GIFT OF //£sj>Q' /U^zst^j> lo-cM^^c^l^X 7(5 Mi ilprr^^^ It "» n v * M S J ,3 ..>-•. 7 \ V \ JU i \ Digitized by 'the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation Hpocr^pbai IRevelations XTbe Map, XThe Xtabt an& the Urutb, flDarie £♦ ffiensles San •Ratacl, Gal., $ul£ 1st, 1916 COPYRIGHTED JULY 31, 1916 MARIE E. HENSLEY SAN RAFAEL. CALIFORNIA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - . . • ' . INTRODUCTION. In my first volume, Apocryphal Revelations, I stated I was not conscious of nor familiar with any of the truths given, until ready to write, but I failed to state, as I did not know it then that I give a great deal independently from my con- nection with the Divine Mind, as do all who are in harmony with the spirit. No work done by mortal but is directed by the. spirit, hence this cannot appear an unreasonable claim. But, as spirit has only a material brain, and sense organs to connect him with the material world, to transmit that with which he is impressed (although he forms mortal mind, mind must depend on brain and senses to express that which has been formed from the. experiences transmitted through them) he can only give according to the development of his instru- ments, his material brain and senses, that which they can transmit. When material science can explain, as several of its greatest are endeavoring to, how the brain is formed in the first place, prior to birth, how developed, reformed, and created by the invisible, governing presence, why one hemisphere is apparently useless, why the animal, basilar areas are entirely distinct, and have no direct connection with that part where they have located certain "mind areas", they will know, as they will ere long, that brain is but an instrument for the spirit, the real man, and that all sensations and perceptions would be useless without the -spirit to cognize the sensations and perceptions he receives through brain and senses, and, that, according, to the development of that which composes the brain and sense organs he receives more or less cor- rectly, from the spirit and mortal plane of consciousness. Material science proves gradual brain development from primitive man of the Neanderthal type up to the pres- 357083 ; 5 ^c ent, the-' MgtsVdevelcprneni in the Aryan race. Whether races, which were wiped out, attained to high planes has naught to do with the races of today. They all date their origin from the animal. Men of today show not only great change in the structure and formation of the skull but, as great within the brain hemispheres. When primitive man worshipped sticks and stones and was first impressed with the religious instinct, his brain could neither transmit nor receive anything correctly, it had to be developed. The most material cannot claim that the "congeries of cells," (which form the brain), direct and guide. Congeries of cells, (life organisms) inhabit brain and body and are ever under the control of the spirit or thinker 'controlling the brain and body. But while under his dominion, as every- one has sensation and instinct, when all combine, they, if undeveloped, not in harmony with the spirit, prevent him from receiving and sending correctly, hence, according to the development of the brain does man receive and transmit. If developed along certain lines to transmit the knowledge, works and arts (all impressed more or less correctly, not acquired from the animal, but received from within, impress- ed on the brain) although not developed to express the soul gifts or but few of them, they are no less impressed by their spirits than those whose brains are that which is termed spiritually unfolded, who, often, owing to poor environment, education, training, etc., have brains not sufficiently develop- ed to transmit spiritual or acquire material knowledge, but express the wisdom and love of the spirit as did the lowly Fishermen, when in harmony with the. Divine Mind. The religious fanatic, prophet, reformer, poet, etc., belong espec- ially to the latter class, and oft, have, been so forcibly impress- ed to give that which they receive, even though they know it excites the ridicule of those who cannot understand, due to the difference in their brain,s that despite all material advan- tages, they keep true, not to their ideals, but to their real selves. The law of Divine harmony is only grasped on the mor- tal plane by a limited number. All spirits are pure and holy. All their material brains and bodies are not. All vary in expressing the soul gifts of life, love, righteousness, etc., as all vary in the conditions of their brains and bodies. All are under both natural and Divine, law, all under directivity and guidance. All are given the material brain and body re- quisite for them to develop the real and true body of the real life. Whilst it is beneficial to have a brain and body in harmony, on the mortal plane, to be enabled to direct and govern wisely, it is imperative, ere one can advance, in the real life to have it in perfect harmony. When one knows of what the brain and body is composed, one realizes it is wise to keep in harmony the countless trillions of life organ- isms under his care. As races advance from the animal they become more and more harmonious, less savage, less brutal. The present, terrible war, although one of the greatest, numbers more on a higher stage of develop- ment than in any previous war. The highest expression of mortal is the one who understands this law, mare perfectly grasped today than ever before. He endeavors to keep his brain and body harmonious, to express love and harmony wherever he goes, to all creatures from the lowest to the highest. First he treats the denizens of his brain and body with stimulating, uplifting thought, expressed in caring for all their material wants. Whilst he recognizes that he. and they are really spirit, he knows that they are in a real, material world, in a real, material body, subject to mate- rial law, hence, as he and they, under material law, are im- pressed with the instinct of self-preservation, he is impelled to do all he can to preserve life on the mortal plane, and as he knows it is essential for his material brain and body to have the material, he provides them with that which is need- ful to keep them in harmony, to enable him to express him- self as correctly as possible. Obeying this law, though he may not be able to cognize God or a Supreme Being, he. main- tains health in his brain and body. This man is on one of 7 the highest planes of material development, and has a brain in harmony with all that his mind, (formed on the mortal plane) is in harmony with. But his mind and brain are not in harmon^ with the truth that God is Omnipotent and a Supreme Being, hence, he cannot receive or transmit it, and, therefore, is not as spiritually unfolded, in this way, as one who ignores natural law, knows not how to keep brain and body harmonious, but yet whilst not as good an instrument for the. soul gifts as the former, recognizes God as a Supreme Person, simply because that portion of his brain is in har- mony with this truth. Whilst health and strength are cognized on the mortal plane, as soul gifts, they, in reality, are not. All spirits have perfect health, perfect strength, but all spirits are not perfect expressions of the soul gifts of love, righteousness, etc. These have to be developed through individual will and effort on the spiritual plane, whilst developing that which is necessary on the mortal plane, therefore, spirit, brought forth on the mortal plane, is not perfect, even in spirit life, although pure and holy. There is a vast differ- ence between purity, holiness and perfection. Health and strength of the mortal bodies, entrusted to spirits to acquire the necessary development, is, unlike the health and strength of the real bodies, as both bodies are under different laws and composed of different life organisms and substance. Lack of health, lack of ease, are conditions permitted (for the purpose of enabling the spirit on the mortal plane, to develop that which is essential, whether he has a good brain to transmit will and effort, or whether he has a poor one, unable to. Were all perfectly healthful and strong on the mortal plane, the lessons to be learned through suffering and sickness could not be learned. Only through violation of law do mortals learn. Hence, it can be seen that the mortal plane is as essential as the spiritual, and that everything is for a purpose, though not cognized by those not ready to grasp. The. claim that God is Omnipotent, all Good, and that He 8 creates but to curse and destroy, or that He is Omni- potent and mortal mind creates mortal life is contra- dictory, and not entertained by those who think, re- gardless that they seemingly acquiesce. If Omnipotent and all Good, He. cannot curse; if Omnipotent and all Good, and His ideas are pure and perfect, they could not create evil, even in dreams. In the real life they do not cognize it as on the mortal plane. And, if mankind has to develop, from the primordial cell, mind, upon animal plane, why the necessity for developing that Mind, the Absolute, which pro- vides the Infinite Wisdom to create the cell which is far superior to any knowledge yet expressed on the mortal plane. Mind, even on the mortal plane, has media for express- ion. All mortals express mind, according to the develop- ment of their instruments, from low to high. None can express without their instruments. If, on the transitory, in a sense, illusory plane, bodies, vehicles for expression, are needed, surely they must be necessary for the real life. The mortal is not the real body. No religion nor philosophy claims that. Material substance, matter, does not direct, think, is not the guiding principle. The more developed one is on spiritual lines, the clearer his spiritual cognition. The concensus opinion of those, unfolded on these lines, is that spirit, the real man, directs and guides, is the principle direct- ing the mortal brain and body and that he receives through connection with the Divine. Mind or Oversoul the principles which he expresses. While many acknowledge Principle, the Divine Mind and the Oversoul, these are vague, unsatis- factory terms to those, more spiritually unfolded on this line, who know that while there is, never to be. cognized on the mortal plane, that which is known to be the Divine Mind and the Oversoul, there is entirely distinct from the Divine Mind, the Individual Mind of God, even though the Divine Mind is of and from Him, and that as there are. countless billions of master-minds, there is but one God Omnipotent, our loving Father. These know, whilst they receive that which is called soul 9 from their connection with the Divine Mind, as all of all races and worlds receive, that God has ever been Embodied, and is the Highest Expression of the Divine Mind, without beginning, without end, (according to mortal sense) but whilst He is the Highest expression of the Divine Mind, He also has an Individual Mind of His own. There are count- less beings in countless universes who are ever praying to God, all connected with the Divine Mind, which impresses them when in harmony, with the soul gifts. God Individual- ly rarefy receives or answers these countless petitions. Although Omnipotent, Omnicient, Omnipresent through His Divine Mind, when He wills, it would be. impossible for a Being, no matter how Supreme, to attend to all indivi- dually, He ever work through His instruments. All from the lowest to the highest express in varying degree (accord- ing to the development of their brains on mortal plane, and according to the development of their individual minds on the spirit plane,) the principles, the truths, the soul gifts. The truth of God Omnipotent, the Supreme Being, and the truth of the material within the spiritual, are very diffi- cult for those who are not developed on these lines to grasp. They are no more difficult to 'accept than that which theosophy claims, that there are four bodies in one, the heaven, the de- vanchanic, the astral and the physical, or, that which the Christian religion claims that soul, an elusive essense, is transformed into a spirit body upon death of the mortal, and that our God of Love, and the loving Lord Jesus Christ, His Representative, created but to consign to hell, etc., or that which Emmanuel Swedenborg claimed that God is Omnipo- tent, all Good, and yet permits hells .and demons to tempt and persecute, or that which all the ancient religious and philosophies claim ; the most impossible beliefs to developed brains. Christian Science truly claims that all is in reality, spirit, God, The Spirit, we His ideas, or children, all spirits, pure holy, all spirit spheres filled with love, beauty and harmony. Many accept this. But Mrs. Eddy did not explain the dif- 10 ference between the two worlds and planes of consciousness. She did not locate the beauty, harmony and love of the real spirit spheres. She recognized God Omnipotent, All Good, but as she did not believe in evolution, had to explain as best she could how evil came into the world, therefore, she made mortal mind ("a solecism") responsible for mortal life, in verity, implying there is no such thing as mortal creation. If the material within the spiritual is hard to grasp, that we are only spirits as she claims, then either this is the real life, or we are dreaming this vile dream, and it is but a state of consciousness. If the former is true, then Mrs. Eddy and all who have lived here are with us but invisible. That the material brain and senses are not to be relied upon is true, but where are the material bodies of the innumerable hosts, Mrs. Eddy included, who have gone beyond our material consciousness. It cannot be that our plane of conscious- ness changes when everyone passes from us, that they are still here as ever, not been put in the grave, only appear so to us through this state of consciousness which all possess similarly. Mrs. Eddy, although she did not explain the difference between the two worlds and states of conscious- ness, did not mean to imply this. She said, "In truth, this is a world of spirits," but she failed to explain, that, although the material is not spiritual life, that it is a phase of spirit life, and matter a form of spiritual substance, that the spirit- ual and the material, although seemingly in the same place, occupy different places, one as real as the other, that while the life of the spirit world is the life of the material, there is a big difference 'between material and spiritual substance. This statement, without explanation, that all is spirit, is accepted by brains fitted to receive it. Other brains, who cannot ignore the material, reject it absolutely. Others are ready to accept this explanation. Others not able, but will- ing, will accept that the spirit is ever with the mortal, and that the spirit world is some place not far off. All accept that which they are fitted to receive. 11 This is the latest revelation, the beginning of "The Christ Religion." There is nothing material in it for any one con- nected with it. There is neither earthly fame nor glory to be gained, only, mayhap, derision with those who cannot un- derstand. I am founding no church, organization, nor society. "Freely I receive, freely I give." All who follow me will do likewise. All, impelled by the spirit, will realize that these spiritual truths will only give the "peace that passeth understanding," when they overcome material limita- tions, and make the. material subordinate to the spiritual. This means, in plain English, that there are higher, better things to strive for than material rank, position, fame, glory. That it is more developed to follow in the footsteps of the humble Carpenter, the Lord Jesus Christ than in those of the greatest potentate, that, often, the lowly and meek are on a higher plane than the most materially wise, and, above all will make all realize that all are the children of the One God, irrespective of race, religion or class. 12 IMMORTALITY. I come to prove as many claim, Despite all the godly preach, Despite the hell, the flame, Despite all the learned teach, That Great God is a. God of Might, Omnipotent and Divine. That whatsoe'er He wills is. right, And as He wills His suns to shine, On both the just and the unjust, Keeping none from light of sun, Ordaining with or without trust, That which is best for each one. So all is as He doth desire, Some need the whip, some need the fire On mortal plane to mount higher, But on spirit plane, soar on, soar, Child of God, AWAKE, what more? What greater heritage in store? 13 CONSCIOUSNESS. What is consciousness? Do spirits, on the mortal plane, possess it merely through the nervous system, the material brain and senses? Is the consciousness of the countless denizens of their brains and bodies distinct, or does it com- mingle with theirs? The child, when first born, is only conscious of being, he simply feels, in connection with his brain and body, the shock to his nervous system, necessarily the first visual, auditory, and tactile impressions are. attended with a nervous shock. The life of each organ receives and trans- mits to the various ganglia these first impressions. The brain and senses, (according to formation and development prior to birth,) connect him with material life. The spirit receives not only from the material, but from the spiritual, the impressions through which he develops brain and forms mind. He receives first sensation through and with them ere he perceives or has a perception, which is dependent upon form, space, time, and certain processes which ultimately determine the position of the object perceived in a certain point in space. The processes which determine are the spiritual im- pressions, and, thus, the unconscious serves as support and condition for conscious perception. After brain is developed to a certain extent the child begins to cognize that which is presented through the brain and senses, the internal and exter- nal impressions of form, color, etc., all that pertains t*o the material as well as the spiritual which reduces to order the material, and so presents it as to make the child understand. This is called cogntion, the product of two factors, the spirit- ual and the material. It is certain that the exterior world would have no existence for the. spirit, (who could not be conscious of it) without the media of the brain and senses, and could not, without the spiritual impressions, grasp and cognize. There is not a life, organism that is not conscious of being. All life comes from and is of God. All conscious- ness likewise, but undeveloped life forces, without organism, have not consciousness. All substance is impregnated with the life forces, inorganic and organic life. The air, the water, the mineral, the. vegetable, man are composed of both the inorganic and organic. All life, when developed from the inorganic into the organic, becomes conscious, and, under law, must develop from the lowest to the highest. Each organism, cells dividing and subdiving, in a sense, reproducing themselves, transmit to their countless descend- ents the propensities which develop from the instinct of self preservation, upon the mortal plane, while developing con- jointly, in the real life, and through the real brain, in ever ascending scale, the soul gifts. The propensities are essential to develop the spiritual qualities of industry, application, concentration, resolution, patience, for-bearance, endurance, courage, loyalty, submission, etc. All very nec- essary and impossible to be developed in the real life where only love, harmony and good prevail. There are countless different kinds of life organism, on different planes of advancement or development. There is not a life body that is not composed of, according to its de- velopment, various planes, every life organism with its especial work to do. Those in charge of the most important organs the most developed, and as they must continue de- velopment are detached and disassociated, after trans- mitting to their descendents, the necessary characteristics, when they, seemingly, reproduce themselves. They advance from form to form, under law, gradually developing, until ready, to be formed in the brain and body of the real spirit child of God, made in the Image and Likeness of our Father. Then the body is endowed with soul and becomes con- scious for the first time as child of God. The brain con- nected with the Divine Mind receives a continual- influx of 15 the soul giftsi The brain and body, vehicle of expression for a child of God, is a very important part of him. It is not a suit of clothes nor garment to be changed when so ever desired, but a vehicle of expression, to enable him to form individual mind and make him an individual. Unless he had a permanent body, one immune to change and destruction, he could not become individual, as individual mind can only be developed through an individual brain, hence brain must be developed ere it can become a good instrument, (fitted to be in harmony) through the lower forms. When put in charge of a brain and body, or rather when connected with the Divine Mind, he, for the first time, becomes person. Without brain and body he would still be a part of the Oversoul, and not con- scious as a being. Hence as the brain and body give him personality, and he forms individual mind, it is impossible, under law for him to have consciousness and being in any other body outside his own, with the exception of thjose spirits who- are ordained to continue the development of their bodies, on the mortal plane, in the most perfect manner con- ceived, ever in existence, on the mortal plane of conscious- ness, by not abandoning the real and true body, which gives them individuality and personality, but by having formed, to evolve with them, a material, (another form of the spiritual) brain and body, within the real and the true. This brain and body ever changing its life organisms which ever advance and become detached and disassociated to relive in other material torms until advanced sufficiently to be formed in a real brain and body. When you stop to consider this, it, in reality means that there are countless life organisms, ever changing in the real life, occupying certain spaces in the real and true body, a skeleton body, deemed the astral by many, from which the spirit is easily detached by his Celestial guides or tutors, when he undergoes that which is cognized as sleep and death. The skeleton spirit, (material) is not the real and true, but is detached and disassicated after the spirit abandons it. This may be termed or likened unto a garment, for, in truth, it is assumed and cast off as easily, 16 but is not permitted to wander through space as is presumed by many theosophists, "a devitilized shell" made of man's cast off evils. The life organisms composing it, on the upward march, are formed in a moqe developed body. Life evolves from the lowest to the highest in the spirit, never a backward step, all progress. And as each little life organism advances, the consciousness, the intelligence in- crease in corresponding scale, until, when ready to assume control in the brain of the real body, they are highly devel- oped, and, in the aggregate, form a conscious reasoning vehicle for the soul child to express through it the soul gifts. The material brain, ever changing and formed of selected, inherited ones to transmit the characteristics, to give each child the essential experiences, often combine when not developed, and prevent the spirit from expressing him- self correctly, as well as do not transmit to him correctly the messages, impressions received from the. body or through the sense organs. The brain and sense organs of the material are specially adapted to each child's needs, therefore all vary more or less. None think, see, hear, etc., similarly, hence the consciousness of all regarding the material plane is not the same. The consciousness of a life organism first evolved not the same as one on a higher plane, and so on until the con- sciousness of those forming the material brain of the body of the child of God is as distinct, although not so great, as those in the real brain of the real body, and all subordinate to, though a part of the consciousness of a child of God. 17 MIND AND BRAIN. Brain is the instrument for the thinker. Mind is that formed, under spiritual processes, by the spirit or thinker, from his experiences of material and spiritual life. Through brain and senses he receives from the material and spiritual life impressions, the spiritual impressions recorded instantly upon the real spirit brain, the material transmitted from the material to the real brain. Through these impressions he forms individual mind. As the thinker is the. invisible, governing presence in the material body, it is deemed by many, that he, himself, builds his body and forms his brain ere brought forth, and that he also creates brain after birth. The truth is his brain and body are prepared for him ere he is connected with the Divine Mind, and is put in control of them, his material brain formed to suit his individual case, to give him the necessary experiences. The soul child of God, although pure and holy, is not perfect and must obtain perfection through his own free will and individual efforts in the real life. If or- dained for the mortal plane, his instruments are provided for him to continue the development of his real spirit brain and body as it is essential to have it in perfect harmony before he can advance. Were the thinker of each body the builder of his body and brain, did he possess wisdom to form the most marvelous mechanism in existence, as his brain and body evolved from the primordial cell is, he must have had, when he commenced to build in the cell, the wisdom, or he must have been im- pressed with the wisdom, or gradually developed the intelli- gence to express the wisdom, for only wisdom of the great- est could evolve such a stupendous marvel as the human body. If he had to evolve wisdom and did not possess it, how could he have obtained the wisdom, the mind, to form 18 that which the greatest material mind can not, make even a life form of the lowest type? The wisdom, mind, was there originally, plan, design, forethought of the greatest. If, then, the thinker to express himself on this plane possessed the wisdom to form all these forms of life, what was the object? Not to acquire wisdom, for the greatest material mind cannot perform one of the smallest marvels. Not to develop mentally, for he must be a mental prodigy, not to advance morally, for such wisdom must be moral. The highest expression in a mortal body can never attain to the wisdom which he evinced when he first began to express himslf in the primordial cell with its wondrous potentialities. Why should such power and wisdom confine, itself within the countless forms of lower life, suffer and endure with them until formed into body of man? Why limit himself to such inferior expressions of that wisdom and mind he already possessed? A great spirit, adept, an Angel, a master, as is cognized by some, or even one. on a low plane, who possessed wisdom, would not doom himself -to such lowly, abject ex- pressions except for some great purpose, surely not to develop that which needs no development. If, as is conceded by many, all wisdom, soul gifts, etc., are of the spirit, how limited the wisdom which would doom itself to repeated lives of suffering to acquire that which it surely could acquire in a life which is the source of all that is expressed on the mortal plane. If the spirit were evil, as deemed by some, and must through numberless lives purify himself, and each time build his own physical body, it is reasonable to presume that if he has the wisdom to build his body, to recognize his limitations, that he could purify himself with less suffering in the spirit spheres. And if, a great teacher, an adept or a master, why the necessity for such exalted spirits to undergo the torture of the mortal plane by building a body and be- ing brought forth with it when all they have to do is to im- press the material brain and body upon this plane, as has been proven repeatedly, in numberless cases, where spirits have been obsessed for varying periods on the mortal plane. 19 Those who are developed know not even the greatest material wisdom can build a human body, evolved from the primordial cells through lower forms. They know the impossibility of the wisdom displayed by the. thinkers of the highest material forms, of ever performing that which they cannot on this plane, that of which they are. not con- scious, and solely imagine because they know not the truth. Did they know the truth, they would know the wisdom, the mind, which brings forth all material worlds and forms of life, is the mind that builds the bodies of the thinkers, and, that, although the thinker is connected with this Mind, his is not the wisdom that brings forth world, planets, suns oil builds his own body, or else he would not be ordained to acquire that which he does not possess on this plane, the power to form a life body of the lowest, much less his own body, which it hath taken millions of years to develop from the lowest to the highest on earth, a mortal body for a child of God, just beginning to advance, not a mortal body for a great spirit, an Arch-angel, not a mortal body for God to express himself through, and to acquire unnecessary wis- dom. And, if, as presumed by many who still cling to obsolete beliefs, it were Mind, Principle, Wisdom, Intelli- gence, evolving on this plane, where is the mind who brings forth the cell, the seed with its marvelous possibilities? And if, as thought by some "the Spirit," the Divine. Mind reflects and expresses through all, can they reasonably explain why Divine Mind, all potent, is reflected in the cbuntless millions who never express a trace of the Divine Mind or the mil- lions who, for many centuries, had brains little higher than anthropoid apes and the millions, today, who are on little higher planes, impossible to cognize hardly anything? While it is true that brains can be developed, and regen- erated through spirit processes, unknown to mortal, by the thinker, who is connected with the Divine Mind, until his brain is developed sufficiently to be connected, or in truth, in harmony with the real spirit brain, which is the one connected with the Divine Mind, he depends upon his material brain 20 and material mind and rarely receives a true spiritual im- pression. For this is his discipline. This the purpose of mortal life, he, shut off from the, real life, only conscious on the mortal plane, must himself develop, under material con- ditions over which he has no control, his material brain and senses, to given him the necessary experiences, to finish the development of his real brain and body, in one mortal life. He must develop certain qualities. If he be born fool, idiot, moral pervert, etc., who cannot have brain reformed or regen- erated (how can an idiot, a fool, the insane exercise will and effort?) he remains at a standstill or retrogrades, but receives, under law, all experiences necessary for him. How limited the wisdom of the Mortal plane to judge the wisdom of Omni- potence by their own, and to ascribe to that wisdom the folly of identifying Himself, in a personal sense, with the trillions of mortals who evince not wisdom, but intelligence of the lowest. Whether one cognizes a Personal God, Principle or Na- ture, one must, unless deficient, recognize as do the great- est material scientists that the Power ruling, governing the universes visible to them is Infinite Wisdom. Infinite Wisdom must be accompanied by Infinite Love. Infinite Wisdom and Love cannot express perfectly through the imperfect instruments of sinning, suffering humanity. The Divine Mind is Perfect, God's children, those who are evolv- ing, cannot be perfect and although the child of God is pure and holy, in the real life he is far from perfect, while his instru- ment, his mortal reflection is undergoing that which is essen- tial. Although material science hath located certain "mind areas"and,although will is recognized as that which makes the difference, between man and animal, the truth is the majority of men have very imperfectly developed "mind areas" and that the connection between these areas and the real spirit brain, wherein is located the consciousness of the spirit, and which records all impressions of the constantly changing material brain, will never be located by it. It will know, in time, that will is of the spirit, the thinker, and that the will of the thinker is the will of the child of God, and as various causes known to it put the brain out of order, there are many not known to it which prevent the spirit from expressing his will, that often the spirit, with a poor material brain, con- scious of its weakness, exerts greater will power and in- dividual efforts, although fruitlessly, than many with strong, better developed ones. Many a drugged one with poisons from its own body made by diseases inherited, is powerless either to develop or regenerate brain. Therefore when this will be proven in all cases, as it now is in many, it will be understood why all cannot exercise will and effort. But the spirit who has a brain capable of being developed as well as the spirit who has a brain which will heed impressions, can develop and regenerate brain and thus receive correctly the soul gifts, and the power to build up, elevate and construct. But, as he has this power so does the material brain, when left without a guide, so incorrectly transmit his impressions as to prove a very unreliable, instrument. In the human brain as in the body, although all life organisms reproduce themselves and transmit their own plane of development, through various physical and mental causes they are often put out of harmony and sometime replaced by those on a lower plane. Thus it can be seen that material brain is formed in the first place, by those in charge of the material plane, that it is developed and regenerated under material conditions of environment, education, training, association, etc., and that mortal mind is formed from the impressions and experiences of material life, therefore as all impressions and experiences vary more or less, according to the difference of brain forma- tion and the. difference in material conditions, brain and minds vary in all more or less. 22 THE POWER OF THE THINKER. For every thought there must be a thinker, hence I term not this article the power of thought but the power of the thinker. While much is preached and written about the power of constructive and destructive thought, while all realize the great difference between the two, few know that they do not come from the same source, or rather, they are unaware that the constructive, the good, the elevating come from the spirit, the thinker, who has a good material brain to transmit correctly, the destructive, the evil, not because the thinker, the spirit is out of harmony, but because his mate- rial instruments are. Hence when his instrument, his mate- rial brain and body, are in good working order he expresses more correctly. When the brain is harmonious, all its denizens subservient to the thinker, yield him obedience, and he is enabled to demonstrate the truths of the spirit life, which are ever constructive and elevating. When brain, due to extra- neous influences over which he has no control, (all conditions save those he influences through his material instrument are beyond his individual influence) is out of order, he cannot express truth correctly. His messages are commingled with the countless impressions of the brain, impressions not based upon truth, hence unreliable, unworthy and destructive. Hence one with a diseased brain, malformed, drugged by opiates 01 alcohol, hypnotized, etc., does not express himself correctly, and is, more or less, according to conditions, power- less. The insane, the born criminal, the moral per- vert, the degenerate, the drugged, the drunken, the hypnotized are entirely irresponsible for all acts resulting from condi- tions outside of the control of the spirit or thinker. This is known to material science, but the truth not yet known nor 23 proven by it is that material brain is often unreliable, and controlled by hostile influences, when the thinker or person is presumed to be perfectly normal, and the truth that all material brains are under influences both from the spiritual and material worlds, never to be proven by it. Hence, the spirit or thinker is more or less subject to these influences and while he possesses the power to upbuild, elevate and construct, this power is under the laws of both worlds, hence, his free will is ever subject to these laws. When the time is ripe, (regardless in what class or upon what plane of advance- ment,) when the thinker has been able to prepare and develop his brain, he exhibits the power of constructive thought. Whenever one, therefore, is developed enough to realize the truth that he or she can control material brain and he or she religiously, earnestly strives to keep brain in a harmonious condition, -by, under the law of suggestion, suggesting all that is pure, holy and elevating, one can, unquestionably, demon- strate, more or less, correctly the truths of the real life which are elevating and constructive. WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. Wisdom is a soul gift. Although all children are con- nected with the Divine Mind and receive the soul gifts, all receive in varying degree. All spiritual brains are not sim- ilarly receptive, the part of the spiritual brain, which is con- nected with the Divine Mind from which the soul gifts come, varies in the different bodies, and according to its receptivity or harmony receives from the Divine Mind. It is presumed by many on the mortal plane that one is connected with the individual Mind of our Father, and that He receives, answers, and personally attends to the trillions of complaints and prayers with which He is daily beseiged. This is an erroneous impression and impossible. Although the soul gifts come from and are. of God alone, there are vast stores of energy or the one great force from which all come, or rather are transformed, under law, into that which are called the soul gifts, but are, in truth, the one transcend- ent force of God, that presumed to be Principle by mortal mind. This power which emanates from God is all Good, and is expressed in love, wisdom, harmony, righteousness, etc. All good and all different expressions of the one great Force. Emerson aptly cognized it as the Oversoul, from which all the different souls do not come as presumed, but the Oversoul with which all the different brains of the countless children, when ready, are connected and receive conscious- ness as children of God on the spirit plane. The conscious- ness which each one feels, therefore, as it mingles with the consciousness of the countless little organisms composing the brain varies and partakes of the consciousness based upon the experiences of these little life organisms which lived in various other lower forms, hence according to their de- velopment, their receptivity, are the soul gifts expressed. When first conscious as a child of God, the spirit then be- gins to develop individual mind, that which makes the dif- ference between all, from the experiences gleaned in spirit life, and from the knowledge taught by those on higher planes and acquired independently. Therefore all receive wisdom from the Divine Mind according to the development of their spiritual brains, and all express it according to the development of their individual brain and mind. Hence, as one increases in knowledge and develops brain and mind, one expresses more perfectly wisdom. While it is true on earth wisdom flows from babes and the undeveloped, unaccompan- ied by knowledge of the mortal plane, in the real life wisdom is the source of all knowledge and the greater the knowledge the more perfect the expression of wisdom. While wisdom is an expression of the great force, which is the source of love and all the soul gifts, and while it is closely related to all, yet it possesses powers peculiarly its own entirely unlike those of the others. Wisdom is omniscient, forsees the future, knows the past, cognizes with certitude that which, is to be, knows without doubt that which has been, knows the origin of all forces, the whys and wherefores of every- thing. The greater the expression, the closer to the Father. Wisdom is ever accompanied by love, the greatest of the soul gifts. The. truly wise are ever loving, knowledge is that which appertains to the experiences of life, the information acquired by and through the outward expressions. The works, the achievements which would be impossible without wisdom are the products of wisdom, and yet distinct, in the sense, that one may acquire much knowledge from the works, the achievements of others, and yet not receive much wisdom individually. While in the real life all are loving, one upon the mortal plane can acquire much material knowl- edge, be an epitome of all the false knowledge of earth, and yet neither express love nor wisdom. Hence, often those considered the erudite, neither express the love nor wisdom of the real life, wh:ie the undeveloped, in material knowledge, more spiritually unfolded, more in harmony with the real 26 brain, give glimpses of wisdom, and a few, as much as is needed, or as much as can be received. The lowly fishermen, in harmony with the spirit spheres, although possessing no material knowledge and development were better instruments for the truths of the real life, (though not as good as the more developed today), than those who, on higher material planes, were filled with the false material knowledge 'of the. day, much of it now relegated to the mythical lore from whence it originated. There is a great distinction between spiritual and material knowledge. All knowledge of the material is the incorrectly received, (through poor instruments, therefore unreliable) (of the spirit spheres, imperfectly expressed in all their works and achievements. As they develop their brains, their minds, they become more perfect instruments, hence those nations which possess the greatest number of good instruments for the knowledge of the spirit spheres, whether good instru- ments for the soul gifts or not, are the most advanced in the material apprehension of the knowledge of the spirit spheres. Their material instruments are better instruments for the knowledge, but not for the wisdom. Herein lies the same difference, in a different sense, as that which exist- ed between the lowly fishermen and the materially developed when the Lord Jesus Christ was brought forth. While there are many among all nations spiritually unfolded, there are a preponderance of those who, according to the fitness of their instruments, cognize or receive spiritual knowledge. Ger- many has a greater number of good instruments for the knowledge of the spirit spheres, while France and England have as great, if not a greater, number of the spiritually un- folded, but the majority of those in control lack true wisdom, or rather express that which is essential, under law, at this stage of development. THE LOWEST AND THE HIGHEST, The lowest, in primordial cells which divide and sub- divide, reformed under the law of regeneration through countless different forms and species until man, (with mortal expression on earth,) in the real life, is developed, is as much a part of God, of the whole, as is the form of the high- est Arch-angel, composed of an aggregation of the most highly developed. Hence the lowest will become the high- est under immutable law. When you fix this truth in mind, you will realize not only the brotherhood of man, no matter what their color or stage of development, but the indissoluble tie linking you with the lowest. The lowest, in the first forms of life today are thine, as well as the lowest brethren of all races, whose material brains and bodies are formed of life organisms still expressing the lowest characteristics of their animal progenitors. Many preach of retrogression on earth, not knowing the truth that there is no real retrogression, that that which seems so is due to those nations and individuals who have for purpose of development selected life organisms to trans- mit the undeveloped characteristics more recently evolved from the animal. This may be hard for the material brain to grasp but as they know all life originates not on the mor- tal plane, they must realize that all that directs, governs and guides life is of the spirit. As all is, in reality, spirit, all are on the upward march. Those who teach of circles, or retrogression are not yet correctly impressed. The low- est are of God, the highest are of Him, the lowest will be- come, in course of time and evolution, the highest, but the highest can never fall nor retrograde. From the imperfect to the perfect, incompletion to completion is true, and, evi- denced everywhere in nature which is but a manifestation, on this plane, of the real and 'true, the eternal background, 28 the invisible reality of the spirit. It is also taught and claimed by those who still express the knowledge of antedeluvian eras, that there is no such thing as perfection, that one must continually advance. While there is, in truth, no such thing as perfection in all material and spiritual world, where perfection abides in the Person of God there are many of His children who express perfection, who express the soul gifts as perfectly as He. So close are they to Him that, on the mortal plane, they are presumed to be absorbed in Him when they attain perfection. Whereas, in truth, every child of God ever retains his own personality and individuality. The soul gifts of love, com- passion, truth, etc., are but faintly impressed on mortal planes. In all spirit spheres there is no such thing as that cognized as evil. Evily, the result of the conditions neces- sary for the mortal plane, is unknown and understood to be but necessary for that plane. The life of the mortal is the life of the spirit undergoing certain experiences only possi- ble in the material worlds, as material worlds are, conjointly with the spiritual, formed to develop life from the lowest up to a child of God. The life, hence, of this world is the. life of our spirit world. Every life organism has a real spirit organism ; when it leaves a lower form it is born anew in a higher in both worlds simultaneously,until formed in the body of animal which is transformed into a 'body made in the image of God and endowed with soul in the real life. The material body is but an instrument for this plane to continue development. The reformation, or regeneration of the life organisms in the different forms, is responsible for the be- lief in reincarnation. The reincarnation or in truth, reform- ation, under the law of regeneration, of all forms up to man is a truth. But when animal is endowed with soul, becomes conscious as child of God, the child of God is in charge of his real body, therefore from the lowest up to the high- est, in the body of a child of God, who continually advances until he becomes the highest expression of all, an Arch-angel- THE DIVINE MIND AND PRINCIPLES. That which is cognized as The Spirit, The. One Life, The Divine Mind, Principles, the Cosmic Soul, etc., is, in reality God Omnipotent, Who is the Highest Expression of the Divine Mind and Principles in existence. Before one can get a correct conception of the Divine Mind and Principles, one must first recognize God is not a Creator of any thing that exists, that all has ever existed either as principles and life forces. The Life Principle which build form under law has ever existed. One must also cognize what is meant by Divine Mind, soul gifts or principles, in what manner the principles emanate from God, and how put in operation as Divine laws. The soul gifts, or principles are life, love, truth, power, wisdom, righteousness, etc. The spiritual qualities are in- dustry, application, concentration, determination or resolu- tion, courage, loyalty, patience, forbearance, etc. God is not only the Highest Expression, but the Source of all these. Every spirit, on either mortal or spiritual plane, expresses these principles according to his development. The higher the expression, the more potent the magnetic vibrations which emanate from him, the more potent his influence for good, the more perfect instrument is he for putting these principles into law. Man, small, insignificant man, not the most majestic bodies in existence, is the highest media or expression of principles, not a planet, not a universe. That which is formed by the Divine Mind and Principle cannot be the source of that which it forms. If the numberless universes brought forth that of which they are formed, how could soul principles and soul gifts be put into operation un- less there were a Divine Mind to direct and control, and whence originate the principles which are made into laws? 30 When one considers that man is the highest expression known on mortal plane, developing from the lowest to the highest, neither in a straight line nor a circle, one equally as incorrect as the other, one must realize that there must be in the spirit life, as here, different and higher expressions of Divine Mind developed sufficiently to understand space and time as well as Mind. Mortal mind will never be de- veloped enough to receive or transmit these truths, as they cannot be understood until one attains to the plane of Arch- angel, or, at least to very high spiritual development. But mortal mind can cognize that, as on this plane, in every country, there are those who occupy the highest places of authority, the Divine Rights, of those, fitted 'to reign, misin- terpreted on the mortal plane, as the Divine Rights of Kings, so there is in the real life one God Omnipotent. But as spirits have poor instruments to express Divine Rights, on the mortal plane, they express as best they can. As potentates, rulers of -all kinds are the highest express- ion of power, if not of right, on earth, so God in all the spirit- ual spheres, reigns not only with power and right, but is also the Source and the Fountain-head. From God radiate the principles of love, etc., so potently on trillions of vibrations, permeating all space, that in all the spirit spheres naught but these are expressed. Therefore, although He is not Creator of the life forces, which emanate from Him as all that is created comes from Him, in a sense, He is Creator. In this way, from the life forces which emanate from Him, Super- vised by His Arch-angels, is formed that which is called sub- stance, out of which all worlds and bodies are formed. To the mortal, on undeveloped planes, that a Being, regardless how great could form planets, suns and bodies, etc., out of principles vague and intangible, this appears incredible, unless explained in language which he can grasp. He must first think of what man, on this plane, has accomplished, out of that form of true spiritual substance cognized as a matter. He must cognize that man is now outside the realm of mat- ter, dealing with that cognized as inponderable forces. He 31 cannot grasp steam, yet recognizes its power. He cannot see electricity, yet is familiar with its results. He cannot un- derstand radium, nor that matter disappears from the visible to the invisible. But he cognizes, that, although it disap- pears into that which is called electrons, it still exists. He also knows that material science is striving to produce life and that they already have produced some very low forms, sea-urchins, etc., just in the infancy of integration and dis- integration of matter. It would bewilder him were he told that science will yet succeed in producing beings, with a cer- tain degree of intelligence, the intelligence of the little life organisms in the aggregate. If mind, then, on mortal plane, has accomplished what it has out of the life impregnated substance, it does not require great development to cognize that man, when more develop- ed, will perform greater works and that his highest express- ion in the ispirit life, as he brings forth beings, here, form worlds, suns, and the bodies of all forms of life, and God's children. If, as some religions claim, a Divine Ruler is needed for every planet, the House of The Ruler, is it not reasonable to presume, that, as a planet is only a unit in the great whole, one of countless others, there must be countless Rulers, and they subject to one Omnipotent Power, as the various Prin- cipalities of Germany are subject to the Kaiser, and the United States of America to the President, with this great difference, Omnipotent God is not only Omnipotent Power expressed in perfect love, righteousness, etc., but, difficult as this is to grasp, the source from which all His children receive life, soul, and body. Therefore in truth, "in spirit we live, move and have our being." Life, all life forces vibrate from God, when these, under law, are put in harmony with organisms, they begin to build substance as required and directed by the Arch-angels. All spiritual and material worlds evolve conjointly, the spiritual formed of substance immune to change and destruc- tion, the. material capable of being transformed from the visible into the invisible, never destroyed, but disintegrated 32 and disassociated, all material bodies the same. As the brain and body of a child of God is a very important part of him, it must be developed, so as to be in harmony, before the ego or spirit becomes conscious as a child of God and receives that which is cognized as soul, when connected with the Divine Mind of the Father. When one knows of what the brain and body is composed, one realizes that the little life organisms, composing it, must be trained in all the qualities which will make it possible for a child to express the soul gifts. Were not these essential qualities developed, the spirit could not express the soul gifts. Were the brain and body lazy, torpid, sluggish, incompetent, undeveloped, he could not express the soul gifts, therefore, the brain and body must develop in the only way in which they can be de- veloped, under the severe conditions of the mortal plane of consciousness. One can understand how essential it is to have the spiritual qualities developed. What could the greatest love, power, strength, wisdom, accomplish without industry, application, concentration, etc? Every one of these qualities are as essential as the soul gifts, for the soul gifts cannot be expressed without them. Hence, if man on the mortal plane needs the spiritual qualities to express himself in work, how much more needed where the works are so stu- pendous. . THE DOCTRINE OF LOVE. It is customary with many to ridicule universal love because not yet developed along spiritual lines, they are either powerless or reluctant to admit the truth, that all are children of God or whatsoever Power they believe in, irrespective of race, creed, or color. The greatest expression of love is not expressed in idle words, meaningless phrases, but in acts of sym- pathy, kindness, consideration, charity, clemency, whether expressed by those of any race, no matter whether highly developed or not. The Lord Jesus Christ, taught "I bring ye one new commandment that ye love one another," knowing that this command- ment alone was sufficient for all time, as it is the most potent law throughout all worlds, the supreme law of God, all Love. Many, on undeveloped planes in mortal worlds, deem the passion of the animal, in truth, its antithesis, love. Animal passion is confined to mortal worlds for purpose of procreation, and, although the spirit is brought forth similarly, in a sense, in the real life, he is not the off-spring of the material, the child of passion, but the soul child of God, put in charge of a brain and body formed of highly developed life organ- isms, brought forth, under the care of Celestial Angels, inheriting the brains and bodies from parents, the soul from God. Therefore, every spirit inherits a soul connected with the Divine Mind of God, All Love, and a brain and body expressing according to its development, this love in varying degrees, in both worlds. Every spirit in the. real life, strives to ex- press this law more than any other, knowing the in- dissoluble tie which links all. Every spirit, due to 34 all the brain, excepting that wherein is located con- sciousness, being shut off, can only express according to the development of the material brain and senses. The material brain, under law, is first formed to suit each individual case. Those inheriting certain organ- isms, the born fool, the moral pervert do not advance, although there are many, under favorable conditions who develop, reform and create brain. Material brain and mind are as distinct as are the two bodies. The mind, formed in the material world, is not the real spiritual mind, although, all that is real is retain- ed. Only the good is real, therefore all not formed correctly or truly is modified in the true light, as when one comes into the truth on earth, one changes all former views and beliefs. The spirit, on earth is not born conscious of his Divine origin. Many never are conscious of aught of the truth. Many never can express a soul gift, can never know love, and have con- tempt for those who express it. But they are all God's children and express the soul gifts in the real life. When a spirit, under law, through spiritual and material impressions, develops his material brain through individual will and effort, he then can express the truths of the real life more correctly, and, as love is the greater power in existence, he expresses it in all relations of mortal life. He is tender, kind, sym- pathetic, considerate of all, but he cannot feel in accord and unison with even his own unless they are on sim- ilar planes of development. It is impossible for one who expresses, purity, goodness and righteousness to be in accord with those who express the opposite, and although, they love the real spirit, they cannot the false, mortal expression. One who loves one who is a criminal loves not the evil acts, but the soul, the spirit. Hence, all who love this class, whether connected by ties of consanguinity 35 or not, ever love the real spirit, not the mortal express- ion. In this sense, Mrs. Eddy is correct. The false, mortal concept is not the real man or spirit, but the false mortal concept, while it lasts, is as real a vehicle of expression as is the real spirit brain and body. The Lord Jesus Christ was a false mortal con- cept, but He was different in the sense that His brain and body were composed of highly developed life organisms, and that He was impressed solely by God. No mortal body ever lived in the spirit life, but all life ever lives in bodies there, whilst impressing bodies formed of other life organisms here. Every life (spirit organism) in material world has two bodies, the mortal and the spiritual. Every life organism, not ordained to develop on the mortal plane has but one, the real and true spirit one. Every life organism in the real life is under the law of love, on the mortal plane, under law, impressed with the instinct of self preservation. All life organisms to be formed in the brain and body of a child of God receive development in the two worlds. Not a life organism, whether material sci- ence knows it or not, but what receives spiritual development. When a spirit has a material brain and body amenable to love, he expresses more per- fectly the love of the real life. Although his mate- rial brain constantly changes, it is generally, although not always, formed of life organisms which continually advance. But, although the spirit has dominion over all in his material brain and body, he, under material conditions over which he has no control, is subject to Divine law. When a spirit develops his material brain under the law of the material, heeds material impressions, and not the spiritual, he will not learn until he violates law repeatedly. Herein the animal diseases and propensities do their allotted work. One who in- herits the animal characteristics, often cannot conquer them until through various methods of purification, he wills to put his spiritual impressions into effect. Any- one who, regardless how highly developed in material knowledge, interprets the spiritual materially does not advance spiritually, until he conquers the material and recognizes the truth, that all material knowledge is founded upon the erroneous concepts or beliefs of undeveloped conditions. He who expresses in acts, no matter how lowly his station, whether materially wise or not, love, righteousness, charity sympathy, etc., is more highly unfolded spiritually, than he who, despite all the false knowledge of antedeluvian eras, fails to express these highest of all soul gifts. He who possesses both material knowledge and spiritual wisdom, recognizing that only the good is real, that only the good can endure, gives the material its true place, ever and always subordinate to the spiritual. Universal love, the brotherhood of man, felt by many on a high plane, is the imperfect expression of the love, not alone sympathy, tenderness, but the love all entertain for each other in the real life, where the planes of development are founded upon, primarily, the expression of love. On the mortal plane, love is often unaccompanied by wisdom, in the real life they are ever united. The highest material plane is ever lower than the lowest spiritual plane, but, as on earth, there are various planes of development. One with aspirations to acquire knowledge of the arts, works and achievements of others, as the majority do on earth, is not on as high a plane as one who expresses the love and wisdom of the soul, in works, arts and achievements of his own. Hence there are many just liberated who are more eager to acquire the knowledge of the spirit spheres than to express, until they develop their instruments, the wisdom and love, while there are others who ex- press the love, and unconsciously express wisdom, whilst acquiring knowledge, in works, arts and achieve- ments of their own. He then who loveth all, from the lowest to the highest, like unto his Father, who maketh no distinctions, is, whether on mortal or spirit- ual plane, more truly wise, even though as ignorant of worldly knowledge as were the "lowly Fishermen," than those who think that wisdom consists of merely acquiring as much as possible of the work, arts and achievements of others, and of making of their minds an "olla podrida" of that which was not as clearly expressed as today in the works, arts and achievements of those with better instruments. While it is true that there have been, here and there, amongst all races, at certain stages of development, very good instruments for the knowledge of the spirit world, as brain is gradually advancing with the majority, the highest plane of brain development today is higher than ever before, and consequently there is a more correct ex- pression in the sciences, arts, etc., than ever before, even though it may not appear so to those who are ruled by precedent and whose judgment is influenced by the opinions of others. No one correctly informed doubts the advancement of science. No one doubts that philosophic thought is on a higher, a more uni- versal plane. The highest, not kept for a few, as in days of old, but spread broadcast for all. No one doubts that the various religions are unfolding and that there are more correct interpretations of that which is the base, the foundation stone of all religion, the love of an Infinite Power, the spirit's longing and love expressed as perfectly as he can, according to the brain development of his race and epoch. As science has advanced and rejects Aristotle's con- ception of the universe, so philosophy has, and rejects his conception of "The Unmoved Mover," and as brain has evolved on these lines, so brains spiritually un- folded are better instruments to give the truth than in Buddha's time and more unfolded today to appre- hend, than when the Lord Jesus came, the Doctrine of Love. The Doctrine of Love, although given to a very few was intended for all when pre- pared to receive it, for all, not for one race, not for one religion, not for one especial church organization nor society, but for all. The Lord Jesus Christ found- ed neither church, organization nor society, knowing that they invaribly limit and hinder real development. Does any organization or society which shuts out one of God's children for not being able to believe as it demands, practice that which the Lord Jesus exempli- fied all His life, love and freedom for all, under law. That which limits development, restricts freedom of thought is not the highest, and although suited to the planes of those who can grasp no higher, it is not for those who can. Therefore, this now being im- pressed, the most correct interpretation of the Doc- trine of Love ever given, binds and limits no one. This true Christ religion, destined to be the religion of the future, will build its church in the souls of all who come into the true realization, not in church, organization or society. The truth will be felt by every one who is impressed with the true light, the Gospel of the Doctrine of Love. The truth does not claim to heal you morally, mentally, physically, it does not promise to lead you to spiritual heights by a mate- rail road, but it shows each and all that the power lies within every child of God, (ordained to advance on this plane, you may be one of them, regardless how ill in body, or how undeveloped the brain,) to your- self develop, through striving to conquer animal char- acteristics, the spiritual, and when you do you can not only keep yourself as well as any healer, but can get the correct impressions to develop in all ways, the power to express the knowledge of the spirit spheres, and, above all, you will gain the correct conception 39 of God, your true place in the real life, and the knowledge, not faith alone, that you are not a misera- ble sinner, but a child of God, and that your develop- ment on both planes depends mainly, upon your free will and individual efforts, that "Heaven helps all who help themselves," more than those who depend upon others to think for them, others to heal them, others to work for them. Hence, when this true con- ception of Christ's Doctrine of Love is realized, it will manifest itself in giving the self respect which a child of God cannot help but feel, a self reliance and self poise, which, whether it tends to benefit materially or not, will give the "peace that passeth understand- ing," and the strength to bear all sorrows with equ- animity, the realization that true wealth is of the spirit, entirely distinct from the material, and, though, here ye be "an hungered, naked and thirsty," the con- sciousness of your real wealth, the wealth that endures forever, will make you submit with a good grace to either adversity or prosperity, if it be for thy best development, under the law of Omnipotent Wisdom and Love. 40 \ LIFE EVERLASTING. Daily this term is used, on the mortal plane, without the least idea of its real meaning. Life ever- lasting does not mean, as presumed by many, that life begins and continues throughout eternity, or that it begins and ends on earth, but it means that the life forces, which develop the substance, which form the countless life bodies from the primordial cells up, has existed forever. The life everlasting which emanates solely from God, with and through Him has ever lasted and ever will last. Life cannot die. But, although, life has ever existed, life organisms and bodies are being brought forth and developed, in countless worlds, perpetually. The life, the soul, in every child of God has existed forever, the life organ- isms, and the substance of their bodies, created by His life force have been formed, developed from the low- est to the highest to become fit, ready for the soul child of God. A soul child! Do you realize your stupend- ous potentialities? Have ye any conception of the 41 glories which await every one of ye from the lowest to the highest? Ever bear this in mind, the low- est, in time will develop into the highest, and is as much a part of God as is the highest. Hence, when prone to judge and condemn, remember they are of God and a part of yourself, and it is not righteous to judge God or the wisdom of Omnipotence. For what do ye when ye seek to judge the author of your being and all that is manifest to ye of mortal creation, when ye continually beseech Him to change that which must be? And ever remember when ye judge, ye judge with the finite mind and brain of the mor- tal, not at all with the true judgment of the spirit. The time has come when many are sufficiently advanc- ed to judge correctly, hence these truths are given. The Kingdom of God, of love is within ye, a part of ye. When ye are ready for the light or just so much as ye are prepared to receive, every one is prepared to show ye the way, and, although, this one may be judged by ye, according to your limitations, judged the faults of the mortal, not the truth of the spirit, ye cannot change that which is ordained by Divine law. Ye must know that only one on earth was impressed solely by God, and that all mortals are subject to the animal plane, therefore must through individual ef- fort, and free will overcome and endure much ere they are prepared to become instruments for the higher truths, and, even though highly developed, are, under law, over which they have no control, liable for a moment to err in judgment, but only for a moment, as they are good instruments and retrieve themselves speedily. Hence, it must be known that the great- est teachers, prior to Buddha and since, have all had occasional lapses, when, for a time, the material con- quered, but ever come forth stronger after every lapse. The most highly developed are those whose works and acts art superior to the idle words of the undeveloped. What avail though your words be high and lofty if your acts be mean and low? Hence, all should be judged, not by words but by acts, and as true religion consists of not offering up vain repi- titions as do the heathen and the pharisee, but of good, righteous acts of love and clemency, he or she, who, even, though privately, does the most good, judges most charitably, is more truly living the real life of the spirit than the one, who like the pharisee, is hpyocritical, whilst wearing the aspect of a saint and who judges unrighteously those whom they can- not understand. Righteous judgment of wrong is different from unrighteous judgment of right. Hence, those suf- ficiently advanced judge with righteous judgment that which they see is not right and seek to correct, even though they meet with the unrighteous judgment of those who are not yet fitted to judge correctly. If one sees a brother or sister doing that which one knows will end in sorrow, it is not right to smile sweetly and ignore it, but right to use all means possible to make them see the truth. With the majority, (not the fool, the weakling, the degenerate, the mentally afflict- er,) love and kindness ever prevail. When one fails with these, one must resort to that which alone will keep in check the animal propensities. It is neither judicious nor loving to let loose a wild best of the jungle, and, oft, these mortals, through no fault of theirs, victims of heredity, under law, are but little higher. There is provided, on the mortal plane, all that is necessary to meet all conditions, and, although it seems to some they could better conditions, they must realize, when the time is ripe, all are impressed solely from the spirit spheres to do that which is essen- tial, and, that, regardless how great their material knowledge, not one of them can ever act, put that knowledge into operation until impressed by the spirit to do it. Oh, ye blind, know ye not, that, until ye are prepared, ye can do nothing? That ye must first develop thyselves, ere ye can become fit instruments to better conditions that all thy knowledge, all thy learn- ing, all thy achievements and works are due to how correctly, ye the spirits, can transmit, through thy imperfect instruments, the truths of the real life? From whence receive ye thy vaunted wisdom, from whence comes thy intuitions, thy impressions, the marvels of the subjective, the subconscious mind? If ye be but mechanical machines, who guides, who keeps your machine active, filled with life? Not thy brain, the thinker cannot be located there, although there are certain "mind areas" used by the thinker who himself develops and creates brain after first 44 formed for him, not by the nervous system nor any part of the material body, then whence comes the governing force, the ruling personality or power? If it has body here to connect it with the earth, must not it have body to connect it with spirit life, the real and the true? If there are countless millions who are connected with the material world, for a transitory period, must there not be countless millions connected with the spirit life which is eternal? Many on this plane deem that only here have they different indivi- dual bodies, and, that "The Spirit," soul of God Omni- potent, manifests through these bodies, and others that through many reincarnations, they gradually purge themselves of all the material. Many others, that, after educating and developing brain, they are a product of that which they have educated and develop- ed, many others that within a moment the material body is abandoned and the soul transformed into a spirit body. These various beliefs are incorrect im- pressions of the truth. The Power or Principle which evolves from the imperfect the perfect on the mortal plane, must possess the wisdom to do it, and if all must receive development upon the mortal plane, to acquire not wisdom, but certain experiences, how can they develop unless they are impressed with the wisdom to do it, therefore why return repeatedly to an animal plane when they can obtain wisdom from the Fountain-head and Source in the real spirit life? It can be seen that the mortal life is not for the pur- pose of acquiring wisdom, not for the purpose of advancing mentally or morally, but for the purpose of developing certain qualities. The Soul of God, the Body of God is, pure, holy and perfect. The souls of God^s children are pure, holy and perfect, the bodies of God's children are not and must be de- veloped to become fit instruments to express the soul gifts more perfectly. All love, all wisdom, all power all strength, is the heritage of all God's children, but with free will and individual efforts, after the brains and bodies are put in their charge they must continue to develop their minds. All who receive bodies de- veloped sufficiently to continue development independ- ently, more or less, in the spirit world, pass away prior to being brought forth, connected with the Divine Mind and given soul. All who do not, in the most perfect way, develop when not hampered by law, through free will and individual effort on the mortal plane, in one, as is presumed, "incarnation," in reality, in one attachment to a mortal body. Many cannot realize that all that comes from the Infinite is ever pure and holy, that in all spirit spheres there is nothing but righteousness, and that the appar- ent evil and undeveloped conditions of the mortal plane are not for the purpose of purifying that which comes from God, the soul, but to develop from low to high a brain and body for His children. All life forms are on different planes of progression. All, notwithstanding how regarded on the mortal plane, advancing, the life form of a child of God the high- est, evolved from the lowest, in the real life express- ing only the soul gifts according to the plane of de- velopment. The mortal plane, not illusory, but the undeveloped conditions necessary for that plane, only sensed upon that plane through the material brain and senses. Without material brain and senses one could not think nor be connected with material life. All spirits, not ordained for it, and detached by death, know nothing about it, excepting when they enter the material consciousness, as spirits, (mortals) on earth know nothing about the spirit life unless they enter the spiritual consciousness. Therefore in a certain sense, the mortal life is but a state of consciousness, although material substance is as real as the spiritual while it lasts. When it is understood that the spirit in the real life is the spirit manifesting through a mate- rial body, one must realize that there is always a spirit body, the real and true, with every mortal body, whether seen by mortals or not, a "spiritual and a natural body," which is produced by the life ever lasting of God, not that the spirit body has lived as a conscious child of God forever, but that, after attain- ing to the consciousness of a child of God, he con- tinues to exist forever. The spirit ordained for the earth, to develop his real brain and body, is attached to a material body, whether finite mind of the mate- rial can grasp this or not, and ever with it until it abandons it by that which is cognized as death. Some claim to have seen their spirits or their astral bodies. But as they are ever and always in the one true spirit body, and are by no means possessors of the power to destroy that which is formed to en- dure forever, after it attains to its full growth, with but slight changes, this is impossible. Although many have seen their material bodies after leaving them by sleep or death, since they are ever in the real, true body. If one, in a material body, could see his real body, then he, the spirit, the ego would be in the material, a part of it and not in the real body. Who hath ever located him in the material body? The child of God can only be conscious in one place at a time, and is ever in the real and true body when mag- netized into consciousness on the material plane, and seemingly to some, the astral. The real body, the permanent abiding place of the individual spirit is not some eternal spirit, reincar- nating countless times on earth, but the spirit brought forth on the mortal plane, (whether he passes away prior to birth, still-born, or ordained to continue 47 development on earth), with the same parents, friends, etc., in the real life, all children of God. Those who see spirits who have passed on thousands of years ago impressing mortal bodies, are mistaken in supposing that they are reincarnated, or brought forth as babes on earth, they are really impressing a body whose spirit is absent, while they are in possession for vary- ing periods, but, almost, invariably they turn the body over to the spirit born with it ere death to the mortal body. Mind does not evolve. The Supreme Prin- ciple, Divine Mind is Perfect, God is the Perfect Expression of the Divine Mind. All His children are connected with it, and express according to their plane of advancement in the real life, and according to the development of their brain and senses in both worlds. Mind is not evolving even on earth, but brains are evolving to express mind. That which is called mortal mind, is ever more or less unreliable, as it is formed from the personal experiences of the in- dividual spirit on mortal planes. Thus it can be seen that all minds vary and are formed, under law, according to education, environment, training, associa- tion, etc. Mortal mind, a part of spiritual mind, advances with the true spiritual, therefore modifies or changes that which it has formed through the unre- liable testimony of the material brain and senses. The higher the expression of the soul gifts, the more developed the mind. To recapitulate, although life seemingly begins to the individual on this plane, life and soul that ever existed, but not the vehicles of expression, the bodies, which are brought forth on the two planes in the two worlds conjointly," a spiritual and a natural body," out of the life forces and endowed with soul. Christian Science cognizes correctly a Perfect God and perfect man or spirit. But spirit or idea, although pure and holy, must attain perfection through 4S his own individual efforts. He is not born perfect even in the real life, but advances from the lowest to the highest spiritual plane, ever expressing more and more perfectly the soul gifts. The mortal life, to bring forth and develop conjointly with the spiritual, the brains and bodies of all, to develop the essential qualities, without which it would be impossible to advance, equally as essential as the spirit, in truth, but ft form of spirit life, and phase of spirit consciousness, hence, any religion which, or any teacher who claims that the material is not also of God Omnipotent and as important in bringing forth and developing life as the spirit, are not entirely correctly impressed. God is Omnipotent, the Divine Mind, Principle, not the devil, not the powers of darkness, not even mor- tal mind. While the animal characteristics, the pre- dispositions, the diseases and the propensities are in a certain sense, more or less illusory, a state of con- sciousness, our mortal world and mortal bodies are not "false human concepts," but the substance of which they are composed, is as immune to destruction when disassociated, although not to change, as the real and true world and bodies, who are immune to change and destruction. Therefore, while all pertaining to the undeveloped conditions of mortal life is, in truth, a state of consciousness, ordained for development, neither mortal mind nor the spirits who impress thA mortal bodies, who form mortal mind create the illu- sions. If so they would be more potent than God to evolve evil out of good, an impossibility. How could an Omnipotent, All Wise, All-Good, Power permit His children or "ideas" to create the terrible trials of the mortal plane, even in dreams, if not absolutely neces- sary? And how could a holy, pure spirit cognize the horrors of this plane, from whence evolve them? The material plane and material life has ever existed and will ever exist, absolutely necessary to develop 49 all life from the lowest to the stage when fit to be in harmony with soul. All has ever existed. All life forces, all soul gifts, but bodies of His children are ever being formed, and developed as well as worlds formed for them out of His life forces and the true spiritual substance which is ever life impregnated. Every child must have recorded on his brain all essen- tial experiences of lower forms of life, prior to con- nection with the Divine Mind. Thence, he, with individual effort and free will continues his develop- ment, and, as he advances, more and more perfectly expresses the soul gifts. Could this be done without suffering, it would be done. Suffering is absolutely essential for many but not all on the mortal plane. All that can be done to ameliorate, to lighten their bur- dens is done. Teachers were provided for every plane of development, in all races, until the race which brought forth the Lord Jesus Christ was developed sufficiently to bring forth a Being to be in tune with the Infinite, with God. Not to interfere with that which must be or it would not be, not to save from hell and damnation, but to give all the truth that brain could apprehend, to clarify, as much as possi- ble, the mental horizon, as well as to instill spiritual truths, ever and always leading to the heights, not above, but within each and all of God's children, The Kingdom of God is within ye, the Kingdom of Good- ness within all, the lowest and the highest. "And if any man hear my words and believe not, I judge him not, for I am come not to judge the world but to save the world. For I have not spoke of myself but of my Father who sent me, He gave me a commandant what I should say, and what I should speak, and I know that His commandant is Life Ever- lasting whatsoever I speak. Therefore even as the father said unto me so I speak." The life everlasting promised by the Lord Jesus 50 Christ, the sole physical manifestation of our Father, never can be aught but life everlasting, the life ever- lasting of Him who impressed "Before Abraham was I am." Then spake God directly to His children, attached Himself to the Lord. But when the Lord said, "Thee" or "My Father" He merely received impressions from Him on vibrations, similar to the vibrations of wireless telegraphy and telephonery not yet fully understood on the mortal plane. 51 HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF. Although there are many who claim to heal oth- ers and themselves without the aid of material agen- cies, there is not one who does not depend upon the material, and not one permanent cure performed with- / out the continued use of the material or that which is called material on the mortal plane of consciousness, for, in truth, matter is but a form of the true spiritual substance and the mortal plane a phase of spiritual consciousness. When it is known that the maintain- ence of life, in a mortal body under God depends upon, not the spirit child of God impressing, animat- ing it, but its countless life (spirit organisms) which, under law, are kept in equilibrium and activity, it will be realized that solely when they abandon the body is it really dead, inert matter. Therefore death to the mortal body means not the abandoning of it by its own individual spirit, (mortal bodies have been kept alive and impressed by other spirits for varying per- iods), but the detaching and disassociating of the life organisms composing it. The air, the water, inorganic and organic food are composed of the life forces and organisms which maintain life in all material forms. After the primordial cells divide and subdivide, seemingly, from similar cells, they develop and form body, which is but an aggregation of them and the substance manu- factured by them. After body is formed, it depends for its sustenance, upon the organisms in the air, (three-fourths of the food of the mortal child is air), inorganic and organic food in water, etc. The body needs a certain amount of the necessary elements com- posing it, which vary in all forms of life in degree 52 and quantity. It needs a certain amount of iron, sodium, potash, sulphur, lime, besides oxygen, nitro- gen, carbon, etc., and various other elements. The sole way in which these can be produced is through the organisms, taken by the mother whilst the child is being formed. After the child is brought forth it is absolutely imperative for the child to have that which is essential to develop brain and body or the life organisms leave or are detached by that which is cognized as death, as they need the life organism of the air, water, organic and inorganic food to build the tissues or substance of the body. If, therefore, to form the child, ere brought forth, and after mate- rial agencies are necessary, they are equally as im- portant throughout the maintainance of life in the material body. Therefore it can be seen that the life forces and organisms actually form that supposed to be the material substance. How they do it is a ques- tion not yet solved by material science, although the advanced scientist knows that each infinitesimally small organism knows exactly what it has to do. The question with him is whether it is directed from with- out, or impressed from within. The truth is every life organism is, not only directed from without in the real life, impressed from the outside under law, but seemingly impressed within themselves on the mortal plane. Thus, they form the body ere brought forth, ere the brain is connected with the Divine Mind, and acquires personality, and, ere the child either develops brain or forms mind. If, therefore they form the brain and body ere the child, the individual spirit, does, (perfectly independent of him), do they still, after the child obtains more or less control of his brain and body, continue to develop it independently of the child, or do they develop it under the control of the child? When one considers, that without the life forces and organisms no child could have a body, and, that these, upon the mortal plane, are dependent upon oth- ers to maintain nutrition or nourish them, it can be seen that the individual spirit must rely upon them whilst he is in charge of the material body to keep life in the body. Should he deprive himself of air, food, water, no organism would stay, little by little all would abandon the body and it would become dead matter. Therefore, air, food, water is absolutely essential. If the proper kind, (that which must give the requisite amount of the elements, essential for the life organ- isms to renew and repair the waste) is not given, the life organisms instead of building and renewing, breed poisons and gases. The life builder, the friendly life organism becomes, in a sense, a destroyer, while the disease germs, always more or less prevalent, obtain control and the body becomes diseased, or all life organisms leave it and it ceases to exist. Hence, to maintain health in the body, these little workers must be kept in harmony. The spirit child of God, impressing the body, is ever harmonious, but his instruments, his brain and body are more dependent on that supposed to be the material, than upon the spiritual . If a body requires a certain compound or element, iron, sulphur, etc., which it does not obtain from the air, food and wa- ter, the most positive mental attitude, the greatest faith can only supply the deficiency by developing the material out of the material agencies provided. The Lord Jesus Christ and a very limited number have been and are capable of transforming the disease germ into a healthy one, a builder instead of a destroyer. But even when so, harmony can only be maintained under material law. Many rely upon the power within to heal themselves, not realizing what the power is nor how done. Animals, under law, are impressed, with that deemed instinct, to select the right 51 food and water, the life organisms of their bodies, under law also, attend to the renewing and repairing. Man is often impressed likewise. Those who are impressed correctly, better instruments for the spirit, are impressed like the animals, only in a greater de- gree, how to live properly, and how to maintain harmony not only in the body, but in the brain. There- fore those who rely upon both the material and the spiritual, who learn that which puts their bodies out of harmony, that which suits each one individually, the air, the exercise, the food, the water, and, even, if necessary the tonic, the medicine, keep themselves well and harmonious. Those who do not heed their own impressions, and who will not rely upon the the impressions of others, must learn their lessons through disease, sorrow, and suffering. That which is good in one case is injurious in another. A strong robust man can do, with impunity, that under which a weak would succumb. A healthful woman that which would kill a delicate one. A man, used to the open, take food which would pros- trate one of sedentary habits. When one fails to provide for the material prop- erly while living a spiritual life, it is impossible to restore harmony until the material is attended to, hence, many healers are powerless to relieve, much less cure, and many, despite repeated affirmations, and pure elevating thought fail to make it constructive, did they combine the two they would meet with greater success. The Lord Jesus Christ changed water into wine, and multiplied the loaves and fishes for mate- rial needs. Had the material not needed them, He would have relied solely upon the spiritual. When it is known that all life maintainance, in substance, depends not only upon the life principle, but sub- stance of various elements and compounds, it will be cognized that various substances are compounded dif- 55 ferently. The substance formed by the life principle and organisms for the spirit bodies is entirely distinct from the substance formed by them on mortal plane. Under directivity they know how to combine and group themselves to form the substance required. Water transformed into wine was performed by the Lord, (to whom all life organisms were subservient,) impressing the life organisms in the water to group themselves differently and to develop that which caused it to ferment, as the life organisms do in all liquors and wines. With the same power He im- pressed others to form into loaves and fishes, as sci- ence will yet do in a different manner. Were food, air and water not necessary, there would be none provided. It is millions of years since man was first evolved, and he still consumes as much as when first brought forth, although many holy adepts and others have fasted for many days, and fast is, often, attended with beneficial results, when the spirit is detached from the body and it is entranced, (with suspended animation,) it is often attended with danger when the spirit is not detached and the body not entranced 4 When the body is entranced, all its little life organisms are magnetized into insensibility and vitilized on the spirit side. When a body is ill or out of harmony from various reasons, either mental or physical, if one has a brain in harmony, (the body oft is inharmon- ious independent of the brain and vice versa,) one can dominate with the will of the spirit, by means of pure, healthful, elevating thought the inharmonious life organisms and restore harmony. Many cures have been and are performed by spirit realizing his power and expressing it in this way. Every child of God is connected with the Divine Mind of his Father, every child has the power, when rightly understood, of controlling all life organisms. But the Divine Mind acts not contrary to Divine Law, hence, the body must be attended to materially on a material plane. When the brain is out of harmony, one can treat it oneself under the law of suggestion in this way, "I am a child of God, I, in the real life, express His love, power, health, righteousness, I, spirit am well, strong, happy, righteous, I command with love all life organisms in my material body to express the love, the strength, righteousness of the real life, I am love, health, righteousness, etc." It should be real- ized that the pure, holy child of God who is connected with the Divine Mind does not need the treatments, but his material brain and body do. When he ex- presses, through his material brain, (which must be in a harmonious condition) , harmony, he then restores harmony in the body. All systems of healing are adapted for the various planes of development. Materia Medica is the most popular and efficacious for the majority. To deny the truth that some of its most self abnegating, greatest minds are doing more to save life, under Divine law, upbuild mentally, morally, physically, besides, through sanitation suppressing epidemics than all the mental breaches combined, is folly in the light of actual facts, God. who gives them the light to heal through material agencies, also gives the genuine healer of other systems the same light to heal in an apparently spiritual manner many cases abandoned by them ax hopeless. Both heal, under Divine law through dif- ferent means and methods, when so ordained, if not both fail, as countless operations which fail to keep life prove regardless how successful, as well as the countless sufferers who succumb under the mental branches. The mistakes of the mental result from relying solely upon that which they deem the spiritual, not recognizing that the material is also a form of spirit- ual substance which is, under laws adapted to it, en- 57 tirely distinct from the substance of the real life, that the mortal brain and body is not the spirit brain and body, hence can neither be ignored nor treated as the real brain and body. Therefore, healers have little to do with the actual healing, merely, like physician and surgeon, are instruments under law, to, when so ordained, either heal or, seemingly, prolong life. And often, the undeveloped healer, as well as the inexperi- enced physician and surgeon, are instrumental in keeping many suffering, possibly not needlessly, but indefinitely, who could be cured by the advanced physician or surgeon or the developed healer much more speedily. Thus when one finds one is not bene- fitted by one system after a fair trial, one should not prolong suffering, if not awakened to the truth, but! seek another, recognizing that one, as much as the other is of God. It is just as loving to be told the truth to make preparation for the final awakening, as to go, relying upon the healer, who sees but life while the dews of death are gathering fast. I, myself, whilst my husband was passing, relying until the last, upon the sole hope given me by Christian Science and Truth healers, saw the futility of useless affirmations opposed to truth, that, whilst, indeed all affirmations are true regarding the spirit who is pure, holy, right- eous, well, strong, etc., they are not true regarding his mortal expression or body. After much suffering I am impressed to give that which will save others un- necessary suffering. It is not necessary to shut one's eyes to truth to heal in the name of truth. True heal- ing is done by looking truth squarely in the face, and relying upon the Divine Mind of our Father to fulfill Divine law which is ever immutable. To have per- fect faith in Infinite love, and wisdom, to know that we cannot change that which is to be if we are ordain- ed to go, if not to rely upon all the means which He provides for us, not to deny ourselves aught that will 58 relieve us, whether food, medicine or opiate, (if we be not good instruments, through the inharmony and discord of our bodily organisms) for the soul gifts to bless and comfort,) as is demanded by the mental branches who will not permit a simple remedy or tonic, consisting of that which is necessary, impossible to be taken in sufficient quantities in air, food and water, and just as essential as to have teeth attended to and extracted as all practitioners do. If one recog- nizes tobacco, liquor, coffee as injurious, one should recognize other material poisons also as injurious, and if food, raiment, domiciles and money are beneficial to the material body, there must be other things equally as beneficial, therefore one should not deny anything that is beneficial. Those who do not know that a reliable tonic or medicine possesses the neces- sary elements their material body often lacks, which cannot be manufactured in their bodies, and which they know not how to take through air, food or wa- ter, or which they cannot manufacture through phy- sical culture without the necessary air, food or water, should endeavor to cultivate brain to enable them to cognize these trtuhs. When they do they will real- ize, as they cannot develop spiritually by limiting themselves to one religion or one philosophy, by bind- ing themselves to one church, society or organization, unless they seek within their own souls for light, so they cannot heal themselves very often by relying sole- ly upon one system, whether it be Materia Medica, Christian Science, physical culture, New Thought, etc. He who limits not himself, who realizes that all have their uses, all are of God, will try all until he finds that which advances him mentally, morally, physically and spiritually. The soul gifts of love, life, truth, compassion, righteousness are not material. They are merely ex- pressed by the spirit through his instruments. Build up your material with all material means. Make it a good instrument for the spiritual, but do not claim that a strong, robust body is the effect, the express- ion of the soul gifts. It is not. It is more often an expression of sound, common sense, by spirits who are incapable of expressing soul gifts, although the highest expression of the soul gifts is accompanied by the highest expression of the physical health. Many of the internal states of consciousness of the life organisms of our bodies we know nothing about. The most important organs, the kidneys, the heart, the liver have no direct nerves connected with the brain, and are often diseased beyond cure, when the spirit, through the brain, receives his first intimation. He knows or feels nothing until he receives the message. If he never receives the message he feels neither pain nor discomfort. Hence, it can be seen while he feels and suffers through the life organisms of his brain and body, the pain and suffering is purely sympathetic and suggestive. Therefore, in truth, all pain, all dis- comfort, all disease is suggested to the spirit ere he feels it. Hence, under the law of suggestion, denials of the false messages and affirmations of the truth, are presumed to heal the brain and body. Whilst, under the law of suggestion the brain which sends to the body all impressions can be and is treated, it is folly to think that the spirit connected with the Divine Mind, who only feels through sympathy, should be regarded as an unrighteous, impure cause of that of which he is not even conscious until he receives the message. Material science knows and has proven this. When the brain is drugged, when various nerve centers are made insensible and incapable of transmitting the messages, the spirit feels nothing, and similarity, often the brain and body is drugged with poisons manufactured by the discordant life organ- isms and becomes diseased, entirely beyond the help of 60 healer, physician or surgeon, and the spirit is detached or dies before he even receives the message. Thus, if disease, or repeated shocks to the nervous system, through either physical or mental means cause conditions, impossible to be healed, of which the spirit knows nothing, he feels no necessity for any help until too late. Then, only those who receive warnings from the different nerve centers, not those with these insidious diseases, the most fatal of all, are cured by the various systems. The sudden stroke of apoplexy, paralysis, heart failure, the coma of B right's disease, etc., are often the first and last signs of disease. The spirit or patient, apparently well, is in a more dangerous condition, than those who arc continually receiving messages from organs and nerves out of harmony and constantly seeking the help of all systems, physical culture, etc. It must be known that both physical and mental diseases are transmissable, that while, it is claimed, that only a predisposition is transmitted and only predispositions are transmitted in many cases, the fact is that numberless children are born in the last stages of disease, early victims to the laws of heredity. But the adult who inherits more or less disease in his brain or body, if his brain is suf- ficiently developed to enable it to receive and put in execution his mandates, can, by living in harmony with natural law, and spiritual law, control all with- in his body, and make them manufacture the neces- sary antidotes to offset the poisons, and replace with good healthful tissues the diseased. This is done re- peatedly by the spirit who realizes the condition of his mortal instruments, and often performed by those who do not, who live in harmony with natural law. Thus he who not only affirms, but expresses the soul gifts, he who recognizes that the material needs the material, supplies it through air, food and water with that which it needs or lacks, and if he cannot get 61 it in them, seeks a tonic, if he cannot manufacture it in the body. Few have the power to dominate the life organisms sufficiently to make them provide anti- dotes, or manufacture something out of nothing, hence the wise depend not solely upon the expression of the soul gifts, the spiritual, but make use of that which is provided for them on the mortal plane. The child who inherits or contracts disease, unable to treat him- self, few are, despite the many remarkable cures her- alded upon all sides without foundation, must be super- vised by those who understand that all that puts him out of harmony, either physical or mental, should be vigorously abstained from, that violent mental emotion is as destructive as soothing, transquilizing is con- structive, that all that tends to give or excite nervous shocks are injurious in the extreme, that peace, har- mony and rest with simple diet and moderate exercise are more beneficial in curing not only nervous affec- tions but all than excessive exercise and an ex- treme quantity of food which can neither be digested nor assimilated, that, in fact the right kind of care, whilst not prolonging life ordained to go, can ease the sufferings and render it, instead of a burden a pleas- ure to even them, that pain, purely suggestive, sym- pathetic can be prevented from being transmitted to the spirit, that the soul gifts of love and compassion expressed by parent or by guardian instead of harsh words and anger, no matter how great the provocation, will do more to heal brain or body and mind, and that prayer and perfect faith will ease the greatest burden and restore harmony even to the demented. Hence, know the power rests with you all. Go to thy Father, ask for wisdom, and demonstrate it in good, common sense on the mortal plane, if so, then neither healer, physician nor surgeon will be necessary, you your- selves will find the truth, the light and way. THE FUTILITY OF AFFIRMATIONS WHEN ONE VIOLATES NATURAL LAW. The belief taught, and encouraged by some men- tal branches that affirmation systematically practiced, independent of material law, will heal the material brain and body is not founded upon a correct con- ception of truth. No material brain or body can be healed without the aid of material agencies. While the spirit is often impressed to heal or restore harmony through the aid of healers, or from impressions from the spirit spheres, harmony can only be recovered and retained by caring for the material brain and body materially, directed spiritually. While it is true that poisons have their antidotes developed often, by the very life organisms which produce them, and, that, under spirit, the antidotes have been often manufac- tured to counter effect the poisons, the fact is the mate- rial antidote is manufactured to cure the material poison which causes the diseases often without the spirit having any knowledge of how it is done, just as many pass away with a first stroke of apoplexy, and heart failure, who have no intimation that they are at all poisoned with disease until they are detached by death. When the spirit receives from the nerve centers messages that the material body is out of order, he, by the power of his connection with the Divine Mind, himself dominates the life organisms, and if he is not ordained to go, compels them to manufacture the antidote. But this is very rarely done and only by those who live in harmony with spiritual law, even though ignorantly they deny the material, as do some of the mental branches. They therefore, whilst denying the material, rely upon it to effect the cure, 63 as well as to render it permanent. It must be real- ized, that, while the life organisms of the material body are really spirit organisms, the material sub- stance they produce is purely material, and although a form of spiritual substance, is entirely distinct from the true spirit bodies, inasmuch as matter is subject to change, although not destruction, and the spirit im- mune to both change and destruction. Repeated affirmations help to restore and to keep harmony, but when body or brain is saturated with poisons, pro- duced through violating law, unsanitary conditions, etc., the average material body can be cured more speedily by material remedies, from the outside, than by the life organisms within, which manufacture anti- dotes. Many, despite the aid of healers, often retard their cure by depending upon that which cannot be effected unless all conditions are favorable. When one con- siders that perfect harmony in all parts of the brain is essential to restore harmony to all parts of the body, and that one discordant thought, caused often by the greatest unselfishness, whilst one is expressing the greatest soul gift, love, worry for instance over the trials of others, will prevent a cure, it can be seen why it takes so long to effect one, and why so many are never cured. When also it is known that health and disease, are under, not solely material law, but subject to spiritual, that when Materia Medica and all men- tal branches were unknown, that nature in all mate- rial forms, then, as today, repaired and destroyed, that those ordained to go went not a moment sooner, through not knowing anything about themselves, than those today who are the exponents of various systems, that in truth, primitive men, were, under Divine law, subjected to conditions suited to their advancement, as are the more advanced today. The different systems evolved to (as spirit became U better instruments), minister to the material needs of the material bodies, which, as they advance, require different systems, hence, there are gradually developed that which is essential to benefit all planes of advance- ment among the different races. Although the real vitalizing, the true healing is done spiritually, it is ever done with material agen- cies. Not the well, pure, holy, child of God or his spirit body, not the real spirit, the real man must be healed, but the material brain and body, his instru- ment, and solely with the material can it be. This should not surprise a system such as Christian Science, which claims truly that the material and the spiritual can never coalesce. Material and spiritual life are the same, material and spiritual substance are en- tirely distinct. Hence, to keep that which is cog- nized as health in the material substance, the life (spirit organisms) of the material must develop from the material that which will cure as well as manufacture from the material substance of all life organisms that which builds up the material substances of all forms. A form is an aggregation or combination of countless life organisms which manufacture the substance, under law, of which it is composed, out of others organisms taken in from the air, the water, the food ,etc. Un- der law, they develop the form or body, under direct- ivity they keep it in equilibrium and vivified. Life is not manufactured through material agencies, but organic substance, that which gives it a vehicle of expression is. Hence while life can never die, the material substance, deprived of life to animate it, be- comes dead matter, when it is deprived of that which is essential for it to repair the waste of the ever disinte- grating material substance. The only way to repair the waste is through material agencies, hence, ever, in all forms, nature is building and repairing with new material, whilst the useless is being discarded. 65 When the anatomy of the brain and body is un- derstood, it will be recognized by all, as do the minor- ity today, that to attain a high degree of efficiency, one must take as good care of the material brain and body, with material agencies, as they possibly can. But while the majority, in an ignorant manner depend upon the material, still as they know not how to live in harmony with natural law they continually violate it. One does not have to be either religious or spirit- ual to keep a material brain and body harmonious, while one is by no means evil and malignant because one violates natural law through ignorance or be- cause one gets out of harmony through various, un- selfish reasons. Many who develop their brains to become receptive to the knowledge of the spirit spheres, often neglect that part of brain which unfolds the spiritual, and, although they live in harmony with natural law and are materially wise, they seldom express a soul gift. Love is the greatest soul gift, hence, one who expresses this law, often, through ignorance, fails to live in harmony with natural law, and entails disease upon himself, and yet is a better instrument for the spiritual than one who lives in perfect harmony with natural law and who never expresses a soul gift. Therefore it can be seen that the material must be de- pended on to cure the material, and that the higher truths, the soul gifts are entirely distinct and not at all connected with the material, are merely expressed through the material brain and senses. Hence, while a Christian Scientist or any follower of the mental branches can maintain health, and cure the material with the material, spiritually directed, they sometimes do not express the soul gifts as perfectly as one who does not live in harmony with natural law and neglects the material through purely spiritual, unselfish reasons. Thus many a sweet sufferer like Elizabeth Barret Browning, sufferers through ignorance, out of har- mony with natural law, while sufficiently in tune with the Infinite to live a life more spiritually unfolded than many who keep brains and bodies well through purely material methods. Many a one has sacrificed life in epidemics, (whilst expressing the soul gifts and affirming all truth and life and good theirs), by falling a victim to the scourge. Many a one to save life has sacrificed his own whilst vainly offering up affirmations. One who is debilitated or ill through lack of some essential element in the brain and body, can affirm until the day of judgment, and unless he takes that which is essential in air, water, food or tonic, will collapse whilst affirming health and deny- ing disease as many have done, despite the best efforts of various mental branches. One who combines the two, who recognizes a material body must be provided for materially to be a good instrument for the spirit, can, when the deficiency is supplied, through the spirit whose power develops the antidote, (very seldom done), or the material maintain a certain standard of health, with occasional lapses when out of harmony through various means until he is ready to become detached, when all the systems combined will fail to keep him, as is shown in the countless who succumb. When one sees that all are ordained to go, that all pass on despite all the best efforts of all the best systems, when one thinks of the countless thousands that no system can heal and who remain sufferers throughout life, the victims of many diseases, unable to go until their time comes, no matter how seriously afflicted, it appears that one must be rather undevelop- ed to claim that any one system, purely material or purely spiritual, can do that which really needs the two to effect the cure, and when one realizes that even the two combined fail when the time is ripe for detachment, one should acknowledge, as did Mrs. 67 Eddy, that Mind governs all, as she never so keenly realized, as when, do all she could, she could not ban- ish belief in animal magnetism, and found herself, despite all affirmations of health and denials of disease, powerless before the Divine laws of the Divine Mind, with which, although connected, she was, as are all mortals, a poor expression of the real true spirits animating them. It is true there are some who are sufficiently spiritually unfolded to compass almost the seemingly impossible. Many are healed and heal themselves of incurable diseases through faith and prayer. With perfect faith, (few have it), ye can remove mountains, with sincere prayer ye can become so in tune with the Infinite, as to lift the veil between the two planes, and see, with the true sight, the invisible hosts who await to welcome you. With daily affirma- tion of all good, with a positive mental attitude to] swerve not, to remain steadfast, with perfect faith in\ All Good, even though not cognized as God, if so be it ye are spiritually unfolded, with sensible attention to the material, ye can indeed dominate the material and govern it wisely, banish disease, upbuild morally, and humbly learn to say, "Father, Thy will, not mine be done. Thine the will of righteousness and love, mine the same." Ever bearing in mind the health of the material body is but a condition, not a soul gift, and not dependent upon the soul gifts to either give or maintain, although often necessary for the expression of some of the soul gifts. There is a great difference between health of the body and health and development of the brain. Many a poor maniac has a strong, robust body. Many a develop- ed brain a weak one, but both brain and body can be developed and strengthened through systematic treat- ments and through attention to both the material and the spiritual. THE FOLLY OF DENIALS OF THE TRUTH, Many, not knowing the mechanism of the mate- rial brain and body, after centuries of research and study have given to the world scientific facts, (the literature of these epochs filled with their misconcep- tions) which have been proven, through the micro- scope and other modern instruments not at all correct, and, as these instruments have proven these miscon- ceptions unreliable, in time there will be more perfect ones which will prove many of the latest conceptions just the same. Although the material brain and body, is, to spirit, on the mortal plane, material, and is under material law, all pertaining to the material universe is, under the law, not only of the spiritual universes, but suD- ject to Divine laws, which, in reality, form the laws of the two universes, the spiritual and the material. Worlds just coming into existence need different laws from those farther advanced, and, as there are laws for every stage of physical formation, there are laws, also, for every plane of mental advancement. The material world is cognized by every form of life ac- cording to the development of that which connects it with the material, and as there is difference, between the planes of advancement of animals and difference between the animals on the same plane of advance- ment, there are still many amongst the human family on very low planes, therefore, all do not cognize the material world similarly. There are many who hav- ing eyes to see, see not the glory and beauty of the sky, tint and color of the flower, the many objects of beauty which appeal to the more cultivated brain. There are many who have no conception of music, etc. When it is known that that which produces the different im- pressions, through the sense organs, on the brain, is produced under spiritual processes, it will also be known why brain and senses vary, that all are under law and advance or retrograde under directivity. Hence, as brain is developed that which one plane of advancement is prepared to cognize or apprehend, a lower cannot, despite the claim of some that the brain of an ape, (those on the lowest planes of the undevel- oped races of Africa are but little bigger,) can com- prehend or be developed, even, though subjected to the same environment, education, etc., as the child of one on the lowest planes of a higher race. And, as there are differences in brain formation amongst the races, there are different planes of brain development amongst them, but, with this difference, amongst the higher races, that, as there is, and always has been, more or less, intermarriage between all the planes, and more or less advancement and retrogression amongst various families, there is, here and there, through heredity, on the very lowest planes, those, who are capable of not only developing, but regen- erating brain, so as to become very good instruments for the thinkers animating them. Therefore, some times from the very lowest walks of life springs a being, entirely out of harmony with his family, an alien amongst his own class. The difference, not due to haphazard chance or a whimsical fate, but (to those who first formed his brain, and, who, under law, direct and supervise material conditions which (while he himself develops his brain by free will and indivi- dual effort, are instrumental in developing him. Humanity will soon begin to recognize the truth that while brains are developed to apprehend the truths of the spirit life more and more clearly), men- tal and moral advancement, on the mortal plane is not the great desideratum, or all would continually advance and no race, nation or individual retrograde. Can anyone, familiar with facts deny, that, 70 although, there has been slow, steady progression amongst the majority of races, as there ever will be, that races, nations and individuals have attained to a certain height, and have either retrograded or been wiped out of existence? This truth must be known. NO race has ever attained to the development of the Aryan, and, although some of its branches have retro- graded, its leading ones, (despite the present war, which is for purpose of purification and readjust- ment,) are on more unfolded spiritual planes, have greater brain development than any race has ever had, at any stage of development. Hence, that which was apprehended and promulgated as truth by many, in previous eras, amongst the various races, even though some produced many highly developed, is not accepted by those, today, who prove their cognitions and conceptions incorrect. Will any one deny that the earth is not stationary as presumed by Aristotle, one of the greatest intellects of his epoch, if not the greatest? Will anyone deny India retrograded under Buddhism? Not due, to as claimed by some, but despite Buddha's teachings. Although there were a few who seemingly apprehended as there are today, his lofty character, his noble aspirations, alone were, beyond doubt, that which made them seemingly grasp that, were they developed today, they could not under- stand. A very few prepared to understand the Lord, were on a more unfolded spiritual plane than those of Buddha's time, and, though many centuries of bloodshed and carnage have elapsed since, and many revolutions, through that called the religion of Christ, the many who lacked the spiritual unfoldment, the brain development to understand the Lord, who called themselves Christians, did not realize that they had not the slightest conception of His true character, and His real mission of peace, love and harmony, just as to- day waving aloft His banner many beseech His inter- 71 cession and aid to help them in perpetuating the brute characteristics which He came to teach them, if essen- tial for their discipline, to overcome. How unspirit- ual must be the brain which attributes to the Lord Jesus Christ the animal characteristics of those who misunderstood Him then and today. Hence, it can be seen religious truth and scientific truth is appre- hended solely according to the development and receptivity of the individual material brain and senses. But, because one fails to apprehend truth, one should not deny to others that which one fails to grasp, and because one fails to grasp it does not prove that be- cause another can, that he is mistaken, it but proves that the one, on a higher plane grasps that which he cannot. The highest conception proves superiority, as the highest character is, undoubtedly, that which expresses the highest qualities. Would one prefer Nero, the monster, to Buddha the eminent spirit, who, although he lived a lofty, self-abnegating life, still did not attain to the plane of the Lord Jesus Christ, who never lived a material life, who had neither wife nor child, who made no distinctions, who taught the pub- lican, the sinner, who forgave Mary Magdalene, the thief on the cross, who taught of a Home where all was Love and life everlasting, not of extinction, who in- stilled faith, hope, charity, courage, love, etc? True Christianity, the Christ spirit is not confined to one religion nor one race. It is found whereso- ever there be those who are developed enough to be good instruments for truth. Is it true we are only material? No, we are spirits. Is it true that God or the Supreme Power is Omnipotent? Yes, God is Omnipotent. Is it true we live on this plane forever, this our only life? 72 No, it is not? Is it true the material body is transformed into a spiritual one, or the soul? No, it is not true. Is it true we are cursed, born in sin? No, it is not true. Is it true we are punished and go to hell and damnation? No, it is not true. Is it true life ceases to exist and we are wiped out of existence? No, life always lives. Is it true we are reincarnated again and again? No, it is not true. Is it true we are great spirits born in or impress- ing material bodies? No, it is true we are God's children, impressing for a time mortal bodies, ordained in time to become great spirits through individual will and effort. Is it true children, not baptized, are consigned to Purgatory? It is not true, no such place as Purgatory. Is it true that salvation is dependent upon faith in Christ? No, or our loving Father would be a monster incredible to consign the millions who never heard of Christ prior to His coming, the millions today who have never heard of Him, and the millions who through poor brains can never grasp or apprehend Him to hell. All no less the children of Him than\ those who claim the only way to life everlasting is through Him, Is it true that the mortal body is unreal, that mate- rial substance is not real? No, material substance is real while it is combined and grouped as substance, it is still real when it is resolved into electrons under another form. 73 Is it true that the mortal plane of consciousness is illusory? No, the mortal plane is as real as is the spiritual while the spirit is conscious on it. Solely that which is not cognized by the spirit but suggested to him is illusory? The pain, suffering and animal character- istics of the material body. Only the good is true and real. Is it true that we can have more than one self? No, there is but one real self, the spirit ever in the real spirit body, after being born in it, amongst the same dear ones brought forth on earth, but those who have material bodies have brains which, under law, sometimes for various reasons become more or less poisoned by the life organisms of their bodies which prevent the spirit from controlling the brain, and it, makes him in a sense act almost like another personality but when it is in harmony, in accord, the consciousness of all its life organisms are merged into the conscious- ness of the spirit and there is unison. Then there is per- mitted sometimes other spirits to take charge of certain bodies while their own spirits are being educated, in the real life, and, as they have to use the material brain and senses, and are individual spirits, and different in many respects, they impress as perfectly as they can, that which they know themselves. Is it true that there is evil in the spirit spheres, and that evil spirits, demons are allowed to. obsess and torture us? No, the brains impressed so are impressed through auto-suggestion, and that which Mrs. Eddy calls ani- mal magnetism, nothing spiritual about it. When one is impressed with truth, he knows that evil is unreal, in the sense, that it is not ordained to last, and only a state of consciousness for this plane, that the sole hells in existence are really of the mortal brain, and have no spiritual reality. Only the good is true, and only the true real. 74 Is it true there is a devil or father of lies? No, although, there are many of God's children, pure spirits, who through material brains, under law, act like devils to mortal sense. No, that which must be, will be, but where any- thing is asked for that will not interfere with material and spiritual law it is granted, not otherwise. Is it true that faith can prolong life ordained to go? No, not one moment. Those who are healed through faith and prayer are not ordained to go, hence nil who have brains in harmony, when not ordained to go, can, through faith and prayer be healed. Can we deny the disease, lack of ease of the mor- tal body, and cure it solely by affirmations and denials? Not unless one lives in harmony with both natural and spiritual law. It is not true to deny the truth that the material body, not the spirit, is out of harmony. But it is truth to affirm the power of the spirit and to suggest to the material that which will restore harmony, if necessary, obtain the aid of healer who never heals, but only suggests to the spirit's mind that which he often cannot receive from the brain himself, hence, silent treatments often are the most efficacious. The spirit receives the treatment and himself heals his material instruments and effects the cure, when he brings his brain in harmony with the real and true brain connected with the Divine Mind. Can one heal oneself, with out the aid of material agencies? All material bodies need material agencies to manufacture the material substance, hence all mate- rial forms prey upon each other, the strong upon the weak; air, food, water, is essential to maintain life and to develop the highest efficiency. Although there are those who can suspend animation, live for varying per- iods without air, food or water, they are absolutely es- sential to keep the material body in activity and health. All according to custom, habit, education, training, etc., develop brains and bodies differently. That which is beneficial for one is not for another. Some can live with but little impure air, some with little, poor food, some with very little exercise, but all re- quire some air, some water, some exercise or life ceases and they become atrophied, muscles flabby and useless. Can one be healed by physical culture? Yes, of many diseases, but not of all, when sys- tematically practiced, but any deviation is attended with danger as it can only develop the body up to a certain stage. If one, not familiar with the laws of the spirit depends entirely upon it, he is liable (through the erroneous conceptions of those, not familiar with the mechanisms of brain and body, or with the power which regulates the capacity to endure of each vital organ, under law,) to tax beyond the capacity, to endure as a boiler is liable to explode, one of the vital organs, just, asmany who, unaware of the derange- ment of these organs receiving no intimation, until death comes, succumb to heart failure, paralysis, etc. If correctly impressed they would know that, though the vital organs never rest seemingly to them, that they are regularly vitalized nightly, while the spirit is ab- sent, and that in repose and rest, they do not have to work so hard, as when taxed beyond their capacity to endure. Thus, those who practice physical culture with success have the sense to build up the body with plenty air, water, food, sleep, nature's restorer or they exhaust their vitality. Some brain specialists claim there is no such thing as fatigue to the vital organs, the mental branches, none to the spirit. The truth is the vital organs are but instruments for the body as the body is for the spirit, and they both are under natural law, and all that puts the brain or body out of harmony, too much or too little exercise, too much or too little food, not enough food, fresh air, great men- tal excitement, etc., will result in that sensed as illness, whether acknowledged or not. Therefore it is folly to deny truth, rather look it in the face, and do that which is most beneficial, if not awakened to the truth, whether to depend upon all systems instead of one to keep health and activity. All under law and all under God. Does Materia Medica heal? Yes, since it appeals to the masses, it is the most popular, heals greater numbers, and its most enlighten- ed members are doing more good than all the mental branches combined, and just as much instruments, under Divine Law as they are. 77 WHAT IS RIGHT? All, according to how brain is formed in the first place and how developed through environment, edu- cation, training, association, etc., have different con- ceptions of right. Were all subjected to the same material conditions, environment, etc., there would be still many different conceptions, due to the first forma- tion of the brain, the law of heredity, and the mate- rial conditions made by those in charge. Among children, subjected to the same material conditions, there are countless different ideas and conceptions, and even among families there are often very marked differences. It is often the case that many, subjected to strict religious training, are not as morally advanced as many who have never had any, not due to the religious training as presumed, but to the formation of the brain and the law of heredity. Thus from the slums emerges a giant intellect occasionally, and from many, unable to provide proper educational advan- tages, come the greatest minds, not through educa- tion given them, but because their brains are first formed to develop through will and individual effort. Hence, it can be seen while education, etc., is good for the average child of mediocre intellect and ability, the product, he of material conditions, the master mind forms conditions often, although always under law and directivity. There is as great difference between great minds according to their aspirations and pursuits as there is between those on the lower planes. All more or less, have different conceptions of that which is right. That which is presumed to be conscience is the still, small, often unheeded, more often never heard, voice of the spirit. That which one race or plane, according to its 78 advancement, thinks right, one on a higher rejects, thus as brain has developed the conceptions of right among all races have become truer, clearer, more spiritual, according to the time from whence they evolved from the animal. That which was done by primitive man is not today. Although the animal lust and propensities still dominate, they are ashamed in the broad light of day. While it is true races, nations and individuals have retrograded, although the majority advance, that which causes retrogression, the undeveloped life organisms, of the races living today are more developed than when races were wiped out of existence, when for purpose of purification and readjustment, as well as for the detachment of many, physical and mental upheavals, under law, do that which is necessary. Prior to every war similar to the present, the majority of the reigning classes, those in power expressed the evils and weaknesses of the undeveloped. Not so today, although the ones in power seemingly control, they are but the products, the instruments, under law, of conditions which (as brains become better instruments) are inevitable, under the universal law of progression, in the real life. Not- withstanding that brains advance and their concep- tions become clearer they, who differ, cannot agree any more than, when, as primitive men, they fought over the spoils of the chase, and the woman bought, sold or stolen. Hence the different nations all deem that they are right and all think they are doing their high- est duty when they fight to sacrifice the life given them by God to prevent their own brethren and sis- ters, of the same race, from encroaching upon that which they think their own especial rights. Many engaged in the present struggle recognize that not one is right, many in it through love of coun- try, family and expediency, etc., would gladly refuse if strong enough to brave public opinion. While the majority of those in power and the majority of 79 the masses are inflated with false ideas of right, there is a much larger number than ever before who do not approve of war and know they are not right (despite the hatred and bitterness of those who strive to keep alive the fires of hell, through various ignoble reasons, safely ensconced at home) (they, notwithstanding they recognize this cupidity, commercialism, love of power and lucre) are willing to ruthlessly sacrifice them- selves through, as said before, a mistaken idea of duty. These would, (instead of as in days of old, torture women and children needlessly and kill all prisoners as all primitive races do today,) share their last crust with their enemy. So different are the conceptions of right of the different nations that they all think they are right as did the North and South in the United States where father slew son, and brother, brother. Although there are different conceptions of right as there are different conceptions of religion (righteous- ness is religion), all the righteous are religious whether they believe in God or not, there is true religion, not the false, numberless misconceptions as there is right- eousness, the true right of the soul of God, not acquir- ed on the animal plane or evolved from the first cell, but from the Mind of Omnipotence. The various conceptions of those engaged in this war, though they honestly believe them, are not right in God's sight and right to the large number who are better instruments for the truths of the real life and who openly advocate peace. The unity of God, the unity of His children, the unity of good, of love, of righteousness are identi- cal, one cannot be without the other. Good is not evil, love is not hate, righteousness is not wrong. Though they believe evil is good, hate instead of love, does not prove them right. Evil is not good, hate is not love, wrong is not right. They merely, accord- ing to the development of their brains and minds, cognize righteousness imperfectly. Though their words be of love and righteousness, their acts are of 80 hate and wrong. Then how can they be right? They are none of them right, no matter how they think, and as they are not right, those in other countries who en- courage them to carnage and lust are not right. Those who from commercial reasons, (through love of power and money, who manufacture munitions to destroy their own, who shut their eyes to truth, who will not see, through fear of popular opinion or the enmity of another nation, who will not uphold that which within their souls, they know to be right, but alas, cannot express through their undeveloped brains, not fitted to apprehend truth, are, like the Pharisees, poor vehicles for righteousness, but good ones for materialism. Could they see clearly, were they impressed correctly, they would turn with horror and loathing from their false conceptions, as many will when too late. They would cease to be instru- mental in causing the death of those, who, were it not for the weaknesses and the evils of their kind, would go in a more peaceful manner. Be warned in time, ere you precipitate greater holocausts and sign your own death warrants. Take heed ere too late you bemoan that which you could all prevent, for while you are under law, and that which must be will be, yet know it could be in a very much more peaceful manner, hence the liberation of so many with suffer- ing and torture, instead of peacefully, as it would be were you free from the lusts of the animal. While ye, God's children, are pure, holy spirits, shut off from the spirit spheres your poor material brains and bodies, in a sense, are almost distinct per- sonalities, until their consciousness is merged with yours, hence will, will with the inherent power of a child of God to pierce the crass density of thy material brain, will to transmit that which is really right, not that which seemeth so. Is it right to murder an individual? No; then 81 it must be wrong to murder many, as all engaged in the war are. Is it right for nations to murder? No, that which is wrong in an individual, is wrong in a nation. Is it right for an individual to steal, to de- prive his neighbor of his wife, family, home country? No, then it is not right in a nation. Is it right to debauch the pure, to betray the innocent, to slay even an enemy? No, then it is not right for a nation. Is it right to set all laws of good and righteousness at defiance, to trample honor underfoot, to make Justice cry aloud, to make Faith, Hope, Charity flee with horror, in short, is it right to practice the most damna- ble arts of paganism, whilst professing to be follow- ers of Christ, the Prince of Peace? Deride, scoff if you will, all that He suffered for, all that He repre- sents, but remember "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" ever meets with the swift law of compensation. Is that which you sin and struggle for worth it? Is the wealth of the world more than honor, is all the land of all nations combined worth the terrible price ye are paying? Could ye feel the aching, breaking hearts of those who suffer, pray and wait at home, the widows, the orphans, the bereft mother, sweetheart, friends, ye would get down on your knees and pray to that God (ye not only who are engaged in the war, but ye who are responsible for it and ye who are pro- viding the munitions to prolong it,) for oblivion, rather than see their tortured faces and hear their heart breaking cries. Could ye but see the terrible destruction of property, the devastation of fair lands of peace and plenty, the wanton disregard for all that it hath taken centuries to develop, could ye realize the creative genius that is being laid low, the genius that is slow to develop, ye would hang thy heads with shame and paralyzed would be the hand extended for gold. With u that measure ye mete," on, ponder on that, "with what measure ye mete," think ye, ye are right 82 when ye make thy brother thine enemy, when ye fill him with hate and contempt, when ye bequeath to thy children a heritage of woe and dishonor? Though God and righteousness are at the helm, and in time there will be greater freedom, liberty and fraternity, reflect ere that is accomplished, thy children will suffer. They, weakened and disheartened, illum- ined with clearer visions, will bring order out of chaos, and though adversity, want and disease will decimate many they will strive to unite all whom they can, un- der a banner of peace and love. And ye, not engaged in this struggle, who foolishly claim ye are neutral, realize that but a very limited number are. All are bound by ties of blood or self interest, to the warring nations. Is it right to judge, condemn the potentate or government of any, not knowing the truth? How can ye, when all assert they are right, and all give different versions, decide which is, if ye are really neutral? Therefore, ye who sympathize with those who are connected with ye by ties of blood, of self interest, cannot be neutral, and ye cannot be impartial judges, not knowing the truth. Ye may think that ye can by putting all personal feelings aside, all the opinions formed by reading the views and censored articles of the ones with whom ye sympathize and cooly, dispassionately weigh the character of the dif- ferent nations, but, if so, ye will decide according to that which ye know, that which ye have read, that which ye have heard with the brain and mind ye have formed, and you opinion, if not in harmony with love and righteousness, love for thy neighbor as thyself* love for thy enemy as thy neighbor, ye will be on a par with all who claim they are right, who think it is right for them to kill, steal from, and torture the enemy, but wrong for the enemy to kill, steal from and torture them. Ye, like all, not able to cognize right. Russia has more land, more undeveloped wealth than any in the world. England's boast is that the sun never sets on her domain; France has more than ample territory for her people; Germany has develop- ed her people to the highest efficiency to enable her to provide for them within a limited area. Russia, England, France, have been at war several times within the last forty years; Germany has been prepar- ing to protect herself from Russia and France, know- ing her desire to regain the territory, which under German rule, has become more or less German. England thinks it right to make herself Mistress of the Seas, to hold dominion over a large portion of the globe. Russia thinks it right to endeavor to make herself the greatest power. France thinks it right to regain her own. Germany thinks it right to develop her people to the highest efficiency through industry, perseverance, application unexcelled, and hence, has become the greatest instrument for the knowledge of the spirit spheres. She thinks she has as much right to an army as England has to a navy, that she should be honored for developing herself so tremendously upon so restricted an area, that she has as much right to the seas of God as England has, and that, can she not obtain her rights peacefully, (as she and all are still animal), the sole way in which she can obtain her share of the spoils is to fight for them. It is folly to bewail, on mortal plane, that which the people are not yet developed to enjoy, and that is the blessings of peace. But while it is folly to bewail, it is not folly to strive for it, recognizing that it can only come through the determined efforts of united nations. As the various peoples cannot have it with- out bloodshed, bloodshed is, under law, permitted, and as they can only learn through the sole hells they ever know on earth, the hells of war, they only learn after they have wrought all the misery and ruin they possibly can and sacrificed countless lives. Only 84 through suffering do they learn; therefore for pur- pose of purification and readjustment, solely accom- plished in this way, and to liberate the countless who awaken in their glorious Homes of beauty, free from the horrors of mortal plane is war permitted. Those who are left, here and there develop through the crucible of suffering, temptations overcome through the bitter experiences of those who have perished, and, this, not known on the mortal plane, the brains and bodies of those destined to be leaders, composed of more highly developed life organisms which render them better instruments for quality, liberty and frater- nity. It can be seen that humanity is on the upward march when one reviews the history of the past, and realizes that, now, instead of nations being wiped out of existence, only individuals go. Although it is true that entire races have been swept out of existence and continents submerged, all life organisms were not and many were in forms of life, on a much higher scale, than when first brought forth, many in very advanced forms, and ever a few in man, hence it can be seen that, notwithstanding there is a preponderance of undeveloped ones in those nations and indivuduals which and who retrograde on very low planes, more recently evolved from the animal, and many just evolving from the first cells, the truth is, all are developing and constantly repro- ducing. Every form is composed of countless ones transmitted from countless progenitors. The most highly developed reproducing their own kind, ever advancing. The undeveloped ever producing their own kind, ever advancing. But so slow is that con- sidered evolution, that it takes countless years ere developedment can be noticed. Hence, those who inherit, for purpose of discipline a majority of unde- veloped ones, such as Greece and Spain when they could not heed spiritual impressions, controlled by the material, they, not responsible for the formations of the brains transmitted to their children, transmitted that which caused them to retrograde. Oh, ye wise and learned, ye claim there is a Supreme Power governing all. Yet ye hold thy- selves and brethren responsible for the conditions which have evolved, developed from a little material cell. And ye censure all who fail to obey thy man made laws and who do not think as ye do. And, oh, ye spiritually wise, ye claim God, Principle is Omni- potent and yet ye make the pure, holy spirit create vile illusions out of purity and holiness. Why do ye not see, ye who believe in Nature that the material can only develop the material substance and that the life principle which develops the substance, that which governs and rules is under guidance and directivity, slowly developing from the low to high, from imperfec- tion to perfection, and as life has developed up to man with but few retrogressive steps, it is still developing with fewer retrogressive steps and all really not retro- gressing, only seemingly so ,for the life organisms which compose the form are ever on the upward march even though the form may have a preponderance of those on a low plane. But, while ye all are under law and directivity to develop through individual will and effort, the essen- tial qualities, not the soul gifts, ye, spirits, cannot change immutable law? Therefore, according to your plane of development, ye express the animal propensities and possibly not one soul gift. How many in the present war are expressing soul gifts? Yet as God is Supreme they are getting that which is essen- tial, even though they, through lack of development of the material brain, under law, which they cannot vio- late, violate mortal law, entirely distinct. Therefore, w T hilst developing brain, making it a good instrument, still dominated by the undeveloped organsims, they ex- 86 press lust and the characteristics of the animal God is Omnipotent, this plane absolutely necessary with its states of consciousness of evil, to develop His children. Think ye the animal diseases and propensities would be in existence, unless for a purpose, under Omnipo- tent Wisdom? Think ye that Mind which is of God and is spiritual, all minds are spiritual, that termed mortal is spiritual, could create independent of itself and source anything at all? If mortal mind creates the illusions and all mind is of God, then He must, as Mind governs all, create the illusions, not those who form mortal mind, through their material instruments, for apart from Him, apart from Mind, they could not develop any kind of mind, noor develop substance with- out mind. Hence, as material life and consciousness is as real, save that it is transitory for the individual spirit, as the spiritual, and but a form and phase of spirit substance and spirit consciousness, and under God Omnipotent, it can be seen whil e all are impress- ed according to the development of their brains with various conceptions of right, all are under Divine law, unchangeable, gradually developing, not solely on e race, one nation, one individual, but all life from low to high, and while all are in course of development, (all material worlds are for this purpose), there will always be, more or less undeveloped conditions, always the spiritual impressing the material, the material transmitting the animal, the perpetual conflict to develop the essential qualities. And while develop- ing these qualities, as there is universal progression in the real life, all are impressed more or less with the soul gifts to cheer, comfort and upbuild mentally and morally, to give to those who are ready, who have overcome, "the peace that passeth understanding" and the knowledge that the real life, the real Home, the real plane is that where all really live, though they know it not, while developing that which is necessary. 87 SELF CONTROL. When one has a brain and body attended to pro- perly, and every wish gratified, it is easy to be an optimist. But when one has either brain or body denied that which is essential, it is very difficult for even the highly advanced to maintain the necessary poise, for, despite their most strenuous efforts the animal almost invaribly conquers. Yet there have been and are many who dominate all material condi- tions, and denied all that material life affords, still keep faith in God, with the "peace that passeth under- standing," and many who if not religiously inclined, with good material brains, philosophically submit to the inevitable. Often those who are born with poor brains and bod- ies, which never can be strengthened, perish, and awak- en in the real life, all essential qualities developed be- fore those who are stronger, who have better instru- ments for the soul gifts, develop that which is neces- sary for them. When a spirit is put in charge of a spirit brain and body developed for him in both worlds, if the body is perfectly developed, he does not need a mortal body nor more mortal training, and is detached before brought forth on the mortal plane or still-born. None are favored, but receive under law, in turn, the brain and body which is connected with the Divine Mind and thus obtain personality and soul. Every life organism in their brains and bodies has been developed in both worlds, to yield them perfect submission. Those ordained for the mortal plane must continue the development and un- dergo with the material brain and body that which is essential, the material brain within the spiritual, not occupying the same place, but within interstices, hence all the material brain receives from the mate- rial life is recorded on the real spiritual brain and all that is necessary for the spirit on the mortal plane of consciousn e ss is impressed by those in charge until he brings the material brain in harmony with the spirit- ual, when he, through his connection with the Divine Mind, more or less, independently, expresses the soul gifts. The object is for the spirit himself to develop all that remains to be developed, when conscious on the mortal plane he relies entirely on the mortal brain, for all spiritual mind is shut off, excepting in very rare cases. He is subject to the laws of the mortal plane, and if he has but one quality to develop, such as pati- ence, although developed along other lines, he remains until he develops this quality, even though it may take him many years. The spirit, attached to a diseased or feeble body, or one decreed to go early in life through accident, etc., either weak or strong, generally has but one quality to develop, almost entirely devel- oped, and although seemingly weak and undeveloped, mentally afflicted or a criminal, is detached before those who are a long time in developing theirs. The progression of the mortal plane is due to those who have but one or two qualities to develop, who have developed brains, good instruments for the learn- ing and wisdom of the spirit spheres. Those with poor brains, the criminal class, etc., although often kept many years developing certain qualities, with their unreliable brains are very poor instruments. The Lord Jesus Christ said that material senses, (organs for the brain,) shut out truth and healing. The material brain and senses are responsible for the difference in mortals. Brains and senses vary in all. Through the brain and senses individual mortal mind is developed, hence, all mortal minds vary. The brain and mind of a criminal is different from the 89 brain and mind of a respectable member of society. The brain and mind of a laborer different from the brain and mind of a college professor, the brain and mind of a fool or weakling different from the brain and mind of a great scientist. As these vary, so do all formed differently in the first place, vary in all. Hence while it is easy for some to express self control with good brains and minds, it is much more difficult for those with poor. It was easier for Emerson (with a good brain first formed, to develop it, and thus exercise self reliance, than for those who have brains not capable of being developed or who cannot develop them until they are subjected to favorable material conditions, of environment, education, etc. It is easy for one with a full stomach to be patient under certain conditions, while it is very difficult for one under simular to be patient with an empty one. Self control, self reliance, then, is largely the result, not only of the spiritual, but of material condi- tions on the mortal plane, with those who have not good instruments, and yet, many with poor brains, through training administered by others, and im- pressions received from the spiritual, develop into fairly good instruments, and gradually develop self control and self reliance. One of the first essentials, when one has a debilitated brain or body, is to pro- vide proper material aliment. Only the superficial claim that all deliterious substances, poisons, etc., can be taken with a positive mental attitude without evil effects, that the material instrument can be clogged with food until it breeds poisons and foul gases, which not only undermine the health of the body ,but affect the brain, and then wonder why one should lack self control. This undeveloped class is on a par with the class, who think that they can prolong life inde- finitely without air or food, or within a cesspool keep their children from disease. Either class lack cer- 90 tain brain development or they would know there are times when their material bodi e s, although apparently well, require as much care as when really ill, to pre- vent serious consequences, and that the needs of the body vary, that a food essential one day is harmful the next, that too much of one kind of food for cer- tain people, is as bad as too little of another. That one body can subsist indefinitely on one kind of food which would starve another, that, in truth, all bodies to develop the highest do not require the same food as all brains do not require the same mental training. Many material scientists teach that the food has everything to do, not solely with building up the tissues, but providing the necessary elements for the brain. Even criminals and the mentally unfit are being helped by certain foods. Some foods contain more or less poisons in small quantities such as those which contain arsenic, phosphorus, etc., and when taken repeatedly are very harmful. The patient is supposed to be a victim of a disease, which, in reality is the result of a poison, not the direct cause. Diseases are the result of one or a combination of poisons developed by inherited life organisms, under law, or by those taken into the system through air, food, water. These life organisms also, trrough inharmonious conditions, produced by too much, or too little food, extreme heat, extreme cold, too little or too much exercise, mental excitement, etc., creat e the poisons which cause disease. A severe fit of anger causes apoplexy, insanity, etc., not b e cause the spirit himself, behind the crass density of the material brain, is angry, but, because the material brain is saturated with poisons. The wise physican and mother, knowing the evil effects of mental disturbance, tries to prevent every- thing that causes undue excitement. They know that all bodies are not alike, that while one child can 91 stand repeated chastisements, one with a weak heart might not survive one, and, as the heart is often disease without showing any sign, one can never tell when a fit of excitement may not result fatally. Many parents through repeated beatings, and fits of excitement have so debilitated their children as to make them, ere attaining to puberty or early middle life, physical and mental wrecks. Those who chas- tise in anger, who expect to perfect character in this manner, are very unwise. They merely force a child to suppress the outward expression of that which had better come out. If inclined to lie or steal, the habit instead of being checked in this manner, is simply suppressed. Example is ever better than precept. If a parent goes into rages, his children will, if not suppressed, and if suppressed they but develop poisons which are evidenced in other ways, if not at the time, in later life. Poisons which develop such diseases as the kidneys, heart, etc., often attributed to other causes, for instance, a child who inherits a predisposi- tion to kidney or heart trouble will, through con- tinued fits of excitement, develop the disease, as much as through improper food. Anything mental or physical which puts the body out of harmony, result injuriously at the time or later. No teacher or parent who exercises not self control, can expect to cultivate it in others. They but suppress the out- ward indications, and instead of building up char- acter, develop deceit and hypocrisy, the most difficult of all to overcome, the most insidious, much more difficult than disobedience or bad temper. The man or woman who, through faulty educa- tion or training, develops the former, must work very hard to overcome them. Better to give way daily to the outward expression than to develop poisons which, not solely undermine the body, but make the brain a very poor instrument for good. Hence it can be seen that self control when it only suppresses the out- ward expression of the unworthy, is not beneficial, the object to be attained is not the suppression of the un- worthy, but to find its cause, and seek to uproot it, if possible. When we find it is often due to the im- proper use of air, water, food, etc., physical causes which affect the brain, and not through spiritual at all the parent or guardian should seek to remove the cause, and to change all methods which have resulted in failure and commence anew, but by no means con- tinue the same regime, diet and training which has failed. Those who do are like unto the child who will stick his finger into the fire continually, and themselves need the better informed to instruct them. When they learn to give to the brains and bodies of themselves and children that which is necessary to upbuild and keep in good working order, when they combine with this the spiritual, moral, religious training which is equally essential, they will then develop the highest and best in their children. They will learn that real self-control means to control not the outward expression, but to conquer that which causes the outward expessionr, the animal passions and disease. It can be seen then that one has to depend upon the material equally with the spiritual. It is true that pure, elevating thought produces a harmonious condition, it is also true that calm, tranquilizing thought, whether pure, elevating or not, produces a harmonious condition. It is true one utterly defici- ent in expressing the soul gifts, can keep the body healthful by attending to its material wants, as is seen in many who have absolutely no spirituality, and who rarely express a soul gift. It is also true that there are many very pure and righteous who keep brain and body out of harmony by neglecting to live in harmony with natural law. The mental branches which teach that the spirit can control, that thought is constructive, that the material is ever subject, amen- able to the spirit, regardless of the material, are not correctly impressed. The two blood diseases have carried off more innocent children of upright, hon- orable parents, themselves victims of the sins of their progenitors, than all the mental branches can ever heal. All the crime, on the mortal plane results from the animal propensities and diseases, the pro- pensities which can never be located and the diseases which affect the brain, or are closely connected with it, such as adenoids, the eye, the ear, the thyroid nerve, growths, pressures on the brain, which cause moral degeneracy and crime not due to the spirit, but to the disease which renders the brain irresponsible. Some have committed suicide from the agony of tooth, eye and ear ache, and some have committed murder. The physical disturbances cause the destructive thought which is the result of disease. When these diseases are healed, the patient returns to his normal condition whether healed spiritually or otherwise. It is not merely a change of mental attitude which affects the mental, nor the will, although the will must always operate. The truth is, while all healing is done under Divine guidance, that all mental healing is done under the law of suggestion, suggested to the spirit in charge of the material body. If done silent- ly from mind to mind, the spirit receives it, and sug- gests and treats his material brain himself. If audi- bly, if through others, the material brain is developed until restored to harmony. In either case, it is the spirit himself who heals the body by restoring har- mony. When he realizes his power, if the brain is in harmony, a good instrument, he can heal himself, but he cannot until he brings the brain in harmony. Those who are healed of various mental diseases, 94 through physical or mental healing, either through operations, diet, hygiene, or through treating the mind of the spirit which is not diseased (the brain is alluded to as the mind, and it is supposed to be affect- ed) it is the brain that is treated, as mind is purely spiritual. The thinker, who thinks all thoughts, must have a good instrument or he cannot heal himself. Con- structive thought is spiritual, destructive thought purely material. Often the weakling, with poor brain and body, can, through proper physical and mental training strengthen his material instruments. It is presumed that the spirit thinks all thoughts, the malignant and destructive as well as the righteous and the constructive. But this is not so. All that is good is of him, all that it not is of the basilar quali- ties, all that comes from the animal and are not at all connected with that part of the brain which is under his control. They, in a sense, are governed inde- pendently of the spirit under law, changed when nec- essary, by those in charge of the mortal plane of con- sciousness. Thus, when a mortal body is dominated by this part of the brain and expresses the animal char- acteristics of anger, lust, etc., the spirit is as powerless to express his real feelings, as if he were drugged, hypnotized, or afflicted with mental disease. This part of the brain is out of harmony, therefore the thought, as with aphasia, is not expressed rightly. This part of the brain is the part that must ever be treated and be brought into harmony, ere it becomes a good instrument. As the spirit is only conscious on this plane and shut off from the real life, and as he is ever pure and holy, who thinks the evil thought? Who feels, if he does not, the material, lustful, revenge- ful feeling, when certain organis of the body filled with inharmonious workers who develop poisons, transmit the feelings sensed as illness, and others which 95 cause crime? Before these feelings are transmitted to the spirit they are felt. The spirit does not feel them, until he receives, through the brain, the mess- age, then who does? The life organisms, out of harmony, send the message to the life organisms in the brain, which transmit to the life organisms in the spirit brain, where consciousness is located, the mess- age. The spirit receives the message and as he is shut off from all brain connecting him with spirit life, and only conscious of the material life through his material brain and senses, he feels that which is designated as physical pain. The pain felt by the life organisms is suggested to and felt by him. Who and what causes pain, and what is it, as there is neither pain nor suffering in the real life, and the spirit is in the real life and all the life organisms, how can they feel pain? Must not pain and suffering then be a state of consciousness, more or less illusory, if it has no reality? This is a truth. It is a false feel- ing which produces sensations, as illusory as drugs. If pain be then, in its true sense illusory, may not all disease and animal characteristics be the same? Exact- ly so, the animal propensities and diseases, resulting from the instincts of self preservation to develop cer- tain qualities, are produced for this purpose, and in reality exist not, although very real to all on the mor- tal plane of consciousness. There is no such thing as death, it has no reality, life cannot die, cannot be taken, lying cannot be where naught but truth is known, no hate where love alone exists. All is free, open to all, no necessity for steal- ing. No animal passions nor characteristics, hence the spirit in the real life knows the truth when de- tached at night by sleep, knows that all so-called evil is but to develop certain qualities, and that pain and sorrow cease for each individual spirit when they are detached by death. In the sense that all that comes from the animal is illusory, not real, has made Mrs. Eddy and other teachers term mortal life a "false mortal concept," but she did not make the distinction that only that pertaining to the animal is illusory, that all the life, the good and the pure, is spiritual, and that the mortal body is as real, while it lasts, as the spiritual and just as essential to develop God's chil- dren. Do ye think that either ye or thy child express yourselves truly when you are irresponsible from drugs, liquors, or in passion, when ye know that the life organisms in your brain, not ye, get drunk, are drugged and get angry, ye will realize that ye have the power, within thyself to prevent all discord, all inharmony, if ye, under the law of suggestion, with the will given thee by God, control and dominate not only the denizens of thy brain and body, but develop rightly thy mortal mind. Hence, when ye feel blood rush to thy brain, when angry, perturbed or in any degree inharmonious, will to be calm, change the current of thought at once, ye are at the helm, ye control. When ye have a brain developed enough to transmit this truth to ye, ye yourselves can then treat your brain with pure, holy, or calm, transquiliz- ing thought. But remember, many through their own brains, can never receive the suggestion that they are the dominating power, that they can control, hence others treat the mind, of the spirit, and he then is enabled to treat his brain. Thus healers, teachers for this class are essential. In this manner affirma- tions, under the law of suggestion systematically practiced, in time, make the brain a good instrument. When you know that ye are entirely shut off from the spirit spheres, and, although, thy mind receives occasional glimpses of the truths of the spirit life, and ye, behind the density of thy material brain, are cogniz- ant of many truths, ye can never receive from th espirit spheres without your material brain, until ye have 97 first formed mind from the material experiences re- ceived by thy brain and through thy senses, but, after ye develop mind, and ye bring thy brain in harmony, ye then can express the soul gifts, but never can ye express anything on earth, excepting through thy material brain. Then know that if ye be fool, idiot on the mortal plane, it is not because ye are fool or idiot in the real life, but due to how thy material brain was formed primarily. But, reflect, there are very few who are born fool and idiot. Then think ye, can ye develop a good instrument by living in the slums, consorting with the vile, reading unclean liter- ature, seeking impure company, listening to the lewd stories of the undeveloped? Nay, and though ye be gently bred, and live in luxury, if ye form thy mind and develop thy brain with the lewd and the low, if ye seek the society of those on a lower plane, ye cannot advance. But if ye realize once through thy brain, or through suggestions to thy mind that ye are a child of God, that ye are not low and vile, that ye are pure and holy, then ye can, through will and effort, develop, even amongst the low, and ye can make yourself an instrument for the good of the real life by abandon- ing at once and forever, (no intermediate, no vacillat- ing course,) but at once, that which degrades .ye, ye will be given strength; Heaven blesses every effort, strengthens every will; little by little, ye will conquer, and when ye bring your brain under control, and ye see with the true light of the spirit, ye will then be enabled to help others as ye have helped yourself, make yourself a power for good, an influence for right- eousness. Ye do not have to abandon those who do evil, your own brothers and sisters, no matter how low, but abandon the immoral habits which are not of you, but of your poor undeveloped brains. Watch the gradual degeneracy of a morphine fiend, the pure and good by degress becoming low and vile, and, as you know that poor victim expresses not the true self, know also that you are drugged by poisons in thy brain, which by right material living and habits, ye can correct and conquer directed spiritually. Hence see that one is as essential as the other on the mortal plane. What though ye will and daily affirm all strength is thine, if ye deprive thy material body of that which it needs, what though ye say all righteous- ness is thine, if ye express but the vile? Then do not think that because ye can develop brain to become a good instrument for thee, that ye are superior to those who cannot develop, who never receive a suggestion from mind or brain, for ye are not in the real life, although blessed with the knowledge of the truth which gives ye self respect, the respect of others, and the strength to cope with all material trials. Self reliance, to rely on self, not to rely on friends, child, parent, or any other, not even to rely on God, but to rely on self, to know that, although God gives not to all alike brains to advance on this plane, tihat the few, not discriminated against, but who receive under law, the requisite experiences, those who cannot advance, are but a limited number in comparison with the great majority. Then, think, that ye, no matter how low in the social scale, no matter how deficient in education, no matter how vile and impure, if ye but realize thy Divine heritage, Child of God, awake, arise, what more, what greater heritage in store? Though ye be hungry, naked, shorn, weary, though ye be obssessed with a secret vice, though ye be in- mate of penitentiary or asylum, child of God, assert thy God given sovereignity, thy free will, thy power over the material brain, and commence to train it at once, under suggestion. Suggest the good, the pure, the holy, banish at once that which lowers. Though ye be harlot, though ye be defiler of the innocent, awake, ye are not so in the real life, ye are not so now, only through thy poor, deluded brain. Think "I, weak, lowly, I despised, am not so. I am a child of God. I will awake and go unto my Father. What though I need food, shelter, what though I am ragged, destitute. I will die of starvation, I will be cast out into the street. I will not defile that given me by God. There are worse things than death. I will remember that I have the power to be good and pure though I starve. Father, loving Father, help me." Think ye that those who overcome temptation do not do this daily? Think ye that ye are the sole ones who need, who hunger, the sole ones, gifted with beauty, who are tempted, or who fall, supinely yield? Ah, no, countless of whom the world wots not, even though they sin once or twice or thrice, awaken and sin no more. Though ye be drug fiend, though ye be drunkard, though ye be gamester who lives by thy wits, though ye be animal with an animal's lust, know all come from thy material brain, inherited from the animal. Will ye let the animal or the spirit control? Prefer ye to deserve the scorn of those who consider ye weak and degenerate? Prefer ye the hard crust and labor within the penitentiary, and low hovel in the slums, the impure joint and haunt of the vicious, or prefer ye, (no matter how ye have fallen, to cast aside that which hath debased ye, remembering it is never too late to mend, that he or she who overcomes deserves more credit than those who have never been tempted,) to commence anew, and earn thyself respect and the respect of others. You did not sin; you, the pure spirit, are still pure, it was but thy poor brains, thy lack of development, due to unfavorable condi- tions, environments, education, association, etc., try to think, try to exert will if no one else will help ye, what care ye? Help yourself. Ask for nothing 100 but work? If starvation is best for ye, starve with a good grace. If to be shelterless will broaden ye, go without shelter. What is wealth, what is power? What are all the false luxuries of the unawakened to the awakened child of God? Many have lived in the open, subsisted on roots, their water but the dews of Heaven, and many have died martyrs at the stake rather than do wrong. Ye can do the same. Think ye death so terrible? Nay, it is but awakening with thine own. But why need ye die? All ye need is honest work, if only for the bite ye eat, until ye can develop thyselves. If ye will or cannot awaken then other suffering is needed and will be thine. For so all develop on earth, suffering far worse than depriva- tion of food, clothes and shelter. If so be it ye have friend or beloved one who encourages the lust of power or wealth, unless to devote all to charity, be sure that one is not true, friend of thine, for all who do not care for thy individual spiritual good, and who but care for thee, for that which they gain through ye or by thy efforts are not true, hence destroy not thyself for such. How many weaklings have fallen through the flatteries of the false, who have no use for them when wealth flees? How many toil within and without jail for these false mortal concepts of the real and the true? The man or woman who weakly yields to the flatteries of those who are using them are on a dangerous path. The sooner they awaken to the truth that he or she who lowers one morally, who degrades one spiritually, is but preparing a day of reckoning which will entail greater mental agony than all deprivations of the material the better for them. Hence ye of this class, sug- gest daily, will, will that ye will see and express the truth,that ye will care for nothing so much as honor and self respect, that all who would make you lose either is a foe. Make no illusions, be not a hypocrite nor sycoph- 101 i> « e a t» a ant. What though ye have been all these, is that any rea- son why ye should continue so? Did not St. Paul cease sinning and become a shining light? Did not Mary Magdalene? If there was light for them why not for you? You are all children of God not one more beloved, not one more favored in the real life? So awaken now, make your brain a good instrument, it is solely that which hinders ye. If it be diseased, through lack of some element in thy body, or what- soever it be, remedy it, go to God for light. If ye be so wise that ye believe not in God, ye must believe in good, but if ye believe not in good, and cannot realize that there is good, so be it ye can speak, daily say, "I am good, I am good. I will do right, I will do right." And after a while ye will develop knowl- edge of good. If ye know not what right is, it seems so many do not, if ye think it right to cheat, to steal, to drink, to carouse, to despoil, to glutton, to gamble, then try to think how these right things end, in sor- row and tribulation, if not in asylum and penitentiary. Ye surely can see, so be it that ye can think at all, that the simple game of cards often ends in gambling, the first glass in the confirmed drunkard ,the first mor- phine pill in the morphine fiend, the stolen trifle, no matter how small though it be a flower that belongeth not to thee, ends in theft, the first unholy embrace and kiss ends in sensuality, the first lie and deceit in hypro- crisy. Therefore, if ye believe not in good, in God, with thy poor brains, and ye cannot cognize that which is right, ye surely can cognize how all these things ye think good end. And if ye do not wish to end so, if ye would rather end decently, respected and esteem- ed, instead of reviled and derided by the very ones who, although they carouse and play with ye, often despise and scorn ye. Think ye the man or woman who has the right moral standard is not respected, whether understood 102 or not by those on a lower plane? Whether they deem you insincere or a crank it matters not, you take your influence with you. Your acts speak for themselves, but although your acts speak for them- selves, let your words also. Often there are those whose acts are the most lofty, whose lives are devoted to doing good, who are judged by their idle words, by those to whom their acts are not known. Some of the greatest instruments for good, never with word, show their real selves, and regardless that their every act is devoted to doing good, are judged by the idle, empty words. And, oft many, who are deemed low and impure by the world are more pure than those who judge them. But is it wise for the good to hide their light under a bushel, to make themselves a tar- get for those not fit to wipe their feet? Hence it is written, "Hide not thy light under a bushel, let it shine before all men." How much greater the power of the man who combines the two, the act and the word, who not only helps with the material bread, but gives the spiritual also, that which really upbuilds mentally, morally, physically. If you give daily material bread to a man, you make him weak, depend- ent, on others, you deprive him of self reliance, self control. If you give him the spiritual, you make him rely upon himself, you make him strong, you make him ambitious, you give him courage, faith, hope. The spiritual is most beneficial, although when necessary combine the two, for only an empty stomach can be borne patiently by the philosopher or by the religious, hence it can be seen that both miust be attended to to attain to the highest efficiency, to develop the greatest self control and self reliance, to make one, on this plane, act as becomes a child of God. THE ORIGIN OF EVIL. This problem has not yet been explained to the satisfaction of many thinkers. Many have given explanations and conceptions but as all are inconsist- ent and improbable in the extreme, they are only credited by those whose brain development is not suf- ficiently in tune with the truth to receive or give it. Were they, they would realize that from the begin- ning of life on the mortal plane, there has been, with an apparent retrogressive step now and then (among the nations and individuals, who inherit a preponder- ance of undeveloped life organisms, or undeveloped brains,) z. steady, although slow progression. When man was little higher than the anthropoid ape, and the low scale beings who succeeded him, (such as those who lived anterior to any epochs of which his- tory has authenic records, although esoteric Buddha- ism embodies, more or less, incorrectly impressed truths, regarding the past history of the world,) they were correctly impressed that they came from the ani- mal. It is claimed by many that man was created by God out of the dust and endowed with soul. This crude belief is only entertained by those who, although developed in many ways will not think for themselves, who still adhere to the opinions formed when mind was not as developed as at the present time. Science has advanced to a much higher plane and has com- pelled religion to modify many of its earlier claims. Hence, it is now conceded by those who have sufficient brain development, that this belief is incorrect. They cannot repudiate that which is substantiated by in- dubitable truth, that man has evolved from the 104 animal and was not made by a fairy wand in a moment, a method entirely opposed to all God's ways of pro- cedure. It took countless ages to make a body fit for the higher animals, this, many who still cling to the Bible version, admit. Even though many think there were many intermediate species which have passed out of existence, the missing link with them, still it can be seen that a body fit for a man would take longer than that of an animal. Hence all familiar with scientific truths, who not influenced by the unsub- stantiated knowledge of antedeluvian eras, reject the Bible version, in the light of facts, such as skeletons and fossils proving, in orderly sequence, man's gradual development in anatomy, as well as from his works, gradual mental advancement. Although all histor- ical records of the races which have preceeded those on earth today, excepting some in the hands of adepts, more or less incorrect, have been either swept out of existence by physical upheavals or destroyed by men- tal ones, science has proven indubitably his continual advancement from the primordial cell, higher devel- opment in the anatomy of every succeeding civiliza- tion, with an exception here and there of a nation or individual who inherited a preponderance of unde- veloped life organisms. Although claimed by some that higher civiliza- tions have preceeded the Aryan, it is not so. From the Neandarthal type or cave man, the succeeding types show greater and greater brain development up to the present day. Although there are races who are still savage and wild as was the Aryan when first brought forth, they are so because more recently evolved from the animal. Those who think that the undeveloped hordes in Asia and Africa have as good brain development, are as capable of being im- pressed or taught correctly as the undeveloped planes of the Aryan race, have but to think of the Reconstruc- 105 tion Period in the United States when the Aryan race, a few in number, many uneducated and ignorant, con- quered through superior brain development, as the Aryan race in India and elswhere, keep within bounds, under subjection, those not yet fitted to rule. It is folly to claim that the majority in any race, on the earth, at the present time is as developed as the majority of the Aryan. That spiritual development which tends to degrade the masses instead of elevating, is but a spurious kind, wheresoever found. As all races are on different planes of progression, so amongst them are various planes of development, these as distinct, often as is the difference between the races. Hence, even among the most undeveloped races are many who receive and express as correctly as many among the most developed, with this differ- ence, the highest developed of the most undeveloped are on but little higher planes than some on the low- est planes of the most developed races. Hence, Booker T. Washington and many others in the colored race were and are on higher planes than many among the Aryan, but not yet on the highest, due, not to fault of theirs or because they are discriminated against or are any less children of God, but, because their brains are not yet fitted to receive or transmit cor- rectly. With due deference to those who think that man, on the lowest plane of the lowest race, is capable of acquiring as readily as those of the highest planes and races, we must eradicate this false impression. It is not true. Even in the Aryan race, there are countless thousands incapable of advancing mentally or morally, who despite the best environment, educa- tion, training, etc., cannot learn. That which God has not given on this plane, brains to advance, the greatest universities cannot develop. This is well known. Every child of God has not the same mate- rial brain and body, and although many are subjected 106 to the same material conditions, all do not develop similarly. Hence, among all races, as well as all in- dividuals, there are different conceptions of right and wrong. Every conception formed under material conditions, by brains of varying degree of develop- ment, hence all vary, more or less. When man was first brought forth, he had no moral standard. His progenitors, ruled by instinct, knew naught of the Ten Commandments. They committed every crime ignorantly and innocently, knowing no better. And yet, despite of this, their acts are what are considered evil, and are really evil in their effects to the mortal plane of consciousness. It is not strange when they developed brains sufficient- ly, to receive impressions according to their plane, that they began to recognize the disastrous effects of their acts, and attributed them to powers of evil, inde- pendent of themselves. The instinct of self-preser- vation, inherited from the animal, manifested itself in all ways, and they still continued, as they do today, to follow the animal. As they advanced they gradu- ally developed the religious instinct, or rather, in truth was impressed with it. This, as is known de- veloped from idols, "gods and lords many," up to the One God of the Christians, little by little receiving clearer impressions and forming more correct con- ceptions of right and wrong. The origin of evil, the desire to slay, to commit adultery, to villify, to persecute, to hate, was inter- preted in various ways. The most undeveloped, attributing it to either extraneous influences, powers of evil, evil spirits, witches or to their own evil souls or egos subjected to the earth life repeatedly to purge themselves of their impure, unholy desires. It is not surprising, that believing these incorrect impressions of the truth, that they had peculiar ideas of right and wrong. Evil, hence, was not explained nor under- 107 stood by them even when the Lord Jesus Christ came, and calmed the turbulent life spirit organisms of their deluded brains, which they supposed to be casting out evil spirits. Although He told the truth plainly, as well as in parable and allegory, they could not under- stand, and disseminated and transmitted according to their own beliefs. He could not make them under- stand that the mortal life and plane of consciousness is but for a limited number of God's children (although that which composes their brains and bodies have all been developed on it,) in comparison with the count- less who never undergo it and that the undeveloped conditions from animal to highly developed man, are essential to develop God's children, on this plane of consciousness, or they would not be, that the material universe and plane of consciousness has ever existed, that that which forms the brain and body, as said be- fore, of every spirit child must be developed in a material world, under the apparent harsh conditions of mortal life. Many, in the sense, that they do not endure forever and are transitory, are in reality, only suggested to the spirit up on this plane. The pure, the good, the holy endure forever, the evil suggested to the spirit, only real on this plane of consciousness, and cognized through the material senses which are for this plane alone. They could not understand the Lord, then, but, to- day many can understand. Those who realize the truth He stated know that the material senses shut out heal- ing and truth, but the majority, who know little about their material senses, or whose brain and senses are not sufficiently developed, do not know that even many animals have more developed senses than they, and, that all they receive, from the material world, through their senses and brains are more or less illu- sory, and not true at all. Only the good is true, only the good real. Evil, then, is to each individual spirit 108 that only which he cognizes as evil, a state of con- sciousness permitted him, until through stern disci- pline he advances to the state that it, in reality, exists not. But, while this is true, it is also true that when he ceases doing evil, that, although it exists not for him, it does for those who have not yet attained to his state, hence there will be always evil for all planes until they develop that which is necessary. Each soul, each child of God, must himself undergo, whether through that deemed evil or not, that which is necessary, when the time is ripe for him to develop, on this plane, if so ordained, he does, if not, he is taken Home, with his material brain and senses still unde- veloped. When he becomes a better instrument for the truths of the spirit life, he, himself, overcomes and conquers evil, he rejects that which degrades and selects that which elevates. He knows that although in reality, it exists not, that the seeming misery it en- tails on this plane is as great as though actually real. He knows that undeveloped acts are unnecessary to the awakened, hence he seeks to awaken all he can to the truth, he cognizes not that he is a torch to illuminate those just beginning to come into the truth, that all the Commandments given to God's children, the moral standard gradually growing cleaner and higher, are impressed, not to give the necessary discipline, which alone are given by the animal propensities and dis- eases, but to elevate, to upbuild, to purify, to conquer, when ready. Does anyone who think deem that humanity is here to develop morally or spiritually, to develop the soul gifts which are the common heritage of every child of God in the real life? No, they know it cannot be so. They know there have been millions since man first evolved, millions today with malformed brains, who cannot advance, despite the best efforts of all systems of healing. They know that these millions 109 would not be brought forth on this plane, impossible to advance in any line of knowledge unless for a pur- pose, not explained by any religion or philosophy up to date. They know that while evil has its use to de- velop from imperfect the perfect, that all do not develop through undeveloped conditions, that there are many who develop not from the undeveloped con- dition of their own brains or surroundings, not from their own evils, but the evils of others which cause them suffering. All are not subjected to, all do not need the same training, but all receive that which is necessary, be it ever so hard or heart-rending. Often that which appears so dreadful is not as bad as it seems, God eases as much as possible unnecessary suffering either mental or physical, those who go either in physical or mental upheavals are magnetized into a comatose conditions, and even when apparently distraught, in extreme agony, do not suffer longer than is absolutely necessary. Many who pass with lingering diseases are so debilitated, so torpid their sensibilities as to have but little feeling left. Many diseases are more or less painless through the inability of the nerves to connect through the brain with the spirit. Although God, on the mortal plane is often cursed by His children who deem Him the Author of their woes, a cruel tryant, the truth is, that He has nothing to do with the mortal plane only to re- lieve its misery as much as possible, that it is under immutable law, that all the good, all the comfort comes from Him and His instruments, the Celestial Angels, who supervise and direct all material worlds, that whenever the time is ripe to help ease the bur- den or rather, when brains can receive Him, He does as He did through the Lord Jesus Christ. When the spirit is able to impress correctly on earth, he casts aside belief in evil, rejects evil spirits, witches, obsessions, hell-fire, damnation, necessity 110 for salvation, etc. Whilst he knows the power qf evil and righteous thought, he, when able to think correctly on this plane, knows no evil thoughts of others can affect him so long as he keeps his material brain and mind in harmony with the true and the holy of the spirit life, that no magnetism nor hypnotism can make him do that which is not in himself but if he keeps it not in harmony, it is subject to evil as well as good influence. The power lies within himself to keep out all evil influences. He is a child of God who has a material brain to develop, to make it a good instrument for truth. If his instrument is filled with discord, with wrong, with hate, sensuality, impurity, it then is also filled with fear. He must conquer this brain, fill it with love, with good, then he becomes impervious to fear. That which Mrs. Eddy called animal magnetism, the power of evil thought, is powerless to affect the brain or mind of one who lives rightly, he can ever govern his brain and body when in harmony and although animal magetism still prevails, brain is more highly developed then when the Lord came, hence no prophet, teacher or reformer is subjected to that which He underwent. There is greater tolerance, broader sympathy, more correct spiritual insight. The belief in animal mag- netism, the fear of it, gives it power, otherwise it is powerless to hurt those, upon the mortal plane who keep themselves pure and righteous. There is, in truth, no such thing as animal mag- netism, all is spiritual and all under spiritual law. The life of this plane, the life of the real life, hence, it can be seen that as all is pure and holy, animal mag- netism exists not, and has no reality, but in the brains of those who manifest it upon the mortal plane. Had Mrs. Eddy not feared animal magnetism, as she knew all was pure and holy, she would not have tolerated belief in it. If all is pure and holy, animal magnet- ism exists not and is illusory. If all is not pure and 111 holy, it is a reality. Therefore, either one or the other is true. As all is pure and holy, it exists but as a state of consciousness, based not upon the erron- eous impressions and conceptions of the material brain and body, but, under law, for purpose of develop- ment. While it exists npt, in reality, and is power- less to control a brain and body in harmony with the spirit, it does influence brains and minds not in har- mony to do that which they are entirely unconscious of or rather, to be exact, influences the drugged brain of a spirit who is powerless to do many things he would not permit if able. An honest mind and brain will not steal nor do wrong, no matter how strong the suggestion, but an undeveloped one will commit crime because it is undeveloped, whether magnetized or not, as all, more or less, on the mortal plane, but fulfill law. The brain formed in the first place not to advance, is subject under law, to the stronger. If to advance, it is influenced by pure and holy hypno- tism and auto-suggestion. Those who have weak brains, who desire to strengthen them to defy evil in- fluences, can only do so in one way, by striving to live as clean, good lives as possible, and by systemati- cally suggesting pure, elevating thoughts, ever bear- ing in mind that the pure and good is constructive, the evil destructive to the brain, and that good brains, to form a good mind, can be developed in the majority. It is difficult for mortals to understand that evil has no reality when they witness its terrible effects. Naturally, knowing that matter, apart from spirit, is powerless, devoid of life and power to act, they be- lieve the spirit, soul child of God sins as he suffers, but when they learn the truth, that the material brain and body is only an instrument, (formed of spirit organisms which act independently of him,) that he uses throughout the day, and abandons at night when he sleeps, they begin to see that he often, is neither 112 responsible nor present, and that since he is a pure, holy child of God, he only impresses that which is of God, and that evil is not of Him at all. They know that he is no more responsible for that part of his brain which controls the animal part of his nature than were his animal progenitors, that were it possi- ble to have an animal soul as claimed by theosophy, that animal soul is no part of the pure, holy spirit and perishes with the material. If he, pure and holy child of God is not evil and there is no evil in the spirit life, why is its semblance, as malignant, as sin and sorrow causing as though real, permitted on the mortal plane? Whence did it originate? For what purpose? Why could not the pure be educated and live only in the real life where all is pure and har- monious, who could cause such a terrible state of consciousness? This is known only by the most advanced Celestial Angels, who produce all the illu- sions and delusions of the mortal plane for purpose, not of causing the child of God suffering, but to train that which he must use to make him person and in- dividual, his real brain and body. Every life organ- ism which builds the substance of his body, must de- velop, on the mortal plane through that cognized as evil, (in reality undeveloped conditions,) the spirit- ual qualities of industry, etc., which are impossible to be developed in the spirit spheres. As it is impos- sible to develop them in these spheres and as his brain and body is but an aggregation of them, if they are not developed sufficiently, he has a material brain and body to continue the development on the mortal plane, in the mortal world, where the undeveloped conditions which stimulate endeavor, strengthen will, and excite ambition, are absolutely necessary for them, but not for the great majority, the still-born and those detached prior to birth who receive the real bodies, under law, in turn, sufficiently developed, to 113 be in harmony with the spirit. The soul gifts of God, the soul of God's child is of Him, all the so-called evils are of Him, as He is All in All. But as Person and Individual, although the highest Expression of the Divine Mind, Prin- ciple and Spiritual Attributes, He is not responsible for the undeveloped conditions, that which must be to develop the vehicles of expression, brain and bodies for His children. Hence He, as the expression of His own soul gifts and spiritual qualities, is not responsible for the undeveloped conditions. He cannot change His Divine, immutable laws which are imperative to bring forth His children. The necessary qualities to enable a spirit to grow can only be developed on the mortal plane, as has been repeatedly stated before. When it is realized that the material plane of con- sciousness is but for the purpose of developing these qualities and that everyone expresses the soul gifts according to the development of their material brain, it can be seen that those who are not in harmony can- not express good, therefore express more or less, that which is cognized as evil. Evil, solely due to the undeveloped conditions, in reality, exists not. 114 THE TRUE L IFE. The true, real life is not that of the mortal but that of the spirit, not the life one leads on the mortal plane, mid suffering and discord, but the life one leads when free from the mortal body by sleep, trance or death. Could a spirit recall, on mortal plane, the peace and the happiness in the real life, the mortal plane, as a school, would be valueless. It would be impossible to advance, as neither mental or physical suffering would be beneficial. Hence to all but the especially illumined, the real life is ever, more or less, unreal and visionary. The purpose of the mor- tal plane is to train the real brain and body, to fit it to continue development in the spirit world. And, as it can only be developed on the mortal plane for this purpose, it is connected with a mortal body and through it receives it development. The spirit is in the real body in the real life, and merely impresses his material form when bound or attached to it. When, in the real life bound to the mortal, he is magnetized into insensibility, and only conscious with the material brain and senses on the material plane. If one cannot understand the material in the inter- stices of the real body, he must cognize as best he can, that the spirit, the real ego, is ever with the mortal body when it is awake and active, and apart from it when it is asleep, and his mortal body in charge of his guardian Angel. The spirit is always detached when in a sound, dreamless sleep ever absent from the body, receiving instruction, mingling with friends and family, etc. When the body needs him, if a dozen times a night, he is attached to it by those in charge. When wakeful or ill, as these conditions are necessary, 115 he is rarely detached, although conscious when body is asleep, of. the real life. To understand as clearly as possible with mate- rial brain, one must know that one mingles and asso- ciates with the very ones with whom they associate on the mortal plane, that the same ties that bind on the mortal, the same parents, friends, relatives, are iden- tical in the real life. That even the ties one 'forms for a transitory period are the same. But with this dif- ference, all ties formed from physical attraction, the animal passion, are not so in the real life, where it exists not. There are various degrees of pure, holy love, but passion, its antithesis, is not known. The love of the soulmate, entertained but for one, until earth life frees one, is infinitely superior to any love of the earth. Those that imagine that the animal nature (passion its dominant characteristic,) and evil, undeveloped conditions are of the real life, are still on the animal plane, no matter how holy and pure their individual lives. Their brains are still formed of undeveloped life organisms which prevent them from expressing themselves truly; did they have the right kind of a brain or instrument, they would know 7 that nothing that is not pure or holy can be of God. Love is the most potent emotion in existence. Even on earth, pure, holy love, distinguishes man from the brute. One who sacrifices honor, friends, family for the animal passion, knows naught of true love on the mortal plane, which ever elevates instead of degrades its object. Those who imagine this spurious count- erfeit love, learn to their sorrow that there is naught divine in it, and, that, for a certain purpose, unknown by them, they are but the victims of the unholy de- sires of the animal. The spirit in his real home, knows the truth, and cognizes all from the true view-point. He knows all the so-called evil is, more or less illusory, and but for 116 the purpose of bringing the real brain under com- plete control. He also knows that as he, the spirit, only endures, suggested pain, so does his real brain, the suggested pain and suffering which is absolutely essential or it would not be. Although he seemingly suffers on the mortal plane, in the real life he does not, and as his real brain is never conscious on the mortal plane, it does not actually suffer but receives from the impressions recorded on the mortal all that is necessary to bring it under loving subjection. The true brain is entirely free from the animal and only expresses spiritual qualities and the soul gifts, as the mortal is solely of the animal, the spirit can only express according to how it is developed. The high- est expression or manifestation of God, the Christ Spirit, in those who sought to lead the spirit life on this plane, have endeavored to eliminate the animal as much as possible. Before and since Buddha, up to the Lord Jesus Christ, adepts, masters have sought, through penance and solitude to develop the spiritual, not correctly impressed to realize that solely in the haunts of men, God's highest expressions, can they be developed to the greatest, as did the Lord Jesus Christ, the most perfect manifestation of God. Which requires more real courage, greater self-abnegtation, to deprive oneself of temptation even though one tor- tures the flesh, or to seek it, go in the midst of it, and with example, not solely precept, overcome? So all who note, though at first they may ridicule, cannot help but be influenced. Therefore, on earth, there has been greater progression since Buddha and the holy adepts, who did not mingle with all, progression, due to the example set by the Lord Jesus, who was a friend of the publican, the sinner, who was deemed a "gluttonous man and a wine bibber," who mingled freely with all, making no distinctions. Many to- day, following His example, deeming themselves 117 students of Buddha, and the esoteric love of the East, prove by their lives, emulating the example of Christ, the sole Teacher who made no distinctions, that in reality, they are Christians, brought forth of parents who have transmitted to them the brains to express the spiritual truths of the Lord Jesus, although from some progenitor, they still have a portion which has not developed beyond the time of Buddha. True religion is not confined to the Christian religions. The Spirit of God, the Divine Mind, is connected with all, of all races according to their stage of development. The Lord Jesus did not come for one, He came for all. He distinctly stated He had other folds, and sent His Disciples to preach to the world the truth, which they interpreted accord- ing to their brain development, the truths which today are received also and taught according to brain de- velopment. There are many amongst heathen races who more correctly apprehend the Lord Jesus, than those who fail to practice that which they preach, and in the name of the Prince of Peace, commits unde- veloped acts as those they seek to teach. If they were correct instruments for the truth, they would know that no one could express the truth of God through a brain which is not developed to express the love of God, the sole instrument connecting the two planes. Hence he who has a brain, capable of being governed solely by love, not fear, not self-inter- est, not individual suffering, solely by love, is a bet- ter instrument, regardless how often he may fail to express himself correctly, than the one who through self-interest, self aggrandizement or self-love, may, seemingly express love and yet posses it not at all. The sole difference in the expression of truth is due to the brain, not to the spirit at all, who ever is as pure and holy as the one with a good instrument, no matter how he expresses himself. There are in the 118 real life, as they appear on earth, spirits with various characteristics, tastes, etc. Those in the real life who love, and sympathize more with their brothers on the mortal plane, are more often, through indivi- dual efforts, the instruments to give the truth more clearly, than those who do not love so deeply. The difference with them, due to the difference in their spiritual minds, as on earth, is due to the material brain. But as brain and mind are a very important part of the spirit, one can with truth say the differ- ence is due to their individual characteristics, feelings, etc. Hence, in the real life, where all are pure and holy, and all express the soul gifts, the difference in expression is decidedly marked. Those who be- come detached by death, who do not love deeply, although they do not love self, as that is impossible, thiink more of the joys and delights of the real life, than they do of the sorrows and trials of the mortal plane, and strive to banish all recollection of them, hence, as the mortal plane alone is subjected to suffer- ing, (countless material worlds ever in process of formation and decay, ever training and developing through suffering and hardship,) those who love deep- ly and who are more sympathetic, seek to be of use and service to those who are subjected to it. These, it is needless to say, express love more perfectly than those who, not yet sufficiently advanced, think of but the joys and delights. The highest are the Celestial Angels, and they are, in a sense, the humblest and most loving although all are possessed of a grandeur which denotes their superiority. All impelled by the spirit within, advance to the truth that love is the greatest power, and gradually develop and ex- press more perfectly the soul gifts. In the real life there is neither mental nor phy- sical suffering, the sole uncomfortable feeling, pity and sympathy for the material plane, which is ever 119 the greatest source of interest to all. The highly developed are ever in charge, and through phychics (all are psychics on the mortal plane), direct and supervise conditions. There is not a great mortal who is not guided and directed by a great Celestial Angel, not solely by his own spirit. Not one, no matter how lowly or abject, but has two Celes- tial tutors to devolp and train him in the real life, and to impress on the mortal plane that which is neces- sary. These have been cognized as guardian Angels. No one is ever alone, could one see with the real spirit sight, one would see, instead of the material world, the spirit, and the real, true, glorious and radiant spirits. Many advanced spiritually on earth see and commune with them more or less per- fectly, but only when they see that which is pure, holy, beautiful and harmonious, do they see truly. At other times they see more or less with the material consciousness, hence not truly. Undeveloped is the brain which cognizes from the material. The gods of all religions were as undeveloped as their founders and all endowed with animal characteristics. The thinker notes in all orderly sequence the higher and higher conceptions until the Lord Jesus Christ came. That is the thinker who is spiritually unfolded, but the thinker, regardless how materially wise, who is wedded to the flesh pots, who lives the animal life, who lusts, hates, who believes in punishment for oth- ers, who is content to be saved though all else perish, is still animal and cannot grasp either a God all Love or a state of being where only good and purity pre- vail. He can no more understand than can the waif of the slums who has never heard of good nor God, cognize higher until developed. Both still have undeveloped brains. The most advanced of the various religions on the mortal plane, still cognize good, purity and holiness to appertain solely to the 130 religion, not to those who follow them. Very seldom does one follow the teaching of their religion, he who does, though he be Christian or heathen, is deem- ed by those who do not, to be weak mentally or a hypocrite. It is impossible for one who is material to grasp the spiritual until developed. The highest and greatest on earth give pre-eminence to those deem- ed the spiritual qualities, the soul gifts. Though they fail in exmeplifying in act repeatedly, they feel the truth and give to the character, whether grasped as ideal or not, of the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest honor as the one who, not solely taught all the beau- tiful truths that the former great teachers had taught, but taught that which none of them ever had, that love rules all, that Love is immortal, and that Life Ever- lasting is for all, no such thing as extinction, that evil ceases for all who cease doing it, that although its effects are direful, when the state of consciousness, the mind, the brain is developed or awakened, it loses reality in the sense it is not ordained to endure. He did not teach that one had to return repeatedly to conquer evil, to acquire on the animal plane that impos- sible to be acquired, unless from a higher, or that the child made in the Divine Likeness and Image of his Father, needed repeated lives of suffering. He came but to instill love, charity, faith and hope to His own. Those who could see and hear, and that who could neither see nor hear, whilst undergoing that which is necessary, not to change, but to fulfill law. That He has been incorrectly understood is due to the same lack of development as is manifested today by those who are still animal. As ye upon the earth gaze upon the changing panorama of your motion pictures, so we gaze upon the equally as transitory panorama of your earth life. We know every change, every move ere made. We know every thought. Can ye not see, that ye are ever under directivity, that, although ye exercise will 121 and effort, that even though ye try to prolong life, the Angels in charge are supervising, that when the time is ready, independent of your will and efforts, ye are detached. Did the great Buddha, though he exert- ed will and effort, prolong life on this plane? Although it is claimed he was re - incarnated somewhat later, at his own desire to uplift hu- manity, had he the power to become reincarnated, surely he could have had the power to have continued life as the great Buddha, when his influence was immeasurably superior to that of any succeeding rein- carnation claimed for him. Did not the Lord Jesus yield up mortal life on the Cross? Did not Mrs. Eddy cease her mortal dream, and with it vanish beyond material consciousness? Have not all, from the beginning of life upon this earth, been taken out of human life whenever their time had come, whether willing to remain or not? Do not all the great scien- tists, who ignore the spirit life, go to it when they are called, no matter how great their material wisdom? Then, can it not be realized that, as they know not from whence or how they came, when, whither or how they go, that they must ever be under the laws of a higher power, no matter how cognized, to which all must submit? The wise (?) of eath who dream that life and death are in their hands, that they individ- ually, the greatest Mahatmas, Ahrats or adepts, greatest Christian Scientists, or great healer of any system can do that which Buddha, and the Lord Jesus Christ could not do, delude themselves and others. All yield up the material body when their time is ripe, even though some of this plane, owing to lack of development of their brains, may believe and in- fluence others with the same brain development to believe that they are great spirits animating poor weak material bodies for a great purpose, and will 122 soon return and impress other weak bodies for this purpose, not known to them nor cognized by others on this plane of consciousness. The truth is while all are supervised by great spirits, there is not one advanced spirit born in a mortal body on this plane as an individual spirit, although there are many great spirits in the making on this plane, many ordained to attain to high spiritual development, several of the highest to come forth in the Aryan race in the extreme West. High spiritual development means great expres- sion of the soul gifts. It does not mean material wisdom, wealth nor rank. The King of the Jews, the great potentate looked for, turned out to be the hum- ble Carpenter. The looked for Messiah, not one but several, will all be men who have become puri- fied through suffering, who have been tempted, and retrieved themselves, who, with correct spiritual in- sight recognize that, although material wealth is essen- tial, it is not necessary to develop the highest. Nor is it necessary to deny oneself the real pleasures of the real life, such as acquiring knowledge, developing one's gifts, etc. One does not have to renounce all joy and pleasure to lead the real life, one can conquer the animal in the midst of joy and beauty on the mor- tal plane, by merely expressing love instead of its antithesis, compassion, pity, tenderness even though unappreciated, but above all, to strive to inculcate in others the desire to make them self-helpful, to look within for the light, to realize that the power lies within all, to help themselves in all way. Even when hampered by heridity, the majority are ever in a con- dition to realize when subjected to beneficial condi- tions that the power of a child of God to direct and control his own material brain and body is ever his, when he brings his brain in harmony, and although it may take some, as it did Helen Keeler, a long while, great will power and individual effort, yet the power is there, when the brain is not that of an idiot or one who is incapable of changing brain, no matter how favorable conditions are. Ye who can think, ye who are not fool, moral pervert nor insane, ye who are not poisoned by the poisons of your own bodies, which are as injurious as those of morphine, opium, ye must know that ye yourselves can strengthen your will through individual effort and can conquer, oft, the seemingly impossible. The greatest power of all lies in expressing love, he who does is helped by the "unseen forces," in reality, his guardian Angels who impress him to restore harmony. When weary, despondent, hopeless, change the current of thought at once. Though ye be a saint ye cannot maintain the necessary harmony to maintain health in thy body. Thy health comes not merely from the expression of the soul gifts, for though ye express many, if ye worry or grieve ye put all thy body out of harmony. If ye despair over the woes of others, no matter how lov- ing or pure, ye put thyself out of harmony. Go to thy Father, say, "Father, I have done my best, I need Thy help. Help me to realize that all is best for me — under law, that even though sorrow crush and wound given through others, and I am not respon- sible, as Thy law must be fulfilled, I will strive to bear as best I can, knowing that they, in the truest sense, are illusory and transitory." When ye realize that even the death of thy dearly loved is but the awakening to a more complete, more perfect life, that they are with you, that ye are never apart, though ye see them not on this plane, stop thy sorrowing. It but grieves them, Wait patiently, do all the good ye can. Forget self, and, although, as ye are only conscious, on the mortal plane, of thy great loss, and cannot refrain, often, from giving vent to thy grief, every effort to conquer will give greater 124 strength to endure, and the peace that passeth under- standing" will be thine permanently, and, as ye think in this way of those w r ho are parted from you by death, so likewise think about those who are parted from you in life. Know that which is really thine own can never be taken from thee. If ye are tempted to do wrong, if a great scheme to enrich thyself at the ex- pense of others, where no good can result to them appears alluring to thee, and, though ye may see where ye can do much good with wealth so gained, put the thought far from thee. Wealth so gained benefits not, even though ye give all away, as do the great philanthrophists of the day. Bethink ye much of it is unjustly, illegally acquired. It is not thine to take nor to give, it belongs to those who are de- spoiled, then, how can ye give it with a good grace? If acquired honestly through thy own will and efforts, even though to others it seems ye acquire not honestly, if ye give as good value for that which ye receive, in a fair trade or barter, then ye can do whatsoever ye will with that ye have made. It is thine to take, thine to give. If ye betempted to defame another, even though it be truth regarding their character, their habits, keep mute, go to thy Father, thy soul. In the silence of thy sanctuary, unburden thy heart, but not to others, who but miscomprehend and miscon- strue. If it be tthat ye with the power and authority given to thee by thy Father, see that which is not right and ye shut your eyes, even though ye earn but poor reward for telling the truth to those who need it, tell it freely. Those who shut their eyes to the truth, who ignore evil, who care not whether a brother or sister falls by the wayside, are not servitors of thy Father, and heed not His teachings. What care ye whether they or others esteem ye for it? Ye know that ye ask naught for thyself, that ye are free from material desires for popularity, wealth, position, 125 adulation, hence ye are free to be true to the real life, and not to the false plane of the transitory. All who seek the good opinion of others, to be thought better, nobler than they really are, are oft afraid to voice their real opinions, to express them- selves truly for fear of wounding others. "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out." It is more lov- ing to tell a brother or sister the truth regarding that which defiles them, than to smilingly ignore it. But this must never be done in public, although, oft it is necessary for some who will not learn, to be publicly taken to task. Will ye let thy sister, thy brother be impure, unworthy, dishonest, drink, gamble, rapine, murder, be unclean, unwholesome, bring shame and suffering on themselves and others, and remain mute and silent? Not thy business to interfere, am "I my brother's keepe?" Yea, ye are, thy brother's keeper. He is of thee, and of thy Father. It is thy business to teach, proect, uplift, love and succor him, not thy indifference, thy holding aloof will do this. Not thy business to encourage him in that which debases him, that ends in sorrow. While it is true on the mortal plane all undergo that which is necessary, it is also true that owing to lack of the expression of the soul gifts, many suffer, who, otherwise, would acquire that which is needful without so much suffering. As in a family, one child cannot learn, though trained similarly, subjected to the same conditions, so oft, these poor ones can only learn, due to the density of their brains, through repeated suffering. Hence teachers are inspired to teach them how to bring these brains into harmony. Every impure, selfish, unholy, unrighteous thought ever brings either mental or physical suffering, but, could they see with the spirit sight, they would know that it is not due to the real spirits, but to their undeveloped brain which cannot transmit correctly, until brought into harmony. Who 126 puts the brain and body out of harmony? Does the spirit willfully? No, he makes mistakes and sins ignor- antly, he is shut off from the spirit, he has only the material brain, oft a very poor one. It is developed principally through material conditions. If he has not the right, he is undeveloped. He alone can de- velop it through that which he receives from his earth life and that which he receives from his spirit We teach will, will. Make individual effort. We seek to impress through repeated affirmations that which will develop the brain, not the spirit, pure, holy child of God. although he himself must treat, when he receives the message. Teachers treat the mortal mind of the spirit, not the spirit mind, that is shut off, and though mortal mind is spiritual, as it is formed only from material experiences, if it is a poor, unformed mind, it needs treatment as much as the brain. The spirit then receives and treats his brain himself, and develops it according to conditions, whether favorable or otherwise. When his brain is in harmony, brain he is more or less in harmony with his spiritual mind, never otherwise, and can then receive from the spiritual mind, and express on the mortal plane that which he receives, according to the condi- tion of the material brain. No one who gives that which is not pure, good and holy has a correct instru- ment, only the pure, good and holy is true. A religion, organization, society, individual, which or who strives to make the spiritual and mate- rial coalesce, which or who unlike the Lord Jesus Christ, piles up the material primarily for selfish needs, is not the highest expression of the truths of God. "Freely ye give, freely ye receive." Although the leading religions and societies are doing incalcul- able good, and there are many in authority, ministers and teachers whose lives are sweet paens of self den- ial, these in their hearts know that their religion or tin society not founded upon a commercial basis, but which has substituted the material for the spiritual, is not that which impels them to their highest, but the true conception of that religion when first formed by the Lord Jesus, or that given to the various religions according to their planes of development when in harmony with truth. Seek therefore within for the light to guide ye. "Come to me, ye who are heavy laden and I will give thee rest." This does not mean that ye should go to God to give ye especial favors, especial food, shelter, raiment, to clad ye in "purple and fine linen," to give ye at the expense of thy brethren that which ye yourselves have not earned. Why should ye, (who toil not, who do not spin, who are not useful, if able, who are not, like the liles of the field, of either use or ornament,) depend upon God to give thee that which ye are not willing to earn? The Lord meant not this, He said, "Consider the lilies of the field, which toil not, neither do they spin, take ye no thought of the morrow, what ye shall eat, what ye shall drink, or what withal ye shall be clothed. Know ye not your Father knoweth ye have need of all these things, and all are provided according to that which is needful for ye?" These were the words given by the Lord. They were not meant to convey the idea that one should not make individual effort to procure that which is essential materially, the instinct of self-preservation provides for that, but that one should not dwell upon the material inordinately, nor take undue thought of what one should wear or eat." All is provided according to that which is needful for ye." If needful to be hunger- ed, thirsty, naked, is it not best to be so? Better, far better to struggle and endure that which is necessary, if ye can learn in no other way on this plane, to be able to advance in the real life. If many suffer more through prosperity than adversity, if but the 128 empty, vapid pleasures of the flesh-pots give ye that which is essential, then bemoan not, no matter whether ye need one or both or certain experiences to free thee. Realize the mortal plane for what it really is ,a school, where the training varies for all, and take thy schooling as patiently as possible. Does it fill ye with love, compassion, does it satisfy thy innermost craving to seek the flesh-pots, to deck and array thy- selves with glory, to minister to thine own selfish pleasures, to desire the material for the pleasure it gives thee? While love of beauty and every thing that is good and desirable is of the spirit, think ye one spirit in the real life would go clad in "purple and fine linen" if one alone were deprived of a daily crust? Nay, look truth in the face and make no false pretenses. Know ye are not living the real life when ye cannot even cognize that only the good is real, and ye do not cognize that which is good. Think ye that conditions are different from when the Lord Jesus came? Yea, more developed a thou- sand-fold. Notwithstanding that many claim Christ would be crucified as of yore, it is not so. He would have millions instead of a few followers. Regard- less of the terrible war with its more terrible physi- cal results, know that mistakenly or not, more pitiful appeals are sent Heavenward, more faith in God ex- pressed, than ever before felt by His distracted chil- dren, more love, tenderness, sympathy, more expres- sion of the soul gifts on the fields of carnage, with the passion of the animal predominating in many, than at any period in the history of the world. Hence all over the world, the spirit spheres are impressing as best they can, fitted for this stage of advancement, that which can be received. Can one who loves not his neighbor as himself, his neighboring nation, re- ceive the truth that his neighboring enemy is his brother, a child of God equally with himself, hence 129 when he prays for victory for his nation, his country, he prays selfishly and can neither receive nor express truth? Nor can the women who pray for the suc- cess of their own at the expense of their sisters' sor- row, receive the truth or express it. While it is the highest expression of many to love oneself and all pertaining to self first, it is not the highest expression of those, who, follow not the pagan "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth," but He who taught "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, etc." Were the leading nations sufficiently advanced, were the major- ity, in truth, Christians instead of pagan, they would follow the Prince of Peace and arbitrate. There would be no necessity for war, but as they are still undeveloped, they must suffer much more, ere they learn to practice that which they preach. The nation or individual which or who will not allow to others that which they desire for themselves, a right to the soil and waters of God, are still unde- veloped. The nation or individual, which or who is envious of the efficiency of others, must learn in the only way possible, through suffering. The na- tions which cherish the pagan "eye for an eye," revenge, bitterness, must learn that hate engenders hate. The nation or individual which or who under the guise of a friend, a home for the oppressed, en- courages publicly, tactly or otherwise that which tends to prolong the woes of their brethren, which or who render imperative conditions of militarism which otherwise would not be necessary, are still unde- veloped and will only learn through suffering brought upon themselves through lack of love for their neigh- bors. Were all really Christian instead of Pagan, they would know that God makes no distinctions, that, although many through might, have conquered helpless peoples, they would know, that under law and evolution, these conditions are only necessary 130 while they are undeveloped, hence, should realize they are not far removed from the animal, and not claim that it is the will of God that they punish others and themselves. It is not God's will. It is the will of their undeveloped brains, unformed minds, not even the will of their real selves. They themselves must suffer until they develop their instruments, hence all is as it must be at the present stage. How make one a Christian if he has the brains of a pagan or an animal? How make one believe in charity if he has still that which clamors for the spoils of the chase in his brain? How make one a prince of peace if he has a brain dominated by the beliefs in the "Divine rights of Kings," though he be in every re- spect superior to others? How make a born criminal righteous, if his brain be malformed and he is de- prived of the right conditions? How make a harlot bred in the slums and the depths, pure and good, if her brain and mind knows naught but impurity? Only in one way can many be developed, and that is through repeated lessons, repeated trials and sorrows. After this war is over, after millions have been sacri- ficed, after millions of wives' hearts are broken, mil- lions of children impoverished, after these terrible heart-rending lessons, those who are left, who have been instrumental in causing and participating in it, will awaken to the truth they could not learn be-* fore through their beclouded brains. The potentate will realize he is not at all divine, the diplomat that he is by no means wise, the great of- ficer will curse his honors stained by the gore of his country-men's lives, which were so wantonly sacrificed. The maimed, the halt, and blind, the diseased will sadly awaken to the truth that hate and war cause not only carnage and hate, but transmit germs of hate, w T hich .can only be brought into harmony by the ex- pression of the soul gifts. The soul gifts, now so 131 nobly being expressed, by millions who are forgetting their own woes in service to others, millions who were leading useless, vapid, more or less impure lives, now coming into the true realization of life; that to attain to the highest, one must minister to the lowest, recog- nizing all as children of God, each and everyone a sister, a brother. No "meum," no "teum," no my country, my religion, my people, my brethren, of one especial nation or race, but each and all mine. In words of Tom Paine, "To do good my religion, the world my country," if not yet developed to accept the doctrine of Love of the Lord Jesus Christ. "I bring ye one new Commandment, that ye love one another." These who minister to others, who are sacrificing themselves and striving to live up to the highest are the beacon lights of the world. They will do more to spread the Doctrine of Love, the true Christians, than all the combined efforts of those who are not yet developed, to prevent it from spreading. Hence, out of all this evil, good will come, and although brains will deteriorate with many, there will be more to see clearly after than before. The true Christian will prevent as much as possible all that will lower the moral standard, degrade the sanctity of marriage and the home, and debauch the pure and innocent. There will be millions in other countries who will have learned through the sufferings of others that which is essential, who will combine with them and help in every way possible, so that the after effects will not be as disastrous as prognosticated by many. For bear ye this in mind, ye are but instru- ments, and although ye have free will, and ye are, in a degree responsible, yet ye are ever in charge of those in the real life. There will be those impressed who will bring order out of chaos, and bring the Kingdom of God and Love nearer than ever before to all the suffering and sinning, while all who have awakened are in the true and real life for good, where ye are now, though ye know it not. THE INSPIRED SWEDENBORG. Emanuel Swedenborg was more highly honored on the earth plane in many respects during his epoch than any other of God's children. He was chosen for his especial work, for his great love of humanity and his corresponding, the two generally accompany each other, unswerving loyalty to One Infinite God. The church founded by those who revere his char- acter, who found the truths embodied in his works in harmony with their own spiritual impressions, has not advanced. While the Christian Science organization has brought into its fold thousands, mainly through Mrs. Eddy's Science and Health, the New Church (Swed- enborg's) has increased but very little. Those be- longing to this Church striving diligently to inculcate all he taught, should try to ascertain why they fail. The answer to all but the born blind, (those who have eyes yet will not see) is obvious. The Christian Sci- ence Church recognizes the unreality of evil, disease and death, hence has attracted many who would have preferred either a spiritualist or a Swedenborgian Church. Had the Swedenborian Church eliminated the unparalleled horrors of the hells so graphically portrayed by its inspired Founder, or had the modern Spiritualist Organization let in a little more of the true Christian Doctrine, in fact did modern Spiritual- ism, instead of alluding to the Lord as the Elder Brother and attributing to Nature, the Power of God Omnipotent, it, as well as the Swedenborgian Church, would be as prosperous as the Christian Sci- entist, for they have as many truths as the Christian Scientist and in the one great truth, the Swedenbor- gian is superior, for it teaches of God as a Divine Omnipotent Person, The Swedenborgian failed through striving to inculcate in this enlightened age, the obsolete, (in advanced mind,) belief in evil and hell. The Spir- itualist fails through endeavoring to force the theory that Nature, (in reality the laws, the modes of opera- tion of the Divine Will,) is the Creator, the Designer, the Planner of all the Celestial bodies in space. Thus a very large class of advanced thinkers who know spiritualism to be a fact, but, who, also, believe in One God Omnipotent, a Supreme Being, cannot ally themselves with those who fail to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Representative. These two large classes who would otherwise have added to the strength of the Swedenborgian Church and Spiritualist Organization have allied themselves with the Christian Scientist and its differ- ent branches and off-shoots, Home of Truth, etc., while many more, who will not give up their Personal God, remain in the Churches. Those who believe in a Personal God will not accept Nature, (that which they know to be an Effluence from Deity, nor Prin- ciple as taught by Christian Science,) hence, keep out of Christian Science, and as they also believe in Christian Spiritualism, will not join an Organization which fails completely in their concept of God, such as modern Spiritualism, and, as they do not believe in hell, keep away from Swedenborg. There are many thousands who would ally themselves either with a Christian Spiritualism or the Swedenborgian Church- es were these errors of spiritual comprehension cor- rected. The Christian Science Organization has gained more adherents than either, solely because its Leader, Mrs. Eddy, grasped the spiritual truth relative to the unreality of evil in spirit spheres, as she discerned the unreality of matter, in the sense that it can be trans- formed and transmuted in many ways, from the visible 134 to invisible until it disappears entirely under dynanism. Although she failed to explain (in that sense only) she recognized matter as unreal, as it actually is proven by material science to be no thing visible or tangible. Also she failed in realizing that the animal propen- sities and disease, inherited from the brute, are not the effects of mortal mind, as has been explained repeatedly in this work. The inspired Swedenborg, a character whom none could doubt, was impressed to give all that he gave, in fact all that he could receive, suited to the mental receptivity of his epoch, over one hun- dred and fifty years ago. When one looks over the past and thinks of the great inventions and discoveries, the wonderful advance along all lines of knowledge, the masses today enjoying superior advantages in many way to the classes then, when one thinks of all that electricity alone has accomplished, one can have a faint concep- tion of how really backward, in many ways, were the people then to what they are today. The religion of our Lord Jesus Christ given in fable and allegory, many truths obscure to those not spiritually illumined, is the true religion, hence can never be added to nor taken from, but the errors of its teachers and trans- lators must be corrected. The proletariat can no longer be frightened nor whipped into subjection. Hells, devils, evils are not tolerated among those who have any brain development, that is, spiritual un- folded merit, and that religion or church which will persist, with the Bible in one hand, and a whip in the other in attempting to frighten adult beings into such beliefs or, in any way, coerce them against their own impressions, or inclinations, will soon be on a par with Zoroastriaism, have few places of worship and preach to empty houses. On page 4 in Heaven and Hell, Swedenborg 135 states, "They said also that those who come into the other life from within the Church and who have an idea of three Divine Beings, cannot be admitted into Heaven, since their thoughts wander from one Divine Being to another." As God is One and Omnipotent, All Good, as naught but Good can flow from Him, as all His spirit children merely impress material instruments, never really live in this world therefore this statement is not true, and was imperfectly im- pressed. On page 6, "The Lord alone has the power alone of removing hell, of withdrawing from evils, and of holding in good, thus saving." Since God is All Good and Omnipotent, He would not keep His own children in hells or evil even were there such places and conditions. Evils result from the violation of natural law, and their effects and results to the mate- rial man or mortal, never to the spirit in the real life. On page 7, "The Divine, proceeding from the Lord, is the good of Love and the truth of Faith. In the degree therefore in which they receive good and truth, they are Angels and are in Heaven. Every one in the Heavens knows and believes and even per- ceives that He wills and does nothing of good from himself, and thinks and believes nothing of truth from himself, but all from the Divine, thus from the Lord and that the good and truth which are from himself are not good and truth because there is no life in them from the Divine. The Angels of the inmost Heaven even clearly perceive and feel the influx, and the more they seem to themselves to be in Heaven, because the more in love and faith and the more in the light of intelligence and wisdom, etc., as all that is good in Angels comes from the Lord, therefore all evil must come from and have been created by man." On page 11, "In Heaven loving the Lord does not mean loving Him as to Person, but loving truth that 136 is from the Word, and loving truth is willing and do- ing it." On page 14, "That in love there is all capacity for receiving truths suitable to itself, and desire for conjoining them to itself was made evident to them by those taken up into Heaven, who thought simple in the world, yet came into Angelic wisdom and into the blessings of Heaven when among Angels. The rea- son was that they loved good and truth for the sake of good and truth, and implanted them in their life and thereby became capacities for receiving Heaven with all its inexpressible blessings. Those, however, who are in the love of self and the world, have no capacity for receiving these things, are averse to them, reject them, and on their first touch and entrance, flee away, and associate themselves with those in hell, whose loves are like their own." Page 43, he says, "That Angels are human forms or men, have been seen by me a thousand times. I have spoken to them as man with man, some times with one, sometimes with many in company, and I have seen in them nothing different in form from that of man. Very often I have told them that men in the Christian world are in such blind ignorance as to Angels and spirits, that they believe them to be minds without forms, and pure thoughts of which they have no other idea than as of something etherial, in which there is something of life, and because they thus ascribe to them nothing of man except a thinking faculty, they believe they do not see, because they have no eyes, that they do not hear because they have no ears, and that they do not speak because they have no mouth or tongue. To this the Angels said that they know there is such a belief with many in the world, and that it prevailed among the learned, and also to their wonder, among the priests. They told also the reason, mainly that the learned, who were the leaders, and first 137 broached such an idea of Angels and spirits, thought of them from the sensual idea of the external man, and they who think from these ideas and not from interior life (spiritual mind) and the common idea implanted in everyone, cannot do otherwise than in- vent such notions, and this for the reason that the sen- sual idea of external man reached nothing else than what is within nature, thus nothing whatever of the spiritual world." On page 45, "It is to be known however that Angels cannot be seen by man by the eyes of his body, but with the eye of the spirit within him, because this is the spiritual world and all things of the body in the natural world with natural eyes. Like sees like from being like, moreover the organ of sight of the body which is the eye, is so gross that as everyone knows, it cannot see even the smaller things of nature, except through magnifying glasses. Still less can it see what is above the sphere of nature as are all things in the spiritual world, and yet man sees these things when he is withdrawn from the sight of the body and the sight of his spirit is open, as takes place in a mo- ment, when it is the pleasure of the Lord he shall see them. Then man does not know that he sees them with the eyes of the spirit. In this way, Angels were seen by Abraham, Lott, Manaoh and the Propncts. In this way also the Lord was seen by His Disciples after the Resurrection. In the same way too, Angels have been seen by me. Because the Prophets saw thus they were called seers. Good spirits with whom I have spoken about this matter have grieved in heart that there was such ignorance in the Church about the conditions of Heaven and spirits and Angels, and with indignation they told me to declare positively that they are not formless minds, not breaths of air, but men in very form, and that they see, hear and feel equally with men of the world. 138 On page 47, he says, "All the Angels in Heaven preceive the Lord under no other form than the human, and what is remarkable, those who are in the higher Heavens cannot think in any other way of the Divine. From this it is that all there acknowledge the Lord, because the Divine Human Form is given only in Him. These things I have not only been told by the Angels, but have been enabled to perceive while elevated into the inner sphere of Heaven. From this it is manifest that the wiser the Angels are, the more clearly they perceive this that the Divine is human in Form. For the Lord is seen in Divine, Angelic Form by those who acknowledge and believe in a Divine visible Being, but not by those who be- lieve in an invisible, since the former can see their Divine Being, but the latter cannot see theirs. Since there is in the Heavens such a perception in regard to the Divine it is therefore implanted in every man who receives any influx of Heaven to think of God under the human form." I think I have quoted enough to show that Swedenborg not only regarded God as Omnipotent, but also as Divine Person, as he states in this work; also enough to prove that he found wisdom, power, truth and love in all Angels and advanced spirits, in human form also like unto God, so far correctly impressed. On page 113, "Whenever I have spoken to Angels face to face, I have been with them in their dwellings. These dwellings are like those on earth, only more beautiful. In them are chambers, parlors and bed- rooms in great number, they have also courts and are surrounded with gardens, lawns and shrubbery. I have seen palaces of such magnificence as cannot be described. They shone as of pure gold above and below as of precious stones." On page 141, "Angels talk together just as men do in the world, and also on various subjects, as on 139 domestic affairs, civil affairs, on the affairs of moral life and of those of spiritual life. Angelic speech just like human speech is distinguished into words and also uttered by sound and heard by sound, for Angels, like men, have mouth, tongue and ears, also an atmosphere in which the sound of their speech is articulated. On page 217, "Let them know that every child wheresoever he is born, whether within the Church or not, whether of pious or impious parents, when he dies is received by the Lord and educated in Heaven. Every one who thinks from reason, may know that no one is born for hell but all for Heaven, and that man himself is at fault that he comes into hell, but little children as yet cannot be at fault." On page 244, "Since a man can live outwardly as others, can grow rich, keep plentiful table, dwell in an elegant house, wear fine clothing, according to his condition, can enjoy delights and gratifications, and then engage in worldly affairs for the sake of offices and business and for the life both of the mind and body, providing he inwardly acknowledges the Divine and wishes well to his neighbor, it is evident it is not so difficult as many believe to enter the way of Heaven. The only difficulty is to be able to resist the love of self and the world and prevent them be- coming predominant." On page 403, "When therefore evil is done from an evil heart, then because it rejects from itself all protection from the Lord, infernal spirits rush upon him who does such evil and punish. This may in some measure be illustrated from evils and their pun- ishments in the world, where also they are joined (attached spirits punished by their spirit life organ- isms when they violate natural law.) For laws in the world prescribe punishment for every evil." On page 440, "For this reason no Angel or spirits 140 are able in the least to resist the evils continually exhaling from the hells, since what is their own way, they all tend toward hell. From these things it is plain that unless the Lord alone ruled both the Heavens and the hells, no one could be saved." Page 441, "It is therefore continually provided of the Lord that no infernal society beneath a heaven- ly society shall prevail, and as soon as it begins to prevail, and as it begins to prevail, it is restrained by various means and is reduced to a just measure of equilibrium." The heavenly societies are the spirits in the real life, attached to the mortal plane of con- sciousness which was cognized by him as infernal societies; therefore, the infernal societies are not be- neath the heavenly societies, but conjoined with them, until liberated by that cognized as death. There- fore whenever evils upon the mortal plane of con- sciousness prevail, they are restrained by various means of purification and readjustment as is ever done on the mortal plane. Page 443, "That man cannot be reformed unless he has freedom, is because he is born in evils of every kind." A paradox, a free man born into evils. Page 444, "There are with every man spirits from hell and Angels from Heaven." The spirit in the real life is the spirit impressing the mortal body in hell on the mortal plane of consciousness, the Angels are his Celestial tutors. I think I have quoted suf- ficiently to show the views of the inspired seer at that time ; whilst he was a man of singularly elevated char- acter, he was daily thrown in contact with many on a very low plane of development, who believed in hell- fire, evil spirits, and all the many misconceptions believed in at that time, as many on the same plane today, wedded to these incorrect impressions would rather enjoy their delights in these hells than forsake their belief in them. All excepting in a few respects, 141 regarding the love, truth, wisdom, beauty of the spirits is true. On page 4 in Heaven and Hell, he says, "That those who come into the other life from within the Church and who have an idea of three Divine Beings cannot be admitted, since their thoughts go from one Divine Being to another." The natural inference then that all in the Protestant and Catholic Churches, all who cannot grasp one God Omnipotent, a Supreme Being, all in the whole world who do not accept the truth as portrayed by him to be denied Heaven, and all the joys and truths of spirit existence. Is it strange that one, a correct instrument, should be selected to correct these errors? On page , "The Lord alone has the power of moving the hells, of withholding from evil, of holding in good." Since thus he shows the Omnipotence of God, that God can withhold from evil, can save, how incorrectly impressed to teach that our loving Father, a God solely of Love can withhold from evil and save, yet will not. On page 7, "Everyone in the Heaven knows that he wills and does nothing of good from himself, and thinks and believes nothing of truth from himself but all from the Divine." If only good comes from the Divine and man is the off-spring of the Divine, how is it that He creates evil out of good? On page 217, "Everyone who thinks from reason may know that no one is born for hell but all for Heaven, and that man himself is at fault." Very crude logic. God Omnipotent, ordained man for Heaven, man more potent than Omnipotence, his Creator, creates evil and elects to go to hell. On page 403, "When therefore evil is done from an evil heart, etc., then evil spirits rush upon him." This seems to be less merciful and just than the mercy and justice of the earth plane. On earth all who are 142 advanced, strive to help their unhappy fellow be- ings, they would not permit that which the seer attrib- uted to our God of Love, but as stated before, the infer- nal states are really, the spirit life organisms in the material body, and the infernal societies the mortal plane of consciousness. Page 429, "The reason why torments are permit- ted in the hells by the Lords, is that evil otherwise cannot be restrained and subdued." Man, on the mor- tal plane, is subduing and correcting evil in all the different penal institutions with, in comparison with Swedenborg's hells, less torment and cruelty. Na- turally, many on the material plane infer that God is not Omnipotent, governs less wisely, less godly, less humanly, or is a monster of cruelty, revenge, persecu- tion, anything but the God of Love that the Lord Jesus Christ taught of or that we know on this plane. In the spiritual and Celestial it is known posi- tively and without doubt that there is but one Supreme Force, God, Omnipotent and Eternal. If God has the power to restrain and check evil, He certainly must have power to suppress it entirely, even though existent in spirit life. Evil is now known on earth to be the effects of disease and material conditions over which the victims of these conditions have but little control. No advanced class on the material holds such unfortunates responsible, much less He who brought them forth on spirit plane. "There are with every man Spirits from hell and Angels from Heaven." Hence after man has created evil, and born to it, all evil, according to "Heaven and Hell," he is ever accompanied by both evil and good spirits, continually struggling to dominate, the evil from hell, the good from Heaven. What chance then could poor man, born in sin, have against the combined evil of his material heritage and the ma- chinations of evil spirits? It can be seen his Angels 143 could be of little use. This, correctly interpreted, means that the Angels are his Celestial guides or tutors and the devils the undeveloped life organisms of his material brain. In this respect Swedenborg's doctrine is little higher than that of Zoroaster. He taught evil and good, ever at warfare on the spirit plane, by no means what the Lord Jesus Christ taught, for even on the mortal plane He taught, "Forgive your enemies seventy times seven, bless them that curse you, do good to them that despitefully use you, that ye may be the children of your Father in Heaven." He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and the good* and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye, do not even the publicans the same?" A God who expects the average person to rise to these heights, could not, if at all potent, permit evil spirits to tempt and influence weak, erring mortals if born into evils. Nor could a Father who maketh the sun to shine on the unjust as well as the just consign, if Omnipotent, His creatures in places of torment and horrors. Enough has been given to show the fallacy of evil, the erron- ous conceptions, interpretations and contradictions of the only Doctrine of Love ever given to the earth. No one with any brain development at all, can doubt an Omnipotent Power, no matter how cognized. No one who has a brain spiritually unfolded, doubts that the Lord Jesus Christ lived on this plane. Those who believe in Him or not, know that the great and holy qualities, the principles, taught as coming from Him, represent the highest truths known to mortals. That since the downfall of Roman authority, the Christian virtues, the spiritual forces, slowly but surely overspread and penetrated all parts of the earth, wherever those, impressed by their spirits, ventured. Not only the martyrs of the early Christian era, whose sublime fortitude unexam- 144 pled heroism excited the wonder and admira- tion of their heathen persecutors, but, in all ages and in all nations since, the Christian Missionary, accord- ing to his plane of development and expression of the soul gifts, has done his duty wheresoever his spirit guided, even though he knew that death, disease, and trials awaited, ready to beset him on all sides and lay him low, at any moment, far away from all that made life dear. "That ye love one another", echoes and re-echoes throughout all the spheres. That the dominant com- mand, the imperative law. What does love mean? Does it mean to persecute, to ill-treat, to degrade, to starve, to beat, to confine in prison, cavern or hell? Our God of Love reigns over all the universes. With Love, Truth, and Wisdom were they brought forth. But, although God brings forth these worlds, there are immutable laws, under which Angels continually operate. These not even our Father Himself can change. The spiritual and material universes con- jointly are birth-places for His children, all experi- ences from the incarnations of the animal registered on the spiritual brain of the child, when endowed with soul. His children must not only acquire the limited knowledge of one incarnation, or rather develop attributes impossible to develop in the spirit spheres, but must acquire in a manner impossible to forget, all that deemed essential of the different species from the lowest up to spirit man on spirit side, mortal on mortal plane. Thus His children are born with all experiences recorded on their brains. When soul, the God essence, is implanted in spirit body like unto God's, conjoined with material body, is a God child born and becomes a personality, to endure eternally throughout all spheres and stages of advancement, the person seemingly born on mortal plane, in reality the spirit on spirit plane, enduring and feeling all the 145 experiences, though as has been repeatedly stated, cog- nizing and impressing only spiritual attributes. Al- though a spirit never really lives on mortal plane, he endures all the misery and sorrow of his earth's pil- grimage, therefore, the Lord tries to make as easy as is consistent with the necessary experiences, the brief human life. Hence He sent teachers, reformers, seers, all beacon lights to give at each period of development the essential illumination, until at last He impressed the Lord Jesus Christ, who never lived on spirit plane, save as our own Omnipotent God who alone impressed his material form. The Lord was impressed with just as much as God deemed necessary, Miracles, fables, allegory were the food required, the pabulum fit for undevel- oped minds. The truths obscurely given, veiled from the undeveloped, are now being apprehended much more correctly than even when He came. Those on the highest plane grasp and conceive of God, as even Swedenborg, over a century ago did, as Divine Per- son in Human Form. To the great scientists, (already* dreaming of experimenting with life forces, who will, in the not distant future, create the low scale, soul- less beings termed automaton in the spirit world,) it is not inconceivable, (as it is not impossible for them to bring forth beings out of the life-impregnated sub- stance,) that the First Great Cause may be a Supreme Being. As it is conceded by all who think and by the millions who let others think for them, that a Supreme Being, of some kind, is an absolute necessity, many are striving to find out as much about Him and His laws as possible. All that they can learn from on the material plane, unless they seek within for light, are His revelations, the book of Nature, the first and most important, coming more directly from Him, and the various, more or less inspired revelations given by the different races according to their planes of develop- 146 ment. Nature reveals through geology, proven almost step by step, by our great scientists, through the slow process of evolution, from the low to the high, until man is brought forth, a fixed plan, a set purpose. As all Nature, all forms of life, prove con- clusively the existence of an All-prevailing, Supreme Intelligence, conceded and cognized by all religions, philosophies and cults, it is folly for any but the most illiterate to deny that a Supreme Power of some sort governs all. Each race and nation, according to its plane of development, creates a god or gods to suit their own ideas, their conceptions, the god or gods suited to their plane of development. Thus from the stick-worshippers, through all planes to the One Omni- potent God. The Great Jehovah, the God of stern, inflexible cruelty to our loving Father as taught by the Lord Jesus Christ. To the Jew on mortal plane we are indebted for our greatest blessing. All should bear in mind that a Jewish woman was selected, as the one immaculate Virgin, fit to bear the holy child. They should also know that all Jews as well as all of the most inferior and degraded races are their own, from the same source as themselves. All races, on all planes are endeavoring to solve the mysteries to get to the truth of mortal origin and destiny. All religions and philosophies have gleaned and embody all they have found in their teachings, and still the majority are unsatisfied, still seek every place but the one true place from whence all knowledge comes, within their own souls. Those who have thus sought have found the truth, an Omnipotent God of Love. But all who seek do not get the truth, for many things interfere, not solely due to so-called evil, but much more often to worry, haras- sed mental attitudes. Those who glean from Nature only, and who read the various inspired work super- ficially, accepting all literally, fail to get the true 147 insight. Hence, do not cognize Him solely as a God of Love but of evil also, as portrayed in the Scriptures and in the New Testament, where in vari- ous ways, He shows a very unlovable nature, one not at all consistent with His true Character of Divine Love and Compassion. The earnest seeker after truth, correctly impress- ed, naturally rejects the material conception and accepts the spiritual, therefore gives preference to the God of Love of the Lord Jesus Christ and truly feels that the God who expects His followers to rise to His Divine standard, "I. and my Father are One," could neither persecute, nor in anger or just indigna- tion judge or condemn anyone. The Lord Jesus Christ, impressed solely by God who taught, "Judge not, lest ye be judged, blessed are the merciful, love your enemies," and the many Divine truths which really came from him, could not fail to practice that which He taught, could not bless and forgive one moment, and arraign and judge the next. As God alone impressed His material mind, the material mind could not conflict, hence all not of the com- passionate, loving nature of God Omnipotent was interpolated or incorrectly translated. All who have progressed in the centuries since then, who have con- quered many material limitations, more perfectly im- pressed, reject all not in harmony with their concept- ions of what God is or should be. All on the higher plane neither criticize, judge nor condemn those less advanced than they, not only knowing that which causes their brethren to fail in acting rightly, but also familiar with the effects of disease upon the moral nature, pity and sympathize with them. A God who cast out devils which cause, according to certain Apostles, divers evils and diseases, could neither blame nor judge the tormented victims, knowing that the devils, in reality, little undeveloped spirit 148 organisms, were responsible, they, the sole evil spirits. He cured them, therefore, He compassionated them. If He compassionated them, knowing why they were so, He neither rebuked, arraigned nor condemned. Thus the most highly advanced accept all in the Bible that is in harmony with their spiritual mind and they know to be true. Among the greatest are many who are unable to conceive of or believe in a Personal God, especially such a God as the ultra religious try to force on them, hence, as they judge all by the false interpolations, they reject the Bible and form a relig- ion or philosophy of their own. When Swedenborg lived only here and there was one sufficiently advanced to cognize God's true nature. He was surrounded solely by those who grasped the Bible literally, who believed in hell-fire, witches, evil spirits and the devil. The belief in all these horrors was in the very atmosphere, only occa- sionally was one spiritual enough to grasp the truth which, if uttered, was greeted with contempt and de- rision. How could human nature on that plane then conceive of a Being superior to themselves? Hence, although the Lord Jesus taught of love and its power and devoted His life to succoring and heal- ing poor humanity, they did not follow His example nor practice His doctrine of love, but then, as many of the same class today, believed all — that He did not say, that which came from undeveloped, material minds more in harmony with their own, and, there- fore attributed to the Divine, their own character- istics. They believed in punishments, in torture, in penances, in revenge, hence, accepted hells. Emanuel Swedenborg, a man of holy nature, great charity and keen sense of justice could not live among such people without being poisoned with the taint of their morai miasma, or fail to be influenced against his spiritual these beliefs. It is very difficult for the spirit to 148 impress even a mind and brain which has outgrown many of the false conceptions entertained by Sweden- borg at that time, hence, much more difficult to im- press him correctly, on the material plane, after his visits, during trances to the spirit world. On spirit plane as spirit, he saw and cognized everything truly, but, upon his return as he had to express himself through his material brain and was only conscious with his mortal mind, naturally all that he gave was deeply colored with the prevailing material ideas of the times. Whether his Church is advanced enough to re- ceive this or not, will make no material difference, for all is ordained. Many within it deride the folly of any in this enlightened age, clinging to such obsolete ideas, naturally attributing it to lack of both spiritual and material growth, for, even, the mate- rially advanced cannot accept hells or places of pun- ishment, therefore, I repeat that the Church or Or- ganization must stop preaching such errors and mis- conceptions, or fail to advance. 150 ESOTERIC BUDDHISM AND CHRISTIANITY. I quote from Esoteric Buddhism by A. P. Sinett, President of the Simla Ecletic Theosophical Society, "The Cosmic conceptions and the knowledge of nature in which Buddhism, not merely rests, but which con- stitute esoteric Buddhism, constitute exoteric Brah- manism." "Though the essense of the Doctrine dates back to a far more remote antiquity, the Buddhist coloring now permeated its whole substance." "Hitherto this sacredness has always prescribed their absolute concealment from the profane herd. The new departure, which this volume signalizes will be contemplated with surprise and regret by a great many initiated disciples." "It is given to the world at last by the free grace of those in whose keeping it has hitherto lain." "And it is only through the acts and intentions of these esoteric teachers, who have been chosen to work through me, that I can have any certain knowledge" "Brahminical philosophy in ages before em- bodied the identical doctrine which may now be described as esoteric Buddhism; Buddha, however, took the task of revising and refreshing the inner science of the inner circle of initiates, as well as the morality of the outer world." "An Ahrat, a man made perfect according to Buddhist faith, 'To him who finished the path and passed beyond sorrow, who has freed himself on all sides, for such there are no more births. Their old Karma is exhausted, no new Karma is produced, their hearts are free from the longings, etc. They, the wise, are extinguished like lamps'." 151 "Mr. Arthur Lillie, in Buddha and Early Buddhism tells us, 'six supernatural faculities were expected of the ascetic before he could claim the grade of Arhat. They are constantly alluded to in the Sutras, as the six supernatural faculties, usually without further specifications. Man has a body composed of four elements. In this transitory (mate- rial body) His intelligence is enchained. The ascetic, finding himself thus confused, directs his mind to the creation of the Manas (human soul.) He represents to himself, in thought, another body created from this material body, a body with a form, members, and organs. This body, in relation to the material body, is like the sword and scabbard, or a serpent issuing from a basket in which it is confined. The ascetic then, purified and perfected, begins to practice super- natural faculties. He finds himself able to pass through material obstacles walls, etc. He is able to throw his phantasmal appearance into many places at once (present pictures like motion pictures of himself), he can leave this world and even reach the heaven of Brahma, himself, (only in the real, true spirit body can he do this.) Also by the power of Manas (hu- man soul) he is able to read the most secret thoughts of others and to tell their character." "Seven distinct principles are recognized by esoteric science as representing the constitution of man. These are first, the body, Rupa, second vitality, Prana or Jiva, third astral body, Linga Sharira, fourth animal soul, Kama Rupa, fifth, human soul, Manas, six spiritual soul, Buddhi, seven, spirit, Atma." "The elements of the physical body are on the same plane of materiality. The higher principles of the series which go to constitute man are not yet fully developed in the man kind with which we are yet familiar." (Although many very advanced adepts and Mahatmas are impressing them, according to this 152 belief.) "The third principle, the astral body, is an ether- ial duplicate of the physical body, its original design. It guides Jiva (vitality) in its work and causes it to build up the shape which these assume, vitalized itself by the higher principles (not yet developed), its unity is only preserved by the union of the whole group. This means that the spirit shadow form of the mate- rial, cognized as the astral, helps the life principle, which in reality it is, to build up that cognized as material substance, all vitalized by the higher prin-< ciple, spirit and soul. In truth its unity is only pre- served on the mortal plane by the unity of the whole group, but during sleep, the higher principles, the soul in the spirit body, lives the real life. u At death, the astral body is disembodied for a brief period, and under some abnormal conditions may even be tempor- arily visible to the external sight of still living per- sons. Under such conditions it is taken for the ghost of the departed person. It is no more a being than any cloud wreath in the sky, etc. It never leaves the body except at death nor migrates far from the body; even in that case it can be seen near the physical body. Disturb the condition under which the astral is set free, and the second principle would cease to animate the physical body as a unit and death would ensue." As vitality, the second principle, is in reality that which forms the astral body, when the astral body, the shadow form of the physical or material abandons the material, there is no life left in it, all the life organ- isms composing are disassociated with the exception sometimes of a very few; therefore as body it ceases to exist when detached from the material. "The third principle is the astral body and that can not be sent about as the vehicle of the higher prin- ciples (the soul and spirit). This is true, the higher principles, the soul and spirit body are entirely dis- 153 tinct from the material and the astral. "The three lower principles are altogether of the earth principles in their nature as a single entity, though indestructible as regards their molecules, and absolutely done with by man at his death" This is true, aand as stated regarding spirit leaving the mate- rial body. "The fifth principle, human soul is the seat of reason and memory. It is a portion of this principle, (the human soul) animated by the fourth principle, (the animal soul) which is really projected by an adept when he makes an appearance in what he calls the astral body." This, in truth, means as soul is ever in the real spirit body, and cannot be in any other body but his own, the spirit or adept, cannot project himself, the real and the true but merely presents pictures of himself, moving pictares like the motion pictures of earth. "Now the fifth principle, the human soul in the majority of mankind is not yet fully developed. This fact about the imperfect development of the higher is very important." The fifth principle, the human soul, in reality, the human brain and mind, is truly, in many, even today very imperfectly developed. "Since the fifth, (the human soul) is not yet fully developed, it goes without saying that the sixth prin- ciple is in embryo, the spiritual soul. Sometimes it has been said we do not really possess any sixth prin- ciple, we merely have germs of a sixth principle. But it is also said, all things, not man alone, but every ani- mal, plant and mineral, have their seven principles and the seventh, the highest of all, vitalizes that con- tinuous thread of life which runs all through evolution, uniting in a deathless succession the almost innumer- able incarnations of that one life which constitutes a complete series." The sixth principle is the spiritual soul, the life principles and organisms, which develop 154 under law, through animal creation, up to man, are not conscious of soul connection with the Divine Mind, until connected with the Divine Mind of the Father. The Life Principle of God is not the Soul of God, all organic life has the life principle, but all do not have soul. "That which passes naturally into the world of effects, (the spiritual is really the world of cause, not of effects, the material the world of effects) after an incarnation in the world of cause, (the material) is the individual unit or nonad, but the persanality just dissolved passes there with it, to an extent dependent upon the qualifications of such personality in the use, that is to say which the person has made of his life 4 The period to be spent in the world of effect, (the spiritual) enormously longer than the life which has paved the way for existence there." This, in truth, means that the spirit passes into the spirit world, "the personality just dissolved passes there with it," means that which we cognize as mortal mind and they as human soul, "to an extent dependant on the qualifica- tions of such personality, in the use, that is to say, which the person has made of his life," means that all that which constitutes the real spirit, the real man, his loves, his hopes, his aspirations, and all those qual- ities which he has developed on the mortal plane, pass there with him, a part of the mortal mind, inreality, spiritual, to be retained, all that appertaining to the animal, to be abandoned with the physical body and animal brain, cognized by them as animal soul. "Through these races, the whole tide of human life passes, and the result is that the actual normal number of each incarnation is not far short of eight hundred." This is an incorrect impression, due to the correctly impressed truth of reincarnation up to man, and to the impossibility of explaining that which causes the difference between the different races and 155 their different planes of development. "The Chaldees were at the apex of their occult fame before that you term the Bronze Age, we hold, but then what can you give the world we are right? That far greater civilizations than our own have risen and decayed. I told you before that the highest people now on earth, spiritually, belong to the first subrace of the fifth root race, and those are the Asiatic Aryans, the highest race, physical intellectuality, is the last sub-race of the fifth,- yourselves, the white con- querers." No greater civilization than the Aryan has ever been on this earth. The fifth sense was n3t developed until in the Aryan, according to these teach- ings, which, also teach that man returns in higher and higher forms. "In his history of the intellectual development of Europe, Dr. J. W. Draper writes as follows, 'There are analogies between the life of a nation and that of an individual, who, although he may be in one respect the maker of his own fortunes for happiness or for misery, for good or for evil, though he remains heie or goes there as his inclinations prompt, though he does this or ref raims from that, as he chooses, is never- theless held fact by an inexorable fate, a fate