7469A WARWICKSHIRE \ R M S LliNEAGES \> WARWICKSHIRE Arms and Lineages : COMPILED FROM C|)e fleraltisi' Visitations AND ANCIENT MSS., BY THE Rev. FRED. W. KITTERMASTER, MA. LONDON: WILLIAM MACINTOSH, PATERNOSTER ROW. 'BIRMINGHAM: CORNISH BROTHERS, 37, NEW STREET. BIRMINGHAM : PRINTED BY W. R. KING, SWAN PASSAGE. TO THE REV. JOHN DIGBY WINGFIELD DIGBY, M.A., VICAR OF COLESHILL, CO. WARWICK, MATERNAL GRANDSON OF HENRY, VISCOUNT COLESHILL AND EARL DIGBY j DESCENDED FROM THE DIGBYS OF COLESHILL, DRYSTOKE, AND TILTON, A FAMILY ALIKE RENOWNED FOR ANCIENT DESCENT AND HISTORIC FAME, THIS COLLECTION OF « WARWICKSHIRE ARMS AND LINEAGES" IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE COMPILER. 163 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. < Aylesford, Right Hon. Earl of (2 copies) Fletcher, Bell, Efq., M.D. Adams, Lady (2 copies) Floyd, William, Efq. Adderley, Rev. Bowyer Field, A. S., Efq. Alkin, Mifs Field, Edwin W., Efq. Fox,W.J.,Efq.,J.P. Bradford, Right Hon. Earl of (5 copies) Freer, W. R., Efq. Barker, John, Efq. (2 copies) Barker, Rev. Jofeph Gibbs, John, Efq. (2 copies) Bartleet, T. S., Efq. Gorle, Rev. James Beaufoy, Mifs Granville, Lieut.-Colonel Frederic Bennett, Mrs. Greaves, E., Efq. Birch, Thomas, Efq. Biddulph, Rev. Henry Hamilton, Sir Robert N. C, Bart., Bond, Jofeph A., Efq. (2 copies) Hartopp, Sir John, Bart. Harding, W. J., Efq. Harpur, H. R., Efq. Harper, R. J., Efq. Hartley, Mrs. (2 copies) Heath, R. C, Efq. Botham, John R., Eiq. Boultbee, Rev. Thomas Bracebridge, Charles Holte, Efq. Bree, Rev. William Breton, Charles D., Efq. (2 copies) Bucknill, John C, Efq., M.D. Bygate, Mifs Hill, Richard, Efq. Carritt, Marfhall, Efq. Hodgson, C. B., Efq. Holbech, Rev. C. W. (3 copies) Hollick, Richard, Efq. HoUick, Thomas, Efq. Horley, Thomas, jun., Efq. Hunt, William Oakes, Efq. Coleman, M., Efq. Colmore, Thomas, Efq. (5 copies) Cottrell, William, Efq. Couchman, Charles, Efq. Chattock, Richard S., Efq. Croxall, R. F. T., Efq. Izon, J. B., Efq. Denbigh, Right Hon. Earl of Digby, Right Hon. Lord Kittermafter, James, Efq., M.D. Darlington, James, Efq. Kittermafter, Mrs. Dawes, John, Efq. Kittermafter, Mifs Digby, George W., Efq. Digby, Rev. J. D. W. (6 copies) LifFord, Right Hon. Vifcount Dormer, Hon. J. Landor, H. E., Efq. (2 copies) Drefler, Luke, Efq. Lane, Henry, Efq. Dugdale, W. S., Efq.^ Lane, Thomas, Efq. Dugdale, Mrs. (2 copies) Lant, Thomas, Efq. Leigh, Mrs. Boughton (6 copies) Evans, Ifaac P., Efq. (2 copies) Leigh, Rev. Egerton Boughton Evans, Rev. W. Lickorifh, Rev. Richard vi. Lloyd, Mifs Smith, James Thomas, Efq, (6 copies) Lockington, William Smith, Thomas L., Efq. Lucy, Rev. John Smyth, Rev. P. M. Staunton, J., Efq. Madeley, Richard, Efq. Stephenfon, Rev. Nafh Madeley, Frederic, Efq. Marfhall, C. J. K., Efq. Throckmorton, Sir W., Bart. Marfhall, Mrs. George Taylor, Walter, Efq. Moore, George, Efq. Thornley, Henry, Efq. Morris, Mrs. ((3 copies) Thornton, Samuel, Efq. Mortimer, Rev. Thomas Gwyn Thurfby, Arthur H., Efq, Townfhend, Jofeph, Efq. | Neale, John Twift, John B., Efq. Nutt, John (2 copies) Noel, Berkeley P. C, Efq. Vaughton, R. D., Efq. Percy, Lord Charles Bertie Peach, H. P. K., Efq. Warwick, Right Hon. Earl of Walker, William, Efq. Waller, Rev. E. A. Peake, Rev. George Perkins, Edmund, Efq. Perry, Thomas A., Efq. (3 copies) Ward, T. H., Efq. Wauchope, Rev. David Weft, James Roberts, Efq. Wefton, Edward, Efq. i Ratcliff, Charles, Efq. Wheler, Rev. F. Ryland, Thomas, Efq. Whichcote, Lieut.-General George (2 copies) Shuckburgh, Sir Francis, Bart. Williams, F.E., Efq. _ Sandford, Humphrey, Efq. Williams, Mrs. Caroline Savage, Rev. R. C. WiUington, F., Efq. Sheldon, Henry J., Efq. Wilfon, John H., Efq. Shepheard, Samuel, Efq. Wife, Henry C, Efq., M.P. (2 copies) Shirley, Evelyn Philip, Efq. (5 copies) Woody, John Francis, Efq. Smallwood, Henry G., Efq. Wyles, Thomas, Efq. Smallwood, Jofeph, Efq. Smith, G. T., Efq. York, Jofias Bull, Efq. PREFACE 'npHE following colleftion of Arms and Lineages is an attempt to {how what families belong to the old gentry who were refident in the County of Warwick before the year 1650. Thefe families for the moll part bore Arms, fuch appendages being ever looked upon as an evidence of gentle blood. In very early times, perfons of diflinftion were allowed to alTume what Arms they pleafed as military enfigns, and to grant them to their retainers, and they were afterwards adopted as honorable dif- tinftions. When, however, they came to be regarded as an evidence of honor and blood, they were eagerly fought after by all who rofe to places of truft or became pofTelTors of property. The aifumption of Arms at pleafure was in confequence for- bidden by royal authority as early as the reign of Hen. V., and no one was allowed to bear them unlefs they had them by defcent or grant. To this end the Kings of Arms were commiffioned by the Crown to make grants to fit perfons, under the authority of the Earl Marfhal. And in order that none might bear them except thofe who had them by defcent or grant, the Kings of Arms were authorized to vifit their refpedlive provinces, and to fummon thofe who ufed them to give fatisfaftory evidence of their right to do fo. If the perfons fummoned on thefe occafions could eftablifh their claim, a record of the family was entered in the Herald's books. Thefe records are preferved in the Herald's College, and in public and private libraries, and from them moft of the information in the following pages has been obtained. Perfons bearing Arms by defcent from the old families fhould be able to deduce an unbroken Lineage from fome ancellor whofe claim has been allowed by the Heralds, and recorded in thefe documents ; and fuch only have a right to ufe them. Thefe Vilitations commenced at a very early period, — as early, as the reign of Hen. IV., as wq find from a note in one of the Harl MS. The entry is as follows : " Vifitacio fafta per Marifchallum de Norroy ult. ann. R. Henrici 4ti., 141 2." The regular Vifitations, however, did not begin until early in the fixteenth century. Thomas Benolt, Clarenceux King of Arms, had a comrnilfion granted, 20 Hen. VIII., to vifit the Counties of Gloucefler, Worcefter, Oxford, Wilts, Bucks, and Stafford. After this, the Vilitations were regularly made until the end of the feventeenth century, the laft being that of Southampton made by the Deputies of Sir Henry St. George, Clarenceux, in the year 1686. The Vifitations of Warwicklhire were as follows: By Robert Cooke, Chefter Herald, Deputy for William Hervey, Clarenceux, in 1563. By Philpot, Somerfet Herald, temp. Jas. I. By Sampfon Lennard and Augufline Vincent, Deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, in 161 9. By Thomas May, Gregory King, and Henry Dethick, Deputies for Henry St. George, Clarenceux, in 1682-83. In tranfcribing from the MSS. the old fpelling has generally been prefcrved, and where a variation in the fpelling occurs, more than one form has been ufed. IX. A diftinguiftiing mark is affixed to families who according to Mr. Shirley are of knightly and gentle defcent, but only to thofe whofe prefent reprefcntative refides in Warwickfhire. An Appendix has been given of fome families who now live in the County, and bear Arms, but whofe names do not occur in the older Vifitations of Warwickfhire. Thefe Arms have not been compared with any Heraldic records, but accepted fimply on the authority of the families which ufe them. The compiler acknowledges his obligation to the Librarian of Queen's College, Oxford, and alfo of Caius College, Cambridge, and to the various Clergymen in the County who have allowed him free accefs to the Parifh Regifters. Further information refpefting any of the families mentioned in this work may be obtained by application to the Rev. F. W. KiTTERMASTER, Meridcn, Coventry ; the perfons wifhing fuch information paying the expenfes of having the Arms copied, and the Lineages tranfcribed ; the coll of the former will be from five to ten fhillings, that of the latter will depend on the length of the Lineage. The following is a lift of fome of the Heralds mentioned in this work, and the reigns in which they lived : Barker, Chriftopher, Garter, Hen, VIL and VIII. Benolt, Thomas, Garter, Hen. VIII. Brook, York Herald, Charles II. Burroughs, John, Garter. Charles I. Byfche, Edw., Clarenceux, Charles I. Camden, William, Clarenceux, Eliz. and Jas. I. Dethick, Gilbert, Garter, Edw. VI. and Eliz. Dethick, Henry, Richmond Herald, Charles II. Dethick, William, Garter, Jas. I. Dugdale, William, Garter, Charles I. and II. X. Glover, Robert, Somerfet Herald, Eliz. Guyan, King of Arms, Edw. III. Hawley, Thomas, Clarenceux, Hen. VIII. Hervey, William, Clarenceux, Eliz. Holm, Thomas, Clarenceux, Rich. III. King, Gregory, Rouge Dragon, Charles 11. Lee, Richard, Clarenceux, Eliz. Lennard, Sampfon, Blewmantle, Jas. I. May, Thomas, Chefter Herald, Charles II. Philpot, Somerfet Herald, Jas. I. and Charles I. Segar, William, Garter, Jas. I. and Charles I. St. George, Richard, Clarenceux, Jas. I. and Charles I. St. George, Henry, Clarenceux, Charles II. Vincent, Augulline, Windfor Herald, Jas. I. Walker, Edward, Garter Charles, I. and II. Wriothelley, John, Garter, Rich. III. Wriothefley, Thomas, Garter, Hen. VIII. Wriothefley, William, York Herald, Hen. VIII. Wriothefley, Charles, Windfor Herald, Hen. VIII. and Eliz. Merideriy Coventry, Jugufi, 1866. ABBREVIATIONS, &C. or. ... - gold or yellow. arg. filver or white. az. . azure or blue. gu. gules or red. vert. - green. purp. - purple. fa. - fable or black. erm. - ermine. ppr. - proper. betw. . between. chev. - chevron. engr. engrailed. guard. - guardant. pafs. - paflant. ramp. - rampant. b. - - born. d. - died. mar. - married. daug. - daughter. h. - . heir or heirefs. co-h. . co-heir or co-heirefs. Pr. Rep. - Prefent Reprefentative. Her. Vis. - Herald's Vifitation. Her. Pat. . Herald's Patent. Harl MS. - Harleian Manufcript. Md. MS. . Additional „ ^u.an.MS. - - - - Queen's College „ * Affixed to Families of Knightly defcent. f Affixed to Families of Gentle defcent. tBMartDtcfes|)tre ARMS AND LINEAGES WybtttM, ^ee 2DaBctot. StCDUlBc* — Erm., three lions pafs. In fefs, gu. Creft : A dexter arm in armour embowed, fa., garnifhed, or., tied round with a ribbon, arg. and gu., in the hand a broken tilting fpear. Granted 1574, to John Acombe, of Stratford-upon-Avon. Md. MS. SttltlCrlep or Stltietliep. — Arg., on a bend, az., three mafcles of the field. Creft: On a chapeau, gu., turned up, erm., a ftork, arg. Confirmed (with two quarterings) by Sampfon Lennard and Auguftyn Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Humfredus Adderley, of Widdington or Wedington, Co. Warwick, fon of Humfredus Adderley, of Wedington, who Was fourth fon of Thomas Adderley, of Blackhagh, Co. Stafford, and fourth in defcent from Henry Adderley. Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. Sir Charles Adderley, of this Family, but who came of an older Line, was Equerry to King Charles I. This Sir Charles Adderley purchafed an eftate at Lea, . Co. Warwick, and was defcended from Ralph Adderley, of Coton, Co. Stafford, High Sheriff of the County (temp. Eliz.), a fon of Adderley, of Blackhagh. Her. Vis. Dugdale. Defcendants : The Right Honorable C. B. Adderley, M.P., Hams Hall, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. The Rev. G. W. B. Adderley, Fillongley, Co. Warwick. SUgttontip, fee (ggiionfip; 3Wtl0tfortl» — Arg., on a faltire, az., a tiger's head erafed, or. Confirmed (with three quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to John Alderford, of Knightwick, Co. Worcefter, and of Salford, Co. Warwick, fourth in defcent from John Alderford, of Salford or Sunford, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. Slteerlep, fee mtietlep, ^I^jpatfl* — Arg., a bend, fa., cotlfed, gu., a mullet in finifter chief. Ralph Peche (temp. Edw. IL) mar. Annora, daug. and h. of Gerard de Alfpath, grandfon of William de Alfpath (temp. Edw. I.), who was fon of Walter, Lord of Alfpath. Dugdale. IVarwickftdre Arms and Lineages. ^ntlCt^on. — Sa., a chev. betw. three croiTes flory, arg. Confirmed as the Arms of Anderfon, of Sudbury. Her, Vis. 3llntier^on. — Sa., five eftoiles, arg. Creft : A talbot pafs., or. Granted by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, to Edmund Anderfon, of Ebury, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. SlntltCtD* — Gu., a faltire, or., furmounted of another, vert. Creft : A blackamoor in profile, couped at the fhoulders, and wreathed about the temples. Granted 1334, by Guyan, King of Arms, to Thomas Andrew, and his brothers Randolfe^ Richard, William, James, and Andrew. Har/ MS. 2(ln&tcill» — Same Arms as above. Confirmed 1476^ by Thomas Holm, Clarenceux, to Thomas, fon and h» of Richard Andrew, of the County of Warwick, Gentleman. Har/ MS. SlntlteiX)^* — Arg., on a bend cotifed, fa., three mullets of the field. Confirmed (with four quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to William Andrews, of Meriden, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from William Andrews, of Harborne, Co. Worcefler. Her. Fis. Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 3IlrcI)Cr» — Az., three arrows, or. Creft : Out of a mural coronet, gu., a dragon's head, arg. Granted by Richard Lee, Clarenceux, to Andrew Archer, of Tarn worth, 1597. Confirmed (with eleven quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Symon Archer, Kt., of Tamworth, twelfth in defcent from John Archer, (temp. Edw. III.) This John Archer was fourth in defcent from Robert Sagittarius, of Umberflade, (temp. Hen. II.) Her. Vis, Dugdale. 3tr&Ctt or 3llrtirat» — Erm., a fefs chequy, or. and az. Creft : On a chapeau, az., turned up erm., a wild boar pafs., or. Confirmed (with four quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Robert Arden, of Park Hall, in the Pariih of Curdworth, Co. Warwick, fifteenth in defcent from Siward de Arden (temp. Hen. I.), who was fon of Turkill de Warwick, and grandfon of Alwyn, Earl of Warwick, (temp. Edw. Conf ) Defcendant : Rev. H. C. Arden, of Longcroft, Co. Stafford, ninth in defcent from Symon, fecond fon of Thomas Arden, of Park Hall. Pr. Rep. The following note occurs in a Vifitation of War- wickfhire, 1619. The houfe of Ardens is meerly Englifh of the auncient bloud of the Saxons, and they were, before the Conqueft, Lordes of Warwick and of the moft part of Warwickfheire, and although they found fome extraordinary favor to enjoy their lands, yet were they continually vexed by the Normans, until they were forced to forgoe a great parte to the Earles of Warwick, and hold the reft of them by Knightes' fervice j from which tyme they lived in good accord with the Earles, and in quiet with the reft. Her. Vis. Harl MS. %. Coll. MS. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages, SHrbrcn, Tee SHriicn^ 3Il>?J)* — Arg., two chev.j fa. Creft : A cocka- trice, gu. Granted by Sir William Dethick, Garter. Confirmed by Sir Henry St. George, Clarenceux, to Jofeph Afh, of Coventry, Ton of Jofeph Afh, of the fame place, and grandfon of Hugh Afh. Harl MS. Her. Fis. 3il^1[)fidb» — Arg., a trefoil flipped betw. three mullets, gu. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Humphrey Alhfield, third in defcent from John Afhfield, of Hey thorp. Her. Fis. 3ll^tlcp» — Az., three cinquefoils, erm. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Thomas Allley, of Wolvey, Co. Warwick, grandfon of George Aftley, of the fame place. The before-named George Allley, of Wolvey, was fourth in defcent from Giles, fon of Thomas, Lord Alhley (temp. Edw. IL), w^hich Thomas was lixth in defcent from Philippus de Efllega, (temp. Hen. II.) Her. Fis. Dugdale. Sl^tlcp* — Az., a cinquefoil pierced, erm. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, or., a plume of feathers, arg. Confirmed (with two quarterings) as the Arms of Aftley. Her. Fis. JVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages, Sl^tlcp* — Az., a cinquefoil pierced, erm., within a border engr., or. Confirmed as the Arms of Ailley, of HiHmorton. Thomas Allley, of HiHmorton (temp. Hen. III.), was fon of Sir Thomas de Eftlcy, flain at the battle of Evefham, and fourth in defcent from Philip de Eftlega, (temp. Hen. II.) HarlMS, Dugdale. 3IltlCtCp» — Erm., on a pale engr., az., three lions* heads couped, or. Creft : A leopard couchant, arg., bezantee, ducally gorged, or. Confirmed by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, to William Averey, of Fillingley, Co. Warwick. Alfo, by Lennard and Vincent, to his grandfon, William Averey, of Filongley. Had MS. Her. Fis. "^ylt^hwcpy Tee J>omcttiine* 3tpi039?forl>, Earl of, fee fmt% 3llplc^"toortl)» — Arg., a fefs engr., betw. fix billets, three and three, gu. Confirmed as the Arms of Aylefworth, of Kineton. Her. Fis. 25n0Ot — Arg., two chev., az. The Arms of William Bagot, Sheriff of Warwick and Leicefter (temp. Hen. III.), and fon of Robert Bagot, of Morton Bagot, (temp. Hen. I.) Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 25aIbiDm» — Arg., a faltire, fa. Creft : On a mount vert., a cockatrice, arg., wattled combed and beaked, or., ducally gorged and lined of the laft. Confirmed (with three quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Richard Baldwin, of Coventry, third fon of William Baldwin, of Eifex. Her. Fis. %^xf^tX, — Per chev. engr., or. and fa., a lion ramp., counter-changed. Creft : A demi-moor, in dexter hand an arrow, or., feathered and headed, arg., on his finifter arm a ftiield of the firft, on his jfhoulder a fafh, gu. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Richard Barker, of Coventry, fifth fon of William Barker, Co. Berks, who was grandfon of Thomas Barker, of Wokingham. Her. Vis. 25amaBp, fee 25untaBp* 25a^feerbiile»— Arg., a chev., gu., betw. three hurts. Confirmed as the Arms of Bafkerville, of Curdworth. Her. Vis. 25eaucl)amp, Earl of Warwick.— Gu., a fefs betw. fix crofles crofllet, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. (See Dudley.) Harl MS. 8 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 25caufO, 25caufOp, or 25catDfO»— Erm., on a bend, az.j three cinquefoils, or. Creft : A tree^ vert, on a ribbon round the ftem the motto, " Sub tegmine fagi^ Confirmed (with fifteen quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Thomas Beaufo, of Guy's Cliff, fon of Sir Thomas Beaufo, of Edmondefcott, Co. Warwick, and ninth in defcent from Roger Beaufo, of Bereford, Co. Oxford. Her. Vis. 25caumont or 25caum01t&» — Az., femee of fleurs- de-lis, a lion ramp., or. Confirmed as the Arms of Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Bedworth, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. 25catDfo, fee 25caiifo* 25e][cl[)et» — Paly of {\yi^ or. and gu., a chief vaire, arg. and az. Creft : A greyhound's head, erm., gorged with a collar, gu., rimmed and ringed, or. Confirmed as the Arms of William Belcher, of Grillf- borough, fourth in defcent from Hugh Belcher, Co. Stafford. Her. Vis. 25eflocamjro, fee 25eaut][)amp* Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages, 25ctCfottl» — Arg., crufily fi tehee, three fleurs- de-lis, fa. The Arms of Edmund de Bereford (ob. 28 Edw. I.), third in defcent from Gualt de Bereford, (temp. Hen. III.) Dugdale. 25crmilt3|)am* — Per pale indented, arg. and fa. Edward Bermingham (temp. Hen. VII.), was eighth in defcent from William de Bermingham, flain at the battle of Evelham. Dugdale. 2&Ct|)01Tl» — Erm., a chev. betw. three boars pafs., fa. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, or., an elephant's head, arg. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to William Betham, of Rowington, grandfon of Nicholas Betham, Co. Bucks. Her. Vis. 25icli0ttcn» — Arg., on a chev., fa., three pheons of the field. Confirmed as the Arms of Thomas Bickerton, of Wicksford, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Thomas Bickerton, of Beby, Co. Leiceller. Her. Vis. *25it»tiulpf)» — Vert., an eagle difplayed, arg., armed and langued, gu. Creft : a wolf fejant reguardant, arg., vulned on the fhoulder, gu. Confirmed (with three quarterings) by Robert Glover, deputy for William Flower, Norroy, (1583), to Francis Biddulph, of Biddulph, Efquirc, third in defcent from I o Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. Richard Biddulph, and eighth in defcent from Roger Biddulph, (temp. Edw. I.), who was grandfon of Henry Biddulph, of Biddulph, Co. Stafford. Her. Vis. Defcendants: Sir T. W. Biddulph, Bart. (cr. 1664), of Birdingbury, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. Robert Biddulph, Efq., of Ledbury, Co. Hereford. 25i^l)Op* — Arg.5 on a bend, gu., cotifed, fa., three bezants. The Arms of Bifhop. Anthony Bifhop, of Oxhill, Co. Warwick, was grandfon of George Bifliop, of Oxhill, and fon of John Bifhop, of Brayles. Harl MS. 25i^]f)Op^t0n or 25i^lf)OJJ^tl0n*— Bendy of fix, or. and fa., a canton, erm. Confirmed as the Arms of Bifhopflon or Bifhopfdon, in the Lineage of Catefby. Sir William Catefby mar. Philippa, daug. and co-h. of William de Bifhopfdon (temp. Hen. V.), which William was eighth in defcent from Frederic de Bifhopllon (temp. Steph.) Her. Vis. 25Iitl)e or 25lpt{)e» — Arg., on a fefs, fa., three efcallops, or. The Arms of Blithe, of Hawkefwell, and of Blithe. John Blithe, of Hawkefwell, (ob. 1626,) was feventh in defcent from Simon de Blithe, of Hawkefwell, in the Parifh of Colefhill, (30 Edw. I.) Dugdale. Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 1 1 25l0Unt or 25Ion&» — Barry nebulee of lix, or. and fa. Confirmed as the Arms of Blount or Blond, of Warwick. ^ Earl MS. 25oI)Un or 250Un*— Az., on a bend, arg., cotifed, or., three efcallops, gu., betw. fix lions ramp, of the third. The Arms of Bohun or Boun, of Coundon. Gilbert Clarke, fecond fon of Gilbert Clarke, of Chilcote, Co. Derby, mar. Sufanna, eldeft daug. of Ralph Boun or Bohun, of Coundon, fourth in defcent from Ralph Boun, of Coventry and Coundon, Co. Warwick (temp. Eliz.), and thirteenth in defcent from Ralph Boun, of Bakewell, Co. Derby, (temp. Hen. VI.) Dugdale. 25ontl» — Arg., a chev., fa., betw. three hurts, charged with as manyefl:oiles,or.,on achief,gu., three cinquefoils of the field. Crefi: : A demi- grifiin, gu., bezanted, holding in its beak a twig, vert., feeded, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Bond, of Ward End. Alfo, in the Lineage of Kinardiiley. Edward Kinardifley mar. the daug. of Thomas Bond, of Ward End, grandfon of John Bond, of Coventry, (temp. Hen. VII.) Her. Vis. Defcendant : Jofeph A. Bond, Efq., Polefworth. 1 2 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages, 250Ugl)t0n or 25r0Ug][)t0n*—Sa., three crefcents, or. Crefl : a lion's head couped, or. Confirmed (with three quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Henry Boughton, of Coughton, fifth in defcent from Richard Boughton, High Sheriff of Warwickfhire. This Richard Boughton (ob. 3 Rich. III.) was lixth in defcent from Robert de Boveton. Harl MS. Dugdale. Confirmed alfo as the Arms of Boughton, of Lawford, in the Lineage of Lord Cavendifh, of Hardwick, who mar. Elizabeth, daug. and co-h. of Edward Boughton, fourth in defcent from Richard Boughton, Sheriff of Warwick and Leicefter. Q^. Coll. MS. Her. Vis. 25oug§t0n* — Same Arms and Creft, together with another Creft : A ftork's head, arg., in the beak, gu., a fnake, ppr. Confirmed as the Arms of Boughton. Her. Vis. 250im, fee 250l)un* 250toC^» — Three long bows bent in pale, gu. Confirmed as the Arms of Boyes, of Atherflone. Her. Vis. *25racc6rit!5C, 25ratc6rig0, or 25ta^Briti0e.— Vaire, arg. and fa., a fefs, gu. Creft : A ftaiF raguly, arg. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages, 1 3 Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent as the Arms of John Bracebridge, fixth in defcent from Symon Brafbridge, of Kingbury, Co. Warwick. This Symon was fon of Ralph Bracebridge (who died a.d. 1400), and grandfon of Sir Ralph de Bracebrigg (ob. 1396), and feventh in defcent from Peter de Bracebrigg, who mar. Amicia, daug. of Ofbert de Arden, and grand-daug. of Turketil of Warwick, who became poffeffed of Kingfbury in right of his fecond wife, Leverunia. Harl MS. Her. Vis. ^. Coil. MS. 25t^tcBri&gC» — Same Arms. Creft : On a mount, vert.j a wolf pafs., ppr. Confirmed as the Arms of Bracebridge. Harl MS. 25ratc6nbgC* — Same Arms. Creft : On a mount, vert., a wolf pafs., gu. Confirmed as the Arms of Bracebridge of the Holte. Harl MS. Defcendants : Charles Holte Bracebridge, Efq., Atherflone Hall, Co. Warwick. Pr, Rep. Henry Walter Bracebridge, Efq., of Morville Hall, Co. Warwick. jStatllcp* — Gu., a chev., arg., betw. three boars' heads couped, or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Francis Bradley, of Coventry, grandfon of William Bradley, Co. York. Her. Fis. 14 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 25m^tirittge, fee 25mcctjntr0e» 25tCtOn» — Az.j a bend betw. fix mullets pierced, or. Creft : A lion's gamb erafed, az., charged with a chev., or., betw. three billets, arg. The Arms of Breton, of Long Itchington and Tamworth. Captain John Breton, Member for Tamworth 1585, was fon of Richard Breton of Sirefcote and Tamworth, and fourth in defcent from Richard Breton, of Tamworth (temp. Hen. VIE.), and eighth in defcent from John Breton, of Tamworth (temp. Edw. III.), which John was fon of Guy, and grandfon of WilHam de Breton, of Long Itchington, (temp. Edw. L) This William mar. Agneta, daug. of William de Chetwode, and was fon of Nicholas Breton, of Long Itchington, and third in defcent from Robert de Breton, of Bafcote (temp. Rich. I.), and fixth in defcent from Hugh Breton, Lord of Faverfhall, who founded the Abbey of Kirkllead in Lincolnlhire, A.D. 11 39. Defcendant : C. D. Breton, Efq., Fillongley, Co. Warw. Pr. Rep. 25rit!glTinn* — Sa., ten plates, four, three, two, one, on a chief, arg., a lion pafs. of the field. (Alfo, on a chief, arg., a Hon pafs., ermines.) John Bridgman, Efq. (anceflor of the Earl of Bradford), who purchafed Caftle Bromwich, 1657, was fon of Sir Orlando Bridgman, of Great Lever, Co. Lancafter, Knight Warwkkjhire Arms and Lineages, 1 5 and Baronet, and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Defcendant : Orlando George Charles Bridgman, third Earl of Bradford. Pr. Rep. Creations: Baron 1694, Earl and Vifcount 181 5. 25tOniC» — Sa., on a chev., arg., three bunches of broom, vert., feeded, or. Creft : An arm embowed, vefted, holding in the hand, ppr., a bunch of broom as on the fhield. Confirmed (with one quartering) by Lennard and Vincent to Ralph Broom, of the Woodlows, Co. Warwick, ninth in defcent from William Brome, of Warwicklhire. Her. Vis, 25rouglitott, fee 25ous{)ton* 25ut&Ctt» — Az., two bars, or., each charged with three martlets, gu. Creft : A lion's head erafed, fa. Confirmed (quartering two Coats) to Thomas Burdett, of Bramcott, Co. Warwick, ninth in defcent from Sir John Burdett, Knight, of Arrow, Co. Warwick, and fifteenth in defcent from William Burdett, Founder of the Monaftery of Aucote, Co. Warwick, (temp. Hen. 11.) Her. Vis. Harl MS, 1 6 Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages, 25utgOpne» — Gu., a chev., or., betw. three talbots, arg., on a chiefj embattled of the laft, as many martlets, az. Confirmed as the Arms of Burgoyne, of Wroxal], Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. 25unta6p or 25anm6p*— Arg., two bars, gu., in chief a lion pafs. guard, of the fecond. Creft : A demi-man, fa., in the dexter hand a bunch of columbine flowers, ppr. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Humphrey Burnaby, of Waver, Co. Warwick, third fon of Richard Burnaby, of Watford, Co. Northampton, who was feventh in defcent from Robert Burnaby, of the fame place. Her. Vis. 25urp or a^r^ljialL— Arg., a chev., fa., betw. three fquirrels cracking nuts, ppr. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to William Bury, of Barton, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from John Bury or Marfhall, of Barton on the Heath, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. jSu^^dl or 25u^l)eIL— Arg., a chev. betw. three water bougets, fa. Creft : A cherubim's head betw. two wings, ppr. Confirmed (quartering two Coats) by Lennard and Vincent to Thomas Buflell, eleventh in defcent from Richard de la BuiTell, Lord of Brodmerflon. IVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages, 1 7 Same Arms and Creft Confirmed to Richard Buffell, who m. Margaret, daug. and h. of Walter Fowkes, of Drymariion. Her. Vis. %\\Att^ — Az., a bend betw. fix cups covered, or. Creft: On a mount vert., an unicorn faliant, arg., armed, or., tied round the neck with a ribbon of the laft. Confirmed (with one quartering) by Lennard and Vincent to Richard Butler, of Coventry, third in defcent from Sir Thomas Butler, of Bewfey, Co. Lancafler. Her. Vis. CaltfjOtp, Lord. — Chequy, or. and az., a fefs, erm. Creft : A boar's head ere(5l, erafed at the neck, az., briftled, or., betw. two wild men, wreathed about the temples and loins, and holding in the exterior hand a club ered, or. : quartering, Gough. The Arms of Sir Henry Gough, fecond Bart, (grandfon of Sir Richard Gough, of Edgbafton), who afTumed, 1788, the Name and Arms of Calthorp, purfuant to the will of his maternal uncle. Sir Henry Calthorp, and who was created Baron Calthorp, of Calthorp, 1 796. Dugdak. Defcendant : Frederick Gough, fourth Lord Calthorp. Pr. Rep. (See Gough.) 1 8 Warwickfkire Arms and Lineages. C^nitlillc* — Az., three lions pafs. in pale, arg. Confirmed in the Lineage of Burdett, as the Arms of Camville. Robert Burdett (who died 1533) mar. Elizabeth, daug. and h. of Galfridus Camville, great-grandfon of William de Camville, Lord of Seckingdon and Arrow, Co. Warwick. Her. Hs. Canning or Canninge^* — Arg., three Moors' heads fide faced, couped at the neck, ppr., wreathed about the temples, or. and az. Confirmed by Ralph Brooke, York Herald, to Richard Canning, of Foxcote, Co. Warwick, and of Hidcott, Co. Gloucefter, fifth in defcent from Thomas Canning, who (temp. Hen. VI.) mar. Agnes, daug. and h. of John Solman, of Foxcote. Ear I MS. Her. i^ is. CantalupCt — Gu., three leopards' heads jefTant- de-lis, or. The Arms of Sir John Cantalupe (temp. Edw. IL), fon of John Cantalupe, of Snitterfield, who mar. Margaret, daug. and h. of William Cumin, of Snitterfield, (temp. Hen. III.) Dugdale. CarndL — Or., three chev., vert. Confirmed as the Arms of Carnell. Harl MS. Cartngton, fee ^mptl)* Warwickjbire Arms and Lineages. 1 9 CatC^fip* — -^rg., two lions pafs., fa., crowned, or. Creft : An antelope's head couped at the neck, arg., betw. the attires two battle axes ered:, or. Confirmed (with eleven quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Sir William Catefby, of Lapworth, ninth in defcent from John Catefby. Alfo, to Roger de Catefby, of Newnham, eleventh in defcent from William de Catefby, Lord of Catefby, Michell, Afhley, and Basford. Her. Hs. Hart MS. ^. Coll. MS. CatljCrpn^ or €atl)Cnt^.— Or., on a pale, az., an eagle difplayed of the field. Creft : a griffin ftatant, or., guttee, fa. Confirmed, 1574, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, to Humphrey Catheryns, of the New Inn, Co. Middlefex, as the ancient Arms of Thomas Catherns, of Clyfton, Co. Warwick. Add. MS. Caunton, fee Cranton* C{)am6ctlpn» — Gu., an inefcutcheon, arg., within an orle of eight mullets, or. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, gu., the head of an afs, arg. Confirmed (with one quartering) by Lennard and Vincent to John Chamberlyn, of Aflley (Juftice of the Peace), great-grandfon of Edward Chamberlyn, of Sherborne, Co. Oxford. Her. Vis. 20 Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. CJittl038^» — Erm., on a chief, gu., five lozenges in fefs of the field. Creft : A demi-griffin, erm., holding a fpear, gu. Confirmed by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, to Richard Charles, of London, Ton of Richard Charles, of Stratford- upon-Avon, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. CfjantcH^^ — Az., a crofs engr., or. Creft : A bird, ppr. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to William Charnells, of Elmfthorp, Kt., great-grandfon of Sir Nicholas Charnells, of Elmllhorp. Her. Fis. *Cl)ettopntJ» — Az., a chev. betw. three mullets, or. Creft: A goat's head erafed, arg., armed, or. Confirmed as the Arms of William and Walter Chetwynd, of Grendon, Co. Warwick. Sir William Chetwynd, of Grendon, and Sir Walter Chetwynd, of Ingellre, were fons of John Chetwynd, of Ingeftre, Co. Staiford, who mar. Margaret, daug. of Robert Middlemore, of Edgbaflon (temp. Eliz.), and who was eighth in defcent from Sir Philip Chetwynd, of Ingeftre. The faid Sir Philip mar. Alice, daug. of Sir Ralph de Grendon (temp. Edw. I.), which Sir Ralph was fourth in defcent from Roger de Grendon, (temp. Steph.) Harl MS. Dugdale. Defcendant : Sir George Chetwynd, Bart., Grendon, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 2 1 Clapl^am* — Arg., on a bend, az., fix fleurs-de-lis, or., two, two, and two. Creft : A lion ramp., fa., holding in his dexter gamb a fword, arg., hilt and pommel, or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Clapham, of Willinghall, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Thomas Clapham, Co. York. Her, Fis. Ciarfec, Tee J^cobcljurclj* Ciinton* — Arg., on a chief, az., two fleurs-de-lis, or. The Arms of Sir John de Clinton, of Colefliill (temp. Edw. III.), fifth in defcent from Olbert de Clinton (temp. Hen. II.), who was a nephew of Geoffrey de Clinton, a Norman. Johanna, daug. and h. of the before-named Sir John de Clinton, mar. Sir John de Mountford, (27 Edw. III.) Dug^a/e. Clinton* — Arg., on a chief, az., two mullets, or., pierced, gu. The Arms of John de Clinton, of Maxtoke, nephew of Sir John de Clinton of Colelhill, (temp. Edw. III.) CIotli.StjalL — Gu., nine efl:oiles, three, three, and three, betw. two bars gemel wavy, or. Confirmed in the Lineage of Ardern, as the Arms of Richard Clodilhall. 22 IVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages. Robert Ardern or Arden, of Parkhall, mar. Elizabeth, daug. of Richard Clodifhall, fourth in defccnt from Walter Clodifhall, (temp. Edw. III.) Richard Clodifhall, of Saltley, fon of the before-named Walter, bore for his Arms : Per pale indented, with certain martlets in the place of a border on the dexter part of the (hield. Her. Vis. Dugdale. Clopton or Cocft.^fidtl*— Per pale, or. and gu., a crofs pattee, counterchanged. Confirmed in the Lineage of Carew as the Arms of Clopton. Sir George Carew, Lord of Clopton, mar. Joyce, daug. and co-h. of William Clopton, of Clopton, Co. Warwick (ob. 34 Eliz.), who was fixth in defcent from John Cocks- field, who afTumed the name of Clopton, (temp. Hen. VIL) This John was fourth in defcent from Sir Walter de Cocksfield, called alfo the Marfhal Knight, who purchafed the manor of Clopton from James Clopton, (4 Edw. I.) Arms of Cocksfield : Paly of four, or, and az., a lion ramp., counterchanged. Her. Fis. Qu. Coll. MS. ^TlotoC^* — Az., on a chev., engr., betw. three unicorns' heads, or., three crefcents, gu. Creft : A demi-lion, arg., ducally crowned, or., holding a battle axe, arg., ftaiF, of the fecond. Confirmed by Sir William Dethick, Garter, to William Clowes, of London, Gentleman, fon of Thomas Clowes, of Kingfburie, Co, Warwick. Harl MS. WarwickJIiire Arms and Lineages, 23 Cotfe or Cocftc* — Quarterly, gu. and arg. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Thomas Cocke, of Monks' Kirby, grandfon of John Cocke, of Brokefborne, Co. Hereford. Her, Vis. Cocftapnc* — Arg., three cocks, gu. The Arms of Sir William Cockayne, of Pooley. This Sir William Cockayne was a defcendant of a younger fon of Sir John Cockayne, of Pooley, Co. Warwick (temp. Hen. VI.), fon of Edmund Cockayne, who mar. Elizabeth, daug. and h. of Sir Richard de Herthull, of Pooley. Harl MS. Dugdale. COC&ftdtl^ — Paly of four, or. and az., a lion ramp., counterchanged. The Arms of Cockfield, Co. Warwick. ^. Coll. MS. Cotfe^Mti, fee Clopton^ CokijJC^ter* — Or., a chev. betw. three eftoiles, gu. Creft : A demi-lion ramp., ppr., holding in his paw an eftoile, gu. Confirmed by Sir William Segar, Garter, to Richard Colchefter, of Ilmington, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. Colcttiore* — Gu., billetee, three crefcents, or. (Alfo, gu., three crefcents betw. nine mullets, or.) Creft : A moor's head in profile, couped at the fhoulders, ppr., wreathed about the 24 JVarwickJIiire Arms and Lineages, temples, or. and az., (alfo, wreathed about the temples, erminois and or., tied in a knot behind, with a drop in the ear, of the fecond.) Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to William Colemore, of Bremingham or Birmingham, Co. Warwick, grandfon of William Coleman, of the fame place. Harl MS. Her. Vis. Defcendant : Thomas Colemore, Efq., Alhfurlong, Sutton Coldfield. Pr. Rep. CoUc^* — Gu., a chev.j arg., pellettee, charged with two bars gemel of the field, betw. three lions' heads erafed, or. Creft : A feapie with wings expanded, fa., guttee, arg., preying on a fifli of the laft. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Humphrey Colles, of Hampton-in-Arden, fon of Michael Colles, of the fame place, a fecond fon of William Colles, of Leigh, Co. Worcefter. Her. Vis. ConiBc* — Erm., three lions pafs. in pale, gu. Creft : A dexter hand and arm embowed in armour, fa., garnifhed, or., wreathed about the arm, arg. and gu., in the hand a broken tilting fpear of the fecond. Granted by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, 1584. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to William Combe, of Olde Stratford, fourth in defcent from John Combe, of Afhley, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. IVarwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 25 Comfictfcttl or CuniBcrforb* — Gu., on a crofs engr., arg., five rofes of the field. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, or., a peacock's head per pale, or. and gu., charged with fix rofes, counterchanged. Confirmed (with eight quarterings) byLennard and Vincent to Humphrey Comberford, of Kingfburie, eleventh in defcent from Allan de Comberford. Her. Vis. *ConiptOn> Marquis of Northampton. — Sa., a lion of England, or., betw. three helmets. Creft : A demi-dragon erafed with wings elevated, gu., the body enriched with a ducal coronet, or. Confirmed (with nine quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent as the Arms of William Lord Compton, Earl of North- ampton, fon of Henry Lord Compton, and third in defcent from Sir William Compton, of Compton, Co. Warwick, and lixth in defcent from William de Compton, (temp. Hen. VL) King Henry VIIL, for good fervice, granted out of his own Royal Arms an honorable augmentation to the Arms of the before-named Sir William Compton, viz., A lion pafs., or. ; and for his Creft, a demi-dragon erafed, gu., within a coronet of gold, upon a torfe, arg. and vert. This Sir William was tenth in defcent from Philip de Compton (temp. John). Her. Vis. Dugdale. Defcendant : Charles Douglas Compton, third Marquis of Northampton. Pr. Rep. Creations: Earl 161 8, Marquis 181 2. 26 Warwickfliire Arms and Lineages. Couinjg^tsp* — Gu., three coneys fejant, arg. Creft : A coney as in the fhield. Confirmed (with five quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Humphrey Coningfby, of Morton Bagoc, ninth in defcent from Robert Coningfby, of the fame place, whofe great-grandfather John Coningfby died 30 Edw. III. Confirmed alfo to Henry Coningfby, of Morton Bagot. Her. Vis. %. Coll. MS. Harl MS. CoittDAp^ — Sa., on a bend cotifed, arg., a rofe betw. two annulets of the field. Creft : A moor's head in profile, ppr., wreathed about the temples, arg. and fa. Confirmed (with five quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Edward Conway, of Arrow, Knight, third in defcent from Sir Edward Conway, who mar. Ann, daug. of Sir John Burdett, of Arrow, Knight. Her. Vis. Coohe. — Per pale, arg. and fa., three griffins' heads, erafed and counterchanged, each charged on the neck with a bar gemel. Creft : A griffin's head as in the fhield. Granted by Thomas Hawley, Clarenceux, to William Cooke, of Milton, (5 Edw. VI.) Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Cooke, of Milton, Co. Cambridge, and of Rugby, Co. Warwick, grandfon of William Cooke, of Milton. Her. Vis. Harl MS. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 27 CotfiCtt — Or., a raven, fa. Creft : An elephant, arg., armed and trappings, or., on his back a caftle, triple towered, of the laft. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Richard Corbett, of Meriden, feventh in defcent from George Corbett, of Morton Corbett, Co. Salop. Her. ^is. Cotfiin or Corbitt* — Arg., on a chief, or., three ravens, ppr. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to George Corbin, of Hall End, Polefworth, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Richard Corbin, of the fame place, and fifteenth in defcent from Robert Corbin, Co. Stafford. Her. l^is. Corbitt, fee Corbin* Cotton* — Az., an eagle difplayed, arg. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, or., an eagle difplayed, arg. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Philip Cotton, of Woodcote, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Richard Cotton, of Welton, Co. Leicefler. Her. l^is. CotlCnttiC* — Arg., a plate on a chev., fa., betw. three columbines, az., flipped, vert. Confirmed by Sir Henry St. George, deputy for Sir John Borough, Garter, to John Coventrie, Mayor of London, Mercer, fon of William Coventrie, of the City of Coventrie. Her. Vh. 28 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. Craitforb* — Gu., a fret, or., a chief, arg. Confirmed as the Arms of Cranford, in the Lineage of Catefby. John Catefby, of Led brook, mar. Emma, daug. of William Cranford. Her. Vis. Ctanton or Caimton. — Gu., a Hon pafs., fa., betw. three dolphins embowed, or., within an orle, flory. Creft : A dromedary, fa., collared, or., bezanted, maned and armed, gu. Granted by Chriftopher Barker, Garter, to John and William Cranton or Caunton. Her. Vis. Harl MS. CrctUCnliaJL — Nebuly, arg. and fa., on a fefs, gu., three broad arrow heads, or. The Arms of John de Crewenhall, fifth in defcent from Crewenhall, of Crewenhall, (temp. Hen. IIL) Dugi^a/e. CtD^t^olniC* — Arg., a chev. betw. three bugle horns ftringed, fa. Confirmed as the Arms of Simon Crofholmc, who mar. Margaret, daug. and h. of Reginald Watford. Her. Vis. Cunibcrforti, fee Conibcrforti* Warwtchjhire Arms and Lineages. 29 CutKc* — A label of four points per bend finifter. The Arms of William Curie (22 Hen. III.), grandfon of Robert de Curie, of Budbrook, (temp. Rich. I.) Dugdale. SDafietOt or 3ll&6ctOt — Az., a chev., or., betw. three bezants. Confirmed as the Arms of William Dabbetot (temp. Hen. VII.), fixth in defcent from Sir Galfred de Abbetot, Lord of Radmerley. Her. l^is. SDafitCbgCCOUrt* — Erm., two bars humettee, gu., each charged with three efcallops, arg. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, or., four feathers, arg., charged with two bars, gu., upon each three mafcles of the firft. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Thomas Dabredgecourt, of Longdon Hall, Co. Warwick, feventh in defcent from Euftace Dabredgecourt, Lord of Damprecourt, who came to England with Queen Philippa, wife of King Edw. III. Her. Vis. SDaifip* — Arg., three bars wavy, gu. Creft : A demi-griffin, arg., armed and winged, or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Edmond Dalby, of Brookhampton, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Edmond Dalby. Her. Vis. JO IVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages, jDa^ef^Ctt* — Sa., three doves, arg., beaked, gu., a chief of the fecond. Creft : A dove, as in the ihield. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Thomas Daffett, fourth in defcent from Richard Daffett. Alfo, as the Arms of Daffett, of Warwicklhire. Her. Vis. Had MS. SDabcnport^ — Arg., a chev. betw. three crofTes crofflet fitchee, fa. Creft : A man's head couped at the fhoulders, face in profile, ppr., a rope round the neck, or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Henry Davenport, of Coventry, Alderman, third in defcent from Davenport, Co. Chefter. Her. Vis. 2)atlCt^» — Arg., on a bend, gu., three martlets, or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent, to Samuel Davers, of Culworth, third in defcent from Sir John Davers, of Dauntefy or Dautfey, Co. Wilts. Her. Vis. ^CatOn^* — Arg., a chev. counter compony, gu. and arg., betw. three rofe branches of the fecond, leaved, vert. Creft : An eagle's head erafed, arg., betw. two wings, fa., armed, gu. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Robert Deacons, of Wafperton, Co. Warwick, fon of Thomas Deacons, of Napton-on-the-Hill, Co. Warwick, and grandfon of Richard Deacons, of Liddington, Co. Beds. Her. Vis. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages, 3 1 ^CtlCtCUjC* — Arg., a fefs, gu., in chief three torteaux. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, or., a talbot's head, arg., eared, gu. Confirmed (with fifteen quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Walter Devereux, of Suffolk and of Caftle Bromwich, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Walter Lord Ferrers, of Chartley, eighth in defcent from Walter Devereux, Knight. Her. Vis. SDigfip* — Az., a fleur-de-lis, arg. Creft : An oftrich, ppr., holding in the beak a horfe- fhoe, or. Confirmed (with eleven quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent as the Arms of Robert Digby, Baron of Geafhill in Ireland, fon of Sir Robert Digby, of Colefhill, Co. Warwick, and fifth in defcent from Reginald Digby, of Colefhill, Sheriff of Warwick and Leicefler (26 Hen. VIII.), and fixth in defcent from Symon Digby, of Colefhill, Lieutenant of the Tower (temp. Hen. VIII.), who was fecond fon of Everard Digby, of Til ton. Sheriff of Warwick and Leicefler. This Everard Digby, of Tilton, was grandfon of Sir Edward Digby, who was flain at the battle of Towton, and ninth in defcent from William Lord Digby, who was fon of Sir Everard Digby, of Tilton (temp. Hen. I.), and grandfon of CElmar the Saxon, who held lands at Tilton in the reign of William the Conqueror. Confirmed, alfo, (with fifteen ' quarterings) as the Arms of Kelemn Digby, of Tilton, Dryfloke, and Gotehurf^i636, fon of Sir Everard Digby, of Tilton and Dryfloke, who 32 Warwickfliire Arms and Lineages, was fourth in defcent from the before-named Everard Digby, of Tilton, SherifFof Warwick and Leiceller. Sir Everard Digby, of Tilton and Dryftoke, mar. Mary, daug. and h. of William Mulfhoe, of Gotehm-ft, which William was third in defcent from Thomas Mulfhoe, who mar. Mary, daug. and h. of Michael Nevill, of Gotehurft, which Michael was fifth in defcent from Sir Hugh Nevill, who died, feized of lands in EfTe.x and Notts, 25 Edw. III. Harl MS. Caius Coll. MS. Defcendants : Edward St. Vincent Digby, ninth Baron Digby, of Geafhill, Minterne, Co. Dorfet, Pr. Rep. George Digby Wingfield Digby, Efq., Sherborne Caftle, Co. Dorfet. Rev. John Digby Wingfield Digby, Colelhill, Co. Warwick. ^jlfte* — Gu., a lion ramp, per pale, arg. and or. Creft : A dove clofe, arg., beaked and legged, gu. Granted by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter, to Richard Dilke, ofKirby, loth January, 1574. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Thomas Dilke, of Maxtoke Caftle, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Thomas Dilke, Co. Leicefter. Harl MS. Her. Vis. Defcendant : Charles Dilke-Fetherftone Dilke, Efq., of Maxtoke Caftle. Pr. Rep. (See Fetherstone.) ^inglcp* — Arg., on a fefs, fa., in chief two hurts. Confirmed as the Arms of Thomas Dingley, of Abbott Salford. Harl MS. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. i^i^ SDimocft* — Az.5 three boars pafs. in pale, arg., on a chief, gu., a lion pafs., or. Confirmed as the Arms of Sir Edward Dimock, of Erdington, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. SDijCtDelL — Arg., a chev., gu., betw. three fleurs- de-lis, fa. • Confirmed as the Arms of Humphrey Dixwell, of Church Over, Co. Warwick, grandfon of John Dixwell, of Coughton, Co. Warwick, who was grandfon of William Dixwell, of Tengreth, Co. Beds. Her. Vis. SDijCtDdL — Vert., on a chev., or., betw. three fleurs- de-lis., arg., as many fleurs-de-lis counter- changed. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Humphrey Dixwell, of Cotton, Co. Warwick, fourth in defcent from William Dixwell, of Tengreth, Co. Beds. Her. Vis. SDotiins^dl^, fee (©bingMl^* SDrapton* — Az., guttee, arg., a pegafus of the latter. Creft : On a fun in fplendour, or., a hat, vert., betw. two wings, arg. Confirmed as the Arms of Michael Drayton, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. SDuttrale, fee SDugtiale. 34 Warwickfkire Arms and Lineages, SDUblcp* — -Az., a chev. betw. three lions' heads, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Thomas Dudley, of Coventry. Her. Vis, ^uMcp, Earl of Warwick. — Or., a lion ramp, queue furchy, vert. Confirmed as the Arms of Dudley, Earl of Warwick. Ambrofe Dudley, Earl of Warwick (temp. Eliz.), was grandfon of Edmund Dudley, who mar. Elizabeth, daug. of Lord Edward Grey. This Lord Edward Grey mar. Elizabeth, daug. and co-h. of John Lord Talbot, and grand- daug. of John Talbot, Lord of Salop, who mar. Margaret, daug. of Richard Bellocampo or Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick (whofe eldeft daug. Anna, mar. Richard Nevil, the great Earl, flain at the battle of Barnet). The before-named Richard Beauchamp was fifth in defcent from William de Bellocampo (ob. 53 Hen. IIL), who mar. Ifabel, filler and h. of William Mauduit, Earl of Warwick, This William Mauduit mar. Alice, daug. of Walerannus fon of Roger, Earl of Warwick (temp. Steph.), which Roger was grandfon of Roger de Bellomonte (temp. William the Conqueror). Harl MS. Dugdale. SDU8&iJl0» — Ai'g-> ^ crofs mollne, gu., in the firft quarter a torteau. Creft : A griffin's head and wings endorfed, or. Granted to John Dugdale, of Clithero, Co. Lancafter, by Sir William Dethick, Garter, a.d. 2 Eliz. Confirmed to John Dugdale, of Shuflock, Co. Warwick, fon of James Dugdale, of Clithero. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 3 5 Same Arms, with the exception of the torteau, were Con- firmed to Henry Ducdale, of More Crichol, Co. Dorfet. Her. Vis. Add. MS. Defcendants : Sir William Dugdale, the celebrated Anti- quarian, and fometime Garter King of Arms. Through the female line, William Stratford Dugdale, Efq., of Mcrevale, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. S^pniOCfe* — Per bend finifter, erm. and ermines, a lion ramp.j or. Quartering : Az., three boars pafs.j in pale, or. Creft : A hand and arm in armour ered:, or., garnifhed, arg., holding a tilting fpear, fa., headed, of the fecond, embrued, gu. Confirmed by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, as the Arms of Francis Dymoke, of Erdington, Co. Warwick, 1589. Her. Vis. €g6a^ton or a£tlg6a^tOn» — Per pale indented, or. and az. Confirmed as the Arms of Egbafton, in the Coat of Middlemore. Thomas Middlemore (temp. Hen. IV.), mar. Ifabel, daug. and h. of Richard de Edgbafton, grandfon of Sir Henry de Edgbafton, (temp. Edw. I.) Her. Vis. Dugdale. <£gCOlftc» — Arg., a chev. betw. three boars pafs., fa. The Arms of John Egcokc, of Ippelley. Harl MS. ^6 Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. . (figitOUBp or 31lgliontlp» — Az., two bars and in chief three martlets, fa. Creft : A demi-eagle with wings expanded, or. Confirmed to Edward Eglionby, of Edmarfh, Co. Warwick, fon of Richard Eglionby. Alfo, as the Arms of Aglionby, of Balfall Temple. Her. Vis. Had MS. OEntie^OUre* — Arg., a fefs, gu., betw. three horfe fhoes, fa. The Arms of Endefoure, of Wilnecott. Her. Fis. a£ngieficl& or ^Ingtefieitl^— Barry of fix, gu. and arg., on a chief, or., a lion pafs., az. Creft : An arm couped at the elbow vefted, per pale, gu. and or., cuffed, arg., holding in the hand, ppr., a branch, vert. Confirmed as the Arms of John Englefield, ninth in defcent from Sir John de Englefield, (temp. Edw. I.) Her. Vis. (JErtlington* — Az., two lions pafs., or. The Arms of Erdington. Thomas Eardington, fon of Thomas de Eardington (temp. Hen. IV.), was ninth in defcent from Henry de Eardington, of Eardington, (temp. Hen. II.) Dugdak. <^^t^\t^^ — Arg., a fefs betw. three annulets, gu. Confirmed in the Coat of Frevill. Her. Vis. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 37 (£tJCttOn» — Sa., a chev., arg., betw. three pears, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Richard Everton, of Colefhill, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from Henry Everton of the fame place. Her. Vis, *5rCtilintg, Earl of Denbigh. — Arg., on a fefs., az., three lozenge^, or. Creft : A blackbird, ppr. Alfo, A blackbird fitting upon an oak flip, vert., acorned, or. Confirmed (with three quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Sir William Feilding, of Newnham, Knight, fourth in defcent from Bafil Feilding, of Newnham (1563), and ninth in defcent from Sir William Feldinge, Knight, who mar. Joane, daug. of William Prudholme, and who was fon of Galfredus Feldinge, who mar. Agnes, daug. and h. of John de Napton, and grandfon of William Feldinge (temp. Edw. III.), which William was defcended from the Earls of Hapfburg in Germany. Her. Vis. Harl MS. Dugdale. Defcendant: Rudolph William Bafil Feilding, eighth Earl of Denbigh. Pr. Rep. Creations: Baron and Vifcount 1620, Earl 1622. *jfctt0t^* — Gu., feven mafcles, or., a canton, erm. Creft : An unicorn pafs., erm. Confirmed (with eight quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Edward Ferrers, of Baddelley, fixth in defcent from JVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages. Sir Thomas Ferrers, of Tamworth, who was fecond fon of WilHam Lord Ferrers, of Grobie. William Ferrers, Lord of Grobie (temp. Edw. IIL), was eleventh in defcent from Henry de Ferrers, who came into England with William the Conqueror. Her. Vis. Dugdale. Defcendant : Marmion Edward Ferrers, Efq., of Baddefley Clinton, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. jpintl), Earl of Aylesford. — Arg., a chev. betw. three griffins pafs., fa. Creft : A griffin pafs., fa. The Arms of Heneage Finch, fecond Earl of Aylesford, who mar. Mary, daug. and h. of Sir Clement Filher, Bart., of Packington, Co. Warwick. (See Fisher.) The before-named Heneage Finch, Vv^as eldeft fon of Heneage Finch, firft Earl of Aylesford, and grandfon of Heneage Finch, firft Earl of Nottingham, and fourth in defcent from Sir Moyle Finch, of Eaftwell, Co. Kent, who died 1 6 14. This Sir Moyle was defcended from William Finch, of Netherfield, Co. Suflex, Sheriff of the County, 8 Hen. VI., and a lineal defcendant of Vincent Finch or Herbert, (temp. Hen. IV.) Her. Vh. Dugdale. Defcendant: Heneage Finch, fixth Earl of Aylesford. Pr. Rep. Creations: Baron 1702, Earl 1714. jfi^jfj* — Sa., a chev. wavy betw. three fleurs- de-lis, arg. Confirmed as the Arms of Fifh, of Coventry. Her. Vis. Warwickjhtre Arms and Lineages, 39 ^i^tX, — Arg., a chev. vaire, arg. and az., betw. three demi-lions ramp., gu. Creft : A talbot's head, az., collared and eared, or. Another, talbot's head, arg., bezanted, collared and eared, gu. Granted to John Fiflier, of Packington, by Thomas Hawley, Clarenceux, (temp. Edw. I.) Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Robert Fifher, of Packington, fon of Sir Clement Fifher, and grandfon of John Fifher, of the fame place, which John was fon of John Fifher, of Dottell, Co. Salop. Harl MS. Her. Vis. jpi^Ijet or ipaiuftin^*— Gu., a fefs, vaire, betw. two falcons volant in chief, and a dolphin embowed in bafe, all arg., within a border engr., of the laft. Creft : A cubit arm ere6t, vaire, arg. and purp., on the hand a glove holding a falcon taftelled, all of the fir ft. Granted by Chriflopher Barker, Garter, to Thomas Fifher or Hawkins, of Hawkefnefl, Co. Warwick. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Edward Fifher, grandfon of Thomas Fifher or Hawkins, of the Town of Warwick. Her. Vis. Harl MS. jpitctj* — Arg., guttee, gu., a crofs engr., of the laft. Creft : A fagittarius, gu. The Arms of Fitch, of Devonfhire and Warwickfhire. Har/ MS. 40 Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages, fitjraffc or jpitjraipl)*— Or., three chev., gu., each charged with as many fleurs-de-lis. Confirmed in the Coat of Freville. Her. Vis. jpkntier^* — Arg., a fefs, gu., in chief three mullets, fa. The Arms of Flanders, of * * * * near Kingfbury, Co. Warwick. Add. MS. 5FlCttf)Ct» — Sa., a crofs flory, arg., furmounted of another, of the firfl:, betw. four efcallop fhells, of the fecond. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Fletcher, of Coventry, fon of Thomas Fletcher, Co. Leiceller. Her. Vis. jf Ot^tCt^ — Sa., a chev. engr. betw. three arrows, arg. Confirmed (with three quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Sir William Forller, fixth in defcent from Humphrey Forfter, of Herden, near Henley. Her. Vis. jptCbiil* — Or., a crofs lozengy, vaire and gu. Another. Gu., three crefcents, erm. Confirmed (with two quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to William Frevill, fourth in defcent from Baldwin Frevill, who mar. Lucy, great grand-daughter of Thomas de Efcales. Her. Vis. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 41 jpUiitlOOtl* — Gu.j a chev. betw. three mullets pierced, or. Alfo, Gu., a chev. betw. three mullets, arg. Creft : A demi-knight in armour, arg., holding in the dexter hand a broken tilting fpear, or., in the helmet four feathers, of the firft and gu. Confirmed (with five quarterings) to Robert Fulwood, of Tamworth, twelfth in defcent from Robert de Fulwood, of Sidenhall. Confirmed alfo as the Arms of Robert Fulwood, of Alne, Co. Warwick. Robert Fulwood, of Tamworth, was fon of Richard, and grandfon of Robert Fulwood, of Cley Hall, Co. Warwick (temp. Hen. VII.), defcended from John Fullwode, of the fame place, (temp. Rich. II.) Her. Vis. ^. Coll. MS. Dugdale. jfpntlCtnC* — Arg., a chev. betw. three crofles pattee fitchee, fa. The Arms of Thomas Fynderne, of Nuneaton. Her. Vis. ^Sat^ljClKc* — Quarterly, arg. and az., on a bend, gu., three fleurs-de-lis, or. • The Arms of Thomas de Garfhale (51 Edw. I.), grandfon of Robert Garfhale, of Bourton-fuper-Dunfmore, who mar. Ada, daug. and h. of Henry de Burton (temp. Hen. III.), which Henry was grandfon of Robert de Burton, (23 Hen. I.) Dugdale. 42 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages, <&Sd^t^* — Sa.j three battle axes in pale, arg. Crefl: : Three broken tilting fpears, or., two in faltire, one in pale, enfiled with a wreath, arg. and fa. Granted to Gibbes, Co. Warwick, before 1597. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Sir Henry Gibbes, of Honnington, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from Robert Gibbes, of the fame place. Her. Vis, Add, MS. (ffiiffottl* — Az., three ftirrups with leathers and buckles, or. Confirmed as the Arms of GiiFord, of Elmdon. Her. Fis. ^Blobet* — Sa., a chev., erm., betw. three crefcents, arg. Crefl : A croffbow, az., betw. two wings, or. Granted by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, to Thomas Glover, afterward Sir Thomas Glover, of Coventry. Harl MS. Add. MS. (©lotlCt* — Arg., a chev., erm., betw. three crefcents, fa. Confirmed as the Arms of Glover, of Baxterley. Add. MS, 4Boi)atb« — Or., a bend betw. fix martlets, gu. Confirmed as the Arms of John Gobard, of Coventry, fon of Peter Gobard, of Picardy, who came to England temp. Hen. VIII. Her. Fis. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 43 ^BoIoftC* — Arg., three bars wavy, gu., over all on a bend, fa., as many bezants. Confirmed in the Lineage of Clodiftiall. John Clodifliall mar. Beatrice Golofre, whofe great-grandfather. Sir John Golofre, died 1363. Her. Vis. <©00tlict* — Gu., a fefs betw. two chev., valr. Creft : A partridge, or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Henry Goodier, of Polefworth, grandfon of Sir Francis Goodier, Knight, of the fame place, who was fifth in defcent from Richard Goodier, of Hadley, Co. Middlefex. Her. Vis. ilSootltDin* — Gu., a chev., erm., betw. three lions' heads erafed, arg. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Francis Goodwin, fon of Sir John Goodwin, of Winnington. Her. Vis. Harl MS. ^OUSi)^ — Gu., on a fefs, arg., a lion pafs., az., betw. three boars' heads couped, or. The Arms of Sir Richard Gough, of Edgbafton, Co. Warwick, fon of John Gough, of Oldfailings, Co. Stafford, an anceftor of Lord Calthorp. (See Calthorp.) Dugdale's Warwickjhire. 45otDCr« — Az., a chev. betw. three wolves' heads erafed, or. Confirmed, as the Arms of Gower, to Thomas Reynolds, of Stratford, who mar. Margaret Gower, from Co. Worcefter. Her. Vis. 44 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 45tauntC» — Erm., on a chev., gu., five bezants. Confirmed as the Arms of Graunte, of Northbrook. Her. yis. oBrap, fee ^tt^, <&ttt\\* — Vert., three bucks trippant within a border, or. Creft : Out of park palings a flag's head attired, or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Richard Green, of Wyken, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Edward Green, of Water Orton, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. <&XW\t. — Az., three bucks trippant, or., within a border, erm. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, or., a ftag's head, erm., attired, of the firft. Confirmed as the Arms of Greene, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. t^ — -Arg., on a bend, gu., three martlets, or., within a border engr., fa. Crefl : Out of a ducal coronet, or., a demi-lion ramp., bez anted. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Lewis Hobleday, of Thornton, Co. Warwick, fon of Nicholas Hobleday, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. IVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages. 51 JpOttCtfj or J^olfieatf)* — Vert, fix efcallops, three, two, and one, arg. Creft : A maunch, vert, charged with efcallops, arg. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent as the Arms of Thomas Holbech, of Fillongley, Co. Warwick, fon of William and grand fon ofThomas Holbech, of the fame place. Alfo, to William Holbech, of Birchley Hall, in the Parilh of Fillongley, fon of Barnaby and grandfon of Thomas Holbech, which Thomas was a brother of William Holbech, and fecond fon of Thomas Holbech, of Fillongley, before-named. Ambrofe Holbech, who purchafed Farnborough, 1686, was fon of Ambrofe Holbech, of Mollington, Co. Warwick (ob. 1662), and great grandfon of William, fourth fon of William Holbech, of Fillongley, the fon of Thomas Holbech, of the fame place. This Thomas was grandfon of Edward Holbech, of Stow, Co. Lincoln, and feventh in delcent from Sir Lawrence Holbech, a.d. 1351, and thirteenth in defcent from Oliver Holbech, of Holbech, Co. Lincoln, a.d. 1260. Her. Fis. Harl MS. MS. Fed. Defcendant : Rev. Charles WilHam Holbech, Farnborough, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. i^olbctt^ — Vert, a bar, erminois, betw. two pheons erec5l in chief and a bugle horn flrung in bafe, or. The Arms of Holden. Simon Holden (temp. Eliz.), of Erdington, was ninth in defcent from William the fon of Holdwin (temp. John). Dugdale. 52 Warwkkjhire Arms and Lineages. ]^Oili^* — Erm.;, two piles, fa. Creft : A blacka- moor's head, couped at the fhoulders, fide faced, ppr., bound about the temples and tied in a knot behind, arg. and az. The Arms of Mollis, of Stoke, near Coventry. Add. MS. I^oKt* — Az., two bars, or., in chief a crofs pattee fitchee, of the fecond. Creft : A fquirrel fejant, arg. Confirmed (with four quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Thomas Holt, of Afton Stoklands, Co. Warwick, eighth in defcent from Simon Holt, of Bermingham, who was fon of John Holt, (temp. Edw. II.) Her. Fis. ©Opfeht^* — Sa., on a chev. betw. three piftols, or., as many rofes, gu. Creft : A tower in flames. Confirmed to John Hopkins, of Coventry, grandfon of Sampfon Hopkins, of the fame place. Harl MS. I^OtC* — Sa., three cinquefoils, arg., pierced, gu. Confirmed as the Arms of Sir John Hore, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. ]^OtnC« — Gu., a fefs vair. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Reginald Home, of Stoke, Coventry, grandfon of Reginald Home, Co. Salop. Her. Vis. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. c^i^ ]^Ot^Cp* — Az.j three horfes' heads couped at the neck, arg.j bridled, or. Creft : A horfe's head couped at the neck, or., bridled, arg., plumed, of the laft and az. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Hanniball Horfey, of Honington, Co. Warwick, grandibn of John Horfey, Co. Wilts. Her. Vis. ]^u6antl or JpU^S^Iiantl^ — Sa., three leopards' heads jefTant-de-lis, arg. CrejR: : A wolf pafs., or. Confirmed (with three quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Sir John Hufband, of Ipfley, fon of Nicholas Hufband, of Ipfley, Co. Warwick. Nicholas Hufband or Huband (ob. 7 Edw. VI.) was ninth in defcent from Sir Henry Huband, (temp. Edw\ I.) Her. Vis. Dugdale. Defcendant : George Huband, Efq., Ipfley, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. I^UtltlC^tlDn or J^Ub^On.— Gu., a chev., arg., betw. fix annulets, two, two, and two, linked together palewife, or. Creft : An eagle's leg, fa., joined at the knee to a finifter wing, or. Confirmed by Robert Cooke to Thomas Beaufoe, as the Arms of William Hudfon or Huddefdon, of Guy's Cliff. Her. Vis. ^. Coll. MS. l^UgfOtb* — Vert, on a chev. betw. three bucks' heads cabofTed, or., as many mullets, gu. Creft: 54 IVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages. A flag's head, or., gorged with a chaplet of laurel, vert. Confirmed to John Hugford, of Hen wood, feventh in defcent from Robert Hugford, of Edmonfcott. Her. Fis. i^lUtfeC^* — Gu., an inefcutcheon, arg., charged with three mullets, fa., within an orle of eight bezants. Confirmed as the Arms of Hunkes, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. 3(ttgta|)am or ^fnstram*— Erm., on a fefs, gu., three efcallops, arg. Creft : A griffin's head quarterly, gu. and arg. Confirmed (with one quartering) to Anthony Ingram, of Welford, fourth in defcent from Edmund Ingraham, of Welford, Co. Warwick. Her. Fis. 5|n0Ctl)ai11» — Az., a chev. betw. three lions pafs, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Sir Arthur Ingaram, of Warwickfhire. Har/ MS. 3(ng^i()am* — Erm., on a fefs, gu., three efcallop fhells, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Anthony Ingerham, of Woolward, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. 31n0lcfiriti, fee (gnslcfielti* Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages, 5 5 ^ClttU^* — Az., a chev. betw. three griffins' heads erafed, arg., on a chief, or., a lion pafs, gu., betw. two torteaux. Creft : A cat's head erafed and guard, gu., bezanted, holding in the mouth a crofs formee fitchee, arg. Granted, 1516, by Thomas Wriothefley, Garter, to William Jenins, of London, Lancaller Herald. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Galfredus Jenyns, of Spefley, Co. Warwick, grandfon of William Jenins, of London. Her. Vis. 5IU^tiCC» — Sa., a fefs, erm., betw. three crefcents, or. Creft : On a garb, or., a cock, gu. Granted by William Camden, Clarenceux, to Juftice, of Coventry. Had MS. Mthlt* — Arg., a chev. engr., gu., on a chief, az., three mullets, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Keble, of Warwick. Har/ MS. Ulcmp^on* — Or., three bars, vert, in chief as many- mullets, az. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Leonard Kempfon, of Hilbarowe, grandfon of Thomas Kempfon, of Walfall, Co. Stafford. Her. Fis. 56 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages, JtCntiaiL — Gu., a fefs chequy, or. and az., betw. three eagles difplayed, arg. (alfo, or.) Confirmed by Lcnnard and Vincent to Henry Kendall, of Aldeftrie, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from John Kendall, a younger brother of the Houfe of Smithefby. Her, Vis. Defcendant : E. P. Kendall, Efq., Auftrey, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep JllCltnct* — Arg. 5 a chev. betw. three demi-lions pafs. ducally gorged, or., ringed and tafleled, arg. Granted to Sir Thomas Kennet, Alderman, of Coventry, by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter. Harl MS. Mttt or Mt^t. — Arg., billettee, vert, three torteaux, two and one. Confirmed as the Arms of Kete, Co. Warwick. M€^ttt* — Arg., a chev. betw. three demi-lions ramp., purp. Creft : A demi-lion ramp., purp., ducally gorged, arg., crined, of the iirft, lined and ringed, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Kevett, of Fenham. Harl MS. i^Cpt, fee JHete* JdititJermm^ta:, fee Jdittetma^tct. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 57 Jlilt^t&^lCp* — Arg.j a fefs vaire, or. and gu., betw. three eagles difplayed, of the laft. Creft : On a mount vert, a greyhound fejant, arg., collared, or., under a holly tree of the firft, frucfled, gu. - Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Kinardfley, of Warde End, grandfon of John Kinardfley, of Brailsford (temp. Eliz.), and feventh in defcent from John Kinardfley, of Loxley (temp. Edw. III.), who mar. Joan, filler and h. of Thomas Lord Ferrers, of Loxley. Her. Vis. ^. Coll. MS. Sling* — Sa., a lion ramp, queue fourche crowned, or., in chief three billets, arg. Creft : A demi- lion queue fourche, or., billette, az., crowned with a ducal coronet of gold, holding in his dexter paw a fword, arg. Granted by Sir William Dugdale, Garter, and Sir Henry St. George, Clarenceux, to Thomas King, Alderman of Coventry ; whofe father, defcended from a Kentifh family, bore for his Arms — Sa., a lion ramp, queue fourche crowned, or., in chief a label of three points, arg. Her. Pat. Defcendant : Frederic King, Efq., Bickenhill, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. Slittcniias^tcr, SiptJcniia^tcr, or Jtifcticrniiii^tcr*— Az., a chev., erminois, betw. three bezants. Creft : On a chapeau, az., turned up, erm., an eagle with wings expanded, erminois. 58 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. Granted by Sir William Segar, Garter, to Thomas Kydermafter or Kittermaftcr, of Colefhill, Co. Warwick, and of Lincoln's Inn, London. Confirmed to William Kittermaftcr, of Colefhill, fon of Thomas Kittermaftcr, of the fame place, and fourth in defcent from William Kydermafter, of Colefhill, Co. Warwick, and of Romllcy, Co. Salop. Harl MS. Her, Vis. Defcendant: James Kittermaftcr, Efq., M.D., Mcriden, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. Jl^mgllt* — Arg.j three bendlets, gu., on a canton of the fecond, a fpur leathered, the rowel down- ward, or. Creft : A fpur leathered, or., betw. a pair of wings, gu. Confirmed (with five quarterings) as the Arms of William Knight, of Rowington. Her. Vis. Iinigf)tlcp* — Quarterly, firft and fourth, erm., fecond and third, paly of fix, or. and gu, Creft : A buck's head couped, arg., attired, or. Confirmed (with twenty-two quarterings) by Lennard and Vincent to Robert Knightley, of Ofi^churchberie, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Sir Valentine Knightley, of Fawflcy, and ninth in defcent from Roger Knightley, of Gnofall, Co. Stafford. This Roger Knightley (temp. Edw. IIL), of Gnofall or Gnowfall, was fon of William de Knightley, of Gnowfall, and grandfon of John de Knyghteleye (temp. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 59 Edw. III.), and fevcnth in defcent from Sir Jordan de Chnitteleia or Knightlcy, of Knightley, Co. Stafford, and eleventh in defcent from Rainald, Lord of Knightley, Co. Stafford, (temp. Will. Conq.) . Her. l^is. Shaw's Stafferdjhire. MntXt^ftittX* — Arg., four fufils in fefs, fa. Confirmed as the Arms of Knotsford, of Studley. Harl MS. Jllnotonc^* — Az.j crufily of crofllets, a crofs moline, voided, or. Confirmed as the Arms of Knowlles, of Kinfburie. Harl MS. itiptiermaiS^ter, fee Sitttetma^ter* %^\\t* — Az., three fire balls, or., flammant, ppr. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to Richard Lane, of Bridgetown, Co. Warwick, fon of Nicholas Lane, of Bridgetown, in the Parifh of Alveflon. Her. Vis. Jtanc* — Sa., a chev. betw. three arrows, arg. Confirmed as the Arms of Nicholas Lane, of Stratford. Her. Vis. HaUg^anu — Arg., on a fefs betw. three bears' heads erafed, fa., muzzled, or., as many bezants. Confirmed as the Arms of Edward Langham, of Pailton, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Richard Langham, Co. Northampton. Her. Vis. 6o JVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages. StatdtCtlCC* — Az., on a chev. engr. betw. three griffins' heads erafed, or., a fleur-de-lis of the field, betw. two rofes, gu. Creft : A lion's paw erafed, or., holding a branch of dates, vert, fru6led, or., hufks, arg. Granted, 1559, by William Harvey, Clarcnceux, to Lawrence, SherifF of Rugby, Co. Warwick. Add. MS. Harl MS. %t\^* — Gu., a crofs engr., arg., in the firft quarter a lozenge, or. Creft : An unicorn's head couped, or. Confirmed (with one quartering) by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Thomas Leigh, of Stoneley, Co. Warwick, who was Ton of Sir Thomas Leigh, Lord Mayor of London (temp. Eliz.), and fourth in defcent from Richard Leigh, of Wellington, Co. Salop, a younger fon of John Leigh, of Ridge, fecond fon of Sir Piers Leigh, of The Lime, Co. Chefter. Her. Vis. Defcendant : From the older line, William Henry Leigh, fecond Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. Creation: Baron 1839. 3lcigf)» — Arg., a fefs betw. two hurts in chief and a martlet in bafe, fa. Confirmed as the Arms of Sir Thomas Leigh, of Billefley. Harl MS. Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 6 1 %t SNp^* — Az.;, on a fefs, arg., three efcallops, over all a bend, gu. The Arms of Geoffrey- Le Ireys, of Anftey, fon of Thomas Le Ireys (37 Hen. III.), who mar. Agnes de Bofcherville, of Anfley. Dugdale. 3lC0Uattl»— Or., on a fefs, gu., three fleurs-de-lis of the field. Allowed at the funeral of Mrs. Leonard, of Knole. Add. MS. Kctiing* — Vert, a chev., or., on a chief three efcallops, arg. Creft : Within a chaplet, vert, an efcallop, arg. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Thomas Leving, of Baddefley, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Walter Leving, of Colfell, Co. Warwick. Her. Fis. > 3lcp» — Three lions pafs. on a bend cotifed. The Arms of Thomas de Ley, of Little Cheflerton, grandfon of William de Ley, (36 Hen. IIL) Dugdale. Hingartl* — Barry of fix, or. and az., on a bend, fa., three efcallops, arg. Crefl : A wolfs head erafed, fa. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Edward Lingard, of Curdworfli, grandfon of John Lingard, Co. Lancafter. Her. Vis. 62 IVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages, %!x^t. — Arg., three eaglets difplayed, gu.^ a border, fa. Sir Andrew Hacket mar. Maria, daug. and co-h. of John L'ifle, Ton of John (temp. EHz.), and twelfth in defcent from William de Infula (21 Hen. III.), fon of Henry de Infula. Dugdale. 3li>^lcp* — Arg., three eagles difplayed, gu. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Lifley, of Moxhull, Co. Warwick, eleventh in defcent from Nicholas Lifley, of Muxhull Ifland, Co. Warwick. Her. i^is. SlotlBtOC* — Az., a chev.j erm. The Arms of Lodbroc. William Hathewyk mar. Catherine, daug. and h. of Thomas de Lodbroc, of Ladbroke (24 Edw. III.), which Thomas was feventh in defcent from William de Lodbroc, (II Hen. II.) Her. Vis. Dugdale. 3lO0C^« — Arg., three piles, gu., with a buck trippant, or., in a canton, az. The Arms of Richard de Loges, of Chefterton (temp. Edw. I.), fon of Hugh de Loges, who mar. Margerie, daug. and h. of Robert de Broc, of Chefterton. Dugdale. 3tUCp* — Gu., femee of crofTes crofllet, or., three lucies hauriant, arg. Creft : Out of a ducal coronet, gu., a boar's head ered, erm., betw. a pair of wings, fa., billeted, or. WarwickJIiire Arms and Lineages, Gi^ Confirmed (with nine quarterings) by Lcnnard and Vincent to Sir Thomas Lncy, of Charlecote, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Sir Thomas Lucy (temp. Eliz.), and twelfth in defcent from William Lucy, (temp. Edw. I.) This Sir William Lucy was fon of Fulco de Lucy, and third in defcent from William, named de Lucy, the grandfon of Thurllanns de Cherlecote. Harl MS. Caius Coll. MS. Dugdale. Defendants : Through the female line, H. S. Lucy, Efq., of Charlecote, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. Rev. J. Lucy, Hampton Lucy, Co. Warwick. 3tU&fOttl» — Az., a chev. betw. three boars' heads^ or. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to George Ludford, of Anfley, Co. Warwick, grandfon of Thomas Ludford, of Anfley, and fourth in defcent from John Ludford. Harl MS. Her. Vis. Jtuu^fottl* — A Z.J a chev. betw. three boars' heads, or., couped, gu. Creft : A boar's head as in the fhield. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Lunsford, of Hoterley, third in defcent from John Lunsford, Co. SulTex. Her. Vis. Sl^i^ncrep* — Erm., a chev. gu., within a border engr., fa. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarcnceux, to Robert Mallorey, fifth in dcfbcnt from Sir Gilbert Mallorey. Her. Vis. 64 WarwickJIiire Arms and Lineages. ^iinCC^ttC* — Arg. and fa., with a bend engr., gu. The Arms of Sir Edmund de Manceftrc, feventh in defcent from Walkelinus de Manceftre, (temp. Steph.) Dugdale. S^atiCtt*— Barry of fix, or. and fa. Creft : A talbot. The Arms of John Marictt, of Whitchurch, Co. Warwick, fon of Thomas Mariett, of Whitchurch, (temp. Eh'z.) Dugdale. ^armion* — Three fwords in pale pointing down- wards, a chief vair. Alfo, Vaire, arg. and az., a fefs, gu. The Arms of Marmion. Alexander Frevile (temp. Edw. I), mar. Johanna, daug. of Richard Cromwell, and grand-daug. and co-h. of Philip Marmion, who was fourth in defcent. from Robert Marmion (temp. Will. Conq.) Dugdale. ^attOtD* — Az., a fefs engr. betw. three maidens' heads, or. Creft : A demi-mermaid, ppr., crined, holding in the dexter hand a comb, in the finifter a mirror, all or. (alfo, arg.) Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Sir Edward Marrow, of Barkfwell, fourth in defcent from Sir William Marrow, Lord Mayor of London (temp. Hen. VI.) Her. Vis. ^[^ar^ljall, fee 25urp» TVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages. 6§ JtH^iltbiu* — Arg., a demi-lion ramp., fa. Confirmed in the Lineage of Lane, of Thugdon, Co. Northampton, as the Arms of Hugh Marvin, of Wolvey, Co. Warwick. Har/ MS. Sl^atljCtD* — Sa., a lion ramp., arg. Creft : A cock, ppr. Confirmed as the Arms of George Mathew, of Barkfwell, third in defcent from George Mathew, from Wales. Her. Fis. a^autlUit^ Earl of Warwick. — Arg., two bars, gu. Confirmed as the Arms of Mauduit, Earl of Warwick. (See Dudley.) Dugdale. 9[5^pnC* — Arg., on a bend, fa., three dexter hands couped, of the field. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Mayne, of Elington or Eldon, Co. Warwick, third fon of Henry Mayne, of Bonington, Co. Herts. Her. Vis. ^Ctllcp* — Sa., two bars gemelles, arg., on a chief of the laft, three mullets of the firft. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to William Medley, of Whitnafh, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from Bennett Medley, of the fame place. Her. Vis. 0^CtIcp» — Arg., a chev. betw. three bugle horns, fa. Confirmed as the Arms of Edward Metley, of Wolfton, Co. Warwick. Ou. Coll. MS. 66 Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. fll^i^tllcillOtC* — Per chev., arg. and fa., in chief two moorcocks of the fecond, combed and wattled, gu. Creft : In grafs and flags, vert, a moor- cock as in the fhield. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to Richard Middlemore, of Edgbafton, Co. Warwick, feventh in dcfccnt from Thomas Middlemore, who mar. Ifabel, daug. and h. of Henry Edgbafton, of Edgbafton, and who was grandfon of John Middlemore. Her. l^is. a^ontfortl or Hl^ontfort — Bendy of fix, arg. and az. Creft : A lion's head, az. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to William Montfort or Montford, of Kingihurft, eighth in defcent from Sir John de Montford, who mar. Joane, daug. and h. of Sir John de Clinton, of Coleihill (temp. Edw. III.), who was fixth in defcent from Ofbert de Clinton, (temp. Hen. 11.) The before-named Sir John de Montford was illegitimate fon of Peter de Montfort, who was twelfth in defcent from Hugo de Montefori, (temp. Will. Conq.) Her. Vis. Dugdale. *£l5Dttiaunt» — Arg., a chev. betw. three eftoiles, fa. Creft : A Saracen's head couped at the ftioulders, ppr., wreathed about the temples, or. and az. Confirmed as the Arms of William Mordaunt, of Turvcy, Co. Beds, whofe great grandfon Robert mar. Barbara, IVarwickjhire Arms and Lineages. 67 daug. and h. of John le Strange, of Maffingham Parva, which John mar. Margaret, daug. and co-h. of Thomas le Strange, of Walton D'Eivill, Co. Warwick, (temp. Hen. y\l,) The before-named Robert Mordaunt, was third fon (his two elder brothers, Chriftopher and George, died f.p.) of William Mordaunt, of Hemftead, Co. Effex, who was fecond fon of Sir John Mordaunt, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancafter (temp. Hen. VIL), which Sir John was fon of William Mordaunt, of Turvey, Co. Beds, and tenth in defcent from Ofbertus Mordaunt. Her. ris. Dugdak. Defcendant: Sir Charles Mordaunt, Bart., M.P., of Walton D'Eville, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. jSl^Ottrcn* — Erm., on a chief, fa., a talbot pafs., arg. Confirmed by William Camden, Clarenceux, as the Arms of Richard Morden or Murden, of Branfton, Co. Northampton, and Morton Morell, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from Thomas Morden or Murden. Her. Hs. Sl^UrtraC*— Or., a fret, fa. The Arms of Sir John Murdac, of Compton Murdac (temp. Edw. II.), fifth in defcent from Robert Murdac, (i I Hen. II.) Dugdak. IJJaptOn, — Arg., on a fefs., az., three efcallops of the firft. The Arms of Thomas de Napton, feventh in defcent from Adam de Napton, (20 Hen. II.) Dugdale. 6 8 Warwickjhire Arms and Lineages. ijJa^'J)* — Az., on a chev. betw. three ravens' heads erafed, arg., a pellet betw. four crofles crofflet, fa. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent, deputies for William Camden, Clarenceux, to John Nafli, of Stratford-on-Avon, fon of Thomas Nafh, of Old Stratford. Her. Vis. ^t^t* — Erm.j a lion ramp. betw. three hands couped at the wrift, gu. Granted by Sir William Segar, Garter, to Neale, of the Co. Warwick. Add. MS. l^etljcrmiJL — Arg., a chev. betw. three crefcents, az. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Nethermill, Alderman of Coventry, fon of Julius Nethermill. 'Her. Vis. I^CtliL — Gu.j a fefs betw. three crofTes croflletj or. The Arms of Richard Nevil, Earl of Warwick. (See Dudley.) Dugdale. IjJctlxlL — Gu., on a faltire, arg., a rofe. The Arms of Edward Nevill, Lord of Abergavenny (29 Hen. VI.), who mar. Elizabeth, daug. and h. of Richard Beauchamp, fon of William Beauchamp, Lord of Abergavenny, (16 Rich. l\) Dugdale. Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages. 6 9 ^jJciDtJCgatC* — Gu., three lions' paws erafed, two and one, arg., quartering, az., a hand ere6t couped at the wrift, arg. Creft : A fleur-de-lis, arg. Confirmed as the Arms of Walter Newdigate, of Surrey, 1574. Walter Newdigate (ob. 1 590) was ninth in defcent from John Newdigate (temp. Edw. I.), fon of Sir Richard Newdigate. Sir John Newdigate, of Erdburie, in Chilvers Coton, Co. Warwick, was grandfon of Newdigate, of Herfield, Co. Middlefex (temp. Eliz.), and fifth in defcent from John Newdigate, Serjeant-at-Law (temp. Hen. VIII.), and twelfth in defcent from the before-named John Newdigate (temp. Edw. I.), fon of Richard Newdigate. Harl MS. Dugdale. Defcendant : Through the female hne, Charles N. Newdegate, Efq., M.P., of Arbury, Co. Warwick. Pr. Rep. iJJctU^nitl* — Arg., on a fefs, fa., three crofTes crofllet of the field. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Newfam, of Chadlhunt, Co. Warwick, third in defcent from William Newfam, of Itchington, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. IjJoelL — Or., fretty, gu., a canton of the lafl. Confirmed as the Arms of Noell, Co. Warwick. Harl MS. yo IVarwickfliire Arms and Lineages, <£)t!nigi?cn^ or SDotlins.^cH.^^— Arg , a fefs, gu., in chief two mullets, of the laft. Creft : A wolfs head pafs., or., guttee on the neck, gu. Confirmed as the Arms of William Odingfells, of Long Itchington, Co. Warwick, thirteenth in defcent from Sir Everard Odingfells (temp. Hen. II.), who mar. Buffell, daug. and co-h. of Sir Geoffrey Lindfey, Baron of Ma,xtoke and of Wolverley. Her. Vis. Harl MS. pcn^Ct* — Az., a fefs, erm., betw. fix fea-mews' heads erafed, arg. Creft : A moorhen, fa., wings, arg., armed, gu. Granted by Thomas Benolt, Clarenceux, to John and Thomas, fons of William Spenfer, Gentleman, Co. Warwick, (temp. Hen. VIL) Harl MS. 86 IVarwickJhire Arms and Lineages, (^pitCt* — Sa., a fefs embattled betw. three lions' ramp., or. Creft : A round tower, embattled and domed, furmounted by a crofs pattee, arg. Granted to William Spicer, of Napton, Co. Warwick. Confirmed to John Spicer, of Napton, grandfon of John Spicer, Co. Somerfet. Add. MS. Her. Fis. ^tafEorb*— Or., a chev., gu. The Arms of Stafford. Humphrey Stafford (temp. Eliz.) was ninth in defcent from Ralph de Stafford (temp. Edw. III.), who mar. Matilda, daug. and co-h. of Sir John Haftang. Dugdale. J^tanfortl*— Arg., three bars, az. Confirmed as the Arms of Stanford, of Abbotts Stratford, Co. Warwick. Her. Vis. ^taufottl* — A fefs, on a canton, a martlet. The Arms of Richard de Stanford, of Wootton Waven, (temp. Edw. I.) Dugdale. ^tattitlrifC* — A fefs vair, betw. fix billets. The Arms of Henry de Stanidelfe, fon of Geoffrey de Stanidelfe, (temp. Edw. III.) Dugdale. ^tanlcp» — Erm., on a chief, gu., five lozenges of the field. Confirmed by Lennard and Vincent to John Stanley, of Pipe, fon of Sir Humphrey Stanley, of the fame place, and fourth in defcent from Thomas Stanley, of Lathom. Her. Vis. Warwick/hire Arms and Lineages, 87 *