UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY THE EQUITY DRAFTSMAN, BEING A SELECTION OF FORMS OF PLEADINGS IN ^uits in CJrtuitg. OUIGINALLY COMPILED BY F. M. VAN HEYTHUYSEN, ^ij. BARRISTER AT I.AW. Cfie SeconU IHUitiotu REVISED AND ENLARGED, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONAL FORMS AND PRACTICAL NOTES. By EDWARD HUGHES, Esq. OF LINCOLN'S INN, BARRLSTER AT LAW. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. 11. SAMUEL BROOKE, LAW PRINTING OFFICE, 35, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. 1828. w T TABLE TITLES, DIVISIONS, AND SUB-DIVISIONS, CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. VOL. II. CHAPTER IX. ANSWERS. Sect. I. Forms of Titles. Sect. II. The Commencement. Sect. III. Common Forms used in framing Answers. Sect. IV. The Conclusion. Sect. V. Forms of Answers. PAGE . 1 . 3 . 4 . 7 . 8 answers and disclaimers. 69 CHAPTER X. DEMURRERS. 72 CHAPTER XI. pleas. . 94 CHAPTER XII. EEPLTCATIONS. . 119 ItJ'^fM?! ABLE OF TITLES. .^.^ CHAPTER XIII. 4 *'* PAGE EXAIVIINATIONS. . , . . . 122 CHAPTER XIV. EXCEPTIONS. Sect. I. Exceptions to Anstvers. . . . 133 Sect. II. Exceptions to Reports. . . . 139 CHAPTER XV. interrogatories. Sect. T. Forms of titles, and of the first and last general inter- rogatories. ..... 148 Sect. II. Forms of interrogatories for the examination of witnesses in chief. ...... 154 Sect. HI. Forms of interrogatories for the examination of parties, and also for the examination of creditors and their witnesses, and others, vnder decrees and decretal orders. . . 273 Sect. IV. Forms of interrogatories for the cross-examination of witnesses. . . . . .319 Interrogatories to the competency of witnesses, exhibited to them on their cross-examination. .... 328 Interrogatories for the examination of a icitness on the voir dire, as to his being interested. .... 329 Articles to discredit witnesses. .... 330 CHAPTER XVI. Forms of Orders (Interlocutory.) . . . 332 CHAPTER XVII. Decrees and Decretal Orders, , . .365 APPENDIX. Orders in Chancery. . 431 CONTENTS. •*• The Forms to which an asterisk is prefixed, have been inserted by the PRESENT Editor. CHAPTER IX. ANSWERS. Sect. I, Forms op titles. , . , ,1 II. The commencement. . . . ,3 III. Common forms used in framing answers. . 4 IV. The conclusion. , ♦ • .7 SECT. V. forms of answers. •I. Usual answer of an Attorney-General. . . .10 II. Answer of the Attorney-General where the plaintiff was alleged to be illegitimate. . * . . . .11 III. The answer of the Attorney-General where a testator died with- out leaving an heir at law. . . . . . ib. IV. Answer of the Attorney-Genera!, insisting on a title by escheat in the Crown, in case a testator died without leaving an heir at law, and without having made a will valid to pass real estate. . . .12 Vol. II. b CONTENTS. * V. Answer of the trustees and executors under the will of a tes- tator who had contracted for the purchase of an estate, to a bill for specific performance ; the defendants insisting that the original agreement had been abandoned on account of the defects of title, and the delay which had taken place, and also of the deterioration in the value of the estate ; but also insisting (in case the opinion of the court should be against them), upon the benefit of a subsequent agreement for an abatement in price ac- cording to the terms expressed in a letter written by the purchaser. . 13 * VI. Answer of one of three trustees for sale, defendants to a bill bj a purchaser seeking to set aside the contract, the defendant insisting that although the incumbrancers on tlie estate are numerous, and that a recovery which had been previously suffered was in dispute in another suit, yet that the defendants are able to procure a good conveyance to be executed to the plaintiff, and that he ought to be compelled to complete his contract. . . . . . . .22 VII. Answer of a trustee under a nuncupative will, who had taken out letters of administration to the testator with his will annexed, sub- mitting to account and claiming allowauces for sums expended in educating and apprenticing the plaintiff. . . . . .26 "N III. Answer of an executor and trustee under a will to a bill for an account filed by a legatee; the executor being also heir at law to the tes- tator, and claiming as such to be entitled to freehold estates purchased by the testator after making his will and a codicil, and denying any re-pub- lication thereof. The defendant having misapplied part of the produce of the real and personal estate, submits to account for the value of the govern- ment securities in which the same might have been invested ( referriilg to schedules annexed.) . . . . . .28 IX. Answer of an executrix submitting to act under the indemnity of the court. . . . . ... 31 * X. Answer of an executor and of the husband of the plaintiff to a bill for payment of a legacy, — the executor admitting assets, and the hus- band claiming to be entitled to receive the legacy. '-"-"- , ' '' ^^■^'- ^ < i' . 3'2 *XI. Answer of the executors of a deceased acting executor, to a bill ' ■ of revivor; the defendants not admitting assets, not knowing what was due ' from their testator to the original testator, but submitting to accoUut;^'^'^ ^^^4 '*?!» XIT. Answer of an executor of a deceased execti^oi-^tti ia*^fiill^<^^i * ■ vivor and supplement ; the defendant admitting assets. '''"'■' '^■'^^■^•'^ ^ ■•'^' ^'-^ ; '{disb iadlo ili'r»"(\ii P'l me ♦Xlll. Answer of an infant heiress to a bill by sitnpMicontral^'cH-'"-"*" .ditors against the executors and trustees under the will of her father, who . had died greatly indebted, posses^e^ of real ,j^pdi|)^i;sonal,^t^g. ^.,,^^^/ f^j'j.,^ XIV. Answer of a widow electing to take the bequests' made later ^''~' by a will, and to release all interest in the devised estates, . . ? ^ 36 *XV. Form of an answer by adult and infant defendants claiming is next ot kin to tire deceased wife of the plaintiff, who by his bill sought to ' set aside a secret setlKment made by his late wife before her marriage. . 3» CONTENTS. PAGE * XVI. Part of an answer of the widow and executrix of a deceased surviving executor; the plaintiff claiming either as administratrix or in her own right to be entitled to the share of a residuary legatee who was sup- posed to have attained twenty-one and to have died abroad intestate, — -the answer stating a release executed by the plaintiff' and her late husband to the defendant's late husband as surviving trustee and executor, and claiming the same benefit therefrom as if pleaded. . . . .40 *XV]I. Statement in an answer of the statute of frauds, and claiming the same benefit therefrom as if pleaded. . . . .42 XVIII. Answer of the lord of a manor who had seised certain copy- hold premises for want of a tenant, after the death of a former tenant. . ib. XIX. Answer of the mortgagor to a bill of foreclosure. . . 44 * XX. Answer of the executors of the first mortgagee to a bill of foreclosure filed by the assignee of the second mortgagee ( who had ob- tained possession of the title-deeds and claimed a priority over the first mortgagee ) against the infant heir of the mortgagor, and also against a subsequent mortgagee. . . . . . .45 XXI. Answer to a bill for tithes by a vicar against the occupier of an ancient farm : the defendant asserting that the farm was part of a dis- solved abbey which came into the hands of the Crown in the reign of Henry the 8th, and was from time immemorial held exempt from great tithes; that some of the small tithes were covered by mod uses, and that agistment tithe was never paid, and submitting to account for what is due in respect of other small tithes. , . . .50 XXII. Answer of the East India Company to a bill by a lay impro- priator, claiming tithes or customary payments in lieu of tithes, in respect of warehouses, 6cc. held or occupied by the defendants, they denying his right thereto. , . . . . .53 * XXIII. Answer to a bill by a rector and his lessee for arrears of tithes, — three of the defendants had carried on the business of brewers in partnership, which was dissolved as to one, and another defendant ad- njitted a partner; (the other defendant occupying a house and garden as their clerk;) the defendants admit the plaintiffs' title, and set forth the accounts required so far as they are able, but insist upon a composition which had been, paid annually in lieu of tithes as binding upon the plaintiffs. 56 * XXIV, Supplemental answer filed by leave of the conrt to explain md correct mistakes made by three (leffKudants in a former answer put in by Ihem jointly with other defendants to a bill by a rector and his lessee for irrears of tithes. {SceJtMQ ■prece^iing title.), , , f,, . . 63 XXV. Furthef aiiswet 'aft*t ex:c^|)t?i6ns t&keii''aitd''yilbwed to the de- fendant's former answer to a 1)111 fbr ah acbbunt, and to restrain the in- fringement of a copyright. . . . . .67 "■'XXVI. Answer of a trusted silbmittiYig'tb'adt as' the conrt shall direct. 68 XXVII. Conclusion of an answer insisting that plaintiff's remedy is it law and not in equity, and claiming the same benefit as if the defendant liad demurred to the bill. . . . . . ib. b2 CONTENTS. ANSWERS AND DISCLAI M liRS. PAGE • XXV^III. Answer and disclaimer by the personal representatives of a niorfc:ngee, relinquishing the security of the premises comprised in the plaiutiU's mortgage. . . . . . .69 XXTX. Answer and disclaimer, denying having ever claimed any right or interest in the premises in the bill mentioned. . . .70 XXX. Answer and disclaimer of a trustee under a will, denying having ever interfered in the trusts or received the rents of the trust estates, ib. CHAPTER X. DEMURRERS. 74 75 76 * 1. A general demurrer for want of equity ( where there is only one deiendant.) .... II. A general demurrer for want of equity ( where there are several detendants.) • • . . * III. Demurrer to so much of a hill as sought a discovery of title- deeds, for want o an affidavit being annexed to the bill that the ^ame were not m the plaintiH's custody or power. . . ., ^l?"' ^*:«i™^to a bill of interpleader for want of the usual affidavit that the plaintih eK, and to ascertain what is due in respect thereof; a set- o!]" directed as between the amount of the acf.ount of reul to be found CONTENTS. PAGE due from one defendant, and the amount of principal and interest to be found due on her mortgage; the bill dismissed as to certain defendants with costs; there liaving been several former hearings whick proved fruit- less, special directions given as to the costs of them. . . . 374 *XIV. Decree declaring the legitimacy of the plaintiff as the eldest surviving son of his father, as established by the verdict of a jury on the trial of an issue ; also declaring certain agreements entered into by the plaintiff' with a younger brother to be void, ( the grounds on which such decree was founded being inserted in the decree,) and directing a refer- ence to the Master to take an account of monies paid by the plaintiff* to the defendant, and to compute interest thereon, the amount to be paid into the bank subject to further order; decree made without prejudice to any claims which the defendant might establish against the plaintiff*. . 381 ♦ XV. Decree for sale of an estate and payment of mortgagees and judgment creditors according to their priorities. . . . 384 XVT. Form of a decree nisi where defendant makes default. . ib. XVII. Minutes of a decree for a partition; — an infant defendant to have a day to show cause. ..... 385 XVIII. ?»Iinutes of a decree for a partition of an advowson in moieties, the bill being dismissed as to one defendant with costs. . . 386 * XIX. Order for liberty to apply to the Court of King's Bench, for payment to the plaintiff and defendants of money paid into the hands of the Master of that court, the amount to be paid into the bank to abide the event of the cause. ...... 387 XX. Direction to a Master to appoint a receiver for one moiety of the estates in question, the receiver to be at liberty to let the estates with the approbation of the Master. . . . . . ib. XXI. Minutes of an order directing a consignee of an estate in the West Indies (being appointed by the Master pursuant to the decree,) to transmit his accounts half-yearly of the produce consigned to hira, also to make insurances npon the consignments, also to transmit stores and eff"ects for the use of the estate ; the defendant to deliver over an inventory of the negroes, 6:c. on the estate, and the consignee to remit to him such sums as should be laid out in negroes and repairs ; the consignee to pass his accounts annually and to pay the balance due into the bank. . . 388 XXII. Minutes of an order directing the appointment of persons to manage an infant's estates in the West Indies, with directions as to remitting the rents and produce ; also directing the appointment of a guardian for the infant. . . . . . . . 389 * XXIII. Decretal order under the statute 7 Geo. 2. c. 20. upon a petition for redemption of a mortgage, presented by the party entitled to the equity of redemption, defendant to a bill of foreclosure. . . 390 XXIV. Decree for an account of tithes. . . . 392 CONTENTS. PAGE XXV. Decree in a cross-cause for an account of tithes. . . 392 XXTI. Order directing an action of trover to be brought, and that the defendant should make certain admissions. . . . 393 XXVII. Minutes of an order directing a trial at law in ejectment. . ib. XXVIII. Minutes of an order directing a trial at law, to ascertain whether and when a person became bankrupt. . . . 394 XXIX. Order directing a trial at law upon certain issues, with direc- tions in case the jury should find any particular right varying in circum- stances from (he issues as laid. ..... ib. XXX. Minutes of an order directing a trial at bar in the Court of King's Bench by a special jury, six of whom to have a view of the pre- mises. ....... 395 XXXI. Order directing issues to be taken pro confesso, unless the plaintiffs proceed to trial within a limited time. . . . ib. XXXII. Minutes of an order directing the plaintiff's bill to be retained for a limited period, with liberty to him to bring an action at law, and in de- fault thereof within the time limited, the bill to stand dismissed with costs. . 396 XXXIII. Order declaring an account to have been forged, and re- commending a prosecution for forgery. . . . . il>. * XXXIV. Decree by the Lord Chancellor reversing an order of dis- mission made by the Master of the Roils, and directing inquiries as to the application of certain trust-monies and the acts of the trustees thereof relative thereto, and in case the Master should find that either of the trus- tees had committed a breach of trust, then the Master to state in what such breach of trust took phice, and whether the cestui que trust knew of the trustees' liability in respect of such breach of trust previously to her executing a power of attorney. ..... 397 * XXXV. Decree on further directions, over-ruling exceptions which liad been taken to the Master's report, and declaring Jhat the assets of two deceased trustees were liable lo make good a breach of trust by the decree declared to have been committed by the deceased trustees, reserving liberty '- '■ to their representatives to use the names of the plaintiffs in any proceedings' ' . ' which they might be advised to take against other persons, upon giving an indemnity to tlie plaintiffs to be settled by the Master; an account (lirecied to be taken of principal and interest due in respect of tlie trust-mdn^3%ari'd ''■"/ '''' of the plaintiffs' costs, the same to be paid out of the assets of th'fe''i;v*\i 'j'*^^'*^'* deceased trustees ;— the bill dismissed as against one'd'^f^il'da'tifc' wHtiBttt^*'^ ^^'' costs, but without prejudice to arty ulterior proceedings."' " , '*"i" »'^-»'f'(J-!''ii 3^t ■-':■: . ', ;: - ;^'r:'i';j> i\l? . ■\ .j'- ■„\-ji!^l], i tt.j-,l;i i ;_!)) .i^>f"> * the annuities and legtlcie^ given by liis viiir; tlVc will not beSn|!;"'d{ily^x^'cht^fl,^ '.Itiiti. the real estate declared to h'avfe descended to the testator's 'dadb;lrt6r'kb'tl'' "' ' heire>;s at law a plaintiff, and to be' subj'etrt to tlte articled ferft^efdfufo'tipOft'"'''^'*' > her marriage; an annuity in fee granted by Kiiig Cha^les th6 Second oiit of " '• '> the Barbadoes Duties deeVeed* to''lik<^ li^ecoW' rfe%te;d' trn'^er th6'4ill in the CONTENTS. PACK testator's daughter as a fee-simple conditional, and to be subject to make good the anmiilies and legacies given by his will in case the personal estate should be deficient. Liberty reserved to the executor to make his election between a debt claimed to be due to him, and a legacy given to him by the will. ....... 401 * XXXVII. Decree establishing a will with several codicils thereto, and directing the trusts to be carried into execution, except as to a direction in the will for the accumulation of the interest and dividends of the resi- duary personal estate and the rents of the real estate during the minority of any person or persons entitled thereto, which is declared to be too remote and void ; a grandson of the testator, an infant, declared to be entitled to the devised estates for life, with remainder to his first and other sons in tail general ; directions given as to an allowance for his maintenance; the testa- tor's widow having made her election to take under the marriage settlement, declared to be barred of her dower; a trustee declared to be entitled to certain leasehold premises for his own benefit, and special directions given as to prospective and retrospective allowance to be made to him for his trouble. . . . . . . . 404 XXXVIII. Decree establishing a will of real estate, and directing an account to be taken of the testator's debts, funeral expenses, and legacies, with directions in case the personal estate should be deficient, for raising the deficiency by mortgage or sale of the real estate. . . . 407 XXXIX. Decree for an account of a testator's personal estate, and directing the appointment of a -receiver. * . . . 409 XL. Decree on further directions, directing the Master to compute sub^ sequent interest on such debts as carried interest, and to take an account of any other debts remaining unpaid, also directing the sale of a sum of stock, and payment thereout and out of other monies of the debts to be reported due to the creditors, except the plaintiff, he consenting to waive his right; the executor directed to pay tlie balance in his hands into court, and direc- tions given as to appl)^^ing the proceeds in the hands of a consignee of a West India estate. ...... 410 _._._, ,. . .iur'hj'?-"«'::70 ..j^nonosTii: no ojio-id ./AX7 ' XLI. Order directmg a reference to the Master to iqquire as to what,j,i, t^j part of a testator's personal estate is out on securities, which of them are,jgfl^,3,i proper tq, Ip^^^cptiaji^^d .9^,m%^ij,flfc j^ilU ..4|rfSliQ0?.,gl>ven ,£qv,, th€,l^tAeK,.„«f v>'.) * XLI I. Decree on further directions in the original cause,, and, ipn tlj^jf, ,,. j^jj^ bearing of a supplemental suit; the plaintiffs in the latter suit declared to bi^^^ gj ^ entitled to the benefit of the proceedings in the original cause, and to prose-* jj (a cute tbe same; the accounts directed to be carried on from the foot of the.,^gy.j,.jj former accoiints, and the executor to be charged wilb a legacy retained by ' tp ■ ti him and allowed in the Master's general report; the testator's real estate declared to be subject to the payment of his simple-contract debt^, and the plaintiffs in the second suit declared to be creditors to the amount of a sum of stock sold out by the testator, and an account directed to be taken of the dividends which would have accrued due in case the same had not been sold out; construction of the will declared with regard to a devisq of certaii)',;.r, .m! estates not exceeding ^'3000 a-year, as being to the separate use of a married-^ 'f .J; CONTENTS. PAOB woman for life ( slie having for some years been separated from her husband), with remainder to her children in fee ; the testator's shares in a Theatre directed to be sold, and the purchase-monies paid into the Bank. The costs of all parties to be taxed as between solicitor and client, and directions given out of what funds the same were to be paid. The prayer of the original bill, the decree made at the original hear- ing, the Master's general report, and the prayer of the supplemental bill, recited. ....... 413 APPENDIX. Orders in Chancert. ..... 431 Index to the Orders in Chancery. . . . 455 Index to the Precedents and Notes. . • . 463 FORMS OF PLEADINGS IN EQUITY. CHAPTER IX. ANSWERS. SECT. I. THE TITLE (a). In Chancery. The answer of A. B. defendant to the bill of i- Where tliere complaint oi C D. complainant. fendant to an ori- ginal billjinClian- . eery. The answer of Sir J. S. C. knt. his Majesty's 2. Where his Attorney-General, one of the defendants to the Hey^-Ge^neraiis'a bill of complaint of E. C. and R. his wife ( late defendant. R. A. spinster ) complainants. The answer of A.R. an infant under the age of 3. Where a de- - , -. ^ fendant is an in- twenty-one years by her guardian, one 01 the faut. defendants to the bill of complaint of J. C. and T. R., J. F. and J. L. complainants. (a) If the title of an answer reflects on the plaintiff it is scandal, because the title cannot operate as an admission of the plaintiff's right, or work any conclusion. Therefore where an answer was entitled ' The several answer of John Peck esq. one of the defendants to the bill of complaint of Anna Baines, alias Green, assuming to herself the name of Ann:i Peck, as pretended wife of John Peck esq. deceased, and of Ann.i Maria Green, assuming to herself the name of Anna Maria Peck, as daughter of the said John Peck esq. deceased,' it was held scandalous and impertinent. Peck v. Peck, Mos. 46. Vol. II. A COMMON FORMS. 4. Where one of several defeiul- aiits puis in her answer to an ori- ginal and amend- ed bill. 5. Where two of several defend- ants put in their answer to an ori- ginal bilL 6. Where seve- ral defendants join, and the christian names of some of tiiera arc mis-stated in the bill. 7. Where excep- tions have been taken to a former answer and the hill has also beea amended. In Chancery. The answer of S. B. widow one of the defendants to the [original (b) and] amended bill of complaint of N. P. complainant. The joint and several answer of J. L. and T. R. two of the defendants to the bill of complaint of A. B. and C. D. complainants. The joint and several answer of L. M., R. P. in the bill called E.P., J. R. in the bill called R.R., and R. T. defendants to the bill of complaint of R. M. complainant. The further answer of S. J. one of the defend- ants to the original bill, and her answer to the amended bill of complaint of S. T. and R. D. com- plainants. 8. Where the plaintiff has died before some of the defendants have answered, and the bill has been subsequent- ly amended. 9. Where adult and infant de- fendants join in auswerins. 10. Where a sup- plemental answer is requisite. The joint and several answer of A.B. CD. and E. F. three of the defendants to the original and amended bill of complaint of N. P. deceased, and also their answer to the bill of revivor and amended bill of A. P. complainant. The joint and several answer of J. B. and M. his wife, H. F. E. F. W. F. J. P. and T. P., and of W. P. and J. P. infants under the age of twenty- one years by their guardian, nine of the defend- ants to the bill of complaint of T. G. complainant. The supplemental answer of W. P. T., J. S. and R.T. three of the defendants to the bill of com- plaint of the Rev. F. W. B. and C. E. complainants. (6) After amend meut it is not necessary to notice the original bill in an answer or demurrer, although frequently done ; the amended bill is considered as the original bill; Smith \. Br yon, 3 Madd, 428; see also iVes. jun. 209 a, 2d edit. COMMON FORMS. SECT. II. THE COMMENCEMENT. This defendant now and at all times hereafter saving and reserving !• introduction unto himself all benefit and advantage of exception which can or preceding an an- may be had or taken to the many errors uncertainties and other im- 'l^*^'" ^y ""^ *^^' perfections {d) m the said complainants said bill of complaint con- tained (e), for answer thereunto or unto so much and such parts thereof as this defendant is advised is or are material or necessary for him to make answer unto, this defendant answering saith &c. [ The defendant must answer according to his knowledge remem- brance information and belief. ] Another form of commencement : This defendant reserving to himself all right of exception to the said bill of complaint, for answer thereto saith &c. These defendants now and at all times hereafter saving and re- -• Introrinction serving to themselves and each of them all benefit &c. \^ 'proceed as preceding tiie in form No. \. supra, as far as the ivord ' as' and proceed thus :^ joint and several answer oi sGverJil as these defendants are advised is or are material or necessary for defendants. them or any of them to make answer unto, they these defendants severally answering say &c. Or thus : These defendants reserving to themselves all right of exception to the said bill of complaint, for answer thereto say &c. (o) Id tbe case of an ivfant defendant, this clause is always omitted. {d) If the bill has been amended, insert the foUoicing form after the tvord ' imperfections :' ' in the said complainant's [original and] amended bill of complaint contained ' &c. (e) Where exceptions have been taken to the former answer, and the bill has also been amended, insert the following form after the word ' contained:' ' for further answer to the said original bill and for answer to the said amended bill or unto so much and such parts thereof &c. The exceptions should be first answered, aa'd afterwards tiie ame'ud- meots as introduced in the bill. COMMON FORMS. SECT. III. Common forms used in framing answers. 1 . Where a defendant admits a statement. And this defendant further answering saith he hath been informed and believes it to be true that &c. Or^ this defendant admits that &c. 2. Where a defendant admits the statement of a written instrument. And this defendant further saith he hath been informed and be- lieves it to be true that &c. but this defendant for greater certainty therein craves leave to refer to the said when the same shall be produced. 3. Where a defendant believes a statement may be true, but qualifies his admission of it not knoW' ing the same of his own knowledge. And this defendant further answering saith he believes it to be true that at the time of the said testator's making his said will and at the time of his death the said testator's sister Jane the wife of in the said bill named had such children as therein in that behalf named, but this defendant does not know the same of his own knowledge, nor can this defendant state as to his belief or other- wise whether she had or not any other children or child at such times or either of them. Or thus : And this defendant further saith he has never heard or been in- formed save by the said complainant's said bill whether &c. but this defendant believes that &c. as in the said bill is alleged. 4. Where a defendant sets forth a deed, and alleges the i}ayment by him of a sum of money. And this defendant saith that by a certain deed-poll or instrument in writing under the hands and seals of &c. and bearing date &c. the said did in consideration of the sum of £ to them paid by this defendant, the receipt &c., and which said sum was in fact so paid, remise, rcleat,c, &c. As by such deed or histrument, to which COMMON FORMS. this defendant craves leave to refer when the same shall be produced, will appear. 5. Where a defendant is entirely ignorant with regard to the statement in the bill. And this defendant further answering saith he knows not, and has not been informed save by the said complainant's said bill, and cannot set forth as to his belief or otherwise whether the said complainant has or not apphed for or procured letters of administration of the goods chattels rights and credits of the said A. B. to be granted to her by and out of the proper or any or what Ecclesiastical Court, nor whether &c. Or thus : And this defendant further answering saith it may be true for any thing this defendant knows to the contrary that &c. but this defend- ant is an utter stranger to all and every such matters, and cannot form any belief concerning the same {f), 6. Where one of two defendants of his own know- ledge knows the statement in the bill to be true, and the other defendant does not know the satnff but believes the ansiver of his co-defe?idant. And this defendant M. M. further severally answering saith, and this defendant E. R. believes it to be true, that the said testator was not &c. 7. Where two defendants admit the happening of an event but cannot state when it happened. And these defendants severally admit &c. but when in particular these defendants or either of them to the knowledge or belief of the other of them do not know, and cannot set forth as to their information and belief or otherwise. 8. Where several defendants Join, and are all igtiorant of the allegations in the bill. And these defendants further severally say that they or any or either of them to the knowledge or belief of the others or other of them do not know, and have never been informed save by the said complainant's bill, and cannot set forth as to their belief or other- wise whether &c. (/) See Amhiiml v. Kiny, 2 Sim. & Slu. 183. XOMMON FORMS. 9. Where one of two defendants denies the alle- gation in the hill, a7id the other defendant believes such denial to be true. And this defendant M. M. further severally answering saith she denies, and this defendants. R. believes such denial to be true {g), that the said J. S. M. was then incapable of understanding the said codicil, but saith that he fully knew &c. 10. Where two defendants join in denying the allegations in the bill. And these defendants further severally say that they these defend- . ants did not nor did either of them to the knowledge or belief of the other of them, nor did the said J. and H. or several or any or either of the members of the said firm to the knowledge or belief of these defendants, a short time or at any time before &c. 1 1 . Where a schedule of deeds is required to be set fort] I. And this defendant further saith he hath in the schedule to this his answer annexed or under-written, and which he prays may be taken as part thereof, set forth according to the best and utmost of his knowledge remembrance information and belief, a full true and particular list or schedule of all deeds &;c., and this defendant is ready and willing to produce and leave the same in the hands of his clerk in court for the usual purposes. 12. Where an account of rents, or monies re- ceived, or paid, is required to be set forth by se- veral defendants. And these defendants further severally answering say, they have in the [first] schedule to this their answer annexed or under-written, and which they pray may be taken as part thereof, set forth accord- ing to the best and utmost of their several and respective knowledge remembrance information and belief, a full true and particular account of all and every sum and sums of money &c. [ Or, if an account required as to real estates, thus : a full true and just rental and particular of all and singular the real estates &c. ] (^) See Walker y. Norton, Hardr. 1G5. [ 7 ] SECT. IV. THE CONCLUSION. And this defendant denies all and all manner of unlawful combi- Denial of un- nation and confederacy {h) wherewith he is by the said bill charged, naTion-*^""''' without this, that there is any other matter cause or thing in the said General traverse, complainant's said bill of complaint contained (i) material or ne- cessary for this defendant to make answer unto and not herein and hereby well and sufficiently answered confessed traversed and avoided or denied, is true to the knowledge or belief of this defendant ; all which matters and things this defendant is ready and willing to aver maintain and prove as this honorable court shall direct, and humbly prays to be hence dismissed with his reasonable costs and charges in this behalf most wrongfully sustained. (h) An answer to a charge of unlawful combination cannot be com- pelled, and a charge of lawful combination ought to be specific to render it material, as it has been determined that a general charge of com- bination need not be answered, see Oliver \. Haywood, 1 Anstr. 82; Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 41, 4th edit. (i) It is the universal practice to add by way of conclusion a general traverse or denial of all the matters in the bill, Ld.Rd.Tr. PI. p. 314; this is said to have obtained when the practice was for the defendant merely to set forth his case, without answering every clause in the bill, see ^Kon. Ca. 2 P. Wnis. 86, where a motion was made to suppress an answer as irregular or improper, the general traverse at the end being omitted, and on the ground that without this traverse there was no issue joined, but the motion was refused. In the case of an infant, the denial of combination and the traverse at the conclusion are omitted, as he is considered incapable of the combination charged in the bill, and his answer cannot be excepted to lor insufficiency ; Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 314. [ 8 ] SECT. V. FORMS OF ANSWERS. A defendant is not bound to confine himself to an answer to the interrogatories in the bill, but may state circumstances in his defence ; if the answer goes on to state matter not material to the defend- ant's case, it will be deemed impertinent ( 1 ), but if it relates to the subject the court will not look critically into its materiality, for though not material according to the statements in the bill, it may become so by evidence ; the party must shew to make it impertinent, that it never can have any relation to the subject of the suit (2). If a general question be asked, and a particular one also which is included in the general one, the defendant must answer the particular as well as the general question (3). Specific charges in the bill must be answered particularly and precisely, therefore a general answer though it may include an answer to a particular inquiry is insufficient (4). An answer also must not be argumenta- tive, but there must be positive averment (5). If the discovery sought be not material, the defendant may object to it by answer, and the practice of the Masters is to disallow exceptions where the questions are quite immaterial (6). In an to a bill for an account, it is not sufficient for the defendant to refuse to give information further than to enable the plaintiff to go into the Master's office, the plaintiff has a right to have by the answer connecting itself with books and accounts re- ferred to as part of the answer, the fullest information defendant can give him (7). If a bill requires an admission of assets, or that the defendant may set out an account, if the defendant admits assets (1) Ld. Red. Tr.Pl. p. 313, 4th edit. ; 2Madd. Ch. Pr, 353, 5. (2) Ramsden v. Cass, cited '2Madd. Ch. Pr. 276. (3) Proitt v. Underwood, 2 Cox, 135. (4) Wharton v. Wharton, 1 Sim. & Stu. 235, 6 ; Hepburn v. Durand, 1 Kro. Ch. Ca. 502. (5) Favldcr V.Stuart, llVes. 303. (()) Afjar V. Regent's Canal Company, Coop. R. 215; and see the cases referred to in note (r/), Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 310, 4th ed» (7) While V. Williams, U Yes. 11)3, 4. ANSWERS. 19 he is not obliged to set out the account (8 ). Where in an answer of an executor to a bill containing the usual interrogatories for an ac- count of the personal estate and what it sold for &c. every i)articular article and the price at which it sold was set forth in a schedule, it was held impertinent (9). If pertinence and impertinence be so mixed that they cannot be separated, the whole is impertinent. Needless prolixity is itself impertinence although the matter should be relevant ; all that is required in an answer is, that the defendant should fairly and pertinently set forth so much of the instrument or document he may be asked respecting, as is sufficient to satisfy the object and inquiry of the plaintiff's charge and interrogatory, but he must not wantonly incumber the record beyond that ( 10 ). But in Clissold V. Powell (11), Sir John Leach, Vice Chancellor held, that if an instrument be required by the bill to be set forth, it is not impertinent to set forth the whole of it, for if a defendant takes on liimself to state only the substantial part of the instrument, and jin exception is taken because he has not set forth the substantial part, the court would be unable to decide what was the substantial part. Where a discovery is sought of a correspondence, if the defend- ants set forth extracts of letters and swear that those are the only parts of the correspondence upon the subject, it is sufficient (12). When a short description of letters is required, it is impertinent to state the short contents of the letters ( 13 ). If the answer misnames the plaintiff' it is not considered as an answer, and will be ordered to be taken off the file C14'). So if the answer purports to be an answer to the bill oi' Jive complainants only, when there are six, it will be ordered to be taken off" the file (15). (8) Cooper R. '215. (J)) Beaumont v. Ueavniont, 5 Madfl. 51. See also Norway v. Rowe, 1 Mer. ;}o5 ; Parker v. Fairlie, 1 Sim. &Stu. 295; S. C. on appeal, 1 Turn. ^ Riiss. 3G2. (10) Kiuf/ V. Teale, 7 Pri. 280; in this case the answer was held im- pertinent in setting out at too full length a warrant of attorney to confess judgment and the defeazance, although the statement thereof in the i)ill was very incorrect; ami sec Slack v. Ecans, hefore Lord Chancellor tldon, cited 7 Pri. 278 ; lieanies's Orders in C!i. p. 70 & 165. (11) Cited as an Anon. Ca. 2 iMaild. Ch, Pr. 355. (12j Campbell V. Pre nch, I Aiistr. 58. (13) V. De Tastet, cited 2 iVladd. Ch. Pr. 276. (14) Grif/itk V. Wood, 1 1 Ves. G2. (15) Copti x.Pairy, I Madd. 11. 83. So for other mistakes in the tille ; Pktcrs v. Thompson^ Coop. R. 24JJ ; SVkitc v. Godbold, 1 Madd. R. 261). 10 ANSWERS. A defendant will be held to an offer or submission in his answei*, though the circumstances of the case were varied from what they were at the time the answer was put in (16). If the matter of an answer be material and relevant to the justice of the case, whatever be the nature of it, it is not to be considered scandalous (17). A trustee or incumbrancer interested only in part, (so also an heir at law, ) always answers so much of the bill as applies to him, and need not answer the rest of it (18). A defendant is not bound to answer interrogatories not supported by substantive allegations in the bill ; but if he does answer, and the plaintiff replies to the answer, it is put in issue properly (19). * I. Usual answer of an Attomei/-General (20), (For the title, see form No. 2. 7;. 1 .) This defendant answering saith that he is a stranger to the several matters and things in the said complainant's said bill of complaint contained ; x\nd this defendant further saith that he claims such rights and interests under &c. [ the ivill of R. S. de- ceased in the said bill stated ] for and on behalf of his Majesty as this honorable court shall be of opinion that his Majesty is justly entitled to. (16) Uolford T. Bnrnell, 1 Vern. 448 ; sed qucere, if the bill is after- wards amended; see iVes. jun. 209 a, 2d edit.; 6Ves. 555; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 370. (17) Coffin Y. Cooper, GVes. 614; Smith v . Reynolds, Mos. 70, (18) Cooper R. 215. (19) Attorney-General V . Whorwood, iVes. sen. 534, 8. (20) The Attorney-General may, in his discretion, put in an answer, or refuse to answer; but if be refuses to put in any answer, the bill may be taken pro confesso. No process of contempt can go against the Attorney-General, nor can exceptions be taken to an answer put in by him. Where the Attorney-General puts in the common answer he may afterwards move to withdraw it and put in a new answer; 2 iMadd. Ch. Pr. 335 ; 1 Fowl. Ex. Pr. 401. The introductory words of course and the general conclusion of an answer (see sections 2 and 4, antea,) ai*e unnecessary in the answer of an Attorney-General; aUhough in the forms of answers by the Attorucy- Grncral, inserted in the former edition of this work, the commeuce- meut of those clauacs is inserted. ANSWERS. II. Answer of the Attorney-General where the plaintiff was alleged to be illegitimate. (For the title, see form No. 2. p. I.) This defendant ( ~1 ) saving and reserving to himself on behalf of his Majesty now and at all times &c., answering saith that he is a stranger to all and singular the matters and things in the said com- plainant's bill of complaint contained, and therefore leaves the said complainant to make such proof thereof as he shall be able; And this defendant further answering saith that he insists on behalf of his Majesty on all such right title and interest in the premises in the said bill of complaint mentioned as his said Majesty shall appear to have therein, and this defendant humbly submits the same to the judgment order and direction of this honorable court, and also humbly prays that this honorable court will take care of his Ma- jesty's right and interest in the premises. And this defendant denies &c. Without that &c. J. M. M III. The ansiver of the Attorney-General where a testator died tvithout leaving an heir at law. (For the title ^ see form No. 2. p. 1.) This defendant ( 22 ) now &;c. answering saith it may be true for any thing this defendant knows to the contrary that I. T. A. in the complainant's bill named was seised in fee simple of such real estates as therein mentioned, and that he died at or about the time in the said bill in that behalf mentioned without leaving an heir at law, but whether the said I. T. A. duly made and published such or any other last will and testament as in the said bill mentioned, or whether if he so did he the said I. T. A. was of sound mind memory and understanding at the time of making and publishing the same, or whether the same was duly executed and attested &c., or whether the said complainant is so or otherwise entitled to the said estates as in the said bill in that behalf mentioned, this defendant (21) Scenote(20), antea, p. 10. (22) Sec note (20), autca, p. 10. 12 ANSWERS. being an entire stranger to the several matters aforesaid cannot set forth, but leaves the said complainant to such proof thereof as he shall be advised to produce ; And this defendant on behalf of his Majesty insists that if the said I. T. A. died without leaving any heir at law and without duly executing his will and testament in writing in such manner as by law is required for devising real estates, in that case his Majesty has become entitled by escheat to all the estates of which the said I. T. A. died seised. W.A, IV. Anmver of the Attorney-Generalins'isting on a title by escheat in the crown, in case a testator died tpithout leaving an heir at laiv, and without having made a will valid to pass real estate. (For the title, see form No, 3. p. I.) This defendant ( 23 ) saving &c. answereth and saith that he is a stranger to all and singular the matters and things in the com- plainant's said bill of complaint contained, and submitteth the same to the judgment of this honorable court; but insists on his Ma- jesty's behalf that in case it shall appear that Sir D. D. late of &c. deceased in the complainant's bill named, died without leaving any person or persons a subject or subjects of Great Britain his heir or heirs at law, and without having duly made and published his >vill and testament in the presence of three credible witnesses and with all the solemnities of law requisite to devise or pass real estate at the time of his being of sound and disposing mind memory and under- standing, that then and in such case his Majesty is well entitled by escheat to all and singular the freehold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments of which the said Sir D. D. died seised or en- titled in fee simple ; And therefore this defendant prays that this court will take care of such right and interest if any as shall appear to be in his Majesty. Without that &c. (23) See note (20), antea, p. 10, ANSWERS. W * V. Answer oj the trustees and executors under the will of a testator ivho had contracted for the purchase of an estate ^ to a bill for specific performance ; the defendants insist- ing that the original agreement had been abandoned on ac- count of the defects of title, and the delay which had taJcen place, and also of the deterioration in value of the estate ; but also insisting (in case the opinion of the court should be against them,) upon the benefit of a subsequent agreement for an abatement in jjrice according to the terms expressed in a letter ivritten by the purchaser. The joint and several answer of T. S. and A. M. two of the defendants to the original bill of com- plaint and bill of revivor of J. N. widow and T. N. complainants, and the joint and several answer of the same defendants to the bill of revivor of the said T. N. These defendants &c. \^see form No. 2. antea, 21. 3.] answer and Da not know say they do not know and cannot set fortli as to their belief or ^ • '["tr *''^ J J _ ^ , . . , P'amtins were otherwise whether the said complainants in the said original bill seised of such named or either of them were or was at any time seised possessed bnrmemioned'** of or well entitled to such freehold and leasehold estates as in ''"' believe that they were \xx the said bill mentioned for such estates as therein mentioned, or possession there- what estates or interests in particular they or either or them had ^^' and claimed ' •' , such interest or has therein respectively, but these defendants believe that the therein as in said complainants in the original bill or one of them were or was "^ ' *'^t*^"J in possession of such estates and claimed such interest therein as are mentioned in the said bill ; And these defendants say they be- Believe that tljey lieve it to be true that the said J.N. deceased and the said com- ^Jf® desirous to plainantT. N. were desirous of selling the said freehold and lease- hold estates, [ and that they offered the same for sale subject to certain particulars ^c., (but for their greater certainty, ^c. refer thereto,) and that tliey were put up to sale but not sold, ^c, and that the said J. N. and T. N. authorized JR. W. to sell the estates by private contract i\ And that D. M. in the said bill named and that D. M. and now deceased applied to and agreed with the said R. W. as \ '^. detemiauth' ^ ' » testator agreed the agent of the said J.N. and the said complainant T.N. for with the piain- the purchase of the said estate and premises at or for the price purchase*'" he** or sum of .£8000, but whether or not subject to such terms and s«'"e tor ^aoon, , . . , • 1 1 Ml 1 1 1 '*"' '^'•'^ terms of stipulations as m the said bill stated, or what were the terms such agreement 14 ANSWKRS. they are unable to state, except as appears from a letter ; but say that no agreement in writing was ever signed. Do not know whetlier D. M. had heard of the intended sale by auction : nor whether any printed particu- lars were deli- vered to or pe- rused by him. Admit that R.W. was the solicitor and agent of D. M. and the plaintiffs ; Believe that R. W. prepared an abstract of the plaintiff's title, which they believe was very imperfect; that he sent the same to counsel to peruse on behalf of D. M., and that numer- ous objections were made. Admit certain letters were sent by D.M. toR.W'. Do not know whether a letter was sent by D.M. in reply to a comnuinication from R. \V. of such agreement these defendants are unable save as Iterein- after mentioned to set forth, and except that it appears from a letter of the said D.M. that the purchase was to he completed on the 14th of February 1821 ; but these defendants say that no agreement in writing was ever made or signed by the said J. N. and the said complainant, or by the said R. W. on their behalf, or by the said D.M. concerning the purchase of the said estate and premises or any part thereof; And these defend- ants severally say they do not know and have no information whether the said D. M. had or not previously heard of the intended sale by auction, or that the said estate and premises were not sold, though they think it probable that he had heard of such intended sale, and that the same had not been effected ; And these defendants further say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise whether any printed particulars or conditions of the sale hereinbefore mentioned or any other sales were or not during the treaty for the said purchase or at any other time delivered to the said D.M. by the said R.W. or by any other person, nor whether the said D. M. did or not peruse and consider any particulars and conditions of sale ; And these defendants further say they admit it to be true that the said R.W. was the solicitor and agent employed as well by the said D. M. as by the said J. N. and the said complainant T. N. in and about the said purchase ; And these defendants severally further say they believe it to be true that the said R.W. did as the solicitor or agent of the said J. N. and of the said complainant T.N. prepare at their expense an abstract or what purported to be an abstract of their title to the said estate and premises, but which as these defendants believe was very imperfect and inaccurate; and that the said R.W. shortly afterwards sent the said abstract to R. G. B. in the same hill mentioned to peruse and advise thereon on behalf of the said D. M., and that the said R. G. B. made numerous objections and inquiries respecting the title of the said estate and premises ; and that the said objections and inquiries required considerable research in order to obviate and answer them ; And these defendants further say they believe it to be true that the said D.M. wrote and sent to the said R.W. such letters &c. &c. as in the said bill stated, but for their greater certainty as to the said letters these defendants crave leave to refer to the same when produced ; And these defendants severally further say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise whether the said letter in the said bill mentioned to bear date the 7th day of February 1821 or whether any other letter was or not sent, by ANSWERS. t^ the said D. M. in reply to such communication of the said R.W. as in the said bill mentioned, save as appears from such letter ; And these defendants further say they have been informed and Believe that the •,,.., ,1.1.1 • 1 estate was con- believe it to be true that the said estate and premises were by ygyej ;„ ,„o,.t. such indentures of lease and release as in the said bill mentioned gage^ to T. P., 1 V • 1 a"'' "^® become together with other freehold hereditaments conveyed to the said absolute at law T. P. in mortgaffe in such manner as in the said bill mentioned, *° '"""• and that the estate and interest of the said T. P. in the said mort- gaged premises has become absolute at law, but for their greater certainty as to the said indentures these defendants crave leave to refer to the same when produced ; And these defendants further Believe that say they believe it to be true that the said R. W. did upon such ^.^^^''^''^t^*'^'* occasion as in the said bill mentioned request Messrs. W. and H. manage the busi- therein named to manage the business relating to the said pur- thrsalVpIlf- '^ chase, and that the said Messrs. W. and H. were the solicitors of chase ; the said T. P. and complied with such request as aforesaid, and that the said Mr. H. had several interviews with the said R. G. B., and that in consequence of the requisitions of the said R. G. B. that a new set ., ,^ TT « , . . 1 Tj of abstracts was the said Mr. H. found it necessary to prepare and did prepare prepared by at the expense of the said J. N. and of the said complainant J^p^J^g'^t^l.^'' *''* T.N. a new set of abstracts of their title to the said freehold evidence; and leasehold estates, and that the said Mr. H. laid the same be- ^ fore the said R. G. B. together with such pedigree certificates and other documents as in the said bill mentioned; And these defend- And thatD.M. ants severally further say they believe it to be true that the said pj|fehare'^-m''dney D. M. did deposit in such bank as in the said bill is mentioned the in a bank, but sum of ,£8000 the purchase-money agreed to be paid by the said ^^^^^g j^J^^J ^".* D. M. for the said estate and premises, but whether or not such thing as to the .,,.,,, , 1 1 X proposal stated proposal as in the said bill stated or any other proposals whatever ,„ the bill ; was or were ever made by the said Mr. H. to the said D. M., and whether or not the said D. M. declined according to such pro- posal or proposals, these defendants are unable to set forth as to their belief or otherwise ; And these defendants severally further Nor do they say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or other- ^^^^^] was^[n wise whether or not the said Mr. H. was in daily expectation of expectation of , , „ . , • 1 1 •!! • 1 .1 1 Ci. leceivine the receiving such draft as in the said bill mentioned or any other dratt j^aft from conn- from the said R. G. B. or any other person, but these defendants sel ; say they believe that the said Mr. H. did apply to the said D. M. to But believe that advance the ad valorem duty on the hitended conveyance, and that ^^ m^ 'Jo a*Ilva°nce the ad valorem duty amounted to the sum of £90, and was ac- the ad valorem cordingly on the day of paid by the said D. M. to the accoiring^iy did. * said Mr. H., but whether such application by the said Mr. H. was in consequence of such expectation as aforesaid these defendants IG ANSWERS. Do not know wliether any ob- jections to the title were re- moved to the satisfaction of counsel ; But believe that the draft con- veyance was re- ceived from him by R.W. ; And that it was the opinion of counsel that a good title could not be made, unless the ob- jections were sa- tisfactorily an- swered, and that the draft was sent in the ex- pectation that K.W. would be able to sup|)ly the defects, but that it was not intended to be executed until th« objections were removed. Do not know whether the re- quisitions made by counsel were submitted to D. M. but be- lieve that he never waived any objections to the title ; Keasons for such belief. Do not know whether U. \V. left the draft with Mr. H. nor whetlier he ap- proved thereof on behalf of T. P. aro unalile to set forth as to their belief or otherwise ; And these tlefcndants severally say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise [ ivhether W. returned to L., and H. re- signed the business and jiaid oi^er the .£90 ] ; And these defend- ants further say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise whether or not the principal or any objections which had arisen on the title of the said J. N. and of the said com- plainant T. N. were ever removed or answered to the satisfaction of the said R. G. B., bit these defendants say they believe it to be true that at or about such time as in the said bill mentioned the draft of the conveyance of the said estate and premises was received by the said R.W. from the said R. G. B. with some very important requisitions as to the title which had not been then supplied, and that it was the opinion of the said R. G. B. that a good title could not be made unless the different objections which he had discovered in and to the title were well and satisfactorily answered, and that the draft of the intended conveyance was sent by the said R. G. B. under the expectation that the said R.W. as the agent for the vendors would be able to supply such defects, but without any intention that the said conveyance should be executed by any of the parties until the objections which had been raised by him were satisfactoi ily removed ; And these defendants say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise whe- ther the said R.W. or any other person by his order or direction did or not submit such last-mentioned remarks and requisitions or any of them to the said D.IM. for his consideration, or whether the said D. M. did or nut consider the same, but these defendants say they do not believe that the said D. M. ever waived all or any of the objections to the title which had been raised by the said R. G. B., op that he accepted the title of the said J. N. or of the said complainant T. N. or either of them, or that he testified his approbation of the said or any other draft of conveyance ; And these defendants say that it is very improbable that being himself no lawyer, and having consulted a conveyancer for the purpose of having a safe and market- able title to the said estate and premises, the said D. M. should on his own responsibility have waived objections which by the said R. G. B. were considered material and necessary, to the title of the said estate and premises so agreed to be purchased by him ; And these defendants s^ay they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise whether the said R.W. or any other person by Ids order or direction did or not leave the said or any other draft with the said Mr. II. or with any other person in his service op employ, or whether the said Mr. II. did or not approve thereof oa .ANSWERS. 17 behalf of the said T. P. the mortgagee, or whether the said dl-aft was or not approved of by all such other persons as are in the said bill mentioned or any of them ; And these defendants further say Believe that cer- they believe it to be true that such indentures of lease and release f^'" '"^'''f "rf* of •^ _ lease and release and assignment of such respective dates and made between such were cnjjrossed persons as in the said bill mentioned, were engrossed from the said sud/persons aJ draft of conveyance, and executed by such several persons as in iu tiie bill stated; the said bill stated, and that the said T. F. married about such time And that T.P. as in the said bill stated, and that from such circumstances as therein ^i"^^ \^^]f J^.^. mentioned, the said Mr. H. had reason to doubt his sanity, and that son to donht the he thereupon thought it adviseable to defer procuring the execution a„(] deferred pro- of the said indentures by the said T. P. until he thought that the ciniug tiie exe- •J m T. 1 1111 f"t">n 0^ the said i. Jr. was competent to execute the same, and tliat shortly deei I ^^ ^''>' "iiJ'0"t completed, but that nevertheless in the month of August 1821 tue producin-; iute- vendors were not in a situation to complete the same: And these 'e>t, on the un- i ' _ ddstanihiii; tiiat defendants further say that in the said month of Augubt tlie difficul- tlie purchase was ties in the completion of the title to the said estate were as these .",j./^ comph ted, defendants believe still unremoved, and the property had become lj"t 'I'at in Au- , . . • 1 T^ T»ir 1 1 1 1 };ust tile vendors greatly deteriorated since the said D. iVl. had agreed to purchase y^eie not in a the same, and that the said D.M. was put to very great incon- situation to com- venience by the delay on the part of the vendors in completir.g the jj,.,^ ,|,e difj-,. sale, not only by the loss of interest on the purchase-money, but cnliies were ilun , ; . , . p . . , 1 • 1 1 • 1 unrcniovecl. and by losing the opportunity or improving the property which he might the progeny had/ have done if the sale had been completed, and also by his in- '>e«o've g't«"y Vol. II. B / 18 ANSWERS. that D. IM. was put to great in- convenience by the delay, and stating the cir- cumstances under which tiie defend- ants believe that D. M. wrote to R.W. the letter stated by the de- fendants. Jielicve from the letter next stat( d that D. ]\I. had been assured that the sale should be immediately con)pleted. ability to grant a lease of the property to the tenant in possession, who was willing to have taken a lease, but being unable to obtain the same quitted the estate, and under the circumstances afore- said these defendants believe that the said D. M. on the 1st of Au- gust 1821 wrote and sent to the said R.W. as solicitor for the vendors, a letter to the purport or effect following, ( that is to say ) : *' Dear Sir. — You can have no conception of the deterioration of the value of E. by the delay in making the conveyance for so long a period after what was agreed upon, and unless I can have a title by the 13th instant, I must give up all intention of purchasing" &c. &c. As in and by such letter if produced to this honorable court would appear; And these defendants further say they believe from the letter next hereinafter stated, that the said D. M. had been assured that the said sale should be immediately completed on the part of the vendors, and that he therefore waited for some time in expec- tation ihereof, but that such expectation not being fulfilled, he wrote and sent another letter to the said R.W. bearing date on or about the 25th of September 1821, in the words or to the purport or effect following, (that is to say) : [bei?}g a letter uhich communicated the difficulties in the iimij of completion^ and stated the loss which he was sustaining by getting no interest for his money Sfc. Sfc. and stating that if not completed he must give it up. ] As by such letter Believe that the ^^ produced would appear ; And these defendants severally further vendors were sa- say they believe that the vendors were satisfied that they were not tisfied that tliev ... . . could not compel in a situation to enforce against the said D. M. the performance of the said contract, and that they were willing therefore to make a new contract with him or to modify the old contract, and that they entered into a negociation with him for that purpose, and that the said D. M. being urged as to the sum which he would think a rea- sonable deduction from the sum of cfSOOO Avhich he had originally agreed to give for the said estate and premises, wrote and sent to the said R.W. a letter bearing date on or about the 1st of October 1821, in the words &;c. \^behig a letter, which from its language gave a coluuring to the defence here set up; that a new treaty teas on foot, and required the execution of an agreement, and j)roposing terms the same in substance as the memorandum hereinafter men' tioned and required immediate possession ; but if these terms were not complied wit'/, that he relinquished all intention of jmrchasing.^ As by such letter &c. &c. ; And these defendants say that several letters passed between the said D. M. and the said R.W. respecting the arrangement so proposed by the said D. M., and that after some discussion the said R.W. on behalf of the vendors and by the ex- press authority of the said J. N., acceded to the terms so proposed a specific per- formance, and were willing to make a new con- tract or to mo- dify the old one, and entered into a negociation for that purpose ; And that D. M. Jieing urged as to tlie deduction he rcf|uiie(l, wrote to R.W. tlie letter next stated. That several letters passed between D. M and R. W. re- specting the proposed ar- rangement ; I ANSWERS. 19 by the said D. M., and wrote and signed and sent to the said D. M. And tliat R. w. a letter dated the 17th of October 1821 declaring such acquiescence; vI'mTors acceded And these defendants further say that the said 11. W. at a meeting to the tcims pro- which took place at the house of the saidD.M. and as the autho- a letter declaring rised agent of the said J. N. and of the said complainant, drew out such acquies- a memorandum of the a t''« said IP . ,. , ^- X 1 1 nieniorandum, was not prepared tor some tune arter such meetuig took place as but when pre- aforesaid, and that when prepared, it differed in most essential par- \"^^^*^ 't ditlered . * «i most essential ticulars from the memorandum on which it was to liave been founded, paiticniars, and and that under such circumstances the said D.M. refused to execute V'^^J^' ^^'' ^'^^ iiised to execute the same, and on or about the 5th day of November 1821 wrote and tlie -^ame, and sent to the said R.W. a letter in words and to the effect following ; fi/e^ieu^,. „'e^t (that is to say), " Dear Sir. — I received your's with draft agreement stated. proposed to be executed, and began ])y making a short interlineation, but reading further I found tlie whole quite tliiferent from our agree- ment, which you will see by a perusal of my letters of the 1st, 10th, and loth, all addressed to you; and with resp(;ct to iiaving the title uncompleted for two years and then subjected to be annulled is * most unreasonable, as it would bind me from either leasing for any length of years or improving the property, or by doi:ng so, sub- jecting me to suffer great loss of interest and outlay, which are terms so different to our original agreement that I can see no possibte B 2 20 ANSWERS. prospect with any safety to myself of ever acconiplisliing the pur- chase, I must therefore again declare myself off from so uncertain and hazardous an attempt to purchase E., as I have already ex- pressed in my letters as above stated ; indeed by what Mr. B- last says, it does not appear that Mrs. N. has any right to sell under any such incumbrances and uncertainties as she unfortunately labors Say they are en- under." As in and by such letter when &c. ; And these defendants to whefheT d!m! further answering say they do not know and cannot set forth as to made any com- their belief or otherwise save as hereinbefore mentioned, whether R.'w'r'arin the the said D. M. did or not inform the said R.W. to such effect as in bill stated or ^j^g s^^j^j l^j^ mentioned, or whether he made any other communi- otherwise, and as /,,,., i • i t^ ttt it i • i t xt to applications cation of the like nature to the said li.VY., or whether the saiclJ.JN. "iid'^^the* otiier ^"^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ '^' ^ * ^^' ^^^ other person ever made any such appli- defendants. cations requests or offers to the said D. M. and the other defendants thereto as in the said bill mentioned ; And these defendants say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise, ■whether the said J. N. and the said complainant T. N. or either of them have been always or at any time anxious to procure such con- veyance and assignment as in the said bill mentioned. [ T//en fol- lowed answers to interrogatories relatirig to T. P. the mortgagee.^ Submit whether And these defendants submit to this honorable court whether the into a valid a-'ree- said D. M. did or not enter into a valid and binding agreement for nient for pur- ^|^g purchase of the said freehold and leasehold estates ; And these Sav they are en- defendants severally further say they do not know and cannot set tirely isjnorant as forth as to their belief or otherwise, whether the lease under which one J. I). fintheV J. D. in the said bill named held the whole or any part of the es- they believe ^^^^ ^^ r ^^ ^^ w/tei//er D.'s lease was delivered to D. M. and whether that D.iM. had ■- treated with him he treated with him for a renewal, ] further than these defendants as to his continu- i^gijg^g ^i^^^^ the said D. M. before he abandoned the said purchase had entered into some treaty with the said J. D. for continuing him the tenant of the property in case the said D. M. became the pur- chaser thereof; And these defendants further answering say they believe it to be true &c. [that D.l\I. agreed to take timber at a valuation, but they do not Jcnoiv whether according to j^orticulars of sale and answering the interrogatories to this point.^ And these Do not believe defendants sevei ally further say they do not believe that the said that i) IM with- J) Tyi^ ^jj^j witlulraw the said sum of ^8000 out of such bank as in drew tiie ^t 30 H> out ot the bank, the said bill mentioned, and on the contrary these defendants believe u'an^bel'i'p^ve that that such money was lying in the hands of the said bankers in the the sain- was in nionth of when they failed, and that a heavy loss was sustained baiKiAt the tini- by the said D. M. in cons^equence, and that the money produced no ot tailuic. jj^terest while the same lay in the hands of the said bankers ; And these defendants further answering say they admit it to be true ANSWERS. 21 that the said D. M. did duly make and publish his last will and testa- A.tmit d. M.'s .... , , 1 • 1 i will, and the ment in writing, executed and attested m such manner as to ])ass p,.oi,ate tiiereof real estates by devise, of such date &c., and that the said will con- ^y f'e defeud- . , . , ants, tained such devise &c., but for their greater certainty as to the said will and the contents thereof, these defendants crave leave to refer to the same or the probate thereof when produced, [admission of testators dying without revoking — proof,] and that they have pos- And that tliey sessed themselves of the said testator's personal estate or some part personal estate thereof, for which in case this honorable court should be of opinion for which tiiey are ' _ 1 /• 1 leady to account, that the said complainant T. N. has any claim, then these defend- but are unable to ants are ready to account to the extent of their several and respective ^|^^^^,^ p^e'i-rollal es- receipts and payments in respect thereof, but whether such personal tate is more than estate is much more than sufficient to pay and satisfy all the debts ^n debts, legacies and funeral expenses of the said testator these defendants not having yet obtained all the accounts of the persons to whom the said D, M. was indebted cannot set forth ; And these defendants further say they believe it to be true that the said J.N. departed this Admit the death ,.p 1 , . • 1 • 1 1 Ml • II 1 >.i- of the niaintifi hte at or about such time as in the said bill mentioned, but whether j ^ but not her or not she made and ])ublished her last will &c. or of any other date ^^''^ ^nd codicil • • 1 r XT T 1 thereto, or that or to any other purport or efiect, or whether the said J. IN. did or the executors re- not appoint such persons as in the said bill named executors of her """",at'tlfe'^p'lai^n- said will, or whether she ever revoked her said will except so far tiff T.N. has ob- as the same is revoked by the said codicil, or whether the executors administration. in the said codicil named renounced the probate of the said will and codicil and declined to act in the trusts thereof, or whether the said complainant hath obtained such letters of administration as in the said bill mentioned to be granted to him by and out of such court as therein mentioned, and is now the legal personal repre- sentative of the said J. N. deceased, these defendants severally say they do not know and cannot set forth as to their belief or other- wise; And these defendants severally say they do not know and Say tliey are cannot set forth as to their belief or otherwise whether or not by m, A^^'harbeeiT'^ such order of this honorable court as in the said bill mentioned the appointed com- .,-,.,, ., . p. , p, ., niittee ot the es- said M. A. has been appointed committee ot tlie estate ot the saul taie of T. P., T. P., or whether a grant thereof afterwards passed the great seal of Great Britain accordingly, or whether the said M. A. as such o'" .w'-i<^t'ier he claims the Itina- committee aforesaid, claims to be entitled to all the estate antl in- tic's intenst in tcrest of the .said T. P. of and in the alore^aid mortgage and the j!,',*;.;!"'!'^"''"'' **"' licreditameatis and i)reinises included therein; And the;ie defend- and submit thatas ants submit to this honorable court that under the circumstances vva'sniade binding hereinbefore mentioned, and inasmuch as if any suth agreement "l>'>" D-M. the I 1 • I- >ame was ai).in- as mentioned in the said bill was ever so made as to be binding doued, the piam- upan the said D. JM. which these defendants do not admit, the same ''^.'^ ;"*^ '"'^ ^"-. ' _ _ . titled to tile lelift was afterwards in the manner hcreinbci'urc mentioned waived and prayed, 22 ANSWERS. abandoned, the said complainants are not entitled to any such relief as is prayed by the said bill against these defendants ; but if this honorable court should be of opinion that these defendants as re- presentatives of the said D.M. are bound upon any terms to complete the said purchase, then these defendants insist upon the benefit of the agreement subsequently made between the said D. M. and the vendors, the terms of which are expressed in the said D. M/s letter of the 1st of October 1821 ; And these defendants further say they are advised that the said complainant cannot make a good title to the estate and hereditaments hereinbefore mentioned, and in the event of their being compelled to purchase the said premises they pray a reference to one of the Masters of the court to inquire into such title; And these defendants deny &c. [see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] Or lliat if the defendants are bound to coni- plt'te, tlien they insist upon the benefit of the second agree- ment, according to tlie terms of D.M.'s letter of the 1st October, 1821; And say they are advised that the j)hiintiff cannot make a good title, and in the event of being com- pelled to pnr- chase, they pray a reference to the Master to in- •inire into the title. * VI. Answer of one of three trustees for sale, defendants to a bill by a purchaser seeking to set aside the contract, the defendant insisting that although the incumbrancers on the estate are numerous, and that a recovery ivhioJi had been previously suffered was in dispute in another suit, yet that the defendants are able to procure a good conveyance to be executed to the plaintiff, and that he ought to be com- 2)elled to complete his contract ( 24 ). [ Answer of defendant C. V. — For the form of title and commencement, refer to sect. I. and II. p,\, and o. ] Saith that he aid Salth that defendant, together with M. A.T. and S. T. S. the two bSng du\7'ion-'' ^^^^^^' defendants to the said bill, having been as they were advised, s! ltd led trustees duly Constituted and appointed trustees for the sale of the heredita- vas^enured into "^ents and premises in the said bill mentioned, and believing that and an agreement they liad a good right and authority to sell the same, and that thev conclu'led for i i , sale of certain could execute or procure to be executed a good and sufficient con- veyance thereof in fee-simple to a purchaser, and being desirous therefore of executing their said trust, a treaty was accordingly in or about the month of July 1821 entered into between defendant's s;iid co-trustees or one of them and the said plaintiff, and an agree- ment was afterwards concluded between them for the sale of the estates to the plaintiti'; (24) This is one of the answers stated antea, vol. i. p. G67. ANSWERS. 23 said hereditaments and premises to the said plaintiff at or for the price or sum in the said bill mentioned; and the said agreement was And that the thereupon reduced into writing, and defendant admits signed by (^^"ced Tnto wr'it- the said M. A.T., S. T. S. and the said plaintiff, and was as de- ing and signed, fendant beUeves in the words and figures or to the purport and ^Jl]\.ct stated iii effect in the said bill mentioned, as far as the same is therein set t'^e bill. forth, nevertheless defendant for his greater certainty craves leave to refer to the same when produced to this court ; Saith that the said ao-reement so sii^ned was sent to defendant for Saitli that such his approbation and signature, and defendant did accordingly ap- sent*to' hUn Tor prove of and sign the same subject only to a few marginal notes his signatme, , , o ^•n • • ^^ ^ ■ ^ and which lie thereon by way of quahfication on certam collateral pomts as to accordingly costs and the extent of the covenants to be entered into on the signed. part of defendant and his co-trustees, as by the said agreement when produced, and to which defendant for his greater certainty refers, when produced, will more fully appear ; Saith that except as aforesaid he did not personally act in such Saith that he did treaty of sale of the said premises to said plaintifi; such treaty i'n\f,e' 'treaty^ ''''^ having been carried on in the county of Y. by his co-trustees there, and defendant residing in London and not having interfered in the contract any further than by some previous correspondence with his co-trustees, and by testifying his approbation of and subsequently signing the contract, neither did defendant pretend or allege himself to be in the said month of July or at any other time seised of or otherwise well entitled for an estate of inheritance in fee-simple to the manor and other hereditaments in the said bill mentioned, or that he and the said other defendants could shew and make out a good clear marketable title to the said premises, or that they had good right and authority to sell the same, and could execute or procure to be executed a good and sufficient conveyance of said hez'editaments free from all incumbrances except as in the said bill mentioned, or otherwise except as aforesaid ; Saitli that except as he is informed by the said bill he is wholly Saith that he is unable to set forth whether or not the said plaintiff was at the time in ""^'^''^ to state '^ wliether the the said bill mentioned anxious to purchase a residence and estate in plaintiff was that part of the country where the said manor and other heredita- f.i!!!lp"f r,'*!,i?"!^I ments were situate, or whetiier or not he relied upon such alleged "»' whether he , ^ • I • 1 1 -11 -11 1 11 lelied on the statements as are ni the said bill mentioned to liave been made by statemoius ai- this defendant's said co-trustees ; '^'S^^ '" '*'«-* l>'"- Denies that he ever made any such statements to the said plain- Denies !i living jjfp. made any such t' • r 1 1 T • Statements. oait/i that he believes it to be true that two parts cf the said Believes that agreement hereinbefore mentioned were prepared, and that one of '^"" l'^''^" "* •24 ANSWERS. the agreement sucli pai'ts was taken and kept by defendant and his said co-trustees, and that one\v'as ^^^ ^^ ^'^^^ i" their power, but whether or not defendant signed both taken by the de- parts of the Said atjjreement he does not recollect, and except as he teinhmls, but is . . i • i i -n • in i i n -i i.- unable to Mate IS iniormed by the said bill, is wholly unable to set lorth as to tiis ^V,"""'^' the belief or otherwise whether the other part of said aorreement was ether was taken _ ... . by the plaintiff, taken and kept by said plaintiff or is now in his possession ; Has been in- Saith he does not know but has been informed and believes that freTcrth^u'L t^uTl ^ ^^^^^ *^""^ ^"^^ correct abstract of the title of defendant and his co- abstract was trustees to the said manor and hereditaments was delivered to plain- tiff and that he tiff or his solicitor within one month or thereabouts from the date has approved of of the said contract, and that such title has in fact been approved tiie title. ... of by or on the part of the said plaintiff; Saith that except Sctith that except as aforesaid and except that he has been in- ili^fo; nieT a^^To formed and believes that in the first instance an abstract of the title three abstracts to said estate as deduced unto F. M. T. the owner was sent from L, knovvs not whe- to the Solicitors at Y. employed by the said defendants M. A. T. and Thcr a partial S. T. S. on the 7th day of July 1821, and that a second abstract ab'^tract only '' . was ckiiveied as Containing an account of the incumbrances on that estate was sent bm? " '*'^ fromL. to the same solicitors on the 11th day of the same month of July in the same year, and that a third abstract of the title to the S. estate being part of the trust hereditaments, was delivered to the said solicitors atY., and were delivered by them to the said plaintiff or his solicitor, he is unable to set forth as to his behef or otherwise whether or not on the 12th day of July last, or at any other time, a partial abstract only of the title-deeds relating to parts of the said hereditaments comprised in the said agreement was delivered to the solicitors of the said plaintiff, or how otherwise, or whether it was not on the 19th of the same month and not before that an abstract of other deeds relating to the same part of the said here- ditaments or any other pirts was delivered to the solicitor of the said plaintiff, except as aforesaid ; Dof^s not believe Saith that he does not believe that any of the deeds material to tli:-.! ii'jy material i-i i • -i • -ii pi-i (fc'.ds were omit- the title to the saul premises are omitted to be set forth m the ^'^'^'- same ; P.elieves that Saith he has been informed and believes that said F. M. T. in his another suiTe'n- answer in the suit in the said bill mentioned, has endeavoured to deavotired to impugn the validity of a recovery suffered by him and his late father, j!'i;tv%.i' a leco- ^^ *he Said hereditaments and premises, but defendant saith he \ *'*'^> l^"' believes tliat the that such title has been approved of by or on the part of the said title has been ap- plaintifF. and that defendant and his said co-trustees were in fact at V^^"^^ of on the *^ . . , . pa>t or the plam- the time of entering into the said aj^reement and are now seised or tiff, and that the A e A well entitled in equity for an estate of inheritance in fee-simple of entUled"to atT or to the manor and other hereditaments aforesaid. equitable estate Saith he is wholly unable to set forth as to his belief or otherwise, cannot except as he is informed by the said bill, whether or not at the time whether plaintiff of entering into the said agreement hereinbefore mentioned plain- ^f tj,e former** tiff was aware or had been informed that such suit ( as in the said s"'^ o"" of the 1 11 • -IN 1 1- 1 1 T I- p 1 validity of the bill is mentioned) was depending, or that the validity oi such re- recovery being covery as aforesaid was disputed in the manner hereinbefore men- P'sp"tetj, but •' , ^ , . insists that if he tioned, but defendant saith there being as defendant believes no was not informed well founded objection to the said recovery, he submits and insists jt* ^'u^ht not to' that if the said plaintiff was not informed thereof at such time as prevent the con- aforesaid (but which defendant does not admit), yet that same completed. * ought not now to prevent the said contract from being completed ; Admits that the Admits that the incumbrances upon the said hereditaments and '"cumbrances t ^ were numerous, premises are numerous and great, but defendant hath been in- but lias been in- formed by his co-trustee M. A. T. that the plaintiff was at the time tiff"was 'aware'"* of entering into the said agreement fully apprized and aware of this ^'^^'^ the property ^ o 1 ■> 1 p \ ^^^ sold to pay circumstance, and oi the embarrassed state oi the trust property, off the same, blit and that it was sold for the benefit of the numerous incumbrancers ^.^'^^ not believe thereon, but tqe amount thereof prior to the date of the conveyance of the trust con- to the trustees defendants upon trust to sell was not so great as de- amou'n^ed to ^ fendant believes as to exceed the amount of the purchase-money m"ch as the pur- agreed to be given by the said plaintiff; ^* Saith he hath been informed and believes that such of the said Believes that incumbrancers upon the said hereditaments and premises as are eumbranVeVas necessary parties to make a perfect conveyance thereof to the said are necessary 1 . ^./v. -ii- - • • .1 • parties are willing piaintift, are willing to join therein; to join. Submits and insists that he and his co-trustees are able to pro- Submits that de- cure a good and sufficient conveyance of the said premises to be f'^n'''*"ts are able 1 _•' r to procure a good executed to the said plaintiff, and that under such circumstances, conveyance to be and the said plaintiff' having ( as defendi^nt believes ) long since tlm^ the*lj|^nUff approved of the title to the said estates, he ought not to be re- ongbt not to be leased from his said contract, but ought to be compelled by the contract, decree of this court to coniplete the same on his part; Saith that the said plaintiff did not according to the best of de- Denies any ap- fendant's recollection and belief make any applications or requests '/nadt' '""^ '^"''' to delcndant aii in the said bill mentioned ; 26 ANSWERS. Or that he has threatened to commence any action at law. Denies that he has tlireatened to commence or prosecute any action at law against the said plaintiff* for breach of the said agree- ment or otherwise ; but defendant nevertheless submits that the said plaintiff is bound to perform the same ; Denies combination ^c. [see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] Admits that tlie testator made a nuncnpative will as stated in the bill. Admits his death leaving two sons the plaintiff and another since dead. and that letters of administration with the will an- nexed were grant- ed to the defend- ant, wiio has pos- sessed the per- sonal estate, and paid debts, &c. and invested the surplus, and laid out the dividends to accuumlate VII. Aiisiver of a trustee vnder a nuncupative will who had taken out letters of administration to the testator ivith his will an- nexed, submitting to account and claiming allowances for sums expended in educating and apprenticing the plaintiff. {For the form of title, refer to sect, I. p. 1.) This defendant saving and reserving &;c. \^ see form No. 1. p. 3.] answereth and saith he believes it to be true that W. W. the tes- tator in the said bill named did on or about the day of duly make and publish his last will and testament being a nuncupa- tive will in manner in the said bill in that behalf mentioned, and that the said will with the signatures in the said bill mentioned is in such words and figures or to such effect as in the said bill in that behalf set forth, but for certainty as to the date and contents of the said will this defendant craves leave to refer to the probate thereof when produced &c. ; And this defendant saith he believes and ad- mits it to be true that the said testator departed this life on or about the day of the same month of , and that he at his death left the said complainant and W. W. the younger in the said bill named his two natural sons him surviving as mentioned in the said bill ; And this defendant admits it to be true that soon after the said testator's death the said will was in due form proved in the Preroga- tive Court of the province of C, and that letters of administration of the goods and chattels rights and credits of the said testator with his said will annexed were duly granted by the said court to this de- fendant ; and that this defendant possessed and received all such parts of the said testator's personal estate and effects as he was able, and that he hath thereout paid all the said testator's funeral expenses and debts so far as the same have come to his knowledge and the said legacy of £ to the saidW.W., and that there remained a considerable balance of the said personal estate in his hands; And this defendant saith that he hath laid out all the surplus of the said testator's personal ebtate which hath come to this defendant's hands, ANSWERS. ^7 and also tlio dividends and interest thereof from time to time (ex- (except a part cept some part thereof which hath been applied to the maintenance i'/rt's^ matnte^*"' of the said comphiinant as hereinafter mentioned ) in the purchase "i^'ice ) in the ^ „ !• 1 1 1 1 ...... P , . tiinds in the oi o per cent, consolidated bank annuities m the joint names ot this names of plaintiff defendant and the said complainant, and in consequence thereof the ^"'^ defendant. sum of £ of the said stock is now standing in their joint names in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Eng- land ; And this defendant saith that he hath from time to time laid Saith that he has out and expended certain sums in the maintenance and education of su'nis7n* edncat" the said complainant, and hath lately entered into an engagement '"i? the plaintiff with Messrs. G. W. and P. calico-printers at D. to put the said com- ijin,, " ^ plainant apprentice to them and to pay them the sum of £ as an apprentice fee for the said complainant, and in consequence of such engagement the said complainant is now with the said Messrs. G.W. and P. as an apprentice ; And this defendant submits that he and submits that ought to have an allowance made to him out of the dividends and thVsame allowed interest which have arisen from the surplus of the said testator's him. estate for all sums expended by him for maintenance of the said complainant as aforesaid and also for the said apprentice fee ; And this defendant further saith he believes it to be true that the said Believes that the W.W. the son hath departed this life intestate unmarried and without °nt'eTta*te"and** issue ; And this defendant submits to account for the said personal without issue, estate possessed by him, and to transfer the said stock into the name account!"* ^ * of the Accountant-General of this court as this court shall direct, but craves to have all just allowances made to him in such accounts as well in respect of the said maintenance and apprentice fee as otherwise. Without that &c. [see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] T. C. C. 26 ANSWERS. Admils that the testator was seised of real estates, the de- scription tliereof set forth in the first schedule. That after mak- ing his will and codicil he pur- chased otiier estates, and sub- mits tiiat the same descended to tiie defendant as his heir at law. Admits that the testator was pos- sessed of personal estate, Admits also his will and codicil, VIII. Answer of an executor and trustee utider a will to a bill for an account filed by a legatee; the executor being also heir at law to the testator, and claiming as such to be entitled td freehold estates purchased by the testator after maJcing his ■will and a codicil, and denying any republication thereof. The defendant having misapplied part of the produce of the real and personal estate, submits to account for the value of the government securities in which the same might have been invested, (referring to schedides annexed.) ( For the form of title, vide antea, p. 2, form No. 4.) This defendant &c. [as i?i form No. I. p. 3, and note {d), ib.^ answerincf saith he admits that the testator S. M. in the said com- plainant's bill named was at the time of making his will and codicil and at the time of his death seised or entitled in fee-simple of and to certain real estates the names whereof this defendant hath set forth in the first schedule to this his answer annexed and which he prays may be taken as part thereof; And this defend- ant further answering saith that the said testator after making and publishing his said will and codicil, purchased certain other real estates which this defendant hath also specified in the said schedule ; And this defendant has never heard nor does he believe that the said testator ever republished his said will and codicil or either of them after making such last-mentioned pur- chases, and therefore he submits such after-purchased lands de- scended upon him this defendant as the heir at law of the said tes- tator ; And this defendant further answering saith he admits that the said testator was at the time of his death possessed of and en- titled to a personal estate consisting of such particulars as in the said complainant's bill mentioned and more particularly set forth in the second schedule to this defendant's answer annexed, and which he prays may also be taken as part thereof; And this defendant fur- ther saith he believes that the said testator when he was of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding duly made and pub- lished his last will and testament in writing bearing date on or about in such words and to sucii purport and effect as in the said complainant's bill mentioned so far as the same is therein set forth ; And this defendant further saith he believes that the said testator duly made a codicil to his said will bearing date to such purport and effect as in the said complainant's bill mentioned, and that such will and codicil were duly executed so as to pass lands ANSWERS. 29 of inheritance ; And this defendant further saith that the said com- setting forth the plainant has in his said bill very shortly stated the said will which this the^^tnie"^ coll- ^' defendant apprehends admits of some doubt as to the true construe- struction being tion thereof, and which said will and codicil are in the following * words, ( that is to say ) : &c. &c. ; And this defendant further saith that the codicil to the said will was in the words and figures follow- ing, ( that is to say ) : &c. &c. ; And this defendant further answer- Believes that lie ing saith he believes that the said testator S. M. departed this life yoking the'wm* on or about without revoking or altering the said will and ^"^^ codicil. codicil save as the said will is altered by the said codicil; And this defendant further answering saith he admits that the said testator left Admits that the this defendant his heir at law, and the said complainant and the other ^f^"^^'^*^ ** ''*"' natural children named in the said will and codicil him surviving ; And this defendant further answering saith he admits that he this defendant alone proved the said will and codicil in the Prerogative that he alone Court of the Archbishop of C, and possessed all the personal estate and^possessed tlie of the said testator to the amount mentioned and set forth in the personal estate, second schedule to this defendant's answer annexed ; And this defendant further answering saith he admits that he hath entered and entered upon upon the said testator's real estates of which the said testator was '^^'^^ received the * , . . . . . . rents of the real possessed at the time of making his said will and codicil, and re- estates as set ceived the rents and profits thereof for such length of time and to ^^^^ 'schedule! such amount as is mentioned and set forth in the second schedule to this defendant's answer annexed ; And this defendant further an- Saith that he has swering saith that since the death of the said testator he hath sold reay*el^tates which and disposed of the said real estates of which the said testator tiie testator had was possessed at the time of making his said will and codicil, the making his will particulars of which and the amount thereof this defendant hath '^^^ codicil, and set forth in the said second schedule to this his answer annexed ; ed part of the And this defendant further answering saith that he did employ part Efr ''"^?, '" ^"^' » r J r filhng the con- of the money arising from the real and personal estate of the said tracts entered testator in fulfilling such contracts as the said testator was engaged ^"j^^ ^^^^ *^^ in at the time of his death, and which is accounted for in the said ployed other part second schedule to this defendant's answer annexed, whereby it will appear what interest profit or advantage hath been made by such monies so employed ; and this defendant also employed part of such monies in his trade; And this defendant further answering Reference to the . . "^ second schedule saith that he hath in the said second schedule to this his answer in wiiich is cal- annexed calculated the amount of government securities which the ^',J,o,f„t 0^20- said testator's estate come to the hands of this defendant would vernment secn- have purchased if the same had been by this defendant from time estate possessed to time laid out in government securities, and fur which this de- ^y ^'"^ defendant „ J , . , would h — lendant submits to account as part 01 the personal estate 01 the chased. 30 ANSWERS. said testator, subject to the demands to which such personal estate Reference to the is Hable ; And this defendant further saith that he hath in the first Jn?tJ«!lff "Jn n? schccUile to this his answer annexed set forth a full Uue just and count of the real particular account of all and every the real estates which the said the testator was testator was seised of or entitled to in fee simple at the time of seised ; making his said will and codicil, and of which he continued to be seised at the time of his death, with the name or names thereof and of each and every part thereof, and where the same and each Reference to the and every part thereof is situate ; and in the said second schedule for^the' p^LTticu- *^^ yearly value thereof and of each and every part thereof, and lars of the rental in whose tenure or occupation the same and each and every part ' thereof now is and from time to time since the death of the said testator hath been, and under what yearly or other rent or rents, and what part of the tinre since the death of the said testator this defendant hath been in possession or receipt of the rents and profits thereof and of what parts thereof, and who hath been and for how long time in possession and receipt of the rents and profits thereof and of the rents and of each and every part thereof; And this defendant further received by or for answering saith he hath in the said second schedule to this his the use or the ® defendant, and answer annexed set forth a full true perfect and particular account produ^ce'd°bv^sale ^^ ^^^ ^"^ every sum and sums which have or hath at any time and of the estates, when been received by this defendant or by any other person or persons by his order or for his use for or on account of the rents and profits of the said estates or any part thereof become due since the death of the said testator, or from or on account of the and also of the sale of the said estates or any part or parts thereof; And this sonal estate and defendant further answering saith he hath in the said second sche- the application dule to this his answer annexed set forth a full true and particular thereof. inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and personal estate and effects whatsoever which the said testator was possessed of entitled to or interested in at the time of his death, and all the particulars whereof the same consisted, and the natures kinds quan- tities full true and real values thereof and of every ])art thereof, together with such particvdars as have been possess^^ed or received by or come to the hands of this defendant or of any other person or persons by his order or for his use, and how and in what manner and when and where and by whom and to wliom and for how much the same and every part thereof hath been sold or disposed of; Believes that the And this defendant sarth he believes that the said consplainant at- ta?ned*^2i^* ^^' *^"^ed his age of twenty-one years sometime since ; And this de- Admits the appli- fendant further answering saith he admits that the said complainant the true construe- ^'^^tli made such applications and requests to this defendant as in tion of the will the said complainant's bill mentioned j And this defendant fuither ANSWERS. 31 answering salth that he hath not refused to comply therewith, but heinw doubtful, as there are some doubts as to the true construction of the said will siro^,"s'^"*act «n- and several parties entitled to all of whom this defendant is to der the indemnity account, he this defendant is desirous to act in the premises as executor of the said S. M. deceased under the directions and in- demnity of this honorable court. IX, Answer of an executrix submitting to act under the in- demnity of the court, (For the form of title, refer to sect. I. ^;. \.) This defendant &c. {^see form No. 1. /?. 3.] answering saith she Admits that the admits that S.W. the testator in the said bill named was at the time !^**''^'"' ^ "* P?^" sessed oi consi- of his death possessed of a considerable personal estate, and par- derable personal ticularly of the several sums in the public stocks or funds in the ' said bill of complaint mentioned ; and that the said testator duly and also his will, made and published his last will and a codicil thereto of such re- thereto • spective dates and to such purport or effect as in the said bill in that behalf stated ; but nevertheless &c. ; Believes that the said testator did soon after making said will Believes that he and codicil depart this life without altering or revoking the said Jerin^'his° wiu" will save by the said codicil, or without altering or revoking the and codicil ; said codicil, leaving this defendant his widow and such other per- sons as in the said bill in that behalf named him surviving ; Admits that she hath duly proved the said will and codicil in the Admits that she proper Ecclesiastical Court and hath taken upon herself the exe- same^'^and wt- cution tliereof, and hath by virtue thereof possessed herself of as sessed the pei- much of the said testator's personal estate and effects as she has denies iiaviu" been able to do ; And this defendant denies that she ever threatened threatened to sell to sell or dispose of the said stocks funds and annuities in the said will and bill mentioned without any regard to the interest of the said complainants in remainder therein, or hath made any transfer of the same ; Submits to this honorable court what interest the said com- plainants are entitled to in the personal estate of the said S. W. by virtue of his said will ; Saith she hath in a schedule &c. set forth a full true and par- Reference to the ticular account of all the personal estate to which the said testator aI,*ac(!o!u't"of /i*i*e was entitled at his death, distinguishing v/hat part thereof hath personal estate; come to her hands or to the hands of any other person or persons .32 ANSWERS. And to the second schedule for an account of the appUcation thereof. Submits to ac- count, and to act under the indemnity of tlie court. for her use, except such sums are mentioned in the schedule herein- after referred to ; Saith she hath in the second schedule &c. set forth an account current hetween her and the estate of the said S. W., and this defendant hath therein set forth to the best of her knowledge &c. a full and true account of all sums of money part of the personal estate of the said testator come to her hands, or to the hands of any person or persons to her use and of the application thereof; Saith she is ready and wilHng to account as this honorable court shall direct for all such parts of the personal estate of the said testator as have been possessed or received by this defendant, having all just and reasonable allowances made which she is entitled to as such executrix ; And in all other respects this defendant submits to act as the court shall direct, upon being indemnified and paid her costs of this suit ; And denies combination &c. [ see sect. IV. antea, jJ- "^O W.A. Admit that the deceased was possessed of personal estate ; also her will, and the bequest of the legacy ; Her death ; And probate of licr will by de- fendant W.M. who adniits as- * X. Answer of an executor and of the husband of the plaintiff to a hill for payment of a legacy — the executor admitting assets, and the husband claiming to be entitled to receive the legacy. ( For the form of title, refer to sect, I. p. 2.) These defendants W. M. and F. H. &c. \see form No. %. antea ^ p. 3.] severally answering say they admit it to be true that M. M. deceased in the said bill named was possessed of considerable per- sonal estate, and that she made such will of such date purport and effect as in the said bill set forth, so far as the same is therein set forth, and thereby gave to the said complainant the legacy or sum of of in manner in the said bill mentioned, and nominated this defendant W.M. sole executor of her said will; but for greater cer- tainty these defendants refer Sec. ; And these defendants further severally answering say they admit it to be true that the said tes-* tatrix departed this life at or about the time in the said bill in that behalf mentioned, and without altering or revoking her said will} And this defendant W.M. further answering saith he admits, and this defendant F. H. saith he behoves it to be true that this de- fendant W.M. did duly prove the said will in the proper Ecclesi- astical Court, and did undertake the execution thereof; And this defendant W. M, admits that under and by virtue of the said wilJ ANSWERS. 33 he hath possessed himself of the said testatrix's personal estate sets suflTicient to to an amount more than sufficient to pay and discharge her funeral '"''^ "^ '''^^^^ ' expenses just debts and legacies, and particularly the said legacy of £ , and that the said complainant hath applied to this defend- also admits the 1 .ji -11 n ^ • ^11 plaintifii ',s ap- ant to be paid the said legacy or sum ot * so given to her by plications, and the said will as in the said bill mentioned, and that this defendant ^'s refusal to pay the legacy W.M. did refuse to pay the same to her without the consent and without the con- concurrence of this other defendant her husband, and without Jiefendan'r- ""'^"^ which this defendant is advised and humbly submits he could not safely pay the said legacy ; And this defendant W. M. further saith he doth admit assets of the said testatrix come to his hands sufficient to answer the purposes aforesaid, and is ready and willing and That he is willing hereby submits to pay the said legacy to such person or persons and °^ ^hl conrt^^i- in such manner as this honorable court shall be pleased to direct; >ects. And this defendant F. H. saith he claims to be and humbly insists Claim by F. H. that he is in right of the said complainant his wife, entitled to j^, "'^''^'^^ receive and be paid the said legacy or sum of £ so given to her by the said will as aforesaid, and humbly hopes the same will be ordered to be paid to him accordingly ; And these defendants deny &c. \^see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] E.K. iacv. * XI. Answer of the executors of a deceased acting executor, to a bill of revivor; the defetidants not admitting assets, not knowing iv/iat was due from their testator to the original testator, but submitting to account. ( For the form of title, refer to sect. I. p. 2. ) These defendants &c. [see form No. 2. antea, p. 3.1 severally an- Admit the ori- swering say they believe it to be true that at or about the time in the »'"'^ ' ^ ' said bill stated R.W. in the said bill of revivor named, exhibited his original bill of complaint in this honorable court against such parties as defendants thereto as in the said bill mentioned, thereby stating and praying to the effect in the said bill of revivor set forth, so far as the same is therein set forth, and that in consequence of the death of the said R.W. the said complainant T.W. at or about the time ' in the said bill of revivor mentioned, exhibited his supplemental bill the supplemental in this honorable court against such parties defendants thereto as ' therein mentioned, stating and praying to the effect in the said bill of revivor set forth, so far as the same is therein set forth ; And Vol. II. c 34 ANSWERS. and the subse- quent proceed- Admit the death of G. R, a de- fendant ; Tliat he had principally acted as executor, and that the defend- ants have since proved his will, and possessed his personal estate. Believe that the same is sufficient to answer what ininjht be due to the estate of T. W. do not admit the same, but submit to account ; And submit that tlie suit and pro- ceedings may atand revived. tliat the said several defendants in the said supplemental bill named, afterwards appeared and put in their answers thereto, and that such proceedings have since been had in the said cause as in the said bill of revivor mentioned ; but for their greater certainty neverthe- less these defendants crave leave to refer to the said original and supplemental bills answers and other proceedings now remaining filed as of record in this honorable court; And these defendants further severally answering say they admit it to be true that before any further proceedings were had in the said cause, and at or about the time in the said bill of revivor in that behalf stated, G. R. one of the defendants to the said original and supplemental bills, and one of the executors and trustees under the will of the testator T.W. in the said bill of revivor named, and who hath principally acted in the trusts thereof, departed this life having first dulymade-and pub- lished his last will and testament in writing of such date as in the said bill of revivor mentioned, and thereof appointed these defend- ants executors ; And these defendants admit that since his death they have duly proved his said will in the proper Ecclesiastical Court, and luidertaken the executorship thereof, and are thereby become his legal personal representatives, and that they possessed the said G. R.'s personal estate and effects so far as they have been conveniently able, and these defendants believe ( although they do not admit the same ) that such personal estate and effects are suffi- cient to answer whatever might be due from the said G. R. at the time of his death to the estate of the said testator T.W. if any thing were so due ; but these defendants not knowing the amount thereof are advised that they cannot with safety or propriety ad- mit assets of their said testator to be in their hands sufficient to answer the same, and these defendants say they are ready to account for the said G. R.'s personal estate possessed by them or for their use, in such manner as the court shall be pleased to direct, if the same should become necessary ; And these defendants further se- verally answering say they submit that the said suit and proceedings which became abated on the death of the said G. R. may stand and be revived against them as such executors as aforesaid, and be re- stored to the same plight and condition in which they were in at the time of the death of the said G. R. ; "Without that &c. [ see sect. IV. anteo, p. 7.] ANSWERS. 35 XII. Answer of an executor of a deceased executor to a bill of revivor and supiilement ; the defendant admitting assets. ( For the form of title, refer to sect. I. p. 2. ) This defendant &c. \ see form No. 1. antea, p. 3.1 answerino- Admits the filing ^ ^ ' . . 1 • 1 of^ the onginal saith he beHeves it to be true that at or about the time ni the said bill, bill stated the several persons therein in that behalf named exhibited their original bill of complaint in this honorable court against such parties as defendants thereto as in the said bill are mentioned, thereby stating and praying to the effect in the said bill set forth so far as the same is therein set forth ; and that such decree de- the decree and 1 1 1 Ml p • 11 T 11.1- the sub'^equent cretal order bill oi revivor and other proceedings were had therein proceedings; as in the said bill set forth ; but for his greater certainty nevertheless this defendant craves leave to refer to the said original bill decree and other proceedings now remaining as of record in this honorable court; And this defendant further answering saith that A. W. in the The death of said bill named hath lately departed this life, and that the said A. W. aat ; duly made and published his last will and testament in writing, His will; and thereby appointed Dame A. B., R. T. and this defendant ex- ecutrix and executors thereof, and that this defendant hath since the death of the said A.W. alone duly proved his said will in the ^"^"^^l that the _ ._ PiAii-i (-/^ 1-1 11 defendant alone Prerogative Court ot the Archbishop ot C and is thereby become proved the same, his legal personal representative, but this defendant doth not know '^','^ cannot slate nor can he set forth as to his belief or otherwise who is the heir at law, nor wi-.e- at law of the said A.W. ; And this defendant further saith he doth thTniakin-'-^o^f'^ • not know nor can form any belief whether the said A.W. did or the report pos- not after the making of the report in the said bill menlioned, receive ^f tjjg 'esui'te of any sum or sums of money arising from the real and personal estate ^- ^- bnt it he of D. G. the elder the testator in the pleadings of this cause named, any such were which ought to have been accounted for by him ; but this defendant ^"'^^y ^^^nnniot saith he admits that he hath received assets of the said A.W. suili- accounted ibr. cient to answer any such sura or sums of money if it shall appear that any such were received and not accounted for by the said A.W. in his life-time ; And this defendant saith that lie is a stranger to the several other matters and things in the said bill inquired after ; But 4||» submits that the said suit and the proceedings had therein should ^"^^ snhnni? th-t 1 • 1 • 1 /• 1 - tiie Milt may be stand and be revived against him this deiendant as such personal ,evivt;d. representative as aforesaid; And this defendant denies *kc. \_see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] c 2 36 ANSWERS. Does not know vvlietlu r the tes- tator was or not indebted to the plaintitr J.C., nor whether he siirned a pioniis- sory note, nor whether he paid off part of the amount se- cured l)y the pro- missory note, witii al! arrears of" interest, jior what amount is due, nor whether tiie testator was or not indebted to the plaintiffs J.C. and T. K. as so- licitors, or to J. R. for money lent, nor whether he did or not sisrn the bills of ex- ciiaiiiie stated in the bill, n^ >hether he was or not in- debted to the plaintiff J. L. for money lent, * XTII. Answer of an infant heiress to a hill by simj)le-contract creditors against the executors and trustees under the will of her father, tvho had died greatly indebted, possessed of real and personal estate. ( For the title, see form No. 3. antea, p. 7.) This defentlant (25) answering saith she does not know and cannot set forth as to her belief or otherwise whether Z. R. the testator in the said bill named was or not in his life-time indebted to the said complainant J. C. in the sum of c£315 or any other and what sum of money for monies lent and advanced paid laid out and ex- pended to or for the use of the said Z. R., nor whether for securing the repayment thereof with lawful interest for the same he the said Z,R. did or not make and sign such promissory note of such date and in the words and figures or to the purport or eflPect as in the said bill stated and set forth, or to any other purport or effect, nor whether the said Z.R. did or not on the 28th day of April 1821 or at any other time pay off and discharge the sum of £\00 or any other sum of money part of the said .£315 secured by the said promissory note together with all or what arrears of interest, nor whether the sum of £o\5 or any other sum of money to- gether with interest thereon from the 1st day of January last or from any other time doth or not now remain due and owing to the said complainant J. C, nor whether the said Z.R. was or not at the time of his death indebted to the said complainant J. C. and T. R. or either of them in the sum of £oC> or any other sum of money for business done and transacted and monies paid laid out and expended for him or for his use in their business or profession of attornies and solicitors, nor whether the said Z. R. was or not also at the time of his death indebted to the said complainant J. R. in the sum of £o5 for money lent and advanced or in any other sum of money, nor whether the said testator did or not make and sign such bills of exchange or promissory notes of such date respectively, and in tlie words and figures or to the purport and effect as in the' said liill stated to bear date the 17th day of June 1824 and the 25th day of August 1824, or to any other purport and effect, nor whether the said testator was or not also at the time of his death indebted to the said complainant J. L. in the sum of £Q5 for money lent and advanced work and labour done and performed and goods sold and (25) See note (c), antea, p. 3, and note (/), p. 7. cannot be excepted to for insuiliciency. An infant's answer ANSWERS. 37 delivered or in any other sum of money, nor whether the said tes- nor whether he tator did or not make and sign such bill of exchange of such date 5,'^.!, o'ther^'biU and in the words and figures or to the purport and efiect as in the of exchange as • 1 1 • t 1 -11 1 1 1 1 oi 1 p r 1 100/I stated in the bill, said complamants bill stated to bear date the ou day 01 July 10^4-, |)„t believes that or to any other purport and effect ; but this defendant further '"^ ^^'^'^ indebted •> I i ' to various per- saitli she hath been informed and believes that the said testator was sons ; indebted to various persons on specialty and simple contract at the time of his death ; And this defendant further answering saith she admits that the said Z. R. departed this life on the 16th day of admits his death; April last, seised and possessed of or otherwise well entitled unto very considerable real and personal estate, and that he made and published his last will and testament in writing of such date purport and his will ; and effect as in the said bill mentioned and set forth, so far as the same is therein set forth ; And this defendant further saith she leaving S. R. his admits that the said testator departed this life as aforesaid leaving ^etVndant his his wife S. R. the mother of this defendant and also a defendant in heiress at law; the said bill named, and this defendant his only child and heiress at law ; And this defendant further answering saith she hath been in- Believes that formed and believes that the said S. R. together with M. C. D., ^{^^.^Q („|,pr de- A.K. and R. D. three other defendants in the said bill named and tendauts proved also trustees and executors named in the said will did on ■ duly prove the same in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Can- terbury, and take upon themselves the burthen of the execution thereof: And this defendant further saith she does not know and ^"t cannot state. -, , , , ,. p 1-11 1 -1 whttiier Iheyen- cannot set lortli as to her behet or otherwise whether the said tered into posses- Z. R., M. C. D., A.K. and R. D. or any or either of them have or f""^ «<" ^i'*^ t^^^^' ' ' J _ tor 3 estates ; hath or not also as such trustees and executors named therein en- tered into possession of the said testator's freehold copyhold and leasehold estates and receipt of the rents and profits thereof, nor or possessed his whether they or any or either of them have or hath or not also pos- l^*^'*""** es a e, sessed themselves himself or herself of all or any part of the said testator's personal estate monies securities for money goods chattels and effects or any of them, nor whether they or any or either of or paid his fmic- them have or hath or not thereout paid and discharged the said tary expenses; testator's funeral and testamentary expenses, but this defendant but believes tliat hath been informed and believes that all the debts due and owing lH^^^^^^ .''*''''^ '*'*' by the said testator at the time of his death still remain unsatisfied ; And this defendant further saith she does not know and cannot set cannot sfate as forth as to her belief or otherwise whether the s;iid complainants tioiis" having have or not frequently by themselves and their agents made such ^'^^^ made; applications and requests to the said other defendants as in the said bill in that behalf stated and set forth, or any other or wlidt ap- plications ; And this defendant further answering aaith she doth ''o''s not admit * ° the '^ili bemjr 38 ANSWERS. duly executed, or not admit that tlie said testator's will was duly executed and attested Vas or>;o\md'*"^ ^^ ^y ^^^^ ^^ required to pass real estates by devise, or that the said iiiinti ( ye ), and testator was of sound and disposing mind memory and understand- tiils* upon proof '^^'S ^^ the tiiiie of making and executing his said will, and humbly thereof. insists that the said complainants ought to be put to due proof Saith that she is thereof; And this defendant further saith that she is an infant under an infant, and j|,g ^ ^^ twentv-one vears, ( that is to say ) of the age of three submits her rights » j j ' \ J ' o ^ to the protection years and ■ months or thereabouts, and humbly submits her o t le court. rights and interests to the protection of this honorable court. XIV. Answer of a widow electing to take the bequests made to her by a will, and to release all interest in the devised estates. (For ike form of title, refer to sect. I. p. \.) This defendant &c. \_ see form No. 1. />• 3.] answereth and saith she believes it to be true that C. B. deceased the testator in the said bill of complaint named being possessed of a large personal estate did at or about the time in the said bill of complaint mentioned Admits the will, duly make and publish his last will and testament in writing of such and the hequest pjjj.pQj.j ^^^^ effect and Containing such bequest to this defendant as to the ueicndant ; f >. ^ o i in the said bill of complaint in that behalf set forth, and that the said testator appointed such persons as in the said bill of complaint also a codicil named executors and executrix of his said will ; And this defendant made l)y the further answering saith she believes it to be true that the said tes- testator ; =• tator afterwards and at or about the time in the said bill of com- plaint mentioned duly made and published a codicil to his said will in such v/ords and to such purport and effect as in the said bill of complaint also set forth ; but for her greater certainty nevertheless as to the said will and codicil and the respective dates purports and contents thereof this defendant craves leave to refer thereto when produced; And this defendant further answering saith she admits his death; that the said testator departed this life at or about the time in the said bill of complaint in that behalf mentioned, without having in any manner altered or revoked his said will, save by the said codicil, pnd that the "''^^ without having altered or revoked the said codicil; and that the plaintitTs have said complainants have since duly proved the said will and codicil j>iflved ihe will and codicil; (26) It would not be proper to make such achnissions on the part of an infant, but even if admitted they could not be read against the iuf;mt. "2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 333. ANSWERS. 39 m the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and taken upon themselves the executorship thereof; And this defend- ant further saith she claims to be entitled to the benefits intended claims the benc- her by the said testator's will, and is ready upon the same being defendant hy the secured to her according to the directions in the said will contained "''•'> ^"^ offers 1 f T-» • 1 • 1 Ml 1 II 1 -1 1 • .to release all to release to J.r. ni the said will named all her right and interest m interest in the and to the premises in the said will mentioned, and for that purpose "i^vi*^" estate. to execute all necessary instruments or deeds ; And this defendant denies &c. [see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] * XV. Form of ansiver by adult and infant defendants claiming as next of kin to the deceased wife of the plaintiff, who by his bill sought to set aside a secret settlement made by his late wife before her marriage ( 27 ). fFor the titles see form No. 9. /;. 2.) These defendants J. B. and M. his wife, H. H., E. H., W. H., J. P., and T. P. ( the adults ) now and at all times hereafter saving and reserving &c. [ as in form No. 2. p. 3, as far as the words * make answer unto,' and iwoceed thus ;] they these defendants J. B. and M. his wife, H. IL, E. H., ^V. H., J. P. and T. P. severally answering say they believe it to be true that the said complainant Believe that the was for several years previously to the year 1812 on terms of inti- P'^intiff was for 1 /• • 1 1 • • T T»ir V» • • 1 • 1 1 -11 1 y*^^*"* acquainted macy and iriendship with M. F. spinster in the said bill named, with his wife be- afterwards M. G. the wife of the said comnlainant, and that a ^"'^ ^^^'"^ '"^'^- treaty of marriage was for some space of time pending between the that a treaty was said complainant and the said M. P., which was at length in the said ^^^ .'i""^^ *"°*^ , , pending J year 1812 concluded and agreed upon between them; and that on or about the 6th day of July 1813 the marriage between the said and that in tsis complainant and the said M. P. was duly had and solemnized, but *''f marriage was „ ' „ . , p . ,. solemnized, tor what space ot time such treaty oi marriage was pending, or when in particular the same was concluded and agreed upon, these defendants do not know and cannot set forth as to their information or belief or otherwise ; And these defendants J. B. and M. his wife, H.H., E. H., W. H., J. P., and T. P. further severally answering say &c. &c. [ Inserting the names of the adults at the beginning of the ansicer to each interrogatory ^^ And these defendants J. B. and M. his wife, H.Ii., E.H., W. IL, J. P., and T. P. claim to be en- (27) See the case of Guddard v. Snutv, 1 Iluss. 485. 10 ANSWERS. Claim by the titled to the said principal monies and interest jointly with the said tiVi'eiHointivwUh J"i^^i^t defendants W. P. and J. P. as the next of kin to the said t!;e infants as the complainant's said late wife, to the total exclusion of the said com- uext of kin ot the , . , . , . , . , . , • i i mi n j j dereased's wife plamant s rights as m the said complainant s said bill allegea ; ana to the niomcs jjj q^^q jj^jg Jionorable court shall be of opinion that they are entitled settled by her, .,.., . . ^ pi-v- Chiini bvone de- ^^ ^•"^ ^^^^ principal monies and interest as such next of kin, this teudant'to have defendant M. B. humbly hopes that this honorable court will her slwie settled iti "i pi-i to her separate order and direct her part or share of and in the same monies "^^' and interest to be settled upon and for her separate use and benefit; Two of the t!e- And these defendants W, P. and J. P. severally say that they are fentiants infants, . tit n and submit iheir mtants under the age ot twenty-one years, and that they severally interests to the claim such interests in the premises as they are respectively entitled piotection or the _ , * ^ •' . . court. to, and submit their several interests to the protection of this ho- norable court ; And these defendants J. B. and M. his wife, H.H., E. H., W.H., J. P., and T. P. severally deny &c. [see form IV, antea, p. 7.] * XVI. Part of an answer of the widow and executrix of a deceased surviving executor; the plaintiff claiming either as adminis- iratrix or in her own right to he entitled to the share of a residuary legatee icho ivas supposed to have attained twenty- one and to have died abroad intestate, — the answer stating a release executed by the plaintiff and her late husband to the defendant's late husband as surviving trustee and executor, and claiming the same beneft therefrom as if pleaded {28). of the And this defendant saith that by a certain deed poll or instrument release. Ji-; -ivriting under the hands and seals (29) of N. P. and the said com- plainant then the wife of the said N. P. bearing date on or about the 24th day of February 1800, the said N. P. and the said com- plainant did in consideration of the sum of ^181 to them paid by the said J. B. the receipt v.hereof they the said N. P. and the said complainant did thereby acknowledge and which sum was in fact so paid, remise release and for ever quit claim unto the said J. B. the late husband of this defendant his heirs executors and administrators all and all manner of action and actions &c. and demands whatso- ever both at law and in equity or otherwise howsoever which against the said J. B. as such surviving trustee and executor of the said T. S. they the said N.P. and the said complainant or either of them (28) See Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 3015. 4th edit. (29) Sec Ltl. lied. Tr. Pi. p. 2(>o. ANSWERS. 41 ever had, and wliicli they their heirs executors or administrators ■should or might thereafter have claim challenge or demand for or by reason or means of any matter cause or thing whatsoever ; As by such deed poll or instrument in writing to which this defendant craves leave to refer when the same shall be produced will appear. And this defendant submits to this honorable court whether or Submits whether not if the said N. B. died under the age of twenty-one years the *''*: P'ai»t«ff is or _ ° •' •' not entitled as said complainant as the only surviving grand-child of the said tes- surviving grand- tator T.S. as the said complainant alleges in her said bill, became *^* ' entitled in her own right to the said share of the said N. B. under or by virtue of the said testator's will ; And this defendant further answer- Admits applica- ing saith she admits that applications have been made to her by or on t'o^s having been the behalf of the said complainant, and also byone W.B. who stated himself to be the brother of the said N. B. for the purposes in the said complainant's original and amended bill of complaint mentioned, and this defendant positively denies that she ever refused to comply Denies having re- with such applications otherwise than as this defendant alleges, that ^"^^^ \^, co™p'y .- . 1 1 • , 1- . , , therewith, she always distmctly stated m answer to such applications that when- ever satisfactory proof of the death of the said N. B. was adduced, the executors of the said J. B. were ready to account for the said, share of the saidN.B. to the persons or person v^ho should be legally entitled to the same ; and this defendant saith that she hath always been and now is perfectly wiUing to account for and pay over the share of the said N. B. of and in the said testator's estate to the person or persons who is or are by law entitled to receive the same ; and this defendant submits to the judgment of this honorable court. Submits whether whether or not the said complainant is exclusively entitled either in **'^ plamtift is or 1 f _ not exclusively her own right or as the legal personal representative of the said N.B. entiUed either in to the said share of the said N.B. either in whole or in part, even as administratrix^ though it should satisfactorily appear that the death of the said N. B. took place at the period in the said complainant's original and amended bill of complaint stated ; and this defendant submits to Submits that she this honorable court that by virtue of the said jjeneral release of '* ^^^''^d by the •' ° release, the 21th day of February 1800 from her and her said husband to the said J. B., she the said complainant is wholly barred from making any claims on the said J. B. or his estate, in respect of the estate of the said testator T. S., and this defendant craves leave to have the same benefit from the said release as if she had pleaded the same ; and this defendant submits to act in the premises as such executrix and submits to as aforesaid under the direction and indemnity of this honorable »^t ""'•'^'' tl'e di- •' rection oi tlie court, and humbly hopes to have her reasonable costs and charges Court, idlowcd her in this behalf; And this defendant denies &;c. 42 ANSAVERS. * XVII. Statement hi an answer of the statute of frauds ^ and chmning the same benefit therefrom as >f pleaded {SO). And this defendant saith that by an act of parhament made in the 29th year of the reign of King Charles tlie Second, intituled " An act for the prevention of frauds and perjuries," it is amongst other things enacted, that from and after the 24th day of June 1677, no action should be brought whereby to charge any person upon any contract of any lands tenements and hereditaments or any interest in or concerning them, unless the agreement upon which such action should be brought or some memorandum or note in writing should be signed by the said party to be charged therewith or some other person by him lawfully authorized ; And this defendant insists upon the said statute, and claims the same benefit as if he had pleaded the same. XVIII. Answer of the lord of a manor zvho had seised certain copi/hold premises for want of a tenant after the death of a former tenant. ( For the form of title, refer to sect. I. p. 1 .) Admits that he is This defendant &c. \ see form No. 1. /;. 3.1 saith he admits it to lord of the manor, , ^ , , i . i /> i - ^ i c ^ r> ir • i be true that he tins deiendant is lord oi the manor oi H. m the county of N., and that I. H. in the said bill of complaint named, that I. H. was was in and before the month of seised to him and to his heirs ineniises ^^'''"" according to the custom of the said manor of and in &c. ; And that tiiat I. H. and on or about the said I. H. andM. A.H. his wife in the said \vi e surrendered j^jj] ^f complaint also named, conditionally surrendered all their and tncir estates to _ ' ' -^ s. G. by way of either of their messuages lands tenements and hereditaments holden b'*ge, pf ^^j situate within the said manor, To the use of S. G. in the said bill of complaint mentioned her heirs and assigns, by way of security for the sum of and lawful interest thereon ; And this defendant that at a court saith that at a general court baron holden for the said manor on or claiming under a ^^out the day of , and not as in the said bill of corn- bargain and sale plaint in that behalf alleged, S. C. in the said bill of complaint also was admitted to ^ , . , , , • n ^ ^ • i i the same estates, mentioned, was under and by vn-tue or such bargam and sale as m the said bill of complaint in that behalf set forth, admitted to all the said copyhold premises so surrendered by the said I. H. and (30) .Sec Ld. Ktd. Tr. Fl. p. '2G1, 301) ; Bcaiucs on Fleas, 178. ANSWERS. 43 M. A. H., To hold to her and her heirs according to the custom of the said manor ; and at the same court an acquittance or satisfaction Satisfaction of under the hand of the said S. C. as executrix of the said S. G. on the tered on The court said surrender of the day of was presented and duly entered rolls. on the court-rolls of the said manor ; And this defendant further answering saith he believes that at a general court baron holden for Believes that at the said manor on or about the day of the death of the ^eathoVs?C. was said S. C. v>^as presented by the homage, and that who was the next presented, and ,.,.,. , , , , . first proclama- neu' to the said premises was not known, and tliereupon proclamation hq^ nja^g for the was duly made for any person or persons having right to the said pre- ^^''^ ^^ claim; mises to claim the same and be admitted thereto ; and at a general court baron holden on the day of a second proclamation was Second procla- duly made to the same effect ; and at a general court baron holden for '"^''""i the said manor on the day of a third proclamation was made and third procla- • 11 11 1 • 1 • 1 mation; 111 like manner, and uy reason that no person came m to clami the ^^ person claim- said premises or to be admitted thereto, a precept was issued at such ing, a precept is. last general court to the bailiff of the said manor, whereby he was ^^ ^g^^g ^^^ p^e. commanded to seise in the presence of two or more copyhold tenants mises, of the said manor all the said premises into the hands of the lord for want of a tenant ; and at a general court baron holden for the and at another said manor on or about the day of S. T. the bailiff of the certified that he said manor certified that on the day of then last past he ^^^^ seised the T 111 premises* the said S. T. had in the presence of I. C. and T. D. two copyhold tenants of the said manor entered upon and seised all the aforesaid premises into the hands of the lord for want of a tenant thereto; But for his greater certainty nevertheless as to the several surrenders and other proceedings, this defendant craves leave to refer to the court-rolls of the said manor or to the copies thereof when produced. *[ And this defendant saith he is ready and willing to cause a court offers to hold to be holden for the said manor and to admit as tenant to the said a(i^ni't'^t'i,e"ri"ht- premises such person as this honorable court shall be pleased to ful tenant on direct, being indemnified in that behalf and paid his customary fine customary fine ; on such admission. ] And this defendant saith that he is a stranger to all other the matters in the said bill of complaint contained ; And this defendant denies &c. [^see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] Observations. — The seisure appears to have been absolute and not conditional, and if such a seisure be warranted by the custom of the manor, there seems no reason why the lord should not insist upon his title under it. In that case the end of the answer in the place of that part which is between crotcliets *, would run thus: Or thus:— " And tliis defendant further answering? saith that according to Claims to be ab- -rii-iri iiri soiutely entitled, *' the castom of the said nicinor ot il., this defendant as lord or the and submits that 44 ANSWERS. he onglit not to ** said manor is become absolutely entitled, to the said several pre- from*^pi'oceeding " "^ises by virtue of the notices and proceedings aforesaid ; And at law. " this defendant humbly submhs that he ought not to be compelled *' to admit any tenant thereto or to be restrained from proceeding " to recover the same by ejectment." If the custom to entitle the lord be not clear, then the answer must stand as drawn ; otherwise the defendant may be made to pay costs. XIX. Ansiver of the mortgagor to a hill of foreclosure. ( For the form of title, refer to sect. I. p. 1 .) This defendant &c. [see form No. 1. ^. 3. ] answereth and saith Admits tlie loan, he admits it to be true that this defendant did at or about the time in the said bill of complaint in that behalf mentioned, borrow the the execution of sum of £ from A.W. the elder in the said bill of complaint curitTe's'^'°'^°^ ^^" "^™ed, and that thereupon such indenture of bargain and sale and such bond as in the said bill of complaint are set forth, were duly made and executed by and between this defendant and the said A.W. the elder, and were of such date and to such purport and effect as in the said bill of complaint in that behalf stated ; but for his greater certainty nevertheless as to the sa;id indenture and bond and the respective dates purport and effect thereof this defendant craves leave to refer thereto when produced ; And this defendant further answering saith he admits it to be true that the said A.W. the death of the the elder departed this life before payment of the said principal- mortgagee, money or any part thereof; And this defendant further saith it may whether he left ^^ true for any thing this defendant knows to the contrary that the A.W. his heir at said A.W. the elder left A.W. the younger in the said bill of corn- law or made a . i i • i i i i • i i • ■ • -i will appointing plamt also named Ins eldest son and iieir at law hun survivmg, and theplaintiti 1 .w. j-jj^j. j^^ jj^j l^j^.gj. j^]y j^^a^jg ^nd published his last will and testament and A.W. and ... . L.W. exfcutors, hi writing, and thereby appointed the said complainant T.W. and pro^eTt'he same ^^^^ said A.W. the younger and L.W. since deceased executors or whether the thereof, and that the said executors duly proved the said will in the scended to A.W. proper Ecclesiastical Court, and that the said will did not in any or as to tlie exe- manner affect the said mortgarred premises, and that the legal estate cution ot a cer- . , , ^ , • i • , t i^r i tain deed, or and interest therem descended on and vested m the saidA. VV. the d" d r' vii ■ • 1 1 1 7 1 Ml p T.K. his heir at lendant to the said complamant s original and amended bill ot com- law, plaint his eldest son and heir at law, and that F. B. and R. U. t'lat F. B. and R. U» I13.V6 rc- therein also named have renounced the devise made to them by the nounced the de- said testator's will, and have duly executed a deed renouncing and ^!*^/? ^''^^ ^"^ , 111. 51 1 disclaimed, and disclaiming the same, and that the said testator s real estates have that the real es- descended upon and are now vested in the said defendant T. E. as !^i!f, j'f \f„^„^" 1 .... scended upon his eldest son and heir at law as in the said complainant s original T. E. and amended bill is alleged ; And these defendants further say they Admit that the have been informed and believe it to be true that the said sum of paid, and that .£400 was not paid to the said W.P. or to the said complainant at the same or some 1 • • 1 • 1 1 • > • • 1 1 1 1 1 -11 P^*"' "'^^'^ interest the time m the said complainant s original and amended bill men- is still due, but tioned, and that the same or some part thereof together with some ^""j°* ^*^*^ ^^"^ arrear of interest thereon is now due and owing to the said com- plainant, but what principal money and interest in particular these defendants do not know and cannot set forth as to their or either of their belief or otherwise ; And these defendants admit that by Admit that the the means in the said complainant's original and amended bill stated come absolute in the said mortgaged premises became absolute in law in the said com- •^^ ^" ^^e plain- plainant, and these defendants submit to the judgment of this ho- s„ij,nit whether norable court whether the said defendant T. E. ought not to pay to T. E. ought not the said complainant what shall be found to be due and owing to tiff what is due him for principal-money and interest, and whether for the reasons ^° '"™' hereinafter stated the said complainant ought to be permitted to have or enjoy the said mortgaged premises ; And these defendants further Do not know as say that they or either of them to the knowledge or belief of the other tionsYein^ made of them do not know have never been informed save by the said to T. E. complainant's bill, and therefore cannot set forth as to their or either of their belief or otherwise whether the said complainant hath or not made or caused such applications and requests to be made to the said defendant T.E. as therein stated or set forth or any other applications and requests, nor whether the said defendant T. E. doth or not absolutely refuse to comply therewith, nor whether the said defend- 48 ANSWER.S. bey and came^ 1 111 i<»i • 1 ^ Till! •"*" '''^ hands of not to the contrary had been parcel or the said late dissolved abbey, King Hemy 8. and with the rest of the possessions of the said late dissolved abbey, which was one of the greater abbies, and had possessions of the value of £ a year, was given and surrendered unto and came into the hands of his late Majesty King Henry 8, under and by virtue of the act of parliament made and passed in the 31st year of the reign of his said late Majesty, intituled " An act for the dis- solution of monasteries and abbies." And this defendant believes And believes that that from time to time and at all times from time whereof the memory ^'°"? J""*^ uinne- _ *' nional ihe same of man is not to the contrary, down to and at the time of the dis- was held by the solution of the said late dissolved abbey of F. the said ancient farm of auVi eat tUhes was holden and occupied by the said late dissolved abbey discharged and acquitted of and from the payment of all great tithes; and that by means thereof and by force of the said late act of parliament passed in the 31st year of the reign of his said late Majesty King Henry 8. the said ancient farm continued to be and hath ever since the passing of the said last-mentioned act of parliament been and now is discharged and acquitted from the payment of all great and is now dis- ,. , o ^ I J ^ chai-ed theie- tlthes. f,om. Saith that from time whereof the memory of man is not to the Siitii that from contrary there hath been paid and payable and of right ought to J'"'^ imiiK monal •' 1 ^ ^ •' ^ ^ ^ ® tlie several nio- be paid to the vicar for the time being of the said vicarage and pa- dnses stated have rish of M. T. aforesaid by the occupier or occupiers for the time the "icap^i,, nJu being of the said ancient farm, the several moduses hereinafter of some of the stated ; ( that is to say ), yearly at the sum of for every milch cow ; and the sum of for every gelt cow kept and fed upon the said ancient farm, in lieu of the tithe of milk; and also at the sum of • • for every foal yielded and brought forth upon the said ancient farm, in lieu of the tithe of foals ; and also at the sum of for every hive of bees kept on the said ancient farm, in lieu of the tithe of honey and bees'-wax ; and also at the sum of for every person in the family of such occupier or occupiers who did or ought to receive the holy communion, in lieu of Easter offerings ; and on day the sum of for every householder on the said ancient farm, in lieu of the tithe of poultry and eggs. Believes that the vicar for the time being is entitled to have and Helioves that he receive in kind all other the small tithes (except the tithe of agist- J-pfvc^'^n'oUier' ment) arising growing renewing and increasing in and upon the said small tithes ex- , p ceut agistment. ancient larm. D 2 52 ANSWERS. Admits that he lias grown wheat, &c. without sett- ing out the tithes, the plaiutitf not being entitled. Saith tliat he paid tlie titlie agent all small tithes and mo- duses, who gave a receipt for the same. States the par- ticulars of his ft -o i i i Mil rendered and ^''-id coinpiamant C jb. to the Said complamant r.W. 15., and that the anew lease ijrant- gj^jj last-named Complainant did thereupon duly srant another lease ed. winch IS still ., • , , -i i • r^ t^ e i suh^istiiig; of the said titiies to tiic said complainant C. E. lor the term of ANSWERS. *>7 JlW€nty-ohe years from the ^I5th of March 1818 if the complainant F.W.B. should so long live and continue rector of the said parish, and that such last-mentioned lease is still subsisting ; And these de- admit that the fendants further severally answering say they admit it to be true that ^ j g j^^j in and previously to the said year 1813 these defendants W. P. T. E. W. occupied J. S. and E.W. did hold and occupy a certain farm and lands here- „n»ii October, inafter mentioned within the said rectory and parish or the titheable i820, when E.W. •' * . . „ retired, and the places thereof in copartnership, and that tliey did continue from «ietendant r.t. thenceforth so to occupy the said farm and lands until the month of pa^,*|_n^,,."" * October 1820, and that this defendant E.W. did then retire from the said copartnership and cease to occupy the said farm and lands, and that upon this defendant E.W.'s retiring from the said concern this defendant R. T. was admitted a partner in the said concern in the place of this defendant E. W., and that these defendants W. P. T, J.S. a;nd R.T. did from thenceforth hold and occupy the said farm and lands in copartnership together, and that the said farm and lands that the farm and were previously to and until the latter end of the year 1813, fifty- isis, fifty-seven seven acres two roods and thirty perches, exclusive of plantations and ^cres, two roods, . 1 1 c 1 ^ thirtyperclies buildings, but including the gardens occupied by the defendants as when additional herein stated; and in the latter end of the year 1813 these defend- c^ij."*' ^"''' ants W.P. T., J. S. and E. W. purchased an additional piece of land whereby the whole of their titheable land was increased to sixty- seven acres and eighteen perches, but the said quantity was reduced the quantity since . , . T T , 1 • 1 11 1 reduced by plan- withm the last two years by new plantations and several large ponds; tations and ponds} And these defendants W. P. T., J. S., E. W. and R. T. further se- veral'y answering say they deny that they these defendants or any or deny having either of them had during the respective times in the said com- Trau" clover plainant's bill in that behalf stated growing upon and took from off a"*! grasses, the said farm and lands divers or any quantities of wheat barley and oats and other corn and grain, or that they or any or either of them had in eacli year during the time aforesaid growing upon and have taken off t!)e said farm and lands divers or any quantities of wheat barley and oats and other corn and grain or divers or any quantities of clover and other artificial grasses, but these defendants admit except grass that they have had during the time aforesaid divers quantities of into hay; grass which they mowed and made into hay ; And these defendants sevenilly deny that they did in any or either of the years of such deny having cut their resj)ective occupations enter upon and take from off the said wood except for farms and lands divers or any quantities of wood and under-wood 'epairs ; excepting for the purpose of repairing the fences upon the said form ; And these defendants severally deny that they or any or either t'eny having of them had growing upon and did take from off their said lands in potatoes or ' frHiy or either of t;acii years divers or any (quantities of turnips and seeds; oS ANSWERS. admit having had cows, bnt deny having had sows or mares producing young. except in 1821, \vhen one colt was produced ; deny having kept any sheep, except in 1820, when tiiey iiad one hun- dred ewes which produced one hundred iambs. Deny having had turkies, &c. Say that part of the lands was oc- cnpied as gardens which \>roduced vegetables for tiieir familits, of which they kept no account; deny having agisted ban en cattle, except as after stated. Say that they carried on the trade of brewers, and for the pur- poses thereof kept horses wliicli were kept in the stable except when sick when they were turned out and depas- tured ; potatoes flax hemp cole seed mustard seed turnip seed or other kinds of seeds ; And these defendants admit that they had respectively in each of such years upon their said farm and lands such milch cows as hereinafter stated which produced great quantities of milk, and such number of cows which have produced such calves as hereinafter stated, but these defendants deny that during the period aforesaid they or any or either of them have or hath had in their said farm and lands any sows or any mares which have produced colts or a colt excepting in the year 1821 when they had a mare which produced one colt only ; And these defendants deny that they or any or either of them have or hath during the period aforesaid kept upon their said farm and lands any sheep or any ewes which have produced Iambs, excepting that in the latter end of the year 1820 they kept about one hundred ewes, which last year produced about one hun- dred lambs only, and which ewes were duly shorn in the year 1821, but about sixty-two only of the said ewes were shorn in the year 1820, and such ewes produced such quantities of wool as hereinafter stated ; And these defendants deny that they or any or either of them have or hath had upon their said farm and lands during the period aforesaid any turkies ducks geese or other fowls ; And these defendants further severally answering say that during the period aforesaid they respectively occupied part of the aforesaid lands as gardens for tlieir own private use which produced them vegetables and fruit for their families, but believing and fully understanding that the said complainant C. E. had accepted and taken a composition for all the titlieable matters and things arising growing and increasing upon their said farm and lands these defendants did not keep any account of the vegetables and fruit growing upon the same as aforesaid, and they are totally unable to set forth any account thereof; and these defendants deny that they or any or either of them did in each or either of such years agist and depasture upon the said farm and lands any barren and unprofitable horses mares geldings bullocks oxen steers sheep or other barren and un- profitable cattle excepthig as hereinafter stated ; And these defend- ants say that during the period of their occupation of the said farm and lands as herein stated, they have carried on the trade or business of brewers, and for the purposes of their said trade have kept from sixteen to eighteen horses in each year, but the whole of such horses were kept in the stable and fed on hay, ex- cepting when any of them were sick, when these defendants caused such horses to be turned out and depastured for a few days only, but these defendants cannot otherwise than as herein stated set forth the number of their said horses so depastured, or any further ANSWERS. 59 particulars relative thereto ; And these defendants deny that they Deny having had or any or either of them have or hath had in any or either of such able^matters •^' years growing upon and have taken from off their said farm and lands any other titheahle matters and things than as hereinbefore stated ; And these defendants W. P. T., J. S., E. W. and R. T. Admission by further severally answering say they admit it to be true that these [""'" ^^fendant* defendants W. P. T., J. S. and E.W. did previously to the year them did up to 1813 convert into a garden, and did from the said month of May garden'Sain * I8I0 up to the month of October 1820 occupy as a garden certain lands, lands within the said rectory or parish adjoining to a dwelling-house occupied by this defendant E.W. as one of the partners in the said first-mentioned copartnership, but such garden formed part of the farm and lands aforesaid, and that this defendant E.W. but neither and that E.W., of these other defendants did during the time aforesaid have and Jiefendaulr °ook^ take from off the said last-mentioned lands divers quantities of therefrom garden garden stuff and fruit as hereinafter stated ; And these defendants * , • • . ' *^ ' Admission by W. P. T., J. S. and R. T. further severally answering say they three defendants admit it to be true that they these defendants have from the said traveller the de- month of October 1820 to the present time, and do now occupy by fendant W. H., means of the said other defendant W. H. their traveller and clerk since I820 the the said house and earden, and that the said defendant W.H. hath same garden, and . that W.H, had l?ut neither of these other defendants have from the said month of therefrom garden October 1820 taken upon and from off the said last-mentioned lands «tuff and fruit; divers quantities of garden stuff and fruit ; And these defendants Deny that they severally deny that they or any or either of them have or hath any^other^knd during the time in the said bill mentioned converted into garden into garden ground any land within tlie said rectory or parish other than such ° ' land as herein particularly mentioned ; And these defendants or that they have W. P. T., J. S., E. W. and R. T. further severally answering say occupy any other they deny that they or any or either of them have or hath in any '^"'1^ ; or either of the years from the said month of March 1813 to the present time held and occupied or do now hold and occupy divers or any lands contiguous or near to the said last-mentioned lands or elsewhere within the said rectory or parish of S.M. aforesaid, or the titheahle places thereof, or any lands in any other parish ; And Admission by this defendant W. H. further answering saith he admits it to be occupiedThe'said true that he this defendant as the traveller and clerk of the said garden, and took other deCendants W\ P. T., J.S., and R. T. hath ever since the stuff and frultf" month of October 1820 held and occupied and doth now hold and ^'"^•» ^ere con- 1 , . , ,. . , , . . , . , . T suuied in his own occupy tlie hereinbefore-mentioned garden situate withm the said family, and of rectory or parish or the titheahle places thereof, and that he hath JJar'kcpr*^'^"""' in each year of such his occupation had growing upon and has taken from off the said lands divers cjuan'-itics of garden stuff and fruit, CO ANSWEnS. which this defendant consumed in his family, but this defendant never kept any account thereof, and therefore cannot set forth any Admit that the particulars thereof or relative thereto ; And all these defendants I' 'raf tuiieabie^' further severally answering say they admit it to be true that the tithes matters afore- of the several titlicable matters and things in the said complainant's on't 'would have bill mentioned as aforesaid, if the same had been duly set out and been of consider- rendered to the said complainant C. E., would have been of con- siderable value, but of what value these defendants for the reasons aforesaid cannot set fortli ; And these defendants further severally Admit that they answering say they admit it to be true that they these defendants did not set out the jjj ^^^ ^^^ ^lj^l ^j^y ^^^. either of them set out the whole of such whole 01 siicli •' titlies, and that tithes to the said complainant C. E., and that they have respec- the\ame*'to their tively Converted the whole of such tithes during the period, and ac- own use; cording to the respective occupations of the said lands by these defendants as aforesaid to their own use for the reasons hereinafter AV. H. saiih that stated; And this defendant W. H. admits it to be true that he lie, occupying the ]^^([^ never made any compensation for the tithes aforesaid possessed garden as clerk ... to the other de- by him or for any or either of them, by reason that he this defendant [feved^'that They l^^^ving occupied the said garden as aforesaid as the clerk of the had made com- said other defendants, he this defendant considered and believed pensation; ^^^^ ^j^^ ^^.^^ ^^^j^^^. defg^jj^nts W. P. T., J. S., and R. T. had made a compensation or satisfaction for such tithes to the said C. E. ; the other defend- And these defendants W. P. T., J. S., E. W. and R.T. further rnsist''tl)a^^th"v Severally answering say they admit it to be true that they do respec- have duly made lively allege that they have and they do severally insist that they compensation for , . . „ , i • i all tithes up to nave duly made a compensation or satisraction to the said com- March, 1621, plainant C. E. for all and every the tithes of the several titheable matters and things arising and growing and taken by these defend- ants respectively from off the said farm and lands occupied by them within the said rectory and parish or the titheable places thereof, and including all the said gai'den, up to the 2oth day of Mai'ch 1821, and say that be- for these defendants severally say that in the yeai- 1813 these de- rented tiie tithes fendants W. P. T., J. S. and E. W. understanding and believing they agreed uitii that the said complainant C. E. had rented the tithes of the said him to pay him • i /• i • i i • -r> •%Tr r» i- i ^iiforone year, rectoryor parish irom the said complainant r.V> .r>., applied to the which was paid ; ^^^^ q j7 jq know what he demanded by way of compensation or satisfaction for the aforesaid tithes, when the said C. E. proposed to these defendants to take and accept the sum of j£l 1 by even half- yearly payments by way of compensation or satisfaction for their said tithes from the 25th day of March 1813 to the 2oth day of March 1814, and these defendants having agreed thereto accord- ingly paid the said C. E. the said sum of ct'll by equal half-yearly ANSWERS. 61^ payments; And these defendants W. P. T., J. S. and E.W. having A small addition afterwards made a small addition to the land in their occupation t'^f then- lands"^he within the said parish or the titheable places thereof, the said C. E. composition was incr63scd to * himself proposed to and demanded of these defendants the sum of Jfig. jos-., and JC13. 10s. as a composition or satisfaction for all and every the continued to be . . . . . P^'d to Michael- tithes of the several titheable matters and things arising growing mas, isao, and taken by them from off the lands occupied by them within the said rectory and parish or the titheable places thereof for the year commencing from the 2oth day of March 1814 to the 25th day of March 1815, and these defendants having agreed thereto accord- ingly paid the said C. E. the said sum of .£13. IOa'. by equal half- yearly payments, and these defendants duly paid the said sum of o£lS. 10*. yearly and every year to the said C. E. as a compensation and satisfaction for all and every the tithes of the several titheable matters and things arising growing and taken by them respectively from off the said lands occupied by them or any or either of them ( and including all the said gardens ) within the said rectory and parish or the titheable places thereof, from the said 25th day of March 1814 to Michaelmas 1820, excepting that on Lady-day 1815 excepting for one these defendants only paid the sum of .£3. 15s. for the half-year's Uie tidies ^'ere tithe due and payable on that day in consequence of these defend- paid '^y persons • i-.i IIP 1 rn -111 Pill to whom the lands ants navmg m that halt year let oil considerable part ot the lands i,ad been let. previously and subsequently occupied by them as aforesaid to divers other persons who paid the tithe thereof, the proportion of which was settled and arranged by the said complainant C. E. ; And these Payment made of defendants W. P. T., J. S. and R. T. further severally answering eompSrt? say that having commenced partnership in the month of October Lady-day, i82i. 1820 as aforesaid, they these defendants duly paid to the said C. E. the sum of £5. 15*. as a compensation and satisfaction for their tithes as aforesaid for the half-year commencing Michaelmas 1820 to Lady-day 1821, including the tithes arising from the said garden occupied by the said other defendant W.H. as their clerk as afore- said, and on Michaelmas-day 1821 these defendants by their soli- citor tendered the sum of £6. 15s. to the said C. E. for their pre- Tender made at vious half-year's tithe commencing at Lady-day 1821 up to Michaelmas another half- dav 1821, when the said C. E. refused to receive the same, but did ye'"'s am.unt, , . . , , ,1 .1 which C.E. re- not at that time or previously or subsequently thereto give these fused to accept, defendants or any or either of them any notice whatever of his in- ^»'t gave no inn- •' •' _ mation thai tin; tention, or that they were to consider the said annual payment by composition was way of compensation or satisfaction for the tithes as at an end; as at\n enj. '^ And all these defendants further severally answering say they deny peny applica- that the said complainants or either of them have or hath fre- t'o»s being made . . 1 1 1 1-1 1- • '*'* stated in the quently or at any times or time made such or the like applications bill, although 62 ANSWF.RS, tliey admit that C, E. wrote se- Tcral letters claiming large arrears of tithes. Admit that they have not entered into any compo- sition with the plaintiffs for the tithes from the 25th March,! 823, than as before stated, but insist that the pay- ments made are binding on the plaintiffs } Admit that cer- tain lands are situate in the pa- rish of S. M., and that the de- fendants are owners and oc- cupiers thereof. Reference to a schedule for an account of cer- tain titheable matters ; and requests to these clefendants or to any or either of them as m the said complainant's bill in that behalf stated in respect of the matters therein stated, although these defendants severally admit that the said complainant C. E. hath written several letters to these defendants demanding a large sum of money for pretended arrears, of tithes, but which these defendants refused to pay, considering- the aforesaid composition paiol to the said C. E. to be in lieu of all tithes payable by them in respect of the lands occupied by them respectively within the said rectory and parish or the titheable places thereof, and that thereupon they were not bound to render to him any account or any further payments as demanded by him in and by such letters ; Antl these defendants further severally answering say they admit it to be true that they have never entered into any agreement or composition with the said complainants or either of them in respect of the tithes or any of them arising from their said lands situate within the said rectory or parish of S. M. aforesaid or any of them from the 25th of March 1823, otherwise than as afore- said, but which payments or composition for tithes these defendants severally submit and insist are binding upon the said complainants respectively, and that the said complainants or either of them are or is not entitled to any farther payment or account in respect of the tithes aforesaid during the period aforesaid from these defend- ants or any or either of them; And these defendants further se- verally answering say they admit it to be true that the lands in the said complainants' bill in that behalf mentioned are respectively situate within the said parish of S. M. and not in any other parish, and that they these defendants are as hereinbefore stated the owners and occupiers of such lands; And these defendants W. P. T., J. S., E. W. and R. T, severally answering say that they have in the schedule to this their answer annexed, and which they pray may be taken as part thereof, set forth according to the best of their judg- ment and belief a full true and particular accovuit of all and sin- gular the quantities of hay which they have respectively had taken and received on or from off their said respective lands in each of the years aforesaid, or in any and which of them, and of the value thereof in each of such years, and also a like account of the number of milch cows which they respectively kept on their said lands or any part thereof in each of such years, and of the quantities of milk produced by such cows in each of such years, and also a like account of the niunber of cows which they respectively had on their said lands or any part thereof in each of such years, and of the numbers of calves produced thereby in each of such years, and also a like account of the numbers of sheep shorn by them or any ANSWERS. 63 r eitlier of them on their said lands in each of such years, and of the quantities of wool produced thereby; And these defendants Deny that they severally deny for the reasons aforesaid that they or any or either subu-acteV any"' of them have or hath during the period in the said complainants' titlies of the mat- bill and hereinbefore mentioned, withheld or subtracted from the and insist that said complainants any of the tithes of the several titheable matters they are not liable o • 1 1 1 • 1 • • 1 1 !• , 1 *" account, aioresaid, and submit and msist that they are not liable to account to the said complainants or either of them for any of such tithes, or to pay to them or either of them any sum or sums of money in respect thereof; And these defendants severally deny &c. [see sect. IV. antea, jp. 7.] • XXIV. Supplemental answer filed by leave of the court to ex- plain and correct mistakes made by three defendants in a former answer put in by them jointly with other defendants to a bill by a rector and his lessee for arrears of tithes; ( vide antea, p. oQ.) {For the title, see form No. 10. p. 2.) These defendants now and at all times hereafter saving and re- serving to themselves and each of them all and all manner of be- nefit or advantage of exception which can or may be had or taken to the many errors uncertainties and other imperfections in the said complainant's bill of complaint contained for supplemental answer thereto, or unto so much and such parts thereof as these defendants are advised is or are material or necessary for them or either of them to make any answer unto, these defendants severally answering say that by mistake in their said former answer they these defendants Say that by mis- respectively stated that they denied that they or any or either of ha'Shig'held^'anJ them had in any or either of the years from the month of March lands confignons 1813 to the then present time held and occupied or did then hold tiontd in the and occupy divers or any lands contiguous or near to the last-men- **'"> ^"*^ ^^y *'"♦' 111-1 -1 1 • r 1 .11 • 1 1 1 "' 1821 they oc- tioned lands in the said complainants bill mentioned, or elsewhere cupied certain within the rectory or parish of S. M. in the said bill mentioned or '^"''^ ^"'" }''f . J I ^ purpose of teed- the titheable places thereof, or any lands in any other parish, for ing sheep, these defendants severally say that in the month of June 1821 they as copartners as in the said bill mentioned entered into the occu- pation of certain lauds in the said parish of S. M. called T. (U ANSWERS. W.P.T. saith, and tlie other de- fendants believe that he from March 1819, held certain lands the property of liis son. and at the time of filing the bill cer- tain other lands of his own j Saith that the title-deeds are not in his own or in the other defendants' pos- session. Say that pre- viously to 1821 A. A. occupied the lands called T., and that he paid a composi- tion in lieu of tithes ; Say that they oc- cupied tl;e same nntil 1822, and afterwards J. D. who has con- tinued to pay the composition i Admit that they paid no compo- sition for the tithes thereof, the plaintiffs not having made any demand ; and containing about twenty-six acres, for a temporary occupation only, and for the purpose of feeding certain sheep then in their possession ; And this defendant W. P. T. further answering saith, and these other defendants believe it to be true, that tliis defendant W. P. T. hath in each and every of the years from the month of March 1819 to the present time held and occupied and now holds and occupies individually certain lands the freehold property of his' son the said R. T. within the said parish, and called 13. con- taining about twelve acres, and that he the said defendant was also at the time of the filing of the said complainant's bill and had been for several years previously thereto in the occupation of fourteen or fifteen acres or thereabouts of land of his own freehold property in the parish of A., which parish adjoins the said parish of S. M. and which last-mentioned pieces of land are described in the title-deeds relating thereto as follows, (that is to say): All that close &c. &c. all which said closes and lands lie adjoining together, and are situate lying and being in the parish of A. aforesaid ; and this defendant W.P.T. saith that such title-deeds are not now in his custody or power although the same lately were, nor are the same or any or either of them in the custody or power of the said other defendants or of any or either of them ; And these defendants further severally answering say they have been informed and believe it to be true that one A. A. was the occupier of the said lands called T. for about ten years previously to Lady-day 1821 when he quitted the same, and that he during his said occupation paid a composition of £2. 18*. a-year by half-yearly payments of c£1.9a\ to the said complainant C. E., in lieu and in satisfaction of all tithes arising from the said lands called T., and that he duly paid the same up to Lady-day 1821, when he quitted the occupation of the said lands ; and the said de-i fendants say that they entered upon the occupation of the said last- mentioned lands in the month of June 1821 as aforesaid, and re- mained in the occupation thereof until Lady-day 1822 when they quitted the same, andJ. D. the owner thereof entered into the pos- session and occupation of the said last-mentioned lands, and as these defendants have been informed and believe it to be true has duly paid a half-yearly composition of J^\. 12*. 9d. in respect of the said lands, and as a composition or satisfaction for the tithes thereof from Lady-day 1822 aforesaid; and these defendants se- verally admit that they have never paid any composition or satis- faction to the said complainants or either of them for the tithes arising from the said lands called T. during their occupation thereof as aforesaid, but severally say that the said complainants have not nor huth either of them made any demand upon these defendants ANSWERS. 65 or any or either of them in respect of the tithes of the said lands called T. or for any sum or sums of money as and by way of a com- position or satisfaction for the same ; And these defendants severally Admit that r'ey answering say they admit it to be true that they have never entered ai7a^'iTe ment 'for into any agreement or composition with the said complainants or the samf. either of them in respect of the tithes or any of them arising from their said lands called T. aforesaid or for any or either of them ; And these defendants further severally answering say they deny that Deny having these defendants or any or either of them had during the time of ^'"^^"^^^^''^'''^'*^' such their occupation of the said lands called T. growing upon and took from off the said lands divers or any quantities [ de7nj having grown any wheat corn hayseeds SfC. %c.\\ And this defendant W. P.T. saith W. P. T. further answering saith that he purchased the said lands ^jj^ land'scaul-d called B. in the year 1818 for his son the said R. T. and hath ever !'>• and occnpic-H , . , . , r» 1 • 1 1 \ • ^ the same, and in smce been m the occupation thereot, and saitn that on the tithe ^gig applied t<> receipt day at or about Michaelmas 1819 to the best of his know- '^n""' ''"' amonnt 1 -, . . ^ ^ composition, ledge remembrance and belief, he this defendant attended at the wiieu he was told office of the said complainant C.E. for the purpose of ascertaining ife^",hen tfai'd^"^^ what sum of money was payable by him to the said C. E. as and by oiie lialf-year's way of composition or satisfaction for his tithes growing renewing continued to and increasinff upon his said lands called B., and that this defen- P'»y *'>"i'* ""•'! 1 T nil \ ^ •• „ Lady-day 1821 ; clant was thereupon told that the amount ot the composition ot this defendant in respect of such tithes was the sum of o£'l. 12*. 6d. payable by half-yearly payments, and that this defendant thereupon paid to the said complainant C. E. the sum of Ws. o m^d e C. E. for his previous half-yearly tithes of the said lands called B., pinimiff c. R., commencing from Ladv-dav 1821 up to Michaelmas-dav 1821, and i>''ii»'"ts that be this defendant believes that the said Mr. J.D. did accordingly tender Vol. II. E 66 ANSWERS. ami saith iliat no the same to the said C. E. ; and this defendant saith that the said "uen^to'Xter-" ^* ^" ^^^th not at any time either previously or subsequently thereto mine the com- given this defendant any notice whatever of his intention, or that ' he this defendant was to consider the said annual payment by way of composition or satisfaction for his tithes aforesaid as at an end ; Denies applica- And this defendant W. P. T. further answering saith he denies as'sta'te'd "in'uie ^^^^^ *^^^ ^^^^ Complainants or either of them have or hath frequently bill J or at any times or time made such or the like applications and re- quests to this defendant as in the said complainants' bill in that behalf stated in respect of the matters therein stated, otherwise and admits that than as in this defendant's former answer stated ; And this defendant wn"7,w n ".IT'^ W.P.T. further answering saith he admits it to be true that he inent witli the never entered into any agreement or composition with the said com- spect of the tithes plainants or either of them in respect of the tithes or any of them than as aforesaid, arising from his said land called B. situate within the said rectory the payments or parish of S. M. aforesaid or any of them from Lady-day 1819 made as binding ; otherwise than as aforesaid, but which payments or composition for tithes this defendant submits and insists are binding upon the said complainants respectively, and that the said complainants or either of them are or is not entitled to any further payments or account in respect of the tithes aforesaid during the period aforesaid from this Denies having defendant ; And this defendant W. P. T. further answering saith fands called B. he denies that he hath had during the respective times in the said wheat, &c. but complainants' bill in that behalf stated, growing upon and took from admits having \ . , i i ^^ i ry t • • /« i i i grown clover and Oil the said lands called a. divers or any quantities ot wheat barley grass made into ^^^^ other corn and grain excepting oats as hereinafter stated, or had in each year during the time aforesaid, growing upon and had taken from off the said lands divers or any quantities of wheat and other corn and grain excepting oats, but this defendant admits he hath had such quantities of clover as hereinafter stated but no other artificial grasses, and that he hath had during the time aforesaid divers quantities of grass which he mowed and made into hay, and divers quantities of potatoes turnips and parsnips ; And this de- fendant &c. &c. ; And these defendants severally deny &c. [see sect. IV. aiifea, p. 7.] ANSWERS. t)7 XXV. Further ansiuer after exceptions taken and allowed to the defendant's former ansiver to a bill for an account, and to restrain the infringement of a copipigJd. ( For a form of title refer to p. 2.) This defendant saving and reserving to himself, as in and by his former answer to the said complainant's said bill of complaint was saved and reserved, for further answer thereto, or unto so much thereof as this defendant is advised is material or necessary for him to make answer unto, answereth and saith he admits it to be true that this defendant hath by the defendants T. N. L. and 11. O. and Admits that he by other booksellers employed by him, published and sold many and others sold copies of the edition of published by this defendant as "^''"y copies of . . PI ^^^ work, m his former answer mentioned ; and that the number of such copies sold by him amounts in the whole to or thereabouts and statnijT the ^ •' • 1 1 iiiinioer ot sncli as nearly as this defendant can set forth the same to his knowledge copies; or belief; but this defendant denies that he is now proceeding or threatens to proceed in pubhshing and selling the said book, having Denies tliat he is discontinued the sale thereof, as in this defendant's former answer publication; mentioned ; And this defendant further answering saith that the profit which he hath made by such publication doth not exceed the ^fating the *^ . , . amount oi profit, sum of £ to the best of this defendant's knov.ledge and belief, and admitting and this defendant admits that he hath applied the produce and *'i'feV"tiie^siin)e* profits of the said publication to his own use; And this defendant to his own use; saith that he printed and published copies of the said book or Stating tiie '^ ^ i _ nnmjjer ot copies work and no more, and that he hath sold copies, and that there printed, and the now remain copies in his own custody or power or in the custody "t.',"^ji|,i|',.^°i,js^'ui or power of other persons by his order or for his use as nearly as he can set forth the said several particulars as to his knowledge in- formation or belief; and this defendant hath in a schedule to this his further answer annexed or under-written and which he prays and referring to , , , f. PI IT pi-1 ii'a scheiiiile lor an may be taken as part thereor, set torth to tiie best ol Ins knowknige account of the remembrance information and belief, a just and true account of all >"<'iiks prodmed the sums of money which have arisen by the publication and sale ol' and the protits the said book and the profits which have arisen therefrom. ''"'*^" tiiere.rom. J.L. ANSWERS. XXVI. Answer of a trustee submitting to act as the court shall direct. AdjTiits the exe- This defendant &c. [see form No. 1. p. 3.] admits it to be true riage settlement* *^^* such indentures of lease and release as in the said bill of com- plaint are stated to bear date , were duly made and executed by and between such parties and to such purport or effect as are therein set forth so far as the same are therein set forth ; but for his greater certainty nevertheless this defendant craves leave to refer the solemnization to the said indentures when produced ; And this defendant further e maniage, answering saith he admits it to be true that the intended marriage between the said complainants J. P. and E. P. was soon afterwards had and solemnized, and that the said other complainants ( the the birth of the children ) are [the only children of the said marriage ; And this de- tbat he declines ^^^^^^^ admits that he doth decline to act in the trusts of the said to act and is de- settlement, and that he is desirous of being discharged therefrom, discharged, offer- '^^'^ ^^^^' ^^ ^^ ready to convey and release the said trust premises ing to convey on to the said complainant S. M. M. and such new trustee as may be bemgindemnitied . ,, ^ • ■, t • • i -n i ' -i and paid his appomted by tins honorable court on bemg mdemnined m that *^****®* behalf and paid all his costs and expenses. XXVII. Conclusion of an answer insisting that plaintijfs remedy is at law and not in equity, and claiming the same benefit as if the defendant had demurred to the bill. And this defendant submits to this honorable court that all and every the matters in the said complainant's bill mentioned and com- plained of, are matters which may be tried and determined at law, and with respect to which the said complainant is not entitled to any relief from a court of equity, and this defendant hopes he shall have the same benefit of this defence as if he had demurred to the said complainant's bill ; And this defendant denies &c. [ ^9 ] ANSWERS AND DISCLAIMERS {35). * XXVIII. Answer and disclaimer by the personal representa- tives of a mortgagee^ relinquishing the security of the pre- mises comprised in the plaintiff's mortgage. In Chancery. The joint and several answer and disclaimer of J. F. and R. C. two of the defendants to the original and amended bill of complaint of W. S., J. C, and T. P., complainants. These defendants &c. [ see form No. 2. p. 3. ] say they admit Admit the death that J. C. in the said bill named departed this hfe on the day Mswni Appoint! of " , having first duly made his last will and testament whereby ing the defend- he appointed his sons these defendants joint executors thereof, and and that they' that they these defendants proved the same in the Prerogative proved his will, Court of the Archbishop of York on the day of , and thereby became his legal personal representatives ; And these de- Say they do not fendants further severally answering say they do not claim any in- i^est"in''tlie 'me'- terest in the estates in the said bill stated to be charged with the "lises, nor object annuities to the said complainants W. S. and J. C. therein mentioned of what is due to and with the mortgage therein also mentioned to be assigned to '■''^ plaintiffs, them ; And these defendants further severally answering say they do not object to the payment of what may be due to the said com- plainants out of the rents and profits of the said estates ; And these defendants do disclaim all right title and interest in and to the and disclaim all said estates and every part thereof; And these defendants deny &c. Cfthe^" stater '^^^ [see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] (3j) See Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 106, 318, 4th edit. ; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 33«. '^^ ANSWERS AND DISCLAIMERS. XXIX. Answer and d'lsclahner denying having ever claimed any right or interest in the premises in the bill mentioned. Answer and disclaimer of A. B. the defendant to the bill of complaint of C. D. complainant. Drnies tliat he This defendant &c. [see form No. \. p. 3.] saith that he doth ever claimeil, ami .1 .^^^^-,•^r^ \ • 1 ^ ^ , 1. <> now disclaims all "'^'' ^"^w that he this deiendant to his knowledge or belief ever nuiit anil into- had nor did he claim or pretend to have, nor doth he now claim lest in the pre- . , . , . p . , luises. any right title or interest 01 m or to the estates and premises situate &c. in tlie said complainant's bill set forth or any part thereof, and this defendant doth disclaim all right title and interest to the said estates and premises and every part thereof; And this defend- ant denies &c. [ see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] XXX. Answer and disclaimer of a trustee under a tvill, demjing having ever interfered in the trusts or received the rents of the trust estates. The several answer and disclaimer of A. B. one of tlie defendants to the bill of complaint of L. M. complainant. Eelievps that the This defendant &c. [*ce /brw A'^o. 1. ^. 3 ] answereth and saith tfstator died ^^veit he believes that C. D. did die seised of such estates in as seised or rei- tain estates, in the said complainant's said bill are mentioned ; And this defendant that he made a does believe that the said C. D. did make such last will and testa- -vviii ajipointiii^' nient in writing and did thereby create such trusts out of the said d( icrnuant tins- . . tee, estates and appointed this defendant trustee thereof in such manner and to such purport and effect as in the said complainant's said bill for that purpose set forth ; And this defendant does beheve and E. F. exe- that the said testator made E. F. gent, executor of his said will ; and *^'''<*'j this defendant does believe that the said C. D. soon after making that he died soon his said will departed this hfe, (that is to say): on or about the •after, seised ot | ^f without revoking or altering his said will, seised the estates. • <:> ^ ' of such estates in as in the said complainant's said bill are set Saith tliat he re- forth ; And this defendant further saith that he was advised that n"^ddie*^in"the the said trust would be attended with some difficulty besides expense trusts, ail J loss of time to this defendant; therefore this defendant abso- ANSWERS AND DISCLAIMERS. 71 hitely refused to intermeddle tlierewith or in any way concern himself therein ; And this defendant denies that he or any person or per- denies having r 1 • ,j .1 -liiii •! t'ver entered into sons tor hmi ever entered on the said trust estate, or ever received possession any of the rents and profits thereof ; but this defendant has been believes that the informed and believes that the same were received by G. H. of &c. rents were re- •' ceivea uy kj. rl. gent, who was employed by the said testator C. D. in his life-time who was the tes- to receive the rents and profits of the said — estate for him the ' ' ' said C. D. ; And this defendant believes that the said G. H. hath received the said rents and profits of the said trust estate ever since and that he has the death of the said testator C. D. and doth still continue to receive celVe""the s'ame*- the same ; And this defendant positively denies that the said G. H. denies that he had had any power authority or direction from this defendant to receive ^"^ authority all or any part of the rents and profits of the said trust-estate, or that he ever accounted to this defendant for the same ; and this de- fendant is very desirous and ready to be discharged from his said ^'^o '^ desirous , T PI 1-1 ,1 to be discharged. trust and to do any act lor that purpose as this honorable court shall direct, this defendant being indemnified in so doing and having his costs ; And this defendant further saith that as to so much of the said bill as seeks a discovery of this defendant's title to the lands in , this defendant saith that he doth not know that he this defendant to his knowledge or behef ever had nor did he claim Denies that he or pretend to have nor doth he now claim or pretend to have any doth d^'TIn "'^ right title or interest of in or to the said estate in in the said fight or interest complainant's bill set forth or any part thereof; and this defendant premises, doth disclaim all right title and interest in and to the said estate in in the complainant's said bill mentioned and every part thereof; And this defendant denies &;c. [see sect. IV. antea, p. 7.] [ 72 ] CIIArXER X. DEMURRERS. Whenever any ground of defence is apparent on the bill itself, either from matter contained in it, or from a defect in its frame, or in the case made by it, the proper mode of defence is by demurrer. The causes upon demurrer are merely upon matter in the bill, or upon the omission of matter which ought to be therein or attendant thereon, and not upon any foreign matter alleged by the defend- ant (1). A demurrer is always in bar and goes to the merits of the case (2) ; whatever the bill represents as fact must be generally taken to be true by the demurrer; but not what the bill states as inference from matter of law (3). A defendant cannot demur and plead or demur and answer to the same matter, for the answer will over-rule the demurrer; and a demurrer to relief is over-ruled by an answer to the facts, or parts of the bill, in respect of which relief is prayed (4). A demurrer if good to the relief prayed by a bill is good also to the discovery sought for the purpose of the relief (5); the defendant however may waive the benefit of the rule as against himself, and may demur to the relief and yet answer as to the discovery (6); but he can- not answer the discovery in part and demur to part, nor can he demur to a discovery only and not to the relief prayed, because the plaintiff may be entitled to relief without being entitled to it through the discovery, and may then obtain a decree, though he has not established his right by the defendant's answer (7). Where (1) Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 107, 8, 4th edit. ; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 282. (2) 1 Atk. 543. (3) 3 Mer 503. (4) 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 282, 3 ; Jones v. Earl of Straford, 3 P. Wms. 80. {o) 1 216. (G) Abraham v. Dodgson, 2 Atk. 156, 7 ; and nete (p), p. 185, Ld.Red. Tr. PI. (7) Morgan v. Harris, 2 Bro. Ch. Ca. 124 ; Attorney- General v. Brown, 1 Swanst. 204 ; Wari/ig v. Mackrct/i, Forr. 129, 136; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 2S6. DEMURRERS. 73 the demurrer extends to relief to which the plaintiff is entitled it will be bad, though there is some relief prayed to which the plaintiff* is not entitled (8). A demurrer (unlike a plea) cannot be good in part and bad in part ( 9 ) ; if however several defendants join in a demurrer, it may be good as to some of them and bad as to the others (10). A defendant may put in separate demurrers to separate and dis- tinct parts of a bill, for separate and distinct causes ; for the same grounds of demurrer frequently will not apply to different parts of a bill, though the whole may be liable to demurrer; and in such case, one demurrer may be over-ruled upon argument, and another allowed. A demurrer must express the several causes of demurrer ; and m case the demurrer does not go to the whole bill, it must clearly express the particular parts of the bill demurred to ( 1 1 ). It is not a proper way of demurring to say that the defendant answers to such and such facts, and demurs to all the rest of the bill ; the defendant ought to demur specifying precisely what it is that he refuses to answer ( 12), and this must not be done hy way of ex- ception, as by demurring to all except certain parts of the bill (13). A demurrer ore ienus must be to that which the defendant has demurred to on the record. If the cause of the demurrer on the record is not good, he may at the bar assign other cause but he cannot demur ore tenus upon a ground which he has not made the subject of demurrer on the record (14). A speaking demurrer is bad ; as where by way of argument or inference the demurrer suggests a material fact which is not to be found in the bill (15). (8) Todd V. Gee, 17 Ves. 279, 2d edit. (9) Baker v. Pritchard, 2 Atk. 388 ; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 286. (10) 8 Ves. 403. (11) Ld. Red. Tr. PI. 213, 4; 4th edit.; and see note {k), ibid. (12) 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 283. (13) Robinson v. Thompson, 2 Ves. & B, 118 ; Wetherhead v. Blackburn, ib. 121; but it seems that a demurrer to the whole bill, with an ex- ception of a very small part may be good in point of form; Hicks V. Raincock, 1 Cox's Ca. 41. (14) Pitts V. Short, 17 Ves. 215, (i, 2d edit.; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 286. (15) See 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 287; Edsellv. Buchanan, 2 Ves. jun. 83; Cawthorn v. Chalit^ 2 Sim. &Stu. 129; Davies v. Williams, 1 Sim. 8. 74 DEMURRERS. *l. A general demurrer for want of equity (v^here there is only one defendant.) In Chancery. The demurrer of F. C. E. defendant, in the bill called F. E., to the bill of complaint of A. B. complainant. This defendant by protestation not confessing or acknowledging all or any of the matters and things in the said bill of complaint con- tained to be true in such manner and form as the same are therein and thereby set forth and alleged (IG), doth demur in law to the said bill, and for cause of demurrer showeth that the said com- plainant hath not by his said bill made such a case as entitles him in a court of equity to any discovery or relief from or against this de- fendant (17) touching the matters contained in the said bill or any of such matters ; [ Or thus : And for cause of demurrer saith that it appears by the said complainants' own showing by their said bill of complaint that the said complainants are not entitled to the dis- covery or relief prayed by their said bill against this defendant ( 18);] Wherefore and for divers other good causes of demurrer appearing in the said bill of complaint this defendant doth demur to the said bill, and to all the matters and things therein contained, and prays the judgment of this honorable court whether he shall be compelled to make any further or other answer to the said bill, and he humbly prays to be hence dismissed with his reasonable costs in this behalf sustained. (IG) If a demurrer is only to a part of the bill, ( as where a discovery is sought of the defendant's title ) insert the following form after the word • alleged': ' As to so much of the said bill as seeks that this defendant may an- swer and set forth whether Ac. or as seeks any discovery from this defendant whether e^'c. [ setting out tlie interrogatories] this defendant doth demur in law, and for cause of demurrer sheweth' c^c. (17) If the demurrer is only to a part of the bill, insert the following words after the word ' defendant': 'As to the matters hereinbefore specified or any of such matters; Where- fore' &c. [ end conclvde as in page 83, posteu.] (18) See other forms of a demurrer by a defendant for want of equity, poslca, p. 77, 8 ; and p. 80. ( DEMURRERS. II. A general demurrer for want of equiiy (where there are several defendants.) In Chancery. The demurrer of D. D., J. D., and S. K. three of the defendants to the bill of complaint of S. S. complainant. These defendants by protestation not confessing or acknowledging all or any of the matters and things in the said complainant's bill contained to be true in such manner and form as the same are therein and thereby set forth and alleged, do demur to the said bill, and for cause of demurrer show that the said complainant has not by his said bill made such a case as entitles him in a court of equity to any dis- covery from these defendants respectively or any of them, or to any relief against them, as to the matters contained in the said bill or any of such matters, and that any discovery which can be made by these defendants or any of them touching the matters complained of in the said bill or any of them cannot be of any avail to the said complainant for any of the purposes for which a discovery is sought against these defendants by the said bill, nor entitle the said com- plainant to any relief in this court touching any of the matters therein complained of; Wherefore and for divers other good causes of demurrer appearing in the said bill these defendants do demur thereto, and they pray the judgment of this honorable court whe- ther they or either of them shall be compelled to make any further or other answer to the said bill, and they humbly pray to be hence dismissed with their reasonable costs in this behalf sustained. 75 76 DEMURRERS. * III. Demurrer to so much of a bill as sought a discovery of title-deeds, for want of an affidavit being annexed to the bill that the same were not in the plaintiff's custody or power (19). The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 74.] as to so much of the said bill as seeks a discovery of the marriage settle- ment of the late father and mother of the said complainant, and of the title-deeds and writings relating to the messuages lands and tenements in the said bill mentioned, and that the same may be delivered up to the said complainant, this defendant doth demur in law, and for cause of demurrer showeth that no person or persons by the ancient and approved rule of this honorable court shall ex- hibit a bill of complaint in this honorable court against any other person or persons for a discovery of deeds and writings belonging to such complainant, and upon which if in his possession he might have remedy at law and pray relief relating thereto, unless such com- plainant or complainants shall at the time of exhibiting such bill make affidavit that he she or they have not such deeds and writings so sought after in his her or their custody or power ; Wherefore and lor that he said complainant hath not made affidavit of not having the deeds and writings in his custody or power so sought after by the said bill this defendant doth demur to such part of the said bill as aforesaid, and humbly prays the judgment of this court whether he shall be compelled to make any further or other answer to such part of the said bill as is so demurred unto. (19) Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 54, 4lh ed. ; Hook v. Dormant 1 Sim. & Slu, 227; and see note (2), antea, vol. i. p. 204. DEMURRERS. 77 IV. Demurrer to a bill of interpleader, for want of the usual c^davit that the plaintiff does not collude with any of the defendants ( 20 ). The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p, 74.] to the whole of the said bill doth demur, and for cause of demurrer showeth that although the said complainant's said bill is on the face thereof a bill of interpleader, and prays that this defendant and the other defendants thereto may interplead together concerning the matters therein mentioned, and may be restrained by injunction from proceeding at law against the said complainant touching such matters, yet the said complainant has not annexed an affidavit to his said bill that he does not collude concerning such matters with any of the defendants thereto, which affidavit ought, according to the rules of this honorable court as this defendant is advised, to have been made and annexed to the said bill ; Wherefore &c. [ as in form No. I. p. 74.] *V. Demurrer to a bill of interpleader {9,1), for want of the necessary affidavit, and also for want of equity. The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 74.] doth demur in law to the said bill, and for cause of demuiTer showeth that although the said complainant's said bill is upon the face thereof a bill of interpleader, yet the said complainant hath not annexed to his said bill an affidavit that he doth not collude concerning such matters with any of the defendants thereto, which affidavit ought. (20) Ld. Red. Tr. Pi. 143 ; 1 Madd. Ch. Pr. 175. ' (21) The question in this cause was whether the bill was in fact a bill of interpleader ; it was contended that it was not, the word * interplead' not being used in the bill ; the material part of the prayer was thus ; * And that the said defendants may adjust and determine between them- selves to whom' &c.; the demurrer was allowed. 78 DEMURRERS. according to the rules of this court, as this defendant is advised, to have been made by the said complainant, and annexed to the said bill; And for further cause of demurrer this defendant further showeth that the said bill does not contain sufficient matter of equity whereupon this court can ground any decree in favor of the said complainant, or give the said complainant any relief against this defendant; Wherefore &c. [as in form No. \. p. 74.] * VI. Demurrer to a bill for the examination of toifnesses de bene esse ; the bill not alleging that an action has been commenced, or that there is any impediment to an action being brought, and an affidavit not being annexed to the bill (22). The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. j). 74.] and for cause of demurrer showeth that the said complainant in and by his said bill claims to be entitled to the estates and premises therein mentioned, and the said complainant by his said bill prays that he may be at liberty to examine his witnesses &c. yet the said complainant has not stated, nor does it appear in and by his said bill that any action at law has been commenced by him to establish his right, or that there w^as or is any impediment to any such action being brought by the said complainant, or that the several persons sought to be examined as witnesses or any of them are or is resident abroad, or are about to quit the kingdom, nor hath the said complainant by affidavit annexed to the said bill made oath that the several persons sought to be examined as witnesses or any of them are or is aged or Jnfirm or any other circumstance which may render their tes- timony in danger of being lost; Wherefore &c. [as in form No. I. p. 74.] (22) See note (9), antea, vol. i. p. 4G& ; Philips v. Caretv, 1 P. Wms. 116, and note (z), \h. 6th ed. DEMURRERS. 79 * VII. Demurrer for multifariousness ( 23 ). The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 74.] doth demur to the said bill, and for cause of demurrer showeth that it appears by the said bill that the same is exhibited against this de- fendant and J. H., J. C, T.S. andW. T. for several and distinct matters and causes, in many whereof as appears by the said bill this defendant is not in any manner interested or concerned, by reason of which distinct matters the said plaintiff's said bill is drawn out to a considerable length, and this defendant is compelled to take a copy of the whole thereof, and by joining distinct matters together which do not depend on each other in the said bill, the pleadings orders and proceedings will in the progress of the said suit be intricate and prolix, and this defendant put to unnecessary charges in taking copies of the same, although several parts thereof no way relate to or concern him ; for which reason and for divers other errors appearing in the said bill, this defendant doth demur thereto, and he prays the judgment of this honorable court whether he shall be compelled to make any further or other answer to the said bill, and he humbly prays to be hence dismissed, with his reasonable costs in this behalf sustained. (23) Ld. Red. Tr. Pi. 181, and note (6), ibid.; Brookes v. Lord Whit- worth, iMadd. Rep. 86.88, and note(rf), ibid.; Salvidge v. Hyde, 5Madd. 138 ; S. C. on appeal, 1 Jac. R. 151. In Rayna- v. Julian, 2 Dick. 677, a demurrer to a bill " for that it was multifarious " was over-ruled as informal. Ad objection for multifariousness must be taken by demurrer, and cannot be made at the hearing of the cause ; Ward v. Cooke, 5 Madd. 122 ; Wynne v. Callander, 1 Russ. 293, 7. 80 DEMURRERS. *VIII. Part of a demurrer for multifariousness fa a bill against several purchasers of parts of an estate (24^). And for cause of demurrer showeth that the said bill is exhibited against this defendant and twenty other persons as defendants thereto, for several and distinct and independant matters and causes which have no relation to each other, and wherein or in the greater part whereof this defendant is in no way interested or concerned, and ought not to be implicated. * IX. Demurrer for want of equity and also for multifariousness to a bill for discovery a7id for a commission to examine witnesses abroad in relation to two actions at laic cotnmenced against the plaintiff in equity ( 25 ). The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation See. \_see form No. I. p. 74.] and for cause of demurrer showeth that the said complainants have not in and by their said bill shown any right or title to the discovery, or to the commission and injunction thereby sought ; and for further cause of demurrer this defendant showeth that the discovery and commission by the said bill sought, relate to several distinct matters by the said bill alleged to have been pleaded by the said complain- ants to two several and distinct actions at law in the said bill al- leged to have been commenced by this defendant against the said complainants, and which two several actions appear by the said bill to relate to several and distinct matters and to be founded on several and distinct causes of action, and such several and distinct matters so pleaded by the said complainants to the said two several actions ought not to have been joined together in one bill : Where- fore and for other good causes of demurrer apparent in the said bill &c. \as in form No. I. 7^. 74.] (24) See the authorities referred to in the preceding note. (25) See Shackell v. Macauluy, 2 Sim. & Stu. 79 : Thorpe v. Macaulay, 5 Madd. 218 ; and see also 5 Madd. p. 14G. DEMURRERS. • X. Demurrer for want of parties to a bill by a creditor of a testator who had died abroad i^Q). The demurrer of &c. These defendants by protestation &c. [ see form No. II. p. 75. ] do demur to the said bill, and for cause of demurrer show that it appears by the said complainant's said bill that a personal repre- sentative of Robert Stewart the testator therein named, resident within the jurisdiction of the court, is a necessary party to the said bill, and yet that there is no personal representative of the said testator resident within the jurisdiction of the court a party to the said bill: Wherefore &c. [a* in form No. II. p. 75.] ni XI. Demurrer for want of parties. The demurrer of &c. These defendants by protestation &c. [ see form No. II. p. 75. ] do demur to the said bill, and for cause of demurrer show that it appears by the said complainant's own showing in the said bill, that J. S. therein named is a necessary party to the said bill, inasmuch as it is therein stated, that N. M. the testator in the said bill named, did in his life-time by certain conveyances made to the said J. S. in consideration of £ , convey to him by way of mortgage certain estates in the said bill mentioned to have been devised for the pur- pose of paying the said testator's said debts and legacies, but yet the said complainant has not made the said J. S. a party to the said bill: Wherefore &c. [as in form No. II. p. 75.] (26) Ld. Red. Tr. PI. 180, 4th ed. and note (s), ibid.; Love v. Fahlie, 2 Madd. Rep. 101. The demurrer need not point out ihe parties hy name ; it is sufficient if it points out who the individuals are hy some description enabling the plaintiff" to make them parlies; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 293, 4 ; and see Ptjk v. Piice, 6 Ves. 7»0, 1 ; and 1 1 Ves. :3G9. Semble, such demurrer should be to the whole hill; see fiast India Company v. Coles, reported in a note to Blackburn v. Jepson, 3 Ijiwauat. 142, 3. Vol. II. F aa DEMURRERS. XII. Demurrer to so much of a bill as sought a discovery of waste cominitted by the defendant^ the lilaintiff not having tvaived by his bill all penalties and forfeitures ( 27 ). The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. \^see form No. I. p, 74.] as to so much and such part of the said bill as seeks to have dis- covery from this defendant of any timber or young timber trees in the said bill suggested to have been since the death of Sir J. T. bart. this defendant's late father deceased in the said bill mentioned, felled or cut down on the estate in the said bill mentioned or any part thereof by this defendant, or by his directions, or as seeks to have any discovery of all or any sum or sums of money for which the same or any part thereof were or was sold by this defendant, doth demur, and for cause of demurrer showeth that by the known and settled rules of this honorable court no person ought to be com- pelled to set forth or discover any matter or thing which doth or may subject him to any pains penalties or forfeitures whatsoever; and therefore as the said discovery sought by the said complainant's said bill doth and may by the known law of this kingdom subject and make this defendant liable to several pains penalties and for- feitures, and which the said complainant hath not in and by his said bill waived as is usual in cases of the like nature to do, this de- fendant doth demur in law to so much and such parts of the said bill as pray the aforesaid discovery, and humbly demands the judg- ment of this honorable court whether he ought to be compelled to make any further or other answer than as aforesaid to such parts of the said bill as he hath so demurred unto. (27) See I-d. Red. Tr. PI. 197, 4th ed.; Madd. Ch. Pr. vol. i. p. 214, vol. ii. p. 21)0. DEMURRERS. ^3 XIII. Demurrer to so much of a bill as sought a discovery which might subject the defendants to a charge of com- pounding a felony ( 28 ), — accom2)anied by an answer to the other ^j«r/* of the bill. The demuiTer of the defendants C. D., G. H. and E. his wife to part, and their answer to other part of the bill of complaint of A. B. complainant. As to so much of the complainant's bill as seeks to charge these defendants or any of them with the concealing or compounding the felony in the bill mentioned, or as seeks to compel any of these defendants to make any discovery touching the same or any of the matters relating thereto in the said bill suggested or alleged, these defendants by protestation not confessing or acknowledging any of the matters or things relating thereto in the said bill compi'ised, to be true in such sort manner and form as the same are therein al- leged or set forth, these defendants do demur, and for cause of de- murrer show that they ought not to be compelled to discover or set forth any matters whereby they may impeach or accuse themselves of an offence or crime for which they may subject themselves to fine or to corporal punishment; Wherefore and for divers other good causes of demurrer in the complainant's said bill of his own showing appearing, these defendants as to so much of the complainant's said bill as before is set forth do demur, and do demand the judgment ef this honorable court whether they or any of them ought or shall be compelled to make any answer thereto other or otherwise than ?is aforesaid ; and these defendants not waiving their said demurrer but wholly relying and insisting thereon, for answer to so much of the s^id bill as these defendants are advised is material or necessary for then? or any of them to make answer unto, severally answering sp.y tJbiey deny &c. (28) See 1 Madd. Ch. Pr. p. 214; Claridge v. Hoare, 14Ves. 59; Cartwriyht v. Green, 8 Ves. 405, 2d. edit. F 2 S.4 DEMURRERS. XIV. Demurrer on the ground that the plaintiff does not appear hy the bill to have iwoved the will of his testator ( 29 ). The demurrer of &c. These defendants by protestation &c. [ see form No. II. p. 75.] do demur to tlie said bill, and for cause of demurrer show that the scope and end of the said complainant's bill is to be relieved touching several sums of money by the said bill supposed to be due from these defendants to one A. B. deceased in the said bill named, which the said complainants would or seek by their said bill to claim as executors to the said A. B., and yet they have not alleged in or by their said bill that they have proved the will of the said A. B. ( if any such was made ) or otherwise taken upon themselves the burthen or execution thereof, or any ways entitled themselves unto her personal estate and to sue for the same : Wherefore &c. [as in form No, II. p. 75.] * XV. Demurrer on the ground that the plaintiff had not proved his testator s will in the proper Ecclesiastical Court ( 30 ). The demurrer of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 74.] doth demur to the said bill, and for cause of demurrer sheweth that ac- cording to the complainant's own showing in his said bill of com- plaint it appears that C. R. the testator in the said bill named died possessed of bona notabilia out of the diocese of the Bishop of Chichester, and particularly of bona notabilia in the diocese of the Bishop of London which is in the province of the see of Canter- bury, and that it appears by the said complainant's said bill that the said complainant hath proved the said testator's will in the said bill mentioned in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Chichester only : Wherefore &c. [ as iti form No. I. p. 74.] (29) See Ld. Rerl. Tr. PI. 155, 4th erl. C:lO) See Comber a Case, 1 P. Wms. 766 ; Tourton v. Flower, 3 P. Wras. 370, 6th ed. DEMURRERS. XVI. Demurrer by the wife and cofnmittee of the person of a lunatic^ to so much of a hill as sought to perpetnate the testimony of witnesses to the alleged will of the lunatic ( 31 ), accompanied by her Answer to the other parts of the bill. The several demurrer and answer of B. C. wife of T. C. a lunatic, one of the defendants to the bill of complaint of S. E. complainant. This defendant by protestation &c. \_see form No. I. p. 74.] as to so much of the said bill as seeks to have the witnesses to the alleged will of the said T. C. this defendant's said husband exa- mined and their testimony recorded in this honorable court in order to the perpetuating thereof, this defendant doth demur, and for cause of demurrer showeth that the said T. C. at the time of the exhibiting of the said bill was and still is living, and that the wit- nesses to the said alleged will of the said T. C. ought not to be examined to prove the same nor ought their testimony to be re- corded during the life of the said T. C, and for that the said com- plainant hath not any right or title by or under the said will until the said T. C.'s death : Wherefore and for divers other errors and imperfections good causes of demurrers appearing in the said bill this defendant doth demur to such parts of the said bill as aforesaid : And as to the residue of the said bill tliis defendant not waiving her said demurrer but relying thereon, and saving and reserving to herself all and all manner of benefit and advantage of exception that can or may be had or taken to the many errors uncertainties and insufficiencies in such residue of the said bill contained, doth answer and say she hath heard and believes it to be true that the said T. C. did several years ago but when exactly this defendant cannot set forth, become disordered in his mind and hath ever since been and still is incapable of managing himself or his affairs, and that the said complainant did on or about the day of ■ prefer a petition to the then Lord High Chancellor of Great Bri- tain praying that a commission might issue to inquire of the lunacy of the said T. C. ; And this defendant further answering saith that a commission issued accordingly, and that such inquisition was taken thereon as in the said bill is for that purpose mentioned and set (31) See L(l. Red.Tr. PI. p. 166; Sackville v. Ayleworth, 1 Vern. l()r> ; 6 Ves. 251>, 200. 0^ 86 DEMURRERS. forth, and that the said T.C. doth still continue and is a lunatic ; but this defendant for greater certainty craves leave to refer to the records of the said commission and inquisition ; And this defendant further saith she admits it to be true that after the said T. C. was found a lunatic as aforesaid, the care and custody of his person was committed to this defendant, and the care and management of his estate was committed toW.C. in the said bill named, and that the said T. C. her husband is still living: And this defendant doth deny all manner of combination and confederacy in the said bill charged, and humbly prays to be hence dismissed with her reasonable costs and charges in this behalf sustained. * XVII. Demurrer as to so much of the discovery and relief sought by the bill with respect to certain part of the pre-' mises therein mentioned, that the 2ilaintiff's remedy is at law ( 32 ) ; and with respect to other part of the premises, that he has shown no title thereto ; and Plea in bar as to so 7nuch of the bill as sought to set aside the conveyance of other jmrt of the premises, of the indentures of conveyance by lease and release for a valuable consideration, supported by an Answer denying fraud or any undue influence having been used. In Chancery. The demurrer, plea, and answer of A. F. one of the defendants to the bill of complaint of J. B. complainant. Demurrer, This defendant by protestation &c. [see form No. I. ^j. 74.] as to so much of the said bill as seeks to compel this defendant to ac- count with tlie said complainant for the rents and profits of all or any of the estates therein mentioned ( except of the premises in Mary Street therein alleged to have been purchased by T. R. one of the defendants to the said complainant's bill ) received by her, or which but for her wilful default she might have received, and also as to so much of the said bill as seeks to compel this defendant (32) See Loker v. Rolle, 3 Ves. 7, 2d edit. ; Crow v. Tyrrell, 3 Madd. 182; and notc(i), aiitea, vol. i. p. 204. DEMURRER, PLEA, AND ANSWER. B7 to deliver up to the said complainant or unto such person or persons as she should appoint the possession of all or any of the said estates and premises in the said bill mentioned ( except of the said premises therein alleged to have been purchased by the said defendant T. R.), and to so much of the said bill as seeks to compel this defendant to deliver up to the said complainant all and every the title-deeds evidences and writings in her custody or power relating to all or any of the said estates and premises in the said bill mentioned ( except the said premises therein alleged to have been purchased by the said T. R.), this defendant doth demur thereto ; And this defendant as to the discovery and relief sought by the said bill ( save as to the disco- so much thereof as relates to the said premises therein alleged to son"iu"(save^as have been purchased by the said T. R., and so much thereof as to the premises relates to the premises in the said bill mentioned to be situate at S. x. r. and the in the county of D.), for cause of demurrer showeth that the said p'eniises situate complainant can have an effectual and complete remedy in a court of f„rtl'at plaintiff's law; and for further demurrer in this behalf this defendant as to remedy is at law, so much of the said discovery and relief as relates to the said pre- and as to the mises in S. aforesaid, for cause of demurrer saith that the s.iid com- 1"*^""**^" '" •' plainant hath not by the said bill shown that he is entitled to the that [daintitT has said estate and premises at S. or any part thereof, or to the rents ||° is entitled thereof or of any parts thereof, or to any of the title-deeds evi- thereto ; dences and writings relating thereto ; Wherefore and for divers other good causes of demurrer appearing in the said bill this defendant prays the judgment of this honorable court whether she shall be compelled to make any answer to such parts of the said bill as she has hereinbefore demurred to ; And this defendant not waiving her said several demurrers but wholly relying thereon, doth as to so piea in bar as to much of the said bill as seeks to have the conveyance of the said "o "i»f'' «* t''e •' bill as seeks to set premises therein mentioned to be situate at the corner of Mary aside the convey- Street set aside as having been obtained by undue means, and to premises and to have the same delivered up to the said complainant to be cancelled, compel the difen- , -ii •! 1- *'^"t to arcoinit and to compel this defendant to account with the said complainant for the rents, and for the rents and profits of the said last-mentioned ])remises re- '*^ deliver up the ^ _ _ ^ *■ _ ])osscssion Of the ceived by her, or which but for her wilful default site might have premises and of received, and also as to so much of the said bill as seeks to compel tue-iee b, this defendant to deliver up to the said complainant or unto such person or persons as he should aj)point the possession of all and singular the last-mentioned premises, and to deliver up to the said complainant all and every the title-deeds evidences and writings in her custody or power relating thereto, pleads thereto, and for plea of a conveyanre saith that by an indenture of bargain and sale bearing date the 10th le^se tuT.K.'*^ day of July in the year 1799, and made between the said complain- aud w.F. in fee so DEMURRER, PLEA, AND ANSWER. as tenants in ant and A. his wife of the one part, and the said defendant T. R. and W. F. in the said bill named of the other part, he the said com- plainant and his said wife in consideration of the sum of 10*. to them therein mentioned to be then paid by the said T. R. and W.F. did bargain and sell the last-mentioned premises with the appurte- nances unto the said T. R. and W.F., To hold the same unto the said T. R. and W. F. their executors administrators and assigns from the day next before the day of the date of the same indenture for the term of one whole year from thence next ensuing ; And by a certain indenture of release bearing date the 17th day of the same month of July in the year 1799, and made between the said complainant and his said wife of the one part, and the said T. R. and W.F. of the other part; after reciting (amongst other things) that disputes had arisen between the said complainant and the said T. R. and F. W. concerning the premises, for ending whereof the said T.R. and W.F. had agreed to give to the said complainant of 100 on condition that the said complainant and A. his wife would grant bargain sell release and confirm the said premises unto the said T.R. and W. F. their heirs and assigns, to which the said complainant had consented, he the said complainant and his said wife, in considera- tion of the sum of c£'100 then to them paid by the said T. R. and W. F., did grant bargain^ sell release and confirm unto the saidT. R. and W. F. and their heirs the said last-mentioned premises with the appurtenances, To hold the same unto the said T. R. and W. F. their heirs and assigns as tenants in common and not as joint tenants. To the use of the said T. R. and W.F. their heirs and assigns ; by virtue of which indenture all the estate right title and interest of the said complainant in and to the said last-mentioned premises became as this defendant is advised, and was well and effectually conveyed re- leased and assured luito and to the use of the said T. R. and W. F, Avermpnis that their heirs and assigns ; And this defendant doth aver to the best of the ronsideiation j^gj. knowledge information and belief that the said sum of i'lOO was J_ 100 was paid, ■- actually paid by the said T. R. and W. F. to the said complainant, :iiid that neither a,nd that neither the said T. R. nor the said W. F. prevailed upon T R. nor W. F. j]^g gj^j^j complainant by fraud or misrepresentation or any undue used fraud or . . . undue means; means to execute the said indentures of bargain and sale and re- lease or either of them ; All which last-mentioned matters and things this defendant doth plead in bar to so much of the said bill as is hereinbefore pleaded to; And this defendant humbly prays the judgment of this honorable court whether she ought to make any further answer to so much of the said bill as is hereinbefore pleaded to ; And this defendant not waiving her said several demvuTcrs and pleia but Vkholly relying and insisting thereon, for answer to so mucii DEMURRER, PLEA, AND ANSWER. 89 of tlie said bill as this defendant is advised is material or necessary for her to make answer unto in aid of her said plea, answereth and Answer in aid of saith slie denies to the best of her knowledge remembrance informa- t. R. and W.F. tion and belief that the said T. R. and W.F. or either of them ever took any nndue ■>T advantage, or took an undue advantage of the said complamant s distress, or pre- prevailed upon vailed upon the said complainant by fraud misrepresentation or any ^o^s"//^- '^•'^ t "'J undue means to sell and dispose of his right and interest in the said in the premises, last-mentioned premises or any part thereof, or to execute the said ^^^^^ e u e e indentures of bargain and sale and release or either of them; And believes that the this defendant further answering saith she hath been informed and paid hyT. R.and believes it to be true that the said sum of .£100 was actually and T"-^ii° *'f •' plaintiti, and was bond fide paid by the said T. R. and W. F. in equal moieties to or to at the time con- the use of the said complainant, and that the same was considered adequate con-° by the said T. R. and W. F. at the time of the execution of the said sideration. several indentures of bargain and sale and release to be a full and adequate consideration for the purchase of all the right and interest of the said complainants in and to the last-mentioned premises and every part thereof. XVIII. Demurrer by husband and wife to so much of the bill as sought to set aside a testator^s will, or to restrain pro- ceedings at law, that it appeared by the bill that the husband proved the will in the Prerogative Court, that such court has exclusive jurisdictio?i, and that no equity is shoivn to stay the jjroceedings at laiv ; — Plea by the husband as to so much as sought a distribution of the testator s personal estate, that he made a will bequeathing his residuary estate to the hus- band, and appointed him executor, and that he has proved the icill ; — Answer by both defendants to the residue of the bill. The joint and several demurrer of S. N. and E. his wife to part, and the plea of the said S. N. to part, and the joint and several an- swer of the said S. N. and E. his wife to other part of the bill of complaint of M. B. W.T. and J. M. and S. his wife, complainants. These defendants S. N. and E. his wife, by protestation &c. [ see Demurrer by form No. II. p. 75.] as to so much of the said bill as seeks to set ^^ so much^f th' aside or impeach or have any relief against the will of II. K. in the bill as seeks re- 90 lief against the will of R. R., that it appears that S. N. proved the same in the Prerogative Court, and that such court has exclusive juris- diction; and that there is no equity shown to stay proceed- ings at law by S. N. against W.T. Plea by S. N. as to so much as seeks to have distribution of K. R.'s personal estate, that R. R. made a will be- queathing his re- siduary personal estate to S. N. and appointing liini executor ; and that he proved the will in the Preroga- tive Court. DEMURRER, PLEA, AND ANSWER. said bill named as to the personal estate of the said R. R. or that seeks a discovery from these defendants or either of them in rela- tion to the said will, or that prays an injunction against this defend- ant A.N. to stop his proceeding at law against the said W.T. these defendants do demur thereunto, and for cause of demurrer show that it appears by the complainants' own showing that this defendant S. N. hath proved the said will of the said R. R. in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and these defendants are advised that the probate of wills relating to estates and particularly relating to personal estates do properly belong to the Ecclesiastical Courts of this realm, and that the same ought not to be called into question in this honorable court ; And for further cause of demurrer these defendants show that there is not as they are advised any matter or thing set forth in and by the said bill as a foundation of equity for this court to interpose in relation to the action at law commenced by this defendant S. N. against the saidW. T. but what is properly cognizable at law, and that the said complainant W.T. may have the same or equal benefit upon a trial at law if the same is true; for M'hich reason and for divers other causes these defend- ants do demur to so much of the said bill as aforesaid, and humbly pray the judgment of this honorable court whether they shall make any further or other answer thereto ; And as to so much of the said bill as seeks to have a distribution of the personal estate or effects of the said R. R. according to the statute of distribution of in- testates' estates, or that seeks an account or discovery of or from this defendant S. N. of the personal estate of the said R. R. this defendant S. N. doth plead thereunto, and for plea this defendant saith that the said R. R. did in his life-time on or about the day of in the year of our Lord as this defendant believes duly make and publish his last will and testament in writing, and thereby after giving several legacies therein particularly mentioned, gave and bequeathed all the rest and residue of his real and per- sonal estate unto this defendant to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever, and of the said will made this defendant sole executor; and that this defendant also after the death of the said testator proved the said will in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, as by the probate thereof under the seal of the said court now in the custody or power of this defendant ready to be pro- duced as this honorable court shall direct, and to which this defend- ant craves leave to refer, doth more luUy and at large appear ; All which matters and things this defendant S. N. doth aver and is ready to prove as this honorable court shall direct, and doth plead the same in bar to so much of the said bill as for that purpose is herein- before mentioned, and humbly craves ihc judgment of this honorable I DEMURRERS. 91 court wiiether he shall make any further or other answer thereto ; Answer to the And as to so much of the said bill as these defendants have not ^m before respectively demurred or pleaded unto, these defendants in no sort waiving the benefit of the said demurrer and plea or either of them but wholly relying and insisting thereon, these defendants for answer to the residue of the complainant's said bill or to so much thereof as these defendants are advised is material or necessary for them or either of them to make answer unto, these defendants, each speaking for him and herself, and not the one for the other, they these defendants do severally answer and say as follows &c. * XIX. Demurrer to an a7nended billy the plaintiff's title to re- deem having been obtained after the filing of the original bill and the atiswer to it ( S3 ). The demurrer of &c. ( 34 ). This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 74.] doth demur thereto, and for cause of demurrer saith that the indentures of lease and release in the said bill mentioned to bear date respec- tively the 15th and 1 6th days of July 181G, the indenture of re- lease purporting to be made between the said complainant W. M. of the one part and the said complainants J. P. and R. P. of the other part, and to be a conveyance of the equity of redemption of the premises therein mentioned and by the said bill sought to be redeemed, appear by the said bill to bear date after the fihng of the original bill of complaint of which the said bill of the said J. P., R. P., and W. M. purports to be an amended bill; Where- fore and for divers other good causes of demurrer appearing in the said bill of the said J. P., R. P. and W. M., this defendant doth demur thereto, and he prays the judgment of this honorable court whether he shall be compelled to make any further or other answer to the said bill of the said J. P., R. P., and W. M., and humbly prays to be hence discharged with his reasonable costs in this behalf sustained. (33) See Pilkington v. Wignall, 2 Madd. Rep. 240, 4; and Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 207, 4th edit. ; see also 2 Madd. Cb. Pr. 374, 5. This demurrer was drawn according to a precedent of a similar de- murrer drawn by Lord Kedesdale when at the bar, and was allowed ; it was held not to be a speaking demurrer; it only stating matter appear- ing in the bill, not matter out of it. (34) See tSinith v. Bryon, 3 Madd. 428, 1) ; and note (6), antea, p. 2. 92 DEMURRERS. * XX. Demurrer for want of equity to a supplemental bill (35). The demurrer of &c. These defendants by protestation &c. [see form No. 11. p. 75."] do demur in law to the said supplemental bill of complaint, and for cause of demurrer show that the said supplemental bill of complaint doth not contain any matter to entitle the said complainant to any such discovery from these defendants or to any such relief against them as is sought and prayed in and by the said supplemental bill ; Wherefore these defendants do demur thereto, and pray the judg- ment of the court whether they ought to be compelled to put in any further or other answer to the said complainant's said supplemental bill, and humbly pray to be hence dismissed with their reasonable costs in this behalf sustained. * XXI. Demurrer to a bill of review and supplemental bill, on the ground that there are no errors in the decree, and that the leave of the court teas not first obtained { 3Q ). These defendants by protestation &c. [ see form No. II. p. 75.] do demur in law thereto, and for cause of demurrer show that there are no errors in the record and premises and in the decree of the day of in the said bill of review and supplemental bill mentioned, nor is there any sufficient matter alleged in the said bill of review and supplemental bill to entitle the said complainant to reverse the said decree ; and for divers other errors and defects appearing in the said bill of review and supplemental bill, these de- fendants do demur in law thereto ; And these defendants for further cause of demurrer humbly show that by an order of this honorable court bearing date the ITth October in the fifteenth year of his (35) See Adams v. Dowdiuff, 2Madd. Rep. 53. (3C) Sec Ld. Red. Ir. PI. p. 84. 203, 4, 4lh ed. ; 2 iMadd. Ch. Pr. 542. DEMURRERS. 93 present Majesty's reign, It is ordered, amongst other things, that no supplemental or new bill in nature of a bill of review grounded upon any new matter discovered or pretended to be discovered since the pronouncing of any decree of this court, in order to the reversing or varying of such decree, shall be exhibited without the special leave of the court first obtained for that purpose ; Wherefore and for that the said complainant doth not allege by the said bill of review and sup- plemental or new bill that he had first obtained leave of this court for exhibiting the said bill of review and supplemental or new bill, these defendants demur in law thereto, and humbly pray the judg- ment of the court whether they ought to be compelled to put in any further or other answer to the said complainant's said bill of review and supplemental or new bill, and humbly pray to be hence dis- missed with their reasonable costs in this behalf sustained. [ 94 1 CHAPTER XI. PLEAS ( 1 ). 1 I. Plea of alien enemy ( 2 ). The plea of • defendant to the bill of complaint of complainant. This defendant by protestation not confessing or acknowledging all or any of the matters and things in the said complainant's said bill mentioned to be true in such manner and form as the same are therein and thereby set forth and alleged, doth plead thereunto, and for plea saith that the said complainant is an alien born in foreign parts, that is to say, in the kingdom of Spain, out of the allegiance of our Lord the now King, and under the allegiance of a foreign Sovereign, that is to say, of the King of Spain, an enemy to our Lord the King ; and that the said complainant before and at the time of his exhibiting his said bill of complaint against this de- fendant was and still is an enemy of our Lord the now King, and an inhabitant of C. under the government of the said King of Spain (1) As to the form and reqtiisites of pleas in general, seeLcl, Red. Tr. PI. 294, 300, 4th edit.; Beames ou Pleas, p. 7, 32, 42; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. p. 297. A plea may be to the whole bill, or to part only. If a plea does not go to the whole bill it must clearly and precisely express to what part of the bill the defendant pleads ; if the plea is general with an exception of matters after mentioned and is accompanied by an answer, the plea is bad ; but if the exception is clearly stated and does not require a reference to any other part of the record to make it intelligible, it is sufficient; see the authorities above referred to, see also Houev. Dtippa, 1 Ves. &Bea. 514. A plea must not contain unnecessary averments ; Cork v. Wilcock, 5 Madd. 330. In what cases a plea is required to be put in on oath, see Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 301; Beanies on Pleas, 316; Ord. Ch. ed. Beames, 26, 7. 19 Ves. 81, 2. (2) See Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 229. 4th edit. ; Beames on Pleas, p. 112, 254, and p. 329, where a form of a similar plea is inserted ; see aU» Evans v, Richaithon, 3 Mer. 469. PLEAS. and adhering to our said Lord the King's enemies ; All which matters and things this defendant doth aver to be true and pleads the same to the whole of the said bill and humbly demands the judgment of this honorable court whether he ought to be com- pelled to make any answer to the said bill of complaint, and humbly prays to be hence dismissed with his reasonable costs in this behalf most wrongfully sustained. J.L. 95 II. Plea that the defendant is not the deceased's personal repre- sentative as alleged in the bill {3). The plea of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [see form No. I. ^.94.] to all the discovery and relief sought and prayed by the said com- plainant's said bill he this defendant doth plead, and for plea saith that he this defendant is not the executor or administrator or the legal personal representative of the said A. B. as in the said bill alleged, which said representative or representatives ought to be made party or parties to the said complainant's said bill as this de- fendant is advised ; All which matters and things this defendant avers to be true and pleads the same to the said bill, and humbly demands the judgment of this honorable court &c. * III. Plea to a bill by assignees of a bankrupt, that the same was filed without the consent of the creditors ( 4 ). The plea of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 94.] and for plea saith that by the statute made and passed in the 5th year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Second, intituled, (3) See Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 220. 234 : Beames on Pleas, p. 130, (4) See Ockkstonc r. Betison, 2 8itn. & Stu. "265. 256. m PLKAS. * An act to prevent the committing of frauds by bankrupts' (5), it is provided that no suit in equity shall be commenced by any as- signee or assignees without the consent of the major part in value of the creditors of such bankrupt who shall be present at a meeting of the creditors pursuant to notice to be given in the London Gazette for that purpose ; And this defendant doth aver that the said bill was filed by the said complainants as the assignees of the estate and effects of the said bankrupt T. C. without the consent of the major part in value of the creditors of the said bankrupt present at a meeting of the creditors pursuant to notice given in the London Gazette for that purpose ; And this defendant doth therefore plead the matters aforesaid &c. IV. Plea of bankruptcy of the plaintiff' ( 6 ). The plea of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [see form No. I. p. 94. ] doth plead to the said bill, and for plea saith she hath been informed and believes that the said complainant andJ.B. the younger his soa did for some years before the month of carry on the business of merchants as copartners together at L. in the county of Y, ; And that they were before and on &c. jointly indebted on account of the partnership dealings to many persons to a large amount in the whole and particularly to H.W. in the sum of £ ; And that the said complainant and the said J. B. the younger were before and on &c. severally indebted on their respective separate accounts to many persons to a large amount in the whole ; And that the said complainant and the said J. B. or one of them on their said partnership account before the said &c. committed one or more act or acts of bankruptcy ; And that a conunission of bankruptcy under the great seal of Great Britain was on the said day of duly (5) C. 30. s. 38; and see the 6 Geo. 4. c. 16. s. 88, and note ( 1 ), antea, vol. i. p. Ill; Eden's Bank. Laws, p. 342. (6) See Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 232; Beanies on Pleas, p. 118, 254; a plea of bankruptcy must state distinctly and in succession the facts upoa •which the bankruptcy rests; Carleton v. Leighton, 3 Mer. 667. A plea that the plaintiB' had taken the benefit of an act for the relief of insolvent debtors is to he found in 16 Yes. 407, 2d ed.. Da Alhick- icitz V. Uciiiet/. PLEAS. issued against tliem under the names of J. B. the elder and J. B. the younger on the petition of the said H.W., and that they were thereupon by the major part of the said commissioners named in tlie said commission soon after duly found and declared to be bankrupts as copartners ; And that the said H.W. &c. were duly chosen assig- nees of the estate and effects of the said complainant and his said son under the said commission ; And that the usual assignment was made by the major part of the said commissioners named in the said com- mission unto the said H.W. &c. of the personal effects of the said complainant and his said son and each of them ; And that by indenture of bargain and sale duly enrolled in this honorable court in the year , the major part of the commissioners named in the said com- mission of bankruptcy also made the usual conveyance unto the said assignees of all the real estate of the said complainant and his said son and each of them ; And that the complainant shortly after the issuing of the said commission of bankruptcy obtained the usual certificate from in number and value of the joint creditors of him and of his son also and also of the separate creditors of him the said complainant who proved their debts under the said commission of bankruptcy and also from the major part thereof from the commissioners named in the said commission ; And that the said complainant duly conformed himself to the several laws made and in force concerning bankrupts ; And this defendant hath also been informed and believes that such certificate was duly confirmed by the Right Honorable the late Lord Chancellor ; And this defend- ant for further plea saith she believes that the said commission of bankruptcy hath never been been superseded but that the same is now remaining in full force, and therefore as the right claimed by the said bill to the estates therein mentioned and to the rents and profits appears by the said bill to have accrued, and if the same is just and well founded did really accrue long before the date and issuing forth of the said commission, this defendant is advised that the said complainant's right and interest to and in the said estate and the rents and profits thereof, was at the time of the filing of the said bill and is now vested in the said assignees under the said commission of bankruptcy for the benefit of them and the other creditors of the said complainant and his said son jointly and of the said complainant alone ; All which matters and things this defendant doth aver to be true, and she pleads the same to the whole of the said bill, and humbly demands the judgment of this honorable court whether she ought to be compelled to make any further or other answer thereto. Vol. II. G i)7 98 PLEAS. *V. Plea by bankrupts of their certificate to the whole of the plaintiff ^s bill (brought in respect of a demand arisen pre- vioushj to their bankruptcy), excepting only as to the alle- gation in the bill that the bankrupts claimed an interest in the matters in question, which by answer and disclaimer accompanying the plea they disclaimed, setting forth a re- lease executed to their assignees of all right and interest in their surplus estate ( 7 ). The plea of &c. These defendants respectively by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 94.] do plead to so much of the said bill as seeks that these defendants may make good to the said complainant the loss and damage alleged to have been sustained by him by the detention of the four hundred and thirty-four casks of pearl ashes in the said bill of complaint in that behalf mentioned, and that all necessary directions might be given to ascertain the amount of such loss ; and for plea thereto, and to all the discovery sought from these defend- ants with relation thereto or to any other matters in the said bill contained, except as to the question whether these defendants or one and which of them have not or hath not or do not or doth not claim some and what interest in the matters in question in this cause, these defendants say that by a statute or act of parliament made and passed in the 5th year of the reign of his late Majesty King George 2. and afterwards made perpetual, intituled " An act to prevent the committing of frauds by bankrupts," it is amongst other things en- acted that all and every person and persons so become or to become bankrupts as in such act aforesaid, who should within the time thereby limited surrender him her or themselves to the acting com- missioners named and authorized in or by any commission of bank- rupt awarded or to be awarded against him her or them as in and (7) See De Tastct v. S/iarpe, SMadd. 51; the plaintiff's bill was held analogous to the remedy by action at law for money had and received, and considered as brought in lieu of that action, and consequently that the certificate was a bar. A plea of bankruptcy of the defendant is good where the decree sought is ad rem and not a personal demand, notwithstanding the com- niission has issued offer the filing of the hill ; Turner v. Robinson, 1 Sim. A 8tu. 3. " ' PLEAS. by the said act directed, should have certain allowances In the said act in that behalf particularly mentioned out of the net produce of their estate, and every such bankrupt should be discharged from all debts by him or them due and owing at the time that he she or they did become bankrupt ; and that in case any such bankrupt should be afterwards arrested prosecuted or impleaded, such bankrupt should and might plead in general that the cause of such action or suit did accrue before such time as he she or they became bankrupts, and might give the said act and special matter in evidence : And these defendants do aver that they did respectively become bankrupt since the period in the said act referred to for the commencement of the operation and effect thereof, and that a commission of bankrupt under the great seal of Great Britain, bearing date at Westminster, the 1st day of October 1812, was awarded and issued against them together with G. Sharpe the elder deceased their late father and copartner in trade, under which commission they these defendants and the said late G. Sharpe the elder respectively were duly found and adjudged bankrupt, and that these defendants and each of them did within the time limited for that purpose by the said act, surrender themselves to the acting commissioners named and au- thorized in or by the said commission of bankrupt so awarded against them and the said G. Sharpe the elder, and that these defendants and each of them did in all things conform as in and by the said act is directed : And these defendants do aver that the said cause of action or suit in the said complainant's bill set up against these de- fendants and each of them, did accrue before such time as these defendants respectively became bankrupt ; And therefore these de- fendants severally crave the benefit of the said act and plead the same in bar to the relief and discovery (except as before excepted) so sought against them respectively by the said bill of complaint, and pray the judgment of this honorable court whether they or either of them shall be compelled to make any other or further answer to the said complainant's said bill of complaint, save only as to the part thereof above excepted out of this their plea ; And these defendants not in any sort waiving their said plea, do for answer to such said excepted point or question put to them in the said bill of complaint and not covered by their said plea, or to so much of such question as they are advised is material or necessary for them to make answer unto, say that by a certain deed-poll under the hands and seals of these defendants and the said late G. Sharpe the elder deceased, dated the 26th day of July 1813, these defend- ants and the said late G. Sharpe the elder, in consideration of tts. paid them respectively by the assignees of their estate, released to m 100 PLEAS. the said assignees all surplus allowance right title interest benefit claim and demand which these defendants and the said G. Sharpe the elder deceased or any or either of them could or might have claim challenge or demand in to or out of their estate, or against the said assignees personally in respect thereof both at law and in equity; And therefore in case these defendants ever had claimed or pretended to have or claim any interest in the matters in question in this suit, such claim and interest would as they are advised be now extinguished or transferred wholly to their said assignees : And these defendants further severally say they do not know or beheve that since their said bankruptcy they or either of them have had claimed or pretended to have or claim, any interest in the matters in question in this cause, and they do respectively disclaim all right title and interest therein and in every part thereof. * VI. Plea of a fine and non-claim to a hill for an account a7id for a discovery of the defendants title, accompanied by an answer to part of the hill ( 8 ). The plea and answer of Dame Mary Every, Daniel Parker Coke, Wil- liam Hoskins, and John Fowler, to the bill of complaint of Allen Butler, complainant. These defendants by protestation &c. \see form No. I. j). 94.] as to so much of the said l)ill as seeks to compel them to set forth an (8) This is a correct copy of the plea ( as ameode'l ) aliowetl by Lord Chancellor Thurlow iu Butler v. Ererrj, 1 Ves. jun. 13G, 'li\ ed., 3 Bro. Ch. Ca. 80, 81, S. C. It is inserted in the 5th volume of ' The Property Lawyer,' p. 126, (from a M8. in the possession of the editors of that work ) in a note to a case of Leigh v. Leigh, where all the cases will be found collected. A similar plea in Dobson v. Leadbeater, 13Ves. 230, was over-ruled ; an averment of actual seisin being necessary, the words • being thereby seised,^ being argumentative. See further Ld. Red.Tr. PI. p. 253, 4th ed. ; Beanies on Pleas, p. 183. In Leigh v. Leign, cited supra, the plea stated that the defendant at the time of levying the fine teas seised in possession, it was objected that such averment was not equivalent to stating lliat he was seised of au estate oi' freehold; Sir A. Hart, V. (.'. considered the plea as sufhcient in point of form; (it was however over-ruled upon the ground that a fine cannot be pleaded to a bill filed merely to prevent a satisfied term being set up on ejectment.) PLEAS. 101 account of the rents and profits of the messuages farms lands te- nements and hereditaments in the said bill mentioned or any part thereof, late the estate of Sir John Every bart. the intestate in the said bill named, and of which Sir Edward Every obtained the actual possession as hereinafter mentioned, and as to so much of the said bill as prays that possession of such messuages &c. may be delivered up to the said complainant, or that any title-deeds or writings re- lating thereto may be delivered up to him, or that an account may be taken of any rents or profits of the said messuages See. or that these defendants or any of them may pay to the said complainant any sums of money on account of such rents and profits, or that the said complainant may have any other relief touching such mes- suages &c., and as to so much of the sai I bill as seeks to discover in what manner or by what pedigree the said Sir Edward Every is the heir at law of the said Sir John Every these defendants do plead in bar, and for plea say that after the death of the said Sir John Every baronet, which happened about June 1779, Edward Every afterwards Sir Edward Every, baronet, in the said bill named, en- tered upon the said messuages fai'ms lands tenements and heredita- ments hereinafter particularly mentioned, claiming the same as heir at law of the said Sir John Every, and was in the actual possession thereof and in the receipt of the rents and profits thereof ; and that the said Sir Edward Every being thereby seised and in the actual possession of all and singular the messuages farms lands tenements and hereditaments aforesaid, in Michaelmas Term in the 20th year of the reign of his present Majesty, a fine sur conuzance de droit come ceo qiiil a de son done was levied in due form of law before the justices of the coiu't of Common Pleas at Westminster, between Da- niel Parker Coke esq. demandant, and the said Sir Edward Every baronet deforciant, of all the said messuages farms lands tenements and hereditaments, by the description of the manors of Egginton, Newton Solney otherwise Newton Soolney, and Hardwick, with the appurtenances, and of sixty messuages, thirty cottages, ninety gar- dens, fifty orchards, one thousand acres of land, six hujidred acres; of meadow, one thousand acres of pasture, one thousand five hun- dred acres of wood, six hundred acres of furze and heath, two hundred acres of moor, common of pasture for all cattle, free fishing in the waters of Trent and Dove, courts leet, court baron, and view of frankpledge, and whatsoever to view of frankpledge be- longeth, with the appurtenances in Egginton, Newton Solney other- wise Newton Soolney, Hardwick, and Ripton, and also of the rec- tories of Hardwick and Newton Solney, with the appurtenances, and likewise of all and all manner of tilhcs whatsoever vcarly aiisinill mentioned, together with the household goods and stock upon the })remises, and that the same then were and now are in his possession or occupation in the manner therein set forth ; And this defendant also admits it to be true that this defendant was in the said month of last desirous to sell the said messuage or tenement and the furniture and stock in and about the same, and that the complainant being by trade a brewer and maltster was then desirous of purchasing the same, and that a treaty was in the said month of had between the said complainant and this defend- ant for the sale thereof by this defendant to the said complainant ; And this defendant further answering saith that while the said com- plainant and this defendant were treating or conversing together as * to this defendant selling to the said complainant the said messuage or tenement, the said complainant asked this defendant's opinion whether S.W. who is named in tlie said bill was not a fit person to take or become tenant of the said premises, and this defendant having answered that he this defendant knew nothing to the contrary, the said complainant then desired that if this deiendant should see the said S.W. this defendant would send him to the said complainant, and the said complainant at or about the same time asked this de- fendant at what yearly rent the said messuage or tenement was rated in the parish books ; and this defendant having answered that the said messuage or tenement was in such books rated at the yearly rent of £ , the complainant further asked this defendant whether the same would bear rising for that the same was well worth j£ a year, or conversation to such or the like effect then passed between the said complainant and this defendant to the best of this defend- ant's remembrance and belief; but this defendant also saith that this defendant's declaring that the said messuage or tenement was worth £ a year proceeded from his speaking in a hurry or by surprise and without consideration, the said messuage or tenement being really worth to be let much more than £ a year ; And this de- fendant further saith that this defendant having seen the said S.W. shortly after the aforesaid conversation vvith the said complainant, he this defendant informed the said S.W. that the said complain- ant wanted to see him the said S.W. for the purpose of treating with the said S.W. for letting unto the said S.W. the said messuage or tenement, or to such or the like effect ; And this defendant hath been since informed and believes that the said S.W. did very soon afterwards go to the said complainant, and that after some short treaty was had between them for the complainant's letting the said messuage or tenement to the said S.W. they the said S.W. and the no PLEAS, said romplainant executed a writing bearing date the day of last and signed by them, whereby it was declared that in case he the said complainant sliould on or before then next purchase the said messuage or tenement from B. for which he was then in treaty with him, that he would then give a lease thereof to the said S. W. at the rent of £ per annum, although this defendant for greater certainty as to the date and material contents of such writ- ing craves leave to refer thereto, now in this defendant's custody or power, the same having been obtained from the said S. W. by a rela- tion of this defendant's, and by him delivered to this defendant ; but this defendant saith he doth not know or believe that the said com- plainant in writing or otherwise entered into any absolute agreement or any other agreement than as aforesaid for letting the said mes- suage or tenement unto the saidS.W. ; And this defendant also saith that to the best of his this defendant's remembrance and belief he this defendant did not at any time further or otherwise than as aforesaid communicate with the saidS.W. for letting the said messuage or tenement unto him, or executing any lease thereof unto him, nor was further or otherwise than as aforesaid privy to the execution or signing of the same agreement dated the day of last by the said complainant or the said S.W. or either of them, or to the making of any agreement between them for the complainant's letting the said messuage or tenement unto the said S. W. before or at the time of the executing signing or making thereof or until some time afterwards ; And this defendant is advised and humbly apprehends that according to the terms of the said writing dated the day of ■ last the said complainant cannot be answerable to the said S.W. or liable to make any satisfaction to him for or on account of his not executing a lease of the said messuage or tenement to the said S.W. or not letting the same to him in case the said complainant should not be able to purchase the same from tliis defendant ; And this de- fendant absolutely insists that the said written agreement dated the day of is now void and of no effect, as the said com- plainant was not become the purchaser of the said messuage or tenement by now last past ; And this defendant further saith he believes that the sum of £ in money and an annuity of £ for the life of this defendant were not in the said month of last near a full and valuable consideration for the purchase of the freehold and inheritance of the said messuage or tenement. [ And denies combination. ] W.A. PLEAS. Ul Observation. — The answer takes no notice of the cliarge tliat the defendant delivered tlie deeds to the attorney for the purpose of examining the title and preparing the conveyance ; and tliat there- fore in arguing the plea that charge must be admitted to be true ; there was nothing in the instructions concerning that charge. The bill and the facts stated in the answer were laid before A. and S. separately, they both advised the plaintiff to plead the statute of frauds. The Lord Chancellor, Hilary Term, over-ruled the plea in this cause, but ordered it to stand for an answer, with hberty to except and saving to the defendants the benefit of the statute. At the hearing he considered the bill in the same light as if it had stated merely a parol agreement ; for the matters contained in the bill * tending to show a special performance of the agreement were so frivolous they might as well have been left out. Considering the bill in that point of view, he thought the plea a bad one ; because it went to the discovery of that M'hich if the court could be satisfied of the truth of by any other means but by evidence, they would decree performance of the agreement. He was therefore of opinion that the plea should be supported by an answer denying the fact of the agreement, and seemed to think that where the defendant pleads the statute of frauds and by his answer admits the agreement, the answer over-rules the plea, and the court would decree execu- tion. He also observed that where a bill stated an agreement with- out mentioning it to be in writing a demurrer would be the proper mode of pleading according to the general rules of and principles of demurrers, because it appears on the face of the bill that the plaintiff has not made out such a case as entitles him to relief; but he added that the usual course was to plead the statute to such a bill, and that the practice had obtained by analogy to the courts of law, where if the declaration stated an agreement without mention- ing it to be in writing, it was always usual to plead the statute in bar to it. 112 PLFIAS. XII. Plea of the statute of frauds in bar to so much of a bill as sought to compel the specific performance of a parol agreement for a lease. The plea of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form A o. I. p. 94.] as to so much of the said bill as seeks to compel this defendant or any person or jDersons claiming under him to execute a lease in writing of the several lands and tenements in the said bill mentioned or of any of them or of any part thereof pursuant to the pretended agreement in the bill mentioned, and as to any relief theieby prayed touching such lease and agreement, this defendant doth plead in bar, and for plea saith that by an act of parliament made in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of his late Majesty King Charles the Second, intituled " An act for the prevention of frauds and perjuries;" it is amongst other things enacted, that from and after the 24th day of June 1677, no action shall be brought whereby to charge any per- son upon any contract of lands tenements or hereditaments or any in- terest in or concerning them, unless the agreement upon which such action shall be brought or some memorandum or note thereof shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith, or some other person thereunto lawfully authorized ; As by the said act may appear ; And this defendant avers that neither he this de- fendant nor any person by him lawfully authorized, did ever make or sign any contract or agreement in writing for making or executing any lease to the said complainant of the same premises or any of them or of any part or parcel thereof or to any such effect as by the said bill is suggested, or any memorandum or note in writing of any agreement whatsoever for or concerning the demising or leasing or making or executing any lease of the said premises or any of them or any part or parcel thereofto the complainant; And therefore this defendant doth plead the said act of parliament and the matters aforesaid in bar to so much and such part of the said bill as seeks to compel this dv^iendant or any person or persons claiming under him to execute a lease to the complainant of the several lands and tenements in the bill mentioned or any of them or of any part or parcel thereof pursuant to the said pretended agreement and as to any the relief thereby prayed touching such lease and agreement, and humbly prays the judgment of this honorable court whether he shall be compelled to make any further or other answer &c. PLEAS. Xlll. Plea of the statute of limitations to a bill by an ad- ministratrix for account. The plea of &c. This defendant by protestation &;c. [see for7n No. I. p. di.] to all the discovery and relief in and by the said bill sought from or prayed against this defendant, other than and except such parts of the said bill as seek a discovery of or concerning the age of T.N.P. in the said bill named, or a discovery whether the said T.N. P. out of respect or affection for the said T. P. his father did not forbear or was not unwilling to take or use any compulsory measures for obtaining a settlement of the accounts of the matters in the said bill mentioned, this defendant doth plead in bar, and for plea saith that by an act of parliament made and passed in the 21st year of King James the First, intituled, " An act for limitation of actions and for avoiding suits at law," it was enacted &c. [stating the act] (14) ; And this defendant for further plea saith that if the said complainant either in her own right or as administratrix of the said S. N. deceased, or as administratrix of the said personal estate of R. N. deceased in the said bill named or otherwise ever had any cause of action or suit against this defendant or against the said T. P. this defendant's testator for or concerning any of the matters in the aforesaid bill of complaint mentioned which this defendant doth in no sort admit, such cause of action or suit did accrue or arise above six years before the filing of tlie complainant's bill of complaint, and above six years before serving or suing out process against this de- fendant to appear to and answer the same bill; and the said T.N. P. was not at any time within upwards of six years before the filing of the complainant's bill, or within upwards of six years before the serving or suing out process against this defendant to appear to and answer the said bill, nor hath the complainant at any time since the death of the said T. N. P. been under any of the disabilities men- tioned and described in the said act of parliament ; And this de- fendant for further plea saith that neither he this defendant nor to his knowledge or belief the said T. P. deceased this defendant's testator did at any time within six years before exhibiting the said bill or serving or suing out process against this defendant to appear (14) C. H3. s. 3; and see Ld. Red. Tr. PI. p. 269; Beanies on Pitas, p. 161, and note (4), ib.; 15Ves. 198; 18Ves.286; 19 Ves. 185. Vol. II. H 113 114 PLEAS. to and answer the same, promise or agree to come to any account for or to pay or any ways satisfy the said complainant any sum or sums of money for or by reason of any matters transactions or things in the complainant's said bill of complaint charged or alleged ; All which matters and things this defendant doth aver to be true, and is ready and willing to maintain and prove as this honorable court shall award ; and he doth plead the same in bar to the whole of the said bill except such parts as aforesaid, and doth humbly demand the judgment of this honorable court whether he this defendant ought to be compelled to make any further or other answer to such parts of the said bill as he hath pleaded unto ; and this defendant not waiving or relinquishing their said plea &c. \_as in p. 99], he this defendant answereth and saith he believes that the saidT.N. P. attained his age of twenty-one years in or about ; and this de- fendant doth not know or believe that the said T. N. P. for any time whatsoever, forbore or was unwilling out of respect or affection for the said T. P. his father to take or use any compulsory measures for obtaining any settlement of the accounts in the bill mentioned : Without that &c. *XIV. Pica of the statute of limitations to so much of a hill as soug/tt a discover?/ of title-deeds, and of the defendants title to the estates in qtiestion, sttpported by averments shewing an tininterrvpted possession for sixty years and vpuards in the defendant and the party through whom he claimed, accompanied by an answer to so much of the bill as required a discovery of the time when the party through whom the plaintiff claimed was seised of the estate (15). The plea of T. L. defendant, to part, and his answer to the residue of the bill of M. B. complainant. This defendant by protestation Sec. \^see form No. \. jj. Q^^.^^ as to so nuich of the said bill as seeks to have any discovery from this defendant of all or any or either of the deeds writings evidences (15) See Ld. Ked. 7 r. PI. p. 258, 271 ; Beames on Pleas, IGl, and p. 331, where a form of plea of forty years possession without account is to be found. PLEAS. conveyances and assurances in this defendant's custody knowledge or power, touching or concerning the manor rectory lands tene- ments grounds and hereditaments in the said bill mentioned or the right or title thereof, or as seeks a discovery of what estate right title or interest this defendant hath in or to the said premises in the said bill mentioned, this defendant doth plead thereto, and for plea saith that by an act of parliament made in the 21st year of the reign of King James the First, intituled, " An act for limitation of actions and for avoiding suits at law," it was enacted that no person or persons should at any time thereafter make any entry into any lands tene- ments or hereditaments, but within twenty years next after their right or title should first descend or accrue to the same ; And in default thereof such persons so not entering and their heirs should be utterly excluded and disabled from such entry after to be made (16); And this defendant doth aver that J. J. in the said bill named, and under whom the said complainant claims title to the said premises or any other person for his use or in trust for him, was not at any time within the space of twenty years next before his the said J. J.'s death in the possession or in the receipt of the rents or other profits of the manor rectory lands tenements grounds and heredita- ments and other the premises mentioned in the said complainant's bill or any part thereof; And this defendant doth likewise aver that the said J.J. at his death left E. J. his brother and heir at law; And that the said E. J. or any person for his use or in trust for him was not in his life-time and after the dea»^h of the said J. J. in the pos- session or in the receipt of the rents or other profits of the same premises or any part thereof; And this defendant dotli likewise aver that the said complainant or any person under whom he claims or any other persons or person for his or their or any of their use or in trust for him or them or any of them, were not nor was after the death of the said E. J. to the time of filing the said complainant's bill in the possession or in the receipt of the rents and other profits of the same premises or any part thereof ; And this defendant doth also aver that the said complainant or any person under whom he claims or any other person or persons for his or their or any of their use or in trust for him or them or any of them was not nor were within twenty years next before the filing of the said complainant's bill in the possession or in the receipt of the rents or other profits of the same premises or any part thereof; And this defendant doth aver that E. B. the grandfather of this defendant's wife was in the (16) C. 10. s. 1. H 2 115 J16 PLEAS. year 1762 for the space of fifty years and upwards then last past in the continual peaceable and uninterrupted possession and en- joyment by himself and his tenants of the said manor rectory lands tenements grounds and hereditaments and every part thereof, and continued so to be until this defendant entered thereupon in the said year 1762, in which year this defendant entered upon the said premises ; And he this defendant from that time to the time of filing the said complainant's bill [ 1770] was in the continual peace- able and uninterrupted possession and enjoyment thereof by himself and his tenants, and is now in the actual possession and receipt of the rents and profits thereof; And this defendant doth plead the said act of parliament and such possession and enjoyment as afore- said to so much of the said bill as is hereinbefore pleaded to ; And this defendant humbly prays the judgment of this honorable court whether he ought to make any further answer to so much of the said bill as is hereinbefore pleaded to ; And this defendant not waiving his said plea but wholly relying and insisting thereon, for answer to the residue of the said bill or so much thereof as this defendant is advised is material or necessary for him to make answer unto, answereth and saith he believes it to be true that J.J. in the said bill named was in or before the year 1670 and not since that year seised or well entitled to him and his heirs in fee- simple in possession of in and to the manor and rectory of B., and divers lands tenements grounds and hereditaments thereunto belonging and therewith held and enjoyed by the said J. J. and his ancestors as their family estate situate and being at B* in the county of : Without that &c. f PLEAS. iV * XV. Plea of a former suit dej)endivg for the same matters in bar to a bill for account {17 ). The joint and several plea of R. H. and G. H. defendants to the bill of complaint of R. S. and P. D. exe- cutors of the last will and testa- ment of J. P. deceased, on behalf of themselves and all other the creditoi's of G. S. deceased, com- plainants. These defendants by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 94.] do plead in bar to the said bill, and for cause of plea severally say that the said complainants together with R. C since deceased did in or as of Michaelmas Term 1802 exhibit in this honorable court their bill of complaint which was afterwards amended against J. S. and these defendants and G. S. now deceased, J. C. now deceased, and N. N. now deceased, thereby praying amongst other things that &c. [ stating the prayer ] ; And these defendants for plea severally further say that they put in their joint and separate answer to the said amended bill, and which suit is now depending in this honor- able court ; And these defendants do aver that the said bill now exhibited against these defendants by the said complainants is for the same matters as the amended bill before exhibited by the said complainants and the said R. C. deceased against these defendants and the said J. S. and the said G. S., J. C. and N.N. now respec- tively deceased, to which these defendants have appeared and answered, and which suit is still depending and undetermined; and therefore these defendants do plead the said former bill and answer in bar to the ^said complainant's now bill, and humbly pray the judgment of this honorable court whether they shall be compelled to make any further or other answer thereto ; And these defendants pray to be hence dismissed with their reasonable costs and charges in this behalf most wrongfully sustained. (17) See Ld. Red. Tr. PI. 24G, 7, 4th edit.; Reames on Pleas, p. l:J4, G, and p. 330, where a form of a similar plea is to he found ; Crofts \. Worf.fnf, 1 Ch. Ca. 241; Foster v. Vassall, 3Atk. 5i57; Urliit y. IJiidsoii, 1 Vcrn. 331 ; JJcvic v. Lord Brownlow, 2 Dick. Oil. 118 PLEAS. * XVI. Plea of another will in bar to a bill bij a devisee for redem2)tion{\S). The plea of &c. This defendant by protestation &c. [ see form No. I. p. 94.] and for plea saith that the will and testament in writing of R. M. in the said bill named bearing date on or about the 27th day of October 1807, and by which it is in the said bill stated that the said R. M. did thereby give and devise all the estate in the said bill mentioned called M. together with the slaves and all the chattels implements and other property thereupon unto the said complainant and this defendant, to hold the same unto the said complainant and this defendant their heirs and assigns as tenants in common and not as joint-tenants, and by which it is also stated in the said bill that the said testator did give devise and bequeath all the rest and residue of his real and personal estate of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever situate unto the said complainant and this defendant as tenants in common absolutely and for ever, and under which will the said complainant claims, m as not the last will and testament of the said R. M., for this defendant saith that the said R. M. duly made and published another will, which was his last will and tes- tament in writing, bearing date 15th April 1808, and that such will was executed by him and attested as by law is required for passing real estates, and is in the words and figures following ( that is to say) " This is the last will and testament of me R. M. late of &c. but now of &c. gent. I direct &c. [.stating the will verbatim, and also the attestation clause]. And this defendant doth aver that the estate devised by the said last-mentioned will to this defendant and her heirs is the same estate of which the said complainant seeks an account of the rents and profits, and which he seeks to redeem by his said bill ; And this defendant therefore avers that the said complainant hath not any title to or interest in the rents and profits of the said estate in his said bill mentioned, nor in the equity of redemption thereof, or the title-deeds papers or wi-itings relating thereto; All which matters this defendant doth plead in bar to the said bill, and to the discovery and relief sought thereby, and humbly demands the judgment of this court whether she shall be compelled to make any further or other answer to the said bill, and she prays to be hence dismissed with her reasonable costs in this behalf most wrongfully sustained. (10) See Ld. lied. Tr. PI. p. 2G3; Bea. on Pleas, 248; 2 Ves. & B. 2(il. [ H9 ] CHAPTER XII. REPLICATIONS. *1. A general replication to a defendant's ansiver ( 1 ). The replication of A. B. complainant to the answer of C. D. defendant. This repliant saving and reserving unto himself all and all manner of advantage of exception to the manifold insufficiencies of the said answer, for replication thereunto saith that he will aver and prove his said bill to be true certain and sufficient in the law to be answered unto, and that the said answer of the said defendant is uncertain untrue and insufficient to be replied unto by this repliant ; Without this, that any other matter or thing whatsoever in the said answer contained material or effectual in the law to be replied unto con- fessed and avoided traversed or denied is true ; All which matters and things this repliant is and will be ready to aver and prove as this honorable court shall direct, and humbly prays as in and by his said bill he hath already prayed. (1) A replication is the plaintiff's answer or reply to the defendant's plea or answer. Formerly if the defendant by his plea or answer offered new matter, the plaintiff" replied specially, the consequence of which was a rejoinder by the defendant, but special replications are now out of use ; if however a plaintiff is disposed to controvert a part of the case made by the defendant's answer, and to admit the rest, he may still put in a repUcation so far special that it is confined to the particular matter controverted, instead of being a general denial of the truth of the whole answer, and then the defendant is put only to proof of the matter replied to. Ld. Ked. Tr. PI. p. 321, 2, 4th ed. 120 REPLICATIONS. *II. A special rej^Ucation to the answers of several defendants ( 2 ). The replication of John Marshall complainant to the several answers of Holdsworth Newman, John Baring, William Newman, and Richard Newman, defendants to the said complainant's original and amended bill. This repliant saving to himself all and all manner of advantage of exception to the manifold insufficiencies of the said answers, for and by way of replication saith that his said original and amended bill of complaint exhibited into this court against the said defendants and all and every the matters &c. therein contained are true certain and sufficient in the law to be answered unto by the said defendants, and that the answers of the said defendants are vmtrue uncertain and insufficient in the law to be replied unto by this repliant, save and except that this repliant doth admit to be true as in the said answers some or one of them is by the said defendants some or one of them alleged, that the mortgage in the said original and amended bill mentioned to be made by Philip Marshall deceased to Richard Newman and Robert Newman deceased and therein respectively named, and bearing date the 2d day of June 1754, was made and en- tered into between them of and concerning and comprehended all the said Philip Marshall's then plantations and meadows in Newfoundland and in the said original and amended bill and the said defendants* said answers respectively mentioned, and that the same plantations and meadows were or are all situate and being in St. John's New- foundland aforesaid in the said bill also mentioned ; and this re- Y)liant doth moreover admit it to be true as in the said answers of the said defendants som.e or one of them is alleged, that on or about the 2d day of October 1775 the said Philip Marshall did settle an account with an agent of or for the said Richard Newman then de- ceased and in the said bill named, or of or for his executors, of and concerning all and every sum and sums of money therefore due and owing from the said Philip Marshall to the said Richard New- man and Robert Newman or either of them their or either of their (2) This and the preceding form are taken from Hinde's Chancery Pr. 2f{o, 6. "^ A special replication is always signed by counseL REPLICATIONS. 121 executors or administrators, and did by an agreement of that date in writing under his hand and seal admit, and this repliant doth now hereby admit and acknowledge, that on the said 2d day of October 1755 there was due and owing from the said Philip Marshall on the said security of all the said plantations and premises, and on the balance of such accounts the full sum of c£577. 3s. in the said an- swers or some or one of them mentioned and claimed as the then balance of such accounts and payable with interest ; Without that, that there is any other matter or thing in the said defendants' said answers contained material or effectual for this repliant to reply unto, and not herein and hereby well and sufficiently replied unto con- fessed and avoided traversed or denied is true ; All which matters and things ( save and except as aforesaid ) this repliant is ready to aver and prove as this court shall award, and prays as in and by his said original and amended bill he hath prayed. John Heath. [ 1-2-2 ] CHAPTER XIII. EXAMINATIONS. * I. Form of examination of a defendant in the Masters office upon interrogatories settled by a Master pursuant to a decree. In Chancery. Between A. B. - - - and CD. - - - - Complainant, - Defendant. The answer and examination of the said de- fendant C. D. to interrogatories exhibited on behalf of the said complainant A. B. for the examination of the said defendant before Sir J. S. bart. one of the Masters of this court to whom this cause stands referred, pursuant to the decree made on the hearing of this cause dated . To the first interrogatory this examinant saith that &c. EXAMINATIONS. * II. Exatnination of executors in the Masters officcy referring to schedules cmiiexed ( 1 ). In Chancery, Between &c. {^naming all the parties, plain- tiffs and defendants.^ The examination of the said complainants J.W. and A. G. the executors of S. P. deceased in the pleadings in this cause named, upon interroga- tories exhibited by the said defendants before J. W. esq. one of the Masters of this honorable court pursuant to the decree made on the hearing of this cause bearing date the day of . 1st. — To the first interrogatory these examinants say that shortly after the decease of S. P. the testator in the pleadings in this cause named which happened on or about the 3d day of December which was in the year of our Lord , these examinants em- ployed T. N. then a licensed appraiser and auctioneer in the city of Bristol but now deceased, to take an inventory and make an ap- praisement, and the said T. N. did as these defendants believe take an inventory and make an appraisement, of all the household goods 123 (I) In staling accounts, if a defendant has set forth in the scliedules all the receipts and payments down to the time of filing his answer, he must in his examination state only the subsequent receipts and payments, and carry on the account from the foot of his answer to the time of putting in his examination; for although the interrogatories extend to a wide sweeping inquiry into all receipts and payments, a repetition of those comprised in the schedule to the answer might subject the exami- nation to a reference for impertinence; so on the other hand a defective account, to a reference for insufficiency ; and if for the purposes of spleen it runs into scandal, it might be referred and expunged. An examination is subject to all the infirmities of an answer ; the ad- missions should be so framed that the receipt and application should be in the same sentence forming one transaction, and not distinct matters, and should be vnoflatu, otherwise the admission would be evidence of the receipt, and the application must be proved by evidence; 1 Turn. Ch. Pr. p. 584, 6th etl.; Blount v. Burrow, I Ves. jun. 540; Ridgewny v. Darwin, 7 Ves. 404; Thompson v. Lambc, ibid. 507 ; Robinson v. Scotney, 19 Ves. 582. Examinations do not require to be signed by counsel ; Bonus v. Flack, 18 Ves. 287, 2d ed.; Jac. Rep. 224; and sec Aeoie v. Price, iSim. & Stu.99. 124 EXAMINATIONS. and furniture linen and other personal estate and effects of the said testator then being in and about his dwelling-house, situate in &c. ( other than and except such parts thereof as consisted of chattel interests in houses or lands, and money due on mortgages bonds and promissory notes, and also other than and except such parts of his said personal estate as were and are by the said testator in and by his said will and codicil specifically given bequeathed and disposed of,) and such household goods household furniture and linen so in- ventoried and appraised were afterwards sold and disposed of by public auction by the said T. N., and such inventory and appraise- ment so made and taken by the said T. N. is now in the custody or power of this examinant A.G., and these examinants crave leave to I'efer thereto; And these examinants say that they did not make any inventory or particular of the real estates or of the chattels real or securities of their said testator, but the same are nevertheless here- inafter in this their examination fully and particularly mentioned described and set forth according to the best of their knowledge and belief. ~d, — To the second interrogatory these examinants say that the said S. P. the testator in the pleadings in this cause named was at the time of his death in manner hereinafter mentioned possessed of interested in or entitled unto a considerable personal estate consist- ing of leases for terms of years absolute and determinable with lives, and also of monies due and owing to him upon mortgages bonds and promissory notes, i-ents and arrears of rent, and the several household goods and furniture contained and set forth in the said inventory and appraisement, but no cash to the knowledge or belief Reference to the of these examinants; And these examinants say that in a schedule hereunto annexed entitled " The first schedule," and which they pray may be taken as part of this their examination and to which they crave leave to refer, they have according to the best of their knowledge remembrance information and belief, each speaking for himself, set forth a full true and particular account of all the goods chattels rights credits debts personal estate and effects whatsoever of or belonging to their said testator the said S. P. at the time of his death, with the several and respective natures species kinds sorts quantities qualities and true and utmost values thereof respectively, distinguishing what part thereof consisted of chattels real from the said testator's other personal estate ; And these examinants also say that their said testator was at the time of his death seised of a freehold estate consisting of two messuages or dwelling-houses coach-houses stables and other buildings situate in aforesaid, but no other freehold estate to the knowledge or i)elief of these EXAMiNAtlONS. 125 examinants; And these examinants in another schedule hereunto Reference to the annexed entitled, " The second schedule," which they pray may be taken as part of this theii- examination and to which they also crave leave to refer, have according to the best of their knowledge information and belief set forth a true and particular account of the said freehold estates of the said testator and of the yearly value thereof, and of all rents due and in arrear for such freehold estates at the time of their said testator's death ; And in another schedule Reference to the hereunto annexed entitled " The third schedule," which they pray 3d Schedule: may be taken as part of this their examination and to which they also crave leave to refer, these examinants have set forth a true account of how much and what particular parts or part of the said testator's personal estate or of such rents and profits have or hath at any time or times and when been received got in or possessed by these examinants respectively, or by any person or persons and whom by their or either of their order direction privity or consent, or for their or either of their use respectively, with the several and respective particulars and the value thereof, and how and when and by whom and for what use or purpose the same have been sold paid applied administered or disposed of, and how much and what part thereof doth now remain in the hands of these examinants and of each of them and what is become thereof; And these ex- aminants also say that in the same schedule they have to the best of their knowledge information and belief set forth a true and parti- cular account of what debts due and owing to their said testator's estate are now standing out and unreceived either wholly or in part and from whom the same are so respectively due and owing, and why the same have not been got in and received by them ; And they have also in the same schedule set forth an abstract or list and short account of all securities now in their hands custody or power and of all debts due and owing to their said testator's estate. 3d. — To the third interrogatory these examinants say that the said S. P. was at the time of his death indebted unto several persons in divers sums of money to a considerable amount ; And these ex- Reference to the aminants have in another schedule hereunto annexed entitled " The ^^'' *>chedule : fourth schedule," which they also pray may be taken as part of this their examination and to which they crave leave to refer, set forth according to the best of their respective knowledge and be- lief and so far as they are able, a full true and particular account of all sums of money paid by these examinants in discharge of debts due and owing from their said testator at the time of his death, and to whom such debts were due, and for what and when and by whom such debts were paid or satisfied respec- 120 EXAMINATIONS. tively ; And these examinants believe that all such sums of money so paid as aforesaid were really due and owing from their said tes- tator at the time of his death, and that nothing now remains due for or on account of any debts or debt of their said testator, so far as such debts have come to their knowledge respectively ; And these examinants say that they have also paid or expended divers large and considerable sums of money for or on account of the said testator's funeral expenses and for the probate of his will, and other expenses relating to his affairs ; And these examinants have in the last-mentioned schedule set forth an account of such sum or sums of money as they have so respectively paid on the accounts afore- said, and also the times when and the persons to whom the same have been so paid, or how the same have been expended; And these examinants verily believe that no further sum or sums of money now remain due or owing to any person or persons in respect of the debts or funeral expenses of the said testator or otherwise on account of his estate, except the costs and charges of these examinants as executors as aforesaid, and particularly the costs of this suit. * III. Examination of femes covert entitled to shares of money in a cause; with the certificate of the commissioners and affidavit of the attesting witness. Between &c. [ naming all the parties, plaintiffs and defendants. ] The examination of the plaintiffs Hannah D. and Mary G., in pursuance of an order made in this cause bearing date the day of 1786. Whereas it is ordered by the said order of the day of last that the plaintiff Hannah the wife of the plaintiff R. D. who resides at , and the plaintiff Mary the wife of the plaintiff I. G., who resides at , should respectively attend E. B. of &c. esq. the Rev.W. L. of &c. the Rev. J. Q. of &c. and H. D. of &c. or any two of them, and the said plaintiff Hannah D. was to be solely and secretly examined by them separate and apart from her said bus- EXAMINATIONS. band, how and in what manner and to what uses she was willing and desirous the third part of the sum of £575. \0s. 5d. cash in the bank in the said order mentioned should be paid and applied, and the said plaintiff Mary G. was also to be solely and secretly ex- amined by them separate and apart from her said husband, how and in what manner and to what uses she was willing and desirous her third part of the said cash in the bank should be paid and applied, and the said E. B., W. L., J. Q. and H. D. or any two of them who should examine the said Hannah D. and Mary G. were to take their examinations respectively in writing, and the same were to be signed by them respectively, and the said E. B., W. L., J.Q.» and H. D. or any two of them who should take such examinations were to certify the same in writing, and the signing of the said Hannah D. and Mary G. and such certificates were to be verified by affidavit, and upon the return of such certificates such further order should be made as should be just : Now I the said plaintiflT Hannah D. being solely and secretly examined by the said E. B. and H. D. separate and apart from the said plaintiff R. D. my husband, how and in what manner and to what uses I the said plaintiff Hannah D. am willing and desirous my third part of the said sum of £575. lOs. 5d. cash in the bank in the said order men- tioned should be paid and applied, I the said plaintiff Hannah D. do say and declare that I am willing and desirous that the sum of £191. IGs. lOd. being my third part of the said sum of £575. 10*. 5d. cash in the bank in the said order mentioned may and shall be paid to the said plaintiff R. D. my husband to and for his own use and benefit, and I the said plaintiff Hannah D. do hereby freely and voluntarily consent that the same may be paid to him accordingly ; And I the said Mary G. being solely and secretly examined by the said E. B. and H. D. separate and apart from the said plaintiff J. G. my husband how and in what manner and to what uses I the said plain- tiff Mary G. am willing and desirous my third part of the said sum of £575. 10*. 5d. cash in the bank in the said order mentioned shall be paid and applied, I the said plaintiff Mary G. do say and declare that I am willing and desirous that the said sum of c£192. 16*. lOd. being my third part of the said sum of £575. 10*. 5d. cash in the bank in the said order mentioned may and shall be paid to the said plaintiff J. G^ my husband to and for his own use and benefit, and I the said Mary G. do hereby freely and voluntarily consent that the same may be y)aid to him accordingly ; In witness whereof we the said plaintiff Hannah D. the wife of the plaintiff R. D. and the said plaintiff Mary G. the wife of the said plaintiff J. G. have 127 128 EXAMINATIONS, hereunto signed our names respectively the day of 1786. Hannah D. Witness Wade Smith. Mary G. \^E?idorsed'\ (A) This is the paper referred to by the affidavit of Wade Smith, sworn to by him this day of 1786, when the same paper- writing was produced and shown to the said deponent. Commissioners' Certificate. Between &c. [ naming all the parties. ] To the Right Honorable &c. We E. B. of esq. and H. D. of gent, do hereby cer- tify unto your lordship that pursuant to an order made by your lordship in this cause bearing date the day of 1786, we have been attended by the plaintiff Hannah the wife of the plaintiff R. D. who resides at and by the plaintiff Mary the wife of the said plaintiff J. G. who resides at respectively, and we have in pursuance of the said order examined the said plaintiff Hannah D. solely and secretly separately and apart from the said plaintiff R. D. her husband, how and in what manner and to what uses she the said plaintiff Hannah D. was wilHng and desirous the third part of the sum of <£o75. 10*. 5d. cash in the bank in the said order mentioned should be paid and applied, and we did at the same time read the said order to her and explain to her the purport and effect thereof, and we do certify unto your lord- ship that the said plaintiff Hannah D. did on such her examina- tion say and declare she was willing and desirous that the sum of ^191. 16>y. lOd. being her third part of the said sum of .£575. lO*. od. cash in the bank in the said order mentioned might and should be paid to the said plaintiff R. D. to and for his own use and be- nefit, and she did thereby freely and voluntarily consent that the same be paid to him accordingly ; And we do further certify unto your lordship that we have in pursuance of the said order also examined the said plaintiff Mary G. solely and secretly separately and apart from the said plaintifl' J. G. her husband, how and in KXAMI\ATION?s. what mannet- and to what uses she the said plaintiff Mary G. was wiUing and desirous her third part of the sum of £575. 10*. 5di cash in the bank in the said order mentioned should be paid and applied, and we did at the same time read the said order to her and explain to her the purport and effect thereof, and we do cer- tify unto your lordship that the said plaintiff Mary G. did on such her examination say and declare she was willing and desirous that the sum of ^191. 16.s. lOd. being her third part of the said sum of £575. 10s. 5d. cash in the bank in the said order mentioned might and should be paid to the said plaintiff J. G. her husband to and for his own use and benefit, and she did thereby freely and voluntarily consent that the same be paid to him accordingly, and we took down such the examinations declarations and consents of the said Hannah D. and Mary G. in writing, and they thereupon signed the same respectively as thereby now appears. Witness our hands the day of 1786. E.B. Witness Wade Smith. H. D» [ Endorsed ] (B) This is the paper-writing referred to by the affidavit of Wade Smith, sworn to by him this day of 1786, when the same paper- writing was produced and shown to the said deponent* ri& Affidavit. ' Between &;c. [ naming all the parties. ] Wade Smith of , gent, maketh oath and saith that he was present and did see Hannah D. wife of the plaintiff R. D. and Mary G. wife of the plaintiff J. G. respectively sign the examina- tion declaration and consent being the paper-writing marked with the letter (A), and saith that he was also present and did see E. B. of , esq. and H.D* of , gent, sign the certificate marked with the letter (B), and that the names Hannah D* and Mary Gi now appearing set to the said examination declaration and consent as the names of the said Hannah D* and Mary G. and the names E. B. and H. D. now appearing set to the said certificate as the parties signing the same are of the re.'.pcctive propter hand-writing Vol. II. 1 130 EXAMINATIONS. of the said Hannah D. and Mary G. and E. B. and H. D., and that the name ""S^'ade Smith" now appearing set or subscribed to the said examin;ition declaration and consent and also to the said certificate as a witness to tlie signing the same respectively, is and are respectively of the proper hand-writing of this deponent. Wade Smith. Sworn &c. *IV. E.vamhiatiofi of a feme cocert upon a commission, as to her execution of a deed of settlement (under the 39th and 40th Geo. 3. c. 56.) of monies to which she was entitled, subject to be laid out in lands in tail ; with the certificate of the commissioners and affidavit of the attesting witness. In Chancery. Between &c. [ naming all the partieSy plaintijjs and defendants. ] I., D.\^ . the wife of the said J.G.AV. do hereby declare that I freely and voluntarily executed the deed mentioned in the plead- ings in this cause bearing date the 12th day of April 1783, and that I am well acquainted with the purport and effect thereof, and desire that the same may be carried into execution. A\'itness my hand this day of 1783. Witness John Gibhs. D.W. C OMMISSIONEIIS' CrRTIFICATE. Between &c. [naming all the parties.] To the Right Honorable &c. We whose names are hereunto subscribed do hereby certify to your lordship that pursuant to an order made in this cause bearing date the day of 1783, we attended the said D.W. the wife of the said J.G.W., and after having separately and apart from her said husband read to her the deed bearing date the 12th day of April 1783 in the said decree mentioned and explained io her the purport and effect tlicreof, we did examine her separately and apart from her said husband whether she had freely and voluntarily executed tlic said deed, and whether she was consenting that the EXAMINATIONS. 131 same should be carried into execution, and on such examination tlie said D.W. did declare that she had executed the said deed freely and voluntarily, and was consenting and desirous that the same should be carried into execution, and that we took down such her examination or declaration in writing, and that she thereupon signed the same as the same now appears above written. Witness our hands this day of 1783. A.B. Witness John Gibbs. C. D. Affidavit. Between &c. [ naming all the parties. ] John Gibbs of , gent, maketh oath and saith that he was present and did see the said defendant D.W. the wife of the said defendant J. G.W. sign the examination or declaration above written, and that he was also present and did see the said A. B. and C. D. sign the certificate above written, and that the name D W now appearing set to the said examination or declaration, and the names A B and C D now appearing set to the said certificate as the parties signing the same respectively, are of the re- spective proper hands-writing of the said D.W. A.B. and CD., and that the name John Gibbs now appearing set or subscribed to the said examination or declaration, and also to the said certificate, as a witness to the signing the same respectively, is and are of the proper hand-writing of him this deponent. John Gibbs. i Sworn &e. 1:32 EXAMINATIONS. * V. Examination of a person claiming an interest in the pre- mises in the pleadings mentioned, who had petitioned to be examined upon an interrogatory pro interesse suo. In Chancery. Between H. R. an infant, by John Miller his next friend ------- Plaintiff, and T. J.W., M. A. T. &c. &c. - Defendants. The answer and examination of G. R. of , to a certain interrogatory exhibited before F. C. esq. one of the Masters of this honor- able court for the examination of the said G. R. p)ro interesse suo in certain premises in the pleadings in this cause mentioned, pur- suant to an order of this honorable court bearing date the day of made on the petition of the said G.R. To the said interrogatory this examinant saith that by a certain indenture of lease bearing date &c. ; And this examinant further saith that by a certain indenture of assignment bearing date &c. ; And this examinant further saith that the said T. J. W. being en- titled to the said two-tenth parts or shai'es of and in the said last- mentioned leasehold messuages or tenements and premises under and by virtue of the last two mentioned assignments did in and by a certain indenture of assignment bearing date on or about the • day of • , for the considerations therein mentioned, grant bargain sell assign transfer and set over unto him this examinant all those two full and equal undivided tenth parts or shares (the whole into ten equal parts or shares to be divided ) of and in all the said last-mentioned leasehold messuages or tenements and pre- mises hereinbefore described. To hold the same unto this examinant his executors administrators and assigns for all the rest residue and remainder then to come and unexpired of the said term of years ; And this examinant further saith that under and by virtue of the last will and testament of the said W. H. and the several assignments hereinbefore mentioned, he is entitled to eight-tenths of the said leasehold messuages or tenements and premises comprised in and demised by the said indenture of lease of the day of , for all the residue of the said term of \ears thereby n-antcd. [ 133 ] CHAPTER XIV. EXCEPTIONS. SECT. I. EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWERS. * I. An exception to the answer of several defendants ( 1 ). In Chancery. Between W.W., J.W., and C. L. on behalf of themselves and all other the creditors of J. B. who shall come in and contribute to the expense of this suit, - - Complainants, and J.G. andT. B., - - Defendants. An exception taken by the said complainants to the insufficient answer of the said defendants. For that the said defendants have not to the best of their know- ledge remembrance information and belief, answered and set forth a (1) Exceptions to an answer must state verbatim the interrogatories not answered; but if the defendant submits to answer the exceptions, it is too late to object to the form of them ; Hodgson v. Butterfeld, 2Sim. .tStu. 2:3b\ In preparing exceptions care should be taken that all the points of insufliciency are embodied in the exceptions; for by the general rule of practice, a plaintilf is not allowed to add to or alter exceptions after they are fded ; but this rule bends to circumstances; upon a clear mis- take accounted for, and on special ap[)licatiun leave has been given to atnend exceptions, Dolder v. The Bank of England, 10 Ves, 28:i ; and see Partridge v. Huycrnft, 1 1 Ves. 570; I Turn. Ch. l*r. 784, If the defendant puts in an insufficient answer to the exceptions, the answer must be referred back upon the olil exceptions. Where there are two or more defendants who put in separate and distinct answers, separate exceptions must be filed to each answer. 134 EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWERS. full just and true inventory and account of all and singular the goods and chattels personal estate and effects whatsoever which J. B. the younger in the said bill named was possessed of entitled to or in- terested in at the time of the date of the indenture in the said bill mentioned, and all the particulars whereof the same consisted, and the quantities qualities full real and true values thereof and of every such particulars; And whether all or some and which of such par- ticulars have not and when been possessed or received by or come to the hands of them the said defendants or the one and which of them, or some and what person or persons by their or either of their order or for their or either of their use, and how and in what manner and when and where and by and to whom and for how much the same and every or any and what part thereof hath been sold and disposed of; And wliether any and what parts thereof and to what value or amount now remain undisposed of and what is become thereof. In all which particulars the said complainants except to the answer of the said defendants as evasive un- perfect and insuificient, and humbly pray that the said defendants may be compelled to put in full and sufficient answer thereto. Sydolph \ . Monkston, 2 Dick. 609; and where exceptions were taken to tlie joint answer of two defendants and one of them died, the exceptions were referred as to the answer of the surviving defendant only, Lord Hvrbert v. Pnsey, 1 Dick. 'I'i-j. Upon exceptions taken to an answer for insufficiency, the Master may look to the materiality of them, and may over-rule immaterial excep- tions, Agar v. Regent's Canal Compang, Coop. R. 213, 4. Exceptions to an answer niust be signed by counsel, Candler v. Par- tington, 6 JMadd. iU2; Yates wUardg, Jac. Rep. 224. KXCEI'TIONS TO ANSWERS. 136 * II. An exception taken to the answer of a defendant to an amended bill (2). In the Exchequer. Between A. B. - - - Complainant, and CD.- - - Defendant. An exception taken by the f^aid complainant to the insufficient answer of the said defendant to the said complainant's amended bill of com- plaint. For that the said defendant hath not to the best and utmost of his knowledge remembrance information and belief, set forth the documents by which the modus or composition in the said defend- ant's former answer alleged and insisted upon is made out. In which particular the said complainant excepts to the answer of the said defendant as evasive im- perfect and insufficient, and humbly prays that the said defendant may be compelled to put in a full and sufficient answer thereto. (2) In Williams v, Davies, 1 Sim. S: Stii. 426, where exceptions had been allowed to an answer, and the bill having been amended tlie de- fendant put in a second answer, upon exceptions taken to the second answer, entitled, ' Exceptions taken by the said complainant to the further answer put in by the said defendant Lewis Davies to the original bill of complaint, and his answer to the amended bill of complaint filed by the said complainant in this cause,' they were held lo be irregularly iotitled, and were ordered to be taken off the tile, because no new ex- ceptions could be taken to the further answer, but if considered insuf- ficient, it should have been referred back to the Master upon the old exceptions. 13^ EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWERS. * III. Several exceptions taken to a defendant's answer^ Jn Chancery, Between J. R. ----- ^ Complainant, and J. F. and C. R. - - Defendants. Exceptions taken by the said complainant to the insufficient answer of the said defendant C. R, to the said complainant's bill of complaint. 1st. — For that the said defendant C. R, hath not to the best and utmost of his knowledge remembrance information and belief an- swered and set forth whether at the time when the reversionary interest of the said C. R, in the said bill mentioned was put up for sale as therein mentioned, the Reverend J. F.R. in the said bill named the father of the said complainant, did not and without the knowledge of the said complainant, request T. C. in the said bill named to attend or procure some person to attend the said sale and purchase the reversionary interest for him the said J. F. R., nor whether the said T, C. did not request J. G. in the said bill named to attend such sale and to purchase the reversionary interest of the said C. R. in the estate in the said bill mentioned for the said J. F.R. as therein mentioned, nor whether the said J. G. did not accordingly attend such sale, nor whether he did not become the purchaser of the said reversionary interest for the said J. F. R. at the sum of of 1 00 or ai some other and what sum of money. 2d. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether in consequence of such purchase the said J. F.R. did not give instructions to his then sohcitor for preparing the necessary conveyance of the said reversionary in- terest in the said estate and premises, and for suffering a recovery and making a complete settlement thereof according to the recom,-! mendation of Mr. W. his counsel in the said bill named. 3d. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether the necessary drafts of such deeds were not accordingly prepared by the said Mr. W. for that purpose, nor whether before such deeds were execuied the said J. F. R. did not change his mind respecting the same, and give directions to have fit and proper deeds prepared for conveying the said estate and premises to the said complainant for the said complainant's o>ya benefit, nor whether the same was not so made accordingly. EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWERS. 4th. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether the said J. F. II. did not himself pay the said sum of o£"iOO out of his own proper monies as the purchase-money of the said estate. 5th. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether under the circumstances in the said bill stated, the said complainant was or can be considered as a purchaser himself of the reversionary interest aforesaid of the said estate and premises and why, nor whether the said complainant was in fact the purchaser thereof, nor whether he did ever and when advance and pay the purchase-money or any part thereof out of his own proper monies, nor whether the said J. F. R. was not the actual purchaser thereof in the manner and under the circumstances in the said bill stated, and if not why not. Gth. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether the reversionary interest in the said estate so purchased by the said J. F, R. was not a free gift from him to the said complainant and for his advancement in life, and if not why not; nor whether the saidC.R. did not well know thereof at the time of the execution of the aforesaid conveyance to the said complainant, nor whether he did not fully concur and approve thereof, nor whether all or some and which of the rest of the creditors who had proved debts under the said commission did not also fully concur and approve of the same. 7th. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether the sale of the reversionary interest aforesaid to the said J. F. R. did not take place in the month of June :-, or at some other and what time, nor whether the con- veyance to the said complainant did not take place in the month of January , or at some other and what time. 8th. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether upon the death of his father the said J. F. R. in the month of March or at some other and what time the said complainant did not enter into possession of the said estate under and by virtue of the said conveyance, nor whether he hath not ever since been in the undisturbed possession thereof without any claim being made by or on the part of the saidC. R., or the validity of the transactions and conveyance in the said bill stated being questioned by him. Dth. — For that the said defendant hath not in manner aforesaid answered and set forth whether under all the circumstances in the said bill stated the said C. R. hath any and what claim upon the f>aid ebtate and premises, nor whether he is entitled to question the J37 138 EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWERS. validity of the said complainant's title to the said estate, nor whether the said complainant at any time and when executed any declaration of trust of the said estate and premises or any part thereof to or in favor of him the said C.R. In all which particulars the said complainant excepts to the answer of the said defendant C. R. as evasive imperfect and insufficient, and humbly prays that the said defendant C. R. may be compelled to put in a full and sufficient answer thereto. EXCES»TION« TO REiM)RTS. 138 SECT. n. EXCEPTIONS TO REPORTS ( 1 ). * I. Exceptions lo a Master s report relating to co-purtncrship accounts ( 2 ). In Chancery. Between T. J. Briggs - - Complainant, and J.Smith, Mark Briggs &c. [inserting all the namesi - Defendants, by original and amended bill. And between &c. &:c. [stating the names of the jjarties,^ by supplemental bill. Exceptions ( * ) taken by the said M. B. one of the defendants in the said original and amend- ed bill and supplemental bill named ( f ), to the report of J. S. H. esq. one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery to whom the said causes stand referred, made in pursuance of the decree made on the hearing of the said causes bearing date the day of . 1st Exception. — For that the said Master hath in and by his said report certified that he has charged this defendant &c. &c. Whereas (1) In what cases it becomes necessary lo take objections to the draft of the Master's rejiort as a foundation tor exceptions, see 2 Madd. Cb. Pr. 509; 2 Turn. Ch. Pr. "224, 6lh edit. Where one general exception is taken to the Master's report including several distinct matters, and the report appears right in any one instance, the exception must be over ruled ; Iladyts v. Salomons, I (Jox, 249. (2) Whore objections Iiave been previously taken to the draft of the report, and any one of the exceptions assigns matter not comprised in the objection upon which it is intended to be grounded, that exception will be irregular, and as it should seem must be over-ruled; 2Turn.Ch. Pr. 224. As the matter of exception must, if not literally, at least in substance, be founded upon the objections to the dralt of the report, the following notes marked (*; and (f), will suflicienlly point out to the student thts frame of the objections on which the above exceptions were founded : (*) Objections taken by the said M. B. c'i.c. (f ) \n framing objeciions, insert these words : * to the draft of the report of &c. * to be made in pursuance of Ac. And in the statements 140 EXCEPTIONS ro REPORTS. the said Master ought to have certified that he found this defendant liad expended the further sum of &c. 2d Exception. — For that the said Master hath in and by his said report certified tliat lie found that all monies &c. 3d Ea:cej)tion. — For that the said Master hath in and by his report certified that he finds that the several balances and sums thereinbefore stated are the clear profits of such co-partnerships respectively as in the said report mentioned, except as to the sums thereinbefore mentioned to be unaccounted for by this defendant, and as to them he was unable to ascertain the clear profits of the said co-partnerships for the reasons expressed ; Whereas the said Master cught to have certified that the several sums of money stated by this defendant in his examination to have been the profits wade by this defendant on &c. &c. Wherefore the said iNI. B. excepts to the said Master's report, and humbly appeals therefrom to the judgment of this honorable court. I * II. Exceptions to a Masters general report taken on the ground of the allowances 7nade to the defendant an executor, in the accounts subjoined to the report by way of schedule ( 3 ). In Chancery. Between Ann Freeman &c., - Complainants, and W. Fairlie - - Defendant. Exceptions taken by the said complainants to the general report of one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery to whom the said cause stands referred, made in pursuance of the decree made on the hearing of the said cause bearing date the 3d day of February 1816. Ist Exception. — For that the said jMaster hath in and by his said general report and the second schedule to which it refers allowed to of the several causes of objection, instead of the worils ' hatli in and by liis said report certified,' insert these words, ' liath in and by the said draft of his report stated that' &c. And instead ot ' ought to have certi- fied ' I've, insert ' ought to have stated that' ; Nightingale v. Dodd, Mos. 229. Where a witness had in his examination omitted to state material facts, which he had stated in writing previously to his examination that he could depose to, the court refused to permit him to be re-examined; Asheev Shipley, 5Madd. 4G7; and see Lord Abergavenny v. Potcell, 1 Mer. 130; Pott v. Birch, 5 Madd. 60. The examination of witnesses being foreigners nnist be in English, and the interrogatories must for that purpose be trans- lated into the language of the deponents, ami their answers translated by sworn interpreters; Lord Bclmorc v. Anderson, 4 Bro. Ch. Ch. 90. INTKRUOGATORIES, 155 any abstract of the title of the said complainants to the estates and premises in the pleadings mentioned i Whether or no did the said defendant or any person and who on his part at any time or times and when and how make to you any and what objection to the said title, and what answer did you thereupon make, and if by writing set forth the same in the words and figures thereof, and what after- wards passed between you and the said defendant or any other person and whom on his part respecting the said title or the agreement for purchase in the pleadings men- tioned ? Set forth &c. whether any ohjcctloji ivas made to the title^ and what passed re- lative to the title or agreement for pur- chase. * Were you at any time and when and by whom and on whose behalf furnished with an abstract of the title of the said complainants to the premises described as lot 2 in the pleadings of this cause mentioned? And did you at any time or times apply to any person or persons and whom by name as the solicitor or solicitors of the said complain- ants for a copy or abstract of the alleged lease under which the said premises were stated to have been let ? If yea, What passed between you and the solicitors for the said complainants at the time of making such application relative to such alleged lease ? Declare &c. To prove that witness as solicitor for the de- fendant tvas furnished vith an abstract of title to an estate sold by the plaintiffs, — his application for an ab- stract of the lease under which the es- tate was stated to have been let, and IV hat passed upon such application. * Had or not the said R.W. as you know or do for any and what reason believe access to the said M.W. his wife, or was he or not in her company or did he or not see her at any and what times or time from the month of to ? And if yea, When and how often and at or about what times or time and for what space of time at each time and where and on what occasion ? Where did the said R.W. live or reside during all such period of time as you know or do for any and what reasons believe ? Declare &c. To prove whether a husband had access to his tcifc during a par- ticular period and when, and ichcrc he resided. * Whether or not did the said defendant C. L. as you know or do for any and what reason believe, deliver or cause to be delivered unto the said S. D. F. in his life-time a written account or any writing purporting to be an account of some debt or debts or sum or sums of money that was To prove the delivery of an account oj mo- 7iies owing from a de- ceased person to the defendant, 156 INTERROGATORIES. in what langnarje written, tvhen delivered, and the particulars of I he debt. and whether the de- ceased examined the account ; To prove that he de- livered the same lu the witness, that witness by his di- rection made a copy thereof, and in what langvaf/e, the delivery thereof io the deceased, that he examined the same and made obaer- vatio7is thereon ; To prove the copy in the pv.ssesaicn of the wilness as cu exhibit, and the haud-writiuy, That ivitness may translate the copy into English and the ob- servations made there- on, distinyuishiny the parts ivrilten by the witness and by other persons. or were due or owing by or from the said S. D. F. to the said defendant C. L. ? If yea, In what character and lan- guage was such account or writing written or made out, and when or about what time was the same dehvered to the saidS. D. F., and what was or were the pai'ticular or par- ticulars of such debt or debts or sum or sums of money, and how much did the same amount unto in the whole as you know remember or believe ? Whether or no did the said S. D. F. as you know or do for any and what reason believe, peruse or examine the said account? Did or did not the said S. D. F. ever deliver the said account to you ? If yea, When and about what time and for what purpose did he deliver the said account to you ? Did you or did you not by the order or direction of the said S. D. F. or otherwise and how, at any time and when make or write a true copy of the said account ? If yea, In what language and character and for what purpose was such copy made or written, and was or was not such copy at any time and when and by whom delivered to the said S. D. F. ? And did or did not the said S. D. F. at any time or times and when peruse and examine the said copy, and did he or did he not in his own hand-writing or otherwise and how and in what language and character and at or about what time or times make or write any and what minutes memorandums or observations on the said copy ? Whether or no is the paper-writing marked with the letter (B) and now produced by you or any and what parts and part thereof of your own hand-writing? If yea, How much or what part or parts thereof is or are of your own hand-writing, and how much and what part or parts thereof is or are of the hand-writing of any other person or persons and whom as you know or do for any and what reason believe ? Is or is not the said paper- writing marked v^ith the letter (B) the copy which was made or taken by you of the aforesaid account? If yea. Translate the said paper-writing marked with the letter (B) and all the minutes memorandums and observations written or made thereon into and set forth the same in the EngHsh language, and in making such translation, distinguish and point out the English of so much or of such part or })art3 of the said paper-writing as was or were written by you, and also the Eughsh of so much or of sucli part or parts of the said paper-writing ab was or were written by any other per- son or [icr:i!jni and tvIiouk Declare ixc. INTERROGATOR! KSc 157 * Were you or not a party as a trustee for sale or other- wise and how, to certain and what indentures of lease and release bearing date the 9th and 10th days of March 1792, in the pleadings in this cause stated, or to some or one and which of them ? And were you or not for some length of time and from and to what period in some and what manner in the employ of T. E. and G. D. both now de- ceased, in the pleadings in this cause named ? And do you or not by some and what means know whether some and what account did not exist between the said T. E. and G. D. or one and which of them in their or his life-time with W.J. deceased, the late plaintiff in this cause? Did you or not as a trustee for sale as aforesaid, ever and when sell and dispose of the respective houses and premises of which you were a trustee for sale under such indentures of lease and release as aforesaid ? And was there or not some and what account open and unsettled between the said W.J. deceased and the said T. E. and G. D. or with one and which of them at the time the said houses and premises were respec- tively so sold and disposed of by you ? If yea. Was such account ever to your knowledge settled and adjusted be- tween them or any and which of them, and was or not such account an open and unsettled account at the time of the death of the said W. J. as you know or for some and what reason believe ? And if such account had ever been stated settled and adjusted between the said T. E. and G. D. and the said W. J. in his life-time, should you or not fi'om your connexion or by your employment with the said T. E. and G. D. or by some and what other means have known there- of? Do you or not know whether the said W.J. in his life- time made or caused to be made any and what applications or application to the said T. E. and G. D. or to one and which of them for a statement of or to come to a settlement of the said account existing between them ? If yea, Set forth the number of such applications and the respective times or time in particular v/hen the said W. J. made or caused to be made such applications or application, and the nature thereof, and when and by whom made, and in whose presence, and upon what occasions or occasion, and on or about what date in particular was the last time the said W.J. made or caused to be made such application to the said T. E. and G. 1). or to either and which of them, and what passed between the said parties respectively at the respec- To prove that witness was a party as a trus^ tee to certain deeds; That he was in the employ of certain per- sons, and that an ac- count existed between them and a deceased plaintiff; That witness, as trustee, sold cer- tain houses; That at the time of such sale, an account existed unsettled be- tween the deceased plaintiff and certain other persons; A Iso to prove the ap- plications made by the deceased plaintiff for a settlement ; and what passed at the time of such ap- plications. 158 INTERROGATORIES. tive times or time such applications or application were or was made ? Declare &c. To prove a statement of accounts between the plaintiff and de- fendants relative to a testator s estate, tvhat balance was ascer- tained to be due, and the payment thereof. * Were you or not present at any time and when at the stating of any and what account between the said complain- ant and the said defendants touching or concerning the estate and effects of the said testator R. F. in the pleadings of this cause named ? If yea, Was or were or not any ac- count or accounts touching such estate or effects then settled between them, and was or not any and what balance then settled and ascertained as due to any and which of the said parties, and was or not such balance then paid over, and if not, why and for what reason ? Declare &c. To prove the deliveri/ of an attorney's bill, and that an action was commenced for the recovery of the amount. Whether or no did you at any time and when deliver to the said defendants or either and which of them, any bill for business done by you on their or either and which of their account not connected with the said cause, and whether or no did you at any time and when cause any and what proceeding to be commenced against the said defendants or either and which of them for the amount of such bill? Declare &c. To prove the produc- tion of a book to a person containing cer- tain achnoicledyments or memorandums sign- ed by him, and the de- clarations made by him relative thereto. * Did you or not at any or either and which of the meet- ings between you and the said inquired after by the last preceding interrogatory, produce or show unto the said all or any and which of the acknowledgments or me- morandums to which his name appears to be subscribed, and which are written or contained respectively in the folios of the said produced book marked (A) ? And did the said on any and which of such occasions or on any other and what occasions or occasion and when in par-i ticular, say or declare any thing and what unto you or unto any persons or person and whom by name in your presence or hearing relative to such acknowledgments or memo- randums, and to his name appearing to be subscribed thereto, and purporting that he had signed the same or any and which of them, or that his name appearing to be INTERROGATORIES. 159 subscribed thereto or to any and wliich of them was in his own liand-writing or to any such or the hke effect? Set forth how and in what manner the said expressed liini- self at such times or time in relation thereto 'i Declare &c. * Whether or not did the said defendants or any and which of them commence an action at law against J. F. the agent of the said complainants in the said bill named ? If yea, Set forth when such action was commenced, and the nature of and object of the action ? Whether or not did the said J. F. plead to such action ? If yea. Declare the nature of his defence ; Whether or not did such action come on to be tried ? If yea, Whether or not did the plaintiffs in such action get a verdict ? If yea, Whether or not did the court of King's Bench set aside such verdict and direct a new trial to be had of the said action ? Whether or not did such new trial come on to be tried at the summer assizes held for the county of Y. for the year 1818? If yea. Were you present at such trial? If yea. Declare to the best of your remembrance what passed thereat, and how^ and in what terms the judge charged the jury ; Whether or not were the jury desirous to find a special verdict ; Whether or not did the judge make a minute of it in his notes, and if yea, Set forth the purport and effect of such minute ; Whether or not was it agreed between the plaintiffs and de- fendant in the said action that the amount of the damages to be recovered by the plaintiffs in the said action should be left to arbitration? If yea, Whether or not was any arbitrator appointed ? If yea. Has such arbitrator ever made his award ? If yea. Declare the damages awarded by the said arbitrator to the plaintiffs in the said action? Declare 8cc. To prove that the de- fendants commenced an action against the plaiutiff's agent, and tvhen, and the nature thereof, and of the defence thereto ; That the same came on to be tried, that the plaintiff's got a verdict, which the court of K. B. set aside, and directed a new trial; That the same came on at the assizes, and what passed on the trial, and the judges charge to the jury ; That the jury were desirous to find a spe- cial verdict, the mi- nute thereof made by the judge ; The agreement to re- fer the amount of da- mages to arbitration, and irhat amount was atcarded by the arbi- trator. * Did you at any time or times and when and at whose To prove advertise- request or in pursuance of any directions or instructions ments being inserted given to you by any person or persons and whom by name, '" "'■f P"""<^ papers, ° •' ,. ,. 1 for the discovery of a cause any and what advertisement or advertisements to be person, and bu' whose inserted in any and what public paper or pajiers relating to direction ; or for the discovery of the said A.G., and was or were such 160 INTERROGATORIES. and whether the wit- ness has heard of the individual, or had any applications respect- ing him since the ad- vertisements. advertisement or advertisements inserted in such public paper or papers at any time or times and when as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Have you heard of the said A. G. or had you any and what application or applica- tions made to you with respect to him or the matter com- prised in such advertisement or advertisements since the same was or were so inserted ? Declare &c. To prove that wit- ness was employed in prejmring an agree- ment, and the direc- tions given respecting the terms thereof. To prove a parol agreement respecting the plaintiff's resid- ing with the defend- ant. * Were you or not employed and when by the said com- plainant and defendant or either and which of them to prepare the agreement in the said former interrogatory mentioned ? If yea, Had you any and what directions from the said de- fendants respecting the terms of the said agreement, and concerning the land-tax in the said agreement mentioned, and what did the said defendant say to you or in your presence or hearing as to the said land-tax and the sum of cfSOO to be paid by the plaintiff to the said defendant, and wei'e you informed by either and which of the said parties for what consideration the said premium or sum of of 200 was to be paid? Declare &c. ■'Mi gsijiJinns lo -onlRf fsrfl '9''- * Di(J-3fdii''iif not'St any time afld when hear the said complainant make any proposition to the said defendant respecting his the said complainant's residing with the said defendant in his house, and was any and what agreement come to between the said complainant and the said de- fendant respecting such matter, and did you or not hear upon that or any other and what occasion the said com- plainant make any and what promise to the defendant re- specting the amount and nature of the recompense which the defendant was to receive from the said complainant for liis residing, in the said defendant's house ? Declare &c. To prove that wit- ness made an allot- ment of certain lands, and to whom, and when he delivsred the allotment ; * Did you or not and by whose desire or direction make any and what division or allotment of the lands in the pleadings of this cause mentioned ? If yea, To whom and when did you deliver such division or allotment, and INTERROGATORIES. lei did or not the said defendant J. P. acquiesce in or ap- prove of such allotment, and did he take possession of his part or share ? Did you or not at any time afterwards and when review or reconsider such allotment and upon what occasion and by whose desire, and did you or not make any second allotment or any and what alteration in your former allotment, and was or not the said division or allotment made by you a fair impartial and just division or allotment? Declare &c. * Do you or not know whether the said complainant entered upon and enjoyed any and which of the lands in the pleadings in this cause mentioned in severalty or not ? If yea, State what particular lands were enjoyed by the plaintiff and what by the defendant. that, defendant acqui- esced therein, and took possession of hit share ; that witness after- wards reviewed the allotment, and by whose desire and what alterations he made therein. To "prove that the plaintiff entered upon the lands allotted to him in severalty. * Are you acquainted with the manner of purchasing annuities on lives and the value thereof, and the way in which the same are secured in the public funds ? If yea. How long have you been acquainted therewith ? What was the value of an annuity of £ during the life of a person aged in the month of according to the method of computing the value of annuities upon lives, and according to the common and usual course of business in transactions of that nature ? Declare &c. To prove the valve of a life annnity. * Was or not the said complainant T. C. at any time and when to your knowledge or belief employed as the attor- ney or agent of the said defendant S. A. ? If yea, Declare when the said T. C. was so employed by her or relative to her affairs, and for what length of time, and whether ge- nerally as the confidential attorney or agent of the said S. A. as you know or believe, and set forth the grounds upon which you found such your knowledge or belief; Declare &c. To prove that the plaintiff' was employ- ed by the defendant as her conjideutial at- torney or agent, and for what period. * Look upon the book entitled now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination, marked with the letter ( A ), and in the pleadings in this cause men- tioned ; Who by name wrote or was the author or composer Vol. II. L To prove who vas iht author of a. book or reputed so to be, and whether it was an original composition w% INTERROGATORIES. of the said book, or who was and is reputed so to be? Is the said book an original composition, or a copy of any other and what work? Declare &c. To prove an act of bankruptcy by keep- ing house. To prove an act of bankruptcy by lying in prison. * Did you or not know A. B. in the pleadings of this cause named, and previously to , and for any and what time before ? If yea. Did the said A. B. at that time and for any and what length of time before carry on any and what trade or business and where, and do you or not previously to the said recollect any person and whom by name calling at the house or dwelling of the said A. B. for money, and was or not such person a creditor of the said A. B., and was or not the said A. B. at home at such time and did he or not see the person who so called, or what answer was given or sent to such person, and was the answer given or sent by the direction of the said A. B. or with his privity or consent? Declare &c. * Did or not the said T. M. in the pleadings of this cause named previously to the day of and from and up to what time in particular, carry on any and what trade or dealing and in what sort of merchandize ? Was or not the said T. M. a prisoner in the Fleet Prison, and when did he first become a prisoner there and for and upon what account was he imprisoned, and how long did he continue a prisoner without being bailed or discharged, and what charges or detainers were there lodged against him during the whole time of such his imprisonment ? Declare &c. To prove a remit- tance of hilb of ex- change in tiie life- time (f a deceased pier son. that the same were duly paid as they be- came due, * Whether or no did the said defendant C. D. in the life- time of the said S. D. send remit or deliver unto the said S. D. any bill or bills of excliange? If yea. For what sum or sums of money, or of what value or amount was or were such bill or bills of exchange respectively and in the whole, and when or about what time or times was or were such bill or bills of exchange so sent remitted or delivered, and was or were or not the sum or sums of money mentioned in or secured or made payable by the said bill or bills of exchange or some and which of such sums of money received by or paid to the said S. D, or to his order or for his use when INTERnOGATOIUES. 103 and as the same became due and payable or soon after- wards or at any other and what time or times 'i And did or did not the said S. D. in his hfe-time and when repay the said defendant C*D. or satisfy him the said sum or sums of money or any or either and which of them or any and what parts or part thereof? Declare &c. and whether the de- ceasedrepaidany part of the amount thereof. Whether or no did you draw and deliver to the said com- plainant any and what number of bills of exchange and to what amount for the produce of the said cargo upon the said defendants T. R. and C. S., and did you or not at or about that time or at any time and when ship on board the said ship called the M. or any other and what ship or ships and consign to the said defendants T. R. and C. S. any colonial produce or any and what effects and to what amount in order to provide for the payment of the said bills so delivered by you to the said complainant for the produce of the said cargo, Or whether or no have you at any time or times and when assigned or conveyed to the said defend- ants T. R. and C. S. or to any other person or persons and whom by name in trust for them or for their benefit any and what estates or property whatsoever in or towards sa- tisfaction of the said bills or any of them or any part thereof, or have the said defendants T. R. and C. S. been in any other and what manner paid or satisfied by you the amount of the said bills or any and which of them or any and what part thereof, or have you in any and what manner and when had credit in account with the said defendants T. R. and C. S. for the amount of the said bills or any and which of them or any and what part thereof? Set forth &c. To prove that witness as the purchaser of a ship^s cargo delivered bills to the plaintiff for the produce drairn upon the defendants, that he consigned co- lonial produce to them to provide for the payment thereof, or made over property to them, or that tlisy have been satisfied the amount, or have given witness credit in ac- count for the amount of the bills. Do you know and from what circumstances when and where the said complainant A. W. was born and baptized? If yea, Set forth the time and place of her birth and baptism and the reason of your knowledge therein, and who were her father and mother, and where they usually resided at the respective times of the birth and baptism of the said complainant, and what was their situation in life. Set forth &c. L 2 To prove the birtt and baptism of the plaintiff. 104 INTERROGATORIES. To -prove the bound- aries of glebe lands, in ichose occupation (he same tcere at a particular time, and ichat was then the annnal value. To jirove the abuttals of a garden, and ivhether there is any comvmnication be- tween the same and the adjoining pre- mises. To prove the bound- aries of a parish, and how divided from the adjoining one. To -prove the bonnd- arics of a piece of land containing a stone q-uarry, and its distance Jrom a river. particularly with re- ference to a map or plan thereof. * Do you know the lands in the pleadings of this cause mentioned called glebe lands? If yea, Where are the same situate and hov/ are the boundaries thereof marked and described, and in whose occupation and under what term or holding were the said glebe lands on the 4th October 1801, and what v/as then the annual value of the said glebe lands as you know or for any and what reason believe? De- clare &c. * Are you or not acquainted with the premises in the pleadings of this cause mentioned called the detached garden ? If yea, How is such detached garden fenced or surrounded and by what ground or premises is it bounded or abutted and particularly on the east side thereof, and i» there or not any gate door or opening communicating with any and what premises on the east side of the said de- tached garden? Declare 8cc. Whether or no do you know and how long have you lived in the parish of W. in the county of , and whether or no did you at any time or times and when attend any and what public perambulations of the said parish, or are you by any and what other means acquainted with the boundaries of the said parish, and in particular with the boundary or division between the said parish and the parish of C, and how and in what manner is the said parish of W. divided from the said parish of C? Declare &c. * Are you or not acquainted with the piece or parcel of land containing a stone quarry in the pleadings of this cause mentioned to be situate at or near certain places called or known by the names of and ■ in the parish of and near to the river A. ? If yea. How long have you been acquainted therewith, and how is such piece of land bounded and at what distance is the same situated from the said river A. ? Look upon the map or plan now produced and shown to you at this the time of your exami- nation, maiked with the letter (A), — W^hat doth the same purport to be or contain, and does or not the same contain a true and correct plan of the said piece or parcel of land and quarry and of the boundaries thereof as you know or do for any and what reason believe ? Declare &c. INTERROGATORIES. 165 * Do you know L. H. Chapel now or formerly situated at L. in the parish of B. in the county of L. or the scite thereof? Was the same used as a Roman Catholic Chapel or as a Protestant Chapel as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Were the ceremonies of baptism marriage and burial performed in the said chapel as you know or have heard and from whom or for any and what reason be- lieve, and were there or not any registers or register of baptisms marriages and burials made or kept in or adjoining to the said chapel ? If yea, Are or is there any registers or register thereof now kept in or adjoining to the said chapel, of baptisms marriages and burials performed there- in ? Do you know or have you heard and from whom whe- ther the said chapel and registers were ever and when destroyed by fire or otherwise and how and by whom ? Have you heard any person or persons and whom by name make any and what declarations relative thereto, and were or was such persons or person in any and what manner connected with or in the service of or in any and what manner related to any person in the service of the family of A. in the pleadings in this cause named, and are or is such persons or person or any or either of them now living, and if dead, when did they respectively die ? What is the general report or belief of the persons residing in the neighbourhood of the said chapel of L. H. or the scite thereof relative to the destruction of the said chapel and registers by fire or otherwise as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Set forth according to the best of your knowledge remembrance information and belief all and every the matters inquired after by this interrogatory and the grounds thereof. To prove whether a cluipel was tised as a Roman Catholic cha- pel or Protestant cha- pel, whether baptisms, iiiarriageSjand burials were performed there, and whether the re- (jisters thereof were kejit there ; Whether the chapel and registers were de- stroyed and when and how, what declara- tions witness has heard relative there- to and from whom ; Whether such persons were connected with a purticnlar family, and whether living or dead ; and the general belief in the neighbourhood relative to the de- struction of the chajjel and registers. * Are you or not acquainted with the said complainants J. T. and M. his wife ? And if yea. Are you acquainted with the state of the said complainants' family ? What children or child have the said complainants J.T. and M. his wife now living, and what are or is the names or name of such children or child ? Set forth all you know concern- ing the particulars in({uired j.fter by this interrogatory and tlie reasons for such your knowledge 'i Declare &c. 7o prove IV hat chil- dren the 2)luintifj's have. WG JNTERROGATORIES. To prove what chil- dren a plaintiff had hy her late husband and their names ; that certain of the plain- tiffs are the surviviny children, and that the widow had another son who died without issue. Whether or no liad the said M. H. and A. his wife here- tofore or late A. C. in the preceding or 7th interz'ogatory mentioned or inquired after any and what number of chil- dren ? If yea, Wliat were their respective names or the names of any and which of them, and particularly are or is not the said complainants R. H. &c. or some or one and which of them the children or child of the said M. H. and A. his wife, and had they or not another son named T. H. and is he living or dead ? And if dead when and about what time did he die, and did he or not leave any children or child or issue and whom ? Had or not the said A. H. any and what other children or child or issue other than and besides those hereinbefore named ? If yea, Are they or any and which of them living or dead, and if dead when or about what times or time did they or any and which of them die as you know or do for any and what reason be- lieve? Declare &c. To prove whether a particular person is living or dead; that he coniribvted to the maintenance of a child, and frequently visited it ; the de(jrce of notice or affection he shotced toicards it, and in what manner he ex- pressed himself; that he treated such child as his own, and that the child treated him as his fui/icr. * Do you know v.hat is become of T. H. in the preceding interrogatory named ? Is he living or dead ? If living, where hath he from time to time resided since the day of ? Or if dead, when or about what time did he die and w'here? Did he or not for any and what period of time in any man- ner and how pay or contribute any and what sum or sums of money yearly or otherwise and how for or towards the maintenance or education of the child which is inquired after by the last interrogatory, and did he or not during any and what period of time ever and when or how often and where visit or see such child ? Were you present at all or any and how many and which of such times? And if yea. Did he at all or any and which of such times take any and what kind of notice of such child, or show or express and how or in what particular manner any and what degree of affec- tion for it and on what account, and how and in what manner did he at such times generally express and behave himself to or respecting such child ? Set forth the particulars of such expressions or declai*ations and any circumstances re- lating thereto ; — Did the said T. H. at all or any and which of such times and in the presence of any other person or persons and whom by name treat such child or speak to it INTERROGATORIES. 1^7 or of it as being his own child, and did such child at all or any and which of such times speak to or address the said T« H. as being its father, or as being in any and what deffree or manner related to it 'i Declare &c. Whether or no do you know and for how long have you known the defendant J. P. the sister of the said testator W. G. and her family? Whether or no were there any and what children of the said defendant J. P. living at the time of the death of the said testator, and when did the said tes- tator die, and which of such children are now living and what are their respective ages, and if any or either of them have or has died since the said testator, when did he she or they die ? Declare &c. To prove ichai chil- dreii, a defendant had at the death of a tes- tator, the time of his death, and what chil- dren arc itviny or dead. * What was the true and real consideration of the said deed marked (A) ? Whether or no were or was any and "what sums or sum of money at or about any and what times or time paid as or for or in part of the consideration thereof, and when and where and by whom and on whose account and to whom and for whose use and on what occasion ? If yea, Were you or not present at the time of paying the same or any and what part thereof? And if yea. Did or not the person whose name appears to be subscribed to the re- ceipt indorsed on the said deed at or about the time of signing such receipt say or declare any thing and what concerning his having received or been paid or satisfied the whole or any and what ])art of the money therein or thereby expressed to be paid to and received by him ? De- dare &c. To prove the payment of the consideration- money expressed in a deed, and the ac- knoivledgment of the person on receiving the same. * Were you at any time and when present at any and what conversation between the said complainant and de- fendant respecting the said defendant's purchasing of the said complainant his the said complainant's interest in the sum of i^lOO in the pleadings of this cause mentioned to To prove a conver- sutioit between the plaintiff and defend- ant, respecting the defendant's purchas- iixj the plaintiff's in- 168 INTERROGATORIES. terest in a sum of money paid into court in another cause ; the agreement to purchase the same, and xipon XL- hut terms. have been paid by him into the Court of Chancery in a certain cause entitled ? If yea. How did such conver- sation arise and what passed between the said defendant and complainant respecting such purchase, and did or not the said defendant agree to purchase such interest upon any and what terms, and what in particular did the said defendant say to the said complainant respecting the said complainant's chance of recovering the said £24^01 De- clare &c. To prove conversa- tions respecting the reneival of a lease, and also the agreement by defendant to apply for a renewal. To prove the particu- lars of a conversation and an offer made by the plaintiff to one of the defendants. [ This was one of a set of interrngutorieson the part of the plaintiff' to prove an agreement for purchase of a public- house.} * Have you at any time or times and when or how often had any and v,hat conversation or conversations with the said defendant respecting the renewal of the lease granted by the saitl Dean and Chapter in the pleadings of this cause mentioned ? If yea. How did such conversation or conversations arise, and what passed between you and the said defendant respecting the obtaining of such renewal, and did or not the said defendant agree to apply for or make any and what declarations relative to the making of any and what applications for the renewal of such lease, and what in particular did the said defendant say to you re- specting such renewal, and was any other person and who by name present at the time of such conversation or con- versations or any and either and which pf them ^.,De<- w^^,. ' '''■' r, - . -^iiv jbnr, \(«R hns fmrf '«" -isrfifir ^i-^a lo oJf489 iJBiiw b'- Whether or no were you at any time in the year and when and wheie present with the said complainant and the said defendant J. D. when any conversation passed between them respecting the public-house called the at E., in the occupation of the said complainant, and any agreement relating thereto? If yea, Set forth the par- ticulars of such conversation and what was said therein by the said parties respectively, and whether the said com- plainant then offered to pay any and what sum of money to the said defendant J. D. ; Set forth &c. INTERROGATORIES. 1(j9 * Did you know F. A. deceased in the pleadings of this cause named the uncle of the said complainant, and did you know H. I. of deceased or either and which of them in their or his life-time, and how long did you know them respectively previously to their death or such one of them as you did know, and how and in what manner and for what length of time previously to their deaths respectively did you so know or become acquainted with them respec- tively ? Did you at any time or times and when in par- ticular hear the said F. A. enter into any conversation or conversations with or make any declaration or declara- tions to the said H. I. or any other person or persons and whom by name and when in particular and in whose pre- sence relative to his family and relations, or any estate or estates to which he the said F. A. considered himself en- titled ? And did you at any time or times and when hear the said H. I. make any and what declaration or declarations relative to his being present at the time that any and what agreement was entered into by the said F. A. with any per- son or persons and whom by name, relative to any and what estate or estates, or to any and what monies that the said F. A. was to receive annually from any person or persons and whom by name, and the consideration thereof? And did you at any time and when, hear the said F. A. read any and what deed or deeds, agreement or agreements be- tween him and any and what person or persons relative to any and what estate or estates? And do you know whether any deed or deeds parchment or paper-writings belonging to the said F. A. was or were at any time or times and when, destroyed by fire or otherwise and how ? And did you at any time and when see any and what deeds or deed that were or was at any time and when in possession of the said F. A. that had any and whose seals affixed thereto, or had the names or name of any persons or person and whom signed thereto ? If yea. Set forth all and every the particulars inquired after by thjs interrogatory, or such of them as you do know, and the particulars thereof and of every part thereof. Declare &c. To prove a knowledge of certain persons de- ceased, and how and for what length of time witness was ac- quainted with them; To prove conversa- tions between them, or declarations made by one of them relative to his family and re" lations, or property to which he considered himself entitled; To prove declarations by the other, that he was jrreserd at the time an agreement ivas entered into re- lative to certain pro- perty ; To prove that witness heard the agreement read ; To prove the destruc- tion of certain papers by fire ; and that witness saw certain deeds in the possession of one of the deceased persons^ having the names and seals of certain per* sons thereto. 170 INTERROGATORIES. To prove the first conversations xvith the defendant rcsj)ecting a bankrupt's affairs ; What agreement was made respecting the r powei*, and from whom and when did you receive or possess the same and each and every of them, and how did the same come into the custody possession or power of the person or persons from whom you received or possessed the ^ame as you know or have heard, or for any and what reason believe? Declare &c. To prove that witness had certain deeds in his possession, from whom he received the same, and how the same came into the possession of the per- sons from ichom he received the same. Look upon the deeds papers or writings produced &c. What do the same respectively })urport to be ? Were or was the same or any or either and which of them at or about any and what time or times found and by whom and on what occasion in the custody of any and what persons or person amongst any deeds or writing.s relating to any and what and whose c:3tatc? Where and in whose custody To prove the finding of old deeds, and in whose custody the same have been. 182 INTERROGATORIES. have or hath the same or any or cither and which of them heen from time to time and for any and how long time kept, and whether or not amongst the deeds or writings relating to any and what estate, or how otherwise ? Declare &c. To prove hy v:hom certain deeds were brought to a person to be executed ; whe- ther the same were read over to him or on his behalf'. * By whom were the said indentures brought over to B. to be executed, and upon what day in particular, and whe- ther or no upon occasion of the same being so brought over and prior to the execution thereof were the same or any and what parts thereof in particular read over to the said Sir T. B. by you or by any person and whom by name on his behalf for their or his approbation, or were the same or any and what part thereof in particular read over by any person and whom by name, in or out of the presence of the said Sir T. B. ? And if yea, By whose directions and requests did such person so read and inspect the same, and what parts and for what purpose and with what view in particular, and where was the said Sir T. B. when such person so inspected the same or any and what part thereof; and in particular were you or was any other person and who by name upon the occasion aforesaid requested by the said person or persons who brought over the said in- dentures to B. or either and which of them to peruse and examine the same on behalf of the said Sir T, B. and to approve thereof for him, and to see that the same was pro- perly and fairly drawn up ; and whether or no was the afore- said memorandum of agreement or any draft of the said re- lease produced on the occasion aforesaid, or was the same or any and what part thereof comprised with the said re- lease, and whether or no, as you do know or have any and what reason for believing, was it understood or believed by you and the other persons in the employment or service of the said Sir T. B. who were present, and by the said Sir T.B. when he executed the said release, that the said coal com- prised therein was the same only as was comprised in the said memorandum of agreement, or was it understood and known or believed by the said Sir T. B. or by you and such other persons or either and which of you that the said release did comprise more than such last-mentioned coal and what other coal ? Set forth &c. To prove what the * Whether or no did the persons who brought over the person ivko brought g,^jj indentures to be executed as aforesaid or either and the deeds to be ex- i • i <> ,i i ■ p • .• . ^ which 01 them then iniorm or mtnnate to you or to any Whether tvitness uas requested by the per<- son who brought over the deeds to peruse and examine the same on behalf of the per- son by ichom they were to be executed ; Whether any memo- randum of agreement or draft accompanied the deeds, and tvhat was the understand- ing at the time of ex- ecution with regard to the premises com- jnised therein. INTERROGATORIES, 183 Other person present on behalf of the said Sir T. B. that the said release had been prepared by them or by either and which of them according to the directions of the said Sir T. B. or with his knowledge or consent, or intimate or say any thing upon the aforesaid occasion which had the effect of inducing you or such other persons present on behalf of the said Sir T. B. to suppose that the said release was properly prepared and according to the directions and instructions received from him, or that he was acquainted with the terms and conditions thereof, or intimate or say any thing which had the effect of making you inspect or examine the same less minutely and attentively than you would otherwise have done, or which tended thereto ? And if yea, What was the nature and purport of such intima- tion, and what fell from such persons and from either and which of them so far as you recollect the same, and how long did such person remain at B. after the same release was executed? Set forth &c, * Whether or no did you upon occasion of the same re- lease being brought to B. for execution examine or read over the whole thereof? And if nay. What were the reasons which prevented you from so doing or which made you think it unnecessary so to do ? Set forth &c. * Whether or no did the persons who brought over the said release to be executed as aforesaid propose or invite any inspection or examination thereof? Set forth &c. * Whether or no was there upon the occasion last men- tioned any appearance of eagerness and anxiety on the part of the persons in the preceding interrogatory referred to or either and which of them that the said indentures of lease and release should be forthwith executed by the said Sir T. B. ? And if yea. Did either and which of them ex- press such eagerness and anxiety to you or to any other person in your presence, and what reason did they or either and which of them assign for such eagerness and anxiety shown ? And whether or no did such eagerness or anxiety on their part escape your attention and observance at the time when the same was shown, and did you then draw any conclusion or inference therefrom ? And if yea, What conclusion and inference did you then draw, or did you draw any and wliat inference therefrom at any subsequent ecutedsaid, ivkich had the effect of inducing the witness to believe that the release had been prepared accord- ing to the instructions given and to be less careful in examining the same. To prove why witness thought it unnecessary to examine the inden- ture of release. To prove whether the person who brought the release to be ex- amined proposed an, examination thereof. To prove that the person who brouglit the deeds to be exe- cuted shoived great anxiety to have them executed ; that such anxiety did not escape the wit- ness's observation, and what inference he af- tcrivnrds drew there- from, and inhen for the first time. 184 INTERROGATORIES. To prove u-liat steps 7vitncss took vp'.m dis- covering the inden- ture of release to be Ghjcctionable to have the same altcied, and the parcels made con- formable to the de- scription contained in the previous af/ree- tneut. To prove that tcitness Ciiandned the atjrcc- mciit and release ; and wfien he first disco- vered that the descrip- tion of the lands CGm- prised in the release differed from the ocjrccment, or by ivhom he icas infoimedthere- oj, and ivhen such dis- covery was first made, and the occasion there- To prove that pro- mises were held ovt t'nat the indenture of rrliase slu u'd ic cor- rected. Tn prove that witness after the release was c.vrcnted ly Sir T. B. informed hint, of va- ric:.'S okjcctlons which. time, and when did such eagerness and anxiety if any for the first time appear state, and when did you for the first time draw any and what conclusion or inference therefrom, and why did you not draw any such inference therefrom at the time when the same was shown ? Set forth &c. '■^Whether or no upon discovering the said grant to be objectionable did you take any and what steps for the pur- pose of altering the same, and in what particular or parti- culars did you endeavour to have the same altered, and state all such particulars, and whether or no did you ever and when endeavour to have any alteration made in the de- scription of the parcels of land in the said release contained with the view of conforming the same with the description of the parcels contained in the said memorandum of agree- ment or with any other and what view, and if not why not ? Set forth &c. * Whether or no did you ever compare the said memoran- dum of agreement and release as to the description of the coal comprised therein respectively and of the lands comprised therein respectively and of the lands under which the same coal did lie, and did you or not discover, or were you or not informed that the said memorandum of agreement and release differed in any and wliat particulars, and when did you for the first time discover that the said memorandum of agreement and release do differ therein, or by whom were you informed thereof, and what was the occasion of such variation being discovered so far as you do for any and what reason know or believe, and by whom by name was such variation first discovered ? Set forth &c. * Vvliether or no while you acted in the said land agency were any promises made or expectations held out to you by the grantees named in the said release or by any and v.'liich of them that the same should be corrected and in any and what particular, and when and in the presence of whom by name and upon what occasion were such promises made or expectations held out, and in what manner were the same made and held out respectively ? Set forth &c. * Whether no did you at any time after the release was executed and when inform the said Sir T. B. that you ob- jected to the terms and stipulations thereof or to any and vvhich of them in particular, and v/hcthcr or no did the INTERROGATORIES. 185 gaid Sir T. B. ever and when in particular express to you or to any other person as you do know or beheve byname any disapprobation of the manner and terms in and upon which the said release had been drawn up ? And if yea. What was the extent of such disapprobation, and to which of the terms and stipulations of the said release was such disapprobation in particular and exclusively directed ? And whether or no as you do for any and what reason know or beheve would the said Sir T.B. have continued to .acquiesce in the said release, and especially would he have acqui- esced in any claim on the part of the said L. M. C. to the said farm in the year 1789 occupied by J. K. if any claim thereto had been made or declared in his Hfe-time or if he had conceived that any such claim would thereafter be made? And would he as you do for any and what reason know or be- lieve have endeavoured to set aside or alter the said release by any and what proceedings in any and what particulars if he had become aware of the terms and conditions thereof, and especially if he had become aware that more coal was com- prised therein than in the said memorandum of agreement ? Set forth &c. * How came you to be present at B. at the time when the before-mentioned indentures of lease and release were executed, and for what purpose were you there, and whether or no for such purpose exclusively or for any and what other purposes ? Set forth &c. he had discovered to the terms thereof; that Sir T. B. ex- pressed his disappro- bation of the terms in ivhich the deed was drawn up ; and that he would never have acquiesced to any claim on the part of the grantees to a particular farm if s%ich claim had been made in his life-lime ; but that he would have taken proceedings to have had the deed rec- tified if he had been aware that more coal was comprised therein than in the jirevious ayreement. To prove under what circumstances witness happened to be pre- sent at the time of the execution of cer- tain deeds. * Was there or not any dispute or difference between the said complainant and defendant relative to the said com- plainant's paying the sum of £ or any other and what sum or sums of money to R. T. in the pleadings in this cause named ? If yea, When or about what time did such dispute or difference arise or take place, and what was the particular nature thereof? Declare &c. * Did or not the said complainant and defendant ever and when agree to refer such dispute or difference to the arbi- tration or determination of any person or persons and whom l)y name ? And if yea, Did or not such person or persons imdertake such reference and fully and fairly hear the said complainant and defendant touching such dispute or differ- ence ? If so, "When and where did such arbitrator or ar- To prove a dispute having arisen between the plaint ijf and de- fendant with regard to the payment of a certain sum of money; To prove an agree- ment to refer sucli dis- pute to arbitration ; the decision made by the arbitrator, and the defendant's acqui- escence therein. 186 INTERROGATORIES. bitrators hear the said complainant and defendant, and did or not such arbitrator or arbitrators make any and what award or decision or give any and what opinion touching the matters so referred to him or them ? And was or not the said defendant ever and when and where and by whom and how or in what manner informed or made acquainted with such award decision or opinion, and did he or not then or at any other time or times and when make any and what declarations respecting the same, and did he or not ap- pear to be satisfied therewith? Declare &c. To prove the receipt of dividends upon a sum of stock by the plaintiff. * Do you or not know, and if yea, how and by what means, whether the said complainant H. S. ever and when and of whom and in what manner received any and what sum or sums of money and to what amount for or in respect or on account of the dividends due upon the sum of o£700. 3 per cent, consolidated bank annuities in the pleadings of this cause mentioned, and in particular do you know whether she received such dividends or any part thereof and from whom subsequently to the day of ? Declare &c. EXHIBITS. To prove as exhibits the abstracts of title received by the wit- ness as solicitor for the defendant. * Were you or not at any time and when during what space of time in particular employed by the said defendant J. G. in the pleadings in this cause named, as his attorney or solicitor ? If yea, Look upon the exhibits now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked respectively (A) and (B), the one marked (A) indorsed as purporting to be an ' abstract of the title of E. F. M.' &c. and the one marked (B), indorsed as purporting to be a * further abstract of the title of E. F. M.' &c. ; Did you at any time or times and when in particular as the solicitor or attorney of the said J. G. receive the said exhibits re- spectively or either and which of them from any person or persons and whom by name, either on their or his own be- half or on the behalf of any and what other person or persons? And are the said exhibits respectively in the same state and condition in which they respectively were at the time you received the same from such person or persons or how otherwise 2 Declare &:c. INTERROGATORIES. Interrogatories for examination of an accountant relative to an account made out by him of the dealings between deceased persons. Outline of the plaintiff's case. G. G. the husband of the plaintiff was agent to D. de- fendant's husband in L., and as D. made remittances to G. who paid money for D. in the capacity of agent, an account was opened between them; G. died. The person to whom these interrogatories were administered was employed after G.'s death to settle the accounts between him and D., afterwards D. died. The plain- tiff brought her bill praying an account, and alleging that a sum of money remained due to her from the estate of D. 1st. [As to knowledge of the parties; see p. 152, antea."] 2d. Were you or not ever and when employed by any and what person or persons and whom by name, to make out any account of the dealings and transactions between the said G. G. and T. D. in their respective life-times ? And if yea, When did you receive from the said complainant any books papers or writings for such purpose, and particularly whether or not any and what books or book which were or was or appeared to have been kept by or for the said G. G. in his life-time for the purpose of making entries of any and what kind relating to dealings between him and the said T. D. ? Look upon the books now produced &c. W ere or was the same or either and which of them ever and when delivered unto you by or on behalf of the said complainant for such purpose or on such occasion or for what other purpose or on what other occasion, and what do the same respectively purport to be ? Declare &c. od. Did you or not ever and when or about what time in any and what manner apply to the said T. D. to deliver or send up to you or furnish you with any books or book of account papers or paper matters or things for or towards enabling you to make out or assisting you to make out the account of dealings and transactions between the said G.G. and T. D., and did or not the said T. D. ever and when or in what manner deliver or send unto you any and what books or book of account papers or writings for such purpose or 187 EXHIBITS. To prove that witness was employed to make out the accounts ; also to prove as ex.- hiblts the hooks de- livered to hitn on the part of the plaintiff, which had been kept by her deceased hus- band. To prove applicatiouM made to the dcfend- aiifs late htisbandfor his books of account ; also prove the same as exhibits. 188 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. To prove as anexhlhit the account made out by icitness, or a copy thereof, and whether the same is true or false. To prove that a copy of Ike accoimt as made out by the icitncss was sent to the deceased husband of the de- fendant. To prove meetingshad by the witness with the husband of the de- fendant ill order to the settling of the account drarcn out, what pass- ed thereat and what acknoivledgmcv ts were made by him. in consequence of such application? Look on the books papers and writings &c. Were or was the same or any or either and which of them dehvered or sent unto you by the said T. D. on such occasion or for such purpose, and what do the same produced books papers and writings re- spectively purport to be ? Declare &c. 4t]i. Did you or not ever and when draw out any account in writing of or concerning the dealings or transactions of all or any and what kinds which were had or passed be- tween the said G. G. and T. D. for any and how long time or times and from and to what times? Did you or not pre- viously to or in order to the drawing out of such account, carefully or otherwise and how examine inspect or peruse all or any and which of the books papers or writings which were delivered or sent unto you for such purpose by or on behalf of the said complainant and the said T. D. respectively or by or on behalf of either and which of them ? Look upon the book or writing &c. Is the same or not the account which, if any, was so drawn out by you, or a true copy there- of? Doth the said book or paper marked contain a just and true account of all dealings and transactions between the said G. G. and T. D. for the time for which the same appears to be an account, or are there any and what errors omissions or false charges therein and for what reason? Point, out all such errors omissions and false charges and how the same happened therein ? Declare &c. 5th. Whether or no was a copy of the account which, if any, was drawn out by you as is inquired after in the 4tli interrogatory, at or about any and what time delivered or sent and by whom unto the said T. D. ? Was the same or not a true copy of the said book or writing &c. or did the copy which, if any, was so sent or delivered, in any and what respect differ or vary from the said produced books or v/ritings marked &c. ? Declare &c. 6th. Whether or not were any meetings had and how many in number between you and the said T. D. for or in order to the settling examining or considering of the said ac- count which, if any, was drawn out by you as is inquired after in the 4th interrogatory ? If yea. When or about what time and where were such meetings had, and how long were you and he together at each of such times ? Did or not the saidT. D. at all or any and which of such meetings with any and what degree of care or attention or otherwise and INTERROGATORIES. 189 how, examine the whole or any and what part of such ac- count and all or any and which of the articles therein ; and were or not any and what books papers or writings in- spected or examined by him and you or one and which of you at such meetings or either and which of them? Set forth what passed between you and the said T. D. at such meeting touching the settling or adjusting inspecting or ex- amining of the said account or in any manner relating to the several items or charges therein, and how the said T. D. at such respective meetings expressed himself relating thereto ; Did or did not the said T. D. at any time and which of such meetings or at any and what other time in any and what manner acknowledge or allow the said ac- count or any and what particulars thereof to be just and true ? And did he or not finally make any and what ob- jections thereto, or to any and what articles matters or things in his favor and to what amount ? 7th. [To prove in evidence the acJcnowledgments made by the deceased husband of the defendant, in his own hajnd- ivriting, contained in an account book ; see the 3d interro- gator?/ inserted in p. 158, afifea.^ 8th. [To prove remittances of bills of exchange; the same interrogatory as inserted postea, p. 249.] Lastly. [The concluding generalinterrogatory ; see p. 153, antea.l^ EXHIBITS. * Do you know L. N. in the pleadings named, and how long and in what character were you acquainted with him, and can you [or are you able] by any and what means [to] speak to his hand-writing? Declare the truth, and your utmost knowledge remembrance and belief herein. * Look at the exhibit now produced and shown to you marked with the letter and purporting to be a certain diary or account kept by the said L.N. between the months of January and October 1780; Whether or no is the same such diary or account, and in whose hand-writing is the said diary or account, and in what character or capacity was the same kept or written by the said L. N. or by any other and what person by name ? Declare the truth &c. [ ut supra. ] To prove the hand- writing of and also to prove as an ex- hibit a diary or ac- cotmi kept by a land agent to a proprietor of extensive coalmines 190 INTEfeROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. To prove the signa- ture to an agree^ tnent by some person acquainted with the party^s hand-writing. To prove the signa- ture of a deceased person to an agree- ment, by persons ac- quainted tcith his hand-writing . To prove witnesses signature to an agree- ment as agent for or on behalf of the de- fendant ; ichat passed previously to his sign- ing the same, and whether the defend- ant approved thereof. To prove the exe- itution of an agree- ment ichich had been signed by the agent of ojie of the parlies thereto ; Look upon the paper-writing now produced and sho^vn to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (A) ; Whether or no are you by any and what means acquainted with the character and manner of hand- writing of the said defendant L D. ? And whether or no is the name I. D. appearing to be set and subscribed to the said produced paper-writing of the proper hand-writing of the said defendant I. D. as you know or beheve? De-^ clare &c. Whether or no were you acquainted with R. D. late of — '■ — but now deceased, and did you ever see the said R» D. write, or are you by any and what other means ac- quainted with the character or manner of hand-writing of the said R. D. ? Look upon the paper-writing now pro- duced &c. Whether or no is the name R. D. appearing to be set and subscribed to the said produced paper-writing marked (A) of the proper hand-writing of the said R. D< or as you know or believe ? Declare &c. Look at the paper-writing marked with the letter (A) and now produced &c. Whether or no is your name appearing to be set and subscribed thereto for the said defendant of your proper hand-writing ? If yea, When did you so set and subscribe your name thereto, and whether or no had you the instruction or direction of the said defendant to sign such paper or any such paper, or to make any such agree- ment or any other and what agreement with the said com- plainant ; or did you at any time and when previously in- form him or intimate to him that you would on his part sign such paper or make any agreement to any such or what other effect with the said complainant, and did he approve of such your intention or how otherwise ; or did you at any time and when first afterwards inform him or in any and what manner intimate to him that you had such paper or made any agreement to any effect with the said complainant and did he approve thereof or how otherwise, or with what authority and with what intention did you so sign and sub- scribe the said paper-writing or agreement? Set forth &c. * Are you acquainted with the character or manner of hand-writing of the said M. S. and the said A.W. and J.W. or either and which of them ? If yea, Look on the paper- writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of INTERROGATORIES. your examlhation marked with the letter (A) purporting to be an agreement between the said M. S. on behalf of the said A.W. and the said J. F. bearing date , and at the names M. S. and J. F. thereunto subscribed, and declare whether the same be of the respective hand-writing of the said M. S. and J. F. as you know or for any and what reason believe ? And look at the name A. G. set and subscribed as an attesting witness to the execution of the said agreement, and is the same of your proper hand-writing, and did you see the execution of the said agreement by the said M. S. and J. F. or either and which of them ? And look at the memorandum indorsed on the said agreement purporting to be a ratification of the said agreement by the said A.W. and the name A.W. thereunto set and subscribed ; Is the said name of the proper hand-writing of the said A.W. as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Declare &c. 191 EXHIBITS. And the memorandum indorsed, signed by suck party, ratifying the act of her agent. * Do you know the character and manner of hand-writing of ? If yea, Look upon the exhibits now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked respectively and purporting to be bills of ex- change and promissory notes drawn indorsed or accepted by the said , and look at the names thereon re- spectively written as drawer indorser or acceptor of the said bill or bills of exchange promissory note or promissory notes or some and which of them ; Are the names • thereon respectively written of the proper hand-writing of the said as you know or for any and what reason believe? Declare &c. To prove bills of ex- change, promissory notes, Sfc. Look upon the bond or paper-writing now produced &c. Whether or no was the said produced writing at any time and when signed sealed and delivered or in any and what manner executed by any person and whom in your pre- sence ? And is your name set and subscribed as a witness thereto of your proper hand-writing, or whether or no were you acquainted with any person or persons whose name or names appear to be set or subscribed to the said bond or paper-writing as a witness or witnesses thereto ? And To prove the execu^ tion of a bond by a subscribing witness, or if dead, by persons acquainted with the hand-writing of the suhsciibing witness or witnesses. 192 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. did you ever see such person or persons write, or were you by any and what other means acquainted with the character or manner of hand-writing of such person or persons? And is or are the name or names of such person or persons so set and subscribed to the said bond or paper-writing of his her or their proper hand-writing? And whether or no is or are such person or persons now hving or dead, and if dead, when and where did he she or they die as you do for any and what reason know or beheve ? Set forth &c. To prove the prepare ing a bond by witness as solicitor to a per- son since dead, for se- curing payment of a sum of money by the plaintiffs ; also to prove the bond as an exhibit ; the objection taken by them to the bond being prepai'ed as a common money bond; also to prove as an exhibit the minute made by tvitness of the actual coiisidei- ation of the bond and by whose desire, or to prove the contents and purport thereof. Interrogatories to be exhibited &c. [ see J). 148, antea,^ in a cause wherein J. L. the elder and J. L. the younger are plain- tiffs, and E. T. and J. G. are defendants, on the part and behalf of the said com- plainants. 1st. [The general interrogatory as to knowledge of par- ties; see p. 152, antea.l 2d. Whether or no were you in the year employed by T. C. late of in the county of but now de- ceased and in the pleadings in this cause named as his attorney? Whether or no did you in that character or otherwise at any time and when in or about the month of ^ prepare a bond to be executed by the said complain- ants for the payment of the sum of „£"• to the saidT. C? Look upon the paper-writing now produced &c. ; Whether or no is such paper-writing the said bond so prepared by you as aforesaid ? Whether or no did the said complainants or either of them in the presence of the said T. C. or otherwise object to the said bond being prepared as a common money bond, and for what reason and what passed thereupon between the said complainants or either of them and the said T. C. or yourself, and whether or no were you at any time and when desired by any person and whom and in whose presence to make a minute in writing of the actual consideration of the said bond, or to any such or the like and what effect, and whether or no did you make any such minute, and whether or no with the consent or in the presence of the said T. C, and whether or no did you then or at any time and when read over such minute to or in the presence of the said T. C. and the said complainants INTERROGATORIES. 1.M3 or either of them; and did the said T. C. make any and what observation thereupon ? Look upon the paper-writing now produced &c. Whether or no is the said paper-writing the minute so written by you as aforesaid, or what hath be- come of such minute, and set forth the contents and pur- port thereof to the best and utmost of your recollection and belief? Declare &c. 3d. Look upon the paper-writing now produced &c. Whe- ther or no is your name set and subscribed as a witness thereto of your proper hand-writing ? When and where and in whose presence did you so set and subscribe your name as a witness thereto ? Whether or no previously to the ex- ecution of the said bond did any conversation pass between the said complainants or either of them and T. C. in the said bond named, as to the consideration of the said bond ? If yea, Set forth the particulars of such conversation and what was said thereon by the said T. C. and the said com- plainants or either of them or any other person or persons to or in the presence or hearing of the said T. C ? De- clare &c. Lastly. {The last general interrogatory ; see p. 153, antea.'\ Observations. — The bill charges the bond to have been given for the purchase of T. C.'s interest in two farms, farm and farm. By the answer it appears that T. C. had not at that time farm, and there is therefore a plain mistake in the bill, which ought to be amended before the replication is filed. The motion to amend should be amend- ing defendant's office-copy, and requiring no further an- swer and will create therefore no delay. Inquiry ought to be made of Mr. H. as to this minute in writing. If he has it he must be served with a subpoena duces tecurn to pro- duce it upon his examination. If he delivered it over it may be necessary to give notices or to take other measures before parol evidence can be given by Mr. H. of its con- tents. EXHIBITS. To prove the witness's attestation of the bond, and what conversation passed between the plaintiff's and the ob^ liyee as to the consi~ deration of the bond. Look upon the two bonds or paper-writings now pro- duced and shown to you at this the time of your examina- tion marked with the letters (A) and (B) ; Whether or no were or was the same or either and which of them made and executed by you at the times they respectively bear Vol. II. ' N 7o prove the execu- tion of two bonds, and nndcr what cir- cumstances. 194 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. date or when else and under what circumstances and for what considerations respectively, and on what terms and conditions were you articled as a clerk to the testator W. G. in the pleadings in this cause named ? Declare &c. To prove that a case was laid before coun- sel, and by whom, and the points submitted for counsel's opinion. To prove as an ex- hibit the case which was laid before coun- sel, with his opinion thereunder written ; Also to prove xvhether witness, by the direc- tion of a deceased person, or of his own suggestion, laid any other case before coun- sel relative to the mat- ters before submitted to counsel. * Whether or ho was any case during the life of the said Sir T. B. submitted to any and what counsel or other legal person and whom by name for his advice and opinion upon any matters relating to the said memorandum of agreement or release or either and which of them, and if yea, by whom was such case so submitted and by whose authority and directions, and what were the points thereby submitted for such opinion and advice ? Set forth &c. * Look upon the exhibit or paper-writing now produced and shown to you marked with the letters Z. Z. and pur- porting to be a case stated by you the before-named M. S. for the opinion of C. F. esq. formerly of Bream's Buildings, with his opinion thereon, dated the 24th day of August ] 790 ; Whether or no are the same such case and opinion respectively and by whom was the said case drawn up and prepared and in whose hand-writing is the same, and is the opinion thereunder written in the hand-writing of the said C. F. or was the same written by his authority and dictation as you do for any and what reason know or believe, and did you receive the same in answer to the case so submitted to the said C. F. as aforesaid ; And whether or no did you or any other person being the agent of or in any manner em- ployed by the said Sir T. B. or by the said defendants or either of them prior to or in the month of September 1790, submit any other case than that set forth in the last men- tioned exhibit upon any other question concerning the said memorandum of agreement and release or either and which of them for the opinion and advice of the said C. F. or any and what other counsel or legal person for his advice or opinion ; And whether or no did you state such case and take such opinion of your own authority or suggestion or by any direction from the said Sir T. B. for that purpose; And whether or no did he ever know of such opinion being taken or hear of or see the same ? Set forth &c. INTERROGATORIES. 195 * Look upon the paper or exhibit now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked (A); From whom and upon what occasion did you receive the same, and was the same deUvered to you or to any other person to your knowledge or behef and by whom as a particular or catalogue of any and what sale ? Declare &c. EXHIBITS. To j)rove a catalogue of sale as an exhibit. Whether or no doth the said produced writing marked A. contain the words following or any and what other words, that is to say ; [ Setting out the instrumeiit verbati?7i. ] Have you or not at any time and when and with whom examined and compared the said produced writing with the words set forth in this interrogatory as being a copy thereof? Declare &c. To prove the contents of an exhibit. * Whether or no did the said defendant C. L. as you do or for any and what reason believe deliver or cause to be delivered unto the said S. D. in his life-time a written account or any writing purporting to be an account of some debt or debts or sum or sums of money that was or were due or owing by or from the said S. D. to the said defendant C. L.? If yea, In what character and language was such account or writing written or made out, and when or about what time was the same delivered to the said S. D. and what was or were the particular or particulars of such debts or debt sum or sums of money, and how much did the same amount unto in the whole as you know remember or beheve? Whether or no did the said S. D. as you know or do for any and what reason beheve peruse or examine the said account? Did or did not the said S.D. ever de- liver the said account to you ? If yea, When or about what time and for what purpose did he deliver the said account to you ? Did you or did you not by the order or direction of the said S. D. or otherwise and how at any time and when make or write a true copy of the said account? If yea, In what language and character and for what purpose was such copy made or written, and was or was not such copy at any time and when and by whom delivered to tJie said S. D.? And did or did not the said S. D. at any time or times and when peruse or examine the said copy. To prove as an ex' hibit the copy made by witness by the di- rection of a deceased person, of an account ichich had been de- Uvered to him of mo- nies owing by him ; ill ivhat lanyuuye the account and the copy thereof wc7-e written ; the observations tvhich the deceased wrote on the copy, and in what hmguayc ; and re- quiring the witness to translate the copy, distinguishing his oicn and the deceased's hand-ioriting . 19^ iKTERROGATORIEf;. EXHIBITS* 1 Ti , T, , . , . If.. and dul he or did he not m his own hand-writing or other- wise and how and in what languacre and character and at or about what time or times make or write any and what minutes memorandums or observations on the said copy ? Whether or no is the paper-writing marked with the letter (B) and now produced by you, or any and what parts or part thereof of your own hand-writing? If yea. How much or what part or parts thereof is or are of your own hand-writing ? And how much and what part or parts thereof is or are of the hand-writing of any other person or persons and whom as you know or do for any and what reason believe ? Is or is not the said paper-writing marked with the letter ( B ) the copy which was fiiade or taken by you of the aforesaid account ? If yea, Translate the said paper-writing marked with the letter (B) and all the mi- nutes memorandums and observations written or made thereon into and set forth the same in the English language, and in making such translation distinguish and point out the English- of so much or of such part or parts of the said paper-writing as was or were written by you, and also the English of so much or of such part or parts of the said paper-writing as was or were written by any other person or persons and whom ? Declare &c. To prove a copy of Look upon the said paper-writing or agreement now pro- uii mjreewcitt hucnKj duced See ; Whether or no did you at any time and when Li' / '1^'*^' " ''' and where deliver to the said defendant any paper-writing purporting to be a copy of the said paper-writing, and was the same a true copy thereof? And whether or no did you at the time of delivering such copy produce to the said de- fendant the said original paper-writing or read the same to liim, and did any thing and what pass between you and the said defendant thereupon ? Declare &c. To prove as an ex- * Look upon the exhibit now produced and shown to ycu hibitacopyofndraft ^^ ^i^j^ ^^xe time of your examination marked ; Is or vreviovalii to any ol- , , , i . i i i i^ tnafku>i beinq made 1'"*' ^^'"^ ^'i'"^' ^'-'^^ copy made or caused to be made by you oi therein. INTERROGATORIES. 197 the said draft lease previously to the alterations made therein ? And is or not the said exhibit a true and exact copy of such draft lease previously to such alterations? jDeclare &c. EXHIBITS. * Look upon the paper-writing or exhibit now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter ■ ; Did you compare or examine the same with any and what books or book of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England or with any and what book or books entry or entries or not ? If yea, Doqs the same contain a true copy of such book or books entry or entries with which you so examined or compared the same or not ? Declare &c. To prove a copy of an entry of stock in the Bank stock books. Look upon the parchment-writing now produced &c. pur- j^orting to be a copy of a court roll ; Did you at any time or times and when carefully examine the same with the court roll of any and what manor by name ? If yea, Is the same sx true copy of the court-rpU of which the same purports to be a copy as you know or believe ? Declare &c. Look upon the paper-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (A) ; Did you at any time or times and when and where examine the same with any entries or entry ■thereof made in the court rolls or court books of the manor of M. in the county of H. and are or is the same or any and which of them true copies or a true copy of such en- tries or entry? Declare the truth and your knowledge herein. Look upon the paper-writings now produced and shown unto you at this the time of your examination marked with the letters A., B. &c. ; Whether or no did you at any time and when and where examine the same with any entries thereof made in any and what court rolls of the manor of K. in the pleadings in this cause mentioned ? And whether or no are the same true copies of such entries ? Declare &c. To prove a copy of a court roll. To jnove as an ex- hibit a copy made of entries on the court rolls (in jiroving the customs of a manor.) To prove copies of cntrl -s on the court rolls. 198 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. To -prove a copy of an entry in a parisk register book. To prove copies of en- tries in reyister books of births, burials, Sfc. To prove copies of en- tities in registers of baptisms, burials, i^'c. In whose custody the registers were, to lohom the entries re- late, and by what weans witness ivas ac- quainted ivith them. To prove, copies of en- tries in parish regis- ters as relating toper- sons mentioned in the pleadings, and the degree of relationship which svch persons bore to a deceased person. Look upon the paper-writing now produced &c. Did you at any time and when and where carefully examine the same with any entry thereof made in the register book of any and what parish or place ? If yea, Whether or no is the same a true copy of such entry ? Declare &c. Look upon the paper-writings now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked re- spective'.y with the letters A., B. &c. ; Whether or no did you at any time and when and where carefully examine the same with any entries thereof made in the register books of any and what parishes or places and are the same true copies of such entries respectively ? Declare &c. * Look upon the writings now produced to you marked No. L &c. What do the same severally purport or ap- pear to be ? Did you ever and when examine the same or any and which of them with any and what registers or re- gister of baptisms or burials kept in any and what parish or place ? If yea, When did you so examine the same, and in whose custody or power were or was such registers or register respectively? Are or is such produced writings true copies or transcripts of any and what entries in such re- gisters or register concerning any and what person or per- sons, and who is or are or was or were such person or per- sons respectively as you know or for any and what reason believe, and particularly were you ever and when and by what means acquainted with such person or persons re- spectively ? Declare &c. * Look upon the paper- writings now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked re- spectively with the letters ; Did you compare and ex- amine them or either and which of them with the register books of or kept for any aisd what parishes or places, and are they or is either and which of them true copies or a true copy of any and what entry or entries in any and which of such register books as you know or for any and what reason believe ? And do any or either and which of such exhibits as you for any and what reason know or believe relate to the births marriages or deaths of any or either and which of the persons mentioned in the pleadings of this cause ? And what degree of relationship did such persons respectively bear to the said intestate J. N. ? Declare &c. I INTERROGATORIES. 199 What is the proper Ecclesiastical Office for the probate of wills of persons dying in the parish of W., commonly called in the county of W. ? Whether or no have you carefully examined such office for the purpose of finding wills of J. C. late of &c. who died in or about the year , and of T. C. late of , who died in or about the year ? If yea, Have you found any will of the said J. C. or of the said T. C. or either and which of them, or doth it appear that administration of the goods chattels rights and credits of the said J. C. or of the said T. C. was at any time and when granted to any person or persons and to whom ? Look upon the paper-writings now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letters A. B. &c. ; Whether or no are the same true copies of entries in the register books of the said Ecclesiastical Office ? Set forth &c, EXHIBITS. To prove search made for wills of particular persons, and discovery made of grants of letters of administra- tion to their estates ; also to prove copies of entries in the register books of the Ecclesi- astical Office. * Did you at any time and when receive any and what hand-bills from any person or persons and whom by name relating to or for the discovery of A. G. in the pleadings of this cause named ? If yea, Look upon th6 exhibit now pro- duced and shown to you at this the time of your exami- nation ; Is the same a true copy of such hand-bills as you know or for any and what reason believe, and did you dis- tribute or cause to be distributed any and what number of such hand-bills of which the said exhibit is a copy in any and what place or places and by any and what means ? De- clare &c. To prove as an exhibit a copy of hand-bills distributed for the dis- covery of a person. Look upon the paper-writings now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked re- spectively with the letters F. G. &c. ; Whether or no did you at any time and when and where carefully examine the same with any writings or inscriptions upon any and what tomb-stones or monuments in any and what churches or church-yards ? If yea. Whether or no ai'e the same true copies of such writings or inscriptions respectively ? De- clare &c. To prove copies of inscriptions on tomb- stones. 200 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. To prove the copy of « judgment. To prove copies of judgments. * Look upon the paper-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked , and purporting to be a copy of a judgment in his Majesty's Court of at Westminster, in a certain cause in which are plaintiffs and defendants. Did you compare and examine the said paper-writing with any and what record or roll, and where did you so examine and compare the same, and is the same a true copy of such record or judgment? Declare &c. * Look upon the paper-writings now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination respectively, marked with the letters , and respectively purporting to be copies of judgments in his Majesty's Court of at Westminster against the saidE.F. Did you compare or examine all or either and which of such paper-writings or writing with any and what record or roll, and where did you so examine or compare the same or either and which of them, and are or is the same or either and which of them true copies or a true copy of such records or record or Judgment or judgments respectively? Declare &c. To pTove the copy of an. inqvisition of lu- nacy, and of the order directing a traverse. \^The cnmmissliDi of lunacy tiling undir tlic great seal piuvis itself.] * Look upon the paper-writings or exhibits now produce^ and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked respectively . Did you compare and examine both or either and which of such exhibits with any and, what original filed or kept in any and what office ? And when did you so examine and compare the same or either and which of them respectively, and are they or is either and which of them respectively true copies or a true copy of such originals respectively ? Declare &c. To prove as exliihits cophs of maps or plans and. of a book of reference, the ori(/i- iials whereof were di- rected by A ct of Par- liament to be deposited in a particular office ; also to prove, that a piece of land and stone ijtiarry were conipris- td in the original maps. * Have you or not ever and when examined the maps or plans and book of reference mentioned and referred to in and by the Act of Parliament in the pleadings in this cause mentioned ? If yea, Where were such maps or plans and book of reference then kept or deposited f Look upon the maps or plans and book of reference now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letters ; Are or is such last-mentioned maps or plans and book of reference or either and which of thern so far as the same relate to the piece of ground mentioned INTERROGATORIES. 201 or described in the said original maps or plans and book of reference mentioned or referred to in and by the said Act of Parliament as No. 15 in the parisli of , true and correct copies or a true and correct copy of such original maps or plans and book of reference ? And have you or not at any time and when examined the same with such original maps or plans and book of reference ? Were or not the said piece or parcel of land and quarry in the preceding interrogatory mentioned comprised or included in the said original maps or plans and book of reference under the said description of No. 1 5 in the parish of at the time of the passing of the said Act of Parliament as you know or do for any and what reason believe ? Declare &c. EXHIBITS. * Look upon the exhibit now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter ; Is the said exhibit a true copy of any and what original paper, and did you or not at any time and when compare the said exhibit with any and what original paper I And did you or not at any time and when in particular serve upon or deliver to any and what person or persons upon any and what occasion and by whose grder or direction, the said original paper of which the said exhibit is a true copy, and what did such person or persons say at the time of the service or delivery of such original paper, and by whom was such original paper signed, and how do you know who signed such original paper ? Declare &c. To prove the copy of a notice, and when such notice was serv- ed, by w'hosc direc- tion, and by whom signed. * Are you acquainted with any custom existing at the Bank of England as to keeping letters of attorney by which persons entitled to or possessed of stock authorize others to accept such stock in their names and to receive and give receipts for dividends upon such stock ? If so, Set forth what such custom is ; And look upon the paper-writing pro- duced and shown to you at this the time of your examina- tion marked with the letter (A) ; Is the said writing a true and exact copy of any and what letter of attorney formerly and when and by whom and for what purpose deposited with and now in the custody of the said Bank of England or how otherwise ? Declare &c. To prove the custom at the Bank of Eng- land of retaining powers of attorney to receive dividends ; Also to prove as an exhibit a copy of a power of attorney there deposited. 202 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. To prove copies of records. To prove copies of orig inn I ivritings, a u d in whose custody the same icere, mid the purport thereof. *Look upon the parchment or paper-writings produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked respectively with the letters A. &c. ; Whether or no do or doth the same or any or either and which of them contain a true copy or copies of any and what record or records of any and what court or courts of any and what original or originals of which the same do or doth purport to be a copy or copies ? Have you or not carefully examined or comjiared the said produced papers or writings or either and which of them, with such, if any, record or records or other original or originals, and when where and with whom ? Declare &c. * Look upon the paper-writings now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination, and marked with the letters ; Vv hat do the same severally purport or appear to be ? Are or is the same or any and which of them true copies or transcripts or a true copy or transcript of the whole or any and what part of any and what ori- ginal writings or writing, and did you examine and compare the said produced writings or any and which of them, and in whose custody or power were such original writings re- spectively or any and which of them at the time you sq examined and compared such produced writings therewith respectively ? What did such original writings purport or appear to be ? Declare &c. To prove the register' ing of a deed by a copy of the registry, and the indorsement of such registration on the exhibit. * Look upon the exhibit now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (B) ; Is or not such exhibit a true copy of any and what register or enrolment of any and what deed in any and what office for registering of deeds in any and what county ? And did you or not compare such exhibit with any and what record or original enrolment in any and what office for the registering of deeds in any and what county ? And do you or not know when such enrolment was made? And is not such register or enrolment the register of the said exhibit marked (A) in the preceding interrogatory men- tioned and referred to ? And is not such register or enrol- ment indorsed on the said exhibit marked (A), and is or not the said indorsement a true copy of the registry of the said deed in the register book for any and what county ? Declare iS;c. INTERROGATORIES. 203 * Look at the parchment-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (B) purporting to be a counterpart copy of a lease from the said A. W. to the said J. H. bearing date the day of ; Did you or did you not examine the said coun- terpart with any and what deed from to J. K. of , EXHIBITS. and is or not the said parchment-writing a true copy of the same ? Declare &c. To ■prove as an exhibit a counterpart of a lease, and that the same corresponded with a former lease of the same premises. * Do you or not hold any and what office under the Ecclesiastical Corporation of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of S. ? If yea, Do you or not know the common seal of and which is used by the said Corporation ? If yea, Look at the exhibit marked and now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination, and look at the seal thereto fixed and annexed ; Is the said seal the common seal of the said Corporation of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of S. ? And if yea, By whose order direction and authority and when and by whom was the said seal affixed or annexed to 4;he said exhibit as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Declare &c. To prove a corpora- tion seal affixed to a deed. * Was or not the said testator J. M. deceased at the time of liis death justly and truly indebted to the said com- plainant in any and what sum or sums of money on simple- contract ? If yea, Look upon the paper-writing now pro- duced and shown to you at this the time of your exami- nation marked ; Does or not the said paper-writing contain a just or true account of the particulars of such debt or debts, and are or not the charges therein contained fair and reasonable as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Declare &c. To prove the debt due to the plaintiff ac- cording to the par- ticulars contained in an exhibit. Look upon the deed or writing now produced &c. ; Whe- ther or no was such deed or writing at any time and when signed sealed or delivered in your presence by any person or persons and whom ? And were you a subscribing witness To prove the execu- tion of a deed by the subscribing wiincssm 204 INTERROGATORIEg. EXHIBITS. To j)rove a innrriac/c scttU'inciit by the isitb- SLiibinfj icitnesscs. 7'(9 'prove the cxccv- iinn of a deed and puiftnoit of the con- sidcration-woney by the subscribiny icit- nesscs. to the signing sealing or delivery thereof by such person or persons ? And is your name indorsed and set as a sul^- scribing witness thereto of your proper hand-writing t De- clare 6cc. * Look upon the [ paper or] parchment-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your exa- mination marked with the letter (A) and purporting to be a settlement made on the marriage of the said J. B. with the said A. R. ; Did you or not see the same signed sealed and delivered and by whom respectively and when and where and in whose presence ? And look upon the names subscribed thereto ; Are such respective names of the respective hand-writing of the said ? And look upon the names ■ signed as witnesses to the said exhibit ; Is either and which of those names of your proper hand-writ- ing, and did you see either and which of the said other M-itnesses write their names as witnesses thereto, and were you and such other witnesses present at the time the re- spective parties or either and which of them signed sealed and delivered the said deed ? Declare &c. * Look upon the exhibit noAv produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked Avith the letter (A), and look upon the indorsement on the back of the said exhibit ; Did you or not at any time and when see the said exhibit sealed and delivered by any and what person or per- sons and delivered as the act and deed of any and what person or persons and whom by name ? And did yoq or not see the indorsement or acknowledgment at the back of the said exhibit signed and by whom, and did you or not see the money in the said acknowledgment mentioned to have been received paid and by and to whom ? And are the names indorsed and set as one of the subscribing witnesses to the sealing and delivery of the said exhibit and the re- ceipt of the said consideration-money of your own proper hand-writing? And are the names and characters in- dorsed and set as the names of the other subscribing wit- nesses attesting the sealing and delivery of the said exhibit and the receipt of the said consideration-money of the pro- per hand-writing of the said or whom else, and did you see the said set his name as a subscribing witness to the due execution of the said exhibit and the receipt of the cunteidcratiun-muney l Declare ivc. INtElRKO(iATORIES. 205 * Look upon the exliibit or exhibits now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked , and look upon the indorsement on the back of the said exhibit or exhibits respectively ; Did j^Ou or not at any time and when see the said exhibit or exhibits or either and which of them sealed and delivered by any and what person or persons and delivered as the act arid deed of any arid what person or persons and by whom respectively by name ? And did you or not see the indorsement or indorsements acknowledgment or acknowledgments at the back of the said exhibit or exhibits and either and which of them signed by any and what person or persons and by whom by name, and were you or not a subscribing witness to the seal- irig SLnd delivering of the said exhibit or exhibits or either and which of them by any and which of the parties thereto, and to the signing of tlie receipt or receipts for the said consideration-money by any and what person or persons, and is your name set or subscribed as such witness to such, sealing and ddivering arid to such receipt respectively of your own hand-writing, and is or are the name ot names of the other subscribing witness or witnesses attesting the sealing and delivering of the said exhibit or exhibits or either and which of them or the receipt or receipts of the said consideration-money of the proper hand-writing of such re- spective witnesses or either and which of them, and set forth how and by what means you are acquainted with the character or manner of hand-writing of the said other witnesses to the said exhibits or either and which of them, and did they or either and which of them sign and attest the execution of the said exhibit or exhibits arid either and which of them by any and what person or persons and the indorsement on the back thereof by any and what person or persons in your presence ? Declare &c. Look upon the deeds or parchment-writings now pro- duced &c. ; Whether or no were or was the said produced writings or either and which of them at any time and when signed sealed and delivered or in any and what manner exe- cuted by any persons or person and whom in your pre- sence, and is your name set and subscribed as a witness thereto of your proper hand-writing? Look upon the writ- ing indorsed upon the back of the said deed or parchment writing marked (B) and purporting to be a receipt for the EXIIIDITS. Gciieruliiitorogatory to prove tilt cxecutioit of one or more deeds In/ the subscribing witnesses, and the sig- natures to the re- ceipts indorsed. [ Where the instruclioiis furnished ,ure not suffici' entlij accuratc.~\ Td prove the execn- fiofi of deeds, and the sigudture to a receipt indorsed on the back of one of them. 206 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. sum of £ ; Whether or no was such writing so indorsed at any time and when signed by any person and whom in your presence, and is your name set and subscribed as a M'itness thereto of your proper hand-wi'iting ? Set forth &c. To -prove as an ex- Mbit a lease which had been tendered to the defendant; also to prove applications made to him to accept the lease and execute a counterpart, and the reasons of his re- fusal. [See the first interroga- tory in p. 203, anlea.~\ * Look at the parchment-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (C), purporting to be a lease from the said com- plainant A. W. to the said defendant, and bearing date ? Did you or not at any and what time and by whose order or direction tender the said lease and the counterpart in the preceding interrogatory mentioned or either and which of them to the said defendant, and did you or not at any and what time and by whose order and direction re- quest the said defendant to accept the said lease and execute the said counterpart, and did or did not the said defendant refuse to comply with such requests or either and which of them and for what reason as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Declare &c. To prove certain let- ters as having been written by the nitness, and the receipt of the sums therein men- tioned. To prove a letter uritten by the soli- citor of the defendants to the plaintiff's soli- citor. Look upon the paper-writings now produced &c. Whether or no were or was such produced writings or either and which of them or any and what part thereof, or the name H P appearing to be set and subscribed thereto of your proper hand-writing? And whether or no did you duly receive the several sums therein respectively mentioned or any and which of them according to the purport and effect of the said paper-writings or either of them ? De- clare &c. Look upon the paper-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (A) ; Of whose hand-writing is the said paper- writing and the name R. R. set and subscribed thereto, and the superscription or direction thereof as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Who acted as the solicitor or solicitors of the said complainant with respect to the pur- chases in the said bill of complaint mentioned ? And whe- ther or no did the said R. R. in any and what manner act with respect to the said purchases on the part and behalf of any and which of the said defeydants ? Declare &c. INTERROGATORIES. 207 Look upon the letter or paper-writing now produced &c. ; Whether or no is the said produced letter or paper and the signature thereto and the direction thereof or either and which of them of your proper hand-writing or of the proper hand-writing of any person and whom employed by you, or was such letter or paper-writing written by any person and whom by your direction and instruction or with your appro- bation or privity, and what was your motive or inducement for such letter or paper-writing being written and sent by you or by your direction or instruction or with your privity or approbation, and did not such motive or inducement equally apply to the said defendant T. B., and if not why ? Declate &e. EXHIBITS. To jii'ove a litter as beiny in the ti itucss's ou?i hand-writing, or as having beenwritten or sent by his direc- tion, and the motive or indncetnent for writing it. * Are you or not by any and what means acquainted with the character or hand-writing of L. N. in the pleadings in this cause named? Look upon the paper-writing or letter now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (A), and purporting to be a letter written by L. N., and bearing date the olst day of October 1789 ; In whose character or hand-writing is the said letter written, and in whose character or' hand-writing is the name L. N. signed or subscribed thereto, and when and upon what occasion was the said letter written ? Is or is not Mr. J. to whom the said letter purports to be directed the said defendant J. J. ? Whether or not did the said J. J. ever receive the said letter? Whether or not did you know or were you by any and what means acquainted with the said L. N. ? If yea, How long did you know him, and whether or not was he the steward or agent of Sir T. B. in the pleadings in this cause named ? Whether or not do you know the reason why or what it was that induced the said L. N. to write the said letter ? If yea, Wliether or not was the said letter written on account of or in consequence of any applications made to the said Sir T. B. or to the said L.N. respecting the purchase of the coals in the said letter men- tioned ? If yea. Set forth when and by whom such appli- cations were made and the purport and effect thereof, and all the particulars relating thei'eto ; set forth the situation of the lands under which the coals lay which were the subject of such applications ? What do you understand to have been the meaning of the words " Cold harbour &c. at Wibsey" in the said letter contained ? Do you know or can you set To prove a letter as an exhibit ; the hand-writing and signature and the oc- casion of its being written ; that it ivas written to one of the defendants, that he received the same, A ho to prove hmv lo7ig witness was acqvaint- ed with the person ivho ivrote the letter j that he teas steicard to Sir T. B. ; the reason which in- duced him to write the letter ; that it was in conse- quence of applications to purchase certain coal lands, and by whom made ; The meaning of a par- ticular expression in the letter ; 200 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. and whether ariTJ mect- intj took place respect- iiiy the purchase of the coals, and what 2)asiitd thereat. forth whether or not the said defendant J. J. or the said J. H. the elder after the said 31st of October 1789 had any interview or meeting with the said SirT. B. or with the said L. N. for the purpose of treating respecting the purchase of the coals in the said letter mentioned ? If yea, Set forth when and where anil upon what occasion such meeting took place, and set forth to the best of your remembrance and belief the cohversatiori that passed at such meetihg, and who v/as present thereat. To prove two letters as exhibits, and the hand-writing , signa- turqs, a7id .wperscrip- tions, and to whom addressed, and his situation in life ; also to prove the hand-writing of an indorsement on the back of one of them, and whether the ex- hibits are the original letters or copies or extracts therefrom. * Look upon the exhibits now produced and shown to yoju at this the time of your examination marked respectively with the letters , and purporting to be letters addressed by you to some person and whom by name, and dated re- spectively 18ch March 1811 and the 19th day of April in the same year; In whose hand-writing are the said two exhibits respectively and especially the signature and superscription, and to whom by name were the same respectively addressed and sent and by what means, and what was the situation or employment of the person to whom the said respective letters were so directed and sent, and by what means are you enabled to state that the same respectively were addressed and written to such persons ; and in whose hand-writing is the indorsement on the back of the said exhibit dated the 19tli of April 1811, and by what means are you enabled to state the same ? And w hether or no are or is the said exhibits re- spectively or either and which of them the original letters or letter addressed and sent by you as in the former part of this interrogatory mentioned or a copy or copies thereof or extract or extracts therefrom, and how do you know and are you enabled to state the same ? Declare the truth together with your means of knowing and reasons for be- lieving the same. To prove as an ex- hibit the mandate of indnction under the Bishop^ s seal. [Et vide poatea, p. 220.] Look upon the paper or parchment-writing now pro- duced &c. Whether or no is the seal appendant thereto the proper seal of the Bishop of , or is the name set and sub- scribed thereto the proper hand-writing of the said Bishop, and was the same so set and subscribed in your presence, and is your name set and subscribed as a witness thereto INTERROGATOHIES. 209 of your proper hand-writing ? And of whose hand-writing is the indorsement on the back of the said writing, and was the same written in your presence, and is your name sub- scribed as a witness thereto of your proper hand-writing ? Whether or no was the said complainant at any time and when and by Avhom inducted into the possession of the parish church of &c. in your presence and in the presence of any other person or persons and whom under and by virtue of such mandate? Declare See. EXHIBITS. Also to prove the hand-uritiiig of the indorsement thereon ; A nd whether the plaintiff' uasdvli/ in- ducted, and when and in lohose presence. Look upon the paper-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (B) ; Of whose hand-writing is the said paper-writing and the signature thereto and the superscription thereof? Whether or no was the said paper-writing sent to the said complainant or any person and whom on his behalf at any time and when by you or by your direction ? And whether or no were you employed as the solicitor or attorney of the said defendants R. R. and C. his wife and R.W. or any or either and which of them in the matter of the purchases made by the said complainant and in the said bill men- tioned? Declare &:c. Whether or no did you at any time in or about the year -, and on or about what day or days in particular de- liver to the said complainants respectively or either and which of them and where, any and what writing purporting to be a notice from the defendant of her desire that the defendant should not be disturbed in the possession of any and what house, or to any such or the like effect ? Was or not the name of the defendant subscribed thereto or to either and which of them? Were both such notices or writings in the same words and figures or in any and what respect different from each other ? Did you or not keep a copy of each or either and which of such notices or writings which if any were or was so delivered? Look upon the paper-wiiting now pro- duced and shown to you at this the time of your examina- tion marked with the letter (B); Is the same or not a true copy of each or either and which of the notices or writings which if any were or was so delivered ? Did you or not ever examine and compare the said produced writing with the notices or writings so delivered or with either and which of them? Declare &c. Vol. II. o To prove a notice sent to the pla/ntiff"s solicitor by the so- licitor for the defend- ants, and the hand- writinr/ , signature, and address. To prove service of notices vpon the plain- tiff's, hy whom signed, and the contents there- oj ; also to prove as an. exhibit a copy mace by witness of the nc- itces. 210 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. To prove a printed particular of sale us the one hy ichich pre- 7nises icere sold hij auction. * Look at the exliibit now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked (A); Is or not the same the particular wliich was produced by the vendor or the agents of the vendor at the time of the sale of the premises in the pleadings of this cause mentioned 1 And is or not the said exhibit the particular by which the said premises were sold, and was or not the said exhibit read to the company present at the said sale, and was or not the same declared to the said company to be the particulars and conditions of sale? Declare &c. To prove a promis- sory note. Look upon the paper-writing now produced &c. and pur- porting to be a promissory note for £ from A. B. de- ceased in the pleadings of this cause named to the said complainants, and bearing date the day of ; Whe- ther or no did you ever see the said A. B. write, or are you by any other and v.hat means acquainted with the cha- racter and manner of his hand-writing ; And whether or no is the name A. B. appearing to be set and subscribed to the said produced paper-writing of the proper hand-writing of the said A. B. as you for any and what reason know or believe ? Declare &c. To prove receipts by persons arquairdcd with the hand-ioriting of the party signing the smite. * Look at the exhibits now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked respectively A. B. C, and look at the names respectively signed to such exhibits ; Do you know the parties whose names respectively appear to be set or subscribed to the said respective ex- hibits, and are you by any and what means acquainted with the character or manner of hand-writing of either and which of them respectively? If yea, Of whose hand-writing is or are such exhibit or exhibits, and in particular of whose respec- tive hand-writing is or are the respective names set or sub- scribed to such respective exhibits? Set forth the reasons on which you form your belief; Declare &c. INTERROGATORIES. 211 Look upon &c. Whether or no were or was any and what receipts or receipt indorsed thereon or on any or either and which of them at or about any and what times or time by any and what persons or person in your pre- sence ? Are you or not a subscribing witness to the signing of all or any or either and which of such receipts by all or any or either and which of such persons, and of whose hand-writing is your name now appearing to be set or subscribed as a witness to all or any and which of such receipts? Declare &c. EXHIBITS. To prove receipts in- dorsed on deeds hy the suhscribiny witness. Look upon the paper or parchment-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (A) and consisting of sheets or skins ; Whether or no was the said produced writing at any time and when signed sealed published and declared by W. H. late of the testator in the pleadings in this cause named, as and for his last will and testament in your presence and in the presence of any other person or per- sons and whom by name ; or did the said testator in any other and what manner execute the said produced writing, or acknowledge the same as and for his last v.ill and tes- tament in your presence and in the presence of any other person and persons and v»hom ? Whether or no is your name and the name or names of the other person or persons set or subscribed as a witness or witnesses thereto, of your his or their proper hand-writing respectively ? And whether or no did you and such other person or persons or either and which of you set or subscribe your name or names as a witness or witnesses thereto in the presence of the said testator? And whether or no is or are such subscribing witness or witnesses now living or dead? And if any or cither of them are or is dead, Vv^here and when did such witness or witnesses die as you for any and what reason know or believe, and if any or either of them are living, where do they respectively or where doth he reside? Whe- ther or no was the said testator at the time of his signing sealing publishing and declaring the said produced writing as and for his last will and testament, or otherwise executing or acknowledging the same, of sound and disposing mind o2 To prove a will hy the attesting witnesses. 212 INTERROGATORIES. EXHIBITS. To -prove a will and codicil where one of the subscribing wit- nesses is dead. memory and understanding, or how otherwise, as you for any and what reason know or beheve ? Set forth &c. [Or t/ius:] * Look upon the paper-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination mai'ked with the letter ( A ) ; Did or not the said testator J. M. deceased sign seal publish and declare the said paper-writing as and for his last will and testament in the presence of you and of any other and what person or persons, or are you or not a subscribing witness to such the signing and publishing or execution of the said will by the said testator J. M., and are or not the several names set or subscribed as witnesses to the signing and publication or execution of the said will by the said testator J. M. of the proper hand-writing of you and of such other person or persons whose names ap- pear to be subscribed, and did or not you and such other person or persons respectively subscribe and set your and their names as witnesses to the signing and publication or execution of the said will by the said testator J. M. in the presence of the said J. M. and of each other, or how other- wise, and what is now become of such other persons, and where do they respectively now live and reside, or are or is any or either and which of such persons now dead? And if yea, When and where did they or he die? And was or not the said testator J. M. at the time of signing and publishing or executing his said will of sound and disposing mind me- moiy and understanding, as you know or do for any and what reason believe ? Declare 8cc. * Look upon the writings now produced to you, and marked with the letters (A) and ( B ) and purporting to be the last will and testament of J. P. in the 2d interrogatory named, and a codicil thereto ? Did you at any time and when see the said J. P. sign seal publish and declare the said produced writings or either and which of them as and for her last will and testament and a codicil thereto, and is the name J. P. set and subscribed to the said produced writings respectively, or either and which of them, of the proper hand-writing of the said J. P. ? Were you and was or were any and what person or persons besides yourself present at the time when such produced writings or either and which of them were cr was so signed sealed published and de- INTERROGATORIES. 213 dared, and did such persons or person or any and which ef them see the said J. P. sign seal pubhsh and declare the said produced writings or either and which of them, and did you and any other and which of such persons or person set or subscribe your their his or her name or names to such produced writings respectively or either and which of them as a witness or witnesses thereto, or to either and which of them, and was or were such name or names, or any and which of them so subscribed in the presence of the said J. P. or not ? Is or are your name or names or the name or names of any other and what person or per- sons appearing to be set or subscribed to such writings re- spectively or to either and which of them as a witness or witnesses thereto or to either and which of them, of your hand-writing or of the hand-writing of such person or per- sons respectively, or of any and which of them, and did you see such person or persons or any and which of them set and subscribe such produced writings or either and which of them ? Is or are such person or persons or any and which of them dead ? And if yea. When did they re- spectively or any and which of them, die? Was the said J. P. at the time she signed sealed published and declared such produced writings or either and which of them of sound mind memory and understanding ? Declare &c. Whether or no were you acquainted with the manner of living of the said A. B. ? And if yea. At what sum upon the average do you compute the annual expenses of himself and his family to have been, other and besides his travelling expenses, and whether or no had the said A. B. any child who did not live in his family and in what situation was such child, and have you ever heard the said A. B. make any and what declaration or declarations as to what such child annually cost him, and do you know the manner in which the said A. B. usually travelled in the journies in which he was employed as treasury messenger and at what expense ? Declare &c. To prove the average annual expenses of the family of a person de- ceased, v'ho was in his life-time employed as a treasury messenger, and as to declarations made by him as to what one child, not resident in his jam ily , annually cost him, also to prove the manner in ivhich he usually travelled, and at ivhat expense. Whether or no had the said A. B. as you for any and To prove whether a what reason know or believe, any and what moans of pro- ;»''•'""* ''«/' »'/'<;''■ , • i: r i.1 i- 1 • ic I I ■ r 1 I /• means of providuin vitlnig tor tlic expenses oi hmiseh and liis ianiiiy and lor ' ^ "^ 214 INTERROGATORIES. for his family besides tlie expense of journies, other than from the monies which tchat he received as a he from time to time received from the said F. G. ? De- treasury messenger. clare &rc. To prove the state of ^Vhether or no did you know M. S. formerly of &c. and a family in. proving a ^nen or about what time did the said M.S. die? And ■^ " ' whether or no did you know W. C. formerly of &c. and S. C. his wife, and was the said S. C. in any manner and how related to the said M. S., and when or about what time and where did she die, and what children had the said S. C, and what children survived her, and if any child or children of the said S. C. died in her life-time, did such child or children have any child or children, and what is become thereof? And whether or no did you know J. C. of &c. the son of the said S. C, and S. C. the younger and E; C. the daughters of the said S. C, and did the said S. C. ever and when marry, and when and where did he die, and whe- ther testate or intestate, and had he or did he leave any child or children? And if yea. What is become thereof ? And did the said S. C. the daughter of the said S. C. ever and when marry and to whom and when and where did she die, and what children had she or did she leave .^ And , whether or no did you know\V. C. and T. C. sons of the said S. C. the younger, and what became of the said W. C, and did he ever and v.hen marry as you know or believe, and did the said T. C. ever and wlien marry, and where and when or about what time did he die and whether testate or intestate, and had he or did he leave any child or chil- dren ? And if yea, What is become thereof? And did the said E C. the daughter of the said S. C. the elder ever and vvlien marry and to v/hom, and when or about what time did she die, and had slie or did she leave any child or children? And if yea, \Vhat is become thereof? Whether or no did you knov/ the fatlier of the said W. C. of &c. the husband of the said S. C. the eldei', and wl^iat was his name and where did he live, and when or about v.hat time and where did he die, and what child or children had he besides the saidW. C, and who was his eldest son and who was his second son, and did eldest son in case the said W. C. was not his eldest, or if the saidW. C. was his eldest did his second son at any time and when and where marry, and when and where did he die, and had he or did he leave any and what child or children ? And whether or no is the said INTERROGATORIES. 215 complainant his eldest son or who else is such eldest son ? Set forth the particulars at large, according to the best of your knowledge remembrance and belief, and the truth declare. * Whether or no were any changes made in the out-fences of the two farms in the pleadings mentioned to have been occupied by James K. and John K. respectively at any time within your memory, and how long have you known the said farms respectively, and especially were any changes made in the out-fences thereof in or about or prior to the year 1773 or at some and what other time in particular? And whether or no w ere you and during what period of time in particular in the habit of attending at the collection of payment of rents to Sir T. B. in the pleadings named or to his agent, at the place and on the days of the col- lection and payment thereof, and did you attend at any and what dinner and by and to w^hom given on such days? And if yea. Whether or no during such period as you at- tended thereat, and especially before the year 1773 and for some and what time prior thereto did one person attend to pay rent and attend at the said dinner as the sole tenant or occupier of the said two farms, or did two persons so attend as several and distinct occupiers the one of the one farm and the other of the other of the said two farms, and whether or no was the rent for the said farms paid as two separate rents paid by two tenants, or as one gross rent paid by one ? And whether or no as you do for any and what reason knov»^ or believe were the said two farms prior and how long prior to the said year 1773 assessed for and did pay government taxes and parish rates as two separate and distinct farms or as one joint and undivided farm? And whether or no in the year 1789 and how long pre- viously thereto were the said two farms commonly known and reputed in the neighbourhood thereof to be one joint farm and held by one tenant or two separate and distinct farms held by two tenants, and for what reason were the same so reputed, and state the various occupiers of the said two farms and under whom they have respectively occupied, and the names and descriptions whereby tlie said two farms have been known since you have known the same ? Declare the truth and your utmost knowledge remembrance and belief herein. To prove when alter- ation was made in the ovt-feuces of two farms, whether rent was paid as for two farms or as one farm, and whether one person attended at the rent- receipt day, and at the dinner given to the tenants as sole tenant of the two farms, or ivhcther two persons attended us tenants ; also to prove whether, previously to the year 1773, taxes and rates were assessed as for two farms or as one farm ; and whether the farms ivcre reputed to be one farm or two farms. 21G INTERROGATORIES. To prove the practice of the Duchy Court of Lancaster as to the mode qf proceeding to be adopted to bar the oprratiou of a Jinc oj lands therein. * Are you by any and what means acquainted with the Duchy Court in the county palatine of Lancaster in levying lines of lands therein and of the proceedings to be adopted by persons coming in upon the usual proclamations and making claim to lands for the purjoose of barring the ope- ration of fines sought to be levied in the said court ? If yea, Set forth what is the practice and mode of proceeding necessary to be pursued by any person coming in upon any of the proclamations made upon levying a fine in the said court and making a claim for the purpose of barring the operation thereof; and in particular is it the practice of the said court for the person coming in and making such claim first to substantiate his title to make such claim by exhibit- ing filing or inrolling any and what document showing his pedigree or right to enter such claim ? If yea, Set forth the practice of the said court relative to the matters in- quired after by this interrogatory, and when such practice commenced, and how and in what manner you becamo acquainted therewith ; Declare &c. To prove and dclive jtlnintiff's Jendant. (joods sold •red Inj the to the de- Do you know of any goods having been at any time pre-^ viously to the month of sold or delivered by the said complainant H. H. or by the said complainant J. A. to the said defendant R. P. ? If yea. Set forth what goods were so sold and delivered by the said complainants H. H. and J. A. or either and which of them to the said R. P., and what was the value thereof, and at what time or times in particular the same were delivered to the said R. P. and how and by what means in particular you are acquainted with the several matters aforesaid : Declare &c. To prove the hand- * Look on the several books or exhibits now produced vnitinf/ of entries and shown to you at this the time of your examination, v,ade in books, nhe- ^^^^^^^ respectively with the letters t/ier trie same arc cor- "^ -^ ; Are you or not 1-ect or not and if ^^^^ ^^y ^"Y ^^^ what means acquainted with the character incorrect to prove iit or manner of hand-writing of the person or persons who what respects they are niade the several entries in the said books or any and which of them '1 If yea, Of whose hand-writing are such entries or any and which of them, and who made such entries or so. INTERROGATORIES. 217 occasioned such entries to be made as you know or for any and what reason beUeve ? Are the entries and accounts therein contained just and right as you know or for any and what reason beheve ? If not, What error or errors are therein contained ? Set forth the same error or errors, if any, fully and distinctly ? Declare &c. * Look upon the book now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter (A), and on the entry or entries made therein in folio ; Are you acquainted with the character or manner of hand- writing of the person or persons who made such entry or entries, or any or either and which of them, and did you see such pei-son or persons or either and which of them write ? If yea. Of whose hand- writing is or are such entry or entries or either and which of them or any and what part thereof as you know or believe, and is or are such person or persons living or dead that made such entry or entries or any and what part thereof, and on what occasion or by whose direction was or were the same or any and what part thereof made as you know or believe ? De- clare &c. To "prove the hand- writing of entries made in a book, and whether the persons ivho made such en- tries are living or dead, and by whose direction the same were made. * Did you know A. B. in the pleadings of this cause named, and for any and what length of time ? If yea. Do you or not know whether he was ever married, and had he or not any child or children by his wife, and what was or were the name or names of such child or children, and which of such children was the eldest son, and is such eldest son now living ? Declare &c. * Did you know E. M. in the pleadings of this cause named, and for any and what length of time ? If yea, Do you or not know whether he was ever married, and if not, had he any brothers and what were tlieir names and the order of their births, and which of them have survived him, and which of them was his eldest brother t De- clare &c. To prove the eldest sou of a deceased per- S071 as being his heir at law. To prove the brother oj a deceased person, us being his heir at law. * Did you or not know J. E. the testator in the pleadings 7'^ prove the nephew of this cause named ? If yea, Do you or not know whether of a deceased person, the said J. E. was ever married, or whether he had any f '"''"^f '"•* '"'''' "' In IV. 218 I iN TER ROG ATORI ES. legitimate child or children, or whether such child or chil- dren survived him or died in his life-time, and whether such child or children left any and what issue, and whether such issue is or are now living; and do you or not know whether the said testator J. E. had any brothers and sisters, and what were their names, or whether they or eithef of them survived him, and whether either and which of such bro- thers and sisters had any child or children, and what were their names, and which was the eldest son of the eldest brother of the said testator, and do you or not know who is the heir at law of the said testator ? And if yea. In what degree of kindred is he to the said testator, and how does he appear to be his heir at law ? To prove that the Icrd (if a manor assented to the inclosure of the common lands, on the proposal of the land- owners within the township. Whether or no do you know who is tlie lord of the manor of S. in the county of C. in the pleadings in this cause mentionedj and whether or no has the said lord or any person and whom on his part in any and what manner as- sented to the inclosure of the common lands in the said township of S. and when and to whom and upon what terms and upon whose application or applications, and whe- ther or no in consequence of any and what agreement or l)ropo-al on the part of the inhabitants or land-owners v/ithin the said township, and whether or no is the lord of the said manor still assenting to such inclosure, and whether or no is such inclosure likely to take effect, and how soon? Set forth 8cc. To prove that the inhabitants or lund- vivners ivithin a town- ship had agreed to the inclosnre of the com- mon la?ids, and when the inclosure is likclij to take effect. Whether or no have the inhabitants or land-owners within the said township of S. or any and w^liich of them in any and what manner assented or agreed to the inclosure of the common lands within the said township, or made any and what proposals to any person or persons and whom in respect of such inclosure, or taken any and v.hat steps with a view to such inclosure, and at wliat time or times respec- tively, and whether or no are the said inhabitants or land- owners still assenting to the inclosure of the said common lauds, or Jiow otherwise, and whether or no is such in- closure likely to take eflcct, and how soon ? Set forth &c. INTERROGATORIES. 219 Whether or no hath any surveyor or other person been at any time and when employed at the charge of the in- habitants or land-owners w^ithin the said township or any and which of them, or any other person and whom, to survey the common lands within the said township, with a view to the inclosure thereof? Set forth &c. Whether or no has any general or other and what meet- ing been held, and when, of the inhabitants and land-owners of the said township of S. and of the inhabitants or land- ovt^ers of any and what adjoining township or townships for the purpose of fixing the limits of the common lands of each township or for any other and what purpose, with a view to an intended inclosure of the common lands of the said township of S. ? Set forth &;c. Whether or no do you know or can you by any and what means form any opinion as to the quantity or quality of the inclosed and common lands within the said township of S. ? If yea, What is the quantity of all the inclosed lands within the said township, and what is the quantity of the lands within the said township belonging to the said com- plainant in the pleadings of this cause mentioned, and what is the relative quality of the said inclosed lands within the said township, and what is the quantity of all the common lands within the said township, and what do you estimate would be the fair proportionable quantity of the said com- mons and fields which in the case of an inclosure would be allotted to the said complainant in respect of his inclosed lands aforesaid, computing the proportion of the said com- mon lands to be allotted to the lord as one-twelfth? Set forth &c. To prove that a sur- veyor has been em- ployed to survey the. common lands within a tounship. To prove that a meet- iny has been held of the iuhubitants of a township, and also of an adjoining town- ship, for the purpose of fixiny the limits of the common lands, previously to an in- closure. To prove the probable quantity of common land tvhich would be allotted to the plain- tiff with reference to the quantity to be al- lotted to the lord of the manor. Whether or no did the said T.B. and J. E. or either and which of them, or any other person and who on their or either and which of their part and behalf, at any time and when after the date of the aforesaid letter or paper-writing call at your office or see you elsewhere and where and in- form you or any other person and whom on your part and behalf that they or either and which of them had em- ployed or meant to employ Mr. J. or any other person than yourself as their solicitor in the said cause, and when and TV) prove that the de- fendants informed the witness, their solicitor, of their intention to employ another soli- citor, and ivhen it first came to his know- ledyc. 220 INTERROGATORIES. To prove whether nit7ic!>s informed his clients, two of the de- fendants in a cause, that he should in- struct counsel to ap- pear for them nt the hearing, what instruc- tions he received from them, and tchether he did in fact deliver briefs to counsel other than the briefs deli- vered for other defen- dants, and when he Jirst knew that ano- ther solicitor had pre- pared briefs for coun- sel. by what means did you fir^t know or had reason to believe and suspect that the said defendants or either and which of them had or meant to employ the said Mr. J. or any other person than yourself as their solicitor in the said cause? Declare &c. Whether or no did you at any time and when before the said cause came on to be heard inform the said defendants T. B. and J. E. or either and which of them that you should instruct counsel to appear for them at the hearing, or did you at any time and when receive any instructions from the said defendants or either and which of them so to do, or did you in fact give any briefs or instructions to counsel to appear for the said defendants or either and which of them other than the briefs delivered by you for the other defendants, and did you not previously to such hearing and when first know that the said ]\Ir. J. as the solicitor for the said defendants T. B. and J. E. had taken copies of the depositions and had prepared or meant to prepare briefs for the instruction of counsel at the hearing on the part of the said defendants or one and which of them ? De- clare &c. To prove the institu- tion and induction cf the plaintiff into a vicarage. To prove the letters of institution hij the Bishop^s officer. [See the 2d intervngutorij in p. '.'08, anlta } Was or not the said complainant at or about any and what time admitted instituted and inducted into the said vicarage of C. with the said chapehy of N. L. annexed or how otherwise ? If yea, Hath he or not been during all or any and what part of the time since vicar of the said parish and chapelry, and hath he or not during all or any and what part of such time acted or officiated as vicar of the said parish or chapelry ? Declare &:c. Look upon the paper or parchment-writing now produced and shown to you or by you at this the time &c. ; Whether or no is the seal appendant thereto the proper seal of the Bishop of , and did the said complainant receive in- stitution according to the effect thereof at any time and when and from whom ? Declare &c. Interrogatories, 221 Whether or no did you knowW. G. late of but now deceased, the testator in the pleadings of this cause named, for any and how long a time previously to his death, and did you know S. J. the nephew of the said testator, and in what profession or situation of life was the said S. J. ? Did the said S. J. ever and when serve on board his Majesty's ship U. and in what character and what has become of the said S. J. as you know or for any and what reason believe ? Declare &c. Look upon the paper-writing now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination marked with the letter ( A ) ; Whether or no did you at any time and when compare the same with any entry in any and what book kept at his Majesty's Navy Office, and whether or no is the same a true copy of such entry ? Declare &c. To prove a knoioledgc oj a person who en- tered the navy, and in what character, and 7chat has become of him ; also to prove a copy of an entry in a book kept at the navy of- fice. * How many years as you do for any and what reason know or believe prior to the year 1780 was the said L.N. land-agent to the said Sir T^ B. or to the owners and pro- prietors of the said W. estate, and whether or no as you do for any and what reason know or believe prior to the year 1780 was the said L.N. land-agent to the said Sir T. B. or to the owners or proprietors of the said W. estate, and whether or no as you do for any and what reason know or believe was the said L. N. during the whole or any and what part of such period accustomed to keep such diary or account as is contained in the exhibit which has been shown to you or any and what diary or account of his agency or of the matters relating thereto, and up to what period of time in particular did he keep such diary or account of his agency, and why did he then cease or discontinue keeping the same, and whether or no did he ever afterwards keep any and what diary or account of his said agency or the matters relating thereto, and if not why not? Declare the truth and your utmost knowledge remembrance and belief herein. To prove for how many years a person was employed as land agent to the proprie- tors of an estate {con- taining coal mines) ; also to prove that he kept a diary or ac- count of his agency, and when he discon- tinued keeping the same. 222 INTERROGATORIES. To prove the resi- dence of a prrsnii in England, and in w/iat lant/vage he corres- ponded or conversed ; also to prove a laiorv- ledge of his hand- writing, and in what icorhs he 7vas engaged, and vhere he carried on the same. * When and upon what occasion did the said S. D. come to live and reside in England and for how long time did he live or i-eside there ? In what language did the said S. D. always or generally write or correspond and converse during the time of his residence in England, and was he or was he not conversant in the English language ? Are you or are you not well or in any and what degree acquainted with the character and manner of hand-writing of the said S.D., and have you or have you not frequently or at any times and how often seen him write in any and what language or languages and character ? Did or did not the said S. D. when he was resident in England manage or carry on or employ himself in or ahout any work or works ? If yea. Of what nature sort or kind was or were such work or works, and when and for how long time and at or in what house or houses or place or places was or were the same so managed or carried on ? Declare &c. To prove the loans of sutns of money by the plaintiffs to the de- fendant. To prove loans of svnis of money by the defendant to a de- ceased person, and ultether any part was repaid. Do you know of any money having been at any time previously to the month of lent or advanced by the said complainant K. H. or by the said complainant J. S. to the said defendant R. P. ? If yea, Set forth what sums of money were so lent and advanced by the said complain- ants H. H. and J. S. or either and which of them to the said R. P., and at what time or times in particular the same and each of them were and was so lent and advanced, and how and by what means in particular you are acquainted with the several matters aforesaid ? Declare &c. * Whether or no did the said defendant C. L. in the life-time of the said S.D. lend or advance unto the said S. D. any sum or suras of money ? If yea. What sum or sums of money and to v.hat amount in the whole did the said defendant C. L. lend or advance unto the said S. D. in his life-time, and v.'hen or at or about what time or times was or were the same so lent or advanced ? And did or not the said S. D. at any time or times in his life-time and when repay such sum or sums of money or any or either and which of them unto the said defendant C. L. or satisfy him the same ? Declare the truth of the matters inquired after by this interrogatory according to the best of your know- INTERROGATORIES. 223 ledge remembrance and belief, togetber with the grounds reasons or circumstances on which such your belief is founded, fully and at large. Whether or no was there on the day of any and what sum of money due and owing to the above-named complainants T. B. and B. B. and their partners in the made'by them as ban R. Bank in respect of monies advanced by the said com- kcrs. plainants to or for the use or on the account of the said T. B. and B. B. and their said partners or how otherwise and what is now due to the said complainants in respect thereof? Set forth &c. To prove the amovnt due to the ^plaintiff's in respect of advances * Do you or not know whether the said J. B. deceased and A. R. also deceased in the pleadings of this cause named did at any time and when intermarry together or not ? If yea, Were you present at such marriage ceremony or not, and by whom and in the presence of what wit- nesses and at what place and when and on what day in par- ticular was such marriage solemnized and whether by banns or license? Declare &;c. Whether or no was the said J. C. in the preceding in- terrogatory mentioned or inquired after ever and when married and to whom, and what was the maiden name of his wife? Had or not the said J. C. any and what children or child or issue by his said wife or by any other wife and whom by name, and particularly had he or not a daughter called by the name of -, and had he or not any other children or child and of what names or name ? De- clare &c. Whether or no do you know or were you acquainted with the said A. C. in the preceding interrogatory mentioned or inquired after for any and how long time and from and to what time ? Did or not the said A. C. ever and when in- termarry with M. H. late of &;c. and now deceased, and when and about what time did the said M. H. die ? Declare &c. To prove marriage ceremony by witnesses present. To prove a marriage, and that the parties had one daughter. To "prove a mairiage and the death of the wife. 224 INTERROGATORIES. To prove that witness has been employed m viining concerns, and his knowledge of the coal mines lying un- der an estate ; the dip or inclination thereof from the ho- rizon, and the natvre and course of the drains or soughs made for the purpose of carrying off the teat er and loosing the coals; also to prove that the coals lying under lands u'ithin a ring- fence have been loosed, and are in a condi- tion to he worked without the aid of a steam engine; also to prove whether the same were so at the date of an agree- ment, and uhen and />// whom the coats and * Whether or not have you ever been employed in mining concerns or are you acquainted with coal mines and the manner in which coals are won and got? If yea, Set forth the nature of your profession or occupation and how you came to be acquainted with the nature of coal mines and the method of winning and getting coals ; Whether or not do you know the R. H. estate in the pleadings in this cause mentioned and the mines and minerals lying there- under and the estates in the pleadings in this cause men- tioned to have been the property of Sir T. B. in the plead- ings in this cause named deceased or any of them ? If yea, Set forth how long you have known them and each of them and how and by what means you became acquainted with them ; Whether or not are there any coal mines strata of coal or minerals lying under such estates or any part thereof? If yea, State what is the dip or inclination of such coal mines from the horizon ; Whether or not was it neces- sary for the purpose of winning and getting such coals or coal mines that the same should be loosed or freed from water ? Whether or not did Mr. L. in the pleadings in this cause mentioned drive any drain or make any sough or soughs for the purpose of loosing the coals and coal mines lying imder the said R. H. estate ? If yea, Set forth and describe particularly the nature of such drain or drains sough or soughs and set forth particularly the direction and course of such drain or drains sough or soughs from the tail or opening thereof where the water is discharged throughout the full extent of the driving of and the making of the same ; Whether or not are the coals and coal mines lying under the lands and grounds within the ring-fence in the pleadings in this cause mentioned now loosed and in a condition to be worked won and got without the aid of a steam engine to pump up and discharge the water therefrom? If yea, Whether or not are such last- mentioned coals and coal mines so loosed and in a condition to be won and got by means of the said drain or drains sough or soughs ? And whether or not is the water drained or carried away from such last-mentioned coals and coal mines by means of such drain or drains sough or soughs? W^hether or not were such last-mentioned coals and coal mines so loosed and drained at the date of the agreement with the said Sir T. B. in the pleadings in this cause men- tioned ? Sot forth when and upon what occasion and by INTERROGATORIES. 225 ^hom such last-mentioned coals and coal mines were loosed and drained ; Whether or not could the said defendant J. J., and R. H., J. H. and J. D. in the pleadings in this cause named or either of them have pi'evented such last- mentioned coals and coal mines from being loosed or drained ? If yea, Set forth how and by what means they could have prevented the same from being loosed or drained; If such last-mentioned coals and coal mines had not been loosed or drained by means of a drain or sough, whether or not would it have been necessary in order to win and get the same that a steam engine or steam engines should be erected for such purpose ? If yea, Set forth how many steam engines would have been necessary for that pur- pose ; Set forth the original expense or prime cost of such steam engines or steam engine, and set forth the annual expenses that Would be incurred in keeping in repair and in the working of such steam engines or steam engine ; Suppose the coals lying under the lands occupied by Jonathan K. in the pleadings in this cause mentioned were not loosed or drained and could not be loosed or drained without a steam engine, what in your opinion would be the present value of such last-mentioned coals and coal mines ? Suppose the coals lying under the lands occupied by James K. in the pleadings in this cause mentioned were not loosed or drained and could not be loosed or drained without a steam engine, what in your opinion would be the present value of such last-mentioned coals and coal mines ? Declare &c. * From what points of the compass do the beds or strata of coal under the said W. estate or under any and what part thereof in general rise and sink, and especially from and to what points do the beds of coal or either and which of them being underneath such parts of the said estate as lie to the west of the sough or drain in the last preceding interrogatory mentioned rise apd sink, and from and to what points do such of the beds of coal under tlie said estate as lie to the east of the said sough or drain rise and sink respectively, and from what distance therefrom do they rise or sink respectively ? Declare the truth and your utmost knowledge remembrance and belief herein. * Whether or no supposing a bed or vein of coal to have a general inclination downwards from one given point to another is it common or uncommon to find occasional va- VOL. II. P mines were loosed and drained, and whether certain defendants could have prevented the same and how ; Also if the mines had not been drained by means of a sough, whether one or more steam engines would not have been neces- sary, and what would have been the expense thereof, and of keep- ing the same in re- pair, and working the same. Also to prove whit woidd have been the value of the coals ly- ing tinder the lands of different tenants, supposing the coals could not have been loosed or drained %cith- out a steam engine. To prove the inclina- tion from the horizon of certain beds of coal lying under different parts of an estate. To prove that veins of coals which incline downwards, occasion- a'ly vary in the dip ; 226 INTERROGATORIES. Olid tinit the coals un- der the lauds in cpies- tinji are svbject to svch variations, and siipposinr/ a sovgh driven along the lower side, how wovid the coal found in the parts varying from the ge- neral inclination be loosed and icorked. To prove that the plaintiffs had smik pits and erected steam engines on the lands of a particular te- nant at the date of an agreement, and re hen the same irere sunk and erected and the purpose for which the steam en- gines were erected, and ivhether the de- fendants or their stew- ards, agents, or te- nants were informed thereof or privy there- to. A Iso to prove ivhether a former sfeicard of the defendants in- sjiecfed the estate, and saw the pits and en- gines, and that the same might hove been seen at a considerable distance ; Also to prove that the present steicard some years ago inspected the estate, and that he could see the pits, steam eiigines, and other works. nations in the dip of such bed or vein between the two points aforesaid ? And if yea, Whether or no is the coal to be found under the lands and grounds in the second of these interro- gatories mentioned or referred to as much or more subject to such occasional variations than beds or veins of coal to be found under other lands and grounds in general, and assum- ing such occasional variations to exist and a sough or drain driven along that side of the bed which according to the general inclination would be the lowest side, how would such parts of the coal as might occasionally vary from such ge- neral inclination be loosed and worked ? Declare the truth, together with your means of knowing and reasons for be- lieving the same. * Whether or not had the said complainants or those through whom they claim sunk any pits or pit or made and erected any steam engines or steam engine or got any coals or coal in the lands and grounds occupied by the said Jonathan K. in the pleadings in this cause mentioned at the date of the agreement therein mentioned ? If yea, Set forth when such pits or pit steam engines or steam engine were or was sunk made and erected ; Set forth the purpose for which such steam engines or steam engine were or was made or erected ; Whether or not were the said defend- ants or their or any of their stewards agents or tenants in- formed of or acquainted with or were they privy to the sinking making and erecting such pits or pit engines or engine ? If yea, Set forth when and to whom and by whom such information was given ; Whether or not was a Mr. B. the steward or agent of the said defendants or either of them ? If yea. Did he ever inspect or overlook the said defendant's estate at W. in the pleadings in this cause mentioned i If yea, Whether or not did he upon such inspection see the said pits and engines ? Whether or not are such pits and engines large objects and easy to be seen at a considerable distance? Whether or not is a person of the name of H. the steward or agent of the said defendant's W. estate ? If yea. Whether or not did the said H. about eight years ago inspect or overlook the said estate ? Whether or not did vou then see him, and if yea, Was he when you saw him in such a situation that he could see the said pits and steam enginesand other works in the lands and grounds occupied by the said Jo- nathan K. ? Declare &:c. INTERROGATORIES. 227 * Whether or no in grants or leases of coal where there are two beds or strata of coal whereof the upper bed or stratum is united to or intermixed with or contiguous to a bed of iron-stone is it necessary as you do for any and what reason know or believe to dig and get the upper bed of coal before the iron-stone can be dug and got and vice versa; and whether or no is it usual to sell and dispose of such upper bed or stratum when the iron-stone is not also sold and disposed of, but if nevertheless the upper bed of coal should be sold and the iron-stone reserved, whether or no would any and what provisoes and stipulations be necessary in order to prevent a grantee in fee or lessee having the power so to work the said upper bed of coal as to destroy entirely or to damage greatly and in what manner the said^ iron-stone from delaying to work and dig such bed of coal so as to lock up and render useless the said iron-stone as long as he might think fit, and what provisions and stipu- lations would be pi'oper and necessary for the purposes aforesaid, namely, 1st. What provisoes and stipulations are necessary and proper to prevent the lessee or grantee so working such upper bed of coal as to destroy or greatly damage the said iron-stone ; and 2dly. What provisoes and stipulations are proper and necessary to prevent the said iron-stone from being locked up and rendered useless to the grantor at the will of the grantee in fee, and whether or no did you ever hear of a grant or lease of any upper bed or stratum of coal so united and intermixed or contiguous as aforesaid with provisoes or stipulations proper for the above purposes, and by whom and to whom was any such grant or lease made ? Set forth &c. To prove the method of %vorkiiiy coals tvhere there are tico strata and one of them is intermixed with a bed of ironstone, and in case of the sale of the vpper stratum of coal what stipidations are usually made to prevent the grantee from destrcyiny the ironstone, or to pre- vent the ironstone from being rendered useless to the grantor at the will of the grantee, and what instances have come willmi the witness's knowledge. [For a form of title, vide antea, p. 149.] On behalf of the defendants. 1st. [ General interrogatory as to knowledge of the parties ; vide antea, p. 152. ] *2d. Are you or not now an inhabitant of or an occupier of land within the parish of St. D. in the pleadings of this cause mentioned, or the bounds limits and tithcable places thereof? Declare &c. p o To prove whether wit- ness is an inhabitant or occupier of land within the j)urish. 2-28 INTERROGATORIES. To prove how long witness has known the parish, and how long he resided therein, and as to thetitheuhle mat- ters whieh v:ere (jroicn or kept by him during such time. To prove the modvscs or custom art/ pay- ments payable in lieu of the tithes of hay, wheat, 4x. ^c. * 3d. Whether or no are you in any and what manner ac- quainted with the rectory or parish of St. D. in the plead- ings in this cause mentioned 1 And if yea, How long have you been acquainted therewith, and did you or not ever and when and for what length of time live or inhabit within the said rectory or parish ; and did you or not in or during all or any and what part of such time, or at any other and what time, occupy or hold as owner or tenant any and what farm or farms garden or gardens orchard or orchards or other and what lands within the said parish or the titheable places thereof; and did you or not during all or any and what part of such time keep within the said parish any cow or cows which produced you milk or brought forth calves, or any sow or sows which brought forth pigs; and did you or not during such time occupy any lands within the said parish of which you cut the grass and made the same into hay or upon which you grew wheat oats peas beans rye or seeds, and did you or not during such time occupy any garden within the said parish producing wall-fruit, or any orchard within the said parish, and did you or not during the time you lived in the said parish depasture any cattle within the said parish not employed to plough or pail I Declare See. * 4th. Whether or not as you know or have been in- formed or have any and what reason to believe is or are any and what modus or moduses or customary payment or payments payable by all or any of the occupiers of lands within the said parish of St. D. to the rector of the said parish or his farmer or lessee, for and in lieu and satisfac- tion of the respective tithes of hay wheat oats peas beans rye seeds orchard-fruit and garden wall-fruit respectively renewing and forthcoming within the said parish and the bounds limits and titheable places thereof, and for and in lieu and satisfaction of the tithe of the depasturing of any cattle not employed to plough or pail, kept fed and de- pastured in any lands within the said parish and the bounds limits and titheable places thereof, and for and in lieu and satisfaction of the tithe of milk of cows kept fed and de- pastured in any lands within the said parish and the bounds limits and titheable places thereof, and for and in lieu and satisfciction of the calves of the same cows falling brought forth and fortlicoming within the said parish and the bounds limits and titheable places thereof, and for and in lieu and INTERROGATORIES. 2-29 satisfaction of the tithe of pigs falHng brought forth and forthcoming from sows kept within I or 'of the tithes of pigs farrowed within &c.'] the said parish and the bounds limits and titheable places thereof? And if yea, At what time or times is or are such modus or moduses payable, and how long hath or have the same been payable, and how long and from what period of time past hath or have the same been paid, and to what time has or have such modus or moduses been paid as you know or verily believe ; and whether or not is or are such modus or moduses or cus- tomary payment or payments payable and paid, and has or have the same always been payable within and throughout all the said parish, or how otherwise ; and has or not or have or not such respective moduses or customary pay- ments or some or one and which of them from any and what time past down to some and what time, been accepted and taken by or on behalf of the rector of the said parish for the time being or his farmer or lessee for and in lieu and satisfaction of such respective tithes or some and which of them ; and have you or not heard any thing and what from any and what ancient or other persons now deceased concerning the payment of such respective moduses or customary payments or either and which of them ? De- clare &c. * 5th. Have you ever and when paid or rendered any and what modus or moduses or customary payment or pay- ments to the vicar or rector of the said parish or any other and what person or persons for and in lieu and satisfaction of any or either and which of the species of tithe or tithes in the said 4th interrogatory mentioned? If yea, Declare and set forth respectively what you so paid for the same, and at what time and to and for whom and for what length of time you so paid the same respectively ? Declare &c. * 6th. Whether or not as you know have heard or believe has or have any tithes in kind of the respective species of tithes in the 4th interrogatory mentioned or any and which of them and how often been rendered and paid by any and what occupiers of land within the said parish to and for the use of any and what rector of the said parish, or his or their lessee or lessees or farmer or farmers, or any and what person or persons on his or their behalf? Declare and set forth all you know and have heard and believe concerning the matters inquired after by this uitcrrogatory, with the also to prove v)het her such moduses prevail throughout the parish, and whether the same have been accepted by the rector. and what ivitness has heard from deceased persons. To prove payment of the moduses. To prove ivhefher any and what tithes in hind have ever been, rendered to the rector. 230 To prove that the de- fendants paid some of the modnses tip to a certain period ; Also to prove a tender made to the plaintiff in respect of the other modnses, and his re- fusal to accept the same. To prove ivhether the owner or occvpier of particular lands paid tithes or a modus to the rector, and what witness has heard from deceased persons re- specting the lands be- ing tithe-free. INTERROGATORIES. manner in which you heard, and the reasons why you be- heve the same fully and at large ; Declare &c. * 7th. Whether or not as you know have the said de- fendants or either and which of them paid to or for the use of the said complainant, any and what sum or sums of money as and for a modus in lieu and satisfaction of tithes in kind of any and which of the species of tithe in the 4th interrogatory mentioned, and up to any and what period of time past ? And have or not the said defendants re- spectively, or any or either and which of them at any and what time or times respectively tendered to the said com- plainant or offered to pay him any and what money for or in respect of such moduses in the 4th interrogatory in- quired after, or any and which of them ? And if yea, Did or not the said complainant refuse to accept the same l Declare &c. "*8th. Do you or not know whether the owner or oc- cupier for the time being of ever and when paid any tithes in kind or any and what modus or customary payment to the rector of the said parish for the time being or his lessee for or for any and v/hich of the respective species of tithe in the 4th interrogatory mentioned, and have you or not heard any thing and what from any and what ancient or other persons now deceased concerning the said lands being or not being titho-free ? Declare &c. Lastly. [ The concludhig general interrogator y ; vide antea, p. 153.] [For a form of iiile, vide antea, p. 149.] On the behalf of the defendants. 1st. [General interrogator ij as to knoivledge of the parties; vide antea, p. 15i2. ] To prove how long '* 2d. Whether or not are you in any and what manner wihiess has hnown the acquainted with the vicarage or parish of Y. in tlic county parish, and how long ^^ ^ ^^^ ^i^^ chapelries of L. and C. thereunto belonging, he resided therein; . , t ■ \^ • ^- j t \ t r u „ m the pleadmgs m this cause mentioned : And it yea, Jblow long have you been acquainted therewith ; and did you or not ever and when and for what length of time live or in- habit within the said vicarage or parish or chapelries or any or either and which of them; and did you or not in or INTERROGATORIES. 2;3l during all or any and what part of such time or at any other and what time occupy or hold as owner or tenant any and what farm or farms or lands within the said parish or the titheable places thereof; and did you or not during all or any and what part of such time keep any cow or heifer or cows or heifers within the said parish and chapel- ries which produced you milk ? And if yea, Are you or not now an inhabitant of or an occupier of land within the said parish ? Declare &c. * 3d. Whether or not as you know or have been in- formed or have any and what reason to believe, is or are any and what modus or moduses or customary payment or payments payable by all or any of the occupiers of lands within the said parish of Y. and the said chapelries of L. and C, having or keeping a cow or heifer or cows or heifers yielding milk to the said vicar of the parish of Y. or his farmer or lessee, for and in lieu and satisfaction of the tithe of milk of such cow or heifer or cows or heifers ? And if yea. At what time or times is or are such modus or moduses or sum or sums of money payable, and how long have or hath the same been payable, and how long and from what period of time past hath or have the same been paid, and whether or not from time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary, and to what time has or have such modus or moduses been paid as you know or verily believe? And whether or not is or are such modus or moduses or customary payment or payments payable and paid, and has or have the same always been payable and paid by all the occupiers of land within the said par^ish and chapelries having such cow and heifer cows and heifers throughout all the said parish and chapelries or how other- wise ; And has or not or have or not such modus or mo- tc>ss informed T. R. C of what he had heard. To prove by the exa- viinatiun of one of the partners of '/'. R. C. that he frequently called at the plain- tiff's house to look at his agreement, that he took the same away and how tony he kept it, and xchut passed when he returned the same I A ho to -prove whether when he Jirst had any conversation with the plaintiff' respecting his agreement or took the same away, the agreement betneentlie defendants had been entered into or con- cluded, or the pvr- chase-money paid. the agreement between the defendants I. D. and T.R. C. as to the sale of the said house then concluded, or had the said T. R. C. then paid his purchase-money for the said house to the said I. D. as you know or believe ? And whe- tlier or no did you mention or give any intimation to the said T. R. C. of what the said complainant had then said before the said agreement was concluded between the said defendants I. D. andT. R. C, or before the said purchase- money was paid by the said T.R. C, and if not why ? Set forth &c. 8th. Whether or no did you ever and when and how often and at what particular times in or about the month of , and whether alone or in company with any other per- son and whom, call at the house of the said complainant and ask to look at the agreement which he had entered into for the purchase of his house, or to any such and what effect ? Or have you had any other and what conversation with the said complainant respecting any such agreement? And whether or no did you or any other person and who in your presence at any and which of such times see the said agreement ? And whether or no did you or any other person and who in your presence, at any and which of such times desire to take the said agree- ment away and allege any and what reason for so doing, or actually take the said agreement away and allege any and what reason for so doing ? And for how long did you or such other person keep such agi'eement, and for what reason ? And when did you or such other person return the same to the said complainant? And whether or no did you or such other person when the said agreement was so re- turned to the said complainant, make any and what decla- ration as to the value that the said agreement would be of to the said complainant if he knew how to use the same, or to any such or any other and what effect ? And whether or no when you first called at the house of the said complain- ant as aforesaid, and had any conversation with the said complainant respecting any such agreement as aforesaid, or when you or such other person took away such agreement as aforesaid, had the treaty for the purchase of the said public-house called the by the said defendant T. R.C. been entered into with the said defendant I. D. ? Or if en- tered into, had the same been concluded, or if concluded, had the purchase-money for the said house been paid by INTERROGATORIES. '209 the said T. R. C. as you know or believe ? Set forth the particulars at large according to the best of your knowledge remembrance and belief, and the truth declare. Lastly. [ The concluding general interrogatory ; see p. 153, antea.^ Interrogatories to be exhibited &c. [see p. 148, antea^ 1st. [As to knowledge of the parties ; vide p. 152, ardeaJ] 2d. Did you know N.L. in the pleadings named the said complainant's late grandfather deceased in his life-time and for how long before his death, and when or about what time did he die ? Declare &c. od. Whether or no do you know and have you or not at any and how long time known or been acquainted with a messuage or tenement and premises situate &c. now called or known by the name of &c. and heretofore or formerly called or known by the name of &c. and late or heretofore the estate of the said N. L. ? Declare &c. 4th. Whether or no did the said N. L. ever and when in his life-time sell or dispose of the messuage or tenement and premises in the od interrogatory mentioned or inquired after to the said defendants or any and which of them, or to any and what other persons or person and whom by name, and for what sums or sum of money or for any other and what consideration ; and were or was or not the same or any and what part thereof by any and what deeds or deed or otherwise and how conveyed and by whom, and particularly whether or not by the said N. L., to such pur- chasers or purchaser or any and which of them ? Had or not such persons or person purchasers or purchaser or any and which of them at any and what time before or at the time of making such purchase or of the execution of the conveyance of the said premises or of the payment of the whole or any and what part of the purchase-money or con- sideration for the same, and by what means any and what knowledge notice or information that the title of the said N. L. to the said messuage or tenement and premises or any and what part thereof was defective, or that he had not full power or authority to sell or dispose of the same or of the inheritance thereof, or that any and what other person and R 9, As to witness's know- ledge of N. L. de- ceased. As to witness's knaw- ledfje of the premises in question. To prove that N. L. sold the premises in question to the de- fendants and executed conveyances thereof to them, ; and that the defend- ants had previously thereto notice that N. L.'s title ivas de- fective and that some person claimed title to the same premises. 2(J0 INTERROGATORIES. To prove that the pur- chasers of t lie ■premises in question had notice of the plaint ijfs claim thereto previously to the time of purchase or payment of the consideration-money. To prove that the pnr- chase-mo7iey jcas less than the full value of the premises, and that an alloicance was made thereout on ac- count of the defective title. To prove declarations by, and conversations vAth the defendants relative to their title to the premises. who by name had any right title claim or interest thereto or therein or to or in any and what part thereof as you know or for any and what reason beheve ? Declare &c. 5th. Whether or no had the purchaser or purchasers of the said messuage or tenement and premises in the said 3d interrogatory mentioned or inquired after or any or either and which of them at any and what time before or at the time of making such purchase or executing the conveyance of the said premises or of the payment of the whole or any and what part of the purchase-money for the same and by what means any and what knowledge notice or informa- tion that the complainant had any and what right title claim or interest thereto or therein or to or in any and what part thereof? Declare &c. 6th. Whether or no was the price or the sum of money paid by the said purchasers or purchaser of the said mes- suage or tenement and premises as in the said preceding interrogatory is mentioned and inquired after the full or utmost price or value thereof, or was or not the same and for what reason less and by how much less than the full value thereof in case a good title could have been made thereto to such purchasers or purchaser ? Were or not the same prem.ises purchased for some and what sum of money less than the real and full value thereof on account of some and what defect in the title of the vendors or vendor thereof and whom by name in the title thereto or therein, or was or not some and what deduction or allowance made out of the purchase-money for the same or such or some and what other account ? Declare &c. 7th. Whether or no did you ever and when on any and what occasion hear the said defendants or any and which of them say or declare any thing and what touching or con- cerning their or any and which of their right or title to the aforesaid messuage or tenement and premises or any and what part thereof or any defect therein, or touching or con- cerning the right title interest or claim of any and what other persons or person and whom by name thereto or therein? Set forth all and every the particulars and when and where- and before whom or in whose presence or hearing and upon what occasion the same or any of them were or was made ; Had you or not ever and when any and what conversation with the said defendants or any and which of thsm touching INTEUROGATORIES. 2G1 their or any and which of their right or title to the aforesaid premises or any and what part thereof? Declare &c. Lastly. [ The concluding general interrogatory ; vide antea, p. 153.] Whether or no were you at any time or times and when previously to the agreement between the said complainant and the said defendant respecting the purchase by the said defendant of the house and premises of the said complain- ant at present at any conversation or conversations which passed between the said complainant and the said defendant upon the treaty for the said purchase ? If yea, Set forth the particulars of such conversations and what was said therein by the said complainant to the said defendant respecting his title to the said premises ; and v/hether any thing and what was said by the said complainant to the said defendant as to the title to the newly-inclosed ground in front of the said premises ; Set forth all and every the matters and things aforesaid according to the best of your knowledge remembrance information and belief. Whether or no at any time and when after the agreement between the said complainant and the said defendant re- specting the said purchase, did the said defendant desire you to communicate to the said complainant any proposal on his part as to his being released from the said agreement? If yea, Set forth the particulars of such proposal, and when and upon what occasion the said defendant made the same ; Set forth &c. To prove the particu- lars of a conversation between f/ic plaintiff and defendant re- specting the title of the plaintiff to a house and ground pre- viously to the agree- ment entered into for purchase. To prove a proposal made by the defend- ant to be released from, his contract for pur- chase. Whether or no had you at any time and when previously to the making of the agreement of the day of in the pleadings in this cause stated, and upon what occasion any and what communication with the said complainant as to the title of the said defendant to the premises comprised in the said agreement ? And did the said complainant at any time and when and upon what occasion previously to the making of the aforesaid agreement, state to the said defendant or to you or to any other person and whom as the solicitor or agent of the said defendant that there ex- isted any and what objection;: to the title of the said de- To prove that previ- ously to the agreement for furchase witness communicated ivith the plaintiff as to the defendant's title, and that the plaintiff' stated that there ex- isted objections to the title by reason that certain persons claim- ed an interest in the prenuses ; 2(}'2 INTERROGATORIES. also to prove what icas the plamtiff'^s ob- ject in makiiiy such objections. fendant to tlie saitl premises, and in particular any and what objections by reason that one R. B. had not joined in the conveyance of the said premises to the said defendant, or any and what objections by reason that one A. S. claimed to have some right or interest in the said premises, and for what purpose did the said complainant state the said ob- jections to the title of the said defendant to the pi*emises, and had the said objections any and what effect as to the price which the said defendant agreed to accept from the said complainant for the said premises ? Declare &c. To prove that the de- fendant has sold part of the premises in question and at what price. To prove that ivitncss as auctiomer sold an estate, and the plan produced at the time of sale. To prove that wit- 71CSS was employed as auctioneer to sell an estate and that he prepared the plan thereof referred to in the adveriisements, and that the same was left open to the in- spection of persons desirous to purchase. Did or not J. A. the defendant in the title to these inter- rogatories named, at any and what time sell to any and what person or persons by name any and what part of the premises in the last interrogatory mentioned ? If yea, Set forth for what price, and what sum or sums of money the said defendant received as the consideration thereof; De- clare &c. * Did you at any time and when act as an auctioneer and put up to sale by auction the estate in the pleadings in this cause mentioned, and was or not the said estate sold in lots, and did you or not at the time of such sale and before the putting up of any of the lots produce some and what plan or particular of the said estate, and did you at or before the said sale make any and what declaration con- cerning the lots so to be put up to sale or concerning the plan or particular of the said estate ? Declare &.c. * Were you at any time and when and by whom and on whose behalf employed to sell by public auction or otherwise, a certain freehold estate situate &c. in the jDleadings of this cause mentioned ? If yea, Did you prepare or cause to be prepared any plan or particular of tlie said estate, or was any plan or particular of the said estate prepared ? If yea, Where was such plan or particular left, and was the same open for the inspection of persons who might be desirous of buying the said estate or any part thereof? And was the sale of the said estate advertised, and was any and what plan or particular referred to in such advertisement, and were or not the respective lots marked or described in such plan or particular? Declare 8cc. INTERROGATORIES. 2G3 * Dill you know J. O. late of deceased, in his life- time, and for any and what length of time previously to his decease ? Was he or not at any time in the service or employ of the said Bristol Dock Company ? If yea, In what station or capacity and for what length of time M'as he so employed by the said Bristol Dock Company ? Declare &c. Whether or no have you now and have you for any and what time had any and what situation or office, situations or offices in or about his Majesty's Treasury, or connected with the business thereof, and whether or no have you by means of such office or situation, or by any other and what means had any opportunity to become acquainted, and are you in any and what degree acquainted with the duties em- ployment and profits of the Treasury messengers? De- clare Sec. Whether or no were you intimately or otherwise and how acquainted with F. G. and A. B. who were lately two of the said Treasury messengers but are now deceased, and for how long did you severally know them, and what was the situation of the said A. B. before he was appointed a Trea- sury messenger, and was he before such appointment a person of property, or reputed to be a person of property, or how otherwise ? Declare &c. Whether or no had you any and what relation or con- nection who was a Treasury messenger at the same time with the said F. G. ? And if yea, Did the said F. G. receive the monies which were due to such your relation or con- nection in his employ of messenger, in the same manner as he received the monies due to the said A. B., and did the said F. G. from time to time pay over to such your relation or connection the monies which he received from him, or what was the state of the accounts between them at the death of the said F. G. ? Declare &c. To prove that a de- ceased person icas in the defendant s ser- vice, and in what ca- pacity. To prove what situ- ation ivitness holds in his Majesty's Trea- sury, and his know- ledge of the duties and profits of the treasury messengers. To prove what situ- ation a person held before he was ap- pointed a treasury messenger, and whe- ther he was reputed to be a man of pro- lierty. To prove that tvitness had a relation who was employed as a treasury messenger, that another tnessen- ger received the mo- nies due to him, and what icas the state of accounts betiveen them at the decease of such person. * Whether or no did you know or were you acquainted rp^ ^^.^^^^^ ^j^^ ^^.^^,^ ^j with S. D. of , deceased (in the pleadings of this « person, and when cause named) in his life-time? If yea. When and where f'st, and how long did he dief And for how long time did you know him or :]'"-r;°:!"X» were you acquainted with him before the time of his death . ^,.^.^^ ^^^^ ,^Yt what ca- 264 INTERROGATORIES. pacify witness lived with him, and the circumstances and si- iiiation in life of the deceased during the respective periods that ivituess was ac- tjiiaintcd with him, mid lived in his ser- vice. And when and wliere did you first know or become ac- quainted with him, and for how long time or to what time did you continue acquainted with him ? Did you or did you not Hve or reside with the said S. D. in his life-time ? If yea, When and where and for how long time and in what rank station or capacity did you live or reside with or serve the said S. D. in his life-time? And in what circumstances and situation in life at the time when you first knew or be- came acquainted with the said S.D. and from time to time during the time tnat you knew orv/ere acquainted with him, was the said S. D., and in what circumstances and situation in life at the time when you first lived or resided with or served the said 8. D. and from time to time during the time you lived or resided with or served him was the said S. D. ? Declare accoiding to the best of your knowledge remembrance and belief, together with the grounds or reasons on which yoiu* belief is founded. To prove within what Whether or no do you know and for how long have you parish two pieces of known two pieces of land called the forty acres, which are land are situate, or reputed to he situate, and to what jnirish the poor's rates or tithes have been paid. now in the occupation of R. B. of the said parish of W. farmer ? If yea, Within what parish are the said pieces of land situate as you know or for any and what reason or reasons believe, and whether or no have you ever and Vi'l)en heard from any person or persons and whom who are now dead within v/hat parish the said two pieces of land are situate ? And whether or no do you know to what parish the poor's rates or tithes have been paid for the said two pieces of land, and when and by whom and to whom ? Declare &.c. To prove a survey Whether or no did you ever and v.hen and by whose 7nade oj an estate, employment make a survey and admeasurement of certain lands called the S. situate in the parish of C. in the county of ? If yea, Of wiiat number of acres do the said lands consist ? Declare ccc. and of what nnmbcr if acres it consists . INTERROGATORIES. (S65 Whether or no did the said defendants or either and which of them, or any and what person or persons on their or either and which of their behalf, at any times or time and when, or about what times or time particularly, and whether before or after the day of , tender or offer to pay or satisfy unto any and what persons or person any and what sums or sum of money in or towards dis- charging any and what legacies or legacy given by the will of ? Were or was or not any and what securities or security, and from and to whom, for payment of any and what sums or sum of money, produced and by whom at all or any and which of such times ? Did the persons to whom such, if any, tender was offered or made at any or either and which of such times agree or refuse to accept the money or other satisfaction so offered, and how and in what manner did he she or they at such time or times ex- press or declare him or herself or themselves relating thereto ? Declare &c. To prove a tender of money or of securities in pai/ment or dis- charge of legacies, and whetker the same was accepted or re- fused, and ichat pass- ed relative thereto. Interrogatories to be exhibited &c. [see p. 149, anteal wherein D. C. is complainant andT. W. and L. W. are defendants, on the part of the said complainant. I 1st. Do you know the parties complainant and defend- ants in the title of these interrogatories named, or any or either and which of them, and how long have you known them respectively? And do you know the vicarage and pa- rish of C. in the county of W. and chapelry of L. N. in the same county ? Is or is not the said chapelry annexed to the said vicarage or parish, or is the same reputed so to be, and how long time hath the same been or been reputed so to have been ? Declare &c. 2d, [ To prove the institution and induction of the j)lain- tiff; see the 2d interrogator^/ in p. 220, antea.^ 3d. Who is or are reputed to be rector or rectors of the said parish of C. and of the said chapelry of N. L. ? Who is or are or who is or are reputed to be entitled to the tithes of all kinds of titheable matters and things other than corn grain and hay arising from lands within the said f parioli or chapelry, or the satis-faction for the same, whe^ To prove a knowledgk of the parties and of the vicarage and cha- pelry, and that the latter is annexed or reputed to be annexed to the vicarage. To prove who is rec- tor of the parish, and who is entitled to the tithes arising zvithiu the parish or chapelry except of corn, grain, and hay. 20G INTERnOGATORIES. To "prove the parlu culars of the lands in the occupation of the defendants, by some person resident with- in the vicarage or near thereto. To prove whetltcr tithes are payable in kind of all titheable matters except corn, grain, and hay, or a composition in lieu thereof. Toprove ivhat yearly sums have been paid by the occupier of the defendant's lands or any of them in lien of tithes, except of tlier tlie rector or tlie vicar of the said parish &c. ? Have the tithes of all or any and which of the several kinds of titheable matters and things other than corn grain or hay been from time to time delivered to one or which of them the vicar or rector aforesaid, or to whom in par- ticular hath satisfaction for the same been from time to time paid, or is it reputed that such tithes have been de- livered or that such satisfaction hath been made ? De- clare &c. 4th. Whether or no have you for any and how long time lived within or near and how near to the said vicarage or parish of C. or the said chapelry of N. L. ? Have or hath not the defendants or any or either and which of them during all or any and what part of the time since the month of , occupied any and what lands situate or lying within the said vicarage or parish of C. or the said chapelry of N. L. and which of them in particular ? Have you or not for any and how long time known all or any and which of such lands '? If yea, Set forth and describe the particulars thereof so occupied by each of them ; Declare &c. 5th. Whether are the tithes payable in kind or reputed to be payable in kind of or for all or any and what kinds of titheable matters and things other than corn grain and hay arising on and from all or any and which of the lands in the occupation of the defendants T.W. and L.W. or either and which of them within the said parish of C. or the said chapelry of N. L., or is or are any and what certain or other sum or sums of money payable or reputed to be payable by the owners or occupiers of all or any and which of such lands, and when and to whom and in what manner, for or in lieu of the tithes of all or any and what kinds of tithe- able matters and things arising on or from all or any and which of such lands ? If any such sum or sums of money is or are so payable or reputed to be payable for or in lieu of the tithes of all or any titheable matters or things aris- ing on or from all or any and which of such lands, how long hath or have the same or is it reputed that the same hath or have been payable? Have you or not &c. 6th. Whether or no hath or have any and what yearly or other sum or sums of money been constantly or other- wise and how from time to time paid by the owner or occu- pier of all or any and which of the lands in the occupation of the defendants T. W. and L. W. or either and which INTERROGATORIES. 2(>7 of them situate or lying within the said parish or cliapelry and to whom and for whose use and for how long time for or in lieu of the tithes of or for any and what kinds of the titheable matters and things other than corn grain and hay wliich have arisen on or from all or any and which of such lands ? If yea, Under what name or names denomination or denominations hath or have each and every or any or either and which of such payments been from time to time made and accepted and in general considered as made and accepted, whether as an ancient established certain and in- variable modus or moduses and as being due and having been payable from time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary and as the full and whole of what the vicar of the said parish was by any means entitled to for or in lieu of the tithes of such titheable matters and things respectively arising on such lands respectively or as tempo- rary compositions only or under particular agreements from time to time made with the vicar of the said parish for the time being? Have or not tithes been delivered or is it reputed in the said parish or chapelry or the neigh- bourhood thereof that tithes have been delivered in kind and how often and when and about what times or time and by whom and to whom and from whom of or for all or any and what kinds of titheable matters and things other than corn grain and hay, which arose on or from all or any and which of such lands ? Have or not the sums or sum of money which have or hath been from time to time paid for or in lieu of the tithes of all or any and which of such matters or things other than corn grain and hay arising on or from all or any and which of such lands been at any and what time or times and how often and in what manner and on what occasion altered or varied ? Have you or not &c. 7th. Whether or no are the whole or any and what parts of tlie lands lying within the said chapelry of N. L. com- monly called oxgangs of lands divided into oxgangs, or estimated with respect to their quantity as being any particular number of oxgangs, or is the term " oxgang " otherwise and how made use of or applied to all or any and which of such lands? Whether are the tithes pay- able in kind or reputed to be payable in kind of or for all or any and what kinds of the titheable matters and things other than corn grain and hay arising on or from all or any and which of the lands lying within corn, grain, and hay, and under what names made and accejtted, and whether as mo- duses or as temporari/ compositions only ; also to prove the ge- neral reptitation as to whether tithes have been rendered in kind and of what titheable matters except as above, and whether the S7ims paid in lieu of tithes except as above have or not varied. To prove whether the whole or what parts of the lands within the chapelry is or are divided into oxgangs, or to what lands suck term is applied ; also to prove whether tithes are payable in kind or reputed so to be of all titheable mutters except corn 268 INTERROGATORIES. grain and hay aris- ivg from the lands called or estimated by the number of ox- gangs. To prove what yearly sums have been paid by the oivners of all lands called or esti- mated by the number of oxgangs. the cliapelry of N. L. which are commonly called oxgangs, and which are generally estimated by the number of ox- gangs or to which the term " oxgang " is generally applied, or is or' are any and what certain or other sums or sum of money &c. [take the 5th interrogatory from these words to the ejid.] 8th. Whether or no hath or have any and what yearly or other sum or sums of money after any and what parti- cular rate per oxgang or by any and what other particular quantity or how otherwise, been constantly or otherwise and how from time to time paid by the owners of all or any part of the lands in the said chapelry of N. L. which are com- monl}' called oxgangs, or which are generally estimated by the number of oxgangs, or to which the term "oxgang" is generally applied, and to whom or for whose use, &c. ^takc the 6th interrogator?/ from these words to the end.^ To prove that the tithes of certain tithe- able matters have been rendered to the vicar as small tithes, and any instances of the same, and the general reputation relative thereto. To prove the custom in the pai-ish as to certain tithes, and ichether rendered as great or small tithes, and any instances of either kind. * Do you know any thing concerning the tithes of the said parish of O. or of any of the parts or places therein and which of them, and particularly concerning the tithes of turnip seeds clover seeds and grass seeds arising grow- ing renewing and increasing within the said parish or any of the parts or places thereof, and what do you know con- cerning the same ? And do you know or remember any and what instances of the tithes of turnip seeds clover seeds and grass seeds having been taken or received by or ren- dered to the vicar of the said parish for the time being and whom by name as small or vicarial tithes or in any other and what rigiit, and when and by whom were such tithes paid or rendered ? And were or not such tithes generally esteemed and considered in and throughout the said parish to belong to and be the right of the vicar of the said parish for the time being ? Declare &c. * What is or has been the usage or custom in the said parish with respect to the tithes of turnip seeds clover seeds and grass seeds and to whom have the same or any and which of them been rendered, and whether to the vicar or rector of the said parish or to any and what other person or persons, and whether as a great or rectorial or as a small INTERROGATORIES. 209 6r vicarial tithe or how otherwise, and what instances do you know of either and which of them ? Declare &c. * Did you at any time and when by the order and direc- tion of the said defendant give to the said complainant any and what notice of the time of the said defendant's digging up any potatoes in the said parish of B. during the years ? And if yea, Set forth when and to whom you gave such notice; Did or not the said complainant attend the digging up of such potatoes or take away the tithe thereof or why did he not take away such tithe ? Declare &c. * Do you or not know of any and what tithe having been s^t out by or by the order of the said defendants in the parish of B. in the pleadings of this cause mentioned in and during the years ? And if yea, Set forth what particular articles or species of tithe were or was set out for the said complainant by the said defendant in the said parish of B. during the said years as you know or beheve ? And did or not the said complainant remove re- ceive and take away all or which of the articles so set out for tithe, or did he refuse to take or did he leave any and which of them, and were such tithes fairly set out, or how otherwise? Declare &c. * Did you at any time and when for and on behalf of the defendant or by his order or direction make any tenders or tender to the said complainant of any and what sum of money for or on account of any and what tithe in the parish of B. during the years If yea, Set forth what sum of money you so tendered at such time or times respectively, and on what account, and did or not the said plaintiff ac- cept such tender ? Declare &c. * Did you at any time and when pay to the said complain- ant for or on behalf of the said defendant or by his order and direction any and what sum of money for or in lieu or in respect of any and what tithes accruing due in the said parish of B. during the years or one and which of them ? If yea. Set forth what sum or sums of you so paid and when and on what particular account. To prove notice given to the plaintiff' of the time of digging up certain titheable ar- ticles, and whether he attended and took away his tithe thereof. To prove tithes hav- ing been set out for the plaintiff, and whether he removed or refused to take the same away. To prove a tender made to the plaintiff on behalf of the de- fendant in respect of certain tithes. To prove payment to the plaintiff on be- half of the defendant in respect of certain tithes. 270 INTERliOGATORIES. To -prove payment in respect of the defend- ants tithes, and also applications made on his behalf by witness to admit him to pay during a par- ticular year the same annual composition as the other occupiers of land. To prove payment of what became due from the defendant for his tithes, whether the sums paid %cere com- puted according to certain exhibits, and whether such pay- ments were made by drafts or in money, a?id by the defend- anfs instructions. To prove whether the plaintiff desired ivit- ness to inform the de- fendant that witness could not be permitted to sign the annual agreement on his part, but that he must set Whether or no did you ever and when pay to the saici complainant any and what sums or sum of money in respect of the tithes of the said defendant in the parish of B. for the years or ■ • or either and which of such years, and whether or no by the instruction or direction of the said defendant or how otherwise ? And whether or no did you at the time of such payment or payments or any of them or at any other time or times and when request or apply to the said complainant to admit the said defendant for the year into the annual agreement that the said complain- ant was in the practice of making with the occupiers of land in the parish of B. or some of them by way of composition for their tithes in the said parish, or make any request or application to the said complainant to any such and what effect ? And whether or no did you make such request or application by the instruction or direction of the said de- fendant, or did you previously inform him or intimate to him that you would make such request or application on his part, or did you at any time and when first afterwards in- form him thereof, and did he approve thereof, or how otherwise ? Set forth &c. Whether or no did you at any time or times and when respectively pay to the said complainant the sums which became due from the said defendant for his tithes in the said parish of B. for the years and or either and which of them? And whether or no was or were the sum or sums so paid by you computed according to the said paper- writings and agreements marked (A ) and ( B) or either and which of them as you for any and what reason know or believe ? And whether or no did you make such payment or payments by any draft or drafts of the said defendant or in what manner, and whether or no with the monies of the said defendant, and whether or no by his instructions or dii'ections or with his knowledge or approbation, or how otherwise ? Set forth &:c. Whether or no did the said complainant at the time you made the payment for the tithes of the said defendant for the year request you to inform the said defendant that he could not permit you to sign on his part the annual agreement for the year but that the said defendant must set out his tithes in kind, or to any such and what INTERROGATORIES. 271 effect, and whether or no did you so inform the said de- fendant, and if not, why ? Set forth &c. out his tithes in kind, and whether witness so injortncd defend- ant. * Did or not the said F. E. in the pleadings in this cause named in his hfe-time and from and up to what time in particular carry on any and what trade or dealing and in what sort of merchandize ? Declare &c. To prove a deceased person having been a trader within the vieaniny of the bank- rupt laws. Of what trade or profession are you ? Do you know the copyhold premises in the pleadings in this cause and in the 5th interrogatory mentioned, and how long have you known the same ? Of what annual value were the same when J. A. the defendant in the title to these interrogatories named first took possession of the same as you know or for any and what reason believe? Of what annual value are the same now, and particularly what is the annual value of such part thereof as remains in the possession of the said J. A.? Declare &c. * Are you not acquainted with the parish of W. and the rectory of W. described in the particular of the estate in the pleadings of this cause mentioned ? If yea, Do you or not know and by any and what means what was the value of the advowson of the said rectory on the 4th of October 1821, and how do you calculate and make out such value ? Declare &c. Whether or no were you at any time and when employed by to estimate the value of the estate and premises described in the printed particular of sale marked (A) now produced &c. ? If yea, Did you form your estimate of the value from any actual survey and admeasurement or from any and what other information respecting the quantity of lands to be sold, and in particular in forming such valu- ation at what quantity did you compute certain lands part of the said estate called the ? And whether or no should you in any and what manner have reduced the esti- mate of the value of such estate and premises if you had known the said lands called the contained a less number of acres than they were so computed at by you ? To prove the annual value of premises at the time the defendant took possession, and also their present value. To prove the value of an advowson. To prove the esti- mated value of an estate ; at what quantity wit- ness computed certain lands, and in what degree it would have reduced the estimate if the witness had known that certain lands contained less than they were com- puted at. •272 INTERROGATORIES. To prm-e the valu- ation of the reversion- ary inteiest iti houses after the expiration of existing leases pre- riovsly to the sale thereof, that the va- luation of one lot exceeded another lot containing the same number of houses and let at the like yearly rents, and the reason of such difference. * Did you previously to the time of the sale of the es- tate in the pleadings of this cause mentioned make any and what estimate of the value of the reversion of the said houses or lots after the expiration of the leases under which the said houses were held ? And if yea, How did you make such estimate or valuation, and was or not in particular the valuation of lot 10 or the houses comprised in such lot higher than the valuation of some other lot containing the same nvunber of houses and let at the same rents, and what was the reason of such difference in the valuation of such reversion? Declare &c. To prove the can- celling of a will. * Do you know whether the saidT. M. in the 1st interro- gatory named ever and when and in whose presence can- celled any will or testament made hy him and of what date in particular ! And if yea. Were you present at the time, and did the said T. M. inform you or make any declaration why he cancelled such will or testament ? And set forth the particular words or declarations used or made hy the said T. M. as the reasons for his cancelling such will or testa- ment as nearly and fully as you can recollect the same ; Declare &c. [To prove the execution of iv ills, see p. 211, antea.^ [ 27.1 ] SECT. III. FORMS OF INTERROGATORIES FOR THE EXAMINATION OP PARTIES, AND ALSO FOR THE EXAMINATION OF CREDITORS AND THEIR WITNESSES, AND OTHERS, UNDER DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. Interrogatories for the examination of the per- sonal representatives of an admmlsirator as to his intestates estate and effects exclusive of his share in a partnership business, and also as to the debts which were owing by the intestate. Between &c. Interrogatories to be exhibited &c. [ For a form of title, vide antca, p. 149.] 1st. Whether or no was R. P. the intestate in the plead- ings in this cause named at the time of his death possessed of or entitled to any personal estate and effects other than and besides and exclusive of his part share or interest in the copartnership trade and business in the pleadings in this cause mentioned, and the stock and effects belonging thereto ? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular in- ventory and account thereof and all the particulars whereof the same consisted, and the full true and utmost value thereof, and all the particulars thereof whicli were pos- sessed by you or any and which of you and by any other person or persons by your or any and v^hich of your onler and for your or any and which of your use, or by the said late defendant T. P. or any other person or persons by his order or for his use in his life-tiir.e, and how and in v»hat manner the same were and have been applied or disposed of, and also an account of all and every sums and sum of money received by sale or on account of the said intestate's personal estate and effects other than and independent of or distinct from his share interest or concern in the copartner- ship trade or business in the pleadings in this cause men- tioned or the stock or effects belonging thereto, or other- VOL. II. S 274 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE wise on account of the said separate personal estate and effects of the said intestate, and when by whom and of whom for what and on what account or accounts the same and every part thereof were or was so received, and whe- ther any and what part or particulars of the said separate personal estate and effects of the said intestate remains or remain outstanding or unreceived. 2d. Whether or no was the said intestate R. P. at the time of his death separately indebted to any persons or person besides or exclusively of the debts owing from him as a partner in the aforesaid copartnership concern or business ? If yea. Set forth a full true and particular ac- count of all and every such debts ; Have yovi or not or have or hath or not any and which of you or any persons or person by your or any and which of your order or on your or on any and which of your behalf paid laid out or expended, and did the said late defendant T. P. or any other person or persons by his order or on his behalf in his life-time pay lay out or expend any and what sums or sum of money in or towards the discharging of all or any and which of such debts or of the funeral expenses of the said intestate R. P. ? If yea, Set forth a full just true and par- ticular account of all and every such sums or sum of money, and when and by whom and to whom and for what or on what account or accounts the same and every part thereof were or was so paid laid out or expended. An interrogatory for the examination of an agent or steward. To prove whether the examinant rvas em- powered by the testa- tor to let and sell his freehold and lease- hold estates and to re- ceive the rents there- of Also to prove the par- ticulars of such es- tates, how long the examhiant has been in p055esi>icit njnvy part. Whether or no were you in the Hfe-time of the said tes- tator T. D. and for how long time before his death em- powered by him or any other person and whom to let and sell all or any and what part of the freehold and leasehold estates of the said testator and to receive the rents and profits thereof, or do you otherwise and how know of what freehold or leasehold estates the said testator died seised or possessed or entitled unto? If yea. Set forth a full true and just rental description and particular thereof, and vrhei e the same and every part thereof are situate, and tlic yearly value ol' each particular thereof, and in whose EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 27^ tenure or occuparion the same and every part thereof then was or since has been and now is, and under what leases or terms of years, if any, and at what yearly or other rent or rents ; And set forth for how long time you have been in possession or receipt of the rents and profits of such freehold and leasehold estates or any and what part thereof, and by what right and title and for whose use ; And also set forth a full true and particular account of all and every sum and sums of money which have been received by you or any other person or persons by your order or for your use for or in respect of the rents and profits of the said estates or any part thereof which have or hath become due since the death of the said testator, and what and by whom and for whose use and for what rent and of what part of the said estates and when due all and every such sums were respectively received, and whether any and which of such rents and profits are now in arrear, and if so, why ; And also set forth a full true and particular account of all and every the sum and sums of money which have been from time to time paid and disbursed by you since the death of the said testator for or on account of the said freehold and leasehold estates of the said testator, and when and to whom and for what all and every such sums were respectively paid and disbursed ; Set forth &c. what rents have been received by him and what remain in arrear, and also as to what monies have been ex- yended on the estates. Interrogatories for the examination of a de- fendant before the Master, to jyrove the number and age of her children and when ba2itized. Between B. B. and others, Plaintiffs, and T. A. and others, Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited on behalf of the plaintiffs before J. S. IJ. esq. Sec. 1st. Whether or no were there any children living of the marriage between you and your late husband W. A. in the pleadings in this cause named at the time of his death, and what were their respective names, and when and where were they severally born, and are or is any or either and which 276 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE 2cl. Whether or no were they or any or either and which of them at any time or times and when and where and by whom baptized, and whether or no were or was any entries or entry at any time or times and when made in any re- gisters or register of any and what parish church or churches or chapels or chapel or other places or place as to the birth and baptism of all or any or either and which of them ? Interrogatories for the examination of creditors and their witnesses. Between A. B. and C. D. Complainants, and E. F. and G. H. Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited by the com- plainants before W. G. esq. one of the Masters of this honorable court, for the examination of the creditors of T.H. esq. deceased in the pleadings in this cause named and of their witnesses, in pur- suance of the decree and order of this court made on the hearing of this cause on the 8th day of March 1781. To prove the debts due to the exaininants at the time of the in- testates death, and ichethcr any part t/iercof has been satis- fed. To prove what monies are due on mortgages or other securities and the partic^dars there- * 1st. Was the said T. H. in his life-time and at the time of his death indebted to you in any and what sum or sums of money on any and what account, and have you or have you not at any time or times and when and from whom received any and what satisfaction for the same or any part thereof, and is the same and every or any and what part thereof still justly due and owing to you ? Declare &c. * 2d. Was the said T. H. in his life-time and at the time of his death indebted to you in any and what sum of money for principal and interest due to you on mortgage or other security or securities made from him to you, and when does or do such mortgage deed or other security or securities bear date, and for what consideration was or were the same made and by and before whom and when executed, and who is or arc tlic subscribing witness or witnesses to the execution EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHEKS. 277 thereof, and have you or have you not or any other person and who on your account or behalf and when received such principal money and interest or any and what part thereof, as you know have heard and beheve ? Declare See. * 3d. Was the said T. H. in his life-time and at the time of his death indebted to you in any and what sum or sums of money on any and what judgment, and when was the same confessed or recovered by you or whom else in any and what court against the said T. H., and have you or have you not or any other person and who on your account or behalf or on any other account and when and from whom received any and what satisfaction for the same or any and what part thereof, and is the same and every or any and what part thereof still justly due and owing as you know and do believe ? Declare &c. * 4th. Was the said T. H. in his life-time and at the time of his death indebted to you in any and what sum or sums of money on any and what bond or other security made and entered into by him to you or any other per- son or persons and whom by name, and when was the same so made and given and for what consideration or on what account and in what penalty, and what was the consi- deration thereof, and when does the same bear date, and hath or hath not the same been and when paid off and discharged, or is any and what part thereof still justly due and owing to you or whom else on the said bond as you know have heard and do believe ? Declare &c. * 5th. Was the said T. H. in his life-time and at the time of his death indebted to you in any and what sum or sums of money on any and what promissory or other note, and when and for what consideration was the same so made or given or indorsed to you or whom else by the said T. H. and what is the date thereof, and hath or not the same and every or any and what part thereof been and when paid off and discharged, or is the same or any and what part thereof still justly due and owing to you or whom else as you know have heard and believe ? Declare &c. * Gth. Was the said T. H. in his life-time and at the time of his death indebted to you in any and what sum or sums of money on any and what book debt or debts for any and what goods sold and delivered by you to him or by his order or for his use or on his account, and at what particular time To prove what monies are due on judgnunt, and when such judg- ment was confessed. To prove what monies are due on bond. To prove what monies are due on promissory notes. To prove what is due. for goods sold and delivered. 278 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE To prove ichut is due for ivork and labour. To prove ivhat is due to the deceased's soli- citor. To prove the execu- tion of bonds and other exhibits by the subscribincj ivitncsscs. or times were the same so sold and delivered by you to liini or by his order or for his use, and what was or were the particular or particulars thereof, and hath or have or not the same or some and what part or parts thereof been and when paid off and discharged, and is or are the same and every or any and what part or parts thereof still remaining justly due and owing thereon? Declare &;c. * 7th. Was the said testator T.H. in his life-time and at the time of his death justly and truly indebted to you in any and what sum or sums of money for work and labour done and performed by you and your journeymen and ser- vants or any of them and for materials and things found and provided by you and used in and about such work for the said T. H. or by his order, and when where and at what place or places ? And have you or have you not or any other person or persons and who on your account or behalf or on any other and what account and when and from whom received any and v»'hat satisfaction for the same or any and what part thereof, and is the same and every or any and what part thereof still justly due and owing to you or whom else as you know and do believe ? Declare &c. * Sth. Was the said T. 11. in his life-time and at the time of his death justly and truly indebted to you in any and what sum or sums of money for business done by you, and for your fees and for money necessarily paid laid out dis- bursed and expended by you and when for him or on his account or behalf in any and what business, and have you or - have you not or any other person or persons and who on your account and behalf or on any other and what account and from whom and when received any and what satisfac- tion for the same or any and what part thereof, and is the same or any and what part thereof still justly due and owing to you or whom else as you know or do believe ? Declare &c. * yth. Was or were the bond or bonds or other writing or writings marked now produced and shown to you at this the time of your examination or any and which of them signed sealed or executed in your presence and by whom? Were you or not a witness to the signing sealing or executing such bond or bonds or other writing or writ- ings or any and which of them ? Is your name set or subscribed as a witness to the same respectively, or any EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 279 and which of them, of your own proper hand-writing, and is or are the name or names of the other subscribing wit- ness or witnesses thereto of his their or any and which of their own proper hand-writing or not? Declare all that you know or believe concerning the same. Interrogatories for the examination of a person claiming to be a creditor, to jifove the actual consideration of a bond, and under what cir- cumstances the same was executed; also as to loans of monies in the examinanfs charge stated to have been lent, and as to an agreement made with him for the passage of a woman and two cMldren on board a vessel. Between B. M. widow, and others, PlaintiiFs, and B. N. and others, - - Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited on behalf of the said defendants before J. S. esq. one of the Masters of this honorable court to whom this cause stands referred, for the examination of T. S. esq. who claims to be a creditor of the testator G. S. in the pleadings of this cause named, pursuant to the decree made in this cause bearing date the day of . 1st. When and where and in whose presence did the said testator G. S. execute the bond to you for the sum of £ in your charge mentioned, and at what time of the day was such bond executed and was it not after dinner, and was the said G. S. then intoxicated or in any and what degree heated with liquor, and was not the said G. S. addicted to drinking, and by whom was such bond prepared, and when in particular, and by whose directions, and what was the consideration of such bond ; and if you allege that the consideration was for monies advanced or paid by you to or for the use or on the account of the said G. bJ., then set Ibrlli when and where To prove under what circumstances a bond was executed, and the consideration thereof; Wliether t/ic obligor was not intoxicated at the time he exe- cuted tlie same, and w/iether tie liad any occasion for tlie sum alleged to have 1)een lent, for tlie securing whereof the bond was executed. 280 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE To prove the time of payment of a frxm in the examinanfs charge alleged to he due to him and to have been paid over to another person. To prove the mode and time of advance- ment of other svms in the exaviinanfs charge stated to have been lent. To prove the date of the af/reemejtt for the passage of a icoman ajid two children, hoxK they were treat- ed, and the difference in the rate of pay- ment for the passage of a woman and two children where they are treated as com- mon passaigers, or where th<'y dine at the captains table. and in what manner and in whose presence and to whom such monies and every part thereof were so advanced and paid ? Did not the said G. S. pay to you the sum of £ for his passage from to before or upon or soon after his coming on board your ship, and did not the said G. S. bring on board with him the further sum of £ or thereabouts, or some other and what further sum as you know or beheve, and how happened it therefore tliat the said G. S. had occasion for the said sum of £ , and how did he spend the same, and what did he do there- with? 2d. When and where and in whose presence did you pay to Mr. S. in your charge named, the sum of £ therein mentioned, and when and where and in whose presence did the said G. S. request you to pay the same, and when and how did the said G. S. become indebted in the said sum of £ to the said Mr. S. ? 3d. When and wliere and in what manner and in whose presence did you advance to the said G. S. the sum of £ and every part thereof in your said charge stated to have been lent by you to tlie said testator at , and how did the said G. S, spend the same, or what did he do therewith ? When and where and in what manner and in Mhose presence did you advance to the said G. S. the sum of £ and every part thereof in your said charge stated to have been lent by you to the said G. S. at , and for what ])urpose did he require such loan? 4th. When and where and in whose presence was the agreement made between you and the said G. S. for the passage of Mrs. M. and her two children from ■ to ? Did the said Mrs. M. or her children dine at your table on the passage, or were they not treated by you as common passengers, or how otherwise ? And what is the usual and customary payment for the passage of a woman and two such children from to , v.ho are treated as common passengers or one treated as the said Mrs. M. and her two children were treated by you, and what is the usual and customary payment for such a passage for a woman and two such children who dine at the captain's table .^ EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS, 281 As to the existence of a bond, and what has be- cotne of the same; also to prove the hand-writing, and acknowledginents or admissions made by the oh igor. Between &c. Interrogatories exhibited on belialf of W.T. and E. T. who claim to be creditors of the said defendant, before S. T. esq. one &c. to whom this canse stands referred, for the ex- amination of W. L. for the proof of their debt, pursuant to &c. 1st. Whether or no have you at any time and when and for how long had in your custody possession or power, or have you at any time or times and when respectively seen in the custody possession or power of any other person or persons and whom, a bond or obligation in writing ex- ecuted or purporting to be executed by the present Mar- quess of D. by his then name of Earl of B. of the date and in the words and figures or to the purport and effect herein- after set forth, or any other and what bond executed or pur- porting to be executed by the said Marquess of D. by his then name of Earl of B. to J. F. T. the wife of W. T. of M. by her then name of B. of any other and what date, or in any other and what words and figures, or to any other and what purport and effect ? [Setting forth the bond.] 2d. Whether and from whom and upon what occasion did you receive such bond or obligation if the same hath ever been in your custody possession or power, and what is become of the said bond, and where is the same now or was when you last knew thereof, and to whom and when and upon what occasion did you give up the custody possession or power of the said bond ? Or if the said bond hath never been in your custody possession or power, then upon what occasion or occasions did you see the same in the custody possession or power of any other person or persons ; and what is now become thereof as you know or for^any and what''reason believe ? od. Are you acquainted with the character of the hand- writing of the said Marquess of D., and have you ever 3een the said iMarquc£.o write, or by what other means did To prove the exist- ence of the bond. To prove from whom witness received the same, and to whom he delivered it, and tchat has become of the same. To prove the hand- ivriting of the sig- 7iaturc to the bond, and of the uttcsting 'in-i INTEHROC.ATOKIES FOR THE wit/iess, and also the. hand-wrUiufi of the body of (he boiiU. To prove, ivhethcr the obligee in the bond yuve authority to any person to receive the money due thereon. To prove acknow- ledgments or admis- sions made by the ob- ligor that he gave the bond for the ob- ligee's own benefit. To prove exhibits. letters us you become acquainted with the character of his hand- writing, and whether or no do you believe that the name " B " set and subscribed to the said bond or obhgation was of the proper hand-writing of the said Marquess, or if not why ; and whether or no was the name of any at- testing witness and whom set and subscribed to the said bond, and are you by any and what means acquainted with the character of the hand-writing of such attesting witness, and was such name of his proper hand-writing, and is such attesting witness now hving or dead, and when did he die? And do you know of whose hand-writing was the body and condition of the said bond ? 4th. Whether or no was any instrument or other au- thority produced to you whereby the said Mrs. T. the ob- hgee in the said bond authorized and empowered any other person and whom to receive the money due on the said bond, or otherwise to discharge the same ? If yea, Set forth the particulars of such instrument or other authority, and what hath become thereof. 5th. Whether or no have you at any time or times and when and upon what occasion or occasions had any con- versation with the said Marquess of D. upon the subject of the said bond, or have you at any time or times and when and upon what occasion or occasions heard the said Mar- quess of D. speak of the said bond ; and whether or no did the said Marquess of D. upon such occasion or oc- casions acknowledge or admit that he gave the said bond for the proper use and benefit of the said Mrs. T. or how otherwise ? 6th. Look upon the letters or paper-writings now pro- duced &c. ; Of whose hand-writing are the said letters or the signatures and superscriptions thereto respectively as you for any and what reason know or believe ? EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 285 Interrogatories for the examination of executors before the Master. Between A. B. and C. D. &c. Plaintifl", Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited on behalf of the said plaintiff before I. E. esq. one of the Masters of this honorable court, for the examination of the defendants pur- suant to the decree made in this cause beariiig date the day of . Whether or no was D. W. deceased in the pleadings of this cause named at the time of his death possessed of entitled to or interested in any and what goods chattels personal estate and effects as you know or for any and what reason believe ? If yea, Set forth a full true and just inventory and account thereof and of every part thereof and of all the particulars whereof the same consisted, and the quantities qualities full real and true valuations of all such particulars ; And whether or no were all or any and which of such particulars and to what amount and value possessed or received by or come to the hands of you or one and which of you or any and what persons or person by the order or for the use of you or one and which of you, and how and in what manner and when and where and by whom and for how much have or hath the same and every or any and what part thereof been sold or disposed of, and whether any and what parts thereof and tf) what value and amount now remain undisposed of, and what is become thereof? Whether or no were any and what sums of money due or owing to the said D. W. at the time of his death ? If yea. Set forth a full true and particular ac- count of all and every such sums, and from whom and for what the same were respectively due, and whether on any and what securities or security and whether carrying inte- rest or not and at what rate, and how much was due for interest thereon respectively at the time of his death ; and also a full true and just account of all and every sums and sum of money from time to time received by or by the order of or for the use of you or cither of you in or towards As to the "particulars of tfie personal estate, and the application thereof by the exami" nants, and also as to the debts due to the testator at the time of his deat/i, and what monies have been re- ceived in discharge thereof. 284 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE As to the debts owing by the testator, and what monies have been paid towards the dis- charge thereof, and of his funeral ex- penses. As to the testator's leasehold property, what rents have been received tlierefrom, and what parts have been sold; the {]isc^ara:e of such debts or any of them or the interest thereof or of any of them since the death of the said D.W., and when and by whom and for whose use and for ■what all and every such sums were respectively received ; and what sums or sum of money still remain due in respect thereof or of the interest thereof or of any of them and from wliom, and why such sums have not been gotten in and received, and where do the persons from whom the same are respectively due live and reside ? Set forth all the matters aforesaid according to the best of your respec- tive knowledge remembrance information and belief. Whether or no was the said D. W. at the time of his death indebted to any and what persons or person in any and Vi'hat sums or sum of money ? If yea, Set forth a par- ticular account of all and every the debts whatsoever which v/ere then justly due and owing from him, and to whom and for what and on what security ( if any ) the same were re- spectively due ; and whether any and what sums or sum of money have or hath been since paid by you in or tov/ards the discharge of all or any and which of such debts and when and to whom and for what ; and whether any and what sums or sum of money do or doth now remain unpaid on account thereof; Whether or no were or was any and what sums or sum of money paid and disbursed by you for or on account of the funeral expenses and debts of the said tes- tator or otherwise in relation to his estate, and when and by whom and to whom and for what were all and every such sums respectively paid ? Set forth &c. Whether or no was the said testator at the time of his death possessed of or entitled to any leasehold property? If yea, Set forth the particulars of which the same consisted and where the same and every part thereof was situate, and by whom and for what term or terms of years and under what yearly or other rent or rents the same and every part thereof was held at the death of the testator, and whether any and what sums or sum of money have been received hy you or eitlier of you in respect of such rent or rents and when and from whom and for what rents respectively ; And whether or no have you or either and which of you sold any and what part of the said testator's leasehold pro- perty ? And if yea. When and to whom and for what was the same ^fold, m\& what sum or sums of money hath or have I EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 285 been received by you and either and which of you in re- spect of such sale, and when and from whom and for what was or were such sum or sums received, and what now re- mains due in respect of such sale, and why the same is out- standing and unpaid ? And set forth also a full true and particular account of the stock in trade which the said tes- tator was possessed of or entitled to at his death, of what the same and every part thereof consisted, and what at the said testator's death was the full and true value of each and every part thereof; And set forth also a full true and par- ticular account of the monies produced by the sale of such stock in trade, and when and to whom and for what the same and every part thereof was sold or what became thereof; Set forth all and every &c. also as to the testa' tors stock in trade, the value thereof, and what monies have been received by sale there- of. Whether or no was the said testator J. B. at the time of his death seised of or otherwise and how entitled to any and what freehold and copyhold estates ? If yea. Set forth a full true and just rental description and particular thereof, and the number of acres thereof respectively, and where the same and every part thereof is situate, and the yearly value of each particular thereof, and in whose tenure or occupa- tion the same and every part thereof respectively then was or since has been and now is, and under what leases or terms if any, and at what yearly or other rent or rents; And set forth also whether any and which of such estates or any and what part thereof have or hath since the death of the said testator J. B. been sold and disposed of, and when and where and by and to whom and for how much every par- ticular thereof hath been sold and disposed of, and whether at the full and utmost value thereof, and if not, why, and how and in what manner the money arising from the same hath been paid and applied ; And set forth also a full true and particular account of all and every sum and sums of money which have been from time to time received by you or any or either and which of you or by any other person or persons by your or any or either and which of your order or for your or any or either and which of your use for or in respect of the rents and profits of the said freehold and copyhold estates and every or any part thereof wliich were due and owino- at tlie death of the said testator As to the freehold and copyhold estates to which the testator was entitled, what parts have been sold, and how the purchase- money has been ap- plied ; also as to what rents have been re- ceived, and v}hat re- main in airear. Ii86 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE or which have since become due, and when and by whom and from whom and for what all and every such sum and sums were respectively received, and whether any and which of such rents and profits are now in arrear, and if so, why ? As to what moimj has Whether or no have you been paid or in any manner eenn j^'f ./ ' /"" " satisfied any part of the principal money of £ men- ctpal a7ia tnterest due , ,, ii--pmT>i fyfi bond. tioned m the bond or obligation of i . B. the said testator bearing date &c. or any part of the interest which hath accrued due thereon ? If yea, Set forth the particulars and amount of all and every sums or sum which you have been so paid or satisfied and when respectively and by whom and in what manner. Interrogator 1/ for the examination of exe- cutors and trustees as to any personal estate got in or disposed of by them, a?id monies received by sale of real estate and from the rents thereof since the time of the examinants ^jw^/iw^ in their answers to the plaintiff's bill. Hath not some and what part of the personal estate and effects of R. H. esq. deceased, the testator in the pleadings in this cause named, or of the produce of such personal estate, or of the money arisen by sale of his real estate or any part thereof, or in respect of the rents and profits of his real estate or of any part thereof, been possessed by or come to the hands of you or one and which of you, since the respective times of your respectively swearing to your respective answers in the plaintiff's bill in this cause ? Set forth a full true and just account of all and singular such personal estate and the produce thereof which hath been so possessed or received by you respectively or by your respective order or for your respective use, or come to your respective hands since the time of swearing your said respective answers, and the natures kinds qualities and quantities and the full real and true value of all and every of such particulars, and when and by whom and to whom all and every or any and which of such particulars have been sold or disposed of, and whether any and what part thereof remains undisposed of, and what is become thereof? Hath any and what part of the personal estate of the said EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. testator R. H. which remained undisposed of at the time of swearing your said respective answers been since sold or disposed of and when and by and to whom and for how much, and whether for the full value thereof, or how much under the full value thereof respectively, and what sums or sum of money have or hath been received for the same, and when and by whom and for whose use ? Set forth also a full true and just account of all and every the sums or sum of money which have or hath been from time to time received by you or either of you, or by any persons or person by the order or for the use of you or either of you since the swearing of your said respective answers, for or in respect of the produce or money arisen by sale of the real estate of the said testator or any part thereof, or the rents or profits of such real estate or any part thereof, and when and by whom for what and on what account all and every such sums were respectively received ? Set forth all and every the matters and things aforesaid according to the best of your respective knowledge remembrance and belief. 287 Interrogatories for the examination before a Master of the executor and heir at law of a deceased defendant, tvho was the agent, steward, receiver, and manager of the estates in ques- tion. Between &c. Interrogatories exhibited &c. 1st. Set forth according to the best of your knowledge and belief a full true and particular account of all and every the rents issues and profits and sums and sum of money arisen from rents issues and profits of the estates of the plaintiffs Viscountess S. and C. C. in the pleadings mentioned, situate in the several counties of &c. or any of them, which have arisen or become due since the death of J. B. their mother, received by or come to the hands of the late defendant R. B. in his life-time, and you the now defendant R. B. as his heir at law and executor since his death,' or any other person or persons by your or either of As to the rents re- ceived, or which with- out wilful default might have been re- ceived. 288 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE As to monies laid oiit in repairs, S)'c. As to what parts of the estates have been sold, and the inonies received therejrom ; Also as to what tim- ber has been ctit down and on what grounds, the value thereof, and to ichorn sold, and the monies received on account thereof, or which without wilful default might have been received. your orders, or for your or either of your use, or which without your or either or one of your wilful default might have been received thereout, with the times when and from whom and for what the same and each and every of them were respectively received or might have been received. 2d. Set forth in manner aforesaid a full true and par- ticular account of all and every sums and sum of money paid laid out expended disbursed or allowed for repairs taxes and other outgoings in respect of the said estates or otherwise, to for or on account of the plaintiffs or any of them by the late defendant R. B. in his life-time, and you the now defendant R. B. since his death, or by any other person or persons by your or either of your order or on your or either of your account, with the times when and hy and to whom and for what the same and each and every of them were so paid laid out expended disbursed or allowed. 3d. Set forth in manner aforesaid a full true and par- ticular account of all such parts of the said estates as Avere at any time or times sold since the death of the said J. B. the mother of the said plaintiffs, with the times when and to whom and for what prices respectively the same and every part thereof were or was sold, and also an ac- count of all and every sums and sum of money arisen from such sales or sale received by or paid to the account of or in anywise come to the hands of the said late defendant R. B. or to the hands of his bankers or any other person or persons by his order or for his use, with the times when and from whom and for what all and every such sums and sum of money were or was received or paid ; and also a full true and particular account of all timber which hath been cut down in or upon all or any part or parts of the said estates of the said plaintiffs Viscountess S. and C. C. at any time or times since the death of the said J. B. their mother, with the times when and the names of the par- ticular woods fields grounds or places in which the same were cut, and the number of trees from time to time so cut, and the prices or value thereof respectively, and to whom the same were sold, and by whom the same were cut down respectively from time to time ; and also a full true and particular account of all and every sums and sum of money which at any time or times and when were received- by or come to the hands of the said late defendant R. B» EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 289 or any otlier person or persons by Iiis order or for his use from such timber as aforesaid, or which without his own wilful default might have been received, and from whom and for what all and every such sums and sum of money were or was received. 4th. Set forth also in manner afoi-esaid a full true and particular rental of all and every the said estates of the plaintiffs &c. in the several counties aforesaid as the same stood at the time of the death of the said J. B. their mother, specifying therein the names of all and every the tenants and the yearly rents of each of the said estates at that time ; And also set forth all and every increase or advance of all and every or any of the rents of the said estates from time to time made, with the particular times or periods when and from which such increase or advance took place, so as to show what was the yearly amount of the rentals of the said estates in every year when any advancement or increase took place from the death of the said J. B. to this time, save and except such increase or advance as may have been made by the plaintiffs in the rents of such of the said estates as w^ere delivered into their hands since their possession thereof. 5th. Set forth in manner aforesaid a full true and par- ticular account of all the woods and wood-lands parcel of the said estates, with the names and quantities or number of acres thereof respectively, and the places where the same are situate ; and also a full true and particular account of all such lands and tenements parcel of the said estates as at any time or times were not let to any tenant or tenants, or were in hand or occupied by the said late defendant R. B. or any other person or persons by his order or on his account, with the names and quantities or number of acres and yearly value thereof respectively, and when and how long from time to time the same were so unlet to any tenant or tenants or were in hand or occupied by the said late defendant R. B. ; And set forth also in manner afore- said the names of the several manors belonging to tb.e said estates, and in what particular counties the same are situate, with the natures and extents of such manors respectively, and a full true and particular account of all quit rents and of all fines heriots and other uncertain profits belonging or arising from each of such manors respectively, with the yearly amounts thereof. Vol. II. t As to the rental of the estates at the time of the decease of tli^ pi'aintijfs' mother ; ichat increase has been wade in the rents, and the times ivhen, and the yeartif amount of the rentals of the estates. As to the tvoods and tvoodlavds, and the names and nr tuber of acres thereof; Also as to the estates lihich ic ere from time to time on hand or occupied hy the de- ceased defendant ; A Iso as to the names of the nidt.ors lielonr/inc/ to the estates and the descriptions thereof, and of the quit rents^ fnics^ Hfc. belong in^ thereto. I 290 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE j4s to t/ic names of the stewards em ployed by the deceased defend- ant in the collection of the rents and manage- ment of the estates. Schedule required of the accounts of the steivards and ayents of the estates; Also of all surveys, maps, rentals, 6fc. kept by them ; and whether any have been destroyed and how. Schedvle and descrip- tion required of all accounts, declarations if trust, letters, ^'c. kept by the deceased d(fendant of his re- ceipts, payments, or transactions for or on account of the jilain- tiffs" estates, and whe- ther any have been destioyed and how. 6th. Set forth in manner aforesaid the name or names and place or places of abode of the steward or several stewards employed by the said late defendant R. B. from time to time in the collection of the rents and management of the said estates and each of them respectively, from the time of the death of the said J. B. down to the time when possession of any of the said estates was taken by the plaintiffs, and down to the time of his own death as to such of the said estates as he continued in possession of to that time. 7th. Set forth in manner aforesaid a true and particular schedule of the accounts of all and every the stewards and agents of the said estates respectively from the time of the death of the said J. B. down to the time when the possession of any of the said estates was delivered into the possession of the plaintiffs, and down to this time as to such of them as the said late defendant continued in possession of until his death and which are now in your possession ; and also a true and particular schedule of all the surveys field-books maps plans counterparts of leases rentals particulars books and papers of accounts minutes entries agreements and memorandums kept by all or any of the said stewards or agents of or concerning the said estates or any of them or the rents profits or management thereof, and whether any such have at any time or times to your knowledge in- formation or belief been torn burnt or destroyed and when and by whom ; or whether you have ever seen or heard of any such which are or is not now forthcoming, and what is become thereof according to the best of your knowledge information and belief. 8th. Set forth also in manner aforesaid a full and par- ticular schedule and description of all and every or any books or book of account memorandums agreements decla- rations of trust letters minutes entries or other papers at any time or times kept by the said late defendant R. B. of or concerning his receipts payments or transactions for or upon account of the plaintiffs Viscountess S. &c. or all or any of their estates, or the plaintiffs Lord S. &c. or in any wise concerning the said estates or any of them ; and whether to your knowledge information or belief any such bo(/ks or book of account memorandums minutes declara- tions of trust letters entries or papers have at any time EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 291 been torn burnt or destroyed, or whether you have ever seen or heard of any such which are or is not now forth- coming, and if so, what is become thereof according to the best of your knowledge information and behef. 9th. Set forth in manner aforesaid a full true and par- ticular account of all and every the manors messuages lands tenements and hereditaments which are comprised in the indentures of &c. in the pleadings mentioned, and in the in- denture of &c. in the pleadings also mentioned, and in each and every of them ; And also set forth a full true and par- ticular account and rental of all such of the said manors &c. as now remain unsold, specifying therein the names of all and every the tenants or tenant or occupiers, and the names and quantities or number of acres of the fields and lands occupied by each tenant. 10th. Set forth in manner aforesaid a true and particular schedule of all title-deeds and writings and other deeds instruments evidences and writings relating to the said es- tates of the said Viscountess S. &c. in the several counties aforesaid or to any of them now in your custody or power, or which at any time or times have been in your custody or power or in the custody or power of the said late defend- ant R. B., and if any of the deeds and evidences relating to the said estates or any of them were at any time or times in the custody or power of the said late defendant R. B. or in your custody or power and are not now in your cus- tody or power, set forth in whose custody or power the same now are or what is become thereof as you know have heard or for any and what reason believe. 11th. Do you not admit assets of the said late defendant R. B. sufficient to answer what on taking the aforesaid ac- counts shall appear to have come to the hands of the said late defendant ? If not, Then set forth in manner aforesaid a full true and particular account of all and every sums and sum of money securities for money arrears of rent goods chattels personal estate and effects whatsoever of or be- longing to the said late defendant R. B. at the time of his death, with the kinds qualities natures true and real values thereof respectively, and also sot forth a full true and par- ticular account of all such parts thereof as have been pos- sessed and received by or which have come to the hands of you the said now defendant R. B. as his executor, with t2 An account required of all the manors, Sf'c. comprised in certain deeds, and a rental of suck as remain unsold. Schedtde inquired of all deeds, Sfc. relating to the estates in ques- tion. As to whether the ex- aininaut admits assets of the deceased de- fendant sufficient to answer irhat may ap- peur to have come to his hands. 292 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE the times when and how and from whom you have possessed or received the same, and what part or parts thereof, if any, now remain outstanding. As to cerfahifarticu- lars of t/te testator's personal estate, an inventory or schedn/e thereof required to be set forth ; Also as to the value of all such particulars and tclieiher any of them tiaie been sold, what monies have been received therefrom and how the same have been applied, and what balance re- mains due from the examinants. Interrogatories for the examination of executors before the Master. Between L. M. - - - Plaintiff, and E. C. and others, Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited on behah*" of the plaintiff, before J. S. esq. one of the Masters of this honorable court to whom this cause stands referred, for the exa- mination of the defendants M. C. and A. C. pursuant to the decree made on the hearing of this cause, bearing date the day of . * 1st. Whether or not was T. C. deceased the testator in the pleadings of this cause named at the time of his death possessed of entitled to or interested in any books pictures china household goods and household furniture and live or dead stock or any and which of such particulars ? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular inventory or schedule of such several articles, and the descriptions and true and utmost value of all such articles and effects at the time of the death of tlie said testator, and how and by what means do you ascertain the value thereof, or hath the value thereof been ascertained by any and what persons or person and whom by name, and whether or not are such several articles or any and which of them now in your or either of your possession or power, or what hath become of the same, and have or hath or not you or either and which of you sold or otherwise and how disposed of the same or any and which of them? Have you or hath either and which of you or have any person or persons and who by name by your or either of your order or for your or either of your use possessed or received all or any and which of such several articles, or any and what sum or sums of money from the sale and dispo- sition thereof and of any and which of them? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular account of all such sum and sums of monev, and of the times when the same were re- EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS, 293 ceived, and of the purposes to which the same have been applied, and of the amount or balance due from you and each of you in respect thereof; Set forth the several matters inquired after by this interrogatory, and all the particulars relating thereto, fully and at large accoi'ding &c. * 2d. Whether or no was the said testator T. C. at the time of his death possessed of entitled to or interested in any and what goods chattels personal estate and effects other than and besides the several articles inquired after by the preceding interrogatory ? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular account of all such personal estate and effects dis- tinguishing the several particulars thereof; And whether or not have or hath you or either of you or any and v/hat per- sons or person by your or either of your order or for your or either of your use possessed or received all or any and what part of such last-mentioned personal estate and effects of the said testator T. C, or any and what monies produced from the sale and disposition thereof or of any and what part or parts thereof? If yea, Set forth a full true and par- ticular account of all such personal estate and effects and of all and every the sum or sums of money so possessed and received from the sale and disposition thereof, distinguishing the several particulars thereof, together with the names of the persons or person by whom the same and every part thereof were or was possessed and received, and what parts of such personal estate and effects now remain in your or either and which of your hands or power, and what is the amount or balance due from you and each of you in respect of the monies so possessed or received, and all other par- ticulars relating thereto fully and at large ? And whether or not is any part of the said testator's personal estate and effects now outstanding, and if so, in whose hands oj^ power ? Declare &c. * 3d. Have or hath you or either of you or any and what person or persons by your or either of your order or for your or either of your use paid laid out expended or allowed any sum or sums of money in or towards pay- ment and satisfaction of the said testator's debts funeral and testamentary expenses or otherwise on account of the said testator's personal estate? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular account of all such sum and sums of money so paid laid out or expended, together with the times when and the names of the persunb by and to whom and lor wliat As to any other per- sonal property to which the testator vas entitled, and how the same has been dis' jiosed of. As to any monies laid out by the examinauts in payment of the tes- tator s debts, funeral and ffstavientary ex- penses. I 294 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE As to xohat debts re- main unpaid. the same and every part thereof have or hath been so paid laid out expended or allowed, and all the particulars re- lating thereto fully and at large according to the best and utmost of your knowledge remembrance information and belief. *4th. Have all the debts due and owing by the said tes- tator T. C. at the time of his decease and his funeral ex- penses been paid and satisfied, or do any and which of such debts now remain due and owing? And if so, To whom and to what amount and on what security or se- curities ? Declare &c. As to the particular 8 of the testatoi'^s in- terest in leasehold premises, and in whose occupation the same have been since his death, and at ivhat rent. As to ivhat prnperttf specijiculli/ berpieafh- ed has been possessed by the examinaiits besides such as has been delivered over. As to what ftnniiitnnts under a willore livinri and who have died since the testators death, ivhat sums have been paid in discharfje of their annttities, and what funds have been set apart to answer the same. Was or not the said testator P. C. at his death possessed of or in some manner interested in a messuage or tenement at H. in the county of M. ? If yea, Set forth the particulars of which the same consisted, and from whom and under what lease or agreement and for what term and at and by what yearly or other rent the same and every part thereof was holden by the said testator, and set forth also at what rent and other conditions and for what term of years you have since taken the same, and in whose occupation the same and every part thereof hath been since the death of the said testator and now is, and at what rent or rents. Whether or no have you or either and which of you since the death of the said testator possessed any and what property of the said testator which was specifically be- queathed by him, other than and except such moieties as you have delivered to the specific legatees? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular inventory and account thereof and of every part thereof, and of all the particulars whereof the same consisted, and the quantities qualities full real and true values of the said particulars respectively. Whether or no are any and which of the annuitants in the said testator's will named living, and have any and which of the said annuitants died since the death of the said testator, and when in particular, and hath or have any and what sum or sums of money been paid in dis- charge of any and which of their said annuities, and in particular in discharge of the annuities given for the charitable purposes in the saiel will mentioned, and when and by whom, and have any and what fund or funds been EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. set apart and in whose name or names and in what manner to answer the same annuities or any and which of them ? Set forth &c. 295 Interrogatories for the further exainination of executors, defendants, pursuant to a decree. Between S. H. and others, infants, by J. F. their next friend. Complainants, and J. S. H. an infant, J. G., S. G., and W, B., Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited on the behalf of the defendant J. S. H. for the further examination of the defendants J.G. and S. G. pursuant to the decree made on the hearing of this cause bearing date the > day of , before J. S. esq. one of the Masters of this court to whom the said cause stands referred. * 1st. Have any and what money securities for money book and other debts goods chattels estate and effects be- longing to the personal estate of J. H. deceased, the tes- tator in the pleadings of this cause named, at the time of his decease, or which have since accrued arisen or become due on account of his business carried on by you by virtue of his will or otherwise been received by you or either and which of you, or come to your or either and which of your hands custody possession or power, or to the hands custody possession or power of any other person or persons by your or either of your order, or for your or either of your use since the time of and other than and besides what is set forth in your last examination put in before the said Master? Set forth a full and particular account of all and singular such money securities for money book and other debts goods chattels estate and effects, and when and by whom and from whom and on what particular account the same and each and every part thereof were or was re- ceived. As to monies and ef- fects received on ac- count of the business carried on by the ex- aminants by virtue of the will since the former examination. 1 296 As to the expenses in.' curred in the exe- cvtors/iip or the rna- ■tiagement of the tes- tators business since the former examina- tion. ■As to any onfstand- ing personal estate, debts and effects, par- tienlarly as to certain specific articles. INTERROGATORIES FOR THE *2d. Have you or either and which of you paid any and what sum or sums of money, or been at any and what ex- pense or expenses in and about your executorship or in and about the management and conduct of the business of the said testator J. S. H. either by yourselves or by any person or persons appointed or authorized by you to ma- nage and conduct the same business since your former ex- amination put in before the said Master in this cause, other than and besides what are set forth in your former ex- amination ? Set forth the particulars of all such payments and expenses, and when and by whom and to whom paid and on what account ; Were the same and every of them just debts and necessary expenses ? Declare according to the best of your and each of your several and respective knowledge and belief. *od. Are there any parts of the goods chattels monies securities for money debts estate or effects either specific or pecuniary of or belonging to the estate of the said tes- tator J. H. deceased at the time of his death or which have accrued or become due since his death, now outstanding un- received or now remaining in your hands undisposed of and unaccounted for, and particularly a five-guinea piece, a silver pencil-case, sundry medals and small pieces of silver coin and other things ? Have any and what means or en- deavours been used by you or either and which of you or by your order to collect or get in such outstanding debts and effects, and when and in what manner? Have any or either and vv'hich of the persons owing such debts or sums of money to the said testator's estate, declined or refused to pay the same and for what reasons'? Declare the truth of the several matters inquired after by this in- terrogatory, according to the best of your knowledge re- inembrance and belief. EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 297 Interrogatories for the examination of witnesses before the Master as to a testator s real estates , and the title-deeds belonging thereto. Between T. H. and S. his wife, Complainants, and H. J. and others, - - Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited on behalf of the said complainants, before A. P. esq. one &c. \tlie usual titled for the examination of witnesses. . 1st. Vv^hether or no as you for any and what reason know or believe was A. B. the testator in the pleadings of this cause named at the time of his death seised of or otherwise and how entitled to or in any and what manner interested in any and what freehold and copyhold estates, and in particular had he any and what interest in a certain estate called P. in the parish of K. in the county of M. ? Set forth a full true and just description and particular of all and every the freehold or copyhold estates which the said testator was seised of or entitled to or interested in at the time of his death, and where the same and every part thereof is situate, and in whose tenure or occupation the same and every part thereof then was or since has been and now is respectively ; Set forth &c. 2d. Have you or had you at any time and when last in your custody or power any deeds or deed instruments or in- strument papers or paper writings or writing belonging or in any manner relating to any and what freehold or copy- hold estate which the said testator was seised of or entitled to or interested in at the time of his death, and in par- ticular relating to the said estate called P., or to a certain messuage lands and premises situate in the parish of B. in the said county of M. called L. in the occupation of D. H., or to another messuage lands and premises in the said parish of B. called T. P. in the occupation of the said D. H., or to another messuage lands and premises called C. P. situate in the parish of M. in the said county in the occupation of J. J.? Set forth a list or schedule of all and, 1. As to the real estates to which tlie testator was entitled, and his interest in a particular estate. 2. As to the title- deeds relating thereto i 2-^0 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE Schedule re- every such deeds or deed instruments or instrument papers quired to be i,ci or paper writin^rs or writin hether or no did you the defendant I. C. and R. C. now deceased or either and which of you at any time or times and when respectively enter into copartnership with the bank- rupt T. C. in the pleadings of this cause respectively named, in the several trades or businesses of or in any and which of such trades or businesses? And if yea, In what shares and proportions were you the said I. C. and the said R. C. and the said bankrupt respectively interested in such trades and every of them, and what was the capital em- ployed in such trades or businesses and every of them and by whom was the same provided, and what were the con- ditions and agreements between you in each and every of such trades with respect to the providing of capital and the bringing into and taking out monies from the said trades ; and to whom did the buildings stock and utensils in each and every such trade belong at the commencement thereof, or by whom were the same provided, and what was then agreed between you with respect thereto? And set forth the particulars of all such buildings stock and utensils and the full true and utmost value thereof and of every part thereof, and what hath since become thereof? De- clare &.C. Infcrrngaiories as to the sale of a ship, the mo- nies received for freight, and the sums ea-jjended far seamens' wages and the shij/s disbursements. Between H. D. G.B. and - Plaintiff, Defendant. Interrogatories exhibited on behalf &c. [usual title before a Master.] As to the sale of the ^^^' ^Vhether or no is the ship called the Sir E. H. in ship, and the monies the pleadings of this cause mentioned sold? If yea. When produced thereby. ^^^^ where and by whom and to whom and at what price was the same so sold ; and have you or hath or have any other person or persons and who by your order or to your use or by the order or to the use of any other person or per- EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 309 sons and whom at any time or times and when respectively received the said purchase-money or any and what part thereof, or for what reason doth the same or any and what part thereof now remain unreceived and what hath become thereof, and if the said ship be not sold for what reason does the same remain unsold ? 2d. Whether or no have you or hath or have any other person or persons and who by your order or to your use received any sum or sums of money for the freight of the said ship ? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular ac- count of all and every such sum and sums of money which hath or have been received by you or any other person or persons by your oi'der or to your use for the freight of the said ship, and when respectively and for what and from whom and by whom all and every such sums were so re- ceived, and set forth also whether any and what sum or sums of money now remain due and owing in respect of the fi'eight of the said ship, and from whom and for what all and every such sums are due and owing, and why the same respectively are unreceived ? aawiad b9t>^ 3d. Whether or no have you paid any sums or sum of money for the seamens' wages and other charges in respect of the said ship forming a prior lien to the demand of the said complainant, or for any bills drawn by the captain of the said ship from the island of C. for the ship's disburse- ments ? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular ac- count of all and every the sum and sums of money which hath or have been so paid by you and when and to whom and for what all and every such sums were respectively paid and disbursed ; Set forth &c. As to the monies re- ceived for the freight of the ship. As to the siims paid for seamens wages, and the ship's dis- bursements. 310 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE To ascertain the Imuh occupied by the defen- dant. To ascertain the pro- duce of the lands in the occvpation of the defendant, and the value thereff, except such parts in respect -of which tithes have been rendered. To ascertain the nnm- her of ewes and sheep depastured and the (quantities ofieooland innnher of lambs yielded bj) ihan, and Interrogatories relating to tithes. In the Exchequer. Between T. W. clerk. - Plaintiff, and J. M. esq. ----- Defendant. Interrogatories exhibited on behalf of the said complainant before A. M. esq. Deputy Remembrancer of this honorable court to whom this cause stands re- ferred, for the examination of the said defendant pursuant to the decree made in this cause bearing date the day of ^ • 1st. Set forth a full true and particular account and de- scription of all lands which have been holden and occupied by you within the parish of L. and the titheable places thereof since the day of , or are now holden and occupied by you ; and if any of such lands have not been holden and occupied by you for the whole of the time since the said day of , then set forth for how long re- spectively such lands have been so holden and occupied by you; and set forth also the quantities of all and every of such lands, and how tlie same and every part thereof have at all times since the time aforesaid been respectively ap- plied in cultivation ; Set forth &c. 2d. Set forth a full true and particular account of all and every the quantities of wheat barley oats peas beans and other grain and hay and hay-grass and other produce what- soever which have in each year since the time aforesaid been reaped cut had taken or carried av.-ay from all and every such lands respectively, and tiie true and utmost value thereof respectively in each of the said years ex- cept as to such parts thereof in respect of which the tithes have been duly rendered to the complainant; Set forth &c. 3d. Set forth a full true and particular account of the number of ewes and other sheej) which in each year since the time aforesaid have been kept and depastured on the said several lands, and also a full true and particular ac- count of the number of such ewes and other sheep which EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. :ni have in each of the said years been shorn and have pro- duced lambs, and the quantities of wool and the number of Iambs which such ewes and other sheep have in each of the said years yielded, and the true and utmost value of such wool and lambs respectively ; and also a full true and particular account of the number of cows producing calves or milk, and the number of mares producing foals, and the number of sows producing pigs, and the number of hives of bees which in each of the said years since the time aforesaid have been kept by the said defendant on the said several lands, and the number of calves colts and pigs and the quantities of milk and honey which such cows mares sows and bees have in such of the said years re- spectively produced, and the true and utmost value of the same ; Set forth &c. 4th. Set forth a full true and particular account of the number of sheep not producing lambs or wool within the said parish or kept after shearing-time, and of the number and kinds of all other barren and unprofitable cattle which from time to time in each year since the time aforesaid have been kept fed agisted and depastured on the said several lands, and the kinds of all such cattle and the num- ber of each kind, and for how long respectively and on what lands in particular such sheep and other cattle were so kept fed agisted and depastured, and also a full true and particular account of the profits made by the agistment of such sheep and other cattle respectively so far as the same were agisted for hire, and of the value of the feed and agistment of such other sheep and other cattle re- spectively; Set forth &c. 5th. Set forth a full true and particular account of the potatoes turnip and other garden stuff and the apples pears cherries plumbs and other fruit which in each year since the time aforesaid have been taken gathered and re- ceived from the said several lands, and the true and utmost value of the same respectively ; Set forth &c. Gth. Whether or no have you since the time aforesaid had or taken away any titheable matters and things what- soever not hereinbefore mentioned and inquired after from the said several lands? If yea, Set forth a full true and particular account of such other titheable matters and things which in each year since the time afoi-esaid have been so had and taken by you, and the true and utmos,t value thereof respectively ; Set fortli Sec. the number of cotes, mares, and soios ana hives kept, and the number of calves, colt: and piys, and quan titles of milk and ho~ ney produced. To ascertain the num- ber of barren and un- projitable cattle de- pastured, and theva lue of the agistmen thereof. To ascertain the qnantiiies of gar- den stuff and fruit gathered. General inquiry as to other iilheablc mutters. 312 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE Between T. H. F. Plaintiff, and T. P. and otliers, - - - Defendants. To ascertain if the defendants during a particular period oc- cupied any other and what lands besides those specified in the decree. To ascertain the pro- duce of the lands in the occupation of the defendants, and the value thereof. Interrogatories exhibited on behalf of the complainant before &c. [ the usual title. "l 1st. Whether or no did any or either and which of you at any time between the month of and the day of hold and occupy any lands within the rectory and parish of B.R. in the county of E. in the pleadings of this cause mentioned, or the titheable places thereof, other than the several lands which in the decree made in this cause are mentioned to be in your respective occupations, and which are hereinafter stated ; that is to say, the lands called &c. in the said decree stated to be in the occupation of the defendant T. P. ? If yea. Set forth respectively a full true and particular account and description of all such orher lands, and when and for how long respectively be- tween the times aforesaid the same were so held and oc- cupied by you, and the quantities thereof respectively ? And set forth also a full true and particular account of the resjjective quantities of the said several lands mentioned in the said decree to be respectively occupied by you. 2d. Set forth a full true and particular account of the purposes to which all and every the lands mentioned in the said decree and hex'einbefore specified, and all other the lands in the said rectory and pai'ish and the titheable places tliej'eof which have been held and occupied by you respectively between the times aforesaid, have in each year between the said times been respectively applied in cul- tivation ; And also a full true and particular account of all and every the quantities and qualities of the wheat barley oats peas beans and other grain and hay and hay-grass hemp flax and other produce whatsoever which have in eacli of the said years been reaped cut had taken and carried away from all and every the aforesaid lands re- spectively, and the true and utmost value thereof respec- tively in each of the said years, distinguishing particularly between the produce of the aforesaid lands cpeciiied in EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 313 the said decree and the other lands occupied by you re- spectively within the said rectory and parish and the tithe- able places thereof. 3d. Set forth a full true and particular account of the number of ewes and other sheep which in each of the years between the times aforesaid have been kept and depastured on the said several lands mentioned in the said decree and hereinbefore specified, and on all other lands within the said rectory and parish and the titheable places thereof, which have been held and occupied by you respectively between the times aforesaid ; And also a full true and par- ticular account of tlie number of such ewes and other sheep which have in eacli of the said years been shorn and produced lambs, and the quantities of wool and the number of lambs which such ewes and other sheep have in each of such years yielded, and the true and utmost value of such wool and lambs respectively, distinguishing as in the last interrogatory mentioned between the lands spe- cified as aforesaid in the said decree and the other lands occupied by you respectively within the said rectory and parish and the titheable places thereof. 4th. Set forth a full true and particular account of the number of sheep not producing lambs or wool in the said rectory or parish or kept after shearing-time, and of the number and kinds of all other bai'ren and unprofitable cattle which have in each of the years between the times aforesaid been kept fed agisted or depastured on the said several lands mentioned in the said decree and hereinbefore specified, and on all other the lands within the said rectory and parish and the titheable places thereof which have been held and occupied by you respectively between the times aforesaid, and for how long respectively such sheep and other cattle were so kept fed agisted or depastured ; And also a full true and particular account of the profits made by the agistment of such sheep and other cattle re- spectively so far as the same were agisted for hire, and of the value of the feed and agistment of such other sheep and other cattle respectively, distinguishing as in the od interrogatory mentioned between the said lands specified in the said decree and the other lands occupied by you respectively within the said rectory and parish and the titheable places thereof. -u.c arlj To ascertain the num- ber of ewes and sheep depastured, and the quantities of wool and number of lambs yielded by them. To ascertain the num- ber of barren and un- profitable cattle rfe- pastured, and the va- lue of the agistment thereof. 314 To ascertain the num- ber of coics, marcs, sows, and hives kept, and the number of calves, colts, and pigs, and the quantities of milk and honey pro- duced. INTERROGATORIES FOR THE To ascertain the quantities of garden- stuff and fruit ga- thered in each year. General inquiry after other titheable mat- ters. To prove an exhibit. 5th. Set forth a full true and particular account of the number of cows producing calves or milk and the number of mares producing foals and the number of sows producing pigs and the number of hives of bees which in each of the years between the times aforesaid have been kept by you respectively on the said several lands specified in the said decree and on all other the lands occupied by you respectively within the said rectory and parish and the titheable places thereof, and the number of calves colts and pigs and the quantities of milk and honey which such cows sows and bees have in each of the said years respec- tively produced and the true and utmost value of the same respectively, distinguishing as aforesaid. 6th. Set forth a full true and particular account of the potatoes turnips and other garden-stuff and the apples pears cherries plumbs and other fruit which in each of the years between the times aforesaid have been taken or gathered from the said several lands specified in the said decree, and all other the lands occupied by you re- spectively within the said rectory and parish and the tithe- able places thereof, and the true and utmost value of the same respectively, distinguishing as aforesaid. 7th. Whether or no have you or any or either and which of you between the times aforesaid had or taken any tithe- able matters and things whatsoever not hereinbefore men- tioned and inquired after from the lands respectively occu- pied by you within the said rectory and parish and the titheable places thereof? If yea. Set forth a full true and particular account of such other titheable matters and things which in each of the said years between the times aforesaid have been so had and taken by you respectively and the true and utmost value thereof respectively, distin- guishing as aforesaid. 8th. Look upon the paper or parchment-writing now produced or shown to or by you at this &c. Whether or no was the said produced writing at any time and when signed sealed and delivered or in any and what manner executed by any person and whom in your presence, and is your name set and subscribed as a witness thereto of your proper hand-writing? Declare &c. 9th. [To 2^rove the letters of institution \ see the od in- terrogatory in p. 220, atitea.] 10th. [To 2^1'ove the mandate of induction ; see the Qd in' terrogaturi/ in p, 208, aitlca.] 1 EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. 315 Between &c. Interrogatories exhibited &c. \^usual title before a Master.] 1st. Set forth a full and particular account of all the hay which your late father J. C. deceased had in each year from in the year to in the year both in- clusive from grass cut in each on lands in his occupation within the parish of T. in the county of G. ; How much per load was the hay which the said J. C. so had in each of such years worth to be sold, and how much was the whole of such hay which the said J. C. had in the parish in each of such years worth at an average and taking one year with another ? Set forth the matters inquired after according to the best of your remembrance information and belief, and as fully and as near as you are able from your memory or belief or otherwise. 2d. Set forth a full and particular account of the potatoes garden-stuff and fruit which the said J. C. had plucked gathered and received in each year, and the quantity of each sort in each year at an average and taking one year with another ; And set forth the full value of each of such kinds of produce which the said J. C. so had &;c. on such lands in each of such years at an average and taking one year with another ; Set forth &c. 3d. Set forth a full and particular account of all the barren and unprofitable cattle which the said J. C. from time to time had kept fed or depastured on any lands in his occupation within the said parish of T. from the year to the year both inclusive, and the kinds of all such cattle and the number of each kind and how long they were respectively so kept fed and depastured on any such lands, and on what lands in particular the same were so from time to time kept fed and depastured respectively, and the number of eacli of such kinds of cattle which the said J. C. so kept fed and depastured on any such lands in each year at an average and taking one year with an- other ; What was the value of the feed or agistment of each of such kinds of cattle on such lands in each year, and what was the value of the feed or agistment of them at an average and taking one year with another? Set forth ike. To ascertain the quan- tity of hay grown during particular years by the witness's deceased father, and the value thereof. To ascertain the q%ian- tity of garden-stuff and f'uit gathered in each year and the value thereof. To ascertain the num- ber of barren and un- profitable cattle de- pastured, and the va- lue of the agistment thereof in each year. 316 INTERROGATORIES FOR THE To ascertain the num- ber of persons in the deceased's family dii- riiiy particular years. To ascertain iheqnnn- tities of milk had daily, and the value thereof. To ascertain if the tithes of any articles mentioned in the pre- ceding interrogatories were delivered to or set out for the plain- tiff and how and the particulars thereof, and whether in as good plight arid con^ dition as originally produced. A ho to prove whether the particulars set out tvei'e accepted, and why not. To ascertain whether conipetisatio7i was made to the plain /iff' for his tithes or Easter offerings. 4th. What numher of persons at the most of above the age of years had the saidJ. C. in his family in the parish of T. in each year from the year to the year both inclusive ; or what number of persons had the said J. C. in his family in the said parish in each of such years at an average and taking one year with another ? Set forth &:c. 5th. Set forth how many meals of milk the said J. C. had in the said parish of T. in each morning and also in each evening in the several years from the year to the year both inclusive, and takins" one morning with another and one evening Avith another ; and the quantity of milk which was in each morning's meal and also in each evening's meal at an average 8cc. ; And what was the value of each of such mornings meals during such times and each of such evenings meals during such times at an average and taking &c. ; Set forth &c. 6th. Did the said J. C. or any person or persons on his behalf at any time or times deliver to or for the use of the complainant, or set out in any and what manner any quan- tity of each or any or either and which of the several kinds of titheable matters inquired after in each or any either and which, of the 1st, 2d, and 5th interrogatories as or for the tithe thereof or of any part thereof respectively? If yea. Set forth all the several kinds which were so delivered, and the quantities of each kind, and when and by whom and to whom the same were respectively so delivered and in what manner, and as and for tlie tithes of what particular quantity of such respective kinds of titheable matters and things, and whether all the particulars were so delivered or set out in as gocd plight and condition as the same were when the same were originally produced, or whether any and what par- ticulars or kinds thereof and what quantities of each were then in any and what degree and in what manner and by what means spoiled or damaged or in a worse condition than when the same were originally produced ; Were all the particulars which were so set out accepted, or which of them was refused to be accepted and for what reason ? Set forth &c. Tth. Did the said J. C. or any and what person on his behalf at any time or times pay to tlie complainant or any and what person or pei'sons for his use or on his behalf any s;uni or sums of money in or towards satisfaction of or EXAMINATION OF PARTIES AND OTHERS. n? for the tithes of or for all or any and which of the tithe- able matters and tilings inquired after in the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 5th interrogatories, and whether or not in or towards satisfaction of or for the said J. C.'s Easter offerings? If yea, Set forth the particulars of all the sums which were so paid, and when and about what time or times and by whom and to whom and for what in particular all such sums were respectively so paid ; Set forth &c. In the Exchequer. Between T. H. clerk, - Plaintiff, and S. A. - - - - Defendant. Interrogatories to be exhibited on behalf of the said complainant before A. M. esq. the Deputy to his Majesty's Remem- brancer of this honorable court, for the examination of the said defendant pur- suant to the decree made on the hearing of this cause bearing date the day of . * 1st. Set forth a full and exact account of all and each of the several articles liable to the payment of small tithes grown gathered or consumed by you or any person or per- sons for your use since the day of up to the pre- sent time u})on off or from the 57 acres of land in the pa- rish of G. in the pleadings of this cause mentioned to be in your occupation and described by you in your answer as having been part of the dissolved monastery of N. in the county of B., and also upon off or from the 186 acres of land in your occupation in the said answer described as part of your lands commonly called or known by the name of Berry Farm, distinguishing the particular quantities of the respective articles grown gathered or consumed in each year, with the yearly value of such respective articles. * 2d. Have you kept any and what book or books or any and what papers or memorandums of the produce of the small tithes of the several titheablc articles arising growing and rcnewinj^ on the said 57 acres and 186 acres of land To ascertain the se- veral articles liable to the payment of small tithes grown or con- sumed, and the value thereof. To ascertain whether the defendant has kept any books or ac- counts of the produce 318 of the small tithes of the titheable articles grown and consumed by him, and ichat has become of such books. INTERROGATORIES FOR THE EXAMINATION, &C. within the respective years and this present year I or any or either and which of them ? If yea, Where is or are such book or books papers or memorandums, and when was or were the same last in your custody or possession ? And set forth the title or description of such book or books papers or memorandums so as to enable the said complainant to call for the production thereof. An interrogatory for the examination of a person pro interesse suo. Have you any and what estate right or interest in or to the premises in the pleadings of this cause mentioned situate in , or the rents and profits thereof, or in any and what part or share parts or shares thereof? If yea, Set forth the nature and extent of such your estate right or interest, and how and in what manner you make out or derive the same ? [ 319 ] SECT. IV. FORMS OF INTERROGATORIES FOR THE CROSS-EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES ( 1). In Chancery. Interrogatories to be administered for the cross-examination of witnesses to be produced sworn and examined on the part of the plaintiffs in a certain cause now depending and at issue in the High Court of Chancery, wherein the Most Noble Charles Duke of D. and J. S. are complainants, and E. C. spinster is de- fendant, on the part and behalf of the said defendant. * 1st. Did you act as the auctioneer of and put up to sale by public auction the premises in the pleadings in this cause mentioned ? If yea, Did you prepare or cause to be prepared the printed particulars of sale by which the said premises were sold, and by whom and by whose direc- tion were such printed particulars of sale prepared, and by whose direction and upon whose account and for whom did you prepai'e or cause the same to be prepared? Did you not or did not your assistants or some other agent of the said complainants and who by name inform the company As to witness having acted as atictioneeTf and prepared the par" ticulars of sale ; As to representations made by him or the plaintiff's agents at the sale, that the pre- mises were let on lease, (I) An adverse party may cross-examine a witness to the same point to which he has been examined in chief, but not to any new matter; Dean and Chapter of Ely v. Sir Simeon Stewart, 2 Atk. 44. A party who examines a witness is boimd to keep him in town for forty-eight hours after his production at the seat of the adverse clerk in court ; and if cross-interrogatories are left with the examiner within the forty-eight hours, the party must keep the witness in town till his cross-examination is finished. Where a witness left London before the forty-eight hours were expired, the party producing him was ordered to bring him back at his own expense, or the examination in 320 CROSS-INTERROGATORIKS. and as to his having produced an instrn- inent jntrporting io be the lease or a copy of the lease re- ferred to in the par- ticulars of sale, and also as to comments made by him on the covenants therein con- tained. present at tlie time of the sale of the said premises or re- present to them that the said premises were let on lease as stated in the said particulars of sale, and did you in any and what manner explain to them such statement con- tained in the said particulars of sale? Did you not pro- duce and exhibit to the said company present at the time of the said sale a lease or some paper-writing purporting to be a lease of the said premises, and was or not the same produced and shown to the said company by you or by your assistants or some other agent of the said complainants and whom by name, as the lease or copy of the lease of the i^aid premises referred to in lot 2 of the said particulars of sale? Did you not or did not your assistants or some other agent of the said complainants and who by name read or state from the said paper-writing or alleged or pretended lease to the said company present at the time of the said sale, the terms and conditions under which the said premises in the pleadings of this cause mentioned to be comprised in lot 2 of the said particulars of sale were so stated by you or such other person or persons to be on lease ? Did you not or did not your assistants or some other agent of the said complainants and who by name at the time of the said sale comment upon the covenants and oonditions contained in such pretended or alleged lease, and represent the same as being highly advantageous to a purchaser and more beneficial to a landlord than what are usually introduced into leases in general, and particularly did you not or did not such person or persons represent or chief to be suppressed ; Whiftuck v. Lysaght, 1 Sim. &. Stu. 446, 8. See the 25lh of the New Orders in Chancery, postea. If a witness refuse to be cross-examined it is a cause of exception to his testimony, and the court on motion will sup- press iiis depositions ex parte; Wyatt's Prac. Reg. 419 ; wbere H witness who had been examined on the part of the plaintiff secreted himself before he could be cross-examined, the plain- tiff was ordered to procure him to attend to be cross-ex- amined within a fortnight, or in default, his deposition on the plaintiff's part to be suppressed ; Flotcerday v. Collett, 1 Dick. 289. Cross-examining a witness is no waiver in equity of an ob- jection on the ground of interest to the competency of such ■ witness; Moorlwuse v. Be Passou, Coop. 300 ; S. C. 19 Ves. " 4:}3; and see note (1) io Si okes v. M'KerraX, 3 Hro. Ch. Ca. by Kelt, p. '2'2'd; Vavghun v. Worruil, 3 Swaust. 3fl0. CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. 321 fitate to the said company at the time of the said sale, that the tenant of the said premises -was bound to keep the same in repair, and was not entitled to timber from off the same premises for that purpose, or to that or the like or some other and what effect ? Declare &c. * 2d. Did not Mr. A. the solicitor for the said defendant apply to you for a copy or abstract of the alleged lease under which the premises described as lot 2 in the pleadings in this cause mentioned were stated to have been let, and when or at what time was such application made ? Did you not at the time of such application inform the said Mx'. A. for the first time that no such lease had been then granted, and had any such lease in fact been then granted ? Declare &c. * 3d. Did you not and when deliver to the said Mr. A. as the solicitor for the said defendant a draft or copy of a draft lease purporting to be the same as was produced by the auc- tioneer or agent on behalf of the said complainants at the time of the said sale, or what did you represent the same to be at the time, and what passed between you and the said Mr. A. relative to such draft lease ? Did not the said Mr. A. return such draft lease to you with some and what observations thereon, and did you not afterwards and when return the same to him with several and what alterations made, there- in? Declare &c. *4th. Did not the intended lessee of the said premises make some and what objections to the said proposed draft lease, and did not considerable negotiations take place between you and the said intended lessee before the terms of the said proposed draft lease were agreed upon and settled with him? Did not the indenture of lease which was ultimately executed by the said intended lessee contain several and what clauses different and in v.diat respect from the sa'd draft lease when first delivered to the said Mr. A., and also different and in what respect from such draft lease when last delivered to the said Mr. A. ? Declare &;c. * 5th. What is the date of the said indenture of lease ? When and at what time was the said indenture of lease of the said premises and the counterpart thereof executed by the lessor and the lessee thereof respectively ? And when or at what time did you give or cause notice thereof to be given to the said Mr. A. or to his copartners as the so- licitor for the said defendant or to cither and which of Vol. II. X As to apjilication being made to ivitness by the defendant's so- licitor for a copy of the alleged lease, and whether the same had in fact been granted. As toiritness having delivered to the de- fendant's solicitor a draft lease p urporting to he the same as wcs produced at the sale, ruhat passed relative thereto, and as to the alterations v:hich were made by ivitness there- in. As to the objections made by the intended lessee to the proposed draft lease, and the negotiations which took place in conse- cpience thereof and in what respect the lease when executed differed from the draft when first delivered. As to the date and time of execution of the lease and when noti.-e thereof v:as gireti. to the dcfend- o Ill's solicitor. 122 CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. The conchidmg ge- neral interrogatory. them, and deliver or cause to be delivered to him or them a copy of such lease ? Declare &c. *6th. Do you know any other matter or thing not in- quired after by these interrogatories which may tend to the benefit or advantage of the said defendant in this cause ? If yea, Set forth the same fully and at large as if you had been thereto particularly interrogated. An to the knowledge of a steward or land- agent of the value and nature of coal mines, in tchat capacity he was employed by the deceased owner there- of, and as to his oc- cupation in life pre- viously thereto. Whether a deed ivas readover tot he grantor previous !y to his exe- cuting the same, and whether he was aware of the terms thereof or the effect thereof, and the mode of pay- ment of the conside- ration-money. * Was the said L. N. capable at the time when the said agreement was made of forming an accurate judgment or competent opinion of the value of the coal mines or beds of coals under the lands and grounds in the said memo- randum of agreement and release comprised; And had he as you do for any and what reason know and believe any and what knowledge of and practice in such matters or in any matters relating to coal mines, and had he ever and when been employed in any coal mines or in or about concerns or business of that description, or was he in any respect ac- quainted therewith, and had he in any and what manner been in any way obtaining knowledge and information of the nature and value of coal mines, and in what capacity or character was he employed by the said Sir T. B. deceased, and especially at the time when the said memorandum of agreement and release were respectively made and thence- forth to the time of his decease, and what had been his business or occupation previously to his being so employed by the said Sir T. B. ? Declare the truth and your utmost knowledge remembrance and belief herein. * Upon what occasion of and prior to the execution of the said release by the said Sir T. B. was the same read over by or to him, and by whom by name was the same read over to him ? Was the said Sir T. B. as you do for any and what reason know or believe aware of the terms and con- ditions of the said release, and in particular of the number of acres of coal thereby conveyed and the mode of pay- ment for tlic same, and that the same might be gotten as quickly as possible, and that the payment for the same would not be completed for 276 years or for any and what number of years, and that according to the terms of the said release he would he a trespasser if he entered the pits CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. ,323 of the said company to ascertain that the iron stone and Upper bed of coal were not damaged or carried away, and that the coals then under the lands then occupied by the be- fore-named S.F. &c. or any and which of them were therein comprised ? Set forth the several matters inquired after by this interrogatory fully and at large according to the best and utmost of your knowledge remembrance information and belief, together with the means of knowing and reasons for believing the same, and the truth declare &c. * If the said Sir T. B. had been aware of all or any and which of the circumstances in the last preceding interroga- tory mentioned or that the said upper bed was intended to be included so as to destroy and lock up the iron-stone, would he as you do and for any and what reason know^ or believe have executed the same ? And did he not execute the same in confidence that the said release had been prepared with a view to the fair and equal benefit of both parties, and in ignorance that such terms and conditions as in the pre- ceding interrogatory mentioned were contained therein, and if not, why not? And had not the said Sir T. B. a high opinion of the said J. H. and J. J. or of one and which of them, and did he either read over the whole of the said release or any and what part thereof himself or give direc- tions that any other person should do so for him before he executed the same ? And if yea. Whom did he direct to read over the whole of tiie said release or any and wliat part thereof, and to whom and in whose presence were sucii directions given ? Set forth &c. [cuncludc as in the prc- eeding interrogatory.^ As to a party havhicf execvted a deed with- out its having been examined by him or on his part and in covji- dcnee that it had been fairly prepared. * What was the age of L. N. at the time wlien the me- morandum of agreement in the pleadings in this cause men- tioned was made, and what was the state of his bodily health and mental faculties at that time; had lie not been twice or how often stricken with palsy previously thereto, and was he not thereby to a great or to some and what ex- tent or from some and what other cause inefficient or in- capacitated to transact business requiring knowledge and skill, or requiring the exercise of mental faculties to transact the same, and in particular was not the said li. N. X 2 As to the age and slate of mental f acui- ties of a steirard or land a(,'e?it, and iclie- tlier tliut from attacks of palsy he was not iiieapuvitdted or vn~ eleadings of this cause named and which has been exhibited to you on your examination on behalf of the said plaintiff, and alleged to be a re-execution and republication thereof by the said J. H. deceased ? If yea. Did the said J . H. sign the said pretended or alleged writing or memorandum in your presence and in the presence of the other subscribing witnesses thereto or either and which of them as you know, and were you all present together with him when he signed and published the same as a re-execution and republication of his last will and testament or how else? And did you and the other subscribing witnesses to the said pretended or alleged writing or n^cmorandum respectively or either and which of them sign or set your or their name or names as testator. 320 CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. subscribing witnesses to the signing and publishing thereof by the said J. H. in the presence of the said J. H. or how else ? And did not you or the other subscribing witnesses to the said pretended or alleged writing or memorandum or one and which of them attest and subscribe the same when the said J. H. was not present ? And on what day and at what time of the day and wiien was the said pretended or alleged writing or memorandum signed and published by the said J. H. and attested by you and the other subscribing wit- nesses, and how came you to be an attesting witness to the said pretended or alleged writing or memorandum, and by whom were you requested to be present at the signing and publishing thereof and to attest the same ? And v»'as there or not some other and what last will and testament of the said J. H. at the time when he signed and published the said pretended or alleged writing or memorandum? And if yea, What is become thereof? Declare &c. As to the snTiity mid * 3d. How do you know and what particular reason have vientalcapucitijofthe you to believe that the said J. H. was of sound and dis- posing mind memory and understanding at the time when he signed and published the said pretended or alleged will or writing or memorandum? And was he or not or might he or not for any thing you know or have any reason to believe to the contrary be at the time of unsound and un- disposing mind memory and understanding and incapable of making a will, and how did you consider him to be in that respect? And in what state of health of body and of what age was he at the time? And what opportunity had you to judge of his sanity or insanity or of his capacity or incapacity to make a will or conduct his worldly affairs? And did or not you or the other attesting witnesses respec- tively or any or which of them converse with him at or before or after the time when you say he signed and pub- lished the said pretended or alleged will or writing or me- morandum ? And if yea, Was his conversation sensible and indicative of his capacity to make a will and manage his concerns or how else? And had you or not any acquaintance or intimacy with him for any and what length of time before or after he as you say signed and published the said pre- tended or alleged will or writins; or memorandum ? And was he or not in some and what manner as you know or believe and why influenced and prevailed upon and by whom 1 CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. 327 to make the said pretended or alleged will or to sign or publish the said alleged writing or memorandum ? And was he or not under great mental imbecility from his age and infirmities ? Declare &:c. * 4th. Do you know any other matter or thing not in- The cottdufUng gene- quired after by these interrogatories which may tend to im- '""^ mtarogatonj. peach the validity of the said pretended or alleged will or writing or memorandum to the benefit of the said defendant J. H. in this cause ? If yea, Set the same forth. Title of interrogatories for the cross-examination of a party examined pro interesse suo. Between W. A., - - - - Plaintiff, and H. S. &c. &c. - - Defendants. Interrogatories exhibited before W. W. P. one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery for the cross-examination of the above-named defendant W. O. pursuant to an order made in this cause bearing date the — — day of , whereby it was ordered that the said defendant W. O. be at liberty to ^o before Mr. P. one of the Masters of the said jcourt, and be examined pro interesse suo. 128 CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. Interrogatories to the competency of witnesses, ex- Jub'tted to them on their cross-examination ( 2 ). As to icitness being interested in the event of the suit, and ivhe- thcr he is not defend- ant in an actiou of trespass in iv/dcfi the title to the lands in question is depending , ichether a verdict ivas 7iot found for the plaintiff's at laiv, and whether execution is not stayed by injunc- tion. * Are you not interested in all or some and which of the matters in issue between the parties or some and which of them in this suit, and shall you not and in some and what manner lose or gain by the event thereof, and especially are you not the defendant in an action of trespass or in some and M'hat action at law wherein the defendants in this cause or some and which of them are plaintiffs, and wherein is or was at issue or depending either mediately or imme- diately the right and title of the complainants and defend- ants in this cause or of some and which of them to the same beds or strata of coal, the right and title whereto is litigated and in issue in this cause, or to some and which of the same beds or strata, or to some or what other beds or strata of coal, and has not a verdict been found in the aforesaid action at law in favor of the plaintiffs therein, and is not execution stayed therein by the order and in- junction of the High Court of Chancery obtained in tliis cause upon the application of the complainants or of some and which of them therein ? Declare the truth of the se- veral matters aforesaid, together with your utmost know- led "e and belief herein. (2) If a witness is interested and is known to be so previously to his examination, a general interrogatory should he IVanied requiring him on his cross-examination to answer whether or no iie is interested ; and it" he uatraly denies that he is in- terested, the party aliected by his evidence may discredit the witness by examining other witnesses as to the truth of that proposition; 2 Madd. Cli. Pr. 422 ; (there may however be a general interrogatory to every witness whether he has any in- terest, Purcell \. Maenamaru, 8 Ves. ;J25, 2d edit.). If how- ever a party Las omitted to examine a witness as to Iiis in- terest in the suit, he may before publicaiion move on alhdavit for leave to re-examine the witness as to the fact of interest; .see Vaughan v. Wdrrall, 2 Madd. Rep. 322, 328; which case was aflirmed on appeal, 2Macld.Ch.Pr. p. 422, note(#). If a man is examined as a witness and is at his examina- tion disinterested, but afterwards becomes interested and either plaintiii" or defendant in the cause, his depositions may be read ; Goss v. Traccy, I F. Wms. 238 ; Glynn v. The Bank of J^ugland, 2 Ves. sen. 42 ; Cope v. Parry, 2 Jac. & W. 538, 0. CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. 329 * Have you not lately and since this suit was insLitutctl, and at what time in particular, become a co-partnei' together with the before named several complainants or some and which of them in the establishment or concern called or known by the name or style of the " L M Com- pany" and in the pleadings mentioned, and have you not thereby or by some and what other means acquired, and have you not now and do you not and for what reason claim to have a beneficial interest or some and what intei'est in the beds or strata of coal the right and title whereto is litigated in issue between the complainants and defendants or some and which of them in and by this suit, or a beneficial or some and what interest in some and which of the said beds or strata of coal or in some and what parts thereof, or in some and which of the several matters whereto this suit has relation? Declare the truth of the several matters aforesaid, together with your utmost knowledge and belief herein. As to whether witness has not become co- partner with the plaintiff's in the con.' cern carried on by them, aiid whetJier he does not claim a be- neficial interest in the lands the title whereto is in issue between the parties. * Shall you not be in some manner a gainer or be other- As to whether witness wise affected in case the will of the said J. H. should be has not an interest in estabHshed and carried into execution? If so, Set forth *^'^ establishment of how and in what manner or in what respect you are likely to be a gainer or affected thereby; Declare ik,c. the will in question. Interrogatories for the examination of a ivit- ness on the voir dire as to his being interested ( 3 ). {For a form of titles vide ante a, No. 11. p. 151.] * 1 St. Have you any and what interest in the performance or non-performance of the agreement in the pleadings of this cause mentioned ? And if yea. Set forth the nature of such your interest and how the same arises ; Declare &c. * 2d. Have you any and what interest in the determi- nation or decision of this cause, or can you by any and what means gain or lose by the event of the said suit ? Declare &c. To ascertain what in- terest witness has in the performance of the agreement in question. As to his interest in the event of the suit. (3) See Stokes v. M'Kerral, 3 firo. Ch. Ca. 228; S. C. cited l)y t!ic Vice-Chancellor iti Vamjhan v. Worrull, 2 Madd. Kcp, 328. 330 ARTICLES TO DISCREDIT AVITNESSES. As to any nhliqnlinn * 3tl. Are you under any and what honorary or legal ob- he may be under to ligations and to whom to pay or secure or to see paid or payorsevvre the dc- secured the costs or any part of the costs of the said de- jenduHts costs. „ , , . i , i ■ • i • • i v i i •^ lendant which she has or may mcur m this suit or be hable by decree or otherwise to pay ? Declare &c. Articles to discredit loitnesscs ( 4 ). Articles exhibited by A. B. com- plainant in a certain cause now depend- ing and at issue in the High Court of Chancery wherein the said A. B. is complainant and C. D. defendant, to discredit the testimony of E. F., G. H., and J. K. three witnesses examined before L. H. esq. one of the examiners of the said court on the part and be- half of the said defendant ( 5 ). 1st. The said A. B. doth charge and allege that the said E. F. hath since his examination in the said cause owned and acknowledged that he is to receive or be paid and also (4) A party is at liberty to examine a witness by general interrogatories as to the credit of the witness, and in contra- diction of such facts sworn to by the witness as are not material to what is in issue m the cause ; Pnrcell v » 3Iacnamara, 8 Ves. 327, 2d edit., and the cases referred to in note (31), ibid. Examinations to the credit of witnesses can only be by order upon special application with notice, whether before or after publication; but though it is a special motion, it is not neces- sarj- in all cases that it should be accompanied by affidavits, see Watmore v. Dickinson, 1 Ves. & B. 267, and note (6), 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 423. If evidence as to the credit of a witness is taken upon the examination in chief it may be suppressed as imperti- nent; Mill y.Mill, 12 Ves. 409; 2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 423, 4. There is no precise time within which the examination as to credit is to take place ; Piggott v. Croxhall, 1 Sim. & Stu. 467 ; in which case the plaintiffs were allowed to examine by general interrogatories ( in support of articles ) as to the credit of the witnesses, and also as to the fact of their having previously to their examination made declarations contrary to their deposi- tions, the Court being of opinion that the fact of such declara- tions was not material to the issue in the cause. Forms of titles of interrogatories to discredit the testimony ORDERS. reason of such incumbrances proceedings and negociations or inci- dent thereto, or as shall exceed the amount the petitioner would have had to bear had the said defendants the said vendors in the first instance procured conveyances of the several interests of such in- cumbrances to themselves, and then have conveyed to the pe- titioner by a common conveyance, and to be allowed the same as trustees in their accounts, and the petitioner has also at present been at the expense of the said two mortgages and the proceedings relative thereto for securing the parts of the said purchase-money for the said parties stated to be under legal disabilities and as pro- vided by the said purchase agreement, but which it is thereby also provided should be paid by the said defendants in the third men- tioned cause as hereinbefore stated ; and the plaintiff has also entered into a certain deed of covenant for the production of the title-deeds of the said estates for the purposes of the inquiries in the first mentioned cause, the expenses whereof it has been agreed should be borne by the said defendants ; And therefore Praying that it might be referred back to the said Master to tax the petitioner his costs of the said third mentioned suit, and also his costs of the second mentioned suit, and the costs of the said several orders and applications and other proceedings made and had in the said three suits jointly and in the said thirdly mentioned suit separately, Or if necessary, that it might also be referred to the said Master to inquire and certify to this court whether the said defendants had shown a good title to the said estates and premises, or whether they were able to execute or procure to be executed to the petitioner good and sufficient conveyances releases and assura,nces of the same free from all incumbrances save as appears by the said contract or agreement for sale previously to the filing of the petition in the said thirdly mentioned cause, or at what period they made out such good title or were able to execute or cause or procure to be exe- cuted such conveyances releases and other assurances as aforesaid ; And that the said Master might also ascertain and allow to the peti- tioner the part or proportion of the costs charges and expenses of the said several conveyances releases and other assurances, and of the va- rious proceedings negociations and other matters and things incurred and paid by him in consequence of or by reason or means of the number of incumbrances on the said estates and of the situation of the said several parties and incident thereto, together also with such costs charges and expenses as petitioner has incurred or may incur in or in relation to the said mortgages granted to secure the said portions as provided by the said purchase contract, and of the releases when paid off, and also of the said deed of covenant entered into by the ORDERS. 347 petitioner as aforesaid and of the production thereunder and incident thereto respectively ; And that it might also be referred to the said Master to take an account and vahiation of the dilapidations which have taken place on the said estates and premises since the date of the said agreement and of the deterioration and waste committed thereon since the same period and previously to the plaintiff taking possession thereof; And that what the said Master shall tax for the plaintiff's said costs of these suits respectively, and what he shall allow for the part or proportion of the said other costs charges and expenses hereinbefore mentioned, and also what he shall certify to be the amount or valuation of the said dilapidations deteriorations and waste might be paid back to the petitioner out of his said purchase-money so paid into the bank as aforesaid ; and that for this purpose the Accountant-General might be directed to sell so I much of the sum of c£50,870, 3 per cent, consolidated annuities ! now standing in his name in the books of the bank of England i In trust in these causes as will raise sufficient to pay the same ; Whereupon all parties concerned were ordered to attend his Lord- ship on the matter of the said petition ; And counsel for the petitioner and for the plaintiffs in the first and second causes, and for the de- fendants F. M. T. and E. his wife, F. T. &c. Sec. &c. this day at- tending accordingly, no one attending for the other parties although they have been duly served with a copy of the said petition and or- der thereon as by affidavit now read appears, upon hearing the said petition, the agreement dated &c. &c. [referring also to the several orders] read, and what wms alleged by the counsel for the petitioner and for the said parties. His Lordship doth order that it be referred back to the Master Mr. C. to inquire and state to the court at what i time the defendants the vendors in the third mentioned cause had i shown a good title to the estates and premises, and when the several • incumbrancers and other parties joined, and when they were ready ' to join respectively in the conveyance thereof to the petitioner, the purchaser ; And it is ordered that the said Master inquire whether any and what costs charges and expenses have been incurred and sustained by the said petitioner, the purchaser, in and about getting in the several incumbrances on the said estates and the mortgages to secure the portions and the deed of covenants mentioned in the petition and incident thereto which ought not to be borne by the petitioner, the purchaser; And it is ordered that the Master do ; also inquire and state to the court whether any and what dijapi- ' dations have taken place upon the said N. estate between the date of the contract for sale thereof and the petitioner taking possession, and to distinguish at what times such dilapidations have taken place. ^48 ORDERS. and the parts of the said estate upon which the same liave so taken place ; and the said Master is to be at liberty to state special cir- cumstances arising out of any of the said inquiries, and the same are to be without prejudice to the costs thereof respectively ; and it is ordered that the rest of the petition do stand over. XVI. Order for the apiio'intment of a receiver tvith liberty to let the estate with the approbation of the Master. (See No. LXIII. and No. LXIV. of the Neiv Orders in Chan- cery, postea.) Upon opening &c. It is ordered that it be referred to ftlr. &c. to appoint a proper person to be receiver of the rents and profits of the real estate of — — , and to allow him a reasonable salary for his care and pains therein, such person so to be appointed receiver first giving security to be allowed of by the said Master and to be taken before a Master Extraordinary in the country if there shall be occasion, duly and annually to account for and pay what he shall so receive as this court shall direct, and the tenants of the said estate are to attorn and pay their rents in arrear and growing rents to such receiver, who is to be at liberty to let and set the said estate from time to time with the approbation of the said Master as there shall be occasion. N. B. If the estate be in Ireland say, *' and let the person who " shall be appointed receiver of the rents and profits of the said es- " tate in Ireland give security to be approved of by the said Master; ** but the recognizance is to be acknowledged by the person so to " be appointed receiver before a Master of the court of Chancery *' in Ireland, and to be duly entered and enrolled according to the " course of that court ; and the taking and enrolling thereof is to *' be duly certified to this court by one of the Masters of that " court." If there be copyhold estates and courts to be held, add at the end the following words : " and let such courts as have been usually *' held and are proper to be held for the copyhold estate, be from ** time to time held by the receiver in the name or names of the " person or persons in whom the legal estate is, and let the receiver " bring into this court his account of all such fines and other " profits as shall be taken by him at such courts." If a manor, insert before the preceding clause " and any other *' person or persons in receipt of any part of the profits of the said " manor arc also to pay the arrears and growing payments thereof ORDERS. 349 " to such receiver," and conclude thus, " and let such receiver let '* or set such part or parts of the land and premises and the quit ** rents and other manorial rights and profits of the said manor " as have been usually let or set by copy of court-roll or otherwise *' according to the custom of the said manor with the approbation •* of the Master as there shall be occasion." XVII. Order made upon 2)etition for sale of an estate ; with liberty to the jjetitioners to proceed in a suit in the names of the plaintiffs upon indemnifying them against the costs. It was ordered on the consent of the parties therein mentioned, that the said estate should be sold before the Master, together or in parts as the said Master should think fit, and all proper parties were to join as the said Master should direct; And in order to the said sale, all deeds and writings in the custody or power of any of the parties relating thereto were to be produced before the said Master upon oath ; And it was ordered that the money arising by such sale should be paid by the purchaser or purchasers into the bank in the name and with the privity of the Accountant-Ge- neral of this court, to be there placed to the credit of the said cause, subject to the further order of this court ; And it was further ordered that S. T. &c. the petitioners should be at liberty to proceed in the said suit in the names of the plaintiff's A. S. &c., the petitioners indemnifying them against all costs which might be occasioned thereby. XVIII. Order for a sequestration against a member of parliament. Upon motion &c. it was alleged that the defendant who is a member of parhament f, hath been served with a copy of the plaintiff"s bill, and a subpoena to appear to and answer the same, to which he hath appeared accordingly, but hath not put in his answer thereto though his time for so doing is expired; It is THEREUPON ORDERED that a commissiou of scciuestration do issue, directed to certain commissioners to be therein named, to sequester the defendant's personal estate, and the rents issues and profits 3-30 ORDERS. of his real estate, until tlie defendant shall fully answer the plain- tiff's bill and this court make other order to the contrary, unless the defendant having personal notice hereof shall within eight days after such notice show unto this court good cause to the contrary. fN. B. If the defendant be a peer, say: — "Who is a peer of " this realm, hath been served with a copy of the plaintiff's bill, *' the letter of the Right Honorable the Lord High Chancellor of " Great Britain, and a subpoena to appear," &c. XIX. That service of a subjjoena 071 the defendants attorney he deemed good service on the defendant. Upon motion &c. it was alleged that the defendant prosecutes the plaintiff at law and cannot be found to be served with a sub- poena, as by affidavit appears, and it was therefore prayed that service of a subpoena to appear to and answer the plaintiff's bill upon the defendant's attorney at law be deemed good service on the defendant to compel him to appear to and answer the plain- tiff's bill, which upon hearing the said affidavit read is ordered accordingly. ORDERS. 351 *XX. Order made on an infant's having attained tiventij-one, directing an immediate transfer to her of a sum of stocky and payment of the accruing dividends thereon, also pay- ment of a sum of cash in the hank to her solicitor, and further directing upon the execution by her of the con- veyances of certain estates to the purchasers thereof, under a decree for sale made during her minority ( icliich decree is set forth in the recital of the petition ), a transfer to be made to her of a sum of stock purchased with the monies produced by sale of the estates, and p«_?/;»ew^ of the ac- cruing dividends thereon. ( The petitioner having married previously to the transfer of the latter sum, and covenanted that the same should be transferred to the trustees of the settlement executed previously to her marriage, it became necessary to obtain another order, which is itiserted postea, p. 358.) Vice Chancellor. Wednesday the 8th day of August &c. 1827. Between J. M. and i. his wife, E. L. and M. his wife, _ _ - - Plaintiffs, and J. S., J.W. andL. his wife &c. Defendants. Whereas the above-named defendant L. L. S. did on the 1st day Recital of pe- of August instant prefer her petition unto the Right Honorable the ^'''""' Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, setting forth thatW.S. ^•,^^inj;/,,;^;'|J:^. late of &c. deceased, by his last will and testament bearing date tutor devised a the 8th day of June 1809 duly executed and attested for the va- '^JXf foriil's lidity of devises of real estates, gave and devised unto his mother Kniaiuder lo his C. S. the messuage &c. for and during the term of her natural life, '",'\!iti,\\;e'i')ai-' and from and immediately after her decease in case she survived mentof^soo; the said testator, which event happened, he gave and devised the same premises unto his son J. S. his heirs and assigns for ever, subject nevertheless to and charged with the payment of the sum of £500 which he directed should be considered as part of his personal estate; And the said testator also gave and devised unto ^^^^J^j;;;'J'',';,"',|!J'" his wife M. S. the messuage &c. for and during the term of her "J),'^ f„V life, le- natural life, and from and after the decease of his said wife, in ';;';;:;;\*r.';^ I;,;,',';;,, case she survived the said testator (which she did) he gave and „iiii the iMvinent devised the said last-mentioned premises unto his said son J. S. his »» -iiooo; 352; ORDERS. heirs and assigns for ever, subject nevertiiciess to and charged antl chargeable with the payment of the sum of £1000 which he di- Beqnest of tlie rected should be also considered as part of his personal estate, and sonai" estate and ^"^ ^^^^ residue of the said testator's personal estate as well as the of the two sums said several sums before-mentioned to be considered as his per- of rZ 500 and , . , . ^ , , u ^1000 to his sonal estate, he gave and bequeathed unto his five daughters equally e ^uaH^"-^''^^'^ to be divided between them as particularly mentioned in the said Death of the tes- "^^^^ ? That the said testator departed this life on or about the tator leaving his (Jay of , leaving his said mother C. S. who departed this life niotiier and wife ° ^ •it»to snrvivini;, who on or about the day of December ■, and the said M.S. have since died ; .^i.^ ^jj^^j ^^ ^^. ^^^^^^ ^^^ j ^f January ; That the said Death of the tc^^i /-i ■ -, -, ii ii-j devisee in fee in- ^' ^- I'le son ot the said testator and to whom he gave and devised testate leaving a tj^^ said estates charged as aforesaid after the death of the said C. S. vridow, and the i m . . petitionerhisonly and M. .S., also departed this life on the day of intestate^ hdress a*! law an ^^^^ ^"g the defendant L.W. then L. S. his widow and the petitioner infant ; his only daughter and heiress at law him surviving ; That the said Marriage of the L. S. afterwards intermarried with the defendant J.W., and they as QG visGt's widow with the defend- ^he baihffs or guardians of the petitioner entered into the possession ant J.W. , who as yf t]^g gj^jd estates SO devised and charged as aforesaid and into the guardian ot the • r i t petitioner enter- receipt of the rents and profits thereof; That by an order made in of 'Jhe E?ed"" '^"^ ^^"^^ bearing date the 23d day of December 1817, it was re- estates, ferred to Mr. C. then one of the Masters of this court, to take an rectiii" a refer-' account of what was due for interest on the said sums of c£lOOO ence tothe Mas- and of.jOO so charged on the said estates as aforesaid, and also to ter to take an , t^ ■, i ^ o -i i • Mcconnt of wliat take an account ot the rents and proiits or the several premises so was due for inte- charged witli the payment thereof, which had come to the hands of rest on the sums . , of ^500 and or been received by the said defendants J.W. and L. his wife or by conn't^of^the're'nts ^"^ person or persons by their or either of their order or for their or of the estates either of their use ; And it was further ordered that the said several ■with received by pi'emises SO respectively charged with the payment of the said sums of the defendants ^1000 and .foOO or SO much or such part thereof respectively as the ■wife; said Master should deem necessary, should be sold with his appro- Also directing a |5ation to the best purchaser or purchasers that could be got for the sale of the estates ' ^ ® _ charged with the same to be allowed of by the said Master, wherein all proper parties ' were to join and concur as the said Master should direct, and in the petitioner to order thereto, All deeds and writings were to be produced, and the tainin<'*^2?" unless' Petitioner was also to join in such sale when she should attain the reuse shown to the age of twenty-one years, unless on being served with a subpoena contrary within , , . , • •, ■, , . . i i i • i • six months after to silow cause against the said order, the petitioner should withm attamuig 21, g^j^ months after attaining that age show good cause to the contrary ; And in the mean time it was ordered that the purchaser should hold monies t'o'he pakl ^"^^ eiijoy the same against the said defendant the petitioner and into the hank; her liclrs j And it was ordered that the monies to arise by such sale ORDERS. 353 should be paid into the bank with the privity of tlie Accoun(ant- General of this court to be there placed to the credit of this cause, " The amount of monies produced by sale of real estates," subject to the further order of the court ; That the said Master by three By three reports several reports of sale bearing date respectively the 13th day of cenme'S'^fartiu- October 1818 vvhich were all duly confirmed, certified that he had whole of the pn- been attended by the solicitors for all parties, and that it appearing been sola hi thn'e to him to be necessary that the whole of the premises so charged '"*'*' as aforesaid should be sold, he had therefore provided to sell the same in three lots in manner therein mentioned, and by one of such reports he certified thatW. F. of &c. (one of the defendants) was the best bidder for and the purchaser of the premises comprised in lot 1 at the price or sum of oflOOO, and that in the conditions that the drfond- it was stipulated that the purchaser should pay for the fixtures in pnrehiiscr ofiot i and about the same according to the valuation therein mentioned, ?tofi«oo hKhlfl- , . , . , . 1 r. 1 II 1 '"" '''e value ot which m the particular of sale was stated to have been made at the the (iMiires ; sum of o£15, which said sum of £15 being added to the sum of of 1000 they made together the sum of i,'1015 being the whole pur- chase-money for lot 1 ; And by another of such reports he certified that J.G. and that J.G. and J.S. of &c. were the best bidders for and the pur- .,i,',.chascrs oT chasers of the premises comprised in lot 2 at the price or sum o£ lot2at dlio^O; j£l320; And by the other of such reports he certified that J. M. of &c. (one of the plaintiffs) was the best bidder for and the pur- chaser of the premises comprised in lot 3 at or for the price or sum aiKl that (he of oflOOO, and that in the said conditions it was stipulated that the ^as'tlic pin-* purchaser of the said lot 3 should pay for all fixtures belonging to f''a'^er of lot 3 1 t . 1 • 1 • 1 1 • 1 "' ^10(10 111- the vendors according to the valuation therein also mentioned, winch ,-iii,!iiii; iiic value in the particular of sale was stated to have been made at the sum "' ''Muns; of £5, which being added to the sum of ^1000 made .-£"1005 the whole amount of the purchase-money for the said lot 3 ; That the statemont of tl;o said Master by his general report under the said order also certified ,,,,"f„',' |ls(^i'ri!,iii- that he had computed interest at <£4 }:ier cent, per annum on the i'>-' ii|e >""||'"h said two several sums of efiOOO and ^"500 from the times of the |„"*,i„! 'tJ,', s.lm's respective deaths of the said C. S. and M. S. to the 27th day of '^^-',,|""" "'"' January 1821 the date of that his report; and he found that there " ' was due for interest on the said sum of cflOOO the sum of £237, and on the said sum of iT;00 the sum of £S2, making in all the sum of £319; and he foui;d that there had been received by the 'also" file amount said defendants J. W. and L. his wife on account of the rents and u,. lZ\^\uirin>m profits of the said several premises the several sums sot fortli in the ih.' ii j nies had been lurtlier tound that the purchase-monies for all the said lots and balfk'anVin! amounting altogether to ^"3391 had been paid into the bank with vested in £3 the privity of the Accountant-General to the credit of this cause, uuities"*^ ^"" " The amount of monies produced by sale of real estates," pur- suant to the directions of the said order, and that the same had been laid out in the purchase of of487I bank 3 per cent, annuities in the name of the said Accountant-General in trust in this cause as aforesaid, which together with the sum of £73 cash account due for half a-year's dividend thereon then stood in trust to the credit statement of a of the said cause as aforesaid ; That by another order made in this subsequent order , . , i .^ , , « -r-, , ,^^, t it confirming the cause bearing date the 13th day of February 1821, It was ordered Master's report that the said Master's report dated the said 27th day of January 1821 and directing tlie 11,, defendants j.W. should be confirmed, and that the said defendants J.W. andL. his the smifof '^4^8 ^''^^^ ^^'''"^'^ ^"^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^um of £438 Certified to be due from due from them on them and remaining in their hands on account of the rents and rents of tlie pre- P^'ofits of the said estates and premises charged with the said sums of mists, to pay £1000 and £500 in the said report mentioned, pay to the plaintiflT d 6.S, and the re- J« M. in right of I. his wife the sum of £63, being one-fifth part sidne to be paid of the sum of £319 certified to be the interest which had accrued Jiito tlie bank to the petitioner's on the said sums of £1000 and £500 from the time of the re- account; spective deaths of the said M.S. and C. S., and the like sum of £63, being one other fifth part thereof to the plaintiff E. L. in right of the plaintiff M. his wife, the like sum of £63, being one other fifth part thereof to the defendant C. S. the younger, the hke sum of £63, being one other fifth part thereof to the defendant W. F. in right of the defendant M. his wife, and the like sum of £63, being the remaining one-fifth part thereof to the defendant T. G. in right of the defendant M. his wife; And it was ordered that the said defendants J. W. and L. his wife should pay the sum of £118 the residue of the said sum of £438 after making such several pay- ments thereout as aforesaid into the bank with the privity of the Accountant-General to be there placed to the credit of this cause to an account to be entitled " The defendant L. L. S. her account of dividends and interest;" And it was ordered that it should be Reference di- referred back to the Master to tax all parties their costs of obtain- Malter t°o 't'a'x "^g ^^^^ Said order of the 2^th day of December 1817, and of the all parties their said Master's report and of the application for the now stating costs, and direct- , ,, ipijo.ii inirasale of so order, and that so much of the £48/6 bank 3 per cent, annuities •unollnt" of Ttork ^^^^'" standing in the name of the said Accountant-General in trust produced by sale in tbis cau.>e, " The amount of monies produced by sale of real ORDERS. 355 estates," as would be sufficient to raise such costs when taxed, and of the estates as also the several sums of £1000 and £500 should be sold in the clenfto^lise^he usual manner, and out of the monies to arise by such sale, It was amount thereof, further ordered that such costs shoxdd be paid in manner therein said two sums of mentioned, and that the sum of £300 should be paid to the plain- »£ioooand^'50o, .„ _ . t '^ and diiTctins; the titt J.M. m right of the plaintiff I. his wife, being one-fifth part payment of those of the said sums of £1000 and £500, and that the further sum of l^,,'^"''' "' ^''' £300, being one other fifth part thereof, should be paid to the plaintiff E. L. in right of the plaintiff M. his wife, and that the further sum of ,£300, being one other fifth part thereof should be paid to the defendant W. F. in right of the defendant M. his wife, and that the further sum of £300, being one other fifth part thereof should be paid to the defendant C. S. the younger, and that the further sum of .£300 being the residue of the said two sums of ^1000 and £500 should be carried over to " The account of the defendant M. G. and her children," to be laid out in manner thereby directed ; And it was ordered that the sum of £73 cash in also dircctins; ccr- the bank remaining to the credit of this cause " The amount of monies canied over to produced by sale of real estates" should be carried over to the said tiie petitioner's p, IP, Txni PT-11 T aeconnt, and to account oi the defendant L. L. b. fier account of dividencis and ijc invested in interest ; And it was ordered that the same when so carried over ^ P*^.'" ^^"^* ^"" , , . , niuties, and also the sum of £ 1 1 8 when so paid into the bank by the said defendants J. W. and L. his wife as aforesaid should be also laid out in the purchase of bank 3 per cent, annuities in the name and with the privity of the said Accountant-General in trust in this cause, " The defendant L. L. S. her account of dividends and inte- rest," subject to the further order of the court; And it was ordered and the dividends 'J 1 1 • I 1 1 f™"' ''"'^ to time that the dividends from time to time to accrue due on the said bank accruing' due to annuities when purchased, and also the dividends to accrue due on li'^,,"|,'!_Ji^J^"'!,„'" the residue of the said £4871 bank 3 per cent, annuities standing unities to the in the name of the said Accountant-General in trust in this cause, [!|,",\','l""^"' •' The amount of monies produced by sale of real estates," after such sale as aforesaid and on the accumulations thereof respec- tively should be from time to time laid out in the purchase of like bank annuities in the name and with the privity of the said Ac- countant-General in trust in diis cause, " The defendant L.Ii.S. her account of dividends and interest," sulyect to the further order of the court ; That the said defendants J. W. and L. his wife (hily also statine that paid the said five sums of £G3 to the several ])arties in the said y"„/ ''J','| '^^^^ order named, and the residue of the said sum of £438 so reported paid the tive sum. due from them as aforesaid and l)eing the sum of £llo the said ,,;,itiy 358 ORDERS. sale of real estates," and the interest to accrue due on the said bank annuities previously to the transfer thereof hereby directed, be transferred and paid to the said defendant L. L.S. spinster; and for the purposes aforesaid the said Accountant-General is to draw on the bank according to the form prescribed by the act of parlia- ment and the general rules and orders of this court in that case made and provided. * XXI. Order directing the transfer of a sum of stock to the trustees of a settlement, which stock by a former order made before the marriage had been directed to be trans^ f erred to the ivife u^ion the execution by her of certain con- veyances; vide antea, j). 351. At the Rolls. Master of the Roils. Monday the 25th day of February &c. 1828. Between J.M. and J. his wife, E. L. and M. his wife - - - - Plaintiffs, and J. S., J. W. and L. his wife &c. &c. Defendants. Recital of peti- Whereas the Rev. H. O. clerk and L. L.O. his wife (late L. L. S. tion of the has- ^^^ ^^ ^.j^^ defendants above named) and the Rev. J.W. (one other hand and wiro ' '^ and the trustees of the above named defendants) and the Rev.J.L. W. clerk did seittmentr'''^'' on the 12th day of February 1828 prefer their petition unto the stating an order Right Honorable the Master of the Rolls, setting forth that by an ferto"?e''made' °^'^^^' ^^^^^ "^ ^^^^^ ^^"^^ bearing date the 8th day of August 1827 to the petitioner It was (among Other things) ordered that upon the due execution L. L*. S. sijinstcr ^Y the said petitioner of the several conveyances and assurances of of a sum ot stoi k ^[^q estates sold as in the said petition mentioned to the several siandiP£C in the f/i • •r-iirvi-xi Accouiitnnt-Ge- purchasers thereol (such execution to be veniied by athdavit) the neral'snamcnpon gun^ of ^'2515 bank 3 per cent, annuities standing in the name of tlie execution by .... her of certain the Accountant-General of this court in trust in this cause, " The conveyances, account of monies produced by sale of real estates," and the inte- rest to accrue due on the said bank annuities previously to the transfer thereof thereby directed should be transferred and paid to the said defendant the said petitioner (and by her then name that before the and addition of) L. L. S. spinster ; That before the complete exe- final roiiipletioM ^- p ^i • i i i r ^i -j tiiereof and trans, cution ot the said several conveyances and assurances ot tlie saicl ORDERS. r)5& estates sold as in the said petition and order mentioned by the said fer of the fund petitioner L.L.O., and before any transfer of the said sum of '^'i^,,'";™;|!^ =f 2545 bank annuities unto her, she the said petitioner intermarried tioiierH. O.; with and is now the wife of the petitioner H. O., but before the solemnization of such marriage certain indentures of settlement tiiat previously were made and executed bearing date respectively the 3d and 4th I)Je,u\vas exe'*^' days of February now instant, the latter made between the said f"<^ed whereby petitioner L. L. S. of &c. spinster of the first part, the petitioner „anted to*^*traus- H. O. of the second part, the petitioners J. W. and J. L. W. of f*^"" ^''^ stock to the third part, and P.P. and P. B. L. therein described, of the trusts therein'"^ fourth part, whereby after reciting ( amongst other things ) that the ™e"tioned ; said petitioner L. L. O. ( then L. L. S. ) was possessed of or en- titled {inter alia) to the said sum of £2552 bank 3 per cent, an- nuities standing in the name of the said Accountant-General, and which would be transferred vmto her immediately upon the execu- tion of certain conveyances to be certified by affidavit, and that a marriage had been agreed upon and was shortly intended to be had and solemnized between the said H. O. and L. L. S., and that upon the treaty for the said marriage it was stipulated and agreed (amongst other things ) that the said sum of £2545 bank 3 per cent, annuities should be settled and assured upon and for the trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisoes declarations and agreements thereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same ; It was ( amongst other things ) witnessed that in pursuance of the said stipulation and agreement and for effectuating the same, and for and in consideration of the said marriage, he the said H. O. for himself his heirs executors and administrators and also for the said L. L. S. his said intended wife did covenant promise engage and agree, and the said L. L. S. did with the privity consent and approbation of the said PI. O. (tes- tified as therein mentioned) for herself her heirs executors and administrators further consent covenant declare and agree to and with the said J. W. and J. L. W. their executors administrators and assigns, that in case the said intended marriage should take effect they the said H. O. and L. L. S. should and would with all convenient speed after the solemnization thereof make do and execute or cause and procure to be made done and executed or join and concur in and procure all proper and necessary parties to join and concur in all such acts deeds matters things transfers and assurances as by the said J.W. and J. L.W. or the survivor of them or by their or his counsel should be required for effectually trans- ferring and making over the said sum of £2545 bank 3 per cent. r p^iid to tho pit!- the petitioner's solicitor on account of his costs of obtaining the said order and of this application; Whereupon &c. upon hearing the said petition, the said order dated 8cc., the said indenture of settle- ment dated &c. and the affidavit of P. B. L. whereby it appears that the said conveyances and assurances have been duly executed, and an affidavit of the said P. B. L. identifying the said indenture of settlement, and that there is not any other settlement of the fund in question, and the Accountant-General's certificate read, and what was" alleged by the counsel for the petitioners, His Honor dotm ORDER that the £25-15 bank 3 per cent, annuities standing in the name of the Accountant-General of this court iu trust in this causc^ ORDERS. 361 " The account of monies produced by sale of real estates," directed by the order of the 8tli day of August last to be transferred to the petitioner L. L. O. by her then name and description of L. L. S. spinster, be instead thereof transferred to the petitioners the de- fendants J. W. and J. L.W. upon the trusts and to and for the ends intents and purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisoes declarations and agreements mentioned and declared in and by the indenture of settlement of the 4th day of February instant in the petition mentioned of and concerning the same, it appearing by the affidavit of P. B. L. that the several conveyances and assurances mentioned in the former order have been duly exe- cuted by the petitioner L. L. O. ; And it is ordered that the sum of ^38 cash in the bank remaining on the credit of this cause the like account be paid to Mr. C. S. the petitioners' solicitor on account of his costs of obtaining the said order and of this application ; And for that purpose the said Accountant-General is to draw on the bank according to the form prescribed by the act of parliament, and the general rules and orders of this court in that case made and pro- vided. XXII. Order for a will to be delivered out of the Prerogative Court in order to be proved on a commission, security being first given for the return of the same. Upon opening &c. by Mr. M. of counsel for the defendant T. A. it was alleged that this cause came on to be heard &c., and it was ordered that the same should stand over with liberty for the defendant T. A. to prove the will of W. A. dated &c. made and executed by him at B. in France, whereof defendant T. A. is the only devisee and executor ; That the said defendant on the death of the said testator proved the will in common form, and thereupon the said testator's original will was deposited in the Prerogative Court of C. ; That W. one of the witnesses to said will is master of a packet-boat which goes from D. to C. and B. in F., and II. one of the other witnesses to the said will now resides at B. aforesaid, and B. the other witness Hves in L. ; That as said defendant T. A. cannot get the said W. up to L. or the said II. to come over from B., it is necessary that he should have a commission to be executed at D. and B. in order to examine the said witnesses to prove the said will, at which commission it will be necessary that the said will be produced ; and it being customary in such cases 3G2 ORDERS. for the Prerogative Office to deliver out original wills to be proved at places distant, on taking bond from one or more sufficient persons in a reasonable penalty to return the same, the said defendant T.A, hath applied to the register and record-keeper of said Prerogative Court to have said will delivered out accordingly, but they refuse to deliver out the same upon any security, but insist upon sending a messenger of their own with it, which will put the said defendant to a considerable expense ; It was therefore prayed that &c. ; Where- upon and upon hearing &c. His Lordship doth order that the said defendant T. A. be at liberty to take out a commission for the examination of his witnesses at B. and D. aforesaid to prove the said will, and that the plaintiff and the other defendants in this cause do join in commission and strike commissioners' names within six days after notice hereof, and in default thereof, that the said defendant T. A. be at liberty to sue out such commission directed to his own commissioners; and it appearing that the defendant T. A. is the only devisee who can claim any real estate under the said will. It is ordered that the original will be delivered out by the proper officer of the Prerogative Court to a proper person to be named by the said defendant in order to be proved at the said commission, such person first giving security to be approved of by the Judge of the Prerogative Court to return the same in from the delivery thereof to him. XXIII. Order for the like imrpose as the preceding order. Upon opening &c. by Mr. Attorney-General of counsel for the plaintiffs and defendants in this cause, it was alleged that W. R. having in his life-time conti-acted several debts, on the day of made his will, and thereby devised to the defendants L. H. and W. R. his son all his real estate in trust to be sold for pay- ment of his debts, and appointed them executors, and died in , soon after which the defendants his executors proved the same in common form, and thereupon the said testator's original will was deposited in the Prerogative Office, and that the plaintiffs in Term exhibited their bill in this court against the defendants for an account of the said testator's personal estate, and to have the said will proved and the testator's real estate sold for payment of his debts, to which the said defendants have appeared and put in their answers and plaintiffs have replied, and the cause being at issue, a commission issued for the examination of witnesses in the county of , at which commission it will be necessary to have ORDERS. 303 the said testator's will proved in regard the defendant \V. R. who is heir at law to said testator is an infant, and it being customary in such cases for the Prerogative Office to deliver out original wills to be proved in the country, on taking bond from one or more sufficient persons in a reasonable penalty, the parties in this cause have applied to the registers of the Prerogative Court to have the same delivered out accordingly, but they refuse to deliver out same on any security, but insist to send a messenger of their own with it, which will put the parties to a considerable expense ; and in regard the testator's estate is not sufficient for payment, it was therefore prayed that the registers of the Prerogative Court or their deputy may forthwith deliver out the said original will in order that the same may be proved at the said commission, upon giving sufficient security to bring back and re-dehver same unto the said office in six weeks ; Whereupon and upon hearing Mr. So- licitor-General of counsel for the register of the Prerogative Court, an order in a cause of L. against D. dated , an order in a cause B. against B. dated , and an order in a cause S. against B. dated read, and what was alleged by the counsel for said parties. His Lordship doth order that the said original will be delivered out by the proper officer of the Prerogative Court to a proper person to be named by the plaintiffs and defendants the said executors and devisees under the said will, in order to be proved at the said commission, such person first giving security to be approved of by the Judge of the Prerogative Court to return the same in six weeks from the deUvery thereof to him. XXIV. Order to compel a witness to attend to he examined^ or stand committed. Upon motion &c. that is a material witness for the plaintiff in this cause, and hath been served with a subpoena returnalile im- mediately to attend and be examined as a witness for the plaintiff in this cause, as by affidavit now produced and read appears, not- withstandins which the said hath not attended to be sworn and examined, as by the examiner's certificate now also produced and read appears; It is thereupon ordered that the said do in four days after personal notice hereof attend and be sworn and examined as a witness for the plaintiff in tiiis cause, or in de- fault thereof that the said do stand committed to the prison of the Fleet. 304 ORDERS. XXV. Order for liberty to exhibit interrogatories as to the credit of a tvitness. Upon motion &c. it was alleged that the plaintiffs have examined A. B. as a witness for them in this cause who is a person of ill fame, and the defendant hath exhibited articles in the examiner*s office touching the credit of the said A. B. as by certificate appears ; It was therefore prayed that the defendant may be at liberty to exhibit interrogatories for the examination of witnesses to the credit 9f the said A. B., which is ordered accordingly. =-^1} 1^ iVitsm m^ m %& i. aiJoi.t0£3fi£-i3 him, ggniffisb ll& lo iniioasfi Im'^:. feae ^g^nBifnalefe sjfj hsis. modi 1o =!;.'• -■- sjiiBbfisi'^B odi xd nelsi Imp f>f^ii.*->l ■; ^l>o53ii3 iisfii m Bif . : j ^ imq has ,89iioJii5<[- few. sMi ,'39iIJ8 iitor [ 305 ] CHAPTER XVII. DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. s ^araiil I* Decree opening stated accounts, and directing a general ac- count to be taken of all dealings and transactions between the plaintiffs and defendants; costs given as to so much as re- lates to setting aside the stated accounts. His Lordship doth declare that the three stated accounts dated &c. ought to be opened and set aside and doth order and decree the same accordingly ; And it is hereby referred to Mr. one &c. to take a general account of all dealings and transactions between the plaintiffs or either of them and the defendants, and also of the value of any timber felled and taken by the defendants from off the plaintiffs' estate, in the taking of which account the Master is to make unto all parties all just allowances ; And for the better taking the said account all parties are to be examined upon interrogatories, and produce all books and papers in their custody or power relating thereto upon oath before the said Master as the said Master shall direct ; And it is ordered and decreed that de- fendants do pay to the plaintiffs their costs for as much of the cause as relates to the setting aside the said stated accounts to be taxed by the said Master, and his Lordship doth reserve the con- sideration of the rest of the costs of this suit until after the said Master shall have made his report, and the said parties are to be at liberty to apply to the court as occasion shall require. 3G6 ^ DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. * II. Decree for payment of the arrears of an annuity secured by bond given for mamtenance with interest upon each half" yearly payment^ against the devisee of the real and per- sonal estate of the obligor. (See Newman v. Aiding, 3 AtJc. 579.; This cause came on to be heard 9th November 1747, before the Lord Chancellor, when his Lordship was pleased to order and decree that it should be referred to Master Allen one of the Masters An account to of this Court, to take an account of what was due to the complain- arrears due and ant for the arrears of an annuity of £S0 a-year secured by bond, interest at ef 4 per ^j,j ^q compute interest on each respective half-yearly payment from cent, on each hall- ir>- c -ii yearly payment the end of SIX months after the same respectively became due after six'months after *^^ ^^*® ^^ ^ P^*" ^^^^' P^^ annum ; And the defendant having by same became her answer admitted that the personal and real estate of her said ♦h d f d t father were together more than sufficient to answer the said annuity, admitting assets It was further ordered that the plaintiff should pay to the said de- the^amount t^^be fendant what should be found due for the arrears of the said an- found due as nuity and interest at such time and place as the said Master should Master should ',•,.• , • «• direct ; appomt, and contmue to pay to plamtiri the growmg payments oi and in default of the said annuity as they should become due half-yearly; And in to bTat Hberiyio case the defendant should not pay what should be found due for apply for sale of the arrears of the said annuity and interest as aforesaid, then the real estate • plaintiff was to be at liberty to apply to the court for a sale of a direction to the sufficient part of the real estate in question ; And it was further apart^suffici^e^nt ordered that the said Master should see a sufficient part of the said real estate to se- real estate set apart for securing to the plaintiff the growing pay- and the defendant ^lents of the said annuity during her mother's life; And it was further to execute a ordered that the defendant should execute to the plaintiff a proper ance^or "rant* Conveyance of the said estate or grant thereout for securing the growing payments of the said annuity accordingly with the appro- defendant to pay bation of the said Master ; And that the defendant should pay to hearing^ ^ "^ plaintiff her costs of this suit up to this time to be taxed by the subsequent costs said Master ; the consideration of subsequent costs reserved till the Master should make his report ; liberty to parties to apply &c. DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 367 III. Decree by consent directing a reference to arbitration. His Lordship doth by consent order that all matters in difference between the plaintiffs and defendants in this cause be referred to the award and determination of I. H. of &c. esq., so that he shall make and publish his award in writing of and concerning the premises in Award to be made question on or before now next ensuing, or on or before such ^y ^ ^^^'^ '""^ » further time as hereinafter mentioned, and that the said parties do stand to abide by perform and fulfil the award which the said arbi- trator shall so make of and concerning the premises ; And by the like consent it is ordered that the said arbitrator is to be at liberty Arbitrator to be to examine upon oath or upon interrogatories or otherwise at his ^^ .'''1'^'"'^^ ^" ^^' " t^ *5 amine upon oath discretion the said plaintiffs and defendants or any of them, or any the parties and other person or persons who shall be produced as a witness or wit- ' nesses before him by either party, such plaintiffs and defendants or other person or persons being sworn before one of the Masters before whom to of this court or before a Master Extraordinary in the country if ' there shall be occasion ; And the said parties are to produce before 5"ce*deed8*°&c°' the said arbitrator upon oath if required all deeds instruments books papers writings and accounts in their or any or either of their cus- tody or power touching the matters in question or any of them as the said arbitrator shall direct ; And by the like consent it is ordered that the costs of this suit and also of the said reference and award the costs of the , „ , , , T 1 i.* * 4-1, '"'t and of the and all other costs charges and expenses attendmg or relatmg to the ,eforence to be in matters in difference between the said parties or either of them shall |[ie discretion of . , . , the arbitrator, be in the discretion of the said arbitrator, and shall be paid m sucn wiio is to be at manner and by whom and to whom and at such time or times as ^^^'^l^l f^'^j^'^ee shall be directed by his award; And by the like consent it is ordered making liisaward, that the said arbitrator shall be at liberty by writing under his hand J" p^I," /u^de? to enlarrre the time for making his award from time to time as he fault of any party , . -c \ i.\ • ^ Ct. attending; shall see occasion ; and that the said arbitrator may it lie thinks ht proceed ex parte in the said reference in case of the refusal or neglect of any of the said parties to attend him thereon after rea- sonable notice in that behalf; And by the like consent it is ordered that no bills or bill are or is to be filed in any court of equity by ^^';,'j; •jj,';,'^.'^'^'' any or either of the said parties against the said arbitrator for any ^^^^^^^^, .eserTed matter or thing he shall do in about or touching the matters to \^J^\^^'^^l\^^^ him hereby referred ; And any or either of the said parties are or ,„jj,. ^ ^Jig ^f is to be at liberty to apply to this court to have the said award made court. an order of this court. 368 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. IV. Minutes of a decree directing a reference to arbitration, with a direction for appointing an umpire in case the arbitrators disagree. Let all matters in difference between the parties be referred to the arbitration and determination of T. T. and S. S. and they to make their award on or before , and in case they shall not agree they are to name an umpire, and he is to make his umpirage on or before , and both parties are to produce all books and papers relating to the matters in question in their custody or power before the arbitrators and umpire respectively, or such of them as the arbitrators and umpire shall respectively direct, to be ascertained by the oath of the respective parties producing the same, and the award or umpirage is to be made an order of this court, and no bill in equity is to be brought against the arbitrators or umpire. V. Decree for establis/iing a charity. Decree the clia- His Lordship doth declare that tlie charitable bequest and uses tob'e^esSished, »"ade and created by the will of W. B. ought to be established and the trusts thereof performed and carried into execution, and doth the information to order and decree the same accordingly ; And his Lordship doth stand dismissed ^j.^^^. ^^^^^ the information as against the defendant T. S. do stand against one de- _ ° fendant with dismissed out of this court with costs &c. ; And as between the re- ^°^ *' . lators and the other defendants it is ordered and decreed that it be an account to be taken of the rents referred to Mr. • one &c. to take an account of the rents and of^thc chanty es- pj,Qg(.g Qf jj^g charity estate accrued since the death of J. B. son of the testator N. B. which have been received by the defendant R. L, and the other defendants or any of them, or by any other person &c. the Master to make all just allowances &c. and particularly an al- the balance of lowance of &c. ; And it is ordered and decreed that what shall be divided^luto** ^ coming on the balance of the said account be divided into two equal moieties and paid moieties, whereof one moiety is to be paid to or retained by the de- ^jU fendant the Corporation of C. according to the said testator's will, and the other moiety is to be paid or retained by the defendants the ministers of &c. for the charitable purposes devised by the said will DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 3(J9 concerning the moiety to be paid to the minister of those parishes; And it is ordered that any of the relators and the Corporation of schemes to be the city of C. do produce before the said Master a scheme or P;°''"^^'^ ^''^P^^ 1 r 1 1- • PI , 1, , "'*^ Masur tor schemes lor the application ot what shall be coming on the balance the apiiiication of the said accounts for the moiety of the said rents and profits for such balaT'e^ana the poor inhabitants of the said city of C, and also for that moiety of "^ ^''^ growing the growing rents and profits of the said charity estate in such man- '^"'*' ner as may be most beneficial for said poor inhabitants, and the said Master is to state the same with his opinion thereon ; And the new trustees to number of the trustees mentioned in the last conveyance of the 'f ^^''"'"'^'^"''•' ■ 11.^ 1 . 11 • 1 . , , "'^ approhatioa said chanty estate being reduced to six, let eighteen other proper of the Master, persons of the borough of C. or inhabiting near thereto be appointed with the approbation of the Master to be feoffees and trustees of said charity estate, and let the relators and defendants be at liberty to propose proper persons before the Master for that purpose; And when eighteen such persons shall be appointed by the said and die surviving Master, let defendants, the survivinjj trustees, convey the said *'""'**<;es to convey , . , ' . 1 11., "'*^ cliantv estate chanty estate to the said eighteen persons and their heirs to and to them to tiie upon the charitable uses and trusts declared in the said schedule *^ "^'"''''''^ "=*'^^^^' annexed to ; And let the Master settle the conveyances in case the parties differ about the same. VI. Another form of a decree directing the appointment of new trustees of a charity estate jointly with the surviving trustees. m^-i-j^ji^ And it being admitted that the trustees of the said charity were reduced to three, it was ordered that nine proper persons should be appointed with the approbation of the said Master to complete the said number of twelve, and when such persons should be appointed, the three remaining trustees should with the approbation of the ' ' Master make conveyance of the said charity estate to the use of themselves and the new trustees so to be appointed, subject to the same charitable uses and trusts. Vol. II. A A 370 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. VII. Decree on a bill by creditors against an executrix. Whereupon &c. his Honor was pleased to order and decree that it should be referred toMr.S. one of the Masters of this honorable court, to take an account of what was due to the plaintiffs and to all other the creditors of the said testator A. I. and of his funeral expenses, and to compute interest on such of his debts as carried interest after the rate of interest they respectively carried ; and the said Master was to cause an advertisement to be published in the London Gazette and such other public papers as he should think proper, for the creditors of the said testator to come in before him and prove their debts, and he was to fix a peremptory day for that purpose ; and such of them who should not come in and prove their debts by the time so to be limited were to be excluded the benefit of the said decx'ee, but such persons not parties to the said suit who should come in before the said Master to prove their debts, were, before they should be admitted creditors, to contribute to the plaintiffs their proportion of the expense of the said suit to be settled by the said Master ; And it was ordered that the said Master should also take an account of the said testator's personal estate come to the hands of the said C. I. his executrix, or to the hands of any other person or persons by her order or for her use, and the said testator's personal estate was to be applied in payment of his debts and funeral expenses in a course of administration ; and for the better taking of the said accounts &c. \^usual directions given.^ VIII. Part of an order directing the deliver?/ of deeds and at- tested copies, and the execution of deeds of covenant for the production of deeds. Let such of the title-deeds and writings as relate solely to the estate comprised in lot , and also such as relate to the same estate jointly with other estates of less value, be delivered to , he submitting to produce the last-mentioned deeds and writings on necessary occasions and to enter into covenants for that purpose and to give attested copies thereof if required at the expense of the party requiring the same ; and as to such of the title-deeds and DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 37| writings as relate to the estate comprised in the said lot jointly >\'ith other estates of greater value, he is to have attested copies if required at the expense of the estates, and the persons entitled to such estates are to execute to him the like deed or deeds of cove- nant to produce the same on necessary occasions ; and in case any (dispute shall arise between the parties touching the copies of any particular deeds or writings relating to the title, the Master is to settle the same. IX. Decree for doiver out of freehold and copyhold lands. His Lordship doth order that it be referred to the Master to in- Inquiry dirrcted quire what freehold lands the said S. M. died seised of wherein the and' cop.yimid"''* plaintiff B. M. is dowable, and also to inquire what copyhold or ia"tls deceased . . . , ... died seised • customary lands the said S. M. died seised of wherein plaintiiF B.M. * is entitled to dower or any other estate by the custom of the manor wherein the said copyhold or customary lands or any of them do lie ; And that the said Master do assign to the plaintiff B. M. her dower Master to assign in such freehold lands and tenements, and also her dower and |j|f^y"r*^„'"i},e widow's estate in such customary or copyhold lands and tenements, freehold and her and the said Master is to assign and set out particular lands and j„ ,]jj. (.„pyi,oid tenements for that purpose : And after the said lands and tenements l'>" ij- 1\T sliall he lonnd due such freehold lands and tenements is to be paid to plaintitt b. iVl. i„ i^,. paid i„ iho by the said defendant in respect of her dower out of such lands and ];J:;;.';,',i||,,';y "'^ tenements, and that such part of what shall be coming on said account of rents and profits of the said copyhold or customary lands and tene- ments as the said plaintiff B. M. shall appear to be entitled to in respect A A ^ '372 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. of her said dower or other widow's estate in such copyhold or cus- tomary lands and tenements, is to be paid to the said plaintiff B. M. Defendant to by the said defendant ; And for the better taking the said account and deeds, ^c. discovery of the matters aforesaid the said defendant is to produce before the said Master upon oath all deeds writings papers and books of account in his custody or power relating to the matters in question, and both sides are to be examined upon- interrogatories as the said Master to make Master shall direct, and the said Master is to make unto both sides ances"; "^ °"^" ^^^ i^^^^ allowances ; And it is ordered that the said defendant do Defendant to pay pay unto the plaintiff B. M. her costs of this suit to this time to costs up to the ^6 taxed by the said Master, of which the said IVIaster is to make iicaiing; a, separate report; And his Lordship doth reserve the consideration Subsequent costs of subsequent costs as between the plaintiff B. M. and the defendant 1 esejved ; -i i ti t untd the Master shall have made his report ; And it being declared Plaintiff intend- by the counsel for the plaintiff that they do intend to controvert the tiie deeeiised's pi'obate of the will of the said S.M. insisted on by the said defend- wiii, further di- ant in the Ecclesiastical Court, his Lordship doth reserve liberty to rections reservet . ^ , any of the parties to apply to the court for further directions in respect of any other demands made by the bill in respect either to the real or personal estate of the said S. M. as occasion shaU require. X. Decree for foreclosure. His Lordship doth order and decree that it be referred to Mr. E. one 8cc. to see what is due to the plaintiff for principal and interest on his mortgage and to tax him his costs of this suit, and the defendant is to pay unto the plaintifl' what shall be reported due to him for such principal interest and costs within after the said Master shall have made his report, at such time and place as the said Master shall appoint, and thereupon the said plaintiff" is to re- convey the said mortgaged premises free and clear of all incum- brances done by him or any person claiming from by or under him, and to deliver up upon oath unto the defendant or to whom he shall appoint, all deeds and writings in his custody or power relating thereto ; But in default of the said defendant paying unto the said plaintiff such principal interest and costs as aforesaid by the time aforesaid, the said defendant is from thenceforth to stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from all equity of redemption of in and to the said mortgaged premises. DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. '^^3 XI. Alhmtes of a decree by consent, directing the ^;/«;"«///r to conjirm the defendant s jointure in the settled estates, and when confirmed, the defendant to j)^oduce all deeds in her possession or power relating thereto. And the plaintiff Sir W. A. now offering to confirm the jointure of the defendant C. A. in the several estates settled upon her in jointure by the deeds dated &c., Decree that plaintiff Sir W. A. do confirm the jointure of said defendant C.A. in all the said estates as the Master shall direct ; and let the Master settle the deeds or assur- ances for the confirmation of such jointure in case the parties differ about the same ; And after such jointure shall be confirmed as aforesaid, let defendant C. A. produce before the said Master upon oath all deeds and writings in her custody or power relating to the several estates comprised in the settlement dated &c. ; and reserve the consideration of all further directions until after the deeds and writings shall be produced. XII. Minutes of a decree declaring the plaintiff to be entitled to a jointure, and directing the defendant to convey to her the lands to be set out by the Master. , Declare that plaintiff is entitled in equity to have a jointure of £ a-year made good* to her out of the estate in question ac- cording to the settlement &c. ; and therefore refer it to the blaster Rcfeimcc «o ,- ,, , « T 1 1 1 • -1 Master to ."^ct c to set out and allot so much of the lands and premises comprised ian,isott,uihc.. in the said settlement of &c. as shall amount to and not exceed the ^ahic, value of £ a-year, subject to taxes and repairs, for plaintiff's iointure for her life : And let defendant M. H. settle and convey such «lof ''^^ ^f^""^] of ° I . •' o what is due in thereon from the times the same ought respectively to have been respect of two paid, and that the plaintiff may be declared to have a Hen upon all f/j^reed io"i"e paid the estate and interest of and in the said premises which belonged '^y^"ot.''^"'/'*^*'«"- to the said Thomas Willows for payment of the amount of what rest thereon, and shall be so found to be due, together with so much of the plaintiff's }" 'l'^^'' =' ''.^'" ?" . . , ^ his interest in liia demands as shall remain unpaid by the means aforesaid, and that premises ; the same may be raised and paid thereout to the plaintiff accord- ingly, and that the plaintiff may have the full benefit of the afore- said securities for the payment of what is so due to him; And if And if necessary necessary for that purpose, that such of the rents and profits of the ,ef,ts^',',ot jn,,,';!^ said premises, if any, as are not applicable to the payment of the cahh> to the pay- plaintiff 's aforesaid demands may be applied in discharging all such tur's deniands incumbrances upon the said premises as have priority to the plain- "!">'*'■ ='l'i''.'<^'i.'" ^ A111 Till discliari;e ol prior tifi s aforesaid demands ; And that the mortgage debt due to the incumljiances ; said John Broom and Herbert Broom may be considered as satis- t'l^t a mortfjase ir>ri-i • ^'-''^^ *'"^' to two ned to the amount ot the rents and pronts ot the said premises other deftndants received by them and of the occupation value of such parts of the ""fy '^^ «-oiisi(ier- •' * ' ed as satisfied to said premises as have been occupied by them, and that accounts of iiie amount of such rents and profits and occupation value may be taken accord- ]]j|^'^'^^'."^|^J'''^''|;' ^j'^^ ingly ; And that all other necessary directions may be given for the occupation vahic purpose ot paying or securing to the plauitiii the payment ot what j|,^j piemises as is so due to him out of the said premises ; And that some proper was occupied by „ , . , . , them, and to iiave person may be appointed receiver of the said premises, and par- an acromit taiveii ticularly of such parts thereof as were so agreed to be demised to [||.';]'^"' accord- the plaintiff for securing his aforesaid demands; And that tlie .„„f ,„,. ,i^. .,p- rents and profits thereof may be applied according to the provisions i';';".'^"| "^ "' ■' of such agreements, and to be relieved is the scope of the bill ; [and after stating the substance of the defendants ansivers, the decree proceeded thus:'] That T. Willows being dead, the plaintiff thought T^Jccital in the ■'■- -■ • f^ r \ ili'<-rec that a it adviseable to institute a suit in the Prerogative Court lor the pur- .icfanlani iHins 376 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. dead, letters of posG of procuring adthinistration of the estate and effects of the administration • ■, m wr -i tii n t • • • n i ^ ^ limited to the ^^-^'^^ i.W., and accordingly letters ot administration oi the estate matters in qnes- and effects of the said T. W. were duly granted by such court to tion were prant- -.^ -r^ t, . . . ed to the defend- P. F. P., but hmited to the purpose only of attending supplying sub- plemcutar suit^" s*^^"*^'a*^ino ^"^ confirming the proceedings already had or which might be thereafter had in the aforesaid cause or suit or in any other cause or suit which might thereafter be commenced in this or any other court between the aforesaid parties or any other parties touching or concerning the aforesaid premises, or until a final decree should be had and made therein, and the said decree carried into execution, and the execution thereof finally completed ; and that the And the plaintiff thereupon filed the supplemental bill in this court l)hiintif} there- against the said defendant P. F. P., statins the several matters afore- npon filed a sup- . ... }>ienicntal bill, Said, and thereby praying that the plaintiff may have the same fh?s'ame^reHer ^'^^^^^ against the said P. F. P. as if he had been originally a party against the ad- defendant to the said original bill ; Whereto the counsel for the if originally' a defendant P. F. P. alleged that he by his answer saith he ad- party. j^j^g ^c. [ admitting the letters of administration granted, the proceedings had in the original cause, and claiming such interest as he might appear to he entitled to as such personal representa- tive.^ Whereupon and upon debate of the matter and hearing an exhibit Sec. 8lc. read, and what was alleged by counsel on both sides, his Honor did order that this cause should stand for judg- ment ; And this cause standing this present day in his Honor's paper of causes for judgment accordingl}-, in the presence of counsel learned on both sides, and the defendants J. B. and R. B. by their counsel at the bar now consenting that the four several exliibits marked &c. being drafts of leases in the possession of the defendant Til. L. and proved by her in this cause shall be considered by this court as proved by the plaintiff against the said defendants J. B. and Decree— Leases J?, g.^ J|is HoNOR DOTH DECLARE that the plaintiff is entitled to have to be execnteu the lease to him, the two several leases from him, and the underlease according to the fi-Qm the defendant Mary Linwood to him executed by all proper dratis orJL'inally . ,. i ■, r ^ i tkt xnri ■ • i prepared and ap- parties accorciing to the draits prepared by Mr. White m the year proved of, with jgQQ ^nd approved of on the part of the plaintiff, with this differ- certain vaiia- ^ ' ^ , tions, as stated ence, that the lease thereby proposed to have been made by the in the decree; plaintiff to Thomas Wiilov/s in the bill named is to be made to John Broom, K. Broom, and John Harriss or those who represent them, who by virtue of the agreement in the pleadings mentioned as be- tv/een the said T. Willows and the said J. B., H. B. and J. H. are entitled thereto, and with this difference also, that if the mortgage to the defendant John Broom and the late Herbert Broom shall DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 377 appear to be satisfied, the plaintiff Samuel Page is entitled to have the lease granted to him for the additional term of fifty years at the rent of 40^. per annum ; And it is ordered that all proper parties do execute the same and counterparts thereof; And it is further Upon the exe- ordered that as soon as such lease shall have been executed to the Srto^he'plain- said plaintiff as aforesaid, the said plaintift' do forthwith grant and t'*^". I'e to execute execute to the said defendant M. Linwood a demise of the said pre- L'tKLL. tracer I raises agreed to be let to her according to the lease prepared by ^'f^ portions of the said MrAVhite, to hold for forty-seven years and three quar- cording to the* ters wanting ten days from the 25th day of December 1807, ^'-aft 'ease ori- ° •' •' ' ginally prepared, at the annual rent of ^250 to be paid and payable according and thereupon to the said agreement of the 21st November 1808; And his Tiuued \o re! Honor doth declare that upon such lease being executed by the ^^ive from her said plaintiff, the plaintiff will be entitled to receive from the with arrears of said defendant M. Linwood the sum of £1000 agreed by the said '"^^■"'-''^ thereon; agreements of the 27th June 1806 and 21st November 1808 to be paid to him, with interest on the same after the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, according to the instalments and from the respective times when such instalments were to have been paid according to the said agreement of 21st November 1808 and the draft of the said lease prepared by the said Mr.White; And it is An account to be ordered that it be referred to the Master in rotation to take an aid*'"i.Scst1hre account of what is due for principal and interest in respect of the i" respect of the said sum of £1000 as aforesaid; And it is ordei-ed that the said , ' P 1 • 1 /» -11 also an account of Master do also take an account of what is due irom the said de- the arrears of the fendant Mary Linwood to the plaintiff in respect of the rent of [voirdSuianr c£250 per annum from the 25th day of December 1807, being the M- L., the Master time from which such rent was reserved &c. &c. payable in and by just allowances in the said draft lease prepared by Mr.White as aforesaid ; and the ""espect of rates, I i •' . taxes, ixc. said Master in taking such last-mentioned account is to make unto the said M. L. all just allowances for and in respect of all or any rates taxes assessments and other proper disbursements paid laid out assessed and made upon or by her ; And it is ordered that An account to he the said Master do take an account of what is due to the said amrintcrc'sr'due M. L. for principal and interest in respect of her mortgage in t«) her in respect It r 1 . U "* ''e'" >"ort};af;c, the pleadings mentioned, and also an account ol the costs charges and of costs sns- and expenses which she has paid been put to or sustained in ^^'."^J,, ''^i,'^''^''^,'; certain suits entitled " Browning against Willows," and " Broom relation to iicr against Linwood," or in any other suit or suits brought against "'"'^^g'^J them as mortgagee or in any wise incidental to or respecting the said mortgage ; and it being alleged by the counsel for the plaintiff and the said M. L. that it has been agreed that the said plaintiff |^|;'^';',":;;;'f„'7,;: shall become the assignee of the said mortgage, It is ordered that come assignee of 370 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. the mortgage, ilic tlic difTerciice between the amount of the account of the principal accounts (lirecu'd "^terest and costs of the mortgage and the amount of the account to be taken as of the lent and of the before-mentioned sum of £1000 and interest between liini and ,, , . in i /> • i i t ^ j tlie defendant after makmg such allowances thereout as atoresaid above dn-ectea M.L to bepaid to be taken, be paid by the said plaintifF to the said Mary L. or aeeordinu to tlie , . result of the ba- be paid by the said M. L. to the plaintiff according to the result of stidfaeeoimts" *^^^ balance between such accounts, and if it shall be found that and tlicreupon the said mortgage debt with interest and costs as aforesaid is satis- her inort^a^e to ^^^'' "'* I'P^" ^^^^ balance of such mortgage account being paid to the plaintiff; the said M. L. by the plaintiff, and such underlease being exe- cuted to tlie said M. L. by the plaintiff as hereinbefore directed, It is ordered that the said M. L. do thereupon transfer and assign her said mortgage unto the said plaintiff S. P. or as he shall direct, and all proper parties are to join in such transfer and as- signment, which is to be settled by the said Master in case the The Master to parties differ about the same ; And it is ordered that the said Ihes'.i[rnd'in5 Master do tax the said M. L. her costs of this suit, and of all cidental to the costs charges and expenses of the different hearings in this suit as between 80^- ^^' incidental thereto as between solicitor and client; And it is citor and client, ordered that the said plaintiff do pay the same to the said M. L. ; the same to be . , . . ^ ^ ; -i ,t t » i • paid by plaintiff, -^ncl It IS ordered that thereupon and upon the said M. L. s doing T\'uT'l^Z what she is hereinbefore directed to do, the plaintiff's bill do stand the bill to be dis- . . , ' ^ missed as against dismissed out of this court as against the said defendant M. L. ; „,, ' . , And his Honor doth reserve the consideration as between the said Ihe consider- i • •/•• i i i ation reserved by plaintitt and tl^e Other defendants by whom so much of the costs S'trcostl'above ^^^'^^'^ ^lirected to be in the first place allowed and paid by the directed to be plaintiff to the defendant M. L. as is or shall be properly costs aTshaU btT'pro-' ^^ between party and party in this cause, shall be ultimately borne, periy costs as until after the said Master shall have made his report; And his between party tt i -i i i i i i • • m i i • ^ i and party in the "Onor doth declare that the plamtitr ought to be considered as cause, shall be having a charge upon the several premises in the pleadings men- Hltiniately borne. • j n i f >=> Plaintiff declared ^^^^^d tor the purpose of supplying the deficiency, if any, of the to be entitled to rent of .£200 a-year to be reserved to him by the lease before plying'^tiie de-''" "mentioned, which was agreed to be granted to Thomas "Willows, ticiency of two and also for tlie payment of an additional sum of ^200 per annum yearly sums of-,., n n ■ i i> o£'2oo to answer during tlie term oi forty-eight years and three quarters of a year bis demands, or wanting ten days mentioned in the deed-poll of the 2Gth November iintd his demands „ „„ ., . . - „ are satisfied ; Io07, or until such time as the plaintiff's demands are satisfied. Such charge not and to have a proper deed executed for that purpose, but such til at'ioi- mort"' charge is not to take effect until it shall appear that the mortgage gage is satisfied ; (for £3000 ) which was held by the defendant John Broom and the if the same deceased Herbert Broom is satisfied, but in case it shall appear slr.di appear '"> .1 ^ , , . , . • n 1 1 t • 1 i be satisfied, the '■"'^^ ^^-^cii last-meiitioued mortgage is satisned, then It is ordered DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 379 that tlie said Master do settle and approve of a proper deed for Master to settle securing such two rents-charge accordingly: and in case it shall'' '"'?*'/'''■'*'''"'■" ° t5 J ' 111^ tlie two rents- appear such last-mentioned mortgage is satisfied, then It is ordered charge, and to that the said Master do compile interest upon the sum of SpZtf'e'i'o.m't ^13,290. 1*. 6d. from the 25th day of March 1809 according to «f ^''M'laintiff- s the acknowledgjnent of the said Thomas Willows dated the 19th ing"to"c'eSn'mI day of July 1810, after the rate of £5 per cent, per annum, and ^''''^^'^'^i according to the agreement of the 27th June 1806; but in case it bnt if not sa- shall appear that such mortgage as last aforesaid is not satisfied, me^lnioned'al^ *" then it is ordered that such last-mentioned account be postponed ^^0""^ to be post- until the further order of the court; And it is ordered that the ther order; said Master do take an account of Avhat is due from the defendants »" account to be J. Broom and John Harriss or either of them or the estate of due to the plam- Herbert Broom deceased to the plaintiff in respect of the rent of *'*^^'0"^ otl^er ^200 a-year from the 25th December 1807 according to the draft the estate of a prepared by Mr. White, and according to the said agreement of the ^''^"''*'^?^* party, r f J ' fs o according to cer- 27th June 1806, up to the date of the report to be made by tlie said tain instruments,. Master ; And it is ordered that the said Master do also take an a„y otilcr' rents account of what is due from the defendant J. Broom and John »<^'ejved by them TT • • 1 PI 1 n TT 1 TT. 1 , or tor their usu, Harriss or either or them or the estate or Herbert Broom deceased in respect of the rents reserved by the lease of the 2d day of Au- gust 1806, and the agreement of the 30th day of June 1808, and in respect of any other rents of the premises or any part thereof received by them or any or either of them or by any other person or persons by their or any or either of their order, or for their or any or either of their use ; And it is ordered that the said Master the Master to do set an occupation rent on such part ( if any ) of the premises J?j,j ^'enTnpon" not included in such lease or agreement of which they or any or such part of the either of them shall have had a valuable occupation, or which cindcd in a lease would have produced rent but for their or his wilful deflxult, and =>"/' agreement, ^ ••111° which said dc- ascertain what is due in respect thereof; And it is ordered that ftndants had a what he shall find due on such several accounts or any of them p!J [■„,''' "J,, "^.J"J,, be set against what he shall find due in respect of the principal wonid liave pro- and interest of the mortgage for £3000 which was vested in the forthcir wilful defendant J. Broom and the said H. Broom deceased; And it is dofanit the_ , , f. ainotnit to be ordered that the said Master do ascertain and state whether after fo„nd due on so doing any thing and what remains due upon such mortgage, or f".''^;,t'*'„jf '"^[fi„ft when by such means the same was paid off; And it is ordered that the amount of he do for such purpose take the account of principal and interest f„'J",*^!J';' i^\^ on such mortgage ; And it is ordered that the Master do take an f o.' DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 38o XVI. Form of a decree nisi where defendard makes default. This cause coming on &c. in the presence of counsel learned for the plaintiflf, no one appearing for the defendant, although he was duly served with a subpoena to hear judgment in this cause as by affidavit now produced and read appears, the substance of the plaintiff's bill appeared to be that &c. Whereupon and upon hear- ing &c. 'read, and what was alleged by the counsel for the plaintiff, His Lordship doth order and decree that &c. ; And this decree is to be binding on the defendant unless he, on being served with a subpoena to show cause against the same, shall at the return thereof show unto this court good cause to the contrary; but before the said defendant is to be admitted to show such cause, he is to pay unto the plaintiff his costs of this day's default in appearance to be taxed by the Master. XVII. Minutes of a decree for a partition ; — an infant de^ fendant to have a day to show cause. Let a commission issue to commissioners to be therein named to make partition of the estate in question, who are to take the depo- sitions of witnesses to be examined by them in writing and return the same with the said commission, and let the said estate be divided into moieties and set out in severalty, whereof declare one moiety to belong to Mr. N., and the other moiety to plaintiff SirW. M., and let the respective parties convey their several moieties to each other to hold in severalty according to the respective undivided moieties thereof, and let the Master settle the conveyances in case the parties differ about the same ; And until such conveyances shall be made let the several parties generally hold and enjoy their respective divided moieties against each other or any cluiniing under them; And let the said defendant Miss N. an infant execute the convey- ance before directed to be executed by her, unless she, on being served with a subpoena, shall witiiin months after she shall attain her age of twenty-one years show unto the court good cau^e to the contrary. Vol. II. B B 386 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS* XVIII. Minutes of a decree for a partition of an advotvson in moieties, the bill being dismissed as to one defendant with costs. Declare that plaintiff is entitled to have a partition of the ad- vowson of the vicarage of the parish church of W. in K. into moieties, to present by alternate turns, and decree that a partition he accordingly made thereof in moieties between plaintiff and de- fendant E. S. devisee in the will of J. S. ; And for making such partition the plaintiff and defendant E. S. are mutually to exe- cute conveyances to each other, so that plaintiff may hold one moiety of the advowson to him and his heirs, and defendant E. S. may hold the other moiety to her and her heirs, as tenants in com- mon in severalty respectively ; And in such conveyance let a clause be inserted that the plaintiff and his heirs and defendant E. S. and her heirs shall present to the said vicarage by alternate turns, and if the parties differ the Master is to settle the conveyances, and the charges of the conveyances are to be borne equally be- tween the plaintiff and defendant E. S. ; And it appearing in the cause that J. S. under whom defendant E. S. claims hath since the agreement for the partition or division of the premises presented upon the last avoidance. It is ordered and decreed that the plaintiff do present on the next avoidance being the first turn from this time; And it is further ordered that the plaintiff's bill as against the defendant the heir at law of the said J. S. be dismissed out of this court with costs according to the course of the court, but his Lordship does not think ht to give any costs as between the plaintiff and the defendant E. S. "DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 387 * XIX. Order for Uherhj to apply to the Court of King's Bench for payment to the plaintiff' and defendants of money paid into the hands of the Master of that court, the amount to he paid into the bank to abide the event of the cause. ( Hawkshaw v. Parkins, 2 Swanst. 539, 550.) His Lordship doth order that the plaintiff be at hberty to make an application to the Court of King's Bench for payment to him and to the defendants of the money paid by the plaintiff into the hands of the Master of the said Court of King's Bench pursuant to the order of Mr. Justice Bayley on the 23d day of June 1818, and it is ordered that they do pay the same when so received, to be verified by affidavit, into the bank with the privity of the Accountant- General of this court on the credit of this cause to abide the event of this cause, but this order is to be without prejudice to the right of any of the parties to such money or any of the questions in this cause; Reg. Lib. A. 1818, fol. 1281. XX. Direction to a Master to appoint a receiver for one moiety of the estates in question, the receiver to be at liberty to let the estates with the approbation of the Master. And the said Master is to appoint a receiver for one moiety of the estates in question and allow him a reasonable salary for his care and pains therein, such person to be appointed receiver first giving security to be allowed of by the Master, and to be taken before a Master Extraordinary in Chancery in the country if there shall be occasion, duly and annually to account for and to pay what he shall so receive as the court shall direct, and the tenants of the said estates are to pay their rents in arrear and growing rents to such receiver, who is to be at liberty to let and set the said estates from time to time with the approbation of tlie said Master as there shall be occasion, and the said receiver is to pay the balance of his accounts from time to time into the bank subject to the further order of the court. B 2 388 DECREES AND DRCRETAL ORDERS. • iO!\cjmu?(iO'i bttR 9?ij YTfizaaasn 9ifi idi aiDoRs lofiio ban ?.noi>ivo'(fr amXXI. Minutefi of an order directing a consignee of an eiidte in the West Indies (being appointed by the Master pursuant to the decree) to transmit his accounts half-yearly of the produce consigned to him, also to make insurances on the consignments, also to transmit stores and effects for the use aoqu Kwf the estate ; the defendant to deliver over an inventory xEoh mwf the negroes, Sfc. on the estate, and the consignee to remit i»l 9it; to him such sums as shoidd be laid out in negroes and re- ^ H hspairs ; the consignee to pass his accounts annually and to pay the balance due into the bank. Outline of the case. . ', ,.' R. C. by will devised a plantation at St. C. to his eldest son D. for life with limitations to other children, and directed that the clear produce of his plantation till his debts and legacies should be paid, to be from time to time shipped in such ships as defendant C. his heirs and assigns should direct, and consigned to him, and that his son should send an account every year of the produce, and if he did not, then defendant C. with the consent of his trustees was to put an overseer on the estate. The bill was brought against the trustees and sons for an account of the rents and profits, and that an overseer or receiver might be appointed of the estate. The decree referred it to the Master to appoint a proper person in L. to whom the defendant C. should consign and send over the profits of the plantation and houses in question to be disposed of according to testator's will, and defendant C. was accordingly from time to time to consign and send over the profits to such person so to be appointed, and R. S. was appointed consignee. Order. Let U.S., the consignee approved by the Master, twice in esvery year transmit to defendant C. a true account of the sugars and other produce of the plantation consigned to and received by him upon the respective consignments, and of the sales thereof, and let the said R. S. make insurances upon the sugars and other produce of the plantation that shall be consigned to him in such manner as shall be reasonable with the approbation of defendant D. C. or of such pierson as he shall appoint, and let the charges thereof be paid out of the money arising by the sale, and let the said R. S. transmit over from the said plantation to D. C.'s attorney at St. C, such stores DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 38i) provisions and other effects for the necessary use and consumption of the said estate as the said R. C. shall by letter from time to time desire with the approbation of the Master, and let defendant C. deliver over to the said R. S. an inventory of the negroes mills and utensils now upon the plantation, and let the said R. S. pay or remit to the said R. C. such sums of money as shall be reasonably laid out by the said C. in negroes utensils cattle and repairs upon the plantation, to be ascertained by an account to be sent from time to time by the said C. to be verified by affidavit, which sums are to be settled by the Master if the parties differ; And let the said R. S. pass his accounts annually before the Master, and pay what shall appear to be due from him on the balance of his account from time to time into the bank with the privity of the said Accountant-Gc- neral of this court &c. -I*. XXII. Minutes of an order directing the appointment oj" persons '^'A X . to manage an infant's estates in the West Indies, unih di- (,{)J y.B'W rections as to remitting the rents and produce ; also directing the appointment of a guardian for the infant. r;i9vo ne in * ,,^i Let it be referred tp the Master to approve of a proper person in the island of B. to manage the plaintiff's the infant's estate there, and receive the rients and profits thereof, and to remit same over |^,> defendants in E. in trust for plaintiff; and what shall be from time to time so remitted by such person so to be a])provcd of as aforesaid to defendants is, after a deduction of what shall be allowed for plaintiff's maintenance, to be placed out at interest &c. Let it be referred to the Master to approve of a proper person to be appointed guardian of the person and estate of plaintiff E. O. the infant, and he is to state same to the court, and thereupon such further order shall be made relating thereto as shall be just. And let the Master appoint one or more proper person or person? in the. island of B. to manage said plaintiff's the infant's estate there, and to receive the rents produce and profits thereof, and he or they is or are to remit same, to a proper .person in L. to be approved of bj? the blaster for that purpose; and the said Master is to make such person to whom the same shall be so remitted a reasonable allowance in respect thereof; but such j>erson is first to give security to be approved of by the Master duly to account for and pay what he tihall so receive by such remittance as thi&'COurt shall direct. 390 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. * XXIII. Decretal order under the stat. 7 Geo. 2. c. 20. w/?on a petitloti for redemption of a mortgage, presented by the party entitled to the equity of redemption, defendant to a bill of foreclosure ( 1 ). '"* ^^J^' At the Rolls. Master of the Rolls. AVednesday the 6th day of August &c. 1794. Between Richard Huson, - - Plaintiff, and Jane Hewson, - - Defendant. Recitalof the de- Whereas Jane Hewson widow did on the 25th day of July last ilray?"'' ^a'*ref er" pi'^f^r her petition unto the Right Honorable the Master of the cnce to the Mas- Rolls, setting forth that by indentures of bargain and sale dated the ter to take an account of the ^^-th day of May 1759 and made between J. H. the petitioner's late piincipai and in- husband (in right of the petitioner) the petitioner and M.S. of teiest due to the ^ . plaintiff, and for the one part, and Thomas Gibson of the other part, the said iireqni'tvrand"'^ "^^ ^' ^^^ *^^^ petitioner in consideration of i'200 paid to them by npon payment the Said T. G. did grant and surrender to the said T. G. a messuage l)laintiff mi^ht ^^ tenement by way of mortgage for securing ^£200 and interest ; re-convey the that plaintijff has become assignee of the said mortgage, and that premises and de- ^, . . . . i i ^ • n i • i • mt liver up all deeds, the petitioner IS entitled to the equity oi redemption, and is wiihng praynig also for ^^d desirous to redeem the said mortgacred premises, and to pay an injunction to i • • ■ . & o i j tr j restrain the plain- the plaintiff R. H. all principal money and interest due on the said ill electment'-"^* mortgaged premises, and has applied to the said R. H. and offered to pay the same ; that the said plaintiff R. H. notwithstanding in Easter Term last and subsequent to such offer filed his bill in this cause to foreclose the said mortgaged premises, to which the peti- tioner has appeared and obtained an order for time to answer ; and in the same Term the said R. H. served the tenant in possession of the said mortgaged premises with a declaration in ejectment, to which the petitioner has appeared and entered the common rule, and praying that it might be referred to the Masters of this court to take an account of the money due to the plaintiff for principal Ju ejectment ; (1) f^ee Hifson v. Hewson, 4Ves. 104, 2d edit., and the cases referred to itj note (57), ibid.; '2 Madd. Ch. Pr. 265, 428; Piacdv. Hull, 1 Sim. »S: Stu. o:31. DEGREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 391 and interest and for costs as well at law as in this court ; and that upon payment by the petitioner of what shall be found due upon such account the plaintiff might re-convey the said mortgaged pre- mises to the use of the petitioner her heirs and assigns for ever, and might deUver up to the petitioner all deeds and writings in his custody or power relating to the same, and that in the mean time the plaintiff might be restrained from proceeding in this cause and in the aforesaid ejectment and from all other proceedings at law against the petitioner in respect of the matters aforesaid ; Where- upon all parties concerned were ordered to attend his Honor in the matter of the said petition this day, and counsel for the petitioner and for the plaintiff this day attending accordingly, upon hearing the said petition and the said indenture dated the 14th day of May 1759 read, and what was alleged by the counsel for the peti- tioner and for the plaintiff, and the defendant by her counsel ad- mitting the mortgage in the pleadings mentioned, and that the prin- cipal money and interest sfecured thereby are still due to the plain- tiff, and now offering to pay the same to the plaintiff, together with his costs in this court and at law, pursuant to the late act of par- liament in that case made and provided. His Honor doth order Dccrefal order and decree that it be referred to Mr. H. one of the Masters of this ' ''^j^V,?^^i'* ^tl^^' tiice 10 iiie Ulas- court to take an account of what is due to the plaintiff for principal ft' to take au and interest on the mortgage in the pleadings mentioned, and to Hpai andintei'rst tax him his costs in this court and at law ; and upon the defendant's <'"<'' ,•".'*' '° ^^^ paying unto the plamtifi what shall be reported due to liuu tor costs at law ami principal and interest and costs as aforesaid within six months after '" <^'l'"ty, i"Hl i^ L -If "poii |)avmenl of the said Master shall have made his report at such time and ])lacc the aniount n> as the said Master shall appoint, It is ordered that the plaintiff do J^^ moll Ihs" If ,'!',• surrender the said mortgaged premises free and clear of and from »''<■ i<>i t, piain- „ . , 111- I • • I r 1 '''^ ^0 Miiniidcr all mcumbrances done by him or any claiming by from or under ,i,^, p,,.,„is(.s to him, and deliver up all deeds and writings in his custody or power ^''^ "t. relating thereto upon oath to the saul defendant or to whom slie all deeds, \-c. shall appoint ; but in default of defendant's paying unto the said p.ut in difanit of plaintiff such principal interest and costs as aforesaid by the time !,\\'J"'*;''i,j''j-J,"!'' aforesaid, the said defendant is from thenceforth to stand absolutely closed; debarred and foreclosed of and from all right title interest and equity of redemption of hi and to the said mortgaged premises ; and for the better taking of the said accounts the parties are to produce ^y;"'''" '" l""; bcfore the Master upon oath all deeds papers and writings in their ^.'J.'/ "' "'"' custody or power relating thereto, and are to be examined upon interrogatories as the said Master shall direct, who in taking of the Master i.. n, said account is to make unto the parties all just allowances, and any j^^j aiio«a.Kes. of the parties are to be at liberty to api)ly to the court as there shall be occasion. .302 DECBEES ANI* DECRETAL ORDERSj . „%i; XXIY; Bettee far^h Ucdount bf tithes. ^ Declare that it be referred to the Master t6 tay ar¥bc5iir]Wf wliftHM due to the plaintiff from the defendants respectively for all tithes of corn grain and hay and all other titheable matters as well small as great which have arisen accrued and renewed on tlie land' and premises in the occupation of the defendants respectively within the pariah of I. in the &c. and the titheable places thereof from —-J For the better taking of which account both sides are to pro- duce &c., the Master to make all just allowances; And let the defendants pay unto the plaintiff what shall be found due to him from them respectively, together with the said plaintiff's costs of tlii^ suit to this time to be taxed by the Master, and reserve the consideration &e^ bsywnoiq so .^56 giood igiijo IIjb bn> noiaairaraoo >j« :>>J -ij.,, c-i 'Suvd ibA-:: '■■-' 4^imib ilarh 1938bM bixsa as izsti- — - si il httB ; 98119^2? -jiix 3.f; "tof*iQ r{,t gaiqoa Silfii oi \H3di^ laifjia 26 IfihJ 0-;: .footqod losiaili &9iqoa dDua i^di boiobvj A XV. Decree m a cross-cause for a» account of tithekni^ And as between the plaintiff in the cross-cause and the defend- ants G. and H. it is ordered and decreed that it be referred to the said Master to take an account of the tithes of potatoes growino- renewing and arising on the lands held by the said defendants G. and H. in the parish of W. in the county of E. from the year .* exclusive, on the taking of which account the Master is to make all just allowances ; And for the better taking thereof both sides to produce &c. And it is ordered and decreed that the said defendants G. and H. do pay unto the plaintiff W. what shall be found due to him upon that account, and also his costs in the cross-cause hitherto to be taxed by the said Master, as far as the same relates to the demand of tithes of potatoes; (subsequent costs reserved.) him ^baawboiq 3!5 ^^ :;f>i*!?f,; \\: DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 393 XXVI. Order directing an action of trover to be brought, and that the defendant should make certain admissions. Poth decree that the parties do proceed to a trial at law in the Cpurt of King's Bench in London, at the Sittings in the next Term, or at such other time as the Lord Chief Justice of that court shall appoint, in an action of trover to be brought by plaintiff against the defendant T. for packs of woollens in question in this c^use, and the said W^T. is to name an attorney and appear and accept a declaration and plead the general issue ; and in order that the property of said goods may be tried on such trial, said de- fendant is to admit that the goods in question came to his hands, and also to admit a demand and refusal ; And it is further ordered that all proceedings under the said commission and all other books &c. be produced &c. on or before next as said Master shall direct, and either side is to be at liberty to take copies thereof at their own expense ; and it is ordered that such copies thereof be produced at the trial as either side desire, and give notice thereof in writing. Further consideration reserved till after trial. mh 6l b9TX9l9i 9d Hi te ill bopioob b«B h ■^nivfomgEOolJBJoq'io'aadJil of\i !« inuomsi an ojTe^ o .O KlriBbfraMi bii58 ^^iV^ bf^^^ zbnsf 3ii) no - - - XXVIL Minutes of an order directing a trial at law in ejectment. Let all parties proceed to a trial at law at the next assizes for the county of S. in an ejectment upon the demise of the now plaintiff, and defendants to name an attorney to appear to the ejectment, and to enter into the common rule to confess lease entry and ouster; And let the original lease &c. all deeds &c. be produced, and reserve all &c. 394 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. l*i\XXVIII. Minutes of an order directing a trial at law, to ascer^ i4 *«o^ tain whether and when a person became bankrupt. . Let the parties proceed to a trial at law upon this issue, whether Af. P, did on or before — -~7^ commit any act of bankruptcy within the inte7it and meaning of the several statutes relating to bank^ ruptSf or any of them, and if the jury shall find he did not commit any act of bankruptcy on or before that day, and that he committed an act of bankruptcy at any time afterwards, in such case the par- ticular time when he committed ?u,ch act of bankruptcy is to be indorsed on the postea. ^^f ,j^ And plaintiff here is to be plaintiff at law &c. Sec. iiti/ i.^ - XXIX. Order directing a trial at law upon certain issues, with directions in case the Jury shotdd find any ptarticidar right , . V Iparying in circumstances from the issues as laid. Ik;' 'Doth order that the parties do proceed to a trial at law at the next • assizes for the county of Y. upon the following issues, whether &c. And it is further ordered that plaintiff the mayor and commonalty of the city of Y. be plaintiff at law, and it is hereby referred to Mr. &c. to settle the issues in case the parties differ about the same; And to the end such trial may be had, defendants are forthwith to name an attorney to accept a declaration and appear aiid plead to issue ; And in case on said trial the jury shall find any particular right though varying in some circumstances from the issues as laid, it is ordered that the same be indorsed on the postea. Further directions reserved &c. ; Hberty for either party to apply. DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 395 XXX. Mimites of an order directing a trial tit Bar in the Court of King's Bench by a special jury ^ six of whom to have a view of the premises. Let plaintiff P. and defendants proceed to a tml at bar in the Court of King's Bench next Term or at such time as that court shall think fit, by a special jury of the county of S. on this issue whether &c. And the sheriff of the county of S. is to attend the Master with his book of freeholders, whereout the names of forty-eight persons are to be taken, and each is to be at liberty to strike out twelve, and the remaining twenty-four are to stand and be returned on the jury, and six of the jury are to have a view of the premises ; And the plaintiff P. is to be plaintiff at law, and the Master is to settle the issue if the parties differ ; And to the end said trial may be had, defendants are forthwith to name an attorney to accept a declaration to appear and plead to issue ; And let both sides produce before the Master all deeds &c., and either side is to be at liberty to inspect and take copies thereof at their own expense, and such of them as either side shall give notice for are to be produced at said trial; And after said trial shall be had, either party is to be at liberty to apply to the court for further du'ections. XXXI. Order directing issues to be taJten pro confesso, unless the plaintiffs proceed to trial within a limited time. Upon opening &c. unless the plaintiffs in the issues do proceed to the trial thereof some time in , it is ordered that the said issues be taken /<;-o confesso as if the same had been tried and found against them, without further motion. 396 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. ^ • XXXII. Minutes of an order directing the plaintiff^s bill to be retained for a limited period, ivith liberty to him to bring an action at law, and in default thereof withi^ the time / limited, the bill to stand dismissed with costs, Ximi mci^ '^anom-JauiJ adJ "io iuo ^nio£.Iq brif? h\^.Lapsilxio^t~.-t? 1tl biiA :smBg odi lol a^hhuoez sris to noiggs-; ioef^^eh ^^"^^ declaring an account to have been f^r^ffp t^^. recommcudinff a prosecution for forireru, ; JO X1DB9 10 {.,S9^*M ..w ii-.^..fe. ...<., ,....^...^.-.- •«— . ^^^ Q. i'- - ; tfij>M Iko -jf^dio fo Pi^ffio ?^Hj lo loB yn£ o3 v{97i309qa9i aaaJauil sil) His Lordship declared he was of opinion that the account pro-* ducqd before him dated &:c. is a forged account, aiid recommended it to plaintiff to prosecute said defendant for forging said accoimt or pubHshing same knowing it to be forge;; xo t i/^js] .iii:->iC) And said account being filed in the office *>■? the Register -foc) filing . affidavitss in this court annexed to the affidavit made by said; 5. H., it is ordered that same be carefully preserved in the affidavit; office,, to. the end it may be forthcoming in case any prosecutioii' shail,bp, carried on against the said defendant or. any other person) for forging the same. ;;,:jrj io liji.'riJ d:ju:? ,,And that the proper officer in the taid office do attend 'with tKe' sa,j4,|^Ci^qiin|^on, any trial to be had for such forgery, beh}g paid Ills fee? ^or such attendance. DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 3J)7 * XXXIV. Decree by the Lord Chancellor reversing mi order of dismission made by the Master of the Rolls, and directing imjtdries as to the application of certain trust-monies and the v«vu, ii^^fg ^ fj^^ trustees thereof relative thereto, and in case the Master should find that either of the trustees had committed a breach of trust, then the Master to state in ivhat such ' * ^ • ^hacHbf trust took place, and whether tlie cestui que trust knew of the irusiees' liability in respect of such breach df trust previously to her ejcecuting a power of attotiieij, iiiiW^sf^PTaiker^r. Symonds, S Stvanst. p. % 44.; "'^ ^^*^ bns jiid [ 77^e decree on further directions is inserted posteUy 'n.'tr p c:}}h ^oiqoa a IsJ oi (yhh tadiro ; =02^ oioisd to no .a;:tt adiood lie : That the order of dismission madfe on the hdiring of fhf^'cabse be reversed, and that it be referred to Mr. Thompson one &c. to inquire and report in whose hands the trust-money mentioned in the pleadings had been since the year 1782, and when the same should appear to have been placed out on any security or securities, to report on what security or securities the same was placed out ; And it >vas ordered that the Master should state specially and particularly the nature of such security or securities when the same were not government or real securities, and also report in whose custody ])os- session order or disposal the instruments of security were from time to time, and that the Master should also inquire and report what were the acts of each of the trustees respectively as to the receipt and plaoing out of the trust-money from time to time and the pos- session of the securities for the same ; And it was ordered that such inquiry should be made not only as to the acts of the trustees respectively, but as to the consent permission or privity of each of the trustees respectively to any act of the others or other of them ; And that the Master should inquire and report whether the trust- money was at any time and for what time in the hands of any of the trustees without security, and whether the same was so with the consent privity or permission of the others or other of them, and in case upon such inquiries it should appear to the Master that the de- fendant William Symonds deceased or Thomas Griflith by any act neglect or default committed any breach of trust in respect of which they or either of them were or was answerable personally for the trust-money or any part tliereof, that the Master should state in what such breach of trust took place; And it was ordered that the Master should inquire and report whether the plaintift' Loveday ■ previously to her executing the power of attorney in the pleadings aaa- DECREES AND DECRETAL OUDERS. mentioned had any knowledge or notice that by reason of such breach of trust they or either of them were or was so answerable ; and it was ordered that the Master should state all special circum- stances; And for the better discovery of the matters the parties were to be examined upon interrogatories &c., and his Lordship reserved the consideration of costs and of all further directions until after the Master should have made his report, and any of the parties were to be at liberty to apply to the court as they should be advised.— Reg. Lib. B. 1811, fol. 1211. Z'bsm , *XXXV. Decree on further directions, over-ruling exceptions which had been talcen to the Master s report, and declaring that the assets of two deceased trustees were liable to make ,)^ good a breach of trust by the decree declared to have been committed by the deceased trustees, reserving liberty to their representatives to use the names of the plaintiffs in any pro- ceedings which they might be advised to take against other I persons upon giving an indemnity to the plmntiffs to be * settled by the Master ; an account directed to be taken of priticipal and interest due in resjject of the trust-money, and of the plaintiffs' costs, the same to be paid out of the assets of the two deceased trustees ; — the bill dismissed as against one defendant without costs, but without prejudice to any ulterior proceedings. (See the prece4ins decree, and 3 Swanst. p. 79.) " ,- ^ ^. r . • . - ? - , f "^The decree ordered that the exceptions be over-ruled as insuf- ficient, and that the sum of £5 deposited with the register &c. be paid to the plaintiffs, and his Lordship declared that the late de- fendant William Symonds and Thomas Griffith were proved to have committed a breach of trust in respect of which they were answer- able personally for the trust-money in question, and that under all the circumstances of the case the plaintiff Loveday Walker ought not to be considered as having relinquished or barred herself from the right to consider them as being so answerable for the said breach of trust, or as having bound herself to accept such provision only in respect of the trust-money as she or William Symonds and Thomas Griffith were or might be entitled to under the trusts of the in- dentures of lease and release of the 24tli and 25th days of March DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 399 1 797, but that under such circumstances either the plaintiff Lover> day Walker under the true construction of the said indentures re- mained entitled to charge William Symonds and Thomas Griffith personally, or if she was not so entitled under such construction she was not bound to take the benefit of such provisions and relinquish her demands against them personally on account of such breach of trust; And his Lordship declared that William Symonds and Thomas Griffith having made themselves by having executed the said in- denture of release and other acts creditors of the defendant Isaac Harris, as in the said indenture of release is mentioned, and the plaintiff Loveday Walker not having been bound to accept the benefit of their demands as such creditors, the plaintiffs were en- titled to have such payment made out of and such account directed as thereinafter was ordered and directed as to the assets of William Symonds and Thomas Griffith respectively, without compelling an account to be taken of the assets of Nicholas Donnithorne deceased, which appear to be included in the trusts of the said indenture of release, or enforcing in the said suit any demand which by the plaintiffs or on their behalf could be enforced under the trusts of that indenture, but with such liberty reserved to the respective repre- sentatives of William Symonds and Thomas Griffith as thereinafter provided ; And it was ordered that it be referred to the Master to take an account of what remained due to the plaintiffs for principal and interest of the trust-money in question, and that the defend- ants William Symonds and Thomas Cooke out of the assets of the late defendant William Symonds deceased, and the defendant John Lilly out of the assets of Thomas Griffith pay what the Master should find to remain due for principal and interest on taking the said account, into the bank with the privity of the Accountant-Ge-: neral, to be there placed to the credit of the cause, " The plaintiff's account," subject to the further order of the court, and the plaintiffs were to be at liberty to make such application to the court touching the same as they should be advised ; And in case the defendants William Symonds and Thomas Cooke should not admit assets of WiUiam Symonds deceased sufficient for the purpose aforesaid, then they were to come to an account before the Master for his personal estate come to their or either of their hands &c. and unless the de- fendant John Lilly should admit assets of Thomas Griffith, It was ordered that the Master do take an account of his personal estate come to the hands of John Lilly his executor &c. ; And his Lord- ship declared that in case after having satisfied what they were liable to pay under the directions thereinbefore contained, the de- fendants William Symonds and Thomas Cooke and John Lilly as 400 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. «uch representatives respectively as aforesaid or any representative of Symonds or Griffith respectively should be advised to make any claim or demand against the assets of Nicholas Donnithorne de- ceased, or against the trust-premises or the trustees in the said in- denture of release contained and named, or against the defendant Isaac Harris, which it should be necessary or they should be advised to make in the names of the plaintiffs or any of them, they were to be at liberty to use the names of the plaintiffs or any of them in any such proceedings, they giving to the plaintiffs a proper and sufficient indemnity against the costs and expenses of all such pro- ceedings ; And it was ordered that such indemnity be settled by the Master if the parties differ about the same ; And it was ordered that it be referred to the Master to tax the costs of the plaintiffs, and that such costs when taxed be paid by the defendants the exe- cutors out of the assets of their respective testators ; And it was ordered that the plaintiffs' bill as against the defendant Harris be dismissed without costs between the plaintiffs and him, but such dismissal was to be without prejudice to any such proceedings as aforesaid for the benefit of the representatives of the other deceased trustees, either in their own names or those of the plaintiffs or any of them thereafter to be taken relative to the matters in question ; And for the better taking of the said accounts the parties were to produce before the Master all books &c. ; and the Master was to be at liberty to make a separate report or separate reports of any of the matters aforesaid ; And his Lordship reserved the consider- ation of all further directions until after the Master should have made his report, and any of the parties were to be at liberty to apply to the court as there should be occasion. — Reg. Lib. B. 1817, fol. 1977. DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 401 * XXXVI. Decree for an account of a testators personal estate and the annuities and legacies given by his will; the will not being duly executed, the real estate declared to have descended to the testators daughter and heiress at lato a plaintiff', and to be subject to the articles entered into upon her marriage; an annuity in fee granted by King Charles the Second out of the Barbadoes Duties decreed to have become vested under the tvill in the testator s dauifhter as a o fee-simple conditional, and to be subject to make good the annuities and legacies given by his will in case the j^ersonal estate shoidd be deficiefit. Liberty reserved to the executor to make his electio?i between a debt claimed to be due to him, and a legacy given to him by the tvill. (Earl of Stafford v. Bzickley, 2 les. sen. 170.) Decree that it be referred to the Master to take an account of An account to be the personal estate of the testator Richard Cantillon deceased which ^^^^ estate pol- has been received by the plaintiffs the Earl and Countess of Staf- sessed by tlie ford and the defendant F. Garvan or any of them or by any other fendant, person by their or any of their order or for their or any of their use ; Let the Master likewise take an account of the said testator's also of the testa- debts and funeral expenses, and of the annuities and other legacies ^.^j p^penses "an"- given by the will, and what is due for the arrears of such annuities ; nnities, and lega- And let the Master compute interest on such of the legacies as carry ^j^^ Master to interest from the end of one year from the said testator's death comiuite interest at the rate of 4 per cent. ; And let such personal estate be applied ""cany in'teJeir; in payment of the said testator's debts funeral expenses annuities and other legacies in a course of administration ; And in taking of acconnts stated the accounts of the said testator's personal estate against the said [jy^.lj'^^, ^hr,'h'in- defendant F. G. in case the Master shall find any account stated tiH 's minority between him and the administrators during the minority of the "01101!*; ' plaintiff the Countess of S.(2), he is not to unravel the same; And it being insisted on in the cause that there was a debt due from tlie rxemtor de- the testator at the time of his death to the said defendant F. G., ['("l^.','' ,""1.,!,"'!,, declare that the said defendant is not entitled to claim both his l;otli iii. dd)i and (2) The expotitors Garvan and Stoper had rcuoiun-ed probalo, and letters of administration with the will annexed were ^rrantcd (hiring the minority of the testator's daup;hter, and for her benelil, to the lestii- tor's widow, who Itad intermarried with I', liulkeley. Vol. II. c c 402 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. Icgacj', liberty debt and his legacy given him by the will of the said testator in to make his elec- ^^^^^ cause, but that he has a right to make his election whether t^on ; he will claim his debt out of the testator's estate or accept the legacy given him by the will after the account of his personal estate shall be taken ; And reserve liberty to the said defendant F. G. to directions re- make such election after such account shall be taken ; And also served as to any t^- ^ j. r ^ ^ ir^^i :i(coiint of what reserve any du-ections as to any account oi what was due troin the was due from the said tcstator at the time of his death to the said defendant F. G. rxecutor; until after such election shall be made; And let the Master state the residuary per- and ascertain what shall appear to be the clear surplus of the said sonal estate to be . ^ ^ , , , , r ^ <• i • i i . r i ascertained; testators personal estate aiter payment ot his debts luneral ex- -trtain annuities penses annuities and other legacies as aforesaid ; And as to the ' u^en'for/ife 'and ^""uities given by the testator's will, declare that the annuities given otiiers so long as to liis brothers T. C. and B.C. are annuities for life only, redeem- •idve issue of ^^^^ i" the manner mentioned in his will, and that the annuities Uieir bodies ; given to the Other annuitants are to continue so long as they have issue of their bodies, redeemable in the manner mentioned in the the Master to set Said testator's will ; And let the INIaster consider of a proper part jijntrt sutticient ^^ ^.j^g g,^jj testator's estate to be set apart to secure the growing I state to secure ^ o & iiiejsrowing pay- payments of the said annuities, to which the personal estate is to sonal est'ate'to" ^^ considered as liable in the first place ; And let the Master state lie considered as the same unto the court, whereupon such further order shall be iial)lein the tirst , i n i • * i i • • • • i place; made as shall be just ; And several questions arising m the cause touching the extent and construction of that clause in the testator's will whereby he has directed the trustees to intail upon his daughter and her issue all his estate and effects after the payment of the jointures to his wife and of his annuities and legacies, with such the real estate limitation as therein mentioned, declare that the said testator's will e articles cxe- subject to and affected by the articles dated the 6th of July l/4o piaintiUb' mar- entered into upon the plaintilFs' marriage: And declare that the ^'^S^; i I & ' the income ot the interest and profits of the surplus of the testator's personal estate residuary per- over and above the <££00 a-year given for the maintenance of the payment of the plaintiff* the Countess of S. accrued before her marriage (if any allowance for • n 1 • 1 -n 111 1 maintenance de- shall be ) did by vn-tue or the said will go to and belong to the ciared to belong plaintiff" the Countess of S. ; And declare that the articles ought to Jo^the feme plain- be performed and carried into execution, and decree the same ac- her marria^ie ar- cordingly, and let proper settlements conveyances and assurances j]^ '^crforlucd ■ " be executed by the respective parties to the said articles, so far as the deaths of parties will admit thereof, with the approbation of the Master, except so far as the said articles relate to any sur- further dircctictns plus of the testator's personal estate existing at the time of his reskiuaiv'pe*!-- "^ death which shall remain after payment of his debts funeral expenses sonal estate; annuities and legacies, touching which surplus his Lordship doth reserve any directions till after the said account shall be taken and the Master shall have made his report ; Let the Master also An account to take an account of the income of the said annuity of £1000 a-year aiTears*^'of the^ which has been received by the defendant E. or by any other ofiooo annuity r('C(-'ivGtiL)voiiG person by his order or for his use ; And in taking of the said ac- of the defend- count let the Master make unto the said defendant all just allow- a'"s» ances ; And it being admitted by the said defendant E. that he has ,„|'tto,i to be iu in his hands the sum of £6000 part of the money arising out of 1''^ h-unu dirrct- „ -1 r j'/'AAA t:d 10 be paid inlo that annuity, let the said defendant E. pay the said sum ot £t)OUU court; into the bank with the privity of the said Accountant-General of this court to be placed to the credit of this cause, subject to the further order of this court ; And the defendant S.W. being the the heir at law of heir at law of her father who was the trustee of the testator's real J^.J (/esidni,' to'be estate in the county of L., desiring to be discharged from the trusts, discharged, di- 1 1 1 T\T * reeled to convey let her convey the same to a new trustee to be approved by tiie iVlaster, the real estate at the plaintiffs' expense, subject to the trusts and provisions of t» a new trustee ; the said marriage articles ; And it being admitted that the defendant the executor liav- -^ , . . 1 ■■ -1 /• 1- 1 1 /■ >i 1 X' i C i"i; iiidcuinilied G. entered into security to the bank of England for tlie benelit ot j,;^ |^_,,,,, .^„.^^,^^^ the testator's estate in respect of certain bank notes burnt in his certain nous ^ 1 •/• 1 • r 1 burnt, (hiecled house, let the said defendant G. be indcmnihcd m respect ot such i^ i^^, nuiennnficd security given by him out of the testator's estate; And let the J'||t^«'^J^'^'^_'^si^- Master be at liberty to make separate reports as to the account ^^^^, iv,j,,.>.t,r' to hereby directed against the defendant E., and as to the account make separate c c 2 404 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. of what is due to the annuitants for the arrears of their several annuities, and as to any fund to be set apart for securing the said all parties to pro- annuities; [And for tlie better clearing of the several accounts before directed, the usual directions given for production of books oosts to be paid and papers, and examination of the parties ; the costs of all parties , ' * out of the testator's estate; The consideration of subsequent costs siUfseqiiPiit costs, _ ' _ ^ ^ and all fiuiiier and of all further directions, and particularly as to any question served'.""*^ ** *^^^ ^^^y 3.1'ise between the interest which the Countess of S. may take and the interest which any child or children she hath had or may have may take in the surplus of the said testator's personal estate reserved until after the Master shall have made his report j Liberty to any of the parties to apply &c. ] * XXXVII. Decree estahlishznga will with several codicils thereto^ and directing the trusts to be carried into execution, excejit as to a direction in the will for the accumulation of th^e interest and divdiends of the residuary personal estate aitd the rents of the real estate during the minority of any person or persons entitled thereto, which is declared to he too remote and void; a grandson of the testa tw, an infant , declared to he entitled to the devised estates for life, with remainder to his frst and other sons in tail general; di- rections given as to an allowance for his maintenance; the testator's widoiv having made her election to take under the marriage settlement, declared to he barred of her doivcr ; a trustee declared to he entitled to certain leasehold j)ve- mises for his own benefit, and special directions given as to prospective and retrospective allowance to he made to him for his trouble. {Marshall v. Holloway, 2 Swanst. 432, 450.) April 22, 1820.— His Lordship doth declare that the will of Tho- mas Holloway the testator &c. dated &c. and the three several codicils of the testator dated &c. are respectively well executed and proved, and that the trusts thereof ought to be carried into execu- tion, except in so fiir as the said will directs the laying out and in- vesting the dividends interest and annual proceeds of the stocks and securities in and by the Faid will directed to be purchased with the DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 406 surplus of tlie smuI testator's personal estate after the payment of his debts funeral and testamentary expenses and legacies, and the rest of his personal estate, and also the clear yearly rents and profits of his real estates from time to time, and wlien and so often and during all such times as any person or persons beneficially interested in or entitled to his real or personal estates under the trusts tb.erein- after declared thereof should be under the age of twenty-one years, Jind the adding all such investments to his personrd estate in order to accumulate the same; And his Lordship doth declare that such direction to lay out and accumulate the said rents and profits in- terest and dividends is too remote and void in lav/ ; And his Lord- ship doth declare that the defendant the infant H. F. K. JNIartelli is entitled in possession to the rents and profits of the said testator's freehold and copyhold and leasehold estates, and to the dividends interest and annual proceeds of his personal estate and effects for and during the term of his natural life, with remainder to the first and other sons of his body lawfully to be begotten successively, according to seniority of age, and the heirs of their bodies respec- tively, with such remainders over as in the said will and codicils in that behalf respectively contained. — The decree after the usual directions for an account of the personal estate of the testator and the rents and profits of his real estates received by the plain tili's, proceeded thus: — It appearing that the defendant Horatio Martelli the father of An inquiry «U- tlie said defendants the infants, is dead, it is ordered that the said peVo'iis'in- *vvii(!!ii Master do inquire and state to the court by whom the said defend- "ii; iniaiit has ant the infant H. F. K. Martelli has been maintained since the de- 8;,,,.^ ,[",,, tis- cease of the said testator, and what sums of money have been paid '''t"""'" ■ ... i^ I 1 1 depurate report. have regard to the situation and circumstances ot ttie otlier de- fendants the younger brothers and sisters of the said II. F. K. ^Lar- telli, and the said Master is to be at liberty to make a sej)arate report &c. ; And the defendant Ann Holloway having elected to take Tlu- wi.iow i.av- the provision made for her by the indenture of settlement in the J";;,,' ,|,*,",|pr m". pleadings in this cause mentioned to bear date the I7th day of s, ;ti.iiiht ,,„','^'^',,!° ?^"'* II o jinie niieiesl oil to have been paid according to the said testator's will; And the ;>"•■'' „.,| |,;^ ||„. for their or either of their use or by their or either of their order ; jx,o ij m DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 409 XXXIX. Decree for an account of a testators personal estate, i>i'i .. :-..:., , and direct'mg the appointment of a receiver. gi/f .8 ijim Decree that it be referred to Mr. one &c. to take an account An to be of V hat leasehold estates the testator was entitled to at the time !^^'° *J* "'^ ^fj" „ , . J , 1 p 1 1 , tatoi's leaseuold oi hjs death, and ot the annual value thereof, and also an account estates and the of the rents and profits thereof accrued since the testator's death c'Xed'by'tiie'de. received by the defendants his executors or either of them or by fendanis'his exe- any person or persons by their or either of their order or for their ^" "'*' or either of their use ; And it is ordered that the said Master do Also an account also take an account of the personal estate of the said testator not "'.'^'''^ personal estate not spe- speciticaUy bequeathed possessed or received by the defendants his ciHcaliy be- executors or either of them, or by any person or persons by their s^J!,se!i'bv fhe* or either of their order or for their or either of their use ; And it defendants ; is ordered that the Master do also inquire and state to the court The Master to what is the value of the leasehold house at &c. lately belonKin" to •'^'^^''t^in the va- •' <^ o 1,1,. ot a honse the testator and taken by the defendant ; And it is ordered that taken by a de- the said Master do also inquire and state to the court whether the « " '"' ' . An inquiry di- defendants have possessed any and what specific articles bequeathed rooted as to what by the testator other than and except those which they have de- 'iihe*^|[efendants' livered to the specific legatees thereof; And for the better taking have possessed the said accounts and discovery of the matters aforesaid the parties Uvered over • are to be examined upon interrogatories and to produce all deeds &c. ; the Master to make just allowances &c. And it is ordered that the Master do appoint a proper person The Master to to be receiver of the rents and profits of the leasehold estates in af^ salary .'^^'^^'^ question in this cause, and allow him a reasonable salary for his care and pains therein; such person so to be appointed receiver first giving security to be allowed of by the said Master, and taken before a Master Extraordinary in the country if there shall be oc- casion, duly and annually to account for what he shall receive of such rents and profits as the court shall direct ; and the tenants of the said estates are to attorn and pay their rents in arrear and growing rents to such receiver, who is to be at liberty to let and Tiie receiver to set the said estates from time to time with the approbation of the \^^ Jhe'esSr said Master as there shall be occasion ; And it is ordered that the witii the aj-pio- , . IP i- i i.- I • Iwlioii ot the person so to be apponited receiver do trom tmie to tmie pass ins Master, and to accounts before the Master and pay the balances that shall be re- py j'^"' ^^^271. ported to be in his hands into the bank to be there placed to the j,.,t to further credit of this cause, subject to the further order of this court ; ""'•^^'• Arid reserve further consideration &;c. 410 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. XL. Decree on further directions, directing i/ie 3 faster to compule subsequent interest on such debts as curried interest^ and to take an account of any other debts remaining un- jjaid, also directing the sale of a sum of stock and payment thereout and out of other monies of the debts to be reported due to the creditors, except the plaintijf, he consenting to waive his right; the ejcecidor directed to pay the balance in his hands into court, and directions given as to applying the proceeds in the hands of a consignee of a West India estate. The Master to com|nile subse- quent inteiest on such debts as carried interest, and to taive an account of any other debts re- maining unpaid ; A sum of stock to be sold and thereout and out of certain sums of cash the cre- ditors to be paid the sums reported due to them ex- cepting tlie plain- tiff W.H. ; The executor di- rected to pay into the bank a sum reported due from him ; The consignee of a West India es- tate to be con- tinued, and out of the produce in his hands to pay His Honor did order that it should he referred back to the said Master to compute subsequent interest on such of the debts of the testator W. 31. B. mentioned in the first schedule to his general report dated whereon interest is thereby computed, and also to take an account of any other debts due from the said testator at his death remaining unpaid and not mentioned in the said first schedule to the said report; And it was further ordered that the sum of £ ■ bank 3 per cent, annuities standing in the name of the said Accountant-General in trust in the said cause, " The ac- count of the said testator's real estate," should be sold with the privity of the said Accountant-General, and the money arising by such sale paid into the bank with the privity of the said x'iccountant- General to be there placed to the credit of the said cause, the like account; and that out of such money and out of the interest of the said bank annuities until such sale, and also out of the sum of £ cash in the bank on the credit of the said cause, " The testator's real estate," and likewise out of tlie sum of £ cash in the bank on the credit of the said cause, " The testator's personal estate," the several creditors of the said testator or their legal per- sonal representatives should be paid what should be reported due to them except the said complainant W.H. , he by his counsel con- senting to waive his right or claim to receive any part of his debt out of the said bank annuities and cash ; And it was further ordered that the said J. F. B. should pay into the bank the sum of £ • reported due from him by the said Master's general report dated &c. on account of the personal estate of the said testator with the privity of the said Accountant-General to be there placed to the credit of the said cause, " The account of the testator's personal estate ;" And it was further ordered that C. S. the consignee of the rents profits and produce of the testator's estate in the said island of St. C. should be continued and pass "his accounts before the said Master ; and that the said C. S. should out of the profits and produce of the DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 411 said testator's estate which might come to his hands pay the arrears the arrears and and growing interest of the debt reported due to the saidW. H. t-'''0"''"K/n»f- and ot the legacies given by the said testator's will and codicil, and tine toW, H., also the arrears and growing payments of the annuities thereby jjacic^s^ ami also given, and that he should pay the residue of such rents profits and ^''^ arrears and produce into the bank with the privity of the said Accountant-Ge- mriTtrof Ihe' neral to be there placed to the credit of the said cause, subject to »"""ii'es and the residue to the further order of the court ; And it was further ordered that the be paid into said Master should tax all parties their costs of this suit other than ^^^ ''''"'^ ' ^1 . 1111 • 1 1 • It 1 Directions given the mortgagees who had been paid their costs, and that such costs as to taxing costs when taxed should be paid to the solicitors for the said several •»"<• «"t ot what . , p , lunus to be paid ; parties out of the residue of the money to arise by sale of the said bank annuities before directed to be sold, and of the dividends that should accrue thereon until the sale thereof, and of the said sums of £ and £ cash in the bank in the said cause, the afore- said accounts, (after payment of the said several creditors ) and also out of the said sum of £ before directed to be paid into the bank on the account of the personal estate, as far as the same would extend, and that the residue of such costs should be paid by the said C. S. out of the rents profits and produce of the said testator's estate in the said island of St. C. [and the usual directions were thereby given for the said Accountant-General to draw on the bank for the purposes aforesaid ;] And his Honor did continue the reser- Further direc- vation of any directions as to the question whether there were any Io'*"|^e'i^uestYons?n and what circumstances affecting the said testator's estate to make what proportion it proper any ways and how far to lessen the two legacies of £ ^nd annniUes each given by the said testator's will to his two daughters the said sliould abate, E. B. and L. B., and also the annuities of £ sterling given by the said will to the said D. M. G., £ St. C.'s currency thereby given to the said L. F., and also the two annuities of £ each given by, the first codicil to the testator's will to the said E. B. and L. B. ; And his Honor did reserve the consideration of any question the question re- that might arise between the creditors of the said testator respecting th.wVjmrapi.rrl the jewels and ornaments of the person of the said testator's wife "^'j'' r'sorved, which she usually wore, and of all further directions ; and any ot directions. the parties were to be at liberty to apply to the court as there should be occasion. 412 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. .^^^iXLI. Order directing a reference to the Master to inquire as ^v^ to what part of a testators personal estate is out on se- curities, ti'/tic/t of them are jjrojjer to be continued or called in, tvith directions given J^or the latter purpose. ^ Let the Master inquire what part bf^tlfife satd te^tatSt^ estate is standing out upon securities and what debts are owing to the said estate, and whether any and which of them are proper to be called in or continued, and let such of them as the Master shall find are proper to be continued be continued accordingly, and let such of them as the Master shall find are proper to be called in be called in with the approbation of the said Master, and let the Master appoint a proper person for that purpose, and make him a reason- able allowance in respect thereof; and if it shall be necessary to put any of them in suit, let the same be put in suit accordingly in the name of the defendant E. C. the executrix, and let her be indemnified therein out of the said testatoi-'s estate.'i -j*"^^ "•i>\„ ¥sac^ %•^°$«o«^^^»s\atwc^ Si\l fewa Uo^. %ioat*sb atVa^Ai \g i>50 i-r^ii^va I.:-: !;;:■:£■» ^isi-as^o liKJi : c'6 s\^b'.\t\?si^ V' :-as> f:U' liiXi hixn «'*-«04^'at ^»ti>ttri-^ 'aH^UkM. ^M t^^smo^A \n\u^^ru;. LilB > aidi 1o noiJDiJbaiiw^ silJ lo Joo IIb ib \i{ «aqoH boox) Iq oqiiO stii ./I =■-=. = = = - gbnsn'Jt kiqA io <(iii ...:,, uj no nc ., ==.._^ ...i^a banorinsra-igfrt ^'^'^ ',.- DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 4lS * XLII. Decree on further directions in the original cause, and on the hearing of a supplemental suit ; the plaintiffs in tlie „ latter suit declared to be entitled to the benefit of the pro- ceedings in the origi?ial cause, and to prosecute the same; the accounts directed to be carried on from the foot of the i'i ^li-lfw^^'"' o^counts, and the executor to be charged with a hm?. :\^g^^U f stained by him and allowed in the Master's general ly^{U._-.r,^iort ; the testators real estates declared to be subject to ois \:.rJ^e Jidyment of his simple-contract debts, and the plaintiffs lo n-M^^ ihe second suit declared to be creditors to the amount of If'illQ-^ <§, sum of stock sold out by the testator, and an account ^j^^^f^]/f[ireeted to. be taken of the dividends which would have ^pj^vu r,4tccrued due in case the same had not been sold out; con- ey) mi\9truction of the will declared with regard to a devise of m v!nff»C^^«^'^ estates not exceeding .£3000 a-year, as being to .J \ ^the separate use of a married woman for life {she having for some years been separated from her husband), with re- mainder to her children in fee; the testators shares in a theatre directed to be sold and the purchase-monies paid into the bank. The costs of all parties to be taxed as between solicitor and client, and directions given out of what funds the same were to be paid. The prayer of the original bill, the decree made at the original hearing, the Masters general report, and the prayer of the supplemental bill recited. Thursday the 15th day of March, in the 8th year of &c. 1827. Between G. Gooch, - - - - Plaintiff, and J. Haworth and S. his wife, &c. Defendants. And between L. M. Mestaer &c. infants, all out of the jurisdiction of this court, at the Cape of Good Hope, by their next friend, Phiintiffs, and G. Q., J. H. and S. his wife, &c. Defendants. By original and supplemental bills. The first-mentioned cause coming on on the 18th day of April 1820, to be lieard and debated before the Riglit Honourable the 414 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. Prayer of the original bill to have tiie tes- tator's will es- tablished and the trusts thereof carried into ex- ecution, and the rights of all parties ascer- tained ; Accounts taken of the real and personal estates and uf debts, 6cc. That the per- sonal estate might he duly applied, and the clear re- sidue ascertained and secured ; In case the per- sonal estate should be in- sufficient, that the rents of the real estate might be applied in aid, and the defici- ency supplied by sale of the real estate ; That the residue of the real es- tate and the sur- plus produce of any sales might he ascertained and secured ; That the plaintiff might be autho- rized to complete or to sell a ship on the stocks; That a receiver might be ap- pointed of the rents of the es- tates and of the outstanding per- sonal estate i Master of the Rolls, in the presence of counsel learned on both sides, the scope of the plaintiffs' bill appeared to be, that the will of the said testator P. E. M. might be established, and that the trusts thereof might be performed and carried into execution by and under the direction and decree of this court, and that the rights and interests of all the parties entitled and interested under the same might be ascertained and declared, and that an account might be taken of the said testator's freehold and copyhold estates devised by his will, and of the rents and profits thereof, and of the personal estate and effects of the said testator not specifically be- queathed, and of the said testator's funeral and testamentary ex- penses, and of his debts, and of the legacies and annuities given and bequeathed by his said will and codicil, and which accounts the plaintiff was ready and willing and thereby offered to come to in such manner as this court should direct, upon being indemnified and having all just allowances made to him in taking of such ac- counts, and that the said personal estate might be applied in pay- ment of the said funeral and testamentary expenses debts legacies and annuities in a due course of administration, and that th'e clear residue ( if any ) might be ascertained and secured for the benefit of the persons who should be declared to be entitled thereto ; and in case the said personal estate not specifically bequeathed should be found insufficient to pay the said funeral and testamentary expenses debts legacies and annuities, that the rents and profits of the said freehold and copyhold estates might be applied in aid of the said personal estate, and that the deficiency (if any) might be supplied by the sale or mortgage of the whole or a competent part of the said freehold and copyhold estates, subject to such mortgages or equitable liens as were then subsisting therein, and that all proper parties might join in such sales, and that the residue of such freehold and copyhold estates (if any) and the surplus produce of the sales of such part as should be sold might be ascer- tained, and might be conveyed to or secured for the benefit of such persons as should be declared by the court entitled thereto or interested therein ; and that the plaintiff" might be authorized and directed either to complete the ship on the stocks or to sell and dispose thereof in its then present condition ; and that some proper person or persons might be appointed to collect and receive the rents and profits of the said testator's freehold copyhold and lease- hold estates, and also to collect and get in the debts and out- standing personal estate of the said testator, and that such direc- tions might be from time to time given for the better collecting in and administeriiiij the estate of the said testator as to this court BECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 415 should seem fit; and that the said defendant S. H. might set forth That a defendant a full true and just account of all the personal estate and effects a"j acLmlt o7 the of the said testator come to her possession or power, and in par- testator's effects ticular a full true and exact inventory of all the household goods EirL^'enJlfry furniture linen china plate jewels and effects in the possession of ?^ all the effects the said testator or in the said testator's dwelling-house or known a" his ^decease" at his decease, and that it might be referred to one of the Masters f"'* ^'^^^ the Mas- „ , . . I , '•^'' "'^y ascertain ot this court to ascertain whether any and what part of the said what part thereof household furniture and effects were the separate property of the dant'fseparate said defendant ; and that in the mean time the said defendant might property, and be restrained by the injunction of this court from selling or dis- time an'lnjlmc- posing of the said household goods furniture linen china plate *'°" may issue to iif5» II n 1 n • restrain her iroin jewels and eiiects or any other part thereof, and from removing or selling or remov- permitting the same or any part thereof to be removed from the *"» *''^ ^^'"^ ' said testator's dwelling-house or houses, or from the place or places where the same then were; Whereupon and upon debate of the matter and hearing the will of P. E. M. dated the 2d day of June 1809, and the codicil thereto read, and what was alleged by the counsel on both sides, His Honor did order and decree Decree made dl- that it should be referred to Mr. A. then one of the Masters of ence'io tiie*l\las- this court, to take an account of the testator's personal estate not ter to take an •n • 11 1 11 11 1 PI 1 • •«• 1 account of per- Specincially bequeathed come to tlie hands ot the plaintiti the ex- sonal estate not ecutor, or any person or persons by his order or for his use, and specifically be- •^ - ^ •' qneatned pos- of such part of the personal estate as had been sold, and of the sesscd by plain. outstanding personal estate ; and the said Master was to distinguish ^hat imrt^lmd"'^' such part of the said personal estate as was specifically bequeathed; been sold, and And it was ordered that the said Master should inquire whether stamlin"- any part of the personal estate specifically bequeathed had been also to inquire sold bv the plaintiff, and if any had been sold. It was ordered that ^"'"'J ^"J"''"}^! the said Master should inquire and certify the amount of the pro- caiiy i)e(iueaiiicd duce thereof; And it was ordered that the said Master should jj',„, tiie produce also take an account of the said testator's debts funeral expenses thereof; legacies and annuities, and compute interest on his debts carrying of''ti,"",e„'^tor-^s interest after such rate of interest as they respectively carried, and debts, funeral ex- on his legacies from the time and at the rate directed by his will ; ;„„i'aninii7ie8, ' and where no time of payment or rate of interest was directed, "'"' directions ' •' f -I 1 V '^^^ '■" e()ui|nitiiiir then at the rate of £i per cent, per annum from the end of one interest <>u debts year after the death of the testator; And the said Master was to "'""^'g'"^"'*; cause advertisements to be published in the London Ciazette and AdvertisnmeiKs , , ,. , ]. to i>e published such other public papers as he should thuik proper, tor the creditors j„,. ^i,^ creditors of the said testator to come in b( and he was to fix a peremptory day for that purp( them as should not come in to prove their debts by the time so to before him and i)rovo their debts, "> cou.e in and I 1 r P'ove ; lav for that i)urpose, and sucn ot 416 DECREES ANI> DECRETAL ORDERS; directions eiven be Hinited were to be excluded the benefit of the said decree ; And cation of per- " ^' ^^^^ ordered that the said testator's personal estate not spe- sonal estate not cificallv bequeathed should be applied in payment of his funeral specifically be- tit • ^ , . . . , , queatJied ; expenses and debts m a course oi administration, and then m payment of his legacies and annuities ; And it was ordered that the Inquiry directed clear residue thereof should be ascertained ; And it was ordered nitiire^&c. in tlie ^^^^' ^^'6 said Master should inquire and certify whether any part testator's pos- of the household goods furniture linen china plate iewels and effects session at nis de- . , ° • , i i n. cease belonged to in the possession of the said testator or in and about his dwelhng- Inmlif''"nrectJd' ^^''^^s ^^ his decease, belonged to the said defendant S. H. ; And whether J. E. M. it was ordered that the said Master should inquire and certify lieir at uJ what ^^"^^ether the said defendant J. E. M. was the heir at law of the said other children testator, and whether there was or were any and what other child had besides the ^^' children of the said defendant living at the decease of the said alid"*'*^^' ^h' ^^" ^^^^^'^o^ besides the said defendant L. M. M. the daughter of the respective ages, Said J. E. M. ; And it was ordered that the said Master should ^i';J''^^;f^">'^^^;f'^, inquire whether the said defendant L. M. M. or any of the said of them had been children had or hath attained the age of twenty-one years, and testator's death • ^'^^^^^ ^ge they had respectively attained, and whether any and which of them had died, and whether any and what child or children had been born to the said defendant J. E. M. since the Inquiry directed decease of the said testator ; And it was ordered that the said sepa^ration^ exe- Master should inquire whether any and what deed or instrument was euted by the de- entered into and executed on the occasion of the separation of the and s. H. and said defendant J. H. from the said defendant S. H., and whether wiutherj.H. notvvithstanding such deed or instrument the said defendant J. H. had notwith- i 7 i • • i i standing any had any and wiiat claim or v/as entitled to any and what part of the ii'tal"riHit^to "ro' P"operty and effects given or devised to the said defendant S. H. perty and eficcts by the will and codicil of the said testator in his the said defend- faVoi" to s'^H?^-' ant's marital right or otherwise; And it was ordered that the re- The Receiver to ceiver of the rents and profits of the real and leasehold estates, and directions ^ud of the Outstanding personal estate should be continued, and given to the Mas- p^gg jjjg accounts before the said I^Iaster ; And it was ordered that ter in passinjr his , -i t.t • • i • i n • » accounts, to dis- the satd JMaster m passing the said Receiver s accounts should dis- 1,'Im'".^' /''f *'^^' tinguish the accounts of the freehold from the accounts of the hold arcoiints, leaseholds, and distinguish the accounts of such part of the said of the i)arts sne- testator's real and leasehold estates, as specifically devised by riticaiiy devised; his will ; And it was ordered that the said Master should inquire Inqim V directed , , i i . p i i i • i i i • i as to what sums whether any and v.hat sum of money liad been paid by the said Ind been paid plaintiff and the said Receiver or eitiier of them in the reparation by the phuntitf ... . . or Receiver in of or relating to , the said estate specifically devised ; And the said - vji^'ifj no i •-. • ^ n f. 1 /» 1 1 inqiiirv directed the execution and periormance or the trusts of the said testators as to what costs will, or otherwise relating to the said testator's affairs ; And his llf //,t'"i!,'in!i'trTn Honor did reserve the payment thereof, and also the consideration file execution of of all further directions and of the subsequent costs of this suit J^ . lintil after the said Master should have made his general report ; And the parties were to be at liberty to exhibit an interrogatory in the parties to be the Master's office and examine witnesses thereon to prove the will mine \vi^tnosses*' of the testator as to his real estate; And any of the parties were '" the aiaster's , , ,., 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 • Office to prove to be at hberty to apply to this court as tliere should be occasion ; the will. That in pursuance of the said decree the said Master made his statement of the report dated the 6th day of December 1824 which stands absolutely ^^='f.'r''.''' '"';i"'''!, r J J certilyin;; that all 'Confirmed, and thereby certified that he found that all the ere- the creditors had ditors of the said testator named in the several reports therein- yj^j^p'^^'^^j'jj'j-ji'j,, before mentioned had subsequently been paid the several sums re- but that a claiiu 11 , /. r> r>/\i 1 ^ • T ill bad heen laid bi - ported due to them out ot a sum or JtiJiiij m manner directed by joip i,i,„ „„ ]^^.. an order of the 30th day of July 1822, but a claim had been laid baiiofderen.iai.t ii i' i»l tiiiu ills before him on behalf of the defendant J. E. M. and his children, children in re- the plaintiffs in the second mentioned cause, being the claim herein- ^l*''*^,'^ "^ oei tain I . 1 1 list Inniis sum after mentioned, in respect of the trust funds sold (;ilt by the' sftid out i)y tiic tes- testator as hereinafter stated; And the said Master after stating the '*'^' ' will and codicil of P. M. the father of the defendiint J. E.M. and of the said testator P. E. M., certified that it appears that the said and ceriifvini: P. M. died in January 1791, being at the time of his d( cease pos- pi''Jess*e,ut i'loo sessed of cflOO per annum consolidated lung annuities standing in ainiuiii.s,] the books of the governor and company of the hank of En^jland in his own name ; And that the will was proved by the said P. E. M. that his ^^iinva» and J. M. in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the ^th day i^i"),!',',! j'.^^l."^ *[ of February 1791, and that the said J. M. died leaving th6 said that IM", . M. ii testator P. E.M. him surviving, and that the said testator P. K. M. ;.";.;: :,:;';,':"''',,';?. received the dividends which became due on the said long anmiities .lends ..n Uie loig up to the 10th day of October 1801, and afterwards departed ihi, j;;;";""^ "'' '" Vol. II. D D 4J8 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERST. tliat he (lied in life on the Gth day of February 1819, having by his will appointed ^^'^' the said plaintiffs G. G. and R. P. and W. L. his executors, and and that under tliat in pursuance of an act of parliament passed in the 56th year of the . 'St") Geo. 3. the ^, . pi • i -» r • r-- /-* i mi • 1 • • 11 £C A ^100 long anniii- tlie reign or Ills late Majesty King George the Ihird, intituled, An ties were trans- " ^q^^ jq authorize the transferring stock upon which dividends shall lerred to the ac- . , . i u 1 count of the com- " remain unclaimed for the space of at least ten yeai's at the bank i"edaetio,?S'"Ih^ " of England, and also all lottery prizes or benefits or balances or national debt, to- " suuis issued for paying the principal of stocks or annuities which dividends ac- " shall not have been demanded for the same period, to the com- crueddue there- " missioners for the reduction of the national debt," the said £100 on, amounting to t i i i • • *» i ^ p ^u .JLtVoQ; per annum consolidated long annuities were transierred out oi the name of the said P. M. or otherwise in pursuance of the said act appropriated to the accoimt of the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, together with the amount of the dividends which acci'ued due thereon from the said 10th day of October 1801 inclusive, and that there became due for dividends on the said an- nuities up to and inclusively of the 5th day of April 1823 the sum of £2150, being for forty-three half-yearly dividends thereon; and Order made di- that by an order made in the matter of the said act of parliament qa*iry as^o wiiat °^ ^^^ '^^\\\ day of November 1822, It was referred to Mr. J. bank Ions; annui- lately one of the Masters of this honorable court, to inquire and ties standing in , i t-> i i • • i • i t ihenameof P. M, State to the court what Bank long annuities which were standing were transferred j^ the name of the said p. M. in the books of the Governor and to the said com- p i t> i p i missioners, and Company of the Bank of England had been transferred into the therpo""\nd wiio "^"^^^ ^^ ^^ Commissioners for the reduction of the national debt were beneficially under and by virtue of the said act of parliament, and what was ' due and unreceived for dividends in respect of the said Bank long annuities ; And also to inquire and state to the court who was or were beneficially entitled to the said Bank long annuities and the interest due and unreceived thereon, and in what shares and pro- Statement of the portions ; And that in pursuance of the said order Mr. T. the suc- cer*it\iniT'ii 1 •! Til iicnt thercot out the amount or the dividends accrued upon the said consohdated of the j^nbo ; long annuities up to and inclusive of the 5th day of April 1823 should be paid unto the said receiver C. T. ; And it was referred to the said Master T. to tax and settle the costs incurred by the said commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, and also by his Majesty's Attorney-General and by the said plaintiff G. G. in the said matter, and that the said costs when taxed should be paid by the said C. T. out of the said sum of £2150, and that the residue of the said sum of £2150 should be applied and disposed of by the said C.T. as such receiver as aforesaid under the direction of this honorable court; And he found that the said «£100 per And furii)er cer- annum consolidated long annuities were transferred into the name ^3(',""\„',t au-*^ of the Accountant-General of this court in trust in this cause on unities wcie , r.^r> 11 1 -11 •^- transferred into the • ■ day of 1823, and that the said long annuities were ^^^^. ,.^,,,0 of tlie then standing in the name of the said Accountant-General in Accountant- 1 • 1 /^ rn General, trust in this cause; And he further found that the saidC. 1. as j„„j ,,,a, ,i,g ,.o- such receiver as aforesaid on the 14th day of August 1823 re- ceivcr imd re- , ,. /->,»i /-/^ !• • 1 1 ciived the ha- ceived the sum of .£2025, being the said sum of „£2150 dividends lance of the accrued due on the said consolidated long annuities up to and in- ;/^,';,'„^.\';„*j"ti'e elusive of the dividends due on the 5th day of April last [after al- properi) ''tux and lowing thereout for property-tax and costs ], and which said sum of *^"* " ' £2025 was included in the said C. T.'s fifth account as receiver of the outstanding personal estate of the said testator ; And he further certified that under the circumstances aforesaid he had at the re- D D ) -^ii- iii count taken of count might be taken oi tiie principal and interest secured by the prsiiripal and g^j^j mortgage, and of all sums paid or advanced by the said testator interest secured oo-- i ,, . by the niortsage, to or for the use of the Said G. E. on account of tlie said mortgage ; And paid iiv'^the" tes- ^" ^^^® ^^ sliould appear that the said G. E. had been overpaid the tator ouaccouui; amount of what was due to him in respect of his said mortgage, then that he might be decreed to repay to the said testator so much money as it should be found he had been overpaid, and that the said G.E. might be decreed to re-convey to the said testator and to deliver up the said indentures of lease and release and bond together with Tiiat after the six several bills of exchange in the said cross-bill mentioned ; And that IhrnnSja^ee ^fter the death of the said testator the said G. E. filed his bill of filed a bill of revivor againat the plaiiitiii' G. G., and that afterwards the said DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 421 G. E. died liaving appointed A. H. C. and W. H. executors of his revivor, and died will, and that since the death of the said G. E. his said executors 'a.'h^c'.'S'^''^ had filed their bill of revivor and supplement against the said plain- W.H. executors, tifl* G. G. and J. R. of &c. esquire, who under and by virtue of revivor and sii|). certain indentures of lease and release bearing date the 27th and pl""i«;"t ^-i?^!'^^ 28th days of November 1818, made between the said testator of and J.'ii.a subse- the one part and the said J. R. of the other part was a mortgagee of M"*^"H"oitg«St;«-'; tlie same premises for the sum of c£'8000 and interest at £5 per cent, per aimum; And the said Master further found that the saidG. G. That the proceed- put in his answer to the said last-mentioned bill, and that the said '"^^.ij))"'"^ ^''^■" suits and proceedings were then pending, but the sum of .£3000 but that Xsooo had been paid to the said J. R. under an order made in this cause »j'>^\ijeen paid to ^ J. K. inuier an on the day of 1824 out of the outstanding personal estate order in part dis- cf the said testator in part discharge of the said principal sum of pri„cip;ii duu .£8000, and that the said interest on the remaining principal sum to hmi; of .£5000 had been paid up to the 28th day of Noveml)er 1824 out of the rents and profits of the said testator's real estate ; And «s to the directions in the said decree that his predecessor should take an account of the said testator's legacies and annuities and compute interest on his legacies from the time and at the rate di- rected by his will, and where no time of payment or rate of interest was directed then at the rate of =£4 per cent, per annum from the end of one year after the death of the said testator, the said Master W. by his report found that the plaintiff G. G. had retained his said And further cer- legacy of i^oOO out of the personal estate of the said testator, and haj'"fi.|ainf(i his that he had been allowed the same in his accounts of the said tes- legacy of ^ooo; tator's personal estate come to his hands ; And as to the bequests given by the said testator's will, he found that the sum of £4636 was then due to the defendant J. E. M. for arrears of the aforesaid an- And aKo rerti- „^. ,.oi.i.^ 1 !• tviu" what was nuity of i^800 given to bun for Ins life, such arrears benig com- ,,„,> to j.e. M. puted from the day of 1819 the day of the death of the ^^^^'^"^^^ said testator unto the day of 1824 being the date of his ' said report; and that the sum of £166 was due to the defendant am^ also what was F. M. P. lateF. M. M. but tl\en the wife of the defendant J. P. for 'Jlfeofdeicn.iai.t arrears of interest of the aforesaid sum of £2000 bequeathed in J/^^^^*;;;;^";;;;;;^ manner aforesaid, such arrears being computed for the same period legacy, and at the rate of .i'4per cent, per annum; and that the like sum of ;;;;; ''/^»,^i;:;;,:^';;; i;446 was due to the defendant E. E. M. A. widow, late E. E. M. M. j.^. £. i\]. a.' (< r for arrears of interest becjucathed as aforesaid in respect of the i;;;;;;;.',';!,';^;"''' aforesaid sum of ^"2000, such arrears being also computed for the period and at the rate '■ aforesaid ; and that the several sums afore- and =>''^Yi;'',"o,h|"! said particularly set forth in the last schedule to his said i'ei)ort and Y^!..J'\.^ l',, "u,!!,!. amounting together to the sum of £620 then remained due to the hj^.cie* and mic- 422 DEGREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. rest tliereon as several otliei' legatees in the testator's will and in the first sclieclule r'^^oii'^-'* *" '"^ named, for the principal of their respective legacies, and for interest thereon computed at £4< per cent, per annum from the 7th day of February 1820 (being one year after the death of the testator) As to the bequest unto the 5th day of December 1824 ; And as to the aforesaid bequest of\i3oooperan- f ^oqqq annum to the defendants. H. for her life, and after imm to S, H. tor ^ ' lite, the Master her decease for the benefit of the children of the defendant J. E. M., ceed'to ta^ke'^'aii ^^^ ^^^^^ "^^ proceeded to take any account thereof, being of opinion account until the that no such account could be taken until this court should have ties interested declai'cd the right and interests of the defendant S. H. under and therein were as- j^y virtue of the testator's will : And as to the direction in the said ceitained ; *' , i • • i i r» i As to the direc- decree that his predecessors should inquire whether any part of the tion with regard household goods furniture linen china plate jewels and eff^ects in the to what household -pi • i i-in-i ^ • goods, &c. in the possession oi the testator or m or about his dwelling-house at his possession of tlie (jgcease belonged to S. H., he found that by an order dated the testator belonged ° ' _ -^ _ tos. H.,iheMas- day of 1820 on the application of the said defendants. H., It by aTrme^r'^ordei- ^as ordered that the plaintiff should be at liberty to deliver to the G. G. was direct- said defendant S. H. the keys of the iron chests in the petition Jier the keys of mentioned containing the jewels and plate, and that she should sign ccrtam iron g^,-j inventory of such jewels and plate and a receipt for the same ; chests containinj^ .,,„,, . p, ., , .,. jewels and plate And he found that m pursuance of the said order the said keys were >he signing an in- aeUvered to the said defendant S.H. on the day of 1820, ventory tliereot, •' _ and that the same and that she signed an inventory and receipt for the same which was aa one, then in the hands of the said plaintiff; And as to the other part of And as to other ^ ^ , ' ' . , . f partof the effects the effects ill question, he found that by his predecessors said sepa- by Trofmer re^^ ^'^^^ report of the 19th day of June 1821 the said plaintiff had with port it appeared the conseut of the said defendant S. H. sold twelve houses and se- liad sold certain veral COWS specifically bequeathed to her for several sums of money houses and cows amounting together to the said sum of .£974 which was received by and received the , i ■ -rr i • i i i • ^ i • i i • i monies produced the plaintiii, and was included m the sum which his predecessor thereby with charged him in and by his said separate report; And he found that winch he had *= . been charged ; the clear residue of the said testator's personal estate subject to the Also certifying of payment of the residue of the said mortgage debt of £8000 to the what tlie clear . , t n. • i i • f i c ^ • i residue of the said J. K. and also to the said claim of the executors oi the said personal estate q £ | .^| y^hject to the claim of the said J. E. M. and his consisted i '' children in respect of the sale of the said £G66G bank 3 per cent. annuities, consist of the following particulars : in the name of the Accountant-General of this court in trust in this cavise the sum of £100 per annum consolidated long annuities, and the sum of £100 cash arisen from interest thereon up to the day of 1824 inclusive, also the sum of ^'124 cash remainhig in the bank on the credit of this cause being the balance of personal estate paid into court after payment thereout of the debts found due to the creditors liECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. k^^ ef the said testator as thereinbefore mentioned and of the costs of the said suit paid thereout as aforesaid, also of two Drury-Lane shares of small value, also of five River-Lea shares amounting to .£500 which were deposited by the testator in the hands of R. W. bf &c. as security for payment of a balance of ^500 and upwards due to him from the said testator and still continue in his hands, also of the several outstanding debts remaining due to the said tes- tator's estate, and an unliquidated claim made by the said receiver upon the Columbian Government amounting to .£'7000, but which claim hath not been admitted by the said Government, and doth also consist of a leasehold public-house situate at W. let at the yearly rent of £30, and which was held by the said testator by lease granted by I. Earl T. deceased to the said P. M. deceased the father of the said testator at a ground rent of £7. IOa'. per annum, and which lease v/ould expire at Lady-day 1833; And as to the direction Also cettifyin<,' in the said decree that his predecessor should inquire whether the \l^^^ ^■^^;* i,,.^tiier said defendant J. E. M. was the heir at law of the said testator, he and lieir at law (Certified that haviiag made the said inquiry he found that the said ' testator the said P. E. M. died a bachelor, leaving the said defend- ant J. E. M. his only brother and heir at law him surviving ; And as to the inquiry respecting the children of the said defendant J. E. M. he found his predecessor had made the separate report hereinbefore mentioned bearing date the day of 1823; And as to the Ami as to tlic di- direction in the said decree that his predecessor should inquire ,](.ciec with re- whether any and what deed or instrument was entered into and JJ'V' *" 'i'^ *'*^^'l . /» 1 • 1 T p 1 ot sepaiation, and sexecuted on the occasion of the separation ot the said detemlant vviiat claim J. n. ■J. H. from the said defendant S. IL, and whether notwithstanding j;',';,';! ,';*'',;;'." ^'"" such deed or instrument the said defendant J. H. had any and what (lueatlicd toS. H. claim or was entitled to any and what part of the property and ,1-^^. y/:,^/^^. ''J",*! effects ffiven or devised to the said defendant S.IL by the will and tificd on ac- , • 1 • 1 connl ol the loss codicil of the said testator in the said defendant s marital right or „f ,|„. .leod as otherwise, he found that by an affidavit of the said J. H. made in yj';;;7';';,'^;'v,;';i;; the said cause on the 25t\i day of July 1823 he made out that he i,<; was nnahic i.'. iiad not then in his custody possession or power the deed of sepa- j;|^'^J; (-'/(i.^llhu ration made between him the said defendant J. II. and the said de- of ihe p;'« ■■ ' •' - l^^-l, and that ^"' ^'^ ' the said costs were paid under the said order of the- ^——r— day of 1821 ; And he further found that in pursuance of another order bearing the 30th day of July 1S2:^ his- predecessor taxed -tho ^bsse.* PECUEES AND DECRETAL ORDERS. 425 qucht costs of all the parties at the time of making the said order as between solicitor and client, and made a separate report thereof which bore date the 6th day of August 1823, and that the said costs had been since paid under an order bearing date the 25th day of July 1823 ; And as to the direction in the said decree that his And further cer- predecessor should inquire whether any and what costs charges and amount ""o/^co^u expenses had been properly incurred by the said plaintiff as exe- incurred by the cutor and trustee of the said testator's will in the execution and per- elecuUon'of *the formance of the trusts of the said will or otherwise relating to the tri's's °*^ the will, said testator's affairs, he certified that having made the said inquiry certain suits and he found that the said plaintifi' had incurred certain costs in the actions; said suit instituted by the said A. H. C. and W. H. as executors of the said G. E. against him the said plaintiff amounting to the sum of ^38, and also certain costs amounting to £41 in defending an action brought by J. P. against the plaintiff as executor of the said testator to recover a debt which had previously been rejected by the said Master W.'s predecessor, and also certain other costs amount- ing to -£70 in defending an action brought by J. L. against the said plaintiff as executor of the said testator to recover another debt which had pi'eviously also been rejected by his predecessor, and also certain charges amounting to £49 for various business relating to the said testator's estate transacted by the solicitors of the said plaintiff from August 1820 to March last past, and which said se- veral costs charges and expenses amounted together to the sum of i€200; and he found that the said plaintiff exclusive of the above costs and charges had also incurred costs in a suit instituted by or on behalf of E. J. A. widow against the said plaintiff as executor of the said testator, but which suit was dismissed, and the costs of the said plaintiff were ordered to be paid by the said E. J. A., but which have not yet been paid ; And the said cause coming on on the 14th instant and on this present day to be heard for further directions and costs, in the presence of counsel learned on both sides, and the se- cond mentioned cause coming on to be heard at the same time in the statrmcnt of the presence of counsel learned on both sides. The substance of the said ^"iJ^ii"*^! i„ ti,e bill, after stating the said decree and report in the said first mentioned m-coikI mention- cause, appeared to be, that P. E. M. being at the respective times of ' "* ' making his will and of his death, seised of divers freehold and copy- hold estates, and being at the time of his death possessed of or en- titled to considerable personal estate and effects, and being a trader within the true intent and meaning of the laws relating to bankrupts, did make and publish his will bearing date , which was signed by him and attested in such manner as by law is required for passing frgehoid Ciliitcs, and was in the \vordi> itnd figures or to the import 429' DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS.' and effect following : ( The bill after stating the will, the particulars of the testator's property, and various petitions orders and reports, proceeded thus:) That in pursuance of the said order the said J. L. has been duly appointed receiver of the rents and profits of the freehold copyhold and leasehold estates, [in the place of C. T. the former receiver deceased] and S. M. S. has been duly appointed receiver of the outstanding personal estate and effects, and that the executors of the said C. T. the late receiver have duly passed his last accounts of the rents and profits and also of the personal estate and effects, and have paid the balance appearing due on account of the rents and profits to the said S. H. pursuant to the order of this court, and have paid the balance appearing due on account of the personal estate and effects with the privity of the Accountant-Ge- neral to the credit of the said suit under the order of this court ; That being entitled to a beneficial interest under the said will of the said testator P. E. M., the plaintiff's are, as they humbly submit, en-- titled to have the benefit of the said decree orders reports and pro- ceedings in the said cause, and to have their rights and interests ascertained and secured by and under the direction and decree of this court; That the plaintiffs, are as they humbly submit, entitled to have the said trust fund or sum of £6666, 3 per cent, consolidated bank annuities which was appropriated by the said testator P. E. M, out of the assets of the said testator P. M. to answer the said an- nuity of £200 bequeathed by the said testator P. M. to the said P. E. M. ami the plaintiffs, which was afterwards sold out by the said testator P. E. M. as aforesaid, raised and secured for the benefit of the plaintiffs; and that the said sum of £ 100 per annum long annuities part of the assets of the said P. M. which has been trans- ferred into and now stands in the name of the Accountant-General in trust in this cause, and that the said sum of £2050 being the dividends thereof up to the 5th day of April 1823 received by the said C. T. the late receiver as aforesaid, and the subsequent divi- dends which have since accrued due thereon ought to be applied in the first place towards raising the said trust fund or sum of £6666 bank annuities, and that the deficiency ought to be raised out of the estate and effects of the said testator P. E. M. ; And the plaintiffs charge that the said sum of .£2050 having been ap- plied towards payment of the said sum of £o000 to the said J. R. as aforesaid, the plaintiffs are entitled to stand in the place of the said J. R. as creditors upon the said mortgage estate for the sum of £2050 and the interest thereof, and the said defendant S. H. rt.\ll. X. That upon a third answer being reported insufficient, the defendant shall be examined upon interrogatories to the points reported insufficient, and shall stand comuiitttd imtil such de- fendant shall have perfectly answered such interrogatories, and shall pay in addition to the <£4 costs heretofore paid, such further costs as the Court shall think fit to award. AflPT a tliird insnf- fi<'unt: answer «lo- fei;d;nit to be ex- amined ujiou inler- louat'ii ies and ('(luiiiiittt'd. iind to p,is sucli cdsis a» Ihc Court sh.dl direct. Vol. II. £ E 4.34 ORDERS IN CHANCERY. [App, XL Exceptions for scan- dal or impertinenre to be signed by coun- sel, and to state the particular passages, the Older of refer- ence to be obtained within 6 days. That no order shall be made for referring any pleading or other matter depending before the Court for scandal or im- pertinence, unless exceptions are taken in writing and signed by counsel, describing the particular passages which are con- sidered to be scandalous or impertinent, nor unless such order be obtained within six days after the delivery of such ex- ceptions. XII. Order for referring answer for insuf- ficiency, or answer or other matter for scandal or imperti- nence, to be consi- dered as abandoned, nnless the Master's jqiort, or his certi- ficate requiring fur- ther time, is obtain- ed within a fortnight, and then also if the report be not obtain- ed within such fur- ther time ; Answer to be deem- ed sufficient from the time when the order is to be CO) sidered as abandoned. That when any order is made for referring an answer for insufficiency, or for referring an answer or other pleading or matter depending before the Court for scandal or impertinence, the order shall be considered as abandoned unless the party obtaining the order shall procure the Master's report within a fortnight from the date of such order, or unless the jMaster shall within the fortnight certify that a further time, to be stated in his certificate, is necessary in order to enable him to make a satisfactory report, in which case the order shall be considered as abandoned if the report be not obtained within the further time so stated ; and where such order relates to al- leged insufficiency in an answer, such answer shall be deemed sufficient from the time when the order is to be considered as abandoned. One order before re- pfication for leave to amend to be obtained as of course, but no furtiier order unless upon motion sup- ported by affidavit; — by whom the affi- davit is to be made ; XIII.^ That the plaintiff shall be at liberty before filing a repli- cation to obtain, upon motion or petition without notice, one order for leave to amend the bill ; but no further leave to amend shall be granted before replication, unless the Court shall be satisfied by affidavit that the draft of the intended amendments has been settled approved and signed by counsel, and that such amendments are not intended to be made for the purpose of delay or vexation, but because the same are considered to be material to the case of the plaintiff; such affidavit to be made by the plaintiff, or one of the plaintiffs App.'\ ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 435 where there is more than one, or his her or their soUcitor, or by such soHcitor alone in case the plaintiff or plaintiffs, from being abroad or otherwise, shall be unable to join therein; but no order to amend shall be made before replication, either with- out notice or upon affidavit, in manner hereinbefore mentioned, unless such order be obtained within six weeks after the an- swer if there be only one defendant, or after the last of the answers if there be two or more defendants, is to be deemed sufficient. In any instance an Older to amend to be obtained within 6 weeks after tlie time when the answer, or the last of the an- swers, is to be deem- ed sufficient. XIV. That every order for leave to amend the bill shall contain an undertaking by the plaintiff to amend the bill within three weeks from the date of the order ; and in default thereof, such order shall become void, and the cause shall, as far as relates to any motion to dismiss the bill for want of prosecution, stand in the same situation as if such order had not been made. Every order to amend to contain an under- taking to amend within 3 weeks. Vide No. XIX. XV. That after a replication has been filed, the plaintiff shall not be permitted to withdraw it and to amend the bill without a special order of the Coixrt for that purpose, made upon a motion of which notice has been given ; the Court being satis- fied by affidavit that the matter of the proposed amendment is material, and could not, with reasonable diligence, have been sooner introduced into the bill. After replication, no amendment to be made without special order. XVI. That where the answer of a defendant is to be deemed suf- ficient, whether it be in term time or in vacation, if the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall not proceed in the cause, the defendant shall be at liberty to move at the first seal after the following Term, upon notice, that the bill be dismissed with costs for want of prosecution ; and the bill shall accordingly be dismissed with costs, unless the plaintifi" or plaintiffs shall forthwith file a re- E E 2 If no proceeding had in tlie ciiiiso iificr answer tihd, defend- ant to be at lihe retained , 436 ORDERS IN CHANCERY. [^PP- plication, and a)>pear upon such motion, and give an under- taking to speed the cause with effect in the usual form ; or, without fiHng a repHcation, shall appear upon such motion, and give an undertaking to hear the cause, as against the defendant in Mliat rase tiie court making the motion, upon bill and answer; or unless it shall tiii fu! tiier time ^f "r appear that the plaintiff or plaintiffs is or are unable to pro- pioceediug in the ceed in the cause bv reason of any other defendant or defend- cause. * . ants not having sufficiently answered the bill, and that due diligence has been used to obtain a sufficient answer or an- swers from such other defendant or defendants, in which case the Court shall allow to the plaintiff or plaintiffs such further time for proceeding in the cause as shall appear to the Court to be reasonable. '^^ '^"^ "^ anoijcfooics •gumA9'i hm- onr'/^^-i noqu jioqai g'-ratai ' - •-- -•^•-^ » ' ' •" ' ■■ ' ■" Il5V75i£Ii :iU'' ^-^rjj ■ 'S3? J8ljt If replication filed That where the plaintiff files a replication without having liefore notice of mo- . . p . ^' • ^ i •ii r non to dismiss, plain- been scrved with a notice of any motion to dismiss the bill for to reioh'/arid' obtain want of prosecution, the phiintiff shall serve the subpoena to an order for a coni- rejoin and obtain his order for a commission within one week mission within one ** week ; from the fdliig of the replication ; and if such order be ob- within what time tained in Term time, then such commission shall be at the commission to be itturnable; latest returnable on the first return of the following Term; and if such order be obtained in the Vacation, then such commission shall be returnable at the latest on the last return within what (ime ^jf j[jg following Term ; and where such commission is return- mlis to be fjiven ^ to produce witnesses able on or before the first return of the following Term, there tion- ^" "^^' the plaintiff shall give his rules to produce witnesses and pass publication in that Term, and shall set down his cause to be heard in the following Term ; and where such commission is returnable on or before the last day of the following Term, there the plaintiff shall give his rules to produce witnesses and pass publication in the next Term, and shall set down his for any default, the cause to be heard in the third Term ; and if the plaintiff shall bill upon ai>plicatiun . i ,• i i • i t ,• i ,i i of the (ieffiidaiit to make any desauit herein, then upon application by the de-; stand dismissed witii fendant upon motion or petition without notice, the plaintiff's bill shall stand dismis.sed out of Court with costs. Jj}p.] ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 437 XVIII. . That publication shall not be enlarged except upon special application to the Court, supported by affidavit, and at the cost of the party applying, unless otherwi^. tn;aered by the Court. Publication not to be enlarged except upon special application. XIX. That whenever the time allowed for any, of the following purposes, that is to say, for amending any bill, for fihng, de- livering and referring exceptions to any answer, or for obtain- ing a Master's report upon any exceptions, would expire in the interval between the last seal after Trinity Term and the first seal before Michaelmas Term, or between the last seal after Michaelmas Term and the first seal before Hilary Term, such time shall extend to and include the day of the general Seal then next ensuing. •dlfw noia«ii«fnoo. jg /loi Tibio airf niBjdo hr • THATservice'onWtlerk in Court of any subpoena to reioin; or to'answer an amended bill, or to licar judgment •' , , ■, :„„ no elonn'tiJJs'i Jasixii shall be deemed gooa. service. , r>>j2 a-3iu iHoaiiOB / siij ni JjsniBJdo ad 19; jiiulQi i^al 9(h no isaJsi sdl In eldBtviulo'i sd : uu u. -irxui^'i ai noigaimmoo tio^uz ^J^V I>«fi jm'i'jT ailji Tio risdi ttaisT giii^'oWo'i adi "io niuiai Je'ifl odi eioied *fo no aldjs THAT^tffo^er^^e'm Confirming a report maybe ob- tained upon petition as well as by motion, and that service thereof upon the Clerk in Court of any party shall be deemed incieui ui ,gg, g^j^ 6-iot9d 10 no si* sood service upon such piirty* , ir r -w-^ r Hi fiwob i08 Ilsrig hii& ,nn9T ixsa an'? u* nou'L-iiliiior "itiinifilq sdi Vi has. ; tttj§^\itni' i',i edi \d nohwoilqqr, noqo aodi .luiji'^u \\iit:i:>i> yhj> ■lAu^n .hich is necessary, shall be served at least two clear days before the hearing of such motion ov petition. Extension of time to the ensnins; seal as to amendments, excep- tions to answers, and reports upon excep- tions, wlien the re- •jiilar time expires in the long vacation, cr the Christmas vaci- tion. Service of subpoena in particular case* on Clerk in Court good service. That an order nisi may be oi)tained on petition, anil ^erved on Clerk in Court. Every nolico ol nin- tion or petition to lie served 'J clear days before the hearing. 438 ORDERS IN CHANCERY. [App. XXIII. That the order nisi for dissolving the common injunction jnay be obtained upon petition, and to be served 2 clear days before the time for showing cause. That the order nisi for dissolving the common injunction may be obtained upon petition as well as by motion, and that every such order be served two clear days at least before the day upon which cause is to be shown against dissolving the injunction. XXIV. Plaintiff accepting costs from defendant in contempt, not to be compelled in case of an insufficient an- swer to re-commence the process of con- tempt. That when a defendant in contempt for want of answer, obtains upon filing his answer the common order to be dis- charged as to his contempt on payment or tender of the costs thereof, the plaintiff shall not, by accepting such costs, be compelled in the event of the answer being insufficient, to re-commence the process of contempt against the defendant, but shall be at liberty to take up the process at the point to which he had before proceeded. XXV. "Witnesses not to be produced at the seat of the Clerk in Court for the adverse party ; That no witness to be examined before either of the Exa- miners for any party in a cause be in future produced at the seat of the Clerk in Court for the opposite party ; but that a notice in writing containing the name and description of the witness be served there as heretofore. XXVI. May be examined That the Examiner who shall take the examination in chief and cross-examined p . i n i ti i i • • . by the same Exa- oi any witness shall be at liberty to take his cross-exammation miner. ^I^^^ XXVIl. Master may disallovir the costs of separate answers or other proceedings where the same solicitor is That where the same solicitor is employed for two or more defendants, and separate answers shall have been filed, or other proceedings had by or for two or more defendants se- App,\ ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 439 parately, the Master shall consider in the taxation of such soHcitor's bill of costs either between party and party or be- tween solicitor and client, whether such separate answers or other proceedings were necessary or proper, and if he is of opinion that any part of the costs occasioned thereby has been unnecessarily or improperly incurred, the same shall be disallowed. employed for two or more cietViidaiits, if ill his opinion unne- cessary or improper. XXVIII. That where a plaintiff obtains a decree with costs, there the costs occasioned to the plaintiff by the insufficiency of the answer of any defendant shall be deemed to be part of the plaintiff's costs in the cause, such sum or sums being deducted therefrom as were paid by the defendant according to the course of the Court, upon the exceptions to the said answer being submitted to or allowed. XXIX. Plaintiff obtaininp; a tlecroe witli costs, to be allowed his costs occasioned by an in- sufficient answer. That where the plaintifi' is directed to pay to the defendant the costs of the suit, there the costs occasioned to a defendant by any amendment of the bill shall be deemed to be part of such defendant's costs in the cause ( except as to any amend- ment which may have been made by special leave of the Court, or which shall appear to have been rendered necessary by the default of such defendant ) ; but there shall be deducted from such costs any sum or sums which may have been paid by the plaintiff according to the course of tlie Court at the time of any amendment. Defendant receiving tlie costs of the suit to be allowed his costs occasioned by anicndiii!; the bill, except in certain cases. XXX. That when upon taxation a plaintiff who has obtained a decree with costs is not allowed the costs of any amendment of the bill, upon the ground of its having been unnecessarily made, the defendant's costs occasioned by such auKMulment shall be taxed, and the amount thereof (k'ducled from the costs U) be paid by the flefendant lo tlie plaintilf. Whore plaiiitilf nb- tainin<; a decree with »:osts is not alloweil tin: costs (if .iiiiciid- in!4 the bill, dtfeniN anl's costs oceasion- fd by such auiend- nicnt to be (IiiIucKmI from the costs to be paid. 440 ORDEFiS IN (HANCEUY. [-^PP- XXXl. I'noii allowance of 'J'liAT upoii tlic allouaiicc of any pica or demurrer, the ihe plaintirt to pay plaiiititt* or plaintiffs shall pay to the defendant or defendants tiiii;is<'ststiieii-- the taxed costs thereof; and when such plea or demurrer is (it, aiitl it to tlic ' ' Mliolr i)il!, the till-- ti) the whole hill, then the further taxed costs of the suit also; lli«r taM'il <'t)>ls ot" . , . . w, 1 • • »• 1 11 till' suit; iiiiloss ill uiuivss lu thc casc of a ])loa the plauitift or plaintiUs shall I\'^.^?:rt•*' .?.!i''...'.'l','- uuiicrtakc to reply thereto, and then the costs shall be re- «<• "'piy. served, or unless (he Court shall think fit to make other t)rilcr to the coutrar\. XXXll. lipon oviM-iiiiing a 'J'n A T tijxMi tlic ()V(>r-ruling of any plea or demurrer, the Icndaiit* to'paVti'ir dcrcMulaiit ov (IcfiMiihuits shall pay to the plaintiff' or plaintiffs tax.d costs occasion- ^j^^^, taxed costs occasioned thereby, unless the Court shall t»(l tlici (■!>%', niiloss . , , otllcI\^i^c' orilcicd. luakc othor ordcr to thr contrary. , •'oj hsi3< XXXIII. M'licro two Counsel 'I'll vr when two Counsel appear ior the same party or par- aio iiiO|>cr, the costs . ■ i • c i • i ii ora)iKHl thcrehy shall he allowed, although both of such Coiuisil may have biien selected from thc Outer Bar. XXXi'^^. Where a cansc stand- 'J'liAT wlu'u a caiise which s(:ui(ls ior hcariiirj is called on iraper, if the sattte cause is ao^ain set ant to l)c allowed llie , coMsof the tiist set- liowii, the defendant or defendants shall be alloMcd thc taxed iiig town. costs occasioned by the first settino- down, although he or they do not obtain the costs of the suit. App.] ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 441 XXXV. That where a cause being in the paper for hearing is or- dered, to be adjourned upon payment of the costs of the day, theije the party to pay the same, whether before the Lord High Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, or the Vice-Ciian- cellor, shall pay the sum of <£10, unless ^he Court shall make other order to the contrary^ V'i Where a cause is or- dered to be adjourn- ed upon payment of the costs oftlie day, the party shall pay .£'10, iinlt'ss other- wise ordered. XXXVI. That whenever upon the hearing of any cause or other matter it shall appear that the same cannot conveniently proceed by reason of the solicitor for any party having neg- lected to attend personally, or by some proper person on his behalf, or having omitted to deliver any paper necessary for the use of the Court, and which according to its practice ought to have been delivered, such solicitor shall personally pay to all or any of the parties such costs as the Court shall tlilnk j|t to fiward. . , Where a cause can- not proceed by rea- son of the non-at- tendance of a soli- citor or some person on his behalf, or his having neglected to deliver any paper ne- cessary for the use of the Court, he is to pay personally such costs as the Court shall think fit. XXXVII. i^iiJ {is^qqa, OJ Isp.asjo'j That the ^^orn Clerks of the Court and the Waiting Clerks shall not be entitled to receive any fees for attend- ance in Court, except in cases where they shall actually at- tend, and where their attendance shall be necessary. Sworn Clerks and Wailing Clerks only entitled to fees on actual attendance, and where the saiua is necessary. u.q \o JnBW B lo nofeji'if ^XXVIII. r., tdd Jytn^tn That where any cause which is set down to be heard either in the Court of the Lord Chancellor, or in the Court of the Master of the Rolls, shall be afterwards set down to be heard in the other of the said two Courts, there the solicitor for the plaujtifF shall certify the fact to the Registrar of the fact'to tiie KegiMnir , , /• , J I I M "• '•'•■ Court wheie Court where the cause was hrst set down, wiio sliuU cause ji^vas tiisisii down. M'here a cause set o' rjia,}' ■: TrfAT evet^ warrant for attendance before the Master shall f;;2,;rj''-;;''tf ,7„': be considered as peremptory, and the Master shall beat ,si,it.i.'Ji3JiiOB ^tii lot '^Si aiilj lo n .'(f'xri . any periods for delivery of receivers' ac- counts and payment of balances in Iheir hands. That the Master in acting upon the Order of the Court of The Master to be at 23d April 1796, shall be at liberty upon the appointment of a receiver, or at any time subsequent thereto, in the place of annual periods for the delivery of the receiver's accounts and payment of his balances, to fix either longer or shorter pe- riods at his discretion ; and when such other periods are fixed by the Master, the regulations and principles of the said Order shall in all other respects be applied to the said receiver. sife agmihw so ,3i9q. LXIV. That in ' every Order directing the appointment of a re- ceiver of a landed estate, there be inserted a direction that such receiver shall manage, as well as set and let, with the ap- probation of the Master ; and that in acting under such an Order it shall not be necessary that a petition be presented to the Court in the first instance, but the Master, without special Order, shall receive any proposal for the management or letting of the estates from the parties interested, and shall make his report thereon, which report shall be submitted to the Court for confirmation in the same manner as is now done ■with respect to reports on such matters made upon special reference ; and until such report be confirmed, it shall not give any authority to the receiver. On the appointment of a receiver of a landed estate, a di- rection to be inserted in the order autho- rizing liim to manage as well as let the same; the Master, ■without special order, to receive proposals for nianagini; or lett- ing tlie estate, and until the Master's re- port be conlirmed, the receiver to have no authority nudcr the same. ;ijj. mi LXV. iOlij^iii. iK C£ii'. ^(J'^ That all affidavits which have been previously made and As to what atiHinvits * may be used l)eloic read in Court upon any proceeding in a cause or matter may a Master. be used before the Master. Vol. IL F F 456 ORDERS IN CHANCERY. LXVI. As to what further atiidavits may be used before a IMaster in reply to former aflidavits. That where upon an inquiry before the Master affidavits are received, there no affidavit in reply shall be read, ex- cept as to new matter which may be stated in the affidavits in answer, nor shall any further affidavits be read unless specially required by the Master. LXVII. After issuing tlie warrant on preparing his report, no fur- ther evidence to be received by the Mas- ter. That the Master shall not receive further evidence as to any matter depending before him after issuing the warrant on preparing his report ; but that he shall not issue such warrant without previously requiring the parties to show cause why such warrant should not issue. LXVIII. No warrant to re- view any proceed- ing to be taken out, except by pennissiou of the Master, the costs of such review to be in his discre- tion. That no warrant to review any proceeding in the Master's Office shall be allowed to be taken out, except by permission of the Master, upon special grounds to be shown to him for that purpose ; and the costs of such review when allowed shall be in the discretion of the Master, and shall be paid by and to such persons and at such time as he shall direct. LXIX. The Master to have power at his discre- tion to examine wit- nesses viv& voce, sub- pii?na to issue to coui- pe! tlieir attendance, and the evidence to be preserved in the Master's Office. That the Master shall have power at his discretion to ex- mine any witness vivd voce, and in such case the subpoena for the attendance of the witness shall, upon a note from the Master, be issued from the Subpoena Office; and that the evi- dence upon such vivd voce examination shall be taken down by the INIaster, or by the Master's clerk in his presence, and preserved in the Master's Office, in order that the same may be used by the Court, if necessary. OKDEBS IN CHANCERY. 451 LXX. That in all matters referred to him, the Master shall be at The Master to be at . .11 liberty to make sepa- Iiberty upon the apphcation oi any party mterested, to make rate reports as he a separate report or reports from time to time as to him shall '^^ '° ^^^^ '*" ' seem expedient ; the costs of such separate reports to be in the discretion of the Court. LXXI. That where a Master shall make a separate report of debts or legacies, there the Master shall be at liberty to make such certificate as he thinks fit with respect to the state of the assets; and every person interested shall thereupon be at liberty to apply to the Court as he shall be advised. Upon a separate re- port of debts or le- gacies, the Master may certify with re- spect to the state of the assets. LXXII. That the Master shall be at liberty to examine any creditor or other person coming in to claim before him, either upon written interrogatories or vivd voce, or in both modes, as the nature of the case may appear to him to require, the evidence upon such examination being taken down at the time by the Master or by the Master's clerk in his presence, and preserved, in order that the same may be used by the Court if necessary. The Master to be at liberty to examine a creditor or other per- son claiming, either upon interrogatories or vivil voce. LXXIII. That if any party wishes to complain of any matter intro- duced into any state of facts, affidavit or other proceeding before the Master, on the ground that it is scandalous or im- pertinent, or that any examination taken in the Master's office is insufficient, he shall be at liberty, without any order of re- ference by the Court, to take out a warrant for the Master to examine such matter, and the Master shall have authority to expunge any such matter which he shall find to be scandalous or impertinent. F F 2 Any party complain- in;; of scandul or im- pcrtiiienre in any proceedings heforr a Master, to be at li- berty, wilhont Older of reference, to take- out a warrant lor the Master to exiiniine siuli niatlcr, power given to the Maslei tu expunge the .same. 462 ORDERS IN CHANCERY. Tlie relevancy or ma- teriality of state- ments or questions to be considered by tlie Master. LXXIV. That the Master in deciding on the sufficiency or insuf- ficiency of any answer or examination, shall take into Con- sideration the relevancy or materiality of the statement or question referred to. Property directed to be sold before tlie Master, may be sold in the country as the Master shall tliink fit. LXXV. That in cases where estates or other property are directed to be sold before the Master, the Master shall be at liberty, if he shall think it for the benefit of the parties interested, to order the same to be sold in the country at such place and by such person as he shall think fit. LXXVI. Directions as to the conrse of proceeding where a Master is di- rected to settle a con- veyance, or to tax coats, in ca!se the parties differ about the same. That where a Master is directed to settle a conveyance, or to tax costs, in case the parties differ about the same, there the party claiming the costs, or entitled to prepare the con- veyance, shall bring the bill of costs or the draft of the con- veyance into the Master's office, and give notice of his having so done to the other party ; and at any time within eight days after such notice, such other party shall have liberty to inspect the same without fee, and may take a copy thereof if he thinks fit ; and at or before the expiration of the eight days, or such further time as the INIaster shall in his discretion allow, he shall then either agree to pay the costs or adopt the convey- ance, as the case may be, or signify his intention to dispute the same; and in case he dispute the same, the Master shall then proceed to tax the costs, or settle the conveyance, ac- cording to the practice of the Court. The Master may re- quire parties to be rc- t resented befure him y distinct solicitors. LXXVII. That whenever in any proceeding before a Master the sam6 solicitor is employed for two or more parties, such Master may at his discretion require that any of the said parties shall be represented before him by a distinct solicitor, and may refuse to proceed until such party is so represented. ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 453 LXXVIII. That such of the foregoing Orders as limit or allow any specified time for any party to take any proceeding, or for any other purpose, shall only apply to cases where the period from which such specified time is to be computed shall be on or subsequent to the first day of Easter Term now next ensuing. Dire£tions as lo the time from whicli the preceding Orders should tuke effect. LXXIX. That such of the foregoing Orders as relate to the manner in which the costs of any suit or proceeding are to be taxed, and to the amount of costs to be paid on any occasion, shall not apply to any costs which shall have been incurred, or to the costs of any proceeding which shall have been had or taken previously to the first day of Easter Term next ensuing. LXXX. That such of the foregoing Orders as relate to the course of proceeding in the offices of the Masters of the Court, or to the authority of the Masters, shall have effect from and after the first day of Easter Term next ensuing, and shall be acted upon by the Masters in all cases except where from the then advanced stage of any proceeding they are not practically applicable. LXXXI. That subject to the regulations hereinbefore specified, tlic foregoing Orders shall take effect as to all suits whether now ANSWER, in a country cause lo be put in withm eight days alter appearance, unless orders for time ol)tained. . • • .3 to be deemed sufficient unless exceptions thereto delivered widiiii two months, . . • • • • "* not to be referred for insufficiency until the expiration of eight days (except in injunction causes), if not referred within the next six days to be thenceforth deemed sufficient. . . .5 4p6 INDEX TO THE ORDERS IN CHANCERY. ORDER ANSWER — continued. a second or third answer, if not referred for insufficiency on the old exceptions within a fortnight after it is filed, to be thenceforth deemed sufficient. . . . . . G when found insufficient, the Master to fix a time for putting in a further answer. . . . . . .8 when certified suQlcient, to be deemed so from the date of the Master's report. . . . . . .9 defendant submitting to answer without a report, the answer to be deemed insufficient from the date of the submission. . . ib. if a third answer be reported insufficient, the defendant to be examined on interrogatories, and to stand committed until the same are fully answered, and to pay additional costs. . . .10 when referred for insufliciency, scandal, or impertinence, the Master's report to be obtained within a fortnight from the date of the order, or within such further time as Master shall certify is necessary, other- wise the order to be considered as abandoned, and from such time, in case of alleged insufficiency, the answer is to be deemed sufficient. 12 Master, in deciding on sufficiency or insufficiency of, to consider the relevancy or materiality of the statement or question. . . 74 (See tit. Costs.) APPEAL.— (See titles Costs ; Deposit.) . . . .42 CAUSE, time for setting down a cause for hearing. . . .17 when set down to be heard in the Lord Chancellor's court, and after- wards in the court of the Master of the Rolls, or vice versa, the plaintilF's solicitor to certify the fact to the Registrar, and to be allowed 6s. 8d. for so doing, if certified within eight days. . 38 when abated or compromised alter it is set down to be heard, the plaintiff's solicitor to certify the fact to the Registrar, and to be allowed Os. 8d. if certified as soon as possible. , . .39 CLERK IN COURT, service on, in what cases good service. . . 20. 21. 50 fees not to be allowed to the sworn clerks and waiting clerks for attend- ance in court, except their attendance necessary. . . 37 upon request of any person, to furnish certificate of dates and descrip- tion of the proceedings in any cause. . . .43 may be directed to pay costs personally in the discretion of the Master where a proceeding fails by reason of non-attendance of any jnuty. 55 COMMISSION, order for, to be obtained by plaintilT within one week after filing re- plication. . . . • . . .17 order for, when obtained in term, time, the commission to be retiiriiabic on the first return of the following term at the latest. . . . ib. order for, when oblainetl in vacati(.n, the commission to be returnable on the last return of the following term at the lale>l. . . ib, CONTEMPT, defendant to be in contempt in default of putting in a fui'thcr answer within the time directed by the Master, alter exceptions allowed to the former answer. . . . . .8 process of, may be taken up at the point to which the plaintifl' had before proceeded, in the event of the answer being found insufficient, iiotwith:^tanding he accepted costs upon the deleudaut's discharge. 24 INDEX TO THE ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 467 ORDER COSTS of subpoenas to be costs in the cause. . . . .2 upon a third answer reported iusullicient, to be paid as the court thinks fit. . . . . . . .10 acceptance of, upon the defendant's discharge upon fihng his answer, not to compel plaintifl" to re-commence the process of contempt in the event of the answer being found insufficient. . . 24 on taxation of, the Master to consider the necessity or propriety of se- parate answers filed or other proceedings had, where one solicitor ■was employed by several defendants. . . . .27 occasioned to plaintiif by insufficiency of answer, to be deemed part of his costs in the cause. . , . . .28 occasioned to a defendant by any amendment of bill (excepting in certain cases ) to be deemed part of his costs in the cause. . 29 occasioned to. a defendfuit by amendment of bill, to be deducted from the amount to be paid by a defendant in cases where upon taxation plaintifi" has not been allowed the costs of such amendment. . 30 of plea or demurrer to be taxed upon allowance thereof, and if to the whole bill, the further taxed costs of the suit (unless otherwise ordered ). . . . . • .31 occasioned by plea or demurrer, when taxed to be paid, upon the over- ruling thereof, to plaintiif ( unless otherwise ordered ). . . 32 occasioned by retaining two counsel, although selected from the outer bar, to be allowed by the Master at his discretion. . . 33 occasioned to defendant by cause being struck out of the paper, through defect of parties, or otherwise on the part of plaintiif, to be allowed to the defendant. . . . • .34 of the day fixed at £10 (unless otherwise ordered) where the cause is ordered to be adjourned upon payment of the costs of the day. . 35 in the discretion of the court to be paid by the solicitor where the hearing of any cause or matter is adjourned by reason of any ne- glect in attendance or omission on his part. . ' . . . ' "^^ penalty of bond to answer costs, where plaintiff is out of the jurisdic- tion, increased to £100. . . • ' j i '* occasioned by exceptions to report, when over-rul^d, to be taxed and paid by the exceptant ( unless otherwise ordered). . . ' '^^ occasioned by a petition of appeal or re-hearing, to be taxed and paid to the adverse party, where the decree or order is not varied in any material point ( unless otherwise ordered ). . • , ' '^'^ occasioned by the non-attendance of a party applying afterwards to the Master to review the proceedings, to be paid before the warrant to review is proceeded on. . • • • when certified by tiie Master as reasonable to be paid to the party attending on the failure of any proceeding by reason of non-attend- ance of any party, order for payment to be made as of course. . of reviewing proceedings when allowed, to be in the discretion ot the Master. . • ' c \ ' of separate reports to be in the discretion of the court. . • directe.l to be taxed in case parties differ, the bill to brought mio the Master's Ollicc, and within a limited lime the olher party to agree to pay same, otherwise the amount thereof to be taxed. . • 7'> COUNSEL.— (See tit. Costs.) . • • • * ^^ li !<"( 'V FF clerical mistakes in, or errors arising from a.:ci 54 70 458 INDEX TO THR ORDERS IN CHANCERY. ORDER DECREE — continued. application to stay proceedings, to be made first to the Judge who pro- nounced the decree. . . . . .46 if not brought into Master's Office within two months, any party inte- rested to be at hberty to apply for the purpose of expediting the pro- secution thereof. . . . . . .48 Master to settle the time for taking into consideration the matter of. . 50 Master to regulate the manner of execution of, and proceedings under the same. . . . . . .51 if not prosecuted with due diligence, the Master to be at liberty to commit the prosecution thereof to any other person interested. . 56 DEDIMLS not to be allowed, to take the answer of defendant in a country cause. . 3 DEMURRER.— (See tit. Costs.) . . . .31,2 DEPOSIT, upon exceptions to a report increased to ^10. . . .41 upon a petition of appeal or re-hearing increased to £20. . .42 DISMISSAL of bill, when defendant to be at liberty to move for. . . 16, 17 EVIDENCE, as to any matter depending before a Master not to be received by him after issuing the warrant on preparing his report. . . 67 EXAMINATION of creditors or otiier claimants in the Master's Office to be taken upon written interrogaiories or vivl'i voce. " . . . .72 the IMaster to be at liberty to examine as to any alleged insufficiency of, without any order of reierence. . , . .73 the Master, in deciding on sufficiency or insufficiency of, to consider the relevancy or materiality of the question. . . .74 EXCEPTIONS,— FOR INSUFFICIENCY, see tit. Answer. for scandal or impertinence must be in writing and signed by counsel, and tile order for referring the same must be obtained within six days after delivery thereof. . . . . .11 time for delivering exceptions expiring in the vacation after Trinity or Michaelmas Term, to extend to and include the ensuing general seal day. 19 INJUNCTION, order nisi for dissolving the common injunction obtainable upon peti- tion as well as motion ; the same to be served two clear days before the day upon which cause is to be shown. . . .23 MASTER to keep a register of the name and nature of all proceedings in every cause or matter referred to him. . . . .49 to settle the time for taking into consideration the matter of every decree or order. . . . . . .50 to regulate the execution of the decree or order and all future proceedings 5 1 upon any subsequent attendance, to fix tlie time for other proceedings if expedient. . . . . . .52 to be at liberty to proceed ex parte in default of any party attending. . 53 having proceeded ex parte, such proceeding not to be reviewed by him unless, upon special application by the party absent, he is satisfied that there was no willul delay or negligence, and upon payment of all costs 54 INDEX TO THE ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 459 ORUKll MA STER — continued. a proceeding failing by reason of non-altondance, the Master to certify the amount of costs to be paid to the party attending and by whom, and order for payment thereof to be made as of course. . . 55 a decree or order not prosecuted with due diligence, the Master may commit the prosecution thereof to any party interested. . . 5G upon any application to the court, the Master if required to certify to the court the proceedings had in his office. . . .57 may proceed de die in diem in all matters. . , .58 every warrant of attendance to be peremptory. . . .59 the Master may continue the attendance beyond the hour, and increase the solicitor's fee accordingly, and in case of his nou-attcndance or of neglect on his part, his usual fee to be disallowed. . . ib. ■when books, &c. directed to be produced before, he is to determine as to what particular books, &c. and when and how long to be left at his office, or as to the time and manner of inspection. . . GO to direct as to the examination of any accounting party. . . (Jl having passed and settled any accounts, the same to be entered in a book to be kept in the Master's Office. . . .02 to be at liberty to fix the periods for the delivery of a receiver's accounts and payment of his balances. . . . G'i may receive proposals for the management or letting of an estate from parties interested, without special order, and make his report thereon. 04 not to receive further evidence after issuing the warrant on preparing his report, nor to issue such warrant without previously requiring the parties to show cause against it. ... C7 no warrant to review any proceeding in the Master's Office to be taken out except by permission, upon special grounds shown, the costs of such review to be in the discretion of the Master. . . (ii^ may examine any witness viva voce. . . . .09 to be at liberty in all matters referred to him to make separate reports upon the application of any party interested. . . .70 to certify as to the state of the assets, upon making a separate report of debts or legacies. . • • • . ' "^ may examine creditors or other claimants upon written interrogatories or viva voce. . . . • • . " '" to be at liberty to expunge matter found in any proceeding before him to be scandalous or impertinent, upon a warrant taken out for such purpose, without any order of reference. . • .73 iu deciding as to sufficiency of answer or examination to consider the relevancy or materiality of the statement or question. . . 71 may direct sales to be made in the country. . • . 7.j course of proceeding before, when directed to settle a conveyance, or to tax costs in case the parties dider. . . . 7(» may require parties to be represented by distinct solicitors, and may refuse to proceed until so represented. . • .77 NEW TRIAL, , , , . ,_ application for, to be first made to the Judge who directed the issue. . 17 NOTICE , ,. , , of motion or of petition where necessary, to be served two clear days ^^ before the hearing thereof. • • • ' of name and description of witness to be examined, to be Icit at thr ^ scat of the clerk iu court for the opposite party. . • -» 460 INDEX TO THE ORDERS IN CHANCERY. ORDER ORDER, to deliver excopfions nvnc pro tunc not to be allowed. . . 4 nisi tor cotilirming a report obtaiuable upon petition, and service thereof upon the cierk in court of any party to be deemed good service. . *2l nisi for dissolving the common injunction obtainable upon petition; such order to be served two clear days before the day for showing cause. . . ." . . .23 PETITION, of which notice is necessary, to be served two clear days before the hearing thereof. . ' . . . . .22 PLEAS.— (See tit. Cos^s,) . . . . 31,32 PROCEEDINGS, upon any decree or order, application to stay, to be made first to the Judge who pronounced the decree or order. . . .40 PUBLICATLON, when plaintili" must give rules to pass. . , , .17 not to be enlarged except upon special application. . .18 RECEIVER, the Master to be at liberty to fix any periods at his discretion for de- livery of a receiver's accounts and payment of his balances. . G3 of landed estate, in the order for appointment of, direction to be in- serted that such receiver may manage as well as set and let. . 64 REGISTRAR, upon certificate to him of cause being set down to be heard in Lord Cbancellor's Court, after it had been set down to be heard at the Roils, or vice versa, to cause an entry thereof to be made in his book of causes. . . . . . .38 so also where a cause has become abated, or been compromised after it had been set down to be heard. . . . .39 REHEARIXG.— (See tit. Dcpos/)'.) . . . .42 not req\iisite for correction of clerical or accidental errors in decrees or decretal orders before enrolment. . , . .45 REPLICATION, not to be withdrawn and hill amended without a special order upon motion with notice. . . . . .15 REPORT, upon a reference for insufliciency, scandal, or impertinence, to be pro- cured within a fortnight from the date of the order for reference, or within such further time as the Master may certify to be necessary. . 12 the Master to be at liberty in all matters referred to him, to make se- parate reports upon application of any party interested. . . 70 upon making a separate report of debts or legacies, the Master to certify as to the state of the assets. . . . .71 REVIEW, of proceedings had ex parte in the Master's office, not to be allowed, unless upon special application to the Master by the party absent he is satisfied tiiat there was no wilful delay or negligence, and upon payment of all costs. . . . . .54 no warrant to review any proceeding in the Master's office to be taken out, except by permission upon special grounds shown; the costs of suc^i rcTiew to be in the discretion of the Master. . . 60 INDEX TO THE ORDERS IN CHANCERY. 461 SALE, estates or other property directed to be sold before the Master, may be sold in the country if llie Master thinks fit, . . , 75 SCANDAL OR IMPERTINENCE, no order for referring any pleading or olher matter for, to be made, unless exceptions are taken in writing and signed by counsel. '. \\ such order to be obtained within six days after delivery of exceptions, ib. (And see titles Report; Warranf.) . , , J2 73 SERVICE, on clerk in court, of subpoena to rejoin or to answer an amended bill or to hear judgment, to be deemed good. . , .20 on clerk in court of order nisi for confirming report, to be deemed good. •. . . • • • . . .21 upon the solicitor in London of a person appearing in any proceeding- though not a party, to be deemed good service, except in matters of contempt. . . . , . ^ . 44 SOLICITOR, where appearing for two or more defendants not to be allowed on tax- ation the costs of separate answers or other proceedings, if in the opinion of the Master improperly incurred. . . .27 to pay personally such costs as the court shuU think fit when upon the hearing of any cause or other matter the same cannot proceed by reason of his non-attendance, or not having delivered any paper necessary for the use of the court. . . , . 3G to certify to the Registrar when a cause set down to be heard in the court of the Lord Chancellor is afterwards set dov/n to be heard at the Rolls, or vice versa ; if certified within eight days, to be allowed 6s. 8c/. . . . . . . .38 to certify to the Registrar where a cause set down to be heard has afterwards become abated or been compromised ; if certified as soon as possible, to be allowed 6s. 8c/. . . . .3D in London, of a person appearing in any proceeding though not a party, service upon to be deemed good service, except in matters of contempt. . . . . . .44 bringing in a decree or order to take out a warrant appointing a time for the purpose of taking into consideration tbe matter of such decree or order. . . . . . .50 may be directed to pay costs in the discretion of the Master, «here a proceeding fails by reason of non-attendance of any party. . 55 fees of, may be increased by the Master, where attendance before him continues beyond an hour. . . . . .50 if not attending personidly or by a compclent person upon any warrant before the Master, his usual fee may be disallowed. . . ib, where employed in any proceeding before a Master for two or more parties, the Master may require any party to be represented by a distinct solicitor. . . • . .77 SUBPCENA, order for, returnable immediately, may be sued otit in a country cause. 1 writ of, luust be sued out for each defendant, exeei»t in the case of husband and wife defendants. . . . .2 to make a better answer not necessary. . . .8 462 INDEX TO THE ORDERS IN CHANCERY. ORDER S\JBV(F.N A— continued. to rejoin, to be served within one week from filing replication. . 17 to rejoin, or to answer an amended bill, or to hear judgment, to be served on clerk in court. . . . . .20 for attendance of witness before a Master to issue, upon a note froiu him. . . . . . . .69 TIME, from what, the Orders are to take effect. . . 78, 81 UNDERTAKING to SPEED, when to be given. . . . . . .16 VIVA VOCE EXAMINATION, evidence upon, to be taken down by the Master or in his presence and preserved. ..... 69, 72 WARRANT, appointing a time for taking into consideration the matter of a decree or order, to be taken out by the solicitor bringing in such decree. . 50 on preparing report, not to issue without requiring parties to show cause against it. . . . . . .67 to be taken out for the Master to examine as to any alleged scandal or impertinence in any proceeding before him, or as to alleged insuf- ficiency of an examination. . . . . .73 WITNESSES, when rules to produce, must be given. . . . .17 not to be produced at seat of clerk in court for the opposite party, but notice of their names and descriptions to be served there. . 25 may be cross-examined by the same examiner as took their examination in chief. . . . . . .26 may be examined viva voce by the Master. . . .69 [ 4G3 ] INDEX TO THE PRECEDENTS AND NOTES. ABATEMENT, bill of revivor in general necessary to v?arrant any proceedings after abate- ment, i. 631, n. ABSTRACT, delivery of, statements of, in bills, i. 9, 12, 21 interrogatories to prove delivery of, or matters relative thereto and to the title, ii. 154, 5 interrogatory to prove abstracts as exhibits, ii. IBG ACCESS of husband to wife, interrogatory to prove, and also his residence, ii. 155 ACCOUNT, bill for an account of monies advanced by defendant to plaintilT, also of sums paid on account, that the amount paid may be set oil' against the amount of monies advanced, and that upon payment of the balance, cer- tain bonds may be delivered up to be cancelled, i. (54 bill by assignees for an account of testator's personal estate, debts, Ac. and to have one moiety of the clear residue carried over to the bankrupt's account, subject to the widow's life interest, i. 121 bill by an assignee for an account of mercantile dealings and transactions between the defendant and the bankrupt, and pay mint of the balance, i- 123 bill by assignees for an account of the proceeds of a shipment ot goods made by the bankrupt, i. 128 of debts due to defendant, interrogatory to prove delivery of. to a deceased person, in what language written, ihe copy in witness's possession made by his direction, and his observations written thereon ; al^() to prove the copy as an exhibit, requiring the witness to mak(^ a (raiislatioii thercot, distinguishing the hand-writing thereof and of the observations wntl.ii thereon, ii 155, G existing unsettled, interrogatory to prove, and applications lor paymenl, ii. 157 4(54 INDEX. ACCOUNT— continued. interrogatory to prove a statement and settlement of accounts between plain- tifl' and defendants, respecting the effects of a deceased person, and pay- ment of the balance, ii. 158 interrogatory to prove delivery of an attorney's bill, ib. interrogatories for examination of an accountant, relative to an account made out by him of the dealings between deceased persons; also to prove as exhibits the books of account delivered to him for that purpose, and the copy made by him of such account, ii. 187 interrogatories to prove the hand-writing of, and also as an exhibit the diary or account kept by a land agent, ii. 189 interrogatory to prove that a land agent kept a diary or account of his agency, and up to what time, and whether he discontinued keeping the same, ii. 221 interrogatory to prove how and when the balance-sheets of partnership ac- counts were made up, to whom delivered, and why, ii. 244 statement of a prayer for account of monies due to the plaintiff under cer- tain agreements, in pursuance whereof he had rebuilt the premises in question; also to have a lease executed to him, and for an account of the arrears of the rents agreed to be paid to him by the defendants, ii. 374 decree opening stated accounts and directing a general account to be taken of all dealings and transactions between the plaiutifls and defendants, ii. 3G5 ACCOUNTANT-G L- N ER AL, form of the Register's certificate to the Accountant-General of the amount of stock standing in his name, ii. 332, n. ACCUMULATIONS, statement (in a petition) of accumulations in respect of dividends on stock, the investment thereof from time to time, and the amount of stock pro- duced thereby, standing in the name of the Accountant-General, ii. 356 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, interrogatory to prove production of a book to a person, containing ac- knowledgments or memorandums signed by him, and what passed relative thereto, ii. 1.38 interrogatory to prove tlie acknowledgment made by a person on receiving a sum of money, ii. 107 interrogatory to prove acknowledgments or admissions made by an obligor, as to the person for whose benefit liie bond was intended, ii. 282 ACT OF PARLIAMENT, statements of application for, of the act obtained, of sales in pursuance thereof, and payment of the purchase-monies into the Bank in the name of the Accountant-General, i. 310 ACTION on bond, statement of, and of judgment obtained, i. 165 in ejectment brought by trustees of a term, and of verdict found for the plaintitf, statement of in a bill, i. 235 brought by trusters for the recovery of the balance of an account, state- ment of in a bill, and of a set-off pleaded by the defendant, i. 486 brought by defendant for the recovery of the balance of an account, state- ment of, U) a bill, i. 489 brouglit by defendant for the recovery of an alleged shipment of dollars, statt ment of in a bill, i. 4i)G, 549 INDEX. 4G5 ACTION— continued. of fejechtient brought for recovery of possession of a moiety of an estate, statement of, in a bill, i. 503 statement of an action of ejectment brought by lessor to recover posses- sion of premises agreed to be let to the phxintitr in equity, i. 525 commenced for recovery of the amount of an attorney's bill, interrogatory to prove, ii. 158 interrogatory to prove defendant's having commenced an action agninst the plaintiff's agent, the trial thereof, aud what passed thereat, ii. loi) ADDRESS OF BILLS, i. 2 ADMINISTRATION, statements, in bills, of^grant of, i. 100, 164, IHO, 263, 369, 371, ot3, 53G, 548, 553 statements, in bills, of grant of, with the will annexed, i. 534, 5fJ3 statement, in a petition, of the death of executors, and of letters of a-Jmi- nistration of effects left unadministered, with the will annexed, granted, i. 642 statement, in an answer, of grant of, with the will annexed, ii. 26 recital in a decree of letters of, limited to matters in issue, anil until final decree made and the execution thereof completed, ii. 376 ADMINISTRATOR.— (For bills against administrators, see Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills by next of Kin for Account.) plea that defendant is not, ii. 05 interrogatories for the examination of the personal representatives of an administrator, as to his intestate's estate and eO'ects, exclusive of his share in a partnership business, and also as to the debts which were ovviug by the intestate, ii. 273 ADMISSIONS.— (See tit. Acknon-ledgments.) statements of admission of three sisters to copyholds, a.s co-heiresses — the death of one of them, and the admission of the surviving sisters (the defendants ) to her share, i. 329 ADVERTISEPdENT, for discovery of a person, interrogatory to prove insertion of, and by whose direction, and what applications were made in consequence, ii. 159 interrogatory to prove as exhiliits advertisements inserted in newspapers, and by whose direction in.-erled, ii. 243 interrogatory to prove an estate advertised for sale by auction, and by whose authority, ii. 250 ADVOWSON, „ , when mortgaged, sale of should be prayed instead of foreclosure, i. 219, n. decree for partition of, ii. 3a6.— (And see tit. V' ill.) AFFIDAVIT.— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter Vl][.) when required to be annexed to a bill, i. 204, n. form of, to be annexed to a bill for delivery of litlc-derds, i. 208 forms of, to be annexed to a bill of interpleader, 1.251 forms of, accompanying the examinations of fen8 BANK OF ENGLAND, as to making, parties, i. 308, n. bills against, i. 368, 373, 442 interrogatory to prove the custom at, of retaining powers of attorney to receive dividends, and also to prove as an exiiibit a copy of a power of attorney deposited there, ii. 201 BANKERS, interrogatories to prove by a partner and a clerk in a banking-house whether two deceased persons kept cash account with the firm, and how, ii. 240 BANKRUPT.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bill hy Assignees on behalf of Bank- ivpts' Estates.) statements of the issuing of commissions of, and the proceedings under the same, i. 30, 98, 129, 522, 559, 563, 658 statement in a bill of bankruptcy of an acting executor, i. 174 prayer in a bill by creditors that a debt may be proved under a comnnssion, and that a receiver may be authorized to receive the dividends to become payable thereon, i. 178 INDEX. 471 BANKRUPT— co«h«M«/. duirge relative to the bankruptcy of defendant, and the provisions in a deed with reterence thereto, i. 197 prayer for liberty to prove under a commission of bankrupt against a mort- gagor for any deficiency which may happen by sale before the commis- sioners of the plaintiff's security, and to receive dividends thereon with the separate creditors, i. 242 charge that a defendant, an executrix, is in danger of becoming bankrupt, and that some person ought to be appointed to prove in respect of the balance due from her, i. 307 prayer for liberty to prove as a debt against the bankrupt's estate the amount due from him as executor, i. 5G2 ''«%" ' plea of bankruptcy of plaintiff, ii. 96 plea by bankrupts of their certificate to the whole bill, excepting only as to the allegation of their claim of interest, which they disclaim, ii. 98 statement of a release by bankrupts of their surplus allowance and all right .''"«' to their surplus estate, ii. 99, 100 interrogatories to prove acts of bankruptcy, ii. 162 conversations respecting the affairs of, ii. 170 BAPTISM, ,j,,,,rf,^ of plaintiff, charge relative to, i. 478 of plaintiff, interrogatory to prove, ii. 163 interrogatories for examination of a defendant before the Master, to prove the number and age of her children, and when and where baptizcil, ii. 275, 6. — (And see tit. Entry.) BILL IN EQUITY, praying relief, usually consists of nine parts, i. 1 address of, always prescribed by the court, i. 2, n. an amended bill considered as the original bill, ii. 2, n. BILLS OF EXCHANGE.— (See Contents, vol. i.tit. Bills to cimcd Ar/recmcnts, Sills of' Exchange, Bonds, arid other Instruments.) statement of bills being accepted by bankers, and payment thereof not pro- vided for when due, i. 116 statement of meetings of bill-holders and of the sums due to tliiMii, i. 13(5 interrogatory to prove remittance of, and payment thereof, ii. 1<)2 delivery of bills for the produce of a cargo, consignrniMit of colonial produce, or assignment of other property to secure payment thereof, or whether witness had credit in account witii defendants, ii. 163 interrogatory to prove, as exhibits, ii. 191 remittances to an agent of drafts or bills of exchange during a long period, and to wliat amount yearly, the allowance made for commission and postage of letters by the person employed to draw out the accounts between the parties, and what was said b}' the party charged therewith upon a conversation with him relative thereto, ii. 249 BILLS OF LADING,— statements of, i. 17-3, 493 BIRTH.— (See titles Baptism. Entry.) of plaintiff, interrogatory to prove, ii. 163 BONDS.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills to cancel Ayrrements, Bills of Errlinnyr, Bonds, and other Instruments.) • i i bill by a grantor of an annuity and his surety to set aside an annuity bond, i. 108 statements of mortgage bonds, i. 229, 278 interrogatories to prove the execution of, ii. 191, 193 472 INDEX. BONDS — continued. interrogatories to prove a bond prepared for securing payment of a snm of money by the plaintifls, tlie objection taken by them to the same being prepared as a common money bond, also to prove as an exhibit the minute made by witness of the actual consideration, the contents and purport thereof, and the conversation which passed relative to the consideration, ii. 192 interrogatory to prove the amount due on bond to examinants, ii. 277 interrogatories for the examination of a person claiming to be a creditor, to prove the actual consideration of a bond, and under what circumstances the same was executed, ii. 279 interrogatories for examination of a witness before the ?»Iaster as to the existence of a bond and what has become of the same, also to prove the hand-writing and acknowledgments or admissions made by the obligor as to the person for whose benefit the bond was intended, ii. 281 interrogatory to prove whether examinant has received any part of the prin- cipal or interest due on bond, ii. 2H6 BOOKS. — (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills to restrain the Infringement of a Copyright. — See also anlea, tit. Author.) interrogatory to prove that a book was delivered to witness as instructions for collecting tithes and customary payments, what has become thereof, and whether it appeared to have been anciently written, ii. 23-3 BOUNDAllIES. — (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills by, and against, Lords of Manors.) bill does not lie for the mere purpose of settling the boundaries of two manors, i. 322, u. charges in a bill that defendants have thrown down or neglected the bounda- ries between freehold and copyhold lands, ii. 331 statements and charges in a bill relative lo the boundaries of plaintiff's estate, i. 4B0 of lands, interrogatories to prove, ii. 1G4 or division between parishes, interrogatory to prove, ib. BUILDINGS.— (See titles Dilapidations ; Waste.) CANCELLATION. — (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills to cancel Agreements, Bills of iLxchangc, Bonds, and other Instruments', also tit. Bills relnting to Annuities.) of a will, interrogatory to prove, and why cancelled, ii. 272 CAPITAL, interrogatory to prove amount of, advanced by a partner, and how much appears by the books to have been brought in, ii. 244 CASE, interrogatories to prove that a case was laid before counsel and the points submitted for his opinion; also to prove as an exhibit the case with the opinion, and whetlier witness lai8 of plaintiff to an estate, interrogatory to prove notice of to defendant, and whether given before or aftey defendant |jad,,^qi^rgq,|Ji,Qreo^, JU.'^^ti CLERK, ^ ^ •^/rr.T^'l^^i.K* ij^/;. ,, statement of a clerk to a company being in receipt of rents of a charity estate, and in possession of deeds, CONTRACTS, bill by two merchants partners, against several merchants, parlners ni different firms, praying to have certain contracts cntcrcil into wilb (ho plaintiffs Ijy the defendants' brokers, delivered up to be cancelled, as having been obtained by fraud, i. 51.— (And see til. Aijicimint.) 476 INDEX. CONVERSATIONS, interrogatories to prove, ii. 1G7, 8, 9, 170 respecting the provision made or intended to be made for the plaintiff by a deceased person by his will, interrogatories to prove, ii. 241 interrogatories to prove particulars of conversation between plaintiff and witness, and declarations made by the former respecting the defendant, ii. 245 between plaintiff and defendant respecting the purchaser of particular lots of an estate sold by auction, interrogatory to prove, ii. 252 respecting an agreement for purchase, interrogatory to prove, ii. 258 with defendants, relative to (heir title, interrogatory to prove, ii. 260 interrogatory to prove particulars of a conversation between plaintiff and defendant, respecting the purchase by the defendant of a house and pre- mises, and the plaintifl's title thereto, and a piece of newly-inclosed ground in front, ii. 261 CONVEYANCE, bill to set aside deeds of lease and release conveying away an estate ab- solutely, intended to operate only as a security for money lent, i. 80 interrogatories relative to the preparing a draft of conveyance by counsel, and the instructions given, and the deceased purchaser's intention with regard thereto, ii. 171 interrogatory to prove the preparing of deeds of, for carrying an agreement into execution, and the circumstances attending the preparing and in- grossing thereof, and their execution by a particular party, ii. 172 COPARTNERSHIP.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills relating to Partnership Matters.) COPY, interrogatories to prove copies of registers of baptisms, burials, &c. ii. 179, 198 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit the copy made by witness by direction of a deceased person, of an account which had been delivered of monies owing by him ; also to prove in what language the account and copy •were written, the observations which the deceased wrote on the copy, and in what languace, and requiring the witness to translate the copy, ii. 195 interrogatory to prove a copy of an agreement having been delivered to defendant, and what passed thereupon, ii. 196 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of a draft previously to any alteration being made therein, ib. interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of an entry of slock in the bank stock books, ii. 197 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of a court-roll, ib. interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of entries upon the court-rolls, ib. interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of entries in parish register books, ii. 198 interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of entries in the register books of an ecclesiastical ollice for probate of wills, ii. 199 interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of inscriptions on tomb-stones, ib. interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of hand-bills distributed fc^r discovery of a person, ib. interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of judgments, ii. 200 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of an inquisition of luu^icy, ami of the order directing a traverse, ib. INDEX. 47^ COVY—contimicd. interrogator)' to prove as exhibits copies of maps or plans and of a book of reference, and that in the originals a piece of land and quarry were comprised tlierein, ii. 200 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of a notice, ii. 201 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy made by witness of notices served upon the plaintifTs, ii. 209 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of a power of attorney deposited at the Bank of England, ib. interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of records and original writings, ii. 202 interrogatories to prove the registering of a deed by a copy of the register, and the indorsement of such registration on the exhibit, ib. interrogatories to prove as an exhibit the counterpart of a lease, and that the same corresponded with a former lease, ii. 203 interrogatories to prove as an exhibit a copy of au entry in a book kept at the navy office, ii. 221 COPYHOLDS.— (See Contents, vol. i. titles, Bills for Specific Performance of Agreements ; Bills to cancel Agreements, S^-c. ; Bills of Foreclosure ; Bills by, and against. Lords of Manors.) statements in a bill of the admission of three sisters to copyholds, as co- heiresses — the death of one of tliem, and the admission of the sur- viving sisters (the defendants) to her share, i. 329 COPYRIGHT. — (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills to restrain the Infringement of a Copyright.) in what cases an injunction will be granted against an invasion of, i. 140, n. CORN-MILLS, Information and bill (in the nature of a bill of peace), to restrain the in- habitants of a certain district from buying or bringing therein for the purpose of sale, or consuming in their own houses, or using any corn, grain, flour, malt, or meal, whieli had not been ground at the relators' mills, which were ancient mills, originally parcel of the possession of the Duchy of Lancaster: Praying also for an account of all the corn, \c. used by the defendants in their houses, which according to the custom ought to have been ground at the relators' mills, and to have a value set thereon; containing statements of int'ornjatiiuis Hied by former pro- prietors of the n)ills against the inhabitants of the district, the establish- ment of the custom on the trial of issues directed by the court, and tho decrees made in the causes, i. (51 1 having been kept in repair, statement of, and of persons being employed to attend to the business thereof, i. G27 CORPORATION, interrogatory to prove the manner of grantmg leases held under an eccle- siastical corporation, ii. 177 .... interrogatory to prove the seal of an ecclesiastical corporation allixcd to a deed, ii. 203 CORRESPONDENCE, • , ., , r i ♦ i interroo-atory to prove a correspondence by letters with the delendanf. and the hand-writing of the letters if in the possession of ibe witness, and any admissions made by the defendant on the same bcmg produced to him, ii. 173 41^ INDEX. COSTS, prayer for, in bills, i, G3, 99 prayer that plaintifT, a trustee, may retain his costs out of trust-monies in his hands, i. 438 statement (in a petition ) of a petition of appeal, praying that an account might be taken of all expenses incurred by the petitioner in the investiga- tion of the title, and to tax his costs of the suit, and for payment thereof by the defendants, i. 671 directions in a decree as to costs, where there had been several former hearings which proved fruitless, ii. 380. — ( See tit. Petitions.) COUNSEL, — certificate of, to a petition for re-hearing two causes, i. 686 COURT ROLLS, interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of a court roll, ii. 197 interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of entries in, ib. COURTS OF EQUITY of INFERIOR JURISDICTION, bill in the Lord Mayor's Court, London, for discovery in aid of the defence to an action brought in that court ; the defendant having pleaded to the jurisdiction, i. 509 bill in the Lord Mayor's Court, London, for a discovery of property in the hands of the garnishees, in aid of an attachment, i. 511 (And see tit. Certiorari.) COVENANT, prayer to have a covenant contained in a deed of dissolution of partnership, reformed according to the agreement of the parties, i. 194 CREDIT, interrogatory to prove by a clerk the circumstances and state of credit of a partnership firm and of the partners, ii. 173 a witness can only be examined as to credit, in contradiction of facts sworn to, not material to what is issue in the cause, ii. 330, n. examinations to credit can only be by order upon special application, ib. evidence as to, taken upon the examination in chief, may be suppressed, ib. no precise time witiiin which an examination as to credit is to take place, ib. titles of interrogatories to discredit testimony of witnesses, ii. 151, 2 articles to discredit witnesses, ii. 330 CREDIl'ORS. — (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills by Creditors for Payment of Debts.) petition by, for leave to prove their debts before the Master ; the time limited having expired and the Master's report having been confirmed, i. 660 and their witnesses, interrogatories for examination of, ii. 276 decree on a bill by, ii. 370 CROSS-BILL, to set aside an agreement for the conveyance of a piece of ground, i. 73 by the proprietor, tenants, and occupiers of certain lands on behalf of themselves and others, against the vicar, patron, and ordinary of the diocese, to establish moduses in lieu of tithes, i. 361 bill of revivor by the executor of the plaintifi" in, i. 540 may be filed in Chancery to an original bill in the Exchequer, i, 5S9, n. statement, (in a petition ) of a cross-bill exhibited by the petitioners, i. 685 statement of a cross-bill praying that it might be declared that the plaintifls in the original bill were not entitled to call upon the plaintiff in the cross- bill to make good dividends received upon a sum of stock by a deceased person, or that what he should be obliged to pay might be repaid him out of the assets of such deceased person, i. 541 INDEX. 479 CROSS-INTERHOG ATORIES, witness may be cross-examined to the same point to which he has been examined in chief, but not to any new matter, ii. 319, n. if left within forty-eight hours after production of witness at the seat of the adverse clerk in court, the party producing him nmst keep him ia town till his cross-examination finished, ib. ; {But see No. XXV of the New Orders, p. 4ti8.) witness refusing to be cross-examined, cause of exception to his testimony ii. 3-20, n. r j, objection to competency of witness on the ground of interest, not waived by his cross-examination, ib. as to witness having acted as auctioneer and the representations and com- ments made by him respecting an instrument produced by him at the sale purporting to be the lease or copy of the lease referred to in the par- ticulars of sale, ii. 319 as to application made for a copy of the alleged lease, the delivery of a draft lease, the objections taken thereto by the intended lessee, the negociations which took place in consequence, the alterations which were made, and the time when the lease was executed, ii. 321 as to the knowledge of a steward or land agent of the value and nature of coal mines, in what capacity he was employed by the deceased owner thereof, and as to his occupation in life previously thereto, ii. 322 whether a deed was read over to the grantor previously to his executing the same, and whether he was aware of the terms or eflect thereof and the mode of payment of the consideration-money, ib. as to a party having executed a deed without its having been examined by him or on his part, and in confidence that it had been fairly prepared, ii. 323 as to the age and state of mental faculties of a steward or land agent, and whether from attacks of palsy he was not incapacitated or unequal to enter into a contract relating to coal mines, with a view to securing the interest of his employer, ib. as to the character of the hand-writing of letters, whetlicr the same was not more indistinct and feeble than at an earlier period, and whether the writer was not then in a feeble state of health, ii. 324 as to the due execution of a will, ib. as to the republication of a will, ii. 325 as to the sanity and mental capacity of a testator, ii. 320 for examination of a party examined pro interesse svo, title of, ii. 327 CROWN, commencement of suit on behalf of, i. 4 (And see Contents, vol. i. Chapter VI. tit. Informatiom.) CUSTOM, bill by the tenants of several manors parcel of another manor against flio lord and his steward, to establish certain ancient customary rents and fines and other customs, i. 338.— (And see tit. Dccrers and Decretal Orders.) for all tenants within a manor and two miles of certain corn-nnlls to do suit and soke to the mills, and grind all corn, grain, and malt used wilbiu the manor and two miles of the mills at the same mills, statement ol, in an information and bill filed to establish the custom, i. «I2 interrogatories to prove customs of manors, ii. 174, 5, <», 7, « DEAF AND DUMIJ PERSON,— commencement of bill on behalf of, i. 4 480 INDEX. DEATH, — of parlies, witnesses, and others, interrogatories to prove, ii. ITO' "^^ DEBF, interrogatory to prove debt due to the plaintiffs, ii. 180 tiiat a deceased person was indebted to the defendant, applications made for payment, and the deceased's acknowledgments and promises to pay, ib. interrogatory to prove the debt due to the plaintiff according to the par- ticulars contained in an exhibit, ii. 203 interrogatory to prove the debt due to the plaintiffs in respect of advances made by them as bankers, ii. 223 interrogatory to prove the amount of debts due to exaniinants, ii. 276 ■ j = DECLARATIONS, * interrogatories to prove, respecting the renewal of a lease, ii. 163 relative to a person being present at the time an agreement was entered into, ii. ir»9 interrogatories to prove, expressive of the intentions of a purchaser ia making the purchase and in having the conveyances prepared, — also as to his having altered his intentions with regard to the conveyances, and his intention in making such alterations, ii. 171 interrogatories to prove declarations made by one brother relative to another brother being in partnership with him, ii, 240, 1 inteirogatory to prove a declaration made by a person shortly before his death respecting the plaiiUiil', ii. 241 interrogatory to prove declarations n>ade by the plaintiff respecting the defendant, ii. 245 interrogatory to prove declarations made by a deceased person respecting his nearest relations of the whole or half blood, ii. 24G made by a person as to his having employed defenilant to purchase for him an estate at auction, interrogatory to prove, ii, 2o2 interrogatory to prove a particular declaration made at a sale by auction, ii. 254 interrogatory to prove declarations made by defendants relative to their title to an estate, ii. 2GU DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS.-(See Contents, vol. ii. Chapter XVIL) supplemental bill filed by infants, praying that they njay be at liberty to pro- secute a decree made in a former suit and have the accounts thereby directed prosecuted, charging tiie executors and trustees with neglect in not having duly invested the trust-monies according to the will, i. 575 statement of a supplemental bill praying that plainliils niiglithave the benefit of a former suit and the decree and proceedings therein with liberty to prosecute the same, that the rights and interests of the plaintids might be ascertained and secured, and that they might be declared entitled to have a sum of £GG(J6 stock raised, and that certain funds might be applied towards raising the same, and the deficiency raised out of the testator's real and personal estate, ii. 425, 7 statement (in an information) of a decree directing a reference to the Master to see that a proper license was obtained to enable the relators to purchase in mortmain, and directing an estate to be conveyed to the Master and Fellows of a College subject to the trusts of the will, with power to let the estate at rack rent, i. GOO statement (in an information and bill) of a decree declaring that all tenants of any of the king's manors ought to grind all the corn growing on their INDEX. 481 DECREES AND DECRETAL ORDERS-confi/jMcJ. lands or used in their hotises at his majesty's mills, and so also at such mills when in the hands of ree-lanners or patentees, and decreeing that the defendant to an information and bill should do suit and grind his corn at the relators' mills, i. 014; also statement of the decree made oa the rehearing, confirming the former decree and extending it to all corn growing or bought ungronnd and brought into the manor and spent in the defendant's liouse, and directing the defendant to pay the relator twenty nobles for costs, p. 616; nud statemeiit of a subsequent decree declaring the custom to he well proved, and what tolls should be paid for grinding wheat, oats, malt, peas, &g. p. 622 statement of an order directing a surviving executor to transfer stock into the Accountant-General's name, the dividends thereof to be paid to the testators daughter for life, i. 650 statement (in a petition) of a decree declaring a will well proved, and directing the trusts thereof to be performed, the testfftor's estates to be sold, the purchase-monies to be paid into court, and an account to be taken of the incumbrances, i. 653 statement ( in a petition ) of an order directing a share of sums of stock to be carried over to the separate account of the petitioner, i. 657 statement ( in a petition) of an order directing a reference as to title, with liberty to the Master to state special circumstances, i. 667 statement ( in a petition ) of an order directing reference to the iNIaster to inquire whetlier all necessary parties were ready to join in a conveyance, and if so, to settle the same, with liberty to state special circumstances, i. 671 statement ("in a petition) of an order directing a reference to the Master to settle conveyances, and upon the execution thereof by the time fixed, purchase-money to be paid as the court should direct ; and in case the same should not be so executed, purchaser to be discliargod. i. 672 statement ( in a petition ) of several orders enlarging the lime for completing a purchase and executing the conveyances, ib. order of the Lord Chancellor directing causes to be reheard before the Vice Chancellor, i. 680 statement ( in a petition) of a decree dismissing cross cause with costs, and directing the defendants in the original suit to surrender copyhold lands to the p'laintifis, also declaring the construction of an agreement relative to the erection of a wall to be built by the plaintills; no costs given in the original cause, i. 685 statement ( in a petition) of a decree directing t'ae defendants to assign pre- mises to the plaintiff" and to deliver up the subsisting lease, the assignment to be settled bv the Master in case the parties dillered, the injunction which had been granted ordered to be continued, and the defendants to pay costs, i. 700 „ . . i statement of an order enlarging the time for completing conveyances and directing, upon certain acts being done, the f.dl amount ot the purchase- money "excepting two small sums) to be paid into tl.c Hank, NUthout prejudice to the purchaser's claims for costs and .idapidations, also directing part of the purchase-money to be carr.e ' interrogatory to prove receipt of, by plaintiff, ii. 180 interrogatory to prove the custom at the Bank of England of retaining powers of attorney to receive dividend^, ii, 20;l,v7--(iA^fl(isee,titt§^ C^ow- hiil. Slock.) fjfTfio- grTthajt^m^nf -HI ia'iasinj J*^ snifisiJ gao?T.')q lij; ' .n .f£S A DOWER.-CSee Contents, vol. i. tit. Bill for Dower.) r.^, .^r^ . :^tV, * y^ statement of a defendant having brought a writ of, the biir ^plrayifc^'Tcr re- strain her proceedings at law, i. 210 from what time a widow is entitled to an accoaot, i. 212, a»'^'-V'ii '-ici j-/. x on a bill for, costs do not follow, ib. ,j, u : rv::. to Sa^niaJBia bil"! for, against the deceased's heir at law and his other children and bis executors and devisees in trust, praying also to be declared entitled to an annuity given by the deceased's will, the defendants insisting that the plaintiff ought to elect, i. 212 prayer for, and for compensation for the value of the plaintiff's dower out of such part of the testator's estate as was directed to be sold in her life- time, i. 216 charges in a bill for, the defendants alleging that a sum due on bond was ^f I ^ intended to be discharged by the bequest of a legacy and an annuity, and that the annuity was intended to be in full satisfaction of her dower, i. 217 decree for, out of freehold and copyhold lands, ii. 371 decree declaring widow to be barred of dower, ( she having elected to take 800 A .. under a settlement) also directing her to execute a proper release, ii. 405 DRAFT, '";;:;;,. interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of a draft pirevTotisly to any "^"^ ' ~" alteration being made therein, ii. 196 ,j n/oj* EJECTMENT sf"'{'^'"^ ,iifd-fc«n'ty- e. lo jnomajBi?. statenjent of defendant having brought ejeCitflieiifs 'arf^ abtibhs agaitn^l tenants, and levied distresses, i. 436 statement of plaintiffs having brought an action of, i. .508 brought by lessor to recover possession of premises agreed to be let to the plaintiff in equity, statement of, i. 525 statement of an action of ejectment brought by a devisee in the names of trustees and executors, i. 699 plea to an ejectment bill negativing the averment'' d^ 'to their being out- standing leases, ii. 104 '^'^"^ "I *f"^Jfi^ V- l-"J'^-'?ni JHB .n%i- ' •trffifin's'^flb »fn»n'>'»xft vd noi^aimblp ELECTION, prayer that defendants may elect either to accept the benefits given by a will and to confirm the will, or to renounce in favor of the plaintiff the benefits given to thera, i. 316. — (And see tit. Dotcer.) ■PTNJTTJV" '■>8-i Interrogatories for the examination of executors before the Master, ... -M, 294 48G INDEX. BXECVTOUS—continned. interrogatories for further examination of executors pursuant to a decree, ii. 295 EXHIBITS, interrogatories to prove, ii. 186, 210, 236, 243, 278 interrogatory to prove the contents of an exhibit, ii. 195 EXPENSES, interrogatory to prove the average annual expenses of the family of a de- ceased person who was in his life-tirae employed as a treasury messenger, and as to declarations made by him as to what one child, not resident in his family, annually cost him ; also to prove the manner in which he usually travelled, and at what expense, ii. 213 interrogatory to prove whether a person had other means of providing for his family, besides what he received as a treasury messenger, ib. FAMILY, interrogatory to prove conversations or declarations relative to the deceased's family and relations, or property to which he considered himself entitled, ii. 109 inquiry as to the members of a family in proving a pedigree, ii. 214 FARM, interrogatory to prove when alteration was made in the out-fences of two farms, whether rent was paid as for two farms or as one farm, and whe- ther one person attended at the rent-receipt day, and at the dinner given to the tenants, as sole tenant of the two farms, or whether two persons attended as tenants ; also to prove whether previously to a particular year taxes and rents were assessed as for two farms or as one farm, and whether the farms were reputed to be one farm or two farms, ii. 215 interrogatory to prove knowledge of farms occupied by defendants, ii. 232 FELONY, demurrer to so much of a bill as souglit a discovery which might subject the defendants to a charge of compounding, ii. 83 FEME COVERT, commencement of bill by, where her husband is made defendant, i. 3 bill on behalf of, cannot be brought without her consent, ib. n. petition by, (with others) praying that lier share of a sum of stock may be transferred to ber husband, together with dividends accrued due, i. 648. — (And see tit. Commission.) FENCES, — of farms, interrogatory to prove when altered, ii. 215 FIERI FACIAS, — statement of the issuing of a writ of, i. 166 FINE, statements of fines being levied, i. 509, 510 and non-claim, plea of, ii. 100 cannot be pleaded in bar to a bill filed by tenant in tail to prevent the set- ting up of an ouisfanding term on the trial of an ejectment, ii. 100, n. (The case there referred to has been since reporied, 1 Sim. p. 349.) interrogatorv to prove the practice of the Duchy Court of Lancaster as to the mode of proceeding there adopted to bar the operation of, ii. 216 interrogatory to prove destruction of records of lines levied during parti- cidar years, including the record of a fine levied of the premises in (jues- tion, ii. 248 INDEX. 487 FOOTWAY,— informatioa to restrain the breaking up of, i. 589 FORECLOSURE.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills of Foreclosure.) prayer to have a mortgage security assigned, and in default of payment for a foreclosure, i. 33 , as to the necessary parties to bills of, i. 219, n. et seq. mortgagee of copyhold not in possession may before admittance brinsr a bill of, i. 232, n. prayer for foreclosure of a term of years for raising portions, in default of payment by defendant, i. 399 statement of a bill praying, i. 553 bill of revivor and supplement for, ib. decree for, ii. 372 short recital of prayer for, ii. 420 FORFEITURE, by waste, and all penalties ought to be waived in a bill for restraining waste, i. 454, n. FORGERY, of the names of the plaintiff and other persons to false bills of lading, statement of, in a bill, i. 495 order declaring an account to have been forged, and recommending a pro- secution for forgery, ii. 396 FREE-BENCH, interrogatories to prove customs of manors with regard to, ii. 178 interrogatories to prove misrepresentations made to persons viewing a copy- hold estate, anrl also upon the sale thereof by auction, as to a widow's right to free-bench, ii. 253 GIFT, interrogatory to prove the purchase of stock by deceased persons as a gift for the plaintiff, and the transfer thereof after the death of one of them into the name of the plaintiff, ii. 241 GOODS, sold and delivered by plaintiff to defendants, interrogatory to prove, ii. 210 interrogatory to prove the amount due to examinants for goods sold and de- livered, ii. 277 GUARDIAN.— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter VII. tit. Petitions.) prayer for appointment of, of infant plaintiffs, with allowances for their main- tenance and education for the time past and to come, i. 2GG, 375 HAND-BILLS, interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of hand-bills distributed for discovery of a person, ii. 199 HAND-WRITING, interrogatory to prove knowledge of, ii, 222 of particular words contained in an exhibit, interrogatories to prove, ii. 255.— (And sec titles Entries; Letters.) HEIR AT LAW, of a testator, statement of, in a bill, i. 183 and also customary heir, statemcut.s of, in bills, i. 472, 5:m 488 INDEX. HElll AT LAW~co7ititiued. < . • out ot" possession, entitled to a discovery of deeds necessary to support his legal title, or to have terms put out of his way, i. 204, n., ii. 100, n. disputing a will, alleajatlon as to, in a bill, i. 215, 295 charges in a bill relative to the heirs at law of several persons disputing the dispositions made by their wills of monies directed to be laid oat ia lands, i. 313 :..,;,,(„■>, ;;■ -..■■u,-:- ,?:^^ni^ pretences and charges where will is disputed by, i. 321, 469, 473 statement of heiress at law born after the decease of her father, defendant to a bill of foreclosure, i. 553 . .--1 -. .. ; ... ■ an infant, answer of, to a bill by creditors, ii. 36 - ihif loi ittYiit'i plea by, that he had no lands by descent, accompanied by an answer ad- mitting that he is, ii. 103 loi '?&f interrogatories to prove, ii. 217 decree declaring real estate to have descended to, ii. 402. — (And see Con- tents, vol. i. Chapter IV. Sect. 3. tit. Bills of Revivor and Supplement.) HEIR-LOOMS, — prayer for directions as to, i. 281 HIGHWAY, ^t>i;*iu,^y ^^. .1.4...^-.^ V. w^.«^i.^» . information to restrain the obstracting anff brektiing up a public road, i. 592 IMPROVEMENTS, , = ' interroga'ories for account of monies laid out in lasting improvements, ii. 301, 2 INCLOSURE, i .3 ,hvBii ^d banieJii : of common lands, interrogatory to prove that the? '^(iW'toP'^flia'nbr assented to, ii. 218 " ^i'f' .^» «i ^^''' interrogatory to prove that the inhabitants or land-d\^Diers within a town- ship had agreed to the inclosure of tiie common lands, and when the inclosure was likely to take efl'eGt> ib; ; '"' , -.ii -iU.f,ha!ilf}b T oJ >t6i INCUMBRANCES, ..,.;•>■,. .^ allegations in bills as to, i, 225, 230, 234;, ?40-?TT(And see t\i. Juterrogatories.) INDEMNITY, — against plaintiiF's claims, charge in a bill relative to, i. 19 INDUCTION, interrogatory to prove as an exhibit the mandate of induction under tlie bishop's seal ; also to prove the hand-writing of the indorsement thereon, and whether the plainliH" was duly inducted, and when and in whose presence, ii 208 interrogatory to prove institution and induction, li. 2i2b' INFANT. —(See Contents, vol. i. Chapter IV. tit. Svppkmputal Bills, and Chapter VII. tit. Petitions; see also postea, titles, Svpplemeutal Bill; Tenant in Tail.) ggg j ^ssgasfJaih commencement ot a bill on behalf of, i. 4 ., » .» ^.^-^ •{^yst,; consent of, ' ijili for, to restrain proceedings at law upon a bond and promissory note, and also to restrain the defendant from entering up judgment on a war- rant of attorney, i. 50 bill for, by merchants, to restrain proceedings at law upon certain contracts obtained by fraud, i. 54 i ; ,.. bill for, to restrain proceedings at law on certain bonds executed by the plaintiff, i. 64, 96 -nwoi t; '^'I's for, to restrain proceedings in actions of ejectment, i. 77, 235, 350, 525 mii n'x bill for, to restrain assignees from proceeding at law in an action of trover to recover possession of title-deeds, i. 80 prayer for, to restrain the defendant from digging clay or gravel, and making bricks, or committing waste, and from making underleases or assign- ( ■ ments (the bill being filed to set aside a lease), i. 99 bill for, to restrain the defendants from taking ont execution on a judgment entered up ou a warrant of attorney for securing an annuity, i. 108 ,. 1 bill for, to restrain the selling of a pirated edition of a book, i. 140, 146 .bill for, to restrain publication of a trial, i. 146 '■"'^'^j'*'*'" prayer for, in a bill by creditors, to restrain executors from collecting out- azoilw standing personal estate, and receiving cotton consigned to one of them, who had been the testator's agent and consignee, i. 178 prayer for, to restrain a widow from proceeding in a writ of dower, i.211 bas ,?\Ssn I proceedings in actions for rent, i. 251,255, 256 ^KTi«:iT V.r an action of ejectment, and the levying distresses, i. 256 prayer for, to restrain executors from receiving personal estate or the rent* of real estates (in a bill by legatees), i, 284,315, 319 prayer for, to restrain the felling timber trees, and committing waste, i. 324, 463 prayer for, to restrain the working of coal-mines, and disposing of coal and other minerals, i. 337 -■'^ prayer for, to restrain the sale and tninsfers of stork, i. 370, 375. 141 receiving partnership (h-bts, i. 385, 387, 389, 391 selling partnership stock, i. 394 trustees from acting, i. 432 & oi 9iBiiS a defendant from proceeding at law against tenants, ~ ;ind receiving rents or intermeddling with the trust premises, i. 138 490 INDEX. INJUNCTION -cow/mwe(/. prayer for, to restrain proceedings in actions against underwriters, i. 447, 453 bill for, to restrain the defendant from ploughing up fields and committing waste, i. 454 prayer for ( in bills for discovery ) to restrain proceedings in actions, i. 492, 505, 552 statement of prayer for, to restrain the defendants from delivering up deeds, i. 529 statement of, obtained upon affidavit before answer, to restrain proceedings at law, and service of the same on the defendant's solicitors, i. 548 prayer for, to restrain a defendant, a testator's heir at law, from applying to the Crown for a charter and licence for the purpose of founding a college, i. 571 statement of an injunction obtained to restrain the transfer of stock, i. 581 statement of a perpetual injunction granted to restrain all tenants, &c. within a certain district, from erecting or using any mills to the prejudice of the soke and suit to be performed by them to the corn-mills belonging to the relators; also to restrain them from grinding any corn, &c. had upon their lands or consumed in their houses within the district, at any other than the relators' mills ; also to restrain them from buying or bringing within the district, for the purpose of sale, any corn, &g. or from using the same in their houses, or making, baking, or brewing any flour, meal, or malt, not ground at the relators' mills, i. 623 prayer for, to restrain defendants from buying, bringing, selling, consum- ing, or using within a certain district, any corn, grain, flour, malt, or meal, other than such as should be ground at the relators' mills, i. C3G INSCRIPTIONS. on tomb-stones, interrogatory to prove, as exhibits, copies of, ii. 199 INSOLVENCY, charge of, in a bill, i. 38 of plaintiffs, and of several meetings of their creditors, statements of, in a bill, i. 134 of a defendant, statement of, in a bill, and of the meeting of his creditors, and the assignment executed to a trustee for them, i. 1G9 of a mortgagor, and of an assignment under the insolvent debtor's act, statement of, in a bill, i. 238 of a defendant, and assignment made under the insolvent debtor's act to another defendant, i. 521 interrogatories to prove conversations respecting a bankrupt's affairs, and an assignment made by him, when insolvent, and a composition then proposed to his creditors, ii. 170. — (And see tit. Bankrupt.) INSPECTORS, statement in a bill of a resolution made at a meeting of the creditors of insolvent partners, to appoint inspectors, and of their having taken upoa themselves the management of the affairs, i. 135, 7. — ( And see tit. Com- position. ) INSTITUTION, interrogatories to prove, ii. 220. — ( And see tit. Induction.) INSURANCE.— ( See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bilk by Underwriters.) charge in a bill by creditors, that an insurance ought to be effected on a consignment of cotton, and prayer that the receiver may be at liberty to insuic the same, i. 175 fraudukn'ly ublaiucd, may be set aside, i. 413, ii; INDEX. 4ai INTER ESSE SUO, titles of interrogatories for examination of a person pro intn-esse suo, ii. 150 151 ' interrogatory for examination of a person pro intercsse suo, ii. 318 title of interrogatories for the cross-examination of a defendant, examined pro inter esse suo, ii. 327 INTEREST, a general interrogatory may be exhibited to every witness, whether he has any interest, ii. 328, n. a witness becoming interested after his examination, his depositions may be read, ib. interrogatory as to witness being interested in the event of the suit, whether be is not defendant in an action of trespass in which the title to the lands in question is depending, whether a verdict was not found for the plaintifis at law, and whether execution is not stayed by injunction, ii. 328 interrogatory as to whether witness has not become a co-partner with the plaintifis in the concern carried on by them, and whether he does not claim a beneficial interest in the lands, the title whereto is in issue be- tween the parties, ii. 321) interrogatory as to whether witness has not an interest in the establishment of the will in question, ib. interrogatories for the examination of a witness on the voir dire, as to his being interested ia the performance of the agreement in question, or iu the event of the suit, or as to his being under any obligation to pay or • secure the defendant's costs, ib. INTERPLEADER.— ( See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills of Interpleader.) what is sufficient to sustain a bill of, i. 248, n. rule as to costs of a bill of, ib. demurrers to bills of, for want of affidavit annexed, ii. 77 the word ' interplead' not absolutely essential to be inserted in a bill of, ib. n. INTERROGATORIES, for the examination of witnesses in chief, forms of, ii. 154, 273 forms of titles to, ii. 148 form of the first general interrogatory, ii. 152 forms of the concluding general interrogatory, ii. 153 observations as to framing, ii. 154, n. in bills, introductory words to, i. G interrogating part unnecessary in bills to perpetuate testimony, i. 470, n. relating to sale by auction, purchase by private contract, the title to tho estate, and the purchase-money lying unproductive, i. 15 relating to applications made to the defendants, and the consideration of a bill of exchange, i. 48 relating to pecuniary dealings betwee»5 the plaintifi' and defendant, and as to books, accounts, <^c. in the defendant's possession, i. 71 relating to an agreement set up by defendants, i. 7(» relating to the execution of deeds, the acceptance and payment of l)ills, sale of an estate by auction, commission of bankrupt, proceedings, in- terest of monies employed in trade, and for account of dealings, Ac. i. IKJ for a discovery of the number of topics of a book sold, and the prices and profits produced therel)y, i. 148 as to a defendant's claim to a niorlgiigc, i. 187 492 INDEX. INTERROGATORIES— co7i?mMed. " " - T^^H in bills, as to trust estate and effects possessed by the defendants, and their appli< cation thereof, i- 198 for a discovery of the separate estate of the bankrupt, possessed or applied by assignees, i. 199 for an account of a testator's personal estate, and the application thereof by the defendant, and also of the testator's debts, and what remain unpaid, also of his money out at interest, and on what securities, the interest and dividends accrued due in respect of the personal estate, and the monies received by the defendant; also of the mortgages and incumbrances af- fecting the testator's estate, and in whom vested ; also for an account of i»,^l.!itestator's real estates, the rental thereof, and of the rents and pro6ts ' received by the defendant; also as to the rental of a particular manor, and the fines set and payable upon the renewal of any leases, and all other casual profits, and of the monies received in respect thereof, and from whom, i. 200 for the discovery of a testator's estates, the rental thereof, and the rents received by the defendants, i. 215 for a discovery as to the claim of a mortgage set up by a defendant, and as to the incumbrances affecting the mortgage premises, i. 225 as to incumbrances prior to the plaintiff's security, and also as to the claim on the part of a subsequent mortgagee, i. 231 relating to a claim made by a defendant as mortgagee, the validity of his security, his being arrested for debt, and his knowledge of the agree- ments for a mortgage executed to the plaintiff, i. 244 for discovery of deceased's personal estate, and the application thereof, i. 261, 537, 50 1 ; and also as to debts, i. 286 for account of executor's receipts and payments, and of property subsisting giii ,1',L' in specie, and also as to books, accounts, i. 295 as to books, accounts, maps, rentals, &c. i. 307, ii. 290 for account of testator's real estates, and the rental thereof, as to the time -ii ivJA J.the defendants have been in possession, or any other persons, and by what right, i. 317 S>2 '^n9S to the incumbrances on the estates, and in whom vested — as to the rents i^ii'Az'j 1 received by the defendants — also for discovery of the personal estate, the application thereof, and the amount undisposed of — also of the debts ©jf5 . : r due from the testator, and on \vhat securities, and what remained due, cjfj also as to title-deeds, accounts, &c. i. 318 =-Qt .for discovery of deeds, receipts, &c. relating to the payment of an ancient ^9S"3oab rent, and of the lands subject to the payment thereof, i. 328 relating to the admission of copyhohl tenants, the opening and working hnB ,'ioof seams of coal, i. 333; the applications made to the defendants, the destruction of boundaries between the latids, p. 334 ; the admissions made 1o slfig ft>y the defendants as to procuring the coal, also as to the value of the lands per acre, to be let, and as to a lease alleged to have been granted; °9b 1o rp. 335; also as to plaintiff's title to the coal, and to an account, the quan- .tibesb 1 tities of coal procured, the monies produced by sale thereof, and the .rji fifi ofc quantities of coal remaining unsold, i. 336 for discovery of the lands occupied by the defendants, and their being seised of the impropriate rectory, and as to the payment of nioduses, i. 355 ; hiii also as to the payment of tithes in kind, p. 356 ; as to the accounts kept "'?•'.- by a former rector, and their beitig in the custody of the defendant, and upon what grounds he disputes the validity of the moduses, p. 357 ; also as to books, papers, Ac. in the defendant's possession, and as to alter- ations and erasures made in them, p. 360 '^'i'" **»*' • I N D E X. 495 INTERROGATRIES-con -.'^^ -'- statement of loans made by executors upon personai security, i. 121 interrogatories to prove loans of sums of money, ii. 222 interrogatories for examination of a person, claiming to be a creditor, as to monies in the examinant's charge stated to have been lent, ii. 200 LORD MAYOR'S COURT, , bill in, for discovery in aid of a defence to an action pending there, i. 509 bill in, for discovery of property in the hands of the garnishees in aid of an attachment, i. 511 ]#^ACY. ' statement in a bill of a commission issued, verdict found by the jury, and ^^ , the appointment of committees of the person and estate of the lunatic, '5^. ''''i. 310 '^''' statement in an answer of the issuing of commissions of, of the return ■ ■ made by jurors being declared insufficient, and of pi-oceedings in the matter of the lunacy, ii. 17 interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of an inquisition of lunacy, and of the order directing a traverse, ii. 200 IXJJTATIC, commencement of a suit on bebalf of, i. 4, 5 may be a party to a bill by bis committee to set aside acts during his lunacy, i. 4, n. statement of death of, i. 312 . J, demurrer to so much of a bill as sought to perpetuate the testiuipciy pf wit- ;,,; nesses to the alleged will of a lunatic, ii. 85 \'^ jrf.^tj interrogatories for examination of persons before the Master, as to' the property of the lunatic, the application of the rents, the repairs done to the estates, and whether necessary, and the redemption of land^taXi ii. 298 MAINTENANCE, "f.'^" ■ of infant plaintiffs^ prayer for, for the time past and to come, i. 2GG, 270 of an infant defendant, prayer for allowance of, to his father, i. 281 pretences and charges as to, plaintiff disputing the application of his share of personal property, i. 371 statement in an answer of sums expended for maintenance and education '•' of, and for apprenticing an infant, ii. 27 decree directing an inquiry by whom an infant had Beeii maintained, the sums expended, and the allowance proper to be made for the time p:iSt and to come, and out of what fund, ii. 405 *' ' ' '-^ ' ' MANOR.— (See Contents, vftl.i. tit. Bills by, mid against. Lords of Manors.) answer of the lord of, having seised copyhold promises for want of a tcnnnt ^jafter the death of a former tenant; the cduclusion of the, answer being ■*' ''"framed in the alternative, to be adopted according to circumstances, ollor- ing to admit the tenant on payment of the customary fine, Or. sclti.::; u^)^ a claim to be entitled absolutely by reason of the seisu^re, ii. l- • interrogatories to prove customs of manors, ii. 174, 5, b, 7, 8 MAPS, ^ , , f X I r interrogatory to prove as exhibits copies of maps or plans and of a hook ot reference, and that in the originals a piece of land and quany \v 1 interrogatory to prove as an exliibit a printed particular of sale deliven-d in the auction room at the time of sale, and the hand-writing ol certain words inserted iberein, ii. 255 interrogatory to prove whether prepared by witness, tbe auctioneer, and where left for the inspection of persons desirous to purchas.;, n. 262 PARTIES. demurrers for want of, ii. 81 need not point out the parties by name ; should he to the whole bill, semblc, ib. n. 502 INDEX. PARTITION.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills for a Partition.) interrogatory to prove by the surveyor employed, in what allotment a farm was comprised, and that a piece of land was shown to him as forming part thereof and was allotted therewith, ii. 237 interrogatory to prove that allotments made upon a partition were of unequal value, and their difference in value, and that the allotment made to the plaintiffs comprised by mistake a particular piece of land, ii. 238 decrees for, ii. 385, G PARTNERS, one partner may file a bill against his copartner for an account, i. 381, n. in what cases a receiver will be appointed between, ib. are joint tenants in fhe stock and all effects, i. 382, n. death of either, dissolves a partnership entered into for a term of years unless express stipulations to the contrary, ib. interrogatories to prove a deceased person being taken into partnership in a banking-house, and as to a meeting held for the purpose of settling his share, ii. 239, 241, 2 PARTNERSHIP.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills relating to Partnership Matters.) statement of trade carried on under articles of, i. 96 interrogatories relating to partnership matters, ii. 238 for examination of parties and others, in relation to partner- ship matters, ii. 305, 308 PASSENGER, interrogatory to prove that plaintiff was a passenger on board a packet and what name he assumed, ii. 245 PAYMENT, of a draft drawn upon a firm, interrogatory to prove the refusal of, ii. 173 in respect of tithes, interrogatory to prove, and whether computed accord- ing to certain exhibits, and in what manner payments were made, ii. 270 order for liberty to apply to the Court ot King's Bench for payment to the plaintiff and defeudants of money paid into the hands ot the Master of that court, ii. 387 PEDIGREE, of plaintiff as heir in tail, statement of in a bill, i. 205 inquiry as to the members of a family in proving a pedigree, ii. 214 ot plaintiff, interrogatory to prove, also declarations made by a deceased person respecting his nearest relations of the whole or half blood, ii. 246 PEER, commencement of a bill by, i. 3 all peers entitled to the letter missive, i. 7, n. bill against, i. 9 never charged with combination in a bill, i. 10, n. answer of, to a bill, put in upon attestation of honor; to interrogatories, or when examined as a witness must answer upon oath, ib. PEN^DENCY, — of a former suit for the same matters, plea of, ii. 117 PENDENTE LITE, assignment of a legacy to a purchaser pending a suit by creditors for an account and pa}'ment of it, void, i. 164, n. PERFORMANCE.— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter II. tit. Bills for Specific Performance of Agreements ; see also postea, tit. Specific Performance.) INDEX. 503 PETITIONS.-(See Contents, vol. i. Chapter VII.) statement ( in a petition ) of a petition presented for sale of mort-^a-^e se- curities, i. G58 o c -^ statement ( in a petition ) of a petition presented praying that an a'-reement for purchase might be cancelled, or if not, that the Master, « ho had reported in favor of the title, might be directed to inquire within \vhat limited tune and by what means the defendants would be able to convey the estates to the petitioner, without prejudice to his claims lor compen- sation on account of dilapidations, i. 670 recital of a petition for costs, praying that instead of the direction in a former order (recited ), the Accouutant-General might be directed to pay to two of the petitioners as the executors of the solicitor, who had ob- tained the former order, the deceased's proportion of the taxed costs, and might be directed to pay to the other petitioner the residue of the' amount of the taxed costs, ii. .334 statement of a petition by a purchaser, praying a reference to the Master to tax his costs incurred in several suits, and to certify when the vendors had shown a good title, or whether they were able to procure sullidient conveyances to be executed previously to the filing of a petition, also that the Master might allow to the petitioner a proportion of the costs in- curred by him in various proceedings by reason of the number of in- cumbrances, and in relation to certain mortgages for securing portions, also for a reference to the Master to take an account and valuation of di- lapidations and waste committed, and that the amount thereof and of the petitioner's costs might be repaid to hira out of his purchase-monev by sale of a portion of the stock in which it had been invested, ii. :J40, 348 recital of a petition ( stating a will, several orders and reports, the amount of stock and accumulations of dividends,) and praying an immediate transfer of stock standing in the Accouatant-General's name arisen from an accumulation of dividends, and payment to her solicitor of the cash in the bank, and upon the execution by her of certain conveyances, a transfer of stock purchased with monies produced by sale of estates, ii. 351, 357 recital of a petition praying that a sura of stock may be transferred to the trustees of a settlement, which stock by a former order had been directed to be transferred to one of the petitioners before iier marriage, and also praying that a sum of cash in the Bank might be paid to the petitioner's solicitor, ii. 358, 300 PLAN, interrogatory to prove whether prepared of an estate sold by auction, wlic- ther referred to in the advertisements for sale, and where left for the in- spection of persons desirous to purchase, ii. 202 PLEAS.— (See Contents, vol. ii. Chapter XI.) statement of a plea of the Insolvent Debtors' Act to an action on a bond, i. 165 as to frame of, ii. 94, n. answer claiming the same benefit from a release stated tiicrcin as if pleaded, ii. 41 statement in an answer of the statute of frauds, and claiming the same benefit therefrom as if pleaded, ii. 42 POLICIES OF ASSURANCE, affected on a ship, statement of, and of (he insurance monies being received, i. IGJJ aliected on a ship, statement of, in bills, i. 414, 41« 504 INDEX. PORTION, bill to have a sum of money raised under the trusts of a term of years created by a Avill for raising portions for the younger children of testator's son, the tenant for life, i, 395 to a bill on behalf of younger children to raise portions out of real estate, the infant heir ought to be made a defendant, not a plaintiff, ib. n. POSSESSION, of an estate and the title-deeds, bill by an heir out of possession praying delivery of, demurrable, i.*204, n. bill by tenant in tail for possession of certain estates and of the title-deeds, i. 204 prayer that plaintiff may be at liberty to quit, i. 256 . ;^ interrogatories to prove persons having occupied lands, &c. ii. 246, 7 delivery of, interrogatory to prove, ii. 252 POWERS OF ATTORNEY, interrogatory to prove as an exhibit a copy of a power of attorney deposited at the Bank, ii. 201 PRESENTMENT, iaV13D3 by the jurors at the manor court, of the freeholders' lands liable to the payment of an ancient rent called cuUyer-rent, i. 327 PRIVILEGE.— (See title Peer.) PRORATE, of uills, statements of, in bills, i. 110, 121, 152, 154, 166, 183, 184, 209, 233, 258, 260, 268, 282, 288, 293, 405, 472, 542, 543, 554, 555, 605 of a will by one executor only, power being reserved to the other executors to prove, statement of, in a bill, i. 173 of a will by executors, being also devisees in trust, and of their entry into possession of the devised estates, statement of, in a bill, i. 213 of a will and codicil, statements of, in bills, i. 263, 275, 279, 285, 397, 435, 544 of a will in a consistorial court, statement of, i. 303 statement of renouncement of, by executors, ib. of a will, statement of, in a petition, and that one executor declined to prove, or to act as guardian or trustee, i. 642 of a will and codicil, statement of, in a petition, i. 648 of a will, statement of, in petitions, i. 688, 698 admission by an executor, defendant, of having obtained, ii. 29, 81, 32, 34, 35, 48 plea of, ii. 90 PROCESS,— prayer of, i. 6, 7. 535, n. PROCLAMATIONS, made at manor courts for heir to claim, statement of, in an answer, ii. 43 PROMISES, interrogatory to prove promises or expectations held out that a deed should be corrected, ii. 184 PROPOSAL, interrogatory to prove a proposal made by defendant to be released from a contract, ii. "261 PURLICATION, passed, and cause set down for hearing, statements of, i, 555, 572, 690 I ND E X. 505, PURCHASE, plea of purchase for a valnaWe consideration supported by an answer denying fraud or undue influence having been used, ii. 87 interrogalory to prove that the price paid on the purchase of an estate was less than the value in case a good title could have been made, ii. 200 PURCHASER —(See Contents, vol. i. Chapter H. tit. Bilk for Specific Per- Jormance of Agreements; and Chapter HI. tit. Petitions.) from what time entitled to the rents of the estate purciiased, i. 10, n. purchasers of diflerent lots at auction may demur to a bill filed against them, i. 14, n. QUEEN,— commencement of suit on behalf of, i. 4 RECEIPTS, interrogatory to prove, as exhibits, ii. 210, 236, 250 indorsed on deeds, interrogatory to prove, ii. 211.— (And see tit. Deeds.) interrogatory to prove receipt of monies by one treasury messenger on behalf of another, and payment over to the latter, and whether receipts were usually given, ii. 248 RECEIVER, as to personal estate, prayer for, i. 3C8 as to real estate, prayer for, i. 375, 380 as to personal and real estate, prayer for, i. 153, 284, 314, 319 of outstanding personal estate (part of which was charged to be existing in specie in the hands of assignees), with liberty to efl'ect an insurance on a consignment of cotton, and to receive the proceeds, and also the divi- dends to be payable in respect of a debt which is prayed may be proved against a bankrupt's estate, prayer for, in a bill by creditors, i. 178 bill against the executors of, for an account of rents and produce of timber felled received by him, i. 188 as to joint and separate effects of insolvents, prayer for, i. 194 as to freehold, copyhold, and leasehold estates and collieries, prayer for, i. 270 will not be appointed because an executor is poor, i. 289, n. prayer for, as to charity estates, i. 598 ,.>,. direction to the Master to appoint, with liberty to let the estates, ii. 387 the Mas- ter to allow him a salary, ii. 409 direction to the Master, in a decree, in passing a receiver's accounts, to dis- tinguish the accounts of the freehold and leasehold and of the estates specifically devised, ii. 416; statement of the Master's report, certifying having so done, p. 424 RECONVEYANCE.— (See tit. Redemption.) RECORDS, interrogatories to prove as exhibits copies of records and original writings, ii. 202 interrogatory to prove destruction of records of firirs levied during parti- cular years, including the record of a line levied of the premises in (Ques- tion, ii. 248 RECOVERY, of freehold and copyhold estates, statement of, by way of pretence, and charge negativing the same, i. 206 statement of a recovery sufiered, and of a married joining, with a view to extinguish her jointure, i. 668 statement in an answer of a recovery being disputed in another suit, de- fendants believing same to be valid, ii. 24 606 INDEX. REDEMPTION.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bilk for Redemption.) bill by a mortgagee praying that be may be at liberty to redeem a term created by a will for raising portions, and that what she shall pay in re- demption, with interest thereon, may be added to the amount due upon her security, i. 235 a prima facie title to redeem, sufficient, and the person having the legal estate must be before the court, i, 401, n. twenty years adverse possession by mortgagee a bar to a bill for, ib. mortgagor filing a bill for, must pay the costs of all persons claiming under the mortgagee, ib. to a bill by a devisee to redeem, the heir need not be a party, unless the devisee claims to have the will established, i. 404, n. demurrer to aa amended bill for redemption, plaintiff's title having been obtained after the filing of the original bill and the answer to it, ii. 91 plea of a former will, in bar lo a bill by a devisee for redemption, ii. 118 recital of a petition for redemption ( under tbe stat. 7 Geo. 2. c. 20 ) pre- sented by the defendant to a bill of foreclosure, praying a reference to the Master to take an account of principal and interest due to the plaintifl", and for costs at law and in equity, and upon payment thereof that he might reconvey to the petitioner; praying also for an injunction to restrain the plaintiff's proceedings in ejectment, ii. 3fl0 decretal order upon a petition for redemption under the stat. 7 Geo. 2. c. 20, ii. 391 recital of prayer for, also for an account of the principal and interest se- cured by the mortgage, and of sums paid on account by the mortgagor, and in case the mortgagee should have been overpaid, then for repayment, and reconveyance of the premises, ii. 420 REGISTERS, of baptisms, burials, &c., interrogatories to prove copies of entries in, ii, 198 interrogatory to prove by whom kept, ib. the registering of a deed by a copy of the register and the indorsement of such registration on the exhibit, ii. 202 RE-HEARING, petition by vendors of copyhold land sold to the undertakers of a navigation, praying to have the original and cross-causes re-heard before the Vice- Chancellor, the cross-cuuse had at the hearing been dismissed with costs, i. 679 order of the Lord Chancellor, directing causes to be re-heard before the Viee-Chancellor, i. 680 RELATIONSHIP, interrogatory to prove degree of, of several persons to an intestate, ii. 198 declarations made by a deceased person respecting his nearest relations of the whole or half blood, ii. 240 RELEASE, from creditors to a debtor, statement of a deed of, i. 43 pretences and charges in a bill as to a release of all claims set up bvthc defendant, i. 102 of all claims executed by a widow to the executors of her deceased hus- band's will, ( she having accepted the provisions made for her by the will) statement of in a petition, i. 698 of all claims, statement of, in an answer craving the same benefit thereof as if pleaded, ii. 40 INDEX. 507 HELE AS E — continued. statement of a release by bankrupts of their surplus allowance and all claims to their surplus estate, in a plea, answer, and disclaimer by bankrupts, ii. 00 REMITTANCES, statement of, in respect of monies received, and of a balance remaining due, i. 189. — (And see tit. Bills of Exchange.) RENEWAL, statement of a hill praying that a defendant may be compelled to obtain the renewal of a lease, and to pay the necessary fine, i. 555 interrogatory to prove the manner of renewing leases held under an eccle- siastical corporation, ii. 177. — (And see tit. Lease.) JIENT. — (See Contents, vol. i. titles Bills of Interpleader ; Bills for Partition.) bill by a lord of a manor for an account and payment of an ancient rent called cullyer-rent, i. 325 paid by tenants to defendant, interrogatory to prove, ii. 240 interrogatory for the examination of an agent or steward as to his having been empowered by a testator to let and sell his estates and receive the rents, also to ascertain the particulars of the estates, how long the exa- niinant had been in possession of any part, what rents he had received, and what remained in arrear, ii. 274 interrogatory for discovery of the particular periods when rents were in- creased, so as to show the annual rental of the estates, ii. 280 direction in a decree to the Master to set an occupation-rent, and to ascer- tain the amount due, ii. 379 REPAIRS, interrogatory to prove the amount laid out by an examinant m repairs, &c. ii- 288 . , . , . ■ c interrogatory for examination of a party as to monies laid out m repairs of a lunatic's estate, by whose advice directed, whether necessary, whether the lunatic's father was at the same average annual expenses, and as to the propriety of letting estates so as as to give tenants a right to require repairs to be done by the landlord, ii. 299 interrogatory for an account of monies laid out by examinant in necessary repai^rs or lasting improvements, ii. 301 REPLICATION, .. a creneral replication to a defendant's answer, ii. 119 a special replication to the answers of several defendants, a. 120 TJPPOTJT statement of, approving of a guardian for an infant, also stating his age and the amount of his fortune, by whom he had been niau.taincd and vvaa had been expended; also certifying that it would be proper that par o his fortune should be applied for establishing hmi .n business, and that the residue of the income of his fortune ought to be allowed for his mam- tenance for the time to come, i. fi45 ^ . , i . .• • i statement of, ( in a petition ) certifying in favor of a title, and stating special circumstances with regard to the necessary to the couveyanco, i. 668 , r 1 •• nr-x Statement in a petition of several reports ot sale, n. JoJ » i r ■ Statement of the Master's general report, certifying the anK,unt due for m- terest on two legacies," the amount of rents received and o mon.,-s expended by defendants, the payment of purchase monies .nto the bank, and investment thereof in the purchase ot stock, ib. 608 INDEX. 'REPOnT—conti7med. statement of, certifying that certain long annuities, whicli had been trans- ferred into the names of the commissioners for the reduction of the na- tional debt, belonged to a deceased person and passed by his will to his residuary legatee, also deceased, and that the same ought to be transferred into the name of the Accountant-General, and that a large arrear of divi- dends thereon ought to be paid to the receiver of the outstanding personal estate of the residuary legatee, ii. 418; also certif\ing the amount of the arrears of an annuity, and of the interest due on legacies, 4*21 ; and the clear residue of the testator's personal estate, 4-22 ; also as to the tes- tator's heir at law, 423; as to the receiver's accounts, 424 ; the payment of the costs before directed, and the amount of costs incurred by the plaintiff in the execution of the trusts of the will, and in defending cer- tain suits and actions, ii. 425 REPRESENTATIVE, — plea that defendant is not deceased's personal, ii. 95 RETAINER, statement of monies retained by defendants, and employment of same in trade, i. 116 REVIEW, observations on bills of, i. 570 bill of revivor and supplemental bill in nature of a bill of review to reverie a decree made for establishing a will devising lands for the purpose of founding a college ; praying also for an injunction to restrain the heir at law of the testator from applying to the Crown for a charter and licence, i. 571 bill of revivor and supplemental bill in nature of a bill of review to reverse a decree establishing a will devising lands for the purpose of founding a college, ib. demurrer to a bill of review and supplemental bill, ii, 92 REVIVOR— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter IV. Section 2. tit. Bills of Revivor.) observations on bills of, i, 531 in general, necessary to warrant any proceedings after abatement, i. 531, n. statement of a bill of revivor exhibited, and of the order of revivor, i. 543 REVIVOR AND SUPPLEMENT.— See Contents, vol. i. Chapter IV. Sec- tion 3. tit. Bills of Revivor and Supplement.) when necessary, i. o4G RIGHT, statement of a writ of right brought to recover possession of estates, i. 475 SALE, or mortgage of real estates, prayer for in a bill by creditors, i. 158, 187, 194 of real estate, prayer for in a bill by creditors, i. 1G3 prayer that a receiver may be directed to sell cotton on its arrival, i. 178 prayer for sale of mortgage security, and of premises charged with an an- nuity, and in case of a deficiency, to be admitted a creditor against the general assets of the deceased mortgagor, i. 179 of an advowson, should be prayed instead of foreclosure, i. 219, n. in what case a sale of mortgaged premises may be prayed against a mort- gagor's heir, i. 220, n. of mortgaged premises, before the Commissioners acting under a commis- sion of bankrupt against the mortgagor, prayer for, in a bill by the first mortgagee, against the second mortgagee and the assignees of the mort- ira^'or, i. 241 INDEX. 509 SALE — continued. of freehold and leasehold estates by executors and trustees, statement of in a bill, and that the same were sold at less than their real value, i. 2*6 or mortgage of real estates, in case of a deficiency of personal estate, to pay debts, legacies, and annuities, prayer for, i, 319 prayer for sale of premises comprised in a term for raising portions, i. 400 prayer for sale of trust estates, and investment of the purchase monies as directed by an Act of Parliament, i. 441 statement in a petition of sale of estates before the Master, i. 653 interrogatory to prove an estate being advertised for sale and sold by auction, what conversation witness had with the defendant, the vendor, as to the price at which the same should be sold, whether the lot was knocked down bond fide, and whether defendant objected thereto, ii. 250 interrogatory to prove in how many lots an estate was sold ; also to prove as an exhibit a particular of sale, the amount of half the auction duty, and the appraised value of the fixtures and timber, ii. 251 interrogatory to prove a sale to the defendants, and the execution of the conveyances, ii, 259 interrogatory to prove that defendant has sold part of the premises in question, and at what price, ii. 262 interrogatory to prove a sale of an estate by auction, and the plan or par- ticular produced at the time of sale, ib. interrogatories for examination of executors and others, as to the freehold, copyhold, and leasehold estates of deceased persons, and the monies pro- duced by sale thereof, ii. 284, 5, 6, 288 decree for, and payment of mortgagees and judgment creditors, according to their priorities, ii. 384. — ( And see title Report.) SCHEDULES, reference to, in a bill, as containing lists of omissions and overcharges in an account furnished by the defendant, i. 392 reference to in answers, ii. 6, 28, 29, 30, 62, 67 SEARCH, — for wills or letters of administration, interrogatory to prove, ii. 199 SECURITIES.— (See tit. Sale.) SEISIN, statement of plaintiff being seised in fee, i. 9, 11 defendant being seised in fee, i. 14 a testator being seised in fee of manors, Sec. i.l82 in a defendant and two deceased persons as trustees, i. 219 King James the First being seised of a manor and certain corn-mills therein, with the suit and soke thereto belonging, i. 612 SHIP. — (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bill by Underwriters.) statement of a cargo of dollars being shipped on board a ship, her arrival and the delivery of her cargo at the bank, i. 493, 4 interrogatories for examination of persons before the Master as to (lie sale of a ship, the monies produced thereby, the amount of freight, the sums paid for seamens wages, and the ship's disbursements, ii. 308.— ( And see titles Insurance ; Packet.) SITUATION, , , ... interrogatories to prove what situations persons have been cmj)loyo(l in, or have held, ii. 263 interrogatory to prove within wliat parish lands arc situate or reputed to bo situate, and to what parish poors-rates or tillies have been paid, ii. 261 aiO INDEX. SLAVES, interrogatory for discovery of the number of negroes or slaves on the estates at the time the examinant took possession, the issue and increase thereof, which of them were removed to other estates, and whether any were sold and at what prices, ii. 303 SOCIETY, statement of a society of persons having the management of the aGTairs of a parish, and the mode of electing the members, i. 603 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE.— ( See Contents, vol. i. Chapter II, title Bills for Specific Performance of Agreements.) statement, in a petition, of a bill filed by a purchaser, praying for an injunc- tion to restrain the vendors from proceeding at law, and that they might be decreed specifically to perform their agreement, and to execute a conveyance to the plaintiff, or that the agreement might be cancelled, i. 666 Statement, in a petition, of a bill, praying that a deed might be delivered up and an agreement specifically performed, and copyhold lands surrendered to the plaintiffs, they offering to pay their purchase-money, praying also to restrain proceedings in ejectment, i. 684 of an agreement for a lease, prayer of bill for, and for an account of monies due to plaintiff for re- building the premises, and for arrears of rents agreed to be paid to him, ii. 374 STATED ACCOUNT, between a feme covert and her husband and execntors and trustees, state- ment of in a bill, also of payment of the balance due, and the release executed to the trustees, i. 436 interrogatory to prove a statement and settlement of accounts between plaintiff and defendants respecting the effects of a deceased person, and payment of the balance, ii. 158 decree opening stated accounts, and directing a general account to be taken of all dealings and transactions between the plaintiffs and defendants, ii. 365 STATUTE, of frauds, statement of, in an answer, claiming the same benefit therefrom as if pleaded, li. 42 of frauds, pleas of, ii. 107, 112 of limitations, pleas of, ii. 113, 114. STEWARD, interrogatory for discovery of the names of stewards employed by a de- ceased defendant in collecting the rents and management of estates, ii. 290.— (And see tit. Agent.) STOCK. — (For Petitions for the Transfer of Stock, see Contents, vol. i. Chapter VII.) statement of the investment by executors of a legacy in the purchase of, i. 265 prayer that the Accountant-General may be directed to transfer shares of a sum of stock standing in his name, and pay the proportions of dividends thereon, i. 313 prayer that monies to be paid by defendants may be laid out in the public funds for the benefit of persons interested, i. 441 statement of a bill, pra3'ing that plaintiffs might be declared entitled to one-third of a sum of stock, and also for an account of the arrears of dividends, and that the executors of a deceased trustee, and also a sur- viving trustee, may make good the same, i. 540 statements of the investments of sums in the purchase of stock in the name of the Accountant-Gcncral, in pursuance of orders, i. 576, 673 INDEX. 511 STOCK— continued. statement in a petition of transfer of stock into the name of the Accountant- General, and payment of the dividends into the bank, i. 638 statement of a residuary estate being invested in the purchase of stock, of sale of part by the executors in breach of trust, and part being after- wards replaced by the surviving executor, i. 649 statement of an order, dii-ecting a surviving executor to transfer stock into the AccouDtant-General's name, the dividends thereof to be paid to the testator's daughter for life, i. 650 statement in a petition of an order directing a share of sums of stock to be carried over to the separate account of the petitioner, of the same being accordingly carried over, and of the amount of stock remaining in the Accountant-General's name, i. 657 entry of, in the bank books, interrogatory to prove a copy of, ii. 197 interrogatory to prove the purchase of stock by deceased persons, as a gift for the plaintiff, and the transfer thereof after the death of one of them into the name of the plaintiff, ii. 241 SUBPCENA, prayer for writ of, i. 6, 522 not served, when writ of ne exeat regno prayed, i. 8, n. not prayed in a certiorari bill, ib. prayer for writs of, in a supplemental bill, i. 522 prayer for writ of, in a bill of revivor, i. 535, n. SUIT, plea of a former suit depending for the same matters in bar to a bill for account, ii. 117 SUPPLEMENTAL ANSWER, filed by leave of the Court, to correct mistakes made by defendants in a former answer, ii. 63 SUPPLEMENTAL BILL. — (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter IV. tit. Supple- mental Bills.) in what cases requisite, i. 516 not demurrable, although according to the modern practice, the same relief might be obtained by petition, i. 518, n. supplemental bill filed by infants, praying that they may be at liberty to prosecute a decree made in a former suit, and have the accounts thereby directed prosecuted, charging the executors and trustees with neglect in not having duly invested the trust monies according to the will, i. 575 bill in the nature of a supplemental bill, by creditors, against the executor of a deceased legatee, praying that a legacy with its accuuiulations may be declared to be part of the deceased's personal estate, and may bo applied in payment of the debts due to the plaintiff and the other cre- ditors, i. 581 demurrer to, for want of equity, ii. 92 demurrer to a bill of review and supplemental bill, ib. statement of prayer of, for the same relief against the administrator of a deceased defendant, as if originally a party, ii. ^76 recital of a supplemental bill, praying that plaintiffs might have the benelit of a former suit, and the decree and proceedings ther.'in, with liberty to prosecute the same, that the rights and interests of the plaintills might be ascertained and secured, and that they might be declared entitled to have a sum of £6666 stock raised, and that c.irlain ium s might bo applied towards raising the same, and the delicicucy raised out ot tlio testator's real and personal estate, ii. 427 hn INDEX. SURETY, prayer of a hill by, to compel a specific performance of an agreement to execute a mortgage to indemnify him from all liability, i. 34 hill by sureties in a bond of indemnity against partnership debts, and for securing payment of a sum of money which might be awarded by arbi- trators, against the obligee and the assignees of the partner, tlie obligor bankrupt, praying to have the bond delivered up to be cancelled, and to restrain proceedings at law, i. 96. — (And see tit. Composition.) SURNAME, statement of plaintiff having assumed testator's surname, i. 475. — (And see tit. Will.) SURRENDER, of a copyhold estate supplied in favor of a mortgagee, i. 232, n. statements in bills of conditional surrenders, i. 232, 233, 409 statement in an answer of a conditional surrender, ii. 42 SURVEY, of common lands, interrogatory to prove a surveyor having been employed, and by whom, to make, ii, 219 made of lands, and the number of acres, interrogatory to prove, ii. 204 TENANT FOR LIFE. statement of claim of, to devised estates, i. 186 when restrained from committing waste, i. 455, n. TENANT IN TAIL, statement of title of an infant as, i. 268, 397 supplemental bills on birth of, i. 526, 7 a fine cannot be pleaded in bar to a bill filed by tenant in tail to prevent the setting up of an outstanding term on the trial of an ejectment, ii. 100, n. (The case there referred to has been since reported, 1 Sim. p. 349). TENDER, by plaintiffs to defendants of the amount of a dividend, statement of in a bill, i. 138 interrogatory to prove tender of a lease and counterpart, and request made to defendant to accept the lease and execute the counterpart, and his refusal so to do, ii. 206 in respect of moduses or customary payments, interrogatories to prove, ii. 230, 233, 234 of money or secu'ities in payment or discharge of legacies, interrogatory to prove, and wbetber accepted or refused, ii. 265 in respect of tithes, interrogatory to prove, ii. 269 TERM.— (See tit. Outstanding Terms.) TESTIMONY.— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter III. tit. Bills to perpetuate the Testiiitom/ of Witnesses.) in what cases courts of equity entertain bills to perpetuate, i. 464 interrogating part unnecessary in bills to perpetuate, i. 470, n. demurrer to so much of a bill as sought to perpetuate the testimony of witnesses to the alleged will of a lunatic, ii. 85 TIMBER, statement of fail and sale of, i. 104 bill against the executors of a receiver for an account of the produce of timber felled received by him, i. 188 bill for injunction to restrain the felling or barking trees, and for an ac- count ol the monies produced by sale of trees already felled, i. 458 INDEX. 513 TIMBER— continued. information praying for an injunction to restrain the felling or lopping trees, and for an account of the trees felled and of the loppings, and the value thereof, i. 585 interrogatory for a discovery and account of trees felled, and the monies received by sale thereof, ii. 288 TIME, application for, by defendant, for payment of his purchase-money, interro- gatory to prove, ii. 252 TITHES.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills for Account of Tithes.) an account cannot be decreed until the right is established at law, where the plaintiff's title is rendered doubtful by prima facie evidence, i. 416, u. not requisite to waive the treble value in a bill for account of, ib. account of tithes not decreed beyond six years, ib. lessee in a bill for, need not set forth his lessor's title, i. 422, n. interrogatories to prove whether rendered in kind, ii. 229, 234, 5 relating to tithes, ii. 265, 270, 310, 318 decrees for account of, ii. 392 TITLE, in what cases reference as to, directed, i. 10, n. statements, in bills, of objections to, and of the title being afterwards ap- proved of, i. 12, 22 statements, in answers, of objections to, ii. 14, et seq. interrogatory to prove, that previously to an agreement for purchase, witness communicated with the plaintiff as to the defendant's title; that the plain- tiff stated that there existed objections thereto, and his object in stating such objections, ii. 261 TITLE-DEEDS.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills to compel the Delivery of Title- deeds I see also, antea, tit. Deeds.) TRADE, .^,,,„.., s,.«.?„,..f, statement of irade carried on under articles of partnership, i. 90 charge relative to the carrying on a testatrix's trade in a bill by her executor, i. 280 statement of a testator's trade carried on by his executrix with bis personal estate, i. 304 statement, in a petition, of a testator's capital employed in a partnership business being continued in the trade for the benefit of persons interested tinder his will, i. 649 interrogatory to prove a trade being increased after the commencement of a partnership, ii. 244 TRADER, , ,^. =^ : charge in a bill relative to deceased having been, i. 153 interrogatory to prove deceased having been, ii. 271 prayer that deceased might be declared to have been, ii. 427 TRANSLATION, , , . interrogatory to prove in what language an account and a copy 1 hereof were written, and requiring the witness to translate the same, ii. 156 TRUSTEES.--(See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bilh for the Appointment of New Tnis- tees; also vol. ii. Chapter XVIL tit. Forms of Orders; and Chapter \^ IN. tit. Decrees and Decretal Orders.) of a deed of trust for creditors, prayer for removal of, and appomtment of a new trustee, i. 168 Vol. II. K K 514 INDEX. TRUSTEES -rowi/wuerf. charge tliat a defeiulant ought to be removed from being trustee under a will, i, 307; prayer lor removal and for the appointment of new trustees, p. 308 prayer for appointment of, in the room of trustees refusing to act under a will, i. 814 the court will control trustees in the exercise of the power of appointing' new trustees, i. 430, n. proving a will is an acceptance of the trusts, ib. rule as to costs, ib. prayer that a trustee may retain his costs out of trust-monies, i. 438 introductory statement and charging parts of a bill filed against the executors ot a deceased trustee and the surviving trustees of a settlement for con- verting to their own use monies produced by sale of certain trust estates under ail act of parliament; prayer that the defendants may be declared to be responsible for the amount misapplied, and for an account and payment, and for the appointment of new trustees, i. 438 prayer of a bill filed against trustees of a settlement, for selling part of the trust fund, and converting it to their own use, praying that they may be removed, and be decreed to replace stock sold out, i. 441 prayer of a bill by, that a trustee might be discharged, and convey the trust estates upon the trusts of a will, i. 527 supplemental bill filed by a surviving trustee against a new trustee, in the ' room of a deceased plaintiff, praying that the defendant might be decreed to join in all acts necessary to obtain possession of title-deeds, i. 528 statement of a bill filed by trustees, praying that the defendants might de- liver up certain deeds, &c., plaintiffs offering to discharge any lien which the defendants, as solicitors, might have upon them, i. 529 statement of a bill praying that the executors of a deceased trustee and alsa a surviving trustee may make good the dividends of a sum of stock to which the plaintiffs pray to be declared entitled under the trusts of a deed, i. 540 prayer for removal and appointment of trustees of a charity, and for con- veyance of a rent-charge to the nevv trustees, i. 607 decree on further directions, declaring the assets of two deceased trustees liable to make good a breach of trust by the decree declared to have been committed by the deceased trustees, and directing accounts to be taken of principal and interest due in respect of the trust money, and of the plaintiff's costs, ii. 398 decree directing a reference to the Master to settle an allowance to be made to a trustee under a will for the time past, also to inquire whether beneficial to the estate that he should be continued and receive compensation, ii. 406.— (And see tit. Will.) UNDERLEASE, statement of application to defendant to accept an underlease and to execute a counterpart, i. 32 interrogatory to prove tender of a lease and counterpart, and request made to defendant to accept the lease and execute the counterpart, ii. 206 decree directing the execution of underleases, ii. 376, 7 UNDERWOOD, titheable, i. 417, n. cutting timber where necessary for the growth of, not waste, i. 455, n. of insufTicient growth, bill will lie to restrain tenant for life from cutting, i. 450, n. INDEX. 515 UNDERWRITERS.— (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills hy Ujiderwrilers in respect of Frauds practised upon them in the Insurance of Ships.) UNIVERSITY.— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter VI. tit. Informations ) VALUATION, interrogatory to prove that allotments made upon a partition were of unequal value, and their difference in value, and that the allotments made to tlie plaintitls comprised by mistake a particular piece of land, ii. 'I'M interrogatory to prove the appraised value of fixtures and timber on an estate purchased at auction, ii. 252 interrogatory to prove the annual value of premises at the time defendant took possession, and also their present value, ii. 271 of an advowson, interrogatory to prove, ib. interrogatory to prove that witness was employed to value an estate, how he formed his estimate, at what quantity he computed certain lands, and in what degree it would have reduced the estimate if witness had known that certain lands contained less than they were computed at, ib. interrogatory to prove that witness was employed to estimate the value of the reversion of houses after the expiration of existing leases, how he made Jiis estimate, also to prove that the valuation of one lot exceeded another lot containing the same number of houses and let at the like yearly rents, and the reason of such difference, ii. 272 VENDOR.— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter II. tit. Bills for Specific Performance of Agreements.) notice to, essential, of purchase-money lying unproductive, i. 14, n. of a leasehold interest, hound to produce the lessor's title where the agree- ment is silent, i. 31, n. VICARAGE, , , , , interrogatory to prove a chapelry being annexed or reputed to be annexea to a vicarage, ii. 265 WAIVER, , , . ,.„,., . ' . by plaintiffs, of answer to any facts and cnarges in a bill which miglit prove or discover that the defendants carried on trade with revolted colonics, pla\*ntiff ought to waive the forfeiture by waste, and all penalties in a bill for restraining v.aste, i. 454, n. WARRANT OF ATFORNEY, statements of, i. 51, 2 statement of, and of judgment entered up, 1.100 . r • iqa for securing an annuity, and of judgment entered up. statement ot, i. 180 WASTE.-(See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills to restrain HWc; see also arjtea, tit. Timber.) prayer for writ of injunction to restrain, i. 7 as to legal and equitable, i. 454, n. • ,rr . tenant for life, when restrained from i. 4o.> n. in what cases an injunction will be granted to restrain ib.. 4.,G, n. demurrer to so much of a bill as sought a discoveiv ol, n. »- stX , ent in a petition, of waste committed by buihl.M}:s becoming ddapul-.te,!. In t lie land being cultivated in an unhusbaiid-like manner an a;:rc.- Tn for pu ehase^ntere(l into and before the purchaser took p..sMS>.<.n. anJprajriW reference to the Master to take an account ol the dctco- ration and waste coaimiiled, ii. 'Hi, '347 WAY.-(Soc Cootcnts, vol. i. Chapter VI. tit. Informations.) ^ K K 2 616 INDEX. WIDOW, ■when put to her election, i. 212 from what time entitled to her dower and to an account, ib. costs do not follow a bill for dower, ib. having elected to take under a settlement, declared by decree to be barred of her dower, and directed to execute a proper release, ii. 405. — (And see tit. Dower.) WILL. — (See Contents, vol. i. tit. Bills for Payment of Legacies, and also to carry the Trusts of Wills into Execvtion; also vol. ii. Chapter XVI. tit. Forms of Orders; and Chapter XVII. tit. Decrees and Decretal Orders.) bill by heir at law to set aside, i. 84 of real estate, necessary to prove that testator was of sound and disposing mind, in proving, i. 321, n. bequeathing legacies and devising real estate, statement of, in a bill, i. 165 devising an estate charged with an annuity, statements of, in bills, i. 209, 213 established by decree against an heir, statement of, in a bill, i. 252 bequeathing legacies, and the residuary personal estate to be applied at the discretion of the executor, i. 25!) bequeathing legacies, and the residuary estate in trust for the children of the testator's niece living at his decease, statement of, and of a codicil thereto, i. 262 bequeathing stock in trust for the separate use of married women for their lives, with power to dispose of the principal, and in default of appoint- ment, in trust for their children, i. 287 bequeathing real and personal estates to trustees ( with full power to manage the same ) — as to one moiety in trust for certain persons equally, with benefit of survivorship, and as to the other moiety, in trust out of the annual produce to pay a small annuity by weekly payments, and the surplus to be laid out as an accumulating fund during the life of one of tlie plaintilfs, and after her decease the whole annual produce to be divided amongst her children during their lives, shares of daughters to be in trust for their separate use, principal of tlie same moiety to be in trust for their children taking per stirpes and nut per capita, benefit of sur- vivorship amongst the children of each daughter, i. 2J)0 bequeathing household goods and furniture to testator's widow at her own disposal, and if not disposed of to fall into the residue, i.297; and as to the real estate and residuary personal estate upon trust to sell, manage, and employ all such parts as should be saleable, at the discretion of the trustees, and as to the annual produce to pay the same to the widow until all testator's children should attain twenty-one years, and on their attaining that age, the whole of the residuiiry estate to be divided into moieties, p. 2955; one moiety thereof to Ije divided amongst the children and issue of such as should be dead, and the annual produce of the other moiety to be paid to the widow for life, with power to appoint the principal amongst the testator's children or grand-children, and in default of appointment to go in like m;inner as the first moiety, p. 25)1); in case of tlie decease of tiie widow during the minority of any child, the whole residuary estate to be held in trust for all the children etjually, with benefit of survivorship amongst them, p. 300 ; powers of maintenance and ad- vancement given to the trustees; in case of the UKuriage of any daughter before her share should be paid, trustees to insist upon a suitable settle- ment being made, p. 301 ; in case of the widow marrying again during the life-time of any child, trustees to pay her one-fourth only of the annual produce, and the other three-fourths to be held in trust for the childrcu INDEX. 517 WILL — continued. as if she was dead, the provision made for the widow to be in fall for dower, p. 302 ; power given to the trustees to invest trust monies in one or more purchases within certain counties; declaration that all real estates should be considered as personal property ; guardiaus appointed for the infant children; i. 303 statement of, devising estates to the use of trustees for a term for the pay- ment of debts, remainder to the use of the testator's eldest son for life, remainder to trustees to preserve contingent remainders, remainder to trustees for a term for raising portions, and subject thereto to the use of the first and other sons of the testator's son in tail male, with directioa that certain leaseholds should be enjoyed with the freeholds, i. 39G devising freehold and copyhold lands to a widow for life, with power to appoint the same amongst the testator's children, and in default thereof, then amongst them equally, bequest of the personal estate to the widow- absolutely, i. 471 devising freehold estates to the plaintiff for life, with remainder to the first and other sons in tail, with directions that the plaintill" should take the testator's surname, i. 474 statement of a bill by trustees and executors, praying to have the trusts of a will carried into execution, account taken of the testator's debts, le- gacies, and annuities, that the real estate might be sold, and together with the personal estate applied in due course of administration ; and in case all the assets should not be sufficient, then that it should be declared which of the legacies and annuities were liable to abatement, i. 538 information praying to have the trusts of a will carried into execution, whereby lands were devised for the purpose of building a college and supporting and endowing the same, i. 595 devising estates to trustees upon trust to pay yearly £600 to two persons for their maintenance for ten years, one-half of which they were to travel abroad, vacancies to be filled up from time to time, the surplus rents to be applied in purchasing advowsons for the members of the college, direclious given that an estate should be settled on the Master and Fellows of a College, in trust for the uses of his will; directions given for maintaining the number of trustees, i. 599 statement of a will, bequeathing stock to trustees in trust to permit a so- ciety having the management of a parish, to receive the dividends to bo applied for the benefit of the poor, i. 604 statement of a will, appointing a guardian of persons of infants, and guar- dians of their estates, i. 6*26 statement of a will, bequeathing a legacy to the widow, with interest until paid, and also the household furniture, carriages, farming stock, ^c. and her diamonds and paraphernalia ; devise of freehold and leasehold estates to the widow for life, and after various specific devises of parts thereot, totakeefiect after her death, the testator devised his residuary freehold and leasehold estates to the eldest son of his cousni, absolutely, upon condition of his taking the testator's surname; bequest oi the residuary personal estate to trustees in trust for the widow tor lile, and atter lier death, in like manner as the freehold; deelaration that the pn.visioiis thereby made for the widow were in bar to all claims against his estate or executors under his marriage settlement, or otherwise and that she sl.onkl execute all necessary conv.'Vanees, and also a deed ot reirase to his executors, i. (UJG ; the conslruelion put upon this will l)y the \ ice «. Iian- cellor will be found p. 700, n. , demurrer on the ,uround that plainlin- docs net ai-p' ar by llic hill In have proved the will of his testator, ii. B4 618 INDEX. WILL — continued. demurrer on the ground that plaintiff had not proved his testator's will in the proper Ecclesiastical Court, ii. 84 demurrer to so much of a bill as sought to set aside, ii. 89 plea of, by the executor who had proved, ii. 90 plea of a former will in bar to a bill by a devisee for redemption, ii. 118 interrogatories to prove, ii. 211 and codicil, interrogatory to prove, one of the subscribing witnesses being dead, ii. 212 interrogatory to prove the cancelling of a will, and why cancelled, ii. 272 prayer to have the trusts of a w ill carried into execution, and the rights of the parties ascertained, the usual accounts taken, the real estate sold, and the produce applied in aid of the personal in case of a deficiency ; also that plaintifl's might be authorized to complete or sell a ship on the stocks ; also to have a receiver appointed as to the real and personal estate; also for discovery of the effects of which testator died possessed, a re- ference to the Master to ascertain what furniture and effects were the defendant's separate property, and for an injunction to restrain the selling or removal of furniture, jewels. Sec. ii. 414 WITNESSES.— (See Contents, vol. i. Chapter III. Hi. Bills to perpetuate the Testimony of Witnesses; also vol. ii. Chapter XV. tit. Interroyatories, and Chapter XVI. tit. Forms of Orders.) prayer for commission to examine witnesses abroad,!. 447, 453 petition to examine an aged witness de bene esse, i. 078 demurrer to a bill for examination of witnesses de bene esse, ii. 78 demurrer for want of equity and also for multifariousness to a bill for dis- covery, and for a commission to examine witnesses abroad, ii. 80. — (And see titles Interrogatories ; Testimony.) WOOD, under-wood and coppice-wood titheable, but not timber trees of twenty years growth, nor the loppings thereof, if of the same age when cut, i. 417, n. springing from the stools of trees cut down, is titheable, il), interrogatory for a discovery of the particulars of woods and wood-lands, ii. 289. — (And see tit. Timber.) WORK AND LABOUR, interrogatory to prove amount due to examinants for, ii. 277 WRIT, oi fieri facias, statement of the issuing of, i. \GG of right, brought to recover possession of estates, statement of, in a bill, i. 475. — ( And see title Subpoena.) THE END, ERRATA. VOL. I. PAGE Table of Contents, Chapter V. line 6, from the bottom, for " in nature of a review," read " in nature of a bill of review." 9, last line but one, after " Sim. & Stu." add " p. 543." 16, 1. 27, for " some or what," read " some and what." 32, 1. 8, from the bottom, for " declared," read " decreed." 155, 1. 21, fur " bills," read " bill." 235, 1. 19, for « bill," read " will," 240, 1. 5, for'' this," read " his," 271, 1. 31, for " childre," read " children." 297, add an asterisk to Form, No. LXXX. 315, 1. 16, for " estates," read " estate." 338, 1. 5, for " binding the plaintiffs," read " binding upon the plaintiffs." 453, 1. 4, for " name," read " names." 663, 1. 8, from the bottom, for " negno," read " regno." VOL. IL 13, 1. 6, for " in value," rend " in the value." 323', in the margin, 1. 9, from the bottom, dele" that."^ 381, 1. 2, for " eldest son," read " eldest surviving son." The following new WORKS, on Subjects of LAW and EQtllTY, have been recently jwinted and published by Mr. Samuel Brooke, 35, Pater- Nosier-roit\ London. VE8EY, Junior — A New and uniform Edition of the Series of CHANCERY REPORTS, by FRANCIS VESEY, Esq. extending from 1789 to 1817, Nineteen Volumes, Royal Octavo, printed nnder the Superintendance of Mr. VESEY, from a Copy furnished by himself, containing a very numerous Collection of Notes and Additions, sug- gested by his personal Observation of the Proceedings in the Court of Chancery subsequent to the first publication of these Reports. Price 25 Guineas, in Boards. BRIDGMAN'S EQUITY DIGEST. — Third Edition, Three Volumes, Royal Octavo, with the most extensive Table of Equity Cases ever published. Al. 14s. 6d. BRIDGMAN'S DIGEST of PLEADING and PRACTICE. 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