacion del juicio, en cuyo acto, y a preguntas del presidente, se confeso el procesado reo de los delitos de disparo de arma de fuego y lesiones menos graves; que desestimada la pretension de la defensa, que se opuso a la continuacion del juicio, dicho Ministerio modifico sus conclusiones en el sentido de que los hechos merecian la calificacion de doble delito de disparo de arma de fuego y lesiones menos graves, pidiendo para su autor cuarenta meses de prision correccional; y, por ultimo, que la referida audiencia dicto sentencia por la que, estimando la existencia de los expresados delitos de disparo y lesiones, condeno al procesado en tres anos de prision correccional, resulta procedente el recurso de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma con arreglo al numero 3.° del articulo 912 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, pues la continuacion del juicio contra lo dispuesto en el articulo 655 de la propia ley de enjuiciamiento, coloca a la sentencia recurrida en el caso prescrito en aquellos numero y articulo, por penar en ella un delito mas grave que el que fue. objeto de la acusacion. (Sentencia de 24 de Enero de 1884. ) La sentencia que manda continuar el juicio despues de haberse conformado el procesado y su defensa con la pena correccional pedida por la acusacion, al ealifiear 6 imponer otra mayor, pena un delito mas grave que el que fue' objeto de la acusacion, aun cuando el fiscal modificara en el acto del juicio sus conclusiones, y procede, por tanto, el recurso de casacion contra dicba sentencia, conforme el numero 3.° del articulo 912 por infraction de los 655 y 694 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal. (,SV ntencia de 24 de Enero de 1884. ) El tribunal sentenciador interpreta erroneamente el articulo 655 de la ley de enjuicia- miento criminal, al acordar la continuacion del juicio no obstante la conformidad del defensor del procesado, por este ratificada, con la pena de cardcter correccional pedida por el ministerio publico, y a pesar de ser esta la procedente segiin la calificacion aceptada por ambas partes. (Sentencia de 12 de Marzo de 1884. ) Acordada la continuacion del juicio oral y publico por la sala sentenciadora en cumplimiento de lo que dispone el parrafo 4.° del artfeulo 655 de la ley tie enjui- ciamiento criminal, cuyo auto consintieron las partes, y modificadas por el ministerio fiscal las conclusiones de su escrito de calificacion, la sentencia que se acomoda 6 estas condiciones, ya definitivas Begun la ley, resuelve sobre todos los puntos que han aido objeto de la acusacion y de la defensa. (Sentnirin de 1:1 :>, y la pena correc- cional Solicitada no ea procedente, segiin la calilicacii'm aceptada, auil cuando el pro- cesado y sn defensa se conformerj con aqu^lla, puede la Bentencia decretar otra ajus- tada :i la ley, tnandando previamente continuar el juicio. (Sentencia de 16 dt Diciembre de 1884.) Cuando el ministerio fiscal en su escrito de calincaci6n acuso al procesado oomo reo del delito de estafa por valor ci«-, pesetas, y sin embargo pidi6 para el tnismo, con maniflesto error, que se ledeclarase comprendido en el caso 2.° del arl fculo647 del L60 A.rt. 656! The prosecuting officials and the panic-, shall state in their respective written classifications the evidence which thej intend to introduce, presenting the li-t of experts and witnesses who are to testify at their instance. penalty of one year eight months and twenty-one 'lay- of correctional imprisonment or el articulo 733 de dicha ley, la protesta hecha por el ministerio fiscal en el acto del juicio oral de ser impro- cedente este juicio, en razon a que aceptada su calificacion por el procesado debio dictarse sentencia sin mas tramites y sin imponer pena mayor que la solicitada, segun previene el repetido articulo 655. ademas de ser extemporanea, puestoque consintio el auto en que por considerar la audiencia que segun dicha calificacion procedfa impo- ner pena mayor, acordo la continuation del juicio conforme al mismo articulo, no puede desvirtuar los efectos de la acusacion hecha por dicho ministerio. (*Si nb ncia de 15 de Diciembre de 1884-) Cuando en la causa se persiguen dos hechos diversos, cometidos por doa distin- tos procesados, de los cuales el uno se confonno con la pena correccional pedida para el por el ministerio fiscal en suescrito de conclusiones; ycomo para el procesado por el otro delito pidio dicho ministerio la pena de prision mayor, la sala acord6 la con- tinuacion del juicio respecto de £ste, sin citar al primero en concepto de procesado, porque relativamente al mismo no podia continuar el juicio por haberse conformado con la pena correccional, en su virtud la sala al dictar la sentencia recurrida no falto a 1< > prevenido en el caso 4.° del articulo 655 de la referida ley, ni cometio la Lnfracci6n de las formas del juicio a que se refiere el caso 2.° del articulo 911. {Sentencia de 96 de Junio de 1885. x Ni por el articulo que anotamos ni tampoco por el 659, y en cambio, de conformi- da permitirtl tpie el testigo conteste ;i preguntas 6 repreguntas capciosas, sugestivas 6 Lmpertinentee. El mismo Tribunal tiene declarado, entre otras, en sentencias de L9de Mayo, ii> de Octubre, L5de Diciembre y 28 de Junio de L883, 28 de Eneroy5 de Febrero ■!<• L884, que la confesi6n del procesado forma parte de los medios Bumariales establecidos por la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal para la comprobaci6n de los delitos y la averiguaci6n de l^s delincuentes, yno Biendo el sumario mas que una preparaci6n del juicio oral 'I le han de esclarecerse todos l<>s hechos y discutirse tolas las cuestiones que ofrezca la causa, no puede menos de figurar en dicho juicio como elementode prueba la referida confesi6n del procesado. Las pruehas (pie han de practicarse en el juicio oral deheii proponeree en los escritos de califlcacion, Begun Bentencia de is de Enero de 1884. Tratandose de funcionarios publicos cuyo aombramiento se deja ;i la iniciativa del 161 In the lists of experts and witnesses shall be stated their name and Bnrnames, their nicknames, if known thereby, and their domicile or residence, the party presenting the same stating Furthermore whether the experts <>r witnesses are to be cited judicially or whether he agrees t<> cause their appearance. 1 an said classification, would be thai determined in the third rule of the said article, which is a higher one, and for which reason the court, in accordance with the prescriptions <>f the third paragraph of article 655 of the haw of Criminal Procedure, ordered the continuation of the oral trial, and availed itself of the privi- lege granted it by article 733 of said law, the protest made by the public prosecutor at the time of the oral trial that rach trial was improper, because his classification having been accepted by the accused, sentence ahould have been pronounced with- out further proceedings and without the imposition of a penalty higher than that requested, as prescribed by the said article 655, in addition to being extemporaneous, because the decree was agreed to in which the audiencia considering that, according to said classification, a higher penalty should he imposed, it ordered the continuation of the trial in accordance with the same article, which cannot annul the effect- of the accusation made by said prosecutor. (Decision <>/ />"•,,„/„,• ;.-7, 1884.) When two different acts are being prosecuted in a cause which have been com- mitted hy two different persons, one of whom agreed to the correctional penalty requested hy the public prosecutor in his written conclusions, and as said prosecutor requested the penalty of prisi&n mayor f or the otheraccused, the chamber ordered the continuation of the trial with regard to the latter without citing the former as an accused person, because the trial could not continue with regard to him, as he had agreed to the correctional penalty. By virtue hereof the chamber, in rendering the sentence appealed from, did not act in contravention of the provisions of the fourth case of article 655 of the said law, nor did it commit in any of the breaches of form in the trial referred to in the second case of article 911. (Decision of June 26, 1885. ) 1 Neither by the article which we annotate nor by article 659 nor, on the other hand, in accordance with the provisions of article 708 shall prosecuting officials or the parties be required to state in their respective written classifications the specific questions which they will later put to the parties and witnesses. (Report of the fiscal of the Suprenu Court of September !■'>. 1888, X". 4:.) In accordance with the foregoing, the Supreme Court declared in a decision of October 10, 1883, reversing ami annulling a decision of the audiencia of .lativa. that the testimony of witnesses proposed in the conclusions and accompanying the lists of the witnesses to he examined is. opportune and proper, and is admissible therefore even though the questions to lie put to the witnesses presented are not clearly and fully set forth, l)ecause the presiding judge of the court will not permit the witness to answer questions or cross-questions of a captious, suggestive, or impertinent character at the trial, in accordance with the powergranted said court by article 708 of the law. The same court has decided, among other decisions, by those of May 19, October 16, December 15, and June 28, L883, January 28 and February 5, 1884, that the con- fession of the accused forms part of the measures of the sumario established by the law of criminal procedure for the proof of crimes and the ascertainment of the delinquents, and as the sumario is nothing bul a preparation for the oral trial at which all the facts are to be elucidated and all questions arising in the cause are to he discussed, the said Confession of the accused can not but figure in said trial as an element of proof. The evidence to he submitted at the oral trial must he stated in the w ritten classi- fication, according to a decision of January 18, 1884. With regard to pubhc officials whose appointment is left to the initiative of the 162 Art. 657. Cada parte presentani tantas copias de las Listas de peritos v testigos cuantas scan las demas personadas on la causa, a cada una do las cuales so entregara ana de dichas copias en el mismo dia en que fueren presentadas. 1 Las listas originates se uniran a la causa. Pod ran pedir adenitis las partes que se practiquen desde luego aquellas diligencias do prueha que por cualquiera causa fuere de temer que no se puedan practicar en el juicio oral, 6 que pudiercn motivar su suspension. Art. 658. Presentados los escritos de calificaeion 6 recogida la causa de poder de quien la tuviere despues de transcurrido el termino sena- lado en el articulo 649, el tribunal dietara auto declarando hecha la califi- caeion, y mandando que se paso aquella al ponente, por termino de tercer dia, para el examen de las pruebas propuostas. 2 Art. 659. Devuelta que sea la causa por el ponente, ol tribunal examinara las pruebas propuestas e inmediatamente dietara auto, admitiendo las que eonsidere pertinentos y rechazando las demas. Para rechazar las propuestas por ol acusador privado halu-a de Ber oido el fiscal si interviniere en la causa. Contra la parte del auto admitiendo las pruebas 6 mandando prac- tical' la que se hallare en el caso del parrafo tercero del articulo * » ~> T . no procedera recurso alguno. tribunal y que desempenan sus cargos a las inrnediatas ordenes del mismo, no es necesaria la designation con pus nombres y apellidos y senas de sus domicilioe, ateniendose estrictamente a In dispuesto en el pdrrafo segundo del articulo 656 de la referida ley, pues que el tribunal puede designarlos y citarloa sin aquellos requisitus. — (Sentencia tie 11 tie Ahril tie 1SS5.) La denegacion por el tribunal de una diligencia de prueba consistente en el examen de mi testijro, •' interesada por la defensa en el acto del juicio oral y publico, no acusa la falta de procedimiento d que serefiereel numero L.°del articulo 91 1 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, cuando no ha sido propuesta en tiempo y forma nj comprendido el testigo cUyo examen se pretendfaen la listaensudfa preeentada, con arreglo ;i lo dispuesto en los artfculos 656 y Ti's, ni tampoco es de los casos expresados en el numero 3.° del 729 de la propia ley. [Sentencia de t7d\ Abrildt /»'.;.) No <-s admisible on interrogatorio presentado cuando ya Be ba cumplido con lo determinado en <■! artfeulo 659 de la ley. {Sentencia de 1 'I, Julio dt iss;.) 1 Vease en el A.pendice I, la orden No. 181, de A.bril 30 de 1900. ' Este artfeulo I'm' tnodificado para Cuba como sigue: " Presentados Los escritos de calificaci6n que el tribunal exigird, dentro del termino legal, Be dictard auto sin m;is demora, Bobre admiai6n each of whom one of said copies shall be delivered on the da\ of presentation.' The original I'm- -hall be attached to the cause. The parties may also request that such evidence he taken at once, which for any reason whatsoever they may fear can not he taken at the oral trial, or which may cause its suspension. Ai;r. 658. A.fter the written classifications have been presented or the cause recovered from the possession of the person having it. after the termination of the period mentioned in article 649, the court shall issue a decree declaring the classification to have been made, ordering that it l»e referred to the ponenteiov three days for the examination of the evidence submitted. 2 Akt. 659. After the cause has been returned by the /»>/,,/>/,. the court shall examine the evidence suhmitted and shall immediately make an order admitting that whieh it considers pertinent and rejecting the rest. In order to reject the evidence submitted by the private accuser, the opinion of the prosecuting- official must be heard, should one take part in the cause. There shall be no remedy whatsoever against that portion of the decree admitting evidence or ordering such evidence to be taken as is included under the provisions of the third paragraph of article 657. court and who discharge their duties under the immediate orders of the same, the designation by their names ami surnames and the indications of their domiciles strictly in accordance with the provision of the second paragraph of article 656 of the said law is nut necessary, because the court may designate and cite them without such requisites. (Decision of April 1~>, 1885.) The refusal of the court to receive some evidence consisting in the examination of a witness ami requested by the defense at the oral and public trial, docs not establish the breach of procedure referred to in subdivision 1 of article 91 1 of the law of criminal procedure when it has not been requested opportunely and formally or when the witness whose examination is requested was not included in the list duly presented In accordance with the provisions of articles 656 and 728, nor is it included in the cases mentioned in subdivision 3 of article 729 of the said law. [Decision of April 17, 1884.) An interrogatory presented after the provisions of article 659 of the law bave been (•(implied with is not admissible. [Decision of July 7, 1884.) 'See in Appendix I, order No. L81, of April 30, 1900. *This article has been amended for Cuba as follows: " After the exposition of qualification be presented within the legal period, as must be required by the court, an order shall be issued without delay in regard to the admission of the evidence, in compliance with the provisions of article 659, bul the period to begin the oral trial shall not exceed twenty days unless there be well founded reasons, which must be justified to the court." (See in Appendix /, Order No. 181, of April 80, 1900.) 163 Contra la en que fuere rechazada 6 denegada la practica de las dili- gencias de prueba podra interponerse en su diael recurso de casacion. si se prepara oportunamente con la correspondiente protesta. En el rnismo auto senalara el tribunal el dia en que deban comenzar las sesiones del juieio oral, teniendo en consideraci6n La priorldad de las causae y el tierapo que fuere preciso para las citaciones y com- parecencias de los peritos y testigos. 1 Akt. 660. El tribunal inandara expedir los exhortos 6 mandamien- tos aecesarips para la citacion de los peritos y testigos que la parte hubiese designado con este objeto. Los exhortos 6 mandiamientos seran remitidos de oficio para su cumplimiento, a no ser que la parte pida que se Le entreguen. En este caso se senalara un plazo, dentro del cual habni de devol- verlos cumplimentados. Art. 661. Las citaciones de peritos y testigos se practicaran en la forma establecida en el titulo VII del libro priiuero. Los peritos y testigos citados que no comparezcan, sin causa legitima que se lo impida, incurriran en la niulta senalada en el nuinero 5.° del articulo 175. Si vueltos a citar dejaren tambien de comparecer, scran procesadoa por el delito de denegaci6n de auxilio que define el codigo respecto de los peritos y testigos. 2 Art. 662. Las partes podran recusar a los peritos expresados en las listas por cualquiera de las causas mencionadas en el articulo 468. a La repetida fiscalia, en la instruction 12. a de las que acompafian a la memoria de 188G,«oontesta la consulta de si, visto lo dispuesto en el articulo anotado y en el 475 del codigo penal, en los procesos por injurias contra una autoridad, pueden admitirse 6 deben rechazarse las pruebas que se formulen sobre la verdad de los con- ceptos injuriosos, en los terminossiguiontes: "El articulo 475 del codigo penal preceptuaque 'al acusado de injuria do se admitiril prueba sobre la verdad de las imputaciones sino cuando estas fueren dirigidaa contra empleados piiblicoa sobre hechos concernientes al ejercicio de sus cargos;' y la juris- prudencia establecida por la sala 2." del Tribunal Supremo ha sancionado la doctrina (pic lo dispuesto por el art. 475 del codigo penal con ri'lacion al empleado pdblico no COnstituido en autoridad, no pueda sui'tir efecto legal cuando las injurias si' han dirigido ;l un funceionario que ostenta caracter de autoridad, y pueden por tanto ser constitutivae del delito ilc desacato." Segiln declaraci6n becha por el Tribunal Supremo, el hechode admitir la sala como prueba pericial la practicada por pereonae que no eran peritas para tasar los objetos burtados, que taaaron en el acto del juieio oral sin tenerlos a la \ ista, constituye una inl'rarcion de las lornias escncialcs del juieio, coinpremlitla en los iniincros 1." \ '_'." del art, 911, pues ademasdeser Lmprocedente aquella BUBtanciaci6n, privaa* la defensa del recurrente del derechode intervenir en laexpresada prueba yde exponer las observaciones que creyese oportunas. En sentenciaede 10 deabril de 1884, oonsign6 dicho tribunal 'pie ee pertinente la prueba intentada para justificar los hechos injuriosos at ribufdos :i un gobernadorde provincia, en <■! ejercicio de sus funciones, y <-\ tribunal que la deniega incurre on lo dispuesto on el nilrnero l." del articulo 91 L. 'Veaeeen el A.pendioe 1, laorden num. 181 de Abril 80, 1900, L6S An appeal Cor annulment of judgment lies from thai part of the decree rejecting or refusing to take evidence, if Baid appeal is prepared at the proper time with the corresponding protest In the aame decree the court shall fix the day upon which the pro- ceedings of the <»ral trial are to begin, taking into consideration the priority of the causes and the time which may be necessary for the citation and appearance of the experts and \\ itnesses. 1 Aim. 660. The court shall order the issue of the letters rogatory or mandates accessary for the citation of the experts or witnesses which the party may have designated for this purpose. The letters rogatory or mandates shall be transmitted ex officio for execution, unless the party shall request that they be delivered to him. In such case a period shall be fixed within which he shall return them duly executed. Ai:i. 661. The citation of experts and witnesses shall be made in the manner prescribed in title VII of the first hook. Experts and witnesses cited who shall not appear without alleging a legitimate cause preventing them from so doing, shall incur the tine prescribed in subdivision 5 of article 175. If, upon being cited the second time, the}' should fail to appear, they shall be tried for the crime of refusing assistance, defined in the code, with regard to experts and witnesses. 2 Art. 662. The parties ma}' challenge the experts mentioned in the lists for any of the causes indicated in article 468. 'The office of the fiscal of the supreme court, in the twelfth instruction of the report of ls*H, answers a question as to whether in view of the provisions of this article ami of article 475 of the Penal Code, in actions for contumely against an authority, the evidence submitted as to the truth of the libellous or calumnious statements should be admitted or rejected, as follows: "Article 47"> of the Penal Code prescribes that a person charged with acts of con- tumely will not be allowed to furnish evidence tending to prove the truth of his imputations, unless they shall have been directed against public employees about matters concerning the performance of their duties; and the jurisprudence estab- lished by the second chamber of the Supreme Court has sanctioned the doctrine that the provisions of article 475 with regard to a public employee not exercising any authority, can have do legal effect when the acts of contumely have been directed against an official who assumes the character of an authority, and therefore they may constitute the crime of outrage." According to a statement of the Supreme Court, the fact of the chamber admitting as expert evidence that furnished by persons who are not experts, in the appraisal of stolen goods, who appraised them at the oral trial without having seen them, constituted a violation of the essential forms of the action, included in numbers 1 and l' of article 911, because in addition to said proceeding being improper, it deprives the defense of the appellant of the right of taking part in the said evidence and of making such remarks as he might consider proper. In decisions of December L0, L883, and April L9, 1884, the said court established that evidence tending to prove the acts of contumely attributed to a governor of a province, in the exercise of hie function-, is admissible, ami that a court rejecting the same ie included in the provisions of number 1 of article 911. "See in Appendix I, order No. 181, of April 30, L900. 164 La recusacion se hara dentro do los trea diae siguientes al de la entrega :il recusante dc la lista que contenga el nombre del recusado. Alegado la recusacion, se dara traslado del escrito por igual termino a la parte que intente del perito recusado. Transcurrido el termino y devueltos 6 recogidos los autos, Be recibi- r;in a prueba por seis dias, durante los cuales cada una dc las partes praeticara lo que le convenga. Transcurrido el termino de prueba se senalara dia para la vista, a la que podran asistir las partes y sus defensores, y dentro del termino legal el tribunal resolvera el incidente. Contra el auto no se dara recurso alguno. Art. 663. El perito que no sea recusado en el termino fijado en el articulo anterior, no podra serlo despues, a no ser que incurriera con posterioridad en alguna de las causas de recusacion. Art. 664. El tribunal dispondra tambien que los procesados que se hallen presos sean inmediatamente conducidos ;i la cjirc"l dc la pobla- cion en que haya de continuarse el juicio, citandoles para el mismo. asi como ii los que estuvieren en libertad provisional, para que se presen- ten en el dia que el tribunal senale; y mandara igualmente notiti'ar el auto a los liadores 6 duenos de los bienes dados en tianza, expidien- dose para todo ello los exhortos y mandamientos necesarios. 1 La falta de la citacion expresada en el parrafo anterior sera motivo de casacion, si la parte que no hubiere sido citada no comparece en el juicio. Art. 665. Cuando presentados los escritos de ealiticacion y exami- nadas las pruebas propuestas entendiere el presidente de la audiencia 6 sala de lo criminal que procede constituir una seccion en dcterminada localidad para la celebracion del juicio, lo acordara asi, poniendolo en conocimiento del Ministerio de Ultramar. 1 si mi procesado, estando en libertad provisional, ;i pesarde habersido citado en Ids tertninoaquepreviene elart. 664 de la ley de enjuciamiento criminal, do comparece el Jfa sefialado por el tribunal, para comenzar las sesiones del jucio oral que disposi- ciun debera* adoptaree respecto al mismo? A est a consulta, que un fiscal ha dirigido :i este centro, contestau los an [culos 895 y siguientes de la citada ley. Conformed 1" prescrito en el caso 3° de dicho artfeulo 835, ysegiin 1«> prevenido en el 836, inmediatamente que un procesado se halle en rsr caso, se deberan expedir requisitorias para su llamamiento y busca, dirigie'ndolas preferentemente al punto en donde el procesado si- hallase; y si, transcurrido el plazo de la requisitoria, nose hubiera presentado el ausente, entonces podrfl* procederse comodisponen los artf culos 839 y Ml de la referida ley. (Memoria de la oscaMa -Id tribunal supremo de 15 de Septiembre •• referred for a similar period t«» the party intending t<> avail himself of the services of the expert challenged. Upon the expiration of the period and after the record ha- been returned or recovered, evidence shall be beard thereon for six days, daring which each of tin- parties shall take such step- as he may consider advisable. After the period for the taking of evidence has expired, a day shall be Bel for the hearing, which the parties and their counsel may attend. and the court shall decide the issue within the legal period. There shall be no remedy whatsoever against this ruling. Ai:t. »'»•;:;. An expert who is not challenged during the period fixed in the foregoing article can not be challenged thereafter, unless hi' shall subsequently incur any of the causes for challenge. Akt. 664. The court shall also order that the accused who may be imprisoned be conducted at once to the prison of the town where the action is to be continued, citing them therefor, as well as those who may be enjoying temporary liberty, for appearance on the day the court may fix; it shall also order that the decree be served upon the bondsmen or owners of the property given in bond, the necessary Letters rogatory and mandates being issued for this purpose. 1 The lack of the citation mentioned in the foregoing paragraph shall be a cause for annulment, if the party not cited should fail to appear at the trial. Aki. 665. If upon the presentation of the written classifications and upon the examination of the evidence submitted, the presiding judge of the audiencia or criminal chamber should consider it necessary to establish a section in a specific place for the holding of the trial, he -hall -o older, informing the Colonial Department thereof. 'If an accused person, enjoying temporary liberty, notwithstanding bis having been cited in accordance with the provisions of article t;ti4 of the law of criminal procedure, shall not appear mi the day fixed by the court mi which the oral trial is ti. begin, what measures shall he taken with regard to him'.' To this question, which a fiscal addressed to this bureau, may be found an answer in articles 835 el seq. of the said law. In accordance with the provisions of the third case of said article 835, and the prescriptions of article 836, as soon as an accused person is in such case, requisitions must he issued for hi- call and search, being directed preferably to the point where the accused may he; and if, upon the expiration of the period fixed in the requisi- tion, the absentee -hall not have appeared, then the proceedings stated in articles 839 and 841 of the said law may he taken. (Report of the Fiscal of (he Suprerm Court of September IS, 1883, No. 43.) Bee also articles 835, No :;. 836, 839, ami 841 of this law, and the not,- to article 633. TITULO II. DE LOS ARTfCULOS DE PREVIO PRONUNCIAMIENTO. Art. ()Qiy. Seran tan solo objeto de articuloa de previo pronuncia- miento las cuestiones 6 excepcipnea siguientes: l. a La de declinatoria de jurisdicci6n. 1 2." La de cosa juzgada.'' 3. a La de prescripcion del delito. 3 4. a La de amnistia 6 indulto. 5. a La falta de autorizacion administrativa para procesar, on los 1 El niinisterio fiscal puede proponer la declinatoria en cualquier estado de la causa, segun el art. 19, num. 4.° Propuesta en tiempo y forma por los procesados la declinatoria de jurisdiction como artfculo de previo pronunciamiento, conforme ;i lo prevenido en Ins arts. 66(5 y 667 de la ley de eujuiciamiento criminal, fundiindolo, no solo en la incompetencia de la audieucia de lo criminal para conocer de la causa, sino tambien en la del juez instructor, por haber procedido sin delegacion del tribunal superior competente, y pidiendo por este motivo la declaraci6n de nulidad de todas las actvtacionee del suina- rio, el tribunal sentenciador esta obligado ;i resolver Bobre todos estos extremos (pie ban sido objeto de la defensa de los pmcesados; y por tanto limitandose la audiencia a resolver sobre su propia competencia, sin hacer declaraci6n alguna sobre la del juez instructor ni sobre la nulidad 6 validez de las actuaciones del sumario, Lncurre en el quebrantamiento de forma ii> Junio de 1886. ) Segiin tiene declarado el Tribunal Supremo en sentencia de L'4 de Febrero ■' ■■ L880, laexcepci6n de cosajuzgada en juicio criminal tiene que apoyarae en reeoluci6n dennitiva anterior pronunciada en el orden penal por tribunal con iurisdicci6n <<>ni- petente, cuya declaraci6n es conforme con el espfritu y letra de nueetra antigua Legis- lacion y con la doctrina que exige, entre otras, la condici6n de eadem causa petendi para que pueda tener aplicaci6n el principio de derecho non bis in idem, segun tambien declaro dicho Supremo Tribunal en la tnisma sentencia. 'Bespectod la prescripci6n, Begun declaraci6n hecha pore! Tribunal Bupremoen Bentencia •' the subject of preliminary exceptions: 1. A declinatory plea. 1 •i. A plea of res judicata} 3. The prescription of the crime. 3 4. The plea of amnesty or pardon. 5. The lack of administrative authority to conduct proceedings, in 'The public prosecutor may interpose a declinatory plea at any stage of the cause, according to number 4 of articlec 19. A declinatory plea having been duly and formally interposed by the accused as a preliminary exception, in accordance with the provisions of articles <;<;<> and 667 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, basing the same not only upon the incompetency of the criminal audieneia to take cognizance of the cause, but also on that of the exam- ining judge, by reason of his having proceeded without the delegation of the com- petent higher court, and requesting for such reason a declaration of the nullity of all the proceedings of the sumario, the sentencing court is obliged to decide all these questions which have been the subject of the defense of the accused; therefore, an audiencia confining itself to the decision of its own jurisdiction, without making any statement as to that of the examining judge, or the validity of the proceedings of the sumario, incurs the breach of form mentioned in number 2 of article 912 of the aforementioned law, as it does not decide all the points which have been the subject of the defense. (Decision of June 6, 1885.) 'The circumstance of a prior action having been brought against an accused person upon the same acts charged agai nst him is not sufficient to give to the latter the char- acter of having been adjudicated for the purpose of interposing the exception men- tioned in number 2 of article 666 of the Law of Criminal Procedure in force, if it be not shown that in the prior action a final decision was rendered either upon the char- acter of the acts which gave rise to the institution of the cause, or on the participation which the accused may have had therein. (Decision of June 25, 188.5.) As the Supreme Court has declared in a decision of February 24, L880, the plea of res udica I" in a criminal action must be based upon a prior final decision rendered in the penal order by a court of competent jurisdiction, which declaration is in accordance with the spirit and letter of our former laws and with the doctrine which is required by the condition of eadem causa petendi in order that the principle of law rum i>i* in i'li in may be applied, as the Supreme Court also declared in the same decision. :! With regard to the prescription, according to a declaration of the Supreme ( lourt in a decision of October 19, 1877, the declaration of the prescription of a crime or offense interest.-- the guilty person primarily, he receiving the benefit arising from this declaration, for which reason he can not he deprived of an acquired right not lost by his default or by reason of other causes attributable to his acts. That is to say, when the prescription takes place when proceedings are suspended through no fault of his. 165 166 casos en que sea necesaria, con arreglo a la Constitueion y ;'t las loves especiales. 1 A in. 667. Las cuestiones expresadas en el articulo anterior podran proponerse en el termino de tres dias, a eontar desde el de la entrega de los autos para la calificacion de los hechos. Art. 668. El que baga la pretension acompaiiara al escrito los docu- mentos justificativos de los hechos en (pie la funde, y si no los tuviere :i -n disposicion, designara clara y determinadamente el archivo u oficina donde se encuentren, pidiendo que el tribunal los reclame a quien porresponda, originales 6 por eompulsa, segun proeeda. Presentara tambien tantas copias del escrito y de los documentor cuantos sean los representantes de las partes personales. Dichas en ipias se entregaran a las mismas en el dia de la presentacion, haciendolo asi constar el secretario por diligencia. Art. 669. Los representantes de las partes a quienes se hayan entre- gado las referidas copias contestaran en el termino de tres dias, acompanando tambien los documentos en que funden sus pretensiones. si los tuviesen en su poder, 6 designando el archivo li oncina en que se hallen. pidiendo en este caso que el tribunal los reclame en los terminos expresados en el articulo precedente. Art. 670. Transcurrido el termino de los tres dias. el tribunal csti- mara 6 denegara la reclamacion de-los documentos. segun que los considere 6 no necesarios para el fallo del articulo. Si no se presentaren los documentos 6 no se hiciere la designee ion del lugar en que se encuentren, no producira efectos suspensivos la excepcion alegada. Art. 671. Si el tribunal accede a la reclamacion de documentos. recibira el articulo a prueba por el termino necesario. que no podra exceder de ocho dias. El tribunal mandara en el mismo auto dirigir las comunicaciones convenientes a los jefes 6 encargados de los archives u oticinas en que los documentos se hallen, determinando si han de remitirlos originales 6 i><>! eompulsa. Ain. t;72. Cuando los documentos bubieren de ser remitidos por eompulsa se advertira a las partes el derecho que lea asiste para per- sonarse en el archivo u oficina, a tin de senalar la parte del documento que haya de compulsarse, si no les fuere necesaria la eompulsa de todo 61, \ para presenciar el cotejo. 1 El precepto del art. 77 <\<- la Constituci6n diaponiendo >i n '' u,i:l ,r . v especial determinard loa casoe en que ha de exigiree la autorizaci6n administrativa para pro- ueear, no ba tenido aun cumplimiento. E3n la fala may be proper of the proper person. He shall also present as many copies of the plea and of the docu- ments as there may be representatives of the parties to the cause. Said copies shall be served on the same day they are presented, the secretary making a record of such service. Art. 669. The representatives of the parties to whom the said copies may have been delivered shall make answer within a period of three days, also accompanying the documents upon which they base their contentions, should they have them in their possession, or designating the archives or office in which they may be found, requesting in such ca^e the court to call for the same in the manner stated in the fore- going article. Art. 670. Upon the expiration of the said period of three days the court shall call for the documents or not, as it may consider them neces- sary or not necessary for the decision of the issue. If the documents be not presented or the designation of the place where they may be found be not made, the exception pleaded shall not stay the proceedings. Art. 671. If the court should grant the request for the documents, evidence shall be received upon the plea for such period as may be necessary, not exceeding eight days. The court shall order in the same decision that the proper commu- nications be directed to the chiefs or persons in charge of the archives or office in which the documents may be, specifying whether the orig- inals or transcripts are to be forwarded. Art. 672. If transcripts of the documents are to be transmitted, the parties shall be informed of their right to proceed to the archives or office, in order to indicate 1 the part of the document to be transcribed, if a full transcript should not be necessary, and in order to be present at the comparing thereof. ' The precepl of article 77 of the( institution, providing that a special law will deter- mine the cases in which administrative authority is to he required in order to insti- tute proceedings, has not as yet been carried OUt. In the island of ( 'nha, \\ here such authorization has been required, it was declared unnecessary, and anally abolished by royal order of .May 6, 1881, until the publication <»f the law mentioned in the aforesaid constitutional precept. 107 En los articulos de previo pronunciamento no se admitira prucba teatifical. Art. 673. Transcurrido el termino de prueba, el tribunal senalara inmediatamente dia para la vista, on la que pod ran informal- lo que convenga a su derecho los defensores de las partes, si estas lo pidieren. Art. 674. En el dia siguiente al de la vista, cl tribunal dictara auto resolviendo sobre las cuestiones propuestas. Si una de ellas fuere la de declinatoria de jurisdiccion, el tribunal la resolvent antes que las demas. Cuando lo estimc procedente, mandara remitir los autos al tribunal 6 juez que considere competente, y se abstendra de resolver sobre las demas. Art. 675. Cuando se declare haber lugar a cualquiera de las excep- ciones comprendidas en los numeros 2.°, 3.° y 4.° del articulo 666, se sobreseera libremente, mandando que se ponga en libertad al pro- cesado 6 procesados que no esten presos por otra causa. Art. 676. Si el tribunal no estimare suficientemente justificada la declinatoria, declarara no haber lugar a ella, contirmando su compe- tencia para conocer del delito. Si no estima justificada cualquiera otra, declarara simplemente no haber lugar a su admision, mandando, en consecuencia, continual- la causa segun su estado. Contra el auto resolutivo de la declinatoria y contra el que admita las excepciones 2. a , 3. a y 4. a del articulo Q6Q, procede el recurso de casacion. Contra el que desestime estas ultimas no se dani recurso alguno, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el articulo 678. Art. 677. Si el tribunal estima procedente el articulo por falta de autorizacion para procesar, mandara subsanar inmediatamente este defecto, quedando entre tanto en suspenso la causa, que se continuant segun su estado una vez concedida la autorizacion. Si solicitada esta se denegare, quedarfi nulo todo lo actuado y se sobreseera libremente en la causa. Contra el auto en que se determine esta excepci6n no sedarfi recurso alguno, y se observarfi lo dispuesto en el p4rrafo segundo del articulo anterior. Art. 678. Las partes podr&n reproducir en el juicio oral, como medios '!<' defensa, las cuestiones previasque se hubieren desestimado, excepto la de declinatoria. Art. <)7'.>. Siendo desestimadas Las cuestiones propuestas, se oomu- nicara mie\aniente la caU88 por lerinino de (res dias a la parte que las hubiere alegado para < i l <>i>jt't<> presorito en <>! articulo 649, L67 In proceedings upon preliminary exceptions the evidence of wit- aesses shall not be admitted. Aim. 673. [Jpon the termination of the period for the admission of evidence, the court shall immediately set a day for the hearing, :it which the counsel of the parties may make any statements they may deem proper, should the latter so request. Am. 674. [Jpon the day following the hearing, the court shall render a decision upon the questions submitted. If one of them should be a declinatory plea, the court shall decide (he same before the others. When it considers it proper, it shall order the record sent to the court or judge considered competent, and shall abstain from passing upon the other questions. Art. 675. If any of the exceptions included under aumbei a 2, 3, and 4 of article 666 is sustained, an absolute dismissal of proceedings shall be had. and an order shall issue for the release of the person or per- sons accused, not be imprisoned for another cause. Art. 676. If the court should not consider the declinatory plea suf- ficiently justified, it shall overrule the same, confirming its jurisdiction to take cognizance of the crime. Should the court not consider any other plea well taken, it shall simply overrule the same and order the cause continued, according to the stage of the proceedings. An appeal for annullment of judgment lies from a decision upon a declinatory plea and from one sustaining the second, third, and fourth exceptions of article 666. There shall be no remedy whatsoever against a decision overruling the last-named exceptions, without prejudice to the provisions of article 678. Art. *>77. If the court should consider an exception based upon a lack of authority to institute proceedings to be well taken, it shall order this defect cured at once, the cause being suspended in the meantime, which shall be continued according to its status as soon as tin- authority is granted. If -aid authority should be denied upon the request therefor, all the proceedings had shall be void and an absolute dismissal of the cause shall be entered. There shall be no remedy whatsoever against a decision upon this exception, and the provisions of the second paragraph of the fore- going article shall be observed. Art. 678. The parties may again plead at the oral trial as a means of defense such preliminary exceptions as may have been overruled, excepting declinatory pleas. Art. 67U. If the exceptions pleaded should be overruled, the cause shall again be referred for a period of three days to the party plead- ing the same for the purposes mentioned in article ti4!». titulo in. DE LA CELEBRACltiN DEL JUICIO ORAL. CAPITULO PRIMERO. DE LA l'UBLICIDAD DE LOS DEBATES. Art. 680. Los debates del juicio oral seran publicos. bajo pena de nulidad. Podra. no obstante, el presidente mandar que las sesiones se celebren a puerta cerrada cuando asi lo exijan razones de moralidad 6 de orden publico, 6 el respeto debido a la persona ofendida por el delito 6 a an fain ilia. Para adoptar esta resolucion el presidente, ya de oticio. ya a peticion de los aeusadores, consultary al tribunal, el cual deliberara en secreto, consignando su acuerdo en auto motivado, contra el que no se dam recurso alguno. Art. 081. Despues de la lectura de esta decision, todos los concu- rrentes despejaran el local. Se exceptuan las personas lesionadas por el delito; los procesados, el acusador privado, el actor civil y los respectivos defensores. Art. 682. El secreto de los debates podra" ser acordado antes de comenzar el juicio 6 en cualquier estado del misuio. CAPITULO II. DE LAS FACTJLTADES DEL PRESIDENTE DEL TRIBUNAL. Art. 683. El presidente dirigira los debates cuidando de tmpedir las discusiones impertinentes y que noconduzcan al esclarecimiento de la verdad, sin coartar por esto a los defensores la libertad necesaria para la defensa. Art. 684. El presidente tendril todas las facultades necesarias para conservar 6 restablecer el orden en las sesiones y mantener el respeto debido "1 tribunal y a los demas poderes publicos, pudiendo oorregir en el acto, eon ninlta de l'>L\."><> a tiiii") pesetas, las inf racciones (pie no constituyan delito, 6 que no tengan senalada en la lev una correcci6n especial. El presidente llamai-a al orden :i todas las personas que lo alteren y podra" hacerlas salir del local, si lo considerare oportuno, sin perjuicio de la ninlta a que 86 relieiv el articulo anterior. TITLE III. HOLDING OF THE ORAL TRIAL. CHAPTER FTBST. PUBLICITY OF THE ARGUMENTS. Ai;r. 680. The arguments at the oral trial shall be public, under pain of nullity. Nevertheless, the presiding judge may order that the proceedings be hold behind closed doors when necessary for reasons of morality or public order, or the respect due to the person offended by the crime or to his family. To promulgate such an order, the presiding judge, either at his own instance or on motion of the accusers, shall consult the court, which shall deliberate in secret, rendering its decision setting forth its rea- sons, against which there shall he no remedy. Art. 681. After the reading of this decision all persons present shall leave the court room. The persons injured by the crime, the accused, the private accuser, the civil plaintiff, and the respective counsel are excepted. Art. n\s2. The secrecy of the debates ma} T be ordered before the beginning of the trial or at any stage thereof. CHAPTER II. POWERS OF THE PRESIDING JUDGE OF THE COURT. Art. 683. The presiding judge shall direct the debates, seeking to prevent impertinent discussions and those not tending to the establish- ment of the truth, without curtailing thereby the liberty necessary for counsel to conduct the defense. Art. 6.S4. The presiding judge shall have all the powers necessary to preserve or reestablish order at the proceedings, and maintain the respect due the court and other public authorities, being permitted to correct at once, by the imposition of a tine of not less than 62.50 nor more than 025 peseta-, violations which do not constitute a crime or to which a correctional penalty is not affixed by law. The presiding judge shall call all persons to order who disturb it. and may oblige them to leave the court room should he consider it proper, without prejudice to the fine referred to in the preceding article. 168 L8473— 01 22 169 Podra tanibien acordar que se detenga en el acto a coalquiera que delinquiere durante la sesion, poniendole a disposition del juzgado competente. Totlos los concurrentes al juicio oral, cualquiera que sea la clase a que pertenezcan, sin excluir a los militares, quedan sometidos a la jurisdiction disciplinaiia del presidente. Si turbaren el orden eon un acto que constituya delito, seran expulsados del local y entregados a la autoridad competente. Art. 685. Toda persona interrogada 6 que dirija la palabra al tri- bunal, debera hablar de pie. Se exceptuan el ministerio fiscal, los defensores de las partes y las personasa quienes el presidente dispense de esta obligaeion por razones especiales. Art. 686. Se prohiben las muestras de aprobacion 6 de desaproba- cion. Art. 687. Cuando el acusado altere el orden con una conducta incon- veniente, y persista en ella a pesar de las advertencias del presidente y del apercibimiento de hacerle abandonar el local, (.'1 tribunal podra decidir que sea expulsado por cierto tiempo 6 por toda la duracion de las sesiones, continuando estas en su ausencia. CAPITULO III. DEL MODO DE PRACTICAR LAS PRUEBAS DURANTK EL JUICIO ORAL. 1 Seccion Pkimeka. — De la confesidn de los procesado* y personas civilmenti resporuabla. Art. 688. En el dia senalado para dar principio a las sesiones se colocaran en el local del tribunal las piezas de conviccion que se hubiercn recogido, y el presidente, en el niomento oportuno, declarant abierta la sesion. l iPodra el ponente, con la venia del presidente, dirigir preguntas ;i los proceaados, testi^'os 6 peritos en el juicio oral? " No He halla este caso previsto en la ley, pero considers el infrascrito que no hay inconveniente en resolverlo en sentido afirmativo, aunque entendi&idose siempre que a dichas preguntas no se oponga la presidencia, quees la linica autorizada para dirigir ladiscusi6n y las pruebas, y la que en cada caso podra* libremente conceder6 oegar elusodeesa facultad." (Memoria delafiscalia del Tribunal Supremo de 16 en'a liacer DM del derecho que para este caso le concede el artfculo 729. {Manoria citada t' the competent court. All persons present at the oral trial, whatever be the class to which they belong, without excluding the military, are subject to the disci- plinary jurisdiction of the presiding judge. Should they disturb order by an act constituting a crime, they shall he expelled from the court room and turned over to the proper authority. Aim. 685. Every person questioned or addressing the court must rise when doing BO. The prosecuting officials, the counsel of the parties, and the persons whom the presiding judge may exempt from this obligation for special reasons are excepted. Akt. 686. Demonstrations of approval or of disapproval are pro- hibited. Art. 687. If the accused shall disturb order by improper conduct, and shall persist therein, notwithstanding the warnings of the presid- ing judge and the admonition of being removed from the court, the court may decide upon his expulsion for a certain period or during the entire proceedings, which shall continue during his absence. CHAPTER III. MANNER OF TAKING EVIDENCE AT THE ORAL TRIAL. 1 Bbction First. — Confession of the persons accused and persons civilly liable. Art. 688. Upon the daj T fixed for the beginning of the sittings the exhibits collected shall lie brought to the court room, and the presid- ing judge at the proper moment shall declare the court in session. 1 Hay tli<' /'"/" /, with the consent of tin- presiding judge, address questions to the accused, tin- witnesses, or the experts at an oral trial? "This case has uol been provided for by law, but the. undersigned is of opinion that there is no obstacle to a decision in an affirmative sense, provided that the pre- siding judge does not object to said questions, he being the only one authorized to direct the discussion and the evidence, and who may without restriction grant or refuse this privilege in any ease." {Report of the fiscal of the Supreme < burt of September I.-,, 188S, mm her 48.) When an accused person states his agreement with the conclusions and the request of the accusation, there is a settlement of the complaint, and evidence should not he taken, "i- arguments made, or the action continued. But when this does not occur the obligation of the contending parties to offer and receive all evidence which may he pertinent in the trial is unavoidable to such an extent that if 1 he court should observe any dereliction on this point it could and even should avail itself of the right which article 72!) grants it in such case. {Report of the fiscal of September 15, 1888, number 62.) As the Supreme Court has decided, the declaration of the accused is one of the means of proof which the law of criminal procedure allows; and if this pertinent 170 Si la causa que haya de yerse fuese por delito para euro castigo se pida la imposicion do pena correccional, preguntara el presidente ;i cada uno de los acusados si se confiesa reo del delito que se le haya imputado en el escrito de calificaci6n, y responsable civilmente a la restitucion de la cosa 6 al pago de la cantidad fijada en dicho escrito por razon de danos y perjuicios. Akt. 689. Si en hi causa hubiere, ademas de la calificacion fiscal, otra del querellante particular 6 diversas caliticaciones de querellantes de esta clase, se preguntara al procesado si se confiesa reo del delito seguo la calificacion miis grave, y civilmente responsable por la cantidad mayor que se hubiese fijado. Art. 690. Si fueren mas de uno los delitos imputados al procesado en el escrito cje calificacion, se le harau las mismas preguntas respecto de cada cual. Art. 691. Si los procesados fueren varios, se preguntara' a cada uno sobre la participacion que se le haya atribuido. Art. 692. Imputandose en la calificacion responsabilidad civil ;i cualquiera otra persona, comparecera tambien ante el tribunal y decla- rant si se conforma con las conclusiones de la calificacion que le interest ii. Art. 693. El presidente hara las preguntas mencionadas en los arti- culos anteriores con toda claridad y precision, exigiendo contestacion categories!. Art. 694. Si en la causa no hubiere mas que nn procesado y contes- tare afirniativamente, el presidente del tribunal preguntara al defensor si considera necesaria la continuacion del juicio oral. Si este contes- tare negativamente, el tribunal procedersi si dictar sentencia en los terminos expresados en el articulo 655. x propuesto en tiempo esta diligencia de prueba pertinente, y hecho eon oportunidad la correspondiente protesta, su denegaci6n, siquiera sea limitada, por haber admitido la prueba como pertinente, pero eircunscribiendo la declaraci6n e abuso de confianza, con arregloal 533 del codigo penal, sin haber hecho uso de la Eacultad que le concede el 7:::; de esta ley, incurre en el quebranta- iniento de forma del tulmero 3.° del articulo 912. Cuando solo existe un procesado en la causa que haya de verse en juicio oral, si a<|iiel, ;i la pregunta que al principiar el acto debera hacerle el presidente del tribu- nal de si se confiesa reo del delito (pie se le huhiese imputado en el escrito de calitica- 17() If the cause to be heard should involve a crime for the punishment of which the imposition of ;i correctional penalty is requested, the presiding judge shall a^k each of the accused whether he pleads guilty to the crime charged against him in the written classification and civ- illy liable for the restitution of the thing or the payment of the amout fixed in said classification by reason of losses and damages. Ai;i. 689. It* there should be in the cause, in addition to the classi- fication of the public prosecutor, another of the private complainant, or several classifications of complainants of this character, the accused shall he asked whether he pleads guilty to the crime according to the most serious classification and civilly liable for the highest amount fixed. Art. 690. If there he more than one crime charged against the accused in the written classification, the same questions -hall he put to him with regard to each. Art. OKI. Should there he more than one aeeused person, each shall be interrogated upon the participation charged against him. Art. (3 ( .>2. If any other person be charged with civil liability in the classification, he shall also appear before the court and shall declare whether he agrees to the conclusions of the classification which relate to him. Art. 693. The presiding judge shall clearly and precisely put the questions mentioned in the preceding articles, requiring a categorical answer. • Art. »'>'.'4. If there should be but one person aeeused in the cause, and he shall answer affirmatively, the presiding judge of the court shall ask his counsel whether he considers the continuation of the oral trial necessary. If the latter should answer negatively, the court shall proceed to pronounce sentence in the manner stated in article 655. 1 evidence shall have been submitted in due time, and the proper protest having been made at the proper time, the rejection thereof, even though it be limited, on account of the evidence having been admitted as pertinent, but confining the declaration of the accused to the provisions of article 688 of the law of procedure, an essential for- mality of the action is violated. (Decision of January 28, 1884.) Scr notes to article 730 upon the question as t<> whether the accused can be ques- tioned at the oral trial. 'In a decision of March L2, 1884, the Supreme Court declared that a sentence which, notwithstanding the agreement of the accused and his counsel with the accusation which classified the crime charged as simple theft, with the generic aggravating cir- cumstance of breach of trust, condemns the accused as guilty of domestic theft, or committed with a gross violation of trust, in accordance with article r>:;:; of the Penal Code, without having made use of the righl granted by article 7:;:; of this law, incurs tfae breach of form of Dumber '■> of article '.Mi'. When there is only one accused person in the cause upon which the oral trial is to be held, if the former should answer affirmatively to the question put to him at the beginning of the proceedings by the presiding judge of the court as to whether he 171 Art. 695. Si confesaresu responsabilidad criminal, pero no la civil, 6 ami aceptando esta no se conformare con la cantidad fijada en la caliticacion, el tribunal mandani que continue el juicio. Pero en este ultimo caso la discusion y la produccion de pruebas se concretardn al extremo relativo :i la responsabilidad civil que el pro- cesado no hubiese admitido de conformidad con las conclusiones de la calificacion. Terminado el acto, el tribunal dietara sentencia. Art. 696. Si el procesado no se confesare culpable del delito que Le fuere atribuido en la caliticacion, 6 su defensor considerate necesaria la continuacion del juicio, se procedera a la celebracion de este. Art. 697. Cuando fueren varios los procesados en ana misma causa, se procedera conforme ii lo dispuesto en el articulo 694 si todos Be con- fiesan reos del delito 6 delitos que les hayan sido atribuidos en los escritos de caliticacion 3' reconocen la participation que en las con- clusiones se les haya senalado, a no ser que sus defensores consideren necesaria la continuacion del juicio. Si cualquiera de los procesados no se confiesa reo del delito que se le haya imputado en la caliticacion, 6 su defensor considers necesaria la continuacion del juicio, se procedera' con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior. Si el disentiniiento fuere tan solo respecto de la responsabilidad civil, continuara el juicio en la forma y para los efectos determinados en el articulo 695. • Art. 698. Se continuara tambien el juicio cuando el procesado 6 procesados no quieran responder a las preguntas que les hiciere el presidente. Art. 699. De igual modo se procedera si en el sumario no hubiese sido posible hacer constar la existencia del cuerpo del delito cuando, de haberse estc cometido, no pueda menos de existir aquel, aunque hayan prestado su conformidad el procesado 6 procesados y sus defensores. ci6n, contestant afirmativamente y su defensor no considerase necesaria lacontinuaci6n del juicio, dicho tribunal, con arreglo & 1<> dispuesto en el articulo 694 de la l<> '!>■ enjuiciamiento criminal, habrd ">' r >. ( 'onforme al claro contexto cili el segundo, que era innecesaria la continuaci6n del juicio, el tribunal debi6 sin tniinites dictar sentencia, con arreglo :i la calili- cacion aceptada, sin imponer pena mayor que la pedida. (Sentencia /' Septiem~ brede 1885.) 171 Akt. 695. Should he confess his criminal, l>ut not his civil liability, or if in accepting the latter he should not agree to the amount fixed in the classification, the court *hall order that the trial continue. Hut in the latter case the arguments and tin- production of evidence Bhall be confined to the question relating to the civil liability which the accused may not have accepted in accordance with the conclusions of the classification. Upon the termination hereof, the court shall pronounce sentence. Art. 696. If the accused should not plead guilty to the crime charged to him in the classification, or his counsel should consider the continu- ation of the trial to bo proper, it shall he proceeded with. • Art. 697. Should there he more thai one person accused in the same cause, the proceedings described in article t;«*4 shall he had if all plead guilty to the crime or crimes charged against them in t he written classifications and acknowledge the participation charged against them in the conclusions, unless their counsel .should consider the continua- tion of the trial necessary. If an}' of the persons accused should not plead guilty to the crime charged against them in the classification, or their counsel should con- sider the continuation of the trial to be necessary, the provisions mentioned in the foregoing article shall be observed. If the dissent should be with regard to the civil liability only, the trial shall continue in the manner and for the purposes mentioned in article 695. Art. 698. The trial shall also continue when the person or persons accused shall refuse to answer the questions put to them by the pre- -iding judge. Art. 699. A like procedure shall be observed when at the sum wrio it shall not have been possible to establish the existence of the corpus delicti when, the crime having been committed the former must exist, even though the person or persons accused and their counsel shall have sign died their agreement. pleads? guilty to the crime charged against him in the written classification, and his counsel should Dot consider the continuation of the trial to be necessary, said court, in accordance with the provisions of article 694 of the law of criminal procedure, must thereupon pronounce sentence in the terms mentioned in article 655. In accordance with the clear context of this article, if the penalty requested by the accusing parties in the written classifications should be of a correctional character, the court shall pronounce the proper sentence, according to the classification mutually accepted by the former and the accused, and a penalty higher than that requested can not be imposed; therefore, the public prosecutor having charged the accused in his first classification with the crime of inflicting less serious injuries, according to which he considered that he deserved a correctional penalty, and at the beginning Of the trial said accused having plead guilty to the crime and his counsel stated that the continuation of the trial was unnecessary, the court should have pronounced sentence without further proceedings, in accordance with the accepted classifica- tion, without imposing a higher penalty than that requested. [Decision ofSeptembm 25, 1885. ) 172 Art. TOO. Cuando el procesado 6 procesados hayan confesado su responsabilidad de acuerdo con las conclusiones de la calificacion, y bus defensores no consideren necesaria la continuacion del juicio, pero la persona a quien solo se hubiese atribuido responsabilidad civil no haya comparecido ante el tribunal, 6 en bu declaraci6n no Be conformase con las conclusiones del escrito de calificacion a ellas referentes, se pro- cedera con arreglo ;i lo dispuesto en el articulo 695. Si habiendo comparecido so negase a contestar a las preguntas del presidente, le apercibira este con declararle confeso. Si persistiere en su negativa, se le declarant confeso. y la causa se fallara de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el articulo 694. Lo mismo so hara cuando el procesado, despues de haber confesado Secci6n Segunda. — Del examen de los tesligos. Art. 701. Cuando el juicio deba continuar, ya por falta de conformi- dad de los acusados con la aeusacion, j T a por tratarse de delito para cuyo castigo so haya pedido pena aflictiva, se procedera* del modo siguiente: El secretario darii cuenta del hecho que haya motivado la formacion del sumario y del dia en que este se comenz6 a instruir, expresando ademas si el procesado estii en prisi6n 6 en libertad provisional, con 6 sin fianza. Leera los escritos de calificacion y las listasde peritos y testigos que se hubiesen presentado oportunamente, haciendo relaci6n de las demas pruebas propuestaa y admitidas. Acto continuo se pasara a la priictica de las diligencias l Tribunal Supremo de IS de Septiembrt de 1883, iii'im. 58. i \ i mi I iic este articulo ao exigeque el Becretario d6* cuenta por escrito, I" aconseja la L72 A.BT. 7<>i>. If the person or persons accused should have confessed their liability in accordance with the conclusions of the classification, and their COUn8el should not consider the continuation of the trial to be necessary, bul the person charged only with civil liability shall not have appeared before the court, or in his declaration should not have agreed to the conclusions of the written classification referring to them, the provisions of article t'>'.t;> shall be observed. If, having appeared, he shall refuse to answer the questions of the presiding judge, the latter shall warn him that he will be considered as having confessed. Should he persist in his refusal, lie shall he declared as having con- fessed, and the cause shall he decided in accordance with the provisions of article 694. The same shall he done when the accused, after having confessed his criminal liability, shall refuse to reply as to his civil liability. Section Second. — Examination of witnesses. Art. 701. When the trial is to he continued, either on account of the disagreement of the accused with the accusation, or because a crime is involved for the punishment of which a corporal penalty has been requested, the proceedings shall be as follows: The clerk shall present a statement of the act which may have given rise to the institution of the sumario and the day on which the latter was begun, stating furthermore whether the accused is imprisoned or temporarily at Liberty, with or without hail. He shall read tin 1 written classifications and the lists of experts and witnesses which may have been duly tiled, stating the other evidence submitted and admitted. Thereupon the taking of the evidence and the examination of the witnesses shall be proceeded with, beginning with that which may have been offered by the public- prosecutor, continuing with that proposed by the other plaintiffs, and finally closing with that of the accused. The evidence of each part} r shall he taken according to the order in which it may have been proposed in the proper instrument. The w it- nesses shall also he examined in the order in which their names appear in the lists. The presiding judge, nevertheless, may change this order at the instance of a party, or even at his own instance, when he considers it advisable for a better elucidation of the facts, or for a more certain discovery of the truth. 1 1 In causes involving assassination, homicide, or physical injuries inflicted with violence, the public prosecutor may submit as evidence tin- testimony of the phj -i dans who may have performed the autopsy or cured the wounded person. | Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September 15, 1888, number 6 Although this article does not require thai the secretary shall furnish a statement 173 Art. 702. Todoa los que con arreglo a lo dispuesto en los arts. 410 al 412 inclusive est;in obligados ;i declarar, lo haran concurriendo ante el tribunal, sin otra excepcion que la de las personas menclonadas en los numeros 1.°, 7.°, y 9.° del 412, las cuales podran declarar por escrito. Art. 703. Sin embargo de lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, si las personas mencionadas en los numeros 2.°, 3.°, 4.°, 5.°. 6.°". y 8.° del art. 412 bubieren tenido conocimiento, por razon de su cargo, de los hechos de que se trate, podran consignarlo por medio de informe escrito, de que se dara lectura inmediatamente antes de proceder al examen de los demas testigos. Lo propio haran los funcionarios del orden judicial 6 del Ministerio fiscal que se encuentren en igual caso. Art. 704. Los testigos que hayan de declarar en el juicio oral per- maneceran hasta que sean llamados a prestar sus declaraciones en un local a proposito, sin comunicacion con los que ya bubiesen declarado, ni con otra persona. Art. 705. El presidente mandara que entren a declarar uno a uno por el orden mencionado en el art. 701. Art. 706. Hallandose presente el testigo mayor de catorce afios ante el Tribunal, el Presidente le recibira juramento en la forma establecida en el art. 434. Art. 707. Todos los testigos que no se hallen privados del uso de su razon, estan obligados a declarar lo que supieren sobre lo que les fuere preguntado, cow excepcion de las personas expresadas en los artfculos 416, 417, y 418 en sus respectivos casos. Art. 708. El Presidente preguntara al testigo acerca de las circun- stancias expresadas en el primer parrafo del art. 436, despues de lo cual la parte que le ha}a presentado podra hacerle las preguntas que tenga por conveniente. Las demas partes podran dirigirle tambien las preguntas que consideren oportunas y fueren pertinentes, en vista de sus contestaciones. El Presidente por si 6 a excitacion de cualquiera de los miembros del Tribunal, podra dirigir a los testigos las preguntas que estime condu- centes para depurar los hechos sobre lo que declaren. 1 conveniencia, y Bobre todo lo impone el art. 482 de la lev orgdnica del poder judicial. {Expoeici&n del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de 16 de Septiembn de 1888, num. ',',.) A tenor de declaraci6n hecha por el Tribunal Supremo en sentencia de •'! de l>icit'm- bre de 1883, las preguntas del presidente del tribunal y las de los acusadorea al procesado en el juicio oral y pdblico, sobre no eetar probibidas por la ley, uo eetan tampoco entre las causae que autorizan d recurso <1«' uasacidn conforme al in'nn. .">", del artfculo911. 1 \'i'-asc el niiiu. 42 de la Meinoria del Fisi-al > criminal acerca de si la parte 'i 1 "' baya presentado al testigo debera* 178 Akt. 7i»l>. All those who in aooordanoe with articles 410 to 412, inclusive, are obliged to testify, shall do so by appearing before the court, with no exception other than the persons mentioned in cumbers 1. 7. and :• of article 412, who may testify in writing. Akt. 7'»:'>. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing article, if the persons mentioned in numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of article 412 should have had information, by reason of their office, of the acts in ques- tion, they may make a report thereon in writing which shall be read immediately before proceeding with the examination of the other witnesses. The same shall he done by the members of the judiciary or by*f»*os- ecuting officials included in such case. Akt. 704. Witnesses who are to testify at an oral trial shall remain, until called upon to give their testimony, in a suitable place, without communicating either with those who have testified already, or with any other person. Art. 705. The presiding judge shall order that they enter to testify one by one in the order mentioned in article 7<>1. Akt. 706. If a witness of more than 14 years of age is before the court, the presiding judge shall administer an oath to him in the man- ner prescribed in 434. Akt. 707. All witnesses not deprived of the use of their reason are obliged to testify to all they may know r on the questions put to them, with the exception of the persons mentioned in articles 416, 417, and 41^. in their respective cases. Aki. 7<»s. The presiding judge shall question the witness upon the facts mentioned in the first paragraph of article 43<», after which the party presenting him may put the questions he may deem proper. The other parties may also put to him such questions as they may deem proper, and which are pertinent, in view of his answers. The presiding judge may himself, or at the instance of any of the members ol -tie court, put such questions to the witnesses which he may deem proper, to secure the facts from their testimony. 1 in writing, it is advisable and especially prescribed by article 482 of the judiciary act. ( Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September 15, 1883, number 4-}.) In accordance with a declaration of the Supreme Court in a decision oi" December 3, 1883, the questions of the presiding judge of the court and those of the accusers to the accused at the oral and public trial, if not prohibited by law, are not included among the causes which authorize an appeal for annulment in accordance with num- ber 3 of article 911. 'See number 42 of the report of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September 15, 1883, in the note to article 656. " Notwithstanding the clearness of the foregoing provision," says the fiscal of the Supreme Court in number 15 of the report of iss:;. "a criminal audiencia has been in doubt aa to whether a party presenting a witness must put to him all the questions 174 Art. 709. El Presidente no perniitini quo el testigo conteste a preguntas 6 repreguntas capciosas, sugestivas 6 impertinentes. Contra la resoluci6n < j u« ' Bobre este extremo adopte, podr£ inter- ponerse en su !<• 1884.) El becho de haber preguntado el Presidente del Tribunal en el acto del juicio oral a los testigos presentados por una de las partes antes de (pie la misma leshubiere Lnterrogado Bobre otros extremos que las circunstancias expresadas en el p&rrafo primero del art. 436 de la ley de enjuieiamiento criminal, Begun prescribe el 708, no const it uye ninguno de los casos dequebrantamiento de forma que taxativamente deter- minan los artfculos 911 y 912. {Sentencia de lSdeAbnlde 1886.) 1 /. I 'in I i':i el ponente, con laveniadel Presidente, dirigir preguntas a" los procesados, testigos y peritos? "Aunque el cas< so balla previsto en la ley, debe resolverse la duda en Bentido afirmativo, Biempre que ,i dichas preguntas no se oponga la Presidencia, dnica autori- zada para dirigir la discusi6n y las pruebas, y la que en cada caso podra* libremente conceder 6 negar el uso de esa facultad." ( Exposition del Fiaoaldel Tribunal Supremo de U de Septiembn d( 1888, ntim. f8.) Cuando el Presidente no permite que conteste el procesado A alguna pregunta, do procede el recurso de casaci6n conforme a* los ntimeros 3.° j I." del art "I I, puea de la rclacion de cstos con los artfculos 709 y 721, se deduce que las preguntas & que se refiere ban de bacerse a* loe testigos. (Sentencia >!, i; ,i< Juniod* 1884.) 174 Aim. 709. The president shall not permit the witness bo answer any captious, suggestive, or impertinent questions or cross questions. An appeal for annulment of judgement lies from a decision upon this point at the proper time, it' the corresponding exception be noted at once. In Buch case the clerk of the court shall enter upon the record the question or cross-question verbatim which the presiding judge did not permit to he answered.' Akt. 71<». Witnesses shall indicate the grounds for their statements; and should they he from hearsay, they shall state the origin of the which tic may deem advisable, before the other parties can question him, or whether both parties shall have the right to put questions alternatively. "The matter is of little importance in the opinion of the undersigned, who is of opinion that the witness can L'ive liis testimony in either manner, as they are both equally legal ami proper. " It appears to him that, in a larger number of cases, an alternative form of ques- tions by the parties will give to the answers of the witnesses greater clearness and precision, as is the case when an answer having been made to a question put by a party upon a matter, ttie other parties request explanations upon sa'hl point. "But this is no obstacle to the witness being examined indiscriminately by the parties before he concludes his testimony, reserving the preference which the person who presented said witness lias in making said examination. "At any rate, in treating of evidence, it is a rudimentary juridical principle that the greatest liberty he allowed the parties in taking the same, within the limits which the laws may have fixed." Article 708 of the law of criminal procedure jrives to the parties interested in a criminal cause the right to address to the witnesses for the prosecution at an oral and public trial the questions which they may consider proper and which may he perti- nent; ami the presiding judge of a court in not allowing the cross-questions which the counsel for the accused may wish to put to a witness for the prosecution, com- mitted the breach of form mentioned in the first number of article Oil of the law. ( Decision >>/ Ma /•<•/* 7, I884.) The fact of the presiding judge of a court having questioned at an oral trial the witnesses presented byoneof the parties before said party shall have questioned them, upon other points than the circumstances mentioned in the first paragraph of article 4-'!'i of the law of criminal procedure, as article 70S prescribes, does not con- stitute any of the cases of breach of form specifically mentioned in articles 911 and 912. 1 Decision of April 12, 1886. ) 1 May the ponente, with the consent, of the presiding judge, address questions to the accused, the witnesses, or the experts'.' "Although this case has not been provided for by the law, the doubt must be decided in an affirmative sense, provided that the presiding judge and I of article til I, because it is deduced by the connection of said articles with article 70'.' ami 72L that the questions in reference are to lie put to the w itnesses. ( Decision of June lj, 1884- ) 175 nombre y apcllido 6 con las senas con que fuere conocida, a la persona que se le hubiere conunicado. Art. 711. Los testigos sordomudos 6 que no conozcan el idioina espanol, scran cxaminados del uiodo prescrito en los articulos 440, parrafo primero del 441 y 442. Art. 712. Podran las partes pedir que el testigo reconozca los instrumentos 6 efectos del delito, 6 cualquiera otra pieza de conviecion. Art. 713. En los careos del testigo con los procesados, 6 de los testigos entre si, no permitira el Presidente que medien insultos ni amenazas, linritandose la diligencia a dirigirse los careados los cargos y hacerse las observaciones que creyeren convenientes para ponerse de acuerdo 3^ llegar a descubrir la verdad. Art. 714. Cuando la declaration del testigo en el juicio oral no sea conforme en lo sustancial con la prestada en el suniario, podni pedirse la lectura de esta por cualquiera de las partes. Despues de leida, el Presidente invitara al testigo a que explique la diferencia 6 contradiccion que entre sus declaraciones se observe. Art. 715. Siempre que los testigos que hayan declarado en al suniario comparezcan a declarar tambien sobre los mismos hechos en el juicio oral, solo habra lugar a mandar proceder contra ellos como presuntos autores del delito de falso testimonio euando 6ste sea dado en dicho juicio. Fuera del caso previsto en al parrafo anterior, en los demas podni exigirse a los testigos la responsabilidad en que incurran, con arreglo a las disposiciones del Codigo penal. 1 Art. 716. El testigo que se niegue a declarar incurrira en la inulta de »>2'50 a 625 pesetas, que se impondni en el acto. Si a pesar de esto persiste en su negativa, se procedeni contra el como autor del delito de desofoedicncia grave a la Autoridad. 8 1 Habi6ndose consultado & la Fiscalia del Tribunal Supremo sobre si, dado el texto del artfculo que anotamos, ha lugar a pedir el procesamiento de un testigo que di6 falsi 1 testimonio en el suniario, si la causa se sobresee antes de abrirse el juicio, se rcsolvio la duda (Memoria de /■'> known. Akt. 711. Deaf -mute witnesses or those who do no! know the Span- ish language shall be examined in the manner prescribed in articles 44<». the 1st paragraph of 441. and 142. Akt. 71-j. The parties may request that the witness identify the instruments ami effects of the crime or any other exhibits. Akt. 71:'.. At the confrontation of the witness with the persons accused, or of the witnesses with each other, the presiding judge shall not permit that any insults he offered <>r threats made, the proceeding being limited to the persons confronting each other making the charges and remarks winch they may consider advisable in order to agree and discover the ti uth. Akt. 714. When the testimony of the witness at the oral trial does not substantially agree with his testimony at the sumario, the reading of the latter may be requested by any of the parties. Thereupon the presiding judge shall request the witness to explain the difference or contradiction observed in his depositions. Akt. 71.".. When witnesses who have testified at the swnario appear also to testify upon the same facts at the oral trial, they may only he proceeded against as presumed authors of the crime of false testimony when said crime is committed at said trial. With the exception of the case mentioned in the foregoing paragrapo the liability incurred by the witnesses may he enforced in all other cases in accordance with the provisions of the penal code. 1 Akt. 716. A witness who shall refuse to testify shall incur a tine of not less than 62.50 and not more than 625 pesetas, which shall he imposed at once. If, notwithstanding such tine, he should persist in his refusal, pro- ceedings shall be instituted against him as guilty of the crime of seri- ous disobedience to the authorities. 2 1 The office of the focal of tin- Supreme Court having been consulted as to whether, in view of the text of this article, it would he proper to request the institution of proceedings against a witness who gave false testimony at a mmario, if the pro- ceedings are dismissed before the trial is begun, the doubt was decided in an affirma- tive sense [Report of September /•>, 1884, seventh question): ''With regard to false testimony in a criminal cause which shall not have continued as far as the trial, no doubt is really possible, because no law lias revoked or modified the provisions of the penal code upon the matter." -' Must the punishment of a line always be imposed upon a witness who shall refuse to testify, and can proceedings in addition be instituted against him in accordance with the provisions of article 7l»i of the law of criminal procedure? " In view of the importance which the evidence of witnesses generally has, the law has had rails.- t,, require of a witness that be state what he may know at the 176 Art. 717. Las declaraciones de las autoridadea y funcionarios de policia judicial tendnin el valor de declaraciones testificales, apreciables coiao estas segun las reglas del criterio racional. Art. 718. Cuando el testigo no hubiere oomparecido por imposi- bilidad, y el tribunal considere de importancia su declaracion para el exito del juicio, el presidente designara a imo de los individuos del mismo para que, constituyendose en la residencia del testigo, si la tuviere en el lugar del juicio, puedan las partes hacerle las preguntas que con- sideren oportunas. El secretario extendera diligencia, haciendo constar las preguntas y repregnntas que se hayan hecho al testigo, las contestaciones de este y los incidentes que hubieren ocurrido en el acto. 1 Art. 719. Si el testigo imposibilitado de concurrir a la sesi6n no residiere en el punto en que la uiisraa se celebre, se librara exhorto 6 mandamiento para que sea examinado ante el Juez correspondiente, con sujecion a las prescripciones contenidas en esta seccion. Cuando la parte 6 las partes prefieran que en el exhorto 6 manda- miento se consignen por escrito las preguntas 6 repreguntas, <'l Presi- dente accede ra a ello si no fuesen capciosas, sugestivas 6 impertinentes. Art. 720. Lo dispuesto en los articulos anteriores tendra tambien aplicacion al caso en que el tribunal ordcne que el testigo declare 6 practique cualquier reconocimiento en un lugar determinado, fuera de aquel en que se celebre la audiencia. Art. 721. Cuando se desestime cualquiera pregunta por capciosa, sugestiva 6 impertinente en los casos de los tres articulos anteriores, podra prepararse el recurso de casacion del modo prescrito en el art. 709. Art. 722. Los testigos que comparezcan a declarar ante el tribunal tendran derecho a una indenmizacion, si la reclainaren. El tribunal la tijani teniendo en cuenta unicamente los gastos del declarar, incurre en una inulta, y si instate en su negativa ha Lugar ;'t proceder contra 61 como autor del delito de desobediencia grave ;i la autoridad. " Ello no obstante, no hay que confandir la conducta de un testigo, que se restate voluntariamente a declarar, y que merece por ello una correcci6n y hasta un proce- samiento, con la del testigo que manifiesta no recordar el hecho, aun despues de lefda su declaracion del suniario, dehiendo lijarse el Tribunal, en esc caso, en las preguntas que se dirijan a* aquel, ensue palabrasyen cuanto conduzca :i la demonstraci6n de que se han borradomas 6 menos de su memoria aquellos extremos 6 detalles sobre que es preguntado. " En este ultimo caso, parece al inirascrito que no merecera* el testigo que se le comprenda en la disposici6n del ait. 716 de la referida ley." I dfemoria »/<■ /" ciiada Fixca/iu, ill i:, ih S,/,li, nilirr ilr 1888, nihil. fS.) 'Cuando por las declaraciones que los testigos hayan prestado considere el Bscal que puede prescindirse del examen de algunos de los incluidos en su prueba que no hayan comparecido, puede renunciar Alacomparecenciaydeclaraci6n de 1<>s mismos. (Krjiusicii'in ilrl Fiscal del Tribunal Supremo, dt 16 dt Septiembre d* 1888, wtbmeroSO), L76 Art. 717. The testimony of authorities and officials of the judicial police shall have the weight of the testimony <>t' witnesses, and -hall be considered like the latter according to the rules of rational reasoning. Akt. 71s. If the witness should not have appeared on account of inability, and the court should consider his testimony of importance for the Buccess of the action, the presiding judge shall appoint one of the members of the same to go to the residence of the witness, should it be at the place where the trial is being held, in order that the parties may ask the questions which they may consider proper. The secretary of the court shall make a record of the questions and cross-questions put to the witness, his answers, and the incidents occur- ring at the proceeding. Art. 71!'. If the witness unable to appeal- at the proceedings should not reside at the place where they are held, letters rogatory or a man- date -hall be issued for his examination before the proper judge, in accordance with the provisions contained in this section. When the party or parties prefer that the questions or cross-ques- tions tic written, the presiding judge shall consent thereto if they are not caption-. Buggestive, or impertinent. Akt. 720. The provisions of the foregoing articles shall also apply to tin- case where the court orders the witness to testify or make any investigation at a determined place beyond that where the hearing is held. Akt. 721. When any question is ruled out as captious, suggestive, or impertinent, in the cases of the three preceding articles, the appeal for annulment of judgment may he prepared in the manner prescribed in article 7"'.». Art. ~i'l'l. Witnesses appearing to testify before a court shall he entitled to an indemnity, should they claim it. The court shall fix the same, taking into consideration only the cost oral trial, and il lie shall refuse to testify lie incurs a due. and if lie shall insist in his refusal then proceedings may he instituted against him as the author of the crime of seriou.- disobedience to the authority. "Nevertheless, the conduct of a witness who voluntarily refuses to testify, deserv- ing a correction and even an indictment, must not he confounded with that of a wit- ness who pleads that he does not reniemher a fact, even after hie deposition at the mmario has heen read, and the court should in such case observe the questions put to him, his words, and all that may conduce to show that the [natters or details upon which he is questioned have more or less escaped his memory. " In the latter cage the undersigned is of the opinion that the witness should not he included in the provision of article 716 of the said law." I Report of the ^foresaid office qf September IS, 1888, number 48. | ^473— 01 23 177 viajey el importe de los jornales perdidos por el testigo eon motivo de su comparecencia para declarar 1 . Skccion Tebceba. — Del informe pericidL Art. 723. Los peritos podran ser recusadoa por las causas y en la forma presciitas en los articulos 4-68, 469 y 470. La sustanciacion dc los incidentes de recusation tendra Lugar pre- cisamente en el tiempo que media desde la admision de las pruebas pro- puestas por las partes hasta la apertura de las sesiones. Art. 724. Los peritos que no hayan sido recusadoa serin examinadoa juntos cuando deban declarar sobre unos mismos hechos. y rontestaran a las preg'untas y repreguntas que las partes les dirijan. Art. 7*25. Si para contestarlas eonsiderasen necesaria la pnictica de cualquier reconocimiento, haran este aeto continuo en el local de la misma audiencia, si fuere posible. En otro caso se suspendera la sesion por el tiempo necesario, a no ser que puedan continual' practicandose otras diligencias de prueba entre tanto que los peritos veritican el reconocimiento. 2 1 En panto ;i indemnizaciones de testigos, han ocurrido tres dudas: 1." si los testigos indemnizables son dnicamente los venidos al juicio ;i instancia del Ministerio fiscal, 6 lo son tambien los de las demas partes. "No distinguiendo como no distingue la ley entre los testigos presentados por el Ministerio fiscal y los (pie lo fueren a instancia de las demas partes, en panto ;i la indenmizacion a todos debida, no cabe que en la practica se introduzean tampoco distinciones sobre el particular. 2. a Si los testigos indemnizables son unicamente los braceros 6 jornaleros 6 toda clase de testigos, sea la que fuere su posicion social 6 modo de vivir. "Diciendo, como dice la lay de un modo claro y tenninante t'li el parrafo segundo del art. 722: que para fijar la indenmizacion AnicamerUe se tendran en cuenta los gus- tos de viaje y el importe de los jornales perdidos por el testigo, parece ocioeatoda cuestion que tienda a averiguar la clase social del testigo indemnizaUe." 3. a Si se ha de indenmizar tanto a los testigos forasteros como a los vecinos del lugar donde se celebre el juicio, puesto que los dispendios, quebrantoe 6 perjuicioe a que la idea de la indenmizacion responde, no son los viajes sue unicas causa-. " El mismo artfculo antes citado distingue claramente los gastoa de viaje y los jor- nales perdidos. Seran, pues, necesariamente acumulablee cuando ainbos existan, y babra* Lugar al abono por uno solo de dichos conceptos, cuando existiere unosolo." ( Circular de in Fiscalia del Tribunal Supremo i de Abrii '/- t8i - De la disposici6n de este artfculo y de la (ndole del medio de prueba de peritos, se deduce que no deben negarSC :i los peritos los datos y antecedentes que estitueii necesario8 para emitir el informe 6 dictamen que se Lea pida, aunque para ello sea necesario suspender La sesion, como ordena dicho artfculo. | Sentencia de 9 dt Mar:*' de 1885. i of the trip and the daily wage which the witness iim\ have losl by reason examination necessary, they shall make the same immediately in the court room of the said audiencia, if possible. Otherwise the proceedings shall be suspended the necessary time unless other evidence can be taken while the experts make the exam- ination. 2 1 With regard to indemnities to witnesses, three doubts have arisen: 1. Whether the only witnesses entitled to an indemnity are those cited at the instance of the public prosecutor, or whether the witnesses of the other parties are also included. "As the law does not make any distinction between witnesses presented by the prosecution and those presented by the parties with regard to the indemnity to which they are all entitled, it i- impossible to introduce distinctions in practice upon this question." 1'. If the witnesses entitled to an indemnity are day laborers only, or all witnesses, whatever he their social position or means of livelihood. "Saying, as the law does in a clear and final manner in the second paragraph of article 7l'l', that in order to fix the indemnity only the cost of the trip and the wages lost by the witnesses shall be taken into consideration, any question tending to ascer- tain the social position of a witness entitled to an indemnity appears superfluous." :i. Whether witnesses living beyond the place of the trial are to be indemnified as well as those residing in the same, as the expenses or damages which the idea of an indemnity involves are not caused simply by the trip. "The aforecited article makes a clear distinction between travelling expenses and the wages lost. Thus, when both are present, they must necessarily be cumulative, and payment for one of said causes may be made when only the one cause is present. ( Circular <»/' //<<• office of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of Ajiril ./', 1884.) 'From the provisions of this article and the character of the evidence of expert*, it is deduced that the experts can not be refused the data and information which the\ may deem necessary in order to give the opinion or report demanded of them, even though it should he necessary to suspend the session therefor, as prescribed by said article. ( Decision of March 9, 1885. ) 178 Secci6n Cuaeta. — De la prueba documental y de la inspection ocular. Art. T2H. El tribunal examinara* por si mismo los libros, documen- tor, papeles y demas de conviccion que puedan contribuir al esclare- cimiento do los hechos 6 a la mas segura investigacion de la verdad. Akt. 727. Para la prueba de inspeccion ocular que no se haya practicado antes de la apertura de las sesiones, si el lugar que deba ser inspeccionado se hallase en la capital, se constituiran on el el tribunal c-on las partes, y el secretario extender:! diligencia expresiva del lugar 6 eosa inspeccionada, haciendo constar en ella las observa- ciones de las partes y demas incidentes que ocurran. Si el lugar estuviere fuera de la capital, se constituiri en el con las partes el individuo del tribunal que el presidents designe, practican- dose las dilig-encias en la forma establecida en el parrafo anterior. En todo lo demas se estara, en cuanto fuere necessario. a lo dispuesto en el titulo 5.°, capitulo 1.° del libro segundo. Sbccion Quinta. — Disposicionee comunes >'< las cuatro secciorm anteriores. Art. 728. No podran practicarse otras diligencias de prueba que las propuestas por las partes, ni ser examinados otros testigos que los comprendidos en las listas presentadas. 1 'oQ lK> diligencias del sumario deberan ser reproducidas en el juicio oral y males otras sera )>astante que se lean en dicho juicio? "El artfculo 730 de la ley de enjuiciarniento criminal establece que puedan leerse, ;i instaneia de cualquiera de las partes, Las diligenciae practicadas en el sumario que, por causas independientes ;i la voluntad de aquellas, no puedan sit reproducidaa en el juicio oral. "No pudiendo repetirse los reconocimientos facultativos en las causas de leaiones y muertes, claro es que solo procedera - su lectura. Esto no obsta ;i (pie las partes liti- gantes puedan pedir, como otras de tantas pruebasque ;i su derecho convenga practi- car, las declaraciones (pie parezcan pertinentea de los facultativos que entendieron en los reconocimientos, y que a su juicio puedan ilustrar cuestiones ;i quedichos reconoci- mientos dieran lugar. "Acerca de este punto, conviene teneren cuenta las Lndicaciones que se bail hecho tratandose del valor probatorio de las diligencias del sumario y que resultan con- signadas en la instrucci6n numero 52 de las de esta fiscalfa." ( Memorin del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo 1883, numero /.''. No es admisible la sustituci6n de algunos >\t' los testigos comprendidos en las listas por otras distintos, pues el artfculo ;i que esta nota sc refiere prohibe examinar otros testigos i) 1 "' l |,s comprendidos en las listas presentadas. (Sentencia La desesiiniacion (!<• diligencias i por tal medio no sc impide la prac- tica de las que sc consideren 6 deban 'If considerarse [>ertinentes porsu infiuencia en 17s S» mon Foitbth Dotwmentary eridenre awl ocular inspection. Aim. 7 j * '. . The court shall examine in person the books, documents, papers, und other exhibits which may contribute to an elucidation of the facts or to a more certain investigation of the truth. Akt. 727. For th sular inspection, should it not have been held before the opening of the session, if the place to be inspected be situated at the seal of the court, it shall adjourn to said place with the parties, and the clerk shall make a record of the place 1 or thing inspected, em bodying therein the remarks of the parties and any other incidents which may occur. If the place should be situated without said such member of the court as the presiding judge may designate shall proceed to the same with the parties, the proceedings being had in the manner estab- lished in the preceding paragraph. The provisions of Title 5, Chapter L. of the second l>ook shall he observed in all other matt-el's, in so far as necessary. Section Fifth. — Provisions common \<> (he four preceding section*. Art. 728. No other evidence can he taken than that proposed by the parties, nor may any other witnesses be examined but those included in the lists presented. 1 'What proceedings had at the mmario must be had again at the oral trial, and in what proceedings does a reading thereof suffice at said trial? " Article 730 of the Law of Criminal Procedure establishes that, at the instance of any of the parties, auch proceedings had at the mmario may be read, which, for rea- sons beyond the control of th.- said parties, can not be reproduced at the oral trial. "As professional examinations can not be repeated in causes involving physical injuries and death, it is evident that a reading of the results thereof only can take place. This is not an obstacle to the parties litigant requesting, together with the taking of BUCh other evidence which they may he entitled to request, the statement which may appear pertinent of the physicians conducting the examinations, and which, in their judgment, may throw lighi upon questions arising from said exami- nations. "With regard to this point, it is necessary to consider the statements made with reference to the probatory value of the proceedings of the mmario, and which have been embodied in the fifty-second instruction of this office." (Report of the fiscal of the Supreme <' iu propuesta en tiempo y forma ni hallarae tampoco notoriamente en ningunode los casos de exception que prefija el artfeulo 729 f the witnesses with each other or with the accused, or the latter with each other, which the presiding judge may order at hi- own or at the instance <>t' any of the parties. l'. The taking of evidence Dot submitted by any of the parties which the court may consider necessary for the verification of any of the acts the subject-matter of the written classification. 8. The taking of evidence of any kind which the parties may submit at the trial for the purpose of proving some circumstance which may beai upon the probatory value of the deposition of a witness, if the court should consider the same admissible. 1 Akt. 7:'»<». The proceedings had at the 8v/ma/rio, which for reasons beyond the control of the parties can not be reproduced at the oral trial, may also be read at the instance of any of them. Aim. 731. The court shall take the measures necessary to avoid that accused persons enjoying temporary liberty absent themselves, or fail to appear at the sittings of the court from the time they begin until sentence is pronounced. is not prevented, necessarily considering the state in which it is produced anil that in which it is rejected. {Decision of December 29, 1884.) The law does not authorize the reading or the presentation of documents at the trial, at which only such evidence shall be heard as has been proposed in due time, unless the court shall consider other evidence admissible by reason of its intluence in weighing the probatory value of the testimony. (Derision of October 19, 1885.) 'In connection witli the application of the provisions of this article, the Supreme ( 'oiirt stated in a decision of June 30, 1883, that as the law permits the confrontation of the accused and of the latter with the witnesses, it is obvious that it also permits that the matters which are to be the subject of the confrontation be proposed to the accused, ami that such questions Ik- put to them as may tend to establish the truth, without there being any provision prohibiting that the latter be made, but oi> the contrary article 385 of the said law authorizes the judge to take as many depositions of the accused as he may consider advisable; and in another decision of March 13, 1884, it declared thai an appeal for annulment of judgment lies on account of the refusal to permit a confrontation between the accused and a witness requested at the time of the trial: "Considering that the confrontation of the witness with the accused is pertinent, unless there should exist other means sufficient to decide the questions, whatever lie the result of the former, which reasons the ( 'handier should have stated as a hasis for its refusal. "Considering that on account of the nonexistence of motives in the present case which woidd make the confrontation improper, it is impossible to sustain the legality of the refusal, and, therefore, there exists a breach of procedure." The additional taking of evidence requested by the accused in a petition pre- sented after a day has been set for the beginning of the trial, is not proper, not hav- ing been presented in due time ami form nor being included in any of the exceptional cases provided for in article 729 of the Law of Criminal Procedure. Decision of March 17, 1885. ISO CAPITULo TV. DK LA ACUSACION. 1 >E LA DEFENSA Y DE LA SENTENCIA. Art. 732. Practicadas las diligencias de la prueba, las partes podr&n modificar las conclusiones de los escritos de calificaci6n. En esto caso formularan por escrito las nuevas conclusiones y las entregaran al presidente del tribunal. Las conclusiones podran formularse en forma alternativa, Begun lo dispuesto en el artieulo 653. ' Art. 733. Si juzgando por el resultado de las pruebas entendiere el tribunal que el hecho justificable ha sido calificado con manitiesto error, podra el presidente emplear la siguiente formula: Sin que Sea vista prejuzgar el f alio drjinit't r<> *<,},,; Ins <■<>,,<■! uslones de la acusacion y la defensa, el tribunal desea que el fiscal y los defensores del procesado (6 los defensores de las partes cuando fuesen varias) le ikistren acercadesi el hecho justificable constituye el delito de 6 si existe la circunstancia eximente de responsabilidad a que se refiere el numero .... del artieulo .... del codigo penal. Esta facultad excepeional, de que el tribunal usara eon moderaeion, no se extiende a las causas por delitos que solo pueden perseguirse a instaneia de parte, ni tampoco es aplicable a los errores que hayan podido cometerse en los escritos de calificacion, asi respecto de la apre- ciacion de las circunstancias atenuantes y agravantes, como en cuanto a la partieipacion de eada uno de los procesados en la ejeeueion del delito publico que sea materia del juicio. Si el fiscal 6 eualquiera de los defensores de las partes indicaren que 1 En sentencia de 28 de Enero de 1884 deelaru el Tribunal Supremo que la sentencia que condena por el delito objeto de la calificacion no pena uno mas grave que el acusado, aunque el fiscal haya pedidoen el acto del juicio la absoluci6n del reo, fundado en que no hay pruebas para condenarle, yapreciando t'-stas de distinto modo que la sala, que no esta obligada ;i Bujetarse en este punto al criterio fiscal. Veaseen la nota al artieulo 650, el mini. 40 tie la Memoria del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de 15 de Beptiembre de 1883. La cuestion sobre si el tribunal puede condenar al proeesadn acusado. si nose ha fonnuladii acusacion detinitiva, es de canicter esencialmente procesal. \ la >ala 2." del Supremo no time jurisdiccion para resolverla, BegUD seiiteiicias de 17 y 20 de Enero de 1887; pero no dclicni eutendeise esto CUando la sentencia recanla imponga la ultima pena, piles en tal caso dicha sala puede estimar todos los motivoeque vician el lallo, tanto por infraccion de ley COmO por tjiielirantaiiiieuto de ionna, \ decidir si la Ealta final decision upon tin conclusions of the accusation and fh, , 1883, in the note to article 650. The .question as to whether a court can condemn an accused person undergoing trial if no definite accusation has heen formulated, is of a character essentially of procedure, and the second chamber of the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction todecide it, in accordance with a decision of January 17 and 20, 1887; hut such is not the case when the sentence pronounced imposes the extreme penalty, because then said chamber may consider all the motives which vitiate the sentence, for a violation of law as well as for a breach of form, and decide whether the absence of an accusation places the sentence within the provisions of number 3 of article 912. 181 no cstim suficientemente preparados para discutir la cuestion propuesta por el presidente, se suspendera la sesion hasta el siguiente dia. 1 Art. 734. Llegado el momento de informar, el presidente conce- de n'i la palabra al fiscal si fuere parte en la causa, y despucs al defen- sor del acusador particular, si lo hubiese. En sus informes expondran estos los hechos que consideren proba- dos en el juicio, su caliticaeion Legal, la participation que en ellos hayan tenido los procesados y la responsabilidad civil que hayan contraido los mismos u otras personas, asi corao las cosas que scan su objeto, 6 la cantidad en que deban ser reguladas cuando los informantes 6 sus representantes ejerciten tambien la accion civil. Art. 735. El presidente concedera despucs la palabra al defensor del actor civil, si lo hubiere, quien limitara su informe a los puntos concernientes a la responsabilidad civil. Art. 736. En seguida dara la palabra a los defensores de los proce- sados, y despucs de ellos a los de las personas eivilmente responsables, si no se defendieren bajo una sola representation con aquellos. Art. 737. Los informes de los defensores de las partes se acomoda- ran a las conclusiones que definitivamente hayan formulado, y en su caso a la propuesta por el presidente del tribunal con arreglo a lo dis- pucsto en el articulo 733. Art. 738. Despues de estos informes, solo sera" permitido a las partes la rectiticacion de hechos y conceptos. 1 Segtin declaro el Tribunal Supremo en sentencia de 23 de Septiembre de L884, cuando el fiscal modihea sus conclusiones en el actodel juicio y aprecia que el delito cs menos grave que el que calificd en estas, el tribunal que condena al peo conforme ;i la calificacion nnis grave sin hacer uso de la facultad establecida en el ait. 7:!.'!, incurre en el quebrantamiento de forma del numero3.° delartfculo912; yen el miamo caso esta, a tenor de otra sentencia de 23 de Diciembredel mismoafio, la Bentencia que condena al reo, cuando el fiscal ha modificado en el acto del juicio sue conclu- siones, pidiendo la absoluciun, por no constituir delito los hechos perseguidos, sieui- preque el tribunal no haya hechousode la facultad que !«• concede el citadoarti'culo 733. Cuando el tribunal liace uso de la facultad que le da el articulo 733, y la penacorrec- cional solicitada por la acusaci6n no ee procedente, Begun la calificaci6D aceptada, ami cuando el procesado y SU defensa st' confonncii con aquella. puede la Bentencia dcci-etar otra ajustada a la ley, mandando previamente continual- el juicio. {Sentencia Dieiembn de y.v.v^.) 181 state thai they are not sufficiently prepared to argue the question pro posed by the presiding judge, an adjournment shall be taken to the follow ing day. 1 * Ai:t. 734. When the time for argument arrives, the presiding judge shall allow the prosecuting official to speak, if he bea party to the cause, and afterwards the counsel for the private accuser, if there be one. In their arguments they shall state the acts which they consider to be proved in the cause, their Legal classification, the participation therein of the accused, and the civil liability which may have been incurred by them or by other persons, as well as the things which may be the object thereof, or the amount at which it should he fixed, when they or their representatives also exercise a civil action. Art. 735. The presiding judjjfo shall thereupon permit counsel for the civil plaintiff to speak, if there lie any. who shall confine his argu- ment to the points relating to the civil liability. Art. 736. Thereupon the counsel for the persons accused shall be allowed to speak, and then the persons civilly liable, should they not t>c represented by the same counsel. Art. 737. The arguments of the counsel of the parties shall relate to the conclusions which may have been definitely formulated, and in a propei- case to the proposition of the presiding- judge of the court in accordance with the provisions of article 733. Art. 738. After these arguments the parties shall only be permitted to rectify the facts and their views. •As the Supreme Court declared in a decision of September 23, 1SS4, when the fiscal modifies his conclusions at the trial and considers that the crime is less grave than he qualified it therein, a court which condemns a criminal in accordance with the graver classification without availing itself of the privilege granted by article 7:;:;, incurs the breach of form of number 3 of article 912; and a sentence condemn- ing a criminal when the fiscal has modified his conclusions at the trial, requesting au acquittal on account of the acts prosecuted not constituting a crime, incurs the same breach, provided the court has not availed itself of the privilege granted by the sai l: dt Dieiembre dt 1838. | Contra la apreciacion de la prueba, ya sea relativa d la existeneia de tal 6 cual delito, ya d, la criminalidad de !a persona ;i qnien se imputa una participation mayor 6 inenor, no procede nunca el recurso de casacion, pues ademas de no estar taxativaniente comprendido este caso entre los enumerados en el articulo 849, no cabe sefialar infrac- tion ninguna legal, cuando el legislador ha dejado en absolute ;i la conciencia del juz- gador semejante apreciacion, segiin el contexto literal y terminante del articulo 741. (Sentencia 17 '/<• Enero ues si estimase conveniente depurar algdn hecho comprendido en los escritos de caliticacion, tiene facultades para esclarecerlo, con arreglo al mini. L'" del articulo 729. (Sentencia de 20 f the arguments for tin' prosecution and defense, the presiding judge shall ask the persons accused whether they have anything to state to the court. Any person answering affirmative] y shall be allowed to -peak. The presiding judge shall take care that the persons accused, in their addresses, shall not offend good morals, nor fail in the respect due the court, nor in the proper consideration to all persons, and that thej confine themselves to what may be pertinent, otherwise silencing them. Ai.-r. 740. After the counsel for the parties and the persons accused in a proper case have spoken, the presiding judge shall declare the trial concluded and ready for sentence. Art. 741. The court shall pronounce sentence within the period fixed in this law, considering according to its conscience the evidence submitted at the trial, the arguments of the prosecution and the defense, and the statements of the persons accused. 1 Art. 74l>. All the questions which may have been the object of the trial shall be decided in the sentence convicting or acquitting the per- sons accused not only as to the principal crime and those connected therewith, but also as to the incidental offenses which may have been heard in the cause, but the court can not herein employ the formula of a dismissal of proceedings as to those of the accused whom it holds it should not condemn. All questions relating to the civil liability which may have been the subject matter of the action shall also be decided in the sentence. 2 1 The sentencing court can not and must not consider declarations not made at the oral and public trial. ( Decision of December IS, 1883.) An appeal for annulment of judgment never lies from the consideration of the evidence, whether relating to the existence of this or that crime, or to the crimi- nality of the person against whom a greater or lesser participation is charged, because in addition to not being specifically included among the cases enumerated in article 849, it is not possible to charge any legal infraction, when the legislator has left absolutely to the conscience of the jndge such consideration according to the literal and specific context of article 741. (Decision of January 17, 1884.) According to article 741 of the said law, the sentencing court, in order to render its decision, must only conscientiously weigh the evidence taken at the trial, the argu- ments of the prosecution and defense, and the statements of the accused themselves; but if he considers it advisable to verify some fact included in the written classifica- tions, he has powers to elucidate it in accordance with number 2 of article 72!'. ( Decision of September ;o, 1886.) 2 The doubt as to whether the oral trial should be held after the opening of the same has been moved and decreed if do grounds upon which to formulate an accusa- tion should be found, has been decided negatively, because a dismissal of proceed- ings can take place Only before the opening of the trial, after the conclusion of the investigation; it is useless therefore, to seek analogies between the precepts of this article ami those of article 855. ( Circular of the presiding judge of iln Supreme Court of July 14, 1S84-) On the occasion of the application of the provisions of this article, the Supreme Court declared that the sentencing court can not and should not consider declara- 1 83 Art. 743. El secretario del tribunal extender;! acta de cada sesion que se celebre } r en ella hara eonstar sueintamente cuanto importante hubiere ocurrido. Al terminal' la sesion se leera el acta, haciendose en ella las rectiti- eaciones que las partes reelaruen, si el tribunal en el acto las estima proeedentes. Las actas se tirmaran por el presidente e individuos del tribunal, por el fiscal y por los defensores de las partes. 1 CAPITULO V. DE LA SUSPENSION DEL JUICIO ORAL. Art. 744. Abierto el juicio oral, continuara durante todas las sesio- nes eonsecutivas que sean necesarias hasta su conclusion. Art. 745. No obstante lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, el presi- dente del tribunal podra suspender la apertura de las sesiones cuando deelaraciones que no se han hecho en el juicio oral y piiblico (sentencia •>, J-: de Dieu mbre de 1883); y que es constante jurisprudencia que la sentencia que absuelve 6 condena, resuelve todos los puntos que han sido objeto de la acusacion y de la defensa (sentencia de 5 de Abril de 1884)- Ni el articulo 742 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, ni otro algnno, previene que se consignen en la sentencia las razones alegadas por la defensa del procesado para no conforrnarse con las conclusiones del rninisterio fiscal. (Sentencia de 8 de Qctubre d>- 1885.) La infraccion del articulo 742 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal no pnede Ber fundamento del recurso de casacion por infraccion de ley, contra sentencia definitiva, por no estar comprendida en los casos que taxativamente determina el articulo 849 de la inisma ley. (Sentencia de 23 de Diciembre de 1885.) La sentencia que expresa en sus considerandos que en la comision de un delito de asesinato no concurrieron circunstancias atenuantes, no adolece de defectoen su redac- cion por no haberse resueltoenla mismasobre las circunstancias atenuantes alegadas por el recurrente. (Sentencia de 12 de Abril de 1886. ) La absolution libre del processado por el delito que ha sido objeto del juicio, dictada de conformidad con la acusacion fiscal, no obsta para que si el tribunal Bentenciador estima por la resultancia de los autos que el mismo procesado puede aer responsable de una falta no incidental, mande de oficio sacar el oportuno testimonio para que el juez municipal competente proceda a lo que haya lugar, sin que por ello se infrinja el articulo que anotainos ni se incurraen el quebrantamiento de forma ;i que se ntiere el num. 2° del articulo 912. (Sentencia de 19 de Febrero d, t887. I •La duda de si en el acta que de cada sesion del juicio oral extiende el secretario, deberan consignarse las contestacionesque den los testigos, ha sido reeueltaen sentido aegativo pore) fiscal del Tribunal Sui)remo en la exposieiuii de 15 de Septiembrede L883, num. .")»;. !>.■ conformidad c<>n el dictamea anterior, en Bentencia de !»'!«• Ainil 001884, consign6 el Tribunal Supremo que, por mas que el artfeulo 743 ordena queen electa del juicio debe hacerse eonstar sueintamente cuanto importante hubiere ocu- rrido, esto, sin embargo, do autoriza para que se consignen eon extension las declare- .loins de los testigos, porque este procedimiento prolongaria inutilmente la sesiones. 183 Ai:t. 743. The clerk of the court shall make a record of each sitting held, mid shall state therein succinctly everything important which may have occurred. The record shall t>e rend at the end of the session, such corrections as the parties may demand being made therein, if the court shall at the time consider them proper. The record shall be signed by the presiding judge and members of the court, the prosecuting official, and counsel of the parties. 1 CHAPTER V. SUSPENSION <)F THE ORAL TRIAL. Ai;r. 744. After the oral trial has been begun it shall be continued the number of consecutive sessions as may be necessary until its con- clusion. Art. 745. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing article, the presiding judge of the court may suspend the opening of the ses- tions not made at the oral and public trial (derision of December IS, 1883); and that it is unchangeable jurisprudence that a sentence acquitting or convicting decides all points which have been the subject of the accusation and defense. (Decision of April 5, 1884-) Neither article 742 of the law of criminal procedure nor any other article provides that the sentence shall set forth the reasons alleged by the counsel for the accused for not agreeing to the conclusions of the prosecuting official. ( Decision of October 8, 1885. ) A violation of article 742 of the law of criminal procedure can not serve as a basis for an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law from a final sentence, of not being included in the cases specifically mentioned in article 849 of the said law. (Decision of December 93, 1885.) A sentence which states in its considerandos that in the commission of a crime of assassination no extenuating circumstances were present does not contain a defect in it.- ('reparation because the same has not passed upon the extenuating circumstances pleaded by the appellant. (Decision of April l..\ 1886.) The absolute acquittal of the accused of the crime which has been the subject of the action, in acctadance with the accusation of the public prosecutor, is not an obstacle to the sentencing court if it considers from the result of the proceedings that the said accused may he liable for an offense not incidental thereto, ordering on its own motion that the proper transcript be made, so that the respective municipal judge may take the proper steps without violating thereby this article nor incurring the breach of form referred to in number 2 of article 912. ( Decision <>f February 19, 1887. ) 'The doubt as to whether there should lie embodied in the record which the sec- retary makes of each session of the oral trial the answers which the witnesses may give, has been decided negatively by the fiscal of the Supreme Court in his report of September L5, 1883, No..")(). In accordance with the foregoing report, in a decision of April 9, 1884, the Supreme Court established that although article 473 orders that the record of the trial must contain a succinct statement of all that may have taken place, this, nevertheless, does not grant authority to record the statements of the \\ itnesses in full, because such proceeding would extend the time of (he session uselessly. \ 184 las partes, por liiotivos independientes de su voluntad, no tuvieren preparadas las pruebas bfrecidas en sus respective escritos. 1 Art. 746. Procedera ademas la suspension del juicio oral en los casos siguientes: 1.° Cuando el tribunal tuviere que resolver durante los debates alguna cuestion incidental que por cualquier causa fundada no pueda decidirse en el acta 2.° Cuando eon arreglo a esta lev el tribunal 6 alguno de sus indi- viduos tuviere que practical" alguna diligencia fuera del lugar de las sesiones y no pudiere veriticarse en el tiempo intermedio entre una y otra sesion. 3.° Cuando no comparezcan los testigos de cargo y de descargo ofre- cidos por las partes y el tribunal considere necesaria la declaracion de los mismos. Podra, sin embargo, el tribunal acordar en este caso la continuacion del juicio y la practica de las demas pruebas, y despues que se hayan hecho, suspenderlo hasta que comparezcan los testigos ausentes. 8 Si la no comparecencia del testigo fuere por el motivo expuesto en el articulo 718, se procedera como se determina en el mismo y en los dos siguientes. 4.° Cuando algun individuo del tribunal 6 el defensor de cualquiera de las partes enfermare repentinamente hasta el punto de que no pueda continual' tomando parte en el juicio, ni pueda ser reemplazado el ultimo sin grave inconveniente para la defensa del interesado. Lo dispuesto en este numero respecto a los defensores de las partes se entiende aplicable al fiscal. 5.° Cuando alguno de los procesados se halle en el caso del numero anterior, en terminos de que no pueda estar presente en el juicio. La suspension no se acordara por esta causa sino despues de haber 1 1 Puede decretarse de oficio la suspension del termino sefialado para la apertura de las sesiones. por falta de preparation de los elementos de prueba? "El articulo 747 de la ley de enjuiciamento criminal (dice el fiscal del Tribunal Supremo en la instruction 13 de la memoriade 1886) resuelve esta consulta al expre- sarque en los casos 1.°, 2.°, 4." y 5.° del articulo 74H, el tribunal podra decretar de oficio la suspension, y en los demas, entre los cuales se halla el consultado, la de< re- tard, siendo precedente, a instancia de parte." Habrd de suspenderse el juicio oral siempre que el proceaado no comparesca. i Expo8ici6n del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo dr i:> ih Septieinbn d, 1883, n&m. 67.) *Si dejaaen de comparecer en el juicio oral los teetigoe de caii, r <', ieertS bastante que Be dr lectura :i bus declaracionee BUinarialea? [Jnicamente cuando la declaracion de un testigo no ofrece iiuportancia 6 no B6 espere que arroje mayor luz para el descubrimiento de los hechoe, y como caso extremo, se podrd recurrir .i bu Lectura, aplicando la disposition del articulo 780 de esta ley. ( Expo9id6n del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de 16 de SepHembre d> 1883, warn. 68.) 184 sions when the parties, for reasons beyond their control, Bhould not have the evidence offered in their respective pleadings ready. 1 Art. 746. A suspension of the oral action shall also be proper in the following cases: l. When the court is obliged to decide during the arguments some incidental question which for any sufficient cause can not be decided then and there. •1. When in accordance with this law the court or any of its mem- bers should be obliged to hold some proceeding beyond the place where the sessions are being held, and when this proceeding can not be had during the time intervening between two sessions. 3. When the witnesses for the prosecution and defense offered by the parties do not appear, and when the court considers their testimony necessary. Nevertheless, the court may in such case order the continuation of the trial and the taking of the other evidence, and after this has been done suspend proceedings until the absent witnesses appear. 2 If the failure of the witnesses to appear should be for the reasons stated in article 718, the procedure shall be in accordance with said article and the two following. 4. When any member of the court or the counsel of any of the par- ties should become suddenly ill to the extent of not being able to con- tinue taking part in the trial, and can not be replaced without serious injury to the defense of the person interested. The provisions of this number with regard to the counsel of the parties shall also apply to the prosecuting official. 5. If any of the persons accused be included in the case of the fore- going Dumber to the extent of not being able to be present at the trial. The suspension shall not be ordered for this cause until the physi- 1 Can the suspension of the term fixed for the opening of the sittings he ordered at the instance of the court on account of a lack of preparation of the elements of proof? " Art. 747 of the Law of Criminal Procedure (says the fiscal of the Supreme Court in the thirteenth instruction of the report of 1886) decides this question in stating that in the first, second, fourth, and fifth cases of article 746 the court may at its own instance order the suspension, and in the other cases, among which is included the one in question, it shall order it, if proper, on motion of a party." The oral trial must he suspended whenever the accused does not appear. Report of the fiscal of tin' Supreme Court of September 15, 188.3, No. 57.) 2 If the witnesses for the prosecution should fail to appear at the oral trial would it suffice to read their testimony at the BUmariof Only when the testimony of a witness is not of importance, or it is not expected that it will give more light for the discovery of the facts, and as an extreme case the leading thereof may he resorted to, applying the provisions of art 730 of this law. | Report of the fiscal of the Supreme Court of September IB, 1888, No 58.) 1847:'. 01 24 185 oido a los facultativos nombrados de oficio para el reconocimiento de. enfermo. 1 6.° Cuando revelaciones 6 retractaeiones inesperadas produzcan alte- raciones gustanciales en los juicios, haciendo necesarios auevos ele- mentos de prueba 6 alguna sumaria instruceion suplementaria. 2 1 Los incisos 4." y 5.° del artfculo 746 quedan modificados para Cuba en la forma siguiente: 4.° Cuando algiin individuo del tribunal 6 el fiscal 6 el defensor de cualquiera de las partes enfermare repentinamente hastael punto que no pueda continual- tomando parte en el juicio oral, ni pueda ser reemplazado el ultimo inmediatamente. ae lijani un nuevo dia que no pasara del decimo; y si aun entonces dicho defensor u otro nombrado por el acusado no pudiere comparecer, el tribunal nombrara uno de oficio y hard bajo su responsabilidad que el juicio se efectue antes de los diez di'as siguientes, cuyo termino sera improrrogable. Cuando haya varios acusados y varios abogados defensores, si alguno de estos abo- gados dejare de comparecer, el tribunal debeni en el acto seiialar defensor a aquellos acusados cuyos abogados no hayan comparecido por cualquier motivo entre los abo- gados presentes de los otros procesados siempre que no bubiere interesee encontra- dos. Si los hubiere, se suspendera el juicio para dentro de diez di'as a lo sumo. 5.° Cuando el acusado, no habiendo mas de uno, estuviere enfermo (como se especifica en el artfculo anterior) al extremo que no pudiere asistir al juicio, se suspendera este; pero si hubiere mas de un procesado y el tribunal creyese que el juicio puede celebrarse, se efectuara con los que hayan concurrido con sus abogados, sin perjuicio de fijar nueva fecha para llevar a cabo el de los que no hubieren comparecido. En todos los casos de no comparecencia, el acusado estard obligado a probar su enfermedad, presentando certificacion de dos medicos, bajo juramento (cuyo jura- mento se prestara ante el tribunal 6 ante notario) expresando la clase de enfermedad y su absoluta imposibilidad de asistir al juicio. La fijacion de nuevo dia no pasara de los diez siguientes. ( Vease en el Aphid ire I, hi orden num. 181 de Abril SO de 1900. ) 2 Si bien con arreglo al caso 6.° del artfculo 746 de la ley de enjoiciamieuto criminal, cuando revelaciones 6 retractaciones inesperadas produzcan alteraciones BUStanciales en los juicios, haciendo necesarios nuevos elementos de prueba 6 alguna sumaria instruceion suplementaria, procedeni la suspension del juicio oral, no es una retrac- tacion inesperada ni implica si<]uiera contradiccion por parte del acusado el no haberse este confesado en el juicio oral culpable del delito que Be le atribuyera <-tnhn r Cuba to read as follows: 4th. Whenever any member of the court, or the fiscal or counsel for any of the parties, should fall suddenly ill, and n<>t be able to take part in the oral trial, and a substitute can not be found immediately for said counsel, the trial shall beset for another day within the next ten. If said counsel, <>r any other appointed by the accused, Bhould n<>t be able to appear even then, the court shall appoint one de oficio (by its own action ) and responsibility, in order that the trial may take place within the following ten days; which period shall not be subject to extension. Whenever there are several parties accused and several lawyers for the defense, if any one of said lawyers should fail to appear, the court shall appoint counsel for the party mi- parties accused, whose lawyer may have failed to appear for any reason, from among the lawyers present belonging to the other persons under trial, provided there he no opposing interests involved. In the latter ease the trial will be set within the next ten days at most. 5th. A trial shall be suspended if the party accused, there being but one, be so ill (as specified in the preceding paragraph) as not to be able to appear at the trial; but if there be more than one party accused and the court believes that the trial can goon with the parties and lawyers who may be present, it shall order the trial, setting nevertheless a new trial for the parties who have not appeared. In all cases of nonappearance the accused must present proof of alleged illness by presenting a medical certificate, signed by two doctors, under oath before the court or a notary public, which shall state the disease or disability, and that it is abso- lutely impossible for the party accused to be present at the trial. The day fixed for the trial shall not be beyond the following ten. § in Appendix /, Order No. 181, ofAprilSO, woo.) 'Although in accordance with the sixth case of art. 746 of the law of criminal pro- cedure, when unexpected revelations or retractions produce substantial changes in the proceedings, necessitating new elements of proof or some supplementary summary investigation, the suspension of the oral trial will lie, the fact that the accused shall not have confessed at theoral trial his guilt of the crime charged to him in theclassi- fication and it having been declared in the mmario that he is the author of the docu- ment in which the crime is supposed to have been committed, is not an unexpected retraction, nor does it even imply a contradiction on the part of the accused, because the investigation of the act is one thing and its classification another. {Decision <\f October 8, 188S.) In a cause for theft a day was fixed for the hearing, which it was necessary to stay on account of another hearing having been set by another audiencia in an action brought against the accused for the same crime. Upon the suspended hearing being had upon another day, the focal requested the suspension of the action in order that a certificate of the final sentence rendered in the other cause might be submitted, u hich petition was refused. Upon interposing an appeal for annulment of judgment, the sentence was annulled. "Considering thai as prescribed by the said legal provision (ait. 746), invokedas a ground for this appeal, the suspension of the action was proper, because the tact of the accnsei 1 having been punished lor the same crime by virtue of a final sentence recently rendered in another cause for theft, of which the public prosecutor did no1 L86 Art. 747. En los casos 1.", 2.°, 4. ", y 5." del articulo anterior, el trib- unal podra decretar de olicio la suspension. En los denias casos la decre- tara, siendo procedente, a instancia de parte. Art. 748. En los autos de suspension que se dicten se fijara el tiempo de la suspension, si f uere posible, y se deteruiinara lo que corresponda para la continuacion del juicio. Contra estos autos no se dara recurso alguno. Art. 749. Cuando por razon de los casos previstos en los numeros 4.° y 5.° del articulo 746 haya de prolongarse indetinidamente la suspension del juicio, 6 por un tiempo demasiado largo, se declarara sin efecto la parte del juicio celebrada y se citara si nuevo juicio para cuando desa- parezca la causa de la suspension 6 puedan ser reemplazadas las personas reeinplazables. Lo mismo podra acordar el tribunal en el caso del numero 6.°, si la preparation de los elementos de prueba 6 la sumaria instruccion suple- mentaria exigiere algun tiempo. habia tenido noticia el ministerio publico, justificada debidamente, producia alteracion sustancial en el mismo respecto de la criminalidad del procesado. " Considerando, en su virtud, que procede el recurso como comprendido en el caso 1.° del articulo 912 de la citada ley, por haberse denegado una diligencia de prueba conocidamente pertinente y propuesta en tiempo y forma, atendida su naturaleza." {Sentencia de 22 de Enero de 1885.) 1st; Akt. 717. The court may order the suspension at its own instance In the 1st, -_M. 4th. and 5th cases of the preceding article. In the other cases it shall order the suspension, if proper, on motion of ;t party. Art. 748. The decrees ordering the suspension shall state the time thereof, it' possible; and what may be proper for the continuation of the trial shall be determined. There shall be ao remedy against these decrees. Akt. 74'.*. When the suspension of the trial must he for an indefinite, or too long a period by reason of the cases provided for in numbers 4 and 5 of article 740, the part of the trial already held shall he declared null and void, and citations shall issue for a new trial, to be held when the cause of the suspension disappears or when the persons who can be substituted are replaced. The court may make a similar decision in the case of number 6, if the preparation of the elements of proof or the summary supplementary investigation should require some time. have notice at the time, duly proven, produced a substantial change in the same with regard to the criminality of the accused. "Considering, therefore, that the appeal lies as being included in the first case of art. 912 of the said law, by reason of evidence having been rejected which was known to be pertinent, and which was proposed in due time and form, in view of its charac- ter. ' ' ( Decision of Jun ua ry ^^, 1885. ) LIRRO CUARTO. DE LOS PEOCEDIMIENTOS ESPECIALES. TfTULO PRIMERO. DEL MODO DE PROCEDER CUANDO FUERE PROCESADO UN SENADOR 6 DIPUTADO A CORTES. Art. 750. El juez 6 tribunal que encuentre meritos psira procesar a un Senador 6 Diputado a Cortes por causa de delito se abstendni de dirigir el procedimiento contra el, si las Cortes estuvieren abiertas, hasta obtener la correspondiente autorizacion del cuerpo eolegislador a que pertenezca. Art. 751. Cuando el Senador 6 Diputado a Cortes lucre delincuente infraganti podni ser detenido y procesado sin la autorizacion a que se refiere el articulo anterior; pero en las veinticuatro horas siguicntes a la detencion 6 procesaniiento debera ponerse lo hecho en conocimicnto del cuerpo eolegislador a que corresponda. Se pondra tainbien en conocimiento del cuerpo eolegislador respect ivo la causa que existiere pendiente contra el que, estando procesado. hubiese sido elegido Senador 6 Diputado a Cortes. Art. 752. Si un Senador 6 Diputado a Cortes 1'uere procesado durante un interregno parlamentario, debera el juez 6 tribunal que cono/.ea de la causa ponerlo inmediatamente en conocimiento del respective) cuerpo eolegislador. Lo mismo se observani cuando haya sido procesado un Senador 6 Diputado a Cortes electo antes de reunirse estos. Art. 753. En todo caso se suspendenin los procedimientos desde el dia en que se f the charges against the Senator or Deputy, including the reports of the prosecuting official and the private j»<'ti t ions in which the authority may have been requested.' Am. 756. The supplication shall be transmitted through the ( olonial Minister. 1 By a decision oi July 2, 1879, the Supreme Court declared thai Parliament hav- ing refused t<> granl authority for proceeding against a Deputy <>r Senator, :i decree oi absolute dismissal rendered in the cause is proper. TITULO II. DEL ANTEJUICIO NECESARIO PARA EXIGIR LA RESPONSABILIDAD CRIMINAL A LOS JUECES Y MAGISTRADOS. 1 Art. 757. Todo espanol que no este incapacitado para el ejercicio de la accion penal, podra promover el antejuicio necesario para exigir la responsabilidad criminal a Los jueces y magistrados por delitos rome- tidos en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Art. 758. Cuando el antejuicio tuviere por ohjeto alguno de los delitos de prevaricacion relativos ;i sentencias injustas, no podra pro- moverse hasta despues de terminados por sentencia firme el pleito 6 causa que dieren motivo al procedimiento. Art. 759. Si el antejuicio tuviere por objeto cualquiera de los delitos referentes. ya a retardo niulicioso en la administration de justicia ya a negativa a juzgar por alguno de los pretextos especificadoa en el codigo. podra promoverse tan pronto como el juez 6 tribunal hubiese diciado resolucion negandose a juzgar por oscuridad, insuticieneia 6 silencio de la ley, 6 despues que hubiesen transcurrido (mince diaa de presentada la ultima solicitud pidiendo al juez 6 tribunal que t'alle 6 resuelva cual quiera causa, expediente 6 pretension judicial que estuviere pendiente, sin que aquel lo huljiese hecho ni manifestado por escrito en los autos causa legal para no hacerlo. Art. 760. Cuando tuviere por objeto cualquier otro delito eometido por el juez 6 magistrado en el ejercicio de sus funciones. podra pro- moverse el antejuicio desde que el delito sea conocido. Art. 761. El ofendido por la resolucion judicial no tendr:i necesidad de prestar fianza alguna para ejercitar la accion contra los jueces o magistrados. Se entiende por of endido aquel a quien directamente dafie 6 perjudi- que «'l delito. Art. 7t;i\ El que no haya Bido ofendido por el delito. al promover el antejuicio prestard la fianza que el tribunal que haya de eonocer de la causa determine para que pueda esta Bustanciarse ;i bu instancia. En tod<» lo relativo :i la fianza Be estarfi :i Lodispuesto en el tit. IX del libro segundo tt de Diciembn >/.' 1884.) TITLE II. PRELIMINARY ACTION NECESSARY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENFORCINO THE CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF JUDGES AND JUSTICES. 1 Aht. 757. Every Spaniard not incapacitated to exercise a criminal action may institute the preliminary proceedings accessary to enforce the criminal liability of judges and justices for crimes committed in the exercise of their functions. Art. 758. When the subject of the preliminary action should be an\ of the crimes of prevarication relating to unjust decisions, it can not be brought until after the termination of by a final sentence the litigation or cause giving rise to the proceeding. Art. 759. If the subject of the preliminary action should be any of the crimes relating either to malicious delay in the administration of justice or to the refusal to pass judgment under any of the pretexts specified in the code, it may be brought as soon as the judge or court shall have rendered a decision refusing to pass judgment on account of the obscurity, insufficiency, or silence of the law, or after fifteen days have elapsed since the presentation of the last petition requesting the judge or ci nut to pass upon or decide any cause, proceeding, or judicial demand which may be pending, without his having done so, nor stated in writing in the record a legal cause for not doing so. Art. 760. When the object thereof should be any other crime com- mitted by the judge or court in the exercise of his functions, tin 1 pre- liminary action may be brought as soon as the crime is known. Art. 761. The person injured by the judicial decision shall not be obliged to give any bond in order to bring an action against judges or justice-. By injured person is understood that person who is directly damaged or prejudiced by the crime. Art. 702. He who shall not have been injured by the crime, on bringing the preliminary action shall give the bond which the court which is to take cognizance of the cause may lix. in order that such action may be heard and determined at his instance. The provisions contained in Title IX of the second book of this law shall apply to all that relates to the bond. 'The preliminary proceedings arc no! ncccasary when they air at the instance of the public prosecutor. ( Decision of December l .\ 1884.) 189 190 Art. 7»;:-',. Contra el auto exigiendo la fianza y tijando su cantidad y ualidad procedera el recurso de apelacion en ambos efectos para ante la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo, si hubiese sido dictado p<>r la audiencia. Si 1<> hubiese sido por el Tribunal Supremo, procedera solamente el recurso do suplica. Art. 764. El antejuicio se promovera por escrito redactado en forma i*. Si ol que promoviere el antejuicio por cualquiera de los delitos expresados en los artfculos anteriores no pudiere obtener los documentos necesarios. pivscntani ;i lo inonos »>l tostimonio del acta Determina las condicionee «!<■ la querella el art. l'77. 190 Art. 768. An appeal \<>v a »ta\ and review of die proceedings shall lie to the second chamber of the Supreme Court from u decree requir- ing a bond and fixing the amount and character thereof , -IhhiM Buch decree have been rendered by an audiencia. SliouM it have emanated From the Supreme Court a petition for ;i review only shall lie. Aki. ~*'A. fhe preliminary action shall be instituted In writing in the form of a complaiut subscribed by an attorney. 1 Akt. 7t'-.''. If the criminal liability which it is desired to enforce should be on account of any of the crimes of prevarication relating to unjust decisions, a certified copy of the nnjusl sentence, decree, or order shall be presented with the complaint. Should this not be possible, the office or judicial archives in which the original proceedings may be shall be designated. Ai:;. 766. The complaint shall also state the proceedings of the can-.' of which transcripts may be necessary to prove the injustice of the sentence, decree, or order which gave rise to the preliminary action. Art. 767. If the liability should be on account of any of the crimes referred to in article 759 of this law, there shall be attached to the complaint: 1. Copies of the documents presented after the expiration of the legal period, if fixed by hw, for the decision of the judicial demand, proceeding, or causes pending, any of the persons interested requesting the judge or court taking cognizance thereof that he decide or pass upon them in accordance with law. 2. A certified copy of the decree or order issued by the judge or court overruling the petition on account of obscurity, insufficiency, or silence of the law, if a crime defined in the first. paragraph of the article cited should be involved, or the crime included in the second paragraph of the same article: certificate which establishes that the judge or court permitted fifteen days to expire after the presentation of the petition, or after the last petition, if more than one shall have been presented to him. without having decided or passed upon the proceed- ings or without having stated therein or notified the parties of the legitimate cause which prevented him from so doing. Art. 768. If the liability should be on account of any other crime committed by the judge or justice in the exercise of his functions, a document showing the commission of the crime, or in its absence a list of the witnesses, prepared in the manner prescribed in article 656, shall be presented with the written complaint. Art. 7**>'.». If the person bringing the preliminary action for any of the crimes mentioned in the foregoing articles should not be able to obtain the documents necessary, he shall present :ii least a certified 1 Article 277 prescribes the requirements <>i a complaint 191 notarial lcvantada para hacer constar que los reclame al juezo tribu- nal que hubiese debido facilitarlos 6 mandar expedir los. Akt. 770. El tribunal que conozca del antejuicio mandara* practicar las compulsas que se pidan, y en el caso del articulo anterior ordenara al juez 6 tribunal que se hubiese negado a expedir las certificaciones que las reniita en el terinino que habra de senalarse, inforinando a la vez lo que tuviere por conveniente sobre las causas de su negativa para expedir la eertificacion pedida. Mandara ademas practicar las compulsas que considere convenientes, citandose al querellante para los cotejos de todas las que se hieieren, a no ser en caso de que la compulsa f uese de alguna diligencia del sumario no concluido y no se hubiese practicado con intervencion del que pro- mo viere el antejuicio. Art. 771. Hechas las compulsas, se uniran a los autos, dan dose de ellos vista al querellante para instruccion por termino de ties dias. 8e exceptua de lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior, el testimoniu de caracter reservado a que se refiere el articulo que precede, si el quere- llante se hallare en el caso indicado. Si los autos no fueren devueltos en dicho terinino. se recoger&n de oficio el primer dia de la demora. Se pasaran despues al fiscal por igual termino, y devueltos que sean se senalara dia para la vista. Art. 772. Si hubiesen de declarar testigos, se senalara el dia en que deban concurrir, citandoles con las formalidades legales. Los testigos seran examinados en la forma prescrita en el cap. 5.°. tit. 5.° del libro segundo. Art. 773. Asi el fiscal como el defensor del querellante podran, en el acto de la vista, manifestar lo que creyeren conveniente sobre lo que resulte de los documentos del expediente, y en su caso de las declara- ciones de los testigos examinados, concluyendo por pedir la adinision 6 no admision de la querella interpuesta. Art. 774. El tribunal resolvera lo que estime justoen el dia siguiente al de la vista. Akt. 775. Si admitiere la querella, mandara proceder :i la instruc- cion del sumario eon arreglo al procedimiento establecido eu esta 1«\ . designando, conforme a lo dispuesto en el artfeulo 303, el magistrado de la sala que 1«» liaya de t'ormar. si no se considers conveniente que sea el juez instructor propio del territorio donde el delito hubiere sido cometido, 6 cualquier funcionario del orden judicial en activo servicio. El tribunal acordarf tambi^n la Buspensi6nde l<>s jueces \ magistre dos contra quienes bubiere >i admitida la querella, poni^ndoloen conocimiento del Ministerio de Ultramar^ los efectos que procedan. 191 copy of the notarial act executed for the purpose of establishing the fact thai he requested them of the judge or court who should have furnished them or ordered their issue. Art. 77i». The court taking cognizance of the preliminary action shall order such transcripts made as may be requested, and in the case of the foregoing article shall order the judge or com I refusing to issue the certificates to transmit the same within the period fixed, reporting at the same time what he may deem proper as to tin- reasons for his refusal to issue the transcript requested. Ilr shall also order the transcripts made which he may consider advisable, citing the complainant for the comparing of all which may be made, unless the transcript should be of some proceeding of the 8uma/rio not yet concluded, and not had with the intervention of the person instituting the preliminary action. Art. 771. After the transcripts have been made they shall be attached to the record of proceedings, and shall be referred for exami- nation to the complainant for a period of three days. A transcript of a private character, to which reference is made in the preceding article, if the complainant be included in the case indi- cated, i- excepted from the provisions of the foregoing paragraph. If the record of proceedings should not be returned within said period, it shall be recovered on motion of the court on the first day of delay. It shall afterwards be referred to the, fiscal for a similar period, and after being returned a day shall be set for the hearing. Art. 772. If witnesses are to testify, they shall be cited with the Legal formalities, a day being set for their appearance. The witnesses shall be examined in the manner prescribed in chapter 5, title 5, of the second book. Art. 778. The prosecuting official, as well as the complainant, may state at the healing what they may deem advisable with regard to what may appeal- from the documents composing the record, and, in a proper case, on the depositions of the witnesses examined, concluding by request- ing the admission or rejection of the complaint interposed. Art. 774. The court shall decide what it may deem just upon the day following the hearing. A in. 775. If the complaint be admitted, an order shall issue to pro- ceed with the 8umario in accordance with the procedure established in this law, appointing, in accordance with the provisions of article 308, the justice of the chamber who is to conduct it, should it not be deemed advisable that the examining judge be of the territory within which the crime may have been committed, or any official of the judi- ciary in active service. The court shall also order the suspension of the judges or justices against whom the complaint may have been admitted, informing the Colonial Department thereof for the proper purposes, 192 Art. 776. Si no admitiere la querella, el tribunal impondni las costas al querellante, cuando este no sea el ofendido por el supuesto delito. Las impondra tambien al ofendido, si resultare haber obrado con mala fe 6 con notoria temeridad. Art. 777. Si hubiere condena de costas, no se devolvera la tianza hasta que se satisfagan, y si no se pagaren en el termino que se fije para ello, se haran efectivas por cuenta de la fianza, devolviendo el resto a quien le hubiere prestado. Art. 778. El ministerio fiscal no estara sujetd :i las anteriores dis- posiciones relativas a fianzas y costas cuando utilice alguna accion penal contra jueces y magistrados. L92 Art. 77(>. If the complaint be rejected, the court shall tax the costs against the complainant, if the latter should not be the person injured by the alleged crime. 1 [e shall also tax them against the person offended', if it shall appear that he has acted in bad faith or with evident malice. Ai:r. 777. Should the costs he taxed, the bond shall not he returned until they are paid, and should they not he paid within the period allowed therefor, they shall he enforced against the bond, the balance being returned to the person furnishing it. Ai:r. 778. Prosecuting officials shall not he subject to the foregoing provisions relating to bonds and costs when they bring any action of a criminal character against judges and justices. 18^73— 01 25 TfTULO II r. DEL PROCEDIMIENTO EN LOS CASOS DE FLAGRANTE DELITO. CAPITULO PRIMERO. CASOS EN QUE TIENE LUGAR ESTE PROCEDIMTKNT< ). Art. 779. Se considerara flagrante delito el que sc estuviere come- tiendo 6 se acabare de cometer cuando el delincuente 6 delincuentes sean sorprendidos. Se entendera sorprendido en el acto, no solo ol criminal que fuere cogido en el momento de estar cometiendo el delito, sino el detenido 6 perseguido inmediatamente despues de cometerle, si la persecucion durare 6 no se suspendiere mientras el delincuente no se ponga fuera del inmediato alcance de los que le persiguen. Tambien se considerara delincuente infragemti aquel a quien se sorprendiere inmediatamente despues de cometido un delito. con efec- tos 6 instrumentos que infundan la presuncion vchemente de su par- ticipacion en el. Art. 780. El procedimiento de que se trata en este titulo solo se aplicara a los presuntos reos aprehendidos infragemti que merezcan penas correccionales, cualquiera que sea el grado en que deban impo- nerse. Art. 781. Si el juez municipal 6 el de instruccion en su caso tuvio- ren duda acerca de si el delito merece pena correccionul, lo consultanin con el tribunal respectivo, el cual, oyendo al fiscal, contestani dentro de los cuatro dias siguientes al recibo de la consulta. Art. 782. En las causas do esta clase, las competenciaa que se pro- muevan entre juecesy tribunales de la jurisdicci6n ordinaria se sustan- ciaran segun las reglas siguientes: Cuando un tribunal reclame el conocimiento de una causa teni^ndola ya otro y haya duda acerca de cui.1 de ellos es el competente, si no results acuerdo a la primera comunicaci6n que con tal tnotivo se dirija, pondran el hecho, sin dilaci6n, en conocimiento del superior respectivo, al tenor de lo dispucsto en el artieulo 20, por medio d(> ezposioi6n razonada, para que dicho superior, oyendo in rue, al fiscal, decida en el acto lo que estime procedente sin ulterior recurso. Mientras fcanto, cada tribunal continual Los procedimientos que hubiere comenzado. L93 TITLE III. PROCEEDINGS IN CASES OF FLAGRANT CRIMES. CHAPTEB FIRST. OASES WHERE THESE PROCEEDINGS I.IK. Akt. 77'.'. A flagrant crime shall be considered such crime which is being committed or has just been committed when the delinquent or delinquents are surprised. A- surprised in the act shall be considered not only a criminal taken at the moment of committing the crime, hut also a person detained or pursued immediately after it- commission, if the pursuit should last or not be discontinued until the delinquent places himself beyond the immediate reach of those pursuing him. A delinquent vn fr<• observed. In any case, the examining judges within whose judicial district a crime may have been committed or triable acts should occur as a con- sequence thereof, shall take the proper steps, forwarding the same to the judge having jurisdiction of the principal crime. Art. 783. Whenever a flagrant crime is involved, the officials of the judicial police shall inform the municipal judge thereof in towns which arc not the seat of a judicial district, and also those in such -cat. if tin' examining judge he absent. In other cases they -hall inform the judge of examination thereof directly. Art. 784. The judicial authorities mentioned in the foregoing article shall respectively conduct the first steps of the sumario if it he a public crime, and on motion of a Legitimate party, if it he a private crime. The municipal judge in a proper case shall immediately inform the judge of examination of the act as soon a- possible without prejudice to the continuation of the more urgent proceedings of investigation, and shall punctually carry out any order which -aid judge of examination shall issue to him. Both the municipal judge and the examining judge shall furthermore comply with the provisions of article 308 of this law. A in. 7s;,. The authorities or officials to whom, according to this law. the taking of the first steps pertains, may order, in the case of a flagrant crime of injuries committed with violence, that the first physician found accompany them, and two. if there he that number, in order to furnish the proper assistance to the person injured if necessary. The physicians called upon, even though it be only orally, who -hall not consent to furnish the assistance mentioned in the foregoing para- graph, -hall incur a tine of not less than L25 or more than tcj;> pesetas, unl<^~ they -hall have incurred criminal liability by their disobedience Art. 786. Without prejudice to the provisions of article :;:,4. the officials of the judicial police may prevent, in the case of a flagrant crime, that the persons found where the crime wa- committed depart therefrom. They may also seize the effects found in said place until the judicial authority arrives, whenever there i- danger that in falling to do so some evidence of the acts which have taken place may disappear. They may also, in such case, immediately cause the appearance of the persons or take the effects mentioned in the foregoing paragraph before the municipal or examining judge. Art. TST. The authorities and agents referred to in the foregoing 195 refieren los articulos que preceden requerir el auxilio de la fuerza publica, cuando fuere necesario, para el desempeiio de las funciones que por esta ley se les encomienda. El requerimiento se hara por escrito, si lo permitiese la urgencia del caso, al jefe local de la fuerza. CAPITULO II. REGLAS A QUE DEBE AJUSTAKSE ESTE PROCEDIMIENTO. Art. 788. El juez instructor empleara para la eomprobacion del delito y de la delincuencia del presunto reo los medios comunes y ordi- narios que establece esta ley con las modificaciones consignadas en los articulos siguientes. Art. 789. Los jueces instructores evitaran la practica de todasaque- llas diligencias cuyo resultado, aun en el caso mas favorable para el reo, no hubiere de alterar ni la naturaleza del delito, ni la responsabi- lidad de los delincuentes. Art. 790. Los jueces instructores, cuando asistan varios testigos presenciales, consignaran las declaraciones de los mas importantes y el reconocimiento en su caso de los detenidos, por medio de acta breve, que suscribiran el juez, el secretario, el detenido y los testigos, si supieren. p]l juez podra examinar aisladamente a algun testigo, si lo estimare necesario. Art. 791. Cuando el detenido confiese tener la edad necesaria para poderle exigir en su caso la responsabilidad criminal en toda su exten- sion, y no se ofreciere duda sobre esta circunstancia al juez instructor, se prescindira de traer a la causa su partida de bautismo, si no es indis- pensable para acrcditar su identidad. Art. 792. Cuando scan varios los procesados, el juez instructor podra acordar la formacion de las pic/as separadas que estime con- venientes para simplificar y activar los procedimientos y que no se dilate el castigo de los (pie resulten confesos 6 convictos. Art. 793. El juez instructor procurard dar por terminado el sumario dentro de los ocho dias siguientes ;i su primera diligencia, cuando no haya necesidad 4. Upon the conclusion of the siiniii/'in, and after the record of the proceeding- thereof has been forwarded to the court of compe 196 terio fiscal, por termino de tres dias, para que hagan la calirieaeion del delito. 1 Art. 795. Si el ministerio fiscal pidiere la imposicion dealguna pens correccional, se harii saber al procesado para que diga si so conforma 6 no con ella; y en caso afirmativo, el tribunal pronunciara" inmedia- tamente la correspondiente sentencia, sin que pueda imponer mayor pena que aquella sobre que hubiese recaido la conformidad. El fallo asi dictado causara ejecutoria, y contra el no se admitini recurso alguno. Si el prooesado fuere menor de edad, sera preciso que su letrado defensor manifieste igual conformidad. Art. 796. Cuando el procesado, 6 el defensor en su caso, no se con- forme con la pena pedida por el ministerio fiscal, 6 cuando el tribunal ^abiendose suscitado la duda de si la frase partes a que este articulo y el 796 se refieren, comprende las acusadoras y las defensoras, 6 solo las primeras, la li.-vali'a del Tribunal Supremo en la instruccion 59 de las que comprende la exposition de 15 de Septiembre de 1883, opina que se refiere solo a las partes acusadoras. Al disponer este articulo — dice el presidente del Tribunal Supremo en circular de 14 de Julio de 1883 — que el sumario se pase sucesivamente a las partes para que hagan la calificacion del delito, se refiere tan solo al ministerio fiscal y al acusadoi privado si le hubiere, pues estas partes son las linicas que califican loa delitos. Dados los terminos en que se halla redactado el articulo 7D4 de la ley de enjuicia- miento criminal, ^podni el ministerio fiscal, cuando lo entienda procedente, Bolicitar el sobreseimiento? Se presta a dicha duda la redaction del citado articulo, en el cual se dice (pie, terminado el sumario y remitido este al tribunal competente, se paean* sucesivamante a las partes, empezando por el ministerio fiscal, por termino de ties dias, para (pie hagan la calificacion del delito. La lev ha partido del supuesto de que en los casos en que, eon arreglo al articulo 779, tiene lugar el procedimiento de flagrante delito, hay sdempre un delincuente. y por eso no ha previsto el en que no resulte serlo el procesado. Mas como a pesar de ello, y aunque sea raro, es posible el caso en (pie no resulte dicha delincuencia, suponer entonces que el ministerio fiscal, si entiendeque precede el sobreseimiento, no pueda desde luego pedirlo, signifies que se haya de Revolver el sumario al juez instructor para que lo forme con arreglo a* las dispositiones aplicables a los casos ordinarios, y (pie de esta manera se pueda cumplir con lo preecrito en los arti'culos 626 y siguientes de dicha ley. De aquf, que hay que convenir que cuando en el perfodo de Lnvestigaci6n se just i- flque, o la no existencia del delito 61a irresponsabilidad del presunto reo, el minis- terio fiscal nabra* de pedir la aplicaci6n de las disposiciones de los articulos <>.;7 y t;i l de la ley de cnjuicianiiento criminal, al evacuar el traslado a que 86 reliere el arti- culo 794 de la citada ley. ( Exposition del fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de 16 de Sep- tiembre de 1888, uii in. 60, ij consulta warn, 16 de la de 1877. Blevada consulta 6 la Hscalfa citada sobre si una vea Eormulada la calificaci6n Qscal dclicr;i (Via ser notificada inmediata y personalmente al procesado, y si este no Be con forma con ella, pasar despues la causa a* la defensadel mismo, 6 por el contrario se debera* entregar desde luego la causa 6 \<>< defensoree para que evacuen el traslado de I'M', tent jurisdiction, it shall be referred successively for n period of three days, to the parties, beginning with the prosecuting official, in order that they may make the classification of the crime. 1 Ai:t. ~!C>. If the prosecuting official shall request the imposition of a correctional penalty, the accused shall be informed in order that he may state whether he agrees or not thereto; in an affirmative case the court -hall immediately pronounce tin- proper sentence, >»ut can not impose a bigher penalty than that to which he may have agreed. A sentence thus rendered -hall close the proceedings, and no remedy whatsoever shall he admitted thereagainst. If the person undergoing trial be a minor, it shall he necessary that his attorney and counsel also give his consent. Art. T'.'t;. When the accused, or the counsel, in a proper case, should not agree to the penalty requested by the prosecuting official, 'Thedoubl having arisen as to whether the word "parties." to which this article and article 796 refer, includes both the accusers ami the defendants or only the former, the office of the fiscal of the Supreme Courl in its fifty-ninth instruction of its report of September 15, 1883, is of the opinion that it relates only to the accusing parties. This article in providing— says the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in a circular of July 14, 1883— that the gumario be referred successively to the parties in order that they may classify the crime, refers only to the public prosecutor and to tin- private accuser, if there he any, as these parties are the only ones who classify the crimes. In view of the terms of art. 794 of the law of criminal procedure, can the public prosecutor request a dismissal of the proceedings when he deems it proper? The terms of the said article give rise to said doubt, as it states that upon the ter- mination of the gumario and its transmittal to the court of competent jurisdiction, it shall he referred successively to the parties, beginning with the public prosecutor: for a period of three days, in order that they may classify the crime. The law has set out from the supposition that in cases in which in accordance with art. 779 proceedings upon a flagranl crime lie, there always exists a delinquent, ami therefore the case has not been provided for if the person undergoing trial is not such delinquent. But as notwithstanding this, although it may be seldom, the case is possible that said delinquency does not appear, to suppose then that the public prosecutor, if he believes ihat a dismissal of the proceedings is proper can uol requesl it at once, signi- fies that the gumario must be returned to the examining judge in order that he may prepare it in accordance with the provisions applicable to ordinary cases, and that in this manner the provisions of articles 626 et seq. of said law may be complied with. Tims, it must be granted that, when during the period of investigation, either the nonexistence of the crime or the lack of responsibility of the presumed criminal is proven, the public prosecutor will be obliged to requesl the application of the pro- visions of articles 637 and till of the law of criminal procedure in taking the action referred to in art. 794 of the said law. {Report of th< Fiscal of the Supreme Court of September /•<, 188S, No. <;o, and question No. /.- of that of '877. I The question having been put to the aforesaid office as to whether, after the clas- sification of the fiscal has been formulated, it must be Served immediately and per- sonally upon the accused, and that if the latter does nol agree therewith the cause should then be referred to bis counsel, or if, on the contrary, the cause should he 197 entienda que la pena solicitada no esla procedente Begun la calificacion del delito, y si otra mayor, acordara la coutinuacion del juicio. En este easo se hard saber a las partes que en el termino de tercer dfa propongan los elementos de prueba de que intenten valerse, para lo que se les pondran de manifesto los autos en la secretaria del actu- ario; y propuesta que sea la prueba, se ajustara en lo sucesivo el juicio a las reglas ordinarias, debiendo, *in embargo, el tribunal aoortar los terminos cuanto f uere posible. Si el fiscal entendiese que la pena correspondiente al delito debe ser aflictiva, lo hara presente al tribunal para que devuelva la causa al juez las conclusiones del fiscal, notificandose estas despues al procesado, contests (con- sutta 15 de la memoria de 1877) : Los terminos en que aparecen redactados los articulos 795 y 796 de la ley de enjuicia- miento criminal, resuelven laeonsulta en el sentido de que la calificacion fiscal debera ser notificada al procesado para que manifieste si se conformao no con ella, y en este segundo caso, se pondran los autos de manifiesto en la secretaria para que las partes propongan los elementos de prueba de que intenten valerse. De conformidad con lo que queda expuesto, el Tribunal Supremo, en sentencia de 9 de Noviembre de 1883, casando otra condenatoria recaida en causa por delito flagrante, en que se paso el sumario al fiscal y luego se hizo saber la calificaci6n de este al procesado, que interpuso recurso de casacion fundado en el articulo 911, mimero 1.°, por no baber podido proponer prueba, toda vez que no se le entrego el sumario, con- signor que el articulo 794 conceded las partes igual derecbo, comosucede en el artfculo 652, previniendo el 656 que al calificar se proponga la prueba, en cuyo particular difiere del artfculo 794quedeja pendienteesta resolution para el case que express el apartado tercero del 795, y en vista de lo que disponen dichos artfculos y sin que se puedan conceder ;1 la acusaeion mas medics 6 recursos que a la defensa, se ha debido entregar el sumario al acusador como una de las partes del juicio para que en el termino de tree dias hiciera la calificacion, sin que esto sea contrariar In dispuesto en el referido apartado, que sul<» puede referirse a los que se hayan limitado ;i calificat ateniendose al contenido del citado artfculo 794. El precepto del artfculo 794 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, al mandar que remitido el sumario por el juez of <»t' which they intend to avail themselves, for which purpose the record shall 1 xhibited t<> them in the office of the recording clerk; and after the evidence has been submitted, the action shall subsequently continue according to tin- ordinary rules, but, nevertheless, the court must reduce the periods as much as possible. If the prosecuting official should be of opinion that the penalty cor- responding to the crime should be a corporal one. he shall so inform delivered at once to the counsel, in order that they may act upon the conclusions of Qie fiscal, afterwards served upon the accused, it answered [question 15 ofth report of 1887): "The terms in which arts. 795 and 796 of the lav of criminal procedure are drafted, decide the question to the effect that the classification of the fiscal must be served upon the accused in order that he may state whether he agrees therewith or not, and in the latter case the record shall be exhibited in the office of the secretary in order that the parties may propose the elements of proof of which they intend to avail themselves." In accordance with the foregoing, the Supreme Court in a decision of November 9, 1883, in annulling another condemnatory one pronounced in a cause involving a flagrant crime, in which the sumario was referred to the fiscal and the classification of the latter was then served upon the accused, who interposed an appeal for annul- ment based upon No. 1 of art. 911, on account of not having been able to submit evidence, the sumario not having been delivered to him, stated that art. 7 n 4 grants to the parties equal rights, as in the case of art 652, art. 656, prescribing that the evidence be proposed at the time of the classification, differing in thispoinl froni art. 7'.»4, which leaves this decision pending for the case mentioned in the third paragraph of art. 795, and in view of the provisions of said articles and without it being possible to grant to the prosecution more means or remedies than to the defence, the sumario must be delivered to the accuser as one of the parties to the action in order that lie may make the classification within a period of three days, without this being in contravention of the provisions of the said paragraph, which can only refer to those who may have limited themselves to making a classification observing only the provisions of the .-aid art. 7'.»4. The precept of art. 794 of the law of criminal procedure in ordering that after the sumario has been transmitted by the judge of examination to the proper court it be referred successively to the parties, beginning with the public prosecutor, for the classification of the crime, grants to the former equal rights and places them in an identical situation with regard to the crime, as occurs also in the cases nienti I in articles 652 and 656 of said law; and as it is not possible to grant to the prosecution more means or ways nor place it in a more advantageous situation than the defence, it is absolutely nece-sary to deliver the sumario to the counsel of the accused, who is one of the essential parties to a criminal action, in order that within a period of three days, which is also allowed the prosecution, he may submit his written con- clusions, without an obstacle thereto being the provision of the second paragraph of art. 796, which can only refer to those who may have con lined themselves to making the classification in view of the precepts of art. 794. | Decision of January 16, 1884') 198 instructor, con objeto de que Be sustancie por el proeedimiento ordinario. Art. 797. Los tribunales despacharan y reran preferentemente las causas que se refieran :i delincuentes infragcmti. Art. 798. Enmediatamente que termine el juicio, se reunira el tri- bunal para deliberar y pronunciar la sentensia, que debeni ser publi- eada en el mismo dia, 6 a mas tardar en el siguiente. Art. 799. El resultado del juicio oral se hard constar en acta que suscribiran los individuoa del tribunal, el ministerio fiscal, el defensor y el secretario. Art. 800. Contra la resolution del tribunal procedera el recurso de casacion por infraccion de ley, si en el acto de publicarse la sentencia elprocesado, su defensor 6 el ministerio fiscal, manifiestan querer uti- lizar dicho recurso. Si hicieran dicha manifestation, se considerara preparado por ><'>1<> este hecho, y se remitirji copia literal del fallo al Tribunal Supremo en el mismo dia, quedando en la secretaria del tribunal uentenciador el original. El recurso por quebrantamiente de forma podra interponerse tam- bien en los dos dias siguientes al de la ultima notificacion. Art. 801. La admision, sustanciaeion, y decision de estoa reeursos se acomodard a las reglas establecidas en el titulo I del libro quinto; pero se turnaran y veian con preferencia a los demas. Art. 802. El Tribunal Supremo dictara y publicara la sentencia en la misnia forma y plazo senalado en el art. 798. Art. 803. Publicada la sentencia por el Tribunal Supremo, se lilnani la correspondiente certilicaeion al tribunal sentenciador para su ejecu- cion, quedando testimonio bastante para liquidar las costas causadas y determiuar sobre la inversion del deposito. 198 the court iii order that the cause may be returned to the examining judge for a hearing ami determination thereof according to the ordinary procedure. Akt. T'.'T. Thf courts .shall give preference to the hearing and deter- mination of causes relating t»> flagrant crimes. Aim. 798. Immediately after the conclusion of the action the court >hall assemble to deliberate and pronounce sentence, which muM be made public the same or not later than the following day. Akt. 7'.»'.i. The result of the oral trial shall be recorded in an Instru meut which shall he subscribed by the members of the court, the prosecuting official, the counsel, and the secretary. Art. 800. An appeal Tor annullment of judgment for a violation of law lies from the decision of the court, if at the time of the publication of the sentence the accused, his counsel, or the prosecuting official shall indicate that he desires to avail himself of this remedy. Should such statement he made, the appeal shall he considered pre- pared by this act merely, and a true copy of the sentence shall be transmitted to the supreme court on the same day. the original being retained in the office of the secretary of the sentencing court. An appeal for breach of form may also be interposed within two days following that of the last notice. Akt. 801. The admission, hearing, and decision of these appeals shall conform to the rules established in Title I, of the fifth book; but they shall be placed upon the calendar and heard before other appeals. Akt. 802. The Supreme Court shall render and publish the sentence in the form and within the period fixed in article IDS. Art. 803. After the sentence has been published by the Supreme Court the proper certified copy shall be issued to the sentencing court for its execution, an attested copy sufficient for the Liquidation of the costs incurred and to determine the inversion of the deposit being retained. TITULO IV. DEL PROCEDIMIENTO POR DELITOS DE INJURIA Y CALUMNIA CONTRA PARTICTJLARES. Art. 804. No se admitira querella por injuria 6 calumnia inferidas a particulares si no se presenta certificacion de haber celebrado el que- rellantc acto de conciliacion con el querellado, 6 de haberlo intentado sin efecto. Art. 805. Si la querella fuere por injuria 6 calumnia vertidas en juicio, sera necesario acreditar ademas la autorizacion del juez 6 tri- bunal ante quien hubiesen sido inferidas. Esta autorizacion no se estimara prueba bastante de la iinputacion. Art. 806. Si la injuria y calumnia se hubieren inferido por escrito, se presentara, siendo posible, el documento que la contenga. Art. 807. Cuando se ti\ te de injurias 6 calumnias inferidas por escrito, reconocido este por la persona legalmente responsable, y comprobado si ha existido 6 no la publicidad a que se refiere el respec- tive articulo del codigo penal, se dara por terminado el sumario, previo el procesamiento del querellado. Art. 808. Si se tratare de injurias 6 calumnias inferidas verbalmente, presentada la querella, el juez instructor mandara convocar a juicio verbal al querellante, al querellado y a los testigos que puedan dar razon de los hechos, senalando dia y hora para la celebracion del juicio. Art. 809. El juicio debera" celebrarse dentro de los fcres dlas siguien- tes al de la presentaci6n de la querella, ante el juez instructor :i quien quiiMi corresponds su conocimiento. Si hubiere causa justa y se biciere constar por certificaci6n del secretario, podra ampliarse basta ocho dias el teiinino para la cele- braci6n del juicio yerbal. A.rt. 810. De las reglas establecidas en los tres articulos anteriores se exceptuan las Injurias dirigidas contra Euncionarios publicos sobre becboa concernientes al ejercicio de bus cargos, asi como (ainl)ien la calumnia, cuando l<»> acusados manifiesten querer probar antes del juicio oral la ccitcza de la iniputacion injiiriosa 6 del hecho criminal que hubiesen imputado. 199 TITLE IV. PROCEEDINGS UPON CRIMES OF CONTUMELY AND CALUMNY AGAINST PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS. Akt. 804. NO complaint for acts of contumely or calumny against private individuals shall be admitted unless ;i certificate be presented showing that proceedings to effect a conciliation have been held with the complainant or that an unsuccessful attempt was made for this purpose. Art. SOS. If the complaint should he of an act of contumely or cal- umny committed during a judicial proceeding, it shall he accessary furthermore to show the authority of the judge or court before whom it was committed. This authority shall not be considered sufficient proof of the charge. Akt. 806. If the act of contumely and calumny should have been committed in writing, the document containing the same shall he pre- sented if possible. Akt. 807. When acts of contumely or calumny committed in writing are in question, when such writing is acknowledged by the person legally liable, and after it has been proven whether or not the publicity referred to in the respective article of the penal code has existed, the Bumario shall be considered closed after the indictment of the defendant. Airr. 808. If verbal acts of contumely or calumny should be in question after the complaint has been presented, the examining judge -hall cite the complainant, the defendant, and the witnesses who can testify as to the acts for an oral trial, setting a day and hour for the same. Art. 809. The trial must be held within three days after the filing of the complaint before the examining judge of competent jurisdiction. Should there be just cause established by a certificate of the secre- tary, the time for the holding of the oral trial may he extended to eight days. Ai:t. 810. Acts of contumely against public officials relating to mat- ters concerning the exercise of their duties are excepted from the rules established in the three preceding articles, as well as calumny, when the accused state that they desire to prove before the oral trial the truth of the defamatory imputation or of the criminal act charged. 199 200 En uno y otro caso no podra darse por terminado el samario hasta que el querellante determine con toda precision y claridad los hechos v las circunstancias de la imputation, para que el procesado pueda preparar sus pruebas y suministrarlas en el juicio oral. Si no lo hiciere en el plazo que el juez le senale, se dani por terminado el sumario, teniendo en cuenta su falta u omision para que no perjudique al aeusado. Art. 811. El quo so querelle por injuria 6 calumnia debora aeompa- nar copia de la querella, que se entregara" al querellado al tiempo de ser citado para el juicio. Art. 812. Celebrado el juicio en el dia senalado y presentadas por el <[uerellante ias pruebas de los hechos que eonstituvan la injuria 6 calumnia verbal, el juez acordara lo que corresponda respecto al pro- cesamiento del querellado, dando seguidamente por terminado el sumario. Art. 813. No se admitiran testigos de referencia en las causas por injuria 6 calumnia vertidas de palabra. Art. 814. La ausencia del querellado no suspendera la celebracion ni la resolucion del juicio. siempre que resulte habersele c-itado en forma. Art. 815. De cada juicio se extender^ acta, consignando clara y sucintamente lo actuado, la cual se nrrnara por todos los concurrentes que supieren. 200 In either case the sumario can not be concluded until the complain- ant precisely and clearly specifies the acts and circumstances <>f the charge, in order thai tin- accused may prepare his evidence for presen- tation at the oral trial. Should he not do so within the period which the judge may grant him, the swmario shall l>c considered terminated, taking into consideration his failure or omission in order that it may not prejudice the accused. Aim', sll. A person tiling a complaint for an act of contumely or calumny must attach a copy of the complaint, which shall he served upon the defendant at the time of his citation for the trial. Akt. 812. Dpon the holding of the trial on the day fixed and after the complainant has presented the proof of the acts constituting an oral act of contumely or calumny, the judge shall order what may he proper with regard to the trial of the defendant, terminating the sumario thereupon. Art. 813. No hearsay evidence shall be admitted in causes involving acts of contumely or calumny. Art. 814. The absence of the defendant shall not stay the holding nor the decision of the ease, provided he has been formally cited. Akt. 815. A record shall be made of each trial, the proceedings had being (dearly and succinctly stated and signed by all persons present able to do so. 18473—01 26 TfTULO V. DEL PROCEDIMIENTO POR DELITOS COMETIDOS POR MEDIO DE LA IMPRENTA, EL ORABADO tf OTRO MEDIO MECANICO DE PTJBLICACltiN. Art. 816. Inmediatamente que se de principio a un sumano por delito cometido por medio de la imprenta, el grabado u otro medio mecanico de publicacion, se procedera a secuestrar los ejemplares del impreso 6 de la estampa donde quiera que se hallaren. Tambien se secuestrara el molde de esta. Se procedera asimismo inmediatamente a averiguar quien haya sido el autor real del escrito 6 estampa con cuya publicacion se hubiese cometido el delito. Art. 817. Si el escrito 6 estampa se hubiese publicado en un perio- dico, bien en el texto del mismo, bien en hoja aparte, Be tomani declaration para averiguar quien haya sido el autor, al director 6 redactores de aquel y al jefe 6 regente del establecimiento tipognitico en que se haya hecho la impresion 6 grabado. Para ello se reclamara el original de cualquiera de las personas que lo tengan en su poder, la cual, si no lo pusiere a disposicion del juez, manifestara la persona a quien lo haya entregado. Art. 818. Si el delito se hubiese cometido por medio de la publica- cion de un escrito 6 de una o.stampa sueltos, se tomara la declaraci6n expresada en el articulo anterior al jefe y dependientes del estableci- miento en que se haya hecho la impresion 6 estampacion. Art. 819. Cuando no pudiere averiguarse qui6n sea el autor real del escrito 6 estampa, 6 cuando por hallarse domiciliado en el ext ranjero 6 por cualquiera otra causa do las especificadas en el c6digo penal no pudiere ser perseguido, se dirigiii el procedimiento contra las personas subsidiariamente responsables por el orden establecido en el articulo respectivo del expresado c6digo. Aim. 820. No serfi bastante la conf esi6n de un supuesto autor para que se le tenga como tal y para que no se dirija el procedimiento contra otras personas. si de las circunstancias de a<|uel 6 de las del delito resultaren indicios bastantes para creer que el confeso no t'ue el autor real del escrito 6 cstainpa put)licado>. 201 TITLE V. PROCEEDINGS ON CRIMES COMMITTED THROUGH THE PRESS. ENGRAVINGS. OR OTHER MECHANICAL MEANS OF PUBLICATION. Aim. 816. As aoon as a sumcerio is began for a crime committed through the press, engravings, or other mechanical moans of publica- tion, the copies of the print or impression shall be seized wherever they may be. The plate of the latter shall also be seized. Proceedings shall also be instituted at once to ascertain the real author of the writing or impression by the publication of which the crime may have been committed. Art. 817. If the writing or impression shall have been published in a newspaper, whether in its text or on a separate sheet, depositions shall be taken of the director or editors of the former and of the head or manager of the typographical establishment in which the impres- sion or engraving may have been done, for the purpose of ascertaining the author. For this purpose the original shall be demanded of any of the persons in whose possession it may be, which person, if he does not place the same at the disposal of the judge, shall state the person to whom he may have delivered it. Art. 818. If the crime should have been committed by means of the publication of a writing or of single impressions, the deposition men- tioned in the foregoing article shall be taken of the head and employees of the establishment in which the printing or stamping was done. Art. 819. If it should not be possible to ascertain the real author of the writing or impression, or if he can not be prosecuted on account of being a resident of a foreign country, or for any other reason specified in the penal code, the proceedings shall be brought against the poisons subsidiarily liable in the order established in the proper article of the said code. Art. 820. The confession of an alleged author shall not be sufficient to consider him as such, and prevent proceedings being instituted against other persons, if in view of his circumstances or of the crime there should lie sufficient indications to lead to a belief that the person making the confession was not the real author of the writing or impres- sion published. L'UL 202 Pero una vez dictada sentencia firme en contra de los subsidiaria- mente responsables, no se podni abrir nuevo procedimiento contra el responsable principal si llegare a ser conocido. Art. 821. Si durante el curso de la causa apareciere alguna persona que, por el orden establecido en el articulo respective) del codigo penal, debit responder criminalmente del delito antes que <-l procesado, se sobreseeni en la causa respecto a este, dirigiendose el procediniicnto contra aquella. Art. 822. No se consideraran como instrumentos 6 efectos del delito mas que los ejeniplares impresos del escrito 6 estampa y «'l inolde de esta. Art. 823. Unidos a la causa el impreso, grabado u otro medio meca- nico de publicacion que haya servido para la eomision del delito, }' averiguado el autoro la persona subsidiariamente responsable, sc dar;i por terminado el sumario. 202 But after a final sentence has 1 d rendered against those subsidiarily liable, new proceedings can not be brought against the person princi- pally liable, should he become known. Akt. 821. If during the course of the cause it -I ml I appear that some person who. in the order established in the respective article of the penal code, should before the accused answer criminally for the crime, the proceedings shall be dismissed with regard to the latter and directed against the former. Akt. 822. Only the printed copies of the writing or impression and the plate of the latter >hall be considered a- instruments or effects of crime. Art. 823. After the printed matter, engraving, or other mechanical means of publication which may have served for the commission of the crime shall have been attached to the cause, and after the author or the person subsidiarily liable has been ascertained, the suma/rio shall be closed. TITULO VI. DEL PROCEDIMIENTO PARA LA EXTRADICION. Art. 82-i. Los fiscales de las audiencias y el del Tribunal Supremo, cada uno en su caso ylugar, pediran que el juez 6 tribunal proponga :il gobierno que solicite la extradicion de los procesados 6 condenados por sentencia firme, cuando sea procedente con arreglo a dereeho. Art. 825. Para que pueda pedirse 6 proponerse la extradicion. >cra requisito necesario que se haya dictado auto motivado de prision 6 recaido sentencia firme contra los acusados a que se refiera. Art. 826. Solo podra pedirse 6 proponerse la extradicion: 1.° De los espanoles que, habiendo delinquido en Espafia. se havan refugiado en pais extranjero. 2.° De los espanoles que, habiendo atentado en el extranjero contra la seguridad exterior del Estado, se hubiesen refugiado en pais dis- tinto del en que delinquieron. 3.° De los extranjeros que, debiendo ser juzgados en Espana, se hubiesen refugiado en un pais (pie no sea el suvo. Art. 827. Procedera la peticion de extradicion: 1.° En los casos que se determinen en los tratados vigentes con la potencia en cuyo territorio se hallare el individuo reclamado. 2.° En defecto de tratado, en los casos en que la extradicion proceda segim el dereeho escrito 6 consuetudinario vigente en el territorio & cuya nacion se pida la extradicion. 3.° En defecto de los dos casos anteriores, cuando la extradicion sea procedente, segun el principio de reciprocidad. Art. 828. P^l juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa en que estu- vici-c procesado el reo ausente en territorio extranjero serf el compe- tente para pedir SU extradicion. Art. 829. El juez 6 tribunal que conociere de la causa acordara* de oficio 6 a instancia de parte, en resoluci6n fundada, pedir la extradici6n desde el momento en que, pore! estado del proceso y por su resultado, sea procedente cod arreglo :i cualquiera de los numeros Ai' los art [culos 826 v 827. ABT. 830. Contra el auto acordando 6 denegando pedir la extradi- cion podni interponerse el reourso de apelaci6n, si lo hubiese dictado un juez de instruccion. TITLE VI. PROCEEDINGS FOR EXTRADITION. Akt. B24. The fiscales of audiencias and of the Supreme Court, each in his rust' and place, shall request the judge or court to recommend to the Government that it make a request for the extradition of per- sons accused or condemned by a final sentence when proper according to law. Art. 825. In order that the extradition may be demanded or recom- mended, it shall he necessary that a warrant of commitment or final sentence shall have issued against the persons accused iii reference. Aim. 826. Extradition can only he demanded or recommended: 1. Of Spaniards who. having committed a crime in Spain, shall have taken refuge in a foreign country. •1. Of Spaniards who. having made a criminal attempt in a foreign country against the external security of the State, shall have sought refuge in a country other than that in winch they committed the crime. 3. Of foreigners who, being .subject to trial in Spain, shall have sought refuge in a country not their own. Art. 8^7. A request for extradition shall he proper: 1. In the cases specified in the treaties in force with the nation within whose territory the individual wanted may he. '1. In the absence of a treaty, in the cases in which extradition is proper according to written law or the law of custom in force in the territory of the nation of which the extradition is requested. 3. In the absence of the two preceding cases, when the extradition is proper, according to the principles of reciprocity. Akt. 828. The judge or court taking cognizance of the cause in which a criminal is undergoing trial who is absent in foreign territory shall have jurisdiction to demand his extradition. Am. 829. The judge or court taking cognizance of the cause shall order at it- own or at the instance of a party, in a resolution setting forth the reasons therefor, that the extradition he demanded from the moment that, on account of the stage of the proceedings and the result thereof, it may be proper in accordance with any of the numbers of articles slV, and 827. Akt. 830. An appeal lies from a decree ordering or refusing to order a demand for extradition, if said decree shall have issued from a judge of examination. 204 Art. 831. La peticion de extradicion se hara en forma de supli- catorio dirigido al Ministro de Ultramar. Se exceptua el caso en que, por el tratado vigente con la nacion en cuvo territorio se hallare el procesado, pueda pedir directainente la extradicion el juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa. Art. 832. Con el suplicatorio 6 comunicacion que havan de expe- dirse, segdn lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, se reinitirn testimonio en que se inserte literalmente el auto de extradicion, y en relacion la pretension 6 dictamen fiscal en que se haya pedido y todas las diligen- cias de la causa necessarias para justificar la procedencia de la extradi- cion con arreglo al niimero correspondiente del art. 826 en que uquella se f unde. Art. 833. Cuando la extradicion haya de pedirse por conducto del Ministro de Ultramar, se le remitira el suplicatorio y testimonio por medio del presidente de la audiencia respectiva. Si el tribunal que conociere de la causa fuese el Supremo 6 8U sala segunda, los documentos mencionados se remitiran por medio del presi- dente de dicho tribunal. 204 Am. 831. The request for extradition Bhall be made in the form of :i supplication addressed to the Colonial Department. The case is excepted in which. by a treaty in force with the nation within whose territory the person accused may be found, the extradi- tion can ho requested directly by the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause. Aur. 832. With the supplication or communication to be Issued, according to the provisions of the preceding article, a certificate shall be transmitted containing literally the decree of extradition and an ali-tract of the demand or report of the prosecuting official in which it shall have been requested and all the proceedings in the cause necessary to justify the propriety of the extradition, in accordance with the proper number of article 826, upon which it is based. Aur. 833. When the extradition must be requested through the Colonial Minister, the supplication and certificate shall be transmitted to him through the presiding judge of the respective audiencia. If the court taking cognizance of the cause should be the Supreme Court or its second chamber, the documents mentioned shall he trans- mitted through the presiding judge of said court. TITULO VII. DEL PROCEDIMIENTO CONTEA REOS AUSENTES. Art. 834. Sera declarado rebelde el proeesado que en el termino fijado en las requisitorias no comparezca, 6 que no fuese habido y presentado ante el juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa. Art. 835. Sera llamado y buscado por requisitoria: 1.° El proeesado que, al ir a notificarsele cualquiera resolucion judi- cial, no fuere hallado en su domicilio por haberse ausentado, si se ignorase su paradero, y el que no tuviese domicilio conocido. El que practique la diligencia interrogara sobre el punto en que se hallare el proeesado a la persona con quien dicha diligencia deba entenderse, con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el art. 172 de esta ley. 2.° El que se hubiere fugado del establecimiento en que se hallase detenido 6 preso. 3.° El que, hallandose en libertad provisional, dejare de concurrir a la presencia judicial el dia que le este seiialado 6 cuando sea llamado. Art. 836. Inmediatamente que un proeesado se halle en cualquiera de los casos del articulo anterior, el juez 6 tribunal que conozca do la causa mandara expedir requisitorias para su llamamiento y busca. Art. 837. La requisitoria expresara todas las circunstancias mencio- nadas en el articulo 513, excepto la ultima, cuando no se haya decretado la prision 6 detencion del proeesado, y adenitis las siguientes: 1.° La del numero del articulo 835 que diere lugar a la expedition de la requisitoria. 2.° El termino dentro del eual el proeesado ausente debeni presen-, bajo apercibimiento de que en otro caso serd declarado rebelde y le pararS el perjuicio a que hubiere lugar eon arreglo a la ley. Art. 838. La requisitoria se remitini :i los jueces, se publicar^i en los peri6dico8 y se lijara en los sitios publicos mencionados en el arti- culo 512, iitiirndosc ;i los aulos la original y un ejemplar de cada peiio dico t'n que se baj a publicado. Art. 839. Transcurrido el plazo de la requisitoria sin haber oom- parecido 6 sin haber sido presentado el ausente, sele declarard rebelde. 205 TITLE VII. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST ABSENT CRIMINALS. Art. 834. A person accused who shall not appear within the period fixed in the requisitions or who can not be found and brought before the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause shall be declared in default. Art. 835. The following shall be called and sought for by requi- sition: 1. An accused person who. when notice is sought to be served upon him of any judicial decision, should not be found at his domicile by reason of his absence, if his whereabouts be unknown, and an accused person not having a known domicile. The person in charge of the service shall question the person upon whom said service is to be made, in accordance with the provisions of article 172 of this law, as to the whereabouts of the person accused. 2. He who shall have escaped from the institution in which he was detained or imprisoned. 3. He who, enjoying temporary liberty, should fail to appear before the court upon the day fixed or when he is called. Art. 836. As soon as a person accused is included in the provisions of any of the cases of the foregoing article, the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause shall order the issue of requisitions for his call and search. Art. 837. The requisition shall state all the circumstances mentioned in article 513, excepting the last, when the imprisonment or detention of the accused shall not have been decreed, and also the following: 1. That mentioned in such number of article 835 which is the cause of the issue of the requisition. •1. The period within which the absent accused must appear, under the admonition that otherwise he will be declared in default and that he will suffer the prejudice which may lie according to law. Art. 838. The requisition shall be transmitted to the judges, pub- lished in the newspapers and posted in the public place- mentioned in article 512, the original requisition, a- well as a copy of each news- paper containing the same being attached to the record. Art. 839. Upon the expiration of the period of the requisition without the absentee having appeared or been brought before the court, he shall be declared in default. 205 206 Art. 840. Si la causa estuviere en sumario, se continuara hasta que se declare teraiinado por el juez 6 tribunal competente. suspendien- dose despues su curso y arehivandose los autos y las piezas de convic- tion que pudieren conservarse y no fueren de un tercero irresponsible. Art. 841. Si al ser declarado en rebeldia el procesado se hallare pendiente el juicio oral, se suspendera este y se archivaran los autos. Art. 842. Si fueren dos 6 mas los procesados y no a todos se les hubiese declarado en rebeldia, se suspendera el curso de la causa respecto a los rebeldes hasta que sean hallados, y se continuara respecto a los demtis. Art. 843. En cualquiera de los casos de los tres artieulos anteriores, se reservara en el acto la suspension, a la parte ofendida por el delito, la action que le corresponda para la restitution de la cosa, la repara- tion del dano y la indenmizacion de perjuicios, a fin de que pueda ejereitarla, independientemente de la causa, por la via civil contra los que fueren responsables, a cu} t o efecto no se alzaran los embargos hechos, ni se cancelaran las iianzas prestadas. Art. 844. Cuando la causa se archive por estar en rebeldia todos los procesados, se mandara devolver a los dueiios, que no resulten civil ni criminalmente responsables del delito, los efectos 6 instrumentos del misino 6 las demas piezas de conviction que hubiesen sido recogi- das durante la causa; pero antes de hacerse la devolution, el secre- tario extendera diligencia consignando description minuciosa de todo lo que se devuelva. Asimismo se verificara el reconocimiento pericial que habria de practicarse si la causa continuara su curso ordinario. Para la devolution de los efectos y piezas de conviction pertene- cientes a un tercero irresponsable, se observara lo que se dispone en los artieulos 634 y 635. Art. 845. Si el reo se hubiere fugado li ocultado despues de notifi- cada la sentencia y estando pendiente el recurso de casacion, este se sustain iara hasta detinitiva, nombrandose al rebelde abogado y pro- curador de oticio. La sentencia que recaiga sera firme. Lo niisino sucedera si habiendose ausentado li ocultado el reo despues de haberle sido notificada la sentencia. se interpusiere el recurso por su representacion 6 por el niinisterio fiscal despues de su ausencia u ocultacion. Art. 846. Cuando el declarado rebelde en los casos de los artieulos sin y 841 se presente 6 sea habrdo, se abrira' auevamente la causa para continuarla, segun su estado. 206 Art. s4<>. [f the cause should be at the stage of the sumario, it shall be continued until said sumario is declared concluded by the proper judge <>r court, the course <>t' tin' < -: 1 1 1 — « * being thereupon suspended, and the proceedings and exhibits which can be kept and which air not the property of a third person not liable shall he filed. A i : r. 841. If the oral trial should he pending when the accused is declared in default, said trial shall he suspended and the proceedings filed. Aim - . 842. Should there be two or more persons accused and all of them have not been declared in default, the course of the cause shall he suspended with regard to the persons in default until they are found, and shall be continued with regard to the rest. Akt. 843. In any of the eases of the three preceding articles, at the time of the suspension there shall he reserved to the party injured hy the crime the right of action he may have for the restitution of the thing, the repair of the damage, and the indemnity for losses, in order that he may exercise the same, independently of the cause, through civil channels against those liable, for which purpose the attachments levied and the bonds furnished shall not he raised or cancelled. Art. S44. When the cause is filed by reason of all the persons accused being in default, an order shall issue for the return to the owners who are not civilly nor criminally liable for the crime, of the effect- or instruments of the same, or of the other exhibits which may have been collected during the cause: but before the return is made, the secretary shall make a record containing a minute description of everything returned. The expert examination which would have to be made if the cause had continued its ordinary course shall also take place. The provisions of articles 634 and 635 shall be observed, for the return of the effects and exhibits belouging to a person who has not incurred any liability. Art. 845. If the criminal should have escaped or concealed himself after having received notice of the sentence and while the appeal for annulment of judgment is pending, the latter shall be continued until it is decided, an attorney and solicitor being assigned to the person in default ex officio. The decision rendered shall be final. The same shall occur if the criminal having absented or concealed himself after having been notified of the sentence, an appeal is inter- posed by his counsel or by the prosecuting official after his absence or concealment. Art. 846. When the person declared in default in the cases of arti- cles 840 and 841 should present himself or he found, the cause shall he reopened and continued from the place where it left off. LIBRO QUTNTO. DE LOS RECURSOS DE CASACldN Y DE REVISION. TlTULO PRIMERO. DE LOS RECURSOS DE CASACION. CAPITULO PRIMERO. DE EOS RECURSOS DE CASACl6N POR INFRACCl6N DE LEY. Seccion Primera. — De la procedendo del recurso. 1 Art. 847. Procede el recurso de casacion por infraccion de ley con- tra todas las sentencias dictadas en imica instancia y en juicio oral y publico por las audiencias, y contra las de segunda instancia dictadas en los juicios de faltas. No procede respecto de las pronunciadas por el Tribunal Supremo. LSegiin sentencia de 7 de Julio de 1883, si bien el recurso de casacion sirve de remedio a perjuicios particulars, ademas de llenar el fin principal de su estableci- raiento, encaminado a fijar la inteligencia de las leyes y uniformar sn aplicaci6n, no es lfcito a nadie, cualquiera que sea su interns del rnomento, promoverlo con un cardcter distinto del que tuviera en juicio, porque de otra suerte serfa motivo de perturbaci6n el medio extraordinario por el cual se mantiene en cada caso el iinperio de la ley en las condiciones propias de cada proceso. (Sentencia de 7 de Julio de 1883. ) Contra las resoluciones de los tribunales concernientes al procedimiento, si bien puededarse en loscaaos marcados por la legislaeion vigente el recurso de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma, nunca es procedente por su esencia lnisma y condi- ciones precisas que le han de servir de base por infraccion de ley. [Sentencia de JO de Julio de 1883.) Las partes, al interponer el recurso de casacion, una vez aceptados los hechos (pie como probados se consignan en la sentencia, ban de deducir sn derecho de la mala apreeiaeion jnn'dicay legal que hayan merecido los tnismos; y como los quecontienc una sentencia en que se condena al dennnciado, en concepto de antor de una falta, en las penaa de tnulta indemnizaci6n, y se declara ;i otro individuo responsable de esta ultima Bubsidiariamente, no afectan ni interesan, excepto en cuanto se refieren ;i dicha responsabilidad Bubsidiaria, mas que al dennnciado, el Bubsidiariamente responsable, eon esperanza de exito, ni puede ni debe alegar como motivos de sn recurso infracciones apoyadas en el Bupuesto de que no delinquid dicho dennnciado al cometer la falta por que se le condeno. (Sentencia de ) roliil>e liacer calilicarioii mas dura ni iniponer pena mas grave que la que haya sid<> objeto del recurso, por lo cual el Tribunal Supremo, Begun sn jurisprudent cia on estos casos, no da lugar ;i la caaacidn. (Sentencia de 14 de Diciembre de 1888.) La lev no autoriza para proponer en el Tribunal Supremo cuestionee nuevas ni 207 BOOK FIFTH. APPEALS FOR ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT AND FOR REVIEW. TITLE FIRST. APPEALS FOR ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT. CHAPTER FIRST. APPEALS FOR ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT FOB VIOLATION OF LAW. Section FxBsn.—When the appeal lies. 1 Art. 847. An appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law lies from all sentences rendered in first and last instance and at an oral and public trial by audiencias, and from those rendered in second instance upon misdemeanors. It does not lie from those rendered by the Supreme Court. 1 According to a decision of July 7, 1883, although au appeal for annulment of judgment serves as a remedy for particular prejudices, in addition to fulfilling the principal end of its institution, that is to say, to fix the interpretation of laws and the uniformity of their application, it is not licit for anyone, whatever be his momen- tary interest, to institute it in a capacity distinct from the one he had in the action, because otherwise this extraordinary measure, by which in every case the sovereignty of the law is maintained in the conditions proper to each proceeding, would be a means of disturbance. {Decision of July 7. 1883.) Although in the cases specified by the laws in force, an appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form may be allowed from decisions of courts upon questions of procedure, this appeal never lies from its essence and the precise conditions which are to serve as a ground therefor, violation of law. (Decision of July 10, 1883.) The parties, in interposing an appeal for annulment of judgment after having accepted the facts which are stated in the sentence as being proved, must base their right upon the erroneous juridical and legal consideration which the same may have received; and as those which a sentence contains in which the person denounced is condemned as the author of a misdemeanor to the penalties of a tine and indemnity, and another person is declared liable for the latter in a subsidiary manner, they do not affect nor interest, except in so far as said subsidiary liability is concerned, any- one but the person denounced, the one subsidiarily liable, with the hope of success; nor can he or must he allege as aground for bis appeal violations based upon the sup- position that said denounced person did not violate the law in committing the offence for which he was sentenced. (Decision of December i. 1883. | The law prohibits that any more serious classification be made or any heavier penalty be imposed than that which may have been the subject of the appeal, for which reason the Supreme Court, according to the precedents in such cases, 'Iocs not allow the appeal. ( Decision of Deccmfxr 14, 1883. ) The law does not authorize the proposition before the Supreme Court of new ques- 207 208 Art. 848. Habra lugar a] recurso de casaci6n de que habla el arti- culo anterior cuando la ley se hubiere infringido en las resolucionea siguientes cle los tribunales: 1.° Ed las sentencias deh'nitivas. 2.° En los autos de competencia. 3.° P2n los autos que resuelvan articulos de previo pronunciamiento en que se hayan admitido las excepciones . Se entendera que ha sido infringida una ley en la sentencia detinitiva para el efecto de que pueda interponerse el recurso de easacion : s 1.° Cuando los hechos que en la sentencia se declaren probados scan alegar otras infracciones que las que se hayau cometido al resolver las euestiones planteadas en los respectivos juicios. ( Sentencia de .'/ de Marzo de 18S4- ) Las leyes civiles y de procedimiento no pueden servir de fundamento en materia penal a un recurso de easacion por infraccion de ley. (Sentencia de 7deJuniod( t884-) 1 Es imposible seguir la causa y celebrar el jaicio oral sin que exista un sujeto detenninado contra quien dirigir el procedimiento. Contra los autos do Bobreeei- miento libre fundados en esta razon, no procede el recurso. (Sentencia de SO de Nori endive de 1S.SH.) No puede impugnarse el Bobreseimiento libre en easacion cuando el procedimiento nose ha dirigido contra persona determiuada. (Sentencia de 7 de Enero f courts : 1. In final sentences. 2. In decisions upon questions of jurisdiction. m. In decision- upon preliminary exceptions by which the excep- tions of rea judicata, prescription of the crime or of the penalty, or the application of amnesty or general pardon shall have been admitted. 4. In decisions dismissing proceedings. 1 5. In those not admitting a complaint. 6. In those disallowing an appeal in complaint interposed against a decision denying the appeal interposed for nonadmission of the complant. 7. In decisions granting or refusing a declaration of poverty. 8. In any other decisions with regard to which this appeal is expressly granted. In order that an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law may be granted from the decisions mentioned in the foregoing numbers, it shall be necessary that they be final, and, furthermore, that no other ordinary remedy is allowed against the same. 2 Art. 849. 3 It shall be understood that a law has been violated in a final sentence for the effect of the interposition of an appeal for annul- ment of judgment: 1. When the acts which are declared proved in the sentence are tians, nor that other violations be alleged than those which may have been com- mitted in deciding the questions arising in the respective actions. ( Decision of March 24, 1884.) Civil laws and procedure can not serve as a basis in criminal matters for an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law. {Decision of June 7, 1884. ) 1 It is impossible to continue the cause and hold the oral trial without the exist- ence of a specific subject against whom to conduct the proceeding. The appeal dees not lie from decisions of absolute dismissal based upon this cause. (Decision of November 30, 1886.) An absolute dismissal can not be impugned for annulment when the proceedings have not been directed against a specific person. (Decision of January 7, 18S7. ) J No. 8 of Art. 848 of the law of criminal procedure in force, in concordance with the second paragraph of Art. 853, relates to those decisions with regard to which the appeal fur annulment of judgment isexpressly granted; but with regard to a decision relating to proceedings upon a deposit ordered in a sumario upon the falsity of a will for the purpose of preserving the property left by the person whose succession is in question, or to assure the civil liability of a third person, in addition to its not having a final character on account of its nature, there exista no provision which authorizes an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law from decisions of this char- acter. (Decision of November 20, 1883.) • In order that, according to law and the constant and repeated jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, an appeal for annulment of judgment for a violation of law may be admitted it must be founded upon causes which do not impugn or are not in con- 18473—01 27 209 calificados y penados como delitos 6 faltas, no siendolo, 6 cur.ndo se penen a pesar de existir una circunstancia eximente de responsabilidad consignen, ni las declaraciones que en virtud de los mismos contenga la expresada Bentencia, si quiera haya sido sin la expresi6n terminante que la ley preceptua y foera del lugar en que segun la misma ley corresponde que se hagan, lo cual no desvirttia ni anula su eficacia. (Sentencia de 12 de Noviembre de 1883.) Es inadmisible el recurso de casacion por infraction de ley que se funda exclu- sivamente en la suposicion de haberse cometido en la sustanciaeion de la causa varios defectos de procedimiento. {Sentencia de 14 de Novu more de 1883.) Las alegaciones en casacion, si han de revestir todas las formalidades extrfnaecas que la ley taxativamente senala, no han de discutir ni contrariar los hechos que como probados se han consignado en la sentencia objeto del debate, ni deducir de ellos consecuenciaa que no esten en armonia con lo que dictan la razun y el buen sentido. (Sentencia de 16 de Noviembre de 1883.) Es inadmisible el recurso de casacion en cuyo escrito de interposition se discute e impugna la declaration que la sala sentenciadora ha hecho de ser los indicios que recoge graves y concluyentes y cuya combination convence de la culpabilidad del recurrente en concepto de encubridor del delito perseguido, sin que de ello quepa duda rational segun el orden natural y ordinario de las cosas, lo cual se prohibe por la ley y por la constante jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo. (Sentencia de 27 de Noviembre de 1883.) Tantolosdistintosnumerosdel articulo849dela leyde enjuiciamento criminal, como la repetida jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo, exigen que las partes acepten sin discusion y como una verdad inconcusa los hechos que como probados se consignan en la sentencia recurrida. (Sentencia de 29 de Diciembre de 1S83. ) Las sentencias del Tribunal Supremo no establecen en materia criminal doctrina cuya infaccion de lugar por si sola al recurso de casacion por infraction de ley. (Sen- tencia de 31 de Diciembre de 188S. ) Para la resolution del recurso por infraction de ley hay que partir necesaria y legalmente de los hechos que como probados haya admitido el tribunal a ', 1886.) It is ma proper to discuss grounds which relate to the amount of the indemnity of damages, because this .natter is not included in any of the cases whirl, authorize an appeal for annuls ant of judgment ( Decision of June 6, 188.5.) An appeal interposed against a final sentence i- not admissible if Art. 849 is nut cited, as well as the specific ease of said article, or, what is the same, the cause for annulment (Decision of October 10, 1885.) According to the constant jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, when the grounds alleged as a basis for the appeal have no foundation upon the facts embodied ami declared as proved in the sentence appealed from, it is not admissihle. (Decision <>f October 8, 18S5.) This article does not authorize an appeal for annulment of judgment which is hased upon the amount of the civil liability derived from the crime, nor less on the non- reservation to the person liable in a subsidiary manner of his right of action against the principal. (Decision of October 21, 1886.) 1 The specific precept of Art. 874 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, to the effect that in an appeal for annulment of judgment the article of the law authorizing it must be cited, is not complied with when, with manifest incongruence, the allegations of the appellant tending to show that the sentence contains an error with regard to the classification of the crime, No. 1 of Art. 849 is invoked. (Decision of October IS, 1884.) Neither No. 1 nor No. 6, nor any other number of Art. 849 of the Law r of Criminal Procedure, authorize an appeal which refers to the imposition of costs and in which article 28 of the Penal Code is cited as having been violated. (Decision of November 11, 1884.) In interposing an appeal for annulment of judgment upon the merits there must be cited the article and number of the Law of Criminal Procedure which authorize it, in mder to map out the argument and determine the judicial character, the legal grounds, and the effect upon the procedure of the violation or violations alleged. The appeal being interposed in accordance with No. 1 of Art. 349, the decision must be circumscribed to an examination as to whether the facts ascertained and proved constitute a ', 1887.) 211 2. ° Cuando los hechos que en la sentencia se declaren probados no se califiquen 6 no se penen como delitos 6 faltas, siendolo. y sin que cir- cnnstancias posteriores impidan penarlos.( 1 ) 3.° Cuando constituyendo delito 6 falta de los hechos que se declaren probados en la sentencia. se haya cometido error de derecho en su caliiicacion. ,; 4.° Cuando se haya cometido error de derecho al determinar hi par- ticipacion de cada uno de los procesados en los hechos que se declaren probados en la sentencia. 3 5.° Cuando se haya cometido error de derecho en la caliiicacion de los hechos que se declaren probados en la sentencia en concepto de circunstancias agravantes, atenuantes 6 eximentes de responsabilidad criminal. 6.° Cuando el grado de la pena impuesta no corresponda segun la lejr a la caliiicacion aceptada respecto del hecho justiciable, de la par- ticipacion en el de los procesados 6 de las circunstancias atenuantes 6 agravantes de responsabilidad criminal.* l Fundado en el num. 2.° del art. 849 de la ley de enjuieiamiento criminal, refe- rente a senteneias definitivas, el recurso contra un auto denegatorio de admisi6n de querella, se falta a lo prevenido en el art. 874, y no es aquel admMble en razon ;i no citarse articulo aplicable que en realidad lo autorice. (Sentencia de SO dk Novu mire de 1883.) Cuando el recurso se funda exclusivamente en el error de derecho cometido en la calificacion de los hechos probados, entendiendo que constituyen delito y no falta como ha estimado la sala sentenciadora, la cita del num. 2.° del art. 849 de la ley de enjuieiamiento criminal lo hace inadmisible, porque el verdadero caso congruentees el 3." (Sentencia de 12 de Noriembre de 1884). Las resolucionee judiciales desobreseimientosonsusceptiblesdecasacion solamente en los casos senalados en el art. 852 de la ley de enjuieiamiento criminal; y dictado con aciertoo con errorunautodesobreseimiento, es obligaeion del recurrenteajustarse, para la casaci6n que pretende, a la forma y caracter de dicha resolucion, Edendo p< >r ello ineficaz la cita ue los numeros 2.°, 4.°, y 5.° del art. 849 de dicha ley n de ley, 66 aecesario our >c exprese dett-nnina- 211 •j. When the acts which are declared to be proved in the sentence arc not classified «>r are not punished as crimes or misdemeanors, when thc\ are Buch, and without subsequent circumstances preventing their punishment. 1 .".. When the acts which arc declared proved m the sentence consti- tute a crime or misdemeanor ami an error of law has been committed in their classification. 1. When an error of law has been committed in determining the participation of each of the accused in the acts which are declared t«> he proved in the sentence. :>. When a.i error of law has been committed in the classification of the acts which are declared to be proved in the sentence n- aggravating, or extenuating circumstances or .such as exempt from criminal liability. 6. When the degree of the penalty imposed does not correspond according to law to the accepted classification with regard to the triable act. the participation therein of the accused or the circumstances which extenuate or aggravate criminal liability.* 1 An appeal from a ruling rejecting a complaint based upon No. 2 of Art. 849 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, relating to tinal sentences, is not in compliance with the provisions of Art. H74, ami said appeal is not admissible forthe reason that the article applicable which really authorizes it is not cited. (Decision of November 30, 1883.) When the appeal is based exclusively upon an error of law committed in the classi- fication of the proved acts, under the supposition that they constitute a crime and not a misdemeanor as the sentencing chamber had considered, a citation of No. 2 of Art. 849 of the Law of Criminal Procedure renders its admission impossible, because the real congruent case is the third one. (Decision of November l A 1884.) Judicial decisions relating to dismissal of proceedings are susceptible of annulment only in the cases specified in Art. K52 of the Law of Criminal Procedure; andadecree of dismissal having issued properly or improperly, it is the obligation of the appel- lant to conform for the annulment which he desires, to the form and character of said decision, a citation of Xos. 2, 4, and 5 of Art. 84!) of said Law of Criminal Pro- cedure, which relate to tinal decisions being insufficient therefor. (Decision of November /•-'. 1884-) 2 An appeal interposed in the name of the accused and based upon No. 3 of Art. 849 of the law of criminal procedure cannot lie entertained when the classification arisin<_' from the crime would call for a penalty equal or higher than that determined, for which the counsel of the appellant had no right. (Decision <;/' December 3, 1S84-) 'An appeal which is directed to a denial of the participation in the crime charged to the appellant is not admissible if No. 4 of Art. 849 of the law of criminal proce- dure has not been cited, which is the only congruent case herein. (Decision of Oclo- ber //, 1884.) A failure to declare the acts to he proved in the resultandox is not a cause for annul- ment, when such affirmation is sustained in the cs. (Decision <>f Norcm- her 17, 1886. | ' According to the provisions of the law of criminal procedure and the jurisprudence laid down by repeated decisions of the Supreme Court, in order thai an appeal for annulment of judgment for a violation of law may be deemed admissible, it is ueces- 212 7.° Cuando, dados los hechos que se declaren probados, se hayaineu- rrido en error de derecho al admitir 6 desestimar las excepciones 2. a , 3. a , 4. a y 5. a del art. QQQ reproducidas en el juicio. Art. 850. Se entendera para el mismo efecto infrindida la ley en el caso del num. 2.° del art. 848 cuando, dada la calificacion que de los hechos apareciere en la sentencia, el tribunal haya incurrido en error legal al resolver sobre su competencia. 1 Akt. 851. Se entendera para el efecto sobredicho que ha sido infrin- gida la ley en los autos comprendidos en el num. 3.° del art. 848 cuando, dados los hechos que se declaren probados, se haya incurrido en error de derecho al declararlos comprendidos en una sentencia firme ante- damente cud! sea el error de derecho a que se refieren las inf racciones que se supongan cometidas, y se cite la disposition legal en que se establezca la suficiencia de tal error, y ademas es condition precisa que las infracciones alegadas se deriven de los hechos aceptados como probados en la sentencia recurrida. (Sentencia de 17 de Nam m- bredel883.) No es admisible el recurso que en sus alegaciones no aspira & la declaration de punto alguno de derecho. (Sentencia de 27 de Noviembre de 1S83.) Habiendo penado conjuntamente la sala sentenciadora tres delitos distintos apre- ciando la concurrencia de lacircunstancia agravante de abuso de confianza, am ex praaar determinadamente ii cual de los indicados delitos hacia referencia dicha circunstantia, no es procedente el recurso que se contrae exclusivamente a estiinar inherente a uno de ellos el abuso de confianza; pues aunque en este concepto pudiera seraceptable al fundamento del recurrente, no procede entrar en el examen de si existe la propia razon respecto de los otros dos delitos 4 los cuales no es extensivo el recurso, y en su virtud no puede declararse que en la sentencia recurrida se haya cometido error de derecho y la consiguiente infracci6n de ley. (Sentencia de 26 de Marzo 1888.) Be Lnadmifiible el recurso de casacion por infraction do lev, cuando el deducido se interpone contra an auto en que no so ha califlcado oi procedia caliiicar los hechos, in (dene por objeto detenninar :i quien incumbe conocer del delito que aquel ha denunciado, resolviendo solo ;i quien coiresponde instruir el sumario, lo cual ao es lo mismo. (Sentencia of Ait. 848 when, in view of the acts which are declared to be proved, an error of law has been incurred in declaring them included in a prior sary that the error of law to which the violations supposed to have hern committed he specifically stated, and that the legal provisions in which the sufficiency of such error is estahlished be cited, and furthermore it is a necessary condition that the vio- lations alleged be derived from the acts which are accepted as proved in the sentence appealed from. (Decision <>f November 17, 1883.) An appeal which does not specify any point of law in its allegations is not admissi- ble. ( Decision of Now mber 27, 1883. ) A sentencing chamber having punished jointly three distinct crimes considering the attendance of an aggravating circumstance of breach of trust, without expressly specifying to which of the said crimes said circumstance refers, an appeal does not lie which is limited exclusively to considering the breach of trust as inherent to one of them; because although in this connection the reasons of the appellant might be acceptable, it is not proper to enter upon an examination of the existence of the same reason with regard to the two other crimes to which the appeal does not extend, and by virtue thereof it can not be declared that in the sentence appealed from an error of law and a consequent violation of law has been committed. (Decision of March .'<'>. 1884.) If the appeal is based upon the fact that the sentencing chamber, without bear- ing upon the acts which it declares proved, considers an aggravating circumstance to be present, and applies the penalty affixed to the crime in its maximum degree, as this error, if incurred, would be included under the provisions of No. 5 of Art. 849 of the law of criminal procedure, the citation of No. 6 of the said article is not congru- ent, and renders the course of said appeal impossible. (Decision of October 23, 1S84- ) The error of law provided for in No. 6 of Art. 849 of the law of criminal procedure does not authorize the discussion of the existence of circumstances which may modify the liability and which have not been declared in the sentence, but only the propri- ety of the penalty imposed according to said circumstances. (Decision of December 4, 1884-) 1 According to Art. 850 of the law of criminal procedure, in order that an appeal may be interposed from a decision upon questions of jurisdiction it is necessary that it be based upon the acts as they are embodied in the decision rendered. (Decision of October 18, 1883. ) An appeal forannulment of judgment for a violation of law is not admissible when that deduced i~ interposed against a decree in which the acts have not been classified and should n"t have been classified, and the purpose of which is not to determine who shall hike cognizance of the crime which the former has denounced, deciding only whose duty it is to conduct the sumario, which is not the same thing. ( Decision of January 25, 1884. ) 213 rior, 6 al considerar prescrita la accion penal que nazca del delito 6 falta, 6 al comprender los hechos en una amnistia 6 un indulto. Art. 852. Se entendera, para el efecto expresado en los articulos anteriores, que ha sido infringida la ley en cualquiera de los autos comprendidos en los niimeros -4.°, 5.° y 6.° del art. 848 cuando se funden en no estimarse como delito 6 falta, siendolo 6 presentando caracteres de tales, los hechos consignados por el juez 6 tribunal en los respec- tivos autos, sin que cireunstancias posteriores impidan penarlos, 6 cuando se declare exentos de responsabilidad criminal a los procesados, no debiendo serlo con arreglo al precepto expreso de una ley 1 . Art. 853. Se entendera, para el mismo efecto, infringida la ley en el auto niencionado en el numero 7.° del articulo 848, cuando, dados los hechos que se declaren probados, se haya infringido lo dispuesto en el articulo 123, sin f undarse para ello en la exception expresada en el arti- culo 125. Se entendera igualmente infringida la le} 7 en los autos a quo se refiere el numero 8.° del articulo 818, cuando su resolucion contradiga expreso precepto legal. Art. 851. Podnin interponer el recurso de casacion: el ininisterio fiscal; los que hayan sido parte en los juicios criminales; los que, sin haberlo sido, resulten condenados en la sentencia, y los herederos de unos y otros. Los actores civiles no podran interponer el recurso sino en cuanto pueda afectar a las restituciones, reparaciones e indemnizaciones que hayan reclamado. Seccion Segunda. — De la preparation de! recurso. Art. 855. — El que se proponga interponer el recurso de casacion por infraction de ley, pedira ante el juez 6 tribunal que haya dictado la resolucion judicial definitiva un testimonio de la misma, y tambien de la de primera instancia si hubiere sido dictada en juicio sobre faltas y se hubiesen aceptado y no reproducido teuxtalmente los resultandos y considerandos de la del juez municipal. Art. 856. La peticion expresada en el articulo anterior Be presen- tara dentro de l<^s cinco dlas siguientes al de la ultima Dotificaci6n do la sentencia 6 auto contra que 86 intente entatdar el recurso. En los juicios sobre faltas. el terniino sera el primer ilia siguiente al en que se haya practicado la ultima notilicacion. 1 I'll art. 862 'li- la Ley de enjuiciamento criminal Bupone una causa con procesado i'i i'ii laqoe&l menos haya babido una parte dispuesta a sostener la acci6n judicial, piilirmlo al efecto <■! proceeamiento '!«■ determinada persona. (Sentencia of Art. 848 when they are founded upon the failure to consider as a crime or misdemeanor the acts men- tioned by the judge or court in the respective decisions, when they are such or present characteristics thereof, and subsequent circumstances do not prevent their punishment, or when the accused arc declared exempt from criminal liability when they should not be, in accordance with the express provisions of the law. 1 Art. S53. The law shall be understood to have been violated for the same purpose in the decision mentioned in No. 7 of Art. 848 when, in view of the acts which are declared to be proved, the provisions of Art. L23 have been violated without being founded therefor upon the exception mentioned in Art. 125. The law shall likewise be considered to have been violated in the decisions referred to in No* 8 of Art. 848, when they are in contraven- tion of an express legal precept. Art. 854. An appeal for annulment of judgment may be interposed by: The public prosecutor; those who may have been parties to the criminal actions; those who, without having been such, appear con- demned by the sentence, a id the heirs of either. The civil plaintiff cannot interpose the appeal except in so far as restitutions, repairs, and indemnities claimed by him may be affected. Section Second. — Preparation of the appeal. Art. 855. He who intends to interpose an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law, shall request of the judge or court who rendered the final judicial decision a transcript of tin 1 same, and also of the judge of first instance, if the decision shall have been rendered upon an action upon a misdemeanor, and the resultandos and consul* r- f criminal procedure Bupposea a cause with a person under- going trial or in which al least there shall have been a party supposed to Bustain the judicial action, requesting for this purpose the prosecution of a specific person. ( DeeL sion of June 30, 1884- ) 214 Art. 857. En el escrito en que se pida testimonio de la sentencia para preparar el recurso, se consignara la promesa solemne de cons- tituir el deposito que establece el articulo 875 de la presents ley. Si la parte que prepare el recurso estuviere declarada insolvente, ya en todo, ya en parte, 6 pobre por sentencia ejecutoria. pedira al tribunal que se haga constar expresamente esta circanstancia en la certificacion de la sentencia que debera librarse, y se obligara. adenitis a responder, si llegare a mejor fortuna, del iraporte del deposito que segun los casos deba constituir. Art. 858. Los tribunales concederan dentro de tres dlas el testi- monio, a no ser que se pida fuera del termino senalado en el articulo 856, y haran que se expida dentro de otro plazo igual. Cuando le derrie- guen, consignaran en el auto denegatorio la fecha de la sentencia 6 del auto, la de su ultima notificacion a las partes y la de la presentacion de la solicitud del testimonio. Del auto denegatorio se dara copia certificada en el acto de la noti- ficacion al que hubiese pedido el testimonio. En dicha certificacion haran constar ademas los tribunales senten- ciadores, bajo su mas estrecha responsabilidad, con arreglo a lo (jue de las causas aparezca, si la parte recurrente esta declarada insolvente por carecer de toda clase de bienes, 6 en su caso, si ha obtenido declara- tion firme de ser pobre en sentido legal; 6 si, por el contrario. aten- dida su fortuna, los signos externos de su estado social y la manera como se haya defendido 6 gestionado en el juicio, se encuentra en la clase de rico. Art. 859. Librada la certificacion de que se habla en el articulo anterior, se emplazara a todas las partes para que comparezcan ante la sula segunda del Tribunal Supremo dentro del termino improrro- gable de sesenta dias. Art. 860. Cuando el recurrente defendido como pobre 6 declarado insolvente lo solicitare, el tribunal sentenciador remit ira directamente a la sala segunda del Supremo el testimonio necesario para la inter- position del recurso, 6 en su caso la certiticacion del auto denegatorio del niisino. La sala mandara nombrar abogado y procurador que pueda interpo- ner el recurso que corresponda. si el recurrente no les hubiere desig- nado. En uno y otro caso, la sala sefialara el plazo dentro del cual haya de interponerse. Aur. 861. El tribunal sentenciador, pore! correo directo mas inni(>- diato ul din en que se entregue el testimonio de la sentencia ;i la parte que Be proponga interponer el recurso de casaci6n, enviarf :i la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo certificaci6n de los ^otos reservados, si los hubiera, 6 oegativa en mi caso, > dispondrfique se notifiquefiloa que hayan sido parte en la causa, ademas del recurrente, la entrega6 remesa del testimonio. emplaz&ndolos para que puedan comparecer en 214 Akt. s ->7. A solemn promise to make the deposit established in Art. 87S of tbia law shall be embodied in the petition requesting the tran- script of the sentence for the preparation of the appeal. [f the party preparing the appeal should have been declared insol- vent, either in toto or in part, or poor by a final decision, he shall ask the court that this circumstance be expressly stated in the certificate of the sentence to he issued, and he shall hind himself furthermore to answer, if his circumstances improve, for the amount of the deposit, which should be made according to the case. Art. 858. The courts shall grant the transcript within three days unless it be requested outside of the period lixed in Art. 856, and shall have it issued within a similar period. When it is denied, they shall state in the decision denying it the date of the sentence or decision, that of its last notification to the parties, and that of the presentation of the petition for the transcript. A certified copy of the decree of denial shall be given to the person requesting the transcript at the time of the notification. The sentencing courts shall, under their strictest liability, state in -aid certificate, in accordance with what may appear from the causes, whether the appellant has been declared insolvent by reason of not possessing any property whatever, or in a proper case whether he has obtained a declaration of poverty in a legal sense; or if, on the con- trary, in view of his circumstances, the external indications of his social condition and the manner of his defence or actions during the trial, he is included in the wealthy class. Art. 859. After the certificate referred to in the foregoing article has been issued, all the parties shall be summoned to appear before the second chamber of the Supreme Court within the period of sixty days, not subject to extension. Art. 860. Upon the petition of an appellant defended as a poor per- son or declared insolvent, the sentencing court shall transmit directly to the second chamber of the Supreme Court the transcript necessary for the interposition of the appeal, or in a proper case a certified copy of the decree denying the same. The chamber shall order the appointment of an attorney and solicitor to interpose the appeal which may be proper, should the appellant not have appointed them. In either case the chamber shall fix the period within which it must be interposed. Art. 861. The sentencing court shall, by the first direct mail after the day upon which the transcript of the sentence is delivered to the party intending to interpose the appeal for annulment, transmit to the second chamber of the Supreme Court a certificate of the reserved votes, if there be any, or a negative certificate in a proper case, and shall order that those who may have been parties to the cause, as well as the appel- lant, be notified of the delivery or transmission of the transcript sum- 215 la referida sala a hacer valer su derecho dentro del termino fijado en el articulo 859. A la vez que la certificacion expresada, se remitira por el juez 6 tribunal sentenciador otra. expedida por su secretario, en la que se exprese sucintamente la causa 6 juieij, los nombres de las partes, el delito 6 falta y la fecha de entrega del testimonio al reeurrente, asi como la del emplazanriento a las partes. La que no haya preparado el recurso, podra adherirse a el en el termino del emplazamiento y al instruirse del formulado por la otra, alegando los motivoa que le convengan. Se hard constar en la misma causa, notificandolo a las partes, la fecha de la salida del buque correo que conduzca !a correspondencia a la Peninsula, en que se incluya el pliego de remision de los documentos precitados, expresando ademas el nombre del buque y la empress 6 armador a que pertenezca. Justificada en forma por la declaraeion de las autoridades a quienes corresponde hacerlo la perdida del expresado buque correo, se enten- deran prorrogados los plazos a que se contraen los articulos 859, 861, 863, 865 y 873 de esta ley, cuyos plazos, tanto en el caso de perdida como en el de detencion del buque en viaje por fuerza mayor, empezar&n a computarse de nuevo a contar desde la fecha en que haya sido notorio en el territorio de la audiencia respectiva la perdida 6 nauf ragio del buque correo, 6 desde que se acredite que prosiguio su viaje por haber cesado las causas que lo interrumpieron. En los casos de perdida 6 naufragio del respectivo buque correo, las audiencias donde las causas se hubieran fallado, dentro de los nuevos plazos computados del modo que establece este articulo. proceder&n a" la entrega de certificaciones, testimonios de autos y de los demas docu- mentos que correspondan, ajustandose a lo prescrito para la expedi- cion y envio de los que se hubieran inutilizado 6 perdido. El Tribunal Supremo reproducini siempre y de oticio por testimonios 3' en forma las providencias, autos 6 fallos dictados por el niismo en los recursos de casacion cuando hayan sufrido extravio a oonseooenoia de perdida 6 naufragio de los buques correos de las Antillas. y las par- tes Bolioiten del niismo tribunal que se subsane la falta de las deoisiones primitivamente comunicadas. 8boci6n Teeceka. — Del recurso de queja /»'/• denegaci6n /!>! tesHmonio /hr para mil rponer el
  • o. 865, and 873 of this law shall be considered as extended, which periods, in case of the loss or detention of the vessel on the voyage, by reason of force majewre, shall begin to run again from the date upon which the loss or wreck of the mail vessel shall have become known in the territory of the respective audiencia, or from tin 1 time it was established that she continued her voyage on account of the cessation of the causes which interrupted it. in case of the loss or wreck of the respective mail vessel, the audi- encias where the causes were decided, within the new periods computed in the manner established in this article, shall proceed to the delivery of the certificates, transcripts from the record, and of other documents which may be proper, conforming to the provisions for the issue and transmission of those which may have been rendered useless or lost. The Supreme Court shall always reproduce, on its own motion and in proper form, the orders, decrees, or decisions rendered by it in appeals for annulment of judgment when they shall have been lost on account of the loss or wreck of the mail vessels of the Antilles, and when the parties request of the same court that the absence of the decisions originally communicated be made good. Seitihx Third. — Remedy of complaint on account of a refusal of a transcript requested for il"' interposition <>f an appeal for annulment of judgment. Art. 862. The sentencing court to which the petition relating to the preparation of an appeal for annulment of judgment Is submitted may deny, in a decision setting forth its reasons, the issue of the cer- tificate of the sentence against which it is desired to appeal, in the following cases: 1. When said petition is presented after the period grauted b}^ art. 856. 216 2.° Cuando lo presente quien no se halle comprendido en cualquiera de los casos que enumera el articulo 854. Y 3.° Cuando la resolucion judicial contra la cual se prepare el recurso no sea de ninguna de las clases que menciona el articulo 848. Art. 863. Si la parte que preparo el recurso pidiere, dentro de los dos dias siguientes al de la notificacion del auto denegatorio, que se remita copia certificada del mismo a la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo, manifestando su voluntad de recurrir en queja ante la misma, lo estimara asi la sala sentenciadora, y mandara emplazar a las partes para que comparezcan ante dicho tribunal dentro del termino que previene el articulo 859. Art. 864. En las copias certificadas de los autos denegatorios de que se habla en los articulos anteriores se hara constar tambien el estado de fortuna de los que intenten la queja en los terminos que previene el articulo 858. Art. 865. Recibida en la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo la copia certificada del auto denegatorio, se esperara la comparecencia del recurrente, quien debera ajustarse en un todo a lo prescrito en el articulo 859. Art. 866. Transcurrido el termino del emplazamiento sin que ha} T a comparecido el recurrente en queja, la sala dictara auto declantndo desierto el recurso, y en su virtud firme y consentido el auto denega- torio con las costas, y lo comunicara al tribunal sentenciador para los efectos que correspondan. Art. 867. Si el recurrente compareciere en tiempo, al verificarlo formulara, en escrito firmado por abogado y procurador con la mayor concision y claridad, los fundamentos de la queja. De dicho escrito acompanara copia autorizada, que se entrogara al ministerio fiscal; y transcurridos tres dias, durante los cuales dehors* este exponer a la sala lo que estime conveniente sobre la procedencia 6 improcedencia de la queja, se pasara el expediente al magistrado ponente. Art. 868. Cuando el recurrente fuere insolvente 6 estuviere habili- tado para la defensa por pobre, y durante el termino del emplazamiento compareciere ante la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo en la forma que previene el articulo 874, la sala mandara nombrarlo abogado y procurador de oficio para su defensa; y que se Lea entregue la oopia certificada del auto denegatorio, para que en el termino de tres dias Eormalicen el recurso de queja si lo oonsideraren procedente, 6 so excuse el abogado en el caso de no hallar meritos para olio. Al t'onnalizar la queja los def ensores acompaffaran copia del escrito, 216 8. When presented by a person not included in any <>i' the cases mentioned in art 86 1. And 8. When the judicial decision against which the appeal is pre- pared is not included in any <>f the classes mentioned in art. sJ s . Alt. 868. It' the party who prepared the appeal should request, within two day- following the not ice of the decree of denial, that a certified copy of the same he transmitted t.» the second chamber of the Supreme Court, stating his intention to complain to the same, the sentencing chamber shall grant his request and shall order that the parties he summoned to appear het'ore said court within the period pre- scribed by art. 859. Art. 864. The financial circumstances of the persons presenting the complaint shall also he stated in the certified copies of the decree- of denial referred to in the foregoing articles, in the terms prescribed by art. 858. Art. 865. After the certified copy of the decree of denial has been received in the second chamber of the Supreme Court, the appearance of the complainant, who must conform in all matters to the provisions of art. 859, shall be awaited. Art. 866. Upon the expiration of the period of the summons, with- out the appearance of the complainant, the chamber .shall issue a decree declaring the complaint to be abandoned, and therefore the order of denial final and accepted with the costs, and shall communicate it to the sentencing court for the proper purposes. Art. 867. If the complainant should appear in due time, he shall state at the time of his appearance, with the greatest conciseness and clearness, in a petition signed b} T an attorne} r and solicitor, the reasons for his complaint. He shall transmit a certified copy of this petition with the same, which shall be delivered to the public prosecutor, and upon the expira- tion of three days, during which the latter must state to the chamber what he may deem advisable as to the propriety or impropriety of the complaint, the proceedings shall be referred to the justice pom itt< . Art. 868. If the complainant be insolvent or be authorized to liti- gate as a poor person and during the period of the summons he should appear before the second chamber of the Supreme Court in the manner prescribed by art. 874, the chamber shall order that he he assigned an attorney and solicitor ex officio for his defence, and that they be given a certified cop}' of the decree of denial in order that within a period of three days they may formally prepare the complaint, if they consider it proper, or that the attorney excuse himself should he not find grounds therefor. In formally preparing the complaint the counsel shall accompany a 18473—01 28 217 que se entregara al ministerio fiscal, proeediendose en los terniinos que establece el parrafo segundo del articulo anterior. Akt. 869. La Bala segunda del Tribunal Supremo, previo informe del magistrado ponente y sin mas tramites, dictara, bd vista de Ioh escritos presentados, la resolucion que proceda, bastando cinoo magis- trados para la decision de este recurso. Art. 870. Cuando la sala estime fundada la queja, revocara* el auto denegatorio y mandara al tribunal sentenciador que expida la certiti- caeion de la sentencia reclamada y practique lo demas que se previene en los articulos 858 y 861. Cuando la queja no sea procedentc a juicio de la sala. la desestimara con las costasy lo conumicara al tribunal sentenciador para los efectos correspondientes. Es aplicable a este recurso lo que mas adelante se determina en los dos ultimos p&rrafos del articulo 923. Art. 871. Contra la decision de la sala segunda del Tribunal Supre- mo en el recurso de queja no se da recurso alguno. Art. 872. Cuando el recurrente en queja sea el ministerio fiscal, se sustanciara el recurso solo con su audiencia. Si lo fuere un acusador privado 6 particular, se tramitara en los terminos establecidos en los precedentes articulos. Solo cuando el procesado comparezca en forma legal dentro del termino del emplazamiento, se le entregara copia del escrito del recurso para que. si lo estima conducente, pueda impugnarle en el termino de tercero dia que fija el articulo 868. Secci6n cuarta. — De la interposicidn del recurso. Art. 873. El recurso de casacion por infraccion de ley se interpon- dni en la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo dentro de los sesenta dins siguientes al de la entrega 6 remesa de la resolucion. Transcu- rrido este termino sin intcrponerlo, 6 en su caso el que hubiese conce- dido el Supremo, de conf ormidad con lodisquesto en el articulo 860, Be tendra pur firme y consentida dicha resolucion. y el tribunal mandara* proceder :i la ejecuci6n del fallo. En el mismo termino deberdn adherirse al recurso las partes que puedan hacerlo: Am. 874. Este recurso se interpondrd en escrito firmado porabo- gado \ procurador autorizado con poder bastante, sin que en ningun caso pueda admitirse la protesta de presentailo. y en dicho escrito se con -i-nara en parral'os nuniei-ados, con la mayor concision y claridad, sus fundamentos, y se citar&n el articulo de la le\ (pic lo autorice y las leyes <|n<' se supongan infringidas. 217 copy of tin 1 same, which shall be delivered to the public prosecutor, proceeding in accordance with the terms established in the second para- graph of the foregoing article. Aim. B69. The second chamber of the Supreme Court shall, after receiving the report of the justice ponente^ without further proceed- ings, render the proper decision in view of the petitions presented, five justices being sufficient for the decision of this remedy. Aim. ^T". When the chamber shall consider the complaint well founded, it shall reverse the decree of denial and shall order the sen- tencing court to issue the certificate of the sentence demanded and take the other steps prescribed in articles 858 ami 861. When the complaint is improper in the opinion of the chamber, it shall reject it with costs, and shall communicate its action to the sen- tencing court for the proper purposes. The provisions of the last two paragraphs of art. 923 are applicable to this remedy. Art. 871. There shall be no remedy whatsoever against the decision of the second chamber of the Supreme Court upon the remedy of complaint. A im . 872. If the complainant he the public prosecutor, the complaint shall be heard and determined with him in attendance only. If the complainant be a private or particular accuser, it shall be heard and determined according to the terms established in the preceding articles. A copy of the complaint shall be delivered to the accused only when he enters an appearance in legal form within the period of the sum- mon-, in order that, if he deems it proper, he may object thereto within the period of three days which art. 868 prescribes. Sf.ction Fourth:. — Interposition of the appeal. Aim. 873. An appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law shall be interposed before the second chamber of the Supreme Court within the sixt} T days next after the delivery or transmission of the decision. Upon the expiration of this period without it- inter- position, or in a proper case of the period which the Supreme Court may have granted in accordance with the provisions of article 860, said decision shall be considered final and accepted, and the court shall order that the execution of the sentence be proceeded with. Parties who can do so must concur in the appeal within the same period. Aim. *74. This appeal shall be interposed in writing, signed by an attorney and solicitor having authority by virtue of a sufficient power, a promise to present it not being admitted in any case, and there shall lie stated iii said instrument, in numbered paragraphs, with the great- est clearness and conciseness, the grounds therefor; the article of the law authorizing it and the laws which arc supposed to have been vio- lated shall be cited. 218 Con este escrito so presentara* el testimonio antedicho, si hubiese sido entregado al recurrente, y copia literal del recurso autorizada por la representacion del mismo. La adhesion al recurso so interpondra en la forma expresada en el parrafo primero de este articulo. Cuando el recurrente pobre tuviere en su poder el testimonio, podni presentarlo con un escrito firmado por su procurador, y en su defecto por el mismo 6 por otra persona a su ruego, en el cual manitieste su voluntad de interponer el recurso y pida el nombramiento de abogado que se encargue de su defensa y el de procurador que le represente, si tampoco lo tuviere. Esta disposition sera aplicable cuando el recu- rrente sea pobre 6 declarado insolvente, aunque haya nombrado abogado y procurador. Con la presentation de dichos escrito y testimonio, se tendra por interpuesto el recurso. 1 Art. 875. Cuando el recurrente fuese el acusador privado y el delito 6 falta sea de los que pueden perseguirse de oficio, presentara su pro- curador con el escrito de interposicion el documento que acred ite haber depositado 1,000 pesetas en el establecimiento publico destinado al efecto, si el ministerio fiscal no hubiere preparado ni deducido el mismo recurso contra la sentencia, debiendo consignarse tantoa deposi- tos como acusadores recurrentes haya, a no ser que todos ellos hubiesen constituido una sola personalidad juridica. Cuando el delito fuere de los que solo pueden perseguirse a instancia de parte, el deposito sera de 500 pesetas. 1 Exi»;iendo como exige el articulo 874 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal que en el escrito de interposicion del recurso se ha de citar el articulo de la ley que lo autorice, es claro que si se cita un caso no congruente es cual si no se citara, In que consituye un defecto esencial de forma, que obsta a su admision. (Sentencia de 10 de Diciembre del883.) Cuando el poder que se acompana al escrito interponiendo el recurso se rerierc solo y exclusivamente a los actos, juicios y recursos ordinarios y extraordinarioB relativoa a la ley de enjuiciamiento civil, ni las circunstancias de haber sido aquel admitido para la interposicion y sustaneiacion de laquerella, cuyo primer escrito I'm'' ratificado por el querellante, ni el hecho de haberse presentado nuevo poder despues de haber formulado su oposicion a la admision del recurso la parte recurrida, pueden Bubsanar la falta de un indispensable requisite, oi dejar, por consiguiente, cumplido el pre- cepto taxativo del articulo 874 de la lev de enjuiciamiento criminal. {Sentencia caso en que se halle comprendido el error de derecho que se estime cometido en la sentencia definitiva. {Sentencia Junto '/< 1885.) El no haber hecho uso el tribunal de las facultades que el artfeulo 7.".:; de la lev .le enjuiciamiento criminal le concede, nunca puede alegarse en apoyo de un recurso, y inenos del recurso por infraction de ley. (Sentencia d, '.< ih Odubrt de 1885. ) Se talta :i lae preBcripciones Wei artfeulo 874 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal cuando en el escrito en que se interpone «■! recurso de casacion se citan con confusion las disposiciones legatee que autoricenel recurso y las que se supongan infringidas. (Sentencia de 19 di Noviemln de 1885.) Los recursos de casacion por infracci6n de ley tienen que bsi Cundados, segun »'ste artfeulo ex ige, condici6n que do cumple el recurrente cuando se limita ;i Befialar las infracciones sin razonarlas «'» fundarlas. (Sentencia > In siisiiiiiciiicioii 'hi recurto. ,\i:r. 880. [nterpuesto el recurso y transcurrido el te'rmino del em- plazamiento, la sala designara* el magistrado ponente que estuviere en 220 ion. within a like period of five days, and a third one shall be appointed within the period established for the appointment of the others. If the third attorney should be of the same "pinion, be shall make his statement in the period and manner prescribed in the foregoing paragraph. In such case the papers shall be referred to the public prosecutor in order that he may set out the grounds for the appeal for the benefit of the person who shall have interposed it. if he considers it well taken. or otherwise return the same endorsed ••examined." If the public prosecutor should do the former, the appeal shall be heard and deter- mined in the ordinary manner; if the latter, it shall be considered denied. An attorney who shall permit the period mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs to expire without giving his opinion against the appeal, shall be considered as having accepted the defense, and he shall be obliged to state the grounds within the period fixed. When within the period of the summons or upon the day following the appointment, the solicitor of the appellant should state his inten- tion of interposing the appeal, or, if the public prosecutor should request it. the chamber shall order that the package containing the certificate of the reserved votes be opened and be communicated with the record of the proceedings to the parties. Otherwise it shall not be opened until the appeal is interposed, and the parties may examine the same in the office of the secretary from the da}' it is set for hearing until it is held. Art. 877. The appeals shall be numbered correlatively in the order of their presentation, and a certificate of the number pertaining to each shall be given to the persons interposing the same upon their request. Appeals from sentences imposing the penalty of death, from deci- sion- upon questions of jurisdiction and from those in flagrant eases shall be numbered separately. \i:t. 878. Upon the expiration of the period of the summons with- out the appearance of the appellant in the manner which this law pre- scribes according to the cases, the second chamber of the Supreme Court shall, without further proceedings, make an order declaring the appeal to be abandoned, with the taxation of the costs against the pri- vate appellant, communicating this to the sentencing court for the proper purposes. Art. 879. The public prosecutor shall conform in the preparation and interposition of the appeal to the terms and forms prescribed in articles 855, 873, and 874, in so far as they may be applicable thereto. Sbction Fifth. — Hearing <;/' //"' /ixi/. Art. 880. After the appeal has been interposed and upon the expira- tion of the period of the summons, the chamber shall designate the 221 turno, y mandarii dar traslado de los autos por cinco dias v en su caso de la certificaci6n de votes reservados, a cada una de las partes perso- nadas, y al fiscal si no fuere este el recurrente. Tambien se entregaran a las respectivas partes las copias del recnrso. Art. 881. Al dictar la providencia de que se habla en el artfculo anterior, la Bala mandara nombrar abogado 3' procurador para la defensa del procesado, condenado 6 absuelto por la sentencia, coando no f uese el recurrente ni hubiese comparecido. El abogado asi nombrado no podrii excusarse de aceptar la defensa del procesado, como no sea por razon de alguna inconipatibilidad. en cu}-o caso se procedera al norabramiento de otro letrado. Art. 882. Dentro del termino de traslado, el fiscal y las partes se instruiran }' podran impugnar la adrnision del recurso 6 la adhesion al mismo. Si la impugnaren, acompanaran con el escrito de impugnacion tantas copias del mismo cuantas sean las demas partes, a quienes el secretario hard inmediata entrega de aquellas. Art. 883. Devuelto el expediente por el que ultimamente lo hava recibido, si se impugnare la adrnision 6 adhesion, 6 la sala considerare dudosa esta cuestion previa, el presidents senalara dia para decidirla. Art. 88-i. La vista de esta cuestion previa se celebrant en audiencia ptiblica por el orden de numeracion de los recursos, si al tiempo ((iit> llegare el turno a cada uno de ellos se hallase en estado de celebrar la vista. Los recursos que se interpongan contra sentencias en que Be lia\a impuesto la pena de muerte 6 contra las de competencias, asi como las que versen sobre delitos infniganti, seran despaohados con preferencia. Abt. 885. El acto de la vista se celcbrara leyendo el secretario la sentencia y los votos reservados, si los hubiere, el escrito interponiendo el recurso, el de adhesion, si lo hubiere tambie*n, y los de inipugnacioii en SU caSO. Sera" obligatoria la asistenciade los abogados defensores nombradoa de oficio, \ potestativa en el ministerio fiscal. Iiit'orniaiapriniero el abogado del recurrente. despues el de hi parte contraria, y por ultimo el Ministerio fiscal si conourriere. Si &te fuere el recurrente, hablara* primero. I >< >s informes se concretar&n a la cuestion previa que se debata. Art. 886. Conclufda la audiencia del dla, la sala deliberarfi sobre la adinision de los recursos de que 86 hubiese dado CUenta, 03 endo al 221 justice ponm A whose turn it may be, and shall order thai the record of proceedings be referred for five days and, in a proper case, a certifi- cate of the reserved votes, to each of the parties who shall have entered an appearance, and to ih& fiscal if tin- latter be n«>t the appel- lant. ( Sopies of the appeal shall also be delivered to the respect ive parties. Art. 881. In issuing the order referred to in the aforegoing article, the chamber shall decree the appointment of an attorney and solicitor for the defense of the person accused, condemned, or acquitted by (ho sentence, it' he be not the appellant nor have appeared. The attorney thus appointed can not excuse himself from accepting the defense of the accused, unless it be by reason of some incompati- bility, in which case another attorney shall be appointed. A i: i '. 882. Within the period of reference, the public prosecutor and the parties shall prepare themselves and may object to the admission of the appeal or to the concurrence therein. Should they object to the same, they shall attach to their written objection as many copies thereof as there ma} r be opposite parties, to whom the secretary shall deliver them at once. Art. 883. After the record shall have been returned by the person who last received it, if the admission or concurrence bo objected to. or the chamber should consider this preliminary question to bo doubt- ful, the presiding judge shall set a da}- for its decision. Art. 884. The hearing upon this preliminary question shall be held at a public sitting in the numerical order of the appeals, if at the time the turn of each arrives it is ready to be heard. Appeals interposed against sentences by which the penalty of death shall have been imposed, or from decisions upon questions of juris- diction as well as those which involve crimes vnJragcmU^ shall be dis- posed of before the others. Art. 885. The hearing shall be held by the secretary reading the sentence and the reserved votes, if there be any; the instrument inter- posing the appeal, that of the concurrence, if there be any, and the objections in a proper case. The attendance of the attorneys for counsel appointed < .<■ <>jfi shall be obligatory, and that of the public prosecutor shall be optional. The attorney for the appellant shall speak first, then the one for tin 1 opposite party, and finally the public prosecutor, if present. If the latter he the appellant he shall speak first. The arguments shall be confined to the preliminary question dis- cussed. A in. 886. rpon the termination of the day's hearing the chamber shall deliberate upon the, admission of the appeals which may have 222 ponente, quien debera, para este efecto, llevar redactado el proyeeto de decision. Si la sala creyere necesaria aplazar esta. podra hacerlo; pero en ningiin caso transcurriran mas de tres dias sin que se resuelva sobre la admision. Art. 887. El fallo se formulani de uno de los inodos siguientes: 1.° "Admitido y concluso para la vista." 2.° "No ha lugara la admision, y comuniquese al tribunal sentencia- dor para los efectos correspondientes." Art. 888. La resolucion en que se deniegue la admision del recurso sera t'undada y se publicara en la Gaceta de Madrid y en la Colecci&n legislatives, expresando el nombre del ponente. La en que se admita, no se f undara ni publicara. Los resultandos y considerandos de las decisiones se limitanin a los puntos pertinentes a la cuestion resuelta. Cuando en una misma resolucion se deniegue la admision del recurso por alguno de sua fundamentos y se admita en cuanto ;' otros, 6 cuando se admita el recurso interpuesto por un interesado y Be deniegue respecto de otros, debera fundarse aquella en cuanto a la parte dene- gatoria y publicarse en la Gaceta de Madrid. La resolucion en que se deniegue la admision se redaetara en forma de sentencia. Art. 889. Para denegar la admision del recurso seran necesarios cinco votos conformes. No reuniendose este numero de votos, se tendni por admitido. Art. 890. Cuando. la sala deniegue la admision del recurso y el recurrente haya constituido deposito, se le condenara a perderlo y se aplicani la mitad de el al recurrido por via de indemni/acion. y la otra mitad se conservara por la sala de gobierno para atender exclusiva- mente con su importe a las necesidades imprevistaa de la administra- cion de justicia, de personal y material. Si el recurrente no hubiese constituido deposito por ser pobre, se dictard la misma resolucion para cuando mejorede fortuna. A i: i . 891. En el caso de que los defensores del recurrente hiciesen, con arreglo al articulo 876, la manil'estaeion de no encontrar motivoa t* tin- ponenfo, who must for this purpose have the draft of a decision in readiness. If the chamber should consider it necessary to postpone said « l<-«i sion. it may do so; but in do case shall more than three days elapse without a decision upon the admission. Ai;i. B87. 'i'i l( . . 1, .» - i- i t > 1 1 -hall be formulated in one of the two fol- lowing manners: 1. "Admitted ami concluded for bearing." 2. ••Tlir admission does not Lie, and Lei if be communicated to the sentencing court for the proper purposes.' 9 Ai:t. 888. '['I,,, decision denying the admission of the appeal -hall Bet forth the reasons therefor and shall he published in the Gac>fai:i la I'eclia. el delito sobre que verse la causa, los noin- brea de los procesados y acusadores particulares que en ella hayan 228 Akt. B92. Here shall be qo remedy against the decision of tin- chamber admitting or denying the appeal and the concurrence. Akt. n'.i;->. When the concurrence in the appeal ami the concurrence desired by any party be not objected to, and the court should n< >t be in doubt as t ho propriety of one or the other, it shall order ,<< msta/nti^ without a public hearing nor a citation of the parties, the admission of the appeal and of the concurrence in a proper case. Bkctiom Sixth. — Decuian <l, Madrid y en la ( f olecci&n leoislativa. Aki. 906. Si his sentencia- de que se trata en el articulo anterior recayesen en causas seguidas por cualquieia . and shall adjudge the payment of costs against the appellant as well as the forfeiture of the deposit for the purposes specified in article 890, or to a payment of an equiva- lent sum. should he have been defended as a poor person, when his circumstances improve. The public prosecutor is excepted from the adjudgment upon costs. Art. 902. If the chamber reverses and annuls the decision which is the subject of the appeal, it shall render immediately thereafter, but separately, the proper decision, accepting the findings of fact and conclusions of law of the decision reversed which do not relate to the points which may have been the subject of the appeal, and the part of the decision compatible with the latter, replacing the part reversed by that which may be proper, according to the real provisions upon which the annulment may have been based. Art. 903. If one of the accused be the appellant, the new sentence shall redound to the benefit of the rest, in so far as favorable to them. provided that they are included in the same condition as the appellant and that the grounds alleged by reason of which tin 1 annulment of the sentence is declared are applicable to them. It shall never prejudice them in so far as it may be adverse. Ai:t. 904. There shall be no remedy whatsoever against the decision of annulment and that rendered by virtue thereof. Art. 905. Decisions declaring an appeal for annulment of judgment, well taken or not, shall be published in the Gaceta of Madrid and in the Cnlrccwn Legislatives Art. 906. If the decisions referred to in the foregoing article should be rendered in causes upon any of the crimes against chastity or honor, they shall be published, with a suppression of the proper names of the 1S473— 01 29 225 propios de las pcrsonas, los de los mgares, y las circunstancias que puedan dar a conocer a los acusadores, a los acusados y a los tribunales que hallan fallado el proceso. Si por circunstancias especiales estimare la sala que la publicacion de la sentencia :i que se refiere el articulo anterior ofende si la decencia publica, podra ordenar en la propia sentencia que no se publique aquella. Art. 907. El desistimiento del recurso podra hacerse en cualquier estado del procedimiento, previa ratification, del interesado, 6 presen- tando su procurador poder especial para ello. Si las partes estuvieren citadas para la decision del recurso, perdera el particular que desista la mitad del deposito, si lo hubiere constituido, y pagara las costas procesales que se hubiesen ocasionado por su culpa. Art. 908. Las sentencias contra las cuales pueda interponerse recurso de casacion no se ejecutaran hasta que transcurra el termino senalado para prepararlo por infraccion de ley 6 interponerlo por quebrantamiento de forma. Si en dicho termino se preparare 6 interpusiere el recurso, quedara en suspenso hasta su terminacion la ejecucion de la sentencia, a menos que esta sea absolutoria, en cuyo caso, si el reo estuviere preso, sera puesto en libertad. Art. 909. Cuando el recurso hubiere sido preparado 6 interpuesto por uno de los procesados, podra llevarse a efecto la sentencia desde luego en cuanto a los demas sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el articulo 903. CAPiTULO II. DE LOS RECURSOS HE CASACION POR QUEBRANTAMIENTO X>E FORMA. Seccion Primera. — De la procedendo, del recurso. Art. 910. El recurso de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma procedera contra las sentencias que menciona el articulo 848. 1 Art. 911. El recurso de casacion podra interponerse por quebran- tamiento de forma: 1.° Cuando se haya denegado alguna diligencia de prueba que, pro- puesta en tiempoy forma por lus partes, se considers pertinente. 1 1 No debe acordarse la admiai6nde an recurso de casaci6n por quebrantamiento ilc forma, cuando si 1 » i « - 1 1 se dctcriniua al Interponerlo la Ealtaquese mipone cometida, no se cita el articulo que expresa y taxativamente puede autorizarlo, y af solo t-1 910 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, que no es baatante. [Sentencia d* W :irra!'o cuarlo del articulo 76] de la icy dc ciijuicia- 2 _ 5 persons, of the places, and of the circumstances which may tend to make known the accusers, the accused, and the courts which decided the cause. It', on accunt of special circumstances, the chamber should consider that the publication <»t' the decision referred t<> in the foregoing article might offend public decency, it may order in the decision itself that it be not published. Aim. 907. A withdrawal of the appeal may take place atany stage of the proceedings after a ratification by the person interested, or upon the presentation by his solicitor of a special power therefor. Tf the parties should have been cited for the decision of the appeal, the indi- vidual withdrawing therefrom shall forfeit one-half of the deposit, should he have made it. and shall pay the costs of the proceedings for which he may he responsible. Akt. 908. Sentences against which an appeal for annulment of judg- ment may he interposed shall not he executed until the expiration of the period fixed for its preparation for a violation of law or for its interposition for a breach of form. If the appeal should be prepared or interposed within said period, the execution of the sentence shall be stayed until its termination, nnless there should have been an acquittal, in which ease if the crimi- nal is imprisoned he shall be set at liberty. Akt. 909. If the appeal should have been prepared and interposed by one of the persons accused, the sentence may be carried out at one- with regard to the others without prejudice to the provisions of article 903. CHAPTER II. APPEALS FOR ANNULMENT <»I" JUDGMENT FOR BREACH OF FORM. 8» nou First. — -When flu appeal lies. Am. 910. An appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form lie- from the decisions mentioned in article 848. ' Art. 911. An appeal for annulment of judgment for a breach of form may be interposed: 1 . When the taking of some evidence considered pertinent proposed in due time and form by the parties shall have been denied. ' 1 The admission oi an appeal for annulment of judgment for a breach of term must not begranted when the article which may authorize it expressly and specifically is net cited, hut article '.Mo of the law of criminal procedure La bo cited, which is not enough, or even though \\\»>u interposing it the error supposed to have been com- mitted is stated, i Decision of March 89, 1884.) -When the pubUc prosecutor has proposed in time the means of proof which he considers proper, ami among them the confession of the accused, which evidence wan admitted, if, ootwitbstanding this he he refused at the time of the oral trial the right to introduce the evidence of confession which he had Ural proposed and which had been admitted, the provisions of the fourth paragraph of article 761 "t the law of 226 2.° Cuando se haya omitido la citacion del procesado. ya estuviore preso 6 en libertad, y la de la parte arusudora y actor civil para su comparecencia en el acto del juicio oral y publico, a no ser que estas partes hubiesen comparecido a tiempo. dandose por citadas. miento criminal, y por tanto, se cometela infraccion de las formas del procedimiento & que se refiere el niimero 1." del articulo 911. {Sentencia de 19 de Mayo de 188S. ) La confesion del procesado forma parte de los rnedios Bumariales eetableoidos por la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal para la comprobacion de los delitos y la averigua- ci6n de los delincuentes, y no siendo el sumario mas que una preparation del juicio oral, donde han de esclarecerse todos los hechos y discutirse todas las cuestiones que ofrezca la causa, no puede menos de figurar en dicho juicio como elemento de prueba la referida confesion del procesado. Este principio caracteristico de la expresada ley tiene su desenvolvimiento en los articulos 730, 729, 656, 688 y siguientes. (Sentencia de28 de Juiiio de 1883.) Tratdndose de los delitos de malversation de caudales y estafa, por baber vendido el acusado varias reses que le fueron embargadas en juicio ejecutivo, se infringe el niimero 1.° del articulo 911 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal al denegar la diligencia de prueba, solicitada por dicho acusado en otrosf de su escrito de calificacion, con- sistente en la lectura en el acto del juicio oral de las diligencias referentes al embargo y deposito de las reses embargadas; pues constando en dichas diligencias la existen- cia del hecho justiciable, tienen gran importancia jurfdica, en este caso es aplicable el principio contenido en el articulo 730 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal. {Sen- tencia de 22 de Marzo de 1884- ) Cuando tanto la querella motivo de la causa como las conclusiones del escrito de acusacion han versado sobre los delitos de calumnia y de injurias graves dirigidaa contra personas que como individuos de una junta revolucionaria ejercieron funciones publicas, y con ocasion de tales funciones, el acusado de estos delitos tiene derecho ;i que, en cuanto sea pertinente, se le admita la prueba de los hechos que ha imputado, y al denegar la sala esa prueba incurre en falta de forma que da lugar al recuiSO. {Sentencia de 19 de AMI de 1884. ) La contradiction A que la segunda parte del miiner< > 1.° del artfculo 91 1 Be refiere, no eslaquepuedeaparecerentreel auto 6 sentencia yel resultadoquesuministreel sumario, sino la que resulte manifiestamente entre los hechos declarados probados en la sen- tencia con relation a la prueba practicada en el juicio oral. {Sentencia de l .' *l, I I'.s Lnadmisible el recurso de casaci6n fundado en este niimero ]»>r n<> naber admitido la prueba pericial, cuando al proponerla en el escrito de calificaci6n aoseezpreean los nombree y apellidos de los peritos, y menos a Be pide que estos den su informe ante «■! juc/. de bu residencia. {Sentencia de 9 de Abril r at Liberty, and of the accusing party and civil plaintiff for appearance at the oral and public trial, unless said parties should have appeared in ut u [.reparation for tin- oral trial, where all the facts an- to be elucidated, and all questions arising in the cause to 1"- discussed, the said confession of the accused can not but figure in tin- action as an element of proof. This characteristic principle of the said law is developed in articles t>56, 688, 730, 729 et seq. | Decision of June 98, 1S8S.) With regard to the crimes of misappropriation of funds and theft, on account of the accused having sold several head of cattle which had 1 n levied upon, No. 1 of article 911 of the law of criminal procedure i- violated in not permitting the intro- duction of evidence requested by said accused persons in a supplementary pleading to his written classification, consisting of the reading at the oral trial of the proceed- ings relating to the attachment and deposit of the cattle attached; because, as the existence of the triable act appears in said proceedings, they have great juridical importance, and in such case the principle contained in article 730 of the law of criminal procedure applies. (Decision of March 22, 1884.) When both the complaint involved in the cause, as well as the conclusions of the written accusation, have involved the crimes of calumny and of grave acts of con- tumely against persons who, as members of a revolutionary board, exercised public functions, and on the occasion of such functions, the person accused of these crimes has the right to submit the evidence of the acts charged against him in so far as it may be pertinent, and a chamber, in refusing to admit such evidence, incurs the breach of form which is a ground for the appeal. (Decision of April 19, 1884.) The contradiction referred to in the second part of No. 1 of article 911 is not that which may appear between the decree or sentence and the result appearing from the sumario, hut that which manifestly appears between the acts declared as proven in the sentence with regard to the evidence taken at the oral trial. (Decision of July n. /.-■ The violations of articles 655, Nos. 2 and 3, and 849, No. 6, of the law of criminal procedure are not included in any of the grounds for annulment for breach of form specifically determined in articles 911 and 912 of said law. (Decision of October 10, 1884.) Documents of another cause which is still at the stage of the tumario, or the pre- liminary portion of a process which is not that which is the basis of the action, can not be introduced into the action or brought before the court; and therefore their rejection does not give rise to the breach of form referred to in No. 1 of article 91 1. on of December S, 1884.) An appeal for annulment of judgment based upon this number on account of the rejection of expert evidence is not admissible when at the time of proposing it the names ami surnames of the experts are not stated in the written classification, and lees if it be requested that said experts give their testimony before the judge of their place of residence. ( Decision of April 9, 1885.) Evidence in criminal matters must be considered pertinent in so far as it concerns the cause in which it is introduced, because this is the legal meaning given to tin- word pertinent. (Ihrisl,,,, »f January 11, 1886.) It being within the power of the court to not suspend the oral trial on account of 227 3.° Cuando o\ president! 1 del tribunal se niegue a quo un fcestigO conteste, ya en audiencia publica, ya en alguna diligencia que practique fuera dc ella. a la pregunta 6 preguntas que se le dirijan, siendoperti- nentes y do manifiesta influencia en la causa. 1 compareeencia de alsmno de los testigos dc carjro y descargo ofrecidos por las partes, segun el ntimero 3° del artfculo 746, al ejercer dicha Eacultad pur n asiderar nece- saria la declaraci6n de los presentados por la defensa, no infringe dicha disposici6n ni se halla comprendido el caso entre los motivos taxativamente sefialados en el artfculo 91 1. I Sentencia de S de Marzo de 1886.) Estimada como pertinente la prueba propuesta en el escrito de conclusionee y admitida por la audiencia, la negativa posterior a que se practique; via sustitucidn de ella por la lectura en el acto del juicio oral de diligenciae sumariales, constituye una verdadera denegacion de prueba pertinente. [Sentencia de .'/ de Junio de 1886.) En materia criminal carecen de toda eficacia y significaci6n los hechos que no Bean anteriores 6 concomitantes al momento de la comision del delito por que se proceda; y con arreglo a este principio, es indudable la inadmisi6n 6 impertinencia del que en segunda instancia trate de probar un procesado que reconoci6 en el escrito en que lo propuso "pit' semejante hecho ocurri6 con posterioridad a la formaci6n de la causa, y aun lo ignor6 durante la primera instancia, haciendo asf patente'que ninguna influ- encia pudo tcner en los moviles yrealizacidn del delito por que fuc condenado. [Sen- tencia de '■> de Julio de 1886.) 1 Aun cuando la repetici6n de una contestaci6n dada ya segun los autos sea perti- nente y de influencia en la causa, su denegacion no puede dar lugar al recurso de casaci6n por quebrantamiento de forma, si el que intents interponerlo no reclam6 la falta (' hizo la oportuna protesta de acuerdo con el artfculo !U4 de la ley de enjuicia- miento criminal. (Sentencia de 18 de Junio de 188S. ) El no haberse permitido A la defensa dirijir preguntas a un testigo, hermano del procesado, que se habfa negado a declarar con arreglo al artfculo 777, con relaci6n al 416 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal, no constituye el quebrantamiento de forma a que se contraen los numeros 3.° y 4.° del artfculo 911. [SenU neia de l ' cU Mayo de 1884. ) Solo j nicdc constituir motivo formal de casacion la denegacion de preguntas diri- gidas por vfa de esclarecimiento, y propuestas como arbitrio probatorio, si & la cir- cunstancia de no ser aquellas capciosas, sugestivas ni impertinentes se agrega la mas c includible de tener manifiesta influencia en la causa, y verdadera impor- tancia para el resultado del juicio, en tanto grado, que la negativa ocasione indefen- si6n oimpidacl claro conocimiento 6 acertada apreciaci6n de un hecho transcendental. (Sentencia de ..'•■> de Julio de 1886.) El artfculo 1 1!' de la ley de 20 de Abril de 1888 dispone que el recurso de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma contra las Bentencias pronunciadas por el tribunal !■ in anj proceeding con- ducted outside thereof, the question or <|ii<"-tie pertinent ami have a manifest bearing upon the cause. 1 Qonappearance of any of the witnesses for the prosecution and defence offered by the parties, according t'. N<>. :'. of article 747, the exercise of this power on account of qoI considering Decessary the testimony of those presented by the defence, does qoI violate said provision nor is the case Included among the grounds specifically men* tioned in article 911. I Decision <■/}[<,,■<■!, .:. The evidence proposed in the written conclusions having been considered ] ■•-rt i- iicnt and admitted by the audiencia, a subsequent refusal to take the same and the substitution thereof by the reading al tin- oral trial of the proceedings of tin- .>, constitutes a real denial of pertinent proof, i Decision of June SI, 188V.) In criminal matters acts which arc not prior i>r concomitant to the moment of the commission of the crime prosecuted have no efficiency and significance; and in accordance with this principle the madmission or impertinence of the attempt of an accused person who acknowledged in the writ in which he proposed it that such act occurred subsequent t<> the formation of the cause and that he even ignored it during the first instance, thus making patent that it could have had no influence upon the motives and consummation <>f the crime for which lie was condemned, is undoubted. i Decision of July 9, 1886.) 'Although the repetition of an answer already given according to the record be pertinent and hear upon the cause, the refusal cannot give rise to an appeal for annulment of judgment for a hreach of form if the person intending to interpose it did not take exception thereto and make the proper protest in accordance with arti- cle 914 of the law of criminal procedure. {Decision of Tune is, 1883.) The fact of the defence not having been permitted to address questions to a witness, the brother of the accused, who had refused to testify in accordance with article 777, in relation with article 416 of the law of criminal procedure, does not constitute the breach of form referred to in Nos. 3 and 4 of article 911. ( Decision of May U, 1884.) Tin' rejection of questions put for the purpose of elucidating a matter and pro- posed as a prohatory measure can constitute a form of ground for annulment only, if in addition to the circumstance of their not being captious. BUggestive, Or imperti- nent, i- added that more substantial and unavoidable one of their having manifest influence in the cause and true importance for the result of the action to such an extent that their rejection may cause a lack of defence or prevent a clear cognizance or proper consideration of an important fact. {Decision of July .">. 18S6.) Article 190 of the law of April 20, 1888, provides that an appeal for annulment of judgmenl for hreach of form against sentences announced by the "tribunal del jurado" lies in the cases provided for by this article and Nos. 2 and '.'< of the follow- ing articles, ami furthermore, in the following cases: 1 . When the verdict has not been transcribed literally in the sentence in the man- ner prescribed in article !»7. L'. When the appellant shall have objected for the reasons mentioned in articles 77 and 111 of said law. :;. When t lie sentence or verdict shall have been given by a lower number of jus- tices or jurors than that required by the said law. 4. When some justice or juror shall nave attended to render a decision whose challenge, with the reasons duly set forth and interposed formally and in time, should have been overruled without being heard in accordance to law, or when any of the peremptory challenges which can be made without alleging an; cause shall have been improperly overruled. 228 4." Cuando se desestiine cualquiera pregunta por capciosa, sugesfaya 6 impertinente, no siendolo en realidad, siempre que tuviera verdadera importancia para el resultado del juicio. 1 Art. 912. Podrti tambien el recursopor la niisina causa: 1.° Cuando en la sentericia no se exprese clara y terminantemente cuales son los hechos 1SSJ. ) La contradiccion que establece en su ultima parte el mimero que venimos anotando como fundamento del recurso de casacion, comprende s61o la contradiccion que results de los mismos hechos entre si, y no la contradiccion autre los hechos declaradoa probadoe y la apreciaci6n que t being bo in Eact, provided thai it is of real importance for the result of tin- action. 1 Aii. '.Mi'. An appeal for the -Mine cause may also be interposed: 1. When the acts which are considered proved are not clearlj and specifically stated in the sentence, or there should appears manifesl contradiction between them. •_'. When all the points which may have been the subject of the accusation ami of the defense an' not decided therein'. 1 1 Although an appeal for annulment of judgment, based upon the provisions of No. i. may be interposed as in any other number of those contained in article '.'it of the law of criminal procedure, not even said appeal is admissible in accordance with the provisions of article 914 if the appellant shall not have requested the correction of the error, if possible, nor made the corresponding objection. (Decision of March 1", 1884. I "The contradiction referred to in number l of the article 912 of the law of crimi- nal procedure does not refer to the statement made in the COnsiderandos of the sentence, i I >, cision of March .'■/', 1884') A sentence which considers the existence of the crime the subject of an accusation, as proved, implicitly decides the points which have been the object thereof in acquit- ting the accused on account of not considering him the real author thereof. (Decisions of April I, ..', and S, 1884.) The contradiction which is a ground for annulment must exist between the acts which are declared proved. ( Decision of . IprU 7, 1884. ) When a chandler does not state with precision and clearness what are the acts which it considers proved it incurs the breach of form provided for in the first part of number 1 of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure. (Decision ofJune6, 1884. I The error which may he incurred in the sentence in defining the acts in the con- siderandos, is not the contradiction referred to in number 1 of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure. | Decision of November $8, 1884.) In order that the Supreme Court may consider whether the breach of form sup- posed to have been committed exists, it is not sufficient to say that the appeal is authorized by article u 1l> of the law of criminal procedure, hut it is necessary to state in what case of the different ones which it contains, it is included. (Decision of December ;:>, 1S84-) The contradiction established in the last part of the number we annotate as a ground for an appeal for annulment of judgment embraces only the contradiction appearing between the acts themselves, and not the contradiction between the acts declared to he proved and the consideration which the sentencing chamber gives the same. ! Decision of .'/".'/ '<', 1886.) "When the only question discussed in the action, and which is the ground for an appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form, consists in the classification of the crime-, that is to say, whether the classification should he homicide or physical injuries inflicted by violence, and it is decided in favor of the former by the sen- tencing court, in view of the proof and other circumstances, and considering the pro- visions of articles 741 and 742 of the law of criminal procedure, the second case of article '.111' of the said law is not involved. | Decision <>/ May ■',, /.s'.s'./. ) A.- the supreme Court has repeated in many of its decisions, a sentence of con- viction decides all the points the subject of the accusation. ( Decision of June /*', 1888. ) When an audiencia, after stating and considering the acts resulting in a cause, 229 3.° Cuando se pene en ella un delito mas grave que el que haya sido objeto de la acusacion .si el tribunal no hubiere proeedido previamente como determina el articulo 733. * causa, inclusos los que han sido objeto de la querella, dicta auto de sobreseimiento libre por considerar que tales bechos no son constitutivos de delito, no procede el recurso fundado en el numero 2.° del articulo 912 de la ley de enjuiciamiento crimi- nal, pues con aquella formula quedaron resueltos todos los puntos que habian sido objeto de la querella, en la forma procedente para dictar el sobreseimiento. (Sen- tencia de 27 de Junto de 1884- ) Constando que acusado el procesado en el primer escrito de calificacion del minis- terio publico del delito de lesiones menos graves, comparecio en el juicio oral & defenderse de este cargo, debio recaer respecto de aquel la absolution 6 la condena; y al sobreseer el tribunal en cuanto al referido delito, incurrio en la falta de forma prevista en el numero 2.° del articulo 912 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal. (Sentencia de 18 de Noviembre de 1884. ) Comete el quebrantamiento de forma del numero 2.° del articulo 912, la sala que se declara incompetente despu<§s de concluso el juicio oral y de citadaa para sentencia las partes, y sin que ninguna de estas haya alegado la incompetencia. (Sentencia de 10 ,•> del c6dig0 penal, cuyo delito es mds grave que el hurto simple descrito y penado en el niiinen. t.' .lei artfeulo 531 del mismo codigo (se refiere al COdigO de la pein'nsulal que lialua sido objeto de la acusaci6n. (Sentencia de i .' dt Marzo de 1884-) Se inenrre en la falta comprendida en el caso 3° del articulo 915 f the complainl were decided thereby in the proper form in order to decree the dismissal, i Decision of June 07, 1884.) It appearing that the accused, having been charged in the firsl written classification of the public prosecutor with the crime of the infliction of less grave physical inju- ries, and that he appeared at the oral trial to defend himself against this charge, should have Keen acquitted or condemned; and the court, in dismissing the proceed- ings with regard to said crime, incurred the breach of form provided for in number 2 of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure. [Decision of Now mber 18, 1884-) A chamber which declares itself incompetent after the conclusion of the oral trial and after the citation of the parties for sentence without any of the latter having pleaded the want of jurisdiction, incurs the breach of form of number 2 of article 912. (Decision of January 10, 1885.) The condemnation for a less grave crime implies the rejection and acquittal of another graver one. ( Decision of December 7, 1885.) When two separate crimes have been the subject of the accusation and of the defence to the effect of a request having been made in the first that the accused be condemned to the penalty which it was believed pertained to each of the crimes, and the defence requested an acquittal, all the points which were the subject of the accu- sation and of the defence must be decided in the sentence in accordance with the provisions of article 142. and a sentence not doing so contains the defect of form specified in number 2 of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure. (Decision of December 9, 1885.) 'When, notwithstanding the fact that the public; prosecutor had abstained from accusing a person, believing that the less grave injury the subject of the cause was accidental, and the court, without availing itself of the privilege granted it by article 7:;:; of the law of criminal procedure in case of its believing that the act has been classified with manifest error, condemns the former as gwilty of less serious injuries, which is equivalent, according to repeated decisions of the Supreme Court, to the punishment of a crime more grave than that which has been the subject of the accu- sation, the breach of form referred to in number 3 of article 912 of the said law is committed. ( Decision of May 21, 1883.) The breach of form referred to in the third paragraph of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure exists when the sentence punishes a domestic theft — that is to say. a qualified theft included in the second case of article 533 of the Penal Code — which crime is more grave than the simple theft described and punished by number 4 of article 631 of the said code (referring to the code of the Peninsula) which had been the subject of the accusation. (Decision of March 12, 1884.) The error mentioned in the third case of article 912 of the law of criminal pro- cedure is incurred when, although the public prosecutor classifies the acts as less grave physical injuries, he modifies his conclusions at the trial, considering them as a misdemeanor included in No. 12 of article 603 of the code, notwithstanding which the audiencia, without previously proceeding in accordance with the provisions of article ''■'•■'< of the law, punishes the accused as authors of the crime of less grave injuries. [Decision of September £S, 1883.) No. 3 of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure, in establishing as aground for annulment for breach of form "when in the sentence a more grave crime is punished 230 4.° Cuando la sentencia haya sido dictada por menor numero de magistrados que el senalado en la ley, 6 sin la concurrencia de votes conformes que por la misma se exigen. 1 5.° Cuando haya eoncurrido ii dictar sentencia algiin magistrado cuya recusacion, intentada en tiempo y forma y fundada en causa legal, Be hubiese reehazado. Art. 913. No sera admisible el recurso de casacion por quebranta- miento de forma en los juicios sobre faltas. Art. 911. No sera admisible el recurso por quebrantamiento de forma, si la parte que intente interponerlo no hubiese reclamado la subsanacion de la falta, siendo posible, ni hecho la oportuna protesta con sujecion a lo dispuesto en la ley en los casos en que proceda. Si el motivo en que se funde el recurso fuere la falta de citacion para la sentencia, debera hacerse la protesta antes de que aqiu'lla se dicte si hubiere tiempo para reclamar cuando la parte note la falta. Y si el motivo fuere la falta de citacion para alguna diligencia de prueba 6 la denegacion de prueba, debera hacerse la reclamacion y protesta en el momento en que la parte haya tenido ocasion de observar la falta de la citacion y al enterarse de la denegacion de la prueba. un delito m&s grave que el que haya sido objeto de la acusacion si el tribunal no hubiere procedido previamente co-mo determina el artfculo 733," se refiere, seglin tiene declarado el Tribunal Supremo, a la calificacion definitiva hecha en el acto del juicio oral, que es cuando formula la acusaciou, y no a la provisional hecha antes .lc dicho juicio, que puede ser modificada, como lo permite el artfculo 732 de la misma ley. {Sentencia de 10 de Oclubre de 1884. ) Incurre en el vicio de forma a que se refiere el numero 3.° del artfculo 912, la sen- tencia que pena el delito calificado en sus conclusiones por el fiscal, si este las modi- fica en el acto del juicio y pide la absolution porque el hecho no es punible, y la sala no usa de la facultad del artfculo 733. (Sentencia de 6 de Febrero de 1885.) La sala sentenciadora que pena un delito por imprudencia temeraria, habiendo sido objeto de la acusacion solo una falta, sin haber hecho uso de la facultad concedida por el artfculo 733, incurre en el quebrantamiento de forma a que se refiere el numero :;." del artfculo 912 de la ley de enjuiciamiento criminal. (Sentencia de 28 de Marwa de 1885. ) Para el efectodel numero 3. ,artfculo912delaleydeenjueiamiento criminal, la mayor gravedad de un delito con relation ;i otro, ha de estimarse por la gravedad reepectiva delas penas, conforme a, las escalas graduales establecidaa en los artfculos 26 y 92 del c6digo penal (se refiere al vigente en la Peninsula), aunque los doe scan de la misma especie 6 Be hallen comprendidoe en unmismo capftulo 6 seccion de dicho codigo. (Xndrncia .) 1 Veanse las notas al artfculo 7:>l'. 230 4. When the sentence shall have been rendered by a Lower Dumber of justices than that fixed in the law, or without the. concurring votes required by the same. 1 :.. When a justice shall have attended to render judgment whose challenge should have been overruled when duly and formally inter- posed and based upon a legal cause. Akt. 913. An appeal for annulment of judgment for a breach of form shall not lie in actions upon misdemeanors. Akt. 914. An appeal for breach of form shall not be admissible if the party desiring to interpose it should not have demanded the cor- rection of the fault, if possible, nor filed the proper objection subject to the provisions of the law in the cases in which it is proper. If the ground upon which the appeal is based should be the failure to cite for sentence, the objection must be made before sentence is ren- dered, should there be time to object when the party notices the omission. And if the grounds should be the noncitation for the taking of some evidence or the rejection of evidence, the objection and protest must be made at the time the party shall have had occasion to observe the absence of the citation and upon being informed of the rejection of the evidence. than that which may have been the subject of the accusation if the court should not have first proceeded as prescribed by article 733," refers, as the Supreme Court has declared, to the definite classification made at the time of the trial, which is when the accusation is formulated, and not to the provisional one made before said trial, which may l>e modified as article 732 of the said law permits. (Decision of February 6, 1885.) The vice of form referred to in the third number of article 912 is incurred by a sentence which punishes the crime classified by the fiscal in his conclusions, if the latter at the trial modifies them ami recommends an acquittal because the act is not a punishable one, and the (handier dees not avail itself of the privilege of article 733. (Decision of February 6, 188.5.) A sentencing chamber which punishes a crime of criminal negligence, when the subject of the accusation was a misdemeanor only, without having made use of the power granted by article 733, incurs the breach of form referred to in No. 3 of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure. (Decision of March 8, 1885.) For the purposes of No. 3 of article 912 of the law of criminal procedure, the greater gravity of a erinie with regard to another must be considered bythe respective gravity of the penalty in accordance with the graduated scales established in articles i't; and 92 of the penal code (referring to the one in force in the Peninsula), even though the two be of the same character or are included in the same chapter or sections of the said code. (Decision <;/' April 7, 1886.) The reference made in this number to article 733 shows that it is to be considered that the sentence punishes a crime more grave than that which has been the subject of the accusation whenever the provisions of this article are violated by the imposi- tion without the previous observance previously having proceeded as prescribed therein of penalties not recommended by the accusation, the court considerim: that the triable acts have been classified erroneously with regard to the nature and gravity of the crime or Climes which they may constitute and not with regard to the exten- uating or aggravating circumstance, nor to the participation of each of the accused in the execution of the crime. (Decision of June 10, 1885.) 1 See notes to article 732. 231 Art. 915. Podran interponer este recurso laa mismas partes a que se retiere el artieulo 854. Secci6x Segunda. — De la interposicidn del recurso. Art. 916. El recurso de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma se interpondra ante el tribunal sentenciador, dentro del termino de cinoo dias a contar desde el siguiente aide la ultima notiticacion dela sentencia. 1 Art. 917. Se interpondra este recurso por escrito autorizado con firmas de letrado y procurador, expresandose en el: La fecha de la notiticacion de la sentencia. La de la presentacion del recurso. El artieulo de la ley que lo autorice. La falta de forma que se suponga cometida. La reclamacion practicada para subsanarla y su fecha. si la falta fuese de las que exigen este requisite Cuando el recurrente sea el querellante particular 6 actor civil, debera tambieTi manifestar en el escrito que, para el caso de que el tribunal admita el recurso, esta dispuesto a presentar ante la sala tercera del Tribunal Supremo, dentro del termino que se expresa en el artieulo 859, el documento que acredite haber depositado en el esta- blecimiento publico destinado al efecto, mil pesetas si el delito fuere publico, 3^ quinientas si fuere de los que solo pueden perseguirse :i instancia de parte. Cuando el recurrente fuere el procesado, estara* exento de la obliga- cion de constituir deposito. Cuando el ministerio tiscal hubiere inter- puesto'el recurso, tampoco estara obligado a constituirlo el querellante 6 acusador privado. Art. 918. El tribunal sentenciador examinam sin oir a las partes: 1.° Si el recurso se ha interpuesto despues de haberse pronunciado sentencia definitiva. 2.° Si se ha interpuesto en el termino de la ley. 3.° Si se funda en alguna de las causas expuestas en el artieulo 911 6 en el 912. 4.° Si la falta fue reclamada oportunamente en los caaoa en que esto fuese necesario. Art. 919. Concurriendo todas las circunstancias expresadaa en el artieulo anterior, la sala, dentro del tereero dia, dietani auto adnii- tiendo el recurso y tnandandose emplacea* las partes para su oompare- 1 [nfringe loa artfculos 916 \ Biguientes de la Icy de enjuiciamiento criminal, la audiencia que, en virtud de on escrito del oiinisterio fiscal en que se limita A pedii testimouio de la sentencia como medio preparatorio para la interposici6ii de 1<>h recuiBOB de casaci6ii por Lnfracci6u de lev y p<>r quebrantamiento de forma, admita sin Mi;is tram i tee el Begundo y tramito la causa al Tribunal Supremo, puee en tal caso uo bay interposici6n de dicho recurso. [Sentencia dt i ; Diciembn in article 864 may interpose this appeal. BacnoM Second. —Interposition of the appeal. Akt. 916. An appeal for annulment of judgmenl for breach of form shall be interposed before the sentencing court within the period of five days from the day following the last notice of the sentence.' Aim. 917. This appeal shall be interposed in writing and authenti- cated by the signatures of an attorney and solicitor, stating: The date of the notification of the sentence. That of the filing of the appeal. The article of the law authorizing it. The breach of form supposed to have been committed. The objection made for its correction and the date thereof, if the violation should be of those which require this requisite. If the appellant be the private complainant or the civil plaintiff, he must also state in the appeal that, in case the court admits the appeal, he is ready to present to the third chamber of the Supreme Court, within the period mentioned in article 859, the document showing that he has deposited in the public institution provided therefor one thou- sand pesetas, if the crime be a public one, and five hundred if it be <>f those which can be prosecuted at the instance of a party. If the accused be the appellant, he shall be exempted from the obligation of making a deposit. If the public prosecutor shall have interposed the appeal, the complainant or private accuser shall not be obliged to make it. Akt. 918. The sentencing court shall examine without hearing the parties: 1. If the appeal has been interposed after final sentence has been pronounced. 2. If it ha- been interposed within the period prescribed by law. ?>. If it is based upon any of the causes mentioned in articles 911 or 912. 4. If the violation was duly excepted to in cases in which this is necessary. Art. 919. If all the circumstances mentioned in the foregoing arti- cle are attendant, the chamber, on or before the third day, shall decree die admission of the appeal and order that the parties be cited for 'Arts. 916 et seq. of the law of criminal procedure arc violated by an audieneia which admits an appeal without further proceedings and transmits the cause to the Supreme Court by virtue of a petition of the public prosecutor confined tea request for a transcript of the sentence as a preparatory means for the interposition for appeals for annulment of judgment for a violation of law and breach of form, because in such a case said appeal lias not, been interposed. ( Decision <>/ I>> rrmha- 1 ',. 1883. ) 2 3 '2 cencia ante el Tribunal Supremo dentro del termino de sesenta dias desde la fecha en que por diligencia Be haga constar el envio :il mismo Tribunal Supremo, y de oficio, de la docunientacion neoesaria para sustanciar el recurso. .( este efecto la salamandara' que, precedido de una relaci6n Bucinta dq la causa, se saque testimonio literal de los autos solo en la parte 6 extremos y particulares de loa mismoa ;i que se contraiga el recurso y en quo se alegue que ha habidoel quebrantamiento de forma, cuyo tes- timonio, extendido en papel de oficio y hecho constar en el la confor- midad de las parte- respecto a* la fidelidad de la copia de Ids autos en ]o que al recurso concierna, se remitira* por la sala al Tribunal Supremo por el correo directo mas inmediato al dia en qne se haya hecho constar la conformidad expresada. Las partes habran de manifestar su conformidad acerca de lo literal del testimonio, 6 de lo que crean que deba anadirse al mismo, en el termino improrrogable de cinco dias. y contra lo que la sala resuelva no se admitira* recurso alguno mas que el de queja, al tenor de lo establecido para la denegacion de las certiricaciones por los articulos 863, 865 y siguientes en que sean aplicables. En los autos se hard constar el envio del testimonio, conforme ;i lo establecido por el articulo 861. Si faltaren algunas de las circunstancias referidas en el articulo anterior, no se admitira el recurso. Art. i*i!»>. La interposicion y admision del recurso por quebranta- miento de forma, producira* el efecto de suspender, hasta bu resoluci6n definitiva, todo procedimiento para la ejecucion del fallo contra el que haya sido deducido, asi como la sustanciaci6n del de infracci6n de ley que se hubiere preparado por cualquiera de las partes. Secci6n Tkhckra. — Del recurso de qtieja por denegacidn deadmisidn del de auacMnpor quebrantamiento de forma. Art. 921. Cuando el tribunal sentenciador denegare la admision del recurso por quebrantamiento de forma, lo hard por auto de que Be dani copia al recurrente al tiempo de hacerle la Qotificaci6n. Art. 922. Si el recurrente se creyere agraviado por no admitirle el recurso, podrd acudir en queja a la sala tercera del Tribunal Su- premo, liaeiendolo presente al tribunal sentenciador ;i los efectos de lo dispuesto en el articulo 863. Este recurso se sustanciara* v decidira* de la tnanera prevenida en dicho articulo 863 \ en los Biguientes. A i: i . '.t-j:'.. ( 'nando la >ala revoque el auto denegatorio de la admision. ordenard al tribunal que le remits el testimonio de la causa con los antecedentes necesariou con arreglo al articulo 919, Cuando le eon appearance before the Supreme Courl within a period of sixty days from the date of record of the transmittal to the Supreme Court ex officio oi the documents necessary For the hearing and determination of the appeal. For this purpose the chamber shall order thai a Literal transcript lie made only of that part or details ami portions of the record to which the appeal i^ confined and in which it is alleged that there has been a breach <>i' form, preceded by a succincl statement <>t' the cause, which transcript, drafted on official paper and containing a statement of the agreement of tin 1 parties with regard to the fidelity of the copy of the record, in 80 far as the appeal is concerned, shall be transmitted by the chamber to the Supreme Court 1)\ the first direct mail after the dav on which the said agreement is established. 'I'll.' parties must state their agreement with regard to the literal portion of the transcript, or what they may believe should be added to the same, within the period of five days, which can not he extended, and no other remedy hut a complaint shall In 1 admitted against the decision of the chamber, in accordance with the provisions of articles 863, 865, et seq., in so far as applicable with regard to the refusal of certificates. The transmission of the transcript shall be entered upon the record in accordance with the provisions of article 861. If any of the circumstances mentioned in the foregoing article should not he attendant, the appeal shall not be admitted. A in. '.cjo. The interposition and admission of an appeal for breach of form shall produce the effect of staying, until its final decision, any proceedings for the execution of the sentence from which it may have been taken, as well as the hearing and determination of the appeal for violation of law which may have been prepared by any of the parties. Section Third. — Remedy of complaint on account of the denial of an appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form. Art. 921. When the sentencing court shall deny the admission of an appeal for breach of form, it shall do so by decree, of which a copy shall he given to the appellant at the time notice thereof is served upon him. Aim. \)-l-l. If the appellant should consider himself injured by the denial of the appeal, he may complain to the third chamber of the supremecourt, informing the sentencing court of his action, for the pur- poses of the provisions of article 863. This remedy shall be heard and decided in the manner prescribed in said article 863 and in the following: Aki. 923. When the chamber shall reverse the order of denial of the admission it shall order the court to transmit to it a transcript of the cause, with the necessary data, in accordance with article 919, Should 1*473— 01 — 30 233 firme, comunicara* bu resoluci6n al tribunal sentenciador para los efectos correspondientes. Contra estas resolucionea no se dani recurso alguno. ( !uando resulten falsos los hechos alegados coino fundamento del recurso, la sala podra imponer al particular recurrente una multa que no bajara de doscientas cincuenta pesetas ni excedera de mil. Si la responsabilidad fuere del letrado, se le impondra la correcci6n disciplinaria que sea procedente. Becci6k Cuarta. — De la xmtanciaeidn del recurso. Art. 924. El recurso por quebrantamiento de forma se sustaneiara por la sala tercera del Tribunal Supremo, en los terminos y con los procedimientos establecidos para los recursos por infraccion de ley en la seccion quinta del capitulo primero de este titulo, en cuanto bus difl- posiciones no esten moditicadas por los articulos siguientes. Art. 925. Los autos seran entregados al recurrente para bu instruc- cion por termino de cinco dias y por otro igual a cada una de las partes y al fiscal. Al devolver el recurrente la causa, no podra alegar nuevoa motivos de casacion. La entrega de que habla el parrafo primero de este articulo no tenors' lugar cuando el recurrente sea querellante particular y no haya pre- sentado todavia el documento que acredite haber vcrificado el deposito prevenido en el articulo 917. Pero si estuviese declarado pobre 6 insolvente. bastard que so obligue a responder del importe del deposito, si viniere a mejor fortuna. Art. 926. Si transcurre el termino del emplazamiento sin haberse personado el recurrente, 6 siendo este querellante particular 6 actor civil, no justifica la constitution del deposito 6 no constitute apud acta la obligation mencionada en el articulo anterior, se dcclarani desierto el recurso con imposici6n de las-costasal particular recurrente, y se dcvolvera la causa al tribunal. Art. !»^7. Cuando el recurrente sea pobre, podra* oomparecer per- sonalmente, pidiendo el Dombramiento de abogado y procurador que le defiendan. En tal caso, se observard lo dispuesto en el articulo s 7 « > . Art. 928. Transcurrido el termino de la entrega de los autos y heoha 6 ii" por las partes la manif estaci6n de quedar instruidas del recurso y de bus anteoedentes, la sala aombrara* ponente al magistrado que se balle en turno, a quien se pasarti la causa por be'rmino de cinco dlas, y devuelta que sea, se seffalara' dfa para la \rista, 288 it affirm the order, it shall communicate it- decision to the sentencing court for the proper purposes. There shall be do remedy whatsoever against these decisions. When the facts alleged as a ground for the complaint are false the chamber may impose upon the private complainant a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty pesetas aor more than one thousand. If an attorney should be liable therefor, the disciplinary correction which may be proper shall be imposed upon him. Sbction Fourth. -Hearing of the appeal. Akt. 934. An appeal for breach of form shall l>c heard by the third chamber of the Supreme Court, in the manner and according to the procedure established for appeals for violation of law in the fifth sec- tion of t'ne tir-t chapter of this title, in so far as its provisions are not modified by the following- articles. Am. 925. The record of proceeding's shall be delivered to the appel- lant for examination for five days, and for a similar period to each of the parties and to the public prosecutor. Upon the return of the cause by the appellant he can not allege new grounds for annulment. The delivery referred to in the first paragraph of this article shall not take place if the appellant be the private complainant and ho shall not have presented, as yet, the document proving- that he has made the deposit prescribed by article 917. But if he shall have been declared a poor person or insolvent it shall suffice thai he bind himself to answer for the amount of the deposit if his circumstances improve. Art. '••:-'''•. When the period of the summons shall expire without the appellant having entered an appearance, or if the latter be the private complainant or civil plaintiff, he shall not prove that he has made the deposit or does not constitute the obligation mentioned in the fore- going article apudacta, the appeal shall be considered abandoned and the cost- shall be taxed against the private appellant and the cause returned to the court. Akt. 927. If the appellant be poor he may appear in person, request- ing the appointment of an attorney and solicitor for his defense. Tn such case the provisions of article 876 shall he observed. Akt. 928. After the period for the delivery of the record has expired, and whether or not the parties state that they have examined the appeal and the data in the case, the chamber shall appoint a&jponenfe the justice \\ hose turn it may be, to whom the cause shall be referred for a period of five days, and upon its return a day shall be set for the hearing. 234 Skccihx Quinta. — Dt /" decm6n del recurso. Art. 929. En el dia senalado para la vista, el seeretario dara cuenta de la sentencia, de los votos partieulares, del escrito de interposicion del recurso y de la parte de la causa que se considere necesaria para dar cuuiplida idea de la falta alegada y sus fundamentos. Terminada la lectura por el seeretario, haran uso de la palabra los defensores de las partes y el fiscal. Este hablara el ultimo, a no ser que hubiese interpuesto el recurso. Art. 930. Cuando la sala estime haberse cometido la falta en que Be funda el recurso, declarara haber lugar a el y ordenara la devolueion del deposito si se hubiese constituido, y la del testimonio de la causa al tribunal de que proceda, para que, reponiendola al estado que tenia cuando se cometio la falta, la sustanciey termine con arreglo a derecho. Art. 931. Si la sala estima no haberse cometido la falta alegada, declarara no haber lugar al recurso, condenani al particular recurrent* en las costas y a la perdida del deposito, si se hubiese constituido. 6 a la de su importe en su caso cuando viniere a mejor fortuna. y mandara devolver el testimonio de la causa al tribunal sentenciador. Art. 932. Sera aplicable a los recursos de casacion por quebranta- miento de forma lo dispuesto en los articulos 905 y 906 de esta lev. Art. 933. En los recursos por quebrantamiento de forma que el ministerio fiscal interponga, se estara :i lo dispuesto en las diversas secciones de este capitulo. CAPITULO III. de la interposioi6n, sustanciaci6n y resoluci6n del recurso de casaci6n por infracci6n de ley y por quebrantamiento de forma. Art. 934. Lo dispuesto en esta lev respecto do los recursos d^ casa- cion por infraccion de ley y por quebrantamiento de forma, tendra* aplicacion a los recUTSOS que a la vez se t'uiideii en iiit'faccion de ley y quebrantamiento de forma, con las modificaciones que en esta secci6D Be establecen. Art. 935. Los recursos de casacion por infraccion de lev v por quebrantamiento de forma Be interpondr&n dentro del t^rmino que tija el articulo '.'It;, fundando el de quebrantamiento de forma con arreglo al articulo 917, y anunciando el de infracci6n de ley. Art. 986. El tribunal sentenciador, con vista del escrito, admit Ira" 6 denegarfi unicamente el recurso de casaci6n por quebrantamiento de 28 I iron I'n in. Decision of tin appeal. Ai:t. •. , i".'. Upon the day set for the hearing the secretary shall read a statement «>t" the sentence, the private votes, the instrument interpos- ing the appeal, and of that part <>t' the cause which may be considered necessary to give a proper idea of tin- \ iolal ion alleged and tin- grounds therefor. I poii the conclusion of the reading by the secretary, counsel for the parties and the prosecuting official -hall -peak. The latter -hall -peak first unless he shall have interposed the appeal. AUT. 930. When the chancer finds that the violation upon which the appeal i- based has been committed, it shall declare it well taken and shall order the return of the deposit, if made, and of the transcript of the cause to the lower court, in order that, beginning from the stage of the proceedings where the violation was committed, it may hear and determine it in accordance with law. Aim. '.'Ml. If the chamber should find that the alleged violation has not been committed, it shall declare the appeal not well taken, and -hall adjudge the cost- against the private appellant and the forfeiture of the deposit, if any shall have been made, or the loss of the amount it represents when his circumstances improve, and shall order the return of the transcript of the cause to the sentencing court. Aim. '.»:;;_>. The provisions of articles 905 and 906 of this law shall he applicable to appeals for annulment of judgment for breach of form. Aim. :*:;:;. The provisions of the various sections of this chapter shall be observed in appeals for breach of form interposed by the public prosecutor. CHAPTER III. INTERPOSITION, HEARING, AND DECISION OF AN APPEAL FOR ANNUL- MENT OP JUDGMENT FOR VIOLATION OF LAW AND FOR BREACH OF FORM. Aim. 934. The provisions of this law with regard to appeals for annulment of judgment for a violation of law and for breach of form -hall apply to appeals which are based both upon a violation of law and a breach of form, with the modifications prescribed in this sec- tion. Aim. '.•:;:.. Appeals for annulment for a violation of law and for a breach of form -hall be interposed within the period fixed in article '.'It'., the grounds for the appeal for a breach of form being stated in accordance with article 917, and that for a violation of law being des- ignated. Akt. 936. The sentencing court, in view of the appeal, -hall admit or deny ojdy the appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form 235 forma, con arreglo a lo establecido en los articulos 918 y 919. teniendo por anuuciado el recurso por infraecion de ley. 1 Art. 937. Cuando el tribunal admita el recurso, elevara a la sala tercera del Tribunal Supremo el testimonio de la causa con los autece- dentes expresados en el articulo 919. En este caso se entendeni pre- parado el recurso de casacion por infraecion de ley, corriendo para ambos recursos el mismo plazo legal. Art. 938. Cuando el tribunal deniegue el recurso, los interesados podran recurrir en queja a la sala tercera del Tribunal Supremo contra el auto denegatorio, en el tiempo y forma que preceptua el articulo 922. Art. 939. Si la sala tercera del Tribunal Supremo revoca el auto denegatorio, dirigira orden al tribunal para que le remita testimonio de la causa, a tenor de lo que se establece en el articulo 923. En este caso se entendera tambien preparado el recurso de casacion por inf rac- cion de ley. Art. 940. Si la sala tercera confirma el auto denegatorio, comunicara su resolucion al tribunal para los efectos que haya lugar. Art. 941. Los efectos del auto confirmando la denegaeion, seran, respecto del recurso de casacion por infraecion de ley, los siguientes: 1.° Hacer imposible su interposicion, cuando el auto confirmando el denegatorio de la admision del recurso de casacion en la forma se haya fundado en haberse presentado el escrito proponiendo este ultimo recurso y preparando el otro fuera del termino legal. 2.° Dejar expedita su interposicion en su caso y lugar, cuando el auto confirmando el denegatorio de la admision del recurso de casacion en la forma se haya fundado en la no concurrencia de las demas circun- stancias expresadas en el articulo 918. Art. 942. En este ultimo caso, si el recurrente lo pidiere dentro del termino de tercero dia contado desde el en que se le haya notitieado la contirmacion del auto denegatorio, la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo mandara al tribunal senteneiador que expida y entregue al recurrente, 6 en su caso remita, dentro del termino de tres dins, testi- monio de la resolucion para que pueda seguir el recurso por infraecion deley, y que cite al efecto a las partes, cumpliendo en un todo con lo que Be ordena en Los articulos 858 y 859 de esta ley. ' talhi.i Lo que dispone el artfculo936delaleydeenjuidamientoaiminal, laaudieu- cia que manda remitir ;i la Bala Begunda del Tribunal Supremo certiflcaci6ii be announced. 1 Aim. , .»:'.T. It* the court admits the appeal, it shall transmit to the thinl chamber <>t* the Supreme ( Sourt a transcript of the cause with the data mentioned in article 919. In Buch case the appeal for annulment of judgment for a violation of law shall be considered as prepared, the same legal period running for both appeals. Aim. 938. If the court shall deny the appeal, the persons interested may file a complaint before the third chamber of the Supreme Court against the decree of denial at the time and in the form prescribed by article '.'•_'•_'. Art. '.' .".:». If the third chamber of the Supreme Court .shall reverse the decree of denial, it shall direct an order to the court to transmit to it a transcript of the cause in accordance with the provisions of article 923. In such case the appeal for annulment of judgment for a violation of law shall also be considered as prepared. Art. 940. If the third chamber should affirm the decree of denial, it -hall communicate its decision to the court for the proper purposes. Art. 941. The effect of the decree confirming the denial shall be. with regard to an appeal for annulment of judgment for a violation of law. the following: 1. To render impossible the interposition thereof when the decree confirming that denying the admission of an appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form shall have been based upon the presenta- tion of a petition proposing the last-named appeal, and preparing the other outside of the legal period. 2. To render its interposition possible in a proper case and at the proper time, w r hen a decree confirming that denying the admission of the appeal for annulment of judgment for breach of form shall have been based upon the nonattendance of all the circumstances mentioned in article 918. Aim. 942. In the latter case, if the appellant should so request within three days from the date notice is served upon him of the affirmation of the decree of denial, the second chamber of the Supreme Court shall order the sentencing court to issue and deliver to the appellant, or in a proper case to transmit within a period of three days, a transcript of the decision in order that the appeal for violation of law may be continued and that the parties be cited for the purpose, faithfully complying with the provisions of articles 858 and 859 of this law. 1 An andienda which orders the transmittal to the second chamber of the Supreme Court of a certificate of a sentence for the interposition of an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law, admitting at the same time that for a breach of form, instead of confining itself to considering the former as announced, as prescribed by article 936 of the of Criminal Procedure, does not comply with sai defensores del reo expondr&n si existe alguno de los tnotivos que autorizan el recurso, ya sea por infraccion 236 Art. 943. An appeal for breach of form having been admitted by the sentencing court, and a transcript of the cause transmitted t<> the third chamber <»t' the Supreme Court, it shall be heard and decided in accordance with tin- provisions of sections fourth and fifth of chapter 2 of this book. Art. :m. When the third chamber declares an appeal for breach of form not well taken, it shall adjudge the costs against the private appellant and the forfeiture of the deposit, should he have made one. and shall order that the cause be transmitted to the second chamber, which, upon the receipt thereof, shall order its reference to the appel- lant for a period of five days, in order that be may interpose the appeal for violation of law. in accordance with the fourth section of the first chapter. Art. 945. The appeal for violation of law having been formulated, it shall l»e heard in accordance with the provisions of the fifth section of the said first chapter. Art. 946. Tf the appellant should not have been authorized to litigate a- a poor person, upon returning the cause interposing the appeal lie must produce the document showing that he has made the proper deposit in accordance with the provisions of article 875. CHAPTEK IV. APPEALS FOB ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT IN CAUSES INVOLVING THE DEATH PENALTY. ' Art. !»47. An appeal for annulment of judgment for the benefit of the criminal -hall be considered as admitted cU jun against sentences not rendered by the Supreme Court or its second chamber, by which the penalty of death is imposed. Art. 948. The criminal court, upon the expiration of the period prescribed in article 916, even though an appeal for annulment of judgment -hall not have been interposed, shall transmit the cause to the second chamber of the Supreme Court, together with a certificate of the reserved votes if there be any. or a negative one in a proper case. Art. 949. If within the period of five days after the receipt of the cause by the second chamber of the Supreme Court, counsel appointed by the criminal should appearand request an examination in order to sustain the propriety of the appeal, they shall be considered as parties and the cause shall lie ordered referred to them for a period of five days. Should they not appear within said period, the chamber shall order ex officio the appointment of a solicitor and attorney to defend the criminal, the process being delivered to them for a like period of five day-. Upon returning the cause, counsel for the criminal shall -late whether any of the grounds which authorize the appeal exists, R bether 237 de ley 6 por quebrantamiento do forma, con arreglo :i la> disposiciones de esta ley. Art. 950. Por el mismo tt'rmino y con identico tin se entregara" la causa a las demas partes, si se bubiesen personado, y al fiscal. Art. 951. Al devolver las partes la causa, alegar&n en el mismo escrito los fundamentos que existan, si en su concepto los hubierc para la casacion de la sentencia, bien por quebrantamiento de forma, bien por infraccion de ley. La sala segunda, previos los tramites ordinarios, porS* declarar haber lugar al recurso por infraccion de le}^ 6 por quebrantamiento de forma, aunque no lo hubiesen sostenido como procedento las partes personadas ni el fiscal. Cuando la sala declare la procedencia del recurso por quebranta- miento de forma, ordenara al mismo tiempo lo que se determina en el articulo 930. * Art. 952. La sustanciacion de los recursos interpuestos por las partes en causas de muerte, se acomodara a las reglas indicadas en este capitulo. 2 Art. 953. Cuando se declare no haber lugar al recurso por ninguna causa la sala mandara pasar los autos al fiscal, y con lo que <'>te exponga y con vista de los meritos del proceso, si enoontrare algun motivo de equidad para aeonsejar que no se ejecute la sentencia nrme, propondra a S. M., por conducto del Ministro de Ultramar, la conmu- tacion de la pena. 1 En las causas de muerte, la declaraci6n de hechos probados debe hacerse precisa- mente en los resultandos de la sentencia. {Sentene&a de £5 'I* Junto de 1886.) -2 Ni el articulo 952, ni el parrafo segundo del 949 de la ley de enjuiciamiento cri- minal autorizan para alegar contra las sentenciasdelinitivas, condenatorias£ la pena «le muerte, fundamentos y causas en la forma 6 en el foudo que no eaten comprendidas en los artfculos 849, 911 6 912. La trasgresion de los dos artfculos 2." y 299 de la ley citada, signiliean'a tan b61o defi- ciencia en la Lnstrucci6n sumarial, y las omisiones cometidas en esteperfodo procesal no pueden constituir motivo para la casacion de una sentencia definitiva, tanto porque pueden ser Bubsanadas de oficio, con reposici6n de la causa, como porque pueden suplirse, a Lnstancia r medio de pruebaa adecuadas y pertinentes. {Semieruna "'< 20 cU Septiembre de 1886.) 237 for violation of law or for breach <>f fonn, in accordance with the provisions of this law. Akt. 950. The cause shall be delivered to the other parties, if they shall have entered an appearance, and to the public prosecutor for the same period and purpose. Aim. 951. Upon the return of the cause by the parties, they shall plead the grounds in the same instrument which may exist, if there be any in their opinion for an annulment of the sentence, whether for a breach of form or a violation of law. The Becond chamber, after the ordinary proceedings, may declare the appeal for violation of law or for breach of form to be well taken even though neither the parties who have entered an appearance nor the public prosecutor shall have sustained its propriety. When the chamber shall declare an appeal for breach of form to be well taken, it shall at the same time issue the order prescribed by arti- cle 930. 1 Art. 952. The hearing of appeals interposed by the parties in causes involving the death penalty, shall conform to the rules indicated, in this Chapter. 2 Art. 953. When it shall be declared that the appeal does not lie upon any grounds, the chamber shall order the record to be transmitted to thefiscal, and in view of the opinion of the latter and the merits of the case, if it should find any ground of equity to advise that the final sentence be not executed, it shall recommend to His Majesty, through the Colonial Minister, the commutation of the penalty. 'In causes involving the death penalty, the declaration of the proven acts must be made in the rttu&andos of the sentence. (Decision of June 25, 1885.) 'Neither article 952 imr the second paragraph of article 949 of the law of criminal procedure authorize the pleading of grounds and causes with regard to the form or the merits which are not included in articles 849, 911, or 912 against final sentences condemning to the penalty of death. A violation of articles 2 and 299 of the said law would signify only a deficiency in the conduction of the tumario, and the omissions committed during this period of the proceedings can not constitute a ground for the annulment of a final sentence, lx?cause they may be cured ex officio and a rehearing ordered, or they may be supplied at the instance of the parties taking part therein by means of adequate and pertinent proof. (Decision of September 20, 1886.) TfTULO IT. DEL RECURSO DE REVISION. Art. 954. Habra lugar al recurso de revision contra las sentencias firmes en los casos siguientes: 1.° Cuando esten sufriendo condena dos 6 mas personas, en virtud de sentencias contradictorias, por un mismo delito que no haya podido ser cometido mas que por una sola. 2.° Cuando este sufriendo condena alguno como autor, complice 6 encubridor del homicidio de una persona cuya existencia se acredite despues de la condena. 3.° Cuando este sufriendo condena alguno en virtud de sentencia cuyo fundamento haya sido un documento declarado despues falso, por sentencia firme en causa criminal. Art. 955. El recurso de revision podni promoverse por los penados y por sus cony noes, descendientes, ascendientes y hermanos, acudiendo al Ministerio de Ultramar con solicitud motivada. Art. 956. El Ministerio de Ultramar, previa formacion do expe- diente, podni ordenar al fiscal del Tribunal Supremo que interponga el recurso, cuando a su juicio hubiese fundamento bastante para ello. Art. 957. El fiscal del Tribunal Supremo podni tambien. sm necesi- dad dedicha orden, interponer el recurso ante la sala segunda, siempre que tenga conocimiento de algiin caso en que proceda. Art. 958. En el caso del numero 1.° del articulo 954, la sala decla- rant la contradiction entre las sentencias, si en efecto existiere, anu- lando una y otra, y mandani instruir de nuevo la causa al tribunal a (mien corresponda el conocimiento del delito. En el caso del numero 2.° del mismo articulo. la sala. comprobada la identidad de la persona cava muerte hubiese sido penada, anulara la sentencia firme. En el caso del numero 3.° del referido articulo, dictara la sala la misnia rcsolucion. con vista de la ejecutoria que declare la Ealsedaddel documento, y mandarfi al tribunal a quien corresponda el conocimiento del delito Lnsl ruir de auevo la causa. Akt. !*.V.». El recurso . When a person is Berving a sentence by virtue of a judgment the grounds for which may have been a document afterwards declared false by a final sentence in a criminal cause. Art. 955. An appeal for review may be taketi by the persons pun- ished and by their spouses, descendants, ascendants, and brothers and sisters by applying to the Colonial Minister with a petition setting forth the grounds therefor. Art. 956. The Colonial Department, after preparing the proceeding, may order {he fiscal of the Supreme Court to interpose the appeal when there .-ire sufficient grounds therefor, in its judgment. Aki. '.c>7. The fiscal of the Supreme Court may also interpose the appeal before the second chamber, whenever he has information of any case in which it lies, without the necessity of such order. Ai:i. 958. In the case of No. 1 of article 954, the chamber shall declare the contradiction between the sentences, if it really exists, annulling both, and shall order the hearing of the cause >/, novo by the court to which the cognizance of the crime may pertain. In the case of No. 2 of the said article, the chamber shall annul the final sentence after the identity of the person whose death may have been punished is established. In the case of No. 3 of the said article, the chamber shall issue a similar decree, in view of the final judgment declaring the falsity of the document, and shall order the proper court to which the cognizance of the crime may pertain to hear the cause de novo. Art. 959. The appeal for review shall be conducted by hearing the fiscal once only in writing and the persons punished another time, who tnusl lie cited, should they not first appear. When they request the attachment of documents to the record, the chamber shall order what 238 239 oportuno. Despues seguira el recnrso los tramites establecidos para el de casacion por infraccion de ley, y la sala, con in forme oral 6 sin el, segiin acuerde en vista de las circunstancias del caso, dictara sen- tencia que sera irrevocable. Art. 960. Cuando por consequencia de la sentencia firme anulada, hubiese sufrido el condenado alguna pena corporal, si en la nueva sentencia se le impusiere alguna otra, se tendra en cuenta para el cumplimiento de esta todo el tiempo de la anteriormente sufrida y su importancia. Art. 961. Aun cuando haya fallecido el penado. podran su viuda, ascendientes 6 descendientes legitimos, legitimados 6 naturales recono- cidos, solicitar el juicio de revision por alguna de las causas enumera- das en el articulo 954, con objeto de rehabilitar la memoria del dif unto y de que se castigue en su caso al verdadero culpable. 289 it iiniv deem proper hereon. Thereupon the appeal -hull follow the procedure prescribed for an appeal for annulment of judgment for violation of law, and the chamber shall, with or without oral argument, as it may order in view of the oircumstances <>t" the case, render sen- tence, which shall be irrevocable. Akt. 960. If, in consequence of the final sentence which has been annulled, the condemned person should have suffered some corporal penalty, if another one Bhould be imposed upon him in the new sen- tence, the time of that previously served and the importance thereof -hall l>e considered in the fulfillment of the latter. Am. 961. Even though the person punished shall have died, his -widow, ascendant- or descendants, Legitimate, legitimized, or natu- ral acknowledged, may request a review of the action for any of the causes mentioned in article 954 for the purpose of rehabilitating the memory of the decedent and for the punishment of the real culprit in a proper ease. LIBKO SEXTO DEL PROCEDIMIENTO PARA EL JUICIO SOBRE FALTAS. TITULO PRIMERO. DEL JUICIO SOBRE FALTAS EN PRIMERA INSTANCIA. Art. 962. Luego que el juez municipal tenga noticia de haberso cometido alguna de las faltas previstas en el libro III del c6digo penaJ que pueda perseguirse de oficio, mandara convocar a juicio verbal al fiscal municipal, al querellante si le hubiere, al presunto culpable y a los testigos que puedan dar razon de los hechos, senalando dia y hora para la celebracion del juicio. Art. 963. Del mismo modo dispondra la celebracion del juicio ver- bal, pero sin convocar al fiscal municipal, cuando la falta solo pueda perseguirse a instancia de parte legitima y esta solicite la represion. Art. 96-4. El juicio debera celebrarse en el local del juzgado muni- cipal dentro de los tres dias siguientes al de la fecha del en que tuviere noticia el juez de haberse cometido la falta. El juez municipal podra. sin embargo, de oficio 6 a instancia de parte, senalar un dia mas lejano para la celebracion del juicio, cuando haya para ello causa bastante, que hara constar en el expediente. Cuando algiin testigo importante, 6 una de las partes que resida dentro del termino municipal, estuvieren fisicamente impedidos de concurrir al local del juzgado, podra tambien el juez disponer la celebracion del juicio en el punto en que considere conveniente. fun- dando su resoluci6n. Art. 965. A la citacion qu, se haga a los presuntos culpablea acorn- panara copia de la querella, si se hubiese presentado, y en dieha citacion Be expresara" que el citado debe acudiral juicio con Las pruebas que tenga. Siempre deber&n transcurrir, cuando menos, yeinticuatro boras cut re el acto de la citacion del presunto culpable y el de la cele- braci6n del juicio, si <•! citado reside dentro del termino municipal; y un dia mas por cada •_'<» kil6metros (U^ distancia, ai residiere fuera de 61. Art. 966. Cuando los citados como partes y Los testigos no compa- rezcan ni aleguen justa causa para dejar de hacerlo, podran ser multados. BOOK SIXTH. PROCEEDINGS IN ACTIONS UPON MISDEMEANORS. TITLE FIRST. ACTIONS UPON MISDEMEANORS AT FIRST INSTANCE. Am. 962. A- soon as the municipal judge shall have information of the commission of any of the misdemeanors mentioned in Book III of the penal code which can be prosecuted at the instance of the Gov- ernment, it shall order the municipal fiscal, the complainant, if there be any. the presumed culprit, and the witnesses who can testify as to the acts to appear foran oral trial, setting a day and hour for the hearing. Ai;t. 963. In the same manner he shall order the holding of an oral trial, hut without summoning the 1 municipal fiscal, when the mis- demeanor can be prosecuted only at the instance of a Legitimate party and said party requests the punishment. Art. '.tt'p-f. The trial must he held in the court room of the municipal court within throe days following the date upon which the judge shall have had notice of the commission of the misdemeanor. The municipal judge may. nevertheless, at his own instance or on motion of a party, set a day beyond said period for the holding of a trial, if there he sufficient cause therefor, which must appear in the proceedings. If some important witness or one of the parties residing within the municipal district should be physically unable to appear at court, the judge may also order the holding of the trial at the point he may con- sider advisable, stating bis reasons for his decision. Aim. 965. A copy of the complaint, if any shall have been tiled. shall be attached to the citation served upon the presumed culprits, and in -aid citation -hall be stated that the person cited must appear at the trial with the evidence in his possession. Twenty-four hours at Least must elapse between the service of the citation upon the pre- sumed culprit and the time for holding the trial, if the person cited resides within the municipal district, and one day more for every 20 kilometers, if he resides without it. AkT. '.ttitl. When the persons cited as parties and the witnesses shall not appear, nor allege sufficient cause for failing to do so. they may be 240 18473—01 31 24] en hi cantidad que determine el juez municipal, hasta el maximum de 62.50 pesetas. En la misma multa incurriran los peritos que do acudan al llama- miento del juez municipal. Art. 967. A los testigos y a los presuntos culpables que residan fuera del territorio municipal se les recibira* declaracion por medio de exhorto, con citacion del querellante particular, si lo hubiere, y en presencia del ministerio fiscal, si la falta pudiere perseguirse de oficio. Dichas declaraciones se recibiran y redactaran con las formalidades establecidas respectivamente en la presente ley. Art. 968. En el caso de que por motivo justo no*pueda celebrarse el juicio verbal en el dia senalado, 6 de que no pueda concluirse en an solo acto, el juez municipal senalara el dia mas inmediato posible para su celebracion 6 continuacion, haciendolo saber a los interesados. Art. 969. El juicio sera publico, dando principio por la lectura de la querella, si la hubiere, siguiendo a esto el examen de los testigos convocados. y practicandose las demas pruebas que propongan el querellante, denunciator y fiscal municipal, si asistiere, siempre que el juez las considere admisibles. Seguidamente se oira al acusado, se examinaran los testigos que presente en su descargo, y se practicaran las demas pruebas que ofrezca y fueren pertinentes, observandose las prescripcioncs de esta ley en cuanto scan aplicables. Acto continuo expondran de palabra las partes lo que crean conveniente en apoyo de sus respectivas pretensiones, hablando primero el ministerio fiscal si asistiere. despues el querellante particular, y por ultimo el acusado. El fiscal municipal asistira a los juicios sobre Ealtas, siempre <\uo :i ellos sea citado con arreglo al articulo 962. 1 Art. 970. Si el presunto culpable de una falta reside fuera del t»'r- mino municipal, no tendra obligacion de concurrir al acto del juicio. y podrd dirigir al juez municipal escrito alegando lo que estime con- veniente en su defensa, y apoderar persona que presente en aquel acto las pruebas de descargo ((ue tuviere. Art. 971. La ausencia del acusado no suspenders' la celebiaci6n ni la l-esolucion del juicio. siempre que COnste habei-sele eitailo con las formalidades prescritas en esta ley. y con los requisitos del articulo '.if,:,. ;'i no ser que el juez municipal, de oficio 6 ;i instancia de parte, crea oecesaria la declaracion de aquel. 1 La int'iarciuii de este artfeulo, como demera instrucci6n y procedimiento, no ea admisible como motivo de casaci6n en on recurso por Lnf racci6n de ley contra sen- tencia deflnitiva: [Sentenciadi 18 & Novkmbredi 1883.) 241 fined the amount which the municipal judge ma\ fix, not to exceed 62.50 pesetas. The same fine shall be incurred l>\ the experts who do not appear on the call of the municipal judge. Aim. 967. The testimony of witnesses and presumed culprits, resid- ing beyond the municipal district, shall be taken by means of letters rogatory, with a citation of the private complainant, if there be any, ami in die presence of the public prosecutor, if the misdemeanor can be prosecuted by the Government. Said depositions shall he taken and drafted with the formalities respectn el} established in this law . Aki. 968. In ease that for sufficient cause it should not be possible to hold the oral trial upon the day fixed, or that it cannot he concluded at one sitting, the municipal judge shall set the first day possible for the holding or continuation thereof, informing the persons interested of the same. Aki. '"'.'.i. The trial shall he public and shall be begun by the read- ing of the complaint, if there be any, followed by an examination of the witnesses called and the other evidence proposed by the complain- ant, denouncer, and municipalised, if present, shall be taken, provided that the judge considers the same admissible. Thereupon the accused, and the witnesses he may present in his defence shall be heard, and the other evidence shall be taken which he may off er and which is perti- nent, the provisions of this law in so far as applicable being observed. Thereupon the parties shall state verbally what they may deem proper in support of their respective contentions, the public prosecutor, if present, speaking first, and then the private complainant, and finally the accused. The municipal fiscal shall attend trials upon misdemeanors, provided he is cited in accordance with article '.tt;^. 1 Akt. 970. If the person presumed to be guilty of a misdemeanor should reside outside of the municipal district he shall not be obliged to appear at the trial, and he may address to the municipal judge a petition pleading what he may deem proper in his defence, and empower a person to present at said proceeding the evidence for his defence which he may have. Akt. 971. The absence of the accused shall not stay the holding nor the decision of the trial, provided that it shall appear that he has been cited with the formalities prescribed in this law and with the requisites of article 965, unless the municipal judge, at his own instance or on motion of a party, should consider the deposition of the former necessary. 1 The violation of this article being of mere examination and procedure, is net :i72. De cada juicio se extendera un acta diaria. expresando clara y sucintamente lo actuado, la cual we tirmara por todos los con- currentes al mismo que puedan hacerlo, a cuyo efecto deber£ el juez municipal adoptar las disposiciones necesariaa para que no se ausenten hasta que dicha acta este" extendida. Art. 973. Dentro del termino fijado en el parrafo segnndo del arti- culo 203, el juez municipal dictara sentencia. Art. 974. La sentencia se llevara a efecto por el juez municipal inmediatamente de transcurrido el termino fijado en el cuarto parrafo del articulo 212, si no hubiere apelado ninguna de las partes. Art. 975. Si se hubiese apelado, se admitira en ambos efectoe <•] rccurso para ante el juez de instruccion a que corresponda el juzgado municipal, haciendose eonstar la interposition del recurso por dili- gencia que extendera el secretario municipal y firuiara el apelante. y si no supiere, un testigo a su ruego. Art. 976. Admitida que sea la apelacion, se remiti^an los autos originates por el juez municipal al de instruccion, haciendose saber la remision y emplazilndose al fiscal municipal si hubiere sido parte en el juicio, } T a los demas interesados. para que en el termino de cinco diasacudan a usar de su derecho ante el juez de instruccion. •_' \ 2 Am. 978. A daily record shall be made <>f each trial, stating clearly and succinctly the proceedings had, which shall be signed by all those present thereat who are able t<> do so; for which purpose the municipal judge shall take the accessary measures to prevent their absenting themselves until -aid record i- made. Aim. 973. Within the period fixed in the second paragraph of arti- cle 203 the judge -hall pronounce sentence. Aim. 974. The sentence -hall he carried out by the municipal judge immediately after the period fixed in the fourth paragraph of article 212 -hall have expired if none of the parties shall have appealed. Art. 975. If an appeal shall have been taken it shall ho admitted both for a review and a stay of proceedings to the proper judge of examination to which the municipal court may pertain, the interposi- tion of the appeal being made a matter of record by the municipal sec- retary and signed by the appellant, or by a witness at his request should he not be able to do so. Art. 976. After the admission of the appeal the original proceed- ings shall be sent by the municipal judge to the examining judge, such transmission being communicated to the municipal fiscal if he shall have taken part in the trial, and to the other persons interested, all of them being cited, in order that within the period of five days they may appear before the examining judge and allege their rights. TfTULO II. DEL JUICIO SOBRE FALTAS EN SEGUNDA INSTANCIA. Art. 977. Recibidas las diligencias por el juez de instruccion y trans- currido que sea el termino del emplazamiento, si el apelahte Be hubiere personado, senalara dia para la vista, mandando que se pongan de maniriesto a las partes en la secretaria por el termino de cuarenta y ocho horas. Si el apelante no se hubiese personado en el te'rmino del emplazamiento, el juez declarara desierto el recurso y devolvera" los autos al juez municipal a costa de aquel. En esta segunda instancia intervendra. en representacion del minis- terio fiscal . el fiscal municipal en quien delegue el fiscal de la respec- tiva audiencia. Podra tambien llevar su representacion cualquiera de los auxiliares del ministerio fiscal de la misma audiencia. designado por el fiscal, cuando el juzgado de instruccion resida en la misma po- blacion que la audiencia. Art. 978. La vista sera publica y comenzara por la Lectura de los autos remitidos. Se oira en seguida al fiscal, cuya asistencia serfi precisa si la falta fuere de las que deben perseguirse de oficio. y a los interesados 6 a sus legitimos representantes si concurrieren, y acto continuo se, dictara sentencia, la cual se notiticara a dic-ho fiscal y a los interesados presentes. Art. 979. No se admitira en la segunda instancia otra prueba que la que, habiendo sido propuesta en la primera, no hubiere podido prac- ticarse por causa ajena a la voluntad del que la hubiese propuesto. Art. 980. Para hacer la prueba a que se refiere el articulo anterior, podra coiifederse un lermino que no pase de diez dias, expidi^ndose para que tenga lugar los mandamienlos y exhortos t|iie t'neren oecesa- rios. ART. 981. Contra la sentencia que se dicte en segunda instancia. DO lialirii lugar a iinis recurso que el de casacion por inl'raccit'ui de ley. Si t ranscurrido el termino fijado en el parral'o cuarto del articulo 212 no se hubiese preparado el recurso mencionado, el juez de instrucci6n inandara devolver al juez municipal los autos originales, acompafian- 248 TITLE II. ACTIONS UPON MISDEMEANORS IN SECOND INSTANCE. Akt. '••77. After the proceedings have been received by the examin- ing judge :inr delitos, corres- ponde al tribunal que ha} T a dictado la que sea firme. Art. 986. Sin embargo de lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, la sen- tencia dictada a continuation de la de casacion por la sala segunda del Tribunal Supremo, se ejecutara por el tribunal que hubiese pronun- ciado la sentencia casada. en vista de la certiticacion que al efecto le remitira la referida sala. Art. '.'87. Cuando el tribunal a quien corresponda la ejecucion de la sentencia no pudiere practical- por si niismo todas las diligencias neccsiirias. comisionara al juez del partido 6 demareacion en que del>an tener efecto, para que las practique. AJRT. 988. Cuando una sentencia sea firme con arregloa lo dispuesto en el articulo 141 de esta lev, lo declarara* as! el juez 6 el tribunal que la haya dictado. Heclm esta declaracion, se procedera* ;i ejecutar la sentencia aunque el reo este sometido ;i otra causa, en cuyo caso se le conducird, cuando Sea necesario. desde el estableciniiento penal en (pie se halle ciunpliendo la condena, al lugar donde se este instruyendo la causa pendiente. \i:i. 989. Cuando la pena impuesta en sentencia firme sea la de muerte, la sala del Tribunal Supremo n<> remitira' la certificaci6n que se express en el articulo 986 basta que el Ministro de Ultramar haya acusado el recibo del informe de que se trata en el articulo 953. Bjecutada que sea la pena t' execution, or the existence of other legal grounds shall render the postponement of the imprisonment aecessary, which shall be ordered in a writ setting forth the grounds for the same. A u i . 984. The execution of a sentence in action- upon misdemeanors pertains to the municipal judge who may have taken cognizance of the trial. The judge of examination who shall have taken cognizance on appeal of an action upon a misdemeanor, shall transmit a certified copy of the final sentence to the proper municipal judge for the purposes of the foregoing paragraph. Art. 985. The execution of a sentence in causes involving crimes pertains to the court which shall have pronounced the final sentence. Akt. '.•st,. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing article, a sentence rendered after an annulment by the second chamber of the Supreme Court, shall be executed by the court which shall have pro- nounced the sentence annulled, in view of the certificate transmitted to it by the said chamber for the said purpose. Akt. 987. When the court to which the execution of the sentence pertains, should not itself be able to take all the measures necessary, it shall commission the judge of the district or circuit in which theb- aic to l»e carried out to do so. Akt. 988. When a sentence is final, in accordance with the provi- sions of article 141 of this law, the judge or court which rendered it -hall make a declaration to this effect. After this declaration has been made, the execution of the sentence shall be proceeded with, even though the, criminal be subject to another cause, in which case he shall he conducted, when aecessary, from the penal institution in which he is serving his sentence, to the place where the pending cause is being held. Aim. 989. When the penalty imposed in a final sentence is that of death, the chamber of the Supreme Court shall not transmit the cer- tificate mentioned in article 986 until the Colonial Minister -hall have acknowledged receipt of the report referred to in article 953. After the penalty of death has been executed, a record shall lie 246 246 gencia por el secretario quo hubiese asistido a ella, d&ndose conoci- niiento inmediatamente al Ministerio de Ultramar y al Tribunal Supremo. 1 Art. 990. Las penas se ejecutanin en la forma y tiempo prescritoa en el codigo penal y en Los reglamentos. Corresponde al juez 6 tribunal *i quien el presente codigo impone el deber hacer ejecutar la sentencia, adoptar .sin dilacion las medidas necesarias para que el condenado ingrese en el establecimiento penal destinado al efecto, a cuyo tin requerira el auxilio de las autoridades administrativas, que debemn prestarselo sin excusa ni pretexto alguno. La competencia del juez 6 tribunal para hacer cumplir la sentencia excluye la de cualquiera autoridad gubernativa hasta que el condenado tenga ingreso en el establecimiento penal 6 se traslade al lugar en donde deba cumplir la condena. Los tribunales ejerceran ademas las facultades de inspection que las leyes y reglamentos les atribuyan sobre la manera de cumplirse las penas. Art. 991. Los confinados que se supongan en estado de demencia seran constituidos en observacion, instruyendosc al efecto por la co- mandancia del presidio en que aquellos se encuentren un expediente informative de los hechos y motivos que hayan dado lugar a la sos- pecha de la demencia, en el que se consigne el primer juicio, 6 por lo menos, la certificacion de los facultativos que los hayan examinado y observado. Art. 992. Consignada la gravedad de la sospecha, el comandante del presidio dara cuenta inmediatamente, con copia literal del expe- diente instruido, al presidente del tribunal sentenciador de que proce- dan los confinados, sin per juicio de ponerlo en conocimiento de la direccion general de establecimientos penales. Art. 993. El presidente pasara el expediente a que se refiere el articulo anterior al tribunal sentenciador, el cual, con preferemia. oini al fiscal y al acusador particular de la causa si lo hubicre, y dan- 1 Por Real decreto 'If i' <1<' Aliril de 1888, se dispuso: "Artfculo I." El ordende prelaci6n para el cumplimiento de lascondenas quesimul- taneamente se Lmpongau a un mismo reo, debe senarlarleel tribunal reepectivo; i>er<> si la- circunetancias no ban permitido hacer eete sefialamiento, el Ministerio de Gratia y Jueticia seguira* el eetablecido en el articulo 89 del codigo penal. "Aki. 2.° Cuando un reo este* cumpliendo una pena y Bele impuBiere otra mis grave, se Buspenderd desde Luego el cumplimiento de aquella para que extinga 6sta, dejando el reeto de la suspendida para que la cumpla al terminar la tie mayor gravedad, "Akt. :;." Siempre que Be haga usodelo preceptuado en este decreto, se pondra* inme- diatamente en conocimiento del tribunal 6 tribunales que uubieren sentenciado al reo. ' ' 246 made in the proceedings l>\ the secretary who shall have attended it. ami shall immediately inform the Colonial Department and the Supreme ( louii thereof. ' Am. 990. Penalties shall be executed in the form and at tin- time prescribed in the penal code and the regulations. it is the duty of tin- judge or court upon whom this code imposes the duty of enforcing the execution of a sentence, to adopt without delay the measures necessary in order that the person condemned enter the penal institution provided therefor, for which purpose he shall call upon the assistance of the administrative authorities, who must furnish the same without any excuse or pretext whatsoever. The jurisdiction of the judge or court to enforce the compliance of the sentence excludes that of any administrative authority until the person condemned shall have entered the penal institution or is taken to the place where he is to serve his sentence. Courts shall furthermore exercise the powers of supervision which the laws and regulation- vest in them with regard to the manner of f ulfilling penalties. Ai:t. 991. Confined persons who are supposed to be in a state of insanity shall be placed under observation, a report being prepared for the purpose by the chief of the penitentiary in whieh they may be. stating the acts and grounds which may have given rise to a sus- picion of insanity, and in which shall be embodied the first judgment, or at least a certificate of the physician who may have examined and observed them. A k i . '■>'■'-. After the gravity of the suspicion has been established, the chief of the penitentiary shall immediately inform thereof the pre- siding judge of the sentencing court from which the confined persons came, transmitting a literal copy of the proceedings had, without prej- udice to informing the general administration of penal institutions thereof. Akt. 993. The presiding judge shall transmit the proceedings referred to in the foregoing article to the sentencing court, which shall immediately hear the fiscal and the private accuser in the cause, if there 1 My a royal decree of April !t, ]sss, it was ordered: '•.\i:r. 1. The order of preference for the fulfillment of penalties which are simul- taneously imposed upon the same criminal must be fixed by the respective court; but if the circumstances have not permitted this to be done, the Department of I rrace and Justice shall ol>.-erve the order established in article 89 of the penal code. "AST. -. When a criminal is serving one sentence and another heavier one is imposed upon him, the fulfillment of the former shall be suspended at once, in order that he may extinguish the latter, leaving the hulance of that suspended for fulfill- ment upon the termination of the greater one. ••Akt. :;. Whenever the provisions of this decree are made use of, the court or courts which shall have sentenced the criminal shall be immediately informed thereof." 247 dose intervenci6n v audiencia al defensor del penado 6 nombr&ndosele de oficio para este caso si no lo tuviere, acordara la instruccion mis amplia y formal sobre los hechos y el estado fisico y moral de los pacientes, por los mismos medios legates de prueba que se hubieran empleado .si cl incidente hubiese ocurrido durante el seguimiento de la causa, coniisionando al efecto al juez de instruccion del partido en que se hallen los continados. Art. 994. Sustanciado el incidente a que se refieren Los articulos anteriores en juicio contradictorio si hubiese oposicion, y en forma ordinaria si no la hubiese, y despues de oir las declaraciones juradas de los peritos en el arte de curar y, en su caso, de la Academia de Medi- cina y Cirugia, se dictara el fallo queproceda. El fallo se comunicara* al comandante del presidio quien, si so hubiese declarado la demencia, trasladara al penado demente al establecimiento que corresponda. todo sin perjuicio decumplir conlo que elcodigo penal previene si. en cual- quier tiempo, el demente recobrase su juicio. Art. 995. Cuando la pena impuesta sea la de interdiccion civil, cuidara el juez 6 tribunal de que se observen las reglas siguientes sobre efectos civiles de la interdiccion: l a . Si el penado con la interdiccion civil fuese soltero y estuviere emancipado, se le proveem, segun su edad, de curador ejemplar u ordinario. ti tin de que administre sus bienes y aplique los productos en la parte necesaria a cubrir sus obligaciones. 2. a Lo mismo se observara si el penado fuere casado y se hallare separado de su conyuge por sentencia de divorcio. 3. a El nombramiento de curador en los casos a que se refieren las dos reglas anteriores, se hara con sujecion a lo prescrito en la ley de enjuiciamiento civil. l. a Si cl penado estuviere casado y no separado por la sentencia de divorcio de su mujer, se encargara" esta de la administracion de los bienes de la sociedad conyugal. Si la mujer del penado fuere do menor edad, se In proveerfi de cura dor. babiendo 'le ser preferidos para este cargo sucesivamente el padre, madre, abuclos, hermanos y parientes m;is proximo- de la menor. .">. ' Los bienes del penado que corropondan ,i la clase de los com- prendidos en el articulo *2<>io de la ley de enjuiciamiento civil no podran ser enajenados, hipotecados, empeffados ni gravados, sino en la forma y con las solemnidades establecidas en los articulos 2011 \ siguientes de la misma ley. 1 V6anse ins articulos i >< > i 1 1 1 * '« I i x officio for this case, should be not have any; it shall order the fullest and most formal investigation of the acts and the physical and moral condition of the patients by the same legal means of proof which would have been employed if the incident had occurred during the course of the cause, the judge of examination <»t' the district in which the confined persons may he being commissioned for the purpose. Akt. 994. After the incident referred to in the foregoing articles has been heard in a contradictory action, if there be opposition, and in the ordinary form if there be none, and after hearing the sworn statements of the experts in the art of curing, and. in a proper case, of the Academy of Medicine and Surgery, the proper decision shall he rendered. The decision shall he communicated to the head of the penitentiary who. if the insanity shall have been declared, shall trans- fer the insane criminal to the proper institution, all without prejudice to complying with the provisions of the penal code if at any time the lunatic shall recover his reason. A 1: i . 995. If the penalty imposed be that of civil interdiction, the judge or court shall take care that the following rules upon the civil effect of the interdiction be observed: 1. If the person punished by the civil interdiction should he single and emancipated, he shall be assigned, according to his age, an exem- plary or ordinary curator, in order that he may administer his prop- erty and apply the proceeds thereof in so far as necessary to meet his obligations. •1. The same -hall be observed if the person punished be married and is separated from his spouse by a decree of divorce. :;. The appointment of curator in the cases referred to in the two preceding rales shall be made subject to the provisions of the law of civil procedure. 1. If the convict should be married and not separated from his wife by a decree of divorce, the latter shall take charge of the administra- tion of the property of the conjugal partnership. If the wife of the convict should be under legal age, she shall be assigned a curator, preference being given for this charge successively to the father, mother, grand parents, brothers, and sisters and nearest relatives of the minor. .".. The property of the convict belonging to the class included in Art. 201 of the law of civil procedure cannot be alienated, mortgaged, pledged. Qor incumbered, except in the manner and with the formali- ties prescribed in articles 2011 et seq. of the said law. 1 articles referred to in Appendix III. 24S H. a Lo dispuesto en hi regla anterior ae obaervara tambien respecto de los bienea de la misina clase de la mujer del penado que fuere menor de edad. 7. a La esposa que fuere mayor de edad podra disponer libremente de los bienea de cualquiera clase que le pertenezcan. 8. a Los hijo.s del penado menores de edad estaran sometidos al poder de su madre, y si no la tuvieren, a la autoridad del tutor 6 curador, que sera el miamoque fuere nombrado para el padre. 9. a El penado que estuviere desempepando el cargo de tutor 6 cura- dor cesara en sua funcionea y se proveera* de nuevo guardador al menor incapacitado. 10. Cesara tambien el penado en la administration de bienea ajenoa que tuviere a su cargo por cualquier otro concepto. Cuidara asimismo el juez 6 tribunal de que se inacriba la prohibition de disponer de los bienea en los regiatros de la propiedad de los parti- dos en que el penado los tuviere. Art. 996. Las tercerias de dominio 6 de mejor derecho que puedan deducirse, se sustanciaran y decidiran eon sujecion :i las disposiciones establecidas en la ley de enjuiciamiento civil. 1 Art. 997. El juez de instruecion & quien se hubiere cometido la practica de algunas diligenciaa para la ejeeucion de la sentencia, dara inmediatamente cuenta del cumplimiento de las mismas al tribunal aen- tenciador, con testimonio en relacion de las practicadaa al intento, el cual se unira a la causa. Art. 998. Las referidas diligenciaa se archivaran por el secretario del juez que en ellaa haya intervenido. disposici6n final. Quedan derogadas todos las leyes, reales decretos, reglamentos, ordenes y fueros anteriores en cuanto contengan reglas de enjuicia- miento criminal para los jueces y tribunales del fuero comun. 1 La ley de enjuiciamiento civil vigente en Cuba y Puerto Eticodedicaa* las tercerfas los articulos 1530 a 1541 (v6ase el Ap6ndice III). 2 1 8 6. The provisions of the foregoing rule shall also be observed with regard to the property of the same character of the wife of a convict under Legal age. 7. A wife of legal age may freely dispose of the property of any kind belonging to her. 8. The minor children of the convict shall be subject to the powerof their mother, and should thej not have any, to the authority of the tutor or curator, who shall be the same who was appointed t*<>r th<' father. :'. A convict who shall have been discharging the duties of a tutor or curator shall discontinue hi- functions, and the incapacitated minor shall be assigned a new guardian. LO. A convict shall also discontinue the administration <»!' tin- prop- erty <'f another which he may have under his charge for any other reason. The judge <>]• court shall take care that the prohibition to dispose of the property be recorded in the registries of property of the districts in which the convict may possess them. Akt. :»'.'»;. Interventions of ownership or of a better right which may he interposed shall he heard and determined in accordance with the provisions prescribed in the law of civil procedure. 1 Akt. 997. The judge of examination to whom the taking of any steps for the execution of any sentence may have been intrusted, shall immediately report the compliance of the same to the sentencing court, transmitting therewith a brief certified statement of the pro- ceedings had for the purpose, which shall be attached to the cause. Akt. 998. The said proceedings shall he tiled by the secretary of the judge who -hall have taken part therein. FINAL PROVISION. All prior law-, royal decrees, regulations, orders, and special laws, in so far a- they contain rules of criminal procedure for judges and courts of the ordinary jurisdiction, are hereby repealed. ■The law of civil procedure enforced in Cuba and Porto Rico devotee articles L530 t.> L54] to interventions. (See Appendix III.; 1*473— 01 32 APENDICE I. DECKETOS DEL GOBIERNO MILITAR DE CUBA. No. 41. Cuartel General de la Divisi6n de Cuba. Uabatm, 1 ', cU AMI & 1899. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido a bien disponer la publi- cation de lo siguiente: organtzaci6n del tribunal supremo. I. Se crea por el presente decreto un tribunal que se denominara "* Supremo," que ha de residir en la capital de la isla y que ejercera" su jurisdiction en todo el territorio cubano, sin que pueda haber otro con igual tftulo, caracter ni categoria. II. El Tribunal Supremo se compondra de ud Presidents, seis magistrados, un fiscal, dos tenientes-fiscales, un secretario, dos oficialee de sala y demas personal subalterno que luego se enumerara. III. El personal subalterno estara constituido por tres oficialee y tree escribientes de secretaria, tres alguaciles, un portero y dos mozos de limpieza que se asignan al tribunal; dos escribiento y un alguacil para la fiscalia. IV. Sera una sola la sala de justicia del tribunal, compuesta del Presidente y los seis magistrados. La sala aecesitara* por lo menos de cinco magistrados para dictar autos y sentencias, y de tres para dictar providencias. En los recursos contra sentencias que llevaren consigo sentencias de muerte 6 penas perpetuas, 6 cuando el fiscal 6 la parte acusadora solicitaren la imposici6n de alguna de estas penas, la Bala se compondra' uecesariamente de siete. Todas las resoluciones se dictaran por mayorfa absoluta de los votos que concurran dacordarlas. En los casos de discordia, se estara* a lo que, sobre el particular, dis- pones las leyes procesales. \'. Cuando por reousaci6n 6 cualquiei otro motivo este* impedido de Euncionar un magistrado 6 mas de uno, si el aumero de los que quedaren no fuere suficiente para dictar la resoluci6u de (pic se trate, suplir:in por su onlen cl presidente de la audicncia de la llal>ana, los presidentes *U- sala y los magistrados de la misma. Entre l<>> de igual categoria se preferira* al mas antiguo, y en caso de antiguedad Igual al de mayor edad. Kste ultimo ciiteiio se aplicara tamltien a los casos •JIM AITKXMX L ORDERS OF THE CUBAN MILITARY GOVERNMENT. No. 41. Headquarters Dtvision of Cuba, Havana, .\j>ril 1£, 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the fol- lowing order: ORGANIZATION OF THE SUPREME COURT. I. A Supreme Court is hereby created, which shall sit in the capital of tin' island, and which shall have and shall exercise jurisdiction throughout Cuban territory. No other court or tribunal shall have the same title, character, or category. II. The Supreme Court shall be composed of a President or Chief Justice, six associate justices, and one fiscal, two assistant fiscal s. one secretary or chief clerk, two deputy clerks, and such other subordi- nate employees as may hereinafter be provided for. III. The subordinate employees shall be six clerks for the secretary; three " algiiacUes" one doorkeeper, two laborers, for the court: two clerks and one " alguacil" for the fiscal. IV. As a court of justice, the Supreme Court shall >it as a single body, consisting of the President and the six associate justices. Five justices shall constitute a quorum to render judgment, but three may direct the course of pleadings and procedure. In appeals from sen- tences involving capital punishment or so-called perpetual penalties, or when the fiscal or plaintiff shall apply tor the infliction of any such penalties, not Less than seven justices shall sit at the hearing. All decisions and rulings must be concurred in by a majority of the jus- tices sitting. In case of disagreement, the question shall l»e decided according to the Law of Procedure. V. If on account of valid objection to one or more of the justices, or for any cause, then umber of justices is reduced below that required for a quorum, substitutes may be had in the following order: 1st. the president of the audiencia of Havana; 2d, the presidents of the dif- ferent departments of the said audiencia; and 3d, the judge- of the same. Among those of equal grade the senior judge in length of service >hall be preferred, and in case two or more shall have the same 249 250 en que haya de sustituirse, dentro del mismo Tribunal Supremo. a su presidente 6 a su fiscal. Si se tratare de recttrsos contra un fallo en el que alguno de los que hayan de suplir hubiere concurrido a dictarlo 6 intervenido en la tramitacion del juicio en que recaiga, suplira* aquel que en el expuesto orden le siga, absteniendose de toda intervoncion en el recurso el funcionario en el que alguna de tales circunstancias concurra. VI. Lo dispuesto en el precedente articulo se entendeni as! mismo aplicable a los casoa de diseordia en materia civil, cuando dentro del mismo Tribunal Supremo no se hallare el numero necesario de diri- mentes. DE LA COXSTITUCI6N Y ATRIBUCIONES DEL TRIBUNAL SUPREMO. VII. El tribunal se constituira en sala de justicia 6 en sala de go])ierno. Corresponde al Tribunal Supremo constituido en sala de justicia. el conocimiento de los asuntos siguientes: 1." De las causas que, expresa y limitativamente atribuyan en lo adelante, a su conocimiento las leyes. 2.° De las causas seguidas contra el Presidente. fiscal, magistrados y tenientes-tiscales del tribunal mismo. 3." De las seguidas contra el presidente. presidentes de sala. magis- trados, tiscales y tenientes-tiscales de las audiencias. 4.° De las seguidas contra el secretario y oficialcs de sala del mismo Tribunal Supremo por delitos que hubieran cometido en el ejercicio de sus funciones. 5." De las causas seguidas contra los secretaries de despacho del Gobernador Militar de la isla y contra los gobernadores civiles de provincias. En los cinco casos precedentes conocera en unica instancia y on jui- cio oral y publico. El propio tribunal desionani un magistrado tic audiencia eo especial comision para la instruccion del sumario. t'»." De los juicios de competencia que se susci- t «■ 1 1 entre jueces y tribunales que no tengan otro superior oomun. 250 length of service, preference will be determined t>y seniority of age. Thia last rule will also be applied in cases wherein :i member of the court is substituted for the Chief .lust ice. If the case before the court involves a decision, either previously concurred in <>r rendered, in a case in which any of the substitutes have taken a part, other substi- tutes following next in order, as above, shall take their places, and the disqualified judge or judges shall refrain from sitting on the case. VI. The provisions of the foregoing article shall likewise apply in all civil cases in which the justices may be divided in opinion, and there shall be lacking the number requisite to decide the issue. CONSTITUTION AND ATTRIBUTES OF THE SUPREME COURT. VII. The Supreme Court, in addition to its functions as a court of justice, shall also meet in administrative session. When .sitting as a court of justice, the Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction in the fol- lowing cases: 1. Criminal actions which may be hereafter expressly and specific- ally placed under its jurisdiction. '2. Criminal actions instituted against the Chief Justice, associate justices, fiscal or assistant tiscals of the Supreme Court. 3. Criminal actions against the president of any audiencia, or against the president of one of the sections of an audiencia. 4. Criminal actions against the chief clerk, or any of the deputy clerks of the Supreme Court for criminal offenses in connection with the discharge of their official duties. 5. Criminal actions against the secretary of an Executive Depart- ment of the Government, or against the civil government of a province. In the cases enumerated in the five preceding paragraphs, the Supreme ( lourt shall have exclusive and original jurisdiction to try and decide t hem in oral and public trial. The court shall designate a judge of an audiencia as a special commission to inquire into such cast's and to present them to the court, 6. Actions for civil liabilities against the Chief Justice or any of the associate justices of the Supreme Court, or the president of an audien- cia. or any one of its sections, or a judge of such audiencia or section. 7. Oases of objection to the President of the Supreme Court, or to one or more of its justices. In the last two cases the court shall proceed according to the methods prescribed by the Law of Civil Procedure. 8. Questions of consolidation or joining of actions, and questions of jurisdiction between judges and tribunals who have no other common superior than the Supreme Court. 251 9.° De los recursos de queja contra los autos en que se deniegue la admision del recurso de casacion por infraceion de ley 6 doctrina legal 6 por quebrantamiento de forma. 10.° De los recursos de casacion por infraceion de ley 6 doctrina legal que hubiesen sido admitidos. 11.° De los recursos de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma que hubiesen sido admitidos. 12.° De las cuestiones de fondo, cuando se hubiere declarado con lugar el recurso interpuesto por inf raccion de ley 6 de doctrina legal. Lo dispuesto en los cinco precedentes piirrafos se entendera asi en lo que se refiere a asuntos civiles como criminales, salvo en lo que concierne a la casacion por infraceion de doctrina legal, privativa de los asuntos de caracter civil. 13.° De los recursos de casacion interpuestos contra las sentencias de los amigables componedores. 14.° De los recursos de revision asi en materia civil como criminal 6 contencioso administrative 15.° Del cumplimiento de sentencias pronunciadas por tribunales extranjeros con arreglo a los tratados y a las leyes que continuen vigentes y que se celebren 6 dicten en lo sucesivo. Se except ua el caso de que, en los tratados que se celebren se atribuya su conocimiento a otros tribunales. 16.° De los incidentes sobre si debe concederse audiencia en rebeldia al litigante condenado por el Tribunal Supremo. 17.° Del procedimiento para la extradicion, cuando conociere de la causa el mismo Tribunal Supremo. 18.° De las apelaciones de sentencias dictadas por la audiencia de la Habana en asuntos contencioso-administrativo, asi como tambien de los recursos de queja contra los autos en que se deniegue la admision de una apelacion interpuesta en estos asuntos. 19.° De cualquier otro asunto de caracter judicial, que en lo adelante pudieran deferir las leyes a su especial eompetencia. VIII. Corresponderan al Tribunal Supremo, constituido en Bala de gobierno, las i'acultades siguientes: L.° Velar por la administraci6n de justicia en todo el territorio cubano. 2.° Despachar todos los asuntos que per las leyes le scan atribuidos v que no entren en la eompetencia, antes expuesta, de la Bala de justicia. 3.° Evacuar los informes (im^ el Gobierno pida al tribunal, relatives a la admin istracion de justicia, a la organizacion y regimen de los 251 9. Review of rulings of audiencias, denying the right of appeal to the Supreme Court, from decisions in which arc alleged errors of law. of Legal doctrine, or defects in procedure. LO. Petition- for annulment of judgment for alleged error in law or legal doctrine, in cases where the hearing of such petitions may have been admitted. 1 1. Petition- for annulment of judgment for alleged defects of form in procedure, in cases where such petition may have 6een admitted. !l\ The merits of the case itself, where the annulment of the judg- ment asked for in the petition has been granted by the Supreme Court, on grounds pf error in law or legal doctrine. The provisions of the five preceding paragraphs shall apply hoth to civil and to criminal matters, except in BO far as they refer to appeals for error in legal doctrine, which relate exclusively to matters of a civil character. 13. Petitions for annulment of awards rendered by arbitrators. 14. Petitions for revision in civil, criminal, and administrative matters (( 'onteruyioso Admmistratwo). 15. The execution of decisions rendered by foreign courts in accordance with treaties and laws now in force, or which may be enacted or decreed hereafter. Cases are excepted which may, by treaty, be placed under the jurisdiction of other tribunals. 16. Proceedings to determine if hearing should be granted, when judgment by default has already been rendered by the Supreme Court itself. IT. All extradition proceedings in cases wherein the Supreme Court itself has jurisdiction. 18. Appeals from the decisions of the audiencia of Havana in administrative cases I ( 'ontencioso A3rrdmstratwo), as well as petitions for reversal of decision, in which appeal in such cases is denied. 19. Of airv other matter of judicial character, which the law may hereafter place under its special jurisdiction. VIII. The Supreme Court, when sitting in administrative sessions, i- vested with the following authority and powers: 1. To supervise the administration of justice throughout Cuban territory. •i. To decide all matters which may be attributed to it by law and which are not under the jurisdiction, as above stated, of the court when sitting as a court of justice. ?>. To make such reports as the Government may request, concerning the administration of justice, the organization of courts and conduit 252 tribunales, a los asuntos gubernativos y econ6micos de los mismos; como, en general, ;'i la promulgacion, derogacion y reforma de las leyes. •±.° Proponer al Gobierno lo que considere necesario 6 convenient en lo relativo a los asuntos a que se refiere el nuinero anterior. 5.° Ejercer la jurisdicci6n disciplinaria, en los casos que se deter- minan en la compilation, que fue* promulgada en esta isla. de las dis- posiciones organicas de la administration de justicia y en las leyes procesales, y en la forma que en estos preceptos se establece. 6.° Nombrar y separar, a propuesta del Presidente, a los empleados subalternos del tribunal salvo lo dispuesto en el Lnciso 12 del articulo XIV y en el articulo XXVII. 7.° Tendra ademas la intervention que las leyes le concedan en el nombramiento, juramento y toma de posesion de los funcionarios judiciales. 8.° Dictara disposiciones de caracter reglamentario, para la marcha y orden interior del tribunal, asi como para determinar el traje que sus funcionarios han de usar en actos oficiales. IX. La sala de gobierno se compondra, como la de justicia. del Presidente y magistrado del tribunal; pero ademas asistird siempre :i ella el fiscal 6 teniente-fiscal que deba sustituirle, con voz y voto. a menos que se trate del ejercicio de la jurisdiccion disciplinaria, en cuyos casos el ministerio fiscal se limitara* a ejercer las funciones propias de su cargo y de acuerdo con los preceptos mencionados en el numero 5 del articulo anterior. X. Bastara la concurrencia de cinco funcionarios de los que debeu componerla, para que se estime legalmente constituida la sala de gobierno. Los acuerdos se tomaran por mayoria absoluta (Mitre los concurrentes. En los casos de ejercicio de la jurisdiccion disciplinaria el fiscal 6 teniente que le sustituya ya no se contara* entre los cinco que deben concurrir al acuerdo. XI. Las reuniones del Tribunal Supremo en la sala de gobierno tendian lugar una vez por semana. oi'dinaiiamente. a menos que no baya oingun asunto pendiente, 6 en los casos extraordinarios en que el Presidente l<> juzgare preciso y convocare al efecto. XII. En todo lo que se reticle a la manera de discutir y votar, modo de \crificar las reuniones, asistencia a ellas. funciones del secretario, libros de actas y de ^otos reservados y demas particulares concernientes al funcionamiento del tribunal en sala de gobierno, se observardn los preceptos contenidos en el tftulo X de la compilacion antes citada. Se exceptua <•! precepto del articulo ''ill en lo que Be refiere :i la asis- 252 of business therein, the administration and financial affairs of the judi- ciary, and. in general, the promulgation, repeal, and reform of laws. I. To propose to the Government what it may deem advisable or accessary in the matter- t«» which the preceding paragraph refers. 5. To exercise disciplinary jurisdiction in the cases specified in the Digest of Organic Regulations lor the Administration of Justice 1 and in the law of procedure in the manner prescribed iii -aid Digest. • '». To appoint and remove the subordinate employees of the court on the recommendation of the president, except as provided for in para- graph 12, Article XIV. a. .«! Article XXVII. 7. To exercise such control as the laws may confer upon it over the appointment, oath of office, and instalment of judicial officers. 8. To prescribe regulations for the dress of officers of the court, the method of despatching business, and the maintenance of order in the court. IX. The Supreme Court, when in administrative session, shall he composed, as when sitting as a court of justice, of the president and associate justices of the court; but in addition, the fiscal, or assistant fiscal who may represent him, shall invariably be present and shall have the right to speak and vote, except when the question before the court shall involve the exercise of disciplinary jurisdiction; in such cases the fiscal shall confine himself to the ordinary duties of his office, in accordance with the rules mentioned in section 5 of the preceding- article. X. Five of the above-mentioned members of the court shall con stitute a quorum to hold administrative session. All decisions shall be made by a majority of the members present, except that in cases involving the exercise of disciplinary jurisdiction, the fiscal or his substitute shall not count to form the aforesaid quorum of five. XI. The meetings of the court in administrative session shall ordi- narily be held weekly, unless there should be no business pending before it; but in exceptional cases, the President, if he deem it neces- sary, may call an extra session at any time. XII. The court, in administrative session, shall be governed by the rule- contained in Title LO of The Digest, in all matters relating to the methods of voting and debating, the manner of holding sessions, and attendance upon the same, the duties of the secretary, the record- ing of the minutes and of the votes taken, as well as other matter within the province of the court in such session. From this rule are '( 'utiipihiciuii de las Dispoeiciones organicas de la Administraci6n de Justicia. Thia will hereafter, in thia decree, !><• referred t«. simply as "The Digest." 253 fcencia de un tribunal tiscal, que cuando ooncurra en rcpresentacion del fiscal, tendril voz y voto, como queda dicho on el articulo IX. XIII. Los acuerdos de la sala de gobierno scran f undados. sin que sea preciso darles la forma de "Resultandos" y " Considerandos," la cual sera potestativa. En los casos de conformidad eon el dictamei) escrito del tiscal y con los inotivos en que lo apoye. bastard que se exprese la conformidad en ambos puntos. DEL PRESIDENTS DEL TRIBUNAL. XIV. La direccion superior del Tribunal Supremo estara a cargo de su Fresidente, al cual, en tal concepto, corresponderan las siguientes atribuciones: 1.° Reunir y presidir el tribunal constituido en Sala de justicia 6 de gobierno. 2.° Hacer cumplir este decreto y todas las leyes que se refieran a funciones que, por su cargo, le esten encomendadas. 3.° Exponer al Gobierno lo que estime necesario 6 conveniente para la mas cumplida administracion de justicia. 4.° Recibir y despachar la correspondencia oficial. 5.° Dar curso, con su informe, a las solicitudes, quejas y consultas que el tribunal, ya constituido en sala de justicia 6 en sala de gobierno, y los magistrados, auxiliares y subalternos del tribunal mismo eleven al Gobierno. 6.° Recibir las excusas de asistencia de los magistrados, auxiliares y subalternos del tribunal. 7.° Cuidar de que todos los magistrados, auxiliares y subalternos del tribunal llenen cumplidamente sus deberes, comunicarlcs las ordenes que estime coiwenientes al desempeno de sus funciones. 8.° Llamar al tiscal para hacerle las indicaciones que considere opor- tunas para la mejor administracion de justicia relatives a cl y :i sus subordinados, sin que se entienda directamente con estos ni coarte la libertad de accion del ministerio tiscal. Cuando lo considere Decesario, podra dirigirse al Gobierno, manifestando lo que, relativamente al ministerio fiscal estime oportu io. '.»." Poner en conocimiento de la sala de gobierno las faltas de los magistrados (me puedan dar Lugar :i correcciones disciplinarias v de la sala de justicia, como tribunal competente los delitos que COmetao en cl ejercicio de sus funciones. 111." 1 )ar cuenta al ( robiemo de las vacantia que . when present in place of the fiscal, shall have the right to Bpeak and \ ote, as prescribed in Article IX. XIII. The decision of the court in administrative session must be accompanied by the reasons therefor, but they need m>t necessarily have the form of "RemUandos" and " Considera/ndos^ which form the court may adopt at it- discretion. In a case wherein the court shall concur in the written opinion of the fiscal and the grounds thereof, it shall be sufficient for it to express its conformity with both. THE PRESIDENT OF THE COURT. XIV. The Chief Justice shall be the presiding officer of the Supreme Court, and as Buch shall have the following powers: 1. To convene and preside over the court either when sitting as a court of justice or in administrative session. 2. To enforce obedience to this decree and to all laws relating to the duties of his office. 3. To recommend to the Government such measures as he ma} T con- sider necessary or advisable to insure the better administration of justice. 4. To receive and despatch official correspondence. 5. To forward, with his opinion thereon, all petitions, complaints, and reports, which the court, the associate justices, or subordinates thereof may present to the Government. 6. To receive excuses of the associate justices, officers, and sub- ordinates of the court for nonattendance thereon. 7. To see that all associate justices, officers, and subordinates of the court fully perform their duty, and to issue such orders as he may deem advisable to insure the discharge of their functions. 8. To indicate to the fiscal what he may consider advisable for the better administration of justice, so far as relates to the fiscal and his subordinates, but without communicating directly with such subordi- nates or restricting in any way the free action of these officials. When he considers it necessary he will report to the Government what he may deem advisable concerning the fiscals and their duties. '.». To report to the court such acts of the associate justices as may de>er\e disciplinary correction, and also offenses which the said justices in;i\ have committed in the discharge of their official functions. LO. To report to the Government all vacancies occurring in the court which should be tilled by appointment by the Government, as 254 plazas, asi como de las que temporalmente se produzcan por cualquier inotivo que, por un tiempo apreciable, aleje ;i algfin funcionario del tribunal del ejercicio de sus funciones. 11.° Oir las quejas referentes a la administraci6n de justicia que le presenten los interesados relativas ;i asuntos pendientes auto el tribunal o ante cualquier audiencia por el retraso en el despacho; adoptar las providencias que esten dentro de sus faciiltades; poner la queja en conocimiento de la sala de justicia 6 de gobierno; y si se refiere a asunto pendiente ante una audencia, llamar la ateneion sobre ella al presidente de la misma. 12.° Nombrar y separar libremente los mozos de limpieza del tri- bunal. 13.° Dictar las medidas que sean necesarias 6 convenientea para el buen orden y conservation del archivo y biblioteca del tribunal. 14.° Avisar al tribunal cuando no pudiere asistir al niismo. XV. El presidente del tribunal nunca sera designado como ponente. XVI. Correspondent al Presidente del Tribunal Supremo la faeultad de resolver en ultima instancia las apelaciones que se interpongan contra lo resuelto por los presidentes de audiencias en todos los casus en que estos deban conocer de recursos interpuestos contra las califica- ciones que hagan los registradores de la propiedad dv documentos presentados al registro, ya sean presentados por particulares, ya expedidos por la autoridad judicial; atribuyendosele asi por este pre- cepto las facultades que el reglamento de la ley hipotecaria asigna a la seccion de los registros y del notariadodel Ministerio de Ultramar, y que fueron posteriormente asignadas a la respectiva seccion de la secretaria de gracia y justicia y gobernacion del gobierno general de la isla durante el regimen autonomico. DEL SECRETARIO. XVII. El secretario lo serd de la sala de justicia. de la sala de gobierno y de la presidencia. XVIII. Son funciones propias del secretario — 1.° Conservar el sello del tribunal. 2.° Sellar y registrar las cartas y despachos que mandase librar el tribunal, para las partes interesadas 6 de oficio. 3." Llevar mi registro exacto, en que esten copiados ateralmente los documentos expresados en el aumero anterior, y do dar copia dv nin giino de ellos sin orden escrita del tribunal. 4." Estar al I' rente del arohivo y biblioteca del tribunal, con las obligaciones que ;i los archiveros asignan los articulos del 220 al 225 (ambos inclusive) de la compilaci6n. XIX. Como secretario de La sala de justicia. tendra* en los recursos v actuaciones que oursen ante el Tribunal Supremo la intervenci6n y 254 well as all vacancies, due to any cause, which may for any consider- able time, prevent any officer of the court from performing hi- duties. 11. To hear complaints presented to him by interested parties con- cerning delay in the administration <>t' justice in cases pending before the Supreme ('"tin or before any audiencia; to take such measures in the case as may be within his authority; to refer the complaint to the court, and if it refers to a case pending before an audiencia to call it to the attention of the president of Buch audiencia. L2. To appoint and discharge, at will, the laborers employed in the court 13. To establish rules for the good order and preservation of the archives and library of the court. 14. To notify the court when he himself is unable to be present XV. The President of the Supreme Court shall never he designated a- " j»>n> /it, ." XVI. The President of the Supreme Court shall have authority to decide finally appeals against decisions of presidents of audiencia-. in all cases wherein the latter take cognizance of appeals against the opinions- of u Registradores >/< In Propiedad" concerning documents presented for record, whether presented by private parties or by order of court: therein likewise conferred upon him the authority which the " Reglamemto a\ ! keep a hook of registry, in which shall he copied literally the documents mentioned in tho preceding paragraph, copies of which -hall be issued only on the written order of the court. t. To have direct charge of the archives and the library of the court, u ith the responsibilities and duties prescribed in articles 220-225, both inclusive of The I ftgest. XIX. When the court sit- a- a court of justice, the secretary -hall exercise, in the appeal- and procedings before tin' court, the func- 255 funcionea que lc son propias, conforme ;i los preceptos de las leyes procesales, y las obligaciones que determinan los articulos 196 y l'.«7 de la compilacion vigente. XX. Podia" delegar el cumplimiento de todas estas funcionea en los oficiales de sala cuando sua operaciones como secretario de la sala de gobierno y de la presidencia lo hicieren precise En estoe casos diehos oficiales actuaran como ' ' delegados " y firmar;in las actuaciones y docu- mentos cumpliendo con los deberes propios del secretario a quien repre- sentan. Como antefirina expresaran que lo hacen "por delegacion." XXI. Como secretario de la sala de gobierno entendera en los nego- cios gubernativos del tribunal y no podra delegar estas funciones, en las que, sin embargo, sera sustituido en casos en que estuviere impe- dido de ejercerlas por el olicial de sala mas antiguo, 6 el de m;i> edad en caso de antigiiedad igual. XXII. Como secretario de la presidencia despachara con el presi- dente del tribunal los asuntos que a este resultan encomendados en este decreto. DE LOS OFICIALES DE SALA. XXIII. Los correspondent hacer los emplazamientos. citaciones y notificaciones, recogidas de autos y toda otra diligencia que deba practicarse fuera de la presencia judicial y del orden del tribunal. DEL FISCAL Y TENIENTES-FISCALES. XXIV. El fiscal del Tribunal Supremo sera" el jefe del ministerio fiscal en toda la isla y no dependera sino directamente '!»■ la secretarla de justicia. Se declaran en consecuencia vigentes los articulos del 456 al 460 (ambos inclusive) de la compilacion. cual si en el presente decreto estuviesen re])roducidos; sin mas diferencia que la de susti- tuir. en todas las ocasiones en que alii se nabla de la " Monarqula," a esta expresion la de " el territorio cubano," y cuando se habla del "Ministerio de Ultramar" sustituir estas palabras por las de "Secre- tarla de Justicia." XXV. Se declaran igualmente vigentes los articulos t62, t63, l.M v t55 de la citada compilaci6n, en cuanto son aplicables al fiscal v tenientes-fiscales dt-l Tribunal Supremo. XXVI. Los tenientes-fiscales deberan auxiliar al fiscal, en la forma que 6ste disponga, en l<» trabajos todos de la fiscalia. Cuando actuen por «d fiscal firmardn los escritos que produzcan y comunicaciones <|ii<' expidan, expresando que l»» hacen " por delegaci6n." XXVII. Corresponderfi al fiscal la facultad de nombrar \ separar libremente al auxiliar del despaoho. 255 tions appropriate to his office, as prescribed in the ('ode of Civil Pro- cedure, and those enumerated in articles L96 and L97of The Digest now in force. XX. When bis other duties as secretary of the court, or in the president's office, render it necessary, these function- shall be per- formed by thf deputy clerks of tin- court. En such cases the Baid deputy clerks -hall Bign papers and documents and shall perform all the duties proper to be performed bj the secretary, whom they repre- sent, but their signatures must be preceded by the words "pordt I* - ,/■;<>,>." XXI. The secretary, when the court is in administrative session, shall in person attend to the matters before it. and -hall not delegate these duties to any other person, except that in case of his absence his duties shall develop upon the senior deputy clerk of the court. Should there be two or more such clerks having equal length of serv- ice, the said duties shall develop upon the senior in age. XXII. A> secretary of the President's office he shall, with the Presi- dent, dispatch such business as may be assigned to him, in accordance with this decree. THE DEPUTY CLERKS OF THE COURT. XXIII. The deputy clerks of the court shall issue summons, sub- poenas, and notifications; they shall call for records of proceedings held out of court, and perforin any other duty to be discharged out- side of and by order of the court. THE FISCAL AND ASSISTANT FISCALS. XXIV. The fiscal of the Supreme Court shall be chief of the fiscals of the island, and will be directly responsible to the Department of Justice only; articles 4">t;—M;i>, both inclusive, of The Digest, are accordingly made a part of "this decree, with the exception that for the word- ■■/.-/ Moncwquia," there shall be substituted the words ",/ f, rr- itorio ( 'ill,,/,,,," in all cases wherein the former expression i< used, and for the words " Mvnisterio de Ultramar" the words li Secretaria ,/, Just ',<',,i" shall be substituted. XXV. Articles 452-465, both inclusive, of The Digest, shall also be continued in force, SO far as they concern the fiscal and assistant fiscals of the Supreme < Jourt XXVI. The assistant fiscals shall assist the fiscal in the duties of his office, in such manner as he may direct. When acting for the fiscal they will sign papers drawn up by them, placing before their signatures the word- •■/»>,- oficialea de sala ban de intervenir necesariamente y autorizar con su presencia y firma; estar&n a las ordenea directas de 6stoa para pres- tarles la ayuda y cooperaci6n que se If indique en <■! ejercicio de las funciones que eorresponden a dichos empleados del tribunal XXIX. El auxiliar del despacho do la tisealia tondra a su cargo el registro do la misma y prestara al fiscal Bervicioa semejantes a 1<>- la on la forma que se determine y tomaran posesi6n ante el tri- bunal constituido on sala do gobierno y on audiencia publica. El ><'crrt;iiio y oficialea de sala juraran el cargo y tomaran posesion ante la misma ~-.du de gobierno y tambie'n en audiencia publica. WW. Lo> baberea de que disf rutaran loa funcionarios totos del Tribunal Supremo ser&n los Biguientes: El Presidente, seia mil pesos. 256 SUBORDINATE EMPLOYEES. XXYTII. The clerksof the secretary's office shall not appear officially in judicial proceedings or pleadings which the officers of the court are required to acl upon in person and to authenticate with their own sig- natures. The secretary or deputy clerks of the court shall supervise and be responsible for the work of the clerks who. in general, shall l>c under the direct Orders Of these Officers, to aid and cooperate with them in the discharge of their duties. XXIX. Tin* clerk of the fiscal shall have direct charge of the records of that office, and shall render the fiscal services similar to those referred to in the preceding article, in regard to the clerks of the secretary. XXX. The u alguacUe8 n and doorkeepers shall discharge the duties prescribed in article 279 of The Digest for such employees. XXXI. The President of the court shall regulate the duties of the •• alguaciles" doorkeepers, and laborers in such a manner as he may deem proper. The fiscal shall do the same with regard to his subor- dinate employees. APPOINTMENT. TERM OF OFFICE, PRIORITY, POSSESSION OF OFFICE, OATHS OF OFFICE, AND SALARIES OF FUNCTIONARIES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUB- ORDINATES IN THE SUPREME COURT. XXXII. The appointment of all officers of the Supreme Court, with the exception of the subordinate employees, shall be made by the Military Governor on the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice. XXXm. Seniority and precedence with officers of the same grade shall be determined by date of appointment, and if the incumbents shall have been appointed by the same decree all will be considered as of equal rank, and the order of precedence will be determined by age. XXXIV. The President, justices, fiscal, and assistant fiscals shall upon the inauguration of the court make oath before the Military Governor of the island in the form that maybe required and shall take possession of their offices, the court sitting in public administra- tive session. The secretory and deputy clerks shall likewise take oath and assume charge of their duties before the court in public session, as aho\ e. XXXV. The annual salaries of all the officers of the Supreme Court shall be as follows, and shall be payable monthly, in United States money or its equivalent: The President, six thousand dollars. 18473—01 33 257 El fiscal, cinco mil setecientos cincuenta. Cada uno de los magistrados. cinco mil quinientos. Cada uno de los tenientes-fiscales, cinco mil. El secretario, cuatro mil. Cada uno de los oficiales de sala, dos mil quinientos. Los oficiales de secretaria y el auxiliar del despacho de la fiscal ia. mil pesos cada uno. Cada escribiente seiscientos pesos. El portero y alguaciles, cuatrocientos cincuenta cada uno. Cada mozo de limpieza, trescientos. Estos sueldos se abonaran mensualmente y en moneda do los Estados Unidos 6 su equivalente. Si la sala de gobierno lo entendiere preciso, y asimismo en su des- pacho el fiscal, podran determinar que unode los escribientea de secre- taria y uno de la fiscalia, sean ademas estenografos. En este caso, el escribiente estenografo ganara mil pesos. XXXVI. El tribunal dispondra de mil quinientos pesos anualea moneda de los Estados Unidos 6 su equivalente, para gustos de mate- rial. Esta cantidad sera repartida entre la presidencia y la fiscalia en la proporcion que acordare la sala de gobierno y sen! administrada libremente, en la parte que a cada cual corresponda, por el President* y el fiscal. DE LAS CONDICIONES E INCAPACIDADES PARA EL tfOMBRAMIENTO DE FUNCTONARIOS DEL TRIBUNAL SUPREMO E 1NCOMPATIBILIDADES DE LOS MISMOS. XXXVII. Para ser nombrado y desempenar los cargos de Presi- dente, magistrado, fiscal, teniente-fiscal, secretario li oficial de sala del Tribunal Supremo, se requeriran las condiciones siguientes: 1.° Ser cubano 6 declarar expresamente que se acepta la condici6n de cubano, siempre que el que haga esta declaracion este" comprendido en el articulo 9 del Tratado de Paris de 10 de Diciembre do L898. 2.° Ser mayor de edad, esto es, haber cumplido veinte y fcres anos. 3.° Ser abogado. ■1." No hallarse comprendido en ninguno do los casos dt* incapacidad 6 Lncompatibilidad que mas adelante se determinan. XXXVIII. No podran ser nombrados para ninguno de Los cargos que antes Be expresan — 1.° Los Lmpedidos fisica 6 intelectualmente. 2.° Los que estuvieren procesados por cualquier delito. .')." Los que estuvieren condenados a cualquier pena correccional <'» aflictiva, mientras que no hi hayan sufrido u obtenido de ella Lndulto total. 257 Tin' fiscal, five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. The associate justices, fi?e thousand five hundred dollars each. The assistant fiscals, five thousand dollars each. The secretary or chief clerk, four thousand dollars. The deputy clerks of the court, two thousand five hundred dollar) The clerks of the secretary and of the fiscal, one thousand dollars. ( tther clerks, >i\ hundred dollar- each. The doorkeeper and "alguacilea" four hundred and fifty dollars. Laborers, three hundred dollars each. Should tlir court or the fiscal deem it necessary, they may require one of the last-named clerks of the secretary's office and of the fiscal's office to be stenographers, in which case they shall have an annual .-alary of one thousand dollars. XXXVI. The court shall be granted fifteen hundred dollars annu- ally, in United States money or its equivalent, for the purchase of material. This amount shall be distributed between the offices of the President and the fiscal, in such proportion as may be decided by the court in administrative session. The President and fiscal shall have authority to disburse their respective amounts in such manner as they may deem proper. Ql Mil 1. A I IONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR APPOINTMENT TO OFFICE IN THE SUPREME COURT. X XXVII. To be eligible for appointment to the office of President, justice, fiscal, assistant fiscal, secretary or deputy clerk of the Supreme Court, the following requirements must be complied with: 1. The persoD mu-t he a Cuban, or declare on oath that he accepts Cuban citizenship, provided he be a person included within the pro- vision- of article 9 of the Treaty of Paris of December 10, 1S98. 2. I le must l>e of age; that is, more than twenty-three years of age. :->. He must be a lawyer. 1. He must not labor under any of the disqualifications or incapaci- ties herein stated. XXXVIII. The following persons shall not be appointed to any of the aforesaid offices: 1. Those mentally or physically unsound. •l. Those against whom true bills have been found on any indictment w hatever. :;. Those who have h<'<'ii sentenced to any " ]>< mi COTTt mm ml '" or "qflictwa" unless he -hall have duly completed such penalty, or shall have been totally pardoned. 258 4.° Los que hubieren sufrido y cumplido cualquier pena que. ya por si misma. ya por razon del delito que la hubiera motivado, les haga desmerecer en el concepto publico. 5.° Los quebrados no rehabilitados. 6.° Los concursados mientras no fueren declarados inculpables. 7.° Los deudores a fondos publicos como segundos contribuyentes. 8.° Los que tuvieren vicios vergonzosos; y en general los que hubieren ejecutado actos u oraisiones que, aunque no penables, los hagan desmerecer en el concepto publico. XXXIX. Los cargos antes expresados (Art. XXXVII) son incom- patibles: 1.° Con el ejercicio de cualquiera otra jurisdiccion. 2.° Con otros empleos 6 cargos del Estado, provincia 6 municipio. 3.° Con empleos de auxiliares 6 subalternos de tribunales 6 juz- gados. XL. Se declaran aplicables al Tribunal Supremo los articulos 76, 77. 7s y T9 de la compilacion; pero la cita que el 77 hace del 75 se enten- dera referida al articulo anterior de este Decreto. XLI. El presidente y magistrados del Tribunal Supremo, asi como el fiscal y tenientes fiscales, no podran ejercer las profesiones de abogado, procurador ni notario, ni tampoco ejerceran por si, ni por sus mujeres, ni a nombre de otro, industria, comercio ni granjeria, ni tomaran parte en empresas ni en sociedades mercantiles como socios colectivos ni como directores, gestores, administradores 6 consejeros. Los que contravinieren esta disposicion se consideraran como renun- ciantes de sus cargos. XLII. El secretario del tribunal y sus olicialeh de sala no podran ejercer las profesiones de abogado, procurador, ni notario. Su ejercicio dara lugarii que se les aplique el ultimo preceptodel articulo anterior. XLIII. Para ser individuo del personal subalterno del tribunal se HMjueriran la primera y segunda condici6n del articulo XXXVII. de este decreto y ademas las de saber leer y escribir, ser de buena eon- ducta j no cstar incluidos en las incapacidades que se determinan en los cuatro primeros incisos del articulo XX Will. El Urii/tidier General deVolwiittrios, J, f< dt Estado Mayor Tnterino^ O. 11. Eknm. 258 4. Those who have Berved a sentence for any offense which by rea- son of ilif nature <>f the offense itself, <>r tin- character of the penalty, would injure the reputation. 5. Those who an- bankrupt, <>r who have made assignments and have not been discharged. 6. Those persons, not merchants, who have made assignments for the benefit <>f creditors, until their good faith shall have been adjudged. 7. 1 lectors to the public funds as " second contributors." 8. Persons of immoral <>r vicious habits, and in general those whoso acta of omission or commission, though not punishable by law, give them an unsavory reputation. XXXIX. The offices incut toned iii A n icle XXXVI I. are incompati- ble with: 1. The exercise of any other jurisdiction whatever. •1. The holding- of any other office, or position of the Government, of a Province or municipality. 3. Kmployment as a clerk, or in any other subordinate position in any other tribunal or court. XL. Articles 76 to 79, inclusive, of The Digest, are declared applica- ble to the Supreme Court, but the reference made in article 77 to article 75, shall be understood as relating to the preceding article of this decree. XLI. The President and justices of the Supreme Court, as well as the fiscal and the assistant fiscals, shall not practice the business of lawyer, solicitor or notary public; they shall not engage in any indus- trial, mercantile, or speculative pursuits, in the name of themselves, their wives, or other persons, nor shall they take part in any enter- prise, such as a commercial company or corporation, as partner, director, managing partner, superintendent, or counsel. Violation of this rule shall be considered a- resignation of office. XIJI. Neither the secretary nor any clerk of the court shall prac- tice law or be a solicitor or a notary public. Violation of this rule .-hall be considered as a resignation of office. XLIII. To be a subordinate employee of the court, the person must possess the first two requirements of Article XXXVII of this decree, must be able to read and write, must be of good moral character and free from any of the first four disqualifications enumerated in Article XXXVLLL. O. H. Ernst, Brigadier- General of Volwnti < rs } Acting Chief of Staff. 259 No. 63. Cuaktel General de la Division de Cuba, Habana, ..'■'> d* Mayo de 1899. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido a bieu disponer la publi- cacion de la orden siguiente: I. En lo sucesivo, los Uamados votos reservados que puedan formular los magistrados de un tribunal que no esten conformes con la sen- tencia dictada por la mayoria, seran publico* y so consignaran a con- tinuacion de la propia sentencia en el libro registro de las mismas, en igual forma que estas, salvo el que los firmaran tan solo aquellos que los formularen. II. Los votos en cuestion se denominanin en lo adelante r<>1<>s />l\ [8IOH OP < lUBA, Havana, May 85, 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the fol- lowing order: I. Hereafter the so-called votos rest rvados, of the justices of a court, who do not agree with the decision of the majority. shall be public, and shall be recorded to the book of decisions to the same manner as the decision itselt'. but the dissenting opinions shall be .signed only by the dissenting justices. II. Such dissenting opinions shall hereafter be known as votos par- tiriih ir,s. and shall be entered in the original records in the same manner as the judgments and immediately after them. When the interested parties are notified of the judgments, they shall likewise be informed of the votos particulares given in the case. III. The above provisions shall apply to dissenting opinions in all rulings of the court. The manner of recording such opinions and of notifying interested parties shall be the same as that usually followed in such cases, except that dissenting opinions shall be signed only by the dissenting justices. Adna R. Chaffee, Brigadier- General, Ch ief of Staff. No. 92. Headquarters Division of Cuba, Havana, June 26 ', 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the follow- ing order: APPEAL FOR ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT — WHEN PROPER. I. In older to determine the cases in which appeal for annulment of judgment may be had in civil suits, the provisions of articles 1687 to L695, both inclusive, of the Law of Civil Procedure shall remain in force as expressed in the said law. II. To determine the cases in which appeal for annulment of judg- ment may be had in criminal suits, the provisions of articles 847 to 854, both inclusive, and of 910 to 915, both inclusive, of the Law of Criminal Procedure, shall likewise remain in force. 260 III. El termino para interponer el recurso de casacion, asi en mate- ria civil como en materia criminal, tanto el de infraccion de Ley (odoc- trina Legal en su caso) como el del quebrantamiento de forma, sera el de cinco dias habiles, improrrogables, a contar desde la ultima notifi- cation de la resolucion contra la ciial se interpusiere. Pasado dicbo termino sin que se haya interpuesto, dicha resolucion quedani de derecho firme. DE LA INTERPOSICI6N DEL RECURSO. IV. Los recursos de casacion referidos en el anterior articulo se interpondran dentro del termino en el mismo articulo senalado. ante el juez 6 tribunal que hubiere dictado la resolucion objeto del recurso. V. En el escrito por el cual se interponga el recurso se expresara: 1.° La fecha de la notification de la sentencia al recurrente y de la ultima notiticacion a cualquiera de las partes. 2.° La del propio escrito interponiendo el recurso. 3. ° El precepto legal que lo autorice. 4.° Si se tratare de recursos por infraccion de ley 6 de doctrina, se citara con precision y claridad la ley 6 la doctrina infringida y el con- cepto en que lo ha) T an sido. Cuando fueren mas de uno Los funda- mentoa del recurso, estos se expresaran con la debida separation. 5.° Si se tratare de recursos por quebrantamiento de forma, debera expresarse en que consiste dicho quebrantamiento y que reclamation se ha practicado para obtener la subsanacion de la falta cometida, y en caso de que no hubiese sido posible hacerlo, se expresara esta imposi- bilidad y sus motivos. VI. En ningiin caso, ni en materia criminal, ni en materia civil, ten- dra obligation la parte recurrente de constituir deposito alguno para que el recurso de casacion le sea admitido. VII. El tribunal sentenciador, ante el cual se hubiere presentado el escrito interponiendo el recurso, examinara, sin oir ii las partes: 1.° Si el recurso se ha interpuesto contra una sentencia detinitiva 6 que tuviere caracter de tal, 6 contra una resolucion que fuese suscep- tible, segun la ley, del recurso de casacion que contra ella se establece. 2.° Si este se ha interpuesto dentro del termino legal. 8.° Si se funda en alguna de las causas taxativamente sefialadas por Los articulos L690 y L*>*J1 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil 6 i>f judg- ment, in civil as well as in criminal suits, as well as appeals for error in law or Legal doctrine or defect in form, shall be five legal days, not subject to extension, counting from the date of the last notification of the decision against which appeal is made. It' notice of appeal be not given within the -aid period, the decision -hall be final. INTERPOSITION OF THE AIM' HAL. IV. The appeals for annulment referred to in the preceding article shall he established within the time indicated in said article, before the judge or court which may have rendered the decision against which appeal is made. Y. In the petition for appeal shall appear — 1. The date of the notification of the decision to the petitioner and that of the last notification to any of the parties in the suit. •2. That of the presentation of the petition itself. 3. The legal ground for the appeal. 4. If it is a question of appeal for error in law or legal doctrine, the law or the doctrine infringed shall be cited with clearness and precision, and in what respect they have been infringed. When the appeal is based on more than one point, these shall be separately stated. 5. If it is a question of appeal for defect in form, it must be stated in what the defect consists, and what steps have been taken to correct it: should it not have been possible to take such steps, it shall be so stated, with the reason therefor. VI. In no case, either in criminal or civil suits, shall there be any obligation on the part of the appellant to male any deposit whatever for the admission of his appeal. VII. The court which has rendered judgment, and before which the petition for appeal ma} have been presented, shall examine, without healing the parties concerned, and shall see — 1. If the appeal has been made against a final judgment, or one which should have such character, or against a ruling which might legally be susceptible of appeal. 2. If the appeal has been requested within the legal limit of time. 8. If it is based on any of the causes specified in articles 1090 and 1 •'>'.» 1 of the Law of Civil Procedure, or in articles 849, '.HI, 1*12 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, and the corresponding paragraphs 850, 851, 852, and 853 of the law itself. 4. In a case of appeal for error in law or legal doctrine, whether in the petition for appeal the laws or legal doctrines supposed to have been infringed are stated with clearness and precision and wherein they have been infringed. 261 5.° Si se tratare de recursos por quebrantamiento de forma, exami- nani tatnbien el tribunal si la falta en que Be funden ha sido oportu- namente reclamada, en los casos en que, confonne a derecho, tal reclamaeion hubiere sido posible. 6.° Si el recurso se interpusiere en causa criminal examinara asi- mismo si el que lo interpone se halla comprendido en cualquiera de los casos que enumera el articulo 854 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal. 7.° Si en el escrito se consignan las demas circunstancias que exige el articulo V. Si concurrieren estas circunstancias, el tribunal sentenciador dic- tara auto dentro de tercero dia, admitiendo el recurso y mandando se emplace a las partes para su comparecencia ante el Tribunal Supremo. El termino del emplazamiento, siempre improrrogable, sent de diez dias cuando se tratare de recursos interpuestos contra t'allos de las audiencias de la Habana, Matanzas, Santa Clara y Pinar del Kio y de veinte si se interpusiere contra fallos de las audiencias de Puerto Principe y Santiago de Cuba. Lo propio se entendeni si se inter- pusiere la cayacion contra resoluciones de un juez que ejerciere juris- diccion dentro de los respectivos territories. VIII. Si el recurso se hubiere interpuesto por infraccion de ley 6 de doctrina legal, el tribunal, al admitirlo, dispondra* se entregue al recu- rrente, dentro del termino de cinco dias, certilicacion literal de la sen- tencia recurrida y de los votos particulares si los hubiere 6 negativa en su caso, y tambien de la de primera instaneia. cuando en ladesegunda hubieran sido aceptados y no reproducidos textualmente todos 6 algunos de sus resultandos y considerandos; asi como tambien del escrito por el cual el recurso se hubiere interpuesto y del auto que a dicho escrito recaiga, admitiendolo. Dispondra ademas se remita directamente al Tribunal Supremo el apuntamiento original, cuando por la naturaleza del juicio se hubiere formado. El termino del emplazamiento no empezara a contarse sino desde el dia siguiente al en que se hubiere heeho al recurrente, al cual se em- plazara el ultimo, entregandole en el acto la certificaci6n A que este articulo se reliere, haciendo constar en nota al pie, de la misma dicho emplazamiento. IX. Si el recurso se hubiere interpuesto por quebrantamiento de forma el tribunal al admitirlo, ordenara la remisi6n directs de los autos al Tribunal Supremo. El termino del emplazamiento empezara a con- tarse asimismo desde que se practique respectodel recurrente, que sera* tambien el ultimo ;i quien se emplace. X. Cuando el recurrente hubiere obtenido a su favor declaratoria de pobreza 6 hubiere sido defendido como insolvente en causa criminal, podra pedir que se remita de oficio la certificaci6n antes dicha que debe entregarse al recurrente en los recursos |><>r infraccion de ley 6 de dot-- 261 5. If the appeal be fordefed in form, the court will Bee if dueexcep- lion has been taken In oases wherein Buch appeal may be possible under the law. 6. If appeal be made in a criminal case, the court will see whether or not the appellant be included in anv of the cases enumerated in arti- cle B64 of tli.' Law of Criminal Procedure. 7. Whether in the petition are stated the other requirements speci- fied in Article V. If all these conditions he fulfilled, the court shall render decision within three days, admitting the appeal and giving notice to the par- ties concerned for their appearance before the Supreme Court. The period set for such appearance, which shall he without extension, shall be ten days when appeal is made against judgments of the audiencias of Habana, Matanzas. Santa Clara, and Pinar del Rio. and twenty days if against decisions of the audiencias of Puerto Principe and San- tiago de Cuba. The same rule shall apply if appeal he made against decisions of a judge exercising jurisdiction within these provinces respectively. VIII. If appeal should have been made for error in law or legal doctrine, the court, on admitting it, shall order that there he delivered to the appellant, within five days, a certified literal copy of the decision given, and of the negative votes, or votos particular* *, should there have been such in the case, and also the decision of the court of primera mstcmcia, if in the latter there may have been accepted, and not textually reproduced, all or any of their " resvltcmdos" and ii con- s'nh nmi/ns." m< well also as the petition by which the appeal is made and the ruling admitting the appeal. It shall order further, that the original brief shall be forwarded directly to the Supreme Court when by the nature of the case such brief has been made. The period to elapse before appearance shall not begin to count until the 'lay following that in which the appellant, who shall be the last notified, shall have received the certified copy above provided for, the i late for -aid appearance being noted on the certificate itself. IX. If appeal should have been made for defect in form, the court, on admitting it. will order the documents in the case to be forwarded to the Supreme Court. The period to elapse prior to appearance shall begin to count as soon as the appellant shall have been notified, he being the last notified. X. When the appellant may have obtained a declaration of poverty in his favor, or may have been defended as insolvent, in any criminal case, he ma\ ask that the aforesaid certificate, which must he delivered to the appellant in appeals for error in law or legal doctrine, lie deliv- 262 trina loo-al, y en todo caso podra designar un abogado que ante el Tri- bunal Supremo sostenga el recurso 6 solicitar que se le designe de oficio. Estas solicitudes, asi conio la designation de abogado, deber&n baoerse por otrosi del escrito en el que se interponga el recurso, a fin de que consten de la certifieacion misma en los interpuestos por infraecion de ley 6 de doctrina, 6 de los autos originates que han de remitirse en los interpuestos por que bran tarniento de forma. XL Si en el recurso interpuesto no concurriere alguna de las cir- cunstancias expresadas en el articulo VII de esta ley, el tribunal ante el que se interponga dictara auto dentro de tercero dia deneg&n- dolo. Contra esta resolution solo podra entablarse el recurso de queja. En estos autos se expresara precisamente la fecha de la sentencia, la de su nodificacion y la de la presentacion del escrito interponiendo el recurso. XII. Siempre que se admita un recurso de casacion, el tribunal que lo ha} T a admitido comunicara de oficio el hecho al Supremo, expresan- dole en que dias se han hecho los emplazamientos. XIII. La admision del recurso de casacion impedira que se ejecute, ya en todo, ya en parte, la sentencia recurrida. Esta regla no admite mas excepciones que la de poner en libertad al procesado, si el fallo, en causa criminal, fuera absolutorio, y la del caso en que la parte a cuyo favor la sentencia se hubiere dictado, tratandose de asunto civil, preste fianza bastante a juicio del mismo tribunal, para responder de cuanto hubiere percibido, si se declarase la casacion. La calificaci6n de esta fianza se hara por el tribunal de acuerdo con so prudente arbitrio, pero bajo su responsabilidad. DEL RECURSO DE QUEJA CONTRA EL AUTO DENEGATORIO DEL RECURSO DE CASACI6N. XIV. Del auto denegatorio del recurso, asi como del escrito en que se hubiere interpuesto, se dara copia certificada en el acto de la notifi- cation al recurrente, para que a su vez pueda recurrir en queja ante el Tribunal Supremo. Al pie de la copia se expresara el dia en que tenga lugar la entrega. XV. En laexpuesta copia certificada de que habla el anterior articulo se expresara tambien si el que interpuso el recurso de casacion ha sido declarado pobre 6 si ha sido defendido como insolvente en la causa criminal, si es en esta que se interpusiere el recurso. XVI. Dentro de los dos dias subsiguientes :i la entrega de esa copia, el que hubiere interpuesto el recurso de casacion dehors* manifestar al tribunal contra cuyo fallo lo interpuso, que va a recurrir en queja ante el Tribunal Supremo. En este caso el tribunal tendrfi por hecha esta manifestaci6n y la hard aotificar :i las partes; y el t^rmino para interponerlo sei-a el dediez 6 el argue Baid appeal before the Supreme Court, or he ma\ ask thai such coun- sel be assigned by the court. These requests, as well as the designa- tion of counsel, must be made by postscript to the document in winch appeal is requested, in order that due note <>t' the certificate be made in cases of appeal t'<>r error in law or 1 « \ur : 1 1 doct rine, or of the original papers in cases of appeal for defect in form. XI. It' in the petition made any one of the conditions expressed in Article VI I -Ik hi M he unfulfilled, the court before which the request i- made shall, within three days, deny the appeal. Against this ruling may lie had only the recourse of i>j\r esta ley, podrfi pedir en d escrito en que mani- fiestesu intencion de recurriren queja que la copia certificada, que devol- ved en 68te caso, sea rcinitida de olieio al Tribunal Supremo, y por otrosi del escrito designard abogado que interponga la queja, 6 pedira que se Le designe '!<• <>iicio. El tribunal dispondrf se adioione la copia 268 of the court against whose judgment appeal for annulment has been made. Chese periods shall be counted from the date of the la>t noti- fication, which shall be thai made to the appellant. [f the notice be not given, or the recourse 1 of gueja not taken within said period, the judgm nt shall be deemed final. XVII. When notification of intention to appeal in gueja has I n given, the court which rendered the judgment shall transmit to the Supreme Court rocuradorex, contained in articles 5. 6, and 9 of the Law of Civil Procedure, except so far as these relate to judicial expenses, shall extend to the aforesaid representatives. In civil suits these representatives must present a formal power of attorney. In criminal suits it will be sufficient when appeal is made by the accused that the representative be appointed in the instrument pertaining to the case, and in default of express acceptance appearance by name of the one who may have been designated will be taken as an indication of his acceptance. In such cases the representative of the private.' accuser, or of the person instituting a civil action, or of the parties civilly responsible, must present a written power of attorney. The decision of the court shall be imparted to the interested party in person or to his attorney within the period and according to the provisions of article 260 and the first paragraph of article 264 of the Law of Civil Procedure. If the party or his attorney should not appear, the notification shall be made with full legal effect in open court. XX. When the appellant comes under one of the cases foreseen in Article X hereof, he may request, in the document in which he signifies hlS intention to appeal en <>ji<:'<<>. The court shall order that to the 264 certificada con una nota en que estos particulares se hicieren constar y ordenara su remision de oticio. XXI. Interpuesto el recurso de queja y transcurrido todo el termino otorgado para su interposicion conforme al articulo XVI, el Tribunal Supremo mandani entregar a las ottras partes que se hubiesen perso- nado y al ministerio fiscal las copias presentadas por el recurrente al tenor de lo dispuesto en el articulo XVIII y senalani dia para la vista del recurso, debiendo ser el dia que se tije posterior al cuarto y ante- rior al undecimo siguientes a aquel en que vencio el termino para la interposicion de la queja. XXII. En el acto de la vista informaran primero el recurrente, despues las demas partes por el orden que se hubieren personado y en ultimo termino el ministerio fiscal. Cuando este fuere el recurrente, hard uso de la palabra primeramente, No se permitiran rectificaciones de ninguna especie. XXIII. El Tribunal Supremo dictara auto resolviendo sobre la queja dentro de los tres dias posteriores a aquel en que hubiere tenido lugar la vista. Esta resolucion, por su naturaleza, sera firrne. Cuando el Tribunal Supremo denegare el recurso de queja, lo comu- nicani al tribunal contra cuya resolucion se hubiere interpuesto, para lo que proceda. Cuando lo declare con lugar, ordenara que el tribunal recurrido practique lo que determinan, segun el caso, los artieulos VIII, IX y X de la presente ley. XXIV. El Tribunal contra cuya decision se interponga el recurso podra acordar, a instancia de parte y cuando se trate de juicios civiles, la continuacion de procedimiento, a pesar de haberse manifestado la intencion de interponerlo; pero, si el Tribunal Supremo estimaiv la queja, se suspenderan dichos procedimientos salvo siempre al caso de excepcion a que el articulo XIII se refiere. XXV. Al desestiniarse el recurso de queja, se condenani siempre en costas al recurrente. DE LA SUSTANCIACI6N DEL RECURSO DE CASACl6N ANTE EL TRIBUNAL SUPREMO Y SU FALLO. XXVI. Cuando haya sido admitido el recurso do casaci6n, el recur- rente estara obligado, al personarse ante e] Tribunal Supremo :i acorn- panar con el escrito por el cual se persone los documentos siguientos: I." Si no compareciere por si, el poder que acredite la legitima representaci6n de aquel que lo haga od su nombre. Se exoeptua el caso en que «-l procesado en causa criminal bubiese hecho designaci6n d(> representante en autos, al tenor de lo dispuesto en eJ articulo XIX 6 cuando en el recurso por quebrantamiento dc forma el mandate resulte acreditado en los autos remitidos. 26 I certified copy a note be added in which these facta are stated, and will order it- transmission hacen tan solo en \irtnd de loa mismos motivos senalados por el recurrente 6 si tienen otros motivos quesenalar. Si alegaren nuevos motivos, los enumerardn de la manera que dispone el inciso 1." de este artieulo. XXIX. Tambien podrdn solicitar las partes, recurrentes 6 no recu- rrentes, dentro del termino expresado en el artieulo anterior, quese pidan al tribunal <|in" haya dictado la sentencia objeto del recurso, cuando Be tralair dc recursos por iid'raccion de Icy 6 doctiina en 26S 2. In suits for ejectment, when the petitioner is the renter or tenant, he will also present the document which proves the payment of rent as provided for in article L 564 of the Law <>t'('i\il Procedure. If the said document be not presented with the petition, nor during the period before the hearing, the Supreme Court, on appearance of appellant before the end of this period, shall declare the appeal ground- less and the sentence anal; thi> fact shall be immediately communicated to the court from which the case was sent. ::. A.8 many copies of the petition, and of the documents accompany- ing it. shall be furnished as may he necessary for the interested parties, including a copy for the fiscal. XXVI I. The appellant, having appeared before the Supreme Court, shall await until the entire period before the date set for the hearing has elapsed; the court shall then grant to the parties that may have appeared fifteen days to obtain full knowledge of the proceedings. For this purpose there shall be delivered the copies referred to in the preceding article, and the record of the proceedings in the ease shall be open for examination in the secretary's office. At the same time the court shall direct that the secretary officially notify the court from which appeal has been made that the appellant hats appeared within the stated time. When he shall not have so appeared, the court shall order the secretary to communicate to the court from which appeal was made that its judgment has been declared final. XXVIII. During the period of fifteen days referred to in the pre- ceding articles, the parties may formulate the following petitions: 1. The appellant may request that there he added to the grounds of appeal for annulment expressed in his petition other grounds, which shall l>e separately and clearly expressed. 2. The other parties may state, in separate and numbered paragraphs, briefly, clearly, and without argument, the reason- for which they believe the appeal .should not be granted, if they desire to oppose such appeal. :!. The -aid parties may state that they are in accord with the appeal which has been admit led. and in this case they will state whether tiny agree for the same reasons as the appellant, or whether they have other reasons. Lf they have others, thej will state them in the man- ner indicated in paragraph I of this article. XXIX. All parties to the suit, whether appellants or not. may solicit, within the period referred to in the preceding article, that the tribunal from whose decision appeal is made he asked to furnish any or all of the documents concerning the case, when the question is one 266 asuntos civiles, alguno 6 algunos de los documentos que obreu en el pleito, siempre que concurran las circunstancias siguientes: 1.° Que la exposition t' any documentary proof consid- ered in tin- case, it' the above-described conditions obtain with regard to it. The documents referred to in this article shall be forwarded as cer- tified copies, it being stated in them that the parties to the suit agree as to their correctness. XXX. Of the documents referred to in the preceding section, as well a- all those produced in appeals for annulment, as many copies .should be presented as there are parties to the suit, including one for the fiscal. XXXI. When one of the parties solicits the documents mentioned in Article XXIX, and the fifteen days provided for in Article XXVII having elapsed, and five days more, during which the other parties shall present such argument as they may deem proper, the case will pass to the j„.,/< iit> . On his report the court shall, within three days, pronounce it- decision, against which there shall be no appeal. XXXII. When any one of the parties objects to the admission of the appeal, under paragraph 2 of Article XXVI II. the court, after delivering the copies to the other parties, shall designate a day for a hearing, considering this the previous question. This designation .-hall be made in accordance with Article XXI in reference to recourse of queja t so far as fixing the date is concerned. The hearing shall take place in the manner prescribed for hearing appeals of this char- acter in Article XXII. and the decision -hall be rendered within the term prescribed in Article XXIII: againsl this decision there shall be no appeal. XXXIII. The objection to the decision admitting the appeal shall lie decided before any other question. If any of the parties may have solicited that document- lie Furnished under Article XXIX. this ques- tion -hall be decided after the decision of the objection above referred to. After the decision in this case measures will lie adopted to secure such document.-, as provided in the preceding articles. If the same party should object to the admission of the appeal, and at the same time, request documents, both requests mn-t be formulated, either in one or in separate papers, but always within the fifteen days provided for in Article XXVII. In this case the decision of one question shall 267 que recaiga resolution sobre la una para sustanciar y resolver la otra. En todos estos casos se impondnin las costas :i aquel cuyas pretensiones se desestimaren. XXXIV. Se dictara* auto declarando mal admitido, 6 que no ha Lugar a sustanciar, el recurso de casacion en loa casos siguientes: 1.° Cuando el recurso se hubiere Lnterpuesto fuera del termino Legal 2.° Cuando al interponerlo no se hayan cumplido los preceptos del articulo V de esta ley. 3.° Cuando no concurrieren las circunstancias que para que sea admisible, establece el articulo VII. 4.° Cuando la personalidad del que representare al recurrente ante el Tribunal Supremo, en los casos en que no compareciere por si mismo, no estuviere suficientemente comprobada 6 no fuese bastante el poder que se hubiere mostrado para acreditarla. 5.° Cuando no se hubieren acompanado con el escrito personandose ante el Tribunal Supremo los documentos a que se retieren los tics primeros incisos del articulo XXVI y no se hubiere dictado de oficio por el tribunal la resolution que se expresa en el III y que debe dictarse por falta de cumplimiento de lo que en el se dispone. Todas las dermis impugnaciones al recurso se reservaran para la vista en quese debatan en definitiva las cuestiones en el mismo planteadas y seran decididas en el fallo que, tambien en definitiva. se dictare. XXXV. Besuelta esta cuestion previa 6 transcurridos los quince dias que expresa el articulo XXVII sin que tila se hubiere promo vido; cuando no se hubiere solicitado la remision al Tribunal Supremo de los documentos de que habla el articulo XXIX. 6 se hubiere declarado sin lugar, 6 se hubieren recibido esos documentos, en el caso tie estimarse la solicitud encaminada ;i que se trajesen, el tribunal dispondra* el senalamiento de la vista en la que se ha de tratar en definitiva del recurso. Este senalamiento se hard, para un dfa no anterior £ los diez subsiguientes :i la resoluci6n en que el se acuerde, ni posterior :i Los veintc despues de la misma. XXVI. La vista se verilicara de la manera siguiente: El secretario del tribunal 6 el oficial de sala que asistiere :i la misma, dani lectura, si algunade Las partes lo solicita, :i la sentenoia peourrida, apuntamiento en su caso, documentos que se hayan solicitado y trafdo por orden del tribunal, parte de Los autos en que se hubiere oometido el quebrantamiento de forma, cuando se tratare do estos recursos, \ gestionee practicadas para subsanarle. Tambien se dani Lectura, si los hubiere. :i los \otos part iculares que se ha\an t'oiinulado por los magistrados dr la sala de audiencia que aoestuvieren oonformes con La sentencia de la mayorla. Nose podr^i solicitar la Lectura de otros documentos. 267 be made, the other waiting until the first shall be decided. In all these cases the costs -hall tall upon the party against whom a decision i- rendered. XXXIV. A. decision declaring the appeal for annulment of judg- ment erroneously admitted, or admitted without due grounds, shall be rendered in the following cases: 1. When the appeal may not have heel i made within the legal p sriod. i'. When the provisions of Article V of this order may not have been complied with. ".. When the conditions specified in Article VII may not obtain. 4. When the identity of the representative of the appellant before the Supreme Court may not be sufficiently proved, or when the power of attorney presented by him should not be sufficient. 5. When the documents referred to in the first three paragraphs of Article XXVI have not accompanied the records of the case presented to the Supreme Court, and when the decision mentioned in Article III may not have been officially pronounced by the court, which decision must be rendered for lack of compliance with the provisions therein named. All other objections to the appeal shall be reserved for the hearing in which shall be finally discussed the questions involved in the case, which questions will be decided in the judgment rendered, which shall be final. XXXV. The previous question having been decided, or the fifteen ■ lay- referred to in Article XXVII having passed without this ques- tion having arisen, if the transmission to the Supreme Court of the documents referred to in Article XXIX has not been requested, or shall have been declared unnecessary, or if these documents have been received, or requests for them have been approved, the court shall appoint a day for the hearing, when the appeal shall be definitely decided. This day shall be not less than ten nor more than twenty days after the decision admitting the appeal. XXXVI. The hearing shall take place in the following manner: The secretary or his deputy shall read, if any of the parties request it. the decision of the lower court, the brief in the case, the documents which have been requested and brought by order of the court, the part of the proceedings in which the defect in form may have occurred, when the appeal is of this character, and the measures taken to correct them. There -hall also be read, if there were such, the votoa jparticu- lares which may have been given by the justices of the audiencia who were not in conformity with the decision of the majority. No requests for the reading of other documents shall be considered. 268 Terminada dicha lectura, informaran los abogados de las partes. haciendo uso de la palabra primero el recurrente, despues los que se hubieren adherido al recurso, luego los que lo impugnaren y en ultimo termino el ministerio fiscal. En los casos en que este hubiere inter- puesto el recurso 6 se hubiere adherido al mismo, usara de la palabra en la oportunidad correspondiente a las partes que hubieren asumido esas actitudes en el dicho recurso. Las partes podran rectificar tan solo sobre hechos cuya exactitud se tratare de precisar y conceptos que se les hubiesen atribuido en el curso del debate. El Presidente declarara con esto terminada la vista del recurso. XXXVII. El tribunal dictara sentencia en el termino de diez dias. En dicha sentencia se consignaran los particulares siguientes: 1.° Se expresara el lugar y fecha en que la sentencia se dicte; el tribunal de donde proceda el recurso; la naturaleza del juicio 6 causa en que se hubiere admitido; los nombres, profusion y domicilio de los que en el mismo fueren partes; el objeto que se persiguiere en el juicio y demas circunstancias generales que sean precisas para determinar el asunto objeto del recurso. 2.° Bajo la palabra Resultando se transcribiran literalmente los de la resolucion recurrida, excepto aquellos que sean de manitiesta imper- tinencia, y se agregaran los que se estime oportuno consignar. 3.° Se expresara el contenido de la parte dispositiva de la propia resolucion. 4.° Los motivos de casacion alegados por las partes. 5.° El nombre del magistrado ponente. 6.° Los fundamentos de derecho de la resolucion que se dicte, bajo la palabra Consider ando. 7.° El fallo. Contra esa sentencia no se concedera ningun recurso. excepto los casos en que proceda la revision.' XXXVIII. Cuando el Tribunal Supremo declare con lugar un recurso por infraccion de ley 6 de doctrina, dictara Lnmediatamente, sobre la cuestion fundanicntalniente debatida en el pleito 6 causa, la sentencia que a su juicio hubiere debido dictar el tribunal reourrido. Esta resoluci6n se dictard por separado, pero siempre dentro del ter- mino de diez dias expresados en el articulo anterior. XXXIX. Cuando se declare con lugar an recurso por quebranta- miento de forma, se devolveran los autos al tribunal del que pro- cedan, pain que reponi^ndolos al estado en que se encontraban cuando la forma esencial del juicio se quebrant6, los sustancie y termine ile Quevo con arreglo a derecho. Esto se entendera" Bin perjuicio de laa correcciones y prevenciones que procedan, por raz6n de la gravedad de la infraccion cometida, las cuales tanilden se aeordaran en la sen- tencia. 268 This reading having ended, the lawyers of the parties t<> the -nit shall speak, the appellant being the first, then those who have agreed to the appeal, then those who opposed it. and linallx the fiscal. In cases where the fiscal may have established the appeal, or may have agreed to the same, he shall speak at the time provided Eor the other partic- in the -nit as above. The parties may make correct ion-, with reaped only to facts, the accuracy of which must be established, and opinion- which may have been attributed to them, in the course of debate. With this the President shall declare the hearing of the appeal ended. WWII. The court shall render judgment within a period of ten day-. In said judgment the following particulars shall be stated: 1. The place and date in which the judgment was rendered; the court from which the appeal was made: the nature of the suit or cause in which appeal was allowed; the names, professions, and domicile of the parties thereto: the object of the suit and other general circum- stances which might be necessary to determine the subject with regard to which appeal was made. 2. Dnder the word " resultando" shall be written literally those of the decision appealed from, except such as are manifestly irrelevant; and there will be added such as may be deemed proper to insert. 3. The directory part of the decision itself. •i. The grounds of annulment advanced by the parties. 5. The name of the porn nt, . 6. The bases in law of the decision rendered, under the word *• nnix'nl, rando." 7. The decision. Against this decision no appeal can be made, excepting in cases of revision. XXXVIII. When the Supreme Court declares that an appeal for error in law or legal doctrine shall be admitted, it shall immediately pronounce the judgment with respect to the question at issue, which should have been rendered by the lower court. This judgment shall be delivered separately, but always within the period of ten days pro- vided for in the preceding articles. X WIX. When an appeal is admitted for defect in form, the pro- ceedings -hall be returned to the lower court for correction, after which tin' case will be concluded conformably to law. This shall be independent of the corrections and remarks which may be made. according to the gravity of the defect found, and which corrections and remark.- -hall also be included in the decree of the court. 269 XL. Cuando se declare sin lugar un recurso do casaci6n se impon- dian siempre las costas del mismo & la parte 6 partes recurrentes, salvo cuando esta fuere el ministerio fiscal 6 se estuviere en el caso del arti- culo XLVII. XLI. En los recursos de casacion por infraecion de ley 6 de doc- trina. podra el Tribunal Supremo, para mejor proveer. disponer Be le remitan originates el pleito 6 causa de que se trate. Esta resolucidn para mejor proveer, podra dictarse durante todo el termino que el tribunal tuviere a su disposicion para fallar: y despues de recibidas las actuaciones que por el se hubiesen pedido, la sentencia debera dic- tarse en el termino de diez dias a partir de aquel en que diehos autoe se recibieron. XLI1. Cuando en causa criminal interponga un procesado el recurso de casacion por infraecion de ley, la sentencia en que se le declare con lugar y aquella que. resolviendo en el fondo la causa, se dicte en eonse- cuencia. aproveehara a los demas procesados en todo lo que les fuere favorable, siempre que se encuentren en la misma situacion que el recurrente y les fueren aplicables los motives alegados por los que se declare la casacion de la sentencia. Nunca les perjudicara en lo que les fuere adverso. XLIII. Cuando en causa criminal se hubiere interpuesto el recurso por un procesado. se abonara a los demas, que con el recurrente hubie- ren sido condenados y no hubiesen interpuesto el recurso. como parte del cumplimiento de la pena si esta fuere de privacion de libertad. todo el tiempo durante el cual hubiesen permanecido presos desde la inter- posicion del recurso de casacion. DEL RECURSO DE CASACl6x INTERPUESTO POR INFRACC16N DE LEY Y AL PROPIO TIEMPO POR QUEBRANTAMIENTO DE FORMA. XLIV. Cuando se hubieren cometido. en concepto de la parte recu- rrente, infracciones que justifiquen la interposieion de uno y otro recurso. deberan interponerse ambos, al propio tiempo. en el mismo escrito, en el que se cumpliran todos los preceptos contenidos en el articulo V de esta ley. XLV. El jucz 6 tribunal sentenciador resolveni sobre la admisi6n de uno 6 de otro. Si los admitiese ambos, remitiralos autos originales al Tribunal Supremo y en este se sustancianin conjuntamente diehos recursos l'allandose por una sola sentencia. No sera preciso en estos casos expedir las certificaciones necesarias para el recurso Interpuesto simplemente por infraecion de ley 6 de doctrina. Lo propio sucedera cuando una de las partes hubiese interpuesto uno de los recursos j la otra el otro. Xl;\'l. Si el tribunal ante el que ambos recursos Be interpusieren, ya por una ini>ina parte, ya por do8 6 niiis, dene^are la adniision de 269 XL. When an appeal for annulment of judgment is declared ground- less, the costs of the same shall be paid by the appellant, unless the appellant be the fiscal, or unless the case come under the provisions of Article XLVH. XL I. In appeals for annulment of judgment for error in law or legal doctrine, the Supreme Court may. for its better understanding, call for the original records of the case. The order for this may be given at any time before the date on which it must render judgment. Decision must be pronounced within ten days after the receipt of the records BO called for. XLII. Whenever the defendant in a criminal suit makes an appeal for annulment of judgment for error in law or Legal doctrine, the decision granting such appeal and that which is made with reference to the main issue of the ease shall be taken advantage of by other defendants so far as it is favorable to them, provided the same condi- tion- and alleged grounds of appeal apply to them as to the appellant. Their case shall not be prejudiced by such parts of the decision as may be adverse to the defendant. XLI1I. Whenever, in a criminal suit, appeal may have been made by the defendant, all others who may have been sentenced and who may not have appealed shall be allowed, as part of their terms of imprisonment, if such have been their sentences, all the time during which they may have been imprisoned, from the date on which the appeal was made. Till. APPEAL FOB ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT INTERPOSED FOR A VIO- LATION OP LAW AND, AT THE SAME TIME, FOR A BREACH OF FORM. XI.IY. Whenever the appellant believes there may have occurred error- in law and defect of form, which justify appeal on both grounds, they must both be duly made in the same petition, in which shall he fulfilled all the requirements of Article V of this order. XLV. The judge or court pronouncing the judgment shall decide on the admission of one or both of said appeals. If both be admitted, the original proceedings shall be forwarded to the Supreme Court, which shall consider both appeals jointly and include both in a single judgment. It shall not he necessary in these cases to forward the cer- tificate- required in appeals made simply for error in law or legal doct rine. The same rule .-hall he observed when one of the parties shall appeal on one ground and the other on another. XLVI. If the court from which both appeals may have been made, whether by one or more of the parties, shall deny the admission of one 270 uno de olios, la queja quo se interponga contra esta denegatoria se bus- taneiara antes quo el recurso admitido. XLVII. Cuando el Tribunal Supremo, al fallar en que los cases a que se refieren los articulos XLIV y XLV, declare haber Lugar al recurso interpuesto por quobrantaniiento de forma, se abstendra* de dictar sentencia acerca del interpuesto por infracoion de lev 6 doc- tnna. Cuando declare improcedente el relativo al quebrantamiento de forma, fallara acerca del otro. En estos casos nunca so Lmpondran las costas al recurrente que hubiere interpuesto los dos de un modo simultaneo, sino cuando ambos fueren declarados sin lugar. DEL RECURSO DE CASACl6N Y DEL DE QUEJA INTERPUESTOS POR INSOLVENTES. XLVIII. Los derechos que a pobres e insolventes concedon los articulos X y XX, de esta ley, se entendera que oorresponden no solo al que hubiere obtenido a su favor declaratoria de pobreza, sino tam- bien al procesado en causa criminal al que no se le hubioren encontrado bienes que embargar en el incidente destinado al efecto. Para ejercitar dichos derechos sera preciso que al interponerse el recurso el incidente de pobreza ha} T a sido fallado favorablemente al que lo promueva. aunque sea en primera instancia, 6 que en el incidente sobre embargo en causa criminal se hava comprobado, por no encontrarse bienes en que hacerlo efectivo, que carece de ellos el procesado. XLIX. Cuando el recurrente en casacion 6 queja comprendido en el anterior articulo estuviere preso, se remitiran de oficio, siempre, los documentos a que los articulos citados se refieren, a menos que e*l expresamente pida se le entreguen para cuidar de que sean presenta- dos ante el Tribunal Supremo. L. Aquel a quien se hubieren entregado los documentos ya dichos para el efecto que el articulo anterior indica, si tuviere derecho ago/ai- de los beneficios de aue ahora se trata, podra entodo caso presentarloa ante el Tribunal Supremo, pidiendo se le nombrc abogado de oficio 6 simplemente designandolo en el escrito por el que los acompane. Si esto hiciere dentro del termino del emplazamiento, se le tendril por personado en tiempo y se procedera* a lo quo disponen Los siguientes articulos. En los recursos de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma, en los que remitirse al Tribunal Supremo los autos originales, podrl tainlticn cl Lnsolvente quo haya iiitorpucsio el recurso. personarse por un escrito en el que designe abogado 6 pida la designaci6n de oficio. LI. Etecibidos en el Tribunal Supremo los certifioados que se expi- den para el recurso de queja 6 el f queja made against the denial shall be decided before consideration of the admitted appeal. XLYII. Whenever the Supreme Court, on rendering judgment in one of the cases referred t<> in articles XLTV and XIW. sustains an appeal for defect in form, it shall abstain from ruling <>n the appeal for error in law or legal doctrine. Should the appeal for defect in form be declared invalid, judgment Bhall be rendered on the other. In these cases the costs shall not be imposed upon the appellant, unless both appeals are declared groundless. APPEAL FOB ANNULMENT OP JUDGMENT AND EN COMPLAINT INTKK. XLYIII. The rights granted to poor and insolvent persons by Articles X and XX of this order shall ho understood to belong not only to him in whose favor a declaration of poverty may have been obtained, but also to the defendant in a criminal case who may not have had property to attach in cases where attachment is provided for. To avail himself of said rights it shall be necessary that, on making the appeal, the declaration of poverty shall have been made in favor of appellant, even though in prvmera mstancia only, or that poverty be proved by the fact that no property was attached, as the defendant possessed none. XLIX. Whenever the appellant for annulment or in queja, referred to in the preceding article, is a prisoner, all the documents therein mentioned shall he transmitted de oficio, unless the appellant should expressly request their delivery to him in order to see that they are presented before the Supreme Court. L. The person to whom the said documents may have been delivered for the purpose indicated in the preceding article, if he wish the right to enjoy the benefits herein conferred, must in every case present them before the Supreme Court, asking that counsel be assigned him de qficio, or simply designating him in the petition by which the said documents are accompanied. If this should be done within the period Set for appearance it shall he held that the designation was made in due time, and the provisions of the following articles shall be complied with. In appeals for annulment of judgment for defect in form, in cases wherein the original documents must be forwarded to the Supreme Court, an insolvent suitor who may have appealed may also appear by writing, in which he designates counsel or requests such designation (I, oficio. LI. When the Supreme Court is in possession of the certificates required in the recourse of queja, or in casesof appeal forerrorin law or legal doctrine, or of the original record in cases of appeal for error 271 miento de forma, si el que interpuso el recurso fuere insolvente y hubiere designado abogado, se requerira ;i este para que manifieste si aeepta la designacion que de el se hace, a menos que £1 expon- taneamente hubiere hecho constar su conformidad. En caso de aceptacion se considerani al abogado como representante del reeu- rrente ante el Tribunal Supremo y la maniieataci6n hecha de que Be aeepta el eargo equivaldra al escrito personandose a que el articulo XXVI se refiere. Se precedent entonces, trat&ndose de recursos de casacion. conforme a lo dispuesto en el articulo XXV II y se conti- nuant la sustanciacion del recurso conforme a lo que disponen dicho articulo y los siguientes. Como representante del recurrente, se haran al abogado las notificaciones que scan precisas y con el se entenderan todos los tramites a que de lugar el recurso. LII. Cuando el insolvente hubiere manifestado ante el tribunal inferior su intencion de interponer el recurso de queja, se concederan al abogado designado despues que constare su aceptacion conforme ;i lo dispuesto en el anterior articulo, tres dias para que formule el recurso en escrito que debera redactarse y presentarse conforme a lo dispuesto en el articulo XVIII, y en lo adelante la sustanciacion de la queja se amoldara a lo estatuido en el XIX y los siguientes. Tambien en este recurso sera el abogado representante del recurrente. LIII. Cuando el recurrente pobre no hubiere designado abogado, 6 el que nombrare no hubiere aceptado el cargo, el tribunal designara" uno de oficio, al cual se conferira instruccion de los autos. El nombrado de oficio debera manifestar en el termino de tres dias si jio considera procedente al recurso. Si deja pasar estos dias sin hacer ninguna manifestation, se entenderaque lo considera procedente y tendran aplicacion los anteriores articulos. Cuando el recurso fuere de queja, dentro de los tres dias debera interponersele, 6 manifestarse que se le estima improcedente. LIV. Si el nombrado de oficio declarare que estimael recurso impro- cedente, lo que debeni hacer por escrito y sin razonar su opinion, st> Dombrara" un segundo abogado, quetendra en el caso las mismas obliga- ciones que el primero. Si este segundo expresaiv su conformidad con lo expuesto por el priraeramente oombrado, se requerirfi al ministerio fiscal para que en el tt'rinino de tres dias nianitieste 8U ])areeei sobre el recurso. Si el ministerio fiscal l<> estimare procedente, serf considerado como repre- sentante del recurrente y tendra las obligaciones y derechos que en \ irtud de tal representaci6n le correspondan. LV. Cuandoel ministerio fiscal hubiere comparecido para impugnar el reeuiso. qo serfi Qecesario hacerle el requerimiento que dispone el anterior nitieiilo. En este caso, como cuando declare t'l tambi^n que estima el recurso improcedente. el tribunal declarara* no haber lugar :i 271 in form, it' tin- appellant should be insolvent, and have appointed counsel, the latter shall be required to declare whether or n<>t he accepts the charge, unless he should already have done so of his own motion. In case of acceptance the Baid counsel shall be considered the appellant's representative before the Supreme Court, and the declara- tion of acceptance shall be considered equivalent to the written one referred t<> in Article XXVI. In appeals for annulment of judgment the procedure shall be as provided for in Article XXVII el seq. The appellant's attorney -hall receive all the necessary notifications, and all business concerning the case shall !»<■ transacted with him. LTI. Whenever ;m insolvent appellant may have declared before the lower court his intention to appeal in queja, the attorney designated, after signifying his acceptance as prescribed in the preceding article, shall be granted three days in which to draw up the petition, accord- ing to the provisions of Article XVIII; and thereafter the procedure shall conform to that provided for in Article XIX et seq. In this appeal also the attorney shall be the appellant's representative. LITI. In cases where an insolvent appellant may not have designated an attorney, or the one designated may not have accepted the charge, the court shall designate one z interpuesto el recurso dentro del termino expresado en el articulo LVIII, ordenarfi se cite y emplace :i las demas partes para que comparezcan ante el ;i usar de su derecho en el mismo termino de diez 6 veiute dins concedido al recurrente para interponerlo. Una vez transcurrido este termino. el tribunal sin mas tramites, dictara providencia sefialando dia para la vista, que DO deberti verificarse ni antes de diez dias ni despues de veiute. :i partir de la expuesta providencia de senalamiento. LX1. llasta el momento de comenzar la vista podrdn comparecer las of the lower court, and shall also direct thai the said court be notified of the decision and thai the records be retained (hereto. LYI. Whenever the fiscal may have appealed on the same grounds as an insolvent party, it' the two attorneys first appointed cU qficio should declare that no ground for the appeal exists, the fiscal shall be considered without further process as the appellant's representative. Whenever the fiscal may have petitioned for appeal on grounds other than those of the appellant, he shall conform to the require- ments of Article LIV. APPEAL FOB ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT FROM DECISIONS OF AMICABLE 0OMPODNDEB8, LVII. Petitions for annulment of awards made by arbitrator- shall be made before the Supreme Court. The fiscal .shall have no inter- vention in such cases. LVIIL The periods within which said petitions may be made shall be those specified in the last paragraph of Article VII of this order, according to the place where the arbitrators may have made their award, and shall date from the day of the notification of same. The petition shall be accompanied by: 1. A certified copy of the agreement. 8. A certified copy of the award, and the notification of same to the appellant. If the period of time indicated in the agreement should have been extended, and tic appeal rest upon the fact that the decision was not rend.rc 1 within the specified time, a certified copy of the order authoriziiiL:" the extension shall likewise be included. No other document shall We admitted. LIX. The petition referred to in the preceding article shall state the grounds apon which the appeal is based, from those enume rated in N<>. :: of article 16S9 of the Law of Civil Procedure, and the reasons for the petition for annulment shall be set forth in separate and num- bered paragraphs. LX. Upon the making of the appeal within the period of time men- tioned in Article LYIII. the Supreme Court shall direct that the other parties he summoned to appear before it, in the exercise of their rights, within the same period of ten or twenty days granted to the appellant. At the expiration of this time the court, without further formalities, shall set the date for the hearing. The latter shall take place not sooner than ten days nor later than twenty days from the date of the court's order. LXi. The other parties may present themselves at any time before 18478—01 35 273 [ue demas partes del juicio. Si comparecieren, ^currirau a la ji£ qu se celebrara conforme a lo dispuesto en el artieulo XXII de esta le } LXII El Tribunal Supremo dictara sentencia en el termino de cinco dias despues de celebrada la vista. Si desestimarc el recurso, impo.ulra las costas al recurrente. . n LXIII. Cuando el Tribunal Supremo estimate que los anugables componedores han dictado fallo fuera del termino sefialado on el eom- ^romiso, easara la sentencia, condenando en eostas al que hub.ere 'T^f e"o se 1'undare en haber resueito los componedores pantos no sometidos a su decisi&n easara la sentemaa .nieamente en el punto 6 puntos en que eonsista e, exeeso eondena do tambien en eostas a aquel cuyas impugnae.ones al recurso hubiere.. sido desechadas. DEL RECURSO DE CASACION EN DAS CAUSAS DE MUERTE. LXV Contra toda sentencia que imponga la pena de muerte y que no haya sido dietada por el Tribunal Supremo, se entendera de derecho interpuesto y admitido, en beneficio del reo, el recurso de casacion. LXVI El tribunal inferior que hubiere dictado la Bentencia de muerte, terminado el plazo para interponer el recurso. aun cuando ninguna de las partes lo haya interpuesto, elevara la causa original al Tribunal Supremo. ,.^;k;h., I» LXVII Si dentro del termino de cinco dias despu& de rec ibida La causa en el Tribunal Supremo se presentaren los defensores °ombrados por el reo pidiendo vista para sostener la procedeucia del recurso, ,e Z tendra por parte. Si dentro de dicho termino no se personaren se nombrara al reo defensor de oticio. LXVI1I. Luego que se hubicren personado los defensores del reo o se hubiere nombrado defensor de oficio (los cuales llevarin a propio tiempo la representaci6n y la defensa) el tribunal otorgarf a todaslas parti personadas, asi como al fiscal, un tenmno do quince d > que expresen por escrito, si estiman que hay motives para a , asacrfn, Bea por quebrantamiento de forma, sea por infraccmn de ley. J&stos motives se expresardn separada y numeradamente , con expresion de todas las circunstancias que acerca de ellos deben thacerse .consteren los escritos interponiendo el recurso. Si 6ste se hubiere interpueeto ante el tribunal inferior, en el escrito de que ahora se trate se podran ampliar sus motives, 6 limitarse el recurrente :i dar por reproduoidos los que alii se consignaron. LXIX La vista sesenalarfi en Los tenninos que indica el artieulo XXXV de esta Ley, asi que se hayan presentado Loe escritos de que el presente artieulo habla 6 que haya transcurrido, sin que se Lea pre- 278 the commencement <>t' the bearing. Should they appear, they may attend the hearing, which shall proceed according t<> the provisions of Article XXII of this order. LXII. The Supreme Court shall render judgment within five days after the hearing. If the petition be denied, the appellant shall pay the COStS. LXI1I. Whenever the Supreme Court finds that the arbitrators have not made their award within the time specified in the agreement, it shall annul their decision, and the parties opposing the appeal shall pay the costs. LXIY. If the appeal is based upon the ground that the arbitrators have decided questions not submitted to their judgment, the award shall be annulled in such part or parts only as may be effected by said questions, and the parties responsible for decision on such extraneous issues shall pay the costs. APPEAL FOB ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT IN CAUSES INVOLVING THE DEATH PENALTY. LXV. Petitions for annulment of any sentence involving the death penalty, except that of the Supreme Court, shall be considered as made and admitted in favor of the person so sentenced. LXVL A lower court which may have passed sentence of death shall forward the original proceedings to the Supreme Court at the expiration of the period for making- appeal, although none of the parties may have petitioned therefor. LXV 1 1. If within five days after receiving the case in the Supreme Court the attorney appointed by the prisoner should appear and request a hearing in order to appeal the case, he shall be admitted as party thereto. If no such attorney should appear within said period the court shall appoint one de <>ji<-i<>. LXVIII. On the admission of the prisoner's attorney, or the hitter's appointment qficio by the court, the said attorney duly representing and defending the accused, the court shall grant all the parties, includ- ing the fiscal, a period of fifteen days to show cause, in writing, why annulment of judgment should be made, whether for defect in form or error in law. The reasons set forth shall be in separate and num- bered paragraphs and shall include all the circumstances which should be Stated in a petition for appeal. If this petition should have already been made before the lower court, the reasons adduced may be ampli- fied, "i- the appellant may confine himself to those already stated before the said court. LXIX. The hearing shall be had within the period specified in Article XXXV of this order, when the documents mentioned therein have been presented, or if they he not presented, it shall be had after 274 sente, el termino que el mismo menciona; y on los tramites sucesivos seran aplicables a estos recursos los articulos del XXXVI en adelante, sobre recursos de easaeion en general. LXX. El tribunal en estas causae podra declarar la easaeion. asi por quebrantamiento dc forraa como por infraction de ley. aim cuando no la hubiesen sostenido como procedente ni las partes personadas ni el fiscal. LXXI. Cuando en causas en que se pedia por la acusacion la pena de muerte esta no se hubiere impuesto por el tribunal, la interposici6D de los recursos por las partes se atendra a las reglas generates en eapi- tulos anteriores indicadas. LXXII. Cuando el Tribunal Supremo declare que por ningun motivo puede casarse una sentencia que hubiere impuesto pena de muerte, mandara pasar los autos al fiscal para que este exponga si oree que existe algun motivo de equidad que aconseje la no ejecucion de la sen- tencia y la conmutacion de la pena en via de gracia. Con el dictamen del fiscal y con su propio dictamen sobre el easo propondra el tribunal al Gobierno la resolution que estime procedente. A este efecto los autos se remitiran a la secretaria de justicia. DISPOSICIONES COMUNES A TODOS LOS RECURSOS DE CASACI6N. LXXIII. De todo recurso de easaeion podra apartarse y desistir la parte que le hubiere interpuesto, en cualquier estado de bu sustancia- cion. Si durante esta el recurrente representare por si mismo, el tribunal ordenara que ratifique a su preseneia el escrito en que hubiere manif estado su disentimiento. Si estuviere representado por otra persona, el disentimiento manifestado debera tanil)ien ratificarse por la misma parte, a menos que se produzca ante el Tribunal Supremo un poder especial para el caso. Hecha la ratificacion 6 presentado este poder, el tribunal tendni por desistido a su perjuicio y con costasal recurrente; y deelaiani linne la sentencia recurrida, comunieandola al tribunal de donde proceda, eon devolucion de autos en su easo, siempre que el recurso no est^ tambi^n sostenido por otra parte. Se exceptuan tan solo los casos de senten- cias de muerte, de que hablan los articuloa precedentes. LXX1V. Cuando se interpongan dos 6 mas recursos de [glial olase contra un niisnio fallo se sustaneiaran juntos en una sola pieza v se decidiran en una misma sentencia. LXXV. Las partes del juicio no reeurrentos podran personarse ante el Tribunal Supremo en cualquier estado de la 8ustanciaci6n del recurso \ se entemleran eon ellos los ( ramitos posteriores, sin ret rogradarse nunea en el proeediniiento. LXXVI. Ed todoa l<» recursos de easaeion interpuestos contra sen- tenciaS que impongan una pena allietiva 68 oldigacion del niinisterio 274 tlir said period has elapsed. Id the subsequent proceedings the provi- sions of Article XXXV 1 -/ *<>/.. <>n appeals in general, shall apply. LXX. Tin' court may amml the sentence in rach rases, for defect in form or for error in law, even when the right to appeal has been deemed groundless, by the fiscal or the other parties to the suit. LXX I. In cases wherein thecoiirt may not have passed the sentence of death demanded i>y the accusers, the proceedings for appeal shall be as provided for in the preceding articles. LXXII. Whenever the Supreme Court declares that a sentence involving the death penalty cannot for any reason be annulled, it shall cause the records of the case to be sent to the fiscal in order that he may state whether he believes there is, in equity, any reason for the nonexecution of the sentence and for commutation of the penalty by way of grace. Upon the fiscal's opinion, and its own, relative to th. case, the court shall propose to the Government such decision as it may deem advisable. For this purpose, the records shall be trans- mitted to the Secretary of Justice. PROVISIONS COMMON TO ALL APPEALS FOR ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT. LXXIII. Any party who may have made appeal for annulment of judgment may abandon it at any stage of the proceedings. If such party should appear in person, he shall be required, in the presence of the court, to ratify the document by which he renounces the case. If he he represented by any other person, the said document must also be ratified by the same party, unless a special power of attorney for such action l»c presented to the Supreme Court. Whenever such ratification is made, or power of attorney presented, the court shall consider the appeal withdrawn and the appellant shall pay the costs. The judgment shall he declared final, and the lower court >hall he informed thereof. All records shall be returned to said court, provided there be no other party making the appeal. Onl} T the eases mentioned in preceding articles, revoking sentence of death, shall be excepted. LXX IV. Whenever two or more similar appeals are made against the same judgment, they shall be combined and shall be decided in a single judgment. LXXV. Parties to the suit, not appellants, may appear before the Supreme Court at any period of the trial, and all subsequent proceed- ings shall be communicated to them, without reverting to foregoing proceedings. LXXVI. In all appeals made for annulment of judgment imposing imprisonment, it shall be the duty of the fiscal to be present at the 275 fiscal asistir a la vista aunque no sea recurrent* En las demfc «msas ^.potestative el haoerlo 6 no: y lo mismo so enteudex. respecto de '"", 'xXVlfi- pnvtos no tendranque abonar derechoa de ninguna esperic po. ningu. a gestion ante el Tribunal, en la secret*™ del "I l£ cJoenas de costas en estos recaTSOB no compnmde- rfl" o Tos honorarios que cobraren los abogados por represent,,, ». 7 defense euya regulacidn, en caso dc impugnarse 80 count,,, h. „ el trfbnna en a forma ordinaria. Si alguna de las partes se hub se STI Le llevase su personeria ante el tribunal, de persona d.s- ;:!;" deTuLgado defensor, no se comprendern In retnbue.on que en elteion excepto las mencionadas en los parrafos s.gmvntes se q~ta'n s6,o P para confirm el fallo reeurrido ,a %££** de votes de los magistrados concurrentes a la sala de justu .... emu ouierlque sea el mimero de los que la forme,,. Para easnrin v anularla IS 3so la conformidad, por lo menos, de cuatro nn.g.strados. Para imponer una pena perpetua, eonfirmando, al haeerlo. la m . - tsnchiZpelada, ba Iran euatro vote pero se mm» STcSor lo menos, para imponer una de eaaa penas en virtud de eusaci6n de senteneia que no la hubiere impuesto Cnando se tratare de la imposicdn de la pena de » ri£ ^ " hubiere vcrificado ante menos de siete jueces > no s« J ■ • mayorias que establece el anterior art.culo. se venficarf nueva ^"nuta vista no rcsulturc 1 --*-»#- f^yt en lo civil de aeuerdo con el precepto del articulo 351 de la Ley de En uiilmiento Civil » el dio de dirimir **£■*££»£ ,.,,;„•„,„, de aeuerdo eon los preeeptos contenidos «£*£ d 2. v 164 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal. El arti< ulo 165 le, quedaporelpresenteexpresamentederogado. „„„„.,,.„„ J •|AXX Cuando trat&ndose de penas perpetuas 6 demuerh no* ,. e , d,u, , I:, mayorias aecesarias, pero si la* bubiese votado la mayorf. , Clad, los magistrados .urrentes t la vista, se „„,,. n las •Ill Lediatamenu inferior* a las votadas por diehaa . oayoriaa. Asi Be expresara* en la Bentencia. 275 bearing, although In* may not be the appellant. In other cases be may tic present or not, as be shall deem proper; the same will also be under- stood with regard to the lower court from which the appeal for annulment proceeds. Whenever judgment Tor payment of the costs of an appeal b ren- dered, -aid costs shall first be fixed and approved by the Supreme Court itself, in the prescribed form. A certified copy of the amount of costs and of their approval shall be transmitted to the Lower court from which the appeal proceeds. LXXXII. All judgments rendered by the Supreme Court shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Government, and collectively in volumes, the editing of which shall be under the care of the Secre- tary of Justice. The court shall have authority freely to suppress in said publication, for whatever reasons it may deem proper, the names of the parties and places mentioned in the suit, that of the court from which the judgment in question proceeds, and any circumstances that may lead to identification of the said parties, places, or court. APPEALS FOB ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENT IN CASES OF FLAGRANT CRIMES. LXXXI II. The provisions of articles 800 to 803, both inclusive, of the Law of Criminal Procedure shall continue in force. The refer- ences made in article 801 shall be considered as being in relation to the provisions of this order, the words, u y determinar sobrela iivoer- sn'in del depdsito" in article 803, are hereby suppressed. APPEALS FOR REVIEW. LXXXI V. Recourse of revision may be had in civil as well as criminal suits, in the cases provided for in articles 17t*4 and 1795 of the Law of Civil Procedure, and article 954 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, the provisions of which shall continue in force. LXXXV. Recourse of revision in civil suits may be established by parties to the Buit or their assigns; in a criminal suit this maybe done by the defendant himself, his consort, his relatives in direct line of descent, his brothers, or by the fiscal, whenever he may have cog- nizance of any case in which such action is proper. Such prisoners and persons related to them as are mentioned above in.i\ request that recourse of revision be had, and to that end may pre- sent a simple memorial to the Secretary of Justice. After examina- tion of the case the secretary may direct the fiscal to establish the appeal-. LXXXVI. In criminal suits revision may be requested at any time, even after the sentence has been executed. In civil suits, in the cases provided for in article 17!>4 of the Law of Civil Procedure, the period set for establishing such appeals shall be three month-, counting from the day upon which new evidence or 277 doeumentos nuevos 6 el f raude 6 desde el dia del reconocimiento 6 decla- racion de la falsedad. Eu ningun caso podra interponerse el recurso de revision en materia civil despues de transcurridos cinco afios desde la fecha de la publica- tion de la sentencia qufe hubiere podido motivarlo. Si se presentare pasado este plazo, se rechazara de piano. LXXXVII. El recurso de revision se interpondra siempre ante el Tribunal Supremo, cualquiera que sea el grado del juez 6 tribunal en que hava quedado tirme la sentencia que lo motivo. LXXXVIII. El recurso se interpondra por escrito, en el que se fijaran en parrafos separados y numerados los hechos y fundamentos de derecho que motiven la petition que se formule. LXXXIX. Interpuesto el recurso, el tribunal pedirii se le remitan los autos originates con todos los anteeedentes del pleito 6 causa en el que hubiere recaido la sentencia cuya revision se solicita, y mandara a emplazar a cuantos hubieren sido partes 6 sus causahabientes. para que en el termino de cuarenta dias comparezcan por escrito a sostener lo que convenga a su derecho. En lo adelante se adoptaran los tramites que para los incidentes senala la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. XC. El ministerio fiscal sera considerado siempre como parte en los recursos de revision. XCI. Las demandas de revision en materia civil no interrumpiran el cumplimiento de las sentencias tirmes que las motiven. Podia, sin embargo, el tribunal en vista las circunstancias, a peticion del recu- rrente, dando este iianza y oido el ministerio tiscal, ordenar que Be suspendan las diligencias de ejecucion de las sentencias. El tribunal caliticara la tianza bajo su responsabilidad. A este et'ecto senalara su clase y cuantia, la cual comprendera el valor de lo Litigado y los danos y perjuicios consiguientes a la inejecucion de las sentencias, para el caso de que el recurso fuere desestimado. XCII. Si interpuesto el recurso de revision en materia civil, y en cualquiera de sus tramites, se suscitaren cuestiones cuya decision, determinante de la procedencia de aquel, competa a la jurisdicci6n criminal, se suspender^ el procedimiento ante el tribunal, hasta que la accion penal se resuelva por sentencia tinne. En este caso el plazo de cinco afios de que trata el artieulo LXX W'l de esta ley quedarfi Lnterrumpido desde el momento dv incoarse el procedimiento criminal hasta su terminaci6n definitiva por sentencia ejecutoria, volviendo :i correr dvsdr que esta se hubiere dictado. XCIII. En el caso del aumero primero del artieulo 964 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, el Tribunal Supremo declararii la contra- diccion entre las sentencias. si en efecto existiere, anulando una y otra. y niandara instruil' de nuevo causa al tribunal a quien corresponds el conocimiento del dclito. 277 fraud was discovered or from the date of acknowledgment or declara- tion of deceit Recourse of revision in civil suits shall not be established later than five years after the date of the publication <>t' the judgment in the ease. If presented after Baid period it >hall be denied. LXXXVII. Recourse of revision shall always be established before tin' Supreme ( iourt, whatever may he the grade of the judge or court before which the final judgment was rendered. LXXXVIII. The recourse shall be petitioned for in writing and the petition shall set forth the facts and Legal principles upon which the appeal i< based. LXXXIX. The appeal being established, the court shall require that it he furnished with all the original records and preliminary facts connected with the suit or cause in which the judgment was rendered and the revision of which is solicited, and it shall summon all the par- tie- thereto, or their assigns, to appear in writing within forty days to maintain their rights. Thenceforth the proceedings shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Civil Procedure. XC. The. fiscal shall always be considered as party in all appeals for revision. XCI. Petitions for revision in civil suits shall not interrupt the execution of the final judgments rendered in the case. In view of the circumstances, however, the court may, at the appel- lant's request, on his giving bond, and upon the fiscal's recommenda- tion, direct that the execution of the sentence be suspended. The court shall approve the bond on its own responsibility. To this end it -hall establish the kind and amount of said bond, which shall cover the value in litigation, together with the costs and damages con- sequent upon the nonexecution of the judgment, in case the appeal Bhould be denied. XCI J. If questions arise during any part of the proceedings in appeal for revision in a civil suit the decision of which may come within the criminal jurisdiction, the proceedings before the court shall be suspended until final judgment be rendered in the criminal case. Under such circumstances the period of five years fixed by Article LXXXVI of this order shall be considered as interrupted from the time of initiating the criminal proceedings until their settlement by final sentence, and shall begin again to count from the date of such sentence. XCI 1 1. In the first case of article 954 of the Law of Criminal Pro- cedure the Supreme Court shall declare the contradictory character of the sentences, if in fact it exist; and shall set aside both, ordering the court having cognizance of the crime to institute new proceeding.-. 278 En el cuso sco-uikIo del mismo articulo, el Tribunal Supremo, com- probada la identidad de la persona por cuya muerte se hubiere dictado una condena, anulara la sentencia tirme. En el oaso del numero terccro del referido articulo, dictara el tribunal la niisma resoluci6n, eon vista de la ejecutoria que declare la falsedad del documento, y mandar&al tribunal a que corresponds el conocimiento del delito, instruir de ouevo la causa. XCIV. Cuando por consecuencia de la sentencia firme anulada, hubiere sufrido el condenado alguna pena, se tendra en cuenta si en la nueva sentencia se le impusiere alguna otra y para el cumplimiento de esta todo el tiempo de la anteriormente sufrida y su importancia. XCV. Aun cuando haya fallecido el penado, podran su viuda. ascen- dientes y descendientes legitimes, legitimados 6 naturales reeonocidos, solicitar la revision por alguna de las causas enumeradas en el articulo 954 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, con objetode rehabilitar la memoria del difunto y de que se castigue al verdadero culpable. XCV1. Si el Tribunal Supremo estimare procedente en materia civil la revision solicitada, por haberse fundado la sentencia en documentos 6 testigos declarados falsos 6 haberse dictado injustamente en los demas casos del articulo 179-i de la Le}' de Enjuiciamiento Civil, lo declarers' asi y rescindini en todo 6 parte la sentencia impugnada, segun que los fundamentos del recurso se refieran a la totalidad 6 tan solo a alguno de los capitulos de la misma sentencia. XCVII. El Tribunal Supremo, una vez dictada en materia civil la sentencia en que, por admitirse el recurso de revision, rescinda en todo 6 en parte la sentencia firme impugnada, mandara expedir certiticacion del fallo, y la remitira con devolueion de los autos y demas anteceden- tes al tribunal de donde dichos autos procedan, para que las partes usen de su derecho segun les convenga, en el juicio correspondiente. Va\ todo caso servinin de base al nuevo juicio, las declaraciones que se hubieren hecho en el recurso de revision, las euales no podran ser ya discutidas. XCVII1. La rescision de una sentencia firme en lo civil, como resultado del recurso de revision, cuando fuere admitido, producirii todos .sus efectos le^ales, salvo los derechos adquiridos que debao respetarse con arreglo a lo establecido en el artfoulo 84 de la ley hipotecaria. XCIX. Seran aplicables a los recursos de revision las disposiciones dictadas tratandose del de casaci6ii sobre la comparecencia de las partes ante el Tribunal Supremo y su representaci6n, asi como sobre las costas ((uc deben comprenderse en tasaci6n y no neoesidad de pagar derechos en seoretaria. ( Suando <•! recurso de revision se declare improcedente, Be oondenari fii todas las costas del misnio a I que l<» I ml tic re promovido. OasoOOn- Mario, iiiinca se hara cxprcsa condenaci6n de costas al que If hubiere impugnado. Esta condena jamas se impondra* al ministerio fisoaL 278 In the second case of the same article,, whenever the person be iden- tified for whose death a penalty may have been imposed) the Supreme Court shall annul the final sentence. In the third case of said article the court, considering the writ declaring the falsity «>t* the document, shall annul the sentence, and direct the court having cognizance of the crime to institute new pro- ceedings. XCIY. Whenever, in consequence of the annulment of a final judg- ment, tho person condemned may have Buffered punishment, this shall be considered, it' in the new sentence any other punishment is imposed, together with the entire time he served under the first sentence. XCV. Should the prisoner have died, his widow, his relatives in the direct line of descent, either legitimate or Legitimized, may solicit a revision for any of the causes enumerated in article !tf>4 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, in order to rehabilitate the name of the deceased, and to secure the punishment of the real culprit. XCYI. Should the Supreme Court find grounds for the revision solicited in a civil suit for the reason that the judgment may have been based upon witnesses or documents declared false, or that it was unjustly rendered in the other cases under article 1794 of the Law of Civil Procedure, it shall so declare and rescind, wholly or in part, the final judgment objected to, according to whether the grounds of the appeal refer to the whole judgment or simply to any one of its parts. XCVII. The Supreme Court, having rendered judgment in a civil suit, which through the admission of the recourse of revision rescinds wholly or in part the final one objected to, shall direct that a certified copy of said judgment be transmitted, together with the records and other data, to the court from which they proceed, in order that the parties may exercise their rights in the corresponding suit. In any case the declarations in the recourse of revision shall serve as a basis of the new suit. They may not be discussed. XCVIII. The recission of the final judgment in a civil suit, as a result of the recourse of revision shall, when admitted, produce all its legal effects, except the acquired rights, which must be respected in accordance with the provisions of article 84 of the Mortage Law. XCIX. All provisions for annulment of judgment, referring to the appearance of the parties and their representatives before the Supreme Court, shall apply to the recourse of revision, as well as the cost- to be tixed. and the nonpayment of fees in the clerk's office. Whenever the recourse of revision is denied, the appellant shall ] >uv the entire costs of same. In case of its admission, the objecting party shall never be expressly charged with the costs. This charge shall never tic imposed upon the fiscal. 279 C. Contra la sentencia que recaiga en el recurso de revision no Be dara* en absoluto recurso alguno. CI. Todos los preceptos contenidos en Los titulos XXI y XXII del libro II de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil y en el libro V de la do Enjuciamiento Criminal, que no esten expresamente declarados en vigor por las presenter disposiciones, qucdan derogados. DE LOS ASUNTOS CONTENCIOSO-ADMINISTRATIVOS ANTE EL TRIBUNAL SUPREMO. CII. El precepto contenido en el inciso 18 del artieulo VII del decreto dictado por el gobierno militar de esta isla on 14 de Abril del ano corriente de 1899 debera entenderse del modo que se express en los subsiguientes articulos. CIII. Contra toda resolucion dictada por la sala de lo civil de la audi- encia de la Habana, dnico tribunal que, segun el decreto del 1° de Abril de este ano, ejerceni en Cuba la jurisdiccion eontencioso-administrativa, procede interponer recurso de casacion ante el Tribunal Supremo, siempre que dicha resolucion sea sentencia definitiva 6 auto de tal natu- raleza que ponga termino al recurso contencioso, impidiendo su con- tinuation. CIV. Dichos recursos podran interponerse por infraecion de ley 6 de doctrina legal y por quebrantamiento de forma, en los casos que expresan los articulos 1690 y 1691 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Todos los preceptos contenidos en los anteriores articulos. reguladores del procedimiento para la casacion en lo civil 6 en lo criminal, son aplicables, como consecuencia de lo antes dispuesto, a la jurisdicci6n contencioso-administrativ T a. CV. Contra las sentencias firmes en lo contencioso. a>i scan dictadas por la sala de lo cwil de la audiencia de la Habana como por el Tribunal Supremo, procedera tambien el recurso de revision en los casos que determina el artieulo 1791 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil; y todos preceptos aqui contenidos so})rt> revision que sean apli- cables a asuntos civiles, se entenderan tambien aplicables a asuntos contencioso-administi-ativos. CVI. Como consecuencia de lo antes dispuesto quedan derogadoa 1<» articulos del til al 82, ambos inclusive, de la lev de lo contencioso- administrativo de L3 de Septiembre de L888 y del t49 al 500, tambi^o ambos inclusive, del reglamento para la ejecuci6n de dicha lev. como cualquier otro precepto de esta 6 aquel que se opusieren :i l»> anterior- nienic dispuesto. El artieulo L03 de la expresada ley queda asimismo derogado, y en su virtud el ministerio fiscal no podra plantearla (Mit'stion de coii 1 1 ict enc ia si no en la opoitunidad que expresa el art iculo If, de la Icy antes citada. 279 C. There shall be n<> appeal from the final judgment rendered in recourse of revision. CI. All the provisions of Titles XXI and XXII of Book II of the Law df Civil Procedure, ami of Book V of the Law of ( Jriminal Pro- cedure, which are not declared in force by the present order, are hereby revoked. HATTERS "1 AOMlMsTKAin 1. LITIGATION BEFORE THK SUPREME « 01 BT. ('II. The provisions of paragraph L8of Article VII of the orderpub- lished April 11. L899, by the Military Governor of this island, shall be understood in the manner specified in the following articles. ('III. Against all judgments of the civil court of the audienciaof Havana, the only one which, in Cuba, under the order of April 1. L899, -hall have cognizance of administrative suits (contenowso-ctdmintstra- ///•< .v). appeals for annulment of judgment may be established before the Supreme Court, provided the said judgments be final or of such a character as to put an end to said administrative proceedings, by pre- venting their continuation. CIV. Appeals may be established for error in law or legal doctrine and for defects in form in the cases mentioned in articles 1690 and 1691 of the Law of Civil Procedure. All the provisions of the fore- going articles regulating the procedure for annulment of judgment in civil or criminal suits are applicable to administrative suits as a conse- quence of the foregoing. CV. Recourse of revision may also be had against final judgments in administrative suits, whether rendered by the civil court of the audiencia of Babana or by the Supreme Court, in any of the cases provided for in article 17 ( .t4 of the Law of Civil Procedure, and all the provisions contained herein, with reaped to revision and which may be applicable to civil suits, shall also apply to administrative suits. CVI. As a consequence of foregoing provisions, articles 64 to 82, both inclusive, of the Law on Administrative Suits {Ley r rm: 31 PBEME 0O1 RT in MATTERS INVOLVING THE CLASSIFICATION OF KEOI8TBAB8. CVII. All the dispositions of the mortgage law :inf the "Seccion la pro- priedad >/ Nbtanado n in administrative :i]>i>«-:il— made against the approval of the regiafiroe Bhall apply to thf president of the Supreme Court, to whom, by express provision of the order creating said court, belongs the final decision of Buch appeals. TRANSITORY PROVISIONS. CVIII. In all cases of decisions susceptable of appeal for annulment of judgment, which may have been pronounced by the audiencias of Havana. Finar del Rio. Mantanzas, and Santa Clara, and against which appeal may have been made for annulment of judgment for defect of form, or where the intention of appealing for error of law has been announced without the parties having been notified prior to the nth day of April, 1899, the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the treaty of Paris, the parties shall be notified, and from this notification they may make said appeals in the terms, form, and conditions pro- vided for in this order. ('IX. In cases wherein the audiencias of Santiago de Cuba and Puerto Principe, which, after the Spanish evacuation, were constituted as supreme courts in said provinces, may have given decisions which, in conformity with the Laws of Procedure, were susceptible of appeal for annulment of judgment and against which there may have been made appeal for defect of Form, or where intention of appealing for error in law has been announced, the following rules shall be applied: 1. The provisions of the preceding article shall apply if the judg- ments have not already been executed. 2. If such judgment shall have been executed there shall be no other recourse than that of revision. Sentences which may have been given in criminal cases shall be Bu&ceptible of revision in the terms expressed by the preceding article, although the prisoners may be undergoing punishment, so long as the punishment ordered is not completely executed. Adxa R. Chaffee, Brujnil',, r- Julio cL 1899. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido a bien disponer la publi- cacion de la orden siguiente: I. Queda por el presente decreto suprimida en his Leyes vigentes de proeedimiento criminal la incomunicacion del detenido 6 procesado. II. Toda persona, desde que sea puesta a disposicion de In autoridad judicial, tendra derecho a la comparecencia inmediata ante esta autori- dad, y a que se le haga saber de que se le acusa, por quien y que" cargos sc le dirigen. Los autos en que se decrete un procesamiento ser&n fundados y se notiticaran integramente ;i aquellos contra los cualea se hubieren dictado. III. Inmediatamente despues de hecha la notiricacion a que se refiere el articulo anterior, el juez instructor hara saber al procesado los dere- chos que le otorga el articulo 384 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento, con- cediendole un termino de veinte y cuatro horas, para que nombre un abagado que le asista en su defensa, y facilit&ndole los medios do hacer saber la designacion al nombrado. Durante dicho termino el juez no practicani mas diligencias sumariales que aquellas cuyo aplazamiento perjudicare gravemente a la investigacion y eonsignara los motivos que le obligaren a practicarlas, en auto fundado. Transcurrido dicho termino se continuant la practica de las diligencias sumariales. A excepcion del caso previsto en el ultimo parraf'o del citado arti- culo 384 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, no se designara" de ofieio defensor al procesado, sino en la oportunidad determinada por el articulo 652 de la propia ley. IV. Ningiin procesado tendra obligation de declarar en su propia causa, ni ante el juez instructor, ni ante el tribunal en el juicio oral y publico. El juez 6 tribunal, en su caso respectivo, inquirir&n del pro- cesado si desea prestar declaraci6n, lo cual sera un derecho que le asista. En caso alirinativo, si la causa estuviere en sumario, podr:i hacer constar lo que tenga por conveniente, sin que puedan dirigirsele preguntas sobre otros particulares, debiendo el juez limitarse :i que se transcriban sus manifestaciones, que el tendra derecho ;i escribirde su puno y letra, si lo tuviere por conveniente. Si en el acto del juicio oral, quisiere el procesado prestar declara- cion. entonces pod ran preguntarle todos los (pie fueren parte en la causa, asi como el tribunal mismo, y estara* obligado :i contestar6l declarar expresamente que no quiere dar respuesta :i la pregunta que se le dirija. Lo dispuesto en este articulo se entenderf sin perjuicio de lo pre- ceptuado en el 700 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, acerca de 281 N<>. ion. BEADQU kBTEBS I >l\ lsm\ OF < Vl'.A. Havana, July /.;. 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the fol- lowing order: I. The u incomimicacuto" of person- arrested, or undergoing trial, provided for in the existing Code of Criminal Procedure, is hereby abolished. II. Every such person, a- soon a- he i- placed at the disposition of the judicial authority, shall have the right to be brought immediately before the said authority, which will inform him of what he is accused, by whom, and what charges are made against him. Warrants of prosecution shall state the grounds thereof, ami accused person- -hall he fully notified of the same. III. Immediately after having given the notification referred to in the preceding article, the examining judge shall inform the accused of his rights under article 384 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, and shall grant him a period of twenty-four hours to designate a lawyer to assist him in his defense, and shall afford him the means of making known this designation to the lawyer named. During the said period the judge shall take no action in the case, except where delay might' greatly prejudice the investigation, and in this ease he shall set forth the reasons which compel him to take such action. After the lapse of the -aid period the summary proceedings shall be continued. With the exception of the case provided for in the last paragraph of article 384 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, counsel will not be assigned to the defendant by the court, except as prescribed in article • '..'■•_' of the -aid law. IV. No person accused of crime shall be compelled to testify or make any statement in hi- own case, either before the examining judge or the court in oral and public trial. The judge, or the court, as the cage may he. -hall ask if the defendant desires to make a statement, which will be a right conferred on him. If the answer be affirmative, and the case be in its preliminary stage, the defendant may make such statement a- he may deem advisable, without being questioned upon other matter- than those covered by his statement; the judge shall confine himself to having the statement taken down, but the defend- ant may write hi- statement with his own hand, if he so desire. If during the oral trial the accused desire to make a statement, all par- ties interested in the case may question him, including the court itself, and he -hall be obliged to answer or to declare formally that he does not wi.-h to give answer to the question addressed to him. The provisions of this article shall be understood not to conflict with those <>f article 7i><> of the Law of ( Yimitial Procedure, with respect to 282 los civilmente responsables y del procesado que hay a confesado su responsabilidad criminal. V. El sumario, tan pronto corao se decrete en el procesamiento, seril publico. Todos los que scan parte en la causa, podran solicitar la practica de diligencias, teniendo el juez instructor la facultad de admitirlas 6 denegarlas si las considerase impertinentes 6 encaminadas a demorar la conclusion del sumario. Las que el juez denegare se podran reproducir en el juicio oral, sin que contra su denegatoria se conceda mas recurso que el de reposicion. VI. No obstante lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, ol juez debera* admitir y practical' toda diligencia encaminadaa hacer constar bechos de los que pueda derivarse inmediatamente la necesidad de dictar mi auto de procesamiento 6 de dejarlo sin efecto, 6 un auto en el que se decrete la prision 6 la excarcelacion del procesado. Cuando el juez denegare una de estas diligencias tampoco se concedera otro recurso que el de reposicion; pero nohaberlaspracticadoseramotivo suficiente para que la sala pueda en su oportunidad dejar sin efecto el auto de termination del sumario. Si a consecuencia de la negativa del juez a admitir una de estas dili- gencias que pudiere influir en la excarcelacion del procesado, e"ste hubiere permanecido preso mas tiempo que el que de otro modo hubiera estado, el juez sera corregido disciplinariamente. Por la primera vez se impondra la "reprension simple." Al juez que hubiere sido ya objeto en algun caso de esta correction, se le impondra, en ocasiones sucesivas la "reprension calificada," todo en los terminos y circunstan- cias que expresan los articulos 396 y siguientes de la "compilation." VII. Cuando una causa permaneciese en sumario mas de un mes despues de dictado un auto de procesamiento, el juez se limitani a hacer practical- las diligencias cuya practica se hubiere dispuesto den- tro del indicado termino. Despues que este periodo transcurra no se podran pedir ni ordenar de oficio, nuevas diligencias sumariales. El juezcuidara bajo su responsabilidad nuis estrecha de que las diligencias acordadas se practiquen en el mas breve plazo que fuere posible. VIII. No se llevara a cabo durante el sumario, citaci6n, requeri- miento 6 notifieacion a ninguna de las partes, con motivo de la practica de alguna diligencia, sino cuando el juez lo ordenare expresamente 6 un precepto legal lo hiciere indispensable. Las partes 6 sua defen- sores, como el ministerio fiscal, podran en todo tiempo instruirse del estado del sumario y asistir a las diligencias que se hubieren de prac- tical' en el misino. IX. Los dos primeros pdrrafos del articulo :»•_".» de la Lev de Enjui- ciamiento Criminal, se entenderan en lo sucesivo redactados de e^tt v modo: "El procesado tendni derecho al beneficio de la libertad bajo fianza, eiempre que lo fuere por delito que pueda ser oomprendido en la 282 persona civilly responsible, and t<> defendants who may have confessed their criminal responsibility. V. As booh as an indictment i- found, the preliminary proceedings shall ht' public. All the parties to the suit may request the presenta- tion of evidence, \\ hich the examining judge may admit, or reject, if he deem it irrelevant to the case <>r tending to delay the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings. Evidence so rejected by the judge may be reproduced in the oral trial, but against his decision there shall be no other recourse than a reexamination of the case [reewso reposid&ri). VI. The judge shall, however, admit all evidence and employ all mean- tending to establish facts, proof of which may show the imme- diate necessity of issuing a warrant for the prosecution, or of anulling one already issued, or of issuing a writ ordering the imprisonment or the release of the defendant. Against the decision of the judge, refusing to admit such evidence or to employ sueh means, no other recourse shall be granted than that of reexamination (recurso de repo- sicion), but the fact of his not having employed them shall be sufficient reason for the court to set aside the order announcing the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings. If the accused remain in prison for a longer period than he other- wise should have done, in consequence of the judge's refusal to admit the evidence or to employ the means above mentioned, should they bear upon the release of the accused, the judge shall be subject to dis- ciplinary correction. For the first offense this shall be "simple admonition " {reprt mion simple)] for subsequent offenses the judge shall be subject to "qualified admonition" (reprension calijicada), according to the provisions of article 396 et seq. of The Digest (Compilacion). VII. In any case in which the preliminary proceedings may have lasted more than one month after the issuing of a warrant of prose- cution, the judge Bhall take such measures only as should have been ordered within the said period, after the lapse of which, further pre- liminary proceedings can neither be demanded nor ordered de oficio. The judge shall be held strictly responsible that all proceedings be concluded in the briefest period possible. VIII. During the preliminary proceedings no summons, requisi- tion, or notification shall be served on any of the parties for any pur- pose, except on the judge's express order, or unless such action be required by law. The parties or their counsel, as well as the fiscal, may at any time acquaint themselves with the state of the preliminary proceedings, and be present during the progress of the same. IX. The first two paragraphs of article 529 of the Law of Criminal Procedure are amended to read as follows: "The defendant shall have the right to the benefit of hail, provided he is charged with an offense included under the definition of minor 283 definicion que el articulo 6.° del Codigo Penal da de los " delltos menos graves." Si el procesado por uno de estos .delitos no hubiere coin- parecido, sin motivo legitimo, al primer llamamiento de la autoridad judicial, estani en las facultades discrecionales del juez instructor el admitirle 6 no, el beneticio de la libertad bajo tianza. En el auto en que el juez decretare la tianza, tijara la calidad y can- tidad de la que se hubiere de prestar. X. En consecuencia de lo dispuesto en el precedente articulo. so entenderan introducidas las subsiguientes modificaciones en los textos que a continuacion se citan de la propia Ley en Enjuiciamiento Criminal: Inciso 2.° del articulo 492: " Al que estuvicre procesado por delito que segun el Codigo Penal mereciere la denomination de 'delito grave.'" Circunstancia 2. a del articulo 503: "Que este delito sea de los llama- dos por el Codigo Penal 'delitos graves' 6 bien que. aim cuando sea de los 'delitos menos graves' considere el juez oecesaria la pritdon provisional, atendidas las circunstancias del hecbo y los antecedentes del procesado, hasta que preste la fianza que le senale." Parrafo 2.° del articulo 504: " No obstante lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior, aunque el hecho que motiva la causa aparezea como constitu- tivo de 'delito grave,' cuando el procesado tenga buenos antecedentes 6 se pueda creer fundadamente que no tratara de sustmerse a la accion de la justicia, y cuando ademas el delito no haya producido alarma ni sea de los que se cometan con frecuencia en el territorio de la respec- tiva provincia, podra el juez 6 tribunal acordar, mediante fianza, la libertad del inculpado." XI. Cuando el procesado interpusiere apelaeion contra el auto en que su excarcelacion ha sido denegada, el testimonio que debe remitirse a la audiencia se expedira en termino preciso de cinco dias. Si los lugares que han de testimoniarse ocuparen mas tic cien folios del sumario, podra aumentarse este termino en un dia por cada \einte folios 6 fraccion de veintc. El juez accedera" a que en el testimonio se incluyan todos los lugares que solicitare el apelante y resolverf segun su prudente arbitrio acerca de los senaladoa por la acusaoi6n privada 6 el fiscal. Podra tamhien sefialarlos de oticio. XII. Las apelaciones a <\uo se refiere el articulo anterior se sustan- cianin con sujeci6n a las reglas siguientes: L." Transcurrido el termino del emplazamiento, si se hubiere per- sonado el apelante, la sala senators' para la vista o\ quinta dia, precisa- mente. posterior a aquel en que el expresado termino hubiere \rencido v para el efecto <.le este senalamiento, todos los dias se reputardn lial tiles. offenses, given in article 6 of the Penal Code. It' a person indicted for one of these offenses should, without good reason, fail to appear at the first call of the judicial authority, the examining judge shall have discretionary power to grant <>r to refuse him the benefit of baiL In the decree by which the judge orders the bail, its character and amount shall be stated." X. In consequence of the provisions <»t' the preceding article, the following modifications shall be made in the text of the paragraphs of the Law of Criminal Procedure, specified below: Paragraph 2 of article t92. ''Persons who may be undergoing trial for a grave offense, as defined by the Penal Code." Paragraph 2 of article 503. ■'That this offense be included in those termed grave in the Penal Code, or when, even though it be a minor offense, the judge, considering- the circumstances of the case, and the antecedents of the act used, may consider his provisional confinement necessary until he shall give the bail required." Paragraph 2 of article 504. "Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding article, although the act giving rise to the case appears to constitute a grave offense, when the defendant shall have good antecedents, or it may for good reason be believed that he will not attempt to evade justice, or when the crime may not have produced alarm, or where it is not one frequently committed in the territory of the province, the judge or court may release the accused on bail." XI. In case of an appeal on the part of the accused, against the older denying his release, the attested copy of the proceedings, which must be submitted to the audiencia, shall be forwarded within a period of live days. If the said copy should cover more than one hundred folio- of the preliminary proceedings, the period maybe extended one day for each twenty folios or parts thereof. The judge shall allow to he added to the aforesaid copy any extracts of the proceedings which the appellant may ask for. and shall determine, in his discretion, the advisability of including the statement or statements, which the par- tie- making the accusation, or the fiscal, may wish to have added thereto. He may likewise forward, p'cio, such part of the pro- ceedings as he may deem proper. XII. The appeals referred to in the preceding article shall be con- tinued, in conformity with the following rules: 1. The period above prescribed having elapsed, if the appellant shall have duly appeared, the court shall appoint the tilth day after it- expi- ration for the hearing. In this computation holidays will he included. 284 2. a El testimonio estara de manifiesto a las partes dentro de eaoe cinco dias, improrrogables, para que tonien de el la aecesaria instruc- cion; pero no se hara entrega del misiiio a ninguna. 3. a La sentencia debera dictarse, a mas tardar, al dfa siguiente de haberse ^erificado la vista. 4. a Esta no Be suspenders', por ningiin motive XIII. Los articulos del t!2() al 633, ambos inclusive, de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, se entendenin moditicados en lo sucesivo de la manera siguiente: "Articulo 626. Fuera de los casos previstos en los dos articulos anteriores, el tribunal que reciba los autos y piezas de conviceion se limitara a la apertura de los pliegos y demas objetos cerrados y sella- dos que hubiere remitido el juez de instruccion, extendiendose acta de la apertura por el secretario, en la cual se hara constar el estado en que dichos pliegos y objetos se hallaren. "Articulo 627. Verificado lo dispuesto en el articulo precedente, 6 desde que se reciban los autos si no fuera precisa tal diligencia, el tri- bunal mandara entregar dichos autos para instruction al ministerio fiscal, si la causa versa sobre delito en que el deba intervenir. y despuea a, la representacion del querellante si se hubiese personado. "El termino para dicha instruccion no bajara de tres dias ni excederf de diez, segiin el volumen del proceso. Si este excediere de mil folios el tribunal podra prorrogarlo hasta un maximum de quince dias. "Articulo 628. El tribunal al mandar entregar la causa, dispondra lo que considere conveniente para que el fiscal 6 el querellante en su C880, puedan examinar la correspondencia, libros, papeles y demas piezas de conviccion, sin peligro de alteraeion de su estado. "Articulo 629. Al devolver la causa, el fiscal 6 el querellante par- ticular, lo haran acompanando escrito en el que expresaran — "1.° Si estiman que debe aprobarse el auto de terminacion del sumario 6 si solicitan su revocaci6n y la devoluci6n de la causa al juez instructor para la practica de diligencias sumariales, no siendo posible que el tribunal acuerde esta devolucion, sino cuando se pidan diligen- cias de aquellas ;i que se refiere el articulo V de este decreto, u otras cuyo resultado pueda presumirse racionaJmente que oaya de tener influencia atendible en la calificaci6n de los hechos. u 2.° Si estuvieren conformes con el auto que declara terminado el sumario, expresaran si estiman que debe abrirse el juicio oral 6 si creen que debe dictarse en la causa auto de sobreseimiento, indioando en este 2*4 •2. In order thai they may have all necessary information, the parties may. daring the said five days, have free access to the attested copy, hut they shall not be allowed to retain the same, nor shall the period of five days be Bubjecl to extension. 3. Tin' decision shall lie announced, at the latest, on the day follow- ing the hearing <>( the appeal. 4. The hearing shall not be Bospended on any accounl whatever. XIII. Articles 626 to 633, both inclusive, of the Law of Criminal Procedure are modified to read as follows: "Article 626. Excepting the cases provided for in the two preced- ing article.-, the court which received the records and exhibits in a ease shall limit itself to opening the parcels, and other (dosed and sealed packages which may have been sent by the examining judge, record being made of such opening by the secretary, in which shall be Bel forth the condition in which such parcels and packages may be found. "Article 627. The provisions of the preceding article having been complied with, or as .soon as the record is received in case the action therein prescribed should not be necessary, the court will order it to be delivered to the fiscal for instruction, if the case should involve an offense in which his action is required, and afterward to the represent- ative of the complainant, if he should have appeared. "The period for such vmtruccion shall not be less than three days Hor moie than ten. according to the volume of the proceedings. If this Bhould exceed one thousand folios, the court may extend the time to a maximum of fifteen days. "Article 628. The court, upon ordering up the case, shall give such directions a- it may consider proper, in order that the fiscal or the complainant may examine the correspondence, books, papers, and other exhibit-, without danger of alteration in their condition. "Article 629. Upon returning tin 1 case, the fiscal or private com- plainant shall accompany it by a communication in writing, which shall state: "1. If they are of opinion that the order dosing the preliminary proceeding- should be approved, or if they solicit its revocation, and the return f stay should be declared, and in which paragraph «>t' articles 637 and 641 it is included. ■•.".. If the opening of the trial be solicited, legal determination of the offense committed shall I lesel forth in the same document, and the proofs presented, according to tin- provisions of articles 650 ,/ seq. "Article »;:'><». The proceedings having been returned by the fiscal or private accuser, as the case may be, the court shall decide, taking into consideration each of the three cases referred to iu the preceding article. Against the part of this decision which decides, with respect to the continuation or revocation of the order, declaring the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings, there shall he no recourse whatever. " If the said order he revoked, the proceedings shall be returned to the judge who may have forwarded them, specifying the proceedings accessary to he taken. There will also he returned such exhibits as the court considers necessary for the continuance of new proceedings in the case. "Article 631. If any of the parties making accusation request solely the revocation of the decree ordering the termination of preliminary proceedings, the court shall limit itself to deciding with respect to the request made. If it is denied, the court will order that the records he returned to such parties for a period of five days, in order that they may make such remarks as they deem proper, relative to the stay, opening of the trial, qualification, and proof. If stay only be solicited, the court will then act upon this request, in accordance with the pro- visions of article 644, and if. finally, the opening of the oral trial be declared, the records shall again he placed in the hands of the accusing parties, for a period of three days only, even though the provisional qualification and proof may not have been formulated. In every case in which a private accuser should solicit suspension of the proceedings, the court shall consider that he lias abandoned the prosecution, and shall continue the case thereafter without further notifying him or hearing him. "Article 632. When there may have been a merely civil actor in the ease, he will be informed of the proceedings after the decision referred to m article •">:!" has been made, if the oral trial should have been opened, and the qualification by the accusing parties will he considered as made. The term for the civil actor shall he five days only, and he will formulate those conclusions only referred to in the last two para- graphs of article b'50. These conclusions having been formulated, or if there should have been no civil actor, the qualification having been made by the fiscal, or by a private accuser, articles 652 el seq. shall be complied with. The period referred to in article 652 shall he live days, which may I"' extended to ten. if the volume of the record of preliminary proceed- ings exceed one thousand folios. 286 "Articulo 633. No sera* obstaculo a la apertura del juicio oral, el que en la causa no se hubiere llegado a dictar auto de procesamiento. En estos casos mientras haya parte acusadora, que sostenga la aeci6n criminal contra determinada persona, esta sera considerada como "acusado" y a peticion del que la acusa, se abrira contra el inismo, el juicio oral. El tribunal ordenara se le requiera para que en el tennino improrrogable de diez dias constituya representaeion en la causa, designando un abogado defensor, apercibiendole de que. si asi no lo hiciere, se le nombrara representante y abogado de oticio. Una vez constituida esta representaeion, se procedera como lo ordenan Los artieulos 052 y siguientes. En estos casos, el acusado no procesado no tendra obligacion de compareeer personalmente al juicio oral, que podni eel ebrarse con solo la asistencia de su representante y let rado defensor." XIV. No se podra dictar sentencia en causa criminal eastigando en ella an delito mas grave que el que haya sido objeto de la aeusacion; ni apreciando la concurrencia de circunstancias agravantes no compren didas en la misma, ni tampoco la participacion de un acusado 6 pro- cesado en concepto que Ueve consigo maj T or gravedad (pic el que la aeusacion hubiere sostenido; ni agravando tampoco en la sentencia ese concepto de la aeusacion, en cuanto a si el delito ha sido consumado, 6 frustrado, 6 mera tentativa. No obstante, el tribunal podra emplear la formula del articulo 733 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, lo cual hara siempre despue*s de terminada la prueba y antes del triimite a que se retiere el articulo 734, as! por lo que respecta a la caliticacion del delito, como por lo cjue se retiere a su earacter de consumado, frustrado 6 tentativa. eonio a la participacion de procesados 6 acusadores, como ii la concurrencia de agravantes, no comprendidas en la aeusacion. Kntonces. con esc anun- cioprevis, el tribunal podni dictar sentencia en los terniinos que estime de justicia y conforme al contenido de la t'ornmla empleada. Esta qo se entendei'a en ningiin caso aplicable a delitos j>rivados. En este sentido se entendera* modificado el citado articulo 733 de la L«y t' the accuser, the trial against him shall be opened. The court will order that within tin- period of ten days, not subject to extension, he shall he required to presenl hi- defense and designate his counsel, and will notify him that if he does not do so his representative and lawyer will he appointed Mayor. Adna R. Chaffee. No. 135. Cuartel General de la Divisi6n de Cuba. Habcma, II d, Agosto d, 1899. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido a bien disponer la publica- cion de la orden siguiente: I. A partirde la publicacion de la presents, en todos aquellos casos en que las leyes de En juiciainiento Civil y Criminal vigentes establezcan terminospara eomparocencias ante el Tribunal Supremo, estos se enten- deran reducidos a diez dias. si 86 tratare de asuntos de que cono/can Las audiencias de Pinardel Rfo, la Elabana, Matanzas j Santa Clara. 6 juzgados comprendidos en estos territorios, \ a* veinte si se tratare de las audiencias 6 juzgados de Puerto Principe y Santiago de Cuba. II. En todos estos casus, cuando diclias lcyes dispusieren la remision de testimonies al tribunal supremo, se remitir&n los autos originales. El Brigadier General, d,j', Mayor. Adn \ K. Chaffee. 287 l'l;<>\ [814 »n \i DISH »8n U >N8, 1. In cases pending :it the publication of tlii- order, in which prose ration may have been directed, the judges shall limit themselves to notifying the parties thai from that time tin- preliminary proceedings shall be public, and they themselves shall thereafter comply with its provisions. 8. [f the preliminary proceedings should already have lasted more than one month, counting from the first warrant of prosecution given in tin 1 case, they may take such action only as has already been din', ted. whether /< 1899. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido a bien disponer la publi- cation de la siguiente orden: En lo sucesivo solo se consideraran dias festivos a todos los et'(>cto^ legales, los siguientes: los Domingos, el dia primero de ano, el Jueves y el Viernes Santos y el dia veinte y cinco de Diciembre. Desde este ultimo dia hasta el dos de Enero vaearan los tribunales y juzgados respecto a todo asunto que no se retiera a juicios de faltas, Lnstrucci6o sumarial y euestiones relativas a excarcelaci6n de procesados, as! como al registro civil. A'/ llrhjiulii r (niia'itl, >/< ■/(■ (/> Estado Miii/or. Adna R. Chaffbb. 288 No. L57. Headquarters Division op Cuba, Ha/vana, Septembers, 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the fol- lowing order: In all cases in which the law either of ( nil or of Criminal Procedure shall reserve the decision in any case to the ••court in full" (tribunal en pleno) it shall be understood that from the date of this order the decision of such case shall he made by the section of the court having cognizance thereof. If, either because the ease pending for decision is that of objections taken to the sitting of any of the magistrates or from any other cause, not a sufficient number of magistrates should he left in the court to constitute a legal quorum to decide the case in question, then, if the case be pending before the audiencia in Havana, magistrates of the other sections shall he called in. and in eases pending before the other audiencias or before the Supreme Court, the substitute justices shall be called in when necessary to form a legal quorum. Adna R. Chaffee, Brigadu r- Gi neral, Chief of Staff. No. 176. Headquarters Division of Cuba, Havana, September 21, 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the fol- lowing order: Hereafter and for all legal purposes the following only shall becon- sidei ed as holidays: Sundays, the first day of the year (New Year's Day). Holy Thursda} T , Good Friday, and the twenty-fifth day of December (Christmas). From the last-mentioned day (Dec. 25th) to the second day of January tribunals and courts shall suspend business regarding proceedings which do not refer to misdemeanor suits, summary instruc- tion-, cases relating to the release of accused persons, and to civil reg- Ister. Adna I J. Chaffee, Brigadii r- Qi n, /■■//. ( Tiiefof Staff. Is473— ol 37 289 No. 58. Cuaktel General de la Division de Cuba, Habana, 9 de Febrero a\ 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del secretario de jtlsticia, ha tenido a bien disponer la publication de la orden siguiente: I. A partir del 15 de Febrero de 1900, quedara instalado en el edificio conocido por "corte de policia" un juzgado especial que se denominara de guardia y cuya jurisdiccion se concreta ;i lo criminal, y solo durante las horas que medien de las cinco de la tarde de eada dia a las ocho de la nianana del siguiente. II. Ha ran guardia en ese juzgado durante las horas dichas los jueces de instruction y los municipales de la Habana, por turno riguroso que tijara el juez decano. III. Quedan prohibidas las sustituciones en las guardias. a menos que el juez en turno no pudiere servirla por causa de enfermedad, on cuyo caso acreditara ese estado con la debida antelacion ante el juez decano, por medio de certiticacion de dos t'acultativos que jura ran ser cierta la causa alegada. IV. Para la instalacion y cuanto mas se refiere al establecimiento del juzgado de guardia se da por el presente comision bastante al juez decano de la Habana. El Brigadier General de Vokmtarios, Jefe de Estado Miti/<>r, Adna R. Chaffee. No. 152. Cuaktel General de i.a Division or. Cuba, Habana, W a\ AbrU d. 1900. Kl Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido ;i bien disponer la publi- caci6n de la siguiente orden: I. Lacortede policia 6 tribunal correccional que existeen laCiudad de la KLabana bajo las 6rdenea del gobernador militar de la misma, continual en el ejercicio de sua funciones con la jurisdicci6n territo- rial que corresponde :'i la policia de la Eiabana. II. EDste tribunal queda autorizado para conocer, juzgar y castig&r las faltas contra las personas y contra el orden publico. 289 No. ~» s . I 1 1: \i>< •! \i:i i BS I M\ [8IOK OF ( JUBA, Havana, February 9th, 1000. The Military Governor <>f Cuba, upon the recommendation <>t' the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. On and after the L5th day of February, L900, there shall be estab- lished in the building known as the "police court"" a special court, to be designated " juzgado de guardia." The jurisdiction of this couii shall be limited to criminal matters, and it shall hold its session only between the hours of 5 o'clock p. m. each day. and 8 o'clock a. m. of the day following. II. The judges of instruction and the municipal judges of Havana shall sit in this court, consecutively, strictly in the order fixed by the dean among said judges, during the aforesaid hours. III. All substitution of judges in holding this court are prohibited, unless the judge whose turn it is to sit may not be able to serve on account of sickness, in which case his inability to serve must be attested beforehand, in proper time before the dean, by sworn certificate signed by two physicians as to the cause thereof. IV '. The dean of the judges of Havana will have charge of the instal- lation of this court and make such arrangements relative to its estab- lishment as may be necessary. A.dna R. Chaffee, Brigadier- General, U. S.Vols., Chief 'of Staff \ No. 152. Headquarters Division of Cuba, Havana, April 10, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the fol- lowing order: I. The police or correctional court existing in the city of Havana under orders of the Military Governor of Havana is hereby continued in force and operation with territorial jurisdiction coincident with that of the Havana police. II. This court is authorized to take cognizance of. to try, and to punish all offenses known as "jfaltas" and all minor breaches of the peace. 290 III. Tambien tendra jurisdiccion para juzgar y castigar '\ los autoree de toda publication inmoral li obscena y a los quo le den publicidad a sabiendas; y asimismo para juzgar y castigar a los autores y a los que le den publicidad a sabiendas de cualquier manifestacion falsa, maligna 6 infamante, sea hecha por medio de la imprenta, por escrito u oralmente, que tienda a injuriar gravemente la reputacion de otra persona 6 su posicion social, 6 su vida proiesional u oticial, siempre que preceda la correspondiente querella de la persona agraviada 6 injuriada. Lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior no impide que si la persona agraviada 6 injuriada lo prefiera, pueda presentar su querella ante el tribunal ordinario con jurisdiccion para conocer del caso. IV. Este tribunal queda autorizado para imponer penas que no pasen de treinta dias de arresto 6 multas que no excedan de treinta pesos, o ambas penalidades al criterio del tribunal. V. Queda tambien autorizado este tribunal para dictar niandamien- tos de arresto, ordenes de registro, citaciones y demas providencias que sean necesarias para que el tribunal pueda llenar debidamente las funciones de su cargo. VI. Los juicios seran orales y sumarios para los cargos } T descargos segun la practica vigente. VII. Los mandamientos, ordenes, citaciones y demas providencias de este tribunal se cursaran por medio de la policia municipal do la Habana; y el departamento de policia de esta ciudad coadyuvani en todo lo que fuere preciso para el exacto cumplimiento de las funciones de este tribunal. VIII. Cuando se establezcan en toda la isla los tribunales correc- cionales que estan actualmente en proyecto, el presente tribunal se adaptara al sistema propuesto, y sus poderes y funciones se ajustaran al mismo. IX. Todos los decretos, ordenes y dem;is disposiciones que en todo 6 en parte contravengan las prescripciones de esta order) quedan sin efecto dentro de la jurisdiccion territorial de este tribunal. El Brigadier- General <1< Vbluntario8 y Jefi Estado Mayor, Adna K. Chaffee. No. L66. Ci \i:ri.r General de i..\ Divi8i6n de Cuba, Habana, 88 de Abril d\ 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, ;i propuesta del secretario «1«' jus- ticia, ha tenido :i bien dispone!' la publicaci6n de la siguiente orden: I. A partir de la fecha try and t<> punish the authors and publishers of all i in mora I or obscene publications, and also, on the complaint of the aggrieved <>r injured person, to try and to punish t In • authors and publishers of any False, malicious, or scandalous statement, whether printed, written, or oral, which may tend to Beri- ously injure the reputation of another or his or her standing in the community or in professional or official life. Nothing contained in the foregoing paragraph shall prevent the aggrieved or injured person from making his complaint to any other court in cases where such court may have jurisdiction. IV . This court is authorized to impose sentences not to exceed thirty days imprisonment or tines not to exceed thirty dollars or both, at the discretion of the judge. V. This court is further authorized to issue warrants of arrest, search warrants and subpoenas, and all processes necessary for the proper conduct of the court. VI. Trials shall be oral and summary as at present conducted. VII. All papers and orders shall be seryed by the police of the municipality of Havana, and the police department of the city of Havana will cooperate with this court in all that may be necessary for it to properly perform its duties. VII I. Upon the establishment throughout the island of the correc- tional courts now r under consideration, this court will he incorporated in the proposed system and its powers and functions made to cor- respond thereto. IX. All laws, orders, or parts of laws or orders, in conflict with this order are suspended within the territorial jurisdiction of this court. Adna R. Chaffee, Brigadier- General, U. S. Vols., Chief of Staff . No. im. Headquarters Division of Cuba, Havana, April 23, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. The intervention of solicitors in the courts and tribunals of this island shall cease to l»e obligatory from the date of the publication of this order. The interested party or parties may appear in person or 291 por medio de representante, que podrii ser un procurador, 6 el abogado que las dirija, u otra persona que se halle en el disfrute de sua derecho civiles y sepa Leer y escribir el idioma castellano. II. Ed los juicios de caraeter civil deberan Los mandatarios presentar eseritura de poder bastante, conforme a lo dispuesto en el articulo 3.° de la Lev dt 1 Enjuiciainiento Civil vigente. En las causas criminales bastara euando se trate del procesado, que este haga la designaciou 6 nombramiento en los autos. En defecto de aceptacion expresa, en este ultimo easo, lo demostrara la comparecencia del designado en nombre del procesado. III. Sevan aplieables a todos los representantes en fuicio las dispo- siciones contenidas en los articulos 5, 6, 9, 191 y 198 de la Ley de Enjui- ciainiento Civil, cxcepto el inciso 5.° del primero de dichos articulos. Para el cobro de su trabajo y reintegro de los gastos que hubiesen hecho, se hace extensiva d todo representante de las partes el uso de la via privilegiada que concede a los procuradores el articulo S.°de la citada ley y el 212 de la de Enjuiciamiento Criminal. IV. Todas las providencias, autos y sentencias, se notificaran :i las partes personadas en el juicio 6 a bus representantes conforme a lo dispuesto en los articulos 260, 261, 262, 263 y primer parafo del 264 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil; pero limitandose la copia que debera entregar el actuario, euando se trate de autos y sentencias a los con- siderandos y parte dispositiva de los mismos. V. iC los efectos del articulo que antecede las partes 6 sus repre- sentantes se hallan obligados a acudir al local del juzgado 6 tribunal todos los dias habiles para notiiicarse de las resoluciones que se dicten. VI. Si el litigante 6 su representante euando no es este procurador no acudiere a notiiicarse en el dia en que las resoluciones se dicten, el actuario al siguiente, practicara dicha notiticacion fijando copia de la resolncion en la tablilla del juzgado 6 tribunal, consignando a su pie que por ese medio se hace la notiticacion al Litigante 6 inaiulatario de que se trate a causa de no haber acudido a notiiicarse, y expresando la fecha de la fijacion. VII. Las copias indicadas permanecerdn expuestas por todo el ter- niino dentro del enal pueda interponersi 1 algnn recurso Legal contra la resolncion en ella contenida. Trascurrido dicho termino se procedera a agregar la copia :i los autos de su referenda eon note del actuario expresiva «l<' la fecha y hora en que la haya quitado de la tablilla. VIII. Realizada una 6 mas ootificaciones, citaciones, etc.. en la forma que sefiala el articulo V I dc esta orden. el actuario se lialla obligado a entregar al juez 6 tribunal, en el propio dia ([ne lo efectue, una rela eion suinaria de ai|iicllas. expresando los asuntos en que 86 Imbicren dictado las resoluciones. la nat male/a de estas. sit parte dispositiva y el nombre de las partes 6 el de sus representantes, :i quienes se liayan becho las notilicaciones en esa forma. El juez o tribunal coinprobara 291 through representatives; the latter may be a solicitor, the lawyer in charge of the case, or an\ other person who enjoys civil rights and who can read ami write the Spanish language. II. In civil suits the representative must -how a proper power of attorney, in accordance with the pro^ isions of article ; '-rt' the proceedings. In tin- latter case, in default of expressed acceptance, the appearance for the accused of the person mentioned will be considered as his acceptance. III. Said representatives shall be subject to the provisions of articles 5,6,9, L94, and L98 of the Law of Civil Procedure, excepting par. 5th of the first of said articles. For collection of paymenl for their work and reimbursement of the expenses they may incur, all representatives of the parties shall enjoy the privileged proceedings granted to solicit- ors by article 8 of the aforementioned law and article 24.? of the Law of Criminal Procedure. IV. The parties or their representatives shall be notified of all the rulings of the court, decrees and sentences, in accordance with the provisions of articles 260, 261, 262, 263 and the firsi paragraph of art. 264 of the Law of Civil Procedure; but the clerk of the court (actuario), whose duty it will be to furnish such copies, shall limit the same to the considt remdos and decisions whenever decrees and sentences are alone concerned. V. In accordance with the preceding article the parties or their representatives must proceed to the court of tribunal every day (except Sundays and holidays) to be notified of the decisions rendered. VI. If the party or hi- representative, whenever the latter is not a solicitor, should fail to appear at the court on the day when the deci- sions are given out, the clerk of the court shall, on the day following, post a copy of said decisions upon the bulletin of the court, adding thereto the date of the posting and a statement that said notification is made to the parties or their representatives in this manner because of their failure to appear. VII. The hereinbefore mentioned copies shall remain posted for the whole period within which any Legal appeal may he tiled against the decision. After said period, the copy shall be added to the proceed- ings of the case, with the clerk of the court's note thereon stating the day and hour it was removed from the bulletin. VIII. After one or more notifications, summon-, etc.. as indicated in Article VI of this order, the clerk of the court shall deliver to the judge or tribunal, upon the very day of drawing them up, a summary report of the above, stating the matters upon which decisions have been rendered, the character of the latter, the contents of -aid deci- sions and the names of the parties or the representatives who have been notified in the manner prescribed. The judge or court -hall \ erif\ the 292 la exactitud de la relacion del actuario y asi lo hard constar al pie de la misma, que conservarfi en su poder. IX. Todo litigante 6 au pepresentante, cuando hubiere acudido a notificarse y no lo hubiese sido, tendra derecho a obtener del actuario y solamente en esa oportunidad, una certiticacion suscinta relativa a haber acudido al local del juzgado 6 tribunal, con expresion del dia y de la hora en que lo hubiere efectuado y de habersele manifestado que no existia resolucion alguna que debiera serle notificada. X. Toda duda que se relacione con el hecho de la notificacion en la formaque se expresaenel articulo VI .se resolve ni, sin ulterior recurso, y salvo lo diapuesto en el parrafo siguiente, con el resultado que arroje la relacion que consigna el articulo VIII. Toda duda sobre asistencia de un litigante 6 su representante en determinado dia local del juz- gado 6 tribunal con objeto de notificarse se dirimira sin ulterior recurso por medio del certificado que senala el articulo anterior. XI. Respecto si las notificaciones que deban hacerse ii personas que no scan partes en el juicio, 6 ii quienes por disposicion de la ley se lea haya de hacer personalmente se observar&n los preceptos de los articulos 266, 267, 268 y 269 de la citada Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. XII. Las partes que se valgan de procurador para litigar no po- dran exigir de las contrarias, en caso de condena de costas, los derechoa de aquel, que ser&n siempre de cargo del que utiliza sus servicios. XIII. Las regulaciones de costas se practicaran por los actuaries sin devengar derechos por esa operation. XIV. La entrega de autos en los casos en que deba verificarse, se hai'a a los procuradores si intervinieren en el juicio, y en otro caso ;i los abogados mediante recibo que el actuario extendera expresivo de los folios que contengan los autos. XV. En los casos de omitir alguna de las partes las copias de an escrito 6 doeumento, sin perjuicio de practicarse lo que previene el articulo 517 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, serf potestative a las partes que debieran reciber dichas copias. renunciar a las mismas, expresdndole asi por medio de an escrito 6 en una comparecencia. XVI. Desde la fecha en que comience a regir esta orden, dejaran de hacerse aombramientoa de procuradorea de oficio; y cuando los procesadoa qo hubieaen hecho Qombramientos de defensor y se lea proveyese <\c abogados de pobrea se entenderan con eatoa todaa las diligencias de la causa. XVII. A partir de la misma fecha oesardn en sus cargos los tasa- dores de costas \ <■! repartidorde negocios civiles de la audienoia de la Habana. El Brigadier- General cU Volv/nta/rios, Jefi obtain, but only in such cases, from thf clerk of the court, a brief certificate stating date and hour of said appearance at said court or tribunal, and that he was informed of the nonexistence of any decisions whereof he had to he notified. X. Any doubts connected with the act of the notification in the man- ner provided for in Article VI shall be decided without further appeal, and excepting however the provisions of the following paragraph, together with the results that may arise from the report mentioned in Article VIII. Any doubts relating to the appearance of the party or Ids representative upon a certain day at the court or tribunal for the purpose of being notified shall be decided without further appeal, by means of the certificate mentioned in Article IX. XI. In regard to notifications to persons, other than parties to the .suit, or to whom by law they must he made personally, the provisions of articles 266, 267, 2^. aixl 269 «,f the Law of Civil Procedure shall be observed. XII. The fees of solicitors shall always be paid by the parties employ- ing them in the suit, and shall not be imposed upon parties condemned to pay the costs. XIII. The amount of the costs shall be fixed by the clerk of the court, free of charge. XIV. The record of the proceedings, whenever delivery of same is to be made, shall be handed to the solicitor in case of his taking- part in the suit, otherwise to the lawyer, in return for a receipt which the clerk of the court shall draw up. stating therein the number of folios contained in said record. XV. Whenever any one of the parties may have omitted the eopy of any petition or document, without detriment to what is provided for in art. 517 of the Law of Civil Procedure, the parties who were to receive said copy may waive their right thereto by making written or verbal statement to that effect to the court. XVI. From the date of the enforcement of this order, no further solicitors d\ qficio shall he appointed; and whenever the accused may have failed to appoint counsel and a lawyer for paupers (abogado de jKthrrs) he appointed for his defense, the former shall he instructed with the proceedings of the case. XVII. From the date of this order the offices of appraiser of costs (tasadoree \ ( Ihappee, Brigadier- General, < . - s '. Vols., Chief of Staff. 293 No. 181. Cuartel General de la Di\ tsiun db Cuba, Hcfiama, SO & AhrU de 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba. a propuesta del secretario de jua- ticia. ordena la publicacion de la siguiente orden: I. Las tasaciones y diligencias paraelcobrodecostas&que Be refieren los articulos 242, '243, y 244 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, no tendran lugar cuando conste acreditada en el expediente respectivo la insolvencia del reo, excepto si alguna de las partes lo solicitare. II. El auto en que los jueces decreten la prision provisional de un acusado habra de ser siempre fundado. III. Las requisitorias de que tratan los artieulos 512 y S38, se hanin librando oficio al gobernador civil de la provincia en que radique el juzgado instructor para que este lo circule a los dermis gobernadores, pidiendoles la insercion de la requisitoria en el periodico oficial de la provincia. Los gobernadores circularan la requisitoria a los emplea- dosde policia de la provincia. En autos do se pondra constancia mas que del primer ofieio de que se haee aqui meneion; y en el caso de exis- tir otros procesados no se esperara el resultado de la requisitoria para declarar terminado el sumario. IV. La remision del sumario de que trata el articulo 622 se hard directamente al fiscal de la audiencia. Las piezas de eonviecion las retendra el Juez y cuando se continue por la audiencia el auto de terminacion mandara al mismo tiempo elevar las piezas. V. La consulta a que se refiere el articulo 624 se hara remitiendo siempre la causa al fiscal, el cual cxaminara el sumario y encontran- dolo completo lopasara al tribunal con escritopidiendoloqueproceda. Si solicita apertura del juicio formulara conclusiones. El querellante tendra los autos por igual termino que el fiscal, y si no lo utiliza se tendra* por decaido su derecho. Si el fiscal no encontrare completo el sumario requerira directa- mente al juez de\<)l\iendole la causa, para quepractique las diligencias omitidas. Si el querellante pidiere diligencia, la sala resolved sin ulterior recurso, ordenando al juez l<> oecesario, si asi lo acordare, con devoluci6n del 3umario. VI. I'd articulo 632 de la Lev de Procedimien to Criminal, alterado va por el articulo XIII de la Orden No. 109 del cuartel general, Division deCuba, fecheda en Julio L3 de L899, se modifies en la forma siguiente: "Art. 632. Cuando en la causa hubiese actor, meramente civil, sele comunicaran los autos despm's de dictada la i*esoluci6n :i que Be refiere 298 No. L81. Ill \i>< ,.i \i; i ERA 1 >l\ IHiiN OF ( i BA, Havana, April -J". 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. The appraisements and proceedings for the collection <>f costs referred to in articles 242, 243, and 244 of the Law of Criminal Pro- cedure shall not take place whenever it be shown in the respective record that the prisoner is insolvent, unless one of tin* parties request said measures. II. The order which the judge issues for the provisional detention of the accused must state the legal grounds for said detention. III. The summons referred to in articles 512 and 838, must be made by communication to the Civil Governor of the Province wherein the court of instruecion is located, for transmittal to the other governors, together with a request that they have the same published in the official organ of the Province. Said Governors shall transmit the summons to the Police officials of the Province. In the records, only the first communication mentioned above shall appear, and if there should he other persons indicted, the result of the sum- mons -hall not he waited for. in order to declare the ending of the Bummary proceedings. IV. The transmittal of the summary proceedings referred to in article \V2*1 must he direct to the fiscal of the audienciu. The instru- ments of the crime shall be retained by the judge, and the order of the audiencia which confirms tin 1 (dosing of the proceedings shall also provide that -aid instruments he forwarded. V. The submittal of the (dosing of the records referred to in article 624 -hall always be effected by forwarding the case to the fiscal, who will examine the summary and upon finding it complete will transmit it to the court with whatever request in writing he may deem proper. If he asks for the opening of the trial, he will issue his statement. The complainant shall have t he original records as Long as the fiscal, and if he does not act within said period he shall forfeit his right. If the fiscal should not find the summary complete, he shall directly require the judge, returning the case to him, to take whatever steps may have been omitted in the premises. If the complainant ask for further measures, the sala shall render decision without further appeal therefrom, and if it agree to tin 1 above, it shall direct the judge to take proper action, returning to him the summary proceedings. VI. Article 632 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, modified by Article XIII of Order No. L09, Headquarters Division of Cuba, dated July 13, L899, is amended to read as follows: "Article 632. Where there may he a merely civil actor in the case, he will he informed of the proceedings after the decision referred to 294 el articulo 630, si en esta se hubiere abierto el juicio oral y tenida por hecha la calificacion de las partes acusadoras. El termino para el actor civil serd solo de cinco dias y formulara conclusiones unicamente en cuanto a los dos ultimos puntos del articulo 650- Formuladas estas conclusiones, 6, si no hubiere actor civil, hecha la calificaci6n por el fiscal 6 acusador privado, se entregara copia de la calificacion y de las conclusiones. si las hubiere, a los acusados y a las terceras personas responsables civilmente, con el fin de que puedan, dentro del termino de cinco dias; para cada uno, expresar, en conclusiones numeradas en correlation con las respectivas caliticaciones. su coniormidad 6 incon- formidad con cada una de ellas y en caso de inconformidad consignar los puntos de divergeneia. "Durante esos cinco dias para cada parte, estaran de manifiesto en la secretaria del tribunal los autos, correspondencia, libros, papeles y demas documentos fehacientes, nombrando dicho tribunal abogadoe a los acusados 6 terceras personas responsables civilmente si no los tuvieren. U E1 termino de los cinco dias es improrrogable excepto si se alegare bajo juramento justa excusa a juicio del tribunal en cuyo caso podni prorrogar el periodo para examen de los autos por otros cinco dias a lo sumo. Si hubieren de formularse conclusiones por mas de dos pr<>- cesados 6 personas responsables civilmente, el termino sera de diez dias comunes, para todos prorrogable por otros cinco. Si fueren mas de cuatro, el termino sera de quince dias. prorrogable a veinte." VII. En vez de la sentencia con los requisites del articulo 142. puede la sala hacer constar en la misma acta de ratiticacion que por virtud de su conformidad se condena al acusado a las penas pedidas por la acusa- cion, pudiendo tambien subsanar errores del fiscal, si con ello se favorece al reo, asi como suplir omisiones en materia de costas, penas accesorias 6 cualquiera otra clase de responsabilidades. El cumpli- miento de esta resolucion no se, dclegara nunca a los jueces, se comu- nicara al registro general de penados <'> al juex. mientras a^uel se cree, formandoseun Libro especial en Las audiencias con certificaci6n de las sentencias. Cuandoalgun procesado se conforme con la pena se resolver^ respecto a cl, sin perjuicio de coiitiiiuar el procediiniento contra los que no se conformaren. Quedan modificados los articulos 655, 0'.'4. Ct'.tT y 795, en la forma expresada en este n6mero, respecto nl modo de imponer la candena, cumplirla y bacerla constar. VIII. En las lislas de (esligos a (pie 86 reliere el articulo il.'>7 86 expresara, sin que se descienda :i an formulario de interrogatorio, el punto 6 puntos principales sobre que ha de 7ersar la declaraci6n del testigo, para que la sala pueda juzgar sobre la pertinencia 6 imperti- 294 in article t'>-"> (| has been made, if the oral trial should have been opened and the qualification by the accusing parties be considered as made. The term for the en il actor shall be five days only, and he \\ ill formu- late conclusions, only with reference to the la^t tu<> cases mentioned in article 650. These conclusions having been formulated, <>r if I here should be no civil actor, the qualification having been made by the fiscal or by a private accuser, a copy of the qualification and of the state- ments, it' there be any. shall t>c given to the accused and to the third parties civilly responsible, in order that they may. within the period of five 'lay- for each one. express in numbered statements correspond- ing to the respective qualifications, their approval or disapproval of any of these, and in the latter case to state upon what points there is difference of opinion. ••Dunne- these five days for each and every party, the records, cor- respondence, books ami papers, and other reliable documents shall be .shown in the office of the secretary of the court. Said court shall appoint counsel for the accused or third parties civilly responsible, if they should have none. "The five days can not he extended except there be alleged under oath some cause admitted by the court, in which case the period may be extended live days more at most, for examination of the records. Should conclusions have to be formulated by more than two accused or parties civilly responsible, the period shall be of ten days common to all. and the extension of rive days. If there be more than four, the period shall be of fifteen da} r s which may be extended to twenty." VII. Instead of the sentence with the requirements of article 142, the sala can state in the record of ratification that by virtue of its con- currence the accused is condemned to the penalties asked for by the accusation, and errors of the fiscal may also be corrected (if this action be favorable to the accused), omissions may be supplied, and accessory penalties or other kinds of responsibility can be added. The fulfill- ment of this provision shall never be delegated to the judges: it must be communicated to the general registry of prisoners, or to the judge, pending the creation of said office, a special book being formed in the audiencias with the certified copies of sentences. Whenever any indicted person agrees to the penalty called for, action shall be taken in regard to him, without prejudice to the con- tinuation of the proceedings against those who may not so agree. Articles 655, 694, 697, and 795 are amended in the manner specified in this article in regard to the process of imposing the penalty, serv- ing the sentence, and making record of same. VIII. Without introducing a form of interrogatives in the lists of witnesses referred to in article 657, they shall show the principal point or points of the deposition to be made by the witness in order that the sala may decide as to the relevancy or otherwise of the evi 295 nencia de la prueba. En cuanto al numero de testigos Be estara a lo quo dispone el articulo 644 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, corriendo su prosentacion a cargo de la parte y lo misnio las indernnizaciones que deban abonarse. IX. El articulo 658 y los niimeros 4 y 5 del articulo 746 de la Ley do Procedimiento Criminal se modilican de la manera siguiente: Articulo 658. Presentados los escritos de ealificacion que cl tribunal exigirii dentro del termino legal, se dictara auto sin mas demora, sobre admision de las pruebas, cumpliendose las prescripciones del articulo 659, pero el termino para comenzar el juicio oral no excedera de vointo dias. a menos que haya fundadas razones que deberan ser justificadas al tribunal. X. La utilizacion de testigos que residan temporal 6 permanente- mente en el extranjero se hara permitiendo a las partes que, como prueba documental, se lean durante los debates las declaraciones prestadas por dichos testigos en el extranjero siempre que se presenten antes de terminal- las sesiones y el acta que las contenga reuna cuantos requisitos sean del oaso para no dudar de su autenticidad. XL El apremio personal por las multas a que se refiere el articulo 661 sera a razon de un dia de prision por cada tres pesos. Los incisos 4.° y 5.° del articulo 746 quodan modificados on la forma siguiente: "4.° Cuando algiin individuodel tribunal 6 el fiscal 6 el defensor de cualquiera de las partes enfermare repentinamente hasta el punto que no pueda continual" tomando parte en el juicio oral, ni pueda ser reem- plazado el ultimo inmediatamente, se fijara un nuevo dia que no pasara' del decimo; y si aun entonces dicho defensor li otro nombrado por el acusado no pudiere comparecer, el tribunal nombrara uno do oficio y hara bajo su responsabilidad que el juicio se efectiie antes, de los diez dias siguiontes, cuyo termino sera improrrogable. "Cuando haya varios acusados y varios abogados defensores, si alguno de estos abogados dejare do comparecer, el tribunal deberfi en el acto sofialar defensor a aquellos acusados cuyos abogados no hayan comparecido por cualquier motivo entre los abogados presentes ^\o los otros procesados, siempre que no hubiere intereses encontrados. Si los hul)ici-c. se suspendcra cl juicio para dentro de die/, dias :i lo sumo. "5.° Cuando el acusado, no habiondo mis de uno, ostuvioro enfermo (coiiio B6 especifica en el articulo anterior) al cxtnnno que no pudiere asistir al juicio. se suspendcra estc; peio si hubioro niiis dc un proce sado y el tribunal creyese que el juicio puede celebrarse se efectuara" con los que hayan concurrido con bub abogados, sin perjuicio de fijar nueva fecha pam Llevar ;i cabo el de los que no hubieren comparecido. "En todoa los casos de qo comparecencia, el acusado estara obligado 295 dence. The Dumber of witnesses shall be in accordance with the pro- visions of article 644 of the Law of Civil Procedure, and they shall be presented by the party or parties interested and receive from name whatever compensation is to be paid to them. IX. Article 658 and paragraphs \ and 5 of article 746ofthe Law of Criminal Procedure are modified to read as follows: "Article 658. After the exposition of qualification be presented within tlic legal period, as must be required by the court, an order shall be issued without delay in regard to the admission of the evidence, in compliance with the provisions of article 659, but the period to begin the oral trial -hall not exceed twenty -lay-, unless there he well-founded reasons, which must tie justified to the court." X. Parties may avail themselves () f the written deposition of wit- nesses who live temporarily or permanently in foreign countries. Said depositions may he used as documentary evidence during the proceedings, provided they he presented before the end of the sessions, und provided the record containing them conform to all the require- ments in regard to their authenticity. XI. The personal substitution for the fines referred to in article 661 shall he at the rate of one day imprisonment for every three dollars. XII. Paragraphs 4 and 5 of article 7-b'> are modified to read as fol- low-: **4th. Whenever any member of the court or the fiscal or counoel for any of the parties should fall suddenly ill, and not be able to take part in the oral trial, and a substitute can not be found immediately for said counsel, the trial shall be set for another day within the next ten. If -aid counsel or any other appointed by the accused should not he able to appear even then, the court shall appoint one /A aficio(by its own action) and responsibility, in order that the trial may take place within the following ten days, which period shall not be subject to extension. •• Whenever there are several parties accused and several lawyersfor the defense, if any one of -aid lawyers should fail to appear, the court shall appoint counsel for the party or parties accused whose lawyer may have failed to appear for any reason, from among the lawyers present belonging to the other persons under trial, provided there he no opposing interests involved. In the latter ease, the trial will he set within the next ten davs at most. •"5th. Atrial shall be suspended if the party accused, there being but one, be so ill (as specified in the preceding paragraph) as not to be able to appear at the trial; but if there he more than one party accused and the court believes that the trial can go on with the parties and lawyers who may he present, it shall order the trial, setting neverthe- less a new trial for the parties who have not appeared. "In all cases of nonappearance, the accused musl present proof of 296 a probar su enf ermedad, presentando certificaci6n de dos medicos, bajo juramento (cuyo juramento se prestaraante el tribunal 6 ante notario) expresando la clase de enfermedad y su absoluta imposibilidad de asis- tir al juicio. "La fijacion de nuevo dia no pasara de los diez siguientes." XIII. En cualquiera de los casos del articulo 641, al acordarse el sobreseimiento provisional, se revocara el auto de procesamiento. En el caso de que al abrirse de nuevo el proceso subsistieren 6 se reafir- men los indicios de culpabilidad contra el procesado que fue objeto del sobreseimiento. se dictara nuevo auto expresando como fnnda- mento diclia consideration. XIV. Se establecera* en la secretaria de estado y gobernacion un registro general de penados al cual deberan acudir los jueoes por escrito 6 por telegrafo en averiguacion de los antecedentes penales de los reos. El secretario de justicia se pondra de acuerdo con el de estado y gobernacion para la mas pronta instalacion de este registro. XV. Las prescripciones contenidas en el articulo VI de esta orden seran inmediatamente aplicadas a aquellas causas en que ya hayan sido bechas las calificaciones por el fiscal, por el acusador 6 por el actor civil, para cu3 T o fin se haran las copias por el secretario del tribunal dentro de los diez dias subsecuentes a aquel en que se reciba la " Graceta de la Habana" conteniendo esta orden, entregandosc inmediatamente a aquellos que aun no hayan contestado la acusacion con el tin de que asi lo hagan, dentro del periodo especiticado en el articulo 632, reco- giendose los autos del abogado con el tin de que puedan estar de mani- tiesto en la secretaria durante dicho periodo. XVI. Todas las disposiciones legales vigentes que se opongan a esta orden quedan derogadas. El Brigadier- General de Vbluntcerios, Jefi Estado Mayor, Adna R. Chaffee. No. L92. Cdartel General de la Divi8i6n de Cuba, Habana, 9 a\ Mayo dt 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del Becretario de jus- ticia, ordena la publicaci6n de la siguiente orden: Por la presente, »•! articulo LXXJ de la orden No. 92 de este cuartel general, de fecha i't; de Junio > * - reaf- firmed, a new order shall he issued stating -aid consideration. XIV. In the department of state and government a general regis- ter of prisoners shall he opened, to which judges shall refer, either by letter or telegraph, in order to ascertain the antecedents of the pris- oners. The secretary of justice will agree with the secretary of state and government upon the best and earliest method to establish said register. XV. The provisions of Article VI of this order -hall be immediately applicable to the eases wherein the fiscal, the complainant, or the civil actor may have already stated the qualifications; to which end the sec- retary of the court will make the copies within ten days following the date of receiving the Gazette of Havana containing this order, and shall deliver them immediately to the parties who may not have yet answered the accusation, in order that they may do so within the time specified in article 632, and he shall take back the records from the lawyer in order that they be accessible in the secretary's office during -aid period. XVI. All existing legal provisions in force in conflict with this order are hereby annulled. Adna R. Chaffee, Brigadier- General, U. S. Vols., Chief of Staff . No. l!»2. Headquarters Division of Cuba, Havana, Kay '■>. I'M). The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication of the following order: Article LXXI of Order No. 92, Headquarters Division of Cuba, dated June 26, 1899, relating to appeals for annulment of judgment. is hereby modified to read as follows: LXXI. In cases wherein the court may not have passed the sentence of death demanded by the accusation, the proceedings for appeal shall be as provided for in the preceding articles. 18473—01 38 297 El tribunal sentenciador, al admitir el recurso, en lugar de dispone! se entregue eertiticacion al recurrente, ordenara se eleven loa autos originales al Tribunal Supremo. Eecibidoa por este y luego que se hubiere personado el recurrente, se requerira al reo para que designe abogado que le represente y defienda, lo que hard en lo que reste del termino del emplazamiento y si no fuese posible, dentro de diez dias, si se tratare de recursos interpuestos contra fallos de las audieucias de la Habana, Matanzas, Santa Clara y Pinar del Rio, y de veinte si procediesen de las audiencias de Puerto Principe y Santiago de Cuba, contandose dichos plazos desde el dia siguiente al del requerimiento. Si el reo hiciese designacion de abogado, dentro de tercero dia de constar esta en los autos en el Supremo, se dara conocimiento de la mismaal elegido para que manifieste, al siguiente dia de la notificaci6n, si acepta 6 no, bastando que se persone a nombre del reo para que se tenga por hecha la aceptacion. Si el reo no hiciese designacion 6, si hecha, no constase la aceptacion del elegido, el tribunal procedera a nombrar abogado de oficio que represente y defienda a aquel. no pudiendo excusarse, sino por causa de incompatibilidad. La sustancia- cion posterior del recurso, una vez provisto el reo de defensor, se acomodara a lo dispuesto en los articulos XXVII y siguientes en lo que fuere pertinente, pudiendo las partes alegar, dentro del plazo que senala el articulo XXVIII, ademas de las promociones en el consig- nadas, motivos de casacion por quebrantamiento de forma. El tribunal, antes de resolver acerca del recurso interpuesto, exami- nara los quebrantamientos alegados por las partes y no fallara aquel sino en el caso de que no proceda la casacion por estos 6 por otros motivos de forma, aunque no hayan sido alegados por las partes. Si se casare la sentencia y en la que se dictare se unpusiere la pena de muerte, antes de comunicarla al tribunal sentenciador, se cnniplira lo dispuesto en el articulo LXXil que se declara aplicable ;i este caso. DI8PO8I0I6k TRAN8ITORIA. Se da efecto retroactivo :i lo dispuesto en esta orden en los recursos que ;i la promulgaci6n :i api-o\ echarse de las prescripcibnes que por ella se estableoen en su favor. El Coniandanle de Estado Mayor, J. B. I In mi . ■_' ( .»7 Upon admitting the appeal, the court passing sentence shall order that tin- original proceedings be forwarded t<> the Supreme Court instead of directing thai a certified cop\ be delivered to the appellant. After said records have been received h\ the Supreme Court and the appellant has appeared, the prisoner shall be required to appoint a lawyer to represent and defend him. which he must do w it hi n what remains of the time set for his appearance, and if this be not possible, within ten days, when an appeal is made against judgments of the audiencias of Havana, Matanzas, Santa Clara, and Pinar del Rio, and within twenty days if against decisions of the audiencias of Puerto Principe and Santiago de Cuba, counting from the day following bis being required to appoint counsel. If the prisoner appoints an attor- ney within the third day after such appointment is recorded in the Supreme Court, the person selected shall be notified thereof in order that on the day following the notification he may signify his accept- ance or not, and his appearance in the name of the prisoner shall he considered as acceptance. Should the prisoner not designate counsel or the acceptance of the person appointed be not recorded, the court .shall designate one de qficio (of its own accord) to represent the pris- oner and take charge of his defense, who shall not he excused there- from except upon grounds of incompatibility. The prisoner having been provided with counsel for his defense, the subsequent proceed- ings of the appeal will be in conformity with all that may be appli- cable to the case in the provisions of Article XXVII and following one-. The parties may state within the period specified in Article XX VI 1 1, in addition to the petitions expressed therein, any grounds of appeal for annulment for defect in form. Before rendering decision concerning the appeal established the court shall examine the defects in form alleged by the parties and shall not render decision upon said appeal except it find that there are no such defects in form, nor any others, not alleged by the parties, that justify annulment. If the sentence he annulled and the new sentence impose the death penalty, before communicating this to the lower court the provisions of Article LXXII, hereby declared applicable to this case, shall be complied with. TRANSITORY PROVISIONS. Retroactive effect is hereby given to the provisions of this order in the appeals pending at the date of its publication. They will return to the point of the proceedings from where the prisoner may avail him- self of the provisions which are here established in his favor. J. B. HlCKEY, Assistant Adjutant- >" ru ral. 298 No. 213. Cuartel General de la Division de Cuba, Habana, J~> de Mayo de 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del secretario de jus- ticia. ha tenido a bien disponer la publicacion de la siguiente orden: I. Por lapresente se erean dos juzgados correccionales en la Habana, y uno en los terminos municipales de Matanzas, Cardenas, Cienfuegos, Santa Clara, Santiago de Cuba } T Puerto Principe. En sii conseeueneia, quedaran suprimidos los siguientes juzgados a contar desdc la constitucion de los juzgados correccionales: En la Habana, dos de primera instancia e instruecion y dos muniei- pales. Uno de primera instancia e instruecion y otro municipal, en cada una de las ciudades de Santiago de Cuba y Matanzas. Los juzgados correccionales de 3 a clase, mencionados en el articulo 1 de la Orden No. 214, del 25 de Mayo de 1900, se estableeeran mas adelante en los pueblos en que scan necesarios. II. La competencia de los jueces correccionales se reducira al cono- cimiento y castigo de las faltas y de los delitos que se expresan en la presente orden, y a la expedicion de los mandamientos de detention cuando se trate de otros delitos. LA DENUNCIA. III. El procedimiento ante los juzgados correccionales empezara por denuncia y en cada juzgado ha bra siempre impresos i'onnularios de denuncias, redactados del modo siguiente: Isla de Cuba, TSrmino municipal de . Yo, , bajo juramento (oafirmacion) declaroque reeido en y que el di'a -de , 19 — , un individuo cuyo nombre infrin- sustancial de la denuncia, ordenando :i dicho funcionario < jm* proceda :i la deten- cion del acusado y lo condnzca a presencia del juez. Si despu6s de 298 No. 213. Hbadquabtebs Division op Ci ba, [famna, May 86, 1900. TIk' Military Governor of Cuba, upon the ree tendation <>i' the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. Two correctional courts arc hereby created in Havana and one In the municipal districts of Matanzas, ( ardenas, Cienfuegos, Santa ( 'lara. Santiago de Cuba, and Puerto Principe. As a result of the above, the following- courts shall be suppressed from the date of the constitution of the above-mentioned correctional court-: In Havana, two courts of prhnera instancia e instruccion and two municipal courts. In Matanzas and Santiago de Cuba, one court of prhnera instancia e instruccion and one municipal court each. The correctional courts of 3d class mentioned in Article I of Order No. 214. of May 25. 1900, will be established in future in such towns as necessity may indicate. II. The correctional judge shall have jurisdiction to try and to punish all misdemeanors termed faltas and to try and to punish all (1,1/tns. which are hereinafter mentioned, and to sit as a committing magistrate in all other delitos. THE COMPLAINT. III. The trial before correctional courts will begin with a statement of the complaint, and in each court there will always be kept blank forms of complaint drawn up as follows: Island or Cuba, Municipal District of . . being duly BWOrn, says that he resides at ; that on the day of , 19 — , one did unlaw dully and knowingly violate laws, in that he . (Signed.) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1!< — . IV. A complaint may be made before any judge of a correctional court that a person has committed an offense against the person or property of another. On the receipt of such complaint the judge shall examine the complainant, on oath, together with any witnesses he may produce, and he shall take the declarations in writing and cause them to be subscribed to by the parties making them. If it appears from the declarations that there IS just reason to believe in the commission of the offense by the person SO complained of. the judge shall issue a warrant, directed to any officer of police, stating the substance of the complaint and commanding the officer to arrest the person complained of and to bring him before the court. If. upon hearing the testimony 299 baberse prestado las declaraciones de todos los interesados no aparecie- sen motivos fundados para suponer que se cometio el acto punible denunciado, el juez ordenara* que se pouga en libertad al acusado, pero si, de dicha audiencia, resultaren motivos fundados para suponer que el denunciado cometio tal acto punible, se lepodni exigir la prestaci6n de una tianza, que no excedeni de quinientos pesos, y que presents nno 6 mas fiadores, a discrecion del juez, obligandose a no perturbar el orden social y especialmente a no molestar al denunciante. Esta tianza sera eficaz durante el termino de seis meses, y en el caso de nueva denuncia se le podra exigir una nueva fianza. V. Despues de prestada la tianza, el denunciado sera puesto en liber- tad. En caso contrario sera reducido a prision. durante un periodc que no excedera de treinta dias, y el juez eonsignani en el manda- miento, que se previno al denunciado que prestara tianza, el importe de la misma, y que no ha sido prestada; mas si luego el detenido prestare la tianza requerida, podra ser puesto en libertad por el juez. La fianza sera depositada en poder del juez ante quien se hubiere presentado la denuncia original. VI. El que en presencia de un juez correecional acometiere 6 ame- nazare agredir a otro, 6 tratare de cometer cualquier acto punible con tra la persona 6 contra la propiedad de otro, 6 que perturbare lit marcha de los procedimientos del citado juzgado, protiriendo palabras impropias en alta voz, podra ser requerido por el juez para que preste tianza en la manera como arriba se dispone, y si rehusare hacerlo 6 no lo vcriticare, podra ser reducido a prision durante un termino que no excedera de treinta dias. VII. Cuando el que haya prestado tianza en la forma prevenida en los articulos que preceden sea convicto de cualquier quebrantamiento del orden social, se considerara responsable la tianza y, previa orden expedida por el juez ante el cual se hubieran comprobado los hechos imputados, se procedera* inmediatamente a nacer efectiva dicha Qanza. DEL MANDAMIENTO DE A.RRESTO. VIII. El mandamiento de arresto se redactara* de la manera siguiente: Isi.a de Cuba, TSrmino municipal policia en l<< ida have been committed, the judge musl discharge the person complained of. It', after such hearing, there is just reason to believe in the com mi --ion of the offens ■. the person com- plained of may be required to give bond in such sum, not exceeding live hundred dollars, with one or more sureties, as the judge may direct, to keep the peace toward the people and particularly toward the com- plainant. This bond shall be valid and binding for a period of six months, and upon the renewal of a complaint a new bond may be required. V. When Buch undertaking is given, tin 1 person informed of must t»e discharged. If the bond he not given, the judge must commit him to prison for a period not to exceed thirty days, and specify in the commitment the requirement to give security, tin 1 amount thereof, and the omission to give the same. Thereafter, at any time, upon giving the undertaking required, the person so committed may be discharged by the judge. The bond shall be tiled with the judge before whom the original com- plaint was made. VI. Any person who in the presence of a correctional judge, assaults or threatens to assault another, or to commit any offense against the person or property of another, or who disturbs the orderly proceed- ings of Mich court by loud, angry words, may he ordered by the judge to give security as above provided, and if he refuses or fails to do so he may he committed to prison for not more than thirty days. VII. Upon the conviction of any person, who shall have given security a- provided in the preceding articles, of any offense involvings breach of the peace, the undertaking shall be considered broken, and by order of the judge before whom the conviction of such offense shall have been had. a judgment for the amount of the security shall be forthwith entered. WARRANT OF ARREST. X' III. The win-rant of arrest shall he drawn upas follows: [bland of Cuba, Municipal District of . Th* judgt of to any offia r ofpolixa within the island of < uba: Complainl on oath having been this day of , 19 — , made before me by , thai the offense of has been committed, and accusing thereof, you are therefore commanded Forthwith to arrest the above named and bring him before meat (or before the nearest or most accessible correctional judge, at which place said may be arrested |. Dated at , this day of , li»— . 300 IX. Todo mandamiento de arresto docretado do conformidad con lo expuesto podra ejecutarse en cualquier punto de la isla de Cuba por cualquier functionario de policla a quien dicho mandamiento se entregue. X. Cuando el acto denunciado eonstituya una falta, y el acusado sea detenido fuera del termino municipal en que se libro el mandamiento debe el policla que haga el arresto, si lo pide el detenido, llevarlo ante el juez correccional del termino donde se haya efectuado el arresto, y este juez debera admitir la prestacion de fianza y otorgara* la misma para asegurar la comparecencia del acusado ante el juez que expidio el mandamiento. XI. Al admitir la fianza, el juez hara constar la prestacion de la misma en el mandamiento, entregando este, con el acta de la fianza, al policia encargado del detenido; dicho funcionario, entonces, pondni en libertad al acusado, y sin dilacion innecesaria entregara el mandamiento y el acta de la fianza al juez que decreto el arresto. XII. Cuando el acto denunciado eonstituya un delito, el policia que efectue el arresto conducira al detenido ante el juez que libro el manda- miento de arresto, entregando, a la vez, a dicho juez, el mandamiento, haciendo constar en el mismo, por medio de nota, tirmada por el, que verifico la detencion del acusado. XIII. En todos los casos y sin dilaciones innecesarias. el acusado sera conducido a presencia del juez, y cualquier abogado, Legalmente capa- citado para ejercer la profesi6n en la isla de Cuba. podra visiter al de- tenido en cualquier tiempo posterior al arresto, y a petition del mismo. DE LAS DETENCIONES. XIV. Ninguna persona arrestada sera sometida a mayor restriccion que la absolutamente precisa para efectuar sn arresto y quedar Bujeta a la custodia de un policia. XV. Un policia podra* efectuar un arresto en cumplimiento del mandamiento que se le libre, 6 sin el mismo. en los casos siguientes: 1.° Cuando se comcta 6 intente cometer un acto punible en su pre- sencia. 2.° Cuando el detenido haya perpetrado un delito fuera de su pre- sencia. :;." Cuando tenga conocimiento de que, en efecto, se haya cometido un delito, v tenga motivos fundados para creer que el arrestado es el delincuente. XVI. Si el acto que se impute constituye un delito, el arresto podra* bacerse en cualquier dfa \ n eualquiera bora del dia 6 d*> la noche. Si se tratare de una falta, :i n<> ser en el caso en que se haya cometido en presencia del policia, n<> podia llevarse a caBo el arresto de noche. siempre que no sea por mandate especial del juez (pie bubiere libmdo el mandamiento, consignando aqueM dicho mandate especial por medio de providencia en el uiismo mandtunicnlo. 800 IX. A wan-ant of arrest ><> issued may in- executed :it anj place within the island of Cuba by any police officer to whom tin- warrant may be delivered. X. [f the offense charged is a falta, and the defendant i-- arrested outside of the municipality in which the warrant was issued, the "di- cer making the arrest must, if so requested by the defendant, take him before the correctional judge in the municipality within which the arrest has been made, and such judge must admit the defendant to bail, and take bail from him accordingly, to secure his appearance before the judge who issued the warrant. XI. On taking the bail the judge must certify that fact on the war- rant, and deliver the warrant with the undertaking of bail to the offi- cer having charge of the defendant. The officer must then release the defendant from custody, and must without unnecessary delaj' deliver the warrant and the undertaking of bail to the judge who ordered the arrest. XII. If the offense charged is a delito, the officer making the arrest must take the defendant before the judge who issued the warrant, and must at the same time deliver the warrant to the judge, with a state- ment of his action in making the arrest endorsed thereon and sub- scribed to b} T him. XIII. The defendant must in all cases be taken before the judge without unnecessary delay, and any attorney at law, entitled to prac- tice in any court of the island of Cuba, may at any time after the arrest of the prisoner, and at the prisoner's request, visit him. ARREST. XIV. No person arrested must be subjected to any more restraint than is necessary for the arrest and detention in custody of an officer. XV. 'A police officer may make an arrest in obedience to a warrant delivered to him, or without a warrant, in the following cases: 1. If an offense is committed or attempted in his presence. 2. When the person arrested has committed a delito, though not in his presence. :;. When he has knowledge that a delito has in fact been committed, and he has reasonable cause to believe that the person arrested has committed it. XVI. If the offense charged is a , the arrest may be made on any day and at any time of the day or night. If the offense is & folia, except when committed in the presence of the police officer, the arrest can not t>e made at night, unless upon the special direction of the judge who issues the warrant, which direction must be endorsed by him upon the warrant. 301 XVII. El policia que Uevare a cabo una orden de arresto debe hacerle saber a la persona a quien vaa arrestar que tieneese proposito, el inotivo para ello y la autoridad que tiene para veriticar dicho arresto. Nada de esto tendril lugar cuando el acusado este" cometiendo un delito, 6 intente cometerlo 6 se le este persiguiendo inmediatamente despues de haberlo cometido, 6 despues de su fuga; siempre que la detencion se efectiie median te una orden de arresto, debera ensefiarsele al acusado, si lo pidiere. XVIII. El policia que verificare la detencion ocupara al detenido cualesquiera annas que pueda llevar consigo, y las entregara al juez ante el cual le conduzca. Cuando la detencion se efectue sin manda- miento de arresto, el detenido sera conducido, sin demoras innecesarias, ii presencia del juez correccional mas proximo 6 mas accesible al lugar en asiste para \alersc de letrado en todo el curso del procedimiento. Tambi^n concedera al acusado un (ermino prudencial para proveerse de un Letrado, y con este fin suspenders' el juicio, ordenando, a* petici6n del acusado.:! un agente de policia, que lleve recado al Letrado que uombrare el detenido y que se encuentre a distancia que lo permita, -in que por esta diligencia se devenguen derechos de oinguna clase. El precepto consignado en el pdrrafo anterior se entenderfi 9io per juicio del derecho que asiste al acusado para defenderse por si mismo. 30] XVII. The officer making the arrest must inform the person to be arrested of the Intention t<> arrest him, of the cause of the arrest, and the authority for making the arrest; except when the person to be arrested is actually engaged in the commission, <>r in an attempt t<> ion i in it. an offense, or after an escape. If the arrest is made under the authority of a warrant, the warrant must be shown, if the arrested person requires it. XVIII. Any officer making the arrest shall take from the person arrested any offensive weapons which may be found upon his person, and shall deliver them to the judge before whom the prisoner is taken. When an arrest is made without a warrant, the person arrested must be taken without unnecessary delay before the nearest or most accessi- ble correctional judge, and a complaint, stating the charge against him, must be made before such judge, except in cases of arrests tovfaltaa, or when the arresl is made at night, when a superior officer of police may admit the accused to bail for his appearance next day. XIX. Any correctional judge may verbally order a police office]- to arrest any person committing or attempting to commit an offense in the presence of .such judge. XX. Any correctional judge may, by an endorsement signed by him on any warrant of arrest, authorize the service and execution thereof by telegraph, and thereafter a telegraphic copy of such warrant may be sent by telegraph to any police officer in the island, and such coin- shall be as effectual in the hands of any such officer as though he had an original warrant issued by the judge making the endorsement; and every judge who causes a telegraphic copy of a warrant of arrest t<> be Bent will make it in duplicate, in order that one copy remain in the telegraph office and the other be returned to him by the head of said office, signed and scaled, and with a statement thereon to the effect that the message has been sent. BEARING OF "FALTAS." XXI. When the defendant in any original proceedings is brought before the judge on the charge of having committed an offense, the judge must immediately inform him of the charge against him and of his light to the assistance of counsel in every stage of the proceedings. I Ie must also allow the defendant a reasonable time to send for counsel, and for that purpose must postpone the examination, and upon the requesl of the defendant must require a police officer to take a message to any counsel within a reasonable distance, whom the defendant may name, for which no fee shall be charged. Nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prohibit the accused from defending himself in person. 302 Ed los juicios f counsel, or it* after waiting a reasonable time do counsel appears, must proceed to examine the case. XXII. He Bball ask the accused whether he is guilty or not of the falta8 charged. If the accused acknowledges his guilt, the judge shall pronounce sentence at once, hut if he pleads not guilty, or abstains from answering, the judge shall proceed to examine the witnesses, all of whom shall be under oath or affirmation to speak the truth, and the 1 prosecuting witness and injured party shall have the right to cross- examine them. On the conclusion of the evidence, the judge shall pronounce sentence or acquit and discharge the accused without delay. The trial shall he completed at one session, unless the judge, for good cause apparent to himself or shown by evidence in behalf of the pris- oner, shall continue or suspend the hearing. XXIII. Xo suspension of hearing shall he for more than two days at one time, nor more than six in all, unless by consent or on motion of the accused. During such suspension the judge shall admit the accused to bail to an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars, or in default thereof may commit him to prison. PROCEEDINGS IN " DELITOS." XXIV. In the case of a person accused of a ddito, the judge shall ;dl<>\\ any reputable person to appear as counsel for the defendant. If the defendant requires the aid of counsel, the judge, immediately after the appearance of counsel, or if after waiting a reasonable time no counsel appears, must proceed to examine the case. XXV. In the case of a person accused of a ddito, other than those hereinafter mentioned as being within the jurisdiction of the correc- tional judge, the judge shall proceed as follows: He shall ask the accused whether he is guilty or not of the crime as charged and shall take the evidence presented, and if it appears to the judge that the offense charged has been committed and that there is reasonable cause to accuse the prisoner of having committed it, the judge shall commit the prisoner to prison and transmit the case, with :i record of all the proceedings thereon, to the judge of instruction of the district within which the offense has been committed, and shall notify the fiscal thereof. Should it appear to the judge that some other ddito than that charged in the complaint has been committed and there is reasonable cause to accuse the prisoner of having com- mitted it, he shall in like manner transmit the case to the judge of instruccion. If it should not clearly appear that a ddito has been 303 actuado al juez de instrucci6n. A todq acusado contra quien se pro- ceda porel juzgado correccional podrd admit! rsele fianza por el mismo juez. para asegurar su comparecencia a juicio, y en defecto de fianza, dicho juez decretara su prision. XXVI. Cuando se proceda por los delitos que despues se especifi- caran, el acusado se confesara 6 no culpable. En el primer caso serf condenado inmediatamente. En el segundo podra solicitar la celebra- cion del juicio por jurados. DEL JURADO. XXVII. El jurado (|ue ha de declarar la culpabilidad 6 inculpabili- dad de los acusados de delito cuyo conocimiento corresponda a los juzgados correccionales, se formara de la nianera siguiente: Todos los anos, el dia primero de Junio, los alcaldes ha ran fijar una lista de los individuos elegibles para los cargos de concejales que resi- dan en la cabecera del termino 6 a distancia de ella a lo sumo de tres millas. Esta lista estara expuesta durante vcintc dias en lugar visible de la casa consistorial para las solicitudes de inclusion do los omitidos, que cualquiera puede hacer, y las »>r igual causa. 2." El interdicto oi> ilmente. 3.° Los individuos cuyo estado mental <'» de salud los imposibilite para este cargo. 4.° Los quebra to decide whether the accused is guilty or not guilty of the delitos pertaining to the jurisdiction of a correctional court shall be selected as follow-: On the first of June of each year the alcalde shall post a List of tho residents of the chief town of the district, and within a radius of three miles of it. eligible for the office of councilman. Said List shall remain posted for twenty days in the city hall within access of all who may wish to solicit the addition of certain names thereto or the omission therefrom of the names of persons who may be ineligible to serve on a jury. After twenty days said list, tog-ether with the above-mentioned peti- tions and accompanying documentary evidence, shall be transmitted to the correctional judge. A committee presided over by the correc- tional judge, and composed of two aldermen, appointed l>y the alcalde, and six citizens, -elected by the judge and the two above-mentioned aldermen, will, by majority of vote, render decision, against which there shall he no appeal, upon all admissions or omissions referred to above. The list must he definitely prepared in time to he made public on the Lsl of .Inly. After ; ( || corrections have been made, the names on the list shall he written on cards of the same size, which shall he dropped into a ballot hox hearing the word "eligible." and a statement of the proceedings shall he drawn up and signed by the members of the committee and the clerk of the court. XXVIII. The following are barred from serving on a jury: 1. Whoever may have been condemned for any crin ther than a political one or be subject to criminal proceeding- for a like cause. 2. Any person civilly incapacitated. 3. All persons mentally or physically unable to till the office. 4. Bankrupts not rehabilitated. 304 5.° Los menores de veinticinco anos de edad y may ores de setenta. Tienen inoompatibilidad para ser jurados — 1.° Los abogados, notarios, medicos y farmaceuticos, en ejercicio. 2.° Los empleados publicos con sueldo. 3.° Los ministros de los pultos. 4.° Los maestros de escuela en ejercicio. XXIX. Parar elegir los cinco miembros del jurado necesarios para las sesiones que habran de tenerse con la periodicidad que exija el ninnero de causas por ver y fallar, estando el juez correcciona] en audiencia publica, sacani diez nombres de la unia yn citada, leyendolos en alta voz. El secretario del juzgado anotara dichos nombres en un acta que levantara y firmara con el juez, y redactara las comunica- ciones — que habra de enviar en el dia— para notiticar su eleccion a las personas sorteadas, requiriendolas para que compare/can dentro de tercer dia hiibil ii partir de la fecha de la notificacion y apercibiendolas de que en caso de no comparecer seran multadas con quince pesos moneda de los Estados Unidos, 6 en su defecto, cinco dias de prisi6n, a menos que aleguen justa causa — accompanando la prueba — bajo jura- mento 6 afirmacion, para no comparecer, sea por incapacidad 6 incom- patibilidad sobrevenida posteriormente a la formacion de la lista de jurados, sea por ausencia, enfermedad 6 alguna otra circunstancia imposible de evitar. Los nombres de los elegidos se colocanin en una urna que tendra la palabra ""Sorteados." Cuando no queden diez papeletas en la urna de "Elegibles" se completara el niimero toinando las necesarias de la urna de " Sorteados, '" y enseguida todas las pape- letas de esta urna se pasaran a la otra. El citado que no compareciere por justa causa volvera a ser incluido en la urna de "Ellegibles." XXX. La citacion sera hecha en la forma (jue previene el artfculo 175 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal. La multa de que trata el articulo anterior sera de treinta pesos 6 diez dias de arresto, en caso de primera reincidencia, y de cuarenticinco pesos 6 quince dias de arresto, en caso de segunda y posteriores reinci- dencias. XXXI. Si en el dia y la hora senalados compareciesen menos de cinco jurados, el juez completara el ndmero con cualquiera 6 cuales- quiera de los presentee 6 de la vecindad que figuren en la Lista de jura- dos. El juez les exigira juramento antes de ir a ocupar su puesto, de no estar incapacitados ni tener incompatibilidad. Si de los die/ citados comparecen m:is r excuse themselves from Ben ing as juror at the time the jun, meets in court, proof to be on oath or affirmation, the judge to decide summarily: 1. Anyone related by consanguinity or affinity, within the fourth degree, either to the party or parties injured by the crime, or the pros- ecuting witness or complainant. 2. Anyone who hears to the accused, the injured party, or the pros- cuting witness the relation of attorney or client, guardian or ward, master or servant, landlord or tenant, or lives with said party, or is his clerk or dependent. 3. All who may have a suit pending with the injured party or parties, the accused, or the prosecuting witness. 4. All such, who under any circumstances whatever, may have inter- vened in proceedings before the trial which might influence the issue of the case. 5. Anyone who is an intimate friend or an avowed enemy of the party or parties injured, the prosecuting witness, or the, accused. XXXI II. Whenever the jury is definitely impanneled, the judge will administer the oath or affirmation to all of its members, to the effect that they will conscientiously and faithfully true deliverance make, without prejudice or favor, in accordance with the evidence presented in the case. XXXIV. After the jury take their seats in the jury box none of its members shall speak with any person or persons outside nor receive any paper or writing until the end of the session and rendering of the verdict. TRIAL. XXXV. Trial by jury shall he public except when reasons of mor- ality require otherwise. XXXVI. Tin' trial shall open with the reading of the information and proceedings. The judge shall then hear the testimony of the wit- nesses for the prosecution, who shall he under oath or affirmation to speak the truth. The jury may likewise question said witnesses and the accused. The accused -hall be allowed to cross-question the wit- nesses for the prosecution, who must he examined in his presence. After the testimony for the prosecution has been closed, the judge and jury shall hear, under oath or affirmation to speak the truth, the testi- mony of the witnesses for the defense, and these may lie cross-ques- tioned by the complainant, the jury, and the judge. Any other evi- dence deemed by the judge pertinent to the case shall he then heard. When all evidence 1S in. the prosecuting witness or the complainant. and t hen the accused or his attorney, if he has broughl any (who may be a lawyer or any reputable person acceptable to the judge;, may 306 termino el responsable civilmente si lo hubierc. El acto concluira* cod un resumen del juez, en que cuidani no emitir directs ni indireeta- mente opinion sobre la calpabilidad 6 inculpabilidad del acusado y que se concretara a las explicaciones que estime necesarias hacer ;i Los iurados sobre la naturaleza de los hechos que constituyen el delito imputado, y se dara por terminado el debate. XXXVII. El jurado se retirara a deliberar, fungiendo de presi- dente aquel cuyo noinbre hubiese salido primero en la elecci6n, y acordara su veredicto declarando al procesado culpable 6 no culpable. Ningun miembro del jurado podra abstenerse de votar el veredicto, y la mayoria prevalecera. El jurado podia, a discrecion suya, cuando el veredicto .sea de culpabilidad, recomendar que el juez sea benigno con el procesado. XXXVIII. Declarado inocente el procesado sera puesto inmediata- mente en libertad. Declarado culpable, el juez pronunciara sentencia inmediatamente imponiendo pena al acusado y declarando las respon- sabilidades civiles en que este 6 terceras personas hubiesen incurrido. Asiniisino si algun testigo hubiese dado falso testimonio mandara* sacar el tanto de culpa para pasarlo al juez de instruccion, y que el testigo sea conducido a la carcel. XXXIX. Los juicios senalados no podran suspenderse mas de seis dias, y en ningun caso durara la total suspension mas de doce, a no ser por causas especiales debidamente justiucadas que apreciar^i el juez. XL. Son aplicables a los jurados las disposiciones de los articulos 392 y siguientes del Codigo Penal que tratan del cohecho. DE LOS DELITOS SOMETIDOS A LA COMPETENCIA DE LOS JUEGES CORKECCIOXALES. XLI. Quedan sometidos a la accion de los jueces correccionales con el jurado los deli ncuentes que a continuaci6n se expresan y sua coautores, c6mplices y encubridores: 1." Los condenados a pena de arresto <|iu^ quebranten la sentencia que los hubiere condenado. (No. 3, artfculo L27, Codigo Penal.) U. 1 ' Los sometidos a la vigilaneia de la autoridad que faltare*: :i las reglas que deban observar. (Articulo L27.) 3.° Los comprendidos en el artfculo 233, que queda redactado como sigue: "Los que eon violencia, visa de hecho, amenazas 6 tumultos, impidan 6 turben dentro de los recintos 6 cementerios respectivos el ejereieio de las eei'einonias de un culto CUalquiera." I. 1 ' Los que sin estar comprendidos en el artfculo 258 resistieren :i la autoridad 6 :i sus agentes 6 la desobedecieren gravemente en el ejer- eieio de Las funciones . ) 14." Kl que exhumare 6 trasladare restos humanoscon infracci6n de los reglamentos \ demas disposiciones de sanidad. (Articulo 351.) L5.° Loscomprendidos en el articulo .">.M del ( !6digo renal, que queda redactado como sigue: " Los banqueros; los duefios de casas donde se jueguen juegos prohibidos, si las habitan, y K>s arrendatarios principa- les any public authority <>r corporation; at any electoral polling place, offices, or public institutions; at public spectacles or solemnities, <>r large meetings; and those who raise tumult <>r grossly disturb order on farms or plantation- by refusing to work <>r by disobeying and resisting the persons charged with their direction or management. (Article 267.) 6. Those who grossly disturb public order to oiler an outrage or other wrong to any individual person, or prevent him from exercising hi- political rights. (Article 268.) 7. Those who destroy or injure pictures, 9tatues, or other public monuments of usefulness or beauty. (Article 272.) 8. Those who knowingly make use <>f cancelled tickets or other countermark- from which the cancellation mark has been obliterated. (2d par., art 289.) '.'. Anyone receiving counterfeit money in good faith, who spends it after knowing it is false, if the amount -pent exceeds $25.00. (Arti- cle 297. ) L0. Anyone included i'n the 2d par. of art. 342, which shall read as follow-: "Anyone who shall publicly use an assumed nana 1 with the object of concealing any crime, avoiding any penalty, or caus- ing any injury to the State, or corporation of public character, or to individuals. 11. Anyone who -hall publicly and unlawfully wear a uniform or dress belonging to an office which he doe- not hold, or of a rank to which In- doc- not belong, or of a status not hi- own. or insignia or decoration that he i- not authorized to wear. (Article :-}44.) L2. Anyone conducting, or who has conducted, an interment contrary to the provisions of the laws and regulations respecting the time, place, and other formalities prescribed for burials. (Article 345.) 13. Anyone violating sepulchres oi graves, committing any acts whatsoever which should directly tend to detract from the respect due to the memory of the dead. (Article >'A>'>.) 14. Anyone exhuming or transferring human remains in infraction of the regulations and other sanitary provisions. (Article 351.) L5. All those comprehended in article 354 of the Penal Code, which shall read a- follow-: '* Bankers and proprietors of houses where illicit games are carried on, if they live then . and the principal tenants of said houses, and the players who assemble at the house- referred to, shall be guilty of a" lt'>. The managers or circulators of lottery tickets or unauthorized raffles. (Article- 355, 1st par.) 308 17.° El perito y el testigo que dejaren voluntariamente de com- parecer ante an tribunal a prestar sua declaracionea euando hubieren sido oportunamente citadoa al efecto. (Artfculo 379 parrafo 2.°) 18.° Los que causaren Lesiones no comprendidas en los articulos 427, •1-28, 429 y 431, que produzcan al ofendido inutilidad para el trabajo desde ocho hasta treinta dias 6 necesidad de asistencia de faeultativo por igual tiempoy no scan las lesionea inferidas ;i padres, ascendientes 6 tutores, curadores, maestros 6 personas constituidas en dignidad 6 autoridad publica, mayordomo 6 mayorales. (Articulo 432.) 19.° Los que de cualquier modo ofendieren el pudor 6 las buenas costuinbres eon hechos de grave escandalo 6 trascendencia, no rom- prendidos expresamente en otros articulos del codigo. (Articulo 457.) 20.° Los que expusieren y proclamaren eon publicidad y escandalo doctrinas contrarias a la moral publica. (Articulo 458.) 21.° Los que cometan cualquier abuso deshonesto diferente del estupro y sean de las personas senaladas en los incisos 1.". -!.". y 3.° del artnulo 459, mediando iguales circunstancias a las citadas en los men- cionados incisos. (Articulo 459 S 4.") 22.° Tambien tendra jurisdicci6n para juzgar y castigara* losautores de toda publicacion inmoral u obscena y a los que le den publicidad a sabiendas; y asimismo para juzgar y castigar a los autores y a los que 1<" den publicidad a sabiendas de cualquier nianifestacion falsa, maligna 6 infamante, sea hecha por medio de la imprenta, por escrito u oralmente, que tienda a injuriar gravemente la reputacion de otra persona 6 su posicion social 6 su vida profesional n oficial, siempre que procedalacorrcspondicntc querellade la persona agraviado 6 injuriada. Lo dispuesto en el parrafo anterior no impide que si la persona agraviada 6 injuriada lo prefiera, pueda presentar su querella ante el tribunal ordinario con jurisdiction para conocer del caso. (Artfculo III, Orden No. 152, cuartel general de la Division de Cuba, lo de April de L900.) 23.° La vinda que se cesarc antes de los 301 dias desde la muerte de mi inarido 6 antes de sn aluinbianiicnto si bubiere quedado en cinta. v la mujer cuyo matrimonio se hubiere declarado aulo si se casare antes de sn alumbramiento 6 die haberse cumplido 301 dias despues de su separaci6n legal. (Articulo 495.) 24.° I'd que fuera de los casos permitidos por la ley 6 sin motivo racional apprehendiere 6 detuviere a una persona para pi'esentarla :i la autoridad. (A Ptlculo 502. ) •i:>." I'd que indujere a mi tnenor de edad, pero mayor de siete afios, a que abandonare la casa de sus padres, tutores 6 encargados de su persona. (A rticulo 505. ) % n\." I'd que abandonare un oifiomenorde siete aflos sin haberle ocasio nado la mUBTte 6 haber puesto en pellgro SU vida. (Articulo ;»(»»; pdrrafo L.°) 308 17. Any expert or witness who voluntarily fail- to appear before a court to give testimony when duly summoned to do bo. (Article "-Tit, par. 2.) L8. All those who cause wounds or injuries not specified in articles li'T. 128, 4l ;, .», and 431, \\ hich shall render the injured person unable to work From eight to thirty days, or for a like time require the aid of a physician, and provided they he not injuries inflicted upon parents. ancestors, guardians of person or property, teachers or persons hold- ing public rank or authority, overseers or major-domos. (Article 432.) in. Those who in any way offend modesty or good habits by acts of grievous scandal or enormity not expressly included in other articles of the eode. (Article 457.) 20. Those who preach or proclaim with publicity and scandal doc- trines contrary to public morals. (Article 458.) •_'l . Those who commit any unchaste abuse, other than seduction, and may he such persons as are indicated in paragraphs 1. '2. and 3 of arti- cle 459, and in like circumstances as mentioned in the aforesaid paragraphs. (Article 459, par. 4.) •1-1. This court shall also have jurisdiction to try and to punish the authors and publishers of all immoral or obscene publications, and also on tin 1 complaint of the aggrieved or injured person to try and to punish the authors and publishers of any false, malicious, or scandal- ous statement, whether printed, written, or oral, which may tend to seriously injure the reputation of another or his or her standing in the community or in professional or official life. Nothing contained in the foregoing paragraph shall prevent the aggrieved or injured person from making his complaint to any other court in cases where such court may have jurisdiction. (Order No. 152, Par. III. Headquarters Division of Cuba, April 10, 1900.) °i?>. The widow who shall marry before 301 days have elapsed from the death of her husband, or before she is confined if she were with child at the time of his death, and the woman whose marriage should have been declared null and void if she should marry before the birth of her child, or before 301 days have elapsed from her judicial sepa- ration. (Article 495.) 24. Anyone who, except in the cases allowed by the law, apprehends or detains without reasonable motive any person in order to hand him over to the authorities. (Article 502.) 25. Any person who shall induce a minor, but .over the age of seven, to abandon the house of his parents, guardians, or persons in charge of him. (Article 505.) 2<>. Anyone who abandons a child under seven years of age. \s il hout having caused the death of said child or endangered its life. (Article 506, par. 1.) 809 27.° El quo teniendo a su cargo la crianza 6 educaci6n de un menor lo entregare a un establecimiento publico 6 a otra persona Bin la anueucia de la que se lo hubiere confiado 6 de la autoridad en su defecto. (Articulo 507!) 28.° El particular que entrare on la morado ajeua contra la volun- tad de su niorador. (Articulo 509.) 29.° El que amenazare a otro con easar al mismo 6 a su fainilia on sua personas, honra 6 propiedad un inal que constituya delito, si la amenaza no fuera condicional. (Articulo 512 parrafo 2.°) 30.° El que amenazare a otra do un mal quo no constituya delito en la forma expresada en el No 1." del articulo 512. (Articulo 513.) 31.° El quo sin estar legitimamente autorizado impidioro a otro con violoncia hacer lo que la ley no prohibe, 6 lo compeliere :i efectuar lo que no quiera, sea justo 6 injusto. (Articulo 515.) 32.° El que con violencia se apoderase de una cosa perteneciente a su duedor para hacerse pago con ella. (Articulo 516.) 33.° El reo de robo do semillas 6 sustancias alimenticias, frutos 6 lenas, coryo valor no excediere de $15 (articulo 529) y el reo de robode los mismos objetos 6 de otros quo on junto no pasen de $15 y que l<> veritiquo on la forma determinada en el articulo 531. 34.° El reo de hurto que no excediero de $50. (Articulo 53*; enmendado.) 35.° El que empleando violencia 6 intimidacion en las personas 6 fuerza en las cosas entrare :i cazar 6pescar on heredad cerrada 6 campo vedado, y el que en cualquier lugar cazare 6 pescare sin permiso del duefio, valiendose de medios prohibidos por las ordenanzas. (Arti- culo 537.) 36.° El que defraudase a otro en la sustancia, cantidad 6 calidad de la- cosas que l(> entregare por virtud de un titulo obligatorio, -i la defraudacion no excediere de $50. (Articulo 558, parrafo 1.") y>7." Los traficantes que defraudaren iisando de pesos 6 medidas faltas on el despacho de los objetos de su tialico. si la defraudacion no excediere de $50. (Articulo .">."''.>. parrafo 3. ') 38.° El que defraudare 6 perjudicare a otro usando de oualquier (Mi^afio 1 1 ue no se ha lie expresado en los articulos 558 y siguientes hasta el 564. (Articulo :><>:>.) 39.° Los que esparciendo falsos rumores 6 usando de cualquier otro artificio, consiguieren alterar los precios naturales que resultarian 'lo la libre concurrencia en las mercan cias, acciones, rentas publicas »'> privadas 6 cualesquiera otras cosas que fueren objeto de oontrataci6n. (Articulo 5G«.) 809 27. Any person intrusted with the rearing or education of a minor who should place him or her in charge of any public institution, or of another person, without the permission of the party or parties who confided such child to him, or in default of such permission, without that of the public authorities. (Article 507.) 28. Any private individual who shall enter into another dwelling against the will of the tenant thereof. (Article 509.) 29. Any person who shall menace another or his family in regard to their persons, his honor or property, with an injury amounting to a crime, it* the threat be not conditional. (Article 512, par. 2.) 30. Any person who menaces another with injury, not amounting to a crime, in the manner expressed in par. 1 of art. 512. (Article 513.) 31. Any person who. without lawful authorization, shall, with vio- lence, prevent another from doing what is not prohibited by law. or shall compel him to do what he does not wish, he it just or unjust. (Article 515.) 32. Anyone who. with violence, shall appropriate a thing belonging to a debtor in order to pay himself therewith. (Article 516.) 33. Anyone who shall steal seeds or nutritious substances, products of the soil (Jrutos), or wood, not exceeding the value of $15.00 (article :»l".'). and anyone stealing the same objects or others, the whole value of which does not exceed $15.00, and committing the robbery in the manner mentioned in article 531. 34. Anyone guilty of theft to an amount not exceeding $50.00. (Article 536, amended.) 35. Anyone who. employing violence or intimidation against per- sons, or force against inanimate objects, should enter an inclosed prop- erty or place where trespass is forbidden, and anyone who in any place shall hunt or fish, without permission of the owner, employing there- for means forbidden by the ordinances. (Article .~>.">7.) 36. Anyone who shall defraud another in the substance, quantity or quality of things he is obliged to deliver to him, by virtue of a con- tract or obligation, if the fraud does not exceed $50.00. (Article 558, par. 1.) ?>7. All traders who shall defraud by using short weights or meas- ures in delivering the object of their traffic, if the fraud does not exceed $50.00. (Article 559, par. 3.) 38. Anyone who shall defraud or injure another by employing any deceit not specified in article 558 to .Mil, inclusive. (Article 565.) 39. All persons who. by spreading false rumors, or by using any other artifice, should succeed in altering the natural prices resulting from free competition in merchandise, stocks, public or private secu- rities, or any other things that are subject to trade. (Article 568.) 310 4<»." El que hallandose dedicado a la industria do prestamo sobre prendas, sueldos 6 salarios no llevare libros asentando en olios, sin claros ni entre renglonados, las cantidades prestadas, los plazos 6 intereses, los nombres y domicilios de los que las reciban, la naturaleza, hi calidad, y el valor de los objetos dados en prcnda y las demas cir- cunstaneias que exigen los reglamentos. (Articulo 570.) 41.° El prestamista que no diere resguardo de la prenda 6 seguridad recibida. (Articulo 571.) DEL CUMPLIMIENTO DE LAS CONDENAS. XLII. Cuando la pena impuesta fuese la de arresto, dispondra el juez en el acto la remision del condenado al establecimiento donde deba cumplirse el arresto. XL1II. Si la pena hubiese sido la de multa, dispondra* el juez sea requerido el condenado por el secretario para que en el acto abone la suma que importe su condena, y si no lo efectuare dentro de tres horas, mandara constituirloen arresto en la forma que senala el articulo 632 del Codigo Penal. En cualquier tiempo despues de arrestado podrii el condenado a prision subsidiaria pagar la multa, libertandose del arresto, debiendo descontarsele un peso por cada dia que hubiese estado arrestado. XLIV. En defecto de pago de las multas y de las demas responsa- bilidades contraidas a favor de un tercero, quedara el preso sujeto a una responsabilidad personal subsidiaria a razon de un dia por cada peso; pero, en ningiin caso excedera este periodo de seis meses, siem- pre que se (rate de delitos, ni de treinta dias cuando se trate de faltas. Cuando, con posterioridad a su encarcelamiento, debiere el preso pagar la multa impuesta se le abonara un peso por cada dia que haya estado encarcelado. DISPOSICIONES GENEUALES. XLV. El acusado podra, si lo tuviere :i bien, declarar en su propia causa, pero primero se le recomendara decir la viM-dad. XLVI. N<> sc admitiran testigos de ret'erencia en los juzgados correccionales. KLVII. Siempre que se tratare de faltas, el juez podra imponer condenae que no excedan de treinta dias de arresto, 6 multas que no scan superiores :i treinta pesos. KLVII1. Tratandose de delitos de la competencia del juzgado, el juez podni imponer condenas que no excedan de seis meses de enoar celamiento, 6 multas que no pasen de quinientos pesos, pero en el caso de no pagarse la multa impondrd la pena de prisi6n :i razon de un dia por cada peso no pagado. 310 40. Anyone who. having devoted himself to the occupation of mak- Ing loans on pledges, wages, or salaries, shall no1 keep account books wherein are clearly and minutely 9e< down the amounts loaned, the terms and interest of such loans, tin' names and residences of those who receive them, the nature, quality, and value of the articles ]>nt in pledge, and the other circumstances that the regulations require. (Article 570.) 41. The pawnbroker who shall not give a receipt for the pledge or security received. (Article 571.) 42. Anyone who causes any injuries to property not comprised in articles 586 to 589, inclusive, the value of which exceeds $25.00. (Article 590, par. 1.) SERVING SENTENCE. XLII. Whenever the penalty imposed he that of imprisonment, the judge shall direct immediately the removal of the prisoner to the estab- lishment where the sentence i- to be >erved. XLIII. If the penalty he a tine, the judge shall direct the clerk of the court to require the prisoner to pay the amount thereof at once: if the prisoner fails to make payment within three hours, the judge shall order him to be imprisoned, as specified in article 632 of the penal code. lie may. however, at any time after imprisonment pay the tine and he released; (me dollar will be deducted from the amount for every day of imprisonment. XLIV. In case of nonpayment of fines and the other responsibilities in favor of a third party, the person shall be imprisoned for one day for each dollar, but under no circumstances shall the detention exceed the period of six months in cases of delitos nor thirty days in cases of pil 1 rden quedan derogadas. El Comcmdantt issue subpoenas, search war- rants, and all process oecessar} to carry out the business of the court. LI. In the absence or illness of a correctional judge the municipal judge shall act as his substitute. In Havana such municipal judge will be designated by the president of the audiencia. LIMITATION OF TIME. LII. Prosecutions for such delitoa as are within the jurisdiction of the correctional courts to hear and determine must be begun within two years! Prosecutions loxfaZtas must be begun within two months. No time within which the defendant is not an inhabitant of, or usually resident within the island of Cuba shall be considered a part of the above periods of limitation. Proceedings in any criminal case shall lie considered to have com- menced on the filing of a complaint with the correctional judge. FINAL PROVISIONS. 1. All proceedings which may be instituted by judges of instrueeion and municipal judges for the investigation and punishment of the delitos mentioned m Article XLI of this order and of the faltas, respectively, or which are being actually pursued in places where cor- rectional courts may not be constituted, shall conform to the provi- sions of the Law of Criminal Procedure. The proceedings which are awaiting decision before judges and court-, relative to faltas and delitos mentioned in the preceding para graph, in the places where correctional courts will he established, shall he concluded in accordance with the provisions of the Law of ( Yiniinal Procedure. From tin' date of the publication of this order the judges and courts shall impose the penalties indicated herein upon all persons convicted of the faltas and delitos mentioned in the same, and will conform to the above statute of limitations relating to said offenses. 2. In so far as they may not be in conflict with this order, the pro- vision of the Law of Criminal Procedure shall be complementary to it. whenever they may be applicable. :;. All existing legal provisions in conflict with this order art 1 hereby annulled. ,1. B. Hi< M.v. Assistant Adjutant-Gt />< ral. 312 No. 228. Cuartel General db la Divisi6n de Cuba, Habana, 3 de Jwnio cL 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del secretario de jus- ticia, ordena la publicacioo de la siguiente orden: I. Los jueces de piimera instancia, en vista de pruebas suficientes al cfecto, podran obligar a, cualquier persona, cuyadeclaracion conduzca y sea necesaria al esclarecimiento del heeho que so persigue en cualquier procedimiento criminal, a prestar fianza personal 6 de cualquier clase, a discrecion del juzgado, de que comparecera y declarara" en dicho procedimiento criminal; y con este fin el juez podia expedir un nian- damiento de arresto, firmado por el y llevando el sello del juzgado, contra esa persona, ordenando a cualquier funcionario autorizado para cumplir las ordenes del Gobierno, que le detenga y conduzca a so presencia. II. Si el detenido de que se ha hecho refercncia descuidare 6 rehusare prestar la fianza en la forma prescrita, quedara sujeto ;i la vigilancia de la autoridad y obligado a presentarse cada 5 dias al juzgado 6 tri- bunal hasta que este 6 aquel le declare libre de esa obligacion. El que en tales circunstancias tratare de burlar 6 burlase la vigilancia de la autoridad sera detenido } r permanecera en prision por tcdo el tiempo que dure la tramitacion de la causa a discrecion del juez 6 tribunal. El Comandante de Estado Mayor, J. B. HlCKEY. No. 269. Cuartel General de la Division de Cuba. Habana, 3 dt Julio & 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, si propuesta del secretario de estado y gobernaeion, ha tenido a bicn disponer la publicaci6n de la siguiente orden: I. Los exhortos que se dirijan al extranjero deberdn remitirse & la secretaria de estado y gobernaci6n por conducto de la secretaria de la cual depende el funcionario exhortante. II. Deber&n cstar dirigidos a La autoridad & quien se pida la practice de la diligencia que los originen, redactados en forma rogatoriaj con tener todas Los requisitos /<>/■* J. U. HlOKBY. 312 No. 228. BEADQl \i; ill;- I >i\ [8IO» OF < 'i BA, Havana^ Jun< 5, 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation <»!' the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: 1. Aiiy judge of primera instancia, on presentation of satisfactory proof thai the testimony of any person is competent and will l>e neces- sary on the trial of any criminal proceeding; may compel such person to give bond with or without sureties, at his discretion, to appear and to testify in <\\r\\ criminal proceeding; and for that purpose any judge may issue a wan-ant against such person under his hand and official seal, directed to any officer authorized to execute process in behalf of the Government, to arrest and bring before him such person. II. If the person so arrested should neglect or refuse to give bond in the manner required, he will remain under the surveillance of the authorities and be compelled to present himself every five days to the court or tribunal until he has been declared at liberty by either of them. The person who under such circumstances should avoid or try to avoid the surveillance of the authorities will be arrested and remain in custody during the whole period of the trial, at the discretion of the judge. J. B. HlCKKV. j [ssistant . idjutant- General. No. 269. Headquarters Division op 'Cuba, Hawcma, July 3, 1000. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of State and Government, directs the publication of the fol- low inn- order: I. Etequisitorial letters addressed to foreign countries must be for- warded to the Department of State and Government through the department to which the official issuing the document belongs. II. They shall he addressed, in form of petition, to the authority whose action is solicited; they must contain an offer of reciprocal action and have nil the requirements which make them valid and authentic in accordance with the laws in force. .1. B. HlCKET, . Us/.s'A//// Ail) ii iii nt- a, . 18473—01 40 313 No. 311. Cuartel General de la Division de Cuba, Habana, 8 de Agosto de 1000. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido a bien disponer la publi- cacion de la siguente orden: Quedan, por la presentc. modificados los articulos IV. XLY1I y XLVIII de la Orden No. 213, cuartel general do la Division de Cuba, serie de 1900, debiendo como siguen: IV. La denuncia podra hacerse ante cualquier juez oorreccipnal, haciendo constar que un individuo ha anienazado cometer un acto punible contra la persona 6 propiedad de otro. Recibida la denuncia. el juez examinara al denunciante, bajo juramento. y a los testigos que presentare, eonsignando por escrito las declaraciones, que hani tirnmr por los declarantes. Si de las mismas aparecen motivos fundados para creer que el denunciado ha anienazado cometer el acto punible de que se trata, el juez librara la correspondiente orden do arresto, la cual sera dirigida a cualquier funcionario de policia, expresando en la misma 1<> sustancial de la denuncia, ordenando a dicho funcionario que proceda a la detencion del acusado y lo conduzca a presencia del juez. Si despues de haberse prestado- las declaraciones de todos los interesa- dos no apareciesen motivos fundados para creer que el acusado ha anienazado cometer el acto punible detmnciando, el juez ordenara" que se le ponga en libertad, pero si de dicha audiencia resuJtaren motivos fundados para creer que el denunciado ha anienazado cometer tal acto punible, se le podni exigir la prestacion de una Han/a. que no exce- deia de quinientos pesos, y que presente uno 6 mas fiadores, a discre- cion del juez, obligandose a no perturbar el orden social y especial- mente a no molestar al denunciante. Esta Hanza >era eficaz durante el termino de seis nieses, y en el caso de nueva denuncia se le podra exigir una nueva lianza. XLVI1. Siempre que so tratare de faltas, el juez podra impont r condenas que no excedan de treinta dias de arresto. con «'> sin trabajos, :i discrecion del juez, 6 multas que no seau superiores a treinta ])«••><>>. XLVIII. Tratandose de delitos de la competencia del juzgado, el juez podra imponer condiMias que no excedan de seis moo .!«■ encar- celamiento, con 6 sin trabajos. ;i discreci6n del juez, 6 multas que u<> pasen r, J. B. HlCKEY. 818 No. 311. [EADQl LKTERS I >i\ ISKMN OF < ri'A. Havana, August 8, 1900. The Military Governor <>t' Cuba directs the publication of the follow- ing order: Articles IV. XLVII. and XLVIII of Order No. 213, Headquarters Division of Culm, series L900, arc hereby modified to read as follows: IV. A complaint may be made before any judge <>f a correctional court that a person has threatened to commit an offense against the person or property of another. On receipt of such complaint the judge shall examine the complainant, on oath, together with any wit- nesses he may produce, and he shall take the declarations in writing and cause them to be subscribed to by the parties making them. If it appears from the declarations that there is just reason to believe that the person so complained of has threatened to commit the offense the judge shall issue a warrant directed to any ©nicer of police, stating the substance of the complaint, and commanding the officer to arrest the person complained of and bring him before the court. If. upon hearing the testimony of all parties, it appears that there is no just reason to believe that the threat of committing the offense was made, the judge must discharge the person complained of. If, after such hearing, there is just reason to believe that the threat of committing the offense was made, the person complained of may lie required to give bond in such sum, not exceeding five hundred dollars, with one or more Bureties, as the judge may direct, to keep the peace toward the people and particularly toward the complainant. This bond shall he valid and binding for a period of six months, and upon the renewal of the complaint a new bond may he required. XLVII. In all cases of falta8 the judge may impose sentence of not more than thirty days' imprisonment, with or without labor, at the discretion of the judge, or not more than thirty dollars' tine. XLVII I. In all cases of delito within the jurisdiction of the court the judge may impose sentence of]notmore than six months' imprison- ment, with or without labor, at the discretion of the judge, nor more than five hundred dollars' line, hut in case of nonpayment of line. imprisonment shall he imposed at the rate of one day for each dollar not paid, as provided for in Article XLIV. (Order N". 213, of L900.) .1. B. IIlCKKV. . [ . \ tli. Military Got\ rnor of < hbba. Sir: This department has examined to the necessan extent the records of the estate of Dn. Francisco and Dn. Joaquin 1 tejado de Vil- late, including the record of the audiencia, as well as the reports of the judge of primera instancia and of the sala de lo civil of the audiencia of Havana which have taken part in this matter, the subject of com- plaints addressed to this department in the name of various interested parties. This examination enat>le> me to report the following t<> your headquarters: The probate of this estate began in L872, a partition of the property amongst the heirs being made in L881. Although the heir Dn. Carlos Yillate objected to the account, it was approved by a final decision. The proceedings were suspended for some time and the said heir Dn. Carlos Yillate died, leaving a will in which he constituted as his universal heir his wife, Da. Maria del Rosario Piedrahita, naming in the first place said wife as executrix, holder and administratrix of the property, and appointing Ldo. Dn. Federico Martinez de Quintana in the second place. The aforesaid lady became a party to the proceedings, which were again suspended in 1 395. In 1899, Dn. Francisco Vianello appeared in the proceedings with a power of attorney of all the heirs and asked that he be given possession of the property involved. This was granted by the judge. But in carrying out this judicial order possession was given to Vianello of estates which did not belong either to the estate or to the heirs. The various owners and holders of -aid estates dispossessed by Via- nello appealed to the judge, asking that they be protected in the pos- session t hereof. The judge rendered various decision- in favor of all. Vianello, as representative of the heirs, appealed to the audiencia from several of these decisions. The judge granted these appeals without stay, which allowed that ion he had immediately, pending the judgment of theaudiencia on the appeal, hut in one case, in contravention t<> hi- opinion already given, and with evident inconsistency, he granted Vianello the appeal together with a Stay, by mean.- of which tiir possession which had been 315 habla do quedar en suspense :il amparo decretadoy continual- el despo- jante Vianello en posesion de laa tineas porel mismo despojadas y sub- sistente el estado de pertubacion y despojo producido. Nuestra legislaci6n eri esa materia de despojos y amparo :i la pose- sion. ea nmy deficiente; por locual pudo el juez, sin que llamara gran- demente la atencion, acceder 6 no acceder al amparo solicitado. Pero una vez concedido, una vez dispuesto por el que se devolviese la pose- sion ;i quien de clla habla sido despojado, tal disposicion, por su natu- raleza de urgente y reparadora. debia inmediatamente cumplirse. Por el juez. acertadamente, admitio solo en un efeeto las pri- meras apelaciones interpuestas por el despojante, ;i pesar de haber solicitado este que se le admitiesen en ambos efectos, Lnteresado como estaba en prolongar indetinidamente la situacion de despojo por el mismo creada y que le permitiria disponer de los productos de las linens de que se habia posesionado. Pero cuando se trato del amparo en la posesion ;i Don Jose Abad y a lu viuda de Lanza, que el juzgado deelaro eon lugar, entoncea oyo en ambos efectos la apelacion de Vianello. dejando en pie el estado de perturbacion y despojo que motivaban el amparo. Tal dualidad de criterio, que no explico el juez al incurrir en clla. ni ha intentado explicar despuesen los informes que ha remitido :i esta secretaria, es de todo punto inexplicable, y no tiene justificaci6n dado lo terminante del articulo 382 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, segun el cual las " apelaciones se admitiran en un solo efeeto en todos los casos en que no se halle prevenido que se admitan libremente 6 en ambos efectos." Y cuando alguna duda le hubiese ocurrido al juez sobre el particular, de ningun modo debia tal duda impedir que se llevara :i efeeto el amparo. no obstante la apelacion. pues as! est:i dispuesto en el caso analogo del interdicto de recobrar, como se ve en el articulo L657 de la misma ley. Los despojados ocurrieron ante la sala de lo civil de la audienciay haciendo uso del derecho que les reconocia el articulo :'»!••; de In citada ley. solicitaron que se declarase olda en un solo efeeto 1m apelacion admitida en umbos efectos por el juez. La sala neg6 esa solicitud. Y cuando pof esta secretaria a consecuencia de la queja presentada :i nombre de los despojados, se pidi6 informe ;i dicha sala sobre el par- ticular, explico y hato de just iticar su i-esolucion. Ilainaiulo despojado a Vianello y despojante :i los que en realidad v evidentemente habfan sido despojados por aque*! y habian obtenido el auto de amparo en que se les reconocia esc caracter. Los jueces y tnagistrados, como hombres que Bon, pueden equivo- carse; pero :i nadie se !<■ puede tolerar que se equivoque basta el extremo de confundir el dfa con la noche \ al despojante eon el deapo- 315 decreed remained in suspense, and Vianello, the dispossessor, vras con- tinued in the possession of the estates in which he was the dispossessor, and thus the confusion and seizure continued. Our law concerning dispossession and the protection of possession is very deficient, for which reason the judge, without attracting much attention, could grant or refuse the solicited protection. Bui once granted, once decided by him, that the possession should be returned to the person who had Iteen dispossessed, this decision l>\ it- very argent and amendatory nature was to be carried out immediately. For this reason the judge very properly, without stay, admitted the first appeals taken by the dispossessor, despite the fact that he had asked for an appeal with a stay of proceedings, being interested in prolonging indefinitely the situation of seizure created by him and which permitted him to dispose of the products of the estate- of which he had taken possession. But when the cases of On. A bad and of the widow Lanza came up, in which protection of possession was asked for, and which w r as granted by the judge, the latter granted the appeal of Vianello with a stay of proceedings, leaving the condition of confusion and seizure in effect. This duality of judgment, which was not explained by the judge on rendering it. and which he has not since attempted to explain in the reports sent to this department, is totally inexplicable and is without justification, in view of the clearness of article 382 of the Law of Civil Procedure, according to which "Appeals without stay shall he granted in all cases in which it is not provided that they be admitted freely or with a stay of proceedings."" And even if any doubt had occurred to the judge in this connection, such doubt could not in any way prevent the protection of the possession from being given effect, notwithstand- ing the appeal, because this is provided for in the analogous case of the prohibition of. recovery, as is seen in article L657 of said law. The parties dispossessed appeared before the sala de lo civil of the audiencia and, by virtue of the right granted them by article 396 of said law, asked that the appeal granted by the judge with a stay be declared to be an appeal without a stay of proceedings. The sala denied this appeal. And when this department, because of the complaint presented in the name of the parties dispossessed, asked the sala to report concerning this point, it explained and tried to justify its deci- sion calling Vianello the dispossessed party, and those who had really and evidently been the dispossessed by Vianello were called the dispos- sessors, although they had obtained the order of protection of their possession which recognized them as the dispossessed. Judges and associate justices being human may err. but no one may be permitted to err to such an extent as to confound day with night and the dispOSSeSSOr With the dispossessed, and much less could such 316 jado. Y mucho menos, si cabe, podia ponsentirse tal obsesi6n a los que tienen a su cargo la delicadlsima mision de administrar la justicia, base y a* la vez garantia del orden y del bienestar de los pueblos. Como consecuencia del estudio de este lamentable asunto y como solucion al mismo, esta secretaria tendril el lion* >l- de proponer a ese cuartel general, en esta misma fecha, las medidas que considers oportunas. Y ;1 tin de que esas medidas tengan a los ojos del publico la justifica- cion con que el Grobierno debe revestir siempre sus actos, esta Becre- tarla ruega ;i usted que para el caso de dignarse aprobar aquellas medidas, se sirva disponer que ;il publicarse las mismas cm la Gaceta Oficial, se publique tambi^n el presente Lnforme. De usted respetuosamente, Miguel Gener, Secretario. SECRETARD\ DE JUSTICIA DE EA ISLA DE CUBA, Habana, Septiembri 6 de 1900. Al Gdbemador Milliard Cuba. Senok: Es mi i \ livcuente en nuestros tribunales que, por dispo- sicion judicial 6 ;i consecuencia de ella, dictada en juicios civiles 6 criniiiuilcs. se despoje 6 perturbe en la posesion de bienes :i terceras personas extranas al juicio y que tienen dicha posesion legitimamente, es decir, por un titulo legal. Y es tambien niuy frecuente (pie a solici- tud de nn acreedor se embarguen bienes que no son de su deudor, sino de nn teredo que posee titulos con que just ilic;ir su doniinio. La frecuencia de estos casos ha degenerado en un verdadero abuso de que ha tiempo se viene quejando la opinion publica. V:i desde la epoca de la dominacion espanola adquirio proporciones tan graves el abuso, que los ciudadanos honrados llegaron :i ver con temor la inse- guridad en (pie se hallaban -us derechos de doniinio 6 de posesi6n. En L371, el Key de Espafia, D. Enrique 11. en la ciudad de Toro, dicto la sabia disposicion contenida en la Ley II. titulo XXXIV, libro XI de la Novisinia Kecopilacion, que dice asi: "Ninguno sea despo- jado de su posesion, sin ser ant''-, oidoy vencido por derecho. Defen- demos que ningim alcalde ni juez, ni persona privada no scan osados de despojar de su posesion ;i persona alguna, sin primeramente ser llamado y oidoy vencido por derecho; y si paresciere carta nuestra, pordonde mandaremos dar la posesion que uno tenga, :i otro, y la tal carta fuere sin audiencia, que sea obedecida y no cumplida; y si por las talcs cartas 6 albalaes algunos fueren despojados de sus bienes por un alcalde, que los otros alcaldes de la ciudad. ode domic acaesciere, restituyan :i la parte despojado hasta tercero dia, .\ pasado el tercer dia que lo resti tuyan los oticiales del eoncejo." 316 obtuseness be admissible in those who are charged with the most deli- cate mission of the administration of justice, which is al once the foun- dation and guarantee of order :in your headquarters the measures which it considers opportune Ami in order that these measures may have in the eyes of the people the justification with which the Government should always clothe its acts, this department requests that, in case you may deem said meas- ures worthy of approbation, the present report be published together with >aid measures in the Official Gazette. Very respectfully, Miguel ( iener, Secrt tary. Department op Justice of the [slant* of Cuba, Havana, September 6th, 1900. T> the Military Govt rnor of < 1 vba. Sir: In civil or criminal cases before our courts it often happens that third parties are disturbed in the possession of their property or deprived thereof by some judicial provision, or in consequence of the same, although they may be foreign to the suit and in legitimate don of said property by legal title. And it also often happens that at the request of a creditor property is embargoed which does not belong to the debtor, but to a third party who has titles where- with to justify ownership. The frequency of such cases has degener* ated into an abuse, of which public opinion has long complained. Already in the period of Spanish domination this abuse acquired such serious proportions that all honest citizens realized with fear how insecure were their rights of control <>r possession. In L371, the Kin- of Spain, Henry II. in the city of Toro, enacted the wise provision contained in Law II, Title XXXIV. Book XI. of tin- Novisima Recopilaci6n (Newest Digest), which reads: ••No one shall be deprived of his possessions without being first heard and defeated iii a suit al law. We hold that no mayor or judge or private party shall dare to deprive any person of his possessions without his having been first summoned, heard, and defeated in (he suit, and if an order of ours lie produced requiring that possession of oie'- property be given to another, and said order be given without hearing, let the same be respected but not executed; and if in view of such older or decre.- any parties should be deprived of their prop erty by any mayor, lei the other mayors of the city, or of wherever this may OCCUr, reinstate the party thus dispossessed within the third day, and after the third day lei the members of tin' council effect said restil ut ion." 317 La Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil y el Codigo Civil vigentes han con- sagrado el respeto a la posesion y el amparo a los despojados; pero el procedimiento para obtenerlo es deticiente, costoso y dilatado. El abuso a quo me refiero ha sido y continua siendo una fuente de inmoralidad. A ciudadanos que tenian documentoa fehacientes con que acreditar su derecho de dominio y que estaban poseyendo quieta y pacificamente, se les obliga a seguir un largo y eostoso litigio para demostrar que es de su exclusiva propiedad la cosa que se ha embargado en el eoncepto, equivoeado 6 malicioso, de pertenecer al deudor. A ciudadanos que poseen una finca por un titulo legal, se les perturbs 6 despoja de dicha posesion; y muehas veces no se les hace justicia sino despu6s de prolongados debates judiciales, durante los cuales los pro- ductos de la tinea suelen ir a parar a manos de un tercero con el nombre de administrador judicial designado por el perturbador 6 despojante. Cuando viene la reparacion del dafio, es ya demasiado tarde; los frutos de la finca 6 han desaparecido con el administrador 6 se consumen en los gastos del litigio 6 de la administration judicial. Este inmenso abuso, repito, es una fuente de inmoralidad, de donde surgen numerosas cuestiones judiciales, que son la desesperacion y la ruina de las familias. La necesidad de poner remedio al mal es tanto mayor cuanto que en la isla de Cuba es muy frecuente el caso de poseedorea de tineas rust i eas, que las poseen de buena fe y con justo titulo, } T que, sin embargo, se ven a menudo despojados 6 perturbados en la posesion. sin poder reclamar por no tener inscrito el dominio en el registro de la propie- dad. Otra causa de despojo 6 perturbacion, es el hecho de que innu- merables tineas rusticas no estan demarcadas por constituir parte tie grandes propiedades territoriales conocidas en este j>ais con el nombre generico de "haciendas comuneras." Cree el secretario que suscribe realizar una eficaz reforma juridica extirpadora de un mal antiguo y profundo, proponiendo :i listed el siguiente proyecto de orden, que dara verdadera garantia ;i propietarios v poseedores, facilitdndoles el remedio seguro contra Ilegitimas per- turbaciones y despojos, que tanto afectan al orden publico. De usted respetuosamente, Miguel ( h-.m-.u. Seers tario. No. 362. CUABTEL QeKEBAL DE LA hi vision DE CUBA, ffabana, /; s juzgados 6 tribunales de justicia, ciyiles 6 817 The law of civil procedure and the <'i\il *-f dishonest practices. Persons holding t rustworthy documents to prove their own- ership and quietly and peacefully in possession of their property are compelled to cuter into a protracted and expensive suit to prove that the property, erroneously or maliciously seized as belonging to the debtor and embargoed, belongs exclusively to them. Persons owning an estate by legal title are disturbed in its possession or deprived thereof, and often justice is only done to them after a protracted suit, during which the products of the estate pass into the hands of a third party known as judicial administrator appointed by the disturber or despoiler. When the time for reparation comes it is already too late; the products of the estate have either disappeared with the adminis- trator or are used to pay the expenses of the suit, or those of the judicial administration. This great abuse, 1 repeat, is a source of dishonest practices giving rise to many judicial questions which are the despair and ruin of families. The necessity of remedying this evil is the greater from the fact that very often in the island of Cuba owners of rural property hold possession in good faith and by legal title, and. notwithstanding this, they see themselves disturbed in the possession of the property or deprived thereof without being able to claim it because of failure to record same in the registry of property. Another cause of spoliation or disturbance is the fact that a great many rural properties are with- out marked boundaries because they form part of extensive landed estates known in this country by the generic name of " Haciendas Com a iii /v/.s'." The undersigned secretary believes that be will bring about an efficient legal reformation and eradicate a deep and long lasting evil by recommending to you the following draft of an order, which will furnish a real guarantee to owners and possessors of Landed estates, providing them with a remedy against illegal disturbance and seizures, so detrimental to public order. Yours respectfully, Miguel Gener, Secretary. No. 362. Headquarters Division op Cuba, Havana, September //'. 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, direct- the publication of the following order; I. Whenever the court of tribunals of justice, civil or criminal. 318 crjminales, se disponga algun embargo u ocupaci6n de bienes de cual- quiera clase, se determinar&n estos con precision, asi como el nombre de la persona contro quien se decreta el embargo 6 ocupaci6n, 6 :i quien se atribuye la propiedad de dichos bienes. II. El funcionario encargado de practicar dicho embargo u ocupa- cron, limitara la diligencia si los bienes expresamente determinados; y si aun respecto de esto resultare que estan poseidos a titulo de dueno por persona distinto de la designada y se le exhibiere documento publico que conipruebe que esa distinta persona era dueno 6 poseedor antes de la fecha de la resolution en que se dispuso la ocupacion 6 em bargo, se abstendra" de practicar la diligencia en cuanto a los bienes que se encuentren en ese caso. III. Todo aquel que, por disposicion judicial 6 a consecuencia de ella, dictada en actuaciones civiles 6 criminales, en que no figure como parte ni se le haya oido, fuere despojado 6 perturbado en el dominioo posesion de bienes de cualquiera clase que, por si 6 por medio de otras personas, posea en concepto de iueno 6 de causahabiente del dueno. con anterioridad a la fecha de aquel la disposicion, debera ser inmedia- tamente amparado en la posesion por el juez 6 tribunal de quien proceda aquella disposicion 6 que este conociendo de los autos por cualquier motivo, aunque sea por el ue apelacion y aun cuando por cualquiera causa haya quedado el juicio 6 las actuaciones en suspenso. IV. Para obtener el amparo a que se refiere el articulo anterior, serd suliciente que el perturbado 6 despojado losolicite porescrito, siempre que los fundamentos que justifiquen su solicitud, ya se refiei-an al dominio 6 ya a la posesion. consten en los mismos autos 6 en otros que scan principales 6 Incidentes de los mismos; 6 en caso contrario, so presenten documentos fehaeientes que comprueben dichos fundamentos. En cualquiera de estos dos casos, el juez 6 tribunal, sin audiencia de nadie, decretar3 en el acto el amparo imponiendo Las costas al pertur- bador 6 despojante, y disponiendo que en el mismo dia se practiquen las diligencias 6 se libren y entreguen al reclamante las comunicaciones que eean necesarias para hacer efectivo dicho amparo; y t j m» al efecto se hagan las prevenciones pertinentes al perturbador 6, en su caso, se restituya en la posesion al despojado. La eoiidena de costas no se hard* el'ectiva niientras no se ootifique al eondenado a SU pagO y quede tinne dicha icsolucion. X. Si se declarase sin lugar el amparo. se impondran las costas al reclamante. Este podrri pedir, dentro de tres dfas, reposici6n de dicha resoliieion; CUyo reciU'SO, tainbien sin audiencia de nadie, se re.soh er;i dentro del dla siguiente al de su interposici6n. V si se declarase sin 818 direct the embargo or occupation of property of any kind, the latter shall be specified with all exactness, as well as the name <>f the person againsl whom the embargo or occupation is ordered or who is con- sidered to be the owner of said property . II. 'Inf Functionary charged with the execution of said embargo or occupation shall limit his action to the property expressly described; and even if it should appear that tin- latter i- beld in p. .--.'--ion under a title of ownership by a different person from the one speeitied. and he should he shown a public document which proves that the said different person was owner or possessor prior to the date of the decree providing for thi' occupation or embargo, he shall ali.-tain from any action in regard to properties in this condition. III. All persons who by some judicial decree, or in consequence thereof, issued in civil or criminal suits, in which they are not parties nor have been heard, may have been dispossessed or disturbed in the control or possession of properties of any kind which they may pos- sess themselves or through other persons a- owners or a- heir- and assigns of owner- prior to the date of the aforesaid decree, shall l>e immediately protected in tin 1 posses-ion of the same by the judgeor court from winch said decree was issued, or which may have cognizance of the proceedings for any reasons whatsoever, even should it he through appeal taken, and even when for any reason the suit or pro- ceedings should have been suspended. IV. To obtain the -protection referred to in the preceding article, it will he sufficient that the party disturbed or dispossessed request it in writing, on condition that the grounds that justify him in making his request, wht'ther they refer to the control or to the possession ot the property, appear in the proceedings of the suit or in others that may be principal or incidental thereto: or in a contrary case, provided that authenticated documents he presented proving said grounds. In either of these two cases the judge or court, without hearing anyone, -hall forthwith order that protection he given, condemning the disturber or dispossessor to the payment of cost.-, and directing that on the same day action he taken, or that there he issued and delivered to the claimant the communications that may he necessary to make effective said protection; and that for said purpose the proper warn- ings he given to the disturher or. as the case may lie. that the party dispossessed have his property restored to him. The collection of costs -hall not he made effective until the party condemned to their payment is notified and the said decision becomes final. V. Should protection he denied, the payment of costs shall be imposed upon the claimant. The lattei may request within three days the reversal of said decison; which recourses, also without hearing any other parties, shall !»<■ decided before thecloseof the day following that 819 lugar <'l recurso se impondran tambien las costas al recurrente. Este podra apelar dentro de tercero dia. VI. Si se declarase con lugar el aniparo, una vez practicado lo nece- sario para hacerlo efectivo, se notiticara la resolucion a los que scan partes en el juicio 6 actuaciones, quienes podran pedir reposicion den- tro de tres dias; cuyo recurso se sustaneiara* en la forma que para los de esa clase previene la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Si se resolviere declarandolo sin lugar, se impondran al recurrente las costas; y en caso contrario, se impondran al que solicits el aniparo. La resolucion sera apelable dentro de tercero dia. VII. Si dispuesto un embargo, ocupacion 6 remate de bienes deter- minados, se comprendiesen, al llevar a efecto la diligencia 6 acto dis- puesto, otros bienes, el juzgado 6 tribunal debera subsansar de oficio esa informalidad 6 extralimitacion tan pronto como se entere de ella, disponiendo, sin demora y sin previa audiencia de nadie, que se exclu- yan de la diligencia 6 acto los bienes indebidamente comprendidos; practicandose para esto cuanto sea necesario, incluso el libramiento de ordenes, mandamientos y exhortos que en cada caso se requieran. Con- tra esta resolucion, despues de cumplida, se podran interponer losrecur- sos de reposicion y apelacion en la forma y dentro de los terminos establecidos en el articulo anterior. No obstante la obligation de proceder de oficio. los jueces y tribu- nales, en los casos a* que este articulo se refiere, podran los perjudicados con aquella extralimitacion pedir que se subsane, utilizando para ello el recurso de amparo que en esta orden se establece. VIII. Si los fundamentos que justifiquen el recurso de amparo no const an en los autos en que se deduzca 6 en sus principales 6 Lncidentes, ni se presentaren documentos publicos de cualquier clase que los com- prueben, el juez 6 tribunal scnalara dia y hora dentro de los seis dias siguientes, para que comparezcan los interesados con las pruebas que tuvieren y oyendo en esc acto a dichos interesados 6 ;i sus abogadosy apreciando las pruebas que en el acto presentaren, las cuales podran scrdc cualquier clase si se refieren al becho de la posesi6n, 6 s61o de documentos publicos si se refieren :i la propiedad, dictarfi su resolucion en el propio acto 6 :i mas tai-dar dentro del dia siguiente; la cual se cumplirl inmediatamente sin necesidadde aotificaci6n previa si en ella se declarase con Lugar el recurso. La resolucion que se dicte por cualquier juez, sera en todo caso apelable dentro recourse was instituted. And it' the reversal should be denied, the cost Bhall also be imposed upon the claimant The latter may appeal within three days. VI. Sould protection be allowed, as soon a- the necessary action has been taken to make it effective notice of the decision shall begfr en to the parties in the suit or proceedings, who may ask for a reversal within three days. This recourse shall he substantiated in the manner prescribed for such recourses by the Law of Civil Procedure. If the appeal shonld be declared groundless, the appellant shall he condemned to the payment of costs, and if otherwise, they shall he imposed upon the party asking for protection. The decision may be appealed against within the third day. \ II. Should an embargo, occupation, or auction sale of certain properties he ordered and other properties be included at the tune of the execution of said order, the court or tribunal must of its own accord correct the said informality or excess of authority as soon as it may be informed thereof by ordering, without delay and without hearing anyone, that properties thus unduly included he excluded from the action, taking all measures that may be necessary for the purpose, including the issuance of orders, warrants, and requisitorial letter- which may be required in every case. Against such a decision, after it has been carried into effect, recourses of reversal and appeal may he had in the form and within the terms established in the preced- ing article. Notwithstanding the fact that judges and courts must proceed of their own accord in the cases to which this article refers, the parties injured by the said excess of authority may request that it he corrected. using for that purpose the appeal for protection that is established by this older. VIII. If the grounds that justify the appeal for protection do not appear in the proceedings of the case itself, or in other- principal or incidental thereto, nor public documents of any kind are presented proving the same, the judge or court shall appoint a day and hour within the following six days for the appearance of the inten -ted parties with the proofs that they may have, and he shall give said interested parties or their attorneys a hearing and weigh the proofs which they bring. These may he of any kind whatsoever if they refer to the fact of possession, or may consist only of public documentsif they refer to the ownership, and decision shall he rendered forthwith, or at latest before the ending of the following day, which decision shall he immediately enforced, without any necessity of prior notifica- tion, if it declare- that the protection IS allowed. A decision rendered by any judge is appealable in every case within three days. IX. All appeals may be instituted by endorsement on the record- 320 mismos autos, 6 por medio de escrito sin necesidad de letrado; y Be oiran para ante <•! juez de primera instancia 6 de instruccion del dis- trito si In resolution apelada hubiere sido dictada por un juez munici- pal; para ante la sala borrespondiente de la audiencia respectiva si hubiere sido dictada por un juez de primera instancia, de instruccion o correccional. Si fuere dictada en primera instancia por una sala de justicia, solo procedera* contra ella el recurso de suplica ante el tribunal pleno, interponi^ndose y resolvie*ndose, previa vista piiblica, en los mismos terminos y en la propia forma (pic el de apelacion. X. Dentrode los tresdias siguientes al de la mterposici6n del recurso de apelacion, en los casos en que proceda este, se elevaran los autos al juzgado 6 tribunal que deba conocer del mismo, emplazandose previa- mente a las partes para que ante el comparezcan dentro de quinto dia. Si el juzgado 6 tribunal que haya de conocer de la apelacion estuviere en lugar distinto de aquel que dicto la resolucion apelada, el termino del emplazamiento se ampliara a un dia mas porcada veinte kilometros de distancia. Si venciereel termino del emplazamiento sin personarse el apelantc. quedara firme de derecho la resolucion apelada y se devol- ver;in de oficio los autos dentro del siguiente dia al juzgado inferior. haciendose constar en ellos aquella circunstancia. XI. Si se personase el apelantc dentro del termino del emplaza- miento. se senalara dia para la vista, la cual se celebara dentro de los tres dias siguientes; y oy^ndose en ella a las partes 6 sua defensores, se dictara sentencia dentro de los tres dias siguientes, con la declara- toria sobre costas que corresponda y sin ulterior recurso; devolvie*n- dose inmediatamente los autos al juzgado 6 tribunal inferior, dondese har;i la notification de aquelia. Las vistas no se susprnderan por enfci'nie(lad ni imposibilidad de las partes 6 sus defensores. XII. Ksta orden tendra aplicacion tanto en la juri>diecion civil como en la penal; y lo mismo en los casos que en lo sucesivo ocurran que en los que hasta ahora hayan ocurrido y aim no este'n resueltos ejecutoriamente. XIII. Para los casos de perturbaci6n en la propiedad 6 despojo de ella. que no i'-ti'n comprendidos en los articulos que preceden, conti- nual vigente el procedimiento senalado en la Lc\ de Enjuiciamiento ('i\il para el interdicto de retener 6 de recobrar; pero entendi^ndose que sera" juez competente el municipal con apelaci6n para ante el superior jerarquico. 320 themselves <>r by written application, tin- Intervention of a lawyer not being necessary, and they shall be heard for the decision of the judge of primera instancia or of instrucci6n of the district it' the decision appealed against should have been rendered bya municipal judge, and for tin 1 decision of the proper Bala of the corresponding audiencia if it should have been rendered by a judge of primera instancia, of instruc- ci6n, or a correctional judge. Should it have been rendered primarily by a Bala de justicia, only ;t recourse of entreaty (suplica) before the court in full session shall be pertinent, which will lie Instituted and decided after a public hearing under the same conditions and in the sanie manner as ordinary appeals. X. Within the three days following the date of the institution of an appeal, in cases where the latter is in order, the proceedings shall be sent to the court or tribunal that must have cognizance of the same, first Bummoning the parties interested to appear before the said court or tribunal within the tit'th day. If the court or tribunal that is to have cognizance of the appeal should be situated at a different place from the one that issued or rendered the decision appealed against, the period named in the summons shall be extended one da^v for each 20 kilometers of distance. If the period named in the summons should pass by without the appearance of the appellant, the decision appealed against shall be legally final and the records shall lie returned by the court's own action before the close of the following day to the lower court, a statement being made therein of the circumstances. XI. If the appellant should appear within the period named in the summons, a day shall be named for the hearing, which shall take place within the three days following; and the interested parties or their attorneys having been heard, sentence shall be rendered within the following three days, together with the declaration that may be proper concerning costs, without further.appeal, the proceedings being imme- diately returned to the lower tribunal or court, where said sentence shall be notified. The hearing of the case shall not be postponed in consequence of the illness or inability of the parties or their attorney-. XII. This order shall be applied in civil as well as in criminal suits, and it shall govern those cases that may hereafter occur and those which may heretofore have occurred but which have not been finally decided. XIII. In cases of disturbance of property or of spoliation thereof, not included in the foregoing articles, the proceedings established by the Law of Civil Procedure for retention or return of possession shall remain in force, but the competent judge shall be the municipal judge. against who-e decision appeal may be had before his Superior in rank. 18473—01 41 321 XIV. Todo lo relativo al recurso de amparo se sustanciara' en cua- demo aparte, :i fin de do entorpecerel curso del asunto principal: pero siempre quedara* en suspenso el cumplimiento de la resoluci6n que motive el recurso de amparo en la parte que sea objeto de este. XV. Si al elevar al juzgado 6 tribunal superior dicho cuaderno y los autos principales (si fueren aecesarios estos) por virtud de apelacion, pudiera sufrir perjuicio la marcha del asunto principal, se forma ra cuaderno separado eon los lugares Lndispensables para la practica de todo aquello que convenga no demorar. XVI. Siempre que a consecuencia de disposici6n judicial y :i pesar de lo dispuesto en el articulo II, se de posesion a una persona de bienes que cstcn poseidos por persona distinta de la que se supone duena 6 poseedora y en cuya suposicion sea que se hava dietado aquella orden, la persona a quien se hubiere dado posesion se abstcndra de dispo- ner de dichos bienes 6 de sus frutos mientras no lo autorice para ello el juez 6 tribunal que hul)iese dispuesto la oeupaeion 6 posesion, para cuyo efecto, debera* presentar al mismo, dentro de los dos dias siguientes, la citada diligencia de oeupaeion 6 posesion. Cuando los bienes este'n situados fuera de la localidad en que resida el juez 6 tri- bunal, se entendera ampliado dicho termino a un dia mas por cada viente kilometros de distancia; y si transcurrido este termiiio no hubiere presentado dicha dilig-eneia, quedara de derecho sin efecto la oeupa- eion 6 posesion y el juzgado 6 tribunal dispondra en consecuencia lo que eorresponda. XVII. Las distancias que hayan podido recorrerse en ferrocarril 6 vapor en cada caso, solo dar;in derecho ;i un dia de ampliacion por cada cien kilometros en la computaci6n de los terminos a que Be retie- ren los artfculos X y XVI. XV III. Lo dispuesto en esta orden deja ;i salvo los derechos y acciones de que se crean asistidos los Interesados respecto de la pro- piedad y de la posesion definitivas 6 para exigir cualquier clase de responsabilidad; de cuyos derechos y acciones podrda hacer uso en la via \ forma que eorresponda. XIX. Quedan derogados todos los preceptos legales queseopon- gan a los eshiblt'cidos en la presentc orden. (pic empi'zarii a rcgir desde su publicaci6n en la Qaceta Oficial del Gobierno. El OvmandcmU cU Ebtado Mayor, .). B. HlOKEY. 321 XIV. All matters relating to the recourse of protection shall be substantiated in a separate record of proceedings, in order thai the coarse of the records of the main matter in question be nol hampered; l»ut the execution of the decision against the recourse of protection which has been taken shall be suspended in the part concerning the recourse. XV. It' because of an appeal said separate record of the proceedings and the original records (if these be necessary) be forwarded to the higher courts and the course of the principal matter in- hampered thereby, a separate record of proceedings shall be drawn up. which shall include the indispensable data in order that all steps he taken to obviate delay. XVI. Whenever, by virtue of a judicial decree, and notwithstand- ing the provisions of Article II. a person should be placed in posses- sion of any property whatsoever which i< held by another than the one supposed to he the owner or holder of said property, and -aid judicial decree is based <>n this supposition, the person placed in the possession of the property shall not dispose of it nor of the proceeds thereof as lone- a- he i- not authorized by the judge or the court by whom tin 1 occupation or possession thereof may have been ordered, and to this effect there shall be filed before the said judge or court, within the two days next following, the proper record of the occupa- tion or possession mentioned. Whenever the property is not situated within the locality "where the judge or court sits, the above-mentioned period shall be extended at the rate of one day for every 20 kilometers distance from the place where the judge or court is loeated: and if after this period ha- expired the party concerned should not have filed the above-mentioned record of possession, the occupation or possession shall be legally ineffective, and the judge or tribunal shall accordingly take proper action in the matter. XVII. Thedistances which have been covered by railroad or steamer in each case .-hall only give the right for an extension of one day for every one hundred kilometers when computing the periods to which Article X and XVI refer. XVIII. The provisions of this order shall in no way be detrimental to the rights and action- which the parties concerned may be entitled to concerning the final ownership and possession, or the light to -lie for any kind of responsibilities whatsoever; which rights and actions they can use in any way and form that may be proper. XIX. Tin' provisions of tin- order -hall go into effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, and all legal provisions ill conflict therewith are hereby revoked. .1. B. HlCKET, Assistant Adjutant- <" /<< ral> 322 No. 427. Cuartel, General de la Division de Cuba. Habana* 15 de Octubre de 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del secretario de jus- tibia, ha tenido a bien disponer la publication de la siguiente orden, relativa al mandamiento de habeas corpus: QUIEN PUEEE SOLICITAR EL MANDAMIENTO — ESTE PODRX SER EXPEDIDO LOS DIAS FESTIVOS — PARTES. I. La persona que hay a sido privada de su libertad dentro de la isla de Cuba, por cualquier causa, 6 bajo cualquier pretext©, tiene derecho, excepto cuaudo haya sido encarcelada 6 detenida por virtud de una sentencia de juez 6 tribunal cornpetente, a un mandamiento de habeas corpus, coino se prescribe en esta orden, can el tin de averi- guar cuales son las causas de la prision 6 privacion de libertad, y para que en los casos previstos se le devuelva esta. El mandamiento de habeas corpus podra ser expedido y entregado todos los dias, pero no se vera el caso para resolution sino en dia habil. Las partes, en un procedimiento instituido por medio del manda- miento de habeas corpus, podriin comparecer por medio de represen- tante como en otros casos. C6MO Y ANTE QUIEN DEBE HACERSE LA SOLICITUD PARA EL MANDAMIENTO. II. La solicitud para el mandamiento ha de hacerse por medio de petition escrita v firmada, bien por la persona de cuya libertad se fcrate, 6 bien en su nombre por cualquiera otra, presentandola ;i cualquiera de los siguientes jueces, tribunales y presidentes 6 magistrados de los mismos: 1. A los jueces de instruction en los casos que procedan d»> actos de los jueces municipales y correccionales, dentro de La jurisdicci6n ter- ritorial de dichos jueces de instrucoi6n. 2. A las audi en cias y sala de lo criminal de la audiencia de la Sabana, en los casos que procedan de actos de los jueces de instrucci6n some- tidos :i la jufisdiccion de dichas audiencias y sala de lo criminal. 3. AA Tribunal Supremo, en los casos que procedan de actos de las audiencias 6 sala de lo criminal de la audiencia de la Havana. I. A los jueces de instrucci6n 6 audiencias 6 sala ^- lo criminal de la audiencia de la Habana, :i elecci6n del solicitante, en los casos que procedan ^ los actos de cualquier autoridade civil 6 empleado del niisi rden, 6 ^\r cualquiera corporaci6n, asociaci6n 6 Lndividuo par ticular, por los cuales cualquier individuo baya sido privado de su libertad. 322 No. !•_' 7. Beadquabxebs Dn isiom of < h rBA, Havana, October /■'>. n>W. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication <»!' the following order relating to the writ of habeas corpus: WHO MAY PROSECUTE WRIT WRIT MAI D98UE <>\ Wi DAI PARTIE8. I. A person imprisoned or restrained of his liberty within the island of Culm, for any cause or upon any pretense, is entitled, except where In- has been committed or is detained by virtue of the judgment of a competent judge or tribunal, to a writ of habeas corpus, as prescribed in this order, for the purpose of inquiring into the cause of the impris- onment or restraint, and. in a case prescribed by law, of delivering him therefrom. A writ of habeas corpus may be issued and served on any day, but it can only be made returnable on a working day. The parties to a case instituted by the writ of habeas corpus may appear by attorney, as in other cases. HOW AND TO WHOM APPLICATION FOR WRIT SHOULD BE MADE. II. Application for the writ must be made by a written petition, signed either by the person for whose relief it is intended or by some person in his behalf, to any of the following judges or tribunals, or to the chief justices or associate justices thereof: 1. The judges of instruction, in cases arising out of the acts of the municipal and correctional judges within the territorial jurisdiction of said judges of instruccion. 2. The audiencias and the sala de lo criminal of the audiencia of Havana, in cases arising out of the acts of the judges of instruccion within the territorial jurisdiction of said audiencias and said sala de lo criminal. 3. The supreme eourt, in cases arising out of the acts of the audi- encias and the sala de lo criminal of the audiencia of Havana. 1. The judge- of instruccion. or the audiencias and the sala de lo criminal of the audiencia of Havana, at the option of the petitioner, in cases arising out of the acts of any civil authority or official, or of an\ corporation, association, or private individual, by which any person has been restrained of his liberty. Cuando corresponda conocer del caso ;i una audiencia 6 sala de lo criminal r medio del ejercicio dv una aecion a nombre de ('>ta. 828 When an audiencia <>r the sala de l<> criminal of the audiencia of Elavana <>r the supreme court baa jurisdiction, the petition may be presented to its chief justice or any of its associate justices. III. The petition musl be sworn to by the petitioner, who shall be thus identified before a notary public, <>r the judge, or a member of Lhe tribunal to which the application is made, without cost to such petitioner, and must state in >uhstance: 1. That the pei-son in whose behalf the writ is applied for is imprisoned or restrained of his liberty, the place of imprisonment or restraint, and the name or description of the officer or person by whom he is imprisoned or restrained. 2. That he lias not been committed and is not detained by virtue of any judgment of a judge or tribunal. 3. The cause or pretense of the imprisonment or restraint, according to the best knowledge and belief of the petitioner. 4. If the imprisonment or restraint is by virtue of a mandate, a copy thereof must be annexed to the petition, unless the petitioner avers either that by reason of the removal or concealment of the person imprisoned or restrained before the application a demand of such a copy could not be made, or that such a demand was made and the copy was refused. ... If the imprisonment or restraint is alleged to be illegal, the petitioner must state in what the alleged illegality consists. 1 1 the petitioner should not have knowledge of the facts referred to in Paragraph III he must so state. WHEN WKIT MUST BE GRANTED — PENALTY FOR REFUSING. TV. A judge or tribunal authorized to grant the writ must giant it without delay, whenever a petition therefor is presented, as prescribed in this order, unless it appears from the petition itself or the annexed documents that the petitioner is not entitled by law to prosecute the writ. For a violation of this paragraph a judge, or. if the application was made to a tribunal, each member of the tribunal who assents to the violation, shall be jointly and severally responsible t<> the person imprisoned or restrained in the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by an action in his name. 324 FORMA DEI. MANDAMIENTO. V. EI mandamiento expedido coino se prescribe en esta orden tendril sustancialmente la siguiente forma, y los blancoa Be Uenaran debidamente: E: Pueblo ill In hln ih Culm, a — : Ordenainos a Vd. que presente a , que se dice preso 6 privado de su Libertad por Vd., haciendo constar cuando y porqu^ Be realizo tal prisi6n <'> privaci6n de libertad, cualquiera que sea el nombre por que dicho sea conocido U llamado, 6 el delito que se le impute, ante (inseVtese aqui el norubre del juez 6 tribunal) en inmediatamente dcspnes del recibo de este mandamiento, para estar & lo que dicho juez 6 tribunal resuelva, debiendo traer Yd. consigo este mandamiento. Firmado el dia de de 19 — . EFICACIA DEL MANDAMIENTO. VI. El mandamiento no sera desobedecido por ningun defecto de forma, con tal que en el se llenen los siguientes requisites: 1. Si el que tiene la custodia de la persona presa 6 privada de su libertad es designado, bien por su titulo oficial si lo tiene, 6 bien por su propio nombre; 6 si ambas cosas son desconocidas 6 inciertas, por su apelativo supuesto 6 apodo. Cualquiera persona a quien se haya entre- gado el mandamiento se considerara ser aquella a quien se ha dirigido, aun cuando se le haya dirigido con un nombre 6 generales equivocal his 6 a otra persona, siempre que bajo su poder 6 custodia 6 disposicion se encuentre la persona presa 6 detenida. 2. Si la persona que se ordena sea presentada es destgnada por su nombre 6 se describe de cualquier otra manera de modo que pueda venirse en conocimiento de la persona que se desea. CUANDO SE HA DE EXPEDIR EL MANDAMIENTO SIN PREVIA SOLICITUD. VII. Cuando un juez 6 un miembro de un tribunal autorizado por esta orden para librar mandamientos de habeas corpus tonga pruebas de (jue cualquiera persona esta ilegalmente detenida 6 privada de su libertad, dentrode su jurisdiccion, expedira un mandamiento de habeas corpus para socorrer a esa persona aim cuando no se haya hecho peti- cion con ese fin. CUMl'I.IMIKNTO OKI, MANDAMIENTO SU CONTENI1X). VIII. La persona a quien ha sido debidamente entregado el manda- miento expresard clara e inequlvocamente en un informe porescrito 1. Si tiene <'> ha tonido bajo su custodia. poder 6 sujeci6n, :i la per- sona para cuyo socorro se ha expedido el mandamiento. 2. Si en ese COncepto tenia :i dicha persona cuando el niaiulainicnto le I'ue ent regado y aun la t ieiie. expresnra con tpie autoridad v por «|iic 324 iMi.M iik \vi;rr. V". Thewril issued as prescribed in this order must be substantially in the following form, the blanks being properlj filled up: Th* VeopU of the Island of Cuba to : We command you thai you have the body of , by you impris >d <>v restrained of hie Liberty, as ii is said, together with the time and cause of such imprisonment or restraint, by whatsoever name the said is called or charged, before (hereinserl the name of judge or tribunal) at immediately after the receipt of this writ, to cany out the order <>!' the judge or tribunal then and there to be made, and bring with you this writ. Signed the day of , in the year lit — . \\ 1 1 I.N \\ KIT SUFFICIENT. VI. The writ shall not be disobeyed for any defect of form, and particularly in cither of the following cases: 1. If the person having the custody of the person imprisoned or restrained is designated, either by his name of office, if he has one, or by his own name, or. if both names are unknown or uncertain, by an assumed appellation. Any person upon whom the w lit is served is deemed to be the person to whom it is directed, although it is directed to him by a wrong name or description, or to another person, pro- vided that the person imprisoned or restrained of his liberty is in his custody. •1. If the person directed to be produced is designated by name or otherwise described in any way, so as to be known to he the person intended. WHEN WRIT TO ISSUE WITHOUT APPLICATION. VII. Where a judge or a member of a tribunal authorized by this order to grant writs of habeas corpus has evidence that any person is illegally imprisoned or restrained of his liberty within his jurisdic- tion, he 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 issue a writ of habeas corpus for the relief of that person, although no application therefor has been made. RETURN — ITS CONTENTS. VIII. The person upon whom the writ has been duly served must State plainly and unequivocally in his return: 1. Whether or not he has, or at any time whatsoever had in his custody, or under his power or restraint, the person for whose relief the writ was issued. 2. If he so had that person when the writ was served and still has him, he must state fully the authority and true cause of the imprison- 325 causa realizo su prision 6 privacion de libertad. Si el detenido lo estuviere en virtue! de un auto, providencia 6 decreto, se agregara una copia del mismo al informe, y cuando se devuelva el mandamiento de habeas corpus se exhibini el original al juez 6 tribunal. 3. Si hubiere tenido tal persona presa 6 privada de su libertad. pero hubiere traspasacLo la eustodia 6 sujecion dela misnia a otro, el informe se ajustara a los requisitos que se exigen en el inciso 2.° de este articulo, excepto que solo se expresara lo esencial del auto, providencia 6 decreto, si el original no estuviere ya en poder del que ha de infonnar. y que en el informe se consignara particularmente a quien. en que" tiempo, por que causa y por orden de que autoridad se hizo el traspaso. El informe sera firmado por la persona que lo de. la cual prestarl juramento sobre su autenticidad, de la misnia manera que se exije al peticionario del mandamiento, y sin pagar derechos. TIEMPO DENTRO 1>EL CUAL DEBE CUMPLIRSE EL MANDAMIENTO. IX. Cuando el que ha de presentar al preso 6 privado de libertad. no se encuentre a mayor distancia de treinta kilometros del lugar en que ha de presentarlo lo presentara junto con el informe dentro de las veinte y cuatro horas despues de recibido el mandamiento. y el mismo tiempo se concedera por cada treinta kilometros adicionales. SERl PRESENTADA LA PERSONA PRESA 6 PRIVADA DE LIBERTAD. X. La persona a quien se haya dirigido debidamente un manda- miento de habeas corpus presentara al preso 6 privado de Libertad, que este bajo su eustodia, de conformidad con lo ordenado en el manda- miento; a menos que presente con su informe una certificaci6n de un medico, que haya prestado juramento ante un notario publico o un juez 6 magistrado, sin pagar derechos por ello, sobre el hecho de que la persona presa 6 privada de su libertad esta tan enferma que su presen- tacion pondria en peligro su vida 6 su salud; pero en este easo el juez 6 tribunal podra nombrar un medico para que haga un examen, y le informe, y podra ordenar la inmediata presentaci6n de la persona encarcelada 6 privada de libertad. PROOEDEMIENTO POR DESOBEDIENCL4 \l. MANDAMIENTO. XI. Cuando una persona £ quien se haya dirigido debidamente un mandamiento, rehusare 6 descuidare obedecerio, sin causas suficientes debidamente demostradas, el juez 6 tribunal ;i quien se ha de pre sentar el preso 6 privado de Libertad, una vez probado que el manda- miento fu6 debidamente entregado, expedira 1 inmediatamente una orden de arresto, dirigida en t^rminos generales ;i cualquier empleado de policia en la isla. ]>ie\ it'iidole que ininediatnnienle ]»renda al disobe- diente y lo oonduzca ante el juez 6 tribunal. En el acto de compa- 825 mentor restraint If the person is detained by virtue of a mandate, a copy thereof most be annexed t<< the return, and upon the return of the writ the original must be produced and exhibited to the judge or tribunal' :;. [f he so had the person imprisoned or restrained at any time, hut has transferred the custody <>r restraint of him to another, the return must conform to the return required by the second subdivision of this paragraph, except that the substance of the mandate may be given if the original is no longer in bis possession, and that the return must state particularly to whom, at what time, for what cause, and by what authority the transfer was made. The return must he signed by the person making it. and must be sworn to by him, in like manner as the petition musl !»• swornto, and ithout cost. TIME OF RETURNING WRIT. IX. Where the writ is returnable at a place within thirty kilo- meters of the place of service, the return must he made and the person Imprisoned or restrained must be produced within twenty-four hours after service, and the like time must he allowed for each additional thirty kilometers. BODY OF PERSON IMPRISONED OR RESTRAINED TO BE PRODUCED. X. The person upon whom a writ has been duly served must also bring up the body of the person imprisoned or restrained in his cus- tody, according to the command of the writ, unless he produces with the return a certificate of a physician, sworn to before a notary public or a judge, or a member of a tribunal, without cost, that the person imprisoned or restrained is so sick that the production of him would endanger his life or his health; but in such case the judge or tribunal may appoint a physician to make an examination and report, and may order the immediate production of the person imprisoned or restrained. PROCEEDINGS ON DISOBEDIENCE OF WRIT. XT. Where a person who has been duly served with the writ refuses or neglects without sufficient cause shown by him fully to obey it. the judge or tribunal before whom or which it is made returnable, upon proof of proper service thereof, must immediately issues warrant of arrest, directed generally to any police officer of the islam), command- ing such officer immediately to apprehend the delinquent and bring him before the judge or tribunal. Upon the delinquent being so brought, an order must be made committing him to jail. The order 326 recer el desobediente, se expedira* una orden para su encaroelamiento. La orden dispondra que permanezca encarcelado hasta que informe sobre el mandamiento do habeas corpus que recibio y lo < uinpla. ORDEN PARA PRESENTAR A LA PERSONA PRESA 6 PRIVADA T)K CJBEBTAD. XIL El juez 6 tribunal podra tambien, discrecionalmente al tiempo de expedirse la orden de arresto, 6 despues, prevenir al empleado de policial quien dicha orden se ha dirigido, que inmediatamente con- duzca si la presencia del juez 6 del tribunal a la persona en favor de la eual fue expedido el mandamiento de habeas corpus y dicha persona desde ese momento continuara bajo la custodia del empleado que cumple la orden, hasta que sea puesta en libertad, 6 se le admita fianza, 6 vuelva a ser encarcelada segiin lo ordenare el juez 6 tribunal. PROCEDIMIENTO CUANDO SE INFORMA AL MANDAMIENTO. XIII. El juez 6 tribunal ante quien la persona encarcelada 6 privada de libertad es conducida por virtud del mandamiento expedido como se prescribe en esta orden, debera inmediatamente despues de recibido el informe al mandamiento, celebrar vista y en ella olr a los interesa- dos y testigos y apreciar los hechos alegados en el informe, y las causas del encarcelamiento 6 sujecion de la persona encarcelada 6 pri- vada de libertad; y debera expedir una orden de libertad si entendiere que procede. CAUNDO SE HA DE VOLVER A ENCARCELAR LA PERSONA PRESA 6 PRIVADA DE SU LIBERTAD. XIV. El juez 6 tribunal inmediatamente expedira una orden para que de nuevo sea encarcelada la persona presa 6 privada de su libertad, si apareciese que esta privada de libertad por virtud de sentencia do un juez 6 tribunal competente, y que el tiempo durante el eual puede ser legalmente asi detenida no ha vencido. PROCEDIMIENTO EN CASO DE ENCARCELAMIENTO EEREGT I MEL. XV. Si apareciese que la persona presa 6 privada do Libertad ha sido legalmente encarcelada por un hecho punible, 6 si constare por las pruebas presentadas con el informe dado al mandamiento pedido 6 practicadas en la vrista, que hay motivos para presumir que dicha per- sona es culpable del referido hecho punible, aim cuando el encarcela- miento Sea irregular, el juez 6 tribunal, ante quien sea conducida esa persona, expedira i nnicdiatamente una orden para que sea pnesta en libertad bajo lian/.a. si esta lucre procedente; \ >i nol lo lucre, para que vuelva a ser encarcelada. 326 must direct thai he stand committed until he makes return to and obeys the \\ rit. ORDER TO PRODI < l. PERSON IMPRISONED OB RESTRAINED. XII. The judge or tribunal may also, in his or it- discretion, at the lime when the warrant of arrest is issued <>r afterwards, issue an order to the police officer to whom the warrant is directed commanding him immediately to bring before the judge or tribunal the person for whose benefit the writ was granted, who must thereafter remain in the custody of the officer executing tl rder until discharged, admitted to bail, or remanded, as the judge or tribunal may direct. PROCEEDINGS ON RETURN OF WRIT. XIII. The judge or tribunal before whom or which the person imprisoned or restrained is brought by virtue of the writ issued as prescribed in this order, must immediately after the return of the writ hear the evidence, examine into the facts alleged in the return and into the cause of the imprisonment or restraint of the person imprisoned or restrained, and must make an order to discharge him therefrom if no legal cause 1 for the imprisonment or restraint or for the continuation thereof is shown. WHEN PERSON IMPRISONED OR RESTRAINED TO BE REMANDED. XIV. The judge or tribunal must immediately make an order to remand the person imprisoned or restrained, if it appears that he is detained in custody by virtue of the judgment of a competent judge or tribunal and that the time for which he may legally be so detained has not expired. PROCEEDINGS ON IRREGULAR COMMITMENT. XV. If it appears that the person imprisoned or restrained has been legally committed for a criminal offense, or if he appears by the tes- timony offered with the return, or upon the hearing thereof, to be guilty of such an offense, although the commitment is irregular, the judge 01 tribunal before whom or which he is brought must immedi- ately make an order to discharge him upon his giving bail, if the case is bailable; or if it is not bailable, to remand him. 327 FIANZAS — CUANDO Y COMO DEBEN ADMITIRSE. XVI. Si del informe a nn mandarniento expedido do la manera pres- crita en esta orden apareciere que la persona presa 6 detenida tiene derecho a quedar en libertad bajo tianza, el juez 6 tribunal dictara* reso- lucion fijando la suma que ha de serle admitida como tal lianza; y pres- tada esta, sera puesta en libertad con arreglo a la ley. Si se ofreciese inmediatamente la tianza suficiente, el juez 6 tribunal debera" adini- tirla; en otro caso esta podra ser prestada despues ante el juez 6 tri- bunal que conozca de los autos en que se dispuso el encarcelamiento de la persona presa 6 privada de libertad. CUiNDO LA PERSONA PRESA 6 PRIVADA DE LIBERTAD PODRA SER ENTREGADA A OTRO EMPLEADO. XVII. Cuando la persona presa 6 privada de libertad no tenga dere- cho a disfrutar de esta, 6 si teniendolo bajo tianza no la prestare, Be la volvera a poner bajo la custodia en que estaba a nienos que el que la custodiaba no fuere competente para ello, en cuj t o caso se pondra bajo la custodia de aquel a quien corresponda." CUSTODIA DE LA PERSONA PRESA 6 PRIVADA DE LIBERTAD PENDIENTE EL PROCEDIMIENTO. XVIII. Pendiente el procedimiento del habeas corpus el juez 6 tri- bunal ante quien la persona presa 6 privada de libertad ha sido condu- cida, podra ponerla bajo la custodia del alcalde de la carcel del Uigur donde reside dicho juez 6 tribunal 6 bajo la que su edad li otras circunstancias hagan necesario. AVISO QUE HA DE DARSE ANTES DE PONER EN LIBERTAD LA FEBBOSA PRESA 6 DETENIDA. XIX. Cuando aparezca del informe al mandamiento expedido, que la persona presa 6 privada de libertad lo esta por virtud de providenoia judicial, no se celebrara la vista sin previa citacion del ministerio fiscal. I. A PERSONA PRESA <'> PRIVADA DE LIBERTAD PODBi BEFUTAB EX INFORME DADO AI. MANDAMIKNTO BXFEDIDO. XX. L;i persona presa 6 privada de libertad, que ha sido presentada por \ irtud del mandamiento, podrfi presentar pruebas, bajo juramento, |);u:i demostrar <|u» v su encarcelamiento »'> detenci6o es ilegal 6 <\w tiene derecho :i ser puesta en Libertad. El juez 6 tribunal procederf entonces de ana manera sumaria, :i practical- en la uiisiua \ Ista las pruebas propuestas cm apoyo, 6 contra- 327 M.Ml. WHEN wo I K.w ORDERED. XVI. It", upon tlif return to a writ issued as prescribed in this order, it appears thai the person imprisoned or detained is entitled to be bailed, the judge or tribunal musl make an order fixing the sum in which be is to be admitted t«» bail and directing his discharge upon bail being given accordingly, as required bylaw, [f sufficient bail is immediately offered, the judge or tribunal must take it, otherwise bail may be given afterwards t<> the judge <>r tribunal who or which origi oally commited the person imprisoned or restrained. WHEN PERSON IMPRISONED OB RESTRAINED MAI BE COMMITTED m ANOTHER OFFICER. XVII. Where a person Imprisoned or restrained is not entitled to his discharge and is not hailed, he must be remanded to the custody or placed under the restraint from which he was taken, unless the per- son in whose custody or under whose restraint he was is not Legally entitled thereto; in which case the order remanding him must commit him tn the custody of the officer or person so entitled. CUSTODY OF PKKsoN IMPRISONED OR RESTRAINED PENDING PROCEEDINGS. XVIII. Pending the proceedings on habeas corpus, the judge or tri- bunal before whom or which the person imprisoned or restrained is brought may either commit him to the custody of the keeper of the jail where the proceedings are pending or place hiui in such care or custody as his age and other circumstances require. NOTICE TO BE GIVEN BEFORE DISCHARGING PERSON IMPRISONED OR RESTRAINED. XIX. Where it appears from the return that the person imprisoned or restrained is in custody by virtue of a mandate, notice of the hear- ing must be given to the representative of the fiscal of the tribunal in Which the case ig pending. PERSON [MPRISONED OR RESTRAINED MAY CONTROVERT BETURN. XX. A person imprisoned or restrained, produced upon the return of a writ, may give testimony under oath showing either that his imprisonment or detention is illegal, or that he is entitled to his dis- charge. The judge or tribunal must then proceed in a summary way to hear the evidence produced in support of or against the imprison mentor detention, and to dispose of the person imprisoned or restrained. 328 iias. al encarcelamiento 6 detencion, y a disponer de la persona encar- celada 6 privada delibertad, segun lo hagan aecesaria las circunstanciaa del caso. Durante la vista el juez 6 tribunal podia examinar a la per- sona encarcelada 6 privada de libertad, y a cualesquiera otras testigas que, a su juicio, sea conveniente oir; con este tin se podia senalar mi plazo, que no excederii de tres dias, excepto si la persona encarcelada 6 privada de libertad solicitase mayor termino. PROCEDIMIENTO EN CASO DE ENFERMEDAD DE LA PERSONA ENCABCELAJ >A 6 QUE HAYA SIDO PRIVADA DE LIBERTAD. XXI. En el caso de enfermedad a que se refiere el articulo X de esta orden, si el in forme al mandamiento llevase los requisites exigidos y el juez 6 tribunal no dudase de la veracidad del certificado medico. decidira el caso desde luego, y procediendo como si la persona encar- celada 6 privada de la libertad hubiese sido presentada. Pero sera oida la persona que se presente a defenderla, sin exigirsele poder. OBEDIENCIA A LA ORDEN DE LIBERTAD — MODO DE HACERLA CUM 11. IK. XXII. La obediencia a una orden para poner en libertad a la persona encarcelada 6 privada de su libertad podra" ser impuesta por el tribunal 6 el juez que hubiese cxpedido la misma, por medio de un manda- miento de arresto, con los mismos efectos que cuando se trata de nega- tiva 6 negligencia en dar el informe al mandamiento de habeas corpus. El culpable de tal desobediencia indenmizara a la persona presa 6 pri- vada de su libertad, con cien pesos, que seran reclamados por medio del ejercicio de una ace ion si su nombre. CASO EN QUE PUESTA UNA PERSONA EN LIBERTAD NO PUEDE SEE ENCARCELADA NUEVAMENTE. XXIII. La persona encarcelada 6 privada de libertad. que haya sido puesta en Libertad, por una orden expedida ;i consecuencia . en \ irtud de pruebas suficientes en cumplimiento de un auto dictado en La misma causa. as the justice of the case requires. In tin- course <>t' Buch hearing the judge or tribunal may examine the person imprisoned or restrained, and any other witnesses whom in hi> or it- judgment it may be desira- ble to hear, and for this purpose an adjournment mm be taken not exceeding thr lays, except on the petition of the person imprisoned or restrained. PROCEEDINGS ON SICKNESS <>K PEBSON CMPBISONED OB RESTRAINED. XXI. Iii case of the sickness referred to in Paragraph X of this order, it' the return be in the proper form, and if the judge or tri- bunal accepts the truthfulness of the physician's certificate, the appli- cation shall be decided as if the person imprisoned or restrained were present, but the representative of such person shall lie heard in his behalf without the necessity of any express power being granted. OBEDIENCE TO OBDEB TO DISCHARGE HOW ENFORCED. XXII. Obedience to an order to discharge a person imprisoned or restrained may be enforced by the tribunal which or the judge who made the same by warrant of arrest, with like effect as in case of a neg- lect to make a return to a writ of habeas corpus. A person guilty of such disobedience shall forfeit to the person imprisoned or restrained one hundred dollars, to be recovered by an action in his name. WHEN DISCHARGE A BAR TO REIMPRISONMENT. XXIII. A person imprisoned or restrained who has been discharged by an order made upon a writ of habeas corpus shall not be again Imprisoned, restrained, or kept in custod}- for the same cause. But it is not deemed to be the same cause in either of the following cases: 1. \\ 'here he has been discharged from a commitment on a criminal charge, and is afterwards committed for the same offense by the legal mandate or other order of the tribunal wherein he was required by bail bond to appear, or in which he has been convicted for the same offense. 2. Where he has been discharged in a criminal ease for defect of proof, or for defect in the commitment, and is afterward arrested on sufficient proof and committed by a legal mandate lor t he same offense. 18473—01 12 329 QUEBKANTAMIENTO DEL ARTICULO QUE PRECEDE. XXIV. Si un tribunal 6 juez 6 cualquicra otra persona quebrantare de cualquier manera a sabiendas, 6 hiciere que se quebrantare, 6 ayudare a quebrantar el articulo que precede, el, 6 si el acto u omisioD rateae cometido por un tribunal, los miembros del mismo mancomu- nada y solidariamente, que consintieren dicho quebrantamiento, indem- nizanin a la persona presa 6 privada de su libertad, con cien pesos, que seran reclamados por medio del ejercicio de una accion a su nonibre. traslaci6n u ocultaci6n de la persona PRESA 6 PRIVADA DE LIBERTAD, CON EL FIN DE ELUDIR EL MANDAMIENTO. XXV. Todo el que tenga bajo su custodia 6 bajo su poder :i una persona a quien asista el derecho a un mandamiento de habeas corpus, 6 a favor de la cual haya sido debidamente expedido un mandamiento de esa clase, que con intencion de eludir el cumplimiento del mismo, 6 para anular sus efectos, trasladare a la persona encarcelada 6 que haya sido privada de su libertad a la custodia 6 poder de otro, 6 la ocultare, 6 cambiare el lugar de su encarcelamiento; y el que a sabiendas contributor*; a la realizacion de estos actos, ineurriran en la responsabilidad criminal que corresponda, adenias de la pecuniaria a que se refiere el articulo anterior. MANDAMIENTO PARA EL CASO EN QUE SE PRETENDA LLEVAR FUERA DE LA ISLA A UNA PERSONA PRIVADA DE LIBERTAD. XXVI. Siempre que un tribunal 6 un nrieiribro de un tribunal 6 juez, autorizados para librar el mandamiento de habeas corpus, se con- venza de que una persona esta ilegalmente privada de libertad y que existen motives suticientes para creer que sera llevada fuera de la isla, el tribunal, miembro del mismo, 6 juez expedira las 6rdenes necesarias para impedirlo, dirigiendolas a las personas que juzgue oportuno, para que se apoderen de la persona deque se trate, y la conduzcan inniedia- tamente a presencia del juez 6 tribunal, para lo que proceda segun las leyes. En este caso si In persona que tiene ;i la otra privada de bu libertad, estuviere presente, se le Dotificard la orden, que surtini respecto a ella todos los efectos de un mandamiento de habeas corpus, y estara ol>li- gada :i remitir inmediatamente el informe. AREE8TO DE LA I'KRSONA <.»11K TIENK DETENIDO AL QUE HA SIDO PRTVADO DE LIBERTAD. XXV1T. Cuando las circunstancias que han producido el conoci- miento ^^ que se ha hecho menci6n en el articulo que precede fueren snlieientes para justificar el arresto de la persona (jue tiene bajo su 329 VIOLATION OF LAST PARAGRAPH. XXIV. If a member of a tribunal <>r judge <>r any other person in any manner knowingly violates, causes to !>e violated, or assists in the violation of the last paragraph, he, or if the acl <»r omission was thai of a tribunal, each member of the tribunal assenting thereto, -hall be jointly and severally Liable to the person imprisoned or restrained in the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by an action in his name. TRANSFER OR CONCEALMENT OF PERSON IMPRISONED OR RESTRAINED TO ELUDE WRIT. XXV. Anyone having in his custody or under his power a person entitled to a writ of habeas corpus, or a person for whose relief a writ has been duly issued, who, with intent to elude the service of the writ, or to avoid the effect thereof, transfers the person impris- oned or restrained to the custody, or places him under the power of another, or conceals him. or changes the place of his confinement, shall be criminally responsible for the offense committed in addition to the pecuniary liability provided for in the preceding paragraph, and a person who knowingly assists therein shall be equally liable. ORDER WHEN PERSON RESTRAINED ABOUT TO BE CARRIED OUT OF ISLAND. XXVI. Where it appear- by proof satisfactory to a member of a tribunal or judge authorized to grant the writ that a person is held in illegal confinement or custody, and that there is good reason to believe that he will be carried out of the island, the member of the tribunal or judge must immediately make an order to prevent it. directed to any officer or person and commanding him to take and immediately bring before the tribunal or judge the person restrained, to be dealt with according to law. In this case if the person who deprived the other of his liberty be present, he will be notified of the order made which will have all the effects of a writ of habeas corpus so far as he is concerned, and he shall immediately make return. ARREST OF THE PERSON DETAINING THE PERSON RESTRAINED. XXVIL Where the facts mentioned in the last paragraph are also sufficient to justify an arrest of the person having the person restrained in his custody, as for a criminal offense committed in taking or detain- 330 custodia al que haya sido privado de su libertad, y sus actos constitu- yan hechos punibles, so dictara orden para dicho arresto. poniendose al arrestado a disposicion del juez 6 tribunal correspondiente. NEGATIVA DE UN JUEZ A EXPEDIR EL MANDAMIENTO. XXVIII. Cuando corresponda al juez de instruccion expedir el mandamiento de habeas corpus, si rehusare librarlo, podra ol Bolicitante acudir con su solicitud al presidente 6 cualquier magistrado de la audiencia 6 sala respectiva jurando haberse negado el juez a expedir el mandaniiento. peticion de segundos mandamientos. XXIX. No se podra repetir la solicitud de mandamiento de habeas corpus por la misma prision 6 privacion de libertad, a menos que nuevos hechos hayan desvirtuado los motivos que justificaron aquella. Esos nuevos hechos deberan precisarse bajo juramento en la solicitud, para que sean apreciados antes de resolver sobre la expedicion del mandamiento. La persona a quien se dirija un mandamiento de habeas corpus, debera en su informe consignar si la prision 6 privacion de libertad a que aquel se refiere ha sido ya objeto de otro mandamiento. En este caso, si en la solicitud del nuevo mandamiento no se llenan las exigencias del inciso anterior, se negara sin mas tramites la libertad solicitada. PENALIDAD CUANDO SE REHUSAN COPIAS. XXX. Todo el que detenga a otro en virtud de cualquier autoriza- cion por escrito, estara obligado a entregar una copia de dicha autorizacion al detenido y otra a cualquiera que la solicite con el tin de obtener un mandamiento de habeas corpus a favor de la persona encaivelada 6 que haya sido privada de su libertad. Si rehusare hacerlo asi, indemnizara con cien pesos a la persona encarcelada 6 que haya sido privada de su libertad, que seran reclamados por medio del ejercicio de una accion a nombre de ^sta. derogaci6n. XXXI. Todas las leyes, 6rdenes, deoretos y domfis disposicionea Legales vigentes en la isla de Cuba, quedan derogados en la parte que Be opongan a lo dispuesto en esta orden. PEOHA DBSDB T.A CUAL RKC1KV ESTA OIIDEN. XXXII. Las disposicionea d< v este orden surtdr&n sus efectoa ;i partirdel l [N8TBUOOI6n. XXVIII. In cases where judges of instruoci6n have jurisdiction to grant writs of habeas corpus and refuse to do bo, the petitioner may apply to the Chief Justice or any associate justice of the audiencia of the district, or in e proper case to the sala de 1«» criminal of the audi- encia of Havana, setting forth on oath the met of the refusal of the judge of instruccion. WHEN SUBSEQUENT WRIT M\> [88UE. XXIX. But one petition for habeas corpus can be made for the same imprisonment «>r deprivation of liberty, unless new facts arc alleged which destroy the reasons which justified tin* former decision, which new facts must be stated on oath in the petition, and their sufficiency will be judged by the judge or associate justice to whom it i- issued. The person on whom a writ is served shall state in his return whether a previous writ has been issued for the same imprisonment or restraint, and if there has been a previous writ, the judge or tribunal shall sum- marily dismiss the application, except in the cases herein provided for. PENALTY FOR REFUSING COPY OF PROCESS. XXX. Any person who detains anyone by virtue of any written authority must deliver a copy thereof to the person arrested or restrained or to any person who applies therefor for the purpose of obtaining a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of the person imprisoned or restrained. If he refuses to do so, he forfeits one hundred dollars to the person imprisoned or restrained, to be recovered by an action in his name. REPEALING PARAGRAPH. XXXI. All laws, orders, decrees, or parts thereof, existing in the island of Cuba which conflict with the provisions of this order are hereby repealed. WHEN THIS ORDER TAKES EFFECT. XXXII. The provisions of this order shall go into effect Decembei 1. L900. J. B. BlOKET, Asslxtdnf . {dj a t cU 1000. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del Becretario de justicia, ha tenido a bien disponer la publieacion de la siguiente orden : Los ineisos segundo y tereero del articulo 632 de la Ley do Enjui- ciamiento Criminal, moditicado por el parrafo VI de la orden del cuartel general de la Division de Cuba, No. 181, serie de 1900, serin sustituidos por los ineisos siguientes: "Con tal objeto se entregaran los autos a cada defensor por dicho ter- mino de 5 dias. Durante ellos estaran de manifesto en la secretaria del tribunal la correspondencia, libros, papeles y denias documentos feha- cientes no agregados a los autos. "Si el proeesado, 6 persona eivilmente responsable no tuviere consti- tuido defensor en los autos, ni lo nombrase en el acto entregarle la copia a que se refiere el parrafo anterior de este mismo articulo, a pesar de ser requerido con tal objeto en ese acto, lo que se hara cons- tar, el tribunal le nombrara defensor de oficio, con quien se entendeni dicho traniite. "El termino 5 dias es improrrogable excepto si se alegare bajo jura- mento justa causa a juicio del tribunal, en cuyo caso podra prorro- garse por otros cinco dias a lo sumo. Si resultase no ser cierta la causa alegada, se aplicara la pena del perjurio. Si hubieren de formu- larse conclusiones por mas de cinco procesadoso personas responsables eivilmente, podra reducirse el termino prudencialmente por el tri- bunal para cada uno, 6 bien senalarse un termino comun de 20 dias. sin entrega de autos, teniendose estos de manitiesto en la secretaria para que en ella se instruyan los defensores. "En el caso de entregarse los autos al defensor 6 defensores, si no lo devolvieren con el tramite evacuado antes de comenzar la primera audiencia inmediata despues de vencido el termino, quedarf de hecho incurso el moroso en una nmlta de cinco pesos en moneda de Los Elsta- dos Unidos, por cada dla de demora. El tribunal cuidarf bajo su responsabilidad de que se hagan efectivas dichas multas." El Goma/ndante de Estado flfa/i/or, J, B. HlGKBl • 331 No. 465. HEADQl LRTER8 DlVISIOfl O] < JUBA, Havana^ November I ',. 1000. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: Paragraphs second and third of article 632 of the Law of Criminal Procedure, modified by Paragraph VI of Order No. L81, Headquar- ters Division of Cuba, series of L900, are hereby amended to read as follow-: •"With this purpose in view the records of the proceedings shall be delivered to each defending lawyer for the said period of five days. During the said period all correspondence, books and papers and other documents of proof not attached to the records shall be acces- sible at the clerk's office of the court. "Should the prosecuted party or the persons civilly responsible not have a defending lawyer named in the records, nor should name one at the act of delivery of the copy to which the preceding paragraph of this article refers, notwithstanding being warned to do so at the said act, which fact shall be duly noted, the court shall appoint a defending lawyer in the case, in the exercise of its functions, in whom the charge of the case in its defense shall be vested. "The period of five days shall not be extended except there be alleged under oath a just cause in the opinion of the court, in which case it may be extended at most for another five days. Should the alleged cause not be true the penalty for perjury shall be imposed. Should there have to be prepared a line of defense for more than five prose- cuted parties or persons civilly responsible, the court may moderately reduce the period for each one, or it may specify a period of twent] days for the whole, without delivering the records of the proceedings, which must be accessible in the clerk's office to the defending lawyers in order that the latter may duty inform themselves thereof. "In all cases where the records of proceedings are delivered to the defending lawyer or lawyers and the latter do not return them together with the line of defense adopted prior to the beginning of the first 86S- sion of the court immediately following the termination of the period, the fact shall cause the party causing the delay to incur a fine of five dollars. United States currency, for each day's delay. The court on its own responsibility will cause the said tines to be collected." J. B. HlCKET, Assistant Adjutant- Gt ru ral. 332 No. 468. Cuartel General de la Division de Cuba, Habcma, lp cL Nbviembr< cL 1000. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propaesta del secretario de jus- tieia, ha tenido a Men disponer la publicacion de la siguiente orden: I. Desde la publicacion de la presente orden habra en cada uno de los juzgados de primera instancia e instruccion de la isla de Cuba dos peritos caligrafos que tendran por obligation auxiliar a los tribunales de justieia dentro del partido judicial en que residan en la praetica de cuantos aetos u operaciones puedan de su incumbencia. II. Los peritos caligrafos it que se reliere el articulo anterior, podran cobrar honorarios en los asuntos civiles a la parte interesada cuando no estuviere declarada insolvente, a razon de tres pesos moneda de los Estados Unidos por cada trabajo que realicen; y cuando este consista en el examen y cotejo de escritos extensos, podran cobrar ademas ein- cuenta centavos por cada hoja que hayan de examinar y cotejar. a exception de la primera. Dichos peritos estardn obligadoa a prestar sus servicios en asuntos criminales sin retribucion alguna: pero que- dtindoles reservada su accion para que puedan reclamar el importe de sus derechos en el caso de haber condena de costas a la persona que en ellas resulte condenada. III. Las plazas de peritos caligrafos a que se refiere esta orden, seran cubiertas libremente por el secretario de justieia, en personas que tengan el titulo de maestro de primera enseiianza elemental 6 tie primera enseiianza superior, que no esten desempenando ninguna plaza retribuida en el ramo de instruction piiblica. El Comandante de Estado Mayor, J. B. IllCKKY. No. 500. Cuarted General, Depabtamento de Cuba, HabaTia, 10 & DiciemUm d* WOO. Para revelar de una cai'ga innecesaria a los abogados de esta isla, el Gobernador General, a propaesta del secretario de justieia. ba dis- paesto la publicaci6n de la orden siguiente, que pone t^rmino :i la-^ relaeiones oflcialea entre el GK>bierno y los distintos colegios de alto gados de ( hiba: 1. En lo Biioesivo l<>- juecea y tribunales qo exigiran que se fijen en los poderes Los selloe llamados de " Bastanteo" y "Aoeptaoi6n." 882 No. W8. Beaoqt LRTEBS I>i\ 18IOH OF < i i'\. //«//•-///./, November !■'>, 1.900. The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. From and after the publication of this order there shall be in each one of tlie courts of primers, instancis <■ instrucci6n of the island of Cuba two handwriting experts, whose duties shall consist of aiding the courts of justice within the judicial circuit in which they reside in the performance of such acts or duties a- may be considered proper within their obligations. II. The handwriting experts to which the preceding article refers shall be entitled to the collection of fees in civil matters from the party interested, should he not have been declared insolvent, at the rate of three dollars United States currency for each piece of work that they perform, and when the latter consists of the examination and comparison of lengthy documents, they may collect fifty cent- additional for each page that they may hav r e to examine and compare, with the exception of the first. The said experts shall be under obli- gation to render their services in criminal matters without any remu- neration whatsoever, but the right of action shall be reserved to them to claim their fees in cases where a person implicated therein is con- demned to the pa}'ment of the costs of the suit. III. The positions of handwriting experts to which this order refers shall be filled by the Secretary of Justice, appointing persons thereto who may have the title or degree of teacher of elementary primary instruction or advanced primary instruction and who do not hold any paid position in the branch of public instruction. .1. B. HlGKEl . Assistant Adjuta/nt-Oem ml. No. 500. Headquarters Department of Cuba, Hum mi, December Ill, 1900. In order to remote all unnecessary burdens from the lawyers of this island the Military Governor, upon the recommendation of the Secre- tary of Justice, publishes the following order, which terminates the official relations existing between the Government and the various "colegios de abogados" of Cuba: I. In future, judges and courts shall not require the affixing to powers of attorney of the so-called "bastanteo" and "aceptaci6n" stamps. 333 II. Para ejercer la profesion de abogado ante los juzgados y tribu- nals no sera necesaria la inscripcion en ningun colegio de abogados; bastando solo los demas requisites que exigen las leyes. III. Quedan disueltos como corporaciones oficiales los colegios de abogados existentes en esta isla. . IV. Todas las facultades y atribuciones que hasta ahora han tenido los colegios de abogados como corporaciones oficiales; las asumiran en lo sucesivo los juzgados y tribunales en sus respectivas jurisdicciones, pero de acuerdo con lo que en esta orden se dispone. V. Los abogados que quieran actuar ante los juzgados y tribunales deberan presentar 6 remitir sus titulos prof esionales al Tribunal Supremo para que se tome razon de dichos titulos; y se comunique por el expre- sado tribunal a todas las audiencias de la isla y se publique en la "Gaceta Oficial de la Habana" dicha toma de razon; a fin de que en todos los juzgados y tribunales de la isla se admita a los abogados que hayan llenado ese requisite, al ejercicio de su profesion. VI. EI turno para la designation de defensor de pobres 6 de oficio se llevara, en toda la isla, como se ha llevado hasta ahora en los lugares donde no existian colegios de abogados. VII. La graduation de los honorarios impugnados a los abogados se hara por el juez 6 tribunal que conozca del juicio en que se haga la impugnacion, con audiencia verbal del impugnante y del impugnado 6 de los letrados que los mismos designen con tal objeto. VIII. Quedan derogadas las disposiciones legales que se opongan a lo establecido en esta orden. IX. Queda autorizado el secretario de justicia para resolver las dudas que pueda of recer en la practica, el cumplimiento de esta orden. X. Esta orden empezara a regir desde su publication en la Gaceta Oficial de la Habana. disposici6n transitokia. Todos los abogados que deseen continual- ejerciendo su profesi6n ante los juzgados y tribunales t iini('ni de Looalidades. Kl Comandante de Eistado Mayor, J. B. IIlCKKV. 388 IT. To exercise the profession of the law, before any courl of law, registration in any lawyers 1 association shall not !•<■ necessary, the other requirements exacted bj law being sufficient. III. All lawyers' associations throughout the island an- hereby declared to be without official status. IV. All rights and attributes vested in the lawyers' associations as official corporations until now. shall in future be assumed by the courts of law within their respective jurisdictions, but iii accordance with the provisions of this order. V. All lawyers who desire to practice lie tore tin- courts must present or forward their professional titles to the Supreme Court, in order that it may take due note thereof, and notification lie given by the latter to all audiencias of the island and that due publication be made in the Official Gazette of Havana; that said Supreme Court has official knowledge of the said titles in order that every court of law of the island may admit to the practice of their profession such lawyers as ma}' have complied with the said requirement. VI. The designation in turn of lawyers' for the defense of persons too poor to pay lawyers' fees, or of official matters, shall be made throughout the island in the manner followed until now, in places where no lawyers' associations existed. VII. The regulation of lawyers' fees, to which objections may have been made, shall be arranged by the judge or court having cognizance of the suit wherein the objections have been raised, by giving a hearing to the objecting party and to the person to whom the fees pertain or to the counsellors whom the aforesaid parties may designate for the purpose. VIII. All rulings antagonistic to the provisions of this order are hereby revoked. IX. The Secretary of Justice is hereby authorized to decide all questions that may arise in connection with the enforcement of this order. X. This order shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of Havana. TRANSITORY PROVISION. All lawyers who may desire to continue to practice their profession before the courts and tribunals of this island must send their licenses to the Supreme Court, in order that they may be recorded gratuitously . which must be done before the 31st of January, 1901. Meanwhile those who have legally practiced before the courts and tribunals may continue to do so, it being understood that they may practice throughout the island without restriction as to jurisdictions. J. B. HlGEEl . Axxixtilnf , [tljutiiiit- <'< iii nil. 334 No. 513. Cuartel General, Departamexto de Cuba, Habcma, 19 dt Diet* mbre de 1900. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del secretario de jus- ticia, ha tenido (\ bien disponer la publicacion de la siguiente orden: I. La orden No. 228 de la presente serie, de este cuartel general, regira en lo sucesivo con la siguiente adicion: "III. Los coniprendidos en el parrafo I de esta orden no podr&n ausentarse de la isla sin perniiso del juez 6 tribunal que conozca de la causa, el cual no lo dara sin oir al ministerio fiscal. Los que traten de infringir esta prohibicion, seran detenidos y permaneceran en prision tal como se dispone en el parrafo II." II. Esta orden empezara a regir desde su publicacion en la Gaceta Oficial de la Habana. El Teniente Coronet de Estado Mayor, H. L. Scott. No. 3. Cuartel General, Departamento de Cuba, Habana, 1." a\ Eau ro de 1901. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del secretario de justicia, ha tenido a bien disponer la publicacion de la siguiente orden : I. Siempre que los jueces 6 tribunales resuelvan alguna contro- versia entre partes, haran declaracion expresasobre si ha habido, 6 no, temeridad 6 mala fe en alguno de los litigantes. II. Al litigante declarado temerario 6 de mala fe por el juez 6 tribunal se le impondra siempre el pago de las costas, las cualoa com- prenderan los honorarios y derechos de abogados, peritos, procura- dores, etc., y los demas gastos que se havan ocasionado en el juicio, con exclusion de los honorarios y derechos de los abogados y proeura- dores que Imyau defendido 6 representado al litigante temerario 6 de mala fe, quienes perdoran todo dereeho a ret rihueion por su trabajo, 81 hubiesen tenido participaci6n manifiesta en la temeridad 6 mala fe declarada. III. Si liquidadaa las costas y aprobada la liquidaci6n por el juez 6 tribunal do fuesea pagadas dentro de loa cinco dlas siguientes al requerimiento dv pago, el litigante declarado temerario 6 de mala fe :i 334 No. 513. BeADQI kBTBBS I >i r\KTMK\T OF ( 'i BA, Havana, December l'->. 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. Order No. 228, current seriea from these headquarters, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: "III. Those included in Paragraph I of this order can not leave the island without permission of the judge or tribunal haying cognizance of the case, which shall not be granted without hearing the fiscal department {ministerio fiscal). Those who attempt to violate this pro- hibition shall be arrested, and shall remain in prison as is provided for by Paragraph II of this order."' II. This order shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of Havana. H. L. Scott, Adjutant- Ik ml. No. 3. Headquarters Department or Cuba, Havana, January 1, 1901. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. Whenever any controversy between parties in a suit or action at law is decided, express declaration shall be made by the court as to whether or not there has been just cause for bringing or defending the suit or action at law or whether the suit or action at law has been instituted and carried on with malicious intent on the part of the litigants. II. The litigant who shall be declared by the court to have acted without just cause shall be required to pay the costs of said suit or action at law, which shall consist of fees of lawyers, experts, solicit- ors, etc. as well a^ all other expenses of the suit or action at law, excepting fees due the lawyer or lawyers and solicitors who have defended or represented the litigant declared to have acted as above stated, the said lawyers and solicitors forfeiting all right of payment for their services in the event that they have knowingly participated in the malicious prosecution or defense without just cause, so declared by the court. III. If, after the taxation of the costs, the litigant declared by the court to have been guilty of bringing suit or action at law, or defend- ing the same, without just cause or in a malicious manner, fails to pay 335 quien se hubiesen irnpuesto, sufrira prision subsidiaria al respecto de un dia por cada peso que dejare de pagar; cuya prision en ningun caso excedera de seis meses. No sera aplicable la prision subsidiaria cuando la imposition de costas no se haya fundado en la temeridad 6 mala fe. IV. Lo dispuesto en el articulo anterior sera aplicable a todos los litigantes declarados temerarios 6 de mala fe, aun cuando se defiendan como pobres, lo mismo en la jurisdiccion civil que en la criminal, y sin perjuicio de cualquier otra responsabilidad que pueda caberles. El que se defiende en la jurisdiccion criminal nunca podra ser declarado temerario 6 de mala fe. V. Quedan derogadas las disposiciones legales que se opongan a las contenidas en esta orden. VI. Empezara a regir esta orden el dia 1.° de Febrero de 1901; pero se aplicara a todas las promociones y defensas comenzadas desde su publication en la Gaceta Oficial de la Habana. El Teniente Coronet de Estado Mayor, H. L. Scott. No. 45. Cuartel General, Departamento de Cuba, Habana, 4- de Febrero de 1901. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido a bien disponer la publi- cacion de las siguientes instrucciones para conocimicnto y guia de aquellos a quienes interese: INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA REDACCl6N DE DOCUMENIOS DE EXTRADICION. Al solicitar de un gobierno la extradition, se observanin las siguien- tes reglas generales: La petition contendra los siguientes requisites: l tt . Se declarara que el delito ha sido cometido dentro do la jurisdic- cion de Cuba y que se cree que la persona a qaien so lc Imputa ba buscado un refugio, 6 se encuentra dentro de los dominios del gobierno extranjero. T. Se consignara ol nonibro y apellido, si se Babe, del profugo, y sua alias, si los ticnc, y el dolito 6 delitos })or los onales Be Bolicita su cxt ladicion. y el nombre y apellido de la persona propuesta para sor Dombrada por el Presidente de los Bstados Unidoa para recibir y oon- ducir el prisionero a Cuba. 335 the said costs within five days after having been notified of his obliga- tion to do so, he shall suffer subsidiary imprisonment at the rate of one day for each dollar that he rails <>r neglects t<> pay, which imprisonment, however, shall nol in any one case exceed the period of six months. Subsidiary imprisonment shall not i>e imposed for costs in suits or actions at law which arc not founded on malicious intent or which are instituted with just cause. IV. The provisions of the preceding article arc applicable to all liti gants declared guilty of bringing suit or action at law without just Cause or with malicious intent, even in cases where they may he Liti- gating as paupers, both within the civil and criminal jurisdictions, excepting the defense in criminal cases, and without detriment Co any other punishment for which they are legally liable. V. All Legal provisions antagonistic to those contained in this order are hereby declared to be null and void. VI. This order shall go into effect on the 1st day of February. L901, but it shall be applied to all suits or actions at law commenced after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of Habana. H. L. Scott, Adjutant- General. No. 45. Headquarters Department of Cuba, Hard nn. February h 1001. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the fol- lowing instructions for the information and guidance of all concerned: INSTRUCTIONS lOK TIIK PREPARATION OF EXTRADITION PAPERS. In making application to a foreign government for extradition of fugitives from justice from Cuba the following general rules should be observed : The application should possess the following requisites: 1st. It should show that the offense has been committed within the jurisdiction of Cuba, and that the person charged therewith is believed to have sought an asylum, or has been found, within the dominions of the foreign government. 2nd. It should state the full name, if known, of the fugitive, and his alias, if any, with the offense or offenses upon which his extradi- tion is desired, and the full name of the person proposed for designa- tion, by the President of the United States, to receive and convey the prisoner to Cuba. . 336 3\ Si el profugo no ha sido seutenciado, y solamente se le imputa un delito, la solicitud contendra: (a) Una copia, debidamente legalizada, del auto de procesamiento, 6 un informe, especificando la fecha en que se cometio el delito. (b) Una copia literal de las pruebas en que se f unda el procesamiento, 6 del auto de prision dictado. (c) Un extracto de la parte del texto de la ley que define el delito y especifica la pena imponible; y una certiticacion de que esta leyestaba en vigor en la fecha en que se cometio el delito y que aun lo esta en Cuba. (d) Una copia del mandamiento de arresto, y de la diligencia exten- dida por el funcionario encargado de ejecutario, en la cual se declare que no se ha cumplido porque el acusado no se encuentra en la isla y ha salido de ella para evadir la accion de la justicia. 4 a . El auto de procesamiento y los documentos menciouados en la seccion anterior pueden, en el caso en que el profugo haya sido sen- tenciado, reemplazarse por una copia debidamente legalizada de la sentencia del tribunal; acom panada de las pruebas de su fuga al go- bierno extranjero, como profugo de la justicia. 5 a . Todos los documentos se extenderan por duplicado, con sua tra- ducciones (tambien por duplicado), y tanto los originales como las traducciones deberan ir acompanados de certiticacion de que son co- rrectos. Las firmas y sellos deberan ir debidamente legalizados. y los certificados de legalizacion deberan traducirse tambien. En el caso en que las traducciones no hayan sido hechas por un interprete oficial, y debidamente certificadas, como correctas, por los funcionarios del tri- bunal del gobierno, debera jurarse ante un notario, cuya tirma debeni ser legalizada por el Adjutant- General del Departamento de Cuba, quo dichas traducciones son correctos. 6 a . Las copias de todos los documentos que const it uyen las pruebas que se exigen por la presente, incluyendo el auto de procesamiento 6 informe, y auto de prision. 6 sentencia, deberan estar debidamente certificados y scllados por el escribano 6 secretario respectivo. La identificacion oficial do dicho escribano 6 secretario deberd Ber legalizada y sellada por el juez 6 presidente de audiencia respectivo; la tirma y sello del juez 6 presidente serdn legalizados con la tiinia y sdlo del secretario del justicia, que ;i su vrez 1<> seran |><>r el secretario de es- tado y gobcrnacion con su sello; y el ( Jobernador Militar legalizaia la tirma y sello de dicho secretario de estado y gobernaci6n con su firma. 7 a . En todos los casos (como no existe kratado) deberfi darse al gobierno extranjero la promesa de reciprocidad. 8 a . En casos de solicitud de extradici6n dirigida a IVf^jico, debei'&n obsei-vaise los preceptos de la Ley de Kxt radii-ion de la Repnblica de 386 3rd. If thr fugitive has not been convicted, t>m is merely charged with :i crime, the application should contain: (a) A duly authenticated copy of tin- indictment, or information, showing thf date of the crime. (/-) A full copy of the evidence upon which the indictment was found or the warrant of arresl issued. i i An extract copy of that portion of the text of tin- law which defines the crime, and provides the penalty therefor; and the declara- tion that this law was in force at thf date of the crime, and is still in force in Cuba. I-/) A copy of the warrant of arrest, and also of the return thereto by the official to whom directed, showing thai it i> unexecuted because the accused is not found in thf island and has fled therefrom to escape from justice 4th. If thf fugitive has been convicted, a duly authenticated copj of the record of conviction and sentence of the court, with evidence of escape, and that he has lied to thf foreign government a- a fugitive from justice, may replace tin- indictment and papers mentioned in the preceding section. 5th. All papers must be in duplicate, with translations (also in dupli- cate), and both original and translations must be duly certified as correct. The signatures and seals must be properly authenticated and certificates of authentication must also be translated. Where transla- tions are not made by an official interpreter and duly certified as correct by the court and Government officials, such translations must be sworn to as correct before a notary, whose signature will be authenticated by the adjutant-general of the Department of Cuba. 6th. Copies of all papers comprising the evidence, as herein required, including thf indictment, information, and warrant of arrest, or the record of conviction, must be duly certified, under seal, by the respec- tive recorder or clerk of the court. The recorder or clerk's official identity should be authenticated, under seal, by the judge of the court or president of the audiencia; the signature and seal of said judge or president will be authenticated, under seal, by the secretary of justice, and the signature and seal of said secretary will be duly authenticated, under seal, by the signature and seal of the Secretary of State and Government; and the signature and seal of the latter Secretary authenticated by the signature of the Military Governor. 7th. In all cases (as no treaty exists) promise of reciprocity must be given to tin- foreign government. sth. In cases of application for extradition of fugitives from justice in Mexico, the provisions of the Extradition Law of the Mexican 1^473— 01 48 337 Mexico, de Mayo 19 de 1897, y especialmente los requisites que sena- len los artieulos 1 y 16 de dicha ley. petici6n tara la detengeon de pr6fugos. Las solicitudes que se hagan con el objeto de que las autoridadcs de los Estados Unidos intervengan a fin de conseguir el arresto provi- sional y detencion de profugos en paises extranjeros. eon anterioridad a la presentacion formal de las pruebas en que se funde la petition de extradicion, deberan contener especificaniente el nombre del prof ugo, el delito que se le imputa, las circunstancias del delito, tan detalladas como sea posible, y la identificaeion del acusado con la descripcion de sus senas generales y particulares. Debera hacerse constar ademas, que ha sido declarado procesado 6 que se ha dictado un auto de prision para la captura del acusado. Las precedentes instrucciones seran cuidadosaniente observadas en lo sucesivo, en todos los casos de peticiones de extradicion 6 arresto de profugos de la justicia en paises extranjeros. El Comandante de Estado Maym\ J. B. HlCKEY. No. 84. Cuartel General, Departamento de Cuba, Hahana, 25 de Marzo de 1901. El Gobernador General de Cuba, a propuesta del secretario de jus- ticai, ha tenido a bien disponer la publicacion de la siguiente orden: I. El articulo XIII de la orden No. 92, serie de 1899 del Cuartel General de la Division de Cuba, se entendeni adicionado con los pdrra- Eos que siguen: "La expresada fianza debera ofrecerse dentro de los tres dias si- guientes al de la notifieaeion a la parte reeurrida del auto en que se admita el recurso, y prestarse en forma dentro de los cinco (.'>) dias siguientes al en que se acepte el ofrecimiento por o\ respective juez 6 tribunal. Prestada y aprobada la fianza. se expedirf con audiencia de las partes, por un termino de tres dias eoinun a todas, testimonio de Los Lugares que el juez 6 tribunal estime pertinentes para la ejecuci6n de la sentencia; se practicard, por el juez 6 tribunal que hubiese dictado la sentencia reeurrida en casaci6n, la tasaci6n de lascostas que designe la parte que solicite y afiance la ejecuci6ii de la sentencia; v una vex aprobada dicha tasaci6n y adicionado e<>n ella el testimonio, Be man- daran elevar los autos originales al Tribunal Supremo y que se emplace nin'\ amente ;i la- parte- para sn compare cencia ante o\ mismo Tribunal 887 Republic of May L9, L89T, must be complied with, particularly the conditions stated in Article- IV and XVI of said law. LFPfJGATIONS FOB LRRJB8T OF FUGITIVES. Applications for intervention by the United States authoritieo, in order to obtain the provisional arresl and detention of fugitives in foreign countries, in advance of the presentation of formal proof, upon which demand for their extradition may be based, should state specifically the name of the fugitive, the offense with which he is charged, the circumstances of the crime, as fully as possible, and a description and identification of the accused. It must be shown, also, that an indictment has been found or a war- rant of arrest has been issued for the apprehension of the accused. The foregoing instructions will be carefully followed in all future applications for extradition and for arrest of fugitives from justice in foreign countries. J. B. Hick in. Assistant Adjutcmt-Gi ru ral. No. 84. Headquarters Department of Cuba, Hwcma, March P5, 1901. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Seeretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. The following shall be added to Article XIII of Order No. 92, series 1899, Headquarters Division of Cuba: " Promise to furnish the aforesaid bond shall be given within the three days next following the day upon which notice has been served on the appellee of the ruling allowing the appeal; and said bond shall be furnished, as prescribed by the laws, within the five (5) days next following the day upon which the promise to furnish same is accepted by the respective judge or court. The bond having been furnished and approved, a transcript shall be issued of such part of the proceed- ings as the judge or court deems pertinent for the execution of the sentence, after hearing the parties thereon, for a period of three days common to all; the appraisement of the costs which the party thai solicits and guarantees the execution of the sentence may designate, shall be made by the judge or court rendering the decision against which the appeal for annulment should have, been taken and said 338 Supremo dcntro de los respectivos plazos que determina el ultimo parrafo del articulo VII de esta orden. "Transcurridos los tres dlas que se dan en el parrafo anterior para ofrecer La fianza, sin que se haga tal ofrecimiento, se remitiran los autos originales al Tribunal Supremo, sin nuevo emplazamiento. "Declarado sin lugar el recurso de casacion, se entendera de derecho cancelada la fianza." II. Se derogan todas las disposiciones anteriores que se opongan a las contenidas en la presente orden, la cual empezara a regir desde su publication en la Gaceta de la Habana. El Comandante de Estado Mayor, J. B. HlCKEY. No. 95. Cuartel General, Departamento de Cuba, Habana, 10 de Abril de 1901. El Gobcrnador General de Cuba, a propuesta del Presidente y Magistrados del Tribunal Supremo, ha tenido a bien dispone r la publi- cacion de la siguiente orden: Por la presente se modifica en la forma que a continuation se expresa la orden No. 41, serie de 1899 del Cuartel General de la Division de Cuba, por la que se creo y organizo el Tribunal Supremo de esta isla: I. El articulo II dicha orden se entendera redactado oomo sigue: "II. El Tribunal Supremo se compondra de un presidente, dos presidentes de sala, ocho magistrados, un fiscal, dos tenientes fiscales, un secretario del tribunal, dos secretaries de sala, y demas personal subalterno r chief clerk, two secretaries of the chambers, and such subordinate employees as may be provided for hereinafter.'' II. In addition to the subordinate employee- assigned to the court by Article III of the order aforementioned and other subsequent rulings, there shall be appointed one amanuensis, one typewriter, and one bailiff". III. As a court of justice, the court shall be divided into three cham- bers; one to take cognizance of civil actions, another of criminal cases and another of administrative matters in litigation (contencioso ad ministrativos). The civil chamber shall be composed of one president and four associate justices; the criminal chamber shall also be com- posed of c ne president and four associate justice.-; and the chamber 339 dentes de sala y dos magistrados a esc efecto nombrado.:., dentro de los que compongan el tribunal, por el presidents del mismo. Este nom bramiento se hara anualmente y los que cesen podra ser reelegidos. IV. En los casos en que, conforme al articulo IV de la orden de 14 de April de 1899, a lo dispuesto en esta orden, 6 en otras especiales, sea necesario constituir salas con mas de cinco jueces, se completaran aquellas eon magistrados del mismo tribunal, y solo en el caso de que fuere preciso completar el numero normal de cinco magistrados de una sala y las atenciones de la otra no permitieran distraer los magistrados necesarios a ese efecto, 6 cuando en el tribunal no quedare numero suficiente de magistrados, no impedidos, para constituir las salas de siete jueces, se hara la sustitucion en la forma estableeida en el articulo V de la citada orden. Al Presidente del Tribunal lo sustituiran los presidentes do sala por orden de antiguedad, y a estos los magistrados de sus respectivas salas, tambien por orden de antiguedad. V. El articulo VI de la repetida orden se modifica como sigue: "Para dirimir discordias, si se tratare de providencias dictadas por menos de cinco jueces, se constituira la sala con su dotacion normal, y cuando haya ocurrido la disco rdia en salas asi constituidas 6 se tratare de autos y sentencias, se aplicara lo dispuesto en el articulo LXXIX de la orden No. 92, serie de 1899, con la modification de que los diri- mentes, cuando la concurrencia de ellos sea necesaria, ban de serlo el Presidente del Tribunal y el de la Sala en la que no hubiera ocurrido la discordia, caso de no estar impedidos, y en este caso los demas magis- trados del tribunal por orden de antiguedad, y en su defecto los que deban sustituirlos conforme al articulo V de la orden de 14 de Abril ya citada." VI. Corresponde :i la sala de lo criminal el conocimiento de los asun- tos comprendidos en los numeros 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, l 7 \ L9 del articulo VII de la repetida orden de 14 de Abril, y en los numeros 7 al L2, ambos inclusive, y en <•! 11 de dicho articulo cuando se Irate de asuntos crimi- nales. En los casos previstos en los ndmeros _. 3, 1 y 5, la sala se COnstituil'ia ••on side jueces. VII. Corresponded la sala de lo civil el conocimiento de los asuntos, comprendidos en los numeros <», l-">, L5, L6 y L9 del citado articulo VII, y los comprendidos en los del 7 al L2, ambos inclusive, y en el 14 de dicho articulo. cuando se trate a prcstar BUS Bervicios. A'/ ( 'omandcmtt cU Estado Mayor, J. B. Hioxfli 841 secretary of the court shall lie substituted by the secretaries of the chambers senior in office, and, the latter shall be substituted in cases of incidental vacancies, one by the other if the business of the court should not prevent it. and otherw ise, the administrative chamber -hall appoint therefor a lawyer, reporting the fad t<> the Department of Justice for its decision thereon. XIII. The duties assigned to the deputy clerk- of the curt by Arti- cle XXIII of order dated April 14th shall l»e performed, until other- wise provided, by the clerk- of the secretary, but it -hall not he understood that due this fact they are promoted to a higher rank. XIV. The presidents of the chambers -hall receive the -alary of *.">.7.~>" per year. The secretaries of the chambers. s:',.r»oo. The other officials and employees -hall receive the salary which may he assigned to their class in Article XXXV of the order aforemen- tioned dealing on the organization of the court. XV. All orders, laws, or decrees in conflict with this order are hereby revoked. This order shall take effect from the date of its pub- lication in the Gazette, and the president of the court shall take the necessary steps for its execution. XVI. Jose Varela Jado is hereby appointed, in accordance with the provisions of this order, president of the civil chamber of the Supreme Court. To be president of the criminal chamber of the same court, Antonio Pichardo. To be associate justices, Ambrosio Morales, Jose Maria Garcia Montes, Jose Cabarrocas y Horta y Luis Gaston. To be secretary of the civil and of the contencioso-administrativo chamber, Armando Riva. To be secretary of the criminal chamber, Silverio Castro. The other positions hereby created shall be tilled in the manner pro- vided for in the organic regulations of the court. XVII. The president of the court, together with the president- of the chambers, shall distribute for the present at their discretion, in conformity with the ability or special attainments of each one, the personnel of associate justices and of secretaries of the chambers, and shall thereupon report to the Government, through the Department of Justice. This distribution having been made, it shall not he changed without an express order of the Government. Hereafter all appoint- ments which should be made by the Government for positions in the Supreme Court shall state in which chamber the person appointed shall have to render his services. J. B. HlCKEY, Axsixtiinf .[(/jntiiiit- (i, n, nil. 342 No. 52Q. CUARTEL GENERAL, DEPARTAMENTO DE ClJBA, Hdbana, °21 de Diciembn i la personalidad del que compareoe a personarse ante el Tribunal Supremo resultaredebidamenteacreditada en los expedientes judiciales. 6 gubernativos en su caso. que hayan de elevarse originales al Tribunal Supremo, con an-eglo ;i lo dispuesto en el articulo IV de esta orden, noseni oecesaria la presentaci6n del poder a que se refiere al inciso l"del articulo XXVI de la ezpresada orden No. 92 de L899. VIII. Se derogael articulo XXIX de la repetida ordeo No. 92; y se 842 No. 590. HeADQUAKTEBS 1 M.r\i; i min i 01 CUBA, Havana, December 'l. 1900. The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. Order No. 438, current series, these headquarters, is hereby amended in the manner expressed in the following articles. II. The required preparation of abstracts established by tin- La* of Civil Procedure is hereby suppressed in all cases in which the} should be prepared in accordance with said law or any other rulings in force at the present time. III. The suppression referred to in the preceding article doe- not deprive litigants of any right or appeal granted to them by the laws in force; and therefore the period specified in article 704 of th< Law of Civil Procedure shall continue in force, but solely for the purposes provided for in articles 7o;> and Tot; of the same law. IV. In all appeals for annulment of decisions, for infraction of the law or of doctrine, or for infringement of form in civil matters or interadmini-trative one-, after said appeal- have been admitted there shall always be handed up to the Supreme Court, by the sentencing judge or tribunal, the court or governmental records, as the case may lie. in connection with which the appeals may have been tiled. V. When the appeals to which the preceding article refers arc tiled for infraction of the law or of doctrine, the certificate as to points existing in the records or as to their nonexistence, as the case may be, which is referred to in Article VIII of Order No. 92, series of 1899, Headquarters Division of Cuba, shall not be issued. The said certificate or certificates, as the case may be. shall only be issued and delivered to the appellant in appeals for infraction of the law or of doctrine in criminal matters, that he may present them on appearing before the Supreme Court. VI. In the appeals mentioned in the preceding article the period to elapse prior to appearance .-hall begin to count, in accordance with provisions of Article IX of the said Order No. 92 for those which are filed for defect in form. VII. In the said appeals, if the identity of the individual present- ing himself in person before the Supreme Court should be duly proven in the judicial or governmental records, a- the case may he, that have to be handed up in original form to the Supreme Court, in accordance with provisions <>l" Article I V of this order, it will not be necessary to present the power to which clause I of Article XXVI of the -aid order :<•_' of L899 refers. VIII. Article XXIX of said Order No. '••:-' is hereby declared to he 343 declare inaplicable a los recursosde casacion en materia civil 6 conten- cioso-administrativa, el articulo XLI de la misma orden. IX. Quedan derogadas tambien todas las demas disposiciones ante- riores, que se opongan :i las contenidas en la presente orden. X. Esta orden empezara a regir desde su publieacion en la Gaceta de la Habana; y se aplicara a los pleitos pendientes de resolueion en la actualidad. El Teniente Coronel de Estado Mayor, H. L. Scott. 348 null and void, and Article XIJ of the same order is declared inappli cable to appeals Cor annulment of decisions in civil or interadministra- tive matters. IX. All former rulings arc also herein declared t<> be null and \<>i«l that may he antagonistic t<> the provisions <»t' this order. X. This order shall have due legal effect from the date of it- publi- cation in the Gazette of Havana: and shall be applied to suits pending settlement at the present time. 11. I,. SOOTT, Adjvia/rU-Oi n. ml . APENDICE II. ARTICULOS DEL CdDIGO PENAL A QUE HACE REFERENCIA LA LEY DE ENJUICIAMIENTO CRIMINAL. Art. 17. La exencion de responsabilidad criminal declarada en los niimeros 1.°, 2.°, 3.°, 8.°, y 11.° del articulo 8.°, no comprende la de la responsabilidad civil, la cual se hara efectiva con sujecion ;i las reglas siguientes: Primera. En los casos 1.°, 2.°, y 3.° son responsables civilmente por los hechos que ejecutaren el loco 6 imbecil y el menor de nueve anog, 6 el mayor de esta edad y menor de quince que no haya obrado con discernimiento, los que los tengan bajo su potestad, guarda legal 6 dominio, a no hacer constar que no hubo por su parte culpa ni negligcncia. No habiendo persona que los tenga bajo su potestad. guarda legal 6 dominio, 6 siendo aquella insolvente, responderan con sus l)ienes los mismos locos, imbeciles 6 menores, salvo el beneticio de competencia en la forma que establezca la ley civil. Segunda. En el caso del num. 8.° son responsables civilmente las pcr- sonas en cuyo favor se haya precavido el mala proporcion del benefkao que hubieren reportado. Los tribunales senalaran, segiin su prudente arbitrio, la cuota pro- porcional de que cada interesado deba responder. Cuando no sean equitativamente asignables, ni aun por aproxima- cion, las cuotas respectivas, 6 cuando la responsabilidad se extienda al estado 6 ;i la mayor parte de una poblacion, y en todo caso, siempre que el dano se hubiere causado con el asentimiento de la autoridad 6 de sus agentes, se hard la indemnizaeion eu la forma que establezcan las leyes 6 reglamentos especiales. Tercera. Eu el caso del num. 1 1 responderan prineipalniente los que hubieren causado el miedo, y subsidiariamente, y en defecto de ellos, los que hubieren ejecutado el hecho, salvo, respecto :i estos ultimos, el beneficio de competencia. Art. L8. Sou tambi^n responsables civilmente, en defecto de los que 1<> scan criminalmente, l<>s posaderos, baberneros y cualesquiera perso- nas o empresas por los delitos que se cometieren en los establecimientos 344 APPENDIX II. ARTICLES OF THE PENAL CODE REFERRED TO IN THE LAW OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Art. 17. The exemption from criminal liability declared in Noe. 1. 2. 3, 8, and 1 1 of article 8 docs not include exemption from civil liability, winch shall be enforced subject to the following rules: (1) In cases 1. 2, and '■). the persons who are civilly liable for acts committed by a lunatic or imbecile, or a person under 9 years of age, or over this age and under 15, who has not acted with the exercise of judgment, are those who have them under their authority, legal guard- ianship, or power, unless they prove that there was no blame or negli- gence on their part. Should there be no person having them under his authority, legal guardianship, or power, or if such person be insolvent, the said luna- tics, imbeciles, or minors shall answer with their own property, except- ing that part which is exempted for their support in accordance with the civil law. (2) In the case of No. 8, those persons are civilly liable from whom the injury was warded off in proportion to the benefit they may have derived. The court shall fix, according to its judgment, the proportional amount for which each interested party shall be liable. When the respective amounts can not be equitably apportioned, even approximately, or when the liability extends to the State or the greater part of a town, and in any case, if the damage were caused with the assent of the authorities or their agents, indemnity shall he made in the manner prescribed by special laws and regulations. (:;) In the case of No. 11, those who caused the fear shall be prin- cipally liable, and subsidiarily, in the absence of the former, those who committed the act, reserving with regard to the latter the benefit of competency. Art. 18. Innkeepers, tavern keepers, and any other persons or enterprises shall be civilly liable, in the absence of persons criminally so, for crimes committed within their establishments, whenever any 341 18473—01 44 345 que dirijan, siempre que por su parte 6 la de sua dependientes hara intervenido infraccion de los reglamentos generates 6 especiales de policia. Son ademas responsables subsidiariamente los posaderos de la resti- tucion de los efectos robados 6 hurtado.s dentro de sua rasas a los que se hospederan en ellas, 6 desu indemnizaeion. siempre que estos hubie- ran dado anticipadamente conocimiento al mismo posadero, 6 al que lo sustituya en el cargo, del deposito de aquellos efectos en la hospederia, y ademas hubiesen observado las prevenciones que los dichos posaderos 6 sus sustitutos les hubiesen hecho sobre cuidado y vigilancia de los efectos. No tendra lugar la responsabilidad en caso de robo con vio- lencia 6 intimidacion en las personas, a no ser ejecutado por los depen- dientes del posadero. Art. 19. La responsabilidad subsidiaria que se establece en el articulo anterior sera tambien extensiva a los amos, maestros, personas y empresas dedicadas a cualquier genero de industria, por los delitos 6 faltas en que incurrieren sus esclavos, discipulos, otieiales. aprendices 6 dependientes en el desempeiio de su obligacion 6 servicio. ******* Art. 48. En el caso en que los bienes del penado no fueren bastantes a cubrir todas las responsabilidades pecuniarias, se satisfaran por el orden siguiente: 1.° La reparacion del dafio causado e indemnizaeion de perjuicios. 2.° La indemnizaeion al estado por el importe del papel sellado y demas gastos que se hubieren hecho por su cuenta en la causa. 3.° Las costas del acusador privado. 4.° Las demas costas procesales, incluso las de la defensa del pro- cesado sin preferencia entre los interesados. 5.° La multa. Cuando el delito hubiere sido de los que solo pueden perseguirse d instancia de parte, se satisfaran las costas del acusador privado con preferencia ii la indcinnizacion del estado. Art. 49. Si el sentenciado no tuviere bienes para satisfacer las responsabilidades pecuniarias comprendidas en los numeros 1.". 3.° y 5.° del artfeulo anterior, quedani sujeto a una responsabilidad persona] subsidiaria a l'azon de un dia por cada doce pesetas y media, eon suje- cion a la> reglas siguientes: l . ( iuando la pena principal impuesta se hubiere de cumplir por el reo encerradoen un establecimiento penal, continual^ en el mismo, sin que pueda exceder esta detenci6n de la tercera parte del tiempo de la condena y en aingun caso de un an<>. 2." Cuando la pena principal hnpuesta no se hubiere de euniplir por el reo encerrado en un establecimiento penal y tuviere fija su duraci6n, continuara sujeto, por el tiempo senalado en el m'unero anterior, a Ian niismas privaciones en que consists dicha pena. 845 infraction of general or Bpecial police regulations by them <>r their employees may have occurred. Innkeepers are furthermore subsidiarily liable for tin' restitution of effects robbed or stolen within their houses from persons who are stopping therein, or for the indemnification of said goods, provided the persons have notified in advance either the innkeeper himself, or the person representing him, of the deposit of said effects In the inn; and provided furthermore, thai they have heeded the warnings that said innkeepers or their substitutes may have given them with regard to the care and vigilance of their effects. There shall be no Liability in case of robbery by violence or intimidation of persons, except it l>e committed by the employees of the inn. Ai:t. 19. The subsidiary Liability established in the preceding article shall also apply to masters, teachers, persons, and enterprises engaged in any kind of industry, for crimes and misdemeanors committed by their -laves, pupils, officers, apprentices, or employee- in the discharge of their obligations or service. ******* Art. 4s. In case the property of the person punished should not be sufficient to cover all the pecuniary liabilities, they should be satisfied in the following order: 1. Reparation of the injury caused and indemnification of damages. 2. Indemnification to the State for the amount of stamped paper and other expenses which may have been incurred on his account in the cause. 3. The costs of the private accuser. 4. Other costs of procedure, including those of the defense of the person prosecuted, without preference among the persons interested. .">. The fine. Should the crime have been of those which can be prosecuted only at the instance of a party, the costs of the private accuse!- shall be satisfied in preference to the indemification t<> the State. A in. t'.i. If the person sentenced should not have property t<> satisfy the pecuniary liabilities included in Xos. 1, :-5. and ."> of the preceding article, he shall be subject to a subsidiary personal Liability at the rate of one day for every i'2h pesetas, according to the following rules: 1. If the principal penalty imposed is to be undergone by the criminal confined in a penal institution, he shall continue therein, although -aid detention can not exceed one-third of the term of the Sentence, and in no ca-e can it exceed one year. 2. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be undergone by the criminal in a penal institution and its duration is fixed, he shall con- tinue subject, for the time mentioned in the preceding article, to the same deprivations of which -aid penalty must consist. 346 3. a Cuando la pena principal impuesta fuere la de reprension, multa 6 caucion, el reo insolvente sufrira en la carcel de partido una deten- cion, que no podra exceder en ninguu caso de seis rneses, cuando se hubiese procedido por razon de delito, ni de quince dias, cuando hubiese sido por falta. Art. 50. La responsabilidad personal subsidiaria por insolvencia no se impondni al condenado a pena superior en la escala general a la de presidio correccional. Art. 51. La responsabilidad personal que hubiese sufridoel reo por insolvencia, no le eximira de la reparacion del dafio causado y de la indenmizacion de perjuicios, si llegare a niejorar de fortuna; pero si de las demas responsabilidades pecuniarias comprendidas en los numeros 3.° y 5.° del articulo 48. ******* Art. 126. El que por titulo lucrativo hubiere participado de los cfectos de un delito 6 falta, esta obligado al resarcimiento hasta la cuantia en que hubiere participado. * * * * * * . * Art. 200. Incurrira respectivamente en las penas superiores en gardo a las senaladas en el articulo 198, el funcionario publico que no siendo autoridad judicial, ) T no estando en suspenso las ga rant fas constitucio- nales, detuviere a una persona por razon do delito y no la pusiere a dis- posicion de la autoridad judicial en las veinticuatro horas siguientea a la en que se hubiere hecho la detencion. * * * * * * . * Art. 486. Nadie podra deducir accion de calumnia 6 injuria causada en juicio sin previa licencia del juez 6 tribunal que de el conoeiere. Nadie sera penado por calumnia 6 injuria sino a querella de la parte ofendida, salvo cuando la ofensa se dirija contra la autoridad publica, corporaciones 6 clases determinadas del Estado, y lo dispuesto eo el capitulo V del titulo III de este libro. El culpable de injuria 6 de calumnia contra particulares quedar6 relevado de la pena impuesta mediante perdon de la parte ofendida. Para los cfectos de este articulo. se reputan autoridad los soberanos y principes de nacioiies iiinigas 6 aliadas, los agentes diploinaticos de las mismas y los extranjeros con caracter publico que segun los fcra- tados debieren comprenderse en esta disposici6n. Para preceder cm los casos expresadoa en el parrafo anterior, ha de preceder excitaci6n especial del Gobierno. * * * * * * * Akt. 502. El que, Euera de l«>s casos permitidos por la ley, 6 -in motivo racional, aprehendiere 6 detuviere :i una persona para pre- sentarla :i la autoridad, serl castigado c<>n las penas de arresto menoi \ multa de 325 a M, li.»« > pesetas. 546 .".. It' the principal penalty imposed should be a censure, fine, or caution, the insolvent guilty person shall be confined in the district jail for a term which can not exceed >i\ months ki anj case, should be have been prosecuted for a crime, or fifteen days should be have been prose- cuted for a misdemeanor. Akt. 50. The subsidiary personal liability on account of insolvency shall not he imposed upon the person condemned to a penalty higher in the general scale than that of presidio correctional. Ajrt. 51. The personal liability which the criminal may have incurred by reason of insolvency shall not exempt him from the reparation of the injury caused and indemnification of damages if his pecuniary cir- cumstances should improve, hut it shall exempt him from the other pecuniary liabilities included in numbers 3 and 5 of article |>. ♦:• ****** Akt. 126. He who derives by a gratuitous title some benefit from the effects <>f a crime or misdemeanor i> obliged to pay an indemnity to the extent of the benefit received. * * * * * * * Art. 200. The public official who, not being a judicial authority and the constitutional guaranties not having been suspended, shall detain a person for a crime and shall not deliver him to the judicial authority within the twenty-four hours after the detention took place, shall respectively incur the penalties next higher in degree than those pre- scribed in the said article 198. ******* Art. 486. No one can institute an action for calumny or contumely committed in judicial proceedings without the previous permission of the judge or tribunal having cognizance thereof. No one shall be punished for calumny or contumely unless on com- plaint of the offended party, except when the offense is directed against the public authority, corporations, or determined classes in the State, and in the cases prescribed in Chapter V of Title III of this book. A person guilty of calumny or contumely against individuals shall be relieved from the penalty imposed by the pardon of the offended party. For the purposes of this article the sovereigns and princes of friendly or allied nations, their diplomatic agents, and foreigners with a public character, that, according to treaties, should be included in this pro- vision, shall be considered as authorities. A special initiative of the Government must precede any net ion relating to the cases mentioned in the foregoing paragraph. * * * * * * * Art. 502. Any person who, case- permitted by law being excepted. shall without sufficient reason apprehend or detain a person in order to turn him over to the authorities shall be punished with the penalties of arresto menor and a tine of from 325 to 3,250 pesetas. 347 No tiene aplicacion este articulo :i los que aprehendieren coionos 6 Biervoa ajenos, que estuvieren profugos, para entregarlos a sus duefios 6 a la autoridad en los casos que determinan los reglamentos, siempre que verificaren la entrega en el termino de setenta y dos horas, a eontar desde la captura. Se reputaran profugos aquellos de cuya fuga se hubiere dado cono- cimiento por sus duefios 6 patronos a la autoridad local, publicandose por los periodicos, 6 que se encuentren a tres leguas de distancia de las haciendas en que sirvan, sin papel de su amo, mayoral 6 mayordomo, 6 con papel cuyo plazo de licencia ha}a termiuado. .".IT This article is not applicable i<> those apprehending the slaves or sort's of others, who are fugitives, in order to deliver them to their masters or the authorities, in the cases prescribed in the regulations, provided thai the delivery be made within the term of seventy-two hours after the capture. Fugitives shall be considered those of whose flight notice shall have been given by their masters <>r patrons to the local authorities, by pub- lication in the newspapers, or that are found three leagues awaj from the funns upon which they were employed without ;i permit from their master, manager, or overseer or with a permil whose term of license hud already expired. APtfNDICE III. ARTICULOS DE LA LEY DE ENJTJICIAMIENTO CIVIL k QUE HACE REFERENCIA LA DE ENJTJICIAMIENTO CRIMINAL. Secci6n Cuarta. — De los recursos de queja contra las autoridades admimstratioaa. Art. 116. Los gobernadores de provincia son las Ulricas autoridades que podran suscitar en nombre de la administracion competencias positivas 6 negativas a los juzgados y tribunales, por exceso de atribuciones, en el caso de que estos invadan las que correspondan al orden administrative Art. 117. Las competencias positivas 6 negativas que la adminis- tracion suscitare a los jueces y tribunales, se sustanciaran } T deeidiran en la forma establecida por las leyes y reglamentos que la determinen. Art. 118. Los jueces y tribunales no podran suscitar cuestiones de competencia a las autoridades del orden administrativo. Sin embargo, podran sostener la jurisdiction y atribuciones que la constitucion y las leyes les confieren, reclamando contra las invasiones de dichas autoridades por medio de recursos de queja que elevanin al Gobierno. Art. 119. Podran promoverse los expedientes de recurso de queja — 1.° A instancia de parte agraviada. 2.° En virtud de excitacion del ministerio fiscal. 3.° De oficio. Art. 120. Solo las salas de gobierno de las audiencias y la del Tri- bunal Supremo, podran recurrir en queja al Gobierno contra las inva- siones de la administracion en las atribuciones judiciales. Art. 121. Los juzgados municipales y los primers instancia, cuando scan invadidas sua atribuciones por autoridades del orden administra- tive, lo pondran en eonocimiento de la sala de gobierno de la audiencia. para que esta pueda formular el recurso de queja, >i lo estima procedente. Al afecto los juzgados municipales remitira'n :i los de primera instancia de su partido los expedientes en que consten los hechos rela- tivos al exceso de at rihneiones comet ido por los agentes del orden administrativo, y loa segundos los pasaran eon su informe :i la audiencia respectiva. 348 APPENDIX III. ARTICLES OF THE LAW OF CIVIL PROCEDURE REFERRED TO IN THE LAW OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Section IV. — Remedy of complaint against administrative authorities. Art. 116. The governors-general of the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico are the only authorities which may raise questions of positive or negative competencies in the name of the administration againsl superior or inferior courts exceeding their jurisdiction in cases where they invade the powers pertaining to administrative officials. Art. 117. Positive or negative questions of competency which the administration may raise against judges or courts shall be hoard and determined in the manner prescribed by the laws and regulations relating thereto. Art. IIS. Judges or courts can not raise questions of competency against the officials of the administrative service. Nevertheless, they may maintain the jurisdiction and power- vested in them by the constitution and laws, and they may complain against the invasions of said authorities bymet-nsof appeals to the< rovernment. Art. 119. Remedies of complaint may he sought — 1. At the instance of the party injured. 2. At the instance of the department of public prosecution. 3. Officially {& oficio). Aim. 12<». The chambers of administration of theaudienciasand thai of the Supreme Court only may seek the remedy of complainl againsl the invasions of the administration in judicial powers. Art. 121. Municipal courts and those of first instance, when their powers are invaded by the administrative authorities, -hall inform the chamber of administration of the audiencia thereof, in order that the latter may seek the remedy of complaint, if it considers it proper. For this purpose the municipal courts shall forward to those of first instance of their judicial district the record of the proceedings contain- ing the facts relative to the abuse of power committed by the agent of the administrative service, and the latter shall forward the same with their report to the proper audiencia. 348 349 Cuando los expedientes nacieren en los juzgados de primera instan- cia, seran remitidos directamente ;i la audiencia. Si se formaran en las salas de justicia de las audiencias 6 del Tribunal Supremo, se pasaran despues de instruidos a la respectiva Bala de gobierno. Art. 122. Las salas de gobierno de las audiencias. recibidos que sean los expedientes a que se refiere el articulo que antecedc 6 en vista de los que ante ellas se hayan comenzado 6 instruido, y la del Tribunal Supremo en su caso, los pasaran al ministerio fiscal para que con toda preferencia emita su dictamen. Art. 123. En vista del dictamen fiscal y completando el expediente si fuere uece^ario. resolveran las salas de gobierno de las audiencias, 6 la del Tribunal Supremo en su caso, si debe 6 no elevarse el recurso de queja. Cuando acordaren que debe elevarse, lo haran en una exposicion fundada, a no ser que aceptaren el dictamen fiscal sin adicion alguua. Art. 124. El Gobierno resolvera estos conflictos en la forma que determinen las leyes y reglamentos. 349 When the proceedings have been initiated in the courts of first instance they Bhall be forwarded directly t<> the audiencia. If they should have been instituted in the chambers of justice of the audiencias »>r of the Supreme Court, they shall be referred to the respective chamber of administration after their conclusion. A.BT. L22. The chambers of administration of the audiencia-. after receiving t ho proceedings referred to in the foregoing article, or in view of the proceedings commenced or prosecuted before them, and that of the Supreme Court, in a proper case, shall forward the aame to the department of public prosecution for a report thereon with precedence over everything else. Ai;r. 1l':-5. In view of said report, and after completing the proceed bigs, if necessary, the chambers of administration of the audiencia-. or that of the Supreme Court, in a proper case, shall decide whether the remedy of complaint should or should not he sought. If they decide that said remedy should 1)0 sought, tin y -hall do 30 in a statement containing the reasons, unless they should accept the report of the department of public prosecution without any other addition. Art. 124. The Government shall deeidc these disputes in the manner prescribed in the laws and regulations. TfTULO III. DE LOS RECURSOS DE FTIERZA EN CONOCER. Art. 125. Proeedera el recurso de fuerza en conocer, cuando un juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico conozca 6 pretenda conocer de una causa profana no sujeta a ,su jurisdiceion, 6 llevar a ejecucion la sentencia que hubiere pronunciado en negocio de su competencia, proeediendo por embargo y venta de bienes, sin impetrar el auxilio de la jurisdic- eion ordinaria. Art. 126. El Tribunal Supremo conoceni de los recursos de fuerza que se interpongan contra la nunciatura y los tribunales superiores eclesiasticos de la corte; y las audiencias de los que se interpongan contra los dermis jueces 6 tribunales eclesiasticos de sus respectivos distritos. Contra las resoluciones que sobre ellos dictaren el Tribunal Supremo 6 las audiencias, no se dara ulterior recurso. Art. 127. Podran promover el recurso de fuerza en conocer — 1. Los que se consideren agraviados por la usurpation de atribucio- nes hecha por un juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico. 2. Los fiscales de las audiencias y del Tribunal Supremo. Art. 128. Los fiscales municipales, los promotores fiscales, los jueces y los tribunales de la jurisdiceion ordinaria, no podran promover directamente recursos de fuerza en conocer. Cuando supieren que alguna autoridad judicial eclesiastica 86 hava entrometido a entender en negocios ajenos a su jurisdiceion, se dirigi- ran a los fiscales de las audiencias 6 al del Supremo, segiin sus atribu- ciones respectivas, dandoles las noticias y datos que tuyieren para que promuevan el recurso, si lo estimaren precedente. Art. 129. Los que eonsiderandose agraviados por un juez 6 tribu- nal eclesiastico. quisiereo promover el recurso de fuerza en conocer. lo propondran en los tcrmiuos que prescribe esta ley. Aur. i:>(>. Kl ministerio fiscal promovera el recurso directamente y sin preparaci6n alguna. Art. L31. El agraviado prepararfi el recurso ante el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico, solicitando, en petici6n nrmada, que se separe del conoci- 350 TITLE III. APPLICATIONS TO CIVIL COURTS FOR MODIFICATION OF ACTIONS OF ECCLESI- ASTICAL COURTS. Art. L35. An application for the modification of the action of an ecclesiastical court may be made when an ecclesiastical judge or court hears, or attempts to hear, a secular cause not subject t<» ecclesiastical jurisdiction, or attempts t<> execute any judgment, by attachment or sale of property, pronounced in any matter within his or its jurisdic- tion, without seeking the aid of the ordinary jurisdiction. Art. 126. The audiencias of Cuba and Porto Rico shall pass on applications for the modification of the action of the Nunciature, ot of the higher ecclesiastical tribunals of the court, and the audiencias on those relating to tin' action of other ecclesiastical judges or courts of their respective districts. Against the decisions rendered thereon by the Supreme Court, or l>y the audiencias, there shall be no further remedy. Art. 127. The following persons may apply for the modification of the action of ecclesiastical courts: I. Those who consider themselves injured by the usurpation of powers made by an ecclesiastical judge or court. •1. The public prosecutors of the audiencias at their own instance or upon the request of that of the Supreme Court. Art. 128. The municipal public prosecutors (Jiscales), deputy public- prosecutors (promotores jwcales), and the judges and courts of the ordinary jurisdiction can not directly make application for the modi tication of the action of an ecclesiastical tribunal. When the above-mentioned officials should learn that some ecclesias- tical judicial authority has interfered in any matter foreign to Its jurisdiction, they shall apply to the public prosecutors of the audiencias or to the one of the Supreme ( Sourt, according to their respective powers, furnishing the data and information they may have in order that they may make the application, should they consider it proper. Airr. 12'.t. Persons who consider themselves injured by an ecclesias- tical judge or court, and who desire to make an application for the modification of his or its action, shall do so in the manner prescribed by this law. Airr. 130. The department of public prosecution >hall make tin- application directly and without any preparation whatsoever. Art. 131. The person injured shall prepare the application before the ecclesiastical judge <>r tribunal, requesting, in a signed petition, 350 351 miento del negocio y remita los autos 6 las diligencias practicadas al juez competente, protestando, si no lo hiciere, impetrar la real pro- teccion contra la fuerza. Art. 132. Cuando el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico denegare la preten- sion hecha con arreglo al articulo anterior, podra el agraviado pedir testimonio de la providencia denegatoria, y obtenido, se tendra el recurso por preparado. Art. 133. En el caso de que el juez 6 tribunal ecleshistico denegare dicho testimonio 6 no diere providencia sepanindose del conocimiento del negocio, podra el agraviado recurrir en queja a la audiencia en cuyo territorio ejerciere aquel su jurisdiccion, en conformidad a lo establecido en esta ley. Art. 131. El tribunal ante quien se interpusiere la queja. si fuere competente para conocer del recurso, ordenara al juez 6 tribunal ecle- siastico que facilite el testimonio al recurrente, en el termino de tercero dia desde aquel en que reciba la real provision que al efecto se le dirija. Art. 135. Cuando el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico no cumpliere con lo ordenado en la provision de que trata el articulo anterior. Be le diri- gira segunda real provision, conminandole con la pena establecida para este caso en el Codigo Penal. Art. 136. Si no obedeciere a la segunda real provision, el tribunal que conozca del recurso mandara al juez de primera instancia del partido en cuya jurisdiccion residiere el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico, que recoja los autos y se los remita, y que proceda d,esde luego a la formacion de la causa criminal correspondiente. En este caso el recurso de fuerza quedara preparado con la remesa de los autos. Art. 137. Presentado ante el tribunal a quien corresponda conocer del recurso el testimonio de la denegacion decretada por el juez 6 tri- bunal eclesiastico, <'» interpuesto el recurso directamente por el minis- terio fiscal, se dictara auto admitiendolo 6 declarando no haber lugar :i admitirlo. Ai:r. L38. El tribunal declarani la adniision cuando haya niotivos que induzcan & estimar que <-l juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico ha Balido de los limites de bus atribuciones y competencia. En otro caso se declarers' no haber lugar :i la admisi6n del reourso. Ai;i. I :'.:». En la inisma providencia en que *•! tribunal admita el recurso mandara, por medio de una real provision, que el juez 6 tri- bunal eclesiastico. drntro de tercero dia. remits los autos. a no ser (pie va estuvieren en el tribural por consecuencia de 1«> ordenado en el articulo L36. 351 that said ecclesiastical court desist In the hearing of the matter and forward the record or the proceedings already had to the competent judge, stating thai if this be not done, royal protection against his action will be sought Art. 132. When the ecclesiastical judge or court should den} the petition made in accordance with the foregoing article, the person injured niav demand a certified copy of the ruling <>f denial, and after it has been obtained the application shall be considered as prepared. Ai;t. L33. If the ecclesiastical judge or court should refuse to issue said certificate, or not issue an order desisting from hearing the matter, the person injured may file a complaint in the audiencia within the territory of which the former exercises his or its jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of this law. Art. 134. The court before which the complaint is made, if com- petent to pass upon the application, shall order the ecclesiastical judge or court to deliver the certificate to the appellant within three days after the receipt of the royal order addressed to him for that purpose. Art. 135. If the ecclesiastical judge or court should not comply with the order mentioned in the foregoing article, a second royal order shall be sent to the same, threatening said ecclesiastical judge or court with the penalty prescribed for this case in the Penal Code. Art. 136. If the second royal order should not be obeyed, the court taking cognizance of the application shall order the judge of first instance of the judicial district in which the ecclesiastical judge or tribunal resides to recover the record of the proceedings and forward the same, and immediately begin the institution of the proper criminal action. In such case the application for modification of the action of the ecclesiastical court shall be considered as made by the transmission of said record. Art. 137. When proof of the denial decreed by the ecclesiastical judge or tribunal has been presented before the proper court, or u hen the application has been directly made by the department of public prosecution, a decision shall be rendered admitting or denying the admission of said application. Ai:t. L38. The court shall order the admission when there are rea- sons leading it to believe that the ecclesiastical judge or tribunal has gone beyond the limits of his or its jurisdiction and powers. Other wise it shall declare that the appeal was not well taken. Art. 139. In the same order in which the court admits the applica- tion, it shall require by royal order that the ecclesiastical judge or tribunal transmit the records within three days, unless the\ should already be before the court as a consequence of the fulfillment of the prescriptions of article L36. 352 Art. 140. En la real provision que se despache en eonformidad con lo establecido en el articulo anterior, se encargara el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico que haga emplazar a las partes para que comparezcBa dentro de diez dias improrrogables, si quisieren, ante el tribunal que conozca del recurso, a hacer uso de su derecho. Art. 141. Cuando comparecieren los citados en virtud de lo dis- puesto en el articulo anterior, seran parte en el recurso. Si no lo hicieren, se sustanciara este sin su concurrencia. parandoles perjuicio del niismo modo que si estuvieren presentes. Art. 142. Los jueces y tribunales eclesiasticos podran citar a BOB respectivos fiscales para que comparezcan como parte ante la jurisdic- tion ordinaria. Este mismo caracter tendran los jueces y tribunales eclesiasticos, cuando se presenten en el recurso para sostener sus actos y su compe- tencia. Art. 143. Cuando no remitiere el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico los autos que se le reclamen, se observara lo que se ordena en el articulo 136. Art. 144. En el caso de que el juez de primera instancia con lo que previene el articulo 136, remesare los autos al tribunal, maudara noti- ficar la providencia en que lo ordene a los que sean parte en ellos, emplazandoles a los efectos que establece el articulo 140. Art. 145. Remitidos los autos por el juez de primera instancia con arreglo a lo preceptuado en los articulos anteriores, se tendra por admi- tido el recurso por el hecho de entrar los autos en el tribunal a cuyo conocimiento corresponda. Art. 146. En todo caso, recibidos los autos en la audiencia 6 en el Tribunal Supremo, se sustanciara el recurso en la forma establecida en esta ley respecto 6 las apelaciones de los incidentes. Art. 147. El ministerio fiscal serii tambien parte en los recursos que no haya promovido, y en todo caso concurrini aecesariamente a la vista. Art. 148. El tribunal dictar&auto, dentrode los ocho dias siguientes al dc la vista, limitandose ;i las declaracionea que siguen: l. a No haber lugar al recurso. eoudenando en costas al que lo hu- bicre interpuesto y mandando devolver los autos al juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico para su continuaci6n eon arreglo :i derecho. No se podrd imponer dicha condena de costas a I ministerio fiscal en ningun caso. 2." 1 >eclarar que el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico hace fuerza en oonocer, y ordenar que levante las censuras si las bubiere impuesto. Se podra en este caso ini))oner las costas al juez o tribunal eclesias- Akt. I 10. In the royal order issued in accordance \\ iili the provisions of the foregoing article, the ecclesiastical judge or tribunal shall be requested to cite the parties to appear within ten days, it' willing, which period can not l xtended, before the court hearing the appli- cation. t'<>r the purpose of asserting their rights. Aim. 141. If the parties appear by virtue of the provisions of the foregoing article, they -hall he considered a- parties t<> the application. Should they not do so, the application shall he heard without their attendance in the same manner and with the same effect a- if they hail been present. Akt. L42. The ecclesiastical judges and courts may cite their respec- tive prosecuting attorney- to appear a- parties before the ordinary jurisdiction. The -aid ecclesiastical judges or courts shall have the same character of parties when they appear at the hearing of the application to sustain their acts and competency. Ai:t. 143. If the ecclesiastical judge or court should not forward the records of the proceedings demanded of him. the provisions of article 136 shall he observed. Art. 144. If the judge of first instance, in compliance with the pro- visions of article 136, should forward the record to the court, he shall order notice thereof to be given to the parties thereto, citing them to appear for the purposes prescribed in article 14* >. Art. 145. After the records of the proceedings have been forwarded by the judge of first instance, in accordance with the provisions con- tained in the preceding articles, the application shall he considered as admitted by the mere fact that said record i- before the court of com* petent jurisdiction. Akt. 146. In any case, after the records have been received by the audiencia the application shall he heard and determined in the manner prescribed in this law for appeals upon incidental issues. Akt. 147. The representative of the department of public prosecu- tion shall also he a party to the applications not made by the same, and he must in all cases attend the hearing thereof. Akt. 14^. The court -hall renders decision within eight day- fol- lowing the hearing, limiting itself to the following declarations: 1. That the application is not well taken, taxing the costs against the person making it and ordering that the record he returned to the ecclesiastical judge or court tor the continuation of the proceedings according to law. In no case can thecosts he taxed againsl the depart inent of public prosecution. •l. That the ecclesiastical judge or court has wrongfully assumed jurisdiction in the matter, and ordering the same to vacate any impo- sitions or punishments he or it ma\ have imposed. In such case the 18473—01 45 353 tico. cuando hubiere por su parte temeridad notoria on atribuirse facul- tades 6 competencia que no tenga. Esta providencia se comunicara. al juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico por medio de oficio. Art. 149. De todo auto en que se declare que un juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico hace fuerza en eonocer, se dara cuenta al Gobierno. acorn - panando eopia del mismo auto. Art. 150. Cuando se declare no haber lugar al recurso, se devolvenin los autos al juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico, con la certiticacion correspon- diente, para que pueda continuarlos con arreglo a derecho. Art. 151. Hecha la devolucion de los autos, se tasanin y regulanin las costas, y se procedera por la audiencia 6 por el Tribunal Supremo a disponer lo que corresponda para hacerlas efectivas, empleando para ello la via de apremio. Art. 152. Si se declarase que el juez 6 tribunal eclesiastico hace fuerza, se remitiran los autos al juez competente, con citacion de las partes que se hayan personado en el tribunal, y se dara noticia al ecle- siastico por medio de oficio. **-::-* * * * Art. 1445. Si hubiere bienes dados en prenda 6 hipotecados especial- mente, se procedera contra ellos en primer lugar. No habiendolos, 6 siendo notoriamente insuficientes, se guardani en los embargo* el orden siguiente: 1.° Dinero metalico, si se encontrare. 2.° Efectos piiblicos. 3.° Alhajas de oro, plata 6 pedreria. 4." Creditos realizables en el acto. 5." Frutos y rentas de toda espccie. 6.° Bienes semovientes. 7." Bienes niuebles. s." Bienes !>." Sueldos 6 pensiones. lo." Crc'ditos y derechos no realizables en el acto. Ai;t. 1446. No se liarsi embargo en las vims I'envas abiortas al servicio publico, ni en sus estaeioiies, alinaeones, talleros. terrenos, obras \ edificios que scan necesarios para su uso, ni en las locomo toras, candles y demas efectos del material tijo y movil. dost inadas al iiio\ iniicnto (\v la linca. Cuando se despache ejecucion contra una eompania o empresa de fci-rocai riles, Be procederfi del tnodo preven|4o en la ley tie 12 de Noviembre de L869. 358 oasts may be taxed against the ecclesiastical judge or court, if he or it should, with well-known temerity, have assumed powers :tnt have. This order shall ho communicated in writing t<. the ecclesiastical judge or court. Akt. L49. A report of every decision declaring thai an ecclesiastical judge or court has wrongfully assumed jurisdiction -hall be made to the Government, a copy of said decision being also forwarded. Aijt. L50. When it should he declared that an application is not well taken, the records of the proceedings shall he returned to the ecclesiastical judge or court, with the proper certificate, in order that he or it may proceed in the matter according to law. Akt. L51. After the return of the records of the proceedings, the costs shall be appraised and taxed. The audiencia shall issue the proper orders for their collection by judicial compulsion. Art. L52. If it be declared that the ecclesiastical judge or court has wrongfully assumed jurisdiction, the records of the proceedings shall be forwarded to the judge of competent jurisdiction, and the parties who have appeared hefore the court shall be cited to appear before the competent judge, the ecclesiastical judge being given written notice thereof. * * * -::-** * Art. 1445. Should there he specially mortgaged or pledged property, the attachment shall he first levied thereupon. Should there not he any such property, or if the property specially mortgaged or pledged should be clearly insufficient, the attachment shall he levied upon the property in the following order: 1. Money, if an}* should he found. 2. Public securities. 3. Jewelry of gold, silver, or precious -tones. 1. Credits which may he at once realized upon. 5. Products and rents of all kinds. 6. Live stock. 7. Personal property. S. Real property. 9. Salary or pensions. 10. Credit- and rights which can not he at once realized upon. Art. 144H. No attachment shall he levied upon railways open to the public service, nor upon their stations, warehouses, work-hop-, lands, structure.-, and buildings which may he necessary for the u.-e thereof, nor upon the locomotives, cars, and other stationary or rolling stock used in the operation of the line. When an execution is issued against a railroad company <>r enter- prise it shall he enforced as prescribed iii the law of November 12. 1869. 354 Art. 1447. Tampoco se embargaran nunca ol lecho cotidiano del deudor, bu mujer 6 hijos, las ropas del preciso uso de los mismos, ni los instrumentos necesarios para el arte li otieio a que el primero pueda estar dedicado. Fuera de estos, ningunos otros bienes se consideraran exceptuados. Seccion Tercera. — De las tercerias. Art. 1530. Las tercerias habran de fundarse, 6 en el dominio de los bienes enibargados al deudor, 6 en el derecho del tercero a ser reinte- grado de su credito con preferencia al aereedor ejecutante. Art. 1531. Podran deducirse en cualquier estado del juicio ejecutivo. Si la terceria fuere de dominio, no se admitira despues de otorgada la escritura 6 consumada la venta de los bienes a que se refiera. 6 de su adjudicacion en pago y entrega al ejecutante, quedando a salvo el derecho del tercero para deducirlo contra quien y como corresponda. Si fuere de mejor derecho, no se admitira despues de realizado el pago al aereedor ejecutante. Art. 1532. Las demandas de terceria no suspenderan el curso del juicio ejecutivo del que sean incidencia. Se sustanciaran en pieza separada por los tramites del juicio decla- rative que corresponda a su cuantia, conforme a lo prevenido en el articulo -187. Art. 1533. Cuandosea de dominio la terceria, luego que en el juicio ejecutivo recaiga sentencia tirnie de remate, se suspenders' el procedi- micnto de apremio respecto de Los bienes :i que se refiera. hasta la decision de a(|uella. Art. L534. Si la terceria fuere de mejor derecho, se continuara' el procedimiento de apremio hasta realizar la venta de los bienes embar- gados, y su importe se depositary en el establecimiento destinado al efecto, para btacer pago ;i los acreedores i»>r el orden de preferencia que se determine en la sentencia del juicio de terceria. Art. lf>:>:>. Con la demanda de terceria deberd presentarse el tftulo en que se runde, sin cuyo requisite no se le darfi curso. Aim. L536. No se permitira" en ningiin caso segunda terceria. ya sea de dominio, ya .— Interventions. Art. 1530. Interventions must l>«' based either upon the ownership of the property attached as belonging to the attachment debtor, or upon tin 1 right of the third person to recover his credit before the execution creditor is reimbursed. Akt. L531. Interventions may be interposed at any stage of the exec- utory action. If the intervention should be based upon ownership, it shall not he admitted after the execution of the deed of -ale or the consummation of the sale of the property involved, or its award in payment and delivery to the execution creditor, reserving the right of the third person to institute the action which he may deem proper against any person and in the manner which may be proper. If the intervention should be based upon a preferred right, it shall not he admitted after payment has been made to the execution creditor. Art. L532. Complaints in intervention shall not suspend the course of the executory proceedings of which they are an issue. They shall l»e heard and determined in a separate record in accoid- ance with the proceedings prescribed for the declaratory action which may he proper in view of the amount involved, in accordance with the provisions of article 487. Art. 1533. When the intervention is based upon ownership, a- soon as a final order of sale is issued in an executory action, the proceedings for judicial compulsion shall be suspended with regard to the property involved in the intervention until a decision is rendered upon the latter. Art. 1534. If the intervention should he based upon a preferred right, the proceedings for judicial compulsion shall he continued until the sale of the property attached takes place, and the proceed-, there- from shall he deposited in the establishment provided for the purpose, in order that payment may he made to the creditors in the order of preference stated in the judgment rendered upon the intervention. Ai:t. L535. With the complaint in intervention must he presented the title on which it is based, without which requisite it shall not be acted upon. Art. 1536. In no case shall a second intervention be allowed, whether based upon ownership or upon :i preferred right, based upon title.- or rights possessed by the intervenorat the time of interposing the first intervention. 355 La oposicion que por esta causa .se. haga a la admision de la demanda podra sustaneiarse por los tramites establecidos para las excepciones dilatorias; v si so accediere a ella, sera condenado en las costas el que hubiere deducido la terceria. Art. 1537. Las tercerias se sustanciaran con el ejecutante y el eje- cutado, sirviendo de emplazamiento para este juicio la entrega dc las copias de la demanda y de los documentos. Ambos deberan contestar a la demanda dentro del termino corres- pondiente, a contar desde la entrega de dichas copias; y si no lo verifi- can ni se personan en autos, se tendra aquella por contestada rcspecto del que se halle en este caso, siguiendose el juicio en su rebeldfa. Art. 1538. El ejecutado que haya sido declarado en rebeldia en el juicio ejecutivo seguira con el mismo caracter en el de terceria; pero si f uese conocido su domicilio, se le notificara el traslado de la demanda, entregandole las copias. Art. 1539. Si el ejecutante y el ejecutado se allanaren a la demanda de terceria, el juez, sin mas tramites, llamara los autos a la vista, con citacion de las partes, y dictara sentencia. Lo mismo se practicani cuando ambos dejaren de cont(\star ;i la demanda. Dicha sentencia sera apelable en ambos efectos. Art. 1540. Si se hubieren embargado 6 embargaren bienes no com- prendidos en la terceria de dominio, podn'm continuarse contra ellos los procedimientos de apremio, no obstante la terceria, entregandoso su importe al ejecutante a cuenta de su credito. Art. 1541. Las disposiciones de esta seccion seran aplicables :i las terceiias que se interpongan en los procedimientos para la cjecucion de sentencias, y en cualquiera otro juicio 6 incidento en que se proccda por embargo y venta de bienes. 366 The opposition made for this reason to the admission «'t' tin- com- plaint may be heard and decided according to the procedure established f<»r dilatory exceptions, and if it should be sustained, tin' COS< shall be taxed against the intervenor. Art. 1537. The execution creditor and the execution debtor shall be parties to the intervention, and a delivery <>t' copies of the complaint and other documents shall be equivalent t<> a summons for this action. Both parties must answer the complaint within the proper period, to be counted from the date of the delivery of -aid copies, and should they not do BO nor enter their appearance in the proceedings, tlic com- plaint shall he considered answered by the person in default, the pro- ceedfnga being continued in deiattH. A in. L538. The execution creditor who has been declared in default in the executory action shall also be considered in default in the inter- vention: but if his domicile were known, a Copy of the complaint and of the documents attached thereto shall be served upon him. Aki. 1539. If the plaintiff and the defendant acquie.-ce in the inter- vention, the judge shall, without further proceedings, order the record to be brought before him, with a citation of the parties, and render judgment The same action shall be taken if both parties fail to answer to the complaint. Said judgment may be appealed from for a review and for a stay of proceedings. Art. L540. If property not involved in an intervention based upon ownership is attached, the proceedings for judicial compulsion may be continued against the same, notwithstanding the intervention, and the proceeds shall be delivered to the execution creditor on account of his claim. Art. 1541. The provisions contained in this section shall apply to Interventions interposed in proceedings for the execution of judgments and in any other proceedings or incidental issue in which the attach- ment and sale of property takes place. TfTULO XI. DE LA ENAJENACldN DE BIENES DE MENOKES £ INCAPACITADOS Y TRANSACTION ACERCA DE SUS DERECHOS. Art. 2010. Sera necesaria licencia judicial para enajenar 6 gravar los bienes de menores 6 incapacitados que correspondan a las closes siguientes: 1.° Inmuebles. 2.° Efectos publicos y valores de toda especie, sean al portador 6 nominativQS. 3." Derechos de todas clases. 1." Alhajas, muebles y objetos preciosos que puedan conservarse sin menoscabo. Art. 2011. Para decretar la venta sera necesario — 1." Que la pida el padre 6, en ,su caso, la madre, del hijo no emanci- pado. Si este fuere mayor de doce y catorce afios respectivamente, segun 8ii sexo, firmara tambien la peticion. 2.° Que a falta de padre, lo pida el tutor del menor, el eurador del incapacitado 6 el menor asistido de su eurador. 3.° Que se exprese el motivo de la enajenaci6n y el objeto :'i que deba aplicarse la suma que se obtenga. 1.° Que se justifique la necesidad 6 utilidad de la enajenaci6n. 5." Que se oiga sobre ello al promotor fiscal. Art. 2012. Cuando la justification, a que se refiere el num. 4.° del articulo anterior, haya de hacerse por medio do testigos, deberan ser tres, par lo menos, dando fe el actuario de conocerlos. Si no los conociere, exigira la presentacion de dos testigos de conocimiento. Esta justificaci6n se practical con citaci6n del promotor fiscal. Art. 2013. Hecha la justincaci6n y evacuada la audiencia del pro- motor fiscal, <'l juez, sin mas tramites, dictara auto otorgando 6 negando la autorizaci6n para la venta. Este :uit<> >ci-;i apelable en ambos efectos. Art. 2014. La autorizaci6n se concedera en todo caso bajo la condi- cioii de haberse d<> ejecutar la venta en publics subasta, y previoavaluo si se tratare de bienes comprendidos en alguno de Los numeros 1.°, 3." 6 4." del articulo 2010. TITLE XI. ALIENATION OF THE PROPERTY OF MINORS AND INCAPACITATED PERSON8 AND SETTLEMENT OF THEIR RIGHTS OUT OF COURT. Art. 2010. Judicial permission shall be accessary in order to alien- ate or encumber the property <>t' minors or incapacitated persons which pertains to the following classes: 1. Heal property. 2. Public securities ami commercial paper of all kinds, whether made payable to hearer or order. ?>. Rights of all kinds. 4. Jewelry, personal property, and precious objects which may be preserved without deterioration. 1 Art. 2011. In order to decree a sale it shall be necessary — 1. That the father or the mother, in a proper case, of the child not emancipated should request it. If said child be over 12 or 11 years of age, respectively, according to sex, it shall also sign the petition. _'. That in the absence of a parent, the tutor of the minor, the curator of an incapacitated person, or the minor together with his curator request it. 3. That the reason for the alienation and the purpose to which the amount obtained is to be applied he stated. 1. That the necessity or utility of the alienation be proven. 5. That the jpromotor fiscal he heard in the matter. Art. 2012. If the proof, referred to in number 4 of the foregoing article, is to be furnished by wit noses, there must be at leasl three, and the clerk shall identify them. Should he not be acquainted with them two witnesses for the purpose of identification shall he required. The evidence shall he taken after the promoter fiscal has been cited to appear. Art. 2013. After the evidence has been taken, and after the promoter fiscal has been heard, the judge without further proceedings -hall ren- der a decision, granting or denying the authority to make the sale. This ruling may he appealed from for review and a stay of pro ceedings. Art. 2014. The authority shall he granted in all cases under the condition that the sale must be made at public auction, after an appraisement, if property mentioned in numbers 1, 3, or 1 of article 2olo is involved. 356 357 Exceptuanse de esta regla las ventas hechas por el padre, 6 por la madre con patria potestad. Estos podran realizarla sin otro requisite que el de haber obtenido previamente la autorizacion judicial, con au- diencia del promoter fiscal y de las personas designadas en el articulo 205 de la ley hipotecaria. Art. 2015. El juez hard siempre el nombramiento de peritos para el avaluo, los cuales no podran ser recusados. Tampoco podra scrlo el tercero, si hubiere habido necesidad de nombrarlo por haber dis- cordado los dos primeros. Art. 2016. Hecho el avaluo, mandara el juez que se anuncie la subasta por el termino de treinta dias, designando el dia, hora y local en que haya de celebrarse, y que se fijen edictos en los sitios de cos- tumbre, insertandolos ademas, si lo estima conveniente, en algun perio- dico oficial. Art. 2017. No podra admitirse postura que no cubra el valor dado a los bienes. Art. 2018. No habiendo postura admisible, el tutor 6 curador podra hacer cualquiera de las pretensiones siguientes: l. a Que se le tenga por apartado y se sobresea en el expediente. 2. a Que se le autorice para la venta extrajudicial por ol precio y las condiciones que sirvieron para la subasta. 3. a Que se anuncie segunda subasta con la rebaja de un 20 por ciento en el precio. En el caso de que opte por la segunda pretension, si dentro del ano de verificada la primera subasta no pudiere realizar la venta extraju- dicial, podra pedir que se anuncie otra con la rebaja indicada. Art. 2019. La segunda subasta se celebraracon las niismas solemni- dades que la primera. Si tampoco hubiere poster, podra el juez autorizar al tutor 6 curador para la venta extrajudicial por el precio de dicha segunda subasta. Art. 2020. Cuando la venta se solicite para el pago de deudas ii otra necesidad, podra celebrarse a peticion del tutor 6 curador teivera subasta con rebaja de otro 20 por ciento sdbre el tipo senalado en la segunda. Si lanipoeo resultare postura a(lniisil)l(\ ]>odra autorizarst> al repre- sentante del inenor para realizar extrajudieialmcnte la enajenaeion por (»1 precio senalado para la tereeia subasta. Art. 2021. Losvafores expresladbs en el nuniero 2." del articulo 2»>1 1 se enajenaran siempre pov medio de a^ente o eoi-redor de bolsa (pie DOmbre el juez v al precio de la eoti/.:ieion oticial. 857 Sates made !»y the father or mother, m a proper case, exercising parental authority, are excepted from the foregoing role. Snch -ales may be made without any other requisite than that of having first obtained judicial authority with a bearing of the promoter JUcal wn& of the fjersona mentioned in article- 219 and 313 of the mortgage laws respectively in force in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. Art. 2<>15. The judge -hall ahrays appoint the experts for the appraisement, who can not he challenged. Neither can the third expert he challenged, if it should have become necessary to appoint <>ne upon disagreement of the first two expert-. Akt. 3016. After the appraisement ha- been made the judge -hall order that the sale lie announced for a period of thirty day-, designat- ing the day. hour, and place where it i- to take place, and that edietfl he posted in the customary places, inserting them also, should he derm it proper, in some official new-paper. Art. 8017. No hid shall he received which doe- not amount to the sum at which the property wa- appraised. Art. 2018. If no admissible hid has heen received, the tutor or curator may make any of the following requests: 1. That he be permitted to withdraw from further proceedings in the matter and that the proceedings he discontinued. 2. That he be authorized to make the sale extrajudicially, for the price and under the conditions wdiieh served as the basis for the public sale. 3. That a second sale be announced, with a reduction of twenty per cent of the appraised value. If he makes the second request, and if no extrajudicial -ale can be made within one year from the time when the first public -ale wa- attempted, he can request that another public sale he announced. sttb- ject to the aforementioned reduction. Art. 2019. The second public sale shall take place with tin- -ame formalize- a- are prescribed for the first. If in this -ale there should he no admissible hid. tne judge may authorize the tutor or curator to make an extrajudicial -ale foi the price fixed for -aid second public -ale. Art. 2020. When the -ale i- requested for the payment of debts or other necessary purposes, a third public 1 -ale may he held, at the request of the tutor or curator, with a reduction "f another twenty per cent from the time fixed for the second sale. If no admissible bid i- received at this sale, the representative of the minor may he authorized to -ell the property extrajudicially at the juice tixed for the third public -ale. Art. 2<>21. The securities referred to in number two ,,f article 9010 stall always be sold through a stockbroker or agent, vrhom the fudgV shall appoint, and at the current official quotations. 358 Si no se cotizaren en bolsa, so vendcnin con las esta- blecidas en los articulos que preceden para hi venta de inmuebles. Art. 2022. Hecha la venta, cuidara el juez, bajo su responsabilidad, de que se de al precio que se haya obtenido la aplicacion indicada a I sdlicitar la autorizacion. Aut. 2023. El precio se entregara, mientras se da la aplicaci6n correspondiente, al tutor 6 curador si estuvieren relevados de tianza. 6 si las (jue tengan prestadas son suficientes para responder de 61. En otro caso, se depositaran en el establecimiento publico en que deban eonstituirse los depositos judiciales. Art. 2024. La autorizacion para trattsigir sobre los derechos de los menores 6 incapacitados, se pedira por las mismas personas que la venta de bienes. En el escrito en que se pida, se expresaran el motivo y objeto de la transaction, las dudas y diticultades del negocio y las razones que la aconsejen conio util y conveniente; y se acompanara el documento en que se hubieren 1'orniulado las bases de la transaccion. Se exhibinin tambien con el escrito los documentos y antecedentes necesarios para poder formar juicio exacto sobre el negocio. Art. 2025. Si sobre el derecho transigible hubiere pleito pendiente, el escrito se presentara en los mismos autos. Art. 2026. Si para demostrar la necesidad do la transaccion fuera necesaria 6 conveniente la justificaeion de algun hecho 6 la practica de alguna diligencia, las acordara el juez, y se llevaran n et'ecto con cita- cion del promotor fiscal. Art. 2027. Hecho lo prevenido en los articulos anteriores, pasarao las diligencias al promotor fiscal para que exponga lo que tenga por conveniente. Art. 2028. Devueltas por cl promotor fiscal, el juez dictara* auto concediendo 6 negando la autorizacion para la transaccion. segun lo estime conveniente a los intereses del menor 6 Lncapacitado. Si la concede, aprobarii 6 modificara las bases presentadas, mandando que se tin- formalities prescribed in the foregoing articles for the Bale of real property. Akt. 2022. After the sale is made the judge shall, under bis liability, see thai the amount received at said sale be applied as stated in the petition for authorization to make the sale. Akt. 2023. The amount received shall be delivered to the tutor or curator, pending its application, it' be has been exempted fr furnish- ing bond or il* he has furnished bond sufficient to secure the same. Otherwise it shall be deposited in the public establishment in which judicial deposit- are made. Akt. 2024. The authority to settle questions out of court relating to the rights of minors or incapacitated persons shall be requested by the same persons that request the sale of property. The reason for ami the purpose of the settlement must be stated in the written petition, as well a- the doubts and difficulties of the busi- ness and the reason- that exist for believing it profitable and proper; the petition shall also be accompanied by a document in which the basis for the transaction shall lie set forth. All the documents and data necessary for the purpose of forming an exact judgment in the matter shall also he presented with the petition. Akt. 2025. If an action should he pending with reference to the right to be settled out of court, the documents shall he tiled with the record thereof. Art. 2< >2*>. If. in order to demonstrate the necessity of the settle- ment, the proof of some fact or the taking of certain steps should he accessary or proper, the judge shall order that it take place with the citation of the promotor fiscal. Art. 2027. After the provisions of the foregoing article have been observed, the record shall he delivered to the promotor fiscal in order that he may make such statements as he may deem proper. Akt. 2028. After (he record has been returned by the promotor fiscal the judge shall make an order granting or denying authority for the settlement, as he may consider best for the interests of the minor or incapacitated person. If it be granted he shall modify or approve the bases submitted, ordering that an authenticated statement of the proceedings, with the necessary enclosures, be delivered to the tutor or curator for the proper effects. These orders may be appealed from for review and for a staj of proceedings. Art. 2021). For the purpose of mortgaging or incumbering real property or for the extinction of property light- belonging to minor- or incapacitated persons, the formalities shall be observed which are established for the -ah of property, with t he except ion of tho-e pre- scribed for public sales. SUMARIO ALFABfiTICO. Abandono de querella, artfculos 275 y :.'7o. Abogado: Motive- 'If recusaci6n, ~>4. Obligation de defender a* Lob intereeadoa en Las causae y especialmente 4 Lob pobres, 1.18 ^i 120, 876, 881 y 297. Oblij_'aii de a-istir ;i las vistas en los recursos de Casaci6n, 885 y 894. Dispoaicionee sol>re el cobro de bus honorarios, 121, 241 y 242. Becreto profesional, 263 y 416. [nformari sentados, 685. Deber de los juecea mientras los rcos oareeen de abogados, 2. (Vease Oorrecciones discipUnarias. ) Absolution, se entiende siempre Libre, 144. ( V6ase Sobrm imiento.) Abstention del ministerio fiscal por causa de recusaci6n, 93 d. 99. Abosos. (Veanse Apremio8.) Action civil derivada del hecho punible, 100. Ee renunciable, 106 ;i 108 y 110. Derecho a ejercitarla, 109. Forma y procedimiento, 108 y 111 a 114. C6mo se extingae, 114 a 117. Reserva de la acti6n a favor de terceros, 621 y 843. Se propone para reclamar las piezas de conviction, 635 y 844. i Vease Responaabilidad.) Action penal, nace de todo delito 6 falta, LOO. Quienee pueden ejercitarla, 101 y 110. \ quienee esta* pronibido, 102, 103 y 104. Obligati6n del ministerio fiscal, 105. Su renuncia, 106. Como se ejercita, 108, 111 a 114. ( omo se extingne, 115 a 117. I Vease Qut reUa. | Aclaracioii de sentencias, 161. Acta- de Beslonee del juitio oral, 74::, 7it'.i y 815. Acto de conciliation, eiulndo debe proceder a* la querella, 278 y 804. Actor civil: Condena de coetas, 240. Su intervention en el Bumario, 320 y 385. Cuando puede recurrir en casaci6n, 854. (V6ase Acriun civil. ) Acusati6n y defensa en el juitio oral, 7:; - _' y Biguientes. Resolution de los puntoe discutidos, 912, num. _." y 3.° 3(30 Acusador privado. (Vease Querdlanh . | Adhesi6n al recurso de casacion, 861. Adrninistracion publica. (Vease Jurisdiccidn administratba.) Aforados, cuando los juzga la jurisdiction ordinaria, 11 y 12. Agentes. ( V^ase FoUda.) Allanamiento. (Vease Entrada y registro.) Aniistad fntiina 6 enemistad manifiesta con las partes, causa de recasaci6n, r>4. 46s y 723. Amnistfa, 666 y siguientes. Analisis quimieos, 356 y 363. Antecedentes penales. (Vease Registro de proresados.) Antejuicio para exigir responsabilidad criminal a jueces y magistrados, 757 :i 77s. Apelacion. (Vease Recurso de apelac'wn.) Apreciacion de prueba. (Vease Pruebas. ) Apreniios: Para el pago de costas, 242 y 2-15. Para la realizacion de fianzas, 536. Armas y otros instrunientos del delito, 33-4 & 338. (Vease Piezas de con fiction. ) Artfculos de previo pronunciamiento, 45, 666 a 679 Arzobispos, eomo declaran, 412 a 415. Asesores de jueces municipales, 94. Su recusacion, 95. Atestados y relaciones de la policia, 292 ;i 294 y 297. Audiencias territoriales y de lo criminal, causas de que conocen, competencias y recusaciones que resuelven, 14, 20 y 68. ( V£ase Juicio oral. ) Autopsias, 343 y 353. Autoridades y funcionarios judiciales, sus obligaciones y mutuo auxilio que Be deben, 2, 109 y 183. (Veanse; Estadistica; Jueces.) Autorizacion para procesar a senadores y diputados, 750 a 756. A funcionarios piiblicos, 666, num. 5.° Autos, 141. Votos necesarios para dictarlos, 145 y 153. Notificaeion, 160. Tcrmino para dictarlos, 204 y 205. (Vease Notificaciones.) Auxiliares y subalternos de los tribunales. (Vease Vorrcctirmex.) Bandoleros. ( V&ise Delitos di Robo.) Buques: Caracter de los del Estado y mercantes, 547 y 554. Registro de unos y otros, 561 y 561. c. ( 1 a] :i 155, 713 y 729, mini. ' Cartas 6rdenea (Vease Exhortoe.) Casacion. ( /«'-<•»;•.-•<, ,1, ,-us">7. Causae en que aparecen culpablee aforadoe y no aforadoe, 1 1 y L2. De cualee oonoce el Tribunal Supremo y las audiencias. Vease Tribunal Suprt mi'. ) Citation de las partes. 166 y siguientee. Citas, aobre bo evacuation uo siendo impertinentee 6 inutilee, • ;'•»" y 121. Oomparecencias, i s »> 6 188. (Veanse Testigos; Proceeados.) Competencia: Para conocer de las cueetionee prejuditiales, :; ;i 7. De la jurisdiction ordinaria, 8 ;i is. De loe juecee instructores, 303. I'ara pedir la extradition, si's. Suniision t;icita. L'7 4. (Wast: Ouettumes competent Ckmciliaci6n. | Vease Acta de conciliaci&n. | Condena. | Vease AbsolucUm. | Oonfesion del acusado y peisonas tivilmente responsables, 688 y siguientes. En causae por debtee comet idos por medio de la iruprenta, 820. En el sumario, 406. Confeso, consecuencia de enta declaraci6n, 700. Confinados dementes, 991 a 994. O ingrest ►. i Vease ( '"< rpos colegisladon s. | Consoles, entrada en bus habitacionee, 562. Correctionee disciplinarias: Ed las cueetionee de competencia, 44. A auxiliares y Bubalternoe, L81, 198, 199 y i'l.">. A loe que intervienen y aedsten ;i loe initios, 258 y 301. A funtionarioe de pobcfa, 295 y 298. A meaicoB forenses, 346. A abogadoe y procuradores, 301, 870, 894 y '■>-■'>. A teetigos, 135. Por dilationes indebidae en la causa, 192, '■>'-'< y 793. Por Ealtasen el interrogatorio, 394. Correepondenria, registro y apertura de cartas y telegramas, 579 Corte de policfa (en Cuba I. I Vease Juzgado
  • :;.'>. En incidentes de pobreza, 123, num. ■">."; 136, 139 y 1 10. En el antejuicio para el pr< samiento de juecee y magistrados, 776 :i 778. En loe recursos de casaci6n, 901, 931 y 944. Disposiciones generalee sobre impo8ici6n, pago, regulaci6n y taeati6n decostas, 239 a 246. ('n.'tlfs son de abono, l-l y L22. Cuerpo diplom&tico extranjero. I Vease Embajadoree. ) L847&— 01 4(5 Cuerpo del delito, 334 y siguientes. En be que se cometen por medio de la iinprenta, 822. Cuerpoe colegisladores: Registro, 548. Procesamiento de sus individuos, 750 y siti. Discordiasen loe tribunales, \'->i y l»i"> ;i i»;">. Entre 1<>s j>eritos. 4>t. Documentoe, I prueba documental) 7ii»> y 7l'7. Veanae ( brreapondencia; FcUaificacionea. i Domicilio, edificios que tienen este caracter y entrada en ellos, 545, 550, 551, 554 y566. E. Edesiasticos. I Vease Sigilo sacramental. \ Edad del proceaado, 375, 791 y 795. Loe preaoe j6venee deben separarse de loe adultos, 521. Vease ( \irador.) Edificioe y Ingaree pnblicos, 546 y 547. Ejecucion de sententias. (Veanae Vena*; Senienciaa.) Ejecutoria, 141 y 143. Embajadoree y repreeentantee diplonuiticos: C6mo declaran, U2& 415. Entrada en bo caaa, 559. 597 y BJgnientee y 843, y p. 318. Emplazamiento. (Vease Notificacumes. j Empleadoe pnblicos: Dennncia, 262. Declarationes, 417 y 425. Enajenation mental, i Vease Locura.) Enemistad manifiesta. (Vease Amietad.) Enmiendaa (Vease Tachoduraa.) Entrada y registrode lugarcerrado y de lil>ms y papelee y detenti6n y apertura 'lt- la correspondentia, 545 Bnvenenamiento, ;;:;i y :;">n. Espafiolee que delinqnen en el extranjero. I Vease De&oa. i Bstadlstica judicial, obligationes de losjuecee y magistrados, 247 a* 257 Estampaa Vease Tmprt nio, | Excusae de aaeaoree pot causa de recusaci6n, 94. Exbortos: Suplicatorios, Doandamientoe 6 cartas-6rdene8, exposicionee y ofltios, bd two en lae notiflcacionea, citacionee y emplazamientos, 177. Casos en que proceden, bo forma, cumplimiento, etc., I s ". j aiguienfa a. 364 Exhortos — Continua. A tribunales extranjeros, 193, 194 y 424. Para las declaracionee de peritos y testigos, 427, 661, 719 y 967. Suplicatorids para procesar a senadoree y diputados, 755 y 756. Para pedir la extradition de malhechores, 831 a 833. ( Vease p. 312. ) Expendicion de billetes falsos. (Vease Falsificadones. ) Extradition: Procedimiento para conseguirla, 824 d 833. Instruccionee para la redaction de documentos de (en Cuba), j>. 335. Extranjeros: Cuando y conio pueden querellarse, 270, 280 y 281. Conio declaran si no entienden el espafiol, 398, 440 y 441. Si residen en el extranjero, 424. Cuando procede su extradition, 826, num. 3.° ( Vease Delitos. ) F. FaJsificaci6n, 335 y 391. Falso testimonio, 715. Faltas, no motivan detention, 495. Ferrocarriles, accidentes en las vias ferreas, 354. Fiador, quien puede serlo, 592. Fianzas: Del querellante particular, 280 y 281. Del procesado en libertad, 504, 529 a 544 y 591 a 596. Para asegurar las resultas de la causa, 589 it 614 y 843. De bi'enes pertenecientes a terceros, 615 y 616. Para perseguir a jueces y magistrados, 761 y 762. Su aplicacion, 777. Exception a* favor del ministerio fiscal, 778. Fondas, 557. Fuerza. (Vease Recurso de fuerza.) Funcionarios. ( Vease Empleados. ) G. Garanti'as constitucionales. (Vease Delitos contra In consUtucidn.) Goberuadores civiles y niilitares, conio declaran en su caso, 412 :i 415. ( ! ral »ado, delitos que se cometen por este medio. ( Vease Impr< nta. \ Guerra. (Vease Jurisdicci&n . :;•_'.';. 111. Cuando Be ba 'It- conceder el mandamiento, p. 323, IV. Penalidad pur aegarlo, p. 323, [V. Forma del mandamiento, p. 324, V. Habeas COipU8, inandamieiiti < de (en Cuba) < '< >n1 iiiiKi. Eficacia del mandamiento, p. 324, V I. Cuando Be ha de expedir el mandamiento (do previa solicited, p. 324, V 1 1. Cumplimiento del mandamiento, p. 324, V 1 1 1. Tiempo dentro del cual debe compline el mandamiento, 325, I \. Sera presentada la persona press 6 privada de libertad, p. 325, X. Proce&miento por desobediencia al mandamiento, p. 325, XI. I Men para presentar :i la persona press 6 privada de libertad, p. 326, X I [. Procedimiento cuando se informa al mandamiento, p. 326, XIII. Cuando Be ha de volver 6 encarcelarla persona presa 6 privada de su libertad, p. 326, XIV. Procedimiento en caso de encarcelamiento irregular, p. 326, XV. Pianzas, cuando y c6mo deben admitirse, p. 327, XVI. Coando la persona presa 6 privada de libertad podraserentregada i otro empleado, p. 327, XV 11. Custodia de la persona presa 6 privada de libertad pendiente el procedimiento, p. 327, XVIII. Aviso que ha de darse antes de poner en libertad la persona presa 6 detenida, p. 327, XIX. La persona presa 6 privada de libertad podra* refutar el informe dado al man. la. miento expedido, p. •'>-", XX. Procedimiento en caso de enfennedad de la persona encarcelada 6 que haya sido privada de libertad, p. 328, XXI. Obediencia d la orden de libertad, modo de hacerla cumplir, p. 328, XXII. Caso en que puesta una persona en libertad uo puede Ber encarcelada uueva- mente, p. 328, XXIII. Quebrantamiento del artfculo que precede, p. 329, XXIV. Traslaeion ii ocultaci6n de la persona presa eon el fin de eludir el mandamiento, p. 329, XXV. Mandamiento para el caso en que se pretenda llevar Euera de la isls a* una per- sona privada de libertad, p. i'.'-'i', XXVI. Arresto de la persona que tiene detenido ; p. 329, XXVII. Negativa de un juez :i expedir el mandamier Petici6n de segundoe mandamientos, p. 330, Penalidad cuando se rehusan copias, p. 330, Derogaci6n, p. 330, X XXI. Heel,,,-, no pueden discutirse en casaci6n, 897. Expresion de los probados, 142, mini. l.°, y912, mini. 1. Hombres buenos, cuando intervienen en el sumario, 321. tdentiflcaci6n Me cadAveree, 340 :i '->\-. De acusados, 368 y siguientes, y 493. [mprenta, delitoa que se comenten por medio , p. - ; t > i_* . Jnrado, p. 303. Juicio por joradoe, p. 305. Delitoe sometidoe a la competencia de los jueces conrecdonalee, p. 306, Oumplimiento de las condenas, |>. 310. I tispoedciones generales, p. 310. Prescripcion, j>. 311. DisposicioneB finales, p. 31 1. Juzgado de guardia I en Cuba), p. 289. L. Leeionee, 355 y 785. Libertad provisional con 6 sin fianza, 504, 528 d ">44 y 731. Libra de votoa reservados, 156. De sentencias. ( Vease Regiatro. I Licencia judicial. | Vease Injuria. \ Locura, indicioe de enajenaci6n mental, 381 d 383, 991 £ 994. Lugares ptiblicos. (Veanse Edificios; Entrada.) M. hfagistrados, wo y 147. Vease Jt* Siandamiento '!<• habeas corpus en Cuba. I Vease Habeas corpus.) Mandamientoa. Vease Exfwrtos. < Medicos, cirujanoe y Earmaceuticos: I lenuncias, 262. Forenses, bus funciones y responsabilidad, 344 .1 352 y 7s. r ). .Mina-. (Vease Estadistica.) Ministerio fiscal: Bjercita la- accionee penales, 105 y i'7i. [nspecciona el Bumario, 306. N<> pajra costas en casacion, s7">. i Vease . I bsU nci&n; Action penal; Denumtia; QuereUa; Recursode casacion; Re Blinistros, c6mo declaran, ilL'.-i 115. Muerte violenta, causae por, 340. Multas: En el incidente de recuqaci6n, 70. \ auxiliarcs y Bubalternofi de los tribunales, 181 y 2ir>. A los que no denuncian los delitoe, 259 > 262. A medicos forenses, 346 y 785. A testigos, 420, 446, 710 y 968. A peritos, to:;, toi y 966. \ los ,juc no ot.jctos sospochosos, 57."). A los que turban el orden del juicio oral, 884. Al recurrente <-n casaci6n y queja, y :i em letrado, 870 y 923. 368 N. Notarios, cuando intervienen en el sumario, 321. Notificaciones, citaciones y emplazamientoe, sua Eormalidadee, requiaitoe y efectos, 160, 166 y siguientes. Termino para practicar estas diligencias, 207 y 209. Citacion de testigos, 426. ( Iitaci6n de presuntos reos presentes y ausentes, 486 a 488 y 835, mini. 1.° Notificaci6n de auto de prision, 501 y 517. La omisidn de la citacion motiva la casaci6n en la Eorma, 911, num. 2.° Obispos, cumo deelaran, 412 a 415. Ofendido por el delito, sus derechos, etc., 109 y niguientes, 119, 350 y 853. Oficioa. (V€ase Exhortos.) Palacio Real, 554 a 556. Papel de oficio, su uso y reintegro en las causas, 21 y 241. Parentesco con el procesado, procuradores y abogados, es causa de recusation de magistrados, auxiliares y peritos, 54, 464 y 723. Parientes que pueden abstenerse de declarar, 416. Penas: Procedimiento para su imposition, 1. Conmutacidn, 953. Ejecucidn, 990. De muerte y perpetuas, 153. Pensiones 6 sueldos, embargo, 610. PeriodicoSj 817. Peritos: Eonorarios, 121, 241, 242, 358 a" 362 y 465. Para diligencias sumariales, 328, 336, 339. Para el analisis de sustancias quimicas, 356, 367 a 359. Para avahios y tasaciones, 365. [nforme pericial, casos en que procede, clases de peritos, su recusacion y obliga- ciones, 456 y siguientes, 577, 594, 724 y 725. Mas sol no recusaci6n, 662, 663 y 723. ( Vi'asc Medicos. ) Personas reales, c6mo deelaran en su caso, 412 ;i 115. Piezas de convicci6n, 334 a 338, 620, 622, 626, 629, 631, 635, 654, 688 y 844. Piano del lugar del delito, 327. Plenario, Be suspende mientrae pende cuesti6n de competencia, 24. Pobreza: < 'alilicaeidn de pobres, sustaneiacidii del ineidenle y lieiielieios que disfrntaii loG (pie le obtienen, 123 A 140. Recurrentes pobres en casacion 6 queja, 857, 858 f 860, 864, sus, 874 ;i 876 \ 925. ( N'c'ase Tnsolvenda. ) Policfa judicial: Su objeto, personas que la constituyen y obligaciones de la misma, etc., 282 a* 298, 431, 492 y 403. Las declaraciones de la policfa se consideran bestificales, 717. ( N'eanse Autoridada. ) Ponente. (V6ase Magistradoa.) Posadas, 667. Prescription del delito, 886 y Biguientes. Presidentes del senado, del congreso j del oonsejo de estadi >: C6mo declaran, (124 416. De loe tribunales que conocen del initio oral. Vease J oraL) \h- las andicncias de In criminal, mini. 63.*, p. 170. Prevarication, 758, 759, 765 ;i 767. Primeras diligentias, 13. Principe heredero, no tiene obligaci6ii de declarar, 411. Prision preventive 6 provisional, 309. Cuahdo y oomo Be eleva 6 prisi6D la detention, 197, 199, 501 & 520. Veanse DeteneiAn; Ddemdos.) Procesadoe: Sn intervenci6n en la causa, 333 y :;;'.<;. Conservation de sue trajee 6 identii.cari6n de bub persbnas y tircunstantias, 368 4 384. Sua derechos al auxilio de letrado, 384. Declarationes, 385 4 409. ( 'arc is. 451 a 455. Procuradoree: 8a representaci6n, 118 y 119. Cobru de derechos, 121 y 242. Becreto profesional, 263. Sn intervention (en Cuba), p. 290. Protests Deceearia para recurrir en casaci6n, 709, 721 y 914. Protocoloe de notaries, como Be registran, 578. Providentiaa y rotos necesarioe para dictarlas, 141 y 145. Terinino, 204 y 205. Como se aotifican. (Vease Not^cociones.) Pruebas: Kn la recusation, 65 y 76. En segunda instancia, 231. ( ruando do hay vestigios del delito, 330. Kn la pieza 7l y 672. Kn el juicio oral, 688 4 731. En causaa por delito flagrante, 798. Kn las de injuria y calninnia. 812. Kn LosjuitioB de Ealtas, 965, 989, 979 y 980. Como Be proponen las pruebas, 656, '>">7 y 659. Comose practican, 701, 726 y 727. B61o pueden practicarse las propueetas, 728. Exceptiones, 729 y 730. Libre apretiation de la prueba, 741 y oota. Recurso de casation cuando se deeestima la intentada, 911, num. I.* a. Queja. (Vease Recurso de queja.) Querella: Motive de recusation, r >4. Quienes pueden y deben querellarse, en qui forma y con qui condidoi • 270 4 281. Practica 9, p. 104. Rebeldia: Que reos son declarados rebeldes, 834 y 839. Consecuencias de su presentation 6 aprehensi6n, 846. Reconocimiento judicial de acusados, 368 :i 374. Pericial. ( Vease Pertios.) Recurso de apelacion : En cuestiones de competencia, 12, 25, 27, 30 y 32. En incidentes de recusacion, 78 a 80. Termino para apelar, 212. Interposition, sustanciaeion y decisi6n del recurso de apelacion, 217 y 219 a 232. Contra denegaciun de diligencias sumariales, 311 y 384. Contra denegacion de querella, 313. Contra autos de prisiun y libertad, 518. En expedientes de fianza, 596. Plazo para que el fiscal apele, 647. Apelacion en cuestiones de extradition, 830. En juicios de faltas, 975 a 982. Recurso de casacion: En cuestiones de competencia, 25, 31, 32, 35, 37 y 40. En incidentes de recusacion, 69. En incidentes de pobreza, 137. En casaciun no hay discordias, 165. Termino para recurrir en casacion, 212. Recurso contra autos de sobreseimiento, 636. Contra la denegacion de prueba, 659, 709 y 721. Por falta de citation para el juicio oral, 664. Por denegacion de arti'culos de previo proiuinciamiento, 676. En cuestiones sobre fianza para exigir responsabilidad judicial, 763. En causas por delito flagrante, S00 ;i 803. La Bustanciaci6n del recurso no se suspende por la declaraci6n de rebeldfa, 846. I >c casaci6n p ir infracci6n de ley, casus en que precede, s 17 & 854. < !6mo se prepara, 855 ;i 861. < !6mo ee interpone, 873 ;i 879. / 06mo se BUBtancia, 880 & 898. C6mo se decide, 894 A 909. I >e caaaci6n por quebrantamiento de forma, casus en que precede, 910 a* 915. < Mino se interpone, 916 :i 920. ('oino se Bustancia, 924 :i 928. 06mo Be decide, 929 & 933. Illfl'tl 1,947 6 968. '1 n.ii: listerio fiscal, 779. eepac han c"ii prefei rencia. B7 .-.7 1 Becurso de casaci6n — iv casaci6n por iniraiti.'iii de ley y ;i la \iv. j » >r quebrantamiento de forma, in posici6n, Bustanciaci6n y decision '!<■ este recurso, 934 .i 946. De casaci6n en las causae de i De casaci6Q interpuestoe por Becarsos de casaci6n que se despachan con preferencia, ^77. B84 j En loe juicios de faltas, 981. Becurso de cnoacion (en Cuba) : Bu procedencia, p. 259. I iitcipi isici.'.n, p. 260. BecUTSO de queja contra rl auto dcnepatorio del recurso de casacion, p. 262. Bustanciacion del nmrNi de casacion ante el Tribunal Supremo, p. 264. [nterpuesto por infracci6n de ley y quebrantamiento de forma, p. 269 V del de queja interpuestoe por insolventee, p. 270. Contra las aentencias de losamigables componedoree, 272. En las causae de muerte, p. 273. Disposiciones comunee A todos loe recursos de casaci6n, p. 274. En casoe . Becurso de Btiplica: T.'rniiiio para utilizarle. 21 1. Casoe en que procede y como se sustancia y decide, 286 & 238. En cuestionee sobre fianzae para procesar .-i juecee y magistradoe, 768. becurso- contra las resoluciones de los tribunales y de los juecee de instruction en general, 216 i 238. Recusacion: Funcionarioe recusables, quilti puede recuaar, por que* causae yen que tiempo, 62 a 66. 8ustanciaci6n de lae recusacionee de juecee de Instruction y magistradoe, ">7 471. I>e juecee municipales, 72 a* 83. De Becretarios, oficdalee de Bala, escribanoe y relatores, 84 a 98. De asesores, 95. De peritos, 467 a 173. 662, 663 y 728. 372 Reformat) reposici6n. (VSase Becurso dt reforma.) Registro: De lugar cerrado. (Vease Entrada. ) De autos y sentencias, 159 y 162. De procesados y penados, 252, 255, 256 y 379. Del comportamiento de la policia, 298. Del ministerio fiscal, 648. Civil y 3 y L64. Cudles se Hainan firmes y c6mo Be registran, notifican y aclaran, L58 a* L62. Cuestiones que deben resolver, 742. En causae por delito flagrante, 798. Sentencias de casaci6n, 886 & 906, 930 a* 932. Se publican en laGaceta y Colecci6n legislative, 888, 905, 906 y 932. Buspensi6n '■'>, 416, num. _. . y ii7. Coando y averiguaci6n del delincuente, 326 & i<>. Citaci6n, detenci6n y libertad provisional, 486 ;i .",44. Entrada y registro en lugar cerrado, de libroe y papelee y detention y apertura 4»> a 648. - i suspende por contienda de c petencia ni en la epoca de vacationes; 22, 23 y 201. En que* consiste su caracter Becreto y autoridadea competentes para instruirlo, 299 : 06mo Be forma, 308 a* 325. X,, >( . Buspende por la declaraci6n '!>• rebeldfa, 840. 8umisi6n. (Vease ( bmpei Buptica. Vease Hecwnodi t&plica.) Buplicatorioa I Vease l'.< I Bu8pensi6n del joicio oral, 7H :i 749. Tabernas, 557. Tachaduras y enmieudas, estan probibidae en las diligencias del Bumario, 403 y 150. Tasaci6n de costas. (Vease ( bstas. i Temples, entrada y registro, 549. Tercerias: Son improcedentee para reclamar el cuerpo del < 1« -lit < ►. Mu. En execution <1<- Bentencias, 996. T6rminoe judiciales: Disposicionee generales sobre bSrininos, 197 a* 215, 1". r i loe incidentee de recusaci6n, 84, 65, 77. 79 a* Bl. Para dictar sentencia, 1 19. En el antejuicio necesario para exigir responsabilidad judicial, 771. Para formar el Bumario, •">-'). Para retibir la primers declaration a* I"- procesados, -I s ''. Para que loe mismoe designee abogado. 148. 374 Terminos judiciales — ( Ymtinua. Para elevar la detention a prision. 4'.»7 y 499. Para confirmar la prision 6 dejarla sin efecto, 516. Para expedir mandamiento de prision, 517. Para presentar el fiador a procesado rebelde, 534. En el embargo de bienes de terceras personas, 617. Para comparecer en el tribunal del juicio, concluido el sumario, 623. Para comparecer en el juzgado municipal, 625. Para instruirse, 627 y 628. Para abrir el juicio oral 6 sobreseer, 633. Para apelar el fiscal, 647. Para calificar, 649. Para recusar d peritos, 662 y 663. Para proponer artfculos de previo pronunciamiento, 667. Para contestar a ellos, 669. Para decidir si el delito es flagrante, 781. Para proponer prueba, 796. Para interponer recurso por quebrantamiento de forma en causas per delito flagrante, 800. Para celebrar juicio en las de injurio y calumnia, 809. Para dictar providencias, autos y senteneias, 203 d 206. Para hacer notificaciones, 207 d 209. Para recurrir en reforma, siiplica, apelacion y queja, 21 1 d 213. Para comparecer en el tribunal superior una vez interpuesta la apelacion, 224 y 227. Para instar la sustanciacion de la querella, 275 y 276. Para solicitar testimonio al efecto de recurrir en casacion, 866. Para expedirle, 858. Para interponer el recurso de casaci6n pur infraccion de ley, 859, 873, 876, 944 y 950. Para recurrir en queja, 863 y 865. Para iinpugnar el mismo recurso, 868 y 872. Para instruirse del de casacion, 880, 924 y 928. Para decidirle, 899. Para interponer el de quebrantamiento de forma, 916. Para comparecer en el Tribunal Supremo, 910. Para interponer el recurso por quebrantamiento de forma e infraccion de ley, 935. Para celebrar juicios de faltas, 964 y 965. Para comparecer ante el juez de instruction en los mismos, 976. Para intruirse en ellos de los autos, 977. Para practicar prueba, 980. Los tern linos son improiTOgables, peropueden suspenderse y abrireede auevo, 202. Testigos: [ndemnizacionee, L21, 241, 242 y 722. Para identilicar el cadaver \<- queconoce, 17. Competencias que resuelve, 20, num. i. Etecusacionee que decidi No puede Boetener competencias, 21. \'. .1-.- i utoridades. ) Tribunal 6upremo i en ( !u i trganizacion, p. 249. 0on8tituci6n y atribuciones, p. 250. Presidente del tribunal, p. 253. Secretario, p 254. < tficiales de sala, p. 255. Fiscal y tenientee Bacales, p. 255. Persona] subalterno, p. 256. Nbmbramiento, antiguedad, precedencia, poeesion, etc, de l'>s Eunrionarioe y aubalternoe del Tribunal Supremo, p. 256. Condiciones 6 incapacidades para el nombramiento '!<■ Euncionarios del Tribunal Supremo e* incompatibilidades de los mismos, p. 257. Vease la Orden num. 95, p. 338.) V. Vacaciones, n<> aplazan las diligencias del suinario, 201. Vasos sagrados, 338. Visitas de carcelee, 526. Vistas de Las apelacionee en 1<>s juicios de faltas, 978. 1).- lae causae, 230 y 632. De los artfculoe de previo pronunciamiento, 673. De la a'iinisi<'ui de recursoe de casacion, 884 y 885. - recursoa de casacion, 894 a* 898, 929 y 930. Votoe reservados, r>»i, 861, 876 y j>. 259. indkx. Abandonment of an appeal, 228. For annulment of judgmi In complaint, 866. Abstention of the public prosecutor by reason <>f challi ngi Accidents on railways, 354. Accusation and defense at the oral trial, 732 <-t Beq. Drci.-ion upon points argued, '.Mi'. Accused persons: Intervention in the cause, 333,336. Preservation of their costumes and identification of their persons and ci Btani ■ Right to counsel, Declaration^ of, 385-409. Confrontation of, 451-455. Accused person i- permitted to challenge justices, etc, 53. Accuser, private. (See Complainant.) Acquittal is always understood absolute, 144. D sal of proceed Action, civil: Arising from a punishable act, 100. .May be abandoned, 106-108, 1 in. i and procedure, ins. How extinguished, 114-117. • ration of the action in favor of third persons, 621, 343. 1- instituted to recover exhibits in a cans oal: Arises from every crime <>r misdemeanor, 100. Wlin may exercise it, mi l L0. Win. can not bring it, 102 L04. Obligation of the public prosecutor, 105. landonment, 106. How exercised, ins. ni-ii i. I !o-,\ extinguished, l r>-i 17. I> public, nil. Action: Extinction of criminal action doe* not extinguish civil action, 1 in. Actions upon misdemeanors, 624, 625, 639. Jurisdiction to take cognizance of, l i, No. I. Bearing and determination at first instance, 962-976. instance, 977-982. ::77 1S473— ol 47 378 INDEX. Acts which can not be discussed in an appeal for annulment of judgment, 897. Statement of proved acts, 142, par. 1; 912, par. 1. Administrative jurisdiction. (See Jurisdiction. ) Age of the accused, 375, 791, 795. Young prisoners to be kept separate from adults, 521. (See Curator.) Agents. (See Polio . \ Ambassadors and diplomatic representat i ves : How they testify, 412-415. Entry of their residence, 559. Amnesty, 666 et seq. Analysis, chemical, 356, 363. Annulment of judgment. (See Appeal for. ) Appeal: In questions of jurisdiction, 12, 25, 27, 30, 32. In challenges, 78, 80. Period within which to appeal, 212. Interposition, hearing, and decision of appeal, 217. 219-23L'. From a refusal to take steps at the sumario, 311, 3S4. From a rejection of a complaint, 313. Warrants of commitment, etc., 518. In proceedings upon bonds, 596. Period for the fiscal to appeal, 647. Appeals in questions of extradition, 830. In actions upon misdemeanors, 975-982. Appeal for annulment of judgment: In questions of jurisdiction, 25, 31, 32, 35, 37, 40. In issues of challenge, 69. poverty, 137. Period within which to appeal, 212. From rulings dismissing the proceedings, 636. From decisions rejecting evidence, 659, 709, 721. On account of noncitation for the oral trial, 664. For dismissal of preliminary objections, 676. In questions upon bonds to enforce judicial liability, 763. In causes involving flagrant crimes, 800-803. Hearing of appeal not suspended by the declaration of default, B45. For a violation of law — Wheh it lies, S47-854. How prepared, 855-861. How interposed, N73-879 How heard, SSO-893. How decided, 894-909. For a breach of form — When it lies, 910-915. How interposed, 916-920. How heard, 924 928. How decided, 929-933. For a violation of law and breach of form, interposition, hearing, and determi- nation of, '.t:;i 946. In causes involving the death penalty. '.» ! , Interposed by the public prosecutor, 779. I'n which preference inusl be given, 877, ^ v 1 n actions u| misdemeanors, 981. I N i » ! X . 1 1 ', » Appeal for revereal: Period within which to appeal, 21 1. In issues involving challenges, 76. [ntexposition and hearing of, 217 222, From warrants of commitment, liberty, and bond, 539. Appeals for review, 954-061. Appearance, 186 1881 Witnesses.) Archbishops, how they testify, 412-415. Arguments at <>ral trial: Publicity of, 680 Powers of the presiding judge, 683 700. Arms and other instruments of the crime, 384 338. Arrest I See DeU nti a "rs may be challenged for legitimate cause, 52. ( buses of challenge, 95. How challenge to be interposed, 95. Appeal from decision upon challenge, 95. Assistants of inferior and auperior courts; challenge of, 81 93. Attachment of property, 597 el seq., 843, and p. 318. Attorneys: Cause of challenge, 54. Obligation to defend persons interested in causes and especially the j r, 118- L20, 876, 881, 927. To attend bearings on appeals for annulment of judgment, 885, 894. Provisions relating to the collections of their charges, L2i, 241, 242. Professional secrecy, 263, 416. Argue seated. 685. Duty of judges while accused have no attorney, 1'. Disciplinary corrections. ) Audiencias, territorial and criminal: Causes of which they take cognizance; questions of jurisdiction and challenges they decide, 1 J. 20,68. Authorities and officials (judicial), their obligations, etc, 2, LOO, 183. Statistics; Jud Authority to prosecute senators and deputies, 750 756. Public officials, 666, par. 5. Autopsies, 343,353. B. Bail. Si /. Bishops, how they testify, 412-415. Bodily injuries, 355, 785. Bonds: Of a private complainant, 280, 281. of an accused person at liberty, 504, 529 544, 59 To secure the costs in a cause, etc, 589 61 : For property belonging to third persons, 615, 616. To prosecute judges and justices, 761, 762. Application- of proceeds of, 777. ption in favor of the public p-osecuto] nan, who may be, 592. Book of reserved votes, 156. Buildings and place-, public, 546, 547. 380 Calumny and contumely against private individuals, 804-^815. Judicial permission to prosecute acts committed in court, 279, 805. Causes of challenge. (See Challenge ) Causes in which persons subject to ordinary and special jurisdiction are guilty, 11, 12. Causes which the Supreme Court takes cognizance of. ( See Supreme Court.) Cassation. (See Appeal for annulment of judgmt nt. | Captains-general: How they testify, 412-415. Challenges and excuses of justices, judges assessors, etc., 52-99. General provisions, 52-56. May be interposed for legitimate cause only,52. Who may challenge in criminal matters, 53. Legitimate causes of, 54. When to be interposed, 56. Hearing and decision of challenges of judges of examination and justices. .">7-71. Form of challenge, 57. When accused is incommunicado, 58. Not to delay proceedings, etc., 62. Decision of, 68-69. Costs, taxation of, 70. Hearing and decision of challenges of municipal judges, 72-83. When to be interposed, 72. Action upon, 74-78. Appeal from decision upon, 7S-7 1 .). When decision upon to become final, so. Costs, 82. Of assistants of inferior and superior courts, 84-93. Costs, 89. Of assessors, 94-95. Causes for, 95. How to be interposed, 95. Appeal from decision upon, 95. Abstention of prosecuting officials, 96-99. Prosecuting officials can not be challenged, 9(5 Chamber of deputies. (See Colegislaiwe bodies. I Chemical analyses, 356,363. Circumstances to be considered in criminal proceedings, 2. ( Station of parties, 166 el seq. Civil action. ( See Action.) Civil and military governors, how they testify, 112 115. Civil interdiction, 995. ( Jlassification of a crime, 649- 665. Modification, 732, 7:::;. In causes involving flagrant crimes, 794. Clothing of the accused, 371, 372. Coiegislative bodies: Register, 548. Prosecution of members of, 750 el Beq. ( lompetency. i See Jurisdiction, i Complainant: Taxation of Costs, 240, 776. Liability, 274. Bond, 280, 2S1, intervention in the Bumario, 316, 317, 385. INMKX. 881 Complaint, remedy of: Of ecclesiastical courts against secular courts, 19. ( >t' ordinary courts against the administration, 51. In issues involving the challenge of assessors, 95. Againsl the nonabstention of the public prosecuti For delay, 200. Period within which to appeal in complaint, 213. When it lies and how heard and determined, 218-221,233-235. Againsl the Becrecy <>!' the sumario, 302. Against the refusal to take steps al the Bumario, 811 384. For rejection of the certificate required to interpose an appeal for annulment of judgment fora violation of law, 862 872. For nonadmission of an appeal for annulmenl of judgmenl for breach of form, 921-923. Complaints, causes for challenge, 54. Who may and must enter complaints, in whal manner and under what condi- tions, etc, 270-281. Execution of measures proposed in the complaint, •">!:_'. Rejection of, 313. Calumnious complaints, 638. Form of, to be employed to enforce judicial liability, 7>U. In causes involving libel and calumny, 811. Compulsory process: For the payment of costs, 24L'. 245. Forrecovery upon bonds, 536. Conciliation, proceedings to effect, 278, 804. Concurrence in appeal for annulment of judgment, 861. Confession of the accused and persons civilly liable, 688 et seq. In causes upon crimes committed through the press, 820. At the sumario, 106. Confrontation <>f witnesses with accused, 451-455, 713, 729, par. I ( '■ ingress. I Bee ( *6L gwlaiive bodu 8. ) I cted crimes: What are, 17. Jurisdiction of, 18. Consuls, entry in their dwellings, 562. Contumely, acts of, againsl private individuals, 804,815. Judicial permission to prosecute those committed in court, 279, 805. « Identification. I Corpus delicti, 334 el Beq. In crimes committed through the press, 822. Correctional courts | in I !uba), 298. The complaint, 298. Warranl of arrest, 299. Arrest, 300. Hearings of faltas, 301. Proceedings in delitos, 302. The jury, 303. Trial, 305. Delitos triable by this court, 306. Serving sentence, 310. < reneral provisions, 310. Limitation of time, 31 1. Final provisions, 311. 382 INDEX. Corrections, disciplinary: In questions of jurisdiction, 44. Of assistants and subordinate employees, 181, 198, 199, 215. Those intervening in and attending trials, 258, 301. Police officials, 295, 298. Court physicians, 346. Attorneys and solicitors, 301, 870, 894, 923. Witnesses, 435. For improper delays, 192, 325, 793. Errors in the interrogatory, 394. Correspondence; opening of letters and telegrams, 579-5S8. Costs: In questions of jurisdiction, 33, 44. In challenges of — Judges of examination and justices, 70. Municipal judges, 82. Assistants of inferior and superior courts, 89. In proceedings involving temporary liberty, 532, 535. In proceedings in forma pauperis, 123; par. 5, 136, 139, and 140. In preliminary action necessary for prosecution of judges, etc., 776-778. In appeals for annulment of judgment, 901, 931, 944. General provisions on imposition, payment, etc., of costs, 239-246. Courts and judges, assistance due each other, 183. Their duties with regard to judicial statistics, 247 el sen. (See Authorities; Disciplinary correction*; Rogatory letters; Challenge.) Crimes: Connected; definition, 17. Jurisdiction of, IS. Flagrant or infraganti, 273. Special proceedings for prosecution of, 779-787. Rules to be observed, 788-803. Preference of appeals for annulment of judgment brought in such causes, 877, 884. Of personal injuries inflicted by violence, 355. Of causing violent death, 340. ( if robbery, theft, and fraud, 32S et seq., 364. ( )i poisoning, 350. Through the press. (See Press.) I 'ri vate. ( See Prosecutor. ) Criminal action. (See Action. ) Crown'prince not obliged to testify, 411. Curator is not necessary to take depositions of minors, 409. Curatorship as a cause of challenge, 54, pars, 6, 7. D. Deaf-mutes, depositions of, 398, 440-442, 71 1. Decisions. (Sec Sentences. ) Declarations. ( See .1 ccmed; Witnesses.) Declinatory pleas. 26, 31, 32, 45. Default: What criminals are declared in, 834, 839. Consequences of their presentation or apprehension, 846, Defense and accusation at the oral trial, 732 et seq. Decision upon points argued, 912. [light of. (Sec Attorneys; Solicitors.) im.kx. :;-:; Denouncer, his liability or identification, 264, Denunciation: Obligation of formulating and pera as except* Deposil r. •«piirt-.i to file appeal for annulmenl of judgment: For :i violation of law, 857, 875, 890, 907. Fora breach of form, 917, 926, 930, 931, 94 Depositary administrator of attached property, 601, 802, 606, 80 Depositions. (See Accused; Witnesses.) Deputies to the Cortes; trial of, 750, 756. Detention: Cases in which proper; wh ay effect it, duration thereof, and whei to imprisonment, 187, 489, 501, 520. Illegal, 496. Of senators and deputies for Bagranl crimes, 751. Diplomatic representativi a: How they testify, 412-416. Entry of their residence, 559. Direct orindireci interest, challenge, 54, 168, 723. Disagreements in courts, 154, 163-165. Between experts, 184. Disciplinary a >rrections: In questions of jurisdiction, 44. Of assistant and subordinate employees, 181, 198, 199,215. Of those intervening in and attending actions, 258, 301. Of police officials, 295, 298. Of court physicians, 346. Of attorneys and solicitors. 301, 870, 894, 923. < )f witnesses, 435. For improper delays, 192, 325, 793. For errors in the interrogatory, 394. Dismissal of proceedings: Absolute, provisional, total, and partial, etc., 634-645, 675. After the trial lias been held temporary dismissal does not Lit Appeals from decisions upon. | See Appeals for annulnu ni ofjudgnu ni. ) Documents (documentary evidence), 726, 727. i Bee ( orrespond* not . ) Domicile; buildings which are considered such ami their entry, 545, 550, 551, 554, 556. Dwellings; buildings considered such and their entry. 545, 550, 551, 554, E. Eating houses, 557. Ecclesiastical judges or courts: decision of questions of jurisdiction raised l>y or against, 47 19. Ejecutoria, 141, 14:'.. Elucidation of sentences, 161. Employees, public: Denunciation, 262. Testimony of, 417, 425. Engravings, crimes committed by means of, 316 824. Enmity, manifest, as a cause of challenge, 54, par. 11. Entry ami search of closed places and of books ami paper.-, ami detention ami ■ i .ii- ing of correspondence, 545 688. Erasures ami corrections, when prohibited, 103, 160. 384 INDEX. Evidence: In a challenge. 65, 76. Attheseconil instance, 231. When there are no vestiges of the crime, 330. In preliminary exceptions; 671, 672. At the oral trial, 688-731. In causes involving flagrant crimes, 796. libel, etc., 812. In actions upon misdemeanors, 965, 969, 979, 980. How to be proposed, 656, 657, 659. How taken, 701, 726, 727. Only that proposed can be taken, 728. Exceptions, 729, 730. Free consideration of, 741. Appeal for annulment when evidence submitted is rejected, 911. Exceptions, preliminary, 45, 666-679. Excuses of assessors by reason of challenge, 94. Excuses of justices, judges, assessors, etc. (See Challenges.) Execution of sentences. (See Penalties; Sentences.) Exhibits, 334-338, 620, 622, 626, 629, 631, 635, 654, 688, 844. Experts: Fees, 121, 241, 242, 358-362, 465. For proceedings of the sumario, 32S, 336, 339. For the analysis of chemical substances, 356, 357-359. For appraisals, 365. Reports of, cases when proper, etc., 456 et seq., 577, 594, 724, 725. Challenge of, 662, 663, 723. Extradition: Proceedings to secure, 824-833. Instructions for drafting papers (in Cuba), p. 335. F. Facts, can not be discussed in appeals for annulment of judgment, 897. statement of proved, 142, No. 1; 912, No. 1. False testimony, 715. Fines: In issues involving challenges, 70. imposed upon assistants and subordinate officials of courts, 181, 215. Imposed upon — Those who do not give notice of crimes, 259, 262. Court physicians, 346, 785. Witnesses, 420, 446, 716, 960. Kxperts, 463, 4Q4, 966. Persons not exhibiting suspicious objects, 575. disturbing order in the court, 684. Appellants for annulment of judgment, etc.. 870, 928. First steps, L8. Foreigners: How and when they may enter complaints, 270, 280, 281. How to testify when they do aot understand Bpanish, 898, 440, 441. reside abroad, 424. When their extradition is proper, 826. (See ( 'rimis. ) Friendship, intimate, as a cause of challenge, 54, par. 10,468, 7-A. Functionaries. (See Employees.) INDKX. ;i.V> II. ( • • :- Writ of) , in Cuba: Who may prosecute urit, p. ::■_':.'. Writ may i~>u.- on any day, p. ■ '•--. Parties, p. 322. Bow and to whom application for writ should be made, p. 822. ContentB of petition, p. 323. When writ must be granted, p. :;*_'•".. ilty for refusing, p. 323. Form of writ, p. 324. When writ sufficient, p. 324. When writ to issue without application, p. 324. Return; its contents, p. 324. Time of returning writ, p. 325. Body of person imprisoned or restrained to be produced, 325 Proceedings on disobedience of writ, p. 325. Order to produce j ►t-r.-. m imprisoned or restrained, p. 326. • dings on return of writ, p. 326. When person imprisoned or restrained t<> be remanded, p. 326 Proceedings on irregular commitment, p. 326. Bail: When anr restrained may be committed to another p. 327. Custody of person imprisoned or restrained pending proceedings, p. 327. Notice to be given before discharging person imprisoned or restrained, p. 327. Person imprisoned or restrained may controvert return, p. :'>l'7. Proceedings on sickness of person imprisoned or restrained, p. 328. < obedience to order to discharge, p. 328. How enforced, p. 328. When discharge a bar to reimprisonment, p. 328. Violation of last paragraph, p. 329. Transfer or concealment of person imprisoned or restrained to elude writ, Order when person restrained about to he carried out of island, p. ::l".'. Arrest of.the person detained the person restrained, p. 329. Proceeding where a writ is refused by judge of instrucci6n, p. 330. When subsequent writ may issue, p. 330. Penalty for refusing copy of process, p. 330. Repealing paragraph, p. 330. When this order takes effect, p. 330. Hearing of — Appeals in actions involving misdemeanors, 978 Causes, 230, 832. Preliminary exceptions, i;7.;. The admission of appeal.- for annulment of judgment, B8 • Appeal- for annulment of judgment, 894 898, 929, 930 Hombres buenos, when they take part in a sumario, 321. Hospitals. Bee Beneficent institutions.) Hotel-. 557. Indemnification of rorpses, ::io :;r_'. Indentification of accused person-. 368 el Beq., H Incidental issues, jurisdiction to take cognizance e !'•>" rt;l.) 386 INDEX. Incommunication, 407, 408, 506-511, 527, and page 281. Indemnities to witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Infants: Oath not administered to, 433. Are not obliged to denounce, 260. Inhibition: Questions of jurisdiction to be raised by, or declinature, 26. To whom to be presented, 26. Manner of interposing and determining, 26 — 14. Appeal from decision denying writ of, 35. Questions of jurisdiction, when to be decided by court, 43. Costs, 44. Inns, 557. Insane prisoners, 991-904. Inspection, ocular, when the crime leaves traces, 326-333. 726, 727. Intention. (See Negligence.) Interdiction, civil, 995. Interest, direct or indirect, challenge, 54, 468, 723. International law, 177, 193, 194. (See Ambassadors; Foreigners.) Interpreters for the examination of foreigners and deaf mutes. 44(1-4 42. Intervenors of seized property, 605, 608, 609. Interventions: Are improper for the purpose of demanding the corpus lelicti, 367. In the execution of sentences, 996. Intimate friendship as a cause of challenge, 54, par. 10. 468, 723. Insanity, indications of mental aberration, 381-383, 991-99 !. Inspection of prisons, 526. Instructions for the drafting of extradition papers in Cuba, p. 335. J. .Ill' lues and courts: Assistance which they owe each other, 183. Their duties with regard to judicial statistics, 247 et seq. (See Authorities; Disciplinary corrections; Rogatory letters; ('hailing,. | Judges of examination: Questions of jurisdiction decided by, 20. Formation of the sumario, 303, 306, 321. Cases in which appointed special judges, 30:5-305. Delegation to municipal judges, 310, 318. Judges may be challenged for legitimate cause, 52. Judges of examination: ( Ihallenge of, 57-71. Form of challenge, 57. When accused is incomunicado, 58. Challenge uol to delay proceedings, i>2. Decision upon challenge, 68-49. Taxation of costs, 70. Judges, municipal: Challenge of, 72 S3. When to be interposed, 7i'. Action upon, 7 I 78. Appeal from decision upon, 7s 79. When decision upon to become final. 80. Cost-. 82. INDKX. Judicial measures: How to be carried out, and which are preferred or can be proposed at the oral trial, 81 1,315,322,823,883,366. Those of the Bumario are secret, 801, 802. Judicial periods of time: I General provisions, L97-216. In issues relating to challenges, 64,65,77,70-81. To pass sentence, 140. In the preliminary :n*t i< »n necessary to enforce judicial liability, 771. To form the SUmario, 324. To take the first declaration of the accused, 886. For the accused to appoint counsel, — . To raise detention to imprisonmont, 197, 199. To confirm imprisonment or otherwise, 516. To issue warrants of commitment, 517. To present the bondsman or accused in default, — . In the attachment of the property of third persons, 617. To appear after the conclusion of the Bumario, 623. To appear before the municipal court, 625. To open the oral trial or dismiss the proceedings, 633. For the fiscal to appeal, 647. To classify the crime, 649. To challenge expert-, 662,663. To interpose preliminary exceptions, 667. To make answer thereto, 669. To decide if the crime is flagrant, 7s 1. I'm propose proof, 796. To interpose an appeal for breach of form in causes involving flagrant ca imes, 800. To hold trial in causes involving calumny, etc., 809. To render decisions, 203-206. To Berve notices, 207-209. To appeal for review or revision, etc., 211-213. To appear before the higher court after an appeal has been interposed. 224, 227. To move the hearing of a complaint, 275, 276. To request a certificate for tin- purpose of appealing, s.'.r,. To issue the same, 858. To interpose an appeal for violation of law, 859, s 7.:. 876, 944, 950. To appeal in complaint. 868, 865. To impugn said appeal, 868, 872. To decide an appeal for annulment of judgment, 899. To interpose an appeal for breach of form, 916. To a | 'pear before the Supreme Court, 910. To interpose an appeal for breach Of form and violation of law . 936 To hold trials upon misdemeanors, 964, 965. To appear before the judge examining the same, 976. To take evidence, 980. Can not be extended, but may be suspended, etc., -•>_. Jurisdiction: Rule.- for determining, 8-16. Prorogation of, 8. What jurisdiction of a cause includes, 9. Cognizance of criminal cause-, etc, 10. ordinary, what causes to take cognizance of, 11, L2. Limits of, in special cases, ll'. 388 INDEX. Jurisdiction — Continued. First steps, 13. Of actions for misdemeanors, 14, No. 1. To investigate causes, 14, No. 2. To take cognizance of trial, 14, No. 3. When place of commission of crime unknown, 15. < »f causes involving connected crimes, 18. Questions of, between ordinary judges and courts, 19-45. Who can raise, 19. Hierarchical superiors for decision of, 20. Supreme Court can not raise, 21. Action when jurisdiction reserved to Supreme Court, 21. After the conclusion of the suinario, 24. How question to be raised by prosecutor or party, 26. Appeal from decision overruling inhibitory plea, etc., 26. (See Declinatory plea; Inhibitory plea.) Questions of negative, and those raised by special judges or courts and complaints against administrative authorities, 46-51. Of examining judges, 303. To demand extradition, 828. Implied submission, 274. Justices: May be challenged for legitimate cause, 52. Challenge of, 57-71. Form of challenge, 57. When accused is incomunicado, 58. Challenge not to delay proceeding, 62. Decision upon challenge, 68-69. Taxation of costs, 70. Law of nations, 177, 193. Legitimate causes of challenge. (See Challenge.) Let ters mandatory. (See Letters Rogatory. ) Letters rogatory: Letters requisitorial, mandates or mandatory letters, etc., their use in notices, citations, summonses, 177. (See Rogatory letters.) Liability: Personal and subsidiary, 71. Judicial; cases in which incurred by judges and courts, and manner of utilizing the remedy granted to enforce it, 199, 200, 269, 757-77S. Civil, of third persons, 615-621. Libel. (See Contumely.) Lithographs. (See Printing.) M. Mail, opening of, 579-588.. Mandatory letters. (Sec Letters rogatory.) Manifest enmity, as a cause of challenge, 54, par. 11. Misdemeanors, not a cause for detention, 495. Municipal judges. (Sec Judges.) INDKX. 389 \. Negative jurisdiction, questions - riadiction.) Newspapers, 817. Notaries, when they take part in a sumario, 321. Notifications, citations, and summonses, forms, requisites, and effects, 160, L6( <». Oath: Nol required of the accused, of witnesses, 4:::'.. 434, 706. < >f interpreters, 440. 44l'. ( >f experts, 474. < >t hombree buenos, 321. Ocular inspection when crimes leave traces, 326-333, 726, 727. Official paper, use of and paymenl for, in causes, 21, 241. Officii : iployees. \ Officials, public, authority to prosecute, 666, par. 5. Opening of correspondence, etc., 545 Oral action: sincationof the crime, 649-665. Preliminary exceptions, 666-679. Boldingof the trial, usO-749. s-teps which may he proposed thereat, :!14. Publicity of arguments, 680-682. Powers of the president, 683-700. - - ension, 744-749, 841, 842. ( Orders of mere practice: Form of, 141. Number of votes necessary, 145. - of a court and number of votes necessary to issue, 141, 145. Period, i">4, i'ii.-,. How notice of, served. (See Noti 1'. Pardon (preliminary exception I, 666 i I When to he moved by the Supreme < !ourl Payment of witnesses. See Witru Penal actio:. ,,. i Penal antecedents. Penall Proceedings for their imposition, l. Commutation, 953. Execution, 990. < if .loath and perpetual, L53. Pensions or salaries, attachment of, 610. Perjury, 71"). Person injured by the crime, hi- rights, etc., LOO <-i seq., I L9, 36( Personal description of accused persons Physicians, snr_"-ons. ami pharmacists: Denunciations, 262. Special or court, their duties and Liability, 1)44-352, 785. 390 INDEX. Plaintiff, civil; taxation of costs, 240. Intervention in the sumario, 320, 385. When he may appeal for annulment of judgment, 854. (See Action. ) Plan of the place of the commission of a crime, 327. Poisoning, 334, 350. Ponente justices; duties of, 147. Poverty : Classification of paupers, hearing and determination of the issue and benefits enjoyed by those obtaining the same, 123-140. Poor appellants, 857, 858, 860, 864, 868, 874-876, 925. (See Insolvency.) Preliminary questions, 3-7. Preliminary proceedings necessary to enforce liability of judges, etc., 757-778. Preliminary exceptions, 45, 666-679. Prescription of the crime, 666 et seq. Presidents of the senate, congress, and the council of state: How they testify, 412-415. Of courts hearing the oral trial. (See Oral trial. ) Press, corpus delicti of crimes committed through, 822. Crimes committed through the press and other mechanical means, 816-823. Prevarication, 758, 759, 765-767. Prisoners, insane, 991-994. Private accuser is permitted to challenge justices, etc., 53. ( See Complainant. ) Proceedings in forma pauperis, 118-140. Process, compulsory: For the payment of costs, 242, 245. For recovery upon bonds, 536. Prorogation of jurisdiction, 8. Prosecutor, public, is permitted to challenge justices, etc., 53. Abstention of, 96-99. Can not be challenged, 96. Protest required to appeal for annulment of judgment, 709, 721, 914. Protocols of notaries, how inspected, 578. Providencias. (See Orders.) Provisional liberty with or without bond, 504, 528-544, 731. Public employees: Denunciation, 262. Testimony of, 417-425. Public places and buildings, 546,547. Public prosecutor. (See Prosecutor.) Public administration. (See Adiiiiuistratirr jurisdiction. ) Public officials, authority to prosecute, <><>»>, par. ;">. Public prosecutor: Exercises penal actions, 105,271. Inspects the mmario, 306. Does nut paj costs on appeals, 875. Punishment, \\ ben to be inflicted, l. Q. Questions, preliminarj . 3 7. Questions of jurisdiction: Between ordinary judges and INDKX. 391 Questions <>f jurisdiction — i lontinued. Daring the samario, -"-'. 23; Daring the plenario, 24. Between the ordinary and special jorisdictionB, 16 51. In causes for Sagranl crimes, 782. Turisdidion.) i: Railroads, accidents on, ">•">). Ratification of the accused, 666. Recidivists must be removed from other criminals, 521. Register, cavil and property, bow examined, etc., 578. Register <>f — Rulings :in«l decisions, 159, 162. Accused persons, etc., 252,255,256,379. The conduct of the police, 298. The public prosecutor, 648. Relationship t" the accused, solicitors and attorneys, is a cause of challenge of justices, etc, 54,464,723. Relatives not required to testify, 416. Remedies against decisions of courts and judges of examination in general, 216-238. Remedy in civil courts from actions of ecclesiastica] courts, -4s. Repeal of former laws, final provision. Reports: At the oral trial, 734-740. Substituted for depositions, 415. Requisition for the arrest of absent criminals, etc., 512-514. 835, 838. Reservation of a civil action, 621, 843. lies judicata, 666 et seq. Restaurants, ">">7. Restitution of exhibits or effects of the crime, 619, 620, B44. Retractions, unexpected, 7 in. No. <;. Revelations, unexpected, 74t;. No. 6. Rights of action, exercise of , 100-114. IIL'ht of defense and benefit of poverty in criminal causes. 118-140. Accused must be represented by counsel, 1 18. Persons entitled to solicitor and attorney, 1 L9. Attorneys defending poor can not excuse themselves, 120. Exceptions, 120. Pees of solicitors, 121. When solicitor- to pay fees of attorneys. 121. Who can prosecute and defend as poor persons. 122-127. When poor person to pay fees, etc., I K). Robbery, i See Crime of Robbery. I Rogatory letter-, letters requisitiorial, mandate-, or mandatory letters, theii notice-, citation-, and BUmmonses, 177. I see in which proper, their form, compliance, etc., 188 el Beq. To foreign courts, L93, 194, 124. For the testimony of experts and witnesses, 127, 661, 719, 967. To demand the extradition of criminals, 831, 833. Royal personages, how to testify when i ssary, H2 ii">. for determining jurisdiction, s L8. See Jurii diction, i 392 INDEX. Rulings, 141. Number of votes necessary, 145, 153. Service, lt>0 S. Sacred vessels, 338. Saloons, 557. Search of closed places, etc., 545-588. Sections of audiencias, 665. Seizure of property, 597 et seq., 843, and page 318. Senate. (See Colegislative bodies; Jurisdiction of tin Senate.) Senators and deputies, manner of bringing criminal proceedings against, 750, 7 Sentences: How drafted and what are called final, 141, 141'. Justices necessary to be present for rendering, 145, 158. Within what period, 148, 149,, 203, 798. Their discussion and voting upon, 149-157. Imposing death or life penalties, 153, 164. What are called final and how recorded, notified, and interpreted, L58-162. Questions which they shall decide, 712. In causes involving flagrant crimes, 798. Of annulment of judgment, 886-906, 930-932. Are published in the Gazette and Coleccion Legislative 888, 905, 906, 932. Stay of the execution of, 908, 909, 920. In actions upon misdemeanors, 973, 978. Execution of, 983, 998. When they impose the penalty of death, 689. civil interdiction, 995. When the accused shows indications of insanity, 991-994. In actions involving misdemeanors, 973, 978. Execution of, 974. Ships. (See Vessels.) Solicitors: Their representation, 118, 1 19. Fees of, 121, 242. Professional secrecy, 263. Intervention of (in Cuba), 290. Spaniards committing crimes abroad. (Sec I'rimtx. ) Statistics, judicial, obligations of judges and justices, 247-257. Subordinate officials of courts. (See Disciplinary correcti Sumario: Denunciation, 259-269. Complaint, 270-281. Judicial police, 282-298. Investigation, 299-325. Proof of the ciinic and verification of the delinquent, 326 185. Citation, detention, and temporary liberty, 486-54 1. Entry ami search of closed places, hooks, papers, etc., ;>t;> ;>ss. Bonds and attachments, 589-614. Civil liability of third persons, 615 621. Conclusion of and dismissal of proceedings, 622 64 i, < reneral pro\ isions, 646 648. h- not Stayed by a contention as to the jurisdiction, etc., 22. -'■'•. 201. Secret character of, and authorities competent to conduct, 299 How formed, 30<; 325. \.ii suspended bj a declaration of default, 840. INMKX. 398 Buniario: Objection to jurisdiction of court during, 23 after, 24. Summonses Supreme < lourt: Causes which il liears, 1 7. tions of jurisdiction decided by,20, No. I. Challenges decided by, 68 Can cot raise questions of jurisdiction, 21. Suspension of the oral trial, 7 ; I Supreme court I in Cuba |: i Organization of, p. 249. Constitution and attributes of, p. 250 President, p. 253. retary or chief clerk, p. 254 Deputy clerks, p. 255. Fiscal and assistant Gscals, p. 255. Subordinate employees, p. 256. Appointment, term of office, priority, possession of office, oaths of office, and salaries of functionaries, employee-, ami subordinates in the supreme court, • Qualifications and requirements for appointment to office in the supreme court. p. 257. T. Taverns, 557. es, entry and search of, 549. Telegrams, opening of, 579-588. Testimony, false. 715. Tutorship as a cause of challenge, 54, pars. 6, 7. rj. Utterance of forged paper See Falsifications.) V. Character of those of the state, and merchant. ")f7. 554 Registry of, 561, 564. Vioient death, causes involving, 340. Votes, reserved, L56, 861, 876, and p. 259. w. Witnesses: Indemnities, 121, 241, 242, ri-l. To identify flu- corpse of tin- victim. 340 How depositions to be given, persons obliged to do so, and exceptions, HO 150 Confrontation of witnesses, 151 155. Examination of, 701 -722, 74<;. In cause- involving flagrant crimen 790. In those involving calumny, etc., 813. Who may testify, 728 Prohibition to testify is a cause for an appeal for annulment of judgment, 91 1 Examination of those residing beyond the places here the trial is being held, 967. Of persons residiug abroad, VIA. Writ of habeas corpus in Cuba. (See Habeas corpus.) L8473 -01 Lti U C BERKELEY LIBRARIES llll \" C 05^b0407 ITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY L J.