I ■lift $B 3D6 037 • • •fc HISTOEICAL EECOED jOyerkpr-Gbsqbral's Body Guard, HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE abtmax-tytntXKl'& jio&g |)«ar&, ITS STANDING ORDERS. OAPT. FREDERICK O. DENISON, COMMANDING GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S BODY GUARD. Printed for the use of the Corps. PRINTED BY HUNTER, ROSE & CO. 1876. (S-^iM PEEFAOE. Some fifty-five years have elapsed since the Governor- General's Body Guard was first organized under the name of the West York Cavalry. During that time the corps has been out on active service in several important periods of Canadian history. All the original officers are dead, and many of the facts and incidents of the early history of the corps are already lost or forgotten. Feeling this, I have endeavoured, at the request of my comrades, to gather together all the information I could obtain as to the organization and services of the troop, both from the official records, and from the personal recollections of the surviving officers. In the following pages will be found the result of my labours, which I have published in this form for the use and information of the members and ex- members of the corps. The standing orders I have compiled from the orders of several regular cavalry regiments, and have adapted them to the use of the Body Guard, and published them in connection with the Historical Record, to which, I feel, they will serve as a useful appendix. FEED. C. DENISON. KUSHOLME, Toronto, 29th March, 1876. 734 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE ovtrnor Itfturar?} jJ0dg-lhuaii