Mei UC-NRLF $B 152 2Mb in H Ht/ A Brief Guide TO THE LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE H. H. B. MEYER Chief Bibliographer, Library of Congress AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD CHICAGO 1915 A Brief Guide TO THE LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE H. H. B. MEYER K Chief Bibliographer^ Library of Congress AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD CHICAGO 1915 Copyright, 1915 . ^^ American Library Association Publishing Board CONTENTS Page Prefatory note 5 A. Bibliography 7 B. The Writings: I. Editions: One volume editions . 9 Other editions 11 Editions for young people 13 List of notable editions 14 Poems and sonnets 17 Quotations 18 Apocrypha 18 II. Paraphrases, tales, etc 19 III. Guides to the study of Shakespeare 20 IV, Language: Grammar, versification , 21 Lexicons 22 Concordances 23 V. Sources 23 VI. Literary history 24 VII. Shakespeare's contemporaries 26 VIII. Later history of the plays, including the development of the text and Shakespeare's posthumous reputation.. 27 IX. Comment and criticism 29 C. Biography: X. Lives of the poet 32 XL Portraits 35 XII. Shakespeare as a dramatist 35 XIII. Special knowledge 36 XIV. Shakespeare forgeries 39 XV. Bacon-Shakespeare 40 D. Environment: XVI. Elizabethan England, customs and people 40 XVII. Stratford 41 XVIII. London— The theatre 42 XIX. Music 43 XX. Fiction, plays, etc 44 Appendix: XXI. Costumes 48 XXII. Pageants 49 Author index 51 Subiect index • 54 327381 PREFATORY NOTE This Brief guide to the literature of Shakespeare was under- taken at the request of the Drama League of America. Its object is to provide information concerning the various editions of Shakespeare's writings, and to point out at least a lew of the biographies, commentaries, and criticisms which have con- tributed to our knowledge of the poet and his works. It is hoped that it will enable the librarian, the teacher or any one who may be interested, to select the books best suited to his par- ticular needs, with the least expenditure of time and money. It differs from other guides to Shakespeare, some of which are mentioned in Section III of this list, in that it attempts to point a way through the vast maze of Shakespearean literature, rather than to offer instruction in the method of reading any particular play or group of plays. Shakespeare is so manysided, and has been studied from so many different points of view that a classification of the niaterial was felt to be obligatory. The arrangement of the subdivisions and their interrelation is shown by the table of contents. The •minuter phases of the subject so far as they are included in the works cited are brought out in an analytical index. The tercentenary of Shakespeare's death has seemed to offer to the Drama League of America an opportunity to ex- tend still further the newly awakened interest in the works of the world's greatest poet. Every effort is being made to encourage young people in schools and colleges, the members of clubs, and village and town associations to produce either the plays themselves or pageants illustrating the life and times of Shakespeare. To meet this pa/rticular need citations to the literature of costuming and pageantry have been added in an appendix. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation BRIEF GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE A. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jaggard's (3) is the only bibliography which may be con- sidered practically complete at the time of publication. For scholarly work it is indispensable. For ordinary use Tolman's (87) or Tedder's (6) classified lists will be found most service- able. Both have evidently found the problems of classification somewhat puzzling. Bibliographical information of value will be found in Lee (156), Rolfe (160), and Schelling (109). Fur- ness's (16) Variorum edition furnishes a comprehensive bibliog- raphy for each play. Birmingham, Eng. Free libraries. Shakespeare memorial library. An index to the Shakespeare memorial library. Birmingham, P. Jones, [1900] -1903. 265 p. 24;^cm. Contents. — Part I. English editions^ of Shakespeare's works, separate plays and poerns. Part II. English Shakespcariana. Part III. Foreign secti^an, giving editions in many foreign languages. 1-8413 Boston. Public library. Barton collection. Catalogue of the Barton collections, Boston public library. Part L Shakespeare's works and Shakespcariana. [Boston] The Trustees [1878]-1888. 227 p. 28j^cm. Part I compiled by J. M. Hubbard, with the assistance of A, M. Knapp. Valuable for the full entries and bibliographical notes. 1-1213 Jaggard, William. Shakespeare bibliography: a dictionary of every known issue of the writings of our national poet and of recorded opinion thereon in the English language. With historical introduction, fac-similes, portraits, and other illustrations. Stratford-on- Avon, The Shakespeare press, 1911. 729 p. 23cm. 63/ Contains nearly 30,000 entries in one alphabet. Subjects are included and under each is given a list of the authors who have written on it. A tiio««^ careful and comprehensive work. 11-14179 Lowndes, William Thomas. The bibliographer's manual of English literature containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing; with bibliographical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and the prices at which they have been sold. New ed., rev., cor. and enl.; with an appendix relating to the /. 2 1 /; K: ;*t':A: BRl^F G3JIDE TO THE books of literary and scientific societies. By Henry G. Bohn. London, H. G. Bohn, 1864. 6 v. 183^cm. Shakespeare: vol. 4, p. 2252-2366, classified. This was reprinted in Alli- bone's Dictionary with the addition of American publications. 2-3512 5 Pollard, Alfred William. Shakespeare folios and quartos: a study in the bibliography of Shakespeare's plays, 1594-1685. With 37 illustrations. London, Methuen and company, 1909. 175 p. 36^x24cm. 21/ Contains the fullest description of the seventeenth century editions. In the account of Elizabethan printing the author takes exception to some of Sir Sidney Lee's opinions. A very valuable work. 10-1180 6 Tedder, Henry Richard. Bibliography. (In The Encyclopedia britannica. 11th ed. Cambridge, 1911. v.24:793-797.) A classified list, items under each heading arranged chronologically. B. THE WRITINGS I. EDITIONS Note on the Selection of an Edition In selecting an edition of a classic two qualities should be looked for as essential, — legibility and durability. It will gener- ally be found that where a publisher has paid some attention to these two points a third quality — beauty — hardly less essen- tial than the other two will have been attained. Publishers sometimes sacrifice legibility to secure a decorative effect on the page, by using very light or very heavy type, or type of peculiar design. No amount or kind of decorative effect will compen- •• sate for the use of a type difficult to read. A book which has sacrificed its legibility has lost the only excuse it ever had for existence. The Roman type now generally used is the most easily read. All of the editions of Shakespeare mentioned below are printed in. some form of this type differing chiefly in size. Eight point or under is so small as to be rather difficult to read. Type above twelve point is apt to tire the eyes. Legibility , further depends on the leading or spacing between the lines and on the quality of the ink and paper. The strength or durability of a volume depends on the paper and 'binding. It should be remembered that the price at which a volume is sold exerts a great influence on all these points. Paper that would be ex- cellent in a volume costing fifty cents would be poor in a five dollar book. Shakespeare's writings are so extensive, that to print them in a single volume means either a type so small as to be read with difficulty or a volume so large as to be awkward and heavy. Single volume editions however have their use and one at least should be in every collection. It is hard to choose between the one volume editions listed below. The Globe edition gives the standard text to which Schmidt's Lexicon and Bartlett's LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 9 Concordance refer. The type is six point, too minute for more than reference. The International, the Oxford, and Neilson's edition are all in eight point type and each provides a glossary. The International prints the Globe text and numbering, and the Temple Shakespeare notes, but not the introductions. It is cheaper but not so well made as the others. The Oxford is perhaps the best made, the printing is a little clearer and the paper a little more opaque. The text is based on the early quartos and the first folio, and is numbered. Neilson's edition is a well made book a trifle larger than the others. The text is based on the early quartos and the first folio, and is num- bered. The introductions are brief but excellent. Textual notes are printed at the end. For general reading an edition in several volumes of comfortable size and with legible type should be selected. Of the many editions examined the Oxford three, volume edition (14) seems to possess more good points than any other considering its price, $1.80 for the set. This taken in connection with Sir Sidney Lee's Life (156) involving an outlay of $2.25 additional, will equip anyone for the intelligent reading of Shakespeare. Should this expenditure of $4,0.5 seem too great for very small incomes, an excellent substitute will be found in the three volumes of the works in the Everyman's library, and Smeaton's biography in the same series, costing 35 cents per volume, making $1.40 for the four. Although the paper is not quite opaque and the margins are cropped rather close these are wonderful little books. Of the other editions noted below it need only be said that they are of such diversity that the requirements of the most exacting taste are easily met The earlier editions up to Malone's of 1821 have only an antiquarian interest in the history of the development of the text. The editions which appeared between 1821 and 1866 the date of the completion of the Cambridge text although lacking the results of the most recent scholarship are admirable for general use. They give better print, paper, and binding than can be had for the same money spent on modern editions. A recent London catalogue listed many of them at from two to four shillings per volume. No attempt has been made to list the many school editions of individual plays. Professor Stephenson has summed them up admirably in a few^ words by saying that "the imprint of a wellknown publisher is synonymous with accurate scholarly work." One Volume Editions Clark and Wright, eds. The works of William Shakespeare, ed. by William George Clark and William Aldis Wright. [The Globe ed.l London and New York, Macmillan and co., 1891. 1138 p. 18i/^cm. $1.75. This is the standard text to which Schmidt's Lexicon and Rartlett's Con- cordance and many commentators refer. It is printed in six-point type too small for more than reference use. 1-11041 b 10 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 8 Clark and Wright, eds. The complete works of William Shakespeare, ed. by William George Clark and William Aldis Wright; with complete notes of the Temple Shakespeare by Israel Gollancz. [International ed.] New York, Hearst's international library co., [1914]. 1420 p. 20cm. $1.00. This is an excellent book for the money. It is printed in eight-point type op fair paper. The Globe text and numbering are given, and the notes of the Temple edition but not the introductions. There is an index of char- acters and a glossary. 14-20256 Craig, ed. ^^'^^^^f^t'^ ^-^ • The Oxford Shakespeare: the complete works of William Shakespeare, ed., with a glossary, by W. J. Craig. Oxford, Clarendon press, [1905?]. 1350 p. 20>^cm. $1.25. This is a very well made edition, beautifully printed on good paper. The text is based on the early quartos and the first folio. There is a glossary. This is the easiest to read of the one volume editions. It may be obtained on Oxford India paper, $2.50, on cheaper paper, 50c. 7-41814 10 Furnivall, ed. The Leopold Shakespere. . .from the text of...Delius, with an introduction by F. J. Furnivall. London, Cassell & co., n.d. cxxxvi, 1056 p. 21^cm. Valuable for the introduction by Furnivall, which is, however, a little out of date. It includes "The two noble kinsmen" and "Edward III." It was first printed in 1877 and is larger and heavier than more recent one volume editions, although, like most of them, printed in eight-point type. The whol/ was reprinted in larger type in three volumes under the title "The Ro]^ Shakespeare." 11 Neilson, ed. The complete dramatic and poetic works of William Shake- speare; ed. from the text of the early quartos and the first folioj by William Allan Neilson. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and coj 1906. 1237 p. 23cm. (The Cambridge poetj.) $2.00. This is well printed on good paper. The text is numbered. There is an introduction to each play which is a scholarly summary concerning the text,, date, sources, etc. Textual notes and a general glossary are given at the end' of the volume. n 6-38336 12 Brooke, etc., eds. Shakespeare's principal plays, ed. with introduction and notes, by Tucker Brooke. . .John William Cunliffe. . .and Henry Noble MacCracken. New York, The Century co., 1914. 957 p. 233^ cm. $2.00. ... Limiting the volume to twenty plays has permitted the use of larger type (lO-point) and the inclusion of introductions and notes. But the volume is bulkier and heavier than most one volume editions of all the plays. The stage history is given with unusual fullness. Within its limits an excellent volume; 14-15779 LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 11 Other Editions 13 Clark and Wright, cds. The works of William Shakespeare. [Victoria ed.] London, Macmillan and co., ltd., 1901-03. 3 v. 20cm. $5.00 set. "The text of this edition has been taken from the Globe Shakespeare, edited by WilHam George Clark and William Aldis Wright. The glossary is entirely new." At one time a great favorite, but it is printed in double columns in eight- goint type, like most single volume editions. The three-volume Oxfor,d or Iveryman is to be preferred. 4-18465 14 Craig, cd. [The complete works.] The text of the Oxford edition pre- pared by W. J. Craig; with a general introduction by Algernon Charles Swinburne; introductory studies of the several plays by Edward Dowden and a full glossary. Oxford, University press, 1911. 3 v. 19om, 60c. 2/ each. The comedies. . .general introduction, xxxviii, 1128 p. The tragedies. 1316 p. The histories and poems. 1214 p. This is the best cheap large type edition of Shakespeare published. It is well printed on good paper with all the care of the Oxford University press.' . Dowden's introductions discuss the sources, date, time duration and charac- ters. There is a glossary in each volume. The lines of the text are numbered. 15 Everyman's edition. [The complete wc^^.] London, J. M. Dent & sons, [1906]. 3 V. 17^cm. (Everyman's library 153-155.) 35c. 1/ each, 153 Shakespeare's comedies, 848 p. 154 Shakespeare's historical plays, poems and sonnets. 888 p. 155 Shakespeare's tragedies. 982 p. A very good cheap edition, well printed on serviceable paper. A glossary is provided at the end of each volume. May also be had in reinforced library Bancroft cloth binding at 50 cents per volume. A marvel of cheapness and good workmanship. 16 Fumess, ed. ^^_______ A new variorum editiofTof Shakespeare, ed. by Horace How- ard Furness. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co., 1871-1913. f&nr. 25cm. $4.00 each. \ ^ Vol. 16-18 edited by Horace Howard Furness, Jr. ' Contents. — v. 1. Romeo and Juliet. 1871. — v. 2. Macbeth. 1873. — v. 3-4. Hamlet. 1877.— v. 5. King Lear. 1880.— v. 6 Othello [1886].— v. 7. The Merchant of Venice. 1888. — v. 8. As you like it. 1890. — v. 9. The tempest. 1892. — V. 10. A midsommer night's dreame. 1895. — v 11. The winter's tale. 1898. — V. 12. Much adoe about nothing, 1899. — v. 13. Twelfe night, or What you will. 1901.— v. 14. Loues labour's lost. 1904. — [v. 15]. The tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra. 1907. — [v. 16]. The tragedy of Richard the Third: with the landing of Earle Richmond, and the battell of Bosworth field. 1908. — [v. 17]. The tragedie of Ivlivs Caesar. 1913. [v. 18]. The tragedie, of Cymbelene. 1913. The most complete edition as far as published. The notes, both textual and critical, are most elaborate. Each volume contains a selection of notable criticisms and a bibliography. The most important contribution of American scholarship to Shakespearean literature. 4-13966 12 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 17 GoUancz, ed. The Temple Shakespeare, with preface, glossary, &c. by Israel Gollancz. London, J. M. Dent and co., 1894-1896. 40 v. 13^cm. 45c. cl. 65 c. le. This is one" of the most charming editions ever published. The volumes are pocket size, in flexible covers, beautifully printed on fine paper. The text is the Globe texl, and is numbered. Each volume contains ati introduction on the early editions, date, sources, duration of the action, and at the end brief notes and a glossary. 18 Gollancz, ed. The works of Shakespeare, ed. by- Israel Gollancz. . .with many illustrations, antiquarian and topographical. London, J. M, Dent & CO., 1899-1900. 12 v. 19cm. (The larger Temple Shakespeare.) $15.00. 54/ set. "...The text here used is that of the 'Cambridge* edition. In the present issue of the 'Temple Shakespeare' the editor has introduced some few textual changes; these have been carefully noted in each case. 19 Herford, ed. The works of Shakespeare; ed. with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. London, Macmillan and co., ltd., 1899. 10 v. 18i/$cm. (The Eversley series.) $1.50. 4/ each. These volumes have all the good qualities of the v^rell-known Eversley series, good printing, good paper, and a pleasing format. The text is founded upon the work of the editors of the Cambridge and Globe editions. The notes, brief and always to the point, are placed at the foot of the page. The American reprint is from the same plates but on poorer paper, the edges somewhat closely trimmed, the lettermg tarnishes. Almost all the pleasing qualities of the Eversley edition have disappeared. 12-38580 20 Hudson, ed. The new Hudson Shakespeare. Introduction and notes by H. N. Hudson; ed. and rev. by E. C. Black. [Boston], Ginn & CO., [1906-1914]. -12^. 17cm. 50c. each. Other volumes to follow. A revision of the Hudson Shakespeare that is excellent for hi^h school and college use, and for libraries having a demand for edited smgle-play volumes. The omissions from the text are the usual ones, the notes are not too scholarly, and the introductions admirably cover the usual subjects of discussion in class work. Variations in readings are ^iven and an index refers to the most important words and phrases explained m the notes. These are not so profuse as in the Rolfe edition and are placed with, the text instead of at the end of the play. 21 Neilson and Thorndike, eds. The Tudor Shakespeare, ed. by W. A. Neilson and A. H. . Thorndike. New York, The Macmillan co., 1911-1913. 40 v. 15cm. 35c. each. A pocket edition modelled on the well-known Temple Shakespeare, but with stiff instead of flexible covers. The notes, too, are somewhat fuller than in the Temple edition, making th'^ ^-^tter suited to class and library use. The text is the same as that used in Professor Neilson's one-volume edition in the Cambridge poets series. The identity of this name with the standard Cam- bridge edition of Clark and Wright results in confusion, and the suggestion to call this text the Neilson text should be adopted. Each volume has an introductory essay on the text, date, sources, construction and style, stage LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 13 history, and interpretation. The notes and glossary are placed at the end. The last volume "The facts about Shakespeare" gives an admirable summary of the poet's life and works and includes a bibliography, p. 243-263. 22 Porter and Clarke, eds. [First folio edition]; ed. with notes, introduction, glossary, list of variorum readings, and selected criticism, by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. New York, T. Y. Crowell co., 1903-1912. 40 V. 16i^cm. 75c. each. This edition places the text of the first folio within the reach of public libraries of moderate income, while at the same time it furnishes an excellent edition for ordinary use. A / /' 23 Rolfe, cd. ] Shakespeare's complete works, ed., with notes, by William J. Rolfe. New York, Harper & brothers, 1870-1883. 40 v. 20cm. 56c. each. This is one of the best editions for school and individual use. The notes are full and scholarly, the''text expurgated. A new edition was issued by the American Book Co. 1903-6, also in 40 volumes, but the extracts from notable critics were omitted. Also issued in 20 volumes with the title The Friendly edition. 12-38637 24 White, ed. . The new Grant White Shakespeare; rev., supplemented, and annotated by W. P. Trent, B. J. Wells, and J. B. Henneman. Boston, Little, Brown & co., 1912. 12 v. $1.50 each. The editors have left White's text substantially intact. The revisions have been only those dictated by the progress made in Shakespeare scholar- ship since the first edition appeared in 1857-65. The lines have been numbered. Some of the notes now no longer needed have been discarded, others have been edited and sometimes abridged, and a few have been added by the editors, such changes and additions being clearly indicated. 25 Wright, cd. The works of William Shakespeare, ed. ,by William Aldis Wright. London, Macmillan and co., 1894-95. 9 v. ZSy^cm. (The Cambridge Shakespeare.) $27.00. £4/14/6. This edition offers the most complete apparatus for the study of the text. It is accurate in its citations of various readings. Indispensable in any collec- tion used for scholarly work. 4-13967 Editions for Young People 26 Ben Greet edition. The Ben Greet Shakespeare for young readers -and amateur players. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page & co., [1912]. 6 V. 19cm. 60c. each. The following have been issued : As- you like it. The comedy of errors. Julius Caesar. The merchant of Venice. 14 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE A midsummer night's dream. The tempest. "A unique and exceptionally useful version, condensed to the length of an ordinary performance and especially adapted for reading or stage presentation by children and amateurs. The right-hand pages are devoted to the text, the left-hand to brief and lucid explanatory notes and practical stage directions, diagrams of the stage, illustrations of characters in costume, etc. At the beginning of the play are 'A few general rules or customs of acting' addressed to amateurs. The arrangements for stage sett'ng are few and simple." Quoted from A. L. A. Booklist, v. 9, p. 86. 27 Darton, ed. The Bankside Shakespeare for schools; ed. by F. J. H. Darton. London, W. Gardner, Darton & co., ltd. I have not seen these volumes. The publishers announce "The object of the series is to provide a text of Shakespeare which can be acted by children without undue mutilation of the plays. The whole plot is given, with no act or scene omitted or transposed. Curtailment is made from the speeches and dialogue. The acting is in the Elizabethan manner, with full directions for staging and management based on actual experience in London schools. The plays take about two hours in acting. Each play contains an estimate of the minimum number of actors required, with suggestions for duplicating minor parts." 28 Lamb edition. The Lamb Shakespeare for the young; based on Lamb's tales, with passages and scenes inserted from the plays, and songs set to music. Under the general editorship of Professor I. Gollancz. London, Chatto & Windus, 1907-1909. 10 v. 19cm. 80 c. 1/6 each. The set includes the following: v. 1, The tempest; v. 2, As you like it; V. 3, A midsummer night's dream; v. 4, The merchant of Venice; v. 5, The winter's tale; v. 6, Twelfth night; v. 7, Cymbeline ; v. 8, Romeo and Juliet; v. 9, Macbeth ; v. 10, Much ado about nothing. An extra volume (12) consists of "An evening with Shakespeare; an enter- tainment of readings, tableaux, and songs set to old tunes; arranged by T. Maskell Hardy." Another extra volume (11) is planned to contain a life of Shakespeare for the young by the editor, I. Gollancz. 29 Perkins, ed. A midsummer-night's dream, for young people; a play by William Shakespeare, adapted from the Camlbridge text; intro- ductory story, decorations and illustrations by Lucy Fitch Per- kins. New York, F. A. Stokes co., [1907]. 93 p. 25i^cm. $1.50. "The introduction gives a delightful setting for the play in a little story of its first production before the Oueen at the Christmas revels." — A. L. A Booklist, V. 4: 92. Will be of assistance in producing the play. 7-27351 List of Notable Editions 30 1623 First folio. Bibliographical descriptions will be found in Lowndes, 1869 (4), v. 4, p. 2253-2255; Jaggard (3), p. 495: Pollard (5), p. 108-110. Reprints 31 1807 Ed. by Francis Douce. Reprinted by E. & J. Wright, London, in folio 38x24cm. This is the first reprint of LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE IS the first folio. Some commentators consider Capell's ed. of 1767-68 as the first reprint but while Capell used the text of the folio he also used the quartos. 32 1861-4 London, reprinted for L. Booth in three parts 1861, 1863, and 1864 in type in reduced size — 23cm. 33 1866 Ed. by H. Staunton. Reprinted by Day & son, ltd., London, in folio, 40x26Kcm. Origmally published, in ' sixteen parts Feb. 1864-Oct. 1865. 34 1876 Ed. by J. O. Halliwell-Phillips. Reprinted by .Chatto & Windus, London, in reduced facsimile at 10s.6d. per copy. It now sells |©r about a couple of dollars and is the only edition within the means of a small Jibrarv. y The pririf'^^o blurred and indistinct thabjit is hard to, J read. ^ ▼' <('' ** 35 1902 E'd by Sir Sidney Lee. Reprinted by the Clarendon press, Oxford, in photographic facsimile in folio, 37cm. A supplement containing a "Census of extant copies" was published the same year. This described 160 copies of the first folio, and fourteen additional copies were described in the "Notes and additions to the Census," 1906. Since then Sir Sidney Lee has noted five more copies. In all the number of extant copies of the first folio is probably over 180 of which one- third are in the United States. 36 1910 Reprinted by Methuen & co., ltd., London, in photo- graphic facsimile in folio 37x23^cm. This is the most usable reprint. The type shows clear on the white paper with no attempt to reproduce the defects and discolorations of the original copy used. This and the reprints of the other folios by Methuen & co., noted below, were issued in boards with light linen backs doubtless with the expectation that they would be re- bound, £4,4sh. for each folio" or £12,12sh. for the set of four. Zl 1632 Second folio. For note of description see above under First folio (30). Reprint 38 1904 Reprinted by Methuen & co., ltd., see above {2>Ci). 39 1663-4 Third folio. For note of descriptions see above (30). The issues dated 1663 do not contain the seven spurious plays which were included in the issues dated 1664. Reprint 40 1905 Reprinted by Methuen & co., ltd., from the edition of 1664. See above (36). 41 1685 Fourth folio. For note of descriptions see above (30). Reprint 42 1904 Reprinted by Methuen & co., ltd., see above (36). 16 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 43 1709 Ed. by N. Rowe. London, Printed for J. Tonson. 6 v. A seventh volume containing the poems was edited by C. Gildon and printed for E. Curll and E. Sanger in 1710. 44 1723-5 Ed. by A. Pope. London, Printed for J. Tonson, 6 v. A supplementary volume of the poems, ed. by Geo. Sewell was printed by J. Darby for A. Bettesworth in 1725. 45 1733 Ed. by L. Theobald. London, Printed for A. Bettesworth [etc.]. 7 v. 46 1743-4 Ed. by Sir Thos. Hanmer. Oxford, printed at the theater. 6 V. Some sets have date 1744-6. 47 1747 Ed. by W. Warburton. Dublin, Printed for R. Owen. 8 v. 48 1765 Ed. by S. Johnson. London, Printed for J. & R. Tonson [etc.]. 8 v. 49 1767-8 Ed. by Ed. Capell. London, Printed by Dryden Leach for J. and R. Tonson. 10 v. "Notes and various readings to Shakespeare" were printed in three volumes by Henry Hughs, for the author, London, 1779-83. 50 1773 Ed. by S. Johnson and Geo. Steevens. London, Printed for C. Bathurst. 10 v. In 1778 a second edition of this was issued, revised and augmented by Isaac Reed. A "Supplement" edited by E. Malone was published in 2 v. in 1780 and "A second appendix" in 1783. Third edition, 1785, fourth edition, 1793, see under 1803 below. 51 1790 Ed. by E. Malone. London, Printed by H. Baldwin for J. Rivington & sons [etc.]. 10 v. (v. 1 in two parts.) 52 1795-6 Ed. by S. Johnson. 1st American ed. Philadelphia, Printed and sold by Bioren & Madan. 8 v. 53 1803 Ed. by S. Johnson, Geo. Steevens, and Isaac Reed. Lon- don, Printed for J. Johnson. 21 v. Known as the "First variorum" edition. 54 1813 The reprint in 1813 is known as the "Second variorum." 55 1821 Ed. by E. Malone and Jas. Boswell. London, F. C. & J. Rivington. 21 v. Known as Malone's or the "Third variorum." 56 1826 Ed. by S. W. Singer. Chiswick, Printed by C. Whitting- ham for Wm. Pickering. 10 v. New ed. with critical essays by W. W. Lloyd, 1856. Lloyd's essays alone 1875. 57 1832-4 Ed. by A. J. Valpy. London, A. J. Valpy. 15 v. 58 1841-4 Ed. by J. P. Collier. London, Whittaker & co. 8 v. The forged Notes and emendations appeared 1853. 58a 1852-7 Ed. by H. N. Hudson. Boston & Cambridge, U. S. Munroe & co. 11 v. His Harvard ed. 20 v. appeared in 1881. 59 1857 Ed. by Alex. Dyce. London, E. Moxon. 6 v. 60 1857-60 Ed. by R. G. White. Boston, Little, Brown & co, 12 v. His Riverside ed. 3 v. appeared in 1883. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 17 (61 1858-60 Ed. by H. Staunton. London, G. Routledge & co. 3 v. 62 1863-6 Ed. by W. G. Clark, J. Glover, and VV. A. Wright. Cam- bridge and London, Macmillan & co. 9 v. The Globe one volume edition based on this was first published in 1864. 63 1870 Ed. by W. J. Rolfe. First volume issued in 1870 see (23). 64 1871 Ed. by H. H. Furness. First volume issued in 1871 see (16). 65 1877 Ed. by N. Delius and F. J. Furnivall. London, Cassell Fetter Galpin & co. see (10). 66 1888-90 Ed. by H. Irving and F. A. Marshall. London, Blackie. 8 V. Excellent for the stage history of the plays. 67 1888-1906 Ed. by A. Morgan. New York, The Shakespeare society of New York. 22 v. Prints the early quartos and the first folio on opposite pages. Known as the Bankside Shakespeare. 68 1904-7 Ed. by A. H. Bullen. Stratford-on-Avon, The Shake- speare press. 10 V. A very beautifully printed edition, the first issued in the poet's native town. 69 1906-9 Ed. by Sir Sidney Lee. New York, G. D. Sproul. 40 v. Sumptuous in printing and paper. 70 1907 Ed. by A. Morgan and Willis Vickery. New York, The Shakespeare society of New York. 5 v. Prints the re- written or rearranged texts of the Restoration period and the first folio on opposite pages. Known as the Bankside- restoration Shakespeare. Poems and Sonnets Doubtless Shakespeare revealed himself in his dramas, but such revelations are lost iii the multitude and variety of the characterizations and thei quest is hopeless. But the Sonnets form a small distinct group in which it is believed by many Shakespeare revealed his inmost feelings. The question whether the Sonnets tell a story of intrigue, involving as it does the identification of Mr. W. H., the rival poet, and the dark lady, offers a problem of irresistible attraction to many minds. Sir Sidney Lee's elaborate study of Elizabethan sonnet sequences (summarized in the Life) has seemed to place the whole matter in a clear light, but his simple, straight-forward common sense explanations do not appeal to those who love a mystery and so the discussion goes merrily on and doubtless will continue to the end of time. Some of these studies are valuable contribu- tions to Shakespeare literature and it has seemed best to mention a few of them below. Entries are under editors, be- cause as a rule there is a half-pennyworth of text to an intoler- able deal of comment. Those who desire to read the Sonnets for the beautiful poetry they contain will find the volumes in the Temple (17) or Tudor (21) editions, or the separate volumes in the, Canterbury poets (35g. or IT) or the Golden treasury series ($1 or 2/6) quite satisfactory. 18 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 71 Beeching, ed. The sonnets of Shakespeare; with an introduction and notes by H. C. Beeching. Boston and London, Ginn & company, 1904. Ixvii, 145 p. 19cm. The best for school and general use. 4-34540 72 Butler, ed. Shakespeare's sonnets, reconsidered, and in part rearranged with introductory chapters, notes, and a reprint of... 1609 edition, by Samuel Butler. London, Longmans, Green and co., 1899. 328 p. 23cm. Identifies Mr. W. H. with Will Hughes or Hews. 73 Dowden, ed. The sonnets of William Shakspere, ed. by Edward Dowden. London, C. K. Paul & co., 1881. Ixii, 251 p. 16cm. The introduction is an admirable summary. The notes at the end are full, p. 155-251. 4-6357 74 Tyler, ed. Shakespeare's sonnets. Ed. with notes and introduction, by Thomas Tyler. London, D. Nutt, 1890. 316 p. 22cm. The comment and interpretation on each individual sonnet are minute. Identifies Mr. W. H. as the Earl of Pembroke, the rival poet as Chapman, and the dark lady as Mary Fitton. A 12-872 75 Palmer, George Herbert. Intimations of immortality in the sonnets of Shakspere. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin co., 1912. 57 p. 18cm. 75c. 12-26316 Quotations The best of Shakespeare's sayings have found their way necessarily into all collections of quotations. In those which I have examined he occupies easily the first place. Bartlett in the latest edition gives Shakespeare 121 pages. Among collections of longer passages the . most notable achievement is the volume brought together by Dr. Johnson's unfortunate friend Dr. William Dodd under the title "The beauties of Shakespeare" published in 1752, and many times reprinted. Editions are still in the market, — W. Collins sons & CO., and F. Warne & co. both of London. Of a somewhat different character as its name implies is Mary Cowden Clarke's "Shakespeare's Proverbs," 1847 and since reprinted several times (G. P. Putnam's sons, 1908). A useful volume is C. Arnold's Index to Shakespearian thought, 1880. Apocrypha The best collection of the plays a* one time ascribed to Shakespeare is C. F. Tucker Brooke's mentioned below. A LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 19 number of these plays are included in the Temple dramatists (1 sh. each) namely: Arden of Feversham, The two noble kins- men, Edward III, and The merry devil of Edmonton. 16 Brooke, Charles F. Tucker. The Shakespeare apocrypha; being a collection of fourteen plays which have been ascribed to Shakespeare; ed., with intro- duction, notes and bibliography. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1908. Ivi, 455 p. 19j^cm. $1.75. 5/. Bibliography: p. 438-455. Contains facsimile reproductions of original title-pages. Contents — Arden of Feversham. — Locrine. — Edward III. — Mucedorus. — Sir John Oldcastle. — Thomas, lord Cromwell. — The London prodigal. — The Puritan widow. — A Yorkshire tragedy. — The merry devil of Edmonton. — Fair Em. — The two noble kinsmen. — The birth of Merlin. — Sir Thomas More. 8-34728 II. PARAPHRASES, TALES, ETC. n Clarke, Mary Cowden. The girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. London, J. M. Dent & CO., [1907]. 3 V. 17j/2cm. (Everyman's library.) 35c. 1/ each. These stories have an old-fashioned flavor but appeal to those having a sense of literature. A 10-1692 78 Guerber, Helene Adeline. Stories of Shakespeare's plays. New York, Dodd, Mead and CO., 1910-1912. 3 V. 19cm. $1.25 each. Comedies. 1910. .336 p. Tragedies. 1911. 349 p. English history. 1912. 315 p. Give in little more than outline the plots of the plays. Useful to recall the story. 12-22821 79 Hoffman, Alice Spencer. The children's Shakespeare; being stories from the plays with illustrative passages; with many coloured illustrations by Charles Folkard. London, J. M. Dent & sons, ltd., 1911. 472 p. 23i^cm. $2.50. 7/6. The volume is a trifle large but it is well printed on good paper. The colored illustrations are quite up to the best modern work. Gives the stories of twenty plays in easy narrative, using much of the text. 12-34229 80 Lamb, Charles. Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles and Mary Lamb. Illus- trated by Arthur Rackham. London, J. M. Dent & co., 1909. 304 p. 23Hcm. $2.50. 7/6. This is an attractive illustrated edition. Another such is that illustrated by Norman M. Price and published by Charles Scribher's sons, New York, for $2.50. A satisfactory unillustrated edition is the one in the Golden treasury series, $1.00. The tales are included in most of the collected editions of Lamb's works, — Ainger's, Lucas's, Macdonald's or the Oxford edition. W 10-2 20 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 81 Macleod, Mary. The Shakespeare story-book; with introduction by Sidney Lee; illustrations by Gordon Browne. London, W. Gardner, Darton & co. [1902]. 459 p. 21 ^cm. 6/. Republished in New York, Barnes, 1905. $1.75. The stories of sixteen plays charmingly told preserving much of the dramatic dialogue. Well suited for reading aloud. 3-16387 IIL GUIDES TO THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE Two older works are worthy of mention although they are now somewhat out of date. H. Corson's Introduction to the study of Shakespeare, Boston, 1889, and E. Dowden's Shake- speare (Literature primers), New York, 1888. 82 Fleming, William Hansell. How to study Shakespeare. .Series [l]-4. New York, Doubleday & McClure co., 1899-1904. 4 v. 17j^cm. $1.00 each. Takes up each play in minute detail giving sources of plot, explanatory notes, table of acts and scenes in which each character appears, number of lines to each character and assignments of minor characters to be read by one person in a reading club, questions on the drama, and a brief list of references to collateral reading. Especially useful to the leader of a class or club. 99-5635 83 Luce, Morton. A handbook to the works of William Shakespeare. London, G. Bell and sons, 1906. 463 p. 17>4cm. $1.75. This volume is full of well digested information. It is reliable and sane. Best suited to those who wish to make a thorough study of the poet's works. 6-32397 84 MacCracken, Helen Noble. An introduction to Shakespeare, by H. N. MacCracken, F. E. Pierce, and W. H. Durham. New York, The Macmillan company, 1910. 222 p. IS^cm. 90c. 4/. "A convenient handbook for school and college use, containing an out- line of Shakespeare's life, a description of Elizabethan London and the theatre,, a chapter each on his non-dramatic works, the sequence and chief sources of the plays, his development as a dramatist, and four chapters on the plays themselves." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 7 : 290. Well adapted to the use of individual students. 10-20400 85 Porter, Charlotte. Shakespeare study programs; the comedies [by] Charlotte Porter & Helen A. Clarke. Boston, R. G. Badger, [1914]. 138 p. 19^cm. $1.00. 14-5831 Shakespeare study programs; the tragedies [by] Charlotte Porter & Helen A. Clarke. Boston, R. G. Badger, [1914]. 150 p. 19Hcm. $1.00. "The Shakespeare study programs appeared originally in Pnet lore... The references in these volumes are to the 'First folio edition' of Shakespeare, ed. by Charlotte Porter." Introd. note. These two volumes endeavor to take the student more directly to the LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 21 plays than other guides. After a brief introduction on the sources, etc., eacli act is taken up in turn with a section "Queries for discussion, under each. At the end of each play one or two sections are devoted to some special points in the drama. Does not give reading lists. 14-5830 86 Stephenson, Henry Thew. The study of Shakespeare. New York, H. Holt and co., 1915. 300 p. 20cm. $1.25. "A brief working bibliography" : p. 82-84. . ^, r., , The author's introductory chapters on London, The Playhouses, "Dramatic structure," and "How to read a play" are based on full knowledge, and form the basis of the comments which follow on eleven plays. These comments are particularly good in making clear difficulties which confront the beginner. The book can be especially recommended to those studying alone. 13-5682 87 Tolman, Albert Harris. Questions on Shakespeare. Chicago, 111., The University of Chicago press, [1910]. 2 v. 17^cm. v. 1, 75c. v. 2, $1.00. Part I embraces the study of Shakespeare's language and verse and includes a comprehensive working bibliography. Part II takes up the detailed study of Henry VI, Richard III, Poems (exclusive of the Sonnets), Love's labor's lost. The comedy of errors. Two gentlemen of Verona, and A midsummer night's dream, providing questions, character study, sources, textual criticism and bibliography. More scholarly than Fleming (82) and consequently not so well suited to clubs or reading classes. The complete work will comprise six volumes. 10-15668 IV. LANGUAGE Grammar Versification In addition to the works mentioned below it is to be noted . that most school editions have something to say on the grammar and versification. See also Part I of Tolman (.87), who mentions a number of general works on versification. 88 Abbott, Edwin Abbott. A Shakespearian grammar; an attempt to illustrate some of the differences between Elizabethan and modern English. For the use of schools. London, New York, Macmillan and co., ltd., 1897. xxiv, 511 p. Uyjcm. $1.50. 6/. This well-known work was first published in 1869 and still remains the best for general use. 8-5394 89 Browne, George Henry. Notes on Shakspere's versification. With appendix on the verse tests, and a short descriptiv bibliografy. Boston, Ginn and CO., 1884. 34 p. 20cm. 2d ed. was issued in 1886. A brief summary of the whole subject for class room use. 90 Craik, George L. The English of Shakespeare; illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 9th ed. Boston, Ginn & co., 1900. 386 p. 18cm. 90c. This still is one of the best introductions to Shakespeare's grammar and language. The verse p. 28-43. 22 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE Lexicons 91 Cunliffe, Richard John. A new Shakespearean dictionary. London, Blackie and son, ltd., 1910. 342 p. 23cm. $2.50. 9/. "A medium sized volume in which is gathered together a considerable amount of matter that will be useful to students, much of it collated from standard authorities. The body of the work is the result of the author's original research and consists of full definitions of words and phrases that have become obsolete or whose meanings have become obscure. To the definitions are appended quotations and references, the latter being to the Globe edition." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 7: 189. 10-20199 92 Dyce, Alexander. A glossary to the works of William Shakespeare. The refer- ences made applicable to any edition of Shakespeare, the ex- planations revised and new notes added by Harold Littledale. London, S. Sonnenschein & co., lim., 1902. 570 p. 22j4cm. $2.00. A charmingly written volume based on wide reading. Excellent for the general reader. 2-24423 114 Ward, Adolphus William. A history of English dramatic literature, to the death of Queen Anne. New and rev. ed. New York, Macmillan and co., 1899. 3 V. 22Hcm. $9.00. The most comprehensive work in English on the whole subject. A perfect storehouse of facts very well arranged. There is a good index. 4-13959 VII. SHAKESPEARE'S CONTEMPORARIES Good modern editions of most of the Elizabethan dramatists have been published. Between 1885 and 1888 the complete works of Marlowe, Marston, Middleton, and Peele were published under the editorship of A. H. Bullen. The Oxford university press has issued editions of Lyly, Kyd, and Greene and a smaller edition of Marlowe. An edition of Jonson edited by Herford is announced. Beaumont and Fletcher are included in the series of Cambridge English classics (10 volumes) and a variorum edition by A. H. Bullen is in course of publication. Most of these are rather expensive. The collections listed below answer most purposes and cost comparatively little. 115 The Belles-lettres series. Section III. The English drama from its beginning to the present day. General editor, G. P. Baker. Boston, D. C. Heath and co., v. d. 7 v. 15>^cm. 60c. each. A school edition, two plays to each volume under a special editor. The introductions and notes are much fuller than in the Masterpieces of the Eng- lish drama. Each play is also provided with a bibliography and each volume with a glossary. Includes Beaumont, Fletcher, Chapman, Ford, Gascoigne, Jonson, Middleton, Webster. 116 Gayley, Charles Mills, ed. Representative English comedies, with introductory essays and notes, an historical view of our earlier comedy, and other monographs by various writers, under the general editorship of Charles Mills Gayley. New York, The Macmillan co., 1903-1914. 3 V. 203^cm. $2.00 each. An excellent collection of the greatest value to public libraries as well as to students and general readers. It brings together the best comedies from a purely literary point of view. Each is provided with an introductory essay bj' some specialist, on the author, the date, sources, construction and char- acters. 3-11660 117 Masterpieces of the English drama. Felix E. Schelling, general editor. New York, American book co., v. d. 7 v. 18cm. 70c. each. An edition for school use, each volume by a separate editor who provides an introductory sketch, notes and a glossary. Includes so far the best plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, Chapman, Jonson, Marlowe, Massinger, Middle- ton, Webster, and Tourneur, four plays to each volume. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 27 118 The Mermaid series; the best plays of the old dramatists; literal reproductions of the old text. London, T. F. Unwin, v. d. 27 v. 19cm. $1.25. 3/6 each. An unexpurgated edition of the chief EHzabethan dramatists. In various styles of binding of which the green cloth is to be preferred. Includes the best plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, Chapman, Day, Dekker. Field, Ford, Greene, Heywood, Jonson, Marlowe, Massinger, Middleton, Shirley, Tour- neur, Webster. 119 Neilson, William Allan, ed. The chief Elizabethan dramatists, excluding Shakespeare; selected plays by Lyly, Peele, Greene, Marlowe, Kyd, Chapman, Jonson, Dekker, Marston, Heywood, Beaumont, Fletcher, Web- ster, Middleton, Massinger, Ford, Shirley; ed. from the original quartos and folios, with notes, biographies and bibliographies. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin co., 1911. 878 p. 21Hcm. $2.75. "Bibliographies:" p. 861-867. 11-5340 VIIL LATER HISTORY Including the development of the text and Shakespeare's posthumous reputation Under this heading Sir Sidney Lee's illuminating chapters on the Bibliography and Posthumous reputation should be espe- cially noted (156) chap. XIX, XX. Two scholarly works are also to be noted for their value in the study of the text, — C. M. Ingleby's Shakespeare's hermeneutics; or The still lion, being as essay towards the restoration of Shakespeare's text. London, Triibner & co., 1875, and B. G. Kinnear's Cruces Shakespeari- anae. Difficult passages in the works of Shakespeare. The text of the folios and quartos collated with the lections of recent editions and the old commentators. With original emendations and notes. London, G. Bell & sons, 1883. But the basis of all textual study should be the Cambridge edition (25). 120 Johnson, Charles Frederick. Shakespeare and his critics. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin co., 1909. 386 p. 21cm. $1.50. From a bibliographic point of view one of the best guides through the mazes of Shakespearean criticism. It points out the extent and character of the contribution made by each of the more important critics and editors. The author's critical acumen and charm of style raise his own comments far above the level of mere bibliographic notes. 9-6493 121 Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules. Shakespeare in France under the ancien regime. London, T. F. Unwin, 1899. 496 p. 23cm. $6.00. Chapter I covers the literary relations of France and England before the time of Louis XIV. Chapter.II the struggle between the regulars (committed to the classic unities) and the independents, and to the literary relations with England throughout the seventeenth century. Chapters III and IV are devoted to the eighteenth century, the growing interest in English literature and the determined opposition of Voltaire. The Epilogue narrates briefly the final triumph of Shakespeare in the nineteenth century. The scholarship and vivacious style of the author have combined to produce one of the most intensely interesting volumes in the literature of Shakespeare. 1-1.360 28 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE \ 122 Lee, Sir Sidney. Shakespeare and the modern stage, with other essays. New York, Chas. Scribner's sons, 1906. 251 p. 23^ cm. $2.00. Contents. — Shakespeare and the modern stage. — Shakespeare r.nd the Elizabethan playgoer. — Shakespeare in oral tradition. — Pepys and Shakes- peare. — Mr. Benson and the Shakespearean drama. — The municipal theatre. — Aspects of Shakespeare's philosophy. — Shakespeare and patriotism. — A peril of Shakespearean research. — Shakespeare in France. — The commemoration of Shakespeare in London. 6-38524 123 Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist, with an account of his reputation at various periods. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1901. 449 p. 23cm. (His Shakespearean wars, I.) $2.00. Bibliography: p. 419-434. 1-25383 124 Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. Shakespeare and Voltaire. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1902. 463 p. 21Kcm. (His Shakespearean warr, II.) $2.00. 2-22422 125 Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. The text of Shakespeare; its history from the publication of the quartos and folios down to and including the publication of the editions of Pope and Theobald. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1906. 579 p. 21^cm. (His Shakespearean wars. III.) $2.00. 6-36417 These three volumes are among the most important contributions of America to Shakespearean scholarship. They were published under the serial title of "Shakespearean wars." The interest of the first centers about Shakes- peare as a dramatist and contains one of the best discussions of Shakespeare's relation to the dramatic unities. The history of the plays is carried on with special fullness down to the death of Dryden, but Chapter IX continues the discussion of Shakespeare's influence through the eighteenth century. The second volume is taken up almost wholly with the history of the determined opposition of Voltaire to the growing influence of the English drama, espe- cially Shakespeare. The third volume reviews the text of the folios but is chiefly devoted to the Pope-Theobald controversy. 126 Warde, Frederick B. ^ The fools of Shakespeare; an interpretation of their wit, wisdom and personalities. New York, McBride, Nast & co., 1913. 214 p. 19^cm. $1.25. A slight but interesting book which deals more with recent actors in the parts than with the characters themselves. The illustrations are from photo- graphs. 13-23641 127 Winter, William. _ #. . Shakespeare on the stage. New York, Moffat, Yard and co., 1911. 564 p. 23cm. $3.00. Contents. — "Shakespeare spells ruin." — King Richard III. — ^The Mer- chant of Venice. — Othello. — Hamlet. — Macbeth. — King Henrv VIII. 12-664 LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 29 128 Winter, William. Shakespeare on the stage. 2d series. New York, Moffat, Yard and co., 1915. 664 p. 23cm. $3.00. Contents. — Twelfth Night. — Romeo and Juliet. — As you like it. — King Lear. — The taming of the shrew. — Julius Caesar. 15-7372 In these volumes the author gives the stage histories of the ulays from 1855 to date, based on his own experience as a dramatic critic. Tne prelimi- nary chapter in volume 1, "Shakespeare spells ruin," discusses Shakespearean productions from a purely commercial point of view. IX. CRITICISM AND COMMENT Under this head an effort has been made to include only writings whose paramount interest is the work of Shakespeare, a point not always easy to determine. Where the interest of the book is in Shakespeare himself it is placed in Section XII. I should have no objection to the transfer of certain items from one section to the other. 129 Bradley, Andrew Cecil. Shakespearean tragedy; lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. London, Macmillan and co., ltd., 1904. 498 p. 23cm. $3.25. 10/. By many considered the finest example of Shakespearean criticism of recent years. 5-6040 130 Brink, Bernhard Aegidius Konrad ten. Five lectures on Shakespeare; tr. by Julia Franklin. New York, H. Holt and co., 1895. 248 p. ISj^cm. $1.25. Admirable studies of Shakespeare as poet and man, of the chronology of the plays, and of his qualities as a dramatist, and as a comic and tragic writer. 12-30953 131 Brooke, Stopford Augustu§^. On ten plays of Shalfespeare. New York, H. Holt and co., 1905. 311 p. 23cm. $2.25. \^ Contents. — Midsummer night's diaarn. — Romeo and Juliet. — Richard II. — Richard III. — Merchant of Venice. — As you like it. — Macbeth. — Coriolanus. — Winter's tale. — Tempest. * W 6-16 132 Brooke, Stopford Augustus.* " -^ Ten more plays of Shakeadteare. New York, H. Holt and co., 1913. 313 p. 23cm. $225. ' Contents. — Much ado about nothing. — Twelfth night; or What you will. — Julius Cxsar. — Hamlet. — Measure for measure. — Othello. — King Lear. — King John.— Henry IV.— Henry V. A 13-1958 These two volumes offer excellent interpretative criticism of the plots and characters of the plays. ^ 133 Campbell, Lewis. / Tragic drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare. London, Smith, Elder & co., 1904. 280 p. 21cm. Traces the affinities between Shakespeare and the Creek tragic dramatists in action, characterization, construction, etc. Treats in detail of Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear. * 5-6776 30 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 134 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Lectures and notes on Shakspere and other English poets. Now first collected by T. Ashe. London, G. Bell and sons, 1902. 552 p. 18^cm. (Bohn's standard library.) $1.00. 3/6. "All the extant criticism of Coleridge on the English dramatists. . .and numerous criticisms of his on other English poets..." — Preface. Ranks high as aesthetic criticism. May also be had in the Everyman's library. 35 cents. 4-13962 135 Collins, John Churton. Studies in Shakespeare. Westminster, A. Constable & co., ltd., 1904. 380 p. 20cm. $2.00. Contents. — I. Shakespeare as a classical scholar. — II. Shakespearean paradoxes. — III. Sophocles and Shakespeare as theological and ethical teachers. — IV. Shakespeare as a prose writer. — V. Was Shakespeare a law- yer? — VI. Shakespeare and Holinshed. — VII. Shakespeare and Montaigne. — VIII. The text and prosody of Shakespeare. — IX. The Bacon-Shakespeare mania. 4-19630 136 Dowden, Edward. Shakspere: a critical study of his mind and art. 12th ed. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd., 1901. 434 p. 21cm. $1.75. Contents. — Shakspere and the Elizabethan age. — The growth of Shaks- pere's mind and art. — The first, and the second tragedy : Romeo and Juliet ; Hamlet. — The English historical plays. — Othello ; Macbeth ; Lear. — The Roman plays. — The humor of Shakspere. — Shakspere's last plays. — Hamlet. One of the best books for the general reader, with the caution, however, that Shakespeare was more of a mere man and less of a conscious artist than the critic represents him. Takes up the plays in chronological order to show the development in character drav/ing. Especially fine in the analysis of characters. 3-25289 137 Fleming, William Hansell. Shakespeare's plots; a study in dramatic construction. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902. 467 p. 21cm. $1.50. Besides chapters on the drama as a work of art, its nature and construc- tion, considers especially the plays of Macbeth, The merchant of Venice, Julius Cccsar, Twelfth night, and Othello. Somewhat diflfuse in treatment. 2-2776 138 Gervinus, Georg Gottfried. Shakespeare commentaries; tr. under the author's superin- tendence, by F. E. Bunnett. 5th ed. London, Smith, Elder & CO., 1892. 955 p. 23cm. $5.00. A valuable work for general use. It still remains one of the best of the German commentaries. Studies the dramas chiefly as interpretations of life and character. 3-24545 139 Hazlitt, William. Lectures on the literature of the age of Elizabeth, and Char- acters of Shakespeare's plays. London, G. Bell and sons, 1901. 268, 247 p. 183^cm. (Bohn's standard library.) $1.00 3/6. Hazlitt oflFers one of the best examples of personal criticism as con- trasted with scientific criticism. He is more interested in the significance of the drama and its characters than in the form. 4-2519 LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 31 140 Heine, Heinrich. Heine on Shakespeare; a translation of his notes on Shake- speare heroines, by Ida Benecke. Westminster, A. Constable and CO., 1895. 189 p. 20cm. 3/6. A series of brilliant sketches of permanent value. The translation is well done. 4-12150 141 Hudson, Henry Norman. Shakespeare: his life, art, and characters. With an historical sketch of the origin and growth of the drama in England. Boston, Ginn brothers, 1872. 2 v. 19Hcm. $4.00. The greater part of these volumes is taken up with a very keen critical analysis of Shakespeare's characters. The biographical portion is very brief. 4-13965 142 Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell. Shakespeare's heroines; characteristics of women, moral, poetical, and historical. London, G. Bell & sons, 1898. 341 p. 18j^cm. (Bohn's standard library.) $1.00. 3/6. A well-known volume displaying the keenest insight into the characteis of Shakespeare's women. Written in a charming style. 1-20593 143 Klein, David. Literary criticism from the Elizabethan dramatists; repertory and synthesis. With an introductory note by J. E. Spingarn. New York, Sturgis & Walton co., 1910. 257 p. 19j^cm. $1.50. Bibliography: p. 250-257. "Extracts from the works of Shakespeare, Tonson, and the other dramatists of the period, pertaining to the technique of the drama, interpreted briefly and so arranged as to show the growth of a critical consciousness." — A. L. A. Booklist, V. 7: 108. 10-16147 144 MacCallum, Mungo William. Shakespeare's Roman plays and their background. London, Macmillan and co., 1910. 666 p. 23cm. $3.00. The introduction discusses Roman plays in the sixteenth century, Shakes- peare's treatment of history, and the sources of his Roman plays in Plutarch traced through the translators Amyot and North. Then follow "exhaustive studies of Julius Caesar, Anthony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus, showing remarkable erudition and grasp, not only in interpretation of the plays them- selves, but in discussion of their sources, the dramatic conditions at the time they were written and the life they reflect." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 7: 151 A 10-191 145 Martin, Helena Saville (Faucit) lady. On some of Shakespeare's female characters: Ophelia, Portia, Desdemona, Juliet, Imogen, Rosalind, Beatrice; by Helena Fau- cit, lady Martin. New ed. Edinburgh and London, W. Black- wood and sons, 1887. 354 p. 22^cm. $3.00. These studies by one of the most intellectual actresses of the nineteenth century are valuable aids in the study of Shakespeare's characters. 12-36675 32 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 146 Warner, Beverley Ellison. English history in Shakespeare's plays. New York, Long- mans, Green and co., 1894. 321 p. 19cm. $1.75. The ten plays are taken up in chronological order from King John to Henry VIII. Shakespeare's treatment of the material and his departure from historic accuracy are discussed in detail. Chronological tables connect the chapters. 4-13968 147 Warner, Beverley Ellison, ed. Famous introductions to Shakespeare's plays by the notable editors of the eighteenth Icentury; ed. with a critical introduction, biographical and explanatory notes. New York, Dodd, Mead and CO., 1906. 268 p. ZUAcm. $2.50. Contents. — Introductory essay. — ^John Heminge and Henrie Condell. — Nicholas Rowe. — Alexander Pope. — Lewis Theobold. — Sir Thomas Hanmer. — William Warburton. — Samuel Johnson. — George Steevens. — Edward Capell. — Isaac Reed. — Edmund Malone. "The introductory essay aims to estimate the value of the prefaces and to show what each editor has contributed to the interpretation and under- standing of Shakespeare." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 3 : 76. 6-9259 C. BIOGRAPHY X. LIVES OF THE POET 148 Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen. William Shakespeare; a critical study. London, W. Heine- mann, 1902. 709 p. 22^ cm. Tr. from the Danish by William Archer, etc. The author skillfully weaves into his narrative much of the life and thought of the period, criticism of the plays and the characters abound. Gives a much better impression of Shakespeare's time than of the poet himself. 4-13961 149 Elton, Charles Isaac. William Shakespeare, his family and friends; ed. by A. Hamilton Thompson, with a memoir of the author by Andrew Lang. New York, E. P. Button & co., 1904. 521 p. 23cm. $4.00. Not a formal biography. It contains chapters on the early life, on Strat- ford, on midland agriculture and natural history in Shakespeare, on the Lon- don road, and London itself, on the poet's descendants and will, on seven- teenth century allusions and traditions, and lastly a section on the first produc- tion of The Tempest which includes a description of Blackfriar's theatre. A valuable adjunct to the regular lives of the poet. 5-45]'* 150 Figgis, Darrell. Shakespeare, a study. London, J. M. Dent & sons; ltd., 1911. 345 p. 21 Hem. 5/. "Notes" (bibliographical and critical) : p. 329-337. "A brief biography, in which several circumstances by no means proved are taken for granted, is followed by chapters which give the outward aspect of Elizabethan drama, the stagecraft of the period, and call attention to the hitherto neglected matter — the frequent use Shakespeare makes of speeches to indicate the scenery, light, effects, etc., his ill equipped stage denied him. A vigorous defense of Shakespeare as a master playwright involves some keen criticism of Ibsen and an answer to the eccentric dicta of Bernard Shaw. The analyses of the plays are of an unusual kind and the book is to an uncommon degree 'a work of originality and lively interest.' — Oxford and Cambridge review; Ja 12." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 8: 394. W 12-27 LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 33 151 Fleay, Frederick Gard. A chronicle history of the life and work of William Shake- speare, player, poet, and playmaker. London, J. C. Nimmo, 1886. 364 p. 23y2cm. Most of the material is arranged in the form of annals relating to the poet's life or to the plays. Has a section on early English plays in Germany. A work of abundant research valuable for the facts which it presents, but its deductions are generally considered by critics as not always warranted. 152 Harris, Frank. The man Shakespeare and his tragic life-story. New York, M. Kennerley, 1909. 422 p. 21 ^cm. $2.50. "An attempt at creative criticism, constructed along the same lines as Carlyle's Cromwell and based on the belief that it is possible from Shakes- peare's writings to establish beyond doubt the main features of his character and the chief incidents of his life. While the reader may not be willing to concede that the author's theory is sound or that he has established his claim, no one can fail to enjoy his demonstration, both on account of the originality of the opinions expressed and the freshness and vigor of the style." A. L, A. Booklist, v. 6 : 204. The work is really very well done, but after reading it, some more formal biography not given over to conjecture, such as Sir Sidney Lee's, should follow as a corrective. 9-28298 153 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. 7th ed. London, Long- mans, Green and co., 1887. 2 v. 263^cm. This voluminous work has a permanent value and should be found in all large collections because of the great number of documents relating to Shakespeare, which it prints. 154 Inglcby, C. M., ed. The Shakspere allusion-book: a collection of allusions to Shakspere from 1591 to 1700. Originally compiled by C. M. Ingleby, L. Toulman Smith, and F. J. Furnivall. . .and now re- edited. . .by John Munro. London, Chatto & Windus, 1909. 2 v. 22^cm. 21/. 10-19405 155 Jcnks, Tudor. In the days of Shakespeare. New York, A. S. Barnes & co.. 1905. 288 p. 18cm. (Lives of great writers.) $1.00. "A brief bibliography for young students of Shakespeare:" p. 275-279. A slight sketch wnich has the merit of interesting young people. 4-35732 156 Lcc, Sir Sidney. A life of William Shakespeare; with portraits and facsimiles. New and rev. ed., with a new preface. New York, The Mac- millan co., 1909. 495 p. 20cm. $2.25. Bibliography: p. 311-341. This is the best biography. To the highest scholarship the author united an experience gained as editor of the Dictionary of national biography, and he has presented his results in a style of great dignity and wonderful clear- ness. His trained judgment never seems at fault, and in the case of the Sonnets and some of the myths he has cleared away a deal of rubbish. Some of his critics find him a little severe, but he is the safest guide not only to the general reader but to the serious student as well. An abridgment was published in 1900 — but why spoil a good thing? 9-10641 34 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 157 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. William Shakespeare; poet, dramatist, and man. With one hundred illustrations, including nine full pages in photogravure. New York, The Macmillan co., 1900. 421 p. 23^cm. $1.00. A well written and well arranged biography. The illustrations are very good. 0-6665 158 Masson, David. Shakespeare personally. Ed. and arranged by Rosaline Mas- son. London, Smith, Elder & co., 1914. 242 p. 21cm. 6/. Contents. — On biography in general, and Shakespeare's in particular. — Shakespeare from the external evidence. — Chronology of the plays. — Shakes- peare through his writings. — The progress in Shakespeare's moods : "recur- rences and fervours." — The sonnets. 14-30724 159 Raleigh, Sir Walter Alexander. Shakespeare. New York, The Macmillan co., 1907. 233 p. 19j^cm. (English men of letters.) 75c. This brilliant essay rather than formal biography should be in every col- lection. It makes no contribution to our knowledge of events in the poet's career, but quickens our knowledge and insight into his character and writings. It has attained the distinction of being reissued in the well printed and quietly satisfactory Eversley series, dear to all book lovers. $1.50. 4/. 15578 160 Rolfe, William James. A life of Shakespeare. Boston, D. Estes & co., [1904]. 551 p. 22Hcm. $3.00. This is the most notable contribution of American scholarship to Shakes- peare biography. It gives "the main facts, traditions and conjectures con- cerning Shakespeare's personal and literary history." It is fuller than most biographies in the treatment accorded the poems. 161 Rolfe, William James. Shakespeare the boy, with sketches of the home and school life, the games and sports, the manners, customs and folk-lore of the time. New York, Harper & brothers, 1896. 251 p. 19cm. $1.25. The best book for young people. Based on a hrst hand knowledge of the authorities. 4-15643 162 Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant. Shakespeare, his life and work. London, J. M. Dent & sons, ltd., [1211]. 562 p. 17^cm. (Everyman's library.) 35c. 1/. "Books useful to the student of Shakespeare:" p. 542-547. This biography is in every way worthy of the series for which it was written. The subject matter is well arranged and presented in a clear style. The plays of each period are taken up in chronological order and the discus- sion is made part of the biographical narrative. The points brought out for each play are, dates of composition and production, sources, scene and time- analysis, results of metrical tests, plot, analysis of characters, and passages from the best criticisms of the play. In picking out telling passages from the critics the author displays a remarkable selective faculty. A 12-671 LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 35 163 Wallace, Charles William. The newly-discovered Shakespeare documents, (/n Ne- braska University. University studies. Lincoln, 1905. 23cm. V. 5, no. 4, p. 347-356.) 6-1S423 164 Wallace, Charles William. Shakespeare and his London associates as revealed in re- cently discovered documents. Lincoln, Neb., [1910]. 100 p. 23Hcm. (University studies, pub. by the University of Ne- braska, V. 10, no. 4.) In the above papers Professor Wallace gives an account of his discoveries of Shakespeare documents. His articles in Harper's magazine for March, 1910, and in the Century for August and September, 1910, are perhaps more easily available. 12-1127 XL PORTRAITS The most readily accessible information concerning Shake- speare's portraits is the article by Marion H. Spielman, in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, eleventh edition, v. 24, p. 787-793. It is well illustrated. The same writer contributed a chapter to V. 10 of the Stratford edition (68) which was reprinted as a separate in 1907. An elaborate work by J. P. Norris, The por- traits of Shakespeare was published in Philadelphia in 1885. This contains a "List of books, magazine and newspaper articles, etc., consulted," p. xv-xxviii. 165 Hartmann, Sadakichi. Shakespeare in art. Boston, L. C. Page & co., 1901. 371 p. 19j/^cm. Contents. — The Shakespearean portraits. — The Shakespearean illustrators. — The painters of the historical dramas. — The painters of the comedies. — The gainters of the tragedies. — Shakespeare in sculpture. — Portraits of actors in hakespearean parts. — Bibliography. XII. SHAKESPEARE AS A DRAMATIST 166 Baker, George Pierce. The development of Shakespeare as a dramatist. New York, The Macmillan co., 1907. 329 p. 20cm. $1.75. This is one of the best studies of Shakespeare's development. The pre- liminary chapters show clearly and succinctly the extent to which the drama had developed in the hands of Shakespeare's predecessors, describe the theatre of Shakespeare's time, and give an insight into the thoughts and feelings of the people who made up the audiences. The author then traces Shakespeare's development throughout his whole career keeping close to facts and avoiding conjecture. In an appendix is given the contract for building the first For- tune theatre. 7-22387 167 Matthews, James Brander. Shakspere as a playwright. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1913. 399 p. 23cm. $3.00. "A study of Shakespeare as a practical playwright, successful in adapting himself to the conditions of the Elizabethan stage and in pleasing the taste 36 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE of his time. Deals at length with the plays which are more instructive as plays rather than with those which better display other qualities of his genius. The style is informal and the subject matter, if not new, is stated with fresh interest." A. L. A. BookHst, v. 10: 144. 13-21467 168 Moulton, Richard Green. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist; a popular illustration of the principles of scientific criticism. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1885. 320 p. 18Hcm. Contents. — Introduction : Plea for an inductive science of literary criti- cism. Part I. Shakespeare considered as a dramatic artist ; in ten studies. Part II. Survey of dramatic criticism as an inductive science. 4-15401 169 Moulton, Richard Green. Shakespeare as a dramatic thinker; a popular illustration of fiction as the experimental side of philosophy. New York, The Macmillan co., 1907. 381 p. 20cm. "The present work is supplementary to my former book 'Shakespeare as a dramatic artist'. . .and is a re-issue of the book published four years ago under the title 'The moral system of Shakespeare.' " — Preface. 7-29024 While these volumes are replete with criticism of the highest order, the point of the study is the man behind the plays, his mental and moral develop- ment, the methods by which he achieved his results and the ethical philosophy underlying his writings. The study of the plots is not one of dramatic tech- nique, but "to unfold the philosophy of Shakespeare obtained on the basis of such plot analysis." An appendix to the later volume gives the "Plot schemes of Shakespeare's dramas." 170 Wendell, Barrett. William Shakespeare, a study in Elizabethan literature. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1894. 439 p. 19cm. One of the most interesting volumes of Shakespeare literature. After introductory chapters on the life and the theatre the author takes up the plays in the accepted chronological order and develops the theory of unconscious artistic creation. The volume is especially valuable as a study of Shakes- peare's mind and methods based on the known facts and not on conjecture, as is the case with Dowden. 12-40498 XIII. SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE This is one of the most interesting and amusing sections of Shakespeare literature; and it has grown to be one of the largest. Nowhere else is "bardolatry" so evident. The writers generally prove too much as is the way with special pleaders, but many really have made valuable contributions to the study of the poet and from these the following are selected. Ellacombe, Thisel- ton-Dyer, and Madden are especially valuable. Angling 171 Ellacombe, Henry Nelson. Shakespeare as an angler. London, E. Stock, 1883. 78 p. 18cm. Contains a list of sea fish, etc., mentioned by Shakespeare. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 37 Archery 172 Rushton, William Lowes. Shakespeare an archer. Liverpool, Lee and Nightingale, 1897. 118 p. 22cm. "An attempt to illustrate and explain obscure passages and words and expressions of doubtful meaning in the works of Shakespeare." Notice. 12-28757 Bible 173 Burgess, William. The Bible in Shakespeare; a study of the relation of the works of William Shakespeare to the Bible, with numerous parallel passages, quotations, references, paraphrases and allu- sions. Chicago, 111., Winona Lake, Ind., The Winona publ. co., [19031. 288 p. 23^cm. 3-17562 174 Eaton, T. R. Shakespeare and the Bible. London, J. Blackwood, 1858. 188 p. 21cm. Each play is considered by itself. 175 Wordsworth, Charles. Shakespeare's knowledge and use of the Bible. 3d ed. Lon- don, Smith, Elder & co., 1880. 420 p. 20cm. Contains indexes to passages in the Bible and in Shakecpeare. Botany and Plant-Lore 176 Bloom, J. Harvey. Shakespeare's garden. London, Methuen & co., 1903. 243 p. 17j^cm. Takes up the subject from month to month from April through the year to March. The appendix contains a table of quotations from the plays and poems. 177 EUacombe, Henry Nelson. The plant-lore and garden-craft of Shakespeare. New ed. London, E. Arnold, [1896]. 383 p. 21cm. Arranged alphabetically by the names of plants, some of which are illus- trated. Quotes the passages and has a good index supplementing the alpha- betical arrangement. 178 Grindon, Leopold Hartley. The Shakspere flora; a guide to all the principal passages in which mention is made of trees, plants, flowers, and vegetable productions, with comments and botanical particulars. 2d ed. Manchester, Palmer & Howe, 1883. 318 p. 19i^cm. A 10-1181 Classical Mythology 179 Root, R. K. Classical mythology in Shakespeare. New York, H. Holt and CO., 1903. 134 p. 24cm. (Yale studies in English.) The classical names and terms are arranged in alphabetical order, each with its comment and references to the plays. 38 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE Criminals 180 Goll, August. Criminal types in Shakespeare from the Danish by Mrs. C. Weekes. London, Methuen & co., [1909]. 271 p. 19Hcm. Good index." Folk- Lore, Supernatural 181 Gibson, John Paul Stewart Riddell. Shakespeare's use of the supernatural. London, G. Bell & sons, 1908. 143 p. 20cm. "List of authorities:" 4th prelim, leaf. W 9-209 182 Nutt, Alfred Trubner. The fairy mythology of Shakespeare. London, D. Nutt, 1900. 40 p. 17^cm. (Popular studies in mythology, romance and folklore, no. 6.) Bibliographical appendix: p. 38-40. 1-18916 183 Thiseltbn-Dyer, Thomas F. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. London, Griffith & Farran, [1884]. 526 p. 23cm. A store-house of information with a good index. Insanity 184 Bucknill, John Charles^ The mad folk of Shakespeare; psychological essays. Lon- don, Macmillan and co., 1867. 333 p. 19j^cm. Discusses Macbeth, Hamlet, Ophelia, King Lear, Timon of Athens, Constance, Jaques, Malvolio, Christopher Sly, Comedy of Errors. 185 Peers, Edgar Allison. Elizabethan drama and its mad folk, Cambridge, W. HefTer and sons, ltd., 1914. 189 p. 19cm. Bibliography: p. 184-185. "Index of works dealt with or quoted:" p. 186-189. 15-15223 Law 186 Heard, Franklin Fiske. Shakespeare as a lawyer. Boston, Little, Brown and co., 1883. 119 p. 19^cm. Contains an index of terms. 187 Phelps, Charles E. FalstafT and equity, an interpretation. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and co., 1901. 201 p. 20cm. 188 Rushton, William Lowes. Shakespeare's legal maxims. Liverpool, Young, 1907. 61 p. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 39 Medicine 189 Moyes, John. Medicine & kindred arts in the plays of Shakespeare. Glas- gow, MacLehose, 1896. 123 p. Natural History 190 Phipson, Emma. The animal-lore of Shakespeare's time, including? quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fish, and insects. London, K. Paul, Trench & Co., 1883. 476 p. 21cm. Contains an index. 191 Scager, H. W. Natural history in Shakespeare's time; being extracts illus- trative of the subject as he knew it. London, E. Stock, 1896. 358 p. 22cm. Arranged in dictionary form with glossary at end. Printing 192 Blades, William. Shakspere and typography; being an attempt to show Shakspere's personal connection with, and technical knowledge of, the art of printing. Also, remarks upon some common typo- graphical errors, with especial reference .to the text of Shak- spere. London, Triibner & co., 1872. 78 p. 22^cm. A mock argument, in imitation of the attempts frequently made to identify Shakespeare with various trades and professions. "A jest which amused him all the more that it was taken an grand serieux by some sober-minded corre- spondents." "Appendix : A list of some biographies of Shakspere, and of such works as refer to the dramatist's special knowledge of any subject:" p. 61-67. 3-25371 Sea 193 Whall, W. B. Shakespeare's sea terms explained. London, Simpkin, Mar- shall, Hamilton, Kent & co., ltd., 1910. 110 p. 18cm. A12-168 Sports 194 Madden, Dodgson Hamilton. The diary of Master William Silenic-e: a study of Shake- speare & of Elizabethan sport. New York, Longmans, Green and CO., 1897. 386 p. 23cm. With a chapter on "The horse in Shakespeare." Under the guise of the diary of Master Silence the author furnishes a detailed description of a hunting and a hawking expedition and thus finds an opportunity to explain Shakespeare's many allusions to these and incidentally to other sports. 1-18884 XIV. SHAKESPEARE FORGERIES Shakespeare forgeries are associated chiefly with the names of William Henry Ireland and James Payne Collier. A brief 40 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE account will be found in Lee's Life (156) Appendix I, p. 381-385, who also gives the chief authorities. Further references are to be found in Tedder (6). The whole matter is now one of purely antiquarian interest. XV. BACON— SHAKESPEARE Sir Sidney Lee in the latest edition of the "Life" (156), p. 389, says of this question: "The abundance of the contemporary evidence attesting Shakespeare's responsibility for the works published under his name gives the Baconian theory no rational right to a hearing; while such authentic examples of Bacon's effort to write verse as survive prove beyond all possibility of contradiction that, great as he was as a prose writer and a philosopher, he was incapable of penning any poetry assigned to Shakespeare. De- fective knowledge and illogical or casuistical argument alone render any other conclusion possible." Inquirers who are curious concerning this question will find in Appendix II of Lee's "Life," from which the above is quoted a brief historical summary of the whole controversy. Essays written in good temper will also be found in John Fiske's A century of science, Boston, 1899, p. 350-404, and in R. G. White's Studies in Shakespeare, 1896, p. 151-182. The two following books contain very fair statements of both sides of the question. 195 Beeching, Henry Charles. William Shakespeare, player, playmaker, and poet; a reply to Mr. George Greenwood. ..with facsimiles of the five authentic signatures of the poet. 2d ed. London, Smith, Elder & co., 1909. 104 p. 19Hcm. 9-18622 196 Lang, Andrew. Shakespeare, Bacon, and the great unknown. London, Long- mans, Green and co., 1912. 314 p. 23>^cm. 13-1792 D. ENVIRONMENT XVL ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND, CUSTOMS AND PEOPLE 197 Harrison, William. Elizabethan England; from "A description of England" (in Y^ Holinshed's Chronicles) ed. by L. Withington, with introduc- tion by F. J. Furnivall. London, W. Scott, [1889]. 274 p. 18cm. (Scott library.) 1/6. A more elaborate edition of this work edited by F. J. Furnivall, with additional material drawn from other sources by Mrs. C. C. Stopes, was pub- lished in 1908 by Chatto & Windus as part of their Shakespeare library at 17/6. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 41 198 Stephenson, Henry Thew. ^^ The Elizabethan people. New York, H. Holt and co., 1910. 412 p. 20cm. $2.00. Brings together much valuable information of interest in studying and staging the plays dealing with Elizabethan life. The chapters on Country life. Amusements, Out-of-door sports. Love of spectacles and especially Domestic life are most informing. 10-4788 199 Stopes, Mrs. Chark5Tt« Carmichael. Shakespeare's environment. London, G. Bell and sons, ltd., 1914. 369 p. 23cm. Contains an abundance of material on the life of Shakespeare's time drawn from contemporary records. 15-15478 200 Warner, Charles Dudley. The people for whom Shakespeare wrote. New York, Har- per & bros., 1897. 187 p. 18cm. A pleasantly written sketch. 4-14850 201 Winter, William. Shakespeare's England. New York, Moffat, Yard and co., 1910. 344 p. 23cm. $3.00. A charming book of travels through the parts of England associated with Shakespeare. 10-19406 XVII. STRATFORD 202 Howells, William Dean. The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon; a fantasy. New York, Harper & bros., 1914. Ill p. 21Hcm. $1.00. The seen is represented by Mr. Howells' impressions during the annual Shakespeare pageant. The unseen by imaginary conversations with the shades of Shakespeare and Bacon touching scenes in the poet's life, local history, and the Bacon-Shakespeare question. The two are intermingled in the author's happiest manner. 14-9949 203 Hutton, William Holden. Highways and byways in Shakespeare's country; with illus- trations by Edmund H. New. London, Macmillan and co., Ita., 1914. 448 p. 20Hcm. A book saturated with antiquarian lore the result of forty years wandering and study in the region. Written in a quietly charming style. 14-10119 204 Lee, Sir Sidney. 9tratford-on-Avon; from the earliest times to the death of Shakespeare; with forty-five illustrations by Edward Hull. New ed. enl. and rev. London, Seeley and co., ltd., Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co., 1907. 328 p. 19V^cm. $1.50. 6/. While Shakespeare and his family constitute the dominant note of the Ijook, it affords the best account of the early history of the town itself with its manners and customs. Useful both in the study of the poet's life and of his dramas. 1-1979 42 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 205 Shelley, Henry Charles. Shakespeare & Stratford, Boston, Little, Brown and CO., [1913], 206 p. 19cm. (The literary shrines series.) "An agreeably written little book which offers a useful, consecutive, and accurate epitome of the known facts and most of the legends relating to the poet and his friends. An interesting chapter on the Shakespeare villages. A convenient guide, supplemented by notes for tourists and good illustrations." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 10: 280. A 14-182 XVIII. LONDON— THE THEATRE 206 Ordish, Thomas Fairman. Shakespeare's London; a study of London in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. London, J. M. Dent & co., 1897. 257 p. 17^cm. (The Temple Shakespeare manuals.) Treats chiefly of the relation of London to the plays. The last chapter is on Shakespeare's London haunts. 4-4573 207 Stephenson, Henry Thew. y, Shakespeare's London. New York, H. Holt and co., 1905. r 357 p. 20cm. $2.00. A description of Shakespeare's London, based on contemporary sources, well illustrated from old prints. The chapters on "The Elizabethans," The Tower of London, The main highway, The Theatres and The Taverns are especially useful. 5-14652 208 Albright, Victor Emanuel. The Shaksperian stage. New York, The Columbia univer- sity press, 1909. 194 p. 24j^cm. (Columbia university studies in English.) $2.00. This is the most readily accessible account of the whole subject. Contains a Critical bibliography: p. 163-167, and List of plays: p. 168-182. 9-26295 209 Gildersleeve, Virginia C. Governmental regulation of the Shakespearean drama. New York, Columbia university press, 1908. 259 p. 25j^cm. (Co- lumbia university studies in English.) $1.25. List of books cited: p. 235-240. A store-house of facts. Traces the origin of the master of the revels, and the growth of the censorship, and treats in detail the struggle between the Puritan London government and the royal authority concerning play- acting. 8-24263 210 Stopes, Mrs. Charlotte Carmichael. Burbage and Shakespeare's stage. London, A. Moring, ltd., The De la More press, 1913. 272 p. 22cm. In the second half of the book the "Authorities for the facts in the story of the Burbages" are printed. 14-2784 211 WaUace, Charles William. The children of the chapel at Blackfriars, 1597-1603. Lin- coln, Neb., [1908]. 207 p. 23cm. (University studies, pub. by the University of Nebraska, v. 8, no. 2, 3.) 9-5233 LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 43 212 Wallace, Charles William. Three London theatres of Shakespeare's time. (In Ne- braska. University. University studies. Lincoln, 1909. 23cm. V. 9, no. 4, p. 287-342.) 10-20809 213 Wallace, Charles William. The first London theatre, materials for a history. Lincoln, Neb., [1913]. 297 p. 23cm. University studies, pub. by the University of Nebraska, v. 13, no. 1-3.) 13-33376 These publications give the results of Professor Wallace's important dis- coveries of documents relating to the early London theatres. XIX. MUSIC The following have been selected from a longer list prepared for use in the Music Division of the Library of Congress, by the Chief of the Division, Mr. O. G. T. Sonneck. Bibliographical literature 214 Clarke, Helen A. A list of Shakespeare operas, operatized diamas and over- tures. Shakespeariana, 1888, v. 5, nos. 58, 60. 215 Clarke, Helen A. Shakespeare music. Shakespeariana, 1888, v. 5, nos. 49-50. 216 Greenhill, J., W. A. Harrison and F. J. Furnivall. A list of all the songs and passages in Shakespeare which have been set to music. New Shakespeare society, 1884, ser. 8, misc. 3. 112 p. 24j/^cm. 15-12147 217 MacDonald, William. Shakespearian music [additions to H. A. Clarke's list]. Shakespeariana, 1889, v. 6, p. 133-13if 218 Roffe, Alfred. Handbook of Shakespeare music. London, Chatto & Wiur dus, 1878. Miscellaneous books and articles 219 Cowling, George Herbert. Music on the Shakespearian stage. Cambridge, University press, 1913. 116 p. 20cm. 13-14288 220 Elson, Louis Charles. Shakespeare in music. Boston, L. C. Page & co., 1901. 354 p. 19>^cm. Jan. 17-1901-45 44 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 221 Naylor, Edward Woodall. Shakespeare and music. London, J. M. Dent & co., 1896. 225 p. 17^cm. 6-1277 Miscellaneous collection of Shakespeare music 222 Edwards, Edward. A book of Shakespeare's songs... New York, G. Schir- mer, 1903. 223 Naylor, Edward Woodall, cd. Shakespeare music. (Music of the period.) Edited by E. W. Naylor. London, J. Curwen & sons, [1913]. xvi, 66 p. 31cm. 15-11205 224 Vincent, Charles John. Fifty Shakespeare songs. Boston, O. Ditson co., [1906]. XX. FICTION, PLAYS, ETC. These novels, stories and plays hardly do justice to their source of inspiration. With some few exceptions they have slight literary merit. They are listed here for the sake of the suggestions they offer for pageants, tableaux, etc. 225 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Marjorie Daw and other stories, Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and CO., 1885. 287 p. 17cm. $1.00. "A midnight fantasy," one of the stories, turns on a visit of Hamlet to Verona, a meeting with Juliet, and — results. 6-500 226 Bennett, John. Master Skylark; a story of Shakspere's time. New York, The Century co., 1898. 380 p. 19cm. An interesting story for boys about a Stratford lad who goes to London in the train of a company of players and is there befriended by Shakespeare. 4-17522 227 Black, William. Judith Shakespeare; her love affairs and other adventures. New York, Harper & bros., 1884. 391 p. 19cm. This story of Shakespeare's daughter does not rank with Black's best work. 4-15285 228 Bramston, Mary. The failure of a hero; a tale of Shakespearean days. London, Society for the promotion of Christian knowledge, 1909. 222 p. 19^cm. 2/. The hero is Essex. The story includes the Essex rising. Plays by Mar- lowe and Shakespeare are shown on the boards. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 45 229 Chancellor, Mrs. Louise Beecher. The players of London. A tale of an EHzabethlan smart set. New York, B. W. Dodge co., [1909]. 236 p. 24j^cm. $1.75. The plot concerns the first presentation of Romeo and Juliet, and the first appearance of a woman on the stage. Philip Condell, who was to have played the part of Juliet, is taken ill and his twin sister Phyllis, to serve him, dis- guises herself and goes to take his place. Shakespeare discovers her secret and while protecting her falls in love with her. She returns his love, but later learns of Mistress Anne. Philip on recovering denounces his sister, but her Puritan lover. Revelation Revell, comes forward as her champion. 9-28110 230 Comstock, Mrs. Harriet Theresa. The queen's hostage. Boston, Little, Brown and co., 1906. 319 p. 19cm. Shakespeare appears as one of the characters. A description of a per- formance of *'Love's labour lost" is given. 6-30464 231 Curling, Henry. Shakspere; the poet, the lover, the actor, the man. A romance. London, R. Bentley, 1849. 3 v. 20cm. A story covering the whole career of the poet, — not very interesting. 1-27931 232 Garnett, Richard. William Shakespeare, pedagogue & poacher; a drama. Lon- don, J. Lane, 1905. Ill p. 19cm. Scene is at Stratford, 1585. Shakespeare is depicted in his school and before Sir Thomas Lucy and lastly set free by Leicester. 4-27862 233 Landor, Walter Savage. Citation and examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby and Silas Gough, clerk, before the wor- shipful Sir Thomas Libby, knight, touching deer-stealing on the 19th day of September in the year of Grace 1582, now first published from original papers... London, Saunders and Otley, 1834. 284 p. 20cni. Charles Lamb is generally quoted as saying of this that it could only have been written by him who wrote it or by him about whom it was written. If Shakespeare had written it, it would have had some dramatic action, which is what it lacks. As it is it needs several readings to get familiar with it and to appreciate it for the fine thing it is. Often reprinted. 12-14282 234 Liitkcnhaus, Mrs. Anna May. Master Skylark; a dramatization of the book by John Bennett, prepared for the use of elementary schools in New York city. New York, The Century CO., [1914]. 31 p. 19cm. "It is the story, ingeniously turned into a child's play, rather than a drama from the book. . .Indeed it is almost as simple in construction as if the children themselves had arranged it for their own amusement from_ a book in which they had been greatly interested and whose story they wished to turn into a play.'* Preface. 14-10181 235 McMahan, Mrs. Anna B. Shakespeare's Christmas gift to Queen Bess in the year 1596. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1907. 68 p. 19j/2cm. In three parts, At the Mermaid — At the queen's palace — A Christmas 46 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE carol of the olden time. Describes a preliminary meeting at the Mermaid and a performance of "A midsummer night's dream" at Whitehall. 7-33927 236 McMahan, Mrs. Anna B. Shakespeare's love story, 1580-1609. Chicago, A. C. Mc- Clurg & CO., 1909. 84 p. 23^cm. $2.50. Turns the sonnets into a love story with Anne Hathaway as the heroine, 9-27050 237 Marshall, Beatrice. His most dear ladye; a story of Mary Countess of Pem- broke, sister of Sir Philip Sidney. London, Seeley & co., 1905. 318 p. 22^cm. A story for young people showing Shakespeare during the last part of his career. 238 Munn, Mrs. Margaret Crosby. Will Shakespeare of Stratford and London; a drama in four acts. New York, Dodd, Mead and co., 1910. 351 p. 19^cm. Begins in Stratford at the time of the poaching episode, passes on to London and depicts the struggle between Essex and Southampton and the encounters of Shakespeare with the lady of the sonnets. 10-12756 239 Noyes, Alfred. Tales of the Mermaid tavern. Nev^ York, Frederick A. Stokes CO., [1913]. 234 p. 19j^cm. $1.35. A narrative . poem in blank verse with a number of ballads and lyrics interspersed, depicting with much grace and vigor the life of the Mermaid Tavern. 13-8385 240 Payn, James. The talk of the town. A novel. New York, G. Munro, [1885]. 176 p. 18^cm. An old-fashioned story in which the love affair gets tangled up with Shakespearean forgeries. CA 9-4834 241 Porter, T. H. A maid of the Malverns, a romance of the Blackfriars theatre. London, Lynwood & co., 1911. 270 p. 20cm. Displays much knowledge of the theatre, and the manners and customs of the time. Introduces Jonson and Shakespeare. 242 Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas. Shakespeare's Christmas and other stories, by "Q." New York, Longmans, Green and co., 1905. 335 p. 19Hcm. $1.50. 6/. A picture of the wild life of the Bankside in Shakespeare's time. Intro- duces the poet, his father, and some of the players and authors. 5-22359 243 Saward, W. M. William Shakespeare, a play in four acts. London, E. Matthews, 1906. 2/6. Not seen. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 47 244 Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Kenilworth; ed. with an introduction and notes, by J. H. Castleman. New York, The Macmillan co., 1907. 510 p. 15cm. Kenilworth is sometimes mentioned as a novel in which Shakespeare appears. That is about all he does, and bows in response to a complimentary greeting from the Earl of Leicester. Worthy of note, however, is the scene a little further along in the same chapter (XVII) in which Raleigh quotes for the delectation of Queen Elizabeth a passage from Act II of A midsummer night's dream. The passage was actually written some twenty years after the event, but what is twenty years to the Wizard of the North. 7-12271 245 Shaw, George Bernard. Misallianlce, The dark lady of the Sonnets, and Fanny's first play. New York, Brentano's, 1914. 245 p. 19i^cm. $1.50. "The dark lady of the Sonnets" is little more than a farce, depicting a chance encounter between the dramatist, Queen Elizabeth and the dark lady. . . The dramatist might stand for the portrait of Shaw himself. 14-10044 246 Smith, Minna Caroline. Mary Paget; a romance of old Bermuda. New York, The Macmi41an co., 1900. 326 p. 19cm. A romance of the time of James I. A large part of the action centers around the wreck of the "Sea Venture," which supplied Shakespeare with so many hints for "The Tempest." Mar. 15, 1900-115 247 Snaith, John Collis. Anne Feversham. New York, D. Appleton and co., 1914. 322 p. 19Hcm. $1.35. "Published in England as 'The great age.' " The story narrates the adventures of a young couple who finally join Shakespeare's company, where the girl creates the part of Rosalind. The dramatist is depicted as a kindly gentleman who exercises a subtle influence over all with whom he comes m contact. The influence is told about but never realized. 14-18496 248 Stephens, Robert Neilson. A gentleman player; his adventures on a secret mission for Queen Elizabeth. Boston, L. C. Page and co., 1899. 438 p. 19cm. The hero is a comedian in the Lord Chamberlain's company. Introduces other members of the company at the Globe theatre, including Shakespeare. June 29, 99-123 249 Sterling, Sara Hawks. Hamlet's brides; a Shakespearean burlesque in one act. Bos- ton, W. H. Baker & co., 1900. 19 p. 19cm. (Baker's edition of plays.) An amusing bit of absurdity in which Hamlet engages himself to a num- ber of Shakespeare's heroines. May 17, 1900-141 250 Sterling, Sara Hawks. Shake-speares sweetheart. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs & co., 1905. 281 p. 23cm. The heroine is Anne Hathaway and depicts her as coming to London in disguise and acting Juliet. 5-35597 48 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 251 Wilde, Oscar Fingall O'F. W. Lord Arthur Savile's crime; The portrait of Mr. W. H., and other stories. 4th ed. London, Methuen & co., [1909]. 196 p. 18cm. "The portrait of Mr. W. H." turns on the attempt to show by a forged portrait that Mr. W. H. of the sonnets was Will Hews, a boy actor of Shakespeare's company. The theory is much like the one advanced by Sam- uel Butler (72). A 11-1430 APPENDIX XXI. COSTUMES Those who have access to a file of The Architect, London, for the years 1874-1876 will find in volumes XII, XIII, and XVI, a series of articlles on The Architecture and costume of Shakespeare's plays, by Ed. W. Godwin. A detailed reference to the pages for each special play will be found in Tolman (87, V. 1). The same writer has a series of articles in "The Mask." 1908-1910 with the same general title as the articles in The Architect. 252 Ashdown, Emily Jessie, "Mrs. I. H. Ashdown." British costume during XIX centuries. New York, Stokes, London, T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1910. Z76 p. illus. 24cm. $4.50 12/6. "The author, a lecturer on medieval costumes, and adviser for pageants, frequently indicates how various garments were cut and made. The ten color plates are from photographs of modern reproductions of costumes, and of the various black and white illustrations many are from Fairholt's Costume in England. Probably the most reliable book on the subject, especially as to medieval costume. Glossary." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 7: 184. 10-25109 253 Calthrop, Dion Clayton. English costume. London, A. and C. Black, 1906. 4 v. illus. 23cm. Contents. — I. Early English. II. Middle Ages. III. Tudor and Stuart. IV. Georgian. An extensive work along historical lines. Volume III is of special interest in connection with Shakespeare. 6-32380 254 Rhead, George Woolliscroft. Chats on costufne; with 117 illustrations, including 35 line drawings, by the author. London, T. F. Unwin, 1906. 304 p. 20;^cm. $2.00. 5/. "A delightful book beginning with a general survey of the subject and following with brief accounts of the development and history of the tunic, mantle, doublet and hose, kirtle or petticoat, crinoline, collars and cuffs, hats, caps and bonnets, dressing of the hair, mustachios and beard, and boots, shoes and other coverings of the feet. The illustrations are good." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 3: 127. W 7-41 255 Stone, Melicent. The Bankside costume book for children; written and illus- trated by Melicent Stone. London, W. Gardner, Darton & co., ltd.. [1913]. 173 p. illus. 17cm. This little book presents the whole subject in a clear, concise manner. LITERATURE OF SHAKESPEARE 49 It covers all the plays (21) suitable for production by young people, arranged in historic order by periods, and gives explicit directions with line illustrations for cutting and making the garments. There are chapters on armor, jewelry, etc., and an ecclesiastical and legal dress. 14-13977 XXII. PAGEANTS 256 Bates, Esther Willard. Pageants and pageantry. With an introduction by William Orr. Boston, Ginn and co., [1912]. 294 p. 20cm. $1.25. Bibliography: p. 281-287. "These five pageants — Roman, medieval, colonial, one of the myths and one of letters — are composed by the author and are mainly suitable for high school students. She summarizes her considerable experience in her intro- duction and first chapter, giving a historical sketch of pageantry, and dis- cussing the selection of a theme for a pageant, and its organization, text, staging and costuming. Illustrations, bibliography and index." A. L. A. Booklist, V. 9: 52. 12-18803 257 Chubb, Percival. Festivals and plays in schools and elsewhere, by Percival Chubb, former director of festivals in the Ethical culture school, New York, and his associates of the school staff. New York, Harper & bros., 1912. 402 p. 20^ cm. $2.00. "General bibliography:" p. 355-358; "Festival music bibliography:" p. 359-390; "Costume bibliography:" p. 391-392. 12-18545 One of the best books on the subject, being based on actual experience by Mr. Chubb and his colleagues who contribute the sections on music, art, costuming, dancing, and the first steps in the development of festivals and dramatic activities. The Appendix contains specimen programmes, diagrams of color schemes for costumes and specimens of grade work. 258 Craig, Mrs. Anne Abbot T. The dramatic festival: a consideration of the lyrical method as a factor in preparatory education. With a foreword by Per- cival Chubb... and an introduction by Peter W. Dykema. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1912. 363 p. 19cm. $1.25. "This work combines some of the features of both Chubb's and Need- ham's books, though, unlike them, it is not based on experience in school work and is therefore more theoretical than cither. Part 1 discusses the organization and administration of a department for folk-plays in schools and playgrounds, with classed bibliograi)hy (15 p.); part 2. the presentation of plays in the primary, intermediate and final preparatory period. Six plays are given. Second to Chubb in value for the teacher." A. L. A. Booklist, V. 9: 55. 12-20806 259 Davol, Ralph. A handbook of American pageantry. Taunton, Mass., Davol publishing CO., [1914]. 236 p. 17Hx25^cm. $2.50. "Written by a newspaper correspondent who, after covering a number of these community festivals in various states, records his observations on the philosophy and psychology of the pageant, something of its structural com- position, and rather detailed suggestions for presentation. The 115 illustra- tions from photographs of pageants are specially attractive." A. L. A. Booklist, V. 11 : 353. 15-4233 50 A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE 260 Drama league of America. Shakespeare festival; in honor of the poet's birthday, April 23, 1912, Lincoln park, Chicago. Chicago, R. F. Seymour co., [1912]. yi p. 24cm. Gives an outline description of the various groups in the procession, indi- cating the characters represented, followed by an outline of exercises at the Shakespeare statue. 15-3173 261 Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. How to produce children's plays. New York, H. Holt and do., 1915. 151 p. 19'^cm. $1.20. 15-26132 262 Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. Patriotic plays and pageants for young people. New York, H. Holt and co., 1912. 223 p. 19Hcm. $1.35. "Contains three pageants, two of patriots (one for indoor and one for outdoor), and a Hawthorne pageant, and eight one-act plays: (not Shakes- peare's) . . . Directions are given for costumes, dances and music." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 9: 41. 12-9418 263 Needham, Mrs. Mary Master. Folk festivals, their growth, and how to give them. New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1912. 244 p. 193^cm. $1.25. "References:" p. 240-244. "This work, based largely on the author's experience, has less practical and — to the teacher in the country and small town — more inspirational value than Chubb. She points out clearly, with apt illustration, the educational uses of the festival and the need for it in our national life, defines its spirit, gives its historical setting, and in its chapters on 'Choice of subject' and 'Use of festivals in connection with playgrounds and schools' makes definite suggestions for the teacher. The arrangement of material could perhaps have been improved. Beyond the fact that both point out the festival's value, there is little duplication in the two books and their method of approach is wholly different." A. L. A. Booklist, v. 9: 21. 12-18802 AUTHOR INDEX Numbers refer to items; where It was necessary to refer to the page the letter p. precedes the number. Abbott, E. A. . Ainger, A Albright, V. E. Aldrich. T. B. . Allen. J. W. . Allibone, S. A. ..208 ..225 ..112 .. 4 Arnold, C p. 18 Ashdown, E. J 252 Ashe, T 134 Baker, G. P 115, 116, 166 Bartlett, J p. 18, 98 Bates, E. W 256 Beaumont, F p. 26, 115-119 Beeching, H. C 71, 195 Bennett, J 226, 234 Black, E. C 20 Black. W 227 Blades, W 192 Bloom, J. H 176 Boas, F. S 102 Bohn, H. G 4 Booth, L 32 Boswell, J 55 Boswell-Stone, W. G 100 Bradley, A. C 129 Bradley, H 116 Bramston, M , 228 Brandes, G. M. C 148 Brink, B. A. K. T 130 Brorae, R 116 Brooke, C. F. T 12, 76, 103 Brooke, S. A ' 131, 132 Browne, G 81 Browne. G. H 89 Bucknill. J. C 184 Bullen. A. H 68, p. 26 Burgess, W 173 Butler, S 72 Calthrop, D. C 253 Campbell, L 133 Capell. E 49, 147 Chancellor, L. B 229 Chapman, G 115-119 Chubb, P 257 Clark. W. G 7. 8, 13, 62 Clarke, H. A 22, 85, 214, 215, 217 Clarke. H. B 116 Clarke, M. C p. 18, IT, 99 Coleridge, S. T 134 Collier, J. P 58 101, p. 39 Collins, J. C 135 Comstock, H. T 230 Condell, H 5, 147 Corson, H p. 20 Cowling, G. H 219 Craig, A. A. T 258 Craig, W. J ..9, 14 Craik, G, L 90 CunliflFe, J. W 12, 116 Cunliffe, R. J 91 Curling, H 231 Darton, F. J. H 21 Davol, R 259 Day, J 118 Dekker, T 116, 118, 119 Delius, N 10, 65 Dodd, W p. 18 Douce, F 31 Dowden, E 14, 11, p. 20, 116, 136 Drama league of America... p. 5. 260 Durham. W. H 84 Dyce, A 59, 92 Eaton, T. R 174 Edwardes, M 93 Edwards, E 222 Ellacombe, H. N 171, 177 Elson, L. C 220 Elton, C. 1 149 Field, N 118 Figgis, D 150 Fiske, J p. 40 51 Fleay, F. G 105, 106, 151 Fleming, W. H 82, 137 Fletcher, J p. 26, 115-119 Fliigel, E 116 Folkard, C 19 Ford, J 115, 118, 119 Foster, J 94 Furness, H. II 16, 64 Furnivall, F. J... 10, 65, 154, 197, 216 Garnett, R 232 Gascoigne, G , 115 Gervinus, G. G 138 Gibson, J. P. S. R 181 Gildersleeve, V. C 209 Gildon, C 43 Glover, J 62 Godwin, E. W p. 48 Goll, A 180 GoUancz, 1 8, 17, 18, 28, p. 23 Greene, R p. 26, 116, 118, 119 Greenhill, J 216 Greet, B 26 Grindon. L. H 178 Guerber, H. A 78 Gummere, F. R 116 Hales, J. W 112 Halliwell-Phillipps, J. 34, 153 Hanmer, Sir T 46, 147 Hardy, T. M 28 Harris, F 152 Harrison, W 197 Harrison, W. A 216 Hartmann, S 165 Hazlitt, W 139 Hazlitt, W. C 101 Heard, F. F 186 Heine, H 140 Heminge, J 5, 147 Henneman, J. B 24 Herford, C. H 12, p. ^, \\^ Heywood, J 116 Heywood, T 118, 119 Hoffman. A. S 79 Holinshed. R 100 Howells, W. D 202 Hubbard, J. M 2 Hudson, H. N 20, 58a, 141 Hutton, W. H 203 Ingleby, C. M p. 27, 154 Ireland. W. IT p. 39 Irving, Sir H 66 Jaggard, W 3 Jameson, A. B 142 Jenks, T 155 Johnson, C. F 120 Johnson, S 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 147 Johnson, B p. 26, 115-119 Jusserand, J. A. A. J 121 Kinnear, B. G p. 27 Klein, D 143 Knapp, A. M 2 Kyd, T p. 26, 119 Lamb, C 28, 80 Lamb, M 28, 80 Landor, W. S , . .233 Lang, A 196 Lange, A. F 116 Lanier, S 107 Lee, Sir S....35, 69, 81, 122, 156, 204 Lloyd, W. W 56 Lounsbury, T. R 123-125 Lowndes, W. T , 4 Lucas, E. V 80 Luce, M 83 Liitkenhaus, A. M 234 Lyly, J p. 26, 116, 119 Mabie, H. W 157 Mac Callum, M. W 144 Mac Cracken, H. N. 12, 84 Macdonald, W 80 Mac Donald, W 217 Mackay, C. D 261, 262 Macleod, M 81 McMahan, A, B 235, 236 Madden, D. H 194 Malone, E 50, 51, 55, 147 Manly, J. M 116 Marlowe, C p. 26, 1,17, 118, 119 Marshall, B. . : 237 Marshall, F. A 66 Marston, J p. 26, 119 Martin, H. S. F 145 Massinger, P 116-119 Masson, D 158 Matthews, J. B 116,167 Middleton, T p. 26, 115-119 Morgan, A 67, 70 Moulton, R. G 168, 169 Moyes, J 1 8& 52 Munn. M. C 238 Munro, J 154 Naylor, E. W 221, 223 Needham, M. M 263 Neilson, W. A 11, 21 Norris, J. P p. 35 North, Sir T p. 23 Noyes, A 239 Nutt. A. T 182 Onions, C. T 95 Ordish, T. F 206 Palmer, G. H 75 Payn, J 240 Peek, G p. 26, 116, 119 Peers, E. A 185 Perkins, L. F 29 Phelps, C. E 187 Phipson, E 190 Pierce, F. E 84 Plutarch p. 23 Pollard, A. W 5, 116 Pope, A 44, 147 Porter, C ...22, 85 Porter, H 116 Porter, T. H 241 Price, N. M 80 Quiller-Couch, A. T 242 Rackham. A 80 RaleiRh, Sir W. A 159 Reed, 1 50, 53, 54, 147 Rhead, G. W 254 Robertson, J. M 108 Roffe. A 218 Rolfe, W. J 23, 63, 90, 160, 161 Root, R. K 179 Rowe. N 43, 147 Rowley, W 116 Rushton, W. L 172, 188 Sarrazin, G 96 Saward, W. M 243 Schelling, F. E 109-111, 117 Schmidt, A 96 Scott, Sir W 244 Seajfer, H. W 191 Seccombe, T 112 Sewell. G 44 Shaw, G. P. 245 Shelley, H. C 205 Shirley, J 116, 118, 119 Singer, S. W 56 Skeat, W. W p. 23 Smeaton. W. II. 162 Smith, L. T 164 Smith, M. C 246 Smithson. G. A 116 Snaith, J. C 247 Spielman, M. II p. 35 Staunton, II 33,61 Steevens, G 50, 53, 54, 147 Stephens, R. N 248 Stephenson, H. T 86, 193, 207 Sterling, S. H. 249,250 Stevenson, W 116 Stewart. C. D 97 Stone, M 255 Stopes, C. C 197, 199,210 Swinburne, A. C 14 Symonds, J. A 113 Tedder, H. R 6 Theobald, L 45, 147 Thiselton-Dyer, T. F 183 Thorndike, A. H 21 Tolman, A. H 87 Tourneur, Cyril 117,118 Trent, W. P 24 Tyler, T 74 Udall. N 116 Valpy, A. J 57 Vickery, W 70 Vincent, C. J 224 Wallace, C. W 163, 164, 211-213 Waller, A. R 104 Warburton, W 47, 147 Ward, Sir A. W 104, 114, 116 Warde. F. B 126 Warner, B. E 146. 147 Warner, C. D 200 Webster, J 115, 117-119 Wells, B. J 24 Wendell. B 170 Whall, W. .B 193 White, R. G 24, 60, p. 40 Wilde, 251 Winter, W 127, 128, 201 Woodberry, G. E 116 Wordsworth, C 175 Wright, W. A 7, 8, 13, 25, 62 53 SUBJECT INDEX The numbers refer to the items, where it was necessary to refer to the page the letter p. precedes the number. Actor, S. as 167 Actors 126-128, 165, 167 ^^schylus and S 133 Agriculture 149 All's well that ends well : Costume and scenery p. 48 Criticism 56 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101 Stage history 66 Study 82, 83 Technique 167 Allusions to S 149, 154 Amusements 198 See also Sports. Angling 171, 194 Animal-lore 190, 191 Anthony and Cleopatra 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism 16, 144 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101, 144 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82, 83, 85 Technique 167 Apocrypha p.l8, 76, 104 Archery 172 Arden of Feversham P-19, 76 As you like it 16 BibHography 16, 82 Children's edition 26, 28 Costume 16, 26, p.48 Criticism 16, 131, 184 Duration of action 16, 17 Music 16 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 16, 66, 128 Study 82, 83, 85 Technique 167 Audiences, Elizabethan. . 122, 167, 200 Autographs 156 Bibliography 6 Bacon-Shakespeare 135, 156, p.40, 195, 196, 202 Bibliography 6 Bankside restoration of Shake- speare 70 Bankside Shakespeare 67 Bear-baiting 194 Bear Garden 212 Beaumont and Fletcher 104, 116, 118, 139 Beauties of S p.l8 Bible 173-175 Bibliography. 1-6, 16, 21, 87, 103, 104, 120, 150, 155, 156, 160, 162 Biographies 10, 21, 148-164 Bibliography 6 Biographies for children 155, 161 Birds 190 Birth 149 See also Biographies. Birth of Merlin 76 Blackfriars 149, 211 Botany 176-178 Brome, R 116 Burbages 210 Cambridge edition 25 Cambridge poets (Neilson) edi- tion p.9, 11 Censorship 209 Chapman, G 104, 116, 118, 139 Characters, Criticism of 102, 136, 139, 141, 148 Index of 8 Children of the Chapel Royal.. 104, 149, 211 Children of the Revels to the Queen 149 54 Children's adaptations 26-29 Costuming 25b Staging 261 Chronicle plays : See Histories. Classical Elizabethan dramas.. 103, 104, 109 Bibliography 103, 109 Classical knowledge of S....133, 135 Classical mythology 179 Cobham, Lord, Sir John Old- castle 40, 42, 76 Collaboration 109, 167 Collier, J. P 156 Bibliography 6 Comedies 166, 167 Comedy of errors : Bibliography 87 Children's edition 26 Costume 26, p.48 Criticism 184 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101 Stage history 66 Study 83, 85, 87 Technique 167 Comic dramatist, S. as a 116 Concordances 98-99 Bibliogi^phy 6 Contemporaries of S 115-119 Coriolanus : Costume p.48 Criticism 131,144 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101, 144 Stage history 12, 66 Study 83, 85 Technique 167 Costumes 16, 252-255 Glossary 252 Country life 194.198 Criminals 180 Criticism 56, 120, 129, 147, 148 Bibliography 1, 2, 6, 120 Criticism, Elizabethan 143 Critics of S 120 Cymbeline 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Children's edition 28 Costume p.48 Criticism 16 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82,83,85 Technique 167 Dates and order of the plays. . 10, 130, 158 Death and burial 149 Deer-stealing legend 149, 233 Dekker, T 104, 116, 118, 139 Descendants : See Family, Dictionaries : See Lexicons. Documents relating to S 153. 163, 164, 210-213 Dogs 149 Domestic drama 103, 109, 113 Bibliography 109 Domestic life : See Manners and customs. Drama, History of 102-114 Bibliography 6 Dramas, List of Elizabethan.... 109 List of historical 110 Dramas based on the life of S. . 232-234, 238, 243, 245, 249 Dramatic art and development. . 84, 102 130, 136, 137, 150, 156, 166-170 Dramatic unities 123 Edition, Selection of an p.8 Editions, Notable 30-70 Editions, One volume 7-12 Education of S 160, 161 Edward III 10, p.l9, 76 Elizabethan literature 102, 104. 112, 114 Playgoers 122, 167, 200, 207 Sonnets 107, 156 Theatre 84, 86, 104, 106, 107, 109. 113, 150, 156, 166. 167, 207-213 Bibliography 109, 208, 209 England, Elizabethan 197-201 Ethics of S 169 Eversley edition 19 Expurgated editions 20,23 55 Fair Em 76 Fairy-lore 181-183 Falconry 194 Family 149, 156 Bibliography 6 Festivals, Shakespearean. ... 161, 260 Dramatic 257, 258, 260, 263 Folk 263 Fiction : See Novels; Short stories. First folio edition 22 First variorum edition 53 Fish mentioned by S. List of. .. . 171 Flora of S 177, 178 Folios and reprints 30-40 Folios, Census of 35 Description of 3-5 Folk-lore 181-183 Fools : See Jesters. Ford, J 104, 118, 139 Forgeries 58, 122, 156, p.39 Bibliography 6 Fortune theatre 166, 212 France, S. in 104, 121, 122, 124 Bibliography 6 Friendly edition 23 Gardening 176-178 Genealogy 149, 156 Bibliography 6 Germany, S. in 104, 151 Bibliography 6 Globe edition p.8, 7, 62 Globe text : See Standard text. Globe theatre 210 Sec also Theatre, Elizabethan. Glossaries 7-9, 11, 13-15, 17, 18 Sec also Lexicons. Grammar 87-90, 135 Grant White edition 24,60 Greene, R 102, 104, 113, 116, 118 H., Mr. W 156 See also Sonnets. Hamlet 16, 107 Bibliography 16, 82 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism 16, 129, 132, 133, 136 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66, 127 Study ;...82, 83, 85, .86 Technique 167 Harvard edition 58a Hawking 194 Henry IV, parts 1 and 2 : Bibliography 82 Costume p.48 Criticism 132, 146, 187 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 100 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82, 83 Technique 167 Henry V: Bibliography 82 Costume p.48 Criticism 132, 146 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 100, 101 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82, 83, 86 Technique 167 Henry VI, parts 1-3 : Bibliography 87 Costume p.48 Criticism 146 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 100, 101 Stage history 66 Study 87 Technique 167 Henry VIII: Authorship 17 Costume p.48 Criticism 146 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 100 Stage history 66, 127 Technique 167 Herbert, Mr. William 156 See also Sonnets. Heroines : See Women. 56 Hews, Will 72, 156, 251 See also Sonnets. Heywood, J 116 Heywood, T 104, 118, 139 Historical plays 100, 136 Histories. 103, 109, 110. 113, 166, 167 Bibliography 103, 109 Holinshed and S 135 Horses 194 Hudson edition 20 Hunting 194 Illustrations 165 Bibliography 6 Insanity 184, 185 Bibliography 185 Insects 190 Interludes 103, 104, 109, 113 Bibliography 103, 109 International edition p. 9, 8 Ireland, W. H 156 Bibliography 6 Jesters 126 Jonson, Ben 104, 116, 118, 139 Jubilees 156, 260 Bibliography 6 Julius Caesar 16, 90 Bibliography 16, 82 Characters 16 Children's edition 26 Costume and scenery. .. .26, p.48 Criticism 16. 132, 137, 144 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101, 144 Stage history 12, 16, 66, 128 Study 82, 83, 85, 86 Technique 167, 168 King John : Bibliography 82 Costume p.48 Criticism 132, 146, 184 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 100, 101 Stage history 66 Study 82, 83 Technique 167 King Lear 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism. 16, 129, 132, 133, 136, 184 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66, 128 Study 82, 83, 85, 86 Technique 167, 168 Kyd, T 102, 104 Language 88-99 Bibliography 6, 87 Legal knowledge 135, 186-188 Leopold edition 10 Lexicons *l-97 Locrine, The Tragedy of. 40, 42, 76 Lodge, T 104, 113 London, Elizabethan 84, 86, 149, 206-213 London prodigal 40. 42, 76 London road 149 London theatres : See Theatres, Elizabethan. Love's labour's lost 16 Bibliography 16, 82, 87 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism 16 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 66 Study 82, 83, 85, 87 Technique 167 Love's labour's won 16 (v. 12) See also Much ado about nothing. Lyly, J 102, 104, 113, 116, 139 Macbeth 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Children's edition 28 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism ...16, 129, 131, 133, 136-139, 184 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16. 100, 101 Stage history 12, 66, 127 Study 82, 83, 85, 86 Technique 167, 168 Madness 184, 185 57 Manners and customs 107, 198 Marlowe, C...102, 104, 113, 118, 139 Marriage 149 See also Biographies. Marston, J 104, 116, 139 Masques 104, 109, 113, 114 Bibliography 109 Massinger, P 104, 116, 118, 139 Master of the revels 209 Measure for measure : Costume p.48 Criticism 132 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101 Stage history 66 Technique 167 Medicine 107, 189 Memorials 122, 156, 165 Merchant of Venice 16 BibHography 16, 82 Children's edition 26, 28 Costume and scenery. .. 16, 26, p.48 Criticism 16, 131, 137 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66, 127 Study 82, 83, 85, 86 Technique 167, 168 Mermaid Tavern, Tales of the... 239 Merry devil of Edmonton p.l9, 76, 116 Merry wives of Windsor : Costume p.48 Criticism 56, 134, 139 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101 Stage history 66 Study 83, 85 Technique 167 Metre table of the plays 10 Metrical tests 107, 162 Table of 162 Middleton, T 104, 116, 118, 139 Midsummer night's dream.... 16, 107 Bibliography 1 6, 82, 87 Children's edition 26, 28, 29 Costume 16, 26, p.48 Criticism 16, 131 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82, 83, 85, 87 Technique 167 Miracle plays 103, 104, 109, 113 Bibliography 103, 109 Mr. W. H. See H., Mr. W. Modern performances. . 122, 127, 128 Montaigne and S 135 MoraHties 103, 104, 109, 113 Bibliography 103, 109 More, Sir Thomas 76 Mucedorus 76 Much ado about nothing 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Children's edition 28 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism 16, 132 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82, 83, 85 Technique 167 Music 107, 214-224 BibHography 6, 214-218 Mysteries 103, 104, 109,113 Bibliography 109 Nash, T 104, 113 Natural history 149, 190,191 Nautical terms 193 N"eilson text 11, 21 Novels based on the life of S... 226-231, 237, 240, 241, 244, 246-248, 250 Dldcastle, Sir John, Lord Cob- ham 40, 42, 76 Operas based on S 214 Othello 16 BibHography 16, 82 Color of Othello 16 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism. 16, 129, 132, 133, 136-139 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16. 101 58 Stage history 12, 66, 127 Study 82, 83, 85 Technique 167 Oxford edition p.9, 9, 14 Pageants 256-263 Bibliography 258 Pastoral dramas 103, 109 Bibliography 109 Patriotism of S 122 Patrons of S 156 Peele, G 102, 104, 113, 116 Pembroke, Earl of 156 See also Sonnets. Pepys and S 122 Pericles, Prince of Tyre : Costume p.48 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Stage history 66 Technique 167 Periodicals devoted to S, Bib- liography 6 Philosophy of S 83, 122, 135, 168, 169 Plant-lore 176-178 Plots, Outlines of 78 Schemes of 169 Study of 137, 166 Poems p.l7, 84, 87, 104 Bibliography 87, 104 Pope-Theobald controversy 125 Porter, H 116 Portraits 68, 156, p.35, 165 Bibliography 6, p. 35 Posthumous reputation 120-128, 149, 154, 156 Printing 192 Elizabethan 5, 156 Pronunciation 60, 82, 107 Prose of S 135 Proverbs p. 18 Pseudo-Shakespearean plays : See Apocrypha. Puritan opposition 209 Puritan widow 40, 42, 76 Quartos, Census of 5 Description of 3-5 Quotations p. 18 Bibliography 6 Readings 28 Bibliography 6 Red Bull theatre 212 Religion of S 135, 173-175 Bibliography 6 Reptiles 190 Richard II: Bibliography 82 Costume p.48 Criticism 131, 146 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 100 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82, 83, 86 Technique 167 Richard III 16 Bibliography 16,82, 87 Character 16 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism 16, 131,146 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 100, 101 Stage history 66, 127 Study 82, 83, 86, 87 Technique 167, 168 Riverside edition , . 60 Roman plays p.23, 136, 144 Romeo and Juliet 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Children's edition 28 Costume 16, p.48 Criticism 16, 131,136 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66, 128 Study 82, 83, 85, 86 Technique 167 Rowley, W 104, 116 Royal edition 10 Scenery p.48 School editions p.9 Sea 113 Second variorum edition 54 Selections p. 18 Bibliography 6 Shakespeare society 4 Shirley, J 104, 116, 118 59 Short stories based on the life of S 225, 235, 236, 242, 251 Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cob- ham 40, 42, 76 Sir Thomas More 76 Societies, Bibhography 6, 87 Songs (music) 28,219-224 Bibliography 215-217 Sonnet sequences p. 17, 156 Sonnets p.l7, 71-75, 84, 104, 156 Sophocles and S 133, 135 Southampton, Earl of 156 Sources of the plots. . .p.23, 100, 101 Bibliography 6 Special knowledge of S 171-194 Bibliography 6 Sports 149, 161, 194 Spurious plays : See Apocrypha. Standard text 7, 8, 13, 17 Stevenson, W 116 Stratford-upon-Avon 149, 202-205 Bibliography 6 Study of the plays 82-87 Assignment of characters 82 Collateral reading 82, 87 Programs 82, 85 Questions for discussion. . .85, 87 Supernatural 107, 181-183 Tableaux 21 Tales from Shakespeare 77-81 Taming of the shrew : Bibliography 82 Costume p.48 Criticism 56, 184 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101 Stage history 66, 128 Study 82, 83, 85, 86 Technique 167 Tempest 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Children's edition 26, 28 Costume 16, 26, p.48 Criticism 16, 107, 131 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66, 149 I Study ..82, 83, 85, 86. Technique 167,168 Temple dramatists p. 19 Temple edition p.9, 17, 18 Text 25, 97, 104, p.27, 125 See also Editions, Notable. Theatre, The 213 Elizabethan 84, 86, 104, 106, 107, 109, 113, 150, 156, 166, 167, 207-213 Bibliography 109, 208,209 Third variorum edition 55 Thomas, Lord Cromwell. 2, 40, 42, 76 Thorpe, T 156 Time duration 10, 14, 16-18, 162 Timon of Athens : Costume p.48 Criticism 184 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101 Stage history 66 Technique 167 Titus Andronicus : Costume p.48 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Stage history 66 Technique 167 Tourneur, C. 104, 118 Tragedies 129, 144,166 Translations 16 Bibliography 1, 6 Troilus and Cressida : Costume p.48 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Stage history 66 Technique 167 Tudor edition 21 Twelfth night 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Children's edition • 28 Costume 16. p.48 Criticism 16, 132, 137, 184 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 * Stage history 12, 66, 128 Study 82, 83, 85 Technique 167 60 Two gentlemen of Verona : Bibliography 87 Costume p.48 Date of composition 17 Duration of action 17 Sources 101 Stage history 66 Study 83, 85, 87 Technique 167 Two noble kinsmen 10, p. 19, 76 Authorship p. 19 Characterization p. 19 Technique 167 Udall, N 116 University plays... 101, 104, 107, 109 Bibliography 109 Variorum editions 16, 53-55 Verse tests : See Metrical tests. Versification 87-89 Victoria edition 13 Voltaire and S 121, 124 Wallace documents. 163. 164, 211-213 War of the theatres 109 Bibliography 109 Warwickshire 149 Webster, J 104, 118, 139 White, R. G.: See Grant White edition. Will and bequests 149 Winter's tale 16 Bibliography 16, 82 Children's edition 28 Costume and scenery 16, p.48 Criticism 16, 131 Date of composition 16 Duration of action 16, 17 Sources 16, 101 Stage history 12, 66 Study 82, 83, 85 Technique 167 Women 77, 139, 140, 142, 145 Yorkshire tragedy 40, 42, 76 61 \. \ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. *.»^** FEB 221935 o£c m. im JAM 25 *^^^ 5 1937 i m 28 1944 '"'^^1938 SEP 131946 i Hov m m LD21- Gaylamount I Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros.. Inc. Stockton, Calif. T. M.Reg. U.S. Pat. Ofl ™E imiVERSTTY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARV