HC 837 STATISTICAL TABLES: EXHIBITING THE CONDITION AND PRODUCTS OF CERTAIN BRANCHES OF INDUSTRY IN MASSACHUSETTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 1, 1837. PREPARED FROM THE RETURNS OF THE ASSESSORS JOHN P. BIGELOW SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH iJoston: DUTTON AND WENTWOKTII, STATE PRINTERS. 1838. HC>° 7 , eommontoeattf) of JBassaclmsetts. Secretary's Office, February 1, 1838. To the Honorable Senate, and Honorable House of Representatives i . In obedience to the provisions of the Act of the 19th of April last, I have the, honor to submit an Abstract of the Returns of the Asses- sors of all the Towns and Cities in the Commonwealth, concerning certain branches of industry. I have, in the first instance, presented a sketch of the return re- ceived from each city and town ; then an Abstract, by counties, of the ansicers to the questions proposed in the Act ; next an Abstract, by counties, of the statements of the Assessors in addition to their an- swers; and finally, a condensed Summary of the whole. The Assessors of many of the towns have confined themselves, or nearly so, to rendering answers to the questions proposed ; while others have taken pains, in addition to their answers, to gather and present the statistics of other branches of industry, some of which are well known to be carried on in towns whose returns do not allude to them. Had the Assessors, in all cases, been equally particular in their inqui- ries and returns, it is believed that the aggregates would have been considerably greater than those exhibited in these tables. The raw materials used in many of the specified manufactures, are the produce of other parts of the world. The value of these, I have, of course, no means of determining with accuracy. Sufficient, how- ever, on these points, is known, to render it probable that the addi- tional value given to those raw materials, by the creative industry of our fellow-citizens, is at least equal in amount to the entire crops of any of those States, whose staple articles constitute the most promi- nent objects of our national export. These tables, (with the exception of that portion which concerns sheep and the fisheries,) embrace none of the statistics of our agricul- LETTER. ture or commerce, and of course fall very far short of presenting a complete view of the products of the State ; they are, however, suffi- ciently ample, to illustrate the triumphant success of judicious and persevering enterprize, and indicate that the prosperity of Massachu- setts, notwithstanding natural disadvantages of soil and climate, has an unfailing source in the intelligent industry of her people. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN P. BIGELOW, Secretary of the Commonwealth. AN ACT To obtain Statistical Information in relation to certain branches of Industry within the Commonwealth. JjE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives , in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as folloios : Sec. 1. The assessors of each town in the Commonwealth shall, between the first day of May and the first day of October next, make a return to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, of the following facts, as they exist in each town on the first day of April preceding, to wit : The number of Cotton Mills in the town. The whole number of cot- ton spindles. Quantity of cotton consumed during the year ending April first, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. Number of yards of cotton goods manufactured during said year. Gross value of cotton goods manufactured during said year. Number of males em- ployed in the manufacture of cotton. Number of females employed in same. Amount of capital invested in the manufacture of cotton. — The number of Woollen Mills in the town. Number of sets of woollen machinery. Quantity of wool consumed during said year. Number of yards of cloth manufactured. Gross value of woollen goods manu- factured. Number of males employed in the manufacture of wool. Number of females employed in same. Amount of capital invested in manufacture of wool. — Quantity of Sperm Oil used by manufacturers. — The whole number of Saxony Sheep of different grades in the town. The whole number of Merino Sheep of different grades. The whole number of all other kinds of sheep. — Whole number of pounds of Sax- ony wool produced in said year. Whole number of pounds of Merino wool. Whole number of pounds of all other kinds of wool. Average weight of fleece per head of all kinds of sheep. Gross value of wool produced in the town in said year. Amount of capital invested in the growing of wool. — Number of pairs of Boots manufactured during the year ending April first, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. VI Number of pairs of Shoes of all kinds. Gross value of boots and shoes manufactured. Number of males employed in the business. Number of females in same. — Number of Tanneries. Number of hides of all kinds tanned during said year. Gross value of leather tanned and cur- ried. Number of hands employed. Amount of capital invested in the business. — Number of Hat manufactories. Number of hats manu- factured. Gross value of hats manufactured. Number of males em- ployed. Number of females. — Number of Paper Mills. Number of tons of stock manufactured. Gross value of paper manufactured. Number of males employed. Number of females. Amount of capital invested. — Number of Furnaces for manufacture of Pig Iron. Num- ber of tons of pig iron made during said year. Gross value of same. Number of hands employed in manufacture of pig iron. Amount of capital invested in manufacture of same. Number of Forges. Num- ber of tons of Bar Iron manufactured in said year. Gross value of bar iron manufactured in same. Number of hands employed in same. Amount of capital invested in same. — Number of Air and Cupola Fur- naces. — Tons of Iron Castings made during said year. Gross value of same. Number of hands employed. Amount of capital invested. — Number of Nail Factories. Number of tons of nails manufactured during said year. Gross value of nails manufactured in said year. Number of hands employed. Amount of capital invested. — Number of Scythe manufactories. Number of scythes manufactured during said year. Gross value of scythes manufactured in same. Number of hands employed in the business. Amount of capital invested in same. — Number of Axe manufactories. Number of axes manufactured dur- ing the year. Gross value of axes manufactured in same. Number of hands employed in the business. Amount of capital invested in same. — Number of manufactories of Cutlery. Gross value of cutlery manu- factured in the year. Number of hands employed in the business. Amount of capital invested. — Number of Metal Button manufacto- ries. Number of gross of metal buttons manufactured in said year. The value of metal buttons manufactured in said year. Number of males employed in the business. Number of females. Amount of capital invested in the business. — Number of manufactories of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes. Gross value of same manufactured in said year. Number of hands employed in the business. Amount of capital invested in the business. — Number of manufactories of Glass. Gross value of glass manufactured in said year. Number of hands employed in the business. Amount of capital invested in same.— Number of es- tablishments for manufacture of Chairs and Gabinet Wars. Gross . Vll value of same manufactured in said year. Number of hands employed in the business. — Number of Comb manufactories. Value of combs manufactured in said year. Number of males employed in the busi- ness. Number of females. — Number of Plough manufactories. Num- ber of ploughs manufactured in said year. Value of ploughs manufac- tured in said year. Number of hands employed in the business. — Number of manufactories of Tin Ware. Gross value of tin ware man- ufactured in said year. Number of hands employed in the business. — Number of manufactories of Silk. Number of yards of silk goods manufactured in said year. Gross value of silk goods manufactured. Number of males employed in the business. Number of females. Amount of capital invested in the business — Value of Wooden Ware, of all kinds, manufactured in said year. Number of hands employed in the business. — Number of Distilleries. Number of bushels of grain distilled. Number of gallons of molasses distilled. Number of gallons of spirit distilled. Gross value of spirits distilled. — Number of Straw Bonnets manufactured by the dealer in the article. Gross value of straw bonnets and straw braid so manufactured. — Number of Palm-leaf Hats manufactured by the dealer in the article. Gross value of palm- leaf hats so manufactured. — Number of establishments for manufacture of Salt. Number of bushels manufactured in the year. Gross value of salt manufactured in the year. Number of hands employed in the business. Amount of capital invested in the business. — Number of Vessels built in the five years preceding April first, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. Amount of tonnage of the same. Gross value of the same. Number of hands employed in ship building. — Number of vessels employed in the Whale Fishery. Tonnage of same. Number of gallons of sperm oil imported during said year. Number of gallons of whale oil imported during said year. Gross value of sperm oil imported during said year. Gross value of whale oil import- ed during said year. Number of hands employed in the whale fishery. Amount of capital invested in same. — Number of vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery. Amount of tonnage of same. Num- ber of quintals of codfish caught in said year. Gross value of same. Number of barrels of mackerel caught in said year. Gross value of same. Number of bushels of salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery in said year. Number of hands employed in said fishery. Amount of capital invested in same. Gross value of other articles or goods manu- factured in the town during said year, with a description of the same. Number of hands employed in the business. Capital invested in same. VIII Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall cause to be printed blank tables, conveniently arranged, for the return of the facts aforesaid, with ten blank columns for the returns or facts contemplated in the last paragraph of the first section of this Act, and shall furnish three copies of the same, together with a copy of this Act, to the as- sessors of each town, on or before the first day of May next. Sec. 3. The Secretary of the Commonwealth, after he shall have received the returns aforesaid from the assessors of the several towns, shall cause to be perpared, and printed, a true abstract of the same, with each column of figures of such abstract added up, for the use of the Legislature, at the next session thereof. Sec. 4. Each assessor shall receive from the Treasury of the Com- monwealth, one dollar and twenty-five cents a day, for every day that he shall be employed in making the return aforesaid, and the accounts of assessors, for these services, shall be audited by a Committee of the Legislature. Sec 5. The assessors of any town may authorize either of their number, or some other suitable person, to collect the information re- quired by this Act, to whom the same allowance, per day, shall be made from the Treasury of the Commonwealth, as is provided for the services of the assessors. Sec 6. If the assessors of any town shall wilfully neglect to make the return aforesaid, in the manner aforesaid, such assessor shall forfeit to the Commonwealth a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. [Approved by the Governor April 19, 1837.] SUMMARY Of Returns of the Assessors of each City and Town, con- cerning certain Branches of Industry. The Statements concerning all articles produced or manu- factured, except ships or vessels, have reference to one year, ending April \, 1837. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. BOSTON. Number of Merino Sheep, on the first of April, 178 ; number of pounds of merino wool raised in the year, 712 ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $356 ; capital invested, $534. Boots manufactured, 15,047 pairs ; shoes, 24,026 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $102,641 ; males employed, 304 ; females, 55. (The return also states, that there were manufactured, in various towns in the Commonwealth, by the agents of persons residing in Boston, and exclusively on Boston capital, 50,604 pairs of boots, and 952,640 pairs of shoes, employing 1431 males and 583 females, amounting in value to $957,289.) Value of Leather curried, $22S,000 ; hands employed, 50 ; capi- tal invested, $60,000. Hat Manufactories, 12 ; hats manufactured, 76,317 ; value of hats, $194,673 ; males employed, 95 ; females, 68. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 5 ; iron castings made, 4000 tons ; value of same, $372,000 ; hands employed, 289 ; capital invested, $665,000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 6000 ; value of axes, $7500 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $2000. Glass Manufactories, 3 ; value of glass, $4S,000 ; hands employ- ed, 77 ; capital invested, $47,000. 1 2 Chair and Cabinet Manufactories, 23 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $148,100 ; hands employed, 164. Comb Manufactories, 4 ; value of combs, $41,000 ; males em- ployed, 25 ; females, 16 ; capital invested in shell, horn and ivory, $121,000. Tin Ware Manufactories, 37 ; value of tin ware, $112,032 $ hands employed, 116. Distilleries, 13 ; molasses distilled, 2,574,600 gallons, producing 2,317,140 gallons of spirit : gross value of spirits, $926,856. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 116,200 ; value of straw bonnets, $182,450 ; males employed, 19 ; females, 438. Vessels built in the five years preceding April 1, 1837, 37 ; ton- nage of the same, 8,612 ; value of same, $622,000 ; hands em- ployed in building, 86 ; (number of vessels, built within the five years, in other towns, which "received their papers" at the Boston Custom-house, 266 ; tonnage of the same, 59,670.) Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 5 ; tonnage of same, 1 550 ; sperm oil imported in those vessels, 88,100 gallons ; whale oil, 68,169 gallons ; value of sperm oil, $70,619 ; value of whale oil, $25,604 ; hands employed, 125 ; capital invested, $155,000. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 152 ; ton- nage of same, 9,703 ; cod fish caught, 127,250 quintals ; value thereof, $408,509 90 ; mackerel caught, 43,266 barrels ; value of same, $320,165 ; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 142,567 bushels ; hands employed, 1794 ; capital invested, $593,200. Manufactory of Axletrees, 1 ; value of axletrees manufactured, $10,000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $6000. Brewery, 1 ; value of beer, $12,000 ; hands employed, 8 ; capi- tal invested, $30,000. Manufactories of Soap and Candles, 7 ; value of soap and can- dles, $93,000 ; hands employed, 29 ; capital invested, $125,000. " Manufacture of Sperm Oil," (refining,) 25 tons. Manufactory of Whale Oil, (refining,) 1 ; value of oil refined, $135,000 ; hands employed, 16 ; capital invested, $100,000. Copper Smitheries and Brass Foundries, 13 ; value of manufac- tures, $756,754; hands employed, 200 ; capital invested, $316,300. Piano-forte and Organ Manufactories, 7 ; number of piano-fortes manufactured, 1033 ; organs, 11 ; value of pianos and organs, $302,- 700 ; hands employed, 220 ; capital invested, $163,500. Brush Manufactories, 4 ; value of brushes, $93,000 ; males em- ployed, 79 ; females, 59 ; capital invested, $38,000. Manufactories of Gold and Silver Leaf, 5 ; value of gold and sil- ver, $43,000 ; males employed, 22 ; females, 14 ; capital invested, $11,200. Manufactories of Coaches, Chaises and Harnesses, 14 ; value of articles made, $123,805 ; hands employed, 149 ; capital invested, $82,200. Manufactories of Refined Sugar, 4 ; value of sugar refined, $976,- 454 ; hands employed, 92 ; capital invested, $303,653. Manufactories of Jewelry, 3 ; value of jewelry, $63,000 ; hands employed, 36 ; capital invested, $91,000. Manufactory of Chain Cables, 1 ; value of cables, $60,000 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $75,000. Manufactories of Silver Ware, 5 ; value of ware, $165,100; hands employed, 52 ; capital invested, $20,050. Manufactories of Umbrellas, 10; value of umbrellas, $65,000; males employed, 37 ; females, 26 ; capital invested, $36,500. Manufactories of Saddles, Trunks and Whips, 15 ; value of arti- cles, $177,000 ; males employed, 120 ; females, 17 ; capital in- vested, $83,000. Manufactories of Granite, Marble and other Stone, 17 ; value of articles manufactured, $336,000 ; hands employed, 400 ; capital in- vested, $165,500. Manufactories of Machinery, 16 ; value of machinery, $326,000 ; hands employed, 287 ; capital invested, $183,775. Manufactories of Blank Books and Stationary, 5 ; value of arti- cles, $78,000 ; males employed, 43 ; females, 7 ; capital invested, $49,000. Manufactory of Gas, 1 ; value of gas, $100,000 ; hands employed, 40 ; capital invested, $375,000. Manufactories of Looking Glasses, 8 ; value of articles, $147,500 ; hands employed, 42 ; capital invested, $55,600. Manufactories of Lasts, 2 ; value of lasts, $40,000 ; hands em- ployed, 29 ; capital invested, $18,000 ; lasts manufactured, 240, C00. Manufactories of Neck Stocks and Suspenders, 8 ; value of these articles, $122,000 ; males employed, 21 ; females, 435 ; capital in- vested, $58,200. Type and Stereotype Foundries, 4 ; value of types and stereo- types manufactured, $157,000 ; males employed, 185 ; females, 30 ; capital invested, $140,000. Manufactories of Printed Books, 4 ; value of printed books, $925,000 ; males employed, 500 ; females, 400 ; capital invested, $S50,000. Manufactories of Clothing, 97 ; value of clothing, $1,765,666 ; males employed, 542 ; females, 2402 ; capital invested, $710,S94. CHELSEA. Merino Sheep, 46 ; other kinds of sheep, 32 ; merino wool pro- duced, 202 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 140 lbs. ; ave age weight of fleece, 4 lbs. 6 oz. ; value of wool, $165 ; capital invested in the growing of wool, $4500. Boots manufactured, 400 pairs ; shoes, 6797 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $5911 ; males employed, 17 ; females, 12. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 2 ; salt manufactured, 1840 bushels ; value of salt, $776 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. Vessel built in the five years preceding April 1, 1837, 1 ; tonnage, 65 ; value, $4500 ; hands employed in ship building, 20. Value of Bricks manufactured, $24,831 ; hands employed, 46 ; capital invested, $2100. Value of Wheelwright work, $3000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capi- tal invested, $1100. Value of Carriage work, $500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital in- vested, $500. Value of Wood and Copper Engravings, $500 ; hands employed, 1 ; capital invested, $200. Value of Wool Picking, $4000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $500. Value of Grain ground, $30,000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $6000. Value of Snuff and Segars manufactured, $12,800 ; hands em- ployed, 11 ; capital invested, $4000. Value of Stone Ware manufactured, $2000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2000. Value of Upholstery, $4333 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invest- ed, 400. COUNTY OF ESSEX. AMESBURY. Number of Woollen Mills, 3 : sets of woollen machinery, 27 ; wool consumed, 520,000 lbs. ; flannel manufactured, 1,100,000 yards ; satinet, 150,000 yards ; value of woollen goods, $425,000 ; males employed, 118; females, 125 ; capital invested, $250,000; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 8000 gallons. Merino Sheep, 498 ; wool produced, 1245 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 1-2 lbs. ; value of wool, $560 25. Boots manufactured, 1300 pairs ; shoes, 25,800 pairs ; value of boots and shoes manufactured, $21,498 ; males employed, 48 ; fe- males, 36. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 3000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $15,000 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $20,000. Vessels built in the five years preceding April 1, 1837, 4 ; ton- nage, 380 ; gross value of same, $10,800 ; hands employed in ship building, 5. Chaises manufactured, 630 ; Carryalls, Phaetons and Gigs, 40 ; hands employed, 128 ; capital invested, $25,000. ANDOVER. • Woollen Mills, 8 ; sets of woollen machinery, 26 ; wool con- sumed, 524,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 1,294,000 yards ; value of woollen goods, $520,000; males employed, 140 ; females, 192; capital invested, $270,000 ; sperm and olive oil used by manufac- turers, 11,750 gallons. Common Sheep, 737 ; wool produced, 1628 lbs. Boots manufactured, 1000 pairs ; Shoes, 75,463 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $46,500 ; males employed, 102 ; females, 87. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 200 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $400 ; hands employed, 1 ; capital invested, 300. 6 Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 1800 ; value of hats, $3600 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $3600 ; hands employed, 5. Manufactory of Tin Ware, 1 ; value of tin ware, $3350 ; hands employed, 2. Manufactories of Machinery, 2 ; hands employed, 50 ; oil used, 300 gallons ; cast iron, 120,000 lbs. ; wrought iron, 154,000 lbs. ; charcoal used, 2300 bushels ; lumber, 200,000 feet ; hardware, $1500 ; tin, $150; capital invested, $37,000. Soap Stone Quarry, 1 ; capital invested, $3000 ; hands employ- ed, 10. Flax Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, 10,000; males employed, 14 ; females, 8 ; oil used, 75 gallons ; flax manufactured, 100,000 lbs. BEVERLY. Common Sheep, 100 ; wool produced, 300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $150. Boots manufactured, 9600 pairs ; Shoes, 78,200 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $60,000 ; males employed, 300 ; females, 100. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 1200 ; value of hats, $2500 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2. Cabinet Ware and Chair Manufactories, 7 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $13,000 ; hands employed, 24. Manufactory of Tin Ware, 1 ; value of tin ware, $300 ; hands employed, 2. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 50 ; tonnage of the same, 3636 ; cod fish caught, 28,2 10 quintals ; value of same, $84,630 ; salt used in cod fishery, 31,584 bushels ; hands employ- ed, 350 ; cod oil, 267 barrels ; value of cod oil, $4272 ; capital in- vested in the fishery, $75,000. Manufactories of Brittania Ware, 4 ; value of said ware, $11,600; hands employed, 13. Brick Yards, 5 ; bricks manufactured, 1,800,000 ; hands employ- ed, 22 ; value of bricks, $10,800. 7 Manufacture of Mustard, 200 bushels ; gross value, $800 ; value of mustard manufactured, $1600 ; hands employed, 2. Hair manufactories, 2 ; hair manufactured, 26 tons ; hands em- ployed, 12 ; value of hair, $15,600. BOXFORD. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 372 ; cotton consumed during the year, 5000 lbs. ; value of cotton wicking manufactured, $45,000; males employed, 6 ; females, 8 : capital invested, $7,500. Common Sheep, 484 ; wool produced, 1210lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 1-2 lbs. ; value of wool, $484 ; capital invested, $1484. Boots manufactured, 190 pairs ; Shoes, 70,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $52,975 ; males employed, 84 ; females, 70. Manufactory of Ploughs, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 15 ; value of ploughs, 105 ; hands employed 1. BRADFORD. Saxony Sheep, 10 ; Merino Sheep, 18 ; other kinds of sheep, 239; Saxony wool produced, 33 lbs.; merino, 51 lbs.; other kinds, 610 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. 11 oz. ; value of wool, $375. Boots manufactured, 4297 pairs ; Shoes, 525,580 pairs ; gross value of boots and shoes manufactured, $381,748 ; males employed, 595 ; females, 483. Tanneries, 5 ; hides tanned, 4400 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $11,700 ; hands employed, 16 ; capital invested, $10,000. Bricks manufactured, 150,000; value of bricks, $1000; hands employed, 2. DANVERS. \ Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 2. Common Sheep, 50; wool produced, 150 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $60 ; capital invested, $150. Boots manufactured, 14,000 pairs ; Shoes, 615,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $435,900 ; males employed, 666 ; females, 411. 8 Tanneries, 28 ; hides tanned, 66, 200 ; value of leather tanned and curried, §264,400; hands employed, 110; capital invested, $203,700. Nail Factory, 1 ; nails manufactured, 280 tons ; value of nails, $36,400 ; hands employed, 18 ; capital invested, $50,000. Bricks manufactured, 2,055,000 ; value of bricks, $12,000 ; hands employed, 26 ; capital invested, $10,600. Manufactories of Morocco, 3; skins manufactured, 98,000; value of same, $39,400 ; hands employed, 35 ; capital invested, $30,000. Chocolate Manufactory, 1 ; chocolate manufactured, 86,000 lbs. ; value thereof, $9,800 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $7500. Shoe Pegs manufactured, 1300 bushels ; hands employed, 5 ; value, $2600. Shoe and Soap Boxes manufactured, 30,500 ; value, $6000 ; hands employed, 5. Manufactories of Soap and Candles, 2 ; number of pounds manu- factured, 200,000; value, $18,000 ; hands employed, 8. Lasts manufactured, 23,000 ; value, $2700 ; hands employed, 4; capital invested, $1400. Glue manufactured, 175,000 lbs. ; value, $21,900; hands em- ployed, 8 ; capital invested, $16,000. Potteries, 3 ; value of ware manufactured, $5200 ; hands em- ployed, 13 ; capital invested, $4000. ESSEX. Common Sheep, 150 ; wool produced, 450 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $225 ; capital invested, $300. Boots manufactured, 7262 pairs ; Shoes, 8946 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $22,492 ; males employed, 39 ; females, 15. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1500 ; hands employed, 1 ; capital invested, $1000. Forges, 16; bar-iron manufactured, 29 tons; value, $5600; hands employed, 14; capital invested, $6000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 220 ; tonnage of the same, 12,500 ; value of the same, $337,500 ; hands employed in ship building, 120. 9 Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 14 ; tonnage of same, 873 10-95. Pump and Block Manufactories, 3 ; blocks manufactured, 32S0 feet ; pumps, 750 feet ; value of blocks and pumps, $1696 ; hands employed, 7. Barrels manufactured, 950 ; mast hoops, 900 ; value of barrels and mast hoops, $783 ; hands employed, 4. Cordage Manufactories, 2 ; cordage manufactured, 500 lbs. ; lines, 570 dozen ; value of cordage and lines, $2700 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $1600. GLOUCESTER. Common Sheep, 100 ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; wool produced, 300 lbs. ; value of wool, $150 ; capital invested, $250. Boots manufactured, 1630 pairs ; Shoes, 7100 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $11,567 ; males employed, 29. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 325 ; value of hats, $925 ; males employed, 2. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet' Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1500 ; hands employed, 4. Manufactory of Tin Ware, 1 ; value of tin ware, $800 ; hands employed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 10,000; value of same, $2500. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 60 ; tonnage of same, 3539 ; value, $147,170 ; hands employed in ship building, 44. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 221 ; ton- nage of same, 9824 ; cod fish caught, 55,181 quintals ; value of same, $186,516 ; mackerel caught, 43,934 barrels ; value of same, $335,566 ; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 113,760 bush- els ; hands employed, 1580 ; capital invested, $349,000. HAMILTON. Common Sheep, 292 ; wool produced, 876 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $438 ; capital invested, $730. 2 10 Boots manufactured, 1475 pairs ; Shoes, 20,991 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $14,702 ; males employed, 49 ; females, 39. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 300 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1160 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1560. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 2 ; tonnage of same, 75 ; value, $3600 ; bands employed in building, 3. HAVERHILL. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 4 ; wool consumed, 65,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 180,000 yards ; value of woollen goods, $78,000 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 22 ; capital invest- ed, $40,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 150 gallons. Merino Sheep, 262; other kinds of sheep, 116 ; merino wool produced, 786 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 348 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $453 60 : capital invested, $i 134. Boots manufactured, 12,003 pairs; Shoes, 1,3S7,118 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $1,005,424 55 ; males employed, 1715 ; females, 1170. Tanneries, 4 ; hides tanned, S050 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $115,630; (part of the leather tanned in other towns;) hands employed, 47 ; capital invested, $51,500. Hat Manufactories, 6 ; hats manufactured, 125,593 ; value of hats, $75,365 ; males employed, 83 ; females, 39. Manufactory of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes, 1 ; value of manufactures, $180 ; hands employed, 1 ; capital invested, $90. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2600 ; hands employed, 9. Comb Manufactories, 7 ; value of combs, $7600; males employ- ed, 16 ; females, 15. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 30 ; value of same, $250 ; hands employed, 2. Manufactories of Tin Ware, 2 ; value of tin ware, $2500 ; hands employed, 7. Distillery, 1 ; molasses distilled, 40,000 gallons, producing 40,000 gallons of spirit ; value of spirits, $15,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 3880 ; value thereof, $476. 11 Vessels built in the five preceding years, 7 ; tonnage of same, 2100 ; value, $100,000 ; hands employed in ship building, 40. Shoe Last Manufactory, 1 ; lasts manufactured, 40,000 ; value of lasts, $6000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $2000. Morocco Leather Manufactories, 2 ; skins manufactured, 28,000; value of same, $16,500 ; hands employed, 12; capital invested, $7000. Chaise and Harness Manufactories, 2 ; chaises built, 60 ; harness- es manufactured, 120; value of chaises and harnesses, $12,000 ; capital invested, $3600. IPSWICH. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 3000 ; cotton consumed, 80,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 500,000 yards ; value of same, $50,000 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 60 ; capital invested, $68,000. Merino sheep, 42 ; other kinds of sheep, 301 ; merino wool pro- duced, 155 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 810 lbs. ; average weight of Jleece, 3 lbs.; value of wool, $425. Boots manufactured, 7S00 pairs ; Shoes, 37,900 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $46,000 ; males employed, 131 ; females, 64. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1800 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3500 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $6500. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 4 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2700 ; hands employed, 8. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 7 ; tonnage of same, 403 ; value, $13,439 ; hands employed in ship building, 14. Value of Hosiery manufactured, $4700 ; males employed, 13 ; females, 20 ; capital invested, $3200. LYNN. Boots manufactured, 2220 pairs ; Shoes, 2,543,929 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1,689,793 ; males employed, 2631 ; females, 2554. 12 Manufactories of Tin Ware, 3 ; value of tin ware, $ 4200 ; hands employed, 6. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 3 ; tonnage of same, 480 ; value, $26,000 ; hands employed in ship building, 12. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 5 ; tonnage of same, 1499 ; sperm oil imported, 20,375 gallons ; whale oil, 69,000 gallons ; val- ue of sperm oil, $18,180 ; value of whale oil, $31,650 ; hands em- ployed, 121 ; capital invested, 117,000. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 14 ; tonnage of same, 587 ; cod fish caught, 3650 quintals ; value of cod fish, $11,430; mackerel caught, 1400 barrels; value of same, $9400 ; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 6418 bushels ; hands em- ployed, 88; capital invested, $18,050. Cod Oil manufactured, 150 barrels ; value of same, $3000. Number of gallons of Oil Casks manufactured, 110,350; gross value of oil casks manufactured, $5793. Whale Bone imported, 25,000 lbs. ; value of same, $4500. Cordage manufactured, 135,000 lbs. ; value of same, $12,550 ; hands employed, 16. Shoe Boxes manufactured, 23,000 ; value of same, $7666 ; hands employed, 6. Morocco Leather Manufactories, 6 ; value of Morocco leather, $153,000; males employed, 90; females, 16; capital invested, $75,000. LYNNFIELD. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 3 ; wool consumed, 15,000 lbs.; flannel manufactured, 2500 yards; satinet, 10,000 yards ; value of goods manufactured, $7000 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $10,500; sperm oil used, 360 gallons. Common Sheep, IS; wool produced, 90 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 5 lbs. ; value of wool, $40 ; capital invested, $45. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs ; shoes, 54,000 ; value of boots and shoes, $40,250 ; males employed, 93 ; females, 80. Forges, 2 ; bar-iron manufactured, 2 tons ; value of same, $400 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $275. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 100 ; value of same, $650 ; hands employed, 1 . 13 MANCHESTER. Boots manufactured, 425 pairs ; shoes, 2750 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4473 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $7000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 12 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $84,500 ; hands employed, 120. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 3000 ; value of same, $300. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 4 ; Tonnage of same, 190 ; value, $4500 ; hands employed in ship building, 4. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 14 ; ton- nage of same, 500 ; cod fish caught, 4500 quintals ; value of same, $11,200; mackerel caught, 200 barrels; value of same, $1600; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 4500 bushels ; hands em- ployed, 65 ; capital invested, $12,300. Ships' Wheels manufactured, 25 ; value of same, $800 ; hands employed, 1. MARBLEHEAD. Boots manufactured, 97 pairs ; shoes 1,025,824 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $367,7S0 ; males employed, 503 ; females, 655. Forges, 5 ; bar-iron manufactured, 8 J tons ; value of same, $4040 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $5000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2940 ; hands employed, 4. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $10,000 ; hands employed, 3. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 55 ; ton- nage of same, 4603 ; cod fish caught, 49,403 quintals ; value of same, $151,987; mackerel caught, 243 barrels; value of same, $1500 ; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 58,202 bushels ; hands employed, 500 ; capital invested, $172,840. Wheelwrights, 2 ; value of manufactures, $1100 ; hands employ- ed, 2 ; capital invested, $1500. Manufactory of Soap, 1 ; value of soap, $1580 ; hands employed, 1 ; capital invested, $2000. 14 Card Manufactory, 1 ; value of cards, $8000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $6000. Glue Manufactory, 1 ; value of glue, $3125 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, 3700. METHUEN. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 4400 ; cotton consumed, 527,899 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,019,903 yards; value of same, $190,000; males employed, 55; females, 225; capital invested, $180,000; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 2750 gal- lons ; (no other particulars stated in regard to woollen manufac- tures.) Common Sheep, 236 ; wool produced, 826 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; capital invested, $371 70. Shoes manufactured, 211,300 pairs; value of same, $159,225 ; males employed, 190; females, 167. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1180; value of leather tanned and curried, $17,000; hands employed, 12; capital invested, $5500. Manufactories of Hats, 5 ; hats manufactured, 48,000 ; value of hats, $23,000 ; males employed, 36 ; females, 9. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 195 tons ; value of paper, $32,500 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 7 ; capital invested, $20,000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $3000 ; hands employed, 5. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 100 ; value of same, $800 ; hands employed, 1. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $6000 ; hands em- ployed, 2. Value of Piano-forte Frames, $10,000 ; males employed, 8. Value of Cigars and Essences manufactured, $18,000 ; males em- ployed, 6 ; females, 14. Value of Chaises and Harnesses manufactured, $3000 ; males employed, 3. 15 MIDDLETON. Common Sheep, 118 ; wool produced, 295 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2£ lbs.; value of wool, $123 90; capital invested, $737. Boots manufactured, 300 pairs ; shoes, 500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1500 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 20. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 100 tons ; value of paper, $35,000 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 8 ; capital invested, $25,000. NEWBURY. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1200 ; cotton consumed, 40,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 175,000 yards ; value of same, $17,000 ; males employ eaV7jJemales, 17; capital invested, $12,000. Merino Sheep, 118 ; other kinds of sheep, 232 ; merino wool produced, 222 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 696 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $505 ; capital invested, $1050. Boots manufactured, 550 pairs ; shoes, 12,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $9325; males employed,. 15 ; females, S. (In addition to this statement, there have been manufactured about 55,000 pairs of shoes "for dealers out of town" value not specified.) Tanneries, 4 ; hides tanned, 2250 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $11,250 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $6600. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 57 ; tonnage of same, 11,907; value, $721,610; hands employed in the ship building, 136. Cod and Mackerel Fishery, (see Newbury port.) Chaises and Carryalls, 55 ; value with their harnesses, $7750 ; capital invested, $4200. Value of Cotton Lines manufactured, $3850. Bed Cords and Clothes Lines, probable value, $1600 ; males employed, 14 ; females, 4. Value of manufacture of Russia Cordage employing 18 hands, $11,700. 16 Value of manufacture of Manilla Cordage employing 18 hands, $7000. Fishing Nets, 15000 square yards ; number of females employed, 28. NEWBURYPORT. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 3728 ; cotton consumed, 121,323 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 606,617 yards ; value of same, $59,972 ; males employed, 22 ; females, 82 ; capital invest- ed, $60,000. Boots manufactured, 950 pairs ; shoes, 147,476 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $113,173 ; males employed, %06 ; females, 114. Hat Manufactories, 7 ; hats manufactured, 2872 ; value of hats, $6870 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 8. Forges, 12 ; bar-iron manufactured, 40 tons ; value of same, $4000 ; hands employed, 24 ; capital invested, $4000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings manufactured, 100 tons; value of same, $12,000; hands employed, 8; capital in- vested, $7000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 7 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $6500 ; hands employed, 14. Comb Manufactory, I ; value of combs, $35,000; males employ- ed, 16 ; females, 60. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; value of tin ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 3. Distilleries, 2; molasses distilled, 125.550 gallons, producing 125,550 gallons of spirit ; value of spirits, $46,453 50. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 13; tonnage of same, 662 ; value, 15,888 ; hands employed in ship building, 8. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 4 ; tonnage of same, 1440 ; sperm oil imported, 148,480 gallons ; whale oil, 80,650 gallons; value of sperm oil, $118,787; value of whale oil, $24,195 ; hands employed, 120 ; capital invested, $164,258. Vessels employed in the CoTand Mackerel Fishery in Newbury- port and Newbury, 128 ; tonnage of same, 6628 ; cod fish caught, 11,400 quintals; value of same, $34,200; mackerel caught, 20,500 17 barrels ; value of same, $143,500 ; salt used in the cod and mack- erel fishery, 42,750 bushels; hands employed, 1000; capital in- vested, $192,000. Soap and Candle Manufactories, 5 ; candles manufactured, 58 tons; hard soap, 44 tons ; soft soap, 1000 barrels ; value of can- dles, $13,920; hard soap, $5280; soft soap, $3500; hands em- ployed, 15 ; capital invested, $15,000. Organ Manufactories, 3 ; organs manufactured, 4 ; hands em- ployed, 3 ; capital invested, $2500. Tobacco manufactured, 72,000 lbs. ; snuff, 16,000 lbs. ; cigars, 5,500,000 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 50 ; capital invested, $22,000. ROWLEY. Common Sheep, 311 ; wool produced, 765 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $3S2 ; capital invested, $1000. Boots manufactured, 32,600 pairs ; shoes, 300,250 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $315,360 ; males employed, 51S ; females, 192. Tanneries, 16 ; hides tanned, 11,600; value of leather tanned and curried, $43,400 ; hands employed, 31 ; capital invested, $33,500. SALEM. Boots manufactured, 4915 pairs ; shoes, 299,263 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $285,234 ; males employed, 346 ; females, 298. Tanneries, 24 ; hides tanned, 68,677 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $39S, 897 ; hands employed, 194 ; capital invested, $299,170. Hat Manufactories, 4 ; hats manufactured, 6000 ; value of hats, $14,426 ; males employed, 13; females, 12. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 18 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $62,427 ; hands employed, 79. Manufactories of Tin Ware, 6 ; value of tin ware, $5650 ; hands employed, 13. 3 18 Distilleries, 4 ; molasses distilled, 273,674 gallons, producing 247,121 gallons of spirit ; value of spirits, $91,435. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 656 ; value of same, $1900. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 9 ; tonnage of same, 2495 ; value, $202,065 ; hands employed in ship building, 17. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 18 ; tonnage of same, 4947; sperm oil imported, 18,921 gallons; whale oil, 108,065 gallons ; value of sperm oil, $124,440 ; value of whale oil, $40,866 ; hands employed, 432 ; capital invested, $453,944. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 14 ; ton- nage of same, 906 ; codfish caught, 5464 quintals ; value of same, $16,552 ; mackerel caught, 2569 barrels ; value of same, $21,450; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 8274 bushels ; hands em- ployed, 130 ; capital invested, $29,350. Cordage and Twine -Manufactories, 9 ; value of twine and cord- age, $159,750; hands employed, 119; capital invested, $107,775. Value of Tobacco manufactured, $63,190 ; males employed, 62 ; females, 111. Coaches, Giggs and Carryalls manufactured, 141 ; value of same, $32,535 ; hands employed, 45. Calf, Sheep and Goat Skins tanned and dressed, 30,000 ; value of same, $27,000 ; hands employed, 8. Alum manufactured, 900,000 lbs. ; saltpetre refined, 400,000 lbs. ; aquafortis, muriatic acid and oil of vitriol, 50,000 lbs. ; value of same, $91,825 ; hands employed, 21. Whalebone imported with Whale Oil, 37,067 lbs. ; value of same, $7535. Sperm candles manufactured, 2800 boxes ; value of same, $28,000. White Lead manufactured, 300 tons ; value of same, $60,000 ; hands employed, 30. Value of Sheet and Pipe Lead manufactured, $60,000. Value of Casks of all kinds manufactured, $49,207 ; hands em- ployed, 52. SALISBURY. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 600 ; cotton consumed, 30,000 lbs. ; value of cotton yarn manufactured, $11,000; males, 5; fe- males, 10; capital invested, $10,000. 19 Woollen Mills, 2 ; sets of woollen machinery, 20 ; wool con- sumed, 350,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 850,000 yards ; value of same, $275,000; males employed, 200 ; females, 100 ; capital in- vested, $150,000; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 10,000 gallons. Common Sheep, 614; wool produced, 1693 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of wool, $762 ; capital invested, $1535. Shoes manufactured, 65,500 pairs ; value of same, $40,800 ; males employed, 87 ; females, 48. Tanneries, 5 ; hides tanned, 7350 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $19,500; hands employed, 24 ; capital invested, $23,000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 16,500 ; value of hats, $9000; males employed, 10; females, 10. Comb Manufactory, 1; value of combs, $1200; hands employed, 1 male, 1 female. . Vessels built in the five preceding years, 47 ; tonnage of same, ,3975 ; value, $S9,644 ; hands employed in ship building, 81. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 9 ; tonnage of same, 517 ; codfish caught, 1616 quintals ; value of same, $4848 ; mackerel caught, 753 barrels ; value of same, $5647 ; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 2354 bushels ; hands employ- ed, 45 ; capital invested, $7500. Molasses Casks manufactured, 4200 ; value of same, $8400 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $4500. Boats and Wherrys built, 215; value of same, $4000; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $2000. SAUGUS. Shoes manufactured, 190,326 pairs ; value of same, $149,847 ; males employed, 269 ; females, 114. Snuff manufactured, 60,350 lbs. ; value, $12,318 ; hands em- ployed, 12. Cigars manufactured, 8,000,000; value, $15,155; males em- ployed, 14 ; females, 36. Morocco Leather Manufactory, I ; skins manufactured, 7000 ; value of same, $4700 ; males employed, 6 ; female, 1 ; capital in- vested, $1000. Chocolate Manufactory, 1; chocolate manufactured, 42,150 lbs. ; value of same, $7275 ; hands employed, 2. 20 Wool Cleaning Establishment, 1 ; wool cleaned, 31,200 lbs. ; value, $3750 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $500. Amount of Silk and Woollen Dyeing business, $3300 ; males employed, 4 ; female, 1 ; capital invested, $600. Bricks manufactured, 200,000 ; value, $1200 ; hands employ- ed, 6. TOPSFIELD. Common Sheep, 255 ; wool produced, 765 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $306 ; capital invested, $1530. Boots manufactured, 900 pairs ; Shoes, 124,396 pairs ;' value of boots and shoes, $98,676 ; males employed, 272 ; females, 269. WENHAM, Common Sheep, 38 ; wool produced, 114 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $37 62 ; capital invested, $285. Boots manufactured, 750 pairs ; Shoes, 1000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3250 ; males employed, 6. WEST NEWBURY. Common Sheep, 488 ; wool produced, 1220 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $402 62 ; capital invested, $1000. Shoes manufactured, 31,000 pairs ; value of same, $22,400; males employed, 55 ; females, 29. Tannery, 1 ; calfskins tanned, 4000 ; hides, 420 ; value of leath- er tanned and curried, $6500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $5200. Forges, 2 ; bar-iron manufactured, 6 tons ; value of same, $800 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1000. Comb Manufactories, 14 ; value of combs manufactured, $38,900 ; males employed, 38 ; females, 37. Chaises manufactured, 22 ; value of same, $3150 ; hands employ- ed, 10 ; capital invested, $2500. 21 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. ACTON. Common Sheep, 94; (no further particulars stated in regard to sheep.) Boots manufactured, 1334 pairs ; Shoes, 4309 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $6155 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 4. ASHBY. Saxony Sheep, 10 ; Merino Sheep, 90 ; other kinds of sheep, 406 ; Saxony wool produced, 30 lbs. ; merino, 270 lbs. ; other kinds of sheep, 1218 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs.; value of wool, $759 ; capital invested, (" price of sheep and keeping one year,") $2530. Boots manufactured, 325 pairs ; shoes, 1075 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2245 50 ; males employed, 5. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 650 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2300 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2000. Manufactories of Chairs, 2 ; value of chairs, $1079 22 ; hands employed, 4. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1350 ; hands employ- ed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 59,989 ; value of same, $7751 50. Scythe Rifles manufactured, 3000 dozen ; value, $1125; hands employed, 2. Curled Hair for Upholsterers manufactured, 1000 lbs. ; value, $300. Barrels manufactured, 3000 ; value $1850 ; hands employed, 4. BEDFORD. Merino Sheep, 12 ; other kinds of sheep, 20 ; merino wool pro- duced, 60 lbs. ; other kinds, 70 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 1-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $87 ; capital invested, $115. 22 Boots manufactured, 375 pairs; shoes, 71,550 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $45,270 ; males employed, 72 ; females, 71. Value of Leather curried, $8640 ; hands employed, 3. Ploughs manufactured, 149; value of same, $1117 ; hands em- ployed, 2. Blind Fasts manufactured, 14,200 sets ; value, $3266 ; hands employed, 4. Value of Horse Power Machinery manufactured, $640. BILLERICA. Woollen Mills, 2 ; sets of woollen machinery, 4 ; wool con- sumed, $39,183 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 96,319 yards ; value of same, $32,561 ; males employed, 17 ; females, 23 ; capital invest- ed, $10,000. Common Sheep, 156 ; wool produced, 390 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 J lbs. ; value of wool, $156. Boots manufactured, 512 pairs; shoes, 19,336 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $11,093 ; males employed, 29 ; females, 11. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1500; value of leather tanned and curried, $700 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $4000. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $150; hands employ- ed, 1. Distillery, 1; grain distilled, 250 bushels, producing 200 gallons of spirit; value of spirits, $300. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 175 ; value of same, $525. Bed Binding manufactured, 50,000 yards, valued at $500, and em- ploying 1 male and 2 females. Value of Shaving and Splitting Knives manufactured, $1500; employing 2 males and a capital of $2000. Soft Soap manufactured, 125 barrels; value, $500; hard soap, 12,000 lbs. ; value, $700 ; employing 1 male and a capital of $800. BOXBOROUGH. Common Sheep, 120 ; wool produced, 360 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $180 ; capital invested, $240. 23 * Boots manufactured, 100 pairs ; shoes, 3050 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, #1941 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2. Value of Straw Bonnets manufactured, #550. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 2000; value of same, $500. BRIGHTON. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; shoes, 125 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1200 ; males employed, 2. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1 100 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $15,000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $13,000. BURLINGTON. Common Sheep, 9 ; wool produced, 27 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $22 50. Shoes manufactured, 5800 pairs ; value of same, $4900 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 9. CAMBRIDGE, Boots manufactured, 985 pairs ; shoes, 36,672 ; value of boots and shoes, $28,768 ; males employed, 50 ; females, 23. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1950 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $15,200 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $13,250. Hat Manufactories 3 ; hats manufactured, 14,755 ; value of hats, $24,984 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 16. Glass Manufactories, 2 ; value of glass manufactured, $453,076 ; hands employed, 290 ; capital invested, $450,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $3750 ; hands employed, 8. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $5000 ; hands em- ployed, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. Value of Shoe Blacking manufactured, $600 ; hands employ- ed, 2. 24 Value of Chaises, Rail-road Cars, Omnibuses, Carryalls, Coach- es, Carriages and Harnesses manufactured, $41,905 ; hands em- ployed, 57. Value of Iron Axletrees manufactured, $1500 ; of iron tools, $800 ; hands employed, 6. Value of Organs manufactured, $6500 ; hands employed, 8 ; cap- ital invested, $3000. Value of Clothing manufactured, $11,370 ; hands employed, 12. Value of Carpenters' Rules and Rods manufactured, $5000 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $1900. Value of Cigars manufactured, $9788 ; hands employed, 22 ; cap- ital invested, $3300. Value of Pumps and Blocks manufactured, $450 ; employing 1 person. Value of Medicine made, $800 ; employing 2 persons, and a capital of $300. Value of Brass and Britannia Ware finishing, $12,000 ; employing 15 hands, and a capital of $7000. Value of Bricks made, $43,000 ; employing 91 hands. Value of Ropes and Twine manufactured, $47,000 ; employing 40 hands, and a capital of $20,000. Value of Soap manufactured, $32,000 ; of Candles, $41,875 ; employing fifty hands, and a capital of $100,000. Value of Brushes manufactured, $21,500 ; employing 26 hands, and a capital of $15,500. Value of "Varnish, &c." manufactured, $30,000 ; employing 2 hands, and a capital of $5000. Value of Confectionaries manufactured, $60,000 ; employing 22 hands, and a capital of $14,000. Paper Stamped and Stained, 40,000 rolls ; value thereof, $10,- 000 ; hands employed, 11. Value of Glue, &c. manufactured, $6000 ; hands employed, 6. Value of Pocket Books manufactured, $4500 ; hands employ- ed, 4. Value of Stoves and Sheet Iron manufactured, $13,500 ; hands employed, 4. 25 CARLISLE. Common Sheep, 110 ; wool produced, 330 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $132. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; Shoes, 1200 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1800 ; males employed, 6. CHARLESTOWN. Boots manufactured, 1600 pairs ; shoes, 94,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $34,000 ; males employed, 59 ; females, 39. Tanneries, 6 ; (no other particulars specified under this head.) Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 7000 ; value of hats, $18,000 ; males employed, 14 ; females, 14. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 4 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $79,000 ; hands employed, 87. Comb Manufactory, 1 ; value of combs, $1500; males employed, 4 ; females, 1. Manufactories of Tin Ware, 2 ; value of tin ware, $12,000 ; hands employed, 11. Distilleries, 2 ; molasses distilled, 270,000 gallons, producing 270,000 gallons of spirit ; value of spirits, $95,000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 1 1 ; tonnage of same, 2060 ; value, $85,000 ; hands employed in ship building, 53. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 13 ; tonnage of same, 900 ; codfish caught, 9,000 quintals ; value of same, $27,- 000 ; mackerel caught, 1000 barrels ; value of same, $6000 ; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 13,000 bushels ; hands em- ployed, 100 ; capital invested, $30,000. Manufactories of Morocco Leather, 5; skins tanned, 136,000; value when manufactured, $73,000 ; hands employed, 43. Value of Leather curried, not connected with tanneries, $60,000 ; hands employed, IS. Manufactories of Soap and Candles, 3 ; of Cordage, 1 ; of Twine, 2; of Stone and Earthen Ware, 2 ; Brewery, 1 ; (no particulars stated of these last mentioned manufactories.) 4 26 CHELMSFORD. Common Sheep, 141 ; wool produced, 423 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $211 50. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 6500 ; value of hats, $32,500 ; males employed, 28 ; females, 12, Air and Cupola Furnaces, 7 ; (no particulars of them stated.) Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 16,800 ; value of scythes, $12,500 ; hands employed, 12; capital invested, $10,750. Glass Manufactory, 1 ; value of glass manufactured, 30,000 ; hands employed, 30; capital invested, $12,400. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 250 ; value of same, $1750; hands employed, 2. Machine Shop, 1 ; amount of iron castings used, $8000 ; hands employed, 20. CONCORD. Cotton Spindles, 640 ; cotton consumed, 30,000 lbs. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 4 ; wool con- sumed, 75,000 lbs. ; flannel manufactured, 132,000 yards ; satinet, 52,000 yards ; value of satinet and flannel, $70,000 ; males employ- ed in the manufacture of wool and cotton, 29 ; females, 35 ; capital invested, $15,000 ; sperm and olive oil used by manufacturers, 2000 gallons. Common Sheep, 93 ; wool produced, 279 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. Boots manufactured, 1186 pairs ; shoes, 16,838 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $18,112 ; males employed, 29 ; females, 12. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 460 ; value of hats $1500; males employed, 2; females, 1. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000; hands employed, 1. Ploughs manufactured, 100 ; value of same, $400. Lead Manufactory, 1 ; lead pipe manufactured, 200 tons ; sheet lead, 200 tons ; hands employed, 6 ; value of sheet lead and lead pipe manufactured, $65,000. 27 DRACUT. Woollen Mill, 1; sets of machinery, 4 ; capital invested, $12,000 ; (the mill not in operation.) Common Sheep, 337 ; wool produced, 1011 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $500. Boots manufactured, 700 pairs; shoes, 13,600 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $12,600 ; males employed, 33 ; females, 25. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1800; value of leather tanned and curried, $4000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery, $4000 ; hands em- ployed, 5 ; capital invested, $1000. DUNSTABLE. Merino Sheep, 112 ; other kinds of sheep, 203 ; Merino wool produced, 336 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 609 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $472 50. FRAMINGHAM. Woollen Mills, 5; sets of woollen machinery, 11 ; wool con- sumed, 744,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 268,640 yards ; value of same, $311,800 ; males employed, 105 ; females, 141 ; capital in- vested, $41 5,000 ; sperm, whale and olive oil used by manufacturers, 4230 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 60 ; Merino Sheep, 60 ; other kinds of sheep, 10 ; Saxony wool produced, 180 lbs. ; Merino wool, 180 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 40 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $300 ; capital invested, $2500. Boots manufactured, 1524 pairs; shoes, 34,955 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $31,293 ; males employed, 47 ; females, 17. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 735 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2360 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $4800. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 1800 ; value of hats, $4500 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 1. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 278 tons ; value of paper 28 manufactured, $46,000 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 11 ; capital invested, $50,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $5660 ; bands employed, 10. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $3140 ; hands employed, 4. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 7777 ; value of same, $16,358. GROTON. Saxony Sheep ; 14 ; Merino Sheep, 450 ; other kinds of sheep, 36 ; Saxony wool produced, 50 lbs. ; Merino wool, 1350 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 108 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $800. Boots manufactured, 477 pairs ; shoes, 4134 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $5562 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 6. Tanneries, 2 ;. hides tanned, 1640; value of leather tanned and curried, $4334 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $5000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 500 ; value of hats, $1000 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2. Paper Mill, 1 ; value of paper manufactured, $14,000; males employed, 6 ; females, 5. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 6. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 10,000 ; value of same, $1900. Value of Clothing manufactured, $24,000 ; number of garments, 11,000 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 245. Soap Stone Pumps manufactured, 130 ; value of same, $1170. Value of Mathematical Instruments manufactured, $300. Axletrees manufactured, 64 ; value, $330. HOLLISTON. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 2 ; wool consumed, 50,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 22,239 yards ; value of same, $42,000 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 7 ; capital invested, $8000; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 100 gallons. 29 Common Sheep, 39 ; wool produced, 200 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 5 lbs. ; value of wool, $100 ; capital invested, $160. Boots manufactured, 20,803 pairs ; shoes, 244,578 ; value of boots and shoes, $241,626 ; males employed, 312 ; females, 149. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 610; value of leather tanned and curried, $3790; hands employed, 11 ; capital invested, $3500. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000 ; hands employed, 2. Comb Manufactory, 1 ; value of combs, $2500 ; hands employ- ed, 3. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 105 ; value of ploughs, $750 ; hands employed, 1. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 26,580 ; value of same, $33,210. Book Bindery, 1 ; value of binding, $1000; capital invested, $500 ; hands employed, 2 males, and 1 female. Value of Clothing manufactured, $7072 ; capital invested, $5064 ; hands employed, 7. Value of Harnesses manufactured, $1000 ; capital invested, $500 ; employing 1 person. Value of Wagons and other light carriages manufactured, $2000 ; capital invested, $500 ; hands employed, 4. HOPKINTON. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 3428 ; cotton consumed, 176,050 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 555,900 yards ; value of same, $55,350 ; males employed, 37 ; females, 58 ; capital invest- ed, $50,000. Common Sheep, 55 ; wool produced, 192 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 J lbs. ; value of wool, $76 ; capital invested, $150. Boots manufactured, 72,300 pairs ; shoes, 15,600 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $152,300 ; males employed, 234 ; females, 24. Hides tanned, 630 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $500. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 150 ; value of same, $1050 ; employing 1 person. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 2950 ; value of same, $5350. / 30 LEXINGTON. Common Sheep, 21 ; wool produced, 63 ]bs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $25 20. Boots manufactured,. 1330 pairs; shoes, 14,650 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $12,278 ; males employed, 25 ; females, 18. Manufactory of Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of cabinet Ware, $4000 ; hands employed, 7. Fur Caps manufactured, 60,000 ; muffs and neck ties, 600 ; fur capes, 400 ; fur gloves, 1000 pairs ; value, $73,000 ; males em- ployed, 25 ; females, 75 ; capital invested, $55,000. Improved Clocks, 500 ; value, $2500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2000. An establishment for Calico Printing ; employing 17 males, and 3 females ; (no other particulars stated in regard to this establish- ment.) LINCOLN. Common Sheep, 20; wool produced, 90 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4j lbs. Boots manufactured, 3366 pairs ; shoes, 3789 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $12,671 40 ; males employed, 33 ; females, 14. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 5225 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1950 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $5550. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 75 ; value of same, $300. Clothing manufactured, 5172 garments ; value of labor on the same, $708 34 ; females employed, 68. LITTLETON. Common Sheep, 75 ; wool produced, 300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ;■ value of wool, $99 ; capital invested, $150. Boots manufactured, 70 pairs; shoes, 19,250 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $9870 ; males employed, 13 ; females, 12. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 100 ; value of same, $350. 31 LOWELL. Cotton Mills, 22 ; cotton spindles, 141,334 ; cotton consumed, 16,053,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 48,434,000 yards ; value of same, $5,434,000 ; males employed, 862; females, 5685 ; capital invested, $6,167,000. Woollen Mills, including 1 Carpet Mill, 5 ; sets of woollen ma- chinery, 42 ; wool consumed, 1,010,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, (including 147,000 yards carpeting and rugs,) 912,600 yards ; value of woollen goods manufactured, $1,070,000 ; males employed, 359 ; females, 461 ; capital invested, $580,000 ; sperm oil used by man- ufacturers, 46,110 gallons ; olive oil, 15,000 gallons. Anthracite Coal used by the cotton and woollen manufactories, 10,750 tons. Saxony Sheep, 25 ; merino sheep, 25 ; Saxony wool produced, 75 lbs. ; merino wool, 75 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $100; capital invested, $200. Boots manufactured, 3450 pairs ; shoes, 12,350 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $27,250; males employed, 51 ; females, 19. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; value of tin ware, $11,000 ; hands employed, 10. Cotton Batting Mills, 4; capital invested, $20,000; batting man- ufactured, 600,000 lbs. ; value of same, $75,000; males employed, 30 ; females, 18. Printing and Dyeing Cotton Goods, 3 Mills ; capital invested, $700,000; cotton goods dyed and printed, 12,220,000 yards; males employed, 450 ; females, 35 ; value of printing and dyeing, $550,000. Powder Mills, 10 ; capital invested, $125,000 ; powder manu- factured, 50,000 casks ; value of powder, $125,000 ; materials used, saltpetre, 1,000,000 lbs. ; brimstone, 150,000 lbs. ; hands employed, 50. Carriage and Harness Manufactories, 3; capital invested, $20,000; value of manufactures, $37,000 ; hands employed, 30. Flour Mill, 1 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $20,000; 60 barrels flour made per day, value not estimated. Card Factory, 1 ; capital invested, $8000 ; value of cards man- ufactured, $12,000; wire used in the manufactory, 5 tons; males employed, 4 ; females, 4. 32 Reed Factory, 1 ; capital employed, $2000 ; value of manufac- ture, $6000 ; wire used in the manufacture, 2 tons ; males employ- ed, 2. Whip Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $2000 ; value of whips manufactured, $0000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2. Brass and Copper Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $2500 ; value of manufactures, $20,000 ; hands employed, 10. Establishments for manufacture of Cotton Machinery; Engines and Cars for Rail-roads, &c, 3 ; capital invested, $500,000 ; value of manufactures, $300,000 ; wrought and cast iron used in the said manufactures, 1200 tons ; coal used, 400 tons ; oil used, 2300 gallons ; hands employed, 500. MALDEN. Boots manufactured, 250 pairs ; shoes, 155,800 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $118,410 36; males employed, 2J4; females, 110. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; value of tin ware, $31,000 ; hands employed, 20. Establishments for Currying Leather, 5 ; sides of leather curried, 28,500 ; hands employed, 17 ; value of leather curried, $99,750 ; capital invested, $7000. Last Manufactory, 1 ; lasts manufactured, 35,000 ; hands em- ployed, 6 ; value of lasts manufactured, $7000. Dye-wood Manufactory, 1 ; dye-wood manufactured, 100 tons ; value of same, $3000 ; hands employed, 2. Rolling and Slitting Mill, 1 ; number of tons of iron manufactured, 550 ; value of same, $78,000 ; hands employed, 7. Twine Manufactory, 1 ; twine manufactured, 25,000 lbs. ; value of same, $5000 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 4. Block Tin Manufactory, 1 ; value of block tin manufactured, $9000 ; hands employed, 6. MARLBOROUGH. Common Sheep, 187 ; wool produced, 561 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $300 ; capital invested, $400. 33 Shoes manufactured, 103,000 pairs; value of same, $41,200; males employed, 75 ; females, 75. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $11,500; hands employed, 7; capital invested, $0000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000 ; hands employed, 4. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 7500 ; value of same, $10,850. MEDFORD. Boots manufactured, 450 pairs; shoes, 1,350 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $3185 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1; hides tanned, 1500 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $9000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $6000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 10,043; value of same, $40,275 ; males employed, 23 ; females, 15. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 200 ; value of same, $1400 ; employing 1 person. Distillery, 1 ; molasses distilled, 120,000 gallons, producing 121,500 gallons of spirit ; value of spirits, $42,525. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 60 ; tonnage of same, 24,195 ; value, $1,112,970 ; hands employed in ship building, 239. Bricks manufactured, 1,200,000 ; value of same, $7200 ; hands employed, 12. Hat Bodies manufactured, 40,000 ; value, $20,000 ; hands em- ployed, 7. Linseed Oil manufactured, 13,500 gallons, from 7300 bushels of seed ; 5 men employed ; value of oil, $14,850. NATICK. Common Sheep, 48 ; wool produced, 144 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $50 40 ; capital invested, $144. Shoes manufactured, 250,650 pairs ; value of same, $213,052 50; males employed, 263 ; females, 189. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 200 ; value of same, $1200 ; hand employed, 1. 5 34 NEWTON. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 5710 ; cotton consumed, 308,- 749 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 902,300 yards ; value of same, $134,722 ; males employed, 53 ; females, 240 ; capital in- vested, $200,000. Woollen Mill, 1; sets of woollen machinery, 5 ; wool consumed, 100,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 100,000 yards ; value of same, $100,000; males employed, 15; females, 30; capital invested, $40,000 ; sperm and olive oil used by manufacturers, 1500 gallons. Boots manufactured, 2000 pairs ; shoes, 4000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $9400 ; males employed, 18 ; females, 14. Paper Mills, 5 ; stock manufactured, 975 tons ; value of paper manufactured, $197,000 ; males employed, 53 ; females, 30 ; cap- ital invested, $208,000. Nail Manufactory, 1 ; nails manufactured, 700 tons ; value of same, $84,700 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $40,000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $54,000 ; hands employed, 60 males, and 6 fe- males. Rolling Mill, 1; tons of iron rolled, 950; value of same, $76,000; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $20,000. Candles manufactured, 92,000 lbs. ; value of same, $11,040; soap manufactured, 191,000 lbs. ; value, $11,460; capital invested in the manufacture of candles and soap, $10,000. Vitriol manufactured, 1,800,000 lbs. ; value of same, $50,000. Barilla manufactured, 130 tons ; value of same, $4550; capital invested in the manufacture of vitriol and barilla, $60,000 ; hands employed in these manufactures, 25. Value of Chaises and Harnesses manufactured, $3000 ; hands em- ployed, 6 ; capital invested, $1500. Value of Morocco Leather manufactured, $10,000 ; hands em- ployed, 10 ; capital invested, $5000. Value of Machinery manufactured, $70,000 ; cost of materials, $35,000; capital invested, $120,000. 35 PEPPERELL. Saxony Sheep, 60 ; Merino Sheep, 250 ; other kinds of sheep, 248 ; Saxony wool produced, 120 lbs. ; Merino wool, 825 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 820 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $320 ; capital invested, $1500. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs ; shoes 30,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $25,000 ; males employed, 30 ; females, 15. Paper Mills, 3 ; stock manufactured, 550 tons ; value of paper, $50,000 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 30 ; capital invested, $25,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 40,000 ; value of same, $5000. READING. Common Sheep, 40 ; wool produced, 120 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $60 ; capital invested, $120. Boots manufactured, 707 pairs ; shoes, 290,51 1 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $1S4,583; males employed, 338 ; females, 494. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 8 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $91,360 ; hands employed, 100. SHERBURNE. Merino Sheep, 16 ; other kinds of sheep, 36 ; Merino wool pro- duced, 48 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, ISO lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $114. Boots manufactured, 40 pairs ; shoes, 48,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $40,000; males employed, 60; females, 30. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 375 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1200 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $750. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 300 ; value of same, $400 ; hands employed, 1 ; capital invested, $200. Manufactory of Forks, 1 ; value of forks manufactured, $1500; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $750. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 75 ; value of same, $525 ; hands employed, 2. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 2000 ; value of same, $4000. 36 Value of Muskets manufactured, $1600 ; capital invested, $800; hands employed, 3. Value of Whips manufactured, $5325 ; capital invested, $1325 ; males employed, 14 ; females, 7. SHIRLEY. Cotton Mills, 3; cotton spindles, 2568 ; cotton consumed, 198,- 000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 474,364 yards; value of same, $52,100; males employed, 19; females, 39; capital invested, $30,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 1 ; wool consumed, 15,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 20,000 yards ; value of same, $12,000 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $5000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 360 gallons. Common Sheep, 267 ; wool produced, 801 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $320 40; capital invested, $534. Boots manufactured, 216 pairs ; shoes, 844 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1462 67 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4200 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 300 tons ; value of paper, $20,000 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 10 ; capital invested, $20,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 70,000 ; value of same, $12,333. SOUTH READING. Common Sheep, 7 ; wool produced, 28 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $21 ; capital invested, $17 50. Shoes manufactured, 17,500 pairs ; value of same, $14,200 ; males employed, 260 ; females, 186. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2675 ; hands employed, 3. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $24,000 ; hands employed, 28. 37 Block Tin Ware Manufactory, 1; value of block tin ware, $4700 hands employed, 4. Manufactories of Shoe Tools, 2 ; value of shoe tools, $3000 hands employed, 6. Manufactories of Razor Straps, 5 ; value of razor straps, $5400 hands employed, 14. STONEHAM. Shoes manufactured, 380,100 pairs ; value of same, $184,717 ; males employed, 297 ; females, 180. STOW. Woollen Mills, 2 ; sets of woollen machinery, 7 ; wool consumed, 140,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 55,000 yards ; value of same, $210,000; males employed, 40; females, 45; capital invested, $100,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 500 gallons. Common Sheep, 149 ; wool produced, 447 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $223 50 ; capital invested, $496. Boots manufactured, 587 pairs; shoes, 61,044 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $18,905 50 ; males employed, 32 ; females, 30. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1200 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2400 ; hand employed 1; capital invested, 1200. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 150 ; value of same, $300. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 25 ; value of same, $5. SUDBURY. Common Sheep, 102 ; wool produced, 306 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $153 ; capital invested, $143 50. Boots manufactured, 590 pairs ; shoes, 5352 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $7,787 66 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 7. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 50 tons ; value of paper, $5463 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $10,000. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 35 ; value of ploughs, $275 ; hand employed, 1. 38 TEWKSBURY. Common Sheep, 110; wool produced, 330 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $165 ; capital invested, $450. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $2500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $3500. TOWNSEND. Merino Sheep, 100 ; other kinds of sheep, 470 ; Merino wool produced, 225 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1062 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $644 ; capital invested, $1100. Boots manufactured, 175 pairs ; shoes, 4900 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $5800 ; males employed, 14 ; female, 1. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 40,050 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $25,150; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $5000. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 275 ; value of same, $1700 ; hand employed, J. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 80 ; value of same, $173. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 159,700; value of same, $22,750. Fish Barrels manufactured, 5606 ; value, $2803 ; nail kegs man- ufactured, 43,952 ; value, $6422 ; dry casks manufactured, 793 ; value, $132 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $3000. TYNGSBOROUGH. Common Sheep, 215 ; wool produced, 752 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $376 25. Boots manufactured, 150 pairs ; shoes, 175 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $845. Brush Manufactory, 1 ; value of brushes manufactured, $5500 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $4000. Barrels manufactured, 1050 ; hands employed, 3. Split Stone for buildings, 40,100 feet ; valued at $10,025. Hammered Stone, 7000 feet ; valued at $2100. 39 WALTHAM. Cotton Mills, 3; cotton spindles, 11,488; cotton consumed, 895,446 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 2,433,630 yards ; value of same, $275,000 ; males employed, 76 ; females, 400 ; capital invested, $450,000. Boots manufactured, 5125 pairs ; shoes, 8606 pairs ; value of boots and shoes manufactured, $17,787 ; males employed, 30 ; fe- males, 3. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 8075 ; value of hats, $24,000; males employed, 19 ; females, 12. , Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 156 tons ; value of paper, $12,480 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $8000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $9200 ; hands employed, 14. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $1100; employing 1 person. One Machine Shop, employing from 25 to 30 hands, capable of manufacturing 3000 spindles per annum. » One Bleachery, employing 28 males and 2 females, capable of bleaching 1,000,000 lbs. of cotton goods per annum. Carriage Manufactories, 2 ; hands employed, 7 ; value of carriages manufactured, $6000. Waggon Manufactories, 2 ; hands employed, 4 ; value of wag- gons, $2500. WATERTOWN. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 700 ; cotton consumed, 35,000 lbs., made into warp for satinet manufactured in Newton ; value of same, $20,000 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 13; capital invested, $12,000 ; oil used, 300 gallons. Finishing Woollen Goods manufactured in Newton, 7 males and 5 females employed ; sperm oil used in the manufacture of cotton and woollen goods, 200 gallons. Boots manufactured, 500 pairs ; shoes, 300 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2000 ; males employed, 4. 40 Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 300 tons ; value of paper, $25,000 ; males employed, 12; capital invested, $10,000. Boxes manufactured, 85,000 ; value of same, $14,000; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $5000. Value of Goods Printed, $18,000 ; value of dye stuff and fuel used, $1800 ; oil used, 25 gallons ; males employed, 21 ; females, 3 ; capital invested, $5000. Soap and Candle Manufactories, 3 ; tallow used, 300 tons ; ba- rilla, 350 tons ; palm oil, 50 tons ; rosin, 1750 barrels ; fuel, 375 cords ; lime, 2000 casks : salt, 1000 bushels ; capital invested, $27,000. WAYLAND. Merino Sheep, 12 ; other kinds of sheep, 8 ; merino wool produced, 48 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 34 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $49 16. Boots manufactured, 230 pairs ; shoes, 29,606 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $22,419 ; males employed, 31 ; females, 15. Forges, 4; bar-iron manufactured, 8 tons; value of same, $2600; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $500. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 3. WEST CAMBRIDGE. Boots manufactured, 500 pairs ; shoes, 31,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $25,500 ; males employed, 50 ; females, 40. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $10,000 ; hands employed, 11. Mills for Pulverizing Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuffs, 2 ; cap- ital invested, $24,000 ; hands employed, 11 ; value of same manu- factured", $200,000. Saw Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $25,000 ; hands employ- ed, 20 ; value of saws manufactured, $30,000. Dyeing and Calico Printing Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $20,000 ; hands employed, 44 ; value of manufacture, $40,000. 41 Card Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $6000 ; hands employed, 7; value of manufacture, $5000. Turning and Sawing Mill, 1 ; capital invested, $3000 ; hands employed, 4 ; value of turning and sawing, $2000. WESTFORD, Shoes manufactured, 10,800 pairs ; value of same, $7720 ; males employed, 19 ; females, 18. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 380 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2250 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1400. Forges, 3 ; bar-iron manufactured, 90 tons ; value of same, $9900 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, 7200. WESTON. Common Sheep, 7 ; wool produced, 21 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $10 50. Boots manufactured, 5606 pairs ; shoes, 17,182 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $30,370 ; males employed, 58 ; females, 25. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1300 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; value of woodwork of 500 ploughs man- ufactured, $750 ; hands employed, 2. Pottery, 1 ; value of manufacture, $1500 ; hands employed, 4; capital invested, $100. Chaise and Harness Manufactory, 1 ; value of manufacture, $5000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $1500. Machine Manufactories, 2 ; value of machinery manufactured, $8000 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $2000. Woollen Mill for Finishing Cloth, 1 ; cloth finished, 12,000 yards ; hands employed, 2. WILMINGTON. Common Sheep, 29 ; wool produced, 87 ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. 6 42 Boots manufactured, 87 pairs ; shoes, 350 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $698 ; hands employed, 1 male, and 1 female. WOBURN. Boots manufactured, S00 pairs ; shoes, 279,844 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $221,251 ; males employed, 383 ; females, 320. Tanneries, 4 ; hides tanned, 12,400 ; value of leather tanned and curried, (including 7000 hides curried but not tanned in said town,) $150,200 ; hands employed, 77 ; capital invested, $72,533. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1776 ; hands employed, 2. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $3000 ; hands employed, 2. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $314 50 ; hands employ- ed, 2. Door Sash and Blind Manufactories, 3 ; value of manufactures, $26,500 ; hands employed, 17 ; capital invested, $3600. India Rubber Manufactory, 1 ; value of manufactures, $18,000; males employed, 8 ; females, 5 ; capital invested, $10,000. COUNTY OF WORCESTER. ASHBURNHAM. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 512; cotton consumed, 52,000 lbs. ; value of cotton goods manufactured, $15,600; males employ- ed, 6 ; females, 10 ; capital invested, $8000. Merino Sheep, 24 ; other kinds of sheep, 415 ; merino wool produced, 93 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1306 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 3-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $587 58 ; capital invested, $1317. Boots manufactured, 530 pairs; shoes, 2100 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $3065 ; males employed, 7 ; female, 1. Tanneries, 6; hides tanned, 25,841 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $23,509 03 ; hands employed 1 1 ; capital invested, $9921. 43 Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 225 ; value of hats, $337 50 ; employing 1 person. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $37,390 12 ; hands employed, 115. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 122,864; value of same, $19,944. ATHOL. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1024 ; cotton consumed, 81,700 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 316,100 yards ; value of same, $33,000; males employed, 10; females, 45 ; capital invest- ed, $15,000. Common Sheep, 427 ; wool produced, 1281 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $600 ; capital invested, $1300. Boots manufactured, 16,312 pairs ; shoes, 38,333 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $58,741 ; males employed, 79 ; females, 37. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 3850; value of leather $17,700 hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $9270. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 56 tons ; value of paper, $9000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $5000. Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 62 tons ; value of same, $7130; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $3000. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 7200 ; value of same, $4200 ; hands employed, 8; capital invested, $2100. Manufactories of Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of cabinet ware, $2700 ; hands employed, 4. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 100 ; value of same, $650 ; employing 1 hand. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1225 ; value of same, $1454 50. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 123,580 ; value of same, $24,010. Machine Manufactory, 1 ; value of machinery manufactured, $4100 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $1500. Pail Manufactory, 1 ; pails manufactured, 12,200 ; value of same, $2440 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Value of Sashes, Doors and Blinds manufactured, $4200 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $1000. 44 Value of Cooperage, $250 ; capital invested, $250 ; employing 1 hand. Value of Shoe Pegs manufactured, $3100; hands employed, 5 males, and 9 females ; capital invested, $3800. Value of Harnesses manufactured, $1000; capital invested, $500 ; 1 person employed. Shoe and Hat Boxes manufactured, 8625 ; value of same, $3960 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2500. AUBURN. Woollen Mill, I ; (not in operation.) Merino Sheep, 400 ; other kinds of sheep, 300 ; merino wool produced, 1200 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1200 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 J lbs. ; value of wool, $1400. Boots manufactured, 3900 pairs ; shoes, 3300 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $13,000; males employed, 17 ; females, 17. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 350; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $2500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 52 tons ; value of paper, $5000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $5000. Plough Manufactories, 2 ; ploughs manufactured, 200 ; value of same, $1800 ; hands employed, 2. Card Manufactory, 1 ; cards manufactured, 25,000 pairs. Shingle Mills, 3 ; shingles manufactured, 1,500,000. Lath Mill, 1 ; laths manufactured, 500,000. Sash and Blind Manufactory, 1. BARRE. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 2550 ; cotton consumed, 220,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 720,000 yards ; value of same, $57,600 ; males employed, 55 ; females, 20 ; capital invested, $60,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; sets of woollen machinery, 4 ; wool con- sumed, 83,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 35,000 yards ; value of 45 same, $104,000 ; males employed, 40 ; females, 26 ; capital invest- ed, #42,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 332 gallons. Merino Sheep, 275 ; other kinds of sheep, 216 ; merino wool produced, 825 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 648 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $589 20; capital invested, $1500. Boots manufactured, 540 pairs ; shoes, 1050 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2550 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 2. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 842 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1665 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 1,150 ; value of hats, $4,100 ; hands employed, 4.. Scythe Manufactories, 3 ; scythes manufactured, 2,550 ; value of same, $2,000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $2,000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 120 ; value of same, $180 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $200. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2; value of chairs and cabinet ware $1,500; hands employed, 5. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $500 ; hands em- ployed, 2. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $1,200. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 607,000 ; value of same, $167,200. Powder Mill, 1 ; powder manufactured, 100,000 lbs. ; hands em- ployed, 6 ; capital invested, $10,000. Carriage Manufactories, 5;, value of carriages manufactured, $15,500; hands employed, 31 ; capital invested, $12,000. Copper Pump Manufactory, 1 ; value of copper pumps manufac- tured, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2,000. BERLIN. Common Sheep, 190 ; wool produced, 570 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $285 ; capital invested, $334 50. Boots manufactured, 40 pairs ; Shoes, 140 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $200 ; males employed, 3. Comb Manufactory, 1 ; value of combs, $200 ; employing 1 per- son. Value of Baskets manufactured, $750 ; hands employed, 3. 46 BOLTON. Common Sheep, 280 ; wool produced, 980 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs ; shoes, 20,700 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $6,250 ; males employed, 27 ; females, 13. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2,500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Comb Manufactories, 5 ; value of combs, $21,500; males em- ployed, 20 ; females, 4. BOYLSTON. Common Sheep, 173 ; wool produced, 519 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $250. Boots manufactured, 1,300 pairs ; Shoes, 17,535 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $20,000 ; males employed, 34; females, 6. Comb Manufactories, 2 ; value of combs, $1,800; males em- ployed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 1000; value of same, $300. BROOKFIELD. Saxony Sheep, 700 ; merino sheep, 650 ; other kinds of sheep, 155; Saxony wool produced, 1,750; merino wool, 1,625 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 763 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $2,482. Boots manufactured, 17,244 pairs ; shoes, 182,400 ; value of boots and shoes, $190,697; males employed, 262 ; females, 215. Value of leather curried, $25,000 ; hands employed, 3. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2 ; iron castings made, 200 tons ; value of same, $15,750 ; hands employed, 10; capital invested, $10,000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $3,000 ; hands employed, 6. Plough Manufactory, I ; ploughs manufactured, 200 ; value of ploughs, $1,400 ; hands employed, 2. 47 Sewing Silk manufactured, 10 lbs. ; value of same, $150 ; hands employed, 2 males, and 1 female. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $200. Value of Silver-plated Work manufactured, $2,400 ; hands em- ployed, 4. Shoemakers' Closing Clamps manufactured, 300 ; value of same, $425 ; employing 1 hand. Shingle Machines, 20 ; value of shingles manufactured, $1,600 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1,200. Shoemakers' Rolling Machines, 200 ; value of same, $3000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1,500. Carpenters' Hammers manufactured, 700 ; value of same, $700 ; hands employed, 3. Coach Wrenches manufactured, 1,535 ; value of same, $2,300 ; hands employed, 3. Sleighs manufactured, 80; value of same, $1,700; hands em- ployed, 3. Men's Wooden Legs manufactured, 6 ; value of same, $150. CHARLTON. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 656 ; cotton consumed, 18,821 lbs. ; cotton thread manufactured, 16,563 lbs. ; value of same, $10, 000; males employed, 4; females, 10; capital invested, $15,000. Merino Sheep, 554 ; other kinds of sheep, 271 ; merino wool produced, 1,662 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 813 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1361 25 ; capital invested, $2062 50. Shoes manufactured, 15,500 pairs ; value of same, $13,700 ; males employed, 27 ; females, 18. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 800 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4,000; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $1000. DANA. Common Sheep, 480; wool produced, 1449 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $724 ; capital invested, $840. 48 Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2,050 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2,250 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 70,000; value of same, $10,500. DOUGLAS. Cotton Mills, 2; cotton spindles, 4,000 ; cotton consumed, 181,800 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,000,000 yards ; value of same, $55,000 ; males employed, 65 ; females, 75 ; capital in- vested, $56,000. Saxony Sheep, 9 ; other kinds of sheep, 392 ; Saxony wool pro- duced, 18 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 922 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 6-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $473 ; cost of sheep $850 ; cost of land to support the same, $1,500. Boots manufactured, 1,650 pairs; shoes, 3,470 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $5,250; males employed, 10 ; females, 6. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 142 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $425 ; hand employed, 1 ; capital invested, $1,500. Axe Manufactories, 2 ; axes and hatchets manufactured, 121,400 ; value of same, $116,400; hands employed, 79 ; capital invested, $66,000. Axe and Hatchet Handles manufactured, 50,000. Shoe Lasts manufactured, 1 ,300. DUDLEY. Woollen Mills, 3; sets of woollen machinery, 11 ; wool con- sumed, 326,730 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, J 96,653 yards ; value of same, $319,991; males employed, 101 ; females, 98 ; capital in- vested, $218,000; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 6,400 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 467 ; merino sheep, 487 ; other kinds of sheep, 103; Saxony wool produced 1167 lbs. ; merino wool, 1217 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 309 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $1,585 ; capital invested, $18,495. Shoes manufactured, 27,740 pairs ; value of same, $22,698 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 18. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1800 ; hands employed, 2; capital invested, $2,650. 49 Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 4. Scythe Snaiths manufactured, 450 ; value of same, $337 ; em- ploying 1 person. FITCHBURG. Cotton Mills, 4 ; cotton spindles, 3880 ; cotton consumed, 189,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 699,700 yards ; value of same, $62,700 ; males employed, 27 ; females, 62 ; capital invest- ed, $57,000. Woollen Mills, 3 ; sets of woollen machinery, 10 ; wool con- sumed, 272,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 294,500 yards ; value of same, $274,500 ; males employed, 88 ; females, 64 ; capital invest- ed, $84,500 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 2000 gallons. Common Sheep, 327 ; wool produced, 818 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; capital invested, $400. Boots manufactured, 700 pairs ; shoes, 2200 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4900 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $6800 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $5500. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 2530 ; value of hats, $6200 ; males employed, 7 ; female, 1. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 175 tons ; value of paper, $20,000 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 3 ; capital invested, $25,000. Scythe Manufactories, 2 ; scythes manufactured, 31,200 ; value of same, $23,000 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $20,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $5500 ; hands employed, 9. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 169 ; value of same, $1100 ; employing 1 person. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $1000 ; employing 1 person. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 417 ; value of same, $740. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 72,600; value of same, $13,400. Bellows Manufactories, 2 ; value of bellows manufactured, $9800 ; hands employed, 8. 7 50 GARDNER. Common Sheep, 250 ; wool produced, 831 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 5-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $373 ; capital invested, $625. Boots manufactured, 542 pairs ; shoes, 828 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2923 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 360 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $2160; hand employed, 1 ; capital invested, $500. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 25 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $109,064 ; hands employed, 350. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $10,300; hands em- ployed, 15. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $700. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 60,450; value of same, $8125. GRAFTON. Cotton Mills, 5 ; cotton spindles, 14,054 ; cotton consumed, 736,240 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 2,053,320 yards ; value of same, $278,014 ; males employed, 134; females, 226 ; capital invested, $192,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 4 ; wool consumed, 110,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 70,000 yards ; value of same, $120,000; males employed, 34; females, 25; capital invested, $50,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 2500 gallons. Merino Sheep, 120 ; other kinds of sheep, 104 ; merino wool produced, 360 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 312 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $302 ; capital invested, $672. Boots manufactured, 18,672 pairs ; shoes, 671,538 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $614,141 ; males employed, 906 ; females, 486. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 5837 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $22,098 ; hands employed, 44 ; capital invested, $44,350, Scythe Manufactories, 2 ; scythes manufactured, 1500 ; value of same, $1150; hands employed, 2. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000; hands employed, 2. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $1500 ; hands employed, 2. 51 Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1500; hands employ- ed, 2. Value of Shoe Tools manufactured, $10,400; hands employed, 13 ; capital invested, $5100. Value of Bricks manufactured, $2645 ; hands employed, 6. HARD WICK. Saxony Sheep, 2 ; merino sheep, 100; other kinds of sheep, 810 ; Saxony wool "produced, 12 lbs. ; merino wool, 250 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1600 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2\ lbs. ; value of wool, $1000; capital invested, $1820. Boots manufactured, 5000 pairs ; shoes, 5000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $14,500; males employed, 20 ; females, 8. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5250 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $4500. " Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 55 tons ; value of paper, $5600 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000 ; hands employed, 2. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 150 ; value of same, $900 ; employing 1 person. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 300 ; value of same, $500. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 75,000 ; value of same, $15,500. HARVARD. Common Sheep, 430; wool produced, 1290 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $645 ; capital invested, $1075. Boots manufactured, 1700 pairs ; shoes, 3300 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $11,100 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 8. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 550 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1600 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1800. Paper Mills, 3 ; stock manufactured, 155 tons ; value of paper, $12,750 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $14,500. 52 Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 13,756 ; value of same, $2600. Grave Stones quarried, 4200 feet ; value of same, $4800 ; hands employed, 11. HOLDEN. Cotton Mills, 4 ; cotton spindles, 5800 ; cotton consumed, 234,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,023,000 yards ; value of same, $84,000 ; males employed, 68 ; females, 66 ; capital in- vested, $83,000. 'Woollen Mills, 2 ; sets of woollen machinery, 4 ; wool con- sumed, 77,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 92,000 yards ; value of same, $81,000; males employed, 20 ; females, 15; capital invest- ed, $18,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 2075 gallons. Merino Sheep, 200 ; other kinds of sheep, 300 ; merino wool produced, 600 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1200 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 3-5 lbs.; value of wool, $1170; capital invested, $12,000. Boots manufactured, 5S00 pairs ; shoes, 10,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $20,500; males employed, 35 ; females, 12. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1085 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5300 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $3500. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1200 ; value of same, $1800. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 6000 ; value of same, $1200. Cotton Mill, for manufacture of Warp, Batting and Wicking, 1 ; spindles, 600; warp manufactured, 10,000 lbs.; value of same, $4200; batting, S000 lbs.; value, $960; wicking, 12,000 lbs. ; value, $3000 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $7000. FHUBBARDSTON. Common Sheep, 328 ; wool produced, 984 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $492 ; capital invested, $656. Boots manufactured, 5300 pairs; shoes, 1100 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $14,562 ; males employed, 13. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1228; value of leather tanned and curried, $6188 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $4540. 53 Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 7 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $5941 ; hands, employed, 9. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $2000 ; hands employ- ed, 5. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 35,122 ; value of same, $5405. Manufactory of Copperas, 1 ; copperas manufactured, 41 tons ; value of same, $1845 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $1000. LANCASTER. Cotton Mills, 3; cotton spindles, 256 ; cotton consumed, 22,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 60,000 yards ; value of same, $7200 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $7C00. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 10,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 12,000 yards ; value of same, $9000; males employed, 6 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $10,000; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 300 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 20 ; Merino Sheep, 100 ; other kinds of sheep, 536 ;. Saxony wool produced, 80 lbs. ; Merino wool, 400 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1600 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1040 ; capital invested, $5248. Boots manufactured, 870 pairs ; shoes, 8800 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $11,800 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 6. Tannery, 1 ; .hides tanned, 800 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2900 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $3500. Hat Manufactory, 1 ;• hats manufactured, 400 ; value of hats, $1200 ; hands employed, 2. Forks manufactured, 2500 ; value of same, $1250; hands em- ployed, 2 ; capital invested, $400. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 3. Comb Manufactories, 6 ; value of combs, manufactured, $35,000; males employed, 40 ; females, 9. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 1000 ; value of same, $250. Tennon Machine Manufactory, 1 ; machines manufactured, 170 ; value of same, $8500 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $3000. 54 Copper Pump Manufactories, 2 ; pumps manufactured, 850 ; value of same, $7100 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $3000. Value of Piano-forte Keys manufactured, $5000 ; capital invest- ed, $3000. LEICESTER. . Woollen Mills, 5 ; woollen machinery, 15 sets ; wool consumed, 303,311 lbs.; cloth manufactured, 130,159 yards; value of same, $319,450 ; males employed, 166 ; females, 178 ; capital invested, $1S0,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 860 gallons. Common Sheep, 336; wool produced, 1176 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $530. Boots manufactured, 6834 pairs ; shoes, 766 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $15,589 ; males employed, 15 ; female, 1. Tanneries, 4 ; hides tanned, 5220 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $23,600; hands employed, 11 ; capital invested, $13,500. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 16,800; value of same, $13,000; hands employed, 20; capital invested, $6000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $600 ; hands employed, 2. Manufactories of Machine Cards, 8; machines, 118; value of machine cards manufactured, $101,500; hands employed, 38; capital invested, $52,000. Manufactories of Hand Cards, 9 ; machines, 35 ; value of hand cards manufactured, $50,300 ; hands employed, 32 ; capital invest- ed, $22,900. Machine Manufactory, 1 ; machines manufactured, 132; value of same, $7900 ; hands employed, 8 ; Capital invested, $3000. LEOMINSTER. Saxony Sheep, 25 ; merino Sheep, 210; other kinds of sheep, 160 ; Saxony wool produced, 75 lbs. ; merino wool, 629 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 472 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $519. 55 Boots manufactured, 583 pairs; shoes, 12,903 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $12,650 ; males employed, 31 ; females, 22. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1600; value of leather tanned and curried, $7000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $3500. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 600 ; value of hats, $1000; hands employed, 2. Paper Mills, 5 ; "owners unwilling to give information of partic- ulars " ; capital invested, $12,500. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 250 ; value of same, $375 ; employing 1 person ; capital invested, $300. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $3000 ; hands employed, 3. Comb Manufactories, 17 ; value of combs, $80,800 ; males em- ployed, 84 ; females, 47. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $2000 ; hands em- ployed, 3. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 100 ; value of same, $405. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 2,200 ; value of same, $275. Value of Chaises, Carriages and Harnesses manufactured, $4000 ; hands employed, 5. LUNENBURG. Saxony Sheep, 100 ; merino sheep, 100 ; other kinds of sheep, 91 ; Saxony wool produced, 300 lbs. ; merino wool, 300 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 360 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $480; capital invested, $560. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; shoes, 2,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2600 ; males employed, 5. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 700 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1400 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $1400. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $300 ; employing 1 person. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 90,000 ; value of same, $17,000. Books printed and bound, 16,000 volumes ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $2500. 56 MILFORD. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1200 ; cotton consumed, 13,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 80,000 yards ; value of same, $5,000 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 14 ; capital invest- ed, $15,000. Common Sheep, 29; wool produced, 87 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $45. Boots manufactured, 128,000 pairs ; value of same, $212,200 ; males employed, 305 ; females, 37. Hides curried, 5000 ; value of leather curried, $12,000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $5000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1500 ; hands employed, 2. Tin Ware Manufactory 1 ; value of tin ware, $800 ; hands em- ployed, 1. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 4000 ; value of same, $12,000. Value of Varnish manufactured, $5500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $4000. Value of Clothing manufactured, $4500 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $1000. Value of Shoe Pegs manufactured, $671 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $100. Value of Wagon Irons manufactured, $2500 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, 400. Value of Whips manufactured, $1000 ; hand employed, 1 ; cap- ital invested, $500. MENDON. Cotton Mills, 8 ; cotton spindles, 13,914 ; cotton consumed, 474,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 3,003,000 yards ; value of same, $251,410 ; males employed, 207 ; females, 205 ; capital invested, $323,400. Woollen Mills, 4 ; sets of woollen machinery, 12 ; wool con- sumed, 330,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 305,000 yards ; value of same, $324,000 ; males employed, 71 ; females, 62 ; capital in- vested, $113,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 4775 gallons. 57 Common Sheep, 142. Boots manufactured, 22,225 pairs; shoes, 150 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $39,800 ; males employed, CI ; females, 6. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; Iron Castings made, 4 tons ; value of same, $480 ; capital invested, $250. Scythe Manufactories, 2 ; scythes manufactured, 1860 ; value of scythes, $1400 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $7000. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 25 ; value of same, $175 ; employing 1 person. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1500 ; value of same, $4000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 50 ; value of same, $16 50. Value of Machinery manufactured, $6000 ; hands employed, 23 ; capital invested, $5000. Value of Wagons and Harnesses manufactured, $2000 ; hands em- ployed, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. MILLBURY. Cotton Mill, 1; cottonspindles, 1848 ; cotton consumed, 60,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 350,000 yards ; value of same, $25,000 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 20 ; capital invested, $20,000. Woollen Mills, 6 ; woollen machinery, 18 sets ; wool consumed, 478,500 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 166,000 yards ; value of same, $348,000; males employed, 148 ; females, 128; capital invested, $278,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 5800 gallons. Common Sheep, 193 ; wool produced, 579 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $289 50. Boots manufactured, 9800 pairs ; shoes, 80,500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $93,175 ; males employed, 150 ; females, 53. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 52,100; value of leather tanned and curried, $27,000; hands employed, 14; capital invested, $15,000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 2500; value of hats, $7000 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 120 tons; value of paper, 8 58 $15,000; males employed 4; females, 4; capital invested, $12,000. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 14,400; value of scythes, $9600 ; hands employed, 14 ; capital invested, $9000. Manufactory of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes, 1 ; value of manufactures of same, $576 ; employing 1 person ; capital invested, $300. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 50 ; value of same, $400 ; employing 1 person. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware manufactured, $5500 ; hands employed, 3. Musket Manufactory, 1 ; muskets manufactured, 2500 ; value of same, $25,000 ; hands employed, 30. Trying Squares and Bevels manufactured, 800 dozen ; Trowels, 75 dozen ; valued at $5600 ; hands employed, 6. Capital invested in the manufacture of Machinery, $1600; hands employed, 15. Capital invested in the manufacture of Sashes and Blinds, $1000; value of same manufactured, $5000 ; hands employed, 5. Black Lead manufactured, 40 tons ; value of same, $1600. NEW BRAINTREE. Capital invested in the manufacture of Cotton, $6000 ; (no fur- ther particulars stated.) Saxony Sheep, 44; merino sheep, 561 ; other kinds of sheep, 55 ; Saxony wool produced, 132 lbs. ; merino wool, 2096 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 258 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1491 60; capital invested, $1815. Tannery, I ; hides tanned, 275 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $500 ; employing 1 person ; capital invested, $200. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 18,000 ; value of same, $4000. NORTHBOROUGH. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 1820 ; cotton consumed, 70,655 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 220,000 yards ; value of 59 same, $30,400 ; males employed, 17 ; females, 31 ; capital invest- ed, $40,000. Common Sheep, 200 ; wool produced, 600 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $300 ; capital invested, $500. Boots manufactured, 7255 pairs ; shoes, 20,800 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $30,720 ; males employed, 50 ; females, 25. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2800 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $8500 ; hands employed, 10. Children's Wagons manufactured, 550 ; valued at $1000 ; hands employed, 2. NORTHBRIDGE. Cotton Mills, 4 ; cotton spindles, 9000 ; cotton consumed, 385,- 700 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,450,000 yards; value of same, $136,750; males employed, 90 ; females, 107 ; capital invested, $95,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 100,000 lbs. ; satinet manufactured, 100,000 yards ; value of same, $70,000 ; males employed, 40 ; females, 20 ; capital invested, $25,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 2500 gallons. Merino Sheep, 170 ; wool produced, 425 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 J lbs. ; value of wool, $255. Boots manufactured, 600 pairs ; shoes, 53,500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $50,000 ; males employed, 75 ; females, 20. Value of Cotton Machinery manufactured, $25,000 ; hands em- ployed, 20 ; capital invested, $5000. NORTH BROOKFIELD. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 10,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 9195 yards ; value of same, $10,758 15; males employed, 7; females, 2; capital invested, $10,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 200 gallons. Merino Sheep, 245 ; wool produced, 796 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3£ lbs. ; value of wool, $477 60; capital invested, $600. 60 Boots manufactured, 24,170 pairs ; shoes, 559,900 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $470,316 ; males employed, 550 ; females, 300. Tannery, 1; calf skins tanned, 1730; value of leather tanned and curried, $41,000; hands employed, 8; capital invested, $20,000. Shoe Boxes manufactured, 4000; value of same, $1720 ; hands employed, 3. Shoe Lasts manufactured, 12,000 ; value of same, $1440 ; hands employed, 3. OAKHAM. Satinet Mill, 1, with 6 looms; (no other particulars stated.) Sheep of all kinds, 258 ; wool produced, 908 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 3 J lbs. 50 males, and 20 females employed in the manufacture of Boots and Shoes. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $5500. Plough Manufactory, 1; ploughs manufactured, 100; value of same, $800 ; hands employed, 1 . Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1300 ; value of same, $3486. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 20,000 ; value of same, $4000. Wire Sieves manufactured, 543 dozen ; value of same, $1290. OXFORD. Cotton Mills, 4 ; cotton spindles, 6226 ; cotton consumed, 169,450; cotton goods manufactured, 653,500 yards ; value of same, $92,685 ; males employed, 66 ; females, 67 ; capital invest- ed, $107,000. Woollen Mills, 5 ; woollen machinery, 12J sets ; wool consumed, 288,900 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 184,820 yards ; value of same, $371,915; males employed, 122 ; females, 78; capital invested, $291,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 6797 gallons. Boots manufactured, 4165 pairs ; shoes, 33,522 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $36,794 ; males employed, 66 ; females, 45. 61 PAXTON. Common Sheep, 242 ; wool produced, 665 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $350 ; capital invested, $500. Boots manufactured, 24,200 pairs ; value of same, $48,430 ; males employed, 53 ; females, 9. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 800 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2500 ; hands employed 2; capital invested, 1000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 2000 ; value of same, $550. Value of Carriages manufactured, $2000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $600. PETERSHAM. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 5000 lbs. ; satinet manufactured, 1400 yards ; value of same, $7000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $5000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 240 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 13 ; merino sheep, 239 ; other kinds of sheep, 407 ; Saxony wool produced, 49 lbs. ; merino wool, 717 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1017 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of wool, $896 50 ; capital invested, $1318. Boots manufactured, 5100 pairs ; shoes, 5900 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $16,100 ; males employed, 28 ; females, 7. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 2100 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $7500 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $4200. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $600 ; hands employed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 130,525 ; value of same, $25,495. PHILLIPSTON. Cotton Mill, 1; cotton spindles, 1512; cotton consumed, 46,600 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 165,000 yards ; value of same, $15,000; males employed, 6 to 10; females, 25 to 30; capital invested, $20,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 62 8000 lbs.; cloth manufactured, 11,500 yards; value of same, $25,000 ; males employed, 3 to 4 ; females, 2 to 4. Common Sheep, 186 ; wool produced, 558 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $186 ; capital invested, $558. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs; shoes, 1000 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $1200 ; males employed, 3. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $3500. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 65,500 ; value of same, $15,600. PRINCETON. Common Sheep, 336; wool produced, 1175 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $500. Shoes manufactured, 50,000 pairs ; value of same, $20,000 ; males employed, 30 ; females, 20. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2300 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $9000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $9000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet "Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1800; hands employed, 4. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 75,000 ; value of same, $9500. ROYALSTON. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 5 sets ; wool consumed, 88,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 72,000 yards ; value of same, $72,000 ; males employed, 34 ; females, 34 ; capital invested, $61,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 820 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 40 ; merino sheep, 181 ; other kinds of sheep, 379 ; Saxony wool produced, 120 lbs. ; merino wool, 543 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1137 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $702 ; capital invested, $1352. Boots manufactured, 495 pairs ; shoes, 8480 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $9886 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 7. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1068 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3224 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2600. 63 Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $15,041 ; hands employed, 16. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1S00; hands employ- ed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 129,000 ; value of same, $16,225. Saw Mills, 11 ; value of lumber, $18,465 ; hands employed, 22. Value of Shoe Pegs manufactured, $5000 ; hands employed, 10. Value of Brush Wood manufactured, $2300. Value of Palm-leaf Mats manufactured, $700. RUTLAND. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 30,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 26,000 yards ; value of same, $15,0S0 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 4 ; sperm oil used by man- ufacturers, 350 gallons. Merino Sheep, 143 ; other kinds of sheep, 327 ; Merino wool produced, 462 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1076 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $700. Boots manufactured, 10,304 pairs ; shoes, 5950 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $23,369 ; males employed, 37 ; females, 13. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1425 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2075. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 5 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $5000 ; hands employed, 12. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $300 ; hands employed, 2. SHREWSBURY. Common Sheep, 210 ; wool produced, 630 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $264 60 ; capital invested, $525. Shoes manufactured, 93,101 pairs; value of same, $88,993; males employed, 140 ; females, 109. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 5192 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $39,844 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $5500. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 5200 ; value of hats, $13,000; males employed, 8 ; females, 5. 64 Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000 ; hands employed, 2. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $1250. Gun Manufactories, 3; guns manufactured, 571 ; value of same, $7200; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $2500. Value of Clothing manufactured, $60,000 ; hands employed, 175; capital invested, $5000. SOUTHBOROUGH. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 400 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 750 yards ; value of same, $375 ; hands employed, 1 male, and 1 female ; capital invested, $1500 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 8 gallons. Common Sheep, 29 ; wool produced, 100 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $50 ; capital invested, $90. Boots manufactured, 170 pairs; shoes, 39,312 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $31,560 ; males employed, 80 ; females, 75. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 5500 ; value of same, $9000. SOUTHBRIDGE. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 6844 ; cotton consumed, 254,103 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,139,160 yards ; value of same, $95,900 : males employed, 83; females, 89 ; capital in- vested, $80,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool consumed, 120,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 50,000 yards ; value of same, $150,000; males employed, 75; females, 50; capital invested, $75,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 2000 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 300 ; merino sheep, 400 ; other kinds of sheep, 23 ; Saxony wool produced, 750 lbs. ; merino wool, 1200 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 92 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $1225 ; capital invested, $1084. Boots manufactured, 590 pairs; shoes, 15,475 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $15,712 ; males employed, 17 ; females, 14. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery, $600 ; hands em- ployed, 2 ; capital invested, $300. 65 SPENCER. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool consumed, 73,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 34,000 yards ; value of woollen goods, $87,000; males employed, 31 ; females, 23 ; capital invested, $42,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 1350 gallons. Common Sheep, 637 ; wool produced, 1911 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1150 ; capital invested, $3200. Boots manufactured, 52,091 pairs ; shoes, 2940 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $106,496 ; males employed, 162 ; females, 28. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 800 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $3000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1500. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 1800; value of scythes, $1200 ; hand employed, 1 ; capital invested, $500. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2500 ; hands employed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 29,800 ; value of same, $7000. Powder Mills, 2 ; powder manufactured, 162,500 lbs. ; value of same, $14,500 ; hands employed, 2. Wire Drawing Mills, 4 ; wire manufactured, 19 tons ; value of same, $10,480 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $4000. Turning Bobbin Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of bobbin, $500. STERLING. Common Sheep, 224 ; wool produced, 896 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $448. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; shoes, 3000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3300 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2500. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 24 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $53,228 ; hands employed, 80. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 80 ; value of same, $200. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 22,500; value of same, $7200. Value of Scythe Snaiths manufactured, $5000 ; hands employ- ed, 10. 9 66 Value of Harnesses manufactured, $1300 ; hands employed, 3. Value of Barrels manufactured, $2800 ; hands employed, 3. . STURBRIDGE. Cotton Mills, 6 ; cotton spindles, 8664 ; cotton consumed, 360,- 056 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 829,749 yards ; value of same, $117,134; males employed, 71 ; females, 117 ; capital invested, $129,500. Merino Sheep, 2062; wool produced, 5,150 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $3090 ; capital invested, $37,459. Boots manufactured, 2220 pairs ; shoes, 12,660 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $18,306 40 ; males employed, 35 ; females, 15. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1,900 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4500 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $6000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $500 ; hands employed, 2. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 2000; value of same, $400. Value of Clothing manufactured, $18,000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 15. Value of Harnesses and Trunks manufactured, $800 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $200. Value of Chaises and Wagons manufactured, $1700 ; hands em- ployed, 4. Value of Sleighs manufactured, $800 ; hands employed, 2. Value of Pocket Rifles manufactured, $20,275 ; hands employed, 36 ; capital invested, $5000. SUTTON. Cotton Mills, 4 ; cotton spindles, 7356 ; cotton consumed, 234,- 199 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,30 1,727 yards; value of same, $125,572; males employed, 94; females, 100; capital invested, $108,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool consumed, 115,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 82,000 yards ; value of same, 67 $110,000; males employed, 40 ; females, 24; capital invested, $45,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 1900 gallons. Merino Sheep, 458 ; wool produced, 1,405 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; capital invested, $871. Boots manufactured, 9314 pairs ; shoes, 51,968 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $55,656 ; males employed, 103 ; females, 99. Scythe Manufactories, 2 ; scythes manufactured, 4800 ; value of same, $3350 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $4500. Shuttles manufactured, 2000 dozen ; value of same, $10,000 ; hands employed, 12 ; capital invested, $7500. Spindles manufactured, 30,000 ; value of same, $5000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $2000. TEMPLETON. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 35,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 30,000 yards ; value of same, $30,000 ; males employed, 15 ; females, 15 ; capital invested, $20,000 ; sperm and olive oil used by manufacturers, 1860 gallons. Merino Sheep, 164; other kinds of sheep, 195 ; merino wool pro- duced, 656 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 780 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $718 ; capital invested, $1077. Boots manufactured, 8530 pairs ; shoes, 9280 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $22,327 ; males employed, 46 ; females, 26. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 2975 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $15,800 ; hands employed, 10; capital invested, $4800. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 53 tons ; value of same, $5300 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $5000. Manufactory of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes, 1 ; value of manufacture, $7500; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $3500. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 9 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $12,586 ; hands employed, 22. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $6000 ; hands employed, 6. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1040; hands employ- ed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 117,304; value of same, $22,108. 68 Value of Carriages manufactured, $6700 ; hands employed, 13 ; capital invested, $1700. Saw Mills, 11 ; lumber sawed, 1,986,000 feet; value of same, $16,040. UPTON. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 31,200 lbs.; cloth manufactured, 31,200 yards; value of same, $15,600; males employed, 8; females, 6; capital invested, $1250; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 312 gallons. Common Sheep, 32 ; wool produced, 95 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $48 ; capital invested, $96. Boots manufactured, 3500 pairs ; shoes, 117,699 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $107,796 84; males employed, 156; females, 81. Tannery, 1 ; (no other particulars stated.) Straw Bonnets manufactured, 14,000 ; value of same, $35,110. Value of Sashes and Blinds manufactured, $3600 ; hands em- ployed, 4 ; capital invested, $350. UXBRIDGE. Cotton Mills, 3; cotton spindles, 11,000; cotton consumed, 332,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 936,000 yards ; value of same, $168,000; males employed, 130; females, 250; capital in- jested, $261,000. Woollen Mills, 5; woollen machinery, 13 sets ; wool consumed, 236,000 lbs. ; satinet manufactured, 295,000 yards ; value of same, $186,000 ; males employed, 62 ; females, 66 ; capital invested, $80,000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 5400 gallons. Common Sheep, 150 ; wool produced, 450 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $225. Boots manufactured, 5300 pairs ; shoes, 7300 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $18,000; males employed, 33 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $15,000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $7000. 69 Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2; value of chairs and cabinet ware $2500 ; hands employed, 5. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $3500 ; hands em- ployed, 2. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1100 ; value of same, $1650. Yarn manufactured, 5300 lbs. ; value of same $7800 ; hands em- ployed, 3 males, and 1 female ; capital invested, $1500. WARREN. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1056 ; cotton consumed, 26,500 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 76,000 yards ; value of same, $8000 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 12 ; capital invested, $10,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 58,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 69,500 yards ; value of same, $51,300; males employed, 15; females, 15; capital invested, $9000 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 550 gallons. Merino Sheep, 610; other kinds of sheep, 500; merino wool produced, 1830 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1500 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1831 50; capital invested, $1665. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 7200 ; value of same, $5700 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $5000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 45,000 ; value of same, $5850. WEBSTER. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 6088 ; cotton consumed, 290,- 000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,155,535 yards; value of same, $103,427 ; males employed, 62 ; females, 101 ; capital in- vested, $100,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 6 sets ; wool consumed, 130,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 60,000 yards ; value of same, $180,000; males employed, 50; females, 45 ; capital invested, $50,000 ; sperm and olive oil used by manufacturers, 3200 gallons. Common Sheep, 95; wool produced, 190 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $95 ; capital invested, $427. 70 Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 350 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $850 ; hand employed, 1 ; capital invested, $1000. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $2000 ; hands em- ployed, 2. Thread Mill, 1 ; spindles, 1920; cotton consumed, 50,000 lbs. ; thread manufactured, 42,000 lbs. ; value of same, $26,000 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 19 ; capital invested, $30,000. WESTBOROUGH. Merino Sheep, 137 ; wool produced, 550 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $275 ; capital invested, $411. Boots manufactured, 20,092 pairs ; shoes, 120,656 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $148,774 40; males employed, 360; fe- males, 214. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 3300 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $7800 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $800. Axe Manufactories, 2 ; axes manufactured, 2940 ; value of same, $2870; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $1500. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1500 ; hands employed, 2. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 40 ; value of same, about $275 ; employing 1 person. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of tin ware, $1100. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1200 ; value of same, $2800. Value of Sleighs manufactured, $3840 ; hands employed, 10; cap- ital invested, $3000. Value of Harnesses manufactured, $517 ; employing 1 person ; capital invested, $200. WEST BOYLSTON. Cotton Mills, 7 ; cotton spindles, S036 ; cotton consumed, 418,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,502,000 yards ; value of same, $151,450; males employed, 89; females, 168; capital invested, $161,700. 71 Merino Sheep, 12; other kinds of sheep, 119; merino wool produced, 40 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 369 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $204 50 ; capital invested, $3200. Boots manufactured, 7070 pairs ; shoes, 5890 pairs ; (manufac- tured for dealers out of town ;) hands employed, 17. Tannery, 1 ; (just commenced business.) Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 2800 ; value of same, $500. Value of Cotton Machinery manufactured, $6200 ; hands em- ployed, 10 ; capital invested, $4500. Value of Baskets manufactured, $2450 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $575. Value of Hatchets manufactured, $1700 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $500. Value of Boot Boxes manufactured, $2500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1300. Value of School Apparatus manufactured, $1400 ; hands em- ployed, 2 ; capital invested, $800. Value of Straw Braid manufactured, $2000. WESTMINSTER. Merino Sheep, 500 ; other kinds of sheep, 159 ; merino wool produced, 1750 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 556 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $1153 ; capital invested, $10,600. Boots manufactured, 305 pairs ; shoes, 670 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1950 ; males employed, 4. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 625 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1950 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $3200. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hats manufactured, 600 ; value of same, $800. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 14 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $26,350 ; hands employed, 38. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $6200 ; hands employ- ed, 12. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 8400; value of same, $15,675. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 10,000; value of same, $1200. Value of Card Boards manufactured, $2500 ; hands employed, 5. Value of Saddle and Harness making, $1400 ; hands employ- ed, 2. 72 WINCHENDON. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 4000; cotton consumed, 260,000 lbs.; cotton goods manufactured, 1,000,000 yards; (value not stated ;) males employed, 25 ; females, 125 ; (capital not stated.) Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 60,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 55,000 yards ; value of same, $53,000 ; males employed, 25 ; females, 25 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 1000 gallons ; (capital not stated.) Common Sheep, 553 ; wool produced, 1659 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $800. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1400 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $6000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $4000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 4. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $21,000 ; hands employ- ed, 30. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 48,000; value of same, $5000. Value of Cotton and Wool Bobbins manufactured, $8000 ; hands employed, 10. WORCESTER. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 3424; cotton consumed, 162,- 194 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 546,521 yards ; value of same, $62,182 ; males employed, 34 ; females, 47 ; capital invest- ed, $45,500. Woollen Mills, 8 ; woollen machinery, 16 sets ; wool consumed, 369,812 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 326,790 yards ; value of same, $360,352 ; males employed, 112; females, 113 ; capital invested, $99,500 ; sperm oil used by manufacturers, 7800 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 510 ; other kinds of sheep, SI 5 ; Saxony wool produced, 1275 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2037 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $1337 50 ; capital invested, $2292 50. Boots manufactured, 18,697 pairs ; shoes, 27,075 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $59,020 34 ; males employed, 89 ; females, 33. 73 Hat Manufactories, 4 ; hats manufactured, 8300 ; value of hats, $33,200; males employed, 20; females, 12. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 287 tons ; value of paper, $54,815; males employed, 11; females, 11; capital invested, $23,000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 300 tons ; value of same, $30,000 ; hands employed, 20; capital invested, $12,000. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery, $3500 ; hands em- ployed, 6 ; capital invested, $2000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $20,000; hands employed, 21. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 900 ; value of ploughs, $9000 ; hands employed, 7. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; value of tin ware, $18,300 ; hands employed, 14. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 12,500 ; value of same, $25,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 3000 ; value of same, $1000. Manufactories of Woollen Machinery, 9; hands employed, 160; value of machinery manufactured, $240,000 ; capital invested, $75,000. Wire Manufactory, 1 ; hands employed, 35 ; value of wire, $45,000 ; capital invested, $25,000. Lead Pipe Manufactory, 1 ; hands employed, 5 ; value of lead pipe, $11,000; capital invested, $5000. Manufactory of Paper Machinery, 1 ; hands employed, 10; value of machinery, $10,000; capital invested, $3000. Coach and Chaise Manufactories, 2 ; hands employed, 40; value of coaches and chaises, $60,000 ; capital invested, $25,000. COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. AMHERST. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool con- sumed, 39,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 62,195 yards ; value of same, $40,337 ; males employed, 22 ; females, 30 ; capital invest- ed, $30,000. Saxony Sheep, 42 ; merino sheep, 698 ; other kinds of sheep, 10 74 1090 ; Saxony wool produced, 105 lbs. ; merino wool, 1832 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3068 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $1610; capital invested, $3624. Boots manufactured, 1150 pairs ; shoes, 3000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $8550 ; males employed, 1 1 ; females, 3. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1200 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2,500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 1200 ; value of hats, $3600 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 42 tons ; value of paper, $7000 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 7 ; capital invested, $8000. Axe manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; axes manufactured, 300 ; value of same, $375. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 3. Ploughs manufactured, 70 ; (no further particulars stated.) Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of tin ware, $1000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 60,000 ; value of same, $12,000. Value of Carriages manufactured, $100,000 ; hands employed, 100 |5 capital invested, $30,000. Value of Children's Wagons, manufactured, $4500 ; hands em- ployed, 10. Value of Joiners' Planes manufactured , $8000 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $3000. Value of Stoves manufactured, $2500 ; hands employed, 2 ; cap- ital invested, $800. Value of Wagons manufactured, $3000 ; hands employed, 4. Value of Steel manufactures, viz. hammers, $2664 ; bowie knives and pistols, $2000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $1,500. BELCHERTOWN. Sheep of all kinds, 3000 ; wool produced, 9000 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5400. "About 600 one-horse wagons manufactured," probable value, $24,000. 75 CHESTERFIELD. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 4,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 4,500 yards ; value of same, $5600; males employed, 3; females, 3; capital invested, $2,000; sperm oil used, 60 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 1000 ; merino sheep, 5000 ; other kinds of sheep, 1100; Saxony wool produced, 2500 lbs.; merino wool, 15,000 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 3300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $12,480 ; capital invested, $106,500 Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $13,000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $13,580. CUMMINGTON. Cotton Mills, 2; cotton spindles, 1168; cotton consumed, 23,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 124,000 yards ; value of same, $8060 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 21 ; capital in- vested, $8000 ; sperm oil used, 150 gallons. Woollen Mills, 4 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool consumed, 18,000 lbs. ; satinet manufactured, 74,000 yards ; value of same, $31,000; males employed, 11; females, 20; capital invested, $14,000 ; sperm oil used, 400 gallons. Merino Sheep, 4162 ; wool produced, 12,486 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $7,491 60 ; capital invest- ed, $11,792 66. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 7662 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $45,445 93 ; hands employed, 16 ; capital invested, $27,700. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 7,200 ; value of same, $1500. Scythe Snaiths manufactured, 20,000; value of same, $12,000 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $4000. EASTHAMPTON. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, I set ; wool consumed, 12,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 15,000 yards ; value of same, 76 $14,000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $10,- 000 ; sperm oil used 150 gallons. Merino Sheep, 400; other kinds of sheep, 100; merino wool produced, 1000 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 200 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $600; capital invested, $1000. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs ; shoes, 400 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $600 ; males employed, 5. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 300 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $700 ; 1 hand employed, ; capital invested, $400. Value of Lasting Buttons manufactured, $40,000 ; males employ- ed, 2 ; females, 125 ; capital invested, $12,000. ENFIELD. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 600 ; cotton consumed, 24,000 lbs. ; value of cotton goods manufactured, $8000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 12 ; capital invested, $8000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 5 sets ; wool consumed, 120,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 150,000 yards ; value of same, $100,000 ; males employed, 25 ; females, 25 ; capital invested, $30,000 ; sperm oil used, 300 gallons. Common Sheep, 831 ; wool produced, 2141 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $1089 50 ; capital invested, $1585 50. Boots manufactured, 1090 pairs ; shoes, 11,S30 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $11,729 ; males employed, 20. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 700 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2150 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2100. Hat Manufactory 1 ; employing 1 person ; hats manufactured, 600 ; value of hats, $1950. t Manufactories of Hoes, 2 ; value of hoes manufactured, $340 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $500. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 60,000 ; value of same, $12,000. Value of Wool Cards manufactured, $35,000 ; males employ- ed, 12 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $20,000. Value of Cotton Batting and Wicking manufactured, $10,000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. 77 Value of Shingle Machines manufactured, $1500 ; hands em- ployed, 2 ; capital invested, $900. GRANBY. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 22,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 26,200 yards ; value of same, $20,200 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 10 ; capital invested, $20,000 ; sperm oil used, 300 gallons. Merino Sheep, 1900; other kinds of sheep, 167; merino wool produced, 5700 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 501 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $3670 ; capital invested, $3100. GOSHEN. Saxony Sheep, 710; merino sheep, 2115; other kinds of sheep, 223 ; Saxony wool produced, 1775 lbs. ; merino wool, 6335 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 852 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 15-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $4500. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs ; shoes, 200 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $700 ; males employed, 3. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1500. Value of Broom Handles manufactured, $3000 ; hands employ- ed, 4. Value of Lumber sawed, $5000. GREENWICH. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 3500 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 3000 yards; value of same, $3000; males employed, 6 ; capital invested, $3500 ; sperm oil used, 90 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 75 ; merino sheep, 649 ; other kinds of sheep, 247 ; Saxony wool produced, 200 lbs. ; merino wool, 2542 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $2500 ; capital invested, $2427 50. 78 Boots manufactured, 75 pairs ; shoes, 500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1600 ; males employed, 4. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 10,200 ; value of same, $7000 ; hands employed, 12 ; capital invested, $4000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 30,000 ; value of same, $4375. HADLEY. Merino Sheep, 1313 ; wool produced, 3939 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1969 ; capital invested, $1969. Boots manufactured, 377 pairs ; shoes, 2063 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2584 ; hands employed, 5 males, and 1 female. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1700 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $6000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $3900. Hat Manufactory, 1; employing 1 person; hats manufactured, 150 ; value of hats, $450. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1200 ; hands employed, 2. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 42,300 ; value of same, $6768. Glue Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; glue manufactured, 12 tons ; value of same, $3600. Wire manufactured, 15 tons ; value of same, $8000 ; hands em- ployed, 2 ; capital invested, $5200. Value of Brooms manufactured, $89,248 ; of brushes, $1190 ; hands employed, 60. HATFIELD. Merino Sheep, 400 ; wool produced, 1600 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $1000. Boots manufactured, 175 pairs ; shoes, 2500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $3504 ; males employed, 5. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 10,000 ; value of same, $1666. Value of Brooms manufactured, $28,600 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $23,400. Value of Carriages manufactured, $5000 ; hands employed, 8. 79 MIDDLEFIELD. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool consumed, 65,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 26,000 yards ; value of same, ,000 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 24 ; capital invested, i,000 ; sperm oil used, 1080 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 9724 ; wool produced, 26,741 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $17,381 65 ; capital in- vested, $120,945. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 920 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $5425. NORTHAMPTON. Woollen Mills, 3 ; woollen machinery, 7 sets ; wool consumed, 160,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 70,000 yards ; value of same, $230,000 ; males employed, 64 ; females, 60 ; capital invested, $100,000 ; sperm oil used, 1200 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 1350 ; merino sheep, 1280 ; other kinds of sheep, 1120; Saxony wool produced, 3340 lbs. ; merino wool, 3683 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3645 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $7075 ; capital invested, $20,700. Boots manufactured, 850 pairs ; shoes, 2100 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $6500 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1200 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $10,000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $8000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 1000 ; value of hats, $2500 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2. Paper Mill, 1 ; capital invested, $30,000; (no other particulars stated.) Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; capital invested, $7000 ; (no other particulars stated.) Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs, and cabinet ware, $5000 ; hands employed, 10. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; value of tin ware, $2350 ; hands employed, 7. 80 Silk Manufactories, 2 ; value of ribbon and sewing silk manufac- tured, $40,000 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 40 ; capital in- Vested, $100,000. Broom Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $3000. NORWICH. Woollen Mill, 1 ? woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 1000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 4000 yards ; value of same, $3000 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $2000 ; sperm oil used 90 gallons. Merino Sheep, 1735 ; other kinds of sheep, 466 ; merino wool produced, 5205 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1631 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; capital invested, $3934 15. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; shoes, 1000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1200 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 200 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $2000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $4000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 3000 ; value of same, $4250 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $2250. Distilleries, 6 ; spirit distilled, 1500 gallons. PELHAM. Common Sheep, 505. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; value of ploughs manufactured, $350 ; employing 1 person. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 18,000 ; value of same, $3000. PLAINFIELD. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 17,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 20,000 yards ; value of same, $13,000 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 7 ; capital invested, $1200 ; sperm oil used, 180 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 238 ; merino sheep, 1775 ; other kinds of sheep, 1759 ; Saxony wool produced, 595 lbs. ; merino wool, 4497 lbs. ; 81 other kinds of wool, 4397 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2£ lbs. ; value of wool, $5379 36 ; capital invested, $9450. Boots manufactured, 1075 pairs ; shoes, 830 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3400 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 5. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $11,000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $1200. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $657 ; hands employed, 2. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $2500; hands employ- ed, 5. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 48,000 ; value of same, $8900. Value of Broom Handles manufactured, $442. PRESCOTT. Merino Sheep, 400; other kinds of sheep, 250; merino wool produced, 1200 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 750 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $730 ; capital invested, $812. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 50,000 ; value of same, $10,000. SOUTH HADLEY. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 40,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 60,000 yards ; value of same, $45,000; males employed, 10; females, 12 ; capital invested, $32,000 ; sperm oil used, 1000 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 481 ; merino sheep, 650 ; other kinds of sheep, 171 ; Saxony wool produced, 1203 lbs. ; merino wool, 1788 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 513 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of wool, $2170 43; capital invested, $19,530. Boots manufactured, 470 pairs; shoes, 1650 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $3850 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 3. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 3900 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $18,400 ; hands employed, 15 ; capital invested, $12,500. Paper Mills, 3 ; stock manufactured, 1250 tons ; value of paper, $161,500; males employed, 43; females, 41; capital invested, $100,000. 11 82 Forge, 1 ; (not in operation.) Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $400 ; employing 1 per- son. Pearl Button Manufactories, 2 ; buttons manufactured, 18,000 gross ; value of same, $8500 ; males employed, 13 ; females, 18 ; capital invested $4200. SOUTHAMPTON. Merino Sheep, 1037 ; other kinds of sheep, 348 ; merino wool produced, 2217 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1314 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 9-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $1940 05 ; capital invested, $2077. Boots manufactured, 210 pairs ; shoes, 560 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $1225 ; males employed, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 300 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1800; hands employed, 2; capital invested, $2300. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; employing 1 per- son ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $300. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; ploughs manufac- tured, 130 ; value of same, $910. Hogshead Shooks manufactured, 1800 ; value of same, $1400 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $300. Bricks manufactured, 300,000; value of same, $1000; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $200. WARE. Cotton Mills, 2; cotton spindles, 6544 ; cotton consumed, 516,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,450,000 yards; value of same, $160,000 ; males employed, 62 ; females, 200 ; capital invest- ed, $200,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 1 1 sets ; wool consumed, 270,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 230,000 yards ; value of same, $280,000 ; males employed, 77 ; females, 80 ; capital invested, $200,000 ; sperm oil used, 7500 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 284 ; merino sheep, 669 ; other kinds of sheep, 427 ; Saxony wool produced, 710 lbs. ; merino wool, 1558 lbs. ; 83 other kinds of wool, 1067 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2i lbs. value of wool, $1667 ; capital invested, $4038. Boots manufactured, 867 pairs; shoes, 61,623 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $53,164 ; males employed, 68 ; females, 30. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 13,480 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $6450 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $10,000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 2500; value of hats, $5625 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Manufactory of Tin Ware, 1 ; value of tin ware $1500 ; hands employed, 5. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 85,000 ; value of same, $114,832. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 79,200 ; value of same, $10,870. Value of Sheet Iron manufactured, $2500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Starch Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $500. Value of Augers manufactured, $4500 ; hands employed, 9 ; cap- ital invested, $3000. Value of Carriages manufactured, $2960 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $1700. Value of Harnesses manufactured, $720 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $700. Value of Boxes manufactured, $1500 ; employing 1 person; capi- tal invested, $400. WESTHAMPTON. Saxony Sheep, 170 ; merino sheep, 944 ; other kinds of sheep, 1404; Saxony wool produced, 425 lbs. ; merino wool, 2448 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3846 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2} lbs. ; value of wool, $3205 ; capital invested, $7204. Tannery, I ; hides tanned, 250 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1500 ; hands employed, 2; capital invested, $800. Hoes manufactured, 1500 ; value of same, $750 ; hands employ- ed, 2 ; capital invested, $150. 84 WILLIAMSBURG. Woollen Mills, 3 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool consumed, 48,865 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 42,150 yards ; value of same, $69,235 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 25 ; capital invested, $33,700 ; oil used, 782 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 166 ; merino sheep, 1526 ; other kinds of sheep, 1123; Saxony wool produced, 415 lbs. ; merino wool, 4578 lbs. other kinds of wool, 3369 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5017 20; capital invested, $8445. Boots manufactured, 300 pairs ; shoes, 900 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2300 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1150; value of leather tanned and curried, $4750 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $3000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 250 ; value of same, $750 ; hands employed, 2 males, and 1 female. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 20 tons ; value of same, $2000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1500. Axe Manufactories, 2 ; axes manufactured, 5040 ; value of same, $6106 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $4800. Value of Flexible and Japan Buttons manufactured, $102,500 ; hands employed, 13 males, and 105 females ; capital invested, $39,000. Value of Lather Boxes manufactured, $1250 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2; capital invested, $1200. Value of Augers, Bitts and Bitt- Stocks manufactured, $2310 ; males employed, 5 ; capital invested, $2500. Value of Gimlets manufactured, $1200 ; males employed, 2; females, 2; capital invested, $750. Value of Screw-Drivers and Punches manufactured, $2866 67 ; males employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1800. Value of Stocking Yarn manufactured, $1600; males employed, 2 ; females, 3 ; capital invested, $2300. WORTHINGTON. Merino Sheep, 9050 ; wool produced, 27,000 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. * value of wool, $16,875 ; capital invested, $25,000. 85 Boots manufactured, 800 pairs ; shoes, 800 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3000 ; males employed, 4. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 10,000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $32,000 ; hands employed, 18 ; capital invested, #21,500. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hats manufactured, 150 ; value of hats, $450. Value of Curtains manufactured, $10,125; of Children's Wag- ons, $1800 ; capital invested in the manufacture of curtains and wag- ons, $1500 ; males employed, 15 ; females, 19. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN. BLANDFORD. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 15,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 13,000 yards ; value of same, $18,000 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $12,000 ; sperm oil used, 1500 gallons. Merino Sheep, 1822 ; wool produced, 5400 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $3240. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 4000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $30,000 ; hands employed 10; capital invested, $24,000. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 60 tons ; value of paper, $2500 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. Cows, 1535 ; cheese manufactured, 230,000 lbs. ; butter, 20,000 lbs. ; value of cheese, $16,100 ; of butter, $3000 ; males employ- ed, 200 ; females, 300 ; capital invested, $60,000. BRIMFIELD. Cotton Mill, 1; cotton spindles, 1332; cotton consumed, 75,400 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 230,000 yards ; value of same, $19,500 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 25 ; capital invested, $10,000. Merino Sheep, 2058 ; other kinds of sheep, 441 ; merino wool produced, 5807 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1257 lbs. ; average weight 86 of fleece, 2 13-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $4067 ; capital invested, $3748. Boots manufactured, 10,000 pairs ; shoes, 36,000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $58,650; males employed, 125; females, 50. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 4700 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $20,000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $15,000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 12,780; value of same, $5112. CHESTER. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 1690 ; cotton consumed, 57,- 500 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 225,000 yards; value of same, $22,075 ; males employed, 13 ; females, 22 ; capital invested, $24,000. Saxony Sheep, 1055 ; merino sheep, 2495 ; other kinds of sheep, 170 ; Saxony wool produced, 2373 lbs. ; merino wool, 7485 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 467 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of wool, $5817 38 ; capital invested, $11,347. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 33,500; value of leather tanned and curried, $10,900 ; hands employed, 11 ; capital invested, $15,300. Value of Window Blinds manufactured, $15,000 ; males employ- ed, 14 ; females, 26 ; capital invested, $2000. GRANVILLE. Merino Sheep, 404 ; other kinds of sheep, 1097 ; merino wool produced, 1252 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3200 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $2571 89; capital invest- ed, $3685. Boots manufactured, 175 pairs ; shoes, 850 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1450 ; males employed, 6. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 325 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1100 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2000. Value of Silver manufactured, $3000 ; hands employed, 3 ; cap- ital invested, $500. Value of Pocket Books manufactured, $6240 ; hands employed, 1 male, and 15 females ; capital invested, $1000. 87 HOLLAND. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1024 ; cotton consumed, 20,902 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 104,512 yards ; value of same, $10,451 20 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 17 ; capital invested, $15,000. Saxony Sheep, 200 ; merino sheep, 200 ; other kinds of sheep, 258 ; Saxony wool produced, 500 lbs. ; merino wool, 550 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 635 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 9-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $505 50 ; capital invested, $2527. LONGMEADOW. Merino Sheep, 600 ; other kinds of sheep, 350 ; merino wool produced, 1800 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1050 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. Tanneries, 3; hides tanned, 11,100; value of leather tanned and curried, $8000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $4600. LUDLOW. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 10,000 ; cotton consumed, 500,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,600,000 yards ; value of same, $160,000; males employed, 88; females, 200; capital invested, $100,000. Merino Sheep, 421 ; other kinds of sheep, 141 ; merino wool produced, 1052 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 423 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 10-16 lbs. ; capital invested, $855. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 50 ; value of same, $350 Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 3000 ; value of same, MONSON. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 3636 ; cotton consumed, 200,500 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 605,071 yards ; value of same, $67,500 ; males employed, 47 ; females, 73 ; capital invest- ed, $39,000. 88 Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 5 sets ; wool consumed, 130,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 170,000 yards ; value of same, $117,000; males employed, 43; females, 37; capital invested, $29,250 ; sperm oil used, 3332 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 18 ; merino sheep, 2712 ; other kinds of sheep, 331; Saxony wool produced, 53 lbs. ; merino wool, 7361 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 882 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 11-16 lbs. ; value ? of wool, $4892 05 ; real estate invested in the growing of wool, $30,610 ; value of the sheep, $10,713. Boots manufactured, 700 pairs; shoes, 3100 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $5600 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 7. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2200 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3500 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $1600. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 1700 ; value of hats, $3400; males employed, 2 ; females, 2. Forge, 1 ; bar-iron manufactured, 1 ton ; value of same, $100 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $500. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $950 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $355. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000 ; hands employed, 2. Plough Manufactories, 2 ; ploughs manufactured, 75 ; value of ploughs, $475 ; hands employed, 2. Value of Straw Braid manufactured, $2100. Value of Spectacles manufactured, $7060 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $1700. MONTGOMERY. Merino Sheep, 1189 ; other kinds of sheep, 279 ; merino wool produced, 3270 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 767 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $2220 35 ; capital invested, $17,500. PALMER. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 11,020; cotton consumed, 255,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,020,000 yards ; value 89 of same, $102,000 ; males employed, 100 ; females, 200 ; capital invested, $60,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 60,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 68,000 yards ; value of same, $54,000 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 16 ; capital invested, $9000 ; sperm oil used, 800 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 884 ; merino sheep, 1768 ; Saxony wool pro- duced, 2210 lbs ; merino wool produced, 4862 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 13-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $4243 20 ; capital invest- ed, $7956. Boots manufactured, 850 pairs ; shoes, 6406 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $8956 ; males employed, 18 ; females, 4. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 14,400 j value of same $10,000 ; hands employed, 12 ; capital invested, $2500. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 15,000; value of same, $2500. Value of Wagons manufactured, $1100; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $400. RUSSELL. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 150 ; cotton consumed, 2000 lbs. ; value of cotton goods manufactured, $600 ; hands employed, 1 male, and 3 females ; capital invested, $500. Merino Sheep, 398 ; wool produced, 1194 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $597 ; capital invested, $1194. SOUTHWICK. Merino Sheep, 422 ; other kinds of sheep, 792 ; merino wool produced, 1256 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2408 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $2125 12 ; capital invest- ed, $1821. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 4000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $9000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $600. Distilleries, 8 ; spirit distilled, 3200 gallons ; value of same, Value of Powder manufactured, $32,725; hands employed, 13 ; capital invested, $17,300. 12 90 Value of Cigars manufactured, $6350 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $1000. Value of Whips manufactured, $5400 ; males employed, 4 ; fe- males 4 ; capital invested, $2000. Value of Whip Lashes manufactured, $3850 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 16; capital invested, $1000. Value of Telescopes manufactured, $3550 ; employing 1 person. Value of Powder Cylinders manufactured, $880 ; of wagons, $600 ; hands employed, 2. SPRINGFIELD. Cotton Mills, 7 ; 'cotton spindles, 35,000 ; cotton consumed, 3,495,000 lbs.; cotton goods manufactured, 11,062,000 yards; value of same, $1,089,500 ; males employed, 330 ; females, 1300 ; capital invested, $1,400,000. Quantity of sperm oil used in a Woollen Mill, 2900 gallons ; (other particulars not given.) Sheep of all kinds, 1300 ; wool produced, 4500 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $2250. Boots manufactured, 2300 pairs ; shoes, 13,700 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $16,000 ; males employed, 45 ; females, 11. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 1860; value of leather tanned and curried, $10,200 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $8000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 1500 ; value of hats, $4800 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Paper Mills, 4 ; stock manufactured, 400 tons ; value of paper, $200,000; males employed, 75; females, 150; capital invested, $120,000. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 3 ; iron castings made, 550 tons ; value of same, $43,800 ; hands employed, 30 ; capital invested, $35,000. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery, $40,000 ; hands employed, 60 ; capital invested, $20,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 6 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $16,000 ; hands employed, 28. Plough Manufactories, 2 ; ploughs manufactured, 200 ; value of same, $1300 ; hands employed, 2. Tin Ware Manufactories, 4 ; value of tin ware, $15,000 ; hands employed, 14. 91 Steam Boats built in the five preceding years, 5 ; value of same, $18,000. Value of Hardware manufactured, $11,000 ; hands employed, 11 ; capital invested, $3700. Value of Cards manufactured, $40,000 ; hands employed, 19 ; capital invested, $32,000. Value of Joiners' Tools manufactured, $12,000 ; hands employ- ed, 19 ; capital invested, $5000. Value of Paper Machinery manufactured, $12,000 ; hands em- ployed, 10 ; capital invested, $3000. Value of Shuttle and Bobbin manufactured, $4500 ; hands em- ployed, 6 ; capital invested, $5000. Value of Rifles manufactured, $18,000 ; hands employed, 18 ; capital invested, $8000. Value of Stoves manufactured, $12,000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, 9000. Value of Machinery manufactured, $60,000 ; hands employed, 80 ; capital invested, $90,000. Value of Swords and Cutlery manufactured, $50,000 ; hands em- ployed, 35 ; capital invested, $30,000. An establishment for the manufacture of Brass Cannon, employing 25 hands, lately commenced, will manufacture cannon to the amount of $50,000 per annum. [The assessors also make return of the following information rela- tive to the U. S. Armory : Public lands and buildings, valued at . . . $210,000 Machinery, 50,000 170,000 Muskets on hand, . . . . 2,040,000 Muskets manufactured during the year ending April 1, 1837, 14,000, 154,000 Ordnance and stock on hand, .... 80,000 260 men employed.] TOLLAND. Merino Sheep, 725 ; other kinds of sheep, 135 ; merino wool produced, 2175 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 405 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $565 ; capital invested, $2580. 92 Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1879 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $10,594 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $6500. Value of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes manufactured, $3500; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $1000. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $250 ; employing 1 per- son. WALES. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 30,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 36,000 yards ; value of same, $32,400; males employed, 9 ; females, 8 ; capital invested, $20,000; sperm oil used, 600 gallons. Merino Sheep, 609 ; wool produced, 1522 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $761 ; capital invested, $7500. Boots manufactured, 6230 pairs ; shoes, 9053 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $27,743; males employed, 42; females, 5. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1830 ; hands employed, 2; capital invested, $1215; value of tan works, $1500. Axes and Hatchets manufactured, 1044 ; value of same, $522 ; employing 1 person. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 6000; value of same, $1500. WESTFIELD. Saxony Sheep, 250 ; merino sheep, 500 ; other kinds of sheep, 250; Saxony wool produced, 600 lbs.; merino wool, 1300 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 600 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $1300; capital invested, $2000. Boots manufactured, 2000 pairs ; shoes, 2000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $8000 ; males employed, 16. Tannery, 1; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1500; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2000 ; hands employed, 4. 93 Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 200 ; value of same, $1000 ; hands employed, 2. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1; value of tin ware, $1500 ; hands em- ployed, 3. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1000; hands employed, 2. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 6000 ; value of same, $2000. Whip Manufactories, 13; value of whips manufactured, $153,- 000 ; males employed, 154 ; females, 410 ; capital invested, $20,000. Cigar Manufactories, 2; value of cigars, $11,000; males em- ployed, 10 ; females, 30 ; capital invested, $3000. Powder Mills, 3 ; powder manufactured, 20,000 kegs ; value of same, $50,000 ; capital invested, $5000. WEST SPRINGFIELD. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 2700 ; cotton consumed, 121,- 000 lbs.; cotton goods manufactured, 261,000 yards; value of same, $33,270 ; males employed, 23 ; females, 46 ; capital invest- ed, $50,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 22,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 26,000 yards ; value of same, $16,600 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $6,000 ; sperm oil used, 300 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 80 ; merino sheep, 1881 ; other kinds of sheep, 1413 ; Saxony wool produced, 260 lbs. ; merino wool, 5544 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2708 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5107 ; capital invested, $10,000. Boots manufactured, 360 pairs ; shoes, 1600 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3080 ; males employed, 9. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 2500 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $11,100 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $10,000. WILBRAHAM. Saxony Sheep, 457 ; merino sheep, 1054 ; other kinds of sheep, 781, Saxony wool produced, 1142 lbs. ; merino wool, 2625 lbs. ; other 94 kinds of wool, 2343 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $3668 62 ; capital invested, $35,460. Boots manufactured, 955 pairs ; shoes, 4125 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $8498 75 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 3. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 650 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2200 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2500. Value of Straw Bonnets and Straw Braid manufactured, $2000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 7145 ; value of same, $1000 30. Value of Wagons manufactured, $1440 ; of Carts, $70 ; of Sleighs, $220 ; hands employed, 3; capital invested, $1500. COUNTY OF FRANKLIN. ASHFIELD. Merino Sheep, 8021 ; other kinds of sheep, 72 ; merino wool produced, 24,063 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 242 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; capital invested," or value of sheep without fleece," $10,116 25. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 1000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4000 ; hands employed, 3. Distilleries, 2 ; spirit distilled, 700 gallons ; value of same, $280. Value of Scythe Snaiths manufactured, $6000 ; hands employ- ed, 6. Value of Essence manufactured, $9500 ; hands employed, 4. BERNARDSTON. Merino Sheep, 1828 ; other kinds of sheep, 1194 ; merino wool produced, 5484 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3582 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5191 ; capital invested, $60,440. Shoes manufactured, 3500 pairs ; value of same, $3,325 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hides tanned, 355 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1600 ; capital invested, $1400. 95 Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 900; value of same, $131 25. Value of Scythe Snaiths manufactured, $900 ; hands employ- ed, 3 ; capital invested, $1200. BUCKLAND. Common Sheep, 1964 ; wool produced, 5892 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. CHARLEMONT. Saxony Sheep, 41 ; merino sheep, 3355 ; other kinds of sheep, 1357 ; Saxony wool produced, 77 lbs. ; merino wool, 9335 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3988 lbs. ; average Weight of fleece, 2 13-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $7460; capital invested, $12,000. Boots manufactured, 600 pairs ; shoes, 1000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3350 ; hands employed, 5 males, and 1 female. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1390 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4100 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $3000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; employing 1 person ; iron castings made, 10 tons ; value of same, $1000 ; capital invested, $1000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 4500 ; value of same, $6375 ; Viands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $3625. Manufactory of Hoes, 1 ; value of hoes, $638 ; hands employed, 1 ; capital invested, $300. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 25,000; value of same, $4850. Value of Lather Boxes manufactured, $1000. Value of Saddles and Harnesses manufactured, $2200 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1050. Value of Scythe Snaiths manufactured, $1500. Value of Scythe Snaith Irons manufactured, $5000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $3625. COLERAINE. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 5000 ; cotton consumed, 125,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 930,000 yards ; value of 96 same, $59,500; males employed, 40; females, 120; capital in- vested, $80,000. Merino Sheep, 4340; other kinds of sheep, 1414 ; merino wool produced, 12,135 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3888 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $9133 11 ; capital invest- ed, $14,385. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1050 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $4250. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hats manufactured, 150 ; value of same, $450. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2 ; iron castings made, 1 50 tons ; value of same, $17,500 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $18,000. Value of Spades, Shovels, Forks or Hoes manufactured, $5800 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $7000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $3700 ; hands employed, 9. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; ploughs manu- factured, 150 ; value of same, $1050. CONWAY. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 924 ; cotton consumed, 10,045 lbs.; cotton goods manufactured, 151,140 yards ; value of same, $16,625 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 20 ; capital invested, $10,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 2400 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 3500 yards ; value of same, $1700 ; male's employed, 12 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $12,- 000 ; sperm oil used, 50 gallons. Merino Sheep, 2415 ; other kinds of sheep, 2415 ; merino wool produced, 7245 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 7245 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5071 50 ; capital invested, $7245. Boots manufactured, 150 pairs ; shoes, 400 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $950 ; males employed, 5. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1200 ; employing 1 person ; capital invested, $600. 97 Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 275 ; value of hats, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 males, and 1 female. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000 ; hands employed, 2. DEERFIELD. Saxony Sheep, 197 ; merino sheep, 1267; other kinds of sheep, 182 ; Saxony wool produced, 594 lbs. ; merino wool, 3631 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 663 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $2708 ; capital invested, $2445. Boots manufactured, 850 pairs ; shoes, 4700 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $7425 ; males employed, 15 ; females, 8. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 750 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2400 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $4100. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery, $100,000 ; hands employed, 70 ; capital invested, $50,000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1500 ; hands employed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 37,200 ; value of same, $7800. Value of Corn Brooms manufactured, $10,990; hands employ- ed, 17. Value of Pocket Books and Wallets manufactured, $11,000; males employed, 7 ; females, 22. Value of Lead Pipe manufactured, $1500 ; capital invested, $1015. Value of Hair Cloth manufactured, $1000 ; capital invested, $1500; hands employed, 1 male, and 3 females. Value of Hair Beds manufactured, $1625; capital invested, $2000 ; hands employed, 1 male, and 5 females. Value of Wagons and Carriages manufactured, $1950 ; capital invested, $2500 ; hands employed, 6. ERVING'S GRANT, Woollen Mill 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 21,900 lbs. ; satinet manufactured, 25,600 yards ; value of same, 13 98 1,640 ; males employed, 6; females, 6 ; capital invested, $7000; sperm oil used, 60 gallons. Merino Sheep, 100; other kinds of sheep, 156 ; merino wool produced, 275 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 390 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $335. Boots manufactured, 2050 pairs ; shoes, 744 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4345 20; males employed, 14 ; females, 7. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 6150; value of same, $S00. Value of Boards sawed, $9900; of shingles, $2000. Value of Chair Stuff manufactured, $1500. GILL. Merino Sheep, 1468; other kinds of sheep, 341 ; merino wool produced, 4404 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1223 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $2213 50 ; capital invested, $16,281. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1400. Comb Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of combs, $500. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $4000 ; hands employ- ed, 5. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 10,800 ; value of same, $1350. GREENFIELD. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets ; wool consumed, 150,000 lbs. ; cotton consumed, 36,000 lbs. ; satinets manufac- tured, 180,000 yards ; value of same, $110,000 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 63 ; capital invested, $80,000 ; sperm oil used 500 gallons. Merino Sheep, 1000 ; other kinds of sheep, 1153 ; merino wool produced, 2730 lbs ; other kinds of wool 3459 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 14-16 lbs. ; wool produced, $3403 95 ; capital invest- ed, $6997. 99 Boots manufactured, 719 pairs ; shoes, 2600 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4757 ; males employed, 10. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 650 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2737 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $3000. Hat Manufactory 1 ; employing 1 person ; hats manufactured, 200 ; value of hats, $900. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 100 tons ; value of same, $10,000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $8000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs, and cabinet ware, $13,400 ; hands employed, 20. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of tin ware, $500. Value of Saddles, Harnesses and Trunks manufactured, $1000 ; capital invested, $500 ; hands employed, 3. Value of Stove Pipe and Lead Aqueduct manufactured, $1500 ; capital invested, $1000 ; employing 1 person. Value of Blacksmithing, $3000 ; capital invested, $4000 ; hands employed, 8. Value of Guns, Pistols and Rifles manufactured, $7000 ; capital invested, $4000 ; hands employed, 8. Value of Coaches and Wagons manufactured, $5000 ; ^capital in- vested, $3000 ; hands employed, 10. Value of Newspaper and Book Printing, $5000 ; capital invest- ed, $6000 ; hands employed, 6. HAWLEY. Saxony Sheep, 72 ; merino sheep, 2716 ; §axony wool pro- duced,' 180 lbs. ; merino wool, 8148 ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $4574 ; capital invested, $27,880. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2300 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $13,000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $11,700. HEATH. Saxony Sheep, 100 ; merino sheep, 1000 ; other kinds of sheep, 1212 ; Saxony wool produced, 300 lbs. ; merino wool, 3200 lbs. ; 100 other kinds of wool, 4232 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 5-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $3866 ; capital invested, $45,084. Boots manufactured, 105 pairs ; shoes, 550 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1455 ; males employed, 4. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 880 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2400 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2700. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 30,000 ; value of same, $5000. LEVERETT. Saxony Sheep, 40 ; merino sheep, 166 ; other kinds of sheep, 533 ; Saxony wool produced, 80 lbs. ; merino wool, 359 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1265 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 5-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $861 85 ; capital invested, $1847 50. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2000. Scythe Manufactories, 2 ; scythes manufactured, 2400 ; value of same, $1600 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1500 ; hands employed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 30,400 ; value of same, $4590. LEYDEN. Saxony Sheep, 1140 ; merino sheep, 1733; other kinds of sheep, 269 ; Saxony wool produced, 3320 lbs. ; merino wool, 5199 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 807 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5129 30 ; capital invested, $7855. MONROE. Wool consumed, 400 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 450 yards ; value of same, $370. Saxony Sheep, 400 ; merino sheep, 600 ; other kinds of sheep, 103 ; Saxony wool produced, 1400 lbs. ; merino wool, 1800 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 412 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $2167 20 ; capital invested, $1654 50. 101 MONTAGUE. Common Sheep, 616 ; wool produced, 1848 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $924 ; capital invested, $1000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 18,000 ; value of same, $3000. Value of Scythe Snaiths manufactured, $6000; hands employed, 5. NEW SALEM. Merino Sheep, 182; other kinds of sheep, 657; merino wool produced, 591 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2135 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3£ lbs.; value of wool, $1510 75; capital invested, $12,500. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; shoes, 1200 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1800; males employed, 6. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 2600; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $10,000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $3900. Ploughs manufactured, 104; value of same, $675; hands em- ployed, 2. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 36 ; value of same, $175. T Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 79,000 ; value of same, $13,575. NORTHFIELD. Merino Sheep, 609 ; other kinds of sheep, 887 ; merino wool produced, 1827 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2661 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1884 96 ; capital invest- ed, $2244. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; shoes, 450 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $1100 ; males employed, 4. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1700 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2800; hands employed, 6; capital invested, $1000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1200 ; hands employed, 3. Plough Manufactories, 2; ploughs manufactured, 150; value of same, $1050 ; hands employed, 3. 102 ORANGE. Common Sheep, 405 ; wool produced, 1012 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2£ lbs. ; value of wool, $506 25 ; capital invested, $810. Boots manufactured, 160 pairs ; shoes, 8675 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $9435 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 6. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 20 tons ; value of same, $2000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1300. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $500 ; hands employed, 4. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 72,300; value of same, $12,050. Capital invested in the manufacture of 150 Wagons, $6000; hands employed, 8. Capital invested in the manufacture of Shoe Pegs, $2100 ; hands employed, 4. Capital invested in the manufacture of Card Boards, $1440 ; hands employed, 4. ROWE. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 7500 lbs.; cloth manufactured, 10,00Q yards; value of same, $7000; males employed, 6 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $17,000; sperm oil used 130 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 302; merino sheep, 1630; other kinds of sheep, 364 ; Saxony wool produced, 830 lbs. ; merino wool 4890 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1274 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 13-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $4249 80 ; capital invested, $S138 94. Boots manufactured, 255 pairs ; shoes, 641 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1630 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 700 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1560 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2650. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $181; hands employed, 2. Value of Rakes manufactured, $498 75 ; hands employed, 4. 103 SHELBURNE. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 5,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 5,000 yards ; value of same, $2500 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. Merino Sheep, 1200 ; other kinds of sheep, 1100 ; merino wool produced, 3600 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 4400 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, 4500 ; capital invested, $69,000. Boots manufactured, 500 pairs ; shoes, 1200 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4000 ; males employed, 10. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2400. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 7200 ; value of same, $9400 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $4200. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 6000 ; value of same, $1000. Capital invested in the manufacture of Scythe Snaiths, $10,000 ; hands employed, 15. SHUTESBURY. Common Sheep, 488 ; wool produced, 1464 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $732 ; capital invested, $976. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 22,000 ; value of same, $5000. SUNDERLAND. Common Sheep, 382 ; wool produced, 1146 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $133 70. Value of Brooms manufactured, $11,415; capital invested, $15,220. WARWICK. Common Sheep, 877 ; wool produced, 2192 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2£ lbs. ; value of wool, $1096 ; capital invested, $2631. 104 Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $5000. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 2700 ; value of same, 1600 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $800. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 47,000 ; value of same, $6400. WENDELL. Boots manufactured, 2250 pairs; shoes, 750 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $5250 ; males employed, 7. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1631 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3909 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2250. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1250 ; hands employed, 4. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 37,000 ; value of same, $5000, WHATELY. Woollen Mills, 3 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 52,500 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 57,000 yards ; value of same, $37,000 ; males employed, 1 3 ; females, 23 ; capital invested, $28,500 ; sperm oil used, 620 gallons. Cloth made in families, 905 yards ; value of same, $1131. Saxony Sheep, 110 ; merino sheep, 1204 ; other kinds of sheep, 336 ; Saxony wool produced, 340 lbs. ; merino wool, 3652 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 961 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $2861 51 ; capital invested, $2446. Boots manufactured, 183 pairs ; shoes, 580 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1474 ; males employed, 3. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 195 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1200. Distilleries, 3 ; spirit distilled, 1000 gallons ; value of same, $500. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 14,400 ; value of same, $7500. Value of Gimlets manufactured, $11,125 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 2. Value of Augers manufactured, $400 ; employing 1 person. 105 Value of Hammers manufactured, $1250 ; males employed, 2. Value of Brooms and Brushes manufactured, $6877 ; males em- ployed, 10. Value of Stone Ware manufactured, $3000 ; males employed, 5. Value of Pocket Books and Wallets manufactured, $16,000 ; males employed, 4 ; females 4. Saw Mills, 4 ; value of boards sawed, $1680 ; capital invested, $3000. Shingle Mills, 2 ; value of shingles made, $600. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE. ADAMS. Cotton Mills, 19; cotton spindles, 20,800 ; cotton consumed, 799,536 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, $4,752,567 yards; value of same, $334,649 ; males employed, 194 ; females, 434 ; capital invested, $295,725. Woollen Mills, 4 ; woollen machinery, 7 sets ; wool consumed, 175,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 215,000 yards ; value of same, $137,000; males employed, 51 ; females, 41 ; capital invested, $86,000 ; sperm oil used, 7639 gallons. Merino Sheep, 3532 ; wool produced, 10,596 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5827 ; capital invested, $60,044. Tanneries, 4 ; hides tanned, 6630 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $17,100 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $11,800. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 3 ; iron castings made, 200 tons ; value of same, $21,600 ; hands employed, 9; capital invested, $8000. Value of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes manufactured, $2400 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $500. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $4500 ; hands employed, 7. Calico Print Works, 2 ; calico printed, 4,561,680 yards ; value of same, $528,168 ; hands employed, 93 ; capital invested, $114,- 000. 14 106 ALFORD. Merino Sheep, 900 ; wool produced, 2250 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $1125; capital invested, $2700. Boots manufactured, 300 pairs ; shoes, 600 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1100 ; males employed, 6. Tannery, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1500 ; capital invested, $1500. BECKET. Saxony Sheep, 1720 ; merino sheep, 3800 ; other kinds of sheep, 1000 ; Saxony wool produced, 3100 lbs. ; merino wool, 6300 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1000 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, If lbs. ; value of wool $6500 ; capital invested, $13,300. Boots manufactured, 330 pairs ; shoes, 695 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1877 ; males employed, 7. Tannery, 1 ; capital invested, $1000. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $750 ; hands employ- ed, 3. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 70 ; value of same, $30. Value of Chair Posts manufactured, $1500 ; hands employed, 2. Value of Window Blinds manufactured, $2600 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 4. CHESHIRE. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1108 ; cotton consumed, 62,400 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 300,000 yards ; value of same, $18,000; males employed, 14; females, 26; capital in- vested, $5000. Common Sheep, 3681 ; wool produced, 11,043 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5521 50 ; capital invested, $7362. ■ Boots manufactured, 550 pairs ; shoes, 200 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1525 ; males employed, 3. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 615 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1370 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested. 107 CLARKSBURG. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 320 ; cotton consumed, 4000 lbs. ; value of cotton goods manufactured, $900 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $2000. Merino Sheep, 155 ; other kinds of sheep, 100 ; merino wool produced, 385 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2} lbs. ; value of wool, $280 ; capital invested, $13,060. Saw Mills, 5 ; value of lumber sawed, $500 ; capital invested, $2000; hands employed, 5. DALTON. Woollen Mill, I ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 18,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 12,000 yards ; value of same, $6000; males employed, 6; females, 4; capital invested, $14,- 000 ; sperm oil used, 250 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 1641 ; merino sheep, 2365 ; other kinds of sheep, 232 ; Saxony wool produced, 4529 lbs. ; merino wool, 6690 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 633 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $5725 46; capital invested, $88,898. Boots manufactured, 330 pairs; shoes, 700 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $2165 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 3. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 550; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $950; hands employed, 4; capital invested, $1800. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 51 tons ; value of paper, $37,500 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 28 ; capital invested, $44,000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 15 tons; value of same, $1200 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, EGREMONT. Merino Sheep, 568 ; other kinds of sheep, 1222 ; merino wool produced, 1562 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3666 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 14-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $2770 20 ; capital invested, $11,000. 108 Boots manufactured, 250 pairs ; shoes, 725 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1950 ; males employed, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 1100; value of leather tanned and curried, $3000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2000. Value of Harness manufactured, $400. . Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1750 ; hands employed, 2. Flour Mill, 1, in which is ground 7000 bushels of wheat and 2 000 bushels of rye ; value of flour $14,000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $5000. Stone Saw Mills, 4 ; value of stone sawed, $8000 ; hands em- ployed, 6 ; capital invested, $2400. FLORIDA. Merino Sheep, 406 ; other kinds of sheep, 448 ; merino wool produced, 1200 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1344 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $890 40; capital invested, $1708. GREAT BARRINGTON. Cotton Mills, 4; cotton spindles, 5164; cotton consumed, 170,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 920,000 yards ; value of same, $64,600 ; males employed, 43; females, 86 ; capital invest- ed, $86,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 32,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 52,500 yards ; value of same, $27,000; males employed, 15; females, 11; capital invested, $11,000 ; sperm oil used, 750 gallons. Merino Sheep, 2657 ; wool produced, 6642 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $3321 ; capital invested, $53,140. Boots manufactured, 585 pairs; shoes, 2375 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $4669 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 2. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 1800 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $4900 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $11,000. 109 Hat Manufactory, 1, employing 1 person ; hats manufactured, 150 ; value of hats, $600. Furnace for manufacture of Pig-iron, 1 ; pig-iron made, 180 tons ; value of same, $7200 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $10,000. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $3000 ; hands em- ployed, 3. Value of Lasts manufactured, $3000 ; hands employed, 3 ; cap- ital invested, $1000. Value of Gauges and Bevils manufactured, $8000 ; hands em- ployed, 8 ; capital invested, $4000. HANCOCK. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 412 ; cotton consumed, 24,- 335 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 146,600 yards ; value of same, $9838 : males employed, 5 ; females, 17 ; capital invested, $15,000. Woollen Mills, 3 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 8000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 14,000 yards ; value of same, $2600; males employed, 8; females, 6; capital invested, $2800; sperm oil used, 250 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 950 ; merino sheep, 4495 ; other kinds of sheep, 1784; Saxony wool produced, 2375 lbs.; merino wool, 12,074 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 4670 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 1 1-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $11,543 75 ; capital invested, $13,- 704. Boots manufactured, 400 pairs ; shoes, 400 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $1700 ; males employed, 6. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 1650 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5740 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $5650. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 25 tons ; value of same, $2500; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1500. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $600; hands employ- ed, 2. 110 HINSDALE. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 57,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 25,000 yards ; value of same, $74,000 ; males employed, 25 ; females, 18 ; capital invested, $57,000 ; sperm oil used, 850 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 2000; merino sheep, 8920; other kinds of sheep, 100; Saxony wool produced, 5000 lbs. ; merino wool, 26,760 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 350 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 14-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $19,266 ; capital invested, $187,340. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2250 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $11,450 ; hands employed 7; capital invested, $12,000. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 250 ; value of same, $600 ; males employed, 2. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; employing 1 per- son ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $500. LANESBOROUGH. Saxony Sheep, 7814; merino sheep, 4235 ; other kinds of sheep, 284; Saxony wool produced, 28,193 lbs.; merino wool, 13,510 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 786 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $26,100; capital invested, $335,500. LEE. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 780 ; cotton consumed, 36,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 144,000 yards ; value of same, $15,000; males employed, 10; females, 15 ; capital invested, $15,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 25,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 35,000 yards ; value of same, $24,000 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 9 ; capital invested, $12,000 ; sperm oil used, 400 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 800 ; merino sheep, 1200 ; other kinds of sheep, 507 ; Saxony wool produced, 2000 lbs. ; merino wool, 3600 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1774 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $4500 ; capital invested, $7500. Ill Boots manufactured, 700 pairs ; shoes, 3000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $5000 ; males employed, 15 ; females, 6. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 1300 ; value of leather tanned and curried, §5000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $25,000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 700 ; value of hats, $1500 ; males employed, 2. Paper Mills, 12 ; stock manufactured, 1200 tons ; value of paper, $274,500; males employed, 91; females, 138; capital invested, $145,000. Forge, 1 ; Bar-Iron manufactured, 234 tons ; value of same, $30,000 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $7500. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 75 tons ; value of same, $7500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $500. Value of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes manufactured, $1000; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $600. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1500 ; hands employed, 3. Plough Manufactory, 1; employing 1 person; ploughs manufac- tured, 150; value of ploughs, $500. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $5500 ; hands employed, 3. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $500 ; hands employed, 2. Value of Carriages manufactured, $18,000; hands employed, 18; capital invested, $12,000. Value of Chair Stuff manufactured, $12,500; males employed, 11; females, 8 ; capital invested, $3000. Value of Stone Cutting, $2000 ; hands employed, 2. LENOX. Saxony Sheep, 771 ; merino sheep, 2067 ; Saxony wool pro- duced, 2120 lbs. ; merino wool, 5683 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of wool, $5054 29 ; capital invested, $22,680. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 400 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1400; hands employed, 4. Furnace for manufacture of Pig Iron, 1; pig iron made, 500 tons; value of same, $22,500; hands employed, 12. 112 MOUNT WASHINGTON. Saxony Sheep, 167 ; merino sheep, 200 ; other kinds of sheep, 198 j Saxony wool produced, 417 lbs.; merino wool, 600 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 594 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $805 50; capital invested, $1935 50. Forge, 1; bar-iron manufactured, 10 tons ; value of same, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 200 ; value of same, $300 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $200. Charcoal made, 100,000 bushels. NEW ASHFORD, Saxony Sheep, 677 ; merino sheep, 1563 ; other kinds of sheep, 468 ; Saxony wool produced, 1692 lbs. ; merino wool, 4689 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1404 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 14-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $3892 75 ; capital invested, $36,106. Boots manufactured, 300 pairs ; shoes, 500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1200 ; hands employed, 4 males, and 1 female. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 700 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1200. NEW MARLBOROUGH. Saxony Sheep, 1947; merino sheep, 7061 ; other kinds of sheep* 496 ; Saxony wool produced, 4867 lbs. ; merino wool, 19,417 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1478 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 10-16 lbs. ; value' of wool, $16,745 30 ; capital invested, $35,456. Boots manufactured, 400 pairs ; shoes, 2000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1800 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and cur- riecf, $1500 ; I hand employed ; capital invested, $1000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 2700 ; value of hats, $7425 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 2. Paper Mill, 1 ; (no particulars stated.) 113 Forge, 1 ; bar-iron manufactured, 20 tons ; value of same, $2000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 700 ; value of same, $1050 ; hands employed, 2; capital invested, $350. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; ploughs manu- factured, 30 ; value of same, $240. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 200 ; value of same, $75. Powder Mill, 1 ; Powder manufactured, 40 tons ; capital invest- ed, $3500 ; hands employed, 4. OTIS. Merino Sheep, 350 ; other kinds of sheep, 1214 ; merino wool produced, 875 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3035 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $1564. Boots manufactured, 300 pairs ; Shoes, 600 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1200 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 3. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 754 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $5800. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $1000 ; hands employed, 3. Value of Boards sawed, $3000; hands employed, 10; capital invested, $4000. Value of Shingles made, $800 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $600. Value of Rakes manufactured, $1700 ; hands employed, 6 ; capi- tal invested, $500. Value of Cheese Boxes manufactured, $1200; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $400. PERU. Saxony Sheep, 1500; merino sheep, 4627 ; Saxony wool pro- duced, 4500 lbs. ; merino wool, 13,881 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs.; value of wool, $11,947 65; capital invested, $85,778. 15 114 Tannery, I ; hides tanned, 2000 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $8000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $9000. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $200 ; hands employed, 2. PITTSFIELD. Cotton Mills, 2; cotton spindles, 1896; cotton consumed, 125,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 500,000 yards ; value of same, $55,000 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 70 ; capital invest- ed, $114,000. Woollen Mills, 6 ; woollen machinery, 11 sets ; wool consumed, 315,000 lbs.; cloth manufactured, 233,000 yards ; value of same, $547,000; males employed, 119 ; females, 108 ; capital invested, $277,000 ; sperm oil used, 9000 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 2135 ; merino sheep, 10,534 ; other kinds of sheep, 293; Saxony wool produced, 5972 lbs.; merino wool, 31,802 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1112 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $19,443 ; capital invested, $349,974. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 5,485 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $13,516 ; hands employed, 12 ; capital invested, $10,095. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 2800 ; value of hats, $8600 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 3. Value of Muskets manufactured, $24,000 ; hands employed, 30 ; capital invested, $20,000. Value of Carriages manufactured, $20,000 ; hands employed, 30 ; capital invested, $10,000. Value of Corn Brooms manufactured, $3300 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $2200. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 15 tons; value of same, $1200 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Prunella Buttons manufactured, 10,000 gross ; value of same, $5000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 15 ; capital invested, $2000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $6000 ; hands employed, 13. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; value of tin ware $3100 ; hands employed, 4. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $2000; hands employ- ed, 4. 115 RICHMOND. Merino Sheep, 4835 ; wool produced, 14,505 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $8703 ; capital invested, $90,000. Boots manufactured, 300 pairs ; Shoes, 1000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2000 ; males employed, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1300 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2000. Furnace for manufacture of Pig Iron, 1 ; pig iron manufactured, 600 tons ; value of same, $26,400 ; hands employed, 40 ; capital invested, $40,000. Value of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes, $4000 ; hands em- ployed, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. SANDISFIELD. Merino Sheep, 2163; wool produced, 6400 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $3200 ; capital invested, $3244 50. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 22,850 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $24,000 ; hands employed, 16 ; capital invested, $8925. SAVOY. Merino Sheep, 1350 ; other kinds of sheep, 330 ; merino wool produced, 3375 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 725 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2|- lbs. ; value of wool, $1537 50 ; capital invest- ed, $3986. SHEFFIELD. Sheep of all kinds, 6892 ; wool produced, 18,953 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2f lbs. ; value of wool, $11,371 80 ; capital in- vested, $70,000. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 600 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $900 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $3000. 116 Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 400 ; value of same, $1000; hands employed, I male, and 1 female. Plough Manufactories, 2 ; ploughs manufactured, 200 ; value of ploughs, $700 ; hands employed, 4. Distilleries, 2 ; grain distilled, 15,000 bushels ; producing 46,500 gallons of spirit ; value of same, $19,000. STOCKBRIDGE. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 3780 ; cotton consumed, 122,- 591 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 507,500 yards ; value of same, $57,600 ; males employed, 38 ; females, 82 ; capital invest- ed, $80,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 8 sets ; wool consumed, 212,587 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 195,000 yards ; value of same, $217,500 ; males employed, 68 ; females, 67 ; capital invested, $160,000 ; sperm oil used, 4000 gallons. Sheep of all kinds, 2766 ; wool produced, 8298 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $4978 80 ; capital invest- ed, $68,532. Boots manufactured, 750 pairs ; shoes, 2290 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $6435 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 4. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1815 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $6000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $5055. Furnace for manufacture of Pig Iron, 1 ; pig iron made, 1337 tons ; value of same, $53,480 ; hands employed, 98 ; capital in- vested, $75,000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 75 tons ; value of same, $7750 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $1500. Chair Manufactory, 1 ; value of chairs, $17000 ; males employ- ed, 28 ; females, 22. Value of turning and boring of Iron and Wood, $15,000 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $2000. TYRINGHAM. Merino Sheep, 1678 ; other kinds of sheep, 598 ; merino wool produced, 4851 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1726 lbs. ; average 117 weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of wool, $3418 97 ; capital invest- ed, $3805 15. Boots manufactured, 125 pairs ; shoes, 210 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $725 ; males employed, 2. Tannery, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hides tanned, 435 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1800 ; capital invested, $1000. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 50 tons ; value of paper, $21,000; males employed, 7; females, 19; capital invested, $2000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 2 tons ; value of same, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $100. Value of Forks manufactured, $400 ; hands employed, 1 ; capi- tal invested, $100. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1700 ; hands employ- ed, 6. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 125 ; value of same, $50. Value of Rakes manufactured, $3574 ; hands employed, 9 ; cap- ital invested, $750. Value of Chair Stuff manufactured, $500 ; of corn brooms, $100. WASHINGTON. Merino Sheep, 4709 ; other kinds of sheep, 500 ; merino wool produced, 14,127 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 1500 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. WEST STOCKBRIDGE. Saxony Sheep, 500 ; merino sheep, 1200 ; other kinds of sheep, 500 ; Saxony wool produced, 1200 lbs. ; merino wool, 3800 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 1600 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $4000 ; capital invested, $7100. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 110; value of leather tanned and curried, $500 ; employing 1 person ; capital invested, $600. Bar-iron manufactured, 25 tons ; value of same, $2500 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1000. 118 Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $666 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $300. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $6000 ; hands employ- ed, 4. Value of 1555 tons Marble, $25,400 ; capital invested, $24,- 050 ; hands employed in quarrying, 28 ; value of wrought marble, $6700. Value of 4000 tons Iron Ore, $2000 ; hands employed in min- ing, 5 ; capital invested, $10,000. " Brad and Sparable" (small nail) Factory, 1 ; value of manufac- ture, $2500 ;Jiands employed, 1 male, and 1 female ; capital invest- ed, $1000. Value of Machinery manufactured, $1500 ; capital invested, $2000 ; hands employed, 3. WILLIAMSTOWN. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1000 ; cotton consumed, 46,- 300 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 260,000 yards ; value of same, $19,500; males employed, 11 ; females, 30; capital in- vested, $21,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 33,370 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 43,370 yards ; value of same, $25,946 ; males employed, 14 ; females, 8 ; capital invested, $35,000 ; sperm oil used, 1000 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 2000 ; merino sheep, 5800 ; other kinds of sheep, 200; Saxony wool produced, 5000 lbs.; merino wool, 17,400 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 800 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 14-16 lbs.; value of wool, $13,965; capital invested, $96,000. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 400 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $950 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $600. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 300 ; value of same, $900 ; hands employed, 2 males, and 1 female. Value of Shovels manufactured, $3000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $1200. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; employing 1 per- son ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $350. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 300 ; value of same, $150. 119 • Potato Starch Manufactories, 2 ; starch manufactured, 100,000 lbs. ; value of same, $5000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $5000. WINDSOR. Saxony Sheep, 157 ; merino sheep, 6S27 ; other kinds of sheep, 173 ; Saxony wool produced, 431 lbs. ; merino wool, 20,481 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 475 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 15-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $10,520 79 ; capital invested, $21,587. COUNTY OF NORFOLK. BELLINGHAM. Cotton Mills, 2; cotton spindles, 1672; cotton consumed, 88,355 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 427,470 yards ; value of same, $35,1 10 25 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 34 ; capital in- vested, $35,500. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 55,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 24,000 yards ; value of same, $62,000 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 17 ; capital invested, $28,000 ; sperm oil used, 800 gallons. Common Sheep, 58 ; wool produced, 232 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $116 ; capital invested, $196. Boots manufactured, 14,570 pairs ; Shoes, 220 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $28,077 ; males employed, 63 ; females, 3. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1450 ; value of same, $2650. BRAINTREE. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1000; cotton consumed, 52,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 375,000 yards ; value of same, $20,000 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 20 ; capital invested, $10,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 120 8960 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 8000 yards ; value of same, $6000 ; males employed, 2 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $10,300 ; sperm oil used, 180 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 92 ; other kinds of sheep, 141 ; Saxony wool produced, 276 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 564 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $415 ; capital invested, $800. Boots manufactured, 65,604 pairs ; shoes, 71,117 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $202,363 03; males employed, 357 ; females, 265. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 150 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $15,000 ; hands employed, 3; capital invested, $6000. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 182 tons ; value of paper, $25,000 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $8000. Nail Factory, 1 ; nails manufactured, 215 tons ; value of nails manufactured, $33,460 ; hands employed, 19 ; capital invested, $30,000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 600 ; value of same, $900 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $500. Tin Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of tin ware, Straw Bonnets manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $1500. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 4 ; tonnage of the same, 350 ; value of same, $11,375 ; hands employed in building, 42. Value of Cotton Ginns manufactured, $15,000; hands employ- ed, 30. Value of Chocolate manufactured, $2089. Value of Carriages manufactured, $4200 ; hands employed, 13. Value of 19,279 tons Sea Wall laid, $33,350; hands employ- ed, 82. BROOKLINE. Boots manufactured, 450 pairs ; Shoes, 350 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2550 ; males employed, 3. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 2500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $16,000 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $12,000. 121 CANTON. Cotton Mill, 1; cotton spindles, 1560 ; cotton consumed, 87,927 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 463,547 yards ; value of same, " not stated by the agent;" males employed, 13; females, 25; capital invested, " not stated." Woollen Mill, 1; woollen machinery, 14 sets ; wool consumed, 300,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 254,000 yards ; value of same, $250,000 ; males employed, 125 ; females, 125 ; capital invested, $200,000 ; sperm oil used, 2000 gallons. Shoes manufactured, 12,000 pairs ; value of same, $9600 ; males employed, 20. Forge, 1 ; " shapes" manufactured, 129 tons ; value of same, $21,330 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $8000. Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 50 tons ; value of same, $5000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $4000. Manufactory of Hoes, 1; hoes manufactured, 13,000, (and other coarse cutlery and hardware not stated,) ; hands employed, 50 ; capital invested, $80,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 15,000; value of same, $3000. Cotton Thread Mill, 1 ; cotton consumed, 6000 lbs. ; hands employed, 1 male, and 4 females ; capital invested, $1000. Trying Square Manufactory, 1 ; value of trying squares manufac- tured, $2000; hands employed, 10; capital invested, $1000. - Value of Candlesticks manufactured, $2250 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $840. Cotton Wicking Mill, 1; cotton consumed, 10,000 lbs. ; value of wicking manufactured, $2000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invest- ed, $1000. Furnaces for the manufacture of Copper, 8 ; copper manufactured, 1,500,000 lbs. ; hands employed, 40 ; capital invested, $80,000 ; value estimated, $400,000. Rolling Mills, 2. COHASSET. Common Sheep, 600; wool produced, 1500 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 \ lbs. ; value of wool, $750; capital invested, $15,000. 16 122 * Boots manufactured, 3000 pairs ; shoes, 1500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $8700 ; males employed, 30 ; females, 10. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $700 ; hands employed, 3. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 5 ; salt manufactured, 10,000 bushels ; value of same, $4400 ; hands employed, 5 ; cap- ital invested, $18,000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 17 ; tonnage of same, 2765 ; value of same, $110,600 ; hands employed, 15. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 36 ; tonnage of same, 2284 ; codfish caught, 750 quintals ; value of same, $2250 ; mackerel caught, 11,700 barrels; value of same, $73,286; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 15,372 bushels ; hands em- ployed, 324 ; capital invested, $46,094. DEDHAM. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 4028 ; cotton consumed, 177,- 360 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 864,522 yards ; value of same, $87,402 86 ; males employed, 32 ; females 84 ; capital in- vested, $115,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 7 sets ; wool consumed, 206,404 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 91,102 yards ; value of same, $204,000 ; males employed, 75 ; females, 75 ; capital invested, $160,000; sperm oil used, 3208 gallons. Boots manufactured, 7175 pairs; Shoes, 18,722 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $32,483; males employed, 58 ; females, 45. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 86,000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $37,750 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $2700. Paper Mills, 3 ; stock manufactured, 410 tons; value of paper, $62,000; males employed, 26; females, 12 ; capital invested, $65,000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 100 tons ; value of same, $10,000 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $5000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 8; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $21,250 ; hands employed, 37. Silk Manufactory, 1 ; silk manufactured, 50,000 yards binding and fringe ; value of silk goods manufactured, (including sewing-silk, 123 value, $5000,) $10,000 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 40 ; cap- ital invested, $35,000. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 19,000 ; value of same, $20,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 19,400 ; value of same, $5400. Value of Marbled Paper and Cards manufactured, $18,000 ; cap- ital invested, $12,000 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 14. Worsted Yarn Mill, 1 ; spindles, 86 ; wool consumed, 3200 lbs. ; value of yarn, $2470 ; males employed, 2 ; females, 2 ; capital in- vested, 3000. DORCHESTER. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 5500 ; cotton consumed, 420,- 000 lbs.; cotton goods manufactured, 1,100,000 yards ; value of same, $125,000 ; males employed, 60 ; females, 220 ; capital in- vested, $185,000 ; sperm oil used in manufacture, 1200 gallons. Boots manufactured, 700 pairs ; Shoes, 1700 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4700 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 3. Tanneries, 11 ; hides tanned, 17,500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $91,000 ; hands employed, 47 ; capital invested, $104,200. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 2400; value of same, $7400 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 3. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 122 tons ; value of paper, $15,000; males employed, 12 ; capital invested, $6000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 10; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $101,300 ; hands employed, 120. Tin Ware Manufactories, 3 ; value of tin ware, $26,000 ; hands employed, 18. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 4 ; tonnage of same, 1160 ; sperm oil imported, $56,616 gallons ; whale oil, 94,653 gal- lons ; value of sperm oil, $28,395 ; value of whale oil, $49,954 ; hands employed, 114 ; capital invested, $140,000. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 16 ; ton- nage of same, 1050 ; cod-fish caught, 9000 quintals ; value of same, $25,000 ; mackerel caught, 5000 barrels ; value of same, $35,000 ; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 20,000 bush- els ; hands employed, 128 ; capital invested, $50,000. Block Tin Manufactory, 1 ; value of block tin, $15,000 ; hands employed, 6. 124 DOVER. Common Sheep, 39 ; wool produced, 135 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $87 50 ; capital invested, $117. Boots manufactured, 887 pairs ; Shoes, 5450 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $6297 50 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 3. Nail Factory, 1 ; nails manufactured, 300 tons ; value of same, $36,000 ; hands employed, 14 ; capital invested, $30,000. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; ploughs manufac- tured, 40 ; value of same, $260. Rolling Mill, 1 ; manufactures 500 tons of hoops, rods, &c. ; hands employed, 8 ; value of hoops, rods, &c, $55,000 ; capital invested, $50,000. Brush Manufactory, 1 ; value of brushes manufactured, $2000 ; hands employed, 2. FOXBOROUGH. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 730 ; cotton consumed, 20,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, (not stated ;) value of cotton goods manufactured, $12*350 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 12 ; capital invested, $7000. Woollen Mills, 2; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 41,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 46,000 yards ; value of same, $48,000; males employed, 15; females, 12; capital invested, $9850; sperm oil used 1020 gallons. Common Sheep, 80 ; wool produced, 240 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $120. Boots manufactured, 220 pairs ; Shoes, 400 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1215; males employed, 5. Tannery, 1"; hides tanned, 1000 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $10,000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $3000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 300 tons ; value of same, $30,000 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $6000. Value of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes manufactured, $8000; hands employed, 12 ; capital invested, $15,000. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 133,654 ; value of same, $121,571. 125 FRANKLIN. Cotton Mills, 5; cotton spindles, 1968 ; cotton consumed, 60,- 722 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 323,000 yards ; value of same, $31,140; males employed, 17; females, 31; capital invested, $40,000. Common Sheep, 127 ; wool produced, 381 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $190 50 ; capital invested, $287. Boots manufactured, 3581 pairs ; Shoes, 5209 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $11,733 65 ; males employed, 8. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 93,173 ; value of same, $160,186. Boats manufactured, 285 ; value of boats, $5485. Boot, Shoe and Bonnet Boxes manufactured, 4856 ; value of same, $1926 76. MEDFIELD. Common Sheep, 60 ; wool produced, 360 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 6 lbs. ; value of wool, $206. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs; Shoes, 11,150 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $7805 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 4. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2275 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5022 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2700. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of cut- lery, $200 ; capital invested, $300. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 124,000 ; value of same, $135,- 000. Brush Manufactories, 2 ; brushes manufactured, 3335 ; value of same, $1775 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $1200. MEDWAY. Cotton Mills, 6; cotton spindles, 2500; cotton consumed, 129,- 200 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 428,200 yards ; value of same, $42,120 ; males employed, 33 ; females, 37 ; capital invest- ed, $50,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 75,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 76,000 yards ; value of same, 126 $62,000; males employed, 32; females, 15; capital invested, $14,000 ; sperm oil used, 875 gallons ; olive oil, 225 gallons. Merino Sheep, 25 ; other kinds of sheep, 94 ; merino wool produced, 75 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 294 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $168 80 ; capital invested, $332. Boots manufactured, 38,494 pairs ; Shoes, 100,650 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $149,774; males employed, 198; females, 98. Scythe Manufactory, 1 ; scythes manufactured, 3000 ; value of same, $2000 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs, and cabinet ware, $1600; hands employed, 4. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; ploughs manufac- tured, 112; value of same, $896. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 32,200 ; value of same, $40,400. Manufactory of Cotton Batting, 1 ; " stock cotton waste," 218,- 400 lbs. ; value of cotton batting manufactured, $21,840; males employed, 4. Manufactory of Cotton Wadding, 1 ; males employed, 10 ; " stock cotton and waste," 35,000 lbs. ; value of cotton wadding manufactured, $10,000. "1 Bell Foundry combined with Clock and Organ Manufactory," employ 10 hands ; (no further particulars stated.) MILTON. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 20,250 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $8400 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $5650. Hat Manufactory 1 ; hats manufactured, 1250 ; value of hats, $3750 ; males employed, 4. Paper Mills, 4 ; stock manufactured, 390 tons ; value of paper, $55,000 ; males employed, 18 ; females, 22 ; capital invested, $21,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 4 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $8000 ; hands employed, 14. Capital invested in the Stone Business, $15,000 ; hands employ- ed, 100. Manufactory of Playing Cards, 1 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $1000. 127 NEEDHAM. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1700 ; cotton consumed, 45,- 000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 190,000 yards ; value of same, $19,000; males employed, 12 ; females, 20; capital invest- ed, $25,000. Shoes manufactured, 22,673 ; value of same, $14,964 18 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 41. Hat Manufactories, 3; hats manufactured, 15,004; value of same, $18,729 ; males employed, 18 ; females, 10. Paper Mills, 6 ; stock manufactured, 610 tons ; value of same, $61,000; males employed, 22; females, 19; capital invested, $56,700. Window Blind Hinge Manufactory, 1 ; hinges manufactured, 50,000 pairs ; value of same, $12,500 ; males employed, 8. QUINCY. Boots manufactured, 27,437 pairs ; Shoes, 18,602 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $111,881 ; males employed, 163 ; females, 58. Tanneries, 4 ; hides tanned, 8390 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $17,074 ; hands employed, 16 ; capital invested, $19,800. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 1000 ; value of hats, $2250 ; hands employed, 2 males, and 1 female. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 2 ; salt manufactured, 3135 bushels ; value of same, $1500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $16,000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 13 ; tonnage of same, 2594 ; value of same, $122,650; hands employed in ship-building, 50. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 10 ; ton- nage of same, 734 ; codfish caught, 6200 quintals ; value of same, $18,800 ; mackerel caught, 1750 barrels ; value of same, $12,242; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 11,250 bushels ; hands employed, 100 ; capital invested, $29,000. Granite Stone, 64,590 tons ; value of same, $248,737 ; hands employed, 533. Slate, 1200 tons ; value of same, $2500 ; hands employed, 5. 128 Value of Coach Lace manufactured, $12,000 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 16. Beeswax bleached, 47,000 lbs. ; value of same, $17,100; hands employed, 4. Value of Coach, Chaise, Harness and Wheelwright business, $32,650 ; hands employed, 36. RANDOLPH. Common Sheep, 12 ; wool produced, 48 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value of wool, $20 10; capital invested, $36. Boots manufactured, 200,175 pairs ; Shoes, 470,620 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $944,715; males employed, 804 ; females, 671. Tannery, I ; hides tanned, 45,000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $18,540 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $12,000. ROXBURY. Saxony Sheep, 18 ; wool produced, 72 lbs. ; value of wool, $43 20. Boots manufactured, 500 pairs ; Shoes, 500 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3500 ; hands employed, 7 males, and 1 female. Tanneries, 5 ; hides tanned, 13,000 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $110,000 ; hands employed, 57 ; capital invested, $130,000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 2672 ; value of hats, $8416 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 8. Furnace for manufacture of Pig-iron, 1; (not in operation.) Nail Factory, 1 ; nails manufactured, 1000 tons ; value of same, $120,000 ; hands employed, 75 ; capital invested, $200,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $4700 ; hands employed, 10. Distillery, 1; (no particulars stated.) SHARON. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 948 ; cotton consumed, 49,789 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 179,077 yards ; value of same, 129 $22,760 22 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 23 ; capital invested, $29,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 25,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 25,000 yards ; value of same, $12,500 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 3 ; capital invested, $12,- 000 ; sperm oil used, 375 gallons. Merino Sheep, 16 ; other kinds of sheep, 82 ; merino wool pro- duced, 68 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 348 lbs. ; value of wool, $416 ; capital invested, $343. Boots manufactured, 4472 pairs ; Shoes, 400 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $11,580 ; males employed, 24; females, 4. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 225 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $175 ; hand employed, 1 ; capital invested, $1000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $750 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000 ; value of other edge tools, $300. Value of 416 Bedsteads manufactured, $1600; hands employed, 3. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 2804 ; value of same, $4,451 50. Value of Baskets manufactured, $2175 ; hands employed, 8. Wool Cards manufactured, 2000 ; value of same, $120; employ- ing 1 person. Batting manufactured, 12,000 lbs. ; value of same, $1200 ; hands employed, 3. Value of Joiners' Gauges manufactured, $500 ; employing 1 person. Value of Hogshead Hoops manufactured, $1717. Raw Silk raised, 5 lbs. Value of Shingles manufactured, 1300 ; hands employed, 2. Machine Shop, 1; value of machinery made, $1800 ; hands em- ployed, 4 ; capital invested, $1000. STOUGHTON. Cotton Mills for the manufacture of Thread and Twine, 2 ; cotton spindles, 448 ; cotton consumed, 12,000 lbs. ; thread and twine manufactured, 9600 lbs. ; males employed, 6 ; females, 13 ; capital invested, $10,000. 17 130 Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 40,000 lbs. ; satinet manufactured, 32,000 yards ; value of same, $35,000 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 8 ; capital invested, $15,000 ; sperm oil used, 600 gallons. Common Sheep, 94 ; wool produced, 291 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $141 60. Boots manufactured, 174,900 pairs ; Shoes, 53,250 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $487,390 ; males employed, 495 ; females, 386. Value of Boot and Shoe Tools manufactured, $2400 ; hands em- ployed, 4. Value of Boot Forms manufactured, $200 ; employing 1 person. Value of Boot Boxes manufactured, $950 ; hands employed, 3. WALPOLE. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 1924 ; cotton consumed, 85,200 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 278,000 yards ; value of same, $46,500 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 39 ; capital invested, $45,000. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 4 sets"; wool consumed, 80,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 95,000 yards ; value of same, $103,250 ; males employed, 28 ; females, 25 ; capital invested, $45,000 ; sperm oil used, 1775 gallons. Common Sheep, 56 ; wool produced, 168 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $58 80 ; capital invested, $112. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 200 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $800. Hat Manufactory, 1, hats manufactured, 1764 ; value of hats, $4310 ; hands employed, 6 males, and 1 female. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 155 tons ; value of paper, $12,000 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $35,000. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2; iron castings made, 413 tons ; value of same, $41,300 ; hands employed, 26 ; capital invested, $12,000. Manufactory of Hoes, 1 ; value of hoes manufactured, $5000 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $10,000. 131 Straw Bonnets manufactured, 9669 ; value of same, $19,338. Twine Manufactories, 2 ; value of twine manufactured, $6666 ; males employed, 7 ; females 3. WEYMOUTH. Boots manufactured, 70,155 pairs ; Shoes, 242,083 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $427,679 ; males employed, 828 ; females, 519. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 3525 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $42,500 ; hands employed, 14 ; capital invested, $14,200. WRENTHAM. Cotton Mills, 4 ; cotton spindles, 2252 ; cotton consumed, 150,400 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 315,000 yards ; value of same, $68,000; males employed, 50; females, 38; capital invest- ed, $68,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 22,300 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 12,745 yards ; value of same, $12,745; males employed, 12; females, 2; capital invested, $5000 ; sperm oil used, 360 gallons. Merino Sheep, 220 ; other kinds of sheep, 240 ; merino wool produced, 770 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 840 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of wool, $674; capital invested, $1500. Boots manufactured, 10,155 pairs; Shoes, 150 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $18,675 ; males employed, 25. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 1800 ; value of hats, $5400 ; males employed, 6. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 300 ; value of same, $450; employing 1 person; capital invested, $1000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $8721 ; hands employed, 14. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 35,126 ; value of same, $77,815. Hoops manufactured, 250,000; value of same, $5000. Boats manufactured, 200; value of same, $8000; hands em- ployed, 13. 132 COUNTY OF BRISTOL. ATTLEBOROUGH. Cotton Mills, 8 ; cotton spindles, 13,078 ; cotton consumed, 510,680 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, $2,500,811 yards; value of same, $229,571 ; males employed, 157 ; females, 220 ; capital invested, $259,000. Sheep of all kinds, 264 ; wool produced, 800 lbs. Boots manufactured, 1000 pairs; shoes, 5000 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $10,000 ; males employed, 20. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2000 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $10,000; hands employed, 6; capital invested, $15,000. Manufactory of Metal Buttons, 1 ; metal buttons manufactured, 37,560 gross ; value of same, $90,000 ; males employed, 42 ; females, 21 ; capital invested, $90,000. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $8000 ; hands employed^ 6. Comb Manufactory, I ; value of combs, $1 000 ; males employed, 2. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 1000 ; value of same, $2000. Value of Jewelry manufactured, $92,000 f hands employed, 112; capital invested, $50,000. Value of Clocks manufactured, $7000 ; hands employed, 15; capital invested, $3500. Value of Planing Machines manufactured, $40,000 ; hands em- ployed, 15 ; capital invested, $18,000. Value of Carpenters' Tools manufactured, $6000 ; hands em- ployed, 6 ; capital invested, $4000. BERKLEY. Common Sheep, 514 ; wool produced, 1542 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $771. Boots manufactured, 550 pairs ; shoes, 1000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2625 ; males employed, 8. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 13 ; tonnage of same, 1267 ; value of same, $38,010 ; hands employed in ship-build- ing, 17. 133 DARTMOUTH. Merino Sheep, 905 ; other kinds of sheep, 756 ; merino wool produced, 2488 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2079 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2|lbs. ; value of wool, $2109 28 ; capital invest- ed, $4152 50. Boots manufactured, 475 pairs ; Shoes, 2150 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3650 ; males employed, 8. Tanneries, 4 ; hides tanned, 730 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5475 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $4,000. Establishments for manufacture of salt, 13; salt manufactured, 16,400 bushels; value of same, $4985 ; hands employed, 15 ; cap- ital invested, $65,400. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 16; tonnage of same, 2045 ; value of same, $69,000 ; hands employed in ship-build- ing, 32. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 5 ; tonnage of same, 1490 ; sperm oil imported, 74,000 gallons ; whale oil imported, 73,978 gallons ; value of sperm oil, $59,184 ; value of whale oil, $30,924 ; hands employed in the whale fishery, 129 ; capital in- vested in same, $140,000. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 2 ; tonnage of same, 122 ; mackerel caught, 400 barrels ; value of same, $3000 ; salt used, 600 bushels ; hands employed in said fishery, 16 ; capi- tal invested, $3000. DIGHTON. Cotton Mills, 3 ; cotton spindles, 3564 ; cotton consumed, 30,- 000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 195,000 yards ; value of same, $9750 ; males employed, 30 ; females, 78 ; capital invest- ed, $50,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 16,510 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 54,540 yards ; value of same, $13,100 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 3 ; capital invested, $4500 ; sperm oil used, 40 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 11 ; merino sheep, 107 ; other kinds of sheep, 134 292; Saxony wool produced, 33 lbs. ; merino wool, 281 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 757 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2£ lbs. ; value of wool, $428 40; capital invested, $820. Boots manufactured, 225 pairs ; shoes, 950 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1400 ; hands employed, 3 males, and 1 female. - Furnace for manufacture of Pig Iron, 1 ; capital invested, $1000. Nail Factory, 1; nails manufactured, 12 tons; value of same, $1680 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $500. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $300 ; employing 1 per- son. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 7 ; tonnage of same, 348; value of same, $16,000; hands employed in ship-building, 12. EASTON. Cotton Mills, 4 ; cotton spindles, 1824; cotton consumed, 77,- 000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 180,000 yards ; value of same, $32,400; males employed, 11 ; females, 45; capital invest- ed, $31,000. Sperm Oil consumed in the manufacture of Woollen Goods, 1000 gallons; (no other particulars stated in regard to woollen man- ufacture.) Common Sheep, 350 ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, 300. Hands employed in the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, 141 males, and 40 females ; " 56,200 pairs boots, and 26,400 pairs of shoes bottomed." Furnace for manufacture of Pig Iron, 1 ; (no particulars stated.) Air and Cupola Furnaces, 4 ; iron castings made, 250 tons ; value of same, $20,000; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $10,000. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery manufactured, $5000 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $1000. Manufactories of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes, 2 ; value of same manufactured, $108,000 ; hands employed, 84 ; capital in- vested, $51,000. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 15,000 ; value of same, $14,000. Wire Manufactory, 1 ; value of wire, $20,000 ; capital invested, $10,000 ; hands employed, 6. 135 Manufactory of Surveyors' Instruments, 1 ; value of instruments, $4500 ; capital invested, $3000 ; hands employed, 6. Manufactory of Pegs, 1 ; value of pegs, $3200 ; capital invested, $1100 ; hands employed, 14. FAIRHAVEN. Cotton Mills, 2 ; cotton spindles, 2460 ; cotton consumed, 49,- 750 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 195,503 yards ; value of same, $13,575 ; males employed, 15 ; females, 38; capital invest- ed, $19,500. Merino Sheep, 56 ; other kinds of sheep, 688 ; merino wool produced, 168 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1751 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $960 ; capital invested, $5069. Boots manufactured, 429 pairs ; shoes, 1923 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4598 ; males employed, 12. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. Paper Mill, 1 ; (no particulars stated.) - Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet "Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $2700 ; hands employed, 4. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of tin ware, $1400. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1000 ; hands employ- ed, 2. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 2 ; salt manufactured, 2900 bushels ; value of same, $990 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $4400. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 6 ; tonnage of same, 1661 ; value of same, $70,500; hands employed in the ship-build- ing, 20. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 37 ; tonnage of same, 11,564 ; sperm oil imported, 168,524 gallons ; whale oil imported, 350,944 gallons ; value of sperm oil, $144,178 56 ; value of whale oil, $152,780 ; hands employed in the fishery, 945 ; capital invest- ed in same, $957,000 ; whale-bone, 101,554 lbs. ; value of whale- bone, $25,312 86. 136 FALL RIVER. Cotton Mills, 10 ; cotton spindles, 31,000 ; cotton consumed, 1,547,300 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 7,767,614 yards ; value of same, $668,028 ; males employed, 337 ; females, 648 ; capital invested, $700,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 8 sets ; wool consumed, 175,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 150,000 yards ; value of same, $180,000; males employed, 65; females, 55; capital invested, $50,000 ; sperm oil used, 6500 gallons. Common Sheep, 525 ; wool produced, 1300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $650 ; capital invested, $3000. Boots manufactured, 1800 pairs ; Shoes, 7900 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $15,550 ; males employed, 29 ; females, 9. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2100 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $6000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $10,000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 3000 ; value of hats, $7000 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 3. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2 ; iron castings made, 250 tons ; value of same, $27,500 ; hands employed, 11; capital invested, $20,000. Nail Factory, 1 ; nails manufactured, $1780 tons ; value of same, $260,000 ; hands employed, 40 ; capital invested, $75,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $11,000; hands employed, 14. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 4 ; tonnage of same, 700 ; value of same, $41,500 ; hands employed, 36. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 6 ; tonnage of same, 1359 ; sperm oil imported, 63,000 gallons ; whale oil, 42,338 gal- lons ; value of sperm oil, $56,700; value of whale oil, $12,000; hands employed in the fishery, 120; capital invested, $125,000. Print Works, 2 ; cloth printed, 12,000,000 yards ; value of same, $1,680,000; capital invested, $300,000; hands employed, 500. Capital invested in the Brass and Copper Foundry business, $3000 ; hands employed, 4. Capital invested in the manufacture of Machinery, $10,000 ; hands employed, 22. 137 Capital invested in the manufacture of Tin Ware, Stoves and Stove Pipes, $5000 ; hands employed, 4. Rolling and Slitting Mill, 1 ; iron hoops and rods made, 3006 tons ; capital invested, $100,000 ; hands employed, 22. FREETOWN. Common Sheep, 824 ; wool produced, 1759 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $732 56 ; capital invested, $1918 50. Boots manufactured, 260 pairs ; Shoes, 380 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1457 ; hands employed, 3 males, and 1 female. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 200 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $775 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $850. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2 ; iron castings made, 100 tons ; value of same, $9500 ; hands employed, 12 ; capital invested, $5000. Nail Factories, 2 ; nails manufactured, 155 tons ; value of same, $22,475 ; hands employed, 14 ; capital invested, $20,800. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 600 ; value of same, $750 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $933. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery, $700 ; hands em- ployed, 3 ; capital invested, $933. Manufactory of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes, 1 ; value of same manufactured, $175 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $933. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; employing 1 per- son ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $748. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 8 ; tonnage of the same, 636 ; value of same, $36,200; hands employed in ship-building, 11. MANSFIELD. Cotton Mills, 6 ; cotton spindles, 3412 ; cotton consumed, 116,355 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 680,971 yards ; value of same, $40,9S4 32 ; males employed, 41 ; females, 55 ; capital in- vested, $48,550. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 18 138 22,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 30,000 yards ; value of same, $17,000 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 4 ; capital invested, $10,- 000 ; sperm oil used, 345 gallons. Common Sheep, 87 ; wool produced, 261 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $104 40 ; capital invested, $218. Nail Factories, 2 ; nails manufactured, 40 tons ; value of nails, $10,000 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $6000. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 30,000 ; value of same, $30,000. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 1500 ; value of same, $382. Value of Baskets manufactured, $4000 ; hands employed, 40. NEW BEDFORD. Common Sheep, 94 ; wool produced, 188 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $94; capital invested, $188. Boots manufactured, 1500 pairs; Shoes, 5200 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $15,000 ; males employed, 45. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 2100 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $12,000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $8000. Hat Manufactories, 2 ; hats manufactured, 2400 ; value of hats, $7000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 170 tons ; value of same, $24,000; hands employed, 12 ; capital invested, $15,000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 1500; value of same, $3000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1500. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 4 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $16,000 ; hands employed, 20. Manufactories of Tin Ware, 5 ; value of tin ware $32,500 ; hands employed, 17. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 8 ; salt manufactured, 10,800 bushels ; value of same, $4000 ; hands employed, 16 ; capi- tal invested, $24,000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 9 ; tonnage of same, 3158 ; value of same $232,000 ; hands employed in ship-building, 120. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 169 ; tonnage of same, 52,213 ; sperm oil imported, 1,376,675 gallons ; whale oil, 1,096,- 060 gallons ; value of sperm oil, $1,222,118 ; value of whale oil, 139 $453,801 ; whale-bone 305,170 lbs. ; value of whale-bone, $74,- 913 ; hands employed in the fishery, 4000 ; capital invested in the same, $4,210,000. 1 vessel of 30 tons employed in the Mackerel Fishery ; mackerel caught, 50 barrels ; valued at $300 ; salt used, 50 bushels ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $300. Spermaceti Manufactories, 16 ; capital invested in land, buildings and apparatus, $120,000; sperm candles manufactured, $1,500,- 000 lbs. ; value of candles, $450,000 ; hands employed, 60. Value of Cordage manufactured, $18,000 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $16,000. Soap manufactured, 60,000 lbs. ; tallow candles, 48,000 lbs. ; value of soap and candles, $10,000; capital invested, $8000; hands employed, 4. Value of Prussian Blue manufactured, $15,000; hands employ- ed, 3 ; capital invested, $10,000. Value of Paper Hangings manufactured, $12,000 ; males employ- ed, 3 ; females, 14 ; capital invested, $8000. Value of Carriages manufactured, $6300 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $4500. Value of Looking Glass Frames manufactured, $18,000 ; hands employed, 16 ; capital invested, $6000. Value of Carpenters' Tools manufactured, $1600; hands em- ployed, 3 ; capital invested, $1000. NORTON. Cotton Mills, 4; cotton spindles, 1993; cotton consumed, 385,019 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 290,376 yards ; value of same, $53,167 82 ; males employed, 53 ; females, 35 ; capital in- vested, $57,228. Common Sheep, 425 ; wool produced, 1108 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 10-16 lbs. ; value of wool, $664 80 ; capital invested, $850. Boots manufactured, 5357 pairs ; shoes, 2470 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $15,862 50; males employed, 13. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 375 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $850; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1500. 140 Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 375 tons ; value of same, $37,500 ; hands employed, 25 ; capital invested, $18,000. Plough Manufactories, 2 ; ploughs manufactured, 35 ; value of same, $220 ; hands employed, 2. Straw Bonnets manufactured by the dealer in the article, 2800 ; value of same, $8163 ; straw bonnets manufactured for dealers living in other towns, 14,834 ; straw braid, 43,900 yards ; (no value specified.) Air and Cupola Furnaces for refining and rolling copper, <8 ; sheet copper and copper bolts manufactured, 500 tons ; value of same, $280,000 ; hands employed, 33 ; capital invested, $226,- 000. Shuttles manufactured, 300 dozen ; value of same, $1500. Value of Baskets manufactured, PAWTUCKET. Cotton Mills, 6; cotton spindles, 15,317; cotton consumed, 382,949 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 2,156,266 yards ; value of same, $191,605 ; males employed, 125 ; females, 243; capital invested, $212,000. Boots manufactured, 250 pairs ; Shoes, 700 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1800 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 2. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $8000 ; hands employed, 12. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 7 ; tonnage of same, 1270 ; value of same, $66,600 ; hands employed, 16. Print Works, 1 ; cloth printed, 4,894,597 yards ; value of same, $660,770 ; capital invested, $200,000 ; males employed, 196 ; females, 28. Establishment for building Cotton Machinery, 1 ; value of ma- chinery manufactured, $40,000 ; capital invested, $30,000 ; hands employed, 35. Carriage Manufactory, I ; value of carriages, $2000 ; capital in- vested, $1000 ; 'hands employed, 6. Establishment for manufacture of Bobbins, Spools, &c, 1 ; value of same manufactured, $6250; capital invested, $1000; hands em- ployed, 7. 141 RAYNHAM. Common Sheep, 257; wool produced, 618 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $259 56 ; capital invested, $321 25. Forge, 1 ; bar-iron manufactured, 35 tons ; value of same, $3150 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $2000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 50 tons ; value of same, $7000; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $3000. Nail Factory, 1 ; nails manufactured, 2400 tons ; value of same, $300,000; hands employed, 100 ; capital invested, $75,000. Manufactories of Shovels and Forks, 2 ; value of shovels and forks, $34,500 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $5800. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 4000 ; value of same, $6000. Anchors manufactured, 70 tons ; value of same, $8000 ; hands employed, 3. Coffee Mills manufactured, 8000 ; value of same, $2000 ; hands employed, 3. REHOBOTH . Cotton Mill, 1; cotton spindles, 1440 ; cotton consumed, 40,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 220,000 yards ; value of same, $20,000 ; males employed, 18 ; females, 40 ; capital invested, $12,000. Common Sheep, 968 ; wool produced, 2420 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $1090. Shoes manufactured, 1200 pairs ; value of shoes, $1200 ; males employed, 4. Tannery, I ; employing 1 person ; hides tanned, 1500; value of leather tanned and curried, $500 ; capital invested, $100. Manufactory of Cutlery, 1 ; value of cutlery, $5000 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $1500. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; ploughs manufac- tured, 100; value of ploughs, $800. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1500; hands employ- ed, 3. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 9000 ; value of same, $7308. 142 Value of Cotton Batting manufactured, $10,000 ; hands em- ployed, 8 ; capital invested, $6000. Value of Carpenters' and Joiners' Tools manufactured, $1550; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1000. Value of Factory Bobbins manufactured, $2000 ; hands em- ployed, 3 ; capital invested, $1000. Value of Wagons manufactured, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $500. Value of Ox Yokes and Helves manufactured, $1000; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $200. SEEKONK. Cotton Mills, 3; cotton spindles, 5709; cotton consumed, 169,- 900 lbs.; cotton goods manufactured, 1,002,400 yards ; value of same, $70,528 ; males employed, 59 ; females, 74 ; capital in- vested, $81,000. Common Sheep, 439; wool produced, 1106 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $464 52. Boots manufactured, 345 pairs ; Shoes, 373 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1211 ; males employed, 4. Tannery, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hides tanned, 150 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $450 ; capital invested, $1200. SOMERSET. Merino Sheep, 647 ; wool produced, 1914 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $931 68 ; capital invested, $1294. Boots manufactured, 45 pairs ; Shoes, 1680 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $2120 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 2. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; employing 1 per- son ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $300. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 12 ; tonnage of same, 696 ; value of same, $2088; hands employed in ship-building, 16. 143 Value of Stone Ware manufactured, $9000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $6750. Value of Earthen Ware manufactured, $2800 ; hands employ- ed, 5; capital invested, $924. SWANZEY. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1000; cotton consumed, 30,- 000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 150,000 yards ; value of same, $15,000; males employed, 5; females, 23 ; capital invest- ed, $18,000. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 1 set ; wool consumed, 18,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 20,000 yards ; value of same, $5000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2 ; capital invested, $3000 ; sperm oil used, 300 gallons. Merino Sheep, 325 ; other kinds of sheep, 692 ; merino wool produced, 975 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2076 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs.; value of wool, $1317 90; capital invested, $3051. Boots manufactured, 100 pairs ; Shoes, 4900 pairs ; value of boots and shoes $4850 ; males employed, 10; females, 3. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 850 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $3550 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $3450. Paper Mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 60 tons ; value of paper, $6000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 5 ; capital invested, $9000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 10 ; tonnage of same, 2500 ; value of same, $75,000 ; hands employed in ship-building, 30. TAUNTON. i Cotton Mills, 8 ; cotton spindles, 20,638 ; cotton consumed, 1,175,285 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, $3,043,887 yards; value of same, $266,117; males employed, 124; females, 468 ; capital invested, (exclusive of real estate,) $84,500. Common Sheep, 850 ; wool produced, 2125 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $850 ; capital invested, $2126. 144 Boots manufactured, 1836 pairs; Shoes, 10,575 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $15,060; males employed, 38; females, 15. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 650 ; value of leather tanned and cur- ried, $2500 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $3000. Hat Manufactory 1 ; hats manufactured, 90 ; value of hats, $270 ; hands employed, 1 male, and 1 female. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 83 tons ; value of paper, $19,622; males employed, 6 ; females, 6 ; capital invested, $5000. Forge, 1 ; bar-iron manufactured, 400 tons ; value of same, $35,- 000 ; hands employed, 25 ; capital invested, $20,000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 2000 tons ; value of same, $200,000; hands employed, 150; capital invested, $20,000. Nail Factories, 3 ; nails manufactured, 256 tons ; value of nails, $60,500 ; hands employed, 50; capital invested, $16,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $6500 ; hands employed, 8. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 40,000 ; value of same, $62,000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 2 ; tonnage of same, 150; value of same, $8000; hands employed, 8. Print Works, 1 ; cloth printed, 5,869,860 yards ; value of same, $704,383 ; males employed, 250 ; females, 40 ; capital invested, $200,000. Manufactory of Britannia Ware, 1 ; value of ware manufactured, $14,000 ; hands employed, 15. Stone Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of stone ware manufactured, $10,000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $7000. Bricks manufactured, 7,100,000 ; value of same, $28,000 ; hands employed, 95 ; capital invested, $16,500. WESTPORT. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 3072 ; cotton consumed, 300,000 lbs. ; cotton yarn manufactured, 270,000 lbs. ; value of same, $67,500 ; males employed, 12; females, 48 ; capital invested, $50,000. Merino Sheep, 1484 ; other kinds of sheep, 908 ; mermo wool produced, 3816 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 2258 lbs. ; average 145 weight of fleece, 2J- lbs. ; value of wool, $2551 ; capital invested, $52,000. Manufactory of Hoes, 1 ; value of hoes manufactured, $1500 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2000. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 2 ; salt manufactured, 1050 bushels ; value of same, $375 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $4600. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 5 ; tonnage of same, 712 ; sperm oil imported, 69,394 gallons ; whale oil, 3339 gal- lons ; value of sperm oil, $52,000 ; value of whale oil, $1670 ; hands employed, 95 ; capital invested, $47,000. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. ABINGTON. Common Sheep, 325 ; average weight of fleece, 2% lbs. ; wool produced, 894 lbs. ; value of wool, $447. Boots manufactured, 98,081 pairs ; shoes, 526,208 pairs ; value of same, $746,794 26 ; males employed, 847 ; females, 470. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 875 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $5000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $5000. Tack Factories, 2 ; value of tacks, $82,000 ; capital invested, $57,000 ; hands employed, 50. Box Factories, 4; value of boxes, $13,500; number of hands employed, 15. BRIDGEWATER. Common Sheep, 307. Boots manufactured, 3124 pairs ; Shoes manufactured, 53,800 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $57,317 ; males employed, 150 j females employed, 56. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; number of hats manufactured, 500 ; value $1000 ; males employed, 2 ; females, 1. 19 146 Paper Mill, 1 ; number of tons of stock manufactured, 75; value of paper manufactured, $15,000 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 3 ; capital invested, $12,000. Number of Forges, 2 ; tons of bar-iron and anchors manufactured, 140 ; value of bar-iron and anchors, $17,000 ; number of hands, 6; capital invested, $10,000. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2 ; tons of iron casting made during the year, 400 ; value, $30,000 ; number of hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $20,000. Nail Factories, 2 ; tons of nails manufactured during the year, 1000 ; value, $60,000 ; hands employed, 30 ; capital invested, $30,000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; number of axes manufactured during the year, 700 ; value, $900 ; number of hands, 3 ; capital invested, $1500. Number of Straw Bonnets manufactured, 4321 ; value of same, $12,123. Manufactories of Cotton Ginns, 2 ; hands employed, 30 ; value of ginns, $22,500 ; capital invested, $42,000. Tack Manufactory, 1 ; hands employed, 12 ; value, $5000 ; cap- ital invested, $10,000. Rolling Mill and Machine Shop, 1 ; hands employed, 60 ; capi- tal invested, $50,000. CARVER. Common Sheep, 538 ; wool produced, 1479 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of the same, $739 50 ; capital in- vested, $1076. Boots manufactured, 1320 pairs; Shoes, 2400 pairs; hands employed, 20. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2 ; tons of iron casting, 300 ; value of same, $30,000 ; hands employed, 24 ; capital invested, $20,000. Value of Shoe Boxes and Willow Baskets, manufactured, $3905 20 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $2350. k 147 DUXBURY. < Woollen Mills, 2 ; sets of woollen machinery, 6 ; wool consumed during the year, 22,000 lbs. ; yards of cloth manufactured, 22,- 000 ; value of same, $15,000 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 18 ; capital invested, $23,000 ; sperm oil used, 500 gallons. Merino Sheep, 250 ; common sheep, 250 ; merino wool pro- duced, 750 lbs. ; common wool, 552 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. 10 oz. ; value of same, $651 ; capital invested, $1500. Boots manufactured, 1000 pairs ; Shoes, 42,334 pairs ; value, $56,917 ; males employed, 61 ; females, 60. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 2500; value, $6000 ; hands employ- ed, 3; capital invested, $2500. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; tons of iron castings, 150 ; value of same, $15,000; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $5000. Manufactory of Tin Ware, 1 ; value of same, $7000 ; hands employed, 4. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 4; bushels of salt, 4200; value, $1370; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $11,000. Number of Vessels built, 71 ; tonnage of same, 11,711 ; value of same, $845,240 ; hands employed, 897. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 46 ; ton- nage of the same, 2590 ; quintals of cod-fish caught, 1 8,000 ; value of same, $55,548 ; number of barrels of mackerel, 2000 ; value $14,- 000 ; bushels of salt used, 22,162 ; hands employed, 306 ; capital invested, $122,855. Cordage Manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $2000 ; hands em- ployed, 10. Brass Foundry, 1 ; capital invested, $3000 ; value of castings, $4500 ; hands employed, 2. EAST BRIDGE WATER. Cotton Mill, 1 ; number of spindles, 856; pounds of cotton con- sumed, 32,843 lbs. ; yards of cotton manufactured, 180,636 ; gross value, $13,543 70 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 16 ; capital in- vested, $16,150. 148 Common Sheep, 101 ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; com- mon wool, 303 lbs. Boots manufactured, 15, 100 pairs; Shoes, 263,000 pairs ; value of same, $277,800; males employed, 270; females, 144. Value of Leather curried, $20,800 ; hands employed, 6 ; capi- tal invested, $1400. Forges, 1 ; tons of bar-iron manufactured, 32 ; value of same, $3200 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2000. Nail Factory, 1 ; tons of nails manufactured, 350; value of same, $49,500 ; hands employed, 40 ; capital invested, $10,000. Manufactory of Tacks ; hands employed, 57 ; gross value, $33,- 000; capital invested, $15,000. Manufactory of Shoe Boxes ; hands employed, 10 ; value, $7400. Manufactory of Lead-pipe ; hands employed, 2; value, $3800 capital invested, $1400. Manufactory of Chaises ; hands employed, 12 ; value, $3500 capital invested, $4000. Manufactory of Window Blinds and Sashes ; hands employed, 2 value, $1500 ; capital invested, $400. HALIFAX. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 612 ; cotton consumed, 1300 lbs. ; male employed, 1 ; females, 12 ; capital invested, $900. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 3 ; wool con- sumed during the year, 90,000 lbs. ; yards of cloth manufactured, 103,250 ; value of same, $82,600 ; males employed, 20 ; fe- males, 21 ; capital invested, $24,000 ; sperm oil used, 1124 gal- lons. Merino Sheep of different grades, 205 ; wool produced, 615 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of same, $307 ; cap- ital invested, $1230. Shoes manufactured, 30,600 pairs ; value, $27,540 ; males em- ployed, 40. Straw Braid, value, $900. 149 HANOVER. Woollen Cloth manufactured, 500 yards. Common Sheep, 296 ; wool produced, 885 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value, $350 ; capital invested, $225. Shoes manufactured, 12,000 pairs ; value, $10,500 ; males em- ployed, 35 ; females, 26. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 800 ; value, $4350; hands em- ployed, 5 ; capital invested, $1600. Forges, 3 ; tons of bar-iron manufactured, 130 ; value of same, $1300 ; hands employed, 14 ; capital invested, $25,000. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 2; tons of iron castings, 100 ; value of same, $9000; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $1300. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 150; value of ploughs, $1200 ; hands employed, 3. Vessels built, 9; tonnage of same, 1300; value, $32,500; hands employed, 75. Anchor shops, 2 ; anchors made, 65 ; hands employed, 6 ; value, $19,000. Tack Factory, capital invested, $9100 ; value, $18,200 ; hands employed, 8. HANSON. Merino Sheep, 370; common sheep, 35; merino wool, 1182 lbs. ; common wool, 114 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3£ lbs. ; value, $648. Shoes manufactured, 48,000 pairs ; value, $40,000 ; males em- ployed, 180 ; females, 240. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 500 ; value of same, $3400 ; hands employed, 3; capital invested, $2000. Forge, 1 ; capital invested, (building and privilege,) $3000. Nail Factories, 3 ; tons of nails manufactured, 48 ; value of same, $6240; hands employed, 28 ; capital invested, $7000. Carriage Springs, number of hands employed, 3 ; value of same, $2400 ; capital invested, $3000. 150 Sawed Box Boards and Shingles ; hands employed, 7 ; value, $2180 ; capital invested, $7000. Ship Anchors and Iron Knees ; hands employed, 4 ; value, $6250 ; capital invested, $4500. HINGHAM. Merino Sheep, 751 ; common sheep, 514 ; merino wool pro- duced, 2353 lbs.; common wool, 1542 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of same, $1897 ; capital invested, $5700. Boots manufactured, 26,064 pairs ; Shoes, 5654 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $55,967 ; males employed, 71 ; females, 51. Tanneries, 3 ; number of hides tanned, 2700 ; value, $9600 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $11,000. Hat Manufactories, 4 ; number of hats manufactured, 3422 ; value, $8555 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 5. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 150 tons; value of same, $15,000 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $25,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of same, $4000 ; hands employed, 8. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 800 ; value of ploughs, $10,000 ; hands employed, 4. Manufactory of Tin Ware, 1 ; value of same, $1800; hands employed, 4. Manufactory of Silk, 1 ; value of same, $6000 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 8 ; capital invested, $2000. Wooden Ware of all kinds ; value, $30,000 ; number of hands em- ployed, 80. Establishments for the manufacture of Salt, 3 ; number of bush- els, 20,077 ; value of same, $900 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital in- vested, $6400. Vessels built, 17 ; tonnage of same, 2170 ; value of same, $73,780. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 50 ; tonnage of same, 2894 ; quintals of codfish, 2900 ; value of same, $8700 ; barrels of mackerel, 14,436 ; value of same, $105,000; bushels of salt used, 23,500 ; hands employed, 450 ; capital invested, $60,000. 151 Umbrella Manufactory, 1 ; umbrellas manufactured, 18,600 ; val- ue of same, $39,500 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 53 ; capital invested, $20,000. Spar and Block Manufactory, 1 ; value of same, $3200 ; hands employed, 3. Carriage Manufactory, 1 ; value, $5800 ; hands employed, 4. Cordage Manufactory, 1 ; value of cordage, $25,000; hands em- ployed 18 ; capital invested, $9000. Hammers and Hatchets ; value, $7000 ; hands employed, 7. HULL. Common Sheep, 282 ; wool produced, 1 150 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 4 lbs. ; value, $391 ; capital invested, $1643 SO. Establishments for manufacturing Salt, 2 ; bushels of salt, 3600; value, $1552 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $12,500. KINGSTON. Cotton Mill, 1 ; number of spindles, 728 ; cotton consumed, 35,- 165 lbs. ; value of same, $7000 ; males employed, 1 ; females, 12 ; capital invested, $8000. Common Sheep, 300 ; common wool produced, 760 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value, $380 ; capital invested, $900. Shoes manufactured, 8432 pairs ; value of same, $10,539 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 8. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 1700 ; value, $2000 ; hands employ- ed, 2 ; capital invested, $3500. Forges, 3 ; tons of bar-iron manufactured, 96 ; value of same, $9600 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $25,000. Nail Factories, 2 ; tons of nails manufactured, 110; value of same, $13,200 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $3000. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; number of axes manufactured, 700 ; value of same, $1200 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $700. Manufactories of Cutlery, 3 ; value, $6400 ; hands employed, 9 ; capital invested, $8000. Palm-leaf Hats, 576 ; valpe of same, $288. 152 Vessels built, 19; tonnage of same, 3326; value of same, $172,500 ; hands employed, 40. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 19; ton- nage of same, 1491 ; codfish caught, 14,214 quintals ; value of same, $42,242 ; mackerel caught, 8S6 barrels ; value of same, $6348 ; salt used, 18,020 bushels ; hands employed, 176 ; capital invested, $63,800. Anchors manufactured, 105 tons ; value of same, $19,675. Shingles manufactured, 300 M. ; value of same, $900 ; hands em- ployed, 4 ; capital invested, $4000. MARSHFIELD. Cotton Mills, 2 ; number of spindles, 1896 ; cotton consumed, 56,240 lbs. ; yards of cotton cloth manufactured, 172,366 ; value of same, $21,800 ; males employed, 10 ; females 42 ; capital in- vested, $35,000. Common Sheep, 930 ; common wool produced, 2325 lbs. ; av- erage weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of same, $767 ; capital in- vested, $10,000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; tons of iron castings manufactured, 20 ; value of same, $2500 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $2800. Nail Factory, 1 ; tons of nails manufactured, 4 ; value, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1000. Cotton Warp manufactured, 8468 lbs. Satinet Warp manufactured, 64,855 yards. MIDDLEBOROUGH. Cotton Mills, 2 ; number of spindles, 2384 ; cotton^ consumed, 103,000 lbs. ; number of yards cotton cloth manufactured, 553,- 000 ; value of same, 39,710 ; males employed, 21 ; females, 67 ; capital invested, $40,000. Merino Sheep, 265 ; other kinds of sheep, 1325 ; merino wool produced, 1060 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3975 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3£ lbs. ; value of same, $2583. 153 Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 170 ; value of same, $850 ; 1 hand employed. Forges, 2 ; tons of bar-iron manufactured, 50 ; value of same, $4900 ; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $7000. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; tons of iron casting, 170 ; value of same, $14,450 ; hands employed, 22 ; capital invested, $10,000. Nail Factory, 1 ; tons of nails manufactured, 15 ; value of same, $2100; hands employed, 2; capital invested, $1500. Manufactories of Shovels, Spades, and Forks, 3 ; value of same, $52,500; hands employed, 42 ; capital invested, $22,000. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of same, $3700 ; number of hands employed, 4. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; number of ploughs manufactured, 75 ; value of same, $563 ; I hand employed. Number of Straw Bonnets manufactured, 12,500 ; value of same, $40,505. Value of Tacks manufactured, $13,000 ; capital invested in same, $6000 ; males employed, 15 ; females, 4. Value of Wrought Nails manufactured, $6500 ; males employ- ed, 35. Slitting Mill ; males employed, 5. Value of Shingles manufactured, $5616 ; males employed, 15. Value of Boards and other Lumber manufactured, $11,112; males employed, 11. Value of Wheelwright Work, $4500; males employed, 12. NORTH BRIDGEWATER. Cotton Mill, 1 ; number of spindles, 350 ; cotton consumed, 16,000 lbs. ; number of yards cotton cloth manufactured, 60,000; value of same, $4800; males employed, 3; females, 12; capital invested, $8666. Common Sheep, 60 ; common wool produced, 210 lbs. ; aver- age weight of fleece, 3J lbs. ; value of same, $84 ; capital invest- ed, $120. Boots manufactured, 79,000 pairs ; Shoes, 22,300 pairs ; value of hoots and shoes, $184,200 ; males employed, 750 ; females, 375. 20 154 Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 2000 ; value of same, $6000 ; males employed, 3 ; females, 3. Manufactory of Forks and Hoes, 1 ; value of same, $1000 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $400. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3 ; value of same, $38,500 ; hands employed, 39. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $300 ; 1 hand employed. Shoe Tools Manufactories, 2 ; value of same, $1900 ; hands employed, 22 ; capital invested, $5000. PEMBROKE, Cotton Mill, 1 ; number of spindles, 336, ( " not in operation.") Common Sheep, 580 ; common wool produced, 1450 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of same, $609. Cupola Furnace, 1 ; ( " not in operation.") Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1. Number of vessels built, 8 ; tonnage of same, 1000 ; value of same, $40,000 ; hands employed, 8. Grist Mills, 3 ; grain ground, 4500 bushels per year. Saw Mills, 7 ; boards sawed, 550,000 feet per year. Wool Carding Machine, 1 ; wool carded,- 3000 lbs. per year. Tack Manufactories, 2 ; tacks manufactured, 10 tons. Shingle Mills, 2 ; shingles cut, 300,000 per year. PLYMOUTH. Cotton Mills, 3 ; number of cotton spindles, 3764 ; cotton con- sumed, 150,500 lbs. ; yards of cotton cloth manufactured, 706,810; value of same, $61,081 ; males employed, 27 ; females, 67 ; cap- ital invested, $55,500. Common Sheep, 512 ; common wool produced, 1358 lbs.; aver- age weight of fleece, 2 lbs. 10 oz. ; value of same, $679 ; capital invested, $768. Boots manufactured, 2274 pairs ; Shoes, 6433 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $13,080 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 10. Tannery, I ; hides tanned, 750 ; value of same, $2400 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $2700. 155 Hat Manufactories, 3; bats manufactured, 2228; value of same, $6250 ; males employed, 7 ; females, 3. Nail Factories, 3 ; tons of nails manufactured, 1500 ; value of same, $200,000; hands employed, 50 ; capital invested, $100,000. Establishments for Manufacturing of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of same, $4040 ; hands employed, 5. Tin Manufactory, 1 ; value of same manufactured, $900 ; hand employed, 1. Straw Bonnets manufactured, 280 ; value of same, $700. Number of Vessels built, 22 ; amount of tonnage of same, 3896 ; value of same, $214,280 ; hands employed, 50. Number of Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 4 ; tonnage of same, 1300 ; gallons of sperm oil, 47,250; whale oil, 47,250 gallons ; value of sperm oil, $40,162 ; value of whale oil, $18,- 900 ; hands employed, 100 ; capital invested, $80,000. Number of Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 45 ; tonnage of same, 3457 ; quintals of cod-fish caught, 29,058 ; value of same, $87,174 ; barrels of mackerel caught, 1.436 ; value of same, $S400 ; number of bushels of salt used, 35,400 ; hands em- ployed, 362 ; capital invested in the same, $79,500. Cordage Manufactories, 2 ; value of cordage manufactured, $177,625; capital invested in same, $126,000; males employ- ed, 135. PLYMPTON. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1000 ; cotton consumed, 34,- 000 lbs.; yards of cotton cloth manufactured, 180,000; value of same, $18,000; males employed, 5 ; females, 25; capital invested, $34,400. Woollen Mill, 1 ; sets of woollen machinery, 2 ; wool consumed, 35,756 lbs.; yards of woollen cloth manufactured, 36,154; value of same, $40,171 ; males employed, 9 ; females, 10 ; capital in- vested, $35,000 ; sperm oil used, 426 gallons. Saxony Sheep, 86; common sheep, 78; Saxony wool produced, 190 lbs. ; common wool produced, 160 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. 1 oz. ; value of wool produced, $175. Shoes manufactured, 9185 pairs ; value of same, $9100 ; males employed, 17 ; females, 9. 156 Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 574; value of same, $1417: hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1716. Nail Factories, 2 ; tons of nails manufactured, 83 ; value of same manufactured, $16,180 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invest- ed, $6600. Manufactory of Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes, 1 ; value of same manufactured, $7,200 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invest- ed, $10,000. Establishment for manufacture of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of same manufactured, $150 ; 1 hand employed. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $100. Rivets for Oil Cask Hoops, 6 tons ; value, $1200 ; hands em- ployed, 3 ; capital invested, $1000. ROCHESTER. Common Sheep, 1150; common wool produced, 2875 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of same, $1207 50 ; capi- tal invested, $1725. Boots manufactured, 50 pairs; shoes, 1695 pairs; value of same, $2319 ; males employed, 5 ; females, 1. Forge, 1 ; tons of bar-iron manufactured, 20 ; value of same, $2000; hands employed, 5 ; capital invested, $1500. Establishments for manufacture of salt, 18; bushels of salt man- ufactured, 11,076; value of same, $3692; hands employed, 18; capital invested, $18,480. Number of Vessels built, 35 ; tonnage of same, 9338 ; value of same, $379,000; hands employed, 215. Number of Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 9 ; tonnage of same, 1820 ; gallons of sperm oil imported, 51,849 ; gallons of whale oil imported, 65,079 ; value of sperm oil, $45,627 12 ; value of whale oil, $26,031 60 ; hands employed, 240 ; capital invested, $139,000. Shingle Mills, 5 ; value of shingles sawed, $12,000. Saw Mills, 12 ; value of lumber sawed, $6000. 157 SCITUATE. Common Sheep, 1200 ; wool produced, 3600 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $1440 ; capital invested, $2400. Boots manufactured, 996 pairs ; Shoes, 5000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $7490 ; males employed, 40 ; females, 13. Tanneries, 3 ; (no particulars stated.) Tack-Nail Factories, 2 ; tack-nails manufactured, 27 tons ; value of same, $6000 ; hands employed, 16 ; capital invested, $10,000. Vessels built, 26; tonnage of same, 5120 ; value of same, $189,- 340 ; hands employed, 23. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 22 ; ton- nage of same, 1480 ; mackerel caught, 6500 barrels ; value of same, $46,000; salt used, 9750 bushels ; hands employed, 250 ; capital invested, $56,000. WAREHAM. Cotton Mills, 2; cotton spindles, 1372 ; cotton consumed, 51,- 836 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1 99,249 yards ; value of same, $16,539 ; males employed, 10 ; females, 26 ; capital invested, $32,000. Common Sheep, 640; wool produced, 1112 lbs.; average weight of fleece, If lbs. ; value of wool, $645 ; capital invested, $1280. Boots manufactured, 214 pairs ; shoes, 3377 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $4290 ; males employed, 8. Tannery, 1 ; hides tanned, 400 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $2100 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1900. Paper Mill, 1 ; stock manufactured, 75 tons ; value of paper, $10,000 ; males employed, 6 ; females, 8 ; capital invested, $22,000. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 6 ; iron castings made, 829 tons ; value of same, $55,880 ; hands employed, 56 ; capital invested, $54,000. Nail Factories, 6 ; nails manufactured, 7039 tons ; value of same, $985,460 ; hands employed, 345 ; capital invested, $1,150,000. 158 Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of same, $788 ; hands employed, 2. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 5 ; salt manufactured, 1550 bushels ; value of same, $620 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $6000. Vessels built, 7 ; tonnage of same, 1524 ; value of same, $114,- 800; hands employed, 124. 1 Vessel of 374 tons employed in the Whale Fishery ; sperm oil imported, 93,423 gallons ; value of same, $78,236 ; hands employ- ed, 32 ; capital invested, $45,700. Saw Mills, 2 ; boards sawed, 300,000 feet ; staves sawed, 2,100,- 000. Nail Casks manufactured, 150,000; value of same, $25,000; hands employed, 40 ; capital invested, $10,000. Rolling Mills, 2 ; iron manufactured, 1238 tons ; value of same, $137,000 ; hands employed, 50 ; capital invested, $125,000. WEST BRIDGE WATER. Common Sheep, 60 ; wool produced, 180 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $81 ; capital invested, $1200. Boots manufactured, 2518 pairs ; Shoes, 27,890 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $31,210 ; males employed, 43 ; females, 25. Air and Cupola Furnaces, 3 ; iron castings made, 430 tons ; value of same, $42,500 ; hands employed, 31 ; capital invested, $23,000. Manufactory of Shovels, Spades, Forks or Hoes, 1 ; value of same manufactured, $14,000 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $10,000. Plough Manufactory, 1 ; ploughs manufactured, 400 ; value of samsj $2800 ; hands employed, 3. COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. BARNSTABLE. Common Sheep, 939 ; wool produced, 2347 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2jlbs. ; value of wool, $1056 37 ; capital invested, $93^0. 159 Boots manufactured, 630 pairs ; Shoes, 10,475 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $12,300 ; males employed, 25 ; females, 29. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 450 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1750 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1500. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; hats manufactured, 300 ; value of hats, $750 ; hands employed, 1 male, and 1 female. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $500 ; hands employed, 2. Value of Wooden Ware manufactured, $1000 ; hands employ- ed, 4. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 34 ; salt manufactured, 27,125 bushels ; value of same, $9,493 75 ; hands employed 34 ; capital invested, $25,800. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 29 ; tonnage of same, 2635 ; value of same, $153,840; hands employed, 32. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 10 ; ton- nage of same, 635 ; cod-fish caught, 267 quintals ; value of same, $793 ; mackerel caught, 4615 barrels ; value of same, $25,604; salt used in the cod and mackerel fishery, 6950 bushels ; hands em- ployed, 104 ; capital invested, $16,200. BREWSTER. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 1008 ; cotton consumed, 3848 lbs.; cotton goods manufactured, 192,400 yards; value of same, $19,240; males employed, 7 ; females, 20; capital invested, $7,000. Common Sheep, 944 ; wool produced, 2360 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2£ lbs. ; value of wool, $991 ; capital invested, $2,076. Boots manufactured, 625 pairs ; Shoes, 3658 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $5570; males employed, 12; females, 5. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 2160 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $8025 ; hands employed, 7 ; capital invested, $5070. Axe Manufactory, 1 ; axes manufactured, 1400; value of same, $1750 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1050. Manufactory of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 1 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $850 ; hands employed, 2. 160 Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $1400 ; hands em- ployed, 2. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 60 ; salt manufactured, 34,500 bushels ; value of same, $11,385 ; hands employed, 29; capital invested, $51,786. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 3 ; tonnage of same, 155 ; cod-fish caught, 800 quintals ; value of same, $2400 ; mackerel caught, 950 barrels ; value of same, $6650 ; salt used, 2200 bushels ; hands employed, 24 ; capital invested, $6875. Establishments for manufacture of Epsom Salts, 5 ; salts manufac- tured, 45,000 lbs. ; value of same, $1452 ; capital invested, $2400; hands employed, 5. Establishments for manufacture of Lampblack, 8 ; value of lamp- black manufactured, $2400 ; capital invested, $1728 ; hands em- ployed, 8. CHATHAM. Common Sheep, 300 ; wool produced, 900 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $450; capital invested, $450. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; shoes, 600 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1500 ; males employed, 3. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 80 ; salt manufactured, 27,400 bushels ; value of same, $8220 ; hands employed, 34 ; cap- ital invested, $55,200. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 5 ; tonnage of same, 387 ; value of same, $19,350 ; hands employed, 5. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 22 ; ton- nage of same, 1450; cod-fish caught, 15,500 quintals; value of same, $46,500 ; mackerel caught, 1200 barrels ; value of same, $9600; salt used, 18,637 bushels ; hands employed, 198 ; capital invested, $44,200. DENNIS. Common Sheep, 50 ; wool produced, 125 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $50. 161 Boots manufactured, 120 pairs ; Shoes, 1600 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1650 ; males employed, 7. Tannery, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hides tanned, 120 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $340 ; capital invested, $485. Axes manufactured, 150. Establishments for manufacture of salt, 114 ; salt manufactured, 52,200 bushels ; value of same, $17,748 ; hands employed, 114 ; capital invested, $66, S90. 1 Vessel built of 100 tons ; value of same, $3200 ; hands em- ployed in building, 4. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 18 ; tonnage of same, 1037 ; cod-fish caught, 9141 quintals ; value of same, $25,- 137; mackerel caught, 4684 barrels; value of same, $25,762; salt used, 16,691 bushels ; hands employed, 247 ; capital invested, $29,6S2. Establishments for manufacture of Epsom Salts, 15 ; salts manu- factured, 445 barrels ; value of same, $2447 ; capital invested, $4895 ; hands employed, 15. Establishments for manufacture of Lampblack, 10 ; value of lamp- black manufactured, $3000; capital invested, $1150; hands em- ployed, 10. EASTHAM. Common Sheep, 55 ; wool produced, 138 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2j lbs. ; value of wool, $69 ; capital invested, $142 50. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; Shoes, 3000 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3700 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 15. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 600 ; value of same, $150. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 54 ; salt manufactured, 22,370 bushels ; value of same, $6711 ; hands employed, 54 ; cap- ital invested, $22,250. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 13 ; tonnage of same, 520 ; cod-fish caught, 1200 quintals ; value of same, $3600 ; mackerel caught, 4550 barrels ; value of same, $27,300 ; salt used, 6150 bushels; hands employed, 91 ; amount of capital, $10,770. 21 162 FALMOUTH. Woollen Mills, 2 ; woollen machinery, 3 sets ; wool consumed, 30,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 40,000 yards ; value of same, $19,000 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 14 ; capital invested, $15,- 000 ; sperm oil used, G50 gallons. Common Sheep, 2173 ; wool produced, 4346 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $1738. Boots manufactured, 110 pairs; Shoes, 800 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $1850; males employed, 6. Tanneries, 3 ; hides tanned, 225 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $825 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $1500. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 52 ; salt manufactured, 35,569 bushels ; value of same, $11,382 ; hands employed, 25 ; capital invested, $66,727. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 12 ; tonnage of same, 1452 ; value of same $128,000 ; hands employed in ship-building, 20. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 9 ; tonnage of same, 2823 ; sperm oil imported, 4952 barrels, (148,560 gallons) ; whale oil, 275 barrels, (8250 gallons) ; value of sperm oil, $142,950 ; value of whale oil, $3650 ; hands employed in the fishery, 250 ; capital invested, $260,000. HARWICH. Cotton Mill, 1 ; cotton spindles, 500 ; cotton consumed, 3000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 2700 yards. Common Sheep, 350 ; wool produced, 1050 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $472 50 ; capital invested, $1000. Boots manufactured, 150 pairs; Shoes, 1350 pairs; value of boots and shoes $1825 ; males employed, 10; females, 5. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 8 ; salt manufactured, 4000 bushels ; value of same, $1600 ; hands employed, 12 ; capi- tal invested, $12,000. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 3 ; tonnage of same, 100 ; value of same, $4000; hands employed in ship-building, 5. 163 Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 20 ; ton- nage of same, 1300; cod-fish caught, 10,000 quintals; value of same, $30,000 ; mackerel caught, 500 barrels ; value of same, $3000 ; salt used, 9000 bushels ; hands employed, 200 ; capital invested, $60,000. ORLEANS. Common Sheep, 362 ; wool produced, 950 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2| lbs. ; value of wool, $380 ; capital invested, $503. Boots manufactured, 450 pairs ; Shoes, 2000 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $2850; males employed, 9 ; females, 5. Tannery, 1 ; employing 1 person; hides tanned, 100; value of leather tanned and curried, $300; capital invested, $150. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; value of tin ware $300. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 500 ; value of same, $100. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 50 ; salt manufactured, 21,780 bushels; value of same, $6534; hands employed, 30; capital invested, $30,494. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 33 ; ton- nage of same, 2310; cod-fish caught, 20,000 quintals ; value of same, $55,100 ; mackerel caught, 6000 barrels; value of same, $36,000 ; salt used, 31,000 bushels ; hands employed, 264 ; capi- tal invested, $33,000. PROVINCETOWN. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 78 ; salt manufactured, 48,960 bushels ; value of same, $18,360'; hands employed, 156 ; capital invested, $77,500. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 2 ; tonnage of same, 275; sperm oil imported, 21,420 gallons; value of sperm oil, $18,207; hands employed in the fishery, 35; capital invested, $14,000. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 98 ; ton- nage of same, 6200; cod-fish caught, 51,400 quintals; value of 164 same, $154,200 ; mackerel caught, 18,000 barrels ; value of same, $126,000; salt used, 84,180 bushels; hands employed, 1078 ; cap- ital invested, $235,000. SANDWICH. Saxony Sheep, 4 ; merino sheep, 9 ; other kinds of sheep, 1626 ; saxony wool produced, 16 lbs. ; merino wool produced, 36 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 4065 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $1829 ; capital invested, $15,498. Tanneries, 2 ; hides tanned, 472 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1147; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1438. Air and Cupola Furnace, 1 ; iron castings made, 150 tons ; value of same, $18,000; hands employed, 15 ; capital invested, $15,000. Nail Factory, 1 ; nails manufactured, 500 tons ; value of same, $57,500 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $13,500. Glass Manufactory, 1 ; value of glass manufactured, $300,000 ; hands employed, 250 ; capital invested, $250,000. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 8 ; salt manufactured, 2670 bushels ; value of same, $1001 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $3500. 1 Vessel built of 100 tons ; value of same, $4000. Vessels employed in the Cod Fishery, 4 ; tonnage of same, 257; cod-fish caught, 2100 quintals ; value of same, $5250; salt used, 3200 bushels ; hands employed, 36 ; capital invested, $10,000. Staves manufactured, 200,000 ; hands employed, 2 ; value of staves, $3800 ; capital invested, $3300. TRURO. Common Sheep, 400 ; wool produced, 800 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $360 ; capital invested, $600. Boots manufactured, 200 pairs ; Shoes, 800 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1700 ; males employed, 6 ; female, 1. Palm-leaf Hats manufactured, 21,000 ; value of same, $5250. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 39 ; salt manufactured, 17,490 bushels; value of same, $14,575 ; hands employed, 39 ; capital invested, $58,300. 165 Vessels employed in tbe Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 63 ; ton- nage of same, 3437; cod-fish caught, 16,950 quintals; value of same, $50,850; mackerel caught, 15,750 barrels ; value of same, $94,500 ; salt used, 42,600 bushels ; hands employed, 512 ; capital invested, $157,500. WELLFLEET. Boots manufactured, 250 pairs ; Shoes, 400 pairs ; value N of boots and shoes, $1150 ; males employed, 4 ; females, 2. Tannery, I ; capital invested, $300. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 39 ; salt manufactured, 10,000 bushels ; value of same, $3300; hands employed, 39 ; cap- ital invested, $25,000. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 62 ; tonnage of same, 3228; cod-fish caught, 3100 quintals; value of same, $6200 ; mackerel caught, 17,500 barrels ; value of same, $122,- 500 ; salt used, 29,350 bushels ; hands employed, 496 ; capital in- vested, $64,560. Establishments for Packing Mackerel, 3 ; mackerel packed, 11,500 barrels ; salt used in packing, 5750 bushels ; hands employ- ed, 6 ; capital invested, $10,500. YARMOUTH. Common Sheep, 120; wool produced, 240 lbs.; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $86 ; capital invested, $180. Boots manufactured, 560 pairs ; Shoes, 4150 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $3390 ; males employed, 16 ; females, 5. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 1000; value of leather tanned and curried, $2900 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $1900. Manufactories of Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 2 ; value of chairs and cabinet ware, $900 ; hands employed, 2. Tin Ware Manufactory, 1 ; value of tin ware, $500 ; hands em- ployed, 2. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 52 ; salt manufactured, 166 365,200 bushels ; value of same, $109,560 ; hands employed, 52 ; capital invested, $109,560. 1 Vessel built of 84 tons ; value of same, $4400 ; hands employ- ed in building, 4. Vessels employed in the Cod and Mackerel Fishery, 13 ; tonnage of same, 751 ; cod-fish caught, 4300 quintals ; value of same, $12,900 ; mackerel caught, 2287 barrels ; value of same, $13,722 ; salt used, 7670 bushels ; hands employed in said fishery, 121 ; cap- ital invested, $15,100. Establishment for manufacture of Cordage, 1 ; value of cordage manufactured, $3000 ; hands employed, 3 ; capital invested, $3000. Establishments for manufacture of Epsom Salts, 4 ; value of salts manufactured, $1350 ; hands employed, 3; capital invested, $800. DUKES COUNTY. CHILMARK. Merino Sheep, 1600 ; other kinds of sheep, 4S76 ; merino wool produced, 4000 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 8950 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $5180. Establishment for manufacture of Salt, 1 ; salt manufactured, 100 bushels ; value of same, $187 50 ; hand employed, 1 ; capital in- vested, $2500. EDGARTOWN. Common Sheep, 2150 ; wool produced, 5300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $1590 ; capital invested, $2150. Hat Manufactories, 2; hats manufactured, 150 ; value of hats, $450 ; males employed, 2. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 4 ; salt manufactured, 750 bushels ; value of same, $225 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital in- vested, $2000. Vessels employed in the Whale Fishery, 8 ; tonnage of same, 167 2680 ; sperm oil imported, 77,175 gallons ; value of sperm oil, $65,598 ; hands employed in the fishery, 195 ; capital invested, $208,000. Manufactories of Oil Casks, 3 ; casks manufactured, 4500 ; value of same, $5625 ; hands employed, 6 ; capital invested, $3500. Boats manufactured, 16; value of same, $960; capital invest- ed, $400 ; hands employed, 4. TISBURY. Woollen Mill, 1 ; woollen machinery, 2 sets ; wool consumed, 7000 lbs. ; males employed, 2; capital invested, $900; sperm oil used, 120 gallons ; (number of yards and value of cloth not stated.) Merino Sheep, 2000 ; other kinds of sheep, 655 ; merino wool produced, 4000 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 1310 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2 lbs. ; value of wool, $1752 ; capital invested, $3,982. Boots manufactured, 78 pairs ; Shoes, 950 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $1434 ; males employed, 5. Tannery, 1 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $1200 ; hands employed, 2 ; capital invested, $600. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; employing 1 person ; hats manufactured, 200 ; value of hats, $400. Establishments for manufacture of Salt, 4 ; salt manufactured, 1850 bushels ; value of same, $617 ; hands employed, 4 ; capital invested, $2466. 1 Vessel of 338 tons employed in the Whale Fishery ; hands em- ployed, 30 ; capital invested, $25,000. COUNTY OF NANTUCKET. NANTUCKET. Merino Sheep, 1755 ; other kinds of sheep, 5265 ; merino wool produced, 4387 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 11,408 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 2J lbs. ; value of wool, $7503 ; capital invested, $28,256. 168 Boots manufactured, 225 pairs; Shoes, 1950 pairs; value of boots and shoes, $3875 ; males employed, 13. Forges, 31 ; bar-iron manufactured, 93 tons ; value of same, $10,330; hands employed, 35 ; capital invested, $30,000. Tin Ware Manufactories, 2 ; value of tin ware, $4000 ; hands employed, 7. Vessels built in the five preceding years, 5 ; tonnage of same, 1297 ; value of same, $60,959 ; hands employed in ship-building, 25. Vessels employed, in the Whale Fishery, 74 ; tonnage of same, 25,875 ; sperm oil imported, 1,206,418 gallons ; whale oil import- ed, 70,591 gallons; value of sperm oil, $1,085,776; value of whale oil, $28,236 ; hands employed in the whale fishery, 1897 ; capital invested, $2,520,000 ; cc this includes the ships and their outfits only, yet many of the manufactories of the place are appen- dages of the whale fishery ; altogether employing over five millions of dollars." Sperm Candles manufactured, 1,611,355 lbs. ; value of same, $515,663; hands employed, 93 ; capital invested, (see oil manu- facture.) Summer and Winter Oil manufactured, 2,014,193 gallons ; value of same, $1,873,199; hands employed, 124; capital invested in the candle and oil manufacture, $1,318,000. Oil Casks manufactured, 65,000; value of same, $86,000 ; hands employed, 67 ; capital invested, $60,000. Whale Boats manufactured, 130 ; value of same, $7800 ; hands employed, 14 ; capital invested, $10,000. Candle Boxes manufactured, 47,392 ; value of same, $11,848 ; hands employed, 15 ; capital invested, $12,000. 169 •uoijoo jo 3jni3BjnuBui alp u; pajsaAiniBjidBjj 8 8 8 8 S 3 S S fh a o t>» i?^ i>» co »o o oo d m a jf © CO AC i-T rt •paA"o[duia sapjuiaj •paiCo[daia sa[Bj^ s 3 i-l o SB 8 •pajrn -OBJIHIBUI spoof) uojjoq jo anpA s 3 £ £ OS 00 i-H O CO O* Tf cfc k cp in cf oo ef cf N ^ Q fc 3 H »C 25 CO t* •pajnjOBjnuBiu spoof) uonog jo spiBA* jo jsqiun^j •pamnsuoo aojjoo 00 S « JO W q. 8 8 S S ill N H B fl 00^ ■saiputdg uo«03 00 N CO i 2 8 g w 3? s" •»IHI\[ " h m" ^ CO rH 05 00 rH CO rf of C* rH I 1 8 QO Ctt 'I°°AY jo ejinoTJjnuBuj aq} ui pa^saAUi [EjidraQ 5, © O O O H 5 1 N t W I © \o go •«* jo cd CN 00 © .rH 1> "** o *o 00 rH § o 8 © fh i> oo io •paXopJma saiBiugj S 1 s l—l CO 3 9 S •pa^opluia sa[B|\[ "* ^ t>» e* I 00 CO CO oo co £ •pajrn -oujiiubui spoof) U8 I[ 00 M jo 8"|BA !Sl rJ cnj 3 B o o © £ go cc3" isi CO B ^2 & 2 i— I CO rH •pamj -OBjnuBtu q^ojo jo spjB^ jo -o£ 8 S3 8 00 o i> 00 CO a ° 52 2 S *o t>» © © 4 N" d N S3 3 W •£l9UTqOBJ\[ uanoo^v jo s;a S 8 8 8 rH 2 r-i t^ s s •s[I!K U8[IOOA\ SSS^^^SSS O? rH i fi OQ W 3 171 jo SurAvoaS aqi UI pa;88AUI [BJldBQ iS 3? i-l CO © CO £? 55| CO ** !>. «# cm © ■ m co K m t* © OS ^h 00 CO H (B w i-l JO rt< i-< Oi i-l 1> rH CO i-l CO CO & 8 •paonp i-H cm »o cm « © lO CM 00 39- CO CO co co os qo 8 Sf »o lO O tjT 1> r-l CM g S3 ® S cm o 5P iS •pnaq iad aoaajj jo iqSiaAY a^BiaAy cO co co co co CO i-H rH r-l i-l CO i-H CO ^^^coioco^^co^ t rHrHr-li-lr-li-lOSrHi-l^. i-l COCOCOCMCMGMGMCOCMeMCMCMCM •[oom jo spupi jaqiojiujo spunod jo aaquin^ $ 35 CO~ rt ^ M W § 2 § 8 S 5 gf $ 15 a d *l°°M OHU9W spunod jo laqiun^ ^ a n h tH lO i-l 00 © S 3 N fcl £ rt* OS * 8* § rH CM $ •paonp -oidjoOjW^UtXBg spunod jo iaqumj£ CO lO 00 K 1 £ OS 00 iH CO 00 O CO CM OS 5 © r 1 r 1 co co 1^ g 3 •daaqgjo spuisj laqjo i[Bjo laqmn^j " I % CO CO S Si cO co os ih in co oo i-i oo co OS t* CO CO CM 00 C3 N N w •daaqg ouiiaj\[ jo jaquinjj S8 S 8 ? 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South Hadley, 64 West Stockbridge . 117 Oakham, 60 81 Weymouth, 131 Orange, . 102 South Reading, 36 Whately, . 104 Orleans, 163 Southwick, 89 Wilbraham, 93 Otis, 113 Spencer, 65 Williamsburg, 84 Oxford, 60 Springfield,, 90 Williamstown, 118 Sterling, 65 Wilmington, . 41 Palmer, . 88 Stockbridge, 116 Winchendon, 72 Pawtucket, . 140 Stoneham, 37 Windsor, . 119 Paxton, 61 Stoughton, 129 Woburn, . 42 Pelham, 80 Stow, 37 Worcester, 72 Pembroke, 154 Sturbridge, 66 Worthington, 84 Pepperell, 35 Sudbury, 37 Wrentham, . 131 Peru, 113 Sunderland, 103 Petersham, 61 Sutton, 66 Yarmouth, 165 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO—^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month Ibans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW _ BECCIR MfiRl7 81 c MAY13198H O «- O- i£L TO.R1B . 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