CANADA AKTMENT of mines /IS CODERRE. Minister A. P. LOW, Deputy Minister GEOLOGICAL SURVEY R. W. BROCK, Director GUIDE BOOK No. 1 ESSETOSTOJ 7/1 Eastern Quebec anclthe Maritime Provinces PART I OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1*13 GUIDE BOOK No. 1 EXCURSION IN Eastern Quebec and the Maritime Provinces (EXCURSION Al.) PART I ISSUED BY THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OTTAWA Government Printing Bureau 1913 35063—I i CONTENTS. Part I. PAGE General introduction 1 1 Geology. By G. A. Young 1 1 Physiography. By J. W. Goldthwait 16 Annotated guide : Montreal to Levis. By G. A. Young 24 Quebec and vicinity. By Percy E. Raymond 25 Introduction 25 Lorraine (Frankfort) formation 28 Utica formation 28 Trenton formation 28 Quebec City formation 29 Levis formation 29 Sillery formation 30 Historical note 31 A possible explanation of the geological structure. 32 Bibliography 34 Detailed description 35 Levis : The shales and conglomerates of the Levis and Sillery formations 35 Levis to Montmorency Falls 39 Montmorency Falls: (A) Crest of Falls, west- ern side 40 Montmorency Falls : (B) Crest of Falls, east- ern side 40 Montmorency Falls: (C) Base of Falls 41 Special points of interest: Quebec city 43 1. Sous le Cap and Champlain streets 43 2. The northern face of the cliff separating Upper and Lower towns 44 Special points of interest: Levis 46 Quebec and vicinity: Physiographical notes. By J. W. Goldthwait 48 Annotated guide : Levis to Riviere du Loup. By G. A. Young 52 Riviere du Loup. By G. A. Young. ..'. 56 Introduction 56 Detailed description 59 Bibliography 66 35063— 1 i 1150783 PAGE Riviere du Loup : The post-Glacial marine submer- gence. By J. W. Goldthwait 66 Annotated guide: Riviere du Loup to Bic. By G. A. Young 67 Bic. By G. A. Young 69 Introduction 69 Detailed description 71 Bibliography 77 Bic: The post-Glacial marine submergence. By J. W. Goldthwait 77 Annotated guide: Bic to Matapedia Junction. By G. A. Young 79 Dalhousie and the Gaspe peninsula. By John M. Clarke 85 Introduction 85 Folds.., 88 Order of succession 89 Paleogeography 92 The origin of the Gulf of St. Lawrence 93 Glacial and post-Glacial phenomena 95 Detailed description 95 Perce 95 View of Perce from the summit of the road over Cap Blanc 95 Perce Rock 96 Cap Barre 97 The rock wall between the North and the South beaches 98 Mt. Ste. Anne 99 Cap Blanc or Whitehead 100 Bonaventure island 101 The girdle of Ordovician-Silurian from Cap Blanc (south) to Corner-of-the-Beach (north) 101 Geological relations 102 Relative thickness of the older Palaeozoics at Perce 103 Gaspe 1 04 Grande Greve and the Forillon 104 Unconformity between the Devonian lime- stone and the Cape des Rosiers slates .... 108 Relations of the limestones to the Gaspe sand- stone 108 PAGE Extension westward of the Devonian lime- stone series no The flora of the Gaspe sandstone. By David White 108 Bibliography no Black Cape Silurian section no Bibliography 112 Scaumenac bay 113 Bibliography 115 Dalhousie 115 Bibliography 118 Chaleur bay: physiographic note. By J. W. Gold- thwait 119 Annotated guide: Dalhousie Junction to Nipisiguit Junction. By G. A. Young 120 Annotated guide : Nipisiguit Junction to Bathurst Mines. By G. A. Young 124 Bathurst Mines. By G. A. Young 125 Bibliography 129 Annotated guide: Nipisiguit Junction to Halifax. By G. A. Young 130 Annotated guide: Halifax to Windsor. By G. A. Young 133 Horton-Windsor. By W. A. Bell 136 Introduction 136 Cretaceous and Tertiary peneplains 137 Triassic lowland 137 Southern plateau 138 North Mountain 138 Carboniferous lowland 139 Annapolis-Cornwallis valley 139 Annotated guide: Windsor to Avonport 139 Horton Bluffs section 141 General description 141 Geological age of the Horton series 143 The Horton flora. By David White 144 The Windsor sections 146 General description 146 Geological age of the Windsor series 149 Industrial notes 15° Bibliography I5 1 Annotated guide: Windsor to Truro. By G. A. Young I5 2 PAGE Annotated guide: Halifax to Enfield. By G. A. Young 156 The Goldbearing series of Nova Scotia, By E. R. Fairbault 158 Introduction 158 The Goldbearing series 160 Goldenville formation 161 Halifax formation 162 Metamorphic phases 162 Structural relations 163 Age 166 Granite intrusives 167 Basic intrusives 168 The gold deposits 169 General character and distribution 169 Interbedded veins 172 Corrugated veins 174 Thickness of interbedded veins 176 Cross or fiss ure veins 177 Bull veins 177 Angulars 179 Ore distribution 179 Pay zone 182 Genesis 184 Production 190 Bibliography 191 Oldham Gold district. By E. R. Faribault 192 Introduction 192 Location 192 Geology 193 Character of the gold deposits 194 Production 196 Annotated guide: Enfield to western end of Old- ham gold district 196 Annotated guide: Oldham gold district 197 Annotated guide : Enfield to Truro. By G. A. Young 205 7 Part II. PAGE The Riversdale- Union group at Truro and in the type section along the Intercolonial railway east of Truro 215 Introduction. By G. A. Young 215 Bibliography 220 Character and fauna of the Riversdale and Union formations. By J. E. Hyde 221 Annotated guide : Truro to Campbell's siding. By J. E. Hyde 222 Annotated guide : Campbell's Siding to New Glasgow By G. A. Young 225 The New Glasgow Conglomerate. By G. A. Young. 229 Introduction 229 Detailed description 234 Bibliography 239 Annotated guide : New Glasgow to Sydney. By G. A. Young 240 Sydney Coal field 242 Introduction. By G. A. Young 242 Note on the flora of the Coal Measures. By David White 250 The Carboniferous sections on Sydney harbour. By J. E. Hyde 251 Introduction 251 Detailed descriptions 254 The basal division of the Windsor series 254 The fauna of the Windsor series 257 Point Edward Post Office to the Quarantine station on Point Edward 259 The Point Edward formation 260 Section of Millstone Grit and Coal Measures in the vicinity of North Sydney 260 Bibliography 262 Annotated guide: Sydney to George River station. By G. A. Young 263 George River. By G. A. Young 266 Introduction 266 Detailed description 271 Bibliography 276 Annotated guide : George River station to Anti- gonish. By G. A. Young 276 8 PAGE Arisaig. By W. H. Twenhofel 288 Introduction 288 Previous work 289 Table of formations 290 Antigonish to McAra's brook 292 McAra's brook and the shore section east to Arisaig point 292 Description of the geological sequence 294 The Arisaig faunas and their correlates 307 Bibliography 311 Annotated guide: Antigonish to Maccan Junction. By G. A. Young 312 Annotated guide: Maccan Junction to Joggins. By G. A. Young 325 The Joggins Carboniferous section. By W. A. Bell 326 Introduction 326 Physical features 327 General geology 328 Historical notes £29 Detailed description 330 Table of formations 333 Lower pare of section : to Lower cove 332 Middle part of section : Lower cove to McCarren brook 334 Upper part of section: McCarren brook west- ward 341 Joggins fauna 343 Joggins flora 344 Industrial notes 345 Bibliography 346 Annotated guide: Maccan Junction to Moncton. By G. A. Young 346 Moncton- Albert Mines. By G. A. Young 351 Introduction 351 Detailed description 357 Moncton to Stony Creek oil field 357 Stony Creek oil and gas field 359 Stony Creek oil field to Hillsborough gypsum quarries 362 The Hillsborough gypsum deposit. By H. E. Kramm 363 Albert Mines 365 Bibliography 367 PAGE Annotated guide: Moncton to St. John By G. A. Young 368 St. John and vicinity. By G. A. Young 369 Introduction 369 Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian section, St. John city 376 Suspension bridge 384 General description 384 Detailed description 387 Suspension bridge to Seaside park (Fern ledges) . . . 389 Fern ledges. By Mary C. Stopes 390 Bibliography 395 Annotated guide: St. John to Grand Falls. By G. A. Young 396 Grand Falls, St. John river. By G. A. Young 399 Introduction 399 Detailed description 401 Bibliography 405 Annotated guide : Grand Falls to Riviere du Loup. By G. A. Young 4°5 Illustrations to Part I. Maps. Itineraires des Excursions Ai, A5, A6 et A7 II Quebec and vicinity ■ 28 Levis 34 Montmorency Falls 4° Riviere du Loup 5& Bic 72 Eastern part of Gaspe 88 Perce and vicinity (in pocket) Perce, Gaspe 98 The Forillon, Gaspe 104 Head of Chaleur Bay 112 Scaumenac bay, Quebec 112 Dalhousie 116 Bathurst Iron mine (in pocket) Windsor-Horton Bluff (in pocket) Oldham Gold district and vicinity 192 10 Page. Drawings and Sections. Generalized section across St. Lawrence valley 27 Orogenic Appalachian axes. Gulf of St. Lawrence 94 Panoramic sketch of the sea front at Perce 96 North-south section across the Forillon peninsula, Grand Greve to Cape des Rosiers, showing the overthrust of the Lower Devonian on the Ordovician-Cambrian 105 The Silurian section at Black cape, Chaleur bay in Patten's restoration of Bothriolepis canadensis, Whiteaves, from Scaumenac bay 114 Section of the marine Devonian strata, Stewart's Cove, Dal- housie, N.B 117 Section from Windsor Bridges to Maxner's Point 147 Photographs. Anticline in Shumardia limestone. Davidson street, Levis 37 Contact of Trenton and Pre-Cambrian, top of Montmorency Falls 42 Crushed conglomerate with fossiliferous pebbles. Mountain Hill, Quebec 45 Micmac bluff and terrace at Bic, Quebec 78 Panorama of Perce from the south 97 Bathurst Iron mine, No. 1 orebody. August, 1912 27 Anticline in the Halifax slate formation, showing the bedding and cleavage planes, interbedded and cross veins, and the arch core of the fold pitching 5 , at eastern end of dome. The Ovens gold district, N.S., 1909 _ . 159 Corrugated hanging-wall of quartzite and section of quartzite and slate beds, with intercalated veins, on south side of the anticlinal dome. Mount Uniacke, N.S., 1909 170 Serpent vein crumples between beds of quartzite above and slate below on the western plunge of anticlinal dome. Tourquoy mine, Moose River, N.S 175 North leg of the Richardson saddle-vein at a depth of 400 feet, showing banded and corrugated structure, with angulars entering from below and leaving above. Richardson mine, Isaac's Harbour, N.S., 1905 178 Lake lode ore-shoot in Halifax slate formation at a vertical depth of 1,000 feet. Caribou, N.S., 1904 180 Anticlinal portion of the Borden vein on a subordinate fold corrugated in slate between beds of quartzite. West Lake mine, Mount Uniacke, N.S 185 North lode at the 200-foot level, 20 feet above the syncline of a subordinate fold, made up of angulars entering from the foot-wall along the cleavage plane. Dufferin mine, N.S., 187 1904 : ; Hardman ore-shoot in Dunbrack vein, showing section and top of corrugations. Oldham, N.S., 1897 203 II GENERAL INTRODUCTION. GEOLOGY. (G. A. Young.) The part of Canada lying east of the St. Lawrence river below Quebec city and having a width of about 500 miles (800 km.) in an east and west direction, includes the provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick, and a part of the province of Quebec. Though presenting a great diversity of physical and geological features, the region as a whole may be regarded as a unit inasmuch as the geological and physical provinces into which the region is divisible, all trend in a northeasterly direction. Having regard, then, to the structural elements, the region may be said to have a width of 375 miles (595 km .) measured from the St. Lawrence on the northwest, to the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia on the southeast. One of the more marked physical provinces of the region is the plain bordering the St. Lawrence — the St. Lawrence lowland. A very marked feature to the southwest of Quebec city, this plain to the northeast gradually narrows and is limited to the territory immediately bordering the St. Lawrence on the south. To the southeast, the St. Lawrence lowland merges into an elevated tract of country extending in a general northeasterly direction. South- west of the latitude of Quebec city, this upland is formed, in Canada, by three rudely parallel ridges which over considerable areas rise above 2,000 feet (600 m.). Pro- ceeding northeastward to a point east of the city of Quebec, this upland, the Notre Dame mountains, sinks to lower and lower elevations, but beyond, to the northeast, it again increases in height, so that in Gaspe peninsula it forms an uplifted area with a general elevation of from 1,000 to 2,000 feet (300 to 600 m.) with peaks rising above 3,500 feet (1,050 m.). The higher more rugged portion of this upland is bordered on the southwest, in the Gaspe Peninsula, by a plateau- like region extending to the shores of the Bay of Chaleur, and having a general elevation of about 1,000 feet (300 m.). This plateau-like upland extends in a southwest direction through northwestern New Brunswick and continues southward on both sides of the St. John valley where the 12 general elevation is however, considerably less than 1,000 feet (300 m.). In New Brunswick, the plateau area is bordered on the southwest by a much more rugged area with numerous peaks rising above 2,000 feet (600 m.). This broken, semi-mountainous tract occupies the central portion of the province. It is bounded on the southwest by a lowland area of about 10,000 square miles (26,000 sq. km.) over which the general elevation is less than 500 feet (150 m.). This lowland reaches on the east, to the Gulf of St. Law- rence, forms the whole of Prince Edward Island, and extends easterly into Nova Scotia along the north side of the Cobequid hills. In New Brunswick, the lowland is bordered on the south by Caledonia mountain, a wide ridge rising steeply from the northwestern shores of the Bay of Fundy and having over a considerable area, a general altitude of about 1,200 feet (360 m.). In Nova Scotia, the upland area of the Cobequid hills forms the southern boundary of the extensive lowland. The Cobe- quid hills run in an easterly direction from the head of the Bay of Fundy. They have a general elevation in the neighbourhood of 600 to 900 feet (180 to 270 m), and on their south side slope down to Minas Basin, an easterly prolongation of the Bay of Fundy. The peninsula of Nova Scotia is formed mainly of an upland area extending in a general northeasterly direction and having along its axial line a general elevation of about 1,000 feet (300 m.). On the southeastern side it falls gradually to the ocean, on the northwestern side its slopes are steeper and it is in part, bounded by a lowland area surrounding the Cobequid hills and extending westward into New Brunswick. The island of Cape Breton forms the northeastern extension of the main upland of Nova Scotia, and on this island the upland area, though broken into isolated ridges, attains a maximum altitude of above 1,500 feet (450 m.). The wide channel of the St. Lawrence on the northwest forms the natural boundary of the region in this direction. To the northwest of the river valley stretches the vast Pre-Cambrian area of the "Canadian Shield" which abruptly rises from the St. Lawrence shores to heights of 1,000 feet (300 m.) and more. At widely separated intervals along the northwest shore, and on Anticosti island and on some of the smaller islands, are displayed 13 nearly horizontal or gently dipping strata ranging in age from lower Ordovician to uppermost Silurian. The measures rest on the Pre-Cambrian and abut against the edge of the upland area of the Canadian Shield. Along the southwestern shore of the St. Lawrence, the strata, striking in a northeasterly direction, are closely folded, in a large measure overturned, and are traversed by many dislocations, along some of which the strata from the southeast are thrust over the beds to the north- west. In age these measures range from late Ordovician to Cambrian; they belong to the Quebec group and differ lithologically and faunally from the nearly horizontal strata of the islands and north shore of the St. Lawrence and from which they are separated by a great fault or zone of faulting that strikes in a southeasterly direction beneath the waters of the St. Lawrence as far as the neighbourhood of Quebec city and from there, continuing with the same general direction, runs through the land area to Lake Champlain and beyond. The band of the Quebec group which borders the St. Lawrence below Quebec, varies in width from 6 miles to 35 miles (9.6 to 56 km.). On the southeast these rocks are bounded by a great area of strata that in the main, range in age from Devonian to Silurian. Such measures form the greater part of the peninsula of Gaspe and, stretching to the southwest from the upper part of Chaleur bay, occupy the northwestern portion of New Brunswick. Along their northwestern boundary, these measures in places overlap the Quebec group strata, in other places have been thrust over them, while along the mountainous axes of the Gaspe peninsula a narrow zone of Palaeozoic igneous rocks and deformed strata possibly of Pre-Cambrian age, intervenes. The strata of this essentially Silurian and Devonian area, are folded along axial lines which, in the southwest, strike to the northeast but which in the Gaspe peninsula swing to an easterly course. In certain districts, the strata lie in open folds, but perhaps over the greater part of the region the folding is closer and in many places the beds are crumpled and highly faulted. In Gaspe, the Silurian and Devonian measures occupy an area having a breadth of 70 miles (no km); to the southwest, in New Brunswick, the area is approximately 150 miles (240 km.) wide. In the southeastern part of 14 this region, in New Brunswick, Ordovician strata are also present, and associated with the sedimentary beds are extrusive and intrusive volcanic rocks and batholitic bodies of Devonian granite. By far the greater part of the region, however, is underlain by marine sediments representing nearly the whole of the Silurian and the lower part of the Devonian systems. In the Gaspe peninsula, are large areas of higher Devonian strata, rich in plant remains. As already mentioned, the southeastern portion of the above described region is characterized in New Brun- swick, by the presence with the Silurian and Devonian, of Ordovician strata and of volcanic rocks and large bodies of granite. This bordering zone stretches southwestward through New Brunswick from Chaleur bay to the Maine boundary, a distance of 175 miles (281 km.), and has an average breadth of about 40 miles (65 km.). In the extreme southwest, this complex projects eastward to the Atlantic coast and there has a total width of about 90 miles (145 km.). Presumably this zone of Silurian and older strata and the associated volcanic and plutonic rocks with a breadth of not much less than 100 miles (160 km.), extends to the northeast to the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, but to the northeast not far from the Maine boundary, these rocks, in part disappear beneath a mantle of Carboniferous measures occupying a triangular stretch of low-lying country having an area of about 10,000 square miles (26,000 sq. k.m.). The Carboniferous strata of this extensive area, are mainly of Millstone Grit (mid-Carboniferous) age. Except locally along the southern margin, the strata are flat-lying, almost undisturbed. The rocks consist chiefly of sand- stones and shales with relatively thin beds of coal. Along the southern margin of the Carboniferous area, older divisions of the Carboniferous are present and locally are much folded and faulted. This area of undisturbed mea- sures is represented to the east on Prince Edward Island and on the Nova Scotia mainland facing Prince Edward Island, but in this eastern district, the essentially undis- turbed measures are of late Carboniferous and early Permian age. The great triangular area of Carboniferous rocks in New Brunswick, is limited, as already stated, on the northwest and on the extreme west and south, by Silurian and older strata associated with and penetrated by volcanic 15 and plutonic rocks. But along the eastern half of the southern border of the Carboniferous area, the Carboni- ferous rocks abut against and extend into an area domin- antly occupied by Pre-Cambrian rocks with which are associated Cambrian and perhaps younger Palaeozhic sediments. This complex forms another of the north- easterly extending zones which so characterize the general region. This area, essentially underlain by Pre-Cambrian rocks, borders the Bay of Fundy coast which apparently truncates the Pre-Cambrian area. In places, along the Bay of Fundy coast, the Pre-Cambrian zone is fringed with Carboniferous strata and it may be that the Bay of Fundy trough has been developed chiefly in Carboniferous and younger measures. The province of Nova Scotia lies southeast of New Brunswick and is almost completely severed from it by the Bay of Fundy. The peninsula of Nova Scotia, including the mainland and the continuing area of Cape Breton Island to the northeast, has a length, along a nearly due northeast course, of about 360 miles (580 km.) and an average breadth of about 60 miles (95 km.). In this province the main geological structures are less broadly and more irregularly developed than in the region to the northwest and therefore may not be so readily outlined in generalized terms. The southwestern portion of the peninsula of Nova Scotia is almost entirely occupied by a broadly folded sedimentary series of late Pre-Cambrian age penetrated by large batholiths of granite of Devonian age. These rocks extend to the northeast with a gradually diminishing width, and outcrop along the whole length — 270 miles (435 km.) — of the Atlantic coast of the Nova Scotian peninsula. In the southwest these measures are bordered on the northwest foi a distance of about 120 miles (190 km.) by small detached areas of late Silurian and early Devonian strata which in their turn are bordered by a narrow strip of Triassic strata forming the Bay of Fundy shore. To the northeast, however, the Pre-Cambrian sediments and their intrusive granites are bordered by Carboniferous strata which, encircling large and small areas of older Palaeozoic sediments and igneous rocks, extend westward to join the Carboniferous area of New Brunswick. The island of Cape Breton, to the northeast, is in the main underlain by ancient Pre-Cambrian strata occupying i6 large and small, detached areas which are surrounded and penetrated by Carboniferous measures. PHYSIOGRAPHY. (J. \Y. GOLDTHWAIT.) Eastern Quebec and the Maritime Provinces lie at the northeastern end of the Appalachian Mountain region of eastern United States and Canada. This region, although not generally mountainous at the present time, possesses a complex and crumpled rock structure which can only have been produced by diastrophism. Since Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian sediments are all involved in the close folds, and partake of the regional metamorphism that characterizes the province, it is evident that the region was very mountainous in Palaeozoic time. While the Mesozoic rocks have suffered much less deformation, they too, show that as late as the end of the Jurassic period diastrophism was taking place on a large scale. It is probable then, that at the beginning of the Cretaceous period this whole region was occupied by lofty mountain chains. During the closing part of the Mesozoic, however, subaerial denudation appears to have held sway without interrup- tion from diastrophism. The mountains were slowly but surely reduced to a plain of low relief, or "peneplain". Remnants of this great baselevelled surface of the Cre- taceous can be found along the Appalachian system all the way from New Brunswick to Alabama. Locally, in districts remote from the coast, and where stronger rock structures appeared just above the Cretaceous base- level, the reduction of the surface was incomplete, and many residual mountains or "monadnocks" were left. On the whole, however, the baselevelling was very thorough, planing away the harder rocks as well as the weaker. This almost complete cycle of denudation was brought to a close at about the beginning of the Tertiary by regional uplifts of continental extent. All along the Appalachian province, in United States and Canada, the Cretaceous peneplain was raised, with more or less warping converting the lowland into an upland. The uplift seems everywhere to have been greatest in the interior and least neai the coast. By it, the seaward flowing rivers were revived, 17 and a new cycle of erosion was begun. Where the upland possessed weak rock structures, as in the Carboniferous areas of eastern New Brunswick and the Triassic areas of Nova Scotia and southern New England, the new denudation progressed rapidly, and by mid-Tertiary time broad lowlands had been developed. Meanwhile, wherever weather-resisting rocks predominated, gorges and narrow valleys were cut, dissecting the upland into a rolling hilly country. By the time this second cycle of denudation had been nearly completed in the lowlands, another elevation of the region occurred, attended like the first, by local warping. The lowlands were again carved by streams until a fairly mature topography had been evolved beneath the Tertiary surface. All this occurred before the Glacial period. With the development of an ice sheet over all northern North America, at the beginning of the Pleistocene, a series of events took place, whose exact nature and sequence, so far as the Maritime Provinces are concerned, are still largely problematical. Most of the region in question was sooner or later covered by the continental ice, and given a new coat of mantle rock or "drift." Portions of the Gaspe peninsula and Nova Scotia may have remained outside the limits of glaciation. No one can say positively, as yet, whether the ice which spread over this region came from the centre east of Hudson bay, or whether there were two or more separate centres of dispersal of the continental glacier within the limits of the Maritime Provinces. From evidence gathered during twenty years of field work, the late Dr. Robert Chalmers came to believe that the more easterly portions of the region, at least, were glaciated solely by ice from the interior of New Brunswick and the Gaspe peninsula, while southern Quebec, only, was reached by ice from the Hudson bay region. There is much uncertainty, also, about changes of level in land and sea during the Pleistocene. Whatever eleva- tions or subsidences may have gone on in the earlier epochs, it is plain that when the ice sheet finally withdrew from the south coast of the lower St. Lawrence and the Champlain valley, the land stood several hundred feet lower than now. The coast of New England and New Brunswick, likewise, was deeply submerged. The elevation of these coasts to their present position appears to have 35063—2 commenced as soon as the ice sheet withdrew and to have proceeded steadily and rapidly By this uplift ancient wave built beaches and marine clays containing fossils of characteristic Arctic shellfish, have been raised to altitudes of from 50 to 600 feet (15 to 180 m.) above sea level. Although differential, the movement was remark- ably uniform, without any local buckling or dislocation of the geoid surface. Even with this recently acquired altitude, the coast stands lower to-day than it did at the beginning of the Pleistocene; for the larger valleys, the St. Lawrence, Restigouche, and Miramichi, are estuaries, still deeply drowned beneath the sea. More recently there have been minor changes of level along the coast. On the St. Lawrence east of Quebec, through a distance of 400 miles (640 km.), an elevation of 20 feet (6 m.) has occurred, in which there is no sign of warping. This uplift has laid bare a narrow marine shelf, overlooked by an old sea cliff — the most remarkable record of wave work in the province. Around the head of the Bay of Fundy, on the other hand, tree stumps buried deeply beneath the salt marsh deposits, indicate a recent subsi- dence of the coast. No satisfactory correlation of these data has yet been reached. At present although the coast generally is being rapidly cut away by the sea, it seems to be neither rising nor sinking. Upland of northwestern New Brunswick. — From the head of Chaleur bay and the Gaspe peninsula south- westward, a wide belt of upland country stretches across the northwest corner of New Brunswick into Maine. In structure it is a part of the great Appalachian upland of northern New England. Its rocks are mainly calcareous slates and limestones of Silurian age. During one of the periods of long continued denudation, perhaps in the Tertiary, this district and the adjoining territory in Quebec was reduced to a lowland, while the district just east of it, the Central Highland of New Brunswick, remained standing because of its harder rock structure. The plateau-like altitude of the upland as we see it to-day was gained subsequently, when the peneplain, together with the adjoining highland was raised several hundred feet. Since then it has been very extensively dissected by streams. The hilltops of this upland range from 800 to 1,000 feet (240 to 300 m.) above the sea. A few residual mountains, as, for instance, Mars hill in Maine, five 19 miles west of Upper Kent station, rise several hundred feet above the peneplain. Records of the Glacial period, as yet not extensively studied in this district, indicate that the continental ice passed southward and southeastward across ic — whether from a centre north of the St. Lawrence or from a local centre on the Appalachian highland of southeastern Quebec cannot now be stated. During the closing stages of glaciation, the larger valleys, notably that of the St. John river, were heavily aggraded with outwash deposits, which ceased to accumulate as soon as the ice sheet had withdrawn from their basins, and have since been deeply re-excavated by the rivers which occupy them. In this work of intrenchment, the rivers have swung too and fro within limits set by the bed rock slopes on either hand, repeatedly striking ledges, from which they have retired, leaving step-like flights of terraces. The Central Highland of New Brunswick. — Just east of the district last described, and occupying a large area in the north central part of New Brunswick, is a vast rough wilderness known as the Central highland. Its greater relief is due to the superior strength of the granites and gneisses which appear extensively on its surface. There is a rough accordance of plateau-like remnants at 1,700 feet (515 m.), which are overlooked by summits of rather subdued form that rise as high as 2,500 feet (760 m.). The hills and ridges trend northeast- southwest, following the trend of rock structure. Around the border of this highland is a belt of foot hills and ridges of moderate relief, developed on hard sandstones and slates. Apparently the highland is an imperfectly reduced portion of the great Cretaceous peneplain of New England, which, like the higher parts of the White mountains of New Hampshire and Mt. Ktaadn in Maine, retain subdued mountain form. Lowlands of eastern New Brunswick and northwestern Nova Scotia. — The Carboniferous lowland of eastern New Brunswick in its structure and history, is simply an exten- sion of the Cumberland lowland of Nova Scotia. Its area, however, is very much greater than that of the other, and its relief, in the more remote interior is stronger. Between Newcastle and Bathurst the highest point reached by the railway is Bartibog station, 520 feet (158-5 m.). In this district the valleys are deep and narrow, with banks 35063— 2^ 20 kept steep by lateral planation. The upland is noticeably uniform in height. West and southwest of Bathurst on the other hand, where stronger Ordovician and Silurian strata and large stocks of granite come to the surface, the upland is higher and rougher. The Tertiary peneplain par excellence is found along the coast of Gloucester county east of Bathurst. There the upland is exceedingly smooth and ow. The valleys which thoroughly indent it are broad and shallow, turning and twisting in graceful curves, and branching repeatedly in all directions. The dissection of this part of the peneplain is fully mature. Drowning appears to have taken place eaily in the Pleis- tocene; at least, it is clear that before the close of the Ice Age, while the interior of the province was still covered by the ice sheet, these valleys were more deeply submerged than now. Below the 150-foot (45 m.) level the coast is very generally covered with a sheet of residual sands overlying the decayed sandstones. Upon this loose material rests a few inches of wave-washed sediment and a scattering of subangular till pebbles and striated boulders. Clearly, the weathered surface of the peneplain here has escaped erosion from the continental ice sheet by remaining under water while pack ice or bergs, drifting along the shore, dropped glacial debris sparingly on its surface. Here is true glacial "drift" in the sense used by Sir Charles Lyell. The extent of this coastal sub- mergence is obscurely marked by gravelly beaches which range from 150 feet (45 m.) at Newcastle to 195 feet (59 '5 m -) at Bathurst. The Upland of southern Neiv Brunsivick. — Bordering the Bay of Fundy coast of the province of New Brunswick, is another upland distiict — the Southern upland — similar in origin and in general form to the Central highland. Its average altitude, however, is lower, being approximately 1,000 feet (300 m.). Rivers of New Brunswick. — The transverse course of the St. John river, from its head waters in the upland of northwestern New Brunswick across the Central highlands, the Carboniferous lowland and the Southern upland, to the Bay of Fundy shows an extraordinary disregard for structure and for recent topography. The deep intrench- ment of the river through the highlands can hardly be explained in any other way than by supposing that it was impressed on the peneplain during the Cretaceous 21 period. The southeastward direction which the river in general maintains agrees with the southeastward slant of the upland itself, as extended from the 1,700-foot (515 m.) surface of the Central highland across the lowland interval, along the skyline of the 1,000-foot (300-m.) Southern upland, and further, over the Bay of Fundy and along the skyline of the 500-foot (150 m.) upland of Nova Scotia. Other rivers which drain the Central highland, as, for example, the Miramichi, heading in streams which trend parallel to the St. John, turn abruptly towards the northeast where they enter the area of Carboniferous rocks and run out to the gulf down the slope of the lowland. This is probably due to wholesale piracy in the Carboniferous area after the uplift of the Cretaceous peneplain. During the development of the lower Tertiary plain on this transverse belt of soft rocks, the southeastward flowing streams suffered from inroads of the rapidly growing headwaters of the lowland rivers; and the St. John alone remained intact. The broad, deep estuary of the Petitcodiac at the head of Shepody bay occupies perhaps the mouth of one of these master rivers of Cretaceous and of early Tertiary time, whose headwaters now drain out through the Miramichi. The drowning of the mouths of these large rivers records a downward movement of the coast which affected the whole northern part of the continent. The fiord coast of Maine is a continuation of the ragged coast of the Southern upland. The exact date of the submergence is not known. There is no lack of evidence, however, to show that by the close of the Glacial period the coast had sunk to a level approximately 200 feet (60m.) below its present position. Upland of Nova Scotia. — The greater part of the penin- sula of Nova Scotia is underlain by a complex of ancient rocks. Most of the area exhibits the outcropping edges of a very thick series of slates, associated with a likewise ex- tensive older group of quartzites. During the early Palaeozoic these were folded and crumpled into structures so complex that very high mountains must have resulted. At the same time the base of the range was punctured and displaced by enormous masses of granite. Since this moun- tain building, the surface has been worn down to a plain of low relief. In place of peaks of Alpine form and height there are to-day subdued hills and ridges which range from 22 600 to 1,000 feet (180 to 300 m.) in altitude. The ac- cordance of the summits of these hills, although not perfect, is so close, particularly in view of the mountain structures which are truncated by the gently undulating surface, that the plateau can be regarded as an ancient plain of subaerial denudation, similar to and contemporaneous with the up- land of southern New Brunswick and the peneplain of southern New England. The surface of the upland slopes gently and steadily seaward, from northwest to southeast, as a result of the regional uplift which it has suffered since the period of base levelling. The upland also presents the appearance of having been carved intaglio. Sunk beneath its surface are valleys too numerous to count. In the higher northern part of the peninsula, — for example, around Arisaig and Antigo- nish, — the valleys are deep and gorge-like. Farther south, where the plateau is lower, the valleys are shallower and are somewhat obscured by a filling of glacial drift. Here as in other parts of the Appalachian province, the dissection of the upwarped Cretaceous peneplain has been deep and sharp in the elevated interior and shallower and wider near the coast. The Cobequid mountains, crossed by the Intercolonial railway about midway between Amherst and Truro, may be regarded as a connecting link between the upland of Nova Scotia and the upland of southern New Bruns- wick. Here, on an outlying mass of hard crystalline rocks, the surface of the Cretaceous peneplain has been preserved while the intervening sediments have been reduced to lower levels. Cumberland and Colchester lowlands. — The areas occupied by the comparatively weak sediments of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic age, more especially over the isthmus that ties Nova Scotia to New Brunswick around the head of the Bay of Fundy, are lowlands, half drowned by the sea. Following the uplift of the Cretaceous peneplain, denuda- tion by the rejuvenated rivers, proceeding with far greater rapidity in these areas of non-resistant rocks, developed a secondary peneplain while the areas of harder structure both east and west were left standing as deeply dissected plateau masses. This lower, later peneplain of the Tertiary period extends northwestward along the shore of the gulf, over eastern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Like the older peneplain, this lowland of the Tertiary 23 cycle has been upwarped and dissected. Nor does this complete its history; for subsequently to its dissection, probably during the Pleistocene, the lowland has subsided, letting the sea up over the lower portions and drowning the broad trunk valleys to form tidal "basins". It is more than probable that other changes of level have taken place along the coast since the beginning of the Glacial period. The evidence of these later oscillations, however, have not yet been fully gathered and correlated. Extensive plains of stratified sand and clay which cover the lower ioo feet (30 m.) or so of the coast, more especially where rivers formerly entered the sea, appear to be marine or estuarine deposits formed during a period of greater sub- mergence than the present. Wave carved cliffs and wave built beaches, however, if present, are too obscure to justify any statement as to the altitude of the upper limit of post-Glacial submergence. The extreme range of tide complicates the problem. More interesting still is the question of the modern stability or instability of the coast. The salt marshes at Sackville and Dorchester furnish suggestive material for study of this problem. At Fort Lawrence, near Amherst, a buried forest is exposed at low tide beneath 30 feet (9 m.) of marsh mud, and 8 feet (2-4 m.) below mean tide level. While this is indisputable evidence of coastal subsidence, it may date from early post-Glacial time, and proves nothing about modern stability or instability. Cape Breton. — Separated as it is from Nova Scotia by hardly a mile of water, at the Straits of Canso, the Island of Cape Breton is a part of the province just described. Both the Cretaceous upland and the Tertiary lowland ex- tend over from the peninsula; but the harder and the softer rock structures on which these two physiographic facets are respectively developed are so irregularly dis- tributed over the island that the upland and lowland districts interrupt each other very strongly. Two areas particularly in which metamorphosed strata and granitic stocks prevail are upland districts; the wide northern arm of the island including most of Victoria county, and the southeastern border of the island east of Bras d'Or lake and south of Sydney. The central portion of the island, on the other hand, from the Sydney district across Bras d'Or lake and northwestward to the gulf, in which soft Carboniferous sediments prevail, is an 24 undulating lowland. The central part of this dissected lowland, like the coast in Cumberland and Colchester counties in Nova Scotia, has been drowned by depression beneath the sea, forming the Bras d'Or lakes. The largest lake is separated from the ocean at its southern end by a narrow strip of land only a mile wide. The long arms of these lakes and of the peninsulas which separate them are developed along the strike, respectively, of the weaker Palaeozoic sedimentaries and the more resistant granitic and metamorphic belts. Great Bras d'Or has a depth of 350 feet (106 m.) ; Little Bras d'Or lake, 700 feet (215 m.). Not all this depth is necessarily due to coastal subsidence since the late Tertiary dissection ; for the island has been glaciated, and the amount of differential erosion below sealevel may have been very considerable. ANNOTATED GUIDE. MONTREAL TO LEVIS. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. o. m. Montreal. Leaving Montreal, the Inter- o km. colonial railway (from Montreal to Ste. Rosalie, the Intercolonial runs over the Grand Trunk railway) crosses the St. Lawrence river and follows a general northeasterly course through a district underlain by Palaeozoic strata, mainly of Ordovician age. The district traversed is a portion of the St. Lawrence low- land or plain which extends far westward up the valley of the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes. The northwestern portion of the plain is underlain by an apparently conformable succession of Ordovician strata dipping at very low angles to the southeast. The oldest measures are displayed along the borders of the great Pre-Cambrian area to the northwest, while the youngest beds outcrop towards the centre of the plain. Though disconformities presumably exist, the strata appear to afford a complete section of the Ordovician system. 25 Miles and The southeastern portion of the plain is Kilometres. . , i r 1 i i i r i i occupied by closely folded and faulted measures of Ordovician and, possibly, Cambrian age. These disturbed measures are lithologically and faunally unlike the flat-lying, in part, at least, contemporaneous strata of the northwestern portion of the region. They belong to the geological province which includes the elevated bordering uplands on the southeast underlain by strata ranging in age from Pre-Cambrian to Devonian and which are accompanied by igneous rocks of both volcanic and plutonic types. The boundary between the gently dipping Ordovician on the northwest and the much disturbed, in part metamorphosed, strata on the southeast, though it traverses the length of the lowlands, is not marked at the surface by any topographical feature. The level, plain- like surface extends uninterruptedly across the boundary which is formed by a zone of faulting, known as the St. Lawrence and Champlain fault. This zone of faulting extends in a nearly straight course northeast from the foot of Lake Champlain to the St. Lawrence river a few miles above Quebec. From there it continues northeastward down the channel of the St. Lawrence. This fault or zone of faulting, first recognized by Sir W. E. Logan, has a length of, 162.8 m. presumably, about 900 miles (1450 km.). 262 km. Levis. (Opposite Quebec city). QUEBEC AND VICINITY. (Percy E. Raymond.) INTRODUCTION. The beetling cliffs which make Quebec the "Gibraltar of America" have been a puzzle to geologists since the earliest days of the science in America. The "Quebec *See Map, -Quebec and Vicimty. 26 group," involved, as it became, with the "Taconic" controversy and the "Theory of colonies," was for many years the subject of hot and world-wide discussion. Such noted men as Lyell, Bigsby, Logan, Billings, Marcou, Selwyn, and Hunt have repeatedly clambered over these rocks, and given to the world the most diverse views as to their age and relative positions. Barrande took a part in the wordy war, and Lapworth furnished one of the most important clues for unravelling the tangle. Al- though there is still much to be learned, the discovery of fossils and a closer study of the structure have elucidated the main features of the region. To this more recent work, Walcott, Ells, Weston, and Ami have been the main contributors. The City of Quebec lies principally upon a narrow and high promontory on the north side of the St. Lawrence. To the north of the city is a broad valley, now occupied by the St. Charles river, but which was, at no very ancient date, the main valley of the St. Lawrence. Quebec city thus occupies the eastern point of a long narrow ridge, the western edge of which is at Cape Rouge, 8 miles above the city. To the south of this ridge is the narrow gorge now occupied by the St. Lawrence, and to the north, the broad valley occupied in part by the St. Charles. North and east of the latter valley is the Pre-Cambrian highland, bordered by a narrow belt of Ordovician sediments. South of the St. Lawrence rise the steep cliffs of Levis. The sediments north of the St. Charles rest upon the Pre-Cambrian, and the oldest are of Trenton (Middle Ordovician) and the newest of Lorraine age (Upper Ordovician). The promontory on which Quebec city is built consists of shale and limestone of Middle Trenton age and the strata on the south side of the river are of Beekmantown age (Lower Ordovician). The prevailing strike of all the beds is northeast-south- west, magnetic, and the strata are thrown into tightly folded, overturned anticlines and synclines with steep dips to the southeast. There are three major faults approximately parallel to the strike, two of them thrust faults with a heavy throw to the northwest, and one normal fault with a drop to the southeast. The first of the thrust faults occupies the bed of the St. Lawrence SIA9J ap i/ffosofiS^ /aucreift dfifS* suea/JQJo pise/s/ /at/uvi/O ifl-JOtf Aouauotuyvoft-- l /N C x x x X x^ q c x x x x x x - £ s x x x x V X X X r « „ v/ X X - K x x x x x - & v x x x 5 5< _Jo 27 between Quebec and Levis, but is seen along the northern side of Orleans island, where the Levis formation is thrust upon the Quebec city formation. The second fault passes from above Cape Rouge on the St. Lawrence along the northern side of the ridge on which the city is situated and thence along the valley of the St. Charles into the St. Lawrence, where it passes between Orleans island and the north shore at Montmorency. By this fault the Quebec City formation is thrust over the Sillery and Lorraine. The third fault is well shown at Montmorency, where, by a drop of about 600 feet (180 m.) the Lorraine is brought down to abut against the Pre-Cambrian. The main structure and the faults are shown in the accompanying generalized section across the valley. In the absence of any detailed knowledge, the amount of lateral movement involved in the thrusts can only be conjectured. It must be very great however, for the Sillery, Levis and Quebec City formations do not belong to the same province of deposition as the Trenton, Utica, and Lorraine. In the region north of the Si . Lawrence the Trenton rests upon the Pre-Cambrian with sponges and corals adhering to the gneiss in the position in which they grew, thus showing that the contact is not due to a fault. Yet, only a mile away, on the Island of Orleans, is a great thickness of older (Lower Ordovician) rocks. Logan explained this by assuming a very great steepness for the shore line here, so that the gneiss of Montmorency was not submerged till Trenton time, but now that we know that both the Quebec City formation and the limestone at Montmorency are of Trenton age, though with hardly a fossil in common, it becomes impossible to accept this explanation. In New York State, the strata containing the same fauna as the Quebec City rocks, lie nearly 50 miles (80 km.) east of the nearest outcrop of strata containing the typical Trenton fauna, but the thrust need not necessarily have been so much as that. The following formations, amongst others, occur in the vicinity of Levis, Quebec, and Montmorency. 28 At Quebec and Levis. At Montmorency. Lorraine. Ordovician Upper Utica. Middle ■/,** and grey sandst | | Gn ? 5 59 however, the geological colouring stops short of Riviere du Loup. It is evident, however, from a consideration of the general geological structure of the region, that according to the views of Dresser, the district in the neighbourhood of Riviere du Loup, is in the main underlain by the Sillery. In the geological legend of the map by Dresser, the Sillery is classified as being of Cambrian age. In the general Sillery area, are isolated areas of quartzites and conglo- merates with pebbles of limestone, etc. These rocks are distinguished as forming the Kamouraska formation and by Dresser are considered to be older than the Sillery and possibly to underlie the Sillery unconformably. The areas of the Kamouraska formation as mapped by Dresser, in a general way correspond to one of Richardson's Pots- dam divisions, the division to which Richardson assigned the band of quartzite crossing Riviere du Loup below High Falls. It is believed, however, that Dresser would not correlate the quartzite outcropping on Riviere du Loup with the Kamouraska formation. DETAILED DESCRIPTION. The foregoing statements present in a generalized fashion, the views previously published regarding the age of the strata occurring at Riviere du Loup in the imme- diate vicinity of High Falls. In the following statements is given an account of the strata and their structure as observable in a general section along both banks of Riviere du Loup from the neighbourhood of the railway station to below High Falls. The section illustrates, in a general fashion, the nature of a portion of the original Quebec group and of the difficulties in the way of a complete unravelling of the various problems involved. On lithological and structural grounds, the strata of the section under description are divisible into four groups. The succession descending the river is as follows: — i. Red, green, and black shale. 2. Black shale, and sandstone. 3. Black shale. 4. Grey sandstone. By Logan the first three divisions (Nos. 1 to 3) were placed in the Sillery and supposed to be of Lower Ordo- 6o vician age since the Sillery was thought to overlie the Levis. By Logan, the grey sandstone (No. 4) was thought to be possibly older than the Sillery. By Richardson, the first three divisions (Nos. I to 3) were assigned to the Lauzon (a subdivision of the original Sillery) but guided by the assumed general structure, it was thought possible that the lower portion of the three divisions (Nos. I to 3) might be Levis. The age of the first three divisions was thought to be Lower Ordovician, while division 4 was assigned to the Potsdam (Upper Cambrian) and thought to uncon- formably underlie the upper three divisions. By Ells, and later by Bailey and Mclnnes, the four divisions were classed with the Sillery now thought to underlie the Levis and to be of Upper Cambrian age. The strata of division I as displayed in the neighbour- hood of the railway station and along certain streets east of the river, consist chiefly of red, green, and black shales with beds of sandstone and occasional beds of limestone or limestone conglomerate. The strata uniformly dip in a southeasterly direction at angles varying between 45 and 8o°. On the east side of the river along the street leading southerly from the highway bridge over the stream, are outcrops of banded red and dark shales followed by thin bedded, dark grey shales and grey sandstones. The strata dip S. 30 E.,* angle, 70 . Farther on approaching the first street leading to the east, relatively wide bands of red shale alternate with others of a dark grey colour. These are followed by a 20-foot zone of thin limestone beds alternating with_dark shales. On the street leading to the east and past the first road leading to the north, are exposures of banded, red, green and dark purple shales. The strata dip S. 35 E. On the second road leading to the north, no exposures occur until a point is reached about opposite the church. From this point northwards to the end of the street, there is a long series of exposures showing the general character of the rock assemblage. From this general neighbourhood a splendid view is obtainable of the Laurentian mountains bordering the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 20 miles (30 km.) away. *A11 directions ibf dip are referred to magnetic meridian. 6i The strata along the above mentioned street from just beyond the church northward to the end of the road, dip in general to the southeast at angles varying between 50 and 70 ; that is, if the strata be not overturned, they are displayed in descending order, if traversed in a northerly direction. The first exposures consist of hard, light grey sandstone in beds varying in thickness from 6 to 18 inches (15 cm. to 45 cm.). Beyond this the outcrops consist chiefly of red, green and dark shales, the red varieties predominating. In places the colours rapidly alternate in thin bands, in other places the colour bands are several yards or more wide. Towards the end of the street, where it joins the road leading along the river to the high- way bridge, the strata are plicated, perhaps having been involved in a fault zone. The banded shales are exposed from the end of the street to the railway and there form a long rock cutting. The strata in the railway rock cutting consist of red, green and dark shales with occasional thin beds of sandstone dipping to the southeast at angles varying from 45 to 65 . At two points in the cutting occurs calcareous conglomerate holding pebbles of limestone. At one place, the conglo- merate forms a thin, lense-like body, in the other it forms a bed 3 inches (8 cm.) thick. A somewhat similar conglo- merate occurs on the west bank of the river opposite the railway station, where the bed is about 4 inches (10 cm.) thick and is associated with dark and red shales. A similar conglomerate outcrops along the railway, south of the station. The following note regarding certain fossils occurring in these conglomerates has been furnished by Dr. Percy E. Raymond. Note on fossils at Riviere du Loup, Que. By P. E. Raymond. — "Interbedded with the red and green shales at Riviere du Loup are thin layers of conglomerate, the pebbles of which are largely of a grey limestone. Fossils may be found in the pebbles in at least two localities, one on the west bank of the river about 100 feet (30 m.) south of the highway bridge, and the other on the west side of the railroad tracks just south of the engine house. The fossiliferous pebbles are very small, and the fossils frag- mentary and unsatisfactory. Pieces of two Orthoids one of them with simple plications, are common at both localities, as are also fragments of ihe stems of some Pel- matozoan, more probably a crinoid than a cystid. The 62 most important specimens are two fragmentary Illaenus- like trilobites. These belong to an undescribed genus and species, but the same form is known from the Upper Cam- brian of Missouri. This same species was found in a similar conglomerate at St. Phillip de Neri, 31 miles (50 km.) west of Riviere du Loup, but at that locality the greater number of the pebbles contained fossils of Lower Cambrian age, while at Riviere du Loup, no definitely Lower Cambrian fossils have been found. The Upper Cambrian age of the pebbles in the conglomerates is indicated by all the fossils so far found here. In what seem to be these same shales at St. Pascal, Richardson many years ago found graptolites of Beekmantown (Levis) age". The evidence of the fossils as given above by Dr. Ray- mond indicates that the strata of division 1 are not older than Upper Cambrian and that they may be of Beekman- town age. The boundary between the strata of division 1 and those of division 2 which outcrop along the river below the rail- way bridge, has been somewhat arbitrarily chosen. From the road which leads from the railway station northwards along the west bank of the river, the red shales and asso- ciated strata of the rock cutting along the railway on the east side of the river, are visible, From this road beyond the railway crossing, an occasional glimpse of the red shales outcropping along the river below the railway may be obtained. At a point a short distance below the dam, the red strata abruptly cease and are succeeded by dark rocks which belong to division 2 and outcrop along both banks of the river to a point below the falls. The strata of division 1 outcropping along the east side of the river below the railway bridge consist of dark shales with sandstone beds and zones of red shale dipping up- stream at high angles. What seems to be a minor fault bounding a zone of red shales has been chosen as the bound- ary between divisions I and 2. On the north side of this fault, the strata of division 2 consist of dark, nearly black shales with thin beds of grey limestone, | to I inch (10 to 25 mm.) thick, dipping upstream at an angle of 6o°. The thin limestones, in places, are disrupted and form lenses. Below this point, as far as the brink of the falls, the strata with the exception of several minor bands of red shales, consist of dark shales interstratified with beds of light 63 coloured, fine grained, quartzose sandstone. At the beginning of the section, the sandstone beds are thin, in most cases from \ to \\ inches (io mm. to 40 mm.) thick, while farther down stream, the sandstone beds bulk more largely and in places are 6 feet (2 m.) thick. The strata in general dip upstream at comparatively low angles, but in places, are crenulated. The general character of division 2 and its relations with the remaining divisions, may be seen to advantage in the walls of the gorge of the river below the falls. The route to the foot of the falls passes northward through the town and thence by a side street joining a winding road leading down into the gorge of the river. No exposures occur in this part of the town, but presumably it is under- lain by strata of division 2. The winding road, leading from the town street, first runs southerly towards a low escarpment whose bare rock face is formed of nearly horizontal dark shales with beds of light coloured sand- stone. These measures belong to division 2. They repose on strata of division 3, but are separated from them by a nearly horizontal thrust plane which must lie about at the foot of the escarpment. At the first bend in the road, in front of the escarpment, and again a short distance farther on, are outcrops of a light coloured, greenish-grey, quartzose sandstone dipping to the southeast, towards the escarpment, at an angle of about 30 . This sandstone belongs to division 4, and in the exposureless interval between its outcrops and the face of the escarpment, must lie the strata of division 3. The strata of division 3 are displayed along the road from a point near the second exposure of sandstone, to near the end of the road at the river side. In the first expo- sures, the strata dip southwards at angles of about 45 . The rocks consist of dark shales with thin sandstone beds \ to 1 \ inches (10 mm. to 40 mm.) thick. As the road is descended, there may be seen in the high rock escarp- ment the trace of a thrust plane along which the strata of division 2, have been pushed over those of division 3. The fault plane dips towards the south at an angle of about 20 . The overlying strata of division 2, are nearly horizontal, the underlying strata (division 3), are steeply inclined and, in the neighborhood of the fault, are crumpled and torn. 6 4 From the underlying shales of division 3, Dr. Raymond has collected fossils of a single species, regarding which he makes the following note. "The small flattened oval fossils are Caryocaris curvilineatiis, Gurley. Both genus and species are confined, in this general region, to rocks of Levis age. The species has been found at Point Levis, Deepkill, near Albany, N. Y., and in Nevada, while the genus occurs also in the Skiddaw slates of England and Australia." The rinding and identifying of this fossil corroborates in a certain measure Richardson's suggestion that possibly these underlying measures might belong to the Levis, though Richardson's belief was founded, as it is generally supposed, on a mistaken supposition regarding the relative ages of the overlying and underlying strata. From the edge of the river, the trace of the thrust plane is visible in the cliff face rising from the opposite shore. The overlying strata of division 2, may be seen to be thrown into a series of crenulations clearly and strikingly expressed by the banded character of the measures. The regularly- formed crenulations or plications, perhaps average 4 to 6 feet (1 -2 to 1 -8 m.) from crest to crest. These crenulations extend up the whole height of the high, cliff face. Along this rock face upstream, the plications gradually fade away and towards the head of the rock-walled, amphitheatre-like embayment, the strata dip regularly to the southward at angles of from 35 to 45 . The strata of division 2, thus exposed at the head of the amphitheatre-like embayment are separated by a concealed interval of about 30 feet (9 m.), from the red and dark green shales of division 1, exposed in the long rock cuttings on the railway line. The strata of division 3, consisting chiefly of dark shales, outcrop along the shores of the river for a distance of about 200 feet (60 m.), or as far down the river as the place where the river channel commences to narrow. At this place are outcrops of light coloured, quartzose sandstone interbedded with shales. The strata dip south- ward at an angle of 35 . These ledges mark the position of the assumed northern boundary of division 4. The sandstone, in heavy beds with interbeds of dark shale, out- crops down stream for a further space of about 200 feet (60 m.). Beyond this, exposures cease and no more out- crops occur for a long distance downstream. The sand- stones are lithologically ve y similar to the sandstones associated with the limestone conglomerate at Bic and resemble the sandstones and associated conglomerate of other localities. The sandstones of division 4, are, apparently, conform- able with the shales of division 3. If, as the single fossil species seems to indicate, the shales are of Levis age, then the quartzites are also of this age. The strata of divisions 2 and 1 seem to be conformable, though locally separated by a break. The fossils recovered from division I indicate that the strata are not older than Upper Cambrian : they may be of approximately the same age as divisions 2 and 4. The structures exhibited by the strata of division 2 in the cliff face below the falls — the gradual change in attitude from an inclined one to a nearly horizontal, plicated one, and the fact that the zone of plications does not bear any evident relation to the plane of the thrust fault — indicate that the measures lie in a deformed, overturned anticlinal fold, which during the process of folding was plicated at the apex. If this be so, then, as the existence of the thrust fault and the uniform direction of the dip of the strata both above and below the fault indicate, a thrust fault developed after the fold was overturned, whereby the upper portion of the recumbent fold was thrust forward over the overturned, lower limb so that stratigraphically lower measures came to lie on stratigraphically higher measures. This general conclusion apparently is supported by the somewhat meager fossiliferous evidence so far obtained. If the above suppositions are correct, it follows that the quartzites of division 4, are the youngest strata exposed in the section and not, as at one time thought, the oldest. On the above general grounds, the true order of succession of the strata of the section in descending order is, — Division 4, grey quartzose sandstones with interbedded dark grey shales. Division 3, dark grey shales. A section of strata unrepresented because of the presence of thrust fault. Division I, red ,green and dark shales, with beds of limestone conglomerate, limestone and sandstone. Division 2, interbedded dark, grey shales and light coloured sandstones. 35063—5 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Bailey, L. W., and Mclnnes, W. ; Geol. Surv. Can., Annual Report, vol. 5, 1890-91, part M. 2. Dresser, J. A Geol. Surv. Can., Map 34 A. 3. Ells, R. W Geol. Surv. Can., Annual Report, vol. 3, 1887-88, part K. 4. Logan, W. E Geol. Surv. Can., Geology of Canada 1863. 5. Logan, W. E Geol. Surv. Can., Report of Progress, 1863-66. 6. Richardson, J Geol. Surv. Can., Report of Pro- gress, 1866-69. RIVIERE DU LOUP. THE POST-GLACIAL MARINE SUBMERGENCE. (J. W. GOLDTHWAIT.) At Riviere du Loup terraces and benches at various levels on the slaty hillsides offer little that is reliable as an index to the extent of marine submergence. In the southwest part of the town, however, two rather delicate gravelly beaches may be traced through the fields, at a height of 372 feet. Inasmuch as this measurement at Riviere du Loup harmonizes with those at other places along the coast, lying on the same inclined plane, it seems safe to accept it as the upper limit of submergence. This agrees perfectly with the determination made by Baron De Geeri n 1892* Just beyond the car shops a ditch beside the Intercolonial railway showed in August 1912, a very fine cross section of a shell bed 340 feet above sea level. This is not only the highest occurrence of Pleisto- cene marine shells east of Quebec, but one of the rare instances of marine shells close to the upper limit of submergence. The unusually large size of the Saxicava arctica and the profusion of them in these old tidal flats *G. De Geer : On Pleistocene changes of level in eastern North America. Boston Society of Natural History, Proc; vol. 25, 1892, pp. 454—477; and American Geo- logist, vol. 11, 1893, pp. 22—24. 67 at the mouth of the Riviere du Loup, indicates that con- ditions for life here were exceptionally favourable. Several other types of shells occur in the deposit, but fully 95 per cent are Saxicava. Heavy gravels of this delta, but barren of fossils, are exposed across the river, not far from the railway station. ANNOTATED GUIDE. RIVIERE DU LOUP TO BIC. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. o m. Riviere duLoup— Alt. 315 ft. (96- m.). From o km. Riviere du Loup to Bic, the St. Lawrence river is bordered by a wide zone of the same general succession of strata traversed by the railway from Quebec eastward. The measures consist largely of red, green, black, and grey slates with bands, mostly of limited extent, of quartzose sandstone. With these occur beds of sandstone and of conglomerate bearing limestone pebbles and boulders. The strata in general strike parallel with the St. Lawrence shore but are everywhere much folded and contorted; over- turned folds and faults occur at many points. The strata in general have been usually regarded as being of Cambrian age. The measures in the neighbourhood of the coast were considered by Logan to underlie the Sillery formation. With the exception of the fossils recovered from the limestone fragments in the conglomerates, the only fossil recorded from the strata of the district is Obolella pre'iosa. The zone of these measures extends inland at Riviere du Loup for about 30 miles (50 km.). Farther east, the zone decreases in width and at Bic it is only about 7 miles (11 km.) broad. These Cambrian or Ordovician measures are bounded on the south by Silurian strata consisting largely of intricately folded dark slates. Leaving Riviere du Loup the Intercolonial railway for a number of miles, passes along or near the steep drop leading to the low lying 35063- "D2 68 Ki'iometros ^ an< ^ bordering the St. Lawrence. To the southward the country rises gradually inland in a broken, rolling fashion. 27 m. Trois Pistoles Station — Alt. 112 ft. (34- mi.). 43-5 km. On the shore at Trois Pistoles, in a measured section of 700 feet (213 m.) of strata, 150 feet (47-7 m.) consist of grey calcareous sandstone and conglomerate. The conglomerate occurs in nine beds 2 to 16 feet (0-3 to 4-9 m.) thick. The rounded masses in the conglomerate are chiefly of limestone weighing from a pound to a ton (1,000 kilos). 35-6 m. St. Simon Station — Alt. 296 ft. (90-2 m.). 57-3 km. The railway passes through a succession of com- paratively wide valleys whose bounding ridges gradually increase in height. These ridges are presumably largely formed of resistant quartzose sandstone. The bounding ridges on the north, though parallel with one another, slightly overlap. It is probable that this feature is indirectly due to the faulting of the resistant bands of quartzose sandstone. Approaching St. Fabien banded red and green, and dark slates are exposed in rock cuttings. The strata are crumpled and contorted. 45-5 m. St. Fabien Station — Alt. 445 ft. (135 -6m.). 73-2 km. From St. Fabien to Bic, high abrupt ridges rise to the northeast of the valley traversed by the railway. Approaching Bic, these ridges as seen from the railway, possess very steep faces on their seaward sides while on the land- ward sides, the slopes are more gentle. The hill forms apparently conform in outline to the general southerly dip of the strata. At intervals along the railway, are exposures of slates and quartzose sandstone. 54-8 m. Bic— Alt. 82 ft. (25 m.). 88-2 km. 6 9 BIC.* (G. A. Young.) INTRODUCTION. Bic, like Riviere du Loup, is situated within the long extended zone of the Quebec group, which borders the south side of the St. Lawrence from opposite Quebec city nearly to the extremity of Gaspe peninsula. A certain amount of prominence in geological literature has been given Bic and other neighbouring localities because of the occurrence of conglomeratic strata containing, in places, fossiliferous limestone pebbles. Somewhat similar con- glomerate beds occur at various horizons in the Quebec group and at intervals throughout the whole extent of the group from Levis northeastward. These occurrences of conglomerates differ amongst themselves in that in some cases the fossils of the pebbles may represent an assemblage of distinct faunas ranging in age from Lower Ordovician to Lower Cambrian; or the fossils present may all belong to one general fauna, as in the case of the conglomerates at Bic where fossils of Lower Cambrian age only, have been recovered. One general characteristic is common to all the known fossiliferous conglomerate horizons, — the original source of the fossiliferous strata has not been established and, though the present borders of the Laurentian Pre-Cambrian area lies so close, yet pebbles or boulders of typical Lau- rentian rocks are exceedingly rare if not in most cases entirely absent from the conglomerates. The following statements regarding the fauna occurring in the conglomerate in the vicinity of Bic have been pre- pared by Charles D. Walcott. 'The fauna occurring in the boulders and limestone at Bic harbour is that found in the later deposits of the Lower Cambrian rocks both in Newfoundland and the St. Lawrence valley, also in some of the older deposits of the Lower Cambrian. It is marked by the presence of Olenellus thompsoni, which occurs in the later deposits *See Map — Bic. 70 both on the Straits of Belle Isle and in the Lake Champlain valley. The presence of HyolitheUus micans, Microdiscus lobatus, and M. speciosus indicates that there is also present a portion of a somewhat older fauna than that occurring with Olenellus thompsoni.' 'The origin of the boulders containing the Olenellus fauna is unknown. There is a marked lithological and palaeontological similarity between them and the Lower Cambrian limestone of Topsail head and Conception bay, Newfoundland, that points to similar conditions of sedimentation and life, and I found the head of an Olenellus on the Island of Orleans that is of the type of 0. (M.) broggeri of Newfoundland. It is quite possible that the deposits from which the conglomerates were derived exten- ded around the Newfoundland coast, to the west and north, and thence along the margin of the Pre-Cambrian land, southwest, toward the Adirondack mountains of New York, and that the disturbances toward the close of the Cambrian period, in the St. Lawrence valley, resulted in the uplifting of the Lower Cambrian strata and its denudation and breaking up during Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician time. ' 'From Bic harbour, Trois Pistoles, and St. Simon the following species have been found in the conglomerate limestone: — • Lingulella caelata Agnostus sp.? Iphidea bella, Microdiscus lobatus, Kutorgina cingulata, Microdiscus speciosus, Obolella crassa, Olenellus thompsoni, Obolella circe, Olenoides marcoui, Obolella gemma, Olenoides levis, Orthis, 2 n. sp., Ptychoparia adamsi, Platyceras primaevum, Ptychoparia teucer, Scenella retusa, Ptychoparia (?) trilineata Stenotheca rugosa, Ptychoparia, sp. undt. Hyolithes americanus, Agraulos strenuus, Hyolithes communis, Protypus senectus, Hyolithes princeps, Protypus senectus, var. parvulus, HyolitheUus micans. 'The above fauna proves clearly that there was a large and varied Lower Cambrian fauna in the limestone from which the boulders of the Bic conglomerates were derived, 7i and that the fauna is essentially the same as that of the Lake Champlain and Upper Hudson river area in eastern New York. ' The conglomerates which are displayed so prominenty at Bic and for some distance to the southwest and north- east, are confined to a comparatively narrow belt along the coast. They occur in conspicuous ridges surrounded or alternating with low-lying areas occupied by shales and slates. The prominence thus given to the conglom- erates, their interesting features and their situation on the coast, has naturally directed the attention of geologists to them, but in spite of this, comparatively little detailed information has been recorded. Since the fossils found in the conglomerates occur in pebbles, it is evident that the fossiliferous evidence fixes only the lower limit of the possible range of age of the beds; the conglomerate cannot be older than the age of the fauna represented in the pebbles and boulders. Consequently any attempt to more definitely determine the age of the conglomerates must be based on other lines of evidence. James Richardson in two early reports [2, pp. 126-7, p. 149; 3, p. 130] assigns the Bic conglomerates to a position stratigraphically beneath the Sillery. In a much later report, L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes [1] assign the Bic conglomerates to a horizon in the upper part of the Sillery (Cambrian). It is stated [1, p. 22] that, in general, the conglomerates are displayed along synclinal or anticlinal axes. The general succession of the strata is stated to be as follows arranged in descending order, — (a) Fine grained sandstone or quartzite, grading downwards into, (b) Conglomerate and sandstone grading downwards into, (c) Comparatively coarse conglomerate, resting on, (d) Red, green and purple slates. This general arrangement, it is stated, obtains at Bic, where besides the main band of conglomerate, other smaller bands occur. DETAILED DESCRIPTION. In the limited area bordering Bic river and the eastern end cf Bic harbour, represented on the accompanying 72 geological sketch map, the strata consist of zones or bands of quartzose sandstone or quartzite and conglomerate alternating with bands of shale or slate. The strata, in a general way, strike east and west and are traversed by a series of faults striking to the west of north. The fault planes are presumably vertical or nearly so and in the cases of all the faults observed the strata on the western side of the fault plane, relatively to the strata on the eastern side of the fault, are displaced towards the north. Besides these more easily detected faults that strike in a northerly direction, there are also present others striking in an east and west direction. The strata of the zone of quartzite and conglomerate traversed by Bic river, south of Bic harbour, is, in its northern portion folded into an open synclinal form, and the quartzites and conglomerates therefore overlie the dark shales exposed along the railway. Possibly the two bands of quartzite on the northern side of the estuary of Bic river, represent tightly compressed folds of the same quartzite horizon, but the evidence is not complete in this respect. In the case of the broad belt of quartzite and conglomerate south of the railway, the southern portion, south of the synclinal axis referred to, apparently is folded into an anticline, and along the southern border of the area, the quartzites dip steeply beneath dark shales interbedded with light coloured, fine grained sandstones. Fossils occur in the conglomerates at Bic at a number of points. One of the more readily accessible of these is a short distance west of Bic station and to the south of the railway. The first conglomerate band south of the railway, at this point, contains many fossiliferous lime- stone pebbles, in which the most common fossils are Olenellus thompsoni, Protypus senectus and Microdiscus. The general geological structure and the nature of the stratigraphical divisions may be observed if the road leading southward from Bic station is traversed as far as the crossing of Bic river, and if also the road leading northwestward along the eastern side of Bic harbour is followed to its ending. A very short distance west of Bic station and immediately south of the railway, there rises a partly wooded ridge extending for some distance west of Bic but ending abruptly on the east just south of Bic station. This ridge is formed :d 73 of alternating beds of coarse and fine quartzite, and con- glomerate either disposed vertically or dipping to the south. At the foot of the northern slope, the quartzite and conglomerate are interbedded with black slate, while along the railway line the strata are entirely composed of black slates. The interbedding of the quartzites and slates along the boundary of the two divisions and the absence of any appearances of structural unconformity indicate that the slate series and the quartzite series are conformable, while the uniform southerly direction of dip in the eastern part of the ridge and an open synclinal fold developed to the south indicate that the quartzite series overlies the black slate division. The road leading southward from Bic station ascends a gently rising slope and passes a few hundred feet to the east of the abrupt end of the quartzite ridge. Along the roadside are exposed nearly vertical beds, striking west- ward, of purple weathering dark shales; these shales at the southern end of the exposure contain thin beds (i to 6 inches; 2 cm. to 15 cm.) of fine-grained sandstone and these dip southward at an angle of 6o°. The slates strike directly towards the quartzite ledges exposed along the east slope of the hill and, evidently, must be separated from them by a fault plane. No further outcrops occur along the road for some distance. As the road is followed southward, the out- cropping ledges of white quartzite to the west, may be seen to approach closer and closer to the road. Just beyond where a branch road leads to the west and close to the Bic river, an exposure of dark weathering, greenish slate occurs on the roadside while, just beyond at the turn of the road, are outcrops of quartzite and conglomerate. These two exposures are believed to lie on opposite sides of the above mentioned fault plane. In the general area to the east of the fault plane, — along the river, over the ridge on the southern side of the river, and elsewhere, only dark slates and the associated thin beds of sandstone are exposed. West of the fault plane the strata are almost entirely light coloured quartzites and conglom- erates. At the bridge over the river the quartzite beds are displayed in the crown of an anticline. On the river below the bridge, the quartzites dip southerly at angles of 20° to 30 , while those above the bridge dip at low angles to 74 the north. Both above and below the bridge dark shaly measures are interbedded with the quartzites and outcrop from beneath them, and it is assumed that these beds mark the summit of the shale division underlying the quartzites. To the south on the southern limb of the anticline, the quartzites and conglomerates dip at high angles to the south or are vertical. Along the southern boundary of the quartzite area, the strata dip southward at angles of from 6o° to 8o°, and disappear beneath an overlying series of dark shales with interbedded sandstones. To the north of the river, the strata on the north limb of the anticline dip at low angles to the north, but just north of the road leading west, the measures are traversed by a synclinal axis and the direction of dip rom this point to the north brow of the hill is to the south. The dark slates on the east side of the major fault noted above, are exposed along Bic river as far down as the railway crossing. A small outcrop of these rocks occurs in front of the parish church. The slates every- where dip to the south at high angles. These beds thus appear to form the northern limb of a syncline, though it is possible they form the limb of an overturned anticline. If the shales respectively to the east and west of the major fault belong to the same horizon, the more natural assump- tion, and this is the one adopted, would be that the strata lie in the northern limb of a syncline. From the square in front of the parish church, looking northward across the railway and beyond an open field, a low ridge of light coloured rock may be seen separated by a low-lying interval from a much higher ridge to the north. Both ridges strike in an east-west direction and are formed of quartzites and conglomerates. The inter- vening, low ground is underlain by dark slates. No exposures occur along the road leading northward from the church to the railway nor do any occur for some distance along the shore road skirting the eastern side of Bic harbour. At the falls on Bic river at the railway bridge, dark shales with thin sandstone beds dip in a southerly direction at an angle of 55 . A ten-foot bed of limestone conglomerate forms the projecting rib of rock which is the immediate cause of the falls. Along the shore road, to the north of the crossing of Bic river, the first exposures are of conglomerate. The conglomerate as seen on a weathered surface, consists of a mass of rounded 75 and angular, light coloured fragments lying with very- little evidence of bedding, in a dark matrix of the nature of a coarse, quartz sandstone or quartzite. The embedded fragments vary in size from very small up to one foot or more in diameter, and when broken out from the matrix may be seen to possess smooth, rounded, waterworn outlines. As may be noticed in this and other exposures, certain beds of the conglomerate are characterized by the uniformly small size of the contained fragments, others by the relative- ly large size of the fragments. The fragments consist chiefly of limestone, the most abundant variety being a dense, bluish-grey type. Pebbles and boulders of sand- stone, quartzite, quartz, limestone conglomerate, sandstone conglomerate, etc., are also present. Towards the west end of the exposure of conglomerate, a small body of dark shale is exposed on the roadside in contact with the conglomerate. The same dark shale or slate is exposed westward along the shore. Apparently this locality is at the contact of the conglomerate with the large body of shales extending to the south. If it be true, as has been assumed, that the shales lie on the northern limb of a syncline, then the conglomerate and quartzite band to the north belongs to a horizon lower than that of the body of similar strata forming the ridge southwest of Bic station. Westward from the exposure of conglomerate, the high- way approximately follows the boundary between the conglomerate and quartzite on the north, and the shales on the south. The line of contact between the two divisions is very irregular in detail probably as a result of deformation that took place during the folding and sub- sequent faulting of the measures when, doubtless, the shales as a whole acted as a relatively plastic body and the conglomerates and quartzites as a brittle mass. Along this portion of the road, the quartzite beds associated with the conglomerates, are exposed. The quartzite composes the bulk of the formation. It is usually fine grained but in places is sufficiently coarse to be termed a grit and is composed almost exclusively of rounded quartz grains in a silicious matrix. No rocks outcrop along the road where, after passing through a cut in conglomerate, it bends to the eastward along the edge of the low ridge. The quartzites and con- glomerates in this ridge are vertical or dip steeply to the 76 south. It may be assumed therefore, that these measures also lie in the northern limb of a syncline. Along the road where after following a northerly course for a short distance, it again turns and strikes to the west, several exposures of conglomerate occur to the south of the road, while on the road and in the fields on the north side are outcrops of dark shale. A short distance farther on in a low, small knoll, the conglomerate and the slaty rocks are displayed in contact with one another, the strata dipping steeply to the south. The road, apparently, follows the northern boundary of the belt of conglomerates and quartzites. At the place close to the shore where the road bends to the north, several hummocks of conglomerate occur on the east side of the road; their presence apparently indicates the existence of a north-south fault lying just east of the exposures. Northward, along the road, a single exposure of dark shale occurs before the ending of the road at the pier which apparently is situated almost directly on the course of the above mentioned fault, the presence of which is indicated in the strata exposed at low water along the eastern side of the pier. At the beginning of the pier, conglomerate and quartzite are exposed to the east. The strata are much fractured and are veined with calcite. These measures form the prominent ridge which fronts on the coast and extends for several miles to the east. Similar strata are exposed on the island on whose side the pier is built, and the general characters of the conglomerate and quartzite are excel- lently displayed in large exposures. On the island the strata dip towards the north at com- paratively low angles. It is inferred that the strata of the ridge along the coast occur in the form of an anticline probably deformed by faulting, and that this band of conglomerate and quartzite dips beneath the first zone of dark slates to the south, and that these in turn dip beneath the strata of the succeeding band of quartzite and conglomerate. The general inferred succession of the strata displayed in the immediate vicinity of Bic is as follows, arranged in descending order, — (a) Dark slates with interbedded sandstone. (b) Quartzite with interbedded conglomerate. 77 (c) Dark slates, in places weathering with a purplish colour; occasional relatively thin beds of limestone conglomerate. (d) Interbedded quartzites and conglomerate. (e) Dark slate. (f) Conglomerate and quartzite. The total thickness of the series displayed must be considerable, perhaps in the neighbourhood of 3,500 feet (1,066 m.), but no reliable estimate of the thickness has been formed. Regarding the age of the strata it may be stated that it cannot be older than Lower Cambrian since the fauna of the limestone pebbles in the conglomerates is of this age. Presumably the series is at least as young as Middle Cambrian and possibly still younger. It is noteworthy that lithologically the quartzites are identical with the quartzite or quartzose sandstone displayed at Riviere du Loup below High Falls. The somewhat scanty fossiliferous evidence obtained at Riviere du Loup indicates that there the quartzite is of Lower Ordovician age ; possibly the strata at Bic are of about the same age. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Bailey, L. W., and Mclnnes, W. L. Geol. Surv. Can. Annual Report, vol. 5, 1890-91, part M. 2. Richardson, J Geol. Surv. Can., Report of Progress 1858. 3. Richardson J Geol. Surv. Can., Report of Progress, 1866-69. BIC: THE POST-GLACIAL MARINE SUBMERGENCE. (J. W. GOLDTHWAIT.) Just to the west of Bic railway station one may see a record of glaciation towards the north, — according to Chalmers' interpretation — by the ice from the Appalachian highlands. A well formed roche moutonnee close beside the track is severely scrubbed on the south side and torn and roughened on the north. Among the ledges of lime- stone and conglomerate which outcrop in the hills south 78 of the railway, well formed pocket beaches may be seen. Unlike the prevailing slate of the St. Lawrence plain, which splinters and flakes in a most unfavourable way for beach construction, the limestone supplied the waves with an abundance of good pebble making material. Here, therefore, is one of the most satisfactory places on the whole coast of the St. Lawrence to determine the height to which the sea has washed the surface. A mile or two southeast of the station, the upper marine limit is very distinctly marked by a set of gravelly beaches Micmac bluff and terrace at Bic, Quebec. that stop abruptly at 311 feet (94-8 m.). On ledges slightly above this level, the thickly scattered joint frag- ments of limestone show no sign whatever of rounding and assorting. No marine fossils have been discovered in these highest beaches; in fact, discoveries of shells at the extreme upper reach of submergence are rarely made. Fossils of sub-arctic species may be collected, however, from the deeper water clays at 120 feet (36-5 m.) two miles east of the station on the road to Hattie bay. On the 79 north side of the railway the village of Bic extends out to the brink of the old Micmac sea-cliff, which reappears here with all its characteristic freshness and strength. The great length of the Micmac stage is the more evident when one compares the great sea cliff with the low bank and marshy beach at the modern high tide mark. The last twenty feet of the whole 311 feet (94-8 m.) elevation of the coast at Bic seems to have been accomplished only after centuries of stability or of slow coastal subsidence; and judging by the ineffectiveness of the modern waves this renewed uplift may still be going on. ANNOTATED GUIDE. BIC TO MATAPEDIA JUNCTION. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. o m. Bic — Alt. 82 ft. (25 m.). From Bic to o km. Matapedia Junction the Intercolonial railway for about 100 miles (160 km.) or as far as Little Metis, parallels the St. Lawrence river either passing close to the shore or inland at a distance of several miles. Throughout this distance the railway traverses a portion of the belt of ' Cambrian ' strata that borders the St. Lawrence on the south side from Quebec city eastwards. As in the sections between Quebec and Bic, the strata are largely red, green and black slates with bands of sandstones, and local developments of quartzose sandstones and conglomerates containing fragments of fossilif- erous limestone. The measures in general strike parallel with the St. Lawrence, but are closely folded and much faulted. The 'Cam- brian ' strata of this belt are bounded on the south by a wide area of Silurian limestones. At Little Metis the course of the railway turns inland, runs in an easterly direction across the full width of the belt of 'Cambrian' meas- ures, and entering the Silurian and Devonian area of the Shickshock mountains, runs first 8o KUomeues southeast and then south across the axis of the mountains by way of the Matapedia valley. The Silurian and Devonian strata of the Shick- shock mountains occupy the greater r.. A t of the Gaspe peninsula and in Canada, extend south- westward from the eastern extremity of Gaspe peninsula to beyond the Tern - ;ouata river, a distance of about 250 miles (400 km.). In age the measures range from Niagara or younger to late Devonian, and apparently form a con- formable group. The Silurian measures are largely dark grey slates and calcai ous slates, but limestones occur at various horizons, more especially towards the top of the series. The lower Devonian measures are largely slates, calcareous slates, and limestones. The upper Devonian strata are dar'- grey shales and sand- stones containing, in pi cs, an abundance of plant remains. The strata in the extreme eastern portion of Gaspe peninsula strike in general, somewhat south of east; towards the centre of the peninsula the general strike is east and west; farther west, in the Matapedia valley the general strike is about south-south- west; while still farther west, the general strike is southwest. Over a considerable por- tion of the peninsula the measures lie in broad open folds, but in many parts and over large districts the strata are closely folded and are traversed by numerous dislocations. After leaving Bic, the railway approaches and closely follows the shore where, as near Sacre Coeur, dark slates outcrop with low angles of dip. 6-3 m. Sacre Coeur Station — Alt. 20 ft. (6 m.). io- 1 km. 'The view of the great Micmac cliff and terrace near Sacre Coeur is very instructive. On the left hand side of the track is the steep, straight wave-cut bluff, whose base is approximately 20 feet (6 m.) above mean tide. Slate out- cropping along the face of it shows that the waves at this stage cut back with power and persistence for a long period of time. On the other side the gravelly wave swept terrace, 8i Miles and now we u out f reach of the sea, stretches Kilometres. , ' forward to the water s edge, and merges almost imperceptibly with the tide-covered flats which run out as far as the eye can see. These mud fiats are in many places so thin that the wave-bevelled edges of the layers of slate show through them, testifying to the complete planation of the Micmac shelf by the sea at the time when it was advancing against the cliffs. The indefinite, expressionless beach which lies along the line of modern storm waves, half concealed by salt marsh grass, is insignifi- cant as a record of wave rock, in comparison with the great sea-cliff that marks the twenty- foot stage. These vast mud flats, which follow the south shore all the way to Quebec, are plainly the still submerged outer portion of the Micmac terrace and not the product of wave action at the present level save for the soft muddy sediment which scarcely conceals the rock surface, and the ice-rafted boulders which lie scattered abundantly over the shallow water zone. The upper marine beaches, also, which lie out of sight of the railway, on the upland above the old sea-cliff, are compara- tively indistinct. The highest one stands at 294 feet (89-6 m.). Three-quarters of a mile beyond Sacre Coeur, the Micmac sea-cliff at- tains its greatest strength, rising precipitously over a hundred feet above the shelf on which the railway runs. It is important to note that through this whole district the altitude of this terrace is constant, and continues without change all the way to Quebec." (Note supplied by J. W. Goldthwait.) Approaching Rimouski, cuttings in dark slates occur along the railway. 10-5 m. Rimouski Station — Alt. 54 ft. (165 m.). 16-9 km. Beyond Rimouski, the railway swings away from the shore and traverses a low, gently rolling country bounded inland, by a series of parallel ridges. Approaching Ste. Flavie, the country is more broken, the ridges inland are 35063—6 82 Miles and higher and still higher ones are visible in the Kilometres. & ° distance. 28-5 m. Ste Flavie Station— Alt. 266 ft. (81 m.). 45-8 km. "At Ste. Flavie, the station stands within a few hundred yards of the upper marine limit, which is marked by an obscure sandy beach in the house lots on a back street southeast of the track. It is 272 feet (82 • 9 m.) above sea level. Beyond, on higher slopes the form and composition of the ground indicate that no submergence has taken place. Between the 272-foot beach and the shore of the St. Lawrence are a number of gravelly beaches. Three miles beyond St. Flavie, the valley of Grand Metis river is crossed. Looking up the valley, high ridges are visible. The flat ground on both sides of the river, here, is the top of an extensive delta, built during the emergence of the coast from the sea. Its altitude, about 260 feet (79-2 m.) above sea level, corresponds closely with the altitude of the highest beach at Ste. Flavie. At Priceville, a large lumber town at the falls of the Grand Metis river, within sight of the railway bridge, the delta gravels contain myriads of mussel shells, at an altitude of about 175 feet (53-3 m.)." (Note supplied by J. W. Goldthwait.) Beyond the crossing of Grand Metis river, rock cuttings in dark slates occur along the rail- way which, gradually rising, passes along the edge of a steep drop to the low foreland bordering the St. Lawrence. From this section is obtained a last view of the Laurentian highlands on the north side of the St. Lawrence, 30 miles (50 km.) away. The railroad finally turns to the east and entering the valley of Little Metis river crosses the band of Sillery and associated strata which has continued uninterruptedly from Levis, 190 miles (300 km.) to the southwest and which extends for 165 miles (265 km.) farther to the northeast, to the extremity of Gaspe peninsula. In the extension of this band to the northeast, graptolite-bearing shales of Utica age (Upper Ordovician) are infolded with the older measures. 83 Miles and Kilometres. 38-6 m. Little Metis Station — Alt. 569 ft. (173-4111.). 62-1 km. Little Metis station is high on the side of the valley of Little Metis river which the railway follows upwards for a few miles passing through many rock cuttings in red and dark slates, and sandstones. The strata in some of the rock cuttings are highly contorted. Leaving the Little Metis valley, the railroad continues to ascend through a rough, broken country. 42-5 m. Kempt Station— Alt. 688 ft. (209-7 m.). 68-4 km. Beyond Kempt the railway passes through rock cuttings in red and black slates. The railroad then follows up the valley of a small stream with rock walls of dark slates. 50-5 m. St. Moise Station — Alt. 540 ft. (195 m.). 81 -3 km. In the neighbourhood of St. Moise an extensive view is afforded to the northeast over a low, broken country with one rather high hill nearby. Rock cuts in red and black slates occur along the railway which at a point several miles east of St. Moise, passes over a low summit, altitude 771 ft. (235 m.) and drops to the shores of a small lake draining eastward to Lake Mata- pedia. A short distance beyond this small lake, the last rock cut in the dark "Cambrian" slates is passed and the railway enters a com- paratively level area underlain by nearly flat- lying Silurian measures. The level area is bounded on the southwest by the high hills of the Shickshock or Notre Dame mountains visible from the railway. The Silurian strata unconformably overlie the "Cambrian". The lowest beds are white and pinkish sandstones with a thickness of about 60 feet (18 m.). These are overlain by dark grey fossiliferous limestone probably of Niagara age. 57-9 m. Sayabec Station — Alt. 578 ft. (176-2 m.). 93-2 km. Sayabec is situated about a mile south of the head of Lake Matapedia. A few miles past Sayabec the railroad approaches close to the shore of the lake. Nearly horizontal Silurian strata outcrop along the southwestern shores 35063— 6\ 8 4 Miles and but on the opposite side, towards the head of the lake, folded "Cambrian" strata occur while towards the foot of the lake, metamorphosed rocks possibly of Pre-Cambrian age, are present. Towards the foot of the lake and for the first few miles in the rather broad valley of Mata- pedia river, there are no rock exposures. 72 -9m. Amqui Station — Alt. 532 ft. (162-1 m.). 115-7 km. Beyond Amqui, rock cuts occur along the rail- way in dark slates with occasional beds of fine sandstone and thin beds of limestone. The measures in most places lie with low angles of dip but in places are highly inclined. Approaching Causapscal the railroad crosses the river to the east side of the hitherto broad valley but which in this neighbourhood contracts. 86-3 m. Causapscal Station — Alt. 454 ft. (138 -4 m.). 138-9 km. Beyond Causapscal, the river valley again broadens and cuts across a six-mile wide belt of greyish and yellowish sandstones and arenaceous shales. These measures represent the Gaspe sandstone series and are presumably of late Devonian age. The strata are highly inclined in the form of a synclinal fold. They terminate a few miles to the west of the river, while in an easterly direction they extend continuously for 150 miles (240 km.) to the extremity of Gaspe peninsula. At several places in the interior of Gaspe, the Devonian sandstone series rests unconformably upon Silurian mea- sures. On the Matapedia, it was supposed by Logan, that the Silurian and Devonian were conformable. 92-8 m. Beau Rivage Station — Alt. 366ft.(in -6 m.). 149-4 km. Beyond Beau Rivage, the Silurian area is again entered and numerous rock cuts in the highly inclined, dark grey calcareous slates occur along the railway to Matapedia Junction, where the Matapedia joins the Restigouche river. Below Beau Rivage, the river valley gradually contracts and the bordering hills rise to higher heights. The various tributaries of the Mata- pedia river irrespective of their sizes, occupy Ki'iomlu-es. deep va 'l e >' s joining the main valley at grade. The Matapedia valley also enters the wider, Restigouche valley at grade. The wide and deep Restigouche valley is the inland con- tinuation of the broad valley of Chaleur bay. 1209.n1 Matapedia Junction — Alt. 53 ft. (16-2 m.). 194-6 km. DALHOUSIE AND THE GASPE PENINSULA* (John M. Clarke.) INTRODUCTION. The general region dealt with in the following account embraces the head of the Bay Chaleur region and the great peninsula of Gaspe. The Bay Chaleur is an east- west arm of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about 100 miles (160 km.) in length, and constitutes the marine boundary between the provinces of New Brunswick on the south and Quebec on the north. It was discovered and named by Jacques Cartier in 1534. The chief affluent of the bay is the Restigouche river, in its lower reaches a continuation of the boundary line between the provinces and also the site of large private salmon-fishing preserves. The mouth of the Restigouche river and the head of the bay are con- ventionally located at Dalhousie, N. B., on the south and Maguasha Point, P.Q., on the north, and here the width of the bay is about 3 miles (5-4 km.). Campbellton lies on the Restigouche river, 15 miles (27 km.) above Dal- housie. Here the river has narrowed to about f miles (1-3 km.). Opposite Campbellton on the north (Quebec) shore is the Reservation and Mission of the Micmac Indians at Restigouche. The Devonian beds and their volcanic intrusives about Dalhousie were early discussed by Hind, Bailey and J. W. Dawson, and the official geological maps of the region were compiled by Ells, by whom also the geological relations of these rocks were discussed at some length . The first identifi- cation of the fossils was by Billings; subsequently the fossil corals were carefully studied by Lambc and more recent ly the entire marine Devonian fauna and stratigraphy has *See Maps — Head of Chaleur Bay, and, Eastern Part of Gaspe. 86 been elaborated in detail by Clarke. The Devonian rocks at and near Campbellton are similarly intruded and altered by volcanics. They became of general interest through the discovery by Ells and Foord, some thirty years ago, of fish and plant remains, and it is to these fossils that geologic interest at this point has been chiefly directed. The Gaspe Peninsula, bounded on the south by the Bay Chaleur, on the north by the St. Lawrence river, and fronting east on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, covers an area of about 11,000 square miles (28,600 sq. km.). It is larger than the Kingdom of Saxony and twice the size of the State of Massachusetts. The interior of this great penin- sula is a rolling, heavily timbered wilderness, only the coast region, for a maximum width of 10 miles (18 km.), having been opened to settlement. Its geological struc- ture is best exposed in the sea sections, some of which are very striking. The peninsula constitutes the northernmost and terminal region of the Appalachian Mountain system and here the folded ridges take on their most pronounced sigmoid curvature, bending from the SW.-NE. direction which is normal to them at the south, through an arc at the north which ends at Cape Gaspe in a NW.-SE. curve. Pertaining thus to the Appalachian system, the Gaspe region is quite exclusively an area of Palaeozoic rocks. The Notre Dame or Shickshock* mountains, which are the greatest elevations of the peninsula, (3,000- 4000 feet or 900-1,200 m.), lie at the north and carry areas of mica schists, jaspilites and epidotised gneiss, evidently forming a basement to the Cambrian shales, but the Pre-Cambrian age of none of these has been demonstrated. Peridotites and serpentines are also of extensive occurrence in these mountains. Generally speaking, Gaspe is a region of regular appalachian folds and extensive overthrusts of the older Palaeozoic strata, the extraordinary displacements in which have been largely concealed by a mantle of later (Devono- Carboniferous) nearly horizontal sandstones and conglo- merates. The geology of Gaspe was first studied by Sir William Logan in 1845. It was the first field he entered after his organization of the Geological Survey of Canada, and his reports upon the region are still fundamental. Later * Notre Dame is Champlain's name for these mountains; Shickshock. the Micmac Indian name. 87 the region was entered by Bell, and particularly by Ells and Low, who made a resurvey of the peninsula in 1878- 1882 and issued an entire series of maps of the area. Clarke has more recently studied the coastal region with special reference to the composition and correlations of its faunas and stratigraphy. Along the shores of the peninsula are outcrops of the Cambro-Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Devono- Carboniferous (Bonaventure) formations. Not all of these formations have been deposited in one basin. The evidence is very clear that the earliest endroits were the broad marine channels of an ancient St. Lawrence trough having the SW.-NE. trend of the orogenic axes of to-day, with continental land at the north (the Labrador crystalline shield) and at the south, for the most part outside the boundaries of the present land. In some degree the bays of to-day (e.g. Gaspe bay, Mai bay) running in from the coast of the Gulf lie in ancient synclines which date back to the later stages of the Devonian. Sea erosion, however, has been so efficient that the lower reaches of the St. Lawrence river which washes the north shore of the peninsula are bounded by a wave cut rock platform in places 8 miles (14-4 km.) in width, lying at a depth of not more than 300 feet (90 m.) below the present water level. Where the sigmoid curve of the Appalachian ridges is most pronounced, that is, in the little peninsula of the Forillon at the north between the St. Lawrence river and Gaspe bay, the outermost eastern tip of the Appalachian system is to be found in the fishing ground known as the "American Bank", which, submerged a few fathoms, lies 10 miles (18 km.) out to sea from the tip of Cape Gaspe, in the SE. course of the mountain folds. This fact has been determined by the dredged rocks from this bank. The course of the St. Lawrence river is believed to be determined by a deep thrust fault of the Palaeozoics to the south against the crystalline Labrador shield to the north. This probability is more forcibly pronounced in the lower part of the river bounding the Gaspe shores than it is farther inland, for in Gaspe there is no single evidence that this river traverses the crystalline shield in such direction as to leave any part of the crystallines to the south. This highly significant directive fault line was long ago located by Sir William Logan and is commonly known as "Logan's fault". Along this fault plane and against the crystalline horst behind it (north), the palae- ozoics have been shoved and overthrust, here as elsewhere throughout the 2,000 miles (3,600 km.) extent of the Appalachians, to the southwest, but here with the sharp crescentic curvature not elsewhere shown. The Island of Anticosti, which lies 60 miles (108 km.) east-northeast of Cape Gaspe, is an area of horizontal Silurian rocks out- side the region of folding, — a parma lying between the horst and the Appalachian folds. FOLDS. From the St. Lawrence river shore southward to Perce the folds of the strata are exposed and certain fairly definite anticlinal courses across them were determined by Logan and in large measure confirmed by later observ- ers. These are apparently five in number, beginning at the north: 1 . Forillon anticline (overthrust) ; 2. Haldimand anticline; the axis runs through Gaspe mountain (Gaspe basin) and enters the bay at Cape Haldi- mand. In the trough between folds 1 and 2 lie the upper reaches of Gaspe bay and the lower course of the Dartmouth river or Nor 'west arm. 3. Tar Point anticline; strikes the bay at Tar point on the south shore of Gaspe bay. Between it and fold 2 lies the barachois at Douglastown and the lower course of the St. John river which flows into it. 4. St. Peter anticline, meeting the sea at Point St. Peter. 5. Perce anticline. This is by far the steepest and most extensive of all the folds and is badly broken down at its sea end. Between it and fold 4 lies Mai Bay, its barachois and river. South of Perce the folds have been obscured by the mantle of the overlying Bonaventure formation (Devono-Carboniferous) which is feebly folded at the north end but this folding is of a much later date than the funda- mental folds. This covering of red rock is spread over the south and southeastern parts of the peninsula and lies everywhere on the almost vertical edges of the great series of Ordovician-Silurian (mostly the latter) light gray and blue limestones. 1 1 a e q 8 9 ORDER OF SUCCESSION. In proper order of succession, the earliest rocks are exposed on the St. Lawrence river shore in a narrow belt of black Cambrian or Cambro-Ordovician shale to be seen at Cap Rosiers and thence up the river (Rosters shale). Following immediately south (see map for posi- tion and direction of these belts) rise the steep cliffs of Lower Devonian (St. Alban, Bon Ami and Grande Greve beds). In the ascent from the low wave cut plateau of Cap Rosiers to the heights of the Bon Ami cliffs, one traverses the thrust plane between the Rosiers shale beds and the St. Alban lime shales, along which most of the Ordovician and all the Silurian to an unknown thick- ness has been squeezed out.* This is the Forillon fold, the southern flank of the Cap Rosiers overthrust. In it the Devonian St. Alban, Bon Ami and Grande Greve beds, all conformable, are inclined quite uniformly west of south at angles of 25°-30°, but the Cambro-Ordovician Rosiers shales on which they lie are almost vertical and always highly distorted. It is not now possible to estimate the degree of this overthrust or extent of the Devonian cover but it would seem to have at least extended 8 miles (14-4 km.) seaward to the 50 fathom line. If the Silurian has actually been squeezed out by the overthrust it is probable that a formation of very great thickness has thus disappeared from the succes- sion, for at the Black Capes on the Bay Chaleur shore, the Silurian, in the most complete Silurian section yet known in the Gaspe peninsula, is upward of 7,000 feet (2198 m.) in thickness. The St. Alban and Bon Ami beds are sparsely fossili- ferous, but the conformable Grande Greve beds of purer limestone are highly abundant in species typical of the earliest Devonian limestone beds, Helderberg and Oris- kany At the north neither of these formations is any- where well exposed except on the little Forillon peninsula though both extend inward (west) into the timbered heights of the northern mountain ridges. Two remote and detached masses of this early Devonian limestone at Perce, 15 miles (27 km.) due south from the * There is an alternative reason to believe that the Silurian is absent at the north by extinction of the deposition, but this construction of the section would only lessen the amount and not the mode of destruction by the overthrust. 90 Forillon, constitute the most brilliant and striking scenic features of the Gulf coast: I. Perce Rock (Le rocher perce; Visle percee), 2. Les Murailles. These limestone masses carry a smaller fauna, in some measure distinct from that of the Grande Greve beds, but their identity of age is unquestioned. Further special reference is made in the proper place to them and to the Ordovician and Silurian cliffs of Perce. Next south and overlapping unconformably the Devonian limestones of Grande Greve is the broad band of Gaspe sandstone; so named by Logan. This is a heavy mass of red, brown and grey sandstone with many coarse pebble layers. Contact of the basal beds with the limestones is to be seen on the Forillon peninsula at Little Gaspe and at several places from Grande Greve out to Cape Gaspe there are infaulted masses of the sandstone in the limestone beds, which indicate that the coating of sand- stone has been stripped from the latter. Cliffs of Gaspe sandstone are exposed on all the south shore of Gaspe bay, at Chien Blanc, Point St. Peter (the south cape of the bay) and thence into the north shore of the Mai bay where their identity is gradually lost by conformity in compo- sition to the overlying Bonaventure conglomerate. From measurements of the shore sections supplemented by traverses of the great expansion of these sandstones in the interior, Logan inferred a total thickness of more than 7,000 feet (2,198 m.). Ells has rightly believed this figure too high on account of faulting, but the amount of duplication from the displacement and the actual lines of faulting have been difficult to decipher on account of the homogeneity of the strata. The Gaspe sandstones contain an abundance of terrestrial plants which have been des- cribed by J. W. Dawson and indicate middle Devonian affinities. The marine fauna of the sandstone is profuse at certain low levels in the series and these species are characteristic survivors of the Grande Greve fauna with an addition of species of later Devonian date, identical in large part with the Hamilton (middle Devonian) species of New York.* *Of these fossiliferous localities of the Gaspe sandstone, it may here be stated that those which have been most carefully studied lie at the rear (west) of the first hill behind Gaspe Basin at the head of Gaspe bay and thence north to L'Anse-aux-cousins and Pointe Naveau on the Dartmouth river; at Friday's bluff on the St. John river about 30 miles (so km.) west from Douglastown and along the courses of the Missis- sippi and other brooks tributary to the York river, about 35 miles (63 km.) in from the coast. 9i The Bonaventure formation. Beginning with the south shore of Mai bay, is a great mantle of red conglomerates and sandstones which covers all the coast regions from here south over the whole Bay Chaleur region, save where it has been torn away by sea and weather and left the under- lying formations exposed. The name Bonaventure was given by Logan and was taken from Bonaventure island off the coast of Perce which is entirely constituted of these conglomerates though they rise to greater heights in Mt. Ste. Anne at Perce (1,200 feet). The formation is almost horizontal throughout its extent, but the gentle undulations of its northern portion are admirably expressed in the broad rolling summit of Mt. Ste. Anne. This Bonaventure formation is in part of distinctly continental origin but its heavy conglomerates have doubtless been piled together along a rough coast not unlike that which now faces the Gulf. These conglomerates are in considerable measure composed of blocks and boulders of the fossiliferous rocks beneath, Cambrian to Devonian, and they are frequently of enormous size, having in one instance a weight of 8 tons, the angularity of this fragment indicating that it had fallen from an overhanging sea cliff. The Bonaventure formation is believed to represent the later stages of the Devonian and the early stage of Carboniferous time, indeed all of the latter that is recorded by deposits on the peninsula. It is also the youngest rock formation in Gaspe. By the early observers it was considered as altogether of Carboniferous age and was correlated with the red sandstones of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Magdalen islands which are now known to be of Permian age. Ells was the first to recognize a distinction in the composition of the conglomerates and thereupon based a distinction in age, calling the lower or limestone con- glomerates, Devonian, and the upper beds with fewer lime and more crystalline pebbles, Carboniferous, a difference not easy to recognize at many localities. The limestone conglomerates at the base are clearly exposed at and about Perce, and the upper beds in the summits of Perce mountain. In the outcrops on the Bay Chaleur shore, this distinction is much obscured and the red sandstones and conglomerates with jasper pebbles lie everywhere on the upturned edges of the grey Silurians often producing brilliant colour contrasts. The total original thickness of these Bonaventure beds is not known. 9 2 In Mt. Ste. Anne, Perce, they stand at 1,200 feet (370 m.) and in the Carleton mountains at Carleton, Bay Chaleur, at nearly the same height. They contain no contemporary animal remains so far as known, but plant remains, as yet undetermined, and even thin coal layers, have been found in the fine sandstones of Cannes-des-Roches on Mai bay. PALEOGEOGRAPHY. The ancient geography of this region has already been intimated. In Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian stages the sea way or channel, bounded by the old land at the north and south, was broad and uncomplicated, forming an open passage from the north transatlantic strand into the waters of the Appalachian interior. During Silurian time especially, this passage following the Appalachian synclinal was nearly as broad as the Gaspe peninsula and we have as yet no evidence that it was greatly obstructed. So far as known its faunas, as well as those of the Ordovician bear a decided Atlantic (transatlantic) aspect. The up- folding of these strata constructed new and narrow chan- nels at the opening of the Devonian, but these were clear and the faunal correspondence between them and con- temporary deposits of the interior is very close. Regarding these Devonian channels it may be said: — (1) There was a definite and open passage from Gaspe into New York and the southern Appalachians during the period of the earliest Devonian (Helderbergian) when a well defined element of the Helderberg fauna flourished in the St. Alban beds. (2) A similar open way existed at approximately or actually the same time, connecting the Dalhousie beds of northern New Brunswick with the Helderbergian of the interior. (3) These two passages seem to have converged and united toward the west and south, for while each carries a clear predominance of Helderberg species the two have comparatively little in common. 93 (4) In the later stage represented by the Grande Greve limestones the northern passage became broadened while the Dalhousie channel became extinct. In addition to these open passages from the interior outward were others of Devonian date further south, and the relations of these sea ways have been discussed by Clarke (11, p. 153-162.). 5) The Gaspe sandstones indicate a general breaking down of the barriers of the northern channel which per- mitted a later (lower or middle) Devonian invasion of species from the interior, while the Grande Greve fauna still persisted. Flood and barachois conditions governed the early deposition of these sandstones but encroaching elevation eventually changed the middle and later Devonian conditions to those of a rias coast not unlike that of the present. THE ORIGIN OF THE GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE. The hydrographic charts of the Gulf indicate very clearly that the course of the ancient St. Lawrence river was from its present mouth southeast, far to the east of Gaspe, east of the Magdalen islands, and thence outward to the Atlantic by the passage between Cape Breton island on the west and Newfoundland on the east (Cabot strait). The St. Lawrence river is a very ancient waterway and takes its date from at least as early as the time of the marine (Levis) channel of the early Ordovician, a passageway which led from Atlantic waters into the Appalachian gulf of the interior of the continent. Fixity was given to this waterway by the long subsequent faulting of the Palaeozoic rocks against the crystalline Labrador shield at the north, and ever since this factor became efficient the passage has been now and again a salt-water channel and a fresh-water drainage way. That part of the river channel now sub- merged beneath the Gulf waters is not the oldest portion but a later part of the river, where the valley was cut out through marine rocks which had been deposited over the bed of the Gulf when that was open ocean. The orogenic axes of Appalachian disturbance through the Gulf region are twofold: that at the south, passing through Nova Scotia and on into Newfoundland keeping a N.E.-S.W. trend without change of direction; that at the 94 north, passing through Gaspe, curving at its termination in an arc, convex northward : thus: Orogenic Appalachian axes. Gulf of St. Lawrence. The torsion of the northern fold, ascribable to the resistance of the Labrador shield, produced a syntaxis which broke down that fold and dislocated the bottom of the Gulf area in a line continuous in direction with the course of the fold. Thus with the fracture of the pavement of the region and the consequent differential elevations and depressions, the St. Lawrence waters took somewhat the course now indicated by the hydrographic chart; probably for a part of the time or by way of a subsidiary channel taking the passage out by the Strait of Belle Isle and bending about Anticosti island to the north and east. This w r as thus a secondary condition of the river, dating to a time subsequent to the uplift of the folded Palaeozoic rocks. Since that time, the broken down Gulf region has successively been a river way, an open marine body, an estuarine basin, and again a more or less enclosed sea. After the recoil of the northern fold which broke down the regularity of the mountain building and left the parma of horizonta" rocks at the north (Anticosti island), came a period of rough rias coast along the broken ends of the Appalachian folds with a sea which received the mantle of Bonaventure conglomerate, when the marine waters had a far wider westward extent than to-day and the river channel south of the latitude of Perce was deeply buried. This period was followed by a shallowing of the basin which brought on the estuarine conditions of the coal period, with occasional irruptions of marine conditions; then a still farther elevation of the gulf bottom, which 95 resulted in broad coastal sand plains under comparatively arid climate, during which the red Permian sands of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Magdalens, with their sand-etched boulders, were laid down. With the close of the Palaeozoic the lower channel of the river across the Gulf region was high, the rock land on the west and east extended close to it so that the channel now buried in the Gulf was then the efficient river channel. The cutting down of the land into its present broken coast line and scattered islands and the submergence of the river channel have taken place since the opening of Mesozoic time. GLACIAL AND POST-GLACIAL PHENOMENA. Gaspe does not appear to have been within the reach of the great continental ice sheet. Its glacial phenomena are scattered and evince only movements of land ice downward from the mountains of its interior and deposits of this origin are everywhere complicated with sea ice transporta- tion; thus every northern boulder is under suspicion of having been brought in by floating ice. The islands off the coast, Prince Edward Island and the Magdalens, are unglaciated. Elevated beaches are to be found at various points on the peninsula. These are widely scattered and show evidence of Pleistocene warping as in the case of the terraces exposed at Gaspe basin. DETAILED DESCRIPTION. Perce.* VAnse-au-Beaufils, the station for Perce, lies on the coast 5 miles (9 km.) to the south. From L'Anse-au-Beaufils, Bonaventure island, from which Bonaventure formation takes its name, is seen at the east and the Perce mountains at the north. The road to Perce leads from here due north and crosses Cap Blanc or Whitehead. View of Perce from the Summit of the Road over Cap Blanc. — The village (shire-town of Gaspe county) is on a triangular rock plateau, with Mount Joli at its apex, *See Maps — Perce and vicinity, and, Perce. 9 6 facing the Perce Rock; Bonaventure island 2 miles (3-6 km.) long, 3 miles (5-4 km.) out to sea; at the left Mount Ste. Anne 1,200 feet (370 m.) A. T. ; on the further side of the triangle the ragged sea cliffs (Les Murailles), which front on Mai bay; the north side of Mai bay is formed by Point St. Peter with Plateau island and on the distant horizon at the right is Cape Gaspe (Shiphead). Beyond is the St. Lawrence river. Perce Rock. — This noteworthy insulated cliff, anciently the Isle percee, early in the history of the settlement gave its name to the mainland. L'Isle percee, le rocher perce, Pierced rock, Split rock or Perce rock, as it is variously termed, is 2,100 feet (646 m.) long from prow to the outer end of the rear obelisk, 300 feet (91. m.) wide in its greatest breadth and 288 feet (87 m.) high at its prow. The arch through it is 60 feet (20 m.) high. In plan its form is somewhat angular or zigzag and viewed from in front resembles a giant steamer coming into port. The rear obelisk is the outer flank of a second arch which fell in 1845. Back in the early 1600's there seem to have been two other arches toward the seaward and thinner end, and the wastage of the rock has been effected within recorded time largely by the downbreaking of these arches. There is still another arch in the rock, transecting the obelisk parallel to the major axis of the mass. The wastage of Perce Rock under the impact of the waves is very slight. Freezing and thawing are more efficient agents but during the past ten years not enough has fallen from all these causes combined to alter the outline of the cliff in any perceptible degree and the line of the prow has not mater- ially changed in 150 years. At high tide the Rock is isolated, but at low tide a batture or sandbar extends to it from the foot of Mount Joli affording ready access to the point and south side of the cliff. The north side is access- ible only by boat. The sheer sides of the Rock make attempts to scale it exceedingly perilous and such attempts are now forbidden by municipal ordinance. Fossils abound in these strata, distributed in thin layers with barren interspaces. They correspond in characters and association with the richer fauna of the Grande Greve limestones, and the Perce Rock massive is correlated with that formation (see p. 90). Forty-four species have been described, of which 31 occur in the Grande Greve 50UT SEA FRONT AT PERCE Bonsventure conglomerate (devono-carbonk:) mt. jot l HOCK CAPE &AHR£ LOWEST OtVOMtC PANORAMA SKETCH OF THE SEA FRONT AT PERCE 97 beds. Characteristic species are Dalmanites (Probo- lium) biardi, D. perceensis, Phacpos logani, Chonetes canadensis, Chonostrophia complanata, Spirifer arenosus, S. murchisoni, Leplocadia flabellites, Rensselaeria ovcides. No other trace of the formation and fauna represented by Perce Rock is to be found in this vicinity except in the Murailles or sea cliffs which lie beyond the North Beach and face the Mai bay. The grey headland of Cape Barre with which the Murailles begin, is followed by a faulted and overthrust mass of highly coloured strata, dipping S.E. 20° and abutting against the Cape Barre strata, containing, sparsely, the fossils of the Perce Rock strata. These inclined strata rise to the high peaks of the Murailles but their tops are there coated unconformably by a layer of the limestone conglomerate of the Bona- venture series. The observer will not fail to notice the colony of water- fowl nesting on the green capped top of the Isle perce. This settlement is composed only of the Herring gull (Larus argentatus) and the Cormorant [Phalacrccorax carbo), an association which is repeated on the cliffs of the Forillon peninsula 17 miles (30 km.) to the north (see note beyond on the bird colony of Bonaventure island). Perce Rock is composed entirely of Lower Devonian lime- stones standing nearly vertical (dip 8o° S.E.) and highly tinted with iron yellows, reds and purples. Its strata are seamed with calcite veins of white, red and deep brown, often with interesting crystallizations. The combination of rock colours with the green cap of verdure produces strik- ing effects which vary with every change in atmospheric conditions and the position of the sun.* Cape Barre. — This is the southern point of the Murailles, bounding the North Beach. Its strata are thin, sandy, blue grey shale and limestones dipping 30°-40° N.E., the red rocks of the Perce massive being faulted against them. These rocks contain only a few fossils, all of Lower Devonian type (Spirifer cf. modestus, Leploslro- phia oriskania, Conularia cf. lata), the most significant being a species of the trilobite Dicranurus (D. limenarcha) of which only two other species are known, both from the *For an account of the history of Perc6 Rock in the records of Gaspe, of its changes in form, rate of degradation, total fossil contents, etc., see Clarke [9], 35063—7 9 8 Lower Devonian, one of Bohemia and the other of New York. These beds are not distinctly developed elsewhere in the region and they appear to represent a Devonian stage earlier than that of the Perce Rock. The Rock Wall between the North and South Beaches. — ■ Just at the steamboat wharf on the North Beach recent excavations, now covered, exposed a grey, steeply inclined shale carrying Dipterus. No other fossil has yet been determined from this shale which is regarded as belonging to a Devonian stage beneath that of the Perce massive. This shale is apparently faulted against the Silurian at the south and limited at the north by the fault lines of the beach. Following the shore southward the first outcrop is of the erect grey limestones and shales of Mount Joli. The rock exposures begin with the reefs exposed at low water to about 400 feet from the shore and the Mount Joli cliff as a whole has a sea front of about 700 feet (211 m.) and the same dip as the Perce Rock strata. This would give the formation here an approximate total of 1,100 feet (335 m.). There is little change throughout in its lithic characters, but there is clear evidence of a displacement within the mass which gives a geological meaning to the division of the massive into a north flank and a south flank. The beds of the north flank afford admirable exhibitions of jointing and ripple marks and in both flanks fossils are to be found in thin beds with barren intervals. In the north flank are the corals Dun- canella, Zaphrcntis, Streptelasma and Pleurodictyum, the graptolite Monograptus cf. clintonensis, the brachiopods Dalmanetta, Leptcena (rhomboidalis), Stropheodonta, Spi- rijer (cf. niagarensis, rnodestus) and an uncertain Phacops: all of which indicate a Silurian stage. In the south flank of Mount Joli are the trilobites Ampyx, Tretaspis, Calymmene, Trinucleus, Pterygometopus, Pty- chopyge and Illcenns, the brachipods Dalmanella, Rafines- quina. Strophcmena. Parastrophia, Zygospira, the assem- blage indicating a middle or later Lower Ordovician stage. These beds seem to extend across the mountain and just touch the other shore near the wharf house. This exposure ends abruptly at the south in a short beach covering a fault, beyond which is Cap-du-Canon, a mass of erect, dark argillaceous and calcareous slates, much crumpled and glazed. The general inclination 5" L L a, w r e n < I ,., I (ower limestone conglomerate ■ Lower Devonian Perce massive ! s I Silurian | 02 | Ordovician Ol Ordovician -Cambrian 2 £ — ■ 1 Observed fault. M 1 Probable fault i Jsca/e oT map . 99 of the bedding is not different from that of the Mount Joli massive, but the beach interval, continued over the surface of the ground as a swampy depression, is indicative of their discontinuity. Not far landward of this cliff is an isolated boss of lime- stone conglomerate which is apparently a part of the same mass, though its much more massive calcareous cha- racter indicates a part not there represented and possibly cut off from that by a displacement. Xo fossils have been with certainty derived from these rocks,* but their age is probably Ordovician or Ordovician-Cambrian. The Cap-au-Canon can be passed only at a low stage of the tide, and with it the rock section ends at the South Beach. Mount Ste. Anne. — This mountain (1,200 feet, 370 m.) rises just behind the village, exposing toward the sea its up- per precipitous face of red conglomerates. A grassy- road leads up to the mountain on the north side, but on nearly all other sides the mountain faces are vertical fault walls. The view from the summit is fine with clear weather, affording a panorama of the coast, its capes and islands, from the St. Lawrence river at the north to the Bay Chaleur at the south, and of the rolling wilderness of the hinterland. Ste. Anne is the foremost of a mountain cluster known as the Perce mountains and is the only mem- ber of it that is composed of the Bonaventure conglomerate. The ascent of the mountain shows limestone conglomerates in the lower part and jasper conglomerates above. The attitude of these beds approaches the horizontal at the south, but is undulating and dips gently down toward the north. The mass everywhere sheets the upturned broken and eroded edges of the vertical Ordovician-Lower Devo- nian cliffs, and it here reaches its northernmost limit in recognizable expression. At more northern points a distinction between these conglomerates and the Gaspe sandstones is obscure but there are reasons t<> believe that the upper sands and conglomerates on the south shore o\ Gaspe bay, which have been included in the Gaspe sand- stones, pass without much change <>t attitude into the Bonaventure formation. * The limestone boss was formerly a place for lime burning, but tin- limestone t'>r this purpose was brousht from Cap Blanc and the ( >: •!■ I- havt referred to this outcrop may have come from the more distant luc .ility . 35063— 7 £ IOO The mass of Mount Ste. Anne is peculiarly isolated by a series of fault scarps one of which fronts the sea at the east; a second, the Grand Coupe, faces the north; and a third, the Amphitheatre, lies behind the mountain facing the southwest and separates the mountain mass from the zone of Silurian limestones which almost encircles it. The throw of these faults is indicated by the fact that the exposed beds of conglomerate seen in the coast ledges south of the South Beach and thence on southward to Cap Blanc are mostly of the middle and upper beds carrying jasper pebbles with a few fossil-bearing limestone and slate pebbles. These intimate a displacement of approximately 1,000 feet (300 m.). (See under Cap Blanc). Cap Blanc or Whitehead is the sea-end of the southern rock ridge bounding the Perce triangle. It is a mass of light grey Ordovician limestones, having the steep dip (8o° SE.) of all Palaeozoic strata here lying beneath the Bonaventure formation. In approaching the cape from the north these limestones are seen to rise gradually from the sea, and are overlain by the slightly inclined basal beds of the Bonaventure conglomerate. The entire series of the lower beds is overturned, the Ordovician lying above the Silurian. The first or northernmost of these are lattbi in age and they alone in the series are tinted red and greenish, but soon pass into grey. Probably some part of the red stain in these beds has been derived from the red Bonaventure over them. The overlapping beds soon disappear leaving the erect strata standing alone and giving name to Cap Blanc which is conspicuously white by contrast to the red rocks about it. Just beyond the point of the cape these grey limestones are cut off and terminated by a sharp fault against the Bonaventure beds, the former having moved down, as shown by the down-dragged edges of the Bonaventure. Access to the cliff for purposes of examining the rocks is difficult except at low tide in a gentle sea. The lower and later red-greenish beds contain some fossils in abundance: Favosites (cf. hisingeri), Haly sites catenidarius typicus, Lyellia, Callopora, Cladopora, Lichas, Chonetes (type of noiascotica), Catazyga or Zygospira: enough to indicate a Silurian age, though most of the species have not been determined. The grey beds farther south are sparsely fossiliferous but carry an Ordovician fauna as early as the Trenton and comparable to that of 101 Mount Joli-south flank: — Phacops primcevus, Calymmene senaria, Ceramics pleurexanthemas, Camarospira bisulcata, Zygospira recurvirostra, Bolboporites, etc. The total thickness of these limestones approximates 1,000 feet (300 m.) and there is no evident displacement within the mass. Their relations otherwise conform closely to the beds of like age in the Mount Joli section, though there is no noticeable degree of identity in the species of fossils which occur in the two sections. Bonavenhire Island — This island, 2 miles (3-6 km.) long, 1 \ miles (2-7 km.) wide and 3 miles (5-4 km.) out to sea, is separated from the mainland by a channel in which the tidal currents run heavy. The island is an ancient fishing site dating back to the days of the 16th and early 17th centuries when Basques, Bretons and the men of La Manche came out every year for the fishing, returning to France in time for the lenten market. The rocks of the island are entirely of the Bonaventure conglo- merate and represent the upper beds, the basal limestone conglomerate not being present. It is thus, in the present interpretation of the formation, a mass of Carboniferous rocks. The island presents a low face on the channel side but the cliffs on the east rise to 400 feet (120 m.) making a noteworthy fault face. These cliffs have an added interest because of the large colony of water birds which nest here. The assemblage is not surpassed in size anywhere in the Gulf except on the celebrated Bird Rocks of the Magdalen islands which politically belong to Gaspe but lie 160 miles (288 km.) out to sea. The species nesting here are the gannet (Sula bassand), Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla tridac- tyla), Briinnich Murre (Uria lomiia lomvia), Puffin {Prater cida artica artica), Razor-billed Auk (Alca torda) and perhaps one or two more — an association entirely like that on the Bird Rocks. In these Gaspe waters there are two bird assemblages of this kind and two other associations which consist only of the Herring Gull and the Cormorant. It is a curious coincidence that the former and larger assemblages, alike in kind, nest only on the horizontal ledges of Carboniferous sandstones while the lesser combination breeds only on the inclined strata of the Lower Devonian limestones. The Girdle of Ordovician-Sihirian from Cap Blanc (south ) to Corner-of-the-Beach (north). — From Cap Blanc this heavy mass of overtipped limestones passes inland, bounding the 102 south flank of Mt. Ste. Anne, then passing behind that mountain, rising to greater heights and forming the broken range known as White mountain, which almost encircles and isolates Mt. Ste. Anne, approaching sea level at Corner- of-the-Beach on Mai bay. A fault-bounded outlier of this rock may be seen in a white cliff on the sea front beyond the Murailles, where it lies at an angle against the Bona- venture beds beyond. Much remains to be learned of the fauna of this extensive belt of limestones. GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS. The foregoing account of the leading topographical and geological features has intimated the geological history of Perce. The steeply tilted older strata present the seaward end of an Appalachian fold of great magnitude, which has been variously broken down. The uniformity of the inclination in the steep fold is expressed by the coin- cident dip of all the older beds, 8o°-85°SE., and this fold, steeply inclined to the north, involves beds from (Cambrian) Lower Ordovician into upper Lower Devonian. The construction of the tectonic changes here is compli- cated, perhaps not altogether clear, but the secondary movements expressed by dislocations of the strata are of two orders in time. Of the older faultings there are unlike orders in magnitude. The great Perce fold, exposed only at its sea edge, may be construed as typically Appalachian in its thrust northward. It was an earlier fold than those to the north of it, and was not thrust against a horst of crystallines. The over-tipped Silurian and Ordovician strata present in the Mount Joli section and repeated 2 miles south at Cap Blanc, indicate a profound displacement along the thrust plane after folding which carried southward the inverted succession of the strata; a displacement which would involve the conception of gravitational movement backward (south) along the plane of thrust; a conception apparently reasonable, and squaring with carefully repeated tests. The lesser displacements involved in the down- breaking of the Perce fold are indicated on the accompany- ing map in which those of earlier age are marked by single lines, and those visibly affecting the Bonaventure formation only, by double lines, in both instances dotted where the break is uncertain. Perce Rock is evidently bounded on its long sides by faults which have isolated K>3 it wholly and cut out from beneath it the earlier Devonian stage represented by the rocks of Cape Barre and the wharf-foot. This cut-off mass of Devonian extending along the face of the Murailles has itself been faulted across, as indicated. The beach depressions both north and south are undoubted displacement areas, the first being the interval between the Devonian of the Murailles and the Silurian of Mt. Joli (North Beach); the second or broad South Beach being the area of general breaking down of the great arch. The displacements which took place at a later date than those mentioned have visibly affected only the Bonaventure conglomerate. These may be thus enumerated: (i) The seaward scarp of Mt. Ste. Anne. Bonaventure island seems to be the downthrown mass from this displacement, the "Robin reefs" lying off the South Beach remnants of the same mass; (2) The strata of Bonaventure island dip slightly to the S.W. and the sheer cliffs of the northeast front are a fault face. At the foot of these cliffs the bottom drops immediately to 30 fathoms; (3) The Grand Coupe at the north; (4) The Amphitheatre at the back of Mt. Ste. Anne. Relative Thickness of the Older Palaozoics at Perce. { Perce beds in Perce Rock 250-300 feet but probably rising in Les Devonian \ Murailles to 500 ft. (153 m.) (Cape Barre Beds 100 ft. (33 m.) Siluro- Mt. Joli massive 1 ,100 ft. (339 m.) Ordovician \Cap-au-Canon massive 600 ft. (200 m.) 2.300 ft. (725 m.) The thickness of the strata at Cap Blanc which are doubtless a repetition of part of the foregoing beds, i? 800-1000 feet (303 mj. The estimated thickness then ol the pre- Bonaventure beds at Perce [Lower Devonian- Ordovician (Cambrian?)] is about 2,000 feet (606 m.), without making allowance for loss by faulting. 104 GASFE. The terminus of the railway is at York on the south side of Gaspe Basin, passing an instructive cut through the Gaspe sandstones (Middle Devonian). These are however not the lower beds with marine fossils, but the plant-bearing strata which at this point probably lie above the marine beds. Crossing by ferry to the Gaspe side, the Gaspe sandstones may be seen near the landing dipping at a steep angle to the north. Gaspe bay lies in a synclinal of the sandstones, that is, in an ancient Appalachian trough the other arm of which constitutes the hill slopes on the north side of the bay where the dip is to the south. The marine fossils occur for the most part in strata behind the Gaspe mountain and up the Dartmouth river (at the north), distances of 3 to 4 miles from Gaspe Basin. The fossils are Middle Devonian species of the interior or New York sea commingled with more or less local Lower Devonian types which have survived from the period of the Grand Greve fauna. GRAND GREVE AND THE FORILLON.* Grande Greve, 14 miles (22-5 km.) distant by water from Gaspe, is a little fishing settlement on the peninsula of the Forillon. This Forillon peninsula bounds the north side of Gaspe bay and lies between that bay and the St. Lawrence river. At its upper end and near the head of the bay it has a width of 20 (32 km.) or more miles, but at Grande Greve and thence to the Cape, a distance of 4 miles (6-4 km.), its width does not exceed h mile (o-8 km.). As elsewhere observed, this part of the Forillon is a single Appalachian ridge sliced vertically in half along its axis, its end at Cape Gaspe making the easternmost seaward face of the Appalachian system. From Grande Greve westward the ridges are multiplied in number by the accession of the slate cliffs at the north, but from Grande Greve east the half ridge alone remains, though furrowed on its surface by a coulee which gives the cape a double head; the northern, Cape Gaspe; the southern, Shiphead. Only the south flank of this ridge remains and the dip of the strata — almost coincident with that of the hills — is toward the south, while their cut-off edges form the high cliffs which face the St. Lawrence river. *See Map.— The Forillon, Gaspe. J U p p f r Part \ \i Gaspe North of ^^WraeduQiptefe-era G r ar d c G re *c\ ft Gulf of ^ ^.^a 5 ^^ \ Vi \. \ o* \oz\ l S' Lawrence ^J!$rx\ Cr^,d.6riS^ (\ Gas P e VNf*"" B a y (lnse5auvag^K , \ V t *pGaspe ShtpheaxFV Legend I 04 I Gaspe sandstone 03 Grande Greve limestone \ dx I £a£ 5o/i 4/7>/ A«/5 [ pi I FAIbanbeds The Foritlon, Gaspe ra £ 3==A -S •a g SJ (31 «/> > o »- I- CO Oo io6 We have here to deal with a heavy series of early Devon- ian limestones and lime shales unconformable to and over- thrust upon the Cambro-Ordovician slates exposed at the north. The upper limestones, facing the south, are exceedingly rich in fossils, but the exposures are for the most part to be found on the little crescentic fishing beaches where the sea has cut out joint blocks of the strata. The thrust plane or base of the Devonian series has not yet been observed though further exploration may reveal it at the north base of the sea cliffs. Starting from Grande Greve beach the section of the rocks is approached in reversed order, from top to bottom. Here and along all the neighboring beaches the upper strata of fossil-bearing Grande Greve limestones are exposed and actual unconformable contact of the upper- most beds with the red plant-bearing Gaspe sandstone is to be seen at Little Gaspe i^ miles (2-4 km.) westward on the shore. The division of the total limestone series (St. Alban, Bon Ami and Grande Greve) is as yet a broad one based upon lithologic and faunal rather than diastro- phic characters. The upper member of this series or Grande Greve limestone is also divisible on the basis of its fuana, into distinctive early and late elements, but taken as a whole the species of the Grande Greve member are eminently characteristic of the Helderberg-Oriskany with a considerable representation suggestive of incipient stages of the later Onondaga fauna of the New York stan- dard. A total fauna of 155 species has been described from the Grande Greve limestone and a visitor may expect to find in the upper beds characteristic species of the trilobites Phacops (logani, gaspensis) , Dalmanites (pha- coptyx, dolbeli, emarginatus, etc.), Probolium, Cordania, Lichas and Gaspelichas; the cephalopods, Kionoceras and Orlhoceras; the pteropods Hyolithiis and Conularia; abundant gastropods of the genera Platyceras, Eotomaria and Diaphorostoma; the pelecypods Pterinea, Megam- bonia, Palaeopinna, etc.; a large array of brachiopods, Spirifer arenosus, murchisoni and many more, Rhipi- domdla logani, Stropheodontas and Leptostrophias, Lepto- coelia flabellites, Nucleospira, Rensselnria ovoides gas- pensis, Megalanteris, etc., etc. A very notable percentage of these species have a wide geographical rang c.nd the affiliation of the fauna is distinctly American 107 The lower beds of the Grande Greve division are exposed on the Kings road and carry an association of species which is most distinctively indicative of the Oriskany horizon ; such as Hipparionyx proximus, Rensselaeria oroi- des gaspensis, Spirifer arenosus, Chonostrophia complanata, Rhipidomella musculosa, etc. The limestones carry much nodular chert and in some places masses of silicious sponge spicules constitute the basis of the rock.* Beneath the Grande Greve limestone lies a series of less purely calcareous, more magnesian beds, with but few fossils and these mostly diminutive forms, — a deposit formed under impeded marine conditions in which life was unable to flourish. These are the Bon Ami beds, and they form a large portion of the cliff face of the river escarpment. They can be examined on the face of Mt. St. Alban at the summit of the Kings road and at Cape Bon Ami, where a ladder down the face of the cliff at the end of the Portage road makes them accessible and they constitute the greater part of the bold front of Mt. St. Alban. Such fossils as they contain are quite distinctively of Helderberg age. Beneath and conformable to the Bon Ami beds are the St. Alban beds with a fauna quite exclusively identical with the Helderberg (lowest Devonian) fauna of New York. These calcareous compact shales are to be seen in exposures along the shores of Cape-des-Rosiers cove at the foot of Mt. St. Alban. About. 50 species have been identified from these rocks of which more than one half are found in the lower divisions of the Helderberg series in New York, while hardly more than one-fifth occur in the Grande Greve limestones. Access to these exposures requires the descent of the Kings road down the slope of Mt. St. Alban and thence across the fields to the shore of the St. Lawrence river. Sir William Logan estimated the thickness of these lime- stones at 2,000 feet (610 m.) and of this the Grande Greve beds include approximately 600 feet (180 m.). The boundary, however, between the sub-divisions is not a sharp one, but in all, the beds afford a total not paralleled in the Devonian section at Perce. In fact the entire series is wanting elsewhere and in all the other Gaspe folds, so far as known, except so far as represented by the *The fauna of all these Devonian beds has been described in detail by Clarke. io8 Perce Rock limestone which conforms faunally with the Grande Greve beds. The absence at Perce of the major part of the Devonian limestone series serves to indicate how extensively the formation has been lost by faulting out rather than by lack of continuity. Unconformity between the Devonian limestones and the Cape -de s- Rosier s slates. — Similarly the entire represen- tation of the Silurian and Ordovician, as indicated in the Perce section (a minimum of 1,000 feet and probably much more), has been lost in the Forillon section, by the overthrust which has carried these De- vonian limestones over the erect and distorted Rosiers slates of Cambrian (Cambro-Ordovician?) age. So far as we have any evidence, the vast overthrust of this Forillon fold is due to the resistance imposed by the crystalline horst lying at the north of the St. Lawrence river (Canadian shield) and the degree of the reaction is expressed both in the fold itself and in the great fault ('Logan's fault') which outlines the course of the river. Relation af the limestones to Gaspe sandstone. — As observed, an actual unconformable contact of the limestones with the overlying sandstones is seen at Little Gaspe i \ miles (2-4 km.) west of Grande Greve where the first ridge of sandstone mountains comes to the coast. Infaulted masses of these red sandstones in the limestones are also to be seen eastward of Grande Greve indicating the removal of an entire mantle of the Gaspe sandstone from above the limestones. The Flora of the Gaspe Sandstone, by David White. — Gaspe is the most interesting locality for Devonian plants yet known in Canada. The Gaspe sandstones are remarkable for the abundant plant fragments, mainly representative of Psilophyton which occur in great num- bers at some horizons, and which interestingly enough appear, at several levels, to be rooted in old soils. Frag- ments, frequently but slightly compressed, from this district are present in many of the museums of Europe, as well as in most of those in America. Gaspe was twice visited by Sir William Dawson, who described all the species reported from this region. The Psilophy ton-bearing beds occur at many horizons in the section, one of the most interesting being near Watering brook on the north side of the bay. Several plant-bearing layers were described by Dawson as old soils. Associated with other plant remains are 109 numerous petrified trunks of the giant alga {Prototaxites) (Nematophyton). One trunk, partially exposed, was described as exceeding 3 feet (0-9 m.) in diameter. At one place, near the middle of the section, a coal bed one inch to three inches in thickness, associated with highly bituminous shales abounding in remains of plants, and containing fragments of crustaceans and fishes, is said to occur in the midst of grey sandstones and dark shale which resemble ordinary coal measures. The coal, which is shining and laminated, has no underclay, and appears to consist of what was once a peaty mass of rhizomes of Psilophyton, which now lies between layers of laminated bituminous shale. This thin coal occurs near Tar point on the south side of Gaspe bay, a place named for the oc- currence of a thick dyke of trap holding petroleum in its cavities. The coal is supposed to be of considerable horizontal extent, the Tar Point outcrop being provision- ally correlated with a similar bed about 4 miles (6-4 km.) distant on Douglas river. The plants described by Dawson from Gaspe include Prototaxites logani, Prototaxites (Nematoxylon) crassum, P. tenue, Stigmaria areolata, S. minutissima (the latter species being perhaps based on the rhizones of Psilophyton) D idymophyllum reniforme, Catamites inornatus, Annularia laxa, Lepidodendron gaspianum, Leptophleum rhombicum, Lepidophloios antiquus, Psilophyton princeps, Psilophyton robustius, P. elegans, Arlhrostigma gracile, Cyclostigma, Cordaites angustifolius and Parka related to, though smaller than, the Scotch P. decipiens. The plants in the Gaspe section represent the Psilophyton- Arthiostigma flora, which preceded the Archaeopteris flora The genus Archaeopteris is present practically everywhere in the floras of the Upper Devonian in Europe and America, whereas the typical Psilophyton princeps, including the spinous forms, together with Psilophyton robustius, Psilophyton grandis and Arthrostigma, are characteristic of a lower zone in both Canada and the eastern United States. This older flora which is found in the Chapman sandstone in Maine, seems hardly to have survived the Hamilton group, above which (especially above the Portage) the Archseopteris flora reigns to the close of Devonian time. no Extension westward of the Devonian limestone series. — In the direction of the mountain trend the lime- stones have been traced well inland along the course of the Dartmouth river and southward, but are here mostly exposed in the ridge summits by erosion of the sandstone mantle Their relation there to the rest of the Palaeozoic series is not yet fully understood. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Logan, W. E Geology of Canada, 1863. 2. Billings, E Descriptions of Fossils in (1). 3. Ells, R. W Report on the Geology of the Gaspe Peninsula: Rep't. Geol. Surv. Ca- nada, 1880-82. 4. Ells, R. W Report on Surveys made in 1883 in Gaspe: Rep't. Geol. Surv. Canada, 1882-84. Pt. E. 5. Low, A. P Report Geological Survey Canada, 1882-84. 6. Dawson, J. W Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian of Canada, 1871 and 1882; also Quarterly Journal Geolo- gical Society of London, v. 15, 1859 and v. 19, 1863 (Plants of the Gaspe sandstone) . 7. Billings, E Palaeozoic Fossils, v. 2, 1874. 8. Lambe, L. M Contributions to Canadian Palaeon- tology, v. 4, pt. 2. 1901. 9. Clarke, John M .. ..Early Devonic of New York and Eastern North America, v. 1, 1908. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. IX. 10. Clarke, John M... Sketches of Gaspe, 1908. 11. Clarke, John M... Relations of the Palaeozoic Terranes in the vicinity of Perce, N.Y. State Mus. Rep't. Director, 191 1. BLACK CAPE SILURIAN SECTION. Black cape on the north shore of the Bay Chaleur, is immediately east of the Little Cascapedia river and 70 miles (112 km.) from Matapedia. The rock section here is of special interest for its extraordinary development of the Silurian, the shore section from the mouth of the . Wilt*'' 1 ^fcfe'. ,\;> . -Mt«kv-^>i»^, "^S^lp- 1 -'^-" ^.^.Q^i^xii^iii^^iJS^-iX.- '-' j Ill river named to Black cape itself displaying an unduplicated thickness of fully 7,000 feet, (2,130 m.) of strata. In this Silurian section the strata are nearly all calcareous with intercalations of red shale near the top. They stand at high angles to the horizon, usually dipping 60-80 S.E., but these dips vary somewhat though without uncomform- ities. The eroded edges of the strata are overlain elsewhere in the region by the red sands and conglomerates of the Bonaventure formation, and there are several considerable fissures in the Silurian limestones of this section which are filled in with red sand derived from the overlying beds. All these occurrences indicate land exposure of the Silurians during all the early and middle Devonian time. The base of the section at the west begins with greenish, highly nodular lime shales, very compact and heavy bedded, weathering out into irregular and gnarled shapes. These alternate with more highly calcareous shales and compact limestones of red and ochreous tints. These compact limestones contain Stricklandinias of great size (S. gaspensis, Billings) and in great number and with these are Spirifers of the 6". radial us-niagarensis type and occasional Whitfieldellas. Throughout the lower beds the rest of the fauna is largely of Stromatoporoids and corals which occur in enormous quantity and great diver- sity. There are Halysites of several species, having horizontal values, Favosites and Alveolites of great size, Heliolites, Syringopora, Eridophyllum in extensive colonies, Zaphrentis and other cyathophylloids in considerable variety. Additional species in these lower beds are Calymmene, Chonetes, A try pa reticularis (Silurian type), Tentaculites, cyclostomatous gastropods, etc. At an elevation in the series of about 1,500 feet (450 m.), where the scraggy limestones continue, there is some indication of change in the fauna by the addition of brachiopods of the genus Camarotoechia, Rafinesquina, the cephalopods Orthoceras, Trochoceras, etc. From Howatson's (elevation in section 1500 feet) eastward, the scraggy limestones continue as far as the breakwater. Then follows (at 6,500 feet or 1,980 m.) a heavy mass of sandy shale. This sedimentation continues sandy to near the end of the section which terminates at the volcanic mass forming Black cape, but toward the top the sands become interlaminated with thin beds of volcanic ash, with red and purplish shale and eventually calcareous and 112 variegated beds succeed to these, becoming in places compact limebanks entirely constituted of the debris of fossils. These upper sandstones and sandy shales are remarkably profuse in corals, some of the species being palpably unlike those of the lower beds. The volcanic mass which forms Black cape itself and against which these upper strata abut presents a total sea face of 4,600 feet (1,400 m.) and within it are two notable inclusions or separate masses of Silurian strata. The first of these is in Macrae's cove, 600 feet (180 m.) from the beginning or base of the intru- sive and the second at Lazy cove, ^ mile (0-5 km.) further east. The intrusives are interbedded but the necessary study of the fossils is yet wanting to determine whether these fossiliferous masses are or are not additional parts of the section. At Macrae's cove the thickness of the sediments is 150 feet (45 m.) and in the narrower Lazy cove they are 75 feet (23 m.). These coves may be reached on foot along the beach by favouring tide. The volcanic cliff ends ^ mile beyond Lazy cove and at its termination the red conglomerates of the Bonaventure formation lie against it at an angle of 30 degrees. So far as at present indicated by the fossils, this section from base to top is of the age of the Niagara (exclusive of Clinton) or Rochester shale of the interior Silurian, though the assemblage will doubtless show a preponderance of Atlantic or European types which will bring it into more proper comparison with the Gulf sections at Arisaig and on Anticosti island. Its thickness is very great and in this respect the section overpasses any Silurian section known in America. BIBLIOGRAPHY. [Note. — The Black Cape section has only recently come under close observation. It has now been studied in some detail and the fauna assembled, but identifications and classifications have yet to be made.] 1. Logan, W. E. Geology of Canada, p. 447, 1863. 2. Ells, R. W. Geological Survey of Canada, Rept. for 1883, E. p. 27, 1884. 3. Clarke, John M. A Remarkable Siluric Section on the Bay of Chaleur. N.Y. State Mus. Rept. Director for 191 1. p. 120-126. 1912. t 5C» °«\ — -^/' — -> ^ t EacuminmcM^ Point* ta Gar^£^ R^h Ca 1 0,k B^, Millf^-/^* -J \ , ^ **tj^3 Da/hoi/s/e V jl» ( / /^v ^ „-. *»is»»9i&™* Legend L_J ■*•"■■ Head of Chafeur Bay Miles ■00 3 +0 C 10 c: .« u 9 <; C C: g *-; I H3 SCAUMENAC BAY.* This is the locality of fish-bearing sandstones which are commonly regarded as of upper Devonian age. The beds face the water in layers having a low dip to the east, are bounded and overlain at the east by the red Bonaventure sands (Devono-Carboniferous) and at the west are limited, for this immediate region, by diabase intrusions. The inland extent of the rocks is not fully known but they have been recognized with their fossils 20 miles (36 km.) to the northeast on the Grand Cascapedia river, and there is evidence that there they lie above marine deposits with a lower Middle Devonian fauna. The fish beds are thus, in a broad sense, "Old Red-sandstone." The ferry from Dalhousie stops at Maguasha Landing. Maguasha point lies 2 miles (3-6 km.) to the east. Scau- menac bay covers the coast line from Maguasha point to High cape at the west — 3 miles (5 • 4 km.). Westward from the ferry landing along the shore, are exposures of very interesting and suggestive boulder beds, loosely cemented, interlaminated with sand layers, all lying beneath the fish-bearing strata. These boulders are largely limestone, freely containing fossils which are for the most part of normal marine Lower Devonian age. No fossils of later date than this age have been observed in them. There is no evidence of unconformity between them and the over- lying beds. The fish beds stand in high cliffs reaching 100 feet (30m.) or more in places and are essentially grey sand-shales and sandstones. The fish remains occur in the nodules and concretions, and in blocky parts of the shale beds. These beds afford the most abundant and some of the best pre- served fish remains of the Devonian, although the genera and species are few. Bothriolepis canadensis is the most profuse in specimens and the extraordinary restorations by Patten are based on material obtained here. Scau- menacia carta is not uncommon in almost complete examples in the nodules. Eiisthenopteron foordi often attains a size of 2-3 feet, and occurs in the shale layers. Coccosteus canadensis and Acanthodes concinnus are also among the commoner species. Other members of this fish fauna are Cephalaspis laticeps, Euphanerops longaevus, 'See Map, — Scaumenac Bay, Quebec. 35063—8 ."5 2 H5 Diplacanlhus striatus, D. horridus, Holoptychius quebec- ensis and Cheirolepis canadensis. Intermingled with the fish remains are excellent examples of Devonian ferns which have been described by Sir Wm. Dawson. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Stratigraphy — 1. Ells, R. W Report Geological Survey of Canada. 1880-82. 2. Clarke, John M X.Y. State Museum, Rep't Director 191 1. Fossils — 3. Whiteaves, J. F American Journal of Science 1880. v. 30. 4. Whiteaves, J. F Canadian Naturalist, 1881, v. 10. 5. Whiteaves, J. F Royal Society of Canada. Trans, v. 4, s. 4, 1887. 6. Whiteaves, J. F Royal Society of Canada. Trans. v. 6. s. 4, 1889. 7. Woodward, A. Smith .Geological Magazine. 1892. 8. Woodward, A. Smith. Outlines of Vertebrate Paleon- tology. 9. Traquair, R. H Fishes of the Old Red Sand- stone: Monogr. Palaeontogr. Society, 1904. 10. Eastman, Charles R.Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations. N.Y. State Museum Mem. 10, 1907. 11. Patten, William. .. .The Evolution of the Verte- brates and their Kin. 1912, p. 368. 12. Hussakof, L Notes on Devonic Fishes from Scaumenac Bay: N.Y. State Mus. Rep't. Director 1912. DALHOUSIE.* South of the village of Dalhousie (1-5 m.) is Dalhousie mountain, an intrusive mass, partly rhyolitic, from which depart, toward the east, apophyses of diabase, varying in width. The water front of the village and the rocky islets skirting it belong to the northernmost and broadest of ♦See Map — Dalhousie. 35063— 8| n6 these volcanic arms {Apophysis i). From the station eastward to Inch Arran point and light (1-5 miles) the shore cliffs are entirely of this rock, and on the Inch Arran cliff there are conspicuous inclusions of crystalline rocks surrounded by radial fracture and shrinkage lines. From Inch Arran (at low tide) along the shore past the Bon Ami islets and the "Gateway", the diabase of this apophysis continues to Stewart's or Fossil cove. The Devonian section of Stewart's cove extends along a sea frontage of 1,700 feet (510 m.), but is divided by Apjphysis 2, which has a 900 foot (280 m.) section. The fossiliferous strata are bounded on the south by Apophysis 3, and the actual exposed thickness of these sediments is about 430 feet (130 m.). The rocks are soft calcareous shales with thin limestone bands, thicker toward the top and hardened at contact with the diabase {see contact between shales and Apophysis 2). The strata have a uniform dip of 70°-75° N.E. Apophysis 1 lies above these beds, but their contact is buried under the beach sand. The highest beds are, beginning at the north : 1 Coral limestones with very abundant and diverse Favosites; also Zaphrentis and Halysites 25 ft. (8 m..j 2. Barren shales 15 " (4-5 m.) 3. Ash beds with Rensselaeria stewarti 1 " ( -3 m.) 4. Calcareous shale with gastropods (Coelidium) . . 2 " ( -6 m.) 5. Ash beds alternating with thin limestones and shales all highly fossiliferous. Ash beds with R. steivarti 30 " (9 m.) 6. Soft shales with lamellibranchs 10 " (3 m.) 7. Thin limestones and soft shales profuse in corals and brachiopods 95 " (29 m.) Apophysis 2. In the middle of this is a detached mass of hardened glazed Devonian shale 30 by 15 feet (9 by 4-5 m.), at an angle to the normal dip ; then follow from the south end of the volcanics downward : — 8. Compact limestone 10 " (3 m.) y. Coarse ash bed 12 " (3-6 m.) iO. Impure limestone with shale 165 " (50 m.) 11. Calcareous shale with Sieberella pseudogaleata and corals 30 " (9 m.) A fauna of 80 species has been described and illustrated from these beds by Clarke and their vertical range through -J 9> thesi east 1 shor cliff sum Inch islet cont T sea Apj foss 3- a abo shal har< shal of 7 A bur 1 i < 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- hai at en( 8. y- lO. ii. frc u8 the section plotted. The fauna is rich in turrillated gastropods of the genera Melissosoa and Coelidium, lamellibranchs of the genera Pterinea, Pteronitella, Myiilarca, Carydium, Palaeoneilo and very profuse in the brachiopods Leptaena, Stropheodonta, Strophonella, Spirifer, Leptaenisca, Orthis, all of Helderberg species and types, and Rensselaeria of widespread early Devonian aspect. The beds are regarded as equivalent in fauna with the Helderberg of New York and the sea which deposited them, to have had direct connection with the interior Appalachian sea by one of several well defined Devonian sea ways parallel to the Appalachian axes. This channel or trough carried a very different assemblage of Helderberg species than the contemporary channel (St. Alban) in northern Gaspe (see p. 92). Two miles southwest from this exposure, along the Eel River road and closer to the body of the volcanic mass is a second section of these sediments, 200 feet in length, in which are 5 interbedded deposits of volcanic tuff and ashes, in part carrying fossils. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Ells, R. W Geological Survey of Canada, 1879-80. 2. Ells, R. W Report on Geology of Northern and Eastern New Brunswick with map New Brunswick sheet 3 S.W. 1880-82. 3. Dawson, J. W Acadian Geology, 1891, p. 578. 4. Billings, E (List of fossils, idem). 5. Lambe, L. M Contributions to Canadian Paleon- tology, v. 4, 1 90 1. 6. Ami, H. M Equisse Geol. du Canada, 1902. 7. Clarke, John M The Dalhousie Formation: New York State Museum Mem. IX, pt. 2, 1909, p. 1-51, pis. 1— 1 1 . 8. Clarke, John M Eruptive Contacts in the Marine Devonic Dalhousie beds: N.Y. State Museum, Rept. Director, 1911, p. 125-128. ii 9 CHALEUR BAY. PHYSIOGRAPHIC NOTE. (J. W. GOLDTHWAIT.) Chaleur bay, like the smaller Miramichi on the south and the greater St. Lawrence on the north, is a broad river valley which has been deeply drowned beneath the sea. At its head, west of Campbellton, it narrows to a slender point, into which the Restigouche and Matapedia rivers discharge. Similar sharp re-entrants or tributary estuaries lie at the mouth of its other large branches, the Nipisiguit at Bathurst and the Nouvelle and Cascapedia rivers on the north side. The drowning seems to have taken place during the Pleistocene period. In this narrower upper portion of Chaleur bay evidences of submergence seem nowhere to extend above 50 feet (15-2 m.). Apparently the ice sheet lingered longer here than over the coast beyond Bathurst, covering the ground during the greater part of the stage of post-Glacial sub- mergence. In no other way does it seem possible to explain the complete absence of elevated beaches like those at Bathurst (195 feet or 59-5 m.) and the presence in their place, in the zone below 200 feet, of kames whose sides appear to be too steep to have been covered by the sea for even a short time since the ice sheet released them from its grasp. According to Chalmers, the striae and direction in which boulders and till have been transported indicate that the ice which mantled the country around Chaleur bay during the Glacial period moved radially into it from the north, west and south, forming a local, estuarine glacier. In the later stages the ice seems still to have pushed down from the high interior of Gaspe through such valleys as the Cascapedia and Nouvelle, after it had disappeared as a sheet from the coast. The kames of the north shore of the bay, which lie unmodified on ground within the 200-foot limit, seem to demand this. On the way from Campbellton to Bathurst the railway skirts the shore of the bay, affording distant views of the rugged plateau of the Gaspe peninsula. A mile beyond Nash creek it reaches the eastern end of the great Resti- gouche kame, a fairly continuous ridge which extends 120 nearly 12 miles (19 km.) along the shore. The track crosses it east of New Mills station. Like other kames of the upper part of Chaleur bay, and of its tributaries the Nouvelle and Cascapedia, this appears to be a river deposit, formed within or against the ice during the withdrawal of the glacier from the coast. The Restigouche kame is 175 feet (53-3 m.) high at its west end and 50 feet (15-2 m.) high at the east end. As would be expected, it is over- lapped by the fossiliferous marine clays which register post-Glacial submergence. Along the north shore of Chaleur bay not a sign ot wave-built beach or of wave-cut cliff appears above 75 feet (22-8 m.) although the opportunity for them is the best. Here and there faint beach ridges are to be seen below the 75-foot mark, and at New Richmond marine fossils have been collected from clays and sands which reach up to 40 feet (12 -2 m.). At no place, however, have shells been reported from altitudes as high as those on the south side of the bay. All the way along the shore from Chaleur bay around to Cape Gaspe the sea is trimming back fresh cliffs into the land. While there is nothing extraordinary about this in itself, it becomes important when this shore is compared with that of the St. Lawrence just around the end of Gaspe where a shelf 20 feet (6- 1 m.) above the sea extends for three or four hundred miles along the coast recording a recent elevation of 20 feet. Around on the south side of the Gaspe peninsula the recent movement if any, must have been a subsidence, slowly deepening the water on the shelf, and facilitating the attack of the sea against the cliffs. ANNOTATED GUIDE. DALHOUSIE JUNCTION TO N1PISGUIT JUNCTION. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. o m. Dalhousie Junction — Alt. 79 ft. (24 km.). o km. From Dalhousie Junction to Bathurst, the Intercolonial railway closely follows the southern shore of the Bay of Chaleur. Throughout nearly the whole distance the bold front of the Gaspe highlands are visible rising 121 Miles and steeply from the north side of Chaleur bav Kilometres. , • , r r r r ' to heights of from 1,000 feet to 1,500 feet (300 m. to 450 m.j above the sea. The southern coast of the Bay of Chaleur from Dalhousie eastward is low. Inland the country rises very evenly and attains elevations of between 600 feet and 900 feet (180 m. and 275 m.) in a distance of between 5 miles and 10 miles (8 km. and 16 km.). Farther inland, alti- tudes of 2,000 feet (600 m.) or more are reached and in certain districts the country is very rugged. As far eastward as Bathurst, the country to the south of Chaleur bay is mainly underlain by Silurian strata, in places richly fossiliferous. Lower Devonian measures probably occur, while near Bathurst there is a wide area of Ordovician. Various varieties of igneous rocks of plutonic and volcanic types are present. The measures in general are closely folded, in places crenulated, along axes pursuing courses that strike towards the northeast. The strata are also much faulted. Along the sea front is a very narrow, discontinuous fringe of the Bonaventure formation of early Carboniferous or possibly late Devonian age. The Bonaventure measures are fiat-lying, almost wholly undisturbed. Their presence in a nearly undisturbed condition, on both sides of the Bay of Chaleur, apparently indicates that this wide, shallow depression originated in Devonian time. Leaving Dalhousie Junction the railway runs through a low, wide valley underlain by the horizontal red conglomerates and sand- stones of the Bonaventure formation. On the north side rise the ridges of basic rocks forming Dalhousie mountain. The railway presently approaches close to the coast. The narrow fringe of Bonaventure beds continue for about one mile past Charlo. 9-9 m. Charlo Station — Alt. 53 ft. (16- 1 m.). Be- 16-3 km. yond Charlo for a distance of about 12 miles (19 km.), the railway traverses a zone in which Silurian sedimentarv strata alternate with areas 122 Miles and f basic igneous rocks. The Bonaventure meas- Kilometres. °. r , . . - T T ures are absent trom the shore but form Heron island which lies a few miles east of Charlo. Approaching Nash creek, the low, red cliffs of the eastern end of Heron island are visible. 22 -o m. Nash Creek Station — A mile beyond Nash 35 -4 km. Creek, the Bonaventure strata outcrop on the shore and extend eastward along it for 15 miles (24 km.). 25-0 m. Jacquet River Station — Alt. 55 ft. (16 -8m.). 41-1 km. A long narrow band of red 'felsites' (rhyolites?) extends inland from Jacquet river. The igneous rocks have been supposed to be of Pre-Cambrian age. Possibly the felsites are of Silurian or Devonian age as in the case of similar bodies occurring elsewhere in the great Siluro- Devonian area of northwestern New Brunswick. To the east of Belledune river, 9 miles (14-5 km.) east of Jacquet river, the railway tra- verses a zone of black slates of late Silurian (Guelph?) age. Along the coast are outcrops of fossiliferous red, grey and black limestones with shales of various colours, and sandstones and conglomerates. These measures range in age from Clinton to Niagara and, possibly, Guelph. They are underlain by red shales, sandstones and conglomerates with a thickness as great as 1,000 feet (300 m.) or more. The total thickness of the Silurian beds is large but the strata are so closely folded and so much faulted that no reliable estimate of total thickness may be made. 34-4 m. Belledune Station — Alt. 84 ft. (25-6 m.). 55-4 km. After passing Belledune station, the railway traverses a circumscribed area of igneous and altered sedimentary strata. Igneous rocks are exposed in a number of rock cuts and two long cuttings occur in them on both sides of Elmtree river, 6\ miles (10-5 km.) beyond Belledune. The igneous rocks include granite and diabase. The different varieties of igneous rock and the sedimentary strata which are possibly in part 123 Miles and f Silurian, in part of Ordovician age, are in- Kiiometres. ■ i • i t i • • tncately associated. In places gneissic rocks have developed apparently as the result of lit par lit injection of granite material into sedi- mentary beds. Beyond the crossing of Elmtree river, the railway pursues a southerly course and traverses a band of closely folded Silurian measures. The Silurian strata are succeeded on the south by Ordovician beds; the line of contact passing westward just south of Nigadu river, 4! miles (7-2 km.) from Elmtree river. In the northern part of the Ordovician area, the measures are light coloured slates, sandstones and fine con- glomerates possibly of tuffaceous origin. They are closely folded along east-west axes and are cut by numerous dykes of diabase. At one locality north of the crossing of Tetagouche river, the railway crosses an area of igneous rocks possibly including both tuffs and lavas. 51 m. Tetagouche River — At the crossing of Teta- 82-1 km. gouche river are deep cuts in stratified sands and clays containing many shells such as cha- racterize the Leda clay and Saxicava sands of the St. Lawrence valley. These unconsolid- ated, stratified deposits have a thickness of at least 100 feet (30 m.) and probably are much thicker. Along the Tetagouche river at the railway crossing, occur black slates carrying a grapto- lite fauna of lower Trenton, (Normanskill) age. These black slates with associated beds of fine sandstone form a wide zone of closely folded strata stretching inland in a westerly direction. 54m. Bathurst Station — Alt. 45 ft. (13-7 m.). 86-9 km. At Bathurst the railway leaves the coast. The town of Bathurst is visible from the railway. It is situated at the foot of the nearly land- locked bay into which empties the Nipisiguit river, one of the larger rivers of New Brunswick. Leaving Bathurst station, the railway follows along the west bank of Little river. At the crossing of a large tributary and again farther 124 Miles and south at the crossing of Little river, are expos- Kilometres. .... . & . . . ' K ures oi biotite granite belonging to a large body which cuts and highly alters the surrounding Ordovician strata. The granites occupy an area of about 80 square miles; the granite body is presumably of much greater area than this since its eastern portion is hidden by a mantle of younger, Carboniferous strata. 57-4111. Nipisiguit Junction. 92-4 km. ANNOTATED GUIDE. NIFISIGUIT JUNCTION TO BATHURST MINES. (G. A. Young.) 57 • 4 m. Nipisiguit Junction — From Nipisiguit Junc- 92-4 km. tion the Northern New Brunswick and Sea- board railway runs southward up the valley of Nipisiguit river to Bathurst Mines distant about 17 miles (27-3 km.). The railroad for most of the distance, passes through the forest out of sight of the river. Along the river ex- posures of granite continue for a distance of about 6 miles (9-6 km.). From the southern boundary of the granite batholith to near the Great Falls on the Nipisiguit river, the exposed strata are apparently of Ordovician age — bands of dark slates like those on the Tetagouche river alternating with others of green, probably tuff a - ceous, rocks. The strata are closely folded and much faulted. At about the fourteenth mile the wide stream bed of the Nipisiguit river is visible from the railway. About a mile farther, the gorge of the river below the Great Falls, comes into view. The lower portion of the gorge has been cut through black slates dipping upstream at high angles. The upper portion of the gorge is in quartz porphyry overlying the dark slates. At about the sixteenth mile, the crest of the falls may be seen from the railway, and from this point to Bathurst Mines the railroad passes close to the river edge through many cuttings in sheared quartz porphyry. 125 BATHURST MINES.* (G. A. Young.) The iron ore deposits of Bathurst Mines occur in three main bodies or groups of bodies, the longer axes of which, at the surface run about north and south. These deposits occur within a limited area on the northern bank of Nipi- siguit river and in the vicinity of Austin brook, a south- easterly flowing tributary of the main river. One of the groups of iron ore bodies known as No. 2 deposit, out- crops on the northeast side of Austin brook valley and extends northward for at least 1,200 feet (360 m.). An- other ore body, known as No. 1 deposit, outcrops on the southwest side of Austin brook valley about 900 feet (275 m.) west of No. 2 deposit and extends southerly for several thousand feet. The third group of ore bodies known as No. 3 deposit, lies nearly due north of No. 1 body at a distance of about 800 yards (730 m.). In the immediate neighbourhood of the ore bodies, all the rocks are of igneous origin and belong to three main types, namely, quartz-free porphyry, quartz porphyry and diabase. The rocks in the district are largely covered by drift and therefore the relationships existing between the different rock varieties has not been established, but it is assumed that the quartz-free porphyry and the quartz por- phyry are closely related in origin and age and that the diabase occurs in dyke or sill-like bodies cutting the porphyries. The quartz-free porphyry outcrops in the eastern and southwestern portion of the area; the quartz porphyry forms the central portion of the area; and the diabase oc- curs in the western portion. No. 2 deposit lies within and just along the boundary between the area of quartz-free por- phyry on the east and the central zone of quartz porphyry ; No. 1 and No. 3 deposits occur along the western margin of the zone of quartz porphyry near the area occupied jointly bv diabase and quartz-free porphyry. The quartz-free porphyry is usually of a dark greyish colour, is fine grained, dense, and contains very small phenocrysts of plagioclase feldspar. In most cases the rock has at least an irregular schistose parting and in many *See Map, Bathurst Iron Mine. 126 places has been sheared to a glistening or dull, sericite or chlorite schist. The quartz porphyry varies in colour from very dark grey to light greenish grey, the lighter colours being char- acteristic of the more schistose varieties which grade into sericite schists. The rock, where not too much sheared, is crowded with crystal fragments of glassy quartz, white orthoclase and acid plagioclase feldspar. The diabase is finely granular, in some cases nearly black in colour; in others pale greenish and then has a pronounced schistosity. The ore has generally a prominent slaty cleavage, is fine grained, and is composed largely of finely granular magnetite with a variable amount of hematite. Slight variations in grain are visible along regularly alternating bands. The banding varies in degree from microscopic to very broadly developed, being indicated where coarse by the occurrence of various impurities distributed along bands. The ore has a general black colour, tinged greyish from the presence of minute grains of quartz and feldspar which in some bands are finely and uniformly disseminated, while in other cases they occur in lines, narrow streaks and lenticular areas. Considerable pyrite is present and tends to occur in large and small, elongated, lenticular aggregates. Quartz is relatively abundant occurring in veins and stringers. A large number of analyses indicate that the iron content of the ore ranges from 39 • 6 per cent to 58-7 per cent; sulphur from 0-009 P er cent to 0-27 per cent; and, phosphorus from 0-385 per cent to 1-222 per cent. Examined in thin sections under the microscope, the ore is seen to be composed of minute, rapidly alternating bands of nearly pure iron ore, or of iron ore with consider- able finely granular quartz and feldspar; and other bands of nearly pure quartz, with varying proportions of feldspar, iron ore, etc. In the case of No. 2 body, a portion of its southern end, and of the east and west walls is visible. The greatest width of the body where stripped, is a little over 40 feet (12 m.). The containing walls are sharply defined, and the body appears to dip to the west at angles varying be- tween 6o° and 8o°. The ore is banded and some quartz is present in comparatively large, irregular veins. Little or no pyrite is to be seen except immediately along the walls. I2J On the hanging wall-side, at a distance of about 150 feet (45 m.) from the ore, ordinary schistose quartz por- phyry crowded with phenocrysts of quartz and feldspar is visible. At exposures intermediate between this and the ore body, the rock gradually assumes a more schistose habit. On the foot-wall side an analogous set of phenomena is visible but the rock there appears to be a quartz - free porphyry. The southern termination of the ore body has been laid bare. The mass of ore ends in a number of angular, finger- like projections extending a few feet into the country rock and associated with considerable quartz. In the case of No. I deposit, the foot-wall is exposed for a short distance. The rock, probably a much altered, schistose quartz porphyry, is very heavily charged with pyrite. It has a pronounced schistose parting along which Bathurst Iron mine. No. i orebody. August, 1912. occur seams and veins of quartz. The boundary of the ore body is remarkably sharp. The ore seems to end abrupcly along the plane corresponding to that of the slaty parting and banding in the ore, and of the schistose parting in the wall rocks. The ore bodies have the form of abruptly terminating beds or bands, with, in each case, a fairly constant thickness. The walls where seen, are always sharply defined and dip 128 westward at angles varying from 45 to nearly 90 . In the case of No. 1 deposit, the ore body at its outcrop at the northern end has a thickness of 105 feet (32 m.). In a drill hole which intersected the body at a vertical depth of 410 feet (125 m.), the ore body had a thickness of 65 feet (19-8 m.). As indicated by the results obtained from a magnetometric survey, the ore body has a length of about 2,000 feet (610 m.). It is believed, for the following reasons, that the ore bodies have formed through the partial replacement of schistose quartz porphyry by iron ore, along sharply defined zones. The prominent banding of the ore, sometimes on a coarse scale, sometimes microscopic in its fineness, is, when seen in thin sections under the microscope, very regular, and gives the impression of being an original structure, not a secondary one imparted in some way to the ore after its formation. The parallelism of the banding of the ore (seemingly an original structure) and its attendant slaty cleavage, with the walls of the ore bodies and with the planes of schistosity in the neighbouring rocks, forcibly suggests that the ore has replaced a schistose rock, and has partly preserved the original schistose structure. The finely granular quartz present throughout the ore, as well as the less abundant granular feldspar, may readily be regarded as representing original constituents of the replaced, schistose rock, possibly sheared quartz porphyry. That the original rock was schistose is supported by the fact that in all cases where observations were possible the country rock, as it neared the ore bodies, was found to be progressively more schistose. Under the above hypothesis, the occasional narrow bands of dark green schist seen in No. 1 body may represent a rock variety that more strongly resisted the replacing action of the ore bearing solutions. The apparently basic composition of these bands, and the occurrence of schistose diabase along the western walls of the ore body, suggest that they may represent dykes of diabase. As regards the quartz veins, in the case of a thin section of ore charged with small reticulated and crenulated quartz veins, it was seen that the alternating microscopically fine lines and extremely narrow bands of quartz, quartz impregnated with iron ore, and nearly pure iron ore, 129 conformed as nearly as possible to the intricate folding exhibited by the quartz veins. On the assumption that the ore and its structure are due to the replacement of schistose rock, the minutely corrugated forms exhibited by the ore represent a corrugated structure previously existing in the now replaced schist. The appearance of the ore in thin section did not seem to indicate that the ore would fracture along the old cor- rugation planes, and so permit the formation of later quartz veins following similar crenulated courses, and, therefore, it is concluded that the veins did not originate after the formation of the ore. The appearance in the thin sections of the bands or zones of quartz veins, and of the ore body as a whole, does not warrant any supposition that the quartz veins were bent after the formation of the ore. It is true that the veins might have been formed contem- poraneously with the ore, but, on the other hand, the puck- ering and bending of the veins in the ore are duplicated over a part of the exposures of country rock on the foot-wall of Xo. i body. This would indicate that the original rock had been twisted and bent, that quartz veins were intro- duced either before, during, or after the folding, and that after this the rock had been replaced by ore that still retains many indications of the original crenulations, as well as many or all of the quartz veins. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hardman, J. E A Xew Iron Ore Field in the Pro- vince of Xew Brunswick; Jour. Can. Mining Inst , Vol. II, pp. 156-164, 1908. Lindeman, E Map — Magnetic Survey. Austin Brook, Dept. of Mines. Mines Branch. Young, G. A Geological Survey Canada, Memoir Xo. 18. 35063—9 130 ANNOTATED GUIDE. NIPISIGUIT JUNCTION TO HALIFAX. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. o m. Nipisiguit Junction. — -The Intercolonial o km. railway about one half mile beyond Nipisiguit Junction, crosses Nipisiguit river and enters the great Carboniferous area of New Brunswick. Nearly the whole eastern half of the province, an area of about 10,000 square miles (26,000 sq. km.), is floored by Carboniferous measures. The strata are mainly grey sandstones, and red and grey sandstones and shales, of Millstone Grit (Pottsville) age. The measures over the greater part of the area are nearly horizontal and the land surface is very even, scarcely rising anywhere higher than 500 feet (150 m.) above the sea. 118-9 m. Moncton. — Alt. 50 ft. (15 m.). Moncton 191-3 km. is situated near the southern border of the New Brunswick Carboniferous area, the boun- dary being formed by a series of highlands extending along the coast of the Bay of Fundy. These highlands are underlain by deformed Pre-Cambrian and early Palaeozoic strata associated with great volumes of igneous rocks. Along the southern margin of the Carboniferous area, older divisions of the Carboniferous are exposed in a folded and faulted condition. Leaving Moncton the railway for some distance passes through a district of Carboni- ferous strata, in part disturbed, which extend eastward around the northeastern end of the upland of deformed Pre-Cambrian and Palaeo- zoic rocks. After traversing this district, the railway crosses the low-lying Chignecto isthmus which connects New Brunswick with the peninsula of Nova Scotia. The isthmus is underlain by Millstone Grit strata and measures of late Carboniferous or Permian age. The strata lie in wide open folds. I3i Ki'iomeu-ls After crossing Chignecto isthmus the railway enters the low-lying portion of Nova Scotia which extends for many miles along the Gulf of St. Lawrence coast and reaches inland to the Cobequid hills. This low-lying region is floored with various divisions of the Carboni- ferous and also with strata of Permian age. The measures in places are closely folded and faulted while in other places they lie nearly horizontally or in simple open folds. About ioo miles (160 km.) beyond Moncton, the railway crosses the Cobequid hills. This upland extends eastward from the head of the Bay of Fundy for ioo miles (160 km.). The highlands in places rise to heights of about 1,000 feet (300 m.) and are crossed by the railway through a pass having a summit elevation of 615 feet (188 m.). They are formed, in the main, of a complex assemblage of plutonic rocks, both acid and basic, and various schists. Along the southern margin of the area, strata of about mid-Carboniferous age are cut and altered by igneous rocks. Whether all the igneous rocks of the Cobequids are of post-mid Carboniferous age is unknown. After crossing the Cobequids, the railway passes through a zone of disturbed Carboni- ferous beds flanking the Cobequids on the south, and then enters the low lying Triassic area which in part encircles the head of the Bay of Minas. This arm of the sea is an eastward projection from the Bay of Fundy. 310-2 m. Truro. — Alt. 60 ft. (18-3 m.). Truro stands 499-2 km. in the low-lying Triassic area at the head of the Bay of Minas. The Triassic measures are largely red sandstones and shales and are flat-lying. Leaving Truro the railway for a few miles runs over the low Triassic area, after which it turns south and by means of a low divide, crosses the highland area which extends for 250 miles (400 km.) in a northeast-southwest direction and which forms the axis of the Nova 35063— 9^ 132 Miles and Scotian peninsula. The highlands rise to a Kilometres. i i • r i i general elevation ot between 700 and 1,000 feet (215 and 300 m.) above the sea, but in the low, very wide pass traversed by the railway, the summit elevation is only 141 feet (32 m.). After leaving the low-lying Triassic area in the neighbourhood of Truro, the railway first traverses a district underlain by Carboniferous, perhaps in part Devonian, strata belonging to the horizon of the Union-Riversdale group and the Windsor series. Beyond this area, the railway enters the belt of Pre-Cambrian strata (the Goldbearing series), which with intrusive bodies of Devonian granite, stretch the whole length of the Atlantic seaboard of Nova Scotia. The Goldbearing series consists of about 35,000 feet (10,600 m.) of quartzites and slates; the quartzites are more abundant in the lower portion of the series while the slates predominate in the upper portion. The strata lie in large and small dome-shaped folds which occur along axial lines that in a general way strike northeast-southwest. 372 m. Halifax. — Halifax is the capital of the 597 • 1 Jem. province of Nova Scotia. The city is situated on the western side of one of the numerous fiords that characterize the Atlantic coast of the province. The major portion of the city is underlain by dark slates of the upper division of the Goldbearing series. The strata are folded along axes striking about south-south- west. The northern end of the city and the country to the north are underlain by the lower quartzite division arranged in a series of folds parallel to those in the slate division. A short distance west of the city the sediments are bounded by a batholith of granite. Along the granite contact the slates have been highly metamorphosed, but they retain their normal dip and strike. Absence of any local distur- bances of the strata due to the granite intrusions is characteristic of the whole area of the Gold- bearing series. 133 ANNOTATED GUIDE Halifax to Windsor. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. om. Halifax. Leaving Halifax station, the Inter- okm. colonial railway passes rock cuttings in dark slates of the upper division of the Goldbearing series. The strata dip to the southeast at angles of from 20° to 65 . In a short distance the rail- way closely approaches the shore of the narrows connecting Halifax harbour with Bedford basin, and enters an area underlain by the lower quartzite division of the Goldbearing series. The strata dip regularly to the southwest at angles of between 50 and 8o° and are exposed in rock cuttings along the railway. 4 om. Rockingham Station. One mile past Rock- 6-4 km. ingham, at Birch cove, an anticlinal axis in the quartzites is crossed. On the north side of the axis, the strata, (exposed in numerous cuts), dip to the northwest at angles varying bet- ween 20 and 45 Two miles farther, at Mill cove, a synclinal axis is crossed. 8.6 m. Bedford Station. Bedford is at the head of 13-8 km. the inlet along whose shores the railway follows from Halifax. The depression of the inlet is continued inland by a valley bounded by hills rising to heights of 200 to 400 feet (60 to 120 m.). The railway crosses this valley and enters a low, rough, hilly country with many small, irregular lakes lying at various elevations up to 300 feet (90 m.) and more, above the sea. Numerous rock cuttings in quartzites occur along the railway, the strata dipping to the southeast at angles of from 20° to 40 . Two and one quarter miles (3.6 m.) beyond Bedford a low height of land with an elevation of 140 feet (42-6 m.) is crossed. The waters on the northern side of this divide drain northward to the Bay of Minas. 134 Kiiom a tres ^ ne m ^ e ^ ^ km.) beyond where the railway crosses a small lake, the railway crosses an anticlinal axis. The Waverly gold district is situated on this anticlinal, one half mile to the east of the railway. 13-9111. Windsor Junction. Alt. 129 ft. (36-8 m.). 22 -4 km. The Canadian Pacific railway joins the Inter- colonial railway at Windsor Junction. At a distance of about I mile (1.6 km.) from the junc- tion, the Canadian Pacific railway enters a zone of dark slates belonging to the upper divi- sion of the Goldbearing series. The belt has a width of about 3! miles (5 . 6 km.) and in it the strata lie in two synclinal folds. On the north- west side of this belt of slates, the lower strata of the quartzite division again outcrop. The boundary between the two divisions crosses Fenerty lake — a long narrow lake along whose southeast shore the railway runs for some distance. The band of quartzites has a width of 4f miles (7.6 km.). The strata lie in the form of an anti- cline whose axis strikes N.E — S.W. The measures in general dip at angles of from 50 to 65 . Leaving Fenerty lake whose waters are about 250 feet (76.1 m.) above the sea, the railway climbs to a height of 456 feet (139 m.) and recros- ses the height of land separating the waters draining southeast to the Atlantic from those draining northwest to the Bay of Minas. Three quarters of a mile (1 . 1 km.) beyond the crossing of the height of land, the railway enters South Uniacke gold district which is located on an anticlinal dome near the northwestern border of the quartzite belt. 23 7 m. South Uniacke Station. Alt. 449 ft. 38-1 km. (13-4.) South Uniacke station is close to the border of the quartzite belt. Beyond South Uniacke the railway crosses a belt of slates, 1 \ miles (2.4 km.) wide. The strata lie in two synclinal folds: the lower quartzite division is exposed in places along the intervening anticline. 135 Kilometres ^he ra il wa y passes along the western side of a small lake lying on the northwestern border of the slate belt. Beyond this point the railway enters a belt of the quartzite division and the strata are exposed in many rock cuttings. 26 -8 m. Mount Uniacke Station. Alt. 509 ft. 43-1 km. (155 km.). After passing a number of rock cuttings in the quartzite, or lower division of the Goldbearing series, the railway runs for some distance along the southern shore of a lake. This lake lies on the contact between the Goldbearing series and a large batholith of granite which extends for 100 miles (160 km.) to the southwest and occupies an area of approxi- mately, 3,000 square miles (7,800 sq. km.). This granite intrusion is of Devonian age. Rock cuts in the granite occur along the railway. A short distance farther, after passing the north- ern end of a lake, the railway traverses for about ^ mile (0.8 km.) a small area of quartzites entirely surrounded by granite. Beyond this for a distance of 1^ miles (2.5 km.) the railway passes through an area entirely underlain by granite. In the succeeding i| miles, (2.5 km.), the railway follows along the curving northern boundary between the granite and the bordering strata of the Goldbearing series. Finally passing away from the granite region, the rail- way recrosses the height of land (altitude of crossing, 412 ft. (125. 1 m.) and begins to rapid- ly descend along a valley to the more even, lower country visible to the north. The rock cuttings at first are in quartzite while farther on they are in dark slates. The strata of the Goldbearing series occur in regular, parallel folds which are truncated by the granite batho- lith. 36-8 m. Ellerhouse Station — Alt. 258 ft. (78-601.). 59-2 km. Beyond Ellerhouse the railway traverses a belt of the quartzite, or lower division of the Gold- bearing series. The strata are exposed in a number of rock cuttings and along the walls of the gorge of the St. Croix river where this stream is crossed by the railway. Three 136 Kilometres quarters of a mile (i-2 km.) beyond the St. Croix river, the railway enters a narrow belt of Carboniferous strata consisting of shales, sandstones and conglomerates which are corre- lated with the Horton series. The measures dip towards the north at comparatively low angles. They extend in an east and west direction for about 6 miles (9-6 km.) and are interposed between the Pre-Cambrian Gold- bearing series with its intrusive Devonian granites and the limestone, shale, gypsum, etc., of the Windsor series (Mississippian) flooring the low county to the north. 39-8 m. Newport Station — Alt. 119 ft. (36-3 m.). 64-0 km. Newport is situated on the southern boundary of the comparatively low area of Windsor series which extends northwards for about 13 miles (20-9 km.) to the Bay of Minas. Before reaching Newport and after passing it, gypsum cliffs and quarry workings are visible. To the west and southwest is visible the front of the highland underlain by the Devonian granite and the Pre-Cambrian Goldbearing series. This highland rises abruptly from the bordering lowland of Carboniferous measures, to heights of 600 feet to 800 feet (180 m. to 240 m.) above the sea. 45-5 m. Windsor — Alt. 26 ft. (7-9 m.). The town of 73 • 2 km Windsor is situated on the east bank of Avon river where it joins St. Croix river. WINDSOR— HORTON. * (W. A. Bell.) INTRODUCTION. The district herewith described borders on repre- sentatives of three main physiographic divisions of the eastern provinces of Canada. These are as follows: (1) the pre-Carboniferous uplands, (2) the Carboniferous lowlands, and (3) the Bay of Fundy or Triassic lowland. *See Map — Windsor — Horton Bluff. 137 The present geographical location of these divisions is due primarily to Palaeozoic constructive and mountain- making processes, as expressed in deposition, folding, and faulting, and secondarily to Mesozoic, Tertiary and Quaternary destructive and epeirogenetic processes, as expressed in erosion and vertical warping. The deform- ative processes of Palaeozoic time have determined the general northeasterly-southwesterly trend of the structural axes, while the differential vertical movements of post- Palaeozoic time, working largely independently of structure, have controlled the present surface features. CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY PENEPLAINS. The pre-Carboniferous uplands comprise the highlands of New Brunswick, the Cobequid hills, and the Southern upland or plateau of Nova Scotia. Daly [lj has furnished evidence to support the hypothesis that these surfaces represent remnants of a once continuous and more extensive Mesozoic peneplain. The age of the peneplanation was assigned by him to the Cretaceous by correlation with the New England and southern Appalachian land forms. The basic argument for this interpretation is the remark- able discordance of surface form with underlying structure. Vertical uplift and warping, accompanied by southeasterly tilting, in early Tertiary time exposed the old-age surface to renewed differential denudation, resulting finally in the sculpture of a local Tertiary base — a levelled surface on the softer Carboniferous rocks. But the ancient complex of more resistant rock still upholds large areas of the older or Cretaceous plain and so preserves the historical record of erosion. TRIASSIC LOWLAND. The history of the Triassic lowland, or Bay of Fundy region, is necessarily involved in that of the Carboniferous lowland, but is further complicated by the addition of tidal scour to subaerial processes as an active though variable denuding agent, and by the fact that the processes of destruction worked on a peculiar type of constructional topography, apparently the resultant forms of monoclinal faulting [2j, parallel to the older land areas. The modified result has its expression in such features as the trap ridge of North mountain. 138 SOUTHERN PLATEAU. The particular area to be described is an embayment of the Carboniferous lowland bordering the Southern plateau to the south and west, but merging into the Triassic basin of the Bay of Fundy to the north. It is drained by the Avon river and its tributaries. The prominent characters of the three physiographic divisions may be read within the district. The Southern plateau is seen rising abruptly on the south to a smoothly curving, timbered skyline at an average elevation of about 500 feet (152-4 m.). This plateau is marked by a gently rolling old-age surface interrupted only by occasional residual hills rising several hundred feet above the general level of the plain, and by the narrow, young gorges of the northerly flowing streams. The irregular veneer of glacial debris has so modified the pre-Glacial drainage that abundant lakes as well as large areas of marsh are now present on the divides. The underlying rocks are a thick series of slates and quartzites, known as the Gold- bearing series, and generally assigned to the Pre-Cambrian ; they are closely folded, and intruded by granitic masses. A plateau extension also limits the district on the west, but, whereas the descent to the lowland in the south is abrupt, here on the west it is eased by rolling foothills. In the former case the slope is from hard resistant rock to soft marls and gypsum, whilst in the latter a stronger development of the more competent Horton series inter- venes. NORTH MOUNTAIN. An outlying remnant of this plateau surface forms the crest of the trap ridge of North mountain, which extends in a very even line a distance of some 120 miles (193 km.) at an average elevation of about 550 feet (167-6 m.). This ridge is uniformly carved on a sheet of massive, compact trap, roughly 200 feet (61 m.) thick, of which the lowermost bed is an amygdaloid conformable with Triassic red sandstone. To the south it terminates in an abrupt escarpment. To the north the dip is gently towards the bay. 139 CARBONIFEROUS LOWLAND. The Carboniferous lowland, which in this area encroaches upon the upland in narrow embayments, is a portion of the Tertiary base-levelled plain. The mildly undulating surface is underlain here almost entirely by Lower Car- boniferous (Mississippian) rocks. These are divided into two formations, the Horton, and the Windsor, whose relations to each other and to the Carboniferous elsewhere have been a matter of considerable discussion. The Horton includes a series of black, plant-bearing shales interbedded with quartzose sandstones and seemingly overlain by coarse arkose grits, sharp quartz sandstones and brick red shales. The supposedly overlying Windsor formation comprises a series of brick red and greenish marls, thick beds of anhydrite or gypsum and of dolomitic fossiliferous limestones. Post-Lower Carboniferous (Mis- sissippian) folding and faulting have greatly deformed this soft yielding series, and good field sections are lacking. ANNAPOLIS-CORNWALLIS VALLEY. The Triassic lowland lies adjacent to the Horton beds on the north, forming the fertile Annapolis-Corn wallis valley. The slightly rolling surface nowhere rises high above sea-level. Along the shore of the estuary softly rounded divides alternate with fertile stretches of level marsh. The South Mountain plateau or the Horton foothills rises abruptly on the south, whereas the North Mountain escarpment limits the valley on the north. The underlying rock is mainly brick red sandstone, dis- tinctly cross-bedded, in places coarsely conglomeratic, dipping at low angles to the north or northwest away from the highland. Its ferruginous but highly calcareous cement renders it especially susceptible to the attacks of the weather, resulting in a sandy red loam peculiarly adapted to the culture of fruits. ANNOTATED GUIDE. WINDSOR TO AVONPORT. Miles and Kilometres. o m. Windsor. — Alt. 26 ft. (7-9 m.). From o km. Windsor, the Canadian Pacific railway runs west of north, cutting across the mouth of 140 KUomeu-es ^ e Avon embayment of the Windsor series (Mississippian — Lower Carboniferous), This embayment extends up the basin of Avon river in a southwesterly direction into the Southern upland for a distance of about 5 miles (8 km.). Along the southern border the rocks underlying the Southern upland are largely granite and the rise to the upland is abrupt, but on the west the area of the Windsor series is limited by the Horton formation, which forms a belt of foothills of variable width, between the Windsor lowlands and a spur of the Southern upland. The Windsor rocks are exposed in broken sections on the Avon river above and below the railway bridge. 5 m. Mount Denson Station — Alt. 40 ft. 8 km. (12-2 m.). Less than \ mile (o-8 km.) north of Mount Denson station the railway approaches close to the shore and from here an outcrop of Windsor anhydrite may be seen at a low point known as Aberdeen beach. This rock is very different from the gypsum at Windsor, as it is massive, evenly bedded, less disturbed, and of a snowy-white colour. It lies in a low syncline succeeded to the south by a flat anticline. The margin of the narrow Windsor embay- ment is crossed at this point, and the railway from here onwards, passes over a northeasterly trending area of Horton rocks which extend out from a spur of the Southern upland. To avoid the hills farther west, the railway clings closely to the shore. It is this projection or spur of the Horton strata that is cut trans- versely by the Avon river, thus exposing the Horton section. 11-9111. Avonport Station — Alt. 57 ft. (17-3 m.). 19- 1 km. Avonport is within 1 mile (i-6 km.) of the northern termination of the Horton spur or where the Horton rocks sink beneath the Triassic lowland of Cornwallis valley. A short distance east of the railway station the exposures of the Horton series commence on the banks of the mouth of Avon river. 141 HORTON BLUFFS SECTION. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Horton series, which here flanks the Southern plateau, is exposed for nearly 3 miles (5 km.) along the tidal estuary of Avon river in the section known as the Horton Bluffs. Looking northwesterly from the Avondale shore, Cape Blomidon, the westerly termination of the Triassic trap ridge of North mountain, may be seen standing pro- minently about 500 feet (152 m.) above the sea. The contact of the trap with the underlying sandstone is there about 200 feet (61 m.) above the valley floor. The low country intervening between this picturesque ridge and Avonport is a part of the Annapolis-Cornwallis Triassic basin. The contact of the Triassic with the Horton shales is concealed on the shore, but the low red bluff h mile (o-8 km.) to the north is made up of heavily cross-bedded, wave-eaten, soft Triassic conglomerate of a dark grey or chocolate colour, consisting of well worn pebbles up to 4 inches or more in diameter of sandstone, red shale, quartzite and quartz, embedded in a matrix of subangular quartz grains, and bound by a ferruginous calcareous cement. The dips are gently northwestward. The underlying Horton beds rest in a flat syncline, of which the northern limb is regular and moderately inclined, while the southern limb, though at first but slightly dis- turbed, becomes strongly folded and faulted against the succeeding arkose series. At the beginning of the section the black argillaceous or calcareous shales make up the low banks and pave the tidal flat in an overlapping series of broad plates. The average dip is here scarcely 7 . On numerous bedding planes abundant flakes of mica are conspicuous. Ripple marking is common; raindrop impressions may frequently be observed; and sun cracking is not at all rare. The most common fossils are the spore case of species of Lepidodendra, which are extremely abundant is some of the micaceous shales. Lepidodendron corrugatum Dn. and Aneimites acadica, Dn. the two most characteristic plants of the Horton, occur at various horizons, but they are nowhere abundant. A species of Sphenopteris is rather rare. In Dawson's collection occur in addition : Lepido- dendron aculeatum, L. sternbergi, L. dichotomum, L. elegans, 142 L. tetragonum, Strobila, Dadoxylon antiquum, Cordaites, Psilophyton plumula, Alethopteris lonchitica, Stigmaria, and Catamites undulatus. At the first prominent headland the beds are sharply flexed in the synclinal axis. Beyond, minor thrust slips render the dips more variable. A characteristic feature of these upper shale beds is the presence of large irregular septarian concretions. At the following headland there is a heavy channel deposit of sharp angular quartz sandstone, while about 150 yards (137 m.) beyond, there is an interesting horizon of Lepidodendra standing upright. Over thirty plants were counted within 10 yards (9 m.) of the section. They are all small in size, falling under 10 inches (25 cm.) in diameter, and the remains are now shale casts of the interior, all trace of the bark having disappeared. Just beyond the succeeding headland, perhaps 150 yards (137 m.) further, there are several bone beds, remarkable for the abundance of fish remains such as scales, spines, jaws, clavicles, and teeth. These are the remains of com- mon elasmobranch and ganoid genera, such as Strepsodus hardingi, species of Acanthodes, and scales of Elonichthys and Palceoniscus. The remainder of the section, where not concealed by drift, shows the strata in general maintaining their north- erly dips but with frequent dislocation. Finally, however, the dips increase until the beds are standing almost verti- cally at the axis of a sharply closed anticline. Crumpling and faulting persist to the most important fault of the section, where the northerly dipping black shales abut against the southerly dipping grey arkose and brick-red shale. At other localities this arkose series is seemingly in conformity above the typical Horton, a fact which would indicate a downthrow here to the south. Similar arkose with interbedded shales carrying the Horton flora, occur in the brooks south of Windsor where it rests unconform- ably in steeply pitching contacts, on the pre-Carboniferous crystallines. A prominent feature of these beds, aside from their arkosic appearance and the chocolate colour of the shales, is the occurrence of channelling or local erosional unconformities between the sandstones and shales. From their highly disturbed condition near the fault, the beds soon resume a low northerly dip to the axis of a low anti- cline from which they dip gently southward beneath a heavy covering of drift. The next rock outcrop lies 3 miles 143 (4.8 km.) south exposing white, evenly-bedded anhydrite, probably belonging near the base of the Windsor, folded in a flat syncline with succeeding anticline, and striking S. 6i° E. The average strike of the Horton beds is about S. 57° E. The writer has made only a very rough estimate of the thickness of the Horton series. It is thought to be in the neighbourhood of 1,025 feet (3 12 m -) m the southern limb, while but 400 feet (122 m.) more or less is seen in the northern limb. GEOLOGIC AGE OF THE HORTON SERIES. The older geologists, Brown, [7] Jackson, Alger, and Gesner, [8] regarded the gypsum or Windsor series as equivalent in age to the New Red Sandstone, i.e. the Trias- sic. The Horton as a consequence, as well as from its plant remains, was thought to be a development of the Coal Measures. In 1842 Logan [9] visited the sections, and considered the Horton a phase of the gypsiferous series, assigning both to the Triassic. However, he sub- mitted some of the Windsor fossils to de Verneuil and Count Keyserling who regarded them as identical with species from the Permian deposits of Russia, the Zechstein of Germany, or the Magnesian Limestone of England. Murchison [10] in his anniversary address to the Geologi- cal Society of London in 1843 also contributed to this view. However, Lyell's visit to the localities in 1843 initiated a new correlation. Fortified by both strati- graphical and palseontological evidence he announced the age of the gypsum formation as well as that of the Horton beds, to be Lower Carboniferous and therefore distinctly earlier than the overlying Productive Coal Measures. Of the Horton he writes: [11 p. 209] "Both in the Windsor district and on the Shubenacadie, I found an intimate association between strata containing mountain limestone fossils, masses of gypsum, and coal grits, with Sigillaria and Lepidodendron, but no seams of pure coal in this part of the series." His general conclusions were abund- antly verified by the work of Dawson [3, pp. 252-7]. The latter was, indeed, the first to give clear expression to the division of these beds into two distinct formations, naming what he considered the lower, the Horton series or Lower 144 Coal Measures, as differentiated from the overlying Wind- sor series. More recently, field geologists, especially Fletcher and Ells on structural and stratigraphic grounds, assigned much of Dawson's Carboniferous, including the Horton, to the Devonian. This reference gave rise to a discussion, not yet settled, which involves not only this series but the Riversdale and Union formations of Nova Scotia as well, and also the fern beds of St. John, New Brunswick. An interesting synopsis of the controversy was published by Fletcher in 1900 [12]. In later years the plants of these beds were submitted to Kidston of England and to David White of the U. S. Geological Survey, these two paleobotanists gave inde- pendent confirmation of the age of the Horton, Kidston [13] considering it was undoubtedly Lower Carboniferous, while White [14] stated that " the Horton plant terrane should, on purely paleobotanical grounds lie below the typical Carboniferous Limestone [Windsor series] ; but I believe it should go hardly so low as the Ursa stage [upper- most Devonian], or below the boundary generally accepted for the Lower Carboniferous [Mississippian]". In com- parison with the Mississippian beds of Pennsylvania and Virginia, Mr. White would place the Horton as nearly synchronous with the Pocono (Kinderhook). He also regarded it as the near equivalent of the Albert shales of New Brunswick and of the Calciferous Sandstone series of Scotland. A. Smith Woodward [15] has likewise pronounced on the Carboniferous age of the Horton fish remains, and finally L. M. Lambe, [16] who described the fauna of the Albert shales, has correlated these two series as quite, or nearly synchronous, and equivalent to the Calciferous Sandstone series as developed in Mid- and West Lothian and elsewhere in Scotland. the horton flora. (David White.) The Horton flora, like its probable contemporaries at the base of the Carboniferous in the Arctic regions of Alaska, Bear island, and Spitzbergen, and in Siberia, as well as in the Appalachian trough, is remarkable at once for its paucity in genera and species and for the great profusion of two or three very variable dominant plants. The fern-like plants, which probably are Cycadofilic, vary 145 specifically between the different regions of the Northern Hemisphere, but they everywhere show their common relation to a new and distinctly Carboniferous stock, so that in spite of varying generic names their consanguinity is unmistakable. Thus the Aneimites ("Cyclopteris" and "Adiantites"), acadicus, so characteristic of the Horton, is congeneric with and specifically close to the A. bellidula and other forms of the genus in the more northern regions, as well as probably with the genus Triphyllopteris of the Virginian region of the Appalachian trough. Some of the widely variant forms of the Horton plants are difficult to distinguish from the Triphyllopteris virginiana in the Pocono of the last-named region, though the species in their ensemble are distinct. Descendants of this stock are found in Eremopteris and possibly in Rhacopteris. The stems described by Dawson as Lepidodendron corrugatum, the other monopolist of the Horton flora, present an almost bewildering cortical variation, which is well illustrated in the report of the "Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada." This singular and well marked Lepidodendroid type belongs to the older, composite, stock of the Devonian known as Archceosigillaria, in which the alignment of the leaf bases in vertical and transverse rows sometimes, when the growth was slow, produced vertical ribs resem- bling the Rhytidolepis group of Sigillarise, while in other cases, especially when the growth was more rapid and the leaf scars were longitudinally more remote, it caused a verticillate aspect of the scars. The Archceosigillaria type of scar, first noted in Archceosigillaria ("Lepidodendron") gaspiana and A. primcsva, the latter from the Portage group in New York, survive in Eskdalia and in Bothroden- dron. Archceosigillaria corrugata is perhaps indistinguish- able in any of its phases from the equally omnipresent and likewise monopolistic Lycopod described by Meek from the Pocono formation of the eastern United States as Lepidodendron scobiniforme. The latter is similarly varied in its cortical features. The Horton tree has its close correspondents in several contemporaneous Arctic species, such as Lepidodendron glincanum. The dominant Cycadofilic and Lepidodendroid types of the basal Carboniferous flora of North America were evidently in a state of great plasticity and variation, under the new environmental conditions (coal formation) in 35063—10 146 this continent at the beginning of the Carboniferous period . The Horton corresponds to the Pocono ("Vespertine"), which certainly is in part, at least, contemporaneous, in the central Appalachian trough, to the Cape Dyer beds, in the Cape Lisburne region of northwestern Alaska, to the coal-bearing basal Lower Carboniferous of Spitzbergen, Bear island, and Greenland, and probably to the lower portion of the Calciferous Sandstone series of Scotland. THE WINDSOR SECTIONS. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The sections about Windsor are so disturbed, discon- nected and obscured with drift, that detailed field relations cannot as yet be given. The series comprises several hundred feet of soft brick-red and greenish-grey marls, interbedded with zones of gypsum and limestone, lying unconformably beneath deposits of Riversdale-Union age. Some of the limestone beds are of considerable thickness, while others occur as thin beds or zones between the shale or gypsum. The latter outcrops over a considerable portion of the area and has been extensively worked for many years. The type section of the Windsor limestones has been generally considered to be that exposed on the Avon river below the Windsor bridges. This section, however, has been given a prominence quite above its actual value in stratigraphy, as it is not only broken but also minutely deformed, so that the relations can only be appreciated by working in the mud at low tide. The accompanying section attempts to show the general relations of the rocks. The folding and faulting is locally very marked and the incompetent, yielding shales exhibit numerous pitching folds of small amplitude, frequently broken by small thrusts and with axial trends commonly parallel to the strike of the beds, while the thinner beds of sandstone or dolomite seem often to have yielded by brecciation in the closely mashed shales. The Avon river marls and dolomitic limestones are separated by a thick zone of gypsum from the overlying Miller's Quarry dolomite beds. The latter at their full development are about 35 feet (7-6 m.) in thickness, lying between two zones of gypsum. Their contact with Excursion A i. Dominion Atlantic Railway Bridge %- Section B /lvon\\f?.- red shale dolomitic shale dolomite sandstone gypsum oolite Section from Windsor Bridges to Maxner's Point. 35063— io| 148 the overlying gypsum is obscured at the bridges but is well seen on the farther shore of the Avon, where 9 feet (2-7 m.) of transitional beds of gypsiferous shaly limestone carrying an extremely dwarfed fauna intervenes. The Miller's Quarry limestone is abundantly fossiliferous with Productids especially prominent. The gypsum above is again flexed in a shallow syncline at Maxner's point, preserving in its trough the Maxner's point dolomitic limestone. The upper beds of the limestone are likewise abundantly rich in fossils, especially in individuals of Beecheria davidsoni, Dielasma sacculus, Pugnax sp., Par- all elidon dawsoni, P. hardingi, and Nautilus avonensis. Following is a list of the more important species occurring in these Windsor sections: — Vermes. Cornulitest annulatus Beede. {Serpulites annulatus Dawson.) Bryozoa. Rlwmbopora exilis Beede, (Stenopora exilis Dawson.) Fenestella lyelli Dawson. Brachiopoda. Beecheria davidsoni Beede, (Athyris subtil ita David- son.) Dielasma sacculus Beede, (Terebratula sacculus David- son.) Martinia glabra Beede, (Spirifera glabra Davidson). Spirifer cristatus Davidson. Camarophoria? globulina? Davidson. Rhynchonella pugnust Davidson. R. ida Hartt. Productus semireticulatus Davidson. P. daivsoni Beede, (P. cora Davidson). Centronella anna Hartt. Pugnax sp. Pelecypoda. Aviculopecten acadicus Hartt. A. debertianus Dawson. A. lyelli Dawson. A. simplex Dawson. Edmondia harttii Dawson 149 E. anomala Dawson. Cardinia subquadrata Dawson. Liopteria dawsoni Beede, (Bakezvellia antiqua Dawson). Modiola pooli Dawson. Parallelidon dawsoni Beede. P. hardingi Beede, (Macrodon hardingi Dawson). Gastropoda. Naticopsis howi Hartt. N. dispassa Dawson. Platy schism a? dubium Dawson. Loxonema acutulum Dawson. Murchisonia gypsea Dawson. Pteropoda. Connlaria planicostata Dawson. Cephalopoda. Nautilus avonensis Dawson. Gyroceras harttii Dawson. Orthoceras dolatum Dawson. 0. vindobonense Dawson. 0. laqneatum Hartt. 0. perstrictum Hartt. Trilobita. Phillipsia howi Billings. Ostracoda. Beyrichia jonesii Dawson. Leper ditia sp. GEOLOGICAL AGE OF THE WINDSOR SERIES. Previous to Lyell's visit in 1843, the Windsor series was generally regarded as lying above the Coal Measures, probably from the resemblance of the former to the gypsum-bearing Permian rocks of Europe. Even Logan [9] in 1842 was of the opinion that "the gypsiferous strata and the associated shales, sandstones, and fossiliferous limestones are not only newer than the coal-measures, but overlie them unconformably," founding his conclu- sions respecting the geological age of the formation on 150 its organic contents. The fossils, he states, "have a decided generic agreement with the fossils of the Triassic period". Gesner [8] also, in 1843 included the Windsor in his New Red Sandstone division. Murchison [10], in the same year, suggested a Permian correlation on the basis of the fossil determinations of de Verneuil, Keyserling and himself, but Lyell [7] shortly afterward overthrew previous opinions by his evidence in favour of the Lower Carboniferous age of the series, including in his "Travels" a short list of the characteristic species of fossils. It remained for Dawson [3, pp. 278-314] in 1868, to present the most comprehensive description and illustra- tion of the Windsor fauna, finding many of the species closely allied with species of the Mountain Limestone of England, while de Koninck confirmed his views and correlated the formation with the Carboniferous Limestone of Vise in Belgium. Davidson [18] had previously described many of the brachiopods submitted to him by Billings. How and especially Hartt have also contributed to our knowledge of this fauna. Little work has since been done in adding to the faunal relations stated by Dawson. Schuchert [19], after several visits to the Windsor locality, stated in 1910 that "the oldest fauna of this series at Windsor includes but few species, and these remind one of Kinderhook time. In the higher dolomites at Windsor a rich fauna appears that is very different from that in any American Mississippic horizon, and as it is also unlike those of Europe it is diffi- cult to correlate. Seemingly it is of Keokuk time, yet it may be somewhat younger as Lithostrotion is reported at Pictou, which is not far from Windsor." This view finds further corroboration in Beede's [20] description of the same fauna found by John M. Clarke in the Magdalen islands. Industrial Notes. Gypsum has been the only mineral of industrial importance mined in the Windsor district. The great quantities and accessibility of this rock to navigable waters gave an early impetus to its exploitation, and quarrying operations have been carried on in the vicinLy of Windsor for over a hundred years. In Haliburton's "History of Nova Scotia", 1829, it is stated that nearly 100,000 tons were annually shipped to the United States, where it was i5i utilized as a fertilizer. In 1910, 322,974 tons were quarried in the province, of which 10,500 tons only were used in the home manufacture of gypsum products, the balance being shipped to the United States. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Daly, R. A. ; Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard College, Vol. V. No. 3, 1901. 2. Bailey, L.W. ; Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci., Vol. IX, 1894-8, pp. 356-360. 3. Dawson J. W. ; Acadian Geology, 2nd. ed., 1868, p. 108. 4. Bailey, L.W , and Matthew, G. F., Geol. Surv. Canada, Rept. Prog., 1870-1, p. 218. 5. Bailey, L W. ; Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. Ill, 1897, pp. 107-116. 6 Kramm, H. E.; Geol. Surv. Canada, Summ. Rept., 191 1, p. 326. 7. Brown, R.; Haliburton's Nova Scotia, 1829. 8. Gesner, A.; Proc. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. IV, 1843, pp. 186-190. 9. Logan, W. E.; Proc. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. Ill, 1842, pp. 707-712. 10. Murchison, R. ; Proc. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. IV, 1843, pp. 124-125. 11 Lyell, C; Travels in North America, 2nd. ed., Vol. II, l8 55> 12. Fletcher, H.; Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci., Vol. XIII, 1900, pp. 235-244. 13. Kidston, R. ; Geol. Surv. Canada, Ann. Rept., Vol. XII, 1899, p. 203A. 14. White, D.; Can. Rec. Sci., Jan. 1901, pp. 271-275. 15. Woodward, A. S.; Geol. Surv. Canada, Ann. Rept., Vol. XII, 1899, p. 203A. 16. Lambe, L. M.;Geol. Surv. Canada, Sum. Rept, 1908, p. 177. 17. Lyell, C.;Proc. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. IV, 1843, pp. 184-186. 18. Davidson, T. ; Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. XIX 1863, p. 158. 19. Schuchert, C ; Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. XX, 1910, p. 551. 20. Beede, J. W.; Bull. N. Y. State Mus., No. 149, 1910 pp. 156-186. 152 ANNOTATED GUIDE. Windsor to Truro. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. o m. Windsor. Alt. 26 ft. (7.9 m.). The Canadian o km. Pacific railway from Windsor to Truro runs in an easterly direction through a district whose western portion is underlain by Carboniferous strata belonging to the Windsor series. The gypsum beds and associated limestones and shales of the Windsor series, outcrop over a large area bordering the St. Croix river on both sides. They extend to the south for a distance of about 2\ miles (4 km.), and to the north for a distance of about 15 miles (24.1 km.) almost to the shores of the Bay of Minas. Over this wide area, the strata are folded, crumpled and doubtless, traversed by many faults. Though in many places the strata are vertical or steeply inclined, yet as a general rule, the angle of dip is not above 30 . On the south, the Windsor series is bounded by the wide area of the Pre-Cambrian Gold- bearing series and the associated Devonian granites, traversed by the railway line from Halifax to Windsor. In places, narrow belts of Horton (lowermost Carboniferous) strata separate the Windsor beds from the older measures. The Windsor beds are unconformable to the Pre-Cambrian and possibly are also unconformable to the Horton. On the north, the Windsor beds are bounded by a narrow band, of irregular width, of sandstones, shales, slates, etc., which by Hugh Fletcher were considered to be Devonian and to unconformably underlie the Windsor strata. At least a portion of these so-called Devonian beds are the equivalents of the Horton series and therefore of Carboniferous age. Other portions may be the equivalents of the Riversdale-Union series and, if this be the case ; are younger in age than the Windsor series. 153 Miles and j^ t a distance of I 1-2 miles (2-4 km.) east Kilometres. . 111 01 Windsor, the railway approaches the south bank of the St. Croix which flows westward to join the Avon at Windsor. From this point the railway for some distance closely follows the river and passes through several rock-cuts in gypsum. A short distance farther, the railway crosses to the north side of the St. Croix and follows up the valley of Hebert river, a small tributary of the St. Croix. The railway passes through a rock cutting in gypsum, and gypsum and limestone are exposed on the south bank of Hebert river. 6-3 m. Brooklyn Station.— Alt. 33 ft. (10 m.). 14-5 km. The railway follows Hebert river for 1 1-2 miles past Brooklyn and there turns to the north, crosses a low ridge (altitude 160 ft. or 49-8 m.) and descends to the valley of Kennet- cook river. The country is gently rolling with relatively wide valleys. 12- 1 m. Mosherville Station. — Alt. 39ft. (11-9 m.). 19-5 km. The railway from Mosherville eastwards, ascends the wide, shallow valley of Kennetcook river which flows westward to join the Avon. The country is quite level and for a number of miles to the northward is boggy. As the river valley is followed eastward, it gradually narrows. 18 -7 m. Clarksville Station. — Alt. 70 ft. (21 m.). 30-1 km. About 2 miles (3-2 km.) beyond Clarksville the railway crosses the Kennetcook (altitude 62 ft. or 18-9 m.). At this point the southern boundary of the area underlain by the Windsor series is about 2 miles (3-2 km.) south of the railway. To the south of the boundary lie so-called Devonian strata bordering a ridge of the Goldbearing series which terminates a few miles to the east. The "Devonian" strata encircle this ridge in anticlinal fashion and on the southern side of the ridge of the Pre-Cambrian Goldbearing series, are bordered by a wide area of the Windsor series. The Devonian" measures consist in part of sand- stones and shales carrying, in places, thin coal seams. The "Devonian" strata appear 154 Ki'iomeu-es to underlie the Windsor beds and for this reason were assigned to the Devonian by Hugh Fletcher. If, as the evidence seems to indicate, the "Devonian" beds so underlie the Windsor strata, it is still probable that they are of Carboniferous age and they may, in part at least be the equivalents of the Horton series. 16-5 m. Kennetcook Station. — Alt. 97 ft. (29-6 m.). 26-5 km. At Kennetcook station the area of the Windsor series traversed by the railway narrows to a width of less than 1 mile (i-6 km.). .The narrow band of the Windsor series is bounded on both sides by "Devonian" strata. On the northern side, the "Devonian" measures occupy a ridge about 11 miles (17-1 km.) long and 2 miles (3-2 km.) wide. The strata forming this ridge seem to lie in a shallow synclinal. They carry thin seams of coal and as pointed out by Fletcher, they resemble the Millstone Grit, though he mapped them as Devonian. Practically nothing is known concerning the palaeontological evidence of the age of the so-called Devonian strata. As already stated, it is entirely likely that portions of the "De- vonian" strata underlie the Windsor series, but it is equally probable that other portions are younger than the Windsor series and that they may be of Millstone Grit age, perhaps are in part equivalent to the Riversdale-Union group. The non-recognition of the presence of Pennsylvanian strata in the "Devonian" areas may have been due to the lack of any pronounced unconformity between the Millstone Grit and older Carboniferous, a condition that obtains in a number of the Carboniferous districts of Nova Scotia. 20 m. Patterson Station. — At Patterson and for 32-2 km. several miles to the eastward, the railway passes through the "Devonian" area bounding, on the north, the narrow strip of Windsor strata. Two miles (3-2 km.) to the east of Patterson station the railway again enters the band-like area of the Windsor series. About a mile farther the railway crosses the divide (altitude 155 K^o e met n res. l T l ft -> 5 2 " I m between the headwaters of the westward flowing Kennetcook and of the easterly flowing Fivemile river. From this point, the railway descends the valley of Fivemile river to the Shubenacadie river. 35 m. Burton Station — Alt. 141 ft. (42-9 m.). 56-3 km. In the neighbourhood of Burton, the narrow area of Windsor strata that stretches along the upper part of the Kennetcook valley, joins a wider area which extends westward to the Avon at Windsor. This area extends eastward down Fivemile river valley but gradually narrows and near the mouth of Fivemile river leaves the river valley and dwindles away to a narrow strip only a few yards wide. The valley of Fivemile river is very narrow. Exposures of gypsum, red shales and shaly limestone, and of red sandstone are visible at intervals. One half mile above South Maitland, the river valley suddenly widens and the railway enters the area of "Devonian" strata that forms the south border of the Windsor area. 40 • 1 m. South Maitland Station — Alt. 32 ft. (9 • 8 m.) . 64-5 km. A short distance beyond South Maitland the railway crosses Shubenacadie river. The dark strata of the "Devonian" are visible on the west bank of the river. The country on the eastern side of the river is underlain by strata of the Windsor series stretching for many miles in an easterly direction. After crossing the Shubenacadie, the railway for a short distance ascends the valley of a small brook, then bends to the north and climbs to the summit of a gently rolling country, (altitude of railway at summit, 235 ft. or 71-6 m.). 45-5 m. Princeport Station — Alt. 212 ft. (64-6 m.). 73-2 km. Beyond Princeport the railway crosses the northern boundary of the district occupied by the Windsor series and enters an area underlain by "Devonian" slrata belonging to the Union formation. 156 KUometres ^ s ^ e ra ^ wa y descends to the Triassic area bordering the Bay of Minas, this bay becomes visible and the gradually rising land on the opposite shore is seen. 50 -8 m. Clifton Station— Alt. 31 ft. (9 -4m.). Clifton 80 -6 km. station is close to the edge of the tidal flats bordering the estuary of Salmon river at the head of the Bay of Minas. Both sides of the river are bordered by Triassic strata. The Triassic strata are almost entirely red shales, sandstones and conglomerates and in this general district are nearly horizontal and quite undisturbed. The Triassic measures occur at intervals along the south shores of Minas Basin to the mouth of the Avon river and doubtless form the eastern prolongation of the Triassic area extending for above 100 miles (160 km.) eastward of the mouth of the Avon in the Cornwallis-Annapolis valley. The Triassic measures are not known to be fossiliferous but their correlation with the Newark series of the Atlantic states is well established. 57-8 m. Truro — Alt. 60 ft. (18 m.). Truro is situated 93 km. close to the southern border of the Triassic area, strata of the Union formation outcropping about ^ mile (o-8 km.) to the south of the railway station. ANNOTATED GUIDE. HALIFAX TO ENFIELD. (G. A. Young.) o m. Halifax — For description of route from Hali- o km. fax to Windsor Junction, reference should be made to the itinerary of the journey from Halifax to Avonport, p. 133-4. 13-9 m. Windsor Junction — Alt. 129 ft. (39-3 m.). 22-4 km. Leaving Windsor Junction, the Intercolonial railway passes close to the western shore of a small lake. At the head of this lake, the railway enters an area underlain by dark slates of the upper division of the Goldbearing series. The 157 Knomlt n r es slates form a belt about 3 miles (4-9 km.) wide in which the strata strike S.W.-N.E. and are folded along two synclinal axes. Shortly after entering the slate belt, the rail- way approaches the head of Long lake and from this point follows northward along the western shore of the lake. The eastern shore of the lake, towards the foot of the lake, forms the western boundary of a granite stock having a diameter of about if miles (2-8 km.). The granite intrusion does not seem to have affected the structure of the surrounding beds of sedi- mentary rocks. After passing the foot of Long lake, the rail- way turns easterly and runs parallel with the strike of the strata. The railway passes within sight of the head of Shubenacadie lake and crosses a small stream flowing into the lake. This small stream discharges the waters of a series of four long narrow lakes extending in a southeasterly direction up a narrow valley bounded by low hills rising to heights of between 150 feet (45 m.) and 350 feet (100 m.) above the sea. The most southerly of these four lakes is only 92 feet (28 m.) above the sea and distant only 3 miles (4-8 km.) from the Atlantic, being separated by a divide with an altitude of about 95 feet (28-9 m.) from a lake draining into Halifax harbour. 21 3 m. Wellington Station — Alt. 76 ft. (23 2 m.). 34-3 km. Beyond Wellington station the railway passes through several rock cuttings in dark slates, and as it approaches the eastern shore of Shu- benacadie lake, enters a wide band of strata of the lower, quartzite division of the Goldbearing division. The strata in this belt are folded into two main anticlinal and a number of subordinate folds. 23-1 m. Grand Lake Station— Alt. 58 ft. (17-7 m.). 37-2 km. From this station is visible the high ridge (altitude 600 to 750 feet or 180 to 215 m.) bounding the Shubenacadie valley on the west. For some distance past Grand Lake station, the railway follows the shore of Shubenacadie 158 Miles and i a k e an( \ passes through rock cuttings in the quartzite series. Beyond this the railway- passes along the western shores of a small lake and at Sandy Cove again approaches the shore of Shubenacadie lake. 25 m. Sandy Cove Station — Alt. 62 ft. (18-9 m.). 40-2 km. A short distance beyond Sandy Cove, the rail- way swings away from Shubenacadie lake and enters the Carboniferous area of the valley of Shubenacadie river which flows from the lake of the same name. The Carboniferous strata consist of beds of gypsum, limestone, shale, etc., and presumably belong to the Windsor series (Mississippian). The boundary between the Carboniferous strata and the Goldbearing series runs in a general easterly direction and for some distance is rather closely followed by Shubenacadie river. The railway crosses this stream a short distance from Enfield. 27-7 m. Enfield station — Alt. 63 ft. (19-2 m.). 44-5 km. THE GOLDBEARING SERIES OF NOVA SCOTIA. (E. R. Faribault.) INTRODUCTION. The Goldbearing series of Nova Scotia occupies the whole southern part of the peninsula of the province, extending along the Atlantic coast from Canso to Yar- mouth. The series consists of a great thickness of con- formable quartzites and slates closely folded in long east and west anticlines and intruded by many large batholiths of granite and some dykes of diabase. In the neighbour- hood of the granite the sediments are metamorphosed into gneiss and schists. The age of the series cannot be deter- mined by palaeontology as it is practically barren of fossils. From lithological analogy the strata have been regarded until recently as Lower Cambrian, but they are now believed to be late Pre-Cambrian in age. The gold deposits are in the form of quartz veins, chiefly interbedded, which are found aggregated in large numbers on the domes of i6o pitching anticlines. Gold was discovered about fifty years ago and since that time the district has received the attention of many geologists. The series is remarkable perhaps not so much for the amount of precious metal produced as for the enormous thickness of conformable sediments exposed, for the inter- esting variety of schists produced by igneous and dynamic agencies, and more specially for the beautiful dome- structure of the interbedded veins, the origin of which has provoked the constructive imagination of geologists for the last fifty years. The geological structure of the greater part of the area of the series, from the eastern extremity to Liverpool and Kentville, has been surveyed in considerable detail for many years by E. R. Faribault [10], and the results have been published by the Geological Survey on map-sheets on the scale of one mile to an inch, on detailed plans of mining districts, and in many partial reports contained in the annual Summary reports. The southwestern portion of the region was mapped and reported on with less detail for the Geological Survey by L. W. Bailey. In the report compiled by \V. Malcolm [11] and published in 19 13 by the Geological Survey, entitled "Gold Fields of Nova Scotia", is presented a comprehensive and complete record of the results of the investigations made in the field. The present review of the subject is largely an abstract of that report. The whole surface of the area of the Goldbearing series has been subjected to extensive erosion and all that remains of what was probably once a highly elevated mountain system, is a plateau reduced nearly to sea-level, showing the upturned edges of the closely folded beds and the low granitic masses that intruded them. The plateau has a general southerly slope towards the Atlantic, and its northern limit forms a long escarpment whose elevation varies in altitude from 500 to 800 feet (152 to 243 m.). THE GOLDBEARING SERIES. The Goldbearing series is one of the oldest series of sedimentary rocks in the province. It extends along the Atlantic coast the whole length of the peninsula, but is not represented in Cape Breton Island. The extreme length of the series from Canso to Yarmouth is 275 miles (442 km.) and the width varies from 10 miles (16 km.) at the eastern i6i end, to 75 miles (120 km.) at the western. Its area is estimated to be 10,250 square miles (26,568 sq. km.) or about half that of the entire province. Of this area, 4,000 square miles (10,368 sq. km.), or about one third, is occupied by intrusive granite. This series was given the name of Meguma series in 1904 by J. E. Woodman [6]. It has however, been known so long and described so often under the name of Gold- bearing series that it is thought better to retain that name. The sedimentary rocks consist essentially of a great series of quartzites and slates apparently conformable throughout, with practically no limestone nor conglomerate. The series has been divided lithologically into two dis- tinct, conformable formations, the lower known as the quartzite or Golden ville formation, and the upper known as the slate or Halifax formation. In King's county, south of the Cornwallis Valley, the slates of the Halifax formation are overlain, apparently conformably, by a few thick beds of pinkish-white, massive quartzite and a series of dark and fawn-coloured slates which are nowhere else represented along the Atlantic, and to which is now given the name of Gaspereau formation. But, until the confor- ity of these two formations has been proved conclusively, the Gaspereau formation can only be considered as a probable part of the Goldbearing series. The total known thickness of the Goldbearing series, exclusive of the Gaspereau formation, is estimated to be 35,460 feet (10,808 m.), or nearly seven miles and including the probably conformable Gaspereau formation, 38,260 feet (11,662 m.) or nearly 7! miles. Goldenville Formation. The Goldenville formation consists mostly of thick- bedded compact, greenish and bluish grey quartzose sandstone, or quartzite, generally feldspathic and micaceous, often holding large cubes of iron pyrite and weathering light rusty grey. Interstratified with the quartzites are numerous beds of argillaceous, siliceous and micaceous slates of various shades of grey, sometimes arenaceous and passing into quartzites, and occasionally calcareous or pyritous. Towards the base, the slate beds become more numerous and often attain a considerable thickness. In the western end of the field at certain horizons, the slate 35063— n 1 62 beds diminish in thickness and number and become very rare, while the quartzites increase in thickness and become massive, coarse and more siliceous. The thickness of the Goldenville formation, estimated to be 16,000 feet (4,877 m.) at Moose River, Halifax county, was found by Faribault in 1912, to exceed 23,700 feet (7,242 m.) on Liverpool bay, Queens county. Halifax Formation. The Halifax formation is composed essentially of argillaceous and siliceous slates of different colours, but mostly dark grey and black, graphitic and pyritous, passing at certain horizons into greenish and bluish grey talcose argillites, or into ribboned grey and light grey, chloritic, arenaceous beds. The black slates have numerous layers of flinty flags heavily charged with small cubes of pyrite which also occurs in massive form between the beds. The base of the formation is characterized, in some places to the eastward of Halifax, by a few beds of siliceous limestone. At the eastern end of the field the line of demarkation between the Goldenville and this formation is well defined by a sudden change from quartzite to slate, but at the western end the transition is more gradual and beds of quartzite are found interstratified with the beds of grey arenaceous slates of the overlying formation. The thickness of the Halifax formation, as measured on the Black river to the base of the Whiterock quartzites of the Gasperau formation, is 11,700 feet (3,566 m.). Meiamorphic Phases. Crystalline schists and gneisses of various kinds are found rather widely distributed throughout the field, but are of limited area. They usually occur in more or less continuous zones surrounding the granite masses, but they are also found in zones or irregular patches several miles distant from any outcrops of granite. The gneisses consist chiefly of quartz and mica and are foliated and coarsely crystalline. The schists are mostly composed of mica often accompanied by crystals of staurolite, or andalusite, less commonly, by hornblende or garnet. Some layers are highly charged with pyrite 163 and in a few cases sillimanite was observed. The pre- dominance of mica gives the rock a light silvery grey, shining lustre. The coarse, crystalline varieties of anda- lusite and staurolite schists are found mostly at the eastern end of the field, while the coarse hornblende schists are con- fined to the western end where they sometimes attain a great development. In the metamorphosed zones surrounding the granite, every gradation from unaltered slates and quartzites to completely recrystallized schists and gneisses are noticeable as the granite is approached. A slight amount of metamorphism, due to dynamic action, is also developed locally along the axes of some of the sharp folds where the rocks have suffered great compression, and this is specially noticeable in the eastern end of the field where the strata are more closely folded. Structural Relations. The importance of a knowledge of the structure of the Goldbearing series will be generally conceded when it is understood how intimately bound up with the geological structure is the distribution of the ore deposits. The unravelling of the structure is by no means easy. Only one horizon, the boundary between the Goldenville and Halifax formations, can be traced throughout the field, but, while in the east this boundary is sharp and distinct, in the west it is not nearly so distinct. The structure of the Goldenville formation is generally more easily deciph- ered than that of the Halifax in which the cleavage of the slates is often so much developed as to obliterate nearly all traces of stratification. Traverses made across the series from north to south show a succession of alter- nating zones of the Halifax and of the Goldenville forma- tions varying in width from a fraction of a mile to several miles. A close study of the structure of these zones shows that the strata are closely folded in a series of long parallel anticlines and synclines, the tops of which have been extensively eroded. In the eastern part of the field the width of the quartzite zones is generally much greater than that of the slate, while in the western part, the two formations are more nearly equal in width. In the eastern half these zones extend in a general east and west direction, while in the 35063— n| 164 western half they take a northeast and southwest direction. The slate zones of the east take in general the form of much elongated ellipses surrounded by quartzite, while in the west the zones of quartzite are mostly elliptical in shape, and they are surrounded by slate. The chief difference between the structure of the east and that of the west is that, in the east the folds are much more tightly compressed, the strata in the east commonly dipping at angles varying from 6o° to 90 , while those in the west generally dip at lower angles. This is probably due to the predominance of the thick, massive and inflexible beds of quartzite in the west offering more resistance to the pressure than the alternating thinner beds of quart- zites and slate beds of the east. Along the anticlinal axes the strata lie in a series of dome-shaped folds or "domes", the axes of folding pitching alternately to the east and west. It has been thought that these domes were produced by a second series of parallel folds crossing the east and west series at a high angle. There is, however, no such alignment of the domes in the east, though in the west it does occur in some places where broad folds or undulations are found here and there having a northeast and southwest orientation, but generally only for short distances. In Queens county there is an important trans- verse anticlinal fold, producing a general doming of the main anticlines and an extensive development of the quart- zite. The result is that the lowest known beds of the series are exposed at the surface. The compression that pro- duced the pitching folds was probably contemporaneous with that producing the long east and west folds and gene- rally was local in its action. Whereas the anticlines are approximately parallel they vary in length from a few miles to 100 miles (160 km.). In some places two anticlines unite to continue as one, several subordinate crumples being formed at the place of union. In other places one anticline dies out only to be succeeded a short distance north or south by another, or it may be broken up into a series of short folds arranged en echelon the whole combining to make one great fold. Subordinate small crumples a few miles in length, on the limbs of the main anticlines are exceedingly common, particularly in the west, and more specially in the Halifax formation. In this formation the slates, on account of their more plastic nature crumpled into small folds more i65 readily than the quartzites. The pitching anticline of a dome of quartzite surrounded by slate also in many places divides into several crumples where it comes to the slate. The main folds are on an average about 3 miles (4.8 km.) apart, and the domes along the different anticlines are from 10 to 20 miles (16 to 32 km.) apart. While the limbs of the anticlines dip generally at high angles and are fre- quently overturned, the pitch to the east or west is seldom more than 30 . At Oldham the south limb dips 70 and the north one 6o°, while the pitch is west 25 and east 40 . The pitch varies greatly within short distances. At Waver- ley the pitch increases from 5 to 24 within 500 feet (150 m.); at Oldham it increases from 30 at the surface to 40 at a vertical depth of 900 feet (270 m.). The Goldbearing series has suffered a great deal of fault- ing and the fractures may be grouped into two classes, namely, cross-country faults and local faults. The local faults are those that are found in the separate gold districts only and do not continue for great distance along the strike nor in depth. They are closely related in origin with the doming of the anticline and are frequently found to radiate from the centre of the dome, as in the eastern part of Oldham. The cross-country faults are those that can be traced several miles across successive folds. They form a series of breaks approximately parallel and have a northwest and southeast direction. Nearly all those in the eastern half of the field are known as left-hand faults, that is the hori- zontal displacement is to the left of one facing the fault from either side. Those in Kings county, on the contrary, are right-hand faults. The faults in many cases have deter- mined the remarkably straight courses of some of the river and brooks, and the alignment of swales and numerous cold water springs. The most important faults are found in the eastern end of the field. Some have been traced the whole width of the series and their horizontal displacement along the strike varies from a mile and a half to a fraction of a mile. The numerous faults of Kings county have a horizontal displacement varying from a few feet up to 900 feet (275 m.). In addition to the folding and faulting produced in the rocks, other phenomena such as brecciation, cleavage, joint- ing and Assuring have resulted from the forces to which they were subjected. It seems probable that the innumerable 1 66 quartz veins lying in the stratification planes on the domes had their origin in the deposition of quartz in fissures pro- duced by the close folding and the consequent slight slip- ping of the strata upon one another. The fissures in which cross- veins were deposited, are also probably due to move- ments but, unlike those in which the interbedded veins were deposited, are quite local. A few cross- veins lie in fault planes of greater magnitude. Cleavage is well developed throughout the field. In some places and more especially in the vicinity of sharply folded anticlines and synclines, the quartzite is squeezed into quartz-schist and the slate into mica-schist. The planes of cleavage are parallel with the axis of the folds, and are highly inclined, often only several degrees from the vertical. It is a noteworthy fact that in the vicinity of an anticline the planes of cleavage dip towards the centre of the fold. In those slate beds carrying quartz veins the cleavage plane is frequently found to curve aside on ap- proaching the crest of a corrugation. Distinct serrat- ions are frequently found along bedding planes and are due to motion along the cleavage plane, and it may be that some of the small crenulations found in the quartz veins are due to the same cause. At the apex of the anticlines the thickness of the beds of slate of the Goldenville formation is often much greater than on the limbs. As folding proceeded there was some sliding of the beds upon one another, pressure at the apex of the folds was somewhat relieved, and the slate being more plastic than the quartzite was squeezed from the limbs to the apex. In some places the pressure was great enough to force all the slate aside and bring the beds of quartzite together. The compression of the beds on the limbs of the folds must have had the effect of diminishing considerably the original thickness of the sediments. In calculating the thickness of the series, this compression was not taken into account, so it is reasonable to suppose that the original thickness must have been much greater than that measured, but how much greater it is difficult to estimate. Age. The Goldbearing series has been referred by different writers at different times to various ages from Pre-Cambrian to Ordovician. Although a Lower Cambrian age has been I6 7 most generally applied to the series for a number of years the weight of evidence seems to point to an earlier origin, probably Pre-Cambrian. Certain markings or forms have been discovered from time to time and by some stud- ents have been thought to indicate an organic origin but these have in many cases turned out to be nothing more than concretions, or their organic origin has been disputed, and none have been characteristic enough to be of any determinating values. Of the contiguous formations, the oldest seems to be a series of fossiliferous rocks in Annap- olis and Digby counties ascribed to the Silurian or early Devonian. In determining the age of the Goldbearing series therefore, lithological resemblances and analogies with distant formations have had to be resorted to, but, although suggestive, they can hardly be regarded as abso- lutely determinative. Dawson [2] and Hind first considered the series as prob- ably Ordovician. Later Selwyn pointed to their resem- blance to the Lower Cambrian and Lingula flag series of North Wales, and still later, Dawson [2] believed the series to be Cambrian. Different authors have pointed out the resemblance existing between the Goldbearing series of Nova Scotia and the Pre-Cambrian slates and quart- zites of the Avalon peninsula of Newfoundland. Murray as early as 1868 advanced the opinion that the resemblance "is too striking and marked to be overlooked, and the inference is that on further inquiry they will prove to be of the same age." Walcott, Van Hise, and Matthew also hold the same views. In a study of that area lying south of Wolfville and Kent- ville, Kings county, Faribault (1908) has shown that, with the exception of the Silurian strata of New Canaan, all the rocks appear to be conformable and to belong to the Goldbearing series, and to include the fawn slates in which Dictyonema websteri was found at the same hor- izon at different points. Thus the problem still remains to be solved; and, until more conclusive evidence is obtained the series may be regarded as most probably Pre-Cambrian. GRANITE INTRUSIVES. Granite is distributed widely throughout the series in the form of batholiths, the largest of which extends from the coast at Halifax westward in the form of a crescent, nearly i68 to the western end of the province, dividing the sedi- mentary series into two parts, an eastern and a western. In the eastern part of the field, some of the batholiths are also quite extensive in area, others assume the form of parallel bands a fraction of a mile wide and several miles long, cutting the sedimentary rocks at slight angles. At Liverpool bay, large granite dykes occur that also have a tendency to follow the stratification planes. The composition and texture of the granite vary much with the locality and mode of occurrence. The rock con- sists for the most part of a light-grey or reddish-grey, coarse, porphyritic, biotite-granite, generally studded with large phenocrysts of white or pink-white feldspar. In the west, a light pearl-grey or pinkish-white, fine-grained, muscovite- granite occupies small areas penetrating the biotite-granite as well as the sediments. With the muscovite-granite are associated dykes of coarse pegmatite often passing to quartz, and bearing a large variety of minerals. The granite is found everywhere to cut and penetrate the sediments; it cuts also the anticlinal and synclinal folds, and the interbedded quartz veins, without affecting in the least their original structure. In the vicinity of the granite the clastic rocks have been metamorphosed into gneisses and schists, the degree of metamorphism being greatest near the granite. The line of contact is sometimes sharply defined, but generally there is apparently a gradual trans- ition from slate and quartzite to granite which in many cases is such as to suggest the assimilation of the intruded rocks by the large subjacent igneous masses. Within the granite areas are included large and small insular patches of altered sediments whose original structure is apparently not disturbed, and the granite itself often contains numer- ous small inclusions of sedimentary rock partially absorbed. The granite intrusion took place during the Devonian period; it affected the Nictaux-Torbrook rocks which are placed at the base of the Devonian and it is on the other hand overlain unconformably by the Horton series which has been referred by some writers to late Devonian and by others to Lower Carboniferous. BASIC INTRUSIVES. Basic intrusions, taking the forms of dykes and sills, are found cutting the sediments, but they are confined almost wholly to the western part of the field. In Kings 169 county, on the northern margin of the series, these intru- sions are numerous. They vary in thickness from a few inches to 100 feet (30 m.) or more, and nearly all lie in the bedding planes of highly inclined strata. A dyke of rusty weathering diabase, 100 to 900 feet (30 to 275 m.) thick, has been traced along the shore in Queens and Lunenburg counties for over 25 miles (40 km.). This intrusion has altered the sediments and impregnated them with magnetite for a few inches on each side. The basic rocks are generally dark greenish, diabase or diorite, and have undergone much alteration and in the case of the narrower bodies, have become quite schistose. Those of Kings county are probably roughly contemporaneous with the folding but older than the faults crossing the series, showing that they are of a great age. Like the granite they are probably Devonian but the relation of the two intrusive rocks has not yet been exactly determined. THE GOLD DEPOSITS. General Character and Distribution. The gold deposits are the only deposits of the area that are of any considerable economic importance. These nearly all occur in quartz veins, but a small amount of gold has been recovered from detritus. The deposits of auriferous antimony ore occurring in cross-country veins in the Halifax formation at West Gore have been worked considerably for antimony and gold. The gold-bearing quartz has been reported as occurring in the granite, but the authenticity of the reports may be regarded with suspicion. With this possible exception, all the known veins occur in the sedimentary strata of the Goldbearing series. Although there are a few important veins that cut across the stratification, most of the auri- ferous quartz veins are of the interbedded type. They occur chiefly in the beds of slate which are found inter- stratified with the beds of quartzite throughout the whole thickness of the Goldenville formation, and their distribu- tion and structure are to a great extent the result of the action of dynamic forces to which the enclosing rocks were subjected. The interbedded veins are found in great numbers, aggregated in groups on the domes along 171 the anticlines; and in some few cases on the pitching portion of the anticlines. Rarely they are formed in the synclinal troughs. The domes thus determine the location of nearly all the groups of veins and each of them may be considered as an independent gold district. Some domes however, especially in the west, do not show the presence of quartz veins, but this appearance may be simply due to the concealment of the bedrock by drift. A tabulation made of the principal anticlines with the gold districts located on them, from the map-sheets published by the Geological Survey, shows that to the east of Halifax 33 gold districts are distributed along 14 anticlines in an area 40 miles (65 km.) in width by 100 miles (160 km.) in length. The gold-bearing districts are much less numerous and generally less productive in the western part of the field than in the east. This is chiefly due to the folding being more gentle and the domes broader, hence the slipping of the beds and fracturing has been less pronounced with the consequent failure to produce channels favourable for the circulation of solutions and the deposition of vein matter. Quartz, with hardly an exception, forms by far the largest proportion of the vein filling, but occasionally inclusions of country rock or certain minerals are quite abundant. Associated with the quartz, the principal minerals are pyrite, arsenopyrite, calcite and galena, less frequently chalcopyrite, sphalerite, dolomite, chlorite and pyrrhotite, and more rarely scheelite, stibnite, feldspar, rutile and specular iron. Silver is found in the gold recovered from cross-veins at Leipsigate, Brookfield, and some other districts, some- times in such amounts as to reduce the value of the product to $16 an ounce. But the gold produced from the interbedded veins is generally very fine and varies in value from $19 to $20 per ounce. The gold generally occurs free and visible and is amenable to amalgamation, but it is also in part intimately bound up with the sulphides, thus requiring other methods of treatment for its recovery. In the white, coarsely crystalline quartz it is found in coarse, visible particles, while in the bluish, oily quartz of the laminated veins it is usually disseminated more finely or is found in plates in the layers parallel to the walls. It is generally most abundant on the footwall, is very 172 commonly associated with arsenopyrite, frequently in lenses or nodules forming large nuggets, and almost invar- iably with galena. Small crystals of gold are sometimes found in rhombic dodecahedra and octahedra, generally distorted, with bevelled edges and finely striated surfaces. Plates and scales are often found in the adjacent slate, but close examination always reveals the presence of minute films or threads of quartz traceable to the parent vein. Interbedded Veins. As has already been pointed out the auriferous veins are found on domes, although in some few cases, as at the Richardson mine, they are found on the pitching parts of anticlines remote from domes. In such cases, however, conditions favourable for ore deposition have been brought about by a notable change in the angle of pitch, producing virtually a doming of the anticline that is not apparent at the surface. The distribution of the veins on any particular dome is intimately related to the rock structure, and complexity is introduced by the unsymmetrical character of the domes. On sharp, closely folded anticlines, where the two limbs form an angle of less than 40 or 50 , the veins are found close to the apex and curve over the anticline forming a succession of superimposed saddles, similar to the "saddle-reefs" of Victoria, Australia. On broad folds, on the other hand, where the angle formed by the two limbs is over 45 , the veins are found at a greater distance from the axis, but generally within the limit of curvature of the strata of the fold beyond which the dip ceases to increase and becomes uniform. If one end of a dome is flatter than the other, the veins at that end are further removed from the axis than at the other ; and if veins occur on both limbs of a trans- versely unsymmetrical dome those on the limb with the higher angle of dip will be nearer the axis and more abundant than those on the limb with the lower dip. In many districts, the veins are found on one limb only and then they invariably occur on the limb with the higher dip, which is generally the south dip. The interbedded veins have a more or less crescentic outcrop. On the sides of long domes, they form nearly straight lines, but finally curve with the strata around the 173 apex of the fold, and some have been traced continuously around the end of the dome from one limb to the other. But generally, the outcrops of veins form only small portions of elliptical curves, and these are most frequently arranged en echelon so that they lie in zones radiating from the centre of the dome and diverging more or less from the major axis according as the fold is broad or narrow. These zones are on those parts of the dome where the strata do not strike approximately parallel with the axis of the fold but curve towards the axial line. In symmetrical domes, like that of Oldham, there may thus be four zones, and these four zones may be considered as merging into one another so as to favour the formation of veins, the outcrops of which form almost complete ellipses. In most districts, however, there are only two zones of veins, as at Waverley where they may be regarded as merging into one to form saddles; and in some districts there is only one zone, as at South Uniacke. In some districts the formation of veins seems to have been dependent on small subordinate folds or flexures. In some places there is a curving of the main axis of the fold and in such cases veins are found to be much more numerous and auriferous on the convex side of the axis. In some domes there is a torsion or twisting of the fold adding to the complexity of the structure and occurrence of the veins. Mining operations in several districts have shown that underlying the veins exposed at the surface are other parallel interbedded veins. Each district has thus a vein- bearing zone with a horizontal extent determined by the outcropping veins and with an indefinite vertical extent. In its vertical extension each zone is believed to be roughly parallel with the axial plane of the anticline. The distance of the exposed veins from the axis depends on the dip of the strata, and it is probable that the distance from the axial plane of any portion of the zone of veins extending into the earth is also dependent on the dip; if the fold gets sharper with depth, the zone of quartz veins probably approaches the axial plane, or if it flattens with depth, the zone of auriferous veins recedes from the axial plane. Most of the veins lie in slate beds varying in width from a fraction of a foot to a few feet. Rarely they lie in the middle of the bed and, as a rule, only when the bedding is marked by some difference in composition or texture, 174 producing planes along which fracturing took place. By far the greater number lie on the foot-wall with only a thin film of crushed slate or gouge separating them from the quartzite. Occasionally, the quartz is "frozen" to the wall. As a rule the veins are quite conformable with the strata, but occasionally they pass from one wall to the other. A saddle-vein may have one leg on the footwall and the other one on the hangingwall. On a smaU crumple, the vein may lie on the footwall of that part above the crumple and on the hanging wall in that part below, forming irregularly shaped veinlets and quartz masses scattered all through the slate belt where it passes from one wall to the other in the short limb of the crumple. Some veins bifurcate, and one portion passes to the hanging wall, while the other remains on the footwall. Some slate beds are found to carry several quartz veins, generally conformable with the strata, and constitute those large bodies of low grade ore, often 5 to 20 feet (1-5 to 6 m.) thick, that have of late years been worked with profit. These deposits are designated "belts", while the well- defined vein is designated a "lode" or "lead". The belt is sometimes also composed of a network of veins, the veinlets following the bedding planes for short distances and then crossing obliquely to join other veinlets. Corrugated Veins. Interstratified veins often exhibit a remarkable folded or corrugated structure within the beds of slate that contain them. The corrugations, or crenulations, usually occur at or near the apex of the anticline and sometimes in the syncline, and run parallel with one another and in a direction approximately parallel with the axis of the fold. At the apex of the fold, the corrugations dip with the dip of the strata, which then corresponds to the pitch of the fold, but on each side of the apex they radiate more or less from the centre. The amplitude and interval of the folds generally vary with the thickness of the vein and of the en- closing bed of slate. Also the nearer the veins lie to the anti- clinal axis, the more pronounced these corrugations become. In some veins the folding has been so intense as to separate the quartz with disconnected rolled portions. The name "barrel" quartz has been given to the larger corrugations, 176 because when such a corrugated deposit was first uncovered at Waverley, it looked to the miner like the back or top of barrels lying in rows. The slates beds adjacent to the corrugated veins show a sympathetic folding which extends for a few inches to a foot or two from the vein and gradually dies out. Seldom is the influence felt in the quartzite beds ,and then only in connection with the larger corrugations on the apex of an anticline. Where one of the corrugations becomes enlarged or some part of a vein swells out and takes on some peculiar form extending for some distance in one direction, this portion of the veins is called a "roll". A roll is generally richer than other parts of the vein. Its position is usually dependent on some peculiarity of rock structure such as some small subordinate crumple, some slight flexure in the beds indicating an incipient crumpling or some zone of fracturing. As such structures usually affect a great thickness of strata, a number of veins is affected by similar conditions and a roll in one vein is succeeded by similar rolls in the underlying or overlying veins. Series of such rolls are found in most districts and constitute one of the principal and more persistent forms of ore deposits. Thickness of Interbedded Veins. The thickness of the interbedded veins varies from a fraction of an inch to 20 feet (6 m.). The greater number may not be over an inch, (25 cm.) but those that have been worked, generally vary from 3 to 18 inches, (7 to 45 cm.). The largest veins are usually found on sharp anticlines in the shape of saddle veins. Saddle veins attain their maximum thickness at the apex of the fold and become thinner as they extend down on the limbs. Thus the Richardson saddle vein while 20 feet (6 m.), thick at the apex thinned down to 6 feet (1 .8 m.) at the 300-foot level. Some leads have been followed in depth several hundred feet with little or no decrease in size, but others have been found to pinch to a mere film and it is probable that nearly all of them pinch out at no great depth. The Dominion lead at Waverley was found to decrease from 15 inches (40 cm.) on the surface to a mere film of quartz with small lenticular pockets at 500 feet (150 m.) and to be completely wanting at 600 feet (180 m.).. 177 Veins are frequently thickened by local disturbances, such as a bend, a crumple or a faulting of the strata. Although leads show a great similarity and are very numerous, yet many of them possess a certain individuality, some peculiarity of colour, structure, lamination, distri- bution of sulphides, quantity or form of gold, serving to distinguish them from others of the same district. Cross or Fissure Veins. A few important veins cut across the strata for a considerable distance, and in some districts they form the principal auriferous deposits. These cross veins, often spoken of as fissures, sometimes curve and branch, contain inclusions of country rock, and have a gouge on the walls. All the most important are found on domes, generally cutting the main anticline at various angles. They occur chiefly in the Goldenville formation, but also in the Halifax formation, especially at the base. Seldom does a cross vein lie in the fault plane. In the case of the Cope lode of Central Rawdon and the Baker vein of Oldham, which are exceptions to this rule, the faults are probably younger than the veins. The thickness of the cross veins is less regular than that of the interbedded veins, probably because they generally intersect alternating beds of different hardness. They do not attain great thickness, except sometimes at their inter- section with interstratified leads, flexures or rolls. The mineral content is generally the same as that of the inter- bedded veins, but the laminated structure is wanting. In many cases the value of the gold extracted is much reduced by the presence of silver. At West Gore enough stibnite was found to form gold-antimony ore deposits of considerable value and extent. Bull Veins. There is another kind of vein differing much from those already described. It may cross the strata or roughly lie in a stratification plane. It shows little or no trace of lamination, carries few metallic minerals and is composed of white crystalline quartz in which geodes with quartz crystals are sometimes found. These veins are usually thicker than the others, varying from one to several feet. They are not auriferous and are known as bull veins. 35063—12 179 Angular s. Many of the main veins have branches passing into the foot or hanging wall. These branches are termed angulars, and they play an important part in the ore deposition in certain veins. The point from which an angular passes from the main vein into the hanging wall is usually higher than that from which it passes into the footwall, and the intervening portion of the vein is frequently thicker and richer than other portions. Their distribution and atti- tude is dependent on the structure of the dome. In some parts of a dome they may be numerous or completely absent; they may have a general strike and dip quite dif- ferent from what is found in another part of the dome. In crossing the bedding, they generally run nearly perpend- dicularly to the quartzite but obliquely through the slate. In a closely folded anticline they are more numerous at or near the apex, where they often form a reticulated system of veins extending along the axial plane from one lode to an overlying or underlying one. The quartz of the angulars differ from that of the main veins in being of a fine, granular texture, free from lamin- ations. ORE DISTRIBUTION. All the veins are not auriferous. The coarsely crystal- line quartz seldom carries gold, while the laminated veins of oily quartz-bearing sulphides, generally do. In a few auriferous veins the gold seems to have had a fairly uni- form distribution, but experience has shown that in most of them there was more or less segregation into pockets and shoots. Some of the richest ore mined has been found in pockets. In the Blackie lead at Oldham the gold was found aggre- gated chiefly in nodules of arsenopyrite ; and in the Hay lead lying 1,800 feet (548 m.) north of the anticline of the same district, an isolated pocket carrying 60 ounces of gold was found at the intersection of an angular with the main lead. The great proportion of the ore, however, lies in shoots having more or less definite boundaries and directions. They vary from 20 to 60 feet (6 to 18 m.) or more in breadth and are frequently accompanied by a thickening of the vein. In interstratified veins, many shoots have 35063— 12\ Excursion A i. Lake lode ore-shoot in Halifax slate formation at a vertical depth of iooo feet. Caribou, N.S., 1904. l8l been worked to a vertical depth of 300 and 400 feet (90 to 120 m.). A shoot on the Hard lead, South Uniacke, was followed 1,200 feet (360 m.) on a dip of 28 east; while that in the Sterling Barrel lead, Oldham, has been worked to a depth of 1,610 feet (487 m.) on a dip varying from 30 at the surface to 43 at a vertical depth of 900 feet (275 m.), and in 1909, the ore averaged 2-88 ounces per ton. The latter is the deepest mine on an interbedded vein. Several shoots in cross veins have also been mined to a vertical depth of 200 and 400 feet (60 and 120 m.), and two, to a vertical depth of 1,000 feet (300 m.) ; one of these was worked throughout a length of 2,000 feet (610 m.). As a rule, ore-shoots occur in the rolls that have been already described, that is those parts of the veins in which there is some irregularity in size, form, structure or com- position. The interbedded leads are frequently found to be very rich at their intersection with angulars as well as in the thickened parts lying between the lines of intersection with angulars from below and above. All angulars do not enrich the leads they cut, and frequently only a set coming from some one particular direction have favoured the enrichment of the leads. The angulars themselves are usually not auriferous, but some have proved gold- bearing, especially in those parts where they cut obliquely across slate beds. There is much irregularity in the distribution of the ore in belts; in some, all the veins are auriferous, in some, only one, and in others, one vein will be auriferous for some depth, then becomes barren and an adjacent one becomes auriferous. That there is some order in the distribution of the ore- shoots was pointed out by Poole as early as 1878. A study of the plans made by Faribault of the different gold districts, reveals an alignment or arrangement of the outcroppings of the ore-shoots in nearly every district. In the case of sharply folded anticlines, the line of ore- shoots runs roughly parallel with the axis or diverges slightly from it, radiating from the centre of the dome, while in broad folds the line diverges still more from the axis. The shoots pitch in the general direction of tne pitch of the anticline and at about the same or a little higher angle. 182 In some veins two or more parallel shoots have been found. The ore-shoot on the Hard lead, South Uniacke, really consists of two streaks lying 40 feet (12 m.) apart; in the Mulgrave lead, Isaacs Harbour, a shoot 30 feet (9-1 m.) broad lay 180 feet (54-7 m.) below another 12 feet (3-6 m.) broad, both pitching west at an angle of 12°. The distribution of the shoots is frequently dependent on some subordinate flexure or crumple in the strata. For example, the large series of ore bodies worked at Renfrew is due to a subordinate undulation in the strata on the south limb of the dome. In this regard each district has its individuality, the structure of one dome never being just the same as that of another. The distribution of the ore-shoots, consequently, is never exactly the same in any two districts. In cross veins the ore body is found, in some cases at least, to lie at the intersection of the vein with certain strata or main leads. At Cow Bay, the ore body dips south at the same angle as the strata and follows certain beds at the base of the Halifax formation highly charged with pyrrhotite. The shoot, followed 2,000 feet (610 m.) in the Libbey vein, extended from its intersection with the Mill lead on the north to the vicinity of its intersection with the Jim lead on the south. PAY ZONE. Certain facts point to the existence in most districts of zones extending to a considerable depth in which a succession of auriferous, interbedded, quartz veins of similar character and extent lie superimposed one above the other. On the north limb of the anticline at Golden- ville several parallel veins lying close together pass under one another, and each has been worked to some depth beneath the overlying veins. An example of superimposed saddle-shape ore bodies on the apex of the anticline is found at Isaac Harbour where the workings of the Burke lead was carried below those of the Archie, McPherson and Saddle leads. So also at Mount Uniacke, a series of ore-shoots was worked on the West Lake, Nuggety, Little and Borden leads where they are affected at succes- sively greater depths by a subordinate crumple with an axial plane dipping north at a high angle. 183 The observation of these and numerous other relations led the writer to the propounding of the "pay-zone " theory* As has been pointed out the distribution of ore-shoots is dependent on the structure of the anticlinal fold or sub- ordinate flexures on the fold: they lie in a line passing through similarly curved or twisted portions of the strata that during the folding process were subjected to pressures and tensions and were fractured so as to permit the trans- mission and deposition of minerals. The subordinate flexures and peculiarities of structure, on which the dis- tribution of ore-shoots depends, extend to an unknown depth, and it is claimed that interbedded veins and ore-shoots should succeed one another with depth so long as the same structural conditions continue as at the surface. These structural conditions generally extend in depth parallel to the axial plane of the dome. We thus get a pay-zone the surface extent of which coincides with the surface over which the ore-shoots outcrop and which extends parallel with the axial plane of the dome to an indefinite depth. The evidences in favour of the theory are the fact that gold mining has been carried on in the province to a vertical depth of 1,000 feet (300 m.) in fissure veins and 900 feet (275 m.) in one interbedded vein; that pay-ore is not limited to any particular horizon, but has been mined throughout the whole thickness of the Goldenville forma- tion; and the analogy existing between the interbedded veins of Nova Scotia and the saddle-reefs of Bendigo, which have been worked successfully to a depth of over 3,000 feet (900 m.) and proved auriferous at over 5,000 feet (1,525 m.). While the hypothesis may be of general application it is not claimed that it will hold in all particular cases. Struc- tural features vary with depth; subordinate folds may not persist and main folds may flatten and thus the pay- zone may die out or be shifted in position with regard to the anticlinal axis. For example, in the case of the Dufferin mine, rich ore was found at the apex of the fold at the surface, but in the underlying veins owing to the flattering of the dome it was more remote from it. *Geol. Surv. Can., Vol. V. p. 57 A. A. and Vol. X. p. 108 A. 1 84 Genesis. Some of the earlier investigators such as Hind and Hunt, maintained that the interstratified veins are syngenetic, that is, were formed contemporaneously with the con- taining rocks, but later students of the Nova Scotia gold fields are thoroughly convinced that they are epigenetic, i.e., deposited subsequently. That the cross-veins are of later origin all are agreed. Campbell, the pioneer in the gold fields of the province, expressed the opinion that the veins were of later origin than the rocks, and Selwyn and Poole were strong supporters of his theory. The opinion that prevails to-day is that the veins were formed during the folding of the rocks, in the openings produced by the movements of the strata. During the folding of the interstratified beds of slate and quartzite, or shale and sandstone, there was a certain amount of slipping of one bed over another. This slip- ping produced openings along the bedding planes, which were in general widest at the apex of the folds, and decreased in width with depth along the limb until at a depth of a few hundred feet they pinched out. During or subsequent- ly to the formation of these openings, which took place within the less resistent beds, the vein filling was introduced by solutions. Thus is explained the dependance of vein distribution on rock structure. The arching of the rocks on closely folded symmetrical domes produced fissures passing over the apex and down each limb; on broad domes the arches were not strong enough to sustain themselves and the fissures were formed only on the limbs; on unsymmetrical domes the slipping of the strata was such as to produce fissuring along the bedding planes of the limb with the higher angle of dip; and subordinate flexures, in which the strata were given a curve of less radius than ordinary, were especially favour- able to the production of fissures. The process of folding was long continued and the deposi- tion of vein matter probably took place during the process. Small fissures were formed along the bedding planes and filled with quartz only to be followed by other parallel openings between the quartz sheet and the slate and fur- ther precipitation of quartz in the new openings. Films of slate adhering to the quartz forming the wall of the new fissure thus became embedded in the vein. A succession 186 of such events produced the laminated character of the interstratified veins. It is also probable that in many cases the quartz was deposited in the slate along a number of parallel planes lying close together in an area of minimum pressure and that the quartz films increased in thickness through a widening of the spaces either by the folding of the strata or by metasomatic replacement. The origin of the corrugations is more difficult of explana- tion. That they are dependent on the rock folding is generally conceded and the following explanation has been adduced : — Many veins were formed long before the folding process was completed and during the subsequent stages they were subjected to the same forces as the rocks. The main forces that produced the folding were horizontal, and if the horizontal forces be resolved into components perpen- dicular to and tangent to the bedding plane, the component perpendicular to the bed will be greater on the limb than at or near the apex of the anticline. There will thus be a tendency towards a thinning of the beds on the limbs and a proportionate thickening at and near the apex. This will express itself in a motion of the more plastic beds, that is of the shales or slates, from the limbs towards the apex result- ing in a thickening on the latter, a phenomenon that is frequently observed especially in closely folded strata. Any quartz vein already formed in such slate will partake of the same lateral motion ; on the limbs of the fold where the strata are not curved they will suffer little change, but where the strata begin to curve and the slate beds to thicken, the veins will begin to fold and produce corruga- tions. On the side of long domes there was but one deforming force that came prominently into play, that which produced the east and west folding, and the corruga- tions are consequently horizontal and parallel to the axis; but at the pitch of the dome a second force about at right angles to the first expressed itself in the pitching of the dome, the resulting movement was more complex, and corrugation was produced radiating more or less from the centre of the dome. This theory of the origin of corrugations would also account for the different degree of crenulation often exhibited by different veins intercalated between the beds composing one single slate belt; the more corrugated veins being generally older than less corrugated ones. The quartz appears to have become plastic under the enormous Excursion A i. North lode at the 200-foot level, 20 feet above the syncline of a subordinate fold, made up of angulars entering from the foot-wall along the cleavage plane. Dufferin mine, N.S., 1904. 188 pressure, and the deformation may have been effected by the slow flowing of particle over particle. The change in form may, however, have been brought about by the slow process of solution and reprecipitation ; if this be so it would indicate the existence of slow folding processes extending over a long period of time. The contorted broken quartz of some belts suggests that in some places the motion was too rapid to admit of the veins maintaining their conti- nuity either by flow or by solution and reprecipitation. The origin of some of the small crenulations which are often observed in many interstratified veins and in a few cross veins having a thickness less than one inch, is probably due to a slight motion along the numerous cleavage planes during the folding process at stages subsequent to the deposition of the veins, for these crenulations are often found to coincide with the intersection of the cleavage with the bedding plane. It is also possible that some of the larger corrugations are the result of the combined motion of the slate beds from the limbs towards the apex and that of the wall-rock along the cleavage planes. The bulk of the evidence shows that the veins were filled by ascending solutions of a deep-seated origin. These found a passage upward through the fractured portions of the domes. A fracturing across the bedding as well as Assuring along the bedding planes seems to have been necessary for the formation of veins and ore deposits: veins are not commonly found along straight non-pitching anticlines although there was, no doubt, a great deal of Assuring along the bedding planes; on the other hand, where the anticlines pitch and the rocks were fractured across the bedding, veins are abundant. The cross fractures are themselves filled with quartz forming the angulars entering and leaving the interbedded veins. The cross fractures seem therefore, to have provided channels for the passage of solutions across the beds of quartzite and slate to the interbedded fissures along which deposition took place. That the solutions entered by way of the angulars is borne out by the fact that the rich portions of interbedded veins are those portions lying between the line of entrance of an angular and the line along which it leaves the main lead. The source of the ascending solutions is not known, but it is held not to be in the granite or any other known igneous intrusion. Field evidence goes to show that the 1 89 granite intrusion was later than the formation of the veins. At different places, interbedded veins are cut across and sometimes along their courses, by dykes of granite, and the proximity of the intrusion appears to have had no effect on the size or richness of the veins. Another evidence that the veins were formed prior to the granite intrusion is the complete absence of any disturbance or irregularity of the structures of the anti- clinal folds and more especially of the domes, at granite contacts. This proves that the granite intrusion took place at a time when the folding and doming of the quartzite and slate, as well as the deposition of the veins resulting thereof, were completed, otherwise the movements and slipping of the beds which produced them would be mani- fested by disturbances or faults along the line of the granite contact. At Mooseland, on the western end of the dome, interbedded quartz veins have been traced continuously to the granite, without increase in size or other irregularity of structure, but they gradually become more crystalline and finally disappear at the contact where they are apparently absorbed by the granite, like the containing metamorphosed quartzite and slate. The observations of Prest in the western part of the province give still further evidence leading to the same conclusion. He reports that at Bear River no disturbance was observed in the structure of the Nictaux-Torbrook rocks at the granite contact, and as these rocks are con- formably folded with the Goldbearing rocks, he concludes also that the folding partaken of by both series must have been nearly complete before the granite intrusion; and further, as the Nictaux-Torbrook rocks are Oriskany, the folding and the quartz veins of the Goldbearing rocks would be later than Oriskany. Then, as the granite intrusion was earlier than the Horton series, which is referable to late Devonian or Lower Carboniferous, the fold- ing and the deposition of the quartz must have taken place during Devonian time, but earlier than the granite intrusion. Finally, at Gay's river a conglomerate of Lower Carboniferous age, largely made up of fragments eroded from the Goldbearing slate, has been mined for gold. The deposition of the gold in the Goldbearing rocks must then have commenced before the Carboniferous that is to say, during Devonian time. 190 It is probable that small additional layers of quartz and some gold may have been added to the gold-bearing leads, during and after the granite intrusion but, so far as known, this has not been proved by observation in the field. Little study has been given to the cause of the precipita- tion of the metallic contents of the veins. The ascending thermal solutions were no doubt subjected to different chemical and physical conditions, but it is difficult to surmise what these were and what has been their effect. Some factors that may have entered in the problem are, (i) decrease of pressure that the solutions underwent on entering the fissure, (2) lowering of temperature, (3) effect of other solutions originating from below or from the earth's surface, and (4) effect of certain solid contents in the rocks. Certain slates apparently exercised a greater precipitating effect than others. These are generally black and are fre- quently impregnated with arsenopyrite, pyrite or pyrrho- tite, and the inter stratified veins that can be worked with profit are usually found in beds of this character. In some cases the cross veins also are found to be enriched where they lie in contact with strata of this class. The question of secondary enrichment has received little study and little is known with regard to what extent the fracture zones of the districts have afforded means for the passage of meteoric waters and a secondary redistribu- tion of the mineral contents of the veins. Briefly stated, the observed facts seem to be best explained on the theory that the veins are epigenetic, that they were formed by the deposition of quartz, sulphides and gold in cross fractures and interbedded openings occurring chiefly in the black or pyritous slate beds of the Golden- ville formation, that the conditons necessary for the formation of the veins were a great deal of fracturing across the bedding planes, permitting the passage of ascending thermal solutions and that these fractures were produced where the two horizontal orogenic forces manifested them- selves in the formation of domes or the pitching of the anticlines. PRODUCTION. Gold was discovered in Nova Scotia in i860, and mining operations then commenced. Two years after the dis- covery, gold valued at nearly $142,000 was recovered from 191 the quartz veins, and since that time the annual production has, with the exception of three years, fluctuated between $200,000 and $628,000, nearly attaining the latter figure in 1902. The total production of gold in Nova Scotia from 1862 to 1 91 2 inclusive, was 936,499 ounces recovered from 2,117,639 tons of ore mined, this production! having a value (at $19.00 per ounce) of $17,793,481, equalling an average recovery of $8.40 per ton of ore crushed. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Faribault, E. R. 2. Dawson, J. W. 3. Woodman, J. E. 4. Faribault, E. R. 5. Faribault, E. R. 6. Woodman, J. E. 7. Woodman, J. E. Report on the Lower Cambrian rocks of Guysborough and Halifax counties, Nova Scotia: Geol. Surv. of Can., No. 243, Part P., Vol.11, 1886. Acadian Geology. The geology of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island: Fourth edition, London, 1891 (First edi- tion 1855). Studies in the gold-bearing slates of Nova Scotia : Proc. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist., Vol. 28, No. 15, PP- 375-407. Boston, 1899. On the gold-measures of Nova Scotia and deep mining: Jour. Can. Min. Inst., Vol. II, pp. 119- 128, 1899. Deep gold mining in Nova Scotia : Report to the Government of Nova Scotia, Halifax, 1903. The sediments of the Meguma (Goldbearing) Series of Nova Scotia: Am. Geologist, Vol. XXXIV, pp. 13-34, 1904- Geology of the Moose River Gold District, Halifax county, Nova Scotia: Proc. and Trans. N. S. Inst, of Sc, Vol. XI, Part I, pp. 18-88, 1904. 8. Woodman, J. E. 9. Rickard, T. A. 10. Faribault, E. R. 192 Probable age of the Meguma (Gold-bearing) Series of Nova Scotia: Bull. Geol. Soc. of Am., Vol. XIX, pp. 99-112, 1908. The Domes of Nova Scotia: Jour. Can. Min. Inst., Vol. XV., 1912. Annual Summary Reports on the Goldbearing rocks of Nova Scotia, 1897 to the present; Serial geolo- gical maps of the Goldbearing rocks of Nova Scotia, from Canso to St. Margarets bay and Windsor; Plans and sections of gold mining districts of Nova Scotia : Published by the Geological Survey of Can- ada. Gold fields of Nova Scotia. Com- piled largely from the results of investigations by E. R. Faribault: Geol. Surv. of Can., Memoir No. 20, 1913. A complete bibliography of the literature of the Gold- bearing series of Nova Scotia is contained in the last paper cited, namely, "Gold Fields of Nova Scotia": Geol. Surv. of Canada, Memoir No. 20, 1913, by W, Malcolm. 11. Malcolm, W. OLDHAM GOLD DISTRICT.* (E. R. Faribault.) INTRODUCTION. LOCATION. Oldham gold district is situated in the northern part of Halifax county about 25 miles (40 km.) north of the city of Halifax and 3 miles (4-8 km.) southeast of Enfield, a small station on the Intercolonial railway. The district lies near the summit of the watershed that separates the streams flowing south through Porters lakes into the Atlantic from those whose waters reach the Bay of Fundy *See Map — Oldham Gold District and Vicinity. Oldham Gold District and Vicinity 193 by the Shubenacadie river. The altitude of the centre of the district is 317 feet (96-6 m.). GEOLOGY. The quartzites and slates constituting the Goldenville formation of the Goldbearing series (Pre-Cambrian) are here exposed in a subordinate anticline 9 miles (14-5 km.) long lying on the south limb of the Shubenacadie - Grand lake anticline. The distance between the two anticlines is a little over two miles (3-2 km.) and the intervening syncline lies half a mile (o-8 km.) north of the Oldham anti- cline. The fold which follows a ridge running east and west is transversely symmetrical, the strata dip on both limbs at angles varying from 50 to 75 , and the axial plane is nearly vertical. The fold pitches to the east at angles increasing to 45 , but two miles (3-2 km.) east of the centre of the district, flattens out and disappears by meeting the syn- cline on the north ; it pitches to the west at an angle great enough to completely conceal the Goldenville formation by the Halifax slate formation at a distance of 5 miles (8 km.) west, and finally dies out also by joining the syncline two miles (3-2 km.) farther at Wellington station. The anticlinal fold thus forms a long and narrow elliptical dome pitching to the east and west. In the western part of the dome the strata on both limbs run nearly parallel with the axis of the anticline, but finally converge and curve sharply within 10 feet (3 m.) over the apex; towards the east the fold becomes gradually broader and the strata form nearly concentric curves. The horizon of the quartzites and slates of the Golden- ville formation exposed on the dome is estimated to be 4,560 feet (1,390 m.) below the base of the Halifax slate formation, and as the thickness cf the latter formation is 11,700 feet (3,566 m.), a total thickness of over 16,260 feet (4,956 m.) of strata has been eroded off the dome. The dome has suffered much faulting especially in the eastern part. An important fault follows the axis of the an- ticline from the centre of the dome eastward, and attempts to trace veins around the apex of the dome past the fault have met with poor success. Radiating from the dome towards the southeast is a series of important faults, two of which have horizontal displacements of 1 12 and 124 feet (44 35063—13 194 and 38 m.) respectively. On the north limb are a few small breaks. A few flat faults having the nature of thrusts have also been met in underground workings. The faults do not continue for great distance on the strike nor in depth and are later than the formation of the veins, but the Baker vein in the eastern part of the district occupies a fault plane cutting the anticline at right angles which is of earlier origin and probably greater extent in depth than the other faults. CHARACTER OF THE GOLD DEPOSITS. With the exception of the Baker vein which has been proved highly auriferous, all the veins worked in the district are of the interbedded type and are called leads. They follow fractures or slips along stratification planes and occur chiefly in beds of slate interstratified between beds of quartzite. The outcrops of the veins form almost complete concentric ellipses curving sharply at the western end and broadly at the eastern end of the dome. Over 25 interbedded veins have been worked and traced more or less continuously on both the north and south limbs of the dome. The vein-bearing zone is thus confined to the dome, on which it extends 8,100 feet (2,470m.) east and west along the anticlinal fold and 1,600 feet (485 m.) across it. The most productive part of the district is the eastern end of the dome, where the pitch of the anticline increases rapidly from o° to 45 , causing there the maximum amount of fracturing across and along the stratification plane which produced rolls, corrugations and angulars favourable to ore deposition. Amongst the most important interbedded veins may be mentioned the Dunbrack, Sterling, Boston-Oldham, North Wallace, South Wallace, and Donaldson. A great number of others have been worked and many of them with profit. The most important ore-shoots follow the rolls, which are quite prominent in the veins in the southeastern part of the district and pitch to the east at approximately the same angle as that of the pitch of the anticline. On the Dun- brack lead a very persistent and rich ore-shoot was worked to a depth estimated at 1,200 feet (356 m.) on a pitch increasing gradually from 5 to 40 . The rich ore-shoot which in 1909 averaged 2-88 ounces of gold per ton in the Sterling Barrel lead on the apex of the anticline has been 195 worked to a depth of 1,610 feet (490 m.) on a dip varying from 30 at the surface to 43 at a vertical depth of about 900 feet (275 m.). This is the deepest mine on an inter- bedded vein in Nova Scotia. In the northeastern part of the dome a number of veins such as the Boston-Oldham and Frankfort proved rich on their curve towards the apex of the anticline. Some veins have been worked extensively on the strike but to shallow depth. North of the centre of the dome, several leads were enriched and thickened at the intersection of angulars entering obliquely from the southwest or footwall side and leaving on the northeast. The enriched and thickened part of a lead comprised between the point of entrance of an angular and that of leaving, is generally less than 20 feet (6 m.) in length and 100 feet (30 m.) in depth, forming a small ore-shoot called gold or pay-streak. Several very rich gold-streaks have thus been formed on the Blue, Hall and other leads where intersected by the Britannia angular, the ore yielding from 1 to 100 ounces of gold per ton. In the northwestern and southwestern part of the dome a few leads have also been enriched at the intersection of angulars coming in on the footwall side from the southwest and northeast respectively. In the Blackie vein the gold was concentrated in arsenopyrite pockets, some of which carried as much as 5 to 7 ounces of precious metal, and outside of these the vein had little or no value. In 1892, J. E. Hardman, manager for the Napier com- pany, sank a vertical shaft 113 feet (35 m.) deep on the anticline on Area 102, cutting at the apex seven superim- posed saddle-veins that do not outcrop at the surface. Two of these were sufficiently auriferous to justify further development. This and similar developments in other districts point to the existence of a pay-zone extending to a considerable depth in which a succession of auriferous, interbedded, quartz veins of similar character and extent lies superimposed one above the other. At a short distance west of Hardman 's vertical shaft the Harrison, South Ohio and some other adjacent veins are thickened several times their usual size on the apex of the anticline where they curve sharply within 10 feet (3 m.) and form ore-shoots pitching west about 20 . In the Hay lead lying outside of the district, 1,800 feet (550 m.) north of the anticline, an isolated pocket carrying 35063— 13! 196 60 ounces of gold was found at the intersection of an angular with the main lead. A pocket of 100 pounds of reddish scheelite was found at the depth of 40 feet (12 m.) in a large roll of quartz in the Schaffer Barrel lead on the eastern pitch of the anticline, where good examples of barrel quartz structure can be observed at the surface. Smaller pockets are also reported to have been found in the South Wallace, Dunbrack and a few other veins. Until recently the mineral was not identified by the miners who called it pinkeye, and as gold is not found associated with it they shunned its presence. PRODUCTION. Gold was first discovered in this district in 1861. Active mining operations commenced the following year and have continued steadily to the present time. The official reports show that the yearly production of gold fluctuated between 282 ounces in 1897 and 3,171 ounces (for 9 months) in 1893, and the average yield per ton varied from 10 dwt. 21 gr. in 1881 to 3 oz. 5 dwt. 5 gr. in 1908. The total gold production from 1862 to 1912 has been 67,343 ounces, valued at $1,279,520, extracted from 58,735 tons of ore. The average yield per ton is therefore 1 oz. 2 dwt. 22 gr. ANNOTATED GUIDE: ENFIELD TO WESTERN END OF OLDHAM GOLD DISTRICT. Miles and Kilometres. o m. Enfield Station — Alt. 63 ft. (19-2 m.). o km. Going in a southerly direction from Enfield station, the road runs for the first half a mile over flat-lying Lower Carboniferous sediments consisting chiefly of thick deposits of gypsum and beds of limestone, sandstone and shale which are here concealed by boulder clay and deposits of sands and clays of Pleistocene age. 0-5 m. Shubenacadie River — Alt. 47 ft. (14-3 m.). o-8 km. At the Shubenacadie river the road enters the Goldenville formation of the Goldbearing 197 Kilometres series, an area of Pre-Cambrian rocks which extends southward to the Altantic. For the first mile and a half, an ascending section of alternating beds of quartzite and shale, striking east and west, and dipping south at high angles, is traversed to a point 400 feet (120 m.) north of Lily lake, where the intervening syncline between the Shubenacadie-Grand lake anti- cline and the Oldham anticline is crossed and can be located a short distance on left by several - outcrops of quartzite curving on the western plunge of the fold. 2-5 m. Horn Brook — Alt. 247 ft. (75-3 m.). In 4-0 km. the next half mile the same strata are again crossed but in descending order, to the Oldham anticline which crosses Horn brook 100 feet (30 m.) above the fall on the right. The Dowell lead may be observed on the left in an open-cut 200 feet (60 m.) north of the fall. ANNOTATED GUIDE: OLDHAM GOLD DISTRICT. (See plan and sections of Oldham Gold District). Feet and Metres. o ft. Horn Brook — Alt. 247 ft. (75 • 3 m.) . From o m. Horn brook at the western extremity of the district, the anticline strikes easterly along a ridge which is followed by the road as far as Black brook. Going easterly along the road, the following observations may be made reckon- ing the distances in feet from Horn brook. 1,500 ft. Anticline exposed crossing road obliquely 457 m. from right to left; apex plunges west about 20 ; strata curve and dip north and south at low angles increasing rapidly to 70 to form a transversely symmetrical and sharp fold. Cleavage is perpendicular. 1,700 ft. North of road 65 feet (20 m.) the South 518 m. Ohio lead dipping south 43 and the Richey lead dipping north 35 follow the stratification and converge towards the west and in a sharp 198 Feet and curve on the anticline to form one saddle-vein, the apex of which plunges westward about 20°. An ore-shoot on the apex containing arsenopyrite and galena 20 to 24 inches thick was worked only for a short distance on the pitch. 2,330 ft. North of road 90 feet (27 m.) : Harrison lead 710 m. dipping north 55 curves conformably with the strata within 10 feet on anticline and forms another ore-shoot at the apex pitching westward about 20 and underlying the South Ohio- Richey ore-shoot ; much galena ; angulars enter- ing from footwall side have thickened the lead at the apex. On both the north and the south limb of the anticline, a series of 25 interbed- ed and parallel veins outcrops within a distance of 800 feet (24-5 m.) which is the width of the auriferous quartz zone on each side of the axis; the two series of veins converge towards the west; several short ore-shoots called gold- streaks have been found in these veins, particu- larly on the north limb, at the intersection of angulars entering on the foot-wall side from the southwest on the north limb and from the northeast on the south limb. 2,590 ft. North of the road 60 feet (18 m.) : J. E. 789 m. Hardman's vertical shaft 113 feet (42 • 5 m.) deep sunk on the axis of the anticline cut seven superimposed saddle-veins, both legs of which were intersected at a depth of 100 feet (30 m.) by cross-cuts driven 100 feet each way, showing the continuance of the saddle-veins to that depth and their conformity to the structure of the fold. 3,320 ft. Alt. 313 ft. (95-3 m.). Goff's road leads 1,010 m. off to right: centre of dome is reached; the anticline crosses from left to right and passes between the road and the school house, where beds of quartzite and slate are exposed lying horizontally along the apex and overlying the crest of a rich corrugated saddle-vein which 199 Metres™ 1 was wor ked to some depth on both legs; the vertical cleavage is strongly developed even in the quartzite, and indicates the exact direc- tion of the anticline; the intersection of the cleavage and bedding planes is at right angles indicating the centre of the dome. Large barren veins of coarse white quartz cross the anticline at right angles, and are probably the result of the arching of the fold producing the east and west pitch. At the foot of the hill, 125 feet (38 m.) north of the anticline, the footwall of a small lead adjacent to the Harrison lead dips north 65 and is also inter- sected by the same large cross veins; the lead is largely made up and enriched by very small angulars entering from the footwall side, but is not affected by the large cross veins. The strata and interbedded veins on both limbs strike parallel with the axis of the anticline. 4,090 ft. Road runs downhill: close by on the right 1,247 m - "the footwall of the Morell lead curves slightly and dips north 57 ; corrugations on the foot- wall caused by the intersection of cleavage and bedding planes pitch easterly at a low angle indicating the pitch of the dome. On the footwall is a fault having a horizontal displacement of 15 inches. 4,345 ft. Close by on the left is W. A. Brennan's stamp- 1,313 m. mill with 2 batteries and amalgamating tables, one Wilfley concentrating table, water-power. Footwall of a vein dips north 52 , corrugations pitch east. 4,540 ft. Black Brook — Alt. 244 ft. (74-3 m.). J. E. 1,383 m. Hardman's old stamp mill on the right, with 2 batteries and amalgamating tables, water- power and Pelton wheel, has produced probably more than half the gold extracted from the Oldham deposits. On the east side of Black brook, opposite the mill, a good section of the anticlinal fold is exposed where superimposed beds of quartzite and slate curve broadly on the apex; between a bed of slate and quartzite is intercalated a small vein, deeply corrugated, showing gold at the point of intersection of an 200 Feet and angular. Vertical cleavage is strongly devel- oped in the quartzite, the slipping along the cleavage plane having produced the corrugations, the slate besides being cleaved shows a sympathetic folding with the corrugations of the veins; the corrugations pitch eastward in the same direction as the pitch of the anticline. From Black brook eastward the pitch of the anticline increases gradually to 45 , the fold becomes broader and the strata describe large and almost concentric curves. Several faults radiate toward the east and southeast, the largest one following approximately the anti- clinal axis. Going easterly from Black brook over the hill in the direction of the anticline the follow- ing observations may be made. 4,790 ft. At the top of the hill, on the south limb, the 1,460 m. Carpenter lead curves in the shape of an S in a subordinate crumple of the strata, 14 feet wide , pitching east about 30 ; the crumpled part of the lead is enriched and enlarged from 3 inches to 24 inches by angulars entering from below and forming a rich ore -shoot which was worked out to the depth of 200 feet (60 m.). The ad- joining strata are conformably crumpled. Farther east, the Galena, Boston-Oldham and other leads are crossed in open-cuts on the north limb of the fold where they curve to the anticlinal fault, on the south side of which they have not been identified. 5,840 ft. On the Sterling Barrel lead, a rich ore-shoot 1,790 m. has been worked to a depth of 1,610 feet (487 m.) by an inclined shaft on a dip increasing from 30 at the surface to 43 at a vertical depth of about 900 feet (275 m.) ; the ore-shoot occurs immediately south of the anticlinal fault, where the strata form a pronounced bulge or undula- tion of small horizontal width, but of great extent in depth; the structure and character of the shoot was very regular from the surface to the bottom of the workings, its horizontal length varying from 100 to 150 feet (30 to 45 m.). The vein is corrugated, lies on the lower side of 201 Metr^ nd a bed °^ black slate and is often "frozen" to quartzite footwall in which the corrugations sink and form furrows. Corrugations of the same character are well exposed 400 feet (120 m.) further east on the footwall of a shaft on the Rusty lead, which dips, 31 east and is supposed to be the conti- nuation of the Sterling Barrel lead on the north side of the anticlinal fault. Looking north from the top of the dump of the Sterling Barrel mine a good general view may be had of the workings along the outcrops of the veins, showing the curvature of the north- eastern part of the dome. From this point the road follows in a north- easterly direction, crossing successively the North Wallace, Rusty, Rutherford and Frank- fort leads where they are worked more or less along their outcrops by open-cuts and shafts. A branch road to the southeast is then followed along and across the Blue lead, to the Schaffer Barrel lead. The Schaffer Barrel lead has here been worked to a depth of 200 feet (60 m.) and southward along the outcrop as far as the anti- clinal fault. The quartzite footwall striking south on a broad curve and dipping east 45 is much corrugated in deep furrows; the furrows pitch eastward and occur along the line of inter- section of cleavage and bedding planes and are apparently formed by the vertical movements of the rock along the cleavage planes. The vein and enclosing slate are crumpled into a series of corrugations or barrels conformable with the furrows. South of the shaft a pocket carrying 100 pounds of reddish scheelite associated with ankerite was found in the vein at the depth of 40 feet (12 m.) in a large roll of quartz. The Schaffer Barrel lead has a horizontal displace- ment of 150 feet (45 m.) on the anticlinal fault, 124 feet (37-6 m.) on the Whitehead fault and 112 feet (34 m.) on the next one south. For a third of a mile farther east, a few other interbedded veins occur on the eastern pitch 202 Feet and f t j ie dome, but none have been very product- ive. The Baker vein, a quarter of a mile east, is, however, of especial interest as being the only one in the district that crosses the stratification for any considerable length and has proved very productive. It lies in a fault-plane which cuts the anticline at right angles, and, unlike the interbedded veins, it has much gouge and is very irregular in thickness and crooked in strike, The average thickness of the vein is 1 8 inches (0-45 m.), and the average yield of the ore 5 to 7 dwts. Several 100-ton lots gave 1 1 to 2 ounces. The vein cannot now be seen at the surface. The Hardman mine is on the Dunbrack lead in a westerly direction from the Schaffer Barrel lead across the anticline. This lead lies on the footwall side of a bed of slate interstratified with quartzite dipping southeast 43 Apart from the rolls, the thickness of the vein varies from a fraction of an inch to 8 inches and may average 4 inches. The vein is corrugated and the corru- gations pitch east 38 like those directly north on the footwall of the Schaffer Barrel lead. Two well-defined and parallel ore-shoots or rolls have been worked in the lead, the Ned McDonnell shoot and the Hardman shoot, pitching east at a lower angle than that of the corrugations. The upper one, the Ned McDonnell shoot, does not quite reach the surface but was worked for a length of about 850 feet (259 m.) on the pitch to the first fault of 112 feet (34 m.), beyond which it has not yet been discovered. The quartz and slate measured in vertical section 8 inches in thickness and 9 feet in breadth, having been thickened and enriched by small angulars entering from the footwall side. The Hardman ore-shoot, which was probably the richest one worked in the province, lies about 140 feet (42 m.) below the Ned McDonnell roll and runs parallel with it. It does not reach the surface, but lies at a depth of about 175 feet, and a little east of the western end of the Ned McDonnell roll, where it originates like the latter 204 Feet and j n a sma ll ro ll increasing in size and value as it pitches 5 to 40 . It has been worked con- tinuously on the pitch for about 1,200 feet (365 m.) across the first fault and as far east as the Whitehead fault beyond which it probably extends farther but has not yet been discovered. On the first fault the roll has an upthrow of about 130 feet (39 m.) and a horizontal displace- ment to the south of 112 feet (34 m.). The thickness of the vein above and below the roll averages 4 inches, whereas it increases in the roll and varies from 8 to 22 inches and may aver- age 17 inches. In the roll the quartz and en- closing slate have a decided roily structure, and vertical sections of the roll have the form of an elongated ellipse, the length or height of which varies from 8 to 18 feet. Small angulars of quartz, sometimes associated with siderite and seldom over an inch in width, branch off from the roll into the quartzite foot and hanging walls. Angulars entering the roll from the hanging- wall had little or no effect on the richness of the ore, but those from the footwall side were decided feeders or enlargers of the quartz above them. It is important to note that the vein dips steeper below the roll than above it, pro- ducing a decided flexure of the strata which may account for the formation of the roll and the angulars during the folding process and the consequent slipping upward of one bed upon another. Outside of the roll the ore had a ge- neral assay value of 3 to 15 dwt. (or $3 to $15) per ton in free gold, whereas the ore of the Hard- man roll itself never yielded less than one ounce per ton, most of it gave 9 to 30 ounces, and sometimes as much as 80 ounces ($1,600) per ton for lots of 8 to 10 tons. The high grade ore was associated with galena and zincblende, the poorer quartz carrying from 1 § to 2 per cent of arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite, all of these minerals being found also in the rich ore but subordinate in amount to the galena and blende. 205 Following the road out from Hardman's mine the south- eastern part of the dome is traversed in a northerly direc- tion to the anticline. First the Dunbrack, Schaffer Barrel and Ned McDonnell leads are successively crossed where they originate between the strata as these strata begin to curve to the northeast and to dip at lower angles towards the anticline, accompanied with a development of corruga- tions on the footwall. Then, from the Sterling Barrel lead to the anticline the strata curve more rapidly and the interbedded veins become more numerous and are greatly thickened by large barren 'bull' veins. The original structure of the strata and interbedded veins is, however, much disturbed by the faults radiating from the centre of the dome towards the southeast. ANNOTATED GUIDE. ENFIELD TO TRURO. (G. A. Young.) Miles and Kilometres. o m. Enfield — Alt. 63 ft. (19-2 m.). Beyond o km. Enfield the railway alternately approaches to and recedes from the Shubenacadie river. To the southeast, beyond the river rises a somewhat broken hilly country underlain by the rocks of the Goldbearing series. The Carboniferous area stretching to the north is lower and only gently undulating. Rock exposures are com- paratively rare over the Carboniferous area but the presence, in many localities, of beds of gypsum and limestone indicates that the strata belong to the Windsor series. The beds are faulted and dip in various directions but usually at comparatively low angles. 12 • 4 m. Shubenacadie Station — Alt. 66 ft. (20 • 1 m.) . 19 -9 km. The boundary between the area underlain by the Carboniferous strata and that occupied by the rocks of the Goldbearing series lies about 4 miles (6-4 km.) to the east. There the basal members of the Carboniferous are conglomerates and sandstones which in places contained suffi- cient alluvial gold to warrant mining. The 206 Miles and source of the gold was, undoubtedly, the Kilometres. . r ° , , . . _, , ,, J ' . quartz veins ot the underlying Goldbearmg series. Just beyond Shubenacadie station the railway crosses to the east side of Shubenacadie river and for upwards of a mile runs in view of the winding river. Beyond this point the railway gradually passes away from the river. i6-q m. Stewiacke Station — Alt. 86 ft. (26-2 m.). 27-2 km. Beyond this station the railway approaches the banks of Stewiacke river, a westerly flowing tributary of Shubenacadie river. About ih miles (2-4 km.) beyond, the railway crosses the Stewiacke river and there leaves the valley of this river. The Stewiacke river drains a wide expanse of gently undulating country stretching far to the eastward and underlain by Carbon- iferous measures belonging to the Windsor series. 26 m. Brookfield Station — Alt. 102 ft. (31 -im.). 41 -8 km. Brookfield is situated near the northern bound- ary of the broad area of Carboniferous strata (Windsor series) crossed by the railway after leaving the region underlain by the Goldbearing series. In the districts about Brookfield, the Windsor beds dip in various directions at all angles. Three quarters of a mile (1-2 km.) beyond Brookfield, the railway enters a district under- lain by the Union series of Devonian or possibly Carboniferous age. The country is low and gently undulatory in character. Two and one quarter miles (3-6 km.) farther, the railway crosses a low summit (altitude, 181 feet or (155-2 m.) and commences the descent of the slopes leading to the Bay of Minas. The strata belonging to the Union series dip in various directions at angles ranging from vertical to nearly horizontal. As in the case of the Windsor beds to the south, there is a general tendency for the strikes of the strata to pursue an easterly course. Presumably both groups of strata are closely folded along east- west axes and probably they are much faulted. 207 Kilometres ^n stratigraphical grounds, Fletcher concluded that the Union beds underlie the Windsor strata and therefore he considered them to be of Devonian age. In neighbouring districts, however, the Union and associated strata carry a flora of mid-Carboniferous (Millstone Grit?) age. As the railway descends to the valley of Salmon river which flows westerly into the head of the Bay of Minas, the high hills of the Cobe- quids become visible to the north. These hills are flanked by disturbed Carboniferous strata which, in the valley of Salmon river, are over- lapped by horizontal, Triassic sandstones and conglomerates. Truro is situated in the Triassic area, on the southern side of Salmon river and the boundary between the highly disturbed Union beds and the undisturbed Triassic, passes through the southern outskirts of the town. 34 m. Truro — Alt. 60 ft. (18-3 m.). 54-7 km. UNIVERSITY OF C Los Angeles ib ookisDUEonU,elast AU *ORN!A LIBRARY :s date stamped below. ^ R e-r 1 ,^erO JUL A 9 1985 Geological Survey, Cat 2 Quartz porphyry | I Quartz-free porphyry ^^ % Iron ore. original outcrop Bathurst Iron Mine IT) O O O O STA<