LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNli' DAVIS JAN ^5 iggo i LIBRARY !OPY 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES FEATHER RIVER AND DELTA DIVERSION PROJECTS BULLETIN NO. 78 INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT SYSTEMS TO SERVE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA APPENDIX C PROCEDURE FOR ESTIMATING COSTS OF TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION EDMUND G. BROWN fejMkV'^g HARVEY O. BANKS Governor \y^^!JmiSPi-i Director September, 1959 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTiMENT OF WATER RESOURCES FEATHER RIVER AND DELTA DIVERSION PROJECTS BULLETIN NO. 78 INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT SYSTEMS TO SERVE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA APPENDIX C PROCEDURE FOR ESTIMATING COSTS OF TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION EDiVIUND G. BROWN Fff'^'^r^"! HARVEY O. BANKS Governor \\\,lJ«fty^-77 Director September, 1959 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT . .................. c . v ORGANIZATION, CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION vii ORGANIZATION, STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES. ..... viii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Authorization for Investigation. ......... . 2 Scope of Investigation and Report. .... ............... . 3 Definitions h CHAPTER II o CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC TUNNELING COSTS 7 Standards for Groiind Conditions 8 Selection of T\innel Cross Section. 17 Basic Excavation Costs l8 Rate of Heading Advance ........... 19 Labor Costs ............................. 20 Undergrotind Equipment 21 Materials ..... ...... 22 Dump Operation 23 Dewatering Costs 23 Basic Excavation Cost Curves 2k Steel Support Costs 25 Timber Lagging and Support Costs . . .......... 2b Concrete Lining Costs 29 Appurtenant Tunnel Construction Facilities . 31 Changes in Construction Costs 32 Page CHAPTER III. OUTLINE OF TUNNEL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 3^ Preparation of Field Data 3^^ A - Basic Excavation Cost ...... 3^ B - Dewatering Cost ........... ............... 35 C - Steel Support Cost. 36 D - Costs of Foot Blocks 38 E - Timber Lagging and Support Cost 38 F - Concrete Lining Cost. <> UO G - AppiiTtenant Tunnel Construction Facilities ko Final Cost Estimate i^^O TABLES ^2 (Following Text) Taole No. 1 Rates of Advance for Varying Rock Conditions and Bore Sizes on Ccorpleted Tunnel Construction Projects '+3 2 Hourly Wage Rates and Estimated Personnel Requirements of Tunnel Construction Crews in Southern California ... h^ 3 Estimated Costs Incurred for Subsistence Payments to Tunnel Construction Personnel in Southern California. • . 51 k Costs of Items of Underground Tunnel Construction Equipment in Southern California ........ 52 5 Unit Costs of Expendable Items of Material for Tvmnel Const reaction in Southern California . 53 6 Summary of Estimated Basic Costs of Tunnel Excavation ... 3^ 7 Estimated Rock Load. ......... 6l 8 Field Notes on Geologic Examination of Txinnel Alignments. . 62 9 Estimated Cost of Tunnel Construction ........... 63 10 Rib Spacing &J 11 Bibliography, 68 ii Page FIGURES Figure No. 1 Intact Rock (Quartz diorite) . o . c , . « . , . „ , , 12 2 Stratified Rock (Sandstones and shales). ....... 12 3 Schistose Rock (Quartz - mica = schist). .,,.,.. 13 k Massive, Moderately Jointed Bock (Quartz diorite). . . 13 5 Moderately Blocky and Seamy Rock (Quartz diorite). . . ik 6 Moderately Blocky and Seamy Rock (Sandstone) ..... lit- 7 Very Blocky and Seamy Rock (Shale) .......... 15 6 Very Blocky and Seamy Rock (Quartz diorite). ..... 15 9 Unconsolidated Material (Terrace deposits) ...... l6 10 Crushed Material (Quartz diorite in fault zone). . . . l6 PLATES Tk (Bound at End of Report) Plate No. 1 Typical Horseshoe Tiinnel Section with Horseshoe Steel Support 2 Typical Circular Tunnel Section with Horseshoe Steel Support 3 Typical Circular Tunnel Section with Circular Steel Support ^4- Typical Horseshoe Tunnel Section without Steel Support 5 Typical Circular Tunnel Section without Steel Support 6 Estimated Rates of Tunnel Heading Advance 7 Southern California Areas Where Subsistence Payments for Construction Personnel Are Required 8 Estimated Basic Tunnel Excavation Costs for Dry Headings Hi PLATES Plate No. 9 Estimated Basic Tunnel Excavation Costs for Wet Headings 10 Estime.ted Cost of Steel Support Continuous Horseshoe Rib 'rfithout Invert Strut 11 Estimated Cost of Steel Support Continuous Horseshoe Rib with Invert Strut 12 Estimated Cost of Steel Support Rib, Wall Plate and Post without Invert Strut 13 Estimated Cost of Steel Support Rib, Wall Plate and Post with Invert Strut ik Estimated Cost of Steel Support Ciixjular Rib 15 Estimated Cost of Timber Lagging for Tunnels 16 Estimated Cost of Additional Timber Support Required for Multiple Drifts 17 Estimated Cost of Concrete Lining for Tunnels with Horseshoe Steel Support 18 Estimated Cost of Concrete Lining for Tunnels vilthout Steel Support 19 Estimated Cost of Concrete Lining for Tunnels with Circi-u'.ar Support iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT In the preparation of this report all of the basic data on tunneling methods, costs and construction history were obtained from various Eigencies concerned with tunnel construction. The agencies and companies which supplied these data are listed following and the Department of Water Resoui'ces gratefully acknowledges their helpful cooperation. Atlas Powder Company Los Angeles Bethlehem Pacific Coast Steel Company Los Angeles Building smd Construction Trades Council A. F. of L. Eyron Jackson Pump Company Chicago-Pneumatic Company Commercial Shearing and Stamping Company Dixon, L. E., Company Eimco Manufacturing Company Ev-Ju R. R. Equipment Company Exlde Battery Company Gardner Denver Company General Electric Company Goodman Man'ofacturing Company Hercules Powder Company Ingersoll-Rand Company International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 12 Jefferies Transformer Company Jeffrey Manufacturing Company Joy Manufacturing Company Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Yoiangstcwn, Ohio Alhambra Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Kelly Pipe Company Los Angeles DepaL-'cment of Sanitation Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Los Angeles County Department of Sanitation The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Montecito County Water District Moran Engineering Compar.y Roache, Wo Earl Sutorbilt Corporation Timken Roller Bearing Company Uo S. Bioreau of Reclama,tion, Cachuma Project U« So Corps of Engineers Westinghouse Electric Company Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Santa Barbara South Gate Glendale Los Angeles Los Angeles Goleta Los Angeles Los Angeles vi ORGMIZAiriON CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION James K. Carr, Chairraeui, Sacramento William H. Jennings, Vice Chairman, San Diego John W. Bryant, Riverside George C. Fleharty, Redding John P. Bunker, Gustine Arnold Frew, King City Kenneth Q. Volk, Los Angeles George B. Gleason Chief Engineer William M. Carah Executive Secretary vii ORGANIZATION STAITE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Harvey 0. Banks Director Ralph M. Brody Deputy Director William L. Berry Chief , Divisiori of Resoiirces Planning Walter G. Schulz Chief, Division of Design and Construction SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT Meuc Bootonan District Engineer This investigation was conducted under the direction of Robert M. Edmonston Principal Hydraulic Engineer assisted by Lucian J. Meyers ... ^ . . Principal Hydraulic Engineer This Appendix was prepared by John W. Marlette . • Senior Engineering Geologist assisted by Ernest M. Weber . . o Associate Engineering Geologist assistance furnished by Richard E. Angelos . . « ... Associate Hydraulic Engineer Clifford R. Farrell Assistant Engineering Geologist Guy L. Hanegan . Assiste.nt Engineering Geologist Charles F. Lough - Assistant Engineering Geologist William Waisgerber . , Assistant Engineering Geologist This Appendix was reviewed by L. B. James Chief Geologist Vlll Technical advice and review were provided by- Carl Rankin Consulting Civil Engineer Paul L. Barnes Chief, Division of Administration Porter A. Towner , Chief Counsel Isabel C. Nessler Coordinator of Reports IX CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION During the period 1956 to 1959j the Department of Water Resources, in connection with the Feather River and Delta Diversion Projects, carried out an investigation of alternative aqueduct systems pursuant to 3.egislative authorization and appropriation. The results of this investigation have been published in Bulletin No. J&, "Investigation of Alternative Aqueduct Systems to Serve Southern California", September, ?.959« The conduct of the investigation entailed consideration of a large number of aqueduct routes leading from the San Joaquin Valley into southern Calif orT:>.ia. Because of the rugged smd mountainous n^txire of the terrain separating the San Joaquin Valley from the south coastal area of California, all economical possibilities for such aqueduct routes would require sub- stantial tunnel constmction. For ail aqueduct routes considered, at least reconnaissance type cost estimates were needed, and, for the more promising alignments, more refined cost estimates were required. Since tunneling costs constitute a significant part of the over-all cost of aqueduct constructiosi, and because of the \inique problems inherent in estimating costs of these subsurface facilities, special consideration was given to this problem during the investigation. This report, published as Appendix C of Bulletin Mo. 78, sets forth a standardized procedijre for estimating tunneling costs, which pro- cedure was utilized in all phases of the investigation of alternative aqueduct routes to southern California. Althougli. the raport was developed for the foregoing specific purpose^ it is believed that the procadvjre outlined. -1- together with material and data presented herein, will be useful to engineers and geologists engaged in preparing preliminary cost estimates of tunnels in other areas. Construction costs of tunnels are directly related to geologic conditions enccantered. In the area investigated in connection with the preparation of Bulletin No. 78, the geology is very complex and includes a wide variety of rock conditions = The outlined procedure provides a method whereby the varying influence of geologic conditions on construction costs is directly reflected in the estimate. It should be emphasised that the procedure described herein was developed primarily to provide a rapld^ standardized method of estimating tvmnel construction costs within the accepted limits of accuracy of a preliminary estimate by utilizing, insofar as possible, such pertinent field data that can be obtained readily. Consequently, the methods have not been used to provide exewjt or final costs for tunnels proposed in Bulletin No. "jQ. However, with the availability of better data, this procedure could be adapted for the preparation of more refined estimates of cost. Authorization for Investigation Statutory authorization of the Feather River and Delta Diversion Projects is contained in Division 6, Article 9.5 of the California Water Codec Tnls investigation was originally authorized and funds appropriated therefor by the Legislature in 1956= The Legislatures of 1957 and 1958 subsequently appropriated additional funds for continuation and completion of the investigation. -2- Scope of lavestlgatlOQ and Report The Investigation leading to the preparation of this report con- sisted of research of available literatiire on tunnel construction and compilation of records of construction progress and experience on t^onneling for varying groTond conditions. Rates of progress and data on undergroiond conditions were studied for a total of 99 tunnel projects. Information compiled for tunnel cost studies was obtained from private emd governmental eigencies having experience in tunnel construction, from, tunneling equipment maniofacturers; from ttinnel contreustors, and from technical journals. Consideration was given, to all of the major factors which influence tunnel costs. Only tunnel projects constructed since the year 1930 were evaluated so that estimating data developed woiild reflect modein tunneling procedures and equipment. Cost estimating data were developed for grade or nonpressure tunnels lined to a modified horseshoe or circular section. Tunnels subjected to internal hydraulic pressures are not treated herein. Unlined bore sizes considered ranged from nine to twenty-four feet in diameter, although costs were projected for bores up to twenty-eight feet in diameter. These data were prepared for ttumel headings of up to five miles in length. Estimating data presented herein are applicable only to tionnels driven from portal headings. Where shaft headings are needed, additional costs must be computed for shaft constniction and hoisting equipment. In addition, increased costs of dewatering, ventilation, muck disposal, and electrical power that are incurred in such aa operation must be taken into account. Similar additional costs are incurred where working from access adits. Analyses of costs for headings from shafts and Guilts are beyond the scope of this report, and -vriiere encountered, must be handled as individual cost estimating problems. The subject matter of this report is presented herein under the f 013. owing chapter headings: Chapter I Introduction Ciiaptsr II Criteria for Development of Basic Tunneling Costs Chapter III Procedtira for Estimating Tunnel Costs Following Chapter III are tables setting forth certain of the basic data utilized in development of the outlined procediore, cost estimating forms, and a bibliography. Bound at the end of the report are plates shoving typical tunnel sections, rates of heading advance Tinder various rock conditions, areas where subsistence payments are required for construction personnel in southern California, together with cost curves for tunnel excavation, steel support, timber lagging and support, and concrete lining. Definitions In the prepE^?ation of this report, use is made of specialized terms refei*ring to tunnel construction worlt. 'I'here are presented following definitions of these terms as utilized: A Line — ^That line within which no steel support or timber support will be permitted to remain, as shown on Plates 1, 2, 3> ^, and 5* B Line — ^Tbat line within which no lagging, spiling, crown bars, collar braces, spreaders, xmexcavated material or tamped fill will be permitted to remain, as shown on Plates 1, 2, Z> ^, and 5» Pay Line — The line vh.ich coastltiites limits of payment for excavation and concrete lining, as shown on Plates 1, 2, 3^ ^f and 5« Overbreak — 'Any excavation "beyond the pay line. Overrun."- Any excess concrete plsiced beyond the pay line. Full Face Method of Excavation - -A method in which the tunnel face is blasted out to full bore size at each drilling and blasting round. This method of excavation is used ^rtierever possible. Multiple Drift Method of Excavation — A method in -vdiich two small side drifts are driven along each side of tunnel allowing side support to be placed. A top drift is then driven and widened out slowly to take the roof supports, rhis method is used in bad tunneling ground. Top Heading and Bench Method of Excavation --A top heading is ceu:ried approxi- mately 1=1/2 times the length of one round ahead of the lower heading or bench. This has frequently been used in the past for tunnels of large bore size. Top Heading Method of E:>ccavatior:. -->Similar to top heading and bench method, but top heading is driven through as one operation followed by later removal of bench. This is used when bad roof conditions exist in tunnel. Forepoling Method, cf Excavation — A method whereby timber or steel members are driven ahead of last rib. These members act as csmtilevers which oariy the weight of the ground until the nsxt rib can be installed. This method is camnonly used in "running grcond" . Spiling " -This term refers to the driving of timber or steel members ahead of the last rib or set in the method of forepoling. These members act as cantilevers which carry the weight of the gro'jnd until these forward ends are supported by installing the next rib. This is commonly used in "running ground" . Posts *— Posts serve to transmit load frcan arch ribs to footings on the bottom of the timnel, as shown on Plates 1 and 2. Foot Blocks—Blocks placed for footings under ribs or posts, as shown on Plates 1 and 2. Invert Struts --Struts vhich are curved in an invert arch suid are placed in the subgrade to prevent inward movement of rib or post feet, as shown on Plates 1 aj3.d 2. Lagging- -Those members of a tunnel support which span the spaces between the main suppoi'ting ribs or timber sets. CHAPTER II. CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMEOT' OF BASIC TUNNELING COSTS One of the greatest influences on t-onnel costs is the type or types of grovuid that must he penetrated by the tunnel. For this reason, a procedure was formulated whereby preliminary estimates of tunnel costs co\ild be developed on the basis of material classification. As a first step in the development of this procedure; standards of ground classification were set which were designed to cover almost any possible tunneling condition. The resultant classification developed in this report contains eight conditions ranging from hard intact rock in dry headings to unconsolidated materials in wet headings. Once standsmis for ground conditions were established, a study was made of the various components comprising tunnel construction costs and the vsur'lation therein with the type and conditions of the material penetrated. During the course of this study, records of construction progress and experience on 99 tunneling projects were compiled and analyzed. In the selec- tion of these projects for study, as stated, only those tunnels constructed since the year 1930 were utilized in order that the .lata swialyzed would reflect modem tunneling procedures. From these construction records, basic data on work progress and equipment and material requirements were compiled, and criteria established for crews and equipment needed for varying bore sizes and ground conditions. Unit costs for personnel, equipment, and materials then were deter- mined, using rates prevailing in January, 1957- Labor costs were obtained from the Tunnel Master Agreement of Southern. California District Council of Laborers. Quoted prices obtained from maniifacturers were utilized for equip- ment costs. Costs for water and ventilation pipe, electrical eqxilpment, trackage, explosives, drill bits and rods were obtained from principal -7- suppliers of these items. Unit costs used for steel, concrete, and timbering were determined by obtaining an avereige unit cost of these items in prevailing bid schedules on tunnel projects. In addition to bid schedules, costs for materials, necessary processing, handling and installation plus contractor's profit were obtained. Based upon this information, unit costs for steel and timber support and concrete lining were determined and compared to \mit costs of prevailing bid schedules. From these data the basic costs of excavation were developed for a range of unlined tunnel diameters varying from nine to twenty-eight feet for eight different ground conditions. Costs for dewatering txinnel headings for varying conditions of water inflows were separately estimated. Based upon tunnel cross-section design requirements, quantities and costs were estimated for concrete lining and steel and timber support. The foregoing data were utilized in preparing a set of cvirves from which estimates of tunnel construction can be obtained. The following sections contain descriptions of standards, procedures, and assumptions used in developing basic excavation costs, dewatering costs, costs of concrete lining, and costs of steel and timber supports Standards for Ground Conditions Ground conditions along possible tunnel alignments are ascertained by geologists and engineers in the field either by surficial examination or by subsurface exploratory drilliiig or by a combination of both. Groxmd condi- tions may vary widely along certain tunnel alignments and the degree of detail to which geologic exploration is carried will greatly influence the relia- bility of a tunnel cost estimate. Therefore, cost estimates of tunnel constniction shoizld be Ijased. upon conservative assumptions as to subsurface conditions where information on these conditions has not been determined in detail . In order to provide a standard for compiling basic field geologic data along possible tunnel routes, claasifications for a wide vsa-iation in ground conditions were developed. An attempt was made to classify the various types of ground with regard to the relative ease or difficulty of tunneling operations therein. There are presented following descriptions of the various classifications of ground conditions with accompanying photo- graphs illustrating eaich classification. Intemt Rock — Intact rock contains neither joints nor hairline cracks. Conse- quently, when breaking, it breaks across Eound reck- and breakage is not influenced by joint and fracture patterns. See Figure 1. Stratified or Schistose Rock — Stratified or schistose rock consists of indi- vidual strata with little or no resistance to parting along boimdaries between strata. Strata may or may not be weakened by transverse joints. However, if transverse joints and fractures are spaced so closely as to destroy bridging action of the strata, rock is classified as very blocky and seamy, or moderate2.y blocky and seajny, Idstance between stratifi- cations is generally less than five feet. Where distance between bedding planes is greater than five feet, the rock is better classified as moderately jointed, moderately blocky and seamy, or very blocky ajid seamy, depending on spacing of joints ejid fractures. See Fig'oi'es 2 and 3. Massive,- Moderately Jointed Rock — Massive, moderately jointed rock contains joints and hairline cracks, but the blocks between the joints are -9- locally grown together or so intimately interlocked that vertical walls do not require lateral support. See Figure h. Moderately Blocky and Seamy Rock — Moderately blocky and seamy rock consists of chemically intact or almost intact rock fragments that are entirely separated from one another and imperfectly interlocked. In such rock vertical walls may require support. In moderately blocky and seamy rock, the joints and fract\ares are so spaced that individual blocks are larger than two feet in diameter. This classification applies to both sedi- mentaiy and crystalline rocks. See Figures 5 and 6. Very Blo cky and Seamy Rock — Very blocky and seamy rock consists of chemically intact or almost intact rock fragments which are entirely separated frcm each other and are imperfectly interlocked. In such rock vertical walls may require some support. Very blocky and seamy rock differs from moderately blocky and seamy rock in that the joints and fractiires are so spaced that the intervening blocks are less than two feet in diameter. See Figures 7 and 8. Completel y Crushed or Unconsolidated Rock — Crushed or unconsolidated rock consists of sand to pebble sized particles that are chemically intact and are very loosely consolidated or unconsolidated. Fault gouge is sometimes present. See Figures 9 and 10. Wet Competent Roc k— Wet competent rock includes those rock types ranging from intact through very blocky and seamy under a saturated condition. Water inflows into the t\mnel come from joints and fractures separating the individTial blocks. Estimated inflows of 100 gpm or more from the heading must be anticipated before the ground is classified as wet competent. -10- Wet Crushed or Unconsolidated Rock — The term "wet" is applied to this classi- fication when the material is satijrated. Inflows into the tunnel come from interstices between the individual particles. Estimated inflows of 100 gpm or more must he anticipated before the ground is classified as wet crushed or unconsolidated. -11- Figure 1. Intact rock (Quartz dlorite) Figure 2. Stratified rock (Sandstones amd shales) -12- Figure 3. Schistose rock (Quartz-mlca-schist) Figure h. Massive, moderately Jointed rock (Quartz dlorite) -13- Figure 3^ Mcxierately blocky and seamy rock (Quartz diorlte) Figure 6. Moderately blocky and seamy rock (Sandstone) -Ik- Figure ?• Very blocky and seamy rock (Shale) Figure 8. Very blocky and seamy rock (Quartz diorite) ■15- Figure 9. Unconsolidated material (Terrace deposits) Figure 10. Crushed material (Quartz dlorite in fault zone) -16. Selection of Tunnel C r oss Section The dimensions and shape of a tunnel cross section are based upon the required hydraulic properties for the design discheirge and upon con- sideration of externsLl loading., The shape of the tunnel cross section through absolutely stable material may be selected from the economical construction standpoint. However, when the material is not absolutely stable^ consideration must be given to the required resistance to external pressures. No attempt is made herein to present data for detailed hydraulic or struetviral design of tunnel cross sections. In developing cost estimating data presented herein- after, these design factors were considered only to the degree of detail necessaiy to obtain preliminary estimates of construction costs » Typical tunnel cross sections hereinafter utilized in preparing cost estimating data are illustrated on Plate 1, "Typical Horseshoe Tunnel Section with Horseshoe Steel Support"; Plate 2, "Typical Circular Tunnel Section with Horseshoe Steel Support"; Plate 3» "Typical Circular Tunnel Section with Circular Sxeel Support"; Plate U, "Typical Horseshoe Tunnel Section without Steel Support"; and Plate 5. "Typical Circular Tionnel Section without Steel Support" The hydraulic properties of the typical sections are also shown on Plates 1 through 5 From structural standpoints, the selection of tunnel cross sections for cost estimating purposes, as employed herein, reflects the relative severity of ground conditions and the tunneling method which would probably be utilized for those ground conditions. In general, a horseshoe section, as illustrated on Plate 1, would be employed for relatively stable groxind conditions In such ground conditions, if support is necessary, a continuous rib support would generally be employed for full face operation and rib, wall .17. 3 plate, and post support would be installed with the top heading or top heading and bench method of excavation. For heavy ground conditions, a circular section, as illustrated on Plate 2, would be adopted. A circular rib would be employed where extremely severe "squeezing ground" necessitates majcimum support and unusual tunneling procedures. ^ For purposes of cost estimating under most conditions, a concrete lining thickness of one inch per foot of lined tiinnel diameter was assumed for sections utilizing steel support. It is recognized that in actual practice it might be necessary to vary lining thickness to cope with more severe ground conditions than anticipated. For severe "squeezing ground", a lining thickness of 1-1/2 inches per foot of lined tunnel diameter was assumed in sections with circular steel ribs. Where ground conditions would be stable enough so that no steel ribs are required for support, a lining thickness of three-quarters of an inch per foot of lined diameter was assumed. As indicated on Plates 1, 2, 3, ^, and 5, this thickness (t) is measured from the inside lining surface to the B line. Estimates of concrete quantities are based upon the thickness of concrete measured from the inside lining surface to the pay line. The allowance of space for blocking between the B line and the pay line varies from six to eight inches depending upon the tunnel diameter. In unsupported sections a minlmim allowance of four to six inches was included. Basic Excavation Costs The factors which affect basic excavation costs include rate of heading advance, labor costs, equipment and material costs, dump operations, and dewatering costs. These factors and the methods used for their evaluation are discussed in the following sections. -16- Rata of Kesdlng Advance Rate of heading advance is one of the basic factors influencing cost of excavation, since labor costs are directly related thereto. In studying the construction case histories of tunnels, it was concluded that the principal items influencing rate of heading advance are physical conditions of the rock being excavated and amount of water inflow into the heading. Presented in Table 1 are tunnel bore size, rates of advance, and rock type for the 99 tunneling projects so utilized. It should be noted that, for some of the tunneling projects listed in Table 1, only records from portions of such projects are presented. It was only in the cited portions that rates of advance could be identified with one of the standard rock con- ditions classified previously in this report. A great deal of published data on tunnels, appearing in technical journals and reference books, are in print because of the interest created by exceptionally rapid rates of advance or unusually adverse conditions. It would therefore give erroneous results to incorporate these data directly into rate of heading advance curves. Because m^ich of the data contained in Table 1 are of this nature, it was necessary to adjust the rate of heading advance curves developed therefrom to reflect a reasonable average condition for each given bore size in a given rock condition. The curves were adjusted after consultation with persons experienced in the field including the Department of Water Resources consulting engineer. Because of these adjust- ments, data presented in Table 1 do not in all cases plot on rate of heading advance curves presented in this report. The cxirves so developed, showing rates of heading advance, are presented in Plate 6, entitled "Estimated Rates of Tunnel Heading Advance". -19- It will be noted on Plate 6 that curves are shown for dry headings in varying rock conditions and for wet headings in crushed or unconsolidated material and in competent rock. It was assumed that a full face operation would be used under most rock conditions; however, in wet vinconsolidated or crushed material, a multiple drift method of excavation was ass\amed. In dry unconsolidated or crushed material, it was assxjmed that the forepoling method of excavation would be used in tunnels less than l6 feet in diameter; whereas the top heading and bench method of excavation would be used in the larger bore sizes with these ground conditions. Labor Costs Using data from completed tunnels, advice supplied by people and organizations with tunnel construction experience, and requirements set forth by the Tunnel Master Agreement of Southern California District Council of Laborers, the probable magnitude and composition of labor crews needed for the excavation of tunnels of varying size were determined. On the basis of these estimated labor crew requirements and the rates of advance shown on Plate 6, the man-hours which would be expended per lineal foot of tunnel for each rock condition and bore size were computed. Labor costs per lineal foot of tunnel were then calculated, using union wage scales prevailing in the Southern California District Council of Laborers in January, 1957' Labor costs were computed on a basis of a six-day work week and a three shift 2U-hour day, following the practice used by most contractors. There are presented in Table 2 hourly wage rates for tunnel construction personnel emd the esti- mated ccanposition of construction crews for various bore sizes and ground -20- conditions. Values presented on Table 2 vera used £.3 a basis for computation of labor costs summarized in Table 6. The wage rates presented in Table 2 reflect basic rates paid for work in areas within reasonable distance of population centers. Based upon information supplied by the Los Angeles Building and Construction Trades Council; it wes found that additional payment for subsistence must be paid to construction personnel on projects located in more remote areas. Po3riions of the southern California area where such subsistence payments must be paid axe delineated on Plate 1, entitled "Southern California Areas Where Subsistence Payments for Cbnstmiction Personnel Are Required" . The Los Angeles Btiilding and Construction Trades Coumcil advises that payment of this subsistence amoiont can. be by either of the following: (l) the contractor can pay the men $5 '00 per diem for subsistence; cr (2) the contractor can provide food and quarters for the men. In this latter case, it is customary practice for the contractor to pay $1.00 per day bcnut- in addition to providing food and quarters. For purposes of this report,, a subsisitence payment of $5*00 per day was assimied. Cost factors reflecting increased labor costs in sub- sistence areas are presented in Table 3 and would be added to tunnel costs for any project which falls within areas so designated. Subsistence areas in southern California are delineated on Plate 7 of this report. Underground Equipment Estimates were made of underground equipment required for the different tunnel bore sizes based on information obtained from records of previous tunnel construction projects and from equipment manufacturers. Equipment prices prevailing in Jan\iary, 1957 > supplied by the manufacturers, were used for equipment costs. Underground equipment considered in this -21- report includes drill jumbos, drills, mucking machines, muck cars, man cars, powder cars, locomotives, compressors, ventilator fans, and small miscellaneous equipment. A standby mucking machine and spare drills were included in the equipment requirements so that excavation operations would not be stopped by- mechanical breakdown. There are presented in Table k a list of the veirious eqiiipment items considered and the costs estimated therefor. Monthly equip- ment costs, based on write-off at the rate of 15 per cent per month to cover depreciation and maintenance, were reduced to a cost per lineal foot for the different bore sizes and rock conditions. These unit costs are also sijmmarized in Table 6. Power requirements and the cost thereof for operating \indergro\ind equipment were estimated from the amount of horsepower required, the number of hours the equipment would operate during a 2^4— hour period, and then applying a unit cost of one cent per horsepower hour. Horsepower determination was made on ventilating and mucking equipment, compressors, and miscellaneous surface equipment which operates in conjunction with the underground equipment. These power costs are shown in Table 6. Materials Tvinnel construction requires use of various items of expendable materials including water and ventilation pipe, small electrical equipment and cable, trackage, explosives and drill bits and rods. Estimated quantities of expendable materials required for each rock condition and bore size were com- puted, using information from previous tvmnels and from material manvifact\xrers. Table 5 contains a list of the various items of materials considered and the unit prices therefor. Cost per lineal foot of tunnel for these items were com- puted and incorporated into basic excavation costs summarized in Table 6. -22- Dump OperatloE The cost of tlie d'imp operation is reflected in the labor excavation, costs previously discussed. It was assumed that there vould be a ^0 per cent swell in the tunnel muck and that there vould be space available in the immediate vicinity of the portal for a dump. If a disposal area is not avail- able near the portal for a particular t-jrx.^'' .iob, the necessary additional haulage costs based upon standard overj:;au_ rates should be added to the costs of excavation. Dewatering Costs For the purposes of this report, wet headings are defined as those in which water inflows would be in excess of 100 gallons per minute. It was assumed that flows less than 100 gallons per minute woxild not materially impede tunnel progress and that such flows caUd readily be drained from the tunnel. In devatering wet tunnel headings, it is generally found that by use of an exploratory pilot hole ahead of the fa3>5, water inflows in hard competent rocks cem be groy-tei off before they get out of control. However, in soft sedimentary rocks and crashed zones that cannot be grouted satisfac- torily., pumps and discharge lines mnist be installed in the tunnel headings to dispose of excess water. For wet heading conditions in competent rock;, drill hole footage,, grout quantities, and costs thereof were determined for stage grouting. These costs were reduced tc costs per lineal foot and were incorporated into basic excavation costs summarized in Table 6 aii.d shown on Plate 9« In wet, crashed or soft zones, costs of pumps and pipes needed to handle flows were determined for the following rates of flow: -23- Low water inflow 100- 500 gpm Moderate water inflow SOO- 1,500 gpm Heavy water inflow 1,500-20,000 gpm ^ The costs of dewatering wet, crushed, or soft headings were based upon the cost of pipe required from heading to portal together with the cost of the required pimping unit. Estimating data for pipes suad piunps required to hsuidle the various flows are shown on Plate 9 3.nd should be added to the basic tunnel excavation cost cxorve for wet unconsolidated or crushed rock. The cost of electrical energy for the dewatering pumps is negligible for the low and medium ranges, but for high inflows this cost woiild be computed on a basis of one cent per horsepower per hour. It is worth noting that during construction of the San Jacinto Timnel on the Colorado River Aqueduct the maximum inflow from one point was l6;000 gallons per minute, and the peak flow from all headings was approxi- mately itO,000 gallons per minute. Basic Excavation Cost Curves The excavation costs for both dry and wet headings discussed in the foregoing sections were combined and are summarized in Table 6. The costs shown in these tables were plotted to obtain the basic excavation cost curves shown on Plate 8, entitled "Estimated Basic Tunnel Excavation Costs for Dry Headings", and on Plate 9, entitled "Estimated Basic Tunnel Excavation Costs for Wet Headings". These curves relate bore size to cost per lineal foot for e8u;h of the different rock conditions. As described previously and indicated on Plate 9> a special canputation and addition must be made for wet headings in crushed material to take account of dewatering costs. It will be noted .2k. fl in Table 6 that 25 per cent for the contractor's engineering^ overhead and contingencies, and 15 per cent for contractor's profit were added into the basic excavation costs. Steel Support Costs For the purposes of this investigation and report, steel support reqviirements for tunneling were based upon methods described by Proctor and White in a publication of the Commercial Shearing and Stamping Company of YouQgStown, Ohio, entitled "Rock Tunneling with Steel Support". As the first step in developing cost estimating data for steel supports, estimates vere made of unit rock loads, expressed in feet of rock on support roof, utilizing criteria presented in the afore-mentioned publica- tion. This method establishes a relationship between the various rock conditions and the rock load expressed as a function of the tuilnel bore size. The criteria are presented in a tabulation from the foregoing publication, which is reproduced as Table 7 of this report with the permission of the publishing company. The second step involves the conversion of this lonit rock load, in feet, to the total rock load in pounds to be cajrried by each rib set. The factors governing the total rock load on a support rib are the unlined bore diameter, the unit rock weight, and the rib spacing. In compiling cost data for tunnel support presented in this report, a rock density of 170 pounds per cubic foot was assumed. Rib spacing requirements were developed for several general rock loads as follows: for lighter rock loads, spacings of four and six feet; for moderate to heavy rock loads, spacings of two, four, euad six feet; and for extremely heavy rock loads, two-foot spacing only. For rock loads in excess of 1.10 (B + Ht) where circular support is needed, an l8-inch -25- spacing of ribs was assumed. By use of these criteria, it is possible to fix the appropriate rib spacing after identification of the nature of the rock to be penetrated. Table 10, entitled "Rib Spacing", shows customary rib spacing used for each rock classification. The third step consists of the determination of the sizes eind weights of support members. The publication, "Rock Tunneling with Steel Support", presents a procedure for computation of the sizes of support members as follows: 1. Construct a load diagram. 2. Construct a force diagram. 3. Determine maximum thrust. k. Determine bending moment. 5. Determine maximum total stress. 6. Compute stresses in arch rib. The following formulae are used in stress computations: h = ; R - r2 -c2 Mt = hT ^taax = 0.86 Mt fr - T A Mmax S C = Chord length between neutral sixis blocking points, in inches. R = Radius of neutral axis of rib, in inches, from load diagram. h = Rise of arch between blocking points, in inches. Mt = Bending moment in inch-pounds if rib sections could be pin connected at blocking points. Mmax ^ Meixiraum beading moment, in inch-pounds, in rib continuous for at least four blocking points. T = Thjrust, in pounds, scaled from true force polygon. -26- S = Section Modulus of beam under coasideratlon. A = Sectioaal Area of beam under consideration, less holes, in square inches. fr = Stress in arch portion of rib, in pounds per square inch. Included in the foregoing publication of the Commercial Shearing and Stamping Company are tables which present sizes and weights of continuous ribs and wall plate rib members required for varying rock loads and widths of horseshoe sections computed by the foregoing procedure. Based upon the data in these tables and interpolation and extrapolation thereof, rib sizes and weights for varying bore sizes and rock conditions were computed. Independent computations were made of rib sizes and weights for continuous circular supports. Based upon a unit cost for steel support members of 2? cents per pound, in place, estimates of costs for steel support per foot of tunnel length, for varying bore sizes and rock load conditions, were computed. These costs for varying assumed support conditions are presented in the following plates: Plate 10, entitled "Estimated Cost of Steel Support Continuous Horseshoe Rib without Invert Strut"; Plate 11, entitled "Estimated Cost of Steel Support Continuous Horseshoe Rib with Invert Strut" i Plate 12, entitled "Estimated Cost of Steel Support Rib, Wall Plate, and Post without Invert Strut"; Plate 13, entitled "Estimated Cost of Steel Support Rib, Wall Plate, and Post with Invert Strut"; and Plate 14, entitled "Estimated Cost of Steel Support Circular Rib". Rock loads that fall in between the values shown on the curves can be interpolated to determine cost. As previously indicated, the curves are for rocks with a density of 170 pounds per cubic foot. For rocks whose density deviates considerably from the 170 pounds per cubic foot, it would be necessary to make appropriate adjustments therefor. Values on •27- the curves include the costs of butt plates and foot plates and miscellaneous steel. A separate cxirve is shown on eewh plate for the cost of concrete foot blocks needed for each rib set. It was assumed that continuous rib steel support would be used in the full face and forepoling methods of excavation. This means that con- tinuous ribs would be used as a basis for estimating steel support for all rock conditions except for (l) unlined bore sizes larger than l6 feet in diameter in dry crushed or unconsolidated material, and (2) all bore sizes in wet crushed or unconsolidated material. Under the latter two conditions, it was asstmied that excavation would be conducted by top heading and bench or multiple drift methods of excavation, and, consequently, because of the nature of the excavation procedure, rib, wall plate, and post supports were used as a basis for estimating steel support. As previously indicated, under con- ditions of severe squeezing ground, it was assumed that continuous circular ribs would be required. In hard and intact rock and under unusually good conditions in massive, moderately jointed or stratified or schistose rock, steel support may not be required. When these conditions are anticipated, no costs woxild be included for steel support. Timber Leigging and Support Costs Estimates of the quantities of timber required for lagging were made for varying bore sizes in different rock conditions. These estimates were based upon use of standard 3-inch by 12-inch lagging on spacing varying from "skintight" to 3-foot centers depending upon rock conditions. The quantities calculared were increased by 50 per cent to provide for miscella- neous timber for blocking and collar bracing. Timbering costs per lineal -28- foot of tiinnel were computed using a unit cost of $350 per 1,000 board feet for timber in place o Presented on Plate 15, entitled "Estimated Cost of Timber Lagging for Tunnels", are estimated costs of timber lagging, Including allowance for miscellaneous blocking and bracings For wet headings in ur.consolidated, completely crushed, or fault zone materials, a multiple drift method of excavation would be used-. This method requires the use of temporary timber s-apport for the wall plate drifts and top drift before rib, wall plate, and post steel supports are placed. Estimated timber requirements for the two side drifts and the top drifts were calculated for varying bore sizes based upon use of 12-inch by 12-inch timbers for side drifts and 10-inch by 10-inch timbers for top drifts, all placed on 2-foot centers. Costs for timber supporc under such conditions are presented graphically on Plate l6, entitled "Estimated Cost of Additional Tiraber Support Required for Multiple Drifts". These timber support costs as -indicated in the plate title are in addition to those shown on Plate 15 and are to be added thereto where vet crashed or ujiccnsolidated material is anticipated and when multiple drift tunneling would be necessary. No costs for timber would be computed for portions of tunnels where steel support would not be required. Concrete Lining Cos ts Estimates were prepared of quantities and costs of concrete lini'ig and of grouting behind the lining. As descr?.bed earlier in this report, required concrete quemtities were related to cross sectional di-Jien- sionso Estimates were based upon a lining thiclmess of one inch per foot of finished diameter for ground conditions in which a horseshoe rib would be employed. ^Tae're severe groxind conditions wouid be enco\antered, requiring -29- the use of a circular rib, a lining thickness of one and one-half inches per foot of finished diameter was assumed. Where ground conditions would be so stable that steel support would not be required, a lining thickness of three- quarters of an inch per foot of finished diameter was assumed. Concrete lining quantities were taken from the inside tiinnel surface to the pay line. The amount of concrete was determined for varying tunnel diameters, and cost ciirves were prepared for five different cross section designs: horseshoe support with horseshoe lining, horseshoe support with circular lining, circular support with circular lining, horseshoe lining without support, and circular lining without support. A unit cost of concrete, in place, of $35*00 per cubic yard was used on the estimates. An additional amount was added to the concrete lining cost to cover the cost of grouting behind the tunnel lining to fill the void space between the lining and the rock. Grouting costs reflect provision for drilling grout holes two and one-half feet in depth through the lining, at about 25-foot centers. These holes would be 30 degrees off the center of the arch alter- nately on opposite sides of the center line. It was assumed that three to five cubic feet of grout per lineal foot of tunnel would be required, varying directly with the bore size, at a unit cost of $3-50 per cubic foot. The foregoing costs of concrete lining and grouting are presented on Plate IT, entitled "Estimated Cost of Concrete Lining for Tunnels with Horseshoe Steel Support"; Plate l8, entitled "Estimated Cost of Concrete Lining for Tunnels without Steel Support"; and Plate 19, entitled "Estimated Cost of Concrete Lining for Tunnels with Circular Support". ■30- Appurtenant Tuxmel Construction Facilities In addition to the items of cost of tunnel construction discussed in the foregoing sections, appurtenant items of construction work and equip- ment are required above groxmd. These items vary greatly for different tunnel construction projects depending generally upon the terrain surrounding the portals, the relative remoteness of the project from sources of supplies and labor and the climatic conditions at the job site. The following tabulation lists the veirious items of this nature: Access Roads Construction Maintenance Power Supply Installation of power lines Construction of generating plant if power line installation not feasible Surface Buildings Change and washroom facilities Blacksmith shop MEchine shop Compressor building Powder magazine Cap magazine Miscellaneous biiildings Construction Camp (if needed) Portal Excavation I Water Supply Sewer System -31- The foregoing facilities must generally be evaluated individually for each project. Estimates of cost should be prepared for each of the items required in the project \mder consideration and added to the construction costs obtained by use of the previously described curves. No attempt is made herein to present criteria and standards for estimating costs for these appurtenant facilities as they lend themselves generally to standard cost estimating procedures or can be obtained from equipment manufacturers or suppliers. Changes in Construction Costs It is recognized that the unit costs employed in this report, which reflect price levels of January, 1957; are subject to substantial change with time. With changes in construction cost indices from those of January, 1957; it will be necessary to modify costs obtained fron the curves developed herein by application of appropriate factors. It is not considered feasible to adjust excavation costs by appli- cation of an over-all cost index, because this item includes costs for labor, equipment, and materials, and each of these items probably would change at a different rate. Of the over-all excavation costs summarized in Table 6, labor constitutes approximately 53 per cent of the total, equipment 28 per cent, and materials 13 per cent. It is suggested that revisions of the basic excavation cost be made by determining separate cost indices for labor, equip- ment, and materials, and applying them in proportion to the afore-mentioned percentages. Costs for steel support, timber, and concrete can rapidly be revised by application of appropriate price indices for these items. -32- Should radical changes in tunneling techniques develop whereby rates of advance, labor crews, or equipment and material requirements are greatly changed, a complete revision of the cost and supporting curves would be reqiiired. -33- CHAPTER III. OUTLINE OF TUNNEL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE There is presented in this chapter a step by step procedure for preparation of an estimate of cost for a tunnel construction project, utilizing the cvirves and data described suid contained in this report. Standard form sheets for tabulation and computation of the estimating data are contained in Table 9« The procedure by steps presented by item headings shown in Table 9 is as follows: Preparation of Field Data Step 1 Information on rock conditions and other data needed to enter into the various cost estimating curves presented in this report are determined by geologists working in the field and are entered in the tabular form shown in Table 8. Sample notations indicated on this form are typical of the manner in which field men would fill in their notations. A - Basic Excavation Cost Step 2 The number of lineal feet of tunnel penetrating each rock condition is obtained from Table 8 and is entered in the first column of Table 9« Step 3 Excavation costs for each rock condition are determined from the cost cxirves on Plates 8 suid 9 and entered in the second column of Table 9' •3h- step k Plate 5 J which delineates areas where subsistence payment is required, is then checked. If the txinnel project in question is within an area where subsistence payments are required, the additional cost for sub- sistence is entered in the third column. These costs are obtained from Table 3. Step 5 The sum of the second and third columns is multiplied by the number of lineal feet in the first colimn, and the product entered in the foxu-th column. B - Dewatering Cost Step 6 Where it is indicated that water-beeiring zones will be penetrated by the txinnel, the estimated cost for dewatering these zones is detennined. When wet competent rocks are involved, it is assumed that water inflows can be curtailed svif fie lent ly by grouting. Additional cost inciirred by the grouting operation is incorporated into the cost curve shown for wet competent rock on Plate 9, entitled "Estimated Basic Tunnel Excavation Costs for Wet Headings", and consequently an additional calculation will not be required to determine the cost of dewatering under these conditions. In wet crushed or iinconsolidated conditions, it is assumed that water inflows at the heading will have to be removed. To determine the cost of de- watering xinder these conditions, it is first necesseury to determine the maximum number of lineal feet to the portal and insert this figure in the ■35- first coltunn under "Dewatering Cost". If there is a question as to which ^ portal vill be used for discharge, the rate of heading advsince ciirves on Plate 6 should be utilized to determine which heading will penetrate the wet zone first. The poirtal serving the first heading Into the wet zone will be utilized as the discharge portal. Step 7 The cost per foot for discharge pipe frcm the pumps is determined from Plate 9 and placed in the second column under "Dewatering Cost". Step 8 Pump costs for the estimated discharge are determined from Plate 9 and entered in the third colxamn. Step 9 The number of lineal feet of pipe and cost per lineal foot in columns 1 and 2 are multiplied and the cost of the pump in column 3 is added. The resultant total dewatering cost is entered in the fourth column. C - Steel Support Cost Step 10 For determining steel support costs the number of lineal feet of tunnel under each rock load and rib spacing is obtained from Table 8 and entered in the first column under "Steel Support Cost". Customary rib spacings for various rock conditions are shown in Table 10. -36- step 11 Costs of steel support are determined from the appropriate curves shown on Plates 10, 11, 12, 13, and Ik, utilizing rib spacing and rock loads specified in the field geologists data presented in Table 8. The following criteria are to be used in selecting the appropriate curve: 1. For all bore sizes in intact, moderately jointed, moderately blocky and seamy, very blocky and seamy, and wet competent rock, the cost curve for the continuous rib without invert strut shown on Plate 10 will be used. This curve will also be used for unlined bore sizes less than l6 feet in diameter in dry crushed or unconsolidated material. 2. When squeezing ground is expected under the foregoing condi- tions in Item 1, use of an invert strut will be recommended on the tabulation of field observations shown in Table 8 and the cost of steel support is obtained from the curve for con- tinuous ribs with invert strut shown on Plate 11. 3. For bore sizes whose unlined diameter is greater than l6 feet in dry crushed or unconsolidated laaterials for all bore sizes in wet crushed or unconsolidated materials, steel support costs will be obtained from the curve for rib, wall plate, and post support without invert strut shown on Plate 12. k. When moderate squeezing ground is anticipated for conditions of Item 3, use of an invert strut will be recommended in Table 8. Costs for steel support will then be obtained from the cost curve for rib, wall plate, and post support with an invert strut shown on Plate 13' -37- 5. When estimated rock roads are in excess of 1.10 (B + H-^), it is assumed that circular ribs will be needed to withstand external pressures and steel support costs will then be obtained from cost curves shown for circular ribs shown on Plate Ik. Step 12 The cost per foot of tunnel for steel support is multiplied by the number of lineal feet shown in column 1 and the product entered in the third column. D - Costs of Foot Blocks Step 13 Costs for foot blocks are determined by dividing the number of feet of tunnel under each rock loading by the assumed rib spacing, thus obtaining the number of rib sets. The number of sets are then placed in the first column. Cost per rib set for foot blocks is then determined from the curves on Plates 10, 11, 12, smd 13> and posted in the second colimin. Total cost for foot blocks is determined by mviltiplying the number of sets by the cost per set for foot blocks. This value is entered in the third column under D - "Cost of Foot Blocks". E - Timber Lagging and Support Cost Step Ik In order to determine timbering costs, the nvunber of lineal feet of each rock condition is entered in the first column under "Timber Leigging -38- and Support Cost". No costs will be determiaed for timber in sections of ttinnel that do not require steel support. Step 1^ Appropriate costs for lagging are determined from Plate 15 and placed in the second column opposite "Lagging". Step 16 The number of lineal feet is multiplied by the cost per foot and the product entered in the third column. Step 17 In wet crushed or unconsolidated materials^ temporary timber support is reqiiired for wall plate and top drifts. Where this type of material is encountered, enter the number of lineal feet thereof penetrated by the tunnel in the first column opposite "Timber Support". Step 18 Determine the appropriate cost for timber support from the cost curve on Plate 16 and insert this cost in the second column. Step 19 Multiply the nxmber of lineal feet by the cost per foot for timber support and enter the product in the third column. ■39- per F - Concrete Lining Cost Step 20 Costs for concrete lining are determined by obtaining the cost per foot for the appropriate tvinnel section from the cost curves presented on Plates n, 18, and 19, and multiplying the cost per foot by the number of feet of section that will be used in the proposed tunnel. The result is posted in the third column opposite "Concrete Lining". G - Appiurtenant Tunnel Construction Facilities Owing to the variation in the problems of access, availability of power and water, and the adaptability of the local terrain for a construction camp, items in this category must be computed for each individual tunnel site. Costs determined for these items are listed in the appropriate boxes under fixed expend! tvires . Final Cost Estimate The estimating form presented in Table 9 is organized in such a manner that the individual components of the tunnel cost estimate appear in the extreme right hand columns. By adding all of the subtotals of items in these columns, the estimated tunnel construction cost is obtained. It will be noted that, with the exception of basic excavation costs, the cost esti- mating data presented in this report are based upon vinit prices obtained frcxn analysis of contract bidding on construction projects. Therefore, con- tractor's profit and contingency allowances would be included in these latter items. With respect to basic excavation costs, items of 15 per cent for contractor's profit and 25 per cent for contrsictor's overhead and contingencies have been included. -i+0- In general, tunneling projects constitute only a portion of a larger aqueduct project; and, therefore, it is assumed that the administrative agency in preparing a preliminary estimate would include an additional allow- ance for engineering and contingencies in summarizing over-all project costs Including tunneling costs. Therefore, the tunnel cost estimating form in Table 9 includes no items for engineering and contingencies but such allowance should be added to costs obtained by the cost estimating procedure herein- before described. -i^l- TABLES -Its- Sheet 1 of 6 TABLE 1 RATES OF MNMCE FOR VARYING ROCK CONDmONS AND BORE SIZES ON COMPLETED I'UNNEL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Tunnel project Unlined bore size Allt-Na-Lairige 6x8 (Scotland) Alva B. Adams 12 (Colorado ) Baltimore and Ohio 28 x 31 (Clarksburg, West Virginia) Rate of advance :per 8-hour: shift* Rock condition 12 Massive ; moderately jointed. 13 Massive, moderately jointed. 15 Moderately blocky and seamy. 6.5 Hard stratified. Baltimore Water Tunnel Big Creek #U (California) Bingham Tunnel Blue Ridge Boqueron (Venezuela) British Columbia Nickel Mine Butt Lake Broadway (San Francisco) Caribou #2 Caxlton (Colorado ) 10 15 Hard and intact roc] 24 12 Moderately blocky and seamy. 10 10 16 5 VeTTT blocky. Very blocky and seamy, wet. 20 X 26 9 Moderately blocky and seamy. Ik 11 Yexy blocky and. seemy. 10 X 8 6 Massive, moderately jointed. 15 12 Moderately blocky and seamy. 28 X 22 5 Stratified and completely crushed. 15 Ik 6 Very blocky and seamy, we'b. Unconsolidated. 11 18 Moderately blocky and seamy. -43- RATES OF ADVANCE FOR VARYINd ROCK CONDITIONS AND BORE SIZES ON COMPLETED TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (continued) Sheet 2 of 6 Tvmnel project Rate of advance per 8-hour shift* Rock condition Chicago Sewer Cincinnati Sewer Colorado River Aqueduct Colorado River Copper Basin Wliipple Mountain IroE. Moiintain (East) Iron Mountain (West) Coxcomb East Ea^le West Eagle (East) West Eagle (West) Hayfield #1 Hayf ield #2 Cottonwood Mecca Pass #1, 2, and 3 East Coachella Thousa.^d PaLas #1 Thousand Palms #2 Wide CeJiyon #1 V/ide Canyon #2 Seven Pa^jns Long Canyon Blind Canyon Morongo #1 Morongc #2 White^mter #1 Whitewater #2 BernascoQi. Val Verde San Jacinto 21^ 11 19 12 8 11 19 9 19 12 19 8 19 9 19 10 19 9 19 8.5 19 8 19 10 19 12 19 10 19 8.5 19 9 19 8.5 19 7 = 5 19 8 19 6 19 7.5 19 10 19 11 19 11.5 19 17 19 11 19 li^ 19 8 19 •3 19 . 2 10 Stratified, Unconsolidated. Moderately blocky and seamy. Very blocky and seamy. Schistose. Schistose, wet. Completely cn,i.shed. Massive, moderately jointed. Moderately blocky and seamy. Moderately blocty and seamy. Moderately blocky and seamy. Moderately blocky suid seamy. Moderately blocky and seamy .- Very blocky and seamy. Verj- blocky and seamy. Very blocky and seamy. Very blocky and seamy. Very blocky ajid seamy. Very blockj" and seamy. Yery blocky and seamy. Veiy blocky and seamy. Very blockji- and seamy. Very blooiy and seamy. Very blocky and seamy. Very blocky and seamy. Completely crushed. Completely crushed. Moderately blockj'^ and seamy. Very blocky and seamy, wet. Moderately blocky and seamy, wet . Moderately blocky and seamy. •kk. Sheet 3 of 6 RATES OF ADVANCE FOR VARYING ROCK CONDITIONS AND BORE SIZES ON COMPLETED TUNNEL CONSTRICTION PROJECTS (continued) Tunnel project Unlined bore size Rate of adveince per 8-hour shift* : Rock condition Prospect Mountain (Colorado) 12 12 10 Schistose. Very blocky £uid seamy. Delaware Aqueduct Tunnel 13 10 Completely crushed. Dovnsvllle Dam (New York) Diversion UO 5 Hard stratified. Dry Ceinyon (California) 12 15 Hard stratified. East Delaware 15 15 Hard stratified. Ec imbene -Tiamut (Australia) 2k ll* Hard stratified. Eklutna, Chugach Movintain (Alaska) Feather River Fort Peck Dam Diversion (Montana) Fort Spring C & RR (West Virginia) Gateway (Wasatch Mountain, Utah) Gaviota (California) Glendo (Wyoming) Grootvlei Houlage Way (South Africa) Guayo Prieto Yauco (Puerto Rico) 12 25 15 20 X 22 11 25 21 13 11 l8 Hard stratified. 11 Moderately blocky. k Shear zones, 7 Moderately blocky and seamy. ll*. Stratified. 0.2 Completely crushed, wet. 3 Completely crushed, dry. 19 Schistose. 17 Moderately blocky £uid seamy. 10 Hard stratified. 13 Hard stratified. 15 Hard stratified. 8 Moderately blocky and seamy. -45- Sheet U of 6 RATES OF ADVANCE FOR VARYING ROCK CONDITIONS AND BORE SIZES ON COMPLETED 'TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (continued) Tiionel project Unlined bore size Rate of advance per 8-hour shift* Rock condition Halkyn (Wales) 10 3.5 Moderately blocky and seamy, wet. Hultman (Massachusetts) 12 11 Hard stratified. Hungry Horse (Canada) 36 7 Very blocky and seamy. Hyperion Sewer Tunnel (California) 12 12 Completely crushed. Isers-Arc (Doren River ^ France ) 23 10 8 Hard stratified. Moderately blocky and seamy. Kitlmat (British Columbia) 25 13 Moderately blocky and seamy. La Cienega Relief Sewer (California) a. 5 10 8 Hard stratified. Completely crushed. Leadville (Colorado ) 9 X 11 1 10 Completely crushed, wet. Completely crushed, dry. Loch Pannich (Scotland) 12 7 Schistose. Loch Lxilchart (Scotland) 17 8 Schistose. Machkund (South India) 19 7 Moderately blocky and seamy. Meig (Scotland) 12 15 Schistose. Neversink Delaware Aqueduct (New York) 12 13 Hard stratified. New Elkhorn 36 X 35 6 Very blocky and hard stratified. New York Sewer 10 15 Schistose. •k6. Sheet 5 of 6 RATES OF ADVANCE FOR VARYING ROCK CONDITIONS AND BORE SIZES ON COMPLETED TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (continued) Tunnel project Unlined bore size Rate of advance per O-hour shift* Rock condition Niagara Falls Hydroelectric (Canada) 51 5 Moderately blocky axid seamy. Norfolk & Western Railroad (West Virginia) 36 X 35 7 Hard stratified. North Poudre (Colorado) 11 IT Hard stratified. Oswego Tunnel 10 11 Stratified. Owens Gorge #1 eind #2 13.5 18 12 Very blocky and seamy. Moderately blocky and seamy. Pit#i+ 26 13 Very blocky and seamy. Quabbin (Boston, Massachusetts) Ik 10 Moderately blocky and seamy. Rams Horn (Colorado) 11.5 16 Moderately blocky and seamy. Rirautaka (New Zealand) 17 X 15 13 Massive, moderately jointed. Rock Creek 25 10 Moderately blocky and seamy. Roundout (New York) 17 17 20 6 10 0o8 Moderately blocky and seamy, wet. Hard stratified. Shear zones, wet. Sainani (Bolivia) 7 5 Moderately blocky and seamy. San Diego Aqueduct Tunnels 7 (California) 9 9 Moderately blocky and seamy. Sqijajnish=Garibaldi (Cemada) 18 16 Moderately blocky and seamy. -47- Sheet 6 of 6 RATES OF ADVANCE FOR VARYING ROCK CONDITIONS AND BORE SIZES ON COMPLETED TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (continued) Tunnel project Squirrel Hill ( Pennsylvania ) Stanislaus (California) Tahtsa KLtimat Power Site (Canada) Tecolote (California) Tennessee Creek (North Carolina) T. Jo Evans (Pennsylvania Turnpike) Tingambato Treasury (Colorado) West Branch Reservoir (New York) West Rock (Connecticut ) White Point (California) Woodhead (England) Unlined bore size Rate of advaace per 8-hour shift* Rock condition 36 X 26 7.5 O.k Hard stratified. Shear zones. 9 X 10 10 Massive, moderately jointed. 29 11 Moderately blocky and seamy. 9 10 Stratified. 15 33 X 27 15 9 19.5 12 17 32 2.5 Completely crushed, wet. Ik Hard schistose. 8 Hard stratified. 12 Massive, moderately jointed. 13 Moderately blocky and seamy. 12 Schistose. 12 Very blocky and seamy. 12 Stratified. 8 Very blocky and seamy. *Note: Rate of advance is average for specific rock condition and does not represent over-all average advance for tunnel. -l+ti- TABLE 2 HOURLY WAGE RAJTES AND ESTIMATED PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS OF TUNNEL CONSTRfJCTION CREWS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (Prevailing wages of January I, 1957) ■- NiJmber of personnel per shift 9 - li^ ft . ; 15 - 2k ft. Hourly wage: unllned : un: Lined Item rate :_ diameter : diameter No. of : No. of ; No. of : No. of men : shifts : men I shifts Shifter $ 3.22 1 3 1 3 Miner 2.92 See page See page ChucktenoLer 2.77 following following Nipper 2,77 1 3 2 3 Muckl.n.g machine operator 3.^i^ 1 3 1 3 Oiler 2.77 1 3 1 3 Motorman 2.97 3 3 k 3 Brakeman 2.77 3 3 h 3 Dumpman 2,67 1 3 2 3 Electrical foreman k.31 1 3 1 3 Electrician 3.60 2 3 2 3 Compressor man 2.70 1 3 1 • 3 Warehouse man 2.35 1 3 1 3 Warehouse man helper 2.00 1 3 1 3 Carpenter 3,13 1 1 2 1 Master Mechanic 1^.10 1 3 1 3 Heavy duty mechanic 3.05 2 ^ ^ 2 3 Blacksmith 3.35 1 1 1 1 Blsieksmith helper 3.00 1 1 1 1 Drill doctor 3.50 1 1 I 1 Povder man 2.92 1 3 1 3 Pipe foreman 3.90 1 1 Pipe fitter 3.65 2 1 Track boss 2.92 1 3 1 3 Track crew 2.66 3 3 k 3 Labor crew 2.66 1 3 2 3 Truck driver 2.i^7 1 3 1 3 First aid man 22.00/day- •one man on 2k hours off 2k hours Walker 3.75 1 3 1 3 Timekeeper 2.30 1 3 1 3 Office men 2.35 3 1 3 1 Bookkeeper 2.1^5 2 1 2 1 Superintendent 5.09 1 1 1 • 1 .1^9- HOURLY WAGE PATES MD ESTIMAIED PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS OF TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION CREWS IN SOUTHERN CALIPX)RHiA (contiaued) : N\iint>ex' of personnel per shift for iinlined t'jxmel diameter Item : 9" -10': 11' -12': 13' -14': 15' -16' :17 • -15* : 19' -.20' : 21' -22' : 23' -24' Miner ^3^1 8 9 10 12 Chucktender U 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 These personD.el work a three shift day. -50- CQ a) 3 O w ■p CO o o 0) ^ TO ores > (P a! ^ •P O CO -)r^0^co^-t^coO ir\UMr\COrOrO0JCJr-Ot>-CJ\VOOcQC\lcQ-d-CVJCVirOpn 00 i/>.d- CM CVJ O O ONOO t^ f- t--VO VO 3 3- -d- -d- -d- J- covo t^ Onmd f— u^o^(McO t>ooMr\roooojoOMDVo On (Mco-4- oj ONCO t~-vovo ir\\x\-^ -:t ^ m m CM oj cvi oj CM 1-^ r-4 t-l 0\MD 0\r-C~-^ CM r-l ONCO"^ ir\^ PO(X)cX) t~-VO VOMD LTN m.J- -d-nOCOPOCOCVJCVJCMCVIWCVlr-trHrHr-lrHr-l f-IQOnOrH-d-mOO\ t^MD m-d- OO CM 00 f— VO U\ ir\\X) ir\-3- -d-J-0OrOrOCMCVJC\ICVlCJ0JCVIr-li-)Hi-lr-4H vO0OCJ\t~-C— ^t^CVI O CT\t--vO ir\u\ o asco t— t~-QO ir\ iTN J- _d•<>^o-l^o^otv-)cvlOJC\JOJC\JOJr^r-^r-lHr^ IfNOOCO t--OJ r-ICO t^VO IfNOOOOr-l r-\ t—^O l/MrM/MTv -4--d-OOOOcrioOOJOJC\lCMC\lCyC\ICVIr-IHr-lr-lt-4,-l CO t^MD lf\^ oo CVJ r-l O ONOO t^VO Lf\ J- ro CVI CVJC\iC\JCVJCVlCVlCVJC\lCMr-lr-4rHiHrHr-JrHH i-l O C7N -51- TABLE k COSTS OF ITEMS OF UNDERGROUND TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (Price levels of January-;, 195?) Item Cost CoQway 100-1 loader (bore sizes l8' or over) Convay 100 loader (bore sizes 13' - 17') Eimco ifO-H loader (bore sizes 12' and under) Gantry type drill jumbo with piping, tugger hoists, cherry picker eind miscellaneous equipment (bore sizes 13' and above) Mainline type drill jumbo with piping (12' and xmder) and miscellaneous equipment Following items vary in number required and size with tunnel diameter: Rock, drills Hydraulic jibs 15-ton locomotives with battery boxes 8 "ton locomotives with battery boxes auid batteries 56-cell, 31=plate Exide batteries 1,200 cfm air compressors 8-cubic yard side dtimp muck cars 5-eubic yard side dump muck cars Man cars Flat cars Powder cars Circuit chargers In-line ventilation fans 15 bp Water pumps 100 - 20,00 gpm capacity .47,800 each 36,600 each lU,700 each 8,700 each to li+,300 each 6,000 each 1,150 each 1,650 each 13,600 each 22,U70 each 13,633 each 18,795 each 2,525 each 1,750 each 2,ti00 each 2,200 each 3,300 each 3,i^60 each 1,500 each 800 each to 5,000 each -52- TABLE 5 UNIT COSTS OF EXPENDABLE ITEMS OF MATERIAL FOR TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (Price levels of January, 1957) Item Cost Pipe Water 2" Air 6" Ventilation 30" .i<-5/ft. l.UO/ft. 7.35/ft. Electrical Mine Power catle Lighting cable 3 KVA transformers Ul60v 5KVA outdoor oil circiiit breakers 225KVA 3-phase kl60v transformer Motor control l+l60v 3.60/ft. 1.96/ft. 90.00 each 1,925.00 each i+,500.00 each 5,500.00 each Trackage 60-lb. rail Ties Spikes Tie plates 78.00/ton 1.U6 each 13.50/100 lbs. 88.Q0/ton Explosives 1-1/14- X 8 - kO^ semi-gel No vent tunnel delays 12' regular cap 12' standard #1 delay 12' standard #2 delay 12' standard #3 delay 12' standard ifk delay Drills Carbide inset bits Drill rods l8.i^5/ioo lbs. 19.75/100 27.25/100 27.75/100 28.00/100 28.25/100 1I+.2O each 15.00 each -53- o ■p I IT'. CTn I-l r-l o r-t (U > 0) V ID (-1 -p 1 id +> U3 a] ^ o > rH o a) o -i -p r-l f-! •H 0) •d ft +5 d ■P •H -H (D m 4s -P #!.1^ 60 T* fti LTxL'N r-: cvi .. ^. " +» CO CG ■p f^ o OS ea 0) -d ft ■p U! h u 11) 0) <>H > iH o H h fri O 0) •D ft -P d ra -p 1 xi M ht d 1. 05 C T« O ■3 r-l C 5^ f< O bO a"tJ 0)1 (U ft +•■>' IQ ^ S-i O CJ "M £ 1-1 .1 r-l 0) Xi ft U W d) ■P v& O C O 0-=J- T<1 (u -3 i 0) P uJ !> ?f.1. d (U ftja ^1 ^ Td r) 0) 0) 0) di +J V '« § < d g^ ^ •H o o 05 0) (0 O •P CO •H J3 o w Ih O -d 0) •H •t-i ft ■P 0} +"' (0 d •r-i -d a! (D W H -*-*v£)Oajcovof-r-ia\ c— CO m? r-< f- r- MD^ rHOoOvO-^ r-iOcX) ^/^^• O O a\ 0\ j-j-^j-oocnronoooojcvjajcvjcvir-ir-i goo OM 'VO.^VOCUOCVJCOVOQOCVJI 'r-I^CO-d- r-IONCOCT\r-lir\l 1 OJ VO CO -* CV! ON*^ 00 r-l ONVO -d- OJ r-l ONOD VO ITV OOmOOCVJOJOJCMrHr-lr-lr-lr-l Cvl f-OVO OJCO roir\r-ICO OOOMD l/\-* -* C\JrHr-JOOO\a\CI3QOf-C--VDLr\lfMrM/N rH rH r-l r-l r-l ^ CVJ-d- LTN^VO (M moOVO-d- C^OOOVOMD O On t~-MD IjTN-:!- f>OrH O a\t-VO-* rOOOoo POCyCVlC\JCVI0J0jaj(Mr-lr-lrH<-lr-lrHrH OCVlOCVlOOJOOJ 00 rH O 00 t^ ir\-d- ai OOJOOJOCVJOQJ r-t ONCO VO LfN rO OJ O OOnOrOOJOJOJOJOJOlrHrHrHrHrHrHrH MD-d- r-lvOOrHr-ILf\rHCOVOO-*MDOOJ LOiONVO 000 (V-)rOO\VO OJ ONMD LTN OJ f^ rH -^ oJ rH d 06 r^VO-::^ CO OJ rH d C>v CO t~^VO OJWCJCVlHt-lrHrHHrHrHrH 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ojajojcoojojoiajoioiojcvioicvjcvjcvi OJOONQOJU^COt^OlrHOCNQQOQ VO-d-rHOOOVD-d-vO-it-roajOOOOO \D 00 O t^ tr\ ro O LTN J- OJ O ONVO MD VD \D 000000 t^-C^t~t-Lf\aMr\ ITN^ OJ OJ CVJ CVI OJ *-0 OJ CO O VO 00 Lr\co LPv ir\ roco cO VD vo MD UN J- 00(v">OJrHrHOOC03Dt--t:— ^-C^ rHrHrHrHr-lrHrHHrHt-l O rH 01 00^ ir\MD C-CO 0\0 rH 01 OJ H O cororoooror«-)onoor<->ro-d-_*^J-^j- J- ro OJ rH O CJNOO t--MD ir\ J- ro OJ rH O ON OiCVJOJa'OJrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHH .3h. O CVl +> Si CO EH -^ en (u o ^ U C! •H o +» M a M O < o M ■p 1 ^ CO cd 05 -p O > r-l o O 0} rH o O O tH r-l X T) 0$ 0) ^ 4-> C! 0) O "in O ft 8H O -H -P " ^ 1 CO * CO O i-f 3 CO u o 0) O g a) tM O (1) 0) rH CQ d 4J r-l U S ,-1 O 0) -d ft •s ao OS •> 1 •" •• I -p d +> •H -H CO to o tH -P r^ XI r-4 (^ ?( o (U M tJ ft " Ti ■■ ^" d CD O rH ai m u o CO ^ nd CS tH r-t •rl 00 O r-t a ^H -P ^^ rH ^H •H Q -H O 4) fH ^ Ti ft (1> > > 0« -P 1 CO O 5 o to ^ O r-i ij 03 't-i 0) Qi > rH H s-s rH ;h ,Q O 0) ^ t:) ft d "' ^;; (U CO o A ^ u o S H -P rH f^ Ou -P (U O (U -d ft -p CO o U U o 0) 0} tH > rH O rH (^ CL. O 0) -d ft ■p d CO +> 1 -d g !-i O 03 O 0) 3 ft ,-( ChI TS O -H r^ a u :3 O ^! :o bo o^'d (uj (1) ft -p 05 o M h O O aJ tin fil r-H tri rH U ►J o 0) -d ft ■ >> 0) tJ 3 U 3 a) ii> Td d 0) o K J3 OJ -H ftJ3 fn +5 -d rH 0) (U •H CO CO I CO M d^ ■H -d 03 0) K s 33Ov£>Jv0CMOC\iX)MD00CMOCVJvO CTNOrH-d-33-=frHCrNXIONrHC/NOVOf»^ (» ^ CM ONVD m ^ a\vo j- cvj rH cj\ X) vo ir\ OOOOOOOJOJOJCVJrHrHrHrHH OMDOLr\CO-d-COCO-^r<-irHO\-d-CMrHrH -d- OOOOCVI rH rH C5 OnOnCAX) t~-^^M3VO r-t r^ r-t rA r-* r■^ •-* O CTMTN OOVO VDOVDVOOJCVJC—CTnIACVJCVI m OO CVi rH CJNCO C---d- OOOOO CTM/MTNI/NLfN OOrOrOmCVICMOJCVJOJOJOJrHrHrHHrH OOJOCMOCVJOOJOOJOCMOCVIOCU OO rH O XI t^ LTN J- C\JrHa\X)V£)LP>or)C\JO OOOOrOOJCVlCVJCVJCVJOJrHrHrHrHrHrHrH CTN r-l C7N ON ON CM t--^- rH rH rH 0\ t^CO OO O rooc7Nt—aDcoourMr\t~--J-C»rHOCKOirN-d-t— J-J-J- ciOoOO^D rorOrH O tr— v£) CM C3\vD LfNUMr\ X)X>cO t—t^f-C— *>0 LrNLPvirN-d-^-d-^J- CT\^tr\rHCOt/NCMJ-CMCM CJNOO rH O O O C7NONCT\ONX)COCOMDMDVO UNU^COOOPOOO M3 O CTNf^CM C— t~-f^t/MAO t— OCO^MD c0X)MDMDi/NJ-0O(^CMCMOC3NCJnX)X)C0 VOf— t~-COCr\OrHOJOOOOJ-irNVOt~-VOJ- CMCVJCMCMCMt^t^OOf^f^'^f^*^'^'^'^ J- ra CM rH O 0\C0 C^MD l/N J" OO CM rH O C7N CMCMCMCMCMrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHr-l -55- O i) M CO m— ^ EH Td CO D O 3 CJ C! in ^-> 1 U to a) a) ■p o > r-l o o aJ r-l o o O u ■p C 0) o -4 CJ 0) 0) r-l 00 C! -P H h A OS -H O 0) r-l -d ft •p c +J •H ■rl (0 to o Cm +J 0) ^1 o O d -H ctj Im ^H O O r-l ft O C r-i U (U O 0! ■e?J.-6^ bDxf P. LPv ITN r-l OJ Ai ■p 0) CO o ■P u o O a) tH ■P rH ,Q rH u ;i o (U CO -d ft -i' *■ ^ c to o r-i td to Sh O to r-l 'd CS rH r-l X -H r-t U ,Q W to O to o p^ Ai u o X OJ O • a ^ K ft a o rH •■H ?H -P rH f-! Oh -p a) O Q) ■d ft -p to o S-. J^ o i) td (H > rH O r-l u Pn O il O C O 0) 4) -d t! a> (M 0) 0) Tj d a.- o OC J3 trf -rl p.^ " ii' ■p xl rH a £ (U Ch •H d s r-1 d a (3 ^■4 •H CO ■d d cd >> o o rH PQ cd 0) « u « (T\CVI CJNCVI O f--d- rO-d- LfNrHONf^LfNtAJ OJ X)>-t^ LTV CVJ C\J rH rH [^ On ifN J- cvj c^-d- C-- ir> rH CJN CJN OJrHC7NCONOLPv-*OJrHOCOt^-=t--:ttO(>-) OOOOOJC\JC\J(Mv£)-d- HOOtX)VDif\r>->0JOOO l^t--^^vO\OVO irN-d--*-d--d-^J-^-* OJ ONLfNCVJ CTNt—J-COVOMD rOCMCO t~-f-t-- CAoo tX)co c^t^r-irNirNLrNi/\Li^oj cvj (m cm f^C~-OJ t--00 ONlTNCVJ-d- r-t O f-rH ONOOCO C--sO LTN J- O^ OO OJ OJ rH rH CJNCO CO r— (^ t— rHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrH X)ONOrH<^J<^-d-irNVOr— OOCjNOrHOCJN CM CVJ r^irorO('omo~)nooorofY->j-j-_:t (>^ -=»• r«*) CM rH O CJnOO t^ vX) l/\-* oo OJ rH O CJ\ OlOJCVJCMOJrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrH -56. o -p 0) si CO EH tJ CO 0) O pf o c 38 (0 -p 1 M to Bj a -p o > r-l o o a) r-l o o o <^ 1-1 X TJ 0) (U u ■p a u c o d -H a O (D Vl.-^ bO Tj ftl LOi ir\ r-l OJ r^' +J CS W o +5 k O O a! <4h ■P r-l -9 l-l U 3 o 0) m Id ft ■* ■* rd .. ^. d CO O .-1 a) CO U O 10 r-l Ti cd <« l-l •H CO O r4 03 U -P Sh rH ^4 •H O •H O OJ 0) ,o -d ft " .. 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OOOOrOCVJOJOJOJOJCVICU r-l rH r-l r-l r-l OCVJOCVJOOJOOJOCMOCVJOOOQJ mrHOQOt^ir\_*ojr-io\QOvoir\coajO pnpo^ocvJCVlc\^aJCVlOJr^r-lr^r^r-lr-^r-l MDr-lir\f-VOr-lir\Ht/Nr-IOJVOONCT\^OJ O t— VOOOOOrH rH r-lO Osl/NOO-* rOirMTv r-l OsCO t^vo LA J- ro OJ O O ONCO f^VO lA OJr-lr-lr-lr-lrHr-lr-IHHH r-lr-lrHrHr-lr-lr-lr-IHHr-lHr-lr-lrHr-l ojoicvjcvjcvjcycvjajaiojojcvjojcvjcvjoj -ct-QCXJOOr-lirNajOCVJOOt^CUr-IHH (^OVO 0Or-lCDM3VD-:t OCOVD-d- COOOrO coco r-t— c~-vovo ir\tfNLA-d-J-J-J--*-d- OnMD r-l CO LTN OJ 0\0J 0\^ ir. ro 0\ On ON ON OnONONCOCOCO t~-NOUMrMrNirvOJt— C0a\Or-10J0-)J-N0t~-C0C0 0NC0l^- cvj cvj cvj OJ comrnmoofocomrocv-iroco -d- m OJ r-4 O ONCO t— NO irN-:d- fO OJ r-4 O 0\ OJOJOJOJOJr-lrHr-lr-lr-lr-lr-lr-lr-lr-l -57- 4h O Lf\ ■P 0) I CO EH T) CO 0) o s O CI •H o ^-' M C m c 3 o. +^ ' 'JQ U OD (IJ 05 -P O > r-l O «J Id r-4 r-: 3-1 04 -H O (i> si r-1 T) p. I +> d li-l -P o d u o P< u ■p CO CO C (DUO tH o5 <»-i ITS ITS i-H CM ■p o o u p< CQ iH -H 0) e 4) •-! ,-l 01 I o i-i ft > k vH (xt to ■P O! C u o Oj <)-< r-: r-; f-I O ft), K re ol fH o 03 Tj ft 4-4 dO 0) -p 1 a! 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Vl ■,A M 3 » r-t 3 3 d ;§ •P ^ 1-1 a; (U w ■(■> a' 00 lr^MD0O^O-d■qQ-* ONMD iHONOOrHOCO CVJOjir\LriLr\ij-\OvOr-iOvOi-ioococo-lCv!CJCVJOir-liHr-lr-lr-lr-t qOoOOvO-^vOCVlOOlcOvOQOCVJOOJvO O C\0 rH-J-ODJ- ^1 OSCO f-i-ILTNOMDoO 00 -^ CJ 0^>■£> tV) r-l ONMD -It CVJ r-l 0\C0 VO ir\ mr-)CnC\JCVjCViOJr-tiHr-lr-li-) V0M0OOOOCvj^a\0NC0cQLrMr\Lr\ir\ CJ Cvj ir\ir\cOcOcb.:t OJ^ cvjco oopooooo O O t- i— ir\ if\J5 -^ ^ rr, ro cvi CVl cvj oj CO rH r-! ^ ^- ,^ j^ O O Lr\_-t mckj O OoocococQ ^£>vc^-^-l/^'-/^OOt^(^!CUCvla5cocoa5 ir\ Lr\CO CO -4- -4- Oj r-4 O ON CO t^ ITv L'MTN ltn a! 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