,v "7 A DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ~7 COMMISSION TO TFE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. INDEX TO THS ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE COMMISSION TO THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES FOR THE YEARS 1894 TO 1905, INCLUSIVE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. \\ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. COMMISSION TO THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. INDEX TO TH2 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE COMMISSION TO f THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES FOR THE YEARS 1894 TO 1905, INCLUSIVE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. T5U3 TOPICAL INDEX TO TWELVE ANNUAL REPORTS OF COMMISSION TO THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES, Abolition of Commission: 1904 7 1905 Abolition of slavery: 1894 By Cherokees 1899 1901 By Choctaws 1894 Abolition of tribal courts, Cherokee Na tion: 1900 Acceptance of patents by allottees: 1904 Acknowledgment of service, contest cases: 1902 Act of May 17, 1882, provisions affecting Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 Act of March 1, 1889, establishing United States court in Indian Territory: 1899 Act of May 2, 1890, extending jurisdiction of United States court in Indian Terri tory: 1899 1901 Act of March 3, 1891, provision for pay ment of funds to Choctaw freedmen: 1894 Act of March 3, 1893: 1897 1899.. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Duties of Commission under 1900 Act of August 15, 1894, adoption of Chick asaw freedmen: 1894 Act of March 2, 1895, provision for survey: 1899 Act of March 18, 1895, extension of juris diction of United States court: 1899 Act of June 10, 1896: Applications for enrollment under 1895 1898 1902 Page. 10,123 5 28,46 167 186 24 43 194 157 38 163 164 183 31 97,98 66 55 71 52 61,62 57,58 L O 164 Act of June 10, 1896 Continued. Construction of 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Provisions of 1896 1899 1901... Act of June 7, 1897: Claims of Mississippi Choctaws 1897... Extending jurisdiction of United States court 1899 1901 Provisions of 1897 Provision concerning Mississippi Choctaws Repealed with respect to proceedings of Seminole tribal council 1897... 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. Act of June 28, 1898: Commencement of allotment under 1905 Confirmation of Dunn roll 1900 Enrollment of Cherokee citizens 1899 Extension of jurisdiction of United States court 1899 1901 Grazing leases 1899 Inadequacy of 1901 1902 Leasing of land 1900. 1901. Page. 84,100 68 67 73 53 63 59 3,84,86 112 131 165 184 23 16 166 185 26 10,60 9 81 30 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TBIBES. Act of June 28, 1898 Continue^. v Opposition +tK-i c ; Y^ - " 1898. Page. 5 Act of May 31, 1900 Continued. Enrollment of citizens 1900 Provisions for identification of Missis- sipp^ Choctaws Establishment of town sites 1900 1899 18 77 1901. Provisions of 1899 9 Memoranda cases 1902 1 Provisions relating to enrollment of Opinion of Attorney-General 1901 1901 22 Provisions relating to enrollment Section 3 not to apply to Choctaw and 1901 Chickasaw nations 1901 65 69 Town sites, reservation of 1902 1902 100 Act of March 1, 1901: 1903 116 1900. .. 1904 112 1901 Section 13 not to apply to Cherokee 1902 1903 1899 58 1904 1900 43 Amendment of section 37 1902 109 1902 1903 125 1903.. 1904 121 1904.. . Section 13 not to apply to Creek Na tion Appraisement of improvements 1902 1899. .. 65 Construction of section 6 1902 79 1904 1903 89 Act of March 3, 1901: 1904 85 1901 Section 15 not to apply to Creek Na 1902 tion 1903. 1900 52 1904 1901 53 Act of February 28, 1902: 1903 Appeal to Supreme Court in citizen- Effect of 1903 1890 168 Act of May 27, 1902: 1001 -107 1902 1903 1904 1900 72 Act of June 30, 1902, Creek agreement: 1902 1903 1904 1904 74 Act of July 1, 1902: Classification of lands Delaware lands 1903 Act of March 1, 1899, appropriation for Ratification of Cherokee agreement 1902 Commission s work: 1903 1899 69 1900 72 1901 88 Act of March 3, 1903: 1902 69 1903 79 1904 75 Establishment of town sites under Act of March 3, 1899, appropriation to 1904 begin work of allotment: 1905 1899 69 Act of April 28 1904 Act of May 81, 1900: 1900 73 Appointment of additional judges 1904 .* 1901 89 Additional coal segregation 1902 69 1904 1903 79 Act of April 21, 1904: 1904 75 Repeal of provision for sale of residue Effect on enrollment 1901... 13 Creek lands 1905... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TEIBES. Act of April 21, 1904 Continued. Page. Sale of land under 1904 123 Act of March 3, 1905: Addition to Commission s work 1905 6 Enrollment of children 1905 30 Enrollment of Choctaw and Chicka- saw children 1905 19 Enrollment of Seminole children 1905 32 Act of Cherokee council: Appointing commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1896 127 1901 10 Concerning citizenship rolls 1897 36 Continuing commission 1896 134 Of November 18, 1870, concerning North Carolina Cherokees 1899 140 1901 159 Act of Chickasaw council: Concerning intermarriage 1896 72 Protesting against ratification of agreement 1896 119 Providing for negotiations 1896 Ill Act of Choctaw council: Creating commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1896 98 December 24, 1899 1899 96 1901 115 Forbidding negotiations with United States 1895 67 May 21, 1883, affecting Choctaw freed- men 1894 29 November 5, 1886, defining quantity of blood essential to citizenship 1899 99 1901 118 Providing for negotiations 1895 87 Relative to intermarriage 1899 101 1901 120 Act of Creek council: Authorizing negotiations 1896 156 May 17, 1885, distribution of tribal funds 1899 158 May 30, 1895, creating citizenship commission 1899 158 1900 21 1901... 177 Act of Creek council Continued. October 26, 1899, relating to citizen ship 1901 Act of Seminole council providing for establishment of town sites: 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 Act of Cherokee council: Declared void by the Court of Claims- 1901. 1904 ............................... To be approved by President 1900 ............................... Act of Congress, relation to treaties: 1894 ................................... Act of Creek council, to be approved by President: 1897 ................................... 1900 ................................... 1901 ................................... 1902 ................................... 1903 ............................... .... 1904 ................................... Page. 157 176 57 111 128 128 71 131 137 Act of Seminole council, to be approved by President: 1897 ................................... 72 Acts of tribal council, subject to Presi dential approval: 1896 ................................... 105 1907 ................................. 88,91,100 1899 64,68 1900 57 1901 73,91 1902 54,71 1903 64,81 1904 60,77 Ada: Alienation of land for town-site pur- 1904 1905 Enrollment of children at 1905 Reservation for town site at 1901 1903... Adair, John L., letter of Commission to, September 16, 1896: 1896 Adams, Richard C., claims of: 1905 Adams, Wiley, decision of Department, enrollment case of: 1905 Adams, Lottie B., opinion of Attorney- General, enrollment case of: 1901... 29 20 130 42 13 208 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Adams, Spencer B., opinion in citizenship case of Thomas Brinnon ct ill. Page. Agreement with Cherokees Continued. Ratification of 1894 Page. 11 1904 130 1896 129 135 Lula B. Trahern 1899 10 1904 131 1900 44 B. F. Thompson 1901 9 1904 132 1902 109 Additional judges appropriation for: 1903 125 1904 126 1904 121 Addresses by Commission at Atoka Removal of intruders 1894 12 1895 . -- 65 Synopsis of Hartshorn e 1894 11 1895 65 1896 132 Adjournment not subject to Presidential 1899.. 10 approval 1900 35 1897 100 Admission card, Cherokee land office: 1903 170 Desired by freedmen 1894 Adopted citizens, Creek Nation: 1896 146 Refusal of Chickasaw commissioners Adoption of Chickasaw freedmen: 1896 121 1894 38 Advance royalty, payment of: 1896 114 117 1897 15 1898 ... - 19,33 Agreement with Choctaws, December 18, 1899 34,43 1896: 1897 90 1900 61,70 1901 76,86 Agreement with Choctaws and Chicka- 1902 56 66 saws 1903 66 76 April 23 1897 1904 62 72 1897 11 Affidavits Commission authorized to re 1898 26 ceive: 1899 38 1896 83 1900. 65 1897 98 1901 81 1899 67 1902 61 1900 56 1903 71 1901 72 1904 67 1902 .... 52 Draft of 1903 62 1896 100 1904 58 1901 61 66 Agents: Disbarment of Failure of ratification by tribes 1898 4 1901 103 February 7 1901 1902 115 1901 ] 60 66 1903 167 Julyl 1902 1904 197 202 1902 88 Rules governing recognition of 1903 104 1901 .... 103 1904 100 1902 115 July 1 1902 to supersede treaty pro 1903 167 visions 1904 197, 202 1902 100 Agreement: 1903 116 Concerning Cherokee Outlet not to be 1904 112 impaired 1894 14 Ratification of 1896 98, 115, 121 Of April 8 1867 between Cherokees 1897 17 21 and Delawares 1898 26 1899. . 17 1899 9 Agreement with Cherokees: 1900 65 Approved July 1, 1902 1901 65,70 1902 101 1902 100 1903 117 1903 116 1904 113 1904 112 April 9, 1900 1900... 11 Ratification of, by Choctaw council 1896. . . 88 THE FIVE CIVI Agreement with Choctaws and Chicka- Page, saws Continued. Supplemental 1902 9 LIZED TRIBES. Agreement with Seminoles Continued. Ratification of 1894 7 Page. 13 72 79 4 88 55 82 92 88 72 9 106 98 66 55 71 10,52 9,62 58 100 68 57 73 53 63 59 75 25 37 64 80 61 71 67 13 76 39 34 56 58 118 19 33 60 76 56 1897 Synopsis of 1894 10 1897 1898. Agreement with Creeks: Amendment of 1901 9 1899 1901 1902 1903 Amendment of section 8 1902. 88 1904 Resolution of tribal council restrict ing 1903 104 1904 100 March 1,1901, amendment of 2 1902 section 85 Agreements: Ratification of 1894 1903 101 1896 1904 97 1897 March 1, 1901, amendment of 37 1902 section 87 1899. . . . . 1900 1901 1903 103 1902 1904 99 1903 April 8, 1900 1900 11 1904 To supersede conflicting provisions of the act of June 7, 1897 1897 Construction of section 5 Failure to call election for tion of 1898 ratifica- 6 1899 1900 1901. June 30, 1902 1902 84 1903 1903 100 Agricultural lease: Form of 1900 1904 96 March (April) 8, 1900 1900 45 Termination of 1898 Objection to 1896 152 Ratification of 1894 9 1900 1899 9,45,65 1900 53 1901 9 1904 1902 80 84 88 Alabama; Notice of allotment to be published in 1898 1903 90 100 104 1904 86 96 100 Rejection of 1897 .. 59,63,68 Rejection of, by principal chief 1898 4 Reservation for town site at 1901 Supplemental 1902 9 1903 Alexander, G. A.: Letter to Commission, September 27, 1897 1897 Agreement with Seminoles: Classification of lands 1899 22 December 16, 1897 1897 77 Letter of Commission, to October 12, 1897 1897 October 7, 1899 1900 54 Alienation of land: 1896 1901 59 1902 83 1898 1903 99 1899 1904 89 1900 . Synopsis of 1894... 13 1901 1902... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Alienation of land Continued. 1903 Page. 66 Alienation of land Continued. For town-site purposes at Page. 1904 62 Henryetta Act of April 21, 1904 1904. ... 29 1904 123 Holdenville Cherokee Nation 1904 29 1900 36 Indianola Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation 1904 29 1896 101 Kinta 1902 89 1904 29 1903 106 Mill Creek 1904 102 1904 29 1897 12 Morris 1898 . . . 29 1904. 29 1899 40 Muskogee 1900 67 1904 29 1901 83 Okemah 1902 63 1904 29 1903 73 Okmulgee 1904 69 1904. ... ...-. 29 Creek Nation 1900 r 51 Oktaha 1904 29 1901 52 Olney 1902 73 1904 29 1903 83 Paden 1904 79 1904 29 Seminole Nation 1903 127 Porter 1903... 35 1904 123 1904 29 For town-site purposes 1903 35 Quinton 1904 29 1903 126 Sapulpa 1904 121 1904 29 1905 63 Stuart For town-site purposes 1904 29 Act of March 3, 1903 1904 27 Tulsa 1904 29 For town-site purposes at Ada Weleetka 1904 29 1904 29 Wetumka 1904 29 1904 29 Allotment: Bixby 1904 . 29 Diagram of 1899 60 Bristow 1904 * 29 Of pine timber 1905 36 Bokoshe 1904 29 Of pine timber, Choctaw Nation 1904 45 Broken Arrow 1903 35 Progress of Cherokee Nation 1905 39 1904 . . . 29 Chase 1904 29 Allotment blanks, Choctaw and Chicka saw nations, form of: Checotah 1904 29 Allotment certificates* Chickasha 1904 29 Cherokee Nation 1903 175 Coweta 1903 35 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 91 1904 29 1903 107, 191 Depew 1904 101 1904 -. 29 Delivery of to Choctaws Dustin (Spokogee) 1904 45 1903 35 Issuance of 1904 29 1899 19 Eufaulii 1901 65 1904... 29 1902 . . . 102 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 9 A 1 lotment certificates Continued. Issuance of 1903 1904 To Choctaws 1905 To Seminoles 1897 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 Allotment contest: Brown v. Collins 1904 Mayor v. Thompson 1904 Paquin v. Davis 1904 Posey v. Tucker 1904 Shepherd v. Marshall 1904 Allotment contests: 1903 1905 Adjudication of 1904 After termination of Commission 1904 Cherokee Nation 1904 Creek Nation 1899 1901 1902 Decision of Department in 1902... 1904 Diagram showing disposition of 1902 Digest of decisions in 1903 1904 Instituted by grafters 1905 Regulations governing 1899 1901 Seminole Nation 1901 1902 Settlement of 1902 1903 1904 Settlement of Creek Nation 1900 . 1901 1902 1903 1904 To be determined by Commission 1896 1897... Page. 118 114 77 87 54 80 90 192 193 188 189 19 52 54 48 10 39 20 40 47 126 139 188 124 157 194 45 84 100 43 47 85 101 97 46 46 73 83 79 102 12,51 Allotment contests Continued. Page. To be determined by Commission 1898 29 1899 40,60 1900 36,46,67 1901 65,70,83 1902 63,91,102 1903 73,107,118 1904 69,103 Allotment deed, form of: Choctaw and Chickasaw 1904 53,54 Creek 1902 162 1903 168 Allotment office, at Okmulgee: 1901 30 Allotment of Delaware land, under act of April 21, 1904: 1904 124 Allotment of land: 1899 18 Adjacent to town sites 1899 GO Appropriation for 1898 7 1899 69 Authority of United States court to compel 1897 *. 89 Cherokee Nation 1894 11 1896 132 1899 49 1900 35 1902 101 1903 39, 117 1904 32,113 Validity of 1904 124 Chickasaw Nation 1896 114 1904 ; 46 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1894 10 1896 97, 98, 99, 100, 117 1897 11,22 1898 27 1899 39 1900 66 1901 65,82 1902 62,89 1903 72,105 1904 41,68,100 Commencement under Curtis Act 1905 5 Creek Nation 1894 8 1896 145,154,155 1897 51 1898 37 1899 59 1900 29,45 1901 30,45 1902 39,72,85 1903 37,82,101 1904 31,78,97 10 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Allotment of land Continued. Desired by Indians 1894 Page. 14 Allotment of land Continued. Seminole Nation 1904 Page. 30 86 Expense of, to be borne by the United 1905 52 States 1896 103, 118 Time necessary for 1896 146 1897 14 To be opposed until provisions for pay 1898 .. 31 ment of tribal funds is made 1899 i 11,57,60 1896 117 1900 42 68 To Choctaw and Chickasaw Freed 1901 84 men 1902 . 65 1896. 101 1903 75 1902 89 1904 71 1903 105 Freedmen not to participate in 1904 100 1896 117 To full blood Cherokees Manner of 1904 39 1896. 146, 158 To Mississippi Choctaws 1899 " 19 1902. 96 1900 10 1903 112 1904 8 1904 11 108 Objections to 1897 61 Allotment plats: Preparation of Opposition incurred by Commission 1902 46 1897 91 Showing location of allotment form Opposition to, by full-bloods 1905 47 of 1900 32 Progress of 1901 30 Allotment record, Cherokee Nation: 1903 173 1903 36 Allotment selection diagram of 1904 30 1899 62 1905 34 Allotments Progress of, Creek Nation 1905 50 Equalization of Creek Nation 1897. 51,52 Provisions of Curtis Act 1898 18 Exempt from taxation 1896 118 1899 32, 166 Incumbrance of Creek Nation 1900. 59 1899 60 1901 75 1902 87 1902 55 1903 103 1903 65 1904 99 1904 61 Leasing of Cherokee Provisions of act of March 3 1893 1900 42 1897 97 Possession of guaranteed allottees 1899 66 1896 118,120 1900. 55 Relinquishment of 1901 71 1902 157, 161 1902 51 Sale of, Creek 1903 61 1902 87 1904 57 1903 103 Publication of notice 1904 99 1898 13 Selection of 1899 76 For convicts Right to make application for 1899 60 1902 157 1901 65,70 Rules and regulations governing 1902 87 100 1903 41 1903 103, 116 1904 99 112 1899 83 84 For incompetents 1901 98 99 1899 60, 82 1901 65, 70, 97 1894 13 1902 87,100 1897 77 1903 103, 116 1899 87 1904 99, 112 1901 31,54 For minors 1902 80 1899 60 1903... 36,90 1901... 65.70 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 11 Allotments Continued. Page. Selection of For minors 1902 87,100 1903 103,116 1904 99,112 For orphans 1899 82 1901 97 For prisoners 1899 60,82 1901 65,70,97 1902 87,100 1903 103,116 1904 99, 112 Taxation of, Creek Nation 1899 60 Amendment: Of agreement, February 7, 1901 1901 Of Creek agreement 1901 Of Delaware segregation 1904 Of rules and regulations governing selection and leasing of land 1901. Of section 2, Creek agreement, ap proved March 1, 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of section 8, agreement with Creeks, approved March 1, 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of section 37, Creek agreement ap proved March 1, 1901 1902 1903 1904 Amnesty for offending Seminoles: 1897 Amos, Jack, et al., decision of United States court in citizenship case of: 1898 1899 1901 Annual report, printing of: 1894 Annual message: Of Isparhecher 1897 Of Hon. D. H. Johnson, governor of Chickasaw Nation 1901 Of Hon. Green McCurtain, principal chief of the Choctaw Nation 1901 Annuity, Mississippi Choctaws not to share in: 60 9 171 83,84 85 101 97 104 100 87 103 99 72 15 77,92 111 1899. 209 215 Answer in contest cases: 1899 , 1901 , 1902 Antlers, enrollment of children at: 1905... Page. 85 100 112 19 Appeal: Allowed persons whose names are stricken from the rolls 1897 100 1899 68 1900 57 1901 73 1902 54 1903 65 1904 60 From decision of United States court in citizenship cases 1899 69 1900 72 1901 88 1902 69 1903 79 1904 75 In citizenship cases 1899 9 In citizenship cases, time allowed for 1896 83 In contest cases 1899 21, 86 1901 102 1902 114,157 1903 157 Of Chickasaw freedmen to Supreme Court 1901 63 Of intermarried Cherokees to Supreme Court 1905 ............................... 26 To Commissioner of Indian Affairs, contest cases 1899 ............................... 82 1901 ............................... 97 To Department in school matters 1900 ............................... 40,52 1901 ............................... 53 1902 ............................... 79 1903 ............................... 89 1904 ............................... 85 To Indian Office and Department 1903 ............................... 165 1904... 199 To Supreme Court in citizenship cases 1898 3 1899 168,187 To Supreme Court in Delaware case 1898 26 1899 38 1900 65 1901 81 1902 61,102 1903 71 1904. . . 67 12 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Appeal Continued. Page. To United States court in citizenship cases 1896 83 1897 92,99 1899 67 1900 56 1901 72 1902 16,52 1903 62 1904 58 Application for allotment: Cherokee Nation 1903 172,173 Form of 1899 64 Form of, Cherokee Nation 1903 170 Applications for enrollment: Classification of 1905 25 Under act of June 10, 1896, number of 1898 3 Applications for citizenship: Act of June 10, 1896, number of 1895 87 How made 1895 86 Time allowed for 1895 86 Appointment: At Ardmorefor enrollment of Chicka- 1901 12 At Ardmore for enrollment of inter married whites 1899 15 At Atoka for enrollment of Choctaws and Chickasaws 1901 13 At Atoka for identification of Missis sippi Choctaws 1901 19 At Bartlesville for enrollment of Cherokee citizens 1901 23 At Bunch for enrollment of Chero kees 1901 23 1902 30 At Campbell for enrollment of Chero- kees 1902 30 At Carthage for identification of Mis sissippi Choctaws 1901 20 1902 23 At Catoosa for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Charles Thompson s precinct for enrollment of Cherokees 1902 30 At Checotah for enrollment of Creeks 1902... 36 Appointment Continued. F age. At Chelsea for enrollment of Chero kees 1901 23 At Choteau for enrollment of Chero- 1902 30 At Claremore for enrollment of Chero kees 1901 23 At Conahatta for identification of Mississippi Choctaws 1902 23 At Cookson for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Decatur for identification of Mis sissippi Choctaws 1901 20 1902 23 At Edinburg for identification of Mis sissippi Choctaws 1902 23 At Eufaula for enrollment of Creeks 1902 36 At Fairland for enrollment of Chero- 1901 23 At Fawn for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Flint for enrollment of Cherokees 1902 30 At Fort Gibson for enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1902 33 At Fort Gibson for enrollment of Cherokees 1901 23 At Gans for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Garfield for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Goingsnake Court House for en rollment of Cherokees 1902 30 At Hays for identification of Missis sippi Choctaws 1902 23 At Holdenville for enrollment of Creeks 1902 36 At Kansas for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Marble for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Melvin for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Meridian for identification of Mis sissippi Choctaws 1901 20 1902... 23 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TEIBES. 13 Appointment Continued. Page. At Moodys for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Muldrow for enrollment of Chero kees 1901 23 At Muscogee for enrollment of Chero kee freedinen 1902 33 [At McLain for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Necdmore for enrollment of Cher okees 1902 30 At Nowata for enrollment of Chero kee citizens 1901 23 At Okmulgee for enrollment of Creeks 1901 28 At Okmulgee for enrollment of Creeks 1902 36 At Morse for enrollment of Creeks 1902 36 At Paulding for identification of Mis sissippi Choctaws 1902 23 At Peggs for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Philadelphia for identification of Mississippi Choctaws 1902 24 At Proctor for enrollment of Creeks 1902 36 At Pryor Creek for enrollment of Cherokees 1901 23 At Remy for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Rose for enrollment of Cherokees 1902 30 At Salina for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 30 At Sallisaw for enrollment of Chero kees 1901 23 At Scale for identification of Missis sippi Choctaws 1902 24 At Senora for enrollment of Creeks 1902 36 At South McAlester for enrollment of Choctaws 1901 12 At South McAlester for enrollment of intermarried whites 1899 15 At Spavinaw for enrollment of Cher okees 1902... 30 Appointment Continued. At Starvilla for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 At Stillwell for enrollment of Chero kees 1901 At Swimmer for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 At Tahlequah for enrollment of Chero- Page. 1901 At Toles for identification of Missis sippi Choctaws 1902 At Vian for enrollment of Cherokees 1902 At Vinita for enrollment of Chero kees 1901. At Vinita for enrollment of Chero kee freedmen 1902 At Wauhillau for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 At Westville for enrollment of Chero kees 1901 At Wetumka for enrollment of Creeks 1902 At Wewoka for enrollment of Semi- noles 1900 1901 At Whitmire for enrollment of Chero kees 1902 At Zena for enrollment of Cherokees 1902 For enrollment of Creeks 1902 Jn Cherokee Nation for enrollment of citizens 1900 1901 1902 In Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations for enrollment of citizens 1900 In Mississippi for identification of Mississippi Choctaws 1899 Of additional Commissioners 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of additional judges, act of April 28, 1904 1904... 21 23 23 12 30 36 14 10 125 14 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Appointment Continued. Of Cherokee commission 1896 Of Cherokee commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1899 Of Cherokee committee to confer with Dawes Commission 1896 Of Chickasaw commission to nego tiate with Dawes Commission 1896 Of Chickasaw commission to protest against ratification of proposed agreement 1896 Of citizenship commission, Creek Na tion 1901. Of commission of Chickasaw Nation to negotiate with Dawes Commis sion 1896 Of Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, provisions for 1897 1899 1900 1931 1902 1903 1904 Of commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1901 Of Commissioner to succeed Commis sion to Five Civilized Tribes 1905 Of committee by Chickasaw Nation to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1895 Of committee by Creek Nation 1896 Of committee by Creek Nation to con fer with Commission 1894 Of committee to determine Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship 1894 Of committee to determine Creek cit izenship 1894 Of committee to represent Choctaw freedmen 1894 Of Creek commission 1896 Of Creek commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1899 Of Seminole commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1897 Of town-site commission Page. 128 9 127 117 119 158 177 111, 117 97 66 55 71 51 61 57 10 8 66 156 8 9 9 23 143 10 71 21 34,61 Appointment Continued. Of town-site commission 1900. Page. 61 74 1901 77 90 1902 58 70 1903 68 80 1904 64 76 Of town -site commission, Nation 1899. Cherokee R1 Of town-site commission, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 i* 1898 30 1899. . 40 1900 67 1901 83 1902 64 1903.. 74 1904 70 Of town-site commission, Nation 1899 Seminole 89 1901 . . 57 1902 110 1903 128 1904 198 Of town-site commissioners 1901 fi4 fiQ 1902 84 97 105 1903 100 113 123 1904 ... . 96 109 119 Of town-site committee, Nation 1900 Cherokee 37 Appraisement of improvements Creek Nation 1897 52 1898...... 37 1899 ... . 45 1902 41 1903 38 In town sites 1899 61 Made by intruders 1898. 16 1899 31 1900 58 1901 74 1902 54 1903 64 1904 60 On town lots 1898 21 1899 35 1900 62 74 1901 . . 78 90 1902 58 70 1903 68, 80 1904 64 76 Appraisement of land: 1899 10 50 1901 32 1903 31 1904 g Adjacent to town site 1899... 20,60 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 15 Appraisement of land-Continued. Page. Cherokee Nation 1900 28,35 1902 101 1903 42, 117 1904 113 Chickasaw Nation 1896 121 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1896 101, 103 1897 11 1898 28 1899 24,139 1900 26,66 1901 82 1902 63,89 1903 50, 73, 105 1904 69,101 Creek Nation 1897 52 1898 37 1899 46,59 1900 28,45 1901 45 1902 72,85 1903 82,101 1904 78,97 Expense of 1896 103 1897 14 1898 31 1900 68 1901 84 1902 65 1903 75 1904 71 Form of field record 1899 86,88 Progress of 1902 43 Rules and regulations governing 1901 108 Seminole Nation 1897 77 1899 22,87 1900 26 1901 31,64 1902 41,80 1903 90 1904 86 Representatives of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, to assist in 1897 12 1898 28 1899 39 1900 66 1901 82 1902 63 1903 73 1904 69 To foe made under direction of Secre tary of the Interior 1897 52 Appraisement of town lots: 1897 53 1898 21 1899 35, 51, 62 Appraisement of town lots Continued. Page. 1900 37, 47, 62, 74 1901 47,78,90 1902 58,70,74 1903 68, 80, 84 1904 64,76,80 Chickasaw Nation 1896 118 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1896 102 1897 13 1898 30 1899 41 1900 69 1901 64, 68, 84 1902 64 1903 74 1904 70 Appraisement of town sites: 1904 122 Appropriation for 1900 73 1901 89 1902 70, 84 1903 80,100,126 1904 76, 96 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 97 1903 113 1904 109 Appraisement parties, personnel of: 1901 108 Appropriation: Act of April 21, 1904 1904 10 By Choctaw council for removal of Mississippi Choctaws from Indian Territory 1899 80 For additional judges 1904 125 For Cherokee advocate 1899 57 For Cherokee insane asylum 1900 41 For Choctaw and Chickasaw freed- men 1894 38 For citizenship court 1903 126 1904 122 For clerical assistance 1901 91 1902 71,84 1903 81,100 1904 77, 95, 124 For Commission 1899 9 1902 71, 83 1903 81, 99, 100, 125 1904 77, 95, 121 For Commission s work 1897 97,98,99 1899 66,67,68 1900 55,56,57 1901 71, 72, 73 1902 51,52,53 16 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Appropriation Continued. For Commission s work 1903 6 Page. 1 62,63 Arbitrary allotments: Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 Page. 90 1904 7, 10, 5 7, 58, 59 1903 106 1905 5 1904 102 For disbursing agent 1899 69 Creek Nation 1902 39 1900 73 To Cherokees 1901 89 1905 48 1902 69,84 To excessive holders 1903 79, 100, 125 1902 91 1904 75 , 95, 121 1903 107 For establishing town sites 1904 103 1903 126 1904 121, 124 Interpreters 1902 84 poses at 1904 29 1903 100, 121 1905 63 1904 95 121 For removal of Mississippi Choctaws 1901 12 to Indian Territory 1904 19 Enrollment of children at 1905 19 For removal of intruders 1902 84 Enrollment of intermarried whites at 1903 100 1899 15 1904 96 Removal of Chickasaw land office at For school purposes, Seminole Na 1905 38 tion 1897 77 Reservation for town site at 1896 110 1899 88 Area 1901 55 Of Five Tribes 1902 81 1905 34 1903 91 Of Indian Territory 1904 87,88 1899 160 For stenographers 1901 43 179 1903 126 Of town sites, Creek Nation 1904 121 1899 61 For survey of town sites 1900 73 Arkansas: Notice of allotment to be published 1901 89 in 1902 70 1898 13 1903 80 1899 76 1904 76, 124 Arkansas law: Necessary to begin work for allot ments 1898 7 Extended over Choctaw and Chicka saw nations 1896 104 Necessary for 1897 16 1899 29 1898 34 1899 43 1900 70 1901 86 1899 50 1902 66 1900 39 1903 76 Of Creek patents by Secretary of the 1904 , 72 Interior 1900 48 Extended over Indian Territory 1897 88 ,91,100 1901 .... 49 1898 8,27 1902 76 1899 68 1903 86 1900 57 1904 82 1901 73 Of leases by Secretary of the Interior 1902 . . . 53 1900 31 1903 63 Arapaho Indians, right to locate on leased 1904 59, 126 district: 1894 51 To govern incorporation of towns 1898 >o Arbitration of claims: 1899 34 1896... 105 1900... 61 Arkansas law Continued. To govern incorporation of towns 1901 77 1902 57 1903 67 1904 63 .rmstrong, Frank C.: Appointment as Commissioner 1895 59 1900 7 \ Letter to chiefs of Five Tribes, June 5, 1895 1895 62 Letter to P. S. Mosley, September 28, 1895 1895 66 Letter to principal chief Creek Nation, October 4, 1895 1895 67 Letter to Olosachubbee, October 30, 1895 1895 67 Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner, July 1, 1896- 1896 93 Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner, July 10, 1896 1896 95 Letter to P. S. Mosley, July 10, 1896 1896 109, 110 Letter to Samuel H. Mayes, July 10, 1896 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Page. 1896 125 Letter to Isparhecher, July 10, 1896 1896 141 Letter to D. W. Bushyhead, September 16, 1896 1896 130 Letter to John L. Adair, September 16, 1896 1896 130 Letter to John F. Brown, July 10, 1896- 1896 169 Letter to Creek commission, Septem ber 14, 1896 1896 145 Letter to Creek commission, Septem ber 26, 1896 1896 146 Letter to R. M. Harris, October 23, 1896 1896 114 Letter of Green McCurtain to, October 15, 1896 1896 96 Letter to Green McCurtain, October 25, 1896 1896 97 Letter of Green McCurtain to, October 27, 1896 1896 97 Letter to Creek commission, Decem ber 15, 1896 1896 161 Letter to Creek commission, Decem ber 16, 1896 1896 163 1501300 2 Armstrong, Frank C. Continued. Letter to Cherokee commission, De cember 17, 1896 1896 Letter to Cherokee commission, De cember 17, 1896 1896 Letter to Cherokee commission, De cember 18, 1896 1896 Letter to Hon. Green McCurtain, March 23, 1897 1897 Telegram to Capt. J. S. Standley, March 26, 1897 1897 Letter to Green McCurtain, June 28, 1897 1897 Letter to P. Porter, March 27, 1897 1897 Letter to Jno. F. Brown, March 27, 1897 1897 Letter to S. H. Mayes, March 27, 1897 1897 Letter to S. H. Mayes, April 8, 1897 1897 Letter of Jno. F. Brown to, April 5, 1897 1897 Letter to John F. Brown, April 8, 17 Page. 135 136 137 1897. Letter to D. W. Bushyhead, April 23, 1897 1897 Letter to D. W. Bushyhead, April 29, 1897 1897 Letter to S. H. Mayes, April 29, 1897 1897 Letter to S. H. Mayes, May 5, 1897 1897 Letter to P. Porter, June 15, 1897 1897 Letter to John F. Brown, June 28, 1897 1897 Letter to R. M. Harris, June 28, 1897 1897 Letter to Isparheeher, June 28, 1897 1897 Letter to S. H. Mayes, June 28, 1897 1897 Letter of Green McCurtain to, July 17, 1897 1897 Letter of Green McCurtain to, July 30, 1897 1897 Letter to Green McCurtain, August 4, 1897 1897 Letter to S. H. Mayes, September 8, 1897 18 47 71 29 30 71 71 31 32 32 32 47 73 24 48 35 19 iy 19 37 18 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Armstrong, Frank C. Continued. Letter to chiefs of five tribes Page. Asphalt royalty, disposition of Cont d. 1901 Page. 85 1896 84 1902 66 Armstrong Orphan Academy, reservation 1903 . 75 for- 1904 71 1896 101 Assistant Attorney-General 1897 11 Opinion as to allotment of full 1898 27 bloods 1899 39 1905 36 1900 66 Opinion as to sale of Delaware im 1901 82 provements 1902 ... 62,92 1905 42 1903 72, 108 Opinion in citizenship case of 1904 68, 101 Clay McCoy Asbury Grissom v., decision of Commis 1905 14 sion in contest case of: 1901 42 Mary Elizabeth Martin 1905 13 Asphalt: Additional segregation of Joe and Dillard Perry 1905 16 1904 - - . 126 William C Thompson Disposition of 1905 16 1897 14 Benjamin J Vaughn 1898 2 1905 14 1899 42 Lula West 1900 69 1905 .. . 15 1901 85 Atkins J. D. C. 1902 65 Report concerning Chickasaw freed- 1903 75 men 1904 . 71 1894 40,45 Disposition of, revenue from 1896 103 Attendance of witnesses, Commission au thorized to compel: Reservation of 1898 25 1898 18 1899 37 1899 32 1900 64 1900 59 1901 80 1901 75 1902 60 1902 55 92 1903 70 1903 65 108 1904 66 1904 61 110 Atoka Reservation of Choctaw and Chicka- saw nations Citizens addressed by Commission at 1895 65 1897 . 11 Conference at 1904 68 1896 110 Segregation of 1897 7 1903 33 Conference with Choc taws and Chick- Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 98 asaws at 1897 90 1903 114 Enrollment of children at Asphalt land 1905 19 Disposition of 1897 23 Enrollment of Choctaws and Chicka- saws at 1904 124 1900 14 Regulations for leasing 1901 13 1898.... 19 Establishment of land office at 1899 33 1903 51 1900 60 Identification of Mississippi Choctaw.s 1901 76 at 1902 56 1901 19 1903 66 Suggested as place for conference 1904 62 with Choctaws Asphalt lands, reservation of* 1897 7 18% 101 Atoka agreement: Asphalt royalty disposition of 1897 11 1897 15 1898 27 1898 32 1899 38 1899 . . 42 1900 65 1900-,. 69 1901.., 81 THE FIV Uoka agreement Continued. 1902 E CIV1 Page. 61 71 67 90 10,60 9 6,26 38 65 81 61 71 67 112 103 115 167 197, 202 35 11 15 86 102 114, 158 103 115 167 197, 202 94 133 139 44 44 125 35 44,58 71 87 68 78 74 125 25 204 LIZED TRIBES. Attorney-GeneralContinued. Pa Opinion as to rights of Chickasaw freedmen to allotments 1901 19 fe e. 206 31 74 43 166 63 95 111 107 103 lift 167 197 87 13 30 41 68 84 64 74 70 97 66 Bf 71 51 61 57 100 23 167 ,63 ,79 , 59 ,6 J ,65 7 23 96 63 79 59 6U 65 1903 1904 . . . Inadequacy of 1897 Opinion as to right of Secretary to ap prove leases 1900 1901 1902 Opinion of, concerning Cherokee citi zenship 1895.. . Ratification of 1898 1899. Opinion concerning resolution of August 28, 1903 1904 1900 1901 1902 Opinion of enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1904 1903 1904 Lttorneys: Appointment of, to represent Chicka saw Nation 1896 To file suit against Chickasaw freed men 1901. To file suit for Chickasaw freedmen 1902... Disbarment of 1901 1903 1902.. 1904 1903 Attorney s oath, form of: 1901 1904 For Chickasaw freedmen 1894 1902 1903 For Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, delay caused by protests of r!902 1904 Attitude of Indians: 1895 1904 Auction, town lots to be sold at: 1897 In contest cases 1899. 1898 1901 1899 1902 1900 Rules governing recognition of 1901. 1901 1902 1902... . 1903 1903 .. . 1904 1904. Authority of Commission: Act of March 3, 1893 1897 ittorneys fees: Cherokee freedmen case 1901 1899 1903 1900 1904 1901 John F. Hemphill 1900 1902 1903 Wm. T. Hutchings 1900 1904 Enrollment of citizens 1897 98 J. Hale Sypher 1904 1898 Payment of 1898 1899 36 67 68 1900 56 57 1899 1901 72 73 1900 1902 52,53 1903 62 63 1901 1902 1904 57 59 1903 Explained to chief executives of Five Tribes 1894 1904 To be fixed by Court of Claims 1904 To employ assistance 1898 ttorney-General : Opinion as to return of Cherokee freedmen to Cherokee Nation 1904 1899 1900. 1901 Opinion as to rights of Cherokee freedmen 1901... 1902 1903 1904... 20 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Authority of Commission Continued. To enroll Cherokee freedmen 1899 1901 1903 1904 Auxiliary Cherokee land office estab lished at Muskogee: 1905 Ayers, Mattie J., decision of Supreme Court in citizenship case of: 1901 Ayers, Jacob S., decision of Supreme Court in citizenship case of: 1899 1901 Ayers, Stephen G., decision of Supreme , Court in citizenship case of: 1901 Aylesworth, reservation for town site at: 1903. Aylesworth, A. L.: Letter of D. W. Bushyhead, Novem ber 9, 1897 1897 Letter to R. M. Harris, December 22, 1897 1897 Bacone University, reservation for: 1897 Baking powder, amount allowed field parties: 1901 Baptist Mission School, reservation for: 1899 1902... 1904 Barrows, D. B., memorial of Choctaw freedmen: 1894 Bartles, Jacob H., excessive holding of: 1904 Bartlesville: Alienation of land for town site pur poses at 1905 Enrollment of Cherokees at 1900 1901 Beams v. Taylor, contest case of: 1903 Beans, amount allowed field parties: 1901... Alienation of land for town site pur- . poses at 1905 Reservation for town site at 1901 1903 Bell, R. S.: Reservation for 1897 1898... Page. 70 94 132 138 47 160 188 160 188 160 188 35 42 26 52 105 54 103 119 115 32 172 63 25 23 153 106 63 39 34 Bell, R. S. Continued. Reservation for 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Belt, R.V.: Attorney for Chickasaw freedmen 1894 Memorial of Choctaw freedmen 1894 Memorial of Chickasaw freedmen 1894 Bender, Joseph P.: Investigation of Cherokee accounts 1899 Benge, G. W.: Letter to Secretary of the Interior re questing removal of intruders 1897 Bennett, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1900 Bennington, reservation for town site at: 1903 Berwyn, reservation for town site at. 1896 Bill for provision for title to town lots: 1895 Birth, form of proof: 1901 Birth affidavits: 1899 Form of 1899 Births, Creek Nation: 1904 Births and deaths, Creek Nation: 1903 Birth rate, Cherokee Nation: 1902 Bixby, alienation of land for town site purposes at: 1904 1905 Bixby, Tarns, appointed Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes: 1905 Conference with Secretary at Wash ington 1897 Letter transmitting annual report for 1897 1897 Letter of September 1, 1899, transmit ting annual report 1899 Letter transmitting annual report for 1900 1900 Letter transmitting annual report 1902 1903 June 30, 1904 1904 For 1905 1905... Page. 39 66 82 62,92 72, 108 68, 105 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. 21 Blackstone, reservation for town site at: 1901 Page. 39 Bonds, issuance of, by municipalities: 1899 Page. 58 1903 34 1900 41 Blind asylum reservation for at Fort Gib 1902 98 son* 1903 . 114 1899 55 1904.. 110 Blind school, reservation for: 1900 41 Boswell, reservation for town site at: 1903 34 Bliss, C.M.: Letter of commission to, June 15, 1897 Boyd, Allen R., appointment as secretary of Commission : 1895 59 1897 34 Boyd, R L Letter of July 22, 1897 1897 .... 84 Letter to Commission 18% . . 117 Bloomfield Academy, reservation for: 1897 11 Memorial to Congress 1897 24 1898 27 Boynton, segregation of land for town- 1899 39 site purposes at 1900 06 1905 64 1901 82 Bread amount allowed field parties* 1902 62,92 1901 105 1903 72, 107 Brennon Thomas* 1904 68,104 Decision in enrollment case Bloomfield cemetery, reservation for: 1905. 12 1898 119 Bloomfield Female Seminary, reservation for: ment of 1904 130 1896 119 Bribery Blue, reservation for town site at: 1903. 34 Jurisdiction of United States court 1898 16 Board of education, session of, at Tushka- 1899 31 64 homa: 1900 58 1895 62 1901 74 Boggy Depot, establishment of land of 1902 54 fice at: 1903 64 1899 109 1904 60 1901 128 Jurisdiction of United States court Bokoshe: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at over In Seminole Nation 1897 78 1904 29 1899 88 1905 63 1901 55 Enrollment of children at 1902 82 1905 20 1903 92 Boley, alienation of land for town-site 1904. 88 purposes at: 1905 To be tried in United States court 1896 104 Bond: Required of mining trustees 1897 15 Bristow: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1898 32 1904 29 1899. 42 1905 63 64 1900 69 Enrollment of children at 1901 85 1905 30 1902 65 1903 75 1899 61 1904 71 Required of officer disbursing tribal 1900 46 funds 1896 105 Broken Arrow, alienation of land for Required of Seminole town-site com 1903 35 missioner 1904 29 1899 90 1905 63 1901. 58 1902 111 1903 129 1899 89 1904 129 1901... 57 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Brown, A. J., appointed Seminole town- site commissioner Continued. Page. Burden of proof in contest cases: 1903 Page. 157 1902 112 1903 128 1904 128 1894 Brown, John F.: Letter of Commission to Butter, amount allowed field parties: 1901 . . 105 July 10, 1896 1896 169 Butler, Marion, letter relative to claims of July 28, 1894 Richard C. Adams: 1905 42 August 8, 1896 1896 170 Bushyhead, D. W.: Appointed Cherokee Commissioner March 27 1897 1896 . 127 \ 1897 71 Letter to Commission April 5, 1897 1897 71 September 4, 1896 1896 127 April 7, 1897 1897 71 September 12, 1896 1896 126 June 28, 1S97 1897 73 September 18, 1896 1896 131 December 4, 1897 1897 74 September 21, 1896 1896. 131 Letter to Commission- September 18 1897 December 5, 1896 1896 133 1897 73 December 16, 1896 December 10 1897 1896 133 1897 74 December 17, 1896 Letter to Henry L. Dawes, September 1896 135 5, 1896 1896 170 December 18, 1896 1896 137 Brown, Roland: Letter to Commission April 23, 1897 1897 31 December 16, ft96 1896 152 April 26, 1897 1897 ;..... 31 December 16, 1896 1896 161 Letter of Commission to September 16, 1896 December 18 1896 1896 130 1896 163 Letter to, April 29, 1897 September 27 1897 1897 32 1897 56 Letter to, May 3, 1897 Brown Isaiah memorial to Congress: 1897 32 1897 24 May 28, 1897 1897 33 Contest case of 1902 140 October 28, 1897 1897 . . 38 1904 192 November 9, 1897 Decision of Department in contest 1897 42 case of 1902 48 Bryant Station, reservation for town site at: Brown v Tuttle contest case of 1901 39 1903 149 1903 35 Browning, O. H., report concerning Choc- taw and Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 42 Byrd, William L.: Letters to Commission, November 25, 1896 1896 88, 116 Buckner, Mrs. H. F., reservation for: 1897 52 Letter to Commission Buffington, T. M M et al. v. Commission en rollment of Cherokee freedmen: Memorial to Congress 1897 24 1902 119 1903 136 1904 142 ISO S 59 Bunch, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1900 25 Illness of 1896 144 1901 23 Letter to chiefs of Five Tribes 1902... 30 1896 . . . 84 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 23 Cabaniss, Thomas B. Continued. Page. Letter to P. S. Moseley, September 28, 1895 1895 6G Letter to principal chief Creek Na tion, October 4, 1896 1895 67 Letter to Olosachubbee, October 30, 1895 1895 67 Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner, July 1, 1896 1896 93 Letter to Isparhecher, July 10, 1896 18% 141 Letter to Samuel H. Mayes, July 10, 1896 1896 125 Letter to John F. Brown, July 10, 1896 18% 169 Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner, July 10, 1896 1896 95 Letter to P. S. Mosely, July 10, 1896 1896 110 Letter to P. S. Mosely, July 26, 1896 1896 109 Letter to Isparhecher, August 7, 1896 1896 142 Letter to Samuel H. Mayes, August?, 126 John F. Brown, August 8, 18%, letter to 18% 170 Letter to P. S. Mosely, Augusts, 18% 18% Ill Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner, Augusts, 18% 1896 96 Letter to Creek commission, Septem ber 14, 18%- 18% 145 Letter to John L. Adair, September 16, 1896 18% 130 Letter to D. W. Bushyhead, September 16, 18% 18% 130 Letter to Creek commission, Septem ber 26, 1896 1896 146 Letter to R. M. Harris, October 23, 1896 1896 114 Letter to Hon. Green McCurtain, Oc tober 25, 1896 1896 97 Letters to Creek commission, Decem ber 15, 1896 1896 161,163 Letter to Cherokee commission, De cember 17, 18% 1896 135 Caddo, conference at: 18%... 110 Camp equipment: Page. Purchase of 1898 7 1899 12 Repairs of 1901 106 Campbell, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 Campbell, F. L., opinion concerning reso- /" lution of Commission, August 28, 1903: 1904 43 Canard, Drew v., contest case of: 1903 140 Cancellation of allotments, Creek Nation: 1902 85 1903 101 1904 97 Candles, purchase of, for field parties: 1901 105 Canned vegetables or fruit, amount al lowed field parties: 1901 ,... 106 Capitol building: Cherokee Nation, reservation for 1899 54,66 1902. 1903. 1904. Chickasaw Nation, reservation for 1897... 103 119 115 11 27 39 66 82 1903 72,92,108 1904 68, 104 Choctaw Nation, reservation for 1889. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1904. ........................ 92 ........................ 108 ........................ 104 Creek Nation, reservation for 1899 ............................... 61,63 Disposition of 1900 ............................... 41 Reservation for 18% ............................... 101, 109 1897 ............................... 11,52 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Carthage, identification of Mississippi Choctaws at: 1901 ................................... 1902 ................................... Catoosa, enrollment of Cherokees: 1900 ................................... 1902 ...... . ............................ Cattle, unlawful introduction of: 1897 ................................... Cattle grazing: In Cherokee Nation 1900 ............................... 60 42 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Cattle grazing Continued. In Creek Nation 1902 Page. 88 Cemeteries Continued. Reservation for 1903 . Page. 66 1903 104 1904 62 1904 100 Reservation for Cherokee Nation In Indian Territory 1902 103 1900 . .. 52 1903 119 1901 62 1904. 115 1902 79 Reservation for Chickasaw Nation 1903 89 1896 119 1904 85 Reservation for, Creek Nation Cattle tax Creek Nation* 1900 49 1900 52 1901 50 1901 52 1902 77 1902 79, 88 1903.. .. 87 1903 89, 104 1904 83 1904 . . . . 85, 100 Title to Cemeteries* 1899 52 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, ervation for 1902 res- 92 Cemetery, reservation for, at Bloomfield, Chickasaw Nation: 1896 1903 108 1904 104 Census: Distance from town sites 1896 103 Of Cherokee freedmen, ordered by Court of Claims 1897 86 Establishment of 1900 38 Creek Indians 1900 19 For town sites 1902 107 Of Indians 1898 7 25 1903 123 1899 11,37 1900 64 Location of 1901 80 1902 60 1903 70 1904 66 1901 48 84 Necessity for taking 1897 93 1903 75 85 103 Of 1896, names improperly added to 1905 16 Patents to Notice of, Creek Nation 1897 57 64 1896 103 1899 63 Center, reservation for town site at: 1896 118 1898 22 Certificate 1 1899 35 1900 62 1903 176 1901 78 Of citizenship Cherokee Nation form 1902 58 of 1903 68 1903 170 1904 64 Of enrollment Creek Nation Provisions for 60 1896 103 Certificates of allotment 1898. 21 Cherokee Nation 1899 35 1903 175 1900 62 Choctaw Nation 1901 . . 78 1904 45 1902 58 1903 68 1899 76 1904 64 Reservation for 1905 38 1897 52 1898 18 1899 19 1899 32,48,50 61 1901 65 69 1900 40 59 1902 102 1901 75 1903 118 1902... 56 1904... 114 THE FIVE Certificates of allotment Continued. Issuance of, to Seminoles 1897 CIVI Page. 77 87 54 80 90 86 97 66 55 71 51 61 57 14 50,51 87 9 105 16 34 43 70 86 67 77 73 18 32,54 59 75 56 66 62 30 29 63 29 63 61 46 25 23 57 40 LIZED TKIBES. Cherokee Advocate Continued. Reservation for 1 899 25 Page. 54 103 119 115 101 117 113 11 49 35 9 49 10 44 42 29 134 9 10 133 128 29 41 103 119 115 70 92 119 130 136 122 134 140 83 23 32 1899 1902 1901 1903 1904 1903 Cherokee agreement: Approved July 1, 1902 1902 1904 Cession of lands: To United States 1897 1903 1904 . ... 1899 Concluded April 9, 1900 1900 1900 1901 Draft of 1899 1902 1903 1900 1904 Failure to ratify 1901 To United States opposed by Indians 1894 Of January 14, 1899 1899 Cession of territory to United States by treaty of 1866: 1894 Ratification of 1899 Change in attitude of Indians: 1895 1900 Cherokee Agricultural Association, reser vation for, at Vinita: 1900 . Change of name, frequency of: 1905 Change of venue: 1896 Cherokee citizenship rolls, unreliability of: 1897 1897 1898 Cherokee commission: Act of council continuing 1896 1899 1900 1901 Appointed to negotiate with Dawes Commission: 1899 1902 1903 1904 1901 Charitable institute, reservation for: 1898 Continuance of 1896 1899 Cherokee commissioners, compensation of: 1896 1900 1901 1902 Cherokee correspondence: 1897 1903 1904 . . . Cherokee Female Seminary: Disposition of 1900 Charles Thompson s precinct, enrollment of Cherokees: 1902 Reservation for 1902 Chase, alienation of land for town-site pur poses at: 1904 1903 1904 1905 Cherokee freedmen: Decree of Court of Claims concerning 1899 Checotah: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at: 1904 1901 1902 1905 1903 Reservation for town site at 1899 1904 Departmental instructions concern ing enrollment 1900 Chelsea, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1900. 1902 1903 1901 1904 Cherokee Advocate: Appropriation for 1899 Discrepancies in rolls of 1897. Enrollment of 1901 Provisions for 1900. . . 1902... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Cherokee freedmen Continued. Injunction of United States court against enrollment of 1904 Number of 1899 1905 On Wallace roll unlawfully 1894 Opinion of Attorney-General as to rights of 1901 Opinion of Assistant Attorney-General as to enrollment of 1904 Preparation of 1880 roll of 1897 Provisions of treaty of 1866 1894 Return to Indian Territory 1904 Right to be determined by Court of Claims 1904 Right to participate in distribution of funds 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 Cherokee Indians, number of: 1899 Cherokee land office: Admission card 1903 Establishment of, at Tahlequah 1904 Cherokee Male Seminary: Disposition of land 1900 Reservation for 1902 1903 1904 Cherokee national council, act of contin uing commission: 1896 Cherokee Orphan Asylum, reservation for: 1899 1902 1903 1904 Cherokee Outlet: Agreement concerning, not to be im paired 1894 Purchase of 1901 Cherokee Outlet funds, right of freedmen to share in: 1901 1903, 1904 Page. 24 12 26 14 204 166 86 47 25 125 70 92 122 130 136 12 170 32 103 119 115 1H4 54 103 119 115 14 131 150 70 92 130 136 Cherokees: Page. Consent to be given before statehood is established 1899 58 Eastern Band, decision of Supreme Court in suit of 1899 119 1901 138 Enrollment of 1900 25 From North Carolina, resolution of council concerning 1899 140 1901 159 Number of 1905 24,26 Progress of enrollment of 1905 23 Removal of, to Indian Territory 1899 115 1901 135 Status of Eastern Band 1899 96,113 1901 112,132 Cherokee roll, corruption of: 1895 73 Cherokee strip: 1895 74 Cherokee treaty: Of 1785 1899 114 1901 132 Of 1791 1899 114 1901 132 Of 1819 1899 115 1901 134 Of 1835 1897 89 Of 1866, provisions affecting freed men 1894 26 Cherry v. Smith, contest case of: 1903 154 Cheyenne Indians, right to locate on leased district: 1894 51 Chissoe v. Davis, contest case of: 1903 147 Chickasaws: Agreement with, February 7, 1901 1901 10, 60, 66 Number of 1905 18, 23 Chickasaw citizenship rolls, reopened: 1905 5,6 Chickasaw freedmen. Adjustment of claims desired 1894 52 Allotment of land to 1896 101 1902 89 1903. 105 1904 100 Appeal to Supreme Court 1901 THE FIVE Chickasaw freedmen Continued. Appointment of committee to present claims of 1894 CIVI Page. 35 38 63 35 63,67 6 93 45 38 39 46 93 24 37 64 ,67,80 , 60, 95 70,111 66, 107 11 27 39 66 82 62 72 68 90 39 51 35. , 48, 49 37 119 117 106 LIZED TRIBES. Chickasaw freedmen Continued. Not to participate in town-site funds of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 27 Page. 14 31 41 68 84 65 75 71 12 22,23 206 28 17 35 44 71 87 67 78 74 21 48 6, 37, 53 6 39 95 111 107 51 27 89 36 48 38 29 63 20 Appropriation for 1894 1898 1899 Attorney-General to file suit against 1901 1900 1901 Attorneys for 1894 1902 1903 Case submitted to Court of Claims 1901 1904 Number of 1899 Difficulties in enrolling 1898 1905 . Disputed claims of 1897 Opinion of Attorney-General concern ing rights of 1901 Duties of United States to 1894 Poverty of 1894 Educational facilities for 1894 Prohibited from sharing in distribu tion of tribal funds 1897 Efforts of George T. Olmstead in be half of 1894 1898 Emancipation of 1894 1899 1900 Enrollment of 1897 1901 1902 1898 1903 1899 1904 1900 - --- Progress of enrollment of 1905 1901 63 1902 15 Power of Congress to remedy treaty wrongs against 1894 1903 16, 1904 18 Excluded from participating in coal and asphalt funds Removal of 1894 26,3 1898 1898 Report of Indian agent concerning 1894 - 1900 Right to be determined by Court of Claims 1902 1901 ... -inno 1903 1Q04 1904 : Exclusion by Atoka agreement 18Q7 Right to locate upon leased district 1894 Ignorance of 1894 Right to share in tribal funds and property 1894 Memorial of J. D. Collins, concern ing Status of citizenship 1897 Memorial of Treaty of 1866 concerning 1894 Message of President Harrison con cerning -IQQ4 Q1 Treaty wrongs, power of Congress to remedy 1894 Nonfulfillment of treaty of 1866 1894 Chickasaw land office, removal from Tish- omingo to Ardmore: 1905 Not entitled to hold town lots 1896 Chickasha: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1904 Not to participate in allotment 1896 Not to participate in the distribution of funds 1896... 1905 Enrollment of children at 1905. . . 28 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Chickasha Continued. Reservation for town site at 1896 Page. 118 Choctaw freedmen: Act of May 21, 1883 1894 Page. Chief executives, conference with, re quested by Commission: 1895 84 Allotment to be deducted from lands of Choctaw and Chickasaw na tions Childers, E. B., suspension from office of 1897 11 Creek s national treasurer: 1898 28 1897 68 1899 39 Children, enrollment of: 1900 66 Cherokee Nation 1901 82 1899 53 1902 62 Creek Nation 1903 72 1899 64 1904 68 1901. 9 Appointment of committee to repre 1902 36,83 sent 1903 99 1894. 23 1904 95 Appropriation for Under act of March 3, 1905 1894. 38 1905 5, 6, 19 , 30, 32 Claims to interest in leased district Of intermarried whites 1905 16 payment 1894 31 Chocolate, amount allowed field parties: 1901 105 Claims of 1894 31 Choctaw agreement of February 7, 1901: 1901 60,66 Conference with 1894 23 Choctaw and Chickasaw agreement: 1902 88 Confidence of, in Dawes Commission 1894 23 1903 104 Convention of association 1904. 100 1894 23 Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship rolls: Progress in preparation of Demand for protection 1894 32 1905 10 Difficulties in enrolling Failure of ratification 1898 6 1898 4 Duty of United States toward Ratification of 1894 28 1902 100 Emancipation of 1903 116 1894 4 1904 112 Enrollment of Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship court 1 1898 24 1904 130 1899. 37 1905 10 1900 . . 64 Appropriation for 1901 80 1904 123 1902 60 Work of 1903 70 1904 12 1904 17,66 Choctaw citizens, fraud in enrollment of: 1897 18 Ignorance of 1894 32 Choctaw citizenship rolls: Requested Injustice to 1894 28 1897 18 Insufficiency of law for fulfilling Reopened 1905 .... 5 6 treaty stipulations 1894 29 Choctaw annuity, Mississippi Choctaws not to share in: Lack of educational facilities 1894 29 1898 14 Lack of protection in use and occu 1899 76 pancy of public domain Choctaw Coal and Railway Company ter 1894 29 mination of leases: 1896 104 Memorial of 1894 23 Choctaw Colored Citizens Association, memorial of: 1894 23 Message of President Harrison con cerning 1894 48,49 Choctaw enrollment cases, decision of Commission in: 1902 . . . 19 Not to participate in distribution of funds 1896... 106 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TEIBES. 29 Choctaw freedmen Continued. Number of 1899 1905 Poverty of 1894 Prohibited from sharing in distribu tion o* tribal funds 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 Removal of 1894 Report of Indian agent concerning 1894 Request for survey of Choctaw Na tion 1894 Right to locate upon leased district 1894 Treatment of 1894 Choctaw funds, right of freedmen to share in: 1894 Choctaw Indians, number of: 1899 1905 Choctaw orphan lands, sale of, in Missis sippi: Page. 12 21,23 28, 32 1899.., 1900... 1901.. 1902.. 1903... 1904.. Choctaw national council, ratification of agreement: 1897 Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad, authorized to transfer certain leases: 1904 Choctawsand Chickasaws, enrollment of: 1899 1902 Choctaws: Agreement with, February 7, 1901 1901 Enrollment of 1899 1900 1904 Number of 1905 Sale of land to United States 1899. Statistics showing enrollment of 1903... 51 24 27 12 17,23 21 127 14 164 10 14 12 16 17,23 14 77 18 Choctaw tribal funds, right of Choctaw Page, freedmen to share in: 1894 27 Choteau, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 Church houses, reservation for Cherokee Nation: 1902 103 1903 119 1904 115 Churches: Disposition of 1897 14 1898 32 1899 .. 42 1900 69 1901 85 1902 65 1903 75 1904 71 Reservation for 1897 11,52,78 1898 18,27 1899 32,39,48,50,53,54,61,63,88 1900 48,59,66 1901 49,55,75,82 1902 56,62,76,81,85,92 1903 66,72,86,91,108 1904 32, 62, 68, 82, 87, 104 Reservation for, at Vinita 1900 42 Reservation for, in townsites 1902... 107 1903 123 1904 119 Citizenship: Appointment of committee to deter mine, in Creek Nation 1894 9 Conferred by intermarriage 1905 12 Degree of blood essential to 1899 99 1901 118 Determination of, in Cherokee Na tion 1894 11, 12 Determination of, by Choctaw tribal council 1895 88 Forfeiture of, by intermarried whites 1899 15 1905 : 12 Forfeiture of, in Cherokee Nation 1899 140 1901 159 Not essential to institute contest 1902 158 Of United States conferred on Creeks 1897 55 Qualifications essential to 1896 146 1899 7, 10, 122, 132, 157 1901 141,151,176 1902... 10 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES; Citizenship case: Of Jack Amos et al. 1899 Page. 92 Citizenship commission, appointment of Creek: 1899 Page. 158 Of S J Cundiff decision of United 1900 21 States court in 1901 177 1899 - 99 Citizenship court 1 1901 118 Appropriation for Of E J Home 1903 126 1899 98 1904 122 Of Mary Jane Kimberlin, decision of court of appeals in 1901 198 Decision in case of Thomas Brennon et al. 1905 12 Of F. R. Robinson, decision of United States court in 1899 105 Decision in case of Thornton Pearce et al. 1905 12 1901 124 Decision in case of J T Riddle et al Of W R Senter decision of United 1904 13 States court in 1899 100 Finality of decision 1905 15 1901 119 Jurisdiction, enrollment of citizens Of Win. N. Tucker, decision of United 1905 13 States court in 1899 106 Opinion in Choctaw and Chickasaw enrollment cases 1901 125 1904 130 Of Wm. J. Watts, motion for rehear- intr - - Review of work performed by 1905 10 1899 142 Work of 1901 161 1904 12 Citizenship cases: Citizenship rolls: 1903 ... 10 Appeal to United States court in 1904 130 Decisions of Supreme Court in Addition of names by Commission 1895 84 1901 179 Cherokee Nation 1899 53 Decisions of United States court in 1900 25,39 1901 22 1902 28 104 1902 93 1903 18 120 1903 108 1904 116 1904 104 Determination of Chickasaw Cherokee Nation, preparation of 1905 23 1896 111 Jurisdiction of United States court Cherokee Nation, requested 1896 126 in 1897 35 1899 128 1901 62 67 147 Chickasaw freedmen 1903 16 Opinion of Judge Clayton 1898 15 Chickasaw Nation 1902 13 1903 14 Opinion of Judge Springer 1899 156 Chickasaw Nation, progress in prep 1901 175 aration of 1904 17 Trial at South McAlester 1905. ... . 18 1904 14 Trial at Tishomingo Chickasaw Nation, requested 1896 111 1897 24 Citizenship certificate, Cherokee Nation: 1903 170 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations -10 Citizenship claims: 1901 1 61 66 Creek Nation 1902 10 92 1896 143 1903 11 108 Determination of, at Tahlequah 1904 11,104 1896 127 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations clas Determination of Cherokee Nation 1896... 129 sification of 1900... 18 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 31 Citizenship rolls Continued. Choctaw freedmen 1904 Choctaw Nation 1902... Page. 17 Choctaw Nation, progress in prepara tion of 1904 16 1905 16 Choctaw Nation, requested by Com mission 1896 96 Closing of 1901 91 1902 71 1903 81 1904 77 1905 15 Closing of, Creek Nation 1905 27 Commission directed to prepare 1895 84 Confirmation of 1896 83 Creek Nation 1899 64 1900 19,50 1901 28,51 1902 35,77,86 1903 28, 87, 102 1904 20,83,98 Creek Nation, progress in preparation of 1905 27 Creek Nation, requested 1896 142 1897 48, 57 Delay in preparation caused protest of attorneys 1904 12 Finality of 1901 91 1902 71 . 1903 81 1904 77 Inaccuracy of tribal 1902 11 Preparation of, by Commission 1896 63 Progress in preparation of 1897 92 1904 11 1905 8 Reopened 1905 5,6 Revision of, by Commission 1897 84 Seminole Nation 1900 12, 54 1901 30, 59 1902 83 1903 99 1904 89 Seminole Nation, requested by Com mission 1897. 170 73 Citizenship rolls Continued. To be approved by Secretary of Inte rior 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. To be descriptive of persons enrolled 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 .- To be prepared by Commission 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Unreliability of 1897 Where filed- 1895 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1901 Civil war: Attitude of Choctaw Nation in Claims for destruction of property 1896 Claim: Of Chickasaw freedmen to leased- dis trict payment 1894 Missouri, Kansas, and Texas to alter nate sections of land 1897 Of John J. Hemphill 1899 Of William T. Hutchings 1899 Against United States settlement of 1894 Arbitration of 1896 For destruction of property 1896 Of Chickasaw freedmen 1894 Plans for adjustment of 1894 To be determined in Court of Claims 1902 1903 1904... Page. 25 37, 168 64 23 36,67 56,63 72,79 52,59 62,69 58,65 24 148 37 90,91 58 58 8 105 148 35,51 52 95 111 107 32 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Claim Continued. Of Choctaw freedmen 1894 21 Page. ,23,31 10, 15 56,162 54 64 49 50 77 87 83 17 181 40 5,6 26 38 65 81 61 71 67 87 5,10 73 99 68 57 73 53 63. 59 93 42 54 78 88 55 81 92 88 114 11,13 132 56 43 108 124 120 Claims Continued. Settlement of Desired by Five Tribes 1896 Page. 158 10 117 23 8 10 17 35 44 71 87 67 77 73 63 25 23 57 25 48 49 76 86 82 25 18 101,103 14 28 39, 50 35, 68 8, 32, 84 Of Choctaw and Chickasaws lease dis trict 1894 Chickasaw 1894 Claims: Of Creek Nation, settlement of 1896 145,1 Desired by Chickasaws 1896.. 1897 1897 Act of Choctaw Council 1895 1899 1900 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1894 1901 1902 1897. 1903. .... 1898 1904 1899 Of Delaware Indians 1899 1900 1901 1904 1902 Delay caused by 1905 1903 1904 Reopened 1905. Claremore: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1905 To be determined by Court of Claims 1898 Enrollment of Cherokees at 1900 1899 1900 1901 1901 Establishment of United States court at 1899 1902 1903 1904 Clark, Clement G., decision in enrollment case of: 1903. . . Of Mississippi Choctaws 1897 1898 Clarksville, reservation for town site at: 1900 1899 Commission directed to investi gate 1897 1901 1902 1903 1899 1904 1900 Classification: Applications for enrollment 1905 1901 1902 1903 Of citizenship rolls, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1900 1904 Commission to report on 1897 Of land 1896 Of Richard C. Adams 1905 1897 Self-emigration 1897... . 1898 1899 Seminoles, settlement of 1897 1900 1901 1899 1902 62 31,72 9,68 28 101 117 113 121 11 28 24, 39 26,66 82 1901 1903 1902 1904 1903 Cherokee Nation 1900 1904 Settlement of 1896 1902 1903 Cherokee 1894 1904 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1896 1896 1899 1897 1900 1898 1902 1899 1903 1900 1904... 1901... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 33 Classification Continued. Page. Of land Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 63,89 1903 72 , 105 1904 68, 101 Creek Nation 1897 51 1899 59 1900 28, 45 1901 45 1902 72, 85 1903 82, 101 1904 78, 97 Form of field record 1899 86, 88 Map showing progress of, in Semi- nole Nation 1899 88 Progress of 1902 43 Representatives of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations to assist in 1897 12 1898 28 1899 39 1900 66 1901 82 1902 63 1903 73 1904 69 Rules and regulations govern ing 1901 108 Seminole Nation 1897 77 1899 22, 87 1900 26 1901 31,54 1902 80 1903 90 1904 86 Parties, personnel of 1901 108 Record 1900 32 Clayton, Wm. H. H., decisions in citizen ship cases: 1898 15 1899 77,91 1901 110 Clerks, Commission authorized to employ: 1898 23 1899 36 1901 79 1902 59 1903 69 1904 65 Clerical assistance: Appropriation for 1897 99 1899 68,69 1900 72, 73 1901 73, 88, 89, 91 1902 53, 69, 71, 84 1903 63, 79, 81, 100, 125 1904 59,75,77,95,121 1501306 3 Clerical assistance Continued. For Cherokee commission 1896 For Commission, provision for 1897... 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 For Commissioner of Indian Affairs 1901 1902 1903 1904 Requirement of Commission- Page. 128 97 66,69 55,73 71,89 51,69 61,79 57,75 91 71 81,125 77, 121 Cleveland, Grover, letter t;> Secretary of the Interior concerning Commission, May 4, 1895: 1895 60 Clifton roll of Cherokee freedmen, inac curacy of: 1902 123 1903 135 1904 141 Closing of citizenship rolls: 1900 73 1901 89, 91 1902 69, 71, 79, 81 1904 75, 77 1905 15 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 61, 66 Creek Nation 1904 21 1905 27 Seminole Nation 1900 54 1901 59 1902 83 1903 99 1904 11,89 Coalgate, reservation lor town site at: 1903 34 Coal: Abundance of, in Choctaw Nation 1894 18 Disposition of revenue from 1896 103 Disposition of royalties, Chickasaw Nation 1896.... 120 Purchase of, for field parties 1901 105 Rate of royalties 1896 104 Reservation of 1894 8 1896 101 1898 18 1899 32 1900 . 59 1901 75 1902 55, 92 1903 65, 108 1904 61,104 34 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Coal and asphalt land: Additional segregation of 1901 Page. 126 Coal land Continued. Reservation of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations Page. Jurisdiction of United States court 1894. 10 over 1897 16 Creek Nation 1894 3 1898. 33 Seminole Nation 1899 43 1894 13 1900 70 Coal leases: 1901 86 Of Choctaw Oklahoma and Gulf Rail 1902 66 road 1903.. 76 1904 127 1904 72 To be approved by Secretary of the Lease of, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations Interior 1897 77 1902 99 1901 54 1903 114 1902 81 1901 106 1903 91 gale of 1904 87 1904 124 To be made with Seminole tribal gov Sale of, Choctaw and Chickasaw na tions ernment 1897 77 1902 98 1901 54 1903 114 1902 81 1904. 110 1903 91 Segregation of 1904... . 87 1903 33 Segregation of, Choctaw and Chicka saw nations Disposition of royalties 1896 104 1902 98 1903 114 1896 103 104 1904. 110 Coal fields, monopoly of: Coal oil, purchase of, for field parties: 1901 ... 105 1895 69 Coal land: Disposition of 1897 14 23 Coal royalty: Disposition of 1897 15 1898 32 1898 32 1899 42 1899 42 1900 69 1900 69 1901 85 1901 85 190 65 1902 65 1903 75 1903 75 1904 71 1904 71 Division of, by act of Choctaw coun- pil Seminole Nation 1897 77 1895 87 1901 54 1902 81 1898 1903 91 1899 qc 1904 87 1900 62 1901.. 78 1901 105 1902 58 1903 68 1904 64 1894 r.o Leasing of 1894. 15 Colbert: Location of 1894 15 Enrollment of Choctaws and Chicka- saws at 1900 14 Regulations for leasing 1898 19 Reservation for town site at 1896 118 1900 "... 33 60 Col bert.E.D., memorial of, Choctaw f reed- 1901 76 men: 1902 1894 32 1903 ... 66 1904... 62 1897... 23 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 35 Collection of revenue Continued. Cherokee Nation 1900 . Page. 42 108 124 120 119 23 119 48 192 51 119 11 27 39 66 82 62, 92 72, 108 68,104 63,65 52 61 49 50 77 87 83 41 103 119 115 118 51 134 128 117 98 Commission Continued. Appointed by Scminole Nation to ne gotiate with Dawes Commission 1897 Page. 71 111 143 7 23 36 63 79 59 69 5 13 97 66 55 71 51 61 57 7 5,8 8 21 91 71 81, 125 77, 121 84 84 99 67 56 72 53 63 59 98 112,121 157 1902 1903 Appointment of, authorized by Chick asaw legislature 1896 1904 Chickasaw Nation 1896 Appointment of, to Creek Nation 1896 . Collection of royalties: 1897 Authority of, explained to chief ex ecutives of Five Tribes 1894 Chickasaw Nation 1896 Collins, Bro wn.r., decision of Department in contest case of: 1902 Authorized to employ necessary assist ance 1898 1904 1899 Collins, J.D., memorial concerning Chick asaw freedmen: 1894 1900 1901. 1902 Collins Institute, reservation for: 1896 1903 1904 1897 Jurisdiction, enrollment of citizens 1905 1898 1899 Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes: Appointment of 1897 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Collinsville, alienation of land for town- site purposes at: 1905 1902 1903 1Q04 Colored Creek Orphan Home, reservation for: 1897 Termination of 1904 1899 Commissioner appointed to succeed Com mission to the Five Civilized Tribes: 1905 1900 1901 1902 . . . Commissioner of Indian Affairs: Appeal in contest cases 1899 1903 1904 Colored High School: Disposition of reservation for 1900 Clerical assistance for 1901 1902 Reservation for 1902 1903 1904 1903 Letter of July 20, 1897, concerning en rollment of freedmen 1897 1904 Comanche, reservation for town site at: 18% To have copy of final rolls 1895 Comanche Indians, settlement of, on leased district: 1894 1897 1899 Commission: Act of council continuing, Cherokee Nation 1896 1900 1901 1902. 1903 Appointed by Cherokee Nation 1896 1904 Commissioners: Choctaw Nation, salary of 1896 Appointed by Chickasaw Nation to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1896 Compensation of Chickasaw 1896 Appointed by Choctaw council to ne gotiate with Dawes Commission 1896... Compensation of, Creek Nation 1896... 36 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Commissioners Continued . Manner of appointment 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Number increased to live 1897... 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. Compensation: Of commissioners 1897... 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of Cherokee Commissioners 1896 Of Chickasaw Commissioners 1896 Of Creek Commissioners 1896... Page. 97 66 55 71 51 61 57 Committee: Appointment by the Chickasaw Nation to negotiate with United States 1895 66 Appointment by Creek Nation to ne gotiate with Commission 1894 8 1896 156 Appointed to determine Creek citi zenship 1894 9 Appointed to present claims of Chick asaw freedmen 1894 35 Appointed to represent Choctaw freed men 1894 23 Of 18, revision of rolls by 1900 21 On Indian Affairs- Report of 1899 160 1901 179 Report of C. Delano, concerning Choctaw and Chickasaw freed men 1894 26 Requests for correspondence be tween Commission and Five Tribes 1894 3 1897... 3 97 66 55 71 51 61 57 128 121 157 Complaint: In contest cases- Page. 84 100 .... 112,158 158 1901 1902 1903 Of Chickasaw freedmen 1894 39 Creek Nation, of unlawful introduc tion of cattle 1897 60 Completion of work, estimate of time re quired for: 1905 5 Conahatta, identification of Mississippi Choctaws at: 1902 23 Condemnation of lands for municipal pur poses: 1898 .. 19 1899 34 1900 61 1901 77 1902 57 1903 67 1904 63 Condition of Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 39 Conference: At Atoka 1896 110 At Caddo 1896 110 At Eufaula 1896 130, 145 At Fort Gibson 1896 130 At Fort Smith 1896 98, 99, 116 At Muscogee 1896 99, 100, 144, 148, 149 At McAlester, international 1896 134 At Okmulgee 1894 8 1896 114 At Tahlequah 1896 125, 127, 130, 136, 137 At Tishomingo 1894 10 At Sapulpa 1896 144 At South McAlester 1896 98 At Vinita 1896 115, 131 At Washington 1901 60 Between Choctaw and Chickasaw na tions 1896 113 Of Commission with Secretary of In terior 1895 59 Of Five Tribes 1896 113, 133 THE FIVE Conference Continued. With Department at Washington 1900 CIV] Page. 11 136 34 11 133 , 32, 35 LIZED TRIBES. Conference Continued. With principal chief, Cherokee Na tion 1895 37 Page. 59,64 46 46 73 83 79 24 36 23,63 79 60 70 66 83 23 36 63 79 59 69 65 122 134 140 72 158 158 158 155 117 136 157 176 28 100 68 57 73 53 63 59 46 17 158 With Cherokees at Fort Gibson 1896. . Confirmation: Of allotments, Creek Nation 1900 1897 With Cherokees at Muscogee 1894 1901 1896 1902 With Cherokees at Tahlequah 18J7 29,31 1903 1904 With Cherokees at Vinita 1896 136 11 7 84 66 10 109 66 117 10 23 7 88 9 95 7 90 8 47,48 141 11 67 47 61,63 12 169 72 74 Of Dunn roll 1898 With Cherokees at Washington 1900 1899 1900 With chief executives of Five Tribes 1894 1901. 1902 With chief executives requested by Commission 1835 1903 1904.... .. Of tribal rolls 1896. With Chickasaws 1895 1898 At Tishomingo 1894 1899. . . 1900. 1896 1901. At Tushkahoma 1895 1902 1903 With Chickasaw Nation in Washing- ing 1896 1904 . Of Wallace roll of Cherokee freed men 1902. With Chickasaws, suggested by Hon. Jonas Wolfe 1894. 1903.. 1904 . With Choctaw freedmen 1894 Confiscation law, Chickasaw Nation: 1895 With Choctaws at Atoka 1897... Conflicting testimony in contest cases: 1902 At Fort Smith 1895.. . 1903 Consolidation of contests: 1903 Requested with Choctaws at Tushka homa 1894 Constitution: For proposed State, terms of 1896 1896 U97 With Choctaws and Chickasaws at Atoka 1897 Cherokee Nation, provisions of 1899 . 1901 With Creeks 1894 Creek Nation, relative to citizenship 1899 With Creeks at Muscogee 1897 1901 Thirteenth amendment of 1894 With Creeks at Okmulgee 1896 Construction: Of act of June 10, 1896 1897 With Creeks at Washington 1900 With Creeks, requested 1895 1899 1900 1897 1901 With Five Tribes, requested by Com mission 1895 1902 1903 1904 With Seminole Nation, at Wewoka 1894 Of railroads 1902 1896 Effect of 1894 1897 With Seminoles, requested 1897.... ...?... 71 Of section 5 of act of March 1,1901 1902. . . 38 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Construction Continued. Of section 6 of act of March 1, 1901 ]9 X 4 Page. 191 Contest cases Continued. Creek Nation 1899 Pag.-. 20 Of act of June 28 1898 1901 40 1902 158 1902 47 Contest case: Brown v Collins decision of Depart Decision of Department 1903 . 139 ment in 1902 48 Decisions of Department in 1902 126 1904 192 Defaults 1899 86 1901 101 1902 48 1902 113 Grissom v. Asbury, decision of Com- Digest of decisions 1902. 157 1901 42 1903. 157 Grissom v Gibson decision of Com 1904 194 mission in 1901 42 Dismissals 1899 86 1901 101 1901 41 1902 113 Mayor v. Thompson 1904 193 Disposition of 1905 54 McNac v. Wadsworth, decision of De partment in Instituted by grafters 1905 45 1902 48 Institution of Paquin v Davis 1899 84 1904 188 1901 . . 100 Posey v Tucker 1902 112, 159 1904 189 1903 52, 124 Shepherd v Marshall 1904 120 1904... .. 191 Notice of Tucker v. Jamison 1899 . 85 1902 12G 1901 100 Contest cases: 1902 112 Adjudication of 1904 48 Not to be instituted after months nine Answer or demurrer 1902 100 1899 85 1903 116 1901 - 100 1904 112 1902 112 Pleadings in Appeal in 1899 84 1899 82 86 1901 100 1901 97 102 1 C 112 1902. 114 Publication of notice Attorneys 1899 84 1899 86 Regulations governing 1901 102 1899 84 1902 114 1901 100 Cherokee Nation 1900 36 Rehearing 1899 86 1904 39 1901 10? Complaints in 1902 Ill 1899. 84 Right to file 1901. 100 1902 158 1902. 112 Rules of practice in 1903. 158 1899 84 Consolidation of 1901 100 1903 158 1902 112 Continuance of 1899 86 Seminole Nation 1901 43 1901 101 1902 47 1902.. .. 113 Service of notice After termination of Commis 1899 85 sion 1901 101 1904... 10 1902... 113 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. i ( mti st cases Continued. Page. Settlement of 1902 85 1903 101 1904 97 Creek Nation 1900 47 1901 46 1902 73 1903 83 1904 79 Statement showing disposition of 1902 124 1903 161 Statistics 1903 57 To be determined, by Commission 1896 102 1897 12, 51 1898 29 1899 40, 60 1900 67 1901 65, 70, 83, 100 1902 63,91,102 1903 73, 107, 116, 118 1904 69, 103, 112, 114 Contests: Trial of 1899 86 1901 101 1902 113 Who may institute 1903." 158 Witnesses in 1899 87 1901 102 1902 114 Continuance in contest cases: 1899 86 1S01 101 , 198 1902 113 1903 164 Contract: For agricultural lease, form of 1900 75 For grazing lease, form of 1900 77 For incumbrance of Seminole lands invalid 1897 77 1901 54 1902 81 1903 91 1904 87 For sale of land of Mississippi Choc- taws 1899 80 1900; 73 1901 89 1902 69 1903 79 1904 75 For sale of incumbrance, invalid, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 12 1898 29 Contract Continued. Page . For sale of incumbrance, invalid, Choctau and Chickasaw nations 1899 40 1900 67 1901 83 1902 G3 1903. 73 1904 69 Controversy of Cherokees, settlement of, by Court of Claims: 1900 44 Contingent expenses, appropriation for: 1899 69 1900 72 1901 88 1902 69 1903 79 1904 75 Convention of Choctaw colored citizens association: 1894 23 Convicts: Acceptance of patents for 1901 64,69 1902 100 1903 116 1904 112 Release of Seminoles, desired 1897 72 Selection of allotment for 1896... 101 1897..... 12,51 1898 28, 37 1899 39, 50, 60 1900 36, 4(5, 66 1901 46, 65, 70, 82 1902 63, 73, 87, 100, 108 1903 42, 52, 73, 83, 103, 116, 124 1904 69, 79, 99, 112, 1120 Cookson, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 Cowan, B. It., draft of bill for relief of Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 43 Correspondence: With Cherokee Nation 1896 125 1897 29 Extent of 1905 8 With Chickasaw Nation 1896 109 With Choctaw Nation 189G 93 1897 7 With Creek Nation 1896 141 With Five Civilized Tribes 1895 59 With Five Tribes- Request for 1897 3 Requested by Committee on In dian Affairs 1894... 1 40 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Correspondence Continued. With Seminole Nation 1896 Page. 169 Court Continued. Page. Jurisdiction of 1897 71 1897 01 oo Corruption 1898 K; 20 Of tribal courts 1897 41 1899 38, 68, 166 1900 57 58 65 1901 7-5 74 81 1894 17 1902 53 51 61 1895 69 75 78 1903 <;{ ( ;i 71 1899 162 1904 59 f,o f>7 1901 181 United States, in municipalities Of tribal rolls 1898 >i 1898. 4 1899 34 1904.. 9 1900 6i 19J1 77 tions 1902 57 1900 13 1903 67 Creek Nation 1904 63 1900 21 Jurisdiction over guardians 1904 44 Cost of Commission s work: 1904 10 Transfer of jurisdiction from tribal to Cotton, production of: United States 1898 g 1894 17 Court: Tribal jurisdiction over guardians 1904... 4i Abolition of tribal 1897 39 Weakness of tribal 1894 1 7 1899 38 168 1900 65 1901 81 1904 !> 1902 61 1903 71 Court citizens, enrollment of: 1901 IQ 1904 67 Extension of jurisdiction recom mended 1895 Court claimants: Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1900 15 1902 93 1903 10; 1899 78 88 Message of Governor Johnson 1Q01 1901 209 1902 81 Message of Hon. Green McCurtain 1901 215 1903 1904 92 88 Court-houses: Injunction of United States, enroll ment of Cherokee freedmen 1904. 24 Reservation for 1897 11,14,52 1898 31 Jurisdiction of 1899 42 61 1899 57 1900 39 48 49 69 District 1901 49 50 85 1904 126 1902 65 75 77 92 107 Seminole tribal 1903 75 85 87 108 l >3 1897 78 1904 71 81 83 104 119 1899 88 Choctaw and Chickasaw na 1901 55 tions 1902... 81 1897 11 1903.... 92 1898 27 1904 88 1899 39 Tribal 1900 66 1897 54 88 1901 82 Tribal, transferred to United 1902 6 > States 1903 70 1897 91 1904 68 United States 18% 145 Court of appeals, decision in case of Mary Jane Kimberlin* 1897 88 1901... 198 THE FIVE Court of Claims: Decision in redistribution of funds to Cherokee freedmen 1S97 CIVI Page. 85 26 33 7 118 137 70 92 130 136 7 63,67 95 111 107 102 118 14, 125 44 155 48 49 76 86 82 35 29 63 61 49 50 77 87 83 57 52 9 85 101 97 LIZED TRIBES. Creek agreement Continued. Amendment of Section 8 of 1902. 41 Page. 88 104 100 158 59 6 9 11 45 45 72 82 78 65 76 48, 57 5,6 143 10 145 146 148 152 161 163 161 157 157 176 07 156 175 Decision, enrollment of intermarried Cherokees 1905 1903 1904 Construction of section 5 1902 Decision, enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1902 Draft of 1899 Decision as to rights of intermarried Cherokees 1905 Failure of chief to call election for ratification of 1898 Decision, suit of Eastern Band of Cherokees 1899 . Failure of ratification 1899 .... Of April 8, 1900 1900 . 1901 Suit of Cherokee freedmen 1899 Of March 8, 1900 1900 1901 1901 1903 1902 1904 1903 Suit of Delaware Indians 1898 1904 Ratification of 1899 To determine rights of Chickasaw freedmen 1901 Creek allotment certificate, form of: 1899 1902 Creek citizenship rolls: Requested 1897 1903 1904 Delaware Indians 1902 Reopened 1905 1904 1 Creek commission: Appointment of 1896 To settle controversy of Cherokees 1900 To settle Creek claims 1896. 1899 Letter of Commission to, September 14, 1896 1896 Coweta: Reservation for town site at 1900 Letter to, September 26, 1896 1896 1901 1902 Letter of Henry L. Dawes to November 26, 1896 1896 1903 1904 Sale of land for town-site purposes at 1903 December 15, 1896 18% 1904 Letter of Dawes Commission to, De cember 15, 1896 1896 1905 Coweta Boarding School, reservation for: 1899 Letter of Commission to, December 16, 1896 1896 1900 1901 1902 Propositions of 1896 1903 1904 Creek commissioners, salary of: 1896 Coweta Mission: Enrollment of Creeks at 1897 : Creek council, act of October 26, 1899, rel ative to citizenship: 1899 Reservation for Creek agreement: Amendment of 1901 1901 Creek delegation at Washington: 1897 1902 Creek domain, patent to, tK-aty of 1834: 1899 1903 1904 1901 ... 42 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Creek freedmen: Enrollment of 1899 1900 Number of 1900 1905 Provisions of treaty of 1866, affecting 1894 To receive allotments 1899 Creek funds, distribution of: 1899 Creek Indians: Number of Page. 13,64 1905 To take improvements in Seminole Nation 1900 1901 1903 1904 Creek land office: Establishment of 1899 At Muskogee 1905 Creek Oil and Gas Company, argument of: 1897 Creek Orphan Home, reservation for: 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903. :... 1904 Creeks: Conference with, requested 1897 Enrollment of 1899 Progress of enrollment of 1905 Removal to Indian Territory 1899 Crime, prevalence of: 1894 1895 CrowderCity, reservation for town site at: 1903 Cundiff, Sidney J., decision of United States court in citizenship case of: 1899 1901 Curtis Act: June 28, 1898 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904... 47 13 27 20 15, 17 75 34 99 118 Curtis Act Continued. Page. Agreement with Creeks 1898 36 1899 45 Commencement of allotment under 1905 5 Enrollment of Cherokee citizens 1899 16 1901 . 22 Grazing leases 1899 26 Identification of Mississippi Choc- taws 1899 18 Inadequacy of 1901 10, 60 1902 9 Leasing of land 1900 30 Opposition to 1898 5 Provisions of 1899 9 Provision for leasing of land 1899 81 1901 96 Provision for identification of Missis sippi Choctaws 1899 77 Section 13 not applicable to Cherokee Nation 1902 109 1903 125 1904 121 Section 3 not to apply to Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 CTi, 69 1902 100 1903 116 1904 112 Not to apply to property in Creek Nation 1899 65 Damage: By allotment to be paid by United States 1899 65 By mining, payment for 1896 101 1897 11 1898 28 1899 39 1900 66 1901 82 1902 62 1903 72 1904 68 By railroads, payment for 1903 93 1904 90 Dancing Rabbit Creek, treaty of: 1898 10 1899 73, 74, 78 1901 20 Daugherty, reservation for town site at: 1896... 118 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 43 Davis, reservation for town site at: Page. 1*96 118 Davis, Chisso i\, contest case of: 1903 147 Davis, Paquin v., contest case of: 1904 188 Davison v. Walker, contest case of: 1903 150 Dawes, Henry L.: Letter to chief executives to the Five Tribes 1895 60,61 Letter to chiefs of Five Tribes 1896 84 Letter transmitting annual report February, 1897 1894 7 Letter to C. J. Jarris July 25, 1894 1894 12 Letter to Legus C. Ferryman July 25, 1894 1894 9 Letter to John F. Brown July 28, 1894 1894 14 Letter to chiefs of Five Tribes, May 13, 1895 1895 61 Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner, May 27, 1895 1895 63 Letter to chiefs of Five Tribes, June 5, 1895 1895 63 Letter to Olosachubbee, October 30, 1895 1895 i. 67 Letter to Secretary of Interior Septem ber 20, 1897 1897 86 Letter to Jeff Gardner July 1, 1896 1896 93 July 10, 1896 1896 95 Letter to John F. Brown, July 10, 1896 1896 169 Letter to Isparhecher, July 10, 1896 1896 141 Letter to Samuel H. Mayes, July 10, 1896 1896 125 Letter to P. S. Mosley July 21, 1896 1896 110 Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner, July 10, 1896 1896 95 Letter to Isparhecher, August 7, 1896 1896 142 Letter to Samuel H. Mayes, August 7, 1896 18% 126 Letter to John F. Brown, August 8, 1896 18% 170 Letter to Jeff Gardner, Augusts, 1896 1896... % Dawes, Henry L. Continued. Letter to P. S. Mosley, August 8,1896 1896 Letter of John F. Brown to, Septem ber 5, 1896 1896 Letter to Creek commission, Septem ber 14, 1896 1896 Letter to John L. Adair, September, 1896 1896 Letter to D. W. Bushyhead, September 16, 1896 1896 Letter to Creek commission, Septem ber 26, 1896 1896 Letter to R. M. Harris, October 23, 1896 1896 Letter to Hon. Green McCurtain, Octo ber 25, 1896 1896 Letter to Creek commission, Novem ber 26, 1896 1896 Letter to Creek commission December 15, 1896 18% December 16, 1896 1896 Letter to Cherokee commission, De cember 17, 1896 18% 135, Letter transmitting annual report 1901 Report concerning cession of territory by Choctaw and Chickasaw 1894 Report to Secretary of Interior con cerning citizenship roll 1897 Report to Secretary of Interior, Octo ber 11, 1897 1897 Death of 1903 Dead claims, Mississippi Choctaws: 1901...., Death: Form of proof 1901 Of Hon. Henry L. Dawes 1903 Death rate: Cherokee Nation 1902 1904 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 Creek Nation 1902. . . 1904. Page. Ill 170 145 130 146 114 97 148 152, 161 163 136, 137 5 51 83 89 60 63,67 15 44 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Decatur, identification of Mississippi Page. Choctaws at: 1901 20 1902 23 Deceased allottees, disposition of lands: 1896 102, 118 Deceased Indians, penalty for accepting lands for: 1901 65,70 Decisions: In Cherokee enrollment case 1903 24 In contest cases 1902 124 1903 158 Contest cases, digest of 1902 157 1903 157 1904 194 In Mississippi Choctaw case of Jack Amos et al. 1898 15 1899 77 Of citizenship court Choctaw and Chickasaw enroll ment cases 1904 12 Finality of 1905 15 Case of J. T. Riddle et al. 1904 13 Enrollment of Thomas Brennon 1905 12 Case of B. F. Thompson 1904 132 Enrollment of Thornton" D. Pearce 1905 12 Of commission in Cherokee enroll ment cases 1902. . 35 Of Commission in Choctaw and Chickasaw enroll ment eases 1902 . 19 Contest case of Harrison v. Tucker 1901 41 Contest case of Grissom v. Asbury 1901 42 Contest case of Grissom v. Gibson 1901 42 Mississippi Choctaw cases 1902 26 Of court of appeals in citizenship case of Mary Jane Kimberlin 1901 198 Of Court of Claims- Distribution of funds to Cherokee freedmen 1897 85 Enrollment of Cherokee freed men 1902 33 Enrollment of intermarriedChero- kees 1905 7,26 Decisions Continued. Of Court of Claims- Suit of Eastern band of Chero- kees 1899 1901 Suit of Cherokee freedmen 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of Department- Citizenship case of Mary Elizabeth Martin 1905 Citizenship case of Clay McCoy 1905 Citizenship case of Benjamin J. Vaughn. 1905 Citizenship case of Wiley Adams 1905 In contest case of Brown v. Col lins 1902 In contest case of Gossett v. John- 1902. In contest case of McNac v. Wads- worth 1902 Enrollment of intermarried freed men 1905 In allotment contest cases 1902 1903 1904 In enrollment case of Joseph D. Yeargain et al. 1904 Of Judge Parker in case of United States v. Payne 1894 Of Judge Springer in citizenship 1899 1901 Of Supreme Court- In citizenship case of Wm. Steph ens 1899 1901 In Delaware case 1904 In suit of Eastern band of Chero- kees 1899 1901 In citizenship cases 1899 1901 Of United States Court- Finality of 1905... Page. 118 137 70 92 119 130 136 13 14 14 13 48 48 124 139 188 25 28 112 131 160 188 181 113 132 160 179 13 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 45 Decisions Continued. Of United States court- In citizenship case of E. J. Home 1899 1901 In citizenship case of Caleb W. Hubbard et al. 1899 1901 In citizenship case of F. R. Rob inson 1901 In citizenship case of W. R. Sen- ter 1899 1901 In citizenship case of Wm. N. Tucker 1899 1901 In citizenship cases 1899 1900 1901 61,67, 1902 1903 1904 In citizenship cases.invalidity of 1901 In citizenship cases, message of Governor Johnson 1901 Deed: Issued to Mississippi Choctaws by Pres ident Polk 1901 Acceptance of, by allottee 1904 Deeds: To cemeteries 1896 Form of Cherokee allotment 1904 Form of, Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen 1904 Form of Choctaw and Chickasaw homestead 1904 Form of Creek allotments 1902 To heirs, form of, Creek Nation 1902 1903 Issuance of 1896 1897 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Issuance of, to Cherokees 1899 1900 1902... Page. 117 147 166 10") 124 100 119 106 125 91 16 110,215 16,93 108 12, 102 67 209 219 194 103 50 54,55 51-62 162 163 169 100,118 22 48 49 76 86 82 50 39 107 Deeds Continued. Issuance of, to Cherokees 1903 123 1904 41,119 Issuance of, to Choctaws and Chicka- Page. 1902 100 1903 116 1904 46,107 Issuance of, to Creeks 1897... 52 88 1903 Recording of 1897 53 1901 64,69 Recording of, Cherokee Nation 1900 43 Recording of, Creek Nation 1900 1901 1902 1903 39,5 1904 To Creek allottees, preparation of 1904 To homesteads, Creek Nation, issu ance of 1902... 87 103 1904. To Mississippi Choctaws, issuauce of 1901 63 To Seminoles, issuance of 1897 78 1899 .. 88 1901 55 1902 81 1903 92, 126 1904 30, 87, 122 To town lots, issuance of 1896 119 1897 77 1898 22 1899 35,52,62,88 1900 62 1901 55,64,69,78 1902 58, 81, 97 1903 91,113 1904 64, 88, 105 Deed of trust: Conveying Choctaw and Chickasaw lands to United States 1896 100 Objection to be Chickasaw 1897 22 Deer v. Sawyer, contest case of: 1903 157 Default, contest cases: 1899 86 1901 101 1902 113 Delay in enrollment of Choctaw and Chickasaw account of protests of at torneys: 1904... 12 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Delano, C.: Report to Senate Committee on Indian Page. Delaware segregation: 1900 I age. 37 Affairs, concerning Choctaw and 1904.. 34 Chickasavv freedmen 1894 26 Allotment of 1903 45 Report concerning Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen Amendment of 1904 171 1894. 44 Delaware claims: 1904 181 Delay in allotment caused by 1905 40 Effect of, on negotiations 1897 38 To be determined by court of claims 1904 125 Fraud in 1904 00 Reopened 1905.. 5 6 Report of Commission December 31, 1903 Delaware improvements: 1904 169 Sale of 1904 124 Delawares, number of: 1905 26 Opinion of Assistant Attorney-Gen eral as to sale of Demurrer in contest cases: 1899 85 1905 42 1901 100 Delaware Indians: 1902 112 Allotment to 1899 50 61 Denison suggested as place for conference with Choctaws 1 1900 36 1897 7 Allotment of 1904 124 Departmental decision: Enrollment case of Claims of 1904 181 Wiley Adams 1905 13 Enrollment of 1899 . 17 Clay McCoy 1905 ]4 1905 24 Mary Elizabeth Martin Number of 1905 13 1899 12 Benjamin J Vaughn 1904 26 1905 14 Rights to be determined by court of claims 1902 102 Enrollment of intermarried freed men 1905 26 1903 118 1904 114 Right to share in funds of 1905. 15 Cherokee Nation 1899 70 Enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1901 23 Cherokee Nation 1901 92 Concerning enrollment of freedmen 1897 84 1903.. 130 Departmental letter concerning enroll 1904 136 ment of Cherokee freedmen Sale of improvements by 1902 122 1904 36 1903 134 1905 7 41 1904 140 Segregation of land for 1902 102 Departmental order closing citizenship rolls 1903 118 1905 28 1904 114 Delaware lands: Reservation of purposes at: 1904 29 1897 38 1905 63 Sale of 1904 10 Depositions: Segregation of 1896. .. . 85 1898 7 25 1897 98 1899 38 1899 67 1900 65 1900 56 1901 81 1901 72 1902 61 1902 52 1903 71 1903 62 1904 67 1904... 58 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Depositions Continued. Page. In Mississippi. Choctaw cases, regula tion governing 1902 117 Descent and distribution: Cherokee Nation 1899 53 1902 10 2 1903 118 1904 114 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 62, 67 1 902 I 1 1903 106 1904 102 Creek Nation 1899 64 1900 46 1901 47 1902 73, 83, 85 1903 83, 99, 101 1904 95, 97 Laws of 1896 118 Mississippi Choctaws 1901 63,67 Seminole Nation 1900 54 1901 59 1902 83 1903 99 1904 89 Designation of homesteads: Creek Nation 1902 40 Seminole Nation 1904 30 1905 53 Destruction of pine forests: 1 896 69 Determination of citizenship: Act of Choctaw national council 1895 88 Appointment of committee for 1894 9 In Cherokee Nation 1894 11,12 1899 128 By Commission 1895 87 Dewey, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 63, 65 Determination of citizenship: By Commission, act of June 10, 1896 1896 83,84,86 Chickasaw Nation 1896 Ill Claims, Creek Nation 1896 143 Development of Indian Territory: 1901 7 Diagram: Of allotment selection- Cherokee Nation 1903 171 Creek Nation 1899 60,62,64 Diagram Continued. Page. Showing irregular holdings Prior to allotment 1901 216 Subsequent to allotment 1901 219 Dickey, A. W., reimbursement for service: 1897 99 1899 68 1900 .57 1901 73 1902 53 1903 63 1904 59 Digest of decisions in contest cases: 1902 157 1903 157 1904 194 Disbarment of agents and attorneys: 1 901 1 03 1902 115 1903 167 1904 197 Disbursing agent: Appropriation for 1900 73 1901 89, 91 1902 69, 71, 84 1903 79, 81, 100, 125 1904 75, 77, 95, 121 Provision for 1897 99 1899 68 1900 57 1901 73 1902 53 1903 63 1904 59 Disbursements: March 3, 1896, to January 1, 1901 1901 218 Of tribal funds 1898 23 1899 36 1900 63 1901 79 1902 59 1903 69 1904 05 Statement of 1902 165 Statement of, for year ended June 30, 1903 1903 192 Statement of, for year ended June 30, 1904 1904 56 Year ended June 30 1905 65 Discovery of gas, effect of, on allotment: 1905 40 Discovery of oil, effect on allotment: 1905 6,40 Dismissal in contest cases: 1899 86 1901 101 1902 113 1903 164 1904... 198 48 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Dissolution: Of Commission 1904 Page. 7,10 Disposition Continued. Of reservation 1900. . . Page. 43 Of tribal government 1894 10 Of residue land- Creek Nation 1896 97 105 1899 59 1899. 27 1900 46 1902 108 1901 47 1903 124 1902. 74 1904 120 1903 84 Cherokee Nation 1904 10,80 1896 132 1905 7 51 1899 55 Cherokee Nation 1900. 42 1899 50 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1900.. . 36 1897 16 1898 34 1899 44 1896 120 1900 67 1901 71 Of royalties on gas 1896 120 1903 77 Of royalties on oil, Chickasaw Na 1904 73 tion 1896 120 1894 9 Of surplus land 1896 145 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1899 64 1902 90 Seminole Nation 1903 106 1894 13 1904 102 l ^5 1903 10 126 1904 121 1897 51 52 Disposition: 1904 123 Of capitol buildings 1900 41 Seminole Nation 1904 11 Capitol buildings, Cherokee Nation 1899 56 Of town lots 1896 147 Cherokee Female Seminary 1900 41 Of town lots, Creek Nation 1896 154 155 Cherokee Male Seminary 1900 41 Of town sites desired by Chickasaw.s 1897 23 Of coal and asphalt lands 1901 124 Of town-site fund, Cherokee Nation 1899 52 Of Colored High School 1900. 41 Of tribal funds, Creek Nation 1899 59 Of excessive holdings 1902 87 1899 83 1903 103 1901 98 1904 9U Of funds, Cherokee Nation 1900 42 Of tribal funds, right of Cherokee freedmen to share in Of funds derived from sale of ceme 1899 70 teries 1901 92 1896 103 1903 130 Of jail at Tahlequah 1904 136 1900 41 Of town-site fund, Choctaw and Chick Of lands of deceased allottees 1896 118 asaw nations 1897 14 Of mineral lands 1898 31 1896 147 1899 41 Of mineral lands in Creek Nation 1900 68 1896. . .. 154 155 1901 S5 Of orphan fund, Cherokee Nation 1902 65 1900 40 1903 75 Of public buildings 1904 71 1899 56 Of tribal funds act of Choctaw coun 1900 42 cil : Of public buildings Cherokee Na 1895 88 tion 1900... 41 Of tribal funds 1896. . . 1 \ 114 Disposition Continued. Of unallotted land 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Distribution: Of tribal funds 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Method of 1896 1898 Cherokee Nation 1894 1896 1902 1903 1904 Chickasaw Nation 1894 . . 1896 Choctaw Nation 1894 1896 1902 1903 1904 Creek Nation 1894 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Seminole Nation 1894 1897 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 District attorney: To prosecute excessive land holders 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 To prosecute violation of prohibition laws 1898 1899 1501306 i CIVI Page. 97 66 55 71 51 61 57 17 35 44 68 71 73 77 87 105 8 11 132 108 124 120 10 120 10 97 100 116 112 9 51 65 50 51 78,87 87,88 84,99 13 78 88 55 81 91 87 23 36 63 79 59 69 65 21 34 LIZED TRIBES. District attorney Continued. To prosecute violation of prohibition laws 1900 49 Page. 61 77 57 67 63 126 77 88 55 81 91 87 77 88 55 81 91 87 20 34 61 77 57 67 63 130, 139 45 45 72 82 78 140 135 38 118 24 36 23,63 79 60 70 66 13 64 29 63 1901 1902 1903 1904 District court, jurisdiction of: 1904 District schools: Reservation for 1897 1899. 1901 1902 1903.....*. 1904 Seminole Nation, provisions for 1897 1899. 1901 1902 1903 1904 Documents, provision for recording: 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902.. . ... 1903 1904 Doil v. Berryhill, contest case of: 1902 129 Draft of proposed agreement with Creeks: 1900 1901 1902 1903. 1904 Drew v. Canard, contest case of: 1903 Duncan, W. P., letter to Commission: 1896 Duncan, W. F., letter to Commission, October 28, 1897: 1897 . Duncan, reservation for townsite at: 1896 Dunn roll: Confirmation of 1898 1899 1900 1901. 1902 1903.. 1904 Imperfections of 1899 . . . To govern enrollment of Creek f reed- men 1899 Dustin (Spokogee), alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1904 1905... 50 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Dustin, enrollment of children at: 1905 Page. 30 Educational institutions, reservation for, in Cherokee Nation: Page. Duties of Commission 1899 54 1895 76 Edwards Henry et al protest against Act of March 3, 1893 1897 97 enrollment as Choctaws: 1897 20 1899 7 66 Election- 1900 55 For ratification of 9 1901 71 Agreement 1902 51 1898 26 1903 61 1899 38 1904 57 1900 65 Enlargement of 1902 61 1896 83 1903 71 1898 6 1904 67 1905 5 Atoka agreement To minors, prisoners, convicts, and 1899 9 incompetents 1901 81 1896 101 Cherokee agreement Duty of United States to establish gov 1899 10 58 ernment in Indian Territory: 1900 . . 44 1895 84 1902 109 1897 99 1903 125 1899 .. . 68 1904 121 1900 57 Choctaw-Chickasaw agreement- 1901 73 1901 65 70 1902 53 1902 100 1903 63 1903 116 1904 59 1904 112 Duty of United States Government to ward Indians: Greek agreement 1899 9,65 1895 77 1900 53 Duties of Commission, addition to: 1902 88 1905 5 1904 100 Dwight Mission, school reservation for: 1899 5i Provision for, at Wewoka 1899 90 1902 103 1901 58 1903 119 1902 111 1904 115 1903 129 Eastern Band of Cherokees: 1904 129 Decision of Court of Claims in suit of 1899 118 Qualification of voters at municipal 1896 103 1901 137 Regulations for in Cherokee Nation Status of 1899 58 1899 96 113 Provisions for municipal 1901 132 1895 87 1896 103 Choctaws at 1898 20 1902 23 1899 3-1 58 63 Educational facilities: 1900 61 Cherokee Nation 1901 77 1902 105 1902 57 1903 121 1903 67 1904 117 1904 63 Desired by Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen Tribal 1895 . . 65 1894. 32 38 Elm Springs Mission School reservation Lack of, for Choctaw freedmen 1894 32 for: 1899 54 Lack of, for white children 1902 103 1894 19 1903 119 1895 72 1904 115 1897 88 Emahaka Academy 1898 9 Appropriation for 1899 28 1897. 77 1901 8 1899 88 Requested 1901 55 1896. . . 159 1902... 81 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 51 Emulwka Academy Continued. Page. Appropriation for 1903 91 1904 88 Reservation for 1897 77 1 899 88 1901 55 1902 81 1903 91 1904 88 Emancipation: Of freedmen, conditions of 1894 46 Of Choctaw freedmen 1894 24 Embezzlement, jurisdiction of United States court over: 1890 16 1897 54 1899 31,43,63 1900 58 1901 74 1902 54 1903 64 1904 60 Embracery: Jurisdiction of United States court over 1897 16,54 1898 16,33 1899 31,43,64 1900 58,70 1901 74,86 1902 54,66 1903 64,76 1904 60,72 Jurisdiction of United States courts over, in Seminole Nation 1897 78 | 1899. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. To be tried in United States court 1896 104 Emmett, reservation for town site at: 1896 118 Enforcement of tribal laws: 1898 26 1899 38,168 1900 65 1901 81 1902 61 1903 71 1901 67 Enid and Anadarko Railroad act: 1903 10,93 1904 89 Enlargement of Commission: 1897 98 1899 67 1900 56 1901 72 1902 52 1903 62 1904.... -. 58 Enrollment: Page. Of Cherokees at Muscogee 1905 23 Of Cherokee freedmen 1897 93 1901 23 1902 32 1904 166 Of Cherokees, progress of 1905 23 Of Cherokee freedmen injunction, United States court 1904 24 Of Cherokee instruction of Depart ment 1902 122 1903 134 1904 HO Of Cherokee freedmen Order of Courts of Claims 1899 72 1901 94 1903 132 1904 138 Restraining order of United States court 1902 .-. 119 1903 136 1904 142 Of Chickasaws At Ardmore 1901 12 Progress of 1905 18 Of Chickasaw freedmen 1897 93 1898 24 1899 37 1900 64 1901 63,80 1 902 1 5, 60, 95 1903 . 16, 70, 111 1904 18, 66, 107 1905 21 Of children 1905 6 Cherokee Nation 1897 36 1899 53 Creek Nation 1899 64 1901 9 1902 36, 83, 86 1903 ... 99, 102 1904 95,98 Of intermarried whites 1905 16 Under act of March 3 1905.. 5, 6, 19, 30 Of Choctaws and Chickasaws Status of 1902 164 Progress of 1905 10 Of Choctaws, progress of 1905 16 52 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Enrollment Continued. Of Choctaw freedmen 1898 Page. 24 Enrollment Continued. Of citizens- Provision for Page. 1899 37 190? 52 1900 64 1903 62 1901 80 1904 68 1902 14,60 Report of Commission July 9 1903 70 1897 1904 17,66 1897 83 Progress of 1905 21 Seminole Nation 1899 12 1900 12 Of citizens 1901 30 1896 . 83 Work incident to 18Q8 93 1898 6,7 1899 . . 36 Of court citizens 1901 13 1901 8,79 Of Creek freedmen KG 1898 24 1899 36 9fifi 1900 23,63 1901 79 Delay of protests of Choctaw and 1902 60 Chickasaw attorneys- 1903 70 1904 66 Cherokee Nation 1899 16 53 Of Creeks order of Indian agent 1897 65 1901 22 Of Creeks, progress of 1905 27 1903 18 120 Of lost Creeks 1905 28 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations Of Delawares 1899 17 1899 . 14 1900 12 Of freedmen -10QK 1901 10, 12, 61, 66 1902 10, 12,13,92 1903 11,1 3, 14, 108 1899 Jfl 1904 11,16 , 104, 130 1900 fiQ Creek Nation 1901 72 79 1897 57,64 1902 59 1899 13,64 1903 63 69 1900 19, 50 1901 ." 28, 51 1902 35,78 1903 28, 88 1897 83 1904. 20,84 Effect of tribal laws on 1897 93 1898 3 Work incident to Final rolls 1898 6 1901 91 Indians act of June 10 1896 1902 71 1896 h 3 84 86 1903 81 Of intermarried Cherokees 1904 77 1904 26 Jurisdiction of Commissioner 1897 83 Of intermarried whites, Choctaw and Progress of 1899 15 1897 92 Of Nar-wal-le-pe-es 1899 . 10 1902 86 1901.. 8 1903 102 1903... . 10 1904 98 1904 11 1905 8 Provision for 1900 54 1897 98 1901 59 1899 .. . 67 1902 ^3 1900 56 1903 99 1901... 72 1904... 89 THE FIV] Enrollment Continued. Of Seminoles Progress of 1905 3 CIVI Page. 32 86 102 98 86 102 98 86 102 98 66 36 60 50 10,36 85 101 97 51,52 59 45 46 73 83 31,79 9 106 105 146, 148 159 86, 105 102,121 117 21 34 61 77 57 67 63 54 70 18 LIZED TRIBES. Establishment of land office: At Boggy Depot 1899 53 Page. 109 1901 128 Of Mary Washington 1902 Cherokee Nation 1903 39 1903 1904 32 1904 : In Chickasaw Nation 1903 50 Of Walter Washington - 1902 In Choctaw Nation 1903 50 1903 1904 At Wewoka, Seminole Nation 1901. 31 Of Willie Washington 1902 1902 43 1903 1904 31 1904 Establishment of town sites: 1896 .. 102,154 Enrollment camps, policemen to preserve peace at: 1897 1897 53 8 1898 Enrollment cards, form of: 1899 1900 28 Enrollment certificates, Creek Nation, form of: 1899 1903 34 Appropriation for Equalization of allotments: 1899 1901 89 1900 1902 1902 1903 Establishment of town site: At Bristow 1899 61 1904 Enrollment of allotments, Creek Nation: 1899 At Checotah 1899 61 1901 At Eufaula 1899 61 1903 At Gibson Station 1899 61 1Q04 Errors in final rolls: 1905 At Holdenville 1899 61 Equipment, repairs of: 1901 At Lee 1899 61 Equity powers of United States court: 1896 At Muskogee 1899 ! 61 Escoe v. Farmer, contest case of: At Okmulgee 1899 61 Establishment of public highways: At Red Fork 1899 61 1902 At Sapulpa 1899 61 iqnq 1904 . . At Tulsa 1899 61 Establishment of schools: In incorporated towns 1898 At Wagoner 1899 61 1899 At Wewoka 1899 89 1900 1Q01 1901 58 1902 110 1QAO 1903 128 1Q04 1904 128 Cherokee Nation 1899 In Cherokee Nation 1896 132 In Creek Nation 1897 1900 37 190 > 105 Establishment of land offices: 1899... 1903 121 1904... 117 54 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Establishment of town sites: Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 Page. 64,68 97 113 109 145 61 46 47 74,86 84, 102 80.98 27 64 64 5 25 8,36 43 158 61 49 50 77 87 83 52 29 63 36 130, 145 30 58,64 61 64 63 153 46 52 61 Eufaula High School, reservation for Continued. 1900 Page. 49 50 76 86 82 158 194 40 105 121 117 52 52 79 89 85 69 87 36 194 90,91 106 102, 103 84 99 67 56 72 53 63 59 158 83 98 91 8 45 172 61 35 10 102 118 33, 114 46 46 73 79 1902 1901 1903 -- -- 1902 1904 1903 Creek Nation 1896 1904 Evidence in contest cases: 1903 1899 1900 1904 1901 Examination of school-teachers: Cherokee Nation 1900 1909 1903 - .- 1904 1902 Under act of March 3, 1903 1904 1903. 1904 Establishment of United States court: At Eufaula loqq Creek Nation 1900 1901 At Tulsa 1899 1902 1903 Estimate of time required to finish work of Commission: 1905 1904 Excessive holdings: 1895 1897 . . Estimation of timber: 1899 1900 1904 . . . 1901 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 Progress of Estoppel in contest cases: 1903 1904 Euchee Boarding School, reservation for: 1899 Commission directed to report upon 1895 18Q7 1900 18QQ 1901 1900 1902 1 1901 1903 1902 1904 1903 Euchee Institute, reservation for: 1897 1904 Construction of statutes 1902 Eufaula: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1904 Disposition of 1899 1901 1905 Effect of Appointment at, for enrollment of citizens 1902 1897 Influence of 1894 Conference at 1896 Investigation of 1902 Enrollment of children at 1905 Of Robert L. Owen, Francis B. Fite, Edward L. Halsell, Jacob H. Bar- ties 1904 Enrollment of Creeks at 1897 Establishment of town site at 1899 .. Excessive holdings of land: Cherokee Nation 1899 Establishment of United States court at 1899 1900 1901 International council at 1895 1902 1903 1896 1904 Reservation of town site 1900 Creek Nation 1900 Eufaula High School, reservation for: 1897 1901 1902 1899... 1904... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 55 Excessive holdings of land Continued. Page. Penalty for 1898 ^3 1899 36 1900 63 1901 79 1902 59 1903 69 1904 65 Excessive land holding: By intermarried whites 1894 17,18 Provisions of Curtis Act 1899 81 1901 96 Excessive land holders to select allot ments: 1904 33 Expenditures of Commission, March 3, 1893, to January 1, 1901: 1901 218 Expense of allotment to be borne by United States: 1896 103,118 1899 51,60 1900 42 Expense of appraisement of land: 1896 103 Expense of appraising and disposing of town lots: 1896 103 Expense of classification of land: 1896 103 Expense of Commission s work: 1904 10 Expense of establishing town sites to be borne by United States: 1899 51, 63 1902 84,107 1903 100,123 1904 96, 119 Expense of platting town sites to be borne by United States: 1900 51 1901 52 1903 75 1904 84,88 Expense of survey of town lots: 1896 103 Expense of surveying of town sites to be borne by United States: 1896 . . . : 103, 118 1897 54 Factor, Thomas, appointed Seminole town-site commissioner: 1899 89 1901 57 1902 110 1903 128 1904 128 Failure of Cherokees to enter into an agreement: 1897 34 Failure of Chickasaw Nation to act on propositions of Commission: 1894 10 Failure of tribal governments: 1894 17,20 Failure of negotiations: With Cherokees, cause of 1897 With Choctaws and Chickasaws 1897 With Indians 1895 Failure of ratification Cherokee agree ment, April 9, 1900: 1901 Falls City, alienation of land for town- site purposes at: 1905 Fair grounds, establishment of, at Vinita: 1900 Fairland: United States commissioners to be located at 1899 Enrollment of Cherokees at 1900 1901 Farmer, Escoe v., contest case of: 1903 Fawn, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 Featherston, alienation of land for town- site purposes at: 1905 Fee for marriage license: 1901 Fees claimed by J. Hale Sypher: 1904 Fees of attorneys to be fixed by Court of Claims: 1904 Female seminary, Cherokee Nation, pay ment for improvements of: 1902 1903 1904 Field notes, classification of lands: 1899 Field work: Allotment of land to full blood Chero kees 1905 Enrollment of Cherokees 1905 Addresses at Hartshorn and Atoka 1895 Addresses to Cherokees 1894 Addresses to Chickasaws 1894 Addresses to Choctaws 1894 Addresses to Indians 1894 Classification of lands 1900 1901 1902 Enrollment of Cherokees 1900 1901 1902... Page. 77 63,65 42 57 25 23 146 30 63 14 125 125 109 125 121 22,23 56 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Field work Continued. Enrollment of children, act of March 2 Page. Financial statement of Commission Con. June 30, 1902 1902 Page. 165 1905 19, 30 Year ended June 30, 1903 Enrollment of Choctaws and Chicka- 1903 192 saws 1900 12 Year ended June 30, 1904 1904 56 1901 12 Year ended June 30 1905 Enrollment of Creeks 1905 65 1897 57 Firewood purchase of for field parties 1901 28 1901 105 1902 36 Fite, Francis B., excessive holding of: Enrollment of citizens 1904 172 1898 7 Five Tribes settlement of claims desired 1899 12 1896 158 1905 8 Flavoring extracts amount allowed field Estimation of timber 1901 36 parties: 1901 106 1902 44 Identification of Mississippi Choc- 1902 30 taws 1902 23 Flour, amount allowed field parties: 1901 105 Improvement survey 1901 38 Foote, Henry S., opinion in citizenship case of Regulations governing 1901 105 The Brannon, Thos. 1904 130 Rules and regulations governing ap praisement of land Lula Brahern 1904 131 1901 108 B F Thompson Subdivisional survey 1904 132 1899 21,22 1902 43 1900 75 Fife, Dorsey, appointed Seminole town- site commissioner: 1899 89 Form of allotment blanks, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations: 1903 1Q01 57 190-> 110 Nation* 1903 128 1903 175 1904 128 Final rolls: Commissioner of Indian Affairs to Cherokee Nation 1904 50 have copy of 1897 99 Creek Nation 1902 162 1899 67 1903 168 1900 . .. 56 1901 72 1899 60 1902 53 1903 63 tion: 1004 59 1903 174 Cherokee Nation 1903 23 Form of application for allotment: 1899 64 1904 . .. 24 Cherokee Nation 1903 172 1904 26 Form of attorney s oath: Creek Nation 1901 103 1902 37 1902 . 115 1903 30 1903 167 1904 23 1904 197 Errors in 1905 9 Form of birth affidavits: 1899 34 Preparation of 1905 9 Form of citizenship certificate, Cherokee Nation: 1903 . 170 1904 11 Form of complaint in contest: 1899 84 March 3. 1893, to January 1, 1901 1901... 218 Form of contract for grazing lease: 1900... 77 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 57 Form of deed to heirs, Creek Nation: 1 90 Page. 168 169 60 36 54,55 176 50 Fort Gibson Continued. Reservation for town c ito nt 1899 Page. 54 99,116 88 88 17 7 88 148 14 31 32,42 59, 69 75 85 1903 Form of enrollment certificate, Creek Na tion: 1899 Fort Smith: Conference at 1896 98, Form of enrollment record: 1899 Conference of Chickasaw delegates at 1895 Form of freedmen patent, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations: 1904 Conference with Choctavvs at 1895 Form of homestead certificate, Cherokee Nation: 1903 Given authority over certain lands in Choctaw Nation 1898 Form of homestead deed: Cherokee Nation 1904 Removal of headquarters from 1897 Removal of headquarters to 1895 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1904 51,52 162 168 84 103 115 167 197 86,88 90 82 219 72 105 18 15 12 110 159 64 78 130, 136 34 25 23 33 41 34 1896 Creek Nation 1902 1897 1898 1904 1899 Form of notice of contest and summons: 1899 1900 1901 Form of oath of allegiance: 1901 1902 65 65, 75 61,71 101 11 27 39 66 82 62,91 1903 1902 1904. 1903 Reservation of land at 1896. 1904 Form of record, classification of land: 1899 1897 1898 Form of report of classification of land: 1899 1899 1900 Form of sectional diagram: 1899 1901 1902 1901 1903 72, 108 Form of tract book: 1899 1904 68,104 7 34 3 3 39 35 27 64 151 141 30 74 Suggestion as place for conference with Choctaws 1897 Form of vouchers: 1901 Forests, destruction of: 1894 Fort Townson, reservation for town site at: 1903 Forfeiture of citizenship: By intermarried whites 1899 Francis, D. R.: Letter transmitting annual report 1894 1905 Cherokee Nation 1899 Letter transmitting report of Commis sion to Committee on Indian Affairs, for 1894 1894 1901 Form of government: Creek Nation 1899 Francis: Reservation for town site at 1901 Territorial, recommended Fort Gibson: Conference with Cherokees at 18% 1903 1904 Segregation of land for town-site pur poses at 1905 1897 Enrollment of Cherokees at 1900 Franklin v. Franklin, contest case of: 1902 1901 Enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1902 1903 Fraud: In Cherokee citizenship rolls 1897 Establishment of blind school at 1900 Headquarters at 1897... In Cherokee intruders roll 1895... 58 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Fraud Con ti nued . In Delaware segregation 1904 Page. 38 172 Freedmen Continued. Cherokee Nation Page. In disbursement of tribal funds 1894. . ... 18 General in enrollment of 1904 106 In enrollment of Choctaws 1897 18 Right to share in distribution of funds In enrollment of court citizens 1899 70 1901 13 1901 92 Preparation of tribal rolls 1903 130 1902 11 1904 136 Frequency of murder: 1895 75,76 Unlawfully placed on Wallace roll Freedmen: 1894 14 Act of May 17, 1882, concerning 1894 38 Chickasaw Nation Act of Choctaw council, May 21, 1883 1901 63 1894 29 Attorney - General to file suit Adoption of, Chickasaw Nation 1894. 38 against 1901 63 Alienation of allotments 1897 12 Enrollment of 1897 93 1898 28 1901 63 66 1899 40 1902 ! "> 95 1900 67 1903 111 1901 83 1904 18 107 1902 03 Rights to be determined by Court 1903 73 of Claims 1904 69 1901 63 66 Allotment of land in Choctaw and 1902 95 Chickasaw nations 1908 111 1896 101 1904 107 1902 89 Opinion of Attorney-General as to 1903 104 rights of 1904 101 1901 206 Appointment of committee to repre sent, in Choctaw Nation Removal of 1898 6 1894 23 Rights to be determined by Court Appropriation of Choctaw and Chick asaw nations for 1891 38 of Claims- Treaty of 1866 1894 36 Assistance rendered by 1898 8 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations Excluded from participating in Attorneys for, Chickasaw Nation 1894 35 coal and asphalt funds 1897 11 Cherokee Nation* 1898 27 Departmental instructions as to 1899 38 enrollment of 1900 69 1902 . 122 1901 81 1903 134 1902 65 1904 140 1903 75 Enrollment of, under depart 1904 71 mental instructions 1901 23 Selections of allotments for 1903 52 Enrollment ordered by Court of Claims 1899 72 Choctaw Nation- Claims of 1894 23 1901 94 Claims presented to the Commis 1903 132 sion 1904 138 1894 21 Injunction of United States court, enrollment of 1902 119 Claims to interest in leased dis trict payment 1894 31 1903 136 Enrollment of 1904 24 142 1902 14 1904 17 kee Nation 1901... 204 Claims presented 1894... 21 THE FIV Freedmen Continued. Commission directed to make rolls of 1895 E CIVI Page. 84 23,35 23 23 24 70 92 122 130 136 32,38 6 83 93 45 38 39 46 24 83 25 23 36 63 79 59 69 65 99 67 56 72 53 63 59 32 24 13, 36, 64 63 LIZED TRIBES. Freedmen Continued. Enrollment of Continued. Creek Nation 1901 59 Page. 79 60 70 66 84 54 55 Confidence of, in Dawes Commission 1894 1902 1903 Conference with, in Choctaw Nation 1894 1904 Departmental instructions con cerning 1897 Convention of, Choctaw Nation 1894 Creek Nation, number of 1900 Form of patent, Choctaw and Chick asaw nations 1904 Decree of Court of Claims, suit, v. Cher okee Nation 1899 Injustice to Choctaw Nation 1894 28 29 93 31 119 117 106 103 104 14 31 41 68 84 65 75 71 12 12 12 12 29 21 15 33 43 70 86 1901 Lack of educational facilities in Choc taw Nation 1894. 190 1903 1904 Mandamus proceedings in enrollment of Cherokees 1897 Demand for educational facilities 1894 Difficulties in enrolling Choctaw and Chickasaw 1898 Message of President Harrison con cerning 1894 Discrepancies in rolls, Cherokee Na tion 1897 Not entitled to hold town lots in Chickasaw Nation 1896 Disputed claims of, Chickasaw Na tion 1897 Not to participate in Allotment, Chickasaw Nation 1896. Duties of United States to 1894 Distribution of funds 1896.. Educational facilities for 1894 Funds derived from sale of town lots 1896 Efforts of George T. Olmstead in be half of 1894 Mineral royalties 1896 Emancipation of, conditions of 1894 Town-site funds of Choctaw and Chickiuaw nations 1897 Emancipation of, in Choctaw Nation 1894 1898 Enrollment of, departmental instruc tion requested by Commission 1897 .... 1899 1900 1901 Enrollment by intermarriage 1904 1902 1903 Enrollment of 1898 1904 Number of In Cherokee Nation 1899 1899 1900 1901 In Chickasaw Nation 1899 1902 1903 In Choctaw Nation 1899 1904. .. By Commission 1897 In Creek Nation 1899 1899 Occupancy of public domain in Choc taw Nation 1894 1900 1901 1902 On Wallace roll 1894. .... 1903 1904 Prohibited from sharing in School funds 1897 Cherokee Nation 1902 Creek Nation 1898 1898 1899 1899 1900 1900... 1901... 60 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Freedmen Continued. Prohibited from sharing in School funds Page. Freedmen Continued Treaty of 1866 not carried out 1894 Page. 37 1902 . . 66 Work incident to enrollment of 1903 76 1898 Q 1904 72 Freight rates: Tribal funds 1903 94 1897 17 1904. 90 1898 35 Fruit, amount, allowed field parties- 1899 . 44 1901 105 1900 71 Full bloods: 1901 87 Allotment of land to Cherokees 1902 68 1904 39 1903 78 Destitution of 1904 74 1895. . 09 Progress of enrollment of 1897 93 Opposition to allotment 1905 47 Progress of enrollment, Chickasaw Protection of, by Commission 1905 37 1905 21 Retrogression of 1894 18 Nation 1005 Where located 1894 15 Provisions of Cherokee treaty, 1866, affecting 1894 26 Funds: Arising from sale of town lots, distri bution of 1896 . 103 Provisions of treaty of 1866, affecting, 1898 22 Creek Nation 1899 35 1900 62 Poverty of, in Choctaw and Chicka 1901 78 saw nations 1902 58 1903 68 Removal of .fromChoctawand Chicka 1904 64 saw nations 1894 26 Derived from sale of cemeteries, dis Report of C. Delano, concerning Choc position of 1896 103 taw and Chickasaw 1894. 44 Disposition of Return of Cherokee, to Indian Terri Cherokee Nation 1900 42 tory 1904 25 Creek Nation Revision of Wallace roll 1902 87 1894 11 Rights to be determined by Court of 1904 99 Claims 1904 125 Seminole Nation Right to share in distribution of Cher okee funds Tribal 1897 ... 97 1899 71 1898 25 1901 93 1800 1903 131 1000 1904 137 1001 71 80 Right to share in tribal funds of Choc 1902 . 51 61 taw and Chickasaw nations 1903 . . 61,71 1894 27 1904 57 67 Sale of improvements, Chickasaw Na tion 1894 37 Distribution of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1896 120 Status of, in Chickasaw Nation 1902 100 1897 89 1903 114 Stipulations of treaty of 1866 concern- 1904 . 112 ing- 1899 14 Creek Nation 1894 9 To receive allotments in Creek Na 1900 50 tion 1901 51 1899 60 1902 78 Treatment and condition of 1903 88 1894... 19,24 1904... 84 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 61 Funds Continued. Distribution of Page. Game, abundance of: 1894. Page. 15 Seminolc 1894 13 Gans, appointment at, for enrollment of Cherokees 1897 78 1902 30 1899 88 Gardner, Jeff: 1901 55 Invitation to the Commission to ajt- 1902 81 tend Choctaw council 1903 91 1895 62 1904 87 Letter to Commission May 27 1895 Tribal 1895 62 1896 114 Letter of Commission to 1897 17,51 July 1, 1896 1898 8, 23, 35 1896 93 1899 36,44 July 10, 1896 1900 63,71 1896 95 1901 79,87 Letter to Commission, A \igust5, f8% 1902 59 67 1896 94 1903 69 77 Letter of Commission to August 8 1904 65 73 1896 Tribal Cherokee Nation 1896.. 96 1894 11 Letter of Commission to 1902. .. . 108 1895 62 1903 124 Garfield, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1904 120 1902 30 For school purposes Cherokee Nation Garrett v. Walcott, contest case of: 1903 143 152 1900 40 Garrett v. Sango, contest case of: In Chickasaw Nation 1903 142 1894 10 Garvin reservation for town site at Creek Nation 1903 34 1900 52 Gas 1 1901 52 Disposition of revenue from 1902 79 1896 103 1903 89 Disposition of royalties Chickasaw 1904 85 Nation For schools to be derived from royal 1896 120 ties, Chickasaw Nation 1896 . .. 120 Effect of discovery on allotment 1905 . . 40 Fraud in disbursement of 1894 18 Gas land: Disposition of Investment of 1897. 23 1896 105 Reservation of In possession of United States Gov 1896 101 ernment, statement of 1901 217 Gas leases: To be approved by Secretarv of the Of Cherokee Nation, right of freedmen to share in Interior 1897 77 1899 70 1901 54 1901.. 92 1902 81 1903... 130 1903 91 1904 136 1904 87 Manner of distribution 1896 105 To be made with Seminole tribal government Right of Delaware Indians to share iii 1897 77 Cherokee 1901 54 1899 70 1902 81 1901 . . . 92 1903 91 1903 . . 130 1904 87 1904 .... 135 Gas royalty disposition of Seminole Na Right of Shawnee Indians to share in Cherokee tion: 1897 77 1899 71 1901 54 1901 92 1902 81 1903 130 1903 91 1904 135 1904 87 Gaither v. Alexander, allotment contest: 1902... 128 Gasoline, purchase of, for field parties: 1901... 105 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Geological survey of Indian Territory: 1899 Page. L O Government Continued. Dissolution of Page. Genealogy of Mississippi Choctaws, table of: Seminole tribal 1894 13 1902 162 1903 126 General conference of Five Tribes: 1904 31 l >2 1896, 133 Duty of United States to establish, in Gibson Station: Indian Territory 1895 84 1899 61 Establishment of Territorial form Reservation for town site at 1897 99 1900 46 ]S: i 68 1901 39 190.! 57 1903 34 1901 73 Gibson N A 1902 . 53 Report in citizenship case 1903... 63 Cale%> \V Hnbbard et al 1904 59 1899 147 Failure of tribal 1901 171 1894 17 20 William J. Watts et al. 1899 133 Form of, in Cherokee Nation 1901 152 1899 55 Gilbert, reservation for town site at: 1903 34 Creek Nation 1894. 9 Goingsnake Court House enrollment of 1899 . . 64 Cherokees at: 1902 30 Territorial form- In Chickasaw Nation Goodland convention of Choc* taw colored 1894 10 citizens association at: 1894 23 Recommended 1895 78 Gossett v. Johnson: Not desired by Seminoles 1897. 72 case of 1902 48 Integrity of tribal, guaranteed 1897 69 Contest case of 1902 145 Graft in allotment of land: 1905 Government: Changes provided by act of June 7, Grafters, allotment contests instituted by: 1905 45 1897 1897 91 Gray, reservation for town site at: 1901 39 1891 1903 35 1895 . 78 Grazing tax, Cherokee Nation: 1897 88 1900 42 1899. 162 1901 181 1899 }fi Dissolution of tribal 1896 97, 114 Cherokee Nation 1902 109 1899 27 1903 125 1900 42 1904 121 1902 108 1903 124 Creek Nation 1904 120 Dissolution of 1904 JOO Cherokee tribal 1896 132 Form of 1900 77 Choctaw and Chickasaw tribal 1897 16 Termination of 1898 01 1898 25 1899 1899 37 1900 71 1900 64 1901 87 1901 SO, 97 1902 f>l -iqiy) 1903 71 1904 70 1904 67 In Creek tribal 1894... 9 Greenleaf, Quabner ?.>., contest case of: 1903... 144 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 63 Griffith v. Methodist Episcopal Church, Page. South, contest case of: 1903 155 Griffith, T. D., report concerning Choc- taw and Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 39 Grissom v. Asbury: Contest case of 1902 131, 138 Decision of Commission in contest case of 1901 42 Grissom v. Checote, contest case of: 1902 1 34 , 138 Grissom v. Gibson: Contest case of 1902 133, 136 Decision of Commission in contest case of 1901 42 Grove, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1900 25 Guardians: Authority of, in contest cases 1903 158 Jurisdiction of courts over 1904 44 For Creek minors 1900 51 1901 52 1902 78 1903 88 1904 84 Guy, William M.: Letter to Commission 1896 121 Memorial to Congress 1897 24 Hailey, Ferryman v., contest case of: 1903 142 Haileyville, reservation for town site at: 1903 34 Hall, reservation for town site at: 1901 39 1903 34 Hall, George W., memorial of Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 53 Halsell, Edward L., excessive holdings of: 1904 172 Hanna, alienation of land for town site purposes at: 1905 63 Harlcy Institute, reservation for: 1897 11,52 1898 27 1899 39, 119 1900 66 1901 82 1902 62, 92 1903 72, 108 1904 68, 101 Harrell Institute, reservation for: 1 897 52 Harrington, reservation for town site at: 1903 34 Harris, C. J.: Appointment with Commission 1895... 59 Harris, C. J. Continued. Page. Letter refusing to negotiate with Commission 1895 63 Letter to Commission May 6, 1895 1895 59 June 11, 1895 1895 64 November 1, 1895 1895 68 Harris, R. M.: Letter to Commission 1896 117 Memorial to Congress 1897 24 Letter to Commission October 23, 1896 1896 114 October 26, 1896 1896 114 October 31, 1896 1896 115 January 15, 1897 1896 117 February 11, 1897 1897 21 July 22, 1897 1897 25 July 26, 1897 1897 25 June 28, 1897 1897 24 November 8, 1897 1897 25 December 20, 1897 1897 26 December 22, 1897 1897 26 Harrison, Benjamin, message concern ing Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 31 Harrison v. Tucker, decision of Commis sion in contest case of: 1901 41 Hartshorn, citizens addressed by Com mission at 1895 65 Haskell, alienation of land for town site purposes at: 1 905 63 Hastings, W. W.: Letter to Secretary of Interior request ing removal of intruder 1897 30 Letter to Commission August 12, 1897 1897 36 Hastingsand Pierce, letter to Commission: October 2, 1897 1897 37 November 20, 1897 1897 42 November 23, 1897 1897 42 December 4, 1897 1897 43 December 8, 1897 1897 43 64 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Hattieaburg, appointment at, for identifi cation of Mississippi Choc taws: 1900 1901 Hayden, Henry C., enrollment case of: 1903 Hays, appointment at, for identification of Mississippi Choctaws: 1902 Headquarters of Commission: At Fort Gibson 1897 At Muscogee 1894 1895 At Vinita 1895 Vinita, Cherokee Nation 1896 Removal to Fort Smith 1895 Removal from Fort Smith to Mus cogee 1897 Heirs, form of deeds to Creek Nation: 1902 1903 Heirs at law: 1902 Helen, reservation for town site at: 1901 1903 Henry Kendall College: Reservation for 1897 Disposition of land 1901 1902 1903 1904 Hemphill, John F., attorney s fees: 1900 Hemphill, John J., claims: 1899 Hemphill, J. J., letter relative to segrega tion of Delaware lands: 1903 Henryetta: Reservation for town site at 1901 190.3 Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1904 1905 Hero, Miss., appointment at, for identifi cation of Mississippi Choctaws: 1902 History of Creeks: 1897 Hitchcock, E. A.: Instructions concerning enrollment of Cherokee frecdmen 1902 1903 1904... Page, j Hitchcock, E. A. Continued. Page. Letter transmitting proposed Choctaw 17 and Chickasaw agreement to Con- 19 gress 1901... 60 It Letter to, October 29, 1903, Delaware segregation 1904 36 23 Letter of instructions, enrollment of Cherokee freedmcn 1901 23 34 Order closing citizenship rolls 1905 28 7 59 84 Hodge, D. M.: Letter to Commission September 27, 1897 1897 56 131 December 16, 1896 1896 152 161 88 December 18, 1896 1896.. 163 7 Holdenville: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at ]904 29 163 1905 63 169 Enrollment of children at 1905 30 159 Enrollment of Creeks at 1897 57 39 1902 36 35 Establishment of town site at 1899 61 52 Reservation for town site at 1900 46 49 76 Homesteads: Alienation of 1897 12 86 1898 28 82 1899 1900 07 44 1901 83 1902 63 58 1903 73 1904 69 47 Designation of Creek Nation 1902 40 Designation of Seminole Nation 1904 30 04 1905 53 Form of certificates, Choctaw Na tion 1903 190 63 Form of Cherokee certificates 1903 176 23 Form of Choctaw and Chickasaw pat ents 1904. 51 52 69 Form of Creek patents 1902 162 1903 168 Patents to Creek Nation 1902. 87 134 1903 103 140 1904... 99 THE FIVE Homesteads Continued. Reservation of 1899 CIVI Page. 83 36,46 46,83 73 83 79 11 102 118 114 12 28 40 67 83 63,89 73, 105 69, 101 60 46 46 73,87 83, 103 79,99 13 78 88 55 81 91 87 51 46 73 83 79 12 28 40 67 83 63 73 69 12 28 40 67 83 63 69 16 33 LIZED TRIBES. 65 Homicide Continued. Page. Jurisdiction of United States court over 1899. 43 64 1900 1901 1900 70 190 > 1901 86 1903 1902 66 11904 1903 76 In Cherokee Nation 1894 1904 . 72 In Seminole Nation 1897 78 1902 1903 1899 88 1904 1901 55 In Choctaw and Chickasavv na tions 1897 1902 81 1903 .... 9> 1904 .. 88 1898 Trial for 1896 105 1899 1900 To be tried in United States court 1896 104 1901 1902 Home, E. J., decision of United States court in citizenship case: 1899 98 1903 1904 In Creek Nation 1899 1901 117 Howard, Mingo v., allotment contest: 1903 155 1900 1901 Hubbard, Caleb W., decision of United States court in citizenship case of: 1899 . 147 1902 1903 . . 1904 1901 ... 166 In Seminole Nation 1894 Hugo: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 100^ cq 1897 1899 1901 Enrollment of children at 1005 1Q 1902 1903 Reservation for town-site at 1 90 -? -44 1904 Sale of, Creek Nation 1900 Hunter, reservation of town site at: 1903 34 1901 Hutchings, William T.: Attorneys fees 1900 . 44 1902 1903 1904 Claim of 1899 58 Selection of, for minors 1898 Letter relative to segregation of Dela ware lands 1903 47 1899 1901 . Idabel, enrollment of children at: 1905 19 1902 1903 Identification of Mississippi Choctaws: 1898 7 24 1904 Separate patents to be issued for 1897 1899 10,17,36 1900 16 63 73 1898 1901 18, 62, 67, 79, 89 1902 22 60 69 96 1899 1900 1903 16 70 79 112 1901 1904 66 75 108 1902 1905 22 1904 Appointment in Mississippi for 1899 78 Homicide: Jurisdiction of United States court over 1897 1902 23 Compliance with article 14 essential to 1902... 28 1898... 1501306 5 66 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Identification of Mississippi Choctaws Page. Continued. Difficulties of 1899 78 Progress of 1904 18 Regulations governing depositions 1902 117 Report of Commission- January 28, 1898 1899 73 March 10, 1899 1899 77 Table of genealogy 1902 162 Ignorance of Chickasaw f reedmen 1894 39 Ignorance of Choctaw freedmen 1894 32 Illinois, enrollment of Cherokees at 1900 25 Illustration: Appraising party mounted for work 1901 32 Arkansas River bottoms 1901 35 Bird s-eye view of Tahlequah 1902 17 Bottom land on Grand River 1901 34 Hon. John F. Brown, governor Semi- nole Nation 1902 41 T. M. Buffington, principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation 1902 28 Business block in Vinita 1902 65 Business street in Okmulgee 1902 ; 45 Camp of land appraising party 1901 33 Camp of Cherokee enrollment party 1901 22 Cattle range in Creek Nation 1899 84 Cherokee commissioners 1899 16 Cherokee Male Seminary 1902 21 Creek freedmen home 1899 60 Creek Indian home 1899 46 Enrollment-card box 1899 30 Enrollment of Chickasa,ws 1899 108 Enrollment of citizens by Dawes Com mission in Ohoctaw Nation 1899 76 Enrollment of Choctaws 1899 110 Isparhecher, chief of the Creeks 1899 Frontispiece. Landscape near Sapulpa 1901... 37 Illustration Continued. Page. Office tent of Commission for enroll ment of citizens 1901 10 Portrait of Hon. Douglass H. John ston, governor of Chickasaw Na tion 1902 10 Portrait of Hon. Pleasant Porter, prin cipal chief of the Creek Nation 1902 36 Preparing mess, timber estimating party 1901 36 Scene in South McAlester 1902 7 Scene on Second street, Muscogee, Ind. T. 1902 31 Section of file cases used by Commis sion 1901 27 Street in Durant 1902 51 Type of Creek freedmen 1902 Frontispiece. Type of Creek Indian 1901 9 Wagon of applicants for enrollment at Commission s camp 1901.... 12 Inadequacy of agreement with Choctaws and Chickasaws: 1901 60 Incumbrance: Of land in Cherokee Nation 1900 36 1902 102 1903 118 1904 114 Of real estate 1897 55 Of land, Seminole Nation 1897 77 1901. 54 1902 81 1903 91 1904 87 Of town lots 1899 53,63 Improvements: Appraisement of, Creek Nation 1897 51 1898 37 1899 59 1902 41 1903 38 Guaranteed Creek citizens 1897 51 1898 37 1899 59 In contest cases, possession of 1903 158 In one tribe owned by members of another 1898 25 1899. . . 37 THE FIVE Improvements Continued. In one tribe owned by members of another 1900 CIVI Page. 64 80 60 70 66 21 35 62,74 78,90 58,70 68,80 64,76 64,68 86,97 02,113 98, 109 9 101 12,51 28 39 66 82 63 73 69 59 62 12,51 52 78 88 84 12,51 52 78 88 84 16 31 58 74 64 64 60 13 30 41 LIZED TRIBES. Improvements Continued. On town lots Appraisement of 1900 67 Page. 68 84 64 74 70 52 47 48 75 85,102 81 60 101 12 18,28 \, 39, 166 60,66 76,82 56,63 66,73 62,69 59 77 87 54 80 90 86 36 159 36 46 46 73 83 79 37 10,36 7,41 17 31 58 74 54 64 60 29 31 g 1901 1901 1902 1902 1903 1903 1904 1904 . In town sites- Appraisement of 1898 Concessions to owners 1899 Purchase of 1900 1899 .. .. 1900 1901 1901 1902 1902 1903 1903 1904 1904 Removal of 1899 Compensation for 1901 Right to select, in allotment guaran teed Choctaws and Chickasaws 1896 Payment for 1902 1903 . 1 1904 1897 Location of 1904 1898 1899 31 Not to be considered in appraisement of Land 1896 1900 1901 1902 1903 1897 1904 1898 Creeks 1899 1899 1900 Seminoles 1897 1901 1902 1899 1903 1901 1904 1902 Creek land 1899. 1903 1904 . . Town lots 1899. Sale of 1900 Of Creek Indians in Seminole Na tion 1900 1902 In Cherokee Nation 1900 1901 In Creek Nation 1900 1902 1903 1901 1904 1902 Of Seminole Indians, Creek Nation 1900 1903 1904 1901 By Chickasaw freedmen 1894 1902. 103 By Delaware Indians 1904 1904 Of intruders, payment for 1898 1905 By rejected claimants 1898 1899 1900 1899 1901 1900 1902 1901 1903 1902 1904 1903 On town lots- Appraisement of 1897 1904 Improvement survey: 1900 1898 1903 1899... 1904... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Improvement survey Continued. Page. Progress of 1902 43 Value of, in allotment 1901 32 Indian agent: Aid desired in enrollment of citizens 1897 65 Authority of 1897 65 Jurisdiction over sale of land 1904 124 Report concerning Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen 1894 39 To remove intruders, Cherokee Na tion 1902 102 1903 118 1904 114 Indianola, alienation of land for town- site purposes at: 1904 29 1905 63 Inadequacy of Atoka agreement: 1901 10 1902 9 Inadequacy of Curtis Act: 1901 10 Inaccuracy of Kern-Clifton roll of Cher okee freedmen: 1902 123 1903 135 1904 141 Inaccuracy of tribal rolls: 1902 11 Incompetents: Acceptance of patents for 1901 64,69 1902 100,108 1903 116,124 1904 112,120 Selection of allotments for 1896 101 1897 12,51 1898 28,37 1899 39,50,60 82 1900 36,46,66 1901 46, 65, 70, 82 1902 63,73,87,100,108 1903 73,83,103,116,124 Incorporation of towns: 1896 103 1898 19,20 1899 34,63 1900 49,61,74 1901 50,77,90 1902 67,71,77,98 1903 67,81,87,114 1904 63,77,83,110 Cherokee Nation 1896 132 1899 58 1900 -". 41 Chickasaw Nation 1896 114 Creek Nation 18%... .... 146 Incumbrance: Of allotments 1902. . . Page. 1904 Of allotments, Creek Nation 1899 Of homesteads, Creek Nation 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of land 1897 1898... 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of lands allotted to Mississippi Choc- taws 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Indian inspector, to be located in Indian Territory: 1898 1899 1900 1901 . 1902 1903 1904 Indian names, frequent changes in: 1905 9 Indian Territory, area of: 1899 160 1901 179 Indemnity desired by Choctaws: 1896 99 Industrial development of the Territory: 1901 7 Initiation of contests: 1899 84 1901 100 1902 112,159 1903 163 1904 201 Injunction: United States court, enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1902 119 1903 27,136 1904 24,142 Supreme Court, allotment of Delaware lands 1904 34 Injustice to Choctaw freedmen: 1894 28 Inola, reservation for town site at: 1901 34 1903... 39 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 69 Innocent purchasers of land involved in contest proceedings: 1903 Page. 158 41 55 103 119 115 15 69 25 37 64 80 60 70 66 35 44 71 87 67 77 73 7 7,26 7,26 11 26 17,18 15 25 37 64 80 60 70 66 16 100 119 Intermarried whites Continued. Forfeiture of citizenship 1899 Page. 15 12 31 62 63 153 134, 153 153 158 65 133 65 7 69 72,73 88,89 69,84 100, 125 75, 121 97 66 65 71 51 61 57 76 108 124 120 100 116 112 14 42 41 68 84 65 75 71 Insane asylum, Cherokee Nation: Appropriation for 1900 1905 International conference at Tahlequah: 1897 Reservation for 1899 International convention, suggested by Is- parhecher: 1897 1902 1903 International council: At Eufaula 1895 1904 Instructions of Department, closing citi zenship rolls: 1905 1896 At McAlester 1896 Integrity of tribal government guaran teed: 1897 At Okmulgee 1896 Intercourse laws: 1898 At South McAlester, resolution of 1896 1899 Choctaw Nation not represented at 1895 1900 1901 Conference with Commission 18% 1902 1903 Resolution of, refusing to negotiate with Commission 1895 1904 Interest, payment of arrears: 1898 To consider negotiations with Com mission 1894 1899 1900 1901 Interpreters: Appropriation for 1899 1902 1903 1904 1900 Intermarried Cherokees: Act of March 3, 1905 1905 1901 1902 1903 79, Appeal to Supreme Court 1905 . 1904 Provision for 1897 Decision of Court of Claims 1905 1899 Intermarried Choctaws and Chickasaws, difficulties in enrollment of: 1905 1900 1901. . 1902 Intermarried freedmen, application for enrollment of: 1905 1904 Intimidation of witnesses in criminal cases: 1895 Intermarried whites: As excessive landholders 1894 Institution of contests, Cherokee Nation: 1902 Enrollment in Choctaw and Chicka- saw nations- is ^ 1903 1904 Intoxicants: Prohibited at Sulphur Springs Reser vation 1902 Enrollment of 1898 1899 1903 1900 1901 Prohibited in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 1903 1904 Children of 1905 1899 1900 Decision of court in citizenship case of W. R. Senter 1899 1901 . 1902 1903 . ... 1901... 1904... 70 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Intoxicants Continued Prohibited in Creek Nation 1897 Page. 55 Intruders Continued. Removal of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1898. Page. 29 40 67 83 63,91 73,106 69, 103 8 51,60 60 46 47 73,88 83,104 79,100 13 30 74 158 16 59 9 6 141 4 141 142 48 57 61 62 141 68 65,69 102 1899 65 1899 1900 53 1900 1901 53 1901 1902 80 1902 1903 90 1903 1904 86 1904 Seminole Nation 1897 78 Removal of, Creek Nation 1894 1899 88 1897 1901 . . . 55 1899 1902 82 1900 1903 92 1901 1904 88 1902 Necessity for prohibition of 1894 18 1903 1904 Sale of, prohibited 1896 103, 159 Removal of, Seminole Nation 1894. . . . 1898 21 Removal of, requested by Chero- kees 1897 1899 34 1900 61 1901 77 Intruders roll, corruption of: 1895 1902 57 1903 67 Irregular holdings, contest cases: 1903 1904 63 Intruders: Appropriation for removal of 1902 84 Isolation desired by Indians: 1894 Isparhecher: Annual message of 1897 1903 100 1904 9fi Cherokee agreement concerning 1904 12 Delay in calling election for ratifica tion of Creek agreement 1899 Expense of removing 1896 118 Failure to call election for ratification of agreement 1898 Occupancy of public domain 1899 17 Payment for improvements 1898. 16 Illness of 1896 ^ 1899 31 Rejection of proposed agreement 1898 1900 58 1901 74 Letter of Commission to July 10, 1896 1896 1902 54 1903 64 1904 60 August 7, 1896 1896 Removal of 1896 67, 102, 118 June 28, 1897 1897 1898 16, 18 1899 31,33,51,166 36,58,60 September 30, 1897 1897 1900 1901 . 65,69,74,76 Letter to Creek council transmitting proposed agreement October 8, 1897 1902 54,56 1903 64 66 1904 60 62,124 1897 Removal of, Cherokee Nation 1894 12 Letter to national council October 5, 1897 1897 1895 . .. 70 1902 102 Letter to Commission July 13, 1896 1896 1903 118 1904 114 Removal of, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1894 10 December 2, 1897 1897 Issuance of allotment certificates: 1901 1896 120 1897... 12 1902... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. 71 Issuance of allottment certificates Con. Page. 1903 118 1904 114 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 91 1903 107 1904 101 To Seminole Nation 1897 77 1899 87 1901 54 1902 80 1903 90 1904 86 Issuance of bonds by municipalities: 1899 58,63 Issuance of patents: 1896 100, 118 1897 22 1900 48 1901 49 1902 76 1903 86 1904 82 Cherokee Nat. on 1899 50 1900 39 1902 107 1903 38,123 1904 41, 119 Choctaws and Chickasaw nations 1897 12 1898 29 1899 40 1900 67 1901 83 1902 63.100 1903 73, 116 1904 47, 69, 112 Creek Nation 1897 52 1898 38 1899 60 1900 48 1901 49 1902 76 1903 38,86 1904 82 Seminole Nation 1897 77 1 899 88 1901 55 1902 81 1903 91,126 1904 30,87,121 To cemeteries 1897 14 1898 31 1899 41 1900 68 1901 84 1902 65 To town lots 1896 119 1898 22 1899 35,52,62 1900... 62 Issuance of patents Continued. Page. To town lots 1901 64,69,78 1902 58,97 1903 68,113 1904 64,109 To deceased Mississippi Choctaws 1901 63 Investment of titfSH funds: 1896 105 1897 17 1898 35 1899 44 1900 71 1901 87 1902 68 1903 78 1904 74 Invitation to Commission: To attend Creek national council 1897 56 To visit Tahlequah 1896 127 Invoices for field supplies: 1901 106 Jacoway, H. M., letter to Green McCur- tain, July 22, 1897: 1897 18 Jail at Tahlequah, disposition of: 1899 56 1900 41 Jails, reservation for: 1899 54 1900 39 1902 107 1903 123 1904 119 Cherokee Nation 1902 103 1903 119 1904 115 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 11 1898. . . 27 1900. 1901. 1902. 1904 Creek Nation 1900 1901 1902 ... 1903 1904 Jail reservations, disposition of: 1897... 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Jamison, Tucker v. contest case of: 1902... 65 81 61 71 68 48 49 75 85 81 14 31 42 69 85 65 75 71 12C 72 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Job v. Rentie, contest case of: Page. 1903 145 Johnson, D. H., annual message of: 1901 14,209 Johnson, Gossett v., decision of Depart ment in contest case of: 1902 48 Johnson, Jennie.et al., opinion of Supreme Court in citizenship case of: 1899 160, 171 1901 179, 190 Johnson, W. B., letters to Commission, November 25, 189G: 1896 88,116 Jones Academy, reservation for: 1896 101 1897 11 1898 27 1899 39 1900 66 1901 82 1902 62, 92 1903 72,108 1904 68,104 Joseph, W. L., appointed Seminole town- site commissioner: 1899 89 1901 58 1902 110 1903 128 1904 128 Judgment of United States court final in citizenship cases: 1895 83 Jurisdiction: In contest cases 1902 159 Of citizenship court, enrollment of citizens 1905 13 Of Commission in citizenship mat ters 1897 84,98,100 1899 .". 67,68 1900 56, 57 1901 72, 73 1902 . . . . , 52, 53 1903 62, 63 1904 58, 59 1905 13 Of Commission in contest cases 1902 91, 100, 102 1903 107,118 1904 103,114 Of courts 1899 63 Of courts, Cherokee Nation 1899 57 Of Court of Claims, to determine rights of Cherokee freed men 1904 125 Court of Claims, rights of Delaware Indians 1904 125 Of district courts 1904 126 Of judges under act of April 28, 1904 1904... 126 Jurisdiction Continued. Of mayors 1898. . . 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of municipal governments 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902... Page. 20 34 61 77 57 67 63 20 34 61 77 57 67 63 1904 Of tribal courts 1895 75 1897 54, 88 Abolished 1898 26 1899 38,168 1900 65 1901 81 1902 61 1903 71 1904 67 Appointment of guardians 1904 44 Seminole Nation 1897 78 1899 88 1901 55 1902 82 1903 92 1904 88 Transferred to United States 1896 97, 114, 132, 145 1897 99 1899 68 1900 57 1901 73 1902 53 1903 63 1904 59 Of United States court 1895 75 1896 104 1897 54, 88 1898 41 1899 28, 63 Enforcement of tribal laws 1898 2f, 1899 3S, 168 1900 65 1901 81 1902 61 1903 71 1904 67 Extension of, recommended 1895 78 Extension of 1896 97, 114, 132, 145 1897 54, 91, 99 1898 8, 16, 26 1899 31, 38, 68, 164, 165, 166 1900 57,58,65 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 73 Jurisdiction Continued. Page. Of United States court- Extension of 1901 73, 74, 81 , 183, 184, 185 1902 53,54,61 1903 :. 03,64,71 1904 59, 60, 67 In citizenship cases 1897 99 1899 67, 128 1900 56 1901 13, 67, 72, 73, 147 1902 1903 1904 1905 In municipalities 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Objection of Cherokees to 1897 Over guardians 1904 Seminole Nation 1897 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 Sulphur Springs Reservation 1902 1903 1904 Suspension of 100 116 107 Of town-site commissioners 1901 64, 69 Of United States Indian agent, sale of land 1904 123 Jurors, qualification of: 1896 105 1897 16,100 1898 34 1899 43,57,68 1900 57,70 1901 73, 86 1902 53,67 1903 63,77 1904 59,73 Kansas, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad, reservation for: 1899 64 Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad, reservation for: 1 899 54 Keetoowah Society, refusal to enroll: 1902 29 Kellyville, reservation for town site at: 1901 1903 Kemp, S. B.: Letter to Commission- Memorial to Congress 1897 :.... Kemp, Isaac C., memorial of Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 Kendall College, reservation for: 1897 Kern, Robert H., fee in Cherokee freed men case: 1899 1901 1903 1904 Kern -Clifton roll: Inaccuracy of 1897 1902 1903 1904 Preparation of 1897 Kiamitia Mountains, mineral resources of: 1901 Kidd, Meredith H.: Appointment as Commissioner 1900 Letter to Legus C. Perryman, July 25, 1894 1894 Letter to C. J. Harris, July 25, 1894 1894 Letter to John F. Brown, July 28, 1894 1894 Retirement from Commission 1895 Kimberlin, Mary Jane, opinion of court of appeals in citizenship case of: 1901 King, Malinda, decision in enrollment case of: 1903 Kinta, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1904 1905 Kiowa, reservation for town site at: 1903 Kiowa Indians, settlement on leased dis trict: 1894 Laches in contest cases: 1903 Lacie, A. L., letter to Commission: October 28, 1897 1897 December 17, 1896 1896 Lack of educational facilities: For noncitizen children 1897... 117 21 53 52 72 94 132 138 29,83 123 136 141 85 37 18 198 L 6 158 135 74 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Lack of educational facilities Continued. For white children 1898 Page. 9 8 105 105 19 33 60 76 56 66 62 121 121 14 72 128 39 30 32 31 42 31 18,82 97 105 15,17 104 100 27,68 57 73 53 63 59, 126 118 Law Continued. Of descent and distribution Cherokee Nation 1902 . . . Page. 102 118 114 C.2, 67 1901 Lamp chimneys, purchase of, for field parties: 1901 1903. 1904 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 Lampwicks, purchase of, for field par ties: 190i 1902 90 106 102 83,85 99,101 95,97 54 59 83 99 89 16 98 67 56 72 52 62 58 14 31 41 68 84 65 75 71 8 51 31 0,15,48 117 99 35 44 71 87 68 78 1903 Allotments to be confirmed by Secre tary of the Interior 1898 1904 Creek Nation 1902 1903. 1899 1904 1900 Seminole Nation 1900 1901 1902 1901 1903 1902 1904 1903 Appraisement of, Chickasaw Na tion 1896 1904 Not to conflict with Constitution of United States 1894. . Classification of, in Chickasaw Na tion 1896 Tribal, to be respected in enrollment ol citizens 1897r. Land grants: To railroads 1894 1899 1900 Not to be made without consent of tribe 1897 1901 1902 1903 Land office, establishment of: At Boggy Depot 1901 1904 Tribal or United States, not to be in terfered with by municipal ordi nances 1897 Cherokee Nation 1903 At Muskogee 1901 1898 1899 At Tahlequah 1904 a 1900 1901 At-Wewoka 1901 1902 . . 1903 1902. 1904 1904 Law clerks, essential to determination of citizenship cases: 1905 Land offices, establishment of: 1899 1901 Leased district: Location of freedmen upon 1894 Lard, amount allowed field parties: 1901 Lawlessness, influence of: 1894 Claim of freedmen to interest in 1894 Law: Of Arkansas- Extended over Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1896 Leased district claim: Of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1894 1 Payment desired by Chickasaws 1896 Extended over Indian Territory 1897 Choc taws 1896 1899 1900 Settlement of 1898 1901 1902 1899 1903 1900 1904 1901 Of descent and distribution 1896... 1902 1903... Leased district fund: Claim of Chickasaw freedmen to 1894 Leases: Commission authorized to investi gate 1897 1899.... 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 : Commission directed to report upon 1895 For agricultural purposes, form of 1900 For grazing purposes, form of 1900 Of Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Rail road, authorized 1904 Of coal and asphalt land 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 1903 1904 Provisions of tribal laws governing 1896 Recording of 18% Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897. . . 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Seminole Nation- 1897 1901 1902 1903 1904 Termination of 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Leasing of allotments: 1902 1903 1904... )IVI ge. ,60 LIZED TRIBES. Leasing of allotments Continued. Cherokee Nation 1900 75 Page. 42 Creek Nation 1900 52 1901 52 99 1902 79 67 1903 89 56 1904 85 72 53 Regulations governing 1899 18,81 63 1901 96 59 Amendment of 1899. 83,84 84 1901. 96,99 75 Leasing of coal lands: 1894 15 1896 103, 104 77 Leasing of land: Act of June 28, 1898 1900 30 127 Cherokee Nation 1902 109 15 1903 125 32 1904 121 42 69 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 12 85 1898 29 66 1899 40 76 1900 67 72 1901 83 1902 63 99 1903 73 115 1904 69 111 For grazing purposes 1899 26 113 For mining purposes 1896. 104 102 Seminole Nation 1897 77 1901 54 12 1902 81 29 1903 91 40 1904 87 67 83 Terms of 1896 102 63 73 Leasing of public domain, Creek Nation: 1899 65 69 77 Leasing of tribal property: Cherokee Nation 1896 125 54 81 Creek Nation 18% 142 91 87 Seminole Nation 1896 170 25 Lebanon Orphan Home, reservation for: 1897 11 37 1898 27 64 1899 39 80 1900 66 61 1901 82 71 1902 62 92 66 1903 72 108 1904 68 104 87 103 99 Legal proceedings against tribal govern ments: 1896... 105 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Legislation. Act of March 3, 1905 1905 Page. 6 Little, William A., opinion concerning rights of Cherokee freedmen: 1901 Page. 204 Against tribal government 1897 16 Location: Of cemeteries 1898 34 1896 103 1899 43 Of coal lands 1900 70 1894 35 1901 86 Of full bloods 1902. 67 1894 15 1903 77 Of improvements 1904 73 1904 9 Creek Nation, to be approved by President Of ninety-eighth meridian 1896 99 1899 64 Logan Walter S relative to allotment of President to supervise Choctaw 1896 99 segregated Delaware lands: 1903 47 Recommended by Commission 1895 78 Looney v. Jackson, contest of: 1902 148 Required for prosecution of Commis sion s work Lost Creeks, enrollment of: 1905 28 1897 86 Tribal, subject to Presidental ap proval lished in: 1898 13 1897 54 1899 76 Legislation and agreements: 1900 11 Love, Overton: 1901 9 trict 1902 9 1894 50 51 1903 9 Letter to Commission 1904 10 October 24 1896 Lee: 1896 112 Establishment of town site at 1899 61 November 25, 1896 1896 88 116 Reservation of town site of 1900 46 Lowe v. Sango, contest case of: 1902 131 138 L jliaetta, reservation of town site at: 1901 39 Loyal Creek claim: 1903 34 Settlement requested Lester v. Smith, contest case of: 1902 154 Settlement of 1903 139 Letter: 1900 49 Of Commission to 1901 50 Five Tribes 1902 77 1895 60 1903 87 C. J. Harris, July 25, 1894 1904 83 1894 12 D. R. Francis, February 18, 1897, trans Loyal Seminole claim: 1897 78 mitting annual report 1899 88 1901 55 Of principal chief, Ferryman, Creek 1902 82 Nation 1903 92 64 1904 88 Leaves of absences, field employees: 1901 108 Lumber, disposition of royalty on: 1898 22 1899 35 1897 20 1900 62 1901 78 -up 1902 58 1897 24 1903 68 1904 64 1896 117 Lutheran Mission reservation for Chero Limitation of contests: 1904 194 kee Nation: 1902 103 Litigation, claim of Delaware Indians: 1903 119 1898... 7 1904... 115 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 77 Lynch, J. H., letter to Commission: December 16, 18% 18% December 18, 18% 18% Madill, reservation for town site at: 1901 1903 Male Seminary, Cherokee Nation, pay ment for improvements of: 1902 1903 1904 Mandamus proceedings: Enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1897 Mary Jane Kimberlin enrollment case 1901 Manford, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 Manner of allotting land: 18% 1904... Mansfield s Digest: Adopted by act of March 1, 1899 18% Extended over Choctaw and Chicka saw Nation 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1904 Map: Of Cherokee Nation- Showing classification of land 1901 Showing status of allotment 1904 Of Chickasaw Nation- Showing classification of land 1901 Showing coal and asphalt segre gations 1903 Showing status of allotment 1903 1904 Of Choctaw Nation- Showing classification of land 1901 Showing coal and asphalt segre gation 1903 Showing estimated pine forests 1904 Showing progress of land classifi cation 1900 Showing status of allotment 1903 1904... Page. 161 163 39 35 109 125 121 93 65 158 104 20,34 43 70 86 66 76 72 219 44, 192 202 219 192 192 202 219 192 202 32 192 202 Map Continued. Page. Of Creek Nation Showing status of allotment 1900 32 1901 219 1902 162 1903 38,192 1904 202 Showing land covered by leases 1900 32 Showing location of coal depos its 1903 192 Showing progress of subdivisional survey 1900 32 Of Creek and Seminole nations, show ing classification of land 1901 219 Of Indian Territory 1899 178 1900 76 1901 219 1902 162 1903 Frontispiece. 1904. Showing progress of subdivisional survey 1901 1902 Showing railroads 1902 Showing segregation town sites 1902 Of Seminole Nation, showing land allotted to, June 30, 1901 1901 Showing progress of classification of land 1899 Showing unallotted lands of 1902 1903 1904 Showing progress of subdivisional survey 1903 Showing railroads in Indian Terri tory 1903 Of railroads, right of way, filing of 1904 Marble, enrollment of Cl\erokees at: 1902 Marble City, alienation of land for town site purposes at: 1905 Marietta, reservation for town site at: 18% Marlow, reservation for town site at: 202 219 162 162 162 219 162 192 202 192 192 Marriage license: Cost of Chickasaw 1900 Cost of Choctaw 1900... 63 118 118 14 14 78 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Marriage license Continued. Fee for 1Q01 Page. 14 72 191 13 151 105 125 29 30 32 32 35 36 126 37 29 31 32 35 37 63 20 34 61 77 57 67 63 193 39 34 35 105 105 Mekasuka Academy: Appropriation for 1897 Page. 77 88 55 81 91 87 77 88 55 81 91 88 30 65 37 35 23 80 12 29 40 67 83 63 73 69 20 23 31 48,49 59,66 14, 209 In Chickasaw Nation 1895 1899 1901 > Marshall, Shepherd v., contest case of: 1904 1902 1903 Martin, Mary Elizabeth decision of De partment in enrollment case of: 1905 1904 Reservation for 1897 Marweoly v. Button, contest case of: 1899 1901 Matches for field parties, purchase of: 1902 1903 Mayes, Samuel H.: Letter of Commission to July 10, 1896 1904 Melvin: For enrollment of Cherokees at 1902 March 27, 1897 1897 Alienation of land for town site pur poses at 1905 April 8, 1897 1897 Memoranda cases, act of May 31, 1905: 1902 . April 29, 1897 1897 Memorial: Of Chickasaw freedmcn 1894 May 5, 1897 -1QQ7 June 28, 1897 1897 Of Choctaw colored citizens associa tion 1894 August 4, 1897 1897 Of Choctaw council concerning re moval of Mississippi Choctaws 1899 August 7, 1896 September 8, 1897 1897 Meridian: Location of ninety-eighth 1897 Letter to Commission- April 3, 1897 1898 1899 April 27, 1897 1897 1900 1901 May 6, 1897 1897 1902 1903 July 19, 1897 1897 1904 Identification of Mississippi Choc- taws at 1901 September 3, 1897 1897 Maysville, alienation of land for town site purposes at: 1905 1902 Message: Of President Harrison, concerning Chickasaw freedmen 1894 Mayors, jurisdiction of: 1898 1899 Choctaw and Chickasaw freed men 1894 1900 . 1901 1902 Of Isparhecher 1897 1903 1904 Of Hon. P. H. Johnson, governor of the Chickasaw Nation 1901 . Mayor v. Thompson, contest case of: 1904 Mazie, reservation for town site at: 1901 Of Hon. Green McCurtain, principal chief of the Choctaw Nation 1901 14, 215 155 152. 161 1903 Mead, reservation for town site at: 1903. Methodist Episcopal Church South, con test of Griffith v.: 1903 Meat, amount allowed field parties: 1901 Micco, Concharty, letter to Commission: December 16, 1896 1896... Medicine, purchase of, for field parties: 1901... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 79 Mieco, Concharty, letter to Commission Continued. December 18, 1896 1896 Page. 163 Mineral leases Continued. To be made with Seminole tribal gov ernment 1902 Page. September 27, 1897 1903 91 1897 56 1904 Military reservation at Fort Gibson: 1899 54 Mineral resources of Choctaw Nation: 1901 Milk allowed field parties: 1901 105 Mineral royalties: 37 Mill Creek, alienation of land for town- Disposition of 1896 103 120 site purposes at: 1898 8 1905 29 63 Freedmen not to participate in IjJQfi Minco, reservation for town site at: 1896 118 Mineral royalty: 104 Mineral land: Disposition of, Seminole Nation 1897 77 1896 1901 54 1897 1902 81 1903 91 1896 1904 87 Choctaw Nation 1896 97 Mingo, Joseph, letter to Commission: December 16, 1896 Creek Nation 1896 152 161 1896 145 164 155 December 18 1896 Leasing of 1896 .... 163 1896 104 September 27 1897 Regulations for leasing 1897 56 1898 19 Mingo v. Howard, contest case of: 1899 33 1903 155 1900 60 Mining, payment for damage on account 1901 76 of: 1902 1896 101 1903 1898 19 1904 1899 33 1900 60 1896 101 1901 76 1898 1902 56 1899 1903 66 1900 K.n 1904 62 1901 75 Mining laws: 1902 KR 1896 113 1903 65 Mining trustees, provisions for: 1904 61 1897 15 Cherokee Nation 1898 32 1894 jj 1899 42 In Chickasaw Nation 1900 69 1894 10 1901 85 1902 65 1894 1903 75 1904 71 1894 13 Minors* Division of, act of Choctaw council 1895 87 Acceptance of patents for 1901 64 69 Mineral leases: 1902 100 108 To be approved by Secretary of the 1903 116 124 Interior 1904 112 120 1897 77 1901 54 1897 12 1902 81 1898 28 1903 91 1899 39 1904 87 1900 66 To be made with Seminole tribal gov 1901 82 ernment 1902 63 1897 77 1903 1901 54 1904... 69 80 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Minors Continued. Page. Enrollment of, in Cherokee Nation 1897 36 Guardians for, Creek Nation 1900 51 1901 52 1902 78 1903 88 1904 84 Selection of allotments for 1896 101 1897 12,51 1898 28,37 1899 39,40,50,60 1900 36, 45, 66, 67 1901 65, 70, 82, 83 1902 63, 73, 87, 100, 108 1903 42, 52, 73, 83, 103, 116, 124 1904 69, 79, 112, 120 Taxation of lands 1900 36 Misinterpretation of Commission s, ad dressed to Indians: 1894 - 8 Misinterpretation of treaty, stipulation by Indians: 1894 16 Missionaries: Reservation for 1897 11 1904 68 Creek Nation 1897 52 Missionary work, counteraction of- 1894 20 Mississippi: Notice of allotment to be published in 1898 13 1899 76 Sale of Choctaw orphan lands 1896... 1898. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904.. Mississippi Choctaws: Act of June 7, 1897, provisions con cerning 106 17 36 45 72 1899 74 Allotment of land to 1902 96 1903 112 1904 11,108 Claims of 1898 10 1899 73 Commission directed to Investigate claims of 1897 99 1899 68 1900 57 1901.... 73 Mississippi Choctaws Continued. Commission directed to Investgate claims of 1902 1903 1904 Report upon 1897 1899 1901 Contracts for sale of land Dead claims 1901 Deed issued to, by President Polk 1901 Difficulties in identification 1899 Identification of 1898 1899 10 1900 1 1901 62, Gti 1902 22, 60 1903 16,70, 1904 66, 1905 Laws of descent and distribution 1901 Location of 1898 1899 Number of 1905 Progress of identification of 1904 Removal to Indian Territory 1898 1899 1901 1904 Right to share in tribal property 1901 Report of Commission Concerning 1898.... Dated January 28, 1898 1898 1899 March 10, 1899- Page. 53 63 59 93 165 184 80 63,66 219 78 7,24 , 17, 36 , 63, 73 , 79, 89 , 69, 96 79,112 75, 108 22 63,66 10 73 23 18 13 76,80 62,66 19 21 Reservation for, in Mississippi 1898 1899 Selection of allotments for 1903 Table showing genealogy of 1902 Treaty of 1830, provisions affecting 1899 Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek 1898 1899 Mississippi Choctaw case of Jack Amos et al., decision of United States court in: 1899 1901... 77 52 162 92 111 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 81 Mississippi Choctavv cases: Page. Decision of Commission in 1902 26 Regulations governing depositions in 1902 117 Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad: Argument of 1897 63 Claim to alternate sections of land 1897 38,90,91 Reservation for 1899 53 Molasses, amount allotted to field parties: 1901 105 Money per capita, distribution of, Chicka- saw Nation: 1894 10 Monopoly: Of coal fields 1895 69 Of land 1895 1897 Commission directed to report upon 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902... 1904 Effect of, in Indian Territory 1897 Penalty for 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Montgomery, A. B.: Appointment as commissioner 1895 1900 Illness of 1896 Letter to chiefs of Five Tribes- June 5, 1895 1895 . July 1, 1896 18% Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner- July 1, 1896 1896 July 10, 1896 Letter to John F. Brown, July 10, 1896 1896 Letter to P. S. Mosley July 10, 1896 1896 September 28, 1895 1895... 87 C6 59 7 144 63 84 93 95 169 110 66 Montgomery, A. B. Continued. Letter to Samuel H. Mayes, July 10, 1896 1896 Letter to Isparhecher, July 10, 1896 1896 Letter to Creek Commission- September 14, 189v> 1896 September 26, 1896 December 15, 1896 1896 December 16, 1896 1896 Letter to D. W. Bushyhead, Septem ber 16, 1896 1896 Letter to John L. Adair, September 16, 1896 1896 Letter to principal chief, Creek Na tion, October 4, 1895 1895 Letter to R. M. Harris, October 23, 1886 1896 Letter to Hon. Green McCurtain, Oc tober 25, 1896 1896 Letter to Olosachubbee, October 30, 1895 1895 Letter to Cherokee Commission, De cember 17, 1896 1896 Moodys, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 Moore, N. B., appointment as Creek na tional treasurer: 1897 Morris, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1904 1905 Morris v. Fields, contest case of: 1902 Morse, for enrollment of Creeks at: 1902 Mosley, P. S.: Letter to Commission- September 27, 1895 1895 November 1, 1895 1895 July 10, 1896 Page. 125 141 145 146 161 163 130 130 67 114 97 97 135, 136 29 63,65 140 July 23, 1896 1896 August 3, 1896 1896 Letter of Commission to July 10, 1896 1896 July 26, 1896 1896 August 8, 1896 1896... 66 110 109 110 109 109 111 1501306 6 82 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Motion for appeal, suit of Cherokee f reed- men: 1899 Page. 70 Municipal government: Establishment of: 1900. Page. 38 1901 92 1903 130 1899 90 1904 .. ... 136 1901 58 Motion for rehearing, citizenship case of 1902 111 Wm. J. Watts et al: 1903 129 1899 142 1904 j->9 1901 . . 161 Jurisdiction of Motion for rehearing and review: 1898 20 1903 166 1899 34 1904 200 1900 61 Motion for review in contest cases: 1901... 77 1902 161 1902 Mounds, reservation for town site at: 1903 . . . 67 1900 48 1904 63 1901 39,49 Lack of 1902 76 1895 71 1903 34 86 1904 82 1896 103 Muldrow, for enrollment of Cherokees at: 1900 25 Municipal incorporation: 1902 98 1901 23 1903 114 Mullen J. P.: 1904 110 Attorney for Chickasaw freedmen 1894 35 Municipal laws, not to conflict with Con stitution* Memorial of Choctaw freedmen 1897 54 1894 32 Municipal ordinances not to interfere Memorial of Chickasaw freedmen 1894 53 with tribal or United States laws: 1897 14 Mules purchase of* 1898 31 1899 12 1899 41 Municipal authority extended over cer 1900 68 tain land adjacent to Fort Smith* 1901 84 1898 17 1902 C,5 1899 32 1903 75 1900 59 1904 71 1901 75 Municipal tax, provisions for: 1902 55 1895 71 1903 65 Murder frequency of 1904 61 1894 17 Municipal bonds, issuance of: 1895 75, 76 1899 63 Murrow J S reservation for* 1900 41 1902 J2 Municipal corporations, authority of 1903 107 1899 58 1904 104 1900 41,49 Murrow Orphan Home reservation for* 1901 50 1897 \ i 1902 1898 27 1903 87 1899 39 1904 83 1900 f>6 1901 82 1898 20 1902. 02 1899 34 1903 72 1900 61 1904 68 1901 77 Muscogee: 1902 57 Alienation of land for town-site pur At Wewoka 1899 90 poses at 1904 29 1901 58 1905 63 64 65 1902 110 Enrollment of 1903 129 Cherokee freedmen at: 1904 129 1902 33 Provision for 1899 58 63 Cherokees at 1905 23 Qualifications of voters at 1896... 103 Children at 1905... .. 19 , 30. 33 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 83 Page. 11 59 99, 100, 133, 144, 148, 149 47,48,64,74 Mascogee Continued. Conference at 1894 1895 1896 1897 Establishment of Auxiliary Cherokee land office at 1905 47 Creek land office at 1899 18 1901 30 1905 50 Headquarters established at 1894 7 1895 59 Removal of headquarters to 1897 7 Reservation for town site at 1899 61 1900 46 Muscogee Nation. (See Creek Nation.) Mustard, amount allowed field parties: 1901 106 McClendon, W. H., reimbursement for services: 1897 99 1899 68 1900 57 1901 73 1902 53 1903 63 1904 59 McAlester, international conference at: 1896 134 McCoy, Clay, departmental decision, en rollment case of: 1905 14 McCurtain, Green: Annual message of 1901 14 Letter of Commission to July 1, 1896 October 25, 1896 1896 March 23, 1897 1897 June 28, 1897 1897 July 22, 1897 1897 August 4, 1897 1897 August 13, 1897 1897 July 30, 1897 1897 Letter to Commission- October 15, 1896 1896 October 27, 1896 July 10, 1897 1897... 97 18 IS 1 J 20 19 96 is McCurtain, Green Continued. Page Letter to Commission July 17, 1897 1897 13 August 11, 1897 1897 20 August 17, 1897 1897 20 November 15, 1897 1897 21 McGeisey, Thomas, appointed Seminole town-site commissioner: 1899 89 1901 57 1902 Hi 1903 129 1904 129 Mclntosh, Roley: Conference with 1896 141 Letter to Commission- August 12, 1896 1896 143 August 13, 1896 1896 143 McKenney, Wesley, memorial of Choctaw freedmen: 1894 32 McKennon, A. S.: Letter to chief of Five Tribes- Letter to C. J. Harris, July 25, 1894 1894 Letter to Legus C. Ferryman, July 25, 1894 1894 Letter to R. M. Harris- July 26, 1897 1897 October 23, 1896 1896 October 29, 1896 1896. . . Letter to John F. Brown July 28, 1894 1894 July 10, 1896 1896 August 8, 1896 1896... 25 114 115 169 170 Letter to chiefs of Five Tribes, June 5, 1895 1895 63 Letter to P. S. Mosley September 28, 1895 1895 66 July 10, 1896 1896 110 July 26, 1896 1896 109 August 8, 1896 1896 ; HI Letter to principal chief of Creek Na tion, October 4, 1895 1895 67 84 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. McKennon, A. S. Continued. Letter to Olosachubbee, October 30, 1896 1895 Letter to Hon. Jeff Gardner- July 1, 1896 18% July 10, 1896 August 8, 1896 1896 Letter to Hon. Green McCurtain July 1, 1896 1896 October 25, 1896 1896 , August 13, 1897 1897 August 17, 1897 1897 Letter to Isparhecher July 10, 1896 August 7, 1896 1896... Letter to Samuel H. July 10, 1896 1896 August 7, 1896 1896 August 4, 1897 1897... Mayes Letter to Roley Mclntosh, August 13, 18%- Letter to W. A. Sapulpa August 17, 1896 1896 August 18, 1896 1896 August 22, 1896 1896 August 25, 1896 18% August 27, 1896 1896... Letter to Creek Commission September 14, 1896 September 26, 1896 1896 December 15, 1896 1896 December 16, 1896 Letter to John L. Adair, September 16, 1896 18% Letter to D. W. Bushyhead September 16, 1896 1896 September 21, 1896 1896.! Letter to Richard McLish October 31, 1896 1896... ?e. 67 McKennon, A. S. Continued. Letter to Cherokee Commission- December 17, 1896 1896 ... Page. 135 136 December 18, 1896 18%.. 137 93 95 Reimbursement for amount expended for clerical assistance 1897 99 1899. 68 % 1900 57 1901 73 1902 53 98 1903 63 1904 59 97 Resignation as commissioner 1900 33 20 Retirement of 1900 7 20 McLain, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 141 14? McLish, Richard: Letter to Commission October 29, 18% 1896 115 November 25, 1896 1896 88 116 117 125 Letter of Commission to, October 31, 1896 1896 116 Memorial to Congress 1897 24 McNac v.Wadsworth: Contest case of 1902 147 143 Decision of Department in contest case of 1902 48 143 144 Narcissa, alienation of land for town-site purposes at 1905 64 65 144 Nar wal le pe es, enrollment of: 1902 86 1903 102 144 1904 98 145 Nazareth Institute: Disposition of land 1900 48 1901 49 145 1902 76 1903 86 146 1904 82 161 Reservation for 1897. . .. 52 163 New Echota, treaty of: 1899 96 115 1901 135 130 Negotiations: Authorized by- Cherokee council 1896 128 130 Chickasaw council 1896 111 131 Choctaw council 1895 87 116- Creek council 18%... 156 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 85 N egotiations Continued . Authorized by- Five Tribes Page. Notice Con ti nued . Of contest and summons, form of 1899 Page. 21 <S4 1895 88 Of contest Failure of By publication 1903 164 1897 34 1904 198 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 90 Service of 1899 85 1901 101 1902 113 1897 . .... 83 Of decision contest cases With. Cherokees 1903 159 1900. . . . 11 Of enrollment of children, act of Cause for failure 1897 38 March 3 1905 30,33 With Creek Nation 1894 8 Of elections, provision for 1899 58 1900 11 Of enrollment of Choctaw and Chicka With Five Tribes 1895 85 saw children under act of March 3 1905 19 Needmore, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 Of establishment of auxiliary Chero kee land office at Muscogee Negroes treatment and condition of* 1905 47 1894 19 Of municipal elections, publication Nelson v. Fields, contest case of: 1902 139 of 1899 58,63 New Hope Seminary, reservation for: 1896. . 101 Of opening of Creek land office 1899 18 Newyaka boarding school, reservation for: 1897 52 Publication of Choctaw and Chicka saw citiaenship cases 1901 61 1899 61 Nowata: 1900 49 Alienation of land for town-site pur 1901 50 poses at 1902 77 1905 64 1903 87 Appointment at for enrollment 1904 83 1900 25 Noncitizens: 1901 23 In possession of land 1894 14 United States commission to be locat ed at Lack of, educational facilities for 1899 57 1899 28 Oakland, reservation for town site at: Number of in Indian Territory 1896 118 1897 28 Oath required of employees speculation North Carolina Cherokees, resolution of Cherokee council concerning* in Indian lands: 1904 .... 124 1899 140 Oath of allegiance, form required of at 1901 159 torneys: North Coalgate, reservation for town site 1901 103 at: 1902 115 1903 34 1903 167 North Fork reservation for town site at* 1904 201 1903.. 34 Oaths commission authorized to admin Notice of allotment to be published in va rious States: ister: 1896 83 1898 13 1897 98 1899 76 1898 24 Notice: 1899 36 67 Of closing of Creek rolls 1900 56 63 1904 21 1901. 72 79 Of contest 1902 52 60 1899 85 1903 62,70 1901 100 1904 58 66 1902 112, 159 Objection of Chickasaws* 1903. 159 163 1904... 194, 201 1897... 22 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Objection of Chickasaws Continued. To proposed agreement 1897 Page. 21 Okemah: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at Page. 1904. 29 1905 64 1895 64 Oklahoma: To union with Oklahoma laOfi 159 Sale of, by Creek Nation 1897 69 Ochelata, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: Objection of Creeks to union with 1897 62 1905 64 Oil: Indians to union with 1896 159 Discovery of, at Red Fork 1901 31 Oktaha: Disposition of revenue from 1896 103 poses at 1904 2Q Effect of discovery on 1905. 64 Contests 1904 48 Reservation for town site at 1901 39 Allotment of land 1903 34 1905 6 40 Oil land: Disposition of 1897 23 Okmulgee: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1904 29 Reservation of 1905 64 1896 101 Conference at 1898 18 1894 g 1899 32 1896 141 144 1900 59 Enrollment of 1901 75 Creeks at 1902 55 1897 57 64 1903 65 1901 28 1904 61 1904 20 Regulations for leasing 1898 19 Children at 1905 30 1899 33 International council at 1900 60 1896 153 1901 76 Reservation for 1902 56 Capitol building at 1903 66 1899 61,63 1904 62 Town site at 1897 52 Oil leases: 1900 46 To be approved by Secretary of Inte 1901 39 rior: 1903 34 1897 77 1901 54 Temporary allotment office at 1901 30 1903 91 Session of Creek council at 1895 60 1904 87 To be made with Seminole tribal gov Okmulgee Oil Company, arguments of: 1897 53 ernment 1897 77 Olasachubbee: 1901 54 1902 81 1903 91 1895 66 1904. ... 87 Oil royalties, disposition of: Chickasaw Nation 1895 1895 66 1896 120 Letter of Commission October 30, Seminole Nation 1897 77 1895 1895 67 1901 54 Olive, W. S., reimbursement for service 1902 81 rendered 1 1903 91 1897 99 1904... 87 1899... 68 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 87 Olive, W. S., reimbursement for service rendered Continued. 1900 3901 3902; 1903 1904 Olmstead, George T., efforts in behalf of Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 Olney, alienation of land for town-site purposes at:, 1904 1905 Oolagah, for enrollment of Cherokees at: 1900 Opinion of Assistant Attorney-General: Approval of leases by Secretary of the Interior 1900 As to allotment of full bloods 1905 As to sale of Delaware improve ments 1905 Citizenship case of Clay McCoy 1905 Mary Elizabeth Martin 1905 Joe and Dillard Perry 1905 William C. Thompson 1905 Benjamin J. Vaughn 1905 Lula West 1905 Enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1904 Resolutions of August 28, 1903 1904 Rights of Cherokee freedmen 1901 Act of May 31, 1900 1900 Cherokee citizenship 1895 Enrollment Joseph D. Yeargain et al. 1904 Scott A. Yeargain 1904 Right of Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen to allotments 1901 Opinion of citizenship court: Choctaw- Chickasaw enrollment 1904 Of Thomas Britton et al. 1904 In enrollment case of Lula B. Tra- hern 1904 Court of Claims, enrollment of Chero kee freedmen 1902... Page. 57 73 53 63 59 39 29 64 25 31 36 42 14 13 16 16 14 15 166 43 204 208 74 26 25 206 130 130 131 Opinion of Judge Clayton: Citizenship case of Jack Amos et al. 1901 In citizenship 1899 Opinion of Judge Springer: In citizenship cases 1901 In Cherokee citizenship cases 1899 1901 In citizenship case of Caleb W. Hubbard et al. 1901 William J. Watts 1899 1901 In Creek citizenship cases 1899 1901 Opinion of Judge Townsend in citizen ship cases: 1899 1901 Opinion of Supreme Court: Citizenship case of William Stephen et al. 1899 1901 Suit of Eastern Band of Cherokees 1899 1901 Opinion of United States court, enroll ment of Cherokee freedmen: 1902 1903 1904 Opposition: To allotment 1905 To allotment by full bloods 1905 To work of Commission 1894 Order: Of Court of Claims, enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1899 1901 1903 1904 Of Department closing citizenship rolls 1905 Of Indian agent, enrollment of Creeks 1897 Ordinances, municipal, not to interfere with tribal or United States laws: 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904... Page. 92 111 91 110 112 131 147 166 133 152 156 175 108 127 188 119 138 119 136 142 72 94 132 138 28 65 88 ME FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Orphan Asylum: Appraisement for Cherokee 1902 Page. 109 125 121 105 121 117 109 125 121 103 119 115 50 40 105 121 117 61 100,106 17 36 45 72 88 68 78 74 82 97 14 131 150 172 29 64 30 118 64 127 Pann, Robin Continued. Letter of Commission, December 17, 1896 1896 Page. 135 38 118 188 72 57 54 103 119 115 7 28 45 21,22 1903 1904 Letter to Commission, October 28, 1897 1897 Provision for maintenance of Chero kee 1902 Panola County, reservation for town sites in: 1896 1903 1904 Payment of improvements of Chero kee 1902 Paquin v. Davis, contest case of: 1904 Pardon: For convicted Seminoles 1897 1903 1904 Reservation for Cherokee 1902 Provisions for 1899 1904 Park Hill Mission School, reservation for, Cherokee Nation: 1899 Orphan fund: Disposition of Cherokee 1899 1902 1900 1903 Interest to be used in maintaining Cherokee Orphan Asylum 1902 1904 Paris, suggested as place for conference with Choc taws: 1897 1903 1904 Parker, I. C.: Decision in case of United States v, Payne, right to locate freedmen in country ceded by Seminole treaty of 1866 Orphan Home, reservation for Creek: 1899 Orphan lands, sale of, in Mississippi: 18% 1897 1898 . Decision of 1899 1900 Parks: Provision for 1901 1902 1903 1904 Orphans, selection of allotments for: 1899 1901 47 , 78, 89 , 70, 74 80,84 76,80 89 57 111 128 129 14,54 18,32 ,61,63 , 59, 69 1901 Outlet: Cherokee, agreement concerning not to be impaired 1894 1904 Provisions for, at Wewoka 1899 Cherokee Nation, purchase of 1899 1902 1901 Owen, Robert L., excessive holdings of: 1904 Parsonages, reservation for: 1897 Paden: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1898 1899 32, 42, 53 1900 48 1901 49 , 75, 85 56, 76 , 75, 86 , 71, 82 Enrollment of children 1902 1903 66 Paola, reservation for town site at 1896 1904 62 In town sites 1902 107 123 119 39 Panama, alienation of land for town-site purposes at 1903 1904 Pann, Robin: Appointed Cherokee commissioner 1896... Parsons, A., report concerning Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen: 1894... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. 89 Passenger rate: Page. 1903 94 1904 90 Patent: Issued to Mississippi Choctaws by President Polk 1901 219 To Creek domain treaty of 1834 1899 156 1901 175 Patents: Acceptance of, by allottees 1904 194 Approval by Secretary of Interior, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 12 1898 29 1899 40 1900 . 67 1901 83 1902 63 1903....; -. 73 1904 69 Form of Cherokee allotment 1904 50 Cherokee homesteads 1904 50 Choctaw and Chickasaw home steads 1904 51,62 Choctaw and Chickasaw freed- men 1904 54, 55 Creek allotment 1902 162 1903 168 Creek homestead 1902 162 1904 168 Issuance 1896 100,118 1897 22 Issuance to Cherokees 1899 50 1900 39 1902 107 1903 123 1904 41,119 Choctaw and Chickasaw 1897 12 1898 29 1899 40 1900 67 1901 62,65,83 1902 63, 100 1903 73,116 1904 47, 69, 112 Creeks 1897 52 1899 60 1900 48 1901 49 1902 76 1903 38,86 1904... 82 Patents Continued. Issuance to Seminoles 1897 , 1899 1901 1902. . . 78 88 55 81 1903 91,126 1904 30,87,122 Preparation of 1905 Cherokee 1905 Choctaw and Chickasaw 1905 Creek 1904 1905 Seminole 1905... r>7 58 57 60 Recording of 1897 53 1898 39 1900 43 1901 64,69 1905 60 Cherokee 1900 39 Choctaw and Chickasaw 1897... 13 29 40 67 83 1902 63,100 1903 73,116 1904 69,112 Creek 1899. 1900. 1901. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 64 48 50 76 1903 39,86 1904 82 Seminole 1903 126 1904... 122 To cemeteries 1896 1897... 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 To homesteads, Creek Nation 1899 1902 , 1903 1904 To town lots- Issuance of 1899... 103 14 31 41,63 68 84 65 85 71 60 87 103 99 62 1901 64,69 90 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Patents Continued. To town lots- Cherokee Nation 1899 Page. 52 119 77 88 55 81 91 87 2 20 118 65 19 33 61 76 56 66 63 93 90 51,52 37,45 109 125 121 109 126 121 109 125 121 86,97 102, 113 98, 109 102 14 31 41,62 68 84 64 Payment Continued. For town lots 1903 Page. 74 70 52 61 49 50 77 87 83 30 65,70 23 36 63 79 , 90, 102 106,118 102, 114 25 37, 168 64 80 60 70 66 113 54 106 12 10 25 37, 168 64 80 60 70 66 42 52 52 79 89 85 16 1904 Chickasaw Nation 1896 Pecan Creek colored school, reservation for: 1897 Seminole Nation 1897 1899 1899 1900 1901 1901 1902 1902 1003 1903 1904 1904 Paulding, identification of Mississippi Choc taws at: 1902 Peggs, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 Penalty: For accepting lands for deceased allottees 1901 Pauls Valley: Enrollment of children at 1905 For excessive land holding 1898 Reservation for town site at 1896 1899 Payment: For damage by Allotment of land 1899 1900 1901 1902 59 1903 69, Mining 1898 1904 . . 65, For false swearing 1898 1899 1900 1899 1901 1900 1902 1901 1903 1902 1904 1903 Railroads 1903 1904 For leasing lands in violation of law 1896 1904 For improvements- Creek Nation 1897 Penitentiary, reservation for, at Fort Gibson: 1899 1898 Pepper, amount, allowed field parties: 1901 Owned by Cherokee Female Sem inary 1902. Pearce, Thornton D., decision in citizen ship case of: 1905 1903 1904 Per capita distribution of funds: 1894 Owned by Cherokee Male Semi nary 1902 Perjury, penalty for: 1898 .... 1903 1899 1904 1900 Owned by Cherokee Orphan Asy lum 1902 1901 1902 -iqoq 1903 1004 1904. ... . Permit tax: Abolition of On town sites 1902 1903 Creek Nation 1000 1904 For town lots 1896 1901 1902 1897 1903 1898 1904 1899 Perry, Joe and Dillard, opinion of Assist ant Attorney-General, citizenship case of: 1905... 1900 1901 1902... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 91 Ferryman, L. C.: Invitation! to commission to be pres ent at Creek council 1895 Letter of Commission to, July 25, 1894 1894 Letter to Commission- May 11, 1895 1895. June 10, 1895 1895 Ferryman v. Hailey, contest case of: 1903 Fersonal expenses of commissioners pro vided for: 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Personnel: Of appraisement parties 1901 Of classification parties 1901 Of Commission 1895 Changes in 1900 Addition to 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Petroleum, discovery of, at Red Fork: 1901 Philadelphia, identification of Mississippi Choctaws at: 1902 Photo-lithographic township plats: 1899 Pickles, amount allowed field parties: 1901 Pickens County, reservation for town sites, Chickasaw Nation: 1896 Pierce, Chas., letter to Commission, Au gust 12, 1897: 1897 Pine forests, destruction of: 1894 1895 Pine timber: Allotment of Page. 1904 1905 Estimation of 1901 1902 Location of 64 142 97,99 66,68 55,57 71,73 51,53 61,63 57,59 108 108 59 7 31 24 78 106 118 36 18 52 42,45 Pine timber Continued. Page. Not estimated 1904 46 Platting of town sites: Appropriation for 1900 73 1901 89 1902 70,97 1903 80,113 1904 76, 109, 122, 124 Expense to be borne by United States 1900 51 1901 52 1902 78,84,107 1903 88, 100, 123 1904 84,96,119 Plats: Of allotments, preparation of 1902 46 Of town sites, where filed 1897 54 1898 21 1899 35,51 1900 37,47,62,73 1901 47,78,89 1902 58,70,74 1903 68,80,84 1904 64,76,80 Polk, James K., patent issued by, to Mis sissippi Choctaws: 1901 219 Police: Lack of, in town 1895 71 To preserve peace at enrollment camp- Policy of Five Tribes: 1896 Pontotoc County, reservation for town sites, Chickasaw Nation: 1896 Population: Of Indian Territory 1894... 158 118 17 160 179 1901 Of towns 1895 70 1900 37 Porter, sale of land for town-site purposes: 1903 35 1904 29 1905 64 Porter, P.: Efforts in behalf of Creek agreement 1901 9 Letter to Commission December 16, 1896 1896 152,161 December 18, 1896 1896 163 September 27, 1897 1897 56 Letter of Commission to March 27, 1897 1897... 47 92 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Porter, P. Continued. Letter of Commissioner to June 15, 1897 1897 October 2, 1897 1897 Porum, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 Possession of allotments guaranteed al lottees: 1895 1896 3897 12,51 1898 19,29 1899 33,40,51,60 1900 60,67 1901 65,69,76,83 1902 56,63,88 1903 66,73,104 1904 63,69,100 Cherokee Nation 1900 1902 1903 1904 Chickasaw Nation 1896 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 1903 1904 Creek Nation 1894 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Possession of land in contest cases: 1902 Posey v. Tucker: 1904 Postponement of negotiations: 1897 Potatoes, amount allowed field parties: 1901 Poteau, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 Poteau strip, reservation of: 1897... 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Poultry, amount allowed field parties: 1901 Poverty: Of Indians Of Choctaw and Chickasaw freed- men 1894 28,32 Page. Power of attorney, selection of allotments under: 1903 Page. 42 52 47 58 Power: Of Congress- Over Indians 1899 132 1901 151 64 To govern Indian tribes 1899 162 1900 181 67 118 To remedy treaty wrongs 1894 30 48 12, 51 19,29 Of municipal governments 1896 103 1,61,60 60,67 Practice in contest cases: 1902 160 >, 76, 83 1903 159 , 63, 88 1904 195 73, 104 69,100 Rules of 1903 163 1904 201 36 102 118 Preparation: Of final rolls 1905 9 114 Of patents 1905 57 120 Cherokee Nation 1905 58 91 107 103 Choctaw and Chickasaw na tions 1905 57 8 Creek Nation 1905 60 46 47 Seminole Nation 1905 60 73 83 79 Presbyterian schools at Tahlequah, reser vation for: 1899 . 54 1902. 103 160 1903 H9 1904 115 189 83 President: Authorized to appoint Commissioners to the Fire Civilized Tribes 1897 97 106 1899 66 1900. . . . 55 1901 ... 71 64 1902 51 1903 61 11 1904 57 27 39 66 82 To appoint officer For distribution of Cherokee funds 1894 11 62 72 68 For distribution of Choctaw and Chickasaw funds 1894* 10 105 For distribution of Creek funds 1894 9 g For distribution of Seminole funds 1894 13 28,32 To appoint three members of Cherokee citizenship committee 1894... 11 THE FIV President Continued. To appoint three members to Creek citizenship committee 1894 E CIVI Page. 9 56 53 80 90 86 16 34 43 70 86 67 77 73 72 105 8,91,100 8 64,68 57 73,91 54,71 64,81 60,77 43 60 15,17 75 16, 17, 18 41 32 7 64,69 100 116 112 72 101 12,51 28,37 50, 60, 82 36, 46, 66 70, 82, 97 , 100, 108 , 116, 124 , 105, 120 LIZED TKIBES. Prisoners Continued . To remain within the Cherokee Na tion 1899 93 Page. 57 26 38 65 81 61 71 67 9 58 44 109 125 121 65 53 88 90,104 86,100 36 17 164 198 15 15 8 36 30 34 39 32 39 45 37 46 38 49 41 34 29 39 31 50 32 41 To approve acts of Creek council 1897 Proclamation: Of agreements 1898 1901 1899 1902 1900 1903 1901 1904 1902 Choctaw and Chickasaw tribal council 1897 1903. . ... 1904. . Of Atoka agreements 1899 . . 1898 1899 Of Cherokee agreement 1889 1900 1901 1900 1902 1902 1903 1903 1904 1904 Seminole council 1897 . . Of Creek agreement 1899 Tribal council 1896 1900 1902 1897 8 1903 1898 1904 1899 . Proctor, appointment at, for enrollment of Creeks: 1902 1900 1901 1902 Production of cotton: 1894 1903 1904 Proof: Of service of notice of contest and summons 1903 To approve Cherokee tribal laws 1900 President Cleveland, letter concerning work of Commission: 1895 1904 Of birth, form of 1901 Prevalence of crime: 1894 Of death, form of 1901 1895 Preparation of citizenship rolls: 1904 . 11 Progress of allotment: 1901 Preparation of patents: Cherokee Nation 1904 1903 . . . 1904 1905 Creek Nation 1904 .. . Cherokee Nation 1903 Printing of annual report: 1894 1904 1905 Prisoners: Acceptance of patents for 1901 Choctaw Nation 1904 1905 1902 Chickasaw Nation 1903 1904 1904 1905 . . Release of Seminole, desired 1897 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1903 Selection of allotments for 1896 1904 1905 1897 .. . Creek Nation 1900 1898 1899 89, 1902. 1900 1904 1901 46 65 1905 1902 63 73 87 Seminole Nation 1901 1903 42 52 73 83 103 1904... .. 69.79.9S 1902... 94 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Progress of allotment Continued. Seininole Nation 1904 Page. 30 52 i- 10 j 12 8 10 10 11 8 22 28 18 K j 13 14,16 17 , 18 12 i 16 16 21 10 11,13 11 28 35 28 18 30 43,44 89 7 7 83 89 3 100 116 112 159 18 14 21,31 34,41 61,68 77,84 57.65 Prohibition Continued. Of intoxicants 1903... . Page. 67,75 63,71 148 79 11 132 49 35 114,117 121 21 10 100 60,66 25 45 45 72 82 78 36 45 152 55 >9. 63, 68 63 13 77 11 132 67 114 10 97,99 10 99 10 1905 1904 Progress of enrollment: 1899 Property, claims for destruction of 1896 1900 . . Proposals of Commission rejected by Choctaw and Chickasaw nations: 1895 1901 1902 1903 Proposed agreement: With Cherokees 1894 1904 1905 . Cherokee Nation 1901 1896 1899 1902 1900 Chickasaw Nation 1902 With Chickasaws 18% Refusal of Commissioners to sign 18%. 1903 . . 1904 . . 1905 1897 Choctaw Nation 1902 With Choctaws and Chickasaws 1894 1904 1896 Of Choctaw freedmen 1905 1901 Ratification of 1897 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 With Creeks- March 8, 1900 1900 1908 1904 1901 Creek Nation 1901 1902 1903 1903 1904 Draft of 1898 Mississippi Choctaws 1904 1899 Seininole Nation 1901.. . . Objection to 1896 Progress of survey and appraisement: 1902 Ratification of 1897 Progress of work: 1895 Rejection of 1903 1897 Submission to Creek National Coun cil 1897 Report of 1894 18%. With Seminoles 1894 October 11, 1897 1897 October 3, 1898 1898 1897 Proposition: To Cherokees 1894 Prohibition: At Sulphur Springs Reservation 1902 1896 1903 To Chickasaws 1895 1904 Desired by Indians 1896 1896 Failure to act upon 1894 .. . Necessity for 1894 To Choctaws 1896 Of intoxicants 1897 Failure to act on 1894 1898 1899 To Choctaw Nation to Commission 18% . . 1900 1901 To Choctaws and Chickasaws 1894... 1902... THE FIVE Proposition Continued. Of Creek Commission 1896 CIVI Page. 161 8 45, 155 146 13 72 73 89 58 37 42 25 23 105 16 34 44 71 87,91 67,72 77,82 73,78 13 76 61,68 164 198 63 18 13 30 41 68 84 64 74 70 66 42 41 52 18 LIZED TRIBES. Public buildings Continued. Reservation for 1899 95 Page. 32 49 To Creeks 1894 1900 39 59 1901 75 1896 1 1902 56 92 107 Explanation of 1896 1903 66 108 123 1904 62 104 119 To Seminoles 1894 Chickasaw Nation 1896 101 119 1897 Choctaw and Chickasaw tions 1897 na il Of Seminoles concerning purchase of additional land 1897 1904 68 1899 Creek Nation 1900 48 1901 Protection: Of full bloods in allotment 1905 1301 49 1902 75 1903 85 Of full-blood allottees, resolution of Commission concerning 1904 1904 81 At Wewoka 1899 89 Pryor Creek, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1900 1901 57 1902 110 1901 1903 128 Publication of tribal laws: 1896 1904. 129 Public domain: Occupancy by freedmen 1894 29 1897 1898 1899 Occupancy of, by intruders 1899 J7 1900 1901 In contest cases 1903 159 1902 1903 Public grounds, payment for: 1898 22 1904 Publication of notice: Allotment of land 1899 35 1900 62 1901 78 1902 58 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations citi zenship cases 1901 1903. 68 1904 64 Public highways, establishment of: 1902 86 105 Contest cases 1903 .... 102,121 1904 .... 98, 117 Municipal elections 1899 Public roads, necessity for: 1896 159 1899 29 Opening of Creek land office 1899. Purcell, reservation for town site at: 1896 118 Public auction, town lots to be sold at: 1897 Purchase of camp outfit: 1899 12 1898 Purchase of land: By United States 1899 1900 1901 1X00 1902 1000 1903 1001 1904 Public buildings: Disposition of 1899 1903 61 1904 57 From Creek Nation 1897 79 1900 Cherokee Nation 1900 1899 89 1901 56 Reservation for 1897 1902 81 1903 . . 92 1898 1904... 88 96 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Purchase of land Continued. From Creek Nation By Seminoles Page. Qualification of voters Continued. Municipal elections 1899 Page. 58 1897 56 Quinton, alienation of land for town-site From Indian impossible 1894 14 purposes, at: 1904 29 Purchase of town lots Choctaw and Chick- 1905 64 asaw nations: 1897 13 Railroads: Act February 28 1902 1898 ... 30 1903. 10 1899 41 Adjustment of conditions 1900 68 18% 99 1901 84 Construction of 1902 64 1902 46 1903 74 1904 27 1904 70 Effect of construction Purnell reservation for town site at 1894 17 1903 34 Effect of on condition of Territory Purpose of Government explained to chief 1895 69 executives of the Five Tribes: 1894 7 In Seminole Nation, consent of na tional council to be obtained Quabner v. Greenleaf, contest case of: 1897 72 1903 144 Land grants to Quarantine, delay in investigation of Mis 1894 14 sissippi Choctaw claims caused by: 1897 93 Obligations of, not to be impaired by agreement Qualifications for citizenship: 1896 102 1899 7 10 Reservation for 1902 10 1899 46 61 Cherokee Nation 1900 40 1899 122 132 1902 91 1901 141 151 1903 101 Creek Nation 1904 97 1899 157 Cherokee Nation 1901 176 1902 103 Qualifications of jurors: 1903 119 1899 i 3, 57, 68 1904 116 1900 I >3 57 73 Creek Nation 1902 53 1900 49 Qualifications of voters 1901 50 1896 155 1902 76 1897 100 1903 86 1898 20 26 1904 82 1899 34 38 ( 53 65 68 Rights of in Cherokee Nation 1900 61 1900 42 1901 . 77 81 Railroad fare form of voucher for: 1902 57 1901 107 1903 67 Railroad grants: 1904 63 1897 22 Ratification- Cherokee agreement Railroad map of Indian Territory: 1902 167 1900 44 Railroad rates to be fixed by Congress: 1902 109 1897 13 1903 125 1898 30 1904 121 1899 40 Of agreements 1900 67 1898. ... 26 1901 83 1899 38 1902 64 1900 65 1903 74 1901 81 1904 70 1903 71 Railroad right of way 1904 67 Acquirement of Choctaw and Chickasaw agree 1903 93 ment 1904 44,89 1901 65 70 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 61 100 1897 13 1903 116 1898 29 1904... 112 1899... 40 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 97 Railroad right of way Continued. Page. Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1900 67 1901 83 1902 64 1903 74 1904 70 Ramona: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1905 64 Reservation for 1897 52 1902 91 1903 107 1904 103 Rate of transportation on freight: 1903 94 1904 90 Rations: For horses, field parties 1901 106 For mules, field parties 1901 106 Vouchers for 1901 105 Ratification of agreement: 1 894 9 189C 106 1897 79, 100 1898 4 1899 68, 88 1900 57 1 901 55, 73 1902 10, 53, 82 1903 9,63,92 1904 59, 88 Atoka 1898 26 1899 9,38 1900 65 1901 81 1902 -. 61 1903 71 1904 67 Act of Choctaw council 1895 88 Election for 1898 26 1899 38 1900 w 65 1901 81 1902 61 1903 71 1904 67 Of February 7, 1901 1901 60, 66 Necessity for 1895 62 Protest of Chickasaw council against 1896 119 With Cherokees 1894 11 1896 129, 134 1899 10,58 1900 44 1901 9 1902 109 15013 Ratification of agreement Continued. Page. With Cherokees 1903 125 1904 121 With Chickasaws 1896 114,121 1897 25 With Choctaws and Chickasaws 1897 17,21 1898 4,6,36 1901 65,70 1902 68, 88, 100 1903 104,116 1904 74,100,112 With Choctaw Nation 1896 98 With Creeks 1894 9 1897 55 1899 9,10,65 1900 53 1901 9,53 1902 88 1903 90,100,104 1904 6,96,100 With Seminoles 1894 13 1897 72 1900 54 1901 59 1902 83 1903 99 1904 89 Provision for 1897 98 1899 66 1900 55 1901 71 1902 53 1903 62 1904 58 Ravia, reservation town site at: 1901 39 1903 35 Raymond, C. W., opinion of, in injunc tion case, Cherokee freedmen: 1904 142 Real estate: Jurisdiction of United States court over 1897 16, 54 1898 . 33 1899 43, 63 1900 70 1901 86 1902 66 1903 76 1904 72 In Seminole Nation 1897 78 1899 88 1901 65 1902 82 1903 92 1904 88 Incumbrance prohibited 1897... 55 98 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Recognition of agents and attorneys: Page. 1901 103 1902 115 1903 167 1904 197 Recommendation for legislation: 1903 58 Recording of documents, provision for: 1898 20 1899 34 1900 61 1901 77 1902 67 1903 67 1904 63 Recording of leases: 1896 102 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 12 1898 29 1899 40 1900 67 1901 83 1902 63 1903 73 1904 69 Seminole Nation 1897 77 1901 54 1902 81 1903 91 1904 87 Recording of patents: 1897 53 1899 47 1901 64,69 1905 57,60 Cherokee Nation 1900 * 39, 43 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 13 1898 29 1899 40 1900 67 1901 83 1902 63,100 1903 73,116 1904 69, 112 Creek Nation 1899 64 1900 48 1901 50 1902 76 1903 39,86 1901 82 Provisions for 1896 102 Seminole Nation 1903 126 1904 122 Red Fork: Discovery of oil at 1901 31 Establishment of town site at 1S99 61 Red Fork Continued. Reservation for town site at 1900 ............................... 1901 ............................... 1903 ............................... Refusal: Of Chickasaw Commissioners to sign proposed agreement 1896 ............................... Of Creeks to negotiate with Commis sion 1894 ............................... Of Keetoowah Society to enroll 1902 ............................... Of Seminoles to negotiate with Com mission 1894 ............................... Of tribes to negotiate with Commis sion 1895 ........................... Regulations: Governing allotment of land iu Cherokee Nation 1903 ........................... Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1903 ........................... Governing classification and appraise ment of land 1901 ............................... Governing classification of land in Creek and Cherokee nations 1901 ........................... Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1899 ........................... 1901 ......................... Governing depositions of Mississippi Choctaw cases 1902 ............................... Governing enrollment of citizens 1900 .............................. Governing field parties 1901 ............................... Governing grazing leases 1899 ............................ Governing leasing of land 1900 ............................... Governing leasing of mineral lands 1898..". ............................ 1899 ............................ 1900 .............................. lipl ........................ 1902 ............................ 1903 .............................. 1904 ............................ Governing practice in Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cherokee contests 1903 .............................. 1904 ............................... Governing recognition of agents and attorneys 1901 ............................... 1902 ............................... 1903 ............................... 1904 ............................ Governing sale of Delaware improve ments 1903 ......................... Page. 46 39 34 121 8 29 13 65 41 51 108 34 24 35 H7 14 105 26 30 62 103 197 37 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 9<J Regulations Continued. Page. Governing segregatio n for town-site purposes 1904 27 Removal of intruders Continued. Cherokee Nation 1895 70 102 118 114 10 10 12 29 40 67 83 63, 91 73,106 69, 103 8 51,60 60 88 104 100 118 30 15 0, 93, 96 II 1 , 112 126 19,121 13 76 96 112 88 123 30 115 106 98 67 56 72 52 62 58 7 1902 Governing selection and leasing of allotments 1899 18 81 1903. 1901 Chickasaw Nation 1894 1901 96 Amendment to 1899 84 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 189 1 1901 . . 98,99 1897 Rehearing in contest cases: 1899 86 1H98 1 899 1901 101 ]()00 1902 11 1 1( 1 1901 1903 158,159 165 1909 1904 , 199 i yo;5 Reinstatement of contests: 1903 165 1904 Creek Nation 18 14 1904 199 Rejection of agreement by chief of Creek Nation: 1898 4 1897 1899 1 W Religious societies, reservations for: 1899 65 1903 1904 Relinquishment of allotment, in contest case: 1902 157, 161 Expense of 1 896 Requested by Cherokees 1897 Removal : Of Cherokees to Indian. Territory 1 899 114 Seniinole Nation 1894 1901. 135 Removal of Mississippi Choc aws: To Indian Territory 1899 f- Chicknsaws to Indian Territory 1899 109 1901 128 1901 20 62 67 Of Chickasaw land office from Tisho- mingo to Ardmore 1905 38 1903 . 1904 Essential to allotment 1898 Creeks to Indian Territory 1899 20 1899 Of freedmen fromChickasaw Nation 1894. 36 37 Resolution of Choctaw council con cerning 1899 1898 6 Removal of headquarters: From Fort Smith to Muscogee 1897 7 1901 ... Removal of records to Fort Smith: 1895 From Muscogee to South McAlester 1894 17 Removal of restrictions: 1904 To Fort Smith 1896 148 Remy, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 To Muscogee 1894.. 7 Rentie, Job v., contest case of: 1903 Removal of improvements: 1899 60 Repairs of Held equipment: 1901 Removal of intruders: 1895 67 Repeal of act of: March 3, 1893, authorizing employ ment of stenographer and survey or 1897 1896 102 118 120 1898. 16 18 1899. 31 33 51 166 1900 36 58 60 1899 1901 65,69, 74 76 1900 1902 54, 56 1901 1903 64 66 1902 1904 60 6 9 1903 Appropriation for 1902 84 1904 April 21, 1904, as to sale of Creek lands 1905... 1903 100 1904... . 96,124 100 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Report: Of classification of land in Choctaw Nation, form of Page. 90 128 86 89 169 77 10 73 160 179 7 132 151 101 11 27 39 66 82 62,92 72, 108 68, 104 52 54 103 119 115 11 92 108 68, 104 55 41 103 119 115 119 11 27 39 66 82 Reservation Continued. For Bloomfield Academy 1909 Page. 62, 92 72,108 1903 1904 68, 101 52 54 103 119 115 119 11 27 39 66 82 62, 92 72, 108 Of Commission- September 20, 1897 1897 For Mrs. H. F. Buckner 1897 For capitol building- Cherokee Nation 1899. October 11, 1897 1897 December 31, 1903, segregation of Delaware lands 1902 1903 1904 As to identification of Mississippi Choctaws 1899 Chickasaw Nation 1896 1897 January 28, 1898, as to rights of Mississippi Choctaws 1898 1898 1899 1900 1899 1901 Of Committee on Indian Affairs con cerning Indian Territory 1899 1902 1903 1904 68, 104 92 108 104 101 11 27 39 66 82 62 72 68 52 61, 63 48, 61 103 119 115 119 92 108 104 49 50 77 87 83 18 32 59 75 56 66 62 1901 Choctaw Nation 1902 Printing of annual 1894 Requirements for citizenship in Cherokee Nation 1899 1904 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1901 Reservation: For Armstrong Academy 1896 1898 1899 1897 . 1898 1899 1900 1901 Creek Nation 1902 1903 1904 For cemeteries 1899 For Bacon e University For Baptist mission school Cherokee Nation 1902 1903 1904 1904 Chickasaw Nation 1896 For R. S. Bell 1897 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 1903 1904 For blind, deaf, and dumb asylum at Fort Gibson Creek Nation 1900 . . 1901 1902 1903 iqnq 1904 1904 For charitable institutions 1898 For Bloomfield Academy 1896 1899 1897 1900 1898 1901 1899 1902 - - - 1900 1903 1901... 1904... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES- 101 Reservation Continued . For Cherokee advocate 1899 I ago. Reservation Continued , ^ ; : Seminole Nation 1901 55 81 92 87 11 27 39 66 82 62,92 72, 108 68,104 103 119 115 52 61 49 50 77 87 83 52 61 49 50 77 87 83 52 61 49 50 77 87 83 77 88 55 81- 91 87 54 103 119 115 54 103 119 115 77 88 55 1902 103 1902 . 1903 119 1903. . . 1904 115 1904. For Cherokee Female Seminary 1902 103 For Collins Institute 1897 1903 119 1898 1904 115 1899 For Cherokee Insane Asylum 1902 103 1900 1901 1903 119 1902. 1904 115 1903 For Cherokee Male Seminary 1902 103 1904 For colored high school, Cherokee Nation 1902 1903 119 1904 115 For Cherokee Orphan Asylum 1899 54 1903 1904 . 1 902 103 For colored Orphans Home, Creek Nation 1897 1903 119 1Q04 115 For Chickasaw Orphan Home 1896 119 1899 1900 At Vinita 1900 42 1901 1902 For churches 1897 52 54 1903 1904 1899 32, 1900 48, 53, 63, 83 48 59 For Coweta boarding school 1897 1901 49 75 1899." 1909 56 76 92 1900 1903 66 86 107 1901 1904 62 82 104 1902 Cherokee Nation 19Q9 103 1903 1904 . . 1903 119 For Creek Orphan Home 1897 1904 n^ Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 11 1899 1900 . 1898 27 1901 1899 29 1902 1900 66 1903 1901 89 1904 1902 62 For district schools 1897 1903 72 1904 68 1899 Creek Nation 19Q9 85 1901 . 1902 1903 101 1903 1904 97 1904 Disposition of 1897 14 For D wight mission school, Cherokee Nation 1899 1898 32 1899 42 1009 1900 69 1903 . 1901 85 1904 1902 65 For Elm Springs mission school, Cherokee Nation 1899 1903 75 1904 71 In town sites 1902 107 1902 1903 . 1903 123 1904 1904 119 For Emahaka Academy 1897 Seminole Nation 1897 78 1899 1899... 88 1901... ics THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Ro^ervitlon- -Contirued. For Emahaka Academy 1902 Page. 81 Reservation Continued. For jails- Disposition of Page. 1903 91 1903 75 1904 87 1904 71 For Euchee Boarding School 1897 52 For Jones Academy 1896 101 1899 61 1897 11 1900 49 1898 27 1901 50 1899... 39 1902 77 1900 66 1903 87 1901 82 1904 83 1902 62 92 For Fufaula High School 1903 79 108 1897 52 1904. 68 104 1899 Gl For Kendall College 1900 49 1897.. . 52 1901 50 For Lebanon Orphan Home 1902 76 1897 11 1903 86 1898 27 1904 8 i > 1899 39 1900 66 1896 119 1901... 82 1897 11 1902 62 92 1898 27 1903 72 108 1899 39 1904 68, 104 1900 66 For Lutheran Mission 1901 8 > 1899 54 1902 62 92 1902 103 1903 72 108 1903 119 1904 68 104 1904 115 For Harrell Institute 1897 52 For Mekusuky Academy 1897 77 1899 88 1899 55 1901 55 For jail^ 1902 81 1899 54 1903 91 1900 39 1904 88 1902 107 For missionaries 1903 123 1897 11 1904 119 1899 65 Cherokee Nation 1902 103 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 11 1903 119 1898 27 1904 115 1899 39 1900 66 1897 11 1901 82 1898 27 1902 62 1899 39 1903 72 1900 66 1904 68 1901 82 For Mississippi Choctaws is Missis 1902 62 sippi 1903 79 1898 10 1904 fiS 1899 74 Creek Nation 1900 48 For Moravian Mission 1899 54 1901 48 For J. S. Murrow 1902 75 1902 92 1903 85 1903 107 1904 01 1904 104 Disposition of 1897 14 For Murrow Orphan Home 1897 11 1898 31 1898 27 1899 42 1899 39 1900 69 1900 66 1901 85 1901 82 1902... 65 1902... 62 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. 103 Reservation Continued. For Murrow Orphan Home 1904 For Nazareth Institute 1897 For New Hope Seminary 1896 For Newyaka Boarding School 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 For Park Hill Mission School 1899 1902 1903 1904 For parks 1899... Page. 7 2 52 101 49 50 77 87 54 103 119 115 62 For parsonage 1897 14, 54 1898 18, 32 1899 82, 42, 53, 61, 63 1900 48, 59, 69 1901 49, 75, 86 1902 56, 65, 76 1903 66,86 1904 62, 82 For parsonages in town sites 1902 1903 1904... 107 123 119 For Pecan Creek colored boarding school 1897 52 1899 61 1900 49 1901 50 1902 77 1903 87 1904 83 For Presbyterian school, at Tahle- quah 1899 54 1902 103 1903 119 1904 115 For public buildings 1896 101,119 1897 11 1898 18,27 1899 32,39,49,89 1900 39,48,59,66 1901 57,75,82 1902 56,62,75,92,107 1903 66, 72, 85, 108, 123, 128 1904 62, 68, 81, 104, 119, 128 For railroads 1897 52 1899 49,61 1900 40 1902 85, 91 1903 101, 107 1904 97,103 Reservation Continued. For railroads Cherokee Nation 1902 1903 190-1 , Creek N;itin 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 For religious societies 1899 , For Mrs. E. A. W. Robertson 1897 For Rock Academy 1897... 1899. 1900. 1901. Page. 103 119 115 1902 62,92 1903 72, 108 1904 68, 104 For R. S. Shermerhorn 1897 11 1898 27 1899 39 1900 66 1901 82 1902 62, 92 1903 72, 108 1904 68, 101 For schools 1897 52 1898 18 1899 32, 49, 55 1900 59 1901 75 1902 56 1903 66 1904 62 Chickasaw Nation 1896 101, 119 Cherokee Nation 1902 103 1903 119 1904 115 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 11 1898 27 1899 39 1900 66 1901 82 1902 62, 92 1903 72,108 1904 T. 68, 104 For schools and churches, Creek Nation 1899 61, 63 1904 32 For Skiatook Mission, Cherokee Na tion 1899 54 1902 103 1903 119 1904... 116 104 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Reservation Continued. For Spencer Academy 1896 Page. 101 Reservation Continued. For town site at Checotah Page. For Tallahassee colored boarding 1899 Gl 1900 46 1897 52 Chickasha 1899 * 61 1896 . 118 1900 49 Clarksville 1901 50 1900 48 1902 77 1901 49 1903 87 1903 86 1904 83 1904 82 For town cemeteries 1899 61 Coalgate 1903.. 34 * 1900 40 Colbert 1896 118 1894 8 Comancho 1896 102 1896 118 1897 52 Coweta 1899 49,53,63 1900 48 1900 37, 40 1901 49 1901 39,90 1902 76 1902 45,71,86 1903 86 1903 34,81,102 1904 82 1904 77, 97 Crowder City For town site 1903 34 Creek Nation 1894 8 Daugherty 1896 118 1899 61 Davis 1900 49 1896 118 1901 50 Duncan 1902 76 1896 118 1903 86 1904 82 1899 61 For town site at Ada Emmett 1896 118 1901 39 46 1903 35 Alabama Fort Gibson 1899 54 1901 39 1903 34 Fort Towson 1QAO 34 Ardmore 1896 102,118 Francis 1901 39 Aylesworth 1903 35 1903 35 Beggs Garvin 1903 34 1901 39 1903 34 Gibson Station 1899 61 34 1900 46 1901 39 49 Bernyn leqfi 118 1902 76 1903 34, 86 1Q01 39 1904 82 1903 34 Gilbert 1903 34 1903 34 Gray Boswell^ 1901 39 1903 34 1903 35 Bristow 1899 61 Haileyville 1900 46 Bryant Station IQftl 39 Hall 1901 39 35 1903 34 Center 1896... 118 Harrington 1903 34 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. 105 Reservation Continued . For town site at Helen 1901 Page. 39 Reservation Contin ued . For town site at Paola 1896. 1903 35 Pauls Valley Henryetta 1896 1901 39 Purcell 1903 34 1896 Holdenville 1899 61 Purnell 1903 1900 46 Ravia 1901 1903 34 1903 Hunter 1903 34 Red Fork 1899 Inola 1900 1901 39 1901 1903 34 1903 Kellyville 1901 39 Roscdale 1901 1903 34 1903 Kiowa 1903 34 Roff 1901. Lee 1903. 1899 61 ROSS 1900 46 1901 Leliaetta 1903 1901 39 Rush Springs 1903 34 1896 Madill 1901 39 Russett 1903 1903 35 Marietta 1896 1896 118 Sapulpa Marlow 1899 1896 118 1900 Mazie 1901 39 Scull in 1901 1903 34 1903 Mead 1903 35 Sopcr 1903 Minco 1896 118 South McAlester 1896 Mounds 1900. 48 Stonewall 1896 1901. 39 49 Summit 1902 76 1901 1903 34, 86 1903 1904 82 Taneha Miiscogee 1901 1899 61 1903 1900 46 Terrell North Coalgate 1896 1903 34 Thackerville North Fork 1896 1903 34 Oakland 1896 .. . . 1896 118 Okmulgee Tulsa 1899 1897 . . 52 1900 1899 61 1900 46 Valiant 1Q01 qq 1903 1903. 34 Wagoner Oktaha 1899 1901 39 1900. 1903... 34 1903. . . Page. 118 118 118 34 39 85 61 46 89 31 118 35 118 102 118 34 39 34 118 118 118 61 46 34 61 46 84 106 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Reservation Continued. For town site at Wapanucka Page. Reservation Con ti nued . For Wealaka boarding school 1897 Page. 1903 34 1899 61 1900 49 1896 118 1901 ">0 Wetumka 1902 77 1901 39 1903.. .. 87 1903 34 1904 S3 Wild Horse 1903 34 For \Vetumka boarding school 1897 52 Windy II ill 1899 61 1903 34 For Whcelock Seminary Winchell 1896 101 1901 39 1897 11 1903 34 1898 27 Woodville 1899 39 1901 39 1900 66 1903 35 1901. 82 Wynnewood 1902.. 62 92 1896 118 1903 72 108 Y eager 1904 68, 104 1901 39 For Willie Halsell College Cherokee 1903 34 Nation For town sites* 1899 54 Cherokee Nation 1900 42 1902 103 1902 103 1903 119 1903 119 1904 115 1904 115 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 91 92 For Woodmount Mission 1899 54 1903 65 108 Military Fort Gibson 1904 104 1899 54 Chickasaw Nation 1896 114,118 Of asphalt lands 1896 101 Panola County, Chickasaw Na 1898 18 tion 1899 32 1896 118 1900 59 Pontotoc County, Chickasaw Na 1901 75 tion 1896 118 1903 65 108 Tishomingo County, Chickasaw 1904 61,104 Nation 1896 118 Of asphalt and coal, Choctaw and For tribal court-houses 1897 11 1902 92 1898 27 1903 108 1899 39 1904 104 1900 66 For Tushkahoma Female Seminary 1901. 82 1896 101 1902 62 1897 11 1903 72 1898 27 1904 68 1899 39 Of coal lands 1900 66 1894 8 10 1901 82 1896 101 1902 62,92 In Creek Nation 1903 72, 108 1894 :.. 8 1904 68 104 In town sites For Tuscaloosa Academy 1898 22 1896 101 1899. 35 For university established by Baptist 1900 62 Home Missionary Society, Bacone 1901 78 1900 49 1902 58 1901 50 1903 68 1902 77 1904 64 1903 87 In Seminole Nation 1904... 83 1894... 13 T11E Reservation Continued. Of Delaware lands 1897 FIVE CIVI Page. 38 LIZED TRIBES. Reservation Continued. Of oil land 1902 107 Page. 55 Of gas land 1896 101 1903. 65 1904 61 Of homesteads 1899 83 Of Poteau strip 1897 11 1900 36 1898 27 1901 97 1899 39 Cherokee Nation 1894 11 1900 (56 1901 82 1902 102 1902. 62 1903 118 1903 72 1904 114 1904 68 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 89 Of school lands 1894 13 1903 105 Of Sulphur Springs 1902 . . 99 1904 101 Creek Nation 1899 60 1903 115 1904 Ill 1900 46,61 Cherokee Nation 1899 53 1901 46 52 1902 73 78 87 1902 103 1903 83 88 103 1903 119 1904 79 84 99 1904 115 Seminole Nation 1894 13 Choctaw and Chiekasaw nations 1896 101 1897 78 1897 . . ... 11 1899 88 1898 27 1901 55 1899 . . 39 1902 81 1900 66 1903 91 1901 82 1904 87 190 62 Of land at Fort Smith 101 1903 72 1904 68 1897 11 Creek Nation 1894 8 -IQQQ 27 1899 39 Contest cases 1903 160 1000 fifi 1901 82 Disposition of 1900 43 1902 62 92 1903 . . . 72 108 For court-houses 1897 11,52 Of mineral lands 1896 101 114 117 1898 27 1899 61 1900 39,48,49,66 1898 18 1899 32 1902 ... 62,75,77 1900 59 1901 75 1903 1902 55 Disposition of 1903 65 1904 ^61 1897 Mineral lands Cherokee Nation 1894 w 11 1898 1899 42 1900 69 1901 85 Chickasaw Nation 1894 10 1902 65 1QAO 75 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1894. 10 1904 71 Residence in Indian Territory, to enrollment: 1898 essential 3 24 Seminole Nation 1894 13 Of oil land 1899 37 1900 64 1898 18 1901 . 80 1899 32 1902 60 1900 59 1903 70 1901... 75 1904... 66 108 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Residue lands: Page. Disposition of 1900 36 1904 125 Cherokee Nation 1899 50 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902: 90 1903 106 1904 102 Disposition of, in Creek Nation 1899 59 1900 46 1901 47 1902 74 1903 84 1904 10, 80, 123 1905 7,50 Seminole Nation, disposition of 1904 11 Resolution of adjournment not subject to Presidential approval: 1897 100 Resolutions: Of Cherokee council, appointment of committee to confer with Com mission 1894 11 Of Commission Allotment to full-bloods 1905 37 Death of Henry L. Dawes 1903 60 For the protection of allottees 1904 42 Preparationof Cherokee patents 1905 58 Of Cherokee council- December 10, 1869, concerning North Carolina Cherokees 1901 159 Inviting Commission to Tahle- quah 1896 127 Of Chickasaw council authorizing negotiating with Commission 1895 65 Of Choctaw and Chickasaw council rejecting proposals of Commis sion 1895 79 Choctaw council, removal of Missis sippi Choctaws 1899 96 1901 112 Of Creek council Authorizing negotiations 1896 156 Refusing to negotiate with Com mission 1894 8 Rejecting proposed agreement 1897 59, 63, 68 Of international council at South McAlester 1896... 158 Resolutions Continued. Page. Relative to negotiations not subject to departmental approval 1897 100 Seminole council . Creating commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission 1897 71 Instructing Seminole commis sion 1897 72 Seminole Nation, refusing to nego tiate with Commission 1894 13 Senate As to printing of annual report 1394 7 March 29, 1894, investigation of Five Civilized Tribes 1899 160 1901 179 Suspending law as to jurisdiction of United States court 1898 4 Resources of Indian Territory: 1900 7 Responsibility for discrimination against Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 46 Restraining order of United States court, enrollment of Cherokee freedmen: 1902 119 1903 136 1904 142 Restrictions, removal of: 1904 123 Return of freedmen to Cherokee Nation: 1904 25 Revenue: Collection of 1897 23 Cherokee Nation 1900 42 1902 108 1903 124 1904 120 Chickasaw Nation 1896 119 Reversion of land to United States, possi bility of: 1896 100 Review: ^In contest cases 1903 159, 165 1904 195,199 Motion for, in contest cases 1902 K51 Revision: Of citizenship rolls by Commission 1897 84 Of Wallace roll 1894 11 Rice, amount allowed field parties: 1901 106 Riddle, J. T., et al., decision in citizen ship case of: 1904 13 THE FIVE Right of citizens by intermarriage, Chero kee Nation: 1903 CIVI Page. 23 6 155 44 159 86 102 98 105 121 117 52 GO, 171 190 105 124 11 27 39 66 82 62, 92 72, 108 68, 104 127 38 13f> 39 35 26 83 23 36 63 79 59 69 65 LIZED TRIBES. Roll Continued. Preparation of, 1S80 1897 109 Page. 86 4 9 83 16 16 10 84 53 13 14 12 13 11 27 12 ,61,66 10,92 11,108 01, 130 16 73 89,91 69,71 79,81 , 75, 77 15 84 142 64 19,50 28,51 , 38, 78 87, 102 , 85, 98 102 118 114 12 11 92 11 8 Right of suffrage: Essential to proper government of Indian Territory: 1905 Corruption of tribal 1898 1904 Cherokee freedmen, discrepencies 1897 In Creek Nation 1 896 Chickasaw freedmen 1903 Right of way, acquirement of by rail roads: 1 904 Of 1896, names improperly added to 1905. Roads: Establishment of 1896 Rolls of citizenship: 1903 Addition of names by Commission 1895 190-2 1%3 Cherokee Nation 1899 1901 Cherokee Nation 1902 Chickasaw Nation 1902 1<)03 1903 1<K)I Choc taw Nation 1902 Robertson, K. A. W., reservation for: Robinson, F. It.: Decision of Supreme Court in citizen ship case of 1903 1904 Closing of Creek Nation 1905 1901 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1900 Decision of United States court in citi zenship case of 1890 1901 10 1902 1903 1901 1904 11 1 Rock Academy, reservation for: 1,S97 Closing of 1899 1898 1900 1399 1901 - - 1900 1902 1903 1904 21 1905 Rogers, C. V.: Appointed Cherokee commissioner 1896 Commission authorized to prepare 1895 Creek Nation 1896 Letter to Commission October 28, 1897 1897 1899 1900 December 17, 1896 1896 1901 1902 35 Roll, reservation for town site at: 1901 . .. 1903 - - 28, 1904 2C 1903 Deceased allottees, Cherokee Nation 190 l > Roland, Pruea L., decision in enrollment case of: 1903 . . 1903 1004 Roll: E Cherokee freedrnen, 1880 1897 Delay in preparation of account of protests of Choctaw and Chickasaw attorneys 1904 Confirmation of, ISSO 1898 Inaccuracy of 1902 1899 1901 Progress of preparation 1897 1902 1903 1904 1904... 1905... 110 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Rolls of citizenship Continued. Provision for preparation by Commis sion Page. Rolls of citizenship Continued. Where filed 1897 Page. 99 1897 98 1899 67 1899 67 1900 56 1900 56 1901 72 1901 72 1902 53 1902 52 1903 63 1903 62 1904 59 1904 58 Reopened 1900 25 1905 5,6 1902 30 Report of Commission, July 9, 1897 1897 Rose, Allie J., decision in enrollment case of- Requested from Cherokee Nation 1903 26 1896 126 1897 35 1901 39 Requested of Chickasaw Nation 1903 34 1896 . . 111 1897 24 1901 39 Request of Choctaw Nation 1903 34 1897 18 Ross Robert B Requested of Creek Nation 1897 48 57 Appointed Cherokee Commissioner 1896 127 Requested of Seminole Nation 1896 170 Letter to Commission December 17 1896 1897. 73 1896 135 Revision of, by Commission 1897 84 October 28, 1897 1897 38 Seminole Nation 1900 12, 54 Royalty: Collection of 1901 30 59 1897 23 1902 83 In Chickasaw Nation 1903 99 1896 119 1904 89 Disposition of 1905. 32 1896 103 To be approved by the Secretary of 1897 15 the Interior 1898 8,32 1898 25 1899 42 1899 37 168 1900 69 1900 64 1901 85 1901 80 1902 65 1902 60 1903 75 1903 70 1904 71 1904. 66 Seminole Nation To be descriptive of persons enrolled 1897 77 1898 24 1901 54 1899 37 190 81 1900 64 1903 91 1901 80 1904 87 1902 60 Freedincn not to participate in 1903 70 1896 104 1904 66 On timber To be filed with Commissioner of Iii- 1898 22 1899 35 1895 84 1900 62 To be prepared by Commission 1901 78 1898 23 1902 ... 58 1899 36 166 1903 68 1900 63 1904 64 1901 79 Creek Nation 1902 59 1900 52 1903 69 1901 52 1904 65 1902 7<) Unreliability of 1903 89 1897... 93 1904... >S5 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Ill B.oyal ty Con tin ue 1 . Payment of 1897... Page. 15 19, 23, 33 34, 43 61,70 77,86 57,06 67,76 63,72 104 23 1899 ............................ 1900 ......................... -- 11)01 ............................ 1902 ............................ 1903 ............................ 1904 ............................ Kate of 1896 ............................ Use of, for educational purposes 1897 ....... , .................... Rules and regulations: Governing allotment of land 1903 ............................... 41 In Choctaw and Cliickasaw na tions 1903 ........................... 51 Governing classification of land 1899 ............................... 24 Governing classification and appraise ment of land 1901 ............................... 108 Governing classifications of land in Choctawand Chickasaw nations 1901 ........................... 35 Creek and Cherokee nations 1901 ........................... 34 Governing dispositions in Mississippi Choctaws cases, identification of 1902 ............................... 117 Governing enrollment of citizens 1900 ............................... 14 Governing grazing leases 1899 ............................... 26 Governing leasing of lands 1900 ............................... 30 Governing leasing of mineral lands 1898 ............................... 19 1899 ............................... 33 1900 ............................... 60 1901 ............................... 76 1 902 ............................... 56 1903 ............................... 66 1904 ............................... 62 Governing recognition of agents and attorneys 1901 ............................... 103 1902 ............................... 115 1903 ............................... 167 Governing recognition attorneys 1904 f agents and 197, 202 Governing sale of Delaware improve ments 1904 ...................... . ........ Governing segregation for town-site purposes 1904 ............................... Governing selection and renting of prospective allotments 1899 ............................... 1901 ........... 37 27 18, 81 96 Rules and regulations Continued. Governing selection and leasing of al lotments, amendment to 1899 1901 Rules of practice: In contest cases 1899 1901 1902 . . 1904. In Choctaw and Chickasaw and Chero kee contests 1903 1904 Rush Springs, reservation for town site at: 1896 Russell, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 Russett, reservation for town site at: 1903 Ryan, reservation for town site at: 1896 Ryan, Thomas, letter, October 6, 1903, suspending allotment, Cherokee Nation: 1904 . Sageeyah, alienation of land for town- site purposes at: 1905 Sailors, selection of allotments for: 1902 1903 1904 St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad, reservation for: 1899 Salary: Of Commissioners 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of Cherokee commissioners 1896 Of Chickasaw commissioners 1896 ". Of Choctaw commissioners 1896 Of Creek commissioners 1896 Of judges under act of April 2S, 1<)04 1904 Of mining trustees 1897... 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904... Page. 83,84 98, 99 21,84 100 112, 161 160 201 163 201 118 64 35 118 34 64 108 42, 124 120 97 66 55 71 51 61 57 128 112 98 157 TJG 15 32 42 69 85 65 75 71 112 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Sale of allotments: Creek Nation 1902 Page. 87 Sale of land Continued. Allotted to Mississippi Choctaws pro hibited 1900 Page. 73 89 70 79 36 89 105 101 19 33 GO 76 56 66 62 60 51 46 73 83 79 35, 126 121 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 1903 103 1904 99 1901 Deceased Mississippi Choctaws 1901 fiS 67 1902 1903 Sale of coal and asphalt lands, Choc taw and Chickasaw nations: 1902 . 9 1904 Cherokee Nation 1900 1903.. 114 Choctaw and Chickasnw nations 1902 1904 ... 106,124 Sale of homesteads, Creek Nation: 1900 51 1903 1904 1901 46 Conditions of 1898 1902 73 83 1903 1899 1901 79 1900 Sale of improvements: 1900 36 1901 1902 1902 159 161 1903 Chickasaw freedmen, by 1894 37 35 46 1904 Creek Nation 1899. Cherokee Nation 1900 Creek Nation 1900 1900 1901 1902 1901 -16 1903 1902 73 1904 1903 83 For town-site purposes 1903 1904 79 By Delaware Indians 1904 1905. . 10,36,124 7,41 14 ... 21,31 34,41 1904 For town-site purposes at Ada 1904 Sale of intoxicants prohibited: 1897 Ardmore 1904 1898 1899 Bixby 190 1 1900 61 , 68 1901 77 84 Bokoshe 1901 1902 57 65 1903 67 75 Bristow 1901 Broken Arrow 1904 1904 In Creek Nation 1899 (53, 71 53 1900 Chase 1904 1901 53 80 1902 Checotah 1904 1903 90 1904 86 Chickasha 1901 Coweta 1901 In Seminole Nation 1897 78 1899. 88 1901 55 Depew 1904 190 9 82 1903 92 Dustin (Spokogee) 1904 1904 88 On Sulphur Springs reservation 1902 100 116 112 Eufaula 1904 1903 Henryetta 1904 1904 Sale of land: 1896 118 Holdenville 1904 Indianola 1904 Act of April 21, 1904 1904 123 Act of March 3, 1903 1904... 27- Kinta 1904... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 113 Sale of land Continued. For town-site purposes at Mill Creek 1904 Page. 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 14 127 122 73 89 57 14 77 100, 106 17 36 45 88 68 78 74 125 123 23 36 63 79 59 Sale of timber Continued. 1903. Page. 69 1904 65 Sale of town lots: 1896 102 Morris 1904 1899 52 62 Muskogee 1904 1900. 37 47 74 1901 61,68,90 Gkemah 1904 1902 ... 70,75,97 1903 .. cSO,85, 113 Gkmulgee 1904 1904 76 81 109 Advertisement of 1897 13 Oktaha 1904 1898 31 Gluey 1904 1899 41 1900 68 Paden 1904 1901 84 1902 64 Porter 1904 1903 74 1904 70 Quinton 1904 Cherokee Nation 1902 106 Sapulpa 1904 1903 122 1904 118 Stuart 1904 Chickasaw Nation 1896 118 Tulsa 1904 Method of 1898 21 Weleetka 1904 1899 35 1900 62 Wetumka 1904 1901 78 1902 58 Proposed by Indian 1894 1903 68 1904 64 Seminole Nation 1903 Seminole Nation 1897 77 1904 1899 88 To Seminoles opposed by Creeks 1897 1901 55 1902 81 1899 1903 91 1901 1904 88 To United States by Choctaws and Chickasaws 1898 . . Salina, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 Sallisaw, enrollment of Cherokees at 1900 25 1899 Sale of orphan lands in Mississippi: 1896 1901 23 Salt, amount allowed field parties: 1901 106 1897 1899 Sango, Garrett v., contest case of: 1903 142 1901 Sapulpa: Alienation of land for town-site poses at 1904 pur- 29 1902 1903 1904 Sale of residue lands: Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1904 1905 64 30 Enrollment of children at 1905 Creek Nation 1904 Enrollment of Creeks at 1897 64 Sale of timber: 1898 Reservation for town site at 1899 61 1899 1900 46 1900 Sapulpa, W. A.: Letter of August 16, 1896 1896... .. 143.144 1901 1902... 1501300 8 114 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Sapulpa, W. A. Continued. Letter of Commission to August 17 1896 Page. School funds Continued. Disposition of 1897 Page. 15 1896 143 1898 33 August 18 1896 1899 43 1896 144 1900. 70 Letter to A S MoKennon 1901 86 August 22 1896 1902 66 1896 144 1903 76 August 25 1896 1901 72 1896 144 For incorporated towns August 27 1896 1898 20 1896 146 1899 34 Letter to Commission 1900 61 December 16 1896- 1901 77 1896 15 2 161 1902 57 December 18 1896 1903 67 1896 163 1901 63 September 27, 1897 1897 56 Seminole Nation 1894 13 October 12 1897 1897 77 1897 58 1899 88 1901 55 1903 157 1902 81 1903 92 1897 11 1904 88 1898 27 To be derived from royalties 1899 39 1896 104, 120 1900 66 School lands, reservation of: 1901 82 1894 15 1902 62 92 Schools: 1903 72 108 Establishment of, in 1904 68 104 Cherokee Nation 1899 54 1902 135 Creek Nation 1897 70 1901 39 Incorporated towns 1903 35 1898 21 1899. 34 For Choctaw and Chickasaw freed- 1900. 61 mprt 1901 77 1894 32 38 1902 57 For white children 1903 ." 67 1894 19 1904 63 1895 72 For noiicitizens in Seminole Nation 1897 88 1897 78 1898 9 1899 88 1901 g 1901 55 Schoolhouses reservation for - 1902 81 1900 40 41 1903 92 School funds 1904 88 1894 9 Necessity for 1899 28 1896 104 Provision for 1902 98 1894 11 1903 114 1899 54 1901 110 1900 40 Provisions for, in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1894 10 Cherokee Nation 1902 105 1903 121 1894 9 1904 117 1900 52 Seminole Nation 1901 52 1897 77 1902 79 1899 88 1903 89 1901 55 1904... 85 1902... 81 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. 115 Schools Continued. Page. Provisions for, in Seminole Nation 1903 92 1904 88 Reservations for, in Cherokee Nation 1902 103 1903 119 1904 115 Choctaw and Chiekasuw nations 1897 11 1898 27 1899 39 1900 66 1901 82 1902 G2, 92 1903 72,108 1904 08, 104 Reservations for 1904 32 Reservation for 1896 101 1897 52, 77 1898 18 1899 32, 49, 61, 63, 88 1900 59 1901 55,75 1902 56, 81 1903 66, 91 1904 62, 88 School taxes, payment of: 1897 15 1898 33 1899 43 1900 70 1901 86 1902 66 1903 76 1904 72 School-teachers, examination of: 1900 40, 52 1901 52 1902 79, 105 1903 89, 121 1904 85, 117 3ale, identification of Mississippi Choc- taws at: 1902 24 Secretary of Interior: Appeal to, in contest cases 1899 21 Conference of Commission with 1895 59 Letter of Commission to, April 24, 1897 1897 30 Letter to, June 15, 1897 1897 34 Letter of, July 22, 1897, concerning en rollment of freedmen 1897 84 Report of Commission to Concerning citizenship rolls 1897 83 September 20, 1897 Secretary of Interior Continued. Report of Commission to October 11, 1897 1897 To appoint Indian inspector in In dian Territory 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 To approve Cherokee deeds 1899 1900 Creek deeds 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Mineral leases in Seminole Na tion 1897 1901 1902 1903 1904 Rolls of citizenship 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902. 1903 1904... Sectional diagram: Form of 1899 1901 Showing allotments 1900... Page. 50 77 54 81 91 87 25 37, 168 64 80 60 70 82 220 Sectional map showing irregularity of farms: 1900 32 Segregation: Of coal and asphalt 1902 92, 98 1903 33, 108, 114 1904 104, 110, 126 Of Delaware land 1898 7, 25 1899 38 1900 37, 65 1901 81 1902 61, 102 1903 45, 71 , 118 1904 34, 67, 114 Amendment of 1904 171 Decision of Supreme Court 1904 181 Report of December 31, 1903 1904... 169 116 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Segregation Continued . Page. Of land at Sulphur 1902 92 1903 .. 108,115 1904. Selection of allotment contest cases: 1903 Selection of allotments: For convicts 1896... 104 160 1901 1902 1903 1904 For incompetents 1896 1899 1901 1902... 101 60 65,70 100,108 42, 52, 116, 124 120 101 60 65,70 100, 108 1903 42, 124 1904 120 For minors, Cherokee Nation 1902 100, 108 1903 42, 52, 116, 120, 124 For prisoners 1896 101 1899 60 1901 65, 70 1902 100, 108 1903 42, 52, 116, 124 1904 112, 120 For soldiers and sailors, Cherokee Nation 1902 108 1903... . 42,124 1904 Under power of attorney 1903 : Self-government: Guaranteed by United States 1894 Impossibility of 1894 Self-immigration claim, settlement of: 1897 1J-99 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 , Seminole agreement: October 17, 1899 1900 1901... 120 42, 52 54 59 1 902 80, 83 1903 1904 Ratification of 1898 Proposed 1894 Seminole citizenship rolls reopened: 1905 Seminole commission, appointment of: 1897... 13 5,7 Seminole correspondence: 1897 Seminole council: Instructions to Seminole commis sion 1897 Resolution instructing negotiating commission 1897 Seminole freedmen, treaty of 1866: 1894 Seminole Indians: Number of 1899 To take their improvements in Creek Nation 1900 1901 1902 1903 1901 Semingle land office, establishment of Wewoka: 1905 Seminole national council, resolution creating commission to negotiate with Dawes Commission: 1897 Seminole rolls, requested by Commission: 1896 Seminole town-site act: 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 Seminole treaty of I860, provision affect ing: 1894 Seminole treaties not to be affected by agreement of December 1(1, 1897: 1897 1899 1901 1902 1903 1904 Seminoles: Conference with, at Muscogee 1897 Enrollment of 1899 Progress of enrollment of 1905 Senate committee, report of C. Jk liino concerning Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 Senate resolutions: March 29, 1894, investigation of con dition of Five Tribes 1899 1901 July 17, 1897, suspending law as to jur isdiction of United States court 1898... THE FIVE CIV1 {Senate resolution, printing of annual re- Page. port: 1 894 7 LIZED TRIBES. Settlement Continued. Of claims Desired by Five Tribes 1890 117 Page. 168 13 78 X8 55 81 92 88 154 54 49 50 77 87 83 58, 63 41,49 50 77, 98 87,114 83,110 24 71 93 131 137 26 191 54 103 119 115 66 56 ,28,46 167 186 39 60 32 208 154 Senora, for enrollment of Creeks at 1 902 36 Seminole Nation 1894 Senter, W. R., decision of United court in citizenship case: 1899 States 100 1897 1899. 1901 . 119 1901 Service of notice: In contest cases 1899 85 1902 1903 1904 1901 101 Loyal Creek 1896 1902 113 1903 163 164 1897. 1904 198 201 Self -Immigration, Creek Nation 1900 Method of 1898 17 32 1901 1899 190-J 1900 59 1903 1 JOl 75 1904 190" 55 Sewers, provisions for: 1899.. 1903 65 1904 61 1900 . . Service of process, suit of Chickasaw men: 1901 frecd- f>3 1901 ... 1902 1903 Settlement: Of allotment contests 1902 85 1904 Shawnce Indians: Enrollment of 1905 1 903 101 1904 97 Right to siiarc in Cherokee funds 1899 Of Creek Nation 1899 20 1901 . Of claims Against United .States 1894 g 1903 1904. Number of 1905 1895 88 1896 . . . 145 Shepherd v. Marshall, contest case of: 1904 Cherokee Nation 1894 11 Skiatook Mission, reservation for: 1899 1896 132 1899 56 1902 1900 43 1903 1902 108 1904 1903 124 Skiatook, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 1901 120 Choclaw and Chickiisaw tions 1894 na- 10 Slade, James A., investigation of Cherokee accounts: 1899 1897 17 1898 35 Slavery, abolition of: 1894 21 1899 44 1900 71 . . . 87 1899 1901 1901 1902 67 Smith, Edward P., report concerning Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 1903 77 1904 73 Creek Nation 1900 49 Smith, Hoke, letter to Commission, May 6, 1895: 1895 1901 50 77 1902 Smith, H. Van, letter to D. W. Bushyhead: 1897 1903 87 1904 83 Smith, Nancy, opinion Attorney-General in enrollment case of: 1901 Desired by Chickasaws 1894. ... ... 10 1896 117 Smith, Cherry r., contest case of: 1903... 1897... 23 118 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Smith, Lester r., contest case of: Smith, Minton v., contest case of: 1902 . Smith, Mclntosh v., contest case of: 1902 Smith, Sookey r., contest case of: 1903 140, 147 Smithville, enrollment of children at: 1905 19 Snake uprising: 1901 30 Effect on classification of land 1901 33 Effect of enrollment 1901 28 Soap for field parties, purchase of: 1901 105 Soil, character of: 1894 15 Soldiers, selections of allotment for 1902 108 1903 42, 124 1904 120 Sookey v. Smith, contest case of: 1902 156 1903 140, 147 Soper, reservation for town site at: 1903 34 Sorrell v. Vance, contest case of: 1903 148 Sorus, Tobler v., contest case of: 1903 150 South McAl ester: Conference at 1896 98 Enrollment of children at 1905 20 Enrollment of Choctaws at 1899 15 12 Page, i Speculation in Indian lands prohibited Page. by employees: 1904 124 Spencer Academy, reservation for: 1896 101 Spices, amount allowed field parties: 1901... 106 139,146 142 141 1901 International council at 1896 153 Reservation for town site at 1896 102 Suggested as place for conference with Choc taws 1897 7 Trial of citizenship cases at 1904 14 Spaulding Institute, disposition of land: 1900 48 1901 49 1902 76 1903 86 1904 82 Spavinaw, enrollment of Cherokees at. 1900 25 1 1)02 30 Special disbursing agent, appropriation for. 1897 99 1899 68 1900 57, 73 1901 73, 89, 91 1902 53, 69, 71, 84 1903 63, 79, 81 , 100, 125 1904 59,75,77,95,121 Spokogee, sale of land for town-site pur poses: 1903 35 Spring Place, Moravian Mission, reserva tion for: 1899 54 Springer, Wm. M.: Opinion in citizenship cases 1889 112, 156 1901 m, 175 Opinion in citizenship case of Caleb W. Hubbard 1899 147 1901 166 Wm. J. Watts 1899 133 1901 152 Standley, J. S., telegram to Commission, March 26. 1897: 1897 7 Starvilla, enrollment of Cherokees at 1902 30 Statement: Of contest cases disposed of by De partment 1904 196 Of disbursement of Commission, March 3, 1893, and January 1, 1901 1901 218 Of disbursement for year ending June 30, 1902 1902 June 30, 1903 1903 June 30, 1904 1904 June 30, 1905 1905 Showing disposition of contest cases 1903 Statehood: Consent of Cherokees to be given 1899 58 Consent of Creeks 1899 65 Contemplated by act of Mar. 3, 1893 1897 97 1899 66 1900 55 1901 71 1902 51 1903 61 1904 57 Not to be established without consent of Indians 1897 69 Objection of Creeks to union with . Oklahoma 1897... 62 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 119 Statehood Continued. Preparation for 1896 Page. 105 Stonewall Continued. Reservation at Chickasaw Nation 1896 Page. 118 1899 28 Stidham v Morris content case of To be deferred twenty-five years 1902 149 152 1897 72 Stilwell, enrollment of Cherokees at: To take place of tribal government 1901.. . 23 1896 155 Stipulation for judgment in contest cases: Statistics 1902 161 Allotment contests 1903 160 1903 57 Stuart alienation of land for town-site Disposition of allotment cases 1903 161 purposes at: 1904 . . 29 Enrollment of 1905. 64 Cherokees 1903 18 Stroup, Henry, reimbursement for serv ices: Choctaws and Chickasaws 1897 99 1902 164 1899 68 Creeks 1900 67 1905 31 1901. 73 Showing status of enrollment 1902 53 1905 9 1903 63 Status of eastern band of Cherokees: 1904 59 1899 113 Subdivision of allotments, Choctaw and 1901 132 Chickasaw nations: Stecle N L reimbursement of services 1902 90 1897 99 1903 105 1899 68 1904 102 1900 57 Subdivision of land Cherokee Nation: 1901 73 1902 101 1902 53 1903 117 1903 63 1904 113 1904 59 Subdivisional survey: 1899 20 21 1901 32 38 1896 128 1902 43 Provision for payment of Chickasaw 1904 9 Nation 1896 112 Subpoenaes, Commission authorized to is sue: 1896 83 1897 98 1897 98 1899 66 1899 67 1900 56 1900 56 1901 72 1901 72 1909 52 1902 52 1903 62 126 1903 62 1904 58 121 1904 58 Stephens, Wm., decision of Supreme Suffrage, right of Creek Nation: 1896 155 1899 It 10 169 Sugar, amount allowed field parties: 1901 188 1901 105 Stevenson, Mack, memorial of Chickasaw freedmen: 1894 53 Suit of Cherokee Freedmen v. Cherokee Nation: 1899 70 Stewirt Robert W 1901 92 1903 130 1896 1904 136 1896 161 Sulphur Springs: Letter to Commission December 18, 1896 1896 163 Reservation, jurisdiction of United States Court 1902 100 December 16 1896 1903 116 1896 159 1904 112 Stonewall: Reservation of 1902 99, 1903 . . 115 1905. . . 64 1904. . . 104 120 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Summit, reservation for town site at: 1901 1903 Supplemental agreement: With Cherokees 1902 With Choctawa and Chickasaws 1901 1902 With Creeks 1902... Supplies: Amount of, for field parties 1901 , Invoices for field parties 1901... Supreme Court: Appeal to, in citizenship cases 1898... 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Appeal of Chickasavv freedmen 1901 Appeal to, in Choctaw and Chicka- saw citizenship cases 1901 Appeal of Creek claims to 1896 Appeal of intermarried Cherokees to 1905 Appeal to, in Delaware case Page. 39 34 106 106 , 69, 168 72 88, 187 69 79 75 63 61 155 7,26 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Decision in Delaware case 1904 181 Decisions in citizenship cases 1899 160 1901 179 Decision in citizenship case of Jacob S. Ayers 1899 160 1901 188 Mattie J. Ayers 1899 160 1901 188 Stephen G. Ayers 1899 160,188 Jennie Johnson et al. 1899 160 . 1901 190 F. R. Robinson 1899 160 1901 190 Wm. Stephen 1899 160 1901... 188 Supreme Court Continued. Page. Decision in suit of Eastern Band of Cherokees 1899 113, 119, 138 1901 132 Injunction, allotment Delaware lands 1904 34 Opinion of, in citizenship case of Wm. Stephens et al. 1899 169 1901 188 Surplus land: Disposition of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 90 1903 106 1904 102 Creek Nation 1897 51 1904 10, 123 Cherokee Nation, disposition of 1899 50 Of the Seminole Nation, disposition of 1904 11 Survey: Expense of 1896 118 Essential to allotment 1896 101 Not made as provided in treaty of 1866 1894 26 Of Choctaw Nation, request by freed men 1894 82 Progress of 1902 44 Provisions of act of March 2, 1895 1899 20 Of improvements 1900 29 1901 38 1903 31 Of Indian lands 1897 <J7 1899 21 , 66 1900 55 1901 71 1902 51 1903 61 1904 57 Of lands to be made without expense to tribes 1897 14 1898 31 1899 41 1900 68 1901 .. 84 1902 65 1903 75 1904 71 Of town sites 1897 54 1898 .- 21 1899 35,51,53,61 THE FIVE CIVI Survey Continued. Page. of town sites 1900 37 47 62 LIZED TKIBES. Tallahassee colored boarding school, res ervation for Continued. 1900 121 Page. 49 50 77 87 83 39 34 42 52 52 79,88 89, 104 85,100 42 118 19 33, 50 36, 60 76 56 66 62 104 15 33 43 70 86 66 76 72 87 103 99 46 46 73 83 79 17 32 69 75 55 65 61 102 118 114 1901 47 78 1901 1902 58 74 97 1902 1903 68 84,113 1903.. . 1904 64, 80, 109 1904... Cherokee Nation 1899 51 Taneha, reservation for town site at: 1901 In Chickasaw Nation 1896 118 1903 Tax: On cattle in Cherokee Nation 1900 Appropriation for 1900 73 1901 89 1902 . . 70 Creek Nation 1900 1903 80, 126 1904 76,121,124 1901 Expense to be borne by United States 1896 103 1902 1903 1904 1899 63 On leased land, Cherokee Nation 1900 1900 42, 51 1901 . . 52 Taxation: Allotments exempt from 1896 1902 -- 78,84,107 1903 ... 88,100,123 1904 .... 84,96,119 Of allotted land 1898 Surveyors for Commission provided for: 1897 . 97,98 1899 1898 23 1900 1899 36, 66 1901 1900 - 55, 56, 63 1902 1901 71,72,79 1903 1902 51,52,59 1904 1903 - 61 , 62, 69 For school purposes 1904 57,58,65 Suspension of allotment, Cherokee Na tion: 1904 32 1897 1898 Swimmer, appointment at, for enroll ment of Cherokees: 1902 30 1900 1901 Sypher, J. Hale, attorneys fees: 1904 125 1903 Table of genealogy, Mississippi Choctaws: 1902 162 Of homesteads 1902 TalT, Joseph A., to locate coal and asphalt lands: 1903 1904 Tahlequah: Conference at 1896 125,130,136,137 Creek Nation 1900 1901 1902 1897 ... 29,31,32,35 1903 Enrollment of Cherokees at 1904 1901 23 Of land- Adjacent to Fort Smith 1898 Establishment of land office at 1904 32 International conference at 1897 31 1899 - 1900 Invitation to visit 1896 127 1901 1902 Tahlequah Mission, reservation for: 1899 54 1903 1904 Tallahassee colored boarding school, res ervation for 1897 52 In Cherokee Nation 1902 1903 1899 ... 61 1904 122 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Taxation Continued. Page. Of land- In Choctaw and Chickasaw na tions 1896 99, 101 1897 12 1898 28 1899 40 1900 67 1901 83 1902 63 1903 73 1904 69 In Creek Nation 1897 61 1899 60 Of town property 18% 103 1897 54 1898 20 1899 34, 62 1900 38, 47, 61 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of town lots Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897... 1899 1900 1901 , 1902 1903 1904 At Wewoka 1899 , 1901 1902 1903 1904 Of tribal property Taylor, Beams v., contest case of: 1903 Tea, amount allowed field parties: 1901 Telegram: From John F. Brown, December 10, 1897 1897 Secretary of the Interior, November 1, 1897 1897 Telegrams by field employees: 1901 Telegraph lines, construction of: 1903 1904 Telephone lines, construction of: 1903 1904 Teller, H. M., investigation of conditions in Indian Territory: 1894... 48,77 57,75 67,85 63,81 58 111 129 129 155 153 105 65 107 41 Tennessee: Page. Notice of allotment to be published in 1898 13 1899 76 Tents, purchase of: 1899 12 Tenure of office bill, suspension of: 1896 112, 120 Termination of Commission: 1905 5, 8 Provision for 1904 7, 10, 123 Termination of grazing leases: 1901 80 1902 61 Terms of leasing of lands: 1896 102 Terms of payment for town lots: 1896 1 02 Terrell, reservation for town site at: 1896 118 Testimony: In contest, conflicting 1902 158 In contest cases 1902 161 Territorial government: Establishment of 1897 99 1899 68 1900 57 1901 73 1902 53 1903 63 1904 59 For Chickasaw Nation 1894 10 For Creek Nation 1894 9 Impracticability of 1897 88 Not desired by Seminoles for twenty- five years 1897 72 Texas: Notice of allotment to be published in 1898 13 1899 76 Thackerville, reservation for town site at: 1896 118 Thompson, B. F., decision of citizenship court, enrollment case of: 1904 132 Thompson, Mayor v., contest case of: 1904 193 Thompson, William C., opinion of Assist ant Attorney-General, enrollment case of: 1905 16 Tickets of admission to Cherokee land office: 1905 48 Tiger v. Huckaby, contest case of: 1902... 157 THE FIVE Timber: Allotment of 1903 CIVI Page. 52 15 69 52 52 79 89 85 22 35 62 78 58 68 64 25 8,36 44 42, 45 LIZED TRIBES. Titles to allotments Continued. Creek Nation 1900 123 Page. 48 Character and location of 1894 . .. 1901 49 1902 76 Destruction of 1895 1903 86 1904. 82 Disposition of In Creek Nation 1900 Title to cemeteries: 1899 63 Title to Indian lands: 1897 69 1901 1902 1899 160 1903 1900 11 1904 1901.. . 179 Royalty 1898 Complications of 1897 89 1899 Extinguishment of 1897 97 1900 1901 1899 66 1902 1900 55 1903 1901 71 1904 1902 51 Estimation of 1899 1903 61 1904 57 1901 Title to town lots, acquirement by persons: 1898 white 8 1902 Pine, allotment of Choctaw Nation 1904 Tobler v. Sorus, contest case of: 1903 150 Sale of 1898 23 36 63 79 59 69 65 46 10 109 20 51 98 119 118 14 US 39 107 123 119 Toles, identification of Mississippi taws at: 1902 Choc- 24 1899 1900 1901 Topographical township plat: 1899 78 IQflO 1903 Town cemeteries: Establishment of 1900 38 1904 Unestimated pine 1904. Location of 1900 48 . . 48 Tishomingo: Conference at 1901 1902 75, 107 1896 1903 85 123 1904 81 119 Enrollment of children at 1905... . . Reservation for 1899 61 Establishment of land office at 1903 1900 40 103 Town governments, powers of: 1896 Removal of Chickasaw land office from 1905 Town lots: Advertisement of sale 1897 13 Reservation for Capital building, Chickasaw Na tion 1896 1898 31 1899 41 1900 68 Townsite at 1896 1901 84 1902 64 Trial of citizenship cases at 1903 74 Tishomingo County, town sites in: 1896 1904 70 Appraisement of 1896 102 118 Titles to allotments: Cherokee Nation 1900 .... 1897 53 1898 21 1899 35,51,62 1902 1900 .. 37,47,62,74 1903 1901 47,64,68,78,90 .. 58.70,74 1904... 1902... 124 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Town lots Continued. Page. Appraisement of 1903 68, 80, 84 1904 64, 76, 80 Improvements upon 1898 21 1899 35 1900 62 1901 78 1902 58 1903 68 1904 (5-4 Concessions to owners 1899 52 Disposition of 1896 147, 154, 155 Funds derived f ronv sale of 1896 103 Expense of appraising 1896 103 Freedmen not entitled to hold Chick- asaw Nation 1896 119 Improvements not to be considered in appraisement of 1899 6 2 Incumbrance of 1899 63 Issuance of patents for 1896 100, 119 1898 22 1899 35, 62 1900 48 1901 64, 69, 78 1902 58, 97 1903 68,113 1904 64, 109 Seminolc Nation 1897 77 1899 88 1901 55 1902 81,110 1903 91 1904 87 Occupancy by mining industries 1897 15 1898 33 1899 43 1900 70 1901 86 1902 66 1903 76 1904 72 Payment for 1897 14 1898 31 1899 41 1900 68 1901 84 1902 64 1903 74 1904 70 Purchase of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 13 1898 30 1899... 41 Town lots Continued. Pago. Purchase of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1900 : 68 1901 84 1902 64 1903 74 1904 70 Sale of 1896 102, 119 1897 13, 53, 77 1898 21 , 30 1899 35, 41, 52, 62, 88 1900 37, -17, 62, 68, 74 1901 48, 55, 6 1 , 68, 7S, Si, 90 1902 58, 64, 70, 75, SI , 106 1903 (58, 74, SO, S5, 91 , 122 1904 64, 70, 76, 81, S7, 118 Taxation of 1896 103 1897 11, 54 1898 20, 31 , 40 1899 31, 11, 90 1900 :J8, 47, 61, 68 1901 48, 5S, 77, 84 1902 57, <il, 75, 107, 110 1903 67, 74, 85, 1 23, 129 1904 63, 70, XI , 119 Terms of payment 1896 102 Towns: Condition of 1894 18 Incorporation of 1896 103, 114, 132, 1 15, 155 1897 54 1898 19, 20 1899 33, 63 1900 41, 60, 74 1901 76, JO 1902 57, 71 1903 66,81 1904 62, 77 Population of 1894 14 1895 70 Rapid growth of 1895 69 Townsend, Hosca, decisions in citizen ship cases: 1899 108 1901 127 Township plat, showing allotment of land, Creek Nation 1899 68 Town site, reservation at: Ada 1901 39 1903..... 35 Alabama 1901 39 1903 34 Ardmore 1896 102 Wewoka 1897 77 1899... 88 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TEIBES. 125 Town site, reservation at Continued. Page, Wewoka 1901 1902 1903 1904 Aylesworth 1903 Beggs 1901... Bennington 1903 Blackstone 1901 1903 Blue 1903 Boswell 1903 Bryant Station 1901 1903 Coalgate 1903 Crowder City 1903 Fort Gibson 1899 Fort Towson 1903 Francis 1901 1903 1904 Garvin Gibson Station 1901 1903.... Gilbert 1903 Gray 1901 1903 Haileyville 1903 Hall 1901 1903 Harrington 1903 Helen 1901 1903 Henryetta 1901 1903. Hugo 1903 Hunter 1903 Inola 1901 1903 , Kellyville 1901 1903... 35 3-1 Town site, reservation at Continued. Page. Kiowa 1903 34 Leliaetta 1901 39 1903 34 Madill 1901 39 1903 35 Mazie 1901 39 1903 34 Mead Mounds 1901 1903 North Coalgate 1903 North Fork 1903 Okmulgee 1901 1903 Oktaha 1901 1903 Purnell 1903 Kavia 1901 1903 Red Fork 1901 1903 Roff 1901 1903 Rosed ale 1901 1903 Ross 1901 1903 Russett 1903 Seullin 1901 1903 Soper 1903 South McAlester 1896 Stonewall 189G Summit 1901... Taneha 1901 1903 Tishomingo 1896 Tulsa 1900 Valliant 1903... 34 34 35 34 102 118 118 34 126 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Town site, reservation at Continued. Page. Wetumka 1901 39 Winchell 1901 39 Wapanucka 1903 34 Wetumka 1903 34 Wewoka, establishment of 1899 89 1901 57 1902 110 1903 128 1904 128 Winchell 1903 34 Windy Hill 1903 34 Woodville 1901 39 1903 35 Yeager 1901 39 1903 34 Town-site act, March- 3, 1903: 1903 10 Town-site commission : Appointment of 1897 53 1899 61 1900 74 1901 64, 69, 90 1902 70, 84, 97, 107 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 13 1898..... 30 1899 40 1900 67 1901 83 1902 64 1903 74 1904 70 Cherokee Nation 1899 51 . In Seminole Nation 1899 89 1901 57 1902 110 1903 128 1904 128 Cherokee Nation 1902 105 1903 121 1904 115 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 97 1903 . 113 1904 109 Provision for appointment 1898 21 1899 34 1900 61 1901 77 1902 58 1903 68 1904.... 64 Town-site commissioners, appointment of: l ;ige. 1903 80, 100, 113,1 23 1904 76, 96, 101), 1 1 J Town-site committees, appointment of, Cherokee Nation: 1899 51 1900 37 Town-site fund: Distribution of 1898 22 1899 35, 52 1900 62 1901 78 1902 58 1903 68 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 14 1898 31 1899 41 1900 68 1901 X4 1902 65 1903 75 1904 71 Town-site map of Indian Territory: 1902 162 Town site plr.ts, where filed: 1899 51 1900 37, 47, 73 1901 47, 8 J 1902 70,74 1903 80, 81 1904 76, 80 Town sites: Additions to 1901 64, 68 Approval by Secretary of the Inte rior 1896 102 Appraisement of 1899 53 1902 84, 97 1903 100, 113, 126 1904 %, 109, 127 Land adjacent to 1899 20,51,60 Appropriation for establishment of 1900 73 1901 8 J 1902 70 1903 80 1904 7G, 124 Area of, in Creek Nation 1899 61 Character of 1894 11 Compensation for improvements 1901 64, 68 Condition of title 1895 70 Distance apart 1896 102 Distance from cemeteries 1896 103 Disposition of Cherokee Nation 18% . . . 132 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 127 Town sites Continued. Page. Disposition of Choctaw Nation 1896 97 Creek Nation 1896 115 Desired by Chickasaw.s 1897 23 Seminole Nation 1897 72 Establishment of 1902 84 1903 34,102 1904 98 Act of March 3, 1903 1904 27 1905 61 Cherokee Nation 1902 105 1903 121 1904 117 Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1897 13 1898 30 1899 40 1900 67 1901 64, 68, 83 1902 64,97 1903 74, 113 1904 70,109 In Creek Nation 1896 .. 145,154 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. Expense of appraising and selling 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 p]xpenseof establishment to be borne by United States 1897 1899 Expense of platting to be borne by United States 1897... 54 51,63 1899. 14 31 41 1900 51,68 1901 52,84 1902 65,78 1903 75,88 1904 Filing of plats 1896 1897... 71,84 102 13,54 198 21,30 35,41 62,68 78, 84 1899. 1900. 1901. Town sites Continued. Page. Filing of plats 1902 58, 64 1903 68, 74 1904 64, 70 How establish ed 1895 70 Location of cemeteries 1899 52 Panola County, Chickasaw Nation 1896 118 Platting of 1896 102, 118 1903 126 1904 122 Pontotoc County, Chickasaw Nation 1896 H8 Population of 1900 37 Reservation for 1894 11,13,14 1895 69 1897 52 1898 19 1899 32,49,^1,63 1900 37, 40, 59, 74 1901 39, 75. 90 1902 45, 55, 71, 85 1903 65,81 101 1904 01,7.1, 97 Reservation, Chickasaw Nation 1896 114, 18 Reservation for Choctaw and Chickasaw nations 1902 97 1903 113 1904 109 Creek Nation 1894 8 1900 49 1901 50 1902 , 76 1903 C S6 1904 82 Sale of 1899 53 1902 97 1903 113 1904 109 Survey of 1896 118 1898 21 1899 35, 51, 53 1900 37, 42, 47, 62 1901 47,78 1902 58, 74, 97 1903 68, 84, 113, 126 1904 61,80,105,121 Tishomingo County, Chickasaw Na tion 1896 118 Tract book, form of: 1899 72 Trahern, Lula B., opinion of citizenship court in enrollment case of: 1904 , 131 128 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Train robberies, frequency of: 1895 Page. 75,76 Treaty of 1830 Continued. Provisions of J age. 1898 1899 7: 74 1(J8 1894 15 1901 127 Treaties: Effect on enrollment of citizens Rights of MississippiChoctawsunder 1899 73 77 1898 3 Not to be affected by- Creek agreement With Creek Nation 1899 150 1899 65 1901 175 1900 53 1901 53 1899 CA 1902 80 1903 yo Treaty of 1834: 1904 86 Provisions of 1899 109 Cherokee agreement 1901 128 1899 58 Relation to act of Congress Article 3 1897. .. 69 1894 30 Relation of, to laws With Creek Nation 1899 156 1894 48 To be observed in the enrollment of citizens iSOfi 83 Treaty of 1835 with Cherokees: 1897 39 1897 98 1899 115 1899 67 1901 134 1900 56 Treaty of 1855, provisions of: 1901 189*) 108 1902 52 1901 127 1903 62 Treaty of 1856 provisions of 1904 58 1897 .... 69 Witli Seminoles not to be affected by agreement of December 1G 1897 Treaty of 1866: 1898 13 1897 78 1899 7( ),75,]08 1899 88 1901 92 127 129 1901 55 1902 122 1902 82 1904 136 3903 92 Cession of territory to United States 1904 88 1894 . 50, 51 Treatment of freedmen: 1894 19 24 Construction of article 9, Cherokee freedmen 1904 166 Treaty of 1785 with Cherokees: 1899 114 Nonfulfillment of, as to freedmen 1901 133 Treaty of 1791 with Cherokees: Provisions as to Cherokee freedmen 1894 26, -17 1899 114 1901 132 1891 *(> 47 Treaty of 1819 with Cherokees: 1899 115 Provisions as to Semiiiole freedmen 1894 17 1901 134 Settlement of claims under Treaty of 1820 provisions or 1^99 04 1899 108 Stipulations concerning Choctaw and 1901 127 Chickasaw freedmen Treaty of 1828 with Cherokees 1899 14 1899 115 With Cherokees 1901 134 1899 IKS, 167 Treaty of 1830 1901 137 186 1901 20 Witli Choctaw and Chickasaw IIM- Compliance with article 14 essential tions 1894 36 1902 28 Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek: Object of 1898 10 1899 93 1899 74,78 1901... 112 1901... 20 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 129 Treaty of New Echota: 1899 Page. 96, 115 Tribal elections: 1895 Page. 65 87 1901 134 Tribal funds Treaty provisions superseded by agree ment approved July 1 1902 Distribution of 1896. 114 1902 100 1897. . 17 97 1903 115 1898 8 23 25 35 1904 i 112 1899 36,37 ,44 66 Treaty stipulation: 1900 55, 63 , 64, 71 Disregarded by Indians 1901 71 79 80 87 1894 17 1902 51 59 61 67 Insufficiency of law for fulfilling in 1903 61 69 71 77 Choctaw freedmen 1904... . .. 57,65 67 73 1894. 29 Act of Choctaw council Treaty wrongs, power of Congress to 1895 88 remedy: 1894 48 Cherokee Nation 1894 11 Trials in contest cases 1896 132 1899 . . 86 1900 42 1901 . .. 101 In Chickasaw Nation 1902. 113 1894 10 1903 165 1896 120 1904 199 Choctaw Nation Tribal court abolition of 1896 97 1897 39 Choctaw and Chickasaw na . 1898 8 26 tions 1899 .... . . . 38 168 1902... 100 1900 43 65 1903 116 1901 81 1904 112 1902 61 Creek Nation 1903 71 1897 51 1904 67 1899 59 65 Tribal courts* 1900 50 Corruption of 1901 .. 51 1897 41 1902 78 Jurisdiction of 1903 88 1895 75 1904 84 1897 54 88 Seminole Nation Over guardians 1894 13 1904 44 1897 72,78 Transferred to United States 1899 88 1896 97 114 132 145 155 1901 55 1897 91 99 1902 . 81 1899 68 1903 91 1900 57 1904 87 1901 73 1902 53 1894 IS 1903 63 1904 59 Investment of 1896 105 Seminole Nation, jurisdiction of 1897 17 1897 78 1898 35 1899 88 1899 44 1901 55 1900 71 1901 87 1903 92 1902 67 1904 88 1903 77 Weakness of 1904 73 1894 17 189,") 75 In possession of United States Gov Tribal court-houses, reservations for: 1902 ernment, statement of 1901 217 1903 108 Right of Cherokee f reodmen to share 1904 104 1899 70 Tribal customs to be respected in deter 1901 92 mination of citizenship* 1903 130 3896... 83 1904... 136 15013- 130 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Tribal funds Continued. Right of Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen to share in 1894 Page. 27 55 10 14, 132 27 55 42 100 124 16 34 44 71 87 67 77 73 9 145 64 18 126 31,121 17 , 75, 78 162 181 17,20 68 60 5 C9 105 16 34 43 . 70 86 67 77 73 87 3 113 Tribal laws Continued. Not to be enforced in United States court 1898 .... Page. 26 38,168 65 81 61 71 67 16 1(5,34 44 71 87 67 77 73 43, 52 53 80 90 73,86 83 98 67 56 72 59 To be paid into United States Treas ury 1897 1899 1900 1901 Tribal government: Dissolution of 1894 1902 1903 1904 1896 97 105 1 Not to conflict with Constitution of United States 1894 1899 Cherokee 1899 Publication of 1898 1900 . 1902. 1899 1903 . . 1900 Choctaw and Chickasaw 1897. 1901 1902 1893 1903 1899 1904 1900 Subject to Presidential approval 1900 . . 1901 190 9 1901 1903 1902. 1904 1903 Creek 1894 1904 To be respected in enrollment of citizens 1896 1896 1899 Seminole 1894 1897 1899 1903 1900 ... 1904 1901 Corruption of 1894 190 1903 62 58 113 99 f 7 1895 69 1904 1899 With respect to mining 1896 1901 Failure of 1894 Tribal leases, Commission authorized to investigate: 1897 1895 Impossibility of continuance 1895 icqq 1900 56 72 53 63 59 105 105 91, 100 8,34 43,68 57, 70 . 86, 91 , 67, 71 , 77, 81 ,73,77 8 125 Inadequacy of 1905 1901 1992 - . . Integrity of, guaranteed 1897 1903 1904 Legal proceedings against 1896 Tribal legislation: Publication of 1896 Legislation against 1897 To be subject to Presidential ap proval 1896 1898 1900 1897 16, 55, 72, 88, 1898 1901 1902 1903 1904 1 qn<} 54 Perpetuation of 1895 1903 64 * 1904 60 Tribal laws: Effect on enrollment of citizens 1898 . . . Tribal officials, assistance rendered by: 1898 Tribal property : Leasing of Cherokee Nation 1896... Governing leases 1896... THE FIVE CIVILIZED TEIBES. 131 Tribal property Continued. Right of Mississippi Choctaws to share in 1901 Page. 21 Tulsa: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at Page. Tribal rolls: 1905 64 65 Confirmation of 1896 83 Establishment of United States court 1897 98 1899 1899 67 1900 56 1901 72 1905 1902. . 52 1903 62 1899 1904 58 1900 Corruption of 1895 73 Tuskahoma: Conference at 1898 4 1894 9 1900 13 21 1895 62 66 1904 9 1896 95 Difficulties in obtaining 1897 7 1900 19 Enrollment of children at Fraud in preparation of 1905 20 1902 11 Tuskahoma Female Seminary reserva Inaccuracy of 1902 11 tion for: 1896 101 Of Seminole Nation, requested 1897 11 1897 73 1898 27 To be given due force and effect in 1899 39 preparation of final rolls 1900 ... 66 1897 98 1901.. 82 1899 67 1902. 62 92 1900 . 56 1903 72 108 1901 72 1904 68 104 1902 52 Tuskaloosa Academy reservation for- 1903 62 1896 101 1904 58 Unallotted lands, disposition of- To be respected in determination of 1897 97 citizenship 1899 66 18% 83 1900 55 Unreliability of 1901 71 1897. 93 1902 51 1903 61 1904 57 1896 104 Unimproved lands, in contest cases, For tribal property 1896 award of: 1903 160 Term of office 1896 104 United States citizenship: Conferred on Tucker, Harrison v., decision of Commis Cherokees 1899 58 sion in contest case of: 1901 41 Choctaws and Chickasaws Tucker, Wm. N., decision of United States 1897 106 17 court in citizenship case: 1898 . . 36 1899 106 1899 1901 125 1900 Tucker v. Jamison, contest case of 1901 87 1902 126 1 or) -IAF. 1902 68 1903 78 1904 1904 74 Tuttle, Brown v., contest case of: Creeks 1897. 55 1903 149 Tuttle, segregation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 64 United States commissioner to be lo cated at: Claremore 1899.... 67 132 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. United States commissioner to be located at Continued. Fairland 1899 Page. 57 57 57 57 57 81,83 69 72 88 16,69 79 75 89 35 44 71 87 68 78 74 91 15 61,110 16,93 108 105 15 77,92 111 99 118 98 117 147 166 105 124 100 106 125 156 175 United States court Continued. Establishment of In Indian Territory 1895 Page. 72 Nowata 1899 .. -. 1899 163 1901 181 Sallisaw 1899 . : At Claremore 1899 57 Tahlequah 1899 Establishment, at Wewoka 1897 Vinita 1899 Extension of jurisdiction 1896 .. 114,145 54 91 99 United States court: Appeal to, in citizenship cases 1896 1897 1898 8 16 9 6 1899 31 38 68 ] 64, 165, 166 . 57,58,65- 83, 184, 185 53 54 61 1899 1900 1900 1901 73 74 81 1901 1902 . 1902 1903... . 63 64 71 1903 1904 59 60 67 1904 Recommended 1895 78 Authority to compel allotment of land 1897 Finality of decision 1905 13 Decision, in case of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations v. United States and Wichita Indians Injunction, enrollment of Cherokee freedmen 1902... no 1903 .. 27,136 1904 . 24,142 1900 Invalidity of decisions, in citizenship cases 1901 fifi fi? 1901 1902 Jurisdiction, in citizenship cases 1897 99 1903 Decision, in citizenship cases 1899 1899 67 1 9 8 1900 56 1901 &2 ,66,72,147 52 1900 1902 1901 1902 1004 1903 1905 1904 Jurisdiction, in municipalities 1898. 21 Decision, in citizenship case of Jack Amos et al. 1898 1899 31 1900 61 1899 1901 77 1901 1902 57 S. J. Cundiff 1899 1903 67 1904 63 1901 Jurisdiction of 1895 75 E. J. Home 1899 . 1896 97, 104, 132 16 88 1901 1897 Caleb W. Hubbard et al. 1899 1898 33 1899 . 28,43,63 70 86 1901 1900 3T. R. Robinson 1899 1901 1902 66 1901 1903 76 W. S. Senter 1899 1904 72 In enforcement of tribal laws 1898 26 1901 Wm. N. Tucker 1899 1899 38, 168 1900 65 1901 1901 81 Decision, in Creek citizenship cases 1899 1902 61 1903 71 1901... 1904... 67 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 133 United States court Continued. Jurisdiction of Seminole Nation 1897... 1901 1902 1903 1904 Sulphur Springs Reservation 1902 1903 1904 Jurisdiction over- Bribery 1897 1899 Embezzlement 1897 1899 Embracery 1897 1899 Homicide 1899 Real estate 1897 1899 Mandamus proceedings for enroll ment of Cherokee freedmen 1897 Objection of Cherokees to jurisdic tion being extended 1897 Opinion in citizenship case by William J. Watts 1901 Plats for town sites to be filed with 1896 ... Review of decisions by citizenship court 1904 Suspension of jurisdiction 1838 To record Cherokee patents 1900 To record Seminole leases 1897 1901 1902 1903 1904 United States court claimants, mes sage of: Green McCurtain 1901 Governor Johnson 1901 United States Government, statement of tribal funds in possession of: 1901 United States Indian agent, data required concerning enrollment of Creeks: 1904... Page. 100 114 112 93 38 133 102 12 4 43 77 54 81 91 87 215 209 217 22 United States laws not to be interfered Ptge. with by municipal ordinances: 1897 14 1898 31 1899 41 1900 68 . 1901 84 1902 65 1903 75 1904 71 Usurpation of authority by Choctaw Nation: 1896 120 Validity of allotment, Cherokee Nation: 1904 124 Valley, alienation of land for town-site purposes at: 1905 64 Valliant, reservation for town site at: 1903 34 Vance, Sorrel r., contest case of: 1903 148 Van Deventer, William, opinion, act of May 31, 1900: 1901 208 Van Deventer, opinion, rights of Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen: 1901 206 Vann, G. W., improperly placed on Kern- Clifton roll: 1897 29 Vaughn, Benjamin J., decision of Depart ment, enrollment case of: 1905 14 Vegetables, amount allowed field parties: 1901 106 Vera, alienation of land for town-site pur poses at: 1905 64 Verbal transfer of improvements, contest cases: 1903 160 Verification of complaint in contest cases: 1902 161 Vian, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 30 Vilas, William F. , report concerning freed men: 1894 40, 45 Vinegar, amount allowed field parties: 1901 106 Vinita: Alienation of land for town-site pur poses at 1905 64 Conference with Cherokees at 1896 115, 131, 136 Enrollment of Cherokees at 1900 25 1901 23 Cherokee freedmen at 1902 33 Establishment of Fair grounds at 1900... 42 134 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Vinita Continued. Establishment of Land office at 1903 Page. 41 Wallace roll: Of Cherokee freedmen Amendments by Secretary of In terior Page. Headquarters at 1897 85 1895 . . 84 Confirmation of 1896 131 1902 122 Removal of headquarters from 1903 134 1895 88 1904 140 United States commissioner to be located at Incorrectness of 1897 83 1899 57 Revision of Violation of treaties by Indians: 1894 11 1894 17 Voters: 1897 85 Qualification of 1896 155 Unlawful enrollment of Cherokee 1898 20,26 1899 34 I 18,63 65 1900 61,65 1901 77,81 1902 57,61 Wann, alienation of land for town-site 1903 67 71 purposes at: 1905 64 1904 63 67 Municipal elections 1899 c.0 Wapan\icka, reservation for town site at: 1903 34 Qualifications, ratification of Wapanucka Institute, reservation for: 1896 119 1900.. 44 Washington 1902. 109 Conference at 1903 125 1895 59 1904 121 1900 11 Choctaw and Chickasaw agree 1901 60 ment 1901 65 70 Conference with Chickasaws at 1896 117 1902 61 100 1903 116 1902 86 1901 112 1903 102 Vouchers form of 1904 qg 1901 105 106 Wads worth, McNac v., decision of Depart 1902 86 ment in contest case of: 1903 102 1902 48 Wagons, purchase of: 1899 12 Washington, Willie, enrollment of: 1902 86 Wagon grease for field parties: 1903 102 1901 105 1904 98 Wagoner: Enrollment of Creeks at 1897 64 Waters, Tekinney: Appointed Cherokee commissioner 1896 127 1899 61 Letter to Commission 1900 46 October 28, 1897 1897 38 1903 . . 143 152 December 17, 1896 1896 135 1903 150 Water, quality and quantity of: Walker, T. C.: 1894 15 Letter to Commission 1896 117 Waterworks, provision for: 1899 63 Memorial to Congress 1900 41 49 1897 21 50 Wallace, John W. appointed agent to 1902 . .... 77,98 make roll of Cherokee freedmen: 1903 87, 114 1897. . . 85 1904... 83,110 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. 135 Watts, William J., etal.: Motion for rehearing in citizenship case of Page. Wetumka Continued. Mission, reservation for 1897 Page. 52 1899 142 Wewoka: 1901 161 Act providing for town site at Opinion of United States court in citi 1901 57 zenship case of 1902 110 1899 133 1903.. 128 1901 152 1904 128 Wauhillau, enrollment of Cherokees at 1902 30 Closing of land office at 1902 43 Waurika, alienation of land for town-site purposes at Conference with Seminoles at 1894 12 1905 64 1896 . 169 Wayne, reservation for town site at: 1897 71 1896 118 Enrollment of Weakness of tribal courts: 1894 17 Children at 1905 33 1895 .. . 74 Seminoles at Wealaka boarding school, reservation for: 1900 12 1899 61 1901 .. 30 1900 49 Establishment of 1901 50 Land office at 1902 77 1901 31 1903 87 1904 31 1904 .. . 83 Municipal government at W T ealaka Mission, reservation for: 1899 90 1897. 52 1901 58 Weaver, Walter L., opinion in citizenship 1902 111 case: 1903 129 1904 130 1904 129 Welch, enrollment cl Cherokees at: 1900 25 Seminole land office at 1905 53 Welcomie, Lemuel, decision of Depart ment enrollment case of Town site at 1897 77 1905 26 1899 89 Weleetka alienation of land for town-site 1901 55 purposes at: 1902 81 1904 29 1903 91 1905 64 1904 87 Wellington, enrollment of Creeks at: 1897 57 United States court at 1897 , .... 72 West, Lula, assistant attorney-general, enrollment case of: Municipal election at 1899 90 1905 15 1901 58 W r estville, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902 111 1900 25 1903 129 1901 23 1904 129 Wetumka: Alienation of land for town-site pur Reservation for public buildings at 1899 89 poses at 1901 57 1904 29 190 9 110 1905 64 1903 128 Boarding school reservation for 1901 128 1899 61 Seminole leases to be recorded at 1900 49 1897 78 1901 50 1901 54 1902 77 1902 81 1903 87 1903 91 1904 83 1904 87 Enrollment of Creeks at 1897 64 Taxation of town lots at 1899 90 1902 36 1901 58 Reservation of town site at 1902 111 1901. . 39 1903 129 1903... 34 1904... 129 136 THE FIVE CIVILIZED TKIBES. Wheelock Orphan Seminary, reservation for: 1896 Page. 101 11 27 39 66 82 62,92 72, 107 68, 104 71 77 17 88 9 30 72 94 133 139 29 70 92 122 130 136 35 44 71 87 68 78 74 51 171 190 34 54 42 103 119 115 99 68 Willie, F. E., reimbursement for serv ices Continued. 1900 Page. 57 73 53 63 59 39 34 34 40 20 83 98 25 37,67 56,64 72,80 52,60 62,70 58,66 87 102 114 16i> 199 76 10 54 39 35 118 39 34 24 25 24 25 93 27 30 1897 1901. 1898 1902 1899 1903 1900 1904 1901 Winchell, reservation for town site at: 1901 1902 1903 1903 1904 Windy Hill, reservation for town site at: 1903 White persons in Indian Territory: Condition of 1895 Wisdom, Dew M., report concerning Chickasaw and Cherokee freedmen: 1894 Duty of United States Government toward 1895 Wister, enrollment of children at: 1905 Number of 1894 Witnesses: Commission to compel attendance 1896 1897 1898 1897 Whitmire, enrollment of Cherokees at: 190 1898 1899 Whitmire, Mo?es: Fee in Cherokee freedmen case 18S9 1900 1901. 1902 1903 1901 1904 1%4 In contest cases 1899 Improperly omitted from Kern-Clif ton roll 1897. 1901 1902.. 1903 Suit v. Cherokee Nation 1899 1904 Intimidation of, in criminal cases 1901 1902 Wolf, Hon. Jonas, suggests conference with Chickasaws: 1894 1903 1904 Wichita Indians: Claims of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations against 1898 Woodmount Mission, reservation for: 1899 Woodville. reservation for town site at: 1901 1899 1903 1900 Wynwood, reservation for town site at. 1896 1901 1902 \eager reservation for town site at. 1901 1903 1904 1903 Settlement on leased districts 1894 Yeargain ; Joseph D., et ai.< decision in enrollment case of: 1903 Wiggs, Richard C., etal., opinion of Su preme Court in citizenship case of: 1899 1904 Yeargain Scott A , et ai.. decision in en rollment case of. 1903 1901 Wild Horse, reservation for town site at: 1903 .... 190-1. Willie Halsell College, reservation for: 1899 Yellow fever quarantine, delay in inves tigation of Mississippi Choctaw claims caused by: i 1897 1900 1902 1903 York, Thomas, decision in enrollment case of: 1903 1904 Willie, F. E., reimbursement for services: 1897 Zena, enrollment of Cherokees at: 1902... 1899... o > & RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DU ^, W? E n 9 BELOW. .1 T V> \! M <J LUU7 wnv 2 Q ?nn4 FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 50M 4-04 Berkeley, California 94720-6000 3 1"??