REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CA-LIFORNIA ^ m ACETYLENE ACETYLENE A HANDBOOK FOR THE STUDENT AND MANUFACTURER BY VIVIAN B^LEWES F.I.C., ETC PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE GREENWICH CHIEF SUPERINTENDING GAS EXAMINER TO THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON ETC ETC WITH 228 ILLUSTRATIONS WESTMINSTER ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND CO NEW YORK THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1900 BUTLER & THE SBLWOOD PRINTING WOBKS, FBOME. AND LONDON. V V V PREFACE DURING- the past six years the manufacture of calcium carbide and the installation of apparatus for lighting by Acetylene has become so important an industry, that the time seems to have arrived when a book on the subject, which should gather together not only the information gleaned in recent years, but also the immense mass of facts discovered with regard to Acetylene in the sixty- four years which have elapsed since its discovery by Edmund Davy, in 1836, would not be unaccept- able to those interested in this beautiful illuminant. France possesses no less than three handbooks dealing with the subject, whilst Germany has Herr Liebetanz' excellent work, Calciumcarbid und Acety- len, and also the translation of M. Pellissier's French work from the facile pen of Dr. Anton Ludwig ; but so far no textbook worthy of the name has been published in the English language, although an excellent translation of Perrodil's Le Carbure de Calcium et I 1 Acetylene appeared in serial form in the pages of the Progressive Age, which, as far as the v 6 PREFACE author knows, has not been republished in book form. In writing this book the difficulty soon arose that in attempting to make it a complete record of the work that has been done, risk was run of over- loading the technical side of the question with scientific researches which, although invaluable to a student working on the subject of Acetylene, would not be welcomed by a generator maker desirous of finding the reasons for the overheating of a special . form of apparatus ; and in order to as far as possible avoid this difficulty the book has been written in two divisions, the first part de- voted to the scientific side of the preparation and properties of Acetylene, whilst the second part deals with the technical developments of the last few years considered from a scientific stand- point. The foreign textbooks on the subject have all been written by engineers who have presented the subject from the point of view most familiar to them, and although the present work may be found not so full of mechanical detail, it is hoped that the subject may not have suffered thereby. In order to make the book as useful as possible to those engaged in practical work on Acetylene, a third part has been added containing the legal enactments of various countries, a list of the patents vi PKEFACE taken out in this country with a precis of their contents, and an Appendix of useful data. The author desires to express his grateful thanks to Dr. Polis, late Professor of Chemistry at the Technical School of Aix-la-Chapelle, for the aid he has given in the first part of the book, and also to his assistants and all those who have so kindly helped with data and drawings of special apparatus ; whilst especially does he desire to acknowledge the aid given by Mr. F. Gr. Worth, the Managing Director of the Acetylene Illuminating Company, who from the first introduction of calcium carbide has done all in his power to encourage scientific research into the manufacture of carbide, and the questions arising therefrom. GREENWICH May, 1900 vn CONTENTS PAET I. SCIENTIFIC Chapter I THE HISTOEY OF ACETYLENE FEOM ITS DISCOVEEY BY EDMUND DAVY IN 1836 TO THE INTEODUCTION OF COMMEECIAL ACETYLENE IN 1895 PAGES Edmund Davy's Discovery and Communication to the British Association. The Work of Quet, Voegel, and Eeischauer. Acetylene detected in Coal Gas. Berthelot's Eesearches upon Acetylene. Woehler's Discovery of Cal- . cium Carbide. The Formation of Acetylene during the Incomplete Combustion of Hydrocarbons. The Discovery of the Direct Formation of Calcium Carbide in the Electric Furnace. The Claims of Willson, Moissan, and Borchers to priority 1-25 Chapter II THE PEEPAEATION OF ACETYLENE The Formation of Acetylene by the Direct Union of its Constituents. The Work of Berthelot and Dewar. The Preparation of Acetylene by the Incomplete Combustion of Gases containing Hydrogen and Carbon. The Methods Employed by Berthelot, McLeod, Eieth, Jungfleisch, and Polis. The Preparation of Acetylene by the Chemical Decomposition of Organic Compounds. The Preparation of Acetylene by the Double Decomposition of certain Car- bides in Contact with Water 26-62 Chapter III ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES Nomenclature. Composition. Specific Gravity. Heat of Formation. Heat of Combustion. Occurrence. Smell, ix CONTENTS PAGES Solubility. Liability of Dissolved Acetylene to Explosion. Liquefaction of Acetylene. Properties of Liquid Acetylene. Detonation of Acetylene. Influence of Pressure on De- tonation. Solid Acetylene. Spectrum. Electrical Ee- lations of Acetylene 63-101 Chapter IV THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE The Action of Heat upon Acetylene. Action of Carbon upon its Decomposition. Influence of Dilution upon De- composition. . The Luminous Decomposition of Acetylene by Heat. -Acetylene Theory of Luminosity. Combina- tion of Acetylene and Oxygen. Heat of Combustion with Oxygen. Explosive Limits of Mixtures of Acetylene and Air. Products of Combustion. Complete and Incom- plete Combustion. Pressures Produced on the Ex- plosion of Mixtures of Acetylene and Air. Berthelot Summarises the Explosive Properties of Acetylene. Action of Light on Acetylene. Action of Oxidising Agents on Acetylene. Action of Palladium, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Platinum Black. Acetylene Hydrate. Action of Chlorine upon Acetylene. Chlorides of Acety- lene. Bromine Compounds. Iodides of Acetylene. . Synthesis of Alcohol from Acetylene. Acetylene and Nitrogen. Action of Sulphuric Acid upon Acetylene. Synthesis of Phenol. Action of Acetylene on Metals and Metallic Salts. Metallic Acetylenes. Copper Acetylene. Action of Acetylene on Silver Salts. Silver Acetylene. Action on Mercury Salts. Action of Reduced Metals on Acetylene. The Formation of Explosive Compounds with Metals under Ordinary Working Conditions. The Toxic Action of Acetylene 102-169 PAET II. TECHNICAL Chapter V THE ELECTEIC FURNACE AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE MANUFACTUEE OF CALCIUM CAEBIDE The Formation of Calcium Carbide. Importance of the Electric Furnace. Early History of the Electric Arc and its Utilisation for Heating Purposes. The Tempera- ture of the Arc. The Napier, Pichon, Depretz, Joule, Werdermann, and Siemens Furnaces. The Clere, Cowles, Bernard, and Heroult Furnaces. The Eeadman, Eeuleaux, X CONTENTS PAGES Kiliani, Parker, Willson, Schneller, Laval, Girard, and Moissan Furnaces. Arc Furnaces and Resistance Furnaces. Borcher, King, and Maxim Furnaces. Willson's Spray Furnace. American Practice. The In- stallations at Niagara and Merritton. Later Installations at Niagara and Saulte Ste. Marie. The Horry and Bradley Rotary Furnaces. The Union Carbide Company's Works. English Practice. The Leeds Experimental Installation. The Carbide Works at Foyers. European Practice. Bullier Furnaces : Eun Carbide. The Froges Works. The Early History of the Continental Carbide Industry. In- stallations of the Allgemeine Electricitats-Gesellschaft and the Electricitats Aktien-Gesellschaft. The Eathenau and Schuckert Furnaces. The Siemens-Halske Furnace. The Gin-Leleux Installations. Meran Works. Italian Practice. The Terni Works. San Marcello. Spanish Works. Relative Merits of the Eun and Ingot Carbide Processes. The Frankfort Furnace. Pre-heating Furnaces. The Pictet and Ingleton Installation. Landin Process. Patin Furnace. Borcher's Water-Jacketed Furnace 173-263 Chapter VI THE MANUFACTUEE, PEOPEETIES, AND IMPUEITIES OF CALCIUM CARBIDE Importance of Purity in the Materials Used. Lime. Lime- stone. Various Forms of Calcium Carbonate. Lime Burning. Variation in Purity with Different Forms of Limestone. Limes Used in Continental Carbide Works. Carbon Employed. Coal : Its Formation and Variation in Composition. Anthracite and its Composition. Coking Coal. Coke. Physical Properties of Coke. Ash in Coke. Composition of Coke and Coke-Ash. Analyses of Coke. Sulphur and Phosphorus in Coke. Wood Charcoal. Analyses of Charcoal. Influence of Temperature in Car- bonising Wood. Experience with Charcoal, and its Draw- back in Carbide Making. Tar Carbon. Peat and Turf Charcoal. Bituminous Coal. Theoretical Proportion of Lime and Carbon Eequired. Proportion of Lime and Carbon Adopted. Carlson's Experiments with Excess of Carbon. Proportions Used in Practice. Influence on Yield of Gas. The Coarseness of the Mixture. Effect of Fine Grinding. Granulating Machinery. Power for Carbide Works. Water Power. Steam Power. Possi- bility of Carbide Manufacture for Electric Light Stations. The Gas Engine. Dynamos. Early Forms of Dynamo. Siemens' and Wheatstone's Discoveries. Alternating Cur- xi CONTENTS PAGES rents. Single and Poly-phase Machines. The Commutator. Relative Efficiency of Direct and Alternating Currents. Current Tension Transformers. Arrangement of Furnaces and Conductors. Factors to be Considered in Calculating Energy Required. Bredel's Calculation. Pictet's Estimate. Sieber's Calculation. Energy Required Based on Practical Working. Carbide Made per E.H.P. Day. Tapping v. Ingot Furnaces. Size of Furnace. Current Density. Effects of Overheating. The Actions Taking Place in the Arc. Researches by Gin and Leleux. Dissociation of Carbide in the Arc. Carbon Electrodes and their Manu- facture. Properties of Calcium Carbide. Necessity for Ventilating the Works. Carbon Monoxide. Effect of Carbon Monoxide on the Blood. Treatment for Poisoning by Carbon Monoxide. Effects of Over Gas Production in the Furnace. Dust. Arrangements for Minimising the Disadvantages at Foyers and Meran. Commercial Sizes for Carbide. Breaking up Carbide. Machinery. Loss from Carbide Dust. Utilisation of Small Carbide. Briquettes of Carbide. Treatment of Ingot Carbide for the Market. Blending Ingot and Crust. Run Carbide. Necessity for a Standard Quality of Carbide. Price of Cat bide based on Gas Production. Cost of Power Works. Cost per E.H.P. per Year. Cost of Carbide per Ton. De- tails of Cost of Carbide Making at Meran. List of Carbide Works in America, Germany, England, France, Italy, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, and Spain. At- tempts at Carbide Making without Electricity. By Heating Calcium Tartrate. By Passing Hydrocarbon Vapours over Heated Lime. By Using a Metal with a Strong Affinity for Oxygen. By Using Ordinary Combus- tion Heat. The Woodside Process. Liquid Air Applied to Carbide Making. Borcher's Process. Bergemann's Oxygen Furnace. Carbide as a Bye-Product. Blast Furnace Slag. Carbolite. Treatment of the Slag and Method of Manu- facture. Yield of Gas from Carbolite. Carbolite Plant. The Packing and Storing of Carbide. Carbide Drums. Lid Valves for Drums. Storage. Colour of Calcium Carbide. Moissan's Researches on Pure Carbide. Bullier and Perrodil's Researches on Foreign Matter in Carbide. Silicides of Carbon. Metallic Nodules in Carbide and their Composition. Siliciuretted Hydrogen. Silica from Acetylene Soot. Gerard's Researches on Carbide Residues. Moissan's Researches on Commercial Carbide. Action of Hydrochloric Acid on the Residue. Calcium Silicide. Calcium Sulphide. Metallic Sulphides in Carbide. Alu- minium Sulphide. Organic Sulphur Compounds. Iron Compounds. Graphite 264-337 xii CONTENTS Chapter YII THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE PAGES Woehler Forms Acetylene from Calcium Carbide. Eeactions of Calcium Carbide with Water and Calcium Hydrate. Venable's Analysis of Willson's Carbide. Early Attempts to Utilise Acetylene as an Illuminant. The First Acety- lene Generator. Growth of the Generator. Methods of Generating Acetylene. Classification of Generators. Automatic Generators. Non- Automatic Generators. Ex- ^rimental Forms of the "Drip," "Water Rising," "Dipping," and "Carbide to Water" Apparatus. Heat Generated During Decomposition. Drip Generators. Early American Generators. The Introduction of Acety- lene into England. The First English Generator. Present Forms of Drip Generator. The Forbes Generator. The Manchester and Midland Generators. Formation of a Lime Coating over Carbide in Drip Generators. The Beacon Generator. Desiderata in a Good Generator. De- termination of Heat Evolved. Experiments with Broken Carbide. Small Pieces give Less Heat than Large Ones. The Development of Heat in Drip Generators. Effect of Pressure on the Temperature Produced. Effect of the Size of the Charge and Shape of the Apparatus. Pre- cautions Necessary for Measuring the Temperature Generated. Heating Often only Local. After-Generation in Drip Apparatus. Conditions Governing After-Genera- tion. The Causes of After-Generation. Experiments on After-Generation. Volume of Water Required for Com- plete Decomposition. Reasons for Using a Large Excess of Water. Danger of Undecomposed Carbide in Residue. Drip Generators Abandoned on the Continent. Water Rising to Carbide Generators. Conditions Necessary in a Good Generator of this Class. Automatic Generators. The Ideal Generator. Subdivision of Carbide Charge. Sunlight Generator. Acetylene Diluted with Carbon Dioxide. The Exley Generator. Read-Holliday Generator. Thorscar Generator. Bailey's Generator. Drawbacks of a Displacement Holder. Advantages of a Store Holder. Grubb's Generator. Fourchotte, Trouve, Graetz, and Owen's Generators. Caro's Remarks on "Flooding" Generators. Heat Evolved. After-Generation. Dipping Generators. The Sunbeam, Sardi, Liver, and Abingdon Generators. Caro Contrasts Drip and Dip Generators. Lewes Experiments on the Heat Evolved. Measurement of Temperature. Lechatelier Thermo-couple. Size of Wires. Calibration and Precautions Necessary. Tests xiii c CONTENTS PAGES with Dripping Apparatus. Arrangement of Apparatus and Method of Conducting Experiment. Discrepancies in the Results and the Causes. Experimental Results. The Temperature reached often Shown by the Condition of Residue. Experiments on Dipping Apparatus. Condi- tions of Experiment. Results. Conclusions. Effect of Heat on Acetylene. Production of Tar and Benzene. Haber's Results. Action in the Generator. Troubles Due to Polymerisation Products. Influence of Overheat- ing on the Gas. Analysis of Overheated Gas. Troubles Due to Benzene. The First Carbide to "Water Generator. Pictet Generator. Difficulties of Designing this Type of Generator to Work Automatically. The Acetylite, Si^urdsson, Ross, Strode, Szepezynski, Bertrand-Taillet, Gibbs, and French Generators. Non-Automatic Carbide to Water Generators. The Perfection, Kleine and Haus Central e, and Pintsch Generators. Conditions Leading to Overheating. The Use of Grids. Dangers of Using too Large a Charge or Big Lumps. Loss of Acetylene from Solution. The Settling of the Lime Sludge. Experimental Results. Conclusions. Influence of Time and Shape of Generator on the Lime Residue. Caro on the Water to Car- bide Generator. Troubles Due to this Type of Generator. Generators Using Carbide Enclosed in Cartridges. In- fluence of the Type of Generator on the Purity of the Gas, and on the Volume. Experimental Results. Effect on the Residue of the Type of Generator. Importance of Flooding the Residue. Drawbacks of the Drip Apparatus. Frothing in Generators : Its Cause and Prevention. Car- bide to Water Generators a Necessity in Big Installations. Town Installations. The Installation at Oliva. Dangers of Large Air Spaces in Generators. Temperature Needed to Cause Explosion. Spontaneously Inflammable Gases in Acetylene. Percentage of Phosphuretted Hydrogen Necessary to Cause Spontaneous Ignition. Experiments on the Percentage of Calcium Phosphide Required to Pro- duce Spontaneous Ignition. Results. Time Necessary to Develop a Dangerous Temperature. Prevention of Danger from Mixtures of Gas and Air in the Generator. Gerdes' Experiments. Conclusions. Construction of Generators. Precautions in Charging. Special Points to be Observed in Making Generators. The Use of Oil in Generators. Generators for Large and Small Installations. Acetylene Cycle Lamps and their Drawbacks. The Conditions Necessary for a Good Lamp. The Construction of Acety- lene Cycle Lamps. Size of Carbide to be Used in Them. The Twentieth Century, Excelsior, Windmiller, Pheno- menon, Triumph, Majestic, Leuchtkugel, Bundy, Cetolite, xiv CONTENTS PAGES Acetylator, and Solitaire Lamps, in which Water Drips on to the Carbide. Water Rising to Carbide : the Veritas and Acetylette. Water Syphons on to Carbide : the Yahr. The Scharlach, Fritz, and Hutton Cycle Lamps. Carriage Lamps. The A.C.A.G. and Scharlach Carriage Lamps. Acetylene for Signalling. Portable Generators. Acetylene Lamps for Drives. Table Lamps and their Drawbacks. Escape of Surplus Gas . . . . 338-469 Chapter VIII THE IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE, AND THE PROCESSES ADOPTED FOR THEIR REMOVAL The Causes which Lead to Impurity in Crude Acetylene. Phos- phuretted Hydrogen and the Formation of Haze. The Presence of Sulphuretted Hydrogen and the Products of its Combustion. Ammonia. The Importance of Purifica- tion. The Extent to which Impurities are Present in Crude Acetylene. Improvements in the Purity of the Calcium Carbide. The Percentage of Phosphuretted Hy- drogen in 1896 and 1899. Analysis of Crude Acetylene. Willgerodt Removes Phosphuretted Hydrogen by Bromine Water. Source of the Phosphuretted Hydrogen. Moissan's Researches on Calcium Phosphide. Caro's Investigations on Phosphides. Liquid and Gaseous Phosphuretted Hy- drogen. Effect of Temperature on the Phosphorus Com- pounds. Separation of Organic Phosphorus Compounds and their Nature. Phosphuretted Hydrogen in Dipping Apparatus. Renault's Work on Calcium Phosphides in the Electric Furnace. Action of the Phosphides on Water. Analysis of Liquid from Condenser. Formation in Dip Generators. The Action of the Arc on Metallic Sulphides. Source of the Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Caro's Experi- ments on the Distribution of Sulphur Products in a Carbide to Water Generator. Experiment with a Dipping Apparatus. Influence of Increased Rate of Flow of Water. Influence of Aluminium in the Carbide: Caro's Con- clusions. Presence of Sulphocyanides and Mercaptans. Presence of Sulphocarbides. Sulphur in Carbide. Alu- minium Sulphide. Influence of Temperature. Superiority of Carbide to Water Generators. Practical Experiments with Generators. Influence of the Type of Generator and Pressure. Polis' Results. The Presence of Metallic Silicides in Carbide. Explanation of the Presence of Siliciuretted Hydrogen. Ammonia in Crude Acetylene. Bamberger's Theory as to its Presence. Nitride in Car- XV CONTENTS PAGES bide. Influence of the Generator on the Amount of Ammonia. Caro's Criticism of Bamberger's Conclusions. Pressure an Important Factor. Carbon Monoxide in Crude Acetylene, and the Causes which give Rise to its Forma- tion. The Causes of Free Hydrogen in the Acetylene. Traces of Air in Acetylene. Vapours of Hydrocarbons other than Acetylene. Action of Overheating on Acety- lene. Polymerisation and its Causes. The Formation of Tar and Benzene. Action of Benzene on Burner Tips. The Naphey Burner. Formation of Carbon at the Burner, and its Causes. Washers for Removing Foreign Vapours. Impurities that need not be Removed. Injurious Im- purities. Conditions for a Purifying Material. Pictet's Purification. Potash and Bromine Purification. Acid Mercuric Chloride. Commercial Substances Available. Bleaching Powder. The Preparation and Action of Bleaching Powder on the Impurities. Ahren's Experi- ments with Bleaching Powder. Wolffs Mixture. Pre- sence of Carbon Monoxide. Use of Lime after Bleaching Powder Purification. Ahren's Investigation of Chlorine in Purified Acetylene. Troubles Due to Bleaching Powder. Drawbacks of Bleaching Powder for Purification. Action on Acetylene. Experimental Results. Heating with Sawdust. Chloride of Nitrogen. Practical Eesults with WolfFs Mixture. Purification by Acid Solution of Copper and Iron Salts. Action of Acidulated Cuprous Chloride. Regeneration. Impregnation of Kieselguhr. Objections to Frank's Purifier. Cost of Purification. Conclusion. Ullmann's Purification by Acidulated Chromic Acid. Action of Acidulated Chromic Acid. Wach's Ex- periments on Ullmann's Process. Influence of Rate of Flow on Purification. Amount and Cost of Material. Contrast between Frank's and Ullmann's Material. Purifying Effect of Acidulated Ferric Chloride, Acidulated Chromic Acid, Acidulated Cuprous Chloride, and Chromic Sul- phate. Effect of Alkaline Chlorides. Goettig's Experi- ment. Results Obtained. Exley's Purifying Slabs. Limit of Purification Necessary in Practice .... 470-520 Chapter IX THE GENERATION OF LIGHT AND POWER FROM ACETYLENE Early Photometric Determinations of the Illuminating Value of Acetylene. The Illuminating Value of a Gas. Methods for Obtaining Complete Combustion. Effect of Pressure xvi CONTENTS PAGES on Combustion. The Luminosity of Flame. Sir Humphry Davy's Eesearches. Sir Edward Frankland's "Dense Vapour" Theory. The Eesearches of Soret and Burch, and t Others. Dewar and Liveing on Acetylene Flames. The Part Played by Acetylene in a Flame. Lewes' Ex- periments. Pictet on the Luminosity of Acetylene Flames. The Endothermic Nature of Acetylene. Smithells on the Acetylene Theory of Luminosity. The Light given by Acetylene. Size of Burners. Influence of the Burner on the Light obtained from Coal Gas and Acetylene. Early Forms of Acetylene Burner. Lewes and Bray Burners. Smoking of Burners. Bullier's Burner. Importance of Bullier's Patents. Holliday and Cruveillier Burners. Double Jet Flat Flame Burners. Billwiller and Naphey Burners. Forms of Naphey Burners. French Quadrant Tip Burner. Developments of the Billwiller Burner. Schulke Burner. Hera Burner. Mushroom Burner and Modifications. Single and Multiple Jet Burners. Ap- plications of Jet Burners. Cockscomb, Slit, and German Union Jet Burners. Modifications of Bray Burner. Wonder and Ideal Burners. Atmospheric Acetylene Burners. Heat given by Atmospheric Acetylene Burners. Velocity of Explosion in the Mixing Tube. Diameter of Tubes that will Stop the Explosive Wave. Construction of Existing Mantle Burners. Results. Importance of Complete Purification of the Gas. Illuminating Power and Illuminating Effect. Arrangement of Burners for Best Effect. Importance of Illuminating Effect over Illuminating Power. Importance of Reflection. The Effect of Intensity in Making Contrasts. The Use of Globes and Shades. Comparison Between Various Globes. Holophane Globes. The Effect of Fog or Mist on Illumi- nants. Experimental Method of Showing Effect of Fog. Character of Acetylene Light. Characteristics of Various Illuminants. Erdmann's Researches. Acetylene as a Standard of Light. Results Obtained by Erdmann. Hartmann on the Colour of Light given by Diluted Acetylene. Standards of Light. The Standard Candle. Keate's Lamp. The Carcel. The Hefner Alteneck Unit. Violle Platinum Standard. The Methven Screen. The Harcourt One-Candle Unit. Pentane. The Dibdin Ten- Candle Standard. Harcourt Ten-Candle Pentane Standard. Violle Acetylene Standard. Fery Acetylene Standard. Acetylene as a Standard for Photography. Value of Acetylene for Photographic Work. Vidal's Results. Acetylene for Projection Work. Molteni's Experiments. Sanitary Effect of Various Illuminants. Heating Effect of Acetylene Flame. Cost of Acetylene and Coal Gas xvii CONTENTS PAGES Lighting. The Field for Acetylene Lighting. The Price of Acetylene. Cost of Acetylene Compared with Other Illuminants for an Ordinary House .... 521-614 Chapter X THE UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE Early American Experiments with Mixtures of Acetylene and Air. Illuminating Power of Such Mixtures. The Danger of Such Mixtures. Bullier Proposes to Use Acetylene for Enriching Water Gas and also to Use Nitrogen as a Diluent. Failure of Acetylene as an Enricher of Blue Water Gas. Dr. Love's Experiments. Enrichment Value of Acetylene with Coal Gas. Method of Conducting En- richment Experiments. Importance of Securing Uni- formity in the Mixtures. Lewes' Determination of the Illuminating Powers of Mixtures of Acetylene with Hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, and Methane. Percy Frankland's Experiments on the Effect of Diluents on the Candle Power of Ethylene. Flame Temperature and Its Importance. Heat Evolved by Combustible Diluents. Influence of the Diluent on the Size of the Flame. Cause of the Superiority of Methane as a Diluent. Acetylene for Bailway Carriage Lighting. Mixtures of Oil Gas and Acetylene. The Re- searches of Gerdes on the Safety of Acetylene and Mixtures of Acetylene and Oil Gas for this Purpose. Conditions under which Railway Cylinders of Compressed Acetylene are Liable to Explosion. Influence of Dilution on Ex- plosion. Practical Experiments and Conclusions. Safety of Diluted Acetylene. Tables of the Results of Experi- ments. Home Office Experiments. The Illuminating Value of the Licensed Mixture. Economical Considera- tions in Favour of such a Mixture. Possible Future Field for Diluted Acetylene. A Cheap Combustible Diluent for Acetylene. Diluted Acetylene as a Gas Supply for Small Towns. The Generation of Acetylene Diluted with Com- bustible Gases from Mixed Carbides , 615-658 Chapter XI THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL FOR CARBIDE MANU- FACTURE AND OF CARBIDE AND ACETYLENE Importance of Chemical Analysis in the Carbide Manufacture. Necessity for Blending Commercial Carbide. Risk of Using Inferior Material. The Analysis of Coke or Coal, xviii CONTENTS PAGES Sampling. Estimation of Moisture. Volatile Matter. Ash. Sulphur. Phosphorus. Silica. Iron and Alumina. Manganese. Lime and Magnesia. Calculation of Re- sults. Analysis of the Lime or Limestone. Moisture and Carbon Dioxide. Silica. Iron and Alumina. Lime a"nd Magnesia. Sulphur and Phosphorus. Calculation of Eesults. Estimation of the Yield of Acetylene from Commercial Carbide. Influence of the Method of Genera- ting the Gas. Influence of the Crystalline Character of the Carbide. Importance of Proper Sampling. Method of Determining Yield of Gas Proposed by Perrodil and Sertier. Lunge and Cederkreutz. Fuchs and Schiff. Re- sults Obtained. Bamberger's Gravimetric Method. Ad- vantages. Calculation of the Yield of Gas and Percentage of Pure Carbide in the Sample. Table showing Eatio between Volume of Gas and Percentage of Pure Car- bide. Estimation of the Impurities in Crude Acety- lene. Qualitative Tests. Phosphuretted Hydrogen. De- termination of Sulphur Compounds. Method of Calcu- lating Eesults. Table for the Conversion of Volume per Cent, into Grams of Phosphorus or Sulphur per Cubic Metre. Estimation of Ammonia. Qualitative Eeactions of-Acetylene 659-694 PAET III Legal Enactments in force in various Countries with regard to the use of Acetylene . . 697-788 English Patents with Short Extracts : Generators 789-930 Burners 931-936 Appendix of Useful Data 937-947 Index 949-978 xix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF REFERENCES IN TEXT Amer. Chem. Jour. American Chemical Journal. Ann. Chim. Pharm. Annales de Chimie et de Pharmacie. Ann. Chim. Phys. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Berl. Ber. Berliner Akademie-Berichte. Brit. Assoc. Rep. British Association Reports. Bull. Soc. Chim. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de Paris. Chem. News Chemical News. Chem. Soc. Jour. Journal of the Chemical Society of London. Compt. Rendu. Comptes Rendus de 1'Academie des Sciences. Dingl. Pol. Jour. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Chem. Zeit. Zeitschrift fur Chemie. Jour. Franklin Instit. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Jour. f. Gasbeleuchtung Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung. Jour. Chem. Soc. Ind. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Jour. Prakt. Chem. Journal fur Pracktische Chemie. Jour. Soc. Arts Journal of the Society of Arts. Lieb. Ann. Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Pogg. Ann. Poggendorf 's Annalen der Physique und Chemie. Proc. Roy. Soc. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Thermoch. Unters. Thermochemische Untersuchungen. Trans. Amer. Instit. Min. Eng. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. W. & I. Acetylene in Wissenschaft und Industrie. Wagner Jahresb. Wagner Jahresbericht. Zeit. Electrochem. Zeitschrift fiir Electrochemie. Zeit. f. Chem. Zeitschrift fur Chemie. Zeit. f. Calc. Acet. Zeitschrift fiir Calciumcarbid Fabrikation und Acetylen Beleuchtung. Zeit. f. Anorg. Chem. Zeitschrift fiir Anorgischen Chemie. XX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. SUBJECT PAGE 1. Berthelot's Apparatus for the Synthesis of Acetylene . 27 2. Dewar's Experiment 31 3. McLeod's Apparatus for Making Acetylene ... 34 4. Lecture Apparatus for Rieth's Experiment ... 35 5. Jungfleisch's Apparatus ....... 37 6. Section of Burner of same 37 7. Modification of the Jungfleisch Apparatus ... 42 8. PolisTube 43 9. Polis's Apparatus Complete 44 10. Miasnikoff ' s Apparatus 52 11. Simplified Apparatus 53 12. Apparatus for Making Acetylene from Calcium Carbide 60 13. Another Form of Apparatus ...... 61 14. Berthelot's Tube for the Detonation of Acetylene by Mercuric Fulminate 80 15. Same, fitted with Electric Battery ..... 81 16. Section of Apparatus for Decomposition of Acetylene under Pressure ........ 84 17. Effect of a Blow on a Cylinder of Acetylene ... 89 18. Effect on the same when Detonated by a Fulminate Cap 89 19. Liquid Acetylene being Sprayed from a Cylinder . . 96 20. Solid Acetylene Snow 97 21. Apparatus used by Lewes 106 22. Apparatus used by Bone and Cain ..... 123 23. The Electric Arc 176 24. Siemens Furnace 179 25. Siemens Furnace, No. 2 180 26. Clerc Furnace 180 27. Cowles Furnace 181 28. Cowles Horizontal Pole Furnace 181 29. Bernard Furnace 182 30. Heroult Furnace 182 xxi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. SUBJECT PAGE 31. Cowles Continuous Furnace 183 32. Readman Furnace 184 33. Reuleaux Furnace 184 34. Crompton Furnace 185 35. Sections of Kiliani's Furnace 185 36. Parker Furnace 186 37. Willson's Hollow Pole Furnace 186 38. Schneller Furnace 187 39. Laval Furnace 187 40. Girard Furnace 188 41. Moissan's Furnace ........ 189 42. Variation of same 190 43. 191 44. Borcher's Furnace 193 45. King's Furnace ........ 194 46. Willson's Works at Spray 196 47. Willson's Dynamo 196 48. The Spray Furnaces 197 49. Carbon and Holder, Spray Furnace ..... 198 50. Sections of Old Niagara Furnace 200 51. Exterior of Willson Furnaces, Niagara .... 201 52. The Merritton Works 202 53. The Merritton Furnaces 203 54. Willson Furnaces 204 55. Foyers' Crucible, with Patent Front . . . .206 56. Horry Rotary Furnace . . . . . .207 57. Section of the Horry Furnace 208 58. Elevation of ditto 209 59. Bradley Furnace 210 60. 210 61. Union Carbide Works, Saulte Ste. Marie . . . .212 62. Niagara Transformer 213 63. Leeds Experimental Plant 214 64. Leeds Furnace 215 65. Electrical Power Works, Foyers 216 66. Dynamo Room, Foyers 217 67. A Foyers Dynamo 218 68. Ingot Room, Foyers ........ 218 69. Ingots Cooling, Foyers 219 70. Ingot of Carbide, Foyers 220 71. Section of Bullier's Furnace 221 72. Section of Bullier's Tapping Furnace .... 222 73. Steam-Driven Dynamos at Bitterfeld .... 224 74. Turbines at Rheinfelden 226 75. Dr. Rathenau's Furnace .227 xxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. SUBJECT PAGE 76. Sections of Rathenau's Furnace 228 77. The Hafslund Water Power 229 78. General View of the Sarpsborg Power Works . . . 231 79. Section of the Siemens-Halske Furnace .... 233 80. The Works at Meran 234 81. General View of the Meran Factory . . . .235 82. Turbines at Meran 236 83. The Meran Dynamos 237 84. The Transformers, Meran 238 85. An Electric Furnace, Meran 240 86. The Furnaces, Terni Works 243 87. The Frankfort Furnace 252 88. Latest Form of Frankfort Furnace ..... 253 89. The Ingleton Dynamo 258 90. Two Sections of Bergemann's Furnace .... 323 91. " Drip " Type of Generator 342 92. " Rising " Type of Generator (Kipp's) . . . .343 93. " Dipping " Type of Generator 344 94. Gearing's Generator 346 95. Section of Forbes' Generator 348 96. Large Installation of Forbes' Generators .... 349 97. " Midland " Generator 350 98. " Manchester " Generator 351 99. " Beacon " Generator 353 100. Early Type of American Generator 363 101. " Ideal " Generator 364 102. Large Installation of " Ideal " Generators . . . 365 103. The Sunlight Generator 366 104. The Exley Generator 369 105. Section of the Read-Holliday Generator . . . .370 106. Large Installation, Read-Holliday Generator . . . 371 107. Still Larger Installation, 372 108. Section of the Thorscar Generator 373 109. Bailey's Generator, Holder, and Section of Generators . 374 110. Section of Holder . . . .374 111. One of Button's Drive Lamps 376 112. Grubb's Generator 377 113. Two Sections of the Fourchotte Generator . . . 379 114. Generator Building, Wolverton Station, G.E.R. . . 380 115. Fourchotte Generators 381 116. Owen's Generator 383 117. " Sunbeam " Generator 385 118. Section of " Sunbeam " Installation 387 119. The " Sardi " Generator 389 120. " Liver " or " Sovereign " Generator 390 xxiii LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS PIG. SUBJECT PAGE 121. Vertical and Horizontal Sections of the " Abingdon " Generator 391 122. Sections of the " Acetylite " Generator . . . .403 123. Sigurdsson's Generator 404 124. Eoss's Generator 404 125. Section of Eoss's Feed Hopper 405 126. The " Strode " Generator 406 127. Section of Szepezynski's Generator ..... 408 128. Section of the Bertrand-Taillet Generator . . .409 129. French Automatic Generator . . . . . .411 130. Metal Carbide Holder of same 412 131. Vertical Section of same . ' 412 132. " Haus Centrale " Generator 414 133. Pintsch's Generator 415 134. Acetylene Supply Works, Oliva 427 135. Interior of Generator House, Oliva ..... 427 136. Sectional View of Gasholder for Gerdes' 1st Experiment 433 137. View of the Explosion in 1st Experiment . . . 434 138. View of same (second stage) . ..... 435 139. Generator, after Gerdes' 2nd Experiment . . . .436 140. 3rd .... 437 141. " Twentieth Century " Cycle Lamp 446 142. Section of same ' . . . .446 143. Section of " Excelsior " Cycle Lamp . . . .447 144. The " Windmiller " Cycle Lamp 448 145. Section of same ......... 448 146. The " Phenomenon " Cycle Lamp 449 147. Section of same 450 148. Section of the " Triumph " Cycle Lamp . . . .450 149. The " Majestic " Cycle Lamp 451 150. Section of same 451 151. The " Leuchtkugel " Cycle Lamp 452 152. Section of same 452 153. The " Bundy " Cycle Lamp 453 154. Section of same ......... 453 155. The " Cetolite " Cycle Lamp 454 156. Section of same 454 157. The " Acetylator " Cycle Lamp 455 158. Section of same 455 159. The " Solitaire " Cycle Lamp 456 160. Section of same 456 161. The " Veritas " Cycle Lamp 457 162. Section of same 457 163. The " Acetylette " Cycle Lamp 458 164. Section of same 458 xxiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. SUBJECT PAGE 165. The " Yahr " Cycle Lamp . 459 166. Section of same . 459 167. The " Scharlach " Cycle Lamp . 460 168. Section of same . 461 169. The " Fritz " Cycle Lamp . . . . . . 462 170. Section of same ........ . 462 171. The " Hutton " Cycle Lamp . 463 172. An Acetylene Carriage Lamp . 464 173. The " A.C.A.G. " Carriage Lamp .... . 465 174. The " Scharlach " Carriage Lamp .... . 466 175. Acetylene Signalling Lamp . 467 176. Mounted Read-Holliday Generator .... . 468 177. Lewes' Burner ........ . 532 178. Bray Burner ........ . 533 179. Early French Burner . 534 180. Section of Bullier's Burner ..... . 535 181. Section of Bullier's Argand Burner .... . 535 182. Latest Form of Cruveillier Burner .... . 536 183. Billwiller Burner ....... . 538 184. Side View of same ....... 538 185. Section of a Naphey-tipped Burner .... . 539 186. Different Shape of Naphey Burner .... . 540 187. ?J 5? . 540 188. ?j ?? n * ' * * . 541 189. ?> >j j> ?> . 542 190. )> M > . 542 191. French Quadrant-tip Burner ..... . 543 192. Naphey Burner with Steatite Bar .... . 544 193. Development of the Billwiller Burner . 545 194. j? 5? ?) n * * * . 545 195. >> ?j >? jj . 547 196. Schulke Burner . 548 197. Composite Hera Burner . 548 198. ,, ,, ,, ...... . 549 199. ,, ,, ...... . 549 200. " Mushroom " Burner . 550 201. Modification of same . 550 202. ,,....... . 551 203. ,, ,,....... . 552 204. ., ,,....... . 552 205. Single Jet Burner ....... . 553 206. Multiple Jet Burner . 553 207. ,, ,, ,,....... . 554 208. ., ,, ,,....... . 555 209. Aerated Multiple Jet Burner . 555 XXV LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS FIG. SUBJECT PAGE 210. " Cockscomb " Burner 556 211. Flat Flame Burner 556 212. German Union Jet Burner 557 213. Modified Bray Burner 558 214. Flat Flame Burner 559 215. " Stewart " or Epworth Wonder " Burner . . .559 216. Composite " Stewart " Burner 560 217. "Ideal "Burner 561 218. Acetylene Argand Burner 561 219. Acetylene Engine 614 220. Temperature Chart for Acetylene Diluted with Hydrogen 631 221. Acetylene Cylinder after Explosion 635 222. Cylinder, taken after No. 1 of Gerdes' Experiments . 637 223. Three Cylinders, after Experiments 20, 21, and 24 . . 637 224. Three Cylinders, after Experiments 27, 31, and 32 . . 639 225. Two Cylinders, after Experiments 29 and 34 . . . 641 226. Bamberger's Apparatus for Estimating the Yield of Gas from Carbide 678 227. Bamberger's Apparatus Connected to a Gasholder . . 681 228. Bamberger's Apparatus Connected to Absorption Bulbs 684 XXVI Part I SCIENTIFIC ' UNIVZ? \ CHAPTER I THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE FROM ITS DISCOVERY BY EDMUND DAVY IN 1836 TO THE INTRODUCTION OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE IN 1895 \ CETYLENE occupies a position almost unique A\. in the history of useful discoveries, as, long before we had the power of producing it commercially, its properties had attracted much scientific interest. Many people at the present time seem to consider that our knowledge of this beautiful illuminant is of modern date, whilst all that the last decade has brought forth has been little more than the discovery of how to produce the gas on a commercial scale, and details as to its properties and behaviour in evejy- day use. The original discovery of the gas is due to Edmund Davy, Professor of Chemistry to the Royal Dublin Society, and it was at a meeting of this body in March, 1836, that he first described some of its more important properties, whilst in the autumn of that year he introduced his discovery to the British Association at their Bristol meeting. Edmund Davy's communication * to the British Association is so clear and concise that it is well to reproduce it here in extenso. " Early in the present year the author, in attempt- ing to procure potassium by strongly heating a 1 British Association Reports, 1836, 62. 1 1 Discovery of Acetylene, 1836 Edmund Davy's com- munication to the British Association ACETYLENE properties covered Composition as **venby mixture of calcined tartar and charcoal in a large iron bottle, obtained a black substance which readily decomposed water and yielded a gas which, on ex- amination, proved to be a new compound of carbon and hydrogen. This gas is highly inflammable, and when kindled in contact with air burns with a bright flame, apparently denser and of greater splendour than even olefiant gas. If the supply of air is limited the combustion of the gas is accompanied with a copious deposition of carbon. When the new gas is brought in contact with chlorine gas instant explosion takes place, accompanied by a large red flame and the deposition of much carbon ; and these effects readily take place in the dark, and are, of course, quite independent of the action of the sun's rays or of light. " The new gas may be kept over mercury for an indefinite time without undergoing any apparent change, but it is slowly absorbed by water. Distilled water recently boiled, when agitated in contact with the new gas, absorbs about its own volume of it ; but on heating the aqueous solution the gas is evolved apparently unaltered. The new gas is absorbed to a certain extent by, and blackens, sulphuric acid. It detonates powerfully when mixed with oxygen gas, especially if the latter forms three-fourths or more of the mixture ; and the only products of its combustion with oxygen are carbonic acid gas and water. " The new gas requires f6r its complete combustion two and a half volumes of oxygen gas, which are converted into two volumes of carbonic acid gas and water. " From the author's analysis of the new gas by different methods it appears to be composed of one volume of hydrogen and two volumes of the vapour of carbon condensed into one volume. Hence the 2 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE Possibility of using Acetylene as an new gas contains as much carbon, but only half the quantity of hydrogen, that is in olenant gas. The density of the former is therefore less than that of the latter by the weight of a volume of hydrogen equal to its own bulk. The new gas is, in fact, a bicarburet of hydrogen, composed of two proportions of carbon and one of hydrogen, and may be repre- sented by the formula C 2 + TL l or 20 + H, and differs in constitution, the author presumes, from that of any other known compound of carbon and hydrogen. "From the brilliancy with which the new gas burns in contact with the atmosphere, it is, in the opinion of the author, admirably adapted for the purposes of artificial light if it can be procured at a cheap llluminant rate." In reading this intensely interesting communi- cation it must be borne in mind that Davy was using the system of symbolical representation then in vogue, and under which ethylene or olenant gas was represented as C 2 H 2 , instead of, as at present, C 2 H 4 , so that in stating that " the new gas contained as much carbon, but only half the quantity of hydrogen that is in olefiant gas " he was absolutely correct. The concluding sentence of Davy's paper also shows that he grasped the commercial possibilities of acety- lene as an illuminant, whilst his method of preparing the gas by acting upon potassium carbide with water is only a step removed from the reaction which has to-day rendered acetylene available for the purpose foreshadowed by its discoverer. In 1839 Torrey * noticed in the gas mains of New Torrey, 1839 York, which at that time were made of copper, the formation of a brown deposit which could be ex- ploded by a blow or by heat, and which was probably the acetylene-copper compound. Another remarkable observation was made four 1 Americ. Gas Light Jour., Oct., 1859. 3 ACETYLENE years later, when in 1840 Hare 1 noticed that on heating mercuric cyanide with lime a black residue containing carbon was produced, and on heating this in the electric arc a black mass formed, which developed a gas possessing an unpleasant odour when water was poured on it. Hare makes j^ j s ev ident that Hare not only made calcic carbide Calcic J Carbide in by electric fusion, but decomposed it with evolution EleC i840 ArC of acetylene by the action on it of water, although he had no idea of the compound with which he was dealing, nor of the reactions taking place. From this date until 1858 nothing appears to have been done bearing upon the subject of acetylene, but ttuet, isss, [ n that year Quet 2 obtained in one hour, by the makes . . . Acetylene by action of an induction spark upon alcoholic potash, t^es^ark near ^y a litre ^ a g as which gave a red precipitate on Alcoholic with ammoniacal cuprous chloride. This substance, after drying in a vacuum over sulphuric acid, or by heating on the water bath, became brown, and detonated with development of light when heated to a temperature a little over 120 C., or when struck with a hammer. He also found that this compound, when gently heated with hydrochloric acid, liberated a gas which had the property of burning with a bright flame and of forming carbon dioxide. First use of The gas thus formed by the action of electric sparks Cuprous and on alcoholic potash yielded a white precipitate when l " passed through ammoniacal silver solution, which detect turned yellow in air and became grey when dried. And this compound, like the precipitate formed by the action of the gas on ammoniacal cuprous chloride, detonated by a blow, or when heated to 100 C. Acetylene The same gas was also produced by passing the produced by to i [ -i passing vapour of alcohol through a red-hot porcelain tube, Alcohol Vapour i U Institut^ 1840, 312. Berzelius, Lehrbuch, fiinfte Aufl., vol. through red- o n -Q - 4- +iiVto ? -LO^ 2 Compt. Rend., 46, 903 ; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 108, 116. 4 THE HISTOEY OF ACETYLENE and when bubbled through ammoniacal cuprous chloride or silver solutions, the same detonating compounds were formed. In the same year also Vogel and Reischauer J Vogei and , -, , i ... P T i -i i T Reischauer, noticed that a precipitate was formed on bubbling 1858 coal gas through a neutral silver nitrate solution, and that this precipitate would explode on heating or on a blow with a hammer. By acting on the The compound with hydrochloric acid a gas was set free cety lene in which had the odour of coal gas and burnt with a coal s as bright flame. This gas, passed again through the silver solution, yielded once more the explosive silver precipitate. They found that the quantity of silver present in the precipitate was from 78'3 to 84 per cent., and also that the quantity of this gas in coal gas seemed to vary. During 1859 Boettger 2 made some researches on Boettger, the action of common coal gas and of the gas made Acet 1 ^ne in by the destructive distillation of resin, or of a the products mixture of Boghead coal and resinous wood, on tive different solutions, and found that, when passing these distillation gases through ammoniacal cuprous chloride, cinnabar red flakes were formed in a short time ; and that after several hours they increased to such an extent that the whole of the lower part of the bottle was filled with them. Boettger was of opinion that the body in question was a compound of copper with a hydrocarbon, and he also succeeded in making the analogous gold and silver compounds, and confirmed their explosive properties as noticed by Vogel and Reischauer. The period 1858-1859 may be taken as marking the discovery of the formation of metallic acetylides, and also of the fact that acetylene is formed by the action of heat on hydrocarbons and on such com- 1 Jahresber., 11, 208. 2 Ann. Chem. Pharm.. 109, 351. 5 ACETYLENE Berthclot's nrst research on Acetylene, 1860 Specific gravity and composition Acetylene formed by passing Organic Vapours through red- hot tubes Action ol Sulphuric Acid on the gas pounds as alcohol, and is produced during destructive distillation, being consequently found in the gaseous products of all such processes. The recognition of these facts was the forerunner of the great discoveries which commenced with the publication by Berthelot 1 in i860 of the first of his classical researches upon acetylene. In this paper Berthelot made no mention of the work of previous observers, and it is not clear whether he knew how much had already been done. It was in this paper that the name u acetylene " was first bestowed upon the compound, and Berthelot, having determined the composition by careful eudiometric analysis and having ascertained that its specific gravity was O92, adopted for it the formula C 2 H 2 , and pointed out that it was the simplest member of the C n H 2n _ 2 series. He prepared the gas by allowing the vapours of alcohol, ether, aldehyde, met hylic alcohol, methane and styrolene, to pass through red-hot tubes, and found that he obtained the best yield with ether. The vapour of chloroform when passed over red-hot copper also gave some acetylene, and finally he stated that it occurred in coal gas. In order to isolate the acetylene from other gaseous products always formed at the same time, he passed it through ammoniacal cuprous chloride and decomposed the well-washed copper compound by hydrochloric acid. He described the acetylene as a colourless gas, fairly soluble in water, and of a specific and somewhat disagreeable odour, burning with a bright, smoky flame, and exploding when mixed with chlorine. He further stated that sulphuric acid would absorb the gas, and he prepared the acetyl-sulphuric acid, and from this the acetyl- alcohol was made. Finally, he succeeded in making ethylene from acetylene by Compt. Rendus, 50, 805 ; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 116, 116. 6 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE the action of nascent hydrogen prepared from zinc and ammonia on copper acetylide. C 2 H 2 + H 2 = C 2 H 4 . In 1861 Miasnikoff 1 prepared acetylene from vinyl chloride C 2 H 3 C1 and vinyl bromide C 2 H 3 Br by the chloride or decomposition of their vapours by hot alcoholic potash, C 2 H 3 C1 + KHO = KC1 + H 2 + C 2 H 2 C 2 H 3 Br + KHO = KBr + H 2 + C 2 H 2 . The gas so liberated was led into ammoniacal silver solution and silver acetylene formed, whilst he also made very accurate eudiometric analyses of the gas. In the same year Sawitsch 2 obtained acetylene by Preparation the action of alcoholic potash on ethylene bromide Ethyiene C 2 H 4 Br 2 + 2KHO = 2KBr + 2H 2 + C 2 H 2 , and also by heating vinyl chloride with sodium ethylate or amylate. C 2 H 3 Br + C 6 H u ONa = C 5 H n OH + NaBr + C 2 H 2 . 1862 saw the publication of the second instalment Bertheiot's second of Bertheiot's great work, 3 in which he showed that research, the action of heat, or better, an intense induction spark, split up methane, with formation of acetylene and hydrogen and in the same year he discovered 4 the direct syn- Actionot thc J induction thesis of acetylene from its elements. First, retort spark on carbon, purified by heating in air and chlorine, was raised to an intense temperature in a current of hydro- synthesis oi T-T i Acetylene, gen, but no acetylene was formed. He then tried 1862 allowing induction sparks to pass between carbon 1 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 118, 330. 2 Rep. de Chimie pure, 1861, 98 ; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 119, 182. 3 Compt. Bend., 54, 515 ; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 123, 207. 4 Compt. Rend., 54, 640; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 123, 212. 7 ACETYLENE The best carbons for synthesis of Acetylene Acetylene and Chlorine Copper Acetylene pencils purified in the same way, and still no acetylene was produced. At length, trying the influence of the electric arc when formed between poles of purified carbon in an atmosphere of hydrogen, he found that, under these conditions, combination of the two ele- ments took place, acetylene being thus synthesised. In another communication 1 he repeated his experi- ments on the synthesis of acetylene, using different kinds of carbon to form the poles, and found that retort carbon and graphite gave the best results, whilst charcoal produced the worst ; and finally he again stated that the induction spark, even when tried under different conditions, yielded no acety- lene. Later on 2 he showed that acetylene would explode when mixed with chlorine, and that carbon was at the same time liberated, and also stated the possibility of forming acetylene dichloride. He found that acetylene might be formed by decomposing chloroform in a red-hot tube, and also by allowing a mixture of hydrochloric acid gas and carbon monoxide to pass through a red-hot tube, and he came to the conclusion that, in most cases, the decomposition of organic substances under the influence of a red heat would yield this gas. In this paper he also examined the copper compound formed by acetylene, and wrote of it : " Besides its production from ammoniacal cuprous chloride it can also be made by means of a solution of cuprous chloride in potassic chloride when acetylene is bubbled through it. Under these conditions the copper compound is produced immediately, but its formation stops very soon ; on adding, however, a little potassic hydrate to the solution, its formation recommences. The com- pound so formed has the same explosive properties as 1 Compt. Rend., 54, 1042; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 123, 214. 2 Compt. Rend., 54, 1044; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 123, 215. 8 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE when it is prepared from the ammoniacal cuprous chloride. The compound cannot be freed from oxygen, and the formula representing it seems to be Cu HC 0. The body explodes when heated to nearly 120 C., and water, copper, carbon dioxide, together with a trace of carbon monoxide are produced. In another communication 1 he noted the presence of acetylene in coal gas, the amount of which does not exceed 1 in 10,000, but it has a slight influence on the lighting power and helps to give the character- istic smell to the gas. During 1862, Reboul 2 reviewed the results obtained by Miasnikoff and Sawitsch, and made acetylene by allowing ethylene chloride to drip into boiling alco- holic potash, condensing the alcohol which distils over in wash bottles, and succeeded in getting 1J litres of impure acetylene per 20 cc. of ethylene chloride. The most important scientific achievement, however, that marks the history of our subject in the year 1862 was the discovery by the great German chemist, Woehier, 3 of the formation of calcic carbide and its decomposition by water with evolution of acetylene. He found that at very high temperatures carbon acted upon an alloy of zinc and calcium, obtained a short time before by Caron, and that a carbide of calcium was produced, the zinc at the same time distilling off, and it was in this paper that for the first time the name "carbide of calcium" was mentioned. He also found that this compound had the property of being decomposed by water with the formation of calcium hydrate and acetylene. He did not analyse the gas, 1 Compt. Send., 54, 1070. 2 Compt. Bend., 54, 1229 ; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 124, 267. 3 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 124, 220. 9 Action of coa i gas Reboui Acetylene from chloride woehier bide, 1862 Action of O n Calcium carbide ACETYLENE Kekule forms Acetylene by Electrolysis Bcrthclot discovers Acetylene in the products of incomplete combustion McLeod makes Acetylene by burning Oxygen in Methane Action oi Potassium Amalgam on Chloroform but identified it by the brilliancy of its flame, by its exploding when mixed with chlorine, and by the formation from it of silver acetylene. Two years later, in 1864, Kekule 1 formed acetylene by the electrolysis of the sodium salts of fumaric and malleinic acids, and in 1865 VohP obtained acetylene by the decomposition of oils in red-hot tubes. From amylhydride and from American petroleum he ob- tained a gas which contained 20 per cent, of acetylene. During 1866, Berthelot 3 discovered acetylene in the products of incomplete combustion of many organic substances, and showed that on burning coal gas, ethylene, etc., acetylene is formed, and its presence can be demonstrated by its forming a precipitate when the products are led through a solution of ammoiiiacal cuprous chloride. He obtained the best results when burning ether, amylene, and benzol. In the same year also, McLeod 4 constructed an apparatus for showing the preparation of acetylene for lecture purposes, and burnt oxygen in methane and coal gas, the products being aspirated through an ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution, the red pre- cipitate demonstrating the formation of acetylene. It was in 1866 also that Kletzinsky 5 made an amalgam of mercury and potassium by melting them together under naphtha, and this amalgam, when heated with chloroform, yielded acetylene. In the same year also Fittig 6 found that traces of acetylene were produced when a mixture of chloroform, ether, and other hydrocarbons was acted upon by sodium ; this decomposition, however, takes place very slowly and is very incomplete. 1 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 131, 85. 2 Dingl. Pol. Jour., 177, 58. 8 Compt. Rend., 62, 44 ; Ann. Chem. Pharm., 138, 241. 4 Jour. Chem. Soc. (2) 4, 151. 5 Zeitsch.f. Chem., 2, 127. 10 6 Zeitsch.f. Chem., 2, 127. THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE In 1867, Sabanejeff 1 published an improved method for making acetylene, based on the researches of Mia- Acetylene by snikoff, Sawitsch, and Beboul. Concentrated alcoholic th f a ,t 0n potash was heated over a water bath in a flask to Alcoholic which was fitted a reflux condenser, and ethylene Ethyfe 8 neDi- dibromide allowed to drip into the alcoholic potash ; bromide the gas so generated was then led through more boiling alcoholic potash, which decomposed any traces of ethylene dibromide or monobromide which might have been brought over as vapour, whilst a second condenser and wash bottles removed any other im- purities from it. In order to purify it thoroughly he absorbed the gas with ammoniacal cuprous chloride, the acetylide so formed being afterwards decomposed by hydrochloric acid, the quantity of acetylene ob- tained being from 60 to 75 per cent, of the theoretical yield. In the same year Bieth 2 prepared acetylene from Rieth a Bunsen burner the flame of which had struck back Acetylene in to the bottom, by aspirating the products of incom- products . , ' J * * from Bunsen plete combustion through copper solution and decom- burner when posing the acetylide formed with hydrochloric acid. ^JJtJom* Working in this way he obtained in twelve hours nearly 100 grams of the copper precipitate. During 1869, Birnbaum 3 made acetylene by heating Acetylene silver acetate with iodine, the gas evolved consisting Acetate and of nearly equal volumes of acetylene and hydrogen ; iodine and in this year also Berthelot 4 prepared it by melting ethylene disulphonate of potassium with potassic hydrate C 2 H 4 (S0 3 K) 2 + 2KHO = 2K 2 S0 3 + 2H 2 + C 2 H 2 ; but the acetylene so obtained contained a large pro- portion of hydrogen. 1 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 178, 111. 2 Zeitsch.f. Chem., 2, 598. 3 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 152, 111. 4 Compt. Rend., 69, 563 ; Ann. Chem. Pharm., sup., 7, 373. 11 ACETYLENE Berthclot makes Acetylene by action of silent dis- charge on Hydro- carbon Vapours De Wilde Action of Platinum Black on Acetylene mixed with Hydrogen Pizarello forms Acetylene by sparking Ether Vapour In 1872, Berthelot 1 prepared the gas by leading hydrocarbon vapours, suspended in a current of hy- drogen, through an ozone tube and exposing the mixture to the action of the silent discharge ; and in the same year Odling 2 showed that acetylene was formed in small quantities when methane and carbon monoxide were passed through a red-hot tube During 1874, De "Wilde 3 observed that ethylene chlo- ride was decomposed in a red-hot tube filled with lime or soda-lime, and a good yield of acetylene obtained C 2 H 4 C1 2 + 2Na HO = 2Na 01 + 2H 2 + C 2 H 2 . He absorbed the gas so produced in ammoniacal cup- rous chloride solution, from which he afterwards pre- pared acetylene by acting upon it with hydrochloric acid. He further states that platinum black has the power of causing the combination of hydrogen with acetylene to form ethane. O 2 H 2 + ^H 2 = Gsjxig. In an earlier paper, Berthelot had shown that the action of heat upon acetylene gas polymerised it into benzene C 6 H 6 , and styrolene C 8 H 8 ; but the action of the induction spark seems to produce other changes, a brown oily substance being formed, which solidifies after a few hours. In 1877 Truchot 4 obtained acetylene by passing induction sparks through different hydrocarbon gases and vapours, whilst Pizarello 5 in 1878 found that ether vapour is decomposed by sparks from an induc- tion coil with formation of carbon monoxide, acetylene and hydrogen ; and in 1879 Haller 6 made acetylene by 1 Compt. Rend., 74, 1462. 2 Watt's Dictionary, 1, 1111. 3 Bui. Acad. Beige, (2) 19, No. 1 ; Berl. Ber.,1, 352. 4 Compt. Rend., 84, 717. 5 Gazz. Chim., 15, 233. 6 Dissert. Nancy, 1879. 12 THE HISTOEY OF ACETYLENE the action of sodium on camphor dissolved in chloro- form and toluene, and found that the sodium salt of camphor gave with chloroform a good yield of the gas. In 1880 Jungfleisch 1 constructed a special apparatus Jungfleisch's in which he burnt air and coal gas, and, after cooling the escaping mixture of gases,, allowed them to bubble through ammoniacal cuprous chloride, which absorbed the acetylene evolved as a product of incomplete com- bustion. In the same year, also, Jahn 2 stated that when alcohol was decomposed in the presence of zinc dust by heating to a dull red heat, small traces of acetylene were produced, and also traces of methane and carbon monoxide. During 1880, also, Dewar 3 synthetically prepared Dewar L T T~ T j- i_ J A. i 1 j synthesises acetylene by leading hydrogen through a tube made Acetylene of retort carbon heated to a white heat by means of in a J tube the electric current. In 1881 Kutscheroff 4 found that acetylene was pro- duced by the action of lead oxide on vinyl bromide in a closed tube, and in the next year (1882) Tommasi 5 recognised acetylene in the products obtained by heat- ing copper acetate in a closed tube ; whilst in 1883 Cazeneuve 6 made the gas by acting on iodoform with metallic silver 2CHI 3 + 6 Ag = 6AgI + C 2 H 2 , a reaction which also takes place when zinc, iron, or mercury is employed in place of the silver. Destrem, 7 in 1884, allowed the discharge of an in- duction coil to take place in benzol. A gas was set free, consisting of 42 to 43 per cent, of acetylene and 57 to 58 per cent, of hydrogen, whilst in the same year Johnson 8 described an apparatus for the produc- tion of acetylene by incomplete combustion. 1 Compt. Rend., 90, 365. 2 Berl. Ber., 13, 983, 2107. 3 Proc. Roy. Soc., 30, 88. 4 Berl. Ber., 14, 1532. 5 Bull. Soc. Chim., (2) 38, 156. 6 Comp. Rend., 97, 1371. 7 Comp. Rend., 99, 138. 8 Chem. News, 49, 127. 13 Action of metals on Iodoform ACETYLENE Acetylene from Bromo- form and Silver Powder Roemer's researches The discoveries of 1892 The Electric Furnace Tempera- ture of the Electric Furnace In 1891 Cazeneuve l prepared the gas from bromo- form and powdered silver. The reaction was some- times so intense that the silver became red hot. This method gave a nearly theoretical yield. Another mode of preparation consisted in acting upon 50 gr. of zinc dust and 20 gr. of bromoform with a 2 per cent, solution of cupric chloride. The mixture rose in tem- perature in presence of the zinc-copper element and gave a very good yield of acetylene. In 1886 Roemer, 2 working with the apparatus de- vised by Jungfleisch, found that he obtained a much increased yield of acetylene when the coal gas was charged with the vapours of sulphuric ether. He also observed that the gas prepared by acting upon copper acetylene by hydrochloric acid deposited during the night a dark film on the walls of the glass gasholder, and that this deposition was not accompanied by any change in volume. This deposit would probably be one of the poly-acetylenes discovered by Baeyer. During the next few years there was a lull in the tide of acetylene researches, followed by the storm of activity which rendered 1892 the most important year in the history of the gas, and as a considerable amount of controversy has arisen with regard to the events of this period, it will be well to treat them at length. It was Sir Humphry Davy who first demonstrated the heat and light of the electric arc, and it was late in the seventies that Sir William Siemens inaugurated an entirely new era in experimental and metallurgical work by patenting his electrical furnace, in which the electrical energy could be converted into heat, thus yielding a temperature which had never been before available, and which has been estimated by Violle as approximating to 3,500 C. As gradually the utility of the electrical furnace came to be recognised, other patents were taken out, Bradley patenting a furnace 1 Compt. Rend., 113, 1054. 2 Lieb. Ann., 233, 182. 14 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE in 1883, whilst Cowles took out his patents in 1885, and in 1886 patented a lining of lime and carbon for the furnace as being more refractory. Although these furnaces were used for making aluminium, large quantities of carbide of calcium were accidentally made Accidental by the action of the heat on the furnace lining, and p calcic 11 during 1886 and 1887 the lads employed in the works Carbide in used often to amuse themselves in the dinner hour by Aluminium putting water on the old crucible linings and igniting the gas which was set free. Even before this date it was recognised and published bv T. Sterry Hunt * that Actions in ., % i i I t J.-L -j i the, Electric in the Cowles electric furnace the oxides, not only Furnace of the alkaline metals, but of calcium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon and boron, could be reduced in the presence of carbon and could be made to form alloys with other metals present, whilst with alumi- nium and other metals the crystalline compounds formed with carbon could be obtained, and, further, that silicon and the compound of silicon with carbon could be produced. Borchers also, in his treatise on electro- Borchers metallurgy published in 1891, says : " All the oxides are capable of being reduced by carbon heated by electricity," but makes no mention of calcium carbide. It is clear, therefore, that as early as 1886 calcic carbide was made in the electric furnace, but its forma- tion was merely accidental, and no commercial import- ance was attached to it. Soon after this date Willson conceived the idea of The work ot T .,...,, . , T, L. Willson reducing aluminium in the presence of copper to make aluminium bronze, and employed practically the same method as that used by Cowles ; but as his attempts to make the bronze were not successful, he attempted to reduce "magnesium and calcium to the metallic state, in order to utilise these metals for the reduction of alumina. It was in the spring of 1892 that he at- tempted to reduce lime by carbon, and he found that 1 Trans. Atner. Inst. Min. Eng., xiv. 492. 15 ACETYLENE The Calcic Carbide made by Willson The treat- he obtained by this means a fused bath, the boiling of carbon ui* w ^ 1 ^ c ^ 1 ca used the short circuiting of the electric arc, the Electric and, in order to prevent this spitting of the liquid and the unequal loading of the dynamo, which interfered seriously with the working of the machinery and water turbines, he added to it a layer of carbon, which prevented the splashing of the liquid against the sides of the electrode, the only portion of the liquid surface exposed being in the immediate path of the arc. It was in the May of 1892 that carbide was obtained by Willson in quantity, and samples were sent by him to various scientific friends in America, and in June, 1892, Venable 1 went to Spray to investigate the pro- gress made by "Willson in his aluminium process, and in writing of this visit says : 11 1 found that Mr. Willson had attacked his problem from many different sides. Among other plans, he had conceived the idea of preparing some more positive element, like calcium, and making use of this to liberate aluminium from the oxide. In his efforts at producing calcium he had mixed lime with tar and other forms of carbon and treated these mix- tures in his furnace. In this way he had produced a hard, crystalline mass, which disintegrated and crumbled on exposure to the air and gave rise to a violent evolution of a gas when brought in contact with water. This gas was inflammable, burning with a very smoky flame." On September 16th, 1892, Willson sent specimens of his carbide to Lord Kelvin. The letters which passed between Willson and Lord Kelvin have been published by Mr. Eraser, 2 who was Willson's patent solicitor, and are as follows : American Manufacturer, Dec. 16th, 1898. Progressive Age, Feb. 1st, 1898, p. 51. 16 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE LETTEE. THOMAS L. WILLSON TO LORD KELVIN. " SPRAY, N.C., September 16th, 1892. "Lord Kelvin, Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland, "MY DEAR blR, "It affords me very great pleasure to forward to you some calcic carbide made in my electric ' arc ' furnace. This product is from the reduction of lime calcic oxide by carbon with the high heat of the electric 'arc,' and carbon has displaced the oxygen. " The great affinity of the combined calcium for oxygen enables this material to decompose water rapidly, liberating hydrogen combined with carbon, which, upon ignition, burns, the hydrogen uniting with the oxygen of the air, liberating the excess of carbon, which floats in the air. This material greatly interests scientific men here, and I hope will prove of interest to you. " Perhaps, with your laboratory facilities, you may be able to obtain metallic calcium from this composi- tion. If you desire any further information in regard to this material, I shall be pleased to place what little knowledge I have of it at your disposal. Hoping that the two jars sent you to-day by express may reach you in safety. I remain, "Yours with best wishes, " (Signed) THOMAS L. WILLSON." correspon- dence between wnison LORD KELVIN'S LETTER IN REPLY. " THE UNIVERSITY, GLASGOW, October 3rd, 1892. " DEAR SIR, " I have seen and tried the calcium carbide only, however, so far as throwing it into water and setting fire to the gas which comes off. It seems to me a most 17 2 ACETYLENE Letter from Willson to his patent solicitor Willson's patent of Feb. 21st. 1893 interesting substance, and I thank you very much for sending it to me. " Yours very truly, " (Signed) KELVIN. " Thomas L. Willson, Esq." Mr. Fraser l also publishes another letter written to him by Willson in May, 1892, with regard to the patent Fraser was then drafting, from which the following is an extract : , 1892. " I want some of my t claims ' to cover the produc- tion of carbide of aluminium and calcium carbide and all the other carbides. " Calcium carbide is one of the most curious and interesting of the carbides. Like metallic sodium and potassium, it has the power to decompose water and oxidizes in the air, so has to be kept covered with oil kerosene or in air-tight vessels. It is made by heating lime CaO and carbon. The best result is obtained by infusing the lime in tar, and then sub- jecting to the electric arc." These letters make it perfectly clear that Willson was making calcium carbide by the direct fusion of lime and carbon in the early part of 1892, and having finished his experimental investigation on August 9th, 1892, Willson filed an application for a United States patent for electric smelting, principally of aluminium, in which he said he proposed to apply the invention " for the production of refractory com- pounds or ores of metals, not necessarily for the production of the metals themselves, but for the production of other compounds thereof. For example, I have already employed it for reducing calcium 1 Progressive Age, Feb. 1st, 1898, p. 51. 18 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE it water to form Acetylene oxide and producing calcium carbide." This patent was issued February 21st, 1893, No. 492,377. This issue became the first public publication mentioning Willson's invention of calcium carbide. In May, 1892, Maquenne l made barium carbide by Maquenne heating barium nitride with carbon in a current of _ Barium Car- mtrogen, and found that the product so obtained was bide and decomposed by water with evolution of acetylene and hydrogen. Later in the same year, October 17th, 2 he described a new method for the preparation of the gas. Resuming the researches of "Winkler 3 on the result of heating mixtures of magnesium with carbonates of the alkaline earths, which Winkler believed resulted in the reaction CaC0 3 + 3Mg = 3MgO + Ca + C, and the residue from which, he said, gave off hydrogen having a disagreeable odour when acted on by water. Maquenne fused together 26 gr. of barium carbonate, 1O5 gr. of magnesium powder and 4 gr. of retort carbon, when an intense reaction took place. The residue consisted of magnesium oxide and 38 per cent, of barium carbide, a little carbon and traces of cyanides formed by the atmospheric nitrogen BaC0 3 + 3Mg + C - BaC 2 + 3MgO. The product formed was very light, of a grey colour, and very porous, completely amorphous and unalter- able in dry air. One hundred grammes decomposed in a dripping apparatus produce 5,200 to 5,400 cc. of gas, consisting of acetylene with 2 to 3 per cent, of hydrogen without any other hydrocarbon. BaC 2 + 2H 2 = Ba(OH) 2 + C 2 H 2 . On December 12th, 1892, Henri Moissan, 4 whose name will always rank high amongst the illustrious The forma- tion of Acetylene from Barium Carbide 1 Bull Soc. Chim., 7, 370. 3 Berl. Ber., 23, 2645. 2 Ibid., 7, 756-773. 4 Compt. Mend., 115, 1031, 19 Moissan's first mention of Calcium Carbide, Dec. 12th. 1892 ACETYLENE Travers makes Calcium Car- bide, 1893 Moissan describes Crystalline Calcium Car- bide, 1894 band of French, chemists who have done so much for science, read a paper before the French Academy of Science, in which he describes his electrical furnace and the work which he had done in reducing the metals of the alkaline earths, and in this paper he says : " At this temperature 3,000 C. the carbon rapid ly reduces the oxide of calcium, and the metal is liberated in abundance. It easily unites with the carbon of the electrodes and forms a carburet of cal- cium liquid at a red heat, which it is easy to separate." In 1893 W. Travers 1 melted 45 gr. of sodium with an intimate mixture of calcium chloride and retort carbon, using an iron crucible and continuing the heating for half an hour. The products of the re- action consisted of sodium chloride, calcium carbide and carbon, nearly 16 per cent, being carbide. One hundred gr. of this product yielded 4 to 5 litres of acetylene when acted on by water. On March 5th, 1894, Moissan 2 brought another paper before the Academy of Sciences, in which he described the preparation of crystallised carbide of calcium, made by fusing together an intimate mixture of 120 gr. of lime made from marble and 70 gr. of sugar charcoal in the electric furnace, using a current of 350 amperes and 70 volts for from 15 to 20 minutes, 120 to 150 gr. of calcium carbide being obtained. In the introduction to this paper he mentioned the methods used by Woehler and Maquenne in preparing calcium carbide, and also noticed the work of Winkler. He described the carbide as a black, well-crystallised mass, having a specific gravity of 2*22 at 18 C., and obtained for it the following analytical figures : I. II. III. IV. Calculated. The Calcium . . 62-7 62-1 61-7 62-0 62-5 analysis of Calcium Carbon . . 37-3 37-8 37-5 Carbide 1 Proc. Chem. Soc., 9, 15. 2 Compt. Rend., 118, 501. 20 THE HISTOBY OF ACETYLENE He therefore concluded that the formula was CaC 2 . He also analysed the gas liberated by its action upon water, and found it to be nearly pure acetylene. Later 1 he described the preparation of the carbides of barium and strontium and their properties. He found that they were analogous to the carbide of calcium, and decomposed water yielding acetylene in the same way. Whilst M. Moissan was conducting his classical researches on chemical actions at high temperatures, using for his experimental work his small electrical furnace, working at about 350 amperes and 70 volts, Willson had been busily employed during 1892 and 1893 in working and continuing his experiments on the manufacture of carbide on a commercial scale at the works at Spray, in North Carolina, in which a dynamo, worked by water power and generating a current of 2,000 amperes at 25 volts, was employed. There is not the slightest doubt that the work of Moissan and Willson was entirely independent, and that the Canadian experimentalist at Spray and the brilliant Parisian savant had never even heard of each other, much less of the work they were respec- tively doing, until certainly after the publication of Moissan's paper in 1894 ; and it is also perfectly clear that up to the end of 1892 it was Willson, and Willson only, who had made calcium carbide on anything like a large scale, and nothing would ever have been heard of this material on a commercial scale had it not been that he, in attempting to get capital invested in his process, came across several men of sound practical knowledge, whose business instincts led them to grasp the possibilities of carbide and acetylene, and no sooner had these commercial possibilities been noised abroad than others began to try and make capital from them. In France, on February 9th, 1894, Bullier 1 Compt. Rend,, 118, 683. 21 Metallic Carbides Manu- facture of Calcium Car- bide at Spray The question of priority between Moissan and Willson Bullier's patent ACETYLENE Moissan admits Willson's priority as regards commercial Acetylene Borchers claims Borchcrs statements in 1896 applied for a patent for the preparation of the carbides of the alkaline earths based on Moissan's researches. M. Moissan himself has never claimed priority in the manufacture of commercial carbide, and, indeed, whilst lecturing before the New York Section of the Society of Chemical Industry on October 26th, 1896, he dis- tinctly stated that the credit of the first production of calcium carbide on a commercial scale was due to "Willson, and the industrial utilisation of acetylene belonged to the Americans. 1 Borchers is also a claimant for the honour of priority in the preparation of calcium carbide, basing his claim 011 the statement made by him in the first edition of his book on Electro-Metallurgy, published in 1891, that " all the oxides are capable of being reduced by carbon heated by electricity." In the second edition of his textbook published in 1896 2 he says: "During the years 1880 to 1890 I succeeded in reducing, by electrically-heated carbon, all the metallic oxides which had not been reduced up to that date. 3 When using an excess of carbon, residues rich in carbon were produced, but to these at that period I paid but little attention, because I was looking for methods for preparing the technically useful metals." In 1895 also he states 4 that during the eighties he succeeded in reducing all oxides which had not before been reduced, and that after his publication in the year 1891 every- body is free to prepare metallic carbides by electrical heating mixtures of the respective metal with carbon, and is free to use his (Borchers') or Siemens', or any other electrical furnace. In an address to the meeting of the German Electro- 1 Schweitzer Ztsh. Calc. Sc., 2, 69. 2 Electro-Metallurgy, 2nd edition, 1896. 84. 3 Deville and Debray ( Jahr. Ber., 1859, 256) state that carbon and lime heated in their oxy-hydrogen furnace, react, with re- duction of the lime. 4 Zeitsch.f. Electro-Chem., 2, 7. 22 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE Chemical Society at Frankfort in June, 1895, l he says : u As I have before stated, the reactions taking place in making calcium carbide by the process claimed by Moissan and Willson may be represented by 1. CaO + C-Ca + CO 2. Ca + 2C = CaC2 The second reaction was discovered by Woehler. The first reaction has been published in the first edition of my Electro-Metallurgy, 1891, in which, after describ- ing the furnace shown to-day at this meeting, I pointed out that by means of it all oxides not yet reduced can be reduced. "At that time I also obtained calcium carbide, to which I drew no attention, as I was seeking for the metals. At the present time Moissan reduces these refractory oxides, one after the other, in. an electric furnace, and makes out each of his reactions as if they were totally unknown, and reports on them to the French Academy. I have no doubt that Moissan makes his publication in perfectly good faith, and I will not deny Willson's merit in having started the commercial use of calcium carbide in connection with a cheap method of its pre- paration, but there is no doubt that the true method of preparing calcium carbide was first shown in Ger- many by German chemists." Still later, Borchers, 2 in speaking of Bullier's patent, says : " There is no disputing the fact that my publi- cations prove that, long before Moissan and Willson, I made calcium carbide by the reduction of lime with electrically heated carbon. " I freely admitted in my lectures that, as I was seeking for metals, I did not recognise the value of the carbide and the method of its preparation.' 7 In considering the question of priority, it must be clearly borne in mind that the point at issue is not " Who discovered calcium carbide and its power of de- 1 Zeitsch.f. Electro-Chem., 2, 164. 2 Ibid., 4, 93. 23 Borchers criticises Moissan and Willson Conclusion s as to priority ACETYLENE composing water with evolution of acetylene ? " because the honour of that discovery is undoubtedly due to the great Grerman chemist Woehler, but ll who was it who first made calcium carbide in such a way as to bring the acetylene generated from it within the range of commercial utility, and at the same time recognised the possibilities of the process?" The claim of Borchers may at once be dismissed as having no reasonable foundation, and, indeed, being nothing more than an ineffectual and scarcely credit- able wail at having missed an important and lucrative discovery. The whole scientific world would rejoice if it were possible to accord to Moissan, " the king of experimental savants," the honour of having given this new process to the commercial world. His results were obtained as factors in a magnificent research, every step in which was logically worked out and verified ; a research which will ever stand out as a scientific classic. But the fact remains that he only attained and published the discovery of the direct formation of calcium carbide in the electric furnace, to find that his work had been forestalled by a few months by the chance observation of an engineer, who, although devoid of chemical knowledge, yet had sufficient practical acumen to grasp the commercial importance of the discovery ; and any one who, with a mind free from prejudice, reads the evidence on this subject is forced to the conclusion that the world owes " commercial acetylene " to the Canadian engineer Will- son and the shrewd business men who supported him. Bullier occupies a most unenviable position in the affair. In his patent he stands forth as the inventor of the process which " consists essentially in heating in an electric furnace such as a Moissan furnace, for example a mixture of carbon with the oxide of the earth metal or alkali metal to be carburised," 1 and 1 English Patent No. 2820 (1895). 24 THE HISTORY OF ACETYLENE which is manifestly the process described by Moissan in the Comptes Rendus, and it is conceivable that Bullier, having worked with Moissan, and the latter not desiring to patent the discovery, allowed Bullier to do so, although it is strange that 'Moissan should make no mention of the collaboration in his paper. In 1896 Willson applied for a special Act of Parlia- ment to antedate his English patent, which by an error had been filed with the date of the English application instead of the American application. The granting of the Act was opposed by Bullier and others, and in his petition Bullier says : 1 " Your petitioner claims to be the first discoverer of the process referred to in the preamble of the Bill." The preamble alluded to gives the process as an invention which consisted in first treating lime with carbonaceous matter in an electric furnace to produce calcium carbide ; and, secondly, in mutually decomposing such calcium car- bide with water to liberate a hydrocarbon gas known as acetylene. During the hearing of the evidence Bullier's counsel distinctly suggested that Moissan, in his celebrated paper of March 5th, 1894, 2 had been merely com- municating Bullier's discoveries to the Academie des Sciences, a suggestion probably made without Bullier's sanction, and which the clear priority of Willson robs of any undue significance. In 1895 the commercial career of acetylene may be looked upon as being thoroughly established, and many observations were made as to its behaviour in every- day use, but these now became so numerous that it would serve no useful purpose to continue the enume- ration of them in historical order, and in the following chapters the gist of these results will be collected together in discussing the various physical and chemical properties of acetylene. 1 Par. G. Bullier's petition. 2 Compt. Rend., 118, 501. 25 CHAPTER II THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE A. THE FORMATION OF ACETYLENE BY THE DIRECT UNION OF ITS CONSTITUENTS Analysis f|~^HE two methods most used in chemical science X for tracing the changes taking place in matter and determining the composition of bodies are, firstly, breaking up compounds into their ultimate consti- tuents a process which is called " analysis " ; and, secondly, by building up the compound from the elementary matter which forms it, a process to which the name of " synthesis " is given. Synthesis Most inorganic compounds can be synthetically produced from elementary matter, but in the so-called organic chemistry it is not so easy to employ such constructive methods for the formation of compounds, and up to the end of the first quarter of this century it was supposed that organic bodies were only pro- duced as the result of animal and vegetable life, and that their formation was due to the so-called " vital force " which was credited with governing all changes synthesis of taking place in living organisms. In 1828, Woehler woehier showed that urea could be formed from cyanate of ammonium, whilst later on Fownes made cyanogen by the direct combination of carbon and nitrogen, these two discoveries, taken together, proving the possibility of forming an organic product from inor- ganic materials ; and after this point had been reached, 26 THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE The and the possibility of applying synthetic methods to the production of organic bodies had been demon- strated, compound after compound was built up with- compounds out the aid of either vegetable or animal life, and the barrier between inorganic and organic chemistry finally broken down. Certainly one of the most important achievements The in synthetical chemistry was the discovery by the Acetylene by great French savant, Berthelot, that acetylene could be directly built up from its elements under the influence of the electric arc, which he experimentally Bertheiot. FIG. 1. showed to be the case in 1862. l The apparatus which he employed is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of an egg-shaped glass globe A, with a tubulure B at one end, and at the other an opening c, closed by a cork carrying a tube leading to the bottom of the cylinder D, and also a metallic conductor, which slides easily in the cork and terminates in the carbon E, so that an arc can be struck with the carbon E'E which is in metallic contact with the tubulure B. Apparatus used Compt. Rend., 54, 640. 27 ACETYLENE Having driven all air out of the glass egg by a rapid current of hydrogen, which was allowed to pass for at least a quarter of an hour, he brought the two poles together and struck an electric arc, using for the pur- pose a battery of 50 Bunsen cells. Under these con- ditions he found that 10 to 12 cc. of acetylene were produced per minute, a very fair proportion, consider- ing the smallness of the arc. The poles used should Carbons for b e formed from retort carbon or graphite, which give of Acetylene a better yield of acetylene than any other form of carbon, charcoal being the worst substance to use for this purpose. 1 TO show The simplest method of repeating this historic ex- experiment periment is to take an egg-shaped glass globe with a for lectures tubulure at each end. Into the two opposite necks are fitted gas-tight corks carrying stout copper wires with carbon pencils at their ends. These corks are also fitted with glass tubes, by which gases can be led in or as- pirated off, and through one of which passes a tube leading from the hydrogen supply. To the exit tube is connected a flask, containing an ammoniacal solu- tion of cuprous chloride, and connected with two Erlenmeyer absorbing vessels, also containing some of the copper solution. Method of Hydrogen is passed through the apparatus for some n the 1B ' time in order to drive out the air, and then the carbons experiment are b rou ght together and the arc struck, a current of about 10 to 15 amperes being employed. The acetylene so produced is carried into the flasks con- taining the copper solution, and is there absorbed, forming the red copper acetylene. Preparation The ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride is best Cuprous prepared by passing sulphur dioxide through a strong Chloride solution of cupric chloride, until the solution has entirely lost its green colour. The cuprous chloride meanwhile precipitates, and can be collected on a 1 Berthelot, Compt. Rend., 54, 1042. 28 THE PREPAKATION OF ACETYLENE filter, washed with, acetic acid, and dried. A small Tne so i u tion quantity of this is then dissolved in a little strong for & absorption ammonia when wanted and the solution diluted with of the water. Acetylene The cuprous chloride may also be prepared by dis- solving 250 parts by weight of crystallized copper sulphate and 117 of sodium chloride in water, then passing a current of sulphur dioxide through the solution until it is decolorized and cuprous chloride precipitated. It is manifest that no very great percentage of Acetylene acetylene can be formed by this process, as acetylene b being decomposed by heat into its constituents once decomposed more, there will be a continual formation and decom- electric arc position of acetylene, which after a time will probably establish a balance. This point has been to a certain extent studied by Bone and Jerdan, 1 who came to the Bone and conclusion " that when the electric arc is passed be- Jordan's , , . , , n experiments tween carbon terminals in an atmosphere of hydrogen, acetylene and methane are both produced. Further, that the rate of formation of these two gases is fairly rapid during the first fifteen minutes of the experi- ment, after which the rate falls, and finally, after about half an hour, a state of equilibrium between the Resu i t O f hydrogen, acetylene, and methane is attained. This experiment equilibrium depends to some extent on the voltage employed." The electric arc was formed between terminals of condition of purified gas carbon in an atmosphere of dry hydrogen expei contained in a glass' globe standing in a trough over mercury. The arc was maintained in hydrogen for an hour or more, and samples of the gas were drawn off at the end of 5, 15, 30, 45, etc., minutes in each experiment. These were afterwards analysed in a Analysis of modification of the McLeod gas analysis apparatus. The gases almost always contained small amounts 1 Proc. Chem. Soc., 1896. 29 ACETYLENE Synthesis of Methane Equilibrium of products Separation of Carbon of hydrocyanic' acid, due no doubt to the presence of a little nitrogen in the hydrogen employed. Acetylene was always present in considerable quantities, and in addition to this and any other unsaturated hydrocar- bon, appreciable quantities of methane were found. The same authors, at an earlier date, 1 found that they could produce methane by passing a slow cur- rent of hydrogen, free from hydrocarbon impurities, through purified carbon heated to bright redness in a porcelain tube placed inside a Fletcher's injector fur- nace. These results led to the inference that methane and acetylene could both be synthesized and decomposed by the electric arc, and that if the arc be passed long enough through these gases, a state of equilibrium would be arrived at. This conclusion was fully borne out by subsequent experiments, in which pure acety- lene or methane was subjected to the action of the electric arc passed between carbon terminals in the same apparatus as that employed in the experiments with hydrogen. Both methane and acetylene are easily decomposed by the electric arc ; during the first ten minutes of the experiment the gas, methane, or acetylene, as the case might be, was very rapidly resolved into its consti- tuents large flakes of carbon were formed in the neighbourhood of the terminals, and fell on the surface of the mercury below ; the gas in the globe underwent a great increase in volume, much greater than could be accounted for by the mere expansion of the gas by the heat of the arc ; a smoky flame rose from the ter- minals and filled the upper part of the globe. At the end of about ten minutes this extraordinary appear- ance subsided, after which the arc presented the same appearance as in the case of the hydrogen experiments. After the arc had passed for an hour the experiment 1 Proc. Chem. Soc., 162, 61. 30 THE PKEPABATION OF ACETYLENE was stopped. Samples of the gas were then collected and subsequently analysed. The principal product in each case was hydrogen, with about 9 per cent, of acetylene, and small quanti- ties of methane, nitrogen, and hydrocyanic acid. In the experiment with acetylene a minute quantity of naphthalene was also formed. In 1880, Dewar 1 published some very beautiful researches on the electric arc, and "in order to ascer- tain whether the formation of hydrocyanic acid and synthesis of acetylene in the arc was really due to transformations . A induced by some occult power located in the arc, or Dewar's on the FIG. 2. was simply the result of the high temperature attained by the carbons, a series of experiments was made in carbon tubes, the arc being merely used as a means of heating." The following is the method of arranging the arc for this experiment : A block of limestone about fourteen centimetres Method of long by eight thick was drilled horizontally, as shown in Fig. 2, another hole being drilled so as to meet it in the centre of the mass. 1 Proc. Royal Soc., 30, 88. 31 ACETYLENE Arrange- ment of the Carbons Formation of Hydrocyanic Acid Formation of Acetylene Influence of rate of flow on the product Tempera- ture needed for synthesis of Acetylene A drilled purified carbon was placed in the hori- zontal channel and made the positive pole, the nega- tive pole being a solid rod of carbon passing through the vertical aperture. Grases were passed through the positive carbon, and were thus subjected to the intense heat of the walls of the tube, the arc passing outside. The walls of the positive carbon burnt through with great rapidity, not lasting, as a rule, more than fifteen minutes. This action could only be prevented by using thicker carbons, and, consequently, reducing considerably the intensity of the heat. The porosity of the carbons, which allowed a con- stant diffusion of gases through their walls, was another source of difficulty. On passing a mixture of three volumes hydrogen and one volume nitrogen, thoroughly dried, through the positive pole, a large yield of hydrocyanic acid was always obtained ; and on using equal volumes of hydrogen and nitrogen, the quantity was, if anything, increased. Pure dry hydrogen by itself gave a trace of hydro- cyanic acid and a considerable quantity of acetylene. Pure dry air gave no hydrocyanic acid or acetylene ; moist air, on the contrary, giving abundance of the former, but only a trace of the latter. The yield in all these experiments altered consider- ably with the rate at which the gases were passed, a quick stream always producing more than a slow one, unless when oxygen was present, and it is mani- fest from these researches that the direct combination of carbon and hydrogen to form acetylene is simply the result of the high temperature attained in the electric arc. This result has never been observed at temperatures short of that obtained in the electric arc, and Berthe- lot l has shown that induction sparks passed between 1 Compt. Rend., 54, 640 ; ibid., 54, 1042. 32 THE PEEPAEATION OF ACETYLENE purified carbons in an atmosphere of hydrogen does not yield acetylene. B. THE PREPARATION or ACETYLENE BY THE INCOM- PLETE COMBUSTION OF GASES CONTAINING HYDROGEN AND CARBON. It was first shown by Berthelot 1 in 1866 that when a cylinder containing coal gas or ethylene is held in a nearly horizontal position, and the gas is ignited, the flame as it runs back into the cylinder being dependent on the air sucked in for its combustion, is not completely consumed, and acetylene is found amongst the products of incomplete combustion. The best way of exhibiting this method of pro- ducing acetylene is to take a glass gas cylinder of from 300 to 500 cubic centimetres capacity, and to place in it 6 to 8 cc. of ether, and about the same volume of ammoniacal cuprous chloride. On now holding the cylinder in a sloping position, and apply- ing a light, the vapour of ether ignites at the mouth of the cylinder and gradually burns down into it; and the amount of air being insufficient for the complete combustion of the ether vapour, the copper solution rapidly changes colour ; and if the cylinder be rotated in a nearly horizontal position, the red copper acetylene compound makes its appearance in abundance. Benzene, petroleum spirit, or any other highly volatile liquid hydrocarbons, may be substituted for the ether, but the most striking results are obtained with the latter. The first idea of utilising this method for the pro- duction of pure acetylene is due to McLeod, 2 who in 1866 exhibited before the Chemical Society a mode of forming copper acetylene in considerable quantity 1 Compt. Rend., 62, 44. 2 Journ. Chem. Soc. (2) 4, 151. 33 3 Acetylene formed by incomplete combustion Method of showing the experiment Other Hydro- carbons that may be used McLeod's method of making Acetylene ACETYLENE by a modification of the process first indicated by M. Berthelot. The apparatus was simply one in which the inverted combustion of oxygen in coal gas was usually shown as a lecture illustration, with an ap- propriate receptacle charged with ammoiiio-subchloride of copper, through which the products of combustion were passed. A gasometer full of marsh gas prepared by heating acetate of sodium with soda lime was in FIG. 3. this instance made use of, and, to make the proof absolute, the gas was first passed through a pre- liminary washing-bottle containing the same copper solution. A red precipitate of the substance in ques- tion was quickly formed, and McLeod stated that in the apparatus exhibited he had prepared in an hour products of a gramme or more of the copper acetylene. The combustion copper compound so produced could be then decom- posed by hydrochloric acid, and the acetylene liberated from it. 34 Purification of the THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE In the following year, 1867, Rieth x showed that when a Bimsen-burner flame strikes back and burns at the nipple of the gas injector, the combustion is so checked by the limitation of the air supply that acetylene is produced in abundance, and by aspirating the products of incomplete combustion through an ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution he succeeded in obtaining nearly 100 grammes of the copper acety- lene compound. This method of preparation was, up to the date of Rieth shows that Acetylene is formed by the incomplete combustion taking place in an atmospheric burner that has lighted back FIG. 4. the discovery of calcium carbide, one of those most widely used. The ordinary method of procedure is to use an apparatus of the form shown in Fig. 4, which consists of an ordinary Bunsen burner that has been lighted at the bottom, and which stands on a dish of water in order to prevent the base from becoming red-hot, whilst broad cotton wick is passed from the water over the metal tube between the base and the tubing, and also over the end of the tubing itself, in order to prevent fusion by the conducted heat. Over the 1 Zeit.f. Chem., 2, 598. 35 Lectu re apparatus ACETYLENE Generation of the absorbed. Acetylene Acetylene present in the interior of ail flames Formation of Acetylene the flame Acetylene d t e o carbon 8 and luminous inverted combustion mouth of the Bunsen is placed an inverted funnel, which is connected with a cylinder and absorbing flasks containing either ammoniacal cuprous chloride or an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate, and the products of incomplete combustion from the burner are drawn at a fairly rapid rate through the series of absorbing vessels by an aspirator, the acetylene being afterwards obtained from the metallic compound by decomposition with hydrochloric acid. In a coal-gas flame burning in air acetylene is always formed in the interior of the flame itself, as when the hydrocarbon gas leaves the jet at which it is being burnt those portions which come in contact with the air are consumed and form a wall of flame which surrounds the issuing gas. The unburnt gas in its passage through the lower heated area of the flame undergoes a number of chemical changes, brought about by the action of radiant heat emitted by the flame walls, the principal action being the conversion of the heavier hydrocarbons into acety- lene, methane, and hydrogen. The acetylene so formed is decomposed in the hot- test part of the flame which is just below the outer zone of non- luminous combustion and yields the carbon particles which render the flame luminous, and which, together with carbon monoxide and hydrogen generated in the flame and any residual hydrocarbons, undergo complete combustion in the outer zone of the flame. If, however, a jet of air is burnt in an atmosphere of coal gas, the conditions are reversed, and the acety- lene produced by the incomplete combustion of the hydrocarbons, and by the heat of the combination, is formed on the outer fringe of the flame, and escapes undecomposed with the residual coal gas. McLeod having shown that the combustion of oxygen in methane yielded acetylene, and Eieth 36 THE PBEPABATION OF ACETYLENE having drawn attention to the formation of the gas during the checked combustion of coal gas when an atmospheric burner flashes back and burns at the bottom, it was manifest that if a simple apparatus were constructed for the combustion of a jet of air FIG. 5. in an atmosphere of coal gas, a good yield of acetylene would probably be obtained, and in 1880 Jungfleisch l devised the apparatus shown in Fig. 5. This apparatus consists of two parts : one, the burner jungfleiscn's in which the incomplete combustion is appai carried 011 ; the other, a series of vessels in which the acetylene is separated from the other products of the com- bustion. The essential feature of the burner is shown in Fig. 6. It is composed of a central tube MN, Jungfieisch pierced at the lower end by a number of small hole's, which open or close by 1 Manipulations de Chimie, Paris, 1886, p. 744. 37 burner ACETYLENE Arrange- ment of the apparatus Condensa- tion of the water vapour formed means of a movable ring o, perforated in a similar manner. This tube serves for the introduction of air, the influx of which is regulated by the perforated ring. In the interior of MN the upright metal partitions prevent the air from rotating a movement which would result in an unsteady flame. The gas enters at g, a cylindrical box placed so as to spread it equally over the area of the circular opening rr. The cylinder of combustible gas escap- ing at rr consequently completely envelops the air entering at N. A gallery HH supports a glass chimney v, 30 centimetres high, well finished at either end. A few drops of oil in the gallery form a tight seal, which it is necessary to establish be- tween it and the base of the chimney. It is in this chimney that the combustion takes place. A sliding foot p easily lowers or raises the burner. A second metal portion of the apparatus receives the products of combustion, which are carried up by means of a cylinder. This is formed of an upright brass tube c, the lower portion of which overlaps the upper portion of the chimney N, an air-tight joint being formed by the chimney fitting into a circular space formed between the outer tube c and an inner one of smaller diameter to which it is fixed. The tube c communicates at the top, by means of a small metal pipe H, with a brass refrigerator RR', which cools the gas and condenses the water vapour drawn off from it. The refrigerator may consist of several tubes, as shown in the figure, thus possessing a large cooling surface ; or it may be made with only one tube, which must be slightly larger. It is cooled by a current of water entering at E e, and escaping at d D. The lower portion R', consists of a closed chamber, into which both the condensed liquid and the cooled gas enter. By means of proper adjustments the former escapes at v through a bent tube H, thus 38 THE PREPABATION OF ACETYLENE Absorbing apparatus forming a hydraulic seal for the gas, the bend having previously been filled with water, whilst the gases are drawn off by a pipe fixed to the tube s, which supports the refrigerator. At o, above the burner, is a small metallic chimney, by which the products of combustion escape when the cylinder, of which mention is made further on, is not in use. These gases are fairly combustible, and have to be kept constantly burning by means of a small gas burner A', fed from g A, and joined at (a) to one of the cold portions of the apparatus. To com- plete the apparatus oi joins the tube s, by an india- rubber connection, to a series of two or three wash bottles F', which contain the ammoniacal copper reagent. Any variation of pressure caused by the gas bub- Variation ot bling through the wash bottles is nullified by placing between s and the first bottle F' a similar vessel F, which is filled by the gas. The suction throughout the apparatus is produced at T by a rotary pump capable of passing at least 1 cubic metre per hour. The ordinary air pump in general use in laboratories only passes 200 to 300 litres per hour, and is not capable of working the apparatus. To start the apparatus, the burner is first lighted, starting the To do this, the sliding stand p' is lowered and the chimney removed, the ring oi being so adjusted as to allow only a small quantity of air to enter ; the burner is lighted, and the chimney replaced in the oiled gallery, the apparatus being then raised to its former position. A small flame is produced at N, and the surplus gas escapes at o with the products of combustion. The gas is lit at A, the supply of gas and air being at the same time increased in the burner L. A large flame soon appears at o, and the pump can then be started, so as to produce a rapid stream 39 apparatus ACETYLENE of bubbles in F', and the burner can next be re- gulated. Production ,, . . n . . . . . . ,. of the flame The essential point is to maintain at the surface of the air at v a regular flame, clearly outlined and surrounded on all sides by burning gas, and to allow no trace of oxygen to escape ; in other words, to pro- duce at v a fixed flame. With the pump in good working order, the height of the flame will decrease with too great a supply of gas, whilst the flame at o will be luminous ; on the other hand, with the air in excess, the flame will rise, expand towards the top, and develop a reddish tint, whilst non-combustible gases escape at o. The exact adjustment for obtain- ing the largest yield of acetylene can only be secured after many trials, observing the above precautions. ; The correct flame at o is of a purple tint, easily ex- tinguishable, and limited in height to a few centi- metres. When the cylinder has been regulated, it will not again want adjusting. The interior flame is yellow, long, and slightly smoky. The gas evolved contains about 3 per cent, of acetylene, and up to a certain point the yield in- creases with the rapidity of the suction. It is necessary to maintain a constant flame at o, because by the appearance of the flame the apparatus can be regulated, and also because carbonic oxide and cyanide of ammonium being amongst the products of incomplete combustion, these latter must not be allowed to escape into the air ; and, again, the flame at o indicates that an excess of pressure exists at v, and that air cannot be drawn up between the chimney and the cylinder. Even with a rapid flow of gas three vessels, as at F', are usually sufficient to almost entirely absorb the acetylene. When the solution in the first bottle ceases to act, the bottle is removed the two others being connected up and its contents emptied, fresh 40 THE PBEPAKATION. OF ACETYLENE solution being then placed in it. It is now connected up behind the other two. During this operation the ^ , . _ ment of the connection with the pump must be cut off in order absorbing to avoid air entering the copper solution, and com- bustion continues at o, the gas escaping in a long flame. Provided the regulation of the burner has not been interfered with, on connecting up the wash bottles the apparatus will work as before. With this apparatus considerable quantities of copper acetylide can be obtained in a short time, and this requires to be kept as much as possible from con- tact with the air and thoroughly washed. The Jungfleisch apparatus is costly, and somewhat simple XT x- i -i -L modifica- complex, but the same action can be easily shown as tion of the follows : an ordinary paraffin or Argand lamp chim- Jungfleisch ney is fitted at the bottom with a cork, through which pass two glass tubes, Fig. 7. One tube passes through the centre of the cork, and is about 10 centimetres long, with a bore of 1 centimetre ; the other tube is bent at right angles, and is of smaller bore, and is connected to the gas supply. A piece of asbestos card about 6 or 7 centimetres square, and with a round hole in the centre about 1J centimetres in diameter, is placed on top of the chimney. A stream of coal gas is passed through the apparatus, the hole in the as- bestos being loosely closed by a covering of card or mica. After a few moments the excess of gas escapes by the central tube, and is then lighted, the hole at the top being at the same time uncovered. The flame then passes up the tube, drawing air in after it, which continues to burn with a faintly luminous flame in the surrounding coal gas. The excess of coal gas escaping from the hole may be ignited, so that two flames are produced the one a flame of air burning in coal gas, and the other a flame of coal gas burning General in air. A glass tube bent at right angles is intro- ^*^~ duced into the chimney through the hole in the apparatus 41 ACETYLENE Preparation of Copper Acetylene with the apparatus asbestos card, and is connected at the other end to the absorbing vessel, which is in connection with any convenient aspirating apparatus, such as a Bunsen's pump or an aspirating bottle. The gaseous contents of the lamp chimney are in this way made to bubble through copper solution where the acetylene is ab- sorbed. With this apparatus large quantities of the copper compound may be prepared, the copper solution being contained in a large Woulfe's bottle, and the opera- tion allowed to continue for some hours. Two or three tubes, lead- ing to as many absorbing bot- tles, may at the same time be in- serted into the chimney, so long as the united FlG " 7 ' volume of gas which they draw away is not greater than the volume of coal gas which is passing through the apparatus, in which case air would be sucked down through the hole in the card, and, passing through the copper solution, would oxidize it. It is easy to ascertain whether there is an excess of coal gas escaping either by applying a light, or, better, by bringing a taper, which has been lighted and then blown out and is still smoking, near to the hole, and observing whether the smoke is carried up or drawn into the chimney. 42 THE PBEPAKATION OF ACETYLENE The production of acetylene by the incomplete com- bustion of coal gas in any of these forms of apparatus may be greatly increased by allowing the coal gas to pass through cotton wool moistened with sulphuric ether, contained in a wash bottle or in a wide tube, the influence of the presence of the ether vapour having been noticed by Roemer 1 in 1886. It is to be noted that in all cases where acetylene is first converted into copper acetylene, and this com- pound then decomposed by hydrochloric acid, the gas evolved contains traces of chlorine |. compounds. Sa- banejeff 2 also men- tions that, on boil- ing copper acetylene with hydrochloric acid, an oily matter was formed which condensed in the wash bottles, and Berthelot con- sidered this to be acetylene hydro- chloride, C 2 H 27 2HC1, but came to this conclusion without apparently either making an analysis of the body or testing its boiling-point. This oily substance distils completely at between 56 and 58 C., and is presumably ethylidene chloride, which Bunte has shown to have a boiling-point of 57-5. Many attempts were made by Polis to get pure acetylene by the action of hydrochloric acid on copper acetylene, but it was always found to contain Yield of Acetylene increased by the presence of Ether vapour Impurities in Acetylene formed by the decomposi- tion of Metallic Acetylenes with Hydro- chloric Acid Lieb. Ann., 233, 182. Ibid., 178, 111. ACETYLENE the chlorine compound, which, calculated as ethy- lidene chloride, amounts to as much as 0-08 per cent. The Polls By far the most elegant method of showing the tube for ; P . showing the presence 01 acetylene in the names given by com- Ac7*yiene < in P oun( ^ s containing carbon is that devised by Polis. 1 A flames ' test tube with side tubulure, Fig. 8, is fitted with a cork, through which passes a glass tube bent at right angles, into the end of which is fused a tube of platinum 0*5 mm. in diameter. The test tube is half filled with the ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution, FIG. 9. and the side tubulure attached to an aspirator bottle (Fig. 9). On now placing the tip of the platinum tube in the flame to be tested, and allowing the water to flow from the aspirator bottle, the gases from the interior of the flame are sucked through the test solution, and the presence of acetylene is at once made manifest by the formation of the red copper acetylene. This form of apparatus is well adapted for projec- tion on the screen. 1 Zeitsch., ver. d. Ing., 39, 1337. 44 THE PBEPARATION OF ACETYLENE C. THE PREPARATION or ACETYLENE BY PASSING ORGANIC VAPOURS AND GASES THROUGH HEATED TUBES. The decompositions of the simpler forms of hydro- Importance carbons at an elevated temperature have always been of the recognised as a question of the greatest importance, as upon them is dependent a true conception of many of the actions taking place in the manufacture of coal gas and other kindred processes of- destructive distillation. It was Boettger 1 who, in 1859, first recognised that Format i n the destructive distillation of resin, resinous wood, f Acetylene coal, and other substances of the same kind, yielded destructive a gaseous mixture which contained a gas capable of di s tillation giving a red precipitate on passing through an am- moniacal solution of cuprous chloride ; and the re- searches of Berthelot 2 showed that acetylene might Berthelot be prepared by allowing the vapours of alcohol, ether, shows that aldehyde, methylic alcohol, and also the hydrocarbons formeTby 8 methane and styrolene, to pass through red-hot tubes, the action of and since that time a considerable amount of work organic has been done upon that subject, as, although it is not a method which serves for the convenient prepara- , tion of acetylene on a large scale, it is of very great theoretical interest. Ethylene has in most cases been chosen as the hydrocarbon which would lend itself most readily to researches upon this point, as, besides being one of the simplest, it is easily prepared, and is, moreover, found as one of the products in nearly all cases where organic compounds are subjected to distillation at high temperatures. Work of the No sooner had the difference between ethylene and early observers methane been recognised, than experiments were made by Deimann, Van Troostwyk, Lauwerenberg, and 1 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 109, 351. 2 CompL Bend., 54, 515. 45 ACETYLENE Action of high temperature on Ethylene Decomposi- tion of Ethylene to Carbon and Hydrogen Marchand and Magnus show that Methane is formed on heating Ethylene Bondt, 1 to ascertain the action of heat upon the newly-formed compound, and the conclusions to which they came were, that on heating no contraction in volume was observed, but that the tubes in which the decomposition was effected became coated with a black deposit, and drops of an oily body were formed, the gas at the same time losing its property of forming an oily liquid with chlorine. These experiments were afterwards repeated by Fourcroy, Hecht, and Vauquelin, 2 who showed that, when heated, ethylene yields hydrogen with deposi- tion of carbon ; whilst in 1805 William Henry 3 showed that ethylene was formed during the destructive dis- tillation of organic bodies, and that on further heating the gas other changes were observed, and the gas eventually converted into hydrogen and carbon. The deposition of carbon was also noticed later by Quet, 4 who, on passing sparks through ethylene, found that carbon was deposited and formed a bridge between the poles used for the discharge, whilst Dalton showed, by the continuous action of the electric spark, that ethylene yielded double its own volume of hydrogen, carbon being deposited. Marchand 5 came to the conclusion that at a red heat this gas splits up into methane and carbon, but at a white heat into carbon and nearly pure hydrogen ; whilst Magnus, in 1847, 6 made the important observa- tion that on leading ethylene through a red-hot tube a contraction in volume followed : the residual gas consisted of methane, hydrogen, and unchanged ethy- lene, whilst carbon was deposited and fluid and even solid hydrocarbons were obtained. In 1860 H. Buff and A. W. Hofmann 7 published a 1 Ann. Chitn. P/iyx., 1st series, 21, 48. 2 Gilbert's Annalen, 2, 210. 3 Nicholson's Journal, 1805. 4 Compt. Rend., 42, 003. 5 Journ. Prakt. Chem., 26, 478. 6 Fogg. Ann., 80, 470. 7 Lieb. Ann., 113, 119. 46 THE PEEPAEATION OF ACETYLENE paper on the " Dissociation of Gaseous Compounds on Heating by Electricity." They found that when a platinum spiral was heated by the galvanic current in pure ethylene, there was at once a visible separation of carbon, which covered the sides of the tubes with a black deposit, whilst hardly any expansion took place in the volume of the gas, from which they assumed that the ethylene had split up into methane and carbon. If the action on the gas, due to the incandescent platinum wire, was allowed to continue, then an in- creased amount of the gas underwent dissociation, and soon after the separation of carbon commenced they observed a rapid expansion, which in ten minutes reached a maximum. Similar phenomena were ob- served with the spark current. At first the spark had a pale reddish tint, which gradually turned to violet, immediate separation of carbon taking place, the spark being frequently stopped by scales of carbon, which formed a bridge between the poles. They found that, under these conditions, the volume of gas expanded very slightly at first, and afterwards more slowly still, and that after twenty to twenty- five minutes the point of maximum expansion was reached, so that 7 cc. of dry ethylene gave after decomposition 12*25 cc. They noted also that the residual hydrogen had an unplea- sant smell, and burnt with a slightly luminous flame. Berthelot, in 1869, 1 claimed that ethylene would break up under the influence of heat into acetylene and hydrogen, as expressed by the equation Qa"H 4 = C 2 H 2 + H 2 , and showed that the acetylene then polymerised into benzene, styrene, and other liquid products of higher boiling-points. Naphthalene was also formed by the direct condensation of styrene and acetylene. He also 1 Ann. Chim. Phys., 4, 16, 144. 47 Decomposi- tion of the gas by a heated spiral Decomposi- tion of Ethylene by the electric spark \ Berthelot shows that the decom- position of Ethylene yields Acetylene ACETYLENE pointed out that during the heating of ethylene a large proportion of ethane was formed, and his final conclusion was, that the heating of ethylene resulted in the splitting up of two molecules of ethylene into acetylene and ethane, and that the formation of solid and liquid products was due to the subsequent con- densation of the acetylene. In 1886 l Davy made a number of experiments in order to determine the lowest point of temperature at which the constitution of ethylene undergoes altera- tion, and the nature of the changes taking place at that temperature. In order to do this he devised an ingenious apparatus in which the ethylene could be heated for very long periods in a hard glass tube. Prom these experiments he concluded that when the action was continued over a long period, the gas underwent change at much lower temperatures than had been previously observed. The alteration in constitution commenced at about 350 C., at which temperature the change was one of condensation with- out the formation of members of any series of hydro- carbons having a percentage of hydrogen and carbon different from ethylene ; whilst if ethylene was main- tained at 400 for a sufficient length of time, it was entirely decomposed, marsh gas, ethane and liquid products being obtained. Morton and I* 1 the same year Morton and Noyes 2 made an Noyes elaborate investigation with the object of determining whether crotonylene, C 4 H 6 , which is present in small quantities in illuminating gas and other products of the distillation of organic matter, is formed as a primary product of decomposition by heat, or as a secondary product of the action of heat upon ethylene. Coal gas was passed slowly through a hard glass tube, 15 mm. in diameter, which was maintained at a low red heat for a distance of 60 cm. The products 1 American Chem. Journ., 8, 153. 2 Ibid., 8, 362. 48 THE PEEPAEATION OF ACETYLENE issuing from this tube were first passed through, a series of U tubes, surrounded by a freezing mixture ; the products which were not condensed were passed through an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride, to absorb hydrocarbons of the acetylene series, whilst samples of the gases escaping absorption were finally collected over water. Carbon was deposited in the decomposition tube, and at the end of one month 15 cc. of liquid had been slowly condensed in the U tubes, and in this liquid they detected benzene, naphthalene, and some other aromatic hydrocarbons, present in quantities too small for determination. Faint traces The liquid only of precipitate were found in the ammoniacal ^bons cuprous chloride solution, whilst amongst the bodies formed from absorbed by bromine they identified crotonylene tetra- bromide, and the gas collected over water proved to be a mixture of methane and ethane. The absence of acetylene from the products obtained led them to the view that these products were formed directly by the action of heat upon ethylene. From the work of the earlier observers the text books have accepted the equation C 2 H 4 G 2 + 2H 2 as representing the decomposition which takes place The actions at a very high temperature, whilst, on the evidence coSsSexSd of the work done by Marchand and Buff and Hof- as taking ,1 , n i , i . T place when mann, they represent the change taking place at a Ethylene lower temperature by the equation is heated Og-hL^ = O + O-ti^. These reactions, however, in no way explained the Lewes's formation of the more complex liquid and solid bodies c ^ c Jo the* 8 formed when ethylene is heated, and Lewes, 1 having action of worked upon the effect of heat upon ethylene, came Ethylene 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., 55, 90. 49 4 ACETYLENE to the conclusion that the primary action might be represented by the equation The The nascent acetylene so formed polymerises with great rapidity, forming in the first place benzene, C 6 H 6 , and, at a slightly higher temperature, styrolene, C 8 H 8 ; whilst a still further rise of temperature yields naphthalene, 5C 2 H 2 = C 10 H 8 + H 2 , and higher tar-like products, whilst at the same time the hydrogen combines to a small extent with acety- lene, reforming ethylene. The methane also formed in the primary reaction splits up into acetylene and hydrogen, and the various compounds present, by further poly- merisation arid interaction amongst themselves, give rise to the many compounds noticed by various ob- servers. The rapidity with which the freshly generated acetylene polymerises renders it impossible to obtain more than a slight percentage of the free acetylene in the gaseous mixture ; and as the temperature reaches the decomposing point of the acetylene, which varies according to the amount of the dilution, polymerisa- tion ceases, and the acetylene splits up directly into carbon and hydrogen, and, all the other products doing the same thing, the final reaction yields carbon and hydrogen only. D. THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE BY THE CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Before the introduction of calcium carbide, methods for the preparation of acetylene based upon chemical interactions between the halogen compounds of 50 THE PEEPABATION OF ACETYLENE certain hydrocarbons and alkalies were used with considerable success. It was De Wilde, in 1874, l who noticed that when Decomposi- the vapour of ethylene chloride was passed through a tube filled with lime, or, better, soda lime, heated to Chloride redness in a combustion furnace, the chlorine of the organic compound united with the metal to form chlorides of calcium and sodium, whilst water and acetylene were generated. The acetylene thus . set free was absorbed by am- The gas moniacal cuprous chloride in the usual way, and the tws method' copper acetylene used for the generation of the gas, although when yielded by this method it is, as a rule, so pure that in most cases it would be possible to use the gas direct from the decomposmg-tube. The reactions taking place may be represented by The dccom - the equations taking place Ethylene Chloride. Lime. Calcium Chloride. Water. Acetylene. C 2 H 4 C1 2 + CaO CaCl 2 + H 2 + C 2 H 2 and Ethylene Chloride. Sodium Hydrate. Sodium Chloride. Water. C 2 H 4 C1 2 + 2NaHO 2 NaCl + 2 H 2 Acetylene. + C 2 H 2 . Another method for the preparation of acetylene, still more widely employed, consists of decomposing ethylene bromide by boiling alcoholic potash. The researches of Miasnikoff 2 in 1861 showed that the vapours of vinyl bromide, C 2 H 3 Br, could be de- decom- composed by heated alcoholic potash with the libera- Ethyiene tion of acetylene ; and in the same year Sawitch 3 Br mide by J ' J Alcoholic showed that an identical action took place when Potash ethylene bromide was used in place of vinyl bromide, whilst Sabanejeff, 4 in 1867, published a method of 1 Bull. Acad. Belg., 2, 19, No. 1. 2 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 118, 330. 3 Ibid, 119, 182. 4 Ibid, 178, 111. 51 ACETYLENE carrying out this reaction, which was an excellent way of preparing the gas, as it yielded nearly 75 per cent, of the calculated quantity of acetylene. In the decomposition of ethylene bromide by boiling alcoholic potash the gas always contains a certain proportion of vinyl bromide, due to the reaction taking place in two stages. The reactions leading to the liberation of Acetylene 1. Ethylene Bromide. Potassium Hydrate. KHO Vinyl Bromide. C 2 H 3 Br Pot. Brom. KBr Water. HoO 2. Vinyl Bromide. Potassium Hydrate. C 2 H 3 Br + KHO Water. Acetylene. Potassium Bromide. KBr Apparatus used FIG. 10. In order to remove this bromide the mixed gases are again passed through boiling alcoholic potash. The appa- ratus employed, Fig. 10, is made by taking a small wide -necked flask fitted with a cork carrying a dropping funnel and a reflux condenser ; a delivery tube from the upper end of the condenser passes into a second similar flask also carrying a reflux condenser, 52 THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE this tube reaching nearly to the bottom of the flask. A second delivery tube carries the gas to the pneumatic trough. Alcoholic potash is gently heated in both flasks, and ethylene bromide allowed to drop into the first. The gas which is produced carries with it the vapours of alcohol and ethylene bromide, some of which is condensed in the first reflux condenser and is returned to the flask. Such vinyl bromide as is carried forward is decomposed by being made to bubble through the alcoholic potash contained in the second flask, and the gas, which passes, after being deprived of alcohol, through the second condenser, may be collected at the pneumatic trough, and will be found to be nearly pure acetylene. Even after its second passage, however, through the boiling alcoholic potash it is not totally free from the vinyl bromide. Zeisel, 1 in order to finally purify this gas, passed it over gently-heated soda lime, which removed the last of the bromide compounds. Great care has to be ob- served in doing this, as, if the tem- perature is allowed to get too high, some of the acety- lene undergoes poly- merisation, and con- densation products make their appear- ance in the acety- lene, and have to be got rid of by pass- ing through two wash bottles, the first containing alcohol and the FIG. 11. second water. l Ann. Chem. Pharm., 191, 368. 53 Necessary precautions Final purification of the gas ACETYLENE If only small quantities of acetylene are required to demonstrate that the gas is formed by the action of hot alcoholic potash on ethylene bromide, the reflux condensers may be omitted, and the simplified ap- paratus shown in Fig. 11 may be used. Another method of preparing the gas is due to Cazeneuve 1. 500 grammes of zinc dust are placed in preparation a flask with 20 grammes of bromoform, and a 2 per 8 cent, solution of copper chloride is then added, the copper depositing upon the zinc, and forming a galvanic couple which acts upon the bromoform, with the formation of zinc bromide, and the liberation of acetylene. Bromoform. Zinc. Zinc Bromide. Acetylene. Cazeneuvc's met the f r 2CHBr, 3Zn 3ZnBr, Potassium Carbide Moissan's researches on the Carbides The action of metals at high tempera- tures on Carbon This reaction is a useful one, as it proceeds with considerable rapidity and gives a good yield of the gas. E. THE PREPARATION OP ACETYLENE BY THE DOUBLE DECOMPOSITION OF CERTAIN CARBIDES IN CONTACT WITH WATER. It was by the action of water upon potassium car- bide that Edmund Davy first made acetylene, whilst the researches of Woehler, Maquenne, Moissan, and Travers show that the carbides of several other metals react with water in the same way. These researches have all been noticed in the first chapter of this work ; but no mention of the carbides would be complete without giving in extenso Moissair s resume of his magnificent researches as published in the Comptes Rendus of the Academie des Sciences. 2 " At the high temperature of the electric furnace a certain number of metals, such as gold, bismuth, and tin, do not dissolve carbon. Liquid copper takes up 1 Compt. Rend., 113, 1054. 2 Ibid., 122, 1462. 54 THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE but a very small quantity, but sufficient to change its properties and strongly modify its malleability. At the temperature of ebullition silver dissolves a small quantity of carbon, which it afterwards gives up, on cooling, in the form of graphite. This melted silver alloy, obtained at a high temperature, presents a curious property that of increasing its volume when passing from a liquid to a solid condition. The phe- nomenon is analogous to that taking place with iron increase of alloy, as both pure iron and silver diminish in volume ^^^oys in passing from a liquid to a solid condition. On the of Carbon .. . ij.1 with Iron r contrary, this alloy of silver or iron, under the same silver circumstances, increases in volume. The metals of platinum at their boiling-point dissolve carbon readily, and give it up again in the form of graphite on solidification. This graphite is abundant. A large number of metals, on the contrary, at the Tne temperature of the electric furnace produce definite formation and crystalline compounds. We have already noted crystalline that Berthelot prepared carbides of potassium and so- dium. By heating a mixture of lithium oxide, or car- bonate of lithium, and carbon in his electric furnace, Moissan was able to obtain very readily trans- parent crystals of carbide of lithium which evolved 570 litres of pure acetylene per kilogram of the carbide. In the same way, by heating a mixture Carbides of of oxides and carbon, he obtained in notable quan- strontium, tities crystalline carbides of calcium, barium, and an . d J Calcium strontium. All these carbides are decomposed upon contact Decomposi with cold water, giving off acetylene. The reaction Alkaline is complete and the gas obtained pure. The three alkaline earth carbides correspond to the formula RC 2 , water and the carbide of lithium to the formula Li 2 C 2 . Another type of crystallized carbide, in transparent Carbide ot , , , ,. T f Aluminium hexagonal plates one centimetre in diameter, is iiir- nished by aluminium. This metal, strongly heated 55 ACETYLENE Carbide of Glucinium Carbides oi Cerium, Lanthanum, Yttrium and Thorium Carbide of Manganese Carbide of Uranium Liquid and solid products in the electric furnace in the presence of 'carbon, produces yellow flakes which one can isolate by care- ful treatment with a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid cooled to the temperature of melting ice. This metallic carbide is decomposed by water at the ordin- ary temperature, producing alumina and pure methane gas. It corresponds to the formula A1 4 C 3 . Lsbeau obtained, under the same conditions, the carbide of glucinium, which, according to his experi- ment, also produced methane upon contact with cold water. The cerite metals gave crystalline carbides, of which the formula resembles that of the alkaline earth carbides, RC 2 . Moissan made a special in- vestigation of the decomposition by water of the carbide of cerium CeC 2 , lanthanum LaC 2 , yttrium YtC 2 , and thorium ThC 2 . All these substances are decomposed by water, furnishing a gaseous mixture rich in acetylene and containing methane. The proportion of acetylene diminishes, and of methane increases with carbide of thorium. At ordinary pressures and high temperatures iron never gives a definite or crystalline compound. We have known for a long time, thanks to the researches of Troost and Hautefeuille, that manganese produces a carbide, Mn 3 C. This carbide can be produced with the greatest ease in an electric furnace, and in contact with cold water it decomposes, giving off equal volumes of methane and hydrogen. Carbide of uranium, Ur 2 C 3 , which Moissan ob- tained by the same process, gave a more complex reaction. This carbide, well crystallized and trans- parent, when in very thin plates, decomposed upon contact with water and gave a gaseous mixture, which contained a large quantity of methane, hydro- gen, and ethylene. The most interesting fact pre- sented by this carbide is that it not only gives off carburetted acids, but also an abundance of liquid 56 THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE and solid carbides, constituting two-thirds of its carbon content. The carbides of cerium and lan- thanum, by their decomposition by water, furnish also liquid and solid carbides, but in less quantities. All the carbides decomposable by water at ordinary temperatures, with the production of carburetted hydrogens, constitute the first class of compounds in the metallic carbide family. The second class would Carbides not consist of carbides not decomposable by water at able by ordinary temperatures, such as a carbide of molyb- water at denum Mo 2 C, tungsten Tg 2 C, and chromium Cr 4 C and tempera- Cr 3 C 2 . The latter compounds are crystallized, not transparent, and have a metallic lustre. They possess great hardness, and melt only at elevated tempera- tures. Moissan has prepared all of them in his electric furnace. The metalloids, in contact with carbon at the Carbo- electric furnace temperatures, produce definite and crystalline compounds, as, for example, the carbide of silicon, SiC, discovered by Acheson. This product is prepared on an industrial scale under the name of carborundum. The carbide of titanium, TiC, has a hardness so great as to scratch an impure diamond ; the carbide of zirconium, ZrC, and the carbide of vanadium, VaC, may also be mentioned. A general fact may be deduced from the numerous experiments made by Moissan with his electric furnace. The simple con- compounds produced at high temperatures have st jjetainc f always a very simple formula, and in most cases Carbides exist in but one combination. The reaction which appears to be the most curious is the easy production of gaseous liquid or solid hydrocarbons by the action of cold water upon certain metallic carbides. It would seem that these investigations might be of some geological interest. The giving off of methane, more or less pure, which one encounters in certain formations, and 57 ACETYLENE The decomposi- tion of Metallic Carbides in nature may explain the formation of Natural Gas and Petroleum Moissan's experiments Petroleums and their occurrence which has been taking place for centuries, might have its origin in the action of water npon carbide of aluminium. A similar action will explain t lie- formation of liquid hydrocarbons. We know that the theories relating to the formation of petroleum are as follows : first, production through the decomposi- tion of animal or vegetable organic matter ; second, the formation of petroleums by purely chemical re- actions, a theory first brought out by Berthelot, and which was the subject of a publication by Mendeleef ; third, the formation of petroleum through volcanic phenomena, a hypothesis advanced by Humboldt in 1804. Starting with 4 kilograms of carbide of uranium, Moissan obtained in a single experiment more than 100 grams of liquid carbides. The mixture thus obtained is formed of ethylene carbides, a small quantity of acetylene carbides and saturated carbides. These carbides are formed in the presence of a large proportion of methane and hydrogen at ordinary temperature and pressure, a fact which caused Moissan to think that when the decomposition took place at high temperature there would be produced saturated carbides analogous to petroleum. Berthelot has, as a matter of fact, demonstrated that the direct fixing of hydrogen upon non-saturated carbides could be brought about by the action of heat alone. The existence of these new metallic carbides, de- composable by water, may in the future modify the theories which have been previously given to explain the formation of petroleums. One should guard against hasty generalizations, for, in point of fact, petroleums exist of different origin. At Autuii, for example, the bituminous schists appear to have been produced by the decomposition of organic matter. On the contrary, in Linaagiie the asphalt impregnates the fissures of a limestone very poor in fossils. This 58 THE PREPARATION OF ACETYLENE asphalt has a direct relation with the basaltic tuffs produced by volcanic action. A recent boring made at Rioni brought some litres of petroleum from a depth of about 4,CXJO feet. The formation of the liquid carbide in this stratum could be attributed to the action of water. Moissan has shown in his note upon carbide of calcium the conditions under which this compound can be burned, giving off car- production bonic acid. As he has said in this note, it is probable c that in the first geological periods of the earth nearly all of the carbon existed in the form of metallic carbides. When water enters into the reaction, the metallic carbides produce carbides of hydrogen, and the latter, by oxidation, carbonic acid. An example of this reaction can be found near Saint Nectaire, where the granites which constitute the border of the territory basin give off continuously large quantities of carbonic acid gas. Moissan thinks also that certain Possible volcanic phenomena could be attributed to the action action of of water upon these easily decomposed carbides. All *" geologists know that the last manifestation of a volcanic centre consists in the emanation of a great variety of carbides, such as asphalt or petroleum, and finally, by reason of oxidation, carbonic acid. A movement of the strata of the earth brings the water in contact with the metallic carbides, and causes a violent evolution of gas. At the same time the temperature rises, the gases polymerise, and a series of complex products result, such as the hydrocarbons At certain places a volcanic fissure serves as an escape valve or chimney. We know that the nature of the gas collected in the fumeroles varies according to whether the volcanic phenomena take place in the ocean or in atmospheric air. At Santorin, for example, Fouque has collected free hydrogen in the cavities of immersed volcanoes, while he has found only vapour of water in the superficial craters. The existence of these metallic 59 ACETYLENE The production of Acety- lene from Calcium Carbide carbides, so easy to prepare at high temperatures, and which probably would be met with in the interior of the earth, allows the explanation of certain volcanic eruptions owing to the formation of hydrocarbon gases, liquids or solids." With calcium carbide, easily obtainable at a cheap rate, none of the older processes for making acetylene will be much employed except for lecture demonstra- tion, as the acetylene obtained direct from a good sample of calcium carbide is in many cases purer than Apparatus used FIG. 12. when the gas is produced by the decomposition of the copper acetylene compound by hydrochloric acid, this always containing, as previously pointed out, traces of chlorine compounds. The best method of preparing pure acetylene is to take a conical filtering flask, Fig. 12, with side tubulure, and to fit a wide tube, open at both ends, into the cork closing the mouth of the flask, the tube projecting into the flask to slightly below the level of the side tubulure ; over the top of the tube is attached 60 THE PKEPARATION OF ACETYLENE a piece of wide indiarubber tubing, the other end being slipped over the mouth of a thick glass flask. The conical flask is now filled with a 25 per cent. solution of sugar, and the glass flask filled with pieces of good crystalline carbide, broken to about the size of peas ; and when this is attached to the indiarubber tube, the weight of the carbide causes the flask to Method ot hang down. On raising it the carbide can be thrown e the V gas a few pieces at a time into the water, and a steady evolution of the gas ensues. The gas is led from the FIG. 13. tubulure through a wash bottle in which is a 3 per cent, solution of sodium hypochlorite, and then through a tower, containing moistened sodium hydrate. The acetylene generated from the ordinary calcium Removal oi carbide contains small traces of sulphuretted and phosphuretted hydrogen and ammonia ; but when the evolution is carried on slowly in the way indicated, the sugar solution absorbs the ammonia, whilst the sodium hypochlorite removes the traces of phos- phuretted and sulphuretted hydrogen. The gas generated in this way is purer than when made by 61 ACETYLENE Preparation from Carbide where absolute purity not essential acting on the copper acetylene compound with hydro- chloric acid. If the purity of the gas is not of great importance, the acetylene can be conveniently prepared by putting a layer of sand at the bottom of a 16-ounce flask, Fig. 13, and placing on the sand calcuim carbide in pieces the size of hazel nuts. The flask is fitted with a cork carrying a dripping funnel and delivery tube, and the water is allowed to fall on the carbide a few drops at a time, the gas being led away through the washing cylinder and tower. When prepared in this way, the purity of the gas largely depends on the rate of evolution ; as with carbide of fair commercial purity, if the gas be generated slowly, it will be sufficiently pure for all ordinary purposes. Nomen- clature Klumene Acetylene CHAPTER III ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPERTIES EDMUND DAVY, in 1836, named the newly- discovered gas bicarburet of hydrogen, to mark the fact that he supposed it to be " composed of two proportions of carbon and one of hydrogen " ; whilst later the name " klumene " was bestowed upon it, because it had been derived from a kalium 1 compound potassium carbide. It was Berthelot 2 who christened it "acetylene," from the fact that it bears the same relation to the radical acetyle, C 2 H 3 , that ethylene does to the radical ethyl, C 2 H 5 , and it is by this name that it is universally known, although attempts have been made to bring it under the more uniform system of vowel nomenclature proposed by Laurent and adopted by Hofmann, in which the different classes of hydro- carbons are distinguished by definite terminations, the C n H 2u + 2 series having the termination "-ane," the C n H 2n series " -ene," and the C n H 2ll - 2 series, of which Ethine acetylene is the simplest member, the termination a -ine." Hence the hydrocarbons containing two atoms of carbon would be C 2 H 6 , ethane ; C 2 H 4 , ethene ; C 2 H 2 , ethine. The ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen, supposed studied the the safety properties of solutions of acetvlencrin acetone under of Acetone ,, , , tnree heads : Berthciot solutions Pressure exerted by dissolved Acetylene Liability of dissolved Acetylene to detonate Inflamma- bility of dissolved Acetylene 1. PRESSURE or DISSOLVED ACETYLENE Details are given of the pressures over a range of about 60 C. of solutions containing respectively 69 gr. of acetylene and 301 grs. of acetone, 118 grs. of acety- lene and 315 grs. of acetone, and 203 grs. of acetylene and 315 grs. of acetone. The most important results are that the observed pressures follow the same general law as the pressures of the saturated vapour of a homo- geneous liquid, and are attributable almost entirely to the acetylene ; the pressure attributable to the acetone forms only a small fraction a few hundredths of the total pressure. 2. LIABILITY OP DISSOLVED ACETYLENE TO DETONATE The explosion of 1-5 gr. of fulminate of mercury in a metallic bottle of 700 cc. capacity, containing 320 grs. of acetone and 132 grs. of acetylene, caused a dull noise with escape of gas. The bottle was cracked, but there was no explosion nor inflammation. In an iden- tical experiment made by the authors with liquefied acetylene the bottle was smashed to small fragments. 3. LIABILITY or DISSOLVED ACETYLENE, AND OF THE VAPOUR, TO INFLAME A 50 cc. steel tube, provided with crusher gauges, was charged with 14 cc. of acetone in a first set of experiments, and 8*2 cc. in a second set. The acetone 2 Compt. Rend., 129, 988. 68 ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPEBTIES was saturated with acetylene at the ordinary tempera- ture, and at pressures varying from 10 to 20 kilos, per square cm. ; when the initial pressure did not exceed 10 kilos., and the ignition was produced by an incandescent platinum wire in the gas, the observed pressures did not differ from those corresponding to the combustion of pure acetylene under the same pressure. From this it may be concluded that the dissolved acetylene is not decomposed, and that it takes no part in the combus- tion. The maximum pressures observed are only one- tenth of those which would correspond to the explosive decomposition of the whole of the contained acetylene, gaseous and dissolved. But when the initial pressure exceeds 10 kilos., the effect produced becomes analogous to the explosion of pure liquid acetylene. Not only is the acetylene decomposed, but the acetone which holds it in solution is also destroyed simultaneously. The explosive decomposition produces a compact mass of carbon, which takes the form of the tube. The gases formed consist of hydrogen and carbon monoxide mixed with carbonic acid. The experiments have been repeated with a larger receiver (13*5 litres) of the kind commercially used. It is found that the bottle ordinarily used, tested to 250 atmospheres, can support without rupture the pressure resulting from an acci- dental inflammation of the gaseous atmosphere con- tained in the bottles, the acetone having been saturated with acetylene at pressures of 6 to 8 kilos., and tem- peratures of 10 to 15 C. The pressure developed does not exceed 155 kilos. But these bottles are no longer safe if the initial pressure exceed 10 kilos, or if they are exposed to temperatures exceeding 35 C. With an initial pressure of 20 kilos., when the inflammation is produced in a gaseous atmosphere, it can develop a pressure of 568 kilos. ; and when it is produced in the liquid itself, the pressure rises to 5,100 kilos. No com- mercial receiver is safe under such conditions. 69 Pressures observed Strength of bottle needed to resist pressures found Limits of safety ACETYLENE Conclusions arrived at by Bcrthelot and Vicllc Explosive decomposi- tion of the solution Finally, acetylene is less dangerous when dissolved in acetone, for it cannot be exploded by internal in- flammation when the pressure is below 10 kilos, and the temperature is below 15 C. Acetylene per se can be exploded by internal ignition when a receiver of a litre capacity contains 2'5 grs. or more. Under the conditions stated the same receiver could contain without risk nearly fifty times as much acetylene 100 to 120 grs. dissolved in acetone. Further, 1 they find that when acetylene is heated in contact with its solution in acetone, in a closed receiver, under certain conditions the dissolved acetylene suffers no decomposition, whilst under other conditions it suffers explosive decomposition. In the latter case the solvent, acetone, is decomposed, and, in the main decomposed into its elements, the oxygen appearing in the form of carbon monoxide and dioxide and water 4C.JLO = cause of the This total decomposition of the solvent is produced by tion of the the explosive shock resulting from the destruction of the acetylene at constant volume. It is exceptionally interesting as an example of the sudden and total destruction of a substance which is formed, as acetone is, with evolution of heat. The determining factor in the conditions is the pressure. The authors proceed to explain from thermochemical considerations why acety- lene dissolved in acetone is stable up to a certain pres- sure about 10 kilos, per square cm. The decomposi- tion of 20 grs. of gaseous acetylene into its elements evolves + 51*4 calories ; allowing for the heat of solu- tion of dissolved acetylene, this would be reduced to + 46'3 calories. The heat of vaporization of a mole- cule of acetone is 7*5 calories, so that the decomposition of a molecule of acetylene would suffice to vaporize 1 Compt. Bend., 129, 996. 70 solvent Heat generated ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES 6 molecules, or thirteen times its weight of acetone. Such would be the effect produced in a solution con- taining 77 grs. of acetylene per kilo, of acetone. To this must be added the heat required to heat to the same temperature the carbon and hydrogen produced by the decomposition of the acetylene. Clearly the high temperature required for the destruction of the acetylene cannot be attained under these conditions ; a much larger percentage of the endothermic compound is required. At a pressure of 10 kilos, per square cm., 1 kilo, of acetone dissolves 350 grs. of acetylene ; the latter by its own decomposition would evolve 623 '3 calories. This at constant volume would raise the mixture of acetone supposed to be unaltered, carbon, and hydrogen to 730 at most. Now this temperature is not high enough to decompose acetylene into its elements. A similar calculation for acetone, saturated with acetylene, under a pressure of 20 kilos., and con- taining 700 grs. of acetylene per kilo, of acetone, gives a temperature of 1,300, which is above the actual temperature of decomposition of acetylene. These calculations are only approximate, and reference must be made to the original for further developments ; e.g., the heat absorbed in the decomposition of the acetone into carbon, hydrogen, and carbonic acid would reduce the above temperature to 1,160 C. But this same decomposition would determine an increase of volume from 1 to 3 1, or at constant volume a corresponding increase of pressure. Taking both into account, the decomposition of acetone would result in the doubling of the final pressure, as compared with that due to the decomposition of the acetylene alone. Under high initial pressures, therefore, the acetone might become a source of danger rather than of safety. Acetylene was first liquefied by Cailletet 1 in 1877 ; but from the figures he experimentally arrived at the 1 Compt. Rend., 85, 851. 71 Thermal reasons for the safety of a solution of Acetylene in Acetone at a pressure of less than 10 kilos, per square centimetre Liquefaction of Acetylene ACETYLENE Ansdell's research on the liquefaction of Acetylene Cailletet pump Arrange- ment of the apparatus Preparation of the Acetylene used gas used must have been impure ; and in 1879 the work was repeated by Ansdell l in the laboratory of the Royal Institution, and as his research still re- mains the most important and reliable work on the subject, it is well to reproduce it in extenso. He uses for this work one of Cailletet's pumps, but points out that in doing so he employed a carefully calibrated air manometer instead of the ordinary metallic gauge attached to the pump, which was far from being correct. 11 The pump itself is too well known to need de- scription ; suffice it to say that two of the iron bottles or reservoirs were used, connected with the pump by a piece of fine-bore copper tubing, so as to equalize the pressure, one containing an air manometer regis- tering the pressures from ten atmospheres upwards, and the other the tube filled with acetylene. The two bottles were then placed side by side, and the height of the column of mercury in either read off by means of a cathetometer. " The formulae used for calibrating the tubes, and also for calculating the volume of the liquefied gas, and the pressure by the air manometer, were those given by Dr. Andrews in his researches on carbonic acid (Phil. Trans., 1869 and 1876). The method of preparing the acetylene gas was by the action of alcoholic ' potash on bibromethylene, the disengaged gas being collected in the form of the red acetylide of copper by passing it into a strong solution of the subchloride of copper in ammonia. This red com- pound, after being thoroughly washed and boiled with distilled water, was transferred to a flask with dilute hydrochloric acid, the gas driven off by means of a gentle heat, and conducted through a strong solution of caustic soda, to free it from traces of hydrochloric acid, and finally through two small U 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., 29, 209. 72 ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES tubes with fused chloride of calcium. The perfectly pure and dry acetylene was now passed through the tube to be used for its liquefaction in a slow stream for several hours, and the latter carefully sealed off when all the air had been expelled. 'The sealing off requires great care, as unless rapidly done, and the pressure removed from the inside by cooling the tube, immediately the point is closed the acetylene becomes charred and blown out, a small portion of it being consequently decomposed, and thus interfering materially with the accuracy of the re- sults. " The tube for the tension determinations was of the usual shape used in the Cailletet pump, the internal diameter of the capillary part being about 2*5 mm. This was found to be more convenient than a narrower tube, as a larger reservoir could be used, and conse- quently a larger quantity of liquid obtained. "The pressure at the different temperatures was always observed when a very slight layer of liquid was formed on the surface of the mercury ; as the gas not being entirely free from air, the pressure was slightly increased on filling completely the upper part of the tube. " The following are the tensions obtained compared The tension with those of Cailletet : as observed Cailletet. &Y Ansdell Temperature. Pressure. Temperature. Pressure. and -23 C. 11-01 atm. -10 17-06 21-53 + 1-0 C. 48 atm. + 5-25 25-48 2'5 50 13-5 32-77 10-0 63 20-15 39-76 18-0 83 27-55 48-99 25'0 94 31-6 56-2 31-0 103 36 65-36 36-5 65-89 36-9 67-96 73 ACETYLENE The cooling arrange- ments employed Comparison of the tension of liquid Acetylene and Benzene vapour The critical point of Acetylene Villard's experiments on the liquefaction of Acetylene " The temperatures above zero were kept constant to within one-twentieth of a degree by allowing a con- stant stream of water to now over the tube from a reservoir holding about 45 litres, in which it had been previously thoroughly mixed. The temperature of 10 was obtained by cooling down alcohol with ice and salt, and that at -23 by surrounding the tube with a narrow glass cylinder containing liquid chloride of methyl, which boils constantly at this temperature, this cylinder being again enclosed in a wider one containing a little phosphoric anhydride to prevent moisture from condensing on the sides. " It was thought interesting to compare the tensions of liquid acetylene with those of the saturated vapour of benzene, being polymeric bodies, although having totally different principles. For this purpose curves were plotted for the two substances, that for the benzene being taken from Regnault's results (M6m. Acad. Sci., Paris, vol. xxvi. p. 420). They do not, however, run parallel to each other, the benzene having a slower rate of increase at low temperatures, but a quicker rate than the acetylene as the temper- ature rises. " The curves, however, have no appearance of actu- ally crossing at higher temperatures. " The critical point of acetylene, or that temperature at which no appearance of liquefaction takes place, however great a pressure is exerted on the gas, was found, after many careful experiments, to be 37-05 C." Villard, 1 in 1895, criticised Ansdell's method of preparing the acetylene, and points out that when the gas is liberated from the copper acetylene com- pound, the products of its combustion always contain hydrochloric acid, and that therefore the acetylene may have contained chlorine compounds. 2 1 Compt. Rend., 120, 1262. 2 See page 43. 74 ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPEBTIES Hydrate Villard made acetylene by acting on calcium carbide Preparation with water, and, after purifying it as much as possible, Acetylene led it into water under pressure, when crystals of a hydrate, C 2 H 2 , 6A 2 O, are formed, and, being heavier than water, sink to the bottom. These crystals dissociate at ordinary temperatures when the pressure is removed, and the gas, when dried, is pure acetylene. His determinations with the purified gas gave the following results : Temperature. Pressure. Temperature. Pressure. -90 C. 0-69 atm. solid -23'8 C. 13-2 atm. Villard's -85 1-0 0-0 26-5 determina -81 1-25 melting point + 5*8 30-3 tions -70 2-22 11-5 34-8 -60 3-55 15-0 37-9 -50 5-30 20-0 42-8 -40 7-7 37 68 critical point In 1895 also Willson and Suckert, 1 in a paper read before the Franklin Institute, gave the following figures for commercial acetylene prepared by calcic carbide : * nd Temperature. -82-2 C. Pressure. I'O atm. -33-6 9-0 -23-0 11-1 -10-0 17-06 o-o 21-53 + 5-3 25-48 13-5 32-77 19-5 39-76 These figures show a remarkable coincidence with those given by Ansdell between the temperatures of -23 and +13-5. In 1896 Eaoul Pictet 2 made the astounding state- Pic ^t on ment that the figures obtained by previous obser- liquefaction vers were too high, and that when acetylene made of Acet y lene by the action of water on calcic carbide was purified 1 Journ. Franklin Instit., 139, 327. 2 L' 'Acetylene Geneve, 1896, 66. 75 ACETYLENE by his physico-chemical process of passing it through a solution of calcic chloride cooled to - 40 C, and then through sulphuric acid at a low temperature, and finally through lead salts, the following table would represent the tension of the acetylene at the various temperatures indicated : Temperature. Pressure. 1-6 C. 21-5 atm. ,9-5 27 141 29 19-5 33-5 27-6 38-5 36-5 48 47 68 The most extraordinary figure in this table being the last, which credits the acetylene at 10 above its critical temperature with no greater pressure than at its critical point, as determined by such careful ob- servers as Ansdell and Villard. Liquid acetylene is colourless and very transparent, and its presence in a tube can only be seen by noticing the upper meniscus. The density and compressibility of the liquid were fully studied by Ansdell : 1 Ansdeii's " -^ or determining the density and compressibility experiments o f the liquid at different temperatures, a tube was density and used having a capillary bore of about 8 mm. in dia- compressi- me ter, the whole of the tube having a capacity of liquid 36'3708 cub. cm. This gave a column of liquid about 15 cm. long, when the upper part of the tube was entirely full at 15 C. " The density at any particular temperature was taken by forcing the liquid up the capillary tube at that temperature until the upper part was completely filled ; the length of the column of liquid was then read off, its volume calculated, and this observed 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., 29, 212. 76 ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES volume divided into the calculated weight of the gas at zero. They are as follows : Temperature. Density. Temperature. Density. -re. 0-460 16-4 0-420 -3 0-456 20-6 0-413 0-451 26-25 0-404 4-4 0-441 30-0 0-397 9-0 . 0-432 34-0 0-381 35-8 0-364 The density of liquid Acetylene "It hatS therefore about half the density of liquid carbonic acid ; and if we take the actual volume of the liquid at 7 as unity, it becomes 1-264 at + 35'8, which gives O00489 as its coefficient of expansion per degree for the total range of pressure. It is therefore only about half as expansible as carbonic acid, whose coefficient is O010, and is not much more expansible than a gas. Comparing the density of liquid acety- lene with that of liquid benzene, the latter is found to be almost exactly twice as great as the former at the same temperature ; as, for instance, at C. the density of the acetylene is O451, whereas that of the benzene is O899. The vapour density, however, of the benzene is three times as great, viz. 2'704. " The apparent compressibility in glass was deter- mined by direct observation, the liquid being forced up in the capillary tube until the latter was com- pletely full, and then the pressure gradually increased, and the diminution in volume read off at intervals of about 10 atmospheres up to about 180 atmospheres. " Curves were then plotted showing the volume at different pressures for the same temperature, and from these the coefficient of compression at any tempera- ture and pressure was easily deduced. " The following tables are constructed from the curves : Co-efficient of expansion of liquid Acetylene Density as compared with Benzene Compressi- bility of liquid Acetylene 77 ACETYLENE Tables of coefficients of compression of liquid Acetylene 1. Mean coefficients of compression of liquid acetylene at differ- ent temperatures. Eange of pressure from 36'62 to 182'68 atmospheres : Temp, of Acetylene. Coeff. Temp, of Acetylene. Coeff. 35 C. 0-00085 16 C. 0-00050 28-6 0-00068 4'4 0*00038 22-5 0-00058 0-00025 2. Coefficients of compression at the same pressure but varying temperatures : 35 28-6 22-5 16-0 4-4 3. Coefficients of compression at varying pressures and temper- atures corresponding to the same volume: Atm. 70. Atm. 95. Atm. 120. Atm. 160. 0-00343 0-00169 0-00078 0-00138 0-00099 0-00076 0-00171 0-00113 0-00078 0-00065 0-00122 0-00083 0-00072 0-00050 0-00079 0-00065 0-00057 0-00047 0-00066 0-00050 0-00049 0-00035 0-00047 0-00042 0-00034 0-00032 0-00041 0-00036 0-00025 0-00029 Temp, of Acetylene. 35 28-6 22-5 16-0 35 22-5 16-0 4-4 Vol . = 97 cmm . Pressure. Coeff. 170-8 0-00080 137 103-2 70-0 0-00085 0-00093 0-00120 Vol. = 101 cmm. 126-3 atm. 0'00128 98-3 0-00132 72-7 0-00167 Vol. = 92 cmm. Pressure. Coeff. 175-8 atm. 0'00065 137-8 0-00063 99-2 0-00065 59-5 0-00066 Vol. =89 cmm. 158 115-6 49-7 atm. 0-00054 0-00056 0-00058 Effect of " It is evident from the above tables that acetylene e is governed by the same laws as other compressible pressure on liquids ; that is to say, its compressibility increases compress!- . J , , ,. . . -, ,, biiity as the temperature rises, but diminishes as the pres- 1 These two experiments were, of course, made above the critical point. 78 ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPERTIES \ sure increases. For instance, at a pressure of 95 atmospheres it is three times as compressible at 35 C. as at C. " The volume being the same, the compressibility appears to be nearly the same at different tempera- tures, which is really due to the curves at high pressures running nearly parallel, thus introducing a corresponding difficulty in the estimation of small differences. " On comparing the compressibility of liquid acety- lene with the results obtained by M. Amagat (Ann. Chem., 1877) in the case of benzene, it appears to be about seven times as compressible as the latter body at a temperature of 16 C., and under a pressure of 40 atmospheres. The comparison could not be carried out at higher temperatures, for whereas M. Amagat reaches a temperature of 100 C. with the benzene, I was not able to go beyond 35 C. with the acetylene." Willson and Suckert 1 also determined the density of the liquid at 20'6 C., and find it to be 0'528 ; anid further state that 1 volume of liquid acetylene at 17*8 C. yields 400 volumes of the gas at atmospheric pressure. When it was realized that acetylene could be lique- fied with no more difficulty than carbon dioxide, a brilliant future seemed assured for the liquid ; but, unfortunately, these hopes were soon dispelled by several very serious explosions of cylinders containing it, which took place in America and on the Continent. As has been pointed out, acetylene is an endo- thermic compound, and when decomposed into its elements gives out nearly as much heat as the com- bustion of an equal volume of hydrogen to form water. This characteristic of acetylene first investigated by Berthelot 2 led him to the discovery that it was possible 1 Journ. Franklin Inst., 138, 327. 2 Rend., 93, 613. / 79 7 r& vwC Yield of gas from liquid Acetylene Explosions due to liquid Acetylene The detonation of Acetylene by means of Mercuric Fulminate ACETYLENE The apparatus used by Bcrthelot to explode pure acetylene by firing in it a small charge of mercuric fulminate, and he devised an apparatus in which this experiment is now always carried out. 1 It consists of a glass tube A, of considerable strength, luted into a steel collar, the mouth of which is closed gas-tight by a plug F, which is kept in its place by a cap G, which fixes on to the collar of the glass tube with a bayonet joint. The plug F carries a small tube E E, through which passes a stout wire D sealed into it. The end of this wire, which is in the Method of performing the experiment B FIG. 14. interior of the tube, is connected to a second wire by means of a piece of thin platinum wire, which, after being coiled round the outside of the capillary tube, is fixed in metallic contact with the plug at c, whilst a small cap B, containing 0*1 gr. of mercuric fulminate is attached to the thin platinum wire. The glass tube is now filled with acetylene over the trough, and the tube with the cap passed up into it with the plug fixed in position, the cap being then placed over all and fixed by the bayonet joint. 1 Sur la force des matieres explosives, Paris, 1883, vol. i. 110. 80 ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES On now passing a current through the wires the fulminate explodes and causes detonation of the acety- lene, which takes place with a brilliant flash of light and the deposition of a cloud of black carbon. On again opening the apparatus under mercury and collecting the gases, it is found that the acetylene has practically all disappeared, and that nothing remains but hydrogen contaminated with small traces of carbon monoxide and nitrogen, produced by the explosion of Result of the explosion FIG. 15. the fulminate, and it is clear that the acetylene under the influence of the explosive wave generated by the mercuric fulminate has decomposed into its consti- tuents. C 2 H 2 = C 2 + H 2 . " The reaction is so rapid that the small cartridge of Rapidity of thin paper which enveloped the fulminate will be explosion found torn but not burned, even in its thinnest fibres, and this is explained if we note that the time during which the paper remained in the explosion centre was about 30000000 of a second, according to the thickness 81 6 ACETYLENE Condition of the liberated Carbon Action of heat on amorphous Carbon The detonation of the gas at ordinary pressures only local of the paper and the known data relative to the rapidity of this order of decomposition." u The carbon set free exhibits the same general con- ditions as that obtained in a tube at a red heat. It is mainly amorphous carbon and not graphite ; it dis- solves almost totally when treated several times with a mixture of fuming nitric acid and potassium chlorate. Nevertheless, treated in this way, it gives a trace of graphitic oxide, which proves that it contained a trace of graphite, produced, doubtless, by the transformation of the amorphous carbon under the influence of the excessive temperature to which it has been subjected. Berthelot l has in fact shown that amorphous carbon heated up to about 2,500 by electrolytic gas commences to change into graphite, and that the lamp-black pre- cipitated by the incomplete combustion of the hydro- carbon also contains a trace of it. When attention had been called anew to the safety of acetylene by its commercial introduction in 1895, Maquenne and Dixon 2 made a research upon the ex- plosion of endothermic gases, and found that when acetylene in a lead tube W metres in length and 3 centimetres in diameter was exploded by firing in it a charge of 0*5 gr. of mercuric fulminate, the decom- position was of a very local character, and that 0*5 m. from the detonating chamber 85'8 per cent, of the acetylene remained undecomposed ; 1-0 m. from the detonating chamber 92'2 per cent, of the acetylene remained undecomposed : 15'0 m. from the detonating chamber 93*2 per cent, of the acetylene remained un- decomposed ; and that even when 1 gr. of the ful- minate was used to start the decomposition, the deposit of carbon only extended 5 m. from the point of detona- tion, so that large quantities of acetylene still remained undecomposed. 1 Ann. Chim. Phys., 5th series, 29, 418. 2 Compt. Rend., 121, 424. 82 ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPERTIES In 1896 Berthelot and Vielle 1 made a most impor- tant series of researches upon the explosive properties of acetylene, both in the gaseous and liquid condition, , . , ., in wmcn tney state : " The industrial importance lately acquired by acety- lene for lighting purposes has led to much research into the precise conditions under which its explosive properties are capable of being manifested, and has served consequently to point out the precautions necessary in its employment. Bertheiot tne explosive properties Acetylene 1. THE INFLUENCE OF PRESSUEE Under a constant atmospheric pressure, the decom- T& e ... influence of position started at any one point in acetylene does not pressure on extend to any great distance. Neither a spark, nor J & detonation the presence of an ignited body, not even a cap of of Acetylene fulminate, exert any action beyond the neighbourhood of the region directly affected by the heat or per- cussion. Maquenne and Dixon 2 have published some interesting observations on this point. We have dis- covered, however, that this does not hold good when the pressure on the gas is increased to more than two atmospheres. The acetylene then manifests the or- dinary properties of explosive mixtures. If decomposition is started at any one point by means of a fine iron or platinum wire raised to a white heat by the electric current, the decomposition spreads through the whole mass without any appreciable diminution. This phenomenon has been observed to take place in tubes 20 mm. diameter through a length of 4 m. This property can be brought near the lowest limit of the combustion of explosive mixtures under pressure ; it is probably common amongst endothermic gases. 1 Compt. Rend., 123, 523; Ann. Chim. Phys. (7), 11, 5. 2 Compt. Rend., 121, 424. 83 The propa- in " Acetylene ACETYLENE Apparatus used Measure- ment of the pressures developed Measure- ment of the initial pressure 2. DECOMPOSITION OF GASEOUS ACETYLENE UNDER PRESSURE In these experiments strong steel cylinders were used, such as are usually employed for the study of the laws of the development of pressures produced by explosives. The fig. 16 represents a section of the apparatus, the cylinder having a capacity of about 49 cc. The length of the combustion chamber is 110 mm. The cylinder is provided at one end with a fireproof plug A, carrying a fine iron or platinum wire a, which can be raised to a white heat by means of an electric current. The other end of the cylinder is fitted with a crusher gauge B, FIG. 16. the piston of which being provided with a recording point, inscribes the force of its motion upon a revolving cylinder. This curve, when compared with the known factor for the compressed cylinder of metal in the crusher gauge, gives a correct estimate of the pressure at each moment of the combustion. By means of the tap R the cylinder can be connected with either an ex- hausting or condensing pump. The initial pressure of the gas introduced into the cylinder is measured at absolute value, by means of a Bourdon manometer, which has been previously com- pared with Amagat's free piston manometer. The following table includes the pressures and the duration of the reaction, observed at the time of the ignition of the acetylene by means of the fine wire made red hot in the centre of the gaseous mass. 84 ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPERTIES Number of Experiments. 38 Absolute Initial Pressure. Kgr. 2-23 Pressure observed soon after, reaction. Kgr. 8-77 Duration of reaction in To'oo or a second. Comparison of the Initial and Final Pressures. 3-93 Table showing pressures and duration of the reaction 43 2-23 10-73 4-81 28 3-50 18-58 76-8 5-31 31 3-43 19-33 5-63 39 5-98 41-73 66-7 6-98 26 5-98 43-43 7-26 32 5-98 41-53 45-9 6-94 25 11-23 92-73 26-1 8-24 40 11-23 91-73 39-2 8-50 29 21-13 213-70 16-4 1013 30 21-13 . 212-60 18-2 10-13 The final speed is still very much less than that of the explosive wave in an oxy-hydrogen mixture. After the reaction, if the crusher gauge end of the cylinder be opened, it will be found full of powdered carbon containing a trace of graphite a sort of light agglomerated soot which takes the form of the receiver, and from which it can be withdrawn in a fragile mass. The gas left after the decomposition is found to consist of pure hydrogen. These results are similar to those observed in previous experiments. 1 The final pressure also, after cooling down, is found to exactly correspond with the initial pressure. The decomposition then follows the theoretical for- mula Products oi the decomposi- tion The above table shows that under an initial pressure of about 21 kilos., a tension equal to half the tension of vapour saturated with liquid acetylene at a surround- ing temperature of 20, the explosion will increase the initial pressure tenfold. The temperature developed at the moment of decom- position can be estimated in the following manner : The heat produced would be about + 58 calories, if the 1 Sur la force des matieres explosives, 1, 112 and 113. 86 Heat developed at the moment of decomposi- tion ACETYLENE carbon were liberated in the condition of diamonds ; but for the production of carbon in an amorphous state, it would be reduced to + 51 calories. Moreover, the specific heat at constant volume of hydrogen, H 2 , at a high temperature is represented by the formula 4-8 + 0-0016 (t. = 1,600). Taking the specific heat of carbon as determined by Vielle for high temperatures, the value for C 2 = 24 grs. will be 8-4 + 0-00144 t. After combining these numbers and the equation of the second degree corresponding, the temperature of the decomposition at constant volume would be t.- 2,750 about. Pressure Thus the pressure developed would be eleven times as developed great as the initial pressure, which agrees very well with the results observed under the initial pressure of 21 kilos., a pressure high enough, without doubt, to allow of the effects of the cold produced by the walls to be neglected. With a lower pressure the cold interferes, reducing the temperature, of which the rate of the reaction is a function, and the same variable action follows. Etfect of Thus the duration of the decomposition of acetylene pressure on ra pidly decreases as the pressure is increased, not only the rate of r J .... J decomposi- on account of the diminished influence of cold, but also as the effect of condensation. Besides, it must be noticed that the ratio of the initial to the developed pressure is here calculated according to the law for perfect gases. This ratio ought to rise more and more beyond the preceding limits when the initial pressure is increased, owing to the increasing compressibility of the gas, which produces a more rapid growth in the density of 86 ACETYLENE AND ITS PBOPEBTIES the charge than in the pressure in proportion as the gas approaches its point of liquefaction. At the same time that the pressure increases the rate of the reaction is also increased. This is accelerated by the gaseous condensation, and tends more and more to approach the relative point of the liquid state. Such are the general facts established by the researches of Berthelot, particularly by his experi- ments on the formation of ethers. Liquid acetylene affords fresh points for consideration. 3. DECOMPOSITION OF LIQUID ACETYLENE The reaction takes place in just the same way in liquid acetylene, even when it is started by simple ignition by means of an incandescent wire. In a steel bomb of 48'96 cc. capacity, charged with 18 grs. of liquid acetylene weight estimated after the weight of carbon had been taken a pressure of 5,564 kilos, per square cm. is reached. This experiment would seem to attribute to acetylene an explosive force of 9,500, i.e. almost equal to that of guncotton. In the interior of the bomb is left a block of carbon agglomerated by the pressure, and having a brilliant and conchoidal fracture. This carbon, according to Moissan, contains only traces of graphite, a statement agreeing with previous results. The decomposition of liquid acetylene by simple ignition is comparatively slow. In one experiment, No. 41, for which the density of the charge was close on 0'15, the maximum pressure of 1,500 kilos, per square cm. was reached in 10 9 00 of a second. The curve registered on the revolving cylinder indicated a static working of the crusher apparatus, following two dis- tinct stages. The one, taking about the thousandth part of a second, raised the pressure to 553 kilos. ; the other, slower, increased the pressure to 1,500 kilos, at the end of YQ^-Q second. The two stages correspond, 87 The explosion oi liquid Acetylene Explosive force of the liquid Condition of the Carbon separated during explosion Rate at which the maximum pressure is attained ACETYLENE noticed in the explosive decomposi- tion of liquid Acetylene probably the one to the decomposition of the gaseous TWO stages portion, the other to that of the liquid. The same characteristics of discontinuity have been found in many curves of the decomposition of gaseous and liquid mixtures. As a result of the foregoing, every time a gaseous or liquid charge of acetylene under pressure, and, above all, at constant volume, is sub- mitted to an action capable of producing the decom- position of one of those points, and consequently a corresponding local elevation of temperature, the decomposition will be capable of being spread through the whole mass. It now remains to determine the conditions under which this decomposition into ele- ments can be obtained. Conditions leading to the decom- position of Acetylene in the liquid state Effect of shock Result of bursting the cylinder under a hammer 4. THE EFFECTS OF SHOCK We have submitted to shock either by allowing them to fall from a height or by blows from a hammer steel cylinders of about 1 litre capacity, charged, some with gaseous acetylene compressed at 10 atmospheres and others with liquid acetylene, at a charge density of 0-33,000 gr. to the litre. 1. Repeated falls from a height of 6 metres on to a massive steel anvil gave rise to no explosion. 2. The crushing of the same receivers under a hammer of 280 kilos, falling from a height of 6 metres, produced neither explosion nor light in the case of gaseous acetylene under a pressure of 10 atmospheres. With liquid acetylene in the experiment the shock was followed after a short interval by an explosion. This phenomenon appears attributable not to the pure acetylene, but to the ignition of the explosive mixture of acetylene and air formed in the moment of time which follows the rupture of the cylinder. The ignition is no doubt brought about by the sparks pro- duced by the friction of the edges of torn metal. An inspection of the cylinder confirms this view. It has ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPERTIES FIG. 17. simply been broken by the shock, without flying to pieces or the deposition of carbon, which proves that the acetylene has not been decomposed into its elements, but has simply burnt under the influence of the oxygen of the air. A similar result following the violent fracture of a cylinder charged with combustible gas has been noticed under many circumstances, especially in the breaking of hydrogen cylinders charged at many hundred atmospheres pressure. 3. A cylinder of wrought iron, containing gaseous acetylene under a pressure of 10 atmospheres, bore without explosion the impact of a bullet which had sufficient velocity to pierce the front and dent the back of the cylinder. 4. Detonation by a fulminate cap. An iron cylinder con- taining liquid acetylene was provided with a thin wad for the introduc- tion of a charge of 1-5 gr. of fulminate of mercury in the centre of the liquid. The whole exploded with violence after the ignition of the fulminate. The broken pieces of the cylinder present 89 FIG. 18. Result of the impact of a bullet Detonation of liquid Acetylene by a charge of Mercuric Fulminate ACETYLENE the same appearances as are observed when ordinary explosives are used. The fragments are coated with carbon arising from the decomposition into its elements. 5. HEAT EFFECTS Effect of Many causes leading to local rise of temperature seem nqufd and ^ nave been observed in the industrial operations for gaseous the preparation or employment of acetylene. 1. The first is the result of the action of small quantities of water on the calcic carbide in a closed apparatus. Pictet gives an account of an accident due overheating to this cause. It needs great care to prevent the action generation ^ *^ ie wa ^ er on ^ ne carbide causing a Jocal rise in tem- perature which may reach a white heat, and this at any point, as has been experimentally shown, would suffice to produce an explosion of the whole mass of compressed gas. The local rise in temperature also leads to the formation of styrolene, benzene, naph- thalene, and other polymerisation products of acety- lene. 1 This action also gives rise to heat, and the temperature consequently rises to the point at which the decomposition of acetylene into its elements be- comes complete and even explosive. overheating 2. Other causes of danger in industrial operations f sudden reg ult from hasty compression when charging the compression cylinders with gas, as well as the adiabatic compres- sion which accompanies the too sudden opening of an acetylene receiver fitted with a pressure-reducing Elevation of valve or any other reservoir of small capacity. Ex- Bm ^^* ure periments on cylinders of compressed carbonic acid suddenly have shown that the sudden opening of the valve opening the . valve of a gives rise to an elevation 01 temperature capable 01 cylinder carbonising chips of wood placed in the interior. 3. A violent shock due to an external cause and capable of smashing the cylinder does not, of itself, 1 Ann. Chim. Phys., 4 ; xii. 52, 1867. 90 ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPERTIES seem to directly cause the explosion of acetylene, but the friction of tho metallic fragments against each other or against external objects is capable of igniting the explosive mixture formed by the mixture of the acetylene with the air following the rupture of the cylinder. In conclusion it seems both useful and necessary to define more clearly from the theoretical and experi- mental point of view the explosive nature of acetylene, and to point out from the practical side of the question accidents likely to happen in its employment, but the inconveniences are not of such a nature as to out- weigh the advantages or limit the use of this gas. It is easy to guard against these risks by various ex- pedients shown by experiment ; such as, on the one hand, for the experimentalist to avoid too rapid a discharge of the compressed gas from the governors ; and, on the other, to take care to fully absorb the heat produced by the compression and reactions in the interior of the apparatus, so as to prevent any notice- able rise in the temperature." The result of the numerous explosions with liquid acetylene, and the researches which showed that at pressures above two atmospheres acetylene became an explosive capable of detonation without admixture with air, led to the prohibition of liquid acetylene in England, and the use of gas at pressures above 100 inches of water over atmospheric pressure being placed under the regulations of the Explosives Act. Continuing their researches upon the starting and propagation of explosion in acetylene, Berthelot and Vielle l say : " We have shown in a previous publication 2 that the decomposition of acetylene under normal pres- sure does not spread beyond the point at which it was started, but at and above twice the normal pres- 1 Ann. C/iim. Phys. (7) 13, 24. 2 Ibid. (7) 11, 5. 91 Precautions to be taken in making and using liquid Acetylene Prohibition of liquid Acetylene in England Further re- searches by Berthelot and Vielle ACETYLENE sure it exhibits the usual properties of explosive mixtures. Under the same pressure, however, this aptitude for propagation depends on the exciting con- ditions and the external influence of cold. Between the conditions under which an explosion is inevitably produced, and those under which one is not obviously probable, an interval exists, and it is this interval which we shall try to define. In view of actual practical applications, it will be as well to define the limits of pressure above which the explosive properties of acetylene become dan- gerous. The limits of We have studied two methods by which the ex- plosion may be started : by the incandescence of a the ex- metallic thread ; by a cap of fulminate of mercury. perties of The first method corresponds in practice with intense and local heating, which may be produced dangerous either by the attack on a mass of carbide by small quantities of water, or by energetic friction between the metal portions in contact with the gas, such as tightening the nut on the fastening points. The methods The second method may be produced by the com- for^arting bustion of small quantities of very explosive acety- expiosion Kdes, such as might be formed by the acetylene on contact with copper or its alloys in presence of ammonia. The in- We have made experiments to show the influence te^erature ^ co ^ on ^ e propagation of explosion in volumes of on propa- gas inclosed in vessels, the diameter of which equalled the height, the capacity varying from 4 to 25 litres ; and sometimes in metal tubes of 22 mm. diameter and 3 metres in length, in which the influence of cold surfaces was considerable. Propagation in large receivers. The following tables summarise the results obtained. For each experiment, the receiver, after being exhausted, was filled with gas from a metal cylinder containing liquid 92 ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES acetylene ; the receiver was exhausted a second time, The propa- and again filled with gas under a pressure which was ^plosion* in measured by a mercury manometer. The decomposing large force was produced successively in two ways, by an incandescent metal wire, and by a cap of fulminate placed in the centre of the gaseous mass. receivers Steel Eeceiver of 4 Litres. Initial pressure in centimetres of mercury. by an incandescent wire. Firing by a charge of O'l gr. mercuric fulminate. cm. cm. 76 and 17 76 24 1 expmt., no ignition 76 30-51 76 38 4 expmts., 10 expmts., no propagation. 4 1 ignition. 3 ,, 2 ignitions. 3 2 Results 46 4 76 and 52 76 61 76 70 Two iron and two platinum wires. 6 experiments, no ignition. 5 1 7 4 ignitions Glass Vessel of 25 Litres. by an incandescent wire. Initial pressure of gas in cc. of mercury. 76 76 and 7'5 3 expmts., no ignition 76 Firing 76 76 76 10-5 16-8 24 38 1 expmt., no ignition 2 expmts., no ignition by a charge of O'l gr. of mercuric fulminate. 1 expmt., no ignition. 2 expmts., no ignition. 1 expmt., no ignition. j> 2 expmts., no ignition. 1 expmt., ignition and rupture of receiver. These experiments show that it is impossible with Conclusions a fixed method of starting the action to define an absolutely fixed critical pressure below which propa- gation would be impossible, and above which it would be equally certain. The transition is a progressive one following a scale of pressures to which the increas- ing probabilities of explosion correspond. This does not apply only to acetylene. In all ex- plosives the phenomena of propagation, whether by ofpropaga- 93 ACETYLENE tion same as with other explosives The fulmin- ate cap three times as powerful in starting explosion as the incan- descent wire Result of the decom- position Influence of metal tubes on the pro- pagation of the ex- plosion Size of tubo used shock or other influence, present the same character- istics, and the conditions assuring certain explosion are always widely different to those which will assure positive insensibility ; in the interval come dangerous zones, where one can only define the probability of explosion. The rapid decrease in these possibilities leads one in the present case to regard a pressure below 52 cm. of mercury, or 7 metres of water, when using an incan- descent wire, as not dangerous. So also a pressure below 17 cm. of mercury, or 2'30 metres of water, when using the cap of fulminate, so that this latter is three times as powerful an agent as the former. The experiments carried out in the 25 litre receiver show that the capacity of the vessel has no appreciable influence. Ignition gives rise under all pressures to the pro- duction of voluminous clouds of carbon of great density, which coat the walls of the receiver, partially filling it ; at the same time the metallic receiver became heated. When the ignition does not spread, only slight fumes are observable, which are deposited in the shape of a mist, and are only visible in the glass receivers. In these experiments a sufficiently small cap must be used in order to obviate any appre- ciable modification of the general pressure of the receiver, and thus ensure an initial stimulus. Propagation in metal tubes. It was difficult to fore- see the influence which the tubulure form of receiver would exert upon the phenomena of propagation. It would naturally be supposed that when using the incandescent wire cold would be opposed to propaga- tion, and, on the other hand, that the use of the fulminate cap would increase it, because of the local pressure developed in the centre of the region oc- cupied by the fulminate charge. The experiments were made with a steel tube of 22 mm. diameter and 94 ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES Result of the expert- ments Result of 3 metres long, closed at one end by a metal plug, and at the other by a strong glass bell. These experiments only furnished negative results at . ... i rri xu x- an initial pressure of 76 cm. of mercury, three times higher than those in which propagation had been observed in vessels of the same capacities, the breadth of which was considerable. The capacity of the tube employed was about 1 litre, and the first experiments were made with a charge of 0-025 gr. so as to preserve the ratio of the weight of the charge to that of the total volume, since this ratio had been established at the time of the ex- periments with the 4 litre receiver. Propagation not being produced, we then employed, in spite of the reduced volume of the tube, the same cap of O'l gr. as had already been experimented with. This time also with pressure not above 1 atmosphere, and 2*06 mg. of fulminate per square cm. ; no propagation was observed. The explosion of the cap taking place, either against one of the extremities of the tube or at a distance of 30 cm., produced only a light cloud of carbon in its immediate neighbourhood. The result of these ex- periments is given in the following table : Steel tube 22 mm. diameter, 2'89 long, capacity, T098 litre. Initial pressure. Firing. Observations. 76 and 17 0*025 gr. fulminate 1 experiment, no propagation, Results of carbon coating on cork, experiments 76 30'5 0'025 ., 1 experiment, no propagation, carbon coating on cork. 76 38 0'025 ,, 1 experiment, no propagation, carbon coating on cork. 76 ,, 24 O'l 1 experiment, no propagation, carbon coating on cork. 38'8 O'l cap placed near 1 experiment, no propagation, extremity carbon coating on cork. O'l 1 experiment, no propagation, carbon coating on cork. 0-1 O'l cap at 30 c.m. from extremity 1 experiment. O'l 3 experiments, no propagation, carbon cloud on cork. 95 76 76 61 76 76 76 38 Explosi- bility of Acetylene at low tempera- tures ACETYLENE In the three last experiments ignition by a red-hot wire had been previously tried without result." In January, 1899, Georges Claude 1 made a commu- nication to the Academie des Sciences on the explosi- bility of acetylene at low temperatures. The solubility of acetylene in acetone increases with extraordinary rapidity with fall of temperature, especially as the point of solidification of the acety- FIG. 19. lene is approached. At 80 C at ordinary atmosphe- ric pressure one volume of acetone dissolves more than 2,000 volumes of acetylene, whilst the solution occu- pies four to five times the volume of the original acetone, and a platinum wire may be heated to bright redness in this solution without any explosion taking place. In the same way liquid acetylene cannot be exploded by a red-hot platinum wire at 80 C., at 1 Compt. Rend.. 128, 303. 96 ' ACETYLENE AND ITS PEOPEETIES which temperature it has a vapour tension of 1*3 atmospheres. From these experiments the author safety in comes to the conclusion that acetylene can with "ssured'at perfect safety be liquefied by using a pressure of 1 '3 so c. atmospheres at 80 C. When liquid acetylene is sprayed out from a solid cylinder, Fig. 19, so much heat is absorbed by the conversion of the liquid into a gas, that some of the liquid is frozen into a snow-like solid, Fig. 20, in the same way as carbon dioxide, and in a lecture before FIG. 20. the Franklin Institute, "Willson and Suckert 1 showed this, and stated that acetylene cooled below 81 C. becomes solid, and the snow so formed evaporates but slowly, floats on water, and when ignited burns with a heavy smoky flame. Later in 1895, Villard 2 gave the melting-point of solid acetylene as 81 C. The spectrum of hydrocarbons has been worked upon by many observers, and the general view is well 1 Journ. Franklin Instit., 139, 327. 2 Compt. Rend., 120, 1262. 97 7 Tempera* ture of solidifica- tion Dewar's researches on the spectrum of Acetylene ACETYLENE The Hydro- carbon spectra Character- istic bands in the Hydro- carbon spectrum summarised by Liveing and Dewar, 1 who in a paper published in 1880 say : " In a Memoir on ' The Spectra of Metalloids ' Nova Ada Reg. Soc. Upsal., III. ix. Angstrom and Thalen have made a careful analysis of the different spectra assigned to carbon. They distinguish four sets of groups of shaded bands produced under different circumstances, which they define, besides the line spectrum which they ascribe to carbon itself. Of these four sets of bands, two sets, situated at the ex- tremities of the spectrum, they show to be produced in the combustion of cyanogen, a third to be common to all the hydrocarbons, and the fourth to be produced by carbonic oxide. The first two sets, the third, and the fourth sets respectively, they observed to be pro- duced also in the electric discharge between carbon electrodes, according as it took place in nitrogen, hydrogen, or oxygen. Their observations on this subject appear almost conclusive. Nevertheless other observers have since their publication maintained different opinions. The spectrum of hydrocarbons burning in air has been repeatedly described ; first by Swan in 1856, and afterwards by Atfield, Watts, Morren, Plucker, Bois- baudran, and others, and has been given in detail by Piazzi Smyth. The characteristic part of this spec- trum consists of four groups of bands of fine lines in the orange, yellow, green, and blue respectively, and we refer hereafter to these as the hydrocarbon bands. These four groups, according to Plticker and Hittorf, also constitute the spectrum of the discharge of an in- duction coil in an atmosphere of hydrogen between carbon electrodes. They are also conspicuous in the electric discharge in olefiant gas at the atmospheric and at reduced pressures. 1 Proc. Roy. Soc,, 30, 152. 98 ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPERTIES The contention of Angstrom and Thalen is that the channelled spectra of the hydrocarbon and cyanogen flames are the spectra of acetylene and cyanogen and not of carbon itself, and that in the flame of burning cyanogen we sometimes see the spectrum of the hydro- carbon superposed on that of the cyanogen, the latter being the brighter ; and that in vacuum tubes con- taining hydrocarbons the cyanogen spectrum observed is due to traces of nitrogen." After describing a very beautiful series of experi- ments, they say : " In the next place the green and blue bands characteristic of the hydrocarbon flame are well seen when the arc is taken in hydrogen ; but though less strong when the arc is taken in nitrogen or in chlorine, they seem to be always present in the arc, whatever the atmosphere. This is what we should expect if they be due, as Angstrom and Thalen suppose, to acetylene, for we have found that the carbon electrodes always contain, even when they have been long heated in chlorine, a notable quantity of hydrogen. In the flames of carbon compounds they by no means always appear ; indeed, it is only in those of hydrocarbons, or their derivatives, that they are well seen. Carbonic oxide and carbon disulphide, even when mixed with hydrogen, do not show them ; and if seen in the flames of cyanogen, hydrocyanic acid and carbon tetrachloride mixed with hydrogen, they are faint, and do not form a principal or prominent part of the spectrum. This is all consistent with the supposition of Angstrom and Thalen. The fact that the bands are not produced even in the presence of hydrogen, when it is not present in the flame in the form of a compound with carbon, is very significant ; for we know that acetylene is present, and can easily be extracted from the flame of any hydrocarbon, and that it is formed as a proximate product of decom- 99 spectrum iven by t& Hydrogen ACETYLENE position of hydrocarbons by the electric discharge, but we have no evidence that it is producible as a product of direct combination of carbon with hydrogen at the comparatively low temperature of a flame such as we have mentioned. Acetylene The hydrocarbon bands are best developed in the ^heTwow" blowpipe flame ; that is, under conditions which at first pipe flame sight appear unfavourable to the existence of acetylene in the flame. We have, however, satisfied ourselves by the use of a Deville's tube that acetylene may readily be withdrawn from the interior of such a flame, and from that part of it which shows the hydrocarbon bands most brightly. The question as to whether these bands are due to carbon itself or to a compound of carbon with hydro- gen, has been somewhat simplified by the observations of Watts and others on the spectrum of carbonic oxide. There is, we suppose, no doubt now that the compound has its own spectrum quite distinct from the hydro- carbon flame spectrum. , The mere presence of the latter spectrum feebly developed in the electric dis- charge in compounds of carbon, supposed to contain no hydrogen, appears to us to weigh very little against the series of observations which connect this spectrum directly with hydrocarbons." Other papers which contain matter bearing upon this point are Liveing and Dewar, Proc. Roy. Soc., 30, 490; ibid., 34, 418; Berthelot and Eichard, Compt. Rend., 68, 1546; Wuellner, Pogg. Ann., 2, 14, 355; and Haselberg, ibid., 2, 7, 691. Electrical The electrical relations of acetylene have not been verv f u n y studied, but Bredig and UsofF 1 state that the electric conductibility of an aqueous acetylene solution being very low, acetylene will be a very weak electrolyte, and one of the weakest acids. Therefore its salts must be completely dissociated in aqueous 1 Ztsch. Electrochem, 3, 116. 100 ACETYLENE AND ITS PROPERTIES solutions, and the reaction of calcium carbide and water, and the existence of silver suboxide, Ag 2 0, in silver acetylene agree with that view. In a concentrated aqueous solution of calcium chloride, calcium carbide is fairly stable Jones and Allen 1 have also worked at this subject. 1 American Chem. Journ., 18, 375, 623. 101 CHAPTER IV Berthelot's researches on the action of heat on Acetylene The formation of liquid and solid products Formation of Naphthalene Effect of a red heat on Acetylene THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE THE action of heat upon acetylene was first studied by Berthelot l in 1866, who found that : " On heating pure acetylene in a curved tube over mer- cury to a temperature sufficient to soften hard glass, the volume of the gas decreases, and at the same time tarry products make their appearance. In one experiment at the end of half an hour 97 per cent, of the original acetylene had disappeared, leaving only 3 per cent, unchanged, whilst almost all the carbon and hydrogen of the acetylene are found in the liquid and solid products of the reaction. These latter consist of various carburetted polymers of the acetylene, such as benzene, which is the chief product, 3C 2 H 2 = C 6 H 6 ; styrolene, 4C a H 2 = C 8 H 8 , etc. The residual gas consists principally of hydrogen, containing 2 per cent, of ethylene and a little ethane, and in addition there is a trace of naphthalene, and a small quantity of carbon corresponding to the hydrogen which constitutes the greater part of the gaseous residue. The effect of a higher and more prolonged tempera- ture on acetylene has also been studied. This gas, when passed through a red-hot porcelain tube, decom- poses almost entirely into carbon, which is deposited, and hydrogen, which is set free ; a trace of acetylene, 1 Ann. Chim. Phys., 4, 9, 446. 102 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE however, remains, and a small quantity goes to form naphthalene, which crystallises, 5C 2 H 2 = C 10 H 8 + H 2 , and an almost imperceptible trace of tar, which is condensed, whilst some ethylene and methane are also formed and pass off with the hydrogen, constituting about one-tenth of the resultant gas. / / These experiments prove that acetylene decomposes at a red heat. When, however, acetylene is largely diluted with an inert gas, it is more stable than any other gaseous hydrocarbon. // The decomposition of acetylene varies entirely ac- cording as the gas is acted upon per se or in the presence of other bodies. For instance, in the presence of carbon which has been quenched under mercury it has been found that the disappearance of the gas is slightly more rapid than when the gas is used by itself. The products, however, are different ; the volume of the gas hardly changes, whilst the gaseous residue consists of almost pure hydrogen. In other words/ -'in the presence of carbon a gaseous hydrocarbon resolves itself into its elements. This influence of carbon deserves further attention, as its presence is almost inevitable in all the heat reactions in which acetylene is produced. //The almost complete decomposition of acetylene at a red heat appears to be principally determined by the carbon deposited in the tubes. To explain its first formation, it must be admitted that the decomposition of acety- lene at a red heat begins in the same way as at a lower temperature ; that is, by successive polymeric condensation, followed by the resolution of the last polymers into their elements. / Of all the metals which have been tried, iron ex- hibits the most interesting action, producing the complete decomposition of acetylene at a lower temperature, and at a greater rate, than when the 103 Influence of dilution upon the action Action of Carbon on the decom- position The formation of Carbon during the decomposi- tion by heat of Hydro- carbons The influence of Iron on the decomposi- tion by heat of Acetylene ACETYLENE experiment is made with the gas alone ; and as the re- sult, carbon and hydrogen equivalent to about half the acetylene decomposed are formed together with certain empyreumatic hydrocarbons unlike those formed by the action of simple heat on the same gas. influence of Acetylene, when mixed with its own volume of ^n^decom" n ^ ro g erL 5 carbon dioxide, methane or ethylene, is de- position composed with less rapidity than by itself, and with- out appearing to give rise to any special phenomena. In each case the quantity decomposed is proportional to the duration of the heat. influence of Acetylene, when mixed with an equal volume of Hydrogen n y(j rO g en? ac t s i n a similar manner as with other diluents, i.e. decomposes rather more slowly than when by itself. It also gives rise to a greater pro- portion of ethylene, the hydrogen entering into com- bination with the acetylene C 2 H 2 + H 2 = C 2 H 4 . The The direct formation of benzene in such large quan- Benzene due ti^ es * s n0 ^ comparable with ordinary phenomena of to direct decomposition, as it *does not arise from the immediate of the destruction of the affinity binding the carbon and Acetylene hydrogen, but is effected by a very different process, molecules J . & . ' . J V. * which is by no means incompatible with the great stability of acetylene. What is effected by the heat is not a decomposition, but, on the contrary, a com- bination of the highest order, developed by the re- ciprocal union of several molecules of acetylene The same process seems to occur in a great number of heat reactions, though they are rarely so marked as in the case of acetylene. /) The tendency shown by acetylene to form poly- mermised hydrocarbons seems a natural consequence of its composition. Acetylene can combine with hydrocarbons in general, 104 THE CHEMICAL BEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE and particularly with a hydrocarbon of similar com- Combination position, such as benzene. When these condensation %rttn%ther products are exposed to the influence of a high tem- perature, say a red heat, they soon return to their original form, and fix their own rate of condensation influence of . , . . , , . . , . . . . . ! heat on the and decomposition without returning to their initial condensa- state, because the changes which must be completed to reproduce this state are not effected in one way only. Hydrogen and the more condensed hydro- course carbons are first formed, the latter becoming more and more rich in carbon, showing the production of naph- thalene at the expense of the acetylene, and then comes carbon containing traces of hydrogen, represent- ing the limit of this progressive condensation. Carbon and hydrogen appear, then, to be the ulti- Cartoon and mate result of the decomposition, not of acetylene itself, but of the polymerisation products derived from products of it. The carbon also, when once produced, seems to tion exert an action of its own in resolving by its contact the acetylene into its elements, an action which can be explained as follows : at the same temperature as cause of the that at which highly-condensed Hydrocarbons have carbon in the power of combining with acetylene with separa- &e decom- tion of hydrogen, carbon reacts on this hydrocarbon, Acetylene uniting with its carbon and also giving rise to the liberation of hydrogen. Be that as it may, the decomposition of acetyleneX takes place in two successive stages polymerisation, / followed by the resolution of the poipners-into their/ elements. ' Such are the facts and theories which enable us to understand the decomposition of acetylene by heat." In 1894, Lewes 1 tried the effect of passing acety- Lewes' lene through a heated tube under the following con- O n the ditions : a platinum tube, 2 mm. in diameter and a/ 5 * 1011 of * ' heat on about 40 cm. in length, was used ; and in order to Acetylene 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., 55, 90. 105 ACETYLENE Apparatus used Measure- ment of temperature accurately measure the temperature to which the gas in the tube was heated, the following arrangement was devised : Acetylene was collected in a gasholder, and, after passing over calcium chloride to dry, it entered the platinum tube. In this tube a platinum and plati- num-rhodium couple was arranged in the following fashion : The two wires were twisted together for a length of 3 mm., and the wires on either side of the twist were then passed through thin glass tubes, which were fused on to them. Having been in this way coated with glass, so that only the twist was exposed, they were Collection of the products of condensa- tion FIG. 21. passed through the platinum tube, the glass insulat- ing the wire from the tube, and also keeping the thermo-junction in such a position that it registered the temperature of the gas in the tube, not that of the wall of the tube. To each end of the platinum tube glass T-pieces were fitted, down the steins of which the wires passed to mercury seals ; from the metal seals conducting wires led to the resistance coils, the key and a reflect- ing galvanometer. The products, after leaving the platinum tube, passed through a U-tube cooled in ice and salt, in order to condense any liquids, and then through a collecting tube, from which the sample of gas for analysis was taken ; thence to Volhard ab- 106 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE sorption flasks, containing ammoniacal silver nitrate, for the estimation of acetylene, the flow of gas throughout the apparatus being regulated by means of the aspirator bottle. Analysis of Original Gas. Acetylene 94'28 Oxygen 1-12 Nitrogen 4'60 The gas was then passed through the platinum tube, 25 mm. of which was heated to a temperature of 1,000 C. Analysis of the Heated Gas. Acetylene 25'95 Other unsaturated hydrocarbons . . 61/97 Saturated hydrocarbons . . . 3'21 Carbon monoxide I'Ol Oxygen O38 Hydrogen 1'50 Nitrogen 5'98 100-00 Carbon and Oil formed per 100 cc. of Gas. Oil 0-095 grin. Carbon O'OIS Volume before heating .... 309 cc. after 174'2 Analysis of the gaseous products of the decom- position Solids and liquids formed showing that, under these conditions, nearly three- quarters of the acetylene had undergone polymerisa- tion. The unsaturated hydrocarbons consisted chiefly of The , 111 formation of ethylene, with some benzene vapour, the ethylene Ethyiene having probably been formed by the direct combina- tion of acetylene and hydrogen, an interaction first noticed by Berthelot (-Aj-fcig + jig = Gg-H^. This also accounts for the small quantity of free hydrogen found on analysis, which, having regard 107 ACETYLENE Haber's researches Method of heating Con- struction of the apparatus employed to the amount of carbon deposited, should have been considerably higher. Haber and Oechelhaeuser, 1 in 1896, also tried the effect of heat on acetylene, and give the following account of the form of apparatus employed : " A uniformly high temperature, which may be kept absolutely constant or varied with precision, is not readily obtainable by processes of combustion. Atten- tion was therefore directed to the electric furnace, of which there are two typical patterns. The arc pat- tern has already been used by Moissan in investigating phenomena of the chemistry of gases, but it is only suitable for very high temperatures. The heating of a constant resistance, which is the principle of the other pattern, was more suited for application in these researches. This type of furnace was readily adapted to the purpose ; the heated conductor was made tubular, and the stream of gas passed through it. The conductor may be either of platinum or plati- num-rhodium or of carbon. The former is best, so long as its relatively low melting-point is not at- tained, as it does not undergo change in air. In either case the walls of the conductor are not im- permeable to gas, and, for quantitative experiments, a thin- walled porcelain tube was passed through the platinum conductor. Tubes of the No. 7 size, from the Royal Berlin Porcelain Works, could be used at any temperature below that at which the platinum conductor melted. With the carbon conductor quali- tative experiments only could be made by passing the gas under pressure through the conductor itself. Some gas then escaped through the walls of the con- ductor. The platinum furnace was made by rolling a piece of sheet platinum 0-05 m/Hbhick, 400 mm. long, and 1 Experimental-Untersuchung iiber Zersetzung und Ver- brennung von Kohlenwasserstoffen (Muenchen, 1896), pp. 43, 71. 108 THE CHEMICAL BEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE 55 mm. wide, into a tube. To each end of the sheet of platinum was soldered a sheet of copper 1 m. in thickness, of such dimensions that when the platinum sheet with the copper ends was formed into a roll of one turn, there remained at each end copper flaps 50 mm. wide and 40 mm. deep. These flaps, dipping into mercury in iron cups, served to convey the cur- rent to the platinum tube. A porcelain or glass tube, protected externally by a thin coating of asbestos paper, was then pushed through the platinum con- ductor, the middle part of which was wrapped in several turns of asbestos paper. This wrapping of the middle of the platinum conductor with asbestos pre- vents the loss of heat from that part, and it may thus be brought to a white heat whilst the uncovered end portions do not even glow. The furnace was inclined slightly to permit tar to flow away, and it was supported by fire-bricks, so that it did not bend of its own weight as it became hot. The iron cups were put at the necessary heights for the copper flaps to dip into them, and they were two-thirds filled with mercury, which was then covered by a thin layer of water. The conducting wires from the battery of accumu- lators were clamped to these cups. Two batteries were available one of 36 elements of 36 ampere- hours capacity, and the other of 36 elements of 160 ampere-hours. The first, coupled in groups of 4 cells, gave a choice of 8, 24, or 72 volts ; the second, in groups of 6 cells, gave a choice of 12, 24, 36, or 72 volts. The conducting wires were chosen of such dia- meter that they caused practically no loss of potential. The resistance of the furnace was about 0'06 ohm at 1,000 C., and therefore the small battery of 8 volts gave a current of 120 amperes, and the large one at 12 volts 200 amperes. These currents were too powerful for producing temperatures up to about 109 Arrange- ments for heating the tube through which the Acetylene was passed The source of the Electrical power used ACETYLENE 1,200 C. A resistance piece, formed of two parallel brass tubes connected at their lower ends, was there- fore used. Water under constant pressure circulated through the tubes, and the resistance was found to be OO7 ohm. By means of a copper slide on the tubes this resistance could be lessened by any desired amount. This resistance piece served, when coupled with the small battery at 8 volts, to give currents of 60 to 110 amperes. With the larger battery three such resist- ance tubes were used. After the resistance piece, an amperemeter was placed in the circuit. The For measuring the temperatures attained in the tube ^ the electric furnace during the experiments, tempera- a Le Chatelier thermo-couple was used after stan- empioyed dardizing at the Imperial Physico-Technical Institute. For measuring the electromotive force any delicate galvanometer may be used, provided that its resistance is so great that the total of all losses of tension be- tween the junction and the instrument is quite small compared with the difference of potential between the two terminals of the galvanometer. Le Chatelier used one of d'Arsonval's galvanometers, which had a very high resistance, and this was the instrument employed in this series of researches. It would have needed too much time and care to carry out the measurement of the electromotive force by means of the compensation method whilst the de- composition was going on. It was therefore necessary to determine the value of the beats of the d'Arsonval galvanometer. This was done by observing the beat produced by the electromotive force which corresponded to a certain temperature, according to the determina- tions of the Imperial Institute, when such electro- motive force was applied at the terminals of the galvanometer. All that then remained to be done was to devise some protection for the thermo-element against the 110 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE hot gases in the furnace. A thin-walled glass or porcelain capillary tube was drawn through the fur- nace tube, and the thermo-element drawn through the capillary, which terminated in the third arms of T- pieces before and after the furnace. The wires of the thermo-element were soldered to fine copper wires 500 mm. in length and the junctions were kept in ice. These copper wires were connected by mercury con- tacts with stout copper wires which passed to the galvanometer some metres distant. The resistance in the circuit exclusive of the galvanometer amounted to 2' 75 ohms, which denotes an error of 0'9 per cent, in the temperature. This was, however, disregarded, as the fluctuations in the temperature of the junction were more considerable. The temperature readings at different points in the tube were taken by pushing the wires of the thermo- element to and fro in the capillary, the distances of the couple from the centre of the furnace being ob- served by means of scratches on the wires. After a few readings the initial point was again checked. It was always found to have remained constant if measurements had not been made too rapidly after the commencement of heating. The temperature altered as soon as the passage of vapour began, and had to be regulated by the current. During the passage of vapour, provided that the current was not varied, the temperature within the tube only fluctuated in con- sequence of changes in the rate of gasification, of which it therefore gave a very ready indication. The furnace was blown out with acetylene, and the silver solution and sulphuric acid washing-flasks were removed from the apparatus. The gas-collecting globe was filled with a solution of common salt, saturated with carbonic acid. The acetylene used was made from calcium carbide, was free from air, and contained 97 per cent, of pure acetylene. It passed through 111 Protection of the thermo- couple Precautions to test constancy of the temperature Method of performing the experiment ACETYLENE washing-flasks containing a solution of caustic soda and calcium chloride before it reached the furnace. The temperature at the hottest part of the tube ranged from 638 to 645 C. during the experiment. In 4 hours 49 minutes 15-24 litres of gas were passed through, and 1O83 litres were obtained from it, both volumes being measured over brine under like con- ditions. The gas collected contained 91 '8 per cent, of acetylene, 1-3 per cent, of ethylene, i.e. absorbed by bromine but not by silver solution, and 1-7 per cent, of combustible constituents not absorbed by bromine. The remainder of the gas was carbonic acid from the Results confining liquid. The formation of gaseous defines and paraffins and the splitting off of hydrogen were therefore inconsiderable, but there was a marked production of solid and liquid products. The tube increased in weight by O50 gr., the tar collector by 2-304 grs., and the paraffin oil flasks by 0-9 gr. The actual carbon amounted to very little. The tar began to boil at 80 C., and about 40 per cent, distilled under 84 C. Then the residue distilled fairly uni- formly up to 305, when a small quantity of carbona- ceous residuum was left. Formation of naphthalene was not detected. Results at a An experiment carried out similarly at 790 C. was temperature brought t a conclusion in half an hour through a thick deposit of carbon in the tube. The tar was extremely thick and viscous, but benzene was detected by nitration, and there was an odour of naphthalene. The gas contained in addition to 25 per cent, of acety- lene only hydrogen and quite insignificant quantities of methane and olefines.'V Dlsii The apparent discrepancy in the results obtained by crepancies Lewes and Haber is manifestly due to the tempera- reTuits of ture employed ; as whilst Lewes passed the acetylene tnrou g n 25 mm - of lieated tulbe at i) 0000 C -7 Haber only employed a temperature at which acetylene 112 THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE undergoes polymerisation and not decomposition. In Lewes' experiment it was the nascent hydrogen liberated by the decomposition of the acetylene which, combining with more acetylene, formed the unsaturated hydrocarbons found in the residual gas. In 1895, Lewes 1 made the interesting observation Tne that the decomposition of acetylene by heat liberates luminous .... . ., decomposi- the carbon 111 an incandescent condition owing to the tion of endothermic heat of the compound being confined at Acetylene the moment of decomposition to the products. Com- Light menting on the flash of bright light seen when emitted acetylene is detonated by mercuric fulminate as in Acetylene is Berthelot's experiment, he says : " Although the in- detonated stantaneous liberation of heat on the decomposition of the gas by detonation appears to confine the tempera- ture to the products of its decomposition, it was to be expected that on being decomposed by heat, and probably therefore at a slower rate, the increase in temperature should be detected. To prove this, pure acetylene was passed through a platinum tube 2 mm. in diameter and 40 cm. long, in which a Le Chatelier couple was arranged. A steady flow of acetylene was allowed to pass through the tube, and was led into water at the other end. The tube was slowly and carefully heated for about 100 mm. of its length, and as the temperature reached 700 C. white vapours began to flow from the tube, and these, as the temperature rose, increased in quantity. The source of heat had been so regulated sudden that the temperature had risen about 10 per minute ; ^J"*^ 1 but almost immediately 800 C. was passed the gal- composing vanometer registered a sudden leap up in temperature to about 1, 000 C., whilst finely divided carbon poured from the tube. This seemed to indicate that 800 C. w^as about the temperature at which the pure acety- lene broke up into its constituents, and an experiment 1 Proc. Eoy. Soc., 57, 455. 113 8 ACETYLENE The Carbon separates from de- composing Acetylene in an incan- descent condition Dilution with other retards the luminous decomposi- tion and necessitates a higher temperature was now made to see if this developed incandescence in the liberated carbon. A small glass combustion tube was well supported, and heated to the highest temperature attainable with one of Fletcher's big blowpipes, whilst pure acetylene was flowing slowly through it, the heating not being commenced until the tube was filled with the pure gas, all air being thoroughly rinsed out. As the temperature reached the softening point of the glass, the acetylene apparently burst into a lurid flame at the point where it entered the zone of heat, and clouds of carbon swept forward through the tube ; but al- though the carbon particles had to traverse 25 mm. or more of tube more highly heated than the point of entering the hot zone, it was only at this latter point that the luminosity was developed, proving beyond doubt that it was the heat evolved by the decomposi- tion, and not the external heating, which caused the carbon particles to emit light." Haber failed to obtain this phenomenon except when small quantities of oxygen were present in the original gas, but this was probably because the rate of flow in the tube was too slow. Under these conditions the acetylene polymerises into benzene and other com- pounds as it approaches the heated zone, and the vapours so dilute the acetylene that no luminous de- composition takes place, the temperature used being insufficient. The acetylene employed in Lewes' ex- periments was carefully freed from oxygen. Lewes l has shown that the temperature necessary to bring about the luminous decomposition of acetylene increases with the degree of dilution of the acetylene ; and in order to do this a tube made of specially in- fusible glass 4 mm. in diameter was taken, and the Le Chatelier thermo-couple was fitted into it in the same way as before used with the platinum tube, and 1 Proc. hoy. Soc., 55, 90. 114 THE CHEMICAL BEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE all air having been rinsed out by a current of the mixture to be experimented with, the gas was allowed to pass at a steady rate of flow through the tube, the point at which the thermo-couple was situated being steadily heated by the Fletcher blowpipe, whilst the temperature recorded on the scale was noted the moment that the incandescent liberation of carbon commenced. Percentage composition of gas. Temperature necessary Tempera- to cause deposition ot' tures Acetylene. Hydrogen. carbon with luminosity. needed to 100 780 C cause de- 90 10 896 composition of diluted 80 20 1,000 Acetylene It was found impossible to obtain a glass tube which would stand temperatures higher than this ; but on plotting out the points so obtained, and which give a fairly straight line, it is seen that even if the increase in temperature only continues for increased dilution in the same ratio as shown in the experimental deter- minations, which is extremely unlikely, the reason of the destruction of luminosity in highly diluted hydro- carbon gases is at once explained, as an increase of each 10 per cent, in the dilution would necessitate an increase of 100 C. in the temperature of the flame, and with 90 per cent, dilution a temperature of over 1,700 C. would be required to bring about decompo- sition. // The action of heat upon acetylene is probably far Thc action , ,i i. ot heat on more complex than any of these experiments indicate, Acetylene and the products will vary with every change in the temperature : the first action is undoubtedly condensa- tion to benzene, and, with a careful regulation of temperature, it is conceivable that the action might possibly be limited to this ; but with a slight increase in the heat further changes, due to the shedding of hydrogen, continue until, as noticed by Berthelot ? 115 ACETYLENE naphthalene and tar are formed just below the point of decomposition. // Secondary Whilst these changes are progressing, secondary taking place actions of an additive character are also taking place, the nascent hydrogen from one molecule attaching itself to others, and thus building up ethylene, which in turn breaks down again to acetylene and methane, and so by actions of both synthetical and analytical character are formed the great numbers of compounds generated by acetylene between 400 and 780 C., above which temperature it is decomposed into its constituent elements. Acetylene ^ Experiments made by withdrawing the gases from presenMn various parts of luminous flames show that 110 matter the interior w hat is the initial character of the hydrocarbon of luminous . ^ hydro- present, acetylene is always produced before lumiiios- flam! *ty makes its appearance, and moreover that the illuminating power of the flame follows the ratio of acetylene so produced ;\ and this fact, taken in con- junction with the observation that when acetylene, free from air, is allowed to flow through a Jena glass tube heated up to a temperature of 780 C., it is de- composed with luminosity, whilst the carbon set free in flowing forward through the zone of heat is per- fectly non-luminous, formed the basis of what is now known as the acetylene theory of luminosity. The acety- Stated in its simplest form, this theory is as follows : in' y ~~^ n ^ e same way that the decomposition of the osity acetylene in flowing through a heated tube endows the carbon particles with a luminosity which the heat of the tube alone is unable to impart, so does the decomposition of the acetylene generated in a hydro- carbon flame increase the light-yielding power of the carbon particles liberated by its decomposition over what might have been the light emitted had they only been heated to the temperature of the flame itself. 116 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE There are conditions under which acetylene can be burnt without the development of light. If acetylene be diluted with about 92 per cent, of hydrogen or carbon monoxide, the molecules are burnt up without decomposition, and there being no solid matter in the name to heat to incandescence, the flame remains non-luminous. This is due to the acetylene requir- ing a higher temperature to decompose it when it is diluted than when it is pure, and the greater the dilution the higher the temperature needed. If burning alcohol, which in the open air gives a faintly luminous flame, be placed under a bell-jar, the temperature of the flame is lowered by some of the products of combustion being checked in their escape, and the flame becomes absolutely non-luminous ; if now oxygen be supplied to the flame its temperature becomes greatly increased, and not only does the flame become highly luminous, but freely deposits carbon on a cold surface held within it, whilst gas withdrawn from the interior of the flame under each condition is found to contain acetylene in abundance. Another very striking example of the same kind is to be found in cyanogen, a gas which has always been noted for the beauty of the rose-pink flame with which it burns. Although cyanogen contains the same amount of carbon as acetylene, and is even more endothermic, no one until lately had ever thought of the possibility of its burning with a luminous flame, this being due to the fact that the temperature neces- sary to break up the molecule was so far above the heat of the flame that the cyanogen molecule burnt as a whole, and there being no deposition of carbon no luminosity would result. If, however, the cyanogen flame be surrounded with pure oxygen instead of air, a faint luminosity appears in the flame owing to the increase of tem- perature ; whilst if the flame be surrounded by 117 Acetylene may be present in non-lumin- ous flames The alcohol flame Presence of Acetylene in the alcohol flame The flame of cyanogen Cyanogen more lumin- ous than acetylene itself ACETYLENE nitrogen dioxide, another endothermic compound, the temperature is so increased that the flame becomes more intense in its illuminating power than the acetylene flame itself, and yields a dense deposit of carbon and para-cyanogen to any cold surface held within it. The acetylene theory of luminosity will be found more fully discussed in the chapter devoted to the combustion of acetylene for the development of light. Tempera- Lewes gives the temperature of decomposition of composition acetylene as 780 C., whilst Haber places it between 770 and 790 C. Frank, however, gives it as above 1,000, but upon what evidence is not clear. Davy, 1 in 1836, in his original paper, pointed out that acetylene burns in air "with a bright flame, denser and of greater splendour that even olefiant gas (ethylene). If the supply of air is limited, the com- bustion of the gas is accompanied by a copious deposi- tion of carbon." He also found that one volume of acetylene required 2| volumes of oxygen, or ap- proximately 12 1 of air, for its complete combustion, and yielded 2 volumes of carbon dioxide and one of Le water vapour. In 1895, Le Chatelier made an in- researches teresting research on the combustion of mixtures of air and acetylene and found 2 that the combustion of products ol u combustion mixtures of acetylene and air containing less than of Acetylene comp l e t e ly to car- bonic acid and water with a yellowish flame of low illuminating power. Between 7'74 and 13'37 per cent. the flame is pale blue with a feeble yellowish aureole, and hydrogen and carbon monoxide are amongst the products of combustion, the relative proportions of these gases being represented by the same formula of equilibrium as in the case of other combustible gases. With more than 13'37 per cent, of acetylene the 1 Brit. Assoc. Report, 183G, G2. 2 Compt. Rend,, 121, 1144. 118 THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE reactions are incomplete, and free carbon and unburnt acetylene are present in the gases from the flame, as well as hydrogen and carbon monoxide, the flame being red and smoky. In oxygen. Lower limit of combustibility . 2'8 Upper .. ., . 93*0 In air. 2'8 per cent, acetylene. 65-0 In tubes these limits decrease as the diameter de- creases. The flame of a mixture of air and acetylene cannot travel along tubes the diameter of which is less than 0*5 m .79. only in tubes lm. in diameter can the flame of the most inflammable mixtures pass. Limits of combustion in mixtures of air or Oxygen and Acetylene Diameter of tubes, mm. 0-5 0-8 2 4 6 20 30 40 Limit. Lower per cent. Upper per cent. 7-7 5 4-5 4 3-5 3'1 2-9 10 15 25 40 55 62 64 Influence of the diameter of tubes on the explosive limit In a tube 40 mm. in diameter the velocity of the flame is 0*1 m. per second, with 2*9 per cent, of acetylene, but increases rapidly with the percentage of acetylene until the latter reaches 8 per cent., when the velocity is 5 nrh^. per second, and afterwards it increases slowly to a maximum of 6 m^. per second with 9 to 10 per cent, of acetylene, whilst beyond this limit it decreases rapidly. The temperature of ignition is only 480 C., and hence explosive mixtures of acetylene can be ignited in glass tubes heated with a spirit lamp. The calculated temperature of combustion with 7*74 per cent, of acetylene is 2,420 C. 2-50 t = 2,420; + 9-4N 2 = 2CCX 119 H 2 Velocity of propagation of the flame Tempera- ture of ignition of mixtures of air and Acetylene Heat of combustion of various ACETYLENE for 12*2 per cent, of acetylene, when the conditions of mixtures of ., ., . Acetylene equilibrium are and air C 2 H 2 + 1*50 2 + 5*65N 2 + 4(200 + H 2 0) |(C0 2 + H 2 ) + 6-65N 2 .. t = 2.260; Heat of f r 17*37 per cent, of acetylene the temperature of corn- combustion bastion t = 2,100; when burnt with its own volume of Acetylene _ 7 and oxygen of oxygen, the temperature of the flame should be 4,000, which is 1,000 higher than the oxy-hydrogen flame. The heat of combustion has been determined by Thomsen 1 as being 310,600 calories ; and also by Berthelot, 2 who found it to be 321,000 calories. Develop- \\The fact that acetylene is combustible and highly s. / ment of ... ^ power on endothermic, whilst the igniting point is lower than that of any other inflammable gas, would at once lead one to expect that the explosion of mixtures of acety- lene and air would develop greater power than with ordinary combustible gases,/ /and in 1894 L. Meyer 3 published a warning note on this subject, in which he Force of recounts that whilst exploding a mixture of acetylene e ^ix7ures 0f ' an d oxygen as a lecture experiment, the small glass of Acetylene cylinder containing the gases and surrounded with a n duster was blown to pieces, even the solid foot being smashed to atoms by the violence of the explosion. He calculated that the temperature of the com- bustion of acetylene was 11,180, whilst that of ethy- lene would be 9,160. These temperatures, however, are probably never reached on account of dissociation. As early as 1874 E. v. Meyer, 4 whilst making ex- periments on incomplete combustion, had noticed the violence with which mixtures of acetylene and oxygen explode, and attributed it to the endothermicity of the compound ; and he also found that whilst a mixture of 1 volume of acetylene to 0*2286 of oxygen is 1 Thermochem. Unters., 4, 74. 2 Ann. Chim. Phys., 5, 9, 165. 3 Berl. Ber., 27, 2764. 4 Journ.f. Prakt. Chem., 10, 233, 341. 120 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE inflammable, when the oxygen is reduced to O184 of a volume the mixture ceases to inflame. The most valuable work on the limiting proportions of mixtures of acetylene and air which give explosion was done by Clowes. 1 The experiments were con- ducted as follows : The mixtures were made in a glass cylinder of known capacity 75 mm. in diameter, which was closed at one end. A volume of water equal to that of the combustible gas to be introduced was poured into the jar, and a light xylonite ball, whose volume had been allowed for in taking the capacity of the cylinder, was dropped in. The jar was then inverted with its open mouth in a pan of water, and the remainder of the water was replaced by the combustible gas. The mouth of the cylinder was then closed by a glass plate. After the closed cylinder had been removed from the water, the air and gas were thoroughly mingled by causing the ball to run up and down inside some twenty times. The cylinder was then removed into a dark room, and a small Bunsen atmospheric gas flame was brought to its mouth. If a sheet of flame travelled quickly through the whole length of the cylinder, the mixture was con- sidered to be combustible independently of the external atmosphere. Such a mixture, although it burst silently in the small mass contained in the cylinder, would undoubtedly produce explosive effects if it were kindled in larger quantity. If the mixture refused to kindle in contact with the flame, or if it simply burnt slowly as the external air reached it, it was considered to be non-explosive at ordinary atmospheric pressure. It was found that the mixtures were more readily kindled upward by a flame introduced at the bottom 1 Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1896. 121 Clowes' experiments on the explosive limits of mixtures of combustible gases with air Method of making the determina- tions Influence of ignition from below or from above ACETYLENE than downward by a name introduced at the top. Accordingly the composition of the limiting explosive mixtures varied according as the firing was upward or downward. The experiments were carried out with several different combustible gases, and with coal gas. The limiting explosive mixtures varied in their proportion of gas to air when different gases were employed. In order to measure accurately small volumes of in- flammable gas in making the mixtures, the gas was diluted with nine times its volume of air. In this way a tenfold volume could be dealt with. Allowance was made for the air thus introduced with the gas, in cal- culating the composition of the mixture to be experi- mented with. The results obtained by repeated experiments made with the same gas were concordant. In every case the next percentage of gas, below or above as the case might be, failed to fire back. Expiosi- J It was found that air must contain at least 3 per ^ mixtures of cent, of acetylene before it can be kindled with a n * ame 7 an( ^ ^ ne mixture caused to burn throughout. As the proportion of acetylene is increased the ex- plosive character is augmented. When 22 per cent. of acetylene is present, carbon begins to separate during the burning. The amount of carbon which separates increases until the explosive character of the mixture disappears. This point is reached when 82 per cent, of acetylene is present in the air. The limiting percentages in air which are explosible are, accordingly, as follows, and may be compared with those already determined for other combustible gases. Comparison of the Acetylene ...... 3 to 82 explosive Hydrogen ...... B to 72 limits of n v -i 10 * nr. mixtures 01 Carbon monoxide . 13 to 75 combustible Etheylene . . . . . 4 to 22 gases with Methane ...... 5 to 13 alr 122 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE It will be seen that acetylene gives a wider range of explosive proportions than any other of these gases does. Probably this is due to its endothermic char- acter, which leads to the gas being able to generate heat by its own decomposition. Heat thus generated would undoubtedly aid in causing explosion, and would thus extend the limits of explosive mixtures. Some experiments on the same subject are recorded by Le Chatelier and Boudouard, 1 who give the lower limit of inflammability as 2*8 per cent, of acetylene. Fi.;. 3. A B FIG. 22. When acetylene is exploded with 2| times its own volume of oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour are produced, and Bone and Cain, 2 have studied the reactions taking place when acetylene is exploded with less than its own volume of oxygen. The experiments were carried out as follows : As mixtures of acetylene and oxygen explode with great violence, it was necessary to carry out the operation in a leaden coil. The coil A (Fig. 22), 5 metres long and of an internal diameter of 13 mm. 1 Bend., 126, 1510. * Journ. Chem. Soc., 71, 26. 123 The products formed when Acetylene is exploded with less than its own volume of Oxygen Apparatus employed ACETYLENE capacity about 700 cc., was immersed in a bucket of cold water, a stout glass firing-piece B being attached to the coil, by means of Faraday cement. Each end of the coil was opened by strong steel taps a b and communication was made through b and a glass tail tap c with a mercury manometer c ; the latter served to indicate, as will afterwards be shown, the pressure in the coil after an explosion. By means of a tail tap c a direct connection could be made with the outside atmosphere instead of with the manometer, so that the products of explosion could be readily drawn off for Precautions analysis. Before making an experiment, the coil preparing was thoroughly tested to see if all the joints were tight by exploding a mixture of coal gas and air in it. The inside of the coil was then thor- oughly dried by boiling the water in the bucket, and blowing a good current of dried air through the coil for several hours. The water in A was then allowed to cool, or was syphoned off and replaced by cold water from the mains, the air current through the coil being maintained meanwhile. The mixture of acetylene and oxygen was intro- duced into the coil b y attaching the gasholder to the end a and raising the mercury reservoir ; then, on opening the taps b and c, the air was expelled from the coil. After about a litre of the mixture had been passed into the coil, the exit gases from c were found to be highly explosive ; but another half -litre of gas was sent through the coil in order that there might be no doubt as to its being filled with a gaseous mix- ture of the same composition as that originally made in the gasholder ; the tap a was then closed and a few moments later the tap b. Thus the coil was filled with gas at the ordinary atmospheric pressure. The tap c was then turned so as to bring the coil in connection with the manometer, and the mixture was fired by an electric spark at B. If the various joints 124 The gaseous THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE had successfully resisted the shock of the explosion, the coil and its contents were allowed to stand for a quarter of an hour in order that they might cool down to the temperature of the surrounding water, and then by opening the tap 6 connection with the Methods of manometer c was made, and the pressure of the gases A ^**^ s in the coil read off. In every case a considerable in- and results crease in pressure was observed. Finally, samples of the products were drawn off through c and collected in tubes over mercury : these samples were subsequently carefully analysed. The rest of the products were dis- placed by a current of air, and sent through an am- moniacal solution of silver chloride. In every case a precipitate of silver acetylene, identified by the usual method was obtained, showing that the products of explosion contained free acetylene. The results of their experiments are briefly stated Results obtained as : from the 1. When acetylene is exploded with less than its experiments own volume of oxygen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen are finally obtained, owing to the partial combustion of the acetvlene in accordance with the equation Products formed the cooled products of explosion in the coil being under considerable pressure. 2. The excess of acetylene is for the greater part Effect of the resolved into its elements by the shock of the explosion Excess of wave. A small quantity of acetylene as much as Acet y le: 1 per cent, in some cases is, however, found in the products of explosion. This may be due to acetylene which has escaped decomposition altogether, or pos- sibly to a recombination of hydrogen and carbon in the rear of the explosion wave. The presence of any other unsaturated hydrocarbon in the products of explosion has not been detected. 3. Methane does not appear to be formed when 125 ACETYLENE Absence of Methane from the products of decomposi- tion Traces of Carbon Dioxide formed Deposition of Carbon acetylene is exploded with less than its own volume of oxygen, at any rate not in any appreciable amount. This point has been very carefully investigated, and although from some of the earlier experiments the presence of a small quantity of methane some 0*5 per cent. in the products of explosion was suspected, a more rigid examination left no doubt that methane was entirely absent. This is particularly interesting, seeing that when ethylene is exploded with less than its own volume of oxygen, methane is produced, in certain cases to the extent of 6 per cent, of the whole products. The difference in the two cases is probably due to the fact that acetylene is readily resolved into its elements by shock, whilst in the case of ethylene the excess of hydrocarbon which escapes combustion is subjected to a "roasting" process, and thereby decomposed into carbon and methane. 4{ Small amounts of a gas absorbable by solid potassic hydroxide were invariably found in the pro- ducts of explosion. This was in part, if not altogether, due to the presence of carbon dioxide ; for when the products of explosion were aspirated through a clear solution of baryta, a white precipitate of barium car- bonate was formed. 5. Carbon was deposited. This was shown by firing a small volume of each mixture in a short eudiometer made of very stout glass. In the case of mixtures containing acetylene made with less than three-quarters of its own volume of oxygen, a thick deposit of carbon formed, but where mixtures con- tained a larger proportion of oxygen, much less car- bon separated. Whilst it follows that the main reaction, occurring when acetylene is exploded with less than its own volume of oxygen may be expressed by an equation such as one of the following : 126 THE CHEMICAL BEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE C 2 H, + 2 = 2CO + H 2 Probable * action 2C 2 H 2 + 2 = 2CO + 2H 2 + 20 taking place it must be admitted that some steam is also produced : this is evident from the fact that the ratio of the hydrogen to the carbon monoxide in the products is always less than the above equations require. More- over it would be very difficult to account for the presence of carbon dioxide in the products were no steam produced. Some remarkable results, due probably to the com- bined action of explosion with air, and detonation of the excess of acetylene have been observed by Gerdes. 1 Working with 90 litres of the various mixtures in , . ,. T , ,1 experiments an explosion cylinder, and measuring tne pressures O n the by means of a manometer and indicator, the following results were obtained : exploding mixtures of Acetylene Pressures given by exploding mixtures of acetylene and air. an a a i r Percentage of Acetylene Atmospheres Pressure Percentage of Acetylene Atmospheres Pressure 2-5 0-05 11-1 ll'l 3-7 3-7 12-5 10-6 4-7 4-9 16-6 7-2 5-5 5-2 20-0 16-0 6-6 6-8 25-0 16-9 7-7 8-2 33-0 18-4 8-3 8-6 50-0 20-3 9-1 9-7 66-0 10-0 10-0 11-1 80-0 6-3 These results show that the maximum of explosive force is obtained with a mixture of equal volumes. The maximum of pressure should occur when com- Maximum of pleted combustion yields the greatest heat effect, and force the acetylene is burned to carbon dioxide and water vapour, and this mixture explodes with the greatest noise. 1 Zeitsch. Gale. Ac., 2, 260. 127 ACETYLENE Gerdes explains this unexpected result by the assumption that the carbon is gaseous at the moment of liberation, but this theory is hardly tenable. If a mixture of equal volumes of acetylene and air be ignited in an open cylinder 500 mm. high, a Expiana- lurid disc of flame runs down the cylinder and a vast phenomenon cloud of carbon is given off, but no sign of anything approaching explosion occurs. If, however, this be done in a closed vessel, the very slowness of the com- bustion brings about the explosion, as the combustion of the portion of the mixture first ignited creates a pressure under which the remainder detonates at the temperature of combustion, and gives the high pressure noticed in these experiments. In experiments made by Polis, it was found extremely difficult to ignite such a mixture of air and acetylene in a tube by means of an electric spark; but if a flask be employed so that a considerable volume of the mixture be present, the spark at once causes a violent explosion, the finely divided particles into which the glass is blown being an ample proof of the explosive force having been of an extremely sharp character. The fact that a mixture of one volume of air and one volume of acetylene burns extremely slowly in an open cylinder, and also the fact that it is difficult to ignite by a spark the mixture in small proportions, are no argument against the explosibility of the mixture ; as, if one takes a mixture of carbon disulphide and nitric oxide in a short cylinder, it burns with simply a bright flash of light, which is noted for its richness in actinic rays, whereas, if a very long narrow cylinder be employed, it burns downs to a certain point and then detonates, blowing the cylinder to pieces ; such phenomena being entirely due to the increase in rapidity of combustion, which finally terminates in an explosive wave. The whole question of the explosive properties of 128 Formation of an explosive wave THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE acetylene is well summarised in a communication made by M. Berthelot to the International Acetylene Congress, held at Buda-Pesth in May, 1899, which is as follows : " The remarkable lighting properties, which have given such impetus to the Acetylene Industry in Europe and America, are bound up in closest union with the explosive properties of the gas, both depend- ing on the exceptional heat developed in combustion by reason of its endothermic character, the luminosity of the flame increasing rapidly with the rise of tem- perature. The explosive properties of gases used for lighting purposes are of two kinds the one common to all combustible gases mixed with air, and the other peculiar to endothermic gases such as acetylene. //' The properties common to all combustible gases mixed with air do not differ much in acetylene and coal gas except for slight variations in the limits of the relative proportions and the heat at which ignition takes place, the presence of actylene tending generally to lower these limits. The precautions to be taken, however, are, on the whole, the same : they have been the object of numerous and thorough researches, on which I have no need now to touch. f Acetylene is the only one amongst the usual light- ing gases likely to explode by itself and without oxygen, and its properties in this connection have been the objects of my researches since 1865. Indeed, it was at this period that I discovered that acetylene was formed from its elements with absorption of heat, that is to say, that it was endothermic and decompos- able with evolution of heat. I have since measured the heat given off in its decomposition, and found it about equal to the heat given off by the combustion of an equal volume of hydrogen. From this it follows that acetylene might be explosive by itself, a fact which I verified in 1882 by detonating this gas by 129 9 Berthelot gives a sum- mary of the explosive question The illumin- ating pro- perties and cxplosibility of Acetylene both due to its endother- mic proper- ties Explosive mixtures of Acetylene and air Berthelot's account of his great discoveries ACETYLENE niumina- means of a cap of fulminate of mercury. This property is apparent in cyanogen, whilst methane and the analogous carbides notably those of petro- leum are formed with the generation of heat, and therefore will not detonate by themselves. Owing to this circumstance, the temperature of their combustion is lower, and their lighting power less considerable. The advantage of acetylene in this respect is very mar ked, its lighting power being six or seven times as great as that of coal gas, and as it can be economi- cally prepared on the spot, every one is making his own gas without special systems of pipes ; these con- ditions go far to extend its general use. Care must be taken, however, to guard against its explosibity, and it is in this study that I have been occupied with M. Vielle for many years from a purely scientific point of view. He first investigated the influence of pressure, a researcn made necessary by the use of liquid acetylene. i . * i -n The use of this is particularly simple, as it only calls ^ or ^ ne employment of strong receivers capable of re- sisting great pressure, such as are manufactured on a large scale at the present day. Acetylene lighting thus becomes as simple as the use of oil lamps. The spread It has already been stated that the explosive de- piosive wave composition of acetylene brought about at any one in Acetylene point by a spark or an ignited body does not spread beyond the region submitted to the direct action of the heat. It is quite the reverse when the gas is con- densed and under a pressure of more than two atmos- pheres. The reaction then spreads, and gives rise to violent explosion. The effect of Shock, pure and simple, or even crushing, of the receiver, does not give rise to explosion, provided the pressure does not exceed ten atmospheres, and that no sparks are produced in the crushing. But the shock produced by a cap of fulminate will give an explosion. 130 The in- fluence of pressure on the expiosi- ausfag Tx- plosion THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE An explosion can also be brought about in compressed acetylene if water in excess be dropped on to the calcium carbide in such a way as to raise any portion of the mass to incandescence. The same risk exists when the gas is compressed too hastily in a reservoir, or even when the gas previously compressed escapes rapidly from the re- ceiver to be again compressed further on at the mouth of a holder, in fact, every time acetylene is submitted to sudden heat by means of too hasty com- pression. These various observations define the dangers run in the use of liquid acetylene, and at the same time suggest the precautions which must be taken to regu- late its employment and prevent the risk, precautions simple enough to be observed. Attempts have been made to diminish the risks by resorting to the use of solvents, the presence of which tends to stay the ex- plosive properties of the acetylene dissolved in them, whilst permitting the gas given off to resume its previous conditions. Amongst these solvents is acetone, which dissolves 20 to 25 litres of acetylene for every kilogramme of absolute pressure, which would give, for example, 40 per cent. Ibs of acetone under a pressure of 13 kilo- grammes. The explosive liability of such a mixture is much diminished, as no explosion can take place in the heart of the liquid itself, either by simple igni- tion, or under the action of a cap, unless the pressure is considerably over 10 kilogrammes more than the ordinary temperature. It is different with the gas arising from the solution, for the acetylene having become almost pure again recovers its normal explosive properties. In the case of the explosion taking place in the liquid itself, the solvent, i.e. the acetone, is at the same time destroyed, this destruction absorbing part 131 The effect of generation The effect of The retard- The expio- sive pro ~ perties of solutions of AC acetone *" Th e effect of explosion on ACETYLENE of the heat given off by the acetylene and tending to diminish the effects of the explosion. Instead of burning pure acetylene in a gaseous state from a receiver containing it in a liquid condition or dissolved in a suitable solvent, we have tried latterly to burn acetylene mixed with a non-explosive gas, capable of lessening the condensation of the explosive gas as well as the heat developed by its decomposi- tion. The effect oi These results become more marked if we employ as diluents in the added body an exothermic compound capable of explosion ^eing destroyed by the heat evolved by the decompo- sition of the acetylene. This compound may itself be endued with luminosity which would be increased by the addition of the acetylene. We have experimented with mixtures of this kind, the first consisting of acetylene and hydrogen, and the second acetylene and ordinary lighting gas. We have noted that the aptitude of acetylene to spread decomposition excited at any one point varies rapidly with the pressure, and that there exists for each mixture a curve of pressure, a zone below which the probability of propagation becomes almost nil, and a knowledge of which deter- mines the degree of safety in industrial enterprise. The safety This limit, for example, ha^ been found to be at pressure in a ^ out ^ kilogrammes from the initial pressure in a mixtures of mixture of equal volumes of acetylene and hydrogen, with other an d at about 10 kilogrammes in a mixture of 3 volumes gases o f hydrogen to 1 of acetylene. For ordinary lighting gas the limits are still higher, being about 7 kilogrammes in equal volumes, and 40 kilogrammes for a mixture containing only one-fourth of acetylene. The risk is thus diminished by the pres- ence of a coal gas, a gas rich in methane, a compound decomposable by absorption of heat. This influence conforms to the theory advanced above. At the same time, the gas which in use diminishes 132 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE the heat developed in the decomposition of the The ends to acetylene, as well as in combustion, decreases thus to * a certain degree the illuminating power. It is between these two classes of phenomena that we must steer in practice, seeking at the same time those conditions least dangerous in use, and those most favourable to the development of the light." Bone and Wilson 1 have made some experiments on The effect of the effect of light on acetylene. The gas was prepared Acetylene from copper-acetylene by the action of hydrochloric acid, and was exposed during June and July to the action of direct sunlight. A brownish deposit formed, and in fourteen days the surface of the glass tubes en- closing the gas was completely covered. The compo- sition of the deposit was not ascertained, and where the tube was screened from light no deposition took place. The action also seemed to cease when the sides of the tube were sufficiently clouded to cut off the direct rays. It should be noted that Eoemer, 2 in 1886, found that Roemer acetylene prepared from copper-acetylene by the action deposit from of hydrochloric acid yielded a dark deposit on the sides Acetylene prepared by of the glass gasholder in which it was standing, and the action no change of volume was noted. The deposition, how- C hi ric d AcId ever, seemed to be independent of the action of light, on copper- and may be due to one of the poly acetylenes discovered by Baeyer. The action of the induction spark upon acetylene The action was tried by Bert helot, 3 who found that under its induction influence the gas partly decomposed with liberation of spark on carbon, whilst some polymerised to liquid products, and part also condensed to polyacetylenes. The action of oxidising agents upon acetylene was The action also first tried by Berthelot, 4 who investigated the ac- agentfupon tion of an alkaline solution of potassium permanganate Acetylene 1 Proc. Chem. Soc., 14, 155. 2 Lieb. Ann., 233, 182. 3 Compt. Rend., 93, 613. 4 Ibid., 64, 34. 133 ACETYLENE Action of Palladium on mixtures of air and Acetylene Action of Peroxide of Hydrogen on Acetylene under pressure The catalytic action of upon the gas, and found that, after shaking with the solution and well cooling, potassium formate and oxalate were formed and carbon dioxide was produced, but later, 1870, 1 he tried the action of chromic acid, and found that, according to the concentration of the solution used, he obtained either forjnic acid and car- bon dioxide, or acetic acid. In 1882 Mailfert 2 tried the effect of ozone upon acetylene, and found that it converted it into formic acid and carbon dioxide. F. Phillips, 3 in a paper on the oxidation of hydrogen and hydrocarbons, finds that in the presence of palla- dianised asbestos at temperatures above 339 C. 31 per cent, of the acetylene mixed with air is completely oxidised to carbon dioxide and water, and that under these conditions acetylene is more stable than hydro- carbons of the ethylene series. He also finds that the oxidation of the carbon and hydrogen takes place simultaneously, forming water and carbon dioxide, whilst if there is not sufficient oxygen, carbon mon- oxide may also be produced. In 1896 Campbell 4 passed pure acetylene over palladianised copper oxide, and found that even at 225 to 230 C. water begins to form, but no carbon dioxide, and even up to 400 C. carbon was deposited in the combustion tube, and the proportion of water produced was always in. excess of the carbon dioxide. Bergmann, 5 in 1897, stated that if acetylene under 5 atmospheres pressure be heated with hydrogen per- oxide to 150 C., water and graphite are produced. II It was De Wilde, 6 in 1866, who first pointed out that under the catalytic action of platinum black, acetylene and hydrogen would unite to form ethane, 1 Compt. Rend., 67, 417. 2 Ibid.. 94, 860. 3 Zeitsch. f. Anorg. Chem., 6, 212. 4 Amer. Chem. Journ., 17, 681. 5 Journ. f. Gasbel., 41, 689. 6 , Bull. Soc. Chiyn,-* 2, 5, 175. 134 THE CHEMICAL 'REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE C 2 H 2 4- 2H 2 C^H^ Platinum Black on whilst later l he repeats this statement, and also con- Acetylene eludes that under certain conditions ethylene also Hydrogen might be obtained, r^ TT , TT r* TT The tendency of nascent hydrogen to attach itself to the molecule of acetylene with formation of ethy- lene was demonstrated by Berthelot in 1862, 2 when he acted on copper-acetylene by nascent hydrogen, pro- duced by the action of ammonia solution on finely divided zinc, and produced ethylene. "When cold water is saturated with acetylene under pressure, a well-defined and crystalline hydrate, C 2 H 2 6H 2 0, is formed, and being heavier than water, sinks to the bottom of the solution. It was Villard 3 who in 1897 discovered this com- pound, and investigated its properties. He found that at atmospheric pressure it required a temperature of - 40 C. to prevent any decomposition taking place, and that the compound dissociated under the following conditions of temperature and pressure into water and acetylene once more. Temperature. 0C. 4-6 7-0 9-6 15-0 Pressure. 5'7 atmospheres. 9-4 12-0 16-4 33-0 Villard uses the formation and dissociation of this hydrate as a method of obtaining pure acetylene. In 1894 Deprez 4 found that a considerable volume of gaseous acetylene was absorbed by freshly burnt charcoal, and that on heating the mass in water in a closed tube to 325, and keeping it at that tempera- 1 Berl. Ber., 7, 352. 2 Compt. Rend., 54, 315. 3 Compt. Rend., 120, 1,262. 4 Bull, Soc. Chim. (3), 11, 362. 135 Acetylene Hydrate Conditions necessary for forma- tion and preserva- tion of Acetylene Hydrate ACETYLENE Mixed Hydrates formed by Acetylene The action of Chlorine upon Acetylene Formation of Acetylene Bichloride ture for half an hour, direct combination took place between the water and the acetylene, and aldehyde was formed. It was also noticed by De Forcrand and Thomas, 1 in 1897, that at a temperature of C. and under slight pressures in the presence of water, acetylene forms mixed hydrates with carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methyl iodide, bromoform, vinyl bromide, methylene chloride, and ethane trichloride ; these hydrates decomposing with evolution of acetylene when the temperature is allowed to rise. ^ // The action of chlorine upon acetylene was first noticed by its discoverer, Davy, 8 who in his original paper pointed out that when it is allowed to come in contact with chlorine gas, explosion instantly takes place, accompanied by a large flame and the deposition of much carbon, and he also points out that this action readily takes place in the dark, and is, unlike the com- bination of chlorine and hydrogen, independent of light. In 1860 Berthelot 3 stated that when acetylene and chlorine are mixed in diffused daylight, they detonate, with separation of carbon ; but that under certain circumstances acetylene dichloride, C 2 H 2 C1 2 , may be formed, and no explosion occur./ j Nine years later Jungfleisch and Berthelot 4 showed that penta- chloride of antimony unites with acetylene to form rhombic crystals having the composition C 2 H 2 SbCl 5 . In 1884 Schlegel 5 found that when equal volumes of acetylene and chlorine were mixed in a strong glass tube, they might remain in contact for a considerable period in the dark without any reaction taking place, but that the light of a gas flame was suincient to cause violent explosion of the mixture. These apparent discrepancies were to a great extent 1 Compt. Rend., 125, 109. 2 Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1836, 62. 3 Compt. Rend., 51, 1,044. 4 Ann. Chem. Pharm., Sup. F., 225. 5 Lieb. Ann., 226, 155. 136 THE CHEMICAL BEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE explained by Roemer, 1 in 1886, who found that when pure acetylene is mixed with chlorine, no explosion takes place, and came to the conclusion that the explosions noticed by previous observers were caused by the presence of traces of polyacetylenes such as the gaseous diacetylene C 4 H^ discovered and studied by Baeyer in the same year ; but a far more likely explanation is that given by Mouneyrat, 2 who in 1898 found that when free from any trace of oxygen, acety- lene and chlorine combine in diffused daylight, to form acetylene tetrachloride, whilst if air or oxygen be present a violent explosion takes place. \ \These various researches showed that acetylene unites directly with chlorine to form the di- and tetra- chloride C 2 H 2 C1 2 and C 2 H 2 C1 4 , whilst the work of Ber- thelot, 3 Berend, 4 and others, showed that the analogous compounds with bromine and iodine could be obtained. In 1882 Plimpton 5 made an important research upon the halogen compounds of acetylene and the di-deriva- tives, of which the following is an extract. " By the action of bromine on acetylene Berthelot obtained a dibromide boiling at 130, and a tetra- bromide. Under ordinary conditions, however, when the gas is passed through bromine, the products are, as shown by Reboul (Compt. Rend., 54, 1229) and Sabanejeff (Annalen, 178, 112), the tetrabromide and a small quantity of a solid body, C 2 HBr 3 , crystallising in laminae, and melting at 174. By treating the tetrabromide mixed with its own volume of alcohol with zinc powder, as recommended by Sabanejeff (Ber., 9, 1,441), a considerable quantity of dibromide was prepared. It boiled at 110-111, and did not solidify at 17. Its specific gravity at was 2-268. 1 Lieb. Ann., 233, 215. 2 Bull. Soc. Chim. (3), 19, 448. 3 Ann. Chim. Phys. (4), 9, 426. 4 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 131, 122. 5 Journ. Chem. Soc., 41, 391. 137 Explana- tions given of the dis- crepancies between various observers Acetylene Di- and Tetra- chloride Plimpton's work on the compounds of Bromine and Iodine with Acetylene Bromine compounds ACETYLENE lodino compounds The Di- Properties Properties bromide The di-iodide was prepared by passing acetylene Qver iodine moistened with a i co hol (Sabanejeff, An- nalen, 178, 109). The absorption is very slow. On removing the iodine a semifluid mass was obtained, which, when crystallised from alcohol, yielded long elastic needles of the di-iodide, melting at 73. This body is remarkably stable, and may be distilled with- out decomposition. Boiling point, 192 corr. On distilling the alcoholic mother liquor, a further portion of the solid iodide volatilised, together with some iodo- form, and the residue, when precipitated with water, yielded a small quantity of the liquid isomeric iodide described by Sabanejeff. It solidified readily in ice. Acetylene chloriodide, C 2 H 2 C1I, may be prepared in ^ e same way as the corresponding ethylene compound obtained by Maxwell Simpson (Proc. Roy. $0c., 11, 590 ; 12 ? 278), by the absorption of acetylene by a solution of iodine monochloride in hydrochloric acid. The chloriodide was obtained as a heavy liquid, becoming pink on exposure to light, with an odour like that of ethylene bromide. It boils at 119 ther- mometer in vapour. Specific gravity at = 2-2298. Bromine displaces the iodine, yielding acetylene chlorobromide and other products. Acetylene chlorobromide is a volatile liquid with a Peasant ethereal odour, boiling at 81-82. Specific gravity at - 1 -8157. It is isomeric with the chlorobromethylene obtained by Hugo Muller (Journ. Chem. Soc., 1864, 2, 420) by the action of potassium cyanide on chlorethylene bromide, and also by Denzel (Lieb. Ann., 195, 206), who treated the same compound, C 2 H 3 ClBr 2 , with alcoholic potash. The compound obtained by these chemists differs greatly from acetylene chlorobromide. It boils at 62, has an excessively pungent odour, and polymerises with great ease. Its constitutional for- mula has been proved to be CHCl-CHBr, as, indeed, 138 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE might be expected from its mode of formation and boiling point. Acetylene bromiodide is formed together with other products on passing acetylene through an aqueous solution of bromine iodide. Acetylene bromiodide is a heavy, colourless liquid, which becomes red on exposure to light. Its specific gravity at 0, when solid, is 2-750, and at 17-5, 2-6272. It boils without decomposition at 150 corr., and solidi- fies at about 8. Heated with alcoholic soda, it gives off a gas having the properties of bromacetylene." In 1895 Caro l tried the action of acetylene on con- centrated hydriodic acid and obtained acetylene di- iodide, which r on boiling with a concentrated solution of potassic hydrate, decomposed, yielding potassic acetate, acetylene, and alcohol. He stated that in this way he made 70 grs. of alcohol in one opera- tion, and in a comparatively short period ; whilst if the acetylene di-iodide be decomposed by moist silver oxide, only small quantities of acetylene result, and 90 per cent, of alcohol and potassic acetate are produced. He also states that if the acetylene di-iodide is heated in a closed tube with water, aldehyde is formed, of which he obtained 40 per cent, of the theo- retical yield, and he considers that on a large scale the percentage would be even greater, jj The importance of these observations caused Krueger and Pueckert 2 to repeat Caro's experiments with the greatest care, and they found that it took three months to make 50 grs. of the di-iodide, and that even when working with this quantity they were unable to detect the formation of alcohol, although they formed aldehyde and proved its presence by various reactions. Caro's reply 3 to this was that he had concluded that Acetylene ] Properties caro's of ) from Action of ^^Jj^ and water Krueger and caro's Chem. Ind., 18, 226. 3 Ibid., 18, 454. 139 ACETYLENE Berthelot's synthesis of Alcohol from Acetylene Action of Acetylene and Nitrogen under the influence of the induc- tion spark an amount of alcohol should be formed equivalent to the potassic acetate found, and that on repeating his experiments he found he had been mistaken. Long before Berthelot 1 had stated that acetylene would combine with nascent hydrogen to form ethy- lene, but Krueger could not succeed in obtaining this reaction, otherwise the ethylene could be converted into alcohol by the action of sulphuric acid, and then of water, G 2 M 2 + _hL 2 = G 2 ti 4 C 2 H 4 + H 2 S0 4 = C 2 H 6 S0 4 C 2 H 5 S0 4 H + H 2 = C 2 H G + H 2 S0 4 ; and A. Frank 2 based a paper on the commercial manu- facture of alcohol on this reaction, and attempted to show that alcohol could be obtained more cheaply from calcic carbide than from potatoes by the ordinary pro- cess of fermentation.! / According to Berthelot, 3 acetylene mixed with nitrogen when exposed to the action of the induction spark yields hydrocyanic acid, and the action is aided by the presence of about 10 per cent, of hydrogen, whilst Zeno 4 found that if a mixture of nitrogen dioxide and acetylene is passed through water, cyanic acid is formed, Dewar, 5 in 1877, recounted an experiment made by Ramsay, who found that by transmitting a mixture of acetylene and hydrocyanic acid through a red hot tube, pyridine bases were produced, whilst he himself found that by passing a mixture of acetylene and ammonia gas through a red hot tube, pyrrol might be 4 ,. 1 Compt. Rend., 54, 515, 3 Compt. Rend., 64, 35. 2 Chem. Incl., 18, 74. 4 Luce e Galore, 1897, 118. 5 Proc. R . TT J some mercuric oxide to the liquid. He decomposed 125 grs. of calcium carbide with water, and the acety- lene from this yielded 80 cc. of a 5 per cent, solution of acetaldehyde. synthesis of In 1898 also Berthelot 3 passed dry purified acety- Phenol from , , i -i n i " i _ i i Acetylene l ene through sulphuric acid, containing J 01 sulphur trioxide, for 18 hours; diluted with 15 volumes of water, and neutralised with potassic hydrate. After separation of the potassic sulphate, by crystallisation, and the addition of an equal volume of alcohol, the solution was concentrated and yielded an amorphous potassium acetylene sulfonate, 3C 2 H 2 + 4S0 3 + 4KHO = (C 2 H 2 ) 3 (S0 4 HK) 4 , which on heating for twenty minutes at a tempera- ture of 180-200 C in an atmosphere of hydrogen, treating with cold dilute sulphuric acid, and distilling, yields phenol. In 1899 Berthelot 4 analysed this potassium acety- 1 Lieb. Ann., 303, 114. 2 Zeitsch. Anorg. Chem., 18, 48. 3 Compt. Rend., 127, 908. 4 Compt. Rend., 128, 333. 142 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE lene sulfonate, and found that it corresponded to the formula, (0 3 H 2 ) 3 (S0 4 HK) 4 , and must be a salt of triacetylene tetrasulfonic acid. He also attempted to obtain this body by the action of acetylene on ordinary sulphuric acid, but only obtained a very small quantity of the potassium salt from which traces of phenol were obtained. \ \ It is evident from these researches that the action of sulphuric acid upon acetylene is of a very complex / nature, and varies to a very great extent with the strength of acid used.\\ The reactions of acetylene upon other hydrocarbons have not been muchjtudied. Ramsay, in 1877, 1 when passing r acetylene and hydrocyanic acid through a heated tube, found that picolyne was produced, but Ljubawin 2 failed to obtain this action. Prunier, in 1878, 3 found that when a mixture of acetylene with amylene and butylene is passed through a red hot tube, butyl acetylene and amyl acetylene are formed. ACTION ON METALS AND METALLIC SALTS. Berthelot has studied the action of sodium and some other metals upon the gas. He found 4 that when sodium is gently heated in acetylene, it is transformed into sodium acetylene, C 2 HNa, whilst at a dull red heat disodium acetylene, C 2 Na 2 , is obtained, and under the same conditions potassium is transformed into di- potassium acetylene, C 2 K 2 . Both compounds are de- composed on contact with water, liberating acetylene ; magnesium also probably gives a carbide under these conditions, 6 and iron decomposes acetylene with the formation of hydrocarbons, the liberation of hydrogen, and the deposition of carbon. 1 Phil. Mag., 52, 41. 3 Ann. Chi'm. Phys., (5) 17, 5. 5 Ann. Chim. Phys., 4, 9, 404. 143 2 Berl. Ber., 19, 481. 4 Compt. Rend., 62, 455. The action of Acetylene on other Hydro- carbons The action of Acetylene on metals and metallic salts Mono- and Disodium and Potassium Acetylene ACETYLENE Action of heat on Mono- sodium Acetylene Compound of Di- sodium Acetylene with Acetylene In 1898 numerous researches were made upon the action of metals with acetylene, and Erdmann and Koehner 1 found that the temperature needed to con- vert sodium when heated in acetylene into sodium acetylene, C 2 HNa, is 190 C., and that at 210 C. this compound decomposes into disodium acetylene and acetylene, according to the formulae, 2C 2 HNa = C 2 Na 2 + C 2 H 2 . Metallic rhubidium does not act 011 acetylene gas, nor does zinc, mercury but little, whilst metallic iron, when heated in acetylene , gives products of polymeri- sation. Moissan 2 also found that the white compound obtained by the action of acetylene on sodium at com- mon temperatures was a monosodic carbide, or sodium acetylene, C 2 HNa, and that on heating this, acetylene is evolved and disodium acetylene or sodium carbide is produced, whilst if the temperature be still further raised until the hard glass softens, this compound is again entirely decomposed into sodium and carbon. / , Later on he found 3 that when acetylene acts on an ammoniacal solution of sodiumammonium at - 40, there are formed transparent crystals, and,, the tem- perature Jails to 60. Moissan believes this action to be, 3C 2 H 2 + 2NaNH 3 = 2C 2 NaH + 2NH 3 + C 2 H 4 . The monosodium acetylene and ethylene were care- fully determined, and further experiments showed that the crystals obtained are in reality a compound of sodium carbide and acetylene, Na 2 C 2 , C 2 H 2 , and this breaks up by dissociation, forming the monosodium acetylene, Na 2 C 2 ,C 2 H 2 = 2C 2 HNa. He prepared a similar compound of potassium carbide 1 Zeitsch. Anorg. Chem., 18, 48. 2 Compt. liend., 126, 302. 3 Ibid., 127, 911. 144 THE CHEMICAL BEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE with acetylene, K 2 C 2 ,C 2 H 2 , but found that when lithium was used the reaction was of a different character ; well-formed crystals were obtained arid were found to consist of a compound of lithium carbide, acetylene and ammonia, Li 2 C 2 ,C 2 H 2 ,2NH 3 , and a similar crystal- line compound of calcic carbide, acetylene and ammonia was also formed. In the formation of these bodies ethylene is liber- ated, and both compounds burn in carbon dioxide and also in chlorine. It will be remembered that Davy first made acety- lene by acting with water upon a black residue left in the retorts used for the manufacture of potassium by igniting potassium tartrate, and this compound was examined by Berzelius, 1 who came to the conclusion that iiy was potassium carbide. Liebig, 2 however, found that a compound having somewhat similar properties was formed when carbon monoxide is passed over potassium, heated just to melting, and Brodie 3 con- firmed the results obtained by Liebig, and, further, showed that 28 parts by weight of carbon monoxide are absorbed by 39- 1 parts of potassium, so that the compound is probably potassium carbonyl. This body is a greyish solid, extremely explosive, decomposes water, and is resolved at a red heat into potassium and carbon monoxide. Some authorities, notably Watt's Dictionary (new edition, Morley and Muir), consider that Liebig's potassium carbonyl is the same substance as the material from which Davy first prepared acety- lene, which is an evident error, as the body was obtained from the retort itself, and had been sub- jected to a temperature which would have entirely decomposed the carbonyl compound. Moreover, Davy's analysis shows the gas formed by the decomposition of water in contact with it to have been practically 1 Poyg. Ann., 4, 31. 8 Lieb. Ann., 11, 182. 3 Chem. Journ. 12, 269. 145 10 Compounds of Carbides with Acetylene and Ammonia Davy's preparation of Acetylene from Potassium Carbide Potassium Carbonyl Confusion between Potassium Carbide and Potassium Carbonyl ACETYLENE Compounds of Acetylene with other metals Copper Acetylene noticed by Torrey in 1839 The red precipitate formed when Acetylene is passed through Ammoniacal Cuprous Chloride pure acetylene, whilst the gaseous mixture evolved by the action of potassium carboiiyl on water would be carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The latter compound is formed in the condenser of the potassium plant, as the vapours condense to liquid potassium, and occa- sionally choke the leading tube, whilst Davy's com- pound was left as a residue in the retort, and must have been either potassium acetylene, K 2 C 2 , as stated by Berzelius, or a mixture of this compound with calcic carbide formed from the lime always present as an impurity in crude potassic tartrate. The most studied metallic compounds formed by acetylene have been the copper, silver and mercury acetylenes. | jit was as early as 1839 that Torrey * noticed a dark- brown compound in the copper gas mains of New York, and found that it exploded when struck by a hammer, or when heated to 200 C ; he had no idea, how- ever, of its composition, and it was not until 1862 that it was realized that this body was a compound due to acetylene. In that year Crova 2 found that metallic copper became coated with a brownish film when exposed to a mixture of acetylene and air, and that finely-divided copper, under the same conditions, forms copper acetylene, the action being aided by the pre- sence of ammonia. / Nickles 3 also noticed the formation of copper acetylene in gas pipes made of coppsr, but no com- pound of a like character in iron or lead pipes. )/ Quet, Boettger, and Vogel, 4 had already noticed the formation of a red precipitate when acetylene was passed through ammoniacal cuprous chloride, and had studied its properties, but it was Berthelot, 5 who, in 1862, first attempted to determine its composition, and 1 American Gas Light Journ., Oct., 1859. 2 Compt. Rend., 55/435. 3 Ibid., 55, 505. 4 See chap. i.. p. 15. 146 5 Compt. Bend., 54, 1044. THE CHEMICAL EE ACTIONS OF ACETYLENE came to the conclusion that it was a monocuprous acetylene, mixed with a varying proportion of cupric oxide, and gave it the formula C 2 CuH 4 + nCuO/ /He further found that when acetylene is passed through a concentrated solution of cuprous chloride in potassic chloride, a yellow crystalline precipitate of cuprous vinyl chloride C 2 HCu 2 Cl is formed, and he obtained corresponding bromides and iodides by a similar process. Four years later l he further investigated the pre- cipitate formed by acetylene in ammoniacal cuprous chloride, and found that the reaction was so delicate that one two-hundredth of a milligram of acetylene diluted with hydrogen gives a red precipitate, and he now gives the formula of the true compound as 2(C 2 Cii 2 H)0. Whilst Berthelot had been making these researches, Reboul 2 had also investigated the compound, and found no oxygen in it, and gave its composition as being C 2 CuH. In 1874, Blochmann 3 attacked the problem of its composition, and having analysed it, declared it to be C 2 H 2 Cu 2 0, a formula that was generally accepted. The formation of the body he represents by the equation CuCl + 2NH 22 H 2 C 2 H 2 = C 2 H 2 Cu 2 + 2NH 4 C1, and its decomposition by hydrochloric acid as C 2 H 2 Cu 2 + 2HC1 -= C 2 H 22 Cu 2 Cl 2 H0. Delicacy oi this re- action as a test for Acetylene Attempts to determine the composition of the red precipitate Action of Hydro- chloric Acid on Copper Acetylene In 1886 Roemer 4 pointed out that copper acetylene sulphuric , , n i -,1 i ,- e , i i Acid does cannot be decomposed with evolution of acetylene by no t liberate sulphuric acid. If the acid is weak, it does not act * cet i lene , r , from the red upon it, whilst strong acid gives many products but precipitate practically no acetylene. 1 Compt. Rend., 62, 455. 3 Lieb. Ann., 173, 176. 147 2 Ibid., 54, 1229. 4 Ibid., 233, 183, ACETYLENE Keiser shows the red precipitate to be Copper Acetylene, Cu.,C., Keiser, 1 in 1892, noted that the precipitate obtained by passing acetylene through ammoniacal cuprous chloride always contained small traces of carbon, which were left after decomposing it with hydrochloric acid. He found that he obtained the purest copper acety- lene by passing the gas through cuprous hydrate suspended in water, and that it contained 83-36 to 83*96 per cent, of copper, a result which led him to adopt the formula Action of Acetylene on Cupric Salts which requires 84-08 per cent, of copper. He found, by exploding the compound in a vacuum, that it contained no hydrogen. / / C. Phillips 2 pointed out that the compound must be kept from contact with air, as otherwise the yield of acetylene, obtained by decomposing it with hydro- chloric acid, is much diminished, and he proposed wash- ing and filtering the precipitated copper acetylene in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. In 1897 Soederbaum 3 noted that the action of acetylene on cupric salts seemed, for the most part, to have been disregarded, although, on passing a stream of the pure gas into an ammoniacal solution of either cupric sulphate or nitrate, a black flocculent precipi- tate was slowly produced. This substance, after being dried over sulphuric acid, gave various results, on analysis, a fact which was found to be due to the absorption of oxygen from the air during the process of drying ; in an exhausted desiccator, however, the substance ceased to increase in weight after two days, and then yielded, on analysis, numbers corresponding with the formula (C 17 Cu 8 H 4 3 )n. This copper acetylene is a black, amorphous powder, insoluble in water and organic solvents ; it explodes 1 Amer. Chem. Journ., 14, 285. 2 Anorg. Chem., 6, 255. 3 Berl. Ber., 30, 760. 148 THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE between 70 and 80 when heated, and decomposes quickly on heating with hydrogen chloride with formation of the halogen salt of copper, and a car- bonaceous residue of the formula (C l2 H 4 3 )n ; this is probably similar to the graphite hydrate obtained by Schuetzenberger and Bourgeois from crude iron. On passing acetylene into a neutral or faintly acid solution of copper acetate, a precipitate is formed corresponding in composition with the formula (C 8 Cu 4 0)m + (H 2 0)n, and differing from the compound above mentioned in being stable in air and non-ex- plosive. It seems, therefore, from these experiments that a large number of copper acetylenes are capable of existing. A. Hofmaiin and Kuespert * found that the compound (Cu 8 01 8 ) 8 ,C 8 H 8 , obtained by the action of pure acetylene on a solution of anhvdrous cupric chloride in absolute , i j. IT j- 11 n xi alcohol, crystallised 111 colourless needles ; the same compound is also obtained when methylic alcohol is employed, but the substance then crystallises in forms resembling those of Karlsbad feldspar. When treated with water, it is converted into copper acety- lene, whilst with hydrochloric acid it is decomposed into acetylene and cuprous chloride. The reduction of the cupric chloride is due to the action of the acetylene, for by mixing the alcoholic filtrate from the crystals with water, and extracting the mixture with ether, an oily liquid is obtained which yields acetylene when treated with zinc. The compound is not explosive. If 75 per cent, alcohol is employed in the preparation, a reddish-brown powder is obtained, which is slightly explosive, and, when treated with hydrochloric acid, yields acetylene, cuprous chloride and a black residue. During 1898 a large amount of work was done upon the copper compounds. May 2 found that freshly-made 1 Zeit. Anorg. Chem., 15, 204. 2 Journ.f. Gasbel., 41, 683. 149 Action of Cupric Chloride Conditions Acetylene becomes explosive ACETYLENE copper acetylene could be heated to 60, and even higher, without explosion, but that explosion always takes place under these conditions if the copper acety- lene has been exposed to air for a few hours. He also notices that when copper acetylene has been gently warmed in a current of oxygen, it explodes on contact with acetylene, and he concludes that the oxygen converts the compound into copper diacetylene, which afterwards interacts with more acetylene. }) Compound Chavastelon l found that when cuprous acetylene is A1C treated with hydrochloric acid in the cold, there is no cuprous appreciable evolution of gas, a fact which is attributed Chloride * , .. , , , . , ,., discovered to the lormation 01 a compound 01 acetylene witn Chavastelon cu P rous chloride, which is decomposed on warming. This compound, which analysis shows to have the composition C 2 H 2 ,Cu 2 Cl 2 , may be prepared (1) by passing acetylene into a saturated solution of cuprous chloride in dilute hydrochloric acid HC1 and 10H 2 t) to HC1 and 7H 2 maintained at a temperature not exceeding 12 ; (2) by the action of acetylene on an aqueous or alcoholic solution of cuprous chloride 20 to 40 per cent. in presence of metallic copper. By the first and most suitable method the substance is ob- tained in the form of large hexagonal prisms belonging to the orthorhombic system ; and by the second in silky needles, which are liable to contamination by a violet purple deposit, which is produced at the commence- ment of the reaction. In order to isolate the crystals unchanged, they must be quickly washed with abso- lute alcohol and anhydrous ether, both of these liquids having been previously cooled to and saturated with acetylene, and finally dried in a current of acetylene. The crystals soon alter by exposure to air, and are immediately decomposed by water or solutions of alkali chlorides, with evolution of acetylene, and the production of the violet purple substance above men- 1 Compt. Rend., 126, 1810. 150 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE tioned, the nature of which is being investigated. On Effect of warming they dissociate without explosion, and the The^oulbie 11 following measurements of the pressure at different compound temperatures have been made : Temperature. 20 30 40 Pressure. Temperature. 3 mm. 46 U 25 60 50 78 131 Pressure. 220 mm. 480 2620 The compound described above is different from that prepared by Hof mann and Kuespert, which Chavastelon was unable to obtain. Later, Chavastelon found that * the crystalline com- pound of acetylene with cuprous chloride, C 2 H 2 Cu 2 Cl 2 , is decomposed by water with production of a violet compound. Acetylene is at the same time slowly liberated, and the liquid found to contain free hydro- chloric acid, which limits the decomposition. The violet substance is best prepared by digesting the compound C 2 H 2 ,Cu 2 Cl 2 , with a large excess of water saturated with carbonic anhydride out of contact with air. The crystals are washed with absolute alcohol and anhydrous ether, and finally dried over calcium chloride in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride. Estimation of the copper and chlorine, and the measurement of the volume of acetylene which the compound yields when treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid, show that it has the composition C 2 H 2 ,Cu 2 Cl 2 ,Cu 2 0. Erdmann and Koehner 2 came to the conclusion that when acetylene is passed over finely-divided copper heated to 400-500, it is decomposed into hydrogen and carbon, the latter being deposited in the graphitic condition. At lower temperatures below 250 the copper combines with the gas to form a yellowish- brown compound, which, unlike Soederbaum's cupric 1 Compt. Rend., 127, 68. 2 Zeit. Anorg. Chem., 1898, 18, 48. 151 The violet compound prepared by the action of water on C.HLCu ,C1 , Composition of the violet compound Action of finely divided Copper on Acetylene ACETYLENE New compound of Carbon and Hydrogen with Copper Acetylene as an analytical reagent The explosion of Copper Acetylene does not detonate Acetylene Explosion due to Copper Di- acetylene acetylene, is not explosive. The new substance is more conveniently prepared by heating finely-divided cuprous oxide in a current of acetylene at 250 ; it is exceedingly voluminous, and its composition corresponds with the formula C 44 H 64 Cu 3 ; when heated with excess of zinc dust, it yields 20 per cent, of an oil boiling between 190-250, and possessing an odour like Caucasian naphtha. If the mixture is heated to a higher temperature, aromatic hydrocarbons appear in the distillate, and naphthalene is obtained, whilst a portion which dissolves in caustic soda has properties resembling those of cresol. It is evident that the extreme delicacy of the reaction between ammoniacal cuprous salts and acetylene not only gives an extremely delicate test for the latter gas, but also, as has been pointed out by Soederbaum, 1 makes acetylene a useful analytical reagent, and offers an easy method for the separation of copper from cadmium. In 1898 Freund and May 2 found that when a few centigrammes of copper acetylene, dried in air for four to five hours at 50-60, were introduced into a com- bustion tube, and a slow current of acetylene was passed through the tube, an explosion with evolution of light took place. This explosion was always local, and did not propagate backwards in the gas. The phenomenon took place with commercial as well as with carefully purified acetylene. It was observed that only copper acetylene dried in contact with air behaved in this way. If dried in a vacuum or in a current of carbon dioxide, the com- pound will not explode. It seems that the oxygen of the air forms copper diacetylene CH C - Cu - Cu - OH CH s C-Cu-Cu-OH ( ~ - Cu - Cu - OH C-Cu-Cu-OH Berl. Bar., 30, 902. 2 Acet. Wiss. Ind., 1, 285. 152 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE This observation agrees with May's previous paper. h It seems evident from these various researches that acetylene forms with copper and copper salts a number of compounds ranging from the copper carbide, Cu 2 C 2 , up to the complex bodies noted by Soederbaum, the composition of these products vary- ing with the concentration and character of the solutions used, and the presence or absence of air. There is but little doubt that the reddish-brown precipitate formed when acetylene is passed through ammoniacal cuprous chloride is true copper acetylene, Cu 2 C 2 , a non-explosive body which yields acetylene on treatment with hydrochloric acid. It is, however, intensely oxidisable, and on contact with air absorbs oxygen, becoming explosive ; and it is the presence of varying quantities of oxidation products that has given rise to the differences observed by various experimentalists. // It was in 1858 that Quet 1 first noticed the precipi- tate formed when acetylene was passed through an ammoniacal solution of a silver salt, and found that when dry it was of an explosive chapter ; and in the same year Vogel and Reischauer % determined the amount of silver present in it as being from 78 3 to 84 per cent. Boettger 3 also, in 1859, noticed the formation of this body ; whilst Miasnikoff,* in 1861, gave the formula for it as C 4 H 4 Ag, and Berthelot, in 1866, gave its composition as being (C 2 HAg 2 )0. Berend, 5 in the same year, calculated from deter- minations made by Reboul 6 that its composition must be (C 2 HAg) 2 ,Ag 2 0, and in 1874 Blochmann, 7 after careful determinations, gave it the formula C 2 H 27 Ag 2 0, corresponding to the copper compound C 2 H 2 ,Cu 2 0, and 1 Compt. Rend., 46, 903. 2 Jahr. Ber., 11, 208. 3 Ann. Chem. Pkarm., 109, 351. 4 Ibid.. \ 18, 330. 5 Ibid., 135, 258. 6 Compt Rend., 54, 1229. 7 Ann. Chem. Pharm., 173, 174. 163 Action of Acetylene on the Ammoniacal Cuprous Chloride Solution Action of Acetylene on Silver Salts ACETYLENE also stated that the silver compound is more explosive than the copper acetylene. Reiser This view of its composition was the one generally composition accepted until 1892, when Keiser 1 brought an investi- of the silver option upon this body before the Franklin Institute. precipitate 6 F J to be Ag,,c , and showed that when pure acetylene is conducted into an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate, the yellowish- white precipitate which is formed has, when dried, the composition represented by the formula C 2 Ag 2 . It may, in fact, be regarded as acetylene in which both hydrogen atoms have been replaced by silver. The formula that has been generally adopted for this substance is C 2 H 2 Ag 2 0. But such a compound contains only 83- 71 per cent, of silver, whereas in three specimens of the substance prepared by Keiser the quantity of silver found was 89'32, 89'44 and 89*60 per cent. The formula C 2 Ag 2 requires 89'9 per cent, silver. That the compound contains no hydro- gen was shown by exploding a weighed quantity of it in a glass tube which had been exhausted with an air pump ; no hydrogen was obtained. In the same year Plimpton * published his researches on the Plimpton's metallic derivatives of acetylene, and says : " The experiments J . . , ., with the precipitate formed by acetylene in ammoniacal silver nitrate is in dilute solutions decinormal bright compounds yellow. In strong solutions the yellow curdy sub- stance first thrown down is prone to pass into a white and less bulky form. The yellow substance often undergoes the same change when allowed to stand under water containing acetylene and protected from light. The white substance usually yields a somewhat higher percentage of silver. Strong am- monia appears to be without action on the yellow acetylide, and the quantity present during precipi- tation does not influence the composition of the precipitate." 1 Amer. Chem. Journ., 14, 185. 2 Proc. Chem. Soc., 1892, 109. 154 THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF ACETYLENE Silver estimations in eight specimens dried over sulphuric acid gave percentages of silver ranging from 87-38 to 88'85. Of these, two had been dried for three and six weeks respectively, and yielded 88*7 and 88-8. Blochmann's formula, C 2 Ag 2 H 2 0, requires 83-7; that of Berthelot, C 2 Ag 2 ,|H 2 or (C 2 HAg 2 ) 2 0, 86-7. An attempt to prepare silver acetylene in neutral or acid solution, so as to diminish the risk of the precipi- tate carrying down with it silver oxide, was successful. Silver acetate was wholly precipitated by acetylene with separation of the whole of the acetic acid. The acety- lene so prepared had the same properties as that obtained in ammoniacal solution, but had not the same tendency to turn brown on drying, and, like the latter, separated as a yellow curdy precipitate, but became white under the same conditions. The silver was estimated in fifteen specimens, care- fully dried in a vacuum over sulphuric acid until they ceased to lose weight, and in some cases at 60-70. The results lay between 86*6, the percentage of silver required for C 2 Ag 2 , JH 2 0, and 87'9, nearly that required for C 2 Ag 2 ,JH 2 0, 87-8. Drying at 60-70 caused a slight loss of weight, but darkened the precipitates. Those specimens which had become white yielded higher results than those which remained yellow. Two portions of the same precipitate, of which the one was left in contact with strong ammonia for several days, were dried, and yielded the same percentage of silver, 86*56. The acetylene given off from a known weight of the dry substance with chlorhydric acid was measured, and the silver chloride weighed : ratio of silver to acetylene as 38 to 20, or 10*3 per cent. ; carbon, C 2 Ag 2 ,JH 2 0, 9-7; percentage of silver, 87-47. Other experiments by the same method, made with the com- pound from ammoniacal silver nitrate and from silver 155 Silver compound always contains water ACETYLENE Double Salts of Silver Acetylene and Silver Nitrate Double Salt of Silver Acetylene and Silver Sulphate Chavas- telon's researches on Silver Acetylene acetate, also gave one molecule of acetylene to two atoms of silver. Silver chloride dissolved in ammonia gave a yellow compound containing 87*85 per cent, silver, and free from silver chloride. Silver nitrate in aqueous solution decinormal is precipitated by acetylene, three-fourths of the acid being liberated. Precipitates prepared from solutions of different strengths contained varying proportions of silver nitrate. Alcoholic silver nitrate yields a precipitate much richer in nitrate, containing equal amounts of silver as acetylene and as nitrate. The action of hydro- carbons of the acetylene series on alcoholic silver nitrate has been studied by Behal. The analyses of precipitates from the nitrates gave as limits 3C 2 Ag 2 2AgN0 3 Aq and C 2 Ag 2 2AgN0 3 Aq, the latter being obtained from alcoholic solutions. Silver sulphate solutions are also completely pre- cipitated by acetylene, and with a solution containing O2 gr. in 100 cc. two-thirds of the sulphuric acid was set free. Precipitates obtained from such a solu- tion gave results corresponding to 2C 2 Ag 2 Ag 2 S0 4 Aq. Chavastelon l studied the action of silver acetylene on silver nitrate, and found that when acetylene is passed into an aqueous solution of silver nitrate, a white precipitate is formed, and the acidity of the liquid increases somewhat rapidly, until all the silver nitrate has been precipitated, after which it in- creases slowly. In presence of an excess of the silver salt the quantity of free nitric acid is always higher than that which corresponds with the quantity of silver nitrate that has disappeared. The acetylene compound combines with some silver nitrate as such, and the quantity of silver nitrate decomposed is twice as great as that which enters into combination in this 1 Compt, Rend., 124, 1364. 156 THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE way. Experiments with definite volumes of acetylene, combined* with an analysis of the precipitate, show that the first compound formed has the composition C 2 Ag 2 .AgN0 3 . It is decomposed by the prolonged action of acetylene, or by hot ammonia solution, the silver nitrate being decomposed or dissolved, whilst silver acetylene, C 2 Ag 2 , is left. The action of acetylene on an ammoniacal solution of the silver salt yields silver acetylene at once, as Keiser stated. These re- sults are analogous to those obtained by Bruylants and Behal with hydrocarbons derived from acetylene by substitution. Arth 1 also made a research on these compounds, and points' out that silver acetylene is variously described as yellow and white. In reality, the precipitate formed 011 passing the gas through an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate is at first yellow, but subse- quently becomes colourless, even when excess of the hydrocarbon is employed. The compound C 2 Ag 2 , AgN0 3 becomes deep yellow when treated with ammonia, but soon becomes colourless. / I y Silver acetylene C 2 Ag 2 is always produced when excess of acetylene is passed through an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate, but the compound C 2 Ag 2 , AgN0 3 is formed in ordinary aqueous solutions, and is pure only when these are sufficiently concentrated. An N/2 solution of silver nitrate yields a colourless product, and the precipitate does not begin to be yellow until the dilution reaches N/24, the quantity of nitric acid set free increasing with the dilution. It therefore appears that the initial action of acetylene on a neutral solution of silver nitrate gives rise to the compound C 2 Ag 2 ,AgN0 3 , which is converted into a yellow intermediate compound of unknown composi- tion capable of existence in presence of ammonia, this substance ultimately yielding silver acetylene. 1 Compt. Rend., 124, 1534, 157 conditions Acetylene are Artn's V 7 Double 1 ACETYLENE The action on salts Formation Mercury The compounds with the action of them. P l Silver acetylene and the compound C 2 Ag 2; AgNO 3 dissolve readily in a solution of potassium cyanide, acetylene being regenerated. / The action of acetylene on mercury salts was first notice(i in 1869 b 7 Basset, 1 who found, when passing acetylene through a solution of mercuric iodide in potassic iodide and potassic hydrate, that a light- coloured precipitate, having explosive properties when dried, is formed and can be decomposed by hydro- chloric acid with evolution of acetylene. He ascribes to this compound the composition C 2 H,HgI,HgO. In 1883 Kutscherow 2 noted that when acetylene is passed through a solution of mercuric chloride a pre- cipitate is obtained, which, when treated with hydro- chloric acid, yields aldehyde, which can be readily converted by reduction into alcohol. In 1892 Plimpton 3 showed that mercuric acetate solutions yield white precipitates, which become grey towards the end of the precipitation. If the solutions are not too strong, the whole of the metal is thrown down with separation of the acetic acid. When washed with alcohol, and dried in vacuo over sulphuric aci^ the substance has the composition required by the formula 3Hg02C 2 H 2 . It resembles the compound 3Hg02C 3 H 4 3HgCl 2 obtained by Kutscherow from ally- lene, for, unlike the acetylides generally, it does not gi ye onC acetylene on treatment with hydrochloric acid, and is not explosive Iodine attacks it apparently with formation of iodo- form. Mercurous acetate freshly precipitated and suspended in water is decomposed by acetylene, and is converted into a greyish substance which differs entirely from the mercuric compound, and seems to be similar to silver acetylene in composition and properties. It ., 1869, 314. 2 Berl.Ber., 17, 13. 3 Proa. Chem. Soc., 1892, 109. 158 THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE detonates when heated suddenly, and gives acetylene 011 treatment with hydrochloric acid. Iodine acts upon it in the same way as upon silver acetylene, yield- ing di-iodacetylene. The acetylene used was prepared from the copper compound obtained from the incomplete combustion of coal gas, and was purified by caustic soda. Berthelot and Keiser l both made experiments upon this compound, and in 1894 Travers and Plimpton, 2 in a review of their work, say, u Berthelot (Ann. Chim. Phys., 4, 9, 386) by passing acetylene through a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide made alkaline with ammonia, obtained an explosive mercury acety- lene, of which, however, he seems to have made no analysis. The authors have prepared this substance The in various ways, and studied its composition and pro- perties. They have prepared it by the action of acety- and /IN f i i i i /ON Plimpton on lene : (1) on iresnly precipitated mercuric oxide ; (z) on tne Mercury solutions of mercuric cyanide mixed with ammonia, compounds J .of Acetylene or, batter, with ammonia and cupric sulphate or zinc chloride ; (3) on solutions of mercuric acetate or sulphate with ammonia, when a part only of the mercury is pre- cipitated ; (4) on mercuric oxide dissolved by the aid of ammonia and ammonium carbonate. The latter method is the most convenient. The heavy white powder which separates is well washed and dried at 100. Analysis gives as the means of four determinations : mercury, 87'1 ; carbon, 10- 1 and 1O3. Calculated for 3C 2 HgH 2 : mercury, 87 ; carbon, 104 per cent. The substance could not be obtained free from water, even after long drying at 100. Mercuric acetylene seems to belong to the same class of bodies as the silver and copper acetylenes ; it is explosive, yields part of its carbon as acetylene when warmed with chlorhydric acid, and part as aldehyde, and yields the compound C 2 I 2 , and eventually C 2 I 4 when acted on by iodine 1 Amer. Chem. Journ., 15, 535. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc., 1894. 159 ACETYLENE Mercuric Acetylene, CHg Purification of Acetylene by Acid Mercuric Chloride Solution Double Mercury Salts dissolved in potassium iodide. It differs altogether from the substance obtained from solutions of mercuric acetate described in a previous note Proc. Chem. Soc., 1892, 109 which is non-explosive, and in other re- spects resembles the allylene derivatives obtained by Kutscherow from solutions of mercuric chloride and acetate (Ber., 17, 13). Mercuric acetylene detonates violently when suddenly heated or struck sharply ; it can, however, be handled with safety even when dry. " Keiser, who had apparently overlooked Berthelot's description of the substance, and the note published in the Proc. Roy. Soc. by one of the authors, has recently Am. Chem. Journ., Nov., 1893 obtained the same substance, and attributes to it the formula C 2 Hg ; the authors have not been able to obtain either this or the silver compound free from water." Berge and JReychler l in 1897 suggest the purifica- tion of acetylene made from calcium carbide by passing it through a solution containing Water . Hydrochloric acid Mercuric chloride 80 grams. 20 ., 8-12 which they say does not act on the acetylene, but purifies it from phosphuretted hydrogen. Biginelli, 2 in 1898, makes an acetylene mercuric chlo- ride Cl-CH-CH-HgCl, whilst Erdmann and Koeh- ner 3 identified mercuro-acetylene nitrate, HgC,CHg, Hg,N0 3 + H 2 0, produced by saturating a hot solution of mercuric nitrate with acetylene. It separates in small white crystals, and differs from Keiser's silver analogue C 2 Ag 2 ,AgN0 3 in containing H 2 0. It re- sembles Poleck and Thummel's mercury derivative of 1 Bull. Soc. Chim., 3, 17, 218. 2 Ann. di Farm, e Chim., 1898, 16. 8 Zeit. Anory. Chem., 18, 48. 160 THE CHEMICAL BEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE vinyl alcohol, and yields acetaldehyde on treatment with dilute acids. Acetaldehyde is produced when acetylene is passed through mercuric oxide, suspended in boiling phos- phoric acid of sp. gr. 1-15, or in 30 per cent, sulphuric acid. According to K. Hoffmann, 1 acetylene, when passed Hoffmann's through a solution of mercuric nitrate, acidified with nitric acid, yields a fine, colourless, crystalline precipi- tate, which, after washing with 2 per cent, nitric acid, and drying under reduced pressure, has the composition C 2 Hg 2 N0 4 H. If the gas be passed through the solution for several hours, a black substance is also formed. It is practically insoluble in water, or in dilute 3 per cent. nitric acid, but is decomposed by concentrated acid. With warm dilute hydrochloric acid it yields acetaldehyde, and mercuric chloride goes into solution. When treated with alkalis the nitrogen is obtained in the form of nitrates, and when warmed with sodium hydroxide and potassium cyanide solution, aldehyde resin is formed. The compound may be obtained in the form of large crystals by using an alcoholic solution of aldehyde in place of acetylene ; after remaining for fourteen days, large, colourless, double-refractive prisms, terminated by pyramids, are deposited. The constitution suggested is N0 3 ,Hg,C(:Hg),CH:0. Later in the year Hoffmann 2 criticizes Erdmann and Hermann's Koehner's results, and says they describe a substance criticism of J J . Erdmann obtained by the action of acetylene on a hot solution and of mercuric nitrate as a double compound of mercurous carbide and nitrate, HgC:CHg,HgN0 3 + H 2 0. It is not an acetylide, however, for it gives no acetylene when heated with hydrochloric acid, but aldehyde instead. Neither is it a mercurous compound, for when it is digested for half an hour with dilute hydrochloric acid, 83'8 per cent, of mercuric chloride is formed, but only 1 Bert. Ber., 31, 2212. . 2 Ibid., 81, 2783. 161 11 ACETYLENE 2*3 per cent, of mercurous chloride, and this is no doubt on account of the reducing action of the aldehyde simultaneously formed ; further, potassium cyanide solution dissolves the compound without decomposition of mercury, and ammonia produces no black colora- tion. The substance analysed by Erdmann and Koeh- ner contained a little mercury ; after removal of this by digestion with dilute nitric acid, the analytical num- bers agree with the formula N0 2 ,Hg,0(:Hg 2 :0),CHO, that of a substituted aldehyde. The compound is best prepared by dissolving yellow mercuric oxide 20 grams in dilute nitric acid 70 cc. of 30 per cent, acid, and 500 cc. of water filter- ing, and passing a fairly rapid current of acetylene for two hours through the solution, at a temperature of 18. The precipitate is then collected, digested three times with 8 per cent, nitric acid 150 cc. at the ordinary temperature for six hours, filtered, washed with alcohol and ether, and dried under diminished pressure over sulphuric acid. The action of acetylene upon metals has attracted a fair share of attention. Moissan and Mourreu l have shown that acetylene acts readily at the ordinary temperature on iron, nickel, and cobalt, if they have been reduced from their oxides at the lowest possible \J Action with temperature. \\ There is great development of heat, and if the current of gas be rapid, the metal becomes incandescent. Part of the acetylene is converted into benzene, and other polymerides, but the greater part splits up into carbon and hydrogen. V It would seem that the phenomena are due to the energetic absorption of the gas by the porous reduced metal ; heat is thus developed, part of the acetylene is polymerised, and part is decomposed. As soon as decomposition begins, the reserve energy of the acety- lene becomes available, and contributes to the energy 1 Compt. Rend., 122, 1240. 162 The action of Acetylene on metals Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt THE CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF ACETYLENE : of the reaction. Carefully prepared spongy platinum produces a similar decomposition. On the other hand, if the acetylene is diluted with nitrogen there is no incandescence, although the acetylene is absorbed and slightly decomposed. If the metals have been heated at too high a temperature during the process of reduction, heat is necessary in order to start the decomposition of the acetylene. Sabatier and Sinderens 1 find that when nickel, reduced by hydrogen, is exposed to a current of h^dre- 1 gejtu-at 300, the acetylene is decomposed, and hydrogen and methane are formed. The early observations made by Torrey 2 and Nicies 3 on the formation of explosive deposits in copper gas- pipes, owing to the trace of acetylene present, led to the expectation that this gas would act readily upon copper and similar metals. Experiments, however, show that this is not the case. In the summer of 1895 H. Grerdes, 4 the chief engineer of Messrs. Pintsch, of Berlin, made an exhaustive series of experiments upon this point, not only with the gas under ordinary pressure, but with mixtures of acetylene with oil and coal-gas at pressures of nearly ten atmospheres. This was done by placing the metals to be tested in steel cylinders, the slips being fitted in wooden frames so arranged as to prevent any contact either between the individual metals or the walls of the metal cylinder. Two of these cylinders were filled with pure acetylene, two with a mixture of 80 per cent, of acetylene and 20 per cent, of oil-gas, and one with a mixture of acetylene with 20 per cent, coal-gas ; a small quantity of water being placed into each cylinder in 1 Compt. Rend., 124, 616. 2 Amer. Gaslight Journ., Oct., 1859. Action of spongy Platinum Action of reduced Nickel on Acetylene Experi- ments by Gerdes upon the action of Acetylene on ordinary metals and alloys Compt. fiend., 55, 505. Journ.f. GasheL, 40, 201. 163 s/ ACETYLENE order that the gas should be moist, as it was expected that this would greatly facilitate the action upon the metals. These cylinders were filled with the gases at a pressure of nine to ten atmospheres, and they were exposed on the roof of a shed from July 18th, 1895, to April 9th, 1896 this range of time exposing them to the highest temperature of an exceptionally hot summer, and the lowering of temperature incidental to a very cold winter. Results of Of all the metals and alloys used, those which are experiments known to resist ordinary oxidation in air remained perfectly unaffected, whilst the easily oxidisable metals suffered on the surface, but in no instance was it possible to trace any acetylene compound ; and no explosion could be produced by either heating or hammering, whilst further experiments with acetylene, ammonia and water showed clearly that such corrosion as had taken place by the simultaneous action of ammonia-gas and acetylene was due exclusively to the action of the former gas, and 110 explosive compounds were formed. If acetylene be passed through an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride, copper acetylene is formed, and when dry this explodes with great violence, when struck Burner's or when heated ; and independent observations made XP i discovery of oi the pile which bears his name to oir Joseph. .Banks, the pile the then President of the Eoyal Society, and in the fall of the same year Humphry Davy published in Nicholson's Journal an account of experiments made with it, and pointed out that, with his roughly-con- structed pile, he was able to produce sparks that were Sir visible in daylight, and that these sparks could be Davy shows obtained between terminals of different metals, but varied considerably in brightness according to the veioped in material used, well-burnt charcoal giving the best 1 e ^J?* 1 results. He also found that to render the char- coal a good conductor it must be hard and so well burned as to be almost metallic in lustre, the best carbon being produced by quenching it in quick- silver. Pepys also, who was a friend of Sir Humphry Pepys Davy, heated diamond dust between two iron ter- x by minals by means of the current, and found that whilst cementation / in the arc the diamond dust disappeared the iron was converted by cementation into steel. This century has been rich in researches upon the electric arc, owing to its introduction for purposes of illumination, but there is undoubtedly much yet to be learnt as to many of its properties. When a current is flowing through a wire, the The breaking of the wire causes a leaping of the current ^"the" 1 between the fractured ends as long as they are within electric arc a distance sufficiently small as compared with the strength of the current, and with a powerful current this disruptive discharge may be maintained con- tinuously, emitting a dazzling light, though the best .results are obtained, as regards illuminating effect, if the ends of the wires be fitted with carbon pencils. The light of the voltaic arc is due partly to the T j JJ^J 08 electric arc itself, partly to the incandescent carbon emitted by poles, and partly to the transport of small particles 175 ACETYLENE influence oi of carbon from the positive to the negative pole. terminals The softer and more friable the carbon is, the longer used on the arc FIG. 23. THE ELECTRIC ARC. is the arc which can be produced ; but when light is the object of the arc the densest possible carbon is employed, in order to obviate the rapid wasting of 176 THE ELECTEIC FUBKA.CE the positive pole. In starting such an arc the tips of the carbon pencils are first brought together, and are then drawn apart to such a distance that the arc passes freely between them. The tips become Effect of tno brilliantly white hot, and after burning for a few ar <* n the minutes it will be seen that the positive carbon is s carbons slightly flattened out, and that a small hollow crater has formed in it, and it is from this point that the largest amount of light is emitted. There is then a pale blue name between the carbons, and the negative pencil takes a pointed form, becoming white hot, but not emitting either as much or as white a light as the positive pole. When the carbons are the right distance apart the Action f arc burns with perfect silence, but when they are the distance separated too far it has a tendency to roar and go poieon the out, whilst if they are brought too close together a arc hissing sound is noticed, and the negative tip shows a deposition on it of projections. The whiteness of the light emitted by the crater The seems to be fairly constant, from which one would ten }P rature J oi the arc argue that it is always at an equal temperature, but probably the larger the current employed the larger the surface fhe vSati of the crater. This naturally suggests the idea that in & point of the apparent fixed temperature of the crater surface is the volatilising point of the carbon, and that it is evaporating off the positive carbon into the arc. The experiments of Despretz show that just before Tne the volatilisation of carbon takes place it becomes experiments . ... . of Despretz very soft, and that there is an incipient liquefaction going on a few degrees below the temperature of volatilisation, and Silvanus Thompson 1 advances the siivanus view that the physical state of the crater is such Thompson's r * theory as to that the solid carbon is covered with a layer or film the condi- of liquid carbon just boiling or evaporating off. ^arbon*!^ As the electric arc burns in the air, carbon dioxide . the arc 1 Jour. Soc. Arts, 43, 951. 177 12 ACETYLENE Gaseous carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrocyanic products of . , ,, / the arc acid, cyanogen, and other gaseous compounds are produced, together with ozone, which give a distinct smell to the products escaping from the arc lamp, high voltages soon giving a noticeable odour, whilst with a normal arc produced at 40 or 50 volts little or no smell can be detected. Tempera- The temperature attained in the electric arc has electric arc been variously estimated, Becquerel, in 1860, giving 2 ? 070 - 2 > 100 G - as bein g the Probable temperature of an arc obtained from 80 Bunsen cells, whilst in 1879 Rossetti Rossetti deduced the temperature of the arc from deduces it . . f - from the observations on the radiation, and came to the con- clusion that the temperature of the positive crater approximated to 3,900 C. and that of the negative determines Pl e to about 3,150 C. Violle has attempted the it by calorimetric determination by providing his positive experiment J . . -i carbon with a small end piece, which became the crater of the arc and was allowed to burn away till quite thin, when it was knocked off into the calori- meter, and the amount of heat it gave out on cooling measured, and he finally came to the conclusion that Gray's de- the temperature of the arc is 3,500 C. Gray has also eri of thY n attempted the solving of the same problem, and states temperature the temperature to be 3,400 C. ; so that in all pro- bability the temperature given by Violle is fairly accurate. Violle also found that, if he used zinc poles instead of carbon ones, he could raise the temperature of a piece of carbon held in the arc itself to a mani- festly higher point than existed at either of the poles, the temperature of which was governed by the vola- tilisation of the metal. Assuming that the temperature of the arc is really 3,500 C., it is evident that it gives a possibility of ThC f g tho 8i8 obtaining a temperature between 1,000 and 2,000 electric hotter than can be arrived at by any other means. As early as the forties attempts were made to utilise 178 THE ELECTEIC FUENACE the temperature of the arc for metallurgical purposes, and Napier, in 1845, produced an electric furnace, in which he hoped to reduce certain metals from their ores.- This consisted of a lined plumbago crucible, into which a carbon electrode was introduced as the positive pole. Children also made similar experiments on a small scale. In 1849 Despretz made what was practically a fur- nace of the same type, whilst in 1853 Pichon designed an electrical furnace for the reduction of ores, in which a mixture of the powdered mineral and ground up coke was allowed to fall between two sets of carbon Napier's furnace The Pichon furnace FIG. 24. SIEMENS FURNACE. poles forming the electrodes, and was thus twice sub- jected to the influence of the arc. Joule and Sir William Thompson also tried to utilise the temperature of the electrical discharge, but it was not until the seventies that any practical success attended the efforts to introduce an electrical furnace. In 1874 Werdermann suggested electrical fusion for The electric the more refractory minerals, and in 1879 Siemens, Faure, Fox, Lentin, and Bertin were all working at the subject, with the result that Sir "William Siemens, in 1879, took out a patent for an arc furnace, Fig. 24, which was exhibited in 1881. It consisted essentially of 179 furnace assumes a practical form ACETYLENE Siemens electric furnace Clerc furnace Cowlcs furnaces a crucible of refractory and non-conducting material, through the sides of which were introduced the two carbon poles between which the arc was formed. The electrodes ^vere either both of carbon, or the posi- tive pole of carbon and the nega- tive of metal, kept cool by the circulation of water, whilst as the positive pole was consumed the electrodes were drawn together by screws. The second modification of the Siemens furnace, Fig. 25, which could only be employed when the material to be acted upon was a good conductor of electricity, con- sisted in bringing the current into the crucible by a metal screw, which transmitted the current to the sub- stance A, whilst the negative pole was brought down on its surface from above. The substance to be acted upon was in this way made the positive terminal, whilst the negative pole above it was kept cool by the circulation of water. Another furnace, also exhibited in 1881, was due to Clerc, Pig. 26, and consisted of a block of magnesia or calcic carbonate, in which a cavity was formed, and the two carbons brought into it horizontally through holes in the sides. The most import- ant electric furnace, as far as marking the introduction of electric furnaces for commercial purposes, was un- doubtedly that patented in 1885 by Alfred and Eugene 180 FJG. 25. SIEMENS 2. FIG. 26. CLERC FURNACE. THE ELECTEIC FUENACE Cowles, and used by them in their work on aluminium. The charge to be treated was powdered and mixed with retort carbon, the whole being then brought to FIG. 27. COWLES FURNACE. incandescence by means of the current. The furnace consisted of a cylinder A, Fig. 27, made of some non-con- ducting refractory material, surrounded by a mass of charcoal or other bad conductor of heat. The positive electrode was a plate of carbon c, which also served to close the end of the retort, the other end being sealed by a graphite crucible D, which acted as the negative electrode. Cowles retort furnace FIG. 28. COWLES FURNACE. Another form of furnace, Fig. 28, was patented in 1886 by Messrs. Cowles, in which the carbon poles cc 1 181 Cowlcs furnace, with horizontal poles Bernard furnace ACETYLENE were placed horizontally, and the charge D was packed around them, the poles at the start being close to- gether, but being gradu- ally withdrawn as the electric resistance of the furnace fell. This furnace was further improved by the addition of an am- meter, and resistance placed in the circuit in order that the process might be well under con- trol. In 1887, Bernard Freres patented a furnace, Fig. 29, in which a crucible of re- FIG. 29. BERNARD FURNACE. , -11 fractory material o 1 , rest- ing on a carbon plate q which formed the positive pole, contained a carbon crucible c in which the charge was FIG. 30. HEROULT FURNACE. placed. The negative electrode consisted of a rod of carbon a brought down on to the top of the charge. 182 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE The two crucibles were first heated by an external furnace, and when the requisite temperature was at- tained, the final heating was accomplished by means of the electric current. Heroult, in 1887, devised a furnace for the manu- facture of aluminium, in which an inner crucible, containing the charge, was placed inside another crucible made of carbon, the two being capable of being heated by a furnace. The positive pole was Heroult furnace FIG. 31. COWLES CONTINUOUS FURNACE. brought centrally into the inner crucible, whilst the negative electrode was formed by the crucible itself. In 1887, also, Messrs. Cowles introduced an electric furnace, in which the charge could be fed continuously. This was composed of a vertical carbon tube forming a positive pole, to the upper end of which was fixed a feed hopper. The negative pole was also a carbon tube slightly larger than, and placed a short way below, the positive pole, and resting on a plate fixed at the bottom of the furnace. The space between the electrodes and the walls of the furnace was packed 183 Cowles continuous furnace ACETYLENE to the top of the negative carbon with a mixture of charcoal or lime and retort carbon, whilst round the Kiliani furnace FIG. 32. READMAN FURNACE. arc was placed the same packing, only in much coarser grain in order to allow any gaseous products to pass through it into the condensers. The top of the fur- nace was closed by a plate, to which was fixed a pivoted arm to enable the positive carbon to be moved for adjustment. In 1888 a furnace for the production of phosphorus was brought out by Readman, and in the same year Reuleaux devised an elec- tric cupola, the charge being heated before it was subjected to the arc. Crompton, too, in 1888, patented a furnace, Fig. 34, in which the material could be heated by ex- ternal agencies before the current was switched on. In the following year Kiliani de- FIG. 33. vised an arrangement, in which the REULEAUX FURNACE. pQsitive carbon produced a roc king and rotating movement in the bath which formed 184 and Crompton F' F F' 1 pre-heating 1 furnaces C T C 1 n \ A THE ELECTEIC FURNACE the negative pole ; thus the formation of a hard crust F Fia. 34. CBOMPTON FUKNACE. on the top of the bath, which prevented the addition of fresh material, was avoided (Fig. 35). Parker, in the same year, 1889, employed two rows of electrodes, placed horizon- tally opposite each other, the carbons being in contact before the charge was intro- duced, and then separated. In 1890 Willson patented a furnace, the object of which was to diminish the wear and tear of the anode in mixed electric furnaces. In order to accomplish this he formed his anode of a car- Parker's multiple pole furnace Willson's furnace, with hollow pole FIG. 35. KILIANI FURNACE 185 ACETYLENE bon tube, through which was passed hydrogen, coal gas, or some other hydrocarbon gas. FIG. 36. PARKER FURNACE. schnciicr Schneller and Astfalck employed high-tension cur- rents in their furnace, this being necessary in order FIG. 37. WILLSON'S FURNACE. to overcome the resistance of the charge, and also to 186 THE ELECTEIC FUENACE help the reduction effected by hydrogen or some suit- able hydrocarbon. In the Laval furnace, patented in 1892, an alter- nating current was employed, which was passed through a material of low conductivity in a molten condition, thus bringing it to a very high temperature. The furnace was divided lengthways by a bridge of refractory material, the poles being laid at the bottom of the furnace, whilst the current passed through the molten electrolyte over the bridge of refractory material. The charge was dropped in through an Laval furnace for alternating currents FlG. 38. SCHNELLER FURNACE. FIG. 39. LAVAL FURNACE. Girard and Street's continuous opening in the top of the furnace, whilst the melted metal escaped through outlet pipes- below the surface of the electrolyte. Grirard and Street, in 1893, took out a patent for a continuous feed furnace. The crucible containing the charge was placed inside two carbon tubes which feed furnace formed the electrodes, and between which the arc was struck. Upon the arc was brought to bear a magnetic field by winding the outside of the furnace with coils traversed by an electric current, under the influence of which the arc was caused to rotate slowly 187 ACETYLENE Moissan s researches Construc- tion of Moissan's experi- mental furnace Arrange- ment of the electrodes in a horizontal plane, thus ensuring an even distribu- tion of heat. Undoubtedly, the most important experimental work performed with the electric furnace consists of the beautiful researches made by Moissan, for which he devised several modifications of the earlier furnaces, in order to fit them for the special purposes he had in view. His work, however, was of a purely scientific character, and the fur- naces only fitted for scientific research on a laboratory scale. The description of the various forms he employed is best given in his own words. u Our first model of the electric furnace, brought before the Academie des Sciences in December, 1892, consisted of two bricks of quicklime care- fully prepared and placed one on top of the other. The lower brick con- tained a longitudinal groove to receive the two electrodes, and situated in the centre was a small cavity forming the crucible. This cavity might vary in size, and contained a bed some centimetres in depth of the substance to be acted upon by the heat of the arc, or a small crucible of carbon containing the substance to be treated could be placed there. " The upper brick was slightly hollowed out in the part just above the arc. As the intense heat of the current soon melted the surface of the lime, giving it, at the same time, a beautiful polish, a dome was 188 FIG. 40. GIRARD FURNACE. THE ELECTEIC FURNACE obtained in this way which reflected all the heat on to the small cavity which contained the crucible. The electrodes were fastened to two movable supports, or, better still, upon two sliding pillars. " The difference between this electric furnace and all previous ones is that the substance under examin- ation does not come in direct contact with the electric arc that is to say. with the vapour from the carbon. " The apparatus is a reverberatory electric furnace with movable electrodes. The last point is of impor- FIG. 41. MOISSAN'S FURNACE. tance, as the mobility of the electrodes affords great facility in establishing the arc, in extending or diminishing it at will, and, in fact, greatly simplifies the carrying out of the experiment. In our first researches we employed a small Gramme machine worked by a gas engine of 4 H.P. As a rule, the current traversing the furnace in- current dicated 35 to 40 amperes and 55 volts, whilst the used, and 1 dimensions lower lime brick was 16 cm. to 18cm. in length, 15 cm. of the in breadth, and 8 cm. in thickness. The upper brick, which formed the cover, presented the same surface with a thickness of 5 to 6 cm. This size of apparatus 189 furnace Lime used ACETYLENE is sufficient for a current of 100 to 125 amperes and 50 to 60 volts. " When using the furnace for more powerful cur- rents it is as well to enlarge the three dimensions of the furnace by 2 or 3 cm. With a furnace of 22 to 25 cm. in length, a current of 450 amperes and 75 volts can quite well be employed. The lime used in these researches was slightly hydraulic, obtained from the Parisian basin, and called du bane vert. It is shaped or turned with ease, and is the same as was approved by Deville and Debray for their fusion of platinum on a small scale. The carbon poles Manufac- ture of the carbons FIG. 42. MODIFIED MOISSAN FURNACE. " The electrodes were formed from carbon rods as free as possible from mineral matters ; some difficulty was at first experienced in obtaining them pure. They should be made of retort carbon reduced to powder, and selected from the top of the retort. This powdered carbon is treated with acids, to free it as far as possible from the iron it contains ; it is then washed and heated, and finally made into a stiff paste by means of tar. The rods are formed by pres- sure, which ought to be very high and regular ; they are then dried with care and heated to a high tempera- ture. The rods must be tested to see if they contain 190 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE boric acid or silicates, which are sometimes added to facilitate their manufacture, and all rods containing these substances should be rejected, as well as those containing more than 1 per cent, of ash. " For the smaller furnaces we employed electrodes Dimensions 20 cm. in length and 12 mm. in diameter. With a current of 120 amperes at 50 volts, we employed rods 40 cm. in length and 15 to 18 mm. in diameter. When using a machine of 40 to 45 H.P., electrodes 40 cm. in length and 27 mm. in diameter were employed. of the electrodes used FIG. 43. MOISSAN FURNACE. " The extremities of the electrodes between which influence the arc is produced were shaped into finely pointed poi^t^d cones. This precaution is important, especially with carbons on small currents, as if not taken it is difficult to relight with wnich the arc if it happen to be extinguished at the com- ^JJJ^Jj. 11 mencement of an experiment. With 350 amperes and 60 volts we employed only one pointed electrode, the other being left smooth. " All difficulty disappears once the furnace has be- come hot, and is filled with vapours which are good conductors, and which allow of the arc being re- lighted with the greatest ease. The wires which convey the current are joined to the carbon rods by 191 ACETYLENE Carbon crucibles used in Moissan's researches Magnesia as a refractory material in electric furnaces Electric furnaces may be means of copper clamps fixed by screw nuts. This arrangement has already been employed for some time in the use of high-tension currents. " During the first period of our researches we em- ployed retort carbon crucibles, which were made circular and in one piece. These crucibles were cylin- drical, and had two holes, one on either side, suffi- ciently large to allow of the easy entrance of the electrodes. With machines of 4 to 8 H.P. we employed crucibles 3 cm. in external diameter and 2 cm. internal diameter. Their height was 4 cm. and the hole 1*5 cm. These retort carbon crucibles are incon- venient, as they expand greatly when changed into graphite under the intense heat of the arc. At our request several manufacturers made for us crucibles of stiff carbon paste moulded by pressure, and in one piece, which have kept their shape under the highest temperatures. A circular space must be allowed round the crucible in order that the heat rays re- flected from the dome may completely surround it. " It must not be forgotten that lime is easily reduced at high temperatures by the carbon with formation of calcium carbide. 1 "When a crucible is to be heated in this lime furnace care must be taken to have a bed of magnesia at the bottom of the cavity. Magnesia is, in fact, the only oxide we have ever encountered which is not reduced by carbon. When the experi- ment lasts long enough the magnesia may run down with the already liquid lime in the furnace, and may even volatilise, but never forms a carbide." Moissan also designed several other forms of this furnace for specific purposes, but they were all of the same type, and of a purely scientific and experimental character (Figs. 42 and 43). Electric furnaces may be divided into two classes : I. Those in which the substance to be heated is 1 Compt. Rend., cxvii, 501. 192 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE placed in the path of the electric arc, or is made to form one or both poles for the formation of the arc, as in the furnaces already mentioned. II. Those in which the heat is generated by offering resistance to the flow of the current, as when a piece of thin platinum wire is heated to incandescence by making it the link between two copper wires of greater diameter through which the current is pass- ing. The furnace of Despretz was the earliest of the second class, as he took a tube made of sugar charcoal, 7 mm. in diameter and 23 in length, in which he placed the substance to be heated, and closed the ends of the classed under two heads 1. Arc furnaces 2. Resist- ance furnaces FIG. 44. BOUCHER'S FURNACE. tubes with carbon poles ; whilst the modern type of this class of furnace may be taken as Borcher's experi- mental furnace, described in 1891, in which he reduced many of the metallic oxides. The body of the furnace is made of fire-clay, stand- ing on a bed of refractory firebricks. In the centre is a cavity, in which the mixture to be heated is placed ; the sides of the furnace are pierced by holes, through which pass the conducting carbons, the poles being- joined in the centre of the mixture by a narrow rod of carbon, which, offering resistance to the passage of the current, becomes intensely heated. A few attempts have been made to introduce fur- naces of this type for the manufacture of calcium 193 13 Borcher's furnace Resistance furnaces proposed for ACETYLENE making Calcium Carbide carbide, King & Wyatt, in 1895, patenting in the United States a furnace consisting of an open hearth, in which one carbon rose from below and the other pole was suspended from above, the two being con- nected by a thin carbon rod, the mixture of lime and carbon being heaped around them, and the ingot of carbide forming in the centre of the mass, so that the Maxim- Graham resistance furnace FIG. 45. KING'S FURNACE. excess of mixture really formed the sides of the furnace. Hudson Maxim also designed a furnace on this prin- ciple. The mixture of lime and carbon is fed into troughs, the sides of which are made of magnesia bricks, behind which is a tight packing of broken charcoal in connection with the leads from the dynamo, one side of the trough receiving the posi- tive and the other the negative current. Through the broken carbon he passes thin rods of dense carbon, which pass through the mixture and make a connec- 194 THE ELECTRIC FUKNACE tion between the two poles, the broken carbon acting as a contact maker. He claims that, as these rods become incandescent, carbide forms around them, and that, when the rods have fused, the carbide continues to carry the current, and forms more carbide on its surface, and that these rods or ingots of carbide are then picked out from the trough and new material and carbon rods introduced. This furnace, generally known as the "Maxim- Graham," was tried at Trowbridge in 1897, and it was claimed to be possible to make with it from 0*4 to 0*5 Ib. of carbide per E.H.P. of 81 per cent, carbide per hour. This type of furnace, however, has never been adopted on more than an experimental scale, and it will be well to now trace the growth of the carbide industry and the evolution of the forms of apparatus which are in use on a manufacturing scale at the present time. America, the birthplace of commercial carbide, naturally produced the earliest forms of carbide furnace, which were all of the arc type, and pro- duced the compound in the form of ingots. First and foremost amongst these stands the furnace employed by Willson. at Spray, in which the earliest commercial carbide was made. The following descrip- tion of the plant is taken from the report to the Pro- gressive Age by Professor Houston and Drs. Kenelly and Kinnicutt upon Willson's process : " The plant consists essentially of a pair of electric furnaces for producing the carbide, electric generators for supplying the current, a turbine for driving the electric generators, and suitable apparatus for pulver- ising and mixing the coke and lime required to charge the furnaces. "The water motor is a horizontal twin Leffel tur- bine wheel, 30 inches in diameter, and rated as capable under 28 feet fall of generating 300 H.P. at 206 revo- 195 Arrange- ment of the furnace The Trowbridge experiment American furnaces for making ingots of ^Calcium Carbide The Willson Carbide furnaces at Spray The machinery for generating the power ACETYLENE Willson's Works at Spray FIG. 46. WILLSON'S WORKS AT SPRAY. lutions per minute and f gate opening. The gate opening is controlled by hand. " The turbine is belted directly by tandem belts FIG. 47. WILLSON'S DYNAMO. 196 THE ELECTEIC FUENACE to two Thomson-Houston alternators of the 14 pole 120 kw. 1,070 revolutions per minute type, giving a maximum effective pressure of 1,155 volts at full load. Each alternator is excited by a standard Thomson-Houston exciter of the 110 volt 18 amperes 2,500 revolutions per minute type. Both exciters are run by tandem belts from an outboard pulley on one alternator shaft. The terminals of the alternator are connected to a switchboard supplied with primary volt meters, ammeters, and switches. FIG. 48. THE SPRAY FURNACES. Trans " The mains from the switchboard run to a group of formers sixteen alternating current transformers, eight to each alternator, representing a total capacity of 240 kw. or 321-8 H.P. These transformers are employed to lower the pressure from 1,000 volts at the alternator terminals to 100 volts at the furnace terminals. They are of the No. 4 15,000 watt 60 cycle Thomson- Houston type. The secondary coils of these trans- formers supply in parallel two bundles of copper cables leading to the furnaces, which are situated 197 ACETYLENE Electric furnaces used at Spray Construc- tion of the Spray furnaces within a few feet of the switchboard. Each cable is about J inch in diameter, and is composed of 120 separate wires. There are sixteen cables to each furnace eight to the upper and eight to the lower electrode. 11 There are two open electric furnaces placed side by side in one brick structure. The side and partition walls are of ordinary brick, whilst the front is open, but partly covered by cast-iron doors. The floor space in each furnace is 3 ft. x 2 ft. 6 in., and at a height FIG. 49. CARBON AND HOLDER. of about 8 feet they rise into a single short chimney, which serves to carry off the gases evolved during the operation of the furnaces. " At the base of the furnaces is placed a heavy iron plate about 6 ft. long by 2J ft. wide, and 1 to 2 inches thick. On this bed-plate rest two carbon plates, 3 ft. by 2 feet, and 6 to 8 inches thick, one in each furnace. These carbon base plates in connection with the iron plate form the lower electrodes. They are repaired from time to time with carbon left over 198 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE from partly-consumed upper electrodes. Their renewal thus involves no extra expense in materials. " The upper electrode for each furnace is a heavy carbon block 12 x 8 inches in cross section, and 36 inches long. It is composed of six carbons laid side by side, each 4x4 inches, 36 inches long, and weigh- ing approximately 30 Ibs. The electrode is protected by a casing of -f^ inch sheet iron. The interstices between the casing and the carbons is filled with a hot mixture of pulverised coke and pitch, so that the electrode becomes practically a solid mass of carbon in intimate contact with an iron shell. The electrode is clamped vertically in a metal holder supported by a vertical copper rod, 3x3 inches, passing through the roof of the furnace to a chain running over a pulley to a hand wheel by the side of the switchboard, so that the upper electrode can be raised or lowered at will by the switchboard attendant. " During use the upper electrode consumes at the rate of about -fa inch per working hour. " The materials employed in the manufacture of cal- cium carbide are lime and coke, and, incidentally, the carbon of the electrodes. " The coke and lime are first passed through a crusher, and are subsequently ground by rollers. They are then thrown in proper proportions into a revolving ball mixer provided with pebbles. The operation effects an intimate mixture between the pulverised coke and lime. " The coke and lime, after being separately pulver- ized, are weighed out in suitable proportions into the ball mixer. The lime is pulverised fine enough to pass through a 20-mesh sieve, and the coke is pulver- , ised fine enough to pass through a 50-mesh sieve." Later on Messrs. Morehead, King and de Chalmot, in erecting works at Niagara, altered the form of the furnace so as to get it into a more workable shape, 199 The electrodes used Supports and connections to the electrodes The preparation of the materials used The first carbide works at Niagara ACETYLENE The Niagara furnaces and also improved the method of introducing the mix- ture of lime and carbon to the arc and of the removal of the ingot when formed. The bottom of this furnace was an iron car, a, run- ning on rails, having on its floor a layer of carbon connected to the negative electrode. The positive pole was then brought down on to the layer of carbon, and the mixture of powdered lime and coke fed to the arc through shoots, e e, whilst an oscillatory motion was imparted to the car by means of the rod #, which The working of the furnace FIG. 50. SECTIONS OLD NIAGARA FURNACE. moves the car backwards and forwards a distance of about two inches twenty times a minute, thus prevent- ing the formation of layers and crusts. The carbon electrode is gradually raised as the height of the car- bide in the car increases, until the car is completely filled by an ingot of carbide. An empty car is then put in the place of the full one, the pole, &, is lowered, and the operation commences afresh. The loaded car is run out, and after cooling, which takes from six to twelve hours, its contents are tipped upon an iron 200 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE grating, which permits all the dust and uncombined charge to pass away from the ingot. All the doors Prevention , , i TIT- j.- of explosive of the furnace are kept closed during the operation, mixt ures of except %, which is allowed to remain open in order to s as and air facilitate the expulsion of the air by the furnace gases, but this door is also closed when flames begin to appear. By this means the formation of explosive mixtures with carbon monoxide is prevented. The chimney, a, conducts the hot gases from the top of the car, so that FIG. 51. EXTERIOR OP WILLSON FURNACES AT NIAGARA. the carbon clamp and rod are not subjected to the hot gases. An air jacket, t0, also aids in keeping the upper part of the furnace cool. In 1896 Mr. T. L. "Willson, the original discoverer of ' & . Willson's the method of making commercial carbide, erected works plant at st. at Merritton, near St. Katherine's, Ontario, on the old Katnerine>s Welland Canal, the power being obtained from three locks, having each of them a fall of about 12J feet, two pairs of 50-inch turbines being worked at each lock, giving a total of 1,650 E.H.P. 201 Water power and dynamos Labour- saving appliances for preparing the material ACETYLENE The dynamos used were 150 kw. 60 volt machines, having a stationary armature and a revolving field. The arrangements for grinding and mixing the materials were very complete, the lime and coke being unloaded straight from the truck into a hopper connected with the boot of an elevator, upon which they were carried to the crushers on an upper floor. After being ground, the materials were screened to re- move improperly ground portions, and then carried to rotary mixers, where they were thoroughly incor- Furnaccs Electrodes FIG. 52. THE MERRITTON WORKS. porated and fed to the furnaces, no handling of the materials taking place after they had been un- loaded from the truck. The furnaces were of the same type as those first used at Niagara, and each one took about 200 E.H.P. and made 500 Ib. pigs, or ingots of carbide, per twenty- four hours. The carbons used were six inches thick, a foot broad, and eighteen inches long, and were held in position by a chain hoist, electrically regulated. The unit of 202 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE electromotive force used was 75 volts, the current varying from 1,600 to 2,000 amperes. In furnaces such as those used until lately at Niagara, Spray, Foyers, and other leading carbide works, the crucible consists of cast iron, having a very heavy bottom protected by a lining of powdered car- bon mixed with tar and then stamped hard. This Ingot furnaces and their general working FIG. 53. THE FUKNACES AT MERRITTON. crucible is mounted on a bogie, running on rails in such a way that it can be wheeled under the brick chamber forming the outer wall of the furnace until it is in position below the movable carbon of the cir- cuit, the heavy metallic bottom being then connected with one terminal of the dynamo. The upper electrode consists of carbon blocks, generally banded together, and suspended from a heavy metal clutch which is in 203 ACETYLENE Details of construction The outer casing of the furnace metallic connection with the other dynamo terminal. This upper electrode hangs vertically over the centre of the crucible when the latter is in position for use, and is capable of considerable vertical movement, which can be controlled by hoisting gear so as to regulate the distance between the two poles. The arched firebrick structure which forms the outer casing of the furnace, the ends of which are closed by iron doors to allow of wheeling in and out the crucible on its bogie, generally carries upon the top bins con- Raw material acting as an insulator The troubles incidental to this class of furnace FIG. 54. WILLSON FURNACES. taining the raw and pulverised material, which, on the opening of suitable valves by the furnace man, allow the mixture to descend by sloping shoots into the crucible. The possibility of using cast iron crucibles depends upon the fact that the arc and the ingot as it grows are surrounded by a considerable amount of raw material. The trouble incidental to this class of furnace is largely dependent upon the amount of dust thrown up from the top of the crucible by the escape of the car- 204 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE bon monoxide and by the heat generated above the mixture by the burning of this gas as it comes in contact with air, which necessitates the carbon holders being made extremely massive in order to prevent their opening and allowing the carbons to fall into the furnace. The dust also gives considerable trouble in keeping the contacts clean, and unless the contact, especially on the bottom plate, be perfect, the lower portion of the crucible will frequently burn out. All contact surfaces must also be of very heavy metal in order to prevent warping by the heat, which would destroy the contact and give rise to considerable damage, as the current passing into a 200 H.P. furnace would be between 2,000 and 3,000 amperes. As has been before pointed out, the chemical actions involved in making calcium carbide from lime and car- bon consist in first reducing the lime to metallic cal- cium with evolution of carbon monoxide, whilst the calcium at once combines with the excess of carbon present, forming calcium carbide. The carbon monoxide so produced is an inflammable gas burning with a very hot flame, and this gives rise to considerable trouble at the top of the furnace. The carbon blocks form- ing the upper terminal are very expensive, and for economical working it is necessary to do everything that is possible to preserve them from destruction, and if any length of this carbon electrode is exposed above the crucible, the flame of the burning carbon monoxide playing upon it will lead to its rapid destruction, no matter how good the quality of the carbon employed may be, whilst if, as the carbon grows shorter, it is completely buried in the pulverized material, the car- bon holder is liable to be rapidly destroyed, and it is by no means an uncommon occurrence for the metal clutch to be fused down into the furnace below. In order to meet this difficulty at Foyers they use a patented process by which specially made crucibles are 205 The dust nuisance The production of inflam- mable gases in the furnace The burning and waste of the upper electrodes Foyers process for preventing ACETYLENE burning of electrode provided with, a number of holes at the ends, and a passage is cleared by means of an iron rod through the mass of material in order to allow of the escape of the carbon monoxide through these holes instead of upwards, and where this is done the carbons used are generally about 30 inches in length and are buried up to within a few inches of the carbon holder. Most American manufacturers encase their carbons in sheet iron, which is allowed to burn away with the Drawbacks of over- heating FIG. 55. FOYERS' CRUCIBLE, SHOWING PATENT FRONT. electrode, but it is manifest that this will slightly add to the impurity of the carbide. Directly the combination has taken place between the calcium and the carbon to form the carbide, it is of the greatest importance that the material produced should be withdrawn as soon as possible from the temperature of the arc, as otherwise dissociation may take place, and a " burnt carbide," having but a low gas yielding power, be produced. One of the points of the utmost importance in good carbide making is '206 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE to so arrange the current density as just to reach the combining temperature, and not to get to the point at which dissociation occurs. The general idea is that in order to do this the raw materials have to be very finely ground and very intimately mixed. The Willson type of crucible furnace is now being- abandoned in America, and is being replaced by continuous ingot furnaces. In the old works at Niagara, and also the works at Saulte Ste. Marie, Current density Introduc- tion of the " Horry " furnace FIG. 56. HOKRY ROTARY FURNACE. where Lake Superior empties itself into Lake Huron, and where an enormous volume of water falls about 19 to 20 feet, Horry rotary continuous furnaces (Fig. 58) were introduced two years ago. In the Horry furnace, instead of the upper carbon pole being slowly raised as the height of the ingot of carbide increases, the arc is produced at a fixed point, whilst the furnace into which the raw materials are fed can be gradually rotated by suitable gearing. 207 Construc- tion of the " Horry " furnace ACETYLENE In the Fig. 57, a a 1 are the carbon poles with their lower ends bevelled so that a vertical passage, &, is formed in which the arc plays, and through which the material to be treated is fed. The body of the furnace, c, is spool-shaped, and is mounted on suitable supports, d, whilst it can be rotated by the worm gearing e, c 1 , e 2 (Fig. 58). Coverplates, /) can be General working of the furnace FIG, 57. HORRY FURNACE. attached to the periphery of the furnace, c, and are secured to it by bolts or clips, as at g. The carbon poles are supported by the sides of the hopper, h, which is lined with fire-clay or other refractory material, and contains the mixed lime and coke. When the circuit is closed, the mixed materials pass through the arc in the passage, &, and the molten 208 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE carbide falls into the receptacle c, where it gradually builds up, at the same time lowering the electrical resistance. When this is shown by the rising of the ammeter, the worm gearing is put in action, causing the receptacle, c, to move, carrying the carbide away from the arc, and allowing fresh material to be acted on. As the reoeptacle is rotated, fresh plates must be added at F to retain the material. The FIG. 58. HORRY FURNACK. carbide thus forms a ring or part of a ring, and, when it has travelled to the other side of the furnace, the peripheral plates are removed and the carbide broken away. In this way the process is continuous until the carbons are consumed. Another continuous rotary furnace of the same class The Bradley is that patented by Bradley, which differs from the Horry furnace by making the core of carbide one of the poles, and as far as possible reducing the resistance of the mass of carbide as it is formed, by bringing the 209 14 ACETYLENE Construc- tion of the Bradley furnace current as near to the arc as possible by means of copper plugs inserted at intervals in the rim of the furnace. The furnace consists of a rotating wheel (Figs. 59 and 60), with semicircular rim to which semicircular plates can be attached, forming a circular chamber. The wheel may be 15 feet in diameter, and the chamber, 36 inches in diameter, is sunk into the ground FIG. 59. BKADLEY FURNACK. FIG. 60. so that its axis is carried on journals on the floor level. This wheel can be slowly rotated by means of power- driven gearing. At the floor level the carbon electrode projects into the hollow rim. At intervals on the inner wall of the rim are copper plugs connected with a commutator on the axle of the wheel, which is in electrical communication with the dynamo supplying the current. Automatic means are provided for the supply of the charge. 210 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE The action is as follows : A charge of the mixed working of materials falls into the chamber round the electrode thc furnaco until its top is immersed therein. The current is then started, and, as the charge is moved away by the rotation of the furnace, an arc is created, and the charge fuses forming a pool of liquid carbide sur- rounded by unacted-on material which protects it from atmospheric influence. Fresh rim plates are added as necessary with the turning of the wheel, and in this way a circular core of carbide is formed, which is surrounded by unacted-on material. When the core of carbide has reached the other side of the furnace, the rim plates are removed one by one and the carbide is broken off. The powdered material falls into the pit in which the wheel works, and is carried by an elevator to the feed-hopper. The copper Means taken plugs form an electrical connection for the passage of to diminish *- resistance the current through the formed carbide, thus dis- pensing with a second electrode ; whilst the commu- tator causes most of the current to enter by the plug nearest the arc, and avoids the introduction of un- necessary resistance. The Union Carbide Company are the largest The union manufacturers of calcium carbide in the world, and company's utilise 15,000 H.P., at Saulte Ste. Marie (Fig. 61), whilst the chief feature of 1899 in the manufacture of calcium carbide is the completion of this company's new works at Niagara Falls, which are capable of giving an immense increase in output upon those which formerly existed there. These works are equipped for receiving and utilising 25,000 E.H.P. per day, which is probably the largest amount of E.H P. which is used by any one works in the world. The works are designed and made to manufacture Process em- as nearly automatically as possible, the furnaces and conveying machines being all under automatic control. 211 Power used ACETYLENE Rotary furnaces, constructed under the Horry and Bradley patents, are employed, and embody some im- portant improvements over those which had already been in use in the old works, and also at the works at Saulte Ste. Marie. These new works cover about 10 acres, and the electrical current used is generated at the power house FIG. 61. UNION CARBIDE WORKS, SAULTE STE. MARIE. of the Niagara Falls Power Company at 2,200 volts pressure, which is then transformed for conveyance to the carbide works to 10,000 volts pressure, and at the works is reduced by a series of transformers to the required voltage for the furnaces. Whilst these changes had been taking place in America, the manufacture of carbide had also been steadily progressing in Europe. A considerable quan- tity of carbide was imported into England in 1894, 212 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE FIG. 62. NIAGARA TRANSFORMER. and a syndicate having acquired Willson's rights, erected in 1895, at Leeds, an experimental plant on a large scale, capable of working continuously at from 60 to 70 volts at 1,000 to 1,200 amperes. Steam power was used to drive the dynamo, which was of Desrozier 213 The Leeds plant furnace ACETYLENE type, with multipolar field and disc armature. The Dynamo and electric furnace consisted of a heavy iron bed plate, connected with the negative pole of the dynamo, whilst the positive electrode consisted of a carbon rod eight inches square, the height of which above the bed plate could be adjusted by a rack and pinion. This installation, which is of interest from the fact that it was the first of the kind in England, is shown FIG. 63. LEEDS PLANT in the two accompanying figures, Fig. 63 showing the dynamo, whilst Fig. 64 makes clear the arrange- ment of the furnace. The working In using this furnace fire bricks were placed upon the bed plate so as to form a chamber beneath the carbon pole, and the latter being lowered until it struck an arc with the plate ; the material to be fused was shovelled into the chamber around the pole, and, slipping under it, became subject to the full force of the arc. More and more material was then put in, 214 of the plant THE ELECTEIC FUENACE and was, as far as possible, driven in under the pole by a wooden rammer. Having demonstrated at Leeds the possibility of making calcium carbide by electrical power in such a way as to be a commercial success, attempts were made to obtain water in place of steam power, and, finally, the Acetylene Illuminating Co. leased a por- tion of the surplus power existing at Foyers, which is FIG. 64. LEEDS FURNACE. still the only installation of water power of any considerable magnitude in Great Britain. The Falls of foyers have long been noted for their The water beauty and for the large fall of water which descends in all save the dryest seasons. The Falls are situated on the south-east side of Loch Ness, which forms part of the Caledonian Canal, where the land rises to a height of 600 to 2,000 feet above the Loch level. Loch Garth and Loch Faraline are situated in a valley running parallel to Loch Ness at the higher level, and 215 MB 216 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE the water from these lochs, as well as the water from other smaller ones, is discharged over the Falls of Foyers. A stone-built dam was erected at the southern end of Loch Garth across this upper valley, and forms a reser- voir five miles long by three-quarters of a mile wide, capable of containing four thousand million gallons of FIG. 66. THE DYNAMO ROOM, FOYERS. water. From, this a tunnel was built, and the water brought down by six lines of cast iron pipes to five large turbines below which drove the dynamos, each of about 700 H.P. The turbines and dynamos are Foyers mounted on the same shaft, and are driven at the rate of about 150 revolutions per minute. Each dynamo yields over 8,000 amperes, and it is a portion of this power that is utilized for making the carbide. 217 ACETYLENE 67. A FOYERS DVNAMI The turbines employed at Foyers are the Escher Wyss, whilst Oerlikon dynamos are used. These are of solid construction, the armature alone weighing 14 tons. They are of the smooth core multipolar drum type, having 24 field poles and 24 brush spindles, FIG. 68. THE INGOT J&OOM AT FOYERS. 218 Electrical output THE ELECTEIC FURNACE carrying 60 positive and 60 negative brushes, each 2 inches wide and | inch thick. The output of the dynamo when the turbine sluice is fully open is about 500 kilowatts at 55 to 60 volts. The current is led direct from the dynamo to the furnaces by means of bare copper strips, laid in the ground with flexible cables to the carbon holders. The main cables are 16 square inches in section, and connections FIG. 69. INGOTS COOLING, FOYEKS. are made up of 32 strips, each 2 inches wide by J inch thick, divided by distance pieces. The furnaces are of the Willson type, but an im- portant modification has been introduced in the crucible (see page 206), which is a heavy cast iron truck running on rails, the ends of which are built up of a number of narrow iron slips or doors, in the centre of each of which is a hole. These slip doors are so made that any one can be opened separately ; and it is found that this arrangement gives considerable economy in the process, as the carbon monoxide generated by the 219 The Foyers furnaces French carbide furnaces ACETYLENE reaction in the furnace escapes laterally and burns at the end holes, instead of being driven upwards and burning at the top of the fuel, thereby saving over- heating and burning to waste of the upper electrode. In France, as soon as American action had drawn attention to the commercial importance of calcium car- bide, Bullier, who had been associated with Moissan in his classical researches with the electric furnace, Bullier ingot furnace FIG. 70. AN INGOT OF CAHBIDK, FOYKKS. introduced a form of furnace of the same type as that used in America, with the exception that instead of making the crucible a truck which could be removed with the ingot in it, the body ,.of the furnace was fixed, and a horizontal movable bottom, which could be opened when the operation was completed and the ingot of carbide dropped out, was used. This furnace was lined with refractory material such as magnesia, the bottom being closed by a mov- 220 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE able plate of metal and carbon, b &, which, formed the negative pole. The positive pole consisted of a carbon rod c embedded in the mixed lime and coke. Contact was made by bringing the positive carbon on to the Construc- tion of the furnace CD) (O) \\^^^\^VV\^\\^\W\Y>WV^^ a a Fig. 71. BULLIER'S FURNACE. negative plate, and as the material surrounding the carbon became fused with formation of liquid carbide, the carbon rod was gradually raised. The unacted on material served as a non-conductor of the heat and 221 ACETYLENE confined it within narrow limits. After the operation was complete and the current was cut off, the bottom plate was opened and the ingot, with any mixture still unacted upon, dropped into a car and was removed for breaking up and packing. The positive electrode was then lowered into contact with the bottom plate once again, the furnace filled with the mixed lime and coke by means of a shoot, and the operation repeated. Another type of this furnace (Fig. 72) had the bottom Bullicr running furnace FIG. 72. BULLIER'S TAPPING FURNACE. plate fixed at an angle in the furnace instead of being movable, forming a sloping chamber, which was filled when starting with calcium carbide, and the positive pole brought down on to the carbide. The mixed lime and coke was fed through holes in the cover of the furnace, and the melted carbide withdrawn from time to time by tapping the furnace just above the top level of the sloping chamber. From a commercial point of view the most im- portant development in the method of making calcium 222 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE carbide in Europe was an outcome of the use of the Heroult furnace in the manufacture of carbide. "Works had been established by the French Society Thc of Electro-metallurgists for the manufacture of alu- minium by the Heroult process at Froges, near Grenoble, consisting of three turbines, each of 500 H.P. Two of these were connected with a Brown continuous current dynamo of 6,000 amperes, 60 volts, and the other with one of 500 amperes and 65 volts, the cur- rent from which set in motion the two large dynamos. Both generators are capable of feeding three furnaces at a distance of five metres ; but only three furnaces were actually used, and never more than two were worked at the same time, each being supplied by a special dynamo, whilst they are stopped in turn so that the crucible, which requires frequent repairs, may be attended to. The furnaces were identical with those used in making aluminium, and were provided with wheels to admit of easy adjustment and removal. The furnace was rectangular, 1-8 x 1-5 x 1*5 metres in size, and consisted of a graphite crucible with an external coating of cast iron, communicating at the top with a charge opening and at the bottom with another orifice, in front of which was placed a receiver for the melted material. The cables of the negative conductor were fixed by bolts to the back wall of the furnace, whilst the positive electrode consisted of a carbon rod, held in position by four claws, above which were attached six cables supplying the current. By means of screw-gearing the electrode could be raised or lowered, the shaft of the screw passing through a collar forming part of a crutch fixed to the skeleton framework, and also to a screw wheel above the collar which gears with a pinion, the shaft of which crosses the crutch and can be worked by hand. The forma- tion of calcium carbide is very simple. The crucible is The method filled through the charge opening with a mixture of 223 he Froges f the furnaces ACETYLENE furnaces at lime and coke, whilst a workman in charge of the furnace, protected against the enormous heat by a mica screen, stands by to work the pinion shaft. "When the crucible is full the electrodes are gently lowered by turning the hand- wheel, and the arc is at once struck between the positive electrode and the material in the crucible. The carbon becomes red-hot 224 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE almost throughout its entire length, and a long flame escapes at the charge opening. The position of the electrode is regulated according to an am- and volt- meter in the circuit, and the progress of the action is judged by the size and colour of the flame. When the operation is over the bottom orifice is opened, whilst the crucible is again filled at the charge-open- ing and the molten carbide flows in an incandescent stream into the trough placed to receive it, and there cools. The electrode still remains plunged in the crucible, and the current consequently is uninterrupted. The work of the furnace is thus continuous, proceeding by successive relays, being emptied about every forty minutes. Each furnace is capable of supplying about 300 kgr. of carbide per diem, and is kept in use for the whole twenty-four hours. The electrodes form the most expensive portion of the apparatus, being quickly consumed by the great heat at which they are kept, but the Electro-metal- lurgic Society make their own in special furnaces provided for the purpose. Many modifications and some improvements of this type of furnace have been introduced, and at the big carbide factories of central Europe the " running " type of furnace is almost entirely used. The Electro-chemical works at Bitterfeld were the first to manufacture calcium carbide on the Continent, and early in 1895 were using a furnace of the Willson type with 250 E.H.P., which was afterwards increased to6GOE.H.P. The loss of material, and the differing qualities of carbide produced owing to the crust of partly formed carbide adhering to the ingot, caused them to abandon this process, and led to a number of experiments being made with the view of introducing a constant process in which the carbide could be regularly run off from 225 15 Output of the furnaces Electrodes Central European furnaces The Early History of the continental Carbide Industry ACETYLENE Continuous furnaces the furnace by a tap-hole on-the hearth. Considerable difficulties arose in doing this, as the continuous high temperature was destructive to the furnace, and many other troubles had to be overcome. 226 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE By 1897, however, success had been attained, and steam power proving too costly, the Allgemeine Elec- tric! tat s-Gresellschaft secured a portion of the 16,000 HP. water power which had been harnessed at Rhein- felden, and erected a carbide factory, using the latest type of furnace. The furnaces have worked con- tinuously since early in 1898 without interruption or FIG. 75. DR. RATHENAU'S FURNACE. difficulty, only stopping on the fixed holidays, such as Easter and Christmas. These furnaces, which were designed by Dr. Rathe- nau, are shown in Fig. 75, whilst the construction will be seen from Fig. 76. The furnace consists of a fire-brick casing, with the bottom formed of a thick carbon plate resting on an iron floor, which forms one of the poles. The top of the furnace is closed by the carbon plate, F, through 227 The Rathenau furnace Construc- tion of the furnace ACETYLENE Working of the Rathcnau furnace which, but insulated from it, the upper carbon-pole passes. At one side of the cover is a sliding plate, Sj which opens or closes the bottom of the shoot through which the mixed material is fed. The charge is passed in at one side of the furnace whilst the gases resulting from the actions going on escape on the op- posite side of the furnace. The mixed material is allowed to flow into the furnace by the shoot N, the sliding plate being with- drawn, and falls into the arc. When the molten carbide is ready for tapping, the supply of lime and coke mixture is stopped by closing the sliding plate, FIG. 76. SECTIONS OF RATHENAU FURNACE. and as soon as the furnace-chamber has reached the right temperature, the carbide is run off through the tapping hole A. Fresh material is then gradually added by slowly opening the sliding plate, and in this way any rapid lowering of temperature in the furnace is avoided. Every precaution is taken to prevent access of air, and by this means the loss in substance of the elec- trodes is limited to the action of the arc and the solvent action of the liquid carbon. At the present time installations of upwards of 10,000 E.H.P. are either working or under construc- tion in Europe on this system. 228 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE The Electricitats Aktien Gesellschaft, formerly Schuckert & Co., of Nurnberg, have built and equip- ped a number of big European carbide works, and are at present utilising about 30,000 E.H.P., although this by no means represents the total power at their dis- posal. At Hafslund. for instance, which is one of their 229 The ACETYLENE The Hafslund Works General working of the plant The Sarpsborg Carbide Works The Sicmens- Halskc car- bide furnace biggest installations, the beautiful Sarpsfoss Waterfall is harnessed for over 20,000 E.H.P., but only about 7,200 of this is utilised at present, about 5,000 being- employed in carbide-making, but this will very shortly be doubled. Six large and two small turbines and dynamos generate the power which is used in 24 furnaces of about 200 kw. each. These furnaces are arranged in two groups of 12, each group consisting of two rows of six furnaces, back to back, with a chamber between them, through which the gases are drawn off from the furnaces, and in which the dust settles. The furnaces are modifications .of the ingot furnace, and are fitted with a tapping hearth from which the liquid carbide is run off every hour, whilst an ingot slowly forms and is withdrawn every few days. Carbons made by Conradti and protected by a special mixture from combustion in the air are adjusted from above, and the carbide mixture is fed in from a trough which runs along above the furnaces. On the opposite side of the Sarpsfoss Falls, at Sarps- borg, the power belongs to the Kellner Partington Paper Pulp Co., who rent about 1,500 H.P. to the Allgemeine Carbid- und Acetyleii-G-esellschaft, who manufacture carbide in the Rathenau furnace. As has been pointed out, it was Siemens in 1879 who first made a practical electric furnace, and the great electrical firm of Siemens & Halske have during the past five years devoted considerable attention to car- bide furnaces. The Siemens-Halske furnace has gone through several modifications, a hollow upper electrode being first introduced with the idea of feeding the mixture of lime and carbon down through it to the arc. This was then abandoned, and the hollow electro retained to allow the escape of carbon monoxide from the action taking place in the arc, this being a great gain, as it 230 i 231 ACETYLENE Advantages of the hollow electrode Construc- tion of the modern Sicmcns- Halske furnace Construc- tion of the hollow electrodes prevents the uprush of gas through the raw material, which always interferes with the proportions in which the lime and carbon reach the arc, the lighter portions being swept upwards. The negative pole consists of a sloping bed of carbon, on to which the upper electrode is lowered in order to strike the arc, and is then raised to the necessary height to keep the arc constant and to allow the charge to slip down the sloping carbon hearth into the arc, where fusion takes place. The bottom of the hearth at first consisted of a movable block which could be lowered to allow the molten carbide to flow out, but it was soon found that the opening rapidly choked owing to the cooling of the carbide round the edges ; but this trouble has now been surmounted by having a large iron elbow tube, with a movable end, below the opening in the bottom of the furnace, and filling this with coarse carbide mixture into which the fused carbide drips, and as it accumulates, gradually pushes the mixture out of the tube, cooling, in this way, out of contact with the air. The flexible end to the tube can be replaced by a door or trap. The carbon monoxide led away through the hollow electrode can be conducted to a gasholder or utilised direct for burning the lime used in the mixture. The great trouble found with this form of furnace was the impossibility of making the hollow carbon electrodes of even density, as they are about 18 inches external diameter and the hole 9 to 10 inches across, and a little over a metre in length. This has now been got over by .making the tube in a number of sections keyed together and held in position by a metal band. The hollow electrode burns away with perfect evenness, the arc being equally distributed around it, any inequality or lump in the electrode causing a concentration of the current on the pro- jection at that point, which is therefore burnt away. It 232 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE FIG. 79. SECTION OP THE SIEMENS-HALSKE FURNACE. is found that about 21 mm. of the electrode are burnt output away per hour, and the cost of electrode per ton of siemens- 233 ACETYLENE Halske furnace American hollow pole furnace ' carbide only amounts to about 10s. The furnace is said to yield 5| kilos of carbide per kw, day, and is guaranteed to give 5. An electric furnace with a heavy hollow upper pole, down through which the carbide mixture is fed, has 234 THE ELECTEIC FUENACE lately been tried at the Armour Institute of Tech- nology, Chicago, but without any very promising results, the difficulties of the feeding being very great. Another development of the running process, in 235 ACETYLENE Gin& Lelcux process which the carbide is made partly in a sufficiently fluid condition to be tapped from the furnace and partly in the form of ingot, is known as the Grin and Leleux process, the largest installation of which 236 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE is to be found at Meran in the Austrian Tyrol, where the water, collected in reservoirs near Partschins, is brought down to five turbines, which are of 'the Ganz type with automatic 'regulation. The generating in- stallation consists of five alternating triphase machines 237 The Meran Work* ACETYLENE of 1,200 H.P. coupled directly to the turbines and run at the rate of 320 revolutions per minute. Two of these machines supply light to the towns of Meran and Eouzen, whilst two others alternately coupled in 238 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE parallel furnish the necessary current for making the carbide, the fifth machine being held in reserve. The two generators actually employed in making the carbide furnish a total energy equal to 2,000 H.P., and the current is transported by a line of three conductors to the transformers. These consist of two groups of three transformers, having a power respectively of 260 kw. at a tension of 33 volts for use with the electric furnaces, secondly a group of three triphase transformers of 20 kw. at a tension of 310 volts, feed- ing the motors working the machinery, and thirdly a group of three triphase transformers of 8 kw. each, furnishing light at a tension of 110 volts. The primary winding of each transformer of 260 kw. consists of three bobbins, coupled up in the form of a triangle ; the secondary bobbins are coupled together in the form of a star, each furnishing a normal current of 2,500 amperes at 33 volts. Each furnace is fed simultaneously by a group of three transformers, the bobbins of the same phase being grouped in parallel with return, and the secondary insulation is arranged to keep down as far as possible the effects of mutal induction. All the transformers are by Messrs. G-anz, and are of very good construction, running continu- ously at a temperature of about 30 C. above the air temperature. The electric furnaces employed were designed by Messrs. Gin & Leleux, and have a power of about 260 kw. ; they are arranged longitudinally in batteries in a large building 40 metres long by 10 metres wide. In this installation the question of continuous work- ing has been overcome by dividing the furnaces into groups of two, so that whilst one is working the other can be cleaned out and refilled, one electrode being used for the two furnaces, so that when the operation has been completed in the one the electrode is moved over to the second. Each furnace consists of a crucible 239 Moraii trans- formers The power used at Mcran The Gin- Lclcax furnaces ACETYLENE mounted on a bogie. The casing is of f inch sheet steel, pierced at the back and front with numerous FIG. 85. AN ELECTRIC FURNACE AT MERAN. holes of about -f^ inch diameter to allow the escape The furnace o f furnace gases. The bottom of the crucible consists D0d of a thick cast-iron plate or sole, on the centre of which, 240 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE T 1 he electrodes and in connection with it, are short blocks of electrode carbon bedded in a hearth of hard powdered anthracite. Level with the top of the hearth is the tapping hole from which the carbide is run in a liquid condition, the electrode carbons in the hearth being brought near to it in order to keep the carbide at this point as liquid as possible. The current is conducted to the crucible by cables Conductors and crucible clamped to a multiple contact plate attached to the sole of the furnace. This crucible having been run on rails under the brickwork arch of the furnace, the upper electrode can be lowered by well-arranged hoisting gear until an arc is struck with the bed of the crucible. The upper electrode is built up of four Conradti carbons, each 130 cm. long and 20 cm. square. These are placed in a special mould and a mixture of powdered anthracite and tar is rammed around them to within 30 cm. of the top of the electrodes, and is then baked hard in a special furnace, yielding a solid electrode of about 60 cm. square with the four projecting heads of the Conradti carbons as an attachment for clamping to the electric cables! An alternating current is employed, and each fur- nace takes about 7,000 amperes and 33 volts, and in consequence of this low voltage the working is very steady and takes the minimum of regulation. In the Meran installation six furnaces are at work using about 1,300 kw. to 1,730 E.H.P. For making the carbide pure mountain limestone is obtained from quarries in the neighbourhood and brought to the works by a wire tramway, where it is burnt in a kiln by means of producer gas, with the result that a lime of great purity containing 98' 76 per cent, of calcium oxide is obtained. 1 Current employed The materials used 1 See analysis, p. 268. 241 16 ACETYLENE and U fe*ding the material furnace caused tT bad mixing furnaces The yield of withdrawal from the furnace i n g re dients are fed into large jaw crushers, from which they fall through tooth roll machines ^ n ^ hoppers, supplying a revolving feed plate, by means of which the proportions of lime and coke in the carbide mixture can be exactly adjusted, and then passes through an automatic mixer to the furnace ^ eec ^- T ne granulation and mixing of the ingredients exercise a considerable influence on the working of the furnace as, if not properly done, pockets form in the fused material, in which carbon monoxide collects and gives rise to dangerous spitting whilst running out the fused carbide. Nor is this the only inconvenience, as want of proper mixing renders the working of the furnace very irregular. The grinding and elevating machinery is made by J. Hopf, of Vienna, and works smoothly and well. The furnaces are run for three days at a time, the carbide being tapped from them at intervals of about two hours, the amount withdrawn becoming smaller as the outlet gradually becomes choked by deposits of carbide round the mouth of the tapping hole. This causes the gradual building up of an ingot within the crucible, and at the end of the third day the electrode is raised by the hoisting gear, run over the second furnace and lowered into position, the delay only amounting to from five to ten minutes. The crucible is then withdrawn from the first furnace, and the ingot extracted in the usual way. The yield of carbide is 5*8 kilos per kilowatt day of a carbide generating 280 litres per kilo at 15 C. and 760 mm., equivalent to 5*1 kilos of a 320 litre carbide. The gases evolved during the working of the furnace are drawn off by a ventilator through lateral openings before they can reach the upper part of the furnace, so preventing overheating of the upper electrodes. This is done by fans which draw the gases and dust from t the back of the crucible to a settling 242 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE chamber, air at the same time being drawn in through the front holes. In Italy the manufacture of calcium carbide has increased considerably within the last three years, calcium and there are works at Pont San Martin, near Ivrea, carbide "U *1 whilst a carbide factory at Narni belongs to the turemitaiy Societa Italiana dei Forni Elettrici, of Rome, and the 243 ACETYLENE The Tcrni Works The San Marccllo Plant Description of the apparatus used Arrange- ments for controlling the current Societa Italiana del Carburo de Calcio Gas Acetilene ed Altri G-as have large works near the Marmore Falls at Terni, where they utilise a 3,000 H.P. plant. A view of the furnaces of the Terni Company is shown in Fig. 86, and at these works not only do they run the carbide, but obtain it in so liquid a condition that it is cast into sticks, this being the only factory in the world in which this is done. A small carbide factory is also at work in San Marcello d'Aosta, and electric furnaces of a somewhat novel type are utilised there, a description of which appeared in the Electrical World. The plant at San Marcello at present utilises 800 H.P. from the falls of the Dora Baltea River, but in a short time extensions will be finished, and then the plant will have a capacity three times greater than at present. Four Oerlikon 150 kilowatt three-phase alternators are rope -driven from the flywheels of horizontal turbines, each developing 400 H.P. at 200 revolutions per minute. The shafts of the turbines are on the same axial line, and may be coupled to- gether by an elastic coupler. The diameter of the flywheels is 15 feet, and seven cotton ropes are em- ployed for driving. The three-phase alternators were specially designed for this class of work, the armature is of the drum type and revolving, and the field has four poles. The normal speed is 480 revolutions per minute, the frequency is 16 cycles, and the capacity is 600 amperes at 146 volts. Exciting current is sup- plied by an independent exciter provided with a switchboard containing a circuit breaker, ammeter, voltmeter, and field rheostat. In each alternator field circuit is a resistance which may be controlled with great nicety. There is also an arrangement whereby the field current cannot be broken without first throw- ing in the whole resistance. The alternators are con- nected together mechanically and electrically two by 244 THE ELECTEIC FUENACE two, and whenever one of the alternators of a group needs repairing, it is possible to run the other one alone. Each pair of alternators has a main switchboard The panel of white marble, on which is grouped all the Alternators apparatus for the control and synchronising. Each panel has two ammeters, two voltmeters, and two three-phase switches. There are two pilot lamps for each alternator, connected across the leads for the control of the voltage, and a third lamp is used for synchronising. Since the alternators are mechanically coupled, a synchronising lamp seems superfluous ; but this arrangement was provided to avoid a considerable difference of potential between the leads. In this latter case the synchronising lamp will blow, and the switchboard attendant be thus notified of the trouble. The ammeters are permanently in series with only one of the leads of each machine : this disposition is, of course, defective, for if it happens that one of the other phases is cut out at the furnace, the ammeter will not indicate the fact, and the switchboard attend- ant cannot judge of the work developed by the machine. From this switchboard the mains go to the furnace room, where there is another switchboard for the control of the furnace operation. On this switchboard are two 1,200 ampere switches and three ammeters. The conductors are tape insulated, and supported on The C onduc- paraffined wooden blocks, surrounded by an iron ^"^ ** ribbon tightened with a bolt. The ends of the mains coming from the alternators are soldered to the cable terminals in the usual way, but the ends going to the furnaces have a special joint made with hard solder, since the heat conducted from the furnace in addition to the current-resistance heating would melt the ordinary solder. The cables in proximity to the furnaces are asbestos insulated. 245 ACETYLENE The San Marcello or " Mcmmo " furnace The advan- tages of a triphase furnace The con- tinuous form of " Memmo " furnace The working of the furnace At San Marcello the arc type of furnace has been adopted. The arc is produced in a furnace either between a carbon block and a receptacle containing the material to be treated, or between the carbons. The heating produces the combinations required. Direct or alternating current may be used. Mr. Memmo, the engineer who installed and manages the plant, considers it more advantageous to use three- phase than single-phase alternating currents. There are then three arcs instead of one in the furnace, and the heating surface is thus larger and more uniform. The arcs may be developed either in a triangle be- tween the carbons or in stars between the carbons and a conductive plate acting like the neutral point of the alternators. The control of furnaces using three-phase currents is very much simpler than in the case of other kinds, since, should one of the arcs blow out for any reason, the furnace will still operate on the other two arcs, and the strain on the alternators, due to sudden changes of load, is thus avoided. At San Marcello there are two different types of three-phase furnaces continuous operation furnaces patented by Mr. Memmo, and furnaces operating in- termittently. The general features of the first type are that they are cylindrical in shape, and made of refractory bricks. The three carbons are inclined and controlled by three threaded rods, each operated by a small wheel. For filling the furnace a metallic funnel is provided on top. A cast-iron plate, covered with several layers of graphite, may be lowered or raised the whole height of the furnace by means of a screw moved by a gear and pinion operated by a small wheel. In filling the furnace the material falls down between the carbons, the carbide is formed, and the plate is slowly lowered. After six or seven hours of work the plate is at the bottom, and it is possible to take off the carbide already cooled by a door provided 246 THE ELECTEIC FURNACE The inter- mittent " Memmo ' furnace at the lower part of the furnace. The furnace may therefore work without intermission. The current during operation is controlled by lowering or raising the cast-iron plate, and the carbons are moved only when necessary to supply the loss caused by their con- sumption. The intermittently working three-phase furnace is of the greatest simplicity, and resembles in appearance the Willson furnace. Externally it has the shape of a cubical block, and the internal capacity is about 70 cubic feet. The walls inside are made of refractory bricks, and the outside of ordinary bricks. The bottom of the furnace, which is in con- tact with the melted carbide, is made of compressed bricks of magnesium oxide, or consists simply of a stratum of lime. The opening in front of the furnace is closed by refractory bricks, strengthened by an iron back, and is capable of being securely fixed to the furnace wall by means of iron bars. The furnace is covered by a refractory brick vault in which there are three holes for the three carbons. The front wall above the opening has a hole provided with a cast- iron pipe for filling the furnace while in operation. On the rear wall there is another hole similarly situated for the exit of the gas produced. The gas may either be burned as it leaves the furnace, and the products led away through a flue, or it may, after washing, be conducted to the baking furnace and there burned. The carbons are 5 inches in diameter, and held in a The carbons metallic carbon holder, secured to a large iron rod, which conducts the current and controls the position of the carbons. The iron rod is threaded its whole length, and screws up and down in a bronze collar, supported by a cast-iron plate considerably larger than the hole in the vault of the furnace. By turning The system the cylinder by means of a small wheel, it is possible ' 247 Construc- tion of the furnace ACETYLENE to raise or lower the carbons in the furnace, and the control by this system is of great sensibility, as it avoids all sudden movements of the carbons, and makes it possible to gradually lower the carbons as the operation of the furnace requires. The leads are connected by bolts to the cast-iron plates. In starting the operation the carbons are lowered to the bottom of the furnace, resting on a block of graphite or carbide, so as to be short-circuited at start- The working ing, the mixture of carbon and lime being an insulator. furnace ^ ne ^ urnace * s then filled with briquettes of the mix- ture, and the internal dimensions of the furnace being considerable, there is always about half an inch of material next to the wall, which remains unchanged. It is well in practice not to remove this material, be- cause it avoids excessive heating of the walls, and does not allow the melted carbide to adhere to them. When the furnace is filled, the door is shut and the fissures are filled with clay or lime. The filling pipe is closed with a metallic cover, which also acts as a safety valve, as the waste gases mixed with dust and air have a tendency to explode. The carbons being short-circuited, the switches are thrown and the alter- nators started. When at normal speed, the resistances in the armature circuit are gradually cut off. The speed then drops, and there is danger that the alter- nators may break down if the action of the turbine regulators is not quick enough, or when the water is not sufficient. When all the resistance is cut out, the The current normal current ought to be 1,200 per carbon at 145 employed vo ^ s . rp o re g u i a t e to this current the carbons are raised by means of the wheels until the current has its normal value. It sometimes happens that one carbon gives more current than the others owing to unequal distances, but the tendency disappears as soon as the first quantity of carbide is produced. In these furnaces the carbon employed is charcoal 248 THE ELECTRIC FUENACE from the forests, which are close to the works, the wood being transformed into charcoal in gas retorts, and the gas so made utilised for burning the lime. The material is then powdered and made up into briquettes with a little water and tar, which are then dried and baked after moulding. The furnace is filled every fifteen minutes, it being necessary to keep it entirely full. To discharge the furnace it is necessary to stop the production. Each operation lasts from four to five hours. Having re- gard to efficiency, it would be more convenient to work more than five hours, as the production of car- bide is larger during the last moments, and there would not be so great a loss of heat and usage of electrodes. But the troubles which occur after five hours of work are too frequent, and, besides, the quantity of gas produced is so large that it causes considerable inconvenience near the furnace. To stop the operation the alternator field is cut off, and the cables are taken out and connected to the next furnace, which has been prepared for working. Before discharging the furnace it is necessary to wait some hours to enable the carbide to solidify. The in- gots weigh from 300 to 500 Ibs., and require many hours to cool after they are taken from the furnace. When the blocks are of good quality, they are very hard to break. There are three different kinds of carbide, corresponding to different portions of the blocks. The carbide on the exterior of the block has the appear- ance of graphite. Inside it has a grey colour, and is partly crystalline. In the central portion of the block the carbide is crystalline, and has a red copper colour. This last kind gives the highest yield of acetylene. In Spain at the present time there is only one carbide factory at work at Montesquin ; but several others are in course of construction, and it has been pointed out by Alexandre that the natural advantages 249 The material employed Period of operation The carbide ingots Quality of ingot formed The carbide industry in Spain. ACETYLENE The relative merits of the ingot and the run carbide processes The econo- mic values of the two processes of the country, as well as the high import duty on carbide, should render its manufacture lucrative. The reasons which led to the adoption of the run- ning process in continental practice were that it was continuous, that the trouble of crust, inseparable from the ingot process, was done away with, and that a uniformity of quality was ensured, whilst the only apparent limit to the size of the furnace used was the size of the carbons obtainable. With the running furnace, moreover, the materials could be used in a coarser condition, and the dust nuisance in the factory reduced to a minimum. The supporters of the ingot process, on the other hand, point out that the temperature needed to get the carbide to run in a satisfactory way without rapid clogging of the outlet is far higher than the tempera- ture necessary to make the carbide, and for this reason so much more current has to be used that running furnaces can only be employed where power is cheap, and that the extra temperature so increases the wear and tear to the furnace that the cost of repairs be- comes a most serious item. As in most controversies of this character, many of the discrepancies disappear when the conditions are more carefully investigated. It is found in practice that the life of the running furnace is not appreciably less than that of the ingot crucible, and the price at which run carbide is made certainly does not suggest the use of excessive current. Further investigation shows that the whole question hinges on the quality of the carbide. If a standard were fixed for this of 320 litres per kilo, 5'08 cub. ft. per Ib. at C. and 760 mm., the running process could not compete with the ingot ; whilst with a standard of 252 litres per kilo, 4 cub. ft. per Ib., the running process could more than hold its own. This is dependent on the fact that the temperature 250 THE ELECTEIC FUENACE of fusion of pure calcium carbide is about 3,000 C., and that in order to tap it from the furnace the tempera- ture must not be less than 3,500, whilst even then the tapping holes soon clog and the waste of the furnace Run linings and electrodes becomes excessive. If, however, carbide excess of lime be present, this acts as a flux, and causes fusion at a slightly lower temperature. Full advan- tage is taken of this by the manufacturer, and the result is that the run carbide is rarely of such high gas-yielding power as a good ingot carbide. It is evident also that the efficiency of a furnace The con . must to a great extent depend on the heat being as servation ot . ., , , . .... . . heat in the far as possible kept from escaping during working, carbide and in the earlier forms of the ingot furnace this was entirely left to the mass of crude material surrounding the forming mass of carbide, and when the crucible, with its load of red-hot material, was drawn from the furnace and was allowed to cool, considerable loss of heat took place. In the running furnaces, also, con- siderable loss of heat takes place owing to the constant withdrawal of carbide at a temperature of about 3,000 C. The Deutschen Gold und Silber Scheide The Anstalt of Frankfort have perfected an electric furnace Frankfort for carbide making on the ingot system, which is a distinct advance, and if a high standard of carbide were insisted upon would undoubtedly be largely employed. The furnace consists of a square bottomless chamber The of iron lined on the inner sides with magnesia bricks construction and at the top with fire bricks. The top is pierced to Frankfort allow the upper electrode to pass in and also to admit furnace the mouths of two hoppers from which the material is fed in and a tube to carry off the gases. Below the opening at the bottom of the furnace a small trolley can be run carrying a bed plate fitted with a hearth with conical sides in metallic connection with the bed plate and carrying the lower electrodes. The trolley having been run under the furnace is raised by chain 251 252 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE Condition oi the material when intro- duced into the furnace gearing until the sloping sides of the hearth fit gas- tight into the bottom of the furnace. One cable is The attached to the bed plate of the hearth by a multiple c contact plate, whilst the other is in con- nection with the upper carbon carried in a sliding holder attached to a side guide, which allows exact regulation by means of a series of pulleys and hand- wheels. In the earlier furnaces made by the firm it was supposed to be ne- cessary to grind the materials to a fine powder, and the form of furnace shown in Fig. 87 was used, the hot gases from the action, to- gether with the dust carried with them, be- ing removed through the broad tube seen on the right of the furnace. This type gave very good re- 3 _ J . 7 /f FIG. 88. THE LATEST FORM OF suits, but it was a FRANKFORT FURNACE. great improvement when it was found that fine grinding was unnecessary, and that the best results were obtained with the lime and coke about the size of peas, which entirely does away with the trouble existing with the old furnace 253 Advantages of granula- tion ACETYLENE The modern form of Frankfort furnace and its advantages Output of the furnace Method of working with the furnace Tempera- ture of the escaping gases of the rush, of hot gases sweeping out some of the lighter particles and upsetting the proportions of lime and carbon in the mixture. The advantage of this form of furnace is self-evident. Being enclosed, the carbon monoxide is, in the latest form, led away by a tube from the furnace crown, and is either discharged into the open air or is utilized in burning the lime. The upper carbon holder now runs on two guides instead of one, Fig. 88, making regulation more easy, whilst the great characteristic of the furnace is that, when the ingot has been built up within it, the hearth is lowered with the trolley and is run out, a new hearth being run in to take its place, in this way saving the heat stored in the furnace walls. The fur- nace works with 2,500 amperes at a tension of 50 to 75 volts, 60 to 65 giving the best results. The ingots are freed from crust and granulated to the required size by machinery made by Speyerer, of Berlin, which gives much less dust and waste than the ordinary crusher. These furnaces work very economically, making a ton of carbide from 1 6 to 1*7 tons of lime- coke mixture. Prom the foregoing -description it is seen that the working of the furnace might be made nearly con- tinuous ; but it is found better in practice to allow the ingot to slowly cool down to a certain extent in the furnace, as it is found that a larger yield of car- bide is obtained. The explanation given is that as the semi-liquid ingot cools the heat converts the crust around it into true carbide ; and it is quite probable that if there is any quantity of reduced calcium pre- sent, this will go on combining with the carbon present at temperatures far below that existing in the ingot when the current is cut off. The loss of heat from the escaping gases is not as great as might be expected, as they are rarely found to have a higher temperature than from 1,000 to 1,200 C., and it is 254 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE found that the storage of heat in the walls of the furnace lead to an increase in the output, the second make giving a better result than the first, the increase continuing until the maximum temperature of the walls have been -reached. The make of carbide is slightly over 5 kilos per kw. day of carbide, yielding an average of 300 litres of acetylene per kilo. Several forms of furnace have been patented with the idea of raising the mixture of lime and carbon to the highest possible temperature before submitting it to the action of the arc, the idea being that by so doing a considerable economy in electrical energy would be gained ; but it is at present still a somewhat open question as to whether much is to be gained, as the energy required to raise the materials through the first 1,500 is small as compared with that required for the last 2,000, and if the process necessitates much manipulation or costly furnace arrangements, the sav- ing is swamped by the increased outlay. Crompton, in 1889, proposed preliminary heating for the materials to be subjected to fusion in the electric arc, and Reynolds designed a furnace which should embody this principle .with continuity in action ; whilst later, Pictet devised and patented a purely theoretical process in which the mixture of lime with excess of carbon is placed in a furnace chamber, in the upper part of which it is subjected to an air blast, and here the combustion of the excess of carbon is used to raise the temperature to about 2,000 C. As the mixture at this temperature falls in the furnace, it is played upon by oxyhydrogen blow- pipe flames, which are expected to heat it to 2,400 C., at which temperature it is subjected to the electric arc and converted into carbide. Such a process would be entirely impracticable on a manufacturing scale, as even supposing the theoreti- cal temperatures could be attained at a price that 255 Prc-hcating furnaces General con- siderations Crompton furnace The early Pictet furnace Drawbacks to the process ACETYLENE would render it commercially possible, the action of the air blast in burning out the carbon would destroy the uniformity of the mixture and would" introduce such an excess of impurities owing to the ash from the carbon burnt away being left in the mixture, that if the carbide could be made it would be too impure to be marketable, whilst in experiments made by the author the formation of fusible silicates from the coke-ash and lime made the mixture "tacky" and stopped its downward passage to the arc. Later modi- Modifications of the process, however, might be em- fications of . the plant ployed by doing away with the internal combustion by the air blast and allowing the preliminary heating to be accomplished by the combustion of the carbon monoxide produced by the reduction in the electric arc this of course taking place to a certain extent in every electric furnace. The Pictet's idea was to reach the high temperature neces- the process sary f or the formation of calcium carbide from lime and carbon by a successive series of steps in the same way that the intense degres of cold necessary for the lique- faction of air is arrived at by a series of successive lowerings of temperature ; but, as the idea came to be practically worked out, it became manifest that the cost of heating by special blast flames would be far too costly, and that if pre-heating were to be done, it must be by the utilization of the heat from the electric furnace and by the combustion of the carbon monoxide generated by the reduction of the lime by carbon ; and The Ingleton plant has been erected at Ingleton upon this prin- installation ciple It consists of two furnaces, one of which can be used as a " stand-by," and these work at 2,000 am- construc- peres. They are composed of an inner part or true ^urnaces 6 furnace which is about 2 feet square by 3 feet high, built of bauxite bricks with an outer casing of ordin- ary firebricks. In the front of the furnace these two 256 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE layers of bricks are so spaced as to leave an open portion between the two, in which, before the furnace is started, a fire is lit in order to create a draught in the flue which surmounts the furnace. The carbons for the arc are 6 inches square, and pass into the inner bauxite chamber, the negative carbon being inclined at an angle of 30, whilst the positive carbon is horizontal and can be moved by means of a running screw, the carbon-holder, where it enters the furnace, being water-jacketed, whilst a second water-jacket is fitted round that portion of the holder to which the cable is attached, the water supply to these cooling devices being in separate insulated cisterns. When the electric arc is struck, and acts upon the mixture of carbon and lime, the carbon monoxide that escapes from the furnace is led by a flue between the two lining walls and burns in the firebrick flues, which, passing up above the furnace, lead off at right angles. Inside this firebrick flue is an inner flue of iron, which, leading upwards from the furnace, passes from the outer flue at the bend and is con- tinued to a floor above the furnace, where it is closed by a trap door, and acts as a feed down which the mixture of carbon and lime finds its way. It is manifest that this could not be done with an ordinary mixture of lime and carbon, as the strong draught would carry away a large proportion' of the material, and so the lime and coke are compressed into small briquettes about two inches square, this being done partly to prevent the mixture becoming imperfect, and partly to prevent choking of the arc, as well as to allow a freer passage for the escape of the heated gases. The dynamo employed in this installation was of a somewhat novel form ; its normal output is 2, (XX) amperes at 60 volts when running at 425 revolutions per minute. It was of the four-pole type, with cast 257 17 Arrange- ment of the electrodes The working of the furnace Briquettes of the mixture used The Ingleton dynamo ACETYLENE steel magnets and yoke. The armature was of the slotted drum type, with helical duplex winding, the armature inductors being of Crompton's patent com- pressed stranded cable. There are 68 sectors to the commutator and 68 inductors to each part of the duplex winding, and it was specially designed to run without sparking even when overloaded to the extent of 50 per cent. This plant started working in 1898, but was not successful. FIG. 89. THE INGLETON DYNAMO. The Landin process Another pre-heating process of the same character is that known as the " Landin " system, in which the powdered lime and carbon material for which latter anthracite has been found excellent with a small percentage of tar, are formed under high pressure into briquettes, which are heated up to 400 to 500 C., when they change their appearance and form a hard, uniformly caked mass. The hydrocarbons distilled off are condensed and used again for mixing with a fresh portion of lime and carbon. The briquettes then contain calcium and carbon in briquettes of the theoretical proportions required for the carbide 268 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE reaction, and are then further heated to white heat in the upper portion of the carbide furnace, after which they are brought between the electrodes and into the arc, where they are melted and form carbide. Experi- ments have shown that the briquettes heated even to 2,200 C. the temperature being measured by the thermophone of Professor J. Gr. Wiborg, of the Technical High College at Stockholm do not change their form, physical properties, or chemical composi- tion in the absence of air. They, therefore, reach the electric arc in a highly-heated state and of the exact composition required. The pre-heating is done in a specially-constructed furnace, where the briquettes pass through -a separate channel heated from the outside, and from which air is excluded, the carbon monoxide from the electric furnace being utilised to supply the necessary heat. In order to further facilitate the reaction and lower the necessary temperature of carbide formation a small quantity of calcium chloride or fluoride is mixed with the briquette materials, which melts, and in the arc is dissociated into calcium and chlorine, the cal- cium in the nascent condition combining with carbon to form carbide, and the chlorine in the comparatively cooler parts of the furnace reacting on i>he calcium oxide re-forming calcium chloride, etc. (CaO 132 calories. CaCl 2 170 calories), so that the process may be said to be electrochemical as compared with the hitherto exclusively thermoelectrical methods used. That the calcium chloride does not evaporate without action is shown by traces of it having been found in the carbide. It is interesting to reproduce the theoretical con- siderations upon which Landin bases his process, as it gives an idea of the margin of gain expected. " The importance of a good pre-heating of the raw materials before their treatment in the electric arc is shown 259 lime and carbon The con- struction of the Landin furnace The Landin process an electro- chemical one The theoretical considera- tions on which Landin bases his process ACETYLENE by the following comparative calculations of the quantities of carbide produced by 1 E.H.P. in twenty- four hours with and without pre-heating. Of course such theoretical calculations are not exact, as they do not take into consideration the changes of the specific heat with the temperature, etc., but when made fully comparative they always have a good deal of value. Calorific con- siderations Specific heat of calcium oxide O ; 2, and of carbon 0*45. Heat of formation of calcium carbide from free calcium and carbon left out of calculation, as of no import- ance. The temperature of the reaction is taken as 3,000 C. " 1. Without any pre-heating. cal. Heating 56 grams CaO to 3,000 C. 3,000 x 0'2 x 56/1,000= 33-6 Heating 36 grams C to 3,000 C. 3,000 x 0'45/36/ 1,000= 48-6 Dissociation of CaO ...... 132'0 214-2 From which are to be subtracted which are given off by the formation of CO . . . 28'8 Necessary for 64 grams of CaC 2 " 2. Pre-heating the raw materials to 1,500 C. Heating 56 grams CaO from 1,500 to 3,000 C. Heating 36 grams C from 1,500 to 3,000 C. Dissociation of CaO . . From which are to be subtracted . Necessary for 64 grams CaC 2 li 3. Pre-heating the raw materials to 2,000 C. Heating 56 grams CaO from 2,000 to 3,000 C. Heating 36 grams C from 2,000 to 3,000 C. Dissociation of CaO From which are to be subtracted . Necessary for 64 grams CaC 2 260 185-4 16-8 24-3 132-0 173-1 28-8 144-3 11-2 16-2 132-0 159-4 28-8 130-6 THE -ELECTEIC FURNACE " Thus there are required for 64 grams carbide in 1, 1854 ; in 2, 144-3 ; and in 3, 130-6 calories. If 1 E.H.P. is put to, say, B50 calories per hour, we obtain from 1 E.H.P. in 24 hours, in 1, 4-55 kilos. ; in 2, 5*85 kilos. ; and in 3, 6-47 kilos, of carbide, which com- parative figures fully show the importance of the pre-heating. If the temperature of formation of the carbide is taken at 2,700 C., the corresponding figures will be as follows : for 64 grams carbide, 1, 17 7' 18 ; 2, 136-08 ; and 3, 122-38 calories ; or for 1 E.H.P. in 24 hours, 1, 4-77 ; 2, 6'21 ; and 3, 6-50 kilos, of carbide. It must also be remembered that most of the heat required can be obtained from the carbon mon- oxide formed by the carbide reaction. For the pre- heating of the raw materials for 64 grams carbide to 2,000 C. there are theoretically required 54'8 calories (compare above), but for 64 grams of carbide there are found 28 grams of carbon monoxide, which in burn- ing to carbonic acid will give rise to 69-16 calories, consequently theoretically more than required." Such a calculation as this, as Landin points out, is open to many errors, owing to our want of knowledge of the alterations in specific heats, etc., at high tem- peratures, whilst it can only be approximately com- parative owing to unavoidable loss of heat during the working of the furnace owing to radiation, conduc- tion, absorption of heat by the furnace, and other practical factors of the same character. It must also be remembered that " pre-heating " is only a question of degree, as in every form of furnace the radiation from the neighbourhood of the arc and the escape of the hot gases will heat the material before it reaches the arc and comes under the direct influence of the electric discharge. It is interesting, therefore, to note what ratio exists between the results obtained in actual practical working and Landin's theoretical figures. 261 Amount of Carbide formed per E.H.P. per 24 hours for different degrees of pre-heating Utilization of the Carbon- monoxide for pre-heating Pre-heating only a question of degree ACETYLENE The practical working of an ingot furnace as contrasted with Landin's figures Patin furnace Borchers' proposed new carbide furnace At Foyers, working with, the Willson furnace and the improved crucibles, the average consumption of energy is 5,600 E.H.P. hours per ton of carbide of an average quality of 5 c. ft. of acetylene per lb., and this is equivalent to 4'2 kilos, per E.H.P. per day of 24 hours, or 5'5 kilos, of 90 per cent, carbide per kilowatt day. The calculation is based on pure calcium carbide, and, therefore, 10 per cent, must be deducted from the 4'2 kilos, reducing it to 3'78 kilos, per E.H.P. per day, as against the calculated 4'55, a loss of nearly 20 per cent. The first degree of " pre-heating " taken by Landin is 1,500 C., and it is very doubtful if in practical working this could be reached it certainly would not be exceeded and, with the briquettes heated to this temperature before the arc is reached, it is calculated that 5'85 kilos, per E.H.P. per 24 hours would be produced ; deducting from this the 20 per cent, for unavoidable furnace losses we obtained 4'63 kilos, of carbide per E.H.P. per 24 hours, an increase of not quite 24 per cent. Patin uses a furnace with inclined electrodes, and a movable bottom below them on which the carbide ingot is built up, the bottom or hearth descending as the ingot increases in size, instead of as in the ordinary ingot furnace, the upper electrode being raised. This makes the furnace rather more com- plicated than the ordinary type, but there is the distinct advantage that dust is minimised, and, as very little air can reach the carbons, waste from burning is reduced. Borchers has proposed a form of electric furnace designed to obviate the waste of material as dust, the loss of carbide due to cooling in air and waste heat. It consists of a smelting chamber, with thin walls en- closed in a water jacket. The finished block of carbide is left for several hours in the furnace, and the heat 262 THE ELECTRIC FURNACE which it gives out is utilised for steam generation. By working a series of such furnaces at intervals of two hours or less, he claims that a constant supply of heat for steam generation can be obtained. The carbon required for the formation of carbide is General supplied by the electrodes, and the lime is used in the details of . J * the process torm of lumps, not m a fine powder. When the necessary heat has been attained within the furnace, the lime around the electrodes unites with them to form carbide, and this latter flows away in a fused state. The size of the furnace and the charge of lime are so adjusted that the sides of the smelting chamber are always protected by a layer of unused lime from the action of the intense heat at the centre. The system can be used with either arc or resistance fur- naces. Borchers claims for these furnaces that by claims their use one-fourth of the power hitherto used in carbide production can be saved. Novel as the idea undoubtedly is, it seems very im- probable that it could ever prove commercially suc- cessful, as a consideration of the price of electrode carbon, as compared with the coke or anthracite usually employed, at once shows that the process would not be feasible. Many other forms of electric furnace have been suggested and patented during the past few years, but those described give a fair idea of the working possibilities of the process of carbide making, and practical men are becoming more and more convinced that simplicity and freedom from complicated work- ing parts likely to get out of order at the high temperatures employed, is, after all, the great end to be attained. 263 CHAPTER VI crude carbide facture importance materials causes of Hydrogen Acetylene THE MANUFACTURE, PROPERTIES, AND IMPURITIES OF CALCIUM CARBIDE IVT^ matter the form of electric furnace employed, -^^ ^ e crude material used for the manufacture of the carbide is in all cases lime or calcium oxide, and carbon in the densest and purest form obtainable in the locality where the carbide works are situated. In the first two years of the carbide manufacture but little attention was paid to the purity of the ingre- dients employed, and it was not until the extended use of acetylene drew attention to the fact that its combustion in a small room gave rise to a distinct haze in the air, and that occasionally a sample of bad carbide would yield a spontaneously inflammable gas, that the necessity of using lime and carbon of the highest attainable degree of purity was realized, as it was manifest that the traces of phosphuretted hydro- gen that gave rise to these troubles must have been generated from phosphides decomposable by water in the carbide, and that these were formed by the reduc- ^ on ^ ph s P na tes present in the lime or in the ash of the carbon used. As soon as this point had been clearly demonstrated, attention was paid to the purity of the ingredients, with the result that acetylene made at the present time rarely contains one-tenth the amount of phosphuretted hydrogen that was 264 CALCIUM CAKBIDE found in the acetylene made from carbides manu- factured in 1896 and the early part of 1897. Lime or calcium oxide, CaO, is a compound con- taining : Calcium Oxygen 71-4 28-6 100-0 and is commercially produced by heating calcium carbonate, CaC0 3 , in a kiln, when carbon dioxide is expelled from the compound and lime remains as the residue. The forms in which the carbonate is found are very numerous. In the amorphous state it exists as lime- stone and chalk : the crystalline forms being calc-spar or Iceland spar, and arragonite. Marble has also a crystalline form, and sometimes is found coloured or variegated by the presence of oxides of iron and man- ganese. Black marble owes its colour to the presence of bituminous matter. Calcium carbonate is also the principal constituent of egg-shells, the shells of fishes, and coral. All forms of calcium carbonate decompose when heated, splitting up into calcium oxide or lime and carbon dioxide gas : Marble. CaC0 Lime. CaO Carbon dioxide. C0 This process is carried out on an enormous scale for the preparation of calcium oxide or quicklime for manu- facturing and building purposes, by heating limestone by means of layers of fuel in a kiln, which consists of a conical brick building. The limestone loses its car- bon dioxide, and is raked out in the form of burnt- or quick-lime. The ordinary method of kiln burning for the production of lime is inadmissible when that compound is required for carbide making, as the pres- ence of the ash from the fuel used adds so largely to 265 Lime Carbonates of Lime Conversion of the Carbonates into Lime Kilns for burning the Lime for Carbide ACETYLENE Thorough burning and freshness essential dualities needed in Lime for Carbide Impurities to be avoided Variation of impurities with different forms of Carbonate of Lime Chalk and its impurities the impurities derived from the calcium carbonate that a bad carbide is sure to result, and in all good carbide works the lime employed is burnt in gas kilns in which the heat is derived from the combustion of producer, Dowson, or water gas. The lime for carbide making should be more thoroughly burnt than for ordinary use, and should be used fresh, as if it has taken up moisture or carbon dioxide to the extent of more than 2 per cent., it begins to affect the yield of carbide in the furnace. The choice of a site for carbide works is of course primarily dependent on the cost of power at that par- ticiilar place, but the presence of pure calcium carbon- ate within easy reach is an important factor. In. determining the fitness of a lime supply for carbide making, the chief consideration is the absence of phosphates, and the presence of at most only small traces of magnesium and aluminium with as little silica as possible. Some carbide makers lay great stress on the absence of sulphates from the lime, but in the absence of aluminium the presence of sulphates in small quanti- ties is of no importance, as unless aluminium sulphide is formed in the carbide it will not find its way into the acetylene as sulphuretted hydrogen in any large quantity. The impurities in the calcic carbonate vary very much with its form, the crystalline carbonates, Ice- land spar and arragonite, being practically pure, marble containing but few objectionable impurities, whilst the amorphous limestones and chalk are often too impure for use, and will vary in different parts of the same deposit. Chalk is in many parts of the world the most abundant form of calcium carbonate, and may be of fair quality, as is shown by the following analyses from the same deposit : 266 CALCIUM CARBIDE Lower Upper deposit. deposit. Calcium carbonate 96-51 07-20 Oxides of iron and alumina . 0-55 1-05 Magnesia. ...... 0-25 0-06 Phosphoric acid . ... 0-07 0-04 Sulphuric acid . ... Potash 0-31 trace 0-08 0-17 Soda 0-19 0-02 Insoluble matter silica 2-04 1-46 100-00 100-00 The various forms of limestone vary very much in Limestone purity, those from the older geological series being generally more impure and containing less calcium carbonate than those of later date. The older forms show a high percentage of silica and phosphoric acid, such samples being of course use- less as a source of lime for carbide making. The newer formations are far purer : Oolite Limestone. Corn- brasL . Mountain Lime- stone. Analysis of Limestones Calcium carbonate Oxides of iron and alumina Magnesia .... Phosphoric acid . Calcium sulphate Moisture .... Silica, etc. .... 1 93-91 0-98 0-73 0-14 1-34 1-46 1-44 2 . 95-34 . 1-42 . 0-73 . C-12 . 0-20 . 2-19 89-19 2-98 0-77 0-18 0-24 G-64 96-35 0-67 2-28 trace nil 0-7 100-00 . 100-00 100-00 100-00 Many of the mountain limestones are clearly akin to marble, and amongst these are found some of the finest material for carbide making, an analysis of a sample lately made yielding : 267 Mountain Limestone ACETYLENE Analyses of Lime used at Continental Carbide works Calcium carbonate . Calcium sulphate . Magnesium carbonate Iron carbonate Silica . Phosphates 99-90 trace 0-02 0'04 0-02 nil 99-98 And it is manifest that no finer source of lime than this could be desired. In Norway very pure lime- stone is obtainable, and will prove of great value to the carbide industry that is rapidly springing up around the centres of water power, whilst the lime used at many European works is obtained from mountain limestone of great purity. ANALYSES OF LIMES USED FOR CARBIDE. Works. Hafslund. Meran. Rheinfelden. Froges. Lime .... 94-560 98-76 93-36 95-64 Magnesia Silica .... 1-180 1-030 0-09 0-99 o-oi 0-31 trace 1-69 Iron and Alumina 0-530 0-02 0-27 1-51 Phosphorus Pentoxide Sulphur Trioxide Carbon Dioxide and 0-048 nil 0-128 nil trace 0-12 nil 046 Moisture . 2-524 0-14 5-93 0-70 100-000 ! 100-00 100-00 100-00 concentra- It must be clearly borne in mind that although the impurities percentage of impurities present in the materials may from the appear so minute as to be totally negligible, yet they the carbide undergo a process of concentration in the manufacture of the carbide that may have a distinct effect upon the acetylene generated from it. One hundred parts by weight of calcium carbonate when burnt yield 56 parts of lime, and as the heat- ing has practically no effect upon the impurities, this at once nearly doubles them in quantity, whilst no matter what the form of carbon used it will alway 268 CALCIUM CARBIDE Carbon for Carbide making Coal contain several per cent, of ash, which, consists of very similar constituents to the impurities of the lime. Under the best conditions the mixture of lime and carbon can only yield a little under two- thirds of its weight of carbide, whilst even the in- tense heat of the arc and the reducing actions taking place only lower the percentage of the impurities in about the same ratio, so that it is evident that it is useless to employ anything but the purest materials if the carbide is required of good quality. This is now thoroughly recognised, and more than one works employ lime containing nearly 99 per cent, of calcium oxide. The carbon employed at the present time in making the carbide mixture is either coke, anthracite, or charcoal. Coal is a compound now ascertained to be of entirely vegetable origin, and is the remains of a vegetation which covered the land long before it was inhabited by man. This vegetation has undergone partial decomposition, and has been covered by ac- cumulations of clay and sand, the pressure of these deep overlying strata has prevented the evolution of gas, and has destroyed most traces of vegetable structure and given to the pit coal its close and compact form ; but ample proof of its origin is to be found in the fossil remains of upwards of five hun- dred different kinds of mosses and ferns, whilst in the layer immediately below the seam fossil roots are found in abundance. The three principal varieties of coal are lignite, The different bituminous coal, and anthracite, the lignite or brown fCoai coal being the least carbonised, showing indications of organised structures, and containing considerable proportions of hydrogen and oxygen ; whilst anthra- cite is the most carbonised and often contains little else than the carbon and the mineral matter or ash. 269 Origin of Coal ACETYLENE The con- When moist vegetable matter undergoes fermenta- version of IT woody fibre tion and decay, carbon dioxide and marsh gas are the gaseous compounds which escape, and it is easily conceivable that the final action taking place during long ages, aided by pressure and the internal heat of the earth, is the conversion of woody fibre into carbon in the dense form known to us as graphite ; whilst in- termediate steps in the decomposition give us peat, lignite, bituminous coal, and anthracite. The com- plete reaction could be represented by the equation : Woody fibre. Carbon dioxide. Marsh gas. Carbon. 2(C 6 H 10 6 ) 5C0 2 + 5CH 4 + 20 which is supported by the fact that these two gases are always found in the coal seams. The theory that bituminous coal is a " younger coal " than anthracite is not, however, borne out by the fact that in the east- ern part of Wales the coal is of a bituminous nature, gradually shading away into the anthracite found in the western portion of the Principality, and it is ex- tremely unlikely that there is any very great differ- ence in the age of the different parts of the Welsh coal field. The gradual conversion of woody fibre into peat, coal, and graphite is illustrated by the following place in the table (Percy), in which to show the gradual elimina- conversion . , , / . of woody tion oi hydrogen and oxygen the carbon is kept as a constant number :- The changes taking Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Wood .... 100 12-18 88-07 Peat .... 100 9-85 55-67 Lignite .... 100 8-37 42-42 Bituminous coal . 100 6-12 21-23 Anthracite Wales 100 4-75 5-28 Pennsylvania . Graphite . . . 100 100 2-84 o-oo 1-74 o-oo 270 CALCIUM CARBIDE It will be seen from this that coal contains very different quantities of bituminous matter which varies with the state of conversion to which it has attained, lignite and cannel coal containing a large quantity of hydrogen, which as soon as the coal is heated becomes converted with some of the carbon into tarry matter and then into inflammable gases. Bituminous coals, like Wallsend and Silkstone, also contain hydrogen to a large extent, and it is from this class of coal that those used in the manufacture of illuminating gas are selected, whilst when one reaches anthracite the natural elimination of gaseous matter has proceeded so far that the volatile matters that can be gasified have been reduced to a very small percentage. When making carbide it is only this last kind of coal that could be employed, as if a bituminous coal were selected tarry matter distilling out would cause a caking of the mass and prevent the flow of material to the electrodes, whilst the carbon monoxide evolved by the interaction taking place in the arc would be so augmented by the gas evolved from the coal as to cause serious " blows " in the mixed materials, and probably dangerous explosions in the upper part of the furnace. The amount of ash present in anthracite is com- paratively low, and with good samples of this material, such as can readily be obtained in South Wales, the ash often does not exceed 2 per cent., and inasmuch as anthracite culm can be obtained very cheaply, it is now being very largely employed in the manufacture of carbide. The following table shows the composition of some of the best Welsh anthracites : The quantity of Bituminous matter in Coal Gas Coal Anthracite Reasons for not using Bituminous Coal for Carbide Composition of Anthracite from South Wales 271 Coke Coking Coal ACETYLENE SOUTH WALES ANTHEACITE. Bitu- men Ashes Description and Locality of Coal Beds. Carbon. Vola- flip or Gin- Lllc Matter ders. Big vein, 1st vein 91-42 7-08 1-50 2nd ,. 92-89 5-61 1-50 3rd 91-99 6-51 1-50 Ystal-y-fera Cefn vein, upper bed . 91-26 7-24 1-50 Ironworks, lower part 91-89 6-61 1-50 Swansea Brass vein, upper part 92-46 6-04 1-50 Valley . lower 91-52 6-98 1-50 Black vein .... 93-14 5-36 1-50 Little vein .... 90-64 7-86 1-50 , Pen try ch wynn . 95-69 2-81 1-50 f Three-feet vein . 94-10 4-90 0-93 Cwm Neath . -[ Eighteen-feet vein . I Nine-feet vein . 91-43 93-12 6-24 5-22 2-28 1-59 During the early years of the carbide manufacture coke was almost exclusively used as the source of carbon, and is still extensively employed, a good metallurgical coke being excellent for the purpose. It has already been pointed out that the ordinary bituminous coals, and the brown coals, or lignites, could not be used for making carbide, but if the bituminous coal be heated to high temperature out of contact with air, the volatile portions are driven off as gaseous and liquid products, whilst the excess of carbon and the mineral matters which form the ash are left behind in the form of coke. It is not possible to make a good coke from very bituminous coal, like lignite or cannel, nor can it be made from coals too poor in volatile matter, such as anthracite, but given an ordinary bituminous coal, such as abounds in the Newcastle and Durham districts, a hard metallic coke can be produced from it. Coke is either made as a bye-product in the manu- facture of gas, or else is specially prepared for metal- lurgical work in coke ovens. 272 CALCIUM CARBIDE In making coal gas, the raw coal is taken in pieces, which vary in size from dust to large lumps, and is carbonised in retorts at a temperature of 1,000 C., the operation of driving off the volatile constituents being stopped before completion, as the last portions of gas evolved are so low in illuminating power that if the coke were heated until all the volatile matter was driven out the illuminating value of the gas would be deteriorated, whilst sulphur compounds would appear in the gas in undue proportion. The result is that the coke so made still contains some volatile matter, and a considerable proportion of the sulphur present in the original coal. It is dull in appearance, friable, and soft, and is rarely pure enough to be used for carbide making, often containing a considerable proportion of earthy matter, due to the coal having been used in a "dirty" condition. Furnace or metallurgical coke, on the other hand, is specially prepared in chambers, known as coke-ovens, of which many modifications exist. For this pur- pose selected coal is crushed, and after screening is washed, so as to cleanse it from dust and minerals which vary from it in specific gravity, the powdered coal being afterwards converted into coke in the ovens, with the result that earthy matter and pyrites rich in sulphur are, to a considerable extent, got rid of. The coke so produced is far purer than is the case with gas coke, and the temperature employed for the carbonisation being considerably higher, tke coke left behind is harder and less friable. Metallurgical coke varies a good deal in appearance, but generally has a bright surface, and when struck an almost metallic ring. Good coke should show a silver-white or light-grey colour when in lump, and when reduced to powder should be dark-grey or black. It is not safe, however, to draw any conclusions as to the quality of the coke from its colour, as the silvery 273 18 Gas Coke Gas Coke unfitted for Carbide making Metallur- gical Coke Preparation of Coal for Coking Physical properties of good Coke ACETYLENE lustre is very often absent from coke which has been made in ovens so constructed as to collect the bye- Appearance products, a dulling of the surface being brought about by the hydrocarbon gases as they escape from the coal being kept for a short pariod in contact with the hot surface, and depositing some of their carbon in an amorphous condition on the surface, whilst with ovens, in which the bye-products are simply burnt off, a trace of air generally gains access, and prevents the separation of amorphous carbon, the coke then showing a characteristic silvery appearance. It is often found, too, that the appearance of a coke is spoiled by quenching it with water containing much soluble matter, which, leaving a film of residue on the surface of the coke, deteriorates its appearance. Ash m coke The amount of ash present in coke varies with the composition of the coal from which it was made, and the following table of analyses gives an idea of the amount of variation which may occur in the carbon, ash, and sulphur : Composition Carbon of Coke Ash . Sulphur Carbon Ash . Sulphur Carbon Ash . Sulphur 95-51 85-85 9O53 94-21 93.41 93'05 89.87 2-85 12-07 8-46 510 5'80 5'37 8'35 1-64 2-08 1-01 0-69 0'79 1'58 1'78 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 84-82 96-42 14-40 2-75 0-78 0.83 97-60 1-55 0-85 94-08 92-44 89'69 5-04 6-00 8-35 0-88 1-56 1-96 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 91-16 93-54 7-65 5-70 1-19 0-76 91-49 94-31 7-05 4-97 1-46 0-72 94-67 92-70 4-26 5-70 1-07 1-60 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 Composition The ash left by coke closely corresponds to the Coke composition of the ash of coal from which it was formed, although the proportions of sulphur and \vater of hydration present in some compounds in the 274 CALCIUM CARBIDE coal ash are driven off during the process of coking, and the high temperature of the coke oven will bring about a certain amount of decomposition and recom- bination between the mineral substances of the coal. Thus the calcium and magnesium, which are found as carbonates in the coal, are broken up into lime and magnesia during the process of coking, and these combine with the silica present, so that in the coke ash they would be found as silicates of calcium and magnesium, instead of as the original compounds. In the ash both of coal and of coke silicic acid or silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, magnesia, sulphur, and phosphorus form the chief constituents, and the following table (see page 276), compiled from the work of various analysts, gives a good idea of the propor- tions in which they are present. The sulphur may be present either as the double sulphide of iron and copper, known as pyrites, cal- cium sulphate, or gypsum, while a small quantity is also probably combined with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; the original source from which the sulphur was derived being the plants which formed the coal measures, and in which sulphur played a far more important part than in the vegetation of the present age. The phosphorus is obtained from the same source, M. Carnot l stating that it is principally de- rived from spores and pollen grains, which are easily observable under the microscope in the accumulations of decomposed vegetable matter, whilst the silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, and magnesia, which go to make up the mineral constituents of the ash, have been derived either from the sap of the original plant, or the soil surrounding the coal measures. In some few parts of the world the difficulty of ob- taining anthracite or good metallurgical coke has led to attention being paid to the possibility of utilising 1 Compt. Eendu, 99, 154. 275 Analyses of typical Coke Sulphur in Coke The source of the Sulphur and Phosphorus in Coke Wood Charcoal ACETYLENE CO CO rH Ol COCOX X CD CM CO rH OS rH rH X lO CO X CM CD CM iO CD lO CO O i rH LOrHgiCO CM lO CM O CD rH OS I 00 OS 25 ^ ^* I>" " r-t 1-1 rH ^ .S -^ C~ Oi rH l>- !> CM O CM | J _ _ __ ^ ^ OQ -5 43 43 (DO) 03 SCD CO CO Ot> ^D CM ^D O 1 ^O ^^ ^D ^D ^D CM "^ CpCDCpX rH rHCOaiOOOI>'I>-L^L > -l>-CDOt > - !> rH CM X 4jH ib tC CO CM Oi Oi !> X -^ CM 4jH b CMCDt>-Cp-^CpCpO}gippppp rH a " I \ -^ OOGiXCi CD XXrHi lOI>'I> p I>'t>XCDI>'CD-^-l ib ^HCMrHrHrHCMrHrHrHCMrH rH r- ' rH -K 'I ^ !-H ^D s .^| - ' 1 O J I " - JI!^ I ^'O ftcC gj I J I |l I J l-l - p *! g 276 CALCIUM CAEBIDE other forms of carbon, and where wood is abundant charcoal has been employed. A well-burnt wood charcoal contains, as a rule, between 2 or 3 per cent, of ash, and is practically free from sulphur. The following analytical results obtained by Faisst 1 give an idea of the composition: Beech charcoal. Hard charcoal made in iron cylinders. Light charcoal from wood- gasworks. Analyses of Charcoal Carbon Hydrogen . Oxygen and Nitrogen Ash .... Water. 85-89 2-41 1-45 3-02 7-23 85-18 2-88 3-44 2-46 6-04 87-43 2-26 0-54 1-56 8-21 100-00 100-00 100-00 A well-burnt specimen of charcoal contains, as has Phosphorus been stated, practically no sulphur, but it generally charcoal contains very considerable traces of phosphates, which unfit it for making a good carbide. Patera, Ackermann, and Saernstroem in considering the value of charcoal for metallurgical purposes have drawn attention to the quantity of phosphorus present in the ashes of various woods, which are about as follows : Wood. Ash. Percentage of phos- phorus in charcoal. Beech Pine and Fir Scotch Fir . 2-97 2-15 1-99 0-1485 0-1078 OO995 In charcoal the ratio of carbon to ash and also to influence of gaseous constituents varies with the temperature at temperature which the wood has been carbonised, and the follow- of Carbonising mg table by Yiolette shows how wide the limits may on the char- TL . coal found 1 Wagner Jahresb., 1855, 457 277 ACETYLENE Experience with Charcoal The draw- backs to the use of Charcoal Charcoal briquettes Temperature of carbonising. Yield of charcoal in percentage of wood used. Wood dried at 100C. Composition per 100 parts of charcoal. Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Ash. 280 36-2 71-6 4-7 22-1 0-57 350 29-7 76-7 4-1 18-4 0-6 432 18-9 81-6 1-9 15-2 T2 1,030 18-7 81-9 2-3 14-1 1-6 1,160 18-4 83-3 1-7 13-8 1-2 1,250 17-4 88-1 1-4 9-2 1-2 1,300 17-5 90-8 1-6 6.5 1-1 1,500 17-3 94-5 0-7 3-8 0-7 above 15-0 96-5 0-6 0-9 1-9 Handkop l after using wood charcoal in place of gas coke for a considerable period in a small carbide plant found that 780 kilos of wood charcoal were needed to make 1,000 kilos of carbide, and that a mean output of 4'15 kilos of carbide per E.H.P. day could be obtained. This is higher than the result he obtained with coke, and Handkop attributes this to the greater ease with which wood charcoal can be converted into graphite. A great trouble with charcoal is that, when finely ground, the charcoal powder is so light that it is largely driven off from the mixture by the rush of gases generated in the actions going on in the arc, and far too large a proportion of it is carried away into the air as dust, destroying the homogeneous nature of the mixture and leaving an excess of lime. This, however, can be obviated by mixing the ground-up charcoal into a paste with tar, pressing this into briquettes, and then burning out the hydrocarbons and granulating, or as is now often done, briquettes may be made at once of the right mixture of lime and charcoal powder, and when properly compressed and Zeit. Angen. Chem., 1899, 25, 592. 278 CALCIUM CARBIDE carbonised at a fairly high temperature, it will leave the mixture in a very convenient form, the cost, how- ever, of making the briquettes being a drawback to the process. This, on a large scale, is not as great as might be expected, and where charcoal is cheap, and the price of anthracite or good coke high, owing to the difficulty of carriage, such a process might be commercially successful. In the same way attempts have been made to utilise the finely divided carbon which can be obtained from tar, and which consists of the residue left in the tar by the decomposition of hydrocarbon gases in contact with the hot walls of the gas retorts, part of the carbon being deposited in the form of a hard crust on the top of the retort, which is known as retort carbon, while the remaining portion separates as a fine powder, and is swept forward by the gas, and collects in the tar in the hydraulic main and con- densers. Another form of carbon the use of which has been advocated is peat charcoal, and also charcoal made from turf ; but in spite of the large area of peat bogs existing in different parts of the world, the cost of getting it into a fit condition for carbide making renders it unlikely that it will ever be very largely adopted for the purpose of making carbide, and it is evident that no form of carbon, which is only obtain- able as a bye-product, or in very limited quantities, could ever be used for this purpose save in very small installations, as the supply would soon become in- adequate, and the price would rise to a prohibitive point, and it is this factor which prevents the use of retort carbon, which would be the ideal form to use. For these reasons it may be generally accepted that the carbon used for the manufacture of carbide will be practically restricted to anthracite and metal- 279 Possibility of using Charcoal Tar Carbon Peat and Turf Charcoal Possibilities of Bitumenous Coal ACETYLENE The influence of the impurities in Carbide mixture on the purity of the Acetylene Analytical Results lurgical coke, whilst, if at some future time the idea of pre-heating the materials be more generally accepted than at present, some bituminous coals may be employed for this purpose, and the gases evolved used to pre-heat the material before its being exposed to the action of the electric arc. The author has endeavoured to trace the influence of the impurities in the material used for carbide- making upon the percentage of phosphuretted and sulphuretted hydrogen present in the acetylene. In order to do this, a number of analyses were made of the lime and coke used in making the carbide, and of the acetylene generated from it ; but beyond the general result that pure materials yielded the purest gas, little information was obtained. The following table of some of the results will be of interest, as giving a general idea of what may be expected from materials in which the percentage of impurities is known : Lime. Carbon. Acetylene. Per- centage, P 2 5 . Per- . centage, S0 3 . Per- centage of Phos- phorus. Per- centage of Sulphur. Yield of Gas per kilo, of Carbide. Per- centage of PH 3 . Per- centage of H 2 S. nil 0-46 trace 0-84 313 litres 0-071 0-166 0-28 0-21 trace 0-71 306 .. 0-17 0-16 0-03 0-55 0-004 0-58 310 ., 0-095 0-12 0'16 0-79 nil 0-33 285 .. 0-026 0-085 nil o-ooi nil 0-06 320 .. 0-004 0-041 0-18 0-15 0-005 0-09 305 .. 0-14 010 nil nil trace 0-07 290 .. 0-012 0-05 nil 0-02 0-016 0-77 309 .. 0-049 0-043 0-048 0-128 trace 0-89 284 .. 0-056 0-152 It is interesting to note that even with materials so pure that it has not been possible to quantitatively estimate the phosphorus present in the lime and carbon, that distinct traces of phosphuretted hydrogen 280 CALCIUM CARBIDE are found in the acetylene, probably due partly to concentration taking place when, roughly stated, two tons of material are converted into one of carbide, and partly to impurities in the electrodes used. As the industry grows, and careful analyses of the materials and carbide are multiplied, it will probably become possible to formulate definite rules as to the limits of impurity allowable in the materials, but at present all that can be said is that the lime should not contain more than 0*05 per cent, of phosphorus pent oxide, and the coke or other form of carbon more than O01 per cent, of phosphorus. The purity of the acetylene is also partly dependent on the proportions in which the materials are mixed in making the carbide, as excess of carbon has a great purifying effect by reducing the compounds contain- ing the phosphorus and sulphur, and these elements are then volatilised during the formation of the car- bide. For this reason it is more important to use pure lime and carbon in making "run" than "ingot" carbide, as with the former the lime is nearly always in excess to facilitate the fusion of the mass, and this tends to prevent volatilisation of the important im- purities. Having obtained the purest possible lime and carbon, the next point is to determine the right proportions in which to mix them, in order to obtain the best results in the electric furnace. When lime and carbon interact, they do so accord- ing to the equation : Lime. Carbon. Calcium carbide. Carbon monoxide. CaO + 30 = CaC 2 + CO and this formula requires that there should be 56 parts by weight of lime, with 36 parts by weight of carbon. In practice, however, the lime and carbon are never quite pure, and allowance has, of course, to be made for this. 281 Conclusions to be arrived at Influence of the proportions of mixture on purity Proportions of Lime and Carbon required by theory ACETYLENE experi- Ratios Moissan, in his paper on calcium carbide, takes 120 P arts of lime and 70 of carbon, which is equal to 63'2 per cent, of lime and 36'8 per cent, of carbon ; Willson, in his patent, gives 90 of lime to 60 of carbon as the most advantageous mixture, which works out at 60 per cent, of lime and 40 of carbon, whilst Bullier gives the theoretical proportion of 56 to 36, which is equivalent to 39 -1 of carbon and 60- 9 of lime. Carlson's B. Carlson of the Deutschen Gold und Silber Scheide mfexcess Anstalt, at Frankfort, made a number of experiments of carbon in order to see if excess of carbon in the mixture prevented the formation of crystalline carbide, and found that even if the theoretical proportion of carbon was more than doubled, the mixture could be fused and perfectly crystalline carbide obtained, if a suffi- ciently strong current were employed. Proportions taken : lime 54 54 54 carbon 48 54 81 Condition of the carbide. Crystalline. Crystalline. Crystalline. Gas yielded by the carbide litres per kilo 293 293 250 Percentage of true carbide 84 84 71 - 8 Generally The usual proportions now adopted in most ingot car ^ide factories are 100 of lime to 70 of carbon, whilst in order to obtain fusion at a slightly lower temperature, and the carbide in a more liquid state, most makers of run carbide use a rather higher pro- portion of lime, with the result that run carbide has often a lower gas-generating value than a good ingot carbide. influence on An excess of carbon in the mixture affects the yield * as fr m t* 16 car kide far less than an excess of lime, the latter seeming to remain in solution in the carbide. The degree of fineness to which the carbide material should be ground has already been mentioned in con- sidering the various forms of electric furnace, and as a generalisation it may be stated that fine grinding 282 The coarse- mixture CALCIUM CAEBIDE has, up to the present, been the rule when ingot furnaces were to be employed, whilst a point of economy claimed for the furnaces making "run" carbide was that granulation, not grinding, was re- quired. The idea always has been that in the ingot process a good deal of the economy was derived from the arc being well buried in the mass of material so finely ground that the gas generated by the interaction in filtering between the small particles should part with most of its heat, whilst the intimacy of mixture, as well as fineness of grain, caused the interactions lead- ing to the formation of carbide to take place directly the required temperature was reached, so that if the right current density to just raise the temperature to this point was being employed, no fear of over- heating the carbide existed. The great drawbacks to fine grinding are that it is costly, that the rush of hot gases through the fine ground material naturally tends to the separation of two substances of such different specific gravities as carbon and lime, destroying the homogeneous nature of the mixture, whilst the finer particles driven out of the furnace by the rush of gases contaminate the air of the factory and render it unhealthy for the workpeople. Later experience with closed ingot furnaces of the Frankfort type seem to show that fine grinding is not the necessity supposed, and if, on extended work- ing, this proves to be the case, it will be an enormous gain, as it practically solves the dust question. Where fine grinding is necessary, by far the best form of mill is the continuous feed and discharge Ball mills, as they are the only ones that the coke grit does not seriously affect. In grinding coke it is absolutely essential that it should be quite dry, other- wise it clogs both the mills and the screens, and also 283 Effect of fine grinding The dis- advantages of fine grinding Fine grinding not necessary with some forms of furnace Mills for fine grinding Coke must be dry for grinding ACETYLENE Granulating machinery Power for Carbide works Water power Steam power costly, but many advantages mixes badly with the lime. Under no conditions should it contain more than O5 per cent, of moisture, so that it is advisable to use a special drying hearth, which, in a carbide factory with plenty of flue heat, should not prove an expensive item. Where granulated material instead of ground is to be used, the granulating machinery made by Speyerer is found to work much better than the old mills or jaw crushers, and gives only a very small percentage of dust. In all large works labour-saving appliances are now finding a place, and automatic weighing and mixing machines feeding into elevators are now being introduced into most carbide works. In establishing a carbide works, the price at which power can be obtained is naturally the governing factor, and water power at present seems to be the only form which offers a sufficiently low-priced pro- duction of electricity to make acetylene a commercial success. In round figures an electrical horse power per year will yield a ton of carbide, and three years ago water power was looked upon as somewhat scarce in Western Europe ; but the demand has caused the discovery of a supply, and water power is being freely offered at prices that range from 12s. to 4 per E.H.P. per year. Most of these, however, prove to be of a very unsatisfactory character, being either too small to be worth working or else a raging torrent in winter and dry in summer. It may be taken that satisfactory water power in Europe costs 2 to 2 10s. per E.H.P. per year, and the value that it is to the manufacturer varies with the facilities of carriage and the possibility of getting pure lime and carbon at a reasonable rate. Steam power has the great advantage that it can be generated close to the lime and carbon supply, but, save under exceptional circumstances, cannot enter into competition with water power, as the 284 CALCIUM CARBIDE lowest price at which it can be obtained on a large scale is 5 to 6 per E.H.P. per year, whilst, as a rule, it is much higher. When the demand for carbide first arose it was hoped that its manufacture would prove the means of providing a level load for the big electric light stations, and that instead of standing with banked fires for a considerable proportion of the 24 hours, they would run continuously and utilise the extra current for carbide making to the mutual advantage of both sources of light. The idea, however, does not seem to have been acceptable to them, and carbide is still only made at the special carbide works. At the present time it looks as if the supply of carbide would in a short time catch up with the demand ; but if this should prove not to be the case, and if the available water power should be insuf- ficient, the most promising direction in which to look for cheap power is the gas engine, which shows in- dications of playing an important part in the future as a source of energy. Rapid strides are being made in perfecting the gas engine, and experiments are showing that with water gas made by such improved processes as that devised by Dellwik, or even with generator, blast furnace, or Dowson gas, power can be obtained at about 3 to 4 per E.H.P. per year, and the time may be not far distant when the advantages of being able to erect the plant near to the pit and quarry providing the materials, may make gas power a serious rival to water power, more especially as rents and repairs, which build up the cost of water power, are going on all the year round ; whilst the fuel, which forms the chief item in other forms of power, is only used when the power is required. When chemical or other work has to be done on a large scale by means of electricity, the current re- 285 Possibility of Carbide making, yielding a level load in Electric light stations The Gas Engine a promising source of power Cost of power from gaseous fuel The conversion of power ACETYLENE into electrical energy Trans- mission of electrical energy Waste of power in trans- mission Necessity of high voltages quired must be generated by means of a dynamo, an arrangement by which mechanical power obtained from a steam engine, gas engine, or more economi- cally by means of turbines using water power, can be converted into electrical energy. To avoid the cost of the fuel required for a steam engine, there has been a tendency of late years to transfer the large electro- chemical industries to the neighbourhood of some natural supply of water power. It is, however, often necessary to convey the electric current for consider- able distances from the power stations where it is generated to the actual locality where it is used, and it may be convenient to consider briefly what are the conditions which may determine in any given case the choice of the particular type of dynamo to be used. The available power in any flow of electricity depends upon the current strength and the electro- motive force. The product of the current in amperes and the E.M.F. in volts divided by 746 will give the equivalent indicated horse-power, subject to a correct- ing factor in the case of alternating currents, to be alluded to later. It would be very uneconomical to transmit this power in the form of large amperage and small voltage. Wherever a current flows there is a waste of power in heating the conductors which is proportional to the square of the current strength and to the resistance of the conductors. Consider the case of a certain amount of power to be conveyed either at 100 amperes and 100 volts, or at 10 amperes and 1,000 volts : since the current in the former case is ten times as much as in the second, the waste in heat will be 100 times as great if the same leads are used, or if the same loss is accepted in each system, the leads in the second case may be only one-hundredth" of the cross section of the former, and the prime cost of the in- stallation will be enormously reduced. Of course, at the higher voltage it will be necessary to have better 286 CALCIUM CARBIDE insulation on the leads, which will reduce to some extent the advantage gained in first cost, but will still leave a very large margin in favour of the higher pressure. It follows, then, that if power is to be con- veyed for any distances exceeding a few hundred yards, it is essential that high voltages should be employed. But in the actual chemical work to which the electrical energy is applied, it is great current strength at comparatively low voltage that is wanted. In the formation of calcium carbide in the electrical furnace, currents of perhaps 1,000 or 2,000 amperes are used at a voltage not exceeding 70 or 80. The high- pressure current must be transformed at the place where it is utilised into one of low pressure and corresponding great current strength. It must be remembered also that the current will be generally required to do some motor work ; the processes of grinding, mixing, elevating, and transporting the materials, etc., can be very conveniently and econo- mically carried out by machines driven by elec- tricity, and the electric light in either the glow or arc system would generally be employed in the workshops. We have to consider, then, how the different types of dynamos and the currents produced by them lend themselves to these purposes. The currents employed may be either direct (or continuous), like those obtained from voltaic cells, in which the flow is always in one direction, and at approximately the same strength under the same conditions ; or, on the other hand, they may alternate in direction many times in a second, and at each alternation rise gradually from a zero value to the maximum strength, and fall again to nothing. In a purely electro-chemical industry, like electro-plating, such currents would be useless ; the metal deposited when the current flowed in one direction would be taken off again at the next 287 for trans- mission to a distance Low voltage and great current strength required for the electrical furnace Direct and alternating currents ACETYLENE The more equal distribution of heat with alternating currents Considera- tions governing the choice of type of dynamo to be employed reversal. Where, however, it is the heat produced by a current that is concerned, either system will give the same result, since the amount of heat developed is obviously independent of the direction of flow. An alternating current will give the same light in a glow lamp as a direct current of the same strength. The heat developed in an arc lamp will also be the same in either system ; but there is the difference to be noticed, that while in the direct current the carbon attached to the positive pole will be much hotter than that connected to the negative, in the alternating current, since each in turn is positive and negative, obviously the temperature of both is the same. In the direct system the temperature of the crater of the positive carbon is usually assumed to be about 3,900 C. ; that of the negative will be much lower, perhaps not exceeding 2,800 C. Since the light emitted is pro- portional to a high power of the temperature, more than eight times as much light is given out by the positive as by the negative. The light of a direct current arc is generally assumed to be about twice as much as that of an alternating for the same power absorbed, since in the latter each carbon has a tempera- ture intermediate between those of the carbons of the former ; the total heat developed in each case will, how- ever, be the same. The choice of the type of dynamo to be used in an industry such as the production of calcium carbide will be affected by the considerations mentioned, viz. their adaptability to the production of electrical energy at high pressure and subsequent conversion to low pressure, the ease and facility with which motors can be worked, and the temperature limits which may be found most effective in the reduction of the material. The consideration of the first cost and upkeep of the machine and liability to be injured by the large and sudden fluctuations in the load, 288 CALCIUM CABBIDE which are unavoidable, must also obviously be taken into account. The dynamo first invented was of the alternating Early f 0rms type ; no arrangement was used to commutate or of dynamo rectify the current generated so that it might flow always in the same direction in the outside circuit. The alternator is consequently a simpler piece of mechanism than the. direct current machine which involves the commutating device, since it follows from an elementary consideration of first principles that the current must alternate in direction in the parts of the machine in which it is generated. In every form of dynamo the current is due to the number of lines of magnetic force enclosed by a conductor. This conductor generally takes the form of a coil of wire of more or less turns called the armature, which revolves in a powerful magnetic field. The E.M.F. generated depends upon the change per second in the number of enclosed lines multiplied by the number of turns of wire round the coil. The mag- netic field in which the armature rotates was origin- ally due to a battery of permanent steel magnets, but is now formed by powerful electromagnets magne- tised by a current of electricity usually derived from a small auxiliary dynamo of the direct current type. An E.M.F. is set up in one direction in any given coil as the number of enclosed lines of force is increased ; in the opposite direction, as it is diminished. From this it follows that since the same coil cannot in- definitely gain nor lose lines, the direction of the E.M.F. must be reversed at least twice in every revolution. In alternating current machines in pre- Modem sent practice, this change of direction occurs between alternating . . current the limits of 40 and 300 times in a second. The dynamos two ends of the conductor forming the armature are usually connected to the insulated rings which are fastened to the armature and revolve with it. 289 19 The magnetic field ACETYLENE Direct current dynamos Troubles limiting the E.M.F. generated E.M.F. of self- induction, and its effects on an alternating current The current is collected by fixed brushes which press against these rings and convey it to the outside circuit. The mechanical construction is simple and strong ; very little trouble is experienced by any sparking between the brushes and the rings, even when a high voltage is employed. In a direct current machine the successive coils of wire wound on the iron core of the armature are connected to correspond- ing commutator segments insulated from each other and from the shaft to which they are attached and with which they revolve. Brushes fixed in position serve to collect from the outside circuit a current which is invariable in direction and does not per- ceptibly fluctuate in amount during a revolution of the armature. It is, however, difficult to suppress all sparking as the commutator segments pass the brushes, and this sparking and the difficulty of satisfactorily insulating the adjacent segments places a limit upon the E.M.F. which can be generated by this class of machine. About 500 volts may be assumed as the limit in ordinary practice obtained from continuous current dynamos. Whenever a current of electricity varies in strength, i.e., increases or diminishes, an E.M.F. , called the E.M.F. of self-induction, is set up opposing the change, giving rise to effects very similar to those associated with the inertia of ordinary matter. In the outside circuit of a direct current machine, these effects can only be apparent when the circuit is made or broken, or to a less extent when the strength is altered. They are chiefly manifested by the heavy sparking which occurs when the switch of a circuit containing much self-induction is thrown over. An alternating current may be figured as a wave motion always rising and falling in strength and reversed in direction perhaps 160 times in a second, so that the whole cycle is gone through in one-eightieth of a 290 CALCIUM CABBIDE second. It is only at the crest and trough of these waves that the current momentarily remains at a constant strength. Since the E.M.F. of self-induction depends upon the rate at which the current is chang- ing, it will be greatest when the current is reversed in direction, at which instant its actual value is nothing, and there will be no E.M.F. due to this cause when the current has its greatest values, viz., at the wave crests and troughs. If we figure the whole wave motion as completed in a cycle of 360, the E.M.F. of self-induction is 90 behind the current, and always opposes the change of current strength. It is owing to this effect that the properties associated with an alternating current differ so much from those which have been studied for many years in connection with voltaic cells. In a direct current circuit the current is always acting in " phase " with the E.M.F. ; in the alternating circuit the current is proportional at any instant to the resultant of the E.M.F. impressed upon it from the generator, or other source, and of the E.M.F. of self-induction. The current consequently " lags " behind the impressed E.M.F. by an angle which depends upon the self-induction, or rather upon the proportion which the latter bears to the resistance of the circuit. If the circuit contains coils of wire of several turns, more especially if they are wrapped round iron cores, the effects of resistance may be almost negligible compared to those of self-induction. In this case the lag of the current may amount to nearly 90, and the peculiar condition arises that although the current and E.M.F. may both be great, no power would be developed ; such a current would be spoken of as " wattless." In all cases the power developed is the product of the E.M.F. and current multiplied by the cosine of the angle of lag. In a direct current there is no lag, and since the cosine of is 1, the factor disappears. If 291 The "lag of the current The power developed ACETYLENE the lag is 90, since the cosine of 90 is 0, the power also vanishes. In ordinary alternating conditions the factor varies between 1 and 8, so that for the trans- mission of a given amount of power for heating or More other purposes, more current must be transmitted needed 6 with a l n g the leads and more current generated in the alternating machine in the alternating than in the direct system. with direct On the other hand, the great advantage of the system alternating system lies in the fact that by means of a " transformer " practically an iron core wound with two sets of insulated wire it is possible to convert electrical energy received in the form of small current strength and high voltage into the opposite conditions, Trans- viz., large currents and small voltage. The trans- former is practically based on the same general prin- principie ciple as the Ruhmkorff induction coil used for many construction years past in laboratories to obtain a very high E.M.F. by means of a few voltaic cells. In each apparatus an iron core is wound with two sets of in- sulated wire, the one of many, the other of few turns. The li primary " is connected to the source of E.M.F. , and is traversed by a current which in the induction coil is rapidly started and stopped. In the transformer the rapid periodic reversal of the current serves the same purpose. An E.M.F. is set up in the u second- ary " wire wound on the same core, which bears approximately the same ratio to the primary E.M.F. as the number of turns in the secondary does to the number of turns in the primary. As the E.M.F. is decreased, the current is increased nearly in the same ratio, and vice versd. In the case of carbide works situate at some distance from a waterfall, the current may be generated at the power station at say 1,000 amperes and 100 volts transformed immediately into 10 amperes and 10,000 volts, transmitted along the leads with very little loss and by a small conductor, and transformed at the electrical furnace into 1,000 292 CALCIUM CARBIDE amperes and 100 volts. All these transformations in- LOSS volve some loss, but the efficiency of a transformer is mv lvi 7 *> trans- generally over 90 per cent., and the apparatus itself, formation having no moving parts, requires no attention, is not current costly in the first outlay, and is not liable to get out of order. The substitute of a transformer in the direct system converters is a rotary " converter " or "motor generator." Two armatures revolve upon the same shaft and between the same field magnets. The one armature receives the high-pressure current, works as a motor, and sets both armatures in rotation. The other armature acts as a generator, and gives out electrical power at a lower voltage. In this case the number of turns of wire on the second armature is less than that on the motor armature in the proportion in which it is re- quired to reduce the electrical pressure. Obviously Principle the same arrangement may be used for the converse CO n f V erter conditions, to raise instead of to lower the pressure It is not necessary that there shall be two separate armatures ; two windings on the same core connected respectively to the primary and secondary circuits are sufficient, but there must be two commutators, and the mechanism, though comparatively simple, requires more attention and is more liable to derangement than the stationary transformer, which has the great advantage of no moving parts. Nor, again, can the very high pressures, reaching in some recent alterna- ing installations as high as 29,000 volts, be used in this case. The rotary converter can also be used if required to transform alternating currents into direct, or vice versd. Alternating machines of the type considered so far, single phase giving what are called " single phase" currents, do ^mot^r not lend themselves so conveniently to motor purposes driving as the continuous type. The motor which is driven by an alternating current must generally be brought 293 ACETYLENE Polyphase machines and their advantages The principle of the polyphase motor up to the right speed by hand or some auxiliary mechanism before it is connected to the circuit, and the field magnets are usually excited from a continu- ous current derived from some other source involving additional outlay and further complications. During the last few years, however, alternating machines have been largely constructed to embody the advantages of the easy conversion of power from high to low pressures, and vice versd, peculiar to the alter- nating current with the facility for driving motors associated with the direct current. These machines give rise to what is called u two phase " or " three phase " currents. In the two phase machines we may consider the armature as wound with two independent sets of coils, each set connected as usual to collecting rings and fixed brushes, and separate leads which convey the current to the receiving station. The winding of the armature coils is always such that the one current is always 90 ahead of the other. In other words, when the one current is at a maximum the other is at a minimum value. The four leads required in this system may be reduced to three, each current as it were using a common return wire. To utilise these currents for motor purposes, an iron ring may be imagined wound with copper wire, so that one-half of its surface is traversed by currents brought by one set of leads ; the other half, at right angles to the first, is traversed by currents conveyed by the other set. Remembering that these currents must be regarded as 90 apart, the one having its greatest effect where the other vanishes, the result is to set up a pair of magnetic poles which revolve in the iron ring with the same frequency as the alternating currents which give rise to them. If the period of the latter is one-hundredth of a second, a magnet pivoted in the interior of the ring would revolve 100 times in a second by the mutual attrac- 294 CALCIUM CARBIDE of the polyphase machine tion between its poles and the revolving poles of the ring. A pivoted magnet is not, however, necessary ; a disc plate or cylinder of copper or other conducting material will have eddy currents set up in it by the passage through it of lines of force due to the moving poles. The reaction of these induced currents will give rise to a force causing rotation of the conductor on the same principle as in the old experiment of causing a copper plate to follow the movement of a whirling magnet, the Arago disc experiment. In this system there is no " dead point," and the motor bears somewhat the same analogy to the single phaser as an engine with two cranks at right angles does to a single crank engine. It is, in consequence, self- Advantages starting, and has the great advantage over the direct current motor of requiring no commutator. The moving parts are of the most extreme simplicity, and there is absolutely no connection necessary between the revolving armature if so it should be called and any outside circuit. The above brief description is intended only to explain the general idea, and not the practical details of the mechanism used, which, moreover, varies much in different cases. In a three-phase generator three independent cur- rents are collected from three sets of coils symmet- rically placed round the armature core, follow each other with a phase difference of 60, and are connected to three leads ; in this case each lead may be regarded as acting in turn as the return lead for the other two. One end of all three armature coils may be connected to a common junction. The iron ring which acts as the field magnet of the motor may be wound symmetrically with three sets of coils receiving these currents, and the motor bears an analogy to a three- cylinder engine with cranks 120 apart. The polyphase system has also the advantage that 295 Triphase circuits ACETYLENE Compensa- tion possible with polyphase systems Cost of the various types of generators Continuous and alternating currents Advantages of the alternating current if two or three sets of carbons are used in the same furnace, as is done by Memmo, the unavoidable fluctu- ations of current which must arise from the changes in the arc length, and the resistance of the incan- descent matter between the carbons, will not throw such heavy strains on the generating mechanism. The rapid changes are not likely to occur simul- taneously in the three arcs, and there will conse- quently be a tendency to mutual compensation. The efficiency, weight per E.H.P., and cost of the machines of the types considered viz., direct current, single phase, two and three phase do not differ very largely when machines of the same output are con- sidered, and the choice must depend upon the local conditions of each installation. Upon the whole, the polyphase system seems to offer the greatest number of advantages, and will probably be that most largely adopted in the future. The first question to consider is what kind of cur- rent is best for the purpose continuous or alternating. Alternating-current furnaces are largely in use in the United States, and appear to have some very sub- stantial advantages, as follows : 1. The dynamo can be made of more mechanical construction, much more suitable to stand the sudden fluctuations of load which are liable to occur in a carbide plant. 2. Sparking at the commutators, which gives 'con- siderable trouble in some machines, is, of course, entirely obviated. 3. By a suitable arrangement of transformers, the variation of load on the furnaces may be brought to a minimum. 4. The cost of attendance on, and upkeep of, the dynamos is very much less than when direct-current machines are used. There is one apparent disadvantage : Since very 296 CALCIUM CARBIDE heavy masses of copper and iron must be used on furnaces carrying heavy currents, there might be some loss and heating trouble due to eddy currents. This, however, could be obviated by careful design. With regard to the relative efficiency of direct and Relative alternating current, there appears very little to choose between either as regards quality and output per and TT-D j ^ i. xi. A 1 f L alternating H.P. day, though the Americans claim a somewhat currents larger output for alternating current. Using a continuous current, there is no phase dis- placement caused by self-induction. The phase dis- placement with alternating currents using big currents in carbide manufacture becomes a considerable one if special precautions are not taken. Continuous-current dynamos are affected more than alternating-current machines by fluctuations of the current ; and the sparking, and therefore destruction of commutators, being greater, it is better to use alternating currents. When the current is switched on, this causes, with continuous-current machines, difficulties which do not occur with alternating machines. In big factories it The current is a matter of indifference which kind of alternating b y thcTwork current is used, but this is not the case in small works. to be done Two-phase current is suitable for factories of 600 to 1,800 H.P., tri phase current for factories of 400 to 1,200 H.P. If the two-phase dynamos are fitted with a zero potential cable, such machines may be used with advantage for 400 to 800 H.P., but not for 800 to 1,800 H.P., because the investment necessary will in these cases be higher than with other currents. If the carbide furnaces are situated not further than Current 75 to 100 metres from the dynamos, it is best to construct them for currents at low tension, that they may be directly connected with the furnaces. If the furnaces are further away, the generator must be con- structed for high tension, and the current must be Trans- transformed to the required voltage. The phase dis- 297 ACETYLENE Arrange- ment of furnaces and con- ductors Electrical energy needed in making Carbide placement being important in carbide works, it is best to use dynamos with a low periodic number for instance, twenty to twenty-five per second. If a works possess several dynamos, they must be coupled in parallel, whilst the cables should be so arranged that the induction shall be as small as possible. With each furnace is connected a switchboard containing am- meter, voltmeter, and a simple switch for each pole. In larger works five to eight furnaces may be coupled together and connected with one big conductor, and the conductors of several groups in large works may be switched on in series, so that the dynamos may be built for higher tension and lower current. Using polyphase currents in carbide works where several furnaces work with the same phase, polyphase trans- formers need not be used, but better single-phase transformers, so as to divide the polyphase current into several single-phase currents, by which arrange- ment the cables employed for the secondary current may be much smaller. Up to the present time copper only has been used for the conductors, but at some works is being now replaced by strips and flexible cables of aluminium. The figures which have been given as to the electri- cal energy needed in the making of calcic carbide vary from three kilos per kilowatt day to twelve kilos for the same amount of energy, these absurd discrepancies being due to these calculations being made either by electricians devoid of any chemical knowledge, or by chemists equally ignorant of electrical data. In making any calculation which shall be of practical value, one must clearly bear in mind that there are several factors which seriously affect the results, as calculated from the beautiful thermo-chemical data given us by Thomsen, Berthelot and others. These are : 1. The lime and carbon used are neither of them 298 CALCIUM CARBIDE pure, and the foreign matters present have to be heated to the same temperature as the carbide. 2. The materials are rarely, if ever, used in the exact theoretical proportions. 3. There is a considerable loss of heat from the furnace, due to radiation, conduction, and the escape of heated dust and gases, and the heat withdrawn with the carbide, and by the poles, and walls of the furnace. 4. The carbide made is not pure carbide ; with run carbide it is a fairly homogeneous mixture of true carbide, lime, and other impurities, whilst with ingot carbide there is the kernel of nearly pure carbide, and the crust which contains less and less true carbide the further it is away from the arc. It is manifestly impossible to arrive at any exact estimation of such varying factors as these, but by taking the amount of energy required, as arrived at by theoretical data, and then comparing the result with those obtained in practice, and averaged over a considerable period and checked by careful chemical analysis, we are enabled to form a fairly just estimate of what the losses are, and how far practical results fall short of the theoretical yield. The theoretical amount of energy required to form carbide from lime and carbon has already been men- tioned (see p. 260) in considering Landin's calculation of the saving to be obtained by preheating the carbide material. The first calculation of the kind was published by Bredel in the American Gaslight Journal, February 25th, 1895, in which he works out the calories necessary to bring about the reaction of 87'5 parts by weight of lime with 56'25 parts of carbon, with formation of 100 parts of calcic carbide and 43*75 of carbon mon- oxide in the following way : 1. Heat absorbed in raising two- thirds of the carbon 37'5 grams to the temperature of formation of 299 Factors to be con- sidered in calculating the energy required Brcdcl's calculation of the amount of energy required ACETYLENE the amount sieber s carbide, 3,000 C., on the assumption that the specific heat of the carbon is 0*46 37-5 x 3,000 x 0-46 - 51-75 calories. 2. The heat necessary to decompose 87 '5 grams of lime into 62*5 of calcium and 25 of oxygen = 206*25 calories. 3. The heat necessary to bring about the combination of the calcium and carbon, which is so small that it is omitted from the calculation. From these factors has to be deducted the heat generated by the combination of 18' 75 grams of carbon to form 43-75 grams of carbon monoxide, equal to 44-68 calories. Then 51-75 + 206-25 - 44-68 = 213-32 calories required to form 100 grams of calcic carbide, or 2,133-2 per kilo. Pictet, in his pamphlet Le Carbite, published in 1896, p. 28, gives 182 -5 calories as the amount of energy required to produce 64 grams of calcium carbide, of which 102 - 6 were needed by the reaction, whilst the remainder was required to give the neces- sa ry temperature to the material used. Sieber l also calculated the heat necessary for the formation of carbide, and leaving out of consideration the energy necessary to raise the raw materials to the temperature of the furnace, came to the conclusion that 9'38 kilos of carbide can be made per E.H.P. per twenty-four hours. Such calculations are of no practical value, as they leave out of consideration some of the most important factors in the absorption of energy ; and if one desires to come to any useful conclusion as to the amount of energy required, the practical working proportions of material must be dealt with, and the percentage of true carbide in the product formed, determined. 1 Chem. Zeit., 1898, 31, 308. 300 CALCIUM CAEBIDE Taking ordinary carbide practice, 100 parts by weight of lime and 70 of carbon yield 100 of calcium carbide of approximately 80 per cent, purity, and the factors which would enter into a calculation made on a practical basis are : 1. Energy needed to raise 100 grams lime and 70 grams carbon to 3,000 C. 2. Energy needed for the reaction that forms 80 grams of carbide and 35 of carbon monoxide. 1. The specific heat of lime equals 0-2 and of carbon 0*45, hence the calories necessary to raise the tem- perature to 3,000 C. will be 100 V./ onAA ., A .,^ 70 \_ 154-5 calories. 3,000 x 0-2 1,000. ;,000 x 0-45 x 1,OUO 2. 100 grams of impure lime are taken, but 70 of calcium oxide only interact to form 80 of true carbide, and in the same way only 45 of the 70 grams of carbon enter into the action. The data we have are : Heat of dissociation of the gram molecule of calcium oxide = 132- cal. 1 Heat of formation of the gram molecule of calcium carbide = 0'65 cal. Heat of formation of the gram molecule of carbon monoxide = 28'8 cal. So that the calories necessary to form 64 grams of pure carbide are 132-65 - 28-8 = 103-85 calories, and the 80 grams formed will require 129-8. On now adding together 1 and 2 we obtain For heating, 154-5 calories = 284 . 3 calories? For reaction, 129*8 calories or for the kilogram of pure carbide, 3,553-75 calories. For all practical purposes the ratio between calories and electrical horse power may be taken as 1 E.H.P. 1 Determined by de Forcraud. Compt. Bend., 120, 682. 301 Calculation of the energy required in Carbide making based on practical working Energy necessary to raise the materials to the melting point ot Carbide Energy needed in the forma- tion of Carbide from Lime and Carbon Carbide made per E.H.P. day ACETYLENE Rough statement as to power needed Tapping u. ingot furnaces The size of furnace to 550 calories per hour, so that 1 E.H.P. would give the 3553-75 calories, and make 1 kilo of pure carbide in 64 hours, or 3'7 kilos, equal to 8'1 Ibs., per E.H.P. day of 24 hours. This figure is in close agreement with the best results obtained in practice. At Foyers, for instance, the daily yield calculated to pure carbide is 3- 78 kilos per E.H.P. per day. In this calculation it must be noted that the whole of the heat generated is lost, and this is practically true in the ordinary working of the furnace. For all practical purposes it may be stated that 1 E.H.P. per year will yield one ton of carbide, so that the available H.P. of a works will represent its annual output in tons when worked to its full capacity. The question of the type of furnace to be employed has been already fairly fully discussed in considering the various forms of running and ingot furnaces, but it may be added that the advantages of the running or tapping systems are smaller capital expenditure, slight economy in wages and material, and absence of crust in carbide, whilst against this must be placed the greater purity and higher output of ingot carbide for equal expenditure of electrical energy. The differ- ence in output per E.H.P. day may be approximately stated as Run carbide. Ingot carbide. Ibs. per kilos per Ibs. per kilos per e.h.p. day. kilowatt day. e.h.p. day. kilowatt day. Gross output per day . 7'0 . 4'1 . 9'6 . 5'6 Net output packed . 6'8 . 4'0 . 8'0 . 4*77 The 9'6 Ibs. per E.H.P. day including some crust, the elimination of which, and loss in crushing, gives the difference between gross and net output, whilst with run carbide it is only the loss in breaking which [is allowed for. The size of the furnace used is of course governed by the type ; if a running furnace is employed, the size 302 CALCIUM CAEBIDE of the electrodes obtainable seems to be the only limit, whilst if an ingot furnace is adopted, experience shows that the best size is about 200 E.H.P., as a loss of effi- ciency is found if of smaller capacity, and larger fur- naces give more trouble from consumption of the electrodes, and general wear and tear. The best current density for such a furnace is about 12 to 15 amperes per square inch of electrode section, and a voltage of 55 to 65. In making carbide, no matter what the form of furnace used, attention must be paid to preventing overheating or burning of the carbide when once it is formed. M. Nicolai has pointed out that overheating leads to dissociation of some of the carbide, and the result of this is well shown by remelting a sample of carbide of known composition, after which it develops about 12 per cent, less gas than before, whilst a second remelting more than doubles the loss. A second grave disadvantage of overheating also is that metallic calcium is produced, which, during the decomposition of the carbide by water, gives rise to hydrogen. In an extremely interesting pa>per by Gin and Leleux, they study the actions taking place in the electric arc as follows : " The conditions of adiabatic heating are impossible of realisation, but may be approached by striking the arc in the centre of an extremely poor conductor of heat, for instance, in the pulverised mixture which is used in the manufacture of calcium carbide. In such a centre, unmoved by the affinity of the electrodes, the arc excavates a small pocket presenting a small crater near the upper pole, by which the carbon monoxide and the vapours of lime, calcium, and carbon escape. The size of this cavity increases up to a certain limit, until a condition of equilibrium is reached, as when the volatilisation and chemical actions have ceased 303 Current density Injurious effects of overheating the Carbide " Burnt " Carbide The actions taking place in the Electric Arc The cavity of the Arc ACETYLENE the quantity of heat given off by the arc is balanced by the emissions towards surrounding centres. After cooling it is observed that the walls of the cavity are stratified in concentric layers working from the interior to the exterior. structure of 1st. A layer of brilliant graphite of blistered and th thTArc f ^ rot ^ v appearance. cavity 2nd. A layer of crystallised calcium carbide. 3rd. The original and unaltered material. From this it may be deduced that the interior tem- perature has been high enough for the tension of dissociation of the vapours of calcium and carbon to oppose the combination of the two bodies, which can only happen beyond the surface of the level, limiting the region of temperatures inferior to those of dissoci- ation. Theories If one does not wish to admit the dissociation of the which might calcium carbide, the presence of the graphite layer may presence of be explained by the fact that the great temperature of e the circuit would provoke so rapid a volatilisation of the lime that part would escape reduction, and the subsequent carburation leave an excess of carbon as residue. To us it seems probable that both these phenomena occur simultaneously. Tension of The tension of the arc varies with the state of the the Arc atmosphere. In the mixture used for calcium carbide, the stationary temperature being reached, we have obtained arcs at a tension of from 18 to 20 volts for a distance of 10 cm. s = 100 cq. - = 10. Under the ^ s same conditions, in the centre of a mixture of charcoal and oxide of manganese abundant vapours of metallic manganese are produced, and the tension may descend as low as 10 volts, the cavity formed being noticeably larger. The last observation accords with the increase of t with 304 CALCIUM CAEBIDE If one repeats the experiment, and if, the stationary heat being reached, one introduces into the crater out of which the gases come some granulated calcium car- bide, it shrinks rapidly, and even disappears altogether if the density of the current be sufficiently great. The vapour given off does not yield acetylene, from which it would seem that the carbide has been dis- sociated and not merely vaporised. There is found in the cavity a deposit of coke, the skeleton of the compound which has ceased to exist. If the hypothesis of the dissociation of the carbide be rejected, it must be admitted that the graphite de- posit existed before, and that the carbide simply filtered off after fusion through the porous layer of carbon. But if dissociation occurred, it would seem that the temperature at which it is produced is in- ferior to that of the volatilisation of the carbon, and that the calcium carbide cannot be vaporised in the state under which the experiments were made." In a further note on the dissociation of the carbides of barium and manganese, they show that these bodies cannot be volatilised without dissociation at the temperature of the arc, and also that the tempera- ture at which they dissociate is lower than the vola- tilising point of carbon. The electrodes used in the electric furnace are an important factor of expense in carbide manufacture. The best carbons, such as are made by Rudolph, Conradti or Lessing, are expensive, and the loss during the making of a ton of carbide amounts to from 10 to 16 shillings, according to the furnace used. Some carbons are made so dense and hard that they will scratch glass, but these are mostly used for elec- trolytic work, and are not so good for carbide making. In making carbons for carbide furnaces, pure coke and very slightly bituminous coal, such as anthracite or steam coal, are ground together, and having been 305 20 Action of the Arc on Calcium Carbide placed in the cavity Proof of the dissociation of Calcium Carbide in the Arc Carbide dissociates before the temperature of volatilisa- tion is reached The Carbon Electrodes for the furnaces The manu- facture of Electrodes ACETYLENE Properties of Calcium Carbide Differences in the crystalline condition of Carbide Importance of proper ventilation in Carbide works compressed under hydraulic pressure into a very dense mass, sometimes with a trace of tar, they are fired in a special furnace, and all volatile matter having been driven off, and the carbon from any hydrocarbons present deposited in a graphitic condition, they be- come good conductors of electricity. The pressure required is high, but if too excessive the final firing causes the mass to bulge out of shape or warp, and considerable skill is required to obtain them of just the right density. Commercial calcium carbide varies very much in appearance, being sometimes in a fine crystalline con- dition, with its surface shot with iridescent colours, whilst other samples present a steel-coloured fracture, which on examination is found to consist of very minute crystalline faces. This difference of appear- ance was at one time thought to indicate differences in purity, but it is now generally recognised that they may be of equal purity, ingot carbide which has only cooled very slowly having formed large fine crystals which owe their wonderful colours to excessively fine films of oxide on their surface, whilst the steel- coloured variety is generally run carbide, the rapid cooling of which has only allowed the formation of very minute crystals. A very dark graphitic-looking carbide with streaks of blacker shade is often a bad carbide, and owes its colour to overheating in the furnace, which has caused dissociation of some of the carbide and deposition of amorphous carbon, the calcium having volatilised or being present in metallic form. In carbide works the greatest attention must be paid to thorough ventilation, and of course to abso- lutely tight roofs, as moisture is the chief enemy the carbide manufacturer has to dread, not only from its effect on the carbide, but on the raw material. In carrying out the ventilation, however, draughts at 306 CALCIUM CARBIDE the furnace level must be carefully avoided, as the carbons above the furnace are often unduly heated, and any draught causes them to burn away and waste, the same remark applying to the carbonaceous material in the mixture where open furnaces are used. It has before been shown that as the interactions leading to the formation of carbide proceed, carbon monoxide is formed by the combination of the oxygen of the lime with one-third of the carbon used in the mixture. In the manufacture of 1 ton of carbide 1,232 cubic feet of this gas are produced, and as the smallest trace of it free in the air produces intense headache, whilst less than 1 per cent, inhaled for a short time may prove fatal, it is manifest that every precaution must be taken to prevent any escape into the air of the factory. The poisonous properties of carbon monoxide are due to its forming a definite compound with the haemoglobin in the blood. Under ordinary circum- stances of respiration the blood corpuscles, which are chiefly composed of haemoglobin, take oxygen from the air through the cell walls of the lungs and form a weak compound called oxyhsemoglobin, and during the circulation of the blood carry it to the various parts of the body where it is needed for burn- ing up the waste tissues. When, however, the air contains any carbon monoxide, this gas combines with the haemoglobin, forming a much stronger compound than the oxyhaemoglobin, with the result that the blood is robbed of its chief function, and death rapidly ensues. When, however, the gas has only been in- haled in very small traces, headache, and finally vertigo and insensibility occur. Under these con- ditions a workman who has been overcome can generally be quickly brought round again by inducing artificial respiration in the same way as would be 307 Carbon Monoxide Poisonous action of Carbon Monoxide Effect of Carbon Monoxide on the blood Treatment for Carbon Monoxide poisoning ACETYLENE done in a case of drowning, or better still by taking a small bottle of compressed oxygen, the nozzle of which is fitted with an india-rubber tube. If this india- rubber tube be now placed in one nostril of the insen- sible man, and the other be closed and the mouth held shut, the oxygen can be turned on until the lungs are full, which will be shown by the puffing of the cheeks. use oi The oxygen is then turned off, and by gentle pressure " on the chest the gas from the lungs is discharged through the mouth, the lungs being then filled again in the same way as before. On repeating this two or three times the carbon monoxide compound in the blood is slowly decomposed, and the blood resumes its normal functions, whilst the man rapidly recovers. In all works where carbon monoxide is generated in manufacturing processes, a bottle of compressed oxy- gen should be kept handy for this purpose. other gases When the ingredients of the mixture are perfectly ^foreign dry, and consist of pure lime and good metallurgical matt r in coke, carbon monoxide is practically the only gas the furnace formed by the action of the arc, but when anthracite or coke made at a low temperature is employed, the decomposition of the small quantity of hydrocarbons present lead to the formation of hydrogen, whilst if the coke or lime contain moisture, this not only abstracts heat from the region of interaction by its conversion into steam and dissociation, but also causes formation of a larger volume of carbon monoxide, whilst the hydrogen of the water vapour again adds importance to the volume of escaping gases. Every precaution air f'nmT'tne mus ^ ^ e taken to prevent access of air to the neigh- heat zone of bourhood of the active zone, as it would not only produce excessive waste of carbon from the mixture and electrodes, but would also lead to the formation of cyanogen and nitrogen oxides. The poisonous properties of the gases produced are not the only drawback due to their formation : as 308 CALCIUM CAEBIDE they leave the region of the arc, their uprush through the material, if it be finely ground, causes channels, upsets the ration of carbon and lime, and sweeps the finest particles, in the form of dust, out of the furnace, and if this be allowed to escape into the factory, the caustic nature of the lime and the grit of the coke not only are dangerous to the health of the workpeople, but injurious to the machinery, driving belts and the working parts of the machines soon showing their action, and it is for this reason that direct driving should always be employed where possible in a car- bide factory. The dust nuisance may be attacked in several ways. Where it is possible granulating instead of grinding, and the use of closed furnaces from which the gases can be led away and utilised for lime burning or other heating purposes, are the simplest solution, the same result being obtained by the use of briquettes of mixture, and the use of the gases for preheating, as in the Landin and Pictet processes. In crucible furnaces, such as the improved Willson and Gin & Leleux, the gases are escaping from the small vent-holes provided at the back and front of the crucible, and the trouble is not so easily dealt with. With the improved Willson crucibles used at Foyers, a sheet-iron hood is arranged at each end of the fur- nace in connection with a vertical sheet-iron shaft of considerable diameter which leads up well above the roof level. This acts not only in carrying off the gases, but also as a settling chamber for particles of mixture of sufficient size to be again used in the fur- nace, as with the slow current existing in these uptakes the coarse particles readily settle into bins at the bottom of the shaft. In the Grin and Leleux furnace, the gases escape from a number of small pipes sunk in the brickwork 309 Injurious effects of over gas production in the furnace Dust and its drawbacks How to avoid the dust and gas trouble Special arrange- ments for minimising the dis- advantages Foyers arrange- ment Gin & Leleux's Ventilators ACETYLENE commercial sizes for carbide of the crucible casing, which lead off the gases in such a way as to prevent the presence of a large volume of gas at one time, which would give the risk of an explosive mixture. From these openings the gas is led into a depositing chamber connected with an uptake flue, or, where this is not convenient, an aspirating fan. The carbide sent out has to be broken up in order to suit the purposes for which it is intended : for large generators, pieces the size of an egg and up to the size of the fist are convenient, whilst for some auto- matic generators and for bicycle lamps granulated carbide is wanted. At some works standard sizes are adopted, a convenient classification being Lumps . Large nuts Small nuts Granulated Siftings . 5 to 10 cm. 2 to 5 cm. 1 to 2 cm. 5 to 10 mm. 2 to 4 inches. 1 to 2 inches. to 1 inch. to -f inch. more or less fine powder. The of Calcium Carbide The hardness of calcium carbide is so great that a very large amount of force has to be used to break it. And w hen this is done by hand labour or by machines of the stonebreaker type, a large amount of waste results from the formation of powder and dust. It has been found, however, that this waste is largely reduced when crushing machinery of the right type is employed, as, if a piece of carbide be subjected to a strong squeeze instead of a blow, it splits along the cleavage of the crystals and readily falls to pieces. Speyerer, of Berlin, who has devoted considerable attention to carbide-making machinery, constructs crushers on this principle, which reduce the loss in dust and fine particles to from 5 to 10 per cent., whilst with the old methods of breaking it was often more than double that amount. LOSS from It is manifest that the production of any large Carbide dust ... ,, ,, . , r , . , ,. . in breaking quantity of " smalls " in breaking up the carbide is a 310 crushing CALCIUM CAEBIDE serious loss, as if it be mixed with fresh material and put back in the furnace, the finely divided particles expose so large a surface to the action of air that by the time the mixture has been made up and has again reached the arc, the dust has probably returned to the condition of lime and carbon once more, whilst if a special small furnace be employed for again fusing the waste, a poor carbide results, owing to dissociation of some of the original carbide. At present the best method of utilising the dust and " smalls " made in this part of the operation is that proposed by Lewes, which is to break up the carbide whilst still fairly hot and to mix the dust as it falls from the sieves with tar which has been boiled for a sufficiently long period to expel all water. The tar is used in just sufficient quantity to make the mass pasty, and then the mixture is pressed into moulds and heated in a muffle furnace to a dull red heat, which causes all volatile hydrocarbons to distil out from the tar and leaves the carbide particles bound together by spongy carbon and in such a con- dition that water can' readily permeate through the mass and decompose the carbide present. These car- bide briquettes can be made of any size and in any form, and as the gas is disengaged from them in a steady stream, they are eminently adapted for use in bicycle lamps, table lamps, and small generators, and yield about 4 c. ft. of acetylene per Ib. In making ingot carbide, the ingots as they leave the furnace have to stand some time to ensure solidifi- cation throughout the whole mass. They then have the worst of the crust removed by a hammer, and are broken by hand to a size that enables them to be put in the crusher. This can be so regulated as to give a fairly uniform size of product, and it is found most economical, where small sizes are required, to reduce the size of the lumps by successive operations. 311 Utilisation of Carbide dust and " smalls " Carbide briquettes Ingot Carbide and its treat- ment to prepare it for the market ACETYLENE It is practically impossible to avoid the action of the atmosphere during this part of the operation, and closed crushers or mills are not advisable, as an explo- sive mixture of low igniting point is rapidly formed, and a piece of hot carbide or a spark from the jaws might easily give a most dangerous explosion. For this reason also the crushing room must be well ventilated, and everything done to prevent carbide dust, which affects the workmen's eyes and respiratory organs. The ingot as it leaves the furnace contains about ingot and two- thirds of its weight of pure crystalline carbide, often of 98 to 99 per cent, purity, whilst the remaining one-third varies from 75 to 50 per cent, of purity, as the quantity of unconverted material grows larger and larger as it nears the surface of the mass, and has been further from the zone of strongest action in the furnace. It would be practically impossible to entirely separate the perfectly pure ingot from the less pure outer portions, save by breaking up the whole mass and hand-picking the most perfectly crystallised por- tions. And the most reasonable procedure is to pick out as far as possible the poorest portions of the ingot, and to blend the remainder so as to give a commercia] carbide yielding an average of about 5 c. ft. per Ib. of carbide (315 litres per kilo.), at ordinary temperatures, i.e. of about 85 to 90 per cent, purity. The only trouble consequent upon such procedure is that, owing to want of care in blending the mixture of ingot and crust, a sample of carbide containing an undue proportion of the poor carbide is occasionally sent out, and causes dissatisfaction. With run carbide this trouble disappears, but, as has been before pointed out, in order to get the carbide sufficiently liquid to run at a temperature that does not cause excessive damage to the furnace and dis- sociation of some of the carbide itself, an excess of 312 CALCIUM CAEBIDE lime has to be used, and this remains dissolved in the carbide, with the result that a standard of 5 c. ft. per Ib. is rarely reached. The question of fixing a standard quality for com- mercial carbide has been several times raised, and the outside public has wondered why so apparently easy a question to solve should have remained unsettled. But the crux of the question is that the makers of ingot carbide can produce a carbide up to a standard of 4-8 to 5 c. ft. of acetylene per Ib. of carbide (300 to 315 litres per kilo.) under the most economical conditions of working with the class of furnaces they employ, and therefore insist upon a high standard of purity being fixed, a view which the public, who have to pay a considerable portion of the freight, endorse, whilst the manufacturers of run carbide, owing to their having to add a slight excess of lime as a flux, would find it more economical in their furnace practice if the standard more nearly approached 4 c. ft. per Ib. (250 litres per kilo.). This trouble could be overcome if, instead of selling carbide by weight, it were to be sold at so much a unit of gas-producing power, the price being so calculated as to allow for the extra freight, etc., incurred by using a low quality carbide. If this were done, it would of course be necessary to rigidly define the form of generator in which the gas- yielding power of the carbide should be determined, and also the way in which the samples should be taken; but when once these details were fixed, each manufacturer would be free to use his plant to the most economical advantage, whilst the consumer would get what he paid for. It must be borne in mind that these remarks apply only to the ordinary commercial run carbide, and that it is possible, where carbons are cheap, to make a very fine run carbide by simply adding more carbon 313 A standard quality for commercial Carbide The unit of gas production to form the basis for price of Carbide Run Carbide ACETYLENE The cost of power works The cost of a 1,000 H.P installation Cost per E.H.P. per year Cost of Carbide per ton on the above basis to the mixture. Indeed, one of the purest carbides analysed by the author was a run carbide from Froges ; but directly this is done any economy over the ingot process is entirely swamped. It is practically impossible to give an idea of the cost of erecting power works, but in many cases the owners of water power are offering it at so much per H.P. per year, which often gives rise to a grave misconception as to the cost of making carbide. Sup- pose, for instance, that 1,000 water H.P. is offered at 2 per H.P. per year, including pipes and all the other permanent outlay other than machinery. The tur- bines, dynamos, conductors, and transformers would cost in round figures 7,500, and, as only seven- tenths of the water power at most could be trans- formed into electrical H.P., the cost per E.H.P. per year would be Eental 2,000 Interest, depreciation, and repairs . 750 Wages .220 Oil, waste, stores, etc. . , . 110 Cost of 700 E.H.P 3,080 or 4 8s. per E.H.P. per year. so that the price of the water power is more than doubled by the time you have got the current to the furnace. If the works were so situated that cheap and good coke and lime can be obtained, the cost per ton of the carbide would be approximately as follows : Labour, including repairs Carbon electrodes Materials for repairs . Stores .... Coke at 12s. Gd. per ton Lime at 12.9. per ton . Grinding Power . say 8 per ton of packed carbide. 314 7 18 3 CALCIUM CARBIDE Where the price of coke and lime does not vary widely from the prices in the above estimate, a fair approximation may be obtained as to the cost of manufacturing carbide per ton by adding 3 10s. to the cost per E.H.P. per year. With a plant of 5,000 E.H.P. and the best labour- saving conditions, this price could of course be reduced by nearly 1, but the prices mostly given for the production of calcic carbide are as a rule too low. L 1 Eclair age Electrique contains the following sum- mary of the cost of carbide at Meran : 1. Materials. 1 ton of carbide requires 940 kgr. CaO and 650 kgr. carbon. The limestone costs per ton, 2 fL The lime furnace produces 6,000 kgr. of lime with a consumption of 1,800 kgr. coal. The price per ton of lime in the work is 10 fL, the coke used for making the carbide costs 20 fl. per ton. 2. Electrodes. One electrode is sufficient to make 10 tons of carbide, and the cost of making them being 80 fL, the cost per ton of carbide will be 8 fl. 3. Electric Energy. For the production of a ton of carbide 6,400 E.H.P. hours are wanted. The H.P. calculated at 25 fL per year gives 25x6400 24= 300 = 22-9 fl. The different machines for transporting and lifting the materials and product require 200 E.H.P. The daily production of carbide, being 6'5 tons, gives 200x24 x300 = 2-5 fl. 4. Works Expenses. 21 workmen are employed during the day and 9 at night. The wages 1*75 to 2 fL per day, the total being 60 fL per day, therefore, per ton, 9 fL 5. Packing. The cost is 2'50 n. per ton direct. 6. Depreciation, etc. Per ton, 12-10 fL 315 Cost of making Carbide at Meran Material Electrodes Energy Works expenses Cost of Packing Deprecia- tion General expenses Carriage Mainten ance Total cost per ton List of the Carbide works of the world Canada United States Europe Germany ACETYLENE 7. General Expenses. fl. per ton. At works : directors, manager, rates, patents, etc 11-000 At works : various expenses . . 1*400 At offices : Directors of the Board, office expenses, etc. . . . 12-500 25-00 8. Cost of carriage from the works to the railway station is 1-50 per ton. 9. Maintenance requires 7,500 fl., i.e. 3-75 fl. per ton. The cost of production, taken as the sum of the above items, will be 95*05 fl. or 7 18s. 5d. per ton of packed carbide. The following is a list of carbide works at present running or in course of construction : England CANADA. Th. L. Willson, St. Catherine's, Ontario . Shewangen Falls ...... UNITED STATES. Union Carbide Co., Chicago, 111., Soo Falls, Saulte St. Marie, and Niagara Falls . GEBMANY. Aluminium Ing. A. G., Rheinfelden Electrochemische Works, Rheinfelden A. Gr. fur Holzindustrie, Lechbruck . Portland Cement "Works, Lauffen-a-M. . Yersch. Yersuchswerke, Frankfort-a-M., Ne- heim, U.S.W Schilling & Gutzeit, Guttstadt, Wormditt ENGLAND. - Acetylene Illuminating Co., Foyers, Scotland 316 Water Power. 12,000 5,000 25,000 3,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 3,000 CALCIUM CARBIDE FRANCE. Bertholus, Charles, Bellegarde sur la Rhone Cie Fran9aise des Carbures de Calcium, Sechi- lienne sur la Romanche .... Cie General d' Electrochimie, Bozel, Savoy Cie des Salins du Midi, Salies du Salafc Corbin & Cie, Chedde, Haute Savoie sur 1'Arve ....... Gayral, Albas sur le Lot ..... Omnium Lyonnais, Arudy sur le Gave d'Ossau ....... Mr. L. Robert, La Bathie, L'Arbine, Savoy . Rochette Freres, Epierre, Savoy Societe de Carbure, La Bastide de Levis. Tarn Societe des Carbures Metalliques, Paris, Notre Dame de Briancon ..... Societe Electrochimie du Giffre, Bellegarde sur la Valserine ..... Societe Electrometallurgique Fran9aise, Froges, Isere ........ Societe Electrometallurgique Fran9aise, La Praz sur 1'Arc, Savoy .... Societe Electrometallurgique Fran9aise, Serres, Hautes Alpes, sur le Buech Societe Electrometallurgique du Giffre, Mi- cussy, Hoch Savoyenne, sur le Giffre Societe L'Acetylene, Ste Beron, Isere Societe des Forces Motrices du Haur Gresi- vandan Chapareillan, Isere, sur le Cernon Societe Hydroelectrique des Pyrenees, Le Caste- let, Ariege ....... Societe Usines Electrochimique de Crampagna. Crampagna, Ariege ..... Cie Internationale de Carborundum, La Bathie, Savoy . . ... 317 Water Power. 1,200 France 1,200 4,000 300 2,000 450 2,000 1,250 1,200 350 3,000 500 600 600 640 10,000 2,000 800 2,500 600 1,250 ACETYLENE ITALY. Water Power. Italy Cav. F. Giorigi, San Marcel, Oberitalien . . 700 Ing Carlo Mongini, Poggio Misteto, Distrikt Eieti 150 Societa Italiana del Carburo di Calcio, Rome . 2,000 Le Marmore Terni, Ivrea 1,000 NORWAY. Norway Aktieselskabet Hafslund in Hafslund bei Sarpsborg 5,000 Aktieselskabet Carbidindustrie, Sarpsborg . 1,500 Notodden 2,000 AUSTRIA. Austria Acetylene Gas A. G-,, Wien, Meran . . . 2,400 Allg. Carbid und Acetylene Gesellsch., Matrei, Tyrol 2,000 Aluminium Industr. A. G., Kend bei Gastein . 4,000 Bosnische Electrizitats A. G., Jajce, Bosnia . 5,000 Krasper, Lobhowitz ...... 450 Societa veneta di Electrochemica Paternion, Karnten, A. von Supak, Sebenico . . 600 RUSSIA. Russia A. G. Electrizitats, Warsaw .... 1,500 Hameskosky Aktiebolag, Wiborg, Finland . 2,000 SWEDEN. Sweden A. G. de Laval, Elektrica Smalt Ugen Troll- hatten 3,000 Alby Calcium Carbid Aktiebolag . . . 6,000 Sp. amforseg Orebo Elektriska Aktiebolag . 2,000 Mansbo Stockholms Superfosfat Aktiebolag . 2,000 FINLAND. Finland Hamekoski Aktiebolag ..... 3,000 Imabro Aktiebolag 5,000 318 CALCIUM CARBIDE SWITZERLAND. Water Power. Aluminium Industrie Akt. Gres., Neuhausen . switzer- Neuhausen Works 3,000 Elektrizitatswerk Klosters .... Elektrizitatswerk Lonza in Grampel . . 5,000 Schweizerische Gresellsch. f tir Elektrochemische Industrie, Bern : Works Luterbach, Solothurn . . . 570 Thusis, Graubunden . . . 3,500 Societe d'Electrochimie, Usine du Day, Val- lorbes ....... Societe Genevoise d'Electricite et des produits chimiques, Vernier, Genf .... 1,200 A. G. Elektrizitatswerke, Wynau . Siemens & Halske, A. G., Berlin, Wynau . 750 Via Mala ........ Walliser Industrie Gesellsch., Zurich, Works Vernayaz 900 SPAIN. Mas Revertes y Cia., Barcelona . . . 500 Spain Societe des Carbures Metalliques, Paris, Barga 2,500 As soon as calcium carbide began to assume a position Attempts to of commercial importance, attempts were made to pro- carbide duce it without the use of electricity, and exhaustive without j i,- i. Electricity experiments were made to devise a process which should be less expensive than is the case when the temperature of reduction of the lime and formation of carbide takes place in the electric furnace. As has before been pointed out, the temperature necessary to reduce lime to metallic calcium, when carbon alone is the reducing agent, is somewhere about 2,700 C., whilst the temperature of fusion is probably 3,000 C., and it is clear that if such a temperature is to be attained by other than electrical means, considerable 319 ACETYLENE By heating Calcium Tartrate By passing Hydro- carbon vapours over in- candescent lime By using a metal having a strong affinity for Oxygen difficulties must at once arise in finding a material sufficiently refractory to withstand the necessary temperature. It seems probable, however, that ad- vantage might be taken of the nascent condition in bringing about the desired result, and many experi- ments were made in this direction. Zino states that if crude calcium tartrate, such as is obtained in the sediment in wine casks, is heated to about 499 C. (930 F.) in a cast-iron retort raised to the required temperature in an ordinary furnace, a grey spongy mass is left which causes brisk effer- vescence on contact with water, whilst the gas evolved burns with a brilliant light, and he concludes the gas must be acetylene. Even supposing, however, that calcium carbide could be made in this way, the price of the calcium tartrate would prevent its ever com- peting with carbide made in an electric furnace. Other attempts to reduce lime by nascent carbon have also been made, one process being to pass the vapour of hydrocarbons through lime heated to a high temperature, the decomposition of the hydro- carbon liberating carbon in a condition of activity, whilst the reducing action is aided by the nascent hydrogen. Experiments on a small scale seem to show that this might be possible, but the inventors of the process found on trying to repeat their work on a large scale that the practical difficulties were insurmountable. It is perfectly well known that if a temperature commercially practicable is to be used, some metal with a strong affinity for oxygen must be employed to reduce the lime to calcium before combination with the carbon will take place. Such metals as will do this, potassium, sodium, and magnesium, or even zinc, are however too costly, and if a process were devised in which the vapours of such metals were liberated by reduction from their salts, and were made to 320 CALCIUM CARBIDE interact with carbon and lime at a high temperature it could only be made commercially possible either by a large demand being created for the bye-products, or by these being capable of being cheaply worked up and used over again. In either case the probabilities are that the cost would exceed that of making carbide by electricity generated by water power. Many attempts have also been made to manufacture By using carbide directly from lime and carbon by direct heating combustion processes in which the inventors hope to obtain the necessary temperatures, but most of these attempts have not passed beyond the paper stage. In one case, however, small works were erected in the neighbour- hood of London, and an attempt was made to obtain the carbide by first producing a gaseous mixture by alternately causing hydrocarbon vapour and steam to pass through a series of retorts containing hydrated oxide of iron, which was alternately reduced by the hydrocarbons with the formation of steam methane and hydrogen, and in its reduced form was then re- oxidised by the passage over it of steam, which set free hydrogen. The gaseous mixture so obtained having The been stored in a holder was used to feed a number of converging blowpipe burners arranged in a furnace in such a way as to heat a mixture of lime and car- bon which was fed down to them. It is of course manifest that such a process could never be successful, as if a piece of carbide be taken and heated in the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe itself, not only does no fusion take place, the temperature being insufficient, but the carbide is decomposed, and after some heating simply remains as carbon and lime containing a little calcic carbonate. No fuel containing hydrogen as the main con- stituent could be used in a process of this kind, as although the temperature may be above the dis- sociating point of the water formed during com- 321 21 ACETYLENE Liquid air and its possible application to Carbide making Borchers' process Bcrgc- mann's Oxygen furnace Carbide as a bye-product bustion, it is manifest that the formation must take place in order to give the heat, and this instantaneous production would be quite sufficient to break up any carbide produced. During the past few years the beautiful researches of Linde have made liquid air a commercial possi- bility, and by allowing some of the nitrogen to boil off from this, a liquid evolving a gas richer and richer in oxygen can be obtained, and there is no doubt that if this were employed for burning purely car- bonaceous fuel the requisite temperature might be attained, but the trouble as to the life of the furnace would still exist. Dr. Borchers has patented a process for making calcium carbide by mixing together coke and lime into a paste with liquid air, and igniting the mixture by a fuse ; but although this process has been talked of for some time, no definite results are yet pub- lished, the inventor being anxious that the public should withhold their judgment on his process until the necessary patents to protect it have been taken out. Under these conditions it is of course impossible to offer an opinion as to the feasibility of such a method, but it is hard to believe that it could ever be a commercial success. Bergemaim has patented a furnace for the produc- tion and melting of such materials as calcium carbide without electricity, hoping to obtain his result by the combustion of carbon in oxygen, and in order to do this he uses an oven surrounded by a water-jacket, and produces his oxygen by a continuous manganese process. This oxygen is then used for the combustion of coke or liquid fuel. Attempts have also not been wanting to make carbide as a bye-product, and a process which has been much talked about is one proposed by Harten- stein for the manufacture of carbide from blast furnace 322 323 ACETYLENE Blast furnace Slag Carbolite The process claimed for making Carbolite slag and coke dust. A description of the process is here reproduced in the inventor's own words : " For every 2,000 Ibs. of pig iron there are obtained 1,500 Ibs. of slag. This is not only a waste product, but its removal is usually an expanse to be charged with the cost of the iron. Blast furnace slag is com- posed of from 50 to 55 per cent, of lime, 25 to 28 per cent, of silicon, 16 to 18 per cent, of aluminium, and a small proportion of other substances, varying accord- ing to the composition of the ore reduced and the limestone employed as a flux. By using the pro- cesses mentioned this slag is combined with carbon- aceous material, such as coke, and a new product is obtained, which is known as ' carbolite.' On bring- ing carbolite into contact with water or other liquid, a gas is instantly generated, which, when used in suitable burners, gives a beautiful white flame of great steadiness and remarkable luminosity." The method of producing carbolite is as follows : " Slag, being a combination of all the non- volatile substances contained in the charge, except the iron, and being lighter than smelted iron, floats on top, and is drawn off through an aperture in the furnace placed at the upper line of the molten iron into suitable receivers so constructed as to retain the great heat. Being at a very high temperature, it is almost as fluid as water, and by means of great ladles operated by hydraulic power it is passed from the receivers into converters, similar to those used in manufacturing Bessemer steel. Except that the tops are somewhat closed, the opening being much smaller than the central diameter, these converters may be likened to elongated iron kettles hung on hollow shafts or trunnions, so as to easily turn or tip. Through these hollow shafts or trunnions iron pipes are run leading to and connected with a number of small tubes that perforate the bottom of the converter. These pipes 324 CALCIUM CARBIDE arid tubes are so arranged that finely pulverised coke can be fed and forced through them. Before the slag Treatment is poured into the converters a strong gas blast is of the Sla s forced through the pipes to keep the molten mass from running into and filling them up. As soon, however, as the slag is poured into the converter, pulverised coke is fed into the pipes, and by the gas blast carried through and forced into the molten mass. This is continued until the slag is thoroughly im- pregnated with the coke. To ensure uniform mixture the converter can be tipped backward and forward as desired, thus increasing the agitation. " When the mixture is complete, the converter can be turned on its shaft, so as to cause the mass to flow between a series of carbon bars or electrodes that serve to introduce a powerful electric current. Coke is an excellent conductor of electricity, while slag is highly resistant. The result is that the particles of slag in connection with the particles of coke form innumerable miniature electric arcs, producing a most intense heat within the mixture. In the course of about twenty minutes the mass becomes so super- heated that the slag is deoxidised, and becomes fused with or carburetted by the coke. When this fusion ^? ttTsu is effected the material is finished. It is then poured and Carbon into moulds of any desired shape and size. When carboiite cool it is of crystalline formation, has a metallic glitter, and is nearly twice the weight of coal. The finished product, carboiite, can be kept indefinitely, and transported without difficulty. It is impervious to almost everything except water. Each pound of good carboiite will produce 5 cubic feet of gas, and Alleged each cubic foot of this gas is equal in illuminating yiel m gas power to about 15 cubic feet of ordinary coal or water carboiite gas. " By a little calculation it will readily be seen that at $50 per ton, or 2 cents per lb., 35 cents worth of 325 ACETYLENE carbolite will produce as much light as 1,000 cubic feet of ordinary coal gas costing $1, and the same amount of light by sixteen-candle-power incandescent electric lamps at 1 cent per hour each would cost up- wards of $2. u The construction of a carbolite plant is almost Carbolite r plant identical with that of the Bessemer portion of a steel plant, except that electrical heat is also used. The converters can handle three or more tons at a single charge, being manipulated by hydraulic power, as are also the cranes and ladles. In fact, nearly all the highly developed mechanism of the modern steel plant is directly adaptable for the manufacture of carbolite. The most favourable conditions for the production of carbolite would be in connection with the manufacture of pig iron and coke. In a combined plant, not only could the slag of the blast furnace be made valuable, but the immense volume of gases from the furnaces, converters, and coke ovens, together with the now wasted sensible heat, could all be trans- ferred into mechanical energy ample to provide for all power requirements, and without the expenditure of a penny for fuel. The famous water power of Niagara cannot compete with this for cheapness, for with fuel furnished without cost, water power cannot compete with the steam engine or gas motor." Possibilities This description is given as the idea is existent in England that the process is being worked in America, whilst inquiries from America as to how the process is progressing in Europe suggest that it is still looked upon there as possible. Granting Har ten- stein's assumption that slag is composed of from 50 to 55 per cent, of lime, 25 to 28 per cent, silica, and 16 to 18 per cent, alumina, and that this could be converted by the method proposed into calcic carbide, aluminium carbide, and carborundum, it would be possible to obtain from such a body a mixture of methane and 326 CALCIUM CARBIDE acetylene which would be valuable for illuminating purposes, if decomposed in a generator the tempera- ture of which rose to the point found in some of the worst forms existing ; but even under these conditions carborundum would remain undecomposed. Harten- stein further goes on to calculate the cost of this wonderful material, which he brings out at $1'75 per ton ; and as the material, according to him, is to produce 5 cubic feet of gas per lb., each cubic foot of which is to equal in illuminating value 15 cubic feet of coal gas, the millenium with regard to the genera- tion of light seems to be rapidly approaching. No matter how carbide may be made, certain pre- The packing cautions are necessary in packing and storing it. Being acted upon with considerable rapidity by moist air, with evolution of acetylene and formation of a surface coating of lime over the carbide, it is manifest that it must be protected from this deleterious in- fluence, and it is now always packed at the works in strong iron drums in large quantities, or in hermeti- carbide cally sealed tins in smaller bulk. It is of the greatest importance, however, that these vessels should be of sufficient strength to withstand the rough usage in- separable from railway transit. The tendency on the Continent is to use tins of too flimsy construction, which, although having the advantage of cheapness, undoubtedly give rise to the risk of being stoved in by a fall, or by the placing of heavy packages upon them. The carbide itself is so heavy that strength in the vessels is an absolute necessity, and where tins are used they must be encased in wooden boxes for transit. They should be so made as to be practically air-tight, a condition which can readily be attained by a screwed lid or by a clamp ; and it is as well that the maximum contents of each drum should not exceed 1 cwt., and iron or steel is undoubtedly the best material of which they can be made. 327 ACETYLENE The carbide after breaking at the works is generally drums packed into the drums whilst still warm, the drum itself having been exposed to a temperature sufficient to preclude the possibility of its containing moisture in its interior ; and it is manifest that, under these conditions, when the tin is closed, the contraction of the air in the spaces between the pieces of carbide would lead to a diminution in pressure, and cause a sucking in, through any small leak, of air containing moisture. The risk of this, however, is not great, and could be entirely obviated by a screw cap in the lid, to which a drying vessel containing rough calcic carbide could be attached until the tin had cooled down to atmospheric temperature. It is important that when sent out the drum should be quite full of carbide, and no large air space left above its surface, and the carbide should never be packed into the drum with organic matter. In America very large drums were at one time used, and wheat chaff was put in with the carbide to fill the interstices ; but when the carbide had been used, this packing was often thrown on dust-heaps, and, containing powdered carbide, sometimes caught fire when wetted by a shower of rain. Lid valves Carbide drums are now being made on the Conti- r r drmns de nen ^? i n which the lid is fitted with a small valve, which allows the escape of any gas made from within, and so prevents undue pressure within the vessel itself, whilst it stops any access of air from with- out. The forms of the tins and drums vary considerably, one very useful shape being that employed by the Magyar State Eailway in Hungary, these tins being about the size and shape of an ordinary milk-can, and closed hermetically by a lid held in position by a clamp. storage There is no more risk in the storage of calcium car- 328 CALCIUM CARBIDE bide than there is in storing any other inert material, provided it is packed dry and warm in hermetically sealed drums, so as to render it impossible for it to come in contact with water or moist air. The real risk is in the removal or redistribution of the material, as after opening a drum it may not be again properly closed, and if the drum be left in this condition in the moist air of an ill- ventilated cellar, it is quite possible for a slow generation of gas to take place, and an explosive mixture to be formed by its accumulation. All carbide stores should be thoroughly ventilated and above ground, and when this is the case all danger is practically done away with. The calcium carbide as formed in the electric furnace is a beautiful crystalline semimetallic-looking solid, having a density of 2*22, and showing a fracture which is often shot with iridescent colours owing to the formation of excessively thin films of oxide on its surface. Moissan, however, 1 has shown that its colour is entirely due to impurities in it, chiefly iron, and that when the materials from which the carbide is prepared are perfectly pure, the true calcium carbide is white and transparent. He obtained absolutely pure calcium carbide by the action of heat on a compound obtained by acting upon calcium ammonium with acetylene, which yielded a compound C 2 Ca C 2 H 2 4NH 3 , a body which becomes incandescent on contact with water, chlorine, carbon dioxide, or sulphur dioxide, and dissociates when heated, yielding pure calcium carbide. Moissan also found that if calcium hydride, CaH 2 , or calcium nitride, Ca 3 N 2 , be heated with pure carbon, thin plates of white transparent calcium carbide are obtained ; and he proved that the colour of the com- mercial carbide was due to iron, as by fusing some pure snow-white carbide in a graphite crucible, with 1 Compt. Eendu, 1898, 127, 917, 918. 329 Carbide stores The colour of Calcium Carbide Moissan's researches in pure Carbide The pre- paration of pure Carbide ACETYLENE Bullier & Perrodil's researches on the foreign matter in Calcium Carbide The com- binations of Silicon in Calcium Carbide a small trace of iron oxide, in the electric furnace, he obtained ordinary commercial carbide. Bullier and Perrodil 1 divide the impurities which are to be found in commercial carbide into two classes : those which are not decomposed by water under ordi- nary conditions and those which are. The first class consists of graphite, partly resulting from the action of the heat in the electric furnace on the carbon, and partly formed by the dissociation of calcium carbide from over-heating ; carbide of boron, formed by the action of carbon on boric acid, occurring in the coke ; carbide of silicon, or carborundum, from the action of carbon on the silicic acid present both in the lime, ash of the coke, and electrodes ; and silicides and car- bides of various metals, the oxides of which are in the lime and coke ash. They give, as the impurities of the second class, substances evolving compounds of phosphorus when acted on by water, which yield phosphorous pentoxide when burnt with the gas ; aluminium sulphide, which yields sulphuretted hydro- gen ; organic sulphur compounds, and metallic nitrides, which under the influence of pure or alkaline water set free ammonia. Lechatelier 2 pointed out that in commercial carbide, besides the calcium and carbon, there exist silicon and iron ; and although it would be possible for the iron to be united with any of the three other bodies, it is only in combination with the silicon as iron silicide Fe 2 Si, the silicon only combining with the calcium or carbon according to whether the one or the other is in excess. Thus when carbon is present in abundance the hexagonal blue crj^stals of carborundum are formed ; but if the calcium be in excess, calcium silicides are produced as small grey metallic crystals, which may be collected from the lime residue by 1 Rec. Tech. Ind. de VAcet., 1896, 87. 2 Bull. Soc. Chem., 3, 17, 193. 330 CALCIUM CARBIDE washing the lime as far as possible away, and treat- ing the residue with acetic acid. It appears that two different calcium silicides can exist, the one scarcely acted upon by nitric acid but rapidly by hydrochloric acid with formation of a grey insoluble substance ; the other, which is easily dis- solved by nitric acid and acetic acid, gives a white precipitate with hydrochloric acid, which dissolves in potassium hydrate with evolution of hydrogen. It is well known that on breaking a sample of carbide metallic-looking nodules are frequently found, and used to be far more frequent in the carbide before the purity of the materials was insisted on than they are at present. These nodules are generally found in a spherical or oval shape, and have evidently separated from the molten mass on the crystallizing of the true carbide. Some of these were analysed in Sweden and were found to contain Silicon Iron 26-4 73-6 corresponding to Fe 2 Si 5 . These nodules were probably not a compound, and they were found to have slightly magnetic properties. Lewes l noticed that the nodules from carbide dif- fered somewhat in appearance, two distinct varieties being clearly noticeable. (a) Grey nodules, not attracted by the magnet, not oxidised when exposed to air or heated as a solid lump in the blowpipe flame. Specific gravity 3'5 to 5*8. In a fine powder some had a very faint garlic-like odour, gained 5 per cent, when heated for half an hour, and attacked platinum when heated on it for some time. These nodules gave no gas when acted upon by water. (fe) Steel-like nodules, which were strongly mag- 1 Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 17, 532 331 Silicides of Calcium Metallic nodules in Carbide Difference observed in the nodules ACETYLENE netic and became coated with iron rust when exposed to moisture and air for some time, and which gave no gas when acted on by water. Specific gravity 6*3 to 6-8. composition Analysis showed that the foreign matter present nodules in the carbide consisted of carborundum or silicide of carbon, metallic silicides, iron, occasionally metallic calcium, magnesium, aluminium, and traces of nitrides, phosphorus, and sulphur compounds. One of the nodules on analysis yielded Silicon 30-76 Iron 58-06 Calcium ....... 2*65 Aluminium 3'01 Magnesium ....... 0*64 Carbon, etc 4'89 100-00 None of these substances gave spontaneously in- flammable gases when acted upon by water, but in a few instances a nodule was found which evidently contained magnesium silicide, and which, when pow- dered and acted upon by hydrochloric acid, gave a few bubbles of spontaneously inflammable gas. sniciuretted M. C. Gerard, chief of the Municipal Laboratory at the Prefecture of Police, Paris, has also analysed some nodules of these nodules with the following results, and found that these alloys, pulverised and treated with con- centrated acid, gave off siliciuretted hydrogen : Iron 55-027 53*250 Silicon 33-1.72 31800 Aluminium .... 5'579 8*910 Calcium 2'764 4-120 Not determined and loss . . 3'458 1-920 100-000 100-000 In some cases it was found that the carbon de- posited by holding a cold surface in an acetylene 332 CALCIUM CARBIDE flame contained traces of silica, and this seems to support the idea that siliciuretted hydrogen may occur in the acetylene, but if it does the amount is so small as certainly to give no danger of spontaneous ignition. A sample of gas which appeared to give a con- siderable quantity of silica was burnt under such conditions as to allow of the silica being collected ; and on estimating the quantity formed it was found to correspond to O01 per cent, of siliciuretted hydrogen in the original gas. M. Gerard also carried out a number of extremely interesting experiments upon the products found in the residues left after treating the calcic carbide with water, and succeeded in extracting from them minute diamonds. The residues were as far as possible dis- solved in hydrochloric acid, and the insoluble portion separated by filtration and washing with water, and the metallic portions separated by sieving. The finer portions were collected in a filter paper, washed and dried, and were then heated with potash in a silver capsule and the insoluble portion treated with aqua regia. After repeating this drastic treatment two or three times, the residue was put into a separating funnel containing a saturated solution of the double iodide of mercury and potassium, which has a density of 2*9, in which silicide of carbon will float whilst graphite sinks. This silicide of carbon is then puri- fied by being treated several times with concentrated hydrofluoric acid, and after washing is dried, whilst the graphitic bodies are treated and separated with iodide of methylene, which has a density of 3'29. The separation of diamondiferous bodies from the silicides of carbon is effected by a saturated solution of cad- mium bromotungstate or iodide of barium and mer- cury. The labour entailed in the separation of this 333 Silica found in the Carbon from a smoking Acetylene flame Gerard's researches on the residues from Carbide ACETYLENE Proof that minute diamonds do exist in the residue Nitrogen in commercial Carbide Moissan's researches on commercial Carbide Microscopic examination of the Lime residue diamond-containing powder may be estimated when it is stated that it was necessary to treat no less than between 700 and 900 Ibs. of carbide in order to obtain 15-4 grains of this material. The evidence upon which M. Gerard bases his assumption that these minute crystals are in reality diamonds, formed at the intense temperature of the arc, is that when they are burnt in oxygen they yield nearly the theoretical volume of carbon dioxide. M. Moissan has failed to find diamonds in the speci- mens of carbide he has examined, but this is probably due to the quantities worked with being far smaller than those treated by M. Gerard. The most important scientific researches on the impurities of calcium carbide are probably those made by Moissan, 1 who first noticed the presence of nitrogen in commercial carbide, and found 0*02, 0*12, .0 14, and 0*31 per cent, respectively in four different samples, the same fact being also noticed by Chouard, 2 who found in the residue from carbide 0'24 and 0*4 per cent, respectively. Moissan drew especial attention to the important results which might bs obtained by careful research on the residue left after decomposing calcium carbide with water, and in order to more easily examine it the carbide was decomposed by sugar solu- tion, which dissolved the lime as calcium saccharate. The residue left from 10 grams of carbide was filtered, and having been washed with sugar solution and afterwards with water, both solutions being free from carbon dioxide, it was washed with alcohol and finally with ether, and dried in vacuo at 40 C. Under the microscope the residue was found to con- sist chiefly of silicon carbide, calcium silicide, and iron silicide, and also a little lime, graphite, and calcium sulphide. This residue when treated with a 10 per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid loses in weight, 1 Cvmpt. Rendu, 127, 457. 2 Zeit.f. Calc. Acet., 2, 347. 334 CALCIUM CABBIDE iron calcium and a little of the aluminium and cal- cium sulphide with traces .of phosphorus going into solution whilst the silicon carbide and the graphite are not altered. The residue so obtained was again acted on by con- centrated hydrochloric acid, iron calcium and silicon dissolving, and the different amounts dissolved by the solvents used are shown by the following figures : Action of sugar solution . 3'40 5'3 3'2 3'9 34 10 per cent. HC1 210 1-9 1-5 2'4 1-4 Cone. HC1 . 1-70 1-7 1'4 2-2 1-1 Silicon occurs principally as silicon carbide ; the compound is easily recognised under the microscope, the hexagonal blue crystals being very characteristic. Silicon is also met with as calcium silicide, as stated by Lechatelier, though fine nodules of metallic frac- ture are always present containing iron, carbon, and silicon. Eamsden * also noticed the presence of silicon crystals. Moissan could not obtain spontaneous ignition due to the presence of siliciuretted hydrogen, but found that the gas was set free by the action of concentrated hydrochloric acid on the residues, owing to the decom- position of calcium silicide. Sulphur was present as aluminium and calcium sulphide. Calcium sulphide was shown to be present in certain residues obtained by the action of sugar solution by adding, when under the microscope, a solution of lead acetate rendered slightly acid by acetic acid. The white particles of calcium sulphide then became completely black. With water contain- ing calcium hydrate the filtrate did not give a black precipitate, it therefore contained no calcium sulphide. All the carbides tested, however, gave, in the presence of much water, a lime sludge, the clear solution of Action of the Lime Combina- tions of Silicon in Lime residues Presence of Calcium Sulphide in the residue 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., Edinburgh, 1880, 20. 335 ACETYLENE Metallic Sulphides in Carbide Aluminium Sulphide Organic Sulphur Compounds Sources of the Iron in Carbide which gave with lead salts a black precipitate con- taining sulphur and phosphorus. When making calcium carbide the sulphates con- tained in the lime are reduced, and calcium sulphide, which is not decomposed by water, is formed. On the other hand, when the lime contains aluminium silicate, the silicon forms with the carbon, silicon carbide, and if sulphur be present as sulphate or sulphide, aluminium sulphide is produced, which is decomposed by water with formation of sulphuretted hydrogen. Murlot * made aluminium sulphide, A1 2 S 3 , by the action of antimony sulphide on alumina. This compound was stable at high temperatures. The calcium carbide, therefore, made under these conditions may contain aluminium sulphide yielding sulphuretted hydrogen in presence of water. The sulphur cannot be pre- sent as silicon sulphide, as is shown by the following experiment. Impure aluminium containing silicon is heated in a Florence flask to redness in a current of sulphuretted hydrogen, when fused aluminium sul- phide is obtained, whilst silicon sulphide is deposited on the colder portions of the tube. This compound is easily volatile, and therefore would not be present in carbide prepared in the electric furnace. If calcium carbide contains a certain amount of calcium sulphide it always gives, when decomposed by water, traces of an organic compound containing sulphur. Acetylene evolved from commercial carbide was passed through two wash bottles containing lead nitrate, and was then heated and burnt. In three cases small quantities of sulphuric acid were obtained. The total amount of sulphur in three samples of car- bide was 0-37, 0-43, and 0'74 per cent. Iron exists in carbide as silicide or carbo-silicide, and depends mostly on the purity of the coke. In some samples of carbide nodules are found, several c.c. 1 Compt. Rendu, 123, 55. 336 CALCIUM CARBIDE in diameter, and due very often to the fusion of the iron holder of the electrodes. Phosphorus is an objectionable impurity ; the greater part forms calcium phosphide, but it is also found in small nodules of metallic appearance containing iron and silicon. Certain samples of carbide contain graphite in very Graphite small plates, sometimes hexagonal but mostly ir- regular in shape, and containing silicon and calcium. Finally, the existence of diamonds was investigated Moissan by Moissan, who found that the residue obtained bv Jf ils * fin . d t/ dicirn.on.cis in water and hydrochloric acid gave a few transparent the Lime particles, none of which burnt in oxygen. None of the samples experimented with contained diamonds. It was at one time considered probable that crude carbide contained carbides of the alkalies and mag- nesium ; but Moissan has shown l that although these metals can be made to form carbides at lower tem- peratures, they are broken up by the heat of the electric furnace, so that the formation of the carbides of sodium, potassium, and magnesium is impossible under these conditions. 1 Compt. Rendu., 126, 302. residue 337 CHAPTER VII Woehler first decomposes Calcium Carbide and water with formation of Acetylene Reactions taking place during the double de- composition Action oi Calcium Carbide on Calcium Hydrate THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE IT was in 1862 that Woehler, having made calcium carbide by acting upon an alloy of zinc and calcium with carbon at high temperature, found that the new body formed had the remarkable property of rapidly setting up a double decomposition with water, the carbon of the carbide entering into combination with the hydrogen of the water to form acetylene, whilst the oxygen of the water remained combined with the calcium as lime which was instantly slaked by the excess of water present, a white cloud of calcium hydrate forming in the liquid whilst a certain pro- portion dissolved. The reactions taking place are of the simplest char- acter, and may be represented by the equations : 1. Calcium carbide CaC 2 by weight, 64 parts 2. Lime. Water. CaO + by weight, 56 parts H 2 Water. H 2 18 parts Acetylene. Lime. = CaO + C 2 H 2 18 parts 56 parts 26 parts. Calcium hydrate or slaked lime. Ca(HO) 2 74 parts. When a small quantity of water comes in contact with an excess of calcium carbide the first reaction is approached, but a certain amount of hydrate is always formed, which on standing is slowly dehy- drated again by the excess of carbide. 338 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE Until 1892, when Willson made carbide by the hundredweight, the amount produced was so small that the generation of the gas rarely went beyond the scale of dropping a piece of carbide the size of a pea into water and igniting the bubbles that escaped, but in 1892 Venable, who was reporting on Willson's aluminium process, obtained samples of the calcium carbide which was being made at Spray, and in con- junction with Kenan experimented with it in order to determine its composition. The analyses made were of an unsatisfactory character owing to free gra- phite in the specimens and the rapid vitiation of the carbide in air, but they soon recognized it as a carbide of calcium, and also that the gas evolved on contact with water was acetylene which gave, with ammoniacal cuprous chloride, the distinctive red precipitate of copper acetylene. It was at once manifest that, as they were obtaining 3*5 to 3'7 c. ft. of this gas from a pound of the carbide, if a use could be found for the gas it might be com- mercially profitable to use the electrical plant for its production, and attempts were made to burn it at an ordinary gas jet. The flame, however, was red and lurid, and gave so formidable a deposit of soot that its combustion alone was temporarily abandoned. Ven- able then burnt it in admixture with air at an ordinary bat's-wing jet, and obtained such brilliant results that, in spite of an explosion, the experiments were per- severed with during the spring of 1893. These experiments showed that a ratio of air and acetylene could be fixed at which there was apparently little or no danger of explosion, whilst the mixture could be burnt at ordinary Bray nipples, and gave a magnificent light. In order to introduce the gas for illuminating pur- poses, a simple form of apparatus was designed, in which acetylene could be set free by allowing water 339 Venable analyses Willson's Carbide Early attempts to utilise Acetylene as an illuminant The com- bustion of a mixture of Acetylene and air The first Acetylene generator ACETYLENE The growth of the generator tribe Methods of bringing about the action Only one principle but many modifica- tions possible, in bringing about the action to come into contact with the carbide, and thus it was that the first acetylene generator came to be made. It was not, however, until the end of 1894 and spring of 1895 that acetylene began to make any headway, even in the land of its birth, but the moment that this point had been reached, and the commercial possibilities of the gas had become apparent, there arose the remarkable burst of activity which has marked the last five years. At the present time, in England alone, some 300 forms of acetylene generators have been patented. About 60 of these have been actually made, and half that number have attained to the dignity of being on sale. The generation of acetylene by bringing calcium carbide and water into contact is so beautifully simple that this multiplication of the number of forms of apparatus seems not only unnecessary but hardly credible, yet the English patent list contains by no means all the forms that have been designed, and the Continental and American lists bring the total up to a formidable roll. Every operation, however, no matter how simple it appears at first sight, is capable of being performed in several ways, and decomposition of the carbide by water may be brought about either by bringing the water slowly into contact with an excess of carbide, or by dropping the carbide into an excess of water, and these two main operations may again be varied by innumerable ingenious devices by which the rapidity of the contact may be modified and even eventually stopped. The result of this is that, although the forms of apparatus utilised for this purpose are all based on the one fundamental principle of bringing about the contact of the carbide with the water which is to enter into double decomposition with it, they have been multiplied in number to a very large extent by the methods employed, in order to ensure control in 340 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE working, and to get away from the dangers and in- conveniences which are inseparable from a too rapid generation. In attempting to classify acetylene generators, some ciassifica- anthorities have divided them into as many as six Acetylene different classes ; but this is hardly necessary, as they & enerators may be naturally divided into two main classes those in which water is brought in contact with the carbide, the carbide being in excess during the first portion of the operation ; and, secondly, those in which the car- bide is thrown into water, the amount of water present being always in excess. The first class may again be subdivided into generators in' which the water rises in contact with the carbide, in which it drips on to the carbide, and those in which a vessel full of carbide is lowered into water, and again withdrawn as genera- tion becomes excessive. Some of these generators are constructed with the Automatic view of making the gas only as fast as it is consumed 8 at the burner, with the object of saving the expense and room which would be involved by a storage holder ; and generators with devices for regulating and stopping at will the action going on are gener- ally termed automatic, whilst another set of generators merely aims at developing the gas from the carbide Non- and putting it into a storage holder with as little loss generators as possible, and these are termed non-automatic. The laboratory equivalents of these types of gene- rator are of the simplest description. The first, or " drip " type, in which water falls on to Experi- the carbide, is found in a Bohemian flask of about 16 "^Ji oz. capacity, Fig. 91, the carbide being dropped on to apparatus a thick layer of sand in the bottom of the flask, this being necessary to prevent breakage from the heat generated during the action. The mouth of the flask is then closed by a good cork, carrying in one hole a right-angled delivery tube to carry off the gas, whilst 341 ACETYLENE a dripping funnel with a stopcock is fitted through a second hole. The stopcock can be set to allow the water to pass a drop at a time, and it forms an ex- cellent generator for experimental purposes. The second or "rising" type, Fig. 92, already exists in FIG. 91. Experi- mental " Water Rising' ' apparatus almost every laboratory in the well-known " Kipp's " apparatus used for the generation of sulphuretted hydrogen from ferrous sulphide and dilute acid, or of hydrogen from zinc and acid. To use this for generating acetylene a layer of broken pumice-stone is placed in the central bulb, and upon it the carbide, 342 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE care being taken that none of the carbide touches the glass, as otherwise breakage from heat is very likely to take place. The upper bulb, with its tube passing to the lower chamber, is then placed in position, and the lower chamber and upper bulb filled with water FIG, 92. by pouring water in at the top and allowing it to drive the air out through the gas outlet. When the lower chamber is nearly full of water the gas-cock is closed, and the apparatus is ready to work. On opening the gas-cock the pressure of the water in the upper bulb drives water up into the central cham- 343 Working of the Laboratory apparatus ACETYLENE ber, where it generates acetylene ; but when the gas- cock is closed or when more gas is generated than is being used, the pressure created in the central chamber again drives the water down from the carbide. Expert- The third type, in which the carbide, contained in a mental form / r ' ' of the vessel attached to the bell of the holder, is immersed in " Dipping " apparatus FIG. 93. the water of the holder tank, and as gas is generated is drawn out of the water by the rising of the holder, is well illustrated by fitting a bell jar, Fig. 93. with a good sound bung, through which passes a tube closed by a stopcock and a small nipple. On the underside of Method of the cork is hung a small cylindrical basket of per- construction .,..,.. lorated zinc, of such size as to freely pass through 344 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE the mouth of the bell jar, and filled with calcium car- bide. The bell jar is placed in a cylinder of water so that the water stands level with the bottom of the tubulure, and the basket is rapidly passed down and the cork pressed in. As soon as the carbide reaches the water gas is evolved, and, filling the top of the holder, causes it to rise. If the gas jet is now lighted the gas burns away, and the holder, re-descending again, plunges the carbide into water and again de- velops gas, this action continuing until the carbide is all exhausted. The fourth type, which really constitutes the second Experi- main division of generators, is that in which carbide carbide is thrown into water, the latter being always in excess. On a laboratory scale this apparatus is best made by taking a conical filtering flask, with side tubulure, and fitting it with a sound cork through which passes a wide tube open at both ends, which terminates inside the flask just below the tubulure (see Fig. 12, p. 60). Above the cork a piece of india- Working of rubber tubing is slipped over the end of the tube, apparatus connecting it with a strong glass flask which is filled with carbide. The filtering flask having been half filled with water, the cork is put into position, and on raising the carbide vessel pieces fall down from it through the indiarubber tube into the water, and the acetylene is evolved. Even when working on the laboratory scale with quantities of carbide of 100 to 200 grs., it soon during the becomes evident that considerable heat is evolved, decom P sl - tion and in the glass vessels employed it is easy to see that, with every type of apparatus except the last, steam, and even sometimes tar vapours, are evolved. Before proceeding to discuss the chemical actions and physical effects taking place in these forms of apparatus, it will be well to see the way in which these laboratory types have been adapted in practice to the 345 ACETYLENE The intro- duction of Acetylene into England generation of acetylene on a large scale, and for this purpose a few of the more important of the generators will be described in this chapter as types. Class I. Those in which water is by various devices allowed to drip or flow in a thin stream on to a mass of carbide, the evolution of the gas being regulated by the stopping of the water feed. It was in January, 1895, that Lewes lectured at the Society of Arts upon acetylene and the develop- ment which had been taking place in America, and pointed out that not only was the mixing of acety- lene with air be- fore combustion fraught with con- siderable danger, but also that a certain loss of luminosity took THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE place, and showed that with exceedingly fine- holed burners of the Bray or Manchester type, acetylene could be burnt alone with wonderful effect. The introduction of acetylene into England was quickly followed by the patenting of several forms of generators, the first a patent taken by Gearing in April, 1895 being also the first automatic generator made. It consisted of an apparatus in which water was allowed to drip upon the carbide contained in a water- sealed generator, the gas being led through a condenser into a holder, the rising bell of which cut off the water when the holder was two-thirds full, whilst, as the gas was used and the holder fell, it acted upon a lever that opened a cock and started the flow of water on to the carbide once more. This, as well as others of the earlier forms of gener- ator, has apparently died a natural death, and at the present time the generator patented by Sir Charles Forbes may be taken as a good type of this class. Fig. 95 shows a section of the machine, from which the working can readily be understood. The generator A consists of a cast-iron cylinder closed at one end, and having a cover B on the other end, which is clamped up against an indiarubber packing ring c by an easily- worked fastening. On the top of this cylinder is water vessel D con- taining an inverted gas bell E, supported on a wide pipe F, which passes up inside the inverted gas bell nearly to the top. The bell is supported in position in the tank by means of a cone G, formed on the upright pipe, which also acts as a valve for cutting off the water when re-charging ; or, if it is desired, entirely stops the action of the generator. The automatic action of the generator, however, does not in any way depend upon this valve. The water has access under the lower edge of the inverted gas bell, and, on rising, reaches a small tube H, which is screwed through the 347 The first English generator Present forms of generators of the " Drip " class The Forbes generator Construc- tion and working of the generator ACETYLENE Arrange- ment of the water supply side of the upright pipe, and is bent over so that the drip of water may be discharged clear of the sides of the pipe direct into the centre of the carbide drawer J beneath. The carbide drawer is provided with a V-shaped division in the centre, so that no carbide can be placed immediately under the drip L. The water falling in a drip or very fine stream into the bottom of the car- bide drawer and spreading both ways slowly attacks the carbide M. When the generator is charged with calcium carbide, and the superposed tank filled to the desired level with water which may be done by hand, but is more usually supplied from a controlling cistern the water rises under the bell of each generator until it reaches the small dripping tube, and then falls into the car- bide drawer in the cylinder below. The gas is gene- rated, passes in at FIG. 95. 348 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE the top of the cooling coil N, which is surrounded by water, and is discharged through a small quan- tity of water in the washer o ? thence into the holder p. As the holder rises, its gradually increas- Automatic ing weight balances the head of water in the generator tank or tanks. At this point the water is stopping the automatically displaced under the small bells in the 349 " Midland " Acetylene generator ACETYLENE generator tanks below the level of the small dripping tubes, when the discharge of water into the generators ceases. The generation of gas then gradually stops, and does not begin again until the holder falls to the balancing point. Pig. 96 shows an installation of this plant on a large scale, with a battery of four generators feeding the storage holder. Another form of drip generator is made by the Midland Acetylene Syndicate. It consists of a dis- FIG. 97. 350 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE placement holder supplied by generators varying in number with the capacity of the holder, these gene- rating chambers being arranged at different levels so as to come into action consecutively. The carbide is contained in a perforated gauze cage, and placed in the generators D, the hinged covers H and H 1 being then clamped down. These generators are set in a large water jacket j, and water drips upon the carbide from a perforated ring fitted to the hinged cover, and to which water is supplied through the inlet taps E E 1 . The gas then passes through the pipes and taps F and F 1 into the holder. The generator made under Kay's patent by the FIG. 98. 351 ACETYLENE ' The Manchester' Acetylene generator Arrange- ment for automatic control The formation oi a lime coating over the Carbide in drip generators The " Beacon " Acetylene generator Construc- tion of the apparatus Manchester Acetylene Gas and Carbide Co. also con- sists of a holder with external retorts fitted in a sloping- position to the sides of the holder tank. These retorts vary in number according to the capacity of the holder. The calcium carbide, broken to the required size, is placed in wire baskets, and three baskets go to form the charge for each cylinder. Along the top of each cylinder a small water supply pipe passes, having three branches through which the water drips on to the car- bide in the baskets below, the water supply being regulated automatically by a valve controlled by the gas holder, the rise of which beyond a certain point lifts a small balance weight which shuts the water valve, which is again opened as the holder falls. The gas evolved in the retorts is led up by a vertical pipe, through a check valve and syphon pipe, to catch any products of condensation, after which it passes down a descending pipe and enters the receiver at the bottom. In many forms of drip machines a certain amount of trouble is experienced owing to the formation of a thick coating of lime over the surface of undecomposed carbide, and, as the water which drips in often makes for itself channels in the mass, a good deal of the carbide in the interior of the lumps may escape decom- position until the whole chamber becomes flooded. An attempt has been made to overcome this difficulty in the " Beacon " acetylene generator, in which the car- bide is placed in the cylinder R, made of stout steel- wire netting. Water is supplied automatically at A 2 as needed. This is effected by the regulator o, which is forced outwards from the holder by the bridge N coming into contact with it, and communicates motion by a bell crank, etc., to the valve P, which, when open, allows water to pass through the pipe v into the generator at w, where the water is divided into several small streams, which, passing through the wire netting of the cylinder, fall on to the carbide and generate the 352 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE gas. The water tank is supplied with a gauge glass B 2 to show the height of the water. On revolving the cylinder R, the lime produced by the decomposition of the carbide is mostly shaken off. leaving the carbide fairly clean. The lime accumulates in the lower part of the generator u, and when the Method of the of coating FIG. 99. charge is spent it is removed through the gas-tight door T. The gas, having been liberated from the carbide, Wor j* g oi passes through the pipe M, the greater part of which apparatus is in close contact with the water in the tank H, by which means the gas is partly cooled and deprived of excess of moisture, which falls into the trap ,T, finding an outlet by the tubes K and L, the tube K rising 353 23 ACETYLENE Construc- tion of the gas holder Safety chamber Desiderata in a good generator from the bottom of the trap, allowing water to flow away without danger of gas escaping. The gas, con- tinuing its way through M M and E, which also tend to arrest any moisture contained in it, passes out of the pipe E and is forced through the water by the cap G, which forms a seal preventing the back-flow of gas when the generator is open. The gas-holder B H consists of a tank containing the bell, the hood B enclosing the bell and serving as a guide, also preventing, in case of overflow, the escape of gas except by the air pipe A provided for that purpose. D is for filling and examining the height of the water, and c is a hand-hole to gain access to the interior of the hood. The gas on entering the bell raises it to its normal position above o. On the consumption of gas the bell falls until the bridge or inclined plane N comes in con- tact with the regulator o, renewing the production of gas from time to time. The gas on leaving the bell passes through the pipes F to the dehydrator v, where carbide deprives the gas of all moisture. Having left the dehydrator it proceeds to the burners, after making its way through the safety chamber z, which contains two diaphragms of fine wire gauze, the space between being packed with asbestos fibre, the purpose of the chamber being to provide security from explo- sions, in the event of the dehydrator or any part of the machine containing an explosive mixture of gas and air, by preventing a flame from passing back through the pipes. The pipe x is furnished for the purpose of dis- charging air which enters the generator at the time of refilling the cylinder. The air passes into the hood B, and thence through the pipe A to the outer air. The points to be attained in a good generator 1. Low temperature of generation. 354 THE GENEKATION OF ACETYLENE 2. Complete decomposition of the carbide. 3. Maximum evolution of the gas. 4. Low pressure in every part of the apparatus. 5. Removal of all air from the apparatus before generation of the gas. When carbide is acted upon by water, considerable heat is evolved, and to determine to what this amounted, a good sample of commercial carbide con- taining 92 per cent, true carbide was experimented with as follows : A rough calorimeter was made by jacketing a Experi- beaker about 5 inches in diameter with cotton wool, determine This arrangement, though crude, answered its pur- heat evolved 11 ' \ J A i, during the pose well, as experiment showed that some hot water decomposi- placed in it only lost *2C. after standing for ten minutes in a room at 18*6 C., a loss which could be neglected. One piece of carbide, the weight of which was known, was dropped into a litre of water at a known temperature in the beaker, and the moment that the evolution of gas ceased, the temperature of the water was taken, the results being as follows : Experi- Grins, of Water. Grms. of ' Carbide. Eise in Tempera- ture o r\ Correspond- ing Calories liberated. N umber of Calories j Time of liberated ) Reaction in per Grm. Seconds. mental results u. of Carbide. 1,000 42-7 17-4 17,400 407 62 1,000 28-9 11-4 11,400 394 91 1,000 19-7 8-2 8,200 416 73 which give as an average 406 calories liberated for each gram of carbide. Broken-up carbide, the pieces of which weighed from 1 to 5 grams, was thrown into a litre of water in the beaker in quantities of 30, 40, and 50 grams respectively. 355 ACETYLENE Experi- ments with broken Carbide ! Number of Grams of Grams of Rise in Tern- Correspond- Calories Time of Water Carbide perature ing Calories liberated Reaction in taken. taken. C. liberated. per Grm. Seconds. of Carbide. 1,000 50 17-6 17,600 352 248 1,000 50 18-4 18,400 368 86 1,000 50 18-3 18,300 366 123 1,000 50 18-4 18,400 368 106 1,000 40 15-6 15,600 390 109 1,000 40 15'8 15,800 395 101 1,000 40 15-0 15,000 375 196 1,000 40 15-5 15,500 387 110 1,000 30 11-7 11,700 390 76 1,000 30 10-8 10,800 360 89 1,000 30 11-8 11,800 393 114 1,000 30 11-4 11,400 380 85 The reason of small pieces of Carbide giving less heat than large pieces The heat evolved The intensity of the heat developed is The last experiment was repeated with carbide still more finely divided, and the results gave 384 calories for each gram of carbide. From these figures it will be seen that, contrary to expectation, the smaller the carbide the less was the yield of heat : but the reason for this is evident. More time is spent in breaking and weighing out the finer carbide than in when dealing with one large piece, and the larger surface presented by the small pieces causes greater decomposition by the moisture in the air than with the single lump, hence the carbide is of poorer quality, and, moreover, the rapid evolution of gas in the case of the small carbide pre- vents the water abstracting all the heat from it. Taking this into consideration, the 406 calories will most nearly represent the heat evolved by the decom- position of 1 gram of good commercial carbide, and this would be equivalent to 441-3 calories for pure carbide. With this figure as a basis, it is evident that the action develops about one-twentieth of the heat evolved by the combustion of carbon. As, however, 356 THE G-ENEBATION OF ACETYLENE the intensity of the temperature developed is a function of the time needed to complete the action, and as the decomposition of the carbide by water is extremely rapid, the degree of heat attained varies with every form of generator, and whilst the water in one form may never reach the boiling point, the carbide in another may become red hot and give a temperature of over 800 C. When water drips upon carbide, as in generators of subdivision I., the temperature rapidly rises until, after about 18 to 25 minutes, it reaches a maximum, the actual heat developed depending upon the rate of flow of the water and the way in which it is dis- tributed over the mass ; but it is quite possible with generators of this class to reach from 400 to 700 C., and it is probable that in some parts of the mass the higher limit is nearly always attained, traces of tar being generally found in the residual lime. In some cases it is in sufficient quantity to make the lime yellow and pasty, whilst vapours of benzene and other polymerisation products pass off in consider- able quantities with the gas. There are many factors which affect the amount of heating of the mass which takes place in a " drip " generator of this class. For instance, the higher the pressure existing in the generator the greater will be the heat produced, and whereas, with an open vessel of carbide, the action may produce a tempera- ture of only 200 C., in a closed vessel, from which no gas could escape, the carbide would be raised to a temperature of 1,000 C. and cause the detonation of the gas. Again, the temperature varies very greatly with the size of the charge of carbide and the rate at which the water flows on to it, whilst even the shape of the vessel affects the amount of heat locally developed. 357 dependent on the time taken in the decomposi- tion The develop- ment of heat in generators of the "Drip" class The effect of pressure on the temperature developed The effect of the size of the Carbide charge and the shape of the generator ACETYLENE If a charge of, say, two pounds of carbide is spread out over the bottom of a tray, of such size that the material is in a layer of not more than 2 to 3 inches deep, the lumps of carbide not exceeding one inch in diameter, it may be decomposed by the dripping of water upon it in a fairly regular manner, and without excessive heating. But if the same charge of carbide be placed in a smaller cylinder, so that there is a depth of from 5 to 10 inches of material, then the slaked lime will form a coating on the top of the carbide column, and only allow the slow and un- equal passage of the water through it, with the result that very high temperatures would be developed. When experiments on this subject were made in in the author's laboratory it was soon evident that special precautions must be taken in measuring the temperature nea ^ evolved, as in most cases the very high tempera- tures only occurred in certain spots ; and that any attempt to detect the highest temperature existing in a mass of carbide by means of thermometers, or by strips of metal of known fusing points, was absolutely useless, as it would often happen that a thermometer in one portion of the charge would be registering a comparatively low temperature, whilst tar vapours were being developed in another portion, making it Heating perfectly clear that there were points of local heating local where the temperature was some hundreds of degrees hotter than that shown by the thermometer. A want of attention to this point has caused some observers to doubt the existence of these high tem- peratures in certain forms of generators ; but it is perfectly clear that in those cases where benzene and tar vapours are produced, the necessary temperature for their production must have existed, and the fact that a piece of tin or lead placed in the charge was not melted merely shows that the high temperature was not evenly distributed over the whole mass. 358 THE GENEEATION OF ACETYLENE Leaving the question of the temperature developed in this class of generator, another important point is the length of time over which generation of gas con- tinues after the addition of water to the carbide has ceased. Makers of automatic apparatus of this type seem to think that in order to stop the evolution of acetylene, all they have to do is to cut off the supply of water. This would act very well if the generation of gas really ceased then, but this is not the case, as the gas continues to be evolved, although with in- creasing slowness, for a considerable period after the cutting off of the water. The length of time over which this after-generation extends depends upon the amount of water added, the amount of carbide undecom- posed, and the temperature of the carbide at the time when the water supply is stopped, whilst the genera- tion will itself depend upon (a) The dehydration of the calcium hydrate first formed. (&) The decomposition of water condensed from the gas present as the temperature of the generator falls. As we have before seen, the first result of the action of water upon the carbide is the formation of quick- lime and the evolution of acetylene, whilst, if suffi- cient water be present, the lime takes up another molecule of water to form calcium hydrate. This mole- cule of water, however, at temperatures of 420 to 430 C. is driven off from the calcium hydrate, and the affinity of the carbide for any water present causes the reaction CaC 2 + Ca(HO) 2 = 2CaO + C 2 H 2 A series of experiments was made by placing a known weight of carbide in a generating cylinder, running in a known weight of water in a given time, and carefully measuring the volume of gas for the first ten minutes, and again when the action had 359 "After- generation " in generators of the "Drip" class Conditions governing the length of time during which " alter- generation ' proceeds The causes of " after- generation " Experi- ments on " after- generation ' ACETYLENE practically ceased, and not more than 1 c.c. of gas was evolved in 10 minutes. TABLE. Weight Weight Time Time Volume Percent- of of taken Gas c.c. to com- of Gas age of Carbide Water to flow in 10 plete at end of Carbide in in in in Minutes. evolu- evolu- not de- Grms. Grms. Minutes. tion. tion. composed. 18 90 4 2,400 80 2,900 50-0 18 9-0 6 2,300 90 2,800 51-5 18 9-0 8 2,400 70 2,700 53-4 18 13-5 4 2,900 60 3,300 430 18 13-5 6 3,000 55 3,500 39-7 18 13-5 8 3,300 65 3,600 37-9 18 18-0 4 3',700 60 4,100 29-3 18 18-0 6 3,600 62 4,200 27-6 18 18-0 8 3,700 65 4,200 27-6 36 18-0 4 4,600 88 4,300 54-3 36 18-0 6 4,650 81 4,350 53-2 36 18-0 8 4,400 57 5,500 52-0 36 27-0 4 5,600 130 6,600 43-1 36 27-0 6 6,000 72 6,650 42-7 36 27'0 8 5,850 61 6,850 41-0 36 36-0 4 7,000 60 7,850 32-2 36 36-0 6 7,100 54 8,400 27-6 36 36-0 8 7,400 49 8,500 26-7 54 27'0 4 5,900 105 6,600 62-1 54 27-0 6 5,800 78 6,300 63-3 54 27-0 8 5,800 85 6,400 62-6 54 36-0 4 6,000 102 6,950 60-0 54 36-0 6 6,300 79 7,500 56-9 54 36-0 8 7.000 109 8,900 48-8 54 54-0 4 6J600 90 8,800 49-4 54 54-0 6 7,700 103 8,900 48-8 54 54-0 8 7,600 105 10,400 40-0 Experi- mental results Volume of water required to ensure complete de- composition The results so obtained showed clearly that in any apparatus on this principle the cut-off should be so arranged that at least one-fourth of the total holder capacity is still available to store the slowly generated gas. An important point was noticed in these experi- ments, viz. the large excess of water required to en- sure complete decomposition of the carbide, over and above the theoretical quantity. The excess of water 360 THE GENEKATION OF ACETYLENE needed was largely dependent upon the form of generator employed. According to theory, 64 parts by weight of carbide require only 36 parts by weight of water to com- pletely decompose them and convert the lime into calcic hydrate. This would mean that each pound of carbide needs a little under half a pint of water to complete the action, whilst in practice, owing to the evaporation due to the heat of the action, half the added water is driven off as steam with the acetylene, or left mechanically adhering to the lime, and the smallest quantity likely to complete the action would be a pint to a pound of carbide, whilst in reality the only safe way is to add sufficient water to drown the residue. If this is not done the lime forms so protective a coating to the carbide, that small quantities often re- main undecomposed, and if the residues are thrown into a drain or cesspool the evolution of acetylene would give an explosive mixture, which, on account of its low point of ignition, would be a serious danger. These troubles have had a serious effect upon the future of this class of generator on the Continent. In the early days of acetylene lighting, the "drip" generator was a favoured type with the manufacturers of acetylene apparatus, but the troubles of over- heating, after-generation, and often incomplete de- composition of the carbide, have led practically to their abandonment, so that at the present time very few of this class are to be found outside England and America. The second subdivision of generators, in which water rises to the carbide, is very popular, and over- heating can be avoided in these, provided they are so arranged that the water is never driven back from the carbide ; and if the charge of carbide used is not too great. Under these conditions, the slowly rising 361 Causes necessitat- ing a large excess of water Danger of undecom- posed Carbide in the residue The "Drip" generator practically abandoned on the Continent Second subdivision of generators ACETYLENE Water rising to Carbide Conditions necessary in a good generator of the second class Automatic generators of the second class Conditions existing in these generators Early type of American generator water is always in excess at the point where it de- composes the carbide, so that the evaporation, by rendering heat latent, keeps down the temperature, and although the steam so formed partly decomposes the carbide in the upper portion of the charge, the action is never sufficiently rapid to give any very great rise of temperature. In order to fulfil these conditions, it is necessary that there should be a holder of considerable capacity, and that the leading tube, conducting the gas from the generator to the holder, should be of sufficient diameter to freely con- duct away the gas, the water being allowed at the same time to rise in the generator so slowly as to do away with any risk of over-generation. In the best generators of this class, these conditions are more or less approached, and it is unusual to find that the melting-point of tin, 228 C., has been reached in the charge of carbide during decomposition. Where apparatus of this class are automatic, and have no rising holder to take the gas, it is found that they work satisfactorily when supplying the number of lights for which they were designed, but if they are over driven, and the action becomes too violent, excessive heating takes place, whilst the turning off of the gas and consequent driving back of the water from the carbide also has a tendency to raise the temperature. If, however, the water has risen sufficiently slowly, the carbide below the surface has been practically all decomposed, so that the heating only takes place over a limited zone. The first generator put upon the market in America consisted of a glazed earthenware " crock " with two tubulures at the side, and a lid that clamped gas- tight on to a wide mouth at the top. The carbide was placed in a perforated zinc cage inside the "crock," and, standing on a small stool, water was admitted by one of the side tubulures, and, collecting 362 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE at the bottom of the vessel, gradually rose until it came in contact with the carbide, the gas escaping by the second tubulure to the holder. The gas was then mixed with an equal volume of air in a mixing meter, and passed on to the burners. (Fig. 100.) The natural development of this early generator is to be found in the " Ideal," in which a strong metal cylinder with conical bottom, closed by a screw-down lid. and fitted with a sludge cock for the removal of the spent lime, contains the wire carbide cage. At the side of this chamber is the water entrance pipe fitted to a supply cistern, the level of which is so arranged that it is impossible for the water to more than flood the carbide. The whole of the apparatus is so regulated that the liquid only slowly rises in contact with the The "Ideal Acetylene generator Arrange- ment of water-feed FIG. 100. 363 ACETYLENE carbide ; and should there be any excess of gas, due to over-generation , it stops the inflow of water into the generator till the pressure again falls, when more enters. The apparatus, Fig. 101, is extremely simple and FIG. 101. works admirably, the gas as it is produced being led into a small holder, having a sufficiently large capacity to take the whole of the gas evolved from the largest charge of carbide that the generator can contain ; the gas is first passed through a condenser, and, if desired, a purifier, and stored in the holder for use. 364 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE When the charge is thoroughly spent, the water has risen to the top of the generator, and the residues being entirely flooded there is no danger of any uiidecom posed carbide being thrown away with the lime sludge. In order to avoid the evolution of an excessive 365 ACETYLENE subdivision temperature during generation, it is important that chargTof ^ e charge of carbide should be kept small, and in carbide in fitting up large installations this is attained by installations increasing the number of generators instead of in- creasing them in size, and the accompanying illus- tration, Fig. 103, shows such a battery, arranged to supply gas to a large store gasholder. The Another generator of the same class, also non- generator automatic, is the "Sunlight," in which a novelty FIG. 103. is introduced, in as much as acetylene mixed with carbon dioxide is produced, instead of the pure gas, it having been shown that the diluted acetylene is more easily consumed, without risk of smoking at the burner, than the pure gas. The In order to do this, the generators A and B, Fig. 103, diluted 1 with are ma -de of iron, lined with lead, and contain perfor- a small ated iron baskets, in which is placed a small proportion 366 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE of any form of calcic carbonate whiting being generally employed whilst on the top of this the charge of carbide is placed. A cylinder c, also lined with lead, is fixed at a higher level, and contains a five per cent, solution of sulphuric acid, which flows down a pipe and enters the generating cylinders at a point F, close to their base. As it rises, the dilute acid comes in contact with the calcic carbonate, evolving carbon dioxide ; whilst, on reaching the car- bide, acetylene is also produced. The mixed gases, on leaving the generator, then pass through the exits at G, and travel upwards to a cylinder, D, which contains the purifying material employed, consisting of an acidified copper salt, which removes the sulphur- etted and phosphuretted hydrogen, the purified gas then going forward to the gasholder. It has been proved that a small amount of carbon dioxide has but little effect on the illuminating power, and has a distinct action in doing away with the danger of smoking. A popular form of generator is made by Exley, Fig. 104, in which the generating chambers consist of ver- tical iron retorts, placed round a cylindrical iron vessel, the lower portion of which is a water tank and gas- holder, whilst the upper portion contains a condensing coil, and also acts as an overflow when the water is driven back from the lower tank by excessive generation of gas. The generators, which vary in number according to the capacity of the plant, contain cages into which the carbide is placed, a screw-down cover making the whole gas-tight. Water is admitted from the central tank to the bottom of the generator, and rises until it reaches the carbide. The gas which is then evolved is led from the generator into the upper portion of the water tank, and, collecting there, drives the excess of water into the upper tank, and as soon as the pressure 367 quantity of Carbon Dioxide Purification of the gas Action of the Carbon Dioxide The Exley generator Construc- tion of the generator ACETYLENE Automatic regulation of the water supply Exley generator used with storage holder Read- Holliday Acetylene generator Construc- tion and working of the Rcad- Holliday generator reaches a certain point, the pressure of gas drives back the water from the carbide. The water again falling from the overflow tank as the gas is con- sumed, rises to the carbide once more, so that the supply of water to the carbide is automatically regulated by the pressure of gas within the gas- holder. As soon as the decomposition is complete in one generator, and the water has risen to the top, it flows over into the second generator, and this action continues until the whole battery has been ex- hausted. In some cases, where it is imperative to have a gas- holder, the apparatus is connected directly with it, and the gas being then made steadily, until the holder is full, variations in pressure are done away with. An acetylene apparatus of almost identical con- struction is the one made by the Read-Holliday Acetylene Co., who were amongst the earliest makers of generators in this country. It consists of a generator A, Fig. 105, which contains a cage, holding the carbide in connection with a dis- placement holder. Water is admitted to the generating vessel by opening the cock H, when water rising in A, and coming in contact with the carbide, generates the acetylene, which passes through a coil of pipe in the water cistern c, so that any excess of moisture brought over with the gas is condensed, and runs back into the generator, whilst the acetylene passes on to the service pipes. Should any excess of pressure arise, owing to over-generation, it forces the water away from the carbide and drives it back into the lower holder B ; the excess of gas also passing through the same tube, and, collecting in B, drives the water up the central tube into the coil cistern c. In this way, the tank B acts as a displacement holder, the pressure in which increases with the depth of water driven up into the cistern c, and, as soon 368 THE GENEEATION OF ACETYLENE as the consumption of gas again exceeds the genera- tion, the acetylene stored in the displacement holder passes through the generator to the outlet, being followed in turn by the water, which, on reaching the carbide again, gives rise to the evolution of a fresh supply of gas. This form of apparatus can 369 24 ACETYLENE ' Thorscar ' generator of course have the generators multiplied to the required gas consumption, and is, in fact, made to Battery of su pply installations of from 10 to 1,000 burners. In generators a l ar g e installation it is as well to use the machine in conjunction with an ordinary gasholder, but in many cases it is preferred to use a battery of the large size dis- placement holders, with their at- tached genera- tors, Fig. 107 showing an in- stallation of this character. The "Thors- car " generator, as it is termed, differs only from the " Ex- ley " and " Eead- Holliday " appar- atus in detail, and, like them, consists of a vertical gene- rator, in which the carbide is placed in a cage sub- divided into seve- ral compartments, in which the water rises from below, and the gas then passes into a tank fitted with a rising gasholder in- stead of a displacement holder, as in the two previous forms of apparatus. Fig. 108 gives a section of the apparatus. The action of the machine is extremely simple. 370 FIG. 105. Con- struction THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE The holder is charged with water so that when it is resting on the bottom the water is above the level of the supply pipe leading to the lower part of the generator, and under these conditions the water flows down the pipe, rising to the carbide, and evolves the FIG. 106. gas, which is led off by the outlet pipe to a small water dip-chamber, which, although it allows the gas to pass freely from the generator, prevents any return taking place, this water-lock or seal being a distinct advantage. Leaving the seal, the gas flows on into 371 ACETYLENE the holder, which, rising, causes the water to fall below the level of the supply pipe, so that after a time the generation of gas ceases. As the gas is drawn off for Water supply consumption the holder again falls, and, having a dis- placement cone inside it, causes water to again rise to a sufficient level to flow into the carbide, this operation 372 THE GENEEATION OF ACETYLENE continuing automatically until the whole of the carbide in the trays is exhausted. The subdivision of the carbide cage into several com- partments, and the fact that a considerable surface of water is present at the point where the carbide is undergoing decomposition, tends to prevent overheat- ing, and in the latest forms of apparatus the size of the holder is so arranged as to be capable of con- taining the full volume of gas made from the charge of carbide used. This, of course, somewhat in- creases the size of the holder, but on the other hand does away with the risk of over- heating which exists when the Feililf* FIG. 108. pressures during generation are at all high. The gas passes through a small purifying box, con- taining charcoal, which acts as a scrubber, and removes condensation products from it, and the gas is also to a considerable extent washed in the water-seal and in the holder. As the gas leaves the holder it is passed through a long coil of pipe contained in the water of the generator tank, any condensed liquids being col- lected in a catch-box at the bottom of the apparatus, whilst the gas passes on to the purifiers in which the traces of phosphuretted and sulphuretted hydrogen are got rid of. 373 Subdivision of the Carbide charge Scrubber and condenser ACETYLENE Bailey's generator Another acetylene apparatus, closely allied to the Exley and Head -Holliday forms, is that made by Messrs. W. Bailey & Co., which consists of vertical exterior generators containing the carbide, and a double compartment displacement holder, in which the acetylene is collected, and drives the water from the lower to the upper tank compartment, the pres- 374 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE working sure varying with, the head of water driven into the upper tank. The generators with the particular arrangement of tubes adopted are shown in Fig. 109, whilst a section is shown in Fig. 110. In using this apparatus, the outlet cock D, Fig. 109, is opened, and the upper cistern A being filled with water, it flows by gravity into the gas receiver B. As soon as this is full, and a depth of a few inches of water remains in cistern A, the stop-cock D is closed and the gas cocks b b leading to both generators are opened, and also the water cock a to one generator. The water flows in, the acetylene commences to generate, and escaping by the pipe 6 into the displace- ment holder drives the water from it up into the reservoir A. This continues until the water has been driven below the water inlet of the generator. As the gas is withdrawn, the water again descends from the tank to take its place, and, rising above the level of the water inlet pipe of the generator, again produces more gas. This goes on until the charge of carbide in one generator is used, and the water level has risen to the top, w*hen the water flows over, through the gas outlet pipe, into the second generator, and there starts a similar action. All forms of displacement holder have the great drawback, that, as the water is driven from the lower placement to the upper tank, the pressure increases to a very considerable extent, and, as in most of them the water is also driven back from the carbide at the same time, the conditions become highly favourable for overheat- ing, this being undoubtedly the great difficulty in generators of this type. Besides the trouble arising in such generators from . , .... , i , ,i the variation in pressure, it also necessitates the use of a governor on the service pipes, and as these con- trivances are none too reliable over a considerable range of pressure, the providing of a store holder, 375 Advantage of a store holder FIG. 111. 370 THE GENEKATION OF ACETYLENE which keeps the pressure constant, is a distinct ad- vantage. In order to obviate the changes in pressure due to sir H. a displacement holder, Sir Howard Grubb, of optical generator fame, devised a generator in which the cistern for FIG. 112. supplying the water to the carbide chambers was sus- pended from four long spiral springs, so proportioned that for each inch of water that flows out the lighten- ing in weight causes the spring to raise the cistern two inches, so keeping the difference in height between 377 ACETYLENE Hutton Generator The Fourchotte generator General con- struction Arrange- ment of water supply the water in the supply cistern and that in the receiver constant. Yet another vertical generator of this type, with automatic action, is to be found in the generator made by Hutton & Co., of Galashiels, in which the genera- tion of gas drives the water away from the carbide. The firm also makes small generators of the same kind for drive lamps (Fig. Ill), which answer very well in cases where the lamp is so far from the house supply as to render its connection with the main installation too expensive. Amongst the automatic generators constructed on the principle of allowing water to rise in contact with the calcium carbide, that designed by Professor Four- chotte shows several distinctive features. In its usual form it consists of a small holder with external generator or generators attached. These only differ from the usual form in that they have the upper portion water-jacketed, and the charge of carbide as far as possible sub-divided, to prevent overheating. The water rises from below, and floods the carbide compartments successively, the flow of water being regulated by a broad tube, fitted gas-tight to the underside of the top of the holder, and which covers the water supply pipe r, Fig. 113. This is kept filled with water to the level of the water in the tank by means of a hole drilled in it close to the water line, and as the holder descends the air in the large tube becomes compressed, forming a pneumatic piston, which drives the water in the supply pipe up to a return valve D, and then down to the bottom of the generator. The carbide trays A are taken out for recharging by removing the lid of the generator, and arrangements are provided for maintaining a constant water level in the holder tank and the removal of any excess of water from the generator. In this form of the apparatus the pneumatic regulator of the water 378 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE supply was in the centre of the holder, and any stoppage or trouble with it necessitated dismantling the entire holder, and to obviate this possible trouble a modification of the arrangement has been intro- duced, by which the pneumatic piston is made ex- ternal to the holder. A very good installation of this plant is to be seen installation at Wolverton Station on the Great Eastern Railway, Fourchotte which is lighted throughout by acetylene, as is also the station approach. FIG. 113. Fig. 114 shows the generator building, whilst Fig 115 shows the two generating machines which supply the acetylene to the whole installation. In some forms of generators belonging to this class, Modification in which water rises until it comes in contact with the charge of carbide, the principle is adopted of fixing the charge in the upper portion of a metal bell, and lower- ing this into a tank of water. The air within the bell prevents the water rising in contact with the carbide 379 of this form of generator ACETYLENE until the tap connecting the upper portion of the bell with the holder is opened : when the water rises, reaches the carbide, and gas generates and passes forward to the holder. Should over-generation take place, or the top of the outlet of the generator be closed, then the pressure of gas drives the water down in the bell, and generation slackens. The Trouve generator Con- struction FIG. 114. One of the earliest generators made on this principle, and which gave very good results, was the Trouve apparatus. The usual form consisted of a gasholder, to the inlet of which was attached a T-piece, con- nected to the outlets of two bells, standing in separate cylinders of water. The carbide cages are fixed either on stands or tripods within the bells, or by springs in the bells, their position being such that when the bell is placed in the cylinder of water, they shall be an inch or more above its surface. 380 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE This form of apparatus worked extremely well as long as the charges of carbide were kept of reasonable size, and the generator enjoyed considerable popularity in France. The drawback to it was, that indiarubber or other flexible tubes had to be employed to connect the generator to the holder. The importance of sub-dividing the charge of carbide empk^ed in the generator, in order to reduce as far as possible the risk of excessive heating, led to the intro- FIG. 115. cl notion of a type of generator in which the rise of the water successively floods vessels containing the carbide arranged at such heights or levels that the decompo- sition in one is completed before the water reaches the next. The Graetz generator may be taken as a type of this form of apparatus, which undoubtedly has the advantage that it largely does away with the trouble of after-generation, as only one vessel being attacked at a time, and then completely flooded, and all the gas 381 Flooding forms of apparatus The Graetz generator ACETYLENE Construc- tion and working the carbide is capable of giving off generated, stopping the rise of the water does to a great extent stop the evolution of gas. In this generator a series of carbide cylinders with perforated lids, are placed upon a gradually-ascending spiral stand in the interior of the generator. Water is supplied to the generator by an automatically controlled valve in connection with the supply cis- tern, and the water rises until it floods the lowest of the cylinders. AVith the rise of the holder, and consequent slight increase of pressure, the valve closes the water supply tap; and, as the holder falls, the water is again fed into the generator and liberates gas from the second carbide holder, the action con- tinuing until the water has risen above the level of the highest cylinder, when the generator has to be recharged. Several other very good forms of this type of genera tor are to be found on the Continent, whilst the arrangement most generally adopted in England is well generator shown in Owen's generator, Fig. 116, in which tho falling of the holder opens a water valve and supplies water to the carbide contained in the sloping retorts fixed to the side of the holder tank. The carbide, as in the other cases, is placed in a tray divided into com- partments, which slips easily into the retort ; and, the water being admitted at the top, the first compartment fills, and when the whole of the carbide is decomposed the water overflows, owing to the angle at which the retort is placed, into the second division, and this con- tinues until the whole of the charge is decomposed. The gas outlet from the generator is taken from a small dome or box, which prevents the swelling of the lime formed during the decomposition from choking the outlet. This form is hardly so good as the one before de- scribed, as, the carbide trays being open, the carbide 382 Con- struction THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE in the lower ones is sure to be acted upon to a certain extent by the condensation of moisture as the gas cools down ; whilst, with the special lids used in the Graetz generator, this hardly takes place at all, some carbide removed from one of the top cylinders and FIG. 116. tested by the author yielding 3'5 c. ft. per Ib. (220 litres per kilo.), after standing with water in the generator for four months. Dr. N. Caro, 1 in detailing experiments made with 1 Zeit f. Beleuchtungswesen, 1898, 10, 34. 383 ACETYLENE Caro on the flooding type of generator Heat evolved After- generation in flooding generators Amount of * after- generation " fchis type of generator, points out that "the carbide in each small receptacle is flooded by a relatively large quantity of water, and the whole of it is de- composed at once. The evolution of gas takes place rapidly and in sudden rushes, therefore it is abso- lutely necessary to use a gasholder in order to avoid dangerous increases of pressure in the generators. An excessive rise of temperature can only occur momentarily, as the carbide is surrounded by an ex- cess of water, which effectually diminishes the heat developed by the reaction. When the carbide re- ceptacles are disposed side by side, however, the water flows from one into the next before the decomposition of the carbide in the first is completed, and the over- flow at first is small. Thus the conditions resemble those existing in generators of the first class. Caro has indeed observed a rise in temperature of 210 C. (410 F.) in a horizontal generator of this class. The generators where the carbide receptacles are placed one above another are undoubtedly preferable to those in which they are ranged side by side. " Both types have one fault in common, viz. the after-evolution of gas. The after-evolution does not arise through the reaction of carbide on calcic hydrate, but is due to the action of aqueous vapour on the carbide. The heat of the reaction drives off aqueous vapour, which acts on the carbide in adjacent re- ceptacles. When carbide was stored in a generator over the surface of water for 8 days it lost 30 per cent, of its gas-making value ; but when carbide was decomposed in a lower receptacle, that in the upper receptacle lost 40 per cent, of its value. A greater amount of carbide appears to be decomposed by aqueous vapour in horizontal than in vertical generators of this class, probably because the tem- perature is higher and the evolution of aqueous vapour greater in the horizontal generators. Caro 384 THE GTENEBATION OF ACETYLENE concludes that the use of a generator of this type is quite reasonable, but a gasholder capable of receiving 40 per [cent, of the gas which the carbide in the generator would yield must be used in conjunction with it. In the generators in which the receptacles are side by side, the water should flood the carbide 385 25 ACETYLENE in each receptacle at once, instead of flowing in slowly, as is the case with most of the existing generators of this type." The As has been before stated, subdivision of the charge "Spping" ^ car bide and slow rise or supply of water to the class of carbide prevent any serious rise of temperature in this class of generator, but the third division, in which are the generators that rely for their action upon the sinking of the holder immersing the carbide carrier into the water and again withdrawing it as the holder rises, undoubtedly contains the worst offenders in the generation of high temperatures. The In the " Sunbeam " apparatus, Fig. 117, the auto- ma ^ c action of the generator is wisely not relied upon to do more than govern the rate of feed of gas to the holder, which is of sufficient size to contain the gas made from the largest charge of carbide the generator will contain. The complete apparatus consists of a generator, condenser, purifier, and gasholder. Construe- The generator is in reality a small holder B (Fig. l^), working in the tank A, a water-sealed cylinder c, carrying the carbide cage, being fixed in the crown of the holder. The carbide in its holder is attached to the cylinder, which is put into place and is rendered gas-tight by means of the water seal, which is so arranged that by the time the carbide cage is lowered sufficiently to reach the water in the holder tank, there is a seal of six inches of water to prevent escape. As soon as the carbide touches the water acetylene is generated, and if the gas comes off more rapidly than it can pass through the condenser and purifier to the main holder, it accumulates in the generator holder, which, on rising, withdraws the carbide from contact with the water, and slows down the generation ; and when the generator holder again descends it once more plunges the carbide into the water and causes 386 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE further evolution of the gas, this action continuing until the carbide is exhausted. The generator is fitted with a sludge cock a and a draw-off cock F 2 1 to regulate the height of water in the generator tank. The gas is led from the generator through a con- washing denser, where it is washed to free it from ammonia, *** P urifl - and is then led through the purifier, which is divided gas 387 ACETYLENE The Sardi generator Arrange- ment of Carbide cells The Liver generator vertically into two compartments L, o, in the first of which the gas is made to pass in thin streams through a layer of 1'5 inches of refined petroleum, which washes it free from benzene and tar vapours, and the gas then passes down through layers of lime and oxide of iron, spread on perforated plates in the second compartment o, and on to the store holder. The presence of the store holder enables the gas to be generated very slowly, so preventing any serious overheating and ensuring satisfactory purification. The Sarcli apparatus, Fig. 119, very much resembles the Sunbeam in the arrangement of generator. It consists of a gasholder c, counterbalanced and floating in a tank D. A cylinder with water seal B passes down from the crown of the holder to level with its lower rim, whilst a short arm, closed by the cock H, connects the interior of the cylinder with the gas space in the holder. The carbide is contained in a series of perforated zinc cells or trays A attached to the rod A 1 , fixed to a cover which fits into the water seal, and in the top of which is a small vent-cock, to allow the escape of air whilst lowering the cover into the seal. The outlet pipe from the holder is fitted with a catch-box P to collect any condensed water or tar, and the gas passes to the outlet cock E and supply pipes. In the original Sardi apparatus the carbide was all contained in one long cage, but this gave rise to such serious overheating that it was afterwards subdivided into a number of small cells, which to a great extent diminishes this trouble. The generation of gas in this apparatus is con- trolled by the rising of the holder, which withdraws the carbide from the water as it rises, and again brings it into contact with the water as it falls. Another generator, of much the same construction, 388 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE in which the make of gas is regulated by the move- ment of the gasholder, is the Liver or Sovereign, Fig. 120. In this apparatus the moving bell A is provided with a central tube, in which is placed the carbide holder, the opening being rendered gas-tight by a screw clamp. The car- '%%?. bide holder con- sists of a number of cells, in which the carbide is placed, threaded on a central sup- port, by means of which the cells can be withdrawn or replaced. At one side of the gas generator, at the bottom, is the gas outlet, fitted with tap D, and having under it a tube with screw cap E con- taining a sponge for filtering the gas. On the other side of the gene- rator is the out- let B in connec- tion with the safety escape valve situated in tube i, and to which a pipe carried outside the building should be fixed. The tap c permits of the water chamber being emptied when required. By means of the tap F communication between the gasholder and the carbide can be cut off, 389 FIG. 119. General apparatus ACETYLENE The Abingdon generator Con- struction and this is employed when the generator has to be charged, whilst the lights are still being used. The Abingdon generator is auto- matic in action, the contact of water and the car- bide being con- trolled by the rise and fall of the gasholder. Fig. 121 gives vertical and horizontal sec- tions of this ap- paratus. A square water tank A contains the moving gas bell B, within the hollow centre of which is fitted the inverted cylinder c, which acts as a generating cham- ber, and also serves as a relief gas- holder if an undue pressure of gas should arise. Be- tween the gas- holder B and the generating cham- ber c a cylindrical open-topped vessel d provided with a central tube is placed, resting on the floor of the tank A. Around the central tube perforated cages for holding the carbide are disposed 390 FIG. 120. THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE at varying heights, so that the water can attack the carbide in successive portions. The whole arrange- ment of generating chamber c, the bucket d 1 and supporting framework for the carbide cages, works upon a central gas pipe, the lower end of which leads into a water seal to prevent a back flow of gas to the generating chamber. Owing to the generating cham- 391 ACETYLENE Caro on the relative heating with generators of the " Drip " and " Dip " types Tempera- tures observed Lewes' experiments on the heat evolved ber c and holder B being surrounded by water the gas is delivered to the pipes in a cooled condition. Dr. N. Caro, 1 in contrasting the heating effects produced in those forms of apparatus in which the water drips on to a mass of carbide, and those of the last class, says : u At first sight the l dip ' generator appears to have a great advantage over the l drip ' generator because a great quantity of water comes in contact with the carbide. This should apparently prevent excessive rise of temperature, as a portion of the heat of the reaction would naturally be taken up by the water. In reality, however, the generation of the gas does not take place under such improved con- ditions. In all types of 'dip' apparatus, water touches the carbide only momentarily, the carbide absorbs water, acetylene is evolved, and the water is driven away from contact with the carbide. The absorbed water then acts on the carbide, which is now in excess, just as in the i drip ' generators, but the reaction takes place between greater masses, and the generation happens freely on all sides of the carbide. The result is, that the development of heat is even greater. Among ten experiments with ' dip ' gene- rators, alloys melting at 240 C. (464 F.) were fused in two cases, and in one instance an alloy melting at 280 C. (536 F.) showed signs of fusion." Lewes 2 made experimental determinations of the heat evolved in generators of these two classes, and found that under certain conditions the whole mass of carbide might become red hot. These experiments and results have been to a certain extent misunder- stood. It was by no means intended to convey that such temperatures were of common occurrence, or that all generators of the "drip" and "dip" classes were of necessity liable to overheating of the character 1 Zeit. f. Beleuchtungswesen, 1898, 10, 34. 2 Journ. Chem. Soc. Ind., xvii. 392 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE found : the intention was to determine how high it was possible for the temperature to rise under the worst conditions, as it is manifest that it is only by- knowing this that safety can be secured, and wrong forms of apparatus eliminated. In all the experiments the temperatures existing in the mass of decomposing carbide were measured by the Le Chatelier thermo-couple, as preliminary ex- periments showed that thermometers or strips of alloy of known fusing-point were useless for this purpose. The use of the Le Chatelier thermo-couple for the determination of temperature is now becoming so general that a description of the necessary pre- cautions in employing it will not be out of place. The thermo-couple of platinum and platinum-rho- dium wire was connected in series with a dead beat galvanometer Ayrton and Mether's pattern and a resistance of 19-15 ohms was introduced into the circuit. The galvanometer was calibrated by means of a cell of small internal resistance and a box of high resistance coils ; and, on plotting out the currents and deflections, a straight line was obtained, showing that within the limits of the scale the deflections were directly proportional to the currents. The platinum and platinum-rhodium wires used for the thermo-couple were O011 inch in diameter or 0-279 mm. The resistance of the platinum wire per metre was 1-71 ohms, that of the platinum-rhodium wire being 3*6 ohms. The couple was calibrated with every possible pre- caution, immersion in a paraffin bath, the temperature of which was checked by a standard thermometer, being used to fix the points up to 300 0., whilst the boiling-points of sulphur and tin protochloride were taken to give 448 and 606 C., whilst above this point it is now well known that the line is perfectly straight. 393 Measure- ment of Tempera- ture The Le Chatelier Thermo- couple Wires employed Calibration of the thermo- couple ACETYLENE Precautions necessary in using the Lc Chatelier couple Tests with dripping apparatus Arrange- ment of apparatus Method of conducting the experiment When very high temperatures are recorded, especi- ally in the presence of acetylene, the couple must again be compared with substances of known melting or boiling-point after every few tests, as the metals forming the couple rapidly become affected by the carbon and record too low, there being sometimes as much as 120 C. difference between the temperature as given by a new couple and one which has been used for some time and which has become carbonised. If these precautions be observed, the thermo-couple is undoubtedly the most accurate means we have of recording all temperatures up to 1,700 C. The first set of experiments was made to determine the temperature generated when water drips upon carbide, and considerable difficulty was found in arranging the apparatus in such a way as to make it a fair test of what really takes place in practice. After several failures, the form of apparatus which was finally adopted was as follows : A cylindrical cage of wire gauze, for holding the carbide, was stood in a porcelain dish, supported by an iron tripod standing in the circular dish which acted as a mercury seal for the bell jar. The tubulure of the bell jar was closed by a cork, carrying the two glass tubes insulating the thermo-couple, the dripping funnel fitted with a stop-cock and a double jet at its lower extremity, and a wide brass tube, closed with a cork, through which passed the delivery tube. Having about half filled the cage with carbide, analysing 91*3 per cent., it was placed in position, standing on a piece of asbestos card in the porcelain basin, and the bell jar placed over it, the bottom being sealed with 2 cm. of mercury in the bottom dish. The cork was put in position (the thermo-couple being raised or lowered until it was at the required depth) in the carbide cage, which was then filled up over the couple by dropping in carbide through the brass tube. 394 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE Size ot charge used Dis- results When the quantity of carbide to be used had been charged in, the brass tube was closed by a cork carrying the delivery tube, which in turn was con- nected to a condenser and collecting bottle, and the water was run in in known quantities by the dripping arrangement, readings of temperature being taken every minute. The charge of carbide employed in every case was half a pound ; and a very large number of experiments was made, as it soon became evident that, owing partly to the non-conducting properties of the lime formed, which in many cases crumbled off from the surface of the decomposing carbide and coated the thermo-couple, and partly also to the couple only being about 7 mm. in length, and so only recording the temperature of a very small portion of the charge of carbide, the temperature readings were often manifestly too low, as actions, such as the formation of tar vapours, could be observed going on in parts of the charge, whilst the thermo-couple was registering a temperature of 200 or more degrees less than was known to be needed for the actions visibly taking place. Moreover the streams of water impinging upon the carbide must not flow directly on to the thermo- couple, or it is manifest correct readings cannot be obtained. The first dozen experiments were necessary to show the various factors which had to be taken into account in making the determinations ; and when the necessary experimental conditions were realised, then the deter- minations began to show something like uniformity in results. The following test may be taken as being typical of the results obtained showing how serious the overheating may be in generators of the "drip" class : 395 Factors false results ACETYLENE Experi- mental results The condition of the Lime residue often an index to the temperature generated Experi- ments on the tempera- tures generated in " dipping " apparatus THERMO-COUPLE READINGS PER MINUTE. 227 grms. of carbide used, and 330 grms. of water dripped on during the first 40 minutes. Minutes C. Minutes C. Minutes 0. Minutes C. 1 ... 16 ... 452 31 ... 558 46 417 2 97 17 ... 616 32 ... 554 47 ... 420 3 '.'.'. 154 18 ... 648 33 ... 553 48 ... 425 4 ... 103 19 ... 674 1 34 ... 551 49 ... 423 5 ... 182 20 ... 644 35 ... 530 50 ... 421 6 ... 204 21 ... 630 , 36 ... 503 51 ... 417 7 ... 209 22 ... 623 37 ... 497 52 ... 414 8 ... 218 23 ... 625 38 ... 470 53 ... 402 9 ... 213 24 ... 623 39 ... 430 54 ... 398 10 ... 244 25 ... 619 40 ... 393 55 ... 390 11 ... 250 26 ... 616 41 ... 417 56 ... 387 12 ... 265 27 ... 600 42 ... 418 57 383 13 ... 284 28 ... 580 43 ... 417 58 ... 375 14 ... 290 29 ... 580 44 .. 415 59 ... 373 15 ... 217 30 ... 572 45 ... 418 60 ... 373 The lime residue in generators of the class in which a mass of carbide is dipped into water and then with- drawn by the rising of the holder is often noticed to be yellow and pasty from the admixture of tar, whilst sometimes it is covered with a surface coating of carbon, phenomena which could only be accounted for on the supposition that the 'temperatures had been very high, and in the latter case had exceeded 780 C., the decomposing point of the acetylene. Experiments were then made to see what tem- peratures could be attained in generators of this construction. The same bell jar was used as in the former set of experiments, the arrangement of cork, tube for charg- ing, thermo-couple, and delivery tube being also the same, but the cage carrying the carbide was suspended to the cork, whilst a collar fitted around the neck of the bell jar admitted of its being made into the bell of 1 Maximum reading. 396 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE a gasholder by suspending it in a glass tank of water, lines attached to the collar being passed over pulleys in a frame above, and so arranged as to allow the bell to be counterpoised. The couple was so arranged as to have a central Arrange- position in relation to the walls of the holder, and to be about three-quarters of an inch (17 mm.) below the surface of the carbide, the twist of platinum and platinum-rhodium being as before about 7 mm. in length. The charge of half a pound (226'8 grms.) of carbide Conditions having been introduced into the cage with the experiment thermo-couple in position, the counterpoise weights were removed, and the cock on the delivery tube being opened, the bell sank in the water until the carbide cage reached the surface, when the sudden evolution of gas caused the bell to again rise, until the rate of delivery exceeded the rate of generation, when it again sank and immersed the carbide, this action continuing until the carbide was all decom- posed. The thermo-couple being in the upper part of the Position of charge, the rise of temperature is not at first shown, but as the action approaches the neighbourhood of the couple it registers a rapid increase of temperature, and the action going on is generally rendered in- visible by the steam, white vapours and even brown tar fumes coming off from the lower portion of the charge. In from 12 to 18 minutes from the start, the maxi- Time taken mum temperature is reached at the spot affecting the f couple, and soon after the temperature falls as rapidly maximum . , temperature as it rose. The following Table gives the temperature readings in four experiments : 397 Experi- mental results ACETYLENE THERMO-COUPLE READINGS PER MINUTE. Centigrade. minutes. I. II. III. IV. 1 2 ... 3 80 4 122 5 102 137 170 ... 6 119 178 218 7 180 200 254 150 8 204 246 287 178 9 227 288 326 233 10 249 338 413 245 11 270 413 727 342 12 298 620 754 393 13 336 734 568 764 14 408 727 466 793 15 464 706 428 807 16 594 701 385 793 17 703 636 347 764 18 654 597 168 725 19 570 478 131 623 20 514 381 ... 577 21 443 254 594 22 190 ... ... 252 23 123 .. 124 25 96 ... ... conclusions From this it is seen that excessive heating took place in every case, whilst in one it was well above the decomposing point of acetylene, a thin cloud of black smoke being formed immediately around the carbide, whilst tar vapour poured off from it, and on removing the residue after the experiment it was found to be coated with soot and loaded with tar. On several occasions the whole of the charge, on removal from the generator when the maximum tem- perature was reached, was found to be at a glowing red heat, and it was a striking fact that the smell of acetylene could hardly be distinguished in the strong tarry odour that was evolved. 398 THE GENEKATION OP ACETYLENE The moment that acetylene is subjected to the action of high temperatures changes of great complexity at once commence. These at first are purely synthetical ; at temperatures which are low as compared to those which are described above the acetylene begins to condense to benzene ; as the temperature rises the condensation of four molecules of acetylene yield styro- lene ; a further increase in the temperature may cause styrolene and benzene to interact, yielding anthracene and hydrogen, and it is probably at this point that the brown tar vapours appear, while naphthalene makes its appearance. These changes, however, still have to be accurately studied. At this temperature, moreover, a fresh set of interactions start : the nascent hydrogen combines with acetylene to form ethylene, and this body, under the action of heat, breaks down to methane and acetylene once more. The earlier actions of necessity lead to a great loss in the volume of the acetylene. Dr. Haber found that 15 litres of acetylene, when heated for a considerable period to 638 C., left only 10 litres of gas. Probably no such condensation as this takes place in an acetylene generator. When the outer layer of car- bide decomposes, the gas is evolved so rapidly that there is no time for the heat to act upon it, but as the decomposition spreads into the centre of the mass, the acetylene generated has to pass through the external layers, which, as shown, may be at a temperature above the point of its decomposition, and it is under these conditions that a considerable loss takes place, and the tar, often found in the residue, or distilled out into generator and tubes, is formed. In generators in which excessive heating takes place, this tar is likely to cause considerable trouble, as it is of a very viscous character, and if it condenses in the delivery tubes, causes the lime-dust and carbon particles to collect and bring about stoppage. 399 Effect of heat on Acetylene Production of Benzene and Tar Formation of other Hydro- carbons Haber's results Action in the generator Troubles with the Polymerisa- tion products ACETYLENE Alteration in the composition of the gaseous products due to overheating Analysis of gas produced A still more important evil, however, is to be found in the alteration which takes place in the composition of the gas, and which reduces the illuminating value of the gas to a serious extent. During one of the experiments samples of the gas were taken as the maximum temperature was approached, and were analysed with the following results : n. Acetylene Saturated hydrocarbons Hydrogen . 70-0 11-3 18-7 100-0 69-7 11-4 18-9 100-0 Troubles due to the formation of Benzene and this alteration in composition reduces the illumin- ating value of the gas from 240 candles to about 126. If the temperatures determined in these experiments be arranged as curves, in which time and temperature are taken as factors, it is at once apparent that a very considerable proportion of the generation takes place at a temperature above 600 C., about which point polymerisation commences. As benzene forms a large proportion of it, it is carried forward as vapours, and remains suspended, even in its passage through the gas- holder and delivery pipes. Benzene requires three times the volume of air for combustion that acetylene does, and the result is that the most perfect acetylene burner shows a tendency to smoke directly any quantity of benzene is formed. It was Dickerson who first made a generator in which carbide into car bide was fed into an excess of water, and took out "Wfttor generator a patent for it in December, 1894. He used pulverised or granulated carbide contained in a hopper, at the bottom of which was a valve automatically controlled by the rise or fall of the gasholder, and which allowed 40} The first THE GENEKATION OF ACETYLENE the carbide as required to fall into the water in the generator beneath, the water in which was kept at a constant level. Later on Pictet made a generator in which carbide was thrown by hand into water which was kept at a low temperature by a coil of pipe through which ice- cold water could be made to now. From the first it was recognised by scientific men that adding carbide to water was the right way to generate the gas, but it had one drawback. The generator inventors were bitten with a craze for making automatic generators and doing away with a store holder that should con- tain enough gas for the evening's consumption. It was fairly easy to do this if one had merely to regulate the dripping of a liquid like water, but very difficult when a solid like calcium carbide had to be dealt with, and the result was that the first big class of generators, in which the water was brought to the carbide, was devised wholesale, whilst the carbide into water class was neglected. It was not long, however, before the demand for generators of this class led to attempts being made to overcome the problem, and although a thoroughly satisfactory solution has hardly yet been arrived at, still there are several fairly satisfactory automatic generators of this class. The means adopted for feeding the carbide automatically into water are : 1. By allowing granulated carbide to be fed by gravity from a hopper, closed at the bottom by valves of various construction worked by the rise or fall of , , T T T the holder. 2. Drawing carbide from a store holder, and drop- ping it into water by the revolution of a worm or screw. 3. Unlatching the bottom of holders containing car- bide, so as to discharge the contents into water, or making a series of bottomless holders, filled with car- 401 26 The Pictet Tne facts militated ^f reduction of Carbide generators Means the automatic feeding of ACETYLENE The Acetylite generator Construc- tion of the generator bide, slide on a metal plate over a hole, through which the carbide falls into the water. 4. Automatically dropping vessels containing carbide into water in a generator ; this latter class hardly belonging to this type of generator, as the infiltration of water to the carbide vessel really makes it a water to carbide machine. Omitting the mention of some of the more compli- cated forms of apparatus, which seem to have been designed more with the view of displaying the in- genuity of the inventor than of safely making acety- lene, it will be well to describe some generators in which the above methods are utilised. " VALVE " GENERATORS. The Acetylite. This generator consists of an inner and outer tank placed concentrically on a base plate, with a gas bell fitting in between the two tanks. On the top of the gas bell is a neck of smaller diameter c (Fig. 122), closed at the top by a cover with screw clamp, and in which is hung a conical carbide hopper fitted at the bottom with a conical valve D, which rests on a suitable seat, and has attached to its underside a rod and weight w. From the crown of the gas bell is also hung a perforated grid F, fitting freely in the inner tank, into which it projects when the bell is in place. The gas exit pipe and raising rod pass freely through holes in this grid. On the base plate are fitted a water cock, sludge cock, and gas cock, and a screw is affixed so as to enable the raising rod to be set at any required height. Granulated carbide is fed into the hopper on top of the gas bell, and the opening made gas-tight by screwing down the cover. As the bell sinks, the weight of the valve strikes the raising rod G-, causing the valve to lift, and allowing carbide to drop into 402 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE the water. With the rise of the bell the valve again closes, shutting off the supply of carbide. In the Sigurdsson generator, Fig. 123, granulated Sigurdsson generator FIG. 122. carbide is contained in a conical hopper fixed to the top of the bell of the holder. This hopper is closed by a sliding valve connected to a shaft having a 403 ACETYLENE slotted lever arm, which works on a pin fixed in one of the uprights of the holder. FIG. 124. FIG. 123. generator bell of the holder descends, the lever arm is raised by the pin and draws open the valve, thus 404 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE allowing a charge of the carbide to fall upon a perforated conical disc, placed just below the water in the tank. Acetylene is generated, and as the bell rises the lever is pressed down and slides the valve back into position, so cutting off the carbide supply. In Ross' generator the automatic supply of granu- lated carbide to water is brought about by fitting on the top of the generator a small rising holder, contain- ing a hollow drum a 3 . The carbide is contained in two Ross' generator FIG. 125. hoppers H H fixed on the exterior of the apparatus, having a delivery spout h projecting into the generator. This spout is some inches in length, and its central portion is made of flexible tube, whilst the nozzle is carried by w, a weighted lever, working on a bracket, which, when the drum in the holder is raised, lifts the spout upwards and stops the outflow of the carbide, but which, as the drum descends, is pressed downwards and allows the outflow of carbide into the water. Reference to Figs. 124 and 125 will at once make the inventor's intention clear, but one would expect that the arrangement, although highly ingenious, would soon get out of order and clog. 405 Con- struction The " Strode " generator Construc- tion and working of the generator ACETYLENE " SCREW " GENERATORS. In Strode's generator, the process of dropping the carbide into water as more gas is required is carried out automatically by means of a water wheel actuating a cone, having a spiral chamber, into which the carbide falls by its own gravity, a portion being turned into "** keKveeo A <5cD. FIG, 126. the water with each movement of the water wheel. The water acting on this wheel is regulated by the rise and fall of a small gasholder, slightly larger at the top than at the bottom, the walls of the gasholder dis- placing the water in the holder tank, so that it over- flows on to the water wheel, which is provided with pockets, and on one of the pockets becoming filled the wheel gives a quarter turn. The cone piece, being on 406 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE the same spindle, is turned with the wheel, and the carbide, gravitating through the spiral chamber, falls into the water beneath. The water projected from the wheel serves to replenish the water absorbed in the generation of the gas. A water-regulating tank is provided for connection to the water main, with double ball valves and overflow to maintain a constant level of water in the gasholder tank when the gas is not being used. The process of charging the generator with carbide and dealing with the sludge and cleaning out is effected very simply. An overflow is provided to the generator, arranged in such a way that any surplus water in discharging into an overflow tank provided, carries with it the lime formed in the generation of the gas. A connection is also made between the overflow tank and the generator with full-way valve, so that the sludge and lime can be run off into the overflow tank without interfering with the working of the appara- tus in any way. The working part of the generator is covered by a box-shaped cover, open at one end, which slips over the carbide container and water wheel and dips down some distance into the water, thus forming a perfect gas seal, and can be instantly removed or replaced. At the top of this cover is a hopper connected to the cover with a valve. When this hopper requires re- charging the valve is closed to prevent the escape of gas from the generator, or the admission of air, and the hopper being opened is then filled with carbide ; and, after being closed, the valve connecting it with the generator is opened, and the carbide is free to run into the water contained beneath. Another generator in which a worm is used to dis- c Szepezynski charge the carbide into the water is that designed by generator Szepezynski, Fig. 127. It consists of a tank generator 407 Arrange- ment of Carbide hopper ACETYLENE A, with the apparatus for supplying the carbide fixed 011 the top. The latter is an iron cylinder with an axle passing down the centre, which carries a screw work D. The screw chamber is filled with carbide through the cover c, and as the gasholder falls it releases a rope passing round a pulley on the end of the axle ; construe- the rope carries a weight on its free end, and this tion of ^ ' automatic causes the axle and screw to rotate, and throws some of the carbide on to the trap valve E, which opens and FIG. 127. allows it to fall into the water below. As the gas is generated and the holder rises, the rope is again pulled taut and the weight lifted, the pulley running free ; and on the holder again falling, the previous opera- tion is repeated, and more carbide is shot into the water in the tank. " Latch" Generators. The " latch " generator in its generator simplest form is to be found in the Bertrand-Taillet apparatus, Fig. 128, in which the fall of the holder empties small charges of carbide in rotation into the water contained in a compartment occupying the 408 Bertrand Taillet THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE centre of the holder tank. The gasholder bell c works in a water trough formed by the space between the two cylindrical vessels A and B. The interior of A forms the generator, and is filled to the required height with water, whilst a series of carbide vessels D are fixed in the top of the holder. These carbide vessels have hinged bottoms, which are kept shut by counterweights suspended on strings or wires of varying length, and are closed above by gas-tight lids. As the holder descends, the weight attached to the longest string comes in contact with the bottom of the generator and re- leases the carbide from the vessel to which it be- longs ; acetylene is then liberated and the holder rises, and on again de- scending the charge in the vessel with the second longest string is dis- charged, this action con- tinuing until all the car- bide has been shot into the water. Fio. 128. A rather more complex form of the " Latch " type of generator is found in one of the few carbide-into- water forms of apparatus devised in America. The Gibbs generator consists of a gasholder and generator placed side by side. The gasholder carries at its side a long water seal consisting of two concentric tubes having a water space between them. The inner tube carries the gas into the holder, whilst the outer com- 409 Means of discharging the Carbide into the water The Gibbs generator ACETYLENE The automatic Carbide supply municates at its lower extremity with the water in the holder tank. A tube from the generator telescopes in between these, forming the seal. On the top of the generator is a revolving plate carrying the carbide holders on its edge. These holders are fitted with a hinged cover kept shut against a rubber washer by means of a spring latch, and they are placed lid downwards at the edge of the plate. The plate is caused to rotate by means of a ratchet and pawl operated by the movement of the gasholder, and as the bell descends the plate carrying the carbide holders is revolved until the hinged lid is opposite the mouth of the generator shoot, when the latch is released by its trigger hitting the edge of the shoot, thus allowing the contents of the carbide holder to drop down the shoot into the water in the generator. The gasholder then rises, and the pawl is ready to revolve the plate another step when the holder again descends. The long telescopic seal on the side of the gasholder permits sufficient vertical motion for the gasholder, and the reduced lime is removed by detach- ing the generator bodily from the apparatus and emptying it, a water seal preventing any escape of from the holder. A generator working on the principle of carbide Carbide into dropping into water, and which is simple in construc- gemjrator tion, is the revolving apparatus made by the Societe du Graz Acetylene, and shown in Figs. 129, 130, and 131. In the head of the generator is a metal drum M carrying the carbide, chambers which are open at the bottom, and capable of being rotated by the weight p fixed to a rope coiled round the drum passing over the pulley g. This drum M works on a fixed plate N, in which is a hole corresponding with the open base of the carbide chambers. On the outside of the drum metal pins are attached, corresponding to each carbide chamber, whilst to the bell of the gasholder the 410 French automatic THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE weight z is fixed. To the head T is fixed a bracket v carrying a pivoted arm, the end of which nearest the head is forked, whilst the other terminates in a metal plate u. In practice, as the holder descends, the weight z strikes the plate u, causing the top arm of the fork to rise and releasing one of the pins outside the drum M. This allows the drum to rotate till it is Construc- tion and working FIG. 129. stopped by another pin catching in the lower arm of the form. At this point the opening in the carbide chamber is exactly over the hole in the fixed plate N, and, therefore, the charge of carbide drops into the water in the tank below. With the evolution of gas the holder rises, bearing with it the weight z ; a 411 ACETYLENE FIG. 130. Non- water generators spring z then pulls up the lever arm and allows the drum M to rotate until stopped by the upper pin of the next carbide chamber engaging with the top arm of the fork, closing the opening in N, and in this position it re- mains until liberated by the descent of the bell. The car- bide falls through the pipe c into a cone G in the water, the ob- ject of which is to prevent the accumulation of the carbide into heaps. The lime sludge can be re- moved through the cock F. Non-automa- tic generators o f this class , , lend themselves to the greatest possible simpli- city of con- struction, per- haps the most simple appara- tus made being that designed by the Acetylene Gas Company of Australasia, and called " The Perfection," which consists of a gas- holder working in a tank with a conical bottom, having at the lowest point a sludge cock for the withdrawal of lime sludge and a tap for the in- troduction of fresh water. At the point where the 412 Fie. 131. THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE cone and cylindrical tank meet is a grid upon which the carbide falls, whilst in the top of the bell of the holder is fixed a tube of sufficient diameter to allow the carbide to be dropped down it. This tube is closed at the top and bottom by covers working on the same axle, so that the opening or closing of the exterior one opens or shuts the one at the bottom of the tube. The carbide tube is of the same length as the height of the gasholder bell, so that it will be always sealed with a few inches more water than the bell, the extra depth depending on the pressure of gas in the holder. To make acetylene the sliding covers are opened, the carbide dropped down the tube, the covers closed, and the gas generates and fills the holder. The only drawback to such a generator is that a loss of gas is occasioned as the carbide falls through the water in the tube, but if fair-sized lumps are employed this is small. The dust and small carbide is, in the more modern form of this generator, utilised in a small drip flask at the bottom of the apparatus. The next generator in order of simplicity is the " side chute " type, in which the generator is separate from the holder, and consists of a water tank with grid for the carbide to fall upon and tube at the side of the generator down which the carbide is dropped. A good example of this form cf generator is the " Kleine Centrale " and " Haus Centrale" of the Allgemeine Carbid- und Acetylen-Gesellschaft of Ber- lin the latter of which is shown in Fig. 132, in which the carbide is dropped by hand into a side box, and falls down the side chute into the water in the generator. This contains a grid which can be cleared from any cinder that may have been in the carbide by means of a manhole, whilst sludge is withdrawn by means of a tap-hole in the bottom of the gene- rator. A ventilating pipe is carried up from the chute to 413 The 'Perfection 1 generator Working of the apparatus The " Kleine Centrale " generator ACETYLENE above the roof in order to discharge any acetylene generated during the passage of the carbide through the water in the chute into the open air. FIG. 132. pintsch Messrs. Pintsch used to make a generator of almost generator identical form, but as the demand for acetylene to mix 414 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE with oil gas for compression in the cylinders used to supply the gas for lighting the Prussian railways increased, they modified the apparatus to the form shown in Fig. 133. It consists of a strong iron gene- rator, from the top of which the feed tube or chute passes down to just below the surface of the water, which fills two-thirds of the generator. FIG. 138. The carbide falls upon a conical deflector just below Modified the mouth of the chute, and is spread by it over the generator rocking grid a short distance below. The lime residue and any pieces of carbide crust can be cleaned out by means of a sludge cock and manhole at the bottom of the generator. Water is allowed to flow in slowly but continuously through a feed pipe which dips below the surface of the liquid, and its level is kept con- 415 ACETYLENE Working of the Carbide carriers The conditions under which heating in a " Carbide into water " generator may take place Protective coatings of baked lime and oil stant by an overflow pipe descending into a water seal, which acts as a safety valve in case of any stop- page causing undue pressure. Two carbide carriers are arranged to rotate by hand on a bed plate which has an opening exactly over the mouth of the chute, and the carbide carrier which happens to be outside having been filled with carbide, is rotated until the charge is emptied down the tube, by which time the second vessel is in posi- tion for filling. Any escape of gas is as far as possible prevented by a head plate which closes the top of the discharging cylinder, but there is also a funnel which fits over the charging head, and is con- nected with a tube leading above the roof. The class in which carbide is allowed to fall into an excess of water is, from a scientific point of view, un- doubtedly the best, as with proper arrangements the trouble of overheating is entirely done way with, and the resulting gas in its passage through the water above the point at which the carbide is decomposed is cooled, washed, and to a certain extent purified. It seems impossible at first sight that with carbide drop- ping into an excess of water overheating could ever take place, but there exist certain conditions in which it is a possibility, and on more than one occasion the author has fused strips of zinc in apparatus of this kind, indicating that a temperature of 423 C had been reached. This may be brought about by certain circumstances, such as when the carbide is allowed to drop into the lime sludge at the bottom of the gener- ator, when the heat evolved by the decomposition of a fairly large piece bakes the lime around it into a protective coating, which limits the access of water to the decomposing mass and causes the rise of temper- ature, and occasionally in the residue from such a generator a mass resembling a small potato will be found consisting of lime and tar baked into a hard 416 THE GTENEEATION OF ACETYLENE mass containing a small kernel of undecomposed carbide. Such cases are, however, rare and can be prevented by using a grid or screen on to which the carbide falls, and the lime separating during its formation goes through the meshes into the lower part of the vessel and settles there, the small pieces of carbide which find their way through the screen being in- sufficient in size to cause trouble of this character. Nearly all generators of this class now employ grids of this description, and even here overheating of the same character has been found, where the carbide has been put in in too large quantities so as to form a heap in one spot on the screen ; lime is then liable to form over the surface of the mass, and in the interior overheating takes place, whilst, if a solid lump of carbide weighing one to one and a half pounds be thrown in, there is a liability of the same action. It has also been urged against this class of gener- ator that the yield of gas from a given sample of carbide is less than the yield from the same carbide used in generators belonging to the other classes, the loss being due to the solubility of the gas in the excess of water present. This objection, however, is often more apparent than real, as the less rapid rise of the holder may be due to the gas being delivered from generators of this character in a much cooler condition than from those generators which have been shown to be liable to overheating. Water at normal temperature and pressure only dissolves a little over its own volume of the gas, and this volume becomes rapidly reduced as the water gets saturated with calcium hydrate and rises in temper- ature, so that under ordinary conditions the per- centage loss of gas due to this action would be very small, more especially if the generator is so arranged that the sludge settles freely to the bottom leaving 417 27 The use of grids in this form of apparatus Danger of adding too large a charge of Carbide or using big lumps Loss of Acetylene from solution Conditions which limit solubility ACETYLENE Proper arrange- ment of grids in generator The settling of the Lime sludge Conclusions saturated limewater above it, and if then only the sludge is withdrawn. The best arrangement to employ in a generator of this class is a treble screen placed not more than 4 to 6 inches below the surface of the water, the top screen being of such mesh that it retains the large lumps of carbide whilst the smaller lumps remain upon the second screen, the third being of such fine mesh as to practically allow only lime to pass through it. Under these conditions the volume of water through which the gas has to pass is so small a column that it merely cools and washes the gas free from the excess of ammonia and some of the sulphur- etted hydrogen, without dissolving any considerable quantity of the acetylene itself, whilst the gas rising from the carbide on the second and third screens keeps the liquid round the big lumps decomposing on the upper screen so agitated that there is no risk of a coating of lime forming on their surface. This treble screen moreover provides a haven of rest in the water below for the settlement of the lime sludge. Experiments were made to see at what rate this might be expected to take place. In these experiments known weights of calcium carbide were dropped into a beaker containing a litre of water, and the results obtained were as shown in tables on following page. So that it may be said that after 30 minutes the volume of the lime is 10 c.c. per grm. of carbide, and after 90 minutes the volume of lime is 7'5 c.c. per grm. of carbide. So that approximately after half an hour's stand- ing each kilo of calcium carbide will give 10 litres of lime sludge, or 1 Ib. of calcium carbide will yield 8 pints, which can be got rid of by a sludge cock at the bottom of the apparatus. The rapidity with which settling takes place is of course slightly affected by the form of the apparatus. 418 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE I Water taken. Calcium Carbide. Volume of lime paste deposited during 30 mins. 90 mins. Volume of lime paste deposited during 30 mins. 90 mins. Grms. Grms. c.c. c.c. Calc. for 1 gnu. CaC 2 - 1,000 50 480 360 9-6 7-2 1,000 50 470 340 9-4 6-8 1,000 50 440 350 8-8 7-0 1,000 50 470 370 9*4 74 1,000 40 430 330 10-7 8-0 1,000 40 420 320 10-5 8-0 1,000 40 400 310 10-2 7-7 1,000 40 410 320 10-5 8-0 1,000 30 340 240 11-0 8-0 1,000 30 320 220 10-3 7-3 1,000 30 330 240 11-0 8-0 1,000 30 330 240 11-0 8-0 Mean 1O2 7'6 II 1,000 50 450 1,000 50 440 1,000 50 450 1,000 50 440 1,000 40 390 1,000 40 410 1,000 40 390 1,000 40 390 1,000 30 310 1,000 30 300 1,000 30 240 1,000 30 300 340 1 9'0 6'8 330 8-8 6-6 330 9-0 6-6 320 8-8 6'2 310 9-7 7-7 310 10-0 7'0 300 9-7 7'5 300 9-7 7'5 210 10-3 7-0 240 10-0 8-0 230 9-6 7-6 220 10-0 7-3 Experi- mental results Mean 9'5 7-2 In allowing of the settlement of the sludge, the influence of volume occupied will of course entirely depend upon the length of time it is allowed to stand, and if a generator generator with holder is employed, and the make of eonStion of the Lime residue gas necessary for the evening's consumption is stored in the holder, it will be found that by the next morn- ing the lime will have settled in a compact mass at the bottom of the generator, with perfectly clear lime- water above it, and this lime will in many cases be 419 ACETYLENE found to be so thick that it refuses to flow through the ordinary sludge cock. It is merely a mechanical question, however, to so arrange the cleaning opening that the lime can be withdrawn with a very small portion of the supernatant water, and when this is properly done the loss of gas due to the excess of water present will practically disappear. caro on the Caro, in the paper before quoted, in speaking of Carbide to this class of generator, sums up its possible dis- of generator advantages as follows : " By this method of generation of acetylene overheating is out of the question. The quantity of acetylene generated at one time is how- ever large, and therefore ample gasholder capacity is essential. No after-evolution of gas from the carbide which has been dropped into the water is possible. In most generators of this class, the carbide recep- tacles have a number of divisions, the contents of each one of which are automatically discharged in turn into the water. The aqueous vapour, however, has access to the whole of the carbide in the receptacle, and therefore after-evolution does occur. But the amount of gas thus evolved never exceeds 20 per cent, of the total. In some generators of this class one carbide container only is used, and a portion of its contents is discharged into the water at one time, either through a conveying screw or a valve which is controlled by the movement of the gasholder bell. When a screw likely to is used all the carbide is accessible to the water occur with va p 0ur anc [ decomposition takes place, while in the automatic - 1 - - 1 - ' generators second case carbide appears invariably to stick be- is bween the valve and its seat, and thus prevents the effectual closing of the valve. Generators of this class are quite trustworthy, but care should be taken that a gasholder capable of receiving at least one-fifth of the gas which the carbide in the container will yield is attached to each." In many forms of what are apparently at first sight 420 THE GENEKATION OF ACETYLENE car bide-in to- water generators, the carbide is enclosed in a tin, or some other form of container, which is plunged under the surface of the water in the gener- ator. Such forms are of course more nearly allied to the water-to-carbide class, in which the water flows into the carbide, as these containing vessels have open- ings of only limited size, so that instead of being entirely surrounded by water, the water is only slowly infiltering to the carbide through the openings, and in this class of generator you find the same temperature relations existing as in those in which the vessels are flooded by the rise of water. It will now be well to summarise the influence of the type of generator on the gas produced. 1. Purity of the acetylene. It may be accepted that the purity of the gas produced will be inversely as the heat generated during its production, i.e. the lower the temperature of generation the purer will be the gas, and it is manifest therefore that apart from the washing influence of the water present, the last class of generator will give the purest gas, whilst the "dip" class will give the least pure. The question, however, of the influence of temperature in the generation upon the purity of the gas will be fully discussed in the chapter on the impurities of acetylene and its puri- fication. 2. The influence of the class of generator upon the volume of gas yielded from a given sample of Carbide. The author has made experiments on between 20 and 30 different generators of the various classes, making from each an average of 600 c. ft. of gas, and using carbide from bulk of even composition. Under these conditions very varying results were obtained, some generators showing themselves capable of evolving the same volume of gas from the carbide 421 Generators in which cases is dropped or plunged u: Influence of the type of ge < JJf T ^ r purity of generator volume of ACETYLENE Experi- mental results Effect of the type of generator on the residue Importance of flooding the residue that had been determined by laboratory experiment, whilst others of the same class gave far lower results ; but by taking the average yield of gas per unit weight of carbide from all the generators of one class, it was possible to obtain data which indicated the general result. Water dripping on carbide . Water rising to carbide Carbide dipped in water and with- drawn ...... Carbide into water . c. ft. per lb. Litres per kilo. 4-3 . 267-7 4-4 273-9 4-4 4-0 273-9 249-0 3. The effect of the form of generator on the con- dition of the residue. As has been already pointed out, the condition of the residue left from carbide after liberation of the acetylene depends largely upon the complete decomposition of the material and the temperature at which the decom- position has been carried out ; and it is of the utmost importance that there should be no risk of any unde- composed carbide remaining with the residue, as this would give rise to gas if washed away into the drains or thrown into the cesspit, and the quantity needed to yield an explosive mixture being small and the ignition point low such a mixture would be highly dangerous. In order to ensure complete decomposition generators must in every case at the end of the oper- ation remain flooded for a considerable period, as if overheating has taken place the risk always exists of a coating of lime being baked over a small quantity of carbide, and as this resists the action of water to a great extent, it needs some time for the completion of the action. It is always better to leave the residue from one day's make flooded in the apparatus until the next occasion of making, as if the apparatus be at once cleaned out not only does the risk just alluded to exist, but it is also found that there is a certain 422 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE amount of acetylene mechanically held by the lime. The classes of generators in which there is the Drawbacks . , . 11-1 of the greatest risk of undecomposed carbide remaining are Drip "type those in which the water drips upon a mass of carbide, of generator as in this case it is possible that the action may be stopped before the carbide is flooded and small quanti- ties escape decomposition. Any one who has con- stantly used a drip generator will have noticed that if the action has been stopped after a small amount of acetylene has been generated and the apparatus then allowed to stand for a day or two, although there may be a large amount of undecomposed carbide present, the water has to be turned on for a very considerable period before any fresh gas is evolved, this being due chiefly to the lime formed during the slow after-gener- ation forming a very tough adhesive coating over the surface of the undecomposed material, this coating consisting largely of lime next to the carbide, whilst on the exterior it is chiefly calcium hydrate. 4. The influence of the generator on frothing. The In those forms of generators in which carbide is in "u^J^e * excess, frothing is practically an unknown trouble, <> f generator but where water floods a vessel of carbide, or where the carbide is dropped into water, trouble may some- times arise from formation of foam on the top of the liquid. When the carbide is dropped into water, at first no foaming occurs, but as soon as the water begins to get fairly saturated with lime frothing commences, and is due to the fact that, as the bubble of crude cause of acetylene leaves the carbide and passes up through the saturated limewater, the impurities in that particular bubble are absorbed on the exterior of the surface and form a thin vesicle round the bubble, having a differ- ent composition from the remainder of the liquid. On reaching the surface these vesicles often remain for a moment as a covering to the gas just evolved, and in this way mounting up form the foam. 423 ACETYLENE Means of preventing frothing when working on a big scale Carbide into water generators a necessity in installa- tions on a big scale The Installation at Oliva If in the expansion of acetylene illumination on a large scale this is found to be a very serious trouble, it can readily be got over by methods of the same character as those adopted in fermentation vats, where a thin arm rotating at a high rate of speed breaks up the scum as it forms. With the introduction of acetylene for the lighting of small towns and villages by distribution from a central generating station with holders, it has been found that it is only the carbide -in to- water class of generator that can be employed with success, as directly one begins to deal with large weights of car- bide the temperature factor becomes so serious that one must either divide the charge up into a multi- tude of small generators or keep continuously charg- ing and discharging the ones in use, and the result is that in practically all the Continental installations on the large scale it is this class of generator which has been adopted. The following list (page 425) will give an idea of the acetylene supply works at present in operation or well advanced in construction, and where possible the price charged for the gas per 1,000 cubic feet is also added. The method employed and the general arrange- ments are very much the same in all of them, and a description of the installation at Oliva will serve to give an idea of the way in which they are carried out. The installation consists of six producers, made by the Allgemeine Carbid- und Acetylen-Gesellschaft of Berlin, four of which are in use, and can produce 10 cubic metres per hour, whilst two are held in reserve. If necessary, however, a larger output of gas could be made. These generators are placed in two groups of three, with a platform between them for convenience in feeding in the carbide. 424 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE Country and Name of Place. Number of Inhabitants. AMERICA Wabash . . . New Milford . . Milford, Delaware Millbrook, N.Y. . Corodenbeath 12,500 2,500 793 4,249 Price per 1,000 c. ft. GERMANY s. d. Hassfurt 2,500 380 Oliva 2,000 3 10 9 Schonsee 1,536 Ellerbeck 4,176 Grossenlinden 3 19 3 Daaden. 1,767 323 Strelitz ! 5,000 2 13 9 Treptow | 4,363 Peiskretscham 4,500 Achim 3,500 Sulzburg 1,111 Allandorf and Sodeu .... 6,000 Schlagenbad 2,000 Durenberg Guttstadt 4,504 3 10 Johannisburg 3,000 Passenheim 1,967 Sensburg . 3,562 Eatzebuhr 2,298 Friedland 3,598 Arys 1,324 Bischofswerder 1,748 Frauenburg 2,458 Saalfeld 2,517 HUNGARY Mezotur 23,800 Totis 11,000 339 Vesprem 13,000 FRANCE Alzonne ' 2,000 Cremieux ; 2,000 Marcenat . 340 3 16 9 List of towns using a central Acetylene supply, and prices charged Between each pair of producers is a condenser, so arranged that it can be used either with both pro- ducers or only one, and each group of two is connected 425 Arrange- ACETYLENE with washers and purifiers through which the gas passes before it reaches the holder. This is a mistake, and in later installations is being altered as whilst the generation of gas is going on rapidly, the flow through the purifiers must be too rapid to allow of proper purification, whilst had the purifying tanks been placed at the outlet for the service, a steady and continuous flow of gas during its consumption would have allowed a far better purification. The holder is of about 1,000 c. ft. capacity, and stands outside the building, and as the gas leaves it is made to pass through a drier and pressure regulator. This works is designed for the supply of about 2,000 flames, but at present the output is not more than half this number. The price which is charged to ordinary consumers is 2 marks 5 pfennig per cubic metre, whilst the price charged for the street lighting is at the rate of 1-7 marks per cubic metre prices which are equivalent to 3 10s. 9d. and 2 8s. Id. per 1,000 c. ft. respectively. working The apparatus works smoothly and well, the gas apparatus leaving the generators at very little above the atmos- pheric temperature. The works are also well arranged with regard to the charging and emptying of the generators, the water for which is supplied from a storage tank kept filled by a pump worked by a Korting gas motor, which uses 300 litres of acetylene per horse power per hour, whilst a large cesspool below the generator house serves as a receptacle for the lime sludge drawn off from the bottom of the generators. On standing, the lime rapidly settles and remains at the bottom as a white mud, whilst the clear liquid can be run off from the surface into the drains, the lime residue being cleared out from time to time and used for agricultural purposes. Distribution The distribution of the gas is well carried out, the mains as they leave the works being 100 millimetres, 426 FIG. 134. ACETYLENE SUPPLY WORKS FOR 2,000 LIGHTS. FIG. 135. INTERIOR OF GENERATOR HOUSE. 427 ACETYLENE Advantages of such installations to the Carbide trade The danger of large gas spaces in generators Tempera- ture needed to cause explosion or, roughly, 4 inches, in diameter, and gradually tapering away as they get further and further from the works to 32 millimetres, or rather over an inch, in diameter. The street lamps, of which there are about ninety- six, are all fitted with Munsterberg burners, which are to all intents and purposes the same as Naphey burners, and the light emitted is very effective, and, with the lamp-posts placed at intervals of 150 feet, gives a remarkably well-distributed effect. The great advantage of handling small town in- stallations of this character is that, if it be done by a syndicate who are also manufacturers of carbide, only the best quality of carbide need be sold to the public, whilst the inferior samples can be utilised in providing the gas in works of this description. This is a far better solution of the difficulty of getting rid of carbide crust than the usually adopted one of mix- ing the inferior portions with the true carbide so as to obtain a constant yield. In most generators there is a considerable amount of space filled with air before the commencement of generation, and as the acetylene comes off from the carbide this space will contain mixtures of every com- position from pure air to pure acetylene ; and as it may take several minutes for all the air to be cleared out from the generator space, and as the range over which mixtures of acetylene and air are explosive is an extremely wide one, it is manifest that during the early stages of generation there is always a risk of ex- plosion taking place, more especially as the tempera- ture of ignition of mixtures of acetylene and air is very low (480 C), although acetylene itself does not decompose into its constituents until a temperature of 780 C is reached. The question now arises as to whether a temperature sufficient to ignite the mixture is likely or possible to be attained during the period 428 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE in which the air is still present in sufficient quantity to produce an explosive mixture. The causes which might give the necessary tempera- ture are two in number : 1. The liberation of spontaneously combustible gases from the impurities in the carbide which, on coming in contact with the air in the generator, might ignite the explosive mixture. 2. The generation of sufficient heat by the action of the carbide on the water to reach the ignition point of the mixed gases. In order to ascertain the likelihood of the ignition of explosive mixtures being brought about by the first cause, experiments were made by the author con- jointly with Mr. Boverton Redwood to try and deter- mine whether this were possible. The two spontane- ously inflammable gases which might give rise to this trouble are the vapours of liquid phosphuretted hydro- gen, P 2 H 4 , and siliciuretted hydrogen, both of which might be generated from impurities in the carbide under certain conditions. In view of the generally accepted theory of its pro- duction, phosphuretted hydrogen was made by acting on calcic phosphide with water, and attempts were made to determine what proportion of this gas had to be mixed with acetylene in order to give spontaneous ignition. It was found, however, that the mere con- tact with water necessitated in mixing the gases ren- dered the resulting mixtures non-spontaneously in- flammable even when hot water was used, and that the phosphuretted hydrogen alone failed to ignite after being in contact with water for some time. Phosphuretted hydrogen was then made by acting on phosphorus with boiling sodium hydrate, and it was found that, using hot water, it required over 80 per cent, to render the acetylene and phosphuretted hydro- gen mixture spontaneously inflammable. 429 The causes which might give rise to the necessary temperature to cause explosion Spon- taneously inflammable gases in Acetylene Percentage of Phos- phuretted ACETYLENE Hydrogen From, these experiments it was perfectly clear that "render* wnen once tne mixture of gas is made, even a high Acetylene percentage of phosphuretted hydrogen would be per- spon- meous inflammable to deleterious products of combustion and might lower the igniting point of the acetylene, but that no risk of taneousiy fectly harmless, except in so far as it would give rise to deleterious products of cc the igniting point of the ac spontaneous ignition exists. Conditions If, however, one considers the methods by which which Phos- the carbide is brought in contact with water in the phuretted various forms of acetylene generators, and the very might cause high temperature which may be attained by the action of water upon the carbide, it is evident that there are cases in which water being allowed to drip on the carbide, or the dripping of the carbide into water, might give spontaneous inflammability to a mixture containing air, which, when only moderately heated, would be absolutely free from this danger. Experi- A series of experiments was then instituted to see determine wna ^ proportion of calcic phosphide mixed with calcic amount of carbide would cause spontaneous ignition on contact Phosphide with. air. In order to get these experiments strictly in carbide comparable, it was necessary that the ingredients used necessary to . x 1 . ,-,-,. give m each experiment should be in the same state of ignition division, and that a similar amount of water should be in each case added to the mixture. Method of Pure crystalline carbide and fresh calcic phosphide experiment " . f were reduced to powder and sieved down to uniform size. Mixtures of the two ingredients were then made and put in charges of 5 grms. into small porce- lain vessels, into each of which 5 c.c. of water was added, and it was found that on testing from 50 per cent, downwards, even when only 1 per cent, of calcium phosphide was present, spontaneous ignition of the evolved gases would in many cases take place, and it was also noted during these experiments that the acetylene came off more readily than the phos- phuretted hydrogen, and that the ignition was gen- 430 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE erally brought about by a flash from a bubble of phosphuretted hydrogen after the first rush of acety- lene had passed off. In other words, the calcium phosphide was less readily decomposed by water than the calcium carbide, so that what would be 1 per cent. of calcium phosphide in the original mixture would mean a far higher percentage by the time the calcium phosphide came to be decomposed, and it was manifest Result of also that the temperature created by the action of a exper iments limited quantity of water upon the carbide had a great deal to do with the result. Other experiments were then made with mixtures of carbide and phosphide by plunging the mixture under the surface of several times its own volume of water, and it was then found that 25 per cent, of phosphide might in some cases be present without leading to spontaneous ignition, this of course being due to the cooling effect of the water present. These experiments seemed to show that calcium carbide of ordinary commercial manufacture may be used without any danger from this cause for gener- ating acetylene gas. With regard to the likelihood of the temperature Time caused by the action of water on the carbide, experi- "develop a ments were made which showed that, when allowing dangerously water to drip at the rate of about 8 c. cm. per minute temperature upon 227 grms. of carbide, it took always 16 to 17 minutes before sufficient heat was generated in the mass to reach 480, the point necessary to ignite an explosive mixture ; and it is manifest that long before this point has been reached an explosive mixture will have ceased to exist, the evolved acetylene having washed all air out of the generator, whilst with the conclusion* form of generator in which carbide is dipped into water and then withdrawn by the rise of the gas- holder, ten and a half minutes elapsed before the necessary temperature was arrived at. 431 ACETYLENE The pre- vention of danger from mixtures of air and gas in the generator Strength of the generator a factor in its safety Gerdes' experiments It must be clearly borne in mind, however, that these experiments were made with a quantity of carbide far smaller than that employed in most generators, and it- is just possible that in using charges of greater weight the necessary temperature might be reached before sufficient air was rinsed out of the generator to bring the mixture outside the explosive limits. It should be perfectly easy, however, with generators in which there is considerable air space to devise an arrangement by which, after the generator has been charged and before the action is started, all air might be rinsed out of the generator by means of a small tube leading from the gas outlet of the holder, or if this were not possible a small auxiliary carbon dioxide apparatus on Kipp's principle might be arranged to rinse out the air by carbon dioxide, the small propor- tion of this gas so introduced and afterwards carried into the holder having no effect on the illuminating value of the acetylene itself. As regards the safety of generators, there are many points which deserve attention. The strength of the generator plays an important part in the safety of the apparatus, as it is here that the only practical chance of explosion exists, and proper attention to its construction and power of re- sisting any accidental explosion that might take place must be an important factor in the safety of the in- stallation. Gerdes has investigated this point and has published a highly-interesting paper on the subject in Glasers Annalen fur Gewerbe und Bauwesen, 1898, vol. 43, 510. His experiments were carried out with the view of de- termining in what manner an explosion occurring in the generator may act on its walls, and in order to do this the generators were made with metal of a lighter gauge than ordinarily used and partly filled with water, the upper portion containing the mixture of 432 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE acetylene and air. The apparatus was placed in a pit FIG. 136. and the top of the pit was covered over with sand 433 28 ACETYLENE bags, the contents of which weighed some hundreds of kilos. In the first experiment the generator shot up to a FIG. 137. Result of height of about six metres above the ground level, experiment then turned over and fell upside down. The soil in the pit was thrown up by the explosion, and Figs. 137 434 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE and 138, taken from two different points, illustrate the effect of the explosion at two different stages. In the second experiment the bottom of the genera- second trial tor was made stronger, and the explosion merely caused a bulging out of the part filled with water, as shown in Fig. 139. A third generator was treated in the same way, and conclusions FIG. 138. in this case it was burst open in the part filled with water in the manner shown in Fig. 140. These ex- periments show that it is not only the portions of the generator containing gas which are subjected to strain by the force of the explosion, but that the water in such a vessel transmits the pressure to the lower portions. It is manifest that it is quite possible, by using good metal of sufficient thickness, to provide a generator generators 435 Construc- tion of ACETYLENE which, even should an explosion take place, would prevent any serious damage arising ; but there are FIG. 139. many points besides this which should be considered, and which, if properly carried out, would make anything like an explosion in the generator an impossibility. 436 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE Several accidents have happened through recharging generators at night, when a light was required for carrying on the work. With every generator there is always the probability that the opening of the carbide Charging at night to be avoided chamber to put in fresh material will allow a certain amount of acetylene to escape into the air, and a certain amount of air to find its way into the generator, and this should be minimised as much as possible. 437 ACETYLENE Safety water seals uersus cocks Low pressure an important point A store holder for gas advisable Space for ' after- pro- duction " Blow-off valve A point which should be insisted upon in all installa- tions is that, instead of having a cock between the holder and generator, there should be a water seal, which, when the generator is opened for recharging, will preclude the possibility of gas from the holder finding its way back through the generator : as if reliance be placed on a cock being turned off and on, there is always the chance that this will be forgotten by the unskilled labour on which one often relies for keeping the apparatus running, and should the cock be left open during charging a serious escape takes place. In order to prevent the need of recharging at night, the generator should be so designed as to provide a fair margin over the amount of gas likely to be used in the course of the evening, and should be filled up every day. It has already been pointed out that the increase of heating in a generator increases rapidly with pressure, and no generator should work at a pressure greater than is needed to put the gas into the holder, so that four to six inches ought to be the outside limit, whilst the holder pressure should be from two to three inches. Every one connected with the acetylene industry is now beginning to realise that for anything but the smallest installations a store holder of sufficient capacity to supply all the gas needed for an evening's consump- tion, and to leave sufficient holder room to provide for after-generation, is a necessity. The holder should be so arranged that, in the case of after-generation or over- production, any excess of gas should be allowed to escape without the increase of pressure necessary to blow the seal of the holder, as if this were relied on it would necessitate a regulator to be used between the holder and service, which is better avoided, as the holder itself forms by far the best pressure regulator. This may be attained either by having a small sealed blow-off on the inlet pipe just before the gas 438 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE is delivered into the holder, which will come into action at an inch higher pressure than is provided for in the holder itself, or by the very excellent arrange- ment due to Dr. N. Caro, which consists of a small elbow joint turned up at right angles, and attached to the lower edge of the gasholder, which slides in a holder relief recess provided for it in the holder tank, and which, when the holder has reached its upward limit, comes into a small funnel attached to a pipe leading outside the building, and so allowing an escape for the excess of gas. The holder should also be well supported and guided Points to by either a central support or by properly-arranged notice with columns, so that no jamming is possible. A trouble ^giudes^ which is occasionally found owing to improper con- struction is that where the guide pillars are bolted to the rim of the holder tank ; there is often a projection on which the weights counterpoising the holder tank catch and lodge for a few moments whilst descending, thus throwing an extra pressure on the gas, and causing the flames, if the gas is burning, to flare. If such a projection exists, the trouble can easily be overcome by fixing a small sheet metal guide over the joint. Outside gasholders that are liable to exposure to frost should be filled with saturated salt solution, but the holder and tank must, under these conditions, be thickly coated with a good protective paint, and any loss from evaporation made up with ordinary water. The question of the removal of the lime has already Troubles been dealt with, but it is well here again to point out with s] that with the sludge cocks attached to many forms of apparatus, if the machine be allowed to stand for a couple of days before cleaning out, the lime settles into so dense a mass that the sludge cock becomes stopped, and on breaking a passage through it with a clearing rod the operator becomes exposed to a rush of lime sludge. It should be quite possible to design an 439 ACETYLENE No soldering work allowable in generator con- struction No Mercury seals to be used Attempts to slow down generation The use of oil in generators apparatus in which, after allowing twenty-four hours for settlement, the lime sludge could be removed by means of an endless screw in such a way that the working of the generator need not be stopped. In any case more attention should be paid to the arrangements for cleaning out the apparatus. In constructing a generator, all parts should be made of sufficient strength to resist the effect of explosion, and no soldering should be allowed, everything being either rivetted or screwed, and where water seals are employed to close any part of the apparatus, they should be of such depth as to provide a good margin of resistance over and above the ordinary pressure existing in the apparatus, and must be protected from any chance of lime entering into them during the actions taking place in the generator. Mercury seals must not be used, as they rapidly become affected by the gas and its impurities. Gauge glasses so fixed as to offer any chance of breakage, or indiarubber tubing or other material liable to perishing, must on no account be employed in any part of the generator. In some forms of generator, attempts have been made to slow down in various ways the action of the carbide in the water by using saline solutions, and in some cases even a solution of sugar in the generator ; but it is manifest that on a large scale any such devices would be too costly, and are practically not necessary. In some apparatus also, especially with those in which a chute leads the carbide down into the water, a layer of oil has been employed on the top of the water in the chute, with the intention of coating the carbide as it falls through the oil with enough of that sub- stance to prevent the action of water upon it until it gets into the generating chamber itself, whilst some- times the carbide is dipped into oil before dropping it into the generator, with the same effect in view. It is found, however, that the hydrocarbons so passed into 440 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE the body of the generator give rise to a considerable amount of trouble, as the interior of the vessel gets coated with tar and oil, and the exit pipes are liable to choke owing to the sticky paste formed by the evolved products of the oil and lime dust. In generators designed for what may be termed domestic use, in which sufficient acetylene has to be provided for the evening's consumption in from five to a hundred burners, all classes of apparatus are to be found, the requirements of the installation not being too large to allow of the water-to-carbide class being debar- red owing to serious overheating, whilst still large enough to admit of the carbide- to- water generators being used with great success ; but the moment either a larger or smaller apparatus is needed, the generators at once naturally divide themselves into the two main classes, the water to carbide type being the only one possible to employ in making small automatic apparatus to supply a single flame, whilst the carbide to water one is the only one it is found possible to use for lighting on a large scale, as where a village or small town has to be supplied from a central installation. The success of an acetylene installation largely depends upon the way in which the fitting is done. In putting up an ordinary installation for a house a non-automatic generator should be employed, and a holder capable of containing sufficient gas to last the whole evening with the maximum number of lights burning. The generator and holder should both stand perfectly level upon a firm foundation, preferably of brick or concrete, and all pipes should have a slight fall back to the holder. The generator and holder, according to regulations, must be a short distance away from the house, and the building containing them must be well ventilated, and capable of being warmed by hot- water pipes in cold weather, so as to prevent freezing of the water in the holder 441 Natural division of generators into two classes for large and small installations The fitting of Acetylene installations The generator ACETYLENE Size of pipes Making joints Taps and fittings Soundness of joints and in the generator system. Where this is not practicable, the holder tank must be filled with a solution of brine, in which case all iron work, as before mentioned, must be carefully coated with a good protective paint. The specific gravity of acetylene being O9 as against 0*4 of ordinary coal gas, the flow through the pipes is rather less ; but inasmuch as less than one-fifth the volume of acetylene is required for each burner that is employed than for coal gas, this factor may be disregarded. A pipe of a given size may be taken as supplying three times as many burners as would be the case if coal gas were used. In ordinary installations the following sizes of pipes may be em- ployed, and in no case should pipes smaller than f be used. f inch pipe \ I 1 4 Up to 8 burners. ., 15 !, 60 ., ., 100 .. ., 2,000 ., In house-fitting no composite pipe should be em- ployed for acetylene, the best iron barrel only being used, and the joints should all be well-cut right and left-handed screw unions. No packing or paint must be used in making the joint, but the threads may be dusted with finely-ground plumbago. The reason for this is that tar, paint, and all the usual substances employed in making joints with coal gas are rapidly acted upon by the acetylene, becoming brittle and cracking, thus giving rise to leakage. The taps must be of the best brass, such as are used for water and steam work, with full taper plugs in deep barrels, so as to give plenty of grinding surface, the ordinary cheap brass fittings rapidly becoming leaky. When the whole installation is complete, it should be carefully tested under a pressure of 15 inches of 442 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE mercury, and should not show a loss of more than 2 inches in twelve hours. In starting an installation, the holder should be filled with acetylene, and an indiarubber tube should be attached to the gas-fitting furthest removed from the holder, the burner being taken off for this pur- pose, and the end of the tube should be led outside a window. The gas from the holder should be run through the pipes until a test-tube blown full of the gas from the end of the indiarubber pipe burns quietly down in the tube when a light is applied to it ; and where there are several branch services in the house, this should be repeated at the end of each. All the burners being then fixed in position, the gas may with safety be lighted. The pressure at which the gas is supplied to the house should not exceed 2J inches. The small form of generator finds its most success- ful adaptation in providing out-door lamps for cycles, motors, drive lamps, and signalling apparatus. For this purpose it is comparatively easy to design a generator sufficiently small to supply the gas as re- quired to a single fiame burner, and the great troubles of small generators which are irregularity in the rate of generation, and serious after-generation are of no serious moment, as any excess of gas can escape freely into the outer air without giving rise to the nuisance which would follow in a room or other enclosed space, and which has so seriously militated against the introduction of acetylene lamps for indoor use. The acetylene cycle lamp has increased and multiplied to a very large extend during the last few years, and many and varied forms of apparatus have been devised for this purpose. The wonderful illuminating power of acetylene renders it capable of giving a clear view of a considerable distance of road ahead of the rider, 443 Starting an installation Pressure Cycle lamp and other small generators Acetylene cycle lamps ACETYLENE Drawbacks cycle lamps Conditions necessary in a good cycle lamp and although this is from a cyclist's point of view a certain advantage, it is not regarded with equal favour by pedestrians and the drivers of nervous horses, as the rapid passage of so brilliant a beam of light leaves the eye unable to discern surrounding objects for some few moments after the cyclist has passed. Moreover, the acetylene cycle lamp is distinctly more costly both in initial price and in maintenance than the oil lamp, and is also far heavier. The trouble and smell of recharging soon become a drawback when the novelty of the lamp has worn off, and when once the acetylene lamp has been charged, the whole of the carbide has to be used up, as it is impossible to stop the after- generation in so small a mass of material, and the only safe way is to allow the lamp to burn itself out, and it is manifest that this is a great drawback where the rider has to make a call of an hour or two. Unless the lamp is made heavy and clumsy, it does not contain a sufficiently large charge, the average lamp only lasting from 4 to 4 1 hours, whilst in the winter months at least 6 hours' light may be wanted. The fact that the carbide also has to be used in all of them in a granulated condition means that it has been very largely decomposed during granulation, and as a result gives but a low yield of gas, whilst it is very difficult to find a construction in which the carbide and water do not rattle in the lamp with the vibration of the machine a factor which often upsets the working of delicate valve arrangements intended to regulate the generation of the gas. A good acetylene cycle lamp should be able to satisfy the following conditions. The charge should be capable of being varied in amount, so that carbide either for a short period or for a maximum of six hours' generation can be put in ; the lamps should not require regulation after having been once lighted, and if this should prove absolutely necessary, the 444 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE regulating tap should be in such a position that the rider can adjust it without dismounting. Provision should be made for keeping the carbide from shaking about in the lamp, and yet provide room for the lime formed during its decomposition. The gas should be capable of being completely extinguished without any great after production, and should in every case be filtered by passing through such material as silicate wool before being burnt, in order to guard against water vapour and lime dust being carried forward and choking the burner. Cycle lamps should not be con- structed so as to work only with cartridges, as under many conditions it is impossible to get these, and the lamp is rendered useless. The reflector should be of such a curve as to diffuse the greater part of the light immediately in front of the rider, whilst a small portion of the light should be concentrated into a beam to illuminate the road some distance ahead. This, reflector should not be made of any metal liable to tarnish, and should be easily cleaned ; and every care should be taken in the con- struction of the lamp to prevent back reflection of the light, either from the front of the lamp or from the ventilation air holes above the burner chamber, as nothing is more dazzling and blinding than an occasional glint from this source. The lens would be much improved if the upper half had its surface ground, an arrangement which would prevent the startling of horses, and the dazzling of passers-by, whilst the light would be still more concentrated upon the roadway. The burner should not be made of metal but of steatite, and, no matter whether a plain jet or flat flame, should be made on the air-injector plan ; whilst provision should be made for cleaning out the burner in case of a stoppage by means of the cycle pump. The type of lamp in which a wick sucks or syphons 445 Precautions to be taken in con- struction Cycle lamp reflectors The lamp lens ACETYLENE Troubles with capillary syphons water to the carbide is not good, as the cotton soon gets choked with lime and loses its capillary powers. The charging and cleaning of the lamps should be made as simple and as easy as possible, the whole lamp being capable of being taken to pieces for cleaning, and the various parts should be made to gauge, so as to be interchangeable. Where fabrics such as cotton, muslin, or felt are used to act as a diffusing mate- rial for the water over the surface of the carbide, a surplus supply FIG. 141. FIG. 142. Condition of the Carbide used in should always be kept, so that one set can be dry- ing whilst a fresh set is in use. The carbide used in cycle lamps should be granu- lated down to a small and even size, as if lumps B lamus are nsec i wa ter is very apt to collect in cavities in the decomposed material, and by a sudden jerk of the machine is driven on to the carbide and causes a sudden rush of gas. 446 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE CLASS I. CYCLE LAMPS IN WHICH WATER DRIPS ON CARBIDE. The Twentieth Century. The carbide is placed in a cup A provided with a central perforated tube D, sur- rounded by a layer of muslin which diffuses the water to the carbide. This cup fits in an outer vessel, B, Fig. 142, which screws on to the base of the lamp, the joint being rendered gas-tight by the rubber ring c. A plate fitted with a spring keeps the carbide from shaking about in the carbide chamber. Water is admitted into D by a tube, having at the end a coned valve E. The flow of water is regulated from without the lamp by the thumb piece r, which actuates the rack-work G G 1 thus opening or closing the coned valve E. The water reservoir H is filled through the screw cap j. The gas is led to the burner K in the focus of the parabolic reflector L. The clip for attaching the lamp to the cycle fits on at p. The Excelsior. A separate cup A, Fig. 143, with central perforated tube, holds the charge of carbide, and is fitted in an outer vessel D, which is attached to the body of the lamp by three clips G, a rubber ring c mak- ing the joint gas- tight. The top of the carbide cup is fitted with a perfor- ated cover, over which a piece of linen is stretched and acts as a filter for the gas. The water chamber D is placed above the carbide chamber, and FIG. 143. the rate of flow is 447 The " Twentieth Century " cycle lamp Con- struction The Excelsior Arrange- ment of water supply ACETYLENE regulated by a coned valve E, worked from a thumb FIG. 144. piece at the top of the lamp. The gas burner j enters 448 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE the burner chamber, which is fitted to the side of the lamp in the focus of the reflector H. A screw thread K below the burner, and provided with a cap, allows of a cycle pump being attached for cleaning the burner. The Windmiller (Figs. 144, 145). The carbide cup The " wind A fits into the base of the lamp, and is rendered gas- tight by the base plate M, which screws on to the body of the lamp against the rubber ring N. Water drips from the reservoir D above, into the perforated tube B, and the rate of flow is regulated by the side tap and valve c. A chamber H, filled with a porous material H, acts as a gas filter. The burner is pro- vided with a screw F, to which a pump can be attached for cleaning the burner, and with an ar- rangement for adjusting the size of the flame or shutting off the gas supply altogether. The Phenomenon (Figs. 146, 147). In this lamp also The water drips on to carbide contained in the detachable Phenom- enon " FIG. 146. 449 29 The Triumph ACETYLENE cup A enclosed in the chamber D, which is clamped to the body of the lamp by three screw clamps c, a rubber FIG. 147. FIG. 148. ring H making the joint good. The water supply is regulated from the top of the reservoir G by the cone valve F. A gas-filtering chamber is provided at E. The Triumph (Fig. 148). The carbide is placed in a cylindrical chamber A, the bottom of which is per- forated, the perforations being covered by a piece of porous paper which requires renewing for each charge. This chamber slides into a horizontal receptacle B at the base of the lamp, which is closed by a screw cap fitted with a mbber washer. Water is admitted from the reservoir c by a coned valve D, which allows the water to flow down the side of the receptable B until it is sucked up by the porous paper and attacks the car- bide. Safety vents, to avoid excessive pressure of gas, are provided at F and p 1 . A novel arrangement is fitted at G, which is a chamber at the back of the burner chamber, and containing a roll of explosive 450 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE caps. On turning a button outside the lamp, a hammer is lifted and falls on one of these caps, causing a flame which lights the gas at the burner H. The Majestic (Figs. 149, 150). The carbide chamber A, fitted with central perforated tube A 1 , is attached to the lamp by a strong wire clamp, which passes from The " Majestic ' cycle lamp FIG. 149. the carbide chamber to the top of the lamp, where a lever arm draws the carbide chamber tight against the rubber ring D. The water supplied from M is regulated by the coned valve c, worked from the side of the lamp. The cap F of the water chamber lifts off, and has a rubber washer G to prevent the escape of water, whilst the springs L serve to keep it in position. The gas has to pass through the filtering chamber B before reaching the burner j. The LeucMkugd (Figs. 151, 152). In this lamp the carbide chamber f and perforated diffusing tube are separate, the latter passing up through a hole in the 451 The " Leucht- kugel " ACETYLENE cup, and the top of the tube is provided with a screw thread g, engaging with a screw on the water drip, FIG. 152. the lower end being fitted with a fiange and rubber washer. By this means the carbide cup is drawn up 452 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE against the bottom of the lamp, the joints being rendered gas-tight by the rubber ring h and the washer of the tube. The water-regulating tap, at the side of the lamp c, allows the water to drip from the water reservoir a into the diffusing tube. The Bundy (Figs. 153, 154). An outer chamber r screwing into the lamp carries the carbide, which is made up in cartridge form s. The cartridge is pierced by a centra] tube J, with two lateral openings which allow the water to attack the carbide. The water is admitted to the central tube from the water reservoir m by means of the coned valve ft which is actuated by a small handle n at the side of the lamp. The gas passes through a filtering plug d to the burner^ a. The burner chamber fits over the top The Bundy FIG. 153. FIG. 154. 453 The Cetolite ACETYLENE of the lamp by means of a bayonet joint. The water is poured into the reservoir through Jc. The Cetolite (Figs. 155, 156). The water reservoir forms the upper part of the lamp D, the carbide being placed in a receptacle K, which screws on to the lamp below. Water is supplied to the carbide by a coned 454 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE valve E, worked by a button A on the top of the lamp. The gas passes through a chamber filled with filter- ing material F before entering the burner, which is placed in a parabolic chamber at the side of the water reservoir. The Acetylator (Figs. 157, 158). The vessel c6ntain- ing the carbide screws on to the lamp at the bottom, and water is admitted to the side of this vessel by a The "Acety- lator " FIG. 157. FIG. 158, tube furnished with a coned valve actuated from the top of the lamp, leading from the water reservoir above. The centre portion of the lamp forms the burner chamber, and the products of combustion pass through a chimney, which is fixed in the centre of the water supply. The Solitaire (Figs. 159, 160). The water reservoir is situated at the back of the burner chamber and on top of 455 The Solitaire ACETYLENE the portion which contains the carbide. The carbide is placed in a metal cup fitting in the lower part of the lamp, and is pressed up against a wire gauze by means of a spring. The base of the lamp is closed by a screw cap. Water drips from the water tank on to the wire gauze, and is diffused over the carbide by a piece of blotting paper placed on top of the carbide, the rate of flow being regulated by a coned valve worked from the 456 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE top of the lamp. The gas as it is made passes through the carbide, which frees it from water vapour, and is led by a tube from the base of the lamp to the burner. CLASS 2. WATER RISES TO CARBIDE. The Veritas (Figs. 161, 162). This lamp is automatic in its working, and requires no regulation of the water supply after the water has once been turned on. The carbide is contained in a cup G, which fits into an outer vessel surrounded by the water reservoir H. The The Veritas ' FIG. 161. FIG. 162. water valve B allows the water to fill up the chamber F, which acts as a store for any excess of gas, and rise to the carbide by the diffusing tube E. The upper portion of this tube leads the gas to the burner A at the top of the lamp, the burner chamber being secured to the body of the lamp by a bayonet joint. 457 ACETYLENE The "Acetylette" The Acetylette (Figs. 163, 164). This lamp consists of an ordinary lamp body with lens, etc., but the bottom of the lamp forms a water chamber. It is fitted with spring clips, which hold the "gas candle" in position. FIG. 164. The "Yahr 1 FIG. 163. The " gas candle " is a cartridge of carbide, the top of the cartridge being pierced with a minnte hole to form a burner, whilst the lower end has a larger hole, through which the water passes to the carbide after traversing a plug of porous material. CLASS 3. WATER SYPHONS ON TO CARBIDE. The Yahr (Figs. 165, 166). The carbide chamber A is surrounded or jacketed by the water vessel B, the top being closed by a hinged lid, which is clamped against a rubber ring F by a screw and nut. Through the centre 458 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE of the carbide chamber is a tube, opening at the bottom in the water vessel, and through it pass strands of fibrous material c, such as worsted, the free ends of which fall on a disc of fine wire gauze M on the top of the carbide. A spring D keeps the carbide from FIG. 165. FIG. 166. shaking about, whilst the rubber-tipped screw plug E can be shut down on to the top of the water pipe. The gas is led from the top of the carbide chamber by the pipe G to the burner j, which is in the focus of a reflector H in a chamber at the side of the lamp. The Scharlach (Figs. 167, 168). Water drips from a reservoir placed above the carbide chamber into a per- 459 Construc- tion and working The Scharlach ' ACETYLENE forated tube, which is fitted to a flange plate, and is separate from the carbide receptacle. This receptacle is secured to the lamp by three clamps, the joint being made gas-tight by a rubber ring. The water flow is regulated in the large size lamps by a valve, which is worked from the side of the lamp by means of a lever arm, which can be moved to any position on a scale by Arrange- ments for working and cleaning burner FIG. 167. means of a rack and pinion. A filter chamber for freeing the gas from dust, etc., is provided. The burner can be cleaned by a novel method. Instead of the cycle pump being attached to a screw thread below the burner, a cap is provided which screws over the burner and to which the pump can be attached. In this way the air blast is directed downwards, obviating all danger of blowing out the burner tip, and. at the same time removing all dust, which is blown through a small hole in the gas pipe, this hole being normally closed by the tap seen at the angle of 460 THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE the pipe. The water reservoir and burner chamber are insulated from conduction of heat from the FIG. 168. carbide chamber by means of washers of vulcanised fibre. The Fritz (Figs. 169, 170). A tin vessel containing the carbide is placed in the base of the lamp, which is then closed by the hinged base plate and fastened by three screw clamps. The carbide vessel is perforated at the top and bottom to allow the water to reach the carbide. Water flows from a reservoir on the top of 461 The "Fritz" cycle lamp ACETYLENE the lamp, the rate of flow being governed by a miller! head at the top, which actuates a coned valve. O id The Hutton lamp In the Hutton cycle lamp, Fig. 171, the generator is separate from the lamp proper, and is clipped on to the diagonal tube of the machine, a small rubber tube con- ducting the gas to the lamp on the lamp bracket. The 462 THE GENEKATION OF ACETYLENE FIG. 171. generator consists of a water-dripping arrangement, being divided into two compartments, the upper con- taining the water and the lower the carbide. Another form of outdoor lamp for which the use of acetylene is permissible is the carriage or motor car lantern, as here also the after- and super-generation of gas can find vent in the open air. In order to encourage the adoption of acetylene for this class of lighting, the carriage lamp has to be made of the same size and interchangeable with the ordinary candle lamp, and this restricts the size of the generator to as small or smaller dimensions than the cycle generator ; whilst it is better to have the General con- generator removable from the head of the lantern, so as to be able to replace it by a candle in the event of the carbide running out. A description of one or two forms of these lamps will suffice to indicate the general arrangement. 463 Carriage lamps struction FIG. 172. AN ACETYLENE CAKKIAGE LAMP 464 THE GENERATION OF ACETYLENE The A.C.A.G. Carriage Lamp (Fig. 173). The car- bide is placed in a metal cylinder, open at the top and closed at the bottom, sliding friction-tight into another cylinder open at the bottom and carrying on the top the burner pipe. An outer case enclosing the two A.C.A.G. carriage lamp FIG. 173. cylinders screws on to the. body of the lamp. Water is placed in the outer vessel, and finds its way to the carbide by passing between the two cylinders, the carbide cylinder having a row of perforations at one side to allow the water to enter. The Scharlach Carriage Lamp (Fig. 174). This lamp works on the same principle as the cycle lamp made by this firm. Water drips from a reservoir below the burner of the lamp into a perforated tube placed in the centre of the carbide chamber. The rate of 465 30 The Scharlach ' carriage lamp ACETYLENE flow is regulated by a lever arm, which works a coned valve, moving over a scale on the top of the water reservoir. Acetylene There are two applications of the acetylene lamp wnicn ? although not offering a very large commercial field, are yet of very considerable importance. The power of signalling by night is one of the greatest FIG. 174. moment to military forces in the field, and for this purpose acetylene offers marked advantages over any other available source of light, as the apparatus for the purpose is portable and not too heavy, whilst the beam produced is powerful and penetrative. An ex- cellent apparatus for this purpose is shown in Fig. 175. A second application is the production of a portable 466 Acetylene search- lights ACETYLENE searchlight for use at fires, where the working of the men is often hampered by inability to see owing to steam and smoke, and where a powerful beam of light would be of the greatest value. A cluster of from Portable generators FIG. 176. five to ten lights, arranged in a large lantern head with a good reflector, would answer admirably for this purpose, whilst a generator mounted on wheels, such as is shown in Fig. 176, would easily supply the necessary gas. Such portable generators are already 468 and the troubles that militate against them THE GENEBATION OF ACETYLENE being found of great service for wharf lighting and other purposes of the same kind. Ever since the introduction of acetylene on a com- Table lamps mercial scale attempts have been made to construct a table lamp, which should develop the gas as it was required and give no smell ; but all have so far failed to produce a lamp that can be really looked upon as fitted for the purpose. They are as a rule clumsy and ugly in construction, whilst the troubles of over- and after-generation invariably give rise to smell and a feeling of uneasiness on the part of the user. Many of them work at dangerously high pressures, and it must be borne in mind that all of them would be classed as acetylene generators, and would come under such stringent regulations as to prevent their extended use. The trouble of the escape of any surplus gas into the air of the room in which the lamp is being used is undoubtedly the greatest trouble with this class of apparatus; and the suggestion made by Lorimer of having a chamber in the upper portion of the lamp filled with acetone, or material saturated with this solvent, for the absorption of surplus gas, is undoubt- edly a promising direction in which to look for a solution of this trouble. Escape of surplus gas 469 CHAPTER VIII The causes which lead to imparity in crude Acetylene Phos- phuretted Hydrogen, and the result of its presence in Acetylene on the air of a room The influence of water vapour in aiding the formation of haze THE IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE, AND THE PROCESSES ADOPTED FOR THEIR REMOVAL. THE purity of commercial acetylene gas primarily depends upon the purity of the carbide from which it is formed ; and as long as it is commercially impossible to use absolutely pure calcium oxide and carbon, so long will there be always present in this material calcium phosphide, calcium cyanide, alu- minium sulphide, and magnesium nitride, which, on the decomposition of the mass by water, will yield a gaseous and unwelcome addition to the acetylene of phosphuretted hydrogen, sulphuretted hydrogen, and ammonia. Phosphuretted hydrogen, when burning in the acetylene flame, gives rise to phosphorus pentoxide, which escapes into the atmosphere in the form of white fumes ; and although the quantity is so minute that it is invisible as it leaves the acetylene flame, still, when mingled in quantity with the air of an ill- ventilated room, it is the primary cause of the produc- tion of a light haze, which, ever since the introduction of acetylene for illuminating purposes, has been recog- nised as a serious inconvenience in connection with it. The atmosphere of a warm room always contains large quantities of water vapour, derived both from the respiration of the occupants and from the products of the combustion of the illuminating flame ; and under 470 IMPUEITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE ordinary conditions this moisture remains suspended in the atmosphere in an invisible state, but as soon as traces of phosphorus pentoxide escape into it, this substance, having a marvellous affinity for water, causes a condensation of a portion of the water vapour, and converts it into phosphoric acid, so that a very small trace of phosphuretted hydrogen in the gas itself gives rise to an amount of haze totally out of pro- portion to the actual phosphorus present. Where there is a considerable quantity of acetylene consumed, and no proper method of changing the air of the room, this haze will often be found, and it is undoubtedly injurious to health. The sulphuretted hydrogen formed by the action of water on the aluminium sulphide in the gas is objec- tionable, not so much because it renders the smell of the acetylene offensive, a function which may be looked upon as a safeguard, but because in its com- bustion in the acetylene flame it forms water vapour and sulphur dioxide, which latter, in ill-ventilated apartments, will absorb oxygen and moisture from the air, and will in this way become converted into minute traces of sulphuric acid, which, concentrating themselves upon any cold surface in the room, give rise to corrosion of metals, and in time to destruction of the binding of books, although the effect is but small upon such fabrics as have not the power of absorbing moisture or condensing it from the atmos- phere. The chief objection to ammonia, the third impurity present in the acetylene, is that it leads to rapid action upon the brass gas fittings, and is also an important factor in producing explosive compounds of acetylene with metals, although the experiments made by Gerdes have shown that this is not a very real danger. The ammonia, on burning in the flame, also forms 471 Haze due to the con- densation of water vapour by Phos- phorus Pentoxide The presence of Sulphur- etted Hydrogen in crude Acetylene The products of combustion of Sulphur- etted Hydrogen and their action in the atmosphere The action of Ammonia as an impurity Products of combustion of Ammonia The importance of purification ACETYLENE water vapour and nitrous acid ; and when acetylene is burnt for some time in an enclosed space ammonium nitrite can be detected, and salts of this character may add to the formation of the " haze." It is quite clear that acetylene, if it is to be used on a large scale as a domestic illuminant, must under- go such processes of purification as will render it harmless and innocuous to health and property ; and the sooner it is recognised as absolutely essential to purify acetylene before consuming it, the sooner will the gas acquire its deserved mead of popularity. Before discussing the methods of purification which it is possible to adopt, it will be well to see to what extent these impurities exist and their nature. The impurities of crude Acetylene, and the extent to which they are present Lundstroem l has studied this question, and gives the impurities and their limits as being : Minimum. Maximum. Sulphuretted hydrogen Ammonia ..... Phosphuretted hydrogen Siliciuretted hydrogen . Arseniuretted hydrogen Carbon monoxide .... Hydrogen ..... Nitrogen ..... Oxygen . 0-00 1-34 0-06 2-80 0-03 1-70 0-00 0-80 0-00 0-004 0-00 1-48 0-07 0-27 0-20 2-91 0-55 1-18 present in the gas Hydro- and to these must be added the vapour of benzene and other than. t ner hydrocarbons of the saturated and unsaturated Acetylene series, formed by the action of heat on the acetylene during the process of generation. It must be borne in mind that the calcium carbide made during the past two years has been far purer than the samples prepared in the early days of the industry, and that this has a marked influence on the purity of the gas prepared from it. 1 Zeitsch. Cole. Acet, 3, 23, 472 IMPUEITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE This is more noticeable in the case of phosphuretted hydrogen than with the other impurities, as this was early recognised to be the cause of the troublesome haze incidental to the use of impure gas, and the carbide manufacturers at once turned their attention to obtaining lime and carbon as free from phosphorus compounds as possible. In 1896 the author had occasion to investigate the percentage of phosphuretted hydrogen present in acetylene generated from the carbide then on the market. Samples of ordinary commercial carbide were purchased from various dealers, and care was taken that the English, American, and Continental carbide should be all represented. The samples were numbered one to twelve, and an equal weight of each being employed, acetylene was generated from them by the action of water. The phosphuretted hydrogen in the gas was then deter- mined with the following results : Improve- ment in the purity of the Calcium Carbide The percentage of Phos- phuretted Hydrogen present in Acetylene in 1896 Number of sample. Percentage of phosphuretted hydrogen. Number of sample. Percentage of phosphuretted hydrogen. 1 0-43 7 0-72 2 0-91 8 trace 3 2-30 9 0-51 4 0-58 10 0-02 5 0-62 11 0-77 6 0-32 12 0-80 Results of experiments Average from all samples, 0*65 per cent. From this it is seen that prior to 1897 it was the exception, rather than the rule, to find less than a half per cent, of phosphuretted hydrogen in the crude acetylene, and with this proportion haze was invari- ably formed in a small room. During 1899, however, twelve samples of commercial 473 ACETYLENE ThePnos- ca rbide of fairly international character, analysed in phuretted the author's laboratory, gave : Hydrogen J ' & present in Acetylene from Commercial Carbide in 1899 Analyses of crude Acetylene Willgerodt proposes Bromine water to remove Phos- phuretted Hydrogen Number of sample. Sulphuretted hydrogen. Phosphuretted hydrogen. Number of sample. Sulphuretted hydrogen. Phosphuretted hydrogen. 1 0-166 0-17 7 0-14 o-io 2 016 0-07 8 0-11 0-13 3 012 0-15 9 o-io 0-02 4 0-41 0-04 10 0-06 0-04 5 o-io 0-14 11 0-09 0-038 6 0-12 0-05 12 0-09 0-02 showing clearly the remarkable advance in purity of the carbide made during the past two years. The other impurities are of far less consequence in the gas, and the following analyses made by Wolff of acetylene generated from American, German, and Swiss carbides, as at present made, give a very fair idea of the results obtained in acetylene generated without undue heating from good samples of car- bide : American. German. Swiss. Phosphuretted hydrogen . Sulphuretted hydrogen Ammonia .... Hydrogen .... Nitrogen .... Oxygen .... Acetylene .... 0-05 0-08 0-08 0-09 0-42 0-87 98-41 0-03 0-07 0-07 0-07 0-20 0-55 99-01 0-03 o-io 0-11 0-16 0-34 0-63 98-63 100-00 100-00 100-00 It was "Willgerodt, 1 in 1895, who first pointed out the presence of phosphuretted hydrogen in commercial acetylene, and showed that it could be removed by slowly passing the gas through three wash bottles 1 Berl. Ber., 28, 2,107. 474 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE containing bromine water, which oxidised the phos- phuretted hydrogen into phosphoric acid. The presence of this impurity having been clearly The source demonstrated, the theory of the cause of its formation p'j^J 6 most generally accepted was that the phosphorus com- phuretted pounds in the lime became reduced, with the result that calcium phosphide was formed, and this, decomposing on contact with water, yielded phosphuretted hydro- gen. Moissan 1 has studied the preparation and properties of crystallised calcium phosphide as formed in the electric furnace, and made this compound by fusing Phosphide together 310 parts by weight of tricalcium phosphate with 96 parts by weight of lamp black, and found that the crystalline body formed, Ca 3 P 2 , if sufficiently heated in the furnace, was only slowly acted upon by water, and yielded phosphuretted hydrogen that was not spon- O f water on taneously inflammable. He also found that all the p ^g C1 ^ e phosphorus is not liberated in the form of hydride, made in the and that probably a somewhat complex reaction takes fu^ace place. Caro 2 has also investigated this point, and says : caro's in- " Phosphorus occurs as calcium phosphate in the lime vestigations and coke used. The phosphate is reduced in the Phosphides electric furnace into phosphide by incomplete reduc- tion, as pointed out by Moissan. An excess of coke reduces this, and the phosphorus distills off, as in the electric process, for the preparation of phosphorus from calcium phosphate devised by Frank and Hilpert. This property of the calcium phosphide enables us to make a carbide poor in this substance, if the product obtained is well fused with an excess of carbon. " The calcium phosphide produced is decomposed by Liquid and water with formation of hydrides of phosphorus. It S p'J e ^ 118 cannot be decided with accuracy if this calcic phosphide phuretted is a derivative of gaseous (H 3 P) or liquid (H 4 P 2 ) 1 Compt. Bendu, 1899, 128, 787. 2 Zeitsch. Calc. Acet., 3, 97. 475 ACETYLENE phosphuretted hydrogen. I do not think that the phosphide corresponding to H 4 P 2 occurs in the carbide, because I never succeeded in finding this compound in molten carbide. The phosphide obtained in the ordinary way always gives spontaneously inflammable phos- phuretted hydrogen, but the calcium phosphide obtained by the method employed by Moissan in the electric furnace gives nearly always the non-spontaneously inflammable phosphuretted hydrogen, H 3 P. I also succeeded in proving that the calcium phosphide giving H 4 P 2 is decomposed in the electric furnace, and yields a phosphide which forms the H 3 P. The effect " To test this, I obtained the carbide obtained by tae'xiectriG Frank and Hilpert's phosphorus process, which con- Arc on tained 1'38 per cent, of phosphorus. This carbide was Phosphide not fused, and gave, by the action of water, a gas which was spontaneously inflammable. This carbide was then fused in the electric furnace, and I obtained a carbide, with 1'26 per cent, of phosphorus, which gave a gas not spontaneously inflammable. This refined calcium carbide was heated to 220, and vapour of phosphorus allowed to pass over it, and when cold it was digested with carbon bisulphide to remove any free phosphorus. It contained 142 per cent, of phos- phorus, and showed spontaneous ignition on decom- position by water. This product, again fused in the electric furnace, gave a carbide with 1'32 per cent, of phosphorus, showing no spontaneous ignition when decomposed by water. Caro's con- " From these researches I concluded that in the elec- tric furnace only one calcium phosphide is formed, giving no spontaneously inflammable phosphuretted hydrogen. This does not prove that a mixture of acetylene and air is not ignited by this phosphuretted hydrogen if the quantity is sufficient for the heat of its oxida- tion to raise the temperature to the ignition point. Lewes found that this does not occur in mixtures 476 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE containing less than 15 per cent, of phosphuretted hydrogen. " Calcium phosphide being present in the carbide, the phosphuretted hydrogen is always found in the acety- lene liberated from it independent of the method of generation. But there exist differences in the pro- ducts obtained qualitatively and quantitatively accord- ing to the temperature of the generation of the gas. With generation at low temperatures, only phos- phuretted hydrogen was obtained ; with high tempera- tures organic phosphorus compounds could also be detected. " The separation of these two kinds of compounds could only be done very incompletely ; the gas was first washed in a wash bottle with petroleum ether, and then passed through sodium hypochlorite solution. After evaporating the petroleum ether a small quan- tity of a body containing phosphorus remained, whilst the distillate contained some more phosphorus com- pounds. The residues from the distillation and the petroleum ether were shaken up for a long time with sodium hypochlorite. The quantities obtained, although working with 5 kgr. of carbide, were so small that these tests could only be used for com- parison. Tested in this manner the distribution of the phosphorus contained in the carbide, in which the total quantity had been estimated by fusing a quan- tity of carbide with sodium carbonate and saltpetre and precipitation of the phosphoric acid, could be traced : " Generator, carbide into water. In the gas 82 -0 per cent, as phosphuretted hydrogen. ,, '2 ,, ,, organic compounds. In the residue 17'8 per cent, calculated by difference. Generator, dripping apparatus. In the gas 52-2 per cent, as phosphuretted hydrogen. ,, 14-3 ,, organic volatile compounds. 477 Effect ol temperature of genera- tion on the form in which Phosphorus is present Separation of the organic Phosphorus compounds Distribution of the Phosphorus present in the products ACETYLENE Nature of the organic Phosphorus compounds The formation of Hypo- phosphites by the action of hot Alkaline liquids on Phos- phuretted Hydrogen Hydrogen formed at the same time as Phos- phuretted Hydrogen The presence of Hypo- phosphites in the Lime residue In the gas 2'1 per cent, as organic non-volatile compounds. " In the residue 31/4 per cent, calculated by dif- ference. u The nature of these organic phosphorus compounds could not be determined, but the remarkable result was found that in the presence of ammonia in the gas the organic substances, both volatile and 11011- volatile, contained nitrogen. The results show also the pecu- liar fact that in dipping apparatus the gas generated contains less phosphorus than is present in the acety- lene generated by dropping carbide into water. " This seems very remarkable, but the higher tem- perature in the dipping apparatus may be the ex- planation. It is known that phosphuretted hydrogen at ordinary temperatures is only slightly attacked by alkalies, but that at higher temperatures this sub- stance acts on alkalies with formation of hypophos- phites. This reaction, discovered by Winkler, gives an explanation of the fact found by Dulong, that the phosphides of calcium, barium, and strontium give by rapid decomposition hypophosphoric acid. " This reaction also partly takes place when phos- phuretted hydrogen is made from potassium hydrate and phosphorus, and the gas thus prepared always contains hydrogen : PH 3 + KOH = PH 2 OK + Hg 1 " Whether the presence of hydrogen in acetylene is due to this reaction could not be determined. The presence of hypophosphites in the lime residue was tested by dissolving a part of the residue in hydro- chloric acid and boiling. Phosphoric acid was found, and phosphuretted hydrogen also. This corresponds with the reaction of hypophosphorous acid : 1 Most probably PH 3 + KOH + H 2 = KH 2 P0 3 + 2H 2 . 478 IMPUEITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE " The discovery of the fact that phosphuretted hy- drogen at high temperatures does not exist in the gas but remains as hypophosphorous acid, or its oxidation products in the residue caused me to test for the presence of phosphuretted hydrogen as an im- purity occurring with " dipping " forms of apparatus. I had formerly (Zeit. f. Beleuchtungswesen, 1898, 134) noted that in this form of apparatus the peculiarity exists that in the first stages of the evolution of the gas a quantity of phosphuretted hydrogen was found much higher than the standard quantity previously stated by Liebetanz in his book. I have found that this phenomenon only occurs when the generator is filled with pure water, but when working as usual, or when after filling the generator with limewater, the contrary takes place, the quantity of phosphuretted hydrogen diminishing to the standard figure. " This phenomenon, being based on the decomposi- tion of phosphuretted hydrogen by alkaline liquids at a high temperature, has the practical result that the greater amount of phosphuretted hydrogen in the dipping apparatus can be avoided when starting if the apparatus is not filled with pure water but with limewater, i.e. water with some lime sludge in it. "I conclude from these researches that with gene- rators with a low temperature the amount of phos- phuretted hydrogen is greater than with those of higher temperature, but in the latter other phos- phorus compounds are less than in the former." A. Renault, 1 in studying the reduction of calcium phosphate by carbon in the electric arc, found that under certain conditions a mixture of calcium phos- phides was produced, which when treated with water gave rise to both gaseous and liquid phosphuretted hydrogen. In all probability the calcium phosphides formed were the tricalcium diphosphide, Ca 3 P 2 , and 1 Compt. Rend., 1899, 128, 883. 479 Phos- phuretted Hydrogen in the gas generated in " Dipping " apparatus Influence of the water on the amount of Phos- phuretted Hydrogen formed Con- clusions Renault finds that a mixture of Calcium Phosphides may be formed in the electric furnace ACETYLENE Action of the Phosphides on water The formation of Hypo- phosphites explains the presence of Phosphorus compounds in condenser liquor Analysis of liquid from condenser With " Dip " generators there is a larger formation of Phos- phuretted Hydrogen at first than later dicalcium diphosphide, Ca 2 P 2 , which would interact with water as follows : Ca 3 P 2 + 6H 2 - 2PH 3 + 3Ca(HO) 2 and Ca 2 P 2 + 4H 2 = P 2 H 4 + 2 It is perfectly clear, however, from these researches, that with a well-made and properly-fused carbide there is no fear of spontaneous ignition from phosphuretted hydrogen in the gas, and that the great drawback to its presence is the formation of its combustion pro- ducts. The interesting observation, that when phos- phuretted hydrogen is heated with calcium hydrate hypophosphites are formed, is fully borne out by the fact, repeatedly noticed by the author, that in the drip boxes of a generator liable to heating, the liquid collected always contains phosphorus in the form of hypophosphites combined with the lime which has been brought forward as dust by the rush of gas during generation, and which has collected with the water condensed from the gas. A sample of liquid taken lately from the drip box of a generator was found to contain : Lime . Sulphur Phosphorus Iron and alumina Ammonia . Grams per litre. . 16-28 . 6-92 . 4-01 . 0-19 714 Caro, 1 in an earlier paper than that just quoted, noticed with a " dip " generator, in which high tem- peratures were developed, that, during the first mo- ments of generation, the gas evolved was unusually rich in phosphuretted hydrogen, and that using a carbide yielding an average of O038 per cent, of phosphuretted hydrogen 0*5 per cent, was observed 1 Zeit. /. BeleucUungswesen, 1898, 134. 480 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE in one experiment and 0*8 per cent, in a second during the first few moments of generation ; and he concludes from this that at the first impact the water princi- pally decomposes the calcium phosphide. Liebetanz repeated these experiments and confirmed Caro's ob- servation. It seems hardly possible from a theoretical point of view that it can be so, as the calcium phosphide is shown by experiment to be very evenly distributed throughout the mass of carbide, and if an artificial mixture of granulated carbide and phosphide is made, the acetylene certainly is generated more quickly than the phosphuretted hydrogen, and Caro explains it in the paper just quoted as being due to there being no lime at first to form hypophosphites. In 1896, Murlot l showed that at the temperature of the electric furnace the sulphides of zinc cadmium and aluminium remained undecomposed, and it is manifest that they might therefore be present in calcium carbide ; but the only one of these three of which traces are ever likely to be found in carbide is the aluminium sulphide, and as this is known to be decomposed by water, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, the presence of this gas in crude acetylene has, ever since the date of Murlot's research, been ascribed to the presence of alumina and sulphur as impurities in the crude material from which the carbide was made. Moissan 2 has also shown that calcium sulphide was present in the residues left by the decomposition of calcium carbide, by sugar solution, and the decomposi- tion of this substance at the temperatures existing in some forms of generator would also yield sulphuretted hydrogen. If there be much calcium sulphate present in the The action of the electric arc on metallic Sulphides The source of the Sulphur- etted Hydrogen found in crude Acetylene Calcium Sulphide and Calcium Sulpho- Carbide Compt. Rendu., 123, 57 2 Compt. Rendu., 127, 457. 481 31 ACETYLENE lime used for making the carbide, a calcium sulpho- carbide is also produced. In making acetylene from carbide the amount of sulphuretted hydrogen which finds its way into the gas varies very considerably with the form of generator and the temperature of generation, and Caro 1 has attempted to estimate the distribution of the sulphur existing in the carbide on decomposition. Caro's 25 kgr. of calcium carbide were well mixed, and BXP ^n 1 the lltS ^ kgr. were first decomposed in an apparatus in which distribution the carbide dropped into water. The acetylene was sulphur in passed through a cotton wool filter, then through two tne washers filled with lead acetate solution, and after- a" Carbide wards through two washers filled with a mixture of Lfl enerator" e ^ ner an( ^ petroleum spirit, being then led into a 150 litre gasholder. From this holder it was burnt and tested photometrically during the evolution. The test for sulphur was made as follows : The lime sludge in the generator was nearly neutralised by hydrochloric Analytical acid, and the liquor removed. An aliquot part was let * ne s acted upon by a hydrochloric acid solution of a copper experiments sa lt, and the resulting copper sulphide was weighed. The residue left was dried, fused with sodium car- bonate and saltpetre, and the sulphur estimated as barium sulphate. The sulphur precipitated in the washers as lead sulphide was oxidised by nitric acid and weighed as lead sulphate. The liquid from the washers filled with ether and petroleum spirit mixture was distilled, the residue dissolved in a little ether and petroleum spirit, and oxidised with nitric acid at 120-150, and the sulphur estimated as sul- phate. With the apparatus in which the carbide drops into water the following quantities of sulphur were found : 1 Zeitsch. Calc. Acet., 2, 337. 482 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE a. Eesidue soluble in hydrochloric acid . b. Eesidue insoluble in hydrochloric acid c. Substance soluble in ether-petroleum spirit ....... d. In acetylene lead nitrate . 14-74 gr. 1-66 0-06 3-00 19-46 Experi- mental result of the Sulphur compounds Sulphur . The gas finally obtained was passed through a tube heated to redness in which were two boats containing lead chromate : these contained no sulphur after the reaction. In this experiment, therefore, we obtained from 5 Distribution kgr. of carbide 19'46 gr. sulphur, of which 3*06 gr. had passed into the gas (15-72 per cent.). Of this 3'00 gr. (15-41 per cent.) are present as sulphuretted hydrogen, and O06 gr. (O31 per cent.) as organic compounds soluble in ether and petroleum spirit. In the residue there remained 14-74 gr. or 15-74 per cent, of sulphides, and 1'66 gr. (8'53 per cent.) in a more stable form. Totally different results were obtained in a dripping apparatus. For this purpose a Butzke apparatus (old form), was used, and the water only allowed to drop slowly, the apparatus being fitted with a special tap. Quantities of 250 gr. of calcium carbide were decom- posed at a time, and then the acetylene was displaced by nitrogen through the above-mentioned tap. The gas mixture only passed through the washers but not to the gas-holder. The same methods as before described were used, and the following results obtained : a. Kesidue soluble in hydrochloric acid . 1'08 gr. b. Eesidue insoluble in hydrochloric acid 0'16 c. Dissolved in ether petroleum spirit . 3"36 d. In acetylene lead nitrate . . '. 13'94 Sulphur . . 18-54 i e. 0-92 gr. less than in the first experiment. It may 483 Experi- ments with a "Dripping " apparatus ACETYLENE Distribution ^ e accepted that this was contained in the gas flowing Sulphur into the holder, because I found sulphur in the lead compounds chromate< Result of increasing the rate of flow of the water Experi mcnts to determine influence of Aluminium in the Carbide There were in the gas 71' 12 per cent, as sulphuretted hydrogen. 17-26 4-72 as sulphur compounds soluble in ether-spirit. ,, as sulphur compounds insoluble in ether-spirit. In the residue 5' 55 per cent, as sulphides. 0-82 in a more stable form. A repetition of this experiment was made with the modification that the water tap was opened more, and greater quantities of water run in at once. The result was a. Residue soluble in hydrochloric acid . P 06 gr. b. Residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid O12 c. Dissolved in ether spirit . . . 4'98 ,, d. In the acetylene lead nitrate . . 11*82 ,, e. Final gas by difference .... 1*58 ,. Sulphur 18-56 Hence there were in the gas 60'79 per cent, as sulphuretted hydrogen. 45'59 ,, ,, as sulphur compounds soluble in ether-spirit. 8-11 In the residu< 4'93 per cent, as sulphides. as sulphur compounds insoluble in ether-spirit. 0-61 in a more stable form. The carbide used contained, as nearly all the carbides do, a certain amount of aluminium. Having a sample of carbide which did not contain even a trace of alu- minium, said to be from Bitterfeld works, I repeated the experiments with this sample, but only with 1'70 kgr. instead of 5 kgr. as before. In the apparatus where the carbide drops into water the following results were obtained : 484 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE a. Residue soluble in hydrochloric acid . 4'16 gr. 6. Residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid 0*02 ,, c. Dissolved in ether-spirit . . . OOO ,, d. In the gas lead nitrate . . O12 ,, e. Final gas ... . OOO Sulphur Hence there were in the gas 2*78 per cent, as sulphuretted hydrogen. o-oo o-oo 4-30 ,, as sulphur compounds soluble in ether-spirit. as sulphur compounds insoluble in ether-spirit. In the residue 96 74 per cent, as sulphides. 0*46 ,, in a more stable form. Using the dripping apparatus a. Residue soluble in hydrochloric acid . 0'21 b. Residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid . 0*01 c. Dissolved in ether-spirit .... 0*62 d. In the gas lead nitrate .... 2'32 e. Final gas by difference . . . 1'14 Hence there were in the gas 53*95 per cent, as sulphuretted hydrogen. 14*41 as sulphur compounds soluble in ether-spirit. 26'51 ,, as sulphur compounds insoluble in ether-spirit. In the residue 4*88 per cent, as sulphides. 0*23 in a more stable form. Distribution of the Sulphur with " Carbide into water " generators The results of these researches are That the acetylene evolved from apparatus in which the carbide drops into water is much cleaner than that generated in dripping apparatus is confirmed. The sulphur is nearly all converted into sulphuretted hydrogen, which is for the greater part retained in the generator. With carbide free from aluminium no sulphuretted hydrogen is set free, the calcium sul- phide is dissociated in presence of much water, the sulphuretted hydrogen does not escape, and the gas evolved only contains traces of sulphuretted hydrogen. 485 Distribution of the Sulphur with " Drip " generators Caro's con- clusions ACETYLENE The gas from the dripping apparatus contains more sulphur because there is only a small quantity of sul- phuretted hydrogen retained, and moreover a quantity Presence of o f the more stable sulphur compounds is decomposed. Sulpho- mi , . . *. i.' i. cyanides J-he dripping apparatus also produces a gas 111 which a S rea ^ P ar ^ f the sulphur is not in a form which is precipitated by lead salts, but as other compounds. The nature of these substances could not be determined. One is soluble in ether-petroleum spirit, the other does not seem to be taken up by this mixture, but escapes with the gas. Neither are precipitated by lead salts. The portion soluble in ether-petroleum spirit consists, as the odour proves, of sulphocyamdes. The substances not removed by ether-petroleum spirit are oxidised by concentrated chromic acid solution. and are removed by acid cuprous chloride solution. They do not seem to be acted upon by chloride of lime. I believe they consist chiefly of mercaptans. Probable The research on the residue insoluble in dilute presence of , , , , . . , . T Suipho- hydrochloric acid was of special interest. It was Bested separately, and its sulphur was found to be 1*48 per cent. This residue was decomposed by boil- ing hydrochloric acid, and sulphuretted hydrogen was evolved. Only a very minute quantity, containing 0*32 per cent., was tested, by fusing with sodium car- bonate and saltpetre. When boiled with concentrated hydrochloric acid small quantities of hydrocarbons are produced, so that it is probable that this sulphur in a more stable form is a sulphocarbide compound." Caro concludes from these results that the sulphur is present as calcium sulphide and aluminium sulphide, partly also in a more stable form as calcium sulpho- carbide. The calcium sulphide and aluminium sulphide give, in both classes of generator, sulphuretted hydro- gen, whilst the sulphocarbide is only decomposed in dripping apparatus owing to the high temperature. The sulphuretted hydrogen condenses in dripping ap- 486 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE parattis, and produces compounds partly of the type of sulphocyanides and partly other organic com- pounds, probably mercaptans. In the water to car- bide generators these reactions do not occur, or only in a less degree. In a later paper Caro l sums up these results as follows : " Sulphur principally occurs in three different com- pounds as calcium sulphide, calcium sulphocarbide and aluminium sulphide. The two first compounds are due to the presence of calcium sulphate in the lime and to sulphur in the coke used. The quantity of both compounds can be reduced to a minimum, be- cause the high temperature of the electric furnace causes these compounds to be split up by the carbon, with formation of calcium carbide and sulphur, which may be oxidised to sulphur dioxide. This has already been recognized by Dollner and Jacobsohn in their process for manufacturing sulphur or sulphur dioxide from sulphate or sulphides. " The aluminium sulphide occurs if sulphur and alumina are present. This compound is aluminium pentasulphide, A1 2 S 5 , as stated by Murlot, and is not decomposed by the high temperature of the electric furnace. This quantity also may be diminished by using an excess of carbon, as the aluminium sul- phide is decomposed into aluminium carbide and sulphur. "These compounds give, with water, impurities containing sulphur, but different ones under different conditions. Aluminium sulphide is decomposed by water, if cold or warm, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Calcium sulphide is dissociated by cold water ; it therefore gives off sulphuretted hydrogen only at high temperatures. Calcium sulphocarbide is decomposed neither by cold nor hot water, but 1 Zeitsch. Calc. Acet, 3, 97. 487 The occurrence of Sulphur in Carbide Aluminium Sulphide Variation in products, according to the temperature ACETYLENE Sulphur reacts with Acetylene at high tempera- tures Superiority of " Carbide into water " generators Sulphur- etted Hydrogen due to primary action gives at a higher temperature with acetylene volatile sulphur products. " The sulphuretted hydrogen set free is retained at lower temperatures by the lime sludge. At high tem- peratures it reacts with acetylene and forms organic sulphur compounds. I succeeded in identifying sul- phocyanides and mercaptans. They are mixed with other compounds containing sulphur, and may be divided into two classes a. Those soluble in petroleum spirit and ether. b. Those insoluble in petroleum spirit and ether. In presence of ammonia basic compounds are found containing sulphur and nitrogen. u With carbide into water apparatus all sulphuretted hydrogen is retained by the lime, only organic sulphur compounds being found in the gas evolved. In dip- ping apparatus there are greater quantities of sulphur, from the decomposition of the calcium carbosulphide. In the residue there is much less sulphur, whilst the greater part is evolved as sulphuretted hydrogen, and more organic compounds are formed." Caro 1 has continued this investigation in order to ascertain if the organic sulphur compounds formed during the generation of acetylene are due to primary or secondary actions, and finds that the primary action gives rise to sulphuretted hydrogen only, but that any undue heating at once causes secondary actions be- tween the sulphuretted hydrogen and acetylene (or other hydrocarbons produced by the action of the heat on acetylene), which form organic sulphur compounds. He also found that the oily matters obtained from the condensation products from large generators con- tained considerable quantities of sulphur, and that on heating, especially in the presence of steam, they decomposed and evolved sulphuretted hydrogen. 1 Zeit.f. Calc. Garb, und Acet., iii. 217. 488 IMPUEITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE Caro concludes from this that the sulphuretted organic hydrogen found in the crude acetylene may arise compounds from two sources : (1) the direct liberation of the gas due to ... . . . secondary from such impurities in the carbide as aluminium reactions sulphide, and (2) by the decomposition of organic sulphur compounds by heat and steam. The variation in the amount of sulphur present as Practical sulphuretted hydrogen in gas owing to the form of e cp ^|J en apparatus used was tested by the author in the ex- generators periments with twenty-four generators of different types before alluded to (page 421). An average of 600 cubic feet of gas was generated from each apparatus in a test lasting for one month, and the sulphur present in the water of the meter attached to each apparatus was determined, with the following result for each class : Class of generator. Sulphur. Grains per gallon. Grams per litre. Water dripping on carbide . . 24'2 O34 Carbide dipping in water and then withdrawn .... 25'2 0'35 Water rising to carbide . . 27'9 O39 Carbide into water .... 18'0 O25 At first sight this seems to show that, with the influence of exception of the carbide into water generators being superior to the others, there was but little to choose and i n i , i -i T i pressure on between them ; but on comparing the individual re- impurities suits with the pressures at which the generators worked it was at once seen that this exercised an enormous influence, some forms of generator, working with displacement holders and at pressures of over 24 inches of water, having over 70 grains of sulphur per gallon (O99 grs. per litre) in the meter water ; and if these abnormal cases be eliminated, and only the results given by generators working at less than 12 inches pressure compared, the figures at once showed the superiority of the last two classes of generator. 489 ACETYLENE Polis found that on taking a sample of carbide results . . 6 . and decomposing it by the dripping process there was present 0*138 per cent, of phosphuretted hydrogen and 0'064 percent, of sulphuretted l^drogen ; whilst if this carbide is allowed to fall into water the acetylene so generated contains - 126 per cent, of phosphuretted hydrogen, and the sulphuretted hydrogen is practically eliminated. When the carbide is dropped into a solution of sugar the same result is obtained, and practically no sul- phuretted hydrogen can be detected in the gas so generated. The presence of metallic silicides in the calcium metallic carbide has been amply demonstrated by the researches of Moissan, Le Chatelier, Grerard, Lewes, and others (see page 330), and there is not the slightest doubt but that siliciuretted hydrogen is often to be found in small quantities in the crude acetylene. The method of formation of this gaseous compound, however, is not so clear, as the metallic silicides found in the carbide are none of them decomposed by water, even at the high temperatures occasionally existing in generators. The most probable explanation of its formation is that gi yen ^J Vigouroux, 1 who points out that, amongst formation the metals contained in the crude materials from which siliciuretted the carbide is made, iron alone forms crystalline Hydrogen silicides, whilst calcium, magnesium, and aluminium sometimes . ... . present in dissolve silicium, and that on acting on an alloy or Acetylene ca li um an cl silicium with water, the nascent hydro- gen formed by the decomposition of the water by the An alloy of calcium unites with the silicium forming siliciuretted silicium hydrogen. It must be remembered that when carbide present in j^g ]3 een kept too long in the arc some is dissociated Calcium Carbide with liberation of metallic calcium, and the formation of an alloy with silicium under these conditions is extremely probable. 1 CompL Rendu., 123, 113. 490 IMPUBITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE The presence of traces of arseniuretted hydrogen in crude acetylene has been detected by some observers, and could only be formed owing to traces of arsenic compounds in the original materials. Undoubtedly the most important impurity, next to the phosphuretted and sulphuretted hydrogen, is ammonia. The causes leading to the formation of this compound have been studied by Bamberger 1 who finds that the impurities in acetylene fall into two classes according to their origin, viz. (1) those which result from impurities in the raw materials used in the manu- facture of carbide, such as phosphuretted hydrogen and sulphuretted hydrogen, and (2) those produced in the process of fusion in the electrical furnace, such as ammonia and cyanogen compounds. As ammonia is oxidised to oxides of nitrogen when the gas is burnt, much importance attaches to means for preventing its occurrence. When calcium carbide is decomposed with water ammonia is formed from both nitrides and cyanogen compounds. The nitrides result from the presence of aluminium or magnesium in the line. In the electric furnace magnesia is reduced in the first instance to magnesium, which is then converted into the nitride through the agency of the nitrogen of the air, which always circulates to a certain extent in the furnace, or of the small quantities of nitrogen which exist in the coal, coke, or charcoal employed. Alu- minium is contained as alumina in most samples of lime, and is present in the silicates in coke ash. Alumina is reduced by carbon to the metal or to aluminium carbide. Aluminium carbide always contains nitride, as may be proved by decomposing a sample with water, and, when the evolution of almost odourless gas has ceased, adding excess of caustic soda and warming, whereupon ammonia will be given off in sufficient quantity to be readily detected by the smell. 1 Zeits.f. angew. Chem., 1898, 31, 720 491 Ammonia in crude Acetylene Bamberger's conclusions as to the cause of the Ammonia Nitrides present in Carbide ACETYLENE The power possessed by Carbides of absorbing Nitrogen Experi- mental results The influence of the form of generator on the amount of Ammonia Carbides, especially barium carbide, possess the power of absorbing nitrogen at high temperatures and producing cyanogen compounds. Cyanogen may be detected by its smell on opening a closed vessel in which hot carbide has been allowed to cool. Ammonia, is formed by the action of superheated steam on calcium cyanide, and local superheating often occurs in the usual methods of producing acetylene from carbide. Carbide made from wood charcoal and lime, containing 0*5 per cent, of magnesia and O2 per cent, of alumina, was decomposed by dropping water on to samples weighing from 50 to 70 grams. The gas formed was led through standardised sulphuric acid, and was found to contain from - 05 to 0'15 per cent, by volume of ammonia. Even the outer crust of the blocks of carbide, and small fragments which had cooled while exposed to the air, did not yield a higher proportion of ammonia. The method by which the acetylene is generated affects the proportion of ammonia in the gas. The drip system of generation allows almost the whole of the ammonia to pass into the gas, and the high temperature favours decomposition of aluminium nitride and calcium cyanide. The dip and flooding systems occupy a mean position between the drip system and that in which carbide is dropped into water. The latter system is the best, because the trifling rise in temperature does not suffice to cause decomposition of calcium cyanide and aluminium nitride, and the surplus water in the generator absorbs the greater part of the ammonia. With an apparatus belonging to this system, which has been in continuous use since December, 1897, ammonia has scarcely been detected in the gas, but is easily recognized in the water in the generator. Caro, with regard to Bamberger's conclusions, says : " Nitrogen is in the carbide as calcium and magnesium 492 IMPURITIES OF COMMEECIAL ACETYLENE nitride, formed principally from the nitrogen of the coke. These nitrides are decomposed by water, with evolution of ammonia and the formation of hydroxides of the metal. The formation of ammonia is, according to Bamberger, due to the presence of calcium cyanide, this idea being based on Frank and Caro's discovery that nitrogen forms with carbides nitrides. "The numerous tests I have made prove that calcium cyanide does not occur in fused carbide, and can only be found in the crust of the carbide ingot, which does not generally occur in commercial carbide. This also corresponds with Frank and Caro's statement that the temperature of the decomposition of calcium cyanide is lower than the temperature of the formation of carbide ; therefore no cyanide can be formed except by the action of atmospheric nitrogen on cooling ingots. The product of the decomposition of the nitride ammonia is formed as well at a low as at a high temperature. Its quantity in the gas varies very much. In carbide into water apparatus more than 90 per cent, is dissolved ; in dipping apparatus a good quantity condenses with sulphuretted hydrogen, as well as with phosphuretted hydrogen and with acetylene. The tar from these forms of apparatus is treated with hydro- chloric acid, when these compounds dissolve, and may be extracted with ether." In the author's experiments on the influence of the class of generator on the impurities formed, it was found that the average of the ammonia present in the meter water of the various forms of apparatus was Dripping apparatus Dipping ,, Water rising Carbide into water Grains per gallon. . 67-1 . 19-0 . 60-4 11-2 Grams per litre. 0-95 0-27 0-86 0-16 but as soon as the generators with displacement holders working at pressures of over 24 inches of water were 493 Caro criticises Bamberger's conclusions Cyanides not present in fused Carbide but only in crust of ingot Variation in the amount of Ammonia [present in the gas partly due to other impurities Pressure in the generator ACETYLENE an important factor Carbon Monoxide in crude Acetylene Causes which give rise to the formation of Carbon Monoxide left out of the averages, and only the generators work- ing below a pressure of 12 inches of water were considered, the water rising to carbide generators showed nearly the same results as the carbide into water class. This clearly shows the importance of keeping the generator pressures as low as possible if the purity of the gas is to be considered. Ludstrom first drew attention to the presence of carbon monoxide in crude acetylene, but no explanation has been offered as to the causes which give rise to it. Occasionally a blow-hole in a piece of dense carbide is found to contain this gas, which has evidently been produced by the reduction of the lime by carbon in the electric arc ; but the quantity is so minute that the presence of carbon monoxide in the gas cannot mani- festly be traced to this cause. The author has found that, when any quantity greater than the merest trace of carbon monoxide is present, hydrogen is also to be found in the gas, and that it is never present unless over-heating has taken place in the generator. The moment sufficient over-heating has taken place to break up some of the acetylene the steam present at once attacks the liberated carbon with formation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, an action which will take place at the temperature necessary to cause the polymerisation of acetylene into benzene. It is not necessary, however, to have a temperature sufficiently high to decompose the acetylene into its constituents, as on passing acetylene and steam through a tube heated to 500 C. oxides of carbon and hydrogen make their appearance. A good deal of the carbon monoxide undoubtedly be- comes oxidised at the temperature of its formation by the excess of steam present into carbon dioxide, but this is rarely found in the gas, being absorbed by the moist lime residue. 494 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE Hydrogen, which is often found in acetylene in considerable quantities, owes its production to several distinct causes. 1. The decomposition of water by calcium present in over-heated carbide. 2. The decomposition of steam by heated hydro- carbons or carbon. 3. The decomposition of acetylene by heat. When the acetylene is made in a properly con- structed generator, and at a temperature below the boiling-point of water, it is only the first cause that can give rise to it, and only very small traces can be detected, but when overheating in the generator takes place, the acetylene may become so diluted with hydro- gen and carbon monoxide as to seriously affect its illu- minating power, and, according to some observers, even to render it nearly non-luminous. Traces of nitrogen and oxygen are often shown in analyses of acetylene, and are generally derived from small quantities of air mixed with the gas during the collection of the sample for analysis. Moissan has shown, however (page 334), that nitro- gen is to be found in commercial carbide. The vapours of benzine and other volatile hydro- carbons, although not as a rule classed as impurities, certainly ought to be considered, as they give rise to a considerable amount of trouble in the combustion of the acetylene. The moment that acetylene is subjected to the action of high temperatures, changes of great com- plexity at once commence. These at first are purely synthetical. At 600 C., however, acetylene begins to condense to benzene, and as the temperature rises the condensation of four molecules of acetylene yields styrolene. A further increase in the temperature may cause the styrolene and benzene to interact, yielding anthracene and hydrogen, and it is prob- 495 Causes which lead to the formation of free Hydrogen in crude Acetylene Traces of air in Acetylene The vapours of Hydro- carbons other than Acetylene The action of over- heating on Acetylene ACETYLENE LOSS of ably at this point that the brown tar vapours appear, while naphthalene also becomes noticeable. These changes, however, still have to be accurately studied. At this temperature, moreover, a fresh set of interactions start : the nascent hydrogen combines with acetylene to form ethylene, and this body, under the action of heat, breaks down to methane and acetylene once more. The earlier actions of necessity lead to a great loss i* 1 the volume of the acetylene. Dr. Haber found that 15 litres of acetylene, when heated for a considerable period to 638 C. left only 10 litres of gas ; probably, however, no such condensation as this takes place in an acetylene generator. When the outer layer of carbide decomposes, the gas is evolved so rapidly that there is no time for the heat to act upon it, The cause of but as the decomposition spreads into the centre of mcrisation the mass, the acetylene generated has to pass through the outer layers, which, as has been shown, may be at a temperature above the point of its decomposition, and it is under these conditions that a considerable volume of gas is lost, and the tar often found in the residue, or distilled out into generator and tubes, is formed. In generators in which excessive heating takes pl ace > this tar is likely to cause considerable trouble, as it is of a very viscous character, and if it condenses in the tubes causes the lime dust and carbon particles to collect and bring about stoppage. As benzene forms a large proportion of the poly- nierisation products, it is carried forward as vapour, and remains suspended even in its passage through the gasholder and delivery pipes. Benzene requires three times the volume of air for combustion that acetylene does, and the result is that the most perfect acetylene burner shows a tendency to smoke directly any quantity of benzene is formed. 496 The Benzene in causing IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE Still more serious, however, is the action on the burner tip. One of the greatest troubles in the utili- sation of pure acetylene is the question of finding a burner in which to consume it, and it was soon realized that the best of the burners first introduced could only be used for a few hundred hours before a growth of carbon appeared on the nipple, which distorted the flame and brought about smoking of the most pronounced character. It was thought that this trouble had been overcome by the intro- duction of the Naphey burner and the various imita- tions thereof that were at once put upon the market ; but extended experience shows that even these burners are not infallible, and many who have watched the continuous use of acetylene, especially in those parts of the Continent where the gas has been adopted in a pure state as a town supply, declare that the burner question is as far from solution as ever. If a burner which has started smoking be examined, an arborescent growth of filiform carbon is noticed at the aperture or slit, and the general idea is that this has been formed by the overheating of the acetylene by the nipple causing its decomposition with formation of the carbon deposit. On breaking the steatite top off the burner it is found that the burner is carbonised for a considerable distance into the body of the steatite, and it is manifest that this has been caused by the deposition of a liquid hydrocarbon, which has soaked into the material and been carbonised there. If smoke or tar vapour be examined under a high microscopic power, it is seen that they consist of minute vesicles or bubbles in a most marvellously active condition of movement, and fulfilling in a most perfect manner the conception one forms of molecular motion. Ever bombarding each other, but never colliding, these small vesicles filled with gaseous matter continue their career until some mechanical 497 32 The action of Benzene on the burner-tip The Naphey burner The formation of Carbon at the burner Carbonisa- tion of the burner caused by liquid Hydro- carbons The condition of vapours in the Acetylene ACETYLENE Washers for removing vapours The actions leading to the deposition of Carbon at the burner- tip Smoking decreased by cool generation action bursts them and deposits the minute trace of liquid which formed the skin of the microscopic balloon. It is for this reason that the most successful forms of washer for extracting tar during the manufacture of gas consists of fine jets or orifices through which the gas passes at considerable velocity, and comes in contact with a bafEe which breaks up the vesicles ; and any one with experience in water-gas making knows the trouble that arises from filiform growths of carbon, when, owing to an insufficient temperature in the cracking and superheating chambers, the car- buretted gas contains vapours instead of permanent gaseous products. AVhen acetylene has been made in a generator at an undue temperature it carries with it benzene vapour, which, as it commences to condense, assumes this vesicular form, and on coming to the extremely minute holes which form the aperture of the burner, the mechanical scrubbing which it encounters causes the breaking up of the vesicles and the deposition of the benzene and other hydrocarbons held in suspension by benzene, which soak into the steatite and car- bonise. The presence of finely divided carbon has a great effect in determining the decomposition of acetylene itself, so that a rapid growth of carbon takes place at the burner, and no ordinary cleaning of the deposited carbon from the exterior will ever make the nipple fit for constant use again, because the carbon in the pores has a strong catalytic action on the acetylene, and causes carbon to again deposit. It will be found with experience that the prevention of smoking in a burner will be overcome quite as much by attention to the temperature in the genera- tor as in the burner itself, and where a generator is in use which gives overheating, a well-arranged scrubbing apparatus that would get rid of the benzene 498 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE from the gas would be found a distinct advantage in stopping burner troubles. Of the impurities present in the acetylene, some, such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and traces of air, are perfectly harmless, and in the small quantities formed, when the gas has been generated in any but the worst forms of generators, do not in any noticeable manner affect its illuminating power. On the other hand, phosphuretted hydrogen, sul- phuretted hydrogen, ammonia, and hydrocarbon vapours should be as far as possible removed, as they either form deleterious products of combustion, or act on the fittings and burner-tips. Of these impurities, the only one that offers any real difficulty in removal is the phosphuretted hydro- gen, and several methods have been proposed and utilised for its elimination. It is obvious that for small house installations of acetylene lighting, which constitute so large a pro- portion of its field of utility, it is necessary to have the purifier as simple as possible, and to utilise only one form of purifying material, as otherwise the pro- cess would become too complicated for the ordinary householder to care to undertake it. Moreover, it is necessary that the purifying material employed, whilst removing or at any rate reducing the impurities to a harmless limit, should be cheap, and not itself liable to act upon the acetylene or generate other products that might cause trouble in the purifier, or further contaminate the gas. Beyond washing the acetylene by allowing it to bubble through water, no attempt at consistent puri- fication was made until 1896, when Pictet proposed to purify the gas before using it for liquefaction by pressure. In order to do this, he proposed to pass it through a concentrated solution of calcium chloride and then through sulphuric acid, both being kept 499 Impurities that need not be removed Injurious impurities Necessary conditions to be fulfilled by a purifying agent Plctet's purification ACETYLENE Drawbacks to the process Purification by Potash and Bromine Acid Mercuric Chloride as a purifying agent Substances commerci- ally avail- able for the purification of crude Acetylene at a low temperature ( 20 to 40 C.) ; after this, the gas passed through a washer containing a solu- tion of lead salts to eliminate sulphuretted hydrogen, and was finally dried by passing over solid calcium chloride. It is manifest that such a method would be costly and utterly unfitted for working on a small scale, whilst it is very problematical whether the purifica- tion effected would be sufficient to rid the gas of phosphuretted hydrogen. Willgerodt l suggested purifying acetylene by first removing sulphuretted hydrogen by passing the gas through a solution of potassium hydrate and then absorbing the phosphuretted hydrogen with bromine water. This method could not be used on any Lut a laboratory scale, and the same may be said of the process suggested by Berge and Reyschler, 2 who pro- posed to remove the sulphuretted hydrogen and phos- phuretted hydrogen by passing the gas through an acid solution of mercuric chloride. As the necessity for purification became more and more apparent, many experiments were made to pro- vide some material, the price of which should make its use commercially possible, and which should elimi- nate the impurities at one operation, and at the pre- sent time there are three substances recognised as fulfilling these conditions : 1. Bleaching powder. 2. Acid solutions of copper or iron salts. 3. Acidulated solution of chromic acid. The use of bleaching powder for the purification of acetylene was first proposed and patented by Smith of Aberdeen, 3 and later was advocated by Lunge and Cedecreutz, 4 who point out that bleaching powder can be employed for this purpose on account of its cheap- 1 Berl. Ber., 28, 2,102. 3 Eng. Pat. 24,414 (1896). 2 Bull. Soc. Chem., 3, 17, 218. 4 Zeit.f. ang. Chem. (1897), 654. 500 IMPUEITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE ness, and say, u It can be used as a solution or thin liquor through which the acetylene is permitted to pass. It is more convenient, however, to use bleaching powder in the solid form in the presence of sufficient moisture to secure a good working. According to experiments, the best way is to form the bleaching powder into lumps with a small quantity of water, so that the gas can pass through readily : the pulverised powder offers too much resistance, and also causes dust to rise. It would be better to arrange behind the vessel holding the bleaching powder another contain- ing lime, which would catch anything brought through from the bleaching powder. On the other hand, the bleaching powder must not contain so much moisture as to become pasty, and thus prevent the gas from penetrating. When the acetylene is too moist it can be cooled, the condensed moisture removed, and thus almost dry gas obtained. / t/O Of course, a chemical drier, such as concentrated sulphuric acid, of gravity 1-6 to 1*7, is better. This drier, or one less concentrated, can also be used to remove the ammonia, or other acids can be used in its place for the same purpose. By using more vessels, they can be replaced when exhausted, others put in their place, and the calcium phosphate and sulphate removed." Bleaching powder, or, as it is often commercially called, chloride of lime, is made by passing chlorine over carefully slaked lime containing about 25 per cent, of its weight of water, every precaution being taken during the action of the chlorine on the lime not to allow any rise of temperature. This material, when properly made, contains about 36 to 37 per cent, of available chlorine, i.e. chlorine which can again be set free ; and this material is largely utilised for bleaching purposes owing to the fact that as it under- goes slow decomposition, the chlorine evolved from it 501 Bleaching powder as a purifier Condition in which the bleaching powder should be used Preparation and action of bleaching powder ACETYLENE Action of bleaching powder on the impurities in the Acetylene Ahrens' experiments with bleaching powder as a purifier unites with the hydrogen of the moisture present and liberates oxygen, which combines with any oxidisable substances with which it is in contact. The action of bleaching powder in purifying the acetylene is purely an oxidation process, as the phos- phuretted and sulphuretted hydrogens, being more readily attacked than the acetylene, are oxidised to phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid, whilst the acety- lene is unaffected. In practice, the bleaching powder is generally mixed with some inert substance, to expose a larger surface to the gas, sawdust being frequently used for this purpose on a large scale, whilst some makers of puri- fying material use small proportions of bodies that have little or no specific action to mix with the bleaching powder and to give it a distinctive colour. The material used by Thorn and Hoddle in their puri- fier consists of bleaching powder with a little oxide of iron ; whilst Wolff's purifying material is bleaching powder with a little lead chromate. Ahrens 1 has studied the action of bleaching powder, and mixtures containing it, on crude acetylene, and states its advantages and disadvantages as follows : " To enable the bleaching powder to act better, it was slightly moistened and mixed with sawdust so as to obtain a larger surface. It was found, however, that lumps of varying size had been formed through which the gas did not penetrate, as it naturally passed round them through the loose layers, thus the puri- fying material was apparently exhausted, when in reality large quantities of the bleaching powder were unused ; moreover, the purified gas had to pass through a drying apparatus containing in this instance calcium carbide, a substance often used for this purpose. The result was a dry gas, but one rendered impure by the acetylene set free in the drying process. Calcium 1 Zeit. Calc. Acet., 3, 81. 502 IMPUEITIES OF COMMEBCIAL ACETYLENE carbide, therefore, was not a good drying material, and could not remove any traces of chlorine from the gas. It was therefore thought best to use the bleaching powder in a finely divided condition, and to employ lime as the drying agent. This method was found to be good. Wolff, having recognised this, prepares the bleaching powder as a uniform yellow powder, the yellow being due to the addition of lead chromate, which is added to facilitate the powdering, and merely acts as a diluting material. On treatment with water, a green solution is obtained, which shows that a chromic salt is present, but the quantity is so small that its action in purifying may be neglected. The oxidation value of Wolff's bleaching powder is high. My experiments show that with acetylene passing at the rate of 25 litres per hour, one kilogramme purifies 18,000 litres of the gas completely from all sulphur and phosphorus compounds. Sixteen litres of gas were allowed to pass through a 10-bulb tube filled with pure sodium hypobromide, and then several times through a 5 per cent, potassium permanganate solu- tion. By these means nearly all the sulphur and phosphorus compounds would have been oxidised, but in no case could any sulphuric or phosphoric acid be found. " Wolff has published a statement in Kraft und Licht, 1892, No. 32, that the gas purified by his bleach- ing powder has an odour of chlorine. It is difficult to see why the gas should possess a bad odour. Chlorine compounds of acetylene have a sweet smell, similar to that of purified acetylene, and the conclusion must be drawn that other hydrocarbons, whose presence has been found in several generators, may yield, with chlorine from the bleaching powder, compounds having such an odour. In my generator, however, in which carbide falls into water, I have never observed it. The gas, after passing through the bleaching powder, 503 Condition of the bleaching powder used Purifying power of Wolff's mixture Smell of Acetylene purified by Wolff's mixture ACETYLENE Presence of Carbon Monoxide Necessity of passing Acetylene purified by bleaching powder through Lime Ahrens investigates the cause of free Chlorine in purified Acetylene always had a sweet ethereal smell. The gas, however, is not yet pure, as, if it is passed through a blood solution, this latter shows the carbon monoxide spec- trum. If potassium permanganate be used for oxi- dation of the gas, as mentioned above, it may be employed for the quantitative determination of the chlorine. That pure acetylene was acted on by bleach- ing powder was shown by several experiments. Pure acetylene, i.e. containing no sulphur, phosphorus, or chlorine, was allowed to pass through a Wolff's tower, and then through permanganate solution, and a con- siderable quantity of chlorine was found. In other experiments, however, the bleaching powder tower was followed by one containing lime, and then the gas passed through the permanganate solution. In this case the quantity of chlorine was much less, though always considerable, the tests being made with the greatest care. " By passing acetylene through Wolff's purifying substance it is, therefore, totally freed from phosphur- etted hydrogen and all organic sulphur and phos- phorus compounds, but carbon monoxide and organic chloride compounds are formed which will accompany the gas. That such organic chlorine compounds are formed in the bleaching powder was proved by treat- ing the exhausted material with ether and subsequent evaporation, but the quantity found was not great." Later, Ahrens l investigated the cause of the free chlorine found in the acetylene purified by this pro- cess, and also the sudden rise in the temperature of the mass which is occasionally noticed when damp bleaching powder is mixed with sawdust. " I have already shown that acetylene purified by bleaching powder retains the smell of chlorine, and that certain chlorine compounds are formed, but this does not affect the flame and the burners, though my 1 Zeit. Cole. Acet., 3, 173. 504 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE own experience is that the edge of the flame is some- what changed. On the other hand, it is known that in many cases, by using bleaching powder as a puri- fying material, a very strong odour of chlorine was noticed. The town lighting of Vesprezen had to be stopped for some time because the odour of chlorine was so strong in the houses that the people could not stay in them. Another trouble was also experienced several times : the bleaching powder heated suddenly, and lost its purifying power at once. I have made researches on this point with the following results : u At first I believed that a reaction between acety- lene and chlorine took place, which might happen with a strong bleaching powder, though often having used the material of the best quality I had never observed any rise in temperature. I therefore tried to start the reaction by slowly heating the bleaching powder as high as 100. It seemed that some acety- lene was absorbed, the flame becoming smaller and smaller, but without being extinguished, no sudden reaction, however, taking place. " I then tried bleaching powder mixture as it is employed in practice. I used a strong fresh sample mixed with sawdust and moistened with water. The ratio of these three was changed in different ways, and it was noticed that when using a certain amount of water, a rise in temperature took place reaching as high as 130 C. This heating does not appear directly the mixture is prepared, but only after a certain time, depending upon the ratio of the mixture. It is accom- panied by the evolution of water vapour and chlorine. Both heating and evolution of water vapour and chlorine have the same cause, and do not at all depend on acetylene." This explanation will also show why the bleaching powder method of purification does not always yield good results. I have always stated that the bleaching 505 Troubles with purification by bleaching powder Action of bleaching powder on Acetylene Rise of temperature observed with mixtures of sawdust and bleaching powder ACETYLENE powder gives very high purification results. If the bleaching powder be weak owing to storage these phenomena do not occur. The following table gives the results with mixtures of bleaching powder 34 per cent. and sawdust with water. Mixing BO gr. of bleaching powder with 12'5 cc. of water, the temperature rises 11 to 12, and goes down after a short time. 5 gr. sawdust and 4 cc. of water were then added, and after seven minutes, no rise of temperature being observed, 5 gr. sawdust and a little water were again added, then after ten minutes the temperature rose to 125, and the mixture began to froth. In order to show that heating was caused by the reaction of sawdust on bleaching powder, a strong cold solution of bleaching powder was mixed with sawdust, and after a short time the temperature rose to 95. The Other experiments with pure cellulose and a bleach- powder solution gave almost no rise of tempera- action of ture. It is therefore almost certain that the lignine the Lignine substances of the sawdust react with bleaching in the powder with evolution of heat. sawdust * It therefore follows for practical purposes that the bleaching powder must be mixed with very much sawdust or very little water. The best way is to avoid the sawdust and to mix with kieselguhr, coke powder, brick powder, lead chromate Wolff's mixture or other materials." Alleged Some observers have stated that the highly ex- rj^e plosive chloride of nitrogen is liable to be formed of Nitrogen when bleaching powder is used as a purifying agent, owing to the ammonia present in the crude acetylene reacting with chlorine from the bleaching powder. It seems highly improbable that this should occur, and the author has never been able to detect any trace of 506 IMPUBITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE 60 pi ^ a |.s. 11 1 1 fe ^ la ||l Remarks. m^ I b OJ ! ll'i H grg- gr. cc. 30 20 5 45 10 After 56 minutes, 5 cc. of water are added owing to 30 20 10 69 50, decrease of temperature ; temp, decreases to 61'5 and rises in 17 minutes to 118. 30 20 15 120 4J After 3 minutes water vapour begins to be evolved. 20 30 12 117 7 20 20 5 40 11 20 20 8 66 15 20 20 10 125 17 ( After 3 minutes, strong evo- 20 20 15 123 6 lution of steam, the mix- I ture frothing. 20 20 20 115 8 ! After 1 minute strong evolu- tion of steam. 20 20 30 116 4 ( 20 20 50 106 2 After 1 minute the mass boils. 20 20 10 10 8 8 46 126 12 ( 1 I Amount at which no reaction takes place in a not quite homogeneous mixture. 20 10 9 130 7 20 10 10 125 5 r The rise from 21 to 37 20 7'5 5 39 ] takes place when mixing bleaching powder with / water. 20 7'5 8 52 20 20 7-5 10 128 B| Boiling and frothing of the ( mass. 20 7-5 15 127 Frothing of mass, filling beaker. 20 5 5 37 20 5 8 46 6 20 5 10 49 10 20 5 12 125 4 Violent frothing. ( After 4 minutes the mass be- 20 5 15 116 Q\ gins to froth so that it 1 overflows the beaker. 20 5 30 110 8 After 6 minutes, the same. 10 20 10 76 5J Some evolution of steam and a little chlorine. 7-5 20 10 71 7 The beaker is bedewed. 7-5 20 15 76 5 7-5 20 20 79 2 5 20 10 64 7 The beaker is bedewed. Experi- mental results 507 ACETYLENE Stagnant gas from purifier burning this action taking place, but it can be rendered abso- lutely impossible by the use of an acid washer to abstract all ammonia from the gas before the purifier is reached. One of the great drawbacks to this method of puri- fication is that in warm weather, on first lighting tiie S as in tne evening, there is a slight smell of hydrochloric acid, as the gas that has stood for prob- ably twenty-four hours in the purifier is consumed. This slight trouble can readily be got over by passing the gas through a layer of lime after it leaves the purifier. There is no doubt as to the purifying power of the material, and the following table of results, obtained with Wolff's mixture of bleaching powder and lead chroma te, shows that when using ordinary carbide, 1 kilo of the mixture will purify 21 cubic metres 742 cubic feet of acetylene : PURIFIER FILLED WITH 8'5 KG. OF MATERIAL. July 7th, 1899. Installation for 100 lights. Practical results as to the purifying power of Wolff's mixture Date. Gas passing through Purifier. Before Purification. Per cent. After Purification. Per cent. July 11 . . cb. rn. 14 c. ft. 494 H 2 S. 0-015 PH S . 0-059 H 2 S. o-oo PH 3 . o-oo 14 . . 26 918 0-005 0-044 o-oo o-oo 19 . . 43 1,518 o-oi 0-05 o-oo o-oo 22 . . 54-5 1,924 0-011 0-071 o-oo 0-004 26 . . 67-5 2,384 0-005 0-031 o-oo o-oo Aug. 1 . . 79-5 2,706 0-0032 0-147 o-oo o-ooi 14 . . 110 3,883 0-0044 0-158 o-oo 0-0013 19 . . 129 4,554 0-0052 0-048 o-oo o-oo 22 . . 138 4,871 0-067 0-051 0-0008 o-ooi 29 . . 162 5,719 0-0056 0-052 o-ooi 0-0013 Sept. 1 . . 175 6,177 0-0092 0-059 0-0013 0-0015 4 . . 182 6,415 0-0064 0-057 0-0018 0-002 8'5 kg. material purified 182 cb. m. 6,415 c. ft. 1 ? 21 ,, 742 508 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE A new purifying material which owes its action to the presence of bleaching powder has lately been in- troduced by the Gold und Silber Scheide Anstalt of Frankfort, under the name of u Puratylene," and consists of a granulated mixture of lime and bleach- ing powder, this form of the material being very convenient, and offering but little resistance in the purifiers. During the last few years a large number of cases have occurred of spontaneous firing and explosion when air has been admitted to bleaching powder purifiers which have been in use for some time. On several occasions, in large installations, on opening the box purifier in order to renew the material, a " flare " has occurred, whilst in other cases in which small puri- fiers containing bleaching powder have been used, and have been disconnected and left for some time, as acetylene has diffused out and air has diffused in, an explosion, often of a serious character, has taken place. It was at first supposed that these explosions were due to the formation of chloride of nitrogen ; but this theory is untenable, as, in the conditions under which they have occurred, it has been made amply manifest that air is necessary for the action. It is well known that free chlorine will bring about the explosion of a mixture of acetylene and air, and it is manifest that in a purifier containing partly decomposed bleaching powder and acetylene, introduction of air with its contained trace of carbon dioxide might lead to the liberation of chlorine, and so bring about an explo- sion, whilst it is also possible that the liberation of hypochlorous acid by moisture and carbon dioxide might lead to the same result. At any rate, these explosions make it amply clear that bleaching powder should only be used as a purifying agent with the greatest precaution. 509 " Pura- tylene " Spontaneous ignition and explosion with bleaching powder purifiers Conditions under which explosion has taken place ACETYLENE Purification The second method by which purification can be solutions ot brought about is by passing the crude gas through so ^ u ^ ons f copper or iron salts, and Goettig 1 used for this purpose an acidulated solution of copper sulphate mixed with some other substances not men- tioned, whilst Frank 2 uses a hydrochloric acid solution of cuprous chloride, and this method is now very widely adopted. The action Frank 3 describes its action as follows: "This Acidulated method of purification removes the ammonia, sulphu- chio^ide^n re ^ted hydrogen, and phosphuretted hydrogen in one purification operation. The purified acetylene has not the char- acteristic odour of the crude acetylene, nor does it form explosive compounds in contact with copper, because the absence of the impurities prevents their formation. This method is based on the fact that these impurities are especially removed by solutions of the salts of those metals which form several oxides. To purify the acetylene it is bubbled through several washbottles containing a hydrochloric acid solution of cuprous chloride of definite strength. The ammonia is neutralised by the acid. The sulphu- retted hydrogen and other sulphur compounds, such as polymercaptides, are transformed into cuprous sul- phide, and the phosphuretted hydrogen is partly absorbed and partly precipitated as copper phos- phide. Our experiments showed that one volume of this solution purified 12,000 to 14,000 volumes of acetylene. The gas escaping from the wash-bottles only needs washing with water to be nearly quite pure. The odour is then aromatic, and the gas con- tains traces of aldehydes. Whether these were de- rived from an oxidation of the acetylene could not be proved. " The hydrochloric acid cuprous chloride solution is 1 Jour. f. Gasbel, 59, 206. 2 Ger. Pat. 94490. 3 Jour.f. Gasbel, 41, 615. 510 IMPUEITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE somewhat discoloured, and may be regenerated in the easiest way by boiling whilst air is passed through it, when it is again ready for use. The same effect is also produced with mercury and iron salts." In order to render this method of purification more convenient, Frank impregnates kieselguhr with his solution, the solid being easier to handle and giving less resistance in the purifier. It is also claimed for it that it can be regenerated after it is exhausted by seiving and exposure to air. This, however, is not so, though the breaking up of the material exposes fresh surfaces, and gives a slight renewal of the purifying power, but in practice this should not be reckoned upon. The objections which have been urged against Frank's system are that owing to the acid nature of the mass, ordinary metal containers cannot be em- ployed, and also that if the acid became neutralised by ammonia or lime dust, the explosive copper acety- lene might be formed. Frank replied to these ob- jections, 1 and also gave further figures as to the efficiency of the process as follows : " Kieselguhr im- pregnated with the hydrochloric acid solution of cuprous chloride purifies as well as the solution itself, and has the advantage of only slightly decreasing the gas pressure. The material is specially fit for small apparatus, its volume in comparison to the surface being small, and it can also be used for town lighting installations, though on a large scale I should always prefer to bubble the gas through a solution, as less attention is required than with the kieselguhr. With the solution the regeneration is carried out as follows : The exhausted liquor is filtered, copper sulphide re- mains on the filter, the filtrate is boiled and air drawn through it. By boiling, the phosphuretted hydrogen escapes, and with a definite strength of solution does 1 Zeit. Calc. Acet., 2, 298. 511 Regenera- tion of the purifying solution Kieselguhr impreg- nated with the solution acts as a purifier Objections raised to Franks' purifier Franks' answers to the objections ACETYLENE Advantages over bleaching powder Vessels for containing the purifying material Cost of purification not form copper phosphide, but only an unstable com- pound of it with cuprous chloride. After having added a little copper, and brought it to the original volume with hydrochloric acid, the solution is again ready for use. " The kieselguhr material is merely exposed to the air for regeneration. The purifiers now made are of such a size as to work from 3 to 6 months, and as the material does not change by keeping, it can easily be replaced by new owing to its cheapness. This is a great advantage when compared with bleaching powder, which loses chlorine even in closed vessels. " Wolff is of opinion that metal vessels could not be used for the acid solution or solid material, but this is a mistake. In chemical industries we have had, in a great many manufactures, enamelled iron vessels which have been in use for many years. Enamelled cylinders, perforated or not, could also be used, placed in metallic outer casings. These would have the advantage of being easily taken out, cleaned, and recharged. The formation of copper- acetylene is impossible on account of the amount of hydrochloric acid in comparison to the copper, so high an amount of ammonia being allowed for in the gas that the solution is exhausted before neutralisation occurs. The cuprous chloride in hydrochloric acid does not affect the acetylene itself. " The time during which the purifying material could be used has been practically proved in Germany, America, and Switzerland on a commercial scale. " With 1 kg. of ferric chloride solution or solid material, 7 to 10 cb. m. of acetylene were purified ; with 1 kgr. cuprous chloride solution, 18 to 25 cb. m. The copper method is better than the iron one. If the price is Qd. per kgr. for this material, the purification of the acetylene set free from 1 kgr. carbide is one- sixteenth to one-fifth of a penny. The possibility 512 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE of regeneration is not calculated in these figures, though this surely will be done when generating and purifying acetylene on a large scale. " When illuminating houses and cottages with 20 to 30 burners, with a consumption per hour of 20 litres, in use for 6 hours a day, a purifier must be used containing 12 to 15 kgr. of the material. It has been stated that this quantity has been found sufficient for three to four months. "The results of my practical researches are as follows : 1 kgr. of the material purifies 20 to 25 cb. m. of acetylene from all noxious substances. The acetylene is not acted upon by the material. The purified gas has a pleasant odour. The exhaustion of the purifying material will be detected by the appearance of the flame and the generation of noxious products of combustion, but the formation of copper- acetylene is not possible. The material acts regularly till exhausted, and does not change when kept.'' The third method of purification consists in passing the crude acetylene through solutions of chromic acid containing sulphuric or acetic acid. This process, which is patented by Ullmann, is undoubtedly a good one, and is thus described by Ahrens. 1 Ullmann's purifying material consists of an acidulated solution of chromic acid. For big central stations the solution is found best, for single generators, kieselguhr im- pregnated with this solution is used. This purifying process destroys and eliminates in one operation phos- phuretted and sulphuretted hydrogen and ammonia. The light yellow mass when used changes colour, and is converted into a dirty green. The exhausted mass exposed to air reverts to yellow, and therefore can be regenerated. The action of the chromic acid depends on oxidation processes, the yellow chromic acid being gradually converted into a chromic salt. Weight of material that should be used Conclusions Ullmann's purification by Acidulated Chromic Acid The action of Acidulated Chromic Acid in purification 1 Zeit. Cole. Acet., 3, 81. 513 33 ACETYLENE Results of Ullmann's purification Wachs' experiments on Ullmann's process Results obtained Purification effected Ullmann's material gives good results. It eliminates all impurities except small traces of organic sulphur compounds, the presence of which could be several times found by the means stated above. Pure acety- lene passed through a tower filled with the substance was not changed, no carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, aldehydes or acids being formed. Absorption of acety- lene does not occur. Berge's reagent showed an opal- escence after 2,800 litres have passed over 1 kgr. Wachs l in Bunte's laboratory made some researches on Ullmann's process for purification. Two towers, 49 cm. high, were filled with pieces of pumice stone impregnated with a solution of crystallised chromic acid dissolved in twice its weight of 50 per cent, acetic acid. In the lower part of the towers the liquid stood 2 cm. from the inlet of gas tubing. After these two purifiers a third tower was connected con- taining lime and sawdust in order to remove acetic acid vapours. First it was noticed that acetylene at a rate of 29 litres per hour after passing the apparatus had entirely lost its penetrating odour. Using Berge and Reyschler's reagent (10 parts of mercuric chloride, 20 parts of 30 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and 80 parts of water), it was not rendered turbid after the gas had passed at the above rate for an hour. A flame, consuming 29 litres per hour in a room of 26 cb. m. capacity, did not produce the slightest haze, nor did the air affect the respiratory organs. Quantitative tests were then made, Lunge's method being employed. The unpurified gas for 11 '29 litres of acetylene gave 0-0205 gr. magnesium pyrophos- phate. In a sample of the gas taken behind the purifiers 8' 18 litres acetylene gave not a trace of ammonium magnesium phosphate nor a yellow pre- cipitate with ammonium molybdate. Working as 1 Jour.f. Gasbd, 42, 198; Zeit. Calc, Acet., 2, 413. 514 IMPURITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE indicated by Ullmann, the results obtained therefore are very good. Another experiment was made. The rate of gas was increased beyond the limits allowed. A burner consuming 119 litres per hour was used, and after working 1J hours a slight haze was observed in the 26 cb. m. room. 14 litres of the gas passing both purifiers at a rate of 128*23 litres per hour were aspirated and tested, but only a small amount of phosphorus was found. In order to test the influence of chromic acid on the light emitted, the gas was tested photometrically, before and after purification. The test was in both cases the same. The gas passed the purifiers at a rate of 18'59 litres per hour. It was found O57 litres per Hefner unpurified, O58 litre per Hefner purified. To ascertain the quantity of chromic acid used, 812 litres were passed through chromic acid of known strength. The chromic acid was used in a Geissler absorption apparatus, the test lasted 552 hours, the gas bubbling very slowly. The gas was tested with sodium hypochlorite between 511 litres and 523 litres, and between 662 and 675 litres, but no phosphuretted hydrogen was found. 812 litres of acetylene used 4'04 gr. of chromic acid for purification. 1 cb. m., therefore, requires 5*5 gr. chromic acid. 100 kgr. of chromic acid costs 72s., the purification of 1 cb. m. therefore costs O'Ood. With 1 kgr. of calcium carbide, yielding 300 litres of acetylene costing 5c?., 1 cb. m therefore costs Is. 4d. ; the cost of the chromic acid would therefore be '33 per cent, of the price of the gas. Ullmann and Miss Goldberg l made an interesting series of determinations of the purifying power of the acidulated chromic acid as compared with the power of the acidulated metallic salts. They say, 1 Jour.f. Gasbel, 52, 374. 515 Influence of the rate of flow on the purification Amount and cost of material used in purification Experi- ments made to contrast the purifying power of ACETYLENE Franks' and u In order to make the different tests comparable, it Ullmann's T T . systems was necessary to nave a homogeneous crude material. We did not try this by calcium carbide, but made a large quantity of acetylene and used it for the different tests. We had two gasholders, one of 150 litres and the other of 30 litres capacity, the latter graduated in 50 cc. Both holders were filled with brine saturated with acetylene. " In the big holder the gas was mixed by com- pression, and stood for 24 hours, being then allowed to pass into the smaller one, so that 15 to 20 litres were used for each test. This gas was allowed to pass through two ten-bulb tubes, each filled with 75 cc. of 3 per cent, solution ; these solutions were acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid, evaporated to 100 cc., ammonia being then added, and the phos- phoric acid precipitated with magnesium chloride, the sulphur in the filtrate being precipitated with barium chloride. Analysis of " I. Analysis of the original commercial acetylene : Acetylene ^^ litres of acetylene contain : used I. II. Phosphorus ... O154 ... O153 grams. Sulphur ... 0-065 ... 0'067 a. Action of Commercial Acetylene on Ferric Chloride. action*!* " ^0 gr. of ferric chloride were dissolved in 100 cc. Acidulated of a 10 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and the liquid ob- cnioride tained impregnated with 100 gr. of kieselguhr. The yellow mass was sifted and placed in a tower 20 cm. high and 4- 7 cm. diameter. After the tower was filled with acetylene it was connected to the gasholder and the ten-bulb tubes, and the analysis made as above mentioned. " 100 litres of acetylene contained 0-151 gr. phos- phorus and 0*065 gr. sulphur. "These results show that ferric chloride has no purifying effect on commercial acetylene, and does 516 IMPUBITIES OF COMMERCIAL ACETYLENE not diminish the quantity of sulphur or phosphorus. All the sulphur was present as so-called organic sul- phur, no sulphuretted hydrogen being there. We in- tended using large q uantities of the purifying material, and allowing the gas to pass extremely slowly in order to get the best conditions, but we know very well that such conditions would never be attained in practice. We, however, succeeded in completely prov- ing the total inactivity of certain metallic salts. b. Action of Chromic Acid on Commercial Acetylene. " The ferric chloride was taken out and the chromic Purifying acid material, as previously published (Acet., W. & J., Acidulated 1899, 28 ; Jour. f. Gasbel, 1899, 199) by one of us, was introduced, the experiment being repeated as before. " 100 litres of acetylene contained 0*000 gr. phos- phorus and 0-002 gr. sulphur. " These figures show that the chromic acid material completely eliminates the phosphuretted hydrogen, whilst only about 3 per cent, of the total sulphur re- main in the gas. The analysis of the acetylene used gave the following figures : " 100 litres of acetylene contained 0-137 gr. phos- phorus and 0-016 gr. sulphur. c. Action of Cuprous Chloride on Commercial Acety- lene. " The cuprous chloride solution was prepared after Purifying the formula of Prank, which is the same as Caro (Acet., W. & J., 1899, 9) published. 100 cc. of this solution were impregnated with 100 gr. of kieselguhr, the tower filled with it, and the experiment made as before. " 100 litres of acetylene contained 0*000 gr. phos- phorus and 0-015 gr. sulphur. " These figures prove that cuprous chloride destroys and eliminates all the phosphuretted hydrogen, whilst it is without any action on organic sulphur com- 517 ACETYLENE Purifying action of Chromic Sulphate Goettig's experiments on the action of Alkaline Chlorides in purification pounds. These results prove the correctness of our opinion (Acet., W. & J., 1899, 29), contrary to the statement of Caro (Acet., W. & J., 1899, 19). They further prove that Berge's reagent is far more sensi- tive than silver nitrate. d. Action of Chromic Sulphate on Commercial Acety- lene. " Quantitative tests have already shown that, as was to be expected, chromic sulphate had no purifying action on commercial acetylene. The quantitative analysis gave the following figures : " 100 litres of acetylene contained 0*139 gr. phos- phorus and 0-015 gr. sulphur. a Comparing these figures with those of the acety- lene used, it must be clear that chromic sulphate does not purify acetylene. " These researches, based on quantitative tests, show that ferric and chromic salts are without any action, that cuprous chloride acts very well bat not com- pletely, and that chromic acid has a complete purify- ing action on acetylene." It has been stated that acidulated chromic acid oxidises some of the acetylene, with formation of car- bon monoxide ; but with the strength of solution used by Ullmann this is not so. Goettig 1 has found that the action of metallic salts in purifying acetylene can be considerably in- creased by the addition of alkaline chlorides in defi- nite proportions. In describing his experiments he says : " The following methods have been in use hitherto for purifying acetylene gas : 1. Frank uses solutions of acid metallic salts. 2. Lunge and Cedercreutz, bleaching powder. 3. Willgerodt, bromine. 4. Berge and Reyschler employ mercuric chloride. 5. Pictet, 1 BerL Ber., 32, ii. p. 1879. B18 IMPURITIES OF COMMEECIAL ACETYLENE saline solutions and acids at a temperature below 10 C. 6. Ullmann, chromic acid in acetic or sulphuric acid solution. In order to avoid the formation of explosive metallo-acetylene compounds, an excess of acid is necessary in nearly all these methods. The author has now found that the acid can be advan- tageously replaced by potassium or sodium chloride solutions, provided that they be mixed in certain definite proportions. " a. 100 gr. of ferric nitrate, 10 gr. of copper sulphate, 10 gr. mercuric nitrate, 20 gr. of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1-2), and 1,000 gr. of water were mixed. ^ b. The same solution was made, with the addition of 40 per cent, of a potassium chloride solution containing 20 per cent, of potassium chloride. u 50 cc. of each of these two solutions were placed in two wash bottles, crude acetylene being then passed through them into 20 cc. of a solution contain- ing mercuric chloride and hydrochloric acid ( 1-2), until a faint turbidity appeared. This occurred : " 1. In four experiments, when solution a was used after passing through (1) 600, (2) 650, (3) 550, (4) 690 cc. of crude acetylene. "2. Four experiments, solution b (1) 2,400, (2) 2,500, (3) 2,700, (4) 2,800 cc. of the same gas. " Similar experiments were carried out without the use of nitric acid. " c. Solution a without nitric acid. " d. Solution a with potassium chloride. " Results : " c. (1) 1,050 cc., (2) 1,520 cc., (3) 1,250 cc., (4) 1,420 cc. " d. (1) 5,725 cc., (2) 6,200 cc., (3) 5,200 cc., (4) 5,650 cc. " It is evident from these figures, which are of course only of approximate accuracy, that the addition of 519 Acids replaceable by Alkaline Chlorides in purifying solutions Solutions employed by Goettig Results obtained Goettig's conclusions ACETYLENE Practical results Stern suggests organic solvents Exley's purifying slabs Limit of purification necessary in practice potassium chloride in place of acids to the above metallic salts solution increases very considerably the capacity for decomposing phosphuretted hydrogen, at the same time preventing the formation of explosive mercuro-acetylene compounds." A wordy warfare has raged upon the Continent amongst those interested in the three main types of purification, but when properly employed there is but little to choose between them, Frank's liquid purifi- cation showing perhaps the best results on a large scale, whilst for small installations either of the three give equally good results. Stern has patented the use of organic solvents, such as paraffin oil, acetic acid, alcohol, or benzene for com- pleting the purification of acetylene, and paraffin is also used in the purifier sold with the " Sunbeam " apparatus. Messrs. Exley & Co. make a purifier in which the gas has to pass through a plate or plates of porous earthenware. The action of such a filter is of course one of mechanical scrubbing, but they are effective in keeping back products of polymerisation limedust and excess of suspended moisture. By saturating these plates with solutions such as Frank's or Ullmann's, they can be made to give efficient purification for a short period, but the pores soon begin to choke and to offer resistance to the passage of the gas. In considering the subject of purification, it must be clearly borne in mind that chemical perfection is not the thing commercially needed. All that it is necessary to do is to reduce the impurities below the limits at which the products of combustion cease to become injurious to health or property, and if the phosphuretted hydrogen is reduced to O01 per cent., and the sulphur compounds to the same limit, the troubles incidental to impure acetylene practically disappear 520 CHAPTER IX i THE GENERATION OF LIGHT AND POWER FROM ACETYLENE. N concluding his celebrated paper, in which he first illuminating recounted the discovery and properties of acety- lene, Edmund Davy said : " From the brilliancy with which the new gas burns in contact with the atmo- sphere, it is admirably adapted for the purposes of artificial light if it can be procured at a cheap rate," a prophecy which, although sixty years have been taken in its fulfilment, has yet been amply verified. It was in the autumn of 1894 that the author first received a supply of American carbide, and in report- ing on this material and on the acetylene generated from it, in November of that year wrote: " The gas when mixed with an equal quantity of air can be burnt with a No. 4 Bray burner, and the illu- minating power of the mixture would be equal to 65-7 candles per 5 cubic feet of gas consumed, which would give the acetylene an illuminating value of 131-4 candles per 5 cubic feet. The presence of an inert gas, such as the nitrogen in the air, is well known to exercise such a cooling power on the flame as to seriously reduce its illuminating value, and I find that if the acetylene be burnt by itself at a suit- able burner, it develops no less than 230 candles per 5 cubic feet of gas consumed." Further experiments made during December, 1894, with carefully purified gas yielded a slightly higher 521 Acetylene b flrst Early tions of its Acetylene ACETYLENE 5 cubic feet of gas consumed The illumi- nating value of a gas Methods for attaining complete combustion The effect of pressure on the combustion of a gas result, and in the paper read before the Society of Arts in January, 1895, the author gave the illuminat- ing power of the gas when burnt under the best con- ditions as being 240 candles. A considerable amount of vagueness exists as to what is meant by the illuminating value of a gas, and the only assumption which can be arrived at is that it is the highest illuminating result which can be pro- duced from the gas without the aid of regeneration or artificial air supply other than that created by the name itself. The proper combustion of any hydrocarbon gas, however rich, can be effected by supplying the flame with exactly the amount of air necessary to prevent smoking, and it is under these conditions that the highest illuminating result possible with the par- ticular burner is obtained. With flat flames the ratio between the air supplied and the gas consumed is governed by two factors (a) the thickness of the flame ; (6) the pressure under which the gas issues from the burner. When a gas issues from a burner under pressure, the uprush of the escaping gas mechanically draws in air, so that when consuming a poor coal gas in a flat flame the pressure has to be kept down, or too much air would be drawn in, which would consume the hydrocarbons too rapidly, and so seriously affect the amount of light emitted. As the gas increases in illu- minating value, more and more air is required for proper combustion, and this can be obtained by in- creasing the pressure at the burner. Experience has shown that with ordinary sized flat flame burners seven-tenths of an inch in pressure gives practically the best results with coal gas of the quality supplied in London, and up to a certain limit the same flat flame burner can be used for richer gases by increasing the pressure. When this limit is reached 522 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE a thinner sheet of flame has to be employed, i.e. a smaller burner used, low initial pressure resorted to, and then by increasing pressure this can be made to consume gases of increasing value, until the pressure reaches a point at which the flame becomes distorted, when a still smaller burner has to be taken. By such means as these even acetylene, with its enormously high illuminating value, can be satisfactorily con- sumed, whilst by thickening the flame and reducing the pressure to the point at which the uprush almost ceases to cause a mingling of air with the flame, and leaves the supplying of the oxygen to diffusion, even a poor gas can be made to develop its illuminating power. On consuming acetylene from a 000 union jet burner at all ordinary pressures a smoky flame is obtained, but on increasing the pressure to four inches a mag- nificent flame results, free from smoke, and developing an illuminating value of 240 candles per 5 cubic feet of gas consumed. Slightly higher values have been obtained, but 240 may be taken as the average value under these conditions. By far the most interesting, and at the same time important, chapter in the history of flame, however, is the consideration of the causes which lead to the luminosity of those flames upon which we depend for most of our domestic lighting ; and these causes offer so beautiful a field for both physical and chemical research that they have attracted the attention of many observers, and form no inconsiderable addition to the chemical history of the century. In the year 1816, whilst engaged upon those celebrated researches which culminated in the discovery of the miner's safety lamp, Sir Humphry Davy noticed certain facts which led him to work out and propound his theory of the causes which led to luminosity in flame a theory which is generally stated as being that the 523 Different pressures needed with different gases, when burnt from the same burner How the illuminating value of Acetylene is obtained The luminosity of flame The researches of Sir Humphry Davy on flame ACETYLENE Sir Edward Frankland's " dense vapour " theory Stein's defence of Davy's theory The researches of Soret and Burch presence of solid particles in the flame is essential to its luminosity. This theory remained unquestioned until 1868, when the late Sir E. Fraiikland, in his cele- brated communication to the Royal Society, showed that although solid incandescent matter in a flame renders it luminous, luminosity is also in many cases produced when the flame contains very dense vapours at a sufficiently high temperature, and also that a non-luminous flame may be rendered luminous by in- creasing the pressure of the atmosphere around it. This gave rise to a storm of criticism, and the next few years drew forth a rich crop of papers on the subject. Professor Frankland not only showed that flames might be luminous without containing solid particles, but advanced the theory that the luminosity in the flame of a burning gaseous hydrocarbon was due to dense hydrocarbon vapours, and pointed out that the soot deposited on any cool substance held in such a flame contained hydrogen. To this W. Stein replied, showing that the deposited soot contained less than 1 per cent, of hydrogen, which was therefore probably only occluded by the carbon ; and also that, if it had been present as a vapour in the flame, it ought, on being heated to the same temperature as the flame, to become once more volatile, which it un- doubtedly does not. In the year 1874 Soret attempted to show that the cause of luminosity in flame really does depend upon the presence of solid particles by focussing the sun's rays upon a luminous flame and examining the reflected light by means of a Nicol prism ; and rather later Burch pursued the same line of research, but employed the spectroscope for his examination of the reflected light. Their results point unmistakably to the presence of solid particles, and at the present time there can be but little doubt that, as far as the flames of candles, oil, and coal gas are concerned, Sir Humphry Davy's theory is the 524 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE correct one. Indeed, although it may seem that in some points Davy went a little too far in his theory, it is almost certain that in his own mind he applied his theory more especially to the flames of our ordinary illuminants, as in his original memoir he speaks of " common names," and distinctly says that "when in flames pure gaseous matter is burnt, the light is ex- tremely feeble," and again, "the intensity of the light of flames depends principally upon the production arid ignition of solid matter." Whilst this war of solid particles versus dense vapours was raging, Hilgard, Landolt, Blochmann, and Heumann were trying to trace the chemical actions taking place in various flames, and the causes which led to the loss of luminosity when air was mixed with coal gas before combustion in the Bunsen burner. Heumami added the further proof to the " solid particle " theory of luminosity, in pointing out that all flames that owe their luminosity to incan- descent solid matter give definite shadows, while those in which luminosity is due to dense vapours give none ; and that candle, oil, and gas flames all cause well-defined shadows. Dewar and Liveing, in their paper "On the Origin of the Hydrocarbon Flame Spectrum," 1 say, when speaking of the flame of cyanogen and acetylene, " Both of these compounds decompose with evolution of heat. In fact they are explosive compounds, and the latent energy in the respective bodies is so great that if kinetic in the separated constituents it would raise the temperature between 3,000 and 4,000. The flames of cyanogen and acetylene are peculiar in re- spect that the temperature of individual decomposing molecules is not dependent entirely upon the tempera- ture generated by the combustion, which is a function of the tension of dissociation of the oxidized products, 1 Proc. Chem. Soc. 1882, 34, 427. 525 Davy's theory now generally accepted The researches of Hilgard, Landolt, Blochmann. and Heumann Dewar and Liveing on the flames of Acetylene and Cyanogen ACETYLENE carbonic acid and water. We have no means of de- 6ning with any accuracy the temperature which the particles of such a name may reach. We know, how- ever, that the mean temperature of the flames of carbonic oxide and hydrogen lies between 2,000 and 3,000, and if to this be added that which can be reached independently by the mere decomposition of cyanogen or acetylene, then we may safely infer that the temperature of individual molecules of carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen in the respective flames of cyanogen and acetylene may reach a temperature of from 6,000 to 7,000. They point " A previous estimate of the temperature of the nurtion'of P os itive pole in the electric arc made by one of us Acetylene gave something like the same value. The formation of acetylene in ordinary combustion gives points seem s to be the agent through which a very high of high local j j 7, temperature local temperature is produced. Guequen at- M. Gruequen 1 pointed out that it was very probable tributes tne .,, ,..,., j , . , i luminosity that luminosity in hydrocarbon flames is due exclu- f sively to the production of rays furnished by the flames to molecules of gas highly heated by chemical changes, that it must be b rne in mind that fclie heat " sitions mg from exterior sources would not suffice, whatever its power. He also drew attention to the fact that luminous combustion is caused by bodies which are endothermic, and from which heat is liberated during decomposition. Lewes shows In a paper read before the Chemical Society in luminous 1892, 2 the author showed that in the inner non- hydrocar- luminous zone of a flame the hydrocarbons originally Acetylene present in the gas, consisting of ethylene, butylene, . benzene, methane, and ethane, became converted, by before lunn- > ^ ' J ' / nosity com- the baking action of the walls of flame between which they had to pass, into acetylene, and that at the 1 Compt. Eendu du Societe Technique de V Industrie du 1884, 142. 2 Trans. Chem. Soc., 1892, 61, 322. 526 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE moment when luminosity commenced over 80 per cent, of the total unsaturated hydrocarbons present consisted of this compound. The presence of acetylene at the point where lumi- nosity commenced naturally suggested that it was in some way due to actions in which the acetylene played the principal part either that it split up into carbon and hydrogen under the influence of heat, and so supplied the flame with the solid particles necessary, according to Sir Humphry Davy's theory of the cause of luminosity, or else that by its polymerisation it formed the dense vapours required by Dr. E. Frank- land's more recent hypothesis. In order to elucidate this point, the author carried out a long series of experiments upon the action of heat upon flowing ethylene and other hydrocarbons, which formed the subject of communications to the Royal Society in 1893 l and 1895, 2 in which he showed that, whilst flowing through a heated area the temperature of which was between 600 and 1,000 C. ethylene decomposed according to the equation, and that the acetylene then polymerised into a large number of more complex hydrocarbons, amongst which benzene and naphthalene were conspicuous, whilst at temperatures above 1,200 C. no polymerisation took place, the acetylene formed from the ethylene decom- posing at once into carbon and hydrogen, whilst the methane, which up to this temperature had been but little affected, decomposed into, and this fresh supply of acetylene at once broke up into carbon and hydrogen, so that at temperatures above 1,200 C. the complete action may be looked upon as being, The part played by Acetylene in the flame Lewes' experiments on the action of heat on flowing hy- drocarbons Proc. Roy. Soc., 55, 90. 2 Ibid., 57, 394. 527 The forma- tion of Acetylene and its de- composition to carbon and hydro- gen ACETYLENE The facts upon which the Acety- lene theory of lumi- nosity is based Pictet on the luminosity of Acetylene flames The cndo- thermic nature of the Acetylene molecule These results have an important bearing upon the cause of the luminosity in the flame, as it is manifest that, if the temperature of the luminous zone is above 1,200 C., the light emitted must be due to incandes- cent particles of carbon, and not to incandescent hydrocarbon vapours. A further series of experiments led to the enuncia- tion of the acetylene theory of luminosity l already alluded to (p. 116), which is based upon the facts that, 1. The largest proportion of the unsaturated hydrocarbons present in a gas flame are con- verted into acetylene before luminosity com- mences. 2. Acetylene develops luminosity when heated to a temperature at which it decomposes, the conditions under which this takes place render- ing the presence of atmospheric oxygen im- possible. 3. The temperature necessary to decompose acetylene with luminosity is insufficient to raise carbon to the point at which it emits light. 4. In luminous hydrocarbon flames of suffi- ciently high temperature the luminosity varies directly with the amount of acetylene present at the point where luminosity commences. In 1896 Pictet, 2 unaware apparently of the work which had been done on the subject, published the following explanation of the high luminosity of acety- lene in his pamphlet, L' Acetylene, son passe son present son avenir : " Acetylene is formed, as has been seen, by an endo- thermic reaction. The hydrogen and carbon united in a molecule of acetylene contain a vast amount of energy supplied to them at the moment of their com- 1 Proc. Boy. Soc., 57, 450. 2 Geneva, 1896. B28 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE bination. This amounts to more than 2,700 calories per kg. of acetylene. At the dissociation of the mole- cule of acetylene this energy is liberated, and distri- butes itself equally between the hydrogen and carbon. " These two bodies are formed in their gaseous state in the molecule of acetylene ; they are then in the most favourable condition for absorbing this that is to say, for using it without changing the gaseous state of the carbon. " In the voltaic arc the carbon absorbs a considerable quantity of heat in passing from a fused to a volatilised condition. These changes in the carbon take place when the temperature in the electric arc reaches 3,500, as has been demonstrated by M. Moissan. This is the maximum temperature of the arc, corresponding to the volatilising point of the carbon under atmospheric pressure. " In the combustion of acetylene, on the contrary, The tem- the molecule of carbon, separating from the gaseous t^e^arbon hydrogen, receives all the energy enclosed therein, separating and the temperature rises to 4,500 or~4,800 a height Acetylene unique in the annals of chemistry, this being the molecules explanation of the light-giving power of acetylene." Smitheiis 1 has . strongly opposed the "Acetylene smitheiis Theory of Luminosity " mainly .on the grounds that on the ..'' Acetylene there is no evidence of more than a trace of acetylene theory of at any point within an ordinary luminous flame, the ] acetylene that is formed being so diluted with other gases that there is no reason for supposing that it is of primary importance in the emission of light ; also that there is no evidence of any local condition of temperature within the flame such as would point to the decomposition of acetylene with the evolution of much heat, and that the phenomena of luminous hydrocarbon flames can be adequately explained with- out the acetylene theory. 1 Chem. Soc. Jour., 67, 1,050. 529 34 ACETYLENE The light Be the cause of luminosity what it may, there is Acetylene no doubt as to the wonderful illuminating power of the acetylene flame ; and, as before stated, it is possible to burn it in a flat flame burner in such a way as to develop light from it in the ratio of 240 candle power per 5 c. ft. of acetylene produced. This figure is the one quoted by most manufacturers of acetylene apparatus, who argue from it that acety- lene is fifteen times as valuable in illuminating power, volume for volume, as London coal gas. The fallacy Such a comparison is, however, absolutely mislead- of the usual . . . , -^ , commercial ing, as in contrasting the value of acstylene with coal comparisons g ag one mus t always bear in mind that the illuminating power of the London gas is determined by consuming it at the rate of 5 c. ft. per hour in the London argand, whilst in practice any power from 8 to 90 candles can be obtained from this volume, according to the form of burner in which it is consumed. Although small flat flame burners only emit from 1 to 2 candles per cubic foot of gas consumed, good incandescent mantles will yield about 18 candles per cubic foot, and certainly 17 on the average ; and as incandescent lighting is rapidly displacing other methods of burning gas and as this tendency will be enormously increased when the lapsing of the Welsbach monopoly reduces the price of the mantles to the figure now charged in Germany it is evident that no calculation is fair that does not include this as a factor. Limit of size Moreover, a very short experience shows that burners in burners . J using consuming 1 c. ft. of acetylene per hour are the largest that can be practically used for domestic purposes, and that, taking such burners all round, 32 candles per cubic foot is a fair average of the light developed by them, although out of a big batch of burners you occasionally find a few which will go as high as 36 or even 40 candles per foot. The influence which the size of the burner and the rate of consumption have 530 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE upon the illuminating power of 16-candle London coal gas is well-known, and is shown in the following- table : Flat flaine burner. No. 7 . ,, 6 '. 5 . . * . 3 . * 2 . 1 11 Candles per cubic foot. . 2-44 . 2-15 . 1-87 . 1-74 . 1-63 . 1-22 . 0-85 0-59 and as the consumption of acetylene is regulated by exactly the same factors as act in the case of coal gas, it is evident that the smaller the burner and consump- tion the lower will be the candle power per foot of acetylene ; and in practice with a one-half cubic foot burner 24 candles per cubic foot is a good result. Taking a series of burners of the Naphey type, obtained from Falk, Stadlemann & Co., the following- results were obtained : Number of Pressure Gas consumed l Light Candles burner. inches. cubic feet. candles. per foot. 6 2-0 155 0-7938 5-3 8 2-0 27 3-2 11-6 15 2-0 40 8-0 20-0 25 2-0 65 17-0 26-6 30 2-0 70 23-0 32-85 42 2-0 1-00 34-0 34-0 Influence of the size of the burner on the light obtained from coal Influence of the size of the burner on the light obtained from Acetylene From these considerations it is evident that the only fair way to contrast the light obtainable from coal gas and from acetylene, unless it is distinctly stated that mantle-lighting is excluded, is to take the in- candescent burner on the one hand, and the 1 c. ft. flat flame on the other, when it is seen that, instead of being fifteen times the value of coal gas as an illu- minant, acetylene has only about twice its power. 531 ACETYLENE Early forms of burners used for Acetylene When acetylene was first introduced, the smoky character of the flame led to its being burnt, in America, mixed with an equal volume of air, whilst later the author attempted to burn it alone at Bray nipples of the character used for rich oil gas, which gave very fine results when pressures of 3 to 4 inches were employed. In order to do away with the neces- sity for this somewhat high pressure, the author had cubic foot burners made, in which the union jet holes in the steatite tip were made very fine, and at a more obtuse angle than in the burner designed for oil gas, Lewes burner Bray burners FIG. 177. this causing a greater insuck of air into the flame and a corresponding improvement in the combustion. These were mounted in manganese steel, instead of in brass, the idea existing at that period that copper alloys should not be used in the construction of acety- lene fittings. These burners, Fig. 177, proved the most successful of any made up to that time, and were not only used in England, but were also supplied to Hempel in Berlin, who sold them under his own name. Early in 1895 Bray made specially small burner tips for use with acetylene, Fig. 178, and both these nipples answered extremely well for a time, developing 30 to 36 candles per cubic foot of gas ; but they both had 532 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE the same weakness, and after a few hundred hours began to smoke, and as a smoking acetylene flame covers everything in a room with a thick deposit of soot in a very short space of time, such burners were The smoking of Acetylene burners FIG. 178. manifestly not fitted for the work they had to per- form. The trouble generally commenced with a filiform growth of carbon appearing at the nipple (Fig. 179), which quickly distorted the flame, and caused a cloud of soot flakes to descend. If the burner was cleaned and relighted, the trouble commenced again in an hour or two, and the only thing to be done was to replace the nipple by a new one. If the nipple had been burning some time, and was then removed and broken, it was found to be car- bonised for some depth into the material, showing that a liquid hydrocarbon had soaked into the material, and had been there split up by the heat, with depo- sition of carbon. 533 Carbon growths on the burner ACETYLENE The cause and the at- tempts at prevention Early French burners Bullier's burners The generally accepted idea was that the heat of the nipple polymerised some acetylene to benzene, and this, forming a drop, did the mischief, consequently efforts to keep the burner cool were looked upon as a likely direction in which to search for success. Ex- periments have lately been made by Bullier in this direction, and he finds a very considerable gain in illuminating power is ob- tained when the head of the burner is kept cool by a small water jacket. "Whilst these troubles were going on in England, in France single jets made of glass were first employed, and then Bullier in 1895 introduced the idea of mix- ing air with the acetylene at the burner tip, and in so doing gave the inception of the host of burners of this type which at present exist and which have proved the most successful for the con- sumption of the gas. The burners constructed by Bullier were made both for flat flames and argands. In the flat flame nipples (Fig. 180), the gas passed from the delivery pips through two narrow apertures, a a, to the nozzle, the uprush of the acetylene drawing in air through the two lateral tubes, & &, these tubes slanting upwards, and joining the acetylene orifices at a point immediately below the burner top. In this form of burner the air mixed with the acetylene just before its combustion, but in his argand burner (Fig. 181) the acetylene aperture had a cap, c c, fitted above 534 FIG. 179. THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE it, at the apex of which was an opening wider than the acetylene aperture, and above this cap the acety- lene burnt. The cap being fixed a short distance above the The im . acetylene iet, and being open at the bottom, formed portance 01 i i i -i j-^i - 1-1 theBullier a channel on each side of the jet, up which air was patents as dragged by the uprush of the acetylene, and although some air would mix with the acetylene, the larger portion undoubtedly formed a layer or envelope which prevented actual contact between the acetylene and form of burners t,b FIG. 180. FIG. 181. the heated apex of the burner, and, although Bullier's burners were never a commercial success, they form a serious anticipation of the more modern develop- ments. Bullier also introduced a small burner of the Bunsen type, in which the acetylene entering a wider tube through an injector at the bottom drew in the air needed for its incomplete combustion through lateral air-holes. Later in 1895 Holliday constructed a burner which was practically a small Bunsen bottom with a slit nipple at which the mixture of acetylene and air, 535 Holliday burner ACETYLENE formed and mixed in the tube below, burned with a flat flame, which from the low pressure at which the mixture was burnt was very susceptible to draughts, and gave an illuminating value of 20 to 25 candles per cubic foot of acetylene consumed. In November, 1895, Gearing took out a patent in which the acetylene was mixed with air immediately before combustion, whilst Cruveillier also made a burner of FIG. 182. this type in which the lower portion consisted of an injector jet for the acetylene, surmounted by a series of air-mixing cones of the same construction as those used by Bandsept in his Bunsen for incandescent mantles, the mixed air and acetylene being consumed from a big flat flame burner. Burners of this type, but drawing in air from under a cap instead of at a side hole, have been lately re- introduced (Fig. 182), but the results obtained with them are no better than with double jet burners. 536 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE Double jet flat flame burners It was at this period that the troubles connected The burner with the consumption of acetylene looked as if they r S ' were likely to raise insurmountable difficulties in in- troducing this beautiful illuminant ; the union jet and slit flat flame nipples smoked after they had been in use for some time, the single glass jets gave but poor illuminating value, whilst such burners as the Bullier and Holliday had hardly passed the experi- mental stage. At the end of 1895 and early in 1896 Ragot, Risener, Luchaire, and others introduced the idea of making two tubes, leading from the base of the burner curve towards each other in such a way that the two jets of flame should impinge upon each other at some little distance from the nozzles and mutually splay each other out into a flat flame, in this way form- ing a " union jet " in which the base of the flat flame was at a distance from the issuing point of the acety- lene into the air. This arrangement showed a marked improvement upon the earlier forms of burner, as more air was sucked into the flame, and the nozzles from which the acetylene issued were not subjected to the same degree of heat as in the ordinary flat flame burners, with the result that nearly 30 candles per foot of acetylene was obtained as the illuminating value, whilst the troubles incidental to smoking became much less. Later in 1896 Billwiller introduced a burner (Figs. 183, 184), in which Bullier's principle of enveloping the flame with air was wedded to the double jet just referred to. In this burner two steatite arms rising from a common base at right angles led the acetylene to two small orifices exactly opposite each other and giving the double jet. Immediately above the gas orifice a small platinum plate was fixed at a distance of about 0*5 mm. from the steatite, with a hole in it 537 The Bill- willer burner ACETYLENE rather larger than the orifice in the steatite just The prin- below. The acetylene issuing from the hole in the theism- steatite rushed through the hole in the platinum wilier burner FIG. 183. above and drew air in under the platinum plate. The air so drawn in flowed to the confines of the rapidly travelling stream of acetylene and passed upwards around it, so pre- venting contact between the edge of the hole in the platinum and the acetylene, whilst the metal being part of a collar of platinum fixed round each steatite arm, and being a good con- ductor of heat, prevented such heating as would lead to the deposition of carbon from the gas. These burners, sold un- der the name of the Basle burner, gave excellent re- sults, and a series of them, tested by the author when they were first introduced into England, gave the following photometric readings: 538 FIG. 184. THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE The photo- Number of Gas consumed Pressure in Total light Candles per c. metric burner. in c. ft. inches of water. in candles. ft. of gas. results obtained 1 0-35 2-25 4-2 12-0 2 0-625 2-25 19-0 30-4 3 0-75 3-0 24-0 32-0 4 0-90 3-0 32-0 35-5 5 1-00 3-0 36-0 36-0 6 1-00 3-0 40-0 40-0 The author has tested these burners from time to time and has usually found the one foot burners give a duty of from 35 to 40 candles. Very little, if any, alteration has taken place in their manufacture, some obtained from Schwarz of Nurnberg late in 1899 giving : Number of Gas consumed, Pressure, Total light, Candles per burner. c. ft. inches. candles. c.ft. 1 0-5 2-0 7-0 14.0 2 0-75 2-0 24-0 32-0 3 0-75 2-0 28-0 37-3 4 1-2 3-0 48-0 40-0 5 2-0 3-5 76-0 38-0 In 1897 Dolan in America made a burner on ex- The Doian actly the same principle as the Billwiller burner, r bilrner y though of slightly different construction. It consists of a metal base, the upright from which forks into two arms which, near their extremities, are bent in- wards at right angles. These arms carry steatite or " lava " tips con- The Naphey structed as shown in Fig. 185. The tips are bored with a fine hole from the interior to the base of the mush- room head, where its diameter is more than doubled, whilst four small lateral air tubes are bored at regular intervals 539 FIG. 185. ACETYLENE from the base of the head to the broad aperture of the nipple, with the result that the now of acety- lene from the narrow into the wider tube sucks air in through the side-tubes and surrounds the ascending FIG. 186. gas with an envelope which prevents its contact with the heated tip. These burners, which are more usually known as the tl Naphey " burners, gave very FIG. 187. good results, and have been more widely adopted than the Billwiller burners that preceded them, partly be- cause they did away with the expense of the pla- tinum, were cheaper to make, and were less liable to 540 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE break. A table of the results obtained with this burner is given on page 531. These tips are very largely manufactured on the variation of Continent, both the American and English supply the form of coming from Niirnberg. The form of mounting, how- ever, is considerably varied in order to suit the taste of the user or to give the burner a new name. A very popular form consists of the arms being made as mounting FIG. 188. a portion of a circle, this modification doing away with the friction and check to the now of the gas due to the sharp bend in the original pattern, whilst these again are made up in groups of two or three burners where greater illumination is required, as shown in Figs. 188 and 189. This alteration in the shape of the bearing arms has no appreciable effect upon the light emitted by the burner, but in a large installation might make a slight difference in the pressure required to give the best results. Another common mounting for the Naphey tips is shown in Fig. 190, in which the arms of the burner form a semi-circle ending in small chambers into which the tips are fixed. The small expansion chamber so formed behind each tip is by no means 541 Composite Napheys Other forms of Naphey burner ACETYLENE FIG. 189. THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE a drawback, and these burners generally give a very steady, well-shaped flame. A burner bearing a strong likeness to the class using Naphey tips is one sold in France and by the Ideal Company in England, in which the same shaped tip is used, but instead of the lateral air-holes, two saw cuts are made at right angles across the -tip, dividing it into quadrants down to the base of the French quadrant tip burner FIG. 191. head, and through these slits the gas, issuing from the narrow to the broad central tube, sucks the neces- sary amount of air. The photometric results given by this burner are as follows : Number of Pressure, Gas consumed, Total light, Candles per burner. inches. - c. ft. candles. c. ft. 1 2-5 0-35 4-0 11-4 2 2-5 0-55 15-0 27'27 3 2-5 0-80 28-0 35'0 The great drawback to all the Naphey tip burners is that the heat from the flame causes a slight and Naphey gradual warping of the metal mounting, with the burner 543 Photometric results ACETYLENE Attempts to overcome the trouble of warping result that the jets after a time become slightly thrown out of their true position, which at once dis- torts the flame and causes it to throw up smoky points. This trouble is not found with burners having stea- tite or composition arms, as these, being pressed or cut, do not warp with the heat, and attempts have been made to obviate this trouble by mounting the Naphey tips at the requisite angle on a bar of steatite, as Develop- ments of the Billwiller class of burners FIG. 192. shown in Fig. 192 ; the results given, however, are not as high as with the ordinary form. The burners most largely used on the Continent are the Napheys and developments of the Billwiller burner, in which the platinum plate is done away with, and other devices for supplying the necessary air adopted. In the burner shown in Fig. 193, the steatite arms have the same form as in the Billwiller burner, but the air is sucked in through three lateral holes bored at right angles to the gas supply, and discharging into it just before combustion. 544 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE FIG, 193. ACETYLENE Photometric results Steatite Billwillcr burner This burner gives very good results, the following table giving determinations made with a series : Number of burner. Gas consumed, c. ft. Pressure in inches. Total light, candles. Candles per c. ft. 1 0-35 2 6-0 17'2 li 0-40 2 10-0 25-0 2 0-55 2 20-0 36-3 3 0-70 2 25-0 35-7 4 0-80 2 34-0 42-5 5 1-0 2 40-0 40-0 Another excellent burner of this class is shown in Fig. 194, and is simply the original Billwiller burner with the platinum plate replaced by one made in steatite or composition. The results obtained with it were : Number of burner. Gas consumed, c. ft. Pressure in inches. Total light, candles. Candles per c. ft. 1 0-4 2-0 2-8 7-0 14 0-5 2 12-0 24-0 2 0-6 2 20-0 33-0 3 0-75 2 30-0 40-0 4 0-8 2 30-0 37-5 5 1-0 2 36-0 36-0 Other burners of the Bill- willer type Photometric results A representative of this class of burner, in which the air is drawn through a saw-cut by the issuing gas, is shown in Fig. 195, and the photometric results obtained with it were : Number nF Gfis. pmisnmprl lio-lif Number of burner. Gas consumed, c. ft. Pressure in inches. Total light, candles. Candles per c. ft. 1 0-3 2 5'6 18-6 li 0-3 2 7-0 23-3 2 0-5 2 18-0 36-0 3 0-75 2 30-0 40-0 4 1-0 2-5 36-0 36-0 5 0-9 2-5 34-0 37-7 546 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE The author is perfectly aware that these tests are in many cases far lower than the results claimed, but they represent the results obtained with the burners as they exist on the market, and are published in order to emphasize the fact that in using burners consuming O5 c. ft. and under, the light-giving power The false small a burner FIG. 195. of the acetylene is being wasted to a very large ex- tent, and that the most economical burners to use are those consuming 0*75 to 1*0 c. ft. of gas per hour. Moreover, the difficulties of manufacture with the smaller sizes are so great that uniformity is rarely attained, and the results are most variable. In 1896 Schulke introduced a burner in which a cluster of small tubes rose from a common base, the tubes being capped by a nozzle of slightly larger diameter (Fig. 196). These burners gave a cluster of single jets, round which a brisk draught of air was created by the use of a chimney, and when, later, the efficiency of the union of two streams of acetylene was realized, a new and very pretty form of burner was devised by Schulke, and sold by the Hera Com- pany, in which the tubes were forked and bent in- wards to cause the jets to impinge upon each other and give a flat flame, whilst the cap had a slight cut 547 Schulke burners The Hera burners ACETYLENE in its side to allow of the insuck of air by the acety- lene. FIG. 196. composite These double jets could then be made up in clusters Hera Q f severa j pa i rs a s shown in Figs. 198 and 199, and Durners J- < FIG. 197. gave a very pleasing effect and a duty of about 33 candles per cubic foot of gas. The Mush- A class of acetylene burner, which can certainly room " } ay no c } a i m to elegance of construction, consists of a union jet J ' .. . 7 burners big steatite or composition mushroom head, il ig. 548 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE with two holes bored near the upper edge and giving the jets which splay themselves out into the flat flame. FIG. 198. In the large burners of this type the top is only slightly hollowed out, but in the smaller sizes a deep this type of dimple is formed in the centre of the burner-top (Fig. burner FIG. 199. 201). In a modification of this burner the cavity at the top of the burner is replaced by a clear way to suppl} T air to the base of the flame, whilst the large sizes are arranged for use with a chimney to still further increase the supply of air to the flame. 549 ACETYLENE FIG. 200. FIG. 201. 550 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE Tho duty given by these burners shows no gain over that obtained by the Bilhviller type ; no ad- FIG. 202. mixture of air before burning takes place, and the appearance of the burner is decidedly clumsy. There are also burners of this kind in which, as well as a central air-way, there is a thin steatite plate with openings in it above the exit holes for the acetylene in order to surround the jets with air, as in the case of the Billwiller (Fig. 203). In the smaller sizes of this kind of burner the upper steatite rim is cut away, to give freer access of air to the base of the flame. A large number of single and multiple jet burners are made, both with and without air supply, remind- ing one of the early days of the coal gas industry, when Murdoch's " cockspur " and "cockscomb" burners paved the way for the introduction of the- u bats wing " and Neilson's " union jet " burners. The jet burner in its simplest form consists of a steatite tip pierced at its apex and yielding a single acetylene jet. These burners are largely used in English acetylene cycle lamps, and yield a miserable duty, giving about 6 candles for the consumption of 0*4 cubic foot of acetylene per hour. 551 Same type of burner with air supply to jets Single and multiple jet burners Single jet burners for bicycle lamps Photometric results ACETYLENE FIG. 203. THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE FIG. 205. ACETYLENE Multiple jet burners Multiple jet burners for decorative work A double jet burner of the same type is shown in Fig. 206, whilst Fig. 207 gives a cluster composed of four such jets. For decorative work cluster burners of this kind are made to give very charming effects, a cluster of jets such as given by the nipple shown in Fig. 208 appearing to great advantage when mounted in a flower-shaped glass shade, in spite of the low duty of the burner. With this class of burner the average Aerated multiple jet burners Cockscomb burner FIG. 207. result obtained is 16 candles per cubic foot of acety- lene consumed. With larger clusters the burners are sometimes made more like an argand, with air-way down the centre and a double top, to allow air to be drawn in with the jet of acetylene (Fig. 209). This at once raises the duty from 16 to about 27 candles per cubic foot of acetylene consumed. A very charming effect is produced by the small " cockscomb " burners made on the Schulke principle, Fig. 210, in which a row of small jets, so close to- 554 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE FIG. 208. FIG. 209. 555 ACETYLENE gether as to almost allow the flames to coalesce, are bored in a steatite tip, the acetylene drawing in air through small side holes on its passage to the tip. Simple " Slit " fiatflame burner EIG. 210. There are various types of burner tips, based on both the batswing and union jet patterns. One of the best forms of the slit burner has the tip formed of a steatite ridge, in the centre of which a small slit is cut, whilst of the union jet nipples the ones FIG. 211. 556 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE most used for cycle lamps in Germany have the top of the burner brought up to a sharp ridge, in the upper edge of which are the two little union jet holes that give the flame, whilst at the base of the flame two fairly broad holes lead through to the base of the head and conduct air upwards to the bottom of the flame, so as to burn away any carbon deposit which may form at the mouth of the burner. These burners give a duty of 28 to 30 candles per cubic foot of gas consumed, but are very liable to German union jet burners Air supply below the base of the flame FIG. 212. smoke ; indeed, the principle of surrounding the jet of acetylene with an envelope of air gives practically the only class of burner in which this trouble is to any great extent lessened. It has already been pointed out that the early Bray Modification tips gave very satisfactory results, their drawback burner for being that they never lasted more than a few hundred hours without smoking. Some nipples are now made in which it is attempted to obviate this trouble by making a small boss in the centre of the burner 557 Acetylene ACETYLENE Latest form of flat flame burner tip which carries the union jets, instead of a flat top for the union jet to start from, and so increasing slightly the distance between the base of the flame and the body of the tip. One of the latest forms, Fig. 214, produced consists of a slit burner, above the nipple of which is an arch of steatite carrying a slit of greater dimensions, so that as the sheet of acetylene flows upwards from the original slit of the nipple, it draws in with it through The American " Wonder " burners FiG. -213. the upper slit an envelope of air. A burner of this character, tested by the author, consumed 2J cubic feet of acetylene per hour at a pressure of 4| inches, and gave an illuminating value of 115 candles, or 46 candles per cubic foot. A burner of much the same type as the Billwiller class is at present enjoying considerable popularity in America under the name of the " Stewart " or u Ep- worth Wonder" burner (Fig. 215). It consists of two circular heads fitted to a steatite or composition base, 558 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE the jets from which coalesce forming the flat flame. The novelty consists of a deep circular groove cut in FIG, 214. the top of the heads, down which the air that sur- rounds the jet is drawn. FIG. 215. Tests made with this burner gave the following results : 559 ACETYLENE Results ob- tained with "Wonder" burners Gas con sum od, cubic feet. 0-7 0-8 1-1 2-0 Pressure, inches. 2-0 3-0 4-0 Total light, candles. 16-5 22-0 38-0 64-0 Candles per cubic foot. 23'5 27-5 34-5 32-0 A double flame burner, Fig. 216, with two jets in each head gave : Gas consumed, cubic feet. 1-6 Pressure, inches. 3-0 Total light, candles. 60 Candles per cubic foot. 37-5 FIG. 216. The American " Ideal " burner Another American burner, known locally as the " Ideal," Fig. 217, consists of a double jet mushroom top tube with a series of air-holes drilled from the base into a cavity below the spot where the two jets meet. Results obtained with this burner were : Gas consume J. cubic feer. 0-75 . I'l n Pressure, inches. 2-0 2-5 3-0 Total light, candles. 22-0 34-0 40*0 Candles per cubic foot. 29-33 30-09 36-36 560 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE Many attempts have been made to construct good Acetylene argand burners for acetylene, but they have mostly FIG. 217. been failures, perhaps the most successful being the argand shown in Fig. 218, in which a 20-hole steatite FIG. 218. 561 36 ACETYLENE Atmo- spheric Acetylene burners for incan- descent mantles Heat of the flame of the atmospheric Acetylene burner Le Chate- lier's calcu- lations of the tem- perature of the flame The diffi- culties found in making an Acetylene Bunsen argaiid has a slit round it immediately below the apex through which air is drawn in with the flame, but the duty obtained per cubic foot of acetylene con- sumed is only the same as can be got with a flat flame burner of the Billwiller type. The incandescent mantle has brought about such a revolution in coal gas lighting that it is not surprising that attempts should have been made to adapt acety- lene for this purpose, and the first thing which had to be done when taking steps in this direction was to construct an atmospheric burner which would satis- factorily consume the gas. One would expect that acetylene, when consumed in an atmospheric burner, would give an excessively hot flame, not only on account of its composition, but also on account of its endothermic character. Le Chatelier calculates that the temperature of a non- luminous acetylene flame will range from 2,100 to 2,420 C., the temperature varying with the ratio of acetylene to air as shown in the following calcula- tions : Temperature. Percentage of Acetylene. Air. 7'4 . . 92-6 12-9 . . 871 17-37 82-63 2,420 2,260 2,100 In order to make a Bunsen burner for acetylene the tube has to be extremely narrow, and it is even then found to be very liable to flash back, whilst it needs a high pressure in order to bring about satisfactory com- bustion of the gas with an absolutely non-luminous flame. One of the chief difficulties which have to be overcome is due to the range over which mixtures of acetylene and air are explosive. This lies between the limits of 3 per cent, and 82 per cent, of acetylene, and it must also be remembered that the velocity of the explosion of acetylene when mixed with air is greater than with a mixture of air and coal gas, and 562 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE the propagation of the explosive wave down the burner tube cannot be satisfactorily stopped by the ordinary device of using wire gauze, on account of the low igniting point of acetylene and air mixtures. If high pressures are used so that the rate of flow shall be greater than the velocity of propagation down- wards, more air is sucked in by the uprush of the gas, and the velocity of the explosion is again increased. The best results have been obtained by taking a Bunsen burner, in which a constriction in the air tube creates a high velocity at that point, which, on the principle of the Smithell's flame separator, prevents the propagation downwards. Le Chatelier has shown that the rate of propagation of an explosive mixture of air and acetylene depends upon the diameter of the tube through which the wave is being propagated, and he has worked out the limits between which the explosive wave would pass through tubes of certain diameters. Diameter of Tube. Explosion. Inches. Lower Limit, Per cent. Acetylene. Upper Limit, Per cent. Acetylene. 1-57 2-9 64 1-18 31 62 0-79 3-5 55 0-24 4-0 40 0-16 4-5 25 0-08 5-0 15 0-03 7-7 10 0'02 o-o It will be seen that in a tube 0*02 inch or *5 m. in diameter you have the propagation of the explosive wave ceasing. These investigations have been used as a basis upon which to construct acetylene burners for heating purposes, and burners have been made by the Allege- 563 Velocity of explosion of the mixture in the burner tube The method by which the best results are obtained Diameter of tubes that will stop the ex- plosive wave Construc- tion of the existing burners for incandes- cent mantles ACETYLENE Results ob- tained with mantles Importance of complete purification of the gas when used for heat- ing mantles or platinum vessels meine Carbid und Acetyleii Gras Company of Berlin, in which, by means of constricted tubes, satisfactory consumption is ensured. It is found that the diameter of the tube at the constriction must be in a definite proportion to the particular mixture of air and acety- lene consumed, as the more air employed the greater must be the constriction in the strangulated portion of the tube. Such burners have a flame which is very valuable for heating purposes, and gives a very intense temperature. With a large Bunsen made for incandescent mantle lighting by the above firm, and employing a large sized Welsbach mantle, the author has obtained 448 candles for a consumption of 4'6 cubic feet of acetylene per hour, a duty of 96 candles per foot, whilst with a smaller acetylene Bunsen used by the Turr Acetylene Company 90 candles per foot were obtained, so that it may be roughly stated that acetylene will yield rather more than double the amount of light when used with the incandescent mantle that it will when burnt by itself under the best possible conditions. It must be clearly borne in mind, however, that in all probability the life of the mantle would be very seriously shortened by the temperature to which it is exposed, whilst the tendency that acetylene Bunsens have of firing back with a sharp explosion also ex- poses the mantle to a far greater risk than is the case with coal gas. Should any great progress ever be made with incan- descent lighting by means of acetylene, it will be found that very careful purification of the gas is an absolute necessity, as any trace of phosphuretted hydrogen in the acetylene will cause the formation on the surface of the mantle of phosphates of the earths employed, which, being readily fusible, bring the life of the mantle to an abrupt termination. This point is also well to remember in connection with atmo- 564 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE spheric acetylene burners made for heating purposes. The author knows of several cases in which attempts have been made to utilise acetylene for work in private chemical laboratories where coal gas is not available, and platinum vessels heated in the acetylene flame are rapidly destroyed owing to the phosphorous com- pounds in the original gas. Domestic illumination is so important a factor in most of our households that it might be expected that a fairly general knowledge would exist as to the principles upon which efficient illumination depends, and yet there are few subjects upon which cruder and more erroneous ideas are to be found, not only amongst the general public, but even amongst many who are supposed to have made a special study of the questions involved. When, about the middle of this century, the Legis- lature began to attempt to safeguard the consumers of coal gas, it was done by prescribing a certain standard of illuminating value to the gas, this being determined by the photometric methods then in vogue. This value was called the illuminating power of the gas, and up to a few years ago was looked upon by most people as expressing the amount of illumination to be obtained under ordinary circumstances from the gas. This assumption, however, is far from correct, and has given rise to a chaotic bemuddlement in the theory and practice of illumination. During the past five years it has been gradually realised by many that illuminating power and illu- minating effect mean two totally different things, and this apparent anomaly depends upon several distinct factors. In the first place, illuminating power, or illuminating value, is merely a technical method of expressing the ratio of light emitted by the com- bustion of a certain sample of gas as compared with 565 Illuminat- ing power niuminat- nating ACETYLENE What is meant by illuminating power Superiority of distri- buted over concen- trated centres of light The im- portance of avoiding strong contrasts The draw- back of small and intense the light of the standard employed, and has but little to do with the effect produced when the gas is con- sumed under conditions differing from those under which it was tested. Indeed, where the consumer has taken the trouble to find out what is meant by the statement that he is supplied with a 16 candle power gas, he learns that it means that, when the gas is burnt at the rate of 5 cubic feet an hour in the London argand, it emits a light equal to 16 candles, each consuming the sperm at the rate of 120 grains per hour. He assumes, therefore, that by burning his gas at the rate of B cubic feet an hour in the London argand, he gets the same illumin- ating effect in his room as if he had utilised the 16 sperm candles. Observation, however, would soon convince him that this is not by any means the case, and that if he distributes his 16 sperm candles judiciously in his room, the illuminating effect produced is far superior to the London argand emitting the same amount of light from a gas bracket in the centre of the room ; and this simple instance strikes the keynote of the difference existing between illuminating power and illuminating effect. In the one case you have 16 centres of light, each illuminating a certain portion of the room, and none of them sufficiently intense to form a contrast with the others ; whilst with the argand, emitting its 16 candles of light from one small cylinder of flame, you have an area of brightness in the centre of the room which throws the surrounding portions into comparative darkness, although they may be illu- minated to an extent which, without the brilliant contrast, would appear sufficient and satisfactory. The greater the intensity of the flame, i.e. the smaller and therefore brighter the surface from which the light is emitted, the more difficult does it becomes 666 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE to avoid such contrast, and the wonderful intensity of the acetylene flame, which makes it so valuable an illuminant, also gives rise to the necessity for careful treatment as regards distribution in order to obtain the best illuminating effect. In considering the illuminating power of acetylene, it must also be borne in mind that the photometer only measures the relative intensity of the direct rays emitted by the flame, every precaution being taken to shut off reflected light ; whilst in the lighting of a room the light reflected from the walls and ceiling plays a very important part, and the amount of light reflected by the object on which it falls will also vary with the angle at which the rays strike the object. The result of this is that, although the values re- corded by the photometer give a ratio of value for the direct rays falling in the same horizontal plane as the source of light, they tell us nothing as to the combined value of the direct and diffused light cast upon our book or any working surface, which, as a rule, will be at angles varying from 45 to 90 below the flame. The direct rays are those which, radiated from the luminous source, fall directly on the object illuminated, whilst diffused light consists of those rays which have been reflected from one or more surfaces, or which have been refracted by passage through media of varying density ; and as photometry only deals with the primary source of illumination, and that, as a rule, only on the horizontal plane, it is absurd to suppose that such recorded illuminating results can have any value as indications of the illuminating effect arrived at in practice. In an ordinary dwelling-room the gas lights are, with very few exceptions, so arranged as to be above the line of sight, and so avoid irritating the eye ; and a moment's observation will convince any one that the 567 sources of light Illuminat- ing power only ex- presses the value ol the horizontal rays Reasons for the recorded illuminating value not being a true index of the result ob- tained The light yielded at angles be- low the horizontal the impor- tant factor ACETYLENE illumination shed upon our book or writing is derived from a source at from 40 to 90 above it, and it is manifestly the illumination given by the burner between these angles which is the important factor in domestic lighting. ILLUMINATING VALUE OF COAL-GAS AND ACETYLENE AT ANGLES BELOW THE HORIZONTAL, IN TERMS OP CANDLES PER CUBIC FOOT. tained with various burners at Coal gas. lights below the Acetylene 1 foot (Billwiller burner). horizontal Angle. London Argand. Union jet No. 5 No. 7 Batswing No. 5 No. 7 Incandes- cent. Horiz. 3-2 1-67 2-09 1-90 2-43 16-6 40-0 10 3-19 1-67 2-08 1-84 2-42 16-6 40-0 20 3-07 1-55 2-03 1-73 2-38 16-1 40-0 30 2-72 1-45 1-88 1-61 2-25 11-1 38-0 40 2-38 1-40 1-64 1-47 2-18 8-8 38-0 45 2-18 1-30 1-50 1-38 2-12 8-0 36-0 50 2-12 1-27 1-50 1-38 2-05 6-6 36-0 60 1-20 1-23 1-50 1-30 2-07 2-0 30-0 70 unreadable 1-23 1-37 1-23 2-00 unreadable 26-0 80 0-76 1-25 0-76 1-75 20-0 90 ?j 0-30 0-87 0-76 1-37 5) 5-0 The advan- tage of flat flame over argand burners On now turning to the table showing the results given by various burners at angles from the hori- zontal down to 90, the inferiority of the standard London argand at once becomes apparent, as at an angle of 60 it is surpassed in illuminating value by even the small flat flame burner, and the rule of thumb practice, which has made the flat flame burner the popular method of illumination, is fully justified ; whilst when we come to high power lights, such as the incandescent and the acetylene flame, we find that the flat flame acetylene burner shows a very marked superiority over its incandescent rival at all the work- ing angles. 668 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE Reflection of light from the walls and ceiling of a room plays an important part in adding to the illu- minating effect ; and whilst with an illuminant of low intensity, such as coal-gas, this is only a small amount, with a flame of high intensity the increase in illuminating effect becomes very great in the down- ward direction, owing to reflection from the white ceiling. This is one of the chief causes also of the discrep- ancies existing between illuminating power and illuminating effect ; but other factors less easy to deal with are : the difference in effect caused by the varia- tion in the size of the source of light ; the effect of distribution and intensity of the source of light on the visual organs, and the reflecting power of the sur- rounding objects. The size of the source of light has an important influence on the illuminating effect. Tf a large flat coal-gas flame and a small acetylene flame of the same illuminating power be placed at equal distances from a rod, and the shadows of the rod be then received on a white screen placed at some distance from the rod, the shadow due to the large flame will be seen to have soft undefined edges, whilst the shadow from the small flame will be sharp and hard ; so that, although in each case the depth of shadow may be equal, the one will be far less striking to the eye than the other, and this causes the illuminating effect of the large flame to be better than that given by the small flame. Another important point is that the larger the surface from which a given amount of light is being emitted, the less will be its intensity for any given area, and the less the deadening and irritating effect upon the optic nerve. The smaller and more intense the light-emitting source, the greater will be the contrast between the highly-illuminated area immediately surrounding it 569 The im- portance of reflection in illuminating effect The causes which lead to the dis- crepancies between illuminating power and effect The influ- ence of the size of the source of light upon the sha- dows formed by it The effect of intensity in making contrasts ACETYLENE The use of globes in aiding dis- tribution and saving the eyes Diffusion globes and the less well-illuminated portions of the room at a greater distance from the source of light, which to the eye. fatigued by the intensity of the central illumina- tion, appears almost in darkness. Illuminating effect not being due to any one factor acting alone, but the combined effect of at least four, one or more of which vary with the particular environ- ment as well as with the source of light, can only be measured where it is produced, and no calculations can give even an approximation as to the result. In order to as far as possible counteract the injury and discomfort caused to the eye by intense centres of illumination, it becomes necessary to use globes to obtain a better distribution of the light and at the same time a protection to the eye ; but in gaining this advantage a considerable sacrifice is generally made in light. For ordinary purposes ground glass, opal, or frosted globes are used, whilst in many houses these globes are made in pink-tinted glass to as far as possible neutralise the ghastly effect which the Welsbach light gives to the complexion. With all such globes the loss of illumination is considerable, and the diffusion of the light far from satisfactory ; but a diffusion globe has been introduced based on an entirely different principle, and which, with our present tendency towards small centres of high intensity, becomes simply invalu- able. These globes, designed by Psarondatri and Blondel, and introduced under the name of Holophane globes, give us the power not only of correcting the irregular distribution of light, and bringing the maxima of rays down to the working angles, but also make the surface of the globe the light-distributing medium, and so avoiding fatigue to the eye. In order to do this the globe is made of clear glass, so moulded that the exterior consists of horizontal lines of prismatic form running round the globe, 570 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE whilst the interior is covered by vertical lines of prisms running from the top to the bottom. If the globe had only the horizontal prisms round it, the source of light in the centre of the globe would appear as a vertical band of light, as is seen in the Fredureau globe ; whilst if the vertical prisms only were present, the light would be drawn into a hori- zontal band in the same plane as the mantle, but the combination of the two draws the light evenly over the whole surface of the globe. The horizontal prisms are so moulded as to deflect downwards the excess of light otherwise escaping up- wards, thus giving an increase in illuminating power over the working angles, whilst the large surface of emission makes the light pleasant instead of irritating to the eye. In order to ascertain how these globes compared with those most generally used, a long series of tests was made on the radial photometer as to the absolute gain or loss in direct illumination afforded by their use. In making these experiments, five observations were taken with the unshaded flame, then ten with the shade that was under trial, and immediately after five more with the unshaded burner, so that for each globe a separate set of ten observations with the unshaded, as well as the shaded light were obtained, and the percentage loss or gain calculated from the average results. Observations having in this way been made for the angles below the horizontal, the results indicate the absolute gain or loss due to the shade or globe at that angle. It would be unnecessary and, indeed, confusing to give the enormous mass of figures ob- tained in this .way, and the following table gives a summary of the mean loss or gain in light due to the globes used at angles between the horizontal and 45 below it. 571 The con- struction of diffusion globes Compari- sonsbetween various globes Methods of experiment ACETYLENE The results not only show the great gain which is obtained by the use of the Holophane globes, but also bring out in the clearest possible way the serious loss of light involved by the use of pink-tinted globes and shades. PERCENTAGE G-AIN OR Loss OF LIGHT FROM THE HORIZONTAL TO 45 BELOW, DUE TO USING VARIOUS GLOBES. Summary of the results obtained Action of the Holo- phane globes Advantages gained by the use of diffusion globes The action of opal and ground glass globes on the light Globe. Holophane tulip shape . Holophane conical Holophane conical, pink White opal globe . Ground glass globe . Frosted glass tulip Frosted glass pink Pink opal globe Percentage gain or loss in light. . gain of 12'3 per cent. .. 13-1 I'l loss of 7*5 ,, ., 12-4 ., 11-2 23-2 CM.1 s* Ott -L It must not be supposed for one moment that these figures impute a power of creating light to the Holo- phane globes. If the light emitted in every direction be taken, a small total loss would be found due to the absorption of some light by the glass, but the angles at which the upper prisms are set deflect downwards some of the rays which otherwise would be expended on the cornices. The more uniform distribution of light taking place from a far larger surface than the original source does away with sharp shadows and the glaring contrast between the source of high intensity and the objects illuminated by it. Interesting experiments have been made by several observers, which seem to show that if the diffused light thrown by opal and ground glass shades be measured as well as the direct illumination, the loss of light due to them is not as great as. used to be sup- posed ; and Scott deduces from his experiments the fact that clear glass globes cut off 6 per cent, of total light, whilst flash coated globes are responsible for a 572 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE loss of 11 per cent., figures which agree very well with those in the above table. In other words, in order to gain any true idea of illuminating effect you must take the light emitted over all the working angles and not in the horizontal plane. Observation shows us that as long as the atmosphere is sufficiently clear to enable us to see the sun or moon apparently white, but little difference can be noticed in the penetrating power of our outdoor illuminants ; but as soon as the sun or moon begins to show a yellow or reddish tint, we immediately begin to notice that the arc light or the Welsbach incandescent mantle begin to fade far more rapidly than the acetylene or ordinary gas lights, and that even in the thickest fog the gas flame, oil lamp, or even candle, seem able to battle more successfully with the atmos- pheric conditions than their more pretentious rivals. Although this is perfectly clear to the eye, as far as the author knows, no attempt has been made to ascer- tain the ratio of the percentage of light so absorbed amongst our ordinary illuminants themselves, although Professor Tyndall's beautiful work on lighthouse illu- minants shows clearly the differences which exist in this respect between the electric light and the light due to gaseous flames. The explanation of the yellowish-red appearance seen during a fog is that it is caused by the nitration of the light rays through the minute particles of which the fog largely consists ; and the same effect is produced when the sun is seen through smoke. The colours in the spectrum are produced by variations in the wave lengths, the difference from crest to crest of the red rays being large as compared with the wave lengths which give the blue-violet end of the spect- rum ; and the gradual decrease in the distance be- tween the crests is found to take place from the red rays down to the ultra-violet, and when the bundle of 573 The effect of fog, mist, or smoke in the air upon illuminants" The expla- nation given of the yellowish- red effect produced by fog or smoke ACETYLENE The fil- tration of the waves of light by the particles in the air Experi- mental method of showing this result Attempts to determine the pene- trative power of various illuminants mixed rays which we call white light comes to pene- trate the finely divided mass of particles contained in the atmosphere during foggy weather, the small and rapid waves of the blue and violet become checked and absorbed, whilst the waves of greater amplitude are able to find their way through the obstructions, the result being that the light which reaches our eye, being bereft of a large proportion at any rate of the blue and violet rays, has a preponder- ance of the light from the other end of the spectrum, and therefore appears red or orange, according to the thickness of the layer through which it has passed. A very beautiful way of showing this is to cause the horizontal rays from an electric lantern to pass through a cell containing a dilute solution of sodium hyposulphite, when a white disc is formed on the screen. On now adding some hydrochloric acid to the hyposulphite, a gradual separation of particles of sul- phur takes place, and forms a cloud in the liquid, and this behaving in the same way as the solid particles suspended in the fog, the disc of white light is seen to go through the changes of colour so familiar to Lon- doners during the fall of the year. The author has attempted to utilise a modification of this experiment in order to determine the power of penetrating fog which our illuminants possess, and to do so constructed a glass cell 18 inches deep by 18 inches wide by 3 inches thick. It was filled with a solution containing O1075 grammes of sodium hypo- sulphite to the litre. The illuminating power of the light source to be tested was first read on the photo- meter in the ordinary way, and the cell containing the clear liquid was then interposed halfway between the source of light and the screen, and a second read- ing was then taken, the difference between the two giving the light cut off by the cell and the liquid which it contained. *05 grammes of hydrochloric acid 574 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE per litre was then added to the liquid, and the solution was allowed to stand until the fine haze of sulphur particles which separated from the hyposulphite had finished forming, experiments showing that this took some time, but that, owing to the extremely fine state of division of the particles, the haze would remain constant, when once formed, over a very long period. When the haze had completely formed, another read- ing was taken, and from the three figures so obtained, it was possible to deduce the amount of light absorp- tion due to the haze in the liquid as apart from the absorption of the cell and the liquid which it contained. Working in this way with the greatest possible care, it was found that considerably less light was absorbed from the yellow coal-gas flame than from the whiter acetylene . flame, whilst the absorption of the greenish-blue Welsbach mantle was very great in- deed, as is shown by the following table : PERCENTAGE Loss OF LIGHT FROM VARIOUS ILLUMIN- ANTS IN PASSING THROUGH ARTIFICIAL FOG SOLUTION. Coal gas flames Oil gas flames . Acetylene flames Welsbach mantle Electric arc 11-1 11-5 14-7 20-8 26-2 which means the acetylene suffers to the extent of 32 per cent, and the Welsbach burner loses 87'3 per cent, more of its light-giving power than the coal-gas flame. As soon as the possibility of burning acetylene alone had been recognised, the pure whiteness of the flame at once suggested that the light emitted must be closely akin to sunlight in the proportion of the various coloured rays of the spectrum. Munsterberg has published the following table, in which the pro- portion of each colour that is present in the spectrum of the various lights used for artificial illumination 575 Methods of experiment Loss of light in passage through an opalescent solution The charac- ter of the light emit- ted by Acetylene ACETYLENE is contrasted with the amount in sunlight taken as unity. Table con- trasting the character- istics of various illuminants Erdmann's researches on the character of the light from the Acetylene flame Acetylene as a stand- ard of light Electricity. Coal gas. Acetylene. Colour in spectrum. Arc. Incan- descent. Ordinary. Wels- bach. Alone. With air. Sun. Red. . 2-09 1-48 4-07 0-37 1-83 1-03 1 Yellow. 1-00 1-00 1-00 0-90 1-02 1-02 1 Green . 0-99 0-62 0-47 4-30 0-76 0-71 1 Blue. . 0-87 0-91 1-27 0-74 1-94 1-46 1 Violet . 1-03 017 0-15 0-83 1-07 1-07 1 From this it is evident that the light yielded by acetylene not only more nearly approaches sunlight in the proportion of the rays of different wave length, but is even richer than sunlight in those blue and violet rays which are so essential to the chemical action of light. Erdmann has done much work on the character of the light emitted by the acetylene flame. Comparing the flame of acetylene from a small union jet burner with holes for the ingress of air, consuming O25 cubic foot per hour under a pressure of 28-10ths, with the flame of an Elster's porcelain argand burner con- suming coal gas under a constant pressure of 3-10ths, he found that the coal gas flame was relatively de- ficient in the rays of medium wave length. It is these rays which make it possible to differentiate pre- cisely between shades of colour. The Welsbach light more nearly resembles the acetylene light in this respect, but it exhibits a preponderance of violet rays which disturb the eyes. The acetylene light is an excellent substitute for daylight in spectro-photometric researches. Owing to the inconstancy of daylight, the Hefner light had commonly been used as a standard light in such researches, although it was deeply yellowish-brown in colour. Erdmann points out that 576 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE experiment Violle and Fery had already proposed that acetylene should be used as a standard light, and Fery had made a number of observations on the effect of varia- tions in the height of the acetylene flame on the light emitted, and Erdmann also comes to the con- clusion that acetylene would furnish an excellent standard of light. As a standard burner for use in photometry, he employed simply a thermometer tube, cut off smoothly at the end, about 6 inches in length, Erdmann's and nearly O02 inch 0-5 mm. in diameter inter- methods of nally. The flame was maintained at a constant height, say, O8 inch 20 mm. and in the first place the light was carefully compared with a Hefner lamp. Such a standard burner consumed only about 0*14 c. ft. of acetylene per hour, but it was essential that the acetylene consumed should be produced, without the prevalence of high temperature, from as nearly as pos- sible pure carbide. In the experiments, carbide from the Bitterfeld works was used, which yielded acetylene almost wholly free from phosphuretted hydrogen. Erdmann compared the light from coal-gas with that from such acetylene burnt in two small burners, and with the Hefner unit, and taking the acetylene flame and the Hefner light as the unit in turn, he obtained the following values for the radiation at various parts of the spectrum : Value when Acetylene =1*00. Value when Hefner light=l'00. Coal gas. Coal gas. Colour. Hefner Light. Argand. Incan- descent. Acety- lene. Argand. Incan- descent. Bed. . . 1-45 1-34 1-03 0-69 0-92 0-71 Orange . 1-22 1-13 I'OO 0-82 0-93 0-82 Yellow . 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 Green . 0-87 0-93 0-86 1-15 1-07 0-99 Blue . . 0-72 1-27 0-92 1-38 1-75 1-27 Violet . . 0-77 1-35 1-73 1-30 1-75 2-25 Results obtained 577 37 ACETYLENE Erdmann, in concluding, expresses the hope that physicists would discard the objectionable Hefner lamp in favour of an acetylene standard burner in their ordinary photometrical work. Hartman on I n America Hartman has studied the light and properties colour properties of the acetylene flame and the flame given by mixtures of acetylene and hydrogen, and flames comes to the conclusion that the acetylene-hydrogen flame is richer in the short wave lengths than the flame of acetylene alone, and he, like Erdmann, is struck by the advantages offered by acetylene as a standard for the measurement of light. This is not to be wondered at when the unsatis- factory condition of our present standards is con- sidered. standards of The candle has been recognised as the legal standard ever since its introduction by Bouguer as a unit of light, but the results which are obtained from it in practice do not in any way attain the scientific ac- curacy which ought to prevail, and whilst the standard does not yield accurate results, it is of little avail to try and obtain perfection in the remaining portions of the apparatus used for testing the quality of light. Wax candles were first enacted to be employed for gas- testing in 1850, before which date there had been no definition as to what candles were to be used, but in The stan- 1866 these gave way to sperm candles of six to the 1 pound and burning 120 grains of sperm each per hour, and the light yielded by these candles was a little more than that obtained from the previous wax candles fourteen sperm candles being equal to six- teen wax ones. Pure spermaceti, owing to its crystal- line character and consequent brittleness, could not be used alone in practice, and accordingly the sperm was mixed with 4 to 5 per cent, of beeswax, and great care has to be taken to get the quality of the sperm and the proportion of the mixture uniform. The wick is, B78 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE however, the weakest point ; a slight variation in the roughness or texture of the material, in the pre- liminary treatment of the fibre, or the twist of the thread, or the tension during plating, causes great alterations in the light emitted by the candle. All the various committees that have been ap- imperfec- pointed to consider the question of a reliable standard of light have unanimously come to the conclusion unit that the sperm candle cannot in any way be regarded as an accurate standard. Nevertheless, the candle holds its own as the legal unit of light, owing largely to its convenience and the difficulty of providing an- other standard which shall be as handy to use and which will be more reliable under ordinary circum- stances. To obviate the inaccuracies of the sperm candle, many Attempts to attempts have been made from time to time by the grea^e^uni- Gas Referees to ensure more uniform results. The f rmity of candle was first of all to be lighted at least ten the stan- minutes before the test was made, at the expiration dard candle of which time the wick was to have a glowing tip at the end of a slight bend, as, when this condition is attained, the candle will be burning at its normal rate. Later on it was prescribed that all testings were to be rejected in which the consumption of the sperm was more than 126 or less than 114 grains per hour. In 1889 the relative positions of the candles and their wicks were clearly defined, and the observer was further directed to employ a fresh candle for each test; whilst in September, 1894, minute regulations for securing as far as possible uniformity in standard candles by attention to the material and treatment of the wicks and sperm, were added to the Gras Referees' instructions, and all the candles issued for official gas-testing in London are at present examined and certified for use by them. In spite of all these precautions, however, the candle 579 ACETYLENE Keate's lamp The Carcel The Hefner Alteneck unit Viollc Plati- num stan- dard The Methvcn Screen still remains an unsatisfactory standard, and, in con- sequence, many other forms of standard have from time to time been suggested, amongst which may be mentioned Keate's lamp, introduced in 1869, which was practically a modified form of the "Moderator" lamp. This lamp, when burning sperm oil at the rate of 925 grains per hour with a 2-inch flame, yielded a light equal to 16 candles. This lamp was modified by Sugg, who added to it what was practically a Methven slot, and it then gave more constant results than had been obtained from candles, but its general performances were not good enough to warrant its adoption. The French standard of light is the Carcel lamp, dating from 1800, which burns refined colza at the rate of 42 grammes per hour, the light given equalling 9*5 English candles. The standard due to Hefner Alteneck consists of a lamp burning the vapour of amyl acetate, the wick being contained in a round tube of German silver 8 mm. in diameter and 25 mm. high, and regulated so as to produce a flame 40 mm. high. This lamp ought to yield a light equal to one candle, but Dibdin found that the flame had to be increased in height in order to equal the light emitted by the Methven screen per candle. The red or yellowish-brown colour of the flame, which renders the task of comparing the light to be tested a difficult one, is the great drawback to this standard. Another standard was suggested by Violle, but its impractica- bility rendered its use impossible, as he proposed to employ the light emitted by one square centimetre of platinum at the point of fusion. The Methven screen, first introduced in 1878, is one of the more convenient forms of standard that has been proposed, and is largely used at the present day in gas-works. It consists of an upright metallic plate, fixed in front of a London argand. This plate has an opening which is covered by a slotted silver plate, the 580 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE The Har- court pen- tane one candle unit opening of which is of such size that an amount of light equal to that afforded by two average standard sperm candles is allowed to pass through when the gas flame is three inches in height. It is only within certain limits that it is possible to get a constant light from a small portion of a gas flame, and although these limits are well within the illuminating value of the London gas supply, it is better to obtain greater constancy by using an aperture of smaller area and carburetting the gas with pentane. The standard proposed by Vernon Harcourt in 1887, and described at the British Association meeting in that year, was an entirely new departure. The burner consists of a brass tube 4 inches in length and 1 in diameter, the upper end being closed by a brass plug half an inch thick, in the centre of which is a round hole one quarter of an inch in diameter. A glass cylinder 6 inches by 2 inches surrounds the tube, the top of which is level with the top of the burner. At a height of 62'5 mm. above the burner is stretched a piece of platinum wire 2 to 3 inches long and about O6 mm. thick. The gas to be consumed in this burner is passed through a small meter, which registers one-sixth of a cubic foot at each revolution, and then through a governor which regulates the supply to half a cubic foot an hour. The height of the flame is so adjusted that it appears to touch the platinum wire, but not to pass it, the platinum being fixed directly above the flame and extending half an inch on either side of it. A special gas is used in this burner, and it is made by mixing in a gasholder air and liquid pentane in the proportion of 1 cubic foot of air and 3 cubic inches of pentane. The pentane is obtained from light petro- Pentane and leum, which is distilled at 60, 55, and twice at 50 C., its and has to answer to the test of only faintly colour- ing one-twentieth its own bulk of fuming sulphuric 581 Method of using the ACETYLENE acid on agitation with it for five minutes. The density of the liquid must be between 0-62 and O63 at 62 F. ; the liquid must volatilise at ordinary tem- peratures without leaving any residue when the tension of its vapour is not less than 7*5 inches of mercury. Its vapour density as compared with air must not be less than 2-47 or greater than 2*53. Drawbacks ^ke C ^ G ^ drawbacks to this standard are that the to the personal equation of the observer affects this unit of light to a considerable extent, it being difficult for two observers to fix the name at the same height, whilst the flame is also affected by vibrations and draughts. Advisability After all the endeavours to obtain a standard burner of a higher which shall emit a constant light of small intensity, standard ,-, ... ,, . . -in , the opinion is generally gaining ground that it is preferable to employ a standard light which shall nearly approximate to that yielded by the flame The Dibdin un( lergoing comparison. Dibdin devised, to meet this ten-candle requirement, a ten-candle pentane argand, which consumes gas carburetted with pentane, or a mixture of pentane vapour and air similar to that employed in the Harcourt unit. The argand burner is of special construction, giving a very full-bodied flame, the top of which is cut off by a screen, exposing a fixed height of flame. This burner, from the constancy of the results obtained by its use, its ease of manipula- tion, and the small extent to which it is affected by external causes, is the standard recommended by the Photometric Committee of 1891 to 1894 ; but its adoption in place of candles has not been effected, and in the testing of London coal gas the candle is now being replaced by a ten-candle pentane standard Harcourt introduced by Harcourt, in which air saturated with b ^>e"ntane le P en ^ane vapour descends by gravity to a steatite ring vapour burner. The flame is drawn into definite form, and the top of it hidden from view by a long brass 582 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE chimney above the burner. This chimney is sur- rounded by a larger brass tube, through which hot air rises, and descending by another tube supplies air to the centre of the steatite ring. The upright carry- ing the burner has its tripod base fitted with levelling screws, and at the top bears a metal bracket on which is fixed the vessel containing the pentane, and from which the air, saturated with the vapour, descends by a rubber tube to the burner, the rate of flow being regulated by a stopcock. The lower end of the chim- ney should be 47 mm. above the top of the steatite burner, and is fitted with a small mica window, through which the height of the flame can be ob- served for regulation. The tip of the flame should be about half-way between the bottom of the mica window and the crossbar. No matter how accurately standardised, or how uniform in action such standards may be, they are unfitted for anything but testing flames giving the same quality of light as they do themselves, whilst the fact that the so-called " pentane " is simply a distillate rich in that hydrocarbon renders the reproduction of the standard less certain than if a definite compound like acetylene were employed. Violle 1 made a standard burner in which acetylene, under a pressure of O3 m. 12 inches escaped from a small conical jet into an atmospheric burner, and the mixture of acetylene and air was then consumed at a flat flame nozzle, and gave about 100 candles for a consumption of 58 litres (2*05 c. ft.). Only a portion of the flame was used, the remainder being screened off, and Violle found that the light differed but little from that emitted by his platinum standard unit. Fery 2 also proposed using acetylene as a photo- metric standard. In order to do this, he burnt a jet of 1 Compt. Rend., 122, 79. 2 Compt. Bend., 126, 1,192. 583 Drawbacks to the use of such mix- tures as a standard unit Violle Acetylene standard Fery's Acetylene standard ACETYLENE Ratio be- tween the height of an Acetylene jet and the light emitted Advantages of Acetylene as an Inter- national unit of light acetylene at the end of a piece of capillary thermometer tube, the bore of which was O5 mm. in diameter, and experimentally determined the ratio between the light emitted and the height of the flame, which he gives in the following table : Height of jet. Intensity. Consumption of gas per hour. Observed. Calculated. Error. millimetres. inches. litres, cubic feet. 5 19 1-15 0-04 0-056 o-ooo +0-056 10 38 2-02 0-07 0-325 0-318 +0-007 15 57 2-80 0-09 0-670 0-669 +0-001 20 76 3-52 012 1-020 1-020 o-ooo 25 95 4-28 015 1-380 1-372 + 0-008 30 1-14 5-00 0-18 1-660 1-724 -0-064 35 1-33 6-00 0-21 1-910 2-076 -0-166 Acetylene as a standard for plate testing in photography These figures he obtained by testing the jet of vary- ing height against a jet of constant height taken as unity, and concludes that between the limits of 10 and 25 mm. the intensity is proportional to the height of the flame. The author has found that such traces of air as are present in the gas when prepared with ordinary care do not affect the light emitted by the acetylene jet, and that by screening off the top and bottom portions of a jet burning from a standard nipple by far the best photometric standard obtainable can be produced. An international unit based on such a process would go far to remove the confusion created by such various standards as the candle, Carcel, Hefner lamp, and pentane units. The characteristics of the light yielded by acetylene being so nearly akin to daylight, it would also prove a valuable standard for plate testing in photographic work, and also as a source of light in taking and printing photographs. 584 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE As has been pointed out, the smaller and more intense a source of light becomes, the harder and blacker will be the shadows thrown by it ; and as the light of the electric arc is chiefly emitted by the small crater in the negative carbon, a considerable amount of light has to be wasted when using it for photo- graphic purposes in securing sufficient diffusion to prevent harshness in the result. This trouble is far less with acetylene, as the flame has a considerable area ; and as the light necessary for a short exposure has to be obtained from several small flames, these can readily be so arranged and screened as to give most excellent results. The value of acetylene in photographic work is now universally recognised, and Walmsley has determined its relative value as compared with the ordinary sources of light by determining the time needed to fully expose carefully prepared plates, with the fol- lowing results : Direct sunlight Acetylene, 1 c. ft. burner . Diffused daylight, reflected from mirror Incandescent mantle .... Coal gas } Oil gas V Oil lamp j Vidal has, on the other hand, experimented with the acetylene light for photographic purposes, and has compared its value with that of a candle taken as unity. Candle 1 Coal gas 12 Welsbach mantle ..... 44 Acetylene flame 150 It is manifest, however, that unless the exact con- ditions of the experiment are stated, but little is to be learnt from it save that acetylene is distinctly better than the Welsbach mantle for photographic work. 585 Advantages of Acetylene over Elec- tric Light for photo- graphic purposes seconds. 1 Value of 3 Acetylene as compared 12 with other 24 sources of light for 240 photo- graphic work Vidal's results ACETYLENE Practical In practice it has been found that the best condi- for the use tions for taking photographs by acetylene light is to of Acetylene have two stands, one carrying a cluster of 15 burners at a height of 6 or 7 feet from the ground. A re- flector of glazed white paper stretched on a screen is placed behind this in such a way as to reflect the light towards the object to be photographed, whilst in order to properly diffuse the light a screen of thin transparent tissue paper is placed between the light and the object. A second cluster of 5 burners is arranged in the same way on the opposite side of the sitter, and excellent results are obtained with an ex- posure of 10 to 12 seconds. More rapid results are obtainable by using clusters of burners with metallic reflectors, but the results are not so artistic owing to too great a concentration. The cost would not be by any means prohibitive. The present price of carbide is 20 a ton ; but sup- posing it to be retailed at 56, this would be Qd. per lb., which of good quality would yield in any decent generator enough gas to keep the 20 one cubic foot burners going for 15 minutes, and would mean about a halfpenny for each negative taken. Acetylene For copying and printing also acetylene should and printing prove a boon. It is almost too brilliant and actinic for bromide paper, but ordinary gelatino-chloride paper can readily be printed by it. With an average negative of a yellow colour, an exposure of 1| hours gives a fully printed result when placed at about 6 inches from the flame ; but, of course, the time can be considerably shortened by slightly printing and then developing by any of the recognised methods. Acetylene Acetylene is also to a certain extent used for projec- >r projec- ^ Qn wor k . ^^ ft is not so well suited for this, as, in tion work ' ^ 1 > common with multiple wick oil lamps and incandes- cent mantles, the flame offers too large a surface of illumination. 586 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE Molteni has attempted to determine the projection value of various illuminants by a photometric process in the following way. The measurements were made with an ordinary lantern, the stage of which carried an opaque card in which was cut an aperture O7 cm. square, and the distance of the lantern from the screen was such that each side of the square on the screen measured 1 metre. The screen was replaced by a disc of paper, the opposite side being illuminated by a standard lamp burning 42 grammes of oil per hour. The distance of this lamp was varied in order that equality of illumina- tion might be obtained on the screen, and the photo- metric values of the light were determined by the distance of this lamp. Multiple wick lamp TOO Incandescent gas, No. 2 burner, no reflector TOO Acetylene 1 burner, no reflector . . . TOO 2 . , 1-70 3 ... 3-20 4 ... 4-10 5 ... 4-50 Limelight, alcohol and oxygen . . . 5'80 oxyhydrogen .... 16'60 etho-oxygen . . . .18*50 Electric incandescent, 32 candle power . 0'68 50 ,, vertical 0'93 11 11 " 11 11 Electric focus, 100 candle-power . arc lamp, 7 amperes 10 20 horizontal 0'93 3-82 . 39-03 . 75-61 . 86-50 . 117-61 160-80 Molteni's experiments on the value of various sources of light for projection Method of experiment Results The researches of Dr. Grrehant have shown us that, The sanitary when burning with a smokeless flame, no carbon mon- oxide can be detected in the products emitted by the combustion of acetylene, and its sanitary position will therefore be denned by the amount of oxygen ab- 587 an illumi- nant ACETYLENE stracted from the air and carbon dioxide produced as compared with other illuminants. Taking the average-sized room, which would be well lighted by an illumination equal to 64 standard candles, we find that this amount of light from various illuminants would have the following effect on the atmosphere : Products of combustion . O d Illuminant. from air. Water Carbon vapour. dioxide. c. ft. c. ft. c. ft. The effect of Sperm candles 38-5 26-2 43-6 various Paraffin oil . 24-9 14-0 39-8 illuminants London gas Batswing 261 29-4 19-2 on the air of Argand . 23-0 25-6 17-0 a dwelling- Regenerative. 10-6 8-3 5-2 room ,, Incandescent. 3-1 4-6 1-8 Acetylene .... 5-0 2-0 4-0 Heating effect of the Acetylene flame So that light for light it fouls the air less than any of our ordinary illuminants, with the exception of the incandescent gas-burner. In comparing the heating effect of various illu- minants on the air of a room, it is necessary to deter- mine the calorific value of the combustion of a cubic foot of the illuminating gas employed ; and it is mani- fest from theoretical considerations that a highly endothermic compound like acetylene must have a far higher heating power than ordinary coal gas. The mean of a number of experiments made in Juncker's calorimeter gave as the thermal value of the ordinary London coal gas supply IBS calories, whilst under the same conditions acetylene yielded 320. The theoretical amount of heat emitted by the corn- bastion of a cubic foot of acetylene is 349*08 calories, but this would only be given by the absolutely pure and dried gas, and the experimental number deter- 588 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE mined in the calorimeter represents more truly the heating power of the moist gas under ordinary exist- ing conditions. Taking now the case in which a room is lit up with Heating a power equal to 64 candles, we find that if we call the of various heating effect produced by an incandescent mantle "n^^air^f giving this amount of illumination 100, then a room RATIO OF HEAT EMITTED TO YIELD A LIGHT OF 64 CANDLES. Incandescent mantle 100 Acetylene 115 London Argands 571 Flat flame burners 914 so that for all practical purposes the heating effect on the air by acetylene illumination is the same as with mantles. When one comes to compare the cost of acetylene comparison and coal gas, one is struck by the boldness of the ^ f j^etyiene statements made by its advocates as a rival to the well- and coal established coal gas industry. At the present time the wholesale price of carbide is 20 a ton, but I believe that to fill large cash orders it can be obtained at 16 at Foyers, which would mean at least 20 a ton at the works where it is to be decomposed and the gas distributed. The decomposition of carbide is not a costly operation, but at least 10 per cent, would have to be added to the price of the carbide for handling, water, repairs, interest on plant, purification, etc., and this would bring the price of the acetylene to 2 per 1,000 in the holder. Coal gas, when made on the scale common in our big cities, costs, however, about Is. 2d. per 1,000 in the holder, and about 100 per cent. causes has to added to this to cover charges of distribution and profit. The power of doing this is dependent on the amount of gas sold, and whilst the South Metro- politan can make a fair profit on gas at 2s. 3d. per 589 ACETYLENE 1,000, there are many small country works that cannot pay a dividend with gas at three times the price. With acetylene the smallness of the output would necessitate a heavy charge over cost price, and an installation of acetylene even in a fair- sized town would not be likely to pay its way with a less charge than 3 per 1,000. Looked at from this point of view, it is at once manifest how absurd it is to talk of acetylene as a possible rival of coal gas, and the sooner this is realised the better will it be for the future of this brilliant illuminant. Abroad, where coal gas is dear, it is possible, by taking the price of acetylene in the holder, and com- paring it with distributed coal gas, to make acetylene out to be light for light as cheap as the latter when consumed in a flat flame burner ; but even this method of calculation breaks down before the high light emissivity of the incandescent mantle. The true It is in those districts where no coal gas exists that Acet lene ^ e true field for acetylene is to be found, and here lighting its ease of generation and the beauty of its light makes it a pleasant companion after the greasy dim- ness of the candle, or the smell of the oil lamp. In view of the exaggerated statements made by company promoters and other interested persons, the author has felt so strongly the necessity of great care in stating the facts of the case as regards the re- lative value of acetylene as compared with other illuminants, that he has been several times accused of doing the new illuminant injustice. The value of There is no doubt that the small amount of pollution the hygienic to air due to the combustion of purified acetylene, "question* anc ^ tne comparatively small amount of heat given off per unit of light emitted, make acetylene a most valuable illuminant ; and an article appeared in the Engineer of March 31st, 1899, which is so able, and 590 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE states the case for acetylene so clearly and fairly, that the author felt constrained to reproduce portions of it. Speaking of the real value of acetylene as an il- The basis of luminant, the writer says : " The hydrocarbon is ^b^tween* capable (a) of manufacture in a central factory to Acetylene . . and othei supply a village or small town where local conditions niuminants would cause coal gas to be too expensive, or (&) of generation in isolated country houses, etc., for their own illumination. It therefore becomes a possible competitor with (a) inferior say 14 candle coal gas, (6) more frequently with paraffin oil ; and the trial between them will be conducted on two issues : (a) the relative expense, (6) the relative hygienic value. To make the necessary comparisons certain data The price oi must be fixed. These are as follows : Calcium carbide costs 20 per ton, yields 5 c. ft. of acetylene per lb., the value of which for material alone is 1 15s. 9d. per 1,000 c. ft. Take case A, where water, labour, interest, depreciation, etc., have to be paid for. The holder price of the gas, as agreed by Lewes, Fowler, and other authorities, is 2 per 1,000. If it were to be distributed and sold at a reasonable profit, the charge should be approximately 4 per 1,000. In case B, as will be argued later, with a medium-sized middle- class house, burning between 10,000 and 12,000 ft. per annum, the cost to the occupier should be nearly 2 3s. per 1 ,000. Coal gas is burnt in one of two ways, in the old flat flame burner or with the mantle. The former yields about 2 candles per foot when the gas is of 16 candle power ; but in such country places where it might possibly be attacked by acetylene, it would certainly not be enriched, and would therefore be of 14 candle power ; but this small difference may be over- looked. With the mantle it gives 17 candles per foot. The illuminating power of ordinary petroleum 591 ACETYLENE has been recorded by many observers, and the figures differ widely ; as a fair average it may be taken that one gallon of oil yields 1,400 candle hours in a large duplex lamp, 700 candle hours in a small one. The price is known to everybody. The highest duty that can safely be ascribed to acetylene for any length of time is 32 candles per ft. in a 1-ft. burner. Collating Comparison these results Table I. is arrived at, which .represents of Acetylene ^ ne quantities of coal gas and petroleum which are i coal equivalent as illuminants. and the prices at which they lamps would have to be sold to render them pecuniarily equal to acetylene made from carbide at 20 a ton. TABLE I. COMPARATIVE PECUNIARY VALUE OF DIFFERENT ILLUMINANTS. Cost of Carbide Acetylene. Coal Gas. Paraffin. 1 01 . _j a ft o i =3 _^ a E tf | m "^ ftc ^ y, C "o "5 ^ O ^ ^ M ^ * fl 73 g '43 rS o I'a'd '3 2 ^ - ll '3 'gl 3.2^ s r?" 1 *~*"^ >*"? ^' cL Nn ""^ C^ ^ bT 1 QH (M bC o ^ | p H C3 H H fl H 20 80s. 1,000 luminous 16,000 5s. small 46 Is. M. mantle 1,880 42s. 6d. large 23 3s. 6t?. 20 43s. 1,000 luminous 16,000 2s. 8d. small 46 lid. mantle 1,880 22s. 10c?. large 23 1.9. IQd. 15 60s. 1,000 luminous 16,000 3s, 9^. small 46 1.9. 4cZ. mantle 1,880 31s. lOd. large 23 2s. 7d. 15 34s. 1,000 luminous 16,000 2s. Id. small 46 9c?. mantle 1,880 18s. Id. large 23 Is. 6^. In his recent course of Cantor lectures, Lewes has stated the total manufacturing cost of calcium carbide as being 7 to 8 per ton, which points to a possible future selling price of about 15 per ton. In order to see how matters would stand if ever this reduction should take place, the table also includes the values of acetylene from 15 carbide ; but it must be dis- tinctly remembered that all these figures in Table I. 592 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE refer simply to relative costs, and have nothing what- ever to do with the hygienic value of acetylene. Now it is perfectly clear from an examination of these results that if people make use of the Welsbach mantle, acetylene cannot under any circumstances at present it may almost be added, or in the future compete with coal gas as an economical illuminating agent, for the difference of two or three candles per 5 c. ft. between London and country gas when burnt in a luminous name does not affect the efficiency of the incandescent light. If, on the contrary, people persist in retaining their batswings and fishtails, home-made acetylene will be cheaper than coal gas in many country places, and even if it be supplied by a company will be equal to the price charged for the latter in most villages. At present prices, acetylene in either form is far more costly than paraffin if the oil be burnt in good duplex or argand lamps ; but in the small lamps employed in less im- portant situations the two illuminants are almost equal in price, assuming that the gas is made on the premises. All gaseous and liquid illuminants are alike in one respect to obtain the maximum efficiency from them they must be consumed in the largest burners possible. The incandescent gas light cannot be turned down, and there is no practical method of producing a small name just powerful enough for halls and lobbies. Paraffin, coal gas, and acetylene can be consumed in as small burners as may be desired, but at a vastly increased cost per unit of light. Now, to illuminate a house properly, a certain number of flames are required as well as a definite amount of candle power per hour. If all the light were to be employed in one apartment, x candle hours of paraffin, of gas, and of acetylene would be all equally useful, and therefore the comparison is properly made as is done in Table I. 693 38 Impossi- bility of Acetylene competing with coal gas as consumed in the incan- descent mantle Conditions for maximum efficiency ACETYLENE Difficulties in the way of making a fair comparison Factors that must be taken into considera- tion The conditions existing in an ordinary country house by calculating the cost of each x. But it does not follow that each x can be divided into a dozen or so different portions without affecting the accuracy of the calculation. Thus, 27 cubic feet of acetylene could be burnt per hour in 27 I -ft. burners, yielding 918 candles, or in one hundred 0'27-ft. burners, yielding only 320 candles ; and a similar state of affairs exists with coal gas and paraffin. A difficulty at once crops up in considering the cost of acetylene as a substitute for oil or unenriched coal gas ; as for obvious reasons the same number of flames should be retained, and the same quantity of light produced ; yet if both points be attended to simultaneously, acetylene is treated very unfairly, because much of it must be burnt under the worst conditions as regards economy. If the number of flames be kept constant as must evidently be done in practice and each flame be the best of its kind, acetylene lights the whole house more brilliantly than oil, and the paraffin is treated unjustly by being represented as an inferior illumi- nant. In fact, it is scarcely feasible to keep both factors unaltered with a due regard to efficiency ; and as the degree of light is less important than the illumination of each particular room and passage, an allowance must be made when contrasting the increased cost of acetylene for the greater brilliancy of the several apartments and the whole abode. In order to ascertain with somewhat greater ac- curacy the exact monetary effect of supplanting an installation of petroleum lamps by an acetylene generator located in an outhouse, the state of affairs existing in a typical middle-class country residence may be examined. In such a house the bedrooms are lighted by candles, and would remain so ; lamps are used on the ground-floors, i.e. the sitting-rooms, halls, passages, kitchen, and " usual offices." With a population of six or eight, ten lamps are required 594 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE nightly ; the household retires about 11 p.m., and needs 1,800 x 10 burner hours per year the hours between dusk and 11 p.m. are 1,821 per annum. Half the lamps, say, are large, yielding, as before mentioned, 1,400 candle hours per gallon ; the other half are small, burning half as much oil per hour, Light given and yielding 700 candle hours per gallon. " The mean ^"gJSEJJ 8 output of light is accordingly 1,167 candle hours per of oil gallon. The average annual consumption of oil in such a house is 184-5 gallons. The number of candles produced per year is, therefore, 184*5 x 1,167 = 215,250, or 119*6 per hour. To obtain the same amount of light, neglecting the number of flames, would require 215,250 g2 x 5 1,345 Ibs. of calcium carbide, and would cost 12 ; the corresponding expense for the petroleum at 8d. would be 6 5s. ; at 10d., 7 14s. To deal with the ten flames themselves requires a digression. Acetylene can be burnt in various-sized jets of the Naphey type, the duty for three of which may be quoted (Lewes) : TABLE II. ILLUMINATING POWER OF ACETYLENE. Number of Gas consumed. Light in Candles per burner. c. ft. candles. c. ft 15 0-40 8-0 20-0 25 0-65 17-0 26-6 40 1-00 34-0 34-0 The last of these is elsewhere given by Lewes as The loss of only yielding 32 candles per foot, and the lower value using is adopted throughout this article. In the dwelling Ac * yl ne rooms of course the largest burners will be used, but in the hall, etc., alight of 8 candles would be sufficient. It is next to impossible so to arrange these jets that the ten shall together emit 120 candles per hour. Two of No. 40 and eight of No. 15 would yield 128 candles, but perhaps the best method is either scheme 1 two of No. 40, two of No. 25, and 6 of No. 15 = 5*7 c. ft., and 146 candles per hour altogether, or, 595 ACETYLENE Capital ex- penditure in the rival as half the paraffin lamps are large and half small scheme 2 five of No. 40, and five of No. 15 = 7O ft. and 200 candles per hour. The capital outlay on the petroleum installation will be 12 lamps two or three in reserve are always installations wan ted say 5 ; storage vessel, fillers, etc., 2 ; total 7. The capital expenditure on acetylene will be : generator with purifier affixed, say 15 ; piping ground floor of house with connection to shed, 10 ; ten gas brackets, 5; total 30. Scheme 1 would require per year 10,260 c. ft. of acetylene = 2,052 Ibs. carbide = 18 7s.; Scheme 2, 12,600 c. ft. of gas = 2,520 Ibs. of carbide = 22 10s. at 20 a ton. If calcium carbide should fall to 15, scheme 1 would cost 13 15s. 3d. ; scheme 2, 16 17s. 6^., for material alone. The annual expenditure with paraffin is thus : Comparison of cost of oil and Acetylene installation 184-5 gallons .... 10 per cent, depreciation on 7 5 per cent, interest on 7 Wicks and chimneys . 8d. per gallon. IQd. per gallon. s. d. s. d. .648 7 13 9 . 14 14 .070 070 050 050 7 10 8 120 8 19 9 Candles per hour The annual expenditure with acetylene is : Calcium carbide . 10 per cent, depreciation on 15 5 per cent, interest on 30 . Purifying material, say 10 new burners Candles per hour Cost per 1,000 c. ft. . 120 20 carbide. Scheme 1. s. d. . 18 7 20 carbide. Scheme 2. s. d. 22 10 . 1 10 1 10 . 1 10 1 10 .050 050 10 10 22 2 -:_- . 146 43s. Id. 26 5 200 41.9. Pounds of carbide decomposed per 24 hours, mean maximum 596 5-6 7'5 7-0 10-0 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE Were the carbide procurable at 15 per ton. Compara- tive labour scheme 1 would cost 17 10s. 3d., or 34s. 2d. per 1,000 c. ft. ; scheme 2, 20 2s. 6d., or 33s. 9d. per 1,000. Labour and carriage have been omitted on both sides, and should approximately balance one another. The trouble of cleaning lamps would be greater than charging a generator, the carriage of carbide from the nearest station heavier than that of the petroleum casks. Water has not been charged, for the country- man does not have to ask counsel's opinion as to what is a " domestic use " each time he handles his pump. Thus far the three illuminants have been compared with one another simply on the lines of their relative efficiency and expense. But there are other matters which go to make up the suitability of any substance or operation for employment in a dwelling-house simplicity, elegance, and hygienic qualities. It is usually assumed by manufacturers and others, that the average member of the public will estimate the value of any new claimant for his favour chiefly on a monetary basis, and the said manufacturer drafts his advertisements and arguments to meet this supposed position. We may take leave to doubt the accuracy of this notion. The ordinary male householder certainly places simplicity first ; his wife perhaps ranks decorativeness before everything else. Seeing that the u average man " is a purely mathematical abstraction, and is never met with in real life, it is difficult to prophesy what he would do should he ever appear in the flesh ; but there is absolutely no ques- importance tion of what he ought to do and would do if he were considera- properly instructed. By far the most important criterion for judging the domestic value of any new process is the effect it shall have on the health of its employers ; simplicity, elegance, and cost are all relatively quite insignificant, and their position one against the other may be determined by each indi- 597 ACETYLENE "*-' vidual for himself. As regards trouble, the luminous gas flame is manifestly the best, acetylene, incandes- cent gas, and paraffin are all roughly equal ; in elegance, the gas mantle is probably worst, the others about equal. Expense has already been dealt with. The effect The proper method of comparing acetylene with hydro- ^ s rivals is to ascertain the effect each light produces carbons on on the atmosphere of a room, to see which illuminant approaches nearest to the ideally perfect electric light in its absolute harmlessness to health. Combustion of a carbonaceous material without a flue leads to four separate results on the surrounding air : abstraction of oxygen, evolution of moisture, of carbonic acid and production of heat. Each of these is unpleasant and more or less objectionable, and either may be made the basis for comparison. Table III. records the relative effect on the atmosphere of an un ventilated apartment during the production of a uniform quantity of light for the same period of time, taking acetylene as the unit in all cases. The figures are recalculated from data given by Lewes, with the exception of the heat of petroleum. This being unmentioned by the Cantor lecturer has been deduced from a series of papers in the Journal filr Gasbeleuchtung , vol. xxxiv., by E. Data for the Cramer, who gave the heat production of paraffin in of thTefKjct comparison with the argand gas . burner ; and as of Acetylene Lewes has quoted the relationship between the lamps on the argand and the acetylene, it is merely a matter of arithmetic, assuming the two varieties of coal gas to be fairly similar in composition, to interpolate the oil figures. Unfortunately, Lewes has not stated what kind of lamp his results were obtained from ; whereas Cramer represents the duplex or large circular paraffin burner to be three times as powerful as the small. Other observers have generally made the relative efficiency about 2 to 1, as indicated in the first part of this article, and perhaps Cramer has rather exagger- 598 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE ated the difference, or employed abnormally bad small lamps. TABLE III. COMPARATIVE HYGIENIC EFFECT OF ILLU- MINANTS PER UNIT OF LlGHT. Carbonic acid evolved. Moisture evolved. Oxygen removed. Heat produced. Acetylene .... 100 100 100 100 Gas, flat flame 480 1,470 520 795 Gas, mantle 45 230 i 62 87 Petroleum, small lampl large lamp / 995 700 498 (738 \246 It has already been pointed out that there may be some difficulty in replacing an existing installation of gas or oil lamps in a country house without in- creasing the total luminous effect, unless the occupier is content to burn much of the acetylene most waste- fully. Eecalculating Table III. to suit the second scheme previously suggested, Table IV. is arrived at, TABLE IV. GENERAL EFFECT OF VARIOUS ILLUMINANTS PER FLAME. Material used. Cost per UUlt. Number of flames. Candle.- per hour. Cost per annum. Carbonic acid evolved. Heat pro- duced. s.d. s. d. Acetylene, home- made 430 10 200 26 5 100 100 Acetylene, home- made 340 10 200 20 2 6 100 100 Acetylene, sup- plied 800 10 200 50 8 0* 100 100 Acetylene, sup- plied 600 10 200 37 16 0* 100 100 Petroleum . 08 10 120 7 10 8 597 295t Petroleum . 010 10 120 8 19 9 597 295 Gas, flat flame . X 10 120 5 4 Ox* 288 477 Incandescent X 10 150 3 7 5x* 34 65 For material only. t Mean of Cramer's figures. 599 Results ACETYLENE which shows the general result of adopting a system of ten acetylene lights, giving 200 candles in place of ten oil lamps, emitting 120 candles per hour, while ten l um i nous g as names which would not be suffi- gas flames cient burning 6 c. ft. per hour, at 2 candles a foot, and ten incandescent burners at f ft. and 15 candles per hour, are also included, x in the latter case being the price in shillings charged per 1,000 ft. for the coal gas supplied. Therefore the employment of a scheme of acetylene lighting best suited to the requirements of the typi- cal country house taken for illustration throughout this article, in place of a battery of five large and five small paraffin lamps, carbide at 20 a ton, petroleum at 8d. or Wd. per gallon, would lead to the following results : Balance of loss and u gain Increase in light . Increase in cost Decrease in carbonic acid Decrease in heat . 67 per cent. 192-242 . 83 . 66 If now to arrive at the hygienic effect of an illu- minant the output of carbonic acid is averaged with that of heat, and if for the moment the absurd propo- sition be accepted that money is of equal importance with health, acetylene, which reduces the former to one-sixth and the latter to one- third mean \ of their present proportions, increasing the luminosity by two-thirds, is shown plainly enough to be worth 4x-J = six times as much as paraffin; whereas, at the present market price, it only costs three or three and a half times as much. But when it is remem- bered that efficient ventilation is almost impossible in conclusions ordinary houses ; that much discomfort is caused by dwelling in rooms with too little oxygen, too much carbonic acid, the upper layers of air hot and "stuffy"; that constant respiration of vitiated air makes for imperfect oxygenation of the blood, headache, dys- 600 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE pepsia, and permanent injury to the human system in a word, that the value of good health is far above rubies, the absurdity of this method of comparison is obvious to all ; and it is manifest that for domestic illumination acetylene is superior infinitely superior, it might be said to everything except the incandes- cent electric light and the Welsbach gas mantle. From this standpoint the comparative values of acety- lene, coal gas, and paraffin are independent of any fluctuations in the price of the several raw materials, standing only to be revised if ever new methods of burning either illuminant shall vary the amount of deleterious carbonic acid and other noxious products emitted per unit of light. And from this sanitary standpoint, primarily, if not alone, should acetylene be judged by all householders who have at heart the health and well-being of themselves and their fami- lies." Carbide will probably some day become an impor- tant factor in the transmission of power, as a cubic foot of solid carbide would weigh 62-26 kilos or 137 Ibs., and if of commercial purity would yield 685 c. ft. of acetylene, and have a thermal value of nearly 232,215 calories. In practice, however, the weight of carbide which can be got into a cubic foot space is dependent on the size to which the material is broken, and with the ordinary commercial carbide a fair average would be 80 Ibs. per cubic foot, yielding 400 cubic feet of acety- lene gas, with a thermal value of 139,600 calories. It is at once manifest that solid carbide is as economical a method of transporting acetylene as if liquid acety- lene were employed, as the liquid will only yield about 400 times its own volume of gas, and the carbide has the advantage of being practically safe in transit. There are several investigators at present working on the utilisation of acetylene for gas motors, but 601 Superiority of Acetylene from the hygienic standpoint Carbide as a transmitter of power The storage value of Calcium Carbide ACETYLENE Troubles to there are many difficulties to be overcome before this in the use of is successfully accomplished, as the deposition of car- atTmottve ^ on wnen tne a ^ r SU PP^7 ^ s insufficient, and the power violence of the explosion, are troublesome factors to deal with. Most of the experiments made on the use of acety- lene for power have been of an unsatisfactory char- acter, either from the gas engine employed not being suited to the gas, or from the recorded data being insufficient to base any definite conclusions on. The pressure and explosive efficiency of mixtures of acetylene with air have been determined by Gro- ver. 1 Grover's The experiments were carried out in the following experiments c A i i ,- , i way : "A known volume of acetylene gas was ad- mitted to a cylinder, and time allowed for its diffusion with the air therein. The mixture was ignited by electricity, and the pressure developed was measured by means of a Crosby indicator, the pencil of which worked upon a drum revolving at a known speed. In this way the proportions of acetylene and air, the time taken to complete the inflammation, and the pres- sures developed were observed. The products of combustion were analysed and the original mixtures checked. When any discrepancy was found, the quality of the original mixture was determined from the analysis of its products. For compressing the mixtures before ignition a Westinghouse air pump was used. Explosion at The first series of experiments consisted in exploding atmospheric pressures mixtures of acetylene and air at atmospheric pressure. The temperature before ignition was observed after the gases had diffused for ten minutes. Mixtures ranging from 18 volumes of air to 1 of gas, and 4 of air to 1 of gas, were exploded. No weaker mixture than 18 to 1 could be fired at atmospheric pressure. 1 Pamphlet published by Jowett & Sowry, Leeds, 1898. 602 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE The superior limit was not obtained by experiment, but it is known that mixtures of 14 of air to 1 of gas will explode at atmospheric pressure, and that by heating pure acetylene when compressed to two atmospheres it explodes without air. The pressures obtained are given in Table I. With weak mixtures TABLE No. I. MIXTURES OF ACETYLENE AND AIR EXPLODED AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES. Initial temperature, 32 F. Proportion of air to gas. Maximum pressure Ibs. per sq. in. Efficiency per cent. IS to I 54 47 15 to 1 74 53 14 to 1 83 56 13 to 1 83 53 12 to 1 89 54 11 to 1 95 58 lOtol 103 64 9 to 1 108 68 8 to 1 111 71 7 to 1 112 73 Gtol 106 71 5 to 1 102 70 4 to 1 101 71 of acetylene and air, the pressure was more than three times as great as with the same mixtures of coal gas and air. But with stronger mixtures of acetylene the increase of pressure was less than twice as great. In making such comparisons of the two gases, it must be remembered that coal gas requires 5-7 volumes of air to 1 of gas, whereas acetylene re- quires 12-5 volumes of air to convey the necessary oxygen for its complete combustion." This fact causes a wide difference if the results be contrasted by curves. " Not less remarkable than the increase of pressure is the reduction of time for the complete inflammation 603 Tables of the efficiency obtained Pressure as compared with mix- tures of coal gas and air Rapidity of explosion with mix- ACETYLENE tures of Acetylene and air Discrepan- cies in the experi- mental re- sults and their ex- planation of the gases. Thus it was found that inflammation was complete with acetylene mixtures in from Ol to O18 of a second, whereas with coal gas the times observed for the same mixtures were O5 to 0-25 of a second. 15 to 1 is the weakest mixture of coal gas that can be exploded at atmospheric pressure, but with acetylene the limit is 18 to 1. The maximum pressure recorded was with a mixture of 7 to 1. Subsequent experiments with the mixtures at more than 1 atmosphere showed that the true mixture to give a maximum pressure is nearer 11 to 1. Sub- sequent experiments with the mixtures fired at more than one atmosphere gave discordant results, and led the author to suspect that the true proportions of air and gas were not always identical with the proportions as measured by the apparatus. In the last series of experiments, where the discrepancies were most marked, the products of each combustion were analysed, and it was found that the true mix- tures calculated from the products of combustion were weaker than the supposed mixtures. It was at first thought that the escape of the gases from the cylinder during the time allowed for their diffusion at the higher initial pressures was the cause of this dis- crepancy. That this was not the sole cause was shown by an analysis of the gas from the holder after it had been drawn from the acetylene generator. The acetylene, which was supposed to be pure, was found to contain from 6 to 20 per cent, of incombustible gas chiefly air. The greater proportion of air was found in the generator immediately after charging it, but as the gas was drawn off the proportion of air gradually diminished. In no instance is it likely that pure acetylene gas is delivered from a small generator be- cause of the inevitable secretion of air, and the dif- fusion of the gas with it during its expulsion. This is not detrimental when the generator is used for 604 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE lighting purposes, but care should be exercised in order to avoid ignition of an explosive mixture just after charging. The errors possible in the mixtures in the explosion cylinder, due to the air in the generator, may be estimated as follows : Let x equal supposed volume of air in the explosion cylinder when the volume of gas is supposed to equal 1. Then the supposed ratio of air to gas is represented by x/1. Let \Jy equal actual volume of air in gasholder per 1 volume of gas and air. Then the true ratio of air to gas in the explosion /y I cylinder equals - true volume of air reduces Now when 1/0 = 1/5 = 20 per cent. ; - f - . true volume of gas of air in generator, true volume of gas to air in ex- plosion cylinder becomes 1 -25# + 0-25. So 1/0 = 1/10=10 per cent, becomes l-loj + 0-1 1/^ = 1/20 = 5 1-05^ + 0-05 1/0 = 1/40 = 2| 1-025^ + 0-03 The second series of experiments was made with the mixtures compressed to 15 Ibs. per square inch above atmospheric pressure before ignition took place. In each of these experiments the weights of gas used were twice as great as in the first series. The gas required for each combustion was first measured at atmospheric pressure, and then driven over into the cylinder. All cocks were then closed, and compressed air was passed into the cylinder until the pressure gauge showed 15 Ibs. The mixture was then stirred, and allowed to stand for ten minutes before ignition was attempted. It was found impossible to keep the pressure at exactly 15 Ibs. owing to slight leakages past the valves in connection with the apparatus, but in all cases the pressure and temperature just before ignition were recorded and allowed for in making the reductions. 605 Admixture of air with the gas dur- ing genera- tion Estimation of errors due to im- pure Acetylene Experi- ments at two atmo- spheres pressure Methods of experiment ACETYLENE Pressure results Results ob- tained As the ratio of the gas increased, its leakage prepon- derated over that of the air, because the undiffused gas in the cylinder occupied the region near the in- dicator cock, as well as that near the inlet cock. The loss of pressure was never more than 2 Ibs., and cannot seriously prejudice the results. The maximum pres- TABLE No. II. MIXTUEES OP ACETYLENE AND AIR EXPLODED AT TwO ATMOSPHERES. Initial temperature, 32 F. Air to Gas. Maximum pressure. 21tol 121 20 to 1 127 19 to 1 115 18 to 1 138 17tol 129 16 to 1 143 15 to 1 . 171 14 to 1 159 13tol 170 12tol 168 11 tol 177 lOtol 166 9 tol 196 8 to 1 179 sure recorded was with a 9 to 1 mixture, and the time of inflammation was O02 of a second. The weakest mixture that could be fired was 21 to 1 as measured by the gasholder, and without corrections for air in the generator. Supposing there to be 10 per cent, of air in the gasholder, the true mixture would have been 23- 1 to 1. It is not likely that there was so much air in the gasholder. Four mixtures of coal gas in the proportions of 8 to 1 and 11 to 1 were fired at the same initial pressure ; the maximum pressure of the acetylene explosions was found to be from 1-5 to 2' 7, as great as with the cor- responding mixtures of coal gas. 606 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE In the third series of experiments the mixtures were fired at 30 Ibs. per square inch above atmo- spheric pressure. The strongest mixture fired was 11*7 to 1 and the weakest 30 to 1. It is probable that higher pressures would have been recorded with stronger mixtures, but it was inadvisable to experi- ment further in this direction, as the margin of safety of the explosion cylinder was nearing a safe limit. Moreover, it will ultimately be shown that the most economical mixture to use is not in the neighbourhood of 12 to 1, but very much weaker. TABLE No. III. MIXTURES OF ACETYLENE AND AIR EXPLODED AT THREE ATMOSPHERES. Initial temperature, 32 F. Expert- Air to Gas. Maximum pressure. Efficiency percent. 30tol 146 48 22 to 1 197 62 21 tol 207 64 19-6 to 1 211 61 17-5 to 1 246 64 16-9 to 1 236 63 161 to 1 259 62 14-7 to 1 261 58 12-3 to 1 308 57 12-1 to 1 307 57 11-7 to 1 325 57 spheres pressure Efficiency at three atmo- spheres ini- tial pres- sure with In this series the trouble due to leakage was accen- Troubles to be tuated, and sometimes the pressure dropped 3 to 4 Ibs. contended per square inch during the time the gases were stand- ing for diffusion. Having regard, however, to the fact that in all cases the products of combustion were analysed, and the results plotted according to the presence of air indicated by the analysis, it is probable that a higher degree of accuracy was secured in these experiments than in the former. 607 ACETYLENE Analysis of products of combustion of mixtures of acetylene and air at three atmospheres. Analyses of the pro- ducts of combustion Results Time taken during ex- plosion Calculation of the tem- peratures produced Mixtures. Constituents by volume per cent. Air- Acetylene. Carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide. Oxygen. Nitrogen. Steam. Totals. 11-7 to 1 13-0 3-2 o-o 79-0 6-5 101-7 12-3 to 1 15-1 o-o o-o 78-0 8-2 101-3 14-5 to 1 12-4 o-o 2-5 78-9 0-2 100-0 16 to 1 11-8 o-o 4-2 79-0 5-9 100-9 17-5 to 1 10-0 o-o 5-1 79-6 5-0 99-7 21 to 1 8-6 o-o 8-1 78-9 4-3 99-9 22 to 1 9-0 o-o 8-6 79-0 4-5 101-1 30 tol 6-8 o-o 12-0 78-5 3-4 100-7 352 Ibs. per square inch, was the highest pressure recorded with an 11-7 to 1 mixture fired at three atmo- spheres. The lower limit, namely 30 to 1, gave a pressure of 180 Ibs. per square inch. To produce such a pressure with coal gas a mixture of 9 to 1 was needed. The time to attain to complete inflammation of the gases was found to be from y^j- for strong mixtures to y^ of a second for the weakest mixture. It must be noted here that the times recorded by the indicator include a considerable error due to the inertia of the piston and other moving parts of the indicator ; and, further, that the shorter the time recorded, the greater will be the error due to these causes. From the diagrams obtained during the explosion of the mixtures the temperatures of the products of combustion can be calculated, on the assumption that the laws of Mariotte and Gay-Lussac are true for these high temperatures and pressures. M. Berthelot, writing on this subject, says, " The laws of Mariotte and Gay- Lussac are hardly applicable in the case of enormous pressures such as those observed in the combustion of powder. With greatly compressed gases the pressure 608 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE varies with the temperature much more rapidly than would follow from these laws : it approaches the rate observed by physicists in the study of vapours. For a given temperature the pressure is therefore generally higher than that which would be given by calculating according to the ordinary laws of gases. This tends to compensate in the calculation of pressures the con- trary influences exercised by the variation in the specific heats. The theoretical temperature, on the assumption that Method of no heat is transferred to the walls of the cylinder during inflammation of the gases, can be calculated in the following way : The calorific value of acetylene is 1,504 B.T.U.'s per cubic foot at 32 F. when the water formed by its combustion is not condensed. The weight of the mixtures and the true volumes of air and acetylene are determined from the products of combustion. It remains, then, to find the specific heat of the products. There is some difficulty in this because of the inaccurate knowledge of the specific heats of gases at high temperatures. Thus the specific heat of steam at 3,600 F. a temperature reached in the experiments has been given by Mallard and Le Chatelier as 0*68, that of carbonic acid as 0*308, and nitrogen 0'205. The specific heat of oxygen and carbonic acid are nearly the same at low temperatures, and it has here been further assumed that the specific heat of oxygen at high temperatures is the same as carbonic acid. Even if this assumption be incorrect, the error in the specific heat of the mixtures experi- mented on is insignificant, because the proportion of oxygen present in the products is very small in comparison to the nitrogen the chief constituent in determining the specific heat. The phenomena of dissociation have an important bearing on the question of efficiency as calculated from these experiments. The dissociation of gases at 609 39 ACETYLENE Cr stin's Results high temperatures limits the maximum pressure ; con- sequently the higher the temperature the nearer do we arrive to the limit, and the greater is the interference due to dissociation. On the other hand, where the mixture is rich in gas the time for its inflammation is short. This would tend to increase the efficiency, whereas the influence of dissociation tends to diminish the efficiency." Crastin has made some experiments on the effici- ency of acetylene as a motive power. The tests were carried out in a small Otto cycle engine, the revolu- tions being kept at 275 per minute. The ignition tube was heated from a separate supply, and was kept at the same temperature for both gases. The same quantity of each gas was used, namely 382 cubic inches, and they were both at the same pressure. The following are the particulars of the tests : Diameter of cylinder Area of cylinder Stroke of piston Displacement by piston Clearance for firing chamber . Contents of firing chamber . Compression .... Firing charges per minute Revolutions per minute . ACETYLENE GAS. Acetylene gas per minute Air supplied per minute . Proportion of air to gas . Hourly consumption of gas . Pressure of gas as delivered to engine COAL GAS. Amount of coal gas per minute Air supplied per minute Proportion of air to gas Hourly consumption of gas . Pressure of gas as delivered to engine ...... 610 1*5 inches. 1-767 inches. 2" 5 inches. 4-417 cubic inches. 1-0 inch. 1-767 cubic inches. 20 pounds. 137-5. 275. 15'916 cubic inches. 591-490 87-16 to 1. 0*552 cubic feet. 0'6 inch. 47'75 cubic inches. 559-65 11-72 to 1. 1-658 cubic feet. 0-3 inch. THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE From these results Crastin arrives at the conclusion that the efficiency of acetylene gas is three times greater than that of coal gas, but it must be observed that the volume of air used was far greater than one would expect to give the most effective working. Neuberg has pointed out that in the testing of a gas engine the following points must be considered : 1. Testings of the value of the combustible ma- terial. 2. Tests of the work and other data afforded by the gas engine itself. The heating power of the gas which is to be used as the motive power must first be ascertained, and this is best determined by the Junker calorimeter, the lower or " practical " result being taken for the calcu- lation. This lower figure is taken because on account of the high temperature of the exhaust the water in the products of combustion cannot be condensed, but escapes as steam. The percentage of water must then be taken, and of the air and gas, and the quantity of water formed by the combustion must be calculated from chemical formulas. The specific gravity of the gas must also be noted, using the Lux gas balance or the Bunsen apparatus. This concludes the first part of the test. The time during which the tests with the gas engine are made is divided into intervals, say of five minutes. When a constant temperature has been ob- tained, readings must be taken every five minutes of 1. The revolutions, as measured with a speed indi- cator. 2. The work done by the engine, using a Crosby indicator. 3. The quantity of gas consumed per interval is read off by a standard meter, the temperature and pressure of the gas being noted. 611 tests with Acetylene Necessary data to note ACETYLENE 4. The quantity of air consumed per interval, to- gether with the temperature and degree of exhaustion, must be noted. 5. The barometric readings must be taken. 6. The consumption of cold water per interval, and the temperature of the water at its entrance and exit. 7. The power given by the motor in brake horse power. 8. The waste gases of the exhaust must be analysed. The series of experiments is complete when the above tests have been taken 12 times, i.e. for an hour. Varying mixtures of gas and air should be used in separate experiments to form any idea of the capabili- ties of the engine. As a result of many experiments, it may be stated that a Deutzer 6 H.P. gas-motor gave 28 per cent, efficiency ; a Koerting 4 H.P. spirit-motor 25'5 per cent., whilst Krupp's petroleum Diesel motor gives 34 per cent. Tests with j n an en gi ne made by Cuinat, the following tests and with were made to contrast the relative efficiency of coal gas and acetylene. Tests were first made with coal gas to fix the con- sumption of gas per H.P. hour, and the results obtained were : Amount of Total consump tion .... 1,380 litres. Half pressure, 3 H.P. ... 876 Full 6 . 516 The average pressure amounted to six atmospheres, the maximum being 17 atmospheres and the final 3*2 atmospheres. The proportion of the mixture of acetylene to air used in the next experiments was fixed after trial at 1 to 20. The air valve required re-adjustment to give regular explosions. 612 THE COMBUSTION OF ACETYLENE Acetylene consumed per H.P. hour at 80 mm. pres- sure Total consumption Half pressure Full 470 litres. 302 175 Material. Unit. Heating power, kg. calories. Unit. Price per H.P. hour. Acetylene cb. m. 12,161 126'1 23-7 Benzene kg. 9,950 50-0 11-4 Spirit, 96 % kg. 6,470 43-3 15-4 Oil, best kg. 12,650 26-9 4-83 American oil kg. 8,790 23-9 6-18 Russian oil kg. 6,025 22-55 8-45 Amount of Acetylene per H.P. hour 1'8 atmosphere greater pressure occurred than in the case of coal gas, due, according to Cuinat, to the higher temperature in the cylinder. The acetylene explosion was much heavier. The maximum pressure was 29 atmospheres, the final pressure being one atmosphere less than with coal gas. The consumption of water is rather larger with acetylene. Neuberg gives the following table of the relative prices, etc., of the various sources of power : Neuberg's table of the cost per H.P. hour with various sub- stances but it must be borne in mind that these are German prices, and would in no way represent the figures ob- tained in a country where good oil could be cheaply obtained. In Germany acetylene motors are made by several firms, and Fig. 219 shows a type sold by the Allege- meine Carbid und Acetylen Gesellschaf t, which in the illustration is working a small pump. Where expense is not an object, or where the use of steam is inconvenient, the use of acetylene for small engines should prove a success. Besides the form of engine mentioned above, there are several others which give satisfactory results, whilst in 613 ACETYLENE some forms a novelty is introduced by making the ignition of the mixture dependent on a spark from FIG. 219. ACETYLENE ENGINE WORKING PUMP. a small induction apparatus driven by the engine itself. 614 CHAPTER X THE UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE THE trouble of consuming acetylene without smoking in the early days of its inception caused Dickerson and Suckert to attempt the com- bustion of acetylene diluted with air, and in 1894 it was in this way that the gas was consumed. But it was soon found that the cooling action of the nitro- gen led to a considerable decrease in the illuminating power of the acetylene, although it enabled the acetylene to be burnt at a much larger burner, and so increased the illuminating effect. Experiments were made in America by Allan and Morehead to find the illuminating value of such a mixture, and also to determine the best proportions in which to mix the two gases. Their results are embodied in the two tables on the following page. The first table gives the result as obtained with an ordinary standard Bray 00000 tip, such as is ordi- narily used in the consumption of pure, or approxi- mately pure, acetylene. The results obtained show conclusively that an admixture of air with acetylene, for any purpose whatever, is, in small quantities, exceedingly inefficient, and in large quantities quite out of the question where this form of burner is to be employed. 615 The diffi- culty of properly burning Acetylene American experiments on the candle power of mixtures of air and Acetylene Results ob- tained with small Bray union jet- burner Results ob- tained with Bray slit burner CANDLE POWER OF ACETYLENE AND AIR MIXTURES. Observations taken with Bray standard 00000 tip, con- suming 1 cubic foot per hour. Per cent, of Air. Per cent. Acetylene. Differ- ence. Observed Candle Power. Candle Power of mixture. Differ- ence. Per cent, of Light. 100 48 240 100 1 99 1 45-5 228 12 95 3-5 96-5 2-5 38-71 193-55 34-45 80-64 5-5 94-5 2 36-75 183-75 9-80 76-56 6 94 5 36-63 183-15 60 76-39 9-5 90-5 3-5 33-76 168-80 14-35 70-33 15-0 85 5-5 29-14 145-70 23-10 60-70 17-5 82-5 2-5 27-21 136-05 9-65 56-68 20-5 79-5 3 22-97 114-85 21-20 48-27 23 77 2-5 20-81 104-05 10-80 43-35 26 74 3 18-23 91-15 12-90 37-97 29 71 3 16-47 82-35 8-80 34-31 32 68 3 13-27 66-35 16-00 27-64 34 66 2 11-28 56-40 9-95 23-50 40 60 6 6-92 34-60 21-80 14-41 46 54 6 3-4 17-45 17-15 7-27 51-5 48-5 5-5 1-3 6-60 10-85 2-75 59 41 7-5 6 3-00 3-60 1-25 67-5 32-5 8-5 Starting-point of luminosity. 78-5 21-5 11 Supports colourless flame. 85-5 14-5 7 Just supports flame. 89 11 3-5 Will not burn. Observation taken with Bray special slit high and low pressure tips. a PP - "o "c -< 11 il if 0-. 11 11 IM O 43 1 .-O s ' -a "2 ** 4^ aJ s 83 S-S *o "ft .|| fel: !i) s| Is 1 JS 3 " S tf o in gS , ^o 1 2 l.p. 1 60 40 2-5 41-59 3 83-18 34-65 65-35 60 5-35 2 h.p. 2 56 44 1-8 34-78 96-60 37-62 62-37 56 3-75 31.p. 56-25 43-75 3 55-85 92-64 38-60 61-40 56-25 5-15 3 h.p 56-25 43-75 2 38-11 95-27 39-69 60-30 56-25 4-06 4 l.p. 56 44 4 71-66 89-57 37-32 62-68 56 6-68 4 h.p. 57 43 3 48-61 81-01 33-75 66-25 57 9-25 7 l.p. 56 44 5 96-98 96-98 40-40 59-60 56 3-60 3 l.p. 50 50 3 66-67 111-11 46-29 53-71 50 3-71 3 l.p. 54-25 35-75 3 28-44 47-40 19-75 80-25 64-2516-00 3 l.p. 40 60 3 71-87 119-78 49-90 50-10 40 10-10 3 l.p. 55 45 3 58-27 97-11 40-46 59-54 55 4-54 3 l.p. 50-6 49-4 3 66-10 110-16 45-90 55-10 50-6 3-50 1 Low pressure. * High pressure. 3 Candle power of flame. 616 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE The second table gives the results as obtained with a Bray special slit burner. These burners were not constructed especially for acetylene, but were made for ordinary gas, and are used in photometric work, and for purposes where a high efficiency is desired, and the cost of the tip is immaterial. Any slit burner which is ordinarily used for city gas will burn the mixtures referred to in the table successfully and efficiently. As will be seen, the results obtained with these burners were very materially different from those obtained with the Bray 00000. With the slit union a mixture of acetylene and air, containing 66 per cent, or more of acetylene, causes smoking at the burner, and a mixture having 24 per cent, or less of acetylene will support only a non-luminous name. The largest light and the highest efficiency is ob- tained with a mixture containing 52 per cent, of acetylene to 48 per cent, of air. A variation of 5 per cent, either above or below this figure, or a change to other burners having a larger or smaller capacity or rate of consumption, does not affect the efficiency to more than about 3 per cent. With this mixture a consumption of 5 cubic feet per hour can be main- tained through a single burner, giving a single flame of 96*98 candle power, with a net loss of only 3-6 per cent, in the theoretical candle power of the pure gas. At the time these experiments were made it was thought that the use of a mixture containing 50 per cent, of acetylene with an equal quantity of air was perfectly safe from explosion, but, as will have been seen from the experiments of Grerdes and others, a very serious risk was incurred, it becoming merely a question of the breadth of the delivery tubes and the rate of flow of the gas whether an explosive wave was propagated back to the mixing machine or not. It was on account of the danger of this that this pro- cess of burning it in America was abandoned. 617 Conclusions arrived at Danger of using mix- tures of Acetylene and air ACETYLENE Attempts to utilise such mixtures for village lighting Bullier suggests diluting Acetylene with other gases The result of diluting Acetylene with Water Gas Love's experiments on the candle power of mixtures of Acetylene and Water Gas The idea has, however, cropped up from time to time, and in Europe as well as America has been to a certain extent used on a practical scale. Within the last few months the village of Hunmanby in Yorkshire was partly lighted by " electroid gas," which consisted of a mixture of one-third acetylene and two- thirds air ; but the danger of such a supply, in view of the experiments made by Gerdes (page 127), was so great that the Home Office has issued an order prohibiting the use of such mixtures, whilst in America they are also forbidden under the fire in- surance regulations. The danger of diluting acetylene with air being so manifest, attempts have from time to time been made to dilute it with other gaseous material. In 1895 Bullier took out a patent for improvements in carburetting air and gas, in which he claims the use of acetylene for enriching water gas ; whilst having then apparently found that acetylene was useless for this purpose, he, later on in the same year, took out a second patent for diluting it with nitrogen. In America, where carburetted water gas forms so large a factor in the illuminating gas supply, attempts were made at an early date to use acetylene instead of oil gas for endowing the non-luminous water gas with illuminating power ; but it was at once found that this could not be economically done, as the mix- ture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide acted so fatally on the illuminating power of the acetylene that the cost of the mixture would have been prohibitive. Dr. Love made a series of experiments on the en- richment of " blue," or uncarburetted water gas, by acetylene, and also on a poor carburetted water gas, with the following photometric results : 618 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE ACETYLENE AND UNCAEBURETTED WATER G-AS LOVE. Analysis. Illuminating value of the mixture. Enrichment value of Acetylene for 1 per cent. Acetylene. Water Gas. 14-3 85-7 1-14 0079 18-3 81-7 11-65 633 19-0 81-0 12-44 654 20-3 79-7 15-47 762 21-1 78-9 18-68 883 23-5 76-5 24-90 1-059 24-6 75-4 29-45 1-194 27-8 72-2 40-87 1-468 38-0 62-0 73-96 1-946 Enrichment of Carbu- retted Water Gas ACETYLENE WITH CARBURETTED WATER GAS -LovE. Analysis. Acetylene. Water Gas Carburetted. illuminating power j^nriciiinenc vaiue or of tbe mixture. Acety lene for 1 per cent. 4-5 95-5 22-69 2-17 9-4 91-6 29-54 2-04 11-2 88-8 35-05 2-05 15-0 85-0 42-19 2-03 21-4 78-6 52-61 1-95 Illuminating value of carburetted water gas, 13*5 candles. These results show that whilst a non-luminous water gas would require the admixture of 24 per cent, of acetylene to yield a gas of the average illuminating power supplied in America, with a carburetted water gas the acetylene develops nearly its theoretical enrichment value. When acetylene was first introduced into England the gas manufacturers of the country were searching for something which should replace cannel coal the price of which at that time had risen to a prohibitive point as an enricher of poor coal gas, and the author 619 The en- richment of Coal Gas by Acetylene ACETYLENE made an exhaustive series of experiments to see how far acetylene would answer for this purpose. In order to ascertain the enrichment value of acety- lene, coal gas, which had been stored in a holder for some time, and which had an illuminating value of 12 candles for 5 cubic feet, was employed. This gas from long standing might be considered to have deposited all condensible vapours, and was employed in order to prevent any question of vapour tension interfering with the results. In determining the illuminating value of mixtures of mixing in coal gas and enrichers, too little, attention is, as a rale, *iicninent~ P a ^ ^ severa l very important points, chief amongst values which are that the mixture shall be as nearly perfect as possible, and free from any stratification, and secondly, that the exact percentage of the enriching gas supposed to be present is really there, this latter being an especially important point when gases even slightly soluble in water are being used. ^following I* 1 tne following experiments, the method employed experiments w as to use a 5 cubic foot holder, the water of which was fairly saturated with hydrocarbons, and to run the 12 candle coal gas and the acetylene into this already roughly mixed, by passing them pro rata into a washbottle from which they travelled on together into the holder ; thus, in making a mixture which was to contain 10 per cent, of acetylene, with 90 per cent, of coal gas, the flow of gas and acetylene into the washbottle was so arranged that 4J cubic feet of coal gas were passed through the bottle, entering it by one tube, whilst ^ a cubic foot of acetylene passed in through the second tube. The mixture when made was allowed to stand over fi cation in night in order to allow diffusion to perfect the mixture, and a long series of experiments shows that this effectually prevented any stratification of the gases, the acetylene, however, being slightly soluble in water, 620 mixture UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE the lower portion of the mixture in contact with the water would occasionally contain a trace less acetylene than the portion near the top of the holder, and to overcome this trouble the mixture was analysed as it left the burner at the commencement of the experi- ments, whilst a second analysis was taken also from the burner at the conclusion of the experiments, the mean of these two analyses giving the composition of the mixture dealt with. In taking the illuminating power Dibdin's 10 standard candle pentane argand was used as the standard, and ing the the mixture was burned in the London argand with a illuminating 3-inch flame. The rate of now having been noted, the illuminating power was calculated to a consumption of 5 cubic feet, whilst the illuminating value was also determined in a set of Bray's union jet burners, the richer mixtures being burnt in the sized burners which gave a slightly smoky name at ordinary pressures, the pressure being then increased until the flame ceased to smoke, whilst in each case the pressure at which the test was made was noted. With illuminating values up to 20 candles, the London argand gave the best results, but above that, as might be expected, the flat flame burners developed the highest illuminating power; indeed, a limit was soon reached at which it was impossible to use a 3-inch flame in the argand. In every case the highest illuminating value record- ed each being a mean of 10 readings was taken as the illuminating power of the mixture. An example of one test will suffice to make this method of deter- mination clear, and although the method is laborious, it is the only one which can be relied upon to yield results of any value. Burners mixture 621 ACETYLENE ANALYSIS OF THE MIXTURE. Commencement of test. End of test. Mean. Acetylene . . Coal gas . . . 17-0 83-0 16-5 83-5 16-75 83-25 100-0 100-0 100-00 Example of method em- ployed to determine illuminating value Burner used. Illuminating power per 5 cubic feet. Pressure. Inches. Remarks. London Argand 26-2 3/10 Flat flame No. 9 Bray Smokes 8/10 No. 9 32-7 12/10 No. 8 32-8 12/10 Shows a ten- dency to smoke No. 7 34-3 12/10 No. 6 36-1 12/10 No. 5 34-5 12/10 No. 4 34-5 12/10 No. 4 34-7 9/10 No. 4 34-3 6/10 No. 3 34-1 12/10 No. 2 32-3 12/10 Therefore a No. 6 Bray, with a pressure of 12/10, gives the value of mixture 36*1. 36-1-13 16-75 = 1-36 enrichment value. Working in this way the following values were obtained : 622 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE Percentage composition of mixture. Illuminating value. Enrichment value of 1 per cent in candles. Enrichment value of Acetylene for Coal Gas ' Coal gas. Acetylene. Coal gas. Mixture. 99-1 0-9 13 13-9 1-00 97-9 2-1 15 15-1 1-00 96-0 4-0 13 17-3 1-07 95-2 4-8 13 18-4 1-12 91-0 9-0 13 23-5 1-16 89-5 10-5 13 25-3 1-17 85-0 15-0 13 33-0 1-33 83-25 16-75 13 36-1 1-36 66-9 33-1 18 60-5 1-43 55-5 44-5 13 76-7 1-43 16-7 83-3 13 175-2 1-94 oo-o 100-0 240-0 2-40 Showing that for small enrichments of illuminating value acetylene has an enrichment value of only a little over 1 candle for each per cent, of acetylene added, so that with oil at a reasonable price, it could not compete with oil gas for this purpose. The author was much impressed by the fact that the enrichment value of the acetylene when mixed with the coal gas, although only about half as great as would be expected on theoretical grounds, yet was enormously higher than when the acetylene was diluted with hydrogen, and a research was made to ascertain the illuminating value obtained from the acetylene when it was diluted with the various gases which could be employed for this purpose. In making these experiments, all the precautions employed in determining the enrichment value of acetylene with coal gas were observed, and the figures given in the following tables were arrived at in the same way. Enrichment researches 623 ACETYLENE ACETYLENE AND HYDROGEN. The enrich- ment value of Acetylene for Hydro- gen Analysis. Illuminating value of the mixture. Enrichment value of Acetylene for 1 per cent. Acetylene. Hydrogen. 8-3 91-7 nil nil 16-3 83-7 18-2 I'll 25-7 74-3 37-0 1-44 26-6 73-4 40-0 1-50 37-7 62-3 621 1-65 52-7 47-3 92-0 1-74 78-7 21-3 153-4 1-94 87-0 13-0 177-5 2-04 100-0 o-o 240-0 2-40 ACETYLENE AND CARBON MONOXIDE. Enrichment value of Acetylene for Carbon Monoxide Analysis. Illuminating value of the mixture. Enrichment value of Acetylene for 1 per cent. Acetylene. Carbon monoxide. 14-3 85-7 nil nil 18-3 81-7 8-0 0-43 26-0 74-0 28-1 1-08 7-2 62-8 51-8 1-39 46-3 53-7 74-4 1-60 63-3 36-7 109-6 1-75 79-3 20-7 146-5 1-84 90-0 10-0 187-0 2-05 100-0 o-o 240-0 2-40 ACETYLENE AND CARBON DIOXIDE. Enrichment value of Acetylene for Carbon Dioxide Analysis. Illuminating value of the mixture. Enrichment value of Acetylene for I per cent. Acetylene. Carbon dioxide. 26 74-0 2-8 010 32 68-0 9-4 0-20 45-1 54-9 27-2 0-60 46-0 54-0 28-4 0-61 60-6 39-4 64-1 1-05 79-2 20-8 110-8 1-39 100-0 o-o 240-0 2-40 624 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE ACETYLENE AND Analysis. Illuminating value of the mixture. Enrichment value of Acetylene for 1 per cent. 1 Acetylene. Nitrogen. 1 4-0 96-0 Will not burn nil 13-7 86-3 Not measurable nil 28-5 71-5 19-5 0-68 38-7 61-3 39-0 1-00 46-0 54-0 58-0 1-26 63-0 37-0 98-3 1-56 74-9 28-1 131-1 1-75 100-0 0-0 1 240-0 2-04 f Enrichment value of Acetylene for Nitrogen ACETYLENE AND METHANE. Analysis. Illuminating value of the mixture. Enrichment value of Acetylene for 1 per cent. Enncnment value of Acetylene for Methane Acetylene. Methane. 7-2 92-8 15-6 2-16 15-4 84-6 29-5 1-91 18-0 82-0 38-0 2-11 25-4 74-6 54-0 2-12 311 68-9 64-5 2-07 36-3 63-7 76-0 2-09 44-5 55-5 94-0 2-11 50-0 50-0 104-5 2-09 55-3 44-7 114-0 2-06 61-5 38-5 130-0 2-11 It is evident from these experiments that methane is the only diluent capable of developing the wonderful illuminating value of acetylene when it is utilised for enrichment, and they also show that it is to the presence of methane in the poor coal gas and car- buretted water gas that the enrichment caused by small additions of acetylene is due. 625 40 ACETYLENE Percy In 1884 Percy Frankland 1 made a research upon researches the influence of the various gases which constitute on the effect coa j g as U p On the illuminating value of ethylene, the of diluents * J ? on niumin- presence of which was then considered to be the cause ^ the luminosity of coal gas. The results which he obtained are summarised in the following tables. COMBUSTIBLE DILUENTS. Action of combustible diluents Diluents. Percentage of etbylene. Percentage of diluents. Candle power per 5 c. ft. per hour. 77-55 22-45 54-58 68-39 31-61 49-37 53-58 46-42 39-21 Hydrogen 35-47 64-53 30-85 26-08 73-92 22-84 13-37 86-63 6-73 10-0 90-0 o-oo 81-65 18-35 55-27 57-75 32-25 47-73 Carbon monoxide 46-30 37-94 28-73 53-70 62-06 71-27 33-09 26-52 13-16 23-89 76-11 6-56 20-0 80-0 o-oo 85-67 14-53 57-91 69-09 30-91 47-88 Methane 57-74 35-90 42-26 64-10 40-42 33-17 13-00 87-00 19-35 7-87 92-13 17-59 Chem. Soc. Journ., xlv. 30, 227. 626 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE NON-COMBUSTIBLE DlLUENTS. Diluent. Percentage of ethylene. Percentage of diluent. Candle power per 5 c. ft. of gas. 93-68 6-32 55-52 90-59 9-41 51-81 89-03 10-97 49-98 81-73 18-27 42-81 Carbon dioxide 70-75 29-25 33-23 64-14 35-85 26-52 52-94 47-06 14-72 45-61 54-39 7-49 40-0 60-0 o-oo 84-69 15-31 51-96 71-12 28-88 39-58 Nitrogen 59-93 47-08 40-07 59-92 29-64 20-81 36-24 63-76 11-82 28-81 71-19 7-20 82-57 17-43 70-93 80-67 19-3 : 72-53 Oxygen 75-51 24-49 74-19 68-50 31-50 71-17 60-69 39-31 explosion 79-68 20-32 54-45 67-15 32-85 45-84 55-92 44-08 37-16 Air 42-69 57-31 26-78 33-91 66-09 16-22 22-31 77-69 0-61 13-31 86-69 explosion Effect of non- combustible diluents on the illumin- ating power of Ethylene On comparing these results with those obtained with acetylene, it will be at once seen that they are obtained by similar in character, and that for small quantities of the enricher it is methane, and methane only, that brings out the illuminating value. Experiments made by the author also clearly show that even when methane is diluted with other com- bustible diluents, such as hydrogen or carbon 627 diluting Acetylene and Ethylene ACETYLENE Action of Methane Flame temperature and its importance Heat evolved by burning combustible diluents monoxide, until there is only 30 per cent, to 40 per cent, of it present, it is still capable of developing considerable illuminating value for enrichers mixed with it, so that although 12 per cent, of acetylene mingled with a mixture of 50 per cent, of hydrogen and 50 per cent, of carbon monoxide only gives 1 candle of light, the same quantity with a mixture of 33 per cent, hydrogen, 33 per cent, carbon monoxide, and 33 per cent, methane yields over 30 candles. The action of diluents on gases of high illuminating power is a subject not only of great practical im- portance, but also of great theoretical interest. There is not the least doubt that the temperature of a flame plays a most important part in governing the luminosity of the carbon particles, the incandescence of which gives it the power of emitting light, and at first sight the higher thermal value of methane as compared with equal volumes of hydrogen and carbon monoxide appears an ample explanation of the fact that it is so far their superior in developing the illuminating power of small percentages of enriching gas. The researches of Favre and Silbermann show that the combustion of one molecule volume of each of these three combustible diluents yields the following thermal results : Hydrogen Carbon monoxide Methane 68-942 thermal units. 67-284 209-008 So that the total heat generated by a methane flame might be imagined to be three times as great as of a flame of either hydrogen or carbon monoxide con- suming the same volume of gas in the same period. Experiment, however, shows that if equal volumes of these three gases be consumed in the same burner, the size of the flame produced is very different. In order to determine this they were each burnt at the 628 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE rate of 5 cubic feet per hour from the same argand burner, so that the height of the flame should give the ratio of flame area. Height of flame given by the combustion of equal volumes of mm. inches. Hydrogen . .25 TO Carbon monoxide . . . .56 2'25 Methane . . 107 4'25 The flames so produced were, however, so different in shape, owing to the argand flame not being a true cylinder, that another experiment was then made to see the rate of flow necessary to give a 3-inch flame in the London argand, the pressure in each case being equal : Hydrogen . Carbon monoxide Methane 9'5 c. ft. per hour. 7-3 3-0 Cinder these conditions the flame surface was the same in each case, and if the thermal value of equal volumes be multiplied by the respective consumption of gas, it should give an idea of the relative ratio of temperature existing in the flame : Hydrogen Carbon monoxide Methane 68,924 x 9-5 = 654,778 67,284 x 7-3 = 491,173 209,008 x 3 = 627,024 Height of flame given by the com- bustion of equal vol- umes of combustible diluents Rate of flow needed to give equal sized flames So that if it were the temperature of the flame alone that governed the luminosity of mixtures of an en- richer with these diluents, one would expect methane and hydrogen to give practically the same result when used in this way, whilst carbon monoxide would always give very inferior results. When methane is burnt at the end of an open tube or in a flat flame burner, it is practically non-luminous, but when consumed in a London argand, in which the flame is at a higher temperature, at the rate of 5 cubic feet per hour, it becomes slightly luminous, and emits 629 Probable ratio of develop- ment of heat in the flames The com- bustion of Methane and its illumi- nating value ACETYLENE between 5 and 6 candle-power, whilst if the flame be raised to a still higher temperature in a regenerative burner, the candle-power is still further increased. Gas withdrawn from the flame shows that the lumi- nosity is due to the formation of acetylene by the baking action of the flame walls on the methane in the non-luminous zone. cause of the If n0 w a mixture of pure hydrogen and 10 per cent. lossoflumi- - 1 . J & .1.1 nosity with of acetylene be burned in an argand or other burner, a non 'l um i nous flame is obtained, and if gas be with- drawn from the flame at the point where luminosity commences in an ordinary flame, no trace of acetylene can be detected, showing that it has all been consumed in the lower part of the flame without decomposition of the acetylene molecule, whilst on increasing the percentage of acetylene in the mixture until it can be detected at this point in the flame, luminosity at once appears. cause of the This makes the cause of the superiority of methane of Methane over hydrogen as a diluent fairly clear, as it evidently as a diluent ac ^ s j n protecting and probably reinforcing the acety- lene molecules in their passage through the non- luminous zone of the flame, until the temperature is sufficient to cause their sudden decomposition with evolution of light. Tem- The luminous decomposition of acetylene requires a needed to hig ner and higher temperature to bring it about the bring about greater the dilution, and as far as it has been possible the luminous , ., . , ,. . , -. decompo- to carry the experimental results, pure acetylene de- sition of composes with evolution of light at 780 C., whilst Acetylene at r . ,., . . . various de- each increase of 10 per cent, in dilution raises the ne- diiution cessary temperature by 100 C., Fig. 220, so that a flame from a mixture containing 80 per cent, of hydrogen and 20 per cent, of acetylene only attains the neces- sary temperature over 1,600 C. near the top of the flame, and the non-luminous zone is in consequence very large, whilst the temperature necessary to bring 630 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE about this action with pure acetylene is only 780 C., so that the non-luminous zone nearly disappears. It must also be remembered that owing to the changes due to heat in the non-luminous zone, and combustion without decomposition, and therefore without emission of light, the original acetylene present in the gaseous mixture supplied to the burner is reduced to about one-tenth of its volume before luminosity is reached. FIG. 220. At the present time the only direction in which diluted acetylene has achieved a marked success is in the utilisation of mixtures of acetylene with oil gas for railway carriage lighting, and it is estimated by the best authorities that in Germany alone over 7,000 tons of carbide will be required during 1900 for the genera- tion of the gas for this purpose. Before it was realized that there was any danger in using undiluted acetylene compressed in cylinders for railway lighting, experiments were made with it for this purpose on one of the chief northern lines, a composite coach being lighted by it with magnificent effect, two one-foot burners being employed in the 631 The utili- sation of Acetylene diluted with oil gas for railway carriage lighting Compressed Acetylene for railway carriage lighting ACETYLENE compartments and one half-foot burner in the lava- tories. American These experiments were at once discontinued when experiments * . , on the use the result of compression on the propagation 01 ex- plosion in acetylene became known ; but recent experi- ments in America have led to its being introduced there on the Great Northern Railway line, and after running a sleeping car for some months, with cylin- ders of the Pintsch type containing acetylene com- pressed at 150 pounds, it is decided to equip several entire trains with the light. The system used is due to Lipschutz and Toltz, who construct the cylinders and high-pressure pipes in such a way that in case of a car catching fire the seams fuse at 260 C. (500 F.), and the pressure is relieved long before the detonating point of the gas is reached. The lamps are specially made to take their air supply from without, and to get rid of the hot products of com- bustion without heating the gas supply. Attempts There is a wide field for undiluted acetylene for to introduce . automatic this purpose when once the danger of compression is for "tTrriage success f u Hy gt over, as a cylinder of acetylene would lighting last three times as long as one of oil gas, and give a far better illumination. Many attempts have been made to fit railway carriages, trams, etc., with small automatic generators, and experiments are still being vigorously pushed in this direction ; but the constant attention required, and the trouble of frequent clean- ing and recharging, lead those best able to judge to the conviction that such a system is very unlikely to prove successful. It was in 1896 that, mixtures of acetylene with oil on the gas having been suggested for this purpose, Gerdes, Ll gers ?" 1 " tne cn ^ engineer to Messrs. Pintsch, of Berlin, made Acetylene a most thorough investigation of the dangers alleged purpose to exist in connection with its use, and to determine under what conditions it could be safely employed, 632 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE and his results were communicated to the Berlin In- stitute of Mechanical Engineers on December 1, 1896. In the first part of his paper he dealt with the formation of explosive compounds by the union of acetylene with copper and its alloys, and also with the temperature developed during the generation of the gas, and then gives the results of his experiments on cylinders of compressed acetylene and mixtures of oil gas and acetylene in order to ascertain if explosion could be induced under conditions that might possibly occur in railway-carriage lighting. He says : " As already stated, acetylene gas decom- poses into its constituent elements, hydrogen and carbon, at a temperature of 780 C., and the development of heat per gramme molecule of acetylene amounts to 26 grammes of 47-77 calories. If the specific heat of carbon is taken at a very high temperature, as O46, and of hydrogen at a constant volume, as 24, the tem- perature of decomposition of acetylene will be 47-770 , = 3,016 C. 2 2-4 + 24 /. 0-46 The specific heat of carbon varies, as is well known, according to the temperature, but the figures assumed are approximately correct. From the above calculated temperature of decomposition, the increase of tension may be calculated at 12O5 atmospheres absolutely, presuming the gas to have had an initial pressure of one atmosphere, and a pressure of 132-55 atmospheres if the gas was under an absolute initial pressure of 11 atmospheres. This calculation makes no claim to absolute ac- curacy, such calculation being hardly possible, because absolutely correct figures relative to the specific heat particularly of carbon cannot be obtained. Another presumption in the above calculation is that the whole quantity of acetylene is decomposed instantaneously. 633 Possible tem- peratures and pressures developed by the decompo- sition of Acetylene ACETYLENE ascertain how far these calcu- lations were b practi l c t e by compressed Acetylene in soldered re- ceivers can be made to explode explosion Acetylene lighting The firm of Messrs. Pintsch has made a number of experiments in order to find out how far these calcula- tions are correct in practice, and what dangers are * ' involved in the employment of acetylene for lighting railway passenger carriages. In the first place, a soft-soldered receiver, such as generally employed by the Prussian State and other railways, was filled with acetylene compressed to six atmospheres and heated on a wood fire. The result was that the recipient became leaky at 200 C. or thereabout, the melting point of the tin and lead alloy, the tin melted, and the acetylene escaped at the leaks and burnt in the ordinary manner. -^> therefore, receivers of this kind are employed, the use of pure acetylene would not be accompanied , , " ,-, -, by any danger; subsequently, however, it was proved fa^ ace tylene will explode in receivers of this kind if . J -.1 a pipe connected to the receiver is heated to the tem- perature necessary for the decomposition of acetylene. A brazed cylinder was then filled to six atmospheres and placed on a fire, so that the seams and cocks were n k i n contact with the flames. This receiver ex- ploded with a tremendous report, and was blown to pieces, as shown in Pig. 221. Another experiment was then made with regard to the propagation of the decomposition of acetylene through pipe systems. A receiver was filled to six atmospheres with acetylene and provided with a pipe of 5 metres interior dia- meter, and 2 metres in length. At a point about a metre and a half from the receiver the pipe was heated by means of a water gas flame, and as soon as the pipe began to get red hot, the recipient exploded, being blown entirely to pieces. Under these circumstances the employment of pure acetylene gas for illuminating purposes, especially for railway cars, in which case the gas must necessarily be employed under pressure, appeared too dangerous. In 634 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE order, however, to render the high illuminating power of acetylene employable for this purpose, the firm decided to make a number of experiments in order to find means for reducing or entirely obviating the above-mentioned danger, and these experiments showed that acetylene when not compressed will decompose, but that the explosion caused thereby is not nearly so composition violent as when the gas is compressed. Effect of pressure on the de- FIG. 221. Thus the above-mentioned- calculation would only be correct for highly-compressed acetylene, whilst at low pressure, apparently owing to slow decomposition and simultaneous cooling during the reaction, the tension after the reaction is considerably less than would appear from these calculations. If acetylene and oil gas are mixed and the specific heat of oil gas assumed as 0*4 and its specific weight as O75, and that of acetylene taken as O91, in a mixture of 30 635 Possible tem- peratures and pres- sures de- veloped by ACETYLENE plosion "of v l urnes f acetylene and 70 volumes of oil gas a rise mixtures of of temperature of oil gas and Acetylene 47 '7 70 2 2-4 + 24 0-46 + ^ ' 7 26 0-4 - 1,330 U'i/-L * o will take place, from which it will be seen that an initial pressure of 7 atmospheres absolute would pro- duce an increase of pressure, taking the initial tem- perature at 0, of pt. ? 73 ^ 30 : 1 = 41 atm. This calculation is not absolutely accurate, because each gas is differently constituted and has conse- quently a different specific weight; the formula is only cited in order to show what steps should be taken for reducing the danger or rendering the gas entirely harmless. As will be readily understood, the final tension is considerably reduced if the acetylene is mixed with oil or other gas, because the heat generated by the decomposition of acetylene has to serve to heat In duution f the other gas also. The temperature must conse- quently be lower than in the case of acetylene alone, because the heat generated is divided between the two gases. Practical The practical experiments in this respect, which experiments . J . ^ . ^ ' were in part carried out in the presence of Director Borck, of the State Railway Management, of Berlin, are shown by the tables, and prove sufficiently for practical purposes that the employment of a mixture of 30 per cent, acetylene and 70 per cent, oil gas or coal gas for railway carriage lighting involves no danger whatever, because the increase of temperature will never be sufficient to burst the receiver. These receivers will stand a much higher pressure than that caused by the decomposition of a 30 per cent, mixture of acetylene, even under the most unfavourable cir- cumstances. This, as previously remarked, is due to 636 FIG. 222. EXPERIMENT 1. See Table, page 642. FIG. 223. EXPERIMENTS 20, 21 AND 24. See Table, page 643. 637 ACETYLENE Behaviour of mixtures of equal vol- umes of Acetylene and oil gas Approxi- mate tem- perature necessary to cause ex- plosion Pressures caused by the de- composition of 30 percent. Acetylene with oil gas Perfect safety of a mixture of the fact that the heat generated by the decomposition of the mixture is considerably less than in the case of pure acetylene. If a receiver is filled with a mixture of 50 per cent, acetylene and 50 per cent, oil gas, and connected to a | inch pipe, also filled with the mixture, and the pipe is then heated, experiments have shown that even when the pipe has been heated to a very high tem- perature the mixture in the receiver will not explode, and can only be caused to explode by heat in the re- ceiver itself. In this case it would be perfectly safe to employ soft-soldered recipients. It was unfortu- nately impossible to determine at what temperature the explosion took place in this case, but to judge from the colour of the glowing pieces bright cherry red it may be inferred that the temperature was about 1,000 C. Lewes states that the temperature at which acetylene with 50 per cent, hydrogen decomposes is about 1,250 C. In any case the temperature was considerably higher than that at which pure acetylene exploded. As is seen from the tables of the trials, the increase of pressures due to the decomposition of a mixture containing 20 to 30 per cent, acetylene is insignificant, and much less in practice than shown by the calcula- tions. The same increase of pressure which takes place on the decomposition of acetylene would also occur on heat- ing almost any other kind of gas, such, for instance, as oil gas, or even air, but in the latter cases it would not take place so rapidly, because the whole volume of gas is not capable of absorbing the heat from outside as quickly as the heat generated within the volume of gas owing to the decomposition of the acetylene mole- cules. This shows that if a mixture of acetylene and oil gas is employed and the percentage of the former does 638 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE not exceed 30 per cent, no danger whatsoever can be 30 P er cent- incurred in connection with railway trains, because in wi th oi^gas this case an explosion cannot be transmitted to the receivers by the pipe system. If in order to produce or cause the decomposition of the acetylene in a mix- ture of this kind it is necessary to heat the receiver to 1,000 C. as has been shown, it may be safely asserted FIG. 224. EXPERIMENTS 27 31 AND 32. See Table, page 644. that a point is attained at which the mixture of acety- lene and oil gas involves no greater danger than the employment of oil gas alone or of compressed air. At a temperature of 1,000 C. the initial tension of the volume of gas or air contained in the receiver will Behaviour of . . . . cylinders of have risen several times higher than the initial pres- the corn- sure in. consequence of the heating of the gases in the ^re^imder receiver ; according to whether the latter has been the influence heated over a large or small fire, and the gases are 639 ACETYLENE Comparison of the behaviour of the mixture and of air under the same conditions Pressures to which the cylinders are tested Effect of pressure on explosion in small pipes Effect of rate of flow on entirely or only partially heated. Then, again, the gas receiver, if it became red hot at any point, would burst, and the gas would escape at the fracture before the acetylene would have time to decompose, because the temperature would not have reached a sufficient height to effect the decomposition. Experiments have shown this assumption to be correct. The tables show that a receiver filled with 80 per cent, oil gas and 20 per cent, acetylene, at a pressure of seven atmospheres, burst on the tension being slowly increased to 16 atmospheres. This tension would correspond to an average increase of heat of 350 C. A receiver filled with air to a pressure of 11 atmo- spheres burst on the tension having been slowly in- creased to 18 atmospheres. Both the above-mentioned receivers were heated over a fire throughout their whole length. These receivers, when tested, have to stand a pres- sure of 40 to 50 atmospheres, so that they had evidently been heated at some points to such an extent as to deteriorate the material to the above-mentioned de- gree. As a matter of fact, the joints of an ordinary car- riage receiver would have been melted and the gas have escaped long before the above-mentioned mean temperature of 350 C. would have been attained. In connection with the experiments as to the explosive power, it is singular that the explosion in small pipes of 25 to 30 mm. diameter, the gas not being com- pressed, is not so violent as in connection with larger . receivers and compressed gas. Berthelot seems to have had the same experience, since he states that the higher the tension is the shorter will be the duration of the reaction in comparison with a lower tension (see page 85). If acetylene gas at ordinary burning pressure is 640 ._ 641 41 | || 2 ?S ^ fH a ^ || o> ^^ ij &ja PH 0^ S ' rt |s I . ^ 1 "S r^ ^^ "i r^ M ' fl *l S d) ^ +i % CD * rC3 H^XJ fl ^ Q 3 ^1 sis t O |a1 o ^ P ^^^ -*3 S >>i ^ ^^ '-2 ^ g.S liSl ^ J S'S' ) '2 "^^ "1 I s "g C^ 1 rt ^ A'l'g'^ H fl_) fH cl O i i r ^ 4^ H r^H ^H o & H P a ta . -"3 o c ^. . sill _ c5 1 1 CO CM i 9 CM CM 9 3 ;g 'O : : ' ' 1 CO CO G^l 1 CO *^f *|S| "S M a|l c . D t>a 03 O p t fl xO 05 X lag"! r5 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 CN CM gl^ft M Pn O) O "3 00 r2 S |gS t> L^ CO CM CM CM rH ll o5 1 a f> -u d ! d ^d d d .6 d d 6 6 Hi o n3 ^ n3 rd T! 1 U ^ If 8 6C 6? ^ 'Sill heated flame. L q s S * " . 05 ad OH^ 1 ^ ^ o3 d id g -^ ^ <-J d d o d d d O n 'o ^cfl "o * j" ^ T3 * ^ 2 no T3 T3 -d *o fe TJ S-H S "1 cS -g T3 ^ S b OQ ll ^ ^ | . ^ 1 Kind of Receiver Employed. Brazed Gas receiver. Length =1000 mm. Diam. =360 mm. Contents=101-8 lit. Soft soldered and rivetted receiver. Length =1800 mm. Diam. =420 mm. Contents =249-3 lit. Brazed Gas receiver. Length =800 mm. Diam. =420 mm. Contents =110-8 lit. Steel Flask. Contents =15-85 lit. Steel Flask. Contents =15-85 lit. |d d d d ^ d ^c l-s TH 00 o TH T-H CM rH H* d ^ W ^ i 642 | 6^7 1 CO r-J C3 On heating the | in. decomposition tooi Exploded (Fig. 223). S>>0 . s3 S.s-s oo 13 h CD Ssl^ S r" S S s (M 1 1 $ 1 1 08 all. "** S fl g >;5 o p^ d flp 1 4 1 * 1 ' 1 I 1 1 ill o . 2 f^ ^i O CQ p 01 CN r-i p o CO S cp 50 "S ^_ O JJH ^o d -a ^ CW || Is" $s ss o o OB FH ; * 9 cS c ^ S ce a 5 jo* S r^ S g 'a. ^ ^ ^ G s be ce ll ll s ^ -*3 > "S o5 S" ^ I 1* 1 ^ eS d Q -2 d 6 -r ^ ajT- S* 1 " 5 w ^ >^ OJ-l-5 w nQ ^ 73 "5 n3 ""& ^ ee ei O) ** ^ "S m tS o ^ cs o3 ^ PH ^ rC "5 ns' 1 " ^fc 00 a ts "ft^ . _g 'S*S ^ " io ft| 1 w 'ei^ 0) ^ 'c**^ s^^ wH- o lilj It sSSgi H II || || Q. d d d d d d d d d d c> If oj 1? na r e rC r- T) nd "^ s w ^ ?JD S -2 M 3 c rt <-* 0) -^ O *3 h^ Q O 'fe =il CO d 21 o t i CO i < ^ S s s S Si S s ^H 643 Remarks. ircular pieces of metal torn out on heating the f in. pipe. No decomposition took p lace. o explosion. ieces of plate 200 mm. in diameter torn out. At the part heated the metal was reduced by stretching from a thickness of 3 mm. to 1 mm. uigecl out at the point heated, and gas burned out at frac- ture at said point (Fig. 225). eceiver burst by a gradual explosion, and was deform- ed, no parts being blown out. ulge at the part heated, with short longitudinal cracks (Fig. 224). I .& eceiver remained apparently uninjured. alged out and gas burned out (Fig. 225). Cfi O) .fj Pn O Q ^ ^ ^ : pq pq pq s i t i g . M is a -2 -a .5 | CO | | | i>- 0 rH 9 ofi 2 ^ i^ t> **" l> *~ ^ L ^ t> rH i 03 03 03 03 03 03' 03 . 03 o3 03 03 r^ ^ * fl tf5 C o5 H C/5 fl cn " ^ rt 03 fl O5 H C/} 54-1 "t^ ^ 03 c^ 0^> c^ s *| TJ r S T! ^ >i r 73 CM i-C ^ " ' * p bC 1 &C r^ _O ^ ~2 O -P "^ tn > rH r^ > ?H ^ 43 ^ "Jj bJD a^ s^s 03 rH 03 0) OJ 60 I*" 2 .9 * s 1 H| 1* ctf S S -gl s s-^ s 'sS S S.ti 3 .S 0) > S 3'^ rH S 03 oio ^ ^ S S 1 " ^6 oi o If 03^8^: * > ^ i 1 Ci n, 'S II II H & o Iff! 6 CD iH rjl CO 03 II II H 1 H 7 if 6 ^0 |s 'o> cc s* c o 5- ^ a nd n rS " ^ > nfl TJ S I Ml n~ ^ ^ S I/) ^^ PH t/) ^^ ^ c*Vj *"^ ^ OH C3 ce ca K M s r O fl C "S O c fl c 03 O 03 ^pa-i 3i56 ^5o Si56 H EH o'Sti s g (M 00 CM % S 55 8 8 5g >o CO M CO o ^ i* Q ^w ^ ^ i 644 JM i I i,s. 3 HI! 3 *^ ^ 5 a S o CO o >^J ^ G^l V ' ' VI * ' WJ * * vIZ-' GIJ lO ^^ - HH i Ho 1 li 5* "S -^ 2 o . S GG 7' TH CO o (N 71 P 71 (N P 71 CO CO CO 05 33 P -- T-i -T CO cp 5 P 5 x . S 3 !* > Js a 0) ^ I "> ) O ** i o o -8 -8 c T3 C _C O 4 _c _c o C tJ ~ 4 o ~ 4 -8 4 _c o o o -r -8 ^ s ** B ^ to 1 ! cS ^a 00 c^ 1 f 3 1 2 *"* c o o O O ~ O 8 _o c 'O _ -i O _c -z 1 4 -8 r8 ^ 'd -8 fH b J3 Cj i-^H S H s. ^ tfo 5 j II II II o ~ _c 4 o -r z_ 4 8 8 % ^ -8 _c ^ 1 o o % _2 6 _c o a M 5 G^S fl 4-l < ill S $ 5 o -* 1-1 ^ 71 XT 9 3 - - i i i 3 s s s s s fe S - iO 8 645 ACETYLENE li *y slowly passed through an open glass tube, and the composition latter heated to the temperature of decomposition, the acetylene will . be observed to give a black deposit or to polymerise at the heated point according to the temperature, without, however, exploding. This is apparently due to the fact that the gas following keeps the place cool to a certain extent. If, on the other hand, a closed tube be employed and heated to 780, sudden decomposition, accompanied by sudden increase in pressure, will take place. considera- The question now to be considered is : How can the best acetylene be most advantageously employed for illu- C under nS m ^ nat i n g railway carriages with a view to the greatest which to use possible safety, and due regard being had to the pre- fo/carriage sen ^ prices of gas and acetylene ? lighting Table II. gives the photometric values of a series of mixtures of acetylene and oil gas, containing various percentages of acetylene, which would recommend themselves to consideration in connection with the above question. The table also contains various pro- portions of acetylene and coal gas mixtures. Tem- The employment of a mixture of acetylene and air perature of . _ _% <7 . , . . . , ignition of is precluded, because such mixture involves greater Danger ^^ an would be incurred by the employment of Acetylene pure acetylene, the temperature of ignition of acety- lene mixed with 35 per cent, of air being, according to Le Chatelier, 480 in a large room. Hi s n A mixture of acetylene with oil gas particularly enrichment .... i- -n t ^ n value of of an inferior quality as will be seen from the table, " shows an enormous increase in the illuminating power, which is increased to about three times the original power. The table shows the amount to which the illuminating power is increased in connection with each sort of burner separately, as no standard figures could be arrived at. Thus, for instance, a small burner is less advantageous for a lighter gas than a large one, whilst a large burner cannot be employed at all for a 646 UTILISATION OF DILUTED ACETYLENE heavy gas. The photometric tests were intentionally conducted with the classes of burners now generally in use for lighting railway carriages, no special burners being employed. Each burner was adjusted to pro- duce a full flame without considering the pressure at which the gas burned, and without taking into con- sideration the question as to whether the size of the flame was the most advantageous possible with regard to the consumption of gas and the illuminating power. It will be further seen from the table that the admixture of a greater percentage of acetylene does not show a proportionately favourable increase of illu- minating power. In view of the fact that it is just the inferior sort of oil gas which would be improved first of all, the inferior kind now very commonly used, and that a mixture of this gas with 20 per cent, of acetylene burnt through a No. 40, the burner now most in use on the railway systems will increase the lighting power to three times its present value, it will be acknowledged that such an increase of light- ing power will represent a tremendous progress in railway carriage lighting. Pure coal gas cannot be photometrically measured in the small oil gas burner, because it burns through these burners with a blue flame ; but on mixing 30 per cent, of acetylene with the coal gas a considerable increase in the illuminating power of the flame was attained through various oil gas burners, further par- ticulars of which are shown at end, Table II. This table shows further that a mixture of 30 per cent, of acety- lene and 70 per cent, of coal gas showed an illuminat- ing power equal to that of oil gas when burnt alone. If, therefore, the railways employ a mixture of coal gas and acetylene, they would be able to attain a light about equal to oil gas lights in a very simple manner by merely putting up an acetylene generator and suitable means for compressing gas at such points 647 Description of the photometric methods employed The most economical mixtures to use The use of Acetylene diluted with coal gas for railway carriage lighting oB Proportion of the light power of mixture, to that of pure gas oil. 111 CN 05 TH TH Cp O5 O5 TH CO CO CO SO CM O O5 cb 10 ib lb CO CM CO O ^ ^ 0} $ rH TH CO ^ s 8 8 fc be p^ ^ ~ t> l> CO CO (M (M TH TH lip 4 o , , ^ __ , ,__ ^_ , ^_ t rt 2 to & I| S CM CO TH 05 CO 8iH CM O CO 05 TH o t>co THTHCO SS5? O iH iH TH :o i>- SSog Sl CO O5 CM CO CM 00 b- CO Ifa TH CO TH T-\ TH CM CO TH TH CO (M (M TH TH (M CM CM TH TH TH TH CM CM -rH TH TH j o jl O5 CO CO 00 (M CO CO CO Tt CO?I>TH TH (N CO CO 1;- CO l~ :p t> cp cp COCOO.O 1I S CM lO (M (M l^ O O lO TH CM TH O5 lO CO CM lO CD TH lO 00 TH 05 CM g^-SoO 1 p, o 1 P 00 O5 CO TH CO O5 1 PCO O ^.HCOCD t2 ob co rH oo Scb CM CM CO f^ CO O5 CO CM 05 CM ^P 1 ? fin TH O 00 COCO CM TH TH lO lO (M TH TH OJ S8S iH CO vO lO (M TH TH (M CMiOlO ^i CC CO ^SS8 33 TH CO lO CO CM TH TH 05 a 311 SS .s 8I 3838 8I lO C> C> <^> TH co TH CD 3 iCO OO iH CO TH CD Kind of Burner. jtj m 1 Ordinary Oil Gas Burner. Bray Burner. Ordinary Oil Gas Burner. Bray Burner. Ordinary Oil Gas Burner. 1 PQ Ordinary Oil Gas Burner. s . cB o> 3 fl 3 o Jl 2 43 2 I 1 2 1 r3 ^ 6 / H . 49 . ^3 . S jH S | a 8 1 1 I 1 A 8^ & B, 1 1 B, 1 8 o TH 8 e 8 648 M a PH Proportion of the light power of mixture, to that of pure gas oil. X CO TH CD CM iO CO ifo t> TH O5 CO' "* r^ iO CM p CO TP CO CO O rH O TH 00 CO I- CO lO CO corn coco m T^ * |l! co rfi TH s TH 1 ! i do ib co CM CM M Sfrt ^ ^^ ^ , ^ x . ^^, _c__^ ,~*~x ^^ O ti Urtg GO I> Ot> 00 iO IK s l^Olrf CM TH GO ^s^^ i-H rH rH G5 t> O !>. GO CO rfl CM 38 ??l 1 O5 CO -* CO CO 1 1 1 1 1 S" S THrHTH ^THTH THTHTHTH ooo o o Oi iO O t^ CO JSJ t^ iO CO CM CM Candle Power. TH CM iO CMiOOiip O CO TH l-^ TH TH CM T}1 ip qa qq X CO TH iO cb CM cc TH TH 00 COCM 1 I||s sic . iO l>- . iO CO c "- 1 (X^ ^^ (-O ^^ ^-j iO CO iO i-^ (*Ts *^ 1 1 1 CO ^ QD 1 CO iO r}i TH TH CO CO CD iO CM o ?a co o o co 10 S TH | | iO I 1 I iO % S 2^ 00 CM CO CO rji 01 rH !> Ol CO L CO ^"^ T-H ^s- _! (*, go Jpl S99 ?3 TH TH CO %%% ssss COCO 00 ss 1 1 s^sas i 8I 100 oo TH CO Ttl CO si ,8.8 8 3838 S8 .8 ^ ^ 1 o . 1 o 1 o * s| r-J S ig fl cep PQ *ffl PQ 03 PQ ^w >^ rS ^ 50 1 I s | ?| II a; o> a) fc rt 2 rj tt o fl5 (-H a o5 O r^J C o P! Qf iron and aluminium Weight of sample oxides. Example 50 c.c. of solution used. 250 c.c. contained 2-3216 grams. Weight of iron and aluminium oxides found=0"0025 gr. 0-0025x100x5 41-- o.Qoifl -- =0*53 per cent, of iron and aluminium oxides. If much phosphate be present the same method may be employed as with the iron and alumina in coke ash. 670 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL Lime and Magnesia. Proceed exactly as for analysis Estimation of coke ash. For very accurate analysis, it is neces- sary to redissolve the calcium oxalate precipitate and reprecipitate the lime, but with small quantities of magnesium this is seldom required. It must be remembered in calculating the results that only one- fifth of the sample is being used in the analysis. CaO found x 100 x 5 _ PaO npr rfmf Calculation " _ Weight of sample " for the Lime Example- Magntsla CaO. 50 c.c. of solution used. CaO found =0-4391 gr. 0-4391x100x5 2-3216 -- =94*56 per cent, of CaO. MgO. 50 c.c. of solution used. Mg 2 P 2 7 found =0-0152 gr. 0-0152 x 0-3604* x 100 X5 =1 . 18 ^ ^ of MgQ 222 62 or 2 P Sulphur. Heat 100 c.c. of the solution to boiling, Estimation and add a boiling solution of barium chloride. Con- of tne , .,. r i IP i AH Sulphur in tinue boiling for nail an nour. Allow any precipi- tate to settle, decant liquid, and thoroughly wash the precipitate till the washings are free from chlorides. Dry, ignite, and weigh as BaS0 4 . Since 250 c.c. are from the weight of lime taken, the weight of BaS0 4 from 100 c.c. must be multiplied by 2-5. BaS0 4 =S0 3 233 =80 SO _ BaSO 4 _ ~ BajO i foundxO-3434xlOOx2-5 = cent Weight of sample Example 100 c.c. solution used. BaS0 4 found = 0'0348 gr. 0-0348x0-3434x100x2-5 -= 0*128 per cent. SO B . 671 Estimation of the Phosphates in the Lime Calculation of the result ACETYLENE Phosphorus. About 12 to 15 grams of the lime or limestone should be taken and treated for the removal of silica as above. With this large amount it is necessary to carefully break up lumps with a rod during the drying by hot air. Filter off the silica and evaporate the nitrate with strong nitric acid until nearly dry, to remove the hydrochloric acid and con- vert everything into nitrates. Dilute and precipitate with ammonium molybdate as in the coke analysis, afterwards estimating as magnesium pyrophosphate. Mg 2 P 2 7 =P 2 5 222 =142 or _, Mg 2 P 2 7 - Mg 2 P 2 7 found x 0-6396 xlQQ_ n -- TFr T~T - r - - 1 -- per Cent. JrV/5 Weight of sample Example Weight of lime taken = 9'6990 gr. Mg 2 P 2 O 7 found = 0-0068 gr. 00068x0-6396x100 ~~ 9-6990 " =0-048 per cent, of P 2 5 . The estima- tion of the gas-yielding power of Calcium Carbide Loss due to moisture in the air ANALYSIS OF CALCIUM CARBIDE. Many processes have been devised for the estima- tion of the yield of acetylene from a given sample of carbide. Theoretically, pure carbide should give 348-9 litres of acetylene per kilo at C. and 760 mm., corre- sponding to 5'8 cubic feet per pound ; but even if the carbide were absolutely pure, these figures would never be practically reached owing to the fact that it is impossible to prevent some carbide, even though the amount be small, being decomposed by the water vapour in the atmosphere before the carbide is put into the generator. The commercial carbide is often packed in big lumps, which have to be broken before being used, and during this operation there is always a certain amount of decomposition. Breaking the carbide to a certain size is absolutely 672 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL necessary in order to get a good average sample for analysis. The finer the carbide is broken the greater will be the loss of acetylene set free on generation, due to two causes : (a) the longer time required for breaking, and (6) the greater surface exposed to the action of the damp air. The effect of breaking on the yield of calcium carbide was found by Perrodil l to be per 1 kgr. : Lumps as received from the works . 310 litres Granulated 290 Powdered 200 The quantity of acetylene evolved from a given weight also depends partly on the apparatus used. In dripping generators there will be a certain loss owing to polymerisation, due to the rising temperature. In. generators where the carbide is allowed to drop into water, a certain amount of gas will be dissolved by the water. This error may to a certain extent be obviated by using lime water saturated with acetylene for the decomposition, and if the decomposition takes place in a relatively large volume of saturated lime water, and is effected very slowly, then the figures obtained may approximate closely to theory, because the temperature does not rise much. If the tempera- ture rises even 10 to 20 C., the volume of acetylene obtained may be greater than the amount generated from the carbide, owing to some being driven out of solution in the water. The influence of the generators on the yield was tested, the figures obtained being: 1. Test of j T ield by weighing dripping apparatus, slowly drip- ping brine 1 kgr. carbide = 307'5 : 306'4 : 307' 1 litres. 2. Carbide into lime water saturated with acetylene by Effect of breaking down Carbide on the yield of gas Loss due to heating in the generator Influence of mode of generation on the volume of the gas 1 Rev. Tech. Acet. 2, 182. 673 43 ACETYLENE Influence oi the crystalline character oi the Carbide on heating during generation The importance of proper sampling in taking specimens for analysis measuring the volume. 60 gr, of carbide in 500 c.c. of saturated lime water 1 kgr. carbide = 310'6 1. : 306 1. : 308 1. 3. Dripping apparatus by measuring the volume, quickly running the water in, so that a great increase in temperature takes place, and products of polymerisation are formed 1 kgr. carbide = 295 1. : 279 1. : 283 1. These figures show that the two first methods give nearly the same results, when in the dripping apparatus brine is used and the temperature does not rise high enough to form polymerisation products. When using water, however, and working quickly, the yield is much less. The character of the carbide also affects this to a considerable extent, a pure ingot carbide in large crystals decomposing more quickly and evolving higher temperatures than the dense grey carbide. Sampling the carbide. On examination, carbide will usually be found to vary considerably in appear- ance, and in taking the sample great attention must be paid to obtaining a fair average. Further, it is often then very difficult to get a result which is even fairly accurate if only sufficient is broken up for the test. At least 250 grams should be reduced to about the size of hazel nuts and well mixed, and from the bulk the required quantity for the estimation is taken. The following case illustrates the importance of these precautions. (a) Sample of carbide obtained by choosing apparently repre- sentative pieces, breaking only sufficient for analysis. (6) The same carbide, only a large quantity broken, and then the sample taken from the reduced mass. Carbide taken. Gas yield Calculated percentage per kilo. of pure carbide, (a) 49-82 gr. 179 litres 51'34 (6) 55-44 271 77'80 The first method proposed for the estimation of the 674 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL yield of gas from calcium carbide is due to Perrodil and Sertier, 1 who devised an apparatus which, although useless for accurate scientific tests, can be used in many cases to obtain a rough estimation for the volume of gas obtainable from a given sample. It consists of an ordinary drip generator, from which the gas generated from a known quantity of calcium carbide is led through a tube containing cotton wool to retain dust, condensed water vapour, polymerisation products, etc., and is then led into a graduated holder. Perrodil claims that with this apparatus it is possible to test, not only the volume of acetylene generated from a given sample of carbide, but also the residue left after decomposition and the photometric value of the gas. In the apparatus used by him, the height of the gas- holder bell was 30 cm., and with a holder of this size, the error in reading the volume may amount to roughly one-thirtieth of a volume ; so that with a com- mercial carbide yielding 300 litres per kilo, an error of 10 litres might occur, whilst this is added to by any errors in the weighing out of the carbide. In estimations of this kind corrections for the temperature of the gas in the holder and for the pressure should be employed, and the process could only be used for rough estimations. In 1897 Lunge and Cederkreutz 2 made an apparatus in which a generator of the kind shown in Fig. 12, p. 60, is employed in which carbide is allowed to drop into water, or a dripping apparatus can be used, and the gas evolved is measured in a graduated holder. In the first case the test can be made in a very short time. The generator is filled with brine, the carbide is weighed, placed in the receiver, which is connected by a rubber tube to the decomposing 1 Rev. Tech. Acet. 2, 181 ; Zeitsch. f. Gale, und Acet. 1, 163. 2 Zeitsch. f. Anorg. Chem., 1897, 654. 675 Method proposed by Perrodil and Sertier Possible error of the process Method adopted by Lunge and Cederkreutz ACETYLENE flask ; in order to prevent the carbide dropping in too large quantities into the generating flask, the rubber tube should be fitted with a suitable pinch cock. When the acetylene is collected over brine, the vapour tension may be disregarded for commercial purposes. With this apparatus greater quantities of carbide can be tested at once, say 50 grams. When the water is added drop by drop, the generation may be stopped when the holder is full and the gas burnt, when the reaction may be started afresh. In this way the error is diminished. Instead of an Ad of a the 8C error of 10 litres > ii: is reduced to -in so that it is process possible to reduce the error on 1 kgr. to 2 litres. Atmospheric temperature and pressure should be corrected for, and also for the temperature of the gas where a drip generator is used ; and it must also be borne in mind that during the burning off of the acetylene, the evolution of gas does not cease entirely. This method, however, is of practical use in many cases for rough estimations. In 1897 Fuchs and Schiff 1 pointed out the diffi- n r h> eS ed cu lti es of collecting acetylene over water, and recom- by Fuchs mended covering the water in the collecting holder ai for S the ft w ith a layer of olive oil in order to separate it from estimation the former. Their observations show that 100 volumes ofga* of olive oil absorb 48 volumes of acetylene, whilst water absorbs its own volume. For testing the yield of acetylene set free from calcium carbide, they use the following method : A three-necked Woulffe's bottle is fitted with corks carrying a thermometer, dripping funnel, and outlet tube respectively, and the bottom of the bottle is covered with asbestos to prevent its cracking from any sudden rise of temperature. A gas jar of 15 litres capacity is filled with water covered by a layer of olive oil, and is closed by a cork fitted with a syphon 1 Chem. Zeit. 21, 875. 676 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL leading to a second measuring receiver, and a tube with stopcock leading to the outlet of the Woulffe's bottle. The syphon having been filled with water by Apparatus J * & J employed blowing down the inlet tube, the stopcock is closed and the generating bottle connected on. 30 to 40 grams of carbide are weighed by difference in a closed tube, and are thrown into the bottle. The initial tempera- ture is then noted, and the dripping funnel is filled with 200 c.c. of water, and the tap opened so that the water drops very slowly on to the carbide, whilst at the same time the stopcock in the connecting tube is opened. As the gas passes into the gas jar, the water is displaced and passes through the syphon into the measuring vessel, and from the volume so obtained the yield of acetylene can be calculated. It is claimed that when properly used, the apparatus gives very concordant results. Five tests of two samples of carbide from Neu- Results ., . / obtained hausen gave the following figures : 1 kgr. 281-3 290-5 285-6 mean * 2951 287-2 286-8 litres. 298'6 289-5 299-8 290-3 303-9 mean 297'6 litres. So far the methods employed were all dependent upon measuring directly the volume of acetylene set free from a definite quantity of carbide, and it is manifest that this is open to many objections. It was Bamberger, in 1898, 1 who first proposed to determine the yield of acetylene gravimetrically, a process which is not only more accurate than the previous ones, but also more simple and easy in working. In order to do this he employed the apparatus Bamberger's shown in Fig. 226, which consists of a two-necked estimating Woulffe's bottle fitted with a calcium chloride tube 1 Zeit.f. Cole, und Acet. 1, 210. 677 metrically ACETYLENE Method ot conducting the estimation and a dripping funnel, which, before the experiment, is filled with a solution of salt. The weight of the bottle thus fitted is first taken, and then about 50 to 60 grams of the calcium carbide which is to be tested are put in the bottle and the weight once more taken, the increase in weight giving the amount of carbide added. For weighing this apparatus a balance turning with OOl gram with 800 grams may be used, the final results being very ac- curate. The weighed apparatus is ready for the analysis. The tap is opened so that five to six drops fall per minute ; the car- bide is decomposed slowly, and the gas set free is dried by the calcium chloride. Later on the brine may be allowed to drip more quickly. With careful work- ing, only the lower part of the generator will be heated, and FIG. 226. BAMBERGER'S APPARATUS. not a trace of water vapour escapes. After three to four hours half of the brine taken has passed in, and the carbide is nearly all decomposed. The tap is opened, and the remainder of the brine allowed to flow in. The bottle is shaken, and air aspirated through the generator for displacement of acetylene by air. When the apparatus has acquired its original temperature it is weighed, the difference in weight giving the weight of acetylene set free. By a simple calculation, the amount of pure carbide 678 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL and the yield of acetylene per kgr. are obtained. One kgr. of pure carbide evolves 40-625 per cent, of acety- lene, or the yield for 1 kgr. is 348-9 litres at C. and 760 mm. The error due to weighing the apparatus in the first place full of air and afterwards full of acetylene, would probably not be greater than the experimental error combined with error in sampling the carbide. Thus if the apparatus have a capacity of 1 litre it will probably be less 1 litre of air = 1'293 gr. 1 litre of acetylene = ri68 gr. 0'125 gr. difference. Assuming a carbide yields 300 litres per kilo, the 50 grams yield 17-520 grams acetylene. This would be reduced by 0*125 if the apparatus were weighed full of acetylene after the determination, or 17-520 0-125 = 17-395 grams acetylene. 17*395 grams acetylene would then give the yield per kilo as 297-58 litres, or an error of 242 litres per kilo. The calculation of the yield of acetylene and the percentage of pure carbide may be made as follows : Probable extent of error involved Apparatus + carbide Apparatus Weight of carbide . 624-89 575-99 48-90 Calculation of yield of gas and percentage of Carbide from results obtained Weight of apparatus after experiment . 607*38 Weight of acetylene 48-90 : 17-51=100 : x 17-51 624-89 607-38 17-51 cc=JL!g-=35-8 per cent, of acetylene. 35*8 per cent, of acetylene = 88 per cent, pure carbide, and this corresponds to 1 kgr. = 307 litres. 679 ACETYLENE Ratio between volume of gas yielded and percentage of true Carbide The time needed for such a test depends on the quan- tity of carbide used. The following table shows the relation between the volume of gas yielded by calcium carbide in litres per kilo and the percentage of true calcium carbide con- tained in the commercial material, the volume being calculated at C. and 760 mm. barometric pressure. Per cent, of pure carbide Litres per kgr. Difference. Percentage of acetylene. Difference. 100 348-9 3-5 40-625 0-40 99 345-4 3-5 40-22 0-41 98 341-9 3-5 39-81 0-41 97 338-4 3-5 39-40 0-40 96 334-9 3-4 39-00 0-41 95 331-5 3-5 38-59 0-40 94 328-0 3-5 38-19 0-41 93 324-5 3-5 37-78 0-41 92 321-0 3-5 37-37 0-40 91 317-5 3-5 36-97 0-41 90 314-0 3-5 36-56 0-41 89 310-5 3-5 36-15 0-41 88 307-0 3-5 35-74 0-41 87 303-5 3-5 35-33 0-41 86 300-0 3-5 34-92 0-40 85 296-5 3-5 34-52 0-41 84 293-0 3-5 34-11 0-41 83 289-5 3-5 33-70 0-41 82 286-0 3-5 33-29 041 81 282-5 3-5 32-88 0-41 80 279-0 3-5 32-47 0-41 79 275-5 3-5 32-06 0-41 78 272-0 3-5 31-65 0-41 77 268-5 3-5 31-24 0-41 76 265-0 3-5 30-83 0-41 75 261-5 3-5 30-42 0-41 74 258-0 3-5 30-01 0'41 73 254-5 3-5 29-60 0-41 72 251-0 3-5 29-19 0-41 71 247-5 3-5 28-37 0-41 70 244-0 3-5 2837 0-41 If the yield in litres per kilo be divided by 63, it gives approximately the result in cubic feet per pound. 680 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL Bamberger's apparatus may also be connected directly to a measuring cylinder or gasholder, Fig. gravimetric 227, so that the results obtained by weight may be checked by direct measurement. As shown in Chapter IX., acetylene, when made from calcium carbide, nearly always contains traces of phosphuretted and sulphuretted hydrogen, together with small quantities of ammonia and air, the latter volume of gas FIG. 227. being accidently introduced in generation or collec- tion of the sample of gas for analysis. Qualitatively the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen Qualitative in crude acetylene is readily demonstrated by passing ^m^mitie^ 6 the gas through a solution of lead acetate, when a in Acetylene black precipitate of lead sulphide soon forms ; whilst if, after freeing the gas from sulphuretted hydrogen in this way, it is then passed through a solution of silver nitrate, the presence of phosphuretted hydrogen is shown by the formation of a yellow precipitate of 681 ACETYLENE double phosphide and nitrate of silver, which turns black owing to its decomposition into silver phosphide. This reaction is very sensitive, but even more delicate is the test devised by Berge and Beyschler, 1 who use a solution of mercuric chloride in hydrochloric acid, which gives a white amorphous precipitate on contact with phosphuretted hydrogen. The presence of ammonia can readily be shown by passing the acetylene through a dilute solution of red litmus, which is rapidly turned blue. QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF PHOSPHURETTED HYDROGEN. Estimation The first method used for the quantitative determi- ^itromine** na ^ on f phosphuretted hydrogen was its oxidation water by means of bromine water into phosphoric acid. 2 The phosphuretted, and, at the same time, the sul- phuretted, hydrogen, 'are decomposed and oxidised to phosphoric and sulphuric acid. This reagent not only acts upon these impurities, but also on acetylene it- self, so that a large amount of bromine is necessary, the fumes evolved being a decided drawback to the process. The apparatus needed for this test consists of a dripping generator and an absorption vessel for the action of bromine on the acetylene set free. When the action is finished, the bromine water is poured into a beaker, and the absorption vessel well washed with water to remove all traces of the bromine, the wash water being added to the original liquid. The solution is gently heated in order to volatilise the excess of bromine, and ammonia is added in slight excess. The phosphoric acid having been transformed by the ammonia into ammonium phosphate, (NH 4 ) 3 P0 4 , 1 Bull. Soc. Chem. 3, 7, 218. 2 Willgerodt, Berl. Ber. 29, 2,107 (1895). 682 THE ANALYSIS OF MATEEIAL is precipitated by the magnesia mixture as ammonium magnesium phosphate. + MgCl 2 =MgNH 4 P0 4 + 2 NH 4 C1 The precipitation is effected at ordinary tempera- ture, and the washing is carried out as directed under the estimation of phosphorus in coke, the precipitate in each case being ammonium magnesium phosphate. The magnesia mixture is prepared by dissolving 101 grams of crystallised magnesium chloride, 200 grams of ammonium chloride in 800 c.c. of water, and adding 200 c.c. ammonia sp. grav. '880. The large amount of bromine needed for the oxida- tion of phosphuretted hydrogen, if the acetylene has to pass through the bromine water, may be reduced by burning the acetylene and passing the products of combustion through an absorbing solution, such as dilute ammonia, and precipitating this with the mag- nesia solution. This method, however, is always liable to error, as when the acetylene evolved is first col- lected in a holder over water or brine there is a cer- tain amount of phosphuretted hydrogen absorbed, and this may introduce a serious error, owing to the small percentage of phosphuretted hydrogen present, and it is practically impossible to decompose the calcium carbide in a dripping apparatus and then burn the gas directly, as it is very difficult to obtain a constant flame which will not smoke. Lunge and Cererkreutz * proposed oxidising the phosphuretted and sulphuretted hydrogen by means of a sodium hypochlorite solution. It was known the chloride of lime oxidises phosphuretted hydrogen easily and completely, whilst solutions of hypochlorites are without any action on acetylene at ordinary tempera- tures. Chloride of lime is not suitable for analytical Precipita- tion of the Phosphate Estimation of the Phosphorus Pentoxide in the products of combustion The estimation of Phos- phuretted and Sul- phuretted Hydrogen by Sodium Hypo- chlorite Zeitsch.f. Anorg. Chem., 1897, 654. 683 ACETYLENE Method of carrying out purposes, but a solution of sodium hypochlorite answers admirably. The apparatus used consists of a flask with dripping funnel and an absorption tube. It is preferable to combine the test for yield of gas with the analysis, as Bamberger does, and to use the latter apparatus with a series of absorption bulbs (Fig. 228). The carbide is weighed in Bamberger's generator and connected with the absorption bulbs containing FIG. 228. nearly 75 c.c. of a 2 to 3 per cent, solution of sodium hypochlorite. The tap of the dripping funnel is the deter- mination at same time is estima-^ s ]ightly opened, and the brine drips very slowly on of gas to the carbide. The acetylene set free passes through the calcium chloride tube to retain any water, and bubbles through the hypochlorite. When the car- bide is all decomposed some air is aspirated through the apparatus, and the generator weighed again, the difference in weight giving a means of calculating the yield of acetylene. The hypochlorite solution is poured 684 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL into a beaker and the absorption tube well rinsed out with water, this wash water being added to the original. The solution contains all the phosphorus as sodium phosphate and the sulphur as sodium sulphate. The phosphate is then precipitated with magnesia mixture, and the precipitate of ammonium magnesium phosphate filtered, washed, ignited, and weighed as before. From the amount of magnesium pyrophos- phate obtained the quantity of phosphuretted hydro- gen can be calculated. According to experiments it is not necessary to destroy the hypochlorite first ; the solution may be precipitated directly, but ammonium chloride should be added before the magnesia mixture, otherwise a floccu- lent precipitate will be produced, probably Mg (H0) 2 . The filtrate contains all the sulphur as sulphate of sodium, and should be collected for this determina- tion. The calculation- of results for phosphuretted hydro- gen or phosphorus in acetylene may be made as follows : Precipita- tion of the Phosphate Calculation of the results obtained Since Mg 2 P 2 7 : 2 PH 3 222 : 68=Mg 2 P 2 7 found : x. x=gr. PH 3 = 0-3063 xMg 2 P 2 O 7 found in acetylene set free. V= volume of acetylene in c.c. V : 0-3063 xMg 2 P 2 O 7 found =1,000 : x. * = gr. PH 3 in 1,000 c . c . = 306-3 x Mg 2 P 2 O 7 found V 1 gr. PH 3 = 654-5 c.c. at C. and 760 mm. ; hence the volume of PH 3 =Q-3063 x Mg 2 P 2 O 7 found x 654*5 c.c. or =200-46 x Mg 2 P 2 O 7 found c.c. V volume of acetylene evolved in c.c. 1 gr. acetylene =855*65 c.c. 1 litre hydrogen =0'0899 c.c. V : 200-46 xMg 2 P 2 O 7 found =100 : x. x = er cent. 685 ACETYLENE Example Calculation as grains per cubic metre Volumetric estimation of Phos- phurcttcd Hydrogen Volume of acetylene evolved = 16, 100 c.c. Magnesium pyrophosphate Mg 2 P 2 O 7 =0'1060 gr. 200-46 xO-1060 x= 16,100 This calculation is to be used for all other methods for the estimation of phosphuretted hydrogen, if finally weighed as magnesium pyrophosphate. Owing to the fact that all the phosphorus present in the acetylene does not exist as phosphuretted hy- drogen, it is better to estimate the total phosphorus as phosphorus and not as phosphuretted hydrogen, and at the present time the amount is generally given per cubic metre, so that the amended calculation will be:- Mg 2 P 2 7 : P 2 222 : 62=Mg 2 P 2 7 found : x. cc=0'2793xMg 2 P 2 O 7 found gr. phosphorus. V = volume of acetylene in litres. V : 0-2793 x Mg 2 P 2 7 found= 1,000 : x. 2,793 x Mg 2 P 2 7 found , , 1 " i, x=- &2 i =gr. phosphorus in 1 cb. m. VOLUMETRIC TEST FOR PHOSPHURETTED HYDROGEN. Hempel and Karl 1 have published a volumetric method which consists of taking 1 c.c. of a copper sulphate solution, prepared by dissolving 15'6 grams of crystallised copper sulphate in 100 c.c. of water and adding 5 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid 1 vol. of acid to 4 vols. of water. The phosphuretted hydrogen is decomposed by this solution, copper phosphide is formed, and hydrogen set free. For the estimation of the phosphuretted hydrogen, the commercial carbide is decomposed by dropping it into water, the gas collected free from sulphuretted hydrogen and ammonia in a burette over mercury, and then allowed to pass into an absorption pipette 1 Zeitsch.f. Cole, und Acet. 1, 182, 190. 686 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL containing 3 c.c. of the copper sulphate solution, which has first been saturated with acetylene. After shaking for three minutes the gas is measured, and the authors say that the fourth part of the difference in volume re- presents the volume of phosphuretted hydrogen. It may be mentioned that the gas cannot be collected in a holder before testing, because the phosphuretted hy- drogen is decomposed by light and water, and it must not stand long over mercury for the same reason. Example- Acetylene used, 97'5 c.c. Difference on volume after absorption, 1*1 c.c. 1^=0-28 c.c. PH 3 . 4 97-5 : 0-28=100 : x. x^J^L^ 0-280 per cent. PH 3 9T*5 When the acetylene contains, as at present, only O01 to 0-06 per cent, of phosphuretted hydrogen, this method must be used very carefully, the copper solu- tion especially must be saturated with acetylene at a given temperature or else serious errors may occur, and in many cases the results are not so reliable as when estimated by sodium hypochlorite or hypo- bromite. Determination of Sulphuretted Hydrogen or Total Determma- Sulphur. As before stated, the gas evolved by the ^s^phur 6 decomposition of commercial carbide always contains compounds a certain amount of sulphuretted hydrogen. But there are also other organic sulphur compounds in the gas which will also produce sulphur dioxide when burnt with the acetylene. Lunge and Cederkreutz * found that after passing the gas through lead acetate solution, though the gas was entirely free from sul- phuretted hydrogen, when bubbled through sodium hypochlorite solution, sulphate of sodium was always 1 Zeitsch. /. Anorg. Chem., 1897, 654. 687 ACETYLENE found, a fact also observed by Moissan and Caro. The method for the estimation of the phosphuretted hy- drogen by means of sodium hypochlorite solution gives therefore a process for the estimation of the total sulphur in the commercial acetylene. Precipita- The filtrate from the magnesium ammonium phos- [ the phate is slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid and Barium heated to boiling, hot barium chloride solution being then added in slight excess, and the liquid boiled for half an hour. The precipitate of barium sulphate is allowed to settle, filtered, and well washed with boil- ing water. The precipitate is ignited in a porcelain crucible. If the analysis is to be very accurate, the precipitate after ignition may be again treated with hydrochloric acid, which dissolves small traces of barium chloride held by the barium sulphate, and which can- not be removed by washing with boiling water. The hydrochloric acid is diluted with water and filtered on a small filter, so that the greater part of the precipitate remains in the crucible. The filter is added to the original precipitate in the crucible, and thorough ly dried on the water bath. The filter is then burnt and the precipitate ignited for half an hour. Calculation The total sulphur is generally calculated as sul- of results pniire tted hydrogen. BaS0 4 : H 2 S 238 : 34=BaSO 4 found : x. x = gr. H 2 S=0-1459xBaS0 4 found in the acetylene set free. V= volume of acetylene. V : 0-1459xBaS0 4 found=l,000 : x. * = gr. H 2 S in 1,000 c.c. = 145 - 9 * 1 gr. H 2 S at 0C. and 760 mm.-=654'5. 1 litre hydrogen = 0-0899 gr. Hence the volume of H 2 S=0 1459 x BaS0 4 found x 654'5. = 95'49xBaS0 4 found. V : 95-49 xBaS0 4 found =100 : x. *=vol. per cent, of H 2 S= 9 ^ 9xB * SO * fomid . 688 THE ANALYSIS OF MATEEIAL Example V = acetylene evolved = 18,400 c.c BaS0 4 found =01348 gr. 9,549x0-1348 n/Y7 , , x= ' , - =0'07 vo1 - P er cent - It is better however to calculate the sulphur as Calculation sulphur and not as sulphuretted hydrogen, as it does Juipimr per not all exist as sulphuretted hydrogen in the gas, and cubic metre it is now the general practice to express the results in cubic metres instead of per cent. BaS0 4 : S 233 : 32 =BaS0 4 found : x. x=gr. sulphur = 01373 xBaS0 4 found. V= volume of acetylene in litres. V : 0-1373 xBaS0 4 found =1,000 : x. x=gr. sulphur in cb. m . = 137-3x BaSO 4 found. (See Tables on pages 690, 691.) ESTIMATION OF AMMONIA. The estimation of ammonia is done by titration by Estimation means of decinormal solution of sulphuric acid. For this purpose two solutions are prepared, one con- taining 4-9 grams sulphuric acid in 1 litre, or O0049 gram in 1 c.c. ; the other one containing 1'7 grams of ammonia in 1 litre, or 0*0017 gram in 1 c.c. 1 c.c. of the first solution exactly neutralises 1 c.c. of the second. The acetylene set free is allowed to bubble through a definite quantity of this decinormal sulphuric acid, 50 c.c. being introduced with a pipette into an absorp- tion tube as used for the phosphuretted hydrogen test . When the whole of the acetylene has passed, all the ammonia has been absorbed and changed into sulphate or hydrosulphate of ammonia. This solution is 689 44 ACETYLENE Table for the'con- version of percentage results into grams per cubic metre TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF VOLUME PER CENT. INTO GRAMS OF PHOSPHORUS OR SULPHUR PER CUBIC METRE (POLIS). Volume per cent, of Phosphuretted Hydro- gen or Sulphuretted Hydrogen. gr. Phosphorus per 1 cb. m. gr. Sulphur per 1 cb. m. o-oio 0-140 0-145 0-011 0-154 01595 0-012 0-168 0-1740 0-013 0-182 0-1885 0-014 0-196 0-2030 0-015 0-210 0-2175 0-016 0-224 0-2320 0-017 0-238 0-2465 0-018 0-252 0-2610 0-019 0-266 0-2755 0-020 0-280 0-2900 0-021 0-294 0-3045 0-022 0-308 0-3190 0-023 0-322 0-3335 0-024 0-336 0-3480 0-025 0-350 0-3625 0-026 0-364 0-3770 0-027 0-378 0-3915 0-028 0-392 0-4060 0-029 0-406 0-4205 0-030 0-420 0-4350 0-031 0-434 0-4495 0-032 0-448 0-4640 0-033 0-462 0-4785 0-034 0-476 0-4930 0-035 0-490 0-5075 0-036 0-504 0-5220 0-037 0-518 0-5365 0-038 0-532 0-5510 0-039 0-546 0-5655 0-040 0-560 0-5800 0-041 0-574 0-5954 0-042 0-588 0-6090 0-043 0-602 0-6235 0-044 0-616 0-6380 0-045 0-630 0-6525 0-046 0-644 0-6670 0-047 0-658 0-6815 0-048 0-672 0-6960 0-049 0-686 0-7105 0-050 0-700 0-7250 0-051 0-714 0-7395 0-052 0-728 0-7540 690 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL Volume per cent, of Phosphuretted Hydro- gr. Phosphorus gr. Sulphur gen or Sulphuretted ~ per 1 cb. m. per 1 cb. m. Hydrogen. 0-053 0-742 0-7685 0-054 0-756 0-7830 0-055 0-770 0-7975 0-056 0-784 0-8120 0-057 0-798 0-8265 0-058 0-812 0-8410 0-059 0-826 0-8555 0-060 0-840 0-8700 0-061 0-854 0-8845 0-062 0-868 0-8990 0-063 0-882 0-9135 0-064 0-896 0-9280 0-065 0-910 0-9425 0-066 0-924 0-9570 0-067 0-938 0-9715 0-068 0-952 0-9860 0-069 0-966 10005 0-070 0-980 1-0150 0-071 0-994 1-0295 0-072 1-008 1-0440 0-073 1-022 1-0585 0-074 1-036 1-0730 0-075 1-050 1-0875 0-076 1-064 1-1020 0-077 1-078 1-1165 0-078 1-092 1-1310 0-079 1-106 1-1455 0-080 1-120 1-1600 0-081 1-134 1-1745 0-082 1-148 1-1890 0-083 1-162 1-2035 0-084 1-176 1-2180 0-085 1-190 1-2325 0-086 1-204 1-2470 0-087 1-218 1-2615 0-088 1-232 1-2760 0-089 1-246 1-2905 0-090 1-260 1-3050 0-091 1-274 1-3195 0-092 1-288 1-3340 0093 1-302 1-3485 0-094 1-316 1-3630 0-095 1-330 1-3775 0-096 1-344 1-3920 0-097 1-358 1-4065 0-098 1-372 1-4210 OO99 1-386 1-4355 o-ioo 1-400 1-4500 691 ACETYLENE poured into a beaker, and the washings from the absorption tube added. A few drops of litmus or other indicator are added, and the red solution titrated with the decinormal ammonia till it turns blue. Taking the number of c.c. of acid used as=A, V = volume of acetylene liberated, V: (50- A) 0-0017=1,000: a;. x =gr. of ammonia in 1 litre of acetylene =^ ~^. '- - . 1 gr. ammonia at C. and 760 mm.=l,306'8 c.c., hence the vol. of ammonia (50 - A) O'OOIT x 1,306-3 c.c. = (50 - A) 2-22 c.c. V : (50 -A) 2-22-100 :x. cc vol. per cent, of ammonia =^ ~ ' Example No. of c.c. of decinormal solution needed to neutralise the 50 c.c. of decinormal sulphuric acid after absorption of ammonia, A=36'9. V=vol. of acetylene at C. and 760 mm. = 17,200 c.c. . ..(50 - ammona> BEHAVIOUR OF ACETYLENE WITH VARIOUS REAGENTS. Qualitative Phillips 1 has studied the effect of various reagents r Acetylene 1 n po n acetylene, and the results he obtained may be summarised as follows : Palladium chloride. Red brown ppt. ; no reduction ; very sensitive. Platinum chloride. Unchanged both in the cold and at 100 C. Gold chloride. Sudden reduction of black or blue- black gold, which differs markedly from the red-brown precipitated gold. Gold chloride and potassium hydrate. No reaction when cold ; traces of reaction at 100 C. Silver nitrate. White ppt. ; very sensitive. Ammoniacal silver nitrate. White gelatinous ppt. ; a 10 per cent, solution turns solid like starch. 1 Zeitsch.f. Anorg. Chem. 6, 240. 692 THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL Indium tetrachloride. Unchanged when cold ; re- duced after a week or when boiled. Potassium rhutenate. Very little reduction. Ceric sulphate. Slowly discoloured. Potassium permanganate. Turns brown suddenly. Potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid. Sud- denly bleached. Solid potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid. Slow evolution of carbon dioxide. Potassium chromate and sulphuric acid. Unchanged when cold and at 100 C. Osmium tetroxide. Sudden black metallic ppt. Copper sulphate with and without ammonia. Un- changed. Ferric chloride. Slowly reduced to ferrous chloride. Calcium hypobromide. Slow evolution of carbon dioxide. Hydrogen peroxide and calcium hydroxide. Un- changed. Potassium bismuthate. Unchanged. Potassium ferricyanide. Unchanged. Iodine in potassium iodide. Unchanged. Ammoniacal cuprous chloride. Red ppt. Chromic sulphate. Unchanged. Mercuric chloride. White ppt. ; very sensitive. Iodine pentoxide. Reduced at 90 C. with formation of iodine and carbon monoxide. For all scientific and practical purposes, the best and most sensitive reagent is ammoniacal cuprous chloride. Berthelot in 1860 showed that one two-hundredth of a milligram could be detected. When a few bubbles of acetylene are passed through water and a little ammoniacal cuprous chloride are added, the character- istic red copper-acetylene is at once formed. The precipitates obtained from silver nitrate or from ammoniacal silver nitrate are very sensitive as reac- 693 ACETYLENE tions, but not as characteristic as the copper reaction. Chavastelon 1 uses this reaction for quantitative esti- mation of acetylene. C 2 H 2 + 3AgN0 3 = Ag 2 C 2 ' AgN0 3 + 2HN0 3 He makes this reaction in B/aoult's absorption eudio- meter, and estimates the acetylene by re-titration of the nitric acid formed ; thus one molecule of acetylene corresponds to two molecules of nitric acid. 1 Compt. Rend. 124, 1,364. 694 Part III LEGAL ENACTMENTS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES PATENTS AND APPENDIX 695 LEGISLATION RELATING TO CALCIC CAB- BICE AND ACETYLENE GKEAT BKITAIN. EARLY in 1897, an Order in Council was issued placing carbide of calcium under the Petroleum Acts, not with any intention of hampering the industry, but with the object of bringing before the notice of the public that in the use of the new illuminant acetylene and in the employment of carbide of calcium, from which it is evolved, reasonable precautions would have to be taken. This action of the Home Department cannot be too strongly commended, and if it seems to some that it may have retarded the development of the industry, it must also be borne in mind that the injury of persons by avoidable accidents would have retarded it still more, and it is satisfac- tory to note that in this country we have not had to deplore such accidents as have occurred in Paris and Berlin, and also in the United States. It is true that these accidents were chiefly due to the storage of liquefied acetylene in cylinders under very high pressures, the use of which is prohibited in this country, still, but for legislation, similar accidents would probably have occurred here. The public hearing of these accidents through the Press, could not of course be expected to distinguish between liquid acetylene, stored at a pressure of 700 Ibs. to the square inch, and gaseous acetylene, at low pressures, which, with ordinary care, can be quite safely generated in properly constructed apparatus. By an Order in Council issued in November, 1897, acetylene gas, when liquid or when highly compressed, was very pro- perly brought under the Explosives Acts, but with the proviso that if it could be shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State that acetylene in any form or condition was not ex- plosive, an exemption might be granted. Exemption was subsequently granted for certain admixtures of acetylene and oil gas on the initiative of the Acetylene Illuminating Company. 697 Legislation Order in Council, November, 1897 ACETYLENE The following Orders in Council and Order of the Secretary of State have been issued dealing with carbide of calcium and acetylene : PETKOLEUM ACT, 1871. CARBIDE OF CALCIUM. Order in Council of 2Qth February, 1897 : Published in the " London Gazette " of 2nd March, 1897. At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of February, 1897. Present: The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas it is provided by the Petroleum Act, 1871, that Her Majesty may, from time to time, make, revoke, and vary Orders in Council directing that the said Act or any part thereof shall apply to any substance, and that the said Act or the part thereof specified in any such Order shall, during the continu- ance of the Order, apply to such substance, and shall be con- strued and have effect as if such substance had been included in the definition of Petroleum to which that Act applies, sub- ject to the following qualifications : 1. The quality of any substance to which this Act is directed by Order in Council to apply which may be kept without a license, shall be such quantity only as is specified in that behalf in such Order, or if no such quantity is specified no quantity may be kept without a license. 2. The label on the vessel containing such substance shall be such as may be specified in that behalf in the Order. And whereas the Petroleum Act, 1879, and the Petroleum (Hawkers) Act, 1881, are to be construed as one with the Petroleum Act of 1871, and may, together with such Act, be cited as the Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881. And whereas Carbide of Calcium presents dangers similar to those presented by Petroleum. Calcium Now, therefore, in pursuance of the above-mentioned provisions Carbide of the Petroleum Act, 1871, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order and prescribe that A^ct " * the undermentioned parts of the Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881, shall apply to the said substance, Carbide of Calcium, in the same manner as if the said substance were Petroleum to which the Acts apply, viz. : The whole of the Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881, except r (a) So much of Section 6 of the Petroleum Act, 1871, as specifies the nature of the label to be on the vessel, in lieu of which the label shall be as hereinafter provided. 698 LEQAL ENACTMENTS (6) So much of Section 7 of the Petroleum Act, 1871, as relates to the exemption from such Section of small quantities under certain specified conditions, and no quantity of Carbide of Calcium may be kept except in pursuance of such license as in the said Section 7 is provided. (c) So much of Section 11 of the Petroleum Act, 1871, as relates to the testing of samples taken by an Officer of the Local Authority under the powers conferred by such Section. (d) So much of the Petroleum Act, 1879, as relates to the testing of Petroleum. (e) So much of the Petroleum Act, 1881, as relates to the Hawking of Petroleum. The label on the vessel containing the said Carbide of Calcium shall bear in conspicuous characters the words "Carbide of Calcium," " Dangerous if not kept dry," and with the following caution : " The contents of this package are liable if brought into contact with moisture to give off a highly inflammable gas," and with the addition : (a] In the case of a vessel kept, of the name and address of the consignee or owner. (6) In the case of a vessel sent or conveyed, of the name and address of the sender, (c) In the case of a vessel sold or exposed for sale, of the name and address of the vendor. This Order shall come into effect on the 1st of April, 1897. C. L. PEEL. At the Court at Windsor, the 7th day of July, 1897. Present : The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas it is expedient to exempt small quantities of Carbide of Calcium, when kept under certain conditions, from the opera- tion of the Order in Council of the 26th February, 1897, in virtue of which certain parts of the Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881, are applied to Carbide of Calcium in the same manner as if the said substance were Petroleum, to which the Act applies. Now, therefore, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order and prescribe that not- withstanding anything to the contrary in the said Order in Council, the quantity of Carbide of Calcium which may be kept with or without a license shall be as follows : (a) Where it is kept in separate substantial hermeti- cally closed metal vessels containing not more than lib 51bs. (&) Where it is kept otherwise .... None 699 Exemption for small quantities of carbide ACETYLENE and the said Order in Council shall be deemed to be amended accordingly. (Signed) C. L. PEEL. EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Explosives Act, 1875, Liquid Acetylene Order re Acetylene when liquid or com- pressed ACETYLENE LIQUID OR COMPRESSED. Order in Council the 2Qth day of November, 1897. At the Court of Windsor, the 26th day of November, 1897. Present : The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas by Section 104 of the Explosives Act, 1875, it is enacted that Her Majesty may by Order in Council, declare that any substance which appears to Her Majesty to be specially dangerous to life or property by reason either of its explosive properties, or of any process in the manufacture thereof being liable to explosion, shall be deemed to be an explosive within the meaning of the said Act, and the provisions of the said Act (subject to such exceptions, limitations, and restrictions as may be specified in the Order) shall accordingly extend to any such substance in like manner as if it were included in the term explosive in the said Act. And whereas Acetylene when liquid or subject to a certain degree of compression is specially dangerous to life or property by reason of its explosive properties. Now, therefore, Her Majesty is pleased by and with the advice of Her Privy Council to order and declare, and be it ordered and declared as follows : Acetylene when liquid or when subject to a pressure above that of the atmosphere capable of supporting a column of water exceeding one hundred inches in height and whether or not in admixture with other substances, shall be deemed to be an explosive within the meaning of the said Act, subject to the following exception : that if it be shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State that Acetylene, declared to be explosive by this Order when in admixture with any substance, or in any form or condition, is not possessed of explosive properties the Secretary of State may by Order exempt such Acetylene from being deemed to be an explosive within the said Act. And whereas by Section 43 of the Explosives Act, 1875, it is provided that Her Majesty from time to time by Order in Council, may prohibit, either absolutely or except in pursuance 700 LEGAL ENACTMENTS of a license of the Secretary of State under the said Act, or may subject to conditions or restrictions the manufacture, keeping, importation from any place out of the United Kingdom, con- veyance, and sale, or any of them, of any explosive which is of so dangerous a character that in the judgment of Her Majesty it is expedient for the public safety to make such Order. And whereas it is in the judgment of Her Majesty expedient for the public safety that Acetylene, when an explosive within the meaning of this Order, shall be prohibited. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the above-mentioned pro- vision of this Act, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order and prescribe that Acety- lene declared to be an explosive by this Order shall be pro- hibited from being manufactured, imported, kept, conveyed, or sold. C. L. PEEL. ORDER OF SECRETARY OF STATE, No. 5. Compressed Acetylene mixed with Explosives Act, 1875 (38 Viet. c. 17). Oil-gas Order of Secretary of State relating to Compressed Acetylene in admixture tvith Oil-gas. Whereas by an Order in Council, dated 26th November, 1897, made under Section 104 of the Explosives Act, 1875, it is de- clared that Acetylene when liquid or when subject to a certain degree of compression shall be deemed to be an explosive by the said Order when in admixture with any substance, or in any form or condition, is not possessed of explosive properties, the Secretary of State may by Order exempt such Acetylene from being deemed to be an explosive within the meaning of the said Act. And whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State that Acetylene when in admixture with a gas manufactured from mineral oil (hereinafter referred to as Oil-gas) in certain proportions and not compressed beyond a certain pressure is not possessed of explosive properties. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers aforesaid, I, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, hereby order as follows : 701 ACETYLENE Acetylene in admixture with. Oil-gas in a proportion not exceeding twenty parts by volume of Acetylene in every one hundred parts of the mixture, when subjected to a pressure not exceeding one hundred and fifty pounds to the square inch, shall not be deemed to be an explosive within the meaning of the said Act. Provided that the Acetylene and Oil-gas shall be mixed together in a chamber or vessel before the gases are sub- jected to compression. (Signed) M. W. EIDLEY. Whitehall, 28th March, 1898. ABSTRACT OF THE PETROLEUM ACTS, 1871 TO 1881. Abstract of the Petro- As applied to the Storage and Carriage of Carbide of Calcium by an Order in Counc tt of 26th February, 1897. Prepared by the Acetylene Illuminating Company, manufac- turers of Carbide of Calcium, for the use of Local Authorities and others, and reprinted by permission of the Company. Act, 1871. An Act for the safe-keeping of Petroleum and other substances of a like nature, August 21st, 1871 (34 & 35 Viet. c. 105). Sections 1 and 2 deal with the title of the Act and the inter- pretation of certain terms, such as " Borough," "Harbour Authority," " Court of Summary Jurisdiction," etc. Section 3 gives the definition of Petroleum and application of the Act thereto when tested in the manner set forth. It is partly repealed by the Act of 1879. NOTE. The Order in Council gives no definition of Carbide of Calcium, nor are any rules laid down as to the method of testing. But it is proposed only to grant licenses to keep " commercially " pure Carbide of Calcium i.e. which contains no impurities liable to generate phosphoretted or siliciuretted hydrogen so as to render the gas evolved liable to ignite spon- taneously. Section 4 deals with bye-laws as to carriage by ship. Section 5 requires notice to be given to Harbour Authorities by owner or master of the carrying ship. NOTE. Any contravention of bye-laws in force, or omission to give notice, entails heavy penalties. Section 6 deals with the label to be affixed to vessels contain- ing Petroleum, and as modified for Carbide of Calcium now reads as follows : 702 LEGAL ENACTMENTS Where any Carbide of Calcium, to which this Act applies, (a) Is kept at any place, except during the seven days next after it has been imported; or (6) Is sent or conveyed by land or water between any two places in the United Kingdom; or (c) Is sold or exposed for sale ; the label on the vessel containing the said Carbide of Calcium shall bear in conspicuous characters the words " Carbide of Calcium," " Dangerous if not kept dry," and with the following caution : " The contents of this package are liable if brought into contact with moisture to give off a highly inflammable gas," and with the addition (a) In the case of a vessel kept, of the name and address of the consignee or owner; (6) In the case of a vessel sent or conveyed, of the name and address of the sender ; (c) In the case of a vessel sold or exposed for sale, the name and address of the vendor. All Carbide of Calcium to which this Act applies which is kept, sent, conveyed, sold, or exposed for sale, in contravention of this section, shall, together with the vessel containing the same, be forfeited, and in addition thereto the person keeping, sending, or exposing for sale the same shall for each offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds. Section 7 has been modified, and now stipulates that no Car- bide of Calcium shall be kept except in pursuance of a license given by Local Authorities. All Carbide of Calcium kept in contravention of this section shall together with the vessel containing the same be forfeited, and in addition thereto the occupier of the place in which such Carbide is so kept shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds a day for each day during which such Carbide is so kept. Section 8 gives the definition of Local Authorities. This definition has been modified, and we are informed that the Local Authorities under these Acts as altered by the Local Government (England and Wales) Act, 1888 (51 and 52 Viet, cap. 41), and the Local Government Act, 1894 (55 and 57 Viet, cap. 73), are now as follows : (A) In any harbour within the jurisdiction of a harbour au- thority (whether or not situ- ated within the jurisdiction of any other local authority). (B) In the following districts, except so much as is part of a harbour. 703 Labelling packages of Calcic Car- bide The Harbour Authority. ACETYLENE r Corporation of City of (a) In the City of London. j London. (6) In the Metropolis (outside j London County Counci , the City of London). J (c) In any borough in Eng- ^ land, Wales, Scotland, or I Town Council. Ireland. J (d) In any place in Ireland ^ within the jurisdiction of I The Trustees or Improve- any Trustees or Improve- j ment Commissioners, ment Commissioners. J (e) In any place in Scotland , within the jurisdiction of j Police Commissioners or I The Police Commis- Trustees exercising func- f sioners or Trustees, tions of Police Commis- sioners. ' (f) In any place where there is no Local Authority, as before defined: The District Council. (2) In Ireland. { The Ju Q stices in Pett ^ I Sessions. {County Justices sitting as Judges in the Jus- tice of Peace Court. Section 9 deals with the mode of granting licenses, and reads as follows : Granting " Licenses in pursuance of this Act shall be valid if signed Licenses fry i wo or more of the persons constituting the Local Authority, or executed in any other way in which other licenses, if any, granted by such Authority are executed. Licenses may be granted for a limited time, and may be subject to renewal or not in such a manner as the Local Authority think neces- sary." " There may be annexed to any such license such conditions as to the mode of storage, the nature and situation of the premises in which, and the nature of the goods with which Carbide of Calcium to which this Act applies is to be stored, the faculties for the testing of such Carbide of Calcium from 704 LEGAL ENACTMENTS time to time, the mode of carrying such Carbide of Calcium within the district of the Licensing Authority, and generally as to the safe keeping of such Carbide of Calcium as may seem expedient to the Local Authority." " Any licensee violating any of the conditions of his license shall be deemed to be an unlicensed person. There may be charged in respect of each license granted in pursuance of this Act such sum, not exceeding five shillings, as the Local Authorities may think fit to charge." Section 10 sets out the remedy in case of refusal of license and reads thus : "If on any application for a license under this Act the Local Authority refuse the license, or grant the same only on conditions with ivhich the applicant is dissatisfied, the Local Authority shall, if required by the applicant, deliver to him in writing under the hand or hands of one or more of the persons constituting the Local Authority, a certificate of the grounds on ivhich they refused the license or annexed con- ditions to the grant thereof.' 1 ' 1 " The applicant within ten days from the time of the de- livery of the certificate may transmit the same to a Secretary of State if the application is for a license in England or Scot- land, and to the Lord Lieutenant if the application is for a license in Ireland, together with a memorial, praying that notwithstanding such refusal the license may be granted, or that the conditions may not be imposed, or may be altered or modified in such manner and to such extent as may be set forth in such memorial." " It shall be lawful for the Secretary of State, or the Lord Lieutenant, if he thinks fit on consideration of such memorial and certificate, and if he thinks it necessary or desirable after due enquiry and a report by such person as he may appoint for that purpose to grant the license paid for, either abso- lutely or with such conditions as he thinks fit, or to alter or modify the conditions imposed by the Local Authority ; and the license so granted, or altered and modified, as the case may be, when certified under the hand of a Secretary of State or the Lord Lieutenant, shall be to all intents as valid as if granted by the Local Authority." Section 11. Relates to the testing of samples of Petroleum by officer or local authority, and is now modified (see foot note after Section 3 herein), but any officer authorized by the Local Authority may purchase any Carbide of Calcium from any dealer in it, or may on producing a copy of his appointment purporting to be certified by the clerk or some member of the Local Authority, or producing some other sufficient authority 705 45 Refusal of License Taking Samples ACETYLENE require the dealer to show him every or any place and all or any of the vessels in which any Carbide of Calcium in his possession is kept, and to give him samples of such Carbide of Calcium on payment of the value of such samples. Section 12. Sets out the penalty for obstructing the officer or refusing information, and reads as follows : " Any dealer who refuses to show to any officer authorized by the Local Authority every or any place or all or any of the vessels in which Carbide of Calcium in his possession is kept, or to give him such assistance as he may require for examining the same, or to give to such officer samples of such Carbide of Calcium on payment of the value of such samples, or who wilfully obstructs the Local Authority or any officer of the Local Authority in the execution of this Act shall incur a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds" Section 13. Authorizes search for Carbide of Calcium if any court of summary jurisdiction is satisfied by information on oath that Carbide of Calcium is being kept, sent, conveyed, or exposed for sale within the jurisdiction of such court in con- travention of the Act. Any Carbide of Calcium so found is liable to be forfeited, and any person obstructing the search or authorizing obstruction is liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds in addition to forfeiture of the goods. Section 14. By this section Her Majesty may from time to time make, revoke, and vary Orders in Council, directing this Act or any part thereof to apply to any substance other than PetroleLim. NOTE. It is under this section that the Order in Council applying the Petroleum Acts to Carbide of Calcium came into effect. Section 15. Deals with mode of recovery of penalties, etc. Section 16. Is a reservation Clause for maintaining previous powers with respect to inflammable substances. Section 17. Repeals certain Acts. Section 18, and last, states the duration of the Act. (This was extended by the Petroleum Act of 1879, and continues in force until otherwise directed by Parliament.) An Act to continue and amend the Petroleum Act, 1871, llth August, 1879 (42 and 43 Viet. c. 47). With the exception of Section 4 continuing in force the Petroleum Act of 1871, until otherwise directed by Parliament the whole of this Act practically refers to the testing of 706 LEG-AL ENACTMENTS Petroleum, and is therefore excepted from the Order in Council dealing with Carbide of Calcium. An Act to regulate the hawking of Petroleum, and other sub- stances of a like nature, 27th August, 1871. This Act is construed as one with the Petroleum Acts, 1871 and 1879, and together with those Acts is cited as the Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881. So far, however, as Carbide of Calcium is concerned, this Act of 1881 is in totality excepted from the Order in Council. By an Order in Council held 7th July, 1897, it has been pre- scribed that 5 Ibs. of Carbide of Calcium may be kept without a license, provided it be kept in separate substantial hermetically closed metal vessels containing not more than 1 Ib. each. EXPLOSIVES ACTS. It would serve no useful purpose to give an abstract of the Explosives Acts, as these only apply to liquid Acetylene stored at a pressure of 600 to 700 Ibs. to the square inch, and to acety- lene when subject to a pressure above that of the atmosphere capable of supporting a column of water exceeding 100 inches in height equal to 3'6 Ibs. per square inch. Any apparatus for generating acetylene in which this latter pressure is exceeded would be prohibited under the Act. In most generators the pressure does not even approach 100 inches of water pressure. Explosives Acts PETEOLEUM ACT AND LOCAL AUTHOEITIES. The whole of the Petroleum Acts apply to Carbide of Calcium in the same manner as if the said substance were petroleum, except as shown in the foregoing abstract. Probably, Local Authorties will be guided in some measure by the interpretation given to the Order in Council by the London County Council, and the Corporation of London, as these authorities have had the advantage of the assistance of the Home Office and of competent scientists in framing regu- lations and suggestions. A copy of the abstracts issued by the London County Council, and the Corporation of London, with a copy of their forms of application and copy of their forms of license is appended hereto, but it will be observed that the abstracts have no legal validity, and it is optional to all Local Authorities to modify the sug- gestions made in any manner they think desirable. 707 Petroleum Act and Local Autho- rities ACETYLENE CITY OF LONDON. Cityof PETEOLEUM ACTS, 1871 TO 1881. London ORDER IN COUNCIL, 26'fn FEBRUARY, 1897. Acte'lST'l'to Tke L Cal Government (England and Wales) Act, 1888. 1881 - CARBIDE OF CALCIUM LICENSE. Carbide PURSUANT to the provisions of the Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881, License and the Order in Council , dated the 26th February, 1897? the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London (hereinafter called the Corporation) being the Local Authority for the said City, DO HEREBY grant License to .............................. of ...... ..................... for the period of 12 calendar months from the ...... ............ to keep ........................ of Carbide of Calcium, to which the Acts and such Order in Council apply, and as denned in the said Acts and Order in Council, on the premises situate at ...... ............... in the Parish of ..................... and within the City of London, subject to the conditions following, that is to say : Conditions ! ^ ne Carbide of Calcium to be kept only for use on the for storing premises, and not for sale. 2. That the Carbide of Calcium, except when actually being used in generating Acetylene Gas, be kept only in strong metal vessels, so constructed as to exclude water and atmospheric moisture. 3. That the vessel or vessels containing the Carbide of Calcium be kept in the place of storage approved of by the City Sur- veyor ; that such place of storage be exclusively appropriated to the purpose ; and that the building within which it is comprised be not a dwelling-house, or inhabited. 4. That the place of storage aforesaid be in all respects kept and maintained in the same condition that it was in when in- spected by an authorized officer of the Corporation last before the granting of this License. 5. That not more than 112 Ibs. of Carbide of Calcium be kept in any one vessel, and that only one vessel be opened at one time. 6. That every storage vessel of a greater capacity than 2 Ibs. be secured with a lock or be kept in a locked receptacle so as to prevent unauthorized persons having access to the contents. 7. That when a locked receptacle is provided for the storage of the vessels containing the Carbide of Calcium, no other sub- stance shall be deposited or kept in such receptacles. 708 LEGAL ENACTMENTS 8. That the Carbide of Calcium shall be kept only in the metal vessels which have been approved of by the City Surveyor. All these several matters to be at all times kept in good order and repair, and rendered secure and perfect. 9. That every storage vessel containing Carbide of Calcium bear a label with the words u Carbide of Calcium," " Dangerous, if not kept dry," in conspicuous characters thereon, and with the following caution : " The contents of this package are liable, if brought into contact with moisture, to give off a highly inflam- mable gas." 10. That Carbide of Calcium be only conveyed to or from the licensed premises in closed vessels. 11. That the vessels containing Carbide of Calcium be only opened upon the licensed premises at or immediately adjoining the place of storage, and for the time necessary for removing the Carbide of Calcium, or for the re-filling of the vessels, and that, during such removal or re-filling, every reasonable pre- caution be adopted for preventing moisture being brought into contact therewith, as well as for guarding against the risk of ignition of any gas which may be liberated. 12. That the apparatus for generating and storing the gas Generating yielded by Carbide of Calcium be placed in a well-ventilated Apparatus outbuilding, and that no artificial light, capable of igniting in- flammable gas, be taken into or near the building used for- this purpose. 13. That escape of gas from the apparatus be carefully guarded against, and provision made against the occurrence of undue pressure by the employment of a safety valve connected with a pipe discharging into the open air. The apparatus also to be furnished with a pressure gauge. 14. That satisfactory provision be made against dangerous development of heat. 15. That any residue of Carbide of Calcium be at once mixed with at least ten times its bulk of water on being removed from the generator. 16. That no person be entrusted with the charge of a gas- generating apparatus until he has been properly instructed in its management. 17. That all Carbide of Calcium received upon the premises be at once taken to the place of storage, and that Carbide of Calcium taken from the place of storage for delivery or other- wise be at once removed from the premises. 18. That the Licensee do take effectual precautions for pre- 709 ACETYLENE Storage, Carriage and Sale of Carbide venting unauthorized persons and all persons under the age of 15 years from obtaining access to the place of storage. 19. That due precaution be at all times taken for the pre- vention of accident from fire. 20. That every authorized officer of the Corporation be at all times allowed free access to the premises of the Licensee for the purpose of ascertaining if the above conditions are properly observed, and of obtaining samples of Carbide of Calcium, at the cost of the Corporation, for the purpose of being tested ; and that the Licensee do, by himself or his representatives, give any assistance for that purpose which such officer may require. 21. Nothing in this License is to absolve the Licensee from liability to observe and carry out the special requirements and provisions contained in the said Acts and Order in Council, and any breach of the above conditions shall operate as a forfeiture of the License. By Order of the Corporation, GUILDHALL, LONDON, Town Clerk. 189 This License is not transferable, and alone operates from the day on which it is taken up by the Licensee. The attention of the Licensee is specially directed to the following extract from Section 9 of the Petroleum Act, 1871 : " Any Licensee violating any of the conditions of his license shall be deemed to be an unlicensed person." N.B. Should it be desired to renew this License, an application for such purpose must be sent to the Town Clerk, Guild- hall, not later than CITY OF LONDON. PETEOLEUM ACTS. Keeping, Selling, and Conveying CARBIDE OF CALCIUM. By an Order in Council, dated 26th February, 1897, it is directed that the Petroleum Act, 1871 (34 and 35 Viet. c. 105), shall apply to Carbide of Calcium. This material can, there- fore, only be legally kept under a License granted by the Local Authority, even in the smallest quantities, and whether for sale or for private use. 710 LEGAL ENACTMENTS The Local Authority for the City of London is the Corpora- tion, and application should accordingly be forthwith made to the Town Clerk, Guildhall, E.G., by all those who are keeping or desire to keep Carbide of Calcium within the City. A printed Form of Application will be supplied. Ever3>- application should be accompanied by a Statement setting forth : (a) The maximum quantitj r proposed to be kept ; (6) Whether it is to be kept for sale or for use ; (c) The proposed place and method of storage. In granting Licenses the Corporation will, as far as possible, be guided by the following principles : 1. Strong metal vessels, so constructed and closed as to ex- clude water and atmospheric moisture, should be used for keep- ing Carbide of Calcium, and these vessels should only be opened during such time as is necessary for the removal of the required portion of their contents or for refilling. The maximum con- tents should not exceed 112 Ibs. Copper should not be used in the construction of the vessels. 2. Every storage vessel of a greater capacity than 2 Ibs. should be secured with a lock or be kept in a locked receptacle, so as to prevent unauthorized persons having access to the contents. 3. Storage vessels should not be kept in dwelling-houses, but the keeping by holders of Licenses of small quantities in shops, dwellings or workshops, for sale or use, will be permitted under suitable conditions. 4. The Carbide of Calcium must be pure in a commercial sense, i.e. it must contain no impurities liable to generate phosphoretted or siliciuretted hydrogen, so as to render the gas evolved liable to ignite spontaneously. 5. Apparatus for generating and storing the gas (acetylene) yielded by Carbide of Calcium should be placed in a well- venti- lated outbuilding, and no artificial light capable of igniting in- flammable gas should be taken into or near the building used for this purpose. An exception to this will be made in the case of portable apparatus taking a charge not exceeding 2 Ibs. of Carbide. 6. The apparatus used for generating and holding the gas should be so constructed and used as to guard against the special risks attaching to the production of acetylene from Carbide of Calcium. Therefore : (a) Copper should not be used in the construction of the apparatus; (6) The apparatus should be of adequate strength ; (c) Escape of gas from the apparatus should be carefully guarded against, and provision should be made against the occurrence of undue pressure by the employment of a safety-valve connected with a pipe discharging 711 Storage ot Carbide Apparatus for generating Acetylene ACETYLENE into the open air. The apparatus should also be furnished with a pressure-gauge ; (d) Satisfactory provision should be made against dangerous development of heat ; (e) The residue of Car- bide should be mixed with at least ten times its bulk of water on being removed from the generator; (/) No person should have charge of an apparatus until he has been properly in- structed in its management. 7. When Carbide of Calcium is : (a) Kept at any place ; or (b)' Sold or exposed for sale, the vessel containing it shall bear a label stating in conspicuous characters the words " Carbide of Calcium," " Dangerous, if not kept dry," and the following caution : " The contents of this package are liable, if brought into contact with moisture, to give off a highly inflammable gas," and, in addition, the name and address of the owner or vendor. Where the Carbide of Calcium is (c) Sent or conveyed, the vessel containing it must bear a similar label, except that in this case the name and address of the sender is to be substi- tuted. The License may prescribe the conditions under which the Carbide of Calcium is to be conveyed to or from licensed premises. 8. A charge of Five Shillings will be made in respect of each License. 9. Any dealer who refuses to show to any Officer, authorized by the Corporation, every or any place or all or any of the vessels in which Carbide of Calcium in his possession is kept, or to give him such assistance as he may require for examining the same, or to give to such Officer samples of such Carbide of Cal- cium, on payment of the value of such samples, or who wilfully obstructs the Corporation, or any Officer of the Corporation, in the execution of these Acts and the order made thereunder, is liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds. A License is not transferable. It is granted for One Year only, and Applications for Renewal must be made prior to its expiry. By order of the Corporation, JOHN B. MONCKTON, Town Clerk. NOTE. This Memorandum does not preclude the Corpora- tion from imposing any further conditions in any particular case, and is intended only for the guidance of Applicants for Licenses. GUILDHALL, April, 1897. 712 LEGAL ENACTMENTS LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881, and Order in Council, dated 26th February, 1897. London County Council Carbide License CARBIDE OF CALCIUM LICENSE. Eeg. No ....... Pursuant to the provisions of the Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881, and of the Order in Council, dated 26th February, 1897, the London County Council doth hereby at the request of ......... ............................................ grant License to ..................... for the period of twelve calendar months from the .................. ....................................... to keep .................................... of Carbide of Calcium on the premises ................. ... ................. in the parish of ................................................... and within the jurisdiction of the said Council, subject to the conditions following, that is to say That Carbide of Calcium which contains impurities liable to generate phosphoretted or siliciuretted hydrogen so as to render the gas evolved liable to ignite spontaneously, be not kept under this license. That Carbide of Calcium be kept only in .............................. Conditions for Storage That Carbide of Calcium, excepting when being actually used in generating Acetylene Gas, be kept only in strong metal vessels so constructed and closed as to prevent the admission of water or atmospheric moisture. That every such vessel when containing Carbide of Calcium bear a label, stating in conspicuous characters the words, "Car- bide of Calcium," " Dangerous if not kept dry," and with the following caution : u The contents of this package are liable if brought into contact with moisture to give off a highly in- flammable gas," and also the name and address of the owner or vendor. That only one vessel containing Carbide of Calcium be opened at one time, and then only for the time necessary for the removal of any required quantity of Carbide, or for the refilling of the vessel. That not more than 112 Ibs. of Carbide of Calcium be kept in any one vessel. That any quantity of Carbide of Calcium exceeding 2 Ibs. in 713 ACETYLENE weight be only kept in a vessel or vessels securely locked, unless such vessel or vessels are in a locked receptacle. That fire, or any such artificial light as would ignite inflam- mable gas, be not taken into or near the building or place where Carbide of Calcium is kept or used in quantities exceed- ing 2 Ibs. That any residue of Carbide of Calcium on being removed from a gas-making apparatus be at once mixed with at least ten times its bulk of water. That any apparatus containing Carbide of Calcium be only entrusted to the charge of a person properly instructed in its management. That Carbide of Calcium be sent or conveyed only in strong metal vessels so constructed and closed as to prevent the ad- mission of water or atmospheric moisture, and bearing a label stating in conspicuous characters the words, " Carbide of Cal- cium," " Dangerous if not kept dry," and with the following caution : " The contents of this package are liable if brought into contact with moisture, to give off a highly inflammable gas," and also the name and address of the sender. That every authorized Officer of the Council be at all times allowed free access to the premises of the Licensee, for the pur- pose of ascertaining if the above conditions are properly ob- served ; and that the Licensee do, by himself or his representa- tives, give any assistance for that purpose which such Officer may require. By Order of the Council. Clerk of the Council. Spring-gardens, S.W. Section 9 of the Petroleum Act, 1871. which applies to Carbide of Calcium, provides that any " Licensee violating any of the conditions of his License shall .be deemed to be an unlicensed person" THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. Eeceived the sum of Five Shillings in respect of the above License (Provisional Receipt No. ). 0:5:0 Countersigned, Cashier. for the Comptroller. 714 LEGAL ENACTMENTS LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Application form for License PUBLIC CONTROL DEPARTMENT. Petroleum Acts, 1871 to 1881, and Order in Council, dated 2Qth February, 1897. Eeg. No. Application to the London County Council for a License to keep Carbide of Calcium. This application should be fully filled up in accordance with the following instructions, and forwarded to the Chief Officer of the Public Control Department, London County Council, 21, Whitehall Place, S.W., with a P.O. or Cheque for 5s., payable to order of the London County Council and crossed. This fee will be retained if the license be granted, or returned to the applicant if the license be refused. State Christian name and Surname of the Applicant. If a Firm, the names of each Member in full. If a Company, the name of the Company and its Secretary. State situation of the premises for which the license is required. State quantity desired. State if the Carbide will be kept and sold unopened in the vessels in which it is received, and if not, what will be done with it. State in what vessels the Carbide will be kept, capacity of vessels, how closed against moisture, and of what material constructed. State (a) in what part of the premises the Carbide is to be kept ; (6) the con- struction of the store ; (c) if the store is used for other purposes, and if so what. 715 ACETYLENE State if the Carbide is to be used for the manufacture of Acetylene Gas, and if so, state (a) The make and capacity of the generator. (b) Particulars as to the building in which it will be placed, if de- tached from other buildings, and if used for other purposes. (c) How you propose to dispose of the residue. (d) If the machine will be in the sole charge of a person properly instructed in its management. Signature of Applicant. Trade Postal Address Date... MIXTURES OF ACETYLENE WITH AIR OR OXYGEN. It has now been prescribed by a Home Office Order that the use of acetylene in admixture with air or oxygen be pro- hibited, except where such admixture takes place in the burner at which it is to be consumed. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In America the regulation of the acetylene industry is dealt with by the Fire Insurance Companies, advised by the Com- mittee on Fire Protection Engineering, and in February, 1899, this body issued the following report : ACETYLENE GAS. The rapid development of the manufacture of acetylene gas machines has resulted in a greater demand upon the time and attention of the Bureau in this direction during the half-year than that exercised by any other department of the work. It can- not yet be absolutely determined whether lighting by acetylene gas is to be a commercial success. The simplicity of the primary principle involved in its manufacture has led many persons ignorant of common gas practice to construct machines for this purpose, many of which indicate a total lack of appreciation of the explosive qualities of the gas, as well as limited mechanical knowledge. 716 LEGAL ENACTMENTS The gas exhibits dangerous explosive qualities within certain limits of air saturation, and many devices of reasonable me- chanical merit have required reconstruction to obviate air mixtures of this character. Excessive and dangerous heating follows the application of small quantities of water to a large bulk of carbide, which is a very general defect in many types of machines. Up to the present date we have examined the machines of one hundred and twenty-three different manufacturers. Fifty- seven of this number have been finally approved for use. Many of the machines now listed as of satisfactory construction have been practically rebuilt under our direction, certain of the same requiring one, two and three re-examinations, before being con- sidered suitable for use inside buildings. Tests will be continued along the lines already followed and results promulgated as heretofore by publishing lists of approved and unapproved machines, regularly furnished to subscribers. The Committee on Lighting, Heating and Patents of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, after consultation with our own and other experts, has promulgated certain funda- mental requirements governing the construction and installa- tion of acetylene gas generators which we recommend for your adoption as follows; the same being, as far as they go, in accordance with our past practice in this subject, and very useful in bringing about uniformity of action among the different organizations interested. Supplementing these, we have furnished all the underwriting organizations in the country with lists of acetylene devices which we have found critically defective, asking their co-operation in securing the necessary improvements. This action on our part has been very favourably received, assurances of active co- operation being returned to us and in some instances approvals previously issued being withdrawn until the machines criticised should be reconstructed in accordance with our established standards of safety. And later in the year the National Board issued the following rules : "The following rules governing the Construction and Installa- tion of Acetylene Gas Machines and the storage of Calcium Carbide are adopted as standard, and should be observed in all cases. Generators must receive approval before installation. Liquid Acetylene. The use of liquid acetylene or gas generated therefrom is absolutely prohibited. 717 ACETYLENE National Board Rides Governing Construction of Acetylene Generators. 1. Must be made of iron or steel, and in a manner and of material to insure stability and durability. 2. Must have sufficient carbide capacity to supply the full number of burners during the maximum lighting period. NOTE. This rule removes the necessity of recharging at im- proper hours. Burners almost invariably consume more gas than their rated capacity, and carbide is not of staple purity ; therefore there should be an assurance of sufficient quantity to last as long as light is needed. Another important feature is that in some establishments burners are called upon for a much longer period of lighting than in others, which requires a generator of greater gas-producing capacity. 3. Must be uniform and automatically regulated in its action, producing gas only as immediate consumption demands, and so designed that gas is generated without excessive heating at all stages of the process. NOTE. This rule is necessary, because the presence of ex- cessive heat tends to change the chemical character of the gas, and may even cause its ignition. 4. Apparatus not requiring pressure regulators must be so arranged that the gas pressure cannot exceed thirty tenths inches water column (three inches). 5. Must be provided with an escape pipe, which will operate in case of the over-production of gas, and also an attachment acting as an escape or relief in case of abnormal pressure in the machine, and which will carry such excess gas through an escape pipe of at least three-quarter inch internal diameter to a suitable point outside of building, discharging at least twelve feet above ground level, and provided with an approved hood. NOTE. Both the above safety vents may be connected with the same escape pipe. 6 Apparatus requiring pressure regulator must be so arranged that the gas pressure cannot exceed three pounds to the square inch. Such apparatus must be provided with additional safety blow-off attachment located between the pressure regulator and the service pipes and discharging to the outer air, the same as provided for in Rule 5. NOTE. This is intended to prevent the possibility of undue pressure of gas in the service pipe by failure of the pressure regulator. 7. Must be so arranged that when being charged the back flow of gas from the holder will be automatical ty prevented, or so arranged that it is impossible to charge the apparatus with- 718 LEGAL ENACTMENTS out first closing the supply pipe to holder, or to other generating chambers, if any. NOTE. This is intended to prevent the dangerous escape of gas. 8. Must be so arranged as to contain the minimum amount of air when first started or recharged, and no device or attachment facilitating or permitting mixture of air with the gas, prior to consumption, except at the burners, shall be allowed. NOTE. Owing to the explosive properties of acetylene mixed with air, machines should be so designed that such mixtures are impossible. 9. No valves or pet-cocks opening into the room from gas- holding part or parts, the draining of which will allow an escape of gas, shall be permitted, and the condensation from all parts of the apparatus must be automatically removed without the use of valves or mechanical working parts. NOTE. Such valves and pet-cocks are not essential ; their presence increases the possibility of leakage. The automatic removal of condensation from the apparatus is essential to the safe working of the machine. 10. The water supply to generator must be so arranged that gas will be generated long enough in advance of the exhaustion of the supply already in the gas-holder to allow of the using of all lights without exhausting such supply. NOTE. This provides for the continuous working of the apparatus under all conditions of water feed and carbide charge, and it obviates the extinction of lights through intermittent action of the machine. 11. No carbide chamber of over twenty-five pounds capacity shall be allowed in any machine where water is introduced in small quantities, or where the contact of water with carbide is intermittent. % NOTE. This tends to reduce the danger of overheating, and provides for the division of the carbide charges in machines of these types of large capacity. 12. Generator must be connected with the gas-holder in such manner that it will, at all times, give open connection either to the gas-holder or to the blow-off pipe into the outer air. NOTE. This prevents dangerous pressure within or the escape of gas from generating chamber. 13. Must be so designed that the residuum will not clog or affect the working of the machine, and can conveniently be handled and removed. 14. Covers to generators must be provided, with secure fasten- ings to hold them properly in place, and those relying on a water- seal must be submerged in at least twelve inches of water. 719 ACETYLENE Water-seal chambers, for covers depending on a water-seal, must be one and a half inches wide and fifteen inches deep, excepting those depending upon the filling of the seal chambers for the generation of gas, where nine inches will be sufficient. 15. Holder must be of sufficient capacity to contain all gas generated after all lights have been extinguished. NOTE. If the holder is too small, and blows off frequently after lights are extinguished, there is a waste of gas. This may suggest improper working of the apparatus, and encourage tampering. 16. The bell portion must be provided with a substantial guide to its upward movement, centre guide preferred, and a stop acting about one inch above the blow-off point. NOTE. This tends to insure the proper action of the bell, and decreases the liability of escaping gas. 17. A space of at least three-quarters of an inch must be allowed between the sides of the tank and the bell. 18. All water-seals must be so arranged that the water level may be readily seen and maintained. 19. Gas-holders constructed upon the gasometer principle must be so arranged that when the gas bell is filled to its maxi- mum, its lip, or lower edge, shall at all times be submerged in at least nine inches of water. 20. The supply of water to the generator for generating pur- poses shall not be taken from the water-seal of any gas-holder constructed on the gasometer principle. NOTE. This provides for the retention of the proper level of water in the generator. 21. The apparatus shall be capable of withstanding fire from outside causes without falling apart or allowing the escape of gas in volume. NOTE. This prevents the use of joints in the apparatus rely- ing entirely upon solder. 22. Gauge glasses, the breakage of which would allow escape of gas, shall not be permitted. 23. Where purifiers are installed, they must conform to the general rules for the construction of other apparatus, and allow the free passage of gas. 24. The use of mercury seals is prohibited. NOTE. Mercury has been found unreliable as a seal in acety- lene apparatus. 25. Construction must be such that liquid seals shall not be- come thickened by the deposit of lime or other foreign matter. 26. Apparatus must be constructed so that accidental syphon- ing of the water is impossible. 27. Flexible tubing, swing joints, packed unions, springs, 720 LEGAL ENACTMENTS chains, pulleys, stuffing boxes, and lead or fusible piping must not be used on apparatus, except where the failure of the part will not vitally affect the working or the safety of the machine. 28. There shall be plainly marked on each machine the maxi- mum number of lights it is designed to supply and the amount of carbide necessary for a single charge. The above rules are general, and are intended to provide only against the more hazardous defects usually noted in apparatus of this kind. The rules do not cover details of construction nor the proper proportioning of parts. These points are often only developed in the examination required before approval. Rules Governing the Installation of Acetylene Generators. It is desirable that all acetylene generators shall be installed outside of insured buildings. (See Specifications, rule 15.) But special permission may be granted to install generators in- side buildings where they are installed in conformity with the following rules, and approved by an authorized representative. 1. Generators must be placed on substantial foundations and set perfectly level. Where practicable, the foundations shall be of brick, stone, concrete, or iron. If necessarily of wood, they shall be extra heavy, in a dry place, and open to the circulation of air. The foundations must be such that unequal strain is not placed on the generator or connections. NOTE. The ordinary board platform commonly used is not satisfactory. Wooden foundations should be of heavy planking, joists or timbers arranged so that the air will circulate around them, and so as to form a firm base. Wood should not be used in the construction of the machine, or to support the several parts. 2. Generators must be placed where water in the same will not freeze. Where they are not intended for use throughout the entire year, all water and gas must be removed at the end of the season. NOTE. It is usually necessary to take the bell portion of the holder out, so as to allow all gas to escape. This should never be done in the presence of artificial light or open fire of any kind. 3. Generators to be placed preferably in a large, well -ventilated room. In no case must they be placed in closets or small rooms where artificial light is necessary. If enclosed, the enclosure should be of slatted partitions, permitting the free circulation of air. Rooms must have sufficient height to permit the free and full upward movement of the gasholder or moving parts. 4. Generators to be placed where they can be easily adjusted and operating mechanism readily seen without artificial light, and in no case should they be placed so that their proper action can be easily interfered with by children or careless persons. 721 46 ACETYLENE Where possible, generators must be placed so as to be well lighted from windows. 5. Generators should be placed at the greatest distance prac- ticable from direct fire heat and artificial light. In no case should they be nearer than 15 feet to direct fire heat, and in no case must they be nearer than ten (10) feet to any gas jet, lamp, lantern, or other source of artificial light. 6. Each generator must be provided with an escape or relief pipe of at least three-quarter inch internal diameter. This pipe must be substantially installed, without traps, and so that any condensation will drain back to the generator. It must be carried to a suitable point outside the building, and terminate in an approved hood located at least 12 feet above ground and remote from windows. 7. The connection from generator to service pipes must be made so that any possible moisture in the pipes will drain back to the generator. Pet-cocks for draining are not permitted. NOTE. A valve and by-pass connection should be provided from the service pipe to the blow-off for removing the gas from the holder in case it should be necessary to do so. 8. The schedule of pipe sizes for piping from generator to burners should conform to that commonly used for ordinary gas, but in no case should the feeders be smaller than three- eighths of an inch. The following schedule is advocated : I inch pipe, 26 feet, three burners. inch pipe, 30 feet, six burners. | inch pipe, 50 feet, twenty burners. 1 inch pipe, 70 feet, thirty-five burners. 1J inch pipe, 100 feet, sixty burners. 1 inch pipe, 150 feet, one hundred burners. 2 inch pipe, 200 feet, two hundred burners. 2J inch pipe, 300 feet, three hundred burners. 3 inch pipe, 450 feet, four hundred and fifty burners. 3| inch pipe, 500 feet, six hundred burners. 4 inch pipe, 600 feet, seven hundred and fifty burners. The piping must be thoroughly tested, both before and after burners have been installed. Piping should not show loss in excess of two inches within twelve hours when subjected to pressure equal to fifteen inches of mercury. 9. Generators must be installed by persons experienced in the installation of acetylene apparatus. Each installation to be inspected by an authorized representative before the permit is granted. 10. Generators must be of sufficient capacity to furnish gas continuously for all lights supplied and for the maximum lighting period. They must be capable of supplying gas con- tinuously for at least five hours, and for all burners attached. 722 LEGAL ENACTMENTS NOTE. Owing to the fact that most of the generators ex- amined are found to be overrated and poorly proportioned for the service expected of them, great care should be taken to pro- vide a machine large enough for all conditions of service, and so that recharging at night can be avoided. The following ratings will usual ly be found advisable : (a) Tor dwellings and where machines are always used intermittently, a generator rated to supply all of the burners attached should be used. (6) For stores, opera houses, day run factories, and similar service, the generator should have a capacity of from 30 to 50 per cent, in excess of the total capacity of the burners. (c) For saloons, all night or continued service, generators having an excess capacity of from 1 to 200 per cent, over total capacity of burners are almost always neces- sary. A small generator should never be installed to supply a large number of lights, even though it seems probable that only a few lights will be used at a time. An overworked generator adds to the cost of acetylene. 11. Carbide charges must be sufficient to furnish gas for all burners during the maximum lighting period. In determining charges, the carbide to be estimated as containing 4| cubic feet to the lb., and the burners as consuming at least 25 per cent, overrated burning capacity. NOTE. Some manufacturers prefer to increase the carbide charge in order to supply the rated number of lights for a longer period than five hours. In such cases the generators must be cleaned and recharged at regular stated intervals regardless of the number of lights actually burned. 12. Burners consuming one-half of a cubic foot per hour are considered standard in rating generators. Those having a greater or less capacity will decrease or increase the number of burners allowable in proportion. NOTE. Burners usually consume from 25 to 100 per cent, more gas than their rated capacity, depending largely on pressure. The one-half foot burner (so-called) is usually used with best economy. 13. Burning pressures should be from twenty to twenty-five tenths inches water column for best econ9my. The piping should be such that uniform pressure is furnished to all burners without over-weighting the gasholder. (See Eule 8.) 14. Portable acetylene apparatus for temporary, occasional, scientific, educational or experimental exhibitions may be per- 723 ACETYLENE mitted, providing it does not contain more than 3 Ibs. of calcium carbide, and providing it complies with rules of installation. 15. Specifications for Outside Generator House. (a} In closely built-up districts, outside generator house to be of brick, fireproof, and located at least 10 feet away from other buildings. Where the generator house does not open into or toward the building, it may be placed close to it, providing the separation of 10 feet be clearly impossible. In outlying districts where the generator house can be located 25 feet away from other buildings, it need not be of fireproof construction. (b) Dimensions to be confined to the requirements of the apparatus, allowing convenient room for recharging and inspection of parts ; floor to be located at least 12 inches above grade. (c) To be heated by steam, hot water, or hot air, care being taken to insure against freezing in the most severe weather. To be without artificial light, and to be pro- vided with a hooded ventilator in roof, which can be opened and closed from the inside. (d) To be used exclusively for the apparatus or storage of calcium carbide, when not in conflict with other rules, and to be kept under lock and key, so as to prevent molestation. Rules for the Storage of Calcium Carbide. 1. Calcium carbide in quantities not to exceed 600 Ibs. when contained in approved packages, holding not more than 100 Ibs. each, must be stored outside of insured property in : (a) A waterproof structure or receptacle having the bottom raised at least 4 inches above ground and located at least ten feet from any building ; or : (&) A magazine constructed of not less than No. 12 gauge iron, the bottom to be fastened to sides by 1 inch angle iron, the upper edge to be reinforced by a band of iron, the whole to be waterproof and raised at least 4 inches above the ground, and located preferably away from, windows; or: (c) A fire and waterproof brick vault opening away from the building, with floor raised at least 4 inches above grade. In all cases the enclosure or receptacle to be used exclusively for this purpose to be without artificial light, and kept under lock and key. 2. Calcium carbide in approved metal cans, holding not more than 2 Ibs. each, may be permitted inside insured buildings 724 LEGAL ENACTMENTS when contained in an enclosed magazine or holder constructed in accordance with the following specifications : (a) The holder for these cans must be constructed of gal- vanized iron not less than No. 18 American gauge, and must have all seams lapped, rivetted, and soldered both inside and out, so as to protect edges and rivets from rust, and form thoroughly watertight joints. (6) The holder to be constructed so that the bottom will be raised at least 6 inches from the floor by means of ventilated rims. These rims to be reinforced where they come in contact with the floor by heavy iron bands, and flared so that they will be at least 6 inches larger at the base than at the top. (c) The holder must be closed at the top with a cover de- signed to form a water-tight joint by means of a single clamp, and all removable parts must be attached to the holder proper by chains or other approved method. (d) The dimensions of these holders must be so proportioned that not more than 100 pounds of carbide, in metal packages not exceeding 2 pounds each, can be placed in any one holder. (e) Each holder must be kept above the grade of the street, and plainly marked in letters at least 2 inches in height, " CALCIUM CARBIDE KEEP DRY." The cover must be marked, "KEEP CLOSED." (f) Packages containing not more than 2 Ibs. each must be made of metal. Joints not to rely on solder, and cans to be thoroughly watertight. ( j 10 lire = 8s. 4d. duty free. 10 guilders, duty free. 2 '25 paper rou- ble. 15 % of value. 8 francs. 10 peseta=jd. 8 % of value. 4 6 5 25 Canada . Mexico . Egypt . The Cape South African Republic CUSTOMS TARIFF No. 147 of the Customs Regulations. Chemical products . . . . 25 % of value. No. 704 of the Customs Regulations. Calcium carbide .... duty free. All sorts of merchandise . . . 8 % of value. Customs tariff ( cont. ) ACETYLENE APPARATUS Duty on made of steel and cast iron, painted and with fittings of other apparatus metals and alloys. Germany . . Export free. No. 6 e 3B of the Toll Tariff. Goods made of tin plate and cast iron. Per 100 kg. . . . 24 marks. Belgium . . . No. 33 of the Customs Regulations. Engines, mechanical apparatus, tools. 100kg 4francs=3s.2i which have sufficient space left around them when placed in 16502 position to allow the water to act freely upon the carbide. Sep. 8. 1895 The water is passed from an upper reservoir to the lower re- ceptacle, in which the carbide cylinder is placed, and thus rises around the carbide. For the lamp, provision is made when de- sired for an accumulator for regulating the pressure of the gas and for a dessicating chamber. Generator for Acetylene Lamps. This invention is to secure a full pressure immediately the Campe, R. lamp is lighted, and to stop generation of acetylene as soon as Berlin the light is extinguished. Sep*6U.895 Decomposing Carbide of Calcium. Two forms of generator. In one the holders containing the Gabe, H. calcium carbide are lowered into the water, in the other the Copenhagen water rises around the carbide. The charge holders are perfo- 28 189." rated to admit the water to the carbide, which is packed in layers alternated with discs of waterproof material, so that only the immersed portions of the charge will be saturated. For the second form a condenser with a filter is employed between the holder and the generator. Acetylene Gas Generating Lamp. Automatic acetylene lamp. An upper vessel containing water Kaestner, C. is attached to a lower one containing carbide. The water per- colates through a felt filter before coming in contact with the carbide. Oct. y 181).~ 791 ACETYLENE Generating and Regulating the Consumption of Acetylene Gas. Bayicy, J. C. This apparatus in its most simple form consists of an in- ournc- verted cylinder having its upper end either closed or made to 1977 open and its lower end open, the plates forming the bottom Oct. 21, 1895 having their lower edges serrated or perforated. Near the top are placed one or more perforated trays to cany the carbide. The vessel is placed, open end downwards, in a tank of water. Trom the interior of the inner vessel a pipe communicates direct with the burners. When the gas in the generator accumulates under pressure the water is driven away from the carbide, and further generation should cease until the consumption of the gas allows the water to return to the carbide. Generating Acetylene Gas. Exlcy , J. H. A modification of the apparatus described in a former patent. An automatic valve is introduced in the gas passage between the generator and the holder, adapted to close when a certain Oct. 30, 1895 quantity of gas is contained in the holder, and prevent further generation of gas by at once expelling the water from the gene- rator. Manufacture of Acetylene Gas. Two generators connected to an overhead cistern are each provided with a loose perforated carbide holder so arranged as Atkinson, J. E. to be easily placed within or withdrawn from the generator Oct. 80, 1895 through a door in the side. The pipe from the cistern to the generator bifurcates, and is fitted with a two way cock, so that the supply can be turned into either of the two branches. Each branch is controlled by a regulating cock operated by the rising and falling of the gasholder-bell. Exley, J. H. Hudders- field 20727 Nov. 2, 1895 Trouve, G. Paris 23521 Dec. 7, 1895 Generating Acetylene. Another modification with the object of bringing automati- cally the second generator into operation as soon as the carbide in the first is exhausted. Producing Acetylene. A generator of acetylene gas comprising a stoppered vessel, apertured at the bottom, immersed in water, and enclosing a suspended wire cage containing carbide crystals arranged in superposed layers separated by glass discs, so as to cause the successive immersion of the layers and ensure a uniform pro- duction of gas. The apparatus may be combined with a gas- holder for the storage of the gas from one or more generators. The inventor also proposes a combination in a portable lamp for 792 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENEEATOES burning acetylene, of means of generating the acetylene, and of two concentric and connected tubes, one for conveying the gas to the burner, and the other being adapted to siphon off the water condensed in the gas tube. A Prepayment System. In order to effect distribution of the gas on prepayment of a certain coin, mechanism is arranged to deliver a measured quantity of water to the generator, only just sufficient to pro- duce the required quantity of gas from the carbide. In this generator water from an overhead tank flows through a spray- ing rose on to the carbide. The gas generated passes through * a condenser and finally enters a gasholder. Synnock, W. and Gosling, G. Peckham, London 24088 Acetylene Gas Generator. This apparatus consists of a double tank so formed as to leave a space between the chambers designed to contain water under pressure, which is forced in by a suitable pump arranged upon the outside of the tank or chamber. Within the inner cham- ber is provided any suitable number of cells, each designed to contain carbide and calcium oxide or stone lime, the latter being inserted to prevent smoking. Around and over the cells is a pipe connected with the outer tank containing water under pressure, so that the water may be admitted to one, two, or all the cells as required. This is effected by opening a valve or cock corre- sponding with the cell required. Warn, W.W.R. and King, L. F. Poole 75 Jan. 1, 189H Generating, Storing, and Purifying Acetylene. This apparatus in its simplest form consists of a vessel inside Bayley, J. C. which a float is inserted through an opening in the top which can be closed air-tight. The float is composed of two concentric cylinders, the inner of which has an end which closes it. The Jan. 6, 189H outer cylinder extends some distance above the top of the inner float so as to form a receptacle for the carbide, and between the two cylinders a small annular space is left which is filled with a ring of some textile material. The whole of the float is free to rise and fall between vertical guides, and it is borne by the weight of the water. Upon one side of the top of the vessel is placed a water tank, so arranged with a ball cock and an over- flow pipe that a uniform level is maintained. Upon the other side of the top of the vessel is arranged a container for lime or other purifying agent. A frame or grating is arranged inside the vessel underneath the float by which it can be lifted to the top of the vessel. 793 ACETYLENE Luis, C. G. London 1382 Jan. 18, 189ti Production of Acetylene Gas. Roabach The carbide is contained in an open tray placed in a chamber Ronssct F. through which passes the water supply pipe, the latter being so Templenof enlarged as to form a small condensing chamber along that Jan 16 18W P ort i n directly above the carbide. The water is allowed to flow in unregulated quantity upon the carbide, and produces within the generator a pressure exceeding that normally required for the development of the gas flame. The excessive pressure forces the water back along the supply pipe and thus stops the further supply. The heat in the generator is now so great that part of the water is converted into steam, which, however, con- denses in the enlarged water supply pipe and in a short time overflows from this pipe and falls upon the carbide. Generating Acetylene. The generator is divided by a horizontal partition into two chambers, the upper containing water and the lower carbide. The lower chamber is provided with charging apertures and with an outlet for removing waste residues. A pipe leading from the carbide chamber to a point above the surface of the water in the upper chamber is provided for carrying off the gas generated. The automatic generation of gas is effected by a floating valve comprising a hollow metal ball with a conical projection. The ball is furnished with a small tube extending downwards, open at both ends, and so arranged that when the ball is in the lowest position the lower end of the tube is nearly in contact with the partition. Curved bands are fixed to the partition to prevent the ball from rising too high in the water. The accumulation of pressure in the apparatus automatically closes the valve, stops the supply of water to the lower chamber and thus prevents further generation of gas. Acetylene Generator and Container. This generator consists of two cylinders suitable for holding- water, with an inverted cylinder inside, each connected by a U shaped tube passing from the top. of No. 1 cylinder, which acts as the generator, through the bottom of each to the top of No. 2 cylinder, which acts as the gas container. Carbide is placed in a perforated holder suspended from the top of the inverted cylinder in No. 1. Both outer cylinders being filled with water and the stopcocks turned on, the gas will be generated in No. 1 as soon as the inverted cylinder sinks sufficiently to allow the carbide to reach the water. Manufacture of Acetylene. Two generators are provided but are used alternately, so that W j 1 ii e one j s WO rking the other can be cleaned out and recharged. 794 Thorn, F. S. and Hoddle, C. London 3142 Feb. 12. IS! Mi Pym, E. P. and Gore, J. PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS The charge of carbide is placed in baskets and water is allowed Clerkenwell to flow over them. The gas generated passes to a storage reser- ^^ ' ^ ^896 voir, whence it passes to a second chamber, the top of which is a flexible diaphragm having fixed to its centre a weight sliding upon a guide pin. This second chamber is so constructed that the gas issues from it at a uniform pressure. Portable Lamps. Claims " the employment of acetylene in liquid or vapour Til form, under pressure, for use as a lighting agent in lamps of velocipedes, cycles, and other like structures." Fel>. 28, 1896 Ragot, G. Belgium 5279 Mar. 6, 1896 Production and Use of Acetylene. An automatic generator consisting of two cylindrical reser- voirs connected at the top with one another but shut off from one another, when desired, by cocks. The carbide is placed in these reservoirs and water is admitted from an upper tank by a bifurcated tube. The upper part of this tube is funnel shaped with a bulb below the funnel and a bend in which a little mer- cury is placed in order to prevent contact between the carbide and water vapour after the supply of water has been automati- cally cut off. A burner consisting of two nozzles converging towards each other at a suitable angle is also claimed. As the gas jets encounter each other they are splayed out producing a flat flame. Generating Acetylene. Eelates to the use of carbide in portable apparatus, such as bicycle lamps. Alcohol is mixed with the water employed to decompose the carbide in order to retard the process of decomposi- tion. One part of methyl alcohol to nine parts of water is the mixture recommended. Automatic Generator. An acetylene generator in which the carbide is suspended in Farnsworth a cage attached to a piston and fitting into an annular tube which passes through the top of gasholder, a screw cap and stuffing box closes the top of annular tube, and the piston carry- ing the carbide cage passes through it. A charge of carbide is placed in the cage, lowered into the tube, the cap is screwed up, and on pushing down the piston the carbide comes in contact with the water, acetylene is generated and the holder rises, drawing the carbide out of the water. As the gas is used, the holder descends and the carbide again coming in contact with the water gives off more acetylene. 795 Turney, E. T. Chicago 5375 Mar. 10. 1896 Minneapolis 5624 Mar. 12. 1896 ACETYLENE Production of Acetylene. Holliday, T. This apparatus consists of one or more generators and a dis- Hudders- placement holder, the generators being placed on a level with or below the holder. The vessel which contains the carbide per- Mar. 16, 1896 mits water to enter at a lower, and the gas to be withdrawn at a higher, level than the level of the carbide therein. The gas- holder is one in which the acetylene is allowed to displace the water, which is thereby forced to a higher level and can re-enter the holder as gas is withdrawn from it. Generating and Storing Acetylene. Appleby, E. This generator consists of a steel or iron cylinder in which H *H F is placed, and is fitted at the bottom with a cock for London withdrawing the waste lime and water. The generator is con- 5976 nected to a gasholder, the bell of which is bolted down so that it IS cannot be lifted by the buoyancy of the gas. The tank of the gasholder is of sufficient depth to contain above the submerged bell all the water displaced from the bell when filled with acetylene. For the purpose of regulating the water supply to the carbide in the generator a ball float is placed in the holder tank above the bell. As the water in the bell is displaced by acetylene it rises in the tank and by means of the ball float cuts off the supply of water to the carbide. The gas is drawn off by a pipe from the dome of the bell passing through and above the water in the tank. Generating Acetylene. Webb, G. This invention relates to the automatic generation of acetylene lI1 Lomlon ^ v means ^ a head of water contained in a central partition 5905 gasholder acting upon carbide when the gas in the holder falls Mar. 17. 1896 below a certain pressure. Generating, Storing, and Purifying Acetylene. Storage of the gas in contact with water is avoided. The gas as ttouth produced passes into a closed expansible and collapsible chamber 6789 contained in the storage cylinder or vessel, and the cistern into > which the water is forced is mounted so that it can be raised or lowered as the water in it increases or decreases, and thus the head of water is kept constant. In some cases the storage cylin- der is provided with a plain slab which floats on the top of the water, and, extending practically over the whole surface of the water, largely prevents the gas coming in contact with it. The generator is provided with a double valve operated by a single handle so as to admit and shut off water to and from and empty the generator and provide for the passage of the gas produced as and when required. 796 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE G-ENEEATOES Generating Acetylene. This apparatus consists in a combination of two vessels, one Cerckel, A. containing carbide, the other water. The vessels communicate with each other at their lower portion by means of a pipe pro- -y [ar 97 1^90 vided with cocks for allowing liquid, etc., to pass from one vessel to the other and to be forced back. The first vessel is provided at its lower portion with a floating valve open- ing on the passage of the liquid and again closing when the liquid is forced back, thus preventing the escape of gas to the second reservoir. Communicating with the first vessel is a gas holder or pressure regulating reservoir provided with a gas outlet tube, the generator being furnished with a regulating arrangement automatically working a valve or cock on the pipe between the first generator and the gasholder for the purpose of governing the admission of gas into the holder, and to thus obtain a perfectly even flame at the burner. Generating Acetylene. An automatic generator in which water from an upper reser- Clarke, W. C. voir falls upon the carbide. Two cylindrical generators are New York connected by pipes to two water tanks placed some distance . ,' ./''tutu- above them. Between the tanks and the generators are placed valves, and the generators are connected at the side with a gas- holder. The rising and falling of the holder automatically works the valves through which the water from the tanks falls upon the carbide, and thus the make of gas is automatically regulated by the rate at which the gas is withdrawn from the holder. Generating Acetylene. A slight modification of the foregoing. The generators are Clarke, W.C. placed one on each side of the holder instead of both on one side. New York 7242 Generating Acetylene. Apr. 2, 189(> This generator contains a series of superimposed trays in Blakeley, which the carbide is placed. Water is admitted at the bottom J. F. of the generator, and as it rises comes in contact with the car- bide in the trays by suitable pipe connections attached to each tier of trays. The gas passes to a storage holder, and when this AI ay 7, 189G is full the pressure in the governor fixed to the top of the generator increases and, raising the bell of the governor, gradually cuts off the water supply. Acetylene Generator. This apparatus embodies a generating chamber in which the Morley carbide is placed, a water supply having its head above the level Acetylene of the carbide, and a pipe leading from the water supply to the 797 ACETYLENE Wheeling, chamber having outlets above the carbide in the chamber. 101%' Water is allowed to issue from these outlets, and as the pressure May 12, 189G ^ S as i n the generator increases the water is gradually forced back, diminishing the supply of water to the carbide and finally stopping it altogether when the pressure becomes sufficiently great. Portable Lamp. Goodwin, R. On two sides of a lamp standard are fitted vertical cylin- ders with suitable caps and connections for the admission May 15, 1S9G . an( l control of fluids and gases. One cylinder, constructed of metal, contains water, and is fitted with a rack and pinion movement, intended to be wound up by a key. The water is forced by the pressure of a spring from this vessel into the other cylinder, which contains a carbide cartridge, and which is of glass with metal caps, and is provided with an internal wire gauze envelope for the carbide. The acetylene generated passes to a gas reservoir at the base of the standard, and from thence passes upward to the burner. By using a cartridge of mixed carbide and suitable carbonate, and using water acidulated with sulphuric acid, a mixture of acetylene with carbonic acid may be employed. Webb, G. and Kelly, J. London 10725 May 18, 189G Moreau, G. and Poulties, A. Paris 11581 May 27, 1890 Generating Acetylene. The patentees claim the use of a chamber or gasholder carry- ing a vessel containing carbide fitted with a central tube, the chamber or holder being in connection by a valve operated by a weighted lever with a collapsible bag containing water and provided with a weight for the purpose of forcing some of the water into contact with the carbide, so as to generate gas when the pressure of the latter has been reduced. Acetylene Gas Lighting. This claims the use of mixtures of gas rich in carbon with combustible gases or gaseous mixtures, and more particularly the mixture of acetylene with hydrogen giving a nonfuliginous flame which produces great light. The installation comprises two distinct gasholders, one to contain hydrogen produced " by the customary process," and the other acetylene. The gases reach the burners simultaneously through branch pipes, where they form two converging jets producing a butterfly flame. Two meters may be used for preparing a mixture of acetylene and hydrogen, which may be stored in a single holder. There is also claimed an expanding burner with two convergent pipes through one of which acetylene is delivered and through the other a gas such as hydrogen is blown into the acetylene flame, 798 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS and therebjr corrects and regulates it, the mixing not being able to take place before combustion. Production and Storage of Acetylene. This apparatus consists of two receivers one above the other, ciausolles.E. the upper containing water, the lower carbide. They communi- Barcelona cate with each other by a tube fitted with a cock or valve, which may be opened or closed according to the rise or fall of the bell of a gasholder. 99 Bauwer- aerts, E.F.J.C. Brussels L1708 Generating Acetylene. Two vertical cylindrical reservoirs enamelled internally com- municate with each other at the top and bottom. In one is placed a pail or bucket with longitudinal grooves along its external surface to allow the water to pass into the bucket and come in contact with the carbide it contains. The second Mu\ reservoir contains the water for the decomposition of the carbide. On opening the cock on the lower connection between the reser- voirs the water runs into the carbide vessel and the gas escapes through the water reservoir. Generating Acetylene. A generator and holder placed side by side. The generator is a receiver open at the top and containing water. Above the water level is placed a perforated basket containing the carbide. A bell-shaped cover descending to the bottom of the generator is loaded to form with the water a hydraulic seal. From the upper part of the carbide vessel a pipe communicates with a tube rising in the holder to nearly the level of the water, and around this latter tube another tube fixed to the bell of the holder slides. Two generating chambers are employed alternately. The Deroy, H. A. carbide is placed in perforated baskets in layers separated by layers of an inert substance such as gravel, slag, etc. A parti- tion divides the basket vertically, so that the separated layers are acted upon in immediate succession. A purifier filled with wood fibre coke or other material is used to dry the gas. Fourchotte, M. C. A. Paris 12047 Paris Juii. 9. 1890 Automatically Generating and Distributing Acetylene. Water is caused to pass under constant pressure through a series of generators containing carbide in such a manner as to Tobler, A. Garonne bring the generators successively into action, and arrangement j un 9 is made to regulate the pressure of gas and to effect its distribu- tion to the burners. An excess of water is provided which " by absorbing the caloric developed in the generators prevents the temperature rising therein." 799 ACETYLENE Gibbs, R. R. Egremont 12788 Tun. 10, 1890 Atkinson, chere, J. M. Liverpool 18147 .Jim. 15, 1890 Bowers, A. F. Paris 13511 .Jim. 18, 1890 Generating and Storing Acetylene. A tank with counterbalanced gasholder has a central pipe rising from the bottom of the tank, another pipe surrounding it and acting as a guide. The tank is filled with water to a con- venient height and a thick layer of oil is poured on it. The carbide is fed into the holder by a device on the top. Manufacture of Acetylene. A gasholder and water tank with generators for the carbide r " separately connected to the water tank by an air vessel and non-return valve. The generator has a perforated conical top through which the water passes, the quantity being regulated by the rise and fall of the water in the bell. A seal is attached to act as the holder descends to permit of the removal of the waste material. Generation and Storage of Acetylene. The essential features are a regulating chamber into which the extremities of the water supply pipes of each of the generators project to varying depths, so that as the water level rises owing to pressure of gas the next generator can be set in action. A return by-pass pipe from the carbide holder to the water reservoir so that on excessive pressure being attained even after the water supply is cut off the remaining water is returned to the top of the water reservoir. Producing Acetylene Gas. A fixed gasholder has a generator on either side, the supply of water being taken from the gasholder. The connecting tube of one generator is fixed at a lower level than that of the other, so that the carbide in one is exhausted before the other is attacked. The production of gas is continuous, as the waste carbide can be removed from the one holder whilst the other is working. Production and Combustion of Acetylene. This apparatus is composed of a generator consisting of a water vessel in which is a bell closed at the top and provided with a tap through which the gas is withdrawn for consump- tion. The upward movement of the bell is limited by stops. Inside the bell are claws forming supports for the removable basket containing the carbide. The bell is lowered till the carbide reaches the water, when the generation of gas raises the bell and removes the carbide from the water, the operation being repeated as the gas is consumed. A weighted receiver is used to obtain a more uniform pressure. The burner consists 800 Ackermann, F. P. J. Marseilles 14278 Jim. 27, 1890 Schulke, A. H. J. Berlin 14929 .July 0, 1890 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS of a number of small tubes issuing from a chamber placed at such a distance apart as to admit of free access of air between them. A chimney may be used to increase the supply of air. Production of Acetylene. The generator is provided with a cover having a hydraulic LaCompanie joint, and formed by a bell held in position by a pivoted bar. Continen- The carbide receiver is divided into a number of compartments *^g e ^rlle communicating with each other in such a manner that the gaz acety- water overflows from one to the next. The gas is washed by lene, Paris passing it through the water in the holder, whence it passes lc through a purifier divided into two compartments, the lower ' containing pieces of pumice stone, or similar material, soaked in a saturated solution of copper sulphate or other suitable salt for the removal of phosphuretted hydrogen. Generating Acetylene. A water tank is divided into three compartments by two Haviland, horizontal partitions, the upper being filled with water and the lower forming the gasholder. Between the two, or at the same ' B * level outside the tank, is a small tank enclosed at top and Burch.'w! H. bottom. Water is allowed to drop on to the carbide through a Bourne- wick and perforated cylinder, the surplus gas enters the gas and water tank, and forcing back the water from the pipe j u j v supplying water to the generator prevents further generation of gas. Acetylene Generator. Inside the generator is a perforated metal holder resting on Whalley, D. brackets some distance from the bottom and containing the 5 ackin S J. ,.,_., , , , , . . . Blackburn carbide. The cover of the generator being placed in position 15654 the water supply tap is opened, and as the gas is generated it July 15, 1896 passes into a holder. Generating, Storing, and Cooling Acetylene. The carbide holders are in the form of trays which can be Thorn, F. S. hermetically closed in a cylindrical or other holder in con- Hoddle C. ,. .,, , ,, m , , . ,T , . , Camberwell nection with a gasholder. The trays are divided in such a 15962 manner that the water overflows from one to the next. The July 18. 1896 gas pipe acts as a condenser by passing through the water supply pipe to a cooling chamber provided with an outlet for the gas and a drain cock. Production of Acetylene. A generator attached to a gasholder so arranged that as the Boter, A. bell of the gasholder sinks it operates certain mechanical ^^'IQQ^ devices and causes parcels of carbide to be pushed upon an July 23, 1896 inclined board and fall into water. 801 51 ACETYLENE Schemidt, A. Kauffman, O. Paris 16432 July 24, 1896 Alexandra, F., Paris 16728 Julv 28. 1896 FitzGibbon, L. T. London 17038 July 31, 1896 Clarke, W. C. New York 17450 Aug. 7, 1896 Clarke, W. C. New York 17451 Aug. 7, 1896 Dufficld, M. Slough 17646 Aug. 10. 1896 Production and Purification of Acetylene. Carbide is added in small quantities to a large quantity of water. The generator is a flanged cylinder, the cover of which is secured loy bolts, and attached to it is a slide and hopper into which the carbide is fed. The carbide falls upon a grid im- mediately below, which is fixed just below the level of the water in the generator. The carbide is kept agitated by a metal brush, so as to cause the lime to fall through the" grid. A stirrer is arranged in the generator to agitate the water and prevent deposition of waste material. The gas is passed through a suitable acid solution to remove ammonia, a neutral solution of lead acetate to remove sulphuretted hydrogen, and an acid solu- tion of copper sulphate to remove phosphuretted hydrogen, and, lastly, through a solution of caustic soda to remove any acid vapours. The gas then passes into a holder, and after being- dried by passing over calcium chloride is pumped and liquefied. Producing Acetylene. The carbide is placed in a porous vessel surrounded by absorbent material saturated with water. Production of Acetylene. Carbide is made into balls or tablets by admixture with stearic acid, paraffin, and the like, and then coated with a sub- stance such as a silicate. A gasholder is used with a device for intermittently distributing water to the carbide. The carbide holder immersed in water is divided into two compartments, the lower being perforated and the upper containing the carbide holder. The pressure of gas regulates the water supply. Generating Acetylene. Water falls on carbide from an upper vessel, the bottom of which is fitted with a valve normally closed and watertight, but opened by a rod projecting through the cover of the genera- tor, thus allowing the water to attack the carbide. Acetylene- supplied Street Lamp. A generator is attached to a street lamp. The generator is provided at each end with a movable cover, the upper being fitted with a device for piercing the waterproof carbide cart- ridges used. Acetylene Generator. A divided generator without valves is employed. The water supply is governed by the rise and fall of a gasholder. The water supply is connected with the generator with a syphon 802 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS pipe fitted with a tap. Each generating chamber is fitted with a number of perforated vessels for holding the carbide. An escape pipe is provided for any excess of gas. Production of Acetylene and Carbonic Acid Gas. A combination of a vessel for containing the carbide mixed Goodwin, R. with lime, chalk, or marble, a vessel from which acidulated Dublin water is supplied- in regulated quantities, and a vessel divided Vuu . '^ J89( . into three compartments by perforated partitions, the upper con- taining sulphate of copper, the centre wire filling for mixing the gases, the lowest serving to collect separated impurities. Generating and Liquefying Acetylene. A process for liquefying acetylene, without the use of great Fraser, A. C. pressure and high temperature. Means are provided for pre- New York venting the accumulation of excessive pressure by the generated in i gas, for preventing the generation of gas at a high tempera- C]f F e i. 21 ture, and for mechanically increasing the pressure to lique- 1896 faction. Generating Acetylene. Granulated carbide is automatically distributed in the Grenier, O. generator. Glass windows are fitted in the bell of the holder to and enable inspection of the carbide and the level of the water to be Lyons made. 179 04 Purification of Acetylene. Au g- 12 > 1896 The generator is provided with a jacket, through which flows Pictet, R. P. a current of water, and within the generator is a refrigerating Geneva worm 18208 WOlIIl. _. ^ f Aug. 17,189<) Producing Acetylene. The apparatus consists of a water reservoir surmounted by a chivert D. H bell, and of a vessel containing granulated carbide, the fall of Neuilly which into the water is regulated by the bell, which operates a feed valve in the carbide container. Producing Acetylene. When the bell of the holder is in its lowest position, water Voigt, G. from a reservoir trickles on to the carbide. The gas is cooled Berlin by passage through a worm, and flows into the holder, which rises and cuts oft" the water. Generating Acetylene. This apparatus is designed for subjecting the carbide pro- F U u er H F gressively to the action of the liquid, a reserve of carbide being Chicago used to dry the gas. The carbide is supplied in small quantities to avoid compacting the mass and causing it to swell, thus pre- Sf ^' ' venting the free passage of the generated acetylene through it. 803 ACETYLENE Generating and Storing Acetylene. Gaskell, The generator is separated from the gas chamber by a G^bb W R^R water sea l> an ^ i s so designed as to admit of re-charging with- Livcrpooi ou * escape of acetylene while the holder is in use. The car- 20074 bide is withdrawn from the water by the ascent of the bell and Sep. 10, li D immersed again on its descent. Generating and Storing Acetylene. Chesnay, E. Modification of a previous patent. The generator is a cylin- 1 l drical vessel, in the top of which the carbide holder is supported, L Dijon water being in the lower portion. To the lower part of the 20090 generator is attached by a flexible tube a vessel of water which Fl 1 rf is raised or lowere( i by the rise or fall of the holder. When the 1890 vessel is raised water rises to the carbide. On the surface of the water in the generator is a layer of oil, forming a hermetic seal when the apparatus is at rest. Generating and Storing Acetylene. Chesnay, E. A modification of the foregoing. Instead of the movable L water vessel, a fixed vessel containing water is provided, which Dijon * s connected to the generator by a pipe at its lower end. Inside 20254 this vessel is a displacement cylinder, which may be either Sep. 12, 1890 so iid or hollow. The movement of the bell causes this cylinder 1896 '' * r * se or ^ a ^' tmis causing the water to attack or leave the carbide. Acetylene Lamps. Trost, R. Two forms of table lamp generator, in which water drips up- ld on carbide. In one form the water flows from an upper reservoir Sep. 15 1890 into a syphon pipe, composed in its upper portion of metal, and its lower V-shaped portion of india-rubber. In the water reser- voir is a float, which by means of a bent wire is connected with the plug which regulates the water discharge from the syphon tube. The supply of water to the carbide is automatically re- gulated by the pressure within the gas reservoir. In another form an inflexible syphon pipe is employed, and this pipe opens into a water reservoir, which is connected with the outside air, and also with an hermetically closed water reservoir. No float is employed, but as in the first form the accumulation of pres- sure to a certain point prevents the further discharge of water over the carbide. Production of Acetylene. Gastine This apparatus consists of two parts : one, the generators to St J> the number of two or more, used alternately ; the other a regu- ^20529 6S l a * r which acts automatically on the generator controlling the Sep. 16, 189(3 evolution of gas. 804 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Acetylene Gas. Tablets of carbide are automatically dropped into water by Douthcr, J.A. means of a mechanical arrangement actuated by the rise and Boston, fall of a holder to which the generator is connected. ^20599 Sep. 17, 1896 Production of Acetylene. Lumps of carbide are fed on to a grating immersed in water pintsch. J. and placed in the lower part of a cylindrical generator. The Berlin carbide is fed through a shoot. The level of the water in the ^ 2 i7i89fi generator is controlled by a hydraulic sealed overflow. Generating and Storing Acetylene. The generator containing a perforated carbide basket is Commuci, attached to the side of a fixed holder containing two worms. v> T - San Two tubes controlled by a single tap place the upper and lower ^itSy 1 " parts of the holder in communication. Water from the tubes 20694 flows on to the carbide, when the gas drives the water from one Sep. 18, 1896 coil and enters the upper part of the holder, whilst it prevents the further contact of water to the carbide. A float in the upper part of the holder, connected to an electric alarm, indicates when the water is at the lowest point. Acetylene Manufacture. Carbide is placed in a tube holder attached to the top of a Sardi, V. gasholder bell, and the gas is generated by the fall of the Turin bell. A blow-off is provided for excess of gas, and an exit i t ii> i Otvp -- 1- 5 l.Ocn* tube for removal of waste lime. Generating and Storing Acetylene. The generating vessels are supported in an inclined position Kay, A. by means of standards, and connected to condensing vessels Doune, N. C. fitted above them at a similar angle. From the condensers the , ., , ,, Sep. 26, 1896 gas passes to the holder. Water is admitted very gradually to the carbide, and when one generator is exhausted, water is admitted to the second. When the holder rises to a certain height, the water supply is automatically cut off. Acetylene Generators. The carbide is placed in a perforated basket in a generator Ron, S. fixed at the side of the holder. The water is supplied from the Warsaw holder tank, and the rise and fall of the bell alternately dips and withdraws the carbide from the water. An air cylinder is fitted in the bell for the purpose of mixing air with the acetylene. 805 ACETYLENE Barker, A. H. London 21698 Sep. 30, 181)6 Chesnay, E. and Pillion, L. Dijon 21758 Oct. 1, 1896 01. Apr. 1, 1896 Maddock, E. H. and Jones, W. Liverpool 22359 Oct. 8, 1896 FitzGibbon, L. J. London 22.526 Oct. .10, 1896 Morton Brown, E. A. and Maundrcll, F. Woodstock 22628 Oct. 12, 1896 Smith, A. G. Aberdeen 22646 Oct. 13, 1896 Generator for Acetylene. The generator is provided in the upper part with a carbide holder, to which water is supplied from a cistern at a higher level. The generation of gas is controlled by the movement of a gasholder placed above. To prevent admixture with air on charging, a device is used by which a small quantity of acety- lene is generated in the carbide holder before it is connected with the holder. Generating and Storing Acetylene. Round the upper part of the holder tank is an annular recep- tacle, so arranged as to balance the weight of the holder, to which it is connected by chains passing over pulleys. This receptacle communicates with a vertical cylindrical generator by means of a rubber pipe at the lower end, and another rubber pipe leads from the top to the top of the holder. Another pipe leads from the top of generator to top of holder for the passage of the gas. The movement of the bell regulates the supply of water to the carbide. Acetylene Generators and Holders. An annular exterior chamber is fitted round the gasholder tank, and is divided by partitions into several compartments, in each of which is a carbide holder. The external chamber is filled with water till the lower part of the holders is just covered. From each compartment a pipe fitted with a valve to prevent back rush of gas is led to the gasholder. Production of Acetylene. Blocks of carbide are formed by mixing granulated carbide with paraffin. The generator is a cylindrical vessel fitted at the top with an outlet tap, and at the side with a feed tube, which rises above the top of the generator. Water is poured in up to three-fourths of the height of the generator, well above the inlet of the feed tube, and carbide is dropped in through this tube. The gas escapes into a holder. Producing and Storing Acetylene. Thirty-one claims. A generator which can be shaken to free the carbide from lime, a condenser located in the water tank of gasholder, and an automatic arrangement for regulating the water supply. Generator, Purifier, and Holder. The generator consists of an outer vessel to contain water, in which a movable bell is immersed. The carbide holder is a perforated tube having two projecting arms, and is suspended 806 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENEEATOES within the gas bell. Inside the bell is an arrangement of wire which furnishes guides for the arms on the carbide holder, which is slipped between the guides, then given a quarter turn, and allowed to rest on ledges provided by the wire arrangement. A condensing pipe passes from the bell through the water tank to a chamber at the bottom of the generator. After leaving the condensing chamber the gas passes through a vertical tubular purifier, filled with broken pumice, which is situated at the side of the water tank. The rise of the gas bell draws the carbide from contact with the water, and its descent through with- drawal of gas renews the contact. Generator for Cycle Lamps, etc. Generator consists of an outer cylinder with a slip-on lid (pierced with a minute hole), to which is attached an inner bottomless cylinder of less diameter. In the inner tube is fixed a carbide container. The container consists of discs fixed on wires of suitable thickness, or it may be a perforated tube held in position by a wire. The container is held up in the cylinder by a bayonet-fixing at the bottom, or by other means. Com- munication between the inner and outer cylinders is effected by means of a pipe terminating in a stop-cock upon the cover of the outer cylinder. When generation of acetylene proceeds more rapidly than is required, the gas pressure accumulates within the generator, ard forces back the water from contact with the carbide. Smith, J. S. and Smith, A. G. 22B47 Oct. 13, 18W Manufacture of Acetylene. The water supply to the carbide is regulated by a float in a water reservoir above the gasholder. The float is connected to the holder by a rod, and is so arranged that the water flows Becherel, C. F. J. B. Paris on to the carbide when the holder sinks, but is cut off again Q 201896 when it rises. Manufacture of Acetylene. An improvement on the foregoing. A generator or number of generators for containing calcium carbide, and which can be brought into operation successively. A vessel for containing Becherel, C. F. J. B. Paris the water supply, regulated by a float or floats. An extensible Q ct ~ gasholder either of the ordinary form or in the form of bellows. Producing and Storing Acetylene. Improvements on a previous patent. The generator is con- structed entirely of metal, the stopper for closing the mouth of 23591 the bell being dispensed with, whilst the carbide cage is sup- Oct. 23, 189 ported by a stand instead of being suspended. 807 ACETYLENE Producing and Storing Acetylene. Trouve, G. Further improvements. A novel condensing arrangement. Paris The addition of a syphon to the generator, to prevent loss of Production and Treatment of Acetylene. Oving. H. E. Acetylene is generated by dropping water on carbide from an Rotterdam overhead funnel. The gas passes through a condensing coil in Get '^^ISOii *k e k 1( ler tank * the t)e11 ' from wllicl1 Jt passe 3 to an apparatus for admixing air with it. This consists of a shaft carrying two or more drums of sheet zinc, partly dipping into water and pro- vided with helical blades. A nozzle enters each drum in front of the first blade, one serving to admit acetylene and the other air, the whole being covered with a metal drum. The mixed gases pass to a tank after traversing a purifier and drying chamber. Producing Acetylene. Colberg, H. Granulated carbide is placed in a receiver with a conical base, which is provided with a valve, and which is connected with the Oct. 26, 1896 bell of the holder. The movement of this bell opens and closes the valve, causing carbide to drop into water or causing the supply to stop. Generating Acetylene. Mackenzie, Two generators placed beneath a gasholder. Each generator consists of a water tank, in the centre of which is the carbide holder, over which is fitted a double cased vessel, the lower end Oct. 26. 1896 of which dips into water tank, forming a water seal between it and the carbide cage. From this tank a pipe leads to the carbide cage. The movement of the gasholder regulates the water supply. Production and Combustion of Acetylene. Turr, R. Two concentric vessels (the inner closed, the exterior open), filled with water, and a carbide cage. The water is covered Oct,~30,' 1896. with a layer of toluol or petroleum. The supply of water is controlled by the pressure in the apparatus. Acetylene Generator. Smitn, A. J. The generator is fitted to the side of a displacement gas- S ^bSdeen i ' holder tte "PP 61 " P &ri of wllicl1 k ^^^ with water ; the lower 24414 contains gas. Water is brought to the carbide by a U tube. Nov. 2, I&KS The gas passes through a purifier to the holder forcing the water back from the carbide till the pressure is removed. 808 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENEEATOES Manufacture of Acetylene. The essential parts are a vessel filled with water, a gas- holder or bell immersed in the water vessel, and two carbide holders. The water supply for the carbide is taken from the water in the tank and is automatically regulated. Acetylene-producing Lamps. A lamp consisting of a water receptacle communicating with the carbide holder by a syphon tube. The longer arm of the syphon is much wider than the shorter and is curved in- wards. At a certain distance above the bottom of the syphon is a small hole, whilst the longer arm is carried through the gas way in the centre of the water vessel. At the top of the gas way there is a recess into which the burner is screwed. Generating and Storing Acetylene. Water is admitted from the gasholder tank on to carbide contained in inclined holder in a fine stream or spray. The gas passes through condensers through a back pressure valve into the gasholder. The water supply is controlled by the movements of the gasholder by means of a floating ball or disc connected with a weighted valve lever, which is actuated by a rod fixed in the bell. Rescncr, P. and Luchaire, H. Paris 24440 Nov. 2, 1896 Cl. June 8, 1896 Hanotier, V. and Hostelet, G. Belgium 24558 Nov. 3, 1896 Kay, A. ' B * Production of Acetylene. Five different forms of apparatus. Powdered carbide is fed into water, the supply being governed by a gas meter fitted to the delivery pipe of the gasholder. Acetylene-producing and Storing Apparatus. A carbide hopper communicates with a water vessel by means of an inclined tube. The water vessel is connected to a gasholder by a flexible pipe. An archimedean screw operated by a small motor is fixed in the tube connected in the carbide hopper and water vessel, the motor being controlled by the movements of the gas bell. Producing Acetylene Gas. In the centre of the dome of a gasholder bell is a cylindrical box of conical shape closed at the top and having a conical opening closed by a valve at the bottom. The valve is fixed to a rod with a weighted base. As the bell descends the rod strikes the bottom of the holder tank, thus admitting some carbide, the valve being closed as the bell rises. 809 Bablon, J. Paris 25224 Nov. 10, 1896 Chcsnay, E. and Pillion, L. Dijon 25236 Nov. 10, 189H Cl. May 9, 1896 Fournier, A. Paris 25488 Nov. 12, 1896. ACETYLENE Vaughan- Sherrin. J. London 26897 Nov. 26, 1896 Gillett, S. Forest, G. Bocandc, J. Paris 27085 Nov. 28, 1896 Producing Acetylene. Several generators connected with a gasholder. As the bell sinks a signal is made and another carbide vessel put in action by opening its tap to the water vessel. Acetylene Gas-lighting Apparatus. A generator containing a carbide holder on to which the water is allowed to fall drop by drop. The gas is led into a water-filled reservoir, whence it drives the water into a higher reservoir through a plunger tube, so that the height of the water above the outlet is caused to decrease, thus diminishing the rate of flow of the water. Hargreaves, A. Paris 27191 Nov. 30, 1896 Meyer, G. Zurich 27212 Nov. 30, 1896 Gossart, E. Chevallier, H. Bordeaux 27574 Dec. 3, 1896 01. May 5. 1896 Hanotier, V. Hostelet, G. Belgium 27697 Dec. 4, 1896 Manufacture of Acetylene. A regulated quantity of water is fed through a sieve hopper arranged in a body of water in a closed vessel to a revolving tray a short distance below the water. The bottom of the generator is conical, and the waste lime is removed, a similar quantity of fresh water taking its place. The carbide is mechanically fed into the apparatus. The gas is led through purifiers containing respectively sawdust or fibre soaked in dilute sulphuric acid, trays of finely divided oxide of iron, layers of crushed copper sulphate and moist sawdust, and finally dried over carbide. Generating Acetylene. A gasholder with an automatic water feed to supply to the generator a measured quantity of water when the volume of gas in the holder sinks below a certain limit. Producing Acetylene. Three forms of lamp. Water falls drop by drop from the upper part of the lamp on to carbide stored in the lower portion, passing through several bent capillary tubes which serve as safety valves. Acetylene Generator. Water from an overhead supply falls through holes in a bulb on to a conical screen, whence it is uniformly distributed over the carbide. In case of excessive generation of gas the supply of water is stopped. The gas is passed over brown haematite, and cooled by traversing the tube passing through the water reservoir ; then it is bubbled through more water and passed over quicklime. 810 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENEBATOKS Acetylene Generator, Purifier, and Container. A screwed rod carrying at its base carbide holders passes through the top of a gasholder. The rod is screwed down till the carbide touches the water. The purifier is placed below the gasholder and contains mixtures such as lime and charcoal. Producing Acetylene. A water reservoir is provided with an overflow, a dis- charging pipe and an outlet for the gas, and a safety tube. The carbide container is inserted in the top of the reservoir, and contains a lateral orifice for inserting the carbide, and a regulator in the form of flexible bellows actuating a distribut- ing valve, which is kept closed by the pressure of the gas and drops slightly when the pressure falls, allowing more carbide to fall into the water. Producing Acetylene. The carbide cage is placed in the bell of the gasholder, coming in contact with the water as the holder descends. A purifier of iron sulphate is used. Generating Acetylene. Improvements on a previous patent. A small movable bell of rectangular shape is placed between the large bell and its containing tank, and connected to the large bell by a chain passing over pulleys, so that it rises when the bell descends and vice versa. It acts as a regulator. The water runs on to the carbide at a rate regulated by the consumption of gas and controlled by the rectangular vessel. Generating Acetylene. Two gasholders are used, the first receiving the gas from the generator, whilst the second is used for service distribution. The carbide holder is attached to the first gasholder tank. An electric alarm is used to call attention for recharging. Generating Acetylene. This invention is to shorten the time of contact between the water and carbide, to prevent back rush of air into the apparatus, to maintain free communication between the holder and the generator, and to divide the carbide up so as to prevent too violent action. Producing Acetylene. A reservoir provided with the means of maintaining a con- stant water level is used, the lower part of it communicating with another reservoir, the upper part of which is open to the 811 Fowler, T. R. Liverpool 28206 Dec. 10, 18% Gerard, L. Paris 29188 Dec. 19. Richard- Lagerie, E. Roubaix 29168 Dec. 19, 18% Resener, P. Luchaire, H. Paris Dec. 21, 18% Reynolds, D. Winnebago, U. S. A. 29342 Dec, 21, 1898 Quelle, E. Paris 29500 Dec. 22, 1896 Mace, P. 295% Dec. 23. 1896 ACETYLENE Spence, H. K. Bevcridgc, A. Kirkaldy 29554 Dec. 23, 1896 Darguc, W. H. Newcastle 29768 air. Above the first reservoir, is placed the carbide holder, the conical lower part of which is fitted with a valve mounted on a rod, at the bottom of which is a float. With diminution of pressure the water in the reservoir rises, carrying with it the float and opening the valve, thus admitting more carbide to the water. Generators. A casing to contain two carbide holders is fitted below a gas- holder, a space for water being left between, around, and below them. On the top of the casing are valves for admitting water, which are actuated by the movements of the bell. When one generator is exhausted the second is automatically brought into action. Producing and Purifying Acetylene. A generator containing a number of shelves to hold the car- bide is fixed in a water jacket at the side of the gasholder, the water supply being taken from the tank. The movement of Dec. 28 1896 the bell regulates the water supply. Resener, P. Paris 30037 Doc. 30, 1896 Schum- acher, J. Chicago 30131 Dec, 31, 1896 Trendel, F. Micke, J. Berlin 139 Jan. 2, 1897 Zimmerman, J. Chicago 328 Jan. 5. 1897 Producing Acetylene. A generator is fitted at the bottom with a screw which can be turned by a crank, the whole being placed at the top of a closed water reservoir. Carbide falls into the water on turning the crank. A purifying apparatus is used. Generating Acetylene. A generating chamber to contain the carbide and having a water inlet. Means for introducing a regulated quantity of water. Means to separate the lime from the carbide so as to arrest when necessary the generation of the gas, and means for keep- ing the water and carbide apart when the carbide and residue are separated. Producing Acetylene. Carbide in a porous form is presented to the water in such a manner that it always offers to the water a large free surface of contact with but slight depth. The contact takes place from the bottom and gradually rises. Producing and Burning Acetylene. Water is admitted to the carbide automatically. A vessel is provided with a liquid-holding chamber, a generating and a gas-retaining chamber. Means are also provided for the auto- matic admittance of water to the generating chamber. An automatic pressure regulator on a pipe connected with the 812 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS generator and gas chamber is employed, located in the retaining chamber. Means are also provided for regulating the diaphragm of the pressure-governor to any desired tension. Producing Acetylene. The carbide is revolved in a cage while water is projected on to it, so the waste lime falls away from it. The cage is made to revolve by clockwork. The supply of water is governed by the movement of the bell of the gasholder. Producing Acetylene. Two concentric cylinders communicate at their base, the inner being surmounted by a carbide receptacle with a valve closing the bottom, which is opened or closed by a float connected with the rod of the valve. Carbide is allowed to fall into water in the inner cylinder, when the gas drives the water from the inner cylinder and the falling float closes the valve of the car- bide supply. With diminution of pressure the water flows back, the float rises, and more carbide is allowed to fall. Producing Acetylene. A generator is attached to the side of a displacement gas- holder, the upper part of generator being connected with the service pipe, whilst a pipe below the level of the carbide leads to the top of the holder. The gas is passed through a condensing coil in the water tank. Producing Acetylene. An intermittent or continuous working apparatus. The supply of water to the carbide is regulated by syphons. A water compartment in the centre of the generator washes and cools the gas. The gas bell controls the supply of water to the carbide. Generator. Automatic evolution of acetylene at constant pressure is claimed. Two vessels, one for carbide the other for water, are used, being connected with an intermediate chamber. Generating Acetylene. A square shaped gasholder is used, the tank having extended sides at the top to hold any surplus water. The outer wall of the gas bell is perforated at the lower end to allow of free circu- lation of water between bell and tank. Centrally supported within the bell by a flanged head is a circular generating cham- ber, in which the carbide is placed in cages. The generation of gas withdraws the carbide from the water, owing to the rising 813 Lebrun, G. Cornaillc, F. Paris 512 Jan. 7, 1897 Tedc. L. Angers 658 Jan. 9. 1897 Holliday, T. Hudders field 885 Jan. 12, 1897 Daix, V. Paris 911 Jan. 13, 1897 Des Essards, E. H. Paris 1153 Jan. 15, 1897 Moss, R. J. Abingdon 1254 Jan. 18. 1897 ACETYLENE Fuller, H. F. Chicago 1440 Jan. 19. 1897 Clarke, H. B. Chicago 1421 Jan. 19. 1897 Sterza, A. M ant ova 1549 .Jan. 20,189, Gobron, A. Paris 1784 Jan. 22, 1897 Thorp, T. Marsh, T. G. Manchester 1929 J an. 2;"), 1897 Scott, A. M. Woodstock, Canada 1952 Jan. 25, 1897 of the bell, and as tlie gas is consumed the carbide again dips into the water with the fall of the bell. Generating Acetylene. The carbide is supported in successive layers. A condenser and cooler, in the character of a scrubber, are provided. Special attention is paid to the arrangement of the charging manhole to prevent leakage. Cycle and similar Lamps. The carbide chamber is at the bottom of the lamp, and is separated from the water chamber above it by a diaphragm with a passage through it. The water in the water chamber is per- mitted to pass through a valve to the carbide chamber when the gas pressure falls below a certain point, and when the pressure rises above this point the valve closes and the water supply is cut off. In one form the valve is actuated by a spring pressing upwardly to close it when the gas pressure is high, and the weight of water in the water chamber to open it when the gas pressure falls. In another form of lamp a piston is worked against a spring to control the position of the valve. Acetylene Furnace. A device for mixing acetylene with air for heating purposes. The gas is passed through several wire and asbestos cloths placed inside two concentric vessels. Generating and Burning Acetylene. The water is supplied automatically, according to consumption of gas. The pressure is regulated by a safety valve, the excess of gas passing to a supplementary burner. The burner tap is connected with the water feed, so that the tap must be opened before water can attack the carbide. Producing Acetylene. By the movement of a gasholder carbide is automatically fed into water,- the rise of the holder stopping the supply of carbide. The gas is taken through the carbide hopper, there being dried. Generating Acetylene. Two generators are fixed at the side of a gasholder, and con- tain a water sprinkler over a tray for carbide, the bottom of tray sloping towards a hydraulically sealed pipe. The gas passes through a condensing coil to the holder. The bell of the holder picks up a weight on reaching a certain height ; pressure accumulates, and causes the driving back of the water supply from the carbide. 814 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Production of Acetylene. Colophony and caustic lime are subjected to the action of water or acidulated water, and the produced gas mixed with the gas evolved by the action of water upon a mixture of carbide and magnesium carbonate. The addition of magnesium car- Jan. 26. 1897 bonate is to render the flame more luminous. Piatti, A. and Co> 2129 Producing Acetylene. The generator containing a large charge of carbide is provided Carter, R. F. with an agitator to remove the lime. Means are provided for the automatic admission of a certain quantity of water when the supply of gas falls too low. Jan. 28. 1897 Generating Acetylene. The production of gas is automatically regulated according to De Sales, G. the consumption. Two holders are used, connected with each other by a non-return valve. j an " 2 g "1397 Generator and Condenser. A modification of a previous patent. A chamber is attached to the floating gas vessel, sealed by water at the lower end, and by a suitable cover at the top. An annular container is also used for holding any overflow of water displaced by the work- ing of the apparatus. Bean, H. R. Ringwood, London 2428 -Tan. '29. 1897 Generating Acetylene. A water reservoir is placed over the generating chamber, so that the water cannot freeze owing to the heat of the action, the steam being condensed upon the under side of the tank. The water vessel and generator are connected by a capillary regu- lator, so that the pressure of gas in the holder governs the water supply. Villejean, 2554 -Jan. 30 189 Producing Acetylene. Crushed carbide is fed into water from a holder fixed to the Mace, P. top of a gas bell, the feed being regulated by two cones actuated Gerard, L. by the movement of the bell, the fall of the carbide being divided into two successive periods. p eb Portable Lamp. A small generator for a table or bracket lamp, consisting of Dennis, W. H. an upright standard, with two tanks arranged thereon, con- Minneapolis, nected by a passage. One tank contains water, the lower part of the other the carbide. Feb. 4, 1897 815 ACETYLENE Wigham, J. R. Dublin 4125 Feb. 16, 1897 Producing Artificial Light. Acetylene generator for lighthouses. Within a cylindrical water tank is a cylindrical receptacle with openings in its bot- tom edge and a horizontal perforated partition half-way up for the carbide. Surrounding the inner receptacle is an inverted funnel, having holes around its lower edge and a suitable valve and gas outlet. Gossart, E. Chevallier, H. Fampoux 4424 Feb. 18, 1897 Lacroix, P. M. Toulouse 4761 Feb. 22, 1897 Smith, F. H. Dunblane 4790 Feb. 23, 1897 Producing and Burning Acetylene. Improvements on a previous patent. The carbide is attacked by drops of water from above, and by the moisture in the evolved gas from below. The water drops fall on a cone which distributes them to the carbide. Under the lower end of the escape pipe is a cone for distributing the condensed water to the carbide. The water from the capillary tubes falls on a cone to the carbide at the bottom. The water receiver is closed at the top by metallic gauze. The walls of the generator are coated internally with black cloth or felt, to prevent condensation of water vapour. The carbide container is surrounded by an air jacket. Generator. In the generator carbide is placed in a series of baskets. Water is supplied from an overhead tank, the generator being connected with a fixed gasholder. The pressure of gas regulates the supply of water. Acetylene Lamp. Two chambers, water in top, carbide in bottom. Water chamber contains coiled pipe through which gas passes on its way from carbide chamber to burner. A small tube conveys water from the water reservoir to the carbide chamber. A valve, from which the water drops upon the carbide, is fitted over the mouth of this tube, and as the pressure of gas increases, the valve closes and stops the water passage. As the pressure is relieved the valve again opens. Franco Carlos, B. Barcelona 5236 Feb. 26, 1897 Generating and Burning Acetylene. Claims the separation of water needed for the decomposi- tion into two reservoirs connected by a tube ; the entrance of moisture to the carbide by utilising some absorbent substance ; the mode of drying, condensing, and enriching the gas ; a fixed or portable gasogene, in which the water comes in contact with the carbide, after passing through a porous partition. 816 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Producing Acetylene. Upon the rise of pressure within the gasholder, the water is Baldwin, G. automatically cut off, and upon further rise of pressure all free water round the carbide is discharged. The apparatus consists of a combined water tank and gasholder, a generator, a dis- Mar. 1, 1807 placement cistern, suitable valves controlled by a float within the water tank for closing the water supply pipe, and a water pipe fitted with non-return valve between the generator and water tank. Generator. An outer water vessel, an inner gasholder, a perforated car- Bean, H. R. bide holder, and a receptacle for waste lime. The charging Ringwood, chamber is placed in the centre of the gasholder, and fixed to Loifdon the top of it. 5756 Mar. 1, 1897 Producing Acetylene. A carbide holder divided vertically into several compartments, Alexandre, which only communicate with one another at the upper end, so that water will act on each successively. The water is drawn from the gasholder tank, and the amount regulated by the Mar. 5 1897 movement of the bell. Generating Acetylene. The supply of water to the carbide is automatically regulated Strode, W.W. in proportion to the gas consumption ; the supply also can be Wnite G automatically increased during the exhaustion of gas from the holder. The thickness of the gasholder wall is so graduated Mar. 13, 1807 that the amount of water displaced as the gas leaves the holder, owing to the falling of the holder, bears any desired ratio to the amount of gas withdrawn, the sides of the holder being tapered, so that the displacement of water by the holder when full is not sufficient to generate any gas, a greater proportion of water being supplied as the holder falls. Generating Acetylene. Steam instead of water is used for the decomposition of the Pereire, G. carbide. Eegular evolution of gas at a low temperature is Sorel, E. claimed. * Generators. Mar - 17 ' 18i ' 7 An apparatus for preventing the escape of gas during the Lyons, T. operation of charging. A tank or cistern has a bell free to rise and J. and fall, having a hole at the top, through which is passed * a cylindrical vessel, inside which is a perforated carbide holder. The apparatus is in duplicate. Mar 18 1897 817 52 ACETYLENE Gesellschaft fur Acetylen Bale 7744 Mar. 25, 1897 Ferracciii, F. Italy 7782 Mar. 25, 1897 Generating Acetylene. A generator with movable bottom, provided with safety valve and pressure gauge, surrounded by a cooling vessel, a gasholder, and a water vessel. A five- way cock is provided in the water supply pipe to the generator. Acetylene Generator. A gasholder is supported on a tripod, and a generator is clamped to the bottom of the gasholder, and connected with the tripod. The generator contains four small movable baskets, each with a central tube suitably perforated, so that water de- scending from a funnel on the top basket first moistens the carbide in the lowest basket. The space within the gasholder bell is nearly filled by an impermeable drum attached to its crown, and serving as a float. The acetylene evolved causes the float to rise, and when the bottom of the float has reached the level of the water in an external basin, the supply of water to the generator is automatically cut off. Generators. Portable generators. A gas-tight vessel to contain water, M ncliester nav i n g a hollow base containing a flexible collapsed chamber 7918 communicating with the vessel, and a perforated carbide holder Mar- 27, 1897 loosely fitted into the vessel. The excess of water is forced by pressure into the rubber chamber, thus stopping the evolution of gas. Generator. Smith, F. H. The water supply to the carbide can be stopped without the use of a valve. An upright cylinder is divided horizontally, the Mar. 27, 1891 upper part forming the water reservoir, the lower the generator. The upper chamber is divided into two portions ; a pipe from one leads to the bottom of the lower. Leading to the carbide chamber from this is a pipe slotted in the upper part. Water rises to the height of this slot and then passes to the carbide chamber. The gas is led off to a holder. After a certain pres- sure the gas forces the water from the lower chamber into the upper, till the water level is below the slot. Generators. Kitchen, The water is led lo the carbide by means of a wick-tube J. G. A. passing from a lower vessel and fitted with a feeding wheel. Manchester , , _ . 1 . , _ . _ _ . . , ! 8270 Granulated carbide is preferably used, and as it is decomposed Mar. bl, 1897 it is pressed by a springed plate on to a grating, when the lime is separated from the carbide, and the gas produced is forced through the remaining carbide. 818 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Manufacturing Acetylene. An automatic arrangement, consisting of a hopper supplying granulated carbide, a device for regulating the supply of carbide, a gasholder, a generator containing water, and a purifier. Producing Acetylene. Two generators are used, the second being automatically brought into action on exhaustion of the first. They are mounted one on each side of a gasholder, in the upper part of which is a condensing coil for the gas. The pressure of gas automatically regulates the supply of water. Any number of generators may be coupled together by pipes leading from the top of the first to the bottom of the next, and so on. Producing Acetylene. A base plate carrying four carbide holders, and capable of revolving. Water from an overhead pipe falls on the carbide in one receptacle, and on exhaustion the plate is swung round to bring the next holder under the water supply. Producing Acetylene. A receiver divided into two compartments, the inner forming the generator supplied with water by a side U tube. Within this compartment is a float, carrying a conical carbide holder with a grid base. The outer compartment, with a gas bell, forms the gasholder. The bell slides with slight friction upon a central vertical carbide shoot, and the bell, in rising, actuates a weight in connection with the carbide hopper, carbide dropping into water as the holder sinks, and the supply being cut off as the holder rises. Producing Acetylene. The carbide is automatically fed into a vessel containing water from a distributing drum divided internally into several compartments with movable bottoms. Each charge of carbide falls through a funnel on to a trap which opens at the proper time to allow the charge to fall into the water. The movement of the gas bell regulates the supply of carbide. Portable Generators. The upper chamber contains carbide, the lower vessel contains water. The carbide chamber has a hinged gas-tight lid, and an orifice at its base. Upon one side of the carbide chamber is a groove into which is fixed a rack, and the groove is sufficiently wide to permit a pinion to travel up and down. The pinion is mounted upon a spindle, which can be rotated by turning a milled head. By this arrangement the carbide vessel may be 819 Cousin, H. Paris Apr. 3, 1897 Exley, J. H. Hudders- field 8551 Apr. 3, 18 ( J7 Kerr, J. G. Fry, C. Niagara Falls 85)80 Apr. 8. 18! 7 Barthcz, A. H. Algiers 9294 Apr. 18, 1897 Kcsselring, U. St. Imier 9714 Apr. 15. 18!7 Kitchen, J. G. A. Manchester 9763 Apr. 17, 1897 ACETYLENE Hutton, E. K. and W. Selkirk 0857 Apr. 20, 1897 Crastin, C. and Baldwin, G. London 9928 Apr. 20, 1897 Morency, D. C. Quebec 10186 Apr. 23, 1897 raised or lowered. The water vessel contains a piece of sponge or other absorbent material saturated with water. To generate gas the carbide chamber is lowered until its bottom orifice is in contact with the wet sponge. To stop generation the chamber is raised. Acetylene Lamps. A cylindrical generator composed of two parts screwed to- gether and divided by a horizontal plate into upper and lower chambers. The upper chamber is filled with water, and the lower chamber has a screwed socket on its bottom, within which is fitted a perforated holder for carbide. A tube conveys water from the upper chamber to the lower, the pipe being pro- vided outside with a cock for regulating the flow of water. From the lower chamber a tube is carried through the water in the upper chamber, and the gas is conveyed from this tube to the lamp by a flexible tube. The water chamber is provided with a safety blow-off tube. Acetylene Generator for Lamps. In a suitable water reservoir a number of generator chambers adapted to be hermetically closed are placed. These chambers receive perforated pots charged with carbide, and are provided with openings to provide communication with the reservoir. The openings are closed by valves adapted to be independently operated to permit of admitting water into them in succession. The upper part of the reservoir serves as a gas storage space, to which each generating chamber is connected by a pipe fitted with a non-return valve. This gas space has an upward exten- sion forming a pedestal for a lamp and containing an extensible bellows, which is collapsed when no gas is in the apparatus, and which expands and drives out the air from the space above it into the atmosphere, when gas is generated. Similar bellows may be arranged in each generating chamber to displace the air. If the gas pressure becomes excessive, the gas which con- tinues to be generated can escape into a supplemental chamber by the displacement of water. The carbide pots are placed on flexible seat ings around openings in communication with a waste-water tray. Generating Acetylene. The carbide is placed in a vessel contained in a tank covered by a bell made gastight by a hydraulic seal. An inner wall in the bell prevents the water coming in contact with the carbide. Attached to the carbide holder is a gasholder containing brine or solution of calcic chloride or oil or molasses. Water is 820 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENEEATOES supplied to the carbide from the gasholder tank, and the supply is cut off automatically by pressure of gas. Producing Acetylene. The carbide is placed within and in connection with a moving gas bell, so that the carbide is immersed as the bell sinks, but rises out from the water as the holder rises. Acetylene Lamps. Portable acetylene lamps, with special reference to the regu- lation of the water supply to the carbide and the escape of gas from the generator, also for keeping the generator cool without cooling the evolved gas. Generating Acetylene. Water is admitted to the first of a series of carbide trays, and when the carbide is exhausted the water overflows to the next container, and so on. Provision is made for re-charging the rest whilst the last container is in use. Deutsche Acetylen Gesellschaft Berlin 10199 Apr. 23, 1897 Deutsche Acetylen Gesellschaft Berlin 10249 Apr. 24, 1897 Evans, E. Llanrwst 10508 Apr. 27, 1897 Generating Acetylene. The generation of gas is regulated by the rise and fall of the gasholder. Arrangement is made for cutting off the water supply should the holder sink too far on exhaustion of the carbide. Another modification employs two or more generators brought into action automatically and successively. Patterson, J. J. Batavia, U.S.A. 10(386 Apr. 29, 1897 Generator. A stationary cylindrical generator in which is a perforated shelf. Beneath the shelf is a central tube communicating with H644 other tubes with the outside of generator. The cover forms a May 11, 1897 safety valve with discharge pipe in centre. The whole is in- serted in a larger cylindrical vessel. Generator. The generator is attached to the side of a gasholder and partly filled with water. The carbide is contained in a receptacle above the generator, and allowed to come in contact with the water by the rise and fall of the holder. Producing Acetylene. The tap between the generator and gasholder is controlled by the movement of the gas bell. A safety syphon is provided for escape of surplus gas. The water is taken from the gas- holder tank. 821 Campbell, C. H. Philadel- phia 12120 May 15, 1897 Trouve, G. Paris 12110 Mav 15. 1897 ACETYLENE Preston, A. Athcrton 12268 May 18. 1897 Quatannens- Moens, R. Carreer Dilger, E. Belgium i'2.~>r><; Mav 'JO. 1*97 Dresser, F. Liverpool 1 H( >8 1 Mav 27. 1897 Mitchell, F. A. Wilmington, U.S.A. 1349G June 1. 1897 Whalley, D. Hacking, J. Ideal Gas Co. Blackburn 18G67 June 8, 1897 Soxhlet, F. Van den Berghe, F. Borremans Freres Hal, Belgium 18905 .1 urn 1 5. 1.S97 Producing Acetylene. A ball valve and float operated by the gasholder bell admits water to the carbide. A back pressure valve is employed in the upper end of the pipe, which conveys the gas to the holder to prevent escape of gas during re-charging. A purifier is also used. Producing Acetylene. The water supply to the carbide is controlled by pressure of gas in the generator. A reserve generator is employed during the re-charging. The generator is provided with a cooling water jacket, and is supplied with water from a tank, the valve being controlled by the movement of a float in a second tank immediately below the main tank. A purifier containing sulphate of iron, on top of which is a layer of chloride of calcium, is used. Generating Acetylene. A vertical partition divides a vertical cylinder into two com- partments, one closed at the top, forming a gas chamber, and communication between the two being established through a hole at the bottom of the partition. A slanting grid is placed in the second compartment, which is open at the top. The vessel is filled with water, and carbide introduced in a bag of canvas, and falling upon the grid is borne into the closed chamber. The gas generated forces water out of this chamber into the other. Generator. The generator is fitted at the side of a gasholder, the supply of water being regulated by the movements of the gasholder. An alarm is arranged to indicate the exhaustion of the carbide, and a force pump is attached to remove the remaining acetylene from the generator to the holder. Acetylene Gas Plant. The claim is the arrangement of pipes connecting the gene- rator with the condenser and condenser with the gasholder. Water cannot rise as high as the bend of the pipes, so that neither water from the tank nor water of condensation are carried forward with the gas. Production of " Oxycarbene " Gas. Carbide is automatically fed into water by the rise and fall of the gasholder. A certain quantity of air is first admitted to the holder, so that when the holder is full it contains a mix- ture of air and acetylene. A regulator and " flame arrester " of rolled metallic gauze are placed at every burner. 822 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Producing Acetylene. Several carbide holders are used, the water acting on each successive^. The carbide boxes float on the water, engage with a trip device, and are overturned into the water, or they are provided with hinged bottoms, opened at the proper time by a float, allowing the carl-ide to fall into the water, or the boxes are balanced on ledges at different heights, so that the rising water overturns them, emptying their contents into the water. Holders for Gases. Through a tube wholly or partly capillary water falls drop by drop on to a lower vessel containing carbide. The pressure of the gas is regulated by the pressure of the water on the gas. Production of Acetylene. A gasholder containing bellows, arranged in such a manner that when expanding or contracting they leave room for the gas in the holder, or take the place of the gas. The pressure is regulated by a weight. Generating Acetylene. A perforated carbide holder is placed in a cylindrical vessel, a space being left between the sides and bottoms, thus allowing condensed water to be drawn off without attacking the carbide. The carbide chamber is surrounded by a water jacket in con- nection with two cisterns placed one above the other. The water for the carbide is taken from the cisterns, the lower of which is completely filled with water. The gas passes through the upper cistern, any excess being stored in the lower, and cutting off the water supply to the carbide. Generating Acetylene. The carbide holder is placed in the gasholder bell, and can be charged from the exterior. On the holder sinking the contents of the box are automatically tipped into the water, and as the holder rises it is closed air-tight, so that the box can be changed at leisure. A two-chambered exit box is provided for the gas . one filled with sponge and the other with asbestos. Generating Acetylene. The carbide vessel with an air-tight lid is placed in a cylindrical vessel. The pressure of the gas controls the water supply, which rises to the carbide from below. The gasholder is divided into two chambers, the upper double wall containing the bell, and the lower containing a purifying chamber fixed to the partition. This chamber is filled with water to supply the carbide, and through it the gas passes by a coil to the puri- f ving chamber, and is thence drawn off for use. 823 Trendel, F. Berlin 14015 June 8. 1897 Jimeno, E. Barcelona L4090 June y. 1897 Jimeno, E. Barcelona 14091 June 9, 1897 Haviland, F. H. Murch, W. H. Bourne- mouth 14208 June 11, 1897 Gaskcll, G. Reeve, R. F. Liverpool 14818 J une 12, 1897 Fowler, T. R. Liverpool 14742 June 18. 1897 ACETYLENE Mace, P. Paris 14905 June 19. 189'i Scarth, J. W. Pudsey 15125 June 24. 1897 Smith, F. H. Dunblane 15754 July 2. 1897 Ayckroyd, J. and B. Culling- worth 16344 July 10. 1897 Zimmerman 16624 Julv 18. 18 l 7 Sigurdsson, O. V. Hammer- smith 16798 July 15, 1897 Producing Acetylene. 5 to 15 per cent, of manganese dioxide is proposed to be added to the mixture of lime and carbon for the electric furnace. The two carbides produce a mixture of methane and acetylene, which will burn without smoke. Generating Acetylene. A generator is fixed to the side of a gasholder. When the bell sinks a displacer causes water to overflow to the lower part of the generator to attack the carbide. The rising of the bell stops the supply of water. Means are also provided for driving the water back from the carbide and for preventing escape of gas during re-charging. Generator. An apparatus for the automatic supply of water to the generators successively. The generators consist of a divided chamber, a pipe leading from the bottom of the upper to the bottom of the lower chamber, in which there are two or three slotted tubes, the central tube having a slot at a higher level. In it are also recesses in which carbide trays are placed. A five-way cock regulates the water supply, and the exhausted carbide vessels may be re-charged without interfering with the rest. Generating Acetylene. A water vessel divided into two chambers is used. In the upper is a bell, and to the chamber is attached a generator. The exit pipe for the gas passes above the water level and then down to the bottom of the lower chamber. The water pipe for the carbide is a syphon with a water seal having a valve normally closed, but opened by the fall of the bell. Acetylene Lamps. In the base of the lamp is a circular block of carbide sur- rounding a vertical perforated tube. The upper circular portion of the lamp is an annular water chamber. The flow of water to the carbide chamber is controlled by a cock or valve. An open pipe conducts the gas to the burner from the carbide chamber. The burner is provided with a movable needle for cleaning. A safety valve is provided. Generating Acetylene. Carbide is placed in a hopper, at the bottom of which is a feeding chamber with an opening communicating with the supply chamber and another with the generator. A two-way valve can open to the supply chamber or the generator. The motion of the rising bell first shuts off the supply of carbide to 824 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS the generator, and then opens the way between the hopper and feed chamber, the operation being reversed as the bell falls. Generating Acetylene. Two generators working successively are attached to the top ] of a tank divided into two chambers, the upper receiving the gas, and the other, which is in connection with the first, con- July 17, 1897 taining a ball float valve, a discharge pipe, and a gas delivery pipe. Water under pressure rises to the carbide from below. Gas, water, and lime then flow into the first tank, where the two latter remain whilst the gas passes to the second chamber. The excess of water is discharged through the ball valve in the second compartment. The water supply to the carbide is governed by the gas pressure. Generating Acetylene. The carbide holder is attached to a vessel open at the bottom, and supported in the lower part of a cylindrical tank of water. The pressure of gas controls the water supply to the carbide. Generating Acetylene. The carbide is suspended in a vessel in the top of a gasholder, and comes in contact with the water when the bell sinks. A special device is claimed for preventing excess of gas gene- ration. Godin, E. Quebec 17021 July 19, 1897 Barnard, E. Christ- church 17090 July 20. 1897 Generating Acetylene. The generator is connected to the holder, and above it is a Carter, R. F. device for tipping a measured quantity of water into the gene- N Fau^ a rator when the holder sinks. As the holder rises any excess of 17448 water from the tipping tank runs to waste. An improved con- July 24, 1897 densation chamber and safety valve are also claimed. Generating Acetylene. Claims : The automatic regulation of the water supply by a floating body or spring. The successive exhaustion of the carbide in several generators. The closing of the generators by means of lids, so as to render the apparatus odourless. And the J ll b' 24. 1897 use of the pipes for withdrawing condensed water as safety valves for excessive pressure. Generating Acetylene. Porous material, such as felt, is placed between the water and Kitchen, the carbide, and the regulation of the rate of percolation is pro- wandi t N. Rome' ^ 17482 vided for by compressing the material. The carbide holder is placed in a tank of water, the base of the holder being rounded so that excess of pressure will drive the water from the carbide. 825 17793 ,1897 ACETYLENE Kitchen, J. G. A. Manchester 17794 July 29. 1897 Rieffel, A. Paris 17938 J ul vai). 1897 Goulding F. Great Harwood Josse and Defays Lille 18355 Aua 1 . <). 189 Bull, J. C. Erith 18355 Ail". G. 1897 The porous material is placed in a small gland at the lower side of the carbide holder. Portable Lamps. The bottom of a water reservoir is fitted internally with a layer of felt or similar absorbent material. In the top of the reservoir is a neck screwed to receive a collar, which encircles a long tube containing carbide, and fitted at the top with a stopcock and burner. The bottom of the carbide tube is in contact with the felt pad, and by means of the collar in the neck of the reservoir can be adjusted to press loosely or tightly upon the pad. The bottom of the tube is provided with a small orifice and rim facing. The rate of flow of water through the pad to the carbide is dependent upon the degree of compression which the carbide tube exerts upon the pad. Generating Acetylene. A water tank discharges intermittently into a basin, from which the feed pipe for the carbide water supply is taken. The generator contains the carbide placed on shelves. Chief charac- teristics : a combined tank and basin to ensure constant water level in the feed pipe ; a rising and falling pipe conveying water to the generator ; the device for allowing for the varying weight of the holder acting on the water supply ; and a con- denser filter filled with canvas or similar material kept con- stantly wet. Generating Acetylene. The supply of water is regulated by the movement of the gas bell. A. back pressure valve is used to prevent escape of gas into the water pipes. Generating Acetylene. Two or more generators are used, in which the carbide is placed in shallow trays resting on one another. A gasholder and water tank in connection with the generators through a special mercury valve operated by the gas bell, and a washer or purifier are also employed. Acetylene Generator. Two or more generators charged with carbide are connected with each other and with a gasholder, the water being supplied to the generators, and controlled through the medium of a mercurial valve actuated by the movement of the gasholder bell. The mercurial valve is situated upon the outer side of the gasholder tank, and consists of a vessel adapted to contain water having another vessel containing mercury suspended 826 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS within it, and an open tube connected with the water-tank and dipping into the mercury. The inner vessel is suspended by means of a spring-controlled rod, which is depressed by a stop on the gasholder bell when the latter falls to a certain position. When the bell rises the spring forces the rod into its normal position, and prevents water flowing to the generator until the bell again descends. The orifices of the water pipes are situated at or near the top of the generators, but downward curved flanges are provided to prevent the water from splashing upon any carbide except that contained in the lowest unattacked tray. One generator may be cleaned out while the other is in action. Portable Generator. A metallic cylinder having its ends closed, and composed of two parts which screw into one another, is provided. The upper part, which serves as the water reservoir, is divided from the lower part, which forms the carbide holder, by a horizontal partition having an opening for the passage of water. The water regulator forms the main feature of the invention. It is composed of a socket secured to the bottom of the water reser- voir, communicating by a small passage with the carbide chamber, and in which is introduced a piston. The piston is secured to the end of a rod, which, passing upward through the water reservoir, enters a collar socket screwed on another socket outside the top of the reservoir, terminates in a button. The collar socket has five notches, one above the other, in one of which is hung a pin which passes through the rod. Inside the reservoir a spring passes around the rod. By turn- ing the button the height of the notch in which the pin is placed, and consequently the rate of flow of water, is regulated. Denich, A. Generating Acetylene. Water is supplied to the carbide stored in cylindrical vessel with movable divisions from a vessel of equal capacity at a higher level. The generating cylinder is sealed with a mer- cury lute, so as to dispense with the use of screws, etc., for AugTiY.1897 fixing the cover. Washing vessels and a purifier are provided. Wigham, J. R. Dublin 18971 Generating Acetylene. As the bell of the holder sinks, carbide is fed from a sealed Barnard, E. receptacle 011 the top to a perforated basket suspended in the Christ- bell. An arrangement is provided for withdrawing the spent carbide from the basket. Aiur.20. ls*7 827 ACETYLENE Bell, H. J. Niagara Falls Co. 19411 Aug. 23, 1897 Munstcr- berg, O. Berlin 19615 Aug. 25. 189 1 Thorp, T. Marsh, T. G Manchester 19828 Aug. 28, 1897 Chambault. L. Paris 19951 Aug. 30, 1897 Rhind, F. Bridgeport. U.S.A. 20052 Aug. 31, 1897 Rhind, F. Bridgeport, U.S.A. 20051 Aug. 31, 1897 Generating Acetylene. A generator previously described is provided with a screw top instead of a water-sealed top. Improvements in the method of introducing measured quantities of water to the generator and other minor points are claimed. Generating Acetylene. The bell of the gasholder actuates an endless band provided with ledges to hold carbide, thus automatically feeding carbide into the water. Means are provided for storing excess of gas in a second holder, or allowing it to waste. Generating Acetylene. Granulated carbide is fed into water from a hopper, through a valve actuated by the movement of the gas bell. The hopper is divided into two by a flap valve. Carbide is placed in the upper part, the lid put on gastight, and the valve opened by a crank from without, when the carbide falls into the lower chamber ready for use, Generating Acetylene for Lighting Boats, Auto-cars, etc. A casing is divided into two parts, the upper forming the water reservoir, and the lower containing the basket charged with carbide. Upon one side of the basket is a stopping box fitted with an internal baffle plate. This box serves as a regulator, and receives the water from the upper reservoir through a pipe provided with a stop-cock. Water drops through a nipple upon the carbide in the basket, and the gas escapes to the burner through a tube in the partition which divides the casing. Excessive gas pressure prevents flow of water to the carbide. Several modifications in size, shape, and form of the generating arrangement all working on the same principle are described. In one form the generating device is fitted within a walking-stick, and the burner is lodged in the top of the stick. Acetylene Generating Lamps. Refers to portable lamps. Generating Acetylene. A vessel is divided into two parts, the lower containing water, and the upper carbide in a bag. A central hole is made in the partition. Water is drawn by a wick, moved from outside by a rack and pinion till it comes in contact with the bag of carbide. 828 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Generating Acetylene. The carbide holder is automatically shaken by a special Dolan, E. J. device, in order to expose fresh surface to the water and to get Philadel- rid of spent material. This is done when the gas pressure falls ?ooii below a certain point, when water is admitted, the increase of Aug. 31,1897 pressure causing the rotation of the cylinder. Generating Acetylene. The carbide hopper is fixed on top of the gas bell, and has a Kieffer, F. A. valve attached to a float. When the holder falls the float causes Paris the valve to open, thus admitting carbide to the water, and im" vice versa. The level of the water in the tank is kept constant by an overflow tap. 20537 Sep. 7, 1897 Portable Generator. A tube is divided by a gas-tight removable diaphragm into Windham, F. two chambers, the upper to contain water, the lower carbide. London In the centre of the diaphragm is a conical opening, which is controlled by a conically pointed plunger having a spindle, which passes through the cap of the water chamber. The point passes through the conical opening, and forms a cleaner for the opening, and also acts as a drip point for the water. A regu- lating valve may be provided to control admission of water to conical valve. The gas is led from the bottom of the carbide to the burner by a pipe passing through the base of the tube. A spiral slot in the conical plunger allows any gas which may accumulate under abnormal pressure when the water valve is closed to escape through a valve, and through the water, and into the air. Generating Acetylene. See patent No. 5756 of 1897. Three vessels containing carbide in communication with the interior of the bell are attached to the inside top of the bell at different heights. Acetylene Lamp. The outer cylindrical casing, which serves as the water reservoir, is closed at the top by a screw plug carrying the gas outlet cock and the air-inlet valve. Within this is a second cylinder having its lower end closed with a metal plug pierced with a central perforation, and its upper part fitted with a tube of small diameter, which leads to the gas outlet cock. In this inner cylinder is placed a perforated tube or basket which serves as a carbide holder, and has a cock attached beneath its base to prevent blocking of the perforation in the metal plug. Water being introduced into the outer cylinder, it flows through 829 Bean, H. R. Ringwood, H. London 21114 Sep. 14, 1897 Chardin, C. E. Paris 21372 Sep. 17, 189; ACETYLENE Windmuller, J. Cologne 21164 Sep. 18, 185 >7 Wizard Co. Chicago 21831 Sep. 28, 1897 Ageron, J. A. Wirth, L. Paris 22648 Oct. 2, 18! >7 Flock, A. Mcsscdat, F. Cologne 22730 Oct. 4, 18! >7 Beck, C. W. Chicago 22850 Oct. 5, 18<7 Bailey, C. J. 22918 Oct. 6. 181)7 the perforation to the carbide, and when the generation of gas becomes more rapid than the consumption, the water is forced back by the gas pressure from contact with the carbide. Cycle Lamp. A cycle lamp, the upper part serving as a water reservoir, the lower provided with a double wall containing the carbide. The pressure of the gas forces the water out of contact with the carbide. Cycle Lamps. A stick of carbide is pressed against an absorbent pad, to the under side of which water is admitted from a surrounding water receptacle. Generating Acetylene. The gas produced by the fall of carbide into water passes through a pressure regulator, the supply of carbide being regu- lated by the movement of the gas bell. Each burner has a central delivery tube for the addition of oxygen or ozone. Generating Acetylene. A chamber is divided into four parts a water reservoir, a carbide chamber, a chamber connected by a perforated plate with the carbide, and a drying chamber containing pumice soaked in sulphuric acid. Water from the reservoir passes through the perforated plate to the carbide, the gas passing through the drying chamber to the exit pipe. Pressure of gas forces the water back from the carbide through the third chamber, and thence to the first. Generating Acetylene. Objects : to provide means for maintaining a regulated supply of liquid to the carbide, to provide a relief reservoir for excess of gas, and a means for charging the generator without escape of gas. Portable Acetylene Lamps. The carbide is contained in a small cylinder, which has a central tube not quite reaching to the top of the cylinder. This central tube is surrounded by a tube of perforated metal or wire gauze. At the upper end of the cylinder is fitted another cylinder, the bottom of which may form the top of the first cylinder. The second cylinder contains water, and is fitted at its lower end with an outlet and escape valve or tap, and a pipe which leads to the lower end of the central tube in the first cylinder, and which may contain a back pressure valve. A small vent is made in the top of the water cylinder. When 830 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENEEATOES water is admitted from the upper cylinder to the carbide cylinder, it rises in the central tube of the latter, and flows over its upper edge to the bottom of the space enclosed by the perforated tube. It then flows to the carbide, which is packed around the outer side of the perforated tube. Generating Acetylene. The bottom of the carbide box is slightly inclined, the down- ward motion of the carbide towards the water being started by a vibrating hammer actuated by mechanism. The water reservoir is divided into two parts, communicating by a pipe. The ham- mer is regulated by a float within the water reservoir. Increase of pressure causes the water level to sink, and interrupts the movement of the hammer. Generating Acetylene. A carbide hopper is fixed to the top of the generator, having a feeding chamber at the base communicating with the hopper and the gas generating chamber, the valve opening and shut- ting off the carbide supply being operated by a forked lever engaging with a stud on the gasholder. Molet, A. Buenos Ayres 23198 Oct. 9, 189; Sigurdsson, O. Hammer- smith 23351 Oct. 11, 1897 Generating Acetylene. A series of generators, supplied with water from an overhead cistern, are connected with a gasholder. Two generators are Warten- weiler, A, worked together whilst the others are shut off. Each generator Switzerland 23547 ^ ut - 13, 1897 is divided into radial chambers, so arranged that the contents of each shall be successively attacked by the water. A three- way cock between the washer and generator allows excess gas to be blown off. The water supply is governed by the rise and fall of the holder. Generating Acetylene. Water is supplied to the carbide through a small pipe ending in a spray. The tap of the water supply has a weighted lever arm for closing, whilst the arm on the other side is connected by a chain to the bell of the holder, causing automatic addition of the water to the carbide. Acetylene Generators. Seven carbide cylinders, open at top and closed at bottom, but connected in such a way as to form triangular tubes be- tween each, are contained in a larger cylinder, which in turn'is introduced into another containing receptacle. Water from an upper tank, having a constant water level, enters the lower part of the generator, and passes through a hole in the bottom of the first carbide cylinder. The gas produced passes consecutively 831 Buffington, L. S. Minneapolis 23802 Oct. 15, 18! 7 Guadaguini, P. commonly known as Johnson, W. London 23977 Oct. 18, 1897 ACETYLENE through the top of all the carbide cylinders. After the water has flooded the first cylinder, it overflows and descends to the bottom of the second cylinder, and so on in succession. Accu- mulation of gas pressure forces back the water from contact with the carbide. A small floating bell, or a displacement gasholder may be used, but the claims include the abolition of the ordinary gasholder. Several modifications are described. M'Conechy, J. Glasgow 24801 Oct. 21, 1 ( J7 Generating Acetylene. Three generators connected to a gasholder, each consisting of an upright casing with dome-shaped top, the opening of which is closed by a lid. The upper portion of the casing contains a water tank, from which water falls on the carbide. The amount of water is just sufficient to decompose the carbide. Holliday, T. Hudders- ficld 24860 Oct. 21, 185)7 Acetylene Lamps. A perforated cage in the bottom of the lamp contains carbide. The water reservoir at the top of the lamp is provided with an external device to manipulate the valve which regulates the flow of water through the tube which leads from the water chamber to the carbide. Between the water and carbide chambers is a chamber to serve as a gas container, from which the gas passes through a porous filter to the burner. The gas container is provided with a gas safety valve. In some cases a rubber ball is employed for storing the gas. Heal, J. B. and S. H. Southsca 24446 Oct. 22, 18 ( J7 Acetylene Generator. Two drawers, having perforated bottoms and containing car- bide, are passed into corresponding horizontal cylindrical gener- ating chambers having arched roofs, and the doors are closed. The chambers are themselves situated within a closed water displacement tank, the bottom of each chamber being in com- munication with this tank. By manipulation of various cocks water is allowed to rise in the tank until it enters the chambers and reaches the carbide. The gas liberated forces back the water until it flows into a water level-maintaining tank situated behind the water-displacement tank, and at about the same level as the carbide drawers. The displacement tank is connected with a gasholder, the bell of which is so loaded that it will not rise until the gas pressure exceeds that exerted by the normal height of water in the level-maintaining tank. The surplus gas collected in the gasholder passes into the displace- ment tank and is consumed before the water can return to the carbide. 832 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Generating Acetylene. A carbide receptacle and a vertical gastight elastic pouch Guy, C. are fitted to the gastight lid of a water reservoir. By means of springs and levers the elastic pouch, after being filled with acetylene, prevents the fall of the carbide into the water, whilst when the pouch collapses the carbide can fall into the water. The pouch is so arranged that inflation occurs chiefly in the side connected to the lever arrangements. Generating Acetylene. The carbide falls into water from a hopper, the movement of Ravel, L. the bell acting on an endless band always worked in the same Marseilles direction. Acetylene Lamps applied to Tubular Frames of Bicycles, etc. The generator consists of a tube within which is placed a Bond, E. S. removable tube charged with carbide. At the lower end of the Handsworth Oct. :-jo. isi7 carbide tube is a screw-cap pierced with a small hole for the water inlet. The upper end of the carbide tube carries a tubular extension, whose external surface is made to tightly fit the interior of the vertically inclined tube of the cycle frame. One or more holes are made at the junction of the carbide tube with the extension, communicating from the ex- terior of the carbide tube to the interior of the extension tube. In the top of the carbide tube is a small gas discharge pipe carried nearly to the top of the extension tube, and there furnished with a tap and a nozzle to receive a flexible pipe. The flexible pipe is connected to another tube, preferably of metal, which is carried in the horizontal tube of the cycle frame to a gas tap and nozzle on the steering post, from which the gas is led by another flexible pipe to the lamp. The lower end of the vertically inclined cycle tube is hermetically sealed, but is provided with a cock and outlet for cleaning purposes. This vertically inclined tube itself serves as the water reservoir, a side inlet furnished upon the outer side with a removable safety valve being provided. Generating Acetylene. Improvements on a previous patent. The carbide tube is Barthez, continued for a short distance below the surface of the water A. H. in the generator, and terminating in a distributing cone. This prevents the acetylene coming in contact with the distributing fs- ov basket wheel, and avoids any escape of gas during charging. 833 53 ACETYLENE Generating Acetylene. Two generators successively brought into action automa- tically. The water supply is controlled by the movements of the gas bell. Generating Acetylene, The carbide generator is arranged in the upper part of a fixed gasholder, together with a water reservoir. The carbide cy- linder is water-jacketed, and rests upon the porous bottom of the surrounding cylinder, forming a bell for the generated gas. Water passes to the carbide through holes closed by porous partitions. The pressure of gas regulates the supply of water. Generating Acetylene. The water used for washing the gas is afterwards used for generating the gas. Three generators are fixed at different levels, together with a regulator. The gas passes through this regulator to the holder, which, rising, transmits motion to the valves. These motions cause the intermediary vessel or regu- lator to be kept supplied with a regular quantity of water, through which the gas passes, and which is afterwards em- ployed to decompose the carbide. Generating Acetylene. Under the dome of a gas bell, carbide holders are arranged at different heights. The gas is forced, by means of a bell covering the carbide holders, through the milk of lime. The water supply tank has a lever arm controlled by the movement of the bell. Acetylene Lamps. Hall, R. F. The carbide may be placed directly in a metal cartridge, Bir * n ff am which is then hermetically sealed ; or it may first be sealed up Nov 15 1-S97 i n a P 01 ' 0118 envelope of fabric or unglazed paper, and then trans- ferred to the metal cartridge, which is subsequently hermeti- cally sealed. If desired, the cartridge may have an air-tight removable cover. Acetylene Light Syndicate Trowbridge 25952 Nov. 8. 1897 Alexandre, F. Paris 2(5825 Nov. 11. 1897 Arkell, G. E. Bailey, J. Clapham, J. Keighley 26269 Nov. 11. 1897 Mucke, J. and J. Berlin 26435 Nov. 12.189, Schmid, F. Vienna Nov 1'V \897 Acetylene Lamp. The upper part of lamp contains water, the lower contains carbide placed in a removable holder. The carbide is covered ky a ^ sc f fe^ ^h e water passes through a specially con- structed valve. The rate of flow of water from the upper re- servoir is dependent upon the degree of compression exerted upon a disc of felt or cloth placed therein. The water passing through this regulator drops upon the felt which covers the carbide, and which is not compressed. The carbide receptacle 834 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS may be divided into compartments to come into use consecu- tively, and the water supply may be diverted from one com- partment to another by aid of a funnel having one or more spouts, which may be turned by a rod passing to the outside of the casing. Generating Acetylene. The lower part of the bell of a gasholder supports a coned sieve on which the carbide falls. Fixed to the tank, but rising within the bell, is the carbide hopper, and externally on the bell is another hopper from which the inside one may be filled, by means of a cock, even while the apparatus is at work. The movement of the bell operates the valve which regulates the fall of the carbide into the water. Kremer, J. Belgium '26770 Nov. 16, 1897 Acetylene Lamps. Generator resembles a bicycle pump and is clipped to any suitable part of cycle frame. It is a long tube closed at base and having screw cap at top. Through this cap passes the gas eduction tube and a valve to act as an air regulator. The car- bide holder in the lower part of the tube contains a series of superposed trays threaded upon a central tube, by which all the trays may be removed. Water from the outer tube flows through a piece of sponge at bottom of carbide holder, up through a perforated tube and an outer slit tube to the carbide. Increase of gas pressure forces back the water from the carbide. Evans, E. Denbigh 26810 Nov. 16. 1897 Converting Ordinary Lamps into Acetylene Lamps. Oil lamps and candle carriage lamps are provided with suit- Bond, E. S. able air-inlet holes, ventilation holes, acetylene burners, and Handsworth gas supply pipes terminating in a nozzle to receive an india- -, rubber pipe. The acetylene may be delivered to the flexible tube from any form of generator. Generating Acetylene. Carbide holders are attached to the side of a gasholder. They are water-jacketed, and their water is supplied from the holder tank. To the top of the holder are attached rods which operate on the cogs of a crank by means of which the water supply is regulated. Generating Acetylene. Carbide falls in fragments one by one into water, the rate being controlled by the bell of a gasholder. The carbide is fed to the discharge pipe on an endless band. 835 Benjamin, J. Swansea 27065 Nov. 19, 1897 Reibel, J. Angouleme 27288 Nov. 20, 1897 ACETYLENE Generator. Schulke.J.H. ^ n a water tank several generators are placed, each communi- Berlin eating with a gas-pipe leading below the water tank to a i c - weighted gasholder, the tank of which contains a condensing coil. The carbide vessels are open at both ends and perforated. Each fits into a cylinder open at the top and surrounded by a bell, into which the water flows, but its height is determined by the pressure of gas in the bell. By means of a pipe the water is supplied to the carbide from below. Acetylene Lamps. Roxburgh, The bottom chamber contains carbide, the top water. The water for the carbide is supplied from an intermediate chamber, Nov 25 1897 wn i cn i g ^ n communication with both water reservoir and carbide chamber in such a manner that when water passing from the intermediate chamber through a tube to the carbide generates sufficient gas to create an increasing pressure, then the gas escapes to the top of the intermediate chamber and exerts its pressure on the surface of the water until it has driven the water below the level of the opening of the supply pipe, the retreating water being forced up into the top chamber. A small compartment located in the top water reservoir filled with cotton- wool serves to filter the escaping gas on its way to the burner. Generating Acetylene. Liver Improvements of Patent No. 10508 of 1897. The carbide Acetylene trays are all placed in a tray-holder closed at bottom, but Liverpool " having a vertical channel passing up one side of the chamber. and Into this channel water can enter from outside through a hole Evans, E. near the top, and this water can escape through a guarded hole or series of holes connecting the channel with the tray NovT'26, 1897 chamber, and so arranged that water entering the hole at top runs down to bottom or to level of water in tray chamber in- stead of spurting through at once. Also in order to allow the air in the gas bell to escape when it is lowered into its tank, a siphon is fitted in the gas bell, with its open end opening into the top of the bell, and its bend descending nearly to the bottom. The other limb is carried upwards to a point above the bell, where it is provided with a hole to allow air to escape when the bell is lowered into the tank. This hole is sealed when the water has risen in the bell to above the height of the open end, and remains permanently sealed. 836 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Generator. The bell of a gasholder carries a tube sealed by the water in the tank, down which carbide is dropped, falling upon the cone- shaped base of the tank, the cone preventing it falling directly below the feed tube. Four types of generator are illustrated. Tyree, W. New Zealand 28091 Nov. 29, 1897 Acetylene Lamp. A tube with three superposed compartments ; the bottom con- tains a perforated cage charged with carbide, and the inter- mediate contains water. The top compartment is a purifier. Water passes to the bottom of the carbide chamber by a pipe controlled by a cock. The carbide chamber is also in communi- cation with the purifier, which has a feed water pipe extending through it to the water chamber. The top of this feed tube is provided with a funnel closed by a screw-plug having a minute aperture through it. The aperture admits such air as is re- quired for the automatic working of the lamp, and acts as a safety valve in event of excessive gas production. The purifier contains " special chemicals " placed upon a rose. Wagner, M. France 28102 Nov. 29, 1897 Acetylene Lamp. The carbide chamber forms the base of the lamp, and is sup- plied with water from an upper reservoir mounted at the back of the lamp. The tube communicating between the two cham- bers contains a porous wick, which passes nearly to the bottom of a perforated tube which rises centrally in the carbide cham- ber. The perforated tube is surrounded with fine muslin. The gas produced passes through a filtering medium up a central tube to the burner. Accumulation of gas pressure retards the flow of water through the wick. A stopcock or valve is also provided to regulate the flow of water. Keck, L. J. Liverpool 28258 Nov. 30, 1897 Acetylene Lamps. The carbide holder is a cylinder with minute holes drilled at short intervals up the side, and capped or corked at the ends. This is placed within a cylinder having a minute hole in its base, and a cap at its upper end with a small tube for carrying the gas to the burner. This cylinder, together with the carbide holder, is enclosed in a larger cylinder which serves as a water reservoir and has a screw cap at both ends, the upper cap having in its centre a hole to allow the gas tube to pass through and to act as a safety valve in the event of the gas pressure within the apparatus becoming excessive. 837 Chitty, J London 28167 Nov. 30. is! 17 ACETYLENE Grubb Sir H. Dublin 28264 Nov. 30, 1897 Sockccl, V. Lanby, A. Drisse, C. Calais 28439 Dec. 2, 1897 Acetylene Generator. A generator, provided with baskets or compartments and charged with carbide, is connected with an elevated water tank, so that water will flow naturally to the carbide. The gas passes into a displacement holder, the increase of gas pressure forcing the displaced water up a pipe into the water supply tank, and leaving the generator comparatively dry. The generator may be provided with a water-jacket, and the closing of the various valves when it is necessary to recharge may be automatically performed by removal of the cover of the generator. The valves are preferably operated by springs. Several modifications in the arrangement of plant working on this principle are described. Producing Acetylene. The carbide is placed in the upper part of a vessel divided by a perforated diaphragm, milk of lime falling into the lower. The carbide vessel is placed within another truncated cylinder, the whole being placed in the tank of water. After being purified the gas passes into a gasholder. Generating and Purifying Apparatus. Richard, B. An automatically closing gasholder, the closure being dis- posed within the gas bell. A generator consisting of three Dec" 6 1897 chambers, one containing the carbide in cages, and another acting as a purifier. A drying chamber. An automatic water- feed. A top valve, which may be automatic or worked by hand. A safety device, consisting of a bell moving in a mer- cury seal. Making Illuminating Gas. Bryant, H. Two tanks are provided, one being furnished with a movable ' ex ^' Y' Sc. 9. 1897 Bergmann, F. J. Germany 29258 Deo. 10, 1897 Marechal, V. Garcin, L. Paris 29405 Dw. 11, 1897 ACETYLENE Thiersant.H. Coulson, W. London 29571 Dec. 14, 1897 Smith, F. H. Newcastle- on-Tyne 29843 Dec. 16, 1897 Wagner, M. France 299f>0 Dec, 17, 1897 01. July 13, 1897 Baughan, W. H. Charbury 30272 Dec. 22, 1897 Acetylene Gas Producer. The carbide holder placed below communicates with an outer vessel containing water by means of curved pipes. Round the holder is a gallery, a number of small holes allowing communi- cation with the holder. The two are covered by a cone-shaped vessel fitted with pipes. Water only comes in contact with the carbide when the pressure falls below a certain limit. Producing Acetylene. A number of packages containing carbide are placed at the bottom of a vessel containing water, and are automatically and successively opened so as to admit water. Instead of separate packages of carbide, a tray having several compartments charged with carbide and covered with tinfoil may be employed. In the water chamber is a float fixed to a vertical spindle free to rise and fall and to turn in bearings. When the pressure of gas decreases, the level of water rises, and with it the float, and a knife or perforator suitably attached thereto perforates one of the carbide packages or chambers. Increase of gas pressure depresses the level of the water, and with it the float, and thereby raises the knife. The float carries a pin which rotates between two toothed wheels to effect movement of knife from one chamber or package to another. Generating Acetylene. For industrial purposes it is necessary to supply the acetylene under a pressure of 20 centimetres to a metre or more. There- fore an apparatus is constructed in which water flows from an elevated tank to a generator containing compartments charged with carbide in such manner that the charges are attacked successively. The generator and purifier are entirely sur- rounded with water. The pressure of gas in the generator is regulated by the length of pipe between water supply reservoir and generator, the flow of water being stopped when the gas pressure is sufficient to equalise the pressure of this height of water column. A feed water cylinder for the supply reservoir is also provided. The purifier is charged with a mixture of sulphate of copper, sulphate of iron, and sawdust. Generating Acetylene. Two tanks to be filled with water are provided, one to contain a gasholder bell, the other to contain one or more vertical cylindrical carbide chambers. The gasholder tank contains a condenser and an automatic water supply valve, and the two tanks are connected by suitable pipes, and filled with water to the same level. The supply of water from the gasholder tank 840 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS to the carbide chambers is automatically cut off when the bell rises, and re-connected when the bell falls to a certain position. The carbide is contained in perforated trays, and the water first attacks the carbide in the bottom tray. One generator can be cleaned while a second is in action. 30585 Dec. 28, 1897 Ritchie, J. ' Producing Acetylene. The water supply is regulated by a lever operating taps, and M'Conechy, depending upon the movement of the bell of a gasholder. As the holder rises the water is cut off by a spring working a quadrant. Acetylene Lamps. Water is sprayed over carbide. The carbide chamber is at bottom, and water reservoir at top. An intermediate gas and ** m *kwick water chamber is connected to both top and bottom chambers in such a way that water flows into the intermediate chamber and down a pipe to the carbide sprayer, until the pressure of gas which escapes to the top of the intermediate chamber is sufficient to force the water back until it is below the entrance of the supply pipe. The retreating water escapes to the upper tank until the pressure is relieved. Several carbide chambers, to work singly or simultaneously, may be provided. The car- bide holder has a perforated bottom, and a drain into which the waste water may collect. The parts may be arranged to form either a vertical or a horizontal generator. Acetylene Generators. The carbide is placed in receptacles made of finely woven fabric. The receptacles should be only partially filled. Acetylene Generator. A cylindrical tube is filled with water, and in its lower part is immersed a closed cylindrical carbide holder. The carbide holder has a perforated tube extending from its lowest internal end to a stopcock situated just below its top cover, and terminat- ing in a short pipe, which passes through the cover, and thus allows water to flow into the carbide holder through the per- forated tube when the stopcock is open. The handle of the stopcock passes through the side of the carbide holder and also through the side of the outer cylinder, so that the cock can be operated externally. Two tubes also extend from the top of the carbide holder to the exterior of the cover of the water cylinder. One is the gas eduction tube, and terminates in a stopcock ; the other is a safety tube, and terminates in a safety valve. 841 Muckc, J. and J. Berlin 30637 Dec. 28, 181)7 Legge, J. C. and Cooper, A. S. Dublin 30690 Dec. 28, 1897 ACETYLENE Barnard, E. Christ- church, Hants 457 Jan. 7, 1898 Barnard, E. Christ- church, Hants 490 Jan. 7, 1898 Richardson, S. T. Birmingham 891 Jan. 12, 189H Bournon- ville, E. Jersey City, U.S.A. 1013 Jan. 1H, 18! )S Mace, P. P. H. and Burgue, Paris 1005 Jan. 18, 1898 Generating Acetylene. Within the bell of a gasholder a perforated bucket is sus- pended. As the bell descends, a charge of carbide is delivered from a hopper attached to the outer top of the bell into the bucket. Small quantities of carbide are thus automatically distributed to the water, and withdrawn by the rising of the bell to a certain height. A long rod extends from the false bottom of the carbide box down towards the bottom of the gasholder tank, so that when the bell sinks sufficiently to cause this rod to touch the bottom of the tank, carbide is pushed out of the supply box and falls down a shoot into the bucket. Several modifications of this arrangement are described. Cycle and Carriage Lamps. Claims the use of the tubes of bicycles or other vehicles for containing acetylene or other gas generating apparatus. Acetylene Lamps. Two cylindrical vessels are connected side by side : one con- tains carbide, the other water. The pipe connecting the lower ends is fitted with a small cock to regulate supply of water to carbide. At the top the cylinders are connected by a small tube fitted with a cock that opens simultaneously with the lower water cock, so that gas from the carbide cylinder flows to the water cylinder and equalises the gas pressure on the water. A branch pipe from this top tube leads down to the burner. Each cylinder has a removable cover, and the cover of the water cylinder may be pierced with a hole, in which is fitted a small tube leading down nearly to the bottom of the cylinder to admit air if required. Acetylene Generator. Carbide is fed in certain quantities into water automatically by the descent of the gas bell. The carbide is covered with oil to prevent atmospheric decomposition, this oil also forming a layer on the water in the tank. Producing Acetylene. A long cylindrical vessel divided horizontally at about its centre, but so constructed that the two parts can be fitted gas- tight into one another. The cover of the upper portion carries two threaded orifices, in which are screwed two rods threaded at their upper ends. The bottom of this upper portion also carries two tubular orifices through which the water, which is contained in the upper chamber, passes to the carbide in the 842 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS lower chamber. By screwing down the two rods which ter- minate in cones, these orifices can be closed. The carbide is contained in a removable cylinder provided with small orifices. It is closed at its lower end by a movable bottom, to the centre of which is attached a tube which rises vertically in the cylinder, and has a lateral opening at its lower part. The top of the carbide cylinder also carries a perforated cover having a central tube which fits into the larger tube rising from the bottom. Some of the water falling upon the perforated cover attacks the top layers of carbide, while a further portion falling down the central tube attacks the bottom layers. Acetylene Generator. Two generators containing carbide are situated at the side of Drummond, a gasholder, the bell of which rises and falls in an oil seal. Aberdeen The water, which falls from an overhead tank, is cut off from 1154 the working generator by the rise of the bell. The generators J an. 15, 189b work alternately, one being recharged while the other is in ac- tion. The carbide holder in each generator rests in a water sealed space, and fresh charges of carbide can be inserted without re- moving the spent charge or stopping the manufacture of gas until the holder is filled with spent material. A slide valve is provided for automatically changing the supply of water from one generator to the other. Portable Lamps. Water passes from the upper reservoir through a cock and a Kitchen, regulator, and then along an absorbent wick to the carbide in M ancnes t e r the base of the lamp. The regulator is an arrangement for 1477 compressing the wick more or less by means of an adjustable Jan. 10, 1898 screw, so that the flow of water along the wick may be regu- lated. Acetylene Lamp. The carbide chamber is detachably connected with the base of Davison, A C* the lamp. The water reservoir is at the top of the lamp and is and ' connected to the carbide chamber by a suitable pipe, through Lucas, H. which is passed a screwed stem valve which controls the water Birmingham supply. The valve seat passes through a fixed conical plate j separated from a lower movable conical plate or cup by means of a spring. The water drops upon the lower plate and reaches the carbide by flowing over the periphery. The products of gas combustion are led away by a flue tube passing through the water reservoir in a direct vertical line with the burner be- neath. 843 ACETYLENE Thiersant.H. Coulson, W. London 1584 Jan. 20, 1898 Owens, W. Pontar- dawe 1625 -Ian. 20, 1898 Quatennens- Moens, R. Carreer- Dilger, E. Belgium 1665 Jan. 21, 1898 Arnot, M. C. New York 1760 Jan. 22, 1898 Moss, R. J. Birming- ham 1920 Jan, 24, 1898 Holliday, R. and Holliday, R. & Sons Hudders- Portable Lamps. The carbide holder is placed in a vessel provided with an escape valve. Water attacks the carbide through a spiral perforated tube. Manufacturing Acetylene. Water is automatically supplied to carbide by the movement of a gas bell, which engages a lever opening a valve between the water supply and the carbide. The carbide is placed in trays in the generators, the water rising from below. A con- densing chamber with baffle plates is used. Producing Acetylene. The generator containing water is surrounded by an annular tank and connected to a gasholder. The carbide is in charges in a distributing drum immediately above. A valve opens when a charge of carbide falls on it, allowing the charge to fall into the water, and closes immediately. The distributing drum is worked by the movement of the gas bell. Generators for Lamps. The generating chamber is attached to the bottom of the lamp, and is provided with a charge of carbide preferably in the form of a disc. A smaller block of carbide is fastened to the lamp bottom immediately above the generating chamber, and is just below the opening which admits the acetylene to the bur- ner. An auxiliary water receptacle is situated between the lamp bottom and a false bottom above it, while the main water tank is an annular chamber situated on the top of the lamp. When the valve in this upper water tank is opened, water runs into the lower auxiliary water vessel and causes an overflow into the generating chamber. The acetylene, generated after being dried by the upper block of carbide, passes to the burner. When the gas is generated too rapidly, the accumulation of pressure forces back the water and prevents its further flow until the pressure decreases. Acetylene Generator. Improvement on a previous patent. Means are provided for trapping the gas in the generator to prevent escape of gas during recharging of the generator. Acetylene Lamps. Water is conveyed to the carbide by a wick, the entrance of the wick to the carbide chamber being at a higher level than that of the water. The carbide chamber is immersed in a vessel containing water, and the portion of the wick which 844 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS descends into the carbide can be opened out amongst the car- field bide. The other portion of the wick passes out of the carbide chamber and down a vertical tube into the water. A valve is provided which can be screwed down upon the wick to check or stop the flow of water. Goodwin, J. S. London 2714 Acetylene Lamp. The carbide receptacle is a tube provided at the top with a removable cap, and terminating at the bottom in a truncated cone perforated centrally. The upper cap is also perforated centrally, and is provided with a gas outlet pipe extending j a ii.27, 1898 upwards through a tube in the upper part of the lamp, and around which is stored the water for decomposing the carbide. The carbide receptacle is placed within a larger cylinder, having the water reservoir at the top, and fitted at the bottom with a removable cap and washer. The bottom of the carbide recep- tacle is fitted with a handle, the lower end of which rests upon the washer at the base of the cylinder. A horizontal partition above the carbide receptacle separates the water chamber from the lower part of the cylinder, save that a very narrow pipe extends from the water chamber nearly to the bottom of the cylinder, through which water is allowed to slowly rise to the carbide. Acetylene Generator. Carbonic acid gas from a cylinder of the liquefied gas forces water out of a vessel into the generator, the supply of the car- bonic acid gas being regulated by stopcocks. Producing Acetylene. See a previous patent. The improvements regulate more per- fectly the supply of carbide from the lower hopper to the generator, facilitate access to the admission valve without necessitating emptying the gasholder, and improve the con- struction of the filtering apparatus and washer. Acetylene Lamps. The carbide container has a number of separate compartments communicating at bottom with each other. The lower part of container has a pressing plate and spring to keep the carbide in contact with moist pad of lime which forms at top of container. In another form of container the charge of carbide is divided into small portions by partitions. Water is allowed to drop upon the carbide, but the container and water supply nozzle are rotated relatively to one another, so that the water con- tinuously drips upon a fresh surface of carbide. The rotation 845 Jacobi, G. Dresden 2b09 Jan. 28, 1898 Thorp, T. Whitefleld 2454 Jan. 31, 1898 Praag, D. J. van and Barker, P. W. London 2227 ACETYLENE may be effected by hand, or by rise and fall of a gas bell. The lamp comprises an upper water reservoir with an adjustable supply valve, and a lower part provided with a water seal forming gastight joint between the outer parts and a removable carbide container. Marcks, H. O. Berlin 2002 Feb. 1, 1898 Beaumont, R. C. Rochdale 2534 Ff>b. 1, 1898 Generating Acetylene. Charges of carbide attached to rods are caused to fall as desired into water. Generator for Portable Lamps. Gas is generated by the drip of water through a capillary tube upon carbide from a water vessel above it. The generat- ing apparatus may be a portion of the lamp itself, or may be separate from it. A tube runs from the water vessel to within half an inch of the bottom of the carbide chamber, and has a valve or tap fitted on its upper part. On the lower end of the tube is a short length of indiarubber tube, having a transverse slit, and closed at the end by an elastic cap forming a sensitive valve, which acts automatically. Excess of gas pressure pre- vents now of water. A perforated sleeve slides over the water tube, and serves to distribute the water evenly through the carbide. A purifying chamber, partially filled with a mixture of anhydrous copper sulphate and calcium chloride, is provided. A burner with a bottom screw, by which the rate of gas con- sumption can be regulated, is also claimed. Acetylene Generator. Ferguson, ^ number of receptacles charged with carbide are placed in a J. S. chamber, each upon a horizontal shelf capable of swinging Minneapolis downward to a vertical position when a latch beneath each Fnb 4 J 'l898 sne ^ i s deflected. The chamber is charged with water to about one-third of its height. A ratchet wheel outside the chamber being turned one tooth, rotates a shaft, and causes one carbide vessel to be precipitated into the water. Acetylene flows to a gasholder bell until the carbide from the one receptacle is en- tirely decomposed. Then when the withdrawal of gas from the holder causes the bell to sink until it reaches a certain position, a pendant rod attached to the top of the bell engages the ratchet wheel and rotates it one tooth, so that another carbide receptacle is thrown into the water. Thus the produc- tion of gas is automatically carried on until all the carbide receptacles have been precipitated. 846 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Major, J. Eccles ,, , Acetylene Lamps. The top of the carbide chamber is closed by a removable gas- tight cover carrying a burner in its centre. Beneath the bottom of the chamber is a small socket or recess in which may be placed a piece of sponge, or preferably a vertical perforated tube covered with absorbent fabric and reaching nearly to top of chamber. The rate of flow of water through this socket is regulated by a valve or cock operated outside the apparatus. The carbide chamber is immersed in an outer water reservoir. Acetylene Lamps. Fitted within the open bottom of the generator chamber and Sanderson, extending up therein almost to the crown is an inverted sack W. A. or bag made of canvas or similar material, and having the Birn ^ n ) ghi edges of its mouth end turned backwards to overlap and lie jnvi/ 9 189s around the outside lower edge of the generator. A water- regulating compression cap of rubber closes the lower end of chamber and bag, and is so arranged as to leave a part of the canvas exposed for direct contact with water, whilst compres- sing other parts of the canvas between itself and the walls of the chamber. Carbide is contained in the canvas bag, and beneath the carbide bag and generating chamber is a reservoir containing water. To stop generation of gas the chamber con- taining bag with carbide is bodily lifted until the exposed parts of the absorbent canvas are clear of the w^ater. Acetylene Lamps. The water reservoir is a vessel about six inches in length and three inches in width, and preferably of oval shape in cross section. The carbide cylinder is of almost equal length, but of smaller diameter, and is placed within the water reservoir. At the bottom of the carbide chamber, which is pierced with two holes, is a tube extending from the centre of the carbide cham- ber into the water reservoir. The cock which regulates the admission of water to the carbide through this tube is operated by a handle outside the top of the water reservoir. The top of the carbide cylinder is connected to a gas eduction tube and stopcock. Producing Acetylene. A large drum is horizontally divided into two compartments. The upper one is open to the air, while the lower is closed, save for two small orifices. The upper compartment contains a smaller tank, in which is contained the water for the carbide. The small tank is connected by a pipe to the lower end of a cylindrical generator. The generator contains suitable cages charged with carbide, which the water surrounds as it rises 847 Rous, T. Ardleigh 8594 Feb. 12. 1898 Mitchell, T. Oldham 3581 Feb. 12. 1898 ACETYLENE from below. The large drum is charged with water until it has filled the lower compartment and risen some distance in the upper compartment. The gas passes from the generator to the lower part of the lower compartment of the drum, where it bubbles through the water, and accumulates until withdrawn for use. Too rapid generation of gas causes the water in the generator to be driven back from contact with the carbide. The water from the lower compartment of the drum which has been displaced by gas rises into the upper compartment. Acetylene Lamps. Harrison, The water is in an upper reservoir, and the carbide in a lower chamber. The sole claim relates to the use of a cane with its 11 lower end covered with flannel or similar material. The cane Feb. lt>, 1* Dedecker, L. J. Brussels 5538 Mar. 7, 1898 Schluter, C. H. Lindemann, C. L. Hamburg 5594 Mar. 7, 18! )S Acetylene Lamps. A funnel-shaped receptacle is closed at the bottom with a slightly convex india-rubber membrane provided with a small fissure. A little distance above the membrane is a grid sup- porting the carbide. The mouth of an india-rubber bag is fastened around the lower end of the funnel. The whole is contained in a metal cylinder provided at the top with a re- movable gas-tight cover, and closed at the bottom with a soldered plate. A ring of perforations around the lower part of the cylinder allows free play to the internal rubber bag. The gas eduction pipe attached to the cover is provided with a safety valve. A certain quantity of water is poured over the carbide, and then the cover is screwed on. Acetylene is generated, and the pressure of gas forces the w r ater through the fissure in the membrane down into the rubber bag. Increase of gas pressure causes the rubber bag to expand, but the water being forced away from the carbide generation ceases, until, owing to con- sumption of the gas, the bag again contracts and forces the water back through the fissure to the carbide. Gas Producer. A generator, having an inclined base and provided with a carbide hopper, is fixed to the side of a gasholder, the supply of carbide being controlled by the movement of the gas bell. Generating Acetylene. Carbide vessels are fixed on a frame, being pivoted and kept in a horizontal position by springs. As the level of the water in the tank rises, a float engages these springs, causing the carbide to be tipped into the water. Water ceases to flow into the generator when the gas bell rises, but flows again when the bell descends, causing the float to act. Acetylene Generators. Sockets are fitted upon the internal base of a gasholder tank and long tubes, open at the top, and containing carbide, are in- serted vertically in them. The mouth of each tube is above the level of water in the holder tank. Upon the top of the holder X[ J S , K bell is a second tank containing water. Pipes provided with cocks pass from the bottom of this water tank through the bell 850 Clayton, R. and Steward, H. B. Stafford 5701 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENEEATOES to deliver water over the carbide tubes, a separate pipe being provided for each carbide tube. When a cock is partially opened, water trickles into one of the carbide tubes. Acetylene is generated, and the bell rises. When the carbide in all the tubes has been decomposed and the gasholder is empty, the bell is removed and the tubes are taken out, cleaned, and recharged. In place of the common water-supply reservoir, an independent reservoir may be provided for each carbide tube. Generating Acetylene. The generator is a cylindrical vessel of water fitted at top to Vezin, R. carbide discharge apparatus, and connected with a gasholder. *J nd As the bell of the gasholder rises, its tappet releases the end of a ^p ar i' s lever, and a valve closes the carbide discharge opening under the 590s influence of a spring. The descent of the bell again causes the Mar. 10, discharge of carbide. A syphon-like tube enables the necessary water for the supply of the generator to be introduced during the working of the apparatus after having discharged the car- bide residue. The discharge is effected by means of an inclined passage at bottom of generator having a draining cock at end. Producing Acetylene. Carbide is packed in watertight packages, in which are small Smith, F. H. holes with wicks leading from the holes through the mass of carbide. The packages are thrown into water. ]\j ar 19, Acetylene Generators. The rise and fall of the gasholder produces a variation of Percival, J. level in the water in the generator. The generating cylinders L ?S?? n are placed outside the bell, but move vertically between the jy ar \j ^9^ bell and the gasholder tank. Water attacks the carbide in each cylinder from below. Acetylene Generators. The carbide holder has several separate partitions, the per- Steincr, L. forated bottoms of which are arranged at different levels, so Roumania that the carbide charges may be attacked successively. The j ai /23 1898 holder is suspended from the top of a bell, so that when the bell, which rises and falls in a tank charged with water, con- tains little or no gas the holder is immersed in water, and when the bell rises the carbide holder is drawn out of the water. The top of the bell is detachable, and carries a stopcock and gas eduction tube. Acetylene Lamp. The water reservoir is in the upper part of lamp, and prefer. Millward, H. ably surrounds the burner. The detachable carbide chamber is Birmingham at base of lamp. Between the carbide chamber and water M ar ''>$"] 898 851 ACETYLENE Daix, V. Paris 7521 Mar. 2U, 1898 Limcllc, A. E. A. P. de Lyons 7655 Mar. 30, 1898 Straehl, E. de Rcchard, A. and Devarenne, A. Paris 7770 Mar. 31. 1898 Bond, E. S. Handsworth 7777 Apr. 1, 1898 reservoir is a socket containing drying and filtering material, through which the gas passes before reaching the burner. The water passes through a regulating valve to an inverted T tube having its lower end near the bottom of carbide chamber, and perforated above and below, and covered with absorbent material, through which water reaches the carbide. Producing Acetylene. A gasholder and automatic water supply. A generator arranged air-tight upon the bottom of the water tank or on the outside. Carbide baskets placed in a drawer containing several compartments, and used in succession. And means for leading water from the holder to the generator and gas to the holder. Acetylene Lamps. A cylinder, having a perforated carbide tube in its upper portion, and a water reservoir in its base. A wick passes from the top of the carbide down through its centre to the water in the lower reservoir. The gas escapes through the perforations in the carbide tube to the annular space between this tube and the outer cylinder, and rises to the burner in the top of the cylinder. Generating Acetylene. A vertical cylindrical case, arranged to contain a perforated tube in which are superposed trays charged with carbide, is fitted centrally within the bell of a gasholder, the top of the case extending to the outside of the bell, where it is closed by a gas-tight removable cover. The water in the holder tank first attacks the carbide in the lowest tray, the bell rising and drawing the carbide from the water when the rate of genera- tion exceeds that of consumption. At top of carbide case is a tube and stopcock, and a similar cock is connected with the top of the bell. The two cocks are connected by a pipe containing a number of interlaced springs to clear the gas in its passage to the burner of particles of water and other impurities. Acetylene Lamps. The upper chamber contains water, the lower carbide. The water passes to the carbide chamber through a valve controlled by a screw rod passing upwards through the top of the reservoir. The water passes down a pipe which extends to the bottom of the carbide chamber. The carbide is contained in a removable cylinder perforated near the top with one or more openings in the same horizontal line. The openings are covered with porous 852 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS fabric. The water ascends around the carbide cylinder until it reaches these openings, when it flows to the carbide. The car- bide is covered with a disc, and rests upon a disc in the bottom of a cylinder, the two discs being attached to a central vertical rod. The gas passes through a pipe carried through the centre of the water chamber up to the burner. Gas evolved under excessive pressure escapes into the air through a small chamber upon the top of the water chamber. The chamber contains cotton- wool and charcoal impregnated with a strong pleasant perfume. Acetylene Generator. A number of carbide receivers are arranged over a water receptacle. The carbide is automatically fed into the water by means of a conveyer screw, which is actuated by the move- ment of the gas bell. The carbide, in small charges, drops into a large volume of water. Szepczynski. S de Vienna 7838 Apr. 1, 1898 Acetylene Lamp. A cylinder with screw caps on top and bottom. The cylinder is divided horizontally, the upper portion forming water cham- ber, the lower a carbide chamber. A holder charged with car- bide is placed in the bottom of the carbide chamber immediately beneath a sprinkler, which is attached to a tube leading from the water chamber. Jn the upper part of the carbide chamber is a perforated purifier, through which the gas passes on its way to burner. A cock with two transverse bores extends along the partition between the two chambers, one bore for admission of water and one for exit of gas. When the cock is closed, any gas which continues to be generated escapes through a longitudinal bore to the open air. Sohnel, A. E. R. and Zchner, A. R. Hamburg 8030 Apr. 4. 189-s Acetylene Generator. A generator attached to a fixed gasholder divided into two. Water from the lower chamber is led to the carbide in the generator. The generator is provided with a settling tank, which can be cleared out when the cover of the generator is raised. Kelly, C. Passiac, U.S. A. 8147 Apr. 5. 1898 Producing Acetylene. A double casing constituting a water seal, in which a holder works, is fixed on top of a water reservoir. The carbide holder is placed on the reservoir at the side of the casing, the valve of which opens with the fall of the gasholder, allowing the carbide to fall into the water. 853 Grand, J. Lyons 8382 Apr. 7, 189s ACETYLENE Lewis, T. H, and Lux Syndi- cate, Ltd. London Ap 1S9S Stott, J. Oldham 84H9 Apr. 9. 1898 Lacroix, P. A. M. Toulouse 8565 AIT. 12, 1898 Graetz, A. Berlin 8(375 Apr. 18, 1898 Acetylene Lamps. The lower portion of the lamp is the carbide chamber and contains a number of tubes, in each of which a carbide cartridge is placed. Water flowing from the upper part of the lamp enters the lower part of the first tube, then overflows through an opening near its top and passes down a duct to the lower part of the second tube, and thus decomposes the carbide in each tube in succession. The casing of the cartridges may be vege- table gauze, stiff canvas, or cloth, or the cartridges may re- semble gun cartridges. The carbide may be reduced to powder and mixed with Kiesulguhr or like matter. Generating and Storing Acetylene. Water rises round carbide, and the gas is led through a con- densing coil to a displacement holder. The carbide is placed on trays fixed on an upright rod in the generators. The pressure of gas regulates the water supply. Automatic Apparatus for Producing Acetylene. See Patent 4761 of 1897. The present invention consists mainly in the application of a hydraulic lever with a water- feed independent of the gasholder to the circulation of water in one or more generators of any kind. Acetylene Generator. Two generators, to work alternately, a water tank to supply water to the carbide, and a gasholder, the movement of which controls the water supply. The movement of the gas bell also causes the water supply to be transferred from one generator to another when the carbide in the one is exhausted and the generator is completely filled with water. Generation of Acetylene. The main feature is the employment of an automatic pressure regulator, consisting essentially of a receptacle having elastic Bowers, A F. sides or a variable volume, so that the capacity of the receptacle Apr, 15. 189s can be increased to a certain extent by exerting a pull upon one point of its wall, so as to fill it with air or liquid by suction; the said receptacle when thus filled and released having the tendency to reassume its original volume, thus forcing the air or liquid, in proportion as the acetylene is consumed, at an adjustable and graduated pressure. In an acetylene lamp shown, the base of the carbide container rests upon a bellows. The interior of the bellows communicates with the water reservoir, which surrounds the carbide chamber. The external wall of the reservoir is adapted to turn freely, and carries a 854 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATOES number of pins capable of sliding into slots provided in a sup- port. When the apparatus has been charged with carbide and with water, the generator is freed from its supports, and rests upon the bellows, which undergoes compression sufficient to force water through a distributor; increase of gas-pressure causes the level of the water to fall below the distributor, and water ceases to flow to the carbide until the gas pressure decreases. To stop the working of the lamp, the generator is again lifted on to its supports so that it no longer presses upon the bellows. Acetylene Lamps. The upper chamber contains water, the lower contains car- bide. Between the two chambers is a two-bore stopcock terminating in a thumbscrew outside the lamp. By turning the stopcock, water is delivered to the carbide, and acetylene is simultaneously allowed to pass to burner. The carbide chamber is provided with a spring safety valve. Acetylene Lamps. Three superposed compartments, the top forming a water reservoir, the bottom a carbide chamber, while the intermediate chamber is in -connection with both neighbouring chambers. The gas outlet is a pipe running from the top of the carbide chamber to the burner. A wick or capillary tube passes from a suitable height in the intermediate chamber down to near the bottom of the carbide chamber. An open pipe projects from the bottom of the water reservoir down towards the base of the in- termediate chamber, and another open pipe leads from the top of the carbide chamber up through the water in both upper chambers and down again through the water in the upper chamber to the top of the intermediate chamber. When the water reservoir is charged, the water descends into the inter- mediate chamber, until its level rises above the top of the wick tube leading to the carbide chamber. Water descends to the carbide, and some of the gas generated passes to the burner, while the excess escapes to the upper part of the intermediate chamber, and when the pressure becomes sufficiently great it forces back the water in the intermediate chamber up the tube depending from the water reservoir, until the water level is below the top of the wick tube, and water ceases to flow to the carbide. Producing Acetylene.. The carbide is placed in a porous receptacle which is then covered with a bell, in which a ring to sustain the porous vessel 9209 is fixed, thus creating a small gas chamber. The whole is A pi-. 21, IS9.S 855 Fletcher, W. B. and Birmingham ,s80U Apr. lo, 1> Dargue. W. H. Newcastle- on-Tyne 9028 Apr. 1!), !-) ACETYLENE immersed in a reservoir filled with water. The water, upon reaching the outer side of the porous vessel, creates a humid atmosphere within the vessel, and acetylene is generated. Accumulation of gas under pressure forces back the water from contact with the porous vessel. Producing Acetylene. Javal, A. Carbide is fed into water, successive charges being introduced Neuilly automatically, in proportion as the gas produced is consumed. Acetylene Lamps. Kitchen, Water passes from the upper water reservoir through an orifice leading to a passage fitted with a cock. Over the orifice 9^4 is a pad of absorbent material, and upon the pad is a metal Apr. 28, 1898 plate which can be compressed upon it by means of a screw actuated by a handle on top of lamp. The pad has a central hole through which passes the upper portion of an inverted perforated cup. The plate which compresses the pad is dished in the middle so as not to press upon the cup. Water percolates through the pad, and drops upon the carbide in the bottom of the lamp. Accumulation of gas under pressure retards the flow. Gas Generator. Williamson, A cylindrical chamber is divided into three compartments, the lowest being again divided into two to form two generators. Water descends from the middle compartment on to the carbide ; Apr. 2(>, 1898 the highest chamber is an overflow. Pressure of gas regulates the water supply. Acetylene Lamps. Melhuish, The cylinder containing carbide has a water jacket around it and a water well below it. The carbide cylinder may be sur- ie, M. roun ^ e( j by a circular wick turned over at upper edge so as to Hughes, J.H. extend downwards within the cylinder, or the carbide may Birmingham surround a circular wick stretched around a perforated tube. y ^- 4 iot s Above top of cylinder is a funnel into which water may be pumped by aid of a small cylindrical purnp attached to side of generator, in order to start generation more rapidly than by capillary attraction. Fitting over wick surrounding carbide cylinder is an open-ended cylinder, which allows the carbide cylinder with its wick to be pushed down a short distance if a large surface of wick is to be exposed to water, or pulled up- wards within the cylinder if capillary attraction is to be retarded. 856 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Generating and Burning Acetylene. Water reservoir on top, carbide chamber below. The flow of water to carbide depends upon pressure exerted by adjustable screw upon porous material through which the water must pass. The carbide chamber contains a drum, which can be rotated from outside by spring crank. The drum receives several closed carbide cartridges, which may be perforated when re- quired by a pressure rod (with cutting edge and grooves) ex- tending to outside of water chamber. One hole is made to admit water, and another for gas outlet. The burners may be provided with internal cleaning needles operated from outside, or the needles may be fitted outside the burners and brought into action by the compression of springs. Acetylene Generator. The generator is attached to the side of a gasholder. The fall of the gas bell causes a projection attached to its cover to come in contact with a tumbler lever operating a pin and spindle, whereby water is made to flow from an overhead reservoir to the carbide within the generator. The rise of bell stops the flow. A non-return valve is fitted at top of pipe, which admits gas to bell. In another form the carbide chamber is above a tank of water, and the descent of gas bell causes carbide to be fed to water, while its ascent prevents the feed. Portable Generators. Water in upper, carbide in lower chamber. The valve which allows water to pass to carbide chamber is so attached to the gas outlet stopcock that the valve closes when the cock is closed. When, however, the outlet cock is open, the valve is regulated by the pressure of gas within the water reservoir ; for the gas, leaving carbide chamber, passes to upper part of reservoir, where it exerts its pressure upon surface of water. As the gas pressure increases, the valve closes and decreases the rate of water flow^, until, at a certain pressure, the flow en- tirely ceases. Producing Acetylene. Water is sprayed over carbide, the generators being placed beneath a gasholder, with movable bell. The water supply is regulated by the movement of the bell. Acetylene Generator. The generators consist of carbide holders provided with bells, in which the delivery pipes enter. The water inlets are arranged at various heights, and water is passed into the carbide vessels successively, the pressure controlling the supply. A purifier is used. 857 Strakosch, M. and Schmid, F, Vienna 9718 Apr. 27. Haigh, B. London L0023 May 2, 1898 Saxl, I. Vienna 10056 May 2, 1S9.S Voro, F Selmecz- banya, Hungary 10141 May 3, 1898 Schulke, J. H. Berlin 10305 May 5, 198 ACETYLENE Barltrop, W. P. Mav 10 i Bilbie, J. and Drivet, H. Mav 13, 189s Strode,W.W. ** May 16, 1898 Kieffer, F. A. Paris Mav 17\8Hs Acetylene Lamps. The upper water chamber is detachably connected to the lower carbide chamber. The valve in the bottom of the water chamber is controlled by a rod passing up vertically through tne chamber and terminating outside in a button. Vent-holes in the screw-cap allow air to enter and excess gas to escape. The water regulator consists of a metal tube, threaded inside, passing vertically upwards and having a number of small holes one above the other to allow drops of water to enter. Within this tube is the regulating rod which, when screwed down, closes the holes, and when drawn upwards opens them in succession. Acetylene Lamp Generators. The cylinder containing carbide is held centrally within a larger cylinder by springs soldered on opposite sides of it. The larger cylinder receives the water. The carbide cylinder is covered by a centrally perforated and removable lid having a g as eduction pipe leading upward from the central perforation. The pipe terminates in a curved end, with a nipple to receive one end of an indiarubber tube. The carbide cylinder is also furnished with a bottom situated some distance from the end of the cylinder; and inside the cylinder is arranged a curved perforated tube, two branches of which are soldered within the cylinder, one branch on each side. Through this tube a wick is passed in such a manner that the lower end passes under the bottom-plate within the cylinder, while the upper portion passes through the curved tubes, which are united by a coupling ring or sleeve. The whole wick forms an endless band, having its lower portion dipping into the water which rises in the carbide cylinder in the space beneath the bottom plate when water is poured into the outer cylinder. By capil- larity the whole wick absorbs water, and communicates it through the perforations in the tube to the carbide. Producing Acetylene. A water wheel is provided, connected with a carbide feeding device, consisting of a hollow rotating vessel, part of which is internally divided into a spiral passage. A holder described in & previous patent is used to collect the gas, the surplus water driving the water wheel. The rotating carbide vessel is in connection with a hopper projecting some little distance into it. Acetylene Generator. A gasholder bell carries inside it a carbide receptacle, the f ee( j va lve of which is worked by a float. Another carbide vesse l above the interior one allows of fresh carbide being introduced. 858 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Shackle ton. J. and Ross, A. Antrim 11 HOT May is. lxls Generating Acetylene. An outer tank containing water has within it an inverted tank in upper end of which is fixed a hollow plugged tap to receive carbide. On lower end of inverted tank below water level, is a perforated tray upon which the carbide falls when the plug tap is turned. When tap is turned to discharge carbide, the plug at same time closes, so that gas cannot escape through it. If generation exceeds consumption, the gas pres- sure drives level of water below perforated tray. Before pass- ing to point of consumption or storage holder the gas is led through a washer. Drain cock for removal of waste water is provided. Manufacture of Acetylene. See Patent No. 14742 of 1897. Two generators, each having a water inlet, gas exit, and drain cocks, are so connected together as to be simultaneously operated by a common handle, the water inlet cocks of the pair being also connected together in such a manner that the act of cleaning either of them will open the other. Acetylene Cycle Lamps. The carbide chamber is at base, and the water reservoir at Wells, H. W. back of lamp. In the carbide chamber is a perforated tube packed with absorbent material. In the pipe connecting water to carbide chamber is a ball check valve and a branch gas circulation pipe, whereby the flow of water is controlled by the difference in pressure between water column and gas. The water falls upon the absorbent material, from which it passes through the perforations to the carbide. A funnel-shaped de- flector plate fits loosely into the perforated tube. Fowler, T. R. Seacombe 11H77 Mav Philadel- phia 11636 Mav '2:i 189S Acetylene Generator. Within the bell of a gasholder is a partly perforated rotating barrel to contain granular carbide. The barrel is suitably journalled and situated above the water in the holder tank. The crown of the gas bell is fitted with a removable lid. A flexible chain is fastened to one end of rotatable barrel, from which it passes vertically downwards through a guide tube to a pulley, then up through a second tube to a catch on the gas bell. A separate chain also attached to the barrel terminates in a suspended weight, the tendency of which is to drag round the barrel until its mouth is on the underside and discharges car- bide. When the gas bell rises it drags its chain with it. and pulls round the barrel until its mouth is in such a position that carbide ceases to fall from it. If preferred, the barrel may be 859 Ely, H. West Bromwich 11566 ACETYLENE stationary and have a bottom orifice closed or opened by a rotating shutter actuated by the gas bell. Acetylene Lamps. Forbes, Sir In the lower part of the lamp is a cup-shaped receptacle con- taining carbide, and above this is a reservoir divided by a hori- zontal diaphragm into two compartments. In the diaphragm May 24, 1898 a central hole is bored, and into this is fitted a tube, which passes up to the top of the reservoir to a dome-shaped cover, which terminates outside the reservoir in a cock and burner. Another smaller tube passes vertically upward from the top of the carbide receptacle through the larger tube almost fx> its dome. This inner tube has a water inlet nozzle let into its side, and terminates at its lower end in a distributor. The upper compartment of the reservoir being charged with water, the water passes down a depending tube fitted in the diaphragm, and rises in the lower compartment and the larger tube until it reaches the inlet of the nozzle let into the smaller tube. Water passing through the nozzle drips upon the carbide. If gas pro- duction exceeds consumption, the gas pressure forces back the water level until it is below the inlet of the nozzle. Portable Acetylene Lamps. Bartlett, J. The lamp has an outer case for storing the gas, and an inner 1 chamber containing a chamber for carbide, and two receptacles Mav 25 1898 ^ or containing water. The water passes through perforations to the carbide chamber, and the gas passes through perforations to the outer casing, which is fitted with an upper chamber con- taining wadding or similar material. The gas passes through this purifying material before reaching the burner. Water be- ing introduced into the lower water receptacle, it comes in contact with some absorbent packing, through which it slowly permeates to the carbide. Lantern for Acetylene Burners. Falk, S. Two tubes are arranged one within the other. The inner tube London serves to carry off the products of combustion, whilst fresh air is admitted in the space between the tubes. Around the lower ends of the tubes is a globe which encloses the burners, the outer tube being enlarged to embrace the upturned mouth of the globe. Around the lower end of the outer tube are a series of apertures for admission of air, a deflector to stop injurious air currents being arranged adjacent to them. 860 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS Generating Acetylene. Carbide is dropped into water, the arrangement being actu- Dreske, P. ated by a motor operated by the rise and fall of the gasholder bell, the speed of the motor being regulated, but its motion never ^ ^Q stopped. A purifier is used. Acetylene Generator. The generator has an open charging space, and a closed bell communicating with a gasholder. A long-handled receptacle adapted to hold the carbide is provided, so that a charge of carbide may be readily introduced under the bell, and the resi- due be conveniently withdrawn. The top of the receptacle is so perforated that when the acetylene is being generated at a sufficient rate the admission of water is prevented by the issuing gas. Acetylene Generator. Improvements in Patent No. 20903 of 1896. A supplementary generator charged with carbide is attached to the side of the gasholder, so that manufacture of gas may be continuous. Acetylene Generator. The generator is connected to the gasholder bell, underneath which rails are arranged, which start from the exterior of the generator, and lead down at a sharp angle into the water in the generator. On these rails cartridges of carbide travel. A mechanical device is provided, which causes the gasholder bell, at a certain position, to discharge a cartridge on to the rails, down which it slides into the water. The cartridges consist of perforated casings, filled with carbide. Acetylene Generator. A water supply pipe passes from lower part of a gasholder water tank to bottom of generator containing carbide. Around upper portion of the supply pipe which is within the gas bell, and which may terminate in a T with slightly curved ends, is a float having a central metal pipe passing through and above it. This pipe is of larger internal diameter than the exterior of water supply pipe, so that float may slide freely upon same. On top of float and surrounding the float pipe is a cup partially filled with mercury to form a mercury seal for the curved T ends of the water supply pipe. One or more brackets are fixed to top of float, so that when gas bell descends, its dome will come in contact with the brackets and cause the float to descend until the T ends are withdrawn from the mercury, and water can pass to the generator. When bell rises, the float also rises, and the mercury again seals supply pipe. To enable generation to 861 British Pure Acetylene Gas Syndi- cate, Ltd. & T. Keene Liverpool 11970 May 26, 1898 Sardi, V. Turin 12182 May 28, 1898 Goscllschaft fur Heiz & Beleuch- tungwesen Heilbronn 12250 May 31, 1898 Scarth, J. E. Pudsey 12401 June 2, 1898 ACETYLENE Ernst, O Philips, A. Germany 12510 June 8, 18! 8 Levetus, E. L. Birmingham 12469 June 8, 189H Socicta Italiana del carburo di calcio aceti- lene ed altr gas Rome 12491 June 8, IBOb Jackson, F. A. Tunbridge 18029 June 10, 1898 proceed continuously, two or more generators may be provided one to be cleaned while the other is in operation. Producing Acetylene. A generator and gas collector are fitted in a water tank and surrounded by a bell. Means are provided for preventing escape of gas during charging. The pressure of gas controls the water supply. Acetylene Generators. Two compartments : water at top, carbide below. In the water chamber is a syphon tube, haying its longer limb ex- tending through division plate between the chambers and down into the carbide chamber. Its lower end is contracted, while the mouth of the short limb, which opens near the bottom of the water chamber, may be provided with a tap capable of being operated from outside the casing. A safety pipe may extend from top of gas chamber up through top of water chamber, where it terminates in a valve. The water fed through syphon drops on to carbide, and the gas passes to burner. The end of syphon tube in carbide chamber may have several branches to facilitate distribution of water over carbide. Acetylene Generators. Carbide is fed automatically or by hand into a water reser- voir from a carbide chamber by a feeding device comprising a rotating disc and discharging blades. The rotation is effected by clockwork mechanism. The carbide discharge valve may be automatically closed by the ascent of the gasholder bell, and opened by its descent. The bottom of the water chamber is funnel-shaped and provided with a discharge pipe and cock. Outside the water chamber a vertical pipe extends upward from the horizontal discharge pipe, and is provided with a rod carry- ing a kind of piston valve. By introducing this rod and piston valve into the vertical pipe and working it like the plunger of a pump, the lime sludge may be removed without stopping the working of the generator. A bell safety valve and means for supplying fresh water to the reservoir are provided. Generating Acetylene. The descent of the gasholder automatically at a certain point causes a charge of carbide to be dropped into a large excess of water. The charge passes into the generator through a metal shoot. Above the generator is a gasholder, connected with it by a pipe. The top of the shoot is provided with a revolving disc, the working of which depends on the movement of the 862 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS eras bell. Charges of carbide are mounted on this disc in con- tainers, and at a certain point in the descent of the gas bell the contents of each are discharged down the shoot. The water in the shoot is preferably covered with a layer of oil. Acetylene Generator. One or more water-jacketed generating chambers are supplied with water from superposed tanks. The carbide is contained in a drawer which slides into the generating chamber. Within the water tank is a displacement gas bell held to its seat by a metal band. From a hole in the top of the generator a pipe extends vertically upwards to the top of the gas bell. At a certain distance up in the bell this pipe is provided with a dripping nozzle, inserted in a downward oblique direction through a hole drilled in the pipe. Water drips upon the carbide ; and if the gas production exceeds the consumption, the gas collects under pressure in the bell, and drives out the water, so that water ceases to be supplied to the nozzle. Generating Acetylene. A mechanical closure and water seal are provided for the carbide feed tube in those generators in which carbide is fed into water. Portable Lamp. The carbide holder is supported by a perforated cylinder, and has a base with a circular aperture, the edges of which bear blades of different length, directed radially towards the centre and continuing in the curvature of the ovoid holder. The interstices between the blades are capable of simultaneously retaining or supporting the fragments of carbide in the receiver, and of allowing the lime paste to flow through. The cover of the holder being immovably fastened by a bayonet catch, the expansive force of the decomposing carbide accelerates the passage of the lime paste. The water for decomposing the car- bide contains 120 to 130 grams of saccharose. The cylinder on which the carbide holder is supported contains at base an annular gutter, in which the lower end of a perforated cylinder . is secured. Between the cylinders a floating bell moves con- centrically, and is provided with flexible gas outlet tube. The gas traverses a series of pieces of metal gauze between bell and burner. Openings in the perforated cylinder receive sounding blades, which, when bell ascends or descends, are acted upon by pins and create a noise to act as annunciator. The flow of water to carbide is automatically controlled by gas pressure within bell. 863 Forbes, Sir C. S. Strathdon 13070 June 11,1808 Lipckc, P. Charletten berg 13387 June 15, 1898 La Societc Chaussard et Cie and Vignes, C. E. Seine 13573 June 17, 1898 01. Nov. 22. 1897 ACETYLENE Generating Acetylene. Forbes, Sir See previous patents. 11716 and 13070 of 1898. The present claims include the combination of an acetylene generator hav- Strathdon . i i i a 18686 m > a su P er Psed watertank with a combined gas and dripping June 18, 1898 tube, so constructed that the gas pressure vessel is supported l>y and turns thereon, thereby opening or closing the nozzle through which water is admitted to the carbide. Acetylene Lamps. Joscphson, A standard lamp with a generator arranged in the foot. The generator consists of a cylindrical vessel of water, in which is immersed a second vessel resembling a diving-bell, and closed June '21, 1898 at bottom by a cover having a fine perforation. The upper part of the bell carries the gas eduction tube leading to the burner. Inside the bell is a plate or table which carries the carbide. Payan, O. France 13880 June 21 ,1898 Forbes, Sir C. S. Strathdon 13968 June 23, 1898 Acetylene Generators. The generator is a water container having funnel-shaped base with drain cock. A vertical carbide shoot passes through top of reservoir to some distance above it, and terminates at top in a funnel. Above and at one side of this funnel is a horizontal plate cut away at the part which would project immediately over funnel. Over this plate a series of carbide receptacles move, each receptacle containing sufficient carbide to generate the gas required to fill the bell of gasholder con- nected to generator. Each receptacle has a cover, and a hinged bottom resting upon the plate. When the bell sinks to a certain position, the plate is caused to rotate by automatic operation of a mechanical contrivance, so that a carbide receptacle is brought over funnel, and the fall of hinged bottom allows car- bide to fall down shoot into generator. The bottom end of shoot is covered by a plate, but this is automatically moved aside when carbide is discharged. The carbide, which is pre- ferably impregnated with oil before use, falls upon a double cone in generator, which distributes it over the bottom of the generator. Acetylene Lamps. The carbide cup is in lower part, and the water reservoir in upper part of lamp. Threaded into the centre of the cover of the water reservoir is a cap having ports which admit gas to burner, a spindle which extends vertically downward and sup- ports the valve which admits water to the carbide, and a bell, which revolves with the cap, and contains a circulating tube. When the cap is turned, water is admitted through the valve to the carbide. When production exceeds consumption, the 864 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS pressure of gas in the bell drives back the water until its level is below the valve. Acetylene Generators. Billwiiier, J. Rosenthal, The carbide vessel is formed of porous material, the pressure K. of gas regulating the water supply. June 24, 1898 Acetylene Generator. Carbide falls into water from receptacles placed in the bell of Rosenthal, a gasholder as the bell sinks. The carbide vessels are moved by turning a spindle at the side of the generator. June 24, 1898 Producing Acetylene. Two independent generators are suspended externally from gez, H. the bell of a gasholder and connected with it. The generators St. Denis contain carbide in boxes in layers. The water comes in contact ^QT^OC with the carbide when the bell descends, being led to the gener- ators by flexible pipes. Acetylene Lamp. A number of tubes are attached vertically to the under side Lewis, W. W. of a water reservoir. The lower ends of the tubes are screw- Davis, S. J. threaded, and are provided with screw caps. To these caps are a affixed tubes, which fit loosely into the vertical tubes when the F j^ caps are screwed on, and which rise to about two-thirds of Smethwick height of outer tubes. The internal tubes have small perfora- tions near base. The upper space within each outer tube is connected by tubing to the base of the succeeding tube. Water flows into the first tube, and then overflows into the other tubes in succession. The carbide is employed in the form of cartridges. The gas eduction tube passes from the top of the last of the tubes through the water reservoir to the burner. Acetylene Generators. British See patent 29554 of 1896. Improvements in the method of Acet ylene bringing the chambers into action, also in the construction of Kir5kaldy the water valves and pipes. 14432 June 30, 1898 Cycle Lamps. The carbide chamber is a cylinder perforated at bottom with Schroder, very fine holes. A thick disc of felt inside the cylinder covers H - F - A - the holes, and the carbide is placed upon the felt. The cover of Nehemias the cylinder is connected by a rubber pipe to the metal pipe M. J. leading to burner. The carbide chamber is introduced into a Hamburg cylindrical reservoir containing water, in which it floats, j ] Water penetrating the felt reaches the carbide. Excessive 865 55 ACETYLENE generation causes floating cylinder to rise, and also prevents water penetrating felt. A safety valve is provided. Acetylene Generator. From top of a gasholder bell depends a cylindrical vessel closed at bottom, but open at upper end, and furnished inter- nally with a wire basket charged with carbide. The bottom of cylindrical vessel may communicate with inside of bell by a cock manipulated by a handle connected to a spindle which Davoren, M Belton,J.P. and Davoren, J. Carlow 14567 " passes up through top of bell. When the bell is empty of gas, water is admitted to carbide by opening this cock. The gas passes through a pipe and cock in upper part of cylindrical vessel to a purifier and condenser. The purifier contains oxide of iron. A safety pipe is provided. Producing Acetylene. Fournicr, M. The carbide is placed in receptacles within a case fitted above * en a slanting shaft communicating with a generator charged with July 2 1898 water - The carbide receptacles are liberated and allowed to slide into the generator by the release of the covering sides of the case. The sliding arrangement is actuated by the bell of a gasholder, the sinking of the bell to a certain position succes- sively allowing one carbide receptacle with its contents to slide into the water. La Com- pagnie Con- tinentale Brussels 14713 July 4, 1898 Gastaldi, F. Turin 14729 July 4, 1898 Generating Acetylene. The generator, half -filled with water, has a side feed tube, down which the carbide is fed from baskets attached to a vertical spindle. The charge is automatically tipped into the water by a lever actuated by the gasholder bell. Generating Acetylene. Two similar generators are attached to a gasholder, and pro- vided with pipes and with cocks, which are worked partly by hand and partly automatically. The generator is a cylinder having within it another cylinder perforated with small holes in its upper part, and carrying near its centre a horizontal grating, consisting of sharp edged bars with points projecting upwards. On this grating is placed the carbide in cakes or large pieces. The upper part of the outer cylinder is sur- rounded with a water-jacket communicating with the holder tank, and the bottom is provided with a hinged cover held by a suitable catch. The gasholder is comparatively small, as it is not intended to store gas, but merely to regulate its production and pressure. The gas inlet to the bell is through a helically twisted pipe, having its outlet above the level of the water in the holder tank. When water is allowed to rise to the carbide, 866 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS the gas passes through a washer and the twisted pipe to the holder bell. When the bell rises it closes a cock which com- municates with both generators, and thereby causes the gas pressure in the generator to increase until it drives back the water from contact with the carbide. When the bell falls and reopens the cock it relieves the gas pressure, and allows the water to again flow from the gasholder tank towards the carbide. Generating Apparatus. An annular water tank with central well is divided into two compartments, the lower being gastight and the upper open. A basket containing carbide is placed in the well connected with the water in the lower chamber. Pressure regulates the supply of water. Acetylene Generator. Inside a water reservoir, closed at top by a removable gas- tight cover, is a bell-shaped generator, also having a gas-tight removable top. The carbide is contained in a movable basket within the generator. The bell is perforated around its upper part to allow water from the outer reservoir to enter when the bell sinks low enough. The burner cocks being opened, the air rushes out of the bell, which then sinks in the water until the perforations are below the water level in the reservoir. Gas is then generated and the bell rises, and water cannot again enter until the consumption of gas causes the bell to again sink. The gas escapes downward through a pipe to a storage chamber in the bottom of the water tank. It then passes to a cylindrical purifier, having beneath it a chamber and drain cock for with- drawal of condensed liquid. From the purifier the gas passes to the burner. A safety valve may be provided. Acetylene Lamp. The lower part of the lamp contains carbide, and is connected to an upper reservoir containing water. From the centre of the bottom of the reservoir a long tube passes down to the bottom of the carbide chamber. This tube is open at both ends, and is packed with felt or similar absorbent material, or the tube itself may be a capillary tube. Another tube terminating in a cone, and furnished with side apertures, fits into the first tube and extends upward through the water chamber, at the top of which it is closed by a stopper. The tube in the carbide chamber is sheathed with another tube, closed at its lower end and perforated half way up its length. The perforated tube is covered with porous material. The water descends through the wick, and eventually reaches the porous material which is in 867 Henriquez. E. Brussels 15020 July 8 ; 1898 Marrs, W. London 15175 July 11, 1898 Delmouly, E. Paris 15179 July 11. 1898 Cl. Mar. 29. 1898 ACETYLENE contact with the carbide. Increase of gas pressure prevents water flowing through the perforated tube. Acetylene Generator. Bohne, M. The dome of a gasholder bell is provided with a carbide recep- { J?jSf tacle, beneath which is a balance, with regulating rod projecting July 13, 1898 downwards. This rod, when the gasholder is nearly empty, strikes against the bottom of the holder tank, opening the car- bide hopper, and allowing carbide to f al 1 into the water. As the bell rises the balance closes the carbide hopper. The gas gene- rated passes through the carbide in the hopper, in order to dry it, then through a delivery pipe into the gas bell, where it is prevented from coming in contact with the water by a layer of oil. Acetylene Lamp. Schmitt, L. Water reservoir at top, and carbide chamber at base of lamp. Lm ' A comparatively long pipe extends from the reservoir to the carbide chamber ; and in order to prevent irregularity of water July 18, 1898 flow when lamp is shaken, the tube may either be bent into several convolutions, or the tube may be filled with porous wick. To keep the water outlet of the distributing tube clean, a needle passes vertically upward through the water valve to the outside top of the water reservoir, where it terminates in a button. The needle may be moved up and down by this button. Increase of gas pressure in the generator prevents flow of water. Insulating packing is provided between the lantern and the generator to prevent heating of the latter. Dant, H. Nuremberg 16090 July 23, 1898 Moore, W. N. and Karr, J. 16317 July 26, 1898 Acetylene Generator. A holder containing carbide vessels, and having a gas-tight lid and perforated at the bottom, is placed in a water tank. The carbide vessels are arranged at different heights, the pressure of gas controlling the water supply. Acetylene Lamps. The water reservoir in the upper portion of the lamp has a controllable discharge opening in its base. A carbide holder is removably connected with the lower portion of the lamp. A wire gauze tube filled with an absorbent fabric extends from the base of the carbide holder to the base of the water chamber. The carbide holder is of less diameter than the lamp body, so as to leave an annular space to constitute a gas chamber. The bottom of the water reservoir is in the form of an inverted cone, having the discharge opening at its apex, and controlled by a needle valve. Water passes through this valve to the absorbent fabric, and from thence passes to the carbide. 868 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Acetylene Generator. The carbide is placed in a hopper on top of the gasholder bell, Williams, R. the mouth of the hopper being closed by a weighted cone. As the gas bell descends, the weighted cone comes in contact with an upright rod fixed centrally to the bottom of the holder tank, London causing carbide to fall into water. The rising of the bell closes 1 ^ 79 the mouth of the carbide hopper. The bell works in a separate annular chamber surrounding the tank holding the water for the carbide. Generating Acetylene. The carbide holders are so arranged in the generator that Berger,H.R. they have a gradual rise in the form of a spiral. Division walls separate each holder from the other, save that the bottom j u i y ^g 1898 of one holder covers the top of the holder beneath. Water is supplied from an overhead cistern, which has two compart- ments which are in communication. Each compartment has a valve actuated by a rod connected to a swing lever above the cistern. Water passes from one compartment into the other, and from thence into the generator. The water valves are automatically operated by the bell of the gasholder, the ascent of which prevents discharge of water, while the descent, to a certain point, causes the discharge of the contents of the lower compartment of the cistern. Acetylene Generator. Water passes from gasholder tank to a generator containing Legge, perforated basket charged with carbide. The gas passes through J ' ?|. C * pipe and valve to cooling and purifying chamber, and from 16487 thence to gas bell. The purifier contains hydrochloric or other July 29, 1898 acid to remove ammonia, and a tray containing caustic potash or soda and a top layer of calcium chloride. When the bell is nearly filled it automatically closes the cock which admits water from tank to carbide. Gas subsequently produced in generator tends to force back the level of water from perfora- tions in carbide basket. A safety valve is provided for escape of gas which may accumulate under abnormal pressure. Generating Acetylene. Two concentric cylinders are mounted upon a water tank, Testelin, C. having a condensing chamber at one side. The space between the two cylinders contains water, which forms a seal for a bell. " p ar j s ' Within the bell is a carbide holder, conical at its lower end, 16613 and charged with powdered carbide. The lower end of the July 30, 1898 869 ACETYLENE carbide holder contains a spring-controlled spherical valve, and opens into a second smaller carbide holder, also provided at its lower end with a spring-controlled spherical valve. When gas bell sinks it bears upon a rod, and first opens the valve of the lower carbide holder. If the lower holder be empty, the bell continues to sink, and opens the upper valve, which allows carbide to fall from upper to lower holder. When bell rises the valves close. The gas is subsequently led through a purifier outside generating apparatus, from which it passes to burner. Hedgeland F. W. Chicago 16723 Aug. 2, 1898 Acetylene Lamps. The carbide receptacle is covered by a fixed bell, in the top of which is the gas eduction tube leading to the burner. The car- bide chamber is in connection with a water tank, which may surround the bell or be separate from it. In the lower part of the carbide receptacle is a short horizontal passage or chamber which receives water at its bottom, and gas under pressure through an opening in its top. When generation of gas be- comes excessive, the pressure of gas forces the water away from contact with the carbide, and when the pressure diminishes the water flows back to the carbide. Evans, E. Denbigh 16733 Aug. 2, 1898 Generating Acetylene. An auxiliary water chamber is provided to feed main water chamber on the " bird-fountain " principle, in order to reduce the necessary size of the water chamber in base of lamp. In lower part of lamp is a tubular gas container, inside which a number of tubes, each containing a specially devised carbide holder having hinged and perforated doors, are placed. The holes for admitting water to the tubes are at different levels. Around the gas container is the main water chamber. Water enters the gas container through a valve at bottom, and passes into the carbide tubes in succession. Varon, J. Bordeaux 16884 Aug. 4, 1898 Acetylene Gas Producer. The carbide distributor is placed in a horizontal casing, and is composed of two or more bucket wheels mounted on a common shaft. A rectangular box, extending downwards, is attached to the lower part of the casing, and has a carbide dispersing cone at the lower end. Beneath the distributor is the water container. A hand-wheel on the shaft rotates the distributor for re-filling, the number of buckets used being shown by an index, and an electric alarm is provided to give warning when the last bucket has been emptied. 870 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENEEATOES Producing Acetylene. Water is automatically sprayed upon carbide. Horizontal cylindrical chambers are situated in lower part of a gasholder tank, and have their mouthpieces extending through wall of tank. Into these chambers perforated vessels containing car- bide are introduced. From an aperture inside of gasholder tank a small water supply pipe leads to a sprinkler fixed within upper part of each cylindrical chamber, the handle of stopcock on pipe being formed by a lever, which is so arranged that the cock is closed when the gas bell is raised, but is opened , by contact with a tappet fixed to bell, by the descent of bell to certain position. Separate stopcocks, actuated by tappets arranged at different levels, are provided for the different generating chambers. Acetylene Generators. 12 claims, 37 figures. A charge of carbide is automatically discharged into a generator containing water each time the bell of a gasholder descends to certain point. The carbide may be used in the form of cartridges, or may be spherical charges arranged within a vertical column. An automatic step-by-step rotary motion is imparted to the bell by a movable oblique finger attached to bell being engaged during descent between a series of studs. The finger moves from oblique to vertical position when bell rises. Or the step-by-step rotation may instead be imparted to the cartridge-releasing device. The carbide distributor partially surrounds the upper part of the gasholder tank, and comprises a series of chambers wherein are pivoted the carriers which discharge carbide when the finger on the bell comes in contact with one extremity of a carbide chamber. Various modifications in arrangement and form of apparatus are described. Producing Acetylene. To prevent the production of a constant strong smell from the apparatus by means of a device which allows the water to attack the carbide only when the apparatus is hermetically closed. The washing apparatus effects a thorough removal of the waste carbide. Acetylene Lamps. 18 claims. Water reservoir above, carbide chamber at base. Between the two chambers is a gas chamber, through which gas from carbide chamber passes on its way to burner. A central gas tube passes vertically through water chamber and \ carries at top a tubular support fitted with burner, and in its lower end a channelled plug. An inclined tube containing a 871 Higgins, W. and Sandilands. H. London 15977 Aug. 4, 189H Montais, M. L. J. R. L. de France 16903 Aug. 1, 1898 Gehlert, F. y. 1898 Schu. nacher, J. Chicago 20 1898 ACETYLENE Schieroni, F.E. London 17269 Aug. 10, 1898 Schwarz, I. Berlin 17350 Aug. 11, 1898 Spence, H. K. and The British Acetylene Gas Gene- rator Co. Kirkcaldy 17327 Aug. 11, 1898 Jeapes, W. C. London 17405 Aug. 12, 1898 plug valve also passes from bottom of reservoir to upper part of casing, where the valve terminates outside the casing in a handle. Water passes through channels in plug valve to a compressible felt valve, and from thence down a depending stem covered with porous material, which is surrounded by the carbide. Within the burner is a cleaning needle, the point of which penetrates the burner orifice when the burner is pressed down upon its spring support. Acetylene Lamps. The inner vessel containing carbide has a dome cover with overlapping flange to form a cover to outer water vessel, in which the carbide vessel is contained. The lower end of car- bide container is closed by a cork. A wick tube passes from upper part of container down through cork and dips in water in outer vessel. The wick can be compressed by side screw having head outside of lamp. The upper end of wick falls slightly over top of wick tube to convey moisture, but not liquid water, to carbide. The gas escapes through dome to valve or cock, and from thence to burner. Acetylene Lamps. Carbide vessel at base of lamp, water reservoir above. Car- bide chamber instead of being screwed is tightly attached to body of lamp by aid of rubber disc. A special water inlet valve, provided with an indicating device having a spring pointer attached to an adjusting disc, is also claimed. Acetylene Lamps. Water is contained in the lower portion of the outer casing? which has within it a gas-containing chamber with a tubular aperture at its base, through which a wick passes to the water. Inside the gas chamber is a carbide holder having a perforated bottom, arid attached to a spindle which passes gas-tight through the top of the outer casing. By means of this spindle the carbide holder can be lowered until its perforated base rests upon the wet wick when gas is required, or raised from it when gas is not required. The gas escapes from apertures in top of carbide holder by a pipe in the gas container to the burner. Acetylene Cycle Lamps. The tubular handle bar and its stem serve as the water receptacle, and within it is fitted a removable carbide holder provided at bottom with a perforated plug. A vent is provided at suitable point in handle bars to allow air to enter as level of water falls. A safety valve may also be provided. The car- 872 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS bide holder is provided at top with a projection, which engages with a bayonet joint slot in top of cycle stem. The top of the carbide holder is screw threaded, and on the thread is mounted the cup portion of a ball joint, a tap being arranged in this portion to enable gas passing to burner to be controlled. The ball carrying the burner and lamp casing is retained in the cup by a ring. Acetylene Generator. Two generators working alternately are supplied with water according to the movement of the gas bell. Generating Acetylene. The water tank is situated above the carbide chamber, and a gas bell rises and falls in the tank. The carbide chamber is provided with doors for introducing the trays charged with carbide. The space below the trays is filled with water. A weighted valve is fitted at top of the gas eduction pipe, which passes from the carbide chamber to just above water level in tank. When the bell is nearly emptj" some part or projection of it presses on a lever, opens the valve, and permits gas to pass. As the bell rises the valve closes. Increase of gas pressure in the carbide chamber forces back the water from carbide into the tank. When gas in bell is consumed, the bell again descends, and by opening the weighted valve simul- taneously allows gas to pass from carbide chamber to bell, and water from tank to carbide. Acetylene Lamps. A lamp for miners. The generator is attached to lower part of lamp. The acetylene is conducted into and burned in a chamber, to which the outside atmosphere can only find access by traversing wire gauze. The lamp is lighted by means of an electric spark or a wire heated to incandescence by an electric current. The walls of the combustion chamber are preferably constructed of glass, with longitudinal passages to convey air to the flame. Acetylene Generators. The generator is a cast metal box having a tray charged with carbide carried upon horizontal internal ledges. The bottom of the tray is perforated or of wire network. A deep pan con- taining a layer of water rests upon the bottom of the generator, and serves as a receptacle for the spent carbide and surplus water. By means of a crank arm outside the generator the tray can be shaken, and the spent carbide dislodged from the unspent material. A clip suspended beneath the tray also 873 Manger, T. Bamberg 17449 Aug. 13, 1898 Emmerson. G. W. Newcastle- on-Tync 17504 Aug. 13, 1898 Buffington, F. S. Minneapolis, U.S.A. 17587 Aug. 15, 1898 ' Chicago u ^ ACETYLENE carries a lump of carbide, which is precipitated into the pan beneath when the crank arm is rotated. Above the generator is a reservoir from which water descends through a valve, a stopcock, and absorbent wick to a serrated absorbent curtain suspended in the generator over the carbide tray. When the valve controlling the outlet of gas to the burners is closed, the gas generated by the fall of the lump of carbide into the pan passes to the top of the water reservoir, and tends to force the water through the absorbent material to the carbide in the tray. The main gas valve is now opened, and gas passes to the burners. The accumulation of gas pressure within the generator prevents the continued descent of water. Acetylene Generator. The generator consists of a water tank, provided with a water London* discharge pipe and gas supply pipe, and carrying a central gas- 17734 holder and two carbide distributors. Each carbide receptacle is Aug. 17, 1898 provided with a scraper, formed of a hollow stem fitted with blades. The carbide receptacles are truncated, the inner peri- phery of the small base of each being provided with teeth gear- ing, with a conical wheel mounted on the lower end of a vertical shaft. When the gasholder descends, the vertical shaft rotates, distributing the carbide into the water in the tank below. Bufnngton, A. L. Minnesota, U.S.A. 17920 Aug. 19, 1898 Cl. Jan. 20, 1898 Cycle Lamps. A spherical lamp containing an annular water chamber, which in its upper part is normally closed by a cap or plug- perforated with very small vents. The carbide holder consists of two parts, made of alternate layers of perforated metal and absorbent material. The metal portions are placed in direct contact with the carbide, which is coarsely pulverised. The carbide chamber is in the centre of the lamp, and is surrounded by the water chamber. The generating action is started by moving a valve in the bottom of the lamp, which opens the water feed passage. The water flows to the generating chamber under a pressure equal to the height of the column of water in the lamp. The water comes in contact with the ab- sorbent material, which conducts it around the carbide. Six- teen claims are made. Acetylene Generators. Thorp, T Generator consists of cylindrical chamber built in horizontal position in lower part of gasholder tank, and having its open Aug. 19, 1898 exterior end closable by gas-tight cover. The carbide box which slides into generator is divided by hollow partitions, up which water rises until it overflows to carbide. The box is so 874 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS formed that when in position a space remains below and around the box to form water jacket. The top of generator is provided with vertical gas pipe leading through a water seal into gas bell. The inlet for water from gasholder tank is in centre of tank-bottom, and underneath it is a gutter arranged to convey water beyond the end or sides of carbide box, so that water will not drop upon carbide, but rise from bottom up hollow par- titions to it. Water inlet pipe is controlled by three-way cock. At a short distance above the cock, in the pipe surmounting it, is valve seating and inverted valve, the stem of which at upper end is connected to disc fitting loosely into tube and provided with arms extending through slots in the tube into the tank, and fitted with floats. Above this disc is another disc connected by adjustable rod to top of gas bell. When bell sinks, the valve opens ; when bell rises, the valve closes. The three-way cock has spindle terminating outside tank, so that water can be withheld from generator altogether, or be made to pass through lateral passage from position uncontrolled by valve to generator, or through vertical passage in which water feed is controlled by the regulating valve. Acetylene Generators. A tank is divided by horizontal partition, having a central Ward L - circular opening, to the edge of which is attached the upper 17892 end of a cylindrical tube, which extends down nearly to Aug. 19, 1898 bottom of lower tank. Within this tube is the carbide cham- ber, consisting of a cylindrical vessel passing through the bottom of the lower tank. The gas outlet pipe extends up- ward, and is coiled within the upper tank for cooling and condensing purposes. The bottom of the carbide cylinder is closed by removable cover. The carbide cage consists of two hollow cylinders perforated, or formed of wire gauze, cut away through a part of the periphery, and placed one within the other, so that they may have the same geometric axis, and the inner be capable of rotation within the outer. The inner part of cage may be divided into any number of compartments. The cage is supported upon a sliding rod. Water poured into upper tank flows down between carbide cylinder and outer cylinder until the lower tank is full, and rises in the upper tank for a few inches above the horizontal division plate. When cock is opened water passes by pipe from upper part of lower tank, and rises within the carbide cylinder, where it comes in contact with carbide in lowest compartment of cage. When generation of gas exceeds consumption, the gas accumu- lates in top of lower tank, and forces back water until its level is below inlet of supply pipe. 875 ACETYLENE Acetylene Apparatus. Gustafsson, Carbide is fed into water covered with a layer of oil through K. G. a side shoot. The carbide falls into a wide tube containing water without the layer of oil. Acetylene Lamps. Miller, C. A. The carbide holder, which forms base of lamp, may be inter- and nally fitted with a spring clip for a carbide cartridge consisting Birmingham of carbi( l e enveloped by a thin case pierced, prior to use, with a 17997 series of holes. The carbide chamber is separated from gas Aug. 22, 1898 chamber and filter chamber by a diaphragm pierced with a small hole. The upper part of lamp constitutes water reser- voir, and communicates by a passage controlled by a valve, capable of being externally operated, with the carbide chamber. The external head of the valve spindle is provided with an index with limiting stops, to be employed in conjunction with a fixed pointer secured to body of lamp. Within carbide chamber, instead of cartridge there may be a removable bottom plate carrying an upward vertical perforated tube, through which water passes to carbide arranged around tube. Gas passes through small hole in diaphragm to gas chamber, and through filtering material to burner. Acetylene Generator. Kremer, J, See Patent No. 26776 of 1897. The present improvements con- sist in the addition of a small vessel beneath the generator, Belgium . . 18133 communicating therewith by a cock, and which serves as a Aug. 23, 18 ( J8 receptacle for the carbide residue. The regulating rod is ex- tended to the top of the gasholder by means of a rod of smaller diameter, protected by a sheath. By this means the jamming of the regulating rod, as it passes through the carbide, is avoided. Acetylene Generator. One or more vertical cylindrical generators, having semi- Alsace circular carbide trays arranged at different heights on a com- 18220 mon central rod, are provided. The generator is connected to a s gasholder, the bell of which controls the supply of water to the carbide by its rise and fall. The gas generated passes through a leaden purifier and a vertical pipe, having its upper end bent and dipping into the water in the tank, to the bell. On leaving the bell the gas passes through a cooling worm contained in the gasholder tank. The holder bell will hold rather more gas than is generated by the carbide contained in any one tray. When two generators are provided, a device is supplied to cause the water from the one generator to automatically overflow into the second generator. The water for the generator is supplied from an overhead tank. 876 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Acetylene Lamps. The valve between upper water chamber and lower carbide Stearnes, H. chamber is connected to a vertical spindle, actuated by a rack an and pinion wheel, and terminating in a knob outside casing. Manchester The knob is provided with a stop piece, and a stop piece is pro- 18197 vided on side of casing, so that the limit of rotation of spindle Aug. 24, 189 is the lift of the valve. Within the tube which conducts gas from carbide chamber to burner is a wire or pricker, suitably connected to a screw-threaded piece, and so arranged that when the screwed piece is rotated in one direction the pricker passes up through orifice of burner, and when rotated in opposite direction is withdrawn below the burner. Acetylene Generator. For regulating the water supply to the carbide. At a certain Walker, W pressure in the generator the water sinks within the sight-feed Aberdeen vessel below the exit feed pipe, and flows back into the water Auo . 34 1898 container. On the pressure being relieved, water again rises in the feed vessel, and flows to the carbide. Fresh charges of carbide can be supplied whilst the apparatus is working. Acetylene Generators. Two or more generators or sets of generators are connected Matthys- to gasholder, so that while one is being cleaned the other may sens, G. be in operation. Each generator has a carbide receptacle into An * which water enters through side perforations. The gas collects Aug. 27 1898 in bell covering carbide receptacle, the bell having double walls forming a water jacket, and being itself immersed in hydraulic seal. From top of bell gas descends to an inclined pipe, from which it passes to main gasholder bell. All generators are contained in the compartments of one main vessel separated by partitions, over which water supplied to one compartment of a set flows to other compartments of the same set. In each com- partment water enters the bell through perforation near its base. When the bell of the main gasholder rises above a cer- tain point it raises a flexible tube, forming outlet from water supply cistern, and thus cuts off supply to generators. Also when the bell reaches a certain height it opens a safety cock, and allows gas to escape. Production of Acetylene. Fifty or more carbide compartments successively discharge Quattannes- their contents into a tank of water situated beneath the dis- Moens, R. tributing drum. The discharge is automatically effected by Dil a ^y the bell of a gasholder by means of a ratchet wheel keyed upon Belgium' the shaft of the distributing drum. A trough containing water 18591 surrounds the generator, and serves as a gas washer. In the Aug. 30, 18 877 ACETYLENE generator is a sieve, upon which the carbide falls after leaving the distributing funnel. A pipe leads the gas from the gas- holder to the point of consumption, and another pipe branching from this pipe extends down to the bottom of a closed vessel, which constitutes a bubbling-up device or leak indicator. The gas after leaving the holder passes through a purifier contain- ing a layer of sulphate of iron, a plug of wadding, and a layer of calcium chloride. Generating Acetylene. Wilson, F. C. The lower part of a gasholder tank is provided with parti- Chicago tions to form a water supply chamber and a generating cham- ber. One end of the generator projects through wall of water ' tank, where it is provided with movable cover. The carbide is contained in a movable drawer, which is provided at some dis- tance from its bottom with one or more gratings to support carbide, while residue drops through to bottom of drawer. The gas passes to bell, which in its ascent lifts weights arranged at different levels, so that the higher the bell rises the greater is the pressure under which the gas is stored. The pressure of gas in generator has a tendency to drive back level of water below carbide drawer, and the higher the bell rises the lower does the level of water in generator become, owing to the in- creasing gas pressure. Producing Acetylene. Soderquist, An. outer cylindrical vessel united at bottom to inner con- R x>nd a certain position, the upper spheri- cal valve closes the mouth of the hopper; and when the bell falls, the valve is raised from its seat, allowing carbide to drop into the water. Acetylene Lamps. Thinauit. The carbide is placed in suitable holder in carbide chamber, A. E. which in turn is situated within a reservoir charged with and water. The carbide chamber carries cap with burner. A metal Paris ' tu^ sufficiently thick to absorb heat arising from carbide de- 7099 composition without conducting it to the water, passes verti- '* cally through centre of carbide holder. The tube is slotted for certain portion of its height to allow water to pass to carbide. A threaded rod passes down the tube, leaving a small annular space for water passage. The rod is screwed into collar at lower end of slotted tube. The rod is preferably provided with several threads, so that the water rises as if in several capillary 896 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENEEATOES helicoidal tubes. In another form of lamp the rod is not threaded, but is arranged within a perforated tube, leaving slight play between rod and tube. Generating Acetylene. Apparatus consists of two detachable parts. The lower part has a container for carbide and residual lime, and serves as a gasholder. The upper part is a water reservoir having a number of valves or taps through which water cannot pass more rapidly than in drops. The gas producing capacity of generator is proportionate to number of valves. Each valve can be operated independently of the others. Acetylene Lamp. The water reservoir is at base of lamp, and its bottom is con- structed of rubber. Carbide is contained in a grid in a cylin- drical chamber above, and at top of this chamber is a rubber gas bell. The rubber chambers at top and bottom of lamp are protected by suitable perforated metal guards so constructed as to allow space for expansion of rubber. When pressure of gas rises owing to shutting burner cock, or to excessive production, the rubber bottom of the water reservoir is pressed downwards and the level of water sinks below the carbide grid. The gas, which may then continue to be slowly evolved, passes into the rubber bell at top of carbide chamber, and any gas produced after this is filled may escape through a safety valve to open air. The gas passes through a tube containing some suitable filtering and drying material. When gas pressure is relieved, water returns to the carbide. Generating Acetylene. A drum for holding the carbide, divided into several compart- ments, is fitted immediately above a water container connected with a gasholder. Between the gas bell and the weighted drum is a ratchet, which causes the drum to move to a certain extent at each movement of the bell. The charges of carbide thus automatically released by the rise and fall of the bell pass into the hopper of the water container, and are deflected by a cone to the sides of the vessel, to prevent the residue accumulating in the centre of the vessel. Acetylene Generator. A funnel-shaped carbide receiver, closed at top, has an aper- ture at bottom, which can be closed or opened automatically by a valve, operated by an annular float by means of a lever. A pipe attached to bottom of carbide receiver passes down into an open vessel arranged within a water container. The float in 897 57 Holliday Acetylene Co. Cardno, W. and Read- Holliday Hudders- fleld 7325 Apr. 7, 1899 Andersen, A. P. Copenhagen 7400 Apr. 8. 1899 Demuth, C. Zittan, Saxony 7877 Apr. .14, 1899 Kuppers, K. and Schroeder, H. Aix-la- Chapelle Apr . 2 0," 1899 ACETYLENE lower part of open vessel is connected with vertical lever, which actuates carbide feed valve. Below valve is a conical shield to prevent scattering of falling carbide. The gas educ- tion pipe is connected to a small pipe extending upwards to top of carbide receiver. A device to indicate the amount of carbide in the receiver is fitted in receiver cover. When carbide drops into water, the pressure of gas generated forces down level of water and with it the float, thereby causing feed valve to close. As pressure diminishes, float rises and opens valve. The bot- tom of water container being funnel-shaped, and provided with drain pipe and cock, the removal of sludge is easily effected. Portable Generator. The carbide holder is adjustably suspended in a water recep- burg tacle by means of its vertical gas outlet tube. In bottom of carbide holder is a spring-pressed valve having a stem with a ! ' conical top projecting upwards above the carbide. When the holder is lowered into the water to a certain distance a very fine jet of water passes up through the valve to the carbide. Gas is generated and passes to burner. As the gas pressure in the holder increases, it drive$ back the water and checks genera- tion. Alexande"' Acetylene Generator. . W. A. Two carbide holders, each having a bottom portion divided ad into a series of sections hinged to the body of the holder, are Guelph located above a water reservoir. The successive discharge of Canada the contents of each section is automatically effected by the repeated descent of a gasholder bell to a certain point. May 9, 1899 Generating Acetylene. Steiner, L. rp^ carbide receptacle is situated within a displacement gas- Bucharest, J _ , , V, ., ^ Roumania holder, and can be removed from below or from the side. The 10152 holder is surrounded by a water tank, the two communicating ' with each other through holes in the lower part of the gasholder. A safety blow-off pipe is provided for the escape of gas when the pressure is excessive. Above the water tank and gasholder is placed a water reservoir, from which, by means of a valve operated from the exterior of the reservoir, water is allowed to drip upon the carbide. The acetylene passes through pipes from the generating chamber to the gasholder. Acetylene Gas Generators. Steiner, L. A bell with carbide holders fitted within is immersed in a water tank. The carbide holders are provided with water inlet May 15. 1899 openings, placed at various heights, in order to prevent the whole of the carbide being acted on at once, and to avoid over production of gas. 898 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Generating Acetylene. Carbide falls into water. The carbide rests against a special Tabard, G. form of valve in the generator, the seat of which rises or moves at the required moment, allowing a certain quantity of carbide jyiay 17, 1899 to fall. The device may be attached to the bell of a gasholder or to generators separate from the holder. Saule, P. C. Tulle, France 10862 May 24, 1899 Fenderl, E. Vienna 11116 M ay 27, 1899 Generating Acetylene. The generator is shaped like an inclined funnel, and can be turned round on a pivot for cleaning purposes. The upper open- ing of the generator is immediately beneath the discharge end of a carbide shoot. The shoot is arranged in a spiral round the gas bell, and in it are placed balls of carbide or iron balls filled with carbide. When the bell is in a certain position a fork attached to the bell enters the shoot above the lowest ball. On the bell still sinking, a rod disengages the catch which closes the end of the discharge pipe, and allows the ball to fall into the water in the generator. Generating Acetylene. A generating device formed by a spiral or worm inside a sieve casing. In the worm, or on the casing, are fixed claws or pins to effect the continuous sifting, turning, and distribu- tion of the pieces of carbide, in order to free them from the coating of lime. At the same time, cold water is directed by means of jet pipes upon the carbide, and this water washes the surface of the carbide, cooling and purifying the gas as it is liberated. As an alternative, a conveying worm may be arranged under the generating device to move forward con- tinuously the lime sludge that sinks down. Acetylene Lamps. Acetyloid, which is " a combination of calcium carbide with Worsnop, other substances which make it impervious to moisture," is C. H. placed in a wire basket, which in turn is placed in a fixed bell. This bell has at top a tubular extension terminating at top in \j a y 29, \# stopcock and burner. The tubular extension is divided into chambers, the lower containing carbide to dry the gas, the in- termediate with purifying " chemicals," and the top chamber with cotton wool. The bell is lowered into a cylindrical vessel half filled with water, and covered at top by lid attached to tubular extension of bell. When gas generation exceeds con- sumption, the pressure of gas forces water away from contact with carbide. 899 ACETYLENE Hilberg, E. Berlin 11494 June 2, Morin, T. and Straguin, A. Paris 11551 June 2, 1899 Nowak, G. and Portable Lamps. The water tank is at base of apparatus. The carbide is placed in a receptacle within a vertical cylindrical chamber having its lower end opening into the top of the water tank. The carbide outlet is closed by a valve consisting of two rubber semi-circular discs, having the straight edges arranged opposite each other, and the circular edges secured to the mouth of the receptacle. A complete disc of rubber, having a slit along its diameter, may be substituted. The valve is opened by a spindle, which is forced down by a spring in the top of the lamp. At- tached to spindle is a flexible diaphragm, which is forced upward against spring by pressure of gas, and withdraws the end of spindle from the valve, and thus permits it to close and stop feed of carbide. When gas pressure falls, the pressure of spring again causes spindle end to open carbide feed valve. The gas passes upward through a filter, and through a passage formed in valve spindle, to the burner. A tube passes from bottom of water reservoir to a stopper in upper side of lamp. If gas pressure becomes excessive, the water is forced up this tube, pushes out the stopper, and escapes, leaving lower end of tube open also for escape of gas. Carbide which falls into water chamber when water is at low level is caught upon the perforated top of the sludge receptacle. Acetylene Lamps. The upper water reservoir has a cylindrical top closed by a screw plug. In side of cylindrical top is an aperture for ad- mitting air, which may be completely or partially closed by a rubber ring around it. The opening at bottom of reservoir is fitted with a porous plug through which water falls, drop by drop, upon an inclined plate in chamber beneath, and from thence flows to horizontal cylinder containing wire basket charged with carbide. The gas escapes through a chamber containing filtering material on top of carbide cylinder. After filtration, the gas passes to burner. In carriage lamp, water reservoir is at back of lamp, and communicates with lower carbide chamber by a tube with porous plug. The water drips upon carbide, and gas escapes down into a tubular gas chamber and up through a depending tube charged with flannel or other filtering material and up to the burner. The bottom of the lamp holder is a tubular detachable collector for the condensed water. Acetylene Generator. The carbide receptacle has a bottom provided with a number of vertical conical tubes, through which water rises so as to 900 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS attack the carbide from the top downwards. The carbide re- ceptacle is suspended in bell of gasholder. The gas eduction pipe leads to a second gasholder, the bell of which is so ad- justed that it will rise under a lower gas pressure than will the j une bell of the generator When generation of gas in the generator causes bell of storage gasholder to rise, the generator bell remains stationary. But when the storage bell has risen to a certain point it automatically closes the gas cock leading from the generator. The pressure of gas in generator therefore in- creases, and the generator bell rises and draws the carbide receptacle from the water. The wet carbide will still continue to evolve gas for a time, but this may escape to the storage bell through a specially provided gas-way. When storage bell sinks, the main inlet gas cock is automatically opened, and as the pressure in generator bell is relieved, the bell sinks and again immerses carbide receptacle in water. Klemm, P. Austro- Acetylene Generator. A generator tank containing water, a gasholder, and a method of causing the holder to feed charges of carbide to the tank. The specific claims are : Novel method of feeding the carbide to the water ; an arrangement between gasholder and feed- wheel for actuating the latter at the proper time and position by the holder ; novel methods pertaining to the generator tank, and for Goldbacher, J. N., New York, & Bournon- ville, E., New Jersey 13301 controlling and delivering the gas to the holder, whereby the waste can be withdrawn without interfering with the apparatus. Acetylene Lamps. The casing is open at bottom but closed at top by a dome cover, which serves as a gas reservoir. A vessel closed at bottom but open at top is detachably fitted in the casing, and contains a cylinder closed at bottom but open at top, and sup- ported by horizontal partitions in the containing vessel. In the cylinder, which is surrounded with water, is placed the carbide holder, which has a small perforation in its bottom, through which passes the lower end of a small vertically slit feed water tube. Below the cylinder is an air chamber. The water, when allowed to pass the valve, enters the air chamber, but the flow is soon checked by compression of air therein. Sufficient water will however enter to rise through the inlet to carbide chamber and up the slit tube. The generated gas escapes to gas reservoir, then down a pipe to cooling chamber and then to burner. The flow of water to carbide is automati- cally regulated by the pressure of gas within the lamp. 901 Pauli Lamp Co. Chicago 13339 June 27, ISO ACETYLENE Sunder land, A. H. & F.. & Marshall, G. Birmingham 13786 July 4, 1899 Acetylene Generator. Improvement of Patent 6274 of 1899. The objects are to improve and simplify the construction of the apparatus in such a manner that the escape of gas is prevented. The apparatus may be re-charged with carbide while in operation. The liability to explosions is minimised, and the generated gas is cooled and purified before being conveyed to the holder. Wilson, F. C. Chicago 18805 July 4, 1899 Generating Acetylene. Claims : The employment within a generating chamber of one or more floating carbide containers, and so arranged that the water gains access to the carbide as gas is required, where- upon the vessel sinks and immerses the carbide ; arranging a series of buoyant carbide containers with means for limiting their upward flotation, the water inlets being at different levels thus each carbide vessel is attacked in succession ; arranging means whereby the carbide holders are held with their inlets at different levels, so that they are successively lowered according to the demand for gas j arranging the carbide receptacles in a removable pan or drawer within the generating chamber and communicating therewith. Lacroix, P. Paris 13924 July 5, 1899 Acetylene Generators. Relates to a device to enable water to flow to two generators simultaneously immediately one of them becomes exhausted or becomes inadequate to supply the volume of gas required. The device consists of a water distributor attached to a syphon tube connected to an elevated water tank. The distributor com- municates by a pipe with a variable-pressure gasholder, and has three cocks communicating with one another. The central cock regulates admission of water to distributor, and the side cocks permit or prevent its flow to the respective generators. Hamont, P. Van Belgium 14124 July 8, 1899 Generating Acetylene. Two vertical generators connected to a gasholder contain superposed trays charged with carbide. The bell of the holder is attached to the control valve of an elevated water tank. When the bell sinks, the connecting rope becomes taut and opens the valve ; and when the bell rises, the rope slackens and the valve closes. The water rises from the bottom of one generator to each tray in succession ; and when the carbide in all the trays in one generator has been decomposed, the water overflows to the_next generator. 902 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE G-ENEBATORS Generating Acetylene. This invention is to render the use of stuffing boxes in acety- Quciic, E. lene generators gas tight, by maintaining a bath of oil at the back of the box on which the pressure of gas is exerted. The , LI(V " generator is a cylinder hermetically closed, and filled with water to a certain level. Powdered carbide is placed in a hopper above the generator, and above the hopper is the oil box. The shaft passing through the stuffing box serves to actuate the valve by the movement of the gas bell. Acetylene Generator. Carbide in measured quantities is automatically discharged Soderberg, into water. The carbide containers are fixed on the lid of the water receptacle, and the contents of each are discharged, when N jJ^^^ nd ' the gas bell sinks to a certain position, down a shoot into the ^499 water. This is effected by a toothed wheel, within which is July 13, 1809 arranged a pawl and pawl wheel, which allows the bell to rise without affecting the generating mechanism. Acetylene Lamps. The outer case is provided with a hinged cover and contains Gerdes, A, water in its lower part. Between the water reservoir and the Berlin upper carbide chamber is a space in which netting and filtering material is arranged. In the top of the outer case, above the ' carbide chamber, is a casing containing clockwork. This clock- work rotates a vertical shaft, which causes a conveyer to con- duct carbide from its containing chamber into the water. The gas passes through the filtering material and passes up a lateral pipe to the burner. The clockwork is shielded from contact with the gas, but the gas can pass up the central shaft to a shell. If the gas pressure becomes unduly high, certain mech- anism is actuated which stops the clockwork and the discharge of carbide. Acetylene Lamps. An inner case contains carbide, and the outer case water. Bayiey,G,W. Between the two is a valve controlled by the pressure of gas, Brooklyn, admitting water when pressure falls below a fixed point, and cutting it off when pressure rises. The cylinder which contains July 18. 18W the valve projects upward centrally into the carbide vessel from its base. The carbide may be contained in a cartridge consisting of two telescopic cups having their closed ends outward. The cups are made annular, having cylinders placed concentric with the outer walls and telescoping in a similar manner. The cylinder which forms a portion of the lower cup has a series of perforations in its sides through which water is admitted to the 903 ACETYLENE Snyder, G. G. and West, M. L. Easton, U.S.A. 14795 July 18, 1899 cup. The cups are provided with a longitudinal groove at one side, adapted to accommodate the pipe within the inner case. Acetylene Lamps. The carbide chamber is suspended in water reservoir. Within carbide chamber is perforated tube provided with wire gauze jacket. Pipe in top of chamber conducts gas to burner. A plug in lower end of perforated tube is provided with central verti- cal passage terminating at top in lateral passage, through which water flows to carbide. The flow of water is automa- tically controlled by pressure of gas within carbide holder. Cycle Lamp. Carey, A. M. A metal tube divided into two chambers, the lower contain- ing carbide, and the upper containing water, which is admitted * *^e l wer by an adjustable valve in the disc between the chambers. The tube is inserted in the handle bars of the cycle. A burner governed by a pin valve is provided upon the front of the handle bars, and this burner is in communication with the gas chamber formed between the internal tube and the internal walls of the tubular handle bars. June 19 1899 Bridges, C. M., San Francisco 14984 July 20, 1899 Bond, E. S. Handsworth 15336 July 26, 1899 Producing and Storing Acetylene. The carbide holder is placed above a cylindrical vessel con- taining water. When the carbide drops into water the gener- ated gas passes into a perforated drying chamber, through another cylindrical chamber, into the gasholder bell. The pro- duction of gas is automatic, but one of the main objects is " to relieve the gas from constant contact with water by providing a novel dry seal and thereby improve its quality and illumina- ting properties." When the bell is forced upwards by the generation of gas, a rubber sleeve or hood is acted upon and the carbide supply cut off. Acetylene Lamps. The upper chamber is filled with water through an elbow having a perforated screw cap. In the lower chamber is a removable holder charged with carbide and covered with asbestos or similar substance. The water chamber has the burner above it and a stopcock beneath it, the two being con- nected by a vertical pipe passing centrally through the water chamber. The stopcock has two channels : one for passage of gas, the other for passage of water. The stopcock may be so turned that water is cut off while gas passage is open, or both passages may be either open or closed. The water passes down a vertical pipe sheathed with a tube perforated around top 904 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS placed in the centre of carbide holder. The perforated tube carries a horizontal flange extending over the surface of the carbide. Thus some of the water passes to the centre of the carbide, while another portion flows over the flange to the furthermost carbide. Acetylene Generator. A cylindrical chamber is fitted inside another cylindrical chamber in such a way that both chambers are closed at top by the same cover, and the inner chamber is in communication at the bottom with cuter cylinder. The inner chamber is pro- vided with a bell which encloses a carbide holder having per- forated walls and a conical bottom. The cover of holder is in form of a piston having its rod extending downwards through the carbide and holder bottom, where it is attached to a spring which has its lower end hooked to a suitable part of the apparatus. This spring tends to pull the piston down, and as the carbide is decomposed, to press the residue out of the holder. The outer cylinder is the water reservoir. The gas outlet pipe passes from bottom of inner cylinder to a coil in the outer reservoir, and from thence to burner. Below the bottom of cylinders is an acetone chamber, with which a pipe in the inner chamber communicates. This pipe is bent within the chamber so that its open end is normally below the level of water, which is provided with a layer of oil in this chamber. Gas generated under excessive pressure is absorbed by the acetone. Bartmann, L. Berlin 15406 July 27, 1899 Portable Generators. The carbide container which forms upper part of generator has an elastic cover, through centre of which a rod passes vertically downward and is provided at lower end with valve which controls vent at bottom of carbide chamber. The rod has an upper screw thread and terminates outside chamber in a nut, by which the carbide discharge valve may be adjusted. When pressure of gas in carbide chamber increases, the elastic cover is forced upward and draws up the valve rod, thereby closing feed valve. When pressure falls, the valve opens. The water chamber which forms base of generator is detachably connected to carbide chamber. The lower part of tube which extends from carbide into water chamber is perforated or of metallic network, thus preventing the splashing of water into carbide feed valve. A gas tube leads from top of carbide chamber down through its funnel-shaped bottom, while another tube leads from top of carbide chamber to burner. 905 Mottlau, A. J. Copenhagen 15459 July 27, 1899 ACETYLENE Hilbcrg, E. Berlin 16426 Acetylene Generators. See Patent No. 11494 of 1899. Water tank at base. A cylinder is divided by a funnel-shaped carbide feed contrivance Aug. 12, 1K99 i nto an upper carbide chamber and a lower gas chamber. The lower end of the cylinder dips down into the water in the bottom tank, which has an upward cylindrical extension which surrounds the cylinder, and is furnished with openings at its upper end. The gas chamber formed by this cylindrical ex- tension is in communication with the gas chamber below the carbide feed. The carbide feed valve is a rubber plate split diagonally, or two such plates coming in contact with one another may form a better valve. A rod furnished with a tongue may be worked by any preferred mechanism to open and close the valve. If the lamp be accidentally overturned, the water cannot flow out owing to the provision of some spiral courses between the cylindrical extension and the wall of the inner cylinder. Schad, Herbst & Co. Mannheim 17195 Aug. 24, 1899 Dauber, A. Bochum, Germany - 17343 Aug. 26, 1899 Matthews, F. Montreal ] 7406 Aug. 28, 1899 Acetylene Lamps. The water reservoir is at top, and has a drip tube terminating in a valve, and depending into the central tube of a lower chamber containing carbide. The central tube is perforated at its lower end. Beneath carbide chamber is a tubular ring, which constitutes base of lamp. When valve is opened, and water flows to carbide, gas escapes to a gas chamber between water and carbide reservoirs, and then passes down a hollow pillar to ring at base, from which it passes to burner. The base of lamp is detachable, to allow of introduction of carbide holder. Producing Acetylene. Carbide falls into water. A device to prevent the distribution of the carbide over the whole area of the bottom of the water tank, thus preventing the escape of gas between the tank and gas bell. When the bell sinks to a certain point, carbide is auto- matically discharged upon a spiral, and falls into an inner water vessel in the tank. The carbide hopper is attached to the top of the bell. Acetylene Gas Machines. Carbide falls into water. The generator contains a hollow stem in the centre, its four sides being connected with hinged carbide buckets, the catch of which is released by a rod extend- ing up through the stem, and worked by the movement of the gas bell. The carbide buckets are overturned in succession. A safety blow-off pipe is provided. 906 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENEEATOES Dewey, C. and Chown, J. A. London 18189 Sep. 8, 1899 Adolfsson, A.E. Stockholm 19345 Sep. 26. 1899 Acetylene Lamps. A carbide receptacle, tapered downwards, is closed at top by soldered plate carrying gas eduction pipe, and at bottom by a cap, through which passes a wick to convey water to the car- bide. This device may be applied to any oil lamp by using the oil reservoir as the outer water reservoir. Acetylene Generators. A device for generators in which carbide is intermittently fed into water, to prevent air entering generator when water is being changed. It consists of a pipe connection, combined with a water seal, between the water-space of the generator and the outer air, and also between the gas-space of the generator and the water-space of the gasholder, and thirdly, between the water-space of the generator and the gas-space of the gasholder, Acetylene Generators. A water-jacketed cylindrical vessel to contain carbide has open ends adapted to be closed by gas-tight stoppers. A central hole in the upper stopper receives the nozzle of a flexible water reservoir. The nozzle is provided with a stopcock, which is so adjusted that when there is no pressure upon the water reser- voir no water passes the cock. The gas eduction tube from the carbide chamber communicates with an ordinary gasholder, the bell of which carries upon its top an arm which extends over the flexible water reservoir when the bell is filled with gas, but which comes in contact with, and compresses, the reservoir as the bell sinks. The pressure upon the reservoir causes water to pass the stopcock and flow to the carbide. Generating Acetylene Gas. Carbide falls into water. The generator is a water tank pro- Llorens, J. vided at the top with a pipe for the gas and with a shoot with its lower end inclined. The carbide is placed in a bottomless Oct.~10 18W box travelling on rails and divided by vertical partitions, each compartment being divided by a horizontal movable partition. As the gasholder descends it draws the carbide box by a cord over the mouth of a funnel, allowing one compartment to empty; with the rise of the bell the carbide box is drawn away, this operation continuing until the carbide is exhausted. Ginnasi, F. New York 20256 Oct. 9, 1899 Acetylene Lamps. A cartridge to give a steady flame throughout the life of the carbide charge when the end of the cartridge is immersed in water. In making the cartridge a strip of absorbent material so convoluted as to serve the purpose of a confining and divid- 907 Lewis, T. H. London 22389 ACETYLENE ing frame for the carbide, and to provide room for expansion during decomposition, is employed. The valve for admitting water comprises a metal disc with slits for tongue pieces, a cork packing ring, and an absorbent pad. Acetylene Lamps. Richtcr, S. The piston is removed from a cyclist's tyre inflater. The NU 99?k^ rg cylinder is then charged with carbide and closed by a cap. The Nov 15 189!' u PP er P ar t of ca P consists of two cylinders arranged one inside the other, and through which is a gas channel. An elastic ball, which acts as water reservoir, has a valve cock, and is attached to projecting side tube of inflater. Water flows from the ball to the carbide in inflater cylinder. The generated gas passes through openings and channel in cap and escapes through drying chamber to burner. Acetylene Generator. Turner, T.G. 21 claims. Each carbide container is made of glass or other New York frangible and fireproof material, into which carbide is packed Nov" 1 21 1899 at Pl ace f manufacture and hermetically sealed. When one of these containers arrives at inlet of feed arrangement it rolls laterally off inclined periphery of feed wheel and drops upon grate just over water in generator, where it is broken. If de- sired, the carbide feed may be automatically controlled by pressure of gas within apparatus. The pressure, by displace- ment of water, may cause float to rise and press brake shoe against friction wheel and hold feed mechanism at rest. Diminution of pressure allows level of water in basin to sink, and permits float to descend and release mechanism. Acetylene Generators. Smith, G. G. An elevated water tank is provided for each generator. Each generator contains a cylindrical closed holder charged with Nov 22 1899 carbide. Between bottom plate of generator and bottom of holder is an upwardly projecting spike surrounded by a spring, which supports the bottom of carbide holder just above spike. A spiked rod also passes vertically through top of generator, and is held in position by a spring. This spike comes in con- tact with cover of carbide holder. Each holder contains suffi- cient carbide to fill the bell of the gasholder. When bell sinks to certain point one of the carbide holders is automatically punctured, and simultaneously water is allowed to flow to the generator in which the holder is situated. Each complete de- scent of the bell brings another carbide holder into operation. 908 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS Acetylene Generator. A vessel is divided by a vertical partition into two chambers, one of which is partially filled with water and contains in its upper portion a carbide chamber terminating at bottom in a feeding device. The feeding device consists of a drum having longitudinal compartments for receiving carbide, and which are shaped like screw-threads to ensure gradual discharge of their contents. When the carbide drops through the discharge open- ing it is caught by a wheel beneath. The wheel is provided with a number of pockets having bottoms of some porous material. The wheel dips in the water to about half its height, and is rotated from the shaft of the feed drum by suitable means, so that the pockets are always wet. Thus, dust-like particles of carbide are decomposed upon the porous bottoms of the pockets, and the lumps are carried below the water by the wheel In the bottom of the second vertical chamber is a motor for the carbide-feeding device. This motor is driven by the gas generated in the first chamber. It consists of a cell wheel enveloped by a liquid of high specific gravity. The upper portion of the second chamber is a gas reservoir and contains a pressure-equaliser consisting of a vessel, having one of its walls constructed of flexible material pressed outward by a spring. Supplying Water to Generators. A pump is situated in the centre of a gasholder tank, and is actuated by the movements of the bell. A pipe and suction valve is provided between the water supply and the pump, and a delivery pipe, with or without a valve, extends from the pump to a point above the highest point of the generator to which the gasholder is connected. The plunger of the pump is connected by a rod with the crown of the gas bell. As the bell rises and draws the plunger with it, water is sucked into the pump ; when the bell falls, the plunger is forced down, and the water is discharged into the generator. Adolfsson, A. E. Stockholm 23937 Dec. 1, 1899 Carey, J. W. Brisbane 23988 Dec. 1, 1899 Acetylene Generators. Relates to mechanism whereby carbide is automatically dis- charged into water by the descent cf gasholder bell to certain point, and the discharge is prevented by its ascent. Also to a safety arrangement whereby the movement of distributing drum is arrested if the principal pawl and ratchet wheel mechanism do not immediately come into gear. The drum is provided with suitable number of tubes, each of which receives sufficient carbide for the evolution of a determined quantity of gas of less 909 Rouma, A, Belgium 24364 Dec. 7, 1899 ACETYLENE volume than the capacity of gas bell. The drum is keyed upon a vertical shaft provided at lower end with bevel wheel which engages the bevel wheel of a horizontal shaft. Acetylene Lamps. Strdher, J. Several carbide and water compartments are arranged inde- Dusseldort pendently of each other, and can be brought into action in Jan 3 1900 success ^ on - ^ ne carbide and water receptacles are preferably arranged in circle, and separated by partitions. A water supply pipe from upper reservoir, having controllable valve, is bent sideways below the valve, and is capable of turning on vertical axis. By turning this pipe the water may be made to flow into any desired compartment, and reach carbide behind that water compartment. An index hand to show into which compartment water is being directed is provided in top of reservoir. MISCELLANEOUS ACETYLENE PATENTS NOTK. Patents relating solely to constructive details of electric furnaces are not included. Willson,T. L. Producing Metallic Carbides and Acetylene therefrom. 16842 Production of carbide from lime and carbonaceous matter in A .ug.27, 1894 the electric furnace, and the evolution of acetylene by the action of water on the carbide. NewYork ' Producing Metallic Carbides and Acetylene therefrom. As above. Willson, T. L. Production and Utilisation of Acetylene. The acetylene from carbide is diluted with a certain propor- Nov. 5^894 tion ^ a "* ^ n a holder. Gearing, E. Producing Carbide. Harrogate An electric furnace with a travelling electrode and feed Carburettinq Air and Gases. Bullier, L. IK. y Paris Claims the admixture of acetylene with gases for imparting 1953 or increasing illuminating power. Jan. 28, 1895 Manufacture of Carbides of Earth Metals. Sullier, L. M. Manufacture of various carbides and acetylides of the rare earth metals as cerium, thorium and lanthanum in the electric Feb. 8, 1895 furnace. 910 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS Rendering Acetylene suitable for Burning. Bullier, L M, Acetylene is diluted with nitrogen, preference being given to a mixture of equal parts. Afar. 28, 1895 Enriching Water Gas with Acetylene. Acetylene is added to water gas practically at the place of consumption. Dickerson, E. N. New York 11848a June 18, 1895 Manufacture of Illuminating Gas. Willson, T. L. New York Acetylene is added to illuminating gas or enriched water 18750 gas. July 18, 1895 Production of Illuminating Gas. Willson, T. L. Non-luminous gases are enriched by adding the gas produced 6 j^76(? r by subjecting acetylene to heat. .July 18, 1895 Production of Cyanogen Compounds. Caro A mixture of calcium and barium or sodium carbides is con- Charlotten- verted into cyanides by the joint action of nitrogen, water vapour, and heat, Au. 10 1895 Production of Calcium Carbide. Carbide is made by feeding lime and carbon into the arc 158GO produced by an alternating current. Aug. 15, 1895 Production of Phosphorus. Tricalcic phosphate mixed with carbon is heated in electric furnace to yield calcium carbide and free phosphorus. Hilbert & Frank Charlotten- burg 18785 Oct. 7, 1895 Manufacture of Carbonic Acid Gas. The carbon monoxide produced as a waste product in manu- facture of calcium carbide is converted into carbon dioxide by passage over heated cupric oxide. Producing Carbides, Acetylene, etc., etc. The numerous claims include production of calcium carbide by passing a highly heated hydrocarbon through a calcium compound ; and production of acetylene by passing highly heated hydrogen, or a gaseous fluid containing hydrogen, through car- 911 Ellworthy & Henderson Bombay & London 19445 Oct. 16, 1895 Maxim, H. New York 1905 Jan. 27. 1890 ACETYLENE bon. When producing calcium carbide, ordinary limestone, instead of lime, is employed, and when making an illuminating gas in connection with the manufacture of the carbide, a suffi- cient excess of carbon is mixed with the limestone, not only to produce the carbide, but also to reduce the carbonic acid set free from the limestone to carbonic oxide. Production of Acetylene with other Gases. Greenwich ' Acetylene mixed with other hydrocarbons is produced by the 6922 action of water upon calcium carbide mixed with various other Mar. 30, 189(5 carbides . Pictet, R. P. May 2, 1890 Coppeaux, C. Brussels 9630 May 6, 1896 Bauer- wacrts, E. H. Brussels 11706 May 29, 1896 Producing Carbide. The lime and carbon mixture is heated with an oxyhydrogen jet before it reaches the electric furnace. Burning Acetylene. The acetylene flame is fed with a forced current of hot or cold air, produced either by a fan or by some other air-com- pressing device. Purifying Acetylene. Purifying acetylene by passing it through lime, or lime mixed with iron sulphate and sawdust, then through acidulated water, through caustic soda or potash solution, and finally through a drying material such as sawdust or bran. Thorp, T. Marsh, T. G. Manchester 12942 June 12, 1896 King, R. and Wyatt, F. New York 13881 June 23, 196 Burning Acetylene. Acetylene is mixed with air by passing from a holder under pressure through an air injector into the delivery pipes or a second holder. Producing Calcium Carbide. Pulverised coke and lime in about equal proportions are mixed together and formed into a mound around a core of con- ducting material supported in vertical position between two superposed electrodes. The vertical centre of the mound is heated to incandescence by passing an electric current through the electrodes and core. A nugget of carbide is formed, and as the mixture fuses, the upper electrode descends. The carbide nugget is withdrawn while hot, a new core is then inserted, and the process is repeated. The advantages claimed are that no furnace is required, and that the process is practically con- tinuous. An improved electric furnace is also described for use when desired. 912 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS Use of Acetylene in Motors and Ordnance, and for Producing Explosions. Fig. 1 shows an automatic generator in which, water is sprinkled over carbide ; Fig. 2 an automatic generator in which carbide falls into water ; Fig. 3 a generator in combination with a horizontal engine ; Fig. 4 a generator or reservoir of acetylene fitted to a gun. Acetylene is made and stored in a suitable vessel under pressure. The gas may be employed by itself expansively to take the place of steam in steam engines, or it may be mixed with air or other gas or gases to form an explo- sive mixture, for use in the same way as ordinary gas in gas engines. Purifying Acetylene, Acetylene is passed through finely-powdered iron, then through concentrated sulphuric acid. Gowlland, W. and C. S. London 14375 June 29, 1896 Isaac, G. Charlotten- burg 15139 July 6. 1896 Producing Carbide. Haviland, Preliminary heating of the carbon and lime to form carbide, Bourne- by means of a furnace or other arrangement, before the current is turned on. mouth 15489 July 16, 1896 Producing Carbide. A flux is added to the mixture of lime and carbon, enabling a Bullier.L. M. lower temperature to be employed. 10 per cent, of calcium fluoride is recommended. July '22, 1896 Purifying Acetylene. The gas is bubbled through calcium chloride solution cooled Pictet, R. to 20 and 40C, then through 40 per cent, sulphuric acid at the same temperature, through a solution of lead salts, and Aug. 17, 1896 lastly over crystallised calcium chloride. Inflating Floating Appliances. A receiver charged with calcium carbide, or other suitable Matignon, L. carbide, is connected to the bag or apparatus to be inflated, and ^SS^ 6 is so arranged that when the apparatus is thrown into the ^ (l p 14, is<)6 water, water penetrates into the receiver, and the acetylene passes into the flexible apparatus and inflates it. Production of Acetylene. The carbide is mixed with an inert material to retard the production of acetylene on contact with water. 913 58 Deuther, J. A. Boston, U.S.A. 20598 e P- 17 > ACETYLENE Production of Acetylene. Letang, M. P. The carbide is covered with a protective coating or paint. The one recommended is composed of glucose, petroleum, and 11 chalk. Apparatus for Containing and Supplying Liquefied Gas. Fournier, Relates to use of liquid acetylene for lighting, and for in- flating pneumatic tyres. Comprises a metal reservoir, a device with one or two valves for charging and discharging, and a Sep. 30, 18! M> safety device fitted with a reed, syren, or other sonorous ap- paratus indicating the extent to which the reservoir has been filled. Oving, H. E. Mixing Acetylene with Air. Rotterdam 23670 Acetylene and air are mixed in a special apparatus in definite Oct. 24, 1896 proportions as required. Signal Lights. Lewes, V. B. Cartridges are charged with a mixture of calcium phosphide Greenwich, and calcium carbide, which, on contact with water, evolves a ^4365 spontaneously inflammable illuminating gas. The cartridges Oct. 31, 1896 may be attached to buoys, torpedoes, etc. Producing Calcium Carbide. Maxim, H. Numerous claims include " the superheating of previously London heated fuel-gas and air by the combustion of a portion of such 25611 .Nov. 13, 1896 heated or superheated gas ; " and the " process of making calcium carbide, which consists in fusing the carbide-forming material by the heat of combustion, and converting the said material into carbide by the aid of electricity." Turr R Incandescent Mantle with Acetylene. Paris A burner of the Bunsen type is supplied with acetylene under pressure, a mantle being suspended in the flame. Several forms Nov. 18, 1896 * . , , of burner are shown. Producing Calcium Carbide. Kiesewalter, Electricity is not employed. Calcium carbide is produced in retorts, or muffle furnaces, or such furnaces in which the onSiahn" material to be treated is hermetically enclosed against the Germany action of the outer air and of the fire gases. A temperature of 1,300 C. to 1,500 C. must be obtainable. To the mixture of lime and carbon a flux is a49/ Mar. 5. 1898 Enriching Combustible Gas. Combustible gas is enriched by acetylene, either by each being Rickman, delivered from a weighted holder to another holder, or by pass- ing through meters. Mar. 19, 1898 Mixing Air and Acetylene. 0.4 to 1 per cent, of an oxidising gas such as air or carbon Gurovltz, E, dioxide is mixed with acetylene. Vienna Mar. 24, 1898 Producing Amorphous Carbon from Acetylene. Pure acetylene under a pressure of over two atmospheres is Hubon, exploded in a strong closed vessel. The residual hydrogen may L. J. E. be used for industrial purposes. If after a preceding operation hydrogen at atmospheric pressure be left within the vessel, and ;\j ar -24 1898 acetylene under a pressure of four atmospheres be introduced, the closed vessel will contain a mixture of ^ hydrogen and | acetylene. This mixture will be decomposed with less explosive violence than when pure acetylene is used. The explosion is performed by means of an electrically heated wire. 921 ACETYLENE Mixing Gases in any Desired Proportions. Acetylene Apparatus specially adapted for mixing acetylene with oil- Illumina- .,, . m , , 1 -, -. ting Co., Ltd. & as or Wltil alr - -*- ne gases are fed under moderate pressure and into gasholders, a separate gasholder being provided for each P. C. Day description of gas. Discharge pipes from the different gas- holders converge at a point to form one common main. After Mar. 20 1898 passing through a mixing chamber the mixture may be passed into a storage holder or direct to the point of consumption. Ascher- mann, H. Cassel, Germany 7428 Mar. 28, 1898 Wilson, C. L. and others Holstein U.S.A. 7574 Mar. 29, 1898 Roberts, T. L. New York 8010 Apr. 4. 1898 oxide of iron being formed, while hydrogen combines with the carbon to form marsh gas and acetylene. The re- sulting gases are led to a holder and are utilised for heating crucibles containing lime and coke for the manufacture of car- bide. Dilberg, G. Sydney, N.S.W. 15212 July 11, 1898 Dilberg, G. Sydney, N.S.W. 15213 July 11, 1898 Dilberg, G. Sydney July 1M898 Treating Calcium Carbide. Crushed carbide is stirred in a liquefied mixture of naphtha- lene and resin, then placed in a mould and compressed. Protective Coatings for Carbide. Cartridges of carbide are coated with any suitable material which ultimately solidifies and forms a crust impervious to moisture and air. Using Calcium Carbide. The carbide is placed in a porous bag, raised, thus causing finer bubbles and more effective purification by the water of the generator. 924 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS Controlling Water Supply to Generators. A. cock plug is actuated by the movements of a gas bell by means of operating mechanism. The plug has passages so arranged that upon the sinking of the bell, caused by the ex- haustion of one carbide cell, the water supply is automatically diverted to another cell. The operating wheel connected with the rotatable cock plug is actuated by a spring operating mem- ber arranged upon lower end of rack connected with gas bell. A Carbide Holder for Generators. The carbide holder has several compartments, each compart- ment being perforated at a different level, so that the water rising in the generator will decompose the carbide in one com- partment before it rises to the carbide in the next. Water Jacket for Generators. A water jacket open at top, with water surrounding sides and top of carbide containers. Any number of carbide containers can be deposited in the water jacket, from which also the water to decompose the carbide is drawn. The lowest and coldest part of the water passes to carbide, while fresh water is ad- mitted to upper and hottest part. The mouth of each carbide container passes through bottom of water jacket, and is closed by removable gas-tight cover. Treating Calcium Carbide. Carbide is powdered and placed in a bath of tallow or other oil, causing any free lime to saponify. The resulting thick mass is pressed whilst hot in moulds. Combined Oil and Acetylene Lamp. An acetylene burner is fixed in any oil or other lamp close to the oil burner. The acetylene burner may be connected by a piece of rubber tube to an acetylene generator, which may be separate or contained in the lamp. " A lamp in which oil and acetylene gas can be burnt together or separately " is the sole claim. Purifying Acetylene. Acetylene is passed through a solution of potassium bichro- mate and sulphuric acid, or through a solution of chromic acid with sulphuric or acetic acid. Treating Carbide. Carbide is sprinkled with some essential oil, such as citronella or eucalyptus, then with purified petroleum, and finally with more of the essential oil. 925 Spanier, H. Berlin 15782 Julv 18, 1898 Bailey, W. J. and Clapham, C. Keighley 17127 Aug. 9, 1898 Smith, W. Weymouth 1723< uff. 10, 1898 Inter- national Patent Co. Chicago 18110 Aug. 23, 1898 Morris, W.R. and Spraggett, P. E. Handsworth 19276 Sep. 10, 1898 Lands* berger, A. Berlin 19757 Sep. 17, 1898 Bilbie, J. Drivet, H. London 19786 Sep. 17, 1898 ACETYLENE Carbide Cartridges. Wailin, B. H. Porous carbide cartridges are prepared by filling unsized and Wendel, porous paper cases with sifted pulverized carbide, the grade of porosity being so regulated that the generation of gas has g ceased within one minute after cartridge has been immersed in , Sep. 21, 1898 water. Abeles, R. Dresden- Lbbtan Germany 20646 Sep. 80, 1898 Dbllncr, G. Berlin 22880 Oct. 24, 1*9S Containers for Carbide or Acetylene Gas Apparatus. Vessels provided with " an enamel, or vitreous or like coat- ing " are employed. Purifying Acetylene. Kieselguhr, or similar absorbent material, is mixed with a purifying solution to form a slightly moist plastic powder. The solution is an acid solution of metallic salts. The follow- ing are examples of mixtures recommended : (1) Anhydrous sodium sulphate, chloride of copper, and sufficient dilute hydro- chloric or sulphuric acid to produce a warm solution, which solidifies when cool ; (2) A solution of bichloride or sulphate of mercury in melted acid sodium, sulphate; (3) A solution of chloride of chromium in melted chromic acid, oxalic acid, or the like. The acetylene is conducted through a mass of the material contained in a suitable receptacle. Preparing Calcium Carbide for use in making Acetylene. Baskets or cartridges of carbide are made by forming a spiral Ha "ST rth or c il ^ W1YQ f the required diameter and length with a bottom formed of the wire itself. A paper bag or cylinder is placed either outside or inside the spiral, of a length equal to the coil spring when fully compressed. The bag is filled with carbide, the ends of the bag being held closed by the ends of the coil, but being capable of expansion when the carbide swells during generation of gas. From the sides of the coil a number of spikes project into the carbide, so that water may more readily find its way to the centre of the carbide. Producing Carbides. Several electric furnaces are symmetrically arranged around a central and common chimney stack. The conversion of lime and carbon into carbide is not effected within the electric arc itself, but at some distance from it. Acetylene Motor for Cycles. Water drop by drop falls upon carbide, the flow of water being regulated by a valve actuated by a handle at top of generator. The acetylene generated works an air-pump and 926 Bond, E. S. Nov". 7 Handler, M. and Wehner, C. Leipzig 25800 Nov. 30, 1898 Offen, C.H. Holstein 27250 Dec. 24, 1898 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENERATORS motor, whereupon the gas and compressed air pass through tubes into a pressure- vessel, in which they are continuously ignited with the object of transmitting the high pressure pro- duced by the combustion through a cylinder to the crank of the cycle. The whole apparatus is suitably attached to the cycle frame. Production of Acetylene. Pulverised carbide is dissolved or suspended in a liquid such as a mineral oil, which will not decompose the carbide and which is of approximately the same specific gravity. This liquid charged with carbide is allowed to drop upon the gas- generating fluid, or the fluid may be allowed to drop upon the carbide liquid. Producing Carbide. Relates to method of manufacture, in which raw materials are acted upon by incandescent gases. The raw materials are heated in a compound furnace, in one part of which preliminary heating takes place, and from which the materials are subse- quently discharged into the other part of furnace for final heating and conversion into carbide. The raw materials are not allowed direct contact with injurious gases. Gossweiler, K. Heilbronn 27252 Dec. 24, 1898 Warner, R. Wade, J. and Fox, C. T. London 2497 Feb. 3, 1899 Carbide Container for Generators. Porous pots resembling those employed in electrical batteries are charged with carbide, and fitted with removable caps having gas eduction pipes. Each porous pot may be imper- vious to water for half its height, and may be immersed in water nearly to the level of its porosity. Buoy Lights. A ring of metal on top of buoy forms foundation for a circular plate dished in centre which is attached to a dome-shaped cylindrical chamber having an inner chamber for the carbide holder. Upon walls of inner chamber is a flange inclining outwards to facilitate distribution of water to carbide irrespec- tive of angle at which buoy may float owing to swell of waves. The opening through which carbide holder is introduced is closed by a gas-tight door. A water chamber is formed above carbide chamber in the dome chamber by a horizontal partition. Water is admitted to carbide chamber through tube regulated by plug. Outside the top of dome chamber is a socket having recesses which engage projections upon the lower end of a removable mast which supports and carries gas to the burner. 927 Watts, C. J. Guernsey 3102 Feb. 11, 1899 Murphy, W. J. London 3747 Feb. 20. 1899 ACETYLENE Carbide Holder for Generators. Bean, H. R. The carbide vessel is made of one or more sections, each section being- isolated from the others by a suitable gas-tight joint at outer edge. Each section or compartment has a London channel communicating with it to convey water from the top of the holder to the carbide, and to enable the gas to be led away. The top compartment has a gas-tight cover with a raised hood upon it into which are gathered the upper ends of the channels or tubes. In the cover a number of perforations are made, varying according to the size of the vessel, through which water is conveyed to the upper ends of the tubes. The tubes are of different lengths, so that when the sections are fixed in position the upper ends of the tubes are of different levels the top compartment having its channel way lower in the hood than any of the others. The top compartment is the first to come into action, and becomes entirely surrounded with water. Connecting Carbide Reservoirs to Gasholders. Schubert, W. A device for rapidly changing generators charged with car- bide. The generators are to be connected to, or disconnected from, a displacement gasholder, from lower part of which water is supplied. The device is a gas-tight bayonet coupling joint between short pipes. Producing Small Masses of Carbide. er> c< Small brick-like masses of carbide are produced by mixing Kandler M pulverised carbide in a heated state with sugar or caramel. Leipzig The mixture is moulded under pressure, and the bricks thus obtained may be coated with melted paraffin. Apr. 5, 1899 Manufacturing Calcium Carbide and Illuminating and Heating Gases. Provides for the production of calcium carbide and "a gas & Blunn, " suitable for general illuminating purposes " in the electric fur- A. A. nace " at one and the same operation." The waste heat of the Galveston, f urnace is employed to heat the air to be used in the manufac- Tcxfm 9j 56 ture of illuminating gas. The hot air is first carburetted and May 1, 1890 then mixed with acetylene. The mixed gases are finally de- composed by the heat of the furnace through which they are passed, " thereby producing a superior quality of illuminating- gas." Acetylene-lighted Projectile. and ' The projectile is cylindrical, with one end conical and Turnbull, weighted. The cylinder contains a carbide chamber immedi- H> c - ately above the conical end, and above this is a gas chamber separated from carbide chamber by movable partition. Near 928 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS butt end of projectile is a chamber containing the burners, and another chamber containing lumps of metallic potassium pre- served from oxidation by coal oil. The time fuse is a lead tube filled with powder. When the gun has been fired, and the projectile drops into the water, it will at first be submerged, and the potassium becoming wet will ignite, and will fire the end of the fuse. The projectile will float and assume upright position. The water will enter the conical end and attack the carbide. The acetylene will fill gas chamber and pass to burners, where it will be ignited -by fuse. Producing Carbide. A suitable charge of raw material is fed around vertical electrodes. A pool of molten carbide is maintained until it spreads out laterally beyond the field of reduction. The carbide and charge is then shifted, so as to bring successive portions of the charge into field of reduction. Illuminating Projectiles. A cylindrical shell has an upper gas chamber and a lower chamber in which carbide is supported upon a perforated shelf. The weight of carbide causes shell to float in perpendicular position when thrown into water. The gas and carbide cham- bers are separated by a perforated partition, and any suitable number of apertures for inlet of water are provided in walls of gas chamber. A series of burners, including an igniting device, are supported on plate on top of gas chamber. A cylindrical casing is arranged around ignition burner, and contains the terminals of electric conductors forming opposite sides of a circuit furnished with current by battery supported within a receptacle secured in upper part of gas chamber. When shell is to be used the necessary fluid is introduced into battery. The current heats resistance wire sufficiently to ignite gas. The shell is then thrown into water, and the gas formed by action of water on carbide escapes to burners, where it is ignited by resistance wire. phia U.S.A. 9718 May 9, 1899 Horry, W. S. 14261 July 11, 1899 Rose, W. H. Baltimore. U.S.A. 15249 July 25, 1890 Packing Calcium Carbide for Storage or Use in Generators. Small charges of carbide are placed in a wrapper of suitable material, such as coarse cheese cloth, and bound tightly into a compressed bundle. Preferably two or more thicknesses of the wrapper material surround the bundle. One or several of such packages may be placed in the carbide chamber of any genera- tor. This method of packing is also recommended for the shipping and storage of carbide. 929 59 Dolan, E. J. Phila- delphia 15506 July 28, 189! ACETYLENE Hartenstein, H. L. Chicago 16128 Aug. 8, 1899 Richard, C.B. and Cahen, F. 17631 Aug. 31, 189! * Kellner, C. Austria 21035 Oct. 20, 1899 Watson, J. A. Washington, U.S.A. 22227 Xov. 7, 18! )9 Producing Carbide. See Patent No. 224 of 1898. Finely pulverised carbon and carbonate of lime are forced into molten blast furnace slag by a reducing gas, and then subjected to electric current. Generating Gas having Acetylene as Base. A number of bi-metallic cartridges, containing calcium car- bide, and forming a voltaic battery for decomposing the acidu- lated water and compressed air passed into a reservoir, are employed. The cartridges are made of a certain number of sleeves arranged one upon another. Water enters the lower part of the cartridge, and the gas produced rises into the upper sleeves and out through holes provided in the top sleeve. The electric current " decomposes the water, air, or other gas that may be used for the purpose of modifying the nature of the acetylene." Generating Acetylene. A solution of calcium chloride is employed for decomposition of the carbide. The strength of solution depends upon the quantity of gas to be generated in given time from given quantity of carbide. A solution having spec. grav. 1'38 yields, with 600 grammes carbide, sufficient acetylene to supply table lamp for 29 hours. The carbide is always covered by the liquid, and the same solution may be used repeatedly if suffi- cient water be added to compensate for water decomposed by carbide. Marine Torch. The shell may be cylindrical, with conical bottom. It has a lower carbide compartment and an upper air compartment of sufficient size to give buoyancy to the shell. Below carbide chamber is a drainage compartment to receive spent carbide. The carbide is contained in wire basket. Several small water in- lets are provided in side of air chamber to permit water to flow to carbide when shell is put into water. At upper end of air chamber is top plate carrying burners, adjacent to one of which is a chamber containing calcium phosphide, which will give off spontaneously inflammable gas which will ignite acetylene. The shell is hermetically sealed until about to be used. 930 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS ACETYLENE BURNERS Device for conducting air to the gas flame Schulke, A. H. J. Berlin 10463 Mav 27, 189fi 11 .,1 T . , i Holliday, T. A small injector with ordinary union jet burner, with air Hudders- holes at side of burner. The mixed gas and air pass into a field mixing chamber before being burnt. S<-p. 26, 1895 Nipples with fine slits or orifices combined with an outer cap enclosing the nipple. Air entering by the inlets meets the gas escaping from the nipple. Nov. 15, 1895 Acetylene is forced through a tube or tubes with fine needle- hole outlets to obtain straight jets of flame (not spread out like fish-tail or bat's wing). The straight jets may be either single, or when us.ed vertically or obliquely for lighthouse or other purposes may be arranged in groups either concentrically or otherwise. Over each jet or group of jets is suspended a tube of mica or glass. The burner tubes are surrounded with a cover of perforated zinc, copper, or other material, conical in shape, and having a bottom of the same perforated material. Wigham, J. R. Dublin 4825 Feb. 28, 1896 In one form the gas enters a mixing chamber communicating with the air by oblique passages, and upon this chamber is the burner proper. The second form is for a circular flame an argand-shaped flame with a deflector in the centre. A suitable chimney is used. Bauer- waerts, E. F. J. Brussels 117d7 May 20, 1896 A union jet with a small injector, the quantity of air drawn in being regulated by the size of the apertures. A needle valve is fitted in the orifice of the supply pipe. The gas passes through a metallic cloth before entering the burner proper. Air inlets are arranged above the orifice where the gas enters. A mixing chamber of conical form is provided above the air inlets, and the burner is screwed on this. An apparatus for regulating the air supply is also specified. 931 Holliday, T. Hudders- field 17469 A up;. 7,18% Gillett, S. D. Forest, G. Paris 27086 Nov. 28, 1896 ACETYLENE Raupp, K. H. A burner so constructed that the jets issuing from it are closer Mayence, together at their bases than at their points. The burner illus- G ^ in r a _ ny trated resembles a tubular button-hook with gas orifices pierced Dec" 5 181 n a l n g the outer rim of the curved end. Billwiller, J. S. Switzerland 29980 Dec, 29, 189(i The gas issues from a two-armed burner in two jets which meet and form a flat flame. A cone-shaped cap is fitted a slight distance above the gas exit holes, having a larger hole exactly over the gas exits. The burner is made of a bad conductor of heat, but the cap of a material that is a good conductor. Jarre, V. The burner has an annular centre, provided at the top with a Usannez, E. recess, over which fits a plate pierced with small holes. Gas ways are arranged from the annular centre to the holes. The Feb. 18, 18! '7 S as ta P is cork lined. Lcbcau, J. A two-armed burner of steatite, with air passages formed in the shoulders of the burner. A small gas chamber is provided Apr. 15, ' 18!7 to compensate for slight variations of pressure. Kitchen, J. The burner orifice is trumpet shaped. The nozzle of the Manchester burner is formed like a tube having its end turned inwards all . round. Glass forms a cheap and efficient burner. Apr. 17, 180 i Turr, R. Paris 11352 May 6, 189 1 Burners constructed on the Bunsen principle. A jet of acety- lene passes into a small mixing chamber having orifices for admission of air. The mixed gases pass upward into a tube capable of having its effective length adjusted by moving it up or down. The burners are shown applied to a cooking stove, a heating stove, and a soldering iron. Modena The flame heats a plate, which communicates heat to the gas 1229H before combustion. May 18. 1897 This burner is composed of capillary tubes fixed in a chamber, so that the jets converge towards one another. The air is Schulke, J. Berlin M 25 1897 Directed in parallel streams to all parts of the flame A series of acetylene burners in rows are arranged obliquely F^R a ^ a su it a ble angle in front of a reflector. Means are provided 14835* for adjusting the height of the burners and reflector or diffuser .) u IK- 18, J 897 to any required angle. 932 PATENTS FOR ACETYLENE GENERATORS A small metal capsule is placed on the burner to regulate the Kaestner, c. quantity of air admitted. ^Seo^ June 28, 1897 A burner of the Bunsen type. A straight jet of acetylene passes into a small chamber having perforations in its base Ackermann, which admit air. From this chamber the gas jet flows upward, F. P. J. together with a certain quantity of air, into a tube resembling a Mai j s J 1 Bunsen tube, save that its lower end is reduced; and the gas ^ uu . '.j'j *^ } - outlet may also be a reduced opening or a series of small tubes. By various combinations and modifications this burner is ap- plied to numerous purposes. Dolan, E. J. Two converging streams of gas from a two-armed burner are Philadel- each surrounded by a tube of air drawn in from air passages at the top of the burner, and form a flat flame. Am?. 81 1897 This burner is a hollow thin-walled cylindrical body made of Lebrun, G. glass or such material. The upper rounded extremity is made c r p^jg ' paraboloidal, whilst the orifice of the gas exit is trumpet 20574 shaped. Sep. 7, 1897 The gas and air are separately conducted to the burner, and Fraser, A. C. there impinge on one another in minute jets. Nov. 18, 1897 Falbe, O. Borchardt, The burner is provided with a hood or cap having a slightly E. larger opening than the mouth of the burner. Berlin 27586 Nov. 28. 1897 A flat or convex surface is given to the top of the burner. The arc of the flame and of the burner unite at a central point of their apices. Jan. 7, 1898 Schulke, A disc or plate is fixed directly above the burner outlet, having a hole corresponding to that of the burner, so that the **>&*' gas flame does not touch the burner. Jan. 12, 1898 Legg, J. A two-armed burner with air injector holes in the steatite n >I i?r' top. A mixing chamber is formed above the air holes. 1054 .Jan. 14, 1898 933 ACETYLENE A cap with minute hole, and having air passages formed in it, 1 is fixed to the burner body, air being drawn in by the stream of Jan. 28, 189s gas. Worsnop, C. H. Halifax A burner fitted with a spring or pin for cleaning purposes. 2H6G Jan. 29. lS9s Lauri, C. L. Beneath the gas outlet orifice is a cleaning wire mounted L ?o n upon a head adapted to form a gas-tight screw- joint with the Apr. 21. Is9s cap in which the burner tip is situated. When the cap is screwed down the wire passes through the orifice, and clears it from deposit, and when the cap is unscrewed to a certain ex- tent the wire sinks below the orifice, leaving it clear for pas- sage of gas. A circular burner for use with a glass chimney. The air for r supporting combustion is allowed to mingle with the gas below Apr. 21, 189 the point at which the gas issues from the burner. This burner has a nozzle with a relatively small hole through msFi which the gas escapes from the supply pipe, and a cap with May 11, 1898 a relatively large hole through which the gas passes to be burnt. It has one or more openings through which air is allowed to enter the space between the cap and the nozzle. A jet burner, a ring, double ring, and heating burner are shown. A union jet burner, having on its surface a narrow ridge, on the apex of which is a small ridge in which the gas apertures Oct. 8, 1898 are pierced. Two or more jets impinge on one another. Separate orifices 99Q54 are use( ^ f r ea ch jet, with air inlets in the form of slits or Oct. 20. 1898 Holes. Three forms of burner of the " duplex " type are shown. Hollow arms branching from a central screwed tube, are pro- vided with tips arranged at an angle with one another, so that Jan. 5. 1899 the gas jets meet and spread out into a flat flame at a slight elevation above the burner. The tips provided for the gas out- let are capped by other combustion tips. 934 PATENTS FOE ACETYLENE GENEBATOBS The burner tips, of soapstone or similar material, are provided Shaffer with an entrance hole and a discharge passage extending at K- ch < an angle to the entrance passage and having a minute gas 1(334" aperture. Lateral air inlets are provided about half below and Jan. 24. 1899 half above the bottom of the discharge passage. Near the outer end of the passage are very small lateral passages to admit air to the column of mixed air and acetylene near the point of combustion. The tips are arranged at an angle to form a flat flame ; the body of the burner projects upwards and close to the undersides of the flame from the burner tips, and the projecting mass " will be heated by the flames and will react upon the gas, promote its combustion, and heat the air rising from below." To each acetylene burner, of whatever kind, a needle-hole jet Wigham, is attached as a stand-by, fed by the gas at the full pressure of Dublin the holder, the flow of gas when burning not being interrupted 4865 by any valve or tap. The ordinary burner may be turned off, F^. 28. 189 leaving the small jet alight, thus obviating the inconvenience of having the acetylene burner cock either fully turned on or altogether closed. Over the burner tip is fitted a cap having a combustion slot Dolan, E. J. of greater area than the slot in the burner tip beneath. Pro- vision for introduction of air is made at a point intermediate (511(3 between the slots. Mar. 21, 1899 This burner is made of very hard material, preferably precious Geisseler, G. stone. It is bored in the centre as usual and set in a metal ?** fitting for attachment to gas pipes. On the upper rim of the JQQO metal fitting is a metal cap provided with a hole rather larger Apr. 5, 1899 than the hole in the burner just below it, causing a space to be left between. The cap may be provided with a number of openings so as to allow the outside air to flow into this space and be drawn through the burner orifice. The employment of precious stones produces a burner of great durability, and the hole in it may be cleaned without danger of enlarging it. A head of lava, steatite, or similar material is fitted to a Steward, metal pillar. Two stems are fitted into the head, each stem tapering towards the end which fits into the head, and sur- i^s^ 8 * mounted at the longer end by a burner tip formed by an annu- 15:344 lar cup-shaped flange, and extensions provided with a discharge July 26, 1899 935 ACETYLENE opening. In the flange a hole is drilled opposite the discharge opening. The two burner tips are directly opposite each other, so that the two gas jets commingle and form a flat flame. Or, a number of radial stems may be fitted in the head, each burner tip being provided with two discharge openings, so located that the jets commingle with jets from adjacent tips, one on each side, so as to form a flat flame between each pair of stems. Trendel, F. A narrow mixing tube is arranged over the gas injector within the principal mixing chamber of a burner of the SHJ>. 8 isfi Bunsen type. The addition of this inner tube is to ensure production of a non-luminous flame under all conditions. Compagnie Francaise de 1'Acetylenc Paris 28032 \ov. 18. 1899 The passage into which the acetylene is injected consists of a narrow cylindrical portion, flaring at its lower end, and con- tinued above by a conical portion. In the lower end of the cylindrical part the air and gas pass from the injector at a high speed, which decreases in the conical part with increase of pressure. The orifices of the burner consist of tubes ar- ranged at considerable intervals apart, surrounded by a con- vergent outer tube, the wider end of which is downwards, and admits external air, whilst its narrower end is within the lower part of the mantle. 936 APPENDIX OF USEFUL DATA. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. oz. Drachms. 1= 16= 256= 7,168= 28,672= 1,792 573,440=35,840 1 16 448 AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. Ibs. qrs. cwts. 0625= -0039= -000139= -000035= = -0625= -00223 = -000558= = 1 = -0357 = -00893 = =28 =1 = -25 = = 112 =40 =2,240 =80 =1 =20 =1 ton. French grammes. -00000174= 1-771846 -000028 = 28-34954 -000447 = 453-59 -0125 = 12,700 -05 = 50,802 =1,016,048 LONG MEASURE. Ins. 1 = 12= 36= 72= 198= 7,920= feet. 083 = 1 3 yards. fath. 02778= poles. furl. mile. French metres. 660 = 220 = 110 0139= 005 = 000126= -0000158= 0254 1667= 0606= 00151 = -0001894= 3048 5 = 182 = 00454 = -000568 = 9144 1 364 = 0091 = -001136 = 1-8287 2| = 1 = 025 = -003125 = 5-0291 = 40 1 = '125 = 201-16 63,360=5,280 =1,760 =880 =320 =8 MEASURE OF CAPACITY. cubic ft. -02 -1604 -3208 1-283 10-264 51-319 102-64 =1 =1,609-315 galls. -125 1 2 8 64 320 640 litres. -5676 4-541 9-082 36-32816 290-625 1,453-126 2,906-25 Pints. 1 8 16 64 512 2,560 5,120 1 gallon = 277| cubic in. = 16 cubic ft. = 10 Ibs. dist. water = 4-543458 litres. cubic ft. x 6-2355 = gallons. 1 grain = -064799 gram. 1 Ib. avoir. = -453593 kilogram. USEFUL DATA. 1 Ib. avoir. = 16 oz. = 7,000 grains = 453-59 grammes = 1-21527 Ib. troy. 1 Ib. troy = 12 = 5,760 = 373-242 = 0-82285714 Ib. avoir. 1 oz. avoir. = 437-5 grains = 28-35 grammes = 0-9114583 oz. troy. 1 cubic cent. = -0610270734 cubic in. = -282 fl. drm. = -00176 pint = -0352 fl. oz. 1 cubic ft. = 28315-3 c.c. = 6-2321 gallons = 28-3153 litres = 997-1364 fl. oz. = 49-8568 pints. 1 gallon = -16046 cubic feet = 277-274 cubic in. = 4-54346 litres. 1 cubic in. = 16-386 c.c. = 4-616 fl. oz. = -0164 litre = -02885 pint. 1 litre = -035316 cubic ft. = -220096 gallon = 61-0270 cubic in. = 1-761 pint. 1 fl. oz. = 28-396 c.c. = 1-7329 cubic in. 1 pint = 567-919 c.c. = -020057 cubic ft. = 34-659 cubic in. = -567920 litre. 1 gramme = ;002204 Ib. = -03527 oz. = 15-432348 grains. 1 cubic metre = 35-315617 cubic feet. To convert cubic feet per Ib. into litres per kilo, multiply by 63. To convert litres per kilo into cubic feet per Ib., divide by 63. 937 ACETYLENE TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF CUBIC METRES INTO CUBIC FEET. Cubic Metres. Cubic Feet. Cubic Metres. Cubic Feet. Cubic Metres. Cubic Feet. 1 35-315617 35 1236-046603 68 2401-461972 2 70-631234 36 1271-362220 69 2436-777589 3 105-946852 37 1306-677837 70 2472-093206 4 141-262469 38 1341-993455 71 2507-408824 5 176-578086 39 1377-309072 72 2542-724441 6 211-893703 40 1412-624690 73 2578-040058 7 247-209321 41 1447-940307 74 2613-355685 8 282-524938 42 1483-255924 75 2648-671293 9 317-840555 43 1518-571541 76 2683-986910 10 353-156172 44 1553-887158 77 2719-302527 11 388-471790 45 1589-202775 78 2754-618144 12 423-787407 46 1624-518393 79 2789-933761 13 459-103024 47 1659-834010 80 2825-249379 14 494-418642 48 1695-149627 81 2860-564996 15 529-734259 49 1730-465244 82 2895-880613 16 565-049876 50 1765-780862 83 2931-196230 17 600-365493 51 1801-096479 84 2966-511848 18 635-681110 52 1836-412096 85 3001-827465 19 670-996728 53 1871-727713 86 3037-143082 20 706-312345 54 1907-043331 87 3072-458699 21 741-627962 55 1942-358948 88 3107-774316 22 776-943579 56 1977-674565 89 3143-089934 23 812-259197 57 2012-990182 90 3178-405551 24 847-574814 58 2048-305799 91 3213-721168 25 882-890431 59 2083-621417 92 3249-036785 26 918-206047 60 2118-937034 93 3284-352402 27 953-521666 61 2154-252651 94 3319-668020 28 988-837283 62 2189-568269 95 3354-983637 29 1024-152900 .63 2224-883886 96 3390-299254 30 1059-468517 64 2260-199503 97 3425-614872 31 1094-784134 65 2295-515120 98 3460-930489 32 1130-099751 66 2330-830737 99 3496-246106 33 1165-415369 67 2366-146355 100 3531-561723 34 1200-730986 938 APPENDIX OF USEFUL DATA TABLE OF ELEMENTS. Elements. Sym- bol. Atomic Weight. Elements. Sym- bol. Atomic Weight. Aluminium Al 27-0 Molybdenum . . . Mo 95'5 Antimony (Stibium) Sb 120-0 Nitrogen N 14-0 Arsenic As 75-0 Nickel Ni 58-6 Barium Ba 137'0 Niobium Nb 94-0 Beryllium .... Be 9-0 Osmium Os 190-8 Bismuth Bi 208-2 Oxygen 16-0 Boron B 11-0 Palladium .... Pd 105-7 Bromine Br 80-0 Phosphorus . . . P 31-0 Cadmium .... Cd 112-0 Platinum .... Pt 194-4 Ceesium Cs 133-0 Potassium (Kalium) K 39-0 Calcium Ca 40-0 Ehodium .... Eo 104-0 Carbon C 12-0 Rubidium .... Kb 85-3 Cerium Ce 140-5 Scandium .... Sc 44-0 Chromium Cr 52"0 Selenium Se 79-0 Copper Cu 63-2 Silver (Argentum) . Ag 107-7 Chlorine . Cl 35-5 Silicon Si 28-2 Cobalt Co 58-6 Sodium (Natrium) . Na 23-0 Didymium .... Di 142-5 Strontium .... Sr 87-5 Er DI u in Er 165-9 Sulphur s 32-0 Fluorine F 19-0 Tantalum .... Ta 182-0 Gallium Ga 68-8 Tellurium .... Te 127-6 Gold (Aurum) . . . An 196-0 Thallium .... Tl 204-0 Hydrogen .... H 1-0 Thorium Th 233-4 Indium . . In 113-4 Tin (Stannum) Sn 118-0 Iodine 1 127-0 Titanium .... Ti 48-0 Iridium Ir 192-5 Tungsten (Wolfram) W 184-0 Iron (Ferrum) . Fe 56-0 Uranium .... U 236-5 Lanthanum . . . La 138-5 Vanadium .... V 51-3 Lithium . Li 7-0 Ytterbium .... Yb 172-8 Lead (Plumbum) . . Pb 206-5 Yttrium Y 89-8 Magnesium . . . Mg 24-4 Zinc Zn 65-3 Manganese .... Mn 55-0 Zirconium .... Zr 90-0 Mercury Hg 200-0 939 ACETYLENE COMPARISON OF THERMOMETERS. Centi- grade. Fahren- heit. Centi- grade. Fahren- heit. Centi- Fahren- grade. heit. Centi- grade. Fahren- heit. + 260 + 500-0 225 437-0 + 190 +374-0 155 311-0 259 498-2 224 435-2 189 372-2 154 309-2 258 496-4 223 433-4 188 370-4 153 307-4 257 494-6 222 431-6 187 ' 368-6 152 305-6 256 492-8 221 429-8 186 366-8 151 303-8 255 491-0 220 428-0 185 365-0 150 302-0 254 489-2 219 426-2 184 363-2 149 300-2 253 487-4 218 424-4 183 361-4 148 298*4 252 485-6 217 422-6 182 ! 359-6 147 296-6 251 483-8 216 420-8 181 357-8 146 294-8 250 482-0 215 419-0 180 356-0 145 293-0 249 480-2 214 417-2 179 354-2 144 291-2 248 478-4 213 415-4 178 352-4 143 289-4 247 476-6 212 413-6 177 350-6 142 287-6 246 474-8 211 411-8 176 348-8 141 285-8 245 244 473-0 471-2 210 410-0 175 174 347-0 345-2 140 284-0 243 469-4 209 408-2 173 343-4 139 282-2 242 467-6 208 406-4 172 341-6 138 280-4 241 465-8 207 404-6 171 339-8 137 278-6 206 402-8 136 276-8 240 464-0 205 401-0 170 338-0 135 275-0 239 462-2 204 399-2 169 336-2 134 273-2 238 460-4 203 397-4 168 334-4 133 271-4 237 458-6 202 395-6 167 332-6 132 269-6 236 456-8 201 393-8 166 330-8 131 267-8 235 455-0 200 392-0 165 329-0 130 266-0 234 453-2 199 390-2 164 327-2 129 264-2 233 451-4 198 388-4 163 325-4 128 262-4 232 449-6 197 386-6 162 323-6 127 260-6 231 447-8 196 384-8 161 321-8 126 258-8 230 446-0 195 383-0 160 320-0 125 257-0 229 444-2 194 381-2 159 318-2 124 255-2 228 442-4 193 379-4 158 316-4 123 253-4 227 440.6 192 3776 157 314-6 122 251-6 226 438-8 191 375-8 156 312-8 121 249-8 940 APPENDIX OF USEFUL DATA Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- grade. heit. grade. heit. grade. heit. grade. heit. + 120 + 248-0 85 185-0 + 50 + 122-0 15 59-0 119 246-2 84 183-2 49 120-2 14 57-2 118 244-4 83 181-4 48 118-4 13 55-4 117 242-6 82 179-6 47 116-6 12 53-6 116 2408 81 177-8 46 114-8 11 51-8 115 239-0 80 176-0 45 113-0 10 50-0 114 237-2 79 174-2 44 111-2 9 48-2 113 235-4 78 172-4 43 109-4 8 46-4 112 233-6 77 170-6 42 107-6 7 44-6 111 231-8 76 168-8 41 105-8 6 42-8 110 230-0 75 167-0 40 104-0 5 41-0 109 228-2 74 165-2 39 102-2 4 39-2 108 226-4 73 163-4 38 100-4 3 37-4 107 224-6 72 161-6 37 98-6 2 35-6 106 222-8 71 159-8 36 96-8 1 33-8 Water 105 104 103 102 101 Water 221-0 219-2 217-4 215-6 213-8 70 69 68 67 66 158-0 156-2 154-4 152-6 150-8 35 34 33 32 31 95-0 93-2 91-4 89-6 87-8 freezes - T 2 3 4 32-0 30-2 28-4 26-6 24-8 boils 5 100 212-0 65 149-0 30 86-0 23-0 "99 210-2 64 147-2 29 84-2 6 21-2 98 208-4 63 145-4 28 82-4 7 19-4 97 206-6 62 143-6 27 80-6 8 17-6 96 204-8 61 141-8 26 78-8 9 15-8 10 14-0 95 203-0 60 140-0 25 77-0 94 201-2 59 138-2 24 75-2 93 199-4 58 136-4 23 73-4 92 197-6 57 134-6 22 71-6 91 195-8 56 132-8 21 69-8 90 194-0 55 131-0 20 68-0 89 192-2 54 129-2 19 66-2 88 190-4 53 127-4 18 64-4 87 188-6 52 125-6 17 62-6 86 186-8 51 123-8 16 60-8 CONVERSION OF THERMOMETER DEGREES. C to F, multiply by 9, divide by 5, then add 32. 3 F to C first subtract 32, then multiply by 5, and divide by 9. 941 ACETYLENE TABLE OF THE CORRESPONDING HEIGHTS OP THE BAROMETER IN MILLIMETRES AND ENGLISH INCHES. Milli- metres. = English inches. Milli- metres. = English inches. Milli- metres. English inches. 720 = 28-347 739 = 29-095 758 = 29-843 721 28-386 740 =: 29-134 759 = 29-882 722 28-425 741 = 29-174 760 - 29-922 723 = 28-465 742 := 29-213 761 = 29-961 724 28-504 743 29-252 762 = 30-000 725 : 28-543 744 29-292 763 = 30-039 726 28-583 745 z= 29-331 764 = 30-079 727 28-622 746 = 29-370 765 = 30-118 728 28-662 747 = 29-410 766 = 30-158 729 28-701 748 = 29-449 767 = 30-197 730 = 28-740 749 = 29-488 768 = 30-236 731 28-780 750 =: 29-528 769 = 30-276 732 28-819 751 29-567 770 = 30-315 733 28-858 752 = 29-606 771 = 30-355 734 = z 28-898 753 = 29-645 772 = 30-394 735 28-937 754 29-685 773 = 30-433 736 28-976 755 ^= 29-724 774 - 30-473 737 =. 29-016 756 =: 29-764 775 = 30-512 738 = 29-055 757 = 29-803 UNITS OF HEAT. The British Thermal Unit (B.T.U.), or unit of heat, is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 Ib. of pure water 1 Fahr., or, more exactly, from 39"1 to 40'1 Fahr. The Calorie, large calorie, or French unit of heat, is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 kilogramme of water through 1 C. The calorie, or small calorie (with a small c) is the scientific unit of heat. It is the quantity of heat required to raise one gramme of pure water from to 1 C. The pound centigrade unit is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 Ib. of water from to 1 C. B.T.U. Ca. ca. 1 = 0-252 = 252 3-9682 =1 = 1,000 0-003968 = 0-001 = 1 1-8 - 0-4536 = 453-6 942 Lb. C.U. Foot-lbs. - 0-555 - 776 = 2-2046 = 3,080 = 0-002046 - 3-08 = 1 = 1,397 APPENDIX OF USEFUL DATA SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AND WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS. SOLIDS. Metals. Description. ^0 Weight in Ibs. of a cubic. Aluminium 2'67 Antimony . . 6*71 Foot. 162 418 Inch. 094 242 Bismuth .... 9'79 610 352 Cadmium 8'60 536 309 Calcium 1'57 Copper, from 8*60 to 8-92 average .... 8'80 Gold 19-3 98 I 537 557 549 1204 056 311 322 318 697 Iron, cast, from .... 7'0 to 7-6 average. . . 7'22 Iron, wrought, from . . 7'55 to ... 7-81 average . 7'70 Lead cast 11*36 437 474 451 471 487 480 708 253 274 261 273 282 280 408 sheet 11-4 Magnesium 1/74 Manganese 8'0 Nickel ... 8-9 711 108 499 555 412 062 289 321 Platinum .... 21'5 1 342 776 Potassium '86 Silver ' 10'5 54 655 031 379 Sodium . '97 60 035 Steel from . ... 7'8 487 282 to 8-0 499 289 average .... 7'9 Tin 7'3 Zinc . . . 7'1 493 456 443 285 264 256 i 943 ACETYLENE Alloys. Description. Specific Gravity. Weight in Ib s. of a cubic Aluminium bronze (90 to 95% copper), from . . to ... Bell metal . 7-7 8-0 8-05 Foot. 480 499 502 Inch. 280 289 29 Brass, from to 8-4 8-6 524 537 303 311 Bronze, from . . . . . to 8-4 8-7 524 543 303 314 Gun metal, from . . . to .... Babbitt metal .... White metal 8-5 8-6 7'3 7'3 530 537 456 456 307 311 264 263 Electrical Horse Power 746 Kilowatt =^?xE.H.P. RELATION BETWEEN PRESSURE EXPRESSED IN INCHES OF WATER AND POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Inches of Water. Effective Pressure in Pounds per square inch Effective Pressure in Ounces per square inch. Exactly. ' Approximately. 1 0-03617 0-578 f oz. 1| 0-04521 0-723 | 1 0-05425 0-868 T o If 0-06329 1-013 1 , 2 0-07234 1-157 li , 2i 0-08138 1-302 1J , 2| 0-09042 1-447 li , 2| 0-09946 1-591 If , 3 0-10851 1-736 li , 3* 012659 2-025 2 , 4 0-14468 2-315 21 , 44 0-16276 2-604 2| , 5 0-18085 2-893 3 944 APPENDIX OF USEFUL DATA PHOTOMETRIC STANDARDS. English Candle (Sperm) French Carcel . German Candle (Paraffin) Hefner Unit CANDLES. . 1 . 9-5 1-05 O89 DENSITIES AND WEIGHTS OF GASES AND VAPOURS. (Wirikler and Lunge's " Technical Gas Analysis") Name of Gas. Molecular Formula. Density (Hydrogen=l) 1 Litre of Gas in the normal state weighs Acetylene .... CoH 2 12-970 Grammes. 1-1621 Benzene C 6 H 6 38-910 3-4863 Butylene Carbon disulphide . . . Carbon oxysulphide . . . Cyanogen C 4 H 8 CS 2 C0 2 S (CN) 2 27-940 37-965 29-955 25-990 2-5034 3-4017 2-6839 2-3287 Ethane C 9 H 6 " 14-970 1-2413 Hydrogen cyanide . . . Phosphuretted hydrogen . Propylene HCN H 3 P 13-495 16-980 20-955 1-2091 1-5214 1-8775 Silicium tetrafluoride . . SiF 4 52-055 4-6641 945 60 ACETYLENE SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AND WEIGHTS OF GASES AND VAPOURS. (Alkali Maker's Handbook.) North latitude, 52 30', 130 feet above sea level. Gas. Symbol. Mole- cular Weight. Specific Gravity (Air=l.) Grains per cub. foot 29-92" and 32 Fahr. Lbs. per cub. foot 29-92" and 32 Fahr.i Ammonia Atmospheric air. . . . Bromine Chlorine NH 3 Br 2 ' CL 17 160 71 0-58890 1-00000 5-52271 2-44921 332-96 565-16 3,122-1 1384-73 04757 08074 4460 1978 Carbonic oxide .... Carbonic anhydride . . Ethylene .... Hydrogen Hydrogen chloride . . . Iodine CO C0 2 C 2 H 4 H 2 HC1 I 2 28 44 28 2 36-5 254 0-96709 1-51968 0-96744 0-06923 1-25922 8-756 546-78 859-21 546-98 39-1439 711-94 4,949-90 07811 12274 07814 0055919 1017 '7071 Methane Mercury Nitrogen CH 4 Hg No 16 200 28 0-55297 0-97010 312-64 3,914-39 548-47 04466 5592 "07835 Nitrous oxide Nitric oxide Nitrous anhydride . . . Nitric peroxide .... ?? T5 .... Oxygen . . .... Sulphuretted hydrogen . Sulphurous anhydride . Sulphur Water N 2 NO N 2 3 N0 2 N 2 4 2 H 2 S S0 2 S 2 H 2 44 30 76 46 92 32 34 64 64 18 1-52269 1-03767 2-630 1-592 3-184 1-10521 1-17697 2-21295 2-2155 0-62182 860-90 586-66 1,487-46 900-31 1,800-63 624-85 665-44 1,251-19 1,252-59 351-57 1229 08381 2125 1286 2572 08926 09506 1787 1789 05022 1 For calculations with large quantities of gas, it is sufficiently accurate to assume that 10,000 cubic feet weigh as many cwts. as the molecular weight of the gas divided by 4 indicates. For example, 10,000 cubic feet of sulphuretted hydrogen weigh s -=8'5 cwts. (exactly, it would be 8'488 cwts.). 946 APPENDIX OF USEFUL DATA CALCULATION OF THERMOMETRIC SCALES. The Centigrade thermometer is always employed in scientific work, and differs from the Fahrenheit, in that the freezing point of water is taken as on the Centigrade, and 32 on the Fahrenheit scale ; and the boiling point on the former is 100, whilst in the latter 212. One scale can be readily converted into the other by the formulas: | (F.-82)=C. 9 C 5 CALCULATION OF CHANGE OF VOLUME IN A GAS, WITH ALTERATIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. The variations in volume, due to change of temperature and pressure, have made it necessary to fix a standard temperature and pressure at which all gases shall be measured, and for all scientific purposes C. and a barometric pressure equal to 760 mm. of mercury have been adopted, and called the " normal " temperature and pressure. Now it is evident that it would be practically impossible to secure these conditions, so that the usual method adopted is to measure the gas under ordinary circumstances, and having noted the temperature and pressure, to calculate what would be the volume under normal conditions of temperature and pressure, and this is done by the formula : v p_v l p 1 , t = ' t 1 where v = original volume. p = observed pressure. t ^observed temperature in (273 + C.) v 1 =required volume. p 1 = normal pressure. t 1 = normal temp. (273 + 0C.) This formula is adapted for any calculation as to change in volume, etc., by using v 1 , p l , and t 1 as may be required. 947 INDEX Abingdon generator, 390. Acetaldehyde, production of, 161. Acetic acid, formation from Acetylene of, 66. Acetone, solution of Acetylene in, 67, 131. Acetyl-alcohol made by Berthe- lot, 6. "Acetylator" bicycle lamp, 455. Acetylene accidentally made by Hare, 4 ; action of heat on, 102, 115 ; action of high tem- perature on, 46, 399, 495; action of sulphuric acid on, 141 ; action on anhydrous cupric chloride of, 149 ; action on cupric salts of, 148 ; action on mercury salts of, 158 ; action on metallic salts of, 143 ; action on metals of, 143, 162 ; action on silver salts of, 153 ; action on the nervous system of, 168. and copper, 146. and cuprous chloride, com- pound of, 150. argand burner, 561. as an analytical reagent, 152 ; as an illuminant, sanitary position of, 587 ; as a unit of light, 583. Berthelot's researches on, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 27, 33, 43, 45, 47, 58, 65, 67, 68, 79, 83, 91, 102, 115, 120, 129, 133, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142, 146, 153, 155, 159, 160, 167, 298, 693; bicycle lamps, 443 ; Birnbaum's researches on, 11 ; Boettger's researches on, 5, 45, 146, 153 ; burners, 532 ; carriage lamps, 463 ; Caze- neuve's researches on, 13, 14, 54 ; commercial possibility of, 173 ; comparative analyses of, 107 ; composition of, 6, 65 ; composi- tion of, as given by Davy, 2 ; decomposed by the electric arc, 29 ; decomposition under pressure of, 84 ; density of, 64 ; Destrem's researches on, 13 ; detection of, by ammoniacal cuprous and silver solutions, 4; De Wilde's researches on, 12. Acetylene diluted with carbon dioxide, 624 ; with carbon mon- oxide, 624 ; with coal gas, 619, 647 ; with hydrogen, 624 ; with methane, 625 ; with nitrogen, 625; with oil gas, 631; with water gas, 618. discovery of, 1 ; Dixon's researches on, 82 ; effect of heat on, 90 ; effect of light on, 133 ; effect of shock on, 88; electrical relations of, 100 ; explosive properties of, 83, 91, 96 ; Fittig's researches on, 10 ; flame, heat- ing effect of, 588 ; formation of acetic acid from, 66 ; forma- tion of benzene from, 66 ; formation of ethylene from, 66 ; formation of formic acid from, 66 ; formation of oxalic acid from, 66 ; formation of prussic acid from, 66. formed by electrolysis, 10 ; by incomplete combustion, 33 ; by the electric arc, 29 ; from barium carbide, 19. formula for, 64. for photographic purposes, 584 ; for printing and copying purposes, 586. found in the products of incomplete combustion, 10. gas engine tests with, 611. generators, classification of, 341. 949 INDEX Acetylene, Haller's researches on, 12 ; heat of combustion of, 65, 120 ; how prepared by Ber- thelot, 6 ; hydrate, 135 ; hy- gienic value of, 590. Illuminating Company, 215. illuminating power of, 595 ; impurities found in, 43 ; in- fluence of size of burner on, 531. installations, the fitting of, 441 ; the starting of, 443. - introduced into England, 346 ; Jahn's researches on, 13 ; Kekul6's researches, 10 ; Klet- zinsky's researches on, 10 ; KutscherofFs researches on, 13 ; Lewes' researches on, 105, 112, 113, 118, 392, 473, 489, 490, 492, 506, 521, 526, 527, 592, 620, 638. lighting at Wolverton station, 379. - limits of combustion of, 119 ; liquefaction of, 71 ; lumin- ous decomposition of, 113. - made by burning oxygen in methane, 10 ; by McLeod's method, 33; by Quet, 4; by sparking ether vapour, 12 ; by the action of hot alcoholic potash on ethylene dibromide, 11 ; from silver acetate and iodine, 11. Maquenhe's researches on, 19 ; McLeod's researches on ; 10 ; MiasnikofTs researches on, 7, 51, 153 ; Moissan's analysis of, 64 ; molecular weight of, 64 ; Odling's researches on, 12 ; oxidisation of, 65 ; photometric tests with, 521 ; Pizarello's researches on, 12 ; Polis' re- searches on, 43, 128 ; possibility of use of, 3 ; prepared from bromoform and powdered silver, 14 ; prepared from vinyl chloride, 7 ; presence in coal gas of, 5, 9 ; presence in lumin- ous hydrocarbon flames of, 116 ; price of, 591 ; production from alcohol vapour of, 4 ; produc- tion from calcium carbide of, 60; products of combustion of, 118 ; properties of, 2 ; puri- fication of, 53, 60 ; reaction of hydrogen on, 104 ; reaction of iron on, 103 ; reaction of nitro- gen on, 104 ; Beboul's re- searches on, 9; Reischauer's researches on, 5, 153 ; Bieth's researches on, 11, 35; Eoemer's researches on, 14, 43, 133, 137 ; SabanejefTs researches on, 11, 43, 51, 137, 138 ; Sawitsch's re- searches on, 7; search-lights, 468 ; signalling apparatus, 466 ; smell of, 66; solid, 97; solu- bility in acetone of, 67, 131; solubility of, 66; specific gravity of, 6, 65; Suckert's researches on, 75, 79, 97. Acetylene supply works at vari- ous towns, 425. - supply works in America 425 ; in Germany, 425 ; in Hungary, 425 ; in France, 425. synthesised by Berthelot, 7, 27 ; by Dewar, 13, 81. - table lamps, 469. - temperature of decomposi- tion of, 118 ; Tommasi's re- searches on, 13 ; toxic action of, 166 ; Truchot's researches on, 12. - used for projection work, 586. - Yielle's researches on, 68, 83, 91, 130; Villard's researches on, 66, 67, 74, 97, 135; Vogel's researches on, 5, 146, 153 ; weight of, 65; Willson's re- searches on, 75, 79, 97. " Acetylette " bicycle lamp, 458. Acetylite, 402. Acetyl-sulphuric acid made by Berthelot, 6. Acheson, researches of, 57. Achim, Acetylene supply works, at, 425. Acid mercuric chloride as a purifier, 500. solution of copper and iron salts as a purifier, 510. Acidulated chromic acid as a purifier, 513. Ackermann, researches of, 277. Action of Acetylene on anhy- drous cupric chloride, 149 ; on cupric salts, 148 ; on metallic salts, 143 ; on metals, 143, 162 ; on mercury salts, 158; on silver salts, 153 ; on the nervous system, 168. 950 INDEX Action of benzene on burner tips, 497. of chlorine on Acetylene, 136. of heat on Acetylene, 102, 115 ; on amorphous carbon, 82 ; on hydrocarbons, 5 ; on mono- sodium Acetylene, 144. - of high temperatures on Acetylene, 46. of hydrochloric acid on lime residues, 335. of iron on heated Acetylene, 103. of palladium, 134. of peroxide of hydrogen, 134. of platinum black on Acety- lene, 12, 134. - of potassium amalgam on chloroform, 10. - of silent discharge on hydrocarbon vapours, 12. of sulphuric acid on Acety- lene, 6, 141. After-generation of Acetylene in drip generators, 359. Ahrens, researches of, 502, 504. Air and Acetylene, ignition point of, 646. Albas sur le Lot, carbide works at, 317. Alby, carbide works at, 318. Alcohol flame, 117. vapour used to make Acety- lene, 4. Alcoholic potash, Acetylene made by action of a spark on, 4 ; action on ethylene dibromide of, 11. Aldehyde, formation of, 142. Alexandra's remarks on the Spanish carbide industry, 249. Allan and Morehead, researches of, 615. Allandorf, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Allen, researches of, 101. Allgemeine Carbid- und Acety- len-Gesellschaft, 230. Electricitats Gesellschaft, 227. Alumina in ash of coke, deter- mination of, 666. - in lime, determination of, 670. Aluminium, carbide of, 55 ; pro- perties of, 55. Aluminium sulphide, 336. Alzonne, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Amagat, researches of, 79. America, Acetylene supply works in, 425. American burners, 532; gener- ator, early type of, 362 ; hollow pole furnace, 234. Ammonia and its effects, 471, 491. in Acetylene, determina- tion of, 689. Ammoniacal cuprous chloride to detect Acetylene, 4. Amorphous carbon, action of heat on, 82. Analyses of crude carbide, 474. Analysis of ash from coke, 276, 665 ; of calcium carbide, 20, 672 ; of chalk, 267 ; of charcoal by Faisst, 277 ; of coke, method employed, 660; of lime, 668; of limestone, 267, 668; of metallic nodules in carbide, 332 ; of mountain limestone, 268; of South Wales anthra- cite, 272. Analytical reagent, Acetylene as an, 152. AngstrOm, researches of, 98. Anhydrous cuprous chloride, action of Acetylene on, 149. Ansdell, researches of, 72, 76. Anthracite coal, 271. Apparatus, Berthelot's synthetic, 27; Johnson's, 13; Jung- fleisch's, 13, 37; modification of Jungfleisch's, 41. Appendix of Useful Data, 937. Application to the Home Office re the use of mixed oil gas and Acetylene, Worth's, 650. Argand burners for Acetylene, 561. Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, 235. Arseniuretted hydrogen, 491. Arth, researches of, 157. Arudy sur le Gave d'Ossau, car- bide works at, 317. Arys, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Ash of coke, analysis of, 276, 665 ; determination of, 662. Astfalck and Schneller's electric furnace, 186. 951 INDEX Atmospheric Acetylene burners, 562. Attfield, researches of, 98. Austria, carbide works in, 318. Automatic generators, 341. Autun, origin of petroleum at, 58. Baeyer, researches of, 133, 137. I Bailey's generator, 374. Bamberger, researches of, 491, 677, 684. Banks, Sir Joseph, 175. Barcelona, carbide works at, 319. Barga, carbide works at, 319. Barium carbides, 55; formation of Acetylene from, 19. " Basle " burner, 538. Basset, researches of, 158. " Beacon " generators, 352. Becquerel, researches of, 178. Behal, researches of, 156, 157. Bellegarde sur la Ehone, carbide works at, 317. - sur la Valserine, carbide works at, 317. Benzene, Acetylene polymerised into, 6 ; formation from Acety- lene of, 66; researches of Amagat on, 79. vapour and its effects, 496. Berend, researches of, 137, 153. Berge, researches of, 160. Berge and Eeyschler, purifying process of, 500 ; reagent of, 514 ; researches of, 682. Bergmann, oxygen furnace of, 322 ; researches of, 134. Bernard, electric furnace of, 182 ; researches of, 167. Bern, carbide works at, 319. Berthelot, paper by, 100; re- searches of, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 27, 33, 43, 45, 47, 58, 65, 67, 68, 79, 83, 91, 102, 115, 120, 129, 133, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142, 146, 153, 159, 160, 167,298, 693 ; synthesis of Acetylene, 27, synthetic ap- paratus, 27. Bertin, researches of, 179. Bertrand-Taillet generator, 408. Berzelius, researches of, 145. Bicarburet of hydrogen, 63. Bicycle lamps, Acetylene, 443 ; burners for, 551 ; the " Acety- lator," 455 ; the " Acetylette," 458; the " Bundy," 453; the " Celolite,"454>; the "Excelsior," 447; the "Hutton," 462; the " Leuchtkugel," 451 ; the "Majestic," 451; the " Muns- terberg," 461; the "Pheno- menon," 449; the"Scharlach," 459 ; the " Solitaire," 455 ; the " Triumph," 450 ; the " Twen- tieth Century," 447; the "Veritas," 457; the "Wind- miller," 449 ; the " Yahr," 458. Biginelli, researches of, 160. Billwiller burner, 537 ; develop- ments of, 544 ; Photometric tests with, 539. Birnbaum, researches of, 11. Bischofswerder, Acetylene sup- ply works at, 425. Bistrow, researches of, 166. Bitterfeld, carbide works at, 225. Bituminous coal, 271. Blast furnace slag, 324. Bleaching powder (chloride of lime) as a purifier, 500. Blochmann, researches of, 147, 153, 155, 525. Blondel and Psarondatri, re- searches of, 570. Boettger, researches of, 5, 45, 146, 153. Boisbaudran, researches of, 98. Bondowerd, researches of, 123. Bondt, researches of, 46. Bone, experiments of, 29, 123, 133. Borchers, criticism of Moissan and Willson by, 23; electric furnace, 193, 262 ; process for making carbide, 322 ; re- searches of, 15, 22. Bouguer, introduction of the candle as the unit of light by 578. Bourgeois, researches of, 149. Bouzen, light supply of, 238. Bozel, carbide works, at, 317. Bradley, electric furnace of, 14 ; rotary electric furnace of, 209. Bray burner, 532. Bredel, researches of, 299. Bredig, researches of, 100. British Association, Davy's com- munication to, 1. Brociner, researches of, 168. Brodie, researches of, 145. 952 INDEX Bromine compounds, 137. Bromoform and powdered silver, Acetylene formed from, 14. Bruylants, researches of, 157. Buff, paper by, 46. Bullier and Perrodil, researches of, 330. - burner of, 543; electric furnace of, 220 ; patent taken out by, 22 ; researches of, 164, 282, 618. Bundy bicycle lamp, 453. Bunsen burner for Acetylene, difficulty of making, 562. Bunte, researches of, 43. Burch, researches of, 524. Burner, Argand, 561 ; atmos- pheric, 562; "Basle," 538; Bill- wilier, 537 ; Bray, 537 ; Bullier, 534; "Cockscomb," 554; Cru- veillier, 536 ; Dolan, 539 ; " Ep- worth Wonder," 558; French quadrant-tipped, 543 ; Gear- ing, 536 ; German union jet, 557 ; Hempel, 532 ; " Hera," 547; Holliday, 535; "Ideal," 560 - Lewes, 532; "Mush- room," 548 ; Naphey, 497, 539 ; Schulke, 547; "Slit," 556; " Stewart," 558. tip, action of benzene on, 497. Burners for bicycle lamps, 551 ; multiple jet," 554. Cailletet, researches of, 71. Cain, researches of, 123. Calcium] carbide, action of water on, 9 ; analysis of, 20 ; colour of, 329 ; first manu- factured at Spray, 21 ; made by Hare, 4; made by Moissan, 19 ; made by Tra- vers, 20 ; made by Willson, 16 ; made by Woehler, 9 ; made from calcium tartrate, 320; materials from which it is made, 264 ; metallic nodules in, 331 ; properties of, 306 ; re- searches on the residues from, 333 ; silicon in, 330 ; Woodside process for making, 321. oxide, composition of, 265 ; in the ash of coke, determina- tion of, 667. Calorific calculations, Landin's 260. Campbell, researches of, 134. Canada, carbide works in, 315. Candle introduced as the unit of light, 578. Carbide as a power transmitter, 601 ; commercial sizes for, 310 ; drums, 327 ; effects of over- heating on, 303; electrical energy used in making, 298 ; graphite in, 337 ; heat evolved during decomposition of, 355. making, carbon used for, 269 ; chemical process of, 173 ; gas-coke unsuited for, 273. - manufacture, importance of chemical analysis in, 659. of aluminium, 55 ; of bari- um, 55 ; of calcium, 55 ; of cerium, 56 ; of chromium, 57 ; of glucinium, 56 ; of lantha- num, 56 ; of manganese, 56 ; of molybdenum, 57 ; of sili- con, 57 ; of strontium, 55 ; of thorium, 56 ; of titanium, 57 ; of tungsten, 57; of uranium, 56 ; of vanadium, 57 ; of yttri- um, 56 ; of zirconium, 57. package of, 327. - sources of iron in, 336 ; storage of, 327, 329. - works at Bitterfeld, 225; at Foyers, 215 ; at Froges, near Grenoble, 223; at Hafslund, 229 ; at Ingleton, 256 ; at Leeds, 213; atMeran,237; atMerrit- ton, 201 ; at Montesquin, 249 ; at Narni, 243 ; at Niagara, 199 ; at Port San Martin, near Ivrea, 243 ; at Hhinefelden, 227 ; at San Marcello d'Aosta, 244; at Sarpsborg, 230; at Saulte Ste. Marie, 207; at Spray, 195 ; at Terni, 244. - w- in Austria, 318 ; in Canada, 315 ; in England, 316 ; in France, 317; in Finland, 318; in Germany, 316; in Italy, 318; in Norway, 318; in Russia, 318 ; in Spain, 319 ; in Sweden, 318; in Switzer- land, 319; in the United States, 316. works, power used for, 284. I Carbides, formation of, 174. j Carbolite, 324. 953 INDEX Carbon growths on Acetylene burners, 533. Carbon dioxide gas at St. Nec- taire, 59. monoxide, 307 ; Acetylene diluted with, 624 ; effects of, 494, 504 ; poisonous action of, 307. used for carbide making, 269 ; in synthesising Acety- lene, 28. Carborundum, 57. Carcel lamp as a unit of light, 580. Carlson, researches of, 282. Carnot, researches of, 274. Caro, holder relief valve, 439 ; researches of, 139, 383, 392, 420, 475, 480, 482, 486, 487, 488, 492. Carriage Acetylene lamps, 463 ; the " Munsterberg," 465; the " Scharlach," 465. Causes of impurity in crude carbide, 470. leading to chemical decom- position, 174. Cazeneuve, researches of, 13, 14, 54. Cederkreutz and Lunge, re- searches of, 675, 683. researches of, 500. Cerium, carbide of, 56. " Cetolite " cycle lamp, 454. Chalk, analysis of, 267. Character of the light emitted by Acetylene, 575. Charcoal, Faisst's analysis of, 277. Chavastelon, researches of, 150, 156, 694. Chemical decomposition, causes leading to, 174. process of carbide making, 173. Chicago, carbide works at, 316. Children, researches of, 179. Chloride of lime (bleaching powder) as a purifier, 500. Chlorine, properties when mixed with Acetylene, 8, 136. Chloroform, action of potassium amalgam on, 10. Choice of dynamo for carbide works, 288. Chromium, carbide of, 57. Classification of generators, 341. Claude, researches of, 67, 96. Clerc's electric furnace, 180. Clowes, researches of, 161. Coal and its origin, 269. gas, Acetylene diluted with, 619, 647 ; influence of size of burner on, 531; methods em- ployed in the enrichment of, 650, 654 ; presence of Acety- lene in, 5, 9. Cobalt, action of Acetylene on, 162. " Cockscomb " burners, 554. Coke, 272 ; method of analysing, 660. Colour of calcium carbide, 329. Combustible and volatile matter in coal, determination of, 661. Combustion of Acetylene, limits of, 119 ; products of, 118. . of methane, 629. Commercial carbide, nitrogen in, 334. possibility of Acetylene, 173. sizes for carbide, 310. Comparative analysis of Acety- lene made by Lewes, 107; of limestone used at different continental works, 268. hygienic effects of different illuminants, 599. pecuniary value of different illuminants, 592. Comparison between the cost of Acetylene and coal gas, 589, 592. between Frank & Ullmann's purifying processes, 516; of the explosive limits of various gases mixed with air, 122 ; of various globes, 571. Composite " Hera " burners, 548 ; Naphey burners, 541. Composition of Acetylene, 2 ; according to Berthelot, 6. - of calcium oxide, 265 ; of coke, 274. Compound of Acetylene with cuprous chloride, 150. Compounds of bromine, 137 ; of iodine, 138. Confusion between potassium carbide and potassium car- bonyl, 145. Continuous feed furnaces, 183, 187. 954 INDEX Contradti, carbon electrodes made by, 305. Conversion of power into elec- trical energy in carbide works, 286. Copper Acetylene, 146 ; examined by Berthelot, 8. action of liquid Acetylene on, 164. Copying, the use of Acetylene for, 586. Corodenbeath, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Cost of Acetylene and coal gas, comparison between, 589, 592. Cost of Frank's purifying mix- ture, 512 ; of making carbide at Meran, 315 ; of Ullmann's purifying mixture, 515. Cowles electric furnace, 15, 180, 181, 183; patent furnace lin- ing, 15. Cramer, researches of, 598. Crampagna, carbide works at, 317. Crastin, researches of, 609. Cremieux, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Crompton's electric furnace, 184, 255. Crova, researches of, 146. Crude Acetylene, causes of phos- phuretted hydrogen in, 264; Wolffs analysis of, 474. carbide, causes of impurity in, 470. Crushing machinery, Speyerer's, 310. Cruveillier's burner, 536. Cuinat, researches of, 612. Cupric salts, action of Acety- lene on, 148. Cuprous chloride and Acety- lene, compound of, 150. chloride, how to prepare, 28. Cyanogen flame, 117. Cycle lamp reflectors, 445. Daaden, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Dalton, researches of, 46. Danger from Acetylene and air mixtures, 428 ; prevention of, 432. Davy, Edmund, 1, 54, 63, 64, 118, 136, 145, 521. - Sir Humphrey, 14, 175, 523, researches of, 48. De Chalmot, King and More- head's carbide works, 199. Decomposition, causes leading to chemical, 174 ; of Acety- lene by the electric arc, 29 ; of Acetylene, ultimate pro- ducts of, 105; of Acetylene under pressure, 84 ; of carbide, heat evolved during, 355; of ethylene, 47, 48; of ethylene bromide, 51 ; of ethylene chlo- ride, 51 ; of liquid Acetylene, 87. De Forcrand, researches of, 136. Deimann, researches of, 45. Density of Acetylene, 64 ; of liquid Acetylene, 77. Denzel, researches of, 138. Description of Berthelot's syn- thetic apparatus, 27. Desiderata in a good generator, 354. Despretz, electric furnace, 179, 193 ; researches of, 135, 177. Destrem, researches of, 13. Destructive distillation, Acety- lene in the products of, 5. Detection of Acetylene by am- moniacal cuprous and silver solutions, 4. Determination of the ammonia in Acetylene, 689 ; of the ash of coke, 662 ; of the calcium oxide in the ash of coke, 667 ; of the gas-yielding power of calcium carbide, 672, 675, 676 ; of the iron and alumina in lime, 670; of the iron and alumina in the ash of coke, 666 ; of the lime and magnesia in lime, 671 ; of the magnesia in the ash of coke, 668 ; of the manganese in the ash of coke, 667 ; of the moisture in coal, 661 ; of the moisture in coke, 661 ; of the phosphorus in coke, 663; of the phosphorus in lime, 672 ; of the phosphuret- ted hydrogen in Acetylene, 682, 686 ; of the silica in lime, 669 ; of the silica in the ash of coke, 665 ; of the sulphuret- ted hydrogen in Acetylene, 955 INDEX 687; of the sulphuretted hy- drogen in crude Acetylene, 681 ; of the sulphur in coke, 663 ; of the sulphur in lime, 671 ; of the volatile and com- bustible matter in coal, 661. Detonation of Acetylene, 79, 92. Deutschen Gold und Silber Scheide Anstalt, 251. Developments of the Bill wilier burner, 544. Deville and Debray, lime used by, 190. Dewar and Liveing, researches of, 525. Dewar, on the spectrum of hydrocarbons, 98 ; recounts an experiment of Ramsay's, 140 ; synthesis of Acetylene by, 13, 31. De Wilde, researches of, 12, 51, 134. Dibden's researches, 580 ; ten candle unit of light, 582, 621. Dickerson generator, 400; re- searches of, 615. Difference between illuminating power and effect, 565. Different origins of petroleum, 58. Difficulty of making a Bunsen burner for Acetylene, 562. Diluted Acetylene, 615. Discovery of Acetylene, 1; of calcium carbide by Woehler, 9 ; of metallic acetylides, 5. Dissociation of gaseous com- pounds, 47. Dixon, researches of, 82, 83. Dolan's burner, 539. Dollner, researches of, 487. Double salts of silver Acetylene and silver nitrate, 156; of silver Acetylene and silver sulphate, 156. Drawbacks to the Naphey burner, 543. "Drip" generating apparatus, 341 ; after generation in, 359. Durenberg, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Dust nuisance in electric fur- naces, 205. E Early form of burners used for Acetylene, 532. form of French burners, 534. type of American genera- tor, 362. Economic values of the two car- bide processes, 250. Effect of ammonia, 471, 491 ; of benzene vapour, 496 ; of fog, mist or smoke on illuminants, 573 ; of heat on Acetylene, 90, 399, 495; of light on Acety- lene, 133 ; of overheating car- bide, 303 ; of phosphuretted hydrogen, 470 ; of shocks on Acetylene, 88 ; of siliciuretted hydrogen, 490; of sulphur- etted hydrogen, 490 ; of various reagents on Acetylene, 692. Electrical energy required in making carbide, Bredel's calculations, 299 ; Pictet's cal- culations, 300 ; Sieber's calcu- lations, 300. energy used in making carbide, 298. - relations of Acetylene, 100. Electric arc, calcium carbide first made in, 4 ; decomposi- tion of Acetylene by, 29 ; for- mation of Acetylene by, 29; gaseous products of, 178 ; tem- perature of, 177. - furnace, Bernard Freres', 182 ; Borcher's, 193, 262 ; Bradley 's, 14; Bradley 's ro- tary, 209; Bullier's, 220; Clerc's, 180; Cowles', 15, 180, 181; Crompton's, 184, 255; Despretz, 179, 193 ; Frankfort, 251; Gin and Leleux's, 239; Girard and Street's, 187; Heroult's, 183, 223 ; " Horry " rotary, 207 ; Joules and Thompson's, 179 ; Kiliani's, 184 ; King and Wyatt's, 194 ; Landin's, 259; Laval's, 187; Maxim-Graham, 194 ; Mem- mo's, 246 ; Moissan's, 188 ; Napier's, 179; Niagara, 200; Parker's, 185; Patin's, 262; Pichon's, 179; Pictet's, 255; pre-heating, 255, 259; Eathe- nau's, 227; Eeadman's, 184; 956 INDEX Keuleaux's, 184 ; Schneller and Astfalck's, 186 ; Siemens- Halske, 230 ; Siemens', 15, 180 ; Willson's, 185. Electric furnaces, dust nuisance in, 205 ; in use at Foyers, 219 ; reintroduced by Siemens, 174. Electricitats Aktien G-esell- schaft, 229. Electricity, dissociation of gaseous compounds by, 47. Electrodes, manufacture of, 305. Electroid gas, 618. Electrolysis used to form Acety- lene, 10. Electro-metallurgy, Borcher on, 15, 22. Ellerbeck, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Eltekoff, researches of, 141. England, carbide works in, 316. Enrichment of coal gas, method used for the, 650, 654. Epierre, carbide works at, 317. " Epworth Wonder " burner, 558. Erdmann, criticised by Hoff- man, 161 ; researches of, 142, 144, 151, 160, 576. Ether vapour, formation of Acetylene from, 12. Ethylene bromide, decomposi- tion of, 51 ; preparation of Acetylene from, 7. chloride, decomposition of, 51 ; De Wilde's researches on, 51 ; preparation of Acetylene from, 9. dibromide, action of alco- holic potash on, 11. - decomposition of, 46; di- luted, 626; formation from Acetylene of, 66 ; Lewes's re- searches on, 49 ; liquid hydro- carbons formed from, 49 ; made by Berthelot, 6 ; re- searches of Magnus on, 46 ; researches of Marchand on, 46. " Excelsior " cycle lamp, 447. Exley's generator, 367 ; purify- ing process, 520. Experimental drip generator, 341. Experiments as to the penetra- tive power of different illu- minants, 574. Experiment with ~ " dipping " generators, 396 ; with " drip " generators, 394. Explosion of Acetylene at at- mospheric pressures, 602. of pure Acetylene, propa- gation of, 650. Explosive character of chlorine and Acetylene mixtures, 8. limits of various gases mixed with air, comparison of, 122. power of pure and diluted Acetylene, 636. properties of Acetylene, 96, 429 ; of gaseous Acetylene, 83, 91. Faisst, analysis of charcoal by, 277. Faure, researches of, 179. Favre, researches of, 628. Feischmann, researches of, 164. Fery's Acetylene unit of light, 583 ; researches, 577. Finland, carbide works in, 318. First Acetylene generator, 339. Fittig, researches of, 10. Fitting Acetylene installations, 441. Flame, luminosity of, 523 ; tem- perature of, and its import- ance, 628. Fog, effect on illuminants of, 573. Forbes generator, 347. Formation of Acetylene by the electric arc, 29 ; of aldehyde, 142 ; of carbides, 174 ; of thio- phane, 141. Formic acid, formation from Acetylene of, 66. Formula for Acetylene, 64. Fouque, free hydrogen collected by, 59. Fourchotte generator, 378. Fourcroy, researches of, 46. Fournier, researches of, 65. Fownes, researches of, 26. Fox, researches of, 179. Foyers, carbide works at, 215, 316 ; electric furnaces in use at, 219 ; process for preventing waste of electrode in use at, 205. 957 INDEX France, Acetylene supply works in, 425 ; carbide works in, 317. Frank, purifying process of, 510; researches of, 118, 140, 167, 493. Frank and Hilpert, phosphorus process of, 475. Frank and Ullmann's processes, comparison of, 516. Frankfort-a-M., carbide works at, 316 ; electric furnace at, 251. Frank! and, E., researches of, 524. P., researches of, 626. Fraser, letter from Willson to, 18; patent solicitor of Will- son, 16. Frauenberg, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Fredureau globes, 571. French automatic generator, 410. Freund, researches of, 152. Friedland, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Froges, carbide works at, 223, 317. Fuchs, researches of, 67. Fuchs and Schiff, researches of, 676. Furnace coke, 273. - lining patented by Cowles, 15. G Gas coke unsuited for carbide making, 273. engine power for carbide works, 285. - engine tests with Acety- lene, 611. - produced, influence of generator on, 421. referees, regulations of the, 579. Gaseous Acetylene, explosive properties of, 83. compounds, dissociation of, 47. products of the electric arc, 178. Gearing burner, 536 ; generator, 347. General comparison of various illuminants, 599. Generator, " Abingdon," 390 ; " Acetylite," 402 ; Bailey's, 374; "Beacon," 352; Bert- rand-Taillet, 408; desiderata in a good, 354; Dickerson's, 400 ; early type of American, 362; Exley's, 367; Forbes', 347 ; Fourchotte, 378 ; French automatic, 410 ; Gearing's, 347 ; Gibbs', 409 ; Graetz, 381 ; Grubb's, 377; " Haus Cent- rale," 413; Button's, 378; " Ideal," 363 ; influence of the generator on the gas produced, 421 ; influence of the genera- tor on the residue, 422 ; Kay's "Manchester," 351; Kipp's, 342 ; " Kleine Centrale," 413 ; " Liver " or " Sovereign," 389 ; " Midland," 350 ; Owen's, 382 ; "Perfection," 412; Pictet's, 401; Pintsch's, 414; Read- Holliday's, 368; Boss's, 405; Sardi, 388; Sigurdsson, 403; Strode, 406 ; " Sunbeam," 386 ; " Sunlight," 366 ; Szepezynski, 407 ; " Thorscar," 370 ; Trouve, 380. Generators, automatic, 341 ; classification of, 341; Latch, 408 ; non-automatic, 341 ; port- able, 468 ; safety water seals for, 438; screw, 406; valve, 402. Geneva, carbide works at, 319. Gerard, researches of, 332, 333, 490. Gerdes, criticised by Grittner, 164; researches of, 127, 163, 432, 471, 617, 632. German union jet burners, 557. Germany, Acetylene supply works in, 425 ; carbide works in, 316. Gibbs' generator, 409. Gin and Leleux, carbide pro- cess, 236 ; paper by, 303 ; ven- tilators, 309. Girard and Street, electric fur- nace of, 187. Globes, comparison between dif- ferent kinds, 571 ; Fredureau, 571; Holophane, 570; use of, 570. Glucinium, carbide of, 156. Goettig, purifying process of, 510 ; researches of, 518. 958 INDEX Goldberg and Ullmann, re- searches of, 515. Graetz generator, 381. Granulating machinery, Spey- erer's, 284. Graphite in carbide, 337. Gray, researches of, 178. Grehant, researches of, 167. Grittner, researches of, 164. Grossenlinden, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Grover, researches of, 602. Grubb's generator, 377. Guequen, researches of, 526. Guttstadt, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Haber, researches of, 108, 112, 114, 118, 399, 496. Hafslund, carbide works at, 229, 318. Haller, researches of, 12. Hamekoski, carbide works at, 318. Handkop, researches of, 278. Harcourt's pentane unit of light, 581. ten candle unit of light, 582. Hare, calcium carbide and Acetylene made by, 4. Hartenstein, carbide process of, 322. Hartman, researches of, 578. Haselberg, paper by, 100. Hassfurt, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Hautefeuille, researches of, 56. Hautes Alpes, sur le Buech, carbide works at, 317. Haute Savoie sur 1'Arve, car- bide works at, 317. Haze arising from impurities in Acetylene, 470. Heat, action on Acetylene of, 102, 115 ; action on amorphous carbon of, 82 ; effect on Acety- lene of, 90, 399 ; evolved during decomposition of carbide, 355. Heating effect of the Acetylene flame, 588. Heat of combustion of Acety- lene, 65, 120. Hecht, researches of, 46. Hefner Alteneck unit of light, 580. Hempel and Karl, researches of, 686. Hempel burner, 532. Henry, researches of, 46. Hera burners, 547. Heroult's electric furnace, 183, 223. Hess, researches of, 67. Heumann, researches of, 525. High temperature, action on Acetylene of, 46. Hilgard, researches of, 525. Hille, Acetylene engine made by, 613. Hilpert and Frank, phosphorus process of, 475. Hittorf , researches of, 98. Hoffman, researches of, 161. Hofman, paper by, 46 ; re- searches of, 149, 151. Holliday burner, 535. Holophane globes, 570. Hopf, machinery made by, 242. Horry rotary electric furnace, 207. Houston, Kenelly and Kinni- cutt, report by, 195. Humboldt, hypothesis advanced by, 58. Hungary, Acetylene supply works in, 425. Hunmanby, electroid gas used at, 618. Hutton cycle lamp, 462 ; gener- ator, 378. Hydrate of Acetylene, 135. Hydrocarbon vapours, action of silent discharge on, 12. Hydrocarbons, action of heat on, 5 ; formation from ethylene of, 49 ; researches on the spectrum of, 97. Hydrochloric acid, action on lime residue of, 335. Hydrogen, Acetylene diluted with, 624 ; effects of, 630 ; re- action on Acetylene of, 104. Hygienic value of Acetylene, 590. " Ideal " burner, 560 ; generator, 363. Ignition point in mixtures of air and Acetylene, 646. 959 INDEX Illuminant, possibility of using Acetylene as an, 3. Illuminants, the effect of fog, mist, or smoke on, 573. Illuminating power and effect, difference between, 565. power of Acetylene, 595. value of a gas, 522. value of hydrogen as a di- luent, 630. value of methane, 629. Imabro, carbide works at, 318. Immersed volcanoes at Santorin, 59. Importance of chemical analysis in carbide manufacture, 659. of flame temperature, 628. of purification in Acetylene, 472. Impurities found in Acetylene, 43 ; in coke, 275 ; in wood charcoal, 277 ; injurious, 499 ; non - injurious, 499 ; to be avoided in lime used for car- bide, 266. Impurity in crude carbide, causes of, 470. Incandescent metallic thread, detonation of Acetylene by, 92. Incomplete combustion, Acety- lene found in the products of, 10, 33. Ingleton, carbide works at, 256. Influence of the generator on the gas produced, 421, 673 ; on im- purities in the gas, 489, 492 ; on the residue, 422. of the pressure on impuri- ties in the gas, 489. of size of burner in Acety- lene lighting, 531 ; in coal gas lighting, 531. Injurious effects of overheating carbide, 303. - impurities, 499. Introduction of Acetylene into England, 346. of the candle as the unit of light, 578. Iodine and silver acetate, Acety- lene made from, 11. compounds, 138. Iron, action of Acetylene on, 162 ; action on heated Acetylene of, 103. in carbide, sources of, 336. Iron in lime, determination of, 670 ; in the ash of coke, deter- mination of, 666. Italy, Carbide works in, 318. Ivrea, carbide works at, 318. Jacobsohn, researches of, 487. Jahn, researches of, 13. Jajce, carbide works at, 318. Jerdan, experiments by, 29. Johannisburg, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Johnson, apparatus of, 13. Jones, researches of, 101. Joule and Thompson, electric furnace of, 179. Jungfleisch, apparatus of, 13, 37. -- apparatus, modification of, 41. -- researches of, 136. K Karl and Hempel, researches of, 686. Kay's " Manchester " generator, 351. Keat's lamp as the unit of light, 580. Keiser, researches of, 148, 154, 157, 159, 160. Kekule, researches of, 10. Kellner Partington Paper Pulp Company, 230. Kelvin, Letter to Willson from, 17. Kenan, researches of, 339. Kend, carbide works at, 318. Kenelly, Kinnicutt and Houston, report by, 195. Kieselguhr, used in purifying mixtures, 511. Kiliani, electric furnace of, 184. King and Wyatt's furnace, 197. King, Morehead & de Chalmont's carbide works, 199. Kinnicutt, Houston and Kenelly, report by, 195. Kipp's generator, 342. Kletzinsky, researches of, 10. Klosters, carbide works at, 319. Klumene, 63. , . Koehner, criticised by Hoffman, } by 161; researches of, 144, 151 160. 960 INDEX Krueger, researches of, 139, 140. Kuespert, researches of, 149, 151. Kutscheroff, researches of, 13, 158, 160. La Bastide de Levis, carbide works at, 317. La Bathie, carbide works at, 317. - 1'Arbine, carbide works at, 317. Lagermark, researches of, 141. Landin, calorific calculations of, 260 ; carbide process, 257, 309 ; electric furnace, 259. Landolt, researches of, 525. Lanthanum, carbide of, 56. La Praz sur 1'Arc, carbide works at, 317. Latch generators, 408. Lauffeu-a-M., carbide works at, 316. Laurent, 63. Lauwerenberg, researches of, 45. Laval, electric furnace of, 187. Lebeau, researches of, 56. Le Castelet, carbide works at, 317. Lechatelier, researches of, 118, 123, 330, 335, 490, 562, 609; thermo-couple, 393. Lechbruck, carbide works at, 316. Leeds, carbide works at, 213. Legal enactments for various countries, 697. LEGAL ENACTMENTS : Abstract of Petroleum Acts, 702. Acetylene mixed with air, 716. America, 716. Application for license, Lon- don County Council, 715! Austria, 742. Belgium, 766. City of London Regulations, 710. Compressed acetylene and oil gas, 701. Conditions of License : City of London, 708. London County Council, 713. Denmark, 773. Denmark, Copenhagen, 768. LEGAL ENACTMENTS (continued) : Explosive Acts relating to Acetylene, 700-707. Finland, 773. Fire Insurance Regulations Austria, 783. Belgium, 779. Denmark, 783. England, 783. Finland, 783. France, 778. Germany, 776. Hungary, 783. Netherlands, 783. Russia, 783. Spain, 782. Sweden, 780. Switzerland, 777. France, 763. German Traific Regulations, 784. Germany Alsace, 742. Altenburg, 738. Anhalt, 738. Baden, 736. Bavaria, 730. Berlin, 728. Bremen, 741. Coburg Gotha, 737. Hamburg, 740. Hessen Darmstadt, 736. Lippek Detmold, 739. Lubeck, 741. Munich, 730. Nurnberg, 732. Oldenburg, 737. Reuss Schleiz Gera, 739. Saxe Meiningen, 738. Saxe Weimar, 737. Saxony, 730. Schaumburg Lippe, 739. Schwarzburg Rudilstadt, 739. Schwarzburg Sonderhausen, 739. Wurttemburg, 735. Hungary, 773. Italy, 773. Luxemburg, 773. Netherlands, 773. Norway, 767. Portugal, 773. Prussia, 726. Prussian States, 729. Roumania, 772. Russia, 773. 961 61 INDEX LEGAL ENACTMENTS (continued] : Spain, 773. Sweden, 773. Switzerland Appensell, 744. Basle, 745. Basle district, 747. Bellinsona, 757. Bern, 748. Lucerne, 751. Neuchatel, 752. Niederwalden, 753. Schaffhausen, 754. St. Gallen, 749. Tessin, 755. Uiiterwalden, 758. Wallis, 759. Zug, 760. Zurich, 761. Turkey, 773. Petroleum Acts relating to carbide, 698. Leleux and Gin, electric furnace of, 239 ; paper by, 303 ; venti- lators, 309. Leiitin, researches of, 179. Lessing, carbon electrodes made by, 305. Letter from Kelvin to Willson, 17 ; from Willson to Eraser, 18 ; from Willson to Kelvin, 17. " Leuchtkugel " cycle lamp, 451. Lewes and Eedwood, researches of, 429. Lewes, burner, 532 ; method for utilisation of carbide dust, 311 ; researches of, 50, 105, 112, 113, 118, 392, 473, 489, 490, 492, 506, 521, 526, 527, 592, 620, 627, 638. Liebetanz, researches of, 481. Liebig, researches of, 145. Liebrich, researches of, 166. Light, effect on Acetylene of, 133. - emitted by Acetylene cha- racter of, 575. given per gallon of oil, 595. Limagne, origin of petroleum at, 58. Lime, analysis of, 668 ; composi- tion of, 265 ; method of pre- paring it for carbide, 265 ; quality of, 266 ; residues of, 334, 418. - and magnesia in lime, de- termination of, 671. Limestone, analysis of, 266. Limits of combustion of Acety- lene, 119. Linde, researches of, 322. Lining for the electric furnace, patented by Cowles, 15. Liquefaction of Acetylene, 71. Liquid Acetylene, action on cop- per of, 164 ; decomposition of, 87. hydrocarbons formed from ethylene, 49. List of carbide works, 316. Liveing and Dewar, researches of, 525. - on the spectrum of hydro- carbons, 98. " Liver " or " Sovereign " gener- ator, 389. Ljubawin, researches of, 143. Lobhonitz, carbide works at, 318. Lonza, carbide works at, 319. Low temperatures, explosibility of Acetylene at, 96. Love, researches of, 618. Luchaire, researches of 537. Ludstrom, researches of, 494. Luminosity of flame, 523. Luminous decomposition of Acetylene, 113. Lunge and Cederkreutz, re- searches of, 675, 683. researches of, 500. M Magnesia in lime, determination of, 671. - in the ash of coke, deter- mination of, 668. Magnus, researches of, 46. Mailfert, researches of, 134. " Majestic " cycle lamp, 451. Mallard, researches of, 609. " Manchester " generator, 350. Maneuvrier, researches of, 65. Manganese, carbide of, 56 ; in the ash of coke, 667. Manufacture of calcium carbide at Spray, 21. of electrodes, 305. Maquenne, researches of, 19, 54, 82, 83, 174. Marcenat, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Marchand, researches of, 46. Matei, carbide works at, 318. 962 INDEX Materials from which calcium carbide is made, 264. Maxim-Graham electric furnace, 194. May, researches of, 149, 152. McLeod, researches of, 10, 33. Memmo electric furnace, 246. Mendeleef, researches of, 58. Meran, carbide works at, 237 ; cost of making carbide at, 315. Mercuric fulminate, detonation of Acetylene by, 79. Mercury salts, action of Acety- lene on, 158. Merritton, carbide works at, 201. Metallic acetylides, discovery of, 5. carbides, 21. - nodules in carbide, 331. salts, action of Acetylene on, 143. - sulphides in carbide, 336. thread, detonation of Acety- lene by, 92. Metallurgic coke, 273. researches of Willson, 15. Metals, action of Acetylene on, 143, 162. Methane, Acetylene diluted with, 625 ; action of an induc- tion spark on, 7 ; combustion of, 629 ; formation from ethy- lene of, 46 ; illuminating value of, 629 ; synthesis of, 30. Method employed in analysing coke, 660. of preparing lime for car- bide, 265. Methods employed for the enrich- ment of coal gas, 654. for making carbide with- out electricity, 319. Methven screen, 580. Meyer, researches of, 120, 141. Mezotur, Acetylene supply works at, 245. Miasnikoff, researches of, 7, 51, 153. Micassy, carbide works at, 317. " Midland " generator, 350. Milford (Delaware), Acetylene supply works at, 425. N.Y., Acetylene supply works at, 425. Mist, effect on illuminants of, 573. Mixtures of air and Acetylene ignition point of, 646. Modern dynamo used in carbide works, 289. Modification of Jungfleisch's apparatus, 41. Moissan, analysis of Acetylene by, 64 ; criticised by Borchers, 23 ; electric furnace of, 188 ; researches of, 19, 54, 56, 57, 58, 108, 144, 162, 167, 188, 282, 329, 334, 335, 475, 481, 490, 529. Moisture in coal, determination of, 661. in coke, determination of, 661. Molecular weight of Acetylene, 64. Molteni, researches of, 587. Molybdenum, carbide of, 57. Mono-sodium Acetylene, action of heat on, 144. Montesquin, carbide works at, 249. Morehead and Allan, researches of, 615. Morehead, King, and de Chal- mont's carbide works, 199. Morren, researches of, 98. Morton, researches of, 47. Mouneyrat, researches of, 137. Mountain limestone, analysis of, 268. Mourren, researches of, 162. Muller, researches of, 138. Multiple jet burners, 554. Munsterberg, carriage lamp, 465 ; cycle lamp, 461 ; researches of, 575. Murlot, researches of, 481, 487. " Mushroom " burners, 548. N Naphey burner, 539 ; composite form of, 541 ; drawbacks to, 543. Napier, electric furnace of, 179. Narni, carbide works at, 243. Nervous system, action of Acety- lene on, 168. Neuberg, researches of, 611, 613. Neuhausen, carbide works at, 319. New Milford, Acetylene supply works at, 425. 963 INDEX Niagara, carbide works at 199 ; electric furnace at, 200. Nickel, action of Acetylene on, 162. Nickles, researches of, 146, 163. Nitrogen, Acetylene diluted with, 625 ; in commercial car- bide, 334, 495 ; reaction on Acetylene of, 104. Nomenclature, system of, 63. Non-automatic generators, 341. Non-injurious impurities in Acetylene, 499. Norway, carbide works in, 318. Notodden, carbide works at, 318. Noyes, researches of, 48. Nurnberg, supply of burners from, 541. Observations on the electric fur- nace by Sterry Hunt, 15. Odling, researches of, 12. Oechelhaeuser, researches of, 108. Oil gas, Acetylene diluted with, 631. generators, 440. light given per gallon, 595. Oliva, Acetylene supply works at, 424, 425. Oliver, paper by, 168. Ontario, carbide works at, 316. Oreba, carbide works at, 318. Organic sulphur compounds in carbide, 336. Origin of coal, 269. Owen's generator, 440. Oxalic acid, formation from Acetylene of, 66. Oxidation of Acetylene, 65. Oxygen furnace, Bergemann's, 322. Package of carbide, 327. Palladium, action of, 134. Palolo, Acetylene supply works at, 165. Paris, carbide works at, 317. Parker, electric furnace of, 185. Passenheim, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Patent taken out by Bullier, 22. - taken out by Willson, 18. PATENTS : Abeles, No. 20646 (1898,), 926. Acetylene Illuminating Co., No. 7373 (1898), 922. Acetylene Light Syndicate, No. 25952 (1897), 834. Ackermann, No. 14278 (1896), 800. - No. 19536 (1897), 933. Adolfsson, No. 19345 (1899), 907. - No. 23937 (1899), 909. Ageron, No. 22648 (1897), 830. Alexandre, No. 5913 (1897), 817. No. 16728 (1896), 802. - No. 26325 (1897), 834. Allgemeine Carbid-und-Ace- tylen Gesellschaft, No. 4446 (1898), 848. Andersen, No. 7400 (1899), 897. Appelby and Harris, No. 5976 (1896), 796. Arkell-Bailey and Clapharn, No. 26269 (1897), 834. Arnot, No. 1760 (1898), 844. Aschermann, No. 7423 (1898), 922. Atkinson, No. 20468 (1895), 792. No. 13147 (1896), 800. Aykroyd, No. 16344 (1897), 824. No. 868 3 (1898), 922. Bablon, No. 25224 (1896), 809. Bailey and Clapham, No. 22826 (1898), 884. - No. 17127 (1898), 925. Bailey and Nicklin, No. 22918 (1897), 830. - No. 24785 (1899), 887. Baldwin and Crastin, No. 5445 (1897), 817. Barker, No. 21698 (1896), 806. Barltrop, No. 10684 (1898), 858. - No. 21576 (1898), 882. Barnard, No. 17090 (1897), 825. No. 19319 (1898), 827. No. 457 (1898), 842. No. 490 (1898), 842. Barratt, No. 2699 (1899), 892. Barthez, No. 9294 (1897), 819. No. 25870 (1897), 833. Bartlett, No. 11910 (1898), 860. Bartmann, No. 15406 (1899), 905. 964 INDEX PATENTS (continued) : Bastick and Thornton, No. 29008 (1897), 918. Baughan, No. 30272 (1897), 840. Bauweraerts, No. 11706 (1896), 912. No. 11707 (1896), 931. - No. 11708 (1896), 799. - No. 15369 (1897), 916. Bayley, No. 19771 (1895), 792. - No. 322 (1896), 793. - No. 6739 (1896), 796. - No. 14816 (1899), 903. Bean and Ringwood, No. 5756 (1897), 817. No. 2428 (1897), 815. No. 14700 (1897), 916. - No. 21114 (1897), 829. - No. 6029 (1899), 928. Beaumont, No. 2534 (1898), 846. Becherel, No. 23289 (1896), 807. - No. 23290 (1896), 807. Beck, No. 22850 (1897), 830. No. 636 (1899), 889. Beech and Jones, No. 24409 (1898), 887. Bell, No. 19411 (1897), 828. Benjamin, No. 27065 (1897) 835. Berger, No. 4113 (1898), 848. - No. 16457 (1898), 869. - No. 4223 (1899), 893. Bergmann, No. 29258 (1897), 839. - No. 29384 (1897), 918. Bilbie and Drivet, No. 10985 (1898), 858. - No. 18543 (1898), 885. - No. 19786 (1898), 925. Billwiller, No. 29980 (1896), 932. No. 28003 (1897), 918. - No. 14050 (1898), 865. Blakeley, No. 5150 (1896), 797. Boettcher, No. 8765 (1899), 898. Bohne, No. 15423 (1898), 868. Bond, No. 25189 (1897), 833. - No. 26842 (1897), 835. No. 26843 (1897), 917. No. 7777 (1898), 852. No. 23346 (1898), 926. - No. 15336 (1899), 904. - No. 2186 (1899), 891. Bosca, No. 4675 (1897), 915. Boss, No. 19369 (1898), 879. PATENTS (continued) : Boter, No. 16345 (1896), 801. Boule, No. 29054 (1897), 839. Bournoiiville, No. 1013 (1898) r 842. Bowers, No. 13511 (1896), 800. - No. 16975 (1897), 825. - No. 8825 (1898), 854. Bray, No. 21197 (1898), 934. - No. 22054 (1898), 934. Bridges, No. 14984 (1899), 904. British Acetylene Gas Gener- ator Co., No. 14432 (1898), 865. British Pure Acetylene Gas Synd., No. 11970(1898), 861. Browett, No. 19549, (1898), 880. Bryant, No. 28824 (1897), 838. Bucher, No. 25297 (1898), 888. Buffington, No. 23802 (1897), 831. No. 17920 (1898), 874. No. 17587 (1898). 873. Bull, No. 18355 (1897), 826. Bullier, No. 6101 (1895), 911. No. 1953 (1895), 910. No. 2820 (1895), 910. No. 16255 (1896), 913. Cahen, No. 17631 (1899), 930. Caldicott, No. 4115 (1899), 892. Campbell, No. 12120 (1897), 821. Campe, No. 16691 (1895), 791. Carey, No. 15413 (1899), 904. No. 23988 (1899), 909. Carter, No. 2284 (1897), 815. - No. 17448 (1897), 825. Cerckel, No. 6719 (1896), 797. Chambault, No. 19951 (1897), 828. Chardin, No. 21372 (1897), 829. Chesnay and Pillion, No. 20090, (1896), 804. No. 20254 (1896), 804. No. 21758 (1896), 806. No. 25236 (1896), 809. Chitty, No. 28167 (1897), 837. Chivert, No. 19059 (1896), 803. Clarke, No. 7242 (1896), 797. No. 7243 (1896), 797. No. 17450 (1896), 802. No. 17451 (1896), 802. No. 1421 (1897), 814. Claude and Hess, No. 29750 (1897), 915. 965 INDEX PATENTS (continued) : Clausolles, No. 11737 (1896), 799. Clayton, No. 5701 (1898), 850. Colberg, No. 23812 (1896), 808. Combier, No. 6925, (1899), 896. Commuci, No. 20694 (1896), 805. Compagnie Continentale, No. 15064 (1896), 801. - No. 14713 (1898), 866. Compagnie Francaise, No. 23032 (1899), 936. ' Coppeaux, No. 9630(1896), 912. Coulson and Thiersant, No. 4129 (1898) 848. , Cousin, No. 8552 (1897), 819. Crastin and Baldwin, No. 9928, (1897), 820. Crees, No. 22880 (1897), 881. - No. 20626 (1898), 881. Daix, No. 911 (1897), 813. - No. 7521 (1898), 852. Dant, No. 16090 (1898), 868. Dargue, No. 29768 (1896), 812. - No. 9023 (1898), 855. Dauber, No. 17343 (1899), 906. Davison and Lucas, No. 1549 (1898), 843. Davoren and others, No. 14567 (1898), 866. Dedecker, No. 5538 (1898), 850. Deike and others, No. 9743 (1899), 898. Delmouly, No. 15179 (1898), 867. Demuth, No. 7877 (1899), 897. Denich, No. 18907 (1897), 827. Dennis, No. 2976 (1897), 815. Deroy, No. 12683 (1896), 799. Deuther, No. 20598 (1896), 913. - No. 20599 (1896), 805. Deutsche Acetylen-Gas Gesell- schaf t, No. 10199 (1897), 821. - No. 10249 (1897), 821. Dewey, No. 18189 (1899), 907. Dickerson, No. 5730 (1895), 789. - No. 11848 (1895), 790. - No. 11848A (1895) 911. - No. 11848B (1895), 790. Diesler, No. 4861 (1898), 920. Dillberg, No. 15212 (1898), 924. - No. 15214 (1898), 924. - No. 20430 (1898), 881. - No. 15213 (1898), 924. PATENTS (continued) : Dolan, No. 20010 (1897), 933. - No. 20011 (1897), 829. - No. 253 (1899), 934. - No. 6116 (1899), 935. - No. 5221 (1899), 894. - No. 15506 (1899), 929. Dollner, No. 22330 (1898), 926. Dreske, No. 11964 (1898), 861. Dresser, No. 13081 (1897), 822. Drivet, No. 17734 (1898), 874. Drummond, No. 1154 (1898), 843. Ducretet and Lejeune, No. 16502 (1895), 791. Duderstadt and Kandler, No. 1809 (1899), 891. Duffield, No. 17646 (1896), 802. Edwardes, No. 16738 (1897), 916. Eldridge, No. 9156 (1899), 928. Electro Lamp Co., No. 707 (1899), 890. Ellen, No. 24501 (1898), 887. Elworthy, No. 19445 (1895), 911. Ely, No. 11566 (1898), 859. Emmerson, No. 17504 (1898), 873. Engasser, No. 18220 (1898), 876. Ernst and Philips, No. 12510 (1898), 862. Essards, No. 1153 (1897), 813. Etaix, No. 3914 (1898), 920. Evans, No. 10508 (1897), 821. No. 26810 (1897), 835. No. 11676 (1898), 923. 16733 (1898), 870. Exley, No. 12344 (1895), 790. No. 20453 (1895), 792. No. 20727 (1895), 792. No. 8551 (1897), 819. Falbe and Borchardt, No. 27536 (1897), 933. Falbe, No. 24682 (1898), 887. Falk, No. 12012 (1898), 860. Farnsworth, No. 5624 (1896), 795. Fenderl, No. 11116 (1899), 899. Ferguson, No. 2863 (1898), 846. Ferracciu, No. 7782 (1897), 818. Ferrari, No. 12293 (1897), 932. Fischer, No. 23339 (1898), 885. Fitzgibbon, No. 22526 (1896), 806. No. 17038 (1896), 802. 966 INDEX PATENTS (continued) : Fletcher and Cutler, No. 8800 (1898), 855. Flock and Messedat, No. 22730 (1897), 830. Forbes, No. 11716 (1898), 860. - No. 13070 (1898), 863. No. 13636 (1898), 864. - No. 13968 (1898), 864. - No. 14139 (1898), 924. Forrester, No. 20766 (1898), 882. Fourchotte, No. 12047 (1896), 799. Fournier, No. 21695 (1896), 914. - No. 25488 (1896), 809. - No. 14616 (1898), 866. Fowler, No. 28206 (1896), 811. - No. 14742 (1897), 823. - No. 11377 (1898), 859. Frank and Caro, No. 15066 (1895), 911. Frank and Hilbert, No. 18785 (1895), 911. Franco, No. 5236 (1897), 816. Eraser, No. 17678 (1896), 803. - No. 27016 (1897), 933. Friebel and Nake, No. 27326 (1898), 889. Frohlich, No. 5614 (1899), 895. Fuller, No. 19288 (1896), 803. - No. 1440 (1897), 814. Gabe, No. 15991 (1895), 791. - No. 17746 (1895), 791. Gardner and Kelly, No. 26862 (1898), 889. Gaskell and Gibbs, No. 20074 (1896), 804. Gaskell and Reeve, No. 14313 (1897), 823. - No. 14835 (1897), 932. Gastaldi, No. 14729 (1898), 866. Gastine, No. 20529 (1896), 804. Gearing, No. 22183 (1894), 789. - No. 25203 (1894), 789. - No. 1807 (1895), 910. - No. 6777 (1895), 789. No. 21757 (1895), 931. - No. 2997 (1898), 920. Gehlert, No. 17079 (1898), 871. Geisseler, No. 7200 (1899), 935. Gerard, No. 29188 (1896), 811. Gerdes, No. 14698 (1899), 903. Gesellschaft fur Acetvlen- PATENTS (continued) : Gaslicht, No. 7744 (1897), 818. Gesellschaft fur Heiz-und-Bel- euchtungwesen, No. 12250 (1898), 861. Gibbs, No. 12788 (1896), 800. Gillet and others, No. 27085 (1896), 810. No. 27086 (1896), 931. No. 17612 (1898), 873. Gilmer, No. 23230 (1898), 885. Ginnasi, No. 20256 (1899), 907. Gobron, No. 1784 (1897), 814. Godin, No. 17021 (1897), 825. Goldbacher and Bournonville, No. 13301 (1898), 901. Goodwin, No. 10407 (1896), 798 No. 17644 (1896), 803. No. 2174 (1898), 845. - No. 19149 (1898), 879. No. 26628 (1898), 888. Gosling and Synnock, No. 24088 (1895), 793. Gossart and Che vail ier, No. 27574 (1896), 810. No. 4424 (1897), 816. Gossweiler, No. 27252 (1898), 927. Goulding, No. 18128 (1897), 826. Gowlland, No. 14375 (1896), 913. Graetz, No. 8675 (1898), 854. Grand, No. 8382 (1898), 853. No. 9269 (1898), 855. Grenier and Grand, No. 17904 (1896), 803. Grubb, No. 28264 (1897), 838. Guadaguini, No. 23977 (1897), 831. Gurovitz, No. 7184 (1898), 921. Gustafsson, No. 18063 (1898), 876. Guy, No. 24707 (1897), 833. Hacking, No. 17854 (1897), 917. Haigh, No. 10023 (1898), 857. Hall, No. 26614 (1897), 834. Hamont, No. 19912 (1898), 902. Hanotier and Hostelet, No. 24558 (1896), 809. No. 27697 (1896), 810. Hansen and Kraeftung, No. 19106 (1898), 878. 967 INDEX PATENTS (continued) : Hargreaves, No. 27194 (1897), 810. Harrison, No. 3835 (1898), 848. Hartenstein and Weber, No. 28226 (1897), 918. Hartenstein, No. 16128 (1899) 930. Haviland and others, No. 15489 (1896), 913. - No. 15122 (1896), 801. - No. 14208 (1897), 823. Haws, No. 4560 (1899), 894. Heal, No. 24446 (1897), 832. Hedgeland, No. 16723 (1898), No. 6602 (1899), 896. Henriquez, No. 15020 (1898), 867. Henry, No. 19912 (1898), 880. Hewes, No. 1983 (1898), 919. - No. 1984 (1898), 919. No. 1985 (1898), 919. No. 4866 (1898), 921. Higgins and Sandilands, No. 15977 (1899), 871. Hilberg, No. 1796 (1899), 891. No. 11494 (1899), 900. No. 16426 (1899), 906. Hilbert and Frank, No. 18785, (1895), 911. Hoddle, No. 3142 (1896), 794. Holliday, No. 17997 (1895), 931. - No. 5813 (1896), 796. No. 885 (1897), 813. No. 17469 (1896), 931. No. 24360 (1897), 832. No. -2078 (1898), 844. No. 7325 (1899), 897. Horry, No. 14261 (1899), 929. Hubon, No. 7139 (1898), 921. Hutton, No. 9857 (1897), 820. Hviid, No. 5497 (1898), 921. No. 5498 (1898), 850. International Patent Co., No. 18110 (1898), 925. Isaac, No. 15139 (1896), 913. Jackson, No. 13029 (1898) 862. Jacobi, No. 2309 (1898), 845. Jarre and Usannez, No. 4370 (1897), 932. Javal, No. 9319 (1898), 856. Jeapes, No. 17405 (1898), 872. PATENTS (continued) : Jimeno, No. 14090 (1897), 823. - No. 14091 (1897), 823. Johnson, No. 23032 (1899), 936. Josephson, No. 13771 (1898), 864. Josse and Defays, No. 18355 (1897), 826. Kaestner, No. 18824 (1895). 791. - No. 15060 (1897), 933. Kandler, No. 25300 (1898), 926. Kay, No. 21351 (1896), 805. No. 24611 (1896), 809. Keck, No. 28258 (1897), 837. Kellner, No. 21035 (1899), 930. Kelly and Webb, No. 5905 (1896), 796. Kelly and Eoantree, No. 1819 (1898), 919. Kelly, No. 8147 (1898), 853. Kenevel and others, No. 19512 (1897), 917. Kerr and Fry, No. 8989 (1897), 819. Kesselring,No.9714 (1897), 819. Kieffeiy No. 20142 (1897), 829. - No. 11261 (1898), 858. Kieswalter, No. 27744 (1896), 914. King and Wyatt, No. 13881 (1896), 912. Kitchen, No. 7918 (1897), 818. No. 8 270 (1897), 818. No. 9762 (1897), 932. No. 9763 (1897), 819. - No. 17793 (1897), 825. - No. 17794 (1897), 826. No. 1477 (1898), 843. - No. 9384 (1898), 856. Klemm, No. 12659 (1899), 901. Kon, No. 21468 (1896), 805. Kremer. No. 26776 (1897), 835. No'. 18133 (1898), 876. Kuppers, No. 8339 (1899), 897. Lacroix, No. 4761 (1897), 816. - No. 8565 (1898), 854. - No. 13924 (1899)^902. Lagerie, No. 29168 (1896), 811. Lanchester, No. 24771 (1898), 887. Landin, No. 4033 (1898), 920. Landsberger, No. 19757 (1898), 925. Lasserve, No. 4054 (1899), 892. 968 INDEX PATENTS (continued) : Lauri, No. 9226 (1898), 934. Lazarus, No. 27639 (1897), 918. Lebeau, No. 9719 (1897), 932. Lebrun and Cornaille, No. 512 (1897), 813. - No. 20574 (1897), 933. Leede, No. 32 (1898), 919. Legge and Cooper, No. 30690 (1897), 841. - No. 1054 (1898), 933. Legge, No. 16487 (1898), 869. Letang, No. 21572 (1896), 914. Lewes, No. 692'2 (1896), 912. - No. 24365 (1896), 914. - No. 17749 (1897), 916. Lewis and Lux Synd., No. 7303 (1899), 854. Lewis and others, No. 14149 (1898), 865. Lewis, No. 22389 (1899), 907. Levetus, No. 12469 (1898), 862. Limelle, No. 7655 (1898), 852. Lipcke, No. 13387 (1898), 863. Liver Acetylene Co., No. 27876 (1897), 836. Llorens, No. 20354 (1899), 907. Luis, No. 1332 (1896), -794. Lundstrom, No. 23793 (1897), 917. Lyons, No. 7043 (1897), 817. Mace, No. 29596 (1896), 811. - No. 3013 (1897), 815. - No. 14905 (1897), 824. - No. 1005 (1898), 842. Mackenzie, No. 23752 (1896), 808. Maddock and Jones, No. 22359 (1896), 806. Major, No. 3147 (1898), 847. Manger, No. 17449 (1898), 873. Marcks, No. 2602 (1898), 846. Marechal and others, No. 29405 (1897), 839. Marguiles, No. 24065 (1898), 886. Marrs, No. 15175 (1898), 867. Marshall, No. 19518 (1898), 880. Marshall and Sunderland, No. 4087 (1899), 893. Marshall and others, No. 6274 (1899), 895. Matignon, No. 20324 (1896), 913. Matthews, No. 17406 (1899), 906. PATENTS (continued) : Matthyssens, No. 18436 (1898), 877. Maxim, No. 1905 (1896), 911. - No. 25611 (1896), 914. No. 2894 (1897), 915. M'Conechy, No. 24301 (1897), 832. No. 30585 (1897), 841. No. 28 (1898), 933. - No. 21038 (1898), 882. McGeorge and Buxton, No. 13189 (1898), 924. Melhuish and others, No. 9674 (1898), 856. Memino, No. 24077 (1897), 917. Meyer, No. 27212 (1896), 810. Miller, No. 17997 (1898), 876. Millward, No. 4614 (1898), 849. No. 7102 (1898), 851. Mitchell, No. 13496 (1897), 822. - No. 3531 (1898), 847. Molet, No. 23198 (1897), 831. Moller, No. 23385 (1898), 885. Montais, No. 16903 (1898), 871. Moore and Carr, No. 16317 (1898), 868. Moreau, No. 11581 (1896), 798. Morency, No. 10186 (1897), 820. Morin, No. 11551 (1899), 900. Morley Acetylene Gas Co., No. 10126 (1896), 797. Morris and Spragget,No. 19276 (1898), 925. Morrison, No. 2437 (1895), 789. Morton-Brown and Maundrell, No. 22628 (1896), 806. Moss, No. 1254 (1897), 813. - No. 1920 (1898), 844. - No. 4801 (1898), 850. Mottlau, No. 15459 (1899), 905. Mucke, No. 139 (1897), 812. No. 26435 (1897), 834. No. 30637 (1897), 841. Munsterberg, No. 19615 (1897), 828. Murphy, No. 3747 (1899), 927. Nowak, No. 12659 (1899), 900. Offen, No. 27250 (1898), 926. Orlowsky and Jensen, No. 4298 (1898), 920. Oving, No. 23669 (1896), 808. No. 23670 (1896), 914. Owens, No. 1625 (1898), 844. ' 969 INDEX PATENTS (continued) : Patterson, No. 10686 (1897), 821. Pauli Lamp Co., No. 13339 (1899), 901. Payan, No. 13830 (1898), 864. Percival, No. 6006 (1898), 851. Pereire and others, No. 6997 (1897), 817. Piatti & Co., No. 2129 (1897), 815. - No. 14505 (1897), 916. No 8813 (1898), 923. Pictet, No. 9358, (1896), 912. No. 18207 (1896), 803. - No. 18208 (1896), 913. No. 21508 (1897), 917. ad others, No. 232 Pilous and others, No. 23237 (1897), 917. Pintsch and Bickman, No. 20602 (1896), 805. Poerschmann and Schneider, No. 20541 (1898), 881. Praag (No. 21691 (1898), 883. - No. 2227 (1899), 845. Preston, No. 12263 (1897), 822. Prevost and others, No. 29201 (1897), 839. Pym and Gore, No. 3219 (1896), 794. Quattannes-Moens and Dilger, No. 12556 (1897), 822. 1665 (1898), 844. - No. 18591 (1898), 877. Quelle, No. 29500 (1896), 811. - No. 14240 (1899), 903. Bagot, No. 5279 (1896), 795. Eaupp, No. 27807 (1896). 932. Bavel, No. 25002 (1897), 833. Beggiani and Chrisini, No. 17482 (1897), 825. Beibel, No. 27288 (1897), 835. Besener and Luchaire, No. 24440 (1896), 809. 29320 (1896), 811. Besener, No. 30037 (1896), 812. Beynolds, No. 29342 (1896), 811. Bhind, No. 20051 and 20052 (1897), 828. No. 2226 (1899), 891. Bichard, No. 28798 (1897), 838. No. 17631 (1899), 930. PATENTS (continued) : Bichardson and Price, No. 891 (1898), 842. Bichter, No. 22788, (1899), 908. Bickman, No. 20602 (1896), 805. - No. 6748 (1898), 921. Bigby, No. 12022 (1898), 923. Bierfel, No. 17938 (1897), 826. Biemann, No. 5090 (1899), 894. Bitchie, No. 80602 (1897), 841. Boberts, No. 8010 (1898), 922. Bobinson, No. 19674 (1898), 880. Bobinson and Hadley, No. 6328 (1899), 895. Bose, No. 2260 (1898), 934. - No. 15249 (1899), 929. Bosenthal, No. 14049 (1898), 865. Boss, No. 4372 (1898), 849. Bossbach-Bousset, No. 11783 (1895), 790. - No. 1116 (1896), 794. Bouma, No. 24364 (1899), 909. Bous, No. 3594 (1898), 847. Boxburg, No. 27689 (1897), 836. Bumelin, No. 4459 (1898), 921. Sales, No. 1653 (1897), 915. No. 2292 (1897), 815. Sanderson, No. 3228 (1898), 847. Sardi, No. 20903 (1896), 805. No. 12182 (1898), 861. Sartig, No. 10763 (1898), 923. Saule, No. 10862 (1899), 899. Saxl, No. 10056 (1898), 857. Scarth, No. 15125 (1897), 824. No. 12401 (1898), 861. Schad, Herbst & Co., No. 17195 (1899), 906. Scheldt, No. 4739 (1898), 849. Schemidt and Kaufman, No. 16432 (1896), 802. Schieroni, No. 17269 (1898), 872. - No. 22341 (1898), 884. Schltiter and Ltidemann, No. 5594 (1898), 850. Schmid, No. 26676 (1897), 834. Schmidt, No. 15688 (1898), 868. Schmitt, No. 27618 (1898), 889. Schneeweis, No. 22110 (1898), No. 2392 (1899), 892. 970 INDEX PATENTS (contimied) : Schroder, No. 14517 (1898), 865. Schubert, No. 7010 (1899), 928. Sclmlke, No. 10468 (1895), 931. - No. 14929 (1896), 800. - No. 12928 (1897), 932. - No. 27767 (1897), 836. - No. 926 (1898), 938. - No. 10305 (1898), 857. Schumacher, No. 30134 (1896), 812. - No. 17088 (1898), 871. Sclnvarz, No. 17350 (1898), 872. Schwass, No. 25016 (1898), 888. Scott, No. 1952 (1897), 814. Seiffert, No. 682 (1899), 890. Sez, No. 14197 (1898), 865. Shackleton, No. 11367 (1898), 859. Shaffer, No. 1634 (1899), 935. Sherrin, No. 2689-7 (1896), 810. - No. 10877 (1897), 916. Sigurdsson, No. 16793 (1897), No. 23351 (1897), 831. Smith, No. 22646 (1896), 806. - No. 22647 (1896), 807. No. 24414 (1896), 808. No. 4790 (1897), 816. - No. 7929 (1897), 818. No. 13103 (1897), 916. No. 15754 (1897), 824. No. 29843 (1897), 840. - No. 5941 (1898), 851. - No. 17230 (1898), 925. - No. 23309 (1899), 908. Snyder, No. 14795 (1899), 904. Societa Italiana, No. 12491 (1898), 862. Societe Chaussard, No. 13573 (1888), 863. Sockeel, No. 28439 (1897), 838. Soderberg, No. 14499 (1899), 903. Soderquist, No. 18943 (1888), 878. Sohnel and Zehner, No. 11161 (1898), 853. Soxhlet and others, No. 13905 (1897), 822. Spanier, No. 15732 (1898), 925. Spence and others, No. 29554 (1896), 812. - No. 17327 (1898), 872. Stattler and Strejz, No. 4428 (1897), 915. PATENTS (continued) : Stearnes and Wilson, No. 18197 (1898), 877. Steiner, No. 7070 (1898), 851. No. 10151 (1899), 898. No. 10152 (1899), 898. Sterza, No. 1549 (1897), 814. Steward, No. 15344 (1899), 35. Stott, No. 8439 (1898), 854. Straehl, No. 7770 (1898), 852. Strakosch and Schmid, No. 9718 (1898), 857. Strode and White, No. 6658 (1897), 817. No. 11161 (1898), 858. Stroher, No. 196 (1900), 910. Sugg, No. 9251 (1898), 934. Sunderland and Marshall, No. 4087 (1899), 893. No. 4093 (1899), 893. No. 6274 (1899), 895. No. 13786 (1899), 902. Sutcliffe, No. 11644 (1897), 821. Svnnock and Gosling, No. "24088 (1895), 793. Szepczynski, No. 7838 (1898), 853." No. 3551 (1899), 892. Tabard, No. 10410 (1899), 899. Tede, No. 658 (1897), 813. Testelin, No. 16613 (1898), 869. Thiersant and Coulson, No. 29571 (1897), 840. No. 1584 (1898), 844. - No. 23675 (1898), 886. Thinault and Dreyfus, No. 7099 (1899), 896. Thorn and Hoddle, No. 3142 (1896), 794. No. 15862 (1896), 801. No. 2260 (1897), 915. No. 2261 (1897), 915. No. 9104 (1898), 923. Thorp and Marsh, No. 12355 (1895), 790. No. 12356 (1895), 790. No. 12942 (1896), 912. No. 1929 (1897), 814. No. 18823 (1897), 828. Thorp, 2452 (1898), 919. No. 2453 (1888), 920. No. 2454 (1888), 845. No. 17840 (1898), 874. Thubron, No. 25227 (1898), 888. Tice, No. 4478 (1896), 795. Tobler, No. 12662 (1896), 799. 971 INDEX PATENTS (continued} : Tooth, No. 8554 (1898), 922. Trendel, No. 139 '(1897), 812. - No. 14015 (1897), 823. - No. 18204 (1899), 936. Trost, No. 20406 (1896), 804. Troubetzkoy, 24002 (1898), 886. Trouve, 23521 (1895), 792. - 23591 (1896), 807. - 23592 (1896), 808. - 12110 (1897), 821. Turner, 23179 (1899), 908. Turney, 5375 (1896), 795. Turr, 24274 (1896), 808. 26041 (1896), 914. - 11352 (1897), 932. - 20996 (1898), 882. Tyree, 28094 (1897), 837. Varon, 16884 (1898), 870. Vaugban - Sherrm, 26897 (1896), 810. - 10877 (1897), 916. Vezin and Oudry, 5908 (1898), 857. Villejean and Frossard, 2554 (1897), 815. Voigt, 19126 (1896), 803. Voro, 10141 (1898), 857. Wagner, 28102 (1897), 837. - 29960 (1897), 840. Waibel, 22673 (1898), 884. Waite 19683 (1898), 880. Wallin and Wendel, 20057 (1898), 926. - 20122 (1898), 881. Walker, 4352, (1898), 848. - 18178 (1898), 877. Ward, 17892 (1898), 875. Warn and King, 75 (1896), 793. Warner and others, 2497 (1899), 927. Wartenweiler and Spengler, 23547 (1899), 831. Watson, 22227 (1899), 930. Watts, 3102 (1899), 927. Webb and Kelly, 5905 (1896), 796. - 10725 (1896), 798. W^ehner and Kandler, 7160 (1899), 928. Wells, 11636 (1898), 859. PATENTS (continued) : Whalley and Hacking, 15654 (1896), 801. - 13667 (1897), 822. Wigham, 4825 (1896), 931. 4125 (1897), 816. - 18971 (1897), 827. - 28526 (1897), 918. - 4365 (1899), 935. Williams and Clarke, 16479 (1898), 869. Williamson, 9545 (1898), 856. - 22272 (1898), 883. Willson, 16342 (1894), 910. - 16705 (1894), 910. - 21222 (1894), 910. - 13750 (1895), 911. - 13766 (1895), 911. - 15360 (1895), 911. Wilson, 7574 (1898), 922. - 18741 (1898), 878. 9718 (1899), 928. 13805 (1899), 902. Windham, 20537 (1897), 829. - 10815 (1898), 934. Windmiiller, 21464 (1897), 830. Wizard Manufacturing Co., 21831 (1897), 830. Woods and Byrom, 10021 (1898), 923. - 14453 (1898), 924. Worsnop, 2366 (1898), 934. - 11135 (1899), 899. Wyatt, 13881 (1896), 912. Yvonneau, 30833 (1897), 919. Zimmerman, 328 (1897), 812. - 16624 (1897), 824. Patera, researches of, 277. Patin, electric furnace of, 262. Peat charcoal, 279. Peiskretscham, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Penetrative power of different illuminants, experiments on, 574. Pentane gas and its preparation , 581. Pepys, researches of, 175. " Perfection " generator, 401. Peroxide of hydrogen, 134. Perrodil and Bullier, researches of, 330. 972 INDEX Perrodil and Sertier, researches of, 675. Perrodil, researches of, 673. Petroleum, 58. Phenol, synthesis of, 142. " Phenomenon " cycle lamp, 449. Phillips (F.), researches of, 134, 692 ; (C.) researches of, 148. Phosphorus in coke, determina- tion of, 663. in lime, determination of, 672. Phosphuretted hydrogen and its effects, 470, 473. hydrogen in Acetylene, determination of, 682, 686. hydrogen in crude Acety- lene, causes of, 264, 470. Photographic uses of Acetylene, 584. Photometric Committee, unit of light recommended by, 582. tests with Acetylene, 521. - tests with Billwiller burn- ers, 539. Pichon, electric furnace of, 179. Pictet, electric furnace of, 255 ; generator, 401 ; purifying pro- cess, 499 ; researches of, 75, 164, 528. Pile, Volta's discovery of, 175. Pintsch's generator, 414. Pizarello, researches of, 12. Platinum black, action on Acety- lene of, 12, 134. Platinum suggested as the unit of light, 580. Plimpton, researches of, 137, 154, 158, 159. Plticker, researches of, 98. Poggio Misteto, carbide works at, 318. Poisonous action of carbon mon- oxide, 307. Poleck, researches of, 160. Polis, researches of, 43, 128, 490. Pont San Martin, carbide works at, 243. Portable generators, 468. Potash, alcoholic, Acetylene made from, 4. Potassium amalgam, action on chloroform of, 10. Potassium carbide, 145. carbide and carbonyl, con- fusion between, 145. Power transmitter, carbide as a, 601. used for carbide works, 284. Preheating furnaces, 255, 259. Preparation of Acetylene by Berthelot, 6; Miasnikoff, 7; Eeboul, 9 ; Sawitsch, 7. of cuprous chloride, 28. of pure carbide, 329. Presence of Acetylene in coal gas, 5 ; in luminous hydro- carbon flames, 116. Price of Acetylene, 591. Printing, the use of Acetylene for, 586. Process used by Landin for making carbide, 257. Production of Acetylene from calcium carbide, 60. Products of combustion of Acetylene, 118. of destructive distillation, Acetylene found in, 5. Projection work, the use of Acetylene for, 586. Propagation of explosion of pure Acetylene, 650. Properties of Acetylene, 2 ; of aluminium, 55 ; of calcium carbide, 306; of chlorine mixed with Acetylene, 8. Proportions of lime and carbon theoretically required in car- bide, 281. Prunier, researches of, 143. Prussic acid, formation from Acetylene of, 66. Psarondatri and Blondel, re- searches of, 570. Pueckert, researches of, 139. " Puratylene " purifying mix- ture, 509. Pure Acetylene condemned for railway carriage lighting, 634. - carbide, the preparation of, 329. Purification of Acetylene, 53, 60 ; importance of, 472. Purifying process, Berge and Eeyschler, 500 ; Exley's, 520 ; Frank's, 510; Goettig's, 510; Pictet's, 499; Smith's, 500; Stern's, 520; Thorn and 973 INDEX Hoddle's, 502 ; Ullmann's, 513 ; Willgerodt's, 500 ; Wolffs, 502. Pyrrol, synthesis of, 141. Q Quality of lime used for carbide, 266. Quet, researches of, 4, 46, 146, 153. Ragot, researches of, 537. Railway carriage lighting, pure Acetylene condemned for, 634. Ramsden, researches of, 335. Ramsey, researches of, 140, 143. Rathenau, electric furnace of, 227. Ratzebuhr, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Reaction of hydrogen on Acety- lene, 104. of iron on Acetylene, 103. - of nitrogen on Acetylene, 104. Read-Holliday generator, 368. Readman, electric furnace of, 184. Re-agent, Berge and Reyschler's, 514. Reboul, researches of, 137, 147, 153. Redwood and Lewes, researches of, 429. Reflectors, cycle lamp, 445. Regulations of the gas referees, 579. Re-introduction of the electric furnace, 174. Reischauer, researches of, 5, 153. Relative merits of the two car- bide processes, 250. Renault, researches of, 479. Report of Venable on Willson's work, 16. Residue, influence of generator on, 422. Residues from carbide, re- searches on, 333, 418. Reuleaux, electric furnace of, 184. Reyschler, researches of, 160. Reyschler and Berge, purifying process of, 500. re-agent of, 514. | Reyschler and Berge, purifying researches of, 682. Rheiiifelden, carbide works at 227, 316. Richard, paper by, 100. Rieth, researches of, 11, 35. Riom, origin of petroleum at, Ut7. Risener, researches of, 537. Roemer, researches of, 14, 43, 133, 137, 147. Rome, carbide works at, 318. Rosemann, researches of, 168. Rossetti, researches of 178. Ross's generator, 405. Run carbide, 312, 313. Russia, carbide works in, 318. S Saalfeld, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Sabanejeff, researches of, 11, 43, 51, 137, 138. Sabatier, researches of, 163. Saernstroem, researches of, 277. Safety water seals for genera- tors, 438. Salies du Salat, carbide works at, 317. Sanitary position of Acetylene as an illuminant, 587. San Marcel, carbide works at 318. San Marcello d'Aosta, carbide works at, 244. Santorin, immersed volcanoes at, 59. Sardi generator, 388. Sarpsborg, carbide works at, 230. Saulte Ste. Marie, carbide works at, 207. Sawdust as a purifier, 505. Sawitsch, researches of, 7, 51. Scharlach cycle lamp, 455. carriage lamp, 459. Schiff, researches of, 67. Schiff and Fuchs, researches of, 676. Schlangenbad, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Schlegel, researches of, 136. Schneller and Astfalck, electric furnace of, 186. Schonsee, Acetylene supply works at, 425. 974 INDEX Schroter, researches of, 142. Schuckert's carbide works, 229. Schuetzenberger, researches of, 149. Schulke's burner, 529. Screw generators, 406. Search-light apparatus, Acety- lene, 468. Sechilienne sur la B,omanche, carbide works at, 317. Selenico, carbide works at, 318. Sensburg, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Sertier and Perrodil, researches of, 675. Shewangen Falls, carbide works at, 316. Shock, effect on Acetylene of, 88. Siemens' electric furnace, 14, 180. Siemens-Halske electric furnace, 230. Siemens, researches of, 179. - re-introduction of electric furnace by, 174. Signalling apparatus, Acety- lene, 466. Sigurdsson generator, 403. Silbermann, researches of, 628. Silent discharge, action on hy- drocarbon vapours of, 12. Silica in lime, determination of, 669. in the ash of coke, deter- mination of, 665. Siliciuretted hydrogen and its effects, 490. Silicon, carbide of, 57. in calcium carbide, 330. Silver acetate and iodine, Acety- lene made from, 11. Silver Acetylene and silver nitrate, double salts of, 156. Acetylene and silver sul- phate, double salts of, 156. salts, action on Acetylene of, 153. solution used to detect Acetylene, 4. Simpson, researches of, 138. Sinderens, researches of, 163. Slit burners, 556. Sludge cocks, 439. Smell of Acetylene, 66. Smith, purifying process of, 500. Smith, researches on the spec- trum of hydrocarbons, 98. Smithells, researches of, 529. Smoke, its effect on illuminants, 573. Societa Italiana dei Forni Elet- trici, 243. Societa Italiana del Carburo de Calcio, 244. Soden, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Soederbaum, researches of, 148, 151, 152, 153. Solid Acetylene, 97. " Solitaire " cycle lamp, 455. Solubility of Acetylene, 66. Soret, researches of, 524. Sources of iron in carbide, 336. South Wales anthracite, analy- sis of, 272. " Sovereign " or " Liver " genera- tor, 389. Spain, carbide works in, 319. Spanish carbide industry, Alex- andre's remarks on, 249. Specific gravity of Acetylene, according to Berthelot, 6, 65. - gravity of Acetylene, ac- cording to Moissan, 65. Spectrum of hydrocarbons, 97. Speyerer's crushing machinery, 3lO. Spongy platinum, action of Acetylene on, 163. Sprav, manufacture of carbide at, 21. visited by Venable, 16. Steam power for carbide works, 284. Ste. Beron, carbide works at, 317. Stein, researches of, 524. Stern, purifying process of, 520. S terry Hunt, observations on the electric furnace by, 15. " Stewart " burner, 558. St. Katherine's, Ontario, carbide works near, 201. St. Nectaire, carbonic acid gas at, 59. Stockholm, carbide works at, 318. Storage of carbide, 327. Street and Girard's electric furnace, 187. Strelitz, Acetylene supply works at, 425. 975 INDEX Strode generator, 403. Strontium, carbide of, 55. Styrolene, Acetylene poly- merised into, 12. Suckert, researches of, 75, 79, 97, 615. Sugg, modification of Keate's lamp by, 580. Sulphuretted hydrogen in Acety- lene, determination of, 687. hydrogen, its effects, 490. Sulphuric acid, action on Acety- lene of, 6, 141. Sulphur in coke, determination of, 663. in lime, determination of, 671. Sulzburg, Acetylene supply works at, 425. " Sunbeam " generator, 386. " Sunlight " generator, 366. Sweden, carbide works in, 318. Switzerland, carbide works in, 319. Synthesis of Acetylene by Berthelot, 7, 27. of Acetylene by Dewar, 13, 31. of methane, 30. of phenol, 142. of pyrrol, 141. of urea by Woehler, 26. Synthetic apparatus used by Berthelot, 27. researches of Fownes, 26. System of nomenclature, 63. Szepezynski generator, 407. Table lamps, Acetylene, 469. Tar carbon, 279. Temperature of decomposition of Acetylene, 118. - of flame and its import- ance, 628. - of ignition of Acetylene mixtures, 119. of the electric arc, 177. of the electric furnace, as estimated by Violle, 14. Terni, carbide works near, 244. Thalen, researches of, 98. Thermo-couple, Lechatelier's, 393. Thiophane, formation of, 141. Thomas, researches of, 136. Thompson and Joule's electric furnace, 179. (S.) researches of, 177. Thomsen, researches of, 65, 120 298. Thorium, carbide of, 56. Thorn and Hoddle, purifying process of, 502. " Thorscar " generator, 370. Thummel, researches of, 160. Titanium, carbide of, 57. Tommasi, researches of, 13. Torrey, researches of, 3, 146, 163. Totis, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Toxic action of Acetylene, 166. Travers, calcium carbide made by, 20, 54. researches of, 159, 174. Trepton, Acetylene supply works at, 425. " Triumph " cycle lamp, 450. Trollhatten, carbide works at 318. Troost, researches of, 56. Trouve generator, 380. Trowbridge, furnace experi- ments made at, 195. Truchot, researches of, 12. Tungsten, carbide of, 57. Turf charcoal, 279. " Twentieth Century " cycle lamp, 447. Two carbide processes, economic values of, 250. carbide processes, relative merits of, 250. Two different classes of electric furnace, 192. U Ullmann and Frank's process comparison of, 516. and Goldberg, researches of 515. purifying process of, 513. Ultimate products of the de- composition of Acetylene, 105. Union Carbide Company's works 221. United States, carbide works in, 316. United States, patent taken out by Willson, 18. 970 INDEX Unit of light, Dibdin's ten- candle, 582 ; Fery's Acetylene, 583 ; Harcourt's ten-candle, 582; Keate's lamp as, 580; platinum suggested as, 580 ; the candle as, 578 ; the Carcel lamp as, 580 ; the Harcourt pentane lamp, 581 ; the Hef- ner Alteneck, 580 ; the Meth- ven screen, 580 ; Violle's Acety- lene, 583. Uranium, carbide of, 56. Urea synthesised by Woehler, 26. Use of globes, 570. of Kieselguhr in purifying mixtures, 511. Usoff, researches of, 100. Vallorbes, carbide works at, 319. Valve generators, 402. Vanadium, carbide of, 57. Van Troostwyk, researches of, 45. Vapour of alcohol used to make Acetylene, 4. Vapours, washers for the re- moval of, 498. Various reagents, their effect on Acetylene, 692. Vauquelin, researches of, 46. Venable, report on Willson's work by, 16, 339. visits Spray, 16. Ventilation of carbide works, 306. Ventilators, Gin and Leleux's, 309. " Veritas " cycle lamp, 457. Vesprem, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Vesprezen, difficulties of purifi- cation in the installation at, 505. Vidal, researches of, 585. Vielle, researches of, 68, 83, 91, 130. Vigouroux, researches of, 490. Villard, researches of, 66, 67, 74, 97, 135. Vinyl bromide, Acetylene pre- pared from, 7. - chloride, Acetylene pre- pared from, 7. Violette, researches of, 277. Violle, estimation of the tempera- ture of the electric furnace, 14. researches of, 178, 577, 580, 583. Vogel, researches of, 5, 146, 153. Volatile and combustible matter in coal, determination of, 661. Volta, discoveries of, 175. W Wabash, Acetylene supply works at, 425. Wachs, researches of, 514. Walmsley, researches of, 585. Warsaw, carbide works at, 318. Washers for removing vapours from Acetylene, 498. Waste of electrode, Foyers pro- cess for preventing, 205. Water, action on calcium car- bide of, 9. gas, Acetylene diluted with, 618. power for carbide works, 284. seals for generators, 438. Watts' dictionary, 145. Watts, researches of, 98. Weight of Acetylene, 65. Werdermann, researches of, 179. Weyl, researches of, 167. Wiborg, carbide works at, 318. Willgerodt, purifying process of, 500. researches of, 474. Willson, calcium carbide made by, 16 ; criticised by Borchers, 23 ; electric furnace of, 185, 195 ; English patent of, 25 ; letter to Lord Kelvin from, 17 ; researches of, 15, 75, 79, 97, 282; United States patent of, 18. Willson's improved crucibles used at Foyers, 309. work reported on by Ven- able, 16. Wilson and Bone, researches of, 133. " Windmiller " cycle lamp, 449. Winkler, review of researches by, 19. Woehler, researches of, 54, 174, 338. urea synthesised by, 26. 977 62 INDEX Wolff, analysis of crude Acety- lene by, 474. purifying process of, 502. Wolverton Station, Acetylene lighting at, 379. Wood charcoal, 275. Woodside process for making carbide, 321. Wormditt, carbide works at, 316. Worth's application to the Home Office re the use of mixed oil gas and Acetylene, 650. Wuellner, paper by, 100. Wyatt and King, electric furnace of, 194. Wynan, carbide works at, 319. " Yahr " cycle lamp, 458. Yttrium, carbide of, 56. Z Zeisel, researches of, 53, 141. Zino, researches of, 140, 320. Zirconium, carbide of, 57. Zurich, carbide works at, 319. Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. AU6 13 1335 VO CH884