STATE OF CALIFORNIA EARL WARREN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES WARREN T. HANNUM. Director DIVISION OF MINES FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO 11 OLAF P. JENKINS. Chief N FRANCISCO SPECIAL REPORT 29 FEBRUARY 1953 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE AFTERTHOUGHT MINE SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By JOHN P. ALBERS Prepared in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE AFTERTHOUGHT MINE, SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA* By John P. Albers " OUTLINE OF REPORT ABSTRACT The Afterthought mine is in Shasta County, California, 24 miles tract 3 northeast of Redding. It is primarily a zinc-copper mine. Between ... „ 1905 and January 31, 1051, it produced 158,525 tons of crude sulfide ore that assayed an average of about 1(5 percent zinc, 2.7 percent tory and production 4 copper, 2 percent lead, 5.0 ounces of silver, and 0.04 ounce of gold. The chief rocks in the mine area are folded shale and tuff beds of eral geology 5 Triassic age, underlain by, and also intruded by, soda rhyolite and riassic rocks 5 soda rhyolite porphyry. Rock contacts and bedding strike northwest Bully Hill rhyolite 5 and in most places dip steeply northeast; a weak cleavage strikes Pit formation 7 northwest and dips steeply southwest. Volcanic breccia of Pliocene ertiary volcanic rocks 8 age overlies the older rocks uneonformably. Four types of faults Tuscan tuff 8 are present — (1) low-angle thrust faults, (2) steep normal faults alus and rock mantle 8 that strike northwest and dip southwest, (3) steep normal faults that strike northeast, and (4) faults that dip northeast. An important k alteration 8 anc ] unusual structural feature is the benchlike contact between soda . o rhyolite and shale. econdary~cTe~a"v~age"__ 8 Along certain zones the rocks have been carbonatized, pyritized, i, o silicified or sericitized. auits7nd7he"a7zo"ne7::::::::::::::::::::::::::: h , The ,° re ***** are ***** replacement deposits that occur (a) m ench structure in sheared and fractured soda rhyolite, (b) as a replacement ot shale along premineral fault contacts between soda rhyolite and limy logic history _ 10 shale, and (c) in limy shale. About 15 sulfide bodies of minable size are known in the mine. The largest of these, the Copper Hill No. 1, bodies 10 now mined out, is estimated to have contained more than 50,000 tons eneral features in of ore, but all the other ore bodies are considerably smaller. The chief haracteristies of the ore 12 structural controls of the ore bodies are: sheared and broken zones in tructural control of the ore bodies 14 the soda rhyolite ; high-angle faults between soda rhyolite and shale ; [ineralogy and paragenesis 15 soda rhyolite benches; a reverse fault that dips northeast; and drag angue minerals . 17 folds in the sedimentary rocks. The ore is a mixture of sulfides and xidation and supergene enrichment 17 gangue minerals. The sulfide minerals are pyrite, sphalerite, chal- enesis of the sulfide bodies 17 copyrite, galena, tetrahedrite, and bornite, with minor amounts of , ,, , , luzonite, covellite, and chalcocite. Gangue minerals are calcite, as favorable for exploration 18 quart _ and barite Oxidation extends only a few feet below the All the known ore bodies in the mine, except the Afterthought Illustrations shear zone ore bodies, are in a block that is GOO feet long, 500 feet p a g e wide, and 700 feet deep. It is in this block that the irregular, bench- e 1. Geologic map of the Afterthought mine area, like contact between soda rhyolite and shale is found, and several Shasta County, California In pocket good prospecting areas along this contact in the upper part of the 2. Composite plan of the Afterthought mine work- mine are indicated. There is also evidence that the benchlike contact ings In pocket between soda rhyolite and shale plunges southeast at a low angle; 3. Geologic plan of the 400 level, Afterthought therefore the writer believes that wildcat prospecting in the mine mine In pocket area should be directed downward toward the southeast below the 4. Geologic plan of upper adits and 100, 200, 300, 5 °0 level. 450, 600, 700, and 800 levels of the After- INTRODUCTION thought mine _____ In pocket The Afterthought mine is in Shasta County, California, 5. Geologic sections A-A', B-B', C-C, D-D', and tt c< tt- i. onn tt> c,a -i ±\ i e r» jr E-E' of the Afterthought mine In pocket oa U " S - m ghway 299 E, 24 miles northeast of Redding. 6. Isometric diagram of the Afterthought mine In pocket Tlie property lies in sees. 10, 11, and 15, T. 33 N., R. 2 "W., ,_. ■, T , . . , Mount Diablo base and meridian. It is near the eastern ire i. index map showing the locations of the After- i in tj i m • t _ • _. /n _>• t \ thought mine and the East Shasta and West end ° f tllC East ShaSta c ?PP er - zmc district. (See fig. 1.) Shasta copper-zinc districts 4 The maximum relief within the mine area is about 800 2. Afterthought mine plant from u. S. Highway 299E. feet, and the canyon of Little Cow Creek, a permanent Little Cow Creek in foreground 4 stream that flows southwest and provides an ample supply S. Prismatic and brecciated Bu y Hill rhyolite near the e + c *i ; • *i l ■ + * l • Afterthought mine _ __ p °* wa ^ er tor the mine, is the dominant topographic 4. Banded sulfide ore overlain by puddiiihead "breccia hi ~ feature. The mine plant and main haulage level are on Copper Hill open cut _ G the east bank of Little Cow Creek at an altitude of 1,125 5. Longitudinal projection of the Afterthought mine, feet. The hillslopes surrounding the mine rise rather showing relative positions of known ore bodies 11 . i . i ±- i? i onn * * i +i * i 6. Sketch showing sawtooth relationship between sulfide" steeply to an elevation of 1,800 feet, where the topography and shale at the northwest end of 412 stope _ 12 becomes much more subdued, owing to the presence of 7. Photograph showing interfingering relationship be- a Tertiarv erosion surface capped bv a permeable volcanic tween sulfide and shale at northwest end of the 120 _ tuff breccia. ( See pi. 1 ; fig. 2. ) 8. Sketch sho"wing"top"or4"20""o7e"body~nearitrnorth~" " The Aft e r thought mine is owned and operated by the west end where it is controlled by drag-folded beds ._ 13 Coronado Copper & Zinc Co., and the property is said to ^ Assay map of the 220 ore body __ 14 include approximately 1,800 acres of patented mineral blication authorized by the Director U S Geological Survey claims consolidated into one block (Lilldberg, 1919, p. 3). i ffi!' ed '" cooperation with th e California state Division of Of this total, less than 60 acres is underlain by mine ' eologist, U. S. Geological Survey. workings. (3) Special Report 29 Scole in Miles Figure 1. Index map showing the location of the Afterthought mine and the East Shasta and West Shasta eopper-zine districts. The mine is developed by nine levels extending through a vertical distance of 720 feet. The 400 level, which is the main haulage level, extends 2,910 feet into the hill. At a distance of 1,450 feet from the portal a 329-foot shaft, the No. 1 shaft, connects the 400 level with the surface. Two underground shafts, one 300 feet deep, and one 400 feet deep, connect the 400 level with deeper workings. The mine workings total 18,700 feet : 16,500 feet in drifts, crosscuts, and stopes and 2.200 feet in raises and shafts. (See pi. 2.) At the time of this study 9,790 feet of the mine work- ings were mapped. An additional 3,200 feet of workings, now inaccessible, were mapped in 1946 by F. W. Stewart, consultant for the Coronado Copper & Zinc Co., and these maps were available to the writer. The remaining 5,710 feet of workings were inaccessible, and geologic data on them are either inadequate or nonexistent. The study of the Afterthought mine is part of a larger project that includes studies of the entire East Shasta and West Shasta copper-zinc districts (fig. 1). The field work in the Afterthought mine area was begun in J 1949 and discontinued in September of the same y Critical areas in the mine were re-examined and : workings were mapped during November and Decea 1950. E. M. MacKevett assisted with the undergro mapping, and operated the plane table during the 1 w r ork, and J. F. Robertson assisted with various phi of the work during 1950. A. R. Kinkel, Jr., and W| Hall of the U. S. Geological Survey spent two days nl ping in the mine during 1949. The writer wishes to acknowledge the many courtel and fine cooperation extended by officials of the Coronl Copper & Zinc Co., especially by Messrs. M. G. Grl R. W. Moore, Lyttleton Price, K. C. Richmond, B.I Stewart, and Jack Widauf . The underground photogreJ that appear in this report were taken by M. G. Grl Dr. James A. Noble of the California Institute of Tl nology kindly loaned the writer nine polished sect] of the ore for study. HISTORY AND PRODUCTION I ! The history of the Afterthought mine dates from alat 1862, when the Copper Hill claim was staked (Frank iii Chappell, 1881, pp. 23-25). Apparently very little \t§ was done on the claim until 1873, when H. M. Peck bo the property. Peck and his employees at first cara sacks of ore on their backs to the top of the hill, w it was loaded on wagons and hauled to Stockton Stockton it was transferred to ships that carried i Baltimore, Maryland, and to Swansea, Wales. About 1875 Peck erected a reverberatory furnace attempted to smelt the ore. This venture was not sue ful, and in 1903 he sold the property to the Great WesM Gold Co. The erection of a 250-ton blast furnace in 1905 resU in the first successful reduction of the ore at the prop Between 1905 and 1927 several different companies ( ated the mine for short periods, and several difft methods of extracting the metals from the ore were l Although the ore carries a high percentage of zinc considerable lead, only copper, gold, and silver wer covered from the ore prior to 1925. Figure 2. Afterthought mine plant from U. S. Highway 293. Little Cow Creek in foreground. Afterthought Mine, Shasta County ^he Coronado Copper & Zinc Co. purchased the After- light property in 1946, and after new ore bodies had m located by exploratory drilling, the company con- lcted a 100-ton selective flotation plant. Mining was *ted in October 1948 and continued until July 1949, ?n the operation was stopped owing to a drop in the ze of metals. In July 1950 the mine was reopened, and ; operated continuously until August 1952. The crude ide ore is ground to 94 percent minus 200 mesh, and concentrates are made by selective flotation. One, a per-lead concentrate, is shipped to a smelter at Tooele, .h ; the other, a zinc concentrate, is shipped to a smel- |at Great Falls, Montana. iccurate records of the production of the Afterthought ie extend back to 1905. Between 1905 and January 31, 1, the mine produced 158,525 tons of crude sulfide ore ft assayed an average of about 16 percent zinc, 2.7 per- et copper, 2 percent lead, 5.0 ounces of silver, and 0.04 ice of gold, 'ollowing is a summary of highlights in the history of k Afterthought mine : 862 : The Copper Hill claim was staked. 373 : H. M. Peck bought the property for $6,000 and .eied it the Peck mine. ip75 : First local attempt was made to treat the sulfide rby direct smelting in a reverberatory furnace (Tucker, 91. p. 425). )03 : Great "Western Gold Co. acquired the property n erected a 250-ton water-jacketed blast furnace, which p*ated successfully from 1905 to 1907 (Lindberg, 1919, )09 : Property was acquired by the Afterthought Cop- eCo. (Tucker, 1924, p. 425). H8-1919: Afterthought Copper Co. used the Har- '(d process to reduce the ore. In this method the sulfide i first pre-roasted in a reverberatory furnace, and then •]?es. •verturned and recumbent folds in the sedimentary •alts near the contact between the Bully Hill rhyolite m the Pit formation have wave lengths that ranp-e from i ?w tens to a few hundreds of feet. These folds ap- •Jllently formed in two stages. In the first stage, very i ous soda rhyolite pushed its way into incompetent e ments of the Pit formation. The intrusion was partly ■02ordant and partly discordant : where concordant, the e ments were wrapped around the intruding rhyolite ; »lre discordant, the sediments were cut or torn by the •faolite. The second stage in the formation of these o s occurred in probable late Jurassic time, when the cks were tilted and folded into their present form. The n sive soda rhyolite acted more or less as a buttress, .1 the result that sediments near the soda rhyolite con- •I were squeezed and contorted into disharmonic struc- D 'S. . T ave lengths of the irregular asymmetrical folds aver- Iless than a hundred feet. These folds are in harmony vii the structural pattern of the reerion. and they ap- Isntly formed during the period of deformation in liable late Jurassic time. Overturned and recumbent s and irregular asymmetrical folds are illustrated in ■s section AA' on plate 5. symmetrical drag folds exposed in the mine are de- eped on the northeast flank of a large anticline. Wave 1 ths of the folds ranere from 3 to 12 feet. Axes of these os plunge either northwest or southeast at angles of as aih as 25°. The best folds can be seen in the No. 10 adit I' the top of the B raise, on the 100 level a few feet west I le collar of diamond-drill hole AU 21, and in the No. : fit near the portal (pi. 4). Faults and Shear Zones our main classes of faults are found in the mine. They 1 from oldest to youncest: (1) low-angle thrust faults, 2 high-angle normal faults and shear zones that dip odiwest, (3) normal faults that strike northeast, and I faults that dip northeast. All the faults are pre- ii'ral in age, and more than 90 percent of them strike hwest. w-Annle Thrust Faults. Most of the low-angle Hst faults clip southeast or southwest at angles ranging i 10° to 25°. The best exposures of these faults are a m — the Main fault and the 412 fault — are of considerable economic importance. The Main fault strikes N. 45° W., dips 45° to 60° NE., and is the most continuous fault in the mine. In some places, as on the 200 level, it is a shear zone as much as 12 feet thick ; in other places, as on the surface above the No. 4 adit, it is a shaly breccia zone less than a foot thick, bounded by slickensided surfaces. Mullions on the slicken- sided fault surfaces plunge directly down the dip. The Main fault is interpreted as a premineral reverse fault with slight postmineral movement. The age of the Main fault is deduced to be premineral from the fact that calcite-quartz vein lets can be seen in the fault zone where it is now exposed on the 200 level, on the 300 level, and in the No. 7 adit; and also from the fact that sulfide in the hanging wall of the Main fault in the No. 7 adit is not broken or slickensided and appears to have formed after the fault. The gangue minerals are closely related to sulfide in other parts of the mine, so the presence of calcite-quartz veinlets within the fault zone suggests that the fault may have formed prior to the deposition of sulfides. Indirect evidence leading to in Special Report 29 the same conclusion lies in the fact that the Main fault was explored at six different levels by hundreds of feet of workings, now for the most part inaccessible ; although no records exist for the inaccessible workings, it seems valid to assume that at least small lenses of sulfide were encountered along the fault zone in a few places. A minor amount of postmineral movement on the Main fault is postulated, because in a few areas the calcite- quartz veinlets within the fault zone are somewhat crumpled. Evidence regarding the direction of movement along the Main fault is scarce, but the fault appears to be a reverse faujt with a dip slip of at least 450 feet. This conclusion is based on the premise that the wedge-shaped segment of Bully Hill rhyolite in the hanging wall of the fault is an upthrown segment of the soda rhyolite nose that forms the footwall of the fault below the 400 level. Above the 400 level a block of sedimentary rock of the Pit formation forms the footwall of the fault. This block gradually widens toward the surface, because the average dip of the contact between soda rhyolite and sedimentary rock is less than the dip of the Main fault. Under such circumstances, if the Main fault were a normal fault, there would be no source for the soda rhyolite of the hanging wall. It is of course possible that above the present erosion surface the contact between Bully Hill rhyolite and the overlving Pit formation dipped at a higher angle than the Main fault. Under these conditions the wedge of soda rhyolite could have been dropped down from above with normal movement on the Main fault. These relationships are illustrated in plate 5, sections AA' through DD'. The 412 fault is in shale in the general area of the 412 stope (pi. 5., sec, CO. It appears to be a weak fault, and is marked by a zone of calcite-quartz stringers that ranre body. The 122, 420, and AU 40 sulfide lenses all like southeast at a verv low angle. fie 120, 220, AS 6, and AU 5 ore bodies are localized i tdimentary rocks above soda rhyolite benches. These e>odies are not in contact with the soda rhyolite, but •commonly separated from it by several feet of rela- Hv barren sedimentary rock that dips into the benches. Ksoda rhyolite on the 200 and 300 levels, down dip the 120, AS 6, and 220 ore bodies, is locally sheared, mcthe shear zones contain disseminations and stringers ap-ite and chalcopyrite. Thermal solutions probably aided along these shear zones and into the easily acces- fcfbeds of shale that dip into the soda rhyolite benches. \lt sulfide bodies were formed when the solutions a led the shale is not evident. The chemical composition f ie calcareous shale may have been an important fac- >ri)ut a fold in the sedimentary rock about 75 feet above ,e 20 and AS 6 ore bodies mav also have been influ- tl. lie AU 5 ore body is in sedimentary rock and lies in eide synclinal structure that plunges southeast at an # of about 35°. Diamond-drill hole AU 44, located 60 ^e 'northwest of the AU 5 ore body, penetrated soda '3 lite at a relatively shallow depth, and from this infor- lipn the writer infers that a trently dipping contact it; soda rhvolite may project into the area beneath the iT) ore body. Be 412 sulfide lenses are in shale along the hanging a of a premineral fracture. The reason for the locali- aln of the individual lenses of sulfide is not known. Te lare The Copper Hill No. 1 ore body, now exposed only i lie glory hole and for a short distance on the 100 level, ratlin shale in the hanging-wall side of the Main fault 1 a soda rhyolite contact. It has a steep southwest hat is essentially parallel to the dip of the contact also parallel to bedding in the shale. The ore, where sed in the glory hole, is banded parallel to bedding in ■ hale host rock (fig. 4). The bottom of the ore body < i parently a short distance above the 200 level where ere zone intersects the Main fault. According to the r's interpretation, sulfide solutions rose along the fault, and in the vicinity of the soda rhyolite wedge e fed upward into bedded shale and sheared soda i>lite. This is a structurally favorable area because the dip steeply southwest into the Main fault, and thus easily accessible to the mineralizing solutions. e Copper Hill No. 2 ore body was also in the hanging ; i of the Main fault and replaced a portion of the soda hvlite wedge. Only the remnant of the top of this ore < is now exposed in the glory hole; at this exposure I pears to be a very pyritic sulfide body about 20 feet I that comes to a rather blunt top beneath two inter- jng premineral fractures. A polished section of the I Ie colled ed from the glory-hole exposure is composed ( ore than 85 percent pyrite, less than 5 percent ehal- 'Orcrite, and about 10 percent gangue. A cross section i'n by V. W. Stewart in 1946 suggests that the area >pI;V the glory-hole exposure was sloped; if so, it must >e isumed that a higher percentage of chalcopyrite was present in the sloped area. Hence, the pyrite seen in the glory-hole exposure is here considered as part of a pyritic halo that surrounded a copper ore body. The highly pyri- tized soda rhyolite in the hanging wall of the Main fault on the old 100 level may be part of the same pyritic halo. The small lens of sulfide exposed in the No. 7 adit is in the hanging wall of the Main fault and has a structural environment similar to that of the Copper Hill No. 2 ore body. Mineralogy and Paragenesis The primary sulfide minerals composing the ore bodies of the Afterthought mine are, in approximate order of decreasing abundance, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, tetrahedrite, bornite, and luzonite. Gangue min- erals are calcite, quartz, and barite ; supergene minerals are covellite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite ( ?), azurite, mala- chite, and limonite. The pyrite is in the form of cubes, pyritohedrons, and anhedral grains that range in size from 0.05 mm to 5.0 mm. Where the mineral is abundant, as it commonly is in and near ore bodies that replace soda rhyolite, the individual grains may be so closely packed that in polished section they appear as large patches of solid pyrite. On the other hand, pyrite in high-grade banded zinc ore appears in polished sections as sparse, small grains in large areas of sphalerite, or as very small grains that are grouped together, with much interstitial material, to form pyrite- rich layers. Pyrite also occurs as disseminated grains scattered through large areas of soda rhyolite, and as granular layers a fraction of an inch thick that parallel the bedding in shale. The pyrite is commonly strongly corroded by sphalerite, but is not much replaced by chalcopyrite. The sphalerite is dark gray and probably rather high in iron. In polished section it appears as large patches that include both idiomorphic and irregular areas of all other sulfide minerals. Sphalerite has commonly replaced pyrite ; and in some polished sections it has a mottled appearance, owing to the presence of numerous small, rounded, crudely alined blebs of chalcopyrite. Such blebs of chalcopyrite are interpreted as exsolution bodies formed by the unmix- ing of a solid solution of sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Much of the banded sulfide ore in polished section shows sphalerite to contain very numerous, rather small, irreg- ular, elongated patches of galena, or tetrahedrite, or both minerals together. These patches are all elongated in the same direction, and are largely responsible for the finely banded appearance of the ore. In a few places sphalerite appears in polished section as islands in a sea of galena, but this relationship is not common because sphalerite is generally much more abundant than galena. Chalcopyrite appears in polished section as interstitial fillings around pyrite grains; as irregular patches in sphalerite; as large areas with islands of both pyrite and sphalerite ; as small exsolution bodies in sphalerite ; as small patches in bornite ; and, rarely, as discontinuous septa between galena and sphalerite. Chalcopyrite also occurs as small disseminated grains in gangue and in soda rhyolite. In one polished section of ore from the 220 slope, chalcopyrite appears as blades in bornite and is closely associated with covellite. The writer is not certain whether this is supergene chalcopyrite or whether it indicates an exsolution intergrowth of chalcopyrite and bornite that 16 Special Report 29 Table 1. Paragenesis of epigenetic minerals at the Afterthought mine. (Dash lines indicate that few or no data on age relationship are available . ) HYPOGENE SUPERGENE Rock-alteration stage Sulfide -replacement and vein-forming state Kaolin Cryptocrystalline quartz Calcite Montmorillonite and nontronite Radial quartz and veins of milky quartz Pyrite Barite 1 Sphalerite Luzonite Chalcopyrite Bornite Tetrahedrite Galena Calcite -quartz veins Covellite Chalcocite Secondary chalc op yr.te Azurite Malachite Limonite Afterthought Mine, Shasta County 17 a r were partly altered to covellite. In general, chalcopy- i is somewhat more abundant in ore bodies that have need soda rhyolite than in ore bodies that have re- 1 -d shale. ornite appears in polished section as small veinlets i as small, irregular patches in sphalerite. It commonly hvs mutual boundary relationships with chalcopyrite, I one polished section shows numerous islands of ehal- o/rite in a sea of bornite. Bornite seems to be a minor Istituent of sulfide bodies at all levels in the mine, and ii he upper levels it is partly altered to supergene covel- itand chalcocite. etrahedrite is closely associated with galena. In pol- <}rl section, it appears typically admixed with galena s rregular patches interstitial to sphalerite, but in a c places small areas of tetrahedrite occur without ana. Less commonly tetrahedrite is interstitial to pyrite. Vahedrite shows mutual boundary relationships with ana; but where the two minerals occur as admixed r s in sphalerite the tetrahedrite most commonly oc- u es sheltered embayments or coves along the irregular oidary of the area. alena is interstitial to pyrite, sphalerite, and chal- o- T rite, but shows mutual boundary relationships with oiite and tetrahedrite. It also appears in polished sec- I as irregular, alined patches in sphalerite and chal- r rite. These patches of galena commonly coalesce, ing the sulfide a banded appearance. uzonite, a pink variety of enargite, was identified in dished section of ore from the 122 stope. It is a rare o;tituent of the ore and appears as anhedral grains in h copyrite. ovellite occurs in the upper ore bodies of the mine s n alteration of bornite. As seen in polished section, ; liaracteristically penetrates bornite along fractures n grain boundaries. Covellite is not an abundant min- 1 and has not been seen as an alteration product of h copyrite. halcocite is rare, but it is intimately associated with rllite in a few specimens. It seems to be most abundant r the southeast end of the 120 ore body. Covellite and hcocite, alon 4 I * - *» ; \ tip. • ' • * ' * " * - *_ ■7~~ ft ,' ' • , 1 > 5 ' , '* T^K 4 4 • * -^ '-'-ry - ft O O Concealed loult Probable fault Strike ond dip of beds Strike of vertical beds Strike and dip of cleovoge Strike of vertical cleovoge Strike and dip of joints Plunge of prismatic columns Vertical shaft Portal of adit Trench or open cut # Geology by J PAIbers, 1949 GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE AFTERTHOUGHT MINE AREA, SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA EXPLANATION m Vertical 2 compartment she Portal of odit (Chevrons point down) O Elevation of workings Caved i compiled from Coronado Copper ond Zinc Company maps COMPOSITE PLAN OF THE AFTERTHOUGHT MINE WORKINGS EXPLANATION I formotion, undif Bully Hill rhyolite, undifferentioted STRUCTURAL VARIETIES OF BULLr HILL RHYOLITE Disseminated sulfides, mainly pynte Carbonotized rock (lime rock) "•» Strike ond dip of beds Strike of verticol beds Strike ond dip of cleavage Plunge of prismatic column Shaft at Surface El Bottom of snaft (Chei Foot of roise Caved workings Approximately horizontal diomond-drill hole m inclined diamond-drill hole projected to horizontal I by the Coronodo Copper and Zinc Company Geology by J. P Albers, 1951 GEOLOGIC PLAN OF THE 400 LEVEL, AFTERTHOUGHT MINE EXPLANATION Pit formotion, unditferentioted Bully Hill rhyolite, undifferentiated STRUCTURAL VARIETIES OF BULLY HILL RHYOLITE Geology ol 700 lfc*el Irom a, F. W. Stewarts mop j" Much coJo-W m cave' \ ^&„ fifl^Vfea*" N5000 // TO * No 3 snail v/ sulfides, mainly pynte -|- Massive suifid Corbonatized rock (lime rock) Fault, showing dip (Doshed where opproiimotely locote U,upthcown side-, 0, downlhrown sidt Vertical fault Shear zone, showing dip Plunge of minor anticline Plunge of minor syncline Strike and dipof beds Strike of verticol beds Strike and dip of cieovoge Plunge of prismatic columns Shaft at surface ■ Shoft going above ond below levels SI Bottom of shaft (Chevrons point down) B Foot of raise or winze 12 Head of roiseor winze Chute St ope Oepression in floor Logging or cribbing along drift Coved workings Horizontal diomond-drill hole 100 LEVELS s those used by the Coronodo Copper ond Zinc Compony 800 LEVEL 0mv. T3S Geology by J. P. Albers, 1951 GEOLOGIC PLAN OF UPPER ADITS, AND 100, 200, 300, 450, 600, 700, AND 800 LEVELS OF THE AFTERTHOUGHT MINE GEOLOGIC SECTIONS A"A\ B-B'. C-C', D-D', AND E-E' OF THE AFTERTHOUGHT MINE ISOMETRIC DIAGRAM OF THE AFTERTHOUGHT MINE