irtl ^>;U}SAN(ilfjV o "^/^d^AiNa^w^ ,><.OFCALIF0ff4^ ^OFCALIFO/?^ ""^^^AdvaaiH^"^ •< Noawv -5^UIBRARYQ<^ ^vMLIBRARY1 «tt-3WV .-^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCAIIF0% so r= > SO ^^Advaain^^ ^ o o ^^UIBRARYQ^ ^sSHIBRARYOc^ ojo>^ ;WSAS'CElfj]> ^.Of CAll F0% ^OFCAll F0% '^''/ia3AINil-3y\v ^' .^\^EUNIVERy/A vVlOSANCElfx^ o ^JO^ ^TilJDNYSOl^"^ ^ajAINAJWV so > so ^OFCAilFO/?^ >j,OFCAllF0/?^ .^'rtEUNIVERS-/^. ^lOSANCElfj;^ O ^(^Aavaaii-^^"^ o ^tllBRARYQ^ -5^l-llBRARY6>/: i\^ ^nvmm^ %a3AiNn3i\v^ ^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCALIFO/?^^ O vL. 2" 6-? 7 F /Yl SOUTHERN BRANCH, iJNIVERSITY OF CALIFOHNIA, LIBRARY, •LOS ANG£L£S, i^rsutc. PREFACE The following classification for forestry literature has been pre- pared by the Faculty of the Yale Forest School for use in its library. It is published to supply the demand for a simple and comprehensive classification that is adapted to any library system. The work was begun about one year ago and included a study of all available data on the subject. A tentative outline was sub- mitted to prominent members of the profession from whom help- ful suggestions were received. The subject has been divided into nine parts of approximately equal importance. The secondary divisions also hav ,n limited to nine and have not been amplified except when necessary for clearness. This makes possible the adoption of the classification without change, in libraries using the Dewey Decimal System. No attempt has been made to classify related subjects. The classification of the Library of Congress, with some modifications, has been adopted for Agriculture and that of the Yale University Library for other scientific subjects. Acknowledgment is made to Dr. B. E. Femow for valuable assistance rendered by him ; and to all others who have aided in the work. 16675 A CLASSIFICATION FOR FORESTRY LITERATURE General works. 0.1 Study and teaching. 0.2 Bibliography. 0.3 Biography. 0.4 Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks and Almanacs. 0.5 General treatises. 0.6 Periodicals and Societies. 0.7 Documents. 0.8 Collections. 0.9 Miscellany. 1 Forest botany. 1.0 General works. 1.1 Morphology. 1.2 Physiology. 1.3 Ecology and plant geography. 1.4 Dendrology. 1.41 Taxonomy. 1.42 Biology. 1.5 Regional floras and plant description. 1.6 Accessory forest vegetation. 1.61 Cryptogams (forest fungi, etc.). 1.62 Herbs and shrubs. 2 Silviculture. 2.0 General works. 2.1 Arboriculture. 2.2 Silvics. 2.3 Silvicultural systems. 2.30 General works. 2.31 Selection system. 2.32 Clear cutting with artificial reproduction. 2.33 Clear cutting of whole stand with natural reproduction. 2.34 Clear cutting in strips and patches. 2.35 Seed tree systems. 2.36 Shelterwood system. 2.37 Simple coppice. 2.38 Coppice with standards. 2.39 Polewood coppice. ^^A lin{)rovoimMit cuttings. ?>!.U) Cieiiorul works. .'.'.41 C'leMnin<;-s. J.!.4i2 Liberation cuttings, ?,J.W 'rhiiiiiings. ^i.U Diunnj^c cuttings. ^.>.45 Accretion cuttings. ^2 AG Pruning. J^.5 Seeds. i>.() Nursery practice. fi.T Seeding and planting. 2.8 Underplanting. 3 Forest protection. 3.0 General works. 3.1 Fire. 3.2 Animal life. 3.3 Insect life. 3.4 Plant life. 3.5 Shifting sand. 3.6 Climatic influences (frosts, wind, hail, floods, etc.). 3.7 Smoke and gases. 3.8 Trespass. 4 Lumhering. 4.0 General works. 4.1 Logging. 4.10 General works. 4.11 Logging tools, machinery, labor and animals. 4.12 Methods. 4.13 Land transport — animal and power. 4.14 Water transport. 4.2 Lumber manufacture. 4.20 General works. 4.21 Construction, equipment and arrangement of manufac- turing plants. 4.22 Labor. 4.23 Methods. 4.24 Handling and care of products. 4.3 Special wood manufactures. 4.30 General works. 4.31 Pulp wood industry. 4.32 Cooperage industry. 4.33 Box and crate industry. 4.34 Miscellaneous industries. 4 4.4 Classification, inspection and grades of logs, lumber and other products. 4.5 Markets and business methods. 4.6 Prices of logs, lumber and other products. 4.7 Associations. 4.8 Costs and cost keeping. 5 Forest management. 5.0 General works. 5.1 Mensuration. 5.10 General works. 5.11 Measurement of logs. Log rules. 5.12 Measurement of other forest products. 5.13 Volume tables and taper tables. 5.14 Measurements of standing timber. 5.15 Growth studies. 5.16 Yield tables. 5.2 Engineering. 5.20 General works. 5.21 Land surveying. 5.22 Topographic surveying. 5.23 Maps and map making. 5.24 Reconnoissance of forest areas. 5.25 Road and trail building. 5.26 Bridge construction. 5.27 Telephone construction. 5.28 Buildings and fences. 5.29 Special protective construction works. 5.3 Valuation and finance. 5.30 General works. 5.31 Valuation of forest property. 5.32 Forest finance. 5.33 Damages. 5.4 Regulation. 5.5 Working plans. 5.6 Budget and accounts. 5.7 Organization and administration. 6 Forest technology. 6.0 General works. 6.1 Technical properties of forest products. 6.10 General works. 6.11 Structural. 6.12 Physical. 6.13 Mechanical. 6.14 Chemical. 5 6.S C'oiulitioning of wood. 6.i20 (loncral works. (j.^n Air seasoning. 6.'22 Kiln drying. (j.i>3 Miscellaneous. 6.3 Wood preservation. 6.30 General works. 6.31 Preservatives. 6.3i> jNlethods. 6.33 Plants and apparatus. 6.4 Minor industries. 6.40 General works. 6.41 Naval stores and extracts. 6.42 Destructive distillation. 6.43 Sugar industry. 6.44 Rubber, gums, etc. 6.45 Dj'e-stufFs. 6.46 Tan bark industry. 6.47 Miscellaneous. 7 History and statistics. 7.0 General works. 7.1 History of foreign countries. 7.2 Domestic history. 7.3 Trade statistics. 7.4 Statistics of prices. 7.5 Statistics of costs. 7.6 Statistics of management. 7.7 Statistics of yields. 8 Forest influences. 8.0 General works. 8.1 Climate. 8.2 Soil. 8.3 Water. 8.4 Health. 8.5 Esthetics. 9 Forest policy. 9.0 General works. 9.1 Educational. 9.2 Foreign policies. 9.3 National policy. 9.4 State policies. 9.5 Fire legislation. 9.6 Tax legislation. 9.7 Forest reserves. 5667^ SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, »LOS ANGELES, CALIF. ^^lUBRARYQ^ m^ %ojiivojo>^ <;,OffAllF0/?^ ^OdllVJ-JO"^ .vi,OFCAllF0% vwlOSANCEl^y. o ^TiHDNvsoi^ '^/saaAiNnj^v' OS ^LOSANCElfj> 'saiAJNa-awv ^^Aavaan-^ ^ ■^/SWAINfl-aUV ^OFCAIIFO%, ^OFCAtlF0% :^ >— 'I I- I*" ^^AHViiail-l^ :lOSANCEli-j> :10SAKCEL^;^ -55MUBRARY^/t ^UIBRARYOr iaaAwnav^^ \^\m^\^ ^^m\m\^ ^OFCAllFOi?;l^ j^OF-CAllFOff^ 5MEUNIVERS/A o ^lOSANCElfx> 3 %a3AINn-3WV^ ^10S|ANCEI^^ f \Bl f>^l f(TEI . l^""'<^'^"yulCMun„„ |„. ,., L 006 850 402 6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 162 739 5 '<::rm:y-jm^