A RECORD OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JAMES AND MIRIAM WOLCOTT BY CHANDLER WOLCOTT ROCHESTER, NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY CHANDLER WOLCOTT 1907 Copyright, 1907, by CHANDLER WOLCOTT No. 2012351 saolcott INTRODUCTION. It seems desirable, inasmuch as the genealogy of the early generations of the Wolcott family in America has been traced in detail, that there should be some record of the later members and it is with this idea that the following pages are presented. No attempt at extended biographies has been made. The aim has been merely to place on record the lines of descent of the children of James and Miriam Wol- cott, thus connecting this branch with the genealog- ical tree of the family. Those readers who have not seen the extended genealogy (given in the N. E. Gen. & Hist. Reg. and elaborated in the Wolcott Memorial and else- where) may find a brief account of the early gen- erations in this country of interest. For the his- tory of the first five generations the compiler has consulted all the available material in print; for the facts as to the later descendants he acknowledges his obligation to those members of the family who have cheerfully furnished such information as they possessed. The Wolcott family is one of unquestioned antiq- uity. One investigator has traced its origin in Eng- land as far back as the eleventh century in Wales, but of course this must be to a large extent conject- ural. In Stiles's History of Windsor, page 826, there is the following note: "The family of Wolcott is one of great antiquity and respectability as will be seen from the following pedigree: 1. Jeran Wolcott (son of Sir John) of Wolcott married Anna, daughter of John Mynde of Shropshire. 2. Roger Wolcott of Wolcott, who married Edith, daughter of Sir Wm. Donnes, knight. 3. Sir Philip Wolcott of Wolcott, who married Julian, daughter of John Herle. 4. John Wolcott of Wolcott, who married Alice, daughter of David Lloyd, Esq. 5. Sir John Wolcott of Wolcott, knight A. D. 1382. 6. Thomas Wolcott. 7. John Wolcott. 8. John Wolcott of Wolcott, who married Matilda, daughter of Sir Richard Cornwall of Bereford, knight. 9. Roger Wolcott of Wolcott, Esq., who married Margaret, daughter David Lloyd, Esq. 10. William Wolcott, who settled in Tolland, Somersetshire. 11. William Wolcott, who married Elizabeth. His will is dated A. D. 1500. 12. Thomas Wolcott, who was living in Tolland in 1552. 13. Thomas Wolcott, who married Alice. Will dated Nov. 4, 1572. 14. John Wolcott of Galdon Manor, Tolland, Somersetshire, England, where will was dated Nov. 10, 1623." At another place in the same work the author tells us: "The name in Somersetshire is spelled Wol; in Shropshire, Lincolnshire and elsewhere Wai. The ancestral seat in England of the family which came to Windsor was at Tolland County, Somersetshire, though its branches reside in adjec- ent parishes." "Tolland," says H. G. Somberby, Esq., in a letter to the family, "is one of the most secluded, quiet and picturesque villages in England. The Galdon Manor which I sketched and which is now occupied as a farm house must at one time have been very extensive, and the principal room very splendid for the period. It is still richly ornamented with carved work, etc. I visited the Old Mill which belonged to the family at least 300 years ago. The house connected with it now somewhat dilapidated is the same which was then standing, and is a cur- ious specimen of architecture both internally and ex- ternally. The Mill is also the original one with a modern addition to one end ; I made a sketch of the house and mill. The manor-house which is still standing is said to be of great antiquity and extent. It was originally a splendid mansion designed as well for the purpose of defense against the excesses of a lawless age as for the purpose of a permanent family residence. It is still richly ornamented with carved work and if left unassailed by the hand of violence it will stand for ages. The familiar motto of the family arms, borrowed from a Roman poet, is still to be seen upon the walls of the manor-house, its bold words informing us that the family who have adopted it as their text of life were accustomed to swear in the words of no master. (Nullius addic- tus jurare in verba magistri). It is alike in keeping with the independent spirit of an English gentleman of the Middle Ages and with that a Puritan of the 17th century who spurned the dictation of ecclesias- tical domination." In relation to the Wolcott coat of arms the fol- lowing is of interest to those who are curious in matters of heraldry. John Wolcott of Wolcott who lived in the time of Henry V. and who m. Matilda (daughter of Sir Richard) Cornwell of Beresford, Kent, assumed for his arms the three chess rooks instead of the crow with the fleur-de-lis borne by his ancestors. It is recorded in the old family pedi- gree that "playing at ye chesse with Henry ye Fifth, Kinge of Englande, he gave hym ye checke matte with ye rouke, whereupon ye Kinge changed his coate-of-armes, which was ye crosse with flower de luces, and gave him ye rouke for a remembrance It seems these Chess Rooks were first called Rooks for being in defence of all ye rest ; and therefore they stande in ye uttermost corners of ye chess board as Frontier Castles. Kinge Wm. ye Conqueror lost greate Lordships at this playe. And it might well become a Kinge for therein are com- prised all ye Strategems of Warr or Plotts of Civill State. Heralds Visitation." In the nomenclature of heraldry the Wolcott Arms are : Shield : Argent a cheveron between three Chess Rooks ermined. Crest : A Bull's Head erased argent, armed or, ducally gorged, lined and ringed : of the last. Motto : Nullius addictus jufare in verba magistri. Bearing name of "Wolcott." The register of the parish of Lidiard, St. Law- rence, adjoining that of Tolland contains the fol- lowing; "Henry ye sonne of John Wolcott was baptized the VI of December, 1578," and "Henry Wolcott and Elizabeth Saunders (of Lydiard, St. Lawrence b. 1584) were married 19 of January 1600." The ancestor who first came to this country was Henry Wolcott, son of John Wolcott of Tolland in Somersetshire, England, who with his wife, Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas Sanders of the parish of Lydiard St. Lawrence, and three sons, Henry, George and Christopher, came to New England in the year 1630. He had been a magistrate in Eng- land and owned a valuable estate. By the death of an older brother Galden Manor, the principal man- sion in Tolland, Somersetshire, was left to him after he came to America. In the back of an account book (dated 1691) kept by Henry Jr. and later members of the family, and now in the Wadsworth Athenaeum at Hartford, Conn., an extended record is found headed "A Chronologic of the Famely of the Wolcott's in New England," and referring to Henry and Elizabeth Wolcott : "This happie pair were married about ye year 1606. He came to New England about the year 1628 and in the year 1630 brought over his family to avoid the persecu- tion of those times against dissenters." The Rev. Samuel Wolcott in his "Memorial of Henry Wolcott and his Descendants" tells us "He was not an obscure adventurer but held a fair posi- tion among the gentry in England possessing an estate which yielded him a fair income and his prop- erty was freely devoted to the service of the expe- dition which he accompanied They sailed from Plymouth in England on the 20th 5 of March 1630 in the ship Mary and John. Be- fore their embarkation after their passage had been engaged they were allowed the privilege of organiz- ing themselves into an independent church. This is now the First Church in Windsor, the oldest in the State of Conn." He landed at Nantasket and settled in Mattapan, now Dorchester, but three years after removed to the Connecticut Valley, and took a leading part in the public meetings of that colony. In 1637 he was elected a member of the first General Assembly held in Conn., and in 1643 a member of the House of Magistrates, and was annually re-elected up to the time of his death. In Stiles's History of Ancient Windsor it is said "he was probably, after the pastor, the most distin- guished man in Windsor." Mr. Henry Wolcott died May 30, 1655. Three younger children, Anna, Mary and Simon came to America previous to 1640. The monument of brown stone erected over his grave and that of his wife is still well preserved. The cemetery is in the rear of the First Congrega- tional Church of Windsor, and is one of the oldest in the State of Conn. The epitaph reads "here un- der lyeth the body of Henry Wolcot sometimes a Maiestrate of this Jurisdiction, who died ye 30th day of May, Anno Salutis 1655, Aetatis 73. Here under lyeth the body of Elizabeth Wol- cot who died ye 17 day of July Anno Salutis 1655, Aetatis 73." Henry Wolcott's children viz. Anna, Henry, George, Christopher, Mary and Simon were born in England.' Anna married Matthew Griswold, an- cestor of Matthew and Roger Griswold of Lyme, both governors of Connecticut. Henry Wolcott Jr. was elected a member of the House of Magistrates in 1 662 and thereafter as long as he lived. His name appears as one of the patentees in the charter grant- ed to Connecticut by Charles II. in 1680. He died leaving a family of eight children whose descend- ants are numerous. George Wolcott according to the Family Chronology left four children but their descendants are not given. Christopher died un- married. JMrnon, the youngest son, was born Sept. 11, 1625, and admitted a freeman in 1654. Married (1) Johanna Cook, daughter of one of the first settlers of Windsor. (2) Oct. 17, 1661, ^Martha J^itkirii described in the records as "late from Eng- land." Lamb's History of New York City (Vol. 1, page 593) has this reference concerning her: "Martha Pitkin a beautiful self reliant young woman, came to Connecticut to persuade her favor- ite brother the distinguished Gov. William Pitkin to return to England. Tradition says that the wise heads of the colony were anxious to retain the broth- er and charmed with the graces and superior accom- plishments of the sister resolved to capture and keep her also. Hence they selected Simon Wolcott, the handsomest and most elegant young man in Con- necticut to court and marry her. Among her descen- dants were six governors and her granddaughter Ursula married another governor." He lived at first in Windsor and later on the eastern side of the Connecticut River in the present town of South Windsor. Simon died Sept. 11, 1687 as shown by an epitaph in the Windsor cemetery. One of his sons, Henry, was the ancestor of the Rev. Samuel Wolcott, father of Hon. Henry R. Wolcott, and of former Senator Edward O. Wolcott of Denver, Colo. Roger Wolcolt, youngest son of the above, was born Jan. 4, 1679. He married Dec. 3, 1702, Sarah Drake, daughter of Job Drake of Windsor. In the expedition against Canada in 1711 Mr. Wolcott was Commissary of the Connecticut Forces and was Major-general at the capture of Louisburg in 1745. After holding offices in the Assembly and Council he was made Judge of the County Court, Deputy Governor, Chief Judge of the Superior Court, and from 1751 to 1754 Governor. He was also author of a small volume entitled "Poetical Meditations" being the improvement of some Vacant Hours, by Roger Wolcott, Esq. with the preface by the Rev. Mr. Bulkley, of Colchester, New London: "Printed and sold by T. Green 1725." He died May 17, 1767 and is buried in the Windsor Cemetery. His monument is a tablet of brown stone supported by five pillars: "Here lyeth the body of Hon. Roger Wolcott of Windsor, who for several years was Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, and died May 17, Anno Aetatis 89, salutis 1767. "Earth's highest station ends in here he lies And dust to dust concludes her noblest song." A son Erastus born Sept. 21, 1722, was Speaker of the Lower House and Justice of the Peace, Judge of Probate, Judge and Chief Judge of the County Court, Representative in Congress and Judge of the Superior Court. Held rank of Brigadier General in the War of the Revolution. He died Sept. 14, 1793, and is buried with his wife in the old burying ground in South Windsor. Oliver, the youngest son, filled many state offices ; was a Brigadier General during the War of the Rev- olution, member of the Continental Congress and signer of the Declaration of Independence, Lieut. Governor and Governor of Connecticut. His son Oliver was Secretary of the Treasury during the administrations of Washington and Adams, a Judge of the United States Court, and Governor of Con- necticut being the third of the family in lineal de- scent. Both the Olivers lived in Litchfield, Conn., and are buried there. Another son of the first Gov- ernor Oliver was the grandfather of the late Roger Wolcott, Governor of Massachusettts. The oldest son of the above, Roger Wolcott Jr., was born Sept. 4, 1704. He married (1) Oct. 10, 1728, Marah, daughter of Capt. Benjamin New- berry of Windsor. (2) Eunice, daughter of John Colton. He was a major of the Connecticut Troops and a Judge of the Superior Court, and one of the revisers of the laws of the Colony. Died Oct. 19, 1759. "His early death alone prevented his filling the Gubernatorial Chair." He is buried in the East Windsor Cemetery where many of his relatives re- pose. The trolley line from Hartford to Spring- field passes directly in front of the burying ground. Epaphras, son of the above, was born May 2, 1740. He married June 1762, Mabel, daughter of John Burnham of' East Hartford, Conn. He took part in the expedition against Canada. Died Jan. 1, 1825. James, only son of the above, born April 19, 1766, married January 1786, Miriam Munsell, daughter of Elisha and Kezia Munsell. At this point our original work begins, the fore- going having been abridged from records already in print and being in no sense either comprehensive. or original. Our purpose from this point on is to de- tail so far as possible the history of the descendants of James and Miriam, and to show clearly the lines of descent of the later generations. Not a little difficulty has been met with in the collection of facts, and in most cases the incomplete- ness apparent is due to the inability to find those who could furnish definite information. It was thought at the outset of this work that an effort should be made to collect the facts and dates before the lapse of time made is impossible to do so, and this impression has been strengthened as the inves- tigations have progressed. All that can be said of the present work is that it represents the result of correspondence covering a considerable space of time and conducted with representatives of all the branches of the family of James. In this connection it should be stated that the replies to letters of in- quiry have been uniformly courteous, and that the information furnished has been given in the spirit in which it was sought. It is believed that this record is as comprehensive as it is possible to make one at present and if at some future time another chooses 10 to amplify what has been only touched upon this outline may prove of some assistance. In present- ing it to its readers the compiler once more ack- nowledges his indebtedness to all who have aided in the work. (Note) : The Roman numerals indicate the numbers of the paragraphs in which later mention of the individuals is made. 11 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. James Wolcott was born in East Windsor, Conn. April 19, 1766 and lived there many years. Married Jan. 1786 Miriam Munsell daughter of Elisha and Kezia .Munsell. She was born Jan. 15, 1767 in East Windsor, Conn, and died Jan. 24, 1850. For many years he lived with his wife in East Bloomfield, Ontario County, N. Y. Later moved to Wheatland, N. Y. and lived there with their son-in-law, Gen. Rawson Harmon. He died April 29, 1849 and is buried with his wife in the cemetery of the Baptist Church, Wheatland. The old East Windsor Records now kept in the town of Broad Brook, Conn, show the following entry: "Anson, Son of James Wolcott and Miriam his wife was b. the 9th day of April, 1787. Epaphras, Son of James Wolcott and Miriam his wife was b. the 7th day of April, 1789. James, Son of James Wolcott and Miriam his wife was b. the 29th day of May, 1791." In this record it will be noted the names of three sons appear. In the Wolcott Ledger and Genealogy before re- ferred to we find but two : "The children of James son of Epaphras son of Roger. 1. Anson b. April 9, 1787. 2. Epaphras b. April 7, 1789" We now know there were seven children, all born in East Windsor: 2-1. Anson, b. April 9, 1787. See II. 3-2. Epaphras, b. April 7, 1789. See III. 4-3. James, b. May 29, 1791. See IV. 5-4. Norman, b. 1794. See V. 6-5. Miriam, b. Nov. 20, 1795. See VI. 7-6. j Infants, named Sally, who were buried in 8-7. | Connecticut. 12 SEVENTH GENERATION. II. Anson Wolcott (2) is said to have come from the Springfield Armory in Massachusetts where he was employed to New York State where his brother Epaphras had preceded him. Settled and died in East Bloomfield, N. Y. He married March 29, 1821, at Mendon, N. Y., Lurenda Hawley Gillett of whom all we know is that she was dark com- plexioned. She died in Canandaigua, Aug. 17, 1869, and was buried in Bristol, N. Y. by the side of her husband. The date of his death was Oct. 17, 1864. Children all born in East Bloomfield : 9-10. Mary Ann, b. April 25, 1823. See VII. 10-1. Susan Melissa, b. Jan. 17, 1825. See VIII. 11-3. Anson Spencer, b. March 22, 1827. See IX. 12-4. Lurenda Gillett, b. Feb. 11, 1829. m. Charles Hall. d. Aug. 24, 1896. Buried at Fayette, Mo. near her brother Anson Spencer's first wife and his son Charles and daughter Eliza Lurenda Jenkins. 13-5. Sarah Pomeroy, b. Sept. 15, 1832. d. June 3, 1850. Buried in the family lot at Bristol, N. Y. 14-6. Asineath Esther, b. April 17, 1840. m. Aug. 15, 1864, Delinar W. Scudder, son of Ezek- iel Scudder. A child, Grace Lurenda Scud- der, b. .Oct. 10, 1867. She lived in Ran- dolph, N. Y. The date of her death is not known. 15-7. Frances Emily, b. Aug. 25, 1842. m. May 27, 1866, Theodore Parker Whiting. He died April 20, 1878 at Harison Valley, Pa. No children. 13 III. Epaphras Wolcott (3) married May 25, 1811 Naomi Paul. She was born Aug. 19, 1791 and died Nov. 11, 1853. Children : 16-1. Sarah Munsell, b. Oct. 15, 1812. See X. 17-2. Anson Franklin, b. June 12, 1814. m. Ann Eliza Follett. She was born March 2, 1822. No children. He lived all his life in Roch- ester and accumulated a large property, d. April 6, 1892. She d. April 19, 1904. 18-3. George Paul, b. Nov. 24, 1816. See XI. 19-4. Elvira Antoinette, b. Sept. 20, 1820. m. June 26, 1864 E. J. Jenks of Woburn, Mass, d. Sept. 24, 1865. 20-5. Oliver Epaphras, b. March 17, 1827. d. Oct. 21, 1829. 21-6. Melvina Georgiana, b. June 21, 1834. d. Sept. 15, 1835. Epaphras Wolcott at the age of eighteen years left the Springfield Armory where he was employed and walked to New York State. It is related that being in doubt as to which way to turn he threw his cane over his shoulder and went in the direction in- dicated. The records in the land office of Wayne County for the year 1811 show that lot 160, 100 8-10 acres, situated in what is now the town of Wol- cott, was taken by Epaphras Wolcott Jan. 30 of that year, the price paid per acre being $4.00. He afterwards settled in Bloomfield, Ontario County, where his older brother Anson came from Windsor several years later. After maintaining a distillery with his brother for several years, in 1827 he re- moved with his family to Rochester and for a num- 14 ber of years managed the Wolcott Tavern at the corner of Clarissa Street and Mt. Hope Avenue. The same year he founded a distillery on the eastern bank of the Genesee River. After his death, which occurred August 25, 1852, his sons Anson Franklin and George Paul continued the business. Mr. Epaphras Wolcott was a man of much char- acter and natural ability. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Rochester, N. Y. and was often called upon to speak at public meetings. IV. James Wolcott (4) married Nov. 13, 1814 Lovisa Gould (b. July 15, 1792) at Rome, N. Y. She was a daughter of Ebenezer Gould, Capt. in Continental Army; she died in Lockport, N. Y. about 1854. He died April 14, 1866 in Chicago at the home of his son Ebenezer Gould Wolcott, and is buried in Cold Spring Cemetery at Lockport, N. Y. Children : 22-1. ' Ebenezer Gould, b. Sept. 24, 1815 at Rome, N. Y. See XII. 23-2. Anson, b. Oct. 21, 1819 at Western, N. Y. See XIII. 24-3. Chauncey Smith See XIV. 25-4. Francis d. Jan. 4, 1822. Twins, b. Nov. 12, 1821. 26-5. Charles Darwin, b. June 26, 1825 at Rome, N. Y. Drowned June 16, 1844 at Lockport, N. Y. 27-6. Beulah Ann, b. Aug. 21, 1827 at Rome, N. Y. See XV. 28-7. James Henry, b. March 17, 1831 at Rome, N. Y. See XVI. 15 V. Norman Wolcott (5) and his brother Anson engaged in the manufacture of silk near Rochester, N. Y. Later he went to Ohio and from there to Kentucky settling on the banks of the Green River. He died Oct. 3, 1852. His wife, Mary Ann MacGregor, from High- lands of Scotland, died Oct. 24, 1862, aged 64 years, and was buried by her husband in the old family burial ground in Ohio County, Ky. Children : 29-1. James, b. Nov. 17, 1820 in Warren County O. See XVII. 30-2. Oliver Hector, b. Jan. 28, 1830, probably in New York. See XVIII. 31-3. Christena, b. Nov. 15, 1822 at Rochester, N. Y. See XIX. 32-4. Nancy Jane, b. Feb. 22, 1834 near Roch- ester, N. Y. See XX. VI. Miriam Wolcott (6) married Deacon Raw- son Harmon of Wheatland, N. Y. who was born Sept. 3, 1794 and died June 24, 1873. She d. July 1878. 16 EIGHTH GENERATION. VII. Mary Ann Wolcott (9) married Sept. 18, 1849 David Kendall of New Lebanon, N. Y. He was born in Millbury, Mass., Jan. 24, 1816. d. in East Bloomfield, N. Y. July 6, 1862 and is buried in Bristol, N. Y. He was a member of the Presby- terian Church of New Lebanon and a Free Mason. Three children all born at Rochester, N. Y. (1) David Wolcott, b. Oct. 11, 1851. (2) Olive Crane, b. July 7, 1853. (3) Thomas Jefferson, b. Oct. 17, 1855. _ Mrs. Kendall now resides in Grand Rapids, Mich, with her daughter Mrs. Olive Crane Kendall Dean. VIII. Susan Melissa Wolcott (10) m. Oct. 17, 1858, Ezekiel Scudder. One child. (1) Sarah Josephine Scudder, b. Oct. 31, 1860; d. August 3, 1862. She died Dec. 27, 1885 and is buried at Randolph, N. Y. IX. Anson Spencer Wolcott (11) married (1) Aug. 2, 1855 Sarah P. Walker, daughter of Brad- ford Walker of Canandaigua, N. Y. She was born June 13, 1829 and died May 9, 1882 at Fayette, Mo. Children : 33-1. Charles Spencer, b. May 13, 1856 at East Bloomfield, N. Y. See XXI. 34-2. Eliza Lurenda, b. Aug. 4, 1858. See XXII. 35-3. George Franklin, b. Jan. 5, 1868 at East Bloomfield, N. Y. See XXIII. Mr. Wolcott m. (2) Phebe A. Church, daughter of Henry Church, a Pennyslvanian, at Kahoka, Mo. Aug. 6, 1884. He is now a farmer and fruit grower at West Plains, Mo. 17 X. Sarah Munsell Wolcott (16) married Feb. 13, 1834 D. R. Barton of Rochester, N. Y. He was born July 4, 1805 and died April 25, 1875 ; he was a pioneer in the manufacture of edge tools in this country, and built up a large business. Mrs. Barton lived in Rochester seventy-five years and at the time of her death, Aug. 11, 1903, was the only surviving constituent member of the Second Baptist Church, at the founding of which in 1834 she and her husband obtained letters of dis- missal from membership in the First Baptist Church. At the time of her husband's death he was the last surviving male constituent member of the church. She was a woman of strong intellect and earnest purpose and retained her mental vigor to the end of her long life. For many years she was president of the Home of the Friendless. Deacon and Mrs. Barton were prominent in the founding of the Uni- versity and the City Hospital. Children all born at Rochester, N. Y. : ( 1 ) Cornelia, b. June 20, 1836 and died next day. (2) Julia Munsell, b. April 16, 1838, d. May 11, 1865. (3) Charles Cassimir, b. Oct. 2, 1840, d. June 28, 1903 at New York City. (4) Henry Epaphras, b. Nov. 3, 1842. Now at Seattle, Washington Territory. (5) Augusta Antoinette, b. Jan. 13, 1845. (6) George Wolcott. b. Dec. 3, 1846 and died eight months old. (7) Edward Munroe, b. Feb. 14, 1849, d. Apr. 7. 1885. (8) Sarah Louisa, b. Sept. 28, 1852, d. Jan. 12, 1886. 18 XI. George Paul Wolcott (18) married Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of Ephraim and Mary Moore who were early settlers of Rochester, N. Y. She was born April 15, 1822 and died Oct. 7, 1871. Children, all born at Rochester, N. Y. : 36-1. Henry Epaphras, b. Oct. 9, 1847. See XXIV. 37-2. James Ephraim, b. April 20, 1850. See XXV. 38-3. Franklin Anson, b. April 8. 1853, d. unmar- ried May 15, 1884. 39-4. Elizabeth Georgiana, b. June 28, 1856. m. Dec. 8, 1874, Henry H. Merriam of Spring- field, Mass. Children born at Rochester, N. Y. : (1) Charles Wolcott, b. Jan. 5, 1876. (2) Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 19, 1877. A prominent citizen in Rochester; a member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Resided with his family in the family homestead on Clarissa Street. He d. Aug. 10, 1880. XII. Ebenezer Gould Wolcott (22), when a child his parents moved to Royalton, N. Y. ; later went to Lockport, N. Y. m. Aug. 17, 1843, Marie Louise Brown, daughter of Theron Brown and Clarissa Harmon. She was b. May, 1820 at Caledonia, N. Y. and died Nov. 29, 1905 at Chicago, 111. He d. Dec. 30, 1885 at Wolcott, Ind. Children : 40-1. Charles Theron, b. Aug. 10, 1851 in Belvi- dere, 111. 41-2. Ebenezer Gould, b. 1856 at Lockport, N. Y. Both died in Chicago in 1861. 19 XIII. Anson Wolcott (23) m. (1) July 12, 1848, Elizabeth Walbridge, daughter of Henry Walbridge at Lockport, N. Y. (2) Feb. 11, 1863, Georgiana de Ismisquero, daughter of George and Marguerette Sayen, at Philadephia, Pa. In 1864 he moved to Indiana. In 1876 nom- inated for governor by the Greenback party. A suc- cessful farmer and grain merchant of Wolcott, Ind. Resided for several years in Denver, Colo., where he owned considerable mining property. Died at Wolcott, Ind., Jan. 10, 1907. Children : 42-1. Henry Walbridge, b. Sept. 7, 1849 at Lock- port, N. Y. See XXVI. 43-2. Eben Henry, b. May 5, 1866 at Wolcott, Ind. See XXVII. XIV. Chauncey Smith Wolcott (24) m. 1850 at Lockport, N. Y., Miss Adaline Brockway, daughter of Nathaniel Brockway of Cambria, Niagara County, N. Y. Child: 44-1. Florence I., b. Sept. 6, 1854 at Lansing, Mich. m. Oct. 6, 1880 Dr. R. W. Alton of Portland, Mich. He lived in nine states in seven years. Was always in a mercantile or manufacturing business. For the last twenty-two years of his life was in the shoe trade at Portland, Mich., where he died Dec. 28, 1890. XV. Beulah Ann Wolcott (27) m. Aug. 21, 1845 at Lockport, N. Y., Benjamin Hawley Fletcher. He was born at Bridport, Vt, Nov. 13, 20 1813 and died at Lockport, N. Y., March 1, 1881. She died Nov. 17, 1891, at Erie, Pa. Children, all born at Lockport, N. Y. : (1) Frances Emily, b. Nov. 7, 1850. m. Oct. 1, 1878, Charles B. Hull. Children b. at De- troit, Mich. (1) Beulah Fletcher m. Edward Fowler of Pelham Manor, N. Y. (2) Charles Barnard resides in New York City. (3) Miriam Wolcott lives at Pelham Manor, N. Y. Mrs. Hull died at Pelham Manor, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1902. (2) Celia Wright b. Dec. 26, 1851. m. Oct. 11, 1877 Joseph Prescott Metcalf, son of Prescott and Abigail Metcalf, of Erie, Pa. Children b. at Erie, Pa. ( 1 ) Frances Fletcher m. Sept. 3, 1902, Charles Francis Preston of Balti- more, Md. (2) Mary Fletcher. (3) Ruth. (4) Celia Margaret. (3) Mary, b. Nov. 5, 1859. m. Oct. 10, 1880, George Dudley Seklen of Erie, Pa. d. at Erie, Pa., Dec. 5, 1881. XVI. James Henry Wolcott (28) married Oct. 27, 1857 at Galena, 111., Kate Reinwald, daughter of William Reinwald. He died at Lagrange, 111., Nov. 24, 1895. A broker at Lagrange and Chicago. 21 Children : 45-1. Beulah Louise, b. March 24, 1859 at Galena, 111. m. Dec. 18, 1878, William E. Frazer at Chicago, 111. No family. 46-2. James Griffith, b. March 25, 1861 at Galena, 111. See XXVIII. 47-3. Kate Wilmina, b. Oct. 19, 1863 at Chicago, 111. m. Oct. 31, 1883, William J. McMillan. Children : (1) William J. McMillan, b. March 8, 1885 at Chicago, 111. (2) F. A. McMillan, b. Jan. 21, 1886. 48-4. Eben Gould, b. Feb. 4, 1866 at Galena, 111. A manufacturer of picture frames at Chi- cago, 111. Unmarried. D. Jan. 10; 1905. XVII. James Wolcott (29) married Jan 10, 1850, Louisa Bulloch of Muhlenburg County, Ky. Children : 49-1. Hortense Amelia, b. Oct. 20, 1850 in Ohio County, Ky. m. Nov. 22, 1881, A. W. Humphrey of Breman, Ky. Children': (1) Edgar Wolcott, died in infancy. (2) Jessie Louise, b. Jan. 1, 1890 at Chicago, 111. Mr. Humphrey resides at Marion, Ind. A lumber dealer. 50-2. George Alfred, b. Jan. 30, 1853 in Ohio County, Ky. See XXIX. 51-3. Louisa Tane, b. March 2, 1855 in Muhlen- burg County, Ky. m. Jan. 24, 1884, Patrick Farrold Brady of South Carrollton, Ky. Child : (1) Wolcott F., b. Dec. 14, 1888 at Chicago, 111. 22 Mr. Brady resides at Marion, Ind. A railroad superintendent. 52-4. Charles Edgar, b. Aug. 17, 1857 in Muhlen- burg County, Ky. See XXX. 53-5. James Franklin, b. April 26, 1859 in Muhlenburg County, Ky. See XXXI. A miller by occupation; in the latter part of his life was captain of a Green River steamer and com- monly known as Captain Wolcott. At the time of the Civil War he organized and was captain of the home militia. A sword was given him by his grand- father James, who carried it in the War of 1812. He lived with his uncle Epaphras for several years at Rochester, N. Y. d. Aug. 24, 1896 in Muhlen- burg County, Ky. XVIII. Oliver Hector Wolcott (30) was a miller and operated a coal mine. Served in Union Army receiving an honorable discharge at Pittsburg Land- ing on account of disabilities received in service, m. in Spring of 1851, Sally Ellen Dexter, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Dexter of Ohio County. She died in the summer of 1862, about twenty- eight years of age. He d. April, 1863. Both he and his wife are buried near the old home. Children : 54-1. Christena Isabelle, b. Nov. 1852. m. James Bennett of Ohio County, who was a farmer and stockman. She d. in Feb., 1875. No children. 55-2. William Augustus, b. April 1, 1854. , See XXXII. 56-3. Alv'a Arista, b. Aug. 5, 1855 in Ohio County. See XXXIII. 23 57-4. Millard Winfield, b. Feb. 12, 1857 in Ohio County, Ky. Is now general agent for the New York Life Ins. Co., with headquarters at St. Joseph, Mo. Single. 58-5. Mary Ellen, b. Nov. 4, 1858 in Ohio County, Ky. m. June 23, 1883, William Brown of Thebes, 111., ar merchant and miller. Child : (1) Clara M. Brown, b. May 3, 1884, who lived at Creal Springs, 111. with her father. She died Aug. 17, 1886. 59-6. Robert Vaughn, b. Sept. 20, 1860. See XXXIV. XIX. Christena Wolcott (31) m. April 2, 1846, James Henry a merchant at South Carrollton, Ky. She died at 'South Carrollton, Ky., Nov. 27, 1886. Children : (1) J. S. Henry. (2) W. C. Henry. (3) A. M. Henry. (4) Mary E. Henry. (5) S. M. Henry. (6) Mattie Henry. XX. Nancy Jane Wolcott (32) m. Aug. 19, 1857, Reason H. Everly of McClain County, Ky. . Children : (1) James Oliver, b. March 12, 1860. m. 1895, Mabel Pell. (2) Ida, b. March 15, 1862, died young. Mrs. Everly later married John A. Townes, July 2, 1865. They had two children, (1) Mary, b. 1866, d. 1883. (2) Nettie, b. 1868, m. 1895, Arch Phillips. 24 NINTH GENERATION. XXI. Charles Spencer Wolcott (33) m. Oct. 12, 1882 at Forest Green, Mo., Dixie Anna Ford, daughter of Peter Ford of Forest Green, Mo. Children : 60-1. Elizabeth S., b. at Richmond, Mo., July 28, 1883. 61-2. Walter Charles, b. at Richmond, Mo., June 27, 1885. 62-3. Edith, b. at Forest Green, Mo., April 25, 1887. m. Nov. 10, 1903, John P. Bramhall, attorney, of Richmond, Mo. He was an agriculturist and stockman and re- sided most of his life in Howard County, Mo. d. at Richmond, Mo., Dec. 5, 1886. XXII. Eliza Lurenda Wolcott (34) m. July 1, 1880, John Franklin Jenkins of Greenville, Texas. He died at Shreveport, La., Oct. 14, 1885, and was buried at Greenville, Texas. She died Aug. 11, 1884 at Richmond, Mo., and is buried at Fayette, Mo. Children : A son and daughter died at Honeygrove, Texas, previous to the death of their father. XXIII. George Franklin Wolcott (35) m. Oct. 16, 1889, Izelia, daughter of Reuben Leveredge of Fayette, Mo. She was b. Dec. 4, 1861. Children, all born in Fayette: 63-1. William R, b. Sept. 27, 1891. 64-2. Spencer Reuben, b. Feb. 8, 1892. 65-3. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1894. 25 66-4. Sarah Mabel, b. April 10, 1896, d. Aug. 6, 1897. 67-5. Lurenda Ada, b. Sept. 14, 1897. 68-6. Grace Annie, b. Feb. 6, 1898. 69-7. Clara Odell, b. June 12, 1899. Is engaged in farming and stock-raising in the State of Missouri. XXIV. Henry Epaphras Wolcott (36) m. Oct. 12, 1870, Helen, daughter of Thomas Gray Chand- ler of Pomfret, Conn., d. July 22, 1889. Child : 70-1. Chandler, b. Aug. 8, 1875 at Rochester, N. Y. A banker. XXV. James Ephraim Wolcott (37) m. Ida Chase, daughter of Harvey and Harriet Boughton Chase of Victor, N. Y. Children : 71-1. Caroline Rogenia, b. Oct. 1876. m. Jan. 31, 1905 Mr. Frank Edward Clawson of Ridge- way, Penn. 72-2. George Paul, b. Aug. 16, 1880. 73-3. Charles James, b. Nov. 14, 1881. Mr. James Wolcott with his uncle Anson Frank- lin conducted business under the firm name of A. F. & J. E. Wolcott, and after his uncle's death suc- ceeded to the entire business. He resided in the old family homestead. Died Nov. 24, 1906. XXVI. Henry Walbridge Wolcott (42) m. May 24, 1875 at Chicago, 111., Helen Bishop Mac- Intyre, daughter of James and Jane Maclntyre. 26 Children : 74-1. Helen Elizabeth, b. March 26, 1876 at Logansport, Ind. 75-2. Hugh Alan, b. April 18, 1879 at Lafayette, Ind. 76-3. Henry Walbridge, Jr., b. May 11, 1889 at Fremont, Ohio. Mr. Wolcott married (2) July 12, 1898 at Kenosha, Wis., Josephine Edmonton Powers, daughter of Thomas and Mary Powers. Is agent for the Hocking Valley Railway Company at Co- lumbus, Ohio. XXVII. Eben Henry Wolcott (43) m. April 22, 1889 at Indianapolis, Ind., Lida Lister Brown. Children : 77-1. Ryland Anson, b. April 4, 1891. 78-2. Roger Gould, b. Sept. 19, 1893. XXVIII. James Griffith Wolcott (46) m. Dec. 18, 1883, Adelia Savage, daughter of George W. and Mary Savage, of Lagrange, 111. Children : 79-1. George Savage, b. Oct. 10, 1884 at Chicago, 111. m. Feb. 8, 1906, Miss Charlotte Elliott. 80-2. Adelia, b. May 26, 1886 at Lagrange, 111. m. Dec. 28, 1906, Mr. B. F. Troxell. 81-3. James Leroy, b. Oct. 29, 1887. d. April, 1889. XXIX. George Alfred Wolcott (50) m. 1878, Nancy Ophelia Strother of Muhlenburg County, Ky. ' 27 Children : 82-1. Lucye Mai, b. Oct. 25, 1879. 83-2. Louis Robert, b. April 21, 1881. See XXXV. 84-3. Julia Mary, died an infant. A miller and captain of a Green River steamboat "Three Brothers." d. Feb. 5, 1901. XXX. Charles Edgar Wolcott (52) m. Dec. 15, 1889, Laura Moorman. She died July 19, 1906. Children : 85-1. Edgar Moorman, b. Oct. 28, 1890, d. Oct. 28, 1905. 86-2. Paul McGregor, b. June 4, 1892. 87-3. Evelyn Katherine, b. Aug. 25, 1895, d. Nov. 1897. 88-4. John James, b. Jan. 21, 1899. A member of the firm of Wolcott Bros. (George, deceased, Charles and James,) at South Carrollton, Ky. XXXI. James Franklin Wolcott (53) m. 1881, Bettie Wheelden of Muhlenburg County, Ky. Children : 89-1. Nannie Brady, b. Sept., 1882. m. July 19, 1902, Louis Nunan. 90-2. Ruth Davis, b. Aug., 1884. 91-3. Norman, b. March, 1886. 92-4. Rena, b. Sept., 1887. 93-5. Charles Alfred, b. Jan., 1889. d. Feb. 22, 1906. 94-6. Fred, b. Aug. 1893. XXXII. William Augustus Wolcott (55) m. Mollie Fowler of Brenham, Texas, formerly ot 28 Madisonville, Ky. A marble and granite cutter, learned his trade at Madisonville, Ky. In 1880, in connection with his brothers, Alva Arista and Robert Vaughn, he established a yard at McKinney, Texas, which remained a thriving business up to his death on April 1st, 1899. Is buried at McKin- ney, Texas. Child : 95-1. Ada, b. July 17, 1888, now lives with her mother at Waco, Texas. XXXIII. Alva Arista Wolcott (56) m. in 1880, Maggie Pond of McKinney, Texas, formerly of Chillicothe, Mo. Like his brother a marble and granite cutter, having learned his trade at Madison- ville, Ky. One of the firm of Wolcott Bros, at Mc- Kinney. After his brother William Augustus's death he succeeded to the business. Children : 96-1. Oliver Barton, b. July 6, 1882. 97-2. Granville Augustus, b. Feb. 13. d. Aug. 23, 1886. 98-3. Hettie, b. Aug. 9, 1888. 99-4. Joseph, b. Feb. 28, 1891. 100-5. Kate, b. Dec. 15, 1893. All of McKinney, Texas. XXXIV. Robert Vaughn Wolcott (59) m. April 27, 1884, Nannie Clark of McKinney, Texas, formerly of Sedalia, Mo. A marble and granite cutter. He learned his trade with his brothers at McKinney, Texas. Is now connected with an estab- lishment at Helena, Mont. 101-1. Horace Edgar, b. Feb. 20, 1885. 29 TENTH GENERATION. XXXV. Louis Robert Wolcott (83) m. Sept. 6, 1904, Mabel Sharp. Child: 102-1. George Sharp, b. June 17, 1905. 30 Ada (95) Adelia (80) Alva Arista (56) Anson (2), (23) Anson Franklin (17) Anson Spencer (11) Asineath Esther (14) Beulah Ann (27) Beulah Louise (45) Caroline Rogenia (71) Chandler (70) Charles Alfred (93) Charles Darwin (26) Charles Edgar (52) Charles James (73) Charles Spencer (33) Charles Theron (40) Chauncey Smith (24) Christena (31) Christena Isabelle (54) Clara Odell (69) Eben Gould (48) Eben Henry (43) Ebenezer Gould (22), (41) Edgar Moorman (85) Edith (62) Eliza Lurencla (34) Elizabeth S. (60) Elizabeth Georgiana (39) 31 Elvira Antoinette (19) Epaphras (3) Evelyn Katherine (87) Florence I. (44) Frances Emily (15) Francis (25) Franklin Anson (38) Fred (94) George Alfred (50) George Franklin (35) George Paul (18), (72) George Savage (79) George Sharp (102) Grace Annie (68) Granville Augustus (97) Helen Elizabeth (74) Henry Epaphras (36) Henry Walbridge (42), (76) Hettie (98) Horace Edgar (1-01) Hortense Amelia (49) Hugh Alan (75) James (1), (4), (29) James Ephraim (37) James Franklin (53) James Griffith (46) James Henry (28) James Leroy (81) John James (88) Joseph (99) Julia Mary (84) 32 Kate (100) Kate Wilmina (47) Louisa Jane (51) Louis Robert (83) Lucye Mai (82) Lurenda Ada (67) Lurenda Gillett (12) Mary Ann (9) Mary Elizabeth (65) Mary Ellen (56) Melvina Georgiana (21) Millard Winfield (57) Miriam (6) Nancy Jane (32) Nannie Brady (89) Norman (5), (91) Oliver Barton (96) Oliver Epaphras (20) Oliver Hector (30) Paul McGregor (86) Rena (92) Robert Vaughn (59) Roger Gould (78) Ruth Davis (90) Ryland Anson (77) 33 Sally (7), (8) Sarah Mabel (66) Sarah Munsell (16) Sarah Pomeroy (13) Spencer Reuben (64) Susan Melissa (10) Walter Charles (61) William Augustus (55) William F. (63) 34 SIR NAMES OF FAMILIES INTERMARRY- ING WIT PI WOLCOTTS. Alton (44) Barton (16) Bennett (54) Brady (51) Bramhall (62) Brockway (24) Brown (22), (43), (58) Bulloch (29) Chandler (36) Chase (37) Church (11) Clark (59) Clawson (71) Dexter (30) Elliott (79) Everly (32) Fletcher (27) Follett (17) Ford (33) Fowler (55) Frazer (45) Gillett (2) Gould (4) Hall (12) Harmon (6) Henry (31) Humphrey (49) Jenks (19) Jenkins (34) Kendall (9) Leveredge (35) Maclntyre (42) McGregor (5) McMillan (47) Merriam (39) Moore (18) Moorman (52) Munsell (1) Nunan (89) Paul (3) Pond (56) Powers (42) Reinwald (28) Savage (46) Say en (23) Seudder (10), (14) Sharp (83) Strother (50) Townes (32) Troxell (80) Walbridge (23) Walker (11) Wheelden (53) Whiting (15) 35 A 000116230 4 1 '. m . >- -