LIBRARY OF COIfrGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE UNITED STATES STATE NOHMi^L SCHOOL LOS ANGELSSy CAUFCRiNLS. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERI^IANN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER 'Fm-W^^^.W7M% '; N.-. V \ x>' iiu. ' 1 .-C A, m -Ji* .1i^ AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY LIBRARY OF COl^^GRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE CONSER\^TION OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE UNITED STATES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER ' J ' ) ■> WASHINGTON GOVKRNAIENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 L. C. card, 12-35013 . •• • ,• » « • • • • •• '•• • • • • .*. •!• •••- >•• • • • • • ^ t • • « • NxlX5 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Prefatory note 5 Bibliography 7-9 General : Books 10-28 Articles in periodicals 29^1 Mineral resonrce?: Books 42^7 Articles in periodicals 48 Water: Books 49-56 Articles in periodicals 57-60 Forests: Books 61-68 Articles in periodicals 69-75 The land and soil 76-80 Conservation of human life 81-87 Canada 88-89 Speeches in Congress 90-93 Fur seals ' 94-97 Author index 99-105 Subject index 107-110 3 PREFATORY NOTE This is the third list in which the Division of Bibhography has had the cooperation of the State and Legislative Reference librarians throughout the country. Additions or suggestions were received from the following states: California. Ohio. Louisiana. Pennsylvania- Maine. Rhode Island. Massachusetts. Texas. Michigan. Wisconsin. Some of the cooperators suggested that arguments in favor of Federal control and arguments in favor of state control be separately grouped, A great many references could be arranged quite naturally imder the one or the other of these heads, but the bulk of the material did not lend itself to such treatment. It seemed best to meet the needs of debaters by means of the index under the headings Federal control, Federal vs. state control, and State control, and to adopt a classification more nearly suited to the character of the subject. The references hav3 therefore been classified under the headings Bibliogra])hy, General works. Mineral resources. Water, Forests, Land and soil, and Human life. The conservation of human life opens up the whole subject of public health and hygiene and also of eugenics. These are not included in the list, the references in this section being confined to general discussions of the movement, its needs and opportunities. The Canadian conservation question is so closely akin to ours, and touches us at so many points, that a brief section has been devoted to Canada. It includes only a few even of the more important references, but those desiring additional material will find an abundance in the Catalogue of Publications of the Canadian Commission of Conservation, a copy of which was received from Mr. James White, Secretary of the Commission, too late to go into the body of the list. Mention should also be made of the Bibliography prepared by Mr. Arthur Y. "White, and printed on pages 347-376 of the report on the Water-Powers of Canada published by the Canadian Commission of Conservation in ion. 5 6 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS > A compreliensive treatment of the subject will be found in Van Hise's "The Conservation of Natural Resources in the United States." Briefer discussions by various writers were printed in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 33, no. 3. Of the first importance also are the "Proceedings of a Conference of Governors in the White House, May 13-15, 1908/' the Proceedings of the lst-3d National Conservation Congresses, 1909-1911, and the Report of the National Conservation Commission, 3 vol., 1909. H. H. B. Meyer Ghtief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, Dec. 1912. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Brooklyn. Public library. Trees, forestry and lumbering; a list of books and of references to periodicals in the Brook- lyn public library. BrooMyn, N. Y .^ The Brooklyn jmhlic library, 1911. Ifi p. Forestry and conservation of forests: p. 13-18, 30-40. 11-31851 Z5991.Z9B8 2 Current events index. Social subjects supplement. A select bibliography. [Madison, Wis., Wisconsin library commission, 1909.] 27]). Forestry and conservation of natural resources: p. 9. AI 3.C9 1909 3 Journal of political economy. Bibliography of economics for 1909; a cumulation of bibliography appearing in the Journal of political economy from February, 1909 to January, 1910, inclusive; ed. by the Faculty of the Depart- ment of political economy of the University of Chicago. Chicago, III., The University of Chicago press, [''1910]. xiii, 282 p. 25^"^. "Conservation in the United States": p. 26-28. 10-19193 Z7163.J86 4 Stockbridge, Helen E., comp. References on the Appalachian and White Mountains. American conservation, June, 1911, v. 1: 187-190. HC101.A45,v.l 5 Tucker, Mary Lathrop, " Mrs. F. H. Tucker." Handbook of conservation. Boston, Geo. 77. Ellis co., printers, 1911. viii, 91 p. 20^"^. Bibliography: p. 88-91. 11-4804 HC106.T8 6 TJ. S. Forest service. Library. Current literature. (Books and periodicals indexed in the Library of the United States Forest service.) May, 1910-date. [ Washington, D. C, American forestry association], 1910- date. Reprinted from the American forestry. * Items starred thus * not at present in the Library of Congress. 7 8 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 7 U. S. Geological survey. Publications of the United States Geo- logical survey relating to water resources. [Washington, 1909.] 15 j). 23'"". G S 9-117 7a Superintendent of documents . Fishes: list of United States government publications for sale by the superintendent of documents, Washington, D. C. [3d ed.] [WasMngton, Govt, yrint. off., 1911.] 107 p. 21'''^. (Price list 21. 3ded.) 11-35780 Z1223.A191 no. 21 3d ed. Z5974.U5TJ65'11 8 Forest service publications. Agriculture depart- ment, U. S. A. For sale by the superintendent of docu- ments, Washington, D. C. [3d ed.] [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911.] 15 p. 20^'"'^. {Price list 43. 3d ed.) 11-35376 Z1223.A191 no. 43 3d ed. Z5991.TJ65 9 Lands. United States public documents relating to lands, irrigation and reclamation, conservation, forests, etc. For sale by the superintendent of documents, Washington, D. C. [5th ed.] [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912.] 81 p. 20^'='^. (Price list 20. 5th ed.) 12-35854 Z1223.A191 no. 20, 5tli ed. Z7164.L3U54 10 Soils bureau. Bulletins, circulars, and field opera- tions of the Soils bureau. Agriculture department, U. S. A. For sale by the superintendent of documents, Wasliing- ton, D. C. [4th ed.] [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912.] 15 p. 20\'"". (Price list 46. 4fh ed.) 12-35712 Z1223.A191 no. 46, 4th ed. Z5074.S7U64 11 United States public documents relating to health and hygiene, including water pollution and purification, food and diet, etc. For sale by the superintendent of documents, Washington, D. C. [2d ed.] [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911.] 110 p. 20Y-^. (Price list 51. 2d ed.) 11-35850 Z1223.A191 no. 51 2d ed. Z6673.XJ56 1911 CONSERVATION : BIBLIOGEAPHY \) 12 *Washington. State library. Select list of references on conservation of natural resources; comp. by Josephine Holgate. Olympia, 1911. 38 j). 13 Wells, Philip P., comp. References on the conservation of natural resources in general. American conservation, Apr. 1911, v. 1: 110-113. HC101.A45,v.l 14 References on waters and water power. American conservation. Mar. 1911, v. 1: 70-74- HC101.A45,v.l 15 Zon, Raphael, comp. References on the relation of forests to erosion. American conservation. May, 1911, v. 1: 150-152. HC101.A45,v.l GENERAL BOOKS 16 Ambler, Mason G. A plea for. the preservation of our forests, streams and fuels. (In West Virginia bar association. Proceedings, 1905. Parkers- burg, W. Va., 1906. 24^°^. p. 106-118.) 17 American academy of political and social science. PTiila- delphkt. Conservation of natural resources. PMladelpMa, American academy of political and social sci- ence, 1909. Hi, [1], 256 p. 26'^. {Tie annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. XXXIII, no. 3.) Contents. — pt. 1. Forestry on private lands, by G. Pinchot; Public regulation of private forests, by H. S. Graves; Can the states regu- late private forests? by F. C. Zacharie. — pt. 2. Water as a resource) by W J McGee; Water power in the United States, by M. 0. Leighton; The scope of state and federal legislation concerning the use of waters, by C. E. Wright; The necessity for state or fed- eral rogiilation of water power development, by C. W. Baker; Federal control of water power in Switzerland, by T. Cleveland. — pt. 3. Classification of the public lands, by G. W. Woodruff; A summary- of our most important land laws, by K. Nelson; Indian lands: their administration with reference tc^ present and future use, by F. E. Leupp; The conservation and preservation of soil fertility, by C. G. Hopkins; Farm tenure in the United States, by n. Gannett; ^^^lat may be accomplished by reclamation, by F. n. Newell; The legal problems of reclamation of lands by means of irrigation, by M. Bien. — pt. 4. Our mineral resoiirces, by G. O. Smith; The production and waste of mineral resoiirces and their bearing on conservation, by J. A. Holmes; Preservation of the phosphates and the conser\'ation of the soil, by C. R. \'aa Ilise. 9-14081 H1.A4 18 American conservation, v. 1, no. 1-7; Feb.-Auc;. 1911. Washington, D. C, National conservation association, 1911. 265 p. ilhis. 26'^'^. monthly. T. R. Shipp, editor. No more published. , 12-7728 HC101.A45 10 COXSERVATIOX : GEXEEAL 11 19 The American year book; a record of events and progress 1910- 1911. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1911-12. 2v. 20Y''- 1910. The conservation question: p. 39-41; The conservation of national resources: p. 293-302. 1911. The conservation question: p. .53-.56; Conservation: Mineral resources, by David T. Day, p. 420-423; Forestry, by Edwin A. Start, p. 423-425; Reclamation and irrigation, byArthurP. Davis, p. 425^33. 11-1626 E171.A585 20 *Arinenteras, Andres Avelino de. El problema forestal en la America latina y su influencia en las inundaciones. Madrid, Impr. de los Hijos de M. G. Hernandez, 1910. 21 Blackmar, F. W. The conservation of natural resources. {In National irrigation congress. Official proceedings. Sept. 29-30, Oct. 1-3, 1908. Albuquerque, N. M., [1908?] 23'"'". p. 311- 322.) HD1726.N2 1908 21a Burk, Frederic Lister. The teacher's part in conservation. (In National education association of the United States. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1911. p. 970-977.) E 12-488 L13.N4 1911 22 California. Dept.ofpuhlicinstruction. Conservation of natu- ral resources. From the twenty-third biennial report of Edward Hyatt, superintendent of public instruction. Sacramento, Cal, 1909. 9S p. iJJus. 22h"''. 9-29708 HC107.C2A6 1909 23 Governor, 1911- {Hiram ^V. Johnson) Inaugural ad- dress . . . Jan. 3, 1911. Sacramento, W. W. Shannon, 1911. 13 p. 22'^. "Conservation": p. 12. J87.C22 1911 Jan. 3 24 Clerget, Pierre. Geographic economique, I'exploitation ration- nelle du globe. Pans, 0. Doin etfils, 1912. 2 p. I., ^73 p. ind. tables. 18\ '^^. {Encyclopedie scientijique, puh. sous la direction du Dr. Tou- louse. Bihliotheque de sociologie appliquee, directeur: T. Ruyssen.) "Index bibliographique": p. 455-4.59. 12-16299 HF1026.C7 25 Cleveland, Treadwell, jr. A primer of conservation. (Includes excerpts from addresses given at the Wliite House confer- ence of governors.) Washington, Govt, print, of., 1908. 2^ p. 23'"^. {U. S. Forest service. Circular 157.) Agr 8-950 SD11.A27, no. 157 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 26 Colorado. Conservation coniTnission. Report. Denver, Col, 1910. 191 p. 23'^'^. 12-12752 HC107.C7A25 26a Commonwealth club of California. Conservation. {In its Transactions, June, 1912, v. 7: 69-314.) Contents. — "The doubtful zone of authority between state and federal authority": Addresses by Curtis H. Lindley, Frank II. Short, Charles S. \\Tieeler, Theodore Roosevelt. Reports of Com- mittee on Agricultural lands, Forestry, Fuel, Minerals other than fuel; Water supply and irrigation; Water power. 27 Conference on conservation of natural resources, 'Wash- in/jton, 1908. Declaration of goYcrnors for conservation of natural resources. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 7 p. 23'^'". (U. S. Dept. agriculture. Farmers^ huUetin 340.) Agr 8-1074* S21.A6, no. 34 28 Proceedings of a conference of governors in the White House, Washington, D. C. May 13-15, 1908, ed. under the direction of Newton C. Blanchard, chairman, John Frank- lin Fort, John C. Cutler, James O. Davidson, Martin F. Ansel, the committee of governors, by W J McGee. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. xxxvii, Jf.51 p. port.- group, diagrs. 27'^'^. 9-9567 HC101.C7 1908 a 29 The Wliite House conference on the conservation of natural resources: May 13-15, 1908. Declaration of the governors as adopted May 15, 1908. The value of natural scenery, address delivered before the Conference May 14, 1908, by J. Horace McFarland. Philaddphia, Pa., [1908]. 16 p. 20^"^. {American civic association. [Publications] Series ii no. 3, June, 1908.) 9-9571 HC101.C7 1908 30 Crocker, Mrs. Emmons, What women are doing for conserva- tion. {In National irrigation congres.'s. Proceedings, 1909. Spokane, Wash., 1909. 23'''". p. 278-282.) HD1726.N2 1909 31 Cronau, Rudolf. (Jiir wasteful nation; the story of American prodigaHty and the abuse of our national resources. New York, M. Kennerley, ['=1908]. 134 V- front., plates. 9-145 HC106.C8 conservation: general 13 32 Daughters of the American revolution. National conser- vation committee. Annual report. 1910-11. [n. p., 1911.] 14 p. 23^"^. Reprint from Proceedings Twentieth Continental congress, National society, D. A. R. CA 12-106 Unrev'd HC106.D26 33 Douglas, James. Conservation of natural resources. {In Smithsonian institution. Annual report. 1909. Washington, 1910. 2'^'^'^. p. 317-329.) Reprinted from Bulletin of the American institute of mining engi- neers, New York, no. 29, May, 1909, p. 439-451. Also printed separately. 11-9872 Q11.S66 1909 34 Farquhar, Arthur B. Conservation: an address at the First national conservation congress, Alaska-Yukon-Pacilic exposition, Seattle, Washington, Aug. 26, 27, 28, 1909. Yorlc, Pa.: A. B. Farquhar, 1909. 12 p. 23"'^. Separate n(»t in Library of Coneress. See no. 58 below. 35 [Fletcher, Henry Frederick.] Ethics of conservation. [Roclcville, Conn., Printed hy T. F. Rady cfc co., "1910.] cover -title, 18 p. 19""^. 12-1250 3oa Foulke, William Dudley. Conservation in municipalities. {In National municipal league. Proceedings, P)uffalo, 1910. [Phila- delphia], 1910. 23^°^. p. 12-21.) JS302.N48 1910 36 Grave, Caswell. Notes on the histoiy of the oyster in IVIary- land and the ph3"sical valuation of her oyster properties. [Baltimore U 91 2 ^ lip. fold, diagr. 24h'^^K 12-33321 SH365.M3G7 37 Gregory, IVIary Huston. Checking the wLste; a study in con- servation. ■ Indianapolis, The Bohbs- Afeni,ll company, 1911. 5 p. I., 318 p. 19'^'^. 11-7313 HC106.G8 38 Hardtner, Henry E. and Fred J. Grace. Louisiana. The leader of the South in conservation legislation. Ad- dresses. [New Orleans, Louisiana printing co., ltd., 1911.] 20 p. incl. ports. 23'^^"'. 11-33115 HC107.L8H2 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 39 Hawaii {Ter.). Legislature, 1909. Conservation of Hawaii's natural resources. Before the Legislature, 1909. Ad- dresses by the governor and his conferees who attended the governor's conference with the President in Wash- ington, D. C, in May, 1908, and by others. Honolulu, Hawaiian gazette co., ltd., 1909. 21 p. ^5^™. Hon. R. W. Shingle in the chair. Reprinted for general distribution by the Board of commissioners of agriculture and forestry. Pub. also in Hawaiian, with title: Ka malama ana o ko Hawaii man waiwai. Addresses by Gov. Walter F. Frear, R. S. Hosmer, Jared G. Smith, Sanford B. Dole, E. V. Wilcox, and W. O. Smith. 9-13577 HC687.H3A5 1909 a 40 Hewitt, Abram Stevens. Our national inheritance, and how to enjoy it. Speech of Hon. Abram S. Hewitt, of New York, delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb- ruary 11, 1879. Washington, [Govt, print, off.]. 1879. 16 p. 21^^^. 10-33517 HC106.H5 41 Hichborn, Franklin. Story of the session of the California Legislature of 1911. San Francisco, Press of the James H. Barry company, 1911. 4 p. I., [ll]-348, Ixvii p. 20 ''^. "The conservation measures": p. 156-168. 11-31805 F866.H575 42 Hill, James Jerome. Highways of progress. New Yorlc, Douhleday, Page c& company, 1910. x, 353 p. 20^ ^'^. Republished from various sources. Contents. — The nation's future. — Agriculture and the national life. — Farm methods — old and new. — Reciprocity with Canada. — Commerce. — Industrial and railroad consolidations. — The North- west. — Oriental trade. — Irrigation and drainage. — Waterways. — The railroad. — The conservation of capital. — The natural wealth of the land and its conservation. 10-14659 HC106.H57 43 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. State conservation of natural resources. (7ft Rein.sch, Paul S., (A. Readings on American state govornnient. New York, [KHl]. 21^'^°'. p. 262-265.) JK2408.R5 Decision, reprinted from United States reports, v. 209, p. 349, ff. 44 Hughes, Charles E. Conservation of natural resources in the state of New York. (7n Conference of governors, 1908. Proceedings. Washington, 1900. 27'''°. p. 314-330.) HC101.C7 1908 Reprinted in Paul S. Reinsch'a Readings on American slato govern- ment, New York, 1911, p. 271-284. JK2408.R5 CONSERVATION : GENERAL 15 44a Intercollegiate debates. (Vol. II.) A year book of college debating. Edited by Egbert Ray Nichols. New YorJc, Hinds, Nohel & Eldredge, [1912]. 833 p. 20<^-^. "Conservation of national resources, Federal vs. state control": p. 233-280. "PenncoUese bibliography": p. 279-280. H35.I6,v.2 44b International fisheries commission {JJ. S. and Gt. Brit.) Protection and preservation of food fishes in international boundary waters of the United States and Canada. Message from the President, transmitting a report by the Secretary of state submitting a system of uniform and common international regulations for the protection and preservation of the food fishes. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 19 p. 23'^'^. {[V. S.] 61st Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 638.) Signed by D. S. Jordan and E. E. Prince, international commis- sioners. Includes report of work of Commission since appointment, May 31, 1909, by D. S. Jordan, American commissioner, and "Suggested form of an act" to give effect to a treaty between the United States and Great Britain, 1908, relating to the fisheries. 10-35230 SH325.A2I5 45 Iowa. State drainage, waterways and conservation commission. Report. January 1911. [Cedar Rapids, la., The Torch press, 1910?] 210 p., 1 L incl. tables, pdates, maps {partly fold.) 24Y'"- A. C. Miller, chairman. 11-33078 HC107.I 7A4 46 *Keith, H. F. The conservation of the natural resources of Massachusetts. Framingham, Mass., 1909f 47 Libby, E. H. Conservation of natural resources. {In National irrigation congress. Proceedings, 1909. Spokane, Wash., 1909. 23^-. p. 173-176.) HD1726.N2 1909 48 Louisiana. Conservation commission. Report. 1910. [Baton Rouge ? 1911 ?] cover-title, 56 p. 23 '^^ . Commission created under act no. 144 of the Legislature of 1908. H. E. Hardtner, chairman. 11-33108 HC107.L8A3 Also printed in Louisiana documents, 1908-10, v. 2, ]). 883-938. J87.L8 1910 p 16 LIBEAKY OF COXGKESS 49 McCarthy, Callaghan. The causes of poverty. London, P. S. King d& son; [etc., etc.], 1908. viii, 110 p. Contents. — Introduction. — A description of earthly phenomena. — The ser\dces of persons. — The services of nature. — The ser^dces of property. — Stoppages at the sources of serAdces. — Services directed towards the prevention of evil. — Services directed towards pro- ductive consumption. — Services directed towards unproductive consumption. — The causes of poverty. — Poverty and its causes within the United Kingdom. 9-5476 HD21.M3 50 McGee, W J. The conservation of natural resources. (In Mississippi valley historical association. Proceedings, 1909- 1910. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1911. 23i<^'^. v. 3, p. 361-379.) F351.M66,v.3 51 Maine. Governor, 1911- (FredericTc W. Plaisted). Inaugural address . . . Jan. 5, 1911. Augusta, Kennebec journal print, 1911. 19 p. 23^'^. "True conservation'": p. 15-16. J87.M22 52 Marsh, George Perkins. The earth as modified by human action; a last revision of *'Man and nature." New YorJc, C. Scrihner's sons, 1898. xxiv, 629 p. 23"'^. 1st edition, 1864. "Bibliographical list of works consulted " : p. xiii-xxiv. 7-34736 GF31.M33 53 Maryland. Conservation commission . Report. [Baltimore?] 1909. 1 v. plates, maps. 26'''^. 10-28665 HC107.M3A45 54 Shell JisTi commission. Discussion of the Campbell oys- ter culture bill as amended by the Price oyster plan pro- viding for conservation of natural oyster bars along with oyster culture on barren bottoms. [Baltimore?] Maryland shell jish commission, 1912. 53 p. 12-33102 SH365.M3 1912 55 Minnesota conservation and agricultural development congress. 1st, St. Paul, 1910. Addresses delivered at the Minnesota conservation and agricultural development congress, March 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1910, at the Auditorium, St. Paul. Ed. by C. R. Barns. St. Paul, ^^inn., Wchh puhlishing company, printers, [1910]. 246 p. front., plates. 21%^"^. Agr 10-1902 HC107.M6M5 conservation: general 17 oG Montana. Commission on conservation. Report. January 14, 1911. [Helena, 1911.] 5 p. 23V^. On bills rclatins; to public lands, water-rights and the protection and preservation of the forests. Commissioners: Rudolf von Tobel, Lew L. Callaway, David Ililger, Chas. S. Hartman. 11-33041 HC107.M9A7 1911 57 Governor, 1909- (Edwin L. Norris). Governor's mes- sage relating to conservation. Januaiv 17, 1911. Helena, [1911]. 7 p. 2SY^. On bills relating to public lands, water-rights and the protection and preservation of the forests. 11-33040 ^ HC107.M9A7 1911a 58 National conservation congress. Proceedings. lst-3d, 1909- 1911. Washington [D. C], National conservation congress, [1910]- 1 cm 1912. 3 v. ports. 23^ Partial contents.— isi, Seattle, 1909. J. N. Teal, The necessity of conserving our resources: p. 14-28; M. E. Hay, The conservation movement: p. 29-31; Addresses from the states: p. 34-67; Gifford Pinchot, Conservation: p. 70-78; A. B. Farquhar, Conservation in Pennsylvania: p. 79-90; J. Ellen Foster, Conservation of child life: p. 90-96; W J McGee, The relations among the resources: p. 96-102; Henry A. Barker, The civic aspect of conservation: p. 103-107; William L. Finley, Conservation of wild birds: p. 108-114; Marion P. Maus, Conservation in the military aspect: p. 115-122; George C. Pardee, Right use of natural resources: p. 123-129; Leonard N. Solly, The desirability of conserving natural resources from the standpoint of a railroad man: p. 130-133; Hashiguchi, Conservation in Japan: p. 133-136; Mary Gage Peterson, [What the women are doing for conservation]: p. 136-140; Ralph S. Hos- mer, The progress of conservation in Hawaii: p. 142-148; Overton G. Ellis, The general federation of women's clubs in conservation work: p. 148-158; Edward O. Sisson, Waste in education: p. 159-164; James A. Emery, Conservation and the manufacturer: p. 167-172; August F. Knudsen, The waste of war: p. 172-178; F. Cotterill, The conservation of manhood: p. 178-182; Margaret Russell Knudsen, The conservation of the nation's natural re- sources: p. 206-212; J. B. White, Waste in lumber manufacture: p. 212-216; Ralph W. Pope, Conservation of power through elec- tricity: p. 218-221; George F. Aust, [Conserving our game and fish]: p. 221-227. 2d, Saint Paul, 1910.— Address [on conservation] by the President of the United States [William H. Taft]: p. 14-34; Our public land system, by Knute Nelson: p. 35-47; National efficiency. Viy Theo- dore Roosevelt: p. 82-93; The interests of the railways of the South in conservation, by W. W. Finley: p. 135-144; Soils and crops, food and clothing, by James J. Hill: p. 177-188; Conservation in country 60335°— 13 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS life, by Liberty H. Bailey: p. 203-2L3; The stake of Ihe l)usiness man in conservation, by Alfred L. Baker: p. 221-226; The rela- tion of capital to the development of resources, by Frank H. Short: p. 226-236; Life and health as national assets, l)y Dean Westbrook: p. 247-257, Safeguarding the property of the people, by Francis J. Heney: p. 278-291; The conservation program, by Gifford Pinchot: p. 292-298; Laws that should be passed, by Francis G. Newlands: p. 327-328; Conservation of the nation's resources, by J. B. White: p. 328-331; Practical aspects of conservation, by A. B. Farquhar: p. 331-333; Reports from states: p. 333-379. 3d, Kansas City, 1911. — Country child vs. the city child, by Ben B. Lindsey: p. 31^3; Conservation of the soil, by William H. Taft: p. 55-62; Cooperation, by W. A. Beard: p. 78-87; The farmer and the railroads, by Herbert Quick: p. 88-110; [Conservation of health], by Harvey W. Wiley: p. 139-147; Lumber in Europe, by J. B. 'WTiite: p. 167-174; [The relation of man to the soil], by W J McGee: p. 183-192; Conservation and the national domain, by Walter L. Fisher: p. 194-203; The rape of the soil, by A. P. Grout: p. 205-211; [Conservation], by William J. Bryan: p. 220-229; Back to the farm, by Henry Ide Willey: p. 237-244; Increasing the yield by proper cultivation of the soil, by A. M. Ten Eyck: p. 247-256; Preventable fire waste; conservation efforts for its reduction, by a committee of the National board of fire imder- writers: p. 267-272; Organization of the conservation movement in Pennsylvania, by A. B. Farquhar: p. 291-298. 11-5029 HC106.N4 59 National conservation commission, Washington, D. C. Bulletin no. 4. Washington, Issued hy the Joint committee on conservation, [1909]. 52 p. 23^'=^. Summary of bulletins 1-3, issued in June, July, and August, 1908: p. 45-52. 12-37119 HC101.N25 60 Report. February, 1909. Special message from the President of the United States transmitting a report of the National conservation commission, with accompany- ing papers. Ed. by Henry Gannett. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 3 v. plates, maps, diagrs. 23'='^. {60th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 676.) Contents. — v. 1. Report, etc. — v. 2. Accompanying papers: Waters and fore.sts. — v. 3. Accompanying papers: Lands, minerals, and national vitality. 9-35662 HC101.A4 1909 a CONSERVATION : GENEEAL 19 61 National conservation commission. Washington, D. C. Schedule of inquiries concerning the lands, waters, forests, minerals and other resources of America <2d ed.> Formulated by the Executive committee of the National conservation commission (Gilford Pinchot, chairman, Thomas R. Shipp, secretary) and chiefs of bureaus con- cerned, Washington, D. C. Pub. for general distribution by the National business league of America. Chicago, Faulkner-Byan co., 1908. 15 j)- 22 h'^'^. 9-1406 HC101.N3 62 * Nebraska conservation and state development congress. Second report. Lincoln, Nehr., 1911. 56 p. 63 New England conference. 1st, Boston, 1908. Proceedings of the First New England conference, called by the governors of the New England states. Boston, Nov. 23, 24, 1908. Boston, Wright ct Potter printing co., state printers, 1908. 119 p. ports., 2 fold, charts. 23"^. 9-10713 HC107.A11A5 1908 64 New Jersey. Governor, 1911- (Woodrow Wilson). Inaugural address . . . Jan. 17, 1911. Trenton, N. J., MacCrellish cfc Quigley, state printers, 1911. 13 p. 23^"^. Conservation: p. 8-9. J87.N52 1911a 65 New York (State). Conservation commission. First annual re- port, 1911. Albany, N. Y., 1912. 33 p. 66 Newell, Frederick Haynes. Hawaii, its natural resources and opportunities for home-making. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 51 p. diagrs. 23'^'^. ([U.S.] 60th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 668.) 9-35424 HC687.H3N5 66a Home-making through conservation. (In Sons of the American revolution. District of Columbia society. Addresses and papers, 1911-12. Washington, 1912. 23^'='". p. 21-28.) 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 67 North American conservation conference. Washington, D. C, February, 1909. Message from the President transmitting the declaration of principles adopted by the North American conservation conference. Washington, Govt. pnnt. off., 1909.] 7 V- ^3'^. ([Z7. S.] 60th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 742.) Signed by the commissioners: Gifford Pinchot, Robert Bacon, James Rudolph Garfield for the United States; Sydney Fisher, Clifford Sifton, Henri S. Beland for Canada; Romulo Escobar, Miguel A. de Quevedo, Carlos Sellerier for Mexico; E. H. Outer- bridge for Newfoundland. . 9-35344 HC95.N7 68 Oppel, Alwin. Wirtscha/tsgeographie der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Halle a. S., Gehauer-SchwetscJike Druckerei und Verlag m. h. h., 1907. 4 p. ?., 159, [1] p. diagrs. 22'=^. (Ange- wandte Geographie ... in. Ser., 2. Hft.) 8-15288 - HC106.O6 69 Oregon. Acting governor, 1911- (Jay Bowerman). Message . . to the twentv-sixth legislative assemblv . . . 1911. Salem, Oregon, W. S. Duniway, state printer, 1911. 22 p. 23^ '^^ "Conservation and protection of the forests": p. 17-20. J87.072 1911a 70 Conservation commission. Report. Salem, Or. [1908]-1910. 3 v. front., illus., fold, maps, diagrs. 22^"^. J. X. Teal, chairman. 9-2969 HC107.O7A5 71 Governor, 1911- (Oswald West). Message ... to the twentv-sixth legislative assemblv . . . 1911. Salem, Oregon, Willis S. Duniway, state printer, 1911. 39 p. 'Conservation of our resources," forests, etc.: p. 19-27. J87.072 1911 221- <^m 72 Orton, Mary Princess (Anderson) "Mrs. E. Orton, jr." "Con- servation". [n. p.] 1910. 7 p. 22^"^. 10-28792 HC106.07 72a Pardee, George Cooper. Water-powers, lands, and minerals. {In National education association of the United States. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1911. p. 958-965.) E 12-486 L13.N4 1911 conservation: general 21 73 Patton, Jacob Harris. Natural resources of the United States. Rev. with additions. New York, [etc.] D. Appleton and company, 189j^. xv, [1], 5S0 p. illus., diagrs. 21'^'^. 5-17715t HC103.P33 74 Pector, Desire. Les richesses de I'Amerique centrale, Guate- mahi, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa-Rica, pref- ace de M. E. Levasseur. Paris, E. Guilmoto, [1908?]. xiv, [2], 363 p. ind. map. 9-8938 HC145.P5 75 Pennsylvania. Governor, 1907-1911 {Edwin S. Stuart). Mes- sage ... to the General assembly, 1911. Harrishurg, C. E. Aughinbaugh, printer to the state of Penn- sylvania, 1911. 37 p. 23'"^. "Natural resources": p. 20-21. J87.P42 76 Pinchot, Gilford. The fight for conservation. New York, Doubleday, Page d& company, 1910. 5 p. I., 3-152 p. 18'^^. Partly reprinted from various periodicals. 10-19948 HC106.P6 77 Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon. The rural life problem of the United States; notes of an Irish observer. New York, The Macmillan company, 1910. xi, 174 V- 19^'"^. "The substance of the book appeared in five articles contributed to the New York Outlook under the title 'Conservation and rural life. '"^ — Prefatory note. 10-14393 HC106.P7 78 Pollard, Ernest M. The conservation of the natural resources of the Mississippi valley. (In Mississippi valley historical association. Proceedings, 1908-1909. Cedar Rapids, la., 1910. 23^'-'". v. 2, p. 99-111.) F351.M66,v.2 79 Price, Overton Westfeldt. The land we live in; the boys' book of conservation; with a foreword by Gilford Pinchot. Boston, Small, Maynard and compann, ['1911]. xxi, 242 p. incl. front., illus. 24'^'"- 11-24157 HC106.P8 80 Ransdell, Joseph E. Conservation of our natural resources. (In American bankers' association. Proceedings, 1908. New York, 1908. 23^"". p. 265-273.) HG1507.A5 1908 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 81 Rhode Island. Governor, 1910- {Aram J. PotMer). Special message to the General assembly, August 16th, 1910. (January session). State conservation commission. Providence, E. L. Freeman compajiy, state jyrinters, 1910. 8 p. 23^"^. 11-8795 HC107.R4A4 1910 82 Natural resources survey. Preliminary report. Providence, E. L. Freeman company, state printers, 1910. 2 p. I., \_5U-128 p. pi., 2 fold. maps. 23'^'^. {Rhode Island Bureau of industrial statistics. Bulletin 1.) 10-33145 HC107.R4A2 vol.23 ,pt 3 83 State conservation commission. Bulletin. No. 1-2. Providence, 1911. 2 v. 23 ^'«. 12-33014 HD266.R4A5 1911 84 Robbins, Edwin Clyde. The high school debate book. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1911. vi, [4] p., 1 l, 229 p. 18^'"^. Contains bibliographies. "Conservation of natural resources": p. 65-78. 11-30808 PN4187.R6 85 Roosevelt, Theodore. The new nationalism; with an introduc- tion by Ernest Hamlin Abbott. New Yorl', The OutlooJc company, 1910. xxi, 268 p. 19^"^. Conservation, Speech at Denver, Aug. 29, 1910: p. 49-76; Natural resources, Speech at St. Paul, Sept. 6, 1910: p. 77-105. 11-19 JK271.R7 86 The Rooseyelt policy; speeches, letters and state pa- pers, relating to corporate wealth and closely allied topics, of Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States; with introduction by Andrew Carnegie. New Yorlc, The Current literature publishing company, 1908. 2 v. fronts, {ports.) facsims. 18'^^'. "Utilizing our natural resources": p. 546-560; "Development of our waterways": p. 595-598; "Improvement of inland waterways": p. 615-628. 8-17977 HC106.R78 87 Russell, Thomas Herbert. Natural resources and national wealth; irrigation. Chicago, National institute of business, ['^1911]. 44^ V- illus. {incl. maps, diagrs.) 24h'^'^- {Practical business library, vol. xi.) Also published in 1910, aa vol. 11 of the International business library. 11-24734 HC106.R8 1911 CONSERVATION : GENERAL 23 88 Sadtler, Samuel P. Conservation and the chemical engineer. {In American institute of chemical engineers. Transactions. 1909. New York, 1910. 23J^°\ v. 2, p. 105-114.) TPl.A6,v.2 Reprinted in Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Jan. 1910, v. 8: 9-11. TNl.M46,v.8 89 *Sarasin, Paul. Weltnaturschutz. Basle, E. Birhauser, 1911. 20 j). 90 *Schweizerische Naturschutzcoramission. Jahiesbericht. V. 4, 1909-10. Basle, 1910. 108 p. 91 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Man and the earth. New York, Fox, Duffield c{' company, 1905. vi p., 1 I., 240 p. 19^'"^. Contents. — Earthand man. — The future of power. — The exhaus- tion of the metals. — The unwon lands. — Land from the waters. — The problem of the Nile. — The maintenance of the soil. — The re- sources of the sea. — The changes to come in the human period. — The beauty of the earth. — The future of nature upon the earth. — The last of earth and man. — The attitude of man to the earth — summary and conclusions. 5-39133 GF51.S52 92 The United States of America; a study of the American commonwealth, its natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, commerce, and its work in literature, science, education, and self-government. New YorTc, D. Appleton and company, 1894- 2 v. fronts., illus., plates, maps {partly fold.) diagrs. 25%'^'^. 4-4912/2 E179.S52 93 Southern conservation congress, Atlanta, 1910. Pro- ceedings. Proceedings not published, except in local newspapers. 94 Taft, William Howard. Address of President Taft before the National conservation congress at St. Paul, Minnesota, September 5, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 22 p. 23^"^. 10-23519 HC106.T3 Also printed in Popular science monthly, Oct., 1910, v. 77:313-332. AP2.P8,v.77 95 The conservation of our national resources. {In National irrigation congress. Proceedings, 1909. Spokane, Wash., 1909. 23^"". p. 519-527.) HD1726.N2 1909 24 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS 96 Taft, William Howard. Presidential addresses and state papers of William Howard Taft, from March 4, 1909, to March 4, 1910. V. 1. New YorTc, DouUeday, Page & company, 1910. xii, {2), 612 p. 20^"^. Conservation of national resources (Spokane, Wash., Sept. 28, 1909): p. 270-280; Conservation of national resources and waterways (Corpus Christi, Tex., Oct. 22, 1909): p. 371-378; Conservation of national resources and irrigation (Dallas, Tex., Oct. 23, 1909): p. 379-384; Conservation and waterways CSt. Louis, Oct. 25, 1909): p. 385-389; Message to Congress on conservation of na- tional resources (Jan. 7, 1910): p. 537-548. 10-23512 E761.T12 97 Titsworth, Frederick S. Notes on the legal aspects of the conservation problem. {In Colorado scientific society. Proceedings, 1910. Denver, 1910. 2AY^. V. 9, p. 315-334.) Qll.C7,v.9 Also issued separately. 98 Tucker, Mary Lathrop, "Mrs. F. H. Tucker." Handbook of conservation. Boston, Geo. H. Ellis co., printers, 1911. viii, 91 p. 20^"^. Bibliography: p. 88-91. 11-4804 HC106.T8 98a U. S. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Agricultural opportunities. No. 1-5. Information concerning re- sources, products, and physical characteristics [of various states]. Washington Govt, print, off., 1912. 5 v. 24^"". 12-35914 HD1765 1912 99 Congress. House. Committee on agriculture. Acquiring land for the protection of watersheds for the conservation of navigable streams. Report. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909.] 24 p. 23^'"^. (60th Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. 2027.) "Views of the minority," signed by Charles F. Scott [chairman] and others: p. 11-14: "Views of Mr. Hawley": p. 15-19; "Views of Mr. Ilaugen": p. 20-24. 9-35234 SD425.U6 CONSEEVATIOX : GENERAL 25 100 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. ' Hear- ings on bills having for their object the acquisition of forest and other lands for the protection of water-sheds and conservation of the navigabilit}^ of navigable streams, also other papers bearing on the same subjects. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. I43 p. 23 '^^. Charles F. Scott, chairman. Includes paper on "Forests and reservoirs in their relation to stream flow," by II. M. Chittenden, comments of G. F. Swain thereon, and reply from Col. Chittenden; also House rept. no. 2027, (JOth Cong., 2d sess., to accompany S. 4825. 9-35262 SD425.U6 1909a 101 Committee on rules . Ballinger reports. Report. <0n hearing on H. res. 931 > [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911.] 29 p. 23^"^. (61st Cong., 3d sess. House. Rept. 2102.) Submitted by Mr. Dalzell. Includes hearings of Jan. 2S and Feb. 1, 1911, on House resolution 931 , directing Committee on rules to investigate and report within one week on Ballinger reports. 11-35149 HD 171. El Ok 102 — - — Hearings on House resolution 931, di- recting Committee on rules to investigate and report within one week on Ballinger reports, also report of Mr. Dalzell. Hearings held before the Committee on rules. House of representatives, United States, January 28, 1911, and February 1, 1911. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 32 p. 23'"^. John Dalzell, chairman. 11-35183 HD171.E101 102a Senate. Committee on fisheries. Alaska fisheries. Hearings before the subcommittee of the Committee on fisheries, United States Senate, Sixty-second Congress, second session, on S. 5856, a bill to amend an act for the • protection and regulation of the fisheries of Alaska. Washington Govt, print, off., 1912. 528 p. 23'^. Wesley L. Jones, chairman. 12-35981 SH222.A4A5 1912 103 Committee on conservation of national resources. National commission for tlie conservation of natural resources. Report. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 50 p. 23'^. (61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 826.) Submitted bv Mr. Dixon. 10-35778 " HC106.A3 1910b 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 104 U. S. President, 1901-1909 {Roosevelt). Message of the President of the United States communicated to the two houses of Congress, at the beginning of the second session of the Sixtieth Congress. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1908. U p. 23'^'^. Conservation of natural resources: p. 23-28. 5-41544 105 Special message transmitting a report of the National conservation commission with accompanying papers. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 1 pi., 29 p. 23""^. {60th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 676.) 9-35211 HC106.A3 1909 106 President, 1909-1913 {T aft). Conservation of natural resources; special message transmitted to the two houses of Congress January 14, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 11 p. 23'^'^. 10-35066 HC106.A3 1910 Also printed as House doc. 533, Gist Congress, 2d session. 107 Utah. Conservation commission. Preliminary report 1909. Salt Lake, 1909. 128 p. front, {fold, map) illus. 23^"^. Agr 10-571 HC107.TJ8A4 1909 108 Governor, 1909- {William Spry). Message ... to the ninth Legislature ... Jan. 10, 1911. Salt Lake, Century printing, [1911]. 50 p. 23'^™. " State conservation commission": p. 42^3. J87.U82 109 Van Hise, Charles Richard. The conservation of natural resources in the United States. New York, The Macmillan company, 1910. xiv p., 1 I., 413 p. illus. {maps, charts, tables) xvi pl. 21'^™'. 10-21139 HC106.V18 "A practical presentation in moderate compass, based on all avail- able resources and originally presented as university lectures. Discusses separately the minerals, water, forests, land and man- kind, and their relations to the general principles of conservation. Next in value to the Report of the National conservation commis- sion as a source, and the scholarly and inclusive work yet published for general reading and reference." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 7:121. Ilcviewed in Science, Jan. 20, 191 1, n. s. v. 33: 108-1 11; W J McGee, in Conservation, Feb. 1911, v. 1: 35-36; Foreign quarterly review, Mar. 1!)11, V. 9: 107-109. CONSERVATION : GENERAL 27 110 Veitch, F. P. Paper-making materials and their conserva- tion. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 23 p. 23 '^'\ {U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of chemistry. Circular no. 4i-) S585.A4,no.41 111 Vrooman, Frank BufRngton. Theodore Roosevelt, dynamic geographer. London, New York [etc.], H. Frowde, 1909. 105 p. 23^"^. 10-889 HC106.V8 112 Watson, E. J. The South Atlantic states and conservation by co-operation. {In National irri.c;ation congress. Proceedings, 1909. Spokane, Wash., 1909. 23^°'. p. 72-81.) HD1726.N2 1909 113 West Virginia. Conservation commission. Report 1908. Charleston, The Tribune printing company, 1909. 62 p. Commission: Hu Maxwell, chairman, J. H. Stewart, Neil Robin- son. 114 Western Australia. Registry dept. Statistical register. 1909. Perth, 1909. Mineral statistics and water conservation: part 7, p. 1-38. 6-27396 HAS 152 115 Wisconsin. Governor, 191 l-{Francis E. McGovern). Message ... to the Wisconsin legislature ... 1911. Jan. 12, 1911. [ Madison, 1911.] 50 p. 22 ^'^ . "Conservation of natural resources, " (forest protection, water powers, soil): p. 13-19. J87.W62 116 Legislature. Committee on water powers, forestry, and drainage. Report, 1910. Madison, Democrat printing company, state printer, 1911. 2 V. in 1. fold, tables, charts (partly fold.) 23'^™. 11-33087 HD1694.W6A3 1910 117 Report of Senators Paul O. Husting and Henry Krumrey, members of special legislative com- mittee appointed to investigate and to recommend legis- lation relating to water powers, forestry and drainage. Made to the governor January 24, 1910. Madison, Wis., Democrat printing company, state printer, 1910. 60 p. diagrs. 23'^'''. " Proposed bills ": p. 43-57. 10-33156 TC24.W6A5 1910 28 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 118 Wisconsin. State conservation commission. First report. Madison, 1909. 63 p. 23<^^. ■ C. R. Van Hise, president of the commission. Contents. — Governor's letter of transmittal, J. 0. Davidson, gover- nor; Recommendations of the commission; Report on water powers, by Edward A. Birge; Report on forests, by E. M. Griffith; Report on Wisconsin soil resources and need of a soil survey, by S. Weidman and A. R. ^^^litson; A preliminary report on the phosphates of Wisconsin soils, by A. R. Whitson. HC107.W6A38 119 Report. Printed in pursuance of Jt. res. no. 50, S. Madison, Democrat printing company, state printer, 1911. cover-title, 75 p. inch. 2 maps. 22^"^. Charles R. Van Hise, chairman. Contents. — Report of the State conservation commission. — Report of William Irvine and George A. Wliiting. — The mineral resources by W. O. Hotchkiss. — The forest resources, by E. M. Griffith. — The soil survey, by A. R. Whitson.— The weed situation, by A. L. Stone. — Agricultural economics, by Henry C. Taylor. 11-25429 HC107.W6A4 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 120 1907., Livino; on our capital [Natural resources.] Science, Oct. IS, 1907, n. s., v. 26: 514-515. Ql.S35,n.s.v.26 121 1907. Richards, M. V. Railways and conservation of re- sources. Manufacturers^ record, Bee. 23, 1907, v. 56: ^9-50. TSl.M3,v.56 122 1908. Hill, James J. The future of the United States. National review, Feb. 1908, v. 50: 960-9S0. AP4.N25,v.50 123 1908. Ayres, Philip W. Is New England's wealth in danger? New England magazine, Mar. -June, 1908, n. s., v. 88: 34-4^; 144-160; 290-308; 434-449. Contents. — I: Our vanishing forests; II. Our water-powers; III. What the States are doing; IV. Our national resources in the AMiite mountains. AP2.N4,n.s.v.38 124 1908. Will, Thomas E. The conservation of natural re- sources. Independent, Apr. 30, 1908, v. 64: 946-952. AP2.l53,v.64 125 1908. Mitchell, Guy Elliott. Checking the waste of our national resources. American rrview of reviews, May, 1908, v. 37: 585-592. AP2.R4,v.37 126 1908. Mathews, Jolin L. The conservation of our natural resources. Atlantic montUii, May, 1908, v. 101: 694-704. AP2.A8,v.l01 127 1908. Williams, Lydia A. Need of conservation of natural resources. Forestry and irrigation. May, 1908, v. 14: 266-269. SDl.F7,v.l4 128 1908. Pinchot, Gifford. Waste of national resources: an American fable. National geographic magazine. May, 1908, v. 19: 345-350. Gl.N27,v.l9 29 30 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 129 1908. B., E. F. The White House conference. OutlooJc, May 23, 1908, V. 89: I44-I48. AP2.08,v.89 130 1908. Bennett, Ira E. Proposed conference of governors on conservation of natural resources. Pacific monthly. May, 1908, v. 19: 513-519. AP2.P15,v.l9 131 1908. Conference on conservation of natural resources. Science, May 15, 29, 1908, n. s. v. 27: 794-796; 867-869. Ql.S35,n.s.v.27 132 1908. Proposed Wliite House conference of governors of states of United States. Van Norden magazine, May, 1908, v. 3: 33-50. HGl.V3,v.3 133 1908. Pinchot. Gifford.- A new patriotism : The solution of an economic crisis brought on by national waste. WorkVs work, May, 1908, v. 16: 10235-10237. ap2.W8,v.16 134 1908. The White House conference. American review of reviews, June, 1908, v. 37: 643-649. AP2.R4,v.37 135 1908. The conservation of natural resources. A symposium on the conservation of the forests, fuel supplies, water- powers and waterways of the United States. Engineering magazine, June, 1908, v. 35: 4^2-434- TAl.E59,v.35 136 1908. Conservation of natural resources, at White House, May, 1908. Forestry and irrigation, June, 1908, v. 14-' 291-348. SDl.F7,v.l4 137 1908. [Conservation of natural resources.] Fortnightly review, June, 1908, n. s. v. 83: 1108-1109. AP4.F7,n.s.v.83 138 1908. Waste; waste — nothing but waste. Independent, June 4, 1908, v. 64: 1301-1303. AP2.I53,v.64 139 1908. Roosevelt, Theodore. National conservation com- mission. Instructions. Science, June 26, 1908, n. s. v. 27: 994-996. Ql.S35,n.s.v.27 140 1908. Patriotism that counts. Century magazine, July, 1908, v. 54: 474-476. AP2.C4,v.64 141 1908. The commission [on natural resources] named bv Presi- dent Roosevelt. Forestry and irrigation, July, 1908, v. I4: 380-382. SDl.F7,v.l4 CONSERVATIOX : GEXERAL 31 142 1908. Wliat the Government is doing to save our national resources. Scientific American supplement, July 25, 1908, v. 66: 62-63. Tl.S52,v.66 143 1908. Eeisenberg, H. Nationalization of natural resources. Forestry and irrigation, Aug., 1908, r. 14-' 4^9-4^4- SDl.F7,v.l4 144 1908. National conservation commission organized. Forestry and irrigation, Aug. 1908, v. 14' 43^-44^- SDl.F7,v.l4 145 1908. Powers, L. G. The assets of the United States. American journal oj sociology, Sept., 1908, v. 14-' 170-181. HMl.A7,v.l4 146 1908. McGee, W J. The cult of conservation. Conservation, Sept., 1908, v. 14: 469-472. SDl.F7,v.l4 147 1908. Montreale, Raoul de. To prevent national wastefulness. Overland monthly, Sept., 1908, v. 52: 280-281. ap2.09.v.52 148 1908. Taylor, Graham. National movement to conserve natural resources. Charities and the Commons, Oct. 3, 1908, v. 21: 8-10. HVl.C4,v.21 149 1908. Gannett, Henry. The National conservation commis- sion: what it is doing. Conservation, Oct., 1908, v. 14: 517-520. SDl.F7,v.l4 150 1908. Johnson, E. R. Conservation of natural resources. Geographical society oJ Philadelphia. Bulletin, Oct. 1908, v. 6: 120-129. G3.G34,v.6 151 1908. Howe, Charles S. The function of the engineer in the conservation of the natural resources of the country. Science, Oct. 23, 1908, n. s. v. 28: 537-548. Qi.S35,n.s.v.28 152 1908. Smith, Everett W. Conserving our natural resources. American industries, Nov. 15, 1908, v. 8: 8-11 . HD4802 A6,v.8 153 1908. Kellogg, R. S. The conservation of natural resources. Barrel and hox, Nov., 1908, v. 13: 55-56. TS890.B3,v.l3 154 1908. Will, Thomas E. Natural resources: their waste and conservation. The Huh, Nov., 1908, v. 50: 280-281. tS2001.H8,v.50 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 155 1908. Pinchot, Gifford. The foundations of prosperity. North American review, Nov., 1908, v. 188: 7/^0-752. "If we succeed in the conservation of our natural resources, we shall have an opportunity to succeed in everything else; if we fail in the conservation of our natural resources, we shall be certain to fail in everything else." AP2.N7,v.l88 156 1908. "Conservation week." The second meeting of the governors in Washington, to receive the report of the National conservation commission. Conservation, Dec, 1908, v. 14: 641-642. SDl.F7,v.l4 157 1908. Roosevelt, Theodore. Lessons from China. Science, Dec. 18, 1908, n. s., v. 28: 868-875. Ql.S35,n.s.v.28 National geographic magazine, Jan. 1909, v. 20: 18-29. Gl.N27,v.20 158 1909. Thomas, Hewitt. Gifford Pinchot and his fight for our national resources. American revieiv of reviews, Jan., 1909, v. 39: 88-89. AP2.R4,v.39 159 1909. Holman, M. L. The conservation idea as applied to the American society of mechanical engineers. American society of mechanical engineers. Journal, Jan. 1909, v. 31: 1-41. TJl.A72,v.31 160 1909. The Joint conservation conference. [Second meeting of governors. Dec. 190S.] Conservation, Jan., Feb. 1909, v. 15: 3-47, 92-97. SDl.F7,v.l5 161 1909. Report of the National conservation commission and accompanying message of President Roosevelt. Engineering news, Jan. 28. 1909, v. 61: 111-114- TAl.E6,v.61 162 1909. Birkinbine, John. Our national resources, their con- servation and utilization. Franklin institute . Journal, Jan. 1909, v. 167: 1-21. Tl.F8,v.l67 16.3 1909. Bogert, Marston Taylor. The function of chemistry in the conservation of our natural resources. American chemical society. Journal, Feb. 1909, v. 31: 125-154. QDl.A5,v.31 Reprinlt'fl in part in the School of mines quarterly, Apr. JflOO, v. 30: 217-238. TNl.S3,v.30 conservation: general 33 164 1909. Steele, James Concrete. The need for a general service corps in the conservation of our public utilities. Engineering news, Feh. 11, 1909, v. 61: I64-I60. TAl.E6,v.61 165 1909. Mayo, E. The trust of the future. Metropolitan magazine, Feb. 1909, v. 29: I^ll-JflS. AP2.M5,v.29 166 1909. Conservation conference, Feb. 1909. Science, Feh. 5, 1909, n. s., v. 29: 225-226. Qi.S35,n.s.v.29 167 1909. Page, A. W. A report to the stockholders of the United States. World's worl, Feh. 1909, v. 17: 11205-11213. ap2.W8,v.17 167a 1909. Baker, Charles W. The waste of our natural resources by fire. American institute of mi7iing engineers. Bulletin (Special no.) Conservation of natural resources, Mar. 24, 1909: 37-42. TN1.A515 1909 168 1909. McGee, W J. The new union among the states. American review of reviews, Mar. 1909, v. 39: 317-321. AP2.R4,v.39 169 1909. Cleveland, Treadwell, jr. North American conservation conference. Conservation, Mar. 1909, v. 15: 159-168. SDl.F7,v.l5 170 1909. Bass, F. H. The conservation of the resources of Minnesota. Minnesota engineer, Mar. 1909, v. 17: 147-155. A paper read before the Minnesota surveyors' and engineers' asso- ciation, Feb. 2G, 1908. ' TAl.]yi685,v.l7 171 1909. McFarland, J. H. Shall we have an ugly conservation? OutlooTc, Mar. 13, 1909, v. 91: 594-598. ap2.08,v.91 172 1909. McGee, W J. Current progress in conservation work. Science, Mar. 26, 1909, n. s. v. 29: 490-496. Includes Declaration of principles of North American conservation conference, Feb. 23, 1909. Ql.S35,n.s.v.2'9 173 1909. Birkinbine, John. The American institute of mining engineers and the conservation of natural resources. American institute of mining engineers. Bulletin, Apr. 1909, no. 28: 381-387. TNl.A5l5,no.28 174 1909. Cleveland, Treadwell, jr. Conservation of world re- sources. Coming Hague conference. Conservation, Apr. 1909, v. 15: 218-221. sdi.F7,v.15 60335°— 13 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 175 1909. The "Conservation" meeting of the National engineer- ing societies. Engineering news, Apr. 1, 1909, v. 61: 361-36 Ji.. Contents. — Conservation of water, by John R. Freeman: p. 361-362; Conservation by legislation, by Rossiter W. Raymond [summary]: p. 362; The waste of natural resources clue to fire, by Charles W. Baker: p. 363; Electricity and the conservation of power, by L. B. Stillwell: p. 363-364. TAl.E6,v.61 176 1909. Cronau, Rudolf. A continent despoiled. McClure's magazine, Apr. 1909, v. 32: 639-648. AP2.M2,v.32 177 1909. Nitti, F. Une grande politique nationale en Italic. Le reboisement du pays et I'utilisation des forces hy- drauliques. Revue economique internaiionale, Apr. 15-20, 1909, 6. annee, V. 2: 46-74. • HB3.R5,6.annee,v.2 178 1909. McGee, W J. The conservation movement. Science, Apr. 2, 1909, n. s., v. 29: 539-540. Ql.S35,n.s.v.29 179 1909. Clarke, F. W. and others. The Conservation commis- sion and the American chemical society. Science, Apr. 9, 1909, n. s., v. 29: 570-574- Ql.S35,n.s.v.29 180 1909. Raymond, Rossiter W. The conservation of natural re- sources by legislation. American institute of mining engineers. Bulletin (Special no.) Conservation of natural resources. Mar. 24, 1909: 20-36. TN1.A515 1909 181 1909. Laut, Agnes C. Conservation of natural resources. Outing magazine, May, July, 1909, v. 54: 227-245, 471-479. GV1.09,v.54 182 1909. Fultz, Francis M. Hetch Hetchy; a valley of wonders now threatened with extinction. ^Vorld to-day, May, 1909, v. 16: 524-530. AP2.W75,v.l6 183 1909. Conservation number of the Chautauquan. Ohautaufjuan, June, 1909, v. 55: 18-126. Contents. — Origin and plan of the conservation movement : ]). 21-32; Conservation of natural resources, Theodore Roosevelt: p. 33-43; Declaration of governors for conservation of natural resources: p. 44—17; The National conservation commission: Re])ort. p. 48-104; Joint committee on conservation: p. 105-106; North American conservation conference: p. 107-111; World conservation confer- ence: p. 112-114; Statements of prominent men: p. 115-121; Where national reservations are: p. 122-126. AP2.C48,v.55 COXSEEVATIOX : GENERAL 35 184 1909. Mathews, J. L. The conservation movement. Hampton's magazine, June, 1909, i\ 22: 760-773. AP2.H152,v.22 185 1909. Zon, R. Wlien our country is fifty years older. National geographic magazine, June, 1909, v. 20: 573-580. Gl.N27,v.20 186 1909. Laut, Agnes C. Danger confronting our resources and the remedy. Outing magazine, June, 1909, v. 5^: 361-367. GVl.09,v.54 187 1909. Van Hise, C. E,. The future of man in America. World's worTc, June, 1909, v. 18: 11718-11724. ap2.W8,v.18 188 1909. Schaeffer, N. C. Conservation of natural resources. Reformed cJiurcTi review, July, 1909, v. 56: 363-377. 189 1909. Pinchot, Gifford. Preservation of natural resources. Conservation, Sept. 1909, v. 15: 521-525. sdi.F7,v.15 190 1909. Will, T. E. Natural resources. BaUinger-Pinchot con- troversy over western lands. Conservation, Sept. 1909, v. 15: 563-571. SDl.F7,v.l5 191 1909. Walker, Herman B. The conservation controversy. Power and the engineer, Oct. 5, 1909, v. 31: 572-575. TJl.P7,v.31 192 1909. Wooley, R. W. Natural resources. Pinchot vs. Bal- hnger. Van Norden magazine, Oct. 1909, v. 6: 109-112. HGl.V.3,v.6 193 1909. Baker, B. N. Conservation, the new patriotism. World to-day, Nov. 1909, v. 17: 1174-1176. ap2.W75,v.17 194 1909. North, Edward P. The conservation of our natural resources in relation to railroads and waterways. Editorial review, Dec. 1909,' v. 1: 491-499. ap2.E26,v.1 195 1909. Winchell, Horace V. Conservation and some diffi- culties. Mining and scientific press, Dec. I'S, 1909, v. 99: 819-820. TNl.M63,v.99 196 1909. Pinchot, Gifford. The A B C of conservation of natural resources. OutlooTc, Dec. 4, 1909, v. 93: 770-772. AP2.08,v.93 197 1909. Willey, D. A. Prosperity due to conservation of natural resources. Putnam's magazine, Dec. 1909, v. 7: 259-270. ap2.P98,v.7 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 198 1909. Bruce, Andrew Alexander. The conservation of our natural resources and of our national strength and virility. University of Pennsylvania law review cfc American law reg- ister, Dec. 1909, V. 58: 125-162. 198a 1910. Nicholas, Anna. Beginning of conservation in America. Journal of American history, 1910, v. Jf, no. J^: 57l-.'i80. Reprijit of a manuscript found in Spain written by William Tatham. E171.J86,v.4 199 1910. Stewart, E. Conservation of natural resources. Canadian magazine , Jan. 1910, v. 34: 217-220. AP5.C2,v.34 200 1910. Three kinds of conservation. Engineering news, Jan. 20, 1910, v. 63: 74-75. TAl.E6,v.63 201 1910. Franklin, Fabian. Conservation of natural resources. Nation, Jan. 20, 1910, v. 90: 54-55. ap2.N2,v.90 202 1910. Plunkett, Sir Horace C. Conservation and rural life: an Irish view of two Roosevelt policies. Outlook, Jan. 29, 1910, v. 94: 260-264. AP2.08,v.94 203 1910. Abbott, M. F. Conservation news. Twentieth century magazine, Jan. 1910, v. 1: 383-385. AP2.T88,v.l 204 1910. Ilendrick, Frank. Taxation, conservation, and the cost of living. Editorial review, Feh. 1910, v. 2: 184-200. AP2.E26,v.2 205 1910. Johnston, Clarence T. ''Conservation" the fad of the year. Editorial revievj, Feb. 1910, v. 2: 145-149. ap2.E26,v.2 206 1910. Cliesen. Walter. Die Vergeudung der niiturlichen Tlilfs- (lucllcn in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika und die zukiinftigen Quellen der Kraft. TechniJc und mrtschaft, Feh.-Mar. 1910, v. 3: 99-108: 167- 174- T3.T26,v.3 207 1910. Cliandx'rlain, George E. A bond issue the vital (|ues- tion hi conservation. Independent, Mar. 17, 1910, v. 68: 554-556. ap2 I53,v.68 208 1910. Scott, T.eslic M. Why East and West differ on the conservation i)roblein. Indeprndnif. Mar. 31, 1910, v. 68: 697-699. AP2.I53,v.68 conservation: general 37 209 1910. Abbott, M. F. A brief history of the conservation movement. TweMieth century magazine, Mar -Sept. 1910, v. 1: 537-543; V. 2: 143-148, 228-234, 410-415, 511-515. In the United States and foreign countries. AP2.T88,v.l,2 210 1910. Page, W. IT. Gifford Pinchot, the awakener of the nation. IVorM's worJc, Mar. 1910, v. 19: 12662-12668. AP2.W8,v.l9 211 1910. Wallace, Robert. The natural resources of the United States. Financial review of reviews, Apr. 1910, v. 7: 5-10. HGll.F7,v.7 212 1910. Knapp, G. L. The other side of conservation. North American review, Apr. 1910, v. 191: 4^5-481. AP2.N7,v.l91 213 1910. Hosmer, R. S. The meaning of conservation. Hawaiian forester and agriculturist. May, 1910, v. 7: 152-163. S17.H3,v.7 214 1910. National conservation. Outlook', May I4, 1910, v. 95: 57-59. AP2.08,v.95 215 1910. Williams, Lydia Adams. Woman's work for con- servation. American forestry , June, 1910, v. 16: 342-348. Notes from the Biennial of the General federation of women's clubs. SDl.F7,v.l6 216 1910. Bray, W. M. Conservation of natural resources. Mississippi valley lumberman, June 24, 1910, v. 4i' 35-36. TS800.M4,v.41 217 1910. Smith, George O. Director Smith on conservation. Outlook, June 4, 1910, v. 95: 270-271. AP2.08,v.95 218 1910. Goggins, B. K. The paper and pulp industry and con- servation. American forestry , July, 1910, v. 16: 4^5-418. SDl.F7,v.l6 219 1910. Johnston, Clarence T. and James Stephenson, jr. "Home rule" for the public land states. Editorial review, July, 1910, v. 3: 701-713. ap2.E26,v.3 220 1910. How best to help conservation. Craftsman, Aug. 1910, v. 18: 6O4-6O6. Nl.C87,v.l8 li2H^^ 38 LIBRARY OF COXGEESS 221 1910. Franklin, Fabian. Criticisms of conservation. Nation, Aug. 18, 1910, v. 91: 136-137. AP2.N2,v.9l 222 1910. Elliott, F. P. Shall the nation take thought for the morrow ? North American review, Aug. 1910, v. 192: 209-216. AP2.N7,v.l92 223 1910. Clark, J. B. Economics of waste and conservation, Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1910, v. 106: 325-331. ap2.A8,v.106 224 1910, Heney, Francis J. Some aspects of the conservation movement . City club of Chicago. City cluh bulletin, Sept. 21, 1910, v. 3: 345-355. JS701.C57,v.3 225 1910. Simmons, W. D. "What conservation means. Harper's weekly, Sept. 24, 1910, v. 54: 23. ap2.H32,v.54 226 1910. Franklin, Fabian. The President on conservation. Nation, Sept. 8, 1910, v. 91: 204- AP2.N2,v,91 227 1910. The President and Mr. Roosevelt on conservation. Outlook, Sept. 10, 1910, v. 96: 60-62. AP2.08,v.96 228 1910. ConserA^ation: federal or state? Outlook, Sept. 17, 1910, v. 96: 90-91. AP2.08,v.96 229 1910. Start, Edwin A. The Second conservation congress, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 5-8, 1910. American forestry, Oct. 1910, v. 16: 569-588. Resolutions of the congress: p. 597-600. SDl.F7,v.l6 230 1910. Progress on conservation in the United States, Metropolitan magazine, Oct. 1910, v. 33: 97-106. AP2.M5,v.33 231 1910. McKee, J. R. The public and the conservation policy. North American review, Oct. 1910, v. 192: 493-503. AP2.N7,v.l92 232 1910. Taft, William II. President Taft on conservation: A compilation of excerpts from speeches of President Taft. Columbian magazine, Nov. 1910, v. 3: 211-218. AP2.C685,v.3 233 1910. Playes, C. W. Tlic conservation movement. Mining and scientijic press, Nov. 19, 1910, v. 101: 664-668. TNl.M63,v.lO [Washington, Gov't print, off., 1907.] 17 p. 23<^^. {59ih Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. 7643.) Submitted by Mr. Martin. Includes views of the minority. 7_35117 HD242.3.A3 1907b 275 ■ Coal lands and coal-land laws of the United States [1906-1907]. [Washington, Gov't print, off., 1906-07.] 18, 20, 166, 35 p. John F. Lacey, chainnan. Hearings of Dec. 17-18, 1906; Jan. 9, 11, 14, IG, 23 and 25, 1907. 7-35050 HD242.3.A3 1907 276 Phosphate lands. Hearings on Decem- ber 17, 1908, January 13, 15, 16, and February 2, 1909, on H. R. 21873, to define the manner in which public lands containing valuable deposits of phosphate and phosphate rock may be acquired. WasUngton, Govt, print, off'., 1910. 115 p. 23'^. F. W. Mondell, chairman. 10-36144 HD242.A5 1909a 277 Leasing coal lands in Alaska. Report. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911.] 6 p. 23'^. (61st Cong., 3d sess. House. Rept. 2190.) 11-35178. HD242.3.A3 1911b 277a Mineral lands — sale of . Report. May 4, 1846. [WasUngton, 1846.] 51 p. 23^^. (29th Cong., 1st sess., House. Report 591.) Describes the mineral lands in the Lake Superior region, showing the operation under the lease system, with lists of leases. 490 277b Rents of lead-mines in Mi.ssouri. Re- port. January 15, 1S39. [ Wasldngton, 1839.] 2 p. 23^"^. (25th Cong., 3d sess., House. Report 71.) 277c Reserved juihlic hiiids. Report. Feb. 17. 1846. [ Washington, 1846.] 3 p. 23h"". (29th Cong., 1st sess., House. Report 269.) On the alleged evils of the lease system. ^ 489 CONSERVATION : MINERAL RESOURCES 45 278 U. S. Senate. Committee on 'public lands. Leasing of coal lands in Alaska. Report. [WasJnngton, Govt, print. oJf\, 1911.] 9 p. 23"'^. {61st Cong.,.3d sess. Senate. Rept. 1023.) 11-35125 HD242.3.A3 1911a 27Sa Lead mines. Report on "A bill to direct the President of the United States to sell the reserved mineral lands in the State of Illinois, and Terri- tories of Wisconsin and Iowa, supposed to contain lead ore." Jan. 27, 1846. [Waslnngton, 1846.] 25 p. 23^'='^. (29th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 87.) 473 279 • Joint cormnittee to investigate Interior dept. and Forest service. Investigation of the Department of the interior and of the Bureau of forestry. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 13 v. fold. maps. 23*=^. (61st Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 719.) Knute Nelson, chairman. Contents. — v. 1. Report of committee. — v. 2. Charges of L. R. Glavis to President. — v. 3-8. Hearings before committee. — v. 9. Arguments and briefs of counsel. Index to hearings. — v. 10-12. Cunningham coal entries. — v. 13. Mining laws of Australia and New Zealand. [Reports by A. C. Veatch.] 11-35134 HD171.E10 279a Dept. of the interior. Oil lands in Indian Territory and territory of Oklahoma. Hearings on leasing of oil lands and natural-gas wells, May 8, 24, 25, and 29, and June 7 and 19, 1906. Washington, Gov't print, off'., 1906. vi, 3-84 V- fold. pi. 25"". 6-35270 HD242.5.A3 280 Statement of investigations and tests of fuels and structural materials of LTnited States, showing bearing on conservation of mineral resources. Letter from the secretary of the interior, transmitting ... a statement. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908.] 14 p. 23'='^. (60th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 4^0.) James Rudolph Garfield, secretary. 8-35410 TP322.A5 1908b 46 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 281 U. S. General land office. Kecord and report of proceedings had and evidence submitted relative to the Cunningham coal entries, taken before William J. McGee, special com- missioner, held at Seattle and Spokane, Wash., from November 18, 1909, to December 13, 1909. WasMnrjton, Govt, print off., 1910. 700 p. 23'''^. "Exhibits presented at the hearing": p. 599-700. 10-35339 HD171.E10C 282 Geological survey. Papers on the conservation of mineral resources, reprinted from Report of the National conservation commission, February, 1909. Wasliinffton, Govt, print, off., 1909. 214 p. xii pi. (partly fold., incl. maps) diagrs. 23^,'^'^. ( U. S. Geological sur- vey. Bulletin 394.) Issued also as House doc. no. 1554, 60th Cong., 2d sess. Contents. — Coal fields of the United States, by M. R. Campbell and E. W. Parker. — Estimates of future coal production, by H. Gan- nett. — The petroleum resources of the United States, by D. T. Pay. — Natural-gas resources of the United States, by D. T. Day. — Peat resources of the United States, exclusive of Ala.ska, by C. A. Davis. — Iron ores of the United States, by C. W. Hayes. — Resources of the United States in gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc, by W. Lindgren.^The phosphate deposits of the United States, by F. B. Van Horn. — Mineral resources of Alaska, by A. H. Brooks. G S 9-198 QE75.B9,no.394 283 Statement of the director of the Geological sur- vey regarding the desirability of a more extensive recog- nition of tlie mining industry by governmental inquirj^. [^yas}nngton, Gov't print, off., 1908.] 7 p. 23'"^. 8-27571 TN23.U75 1908d 283a liar dept. Lead mines — Illinois and Missouri. Mes- sage from the President, transmitting information in rela- tion to the lead mines belonging to the United States, in the states of Illinois and Missouri. December 8, 1826. Wasliington: Printed hij Gales ct' Seaton, 1826. 13 p. 23^"". {19th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. 7.) 149 283b Report from the Secretary of war, in relation to the sale of the mineral lands and salt springs (^f tlie United States. Jan. 10, 1838. [Wa.sltington, 1838.] o p. 23^'"". (25th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 93.) Regarding the sale or lea.sing of mineral land, 315 CONSERVATION : MINERAL RESOURCES 47 283c U. S. War dept. Report from the Secretary of war, rela- tive to the mmeral lands in Iliinois. Jan. 12, 1846. [Washington, 1S46.] 12 p. SS^^'^. {29ih Cong., 1st sess., Senate. Doc. 65.) Relative to the leasing system. 473 284 Van Hise, Charles Richard. The conservation of natural re- sources in the United States. NjBW York, The Macmillan company, 1910. xiv p., 1 I., 413 p. illus. (maps, charts, tables), xvi pi. 21*^^. ' 'The mineral resources": p. 16-103. 10-21139 HC106.V18 285 Zerbe, J. B. Conservation of mineral resources. (/ji American mining congress. Proceedings, 1908. Denver, Colo., 1909. 22f "^. V. 11, p. 181-184.) TN5.A5 1908 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 286 1908. The need for conserving the mineral wealth of the United States. Engineering news, Dec. 17, 1908, v. 60: 683-68 4. Report submitted by the Minerals section of the National conserva- tion commission to the Conference on Dec. 9, 1908. TAl.E6,v.60 287 1909. Holmes, J. A. Production and waste of mineral resources. Mining world, Oct. 2, 1909, v. 31: 697-700. tni.M725,v.31 288 1910. Kemp, J. F. The conservation of mineral resources. Economic geology, Dec. 1910, v. 5: 765-771. qei.ei5,v.5 289 1911. Cushman, Allerton S. The conservation of iron. Franklin institute. Journal, Apr. 1911, v. 171: 345-364. Tl.F8,v.l71 291 1912. Savino; the fuel of the nation. Current literature, June, 1912, v. 52: 654-656. Use of water power. AP2.C95,v.52 291a 1912. Parsons, Charles L. The conservation of our mineral resources. Texas magazine, Dec. 1912, v. 7: 95-99. F38l.T35,v.7 48 WATER BOOKS 292 Baum, Frank G. Water power development in the national forests. A suggested government policy. {In American institute of electrical engineers. Proceedings, 1908. New York, 1908. 23^'='". v. 27, pt. 2. p. 1217-1225.) TKl.A613,v.27,pt.2 293 Brown, Neal. In the matter of proposed legislation before the Wisconsin Legislature, asserting owTiership on the part of the state to the water powers of Wisconsin. Argument of Neal Bro\Mi ... in behalf of water power owners. [ Wausau, Wis., Record-herald j^ress, 1909.] cover-title, 67 p. ^-/J"". HD1694.W6B7 Supplemental argument. January, 1910. [Wausau, Wis., liecord-lierald press, 1910.] 53 p. 22'^'". 11-28170-1 'HD1694.W6B8 294 Chittenden, Hiram Martin. Forests and reservoirs in their relation to stream flow, with particular reference to navigable rivers. With discussion by Messrs. F. Colling- wood, Thomas P. Roberts [etc.l. [n. p., 1909.] cover-title, p. [245]-546 incl. illus., map, tables, diagrs. pi. xxxvii-xlvii. 22^*''^. Reprinted from Transactions of American society of civil engineers, vol. LXii, p. 245 (1909). Agr 10-445 TAl.A5,v.62 295 Forbes, Urquhart Atwell and W. H. R. Ashford. Our water- ways; a history of inland navigation considered as a branch of water conservancy. London, J. Murray, 1906. xv, 336 p. fold, map {in pocTcet). 22^'^^. "List of authorities cited": p. 317-321. "Chronological list of acts of Parliament relating to rivers": p. 308- 312. 6-14609 KE435.F6 60335°— 13 4 49 50 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 296 [Fort, John Franklin.] Address by the p:oTernor of Xew Jersey on water conservation, delivered before the Newark Board of trade, February 23, 1910. Trenton, N. J., MacCrellish cfc Quigley, state printers, 1910. 21 p. 23'^. " Statement . . . by . . . Eben S. Draper, governor of . . . Massa- chusetts, relative to the establishment of the Metropolitan water district, under the water act of that state'': p. 9-21. 10-33228 TD224.N5F7 297 Gilmore, Eu [WasUngton, Gov't print, off., 1907.] 8 p. SS''^. (59th Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. 6Jfi8.) 7-35126 GB701.A5 1907 322 Committee on rivers and hanhors. Water resources investigations. [Hearing] April 21, 1908. [Washington, Govt, print, off., .1908.] 287-304 p. 23<^^. Statements of George Otis Smith, director of the United States Geo- logical survey, and others. CA 9-2857 Unrev'd GB701.A5 1908 323 Senate. Committee on forest reservations and the pro- tection of game. Conservation of navigable rivers. Sup- plemental report. June 16, 1910. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 6 p. 23h''^. (61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 8Ifi, pt. 2.) 5584 324 Committee on the Geological survey. Investi- gation of the water resources of the United States. Re- port. [Washington, Gov't print, off., 1907.] 18 p. 2S<='^. (59th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 6667.) Letter from C. D. Walcott, director, XJ. S. Geological survey, dated Jan. 17, 1907, and other correspondence, together with House report 0408, 59th Cong., 2d sess., from the House Committee on mines and mining, are included. 7-35142 GB701.A5 1907a 325 Dept. of the interior. Water rights and power sites in Idulio. Letter from the secretarv' of the interior, trans- mitting, in response to Senate resolution no. 159, of Jan- uaiy 27, 1910, information relative to water rights, power sites, etc., acquired on the ])ul)lic lands in Idaho. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 14 p. fold. map. 23"\ (61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Dnc. 370.) 10-35GG5 HD1694.I2A4 1910 326 Forest service. The use book; regulations and instruc- tions for the use of the national forests. Water power. I'.il I. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 86 p. 18'"". SD426.A3 1911 COXSERVATIOX : WATER 55 327 U. S. Geological survey. Papers on the conservation of water resources, reprinted from Report of the National conserva- tion commission, February, 1909. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 96 p. 2 maps (1 fold.) diagrs. 23^™. ( U. S. Geological survey. Water-supply paper 23 4.) Contents. — Distribution of rainfall, by H. Gannett. — Floods, l)y M. O. Leighton. — Developed water powers, compiled under the direction of W. M. Steuart, with discussion by M. O. Leighton. — Undeveloped water powers, by M. O. Leighton.- — Irrigation, by F. H. Newell. — Underground waters, by W. C. Mendenhall. — ■ Denudation, by R. B. Dole and H. Stabler. — Control of catch- ment areas, by H. N. Parker. GS 9-252 TC801.U2,no.234 328 Inland waterways commission. Preliminary report. Message from the President . . . transmitting a prelimi- nary report. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. vii, 701, [1] p. fold, maps, diagrs. 23^'"K {60th Cong., 1st 'sess. Senate. Doc. 325.) Theodore E. Burton, chairman. Another issue of the Report and Message was pub. under same docu- ment no. (27 p.) The Appendix consists of statistical and other papers; no. 1-9 pre- pared by the Bureau of corporations; others prepared either in accordance with the desire of the Commission or at the request of individual commissioners by experts under whose names they appear, cf. p. 33. 8-35638 HE393.A13 1908f 329 ■ National waterways commission. Preliminary report. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 71 p. 23"'^. (61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 301.) Presented by Mr. Burton, chairman. Also printed in the final report of the Commission. 10-35086 HE393.A25 1910 330 Final report of the National waterways com- mission. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 579 p. fold, diagrs. 23"". (62d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 469.) Theodore E. Burton, chairman. Appendices: i. Preliminary report of the National waterways com- mission. — II. The utility of storage reservoirs for flood prevention, power, and navigation, M. O. Leighton. — iii. Effect of the federal reservoirs upon the flow of the Mississippi River ... 1910, Robert FoUansbee. — iv. The practicability of storage reservoirs to prevent floods and to benefit navigation on the Ohio and other rivers of the . United States. W, H. Bixby. — v. Forests and water in the light of scientific investigation, Raphael Zon. — vi. The law of waters, 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS G. \V. Mooney. — vii. Constitutional provisions of various states relating to watercourses and the use of water, G. W. Mooney. — vin. Federal statutes relating to water power, G. W. Mooney. — ix. A comparison of American and European waterways with special reference to factors influencing the development of water trans- portation, E. O. Merchant. 12-35620 HE393.A25 331 President, 1901-1909 {Roosevelt). Special message of the President communicated to the House of representa- tives on January 15, 1909. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 25 p. 23'''^. {60th Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 1350.) Veto of House bill 17707, authorizing W. H. Standish to build a dam across James River, Mo., for creating electric power. 9-35208 HD1694.A4 332 Van Hise, Charles Richard. The conservation of natural re- sources in the United States. New Yorlc, The MacmiUan company, 1910. xiv p., 1 1., 4-13 p. illus. {maps, charts, tables) . xvi pi. 21 '^™. "Water:" p. 104-207. 10-21139 HC106.V18 333 Wadsworth, James Wolcott, jr. Forest preservation and con- servation of water supply. Speech delivered before the American paper and pulp association, February 4, 1909. [71. p., 1909.] 8 p. 23'^^. "Distributed by the Forestry, water storage and manufacturing association of the state of New York." 9-29993 SD425.W2 333a White, Arthur V. Instructions relating to the gathering of certain j)reliminary information respecting water-powers. Ottawa, [Commission of conservation], 1912. 81 p. 28'^. 334 Wisconsin. G&vemor, 1901-1905 {Robert M. La Follette). [Message to the Legislature], Apr. 12, 1905. (In Wisconsin. Legislature. Journal of proceedings 1905. Madi- son, 1905. 22 '•'». V. 1. p. 1050-1054.) Recommendations as to granting franchises to dam na visrablo .«troams. J87.W6 1905c ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 335 1907. Pinchot, GifYord. The conservation of natural re- sources. Outlook, Oct. 12, 1907, v. 87: 291-294. ap2.08,v.87 336 1908. Quick, John Herbert. Rivers and the conservation movement. Putnam's Tuagazine, Apr., 1908, v. J^.: 3-15. AP2.P98,v.4 337 1908. Leighton, M. O. The relation of water conservation to flood prevention and navigation in the Ohio river. Engineering news. May 7, 1908, v. 59: 498-499. TAl.E6,v.59 338 1908. Haupt, Lewis M. The waterways problem. Franklin institute. Journal, May, 1908, v. 165: 325-344- Tl.F8,v.l65 339 1908. Page, A. W. Rediscovery of our greatest wealth [water- power]. WorWs work, May, 1908, v. 16: 10223-10228. AP2.W8,v.l6 340 1908. Forbes-Luidsay, C. H. Control and use of our water- power. Craftsman, Aug. 1908, v. 14: 486-496. Nl.C87,v.l4 341 1908. Haupt, Lewis M. "A wheel in the middle of a wheel." Waterway legislation. Franklin institute. Journal, Aug. 1908, v. 166: 147-162. Tl.F8,v.l66 342 1908. Walsh, George Ethelbert. Merging the coimtry's water power. Moody's magazine, Aug. 1908, v. 6: 91-98. HGl.M85,v.6 343 1908. Crandall, C. S. Inland waterways and their menace through deforestation. Technical world magazine, Aug. 1908, v. 9: 64I-648. Tl.T2,v.9 344 1908. Schon, H. von. Use and conservation of water-power resources. Engineering magazine, Sept.-Dec. 1908, v. 35: 825-836; v. 36: 81-88, 425-434. TAl.E59,v.35 57 58 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 345 1908. Coutts, W. A. Are natural water powers public prop- erty ? Central law journal, Nov. 6, 1908, v. 67: 356-363. 346 1908. Leigliton, M. O, Water-power; our unappreciated re- source and our future refuge. Conservation, Dec. 1908, v. IJ^: 649-651. SDl.F7,v.l4 347 1908. Taylor, Edward R. Natural and artificial conservation of water power for electrical purposes. Franklin institute. Journal, Dec. 1908, v. 166: ^09-1^32. Tl.F8,v.l66 34S 1909. Lakeman, C. E. State control of water-power. American review of reviews, Jan. 1909, v. 39: 57-62. AP2.R4,v.39 349 1909. Vaughan, John F. The conservation of our water powers. Stone ct' ^yehster puhlic service journal, Feb. 1909, v. 1^: 92-97. TKl.S8,v.4 350 1909. Hyde, H. M. Development of and monopoly of United States water power. Technical world magazine, Feb. 1909, v. 23: 1^.55-1^9. Tl.T2,v.23 350a 1909. Freeman, John R. The conservation of water. American institute of Mining engineers. Bulletin, (Special no.) Conservation of natural resources, 3Iar. 24, 1909: 7-19. TN1.A515 1909 351 1909. Welliver, J. C. National water power trust. McClure's magazine, May, 1909, v. 33: 35-39. AP2.M2,v.33 351a 1909. Mathews, John L. Conservation of the water power of the United States. Hampton's magazine, June, 1909, v. 22: 760-773. AP2.H152,v.22 352 1909. wSwa in, George F. The equalizing influence of forests on the flow of streams and their value as a means of improving navigation. Conservation, Aug., Sept. 1909, v. 15: 489-494, 557-562. SDl.F7,v.l5 35-) 1909. Mathews, J. L. Corporations get control of United States water-power. Hampton's magazine, Aug. 1909, v. 23: 201-214. AP2.H152,v.23 CONSERVATIOISr : WATER 59 354 1909. French, W. Seizure of the people's water power. Independent, Sept. 16, 1909, v. 67: 650-656. ap2.I53,v.67 355 1909. Laut, Agnes C. Fight for water in the West. Collier's weekly, Oct. 16, 30, Nov. 20, Dec. 4, 1909, v. U: 17-19, 13-15, 15-16, 18-19. AP2.C65,v.44 356 1909. Mathews, J. L. United States water power. Neglected by government, grabbed by private corporations. Hampton's magazine, Oct. 1909, v. 23: 1^55-1^69. AP2.H152,v.23 357 1909. King, George Judson. How Switzerland saved her "white coal." Twentieth, century magazine, Dec. 1909, v. 1: 195-201. AP2.T88,v.l 358 1910. New York's conservation of water resources. American montJily review of reviews, Jan. 1910, v. 41: 77-87. AP2.R4,v.41 359 1910. Howe, Frederick C. The white coal of Switzerland. Outlool', Jan. 22, 1910, v. 9^: 151-158. AP2.08,v.94 360 1910. Woehlke, W. V. The water savers [conservation and irrigation in California! . Outlook, Mar. 26, 1910, v. 94: 659-667. AP2.08,v.94 361 1910. Gov. Hughes' policy of water conservation. McClure's magazine, Apr. 1910, v. 34: 77-87. ap2.M2,v.34 361a 1910. Garfield, James R. Conservation of water rights. Paper trade journal, Apr. 28, 1910, v. 50: 36. TS1080.P2,v.50 362 1910. Higginson, H. L, Control of water-power. World's work, Sept. 1910, v. 20: 13404-13405. AP2.W8,v.20 363 1911. Fairlie, John A. Public regulation of water power in the United States and Europe. Michigan law review, Apr. 1911, v. 9: 463-483. 364 1911. Schon, H. von. The most resourceful utilization of water powers. 2. State policies and the best develop- ment plan. Engineering magazine. May, 1911, v. 41- 300-308. TAl.E59,v.41 364a 1911. Arnold, G. S. The development of water power on pub- lic domain. American conservation, July, 1911, v. 1: 213-223. HC101.A45,v.l 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 365 1912. Concentration of water-power control. Journal of political economy, May, 1912, v. 20: 513-51/^. HBl.J7,v.20 366 1912. Atwood, Albert W. The control of water-power. Steam shovel and dredge, June, 1912, v. 16: .'^77-481. HD6350.S57S8,v.l6 366a 1912. Church, J. E., jr. The conservation of snow. Its dependence on forests and mountains. Sdentific American supplement, Sept. 7, 1912, v. 74' 152-155. Tl.S52,v,74 366b 1912. Benjamin, H. W. A municipal water conservation exhibit [Philadelphia]. American city, Nov. 1912, v. 7: 447-449. HT 366c 1912. Bemis, Edward W. Water conservation by cities. American review of reviews, Nov. 1912, v. 4^' 597-601. AP2.R4,v.46 FORESTS BOOKS 366d Allen, E. T. Forest conservation. {In National educatioa association of the United States. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1911. p. 952-958.) E 12-485 L13.N4 1911 367 Amnions, E. M. Forest reservations. Address delivered before the joint session of the Colorado legislature, March, 1909, relative to the rights in and uses of forest reserva- tions. [Wasldngton, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 18 p. 23'^'^. ([TJ. S.] 61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 650.) 10-35863 SD426.A66 368 Beveridge, Albert J. The national forest service. {In his The meaning of the times and other speeches. Indianapolis, 1908. 23i«™. p. 368-103.) H35.B5 * 369 Bruncken, Ernest. North American forests and forestry; their relations to the national life of the American people. New Yorlc and London, G. P. Putnam^ s sons, 1900 [1899], vi p., 1 l, 265 p. 22'^'^. Mar. 8, 1900-6 SD373.B89 369a California. Conservation commission. Discussion of forestry problems. Sacramento, Superintendent of state printing, 1912. 90 p. jg^l cm Report of public meetings held before the State conservation com- mission to discuss questions relating to forestry in California, on Mar. 26 and 27, 1912. 12-33435 SD144.C2A4 1913 370 State hoard of forestry. A handbook of forest pro- tection. Forest laws. Rules for the prevention of fires. Instructions to fire fighters. List of firewardens, 1910. July issue, Sacramento, W. W. Shannon, supt. state printing, 1910. 34. p. WV'''. G. M. Homans, state forester. 11-6314 SD421.C2 61 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 371 Chittenden, Alfred Knight, and Harry Irion. The taxation of forest lands in Wisconsin. Madison, Wis., Democrat 'printing co., state printer, 1911. 80 p. 24'"^. Agr 11-435 HJ4284.A3C6 372 Cleveland, Treadwell, jr. The progress in forestry in 1908. (In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1908. Washington, 1909. 23^'='°. p. 538-551.) S21.A35 1908 373 Wliat forestry has done. ^YasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1908. 31 p. 23'^'^. (U. S. Forest service . Circula r lJf.0.) Agr 8-237 » SDll.A27,no.l40 374 *Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. A brief history of forestry ia Europe, the United States and other countries. [New Haven, Conn., The Price, Lee cfc Adlcins co., 1907.] 438 p. 375 Economics of forestrj^; a reference book for students of political economy and professional and lay students of forestry. New Yorlc, T. Y. Crowell & co., [1902]. 1 p. I., xii, 520 p. 19^^. [Library of economics and politics.] Bibliography: p. 491-507. 3-10 SD371.F36 376 Forest policies and forest management in Germany and British India. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1899. 1 p. I., 205-263 p. illus. 29h'='^. Reprinted from H. Doc. no. 181, 55th Cong., 3d sess. 8-31881 SD611.F5 377 The Swedish forest conservation law. {In Canada. Commission of conservation. Second annual report, 1911. Montreal, 1911. 8°. p. 85-88.) HC111.A3 1911 Also printed in Forestry quarterly. Mar. 1911, v. 9: 59-Gl. SDl.F75,v.9 378 Finley, William Wilson. The development of the Appalachian region. Address, July 13, 1911. [Washington, 1911.] 7 p. 27^'^'^. HC107.A13F6 378a Gaylord, Frederick Alan. Forestry and forest resources in New York. Albany, J. Ji. Lyon company, state jmnters, 1912. 58 p. front., plates^ 23'^'". (Xrw York (State). Conservation commission. Division of lands and forests. BuUetin 1.) Agr 12-1736 conservation: forests 63 379 Glenn, L. C. The influence of forests on streams. {In Engineering association of the south. Proceedings, 1910. Nash- ville, Tenn., 1910. 23^<'°'. v. 21, p. G7-94.) TAl.E574,v.21 379a Graves, Henry S. Forest preservation, {In Smithsonian institution. Annual report. 1910. Washington, 1911. 23^"'^. p. 433-445. 7 pi. on 4 1.) 11-31573 Q11.S66 1910 380 Hosmer, R. S. The part phiyed by the forest in conservation. An address dehvered at special conservation meeting, Nov. 1910. {In Hawaii (Ter.) Board of commissioners of agriculture and forest. Division of forestry. Annual report, 1910. Honolulu, 1911. 23'^™. p. 98-102.) SD115.H3A3 1910 380a Hough, Franklin Benjamin. On the duty of governments in the preservation of forests. • [Salem, Salem press, 1873.] 10 p. 22^"^. "From the Proceedings of the American association for the advance- ment of science, Portland meeting, August ,1873." 12-18878 SD381.H828 381 Kellogg, Royal S. The drain upon the forests. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1907. 16 p. 22^'"^. {TJ. S. Forest service. Circular 129.) SDll.A27,no.l29 382 *Massachusetts. State forester. We must stop forest fires in Massachusetts. Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1909. 43 p. illus., plates. 23'="'. Agr. 9-1531 382a Muimford, George D. The world's timber problem with some conclusions, [n. p.],- 1912. 1 p. I., 56 p. incl. tables. 24^"^. Agr 12-1493 HD9750.5M8 383 National lumber manufacturers' association. Official report . . . annual convention. Chicago, 1910-1912. 3 v. col. plates. 21^^-^. Contain numerous articles on forest ccfnservation. 10-18984 HD9751.N3 384 Pinchot, Gifford. The conservation of natural resources. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 12, ii p. 23'^^K ( U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers^ bulletin 327.) Agr 8-442 S21.A6,no327 64 LIBEAEY OF CONGBESS 385 Pinchot, Gifford. i. Government forestry abroad, by Gifford Pinchot. II. The present condition of the forests on the pubHc lands, by Edward A. Bowers, iii. PracticabiHty of an American forest administration, by B. E. Fernow. [BaltiTnore], American economic association, 1891. 101 p. 23^^. (Publications of the American economic association. [Monographs] v. 6, no. 3.) 4-441 HB1.A5 vol. 6 386 Notes on some forest problems. {In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1898. Washington, 1899. 23^cm. p. 181-192.) S21.A35 1898 387 A primer of forestry. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1903-1909. 2 v. illus. 24'^'". (U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Farmers^ bulletin no. 173, 358.) A rev. ed. of Bulletin no. 24, Division of forestry. 4-18259/4 SD373.P65,368 387a Plummer, Fred Gordon. Forest fkes: their causes, extent and effects, with a summary of recorded destruction and loss. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 39 p. incl. maps, tables, front. 23'^^. ( JJ. S. Dept. of agriculture. Forest service. Bulletin 117.) Agr 12-1721 SDll.A2,no.ll7 388 * Schenck, Carl Alwin. Forest policy. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Darmstadt, Printed by C. F. Winter, 1911. x, 168 p. 22"'^. Agr 11-1088 389 * Forest protection; guide to lectures delivered at the Biltmore forest school. Asheville, N. C, The Inland press, 1909. 159 p. incl. tables. 23^"". Agr 10-815 390 Smoot, Reed. Address of Hon. Reed Smoot . . . chairman section of forests, before the governors, state and national conservation commissions, Washington, D. C, December 10, 1908. [ Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908.] 5 p. 23'"^. ([ U. S.] 60th Gong., 2d sess. Sermte. Doc. 593.) 8-35776 SD426.S6 CONSERVATION : FORESTS 65 391 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on agriculture. Appa- lachian forest reserve, etc. Report. [WasUngton, Govt, frint. off., 1906.] 21 p. ^5*^™. {59th Cong., 1st sess. House. Eepf. 4399.) " History of southern Appalachian reserve legislation " [references to bills and reports, 1900-1904]: p. 11. 6-35253 SD428.A6A31 392 Committee on the judiciary. Hearing on House resolution 208. Washington, Govt, j^rint. off., 1908. 46 p. 23"^. Hearing February 27, 1908, on power of the government to buy lands in Southern Appalachian and WTiite mountains for forest reserves. 8-29353 SD428.A6A4 393 Power of federal government to acquire lands for national forest purposes. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908.] 42 p. 23'^'^. {60th Cong., 1st sess. House. Rept. 151 4-) Concerning questions raised by bills (H. R. 10456 and 11. R. 10457) " for the acquirement of national forests in the Southern Appala- chian and White Mountain regions." 8-85426 SD426.A5 1908g 394 Senate. Committee on forest reservations and the pro- tection of game. Acquiring national forests in Southern Appalachian and White Mountains. Report. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908.] 1 p. I., 15 p. 23''^. {60th Cong., 1st sess. Senxite. Rept. 4'59.) 8-35331 SD426.A5 1908a 395 Appalachian forest reserve, etc. Re- port. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1906.] 19 p. fold. map. 23""^. {59th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Rept. 2537.) " History of southern Appalachian reserve legislation " [references to bills and reports, 1900-1904]: p. 9. 6-35263 SD428.A6A3 396 Acquiring national forests in the White and Appalachian mountains. Report. June 15, 1910. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 1 p. 23^'''- {61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 846.) 6584 60335°— 13 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 397 U. S. Congress. Joint committee to investigate Interior dept. and Forest service. Investigation of the Department of the interior and of the Bureau of forestry. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 13 v. fold. maps. 23^"^. {61st Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 7l'9.) Knute Nelson, chairman. Contents. — v. 1. Report of committee. — v. 2. Charges of L. R. Glavis to President. — v. 3-8. Hearings before committee. — v. 9. Arguments and briefs of counsel. Index to hearings. — v. 10-12. Cunningham coal entries. — v. 13. Mining laws of Australia and New Zealand. [Reports by A. C. Veatch.] 11-35134 HD171.E10 393 Dept. of agriculture. Expenditures for national forest administration. Letter from the Secretary of agriculture. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912.] 49 p. incl. tables, diagr. 23^"^. {62d Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 681.) 12-35558 SD426.A5 1912 399 Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of agricul- ture in relation to the forests, rivers and moimtains of the southern Appalachian region. Washington, Govt. pHnt. off., 1902. 210 p. 78 pi, 2 fold, maps. 29^™'. {57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 84.) Prepared in cooperation with the Department of the interior. Ap- pendix A is submitted by the Bureau of forestry, B-C by the Geo- logical survey and D by the Weather bureau. Contents. — Letter of transmittal. — Report. — App. A: Forests and forest conditions . . . by H. B. Ayres and W. W. Ashe. Lum- bering . . . by O. W. Price. Description of the southern Appa- lachian forests, by river basins, by H. B. Ayres and W. W. Ashe. Trees ... by W. W. Ashe and H. B. Ayres. List of shrubs . . . by W. W. Ashe. — App. B: Topography and geology ... by Arthur Keith.— App. C: Hydrography ... by H. A. Pressey . . . and E. W. Myers.— App. D: Climate . . . by Alfred J. Henry. — App. E: The present status of the movement for the proposed forest reserve in the southern Appalachians: Memorials, resolu- tions, etc. 2-27799/6 SD143.U5 400 Report of the secretary of agi'iculturc on the Southern Appalachian and Wliitc Mountain watersheds; commercial importance, area, condition, advisabihty of their purchase for national forests, and probable cost. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 39 p. 2 fold. maps. 25"^. (60th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 91 .) 8-350(i8 SD426.A5 1008 CONSERVATION : FOEESTS 67 401 U. S. Be'pt. of justice. National forest reserve. Conserva- tion charge for use of lands or resources. Opinion of the Attorney general, Oct. 5, 1907. (In U. S. Forest service. The use book ... 1908. Washington, 1908. 17J'-°>. p. 273-278.) SD42e.A3 1908 402 Forest service. Federal and state forest laws. Com- piled by George W. Woodruff. WasUngton: Govt, print, off. 1904. 259 p. 23^"^'. (ZT.S. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 57.) SDll.A2,no.57 403 Location, date of latest proclamation, and area of national forests in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico. Mar. 1, 1908. n. t. p. 4 p. 8°. 404 The national forest manual. Regulations of the secretary of agriculture and instructions to forest officers relating to claims, settlement, and administrative sites on national forest lands. Claims. Settlement. Ad- ministrative sites. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 56 p. 23'^'^. Agr 12-24 405 ■ Purchase of land under the Weeks law in the southern Appalachian and White Mountains. [ Washington, Govt, print, off.], 1911. 9 p. 23'''^. Agr 11-426 406 The use book; regulations and instructions for the use of the national forest reserves. 1906-1908. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1906-1908. 3 v. iri""". ( U. S. Forest service. [Publication].) Agr 6-1152 SD426.A3 407 The use book; regulations and instructions for the use of the national forests. Grazing. 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 84 p. 20 cm SD426.A3 1910 408 The use of the national forests. 1907. [Washington, Govt, print, off.], 1907. 42 P- front., vi pi. 18Y'^- {V. S. Forest service. [Publication].) Agr 7-1917 SD426.A5 1907a 409 — The use of the national forest reserves. Regu- lations and instructions. [ Washington, Govt, print, off., 1905.] 142 p. 16^'"^. Appendix. Creation and administration of forest reserves [acts of Congress]: p. 99-133. 6-2978 SD427.U45 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 410 U. S. National forest reservation commission. Report. [ ^yashington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 'I 1 v. 23^^^. First report has title, "National forest reservation commission. Letter from the secretary of war, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of the National forest reservation commission for the year ended June 30." Issued as Senate doc. 137, 62d Cong., 2d sess. President: Henry L, Stimson, 1911. 11-35944 SD426.A25 411 yVeather hureau. A report on "The influence of forests on climate and on floods," by Willis L. Moore. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 38 p. charts {1 fold.) diugrs. ^5^^™. 10-35184 SD425.U5 1910 412 Van Hise, Charles Richard. The conservation of natural resources in the United States. New Yorlc, The Macrnillan company, 1910. xiv p., 1 I., 413 p. iHus. {maps, charts, tables), xvipl. 21^^™-. "Forests": p. 208-262. 10-21139 HC106.V18 413 Vertrees, John J. Investigation of the Department of the interior resulting from the Glavis charges; or, The Bal- linger-Pinchot controversy. Brief of John J. Vertrees, attorney for Secretary Ballinger. June, 1910. [Washington? 1910.] 82 p. 23'"^. 10-28532 HD 171. El Oh 414 Wadsworth, James Wolcott, jr. Forest preservation and con- servation of water supply. Speech delivered before the American paper and pulp association, February 4, 1909. [n. p., 1909.] 8 p. 23'='". "Distributed by the Forestry, water storage and manufacturing association of the state of New York." 9-29993 SD425.W2 414a Walker, T. B. Conservation of the forest. Commonvjealth club of California. Transactions, Feb. 1910, V. 5: 1-14. 414b Whidden, Guy Carleton and Wilfred H. Schoflf. Penn.syl- vaiiia and its manifold activities. PhiladelpJiin, [Printed hg the Beck engraving company], 1912. 287, U] p. illus., fold. map. 24'='"'. "Conservation of forest wealth"; p. 39^4. 12-17284 HC107.P4W6 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 415 1907. Hoover, T. L. The roof of New Engljind — a plea to save our forests — their economic vahie set forth. Craftsman, Jan. 1907, v. 11: 4^5-441- Nl.C87,v.ll 416 1907. Geiser, K. F. Forestry results in Germany. World's work, Mar. 1907, v. 13: 8642-8650. AP2.'w8,v.l3 417 1907. Allen, P. L. Our forest balance sheet. Nation, May 9, 1907, v. 84: 425-426. AP2.N2,v.84 418 1908. Pinchot, Gifford. Relation of forests to stream control. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Jan. 1908, v. 31: 219-227. Hl.A4,v.3l 419 1908. White, S. E. The fight for the preservation of forests. American magazine, Jan. 1908, v. 65: 252-261. AP2.A346,v.65 420 1908. Appalachian forest purchase bill. Forestry and irrigation, Jan., Mar., 1908, v. 14'- 25-27; 139-142. SDl.F7,v.l4 421 1908. Page, A. W. Statesmanship of forestry. WorWs worl, Jan. 1908, v. 15: 9839-9857. AP2.W8,v.l5 422 1908. Forest perpetuation and forest supplies. Forestry and irrigation, Feb. 1908, v. 14: 87-89. SDl.F7,v.l4 423 1908. Ford, Frederick W. The national forests. Government, Feb. 1908, v. 2: 313-325. Hl.G7,v.3 424 1908. Phillips, Roland. The vanishing forests of America. Harper's weekly. Mar. 28, 1908, v. 52: 10-12. AP2.H32,v.52 425 1908. Hough, Emerson. Forests of the United States dis- appearing. Everybody's magazine. May, 1908, v. 18: 579-592. AP2.E9,v.l8 426 1908. Will, Thomas E. Saving the forests and streams of the United States. FranUin institute. Journal, May, 1908, v. 165: 345-361. Tl.F8,v.l65 69 70 LIBRARY OF COXGRESS 427 1908. wSterling, E. A. The necessity for corporation forestry. A discussion of the problems of future timber supply in the Eastern United States. Engineering magazine, June, 1908, v. 35: Jf-S 4-437. TAl.E59,v.35 428 1908. Pinchot, Gifford. Uncb Sam's woodlot. Independent, June 18, 1908, v. 64: 1374-1377. AP2.I53,v.64 429 1908. Lamb, F. H. Problem of conserving the forest re- sources of Pacific Coast states. Pacific lumber trade journal, June, 1908, v. 14- 25-26. TS800.P2,v.l4 430 1908. Long, R. A. Forest conservation. Forestry and irrigation, July, 1908, v. 14' 4^0-416. SDl.F7,v.l4 431 1908. Will, Thomas Elmer. Shall our forest wealth be destroved ? Popular science monthly, Aug., 1908, v. 73: 176-187. AP2.P8,v.73 432 1908. Mac Kisson, Mrs. J. E. Need of forestry work in United States. Conservation, Sept. 1908, v. 14: 487-491. SDl.F7,v.l4 433 1908. Hawes, Austin F. Forestry, the salvation of a worn- out Connecticut town. New England magazine, Sept., 1908, n. s. v. 39: 19-25. AP2.N4,n.s.v.39 434 1908. Woman's co-operation enhsted in the work of forest conservation, American lumberman, Oct. 31, 1908, no. 1745: 36-37. TS800.A5,1908 435 1908. Baum, F. G. The national forests: The development, use and conserTation of their resources. ' Journal of electricity , power and gas, Nov. 7, 1908, v. 21: 298- 301. TKl.J7,v.21 436 1908. Ackcrman, Alfred. Duty of a state regarding forestry. Southern lumberman, Nov. 7, 1908, v. 57: 35-36. TS800.S7,v.57 437 1908. Dyer, F. J. Forest lire. What it moans. World's work, Nov. 1908, v. 17: 10906-10908. AP2.W8,v.l7 COISrSEEVATION' : FORESTS 71 438 1908. Mosse, Armand. La protection des for^ts. Journal des economistes, Dec. 15, 1908, 6. ser., t. 20: 330-351. HB3.J8,6.ser.t.20 439 1908. Donaldson, A. L. Forest fires and their prevention. OutlooTc, Dec. 19, 1908, v. 90: 876-878. AP2.O8,v.90 440 1909. Cleveland, T., jr. United States national forests from economic standpoint. Geograpliical society of Philadelphia. Bulletin, Jan. 1909, V. 7: 11-20. G3.G34,v.7 441 1909. Value of the United States forest service. National geographic magazine, Jan. 1909, v. 20: 29-41. Gl.N27,v.20 442 1909. Willey, Day Allen. The tragedy of the tree ; the prob- lem of our future lumber supply and how the government is trying to solve it. Moody's magazine, Feb. 1909, v. 7: 103-109. HGl.M85,v.7 443 1909. Somerville, William. Forestry in some of its economic aspects. Royal statistical society. Journal, Mar. 31 , 1909, v. 72: 40-54. Discussion: p. 55-63. HAl.R8,v.72 444 1909. Hyde, H. M. Use and misuse of United States forests. Technical world magazine, Mar. 1909, v. 11: 3-18. Tl.T2,v.ll 445 1909. Hollis, Allen. Electrical development, and forest pres- ervation. Conservation, Apr. 1909, v. 15: 214-217. SDl.F7,v.l5 446 1909. Regnault, Felix. The perils of deforestation. International, Apr. 1909, v. 5: 45-51. AP4.I5,v.5 447 1909. Maxwell, H. National afforestation. Nineteenth century and after, Apr. 1909, v. 65: 648-662. AP4.N7,v.65 448 1909. Strother, French. San Francisco against the nation for the Yosemite; the attempt ol the city to acquire a part of a national park for a water supply. World's worJc, Apr. 1909, v. 17: 11441-114^6. AP2.W8,v.l7 449 1909. Start, Edwin A. The fight for the Appalachian forests. Conservation, May, 1909, v. 15: 251-261. SDl.F7,v.i5 450 1909. Kellogg, R. S. Conservation of forests. What it means. Conservation, May, 1909, v. 15: 283-286. SDl.F7,v.l5 72 LIBRAKY OF CONGEESS 451 1909. A "plain farmer's" view of the forestry question. New England magazine, May, 1909, n. s. v. 40: 36S-369. AP2.N4,n.s.v.40 452 1909. Ellis, J. L. Turning national forests into homesteads. World to-day, June, 1909, v. 16: 636-640. AP2.W75,v.l6 453 1909. Strother, French. Saving the big trees; the need of further national, state, and private protection for the remnants of the groves that are being cut. World's worlc, June, 1909, v. 18: 11697-11706. ap2.W8,v.18 454 1909. Cooper, Wilbraham V. Afforestation by the state. Empire review, July, 1909, v. 17: 417-426. DA10.E5,v.l7 455 1909. Price, O. W. Task of the Forest service. Independent, Sept. 2, 1909, v. 67: 537-545. AP2.l53,v.67 456 1909. Kelsey, S. T. How our forests are wasted and why the need of government control. Conservation, Nov. 1909, v. 15: 657-670. SDl.r7,v.l5 457 1909. Case, Benjamin H. Conservation in southern Appa- hichians. Manufacturers' record, Nov. 18, 1909, v. 56, no. 19: 55. TSl.M3,v.56 458 1909. Finney, John H. The South's concern in the Appa- lachian project and how to make its influence felt. Conservation, Dec. 1909, v. 15: 741-751. SDl.F7,v.l5 459 1910. Finney, John H. Forest resources and conservation. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Jan. 1910, v. 35: 67-76. Hl.A4,v.35 460 1910. Hall, W. L. A forward step in forest conservation. American forestry, Jan. 1910, v. 16: 323-828. SDl.F7,v.l6 461 1910. Whipple, James S. The forests. Editorial review, Mar. 1910, v. 2: 253-262. AP2.E26,v.2 462 1910. The influence of forests on climate and floods. American forestry, Apr. 1010, v. 16: 209-243. The Appalarhian iorests and the Moore report, by Filibert Roth; Forests as factors in stream flow, by L. C Glenni A review of Prof. Willis L. Moore's report, by George F. Swain. SDl.F7,v.l6 463 1910. Graves, Henry S. The advance of forestry in the United States. American monthly review ofreviefivs, Apr. 1910, v. 4I: 461-4^^- AP2.Il4,v.41 conservation: foeests 73 464 1910. The Weeks bill [for an Appalachian forest reserve] in Congress. American forestry , Aug. 1910, v. 16: ^63-480. SDi.F7,v.i6 465 1910. Elliott, S.B. Agencies for the restoration and conserva- tion of forests. American forestry , Aug. 1910, v. 16: 481-489. SDl.F7,v.l6 466 1910. Graves, Henry S. The forest and the nation. American forestry , Oct. 1910, v. 16: 607-610. An address delivered before the Second national conservation con- gress, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 8, 1910. SDl.F7,v.l6 467 1910. White, J. B. Conservation in relation to lumbering. American lumberman, Oct. 15, 1910: 53-54- TS800.A5 1910 468 1910. Cavanagh, Catherine Frances. Conservation of the Christmas tree. Progress magazine, Dec. 1910, v. 10: 9-12. BF6 38.E8,v.l0 469 1911. Fairbanks, C. W. Conservation of the state's timber resources. ATnerican lumberman, Jan. 28, 1911: 84-85. TS800.A5 1911 470 1911. Wilson, James. Protecting our forests from fire. National geographic magazine, Jan. 1911, v. 22: 98-106. From report of Secretary of agriculture for 1910. Gl.N27,v.22 471 1911. Chapman, Herman H. Shall states regulate the man- agement of private forests ? American forestry , Feb. 1911, v. 17: 82-88. SDl.F7,v.l7 472 1911. Jenkins, W. C. Rapid disappearance of the forests. Who is to blame? National magazine, Feb. 1911, v. 34: 4'^9-488. AP2.N34,v.34 473 1911. Page, Thomas Nelson. The people's possessions- in the Appalachian forests. American forestry , Mar. 1911, v. 17: 133-144- SDl.F7,v.l7 474 1911. The passage of the Appalachian bill. American forestry, Mar. 1911, v. 17: 164-167. SDl.F7,v.l7 475 1911. Hardtner, H. E. Relation of the lumbermen of the south to conservation. American lumberman, Mar. 18, 1911: 39-40. TS800.A5 1911 74 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 476 1911. Fairbanks, W. H. Shall we use fire as an aid to forestry ? Overland montJily, Mar. 1911, n. s. v. 57: 304-312. AP2.09,n.s.v.57 477 1911. Hawes, Austin F. State o%\Tiership of forests. American forestry, Apr. 1911, v. 17: 191-196. SDl.F7,v.l7 478 1911. Griffith, E. M. Forest protective legislation proposed by Wisconsin. American forestry , Apr. 1911, v. 17: 219-223. An address delivered at the Lake states fire conference, Dec. 4, 1910. SDl.F7,v.l7 479 1911. Walker, T. B. Timber conservation as related to reciprocity. American review of reviews, Apr. 1911, v. 43: 470-472. AP2.R4,v.43 480 1911. Ilawley, S. The forest crop, abuse and conservation of our timber supply. Country life in America, Apr. 1, 1911, v. 19: 4^3-4^7. Sl.C85,v.l9 481 1911. French, Willard. Speakino; of conservation — Forest fires! Lippincotfs monthly magazine, Apr. 1911, v. S7: 511-512. AP2.L55,v.87 482 1911-1912. Huffel, G. Le mouvement forestier a Tetrano-er. ■^ Revue des eaux et forets, Apr. 1911 -June 1, 1912, v. 50: 204-210, 517-534, 659-663, 722-725, v. 51: 11-15, 342- 344- Allemagne, Suisse, Hongrie, Aiitriche. 48.3 1911. Jackson, Edwin R. Forestry problems in the United States. Sewanee review, Oct. 1911, v. 19: 4^2-469. AP2.S5,v.l9 484 1911. State forestry — its relation to conservation. American forestry, Dec. 1911. v. 17: 743-747. sdi.F7,v.17 485 1912. Very, F. W. Devastation of forests in the White Moun- tains. Science, Jan. 5, 1912, n. s. v. 35: 31-35. Qi.S36,n.8.v.35 48.5a 1912. M:iiiin. Lannie llaynes. Conservation of llic forest. Out west, Mar. 1912, v. 3: 157-161. F85i.096,v.3 CONSERVATION : FORESTS 75 486 1912. Graves, Henry S. American forestry — a new movement to meet a growing need. Country life in America, Apr. 15, 1912, v. 21: 33-34. Sl.C85,v.21 487 1912. Price, O.W. New forests for old. Outlook-, Apr. 27, 1912, v. 100: 947-955. AP2.08 v.ioo 487a 1912. Ingram, J. E. Conservation of Texas' natural forestry resources, TeTM^ magazine, Nov. 1912, v. 7: 2-10. r38l.T35,v.7 THE LAND AND SOIL 488 Ashe, W. W. The waste from soil erosion in the South. American review of reviews, Apr. 1909, v. 39: 439-44^- AP2.R4,v.39 489 Bennett, Hugih Hammond. Making better use of our soils. American review of reviews, Sept. 1909, v. 4O: 313-323. AP2.R4,v.40 490 Dayton, F. C. The use of waste timber land. Technical world magazine, July, 1911, v. 15: 557-559. Tl.T2,v.l5 491 Denudation and erosion in southern Appalachian region. Geographical society of Philadelphia. Bulletin, Apr. 1911, v. 9: 87-92. G3.G34,v.9 492 Donaldson, Thomas Corwdn. The public domain. Its his- tory, with statistics, to June 30 and December 1, 1883. Prepared in pursuance of the acts of Congress of March •3, 1879, June 16, 1880, and August 7, 1882. Author's edition. Washington, Govt, print, off., I884. xi, 1343 p. fold, plates, fold, maps, fold, diagrs. 24Y™'' Publication of the Public lands commission. Issued also in the Congressional series as House misc. doc. 45, pt. 4, 47th Cong., 2d sess. 10-24235t HD216.D7 493 Eschar, F. Conservation of the public domain. Harper's weekly, Apr. 2, 1910, v. 54: 28. AP2.H32,v.54 493a Fabre L. A. Legislation protectrice du sol montagncux en France. Journal des economistes, Apr. 15, 1911, 6th scr., v. 30: 19-43. HB3.J8,6th ser.,v.30 494 Hill, Robert Tudor. The public domain and democracy; a study of social, economic and political problems in the United States in relation to western development. New York, Columbia university, Longmans, Green c& co., agents; [etc., etc.] 1910. 253 p. 25'"^. (Studies in his- tory, economics and public law, ed. ty the Faculty of political science of Columbia university, vol. xxxvni, no. 1, whole no. 100.) "Gcnibliography" : p. 241-249. 10-17582 H31.C7 HD197 1910 76 ^T CONSERVATION : LAND AND SOIL 77 494a Howe, Frederick Clemson. Privilege and democracy in America. New York, C. Scrihner's sons, 1910. xii, 315 p. 21'''^. The rape of the nation: p. 28-44; The strangle hold of monopoly: p. 45-57. 10-9130 HD1313.H85 495 , Lipman, Charles B. Conservation and the farmer. Overland monthly, May, 1912, n. s. v. 59: I^73-J^78. AP2.09,n.s.v.59 496 McGee, W J. Soil erosion. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 60, [2] p. illus., xxxiii pi. 23^'"K {U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of soils. Bulletin no. 71.) Agr 11-1062 S591.Al,no.71 QE581.M3 496a Mclntyre, John N. The power behind the leasing bill. An explanation of the causes that have led up to the pro- posal to destroy individual ownership in Alaskan coal lands, which would effectually protect monopolists in the production and distribution of fuel. Alaska-Yukon rnagazine, July, 1912, v. 13: 179-183. F901.A39,v.l3 497 Mitchell, G. E. Saving America's plant food: government withdrawal of the great phosphate beds of the West to prevent exportation. American review of reviews, Apr. 1909, v. 39:444~44^- AP2.R4,v.39 497a Myers, Gustavus. History of the great American fortunes. Chicago, C. H. Kerr cfr company, 1910. 3 v. pi., ports. 19^"^. "The great land fortunes": v. 1, p. 97-296; "The seizure of the public domain": v. 2, p. 11-50. 9-32250 HC103.M8 498 Newell, Frederick Haynes. Proceedings of first conference of engineers of the Reclamation service, with accompanying papers. Washington, Gov't print, off., 190^. 361 p., 1 I. illus. 23^"™. ( U. S. Geological survey. Water-supply and irri- gation paper no. 93.) Conference held at Ogden, Utah, September 15-18, 1903. G S 4-137 TC801.TJ5,no.93 78 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 499 Newell, Frederick Haynes. Proceedings of second conference of engineers of the Reclamation service, with accompany- ing papers. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1905. 267, Hi p. 23'"^. ( V. S. Geological survey. Water-supply and irrigation paper no. UfB.) Conference was held at El Paso, Tex., Xovember 14 to IS, 1904, and adjourned to Washington, D. C, where it was continued from January 9 to 14, 1905. G S 5-917 TC801.TJ5,no.l46 500 Progress in reclamation of arid lands in the western United States, {In Smithsonian institution. Annual report. 1910. Washington, 1911. 23^-^™. p. 169-198. 12 pi. on 6 1., map.) "In continuation of papers printed in the Smithsonian reports for 1901, p. 407 to 423; 1903, p. 827 to 841; 1904, p. 373 to 381; 1907, p. 331 to 345." 11-31557 Q11.S66 1910 501 Pridmore, J. C. Erosion of agricultural lands. Breeders' gazette, Mar. 13, 1912, v. 61: 647-648. SFl.B8,v.61 502 Reforin of the land laws; conservation of national resources. Extracts from recommendations of the President, the secretary of the interior, and the commissioner of the General land office, etc. WasJiington, Govt, print, off., 1910. SO p. 23'='^. {[V. S.] 61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 283.) 10-35089 KD224.A5 1910 503 Roosevelt, Theodore., Welfare of the farmer. Outlook, Apr. 20, 1912, v. 100: 852-856. AP2.O8,v.l0O 504 Shaw, .^Vlbert. Political problems of American development. New York, The Columbia university press, 1907. vii, 268 p. 20^"^- {Columbia university lectures . . . George Blumen- thal foundation. 1907.) "Problems relating to the settlement and use of the national domain': p. 87-115. 7-22104 JK39.S53 505 Taft, \Yilliam Howard. Conservation (if the soil. [Waslilngton, Govt, print, off.], 1911. 8 p. 23^. (U. S. Dept. of agiiculture. Office of the secretary. Circular no. 38. y "Address of President Taft before the National conservation con- pres.'', at Kansas City, Mo., September 25, 1911." Agr 11-1656 CONSERVATION : LAND AND SOIL 79 505a U.S. Congress. House. Committee on 'public lands. Hear- ings on the question of leasing the pubHc lands for grazing purposes. (H. R. 7212, 6246, 7954, 14108.) January 29 to June 4, 1902. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1902. 236 p. 23.<^^. "A compilation of speeches, petitions, letters, and laws on the question of leasing the vacant public lands for grazing purposes " by Wm. M. Reece, clerk of the committee. — Introd. 3-3153 HD1641.U5A3 506 Senate. Committee on irrigation. Report on the inves- investigation of irrigation projects. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 917 p. 23'=^. {61st Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Report 1281.) 11-35366 HD1724 1911a 507 Committee on puhlic lands. Public and pri- vate rights in the public domain, no. 1-2. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 2 v. 23^"^. Knute Nelson, chairman. 10-35179 HD171.A3 1910 508 Puhlic lands commission. Report. With appendix. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1905. xxiv, 373 p. 2 pi. {1 fold.) 2 fold, maps, diagrs. 23'='^. (58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 189.) Signed: W. A. Richards, F. H. Newell, Gifford Pinchot. Contents. — Partial report of the Public lands commission. (Sen- ate doc. no. 188, 58th Cong., 2d sess.) — Second partial report of the Public lands commission. (Senate doc. no. 154, 58th Cong., 3d sess.) Appendix: Questions regarding the public grazing lands of the western United States, by A. F. Potter. — A report on systems of leasing large areas of grazing land, together with an outline of a proposed system for the regulation of grazing on the public lands of the United States, by F. V. Coville. — Administration of the "timber and stone act," etc. — Operation of the commutation clause of the homestead act in the Dakotas, by J. H. Hatton. — ■ Method and detail of business in the General land office. — The public domain and its disposition to June 30, 1904. 5-41887 HD175.A3 509 Reclamation service. Annual report. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1903-date. maps. 9-5120 TC823.6.A2 >lcm 510 Reclamation record. Washington, 1908-date. 26^"''. monthly. 9-35252 TC823.6.A3 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 511 Van Hise, Charles Richard. The conservation of natural resources in the United States. New York, The Macmillan company, 1910. xiv f. 1 I, 413 p. illus. (maps, charts, taUes). xvi pi. 21^'^. . "The land": p. 263-358. 10-21139 HC106.V18 512 Zon, Raphael. The future use of land in the United States. ^S^ashington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 15 p. illus. 23'^'^. {U. S. Forest service. Circular 159.) Agr9-65 SDll.A27,no.l50 CONSERVATION OF HUMAN LIFE 512a Abbott, Samuel Warren. The past and present condition of public hygiene and state medicine in the United States. [Boston, Wright cf' Potter printing company, 1900.] 102 p., 1 I. 6 maps (inch front.) diagrs. 25^"^. {Monographs on American social economics, xix.) 5-12262 IIA434.A14 H31.M7 512b Allen, William Harvey. Civics and health. Boston, New YorJc [etc.] Ginn and company, ["1909]. xi, 411 p. incl. front, (port.) illus.,taMes. diagrs. 20'='". 9-5261 RA413.A4 513 American academy of political and social science, Phila- delphia. The public health movement. Philadelphia, American academy of political and social sci- ence, 1911. v,[l],334p. illus. 25^'"'^. {The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. XXXVII, no. 2.) Contents. — ^pt. i. The general problem: Heahh needs and civic action, by W. H. Allen; Housing and health, by L. Veiller; » Scientific research l)y the pul)lic health service, by J. W. Kerr; The census and the public health movement, by C. L. Willnir; Sources of information upon the public health movement, l)y R. E. Chaddock; Work of the Committee of one hundred on national health, l)y W. J. Schieffelin; Public health movement on the Pacific coast, by Sarah I. Shuey; Protecting public health in Pennsylvania, by S. G. Dixon; Health prol)lems of the Indians, by J. A. Murphy; Health problems of the negroes, by J. A. Kenney. — pt. ir. Disease carriers — the control of causes: The rural health Aovement, by C. W. Stiles; Sanitation in rural communities, by C. E. North; Tropical diseases and health in the United States, by J. M. Swan; The house fly as a carrier of disease, by E. Hatch, jr.; The mosquito campaign as a sanitary measure, by J. B. Smith; Clean milk and public health, by J. D. Burks; Ventilation and public health, by D. D. Kimball. — pt. in. Elimi- nation of diseases — physical care of individuals: Social service work in hospitals, by R. C. Cabot; Mouth hygiene and its relation to health, by A. H. Merritt; The physical care of children, by W. S. Cornell; What American cities are doing for the health of school children, by L. P. Ayres; The elimination of feeble- mindedness, by H. H. Goddard; Prevention of infantile blindness, by C. F. F. Campbell; The warfare against infant mortality, by S. W. Newmayer. 11-5432 Hl.A4,v.37 RA422.5.A5 60335°— 13 6 81 82 LIBEAEY OF CONGKESS 514 American association for labor legislation. Industrial diseases. American labor legislation review, June, 1912, v. 2: 185-366. Bibliography on industrial hygiene: p. 367-417. 514a Association of life insurance presidents, New Yorlc. Move- ment to lengthen life; abstracts from some editorial com- ments on suggestions concerning ways to increase human longevity, by Irving Fisher and by Burnside Foster. New YorJc, The Association of life insurance jiresidents, [1909?] cover-title, 24 p. 23'^'^. 12-10332 HG8932.A7 514b Baker, M. N. City and state boards of health and the pro- posed federal department of health. {In National municipal league. Proceedings, Buffalo, New York, 1910. [Philadelphia, 1910.] 22<=™. p. 446-449.) JS302.N48 1910 514c Bates, John Lewis. Public health bureau or service. Address before the Committee on public health and national quar- antine, Saturday, March 30, 1912, with relation to Senate bills 1 and 5972, proposing the establishment of a public health bureau or service. Washington, [Govt, print, off.]. 1912. 27 j). 22^<^^. ([U. S.] 62(1 Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 560.) 12-35470 RAIL A3 1912 a 51 4d Berg, W. N. Federal expenditures for the conservation of the national health. Science, Apr. 22, 1910, n. s., v. 31: 611-613. Qi.S35,v.3l 514e Cox, Robert Lynn. Lengthening human life as a business proposition. Remarks made before the Senate committee on public health and national quarantine, Washington, D. C., April 29, 1910, in advocacy of Senator Owen's bill to establish a Federal department of health. [New Yorlc, Association of life insurance presidents, 1910?] i cover-title, 5 p. 23^"^. 12-10333 HG8932.C7 515 Dix, John A. .Conservation of mankind. Survey, Mar. 2, 1912, v. 27: 1880-1890. HVl.C4,v.27 516 Dominion public health conference, Ottawa, 1910. [Re- port of proceedings.] {In Canada. Commis.'fion of conservation, 2d annual report. Mon- treal, J. Lovell & son, 1911. 25i cm. p. 118-219.) HC111.A3 1911 CONSERVATION : HUMAN LIFE 83 516a Eno, William P. Saving life, time and money. Millions of dollars and many lives saved annually — Uniform regula- tions necessary — The work begun in Paris. American conservation, July, 1912, v. 1: 197-203. HC101.A45,v.l 516b Evans, W. A. Legal powers of health departments. Require- ments and limitations of police power laws. Importance of safeguarding the right of the community to protect itself. American city, Aug. 1912, v. 7: 121-125. HT 517 Fisher, Irving. Bulletin of the Committee of one hundred on national health, being a report on national vitality, its wastes and conservation; prepared for the National con- servation commission. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. ix, 138 p. 24''"^. {Committee of one hundred on national health. Bulletin no. 30, July, 1909.) E 9-1599 RA445.F5 517a Economic aspect of lengthening human life, address delivered before the Association of life insurance presi- dents, New York, February 5, 1909. [New Yorl, 1909.] cover-title, 18 p. 23^'^'. 9-15530 HG8931.F5 517b Memorial relating to the conservation of human life as contemplated by bill (S. 1) providing for a United States public health service. Prepared by Irving Fisher, assisted by Miss Emily F. Robbins. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 82 p. 23'"^. ([U. S.] 62d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 4^3.) 12-35641 RA445.F54 518 National vitality, its wastes and conservation. Ex- tract from report of the National conservation commission (Senate document no. 676, vol. iii, Sixtieth Congress, second session). Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. p. [619]-751. diagr. 23'"^. ([U.S.]61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. 419.) Issued also with title: Bulletin 30 of the Committee of one hundred on national health, being a report on national vitality. Contents. — pt. i. Length of life versus mortality.— pt. ii. Breadth of life versus invalidity. — pt. in. Methods of conserving life. — pt. IV. Results of conserving life. 10-35407* RA445.F53 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 518a Fisk, Eugene L. Wliat the life-insurance companies can do to increase the physical welfare of their policyholders. [New Yorlcf 1912.] 17 p. 23'^^. References: p. 17. Address delivered before the American association of life insurance examiners at Atlantic City, June 3, 1912. 518b Gompers, Samuel. Scientists sustam organized labor's de- mands. Conservation of life. Physical and mental health a question of wages and hours. American federationist, Dec. 1912, v. 19: 981-992. HD8055.A5A2,v.l9 519 Hodgetts, Charles Alfred. An address on pure water and the pollution of waterways, before the Dominion public health conference, a meeting of dominion and provincial public health representatives with the members of the Committee on public health of the Commission of conservation. [Ottawa, Cojyeland-CTiatterson-Crain, limited, 1910.] 54 p. 22^"^. Agr 10-1778 IIA591.H6 519a Holmes, Arthur. The conservation of the child; a manual of clinical psychology, presenting the examination and treat- ment of backward children. Philadelphia, J: B. Lippincott company, 1912. 3^5 p. illus. plates. 19¥"^. (Lippincotfs educational series, vol. 10.) 12-24900 LB1091.H6 520 International commission on the control of bovine tuber- culosis. Report of the International commission on the control of bovine tuberculosis; presented for the con- sideration of the Dominion public health conference, a meeting of dominion and ])rovincial public health repre- sentatives with the members of the Committee on public health of the Commission of conservation. Ottawa, Copeland- Chatter son- Crain, limited, 1910. ^/ p. 22V''. Agr 10-1779 520a Knopf, S. A. The Owen bill for the estalilishment of a federal department of health, and its opponents. Pojmlar science monthly, Oct. 1910, v. 77: 373-378. AP2.P8,v.77 520b Leupp, Constance D. Campaigning for babies' lives. McClure's magazine, Aug. 1912, v. 39: 361-373. AP2.M:2,v.39 conservation: human life 85 520c Lovejoy, Owen E,. Child labor vs. the conservation of school children. CUld, Sept. 1912, v. 1: 23-26. 521 McGrath, W. M. Conservation of health. Survey, Jan. 6, 1912, v. 27: loOl-lol^- HVl.C4,v.27 521a McKelway, A. J. Conservation of childhood. Survey, Jan. 6, 1912, v. 27: 1515-1526. HVl.C4,v27 522 National public health; papers, opinions, letters, etc., relative to the national public health, in the consideration of Senate bill (S. 6049) "A bill establishing a Department of public health, and for other purposes." Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 2^0 p. diagrs. 23'''^. ([U. S.] 61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 637.) 10-35983 RAIL A3 1910d 522a Norton, John Pease. The economic advisability of inaugurat- ing a national department of health. Chicago, Press of the American medical association, 1906. 15 p. 21^"^. Reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association, Sept. 29, 1906, vol. xlvii, p. 1003-1007. 6-42228 RA415.N8 523 Owen, Robert L. Race conservation — The conservation of human life and efficiency— The department of health and the so-called league of medical freedom. Speech in the Senate, June 23, 1911. Congressional record, 62d Cong., 1st sess., v. 47, pt. 3:2473- ^479. Jll.R5,v.47,pt.3 523a Paton, Stewart. The world's most important conservation problem. Popular science monthly, Aug. 1912, v. 81: 163-169. Discusses the conserving and increasing of the brain power of man- kind. AP2.P8,v.81 523b Peabody, Susan Wade. Historical study of legislation regard- ing public health in the states of Xew York and Massa- chusetts. Chicago, 1909. iv, 158 p. 24^'^. Bibliography: p. 140-143. 9-21840 RA447.N7P5 86 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 524 Pennsylvania. Dejpt. of health. The conservation of child Ufe in Pennsylvania. narrishurg,C.E.AugUnhaugh,1910. 12 f. 23 h'^'^. (Health hulletin, no. 14-) 525 Conservation of human life in Pennsylvania. The results of four years work of the department. Harnshurg,C.E.Aughinhaugh,1910. 9 p. 23Y''. {Health hulletin, no. 9.) 525a Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swallow) "Mrs. R.H.Richards." Conservation by sanitation; air and water supply; dis- posal of waste < including a laboratory guide for sanitary engineers > . New YorTc, J. Wiley cfc sons; [etc., etc.] 1911. xii, 3C5 p. front., illus.,fold. map, tables. 23^'^- 11-1295 RA425.R54 525b Richards, Ralph Coffin. Conservation of men; address to the operating men of the Chicago & North western railway on the prevention of accidents. [Geneva? ni.], 1910. 90 p. 18^^. 10-21140 HE1780.R6 525c The conservation of men. Railway world, July 12, 1912, v. 56: 616-618. TFl.R68,v.56 525d Robertson, James Wilson. Conservation of life in rural districts. Nev:> YorTc, Association press, 1911. Ifi p. 16^. 11-11288 525e Sercombe, Parker H. Health conservation and well com- munities V. materia medica and sick communities, ^fe- morial to Congress relative to bill (S. 1) to establish a national health service. Washington, [Gcyvt. print, off.], 1912. Up. 23h'^K {U.S.] 62d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 647.) 12-35631 " RA11.A3 1911b 525f Smith, Garret. Saving babies in -New York city. Survey, Sept. 7, 1912, v. 28: 698-699. HVl.C4,v.28 526 Taft, William Howard. The i)ul)lic health. Address before tiio Philadelphia medical club, at the Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, Pa., on May 4, 1911. Washington [Govt, print, off.] 1911. 7 p. 23<=^. {[U. S.] 62d Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 84.) 11-35629 BA436.T3 CONSEEVATION : HUMAN LIFE 87 527 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Statement of Professor Fisher on national health legislation. February 13, 1909. WasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1909. 14p. 23'^'^. 9-35365 RAIL A3 1909 527a Senate. Committee on public health and national guar- . antine. United States public health service. Report. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912.] 7 p. 22^'^. {62d Cong., 2d sess. Senute. Rept. 619.) 12-35483 RAIL A3 1912 527b President's homes commission. Report of Committee on social betterment, by George M. Kober. Washington, D. C, The Presidenf s homes commission, 1908. 281 p. incl. tables, charts. 23^"^. Also published in "Reports of the President's homes commission. Message from the President ..." Washington, 1909. (Senate doc. 644, 60th Cong., 2d sess., p. 25-381) A 10-1387 HD7304.W3A52 1908 528 Van Hise, Charles Richard. The * conservation of natural resources in the United States. New Yorlc, The Macmillan company, 1910. xiv p., 1 1, 413 p. illus. {maps, charts, tables), xvi pi. 21'^^. "The conservation of man liimself ": p. 364-372. 10-21139 HC106.V18 528a The future of man in America. World's worTc, June, 1909, v. 18: 11718-11724. AP2.W8,v.l8 528b Where centralization does no harm. Nation, Feb. 15, 1912, v. 94: 151-152. On the proposal to establish a national department of health. AP2.N2,v.94 529 Wiley, Harvey W. The public health, the greatest of our national assets. American conservation, Aug. 1911, v. 1: 239-242. HC101.A46,v.l 530 Wyman, Walter. The health of the nation. [New Yorlc? 1905.] cover-title, 11 p. 18^'^'^. Reprinted from the New York state journal of medicine. March, 1905. 5-30641 RA436.W96 531 The present organization and work for the protection of health in the United States. (2d ed.) Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 12, Hi p. 23^"^. "Reprint from the Public health reports, vol. xxv, no. 38, Septem- ber 23, 1910." 12-33493 BA11.A3 IQlOf CANADA 532 Canada. Commission of conservation. Lands, fisheries and game, minerals, 1911. Ottawa, Tie Mortimer co., ltd., 1911. 1 v. opiates, maps {partly fold.) fold, tables, diagrs. 25^'="^. 11-26482 HC111A36 533 Protest against further diversion of water from Lake Michigan for the Chicago drainage canal. Presented at Washington, Mar. 27, 1912. Ottawa, R. L. Crain co., limited, 1912. 27 p. map. fold, diagr. 23^'^'^. 12-16309 ^ HD1694.A2 534 Report of the first-third annual meeting. Ottawa, 1910-1912. 3 v. plates, maps {partly fold.) 25-^"^. Chairman : Clifford Sifton. Partial contents.— 1910. The conservation of agricultural re- sources, by James W. Robertson: p. 42-59; Possible economies in production of minerals of Canada, by Eugene Ilaanel: p. 60-75; The conservation of the natural resources of Ontario, by Frank Cochrane: p. 75-82; The conservation of the water-powers of On- tario, by Adam Beck: p. 82-100; Fish and game in Ontario, by Kelly Evans: p. 100-106; Fur-bearing animals in Canada, and how to prevent their extinction, by F. T. Congdon: p. 107-114; Measures for the maintenance and improvement of the public health, by P. H. Br>'ce : p. 114-134; The water wealth of Canada, by Charles R. Coutlee: p. 152-169. 1911.— The work of conservation, by John Hendry: p. 89-92; Con- serving the forests, by John Hendry: p. 92-94; The forestry prob- lems of British Columbia, by A. C. Flumerfelt: p. 97-104. J97i?.— Reports of work by Committees: Public health, Lands, Forests, Minerals, Fisheries, game, etc., Water powers; Press and cooperating organizations; For^t survey of Nova Scotia, by B. E. Fernow: p. .50-55; Improving Canadian agriculture, by James W. Robertson: p. 89-105; Agriculture survey, 1911, by F. C. Nun- nick: p. 106-129; Housing and town planning by C. A. Hodgetts: p. 130-148. 10-14953t HC111.A3 535 Water-powers of Canada, by Leo G. Denis, and Arthur V. TVliito. Ottawa, The MoHimer co.. ltd., 1911. 5 p. l, 5-397 p. plates, maps (partly fold.) diagrs. 25"^. Clifford Sifton, chairman. Bibliography: p. [347]-376. Appendices: Boundary water treaty of 1909.— Bed of navigable waters act, Ontario.— Electrifity and fluid exportation act, Can- ada.— Regulations under the Electricity and fluid exportation act. — Form of license to export power, Canada. 12-6832 HD1696.C2A6 1911 88 CONSERVATION : CANADA 89 536 Canada. Parliament. Senate. Select committee on natural food products of Northwest Territories. [Second report and minutes of evidence of the Select com- mittee of the Senate on the existing natural food products of the North-west Territories, and the best means of con- serving and increasing them.] Printed by order of Par- liament. Ottawa, Printed hij Maclean, Roger cG co., 18S7. 184 p., 1 I. -^4"". ([Parliament, 1SS6]-18S7. Senate. Journals. Ap- pendix no. 1) John Schultz, chairman. CA 10-4376 HC117.N5A5 1887 537 Patton, ^1. J. Organized conservation in Canada. Queen's quarterly, July-Sept. 1910, v. 18: 26-33. AP5.Q3,v.l8 537a The Canadian conservation movement. Empire review, Oct. 1912, v. 21^: 165-175. Contents. — I. History of the movement. — II. Nature and powers of the Commission of conservation. — III. What has been accom- plished. DA10.E5,v.24 538 Proper use of natural resources : A national conference for the / discussion of problems affecting the great natural resources which lie at the basis of the country's prosperity. Industrial Canada, Feb. 1911, v. 11: 745-746. Report of meetings of the Canadian Commission of conservation and the Canadian forestry association. 539 Ross, A. H. D. Our vanishing birthright. Canadian magazine. Mar. 1909, v. 32: 394-404- AP5.C2,v.32 540 Russell, Thomas Herbert. Natural resources and national wealth; irrigation. Chicago, National institute of business, ['^1911]. 448 p. illus. {incl. maps, diagrs.) 24^™"- {Practical business library, vol. xi.) "Conservation in Canada": p. 417-436. 11-24734 HC106.R8 1911 541 Sifton, Clifford. Canada's conservation commission; what it is doing to protect the natural resources of Canada. American conservation, June, 1911, v. 1: 171-178. HC101.A45,v.l 542 Van Sant, H. D. Forestry conservation in Canada. Paper trade journal, Apr. 28, 1910, v. 50: 54- TS1080.P2,v.50 SPEECHES, ETC., IN CONGRESS, 60TH CONG., 1ST SESS., TO 62D CONG., 2D SESS., IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 543 Austin, Richard "W. The National conservation exposition at Knoxville,Tenn.,inthefallof 1913. v.4S,pt. 4: 3945-3948. 544 Ballinger, II . A. Extract from report of Hon. R. A. BaUinger, November 10, 1909. v. 45, pt. 1: 362-366. 545 Beveridge, Albert J. Remarks in the Senate, February 23, 1910, on bill (S. 6706) to reserve coal deposits in Alaska. V. 45, pt. 3: 2243-2244. 546 Borah, William E. Conservation of natural resources. Speech in the Senate, June 20, 1910. v. 45, pt. 8: 8509-8520. 547 Burton, Theodore E. Conservation of navigable rivers. Speech in the Senate, June 24, 1910. v. 45, pt. 8: 8880- 8892. 548 Conservation of navigable rivers. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 15, 1911. v. 46, pt. 3: 2577-2587. 549 Cole, Ralph D. Appalachian forest reserve. Speech in the House of Representatives, June 24, 1910. v. 45, pt.8: 9009-9012. 550 Currier, Frank D. Appalachian forest reserve. Speech in the House of Representatives, June 24, 1910. v. 45, pt. 8: 8991-8994. 551 Daniel, John W. National forests. Speech in the Senate, May 16, 1908. v. 42, pt. 7: 0406-6408. 552 Garfield, James R. Conservation. An address delivered at the University of Wisconsin, v. 45, pt. 1 : 364-306. 553 Gilhams, Clarence C. Acquisition of national forests in the southern Appalachian mountains and ^\niite mountains. Speecli in the House of Representatives, Mar. 1, 1909. v. 43, pt. 4: 3555-3562. 90 CONSEEVATION : SPEECHES IIST CONGRESS 91 553a Heflin, J. Thomas. Dam across the Coosa river at Lock 18, Alabama. Speech m the House, Aug. 22, 1912. v. 48, pt. 11: 11589-11592. 554 Rowland, Paul. Appalachian forest reserve. Speech in the House of Representatives, June 24, 1910. v. 45, pt. 8: 8988-8991. 555 Humphrey, William E. Conservation of natural resources. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 3, 1909. v. 43 : 1786-1806. 556 Martin, John A. The forest reserves. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 7, 1910. v. 45, pt. 1: 393- 397. 557 Mondell, Frank W. Forest reserves and their adjninistration. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 2, 1911. V. 46, pt. 2: 1854-1857. 558 Shall the people or the bureaus rule? Speech in the House of Representatives, December 20, 1909. v. 45> pt. 1: 265-271. Opposed to the policy of federal control of water power. 559 Morse, E. A. Speech in the House, May 14, 1910, on conser- vation of mineral lands and water power, v. 45, pt. 6: 6298-6303. 560 Newlands, Francis G. National forests. Speech in the Sen- ate, May 16, 1908. v. 42, pt. 7: 6401-6406. Incorporated are remarks of Mr. Bryan on the subject. 561 Regulation of navigable rivers. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 15, 1911. V. 46, pt. 3: 2587-2595. 562 Parker, R. Wayne. Speech in the House of Representatives on the Appalachian forest reserve, June 24, 1910. v. 45, pt. 8: 8994-9007. 563 Pinchot, Gifford. Conservation and equal opportumty. Ad- dress before the People's Forum, December 26, 1909. v. 45, pt. 1: 366. Letter from Gifford Pinchot to Senator J. P. Dolliver, Jan. 5, 1910, p. 368. 564 Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Attitude of Seattle chamber of commerce on conservation. Report adopted March 22, 1910. v. 45, pt. 4: 4254. 92 LIBEARY OF COXGEESS 565 Shafroth, John F. [Conservation of our natural resources from a western standpoint.] Address at the Trans-Mis- sissippi commercial congress, at Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 15, 1911. V. 48, Appendix: 3-6. Introduced into the Record by Edward T. Taylor of Colorado. Opposed to federal control of natural resources; favorable to pre- vention of waste and monopolization. 566 Simmons, F. M. Conservation of navigable rivers. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 15, 1911. v. 46, pt. 3: 2595-2600. 567 Smith, Sylvester C. Speech in the House, Jan. 8, 1910, on conservation, v. 45, pt. 1: 417-422. 568 Sulzer, William. ''We must preserve our forests, protect our watersheds, and promote the utilities of our rivers from source to sea — this is the plain duty of the hour, and if we fail to do it, we invite the deluge and create the desert." Speech in the House of Representatives, May 21, 1908. V. 42, pt. 7: 6694-6695. 569 Taft, William H. Address to the National conservation con- gress in St. Paul, Minn., September 5, 1910. v. 46, pt. 1: 34-39. 570 Tawney, James A. Conservation of natural resources. Speech in the House of Representatives, July 27, 1909. v. 44, pt. 5: 4614-4617. 571 Taylor, Edward T. The expensive luxury of federal conser- vation. Speech in the House of Representatives, March 2 1911. V. 46, pt. 4: 4016-4020. 572 Federal encroachments upon the rights of the West. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 1, 1910. V. 45, pt. 2: 1349-1354. 573 Teller, Henry M. National forests. Speech in the Senate, May 16,' 1908. v. 42, pt. 7: 6385-6391. Appended is House report no. 1514, 60th Conp., 1st sess., on the power of the P^deral government to acquire lands for national forest purposes: p. 6392-6401. 574 Thorp, Freeman. Conservation of tlio water supply. T^etter to Hon. E. W. Martin, May 4, 1912. v. 48, pt. 6: 6032- 6033. CONSE.EVATIOX : SPEECHES IN" CONGRESS 93 575 U. S. Congress. A bill (S. 4501 )to enable any state to cooper- ate with any other state or states, or with the United States, for the protection of the water-sheds of navigable streams, and to appoint a commission for the acquisition of lands for the purpose of conserving the navigability of navigable rivers, v. 45, pt. 8: 8803-8818. 576 House. Inland waterways commission. Debate in the House of Representatives, May 16, 1908. v. 42, pt. 7: 6419-6424. 576a Debate in the House, Aug. 20, 22, 1912, on the water-power conservation movement, v. 48, pt. 11: 11369-11380, 11567-11597. Mesers. Rainey, Austin, Heflin, Adamson, Humphreys, Clayton, Mondell, and others. Water power and the future, by Harry A. Slattery: p. 11374-11375. Laws of the states: p. 11572-11576. Bill passed: p. 11597. 577 Senate. Debate in the Senate, Feb. 15, 1911, on con- servation of navigable rivers, v. 46, pt. 3: 2574-2602. Remarks by Senators Brandegee, Newlands, Heyburn, and others. 578 Debate in the Senate, May 14, 16, 1912, on conservation, v. 48, pt. 7: 6380-6403, 6531-6552. Senators Heyburn, Chamberlain, Xewlands, and others. Party platforms relating to conservation: p. 6531. 578a Debate in the Senate, Aug. 14, 16, 1912, on bill (S. 7343) to authorize the building of a dam across the Coosa River, Ala. v. 48, pt. 11: 10882-10890, 11046- 11052. Senators Burton, Borah, Bankhead, Poindexter, J. F. Johnston, and others. Bill passed: p. 11052. 579 President, 1909-1913 {Taft). Conservation of national resources. Special message of the President of the United States, January 14, 1910. v. 45, pt. 1: 621-624, same, 680-682. 580 Volstead, Andrew J. Speech in the House, June 16, 1910, on conservation, v. 45, pt. 8: 8322-8324. FUR SEALS 581 Elliott, Henry W. Letter from the secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of the report on the condition of the fur-seal fisheries of Alaska, together with all maps and illustrations accompanying said report. WasMngton, Govt, print, off., 1896. 2^0 p. J^8 pi., llf. maps {partly fold.) 23^'"^. {[U. S.] S^tJi Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. no. 175.) Found also in U. S. Treasury dept. Special agents division. Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska . . . Washington, 1898. An earlier report was printed in 1882. 5-4C"" SH361.E4 582 Gt. Brit. Treawes, etc., 1910- {George v) Despatch from His Majesty's ambassador at Washington containmg the text of the treaty for the preservation and protection of the fur seals which frequent the waters of the North Pacific Ocean. Signed at Washington, July 7, 1911. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty, December, 1911. London, Pub. hy H. M. Stationery off., printed ly Harrison and sons, [1911]. 1 p. I., 5 p. 33'^"^. {[Foreign office] Miscellaneous, no. 12 {1911).) Signed by the plenipotentiaries of the United States, Great Britain, Japan and Russia. 12-3800 ' JX285 1911 583 Heath, Harold. Special investigation of the Alaska fur-seal rookeries, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 1 p. I., 22 p. 23'^. ([Z7. S.] Bureau ofjisTieries. Doc. 748.) F 11-374 SH361.H4 584 Jordan, David S. and George A. Clark. Fur seals and their enemies. American review of reviews. Mar. 1912, v. 45: 315-317. AP2.R4,v.45 585 Smith, 11. M. Making the fur seal abundant. National geograpTiic magazine, Dec. 1911, v. 22: 1139-1165. Gl.N27,v.22 586 Sulzer, William. The preservation of the fur seals. Editorial review, May, 1912, v. 6: 4H-4^^' AP2.E26,v.6 94 CONSEEVATION : FUR SEALS 95 587 Thompson, D'Arcy. Report on his mission to Behring sea in 1896 [and 1897]. Presented to both houses of Parlia- ment by command of her Majesty. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery office, hy Harrison and sons, 1897-1898. 2 v. 33^"^. {Gt. Brit. [Foreign office] V. S. No. 3 {1897) No. 1 (1898).) J301.K6 1897,v.l02; 1898,v.l05 588 U. S. Bureau of fisheries. The fur-seal fisheries of Alaska m 1909-1910. ^Yasllington, Govt, frint. off., 1910-1911. 2 v. 23^^. {Doc. no. 735-749.) Fll-l SH361.U23 589 Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs. The fur seals convention. Report. [WasUngton, Govt, print. off\, 1912.] 29 p. 23<^^K {62d Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. 295.) "Treaty series no. 564. Convention between the United States and other powers providing for the preservation and protection of fur seals. Signed at Washington, July 7, 1911 . . .": p. 21-29. 12-35146 SH361.XJ4 19 lid 59Q Protection and regulation of the seal fisheries of Alaska. Report. [WasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1912.] 7 p. 23^"^. {62d Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. 321.) 12-35162 SH361.U4 1912 591 Protection of fur seals and sea otter. Hearhigs, January 3 and 4, 1912, on H. R. 16571, a bill to give effect to the convention between the governments of the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and Russia, for the preservation and protection of the fur seals and sea otter which frequent the waters of the North Pacific ocean, concluded at Washington, July 7, 1911. WasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1912. 150 p. 23^'"^. William Sulzer, chairman. Statements of Chandler P. Anderson, Charles Earl, W. I. Lembkey, Barton W. Evermann, Henry W. Elliott, etc. Text of treaty. 12-5738 SH361.TJ4 1912a 592 Committee on ways and means. Propagation of fur-bearing animals in Alaska. Report. [WasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1908.] 6 p. 23<^^. {60th Cong., 1st sess. House. Rept. 1366.) On bill providing for the leasing of islands in Alaska. 8-35326 HD9944.A3A4 1908 96 LIBEAEY OF CONGKESS 593 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on conservation of national resources. Fur-seal fisheries. Hearings before the Com- mittee on conservation of national resources on bill (S. 7242) entitled "An act to protect the seal fisheries of Alaska, and for other purposes." Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 32 j). 2 fold, maps, diagr. 23'='". {61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 605.) 10-35906 SH361.U6 1910 594 Seal fisheries of Alaska. Report. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 6 p. 23'='". (61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 441-) 10-35401 SH361.U4 1910 * 595 Dept. of commerce and lahor. Report on the Alaskan fur-seal fisheries, b}' Edwin W. Sims. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1906. 59 p. 23'='". i59tJi Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 251.) 6-35368 SH361.U4 1906 596 Seal islands of iVlaska. Letter from the secre- tary of commerce and labor transmittmg information relating to the seal islands of Alaska. Washington, [Govt, print, off.], 1911. 1232 p. 23'='". (62d Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. 93.) 11-35777 SH36 1.174 1911 597 Treasury dept. Commission on fur-seal investigations. The fur seals and fur-seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean. By David Starr Jordan. With special papers by other contributors. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1898-99. J,, v. fronts, (v. 1, 3) illu^., plates, maps (partly fold.) diagrs. and atlas of Infold, charts (no. 3214-3227) 27^'='". 7-26480 SH361.U5 598 Special agents division. Seal and salmon fish' erios and general resources of Alaska. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1898. Jf v. iUus., plates (partly col., partly fold.) ports., maps (partly fold.) charts. 23^*="*. (55th Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. no. 92. pt. 1-4.) 1-15694 F909.U65 SH361.U52 CONSEKVATION : FUR SEALS 97 599 U.S. Treaties, etc., 1909-1913. (Taft). Fur seal convention. Washington, [Govt, jjrint. off., 1912]. 13 p. 23^^K {62d Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 916.) Signed at Washington, July 7, 1911, by representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and Russia. 12-40609 JX238.r82 1912a 600 Fur seal protection. Message from the Presi- dent transmitting a convention looking to the protection and preservation of fur seals and sea otters m a certain defined zone of the North Pacific Ocean, signed by the plenipotentiaries of the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and Russia, at Washington on July 7, 1911. Washington, [Govt, print, off.], 1911. 11 p. 23^"^'. (62d Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 75.) 11-35618 SH361.U4 1911 60335°— 13 7 AUTHOR IJSFDEX [The numbers refer to the Abbott, Ernest Hamlin 85 Abbott, M. F 203. 209 Abbott, Samuel Warren 512a Ackerman, Alfred 436 Adamson, William C 576a Allen, E. T 366b Allen, P. L 417 Allen, William H 512b, 513 Ambler, Mason G 16 American academy of political and social science. Philadelphia. 17,513 American association for labor legis- lation 514 American' conservation 18 American forestry 6 American year book 19 Amnions, E. ]\I 367 Anderson, Chandler P 591 Ansel, ]\Iartin F 28 Armenteras, Andres Avelino de. . . 20 Armsby, Henry Prentiss 256 Arnold, G. S 364a A.she, W. W 399, 488 Ashford, W. H. R 295 Ashley, George Hall 264 Association of life insurance presi- dents, New York 514a Atwood, Albert W 366 Aiist, George F 58 Austin, Richard W. 543, 576a Ayres, H. B 399 Ayres, L. P 513 Ayres, Philip W 123 B., E. F 129 Bacon, Robert 67 Bailey, Henry S 257 Bailey. Liberty H :. 58 Baker, Alfred I; 58 Baker, B.N 193 Baker, Charles W 17, 167a, 175 Baker, M. N 514b Balch, William Ralston 264a Ballinger, R. A 544 Bankhead, John H 578a Barker, Henry A 58 Barns, C. R • 55 items, not to the pages.] Barrett, John 244 Barrows, David P 237 Bass, F. H 170 Bates, John Lewis 514c Baum, Frank G 292, 435 Beard, W. A .58 Beck, Adam 534 Belaud, Henri S 67 Bemis, Edward W 366c Benjamin, H. W 366b Bennett, Hugh Hammond 489 Bennett, Ira E 130 Berg, W. N 514d Beveridge, Albert J 368, 545 Bien, M 17 Birge, Edward A 118 Birkinbine, John 162, 173 Bixby, W. H 330 Blackmar, F. W 21 Blanchard, Newton C 28 Bogert, Marston Taylor 163 Bolster, Roy H 303 Borah, William E 546, 578a Bosley, William B 235 Bowerman, Jay 69 Bowers, Edward A 385 Brandegee, Frank B 577 Bray, W. M 216 Brooklyn. Public library 1 Brooks, Alfred Hulse 282 Browm, Neal 293 Bruce, Andrew Alexander 198 Bruncken, Ernest 369 Bryan, AYilliam J 58, 560 Bryce, P. H 534 Burk, Frederic Lister 21a Burks, J. D 513 Burton, Theodore E 328-330, 547, .548, 578a Cabot, R. C 513 California. Dept. of public instruc- tion 22 Conservation commission 369a Governor 23 State hoard of forestry 370 Callaway, Lew L 56 99 100 AUTUOII INDEX Campbell, C. F. F 513 Campbell, Marius Robison 282 Canada. Commission of conserva- tion 532-535,538 Parliament. Senate. Select comm. on natural food products 536 Canon, D. W 263e Carnegie, Andrew 86 Case, Benjamin H 457 Cavanagh, Catherine Frances 468 Chaddock, R. E 513 Chamberlain, George E 207, 578 Chapman, Herman H 471 Chicago. University. Dept. of po- litical economy 3 Chittenden, Alfred Knight 371 Chittenden, Uirarn Martin 100, 294 Church, J. E.Jr 366a Clark, George A 584 Clark, J. B 223 Clarke, F. W 179 Clayton, Henry I) 576a Clerget, Pierre 24 Cleveland, Treadwell, jr 17, 25, 169, 174, 372, 373, 440 Cochrane, Frank 534 Cole, Ralph D 549 Collingwood, F 294 Colorado. Conservation commis- sion 26 Committee of one hundred on na- tional health 517, 518 Commonwealth club of California. 26a Conference of engineers of the Reclamation Service 498, 499 Conference on conservation of natural resources, Washington, 1908 27-29 Congdon, F. T 534 Cooper, Wilbraham V 454 Cornell, W. S 513 Cotterill, F " 58 Coutlee, Charles R 534 Coutts, W. A 345 Coville, Frederick V 508 Cox, Robert Lynn 514e Crandall, C. S 343 Crocker, Mrs. Emmons 30 Cronau, Rudolf 31, 176 Current events index 2 Currier, P'rank I) 550 Cushman, Allerton S 289 CutlcT, John C 28 Dalzell, .John 101, 102 Daniel, John W 551 Daughters of the American Revo- lution. National conservation committee 32 Davidson, James H 308 Davidson, James O 28, 118 Davis, Arthur P 19, 248 Davis, Charles Albert 282 Day, David Talbot 19, 248, 282 Dayton, F. C 490 Deneen, Charles S 299 Denis, Leo G 535 Dix, John A 515 Dixon, Joseph M ■ . . 103 Dixon, S. G 513 Dole, Richard B 327 Dole, Sanford B 39 Dominion public health confer- ence, Ottawa, 1910 516 Donaldson, A. L 439 Donaldson, Thomas Corwin 492 Douglas, James 33 Draper, Eben S 296 Drinker, Henry Sturgis 265 Dyer, F.J 437 Earl, Charles 591 Elliott, F. P 222 Elliott, Henry W 581, 591 Elliott, S. B 465 Ellis, J. L 452 Ellis, Overton G 58 Emery, James A 58 Eno, William P 516a Escher, F 493 Escobar, Romulo 67 Evans, Kelly 534 Evans, W. A 516b Evermann, Barton W 591 Fabre, L. A.., 493a Fairbanks, C. W 469 Fairbanks, W. H 476 Fairchild, Herman L 242 Fairlie, John A 363 Farquhar, Arthur B 34, 58 Femow Bernhard Eduard.... 374-377, 385, 534 Ferris, T. Harvey 309a Finley, William 1 58 Finley, William Wilson 58, 378 Finney, John H 458, 459 Fisher, Cassius A 264 Fisher, Irving 514a, 517, 517a, 517b, 518, 527 Fisher, Sydney 67 AUTHOR INDEX 101 Fisher, Walter L 58 Fisk, Eugene L 518a Fletcher, Henry Frederick ,35 Flumerfelt, A. C 534 Flux, A. W 267 Follansbee, Robert 330 Forbes, Urquhart Atwell 295 Forbes- Lindsay, C. H 340 Ford, Frederick W 423 Fort, Jolm Franklin 28, 296, 309 Foster, Bumside 514a Foster, J. Ellon 58 Foulke, William Dudley 35a Franklin, Fabian 201, 221, 226 Frear, Walter F 39 Freeman, John R 175, 350a French, Willard 354, 481 Fultz, Francis M 182 Gannett, Henry 17, 60, 149, 282, 327 Garfield, James Rudolph 67, 280, 361a, 552 Gaylord, Frederick Alan 378a Geiser, K. F 416 Giesen, Walter 206 Gilhams, Clarence C 553 Gilmore, Eugene Allen 297 Glavis, L. r'! 279, 397 Glenn, L. C 379, 462 Goddard, H. H 513 Goggins, B. R 218 Gompers, Samuel 518b Goss, W. F. M 266 Grace, Fred J 38 Grave, Caswell 36 Graves, Henry S. . . 17, 379a, 483, 466, 486 Gt. Brit. Treaties, etc., 1910 582 Gregory, Mary Huston 37 Griffith, E. M 118, 119, 478 Grout, A. P 58 Grout, H. N 251 Haanel, Eugene 534 Hall, Maxcy R 303 Hall, W. L '. 460 Hammond , John Hays 240 Hardtner, Henry E 38, 48, 475 Harrison, C. S 236 Hartman, Charles S 56 Hashiguchi 58 Hatch, E.,jr 513 Hatton, John H 508 Haugen, Gilbert N 99 Haupt, Lewis M 338, 341 Hawaii ( Ter.) Legislature, 1909 39 Hawes, Austin F 433, 477 Hawley, S 480 Hawley, Willis C 99 Hay, M. E 58 Hayes, Charles Willard 233, 282 Hays, John Coffee 316 Heath, Harold 583 Heflin, J. Thomas 553a, 576a Hendrick, Frank 204 Hendry, John 534 Heney, Francis J 58, 224 Henry, Alfred J 399 Hepburn, A. Barton 298 Hewitt, Abram Stevens 40 Heybum, Weldon B 577, 578 Hichborn, Franklin 41 Higginson, H. L 362 Hilger, David 56 Hill, James Jerome 42, 58, 122 Hill, Robert Tudor 494 Hodgetts, Charles Alfred 519, 534 Holgate, Josephine 12 HoUis, Allen 445 Holman, AL L 159 Holmes, Arthur 519a Holmes, Joseph A 17, 248, 287 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 43 Homans, G. M 370 Hoover, T. L 415 Hopkins, C. G 17 Homaday, William T 247 Horton, A. H 304 Hosmer, Ralph S 39, 58, 213, 246, 380 Hotchkiss, W. 119 Hough, Emerson 425 Hough, Franklin Benjamin 380a Howe, Charles S 151 Howe, Frederick Clemson 359, 494a Howland, Paul 554 Huffel, G 482 Hughes, Charles E 44, 361 Humplu-ey, AVilliam E 555 Humphreys, Benjamin G 576a Husting, Paul 117 Hyatt, Edward 22 Hyde, H. M 350, 444 Illinois. Governor 299 Ingalls, Walter Renton 266a Ingram, J. E 487a Intercollegiate debates 44a International commission on the control of bovine tuberculosis. 520 International fisheries commission ( U. S. and Gt. Brit.) 44a Iowa. State drainage, ivaterways and conservation comm 45 Irion, Harry 371 102 AUTHOR IXDEX Irvine. William 119 Jackson, Edwin R 483 Jenkins, W. C 472 Jevons, William Stanley 267 Johnson, B. A 259 Johnson, Emory Richard 150, 300 Johnson, Hiram W 23 Johnston, Clarence T 205, 219 Johnston, Joseph F 578a Joint committee on conservation. . 183 Jones, Wesley L 102a Jordan, David Starr 44a, 584, 597, 598 Journal of political economy 3 Keith, Arthur 399 Keith, H. F 46 Kellogg, Royal S 153, 381, 450 Kelsey, S. T 456 Kemp, J. F 288 Kenney, J. A 513 KeiT, J. W 513 Kimball, D. D 513 King, Franklin Hiram 301 King, George Judson 357 King, WillR 302 Knapp, G. L 212 Knopf, S. A 520a Knudsen, August F • 58 Knudsen, Margaret Russell 58 Koester, F 263 Krumrey, Henry 117 Kuhn, H. A 268 Lacey, .lohn F 275 La Follette, Robert M 334 Lakeman, C. E 348 Lamb,F.H 429 Laut, Agnes C 181,186.355 Leigh ton, Marshall Ora 17, 303, 304, 318. 327. 330, 337, 346 Lombkey, W. 1 591 Leupp, Constance D 520b Leupp, F. E 17 Levasseur, E 74 Libby, E. H 47 Lindgren, Waldemar 282 Lindley, Curtis H 26a, 243 Lindsey, Ben B 58 Li])maii. Charle.s B 263b, 495 Long, R. A 430 Louisiana. Conservation commis- sion 48 Lovfjoy , Owen R 520r McCarthy, Callagliaii 49 McFarland, J. Horace 29,171 McGee. William J 281 McGee, W J 17, 28, 50, 58, 109, 146, 168, 172, 178, 260, 305, 496 McGovern, Francis E 115 McGrath, W. M 521 Mclntyre, John x\ 496a McKee, J. R 231 McKelway, A.J 521a McKinlay, Duncan 253 MacKisson, Mrs. J. E 432 Maine. Governor 51 State water storage commis- sion 306 Marsh, George Perkins 52 Martin. Ehen W 274 Mart in . John A 556 Martin, Lannie Haynes 485a Maryland. Conservation com7ms- sioyi 53 Shellfish commission 54 Massachusetts. Governor 296 Slate forester 382 Mathews, John Lathrop 126, 184, 307, 351a, 353, 356 Mails. Marion P 58 Maxwell. H 447 Maxwell. Hu 113 Mayo, E 165 Mendenhall , Walter C 327 Merchant, E. O 330 Merritt, A. H 513 Miller, A. C 45 Minnesota. Waterways coynmission 308 Minnesota conservation and agri- cultural development congress. 1st. St. Paul, 1910 55 Missouri. Geological siirvet/ 268a Mitchell. Guy Elliott 125, 497 Mitchell. John 269 Mondell, Frank Wiieelor 276, 557, 5.')8, 576a Montana. Co7nmission on conser- vation 56 Governor 57 Montreale. Raoul de 147 Mooney. G. W 330 Moore. Willis L 411,462 Morse. E. A 559 Mo.ss6. Armand 438 Mumford , George D 382a Mun^hy. J. A 513 Myers. E.W 399 Myers. Gustavus 497a National board of fire under- writers 58 AUTHOE INDEX 103 National conservation commission, Washington, D. C 59-61, 161,183,327,518 National conservation congress. . . 58, 229 National electric light association. 308a National lumber manufacturers' assoc 383 Nebraska conservation and state development congress 62 Nelson, Knute 17, 58, 279, 397, 507 New England conference. 1st, Boston, 1908 63 New Jersey . Governor 64, 296, 309 New York (State). Conservation commission 65 Legislature. Joint committee on conservation and utilization of water power 309a Water supply commission 310, 311 Newell, Frederick HajTies 17, 66, 66a, 248, 312, 327, 498-500, 508 Newlands, Francis G. 58, 560, 561, 577, 578 Newmayer, S. W 513 Nicholas, Anna 198a Nichols, Egbert Ray 44a Nitti, F 177 Norris, Edwin L 57 North, C.E 513 North, Edward P 194 North American conservation con- ference 67, 172, 183 Norton, John Pease 522a Nunnick, F. C 534 Oppel, Alwin 68 Oregon. Conservation commission. 70 Governor 69, 71 Orton, Mrs. E., jr 72 Orton, Mary Princess Anderson. . . 72 Osborne, Frank M 270 Outerbridge, E. H 67 Owen, Robert L 523 Page, A. W 167, 234, 339, 421 Page, Thomas Nelson 473 Page, W. H 210 Pardee, George Cooper 58, 72a, 245a Parker, Edward ^^'heeler 282 Parker, Horatio N 327 Parker, R. Wayne 562 Parsons, Charles L 291a Paton, Stewart 523a Patton, Jacob Harris 73 Patton, M.J 537, 537a Peabody, Susan Wade 523b Pector, Desire 74 Pennsylvania. Dept. of health.. 524,525 Governor 75 Persons, Henry H 313 Peterson, Mary Gage 58 Phillips, Roland 424 Pinchot, Gifford . 17, 58, 61, 67, 76, 79, 128, 133, 155, 189, 196. 210, 248, 262, 335, 384-387, 418, 428, 508, 563 Plaisted, Frederick W 51 Plummer, Fred Gordon 387a Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon 77, 202 Poindexter, Miles 578a Pollard, Ernest M 78 Pope, Ralph W 58 Pothier, Aram J 81 Potter, Albert F 508 Powers, L. G 145 Pressey, H. A 399 Price, Overton Westfeldt 79, 261, 399, 455, 487 Pridmore, J. C 501 Prince, Edward E 44a Putnam, H. St. Clair 314 Quevedo, Miguel A. de 67 Quick, John Herbert 58, 315, 336 Rainey, Henry T 576a Ransdell, Joseph E 80 Raymond, RossiterW. 175, 180, 264a, 270a Reece, William M 505a Regnault, Felix 446 Reisenberg, H 143 Rhode Island. Governor 81 Natural resources survey 82 State conservation commission 83 Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swal- low) 525a Richards, M. V 121 Richards, Mrs. R. H 525a Richards, Ralph Coffin 525b, 525c Richards, William A 508 Robbins, Edwin Clyde 84 Robbins, Emily F 517b Roberts, Thomas P 294 Robertson, J. D 268a Robertson, James W 525d, 534 Robertson, Thomas M 319 Robinson, Neil 113 Rockwood, E. W 239 Roosevelt, Theodore 26a, 58, 85, 86 111, 139, 157, 161, 183, 227, 263c, 503 See also U. S. President, 1901- 1909. Ross, A. H. D 539 Roth, Filibert 462 104 AUTHOR INDEX Russeil, Thomas Herbert 87, 540 Sadtler, Samuel P 88 Sarasin, Paul 89 Schaeffer, N. C 188 Schenck, Carl Alwin 388, 389 Scliieffelin, W. J 513 Schoff , Wilfred H 414b Sclion, 11. von 344, 364 Schult z, John 536 Schweizerische Naturschutzcom- mission 90 Scott, Charles F 99, 100 Scott, Leslie M 208 Seattle. Chamber of commerce. . . 564 Sedgwick, W.T 263b Sellerier, Carlos 67 Sercombe, Parker H 525e Shafroth, John F 565 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate 91, 92 Shaw, Albert 504 Shingle, R. W 39 Shipp, Thomas R 18, 61 Short, Frank H 26a, 58 Shuey, Sarah 1 513 Sifton, Clifford 67, 534, 535, 541 Simmons, F. M 566 Simmons, W. D 225 Sims, Edwin W 595 Sisson, Edward 58 Slattery, Harry A 576a Smith, Everett W 152 Smith, Garret 525f Smith, George Otis 17, 217, 322 Smith, Herbert Knox 319 Smith, Hugh M 248, 585 Smith, J. B 513 Smith, Jared G 39 Smith, Sylvester C 567 Smith, W. 39 Smoot, Reed 390 Solly, Leonard N 58 Sumorville, William 443 Southern conservation congress, Atlanta, 1910 93 Spry, William 108 Stabler, H 327 Start, Edwin A 19. 229. 449 Steele, James Concrete 1 64 Stephenson, James, jr 219 Sterling, E. A 427 Steuart, William M 327 Stevens, Frederick C 320 Stewart, E 109 Stewart, J. H 113 Stiles, C. W 513 Stillwell, Lewis B 175,316 Stimson, Henry L 410 Stockbridge, Helen E 4 Stone, A. L 119 Strother, French 448, 453 Stuart, Edwin S 75 Sulzer, William 568, 586, 591 Swain, George F 100, 317, 352, 462 Swan, J. M 513 Taft, William Howard 58, 94-96, 226, 227, 232, 505, 526, 569 See also U.S. President, 1909-1913. Tatham, William 198a Tavemier, Ren6 318 Tawney , James A 570 Taylor, Edward R 347 Taylor, Edward T 565, 571, 572 Taylor, Graham 148 Taylor, Henry C 119 Teal, Joseph N 58,70 Teller, Henry M 573 Ten Eyck, A. M 58 Thomas, Hewitt 158 Thompson, D'Arcy 587 Thompson, J. V 271 Thorp, Freeman 574 Titsworth , Frederick S 97 Traer, Glenn W 272 Tucker, Mrs. F. H 5, 98 Tucker, Mary Lathrop 5,98 Tunnell, Arthur L 263d U.S. Bureau of corporations .. . 319,328 Bureau of fisheries 588 Bureau of immigration and nal- uralization 98a Bureau of mines 273 Congress 575 Uouse 576, 576a Committee on agriculture.... 99, 100, 391 Committee on foreign af- fairs 589-591 Committee on interstate and foreign commerce 320, 527 Committee on Oie judiciary . 392, 393 Committee on mines and mining 321,324 Committee on public lands. . 274- 277c, 505a Committee on rivers and harbors 322 Committee on rules 101, 102 Committee on trays and means 592 AUTHOR INDEX 105 U.S. Congress. Senate 577,578 Committee on conservation of national resources. . . 103, 593, 594 Committee on fisheries 102a Committee on forest reserva- tions, etc 323,394-396 Committee on the Geological survey 324 Committee on irrigation 506 Committee on public health, etc 527a Committee on public lands. . 278, 278a, 507 Joint committee to investi- gate Interior dept. and Forest service 279,397 Dept. of agriculture 398, 399, 400 Dept. of commerce and labor. . . 595, 596 Dept. of the interior 279a, 280, 325, 399, 502 Dept. of justice 401 Forest service 326, 399, 402-409 Library 6 General land office 281, 502 Geologiail survey. . . 7, 282, 283, 327, 399 Inland luatencays commission 328 National forest reservation corn- mission 410 National ivaterv-ays commission 329,330 President, 1901-1909 (Roosevelt). 104, 105, 331, 502 President, 1909-1913 ( Taft) . . . 106, 579 PresidenVs homes commission 527b , Public laiids commission 508 Reclamation service 509, 510 Superintendent of documents. . . 7a, 8-11 Treasury dept. Comm. on fur- seal investigations 597 Special agents division 598 Treaties, etc., 1909-1913 ( Taft) . 599, 600 War dept. .'. 283a-283c Weather bureau 399, 411 Utah. Conservation commission . 107,108 Governor 108 Van Hise, Charles Richard. . 17, 109, 118, 119, 187, 284, 332, 412, 511, 528, 528a Van Horn, Frank Benjamin 282 VanSant, H. D 542 Vaughan, John F 349 Veatch, A.C 279,397 Veiller, L 513 Veitch, F. P 110 Vertrees, John J 413 Very. F. W 485 Volstead, Andrew J 580 Von Tobel, Rudolf 56 Vrooman, Frank Buffington Ill Wadsworth, James Wolcott. jr. . . 333, 414 Walcott, CD 324 Walker, Herman B 191 Walker, T. B 414a, 479 Wallace, Robert 211 Walsh, George Ethelbert. . 342 Washington. State library 12 Watson, E.J 112 Weidman, S 118 Welliver, J. C 241, 351 Wells, Philip P 13, 14 West, Oswald 71 West Virginia. Conservation com- mission 113 Westbrook, Dean 58 Western Australia. Registry dept.. 114 Wheeler, Charles S 26a Whidden, Guy Carleton 414b Wliipple, James S 461 Wliite, Arthur V 333a, 535 White, J. B 58, 258, 467 Wliite, S. E 419 Wliiting, George A 119 AMiitson, A. R 118, 119 Wilbm-, C. L 513 Wilcox, E. V 39 Wiley, Harvey W 58, 529 Will, Thomas E . . . 124, 154, 190, 426, 431 Willey, Day Allen 197, 442 Willey, Henry Ide 58 Williams, Lydia Adams 127, 215 Wilson, James 470 Wilson, Woodrow 64 Winchell, Horace V 195 Winslow, Arthur 268a Wisconsin. Governor 115, 334 Legislature. Comm. on water pow- ers, forestry, etc 116, 117 State conservation commission.. 118, 119 Woehlke, W. V 360 Wood, D. W 249 Woodruff, George W 17, 402 Wooley, R. W 192 Wright, C. E 17 Wyman, Walter 530, 531 Zacharie, F. C 17 Zerbe, J.B 285 Zon, Raphael 15, 185, 330, 512 SUBJECT IIs^DEX [The numbers refer to the Afforestation- 447, 454, 487 See also Forests. Air 163 Alaska: Coal lands 253, 277-279, 281, 496a, 545 Fisheries 102a, 581, 583, 588, 590, 592-600 Forests 403 Mineral resources 253, 282 Appalachian mountains 303, 304, 378, 391-396, 399, 400, 405, 420, 449, 458, 459, 464, 473, 474, 491, 549, 550, 553, 554, 562 Bibliography 4 See also White mountains. Arctic fox: See Fur bearing animals. Australia 397 Austria-Hungary 482 Ballinger-Pinchot controversy: See Alaska, Coal lands; Forest service, U. S.; In- terior, Dept. of. Bibliography 1-15, 24, 44a, 52, 84, 514, 523b, 535 Birds 58 Boston, Water supply 296 British Columbia 534 British India 376 California 22, 23, 26a, 41, 360, 369a, 370, 414a See also San Francisco. Canada 333a, 532-542 Capital, Conservation of 42 Central America 74 Chemistry and conservation.. 88, 163,179,239,257 Child life 58, 513, 519a, 520b, 520c, 521a, 524, 525f See also Human life. China 157 Christmas tree 468 City conservation 35a, 58, 366b, 366c, 513, 514b See also Boston, New York, Philadelphia, San Fran- cisco. items, not t o the pages.] Coal 60, 248, 264, 267-269, 271, 272, 274, 275, 282 See also Alaska, Coal lands; Leasing public lands. Colorado 26 Commissions, State 26, 45, 48, 53, 54, 56, 65, 70, 83, 90, 118, 119 Canada 532-535, 537a, 538, 541 National conservation commis- sion 59-61, 103, 105, 139, 141, 144, 149, 156, 161, 166, 179, 183 National forest reservation commission 410 Conference of governors: See Conference on conser- vation of natural re- sources, Washington, 1908. Conference on conservation of NATURAL resources, Wash- ington, 1908 25, 27-29, 39, 129-132, 134, 136, 156, 160, 183 Connecticut 433 Constitutional aspects 235 Constitutional provisions of states in use of waters 309a, 330 Copper 282 See also Mineral resources. Country life: See Rural life. Cunningham coal entries 279,281 See also Alaska, Coal lands. Declaration of governors. 27-29, 183 Declaration of principles.... 67,172 Deforestation 446, 485 See also Forests. Denudation 60, 327, 491 See also Soil. Drainage: See Reclamation. East, The, vs. the West.. 208,565,572 See also State control, and names of states. Electricity 58, 175, 316 Engineers and conservation.. 88, 151, 159, 164, 173, 175, 265 Erosion 15. 488. 491, 496, 501 See also Soil. 107 108 SUBJECT INDEX Farmer and conservation: See Rural life. Federal control 142. 143. 214, 222 Forests 380a. 453, 456 Mineral resources 283, 497 Water power. 292, 308a, 318, 319, 364a See also Federal vs. state control. Federal vs. state control. 17, 26a, 44a, 58, 84, 191, 200, 219, 222, 228, 243, 253, 262, 319, 345, 558, 565, 571, 572 Fire, Waste by 167a, 175 See also Foi^est fires. Fish.. 44b, 58, 91. 102a, 248, 263e, 532, 534 Bibliography 7a See also Fur seals: Oysters. Food supply 256, 260. 535, 536 Forest fires 60, 369a. 370. 382, 387a, 437. 439. 481 Forest protection. . . 370, 382, 470, 478 See also Forests. Forest reserves. U. S. 367,385, 391-396, 398-401, 403. 404. 406. 407, 410, 423, 435, 551, 556, 557, 560, 573 Administration 385, 398. 401, 404, 406-409, 557 service, U. S 101, 102, 368, 397, 398, 413, 441, 455 Bibliography 8 Forests 16, 17, 19. 20, 26a. 56. 57, 60. 61. 69, 71. 76, 99, 115-119, 123, 135, 177, 248, 305, 366c-}87a, 568 Bibliography 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 15, 375 Austria-Hungary 482 British India 376 Canada 534.538.542 Europe 374. 385 Germany 376, 416. 482 Sweden 377 Switzerland 482 Forests, Effect on climate 411. 462 Effect on water supply 20. 99, 100, 294, 305, 326, 330, 343, 352, 366a, 379, 411, 418, 462 France 493a Fuel 16. 26a, 135, 266, 280. 291 See also Coal. FuR-BEARi.\f; animals 534 Fur seals 581-600 Game 58, 532. 534 Germany 264a, 416. 482 Gold 282 See also Mineral resources. Gr \ziNr; lands 407, 505a. 508 Hawaii 39, 58, 66, 213, 246, 380 Health, Boards of 514b, 516b, 523b Health, Public, Bibliography 523b Federal Dept. 514b-514e, 517b, 520a, 522, 522a, 523, 525e, 527, 527a, 528b Health and hygiene: See Human life. History 198a, 209, 374 Human life 35a, 58, 60, 61, 91, 198, 513-531, 534 Bibliography 11 See also Child life. Hygiene, Public: See He.\lth, Boards of; Health, Public; Human LIFE. Idaho 325 Illinois 1 283a, 283c, 299 Indian territory 279a Interior, Dept. of 101, 102, 397, 413, 544 Iowa 45 Iron ores 282. 289 See also Miner.-vl resources. Irrigation 17, 19, 26a, 60, 87, 96, 301, 327, 360, 506, 510 Bibliography 9 Italy 177 Japan 58 Joint conservation confer- ence: See Conference on conser- vation OF NATURAL RE- SOURCES, Washington, 1908, Lands 17, 56-58, 60. 61, 72a, 91, 190-192, 274-276, 385, 397, 492- 494a, 497a, 504, 507, 508, 511, 512 Bibliography 9 See oho Leasing (if public lands. Laws: Forest 370, 377, 402, 409 Land 17,275,502 Mining 397 Public health 523b Water 302, 309a, 330, 3.30a, 331, 341, 535, 576a See aho Legislation. Lead 266a. 268a. 277b, 282, 283a See also Minkral rksources. Leasing of public lands 264a, 266a, 268a, 270a, 277, 277a-277c, . 278, 279a, 283a-283c, 496a, 505a Legal aspects 97 SUBJECT INDEX 109 Legislation 17, 38, 41 See also Laws. Legislation needed 56-58, 11,S-]17, 175, 180 Louisiana 38, 48 Lumber 382a, 467 See also Timber. Maine 51, 306 Maryland 53, 54 Massachusetts 46, 382, 523b See also Boston. Men, Conservation of: See Human life. Military aspect 58 Mineral resources 17, 19, 26a, 60, 61, 72a, 91, 92, 98a, 114, 119, 163, 264-291, 532, 534, 559 Minnesota 55, 170,308 Mississippi valley 78 Missouri 266a, 268a, 283a Money, Conservation of 42 Montana 56 National conservation com- mission ■ 59-61, 103, 105, 139, 141, 144, 149, 156, 161, 166, 179, 183 National conservation Con- gress, 1st, 1909 58 2d, 1910 58. 229 3d, 1911 58,252,254 National exposition of con- servation, 1913 263d, 543 National forest reservation commission 410 National vitality: See Human life. Natural gas 60, 248, 279a. 282 Nebraska 62 Need of conservation 17, 58, 127, 183, 185, 186, 248, 271, 286. 431, 432 New England. 63. 123, 415, 427 See also names of states. New Jersey 64, 296, 309 New York (state) 44, 65, 247, 309a-311, 313, 358, 361, 378a, 523b New York city, Child life 525f New Zealand 397 North American conservation CONFERENCE, Washington, Feb. 1909 67,166,183 Declaration of principles. ... 67, 172 Nova Scotia 534 Oil • 248, 279a, 282 Oklahoma 279a Ontario, Canada 534,535 Oregon 69-71, 302 Oysters 36, 54, 263e Pacific Coast states 429 Paper. 110. 218 Party platforms . . 85, 86. 242, 263c, 578 Peat 282 Pennsylvania. 58, 75, 414b, 513, 524, 525 See also Philadelphia. Petroleum: See Oil. Philadelphia, Water supply 366b Philippine Islands 237 Phosphates 60. 118, 282, 497 Pinchot, Gifford 158, 210 See also Forest service, U. S. Porto Rico 403 Public lands: -See Lands; Leasing of public lands. Pulp industry: See Paper. Railways and conservation 58, 121, 194 Reclamation 17, 19, 91, 248, 498-500, 506, 509, 510 Bibliography 9 Reservoirs 294, 327, 330 See also Water supply. Rhode Lsland 81-83 Riparian rights: See Water power. Rural life 42, 58, 77, 202, 263a-263c, 495, 503, 513, 525d San Francisco, Water supply 448 Scenery 29 Sea otter 591,600 Silver 282 See also Mineral resources. Snow 366a Soil 17,58,60, 91, 115-119, 488, 489, 493a, 496, 505 Bibliography 10, 1 5 South 93, 112, 240, 475, 488 See also Appalachian moun- tains, and names of states. South America 244 State control 22, 23, 38, 41, 43-i6, 48, 51, 53-57, 58, 60, 62-65, 75. 81-83, 98a, 107, 108, 112. 113, 115-119, 123, 168, 219, 247, 299, 306, 308, 309-311, 348, 364, 436. 453, 471, 484 State ownership of forests 477 110 SUBJECT INDEX Switzerland 17, 90, 357, 359, 482 Teachers' part in conservation. 21a Texas 263e, 487a Timber 60, 479, 480 Sec also Forests. Timber lands, Taxation of 60 Utah 107,108 Waste 17 , 31, 37, 58, 122, 123. 125, 128, 133, 138, 147, 154, 167a, 175, 223, 263, 263b, 272, 287, 456, 488, 525a, 565 See also Forest fires. Water power 17. 26a, 56, 57, 60, 61, 72a, 114-119. 123, 135, 163, 175, 177. 291, 292, 293, 297, 299, 303. 307, 308a. 309, 309a-311, 313, 314, 317-320, 325- 327, 330, 331, 333a, 339, 340, 342, 344-351a, 353-357, 361a- 366, 534, 535, 558, 559, 576 Bibliography 14, 535 Water supply 16, 26a, 60, 61, 99, 100, 114, 175, 296, 306-308, 309a-311, 313, 321, 322, 324, 327, 333, 337, 358, 360, 361, 366b, 366c, 525a, 533, 534, 568, 574, 575 Bil:)liop;raphy 7, 14 See also Reservoirs. Waterways 16, 85, 96, 99, 100, 135, 194, 294, 295, 298, 300, 303, 308, 315, 317, 323, 328- 330, 335-338, 343, 547, 548, 553a, 561, 566, 568, 575. 576, 577, 578a West. The vs. the East 208, 565, 572 See also State control and names of states. West Virginia 113 Western Australia 114 White House conference: See Conference on con- servation OF natural re- sources. Washington, 1908. White mountains 123, 391-396, 400, 405, 485, 553 Bibliography 4 See also Appalachian :moun- tains. Wisconsin 115-119, 266a, 293, 297, 334, 371, 478 Women and conservation 30, 58, 215, 434 World conservation confer- ence 174, 183 Zinc 268a See also Mineral resources. o NOV 1519501 Form L-9-35»i-8,'2.8 Ylb4 N2U5 U.S. Library sion or blbllo -_ _ graphy - Select i "s^" 6 f r ^ f e ren c e s _Qn^±lie oomsej^va t ion of natural resources uC bUUThfcHhJ RbUIUNAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 497 196 6 {^f ^.rrjr-. /<... t' r ^ ^i \ 1 .M^~ 4 4fy|H^B' ^ ■P-- t i'- ^vv ■v