or THE
ISritiSl) anH foreign 93iMe^ocietr'
Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a
liar." — Prov. xxx. 6.
Shouldst thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord ?" —
2 Chron. xix. 2.
Price Two Shillings and Sixpence.
J. Authenticity of the Scriptures, . . . * . I
?. Addition of the Apocrjrpha, . . . . . i8
3. Letter to one of the Secretaries of the Bible Society, . . 16
4. Minutes of the Edinburgh Bible Society. . . .21
chaptj;r II.
1. Answer to Mr Simeon, ..... 26
2. Rules of the Bible Society, . . . . . 27
3. Circumcision of Timothy, ..... 43
4. Meats offered to Idols, ..... 49
1. Review of a Letter from a Swedish Nobleman, . . &6
2. L. Van Ess, ... 58
S. — ^_ Paris, . . . .65
4. »_^ Professor Keiffer, ... 68
5. Testimonies to the practicability of circvilating the Bible without the
Apocrypha, ..... T4
1. The question of adding the Apocrypha to the Scriptures, . 86
{Character and Inspiration of . . .69
Additions to them prohibited ... 94
r Claims Inspiration, . • • .96
3. Apocrypha. < Not Canonical, • • .97
/Accursed, ^ . . • • 101
4. Adulteration of the Scriptures by the Bible Society, * . 107
1. Abuses in the Administration of the Bible Society, * .114
2. Character of Bible Societies on the Continent, . * .117
3. Lausanne edition of the Bible, . . • • .121
4. Strasburg Preface, . . • • * .124
5. Additions of Notes and Comments, . . • .130
6. Evils arising from the State of the Foreign Societies . • 133
7. Necessity of Reformation in the Bible Society, . . .138
8. Duty of Christians to circulate the Scriptures, . . .144
Since the following pages went to pressj it has
been reported that the Sub-committee of the Bri-
tish and Foreign Bible Society have resolved to
propose to the General Meethig, that its funds
shall no longer be applied to the printing of tlie
Apocrypha. Supposing the report to be correct,
it does not render this publication the less neces-
sary. It remains to be seen whether the line of
conduct finally adopted, shall be such as to pre»
vent the funds of the Bible Societies of Britain
from being indirectly instrumental in aiding the
circulation of the Apocrypha by the Foreign So-
cieties. It is said that some of the leading mem-
bers of the Committee have agreed to the pro-
posal, not from being convinced that the former
practice of the Society was improper, but in de-
ference to public opinion. This is low ground,
and very likely to be abandoned if the discussion
should hereafter be revived. It is therefore ne-
cessary to call the attention of the public to the
magnitude of the question, and, by proving not
only the unlawfulness of making any addition
to the Scriptures, but also the practicability of cir-
culating the Bible on the Continent without the
Apocrypha, to secure the entire and permanent dis-
continuance of a practice which cannot be too
severely condemned.
It is also proper to expose those false principles,
and dangerous misapplications of Scripture, which
appear in Mr Simeon's pamphlet, published in de-
fence of the circulation of the Apocrypha, in an-
swer to the Statement of the Edinburgh Bible
A further object is to correct the wrong impres-
sions which the public may have received by the
extracts of four letters from abroad, in the Cam-
bridge Remarks, as well as to counteract the in-
fluence of that publication and the pernicious tend-
ency of some of its reasonings.
It is likewise important to direct the attention
of the Supporters of the British and Foreign Bible
Society to those abuses in the administration of its
affairs on the Continent of Europe, which, although
little known to theiVuxiliary Societies in this coun-
try, are very seriously counteracting the object it
has in view in the circulation of the Scriptures.
This subject, entirely distinct from that of the A-
pocrypha, demands the attention of those Societies,
and requires to be fully investigated.
The questions involved in the discussion of the
above topics are not of local or temporary interest :
all of them enter deeply into the system of Divine
Revelation, and are of much practical concern to
every Christian.
Edinburgh, November 1825.
Amidst the various proofs with which we are surrounded
of man's alienation from God, none is more striking than
his conduct in regard to religion. The Lord was pleased
to reveal himself to fallen man as the just God and the
Saviour, and to encourage his apostate creature to confide
in his mercy. But, notwithstanding his condescension, a
very few generations were sufficient almost to eradicate the
knowledge of God from the earth, — and the human race,
with the exception of one family, was, in consequence,
swept away by the flood.
The descendants of Noah, unawed by this catastrophe,
did not retain God in their knowledge, but changed the
image of the incorruptible God into an image made like
to corruptible man, and to birds and fourfooted beasts, and
creeping things. Even that nation which the Lord chose
to be his witnesses, to be the salt of the earth, and the
light of the world, changed his judgments into wicked-
ness; and, with the exception of a very smaU remnant,
cast off their allegiance to the God of Israel.
At length the Saviour appeared ; the kingdom of God
was taken from the Jews, and the gospel was preached to
the Gentiles, for the obedience of faith. Its progress was
rapid and extensive : many were brought from darkness
to light, and from the power of Satan to God. The sound
of the apostles went into all the earth, and their words to
the end of the world. Iia tfie mean time the enemy was
not idle, and the tares which he sowed soon made th^r
appearance. The mystery of iniquity was discernible in
the Apostolic age, and it continued to work till the man
of sin was established on his throne, and the religion of
Jesus changed into an unshapely mass of gross idolatry
and degrading superstition.
But the Lord's counsel shall stand, and he will do all
hrs plea^re. He has given to his Son the heathen for his
inheritaTrce, and tbe uttermost parts of the earth for a pos-
session. For the accomplishment of this promise, he has
made ample provision by inspiring holy men to commit to
wrilting the revelation of his will ; so that, notwithstanding
all »the corruptions of religion, aw mfallible (Standard is pro-
vided, — ^a stamdard untainted by error, and unalloyed with
falsehood, by Vhieh w^e may try every doctrine, and de-
ted: -every imposition; «nd thus the mind of Christ is com-
Biunicated to us on whom the ends of the world are come.
This holy book is the palladium of our rebellious world.
Take its divine Author, it is imperishable. " The word of
the "Lord endureth for ever :"" it is the incorruptible seed
of the new and spiritual creation, which is the chief of the
ways 0^ *God, and therefore he hath " magnified his word
^bove all his name."* Hence neither the indifference nor
the widkedness of man has been permitted to corrupt its
purity, or suHy its lustre. It has, for a season, been made
void by'vain traditionsj — it has been taken out of the hands
of the people, m\d has appeared to be almost forgotten ;
btrt, *ihough heaven ;and earth shall ipoBB away, the woni
df ^ofl shetU Temadti until it accomplish his gracious pur-
poses towards this wTiful world.
WhJle ihe preservation of the Scriptures is thus infiaHibly
secured, it is no less the incumbent duty of all, into whose
hands they may come, to beware of countenancing any
measure whidi has a tendency to corrupt them, lest haply
we \ye found to fight against God.
The Holy Scriptures were delivered to the first Chris-
tians pure and unadulterated ; but although any addition
is excluded by their nature, and by their language express-
ly prohibited, yet, after a few centuries had elapsed, the
Apocrypha, a volume of spuiious writings, usurped, at first,
a suspicious affinity to the sacred record ; was afterwards
joined with it ; and, at length, in the progress of the mystery
of iniquity, became actually incorporated as a part of holy
writ. At the era of the Reformation this flagrant evil re-
ceived a check, but was by no means wholly eradicated.
The reformers, although they denied that the Apocrypha
formed a part of the sacred volume, yet allowed it to re-
tain that place which at first had been conceded to it, as a
useful api^endage for " example of life, and instruction of
manners.*" This unlawful ground the Apocryphal writ-
ings have, ever since their time, extensively occupied ; and,
for several years, they have been sanctioned, in all the
various forms of their usurpation, by the British and Fo-
reign Bible Society, without the knowledge of its supporters.
To arrest this wide-spreading mischief, attempts, for a con-
siderable time past, have been made in private ; but every
means hitherto used having proved ineffectual, the matter
has at length been brought before the public, and has now
given rise to a very important discussion. As the subject
stands especially connected with that part of Scripture called
the Old Testament, a brief view of the proof of its authen-
ticity may not be deemed superfluous.
It was the chief advantage of the Jews that to them were
committed the oracles of God, and it is their highest com-
mendation that they were faithful to this trust. With
whatever faults they are justly chargeable, no accusation
can be preferred against them as guardians of the Scrip-
tures, which Vere delivered in such a manner as tb pre-
chide the possibihty of any mistake respecting their divine
The plainest directions were given to the Jews for ascer-
taining the truth of the mission of those who declared them-
selves prophets ; and although false prophets did arise, and
for a time obtained a degree of influence, their wickedness
was exposed by the failure of their predictions, or by the
judgments of God inflicted on them, as in the case of
Hananiah. During the whole period from Moses to
Malachi, a succession of prophets was raised up, under
whose direction the word of God w^as infallibly distinguish-
ed from all counterfeits ; and by their means, in connexion
with the visible interference of the God of Israel in punish-
ing those who made the people trust in a lie, the Scriptures
were preserved pure and unadulterated. The books which
compose the Old Testament were accordingly held by the
Jews, in every age, to be the genuine works of those persons
to whom they were ascribed, and to have been universally
and exclusively, without any addition or exception, written
under the immediate influence of the Spirit of God. These
writings they preserved with the greatest veneration ; at
the same time they carefully guarded against receiving
along with them any Apocryphal or uninspired books.
We are assured by Josephus, that, although there were
innumerable books among the Jews, they received none
but twenty-two as divine. *' We have," says he, " two-
and-twenty books which are to be believed as of divine
authority, and which comprehend the history of all ages :
five belong to Moses, which contain the origin of man, and
the tradition of the succession of generations down to his
death. — During so many ages no one has dared to add any
thing to the twenty-two books, or to take any thing from
them, or to alter any thing in them ; for it is implanted in
the nature of all Jews, immediately from their birth, to
consider these books as the oracles of God ; to adhere to
them, and, if occasion should require, cheerfully to die for
iheii- sake." Josephus has given a list of these books an
they stood in his time, and as they had been transmitted
for ages. These are precisely the same which from the
beginning have been received by Christians, and which are
still acknowledged by the modern Jews.
Owing to the important connexion subsisting between
the Old and New Testaments, the early Christian writers
carefully examined the authenticity of the Jewish Scrip-
tures. In the second century, Melito, Bishop of Sardis,
travelled to the East on purpose to investigate the subject.
The learned Origcn, in the third century, gives a .list of
the twenty-two books. Athanasius, in the fourth century,
specifies the twenty-two canonical books, which he says
" are received by the whole church.*" Gregory Nazi-
anzen and Jerome affirm that the twenty-two books alone
were received as canonical. This fact is confirmed by the
council of Laodicea in the year 363. To all this it is
importajit to add, that there is no contradictory testimony.
On such indubitable proofs does our conviction of the
authenticity of the Old Testament Scriptures repose. But,
clear and satisfactory as these testimonials are, they are
neither the only ones nor the highest to which we can
appeal. The grand and conclusive evidence to every
Christian on this subject is, that the Jewish canon was
sanctioned by Jesus Christ. The Scriptures as held by the
Jews, were acknowledged by the Lord and his apostles, who
frequently appealed to them, and never once intimated
that they had been changed or corrupted in the smallest
degree. Thus, previously to the rejection of the Jewisli
people, the Son of God stamped, with his authority, that
part of revelation which had been committed to them. It
is the characteristic of his Gospel, that it is preached to the
poor ; and he has so ordered it that the authenticity of
that word, by which all are to be judged, should not be a
matter of doubtful disputation.
We have noticed the care with which the earliest Chris-
tian writers examined the authenticity of the Old Testa-
raeoC Scriptures. Those who succeeded them were not,
however, so scrupulous as their predecessors and the con-
sequence was, that those writings, which are called Apocry-
phal, were at length connected with the books of the Old
Testament, first added and afterwards intermingled with
Of the Apocryphal books, Home, in his introduction to
the critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures,
says, — " They are not mentioned in the Catalogue of in-
spired writings, made by Melito, Bishop of Sardis, who
flourished in the second century, nor in those of Origen, in
the third century, of Athanasius, Hilary, Ciril of Jerusalem,
Epiphanius, Gregory Nazianzen, Amphilochius, Jerome,
Rufinus, and others of the fourth century ; nor in the cata-
logue of the canonical books recognized by the council of
Laodicea, held in the same century, whose canons were re-
ceived by the Catholic Church ; so that, as Bishop Burnet
well observes, " we have the concurring sense of the whole
church of God in this matter."" To this decisive evidence
against the canonical authority of the Apocryphal books, we
may add, that they were never read in the Christian Church
until the fourth century, when, as Jerome informs us,
they were read " for example of life and instruction of
manners, but were not applied to establish any doctrine.'^
The consequence of the admission of these uninspired
books to be read in the churches along with the word of
God, although at first carefully distinguished from it, might
have been easily foreseen. In a little time they came to
be intermingled with the Sacred record, and afterwards to
be received as a part of it. " From the middle of the
fourth century, (or, perhaps, earlier)"" says Mr Gorham,
" till 1534, they took their place in the Sacred volume,
intermingled, indeed, but avowedly as human writings. From
that period to the present moment they have usurped the
name of inspired Scriptures in the Bibles of Roman Cath-
olics."" This " impious violation,'"* (as he most properly
terms it) " of the integrity of the insfured word" originated
in the decree of the council of Trent, session iv. 1546,
which he quotes as follows .
" The sacred, oecumenical, and general synod of Trent
.... having this object perpetually in view, that errors being
removed, the real purity of the gospel may be preserved in
the church ; which, promised aforetime by the Prophets in
the Holy Scriptures, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, first promulgated by his own mouth, and afterwards
ordained to be preached to every creature by his Apostles,
as being a fountain of all saving truth and of instruc-
tion of manners ; knowing, moreover, that this truth and
instruction is contained in the written books, and in the
THE BOOKS, as Well of the Old as of the New Testament,
since one God was the author of them both, and also the
traditions relating as well to faith as to morals. . . . More-
over, it has determined to annex to this Decree an index
of the SACRED BOOKS ; lest a doubt should arise to any one
which they be, that are received by this Synod : they are
written below. Of the Old Testament,
S of Moses, t. e.
Kings, 4.
Chronicles, 2.
Ezra, I. and II. called
Esther [containing the
Rest of Esther,]
David's Psalms, 150
Song of Songs,
Jeremiah, with
Daniel, [Song of 3 Child.
12 Prophets the less, t. e.
Bel and the Dragon. ]
Maccabees, 2, 1 a«rf 11.
(Then follow the books of the New Testament, which
are all the same as in the Protestant Ganon). ..." But if
any one shall not receive, for Sacred and Canonical, all
tliose Books, with all their parts, as they are accustomed to
be read in the Catholic Church, and are set forth in the
old Vulgate Latin Edition, and knowingly and advisedly
shall contemn the aforesaid traditions, let him be ana-
Of the occasion of the above decree, Mr Gorham gives
the following account: — '* The Papists began to tremble for
their faith when the Reformers brought their doctrines to
the test of the pure Word of God ; and they perceived that
some of the leading tenets of their church were undermined
when Luther denied the authority, both of tradition and of
all merely ecclesiastical writings. The Romish hierarchy
was in danger; the Vatican took the alarm : it was neces-
sary to adopt some decisive measures ; and therefore the
Council of Trent was summoned to meet this tremendous
crisis. One of the most learned Roman Catholic Bishops
plainly affirms this : the conduct of the Protestants he says>
(expressly in reference to the Canon of Scripture) " was
intolerable,'"* it was time to expose this outrage, and to put
an end to discussions by an eternal Anathema, Under
such circumstances did the Council of Trent issue its
infamous decree, in which it not only declared that the
writings esteemed by us (and formerly by the Romish
doctors themselves) uninspired, were sacred and canonical,
but that these Apocryphal books (and all parts of them)
were to be received " xvith the same piety and reverence as
the other Scriptures." —
" Though every scholar is acquainted with the fact, it is
not popularly known, that the Apocryphal matter in the
body of these two books" (Daniel and Esther) " is so com-
pletely interpolated in many modern Catholic Bibles, that
there is not even a distinction of chapters presented to the
eye, in some parts ; the verses reading on, as if the sacred
• " The words between hooks are not in the decree, but are here added for
distinctness ; for the same reason the Apocryphal Books are printed in the
Italic tjrpe.'*
writer were still continuing his narrative. " The song £/*
the three children^'" e.g. forms Daniel iii. 24 — 90 ; standing
between verses 23 and 91 ; Susanna forms Daniel xiii ;
" Bel and the Dragon^'' Daniel xiv. Tlie rest of Esther
forms Esther x. 4. to end, and xi. to xvi. In this respect
modern Catholic Bibles are more deceptive than even the
Vulgate ; for the Pope, and the Council of Trent, left the
notes of St Jerome, in the body of the sacred text, pointing
out its redundancies ; but these notes have, in recent times,
disappeared altogether ; and thus some of the most absurd
parts of the Apocrypha have merged into the Holy Volume.
St Jerome tells us that, according to his custom, he had
marked those Apocryphal interpolations with a dagger -|-
placed horizontally, for the purpose of stabbing them. It
would be well if the insidious place they occupy were still
so denoted."
Such is the book which the Directors of the British and
Foreign Bible Society have, for several years, been circu-
lating on the Continent under the title of the Holy Bible,
consisting of sacred writings and human forgeries mingled
and jumbled together, not by accident, but, as is seen above,
with a deep and insidious design. Nor can it be pleaded in
palliation of this most unjustifiable abuse of the trust com-
mitted to them, that their attention has not been called to
the subject. From* the following letter, which I wrote to one
of the secretaries, after fully conversing with him and an-
other of the secretaries, and with some of the directors, and
which, I was informed, was read in the committee, it will be
seen that four years have elapsed since the business of the
Apocrypha was brought under their notice : —
" Auchingray, October 6, 1821.
" Amidst the multiplicity of your business in Earl Street,
you and your friends may not recollect the communication
from the Edinburgh Bible Society, respecting the Apocry-
pha, a copy of which I now send you. Its language is
very strong and decided. A representation to the same
effect was made, I am informed, by the Glasgow Society.
From the minute subjoined to it, it appears to have been
understood, that you had given up the practice of circu-
lating the Apocrypha with the Bible. The fact that this
is not the case, is, I believe, altogether unknown in this
country. All here seem to have the same conviction which
I had at Montauband, that, under the rules of your Society,
no such thing exists, or can in fairness exist. How indeed
can it be otherwise, when your " laws and regulations'" are
published yearly, intimating, no doubt, that you faithfully
adhere to them ? For who could suppose that, while thus
periodically brought into view, they are systematically
violated ? In addition to this, the language of your re-
ports is in strict unison with your regulations. In the re-
port of this year, for instance, you hold it out as the fact,
that you and the Bible Societies on the Continent print
only the Bible and Testament. Thus, in page 19, you
say, you have printed at Toulouse " 10,000 Bibles and
5000 Testaments.'''' Again, page 34, " The whole amount
of the issues of the Hanoverian Bible Society has been
15,027 copies of the Scriptures.'''' Page 44, " The word
of God is now translated, sold, and given away."" " The
oracles of God are consulted.*" Page 45, " The Society
finds itself daily advancing towards the day when the di-
vine word shall be found in every house." Page 46, '' The
circulation of the Scriptures, its exclusive object." Page
47, " In tracing the progress of the Holy Scriptures over
the Rusian Empire." Page 48, " The Bible Society,
whose sole object is the increase and circulation of the
books of Holi/ Writ,'''' Now, as it is your constant practice
on the Continent to join the Apocrypha to the Bible, often
intermixed with it in all its books, is it possible more com-
pletely to identify these merely human, erroneous, and
self-contradictory writings with the word of God, than by
such expressions as those above quoted from your report.
For, observe, you bestow on the mixed book which you
circulate, partly divine, partly human, every epithet that
can designate it as wholly from God. Is not this giving
your testimony, before all who know what in fact you are
doing, (that is, before all the nations on the Continent of
Europe,) to the Apocrypha, as an integral part of the Bi-
ble ? You have distinctly declared it to be so in your
Italian Bible, both in its title-page and in its enumeration
of the books of the Old Testament. * And who can con-
clude that this is not your deliberate opinion, when, know-
ing what your practice is, they read your first and second re-
gulations, and see you affirming in your last report, in the
face of the world, and in the most positive and unqualified
language, that yours is " an Institution which con-
Some may endeavour to vindicate your joining the
Apocrypha to the Bible, by observing that in England the
former is often bound up with the latter. But, whatever
may be said of the propriety of this, it does not by any
means justify your practice. The Apocrypha at home is
placed by itself, which is not always the case in the mon-
grel book that you circulate on the Continent. There is
• The following is a literal translation of the title page of the Italian
Bible, printed by the British and Foreign Bible Society : — " The Holy
Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, according to
the Vulgate. Translated into the Italian language, by Monsignor Antonio
Martini, Archbishop of Florence. Edition formed upon the original published
at Turin ; with which, while in the act of printing, it was minutely compared
by Giambatista Rolandi. London; from the press of Benjamin Bensly,
Bolt Court, Fleet Street. 1821."
On the next page, — " Table of the Books or the Old Testament,
according to the order in which they are placed in the version of Monsignor
Martini, preserved in the present edition."
Then follow the Canonical and Apocryphal books intermingled, without
the smallest intimation of this addition : on the contrary, the whole are posi-
tively declared to be " the hooks of the Old Testament.^''
The titles of the Spanish and Portuguese Bibles arc, I am informed, pre-
cisely similar.
another most material difference ; you are precluded from
adopting what is thus practised in England by the funda-
mental principle of your Society, whose sole object, it is
declared, is to promote the circulation of the Holy Scrip-
tures, without note or comment. The English Bible too
is distinguished from the Apocrypha which accompanies it,
while, notwithstanding that the latter forms a part of your
book, you solemnly, earnestly, and repeatedly profess, both
in your regulations and reports, that you circulate no-
thing but " the Bible'' — " the Oracles of God" — " the
Divine Word ;" — that you " confine yourselves with rigor-
ous exactness to the dissemination of the Holy Scriptures."
Here then, if your professions are to be depended on, you
actually maintahi that the Apocrypha is apart of the Bible,
without which it would be incomplete. If, in fact, how-
ever, you do not believe it to be so, you stand self-con-
demned as acting unfairly, and you are chargeable with
adding to the words of God.
By your present practice you are doing all in your
power to foster and perpetuate a very pernicious error
widely diffused in the Greek church, and among Roman
Catholics, and with which the Protestants on the Conti-
nent are deeply imbued. But, if you will continue to add
the Apocrypha to the Bible, do it avowedly ; declare it in
your reports, and change the name of your Society and its
regulations. Let the fact as it really exists be no longer
concealed, or rather expressly denied by you. In this way
you will act honestly — you will deal fairly with your sub-
scribers, whose money you are at present employing in a
way of which many of them are little aware. For impli-
citly confiding in your professions, they have no suspicion
of what you are actually doing. Much less mischief, too,
will then result from your practice than from giving, as
at present, the strongest sanction in your power to the
supposed divine authority of the Apocryphal books.
Consider the influence which this sanction of yours to
tire Apocrypha, as constituting a part of the Bible^.^must
have on the Continent. On the other hand, had you ad-
hered to your own rules and repeated declarations, much
would have been done by this time to counteract the error
of the Roman Catholics and others, who, as was statetl in
your hearing, bona Jide regard the Apocrypha as a part of
the Bible. But, instead of this, taking it for granted that
you could not succeed by any other means in the circula-
tion of the Scriptures, you have yielded to the principle of
doing evil, that good may come. From what I have witness-
ed abroad, however, I am well convinced that, if you had
acted as you profess to do, your success would have been
very little, if at all, short of what it has been. Much time,
as Mr Chabrand told you, would have been gained in pre-
paring editions of the Scriptures. Much money, as he
likewise observed, would have been saved ; and surely the
getting rid of so enormous an expenditure as the printing
of all the copies of the Apocrypha that you have produced,
must be a matter of no trifling consideration to those who,
to use your own language, (last report, p. 89> 90,) find
that " the demands upon their generosity, and even their
justice, very greatly exceed all the means, which have been
or which still are at their disposal."" And who "regard it
as an important branch of their general administration tq
economize the resources consigned to their disposal.*" Had
you conscientiously adhered to your own declarations, that
it was the word of God alone which you came to dissemir
nate, multitudes everywhere would have been found ready
to accept of your gift ; and if in any instances it had been
refused, because you withheld something which those to
whom you offered it were accustomed to revere, still tb«
principle you acted on would have been respected, and its
soundness acknowledged. On similar grounds to those o«
which you have yielded this point, and added tha Apocry*
pha to the Bible — still affirming that you are circulating
only the Bible — you might add Ostervakrs notes to all
your Protestant versions ; for this was much desired by
many of the Protestant Churches in France wlwn tUc
Montaubaii Bible was printed : and, because it was not
conceded, the first Protestant pastor in that place, the
President of the Consistory, refused to join the Bible So-
ciety there. In the same way, too, as you yourself observ-
ed, the Society might subjoin to the Bible some of our
books of piety ; many of which are far more conformed to
the Holy Scriptures than those of the Apocrypha.
A deliberate intention of misrepresentation in your re-
ports is by no means to be suspected, nor that you have
annually published your regulations to mislead your sub-
scribers. On the contrary, I am persuaded that you have
not attended to the force and full import of your declara-
tions, while the intention in what you have done has been
good, and the practice inconsiderately admitted. But I am
equally convinced, that now, since your attention has been
directed to this matter, you must, in fair dealing, abandon
that practice. You must, I repeat it, either alter your
rules and reports, and the designation of your Society, or,
bonajfde, adhere to your explicit declaration that you are
an Institution which confines itself' with rigorous exactness
to the dissemination of the Holy Scriptures.
The evil of adding to the word of God, against which
there are such repeated and solemn warnings in that word,
is very great, and cannot be justified by any argument of
expediency or prospect of beneficial result. If persevered
in, it will be attended with ruinous consequences to the
Society. A very general secession of Auxiliary Societies
and subscribers will take place. In Scotland, I doubt not,
it will be universal. I trust this evil will soon be done
away. You may turn to your monthly extracts, Nos. 7
and 10, 1818, in which you will find an example of a re-
solution being rescinded, owing to a representation that
was made against it.""
In the above letter reference is made to a prior com-
munication of the Edinburgh Bible Society respecting the
Apocrypha. The Authors of the Cambridge Remarks assert
that, " in the million and a half of Bibles, which it, (the
British and Foreign Bible Society,) has distributed, in
Great Britain, there has never been a thought of inserting
the Apocrypha.*" That, on this point, they have been mis-
informed, will appear from the following minutes of the
Edinburgh Bible Committee : —
Extract Jrom the Minutes of the Edinburgh Bible Society,
15th December ^817.
" Mr Anderson, (one of the secretaries,) stated, that the
* had received two Bibles from the British and Foreign
' Bible Society, containing the Apocrypha. The meeting
* considered this a great deviation from the original sim-
' plicity of the principle on which the Society was formed,
' and on the faith of a strict adherence to which this So-
* ciety connected itself with the parent establishment. The
* Secretary (Mr Anderson) was, in consequence, instructed
' to procure an explanation of this occurrence from the
' Society in London."
19th January 1818.
" Mr Anderson informed the meeting that he had had
* no occasion to correspond any more with the British and
' Foreign Bible Society, regarding their circulating the
* Apocrypha along with the Bible, in consequence of his
' having received a letter on the subject from that Society,
' wherein he is informed, * that, on reconsideration, the
" Committee had determined to leave out the Apocrypha,
*' Index, and translator's preface.^ This reconsideration
* was said to be in consequence of a former note from Mr
' Xnderson.""
These minutes prove the uniform and consistent view
which the Edinburgh Bible Society has all along taken of
the addition of the Apocrypha to the Bible. The follow-
ing extracts from their minutes equally evince their decided
opposition to any deviation whatever from the fundamental
law of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which, as
they express it, is as clear and definite as the English
language can make it."
16th March 1818.
" Mr Noel being called to the chair, and the minutes of
,* last meeting being read, the Directors turned their atten-
' tion to the monthly intelligence of the British and Foreign
« Bible Society. Among other extracts from No. VII. just
' received, and now first presented to the Directors, there
' was read, by the Secretary, one, of which the following
* is a copy :
" Queries recently proposed by the Rev. William Milne, now employed, in
*' conjunction with the Rev. Robert Morrison, D.D., in translating the Scrip-
*' tures into Chinese at Malacca, and the determination of the Committee res-
" pecting them. What is the real import and utmost extent of the Society's
" motto, ' Without note or comment ?"
The Allowing is the answer of the Committee of the British
and Foreign Bible Society^ to various queries put to it hy
Mr Milne: —
" The Committee having taken the above inquiries into consideration,
*' Unanimously resolved, that, it being the object of the British and Foreign
*' Bible Society to restrict itself to the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, the
*' terms in which the restriction is expressed, (viz. ' Without Note or Com-
" ment,') must be construed to exclude from the copies circulated by the So-
" ciety every species of matter but what may be deemed necessary to render
" the version of the sacred original intelligible and perspicuous. The latter
" appearing to be the sole and exclusive design of the queries proposed by the
" Rev. Mr Milne, nothing contained in them can be considered as precluded
" by the prohibition of Note and Comment.
" While the Committee give this opinion, and express their high approba-
" tion of the conduct of ]Mr Milne, they recommended to his attention, and
*' that of translators in general, Hie English version, •with marginal render-
" ings and references, as affording a correct example of that sort and degree
" of explanation which it may be permitted to introduce into those copies of
- the Bible which answer to the Society's definition and requirement, of their
" being without Note or Comment."
Extracted from tlie Minutef,
John Owen, 1
Joseph Hughes, V Secretaries.
C. F. A. Steinko-pff, j
* The meeting having taken these queries and the official
' reply to them into their most serious consideration, can-
* not refrain from expressing on this, the earliest opportu-
* nity, their unanimous opinion. Various gentlemen hav-
' ing declared their sentiments at length, it was then
" Resolved unanimously, —
* 1. That the above resolution, extracted from the
* minutes of the Parent Society, dated February 1818,
' contains expressions which involve a most serious and
' alarming departure from the original and sole object of
' the Bible Society, and particularly from the spirit and
' literal meaning of the laws of the institution just quoted ;
* and, therefore, it is requested that, as the Committee value
* the prosperity, the harmony, and even the existence of the
' Institution, they will take the subject into their immediate
* consideration, and communicate the result to this Com-
* mittee."*
" Reasons for the last Resolution.
" Because the terms, ' without Note or Comment,^ are
* absolute, and cannot be construed to admit of any addi-
< tion whatever to the authorised version ; that is, the text
' of the sacred original. In every instance the explanation
*■ given must of necessity obscure the meaning of the So-
*■ ciety's fundamental law, which, as it stands, is as clear
' and definite as the English language can make it.
" % Because the resolution contains these expressions,
" without Note or Comment, must be construed to exclude
" from the copies circulated by the Society every species of
" matter but what may be deemed necessary to render the
«< version of the sacred original intelligible and perspicit-
" ous,"" which, in reality, constitutes the single solitary
* translator, all over the world, the absolute and final judge
* of a *' sort and degree of explanation" which, according
< to the Society ^s fundamental regulation and constitution,
* is unlawful.
^Oth April 1818. .
* The meeting, aware that the prosperity of the institu-.
* tion depends essentially upon a rigid adherence to theori-,
' ginal and fundamental laws of the Society ; and being
' satisfied that deviations from first principles are easiest
< corrected at their commencement, appointed the following
' gentlemen as a sub-committee to investigate into an aU
* leged departure from the Society's regulations by the
' parent Institution ; and to lay the result before the com-
' mittee at a subsequent meeting, viz. Rev. Mr Dickson,
* Mr Noel, Mr Ross, the Secretaries and sub-Treasurer.
* The departure from the original laws of the Society al-
' luded to is the publishing of the Scriptures with marginal
* references and copious introductions to chapters.
15th June 1818.
' The Secretary, Mr Anderson, then read to the meet-
' ing an extract from the Minutes of tlie parent establish-
' ment, contained in No. 10. of their monthly sheet of in-
' telligence, from which the meeting were happy to learn
* that, in consequence of representations from this and
' other societies, they have rescinded their resolutions in
' answer to Mr Milne's queries of 19th January last, con-
* tained in No. 7. of the intelligence sheet.'
The Jbllowing is the Resolution of the Committee of the
British and Foreign Bible Society y dated May 4 ,1 818.
" The committee think it their duty to state, for the infon^iation of the
" members of the British and Foreign Bible Society, that they have received
" representations from some zealous and respected friends of the Institution,
«( objecting to the resolution which they adopted on the l!)th of January last,
*■'• in answer to the queries submitted to them by the Rev. William Milne, re-
'* lative to his proposed translation of the Scriptures into the Chinese language,
'■" and which resolution was published in No. 7. of the Monthly Extracts of
"■^ Correspondence.
'* The committee cannot but r^ret that the terms in which that resolution
" was expressed should have been deemed liable to any exception. As this,
♦* however, is the case, the committee have not hesitated to show their defer-
•' ence to the opinions of their highly-respected correspondents, by rescinding
*' the resolution in question ; and the same is hereby accordingly rescinded."
Extracted from the Minutes,
John Owen,
Joseph Hughes, J- Secretaries.
C. F. A. Steinkopff,
The foregoing documents show that the " Statement,"
lately published by the Edinburgh Bible Society, has
not appeared in consequence of opinions hastily formed.
But, if the question be asked, why, since they held these
opinions, did they not remonstrate sooner against the prac-
tice of the British and Foreign Bible Society respecting
the Apocrypha ? — it is answered, that they were not
aware of it. Those in Scotland who were acquainted
with that practice, never, till last winter, brought the
matter before the Edinburgh Committee, being always in
expectation that it would at length be abandoned with-
out the necessity of a public discussion. There was the
more reason to hope for this, because some highly re-
spectable members of the Bible Society in London were
endeavouring to put a stop to it. But, at length, when
all prospect of their success appeared to be at an end,
and when there was reason to apprehend that a com-
promise, such as that contained in the resolutions of the
Bible Society of August 19, 1822, and December 20,
1824<, would be permanently acquiesced in, so that the
addition of the Apocrypha would be continued in an
indirect manner, the matter was then brought before the
Edinburgh Committee. The Committee immediately
entered into correspondence with the British and Foreign
Bible Society, and, on the 17th of January last, they
passed those resolutions which appear in their Statement.
Through the winter they continued their correspondence
with the London Society, and their Statement was not
published till the 18th of May, when their reiterated re-
monstrances had failed to make any impression.
An account of the vacillating conduct of the Directors
of the British and Foreign Bible Society since the date
of the above letter, (October 6, 1821,) may be seen in the
Edinburgh Statement. In consequence of that publication,
some friends to the circulation of the Apocrypha have come
boldly forward to vindicate the conduct of the Directors,
and to encourage them to persevere in the same course as
formerly ; calling upon them not to yield " one inch"" to
those who oppose themselves to this addition to the Bible,
even in the most objectionable forms Among these the
Rev. C. Simeon of Cambridge has appeared in the fore-
most rank, and with the most decided resolution.
Mr Simeon's letter, recently published, is entitled, A
Vindication of the Proceedings of the British and Foreign
Bible Society, against the Statement of the Edinburgh
Bible Society, relative to the circulation of the Apocrypha.
In animadverting on this statement, Mr Simeon observes,
that the grounds on which the authors of it profess to act,
are two : — " 1^^, That the British and Foreign Bible So-
' ciety, as long as they shall, directly or indirectly, contri-
* bute in any degree to the circulation of the Apocrypha,
* are guilty of violating the fundamental principle on which
* the Society was at first formed : And ^Zdly, That in con-
' tributing, directly or indirectly, to such an object, they
' actually sin against God.*"
Mr Simeon then quotes the fundamental rules of the
Bible Society, which, he says, " stand thus : —
** 1. The designation of this Society shall be, the British ajid fo-
" &EIGN BIBLE SOCIETY, of which the sole object shall be to encourage a
*' wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures, without note or comment. The
*' only copies, in the languages of the United Kingdom, to be circulated by the
" Society, shall be the authorised version."
*' 2. This Society shall add its endeavours to those employed by other so-
** cieties, for circulating the Scriptures through the British dominions ; and
" shall also, according to its ability, extend its influence to other countries,
*' Christian, Mahometan, or Pagan."
" Now, in these rules," says Mr Simeon, " there is nothing about the
" Apocrypha, nothing in express terms, either for the admission or rejection
"of it."
" But is there nothing in the spirit of the rules to show what was the mind
*' and spirit of those who formed them ?"
In order to answer this question in a way satisfactory to
himself, Mr Simeon proceeds as follows : —
" In the former of the two rules, it is said, ' The only copies, in the
** languages of the United Kingdom, to be circulated by the Society, shall be
" the authorised version.' This shows, that there was no intention to make
* our authorised version a standard for tfie whole world. On the contrary,
* the fair inference is, that a similar deference should be paid to the authorised
* versions in every country ; (without considering whether they accord with
' ours or not ;) that so all jealousies might be avoided, and a greater facility
* might be given to the circulation of them."
" In the second rule, it is said, * This society shall add its endeavours
" to those employed by other societies, for circulating the Scriptures
" through the British dominions.' Now, the Society which circulates ten
' times more Bibles than all the other societies in the kingdom together,
* society does often print and circulate the Apocrypha, as well as the canoni-
' cal books of Scripture. So that here, so far from there being any pro-
* test against the Apocrypha, there is, on the part of the British and Fo-
*■ reign Bible Society, an express avowal of a readiness to " add its endea-
" vours" to those of that other society notwithstanding it circulated the Apo-
' crypha."
"Again: the rule says, " This society shall also, according to its abi-
" lity, extend its influence to other countries, whether Christian, Maho-
" metan, or Pagan." — But of " Christian" communities, the great mass
' actually circulate the Apocrypha : So that, if it was intended to proscribe
* all concurrence with them, the rule was a nullity and a falsehood. This,
' then, is a further proof, that, whatever opinion the framers of that rule
' might individually entertain respecting the Apocrypha, there was in them,
* collectively, no desire to interfere with other churches in relation to it."
" To all this it may be replied, that the rules refer to ' the Holy Scrip-
" tures ;* and to them ' without note or comment.' To this I answer : They
* did refer to the Holy Scriptures, because it was the Holy Scriptures alone
* that the founders of the Society wished to circulate. But they did not take
* upon themselves to determine what books were canonical, and what were not.
' As far as the British dominions, and an English version, went, the author-
* ised version was to be the standard : but, with respect to other countries and
* other languages, no standard was fixed ; or, if any bias was shown, it was in
* favour of authorised versions, so far as they could be employed, all the world
» over."
In Mr Simeon's attempt to prove that the practice of
adding the Apocrypha to the Bible is consistent with the
rules of the Bible Society, there is an utter failure ; and in
the whole of his observations on this part of the subject,
there appears more of an evasive subtlety, than of that
godly sincerity which might have been expected from the
Mr Simeon tells us there is nothing in the above rules
in express terms about the Apocrypha. Nor is there any
thing in express terms about the Koran ; but there is, in
express terms, what excludes the Apocrypha as clearly
as it does the Koran. If the sole object of the Bible
Society be to circulate the Holy Scriptures, then the
Apocrypha is excluded, for it is no part of the Holy
Scriptures in the estimation of those who compose that
Society. The observations on this point in the Statement
ot* the Edinburgh Bible Society, are not only unanswered,
but unassailed by Mr Simeon. The Apocryphal books,
whether bound up or not with the Bible, are never in Bri-
tain called or considered any part of the Bible or Holy
Scriptures. If any of the early Protestants gave them this
appellation, it was a fundamental error ; and, at all events,
no such name is ever given them in this country by Pro-
testants of any denomination.
The limitation, without note or comment, also excludes
the Apocrypha. It is true the Apocrypha is neither
a note nor a comment ; but the same reason that for-
bids notes and comments, will much more forbid forged
books to be added to the Bible. If the Bible Society
bound up its own hands in order to secure unanimity, so
that it cannot give the simplest explanation of a difficult
passage in any valuable note or comment in which all
might agree, then it is evident that the spurious addition
of forgeries is much less allowable. Would it not be strange
that the most useful and generally approved notes should
be prohibited, to prevent disputes, while books might be
added with the approbation of all, which all believe to be
spurious ?
Mr Simcon'*s inference from authorised versions is un-
fair : it confounds two different things, — \st. The objec-
tion to the Apocrypha does not suppose an attempt to
make our version a standard for the whole world. The
dispute is not about translations of the true books of
Scripture, but about additional forged books. 2c//^, This
language does not imply that a similar deference should be
paid to authorised translations in every country. All sects
here agree in the general excellence of our common trans-
lation. It does not follow from this, that they think as
highly of the common translation of every country. But a
version, or translation, of the Bible, good or bad, contains
nothing l)esidc8 the Bible, — while the Apocrypha is not the
Jiiblc, nor any part of it.
Equally unfair is the inference from the words, shall add
its endeavours^ &c. This does not imply a readiness to do
every thing that is done by the Society for Promoting Chris-
tian Knowledge, but only to add its endeavours to circulate
the Scriptures, of which the Apocrypha is no part, although
it may be circulated by that Society along with the Scrip-
tures. Though that Society may circulate prayer-books
with the Bible, such a declaration does not imply that the
Bible Society meant to circulate prayer-books.
Altogether unfounded is Mr Simeon's reasoning from
the words, " extend its influence to other countries whe-
" ther Christian, Mahometan, or Pagan." This does not
intimate an intention of circulating any thing but the
Scriptures ; and the Bible Society no more pledged itself
to extend its influence to circulate the Apocrypha in Chris-
tian countries, than it did to circulate the Koran in Ma-
hometan countries. What is it to the purpose that the
great mass of Christian communities circulate the Apocry-
pha ? This rule does not bind the Society to act like the
great mass of Christian communities. Neither does a pur-
pose to circulate nothing but the Bible, make it either a
nullity or a falsehood ; nor, in effect, has it been found to
be so. The Society has been enabled to realize, to a very
considerable extent, the object of this regulation, in the
circulation of New Testaments. Mr Simeon at length ad-
mits, that the rules of the Society refer to the Holy Scrip-
ture, and that it was the Holy Scripture alone which the
founders of die Society wished to circulate. But he en-
deavours to show that, in regard to what constitutes the
Holy Scriptures, it was the duty of the Society to accommo-
date its views to the opinions of any church with which it
might co-operate. He had been labouring to stretch the
meaning of the rules of the Society so as to include the
Apocrypha ; now he makes a bolder thrust, and affirms,
that, with respect to foreign countries, no standard is fixed
by whiclj to determine what is Scripture.
<* They did not," Mr Simeon says, " take upoa them-
selves to determine what books were canonical and what
were not," A most extraordinary position, ^he Bible So-
ciety earnestly, and repeatedly declaring to the world, that
its sole object is to circulate the Holy Scriptures, does not
take upon itself to determine what constitutes the Holy
Scriptures ! Did ever a Society come forward to proclaim'
such an absurdity ? ** Being a Bible Society, our sole ob-
ject is to circulate the Bible, but we do not take upon Us
to determine what forms the Bible." A Bible Society ne-
cessarily must hold something as forming the Bible ; and
it has always been the understanding of the British and'
Foreign Bible Society, as well as of its supporters, that
those books form the Bible which the different denomina-
tions of Christians in this country esteem to be the Bible,
and which are contained in the authorised version. When
the Bible Society declared, by its rules, that its sole object
was to encourage a wider circulation of the Holy Scrip-.'
tures, it distinctly referred to that book which those, on
whom it called for support, esteemed to be the Holy Scrip-
tures ; and, by pledging itself to circulate the Scriptures
only, it expressly excluded every thing else.
" Whether foreign churches,*' adds Mr Simeon, '* admitted fewer books,
* to their canon of Scripture, or more, was not with them (the Society) any
* question at all ; they had nothing to do with it. Every church must deter.
*■ mine that for itself; and on it alone would rest the responsibility of forming
' an erroneous or a correct judgment. If any church either added to thq
' Scripture, or took from it, it was their concern, and not the concern of this
' Society ; who are no more responsible for the books comprehended by this
' or that church, in their canon of Scripture, than they are for the correctness
^ of the vezsioQs that axe in um among them."
Has Mr Simeon any conviction of the authenticity of the
canon of Scripture received in this country ? Has' he
any fixed opinion upon the subject ? The simple repetition
of his former statements is a sufficient refutation of them ;
their inconclusiveness is at once apparent. But here is
something that is indeed serious; for more extraordinary,
more lax, and? were it not for their obvious fallacy, more
dangerous assertions than those just quoted cannot be
imagined. The Bible Society, Mr Simeon has dared
to affirm, has no concern as to what books it circulates
under the name of the word of God. Every church,
he says, must determine that for itself, and on it alone
would rest the responsibility of forming an erroneous
judgment. Yes : And every man must determine for
himself, whether the Bible contains the true sayings of
God, or if it be a forgery from one end to the other.
But he does it at his peril ; and so does every church
in determining what constitutes the Bible. And does not
equal responsibility attach to those who concur in this
judgment and carry it into effect ? But, let every church
determine for itself, still the Bible Society is obliged
by its rules to give them nothing but the Bible, and that
must be understood of its own canon, and not of the canon
of other ch urches.
" If any church added to the Scripture, it was their
concern, not the concern of this Society." Is it not the
concern of this Society, if it lend its assistance in adding
to or taking from the Scriptures ? What meaning does Mr
Simeon affix to those awful threatenings by which the
canon of Scripture is guarded ? May we with impunity
follow a multitude to do evil ? What force then would
there be in the reproof, " When thou sawest a thief then
thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with
adulterers.?'' Does a participation with others in crime
diminish our guilt ? and if we transgress knowingly, while
they do so partly in ignorance, have not we the greater
sin ?
* If any church either added to the Scripture or took from
it, it was their concern.' Certainly it is their concern if
left to themselves to provide their Bibles ; but, if we fur-
nish Bibles for them, it is our concern. According to Mr
SimeoTi, if a man asks poison instead of food, we may
innocently give it to him, as it is his own concern. If^
however, his friend requested of him a dose of arsenic
instead of medicine, and he gave it, Mr Simeon would
find that the law would make it his concern. This mode
of reasoning would excuse our giving to others the worst
book that ever was w^ritten, provided they called it the
Bible. Why should not the canon be enlarged so as to in-
clude the Koran ? Why should not the Mahometan have
his Bible ? Is it not his own concern ? And if the Bible,
as the writers of the Cambridge Remarks argue, may do
good in company with the Apocrypha, it may do good in
company with the Koran. It is no argument to tell us,
that all the good done by the Bible on the Continent has
been effected by the Bible with the Apocrypha. The Bible
would do its work if bound up with the Koran ; but this
will not excuse those who join them together.
According to Mr Simeon, the Bible Society is no more
responsible for the books comprehended by this or that
church in the canon of Scripture, although furnished to
them by the Society, than for the correctness of the ver-
sions that are in use among them. "• Admitting,"" says Mr
Gorhani, " that, in a lower sense, there may be some defect,
even in inspired writings, arising from the errors of trans-
lations in a few words or passages, is not the avowed in-
terpolation of whole books of' Apocryphal matter something
very different from imperfection F"*
" Had the founders of the Society," continues Mr Simeon, " chosen to ex-
* press any opinion about the Apocrypha at all, they would have been at li-
* berty to say, We will confine our bounty to the circulation of what we our-
* selves believe canonical."
What they did say is as express as this. They pledged
themselves to the Christians of Britain to circulate the
Scriptures only ; and the Scriptures, in the estimation of
the people of Britain, do not contain the Apocrypha, And.
here let it be observed that, on Mr Simeon's own princi-^
ple8, the Bible Society is precluded from circulating the
Apocrypha among Protestants, for their canon is the same
as ours, and they do not reckon the Apocrypha a part of
the Bible.
'* But they were not at liberty," Mr Simeon adds, " to errect themselves
' into a Society that should judge for the whole world, and dogmatize to every
* people under heaven. Yet this is what the Edinburgh Committee conceive
* to have been done by them ; and what that same Committee are now taking
* upon themselves to do, and are calling upon all the members of the Parent
* Society to unite with them in doing."
Can any thing be more disingenuous than this ? Is it
dogmatizing to others to give them only the Scriptures ?
We do not require foreign churches to limit their canon ;
we only refuse to give them any books, along with the
Scriptures, that do not belong to the Scriptures. Now,
foreign churches might accept this gift without renouncing
their own canon. This neither implies dictation on the
one hand, nor renunciation on the other.
How well might Mr Simeon's language be adopted by
a Mahometan or a Hindoo. What ! Do you come to judge
for us and to dogmatize to us .? You say that the book you
oflPer to us is the word of God — a revelation from heaven —
and that there is none other besides. Give us our Koran,
our Shasters— you have nothing to do with what we hold
to be the word of God — this is not the question with you
at all — we must determine this for ourselves, and on us
will rest the responsibility of forming an erroneous or a
correct judgment. If we corrupt the book of God it is
cmr concern and not the concern of your Society, which is
not responsible for the books it circulates, provided they
be received by this or that country as divinely inspired.
Would such language, uttered by a Mahometan or a Hin-
doo, be listened to for a moment by the Bible Society ?
But, on the principles which Mr Simeon has laid down, it
is sound and legitimate in the one party and demands the
acquiescence of the other.
*' In support of their views,'* continues Mr Simeon, " the Edinburgh Com-
' mittee urge, that all the writers and speakers on the part of the British and
* Foreign Bible Society have gloried in this as the chief distinction of the
* Society, — that it published the Scriptures without note or comment. But
* what was meant by the original rule respecting this, and by all its advocates ?
* It was never intended to express any sentiment about the Apocrypha, which
* is neither a note nor comment."
Nor was it intended to express any sentiment respecting
the Koran, which is neither a note nor a comment; but it
was intended to announce the fact, that the Scriptures
alone were to be pubUshed without any addition whatever.
The Apocrypha is worse than a note or a comment. Notes
and comments may be good — it is essentially bad. The
rule that excludes notes and comments from the Bible
much more excludes additions to the Bible.
* But Is it not strange, that, when we have all agreed to merge our own peca«
' liarities, and to forget every thing which separates us from one another, for the
* benefit of the world, we should now be called upon to withhold that same
* candour from the churches abroad, and actually to build a wall that shall
* separate us for ever from nine-tenths of our Christian brethren, an^ exclude
' whole kingdoms from any participation of the benefits which we are en-
* deavouring to bestow ? The expediency of such conduct is not the present
* question. The question is, wat such conduct contemplated and enjoined hy
*■ the founders of this Society "f If it was not so contemplated and enjoined,
* then the first argument used by the Edinburgh Committee falls to the
' ground : and the Parent Society ought to be upheld in the exercise of that
* Christian candour which has hitherto regulated their proceedings.'
How have we agreed to merge our peculiarities ? Not
by publishing a Bible not acknowledged by any part of us,
but by excluding from the Bible every human addition.
Now this ground is abandoned as soon as the Apocrypha
is added. Why does not the Bible Society publish the
Manual along with the Bible ? Why does it not publish
the Common Prayer Book ? Why does it not publish the
Westminster Confession ? These would not be notes or
comments more than the Apocrypha. If it be said, this
would create jealousy and opposition, will not the Apocry-
pha dp the same ? " But why should we now be called upon
to withhold the same candour from the churches abroad ?"
Is less granted to foreign churches than to any church in
Britain ? Is any thing published by the Society out of com-
plaisance to any one church in Britian of which the rest
disapprove ? No evidence can be more complete than that
the constitution of the Bible Society forbids the Apor,
crypha.* f;vr
, In agreeing to publish the Scriptures without note or
comment, no Christian denomination in this country gave
up any thing that they considered to be matter of duty.
But how different is this from agreeing to become partakers
of other men's sins in adulterating the Bible by a spurious
addition such as that of the Apocrypha, which so many
consider to be wrong. Yet Mr Simeon speaks as if this
would only be the exercise of the same candour which led
them to agree in what all of them believed to be right. The
simple statement of such an idea sufficiently exposes the
incoherence of Mr Simeon's reasoning; yet, in the midst of
this confusion, he is heard proclaiming bis supposed tri-
umph, and announcing that " the first argument offered by
the Edinburgh Committee falls to the ground."
* The following declaration was made by the Directors of the Bible Society,
August 10, 1822: — " Resolved, That, when grants shall be made to any of
the Bible Societies in connexicm with this institution, which are accustomed
to circulate the Apocrypha, it be stated to such Societies, that the attention of the
Committee having been called to the fundamental rule of the Society, as limi-
ting the application of its funds to the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and
it appearing that this view of the said rule having been taken, from the begin-
pjng, by the great body of its members," &c.
Mr Simeon's manner of treating the whole of this sub-
ject, respecting the rules of the Bible Society, tends to
unsettle every thing that relates to the authenticity of the
Scriptures. He speaks as if there was nothing certain on
this point, and as if every one were at hberty to acknow-
ledge, as canonical, only what part of Scripture he chose ;
to make any additions to the Divine Word, and even to
assist others in circulating, as a part of that word, writings
which he knows to be spurious and of human invention.
But, if the authenticity of the books which we receive, as
given by inspiration of God, be a matter of the highest
concern to Christians, is it to be thus lightly surrendered,
and treated as a doubtful point ? and shall we be induced to
believe, that not only a variety of opinions concerning it may
be innocently entertained, but that we may lawfully join
in making additions, suggested by ignorance or wicked-
ness, to that word which we consider as divine ? Is it not
a bold imputation on the watchful care of the good Shep-
herd over his flock, to pretend that he has left them with-
out a certain rule whereby they may ascertain what he
would have them to do ? " My sheep," says he, " hear
my voice ;" but, unless they know where his word is to be
found, how can they hsten to his voice, or distinguish it
from the voice of a stranger ? To speak, therefore, of those
Scriptures which he has delivered to his church, and stamped
with his authority, as if there was any uncertainty respect-
ing them ; or that they may be altered or added to, or in
any way tampered with, without incurring the deepest
guilt, is both highly criminal in itself, and leads to the
most pernicious consequences.
According to Mr Simeon's argument, it follows that, as
all men must judge for themselves, respecting every (hctrine
contained in the Sacred Volume, so we are at liberty to
join with others in whatever conclusions they may form of
those doctrines, and to act with them accordingly. On
this ground the Arian, or the Socinian, may claim our co-
operation. If we send Missionaries to preach the Gos-
pel, we must enjoin them to preach it in Protestant coun-
tries, as it is generally received in such countries ; and
in Roman Catholic countries, according to the Roman
Catholic system. In the one, they must teach the worship
of God alone, through the mediation of the Saviour ; in
the other, the invocation of the Virgin Mary, and the in-
tercession of Saints. In the one, justification by faith ; in
the other, justification by works. Among Arians, they
must preach Arianism, and among Socinians, Socinian-
ism, according to the corruptions of their respective sys-
tems. And all this may be done with perfect safety ; for
in every country the people must determine for them-
selves what is truth and what is error, — upon them alone
rests the responsibility of forming an erroneous or a cor-
rect judgment concerning the gospel. If they add to it,
it is their concern, not ours — this is not with us any ques-
tion at all — we have nothing to do with it. All this too
must be practised by us, in order to escape the accusation
of erecting ourselves into a Society which judges for the
whole world, and dogmatizes to every people under hea-
ven. To such lengths are we conducted by the principles,
in regard to the canon of Scripture, which Mr Simeon
lays down as indubitable ; for, if we are at liberty to cir-
culate an adulterated Bible, it must be lawful to preach a
corrupted gospel.
It is said that Mr Simeon has proposed that two sepa-
rate funds shall be established by the Bible Society ; the
one for the publication of the canonical books, the other
for the publication of the Apocrypha along with them.
Why then may he not also recommend the appropriation
of a third fund, for the addition of the Koran ; and a
fourth for that of the Shasters, supported by the same ar-
gument — that this Society has pledged itself that, accor-
ding to its ability, it will extend its influence to other
countries, whether Christian, Mahometan, or Pagan ; and,
unless it acts in the above manner, this pledge is a nullity
and a falsehood.
But, whatever meaning Mr Simeon may impose on the
rules of the Bible Society, still it must be admitted that,
if they do indeed bear his interpretation, and allow the
publication of the Apocrypha as a part of the Bible, they
have been constructed in such a manner as to deceive the
supporters of that Institution. I have never met with a
single individual in this country who was aware of the fact,
that the practice of the Society was to print the Apocry-
pha, on the Continent, along with the Bible. The sup-
porters of the Society believed that their subscription*
money was employed in the publication of the Bible alone.
Both the designation and the rules of the British and
Foreign Bible Society, precluded the smallest suspicion
that the fact was otherwise. Had it been possible to have
entertained a doubt on the subject, the precise and uni-
form language of the Society's annual reports must at
once have dissipated it. So explicit on this point were
the rules and reports, that they not only misled its sub-
scribers in every part of the country, but even one, it has
been reported, who holds the highest official situation in
the Society itself.
If, then, it were conceded to Mr Simeon, that, in the
rules of the Society, there is nothing in express terms for
the rejection of the Apocrypha, and that there is some-
thing in their spirit which shows, that the mind and spirit
of those who formed tliem were favourable to its admis-
sion ; yet, as they convey no such meaning, either in their
letter or spirit, to the bulk cf mankind, to persons either
in inferior or elevated situations, the principles of fair
dealing demand that, if the Society shall persevere in itg
present course, and resolve not to " yield one inch,'' as Mr
Simeon counsels, its name, its rules, and the language of
iu reports shall all be changed.
The first rule may run thus — " The designation of this
Society shall be the British and Foreign Bible and Apo-
crypha Society ; of which the sole object shall be to en-
courage a wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures with-
out note or comment, but with the addition of the Apo-
crypha, wherever it is commonly received." The lan-
guage of the reports must also be in so far reversed as
henceforth to declare that, " This is a Society which does
not confine itself with rigorous exactness to the dissemi-
nation of the Holy Scriptures, as they are received by
Christians of different denominations in this country, who
have all resolved to merge their peculiarities so as to agree
in publishing, as the Bible, whatever shall be considered
to be the Bible, whether in Christian, Mahometan, or Pa-
gan countries : to all of which it has pledged itself to ex-
tend its influence. Without acting in this manner, it
might well be accused of erecting itself into a Society
which judged the whole world, and dogmatized to every
people under heaven : and the above pledge would be a
nullity and a falsehood. For, whether foreign churches
admit fewer books into their canon of Scripture, or more,
is not the question with the Society at all. It has nothing
to do with it. Every church must determine that for it-
self, and on it alone the responsibility rests. If any church
either adds to the Scripture or takes from it, that is their
concern, not the Society's. On these grounds this Society
holds itself justified in publishing whatever books any
church in the world chooses to designate as the Holy Scrip-
tures, although the Society should be fully convinced that
they form no part of the Sacred Canon." When these
corrections in the rules and reports of the British and
Foreign Bible Society have appeared, it will not, we be-
lieve, require the addition of either note or comment to
persuade the great body of its supporters to transfer their
subscriptions, for the wider circulation of the Holy Scrip-
tures, to some other association for that purpose.
We have seen in what way Mr Simeon has endeavour-
ed to dispose of the first objection of the Edinburgh Bible
Society. We shall now attend to his manner of meeting
the second.
" I now come," says Mr Simeon, " to the second objection which the
"• Edinburgh Committee urge against the Parent Society ; namely, That if
*•* they even assist with the Bible those who at their own cost circulate the
** Apocrypha, they indirectly contribute to the circulation of the Apocrypha
** itself; and, in so doing, they sin against God."
Mr Simeon here refers to that part of the Edinburgh
statement, which notices two resolutions passed by the Bri-
tish and Foreign Bible Society ; the object of which was,
to enjoin the Foreign Bible Societies to apply all the money
transmitted from England in printing the canonical books ;
but leaving them at liberty to make use of their own funds
for printing the Apocrypha, and afterwards to bind and cir-
culate the whole in one volume. To the Edinburgh Com-
mittee these resolutions appeared to leave the matter just
as it was before, with this difference, that what had for-
merly been done avowedly and directly, would afterwards
be effected in a manner indirect and concealed. " The real
operation of these resolutions," they observe, " is merely to
administer a salvo to the consciences of objectors at home,
whilst abroad the evil remains precisely the same as before."
The justice of this remark is evident. Two funds are
provided sufficient for the publication of the Bible and the
Apocrypha, the amount of which, let it be supposed, is
L.3000. Of this sum L.2500 are remitted by the British
and Foreign Bible Society, and L.500 are provided by the
Society abroad. The first sum is sufficient for the publica,-
tion of the Bible, the last for the addition of the Apocrypha.
The money being thus obtained, the book is sent to press ;
and the previous stipulation, that the funds shall be pre-
served distinct from each other, is strictly adhered to. The
pa|>er and printing of the canonical books are accordingly
paid for with the first portion of the funds, and those of
the Apocrypha with the last ; while the result is exactly
the same as it was before this plan was resorted to. The
Bible and the Apocrypha appear together in one volume ;
while the publisher, if questioned as to the process adopted,
may truly affirm, — " I said unto them, whosoever hath
' any gold, let them break it off : So they gave it me : then
* I cast it in the fire ;• and there came out this calf.'" The
Christian public, it is presumed, will not allow themselves
to be entrapped in this manner ; and the British and Fo-
reign Bible Society, it is to be hoped, will not finally be-
come a party to such a disingenuous compromise.*
In order to obviate the objection of the Edinburgh Bi-
ble Society, to contribute in any way to the circulation of
the Apocrypha, which, Mr Simeon says, he will meet
fairly, and, he trusts, " satisfactorily, to the minds of all
* who make the Scriptures the standard of their faith and
* practice," — he begins by putting the following speech into
the mouth of " the very gentleman" who drew up the
Edinburgh statement, which he supposes him to have ad-
dressed to the Apostle Paul on the occasion of his circum-
* If the addition of the Apocrypha is to be made at all, it should, at least,
be done fairly and avowedly, and not in this manner, by " Canny Convoy-
ance^^ as a member of the Westminster Assembly on a certain occasion ex-
pressed himself.
*' Ever since the votes of 19th of August 1822," says one who deeply in-
terests himself in the circulation of the Scriptures on the Continent, " the
Committee has been telling the Foreign Societies, We cannot vote you money
to print the Apocryphal books ; but we will vote you enough to print the
others, — and you must raise money amongst yourselves to print them, — and
bind them up both together. May they not, upon the same plan, vote money
for printing Martini's Testament, telling the Italians to provide money for the
notes ; and the same with the Spanish, or any other edition ? And, if their
conduct be proper with respect to the Apocrypha, it is clearly as proper with
respect to the notes ; and much more so ; for the one goes out under the false
Aame of the Word of God ; whereas the other avows itself to be the work
ci men."
cising Timothy — " What would he have said to the Apos-
tle ?'' exclaims Mr Simeon. " He would have been struck
' with horror. Paul, what are you about to do ? Forbear?
' At the peril of your soul, forbear ! That you mean well,
* I do not deny : but you are wrong ; as I will show you in
' a moment.*"
The Edinburgh gentleman then goes on to remind the
Apostle, that circumcision is abolished — that, by circum-
cising Timothy, he would countenance the error of those
who supposed that it was yet in force — that he would
countenance the damning error of such as blend it with
the gospel, as a joint ground of their hope before God —
and that, if he but connived at the circumcision of Ti-
mothy, much more if he was accessory to it, he would
commit a damning sin ; and, finally, if he persisted in this,
the Edinburgh gentleman would disclaim all connexion
with him, and do his utmost to make every one of Paul's
followers renounce him too.
" And now,*" says Mr Simeon, " what may we suppose
* the Apostle to reply ? Methinks he would answer to
' the following efFect."" A long answer by the Apostle
follows accordingly ; in the course of which the reader
is not left to infer that Paul would have approved of
adding the Apocrypha to the Bible ; but sees it announ-
ced in express terms. But truly the speech of the Edin-
burgh gentleman appears to be a very foolish one, and,
— since we are given to understand that the case is clear-
ly determined in the Scriptures, — so arrogant and pro-
fane, that to many it will occasion some surprise that he
should presume to utter it. As to the Apostle's reply, it is
not so much to be wondered at, for so many extraordinary
meanings have been attached to his writings, and so many
strange sayings have been ascribed to him, that, had he
foreseen the one, or heard the other, he would have stood
aghast in perfect amazement.
Among the numerous specimens which we have seen of vei^
extraordinary speeches attributed to the Apostle Paul,
the one before us, though last, is not the least remarkable-
It not only matches in folly the speech of the Edinburgh
gentleman, but equals it in profaneness. It goes directly
in the face of the threatening denounced against all who
shall add any thing to the word of God ; for it strenuous-
ly maintains the propriety, nay, the duty, in certain cir-
cumstances, of adding the Apocrypha to the Bible. " Un-
to the Jews," the Apostle is made to say, " I became as
* a Jew, (to the Papists as a Papist,) that I might gain
' the Jews : to them that are under the law, as under the
' law, (to them that require the Apocrypha, as conceding
' the Apocrypha,) that I might gain them that are under
« the law."
But what is the ground that appeared to Mr Simeon so
strong as to warrant his making such extraordinary sup-
positions, not to say disrespectful, to the Edinburgh gentle-
man, but highly derogatory to the character of the Apostle
Paul ? The whole foundation of his argument is this, that
the cases of circumcision and of the Apocrypha are parallel.
Of this Mr Simeon is so fully convinced, that, on the sup-
posed parallelism, he stakes the whole value of his argument;
for, after he has announced that it is brought to a close,
he adds, — " If any one set himself to answer it, he must
< show ; either that the parallel drawn between the Apos-
< tie's conduct and that of the British and Foreign Bible
/ Society is not just ; or that the Apostle both erred in his
' judgment, and sinned in his conduct."
Were w^e to adopt the latter alternative, we should be
guilty of blasphemy against the word of God ; but nothing
can be more safe or easy than to establish the former. At
once, then, I affirm that the parallel drawn between the
Apostle's conduct in the circumcision of Timothy, and
that of the Bible Society, in adding the Apocrypha to
the Word of God, is not just. So far from, being par-
allel, two cases cannot be supposed to which the idea of
parallelism can, with less justice, be attributed. To have
rendered them parallel, the act of circumcision and that of
adding the Ajx>cryphal writings to the Word of God must
either be both right, or both wrong, or both indifferent.
Now, this is so far from being the case, that, in the act of
circumcision, there is nothing either right or wrong ; it is
in itself perfectly indifferent. " Circumcision is nothing,
and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the com-
mandments of God." On the other hand, the adding of
the Apocryphal writings to the Word of God is a double
evil. It is wrong to add any thing to his word ; and these
writings, " advancing'' as they do " a deceitful claim to
reverence and attention, upon the pretext of being inspired,"
and containing false doctrine and gross errors, contrary to
the Word of God, are absolutely bad in themselves. The
two cases then are not parallel.
It is true indeed that the act of circumcision, which is
indifferent in itself, may, in certain circumstances, become
wrong. When this is kept in view, the conduct of the
Apostle Paul in circumcising Timothy, on one occasion,
and in refusing, on another, to circumcise Titus, is vindi-
cated from all appearance of inconsistency. A proper un-
derstanding of these two cases will not only show the ab-
sence of a parallel, but the total dissimilarity between the
conduct of Paul, in circumcising Timothy, and that of the
British and Foreign Bible Society with regard to the Apo-
crypha. Yet this case of the circumcision of Timothy, is
Mr Simeon's strong-hold ; and, after the long irrelevant
argument upon it which he has put into the Apostle's
mouth, he exultingly introduces it once more at the con-
clusion of his pamphlet :-.-
*^ This I say, my Lwd, that no man who protests against the measures of
♦ the British and Foreign Bible Society would have advised Paul to circum-
♦ cise Timothy under the circumstances as they existed at that day : no, nor
' would he have approved of Paul's conduct ; he would have called it " . 248.
concession to an extent that will be injurious to the souls
of men, and I shall withstand them."" The concession Mr
Simeon would have the British and Foreign Society make,
in mixing the Apocrypha with the Bible, is injurious to
the souls of men. It is delivering to them writings as
a part of the word of God, containing doctrines opposed
to that word ; and, if imbibed by them, not merely injuri-
ous, but destructive to their souls. It is sinning not only
against man, but against God, who has strictly prohibited
any such addition. To put a book into a man^s hand as
containing only the Old and New Testaments, when we
know that it contains something that is neither the Old
nor the New Testament, is an evident deception. It is
giving him, what you assure him is all wholesome and nu-
tritive food, when you know it contains deadly poison.
Not only does Mr Simeon make the Apostle Paul say, in
express terms, " To them that require the Apocrypha, as
conceding the Apocrypha," but also "to the Papist (I became)
" as a Papist."" So, then, the Apostle to be consistent with
himself, and in order to gain the Papists, must speak and
act as the Papists do. How easy would it be to expose the
impropriety, and even the absurdity of ascribing such a
sentiment to the Apostle. How different would this be
from becoming to the Jews as a Jew. In the one case, so
far from doing any thing contrary to the will of God,
Paul acted by Divine authority in observing that which
was in itself indifferent. In the other case, he must
have acted expressly contrary to the authority of God,
in things that were in themselves sinful. This very
Apostle was divinely commissioned to predict the great
apostacy, that unhallowed mixture of Christianity, Judaism,
and Paganism, which was to take place in latter times.
Is it possible, then, that Paul would have countenanced
such abominations .'' How unbecoming — How improper is
it to put in his mouth, to the Papists Ibecbmeas a Papist !
Who, that is acquainted with his character and writings,
could recognize the Apostle Paul, as Mr Simeon has portray-
vd him, arrayed in the attire of the Mother of Harlots, go-
ing forth to the nations with the Apocrypha in his hand,
and reading, for their instruction, the history of Bel and
the Dragon !
The arguments which Mr Simeon has used in justification
of the practice of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in
relation to the Apocrypha, are similar to those by which
the Jesuit Missionaries in China vindicated their conduct
in permitting their converts to pay religious adoration to
their deceased ancestors. Their plea was, that without
this they could have been of no use, and that they gained
a great end by a slight sacrifice. '' To the Chinese I be-
came as a Chinese, that I might gain the Chinese,'" — This
very much resembles the reasoning of Mr Simeon and the
friends of the Apocrypha. They say the word of God will
soon eclipse it, and so said the Jesuits. *' They are but
specks, the error will be neutralized by the truth." But
neither is Mr Simeon's language, nor that of the Jesuits,
the language of the word of God : " A little leaven leaven-
eth the whole lump."
Notwithstanding the inconclusiveness of Mr Simeon's
reasonings, and his misapplications of Scripture, he has
indulged in a strain of invective against the Committee of
the Edinburgh Bible Society, which, even were he the
advocate of a better cause, would not^ only be unwarrant-
able, but extremely indecent. If, however, he could not
abstain from this, how improper was it to make an Apos-
tle the vehicle of such language ? In the following
not very courteous strain, the Apostle Paul is represented
as assailling " the Edinburgh Gentleman :" — " I should
' have been better pleased if your zeal had been more ac- .
* cording to knowledge, and if it had been blended some-
* what more with modesty and love — I am made all things
* to all men, that I might bi/ all means save some. This,
* my brother, is what I do : but in you I see not one atom
' of such a spirit : You will make no concessions whatever :
* No, forsooth, the CAiNiiift of immortal souls, though they
< be millions upon millions, is no such object with you :
* it deserves no sacrifice at all, in your estimation : You
' know that circumcision is abrogated, and you will not be
' accessory to the observance of that rite, no, not in a
' single case, to save the whole world. — We that are strong
* ought (not to treat with contempt and disdain, but) to
« BEAR the infirmity of the weak, and not to please our-
* selves. — We that are strong (as the Edinburgh Committee
' feel themselves to be) ought to hear the infirmities of the
' weak, and not to please ourselves. No, indeed : the in-
* sisting upon our own humours, and our own conceits,
< and requiring all our Christian brethren to submit to us,
' is not the spirit that I approve."" The reader will judge
whether such an address to the Committee of the Edin-
burgh Bible Society be justifiable in Mr Simeon, especially
when professing to plead the cause of love and forbearance;
and whether the strength of his reasonings warrant the
severity of his language.
After the perusal of such a pamphlet as Mr Simeon's,
any one who has little acquaintance with the subject in
del)ate, might be induced to suppose that the Apocryphal
books are very harmless in themselves, and that the adding
of them to the Scriptures is a matter of no great moment.
But, considering the specimens of them given in the Edin-
burgh Statement, in which so many false principles and
destructive errors are exposed, some notice of these, it might
be expected, would have been taken by Mr Simeon, and
some defence attempted of a book which he insists may be
(awfully added to the word of God. The Edinburgh
Statement declares, that " the whole work is replete with
instances of vanity, flattery, idle curiosity, affectation of
learning, and other blemishes ; with frivolous, absurd, false,
superstitious, and contradictory statements.**' These serious
charges are supported by proofs exhibited under the follow-
ing heads: — Absurdities and contradictions, — n)agical cere-
monies, — transmigration of souls, — prayers for the dead, —
sinless perfection in this life, — gross superstition, — lies and
falsehood, — assassination and suicide commended, — justi-
tication by the works of the law.
** From these brief statements,'' it is added, "which might
have been continued to a much greater length, — " we trust
it will appear that our opposition to the printing and cir-
culation of the Ap(Xiryphal books, whether intermixed with,
or appended to the sacred Scriptures, is neither frivolous
nor vexatious : — that, so far from being a harmless append-
age to the word of God, they are in direct hostility to it ;
and, if bound up with it, must powerfully tend to counter-
act its holy and saving influence on the mind. So' per-
nicious are the doctrines which they teach, — so immoral
are the examples which they present, that no reason, it is
conceived, can be imagined sufficiently powerful to warrant
a Bible Society to countenance, directly or indirectly, their
circulation. Instead of preparing the way, and enticing
men to read and study the sacred volume, their low and
vulgar puerilities, their gross errors and immoralities, are
much more calculated to produce, in the considerate
mind, aversion and disgust. Whatever incidental sen-
timents of real value they may contain, these books,
when brought into connexion with the pure oracles of
heaven, prove, at once, an encumbrance and a snare. In
such a connexion they can be viewed in no other light
than as a presumptuous addition, which it is no less dan-
gerous to give than to receive ; for every addition to the
Scriptures is forbidden by their Divine Author ih ih^
strongest terms.''
Considering the above weighty charges against the
Apocrypha, it is truly astonishing that Mr Simeon should
stand forth a strenuous advocate for adding it to the Holy
Scriptures. If, however, he must still appear in this cha-
racter, why has he not endeavoured to refute these charges ?
Do they seem to him so trivial as not to deserve his no-
tice, or is he conscious that it is not in his power to re-
pel them ?
Mr Simeon, and others who contend for adding the
Apocrypha to the word of God, take for granted the im-
possibihty of circulating the Bible on the Continent with-
out this spurious appendage. This, however, has not been
proved ; and the contrary appears to be the fact, as will be
seen in the sequel. If there is a demand for the Apocrypha,
it is greatly owing to the mismanagement of the Directors
of the Bible Society. Had the foreign societies been told
from the beginning that no aid could be afforded them from
England except for promoting and circulating the Bible
alone, and had this declaration been steadily adhered to,
the result, it is believed, would have been a more extensive
circulation of the Scriptures of truth. Great efforts, how-
ever, are now made to impress on the minds of all, the ne-
cessity of adding the Apocrypha in order to the circulation
of the Scriptures on the Continent.
To prove the necessity, as well as to vindicate the law-
fulness of adding, and even of intermi?iglmg the Apocryiphai
writings with the canonical books, a paper, entitled " Re-
marks," &c. has been recently published at Cambridge, in
the introduction to which a long list of signatures appears,
" restricted,"" it is said, " to masters of arts and persons
of superior degrees."' In this publication extracts of four
letters are inserted. Two of the letters are from Paris, one
from L. Van Ess, and another from a Swedish nobleman.
To these letters I wish to direct the reader's attention, since
tliey are produced as quite conclusive on the subject ; in
one word, they are pronounced ** irresistible.*"
In the extract of the letter from the Swedish nobleman,
we find him expressing his apprehension, that in Sweden
the exclusion of the Apocrypha will put a stop to the circu-
lation of the Scriptures. But this correspondent produces
no facts to support his opinion ; and, from the indiscrimi-
nate and exaggerated terms in which he speaks of the reli-
gion of his countrymen, so common in letters from the Con-
tinent, and so much calculated to mislead their readers, those
who are acquainted with the real state of things there. will
lay little stress on this communication. " Will not,"" he
says, ' the exclusion of the Apocrypha lessen, or put an en-
* tire stop to this circulation, among those humble though
* sincere lovers of our religious records, who, perhaps even
* without being aware of a distinction between the canonical
* and Apocryphal books, have found edification from them
' all ? and many of whom may have first been induced to
' read the Bible, by those affecting histories by which we
* were so delighted as children, and those beautiful moral
* precepts which we admire still as men. You know well
' the attachment of our peasants to the Bible, but they will
' have * tkeii'' Bible ; that Bible which their ancestors loved,
* and out of which their religious parents used to read to
* them as children."
Such is the substance of this letter, in which the writer
throws out a vague opinion, while he does not even hint
that any trial has been made to ascertain the matter in
question. He sees no harm in making an addition to the
Word of God. On the contrary, according to him, it
produces a most beneficial efi'ect. It is even absolutely in-
dispensable; for, without this passport, the Bible would
be rejected by the sincere lovers of the religious records, —
the want of it would put an entire stop to the circulation
of the Scriptures. He himself appears fully to participate
in the strong predilection with which he would persuade
us his countrymen are imbued, having been delighted in
his childhood with the pretty stories of the Apocrypha,
and now in his manhood admiring the beautiful moral pre-
cepts which it contains. What weight can any considerate
person attach to such a testimony as this ? It is fitted rather
to amuse by its simplicity than to produce the smallest con-
viction on a grave and important subject.
Here, however, we have an irrefragable proof of the mis-
chief of connecting the truth of God with the lies of men
in one volume under the title of the Word of God. Both
are viewed as coming from Him, — both are equally receiv-
ed as religious records, — both are considered by the peo-
ple as component parts of the Bible, — " Their Bible.""
Tbis attestation comports very ill with the testimony given
to their piety, while it completely exposes the fallacy of
the opinion advanced by the writers of the Cambridge Re-
marks, that " men will learn to distinguish " the voice of
" the true Shepherd, and a stranger will they not hear.""
* In comparing one part with another, they will soon dis-
* cover that there is an authority and efficacy in the one, to
< which the other does not pretend.'' Instead of soon dis-
covering this difference, the Swedish nobleman tells us of
generation after generation of " religious**" people remain-
ing entirely ignorant of it. As far then as the vague, un-
authenticated statements of this letter go, from which it
appears that the writer possesses no information on the
subject of his communication, they tend only to the con-
futation of the opinion which those who produced it wish
to establish.
Professor L. Van Ess, in his letter, (which is addressed
to Dr Steinkopff*, one of the secretaries of the Bible So-
ciety), intreats the committee of that Society to allow the
Apocrypha to be intermingled with the canonical books in
8000 copies of his translation of the Old Testament which
ihey have purchased. In urging his request, which he
does both from personal and from pubUc considerations,
he attaches no importance whatever to the violation of
the integrity of the inspired word, by interminghng the
apocryphal with the canonical books. Speaking of the
Apocryj)ha, he says, " The view taken by members of
* both (tlie Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches) is
* in a doctrinal sense the same, the mere order in print-
' ing the Apocrypha books is different. Whether the
' books happen to stand in one place in the Bibles of Ro-
' man Catholics, and in another of those of Protestants,
* is surely a point of no importance."
Such is Mr Van Ess's light manner of speaking on the
subject ; and to this flagrant violation of the Divine Word
has he conjured the Society, " in the name of the Re-
deemer himself,"" to consent. But, even were that which
he pleads for lawful, there is nothing so forcible in his
letter as to convince us that it is necessary. On the con-
trary, an attentive perusal of this extract will lead us to
conclude that the opinion he gives as to the impractica-
bility of circulating the old Testament among Roman
Catholics without the Apocrypha is unfounded.
He declares it to be a fact, that the desire of the Roman
Catholic population to obtain possession of the whole Bible
was never so strong and so vehement as at present. He
further tells us of the numberless letters he has received,
and is daily receiving, from Roman Catholics, both of the
clergy and the laity, all breathing the strongest desire to
possess his translation of the Old Testament when complet-
ed, and which, he says, ' in fact, the whole Roman Catholic
public in Germany seems anxious to obtain.** Again, he
speaks of the thousands and thousands among Roman
Catholics who thirst after the whole Bible, and hunger
after that bread of life which no one gives them. In ad-
dition to all this, he informs us that the distribution of the
New Testament lias been abundantly blessed of God.
Such are the details which Van Ess exhibits as facts ;
after which it would require very strong evidence indeed
to prove that the Bible, if presented in its native excellency
and purity, would be rejected by persons in such a state of
mind ? Yet he wishes us to believe that the success of its
circulation cannot be risked without the addition of what
the Swedish nobleman calls, " the affecting histories and
beautiful moral precepts of the Apocrypha." But, to pro-
duce this conviction, the only means which he has in his
power to employ, %s to oppose his own opinions and con-
jectures to the facts he has stated. At the same time he
informs us that " things have scarcely ever worn so por-
' tentous an appearance as at the present moment, when
* so great is the excitement visible among the members of
* both persuasions, that we cannot but be apprehensive of
* its leading to some important crisis." In other words,
circumstances are so much changed, that, to reason from
the past to the future, as to the reception of the Scriptures
by the public, is very precarious.
If his representations be well founded, why is it neces-
sary that the Bible Society should purchase his trans-
lation of the Old Testament for the purpose of circu-
lating it, whether with or without the Apocrypha ? " The
* desire," he says, " of the Roman Catholic population
' to obtain possession of the whole Bible was never so
* strong and so vehement as at present." In another
letter, dated April 26, 1824, (two months prior to the
date of the above letter, published in this year's Report
of the Bible Society,) he observes, " The inquiry after
* my translation of the Old Testament exceeds belief,
' from clergymen as well as from the laity ; since there
* are no other Catholic translations in the German lan-
» guage, excepting such as are filled with notes and com-
* ments, and in general sell at a very high price, which
* cannot be paid either by clergy or laity in these times of
* distrc5>s. The demand for my version, when fully com-
' pletcd will Ik* so considerable, that 100,000 copies wtU
* be required. Wherever my New Testament has found
' nccess, and Christ is revealed by its perusal, the people
* are anxious to seek him also in the prophecies and types
' of the Old Testament. I receive letters by every mail
* containing applications for copies." If all this be true,
what need is there for the interference of the Bible So-
ciety, far less that it should become a party to the viola-
tion of the integrity of the Scriptures. Booksellers enough
will be found both to remunerate the author, and to de-
fray the expenses of printing a book of which 100,000
copies will be required to supply the demand. Here we
have sufficient proof that the conjectures of Van Ess, that
the Bible would not circulate without the Apocrypha,
are entirely groundless. The facts which he states ^ if
admitted, must convince the most incredulous that the
Old Testament would be received, and gladly received, by
the people of Germany, though unadulterated. For can
any one imagined that, when the inquiry for the Bible ex-
ceeds belief, and when it is out of the power of the people to
obtain it elsewhere, they will be deterred from procuring
the object of their desire wherever it can be had, even
though they supposed it to be in some respects defective.
Above all, is it possible for any one to bring himself to
imagine that those to whom Christ has been revealed by
the perusal of the New Testament, and who are anxious
to seek him also in the prophecies and types of the Old Tcs^
tament, will refuse to accept of it because it wants the Apo-
crypha? Such a supposition carries absurdity on the face
of it.
Van Ess, as if he himself were sensible that his con-
jectures are insufficient to counteract the impression that
will be made by his facts, endeavours to add to their
weight by referring to certain personal inconveniences it)
which he would be exposed were he to publish the Bible
without the Apocrypha. His character and reputation,
he tells us, as well as his adherence to canonical order,
would be immediately degraded. But such considerations
as these can never justify Christians of this country in
adulterating the Scriptures ; nor do his opinions, opposed
to his facts, carry such evidence as to lay them under a
temptation to violate their duty. We shall afterwards refer
to the judgment of one who is well acquainted with Ger-
many, who affirms, that " the assertion that the Bible xmll
' not he received in Germany without the Apocrypha is a
* gross misrepresentation?''
In publishing extracts of this letter from Van Ess to
persuade the public that the Bible vvill not be received by
Roman Catholics without the Apocrypha, the authors of
the Cambridge Remarks have hept hack an important tes-
timony on the opposite side contained in the same letter, hy
striking it out of a sentence ivhich they have quoted.
In what they have published we read, in the end of one
sentence and in the beginnuig of another, as follows: " By
' the circulation of my translation of the Old Testament,
' separate from the Apocryphal books. When, at the same
' time, I call to mind the numberless letters which I have
' received," &c. Now, let the reader observe what has
been done to conceal the hiatus. The last clause of the
former sentence is struck out together with the first word
of the latter sentence, and the second word is made to be-
gin with a capital. In the letter itself the whole runs thus,
the second sentence beginning a new paragraph : — -' By the
* circulation of my translation of the Old Testament, sepa-
' rate from the Apocryphal books ; notwithstanding, it is
« but candid to say, that, individually, I, like many other
< enlightened Roman Catholics, feel disposed to take no
' umbrage whatsoever at such a separation."*'
" But, when at the same time I call to mind the num-
' berless letters which I have received," &c.
The^c'^ thus suppressed and intended to be concealed
from the public is a very material one, and. must have
appeared so to those who have omitted it, otherwise they
would never have resorted to so base an artifice. According
to Van Ess himself, many enlightened Roman Catholics feel
disposed to take no umbraoe xvhatsoevcr at the separaticm be-
tween the Bible and the Apocrypha,
The writers cf the Cambridge Remarks have not
only attempted the concealment that has been just ex-
posed ; but, with equal art, they have also omitted the
relation of another very material fact. In one of the
extracts that has already been quoted, and which they
have detached trom the other extracts, and huddled up
in a note at some columns distance, they have again made
an important omission in the middle of a sentence. * In
their note we read : " The mere order in printing the
' Apocryphal books is different. Whether the books hap-
' pen to stand," &c. In the letter itself we read — " the
* mere order in printing the Apocryphal books is different ;
' — let them be paid for by others, and the resolution of
* the Committee not to priiit the Apocryphal books at their
' expense^ will not be violated. — The Committee permit the
* distribution of the Apocrypha if done at the expense of
* others ; — whether these books happen to stand,"" &c.
In another part of his letter. Van Ess calls upon the
Bible Society to make an exception from the rules in their
resolution respecting the Apocrypha, " or at least," he adds,
' so far to modify the resolution, that the Apocryphal books
' and portions irfihe Old Testament^ agreeably to the order
' oftfte Vulgate^ and intermingled with the canonical books,
^'¥Ray be allowed to be printed at the expense of others and
^ then circulated in the 8000 copies of my Old Testament,
* the canonical books of which, the B. and F. Bible So-
' dety have purchased!" Again, it is said in the same letter
— " Towards the expenses of printing the Apocryphal
' lx)oks, I am ready to advance 4000 florins, which I have
* received from Amsterdam towards establishing a fund for
^ the Bible."
All the above quotations of the letter of Van Ess, are not
only omitted in the extracts given by the Cambridge writers,
but as we see by the above omission, carefully kept out of view.
Let the reader, however, remark the last words that have
been quoted — which I have received towards establishing a
fund for the Bible. This explauis what was the effect of the
resolutions of the British and Foreign Bible Society of
August 1822, and December 1824, which have been ani-
madverted on, page 37 ; and the justice of the following
remark in the Statement of the Edinburgh Committee,
already referred to, will now be obvious. " The real ope-
' ration of these resolutions is merely to administer a salvo
' to the consciences of objectors at home, whilst abroad the
' evil remains precisely the same as ever, and those sacred
' funds which had been subscribed on the express condi-
' tion and in the full confidence that they should be ex-
' pended in encouraging the circulation oithe Holy Scrip-
' tures only^ are still lending an indirect influence to the cir-
' culation of vital error.""*
Whether or not the authors of the Cambridge Remarks
bad the paragraph of the Edinburgh Statement just quoted
in view when they presented to the public the garbled
sentence in their detached note, is best known to them-
selves. In the end of the '' Remarks'" they indeed say, "In
' the case of the foreign letters, it must be borne in mind
' that the writers are not answerable for any inaccuracies
* which may have arisen in the translation."' The above,
however, is not an inaccuracy in translation, but an omis-
sion similar to the former one pointed out, and to another
garbled quotation of which Mr Gorham has convicted
them in his pamphlet, 1st edition, page 31. That men who
possess common honesty, not to say Christian principle, or
who have any regard for their own characters, should have
been guilty of the frauds pointed out above, in order to mis-
lead the public, is altogether unaccountable. That cause
* Mr V. Ess here solicits the British and Foreign Bible Society to furnish
him with money to pay for his printing the canonical books, while he informs
them that he will print the Apocryphal books with money which he says he
has received from another Society for estaMuhing a fund for the Bible. In
this way he assures them their rules will not be violated ! \rill the Christians
jn Britain consent to such manoeuvring as is here exposed ?
must indeed be desj)erate, which prompts its adherents to
resort to such a mode of supporting it.
In the letter of Van Ess, he says, " When under this
< impression, I advert to the wide, the very wide field which
' a})pcars to be opened for us among Roman Catholics, by
* means of the dissemination of the ivliole Bible, translated
\/rnm the original, and arranged according to the Roman
* Catholic order of the books.''' Upon this the writer of the
" Preface to Observations on the Circulation of the Apocry-
pha," makes the following note: — " Now here I must stop to
' remark, that there is a manifest contradiction very likely to
' mislead the unwary. By the word original, we mean in
' English, the Hebrew, Chaldean, and Greek. Van Ess must
* mean the Latin Vulgate, for if he means any thing else, his
* version and he himself are both ipsojacto excommunicated,
' by the Council of Trent, by the two congregations for
' interpreting its decrees, assembled by order of Pius IV.
* and Sextus V., and by very many subsequent bulls.
* However, if he does not mean the Latin Vulgate, he
' could not find some of the Apocryphal books at all, and
* none of them in Hebrew, and consequently he could find
' none arranged according to the Roman order ; therefore
' he does not mean the Bible translated from the original,
' but from the Latin Vulgate." It appears then that the
translation of Van Ess, of which the Bible Society has
purchased 8000 copies, is not made from the original
Hebrew, but from that other translation which, on account
of its corruptions, a learned Bishop calls the Puddle.
" The Hebrew, he says, is to be considered as the foun-
tain — the Greek the stream — and the Latin the Puddle.''^
In one of the two letters from Paris, the writer declares
that he wishes to see the Apocrypha separated from their
own Bibles — that he often sighs when he thinks upon the
time and money sjxjnt in reprinting writings, which
though some few of them, he says, may contain good
lessons of morals, are for the most part absurd. He also
acknowledges that the French Churches are wrong, in
having the Apocrypha joined to the Bible. Yet, after all
these admissions, he thinks it should not be withheld by the
Bible Societies. " Our reformers," he says, " should have
' enlightened us on this question, as they have done on
< many others, and have relieved our Bible from this su-
' perfluity. After them our Synods alone are able to de-
' cide the question ; but they have not to my knowledge
' meddled with it. Nor should the Bible Societies; nor ought
* they, in my opinion, to take away the Apocrypha till the
' Church gives, at least tacitly, a general consent to it."
I am extremely sorry to see such sentiments expressed
by the author of this letter ; but purer Popery, I am com-
pelled to observe, never proceeded from the Vatican.
The thing is bad in itself, and the practice is wrong ; but
we must adhere to it. Our reformers have not enlight-
ened us on this point. If this be sound doctrine, Chris-
tians, at the Reformation, only exchanged the infallibility
of the Pope for the infallibility of Luther and his coadju-
tors. But the Reformers did enlighten us on this point,
or at least put us in the way of enlightening ourselves.
They opened to us the Scriptures, and appealed to them
for what they advanced, calling on all to examine them for
themselves, and constantly affirming that they are able to
make men wise unto salvation. This was the grand prin-
ciple to which they attained, and which they promulgated ;
and great would have been their concern had they fore-
seen that, three hundred years after their time, those who
professed to follow them in their reformation would cling
to what was acknowledged to be wrong, because it was
an evil which they had not marked with due reprobation.
How justly might they have complained that this was
loading them with a degree of responsibility which, upon
their own principles, they were entitled to disclaim ; and
removing the very foundation on which their reformation
was built.
The next appeal, it is asserted, should be to the Sy-
nods ; but no relief, it seems, can be obtained from them :
They have not decided the question : and now, since they
exist no more, there is no prospect that they ever shall
decide it. Last of all comes " the Church," and on it
the responsibility of the continuance of what is confessed to
be wrong is ultimately cast. Here we are thrown back into
that very situation from which the Reformers laboured to
deliver us. The Bible is withheld from the Roman Catho-
lics, because the Church decides that it is not fit for the
people ; and Protestants must receive it degraded by
what they know to be "absurd," until the Church shall
give its consent to suffer it to appear by itself, in its native,
heaven-born purity and beauty. Nay, we may even feel
ourselves at liberty to do what we know to be wrongs and
to continue to do so till the Church gives its consent to our
doing what we know to be right. Thus the authority of
the Church, and not the authority of God, is appealed to,
and the latter is made to yield to the former.
The Apostles of Christ taught that " we ought to obey
God rather than man ;" to the Rulers, and Elders, and
Scribes they put that conclusive question : " Whether
it be right, in the sight of God, to hearken unto you
more than unto God, judge ye." Yet here persons, who
profess to have received their testimony, avowedly hearken
unto itien rather than unto God. Whatever is " wrong''
is contrary to his will ; but in this instance we are taught
systematically to disregard the will of God, till it shall
have received the sanction of the will of man ; and, as long
as these stand opposed to each other, to make the former
give way to the latter. This is worse than Popery. The
Roman Catholic does not believe his Church, to whose
decision he bows, to be wrong. On the contrary, he is
convinced that it is right, and that, in yielding obedience
to it, he is submitting to the will of God. But here, al-
though it is both clearly seen, and fully acknowledged
that the Church is wrongs its decision is adhered to. The
Roman Catholic, of the two, is the more consistent, and
the less guilty.
Instead of the inquiry being, " What saith the Lord P^'
it comes to be, " What saith the Church ?" But what is the
Church but the collective body of believers ? and are be-
hevers in their collective capacity at liberty to dispense
with the law of God ? The Lord Jesus Christ placed the
keys of the kingdom of heaven in the hands of his Apos-
tles ; and who but antichrist will maintain that, since their
time, they have been committed to the Church ? We may
ask, concerning the Church, what Paul asked the Corin-
thians in reference to himself. <' Was Paul crucified for
you .?" Has the Church a power to remit sins .'' Will the
Church answer for us in the great day of account, or
bear the punishment of our sins ? Perhaps the Church,
too, will decide that the people shall never read the Bible
without Ostervald's Notes, an appendage without which
it is not permitted to appear in French pulpits ! In this
letter it is affirmed that the edition of the Montauban
Bible has sold only since the Apocrypha was added to it.
That this assertion is entirely groundless will afterwards^
The other letter, from Paris, is written by Professor
KeifFer ; and both to the reasoning and the alleged facts
of this correspondent of the British and Foreign Bible
Society, it is necessary to pay particular attention.
Mr KeifFer admits it to be generally agreed that the
Apocryphal books are not divinely inspired, but asks —
' Why cannot we follow, with respect to them, the precept which our Di-
* vine Saviour himself gives us in the parable of the tares, which had come up
* in the field where good seed had been sown. (I\Iatt. xiii.) When the ser-
* rants of the master of the field offered to gather up the tares, the master for-
* bade it, saying, — ' Gather not up the tares, lest ye root up also the wheat
" with them. I^et both grow together until the harvest, and in the time
" of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first tlie tares, and
" bind them in bundles to burn them ; but gather the wheat into my barn.*
' The precept contained in this parable may, I think, be applied to the dis-
* cussion which is now carried on concerning the Apocryphal books.'
The precept in this parable is completely irrelevant to
the subject. Such licentious misapplications of passages
of the word of God deserve the severest reprehension ;
they are only calculated to perplex and mislead the igno-
rant and unwary. An opposer of the Apocrypha might
meet the above question by inquiring, Why cannot we fol-
low the rule delivered by the Lord to his prophet, " If
thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be
as my mouth ?"" Jer. xv. 19. The parable of the tares re-
fers to persons, not to doctrines. In regard to the latter,
our rule is to hold fast the form of sound words ; to. cease
to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words
of knowledge ; and on no account to presume to add to
the words of God.
' Ought we not with perfect confidence,* adds Mr Ktiffer, ' to leave to the
' Almighty the means, and the time, which in his incomprehensible wisdom
* he shall consider the most fit and proper for separating these books from the
' inspired writings ?"
If such a mode of reasoning as this were allowed, it
might be applied to the translation of the Scriptures into
the languages of the world, and employed to paralyze
every exertion for the spread of the Gospel. We might
say, with some of old, " The time is not come, the time
that the Lord's house should be built."" But tliose who
employed such language were reproved and convicted by
their practice in regard to their own houses. They found
difficulties in the way of building the Lord's house, and
made them a pretext for giving it up altogether ; while,
notwithstanding the obstacles which they had to encounter,
they contrived to erect ceilled houses for their own accom-
modation, Haggai i. 2. 5. But, in waiting for the interference
of the Almighty before separating between the Scriptures
and the Apocrypha, we should be much more inexcusable
than the Jews. God had limited a particular period for the
desolation of Jerusalem ; but he has limited no period du-
ring which his people arc to countenance the adulteration
of the lively oracles by corrupt additions.
False prophets have risen up in every age, and those who
tremble at the word of God have always been command-
ed to turn away from them. Men may indeed turn away
their ears from the truth, and be turned unto fables; but the
people of God are not in any way to give them their sanc-
tion. " If there come unto you any, and bring not this
* doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him
* God speed, for he that biddeth him God speed is par-
* taker of his evil deeds,"" 2 John x. 11.
The Apostle Paul was not directed to wait till God
should destroy the influence of false teachers in the church
at Corinth. He denounced them as deceitful workers,
as ministers of Satan ; and thus by the blessing of God
the evil was checked. We cannot feel too strongly our
absolute and entire dependance on God, and that, except
the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build
it ; but we are not to wait until the Lord shall point out
to us the proper time for building his house by causing it
to spring up without our labour. He has given us his
Holy Word ; he has commanded us earnestly to contend
for the faith once delivered to the saints, and to preserve
pur^ and uncontaminated that book by which all shall be
j^udged at last.
According to M. Keiffer's application of the parable of
the tares, the Bible is the wheat, the Apocrypha the
tares, the devil is the author of it, and the servants are
forbidden to take away what he has indited. Extraordi-
nary as it may appear, that, in pleading the cause of the
Apocrypha, he should have laid down such premises, the
conclusion which he draws is still more remarkable. In
plain language it is as follows : — Let us then imitate the
conduct of this enemy, and, as long as the servants shall
gkep, unite with the devil in sowing tares among the
wHeat by continuing to print the Apocrypha. Arguments
like these should arouse the most dormant and, inconsider-
ate^ while they prove to what lengths such perversions of
Scripture would conduct us.
After giving the above specimen of his manner of ap-
plying Scripture, and reasoning upon the subject, Mr
KeifFer proceeds to his statement of facts, which are pub-
lished with a view to sway the pubhc mind, and are held
forth as decisive on the subject in question.
" When the Bible Society at Paris," he says, " began its labours six years
* ago, the only Bibles ready for distribution were two editions which had been
* printed by some pious persons at Toulouse and Montauban, which did not
< contain the Apocrypha. With these two editions the Society began its dis-
* iributions, but soon there was a protest on all sides against the omission of
* these books, and a formal demand was made, that the Apocryphal books
* should be added to these two editions. In order to conform to the French
* Churches, the Society was obliged to print the Apocrypha at Toulouse and
* at Montauban, and to add them to the editions which had already been pub-
* lislied there. A little while after, the British and Foreign Bible Society
* caused Martin's Bible to be printed at Paris, in a small form, and gave a
* great number of copies of it to the Paris Bible Society ; but though this edi-
* tion was advertised in the annual reports, and in several of the Society's cir-
* culars, and though it was offered at a very low price, nobody asked for it.
* The Auxiliary Societies to which these books were sent, as a gift, received
' them with reluctance, because the Apocryphal books were not in them, and
* the Society was obliged to print them in a small form, as the only means of
* distributing these Bibles. These facts appear to me more than sufficient to
* prove the aversion which the French Protestants have for Bibles without the
' Apocrjrpha, and the impossibility of introducing tliem into our churches."
It is difficult to repress our indignation when we see
statements of this kind published under the name of facts,
in order to influence men''s minds, and which are calculat-
ed to mislead the public on so important a subject. We
have already seen one letter addressed to a Secretary of
the Bible Society, laid before the public in a mutilated
state, with material Jhcts which it contained purposely
suppressed ; and now we have extracts of a letter written
by a correspondent of the Society, whose competency to
judge in religious questions the reader has already had an
opportunity of appreciating. In this letter he gives vari*
ous statements wliich are contrary to fact, and yet he af-
firms that these Jacts appear more than sufficient to prove
the aversion which the French Protestants have for Bibles
without the Apocrypha, and the impossibility of intro-
ducing them into their churches.
To show that I am not treating Mr Keiffer's facts worse
than they deserve, I must enter into some details, and
shall proceed to state facts derived from much more com-
petent judges on religious subjects than Mr Keiffer. His
facts relate to three editions of the Bible — the Toulouse
and the Montauban editions, and Martin's pocket Bible.
I shall take them in their order.
Mr KeifFer affirms that the Toulouse edition of the Bible
was printed by some pious persons at that place, and
that the Bible Society at Paris began the distribution of
it before the Apocrypha was added. Both these assertions
are unfounded. The Toulouse Bible was not printed by
some pious persons at Toulouse, and the distribution of it
was not begun without the Apocrypha. The history of
this edition is as follows : —
In consequence of a representation that was made, at my
instance, to the British and Foreign Bible Society, soon af-
ter the Montauban Bible went to press, stating, that a
much greater number of Bibles was wanted to supply the
French Protestants, an edition of 10,000 copies, to be
printed solely at the expense of that Society, was ordered at
Toulouse. The printing of this Bible was placed under
the superintendence of M. Chabrand, the Protestant pas-
tor and President of the Consistory there, whom I had
recommended as a fit person to be intrusted with it. This
edition was far advanced when I left France, without any
mention being made of adding the Apocrypha ; nor had
M. Chabrand the smallest idea that this would ever be
done. But, when the work was nearly completed, he re-
ceived an order to print the Apocrypha along with it.
Against this he repeatedly remonstrated.
Of this transaction, so important in the annals of
ihe British and Foreign Bible Society, as it throws mucli
light on the conduct of its directors respecting the Apocry-
pha> Mr Gorham gives the following account : — " But, in
some instances, the Committee have gone beyond this
step, by encouraging the introduction of such an Apocry-
pha, and by printing it at the expense of our Society. A re-
markable instance occurred in the French Bible (Martin's,)
ten thousand copies of which were printed at Toulouse,
1819, by ourjimds, for the Protestants in the South of
France. From the proceedings in our Committee, on 31st
January, 6th March, and 16th March 1820, (See Mmute
Book,) it appears that the Paris Bible Society stated that
the omission of the Apocrypha would give offence. The
Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society re-
quested the Rev. M. Chabrand, President of the Consis-
tory of Toulouse, and the Bible Society at Montauban,
" to consider the propriety of adding the Apocrypha. M.
Chabrand stated his objections to doing so — alleging, that
tliere was danger of the Protestants confoundirig the Apo-
cryphal mth the Canonical books ; arid of their being thus
led to adopt some of the errors of Popery (particularly tJtat
o^PuRGATOEY,) " to wliich they were already too much in-
clined.''^ (See Letter Book.) The point was then referred
to a correspondence between M. Chabrand and Professor
Keiffer of Paris ; — the result was, the adoption of the Apo-
crypha. Through the same influence, ^br fear of giving
offence to Roman Catltolics, M. Chabrand was directed to
omit David Martin's admirable preface to the Apocrypha,
(one of the most luminous views of the history and errors
of those writings) — a brief and tame superscription being
substituted ! We feel confident that the great body of sub-
scribers to the British and Foreign Bible Society would
have expressed astonishment and dissatisfaction, had they
been distinctly informed of this affair."
On the same subject, a correspondent who has seen the
Minute Book of the Society, writes as follows: — " It ap-
pears that a letter was read recommending the addition of
the Apocrypha, and the Committee ordered that it should
be done. Then came another meeting, when a strong re-
monstrance from Mr Chabrand was read — an answer was
sent recommending him to give up his opposition. Next
came a letter from Mr Chabrand, still objecting in the
strongest terms. The matter was then referred to the Paris
Bible Society, which of course decided against Mr Cha-
brand. A request was then made by Mr Chabrand, that
a preface to it should be inserted. This was positively re-
fused by the Committee. Thus it appears that Chabrand
fought his ground inch by inch." Let us now hear Mr
Chabrand's account of this business, and his opinion on the
subject of the Apocrypha, as given by himself in a letter
dated August 30th, 1825 : —
" The Toulouse edition of the Bible was never published
* without the Apocryphal books. Having been charged
' by the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible So-
* ciety with the direction of that work, I expected, it is
* true, to print only the canonical books ; but, at a period
* when the work was already far advanced, the London
* Committee having made over that edition to the Paris
' Society, I received, on the part of the latter, an order
* (invitation) to join the Apocrypha to the Canonical books.
* I took the liberty to make some representations to them
* on the subject, which I transmitted to the Committee
* through Professor Keiffer ; but all that I could obtain
* was, that, in order to make a difference between the Apo-
* cryphal and Canonical books, I should place the former
< at the end of the whole Bible, — that I should |)refix to
* them an advertisement, which- they adopted only in part,
< — that, instead of following the division by verses, as in
< the Bible, 1 should distribute them into paragraphs ; and
* finally, that I should print them with a smaller type than
< the rest of the volume.
*' My purpose in printing the Apocryphal books at the
* end of the Bible, and in the smaller type was, to prevent
* the ignorant people from confounding it with the Ca-
* nonjcal books, as they do so often when they are placed
« between the Old and New Testaments, and printed in the
* same way.
« I still think that there are weighty objections, graves
* inconveniens, (at least among us on account of igno-
' ranee) to joining the Apocryphal to the Canonical books :
* 1. Because, as I have just said, the people confound the
* one with the other : that the book of Tobit teaches the
* merit of works ; that the books of Maccabees establish
' purgatory and prayers for the dead, &c. ; and that, in
' general, as the Fathers of the Great Synod of Dordrecht
* say, they are filled with tales, and ridiculous fables, such
' as the history of the Devil Asmodeus, &c.
" I know of only two reasons alleged by those who de-
' sire to see them always occupy that place. 3 . Use, that
' is to say, custom. % As historical documents following
* up those of ths Old Testament. As to the first reason,
* viz. custom, it seemed to me that the people belonging
' to our churches had so much lost sight of the word of
* God, that the moment to disencumber the canon of the
' New Scriptures of that improper (inconvenant) appen-
' dage, namely, the Apocrypha, appeared to me favourable ;
* and, as to their being historical documents, I proposed
* that they should send them into the world and into
' libraries, by causing them to be printed apart.""
Here we have Mr Chabrand^s opinion on the subject—
an opinion which he has held all along. When the addi-
tion of the Apocrypha was ordered, he was so much hurt,
that he has since affirmed, that, if he had known the Apo-
crypha was to be added, he would have had nothing to
do with the superintendence of printing the Bible. He de-
clared, too, that he placed the Apocrypha at the end of the
Bible, and printed it in a smaller type, that it might be
as little noticed, a/nd do as little harm as possible.
So far from their being " a protest on all sides'" against
the omission of the Apocrypha, as Mr KeifFer has assert*
ed, Mr Chabrand, who lives in the midst of the Protes-
tants, has never to this day heard a single complaint on
the subject In his letter quoted above, he says, " I have
' never heard one, neither Church nor individual, in
« France, complain of the absence of the Apocryphal books ;
* but I have known a great many pastors (beaucoup de
' pasteurs) disapprove of their insertion in the volume of
' the Bible.'' So much for the Toulouse edition of the
Bible. I come now to that of Montauban.
Being at Montauban in the year 1817, I found among
the French Protestants a deplorable want of Bibles, I
therefore suggested the propriety, and even the necessity,
of endeavouring to obtain a sufficient supply. To encou-
rage them to this, I offered a donation of L.lOO, and to
give L.lOO more afterwards if it should be needed ; at the
same time I assured them that, from what I knew of the
British and Foreign Bible Society, I was convinced that,
if applied to, it would afford them very effectual aid. The
subject was immediately taken into consideration, and in a
few days a letter was forwarded to that Society, to which
an answer, offering a very liberal donation, was soon after
received. It was then resolved to commence the work.
In communicating to me this resolution, it was stated that
the Apocrypha would be published with the Bible. Against
this I immediately remonstrated. I observed, that the do-
nation I had offered was for the publication of the word of
God; but, if the Apocrypha was to be joined with it, I could
have no part in such a transaction. I farther told them,
that on the same grounds I was certain the London Society
could afford them no aid, for that, even were the Directors
of that Society willing to assist in such a work, it was not in
their power ; as it would be a violation of their rules, and
consequently of their engagements with those who sup.,
ported that institution. This was my firm belief at that
time, for 1 had then no suspicion of what I have since
found to be the practice of tliat Society on the Continent,
respecting the Apocrypha. This remonstrance produced
the desired effect. Within a few days, I was informed
that it was resolved to omit the Apocrypha, and to pub-
lish the Bible alone.
The Protestant Churches throughout France were then
applied to, and the greater part, if not all of them, sub-
scribed to the proposed work, each engaging to take a
certain number of copies. I continued at Montauban
about two years afterwards, while the printing of the
Bible, consisting of 6000 copies, was going forward ; dur*.
ing all which time not a syllable was uttered about adding
the Apocrypha ; nor did I ever hear of the least com-
plaint being made on the subject of its omission hy any of
the French Churches^ or by any individual. Among the
last things I did before I quitted France, was to pay
the money I had subscribed, under the stipulation that
the Apocrypha should not be added to the Bible. Up
to that period there was not the smallest intention of
adding the Apocrypha : for I am certain that the person to
whom I paid the money, who had the best access of any
man in France to Icnoiv the state a7id sentiments of all the
French Protestant Churches^ possessed too much Christian
integrity to have allowed him to receive it if he had enter-
tained the most distant idea that such an intention existed.
At length the Montauban Bible was published and cir-
culated. But long afterwards, and after 3000 copies Jtad
been disposed of, the Paris Bible Society (the instrument,
under the British and Foreign Bible Society, of all this
mischief) desired that the Apocrypha should be added to
it. The Christians at Montauban decidedly opposed th6
measure. They knew by experience that the Bible would
circulate freely in France without the Apocrypha — they
detested that carnal policy which would lead men to adul-
terate the word of God — they insisted, that, if those who
desired this addition were indeed convinced that the circu-
lation of the Bible was the work of God, they would not
fear its being retarded because it had not the Apocrypha
joined with it ; and they added, that printing the Apo-
crypha would both be contrary to the rules of their Society
and the violation of a positive engagement which they had
entered into, — in the faith of which, money had been receiv-
ed by them. Whatever force was in these arguments, they
were overruled. The others yielded to the Paris So-
ciety, and 2500 copies of the Apocrypha were printed
and added to the copies of the Montauban Bible that had
not been disposed of.
Mr Marzials, the first Minister of Montauban, and Pre-
sident of the Consistory,* says, in a letter dated from
Montauban, August 30, 1825 : — " The cause of theprint-
< ing of it (the Apocrypha) is frivolous, and we contend-
* ed (combatue) against it when it was proposed. — Mr
' Bonnard-|- and I did not choose to have any thing to do
' with that work. The Bible Society at Paris held out
* (pretendit) that the Apocrypha was required by many
« of those who purchased the Montauban Bible, and that,
' in order not to stop its distribution, it was necessary
* to print a number of copies of it. As I do not like
* such compliances, {complaisances^) because it is more
' than improper (plus qiCinconvenant) to join in the
' same volume the profane with the sacred, I represented
' that, if they were forcibly convinced that the Biblical
' work was the work of God, they would not be in the
' least afraid that the circulation of the Montauban Bible
* would be retarded because it had not the Apocrypha ;
* and that they ought not to incur an expense contrary
' to the rules of our Society. Our brother Bonnard spoke
• It was to the former President of the Consistory that I refered in my
letter of October 6, 1821, page 20.
f Mr Bonnard is the Dovcn of the Faculty (that is, Principal of the Col-
lege) at Montauban.
* to the same purpose with me, and several others of the
* Committee supported our opposition. — I have heard it
* said that some persons complained that the Apocrypha
* was wanting in our Bible ; but, as to myself personally,
* not one has made that complaint to me, although in this
* Church and in some others I have distributed very many
* (beaiicoup) copies. Before the printing of the Apocry-
' pha, about three thousand copies of the Montauban Bible
' had been already sold."
Respecting the printing of the Apocrypha, both in the
Montauban Bible and in other Bibles for the Roman . Ca-
tholics, Mr Marzials writes as follows, in a letter to a friend
of his in this country, dated August 4, 1825 : — " None of
' us approved of the printing of the Apocrypha ; and I
* believe, as you do, that the Bible Society of Paris should
' not have occupied themselves with it. It was thus that
* I declared my opinion here when the question was agitated.
* People often think that they are acting with prudence in
' their operations, when they do every thing to avoid of-
* fending any one ; but then they often lose sight of the
* rights of faith, (les droits de lajbl.) Happy will it be
' when human prudence shall not paralyze the action of
* Christian prudence. They have wished to pay their
* court to the Roman Catholics in printing these books,
* and they have not seen that, in associating them with the
' holy books, they doubted the efficacy of these for their
' conversion."'
Here I cannot but exult in the Christian conduct of my
good friends at Montauban. I feel high satisfaction when
I compare it with the worldly policy of many. In all
things they have approved themselves to be clear in this
matter. Thus wisdom is justified of her children. The
weight of the opinions of such men on a religious sub-
ject is very different indeed from that of many of the cor-
respondents of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
It was necessary to give a detailed account of the above
proceedings, in which Mr Keiffer bore a distinguished
part. While it overthrows Mr Keiffer's facts, it proves
not only the forwardness of the Directors of the Bible So-
ciety to add the Apocrypha to the sacred volume, but
their culpable lack of information, and want of discern-
ment respecting the affairs of the Continent. To those
who know of what materials the Paris Bible Committee is
generally composed, it will be matter of astonishment that
an opinion given by it on a religious subject should be pre-
ferred, or even for a moment put in competition, with that
of experienced Christians.
I now come to Mr Keiffer's testimony respecting Martin's
pocket Bible, of which he says, " Though this edition was
' advertised in the annual Reports, and in several of the
* Society's circulars, and though it was offered at a very
' low price, nobody asked for it.'' So far is this from be-
ing the fact, that a great number of copies of this Bible
was sent to the South of France, where it circulated freely,
and sold better than the Bibles to which the Apocrypha
was joined. I have lately received this account from
a friend who was residing in the South of France when
it was sent there, and who has full information on the
subject, having taken a particular interest in the cir-
culation of the Scriptures in that country. In Mr Mar-
ziaPs letter above quoted, he says, ' A very great num-
* ber of the small Bible of Paris have been distributed in
* this city." M. Chabrand, in his letter above quoted, gives
the following decisive testimony, both as to the sale of this
Bible and as to the Apocrypha : — *' What proves that the
' people would never have required the Apocrypha, is, that
' the pocket Bible of Paris, which has it not, any more
' than the edition of Drummond's Bible, also in 18mo.
' printed at Geneva, both sold most promptly, (tres
* prornptement,) and the edition of the Montauban Bible
' had not the Apocrypha added to it, till a long time after
» the circulation of a great' number of these Bibles,"
So much for Mr KeifFer's facts, which appear to him
more than sufficient to prove the impossibility of intro-
ducing the unadulterated Bible among the French Pro-
But Mr Keiffcr presents us with another of his facts —
** Let them (the Committee of the British and Foreign
* Bible Society) think of the incalculable good they may
* still effect through Divine grace, amongst twenty-nine
' millions of souls earnestly seeking salvation.*" Twenty-
nine millions of souls — the whole population of France, ear-
nestly seeking salvation ! What Christian would not rejoice,
were the day arrived when this shall indeed be realized ?
But what man, who knows any thing of the present state
of France, will attach the smallest weight, on a religious
subject, to the opinion of one who was capable of making
such a statement ? Yet, behind such authority would the
Directors of the British and Foreign Bible Society shelter
themselves, and endeavour to palliate their unjustifiable con-
duct in adulterating the Bible.
The public will now judge of the Paean chanted by
the Cambridge " writers,*" after exhibiting extracts of the
above four letters to the world : — " These letters contain
' an irresistible appeal to the members of the British and
' Foreign Bible Society, and warrant the assertion that the
' desirable period has not yet arrived, when the uninspired
* books can be separated from the sacred volume, without
' very materially diminishing its circulation throughout the
* greater part of the Christian world, and without endan-
* gering the connexion of the Society with all the Conti-
' nental churches."'
Before quitting this subject, I must observe that Mr
Chabrand, to whom the Bible Society intrusted the publi-
cation of 10,000 copies of the Bible, together with 5000
Testaments, and 10,000 copies of the books of Psalms,
Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, and the Christians at Montau-
ban to whom I have alluded — men in the highest situations
in the Protestant College, and in the church, and in civil
life — are in every respect far better judges than even such
of the British and Foreign Bible Society's correspondents
in Paris as are Christians. They reside in that part of
the country where the great body of the Protestants is
found. Montauban, in which is the seat of the Protestant
College for the education of their ministers, may be styled
the root or centre of the French Protestant Churches, where
a regular official correspondence is maintained with them
all. They have not only a more accurate knowledge of
the Protestants throughout France, but are men of much
longer standing, and of much greater experience on all
rehgious subjects. Had their opinion been acted on, the
Bible would now have been circulating among the Protes-
tants of France without the Apocrypha, and thus a great
point would have been gained, even according to the ad-
mission of its most strenuous supporters. The truth is,
that the Protestants in that country, when the Montauban
and Toulouse Bibles were published, had, as Mr Chabrand
has observed, so little acquaintance with the Scriptures, that
they would never have considered, or even noticed or known,
whether or not the Apocrypha was appended to them. So
scarce were Bibles when I was at Montauban, that there
was not one to be purchased. Several of the students of
divinity did not possess one, and were glad to receive from
me even the New Testament. I was informed, that, in
some of the Protestant churches there was not a Bible to
be found in the pulpits. Thus the Directors of the
British and Foreign Bible Society, by departing from its
fundamental rules and constitution — by consulting persons
incompetent to give them advice, and by refusing to listen
to experienced Christians, have been the means of contami-
nating twelve thousand five hundred copies of the Bible,
and of reviving and riveting a most baneful and dangerous
error and prejudice, with which formerly the minds of mul-
titudes had been deeply imbued.
Not only in France, but over the other parts of the
Continent, might the Scriptures be circulated without the
Apocrypha. We have seen the testimony of Van Ess to
Jucts which, though his intention in producing them was
very different, confirm this conclusion ; while he has ex-
pressly declared, that many enlightened Roman Catholics
feel disposed to take no umbrage whatever at the separation
of the Apocrypha from the Bible.
Mr Empeytaz, a well known, an experienced, and highly
respected Christian pastor, on the Continent, who is well ac-
quainted with Germany, affirms that he has good grounds
for stating, that the assertion that the Bible would not be
received in Germany without the Apocrypha is " a gross
Dt Naudi, a physician at Malta, and Secretary of the
Bible Society there, writes, (in English,) as follows, Aug.
29, 1825 : — " In a letter which we just received by the
' packet, from the British and Foreign Bible Society, they
* say that there is in London again additional commotions
' about the printing of the Apocryphal writings among the
* inspired books of the Holy Scriptures ; and that at Scot-
' land a most powerful opposition rose against the unin-
* spired books. This question in favour of the Scriptures,
' viz. to publish them without any human mixture, should
' been ended with tlie British and Foreign Bible Society
* long before the present day. The vulgar in general in
* Papal countries know very little about the Scriptures,
' much less about the controverted parts of them. And
« the Malta Bible Society did not experience a sensible
' loss in circulating the Italian Bible without the Apocry-
* phal writings."" Towards the end of this letter, Dr Naudi
says, " I desire you would advocate the cause against any
' mixtures with holy inspired writings. If I were not so
' pressed for time, as you know according to my last, I
* would make a kind of tract on this subject, for which I
* have at hand all the necessary materials.'"
About two years ago the Maltese Bible Society, after
mature deliberation, sent a remonstrance to the British
and Foreign Bible Society against the Apocrypha, and
declared they would no longer circulate a spurious inter-
mixture with the Bible. An angry letter was in conse-
quence dispatched to them by the Society, with an order to
send off the spurious books to another station.
Here a Bible Society, in the midst of a Roman Catholic
population, possessing the means of ascertaining that the
Holy Scriptures, unadulterated by the Apocrypha, would
be accepted by the people, lifts up its voice against this
profanation ? And how is the remonstrance received ? Is
the mistake which the Directors of the British and Foreign
Bible Society laboured under, which the above declaration
ought to have corrected, candidly acknowledged, and the
profane practice gladly abandoned ? On the contrary, their
indignation is excited, and their adulterated book, falsely
called the Bible, instead of being suppressed, is dispatched
to some other quarter, where " that man of sin"" requires its
support, and where, owing to the ignorance of his votaries,
no obstacle will be presented to its reception.
In the above case we have the important testimony of
Dr Naudi, a foreigner, a witness worthy of credit, formerly
a Roman Catholic, and consequently well acquainted with
the sentiments of such, that, after a long trial, a Bible So-
ciety, in the midst of a Catholic population, did not expe-
rience a sensible loss in circulati^ig the Bible witJtout the
Mr Malan, of Geneva, gives it as his decided opinion
that the Bible would circulate freely in every part of the
Continent without the Apocrypha. In a letter, dated
September 26, 1825, he says, " A Bible without the Apo-
< crypha would be received EVERywHEEE (paetout) upon
« the Continent, excepting by certain pastors who are ob-
' stinate in preserving these bad books ; but of these
< there are very few. This is also the opinion of Mr
« Rochat. The Bible which Mr Drummond caused to be
* printed has not the Apocrypha, and it has a great sale
* (eUe se vend heaucoup). I consider that to print and
* distribute the Apocrypha, is to sell bread with needles
* concealed in it. He who eats it might perhaps feel some-
' thing prick him, and he might reject what he had taken,
' but it is also to be feared that the needles might choke
* him. It is inconceivable how Calvin and Luther could
' print these books. Why did they not also print the Apo-
' crypha of the New Testament ? I have read the discus-
* sion of the Church of Scotland, (I mean of the Bible
* Society,) and I have been grieved (afflige) by the reply
' of the Society of London. This I have in detail from a
* member of the London Bible Society who was lately here.
' I do not think that such a work will be blessed, since it is
* interdicted, and God wills that His Word alone should be
' distributed. Let us not fear that the removal of this
* poison will deprive one soul of that morsel of the heavenly
» bread which God has appointed for him. What an error
* is it to believe that a lie can be a useful introduction to
' the truth ! Must the Spirit of the Lord in any way have
' for door-keeper (poi'tier) the spirit of the darkness of
* this world ? I regret much (Je plains hien) that Van Ess
' has believed that this concession should be made. // a
* mis dufeu dans sonfenil^
The more the alleged necessity of adding the Apocry-
pha to the Bible is investigated, the more unfounded will
the opinion appear, while we see that the policy which
dictates this measure, so unlike the character and the
whole procedure of the Divine Author of the Christian
dispensation, is held in abhorrence by well-informed Chris-
tians on the Continent. *' Will ye speak wickedly for God?
and talk deceitfally Jbr him f^ — Job. xiii. 7.
While arguments are used to prove that the circulation
of the Word of God will either be promoted or retarded
by the measures which are adopted for the purpose, we
should never lose sight of what ought to be the grand ob-
ject of inquiry respecting the important question now agi-
tated in every Bible Society in Britain — Whether we are at
liberty to make an addition to the Book of God, in order
to procure its admission among the nations ?
The wide circulation of the Holy Scriptures is a matter
of the utmost importance. They are able to make men
wise unto salvation. Those who have experienced their
saving efficacy should earnestly desire to impart this in-
estimable treasure to all their fellow creatures. Recoilect-
ing, however, that the conversion of the soul can only be
effected by the power of God, they should aim at its ac-
complishment in those ways alone which, in his infinite
wisdom, he has pointed out. God himself must prepare
the hearts of men to receive the good seed ; he only can
make them willing in the day of his power. Without this
all the means which we can employ will prove ineffectual.
We may put the Scriptures into men's hand ; but, unless
they have an inclination to read them, they will only be a
treasure in the hands of a fool. This consideration should
by no means induce Christians to relax in their endea-
vours to circulate the Scriptures. The sovereign pur-
poses of God are not our rule of duty. Faith, he has
assured us, cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word
of God ; but h ought to admonish us to proceed, in a\\ oar
exertions to promote his glory and the good of immortal
souls, according to the rule he has laid down in his word.
Following that, we shall both proceed in safety to ourselves
and with the greatest benefit to others.
The question, then, of the lawfulness and even of the
expediency of adding the Apocrypha to the Holy Scrip-
foreS) in order to procure for them a wider circulation,
resolves itself into this, *< What saith the Scripture ?" On
this point, as on every other, we ought carefully to con*
suit the living oracles, lest it should be said to us a» to
the Sadducees of old ^' Ye do err, not knowing the Scrip-
tures^ nor the power of God.""
Mr Simeon is fully sensible that this is our duty. Ar-
dent as he is for continuing the former practice of the
Bible Society, respecting the Apocrypha, he appears to
be convinced that it can only be vindicated if found con-
sistent with the divine record. To it, therefore, he has
appealed; with what success his readers will determine.
It is to be hoped, however, that all who shall henceforth
advocate the cause for which he pleads, instead of trifling
any longer in producing human authorities, and urging
the length of time that has elapsed since the Apocryphal
writings usurped a place in the sacred volume, will argue
on what shall appear to themselves to be scriptural
grounds. We may reasonably expect, too, since this mat-
ter has been fully brought to the view of Christians, that
nothing less will satisfy them than the conviction that they
are borne out in their final decision by the word of God.
At present there are two questions before the British
and Foreign Bible Society. The one is. Shall the practice
of intermingling the Apocryphal with the Canonical books
be continued, or sliall it be abandoned ? The other is,
Shall the Apocrypha be added in any way to the Bible ?
The former of these questions, we may conclude, is al-
ready settled. Since the impious practice of the intermix-
ture of the Apocryphal with the Canonical books has been
exposed in all the deformity of its presumptuous wicked-
ness, in confounding the language of Holy Writ, convert-
ing it into a very Babel, and in drawing a darker veil over
the hearts of men already seduced by the sorceries of Ba-
bylon, we may presume that it will speedily disappear.
We come then to the second question. Whether it be
lawful for the British and Foreign Bible Society to add
the Apocrypha to the Bible in any way whatever ? Here
it is not necessary to repeat what has been already advan-
ced, that, if this Society shall persist in its present practice,
it is imperiously required, on the grounds of integrity and
fair dealing to change its name and its fundamental rules,
with the language of its reports ; in short, to new-model
the whole of its constitution. Nor shall I dilate on what
has been proved in the Statement of the Edinburgh
Committee, how much more pernicious it -is to join with
the Holy Scriptures the Apocryphal books — writings
which are viewed by many as of divine origin, than to send
forth the sacred volume, accompanied with notes and com-
ments confessedly of human composition.
Let this question then be divested of every adventitious
circumstance, and considered simply on its own merits ;
and let us recollect, that it is a much more serious ques-
tion than many seem to suppose. Those who have hither-
to treated it lightly, or have not viewed it as involving
much personal responsibility, would do well to pause and
reflect before they give countenance any longer to the
practice referred to. Let us then put entirely out of view
every argument from expediency, every inquiry respecting
the rules or practice of the British and Foreign Bible So-
ciety, every consideration connected with the opinions or
authority of men, of whatever name, ancient or modern ;
and, turning our eyes to Him who hath commanded us to
call no man father upon earth, examine this question,
which now comes practically home to every one of us, in
the light of that Word which he hath given to be a lamp
unto our feet and a light unto our path. For this purpose.
it is necessary to bring- into view the plenary inspiration
of the Scriptures. The common erroneous idea, so de-
grading to their character, that the Scriptures are written
under different degrees of inspiration, induces some to fa-
vour the practice of joining with them the Apocrypha ;
and on this very ground its lawfulness is sometimes de-
The Bible is the book of God, in the writing of which,
the men who were employed were only instruments in his
liand, who often did not understand the meaning of . the
words they were inspired to utter or to record. All scrip-
ture is given by the inspiration of God, and on this account
it is called the word of God. This plenary inspiration,
claimed by the Scriptures, signifies the infusion of ideas
and words into the minds of the writers by the operation
of God. " And he said unto me. Son of' man, go, get thee
unto the liouse of Israel, and speak with my zcords unto
them. Moreover, he said unto me. Son of man, all my words
that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear
Toith thine ears. And go, get thee to them of the captivity,
unto the children of thy people, and speak unto them, and tell
them. Thus saith the Lord God, whether they will hear, or
whether they will forbear.'''' Ezek. iii. 4. 10. 11.
The Scriptures contain the revelation of the will of God ;
and he is able to communicate his will to the instrument
he makes use of for this purpose, in whatever way he
pleases, although the manner of his operation we cannot
trace. In the words spoken by the ass of Balaam, we
have an example of this communication through an un-
conscious and involuntary instrument : In Balaam him-
self, through one who was conscious, but involuntary : In
Caiaphas, through one who was voluntary in what he said,
but unconscious of its import. And in the writers of the
Scriptures we have an example of agents both voluntary
and conscious, but equally actuated by the Spirit of God.
The sacred writers uniformly claim for the Scriptures
this highest degree of inspiration, ^Tid give no intimation
of their being written under an inspiration of any kind but
one. The declaration of the Apostle, that all Scripture is
given by the inspiration of God, refers to the whole of the
Old Testament, which Timothy had known from his child-
hood. But, as part of the New Testament was at that time
written, and as the whole of it is classed by its writers with
the Old Testament, this expression of Paul equally ap-
plies to the New. The Apostle Peter ranks ail the epis-
tles of Paul with " the other Scriptures ^^"^ thereby intimating
that they are of the same authority, and showing that the
writings both of the Old and New Testaments went by the
name of " Scriptures."
To the writings of the Old Testament this highest de-
gree of inspiration is ascribed in the New. '' Well spake
the Holy Ghost by Esaias the Prophet," Acts xxviii. 25.
*' As he saith also in Osee,"" Rom. ix. 25. " Wherefore also
the Hohj Ghost saith;' Heb. iii. 7. " Whereof the Holy
Ghost also is a witness to us, for after that he had said;''
Hek X. 14. " Searching what or what manner of time,
the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when
it testified before hand the sufferings of Christ, and the
glory that should follow,'' 1 Peter i. 11. " Who hy the
mouth of thy servant David hast said;"* Acts iv. 25. Thus
God " at sundry times, and in divers manners, spake in
time past unto the fathers by the prophets,"*' Heb. i. 1 .*
In like manner it was promised to the Apostles, that
they should receive the power of the Holy Ghost coming
upon them, Acts i. 8. Accordingly, on the day of Pente-
cost, they began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit
gave them utterance. Acts ii. 4. " They were all filled with
the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with bold-
ness. Acts iv. 31. " Which things also we speak, not in
the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the
• " He saiW is repeated, or must be understood in verses 5^ 6, 7, 8, 10, and
13, of this first chapter, in the various quotations from the Old Testament.
Holy Gliost teacheth," 1 Cor. ii. 18. *' Since ye seek a prodf
of Christ speaking in (or by) me," 2 Cor. xiii. 3. " The
things that I write unto you are the commandments of the
Lord,'''' 1 Cor. xiv. 37. " When ye received the word of
God which ye heard from us, ye received it not as the
word of men, but as it is in truth, the wordofGody"" 1
Thess. ii. 13. *' He therefore that despiseth, despiseth
not man but God, who hath also given unto us his Holy
Spirit,"" 1 Thess. iv. 8. Such was the inspiration by
which the Apostles wrote, nor do they ever once intimate
that they were not writing under its influence ; and §uch
inspiration, and no less, was indispensably necessary for
those to whom the keys of the kingdom of heaven were
committed. The word that the Apostles were to de-
clare, was to open and to shut, to bind and to loose, in
heaven and in earth. " He breathed on them, and saith
unto them, receive ye the Holy Ghost ; whosesoever sins
ye remit, they are remitted unto them ; and whosesoever
sins ye retain, they are retained,"" John xx. 22. " He that
heareth you, heareth me,'''* Luke x. 16.
From the above, and many other passages of Scrip-
ture, we are taught the nature of that inspiration by
which the prophets and apostles wrote. The manner of
communicating the revelations might differ, as we learn,
Num. xii. 6. 8. ; but their certainty and authority were
the same, " for the prophecy came not of old time by the
will of man, but holy men of God spaJce as they were
mjoved hy the Holy GJiostJ''* Neither was it the apostles
who spake, but it was the Spirit of their Father, who
spake in them, Matt. x. 20.* This full inspiration of the
• Irenaeus, who conversed with Polycarp, the disciple of John, who him-
self lived but a few years after that Apostle, says, concerning the inspiration
of the Scriptures, " Well knowing that the Scriptures are perfect, and dic-
tated by the word of (Jod, and his Spirit." " The sacred books," sayi
Origen, " came from the fulness of the Spirit ; so that there is nothing in the
Book of God, without which it could not properly be called
his " word,''^ should teach us to regard it with the highest
veneration. " The words of the Lord are pure words :
as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times,"
Psal. xii. 6. " The law of the Lord is perfect," Psal.
xix. 7.*
The Bible, indited by God himself, stands alone in the
world. It differs from all other writings, not in degree
only, but also in kind. It is the voice of Jehovah, the
word which he hath spoken, which he hath magnified
above all his name, Psal. cxxxviii. 2., by which he will
judge the world at the last day. No book, whatever may
be its origin, however excellent in itself, however true and
unexceptionable it may appear to us, can be placed on a
level with the Bible. No book exists which can be pro-
nounced to be like or second to it :
" Cut par est nihil, et nihil secundum.^*
The Bible is an emanation from Him who is the light
of the world, and it conveys that light to men. Other
books may borrow from this light, and hold up to view
the light which they borrow ; but no book besides trans-
mits it immediately from Him.
The Bible, as it bears the divine image and super-
scription, speaks with the authority of God. As no other
book contains one spark of original divine light, so no other
book possesses one grain of divine authority. The Bible
Prophets, or the law, or the Gospel of the Apostles, which descends not from
the fulness of the Divine Majesty." And again Origen speaks of the Scrip-
tures, " not as the writings of men, but that they have been written and de-
livered to us from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, by^the will of the Father
of all things, through Jesus Christ."
• On the inspiration of the Scriptures, see " The Evidence and Authority
of Divine Revelation," by the Author, vol. i. chap. 5. ; 'and the Remarks
on that Chapter in the Christian Observer, vol.[xxii. p. 488. A new edition
•f that work will shortly be published.
is the sword of the Spirit—^the sharp two-edged sword which
proceeds out of the mouth of Him who is the first and*
the last — the Almighty ; it is the Jire and the hammer of
If the Apocryphal books appeared to us the most ex-
cellent, next to the Bible, that ever were written, still it
would not be lawful to join them to the sacred record.
This would be wrong in itself, and its consequences must
be bad. It would be wrong to allow human writings to
usurp, in a certain measure, however inferior in degree, a
place of the same kind, with those that are divine. This
would be a degradation of the word of God ; a presump-
tuous attempt to invade that consecrated ground which
their divine Author has assigned to the Holy Scriptures,
and on which he has purposed that they shall for ever
stand alone. It would be a daring imputation on that
word, as if it were not perfect and complete in itself —
divinely fitted to make men wise unto salvation, and
thoroughly furnished unto all good works, — as if some-
thing, which God had omitted in his word, was required
to be supplied. Many human writings are good in their
proper place. Men of God, taught by his Spirit, have
been raised up in every age to preach his gospel, and to
place before others, in writing, the things they ought to
believe and to practise ; but all they have spoken, and all
they have written, that is good and useful, has been taught
them by the Holy Spirit, through the medium of his own
word ; they have brought forth no new truth that it does
not contain. When the canon of Scripture was closed, all
that divine light which it pleased God to vouchsafe to this
sinful world was imparted, and not a single ray was to be
It is not only wrong in itself to connect the Apocry-
phal writings with the Holy Scriptures, placing them
side by side, but its consequences must also be bad. It
leads to a certain undefined idea, in the minds even of
those who arc aware of the distinction between them and
the cmnonkal books, that to these Apocryphal wiitings
bekmgs something of that emanation of divine hgfat with
whidli the Holy Scriptures iUuminate the world, and of
that divine authority with which they address the diildren
of men. A pordon of the inherent qualities of the one
will, in the reader's imagination, be imperceptibly trans>
ferred to the other, and the immeasurable space betwixt
them will gradually diminish, if it does not alti^^ether
disappear. The reiterated explanalioiis whidi the most
oolightaied abettors of the Apocr3rphal books have felt it
necessary to append to thein, prove how much they are
aware that this must be the ease. Such is the anti-scrip.
tural nature of these writings, so direcdy do they stand in
<^f^pQGition to the reveladan of the grace of God, that if any
man recdves the doctrine they contain, and continues in
that doctrine, he shall not see life, but the wrath of God
abideth on hiai.
The above considerations serve to show tht unlawful-
ness and the guilt of adding Ifie Apocrypha, of human in-
ven^iai, to the Bible, of Divine origin ; but^the question
has not been left to be decided solely on this ground. God
dency, and to preserve his revelation pure and entire,
God has annexed the most awful threatenings to the
sligiitest attempt to add to, or to corrupt his wcurd ; and,
,|is on Mount Sinai, when he delivered the first part to the
^JewSi he has fenced it with bounds round about, 4hat nei-
tlicr priests nor people may break through. These warn-
ings, backed by tl)c most awful sanctions, it should be
particularly noticed, are interspersed through every part
of the sacred volume ; and each one of them is, for the
same reasons, equally applicable to the whole.
In ^is manner, that portion of the Scriptures called
the Lazv is guarded : — ** Ye shall not add unto the word
which I command you^ neither shall ye diminish ought J'rom
it,"" Deut. iv. 2. ; xii. 32.
In the next division, called iho^ Hagiographa^ it is writ-
ten, " Every word of God is pure : He is a shield unto them
that put their trust in him* Add thou not unto his words,
lest he reprove thee^ and tJum he found a liar''' Prov. xxx.
In the prophetical writings, the warning is again re-
peated. They are closed with an intimation, that no more
prophets were to be sent, till the Forerunner of Jehovah,
who was to come suddenly to his temple, should appear.
Israel is th«n commanded to remember that revelation which
had been made to Moses concerning Jesus, which the pro-
phets had been commissioned to illustrate, but not to alter*
'* Remember ye the law of Moses my servant , which I com^
manded unto him in Moreh for all I^rael^ with the statutes
and judgments,'''' Mai. it. 4. "**
To guard the inviolableintegrity of the Sacred Scriptures
from their commencement to their close, t\w flaming sword
is once more unsheathed. As, at the termination of the Old
Testament, where the attention of Israel is called to the first
appearance of the Son of God as the Saviour, they are
instructed that the prophetic testimony to him is finished ;
so, at the conclusion of the New Testament, when the at-
tention of all men is directed to his second coming as the
Final Judge, an assurance is given that the canon of
Scripture is completed. Then, when the last sound of the
voice from heaven is heard, words are uttered by Him
who has the keys of hell and of death, at which both the
ears of leyery que that heareth them should tingle. " /
testify unto every man that heareth the words qftheprophe-
cy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things^
God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this
-book ; and if any man shall take from the words of the book
of this prophecy^ God shall take away his part out of the
book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things
which are written in this book. Rev. xxii. 18, 19.
The Apocrypha is an addition to the Bible. It pre-
sents itself to the world as such. It professes to contain
messages from God, sometimes communicated immediate-
ly by himself, sometimes conveyed through the medium
of angels, who are represented as standing before his Sa-
cred Majesty. The claim to inspiration is not more ex-
plicitly asserted for themselves by the writers of the Scrip-
tures than it is arrogated by the authors of the Apocry-
phal books. No higher demand for attention to their mes-
sage can be made by holy prophets and apostles, than
when they assert, " Thus saith the Lord.'''' Yet this is the
language in which the Apocrypha addresses mankind.
In the second book of Esdras, the writer, Imving begun
by declaring his lineage, affirms, '< the word of the Lord
came unto me, saying, Go thy way, and sho\y.^my people,"**
&c. " Speak 4hou therefore unt«r them, spying. Thus
saith the Lord:'' — " Thus saith the Almighty Lord." This
expression occurs four times in the first chapter. The
second chapter opens with, " Thus saith the Lord,*" which,
in the course of it, is repeated nine times ; and then an
angel is represented as speaking to the writer, " Then the
angel said imto me, go thy way, and tell my people what
inanner of things, and how great wonders of the Lord thy
God thou hast seen."" The rest of the book proceeds in
the same manner, the author continuing to recite divine
communications, made to himself, as they had been to
Moses. Baruch xi. 21. Thus saith tite Lord.
In the book of Tobit, a long interview with an angel
is related, who affirms that he is one of the seven holy
angels who go in and out before the glory of the Holy One.
** Now, therefore,'^ says this angel, " give God thanks,
for I go up to him that sent me ; but write all things
which are done in a book,''' Tobit xii. 15. 20. God him*,
self is often introduced by the Apocryphal writers, as
communicating his will to them ; and long speeches are
ascribed to flim.* Thus the writers of the Apocrypha
come as the bearers of messages from God, and as such
they deliver them to mankind. They pretend to commu-
nicate a portion of spiritual light, not borrowed from the
Holy Scriptures, but immediately derived from the source
of light. In every sense of the word, these books, then,
present themselves as an addition to Divine Revelation ;
and, if they were what they pretend to be, would be en-
titled to equal attention and reverence with whatever is
contained in the Scriptures. Here then there is no me-
dium. The conclusion is inevitable : the Apocrypha is
either an addition to the Scriptures hy God himself, or it
is the work of lying prophets.
Now, the% we come to the great question, the resolv-
ing of which will decide the lawfulness or the guilt of add-
ing the Apo5£ypha to tliQ Holy Scriptures : Is its claim to
b^a revelation from Ggd, well founded, oi^is it not ?
The oracles of God were committed to the ^ Jews.
God made his ancient people the .depositaries of the
Qld Testament Scriptures, as long as that dispensa-
tion continued ; and in his holy providence he so in-
fluenced their minds, that, in this respect, they were
entirely faithful to the trust committed to them. Al-
though, in general, ignorant of their spiritual meaning, yet
did they hold the "living oracles" in such veneration,
that they maintained that " God had more care of the let-
ters and syllables of the law than of the stars in heaven ;
and that upon each tittle of it whole mountains of doc-
• The absurd, unintelligible speeches, replete with trifling nonsense, m-
cribed to Ood in different places, prove the Apocrypha to be not only a hu<
man, but a most impiou$ composition.
triries hung.*" Hence, every individual letter was numbered
by them, and notice was taken how often it occurred. They
preserved the Scriptures pure and unadulterated, without
either addition or diminution, until Shiloh came, to whom
the gathering of the people was to be, and until, having
stamped them with his divine authority, he delivered them
to his church as those Scriptures that testify of Him. Do
then the Apocryphal books, all, or any of them, form a
part of those sacred writings committed by God to the
Jews, and preserved entire by them ? No. Have they
received, like those Holy writings, the attestation of Jesus
and his apostles, placing upon them the broad seal of
Heaven ? They have not. The question then is for
ever decided. The evidence against them is conclusive,
after which not the shadow of a claim can be advanced in
their favour as forming a part of the Word of God.
Although, however., the question be thus decided, yet,
in order to produce the fullest conviction in the minds of
all who know the truth as it is in Jesus, and to exclude
every doubt, let us call another witness. We shall ap-
peal, then, to the internal character of those writings — a
species of proof of which every Christian can judge, and
which of itself is sufficient to determine the point at issue,
although no other evidence on the subject existed. If the
Apocryphal writings be of God, they will bear the im-
press of their divine original. Let us try them by this test.
" To the law and to the testimony^ if^^^y speak not accord-
ing to this word, it is because there is no light in tltemy
Viewing, then, the Apocryphal writings as standing
by the side of the Holy Scriptures, what character do
they present ? Do they offer any thing new ; any thing
that might be of importance to know beyond what is con-
tained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament ?
Do they teach us the way of God more perfectly ? This
will not be pretended by any one. Do their, histories,
which they present to us as true, and their manner of
narrating thciii, comport with the dignity of holy writ#
Do they possess internal marks of being authentic ? Do
they bear the character of a Revelation from God, given
for our instruction ? So far is this from being the case,
that many of their narrations are absurd, incredible, and
sL>lf-contradictory, and others are at variance with the ca-
nonical Scriptures ; while they contain doctrines on the
most important subjects directly opposed to the testimony
of God. *' Grant me the Apocrypha as a part of the in-
spired volume," said a speaker lately in one of the Bible
Committee Meetings, " and with this engine I will Under-
take to overturn all the fundamental doctrines of the Word
of God : and, in their stead, to establish every heresy which
disfigures the Church of Rome — the doctrine of purga-
tory — prayers for the dead — the intercession of saints —
and justification by works.""
The above assertions are fully confirmed by the writers
of the Cambridge Remarks, published for the express
purpose of supporting the practice of the Bible Society in
adding the Apocrypha to the Word of God. On the idea
of the Society's abandoning that practice, they say, ** Let
' us suppose the case of a Bible not containing the Apo-
' crypha, to fall into the hands of an inquirer after the
' truth : upon reading it he exclaims, " I find here none
" of the doctrines upon %hich so much stress is laid by
" my priests r The British and Foreign Bible Society has
' furnished the priests with an obvious and prompt an-
* swer : " No,*" reply the priests, " you find not our doc-
" trines in the Bible you have read, but count the number
" of the books in your Bible, and see whether none have
^« been left out. Look at Daniel and Esther, and count the
" chapters, and you will see enough to convince you that
" Protestants have been tampering with the Scriptures."
Here is an unequivocal testimony, from persons who ad-
vocate the cause of the Aprocrypha, that it is the produc-
tion of false propliets who have brought in damnable he-
resies, teaching doctrines different from those of the Holy
Scriptures, which are the great supporters of the mystery
of Babylon.
Proofs that the Apocrypha is " abundantly interspersed
with absurdities, superstitions, falsehoods, false doctrines,
and contradictions, both of itself and of the Word of God,"*'
have already been referred to in the specimens annexed to
the first statement of the Edinburgh Committee, and their
number might be vastly increased.* But, waving for the
present every other charge against it, let us turn our at-
tention to a single point of the last importance, which in-
volves an answer to that most momentous of all questions,
How shall man he just with God ? The Scriptures as-
sure us that, if any man denies the doctrine of justification
by faith without works, he becomes a debtor to do the
whole law. What judgment then are we bound to form of
a book which, openly contradicting this fundamental doc-
trine, and exhibiting another way of acceptance with God,
makes void the whole plan of redemption ? To this one
point, then, of the explicit contravention, by the Apocry-
pha, of the grand scripture doctrine of justification, I now
call the reader's attention ; — that doctrine which is peculiar
to the Christian religion, and unknown to every false one ;
that doctrine which so remarkably illustrates and honours
the finished work of the Redeemer ; that doctrine of which
God in his word has affirmed, that the man who perverts
it, Christ shall profit him nothing.
It is written in the Apocrypha, " Whoso honoureth his
Juther ynaketh an atonement for his sins.^'' And again,
" Water will quench a flaming fire^ and alms maketh an
atonement for sins.'''' — Eccl. iii. 3. 30. Among all the lies
by which the great adversary of God deceives the na-
^ See the " Admonition concerning the Apocryphal books, wherein ate
» showed the reasons and grounds wherefore they are here (in their Bible)
* omitted. Ordained at the Synod of Dort, in the year 1618. Set out and
* annexed by the Deputies, to the end of the Dutch Bible newly translated."
tions, none was ever forged by him calculated to make
more deadly havoc among the fallen children of Adam.
More explicit contradictions of the true sajrings of Grod^
more completely subversive of the way of salvation > by
Jesus Christ; sentiments more dishonourable to God,
more contrary to his holiness^ more derogatory to His jus-
tice^ or more fraught with mortal poison, and mor^ de*
structive to the souls of men,— cannot be imagined.
The Apostle Paid solemnly declared to the churches
of Galatia, that if an angel from heaven should preach any
other gospel than that which he had preached unto them,
he should be accursed. The very thing which the Apos-
tle here supposed has, in the Apocrypha, been realized.
An angel from heaven, it assures us, has descended, who
says he comes from God. " / am Raphael^ one of the
seven Ivoly angels^ which present the prayers of the saints^
and which go in and out before the glory of the Holy One —
7iot of any favour of mine hut by the will of our God I come."^
— Tobit xii. 15, 18. And that very doctrine does this
angel explicitly contradict which the Apostle so earnestly
inculcated, accompanied with the solemn asseveration that
the curse of God should rest on any creature who should
dare to pervert it. " It is better^ says this angel, " to
give alms than to lay up gold, for alm^ doth deliver from
death, and slwll purge away all sin."" — Tobit xii. 8, 9-
If the man or angel, whoashall preach another gospel
than that which the Bible contains, is, by the Holy Ghost,
pronounced accursed, then does this awful denunciation
apply to a book which, pretending to record the message
of an angel from heaven, teaches another gospel. Under
this anathema then the Apocrypha lies. By the authority
of an apostle we are bound to hold it accursed, *
• !• it possible for the writers of the Cambridge Remarks to enter their
dissent from this conclusion, and at the same time to continue their signature
to the following article ? — " They also are to be had accursed, that presume
" The prophet which shall presume to speak a word in
my name^ which I have not commanded him to speak, or
that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that pro-
phet shall die.'''' — Deut. xviii. 20. The writers of the Apo-
crypha have spoken in the name of God what he hath not
commanded them to speak. They have contradicted the
word that he hath spoken. They are therefore false pro-
phets, deceitful workers, worthy to be adopted by hitn who
speaks lies in hypocrisy. The man whd has given heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, when he reads the
Bible, as delivered by God, exclaims, I find here none of
the doctrines wpon which so much stress is laid hy my priests I
No, reply the priests of the man of sin, you find not our
doctrines in the Bible you have read, for the addition which
we' had made to it, where they are contained, is taken
The Bible, then, and the Apocrypha stand in direct op-
position the one to the other. The Bible predicts the
coming of that wicked one whom the Lord shall consume
with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the
brightness of his coming. The coming of that wicked
brie " is after the working of Satan, with all power, and
♦ signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of
* unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received
* t6 ^^y that every man shall be saved by the law or sect which he professeth,
'■ so that he be diligent to franae his life according to that law, and the light
* of nature. For holy Scripture doth set out unto us only the name of Jesus
* Christ, whereby men must be saved." — Article xviii. of the Church of
England. All those Directors of the Bible Society who have signed the
above article, should seriously consider what they are doing in holding out to
the nations another Gospel, — ^another way of salvation. I do not quote the
above article merely as an argumentum ad hominem. It contains essential
truth, and therefbre it behoves as much those who have not signed it, as
those who have, to consider what they are doing in adding a book to the
word of Ood which expressly contradicts it, and which that word pronounces
"^ riot the love of the truth, that they might be savetl- And
' for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that
* they should believe a lie ; that they all might be damned
* who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unright-
* eousness."*^ That wicked one, as tha Spirit expressly fore-
told, has appeared. But, unable to support himself by
means of his most subtle perversions of the Holy Scriptures,
in which he finds " none''' of his peculiar doctrines, he has
resorted to the impious fraud of adulterating them. Satan,
transformed into an angel of light, has provided a large
addition to the Word of God in the Apocryphal books.
These forgeries " the Son of Perdition"^ has eagerly grasped
at : he even intermingles them with the Scriptures in such
a way that, to the great body of his adherents, it is impos-
sible to distinguish the one from the other. This spurious,
motely book, which he calls " the Holy Bible,"" contain-
ing partly the light of heaven, and partly the smoke of the
bottomless pit, he has adopted as his own. He seals it
for himself, and thunders out his anathema against all who
shall not receive it as " sacred and canonical."
This poisoning of the waters of the sanctuary in their very
source, may be designated the chief of the ways of " that
' old serpent called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
* tlie whole world."" Ncme of all his works can he compared
rvith this. It is here the man of sin has entrenched him-
self. Once possessed of this mongrel book, his fortress is
impregnable. He can now maintain all his falsehoods. This
book being placed in the hands of his adherents, that
complaint, which otherwise would have sounded in his ear.'^
as the knell of death, shall no more be heard. " I Jind
' here none of' the doctrines upon which so much stress is
' laid by my priests^
The writers of the Cambridge Remarks, speaking of
the peculiar tenets of Popery, affirm, that only two errors
out of the whole list seem to receive any support from
Apocryphal quotations, — purgatory, and the invocation of
saints ; and, by a misapplication of Scripture, they epde^^rv
vour to prove, that one of these errors is taught by the
word of God; thus seeming to be regardless what mis-
chief they do, provided they can successfully advocate the
cause of the Apocrypha. But are these gentlemen, amidst
their quotations from Rainolds, and Doddridge, and
Hooker, &c. &c. by which they would prop up and apo-
logise for these " Jewish fahles^'' and vile forgeries, calling
them " Holy," " Sacred," and " Divine ;"* and affirming
that their fitness " for the public information of life and
" manners,*" is " most worthily approved'^ by the whole
church of Christ ;-— are they so utterly forgetful of what
was the grand hinge of the controversy between the
Reformers and Roman Catholics—- the doctrine of jus-
tification by faith without works— as to make the above as-
sertion ?
But these writers have another method of vindicating
the conduct of the British and Foreign Bible Society in
circulating the Apocrypha on the Continent. After ad-
ducing the authority of those whose names have been
mentioned, they triumphantly add, as if they had been
quoting Scripture, " to these passages we offer no addi-
tion."" And then they proceed : — " But it may be well
* to remark a fact, of which many who have taken upon
' themselves to censure the Apocrypha, seem not to be
• The Cambridge writers give the following quotation from Hookei : — " Is
' it not acknowledged that these books are holy, that they are ecclesiastical
•" and sacred, that to term them divine, as being for their excellency next
* unto them which are properly so termed, is no way to honour them above
' desert ?" Were they not ashamed when they produced such a quotation ?
It is to be hoped, that so monstrous an example of prejudice or ignorance,
extracted from the writings of a human author, whatever distinguished
epithet may be generally attached to his name, will convince every one of
the necessity of calling no man father upon earth ; but of recurring, in every
question in which our duty to God is concerned, to the living oracles which
never can mislead us. Because Hooker called the Apocrypha divine^ which
the Scriptures denounce as accursed, are we to set aside their authority and
bow to his ? Because Augustine, whom these gentlemen also quote, could
not distinguish between the doctrines of justification and sanctification, are
we to give up the important distinction ? " , > ;.
* iware, viz. that the differerit versions vary materially from
* each other ; so that any particular passage may not wear
' the same objectionable appearance in a foreign transla-
* tion it does in our own.'^ Here then is another shelter
provided for the Apocrypha in the midst of this bush fight-
ing, in which these gentlemen have engaged in its defence.
Let us see, then, what " appearance"" the passages above
quoted " wear" in that translation of the Apocrypha which
the British and Foreign Bible Society has caused to be cir-
culated among the whole Protestant population of France.
" Qui honore sonpere, expie sespeches^^ Veau Hunt le-fiu
ardent^ et VaunKyneJaitVexpiationdespeches.'''' Eccles. iii. 4.
31 . " // vaut mieuxjhire Vaumone que de thSsaurier de Tor;
car Vaumone delivre de la mort, et nettoie tout peche."" Tob.
xii. 8, 9. Thus among these ignorant people has the British
and Foreign Bible Society been scattering firebrands, arrows,
and death. In giving them the Apocrypha with the Word
of God, they have been administering poison along with
wholesome food. " In the mixture of poison,"" says Claude,
'' with what is wholesome food, the poison overcomes the
food, and not the food the poison ; so that it is not the food
which hinders the bad effects of the poison, but it is the
poison, on the contrary, which prevents the good effect of
the food. In the same v/ay, in the mixture of Romish
errors with evangelical truths, the force of the errors sur-
mounts that of the truth ; and the truth, however salutary
it may be, does not prevent the effect of the error which
causes the damnation of the man ; but, on the contrary, the
error prevents the good effect of the truth."
Many woes are denounced in Scripture against false
prophets, who are accused of treading down the pastures,
and fouling the residue of the waters with their feet, Ezek.
XXX. 4. In opposition to their folly and wickedness, the
Lord says, '^ The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a
dream ; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word
faithfully : What is the chaff to the wheat ? saith the Lord.
Is not my word like a.s a fire .5* saith the Lord ; and like a
hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces ?" Jer. xxiii. 2Si.
These and many other passages are directly applicable to
the Apocrypha. The writers of it may be justly termed
prophets of deceit, and of their own heart, that prophesy
lies in the name of the Lord, Sayings I have dreamed^ I have
dreamed, Jen xxiii. 25, 26. They have, indeed, imitated
the style of the Scriptures, like the impostors, concerning
whom it is written, " Therefore, behold, I am against the
prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from
his neighbour. Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the
Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. Behold,
I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the
Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their
lies, and by their lightness ; yet I sent them not, nor com-
manded them : therefore they shall not profit this people at
all, saith the Lord.'' Jer. xxiii. 30. " Thus saith the Lord
God, woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own
spirit, and have seen nothing ! Have ye not seen a vain vi-
sion, and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye
say, the Lord sayeth it ; albeit I have not spoken ? There-
fore thus saith the Lord God, because ye have spoken va-
nity, and seen lies, therefore behold I am against you, saith
the Lord God. And mine hand shall be upon the pro-
phets that see vanity, and that divine lies." Ezek. xiii. 3. 7.
Again it is written, — " If a man, walking in the Spirit
and falsehood, do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of
wine and of strong drink ; he shall even be the prophet of
this people." Micah ii. 11. This censure is applicable
to those who read about Tobit and his Dog, and Bel
and the Dragon, conceiving them to form a part of the
word of God. And do those who circulate the Apocrypha
for the purpose of rendering the Scriptures palatable to
persons plunged in the grossest superstition and ignorance,
using it as a passport for the Bible, really believe that God
would have permitted the writings of those who prophe-
sied lies, to be appended to the instructions which he
delivered to his servants for the purpose of inducing
Israel to peruse them ? No. He declares that the tend-
ency of their dreams was to make the people forget his
«&me. Jer. xxiii.
Never since the Reformation has so much been done
to corrupt the word of God by blending it with the Apo-
cryphal writings, as by the British and Foreign Bible So-
ciety—^ Society which designates itself exclusively a Bible
Society ; which holds out to the world, by its rules, that
it publishes nothing but the Bible ; which anxiously repeats
this in every variety of expression in its reports ; and most
complacently records the flattering messages on this head
which it receives from all quarters, and the many adula-
.tory speeches to which it listens in its annual meetings.*
* At the annual meeting of the Bible Society, in May 1821, one of the
speakers expressed himself as follows : — '* That Holy Book which has brought
* us t(^ether, tells us, that we ought to give flattering titles to no man, and
* that we can do no more than our duty to God in promoting his cause, since,
' in so far as it is promoted, the success is to be ascribed to an influence which
* may excite our gratitude, but can lay no foundation for self-complacency.'*
" There is only one thing more I wish to add," said another speaker, " and
* that is on the manner of conducting the general meetings of the Bible
* Society. I long to see the day when they shall be conducted with perfect
* simplicity, and when we shall studiously avoid every thing of panegyric or
* eulogy. This line of conduct we have adopted at Norwich, and it appears
' to me to have greatly increased the success of the Bible Society there. —
* My heart went along with my friend from North Britain, when he was
' speaking of the evils of panegyric. We do not come here to panegyrize,
' but to acknowledge the unmerited mercies of our God and Saviour. We
' come to acknowledge, as in the dust, that we have all sinned and come short
* of liis glory ; and that, so far from having any degree of merit for what we
' have done, we have cause to lament that we have done so little."
Whoever has read the accounts of the annual meetings of the British and
Foreign Bible Society, will see how suitable such admonitions were. The
sentiments delivered by these speakers are worthy of the attention not only of
that Society to whom they were addressed, but of every society of a religi-
ous nature. There is often much to reprehend on this point. The prac-
tice, too, which has unhappily crept in, of expressing approbation by tokens
of applause that may beflt a theatre, or any worldly meeting, are altogether
incongruous in a religious assembly. This subject deserves the serious at-
tention of all who wish to sec such meetings conducted with tliat solemnity
What conclusion must the well instructed Roman Catholic
form when he receives that book which this Society cir-
culates on the Continent ? Will he not say, " If I am to
believe that these men are acting honestly, I must be con-
vinced that they, equally with myself, consider the Apo-
crypha as part and parcel of the word of God ? This
whole volume, which they have put into my hands, con-
tains, according to them, neither more nor less than the
books of the Holy Scriptures ; for, in the most solemn
manner, they certify, that " the Society is an institution
which confines itself with rigorous exactness to the dis-
semination of the Holy Scriptures."*
which, while it comports with their proper character, is calculated to produce
a beneficial effect on those who are present.
* The circular letter of the Society addressed to the Bible Societies of
Germany, Prussia, and Switzerland, dated May 15, 1820, (See Report
1821, p. 81.) concludes as follows : — " And it (the Society) begs leave
most distinctly to state, that, with the only exception of the historical re-
cords of its transactions, (such as its annual reports, extracts of correspon-
dence, &c.) it confines itself exclusively to the translation, printing, and cir-
culation of the Holy Scriptures.'* Who, upon reading this, could conceive
that the directors of the British and Foreign Bible Society, who have been
printing and ciradativg the Apocrypha all over the Continent, do not really
regard it as a part of the Holy Scriptures ?
If any one wishes to be acquainted with the various shifts and subterfuges
to which the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society has been
driven, in this discussion respecting the Apocrypha, he may peruse that able
pamphlet lately published, entitled, " Preface to observations 07i the circula-
lion of the Apocrypha.'''' It is there mentioned, that " a very distinguished
* member of the committee contended, that " Although the words Holy Scrip-
' ture meant nothing but the inspired Word of God, these words, Holy
•• Scriptures, meant . something more than the inspired "Word of God only,
* and might therefore fairly include the Apocrypha." " It is so notorious,"
' says the writer of the Preface, " that no report has ever directly or indi-
' rectly informed the subscribers that their money was expended in the pro-
* pagation of the Apocryphal fables — that the committee dread the fact
*» being declared, which they could not dread if it had been clearly expressed
" in the reports. The intention of these words, (without note or conament,)
' was to convey to the country, that God's Word was circulated, without any
•■ mixture of man's word. So conscious was the committee of this, that al-
But what shall an unlearned Catholic suppose, when a
book is given to him by this Society, designated, on its
title-page, " The Holy Bible of the Old and New Testa-
ments," without the smallest intimation that any thing be-
sides is contained within its boards ; while in this volume
he finds the books of inspiration, and the Apocryphal
books, alternately and variously intermingled, and ac-
tually incorporated ; so that no man, without an intimate
acquaintance with the Bible and its doctrines, could pos-
sibly distinguish the one from the other ? Must not he
be convinced that this book is in very deed what the Bri-
tish and Foreign Bible Society holds to be the Bible ? Is
it possible that he should form a different conclusion ?
Has any thing more effectual been done by the Church
of Rome, practically to sanction the Apocryphal books, to
authenticate them as inspired writings, or even to identify
them with the Sacred Volume?*
The necessity of adulterating the Scriptures, ii;i order to
their circulation on the Continent, it has been shown, does
not exist ; but, if it actually did exist, is the British and
•• most every one who spoke, expressed his fears lest the delusion which they
* had been practising should be published." At another place it is said, " De-
* lusion has then been practised, — if the prospectus (of the Society) speaks of
* the inspired Word of God ; — if the reports of the Society invariably speak
* of the "pure Word of God," — '' unadulterated Word of God," — " unmix-
' cd Word of God ;" and yet the committee meant something that was not
' pure, not unmixed, not unadulterated," p. 25, 11, 14.
* Even comparatively learned and enlightened men are in this way mi8«
led. Some time ago, a person at Malta was engaged in conversation with a
Well-informed Englishman, a member of the Committee of the Bible So-
ciety there, and was reprobating the practice of intermingling the Apocry-
pha, and thus falsifying the Sacred Word. The member of Committee ar-
gued that the Apocryphal writings might be easily distinguished from those
that are Canonical. The other immediately produced a Bible, and pointing
to one of the books in which the Apocrypha is intermingled, said, can you
tell me what parts are Canonical and what are not ? After attentively looking
at the book for some time, he replied, " Really I am not so well acquainted
with this part of the Bible, and cannot tell."
Foreign Bible Society at liberty to neglect, nay even to
oppose and to brave the repeated and solemn warnings,
contained in the Scriptures against adding to the word of
God ? Is it lawful for that Society to present to the world,
as on a level with inspired writings, what it 'knows to be
uninspired — to send forth with the prophets of the Lord,
prophets that prophesy lies ? — To mingle, with the true
sayings of God, the falsehoods of lying prophets who, both
in the Old Testament and in the New, are denounced as
under his curse.
The Apocryphal writings delivered to the people as part
of the divine oracles are calculated, by their absurdities,
to make men deists or atheists rather than Christians — and,
by their false doctrines, to cause their readers to wrest the
Scriptures to their own destruction. When the British
and Foreign Bible Society, therefore, send out these writ-
ings as a part of the divine word, is it free from the blood
of the men who, incapable of separating the chaiF from the
wheat, shall eternally perish by imbibing the false doctrine
it contains ?*
Why has not this Society listened to the speech lately in-
tended to be made in its Committee, by the much respected
Rector of a parish in the neighbourhood of London ? He had
*' come to town,"*^ he said, " on purpose to bear his testimony
* against the horrible idea of man's attempting to bolster
* up the word of the living God by a lie. Granted, that
' the Catholics will not receive the Bible without this false
* book being appended to it — and let all the priests array
' themselves to oppose it — let there be a pitched battle, and
' see whether God or man will prevail. Can he who gave
• A Christian officer lately visited the sick-bed of a soldier in the last stage
of an incurable illness. It was in vain that the dying man was urged to rest
all his hopes of salvation on the merits of a crucified Saviour ; he resisted every
passage of the word of God, by adducing doctrines from the Apocrypha at va-
riance with the Gospel ; and thus it was found impossible to convince him of
sin, and to lead him ta rely on the finished work of Christ.
* that word not open a door for its reception. Or has the
' Society the presumption to imagine that God will go
* forth to battle with such miserable aid to secure his vic-
* tory P"' '
Admitting it to be a fact, that the whole Bible cannot
be circulated on the Continent without the Apocrypha,
this gives no licence to any man to do evil in order to
attain the good he hopes for. If the people there will not
receive it without this deleterious mixture, the Bible Society
is not entitled to prepare and to put into their hands this
poisoned cup. Supposing such a state of things really to
exist, the way of the Society is sufficiently clear. Let
them print the Bible in the different Continental languages,
placing it with booksellers at a low price, and with those
persons who will interest themselves in its distribution ; ♦
and, in the meantime, go on circulating the New Testa-
ment as extensively as possible, to which there is no ob-
struction. When, by means of the latter the eyes of any are
opened — when they are brought to a concern about their
eternal state, there is no reason to fear that they will not
purchase the whole Bible without the Apocrypha annexed
to it. Thus nothing will be lost. A man, ignorant of
• Mr Dwight, in his speech at the anniversary meeting this year of the
British and Foreign Bible Society, stated, that he " had just returned from a
' tour of 8000 miles on the Continent of Europe, during which he chiefly vi-
* sited Roman Catholic countries. He had frequently heard, what to him ap-
* peared surprising accounts of the scarcity of the scriptures in several parts of
* the Continent, and had directed his inquiries to enable him to ascertain the
* truth or falsehood of the report. In fifty towns he had gone into the book-
* stores, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the Bible could be found in
* them, and, with two exceptions, his search had been fruitless, till he had ar-
* rived in Germany. In one of those instances where he had been fortunate
* enough to meet with the Holy Scriptures, they consisted of a copy in 10
* vols, folio. The other copy which he discovered contained merely the four
* Evangelists, (but one half of the New Testament,) and was in the Latin
* language, with an Italian translation." This account but too clearly proves,
notwithstanding all the self.gratulatory display made in its reports, how much
the business of the British and Foreign Bible Society is mismanaged. Had
God and of salvation, is, at least, as likely to read|;the New
Testament if put into his hands, as the whole Bible, which
is a larger book ; and, if the whole Bible cannot at present
be given to all, it is better to give New Testaments to an
hundred individuals than Bibles only to thirty. Portions,
too, of the Old Testament may be circulated without ob-
struction — a method which the British and Foreign Bible
Society adopted at Toulouse, and which I practised with
success in different parts of France.
But if, after all, the Bible could not obtain circulation
on the Continent except by unlawful means, then the door
would, for the present, be evidently shut. In that case
the exertions of the Bible Society would be as clearly
precluded in that quarter, as those of the Apostle Paul in
Bithynia, when he assayed to go there, " hut the Spirit
suffered him not.'''' Still the whole funds of the Society
would be in active operation. Among the nations in the
East the word of God is received by the people pure and
unmixed. It is truly lamentable to reflect, that while
many translations of that word are at a stand in our own
colonies for want of funds ^ the Bible Society, intrusted
with the off'erings of the Christians in Britain, for the ser-
vice of the sanctuary, should, for many years past, have
been applying on the Continent the enormous sum of a
sixth part of these sacred funds to the publication of for-
geries and falsehood. What means, then, that cry, — " By
the Directors of the Society at the commencement of their exertions on the
Continent, endeavoured, in each country, to find out proper individuals with
whom to co-operate, and intrusted to them the publication of editions of the
Scriptures from the most approved translations, as they did in the case of Mr
Chabrand at Toulouse ; and had they placed these Bibles in the shops of
booksellers, at a low price, in all the towns as far as they had it in their
power, their efforts in that quarter would have been far more effectual. This
would have also prevented the mischief, in all its various ramifications, which
has resulted from their connexion with sndi societies as those which, at a great
expense, tliey have created and supported.
nut adding tlic Apocrypha, you are withholding the Bible
from niillions ?" On the contrary, by making this addition
to God's word, the propagation of the Scriptures is circum-
scribed, and their circulation diminished, and thus they are
withheld from multitudes, for whom, otherwise, they might
be provided.
There is one circumstance in this controversy that ap-
pears to have been entirely overlooked. Whenever the
question of the Apocrypha has been agitated, the attention
of all has been exclusively directed to Roman Catholics
and Protestants, and much stress has been laid on the
prejudices of the one body, and on the opposition of the
priests as influencing the other. But let it be remember-
ed that there is a third and very numerous class, who par-
take not of the feelings of the former, nor are in the
smallest degree controlled by the power which restrains
the latter. A multitude of people on the Continent — no
trifling proportion of the whole population, — are neither
Protestants nor Catholics ; who make no profession of re-
ligion. Yet, in the present state of things, while so many
of those who assume the name of a particular religious sect
have nothing beyond a mere profession, the attention of this
third class to any religious subject may be as easily engaged
as that of many of the others. To those persons it is ob-
vious, the want of the Apocrypha, of which they probably
never even heard, will form no barrier whatever to their
receiving the Bible. And, perhaps, in looking over the
reports and letters published by the British and Foreign
Bible Society, it will be found, that some of these have
received and been benefited by the Sacred Record.
Unhappily the evil of adding the Apocrypha to the
Bible does not exist alone : There are other abuses in the
management of the British and Foreign Bible Society
which loudly call for reformation. The Society is char-
ged, by those who have an opportunity of observing its
conduct abroad, with adopting a worldly policy, and of pre-
fering men of eminence and learning, to those of real piety
and devotedness to God. This policy has been pursued
on the Continent to a very considerable extent. The So-
ciety''s concerns have been placed under the management
of men of no rehgion, of Arians, Socinians, or Neologists ;
and while these free-thinking philosophers are represented
to the world as Christians, because they are at the head of
Bible Societies, they are in reality the greatest opposers of
the gospel.
Mr Simeon observes, that " we (I presume he means
Christians) have all agreed to merge our own peculiarities,
' and to forget every thing which separates us one from an-
* other for the benefit of the world."" Is it possible, when
Mr Simeon speaks of merging peculiarities, and of " all
' sects and parties meeting upon one common basis,'' that
he can refer to Arians and Socinians ? Does he esteem
them to be Christians ? I will venture to say he does not ;
and that, when he spoke of all meeting upon one common
basis, he had in his mind the basis of the gospeh Chris-
tians, in their co-operation for the diffusion of divine truth,
may so far merge their peculiarities, as to act together in
whatever they are agreed ; but are they at liberty to lose
sight of all that is essential to the gospel of salvation ? Are
the foundations to be destroyed ? Arians and Socinians
remove the very foundation of the gospel. Were their
systems according to the truth of the Bible, the life-giving
word would at once be converted into a killing letter, and
the whole of the ministration of righteousness into the
ministration of condemnation. Every man would be sub^
jected to the curse of the law, and then it had been better
for all that they had never seen the Bible to aggravate their
guilt and enhance their punishment. If Arians and So-
cinians are to be acknowledged as coadjutors in the service
of the gospel, it is altogether in vain for Mr Simeon, or
any one else, to appeal to Scripture principle, or Scripture
example, on any point whatever. Arians and Socinians
pervert the whole Bible from beginning to end.
Shall it be said, that the rules of the Bible Society ad-f
mit all who subscribe to it to be members of that institu^
tion ? This may be so ; but it never could have been the
intention of its Christian founders to receive those among
its counsellors whom they considered to be decidedly op-
posed to Christianity. On this principle, deists and atheists^
if subscribers, may be admitted, for there is nothing saict
about them in its fundamental regulations. Shall it be re-»
plied, that these do not acknowledge the Bible to be from
God ? Still the rules do not exclude them ; and they may
deem the Society to be a useful political institution, and sd
wish to join themselves to it. But shall they not be ex-
cluded from its counsels ? And if these be excluded be-
cause they do not acknowledge the Bible to be of God,
shall those be admitted who deny the God of the Bible ?*
If the British and Foreign Bible Society effects much good
in circulating the Scriptures, it does much evil in counte-
nancing Arians on the Continent. The mischief that a
Society, which has attained so high a name, may occasion
in this way is incalculable. While it is distributing Bibles
with the one hand, it is dealing out misery and death with
the other.
The Continent is at present ovemm with Arianism,
which, with its pestilential breath, blights, and withers,
and desolates whole provinces and countries, putting the
public ministry, as Claude has observed, in such a state,
that salvation, by means of it, becomes absolutely impossi-
ble. Is this a time, then, for such a Society to countenance
this destructive heresy ? By doing so, it is counteracting
the diffusion of the Gospel, and strengthening an influence
which may be extended to future generations. To those
who shall lift up their voice against Arianism, it may, ac-
cording to the manner of speaking on the Continent, be
hereafter objected : — That great Society of England, which
evinced so much zeal in circulating the Bible all over the
world, must have been well acquainted with its contents,
and versant in the true nature of its doctrines. — That So-
ciety did not intimate by its conduct any disapprobation
of Arianism. On the contrary, both by its messengers
abroad, and by its fraternal congratulations of Arian de-
putations at home, it has given us every reason to conclude
that it regarded that system, equally as any other, to be of
heavenly origin. That great Society proved its liberality
in this as in all other respects ; and sufficiently marked its
disapprobation of those narrow and bigoted notions, which,
cramping and fettering the human mind, and retarding the
dignified march of human intellect, would prevent us from
keeping pace with the increasing lights of our age, and
would even carry us back in a retrograde course to the be-
clouded times of the Reformers, who, in their zeal to sweep
away certain abuses in regard to ceremonies, introduced a
dark, uncharitable, dogmatizing spirit ; in short, principles
which, if admitted by us, would go the length of unchris-
tianizing nine-tenths of Christendom ; and would, at last,
conduct us to the gloomy superstition of the darkest ages,
if not land us in absolute barbarism. *
• In a periodical publication at Geneva, it was some time ago asserted that
the Methodism of England, (by Methodism meaning evangelical religion,)
threatened to conduct the world back to barbarism.
The state of Bible societies on the Continent, according
to the most recent accounts, is truly deplorable. A well-in-
formed foreigner, who has lately been travelling among them
to ascertain in what state they are, gives it as his decided
opinion, that Christians have very little weight in the se-
veral committees, which, in general, are wholly under the
direction of Free-thinkers. Such is his report of them
from one end of the Continent to another. Other foreign
Christians, who have visited this country, confirm this re-
port, and have given the names of many Arians and Socin-
ians who are the sole governors of several societies abroad.
A few weeks ago I received the following account of the
secretary and treasurer of one of these Bible societies : —
•' The Secretary is the idol of the fashionable world here,
* because, to use the words of the treasurer, " he preaches
" in such a refined style, that none but well-educated per-
" sons can understand him, and the morality he inculcates
" is so pure and excellent, that it surpasses the precepts of
" the Bible ; he therefore alludes seldom to the Bible, and
" makes very little use of biblical expressions." This se-
cretary affirms that the epistles contradict the gospel.
I have myself known a Bible society abroad which had
for its secretary a Socinian, if he was any thing at all,
and who was one of the active agents employed in adulterate
ing the Scriptures h\j the addition of the Apocrypha, both
of which to him were equally indifferent. Of the same so-
ciety the treasurer was the avowed author of a large and
elaborate book against the divine origin of the Bible. This
may prove a warning to many not to take it for granted
that every man who appears among the leaders of a Bible
Society on the Continent, or as an apparently zealous cor-
respondent of the British and Foreign Bible Society, is of
course a friend to the Bible.
Were any one to judge of the religious condition of the Con-
tinent by the reports and extracts of letters annually publish-
ed by the British and Foreign Bible Society, he would form
a very erroneous estimate on the subject. Those who are
acquainted with the real state of things there, must feel
the greatest surprise when they read in these reports such
encomiums on the zeal which it is asserted discovers itself
for the circulation of the Scriptures and the diffusion of the
Gospel. When they observe the signatures of some of the
letters by persons with whom they happen to be acquainted,
and of others whose total indifference to the gospel, or de-
cided hostihty to it, is well known,— and when they see
the accounts that are given of them, and of the religious
state of the districts in which they reside, they are filled
vdth amazement. A person lately observed, that it seemed
as if the Millennium was begun on the Continent. Cer-
tainly the reports of the Bible Society are much calculated
to mislead the public, and must therefore have a most per-
nicious effect. In how very different a light is the subject
placed by some well-informed foreign Christians that have
lately visited this country, who, in public, have affirmed
and lamented <' the gross darlness of the Continent.''''
" I can say, in truth," said Professor Thulock, in a
speech delivered this year (1825) in a public meeting in
London, '^ that, until my seventeenth year, I was neither
' acquainted with any vital Christians, nor had I ever heard
' there were such persons."" Amongst other melancholy de^
tails, having stated that Halle, where there are between five
and six hundred students of divinity, is " the seatofinfideU
it^"^ he says,—" While the Continent, upon the whole, lies
' in the darkness of that enl/ightemng of which they boast ;
* in some provinces a spirit of persecution against the truth
« prevails, not at all inferior to that of the Romish Church.'*
In Geneva, sm account of whose religious state I have given
in my letter to Mr Cheneviere, Professor of Divinity there,
published last year, the opposition to the gospel is said to
have even increased. Very lately a pastor of a church
there, was twice stoned and his life endangered ; Mr Malan
also was threatened. These tumults were attributed to a
discourse of one of the Socinian clergymen.
Things, often assume a very different aspect upon a closer
and more deliberate survey^ than When viewed at a dis-
tance, or reported in the journals of hasty travellers. WheA
I went abroad I read such accounts, then recently pub-
lished, of the state of religion on the Continent, as com-
pletely deceived nie, and afterwards filled me with astonish-
ment. Is it surprising, if one, going forth in the natti6
of a great society, empowered to give grants of money,
to erect societies with presidents, secretaries, treasurers)
&c. should be received with flattering attentions by many
who have not the smallest regard for the object which he
wishes to promote ? In such circumstances men, decidedly
opposed to the gospel, or totally indifferent to it, press for-
ward and pay the most marked attention to the society's
representative, and profess to enter most warmly into the
object of his mission, — men who, were he to remain A fe\^
weeks in the place, and to discover any attachment to the
gospel, would withdraw from him, and oppose hini with All
their might. I am not making suppositions ; I am record-
ing what I know to be fact, and what I have witnessed.
An agent of the Bible Society will judge very super-
ficially, if he concludes that all who thus flock about hini
and greet his arrival at those places which he visits, ar^
what at first sight they appear to be. He will act very
rashly, if, without further inquiry, he places confidence in
them, and intrusts the business with which he is com-
missioned to their hands, and if, to crown all, he writes
home a most flattering account of his reception, and of the
religious fervour of his new friends, to be published in the
reports of the society. The effects of the arrangements he
has thus made may easily be foreseen. The apparent zeal
of these persons who have been so prematurely eulogised,
soon evaporates, and the show that is made by the corres-
pondence they afterwards keep up with those who conferred
on them their official dignities, and who continue to pa-
tronize them, will very far surpass the reahty of the good
that is effected.
From this year's Report of the Bible Society, any reader
Avould conclude that the Bible Societies in France are in a
flourishing condition ; but the contrary is the fact. " Our
' societies'" says Mr Chabrand in his letter of August last,
" increase in number, but many of them drag on languish-
* ingly, rather do not go on well, (plusieurs se trainent lan-
^ guissement, plutot, quelles ne vorit bein.) I speak of France
' in general."" And what else can be expected of societies
formed of such materials ? " It is not to be dissembled,""
says Mr Marzials in his letter of the same date, " that in
' this work, so excellent, the greatest number of the members
* that compose our committees act more on worldly consi-
' derations, (des vues Jmmaines,) that in a true spirit of
* faith. I believe that everywhere the propagation of the
' Holy Scriptures would proceed with more rapidity if all
* who occupied themselves with it, or who have the appear-
* ance of doing so, (ou qui ont Vair de s'en occuper,) were
« animated by the Spirit of Christ."'"'
A few Christians, where these can be found, were the
work put into their hands, might not make such a show at
the beginning, but their path would be as the path of the
just, shining more and more. Yet it has happened that
the affairs of the British and Foreign Bible Society have
been connected on the Continent with Arians and Soci-
nians, while the Christians have been avoided and kept at
a distance. Can such proceedings be accompanied with the
blessing of God ?
The bad effects of the system that has been so exten-
sively followed by the Directors of the British and Foreign
Bible Society on the Continent, are now becoming more
and more apparent in counteracting its particular object^
as well as in producing other most mischievous effects.
" I heard,"'"' says a correspondent, who has just returned
from it, " a very bad account of many, I should say all,
' the Bible Societies on the Continent. One very serious
« charge is made both in France and Germany, that there
' are large depots of Bibles at different places ; hut there is
* so little zeal on the part of the managers, that they remain
• locked up— while the universal testimony is, that the people
' are desirous of possessing the Word of God.'' A member
of a Bible Society abroad refused, within these few months,
to gives Bibles to one who applied for them, who had op-
portunities of circulating them to advantage. Their con-
versation then turned on repentance ; when, the member
of the Society, a pastor, alluding to it, spoke of the " Dam-
nable preaching of repentance ;"" and added, *' it is the
devil's work.""
Sufficient care has not been taken by the British and
Foreign Bible Society to ascertain the religious sentiments
and character of men to whom a licence has been given to
alter the old translations of the Scriptures. An example
of this may be found in an edition of 10,000 copies of the
Bible, published at Lausanne, in 1822. The British and
Foreign Bible Society assisted the pastors and professors
of that place, to a very large amount, to publish this edi-
tion ; in which, taking Ostervald's translation as the basis,
they were permitted to make what alterations they judged
proper. The new version which has appeared in conse-
quence is a very unfaithful one — the true sense of a multi-
tude of passages being perverted or lost. And what else
could be expected from intrusting such a work to men who
were ignorant of the gospel of the grace of God, and who
are decidedly opposed to it — to a set of pastors and pro-
fessors, who are notorious for their profanation of the
Lord's day, and who have lately exhibited themselves as
the greatest persecutors in modern times of the religion of
Jesus f If it be rejoined, that this persecution has taken
place since that edition of the Bible was completed, I an-
swer, that this will not justify the Directors of the British
and Foreign Bible Society, since, before these men were
intrusted with such a work, their characters ought to have
been ascertained ; and this might easily have been done.
One of those who was intrusted with the correction of that
edition of the Bible, and who was then entirely ignorant of
the gospel, has, since that period, been converted.
Having heard of the unfaithfulness of this large edition
of the Bible, now circulating on the Continent, aud known
td be patronized by the British and Foreign Bible So-
ciety, and not having yet procured a copy — I requested
Mr Malan of Geneva to give me some account of it. In
his answer, dated September 26, 1825, after pointing out
numerous examples of passages unfaithfully translated, he
adds, " While I was writing, Mr Rochat, a faithful minis-
* ster of the Canton de Vaud, (the Canton of which Lau-
» sanne is the capital,) has come to see me. He himself
' was one of the translators of the Bible which we are ex-
' amining; I told him what I was doing ; and I asked
* him his opinion of that version. He said, ' It is exceed-
" ingly unfaithful, (Elle est tres irifidele :) those who made
" it did not know the grace of God. I was then myself an
<* unbeliever. (Tetois moi-meme alors un incredule.) How-
'' ever I do not think that there was any culpable inien-
'* tion in the translators ; at least, I was very sincere my-
*' self. It is true that I was too complying, (tropjhible,)
*' and at some times 1 ought to have quitted the committee,
*' and not to have satisfied myself with protesting against
" the false translations."
*' I asked him," says Mr Malan, " what passages above
* all were unfaithful. He pointed out some of them which
* I have been examining, and others, such as Tit. iii. 5,
i u Pd^ la regeneration qui donne la bapteme^ 8ec. He said
'* on that passage he had a long dispute, and that the pas-
" sage thus distorted, (traveste,J was adopted by a majo-
" rity of voices." 2 Cor. v. 17. " Si quelqu'un veut etre
" en Christ, QITIL SOIT une nouvelie creature P In
* fact, (says Mr Malan) this translation is horrible ; and it is
* impossible to preach more openly righteousness by works.
* This single passage shows what was the spirit of the
* translators. Again, Matt. iv. 4. " VJvomme ne vivra
* pm seulement de pain, mais de tout ce que Dieu ordonnei
' to this the multitudes did well to follow Jesus fow eetU
< nourriture-la. Ah, it is a sacrilege thus to despoil, (dS-
*' piller) the Saviour ! Mr Rochat adds, that the Lon don
* Society made indeed some slight representations, on their
' not publishing the text of Ostervald pure ; but they easi-
* ly pacified (appaisa) the Society, and continued their
' changes ; after the publication, there were also remon-
* strances respecting one or two passages : but all was
* quieted, and the Bible was circulated.*"
Mr Malan states, that neither the pious ministers of the
Canton de Vaud, nor those of Geneva, will circulate' this
Bible among the people. It is some years since he warned
his congregation, from the pulpit, against it. Thus is the
British and Foreign Bible Society chargeable with the
circulation of this unfaithful translation of a large edition
of the Scriptures ; and not only was their conduct inex-
cusable in committing such a work to persons who were
manifestly ignorant of the gospel, but also in allowing it
to be circulated without a public protestation against it :
for they are not ignorant of the unfaithfulness of this
translation — information of which was long since officially
communicated to them.
The following notice of this edition aj^ars in the report
of the Bible Society of 1821 : — " Lausanne, Neufcliatel,
* and Geneva, continue to take their respective shares in
* the common work. The revision of the text of Oster-
* vald is carried on with indefatigable attention and per-
* severance, and, although it delays the quarto edition of
* the Bible, which has been so long in hand, the evil of ihat
* delay will, it is believed, be abundantly compensated by
' the improved state in which this version will eventually
' appear."" We now see what this iniproved state has turned
out to be. In the Society's report of 1822, it is said in a
letter from Lausanne, "The zeal of the clergy is reviving.**
The first fruits of this revival of zeal has been the com-
mencement of a cjTUel persecution agsunst tUc servaxus of
Jesus Christ, of which many of them are the victims at
this hour.*
An edition of 10,000 copies of the Bible was pubHshed
at Strasburg, in a great measure at the expense of the Bri-
tish and Foreign Bible Society ; the translation is that of
Luther, corrected only in a few old words. In this work
the British and Foreign Bible Society co-operated with a
set of pastors and professors more decidedly removed from
every appearance of the knowledge of the gospel than those
of Lausanne. The greater part of them are Neologists.
This edition of the Bible appeared with a preface attached
to it, subversive of its character as a Divine Revelation,
The preface was prepared by Professor Haffner, one of the
correspondents of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
Although this Bible, with its deistical accompaniment,
was published in August 1819, it was not till October
1821, that the Bible Society took proper steps to check
this impious proceeding. This is the more remarkable, as
information concerning the preface was sent to England
as soon as it was published, and communicated to the So-
ciety. At length, at the distance of two years, we find
the following notice in a letter from one of its agents,
dated Strasburg, October 5th, 1821, Report 1822, p. 37.:
— " Leaving Paris in the morning of the 29th ult., I
' reached Strasburg on the 2d instant. Here I learnt that
• the Society had printed 10,000 Bibles, and an equal
• In this persecution, ministers of the gospel, and students in divinity, are
imprisoned, banished, and expelled, for no other crime but their adherance to
the doctrines of the Confession of I'aith of the Church of Lausanne. When
the British and Foreign Bible Society commenced its connexion with the pas*
tors and professors of Geneva, their hostility to the religion of Jesus had fully
manifested itself in their avowed sentiments and persecutions, which were only
restrained from going greater lengths by the civil authorities. Those of Neuf-
chatel were not a whit behind the others in their decided opposition to the gos- ,
pel. Such is the trio celebrated in this report as the coadjutors of the Bible
Society— icoadjutors only exceeded by its Neologian confederates. «
* number of Professor HafFner's introduction ; that nearly
' one-half of the Bibles and prefaces were brought into
' circulation ; that such Bibles as were circulated gratis,
* were generally without the preface ; but that the copies
* sold by the Society were bound up with it, unless the
* purchaser did not wish to have it."'' Thus it appears
that, during two years, the Bible Society suifered this pre-
face to be circulated with the Bible published by their
means ; and, although during that time the business was
one of public notoriety, they did not put a stop to it until,
by their own account, nearly one-half of the Bibles arid pre-
Jacts were hrought into circulation.
After all, it seems doubtful whether this matter would
ever have been adverted to even in the tardy manner in
which it was at length taken up, had it not been forced
upon the jiotice of the Society by means of a pamphlet
published against the preface, as soon as it appeared, by a
faithful preacher of the gospel, who had been sent to
Strasburg. An account of this transaction, in the follow-
ing communication from that preacher, who is well ac-
quainted with Germany, will tend to throw much light on
the subjects that have been alluded to, respecting the con-
nexions which the British and Foreign Bible Society has
formed on the Continent, and the effect of such con-,
" Mr Haffner is doctor and professor in theology, mem-
ber of the Directory of the Lutheran churches of several de-
partments of France, pastor and vice-president of the Bible
Society at Strasburg. The pastors and professors of Stras-
burg are, for the most part, below Socinianism, that is to
say, Neologists ; some of them approach by shades, much
diversified, to better principles : but there is a very small
minority, 2, 8, 4, who give evidence of being evangelical. In
that city, which contains about 50,000 inhabitants, of which
30,000 are Protestant, there is a numerous seminary. You
may figure to yourself what is the character of the iustruc-
tion given in that seminary. Mr HafFner in particular habi-
tually treats theology and the Scriptures in the tone of rail-
lery, (la ton de la raillerie,) and a lecture seldom passes in
which the students do not laugh at these subjects ; and
very often make a representation of them in caricature,
describing the outline of the lecture. All this is without
exaggeration. Here I must explain the term Neology : —
'' By Neology is generally understood infidelity, (Vincre-
dulite) with the different shades of dissimulation which it
wears among the German theologians. The system that
has generally prevailed in Germany for fifty years past,
and which was avowed and professed among the learned
(les savants) in the theological chairs, and even more or
less in the public preaching, is, that the Bible is absolutely
nothing more than a theogony (generation of the Pagan
gods,) like all the others, a collection of old traditions of
superstitions, mixed with the universal ideas of natural
religion. The characteristic feature of Neology is the
precaution with which they introduce it ; and also that it
has been introduced by men appointed to instruct in the
gospel. It is this last circumstance, undoubtedly, that has
engendered the hypocrisy of expression which distinguishes
that system. All the attacks are made under the cover
(sous le manteau) of praise. They call Jesus the Divine
Master — the Great Teacher of the people — the Friend of
humanity ; and, in this sense also, the Saviour of men.
Respectable pastors have assured me, that in one of the
largest churches of Berlin, on a Christmas-day, a preacher
began his sermon by saying, — Although it he not true that
Jesus is risen. They treat the miraculous histories as alle-
gories. People have no idea to what a point of deprava-
tion the preaching, in many countries of Germany, has
reached by means of this procedure (marche.)
" Mr HafFner, and the majority of the pastors and
professors of Strasburg, are, and particularly were, in 1819,
in this system, though, it must be confessed, more reserved
(reUnus) than those in the centre of Germany ; but, how-
ever, much more hardy and declared against the gospel
than the clergy of Geneva. The Preface of 37 pages, large
8vo. was all composed in this spirit.
According to this Preface, " The history of the fall is
* allegorical, and the serpent is the seduction of vice. The
* books of Joshua and Judges contain the heroic age of the
< Jewish people. Much of this book breathes a warlike
* courage, mixed with an immoveable and sometimes super-
* stitious confidence on God. What is extraordinary in the
* actions of the judges ought not to astonish us ; their ac-
* tions were certainly celebrated in the beginning by songs
* of triumph, and embellished with poetical ornaments. It
' is from these sources, probably^ the writer has drawn his
* narrative. The Psalms of David contain the expression
* of various feelings which agitated him during his life.
' Some of the others are songs of war and victory, which
* bear, in some parts, the impression of the yet imperfect
' moral sentiments of early times. David curses his
* enemies, Christ teaches us to pray for them. The Song
' of Solomon has given rise, in former times, to mystical
* and forced explanations, for they have thought proper
* to set out on the principle that the bridegroom and the
* bride were Jesus Christ and his church. The difficulties
* disappear if we consider this book as a pretty little poem,
< in which chaste love and conjugal fidelity are depicted
* in such colours as are very pleasing to eastern nations.
* The prophets were clear-sighted men, zealous patriots :
* their extensive view of the present, discovered to them
* what would soon take place, and gave them a presenti-
* ment of distant future events. Jesus had conceived, for
* the good of humanity, a plan which no sage had ever
* conceived before him. He had also a presentiment of
* the manner of his death. His moral system, as, among
< other things, the danger of riches, was in a great measure
* only for his own time."" On the Apocryphal books in
general a great eulogium is pronounced in this Preface.
" After my attack on the Preface, the business made
some noise throughout all Germany, and the committee
of the Bible Society at Strasburg declared that they
separated it from the Bible. But that measure has been
m fact illusory in several circumstances ; the Society itself
has distributed Bibles with that preface. I believe that
these things continue nearly on the same footing, (this was
written September 27, 1825,) though altogether this
affair turned out ill for Mr HafFner and the Neologists.
They procured an order for my expulsion ; but a conver-
sation with the prefect prevented the execution of it, and
the mayor gave me very distinguished marks of approba-
The above is the history of the Strasburg Preface : it
will now be proper to observe in what manner this business
has been communicated to the public by the Directors of
the British and Foreign Bible Society in their report of
1822, p. XXV :—
" Your committee consider it their duty to state, that
' some temporary obstruction to the good understanding
'heretofore subsisting between your Society and that of
* Strasburg, had been occasioned by the annexation of a
* preface, from the pen of a distinguished member of the
* latter, to the Bibles issued from its depository. An ex-
' planation having, however, taken place, the preface was
« withdrawn, and harmony was accordingly restored. The
' Report of the Strasburg Bible Society, adverting to the
' fact, correctly states the proposition for renouncing the
• The persecuting spirit of Arian, Socinian, and Neologian pastors on the
Continent, forms a prominent feature in their character. Although, in some
countries, only tolerated themselves, they are the greatest persecutors. When
a preacher of the gospel appears among them, they are ever ready to denounce
him to the civil authorities. Happily, however, the moderation of the govern-
ments has been such that their disgraceful proceedings in this way, have gene-
rally, as in the above instance, been checked.
* Preface as having been made to its committee by the Rev.
* Author himself. " A proposal so liberal,'" it is added,
* ** could not but obtain the approbation of this committee ;
•' and, as an offer was made by an anonymous friend to
" purchase the remaining copies, we willingly acceded :
" and confidently hope that this step has given satisfaction
" to the Christian public. This society has tlius renoun-
" ced the Preface in question, having refunded the sum cx~
'* pended for the printing ; the copies on hand being trans-
" ferred to the person above alluded to. In consequence
" of this arrangement, our society will, in future, sell the
" Bible without any addition whatever.*" Such generous
* sacrifices to the principle of our common union deserve,
* and, your committee are persuaded, will receive the cor-
' dial thanks of every friend to the British and Foreign
* Bible Society.''
From this statement of the matter, what opinion must
the public have been led to form ? Could it be supposed,
by the most clear-sighted reader, that this report referred
to such a history as that which has now been detailed ?
On the contrary, it would seem to allude to an occurrence
of no great importance, — an event which, in its issue, may
be contemplated with the most perfect complacency. Some
temporary obstruction to a good understanding with a fo-
reign Bible Society has arisen, occasioned by the annexa-
tion to the Bibles which it issued, of a Preface from the
pen of one of its distinguished members. An explanation
having taken place, the Preface has been proposed to be
withdrawn by its Reverend Author. The liberality he has
thus discovered is highly applauded by the society abroad,
and the British and Foreign Bible Society is persuaded,
that this generous sacrifice deserves, and will receive^ the
cordial thanks of every one of its friends.
How smoothly may we suppose the reader of the Report
to glide over this pleasant narration, which discovers in all
its features so much urbanity and good humour ! At worst,
it may appear to him, that this is such a Preface as might
he expected from the pen of a Reverend and Distinguished
Member of a Bible Society^ unexceptionable in itself, yet
inadmissabie, as being contrary to the rule which prohibits
any addition whatever to be made to the Scriptures ; and
that this irregularity has been no sooner noticed by the
Bible Society than it has been speedily corrected. But far
will he be from conceiving that the transaction alluded to
is one of the blackest description, — that the Preface in
question is subversive of the whole system of divine truth
contained in the Bible, — that the reverend and distinguish-
ed author of it belongs to the sect of Neologians, occupy-
ing a place between Socinians and avowed Infidels, and one
who habitually turns the Scriptures into ridicule, — that the
Bible Society, of which he is vice-president, combined with
the reverend author in affixing this Preface to the Bible,
and in defraying the price of 10,000 copies of it from funds
which had been intrusted to them solely for the publication
of the Scriptures, — and that, during two years^ this Society
persevered in circulating 5000 copies of its adopted Pre-
face ; and, finally, that they used their endeavours to ban-
ish, as an evil doer, a faithful preacher of the gospel, who
had dared to raise his voice against their impious proceed-
ings, and, like the prophets of old, to warn them of their
sin and danger ! Here, then, we have a specimen of the
way in which the public is misled by the Reports of the
British and Foreign Bible Society respecting the religious
state of the Continent, and also of the effects of the ungodly
confederacies which it has formed in that quarter.
The recollection of the Strasburg Preface naturally leads
to the inquiry, whether the Bible Society is acting fairly
with its supporters— excluding all notes or explanations of
every kind from those Bibles of which it assists the publi-
cation ? The reader has observed, (page 21-25,) the re-
monstrances on this head, made several years ago by the
Jldinburgh Bible Society, and the retraction of a resolu-
tion on the subject by the British and Foreign Bible Society
ia consequence. But there is reason to apprehend that the
latter have relapsed into a still greater deviation than for-
merly from their fundamental regulation, without inform-
ing their supporters of that change. In the Lausanne
Bible there are, I am informed, prefaces to each of the
books inserted, varying in length from 10 to 20, or 30
lines or more, explaining their scope and objects, some of
which misrepresent their meaning, and are calculated to
mislead the reader. In the letter of Van Ess, which has
been brought into view, he speaks of his Introduction to
the Old Testament, of which the Society has purchased
8000 copies. When these are circulated will that intro-
duction appear with them ? It is asserted that notes, or
comments, are appended to some of the Bibles or New
Testaments on the Continent belonging to the Society,
or whose circulation has been aided by it. If this report
be without foundation, it will be well to contradict it.
But how comes it that, in any instance, or in any way
whatever, tlie fundamental rule of the Society — that the
word of God shall be circulated without note or comment —
is violated ?
The checking of the circulation of the Scriptures, by
their being buried in the deposits in which they are stored,
and the authorising of men to make changes in the old
translations, who are altogether incompetent to such a
work, are not the only evils produced by the line of con-
duct which the Bible Society is pursuing on the Con-
tinent. Other consequences of most pernicious tendency,
both abroad and at home, follow in their train.
By forming ungodly men into organized societies, for a
religious purpose, placing them in prominent situations,
and furnishing them with means to extend their influence,
one of the greatest barriers is erected against the progivss
of the gospel. The additional power which they thus ac-
quire, they do not fail to employ in opposing the dif-
fusion of the knowledge of salvation. Their exertions for
this purpose are brought into more activity, and their
efficiency i% greatly augmented. Societies composed of
such characters become so many strong-holds, by which
the god of this world fortifies his dominions, and in which,
being transformed into an angel of light, he is prepared,
with the greatest advantage, to repel every attack. The
uneasiness which a faithful preacher of the gospel in their
neighbourhood will occasion to such associations, and the
opposition which they will raise against him, can easily
be supposed. The attempt to banish that servant of God
from Strasburg, which has just been related, as soon as he
exposed the work of darkness of the Bible Society of that
place, exemplifies, in one instance, what may be certainly
looked for in every similar case. The increased power to
oppose the progress of the gospel, arising from the associa-
tion of nien who are enemies to it, is duly appreciated by
some of the best pastors in France, who rejoice that, in
the present state of religion among them, the Synods of
the Protestants are not permitted to be held in that coun-
Nothing can have a more pernicious effect on such persons
themselves as those are whom the Bible Society collects on
the Continent into kindred associations, than its fraternal
co-operation with them — extolling their zeal, intrusting to
them the revision of translations of the Scriptures, and
speaking of them, as they do of Mr Haffner, as distin-
guished members of Bible Societies ! Can any thing have
a stronger tendency to confirm these men in their several
infidel systems ; and is no regard due to them in this mat-
ter ? Is no caution to be exercised lest they should be
hardened to their destruction ? Was this the manner of the
apostles of Christ ? Was it by such means that they sought
the conversion of the world ? In attempting to do good in
one way, are we at liberty to lose sight of every thing be-
sides ? In our zeal to circulate the Bible, are we permitted
to trample on the principles which it inculcates ?
If the British and Foreign Bible Society did not present
itself to the world as a religious Society — if this Society
professed to circulate the Bible merely with a view to the
good it is calculated to produce on men in temporal things,
without any respect to its influence on their eternal condi-
tion ; then it might be at liberty to instal, not only Arians,
and Socinians, and Neologists, as the counsellors and di-
rectors of the Bible Societies abroad, but also Deists and
Atheists. But, while it continues to hold out to the Chris-
tians of Britian, that its ultimate object in circulating the
Holy Scriptures is the extension of the kingdom of the
Redeemer in the world, and the salvation of the souls of
men, — by which professed design it secures their support, —
is it to be tolerated that, over the whole of the Continent,
the chosen friends of the British and Foreign Bible Society,
those whom it generally appoints or countenances as the
leaders in the various Bible Societies which it creates, shall
be Arians, Socinians, and Freethinkers? Is it to be
connived at, that, through their hands, the Scriptures shall
be delivered to the people : thus giving all the sanction
in its power to the characters, the opinions, and the quali-
fications of these men as public religious instructors —
while, kt the same time, the leading directors of the British
and Foreign Bible Society, as well as the various denomi-
nations of Christians throughout Britian, by whom the
Society is upheld, are convinced that the religious systems
of these pretended pastors are as completely opposed to the
gospel, and as subversive of the whole system of divine
truth contained in the Bible as the grossest system of
Pagans, Deists, or Atheists ?
By erecting Bible Societies on the Continent, composed
of the enemies of the gospel, the prejudices of Roman Ca-
tholics against Bible Societies, and their operations, are
increased in the greatest degree ; and not only against
these Societies, but also against the Reformation. Let
any one for a moment consider what effect must be pro-
duced on the mind of a reflecting Roman Catholic, when
he sees Arians and free-thinking philosophers at the head
of Bible Societies. He knows that the system of such
men is subversive of evei-y fundamentiil doctrine of the
gospel which is held by the Roman Catholics. He is
aware that, between them and him, there are questions of
the most vital importance. He is convinced that these
men have no real religion ; and he ascribes the sin of their
apostasy to the fault of Luther's Reformation. Hence he
is more than ever confirmed in his attachment to the
Church of Rome. Although he may be so far enlightened
as to discover some of its evils, yet, amidst all the errors
with which it is chargeable, he knows, perhaps experi-
mentally, that the fundamental doctrines which it main-
tains, are the power of God unto salvation. That this
feeling among Roman Catholics on the Continent, against
both Bible Societies and the Reformation, is strongly ex-
cited, by observing the materials of which these Societies
are composed, is a well-known fact.
A correspondent, who has lately visited the Continent,
writes — " I saw it stated, in a Catholic tract the other day,
' that Protestants care much less about opposing sects
^ which deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, than about op-
« posing Catholics. I met a well-informed French Catho-
« lie count, who said, the state of religion among the Pro-
* testants abroad, especially at Geneva, was a strong argu-
' ment against the Reformation." The testimony of a
Roman Catholic Priest, lately given on the subject, is
very striking. " It was not possible,"" he observed, '' for the
« priests to believe that the British and Foreign Bible So-
* ciety was actuated by love to Jesus Christ, when they
' united themselves to so many of his professed enemies ;
* and that, for this, above all other reasons, the right-feel-
' ing priests refused to join it." The receiving of Arian
deputies, or men of no religion, from Foreign Bible Societies,
hy the London Bible Society at its annual meetings, has
given the greatest disgust to pious Catholics abroad. Before
this, they had attacked the Foreign Bible Societies ; but
now their language is, " You see the British and Foreign
Bible Society is no better than the rest.""
The conduct of the Bible Society even respecting the
Apocryplia, in adopting that crooked policy by which it
intends to conciliate the favour of Roman Catholics,
proves, as might be expected, a stumbling-block to them.
Dr Naudi of Malta, in his letter of the 29th of August
last, says, '* I have lately, and but very lately, for these
' reasons, obtained a copy of a long paper written, as I am
* informed, by Bishop Comperie of Bagdad, the French
< Consul of that place. Among other odd things, the author
* accuses the Society of mtich deceit^ in printing the books
* of the Apocrypha, which the Protestants, the members
* of that Society, must deem to be uninspired.*"
If the manner in which the British and Foreign Bible
Society has conducted its business has been productive of
much evil abroad, it has also been attended with effects
that are most prejudicial at home. The accounts it has an-
nually published, which lead the Christians in this country
to form so false an idea of the state of religion on the Con-
tinent, has paralyzed those exertions, which, had they been
aware of the real condition of the neighbouring countries,
they would have pressed forward to make for their relief.
To what other cause can it be attributed, that those who
have shown themselves so laudably zealous in sending mis-
sions to the heathen countries, have discovered such coldness
when called on to promote the preaching of the gospel on
the Continent ? yet the divine blessing has accompanied it
in that quarter with a very uncommon degree of success,
as far as the scanty means contributed for this end have
extended. This remarkable supineness, in a cause so much
connected with the glory of God, and the salvation of the
souls of men, must have arisen from the wrong impressions
they have received. Here, then, we see the mischief oc-
casioned by those statements which periodically appear in
the British and Foreign Bible Society's reports, filled with
so much false colouring, and so devoid of just discrimina-
The operation of the cause that has just been adverted to,
appears to have greatly circumscribed the efforts which
might otherwise have been made for the diffusion of the
gospel among the nations of the Continent. Another
cause, originating from a different source, has contributed
to the same effect. Unhappily, some of those who are
most properly zealous for the circulation of the Scriptures,
have imbibed the idea that the promoting of the preaching
of the gospel in countries called Christian, would counter-
act the success of that desirable object. If, however, the
preaching of the gospel shall, in any circumstances, be found
at all to impede the circulation of the word of God, it is a
certain indication that the way which has been adopted is
unscriptural, and consequently wrong. Yet considerable
jealousy, on this point, has discovered itself among some
supporters of the British and Foreign Bible Society, ever
since an opportunity, by the return of peace, has been
afforded to Christians at home to make any efforts in
that quarter. Such efforts, it has been apprehended,
would excite discussions, and lead to differences of opinion
unfavourable to the end proposed by the Bible Society. If
discussions and differences of opinion be not excited by giv-
ing men the Bible, it is owing either to its being neglected,
or to their mistaking the religion which it inculcates. But
so far are discussions, on the subject of the gospel, from re-
tarding the circulation of the Bible, that it is only when
they take place that its circulation is promoted. I saw this
verified in a remarkable manner at Montauban, and in the
surrounding country. Just in proportion as discussions re-
specting the gospel were excited, the demand for the Scrip-
tures increased. I also witnessed the truth of this, when
a missionary was dispatched from that place to a district
in France, called the High Alps. Soon afterwards there
\yas a large demand for the word of God, where there had
been none before ; and a great number of Testaments were,
in consequence, circulated in that quarter. The giving of
tracts, which also leads to discussion, has likewise been
much blessed in exciting a desire to possess the Holy
Scriptures. *
The preaching of the word preceded, at the beginning,
the circulation and even the publication of the Scriptures ;
and, before even the transactions of his life were recorded,
the Divine Author of the gospel sent forth his missionaries
into all the world. Let Christians then contribute to this
grand object, under the conviction that the declaration of
the truth, by the living voice, is much called for on the
Continent, and that, instead of counteracting or impeding
the circulation of the Bible, it will, promote that most de-
sirable object in the highest degree.
• The following occurrence is related in the Report of the Glasgow Foreign
Religious Tract Society^ published last year. The Secretary of that Society
is acquainted with the person referred to.
*^* A translation of the tract " Serious Thoughts on Eternity," had found
its way into the shop of Mr B , a manufacturer of considerable in-
fluence and property in B in the South of France, a town containing,
without a single exception, a thoroughly Popish community. He took it up
and read it; it alarmed him, and he read it again ; he pondered much over
it for some time, as it was the only book of the kind that had ever fallen in
his way. In this tract were several references to the New Testament ; this
was a book he had never seen, and he longed to search further into a subject
which now appeared to him of immense moment : he searched every store in
town to see if they contained such a book, and at last in the shop of a book-
seller to whom a Protestant clergyman had sent a few copies, with the faint
hope that they might meet a purchaser, he discovered the volume he wanted ;
he read the tract again, and consulted all the passages in the New Testament
referred to ; he pondered what these things could mean ; he was awakened
to a serious concern for his immortal soul ; and the New Testament was now
his constant study. At length he thought with himself, — are there none that
are concerned about these trutlis ? and he concluded, that the individual who
had sent the New Testament to the bookseller must surely feel their import-
ance and value. He made the necessary inquiries, and found that it had been
sent by the Protestant clergyman at Toulouse ; he wrote to a friend in the same
town, requesting him to call upon the clergyman to say that he hatl seen the
New Testament, and was desirous of corresponding witli him on the subjects
contained in it. Of this invitation the clergyman gladly availed himself ; and
commenced » correspondence which was not speedily terminated. Mr B ■ ■. 's
It is earnestly to be desired, that the zeal of those who
direct the affairs of the British and Foreign Bible Society
were a zeal according to knowledge, and that every abuse
which has crept into its management, and the departures
that have taken place from its fundamental rules relating
to the Apocrypha, and the admission of any thing like
Notes or Comments, may be speedily rectified. The mark-
ed disapprobation of its conduct on the subject of the Apo-
crypha, which, in many quarters, has of late discovered
itself, it is now to be hoped, will lead the Directors to
abandon a course, which, if longer persisted in, will prove
the ruin of the institution. This evil, it was long expect-
ed, would have been remedied without being made public,
and efforts were made for this purpose, till at last the case
became absolutely hopeless. But, here, I am happy to be
able to say, that the guilt of the line of conduct which has
been pursued respecting the Apocrypha, by no means at-
taches to all the Directors of the Bible Society. On the
heart was touched by the influence of the Holy Spirit, and his mind gradually
opened to the knowledge of divine things. He left the Roman communion,
and is now a most useful and devoted servant of the Lord Jesus. By a let-
ter lately received he had sold, at reduced prices, in the town where he re-
sides, and villages around, upwards of eleven hundred New Testaments, and
had also sold and distributed several thousands of religious tracts. He has
been the means likewise, it is added, of awakening the attention of several of
his friends to a concern for their souls, and amongst others two popish priests,
who, although they have not left the Church of Rome, are now active in ex-
horting their parishioners to read the Scripture. Thus it is that by the bless-
ing of God, one single tract has been the means of the circulation of upwards
of eleven hundred New Testaments^ several thousand tracts ^tlie conversion of
at least one individual, and the awalcening^ and it is to be hoped the conver-
sion also, of two popish priests. Let us not therefore remove our hand from
a work so auspiciously commenced, but steadily persevere in the diligent use
of the means, praying withal for a still more abundant outpouring of the Di-
vine Spirit to accompany them."
Subscriptions for this Society are received by Mr Duncan, the Secretary,
No.^37, Virginia Street, Glasgow ;""and by Mr Oliphant, Bookseller, No. 2:?,
South Bridge, Edinburgh,
contrary, some of the ablest and most respectable among
them took their ground, and made a stand against the
practice complained of from the moment their attention
was called to it.
A bad spirit has been attributed to the Edinburgh Bible
Society for the part, they have taken in the pubhcation of
their Statement. But where is the bad spirit ? They ob-
served an enormous evil taking place in an institution
which they have long and zealously supported, and to
which they have largely contributed. The practice com-
plained of, they considered to be cpntrary to the will of
their Divine Master — a violation of his Holy Law — an
adulteration of the integrity of his sacred Word. Ought
they then to be silent ? What have they done ? They ear-
nestly, yet respectfully remonstrated. They waited for a
considerable time to see what effect would be produced.
When all they could say was found to be of no avail, they
withdrew from those who refused to listen to them ; and,
believing that other Bible Societies, from the one end of
Britain to the other, were ignorant of the unfaithfulness of
the Parent Society in the instance of which they complain-
ed, they published their reasons for the decisive measure
they had been compelled to adopt. Is this acting in a bad
spirit .'' The charge of acting in a bad spirit must rest with
those who, notwithstanding all the remonstrances that have
been made to them for years past, have pertinaciously ad-
hered to a Hne of conduct which cannot be defended on
Christian principles, or even on those of fair dealing.
What advantage is gained by saying. Peace, when there
is no peace ; by calling evil good, and good evil ? A woe
is pronounced on those who do so. If, in the circum-^
stances in which the Edinburgh Bible Society was placedj^j
to remonstrate as they have done, indicates a bad spirit,'
then the prophets were commanded to act in a bad spirit,
when it was said to them, " Cry aloud, and spare not ; lift
* up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their
« transgressions, and the house of Jacob their sins.'' The
apostles as well as the prophets delivered messages, which,
however unpleasant to those to whom they were directed,
were calculated to give warning, and to save them from
death. To all of us it is said, " Thou shalt not hate thy
* brother in thy heart ; thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy
* neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.'" Far less are
we at liberty to partake with him in his evil deeds.
II y a des cas ou toute la charite est dans la verite.
The watchmen of Israel were commanded to blow the
trumpet, and give warning to the people on the approach of
danger or the commission of iniquity. In professing to cir-
culate the Scriptures, Bible Societies have in some sort
taken upon them the office of watchmen. When, therefore,
the Edinburgh Bible Society observed the inroad which the
enemy had made, and the great cause, for which they were
organised, endangered by a palpable departure from those
stipulations on the faith of which the friends of the Bible
had united, was it not their duty to use their endeavours
to stop the progress of the evil, and, when these had failed,
to warn others and deliver themselves ?
If the friends of the circulation of the pure word of God
had continued longer silent, it would have been on their
part a dereliction of duty. And, since an evil of such
magnitude as the aduleration of the sacred Word does
exist, it is better that it should be publicly known, in
order that it may be checked and remedied, than that it
should go on producing extensive mischief. However pros-
perous the British and Foreign Bible Society outwardly
appeared, it was, while this evil adhered to it, like the
gourd which had sprung up flourishing and green, while
a worm unseen was smiting it at the root.
Christians all over Britain, confiding in the constitution
of the Bible Society, its rules and annual reports, have un-
suspectingly intrusted it with very large funds. The amount
of these funds that has been expended in printing the Apo-
crypha must be very considerable. It was time, then, to
sound an alarm, and to give notice to the supporters of the
Society of what was going on in their name. If any of
them shall choose to have their donations applied to the
publication of the Apocrypha, let it be done with their
knowledge. If any wish to have a Bible and Apocrypha
Society, let them erect one ; but let not a course be perse-
vered in, unauthorised by the name and constitution of the
Bible Society, and unknown to those who uphold it.
The voice of the Auxiliary Societies throughout the
country, it may be confidently expected, will now be raised
in language so firm and unequivocal as will bring about a
change of management in the Bible society. They should,
however, beware of being satisfied with the adoption of
any half measure, which would have precisely the effect
described in the Edinburgh Statement, and clearly exem-
plified in the letter of Van Ess. What difference will it
make whether the British and Foreign Bible Society
shall furnish funds to the Foreign Societies to assist in
printing the Bible and Apocrypha, or if it shall give them
money for other purposes, such as for the journeys of their
secretaries, &c. while the whole of the funds of these Societies
may be appropriated for printing the Apocrypha, to be
added to the Bibles which they receive, bound or unbound,
from the British and Foreign Bible Society ? If, there-
fore, it holds connexion with those Societies that print
and circulate the Apocrypha, and provides them with
funds for any purpose whatever, the Auxiliary Societies
may be assured that part of the money which they sub-
scribed for the printing of the Holy Scriptures, will still go
indirectly to the circulation of the Apocrypha — and, in
so far, the circulation of the Word of God will be dimi-
nished. On the other hand, were the British and Foreign
Bible Society to withdraw its support from the Societies,
until, bona Jide, they acted as Bible Societies, there is
little doubt that the greater part, if not all of them, would
give up the circulation of the Apocrypha, and use the
money they collect in printing the Scriptures, which, in
the former case, they would apply in printing the Apocry-
pha, trusting to the British and Foreign Society for a sup-
ply of the canonical books. The Auxiliary Societies ought
also to be satisfied that their money shall not be applied in
printing notes or comments, or any additions whatever
to the sacred text. Such application of its funds is di-
rectly contrary both to the rules of the British and Fo-
reign Bible Society, and to its public declaration, dated
May 4, 1818, in consequence of the remonstrance of the
Edinburgh Bible Society.
The principal cause of that prosperity and pre-eminence
which, through the Divine blessing, the British and Foreign
Bible Society has enjoyed, was the power and simplicity
of the uniting principle on which it was founded — " the
circulation of the Holy Scriptures without note or com-
ment,'' which commanded the co-operation of Christians
of all denominations. If this uniting principle be finally
abandoned on any grounds whatever, or if any other prin-
ciple, however unexceptionable it may appear, be substi-
tuted in its place, an end, we may be assured, will be put
to that co-operation. But how much more certainly may
we predict that this will be the case, if it shall be departed
from on grounds which, the more they are examined, the
more they will be discovered to be untenable, unsound,
and unscriptural.
This view of the matter is distinctly recognised in the
Society's circular letter, published in the report of 1821,
where it is said — " In conclusion, we beg leave to observe,
' that the British and Foreign Bible Society owes its present
' prosperity, next to the blessing of the Most High, to the
' simplicity of its object, and the zeal, fidelity, and perseve-
' ranee with which that object has been pursued ; and we
* respectfully solicit all our fellow- labourers and friends,
' never to deviate from the plain and avowed object of all
' Bible Societies, " the circulation of the Holy Scriptures
* without note or comment."' If this Society had indeed
pursued this avowed object with the fidelity which is here
professed, it never would have been found in its present
unhappy predicament — at variance with its own constitution
and rules and most positive declarations. " Thy rowers
have brought thee into great waters.''''
The warfare in which the Directors, in the early periods
of the Bible Society, were engaged, was with the enemies
of the gospel ; over whom, by wielding the sword of the
Spirit, they speedily triumphed. But now they are ranging
themselves against their most zealous supporters, who
are equally desirous with themselves to promote the exten-
sive diffusion of the Word of God. This is the more to be
regretted; since, had they acted in such a manner as to main-
tain unbroken that co-operation of Christians which was so
happily established, this institution might have long con-
tinued to prove a blessing to the world.
The existence of a body so powerful and efficient as the
British and Foreign Bible Society, was calculated to ani-
mate and encourage the friends of the Bible. The amount
of its funds, the extent of its influence, the weight of its
name, and the unity of its object, strongly recommended it.
The expectation, however, which has been formed of its
permanency may have been too sanguine. It is impossible
to forget, that the operations of such a Society may become
so complicated and extensive as to render it impracticable
for its Directors to bestow that care and attention on the
various details which are necessary in order to prevent
flagrant abuses. It is certain that there is a point beyond
which the business of a society cannot be extended with-
out great injury to the cause for which it was constituted.
Whether or not the British and Foreign Bible Society has
reached this point, it is not my object to inquire ; but the
conduct of its Directors, with regard to the circulation
of the Scriptures on the Continent of Europe, and the in-
accuracy of the information to which they seem to have
given implicit credit, together with the characters of those
abroad with whom they have connected their operations,
are strong symptoms of faults and deficiencies in their sys-
tem of operations, which call for an immediate reformation.
Yet, if such a reformation were now made in the conduct
of the Society, and if they consent to abide by their avow-
ed principles, they might still continue to enjoy the support
and prayers of many, who earnestly desire that the Word
of the Lord may have free course and be glorified.
But whatever may be the course which the Directors of
the British and Foreign Bible Society shall finally adopt,
there is no reason to entertain any apprehension of the
failure of that cause of which it has hitherto been the
general organ. God has put it into the hearts of his peo-
ple to desire the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures ; numer-
ous societies are instituted in all parts of the country with
a view to this object ; and means will not be wanting to
carry it into effect. Nor is there much danger that the an-
nual contributions towards it will be materially diminished.
Many, indeed, who have hitherto appeared as its support-
ers, but who felt no real concern in its advancement, may
be expected to fall away. But whether the great work of
the circulation of the Holy Scriptures be conducted by one
leading Society in Britain, or by two, or three, or more,
in different parts of the country, the contributions of Chris-
tians may still be expected to continue and to augment.
And thus will be realized, what is so well conceived, and
so happily expressed in the Perth Report, and adopted
into that of the London Society of this year: " It is not
mere money that is wanted, nor money extorted from the
man who, in parting with it, knows not what he is doing :
but it is consecrated money — money deposited as the free
and considerate expression of intelligence and choice; money,
in short, which is brightened in its hues, and inhanced in
its value, by the glowing fervour of Christian zeal."" Of
this money, the amount that will be forthcoming, we may
confidently anticipate, will not be diminished.
How imperative, on British Christians, is the duty of
seeking to diffuse the blessings of salvation ? What grati-
tude do they owe to the Father of mercies, the God of all
grace and consolation, who has distinguished this nation
with his peculiar benefits in so remarkable a manner !
Here he has preserved the knowledge of his name, while
darkness has covered the other parts of the earth, and
gross darkness the people. From the Continent of Europe
the light of divine truth, with which it was once eminent-
ly favoured, has been withdrawn. The Lord has had a
controversy with the nations, and has come out of his place
to punish them. Where is the capital city, in the whole
civilized world, which has not been occupied by a foreign
enemy, or whose government has not been overthrown with-
in the last thirty years, excepting that of Britain, whose fa-
voured shores no hostile invader has been suffered to ap-
proach. While other countries have been visited by a famine
of the Word of Life, a gracious revival in this land has been
vouchsafed, and multitudes have been turned to the Lord.
As to Israel of old were committed the oracles of God, so
now he has made this country the grand depository
of his Sacred Word. He has placed an hundred millions
of idolaters under its dominion in the East, that to them
might be communicated the knowledge of himself. From
Britain he has caused his word to sound out to all the
regions round about, even to the almost unknown islands
of the remotest ocean. Britain, like the fleece of Gideon,
has been watered with the dew of heaven, while all the na-
tions around have been parched and scorched. In all
its dwellings there has been light, while thick darkness
brooded over other lands. Is it, then, to the superior
faithfulness of the inhabitants of this country — to the
better improvement of privileges and advantages vouch-
safed, that the origin of all this favour should be traced ?
No ; but to the sovereign good pleasure of Him who hath
mercy on whom he will have mercy. It is the Lord's do-
ing, and it is wondrous in our eyes ! What an unspeak-
able honour hath he thus conferred on Britain, — appointing
it the great instrument in his hand of that extensive refor-
mation which now appears to be commencing in the world,
— of that preparation which is visibly making for ushering
in the glory of the latter days. " Surely the isles shall wait
for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons
from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the
name of the Lord thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel."
Christians in this country have every encouragement to
persevere in the great work of the circulation of the Scrip-
tures. " The breaker is come up before them : they have
broken up, and passed through the gate, and are gone out
by it ; and their King shall pass before them." The time
is now approaching when the " fulness of the Gentiles shall
come in, and so all Israel shall be saved ;" as it is written,
" There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall
turn away ungodliness from Jacob." " There shall be an
handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the moun-
tains ; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon : and
they of the city shall flourish like grass on the earth." In
Britain is this animating prediction now fulfilling, — Bri-
tain, formerly buried in Pagan darkness, and superstition,
and idolatry, — which might be termed the habitation of
devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of
every unclean and hateful bird, — Britain, once proverbially
said to be divided from the whole world, — as unlikely to
be destined to nourish the handful of seed of the Word
of God to shake over all the earth, as the barren craggy
mountain top to be the embryo depository of the future
golden harvests of the fertile plains.
rarNTED bt j. and d. collie.
Published by Willi am Whyte 4' Co. Edinburgh.
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burgh Bible Society, relative to the Circulation of the Apocrypha by the
Britiiih and Foreign Bible Society.
In 8vo. price 28.
Edinburgh Bible Society, relative to the Circulation of the Apocrypha by
the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
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Edinburgh Bible Society, being a Statement respecting their conference
on April 4th, 182G, with a Deputation from the Committee of the British
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Christian Gu:irdian, for May 1826, on the Apocrypha Controversy.
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British and Foreign Bible Society, and of the Ecletic Review, and Con-
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Steven as a member of the London Committee ; and the attack made by the
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tain a full Review of the Letters by Anglicanus, recently published.
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