UC-NRLF B H EMT Ebfl '<■>?•. 32. T R E A/1' i ■/*■> &**£*£ i VTH ?M A/JTCAX INSTRUMENTS. i :. J". IIFaTHEI A George Davidson Professor of Geoj-raphy University of Calif ofni 4 ^trr^ Murrey AJ and e be opened to the > s± ■* lengths of the lines upon a drawing, the points a and b will prick off a copy with the lines enlarged in the proportions of 2 to 1, 3 to 1, 4 to 1, &c. To inscribe in a Circle a regular Polygon of any number of Sides from C to 20. — The line across the slider being set to any number on the scale of circles, and the points a and b being opened to the length of any radius, the points d and e will prick off a polygon of that number of sides, in the circle described with this radius ; thus, if the line across the slider be set to the division marked 12 on the scale of cir- cles, and a. circle be described with the radius a b, d e will be the chord of a -Jg th part of the circumference, and will prick off a regular polygon of 12 sides in it. To reduce or enlarge the Area of a Drawing. — The numbers upon the scale of plans are the squares of the ratios of the lengths of the opposite ends of the compasses, when the line across the slider is set to those numbers ; and, the distances between the points being in the same ratio as the lengths of the corresponding ends (Euc. vi. prop. 4), the areas of the drawings, and of the several parts of the drawings, pricked off by these points, will have to one another the ratio of ] to the number upon the scale of plans to which the instrument is set (Euc. vi. props. 19, 20; and xii. prop. 2). Thus, if the line across the slider be set to 4 on the scale of plans, the distance between the points a and r. will be twice as great as the distance between d and e ; and, if a and b be opened out to the lengths of the several lines of a drawing, d and e will prick off a copy occupying Jth the area ; if the line across the MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. slides be set to 5 on the same scale, the distances between the points will be in the ratio of 1 to \/5, and the area of the copy pricked off by the points D and E will be 4-th of the area of the drawing, of which the lines are taken off by a and b • conversely, if the lines of the drawing be taken off by the points d and e, the points a and b will prick off a copy, of which the area will be 4 times or 5 times as great, according as the line across the slider is set to the division marked 4 or 5 on the scale. To take the Square Root of a Number. — Tbe line across the slider being set to the number upon the scale of plans, open the points a and b to take the number from any scale of equal parts (see page 9), then the points d and e applied to the same scale of equal parts will take the square root of tbe number. Thus, to take the square root of 3, set the line across the slider to 3, open out the compasses, till a and b take off 3 from any scale of equal parts, and the points d and e will take off 1.73, which is the square root of 3 from the same scale of equal parts. A mean proportional between two num- bers, being the square root of their product, may be found by multiplying the numbers together, and then taking tbe square root of the product in the manner explained above. The numbers of the scale of solids are the cubes of the ratios of the lengths of the opposite ends of the compasses, when the line across the slider is set to those numbers ; so that, when this line is set to the division marked 2 upon the scale of solids, the distance between the points a and b will give the side of a solid of double tbe content of that, of which a like side is given by the distance of the points d and e when the line is set to 3, the respective distances of the points will give the like sides of solids, the contents of which will be in the proportion of 3 to 1 ; and so on. The Cube Root of a given number may be found by setting the line across the slider to tbe number upon the scale of solids, and, opening the points A, b, to take off the number upon any scale of equal parts, the points D, e, will then take off the required cube root from the same scale. THE TRIANGULAR COMPASSES. One of the best forms of these instruments is represented in the annexed figure, abc is a solid tripod, having at the extremity of the three arms three limbs, ■ l P» N j ' i --- | * " b| c-. eo N J rj c - N - SCALES OF EQUAL PARTS. 1 1 one of the subdivisions on the lowest line, is equal (Euc. vi. prop. 4) to one-tenth of a subdivision on the second line, to two-tenths of a subdivision on the third, and so on ; so that this, and consequently each of the other diagonal lines, as it reaches each successive parallel, separates further from the perpendicular through the zero point by one-tenth of the ex- tent of a subdivision, or one-hundredth of the extent of a pri- mary division. Our figure represents tbe two diagonal scales which are usually placed upon the plane scale of six inches in length. In one, the distances between the primary divisions are each half an inch, and in the other a quarter of an inch. The parallel next to the figures numbering these divisions must be considered the highest or first parallel in each of these scales to accord with the above description. The primary divisions being taken for units, to set off the numbers 5*74 by the diagonal scale. Set one foot of the compasses on the point where the fifth parallel cuts the eighth diagonal line, and extend the other foot to the point where the same parallel cuts the sixth vertical line. The primary divisions being reckoned as tens, to take off the number 46-7. Extend the compasses from the pointwhere the eighth parallel cuts the seventh diagonal to the point where it cuts the fifth vertical. The primary divisions being hundreds, to take off the number 253. Extend the compasses from the point where the fourth parallel cuts the sixth diagonal to the point where it cuts the third vertical. Now, since the first of the parallels, of the diagonals, and of the verticals indicate the zero points for the third, second, and first figures respectively, the second of each of them stands for, and is marked, 1, the third, 2, and so on, and we have the following General Rule. — To take off any number to three places of figures upon a diagonal scale. On the parallel indicated by the third figure, measure from the diagonal indicated by the second figure to the vertical indicated by the first. Vernier Scales. — The nature of these scales will be under- stood from their construction. To construct a vernier scale, which shall enable us to take off a number to three places of figures : divide all the primary divisions into tenths, and number these subdivisions, 1, 2, 3, &c, from the left hand towards the right throughout the whole extent of the scale. Take off now, with the compasses, eleven of these subdi- visions, set the extent off backwards from the end of the first 12 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. primary division, and it will reach beyond the beginning of this division, or zero point, a distance equal to one of the sub- divisions. Now divide the extent thus set off into ten equal parts, marking the divisions on the opposite side of the divided line to the strokes marking the primary divisions and the subdivisions, and number them 1,2,3, &c, backwards from right to left. Then, since the extent of eleven subdivisions has been di- vided into ten equal parts, so that these ten parts exceed by one subdivision the extent of ten subdivi- sions, each one of these equal parts, or, as it may be called, one division of the vender scale, exceeds one of the subdivisions by a tenth part of a subdivision, or a hundredth part of a primary division. In our figure the distances between the primary divisions are each one inch, and, consequently, the distances be- tween the subdivisions are each one-tenth of an inch, and the distances between the divisions of the vernier scale each one-tenth and one-hundredth of an inch. To take off the number 253 from this scale. In- crease the first figure 2 by 1, making it 3 ; because the vernier scale commences at the end of the first primary division, and the primary divisions are mea- sured from this point, and not from the zero point-. The first thus increased with the second now represents 35 of the subdivisions from the, zero point, from which the third figure, 3, must be subtracted, leaving 32 ; since three divisions of the vernier scale will contain three of these subdivisions, together with three-tenths of a subdivision. Place, then, one point of the compasses upon the third division of the vender scale, and extend the other point to the 32nd sub- division, or the second division beyond the 3rd pri- mary division, raid laving down the distance be- tween the points of the compass, it will represent 253, or 25 - 3, or 253, according as the primary divi- sions are taken as hundreds, tens, or units. General Bide. — To take off any number to three places of figures upon this vernier scale. Increase the first figure by one ; subtract the third figure from the second, borrowing one from the first increased figure, if ne- * If the vernier scale were placed to the left of the zero point, a distance less than one primary division could not always be found upon the scale. SCALES OF EQUAL PARTS. 13 cessary, and extend the compasses from the division upon the vernier scale, indicated by the third figure, to the subdivi- sion indicated by the number remaining after performing the above subtraction. Suppose it were required to take off the number 253 - 5. By extending the compasses from the third division of the vernier scale to the 32nd subdivision, the number 253 is taken off, as we have seen. To take off, therefore, 253-5, the com- passes must be extended from one of these points to a short distance beyond the other. Again, by extending the com- passes from the 4th division of the vernier scale to the 31st subdivision, the number 254 would be taken off. To take off 253 - 5, then, the compasses must be extended from one of these points to within a short distance of the other; and by setting the compasses so that, when one point of the compasses is set successively ou the 3rd and 4th division of the vernier scale, the other point reaches as far beyond the 32nd subdivision as it falls short of the 31st, the number 253-5 is taken off. If the excess in one case be twice as great as the defect in the other, the distance represents the number 253|, or 253-66 ; and if the excess be half the defect, the distance represents 253£, or 253-33. Thus distances may be set off with an accurately-constructed scale of this kind to within the three- hundredth part of a primary division, unless these divisions be themselves very small. We are not aware that a scale of this kind has been put upon the plain scales sold by any of the instrument makers ; but, during the time occupied in plotting an extensive survey, the paper which receives the work is affected by the changes which take place in the hygrometrical state of the air, and the parts laid down from the same scale, at different times, will not exactly correspond, unless this scale has been first laid down upon the paper itself, and all the divisions have been taken from the scale so laid down, which is always in the same state of expansion as the plot. For plotting, then, an extensive survey, and accurately filling in the ininutise, a diagonal, or vernier scale may advantageously be laid down upon the paper upon which the plot is to be made. A vernier scale is preferable to a diagonal scale, because in the latter it is ex- tremely difficult to draw the diagonals with accuracy, and we have no check upon its errors ; while in the former the uniform manner in which the strokes of one scale separate from those of the other is some evidence of the truth of both*. * In Mr. Bird's celebrated scale, by means of which he succeeded in di- 14 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. ON THE PROTRACTING SCALES. The nature of these scales will be understood from the following construction (plate I, fig. 1): With centre o, and radius o a, describe the circle abcd; and through the centre o draw the diameters a c, and b d, at right angles to each other, which will divide the circle into four quadrants, a b, b c, c d, aud B a. Divide the quadrant c d into nine equal parts, each of which will contain ten degrees, and these parts may again be subdivided into degrees, and, if the circle be sufficiently large, into minutes. Set one foot of the compasses upon c, and transfer the di- visions in the quadrant c b to the right line c b, and we shall have a scale of chords*. From the divisions in the quadrant c b, draw right lines parallel to B o, to cut the radius o c, and, numbering the divi- sions from o, towards c, we shall have a scale of sines. If the same divisions be numbered from c, and continued to a, we shall have a scale of versed sines. From the centre o, draw right lines through the divisions of the quadrant c b, to meet the line c t, touching the circle at c, and, numbering from c, towards t, we shall have a scale of tangents. Set one foot of the compasses upon the center o, and transfer the divisions in c t into the right line o s, and we shall have a scale of secants. Pdght lines, drawn from a to the several divisions in the quadrant c b, will divide the radius o b iuto a line of semi- tangents, or tangents of half the angles indicated by the numbers ; and the scale may be continued by continuing the divisions from the quadrant c b, through the quadrant b a, viding, with greatly-improved accurac)', the circles of astronomical instru- ments, the inches are divided into tenths, as in the scale described in the text, and 100 of these tenths are divided into 100 parts for the vernier scale. * We give the constructions in the text to show the nature of the scales ; hut in practice a scale of chords is most accurately constructed by values computed from tabulated arithmetical values of sines, which computed values are set off from a scale of equal parts ; ami the circle is divided most accurately by means of such computed chords. The limits of our work forbid our entering further upon this interesting subject. All the other scales will also be most accurately constructed from computed arithmetical values, taken off by means of the beam compasses hereafter described, and corrected bv the aid of a good Bird's vernier scale. THOTEACTING SCALES. 15 and drawing right lines from a, through these divisions, to meet the radius o D, produced. Divide the quadrant A d into eight equal parts, subdivide each of these into four equal parts, and, setting one foot of the compasses upon a, transfer these divisions to the right line A d, and we shall have a scale of rhumbs. Divide the radius a o into 60 equal parts, and number them from o towards a ; through these divisions draw right lines parallel to the radius o b, to meet the quadrant a b ; and, with one foot of the compasses upon a, transfer these divisions from the quadrant to the right line a b, and we shall have a scale of longitudes. Place the chord of 6*0°, or radius*, between the radii o c and o b, meeting them at equal distances from the center; di- vide the quadrant c b into six equal parts, for intervals of hours, subdividing each of these parts into 12 for intervals of 5 minutes, and further subdividing for single minutes if the circle be large enough; and from the center o draw right lines to the divisions and subdivisions of the quadrant, inter- secting the chord or radius placed in the quadrant, and we shall have a scale of hours. Prolong the touching line t c to l ; set off the scale of sines from c to l; draw right lines from the center o to the divisions upon c L, and from the intersections of these lines with the quadrant c b draw right lines parallel to the radius o c, to meet the radius o b, and we shall have a scale of latitudes f. Corresponding lines of hours and latitudes may also be con structed (as represented in our figure) more simply, and on a scale twice as large as by the preceding method, as follows: — With the chord of 45° set off from b to e, and again from b to f, we obtain a quadrant e f bisected in b ; and, the chord of 60° or radius being set off from a, c, f, and e, this quadrant is divided into six equal parts. From the center o, draw straight lines through these divisions to meet the line touching the circle at b, and we shall have the line of hours. From the point d, draw right lines through the divisions upon the line of sines o c, to meet the circumference b c, and * Chord of 60° is equal to radius. Euc. book iv. prop. 15, Cor. f The line of latitudes is a line of sines, to radius equal the whole length of the line of hours, of the angles, of which the tangents are equal to the sines of the latitudes. The middle of the hour line being numbered for three o'clock, the divisions for the other hours are found by setting off both ways from the middle the tangents of n. 15°, n. being the number of hours from three o'clock, that is, one for two o'clock and four o'clock, two for one o'clock and five o'clock, and three for twelve o'clock and six o'clock. 16 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. transferring these divisions from B, as a center to the chord B c, we shall have the corresponding line of latitudes. It is not necessary that these scales should all be projected to the same radius ; but those which are used together, as the rhumbs and chords, the chords and longitudes, the sines, tan- gents, secants, and semitangents, and, lastly, the hours and latitudes, must be so constructed necessarily. In the accom- panying diagram (plate 1, fig 2) we have laid down the hours and latitudes to a radius equal to the whole length of the scale, the other lines being laid down to the radius used in the fore- going construction. The Line of Chords is used to set off an angle, or to measure an angle already laid down. 1st. To set of an angle, which shall contain d° from the point a. in the straight line a b. Open the compasses to the extent of 60° upon the line of chords, which equals the radius to which this line has been laid down (Euc. iv. prop. 15, Cor.), and, setting one foot upon a, with this extent describe an arc cutting a b in b ; then, taking the extent of d° from the same line of chords, set it off from b to c ; and, join- ing a c, b a c is the angle required. Thus to set off an angle of 41°, having described the arc b c, as directed, with one foot of tbe compasses on b, and the extent of 41° on the line of chords, intersect b c in c, and join a c. 2nd. To measure the angle contained by the straight lines a b and a c already laid down. Open the compasses to the ex- tent of Gl» a on the line of chords, as before, and with this ra- dius describe the arc b c, cutting a b and a c, produced, if necessary, in the points b and c ; then, extending the com- passes from b to c, place one point of the compasses on the beginning, or zero point, of the line of chords, and the other point will extend to the number upon this lino, indicating the degrees in the angle bac. If, lor instance, this point fall on the 41st division, or the first division beyond that marked 40 in the figure (plate 1. fig, 2), tbe angle B a c will contain 41°. The Line of Rhumbs is a scale of the chords of the angles of deviation from the meridian denoted by the several points and quarter points of the compass, enabling the navigator. without computation, to lay down or measure a ship's course upon a chart. Thus, supposing the ship's course to be riJOTRACTING SCALES. 17 N.N.E. J E. Through the point a, repre- senting the ship's place upon the chart, draw the meridian a b, and with center a and distance equal to the extent of 00° upon the line of chords describe an arc cutting a b in b ; then on the line of rhumbs take the extent to the third subdivision beyond the division marked 2, because N.N.E. is the second point of the compass from the north, and with one foot of the compasses on b describe an arc intersecting b c in c : join a c, and the angle b a c will represent the ship's course. On the other hand, if a ship is to be sailed from the point a to a point on the line a c on a chart, draw the meridian a b, describe the arc b c with radius equal to chord of 60°, as before, and the extent from b to c, applied to the line of rhumbs, will give 2 pts. 3 qrs., de- noting that the ship must be sailed by the compass N.N.E. £ E. The Line of Longitudes shows the number of equatorial miles in a degree of longitude on the parallels of latitude in- dicated by the degrees on the corresponding points of the line of chords. Example. — A ship in latitude 60° N. sailing E. 79 miles, required the difference of longitude between the beginning and end of her course. Opposite 60 on the line of chords stands 30 on the line of longitudes, which is, therefore, the number of equatorial miles in a degree of longitude at that latitude. Hence, as 30 : 79 : : 60 : 158 miles, the required difference of longitude. The Lines of Sines, Secants, Tangents, and Semitangents are principally used for the several projections, or perspective representations, of the circles of the sphere, by means of which maps are constructed. Thus, the meridians and paral- lels of latitude being projected, the countries intended to be represented are traced out according to their respective situations and extent, the position of every point being deter- mined by the intersection of its given meridian and parallel of latitude. The plane upon which the circles are to be delineated is called the primitive, and the circumference of a circle, de- scribed with a radius, representing, upon the reduced scale of the drawing, the radius of the sphere, is called the circum- ference of the primitive. Lines, drawn from all the points of the circles to the eye, by their intersection with the primitive form the projection. 18 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. When the eye is supposed to be infinitely distant, so that the lines of vision are parallel to one another and perpendi- cular to the primitive, the projection is called orthographic. When the primitive is a tangent plane to the sphere, and the eye is supposed to be at the center of the sphere, the projec- tion is called gnomonic. When the eye is supposed to be at the surface of the sphere, and the primitive to pass through the center, so as to have the eye in its pole, the projection is called stereographic. The projection is further termed equatorial, meridional, or horizontal, according as the primitive coincides with, or is parallel to, the equator, or the meridian or horizon of any place. To delineate the Orthographic Projection of the Circles of the Terrestrial Sphere upon the Plane of the Meridian of any place. — With a radius according to the contemplated scale of the pro- jection, describe the circle w n e s for the circumference of the pri- mitive, and draw the vertical and horizontal diameters n s and w e, which will be the projections of a meridian perpendicular to the pri- mitive, and of the equator, respect- ively. Take out from the line of sines the sines of the latitudes through which the parallels are to be drawn, and, reducing these sines to the radius of the pri- mitive-, set off these reduced distances both ways from the center upon the line n s ; and also both ways from the center upon the line w e, for the sines of the angles which the meridians, to be drawn at the same intervals as the parallels, make with the meridian n s. Through the divisions thus set off, upon the line n s draw straight lines parallel to w e, and such straight lines will be the projections of the several parol lels of latitude, which are to be numbered to 90, from the equator to either pole for the latitudes. With distances from the center to the divisions set off upon w e as semi-minor axes, and the distance from c to n or s, equal to radius of primitive, * If the proportional compasses be set in the proportion of the sine 90° 00 the line of sines to the radius of the primitive, one pair of points will give, reduced to this radius, the sines taken oil" by the other pair of points, The manner of taking from the sector a sine to any radius will be hereafter pointed PROJECTION OF THE SPHERE. 10 as a common major axis, describe semi-ellipses *, and they will be the projections of the several meridians, which are to be numbered either way from the first meridian for the longitudes. In the figure the primitive coincides with the plane of the meridian of a place in 30° west longitude, or 150° east longi- tude, the sum of these two being 180°, as must always be the case. To delineate the Gnomonic Projection of the Circles of the Terrestrial Sphere upon a Plane parallel to the Equator. — In this case the meridians will all be projected into straight lines, making the same angles one with another that their originals do on the surface of the sphere ; the projection of the pole will be the center of the primitive, and the projections of the parallels of lati- tude will be circles de- scribed from the pro- jection of the pole, as center, with distances equal to the tangents of the respective co- latitudes reduced to the radius of the primitive. The parallel of 45° will, therefore, coincide with the circumference of the primitive; the parallels of latitudes greater than 45° will lie within the primitive; and for latitudes less than 45° the paral- lels will fall without the primitive, the radii of their projec- tions increasing as the latitude decreases, until the radius for projecting the equator becomes infinite. Describe, then, a * These semi-ellipses may be thus de- scribed. From any point p upon the straight edge of a piece of paper set off p c equal to the major axis, and p b equal to the minor axis : then move the paper into various positions, but so that the point c may always be upon the line w e, and the point p upon the line N S, and the point p will, in every such position, coin- cide with a point in the required ellipse. 20 MATHEMATICAL INSTKUUENTS. circle for the primitive : draw straight lines radiating from its center, and equally inclined one to another for the projections of equidistant meridians; and number them to 180 both ways from the first meridian for the longitudes. With the tan- gents of the colatitudes, taken at intervals equal to the angle between two successive meridians, and reduced to the radius of the primitive, as distances, describe from the center of the primitive concentric circles ; and number them 90 to 45 from the pole to the primitive for the latitudes, continuing the gra- duation beyond for the lower latitudes. The gnomonic projection affords a good representation of the polar regions, but all places in latitudes lower than 60° appear greatly distorted. The gnomonic projection enlarges the representations of places at a distance from the center of projection beyond their proportionate true dimensions ; and the orthographic, on the contrary, unduly contracts them; while both are adapted for representing best the countries at only a moderate distance from the center of projection. To delineate the Stereographic Projection of the "Circles of the Terrestrial Sphere upon the Horizon of anyplace. — With radius determined upon describe a circle for the primitive, and draw its vertical and horizontal diameters, n s and w e, which will be the projections of the meridian of the place and of the prime vertical respectively. From the center c set off upon the radius c s, produced, if necessary, the distance c A, equal to the tangent of the latitude of the place reduced to the radius of the primitive ; and with center a and distance a w or a e describe the circle w n e, which will be the projec- tion of the meridian at right angles to n s, the meridian of the place ; and, consequently, n will be the projection of the pole. Through a draw the right line a b at right angles to a c, and another line a d making any convenient angle with a b, and, setting off a d equal to the radius of the primi- tive, and a d equal to the sine of the colatitude, taken from the line of sines, join B i>. Now take from the line of tan- gents the angles which the other meridians to be drawn are to make with the meridian w N E, or the complements of the angles which they are to make with N s, and set them off both ways from a upon the line a d; through each of the divisions l, thus found, draw L o, parallels to n n, and we have at o the centers of the circles for describing the meri- dians*. With centers o and distances o n, describe the r cot. L * The distance AO — r where r represents the radius of the pri- FROJECTION OF THE SPHERE. 21 "N meridians, and number them to T80, both ways, from the first meridian, for the longi- tudes. For a parallel through any given lati- tude, take the difference of the complement of the given lati- tude and of the colatitude of the place from the fine of semi- tangents, and, having reduced it to the radius of the primitive, £ "V-j^ set it off at r • | from c towards • j n for latitudes ,' ! greater than the ; ! latitude of the .' ; place, and from : > c towards s for :' latitudes less ; ; than the lati- fc ,:' ' tude of the " place : — again, take the sum of the complement of the given latitude and of the colatitude of the place from the line of semitan gents, and set it off at s from c upon c n produced : then the circle described upon r s* as diameter will be the parallel required. Draw these parallels for intervals of latitude equal to the angles made by two successive meridians, and number them 90 to from the pole N for the north latitudes, and again in- creasing from on the other side of the equator for the south mitive, I the latitude of the place, arid L the angle at which the meridian is inclined to the meridian of the place. * Diameter of parallel = r tan. \(c — S) + r tan. l z (c + i) where = colatitude of place, and 5 = colatitude of parallel. 22 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. latitudes, if the place be in north latitude — or the converse, if the place he in south latitude. Tbe practical application of the preceding methods of pro- jection is usually confined to the representation of an entire hemisphere, or at least of a considerable portion of a sphere ; but for laying down smaller portions of the sphere the method of development may be advantageously adopted. In this me- thod the portion of the sphere to be represented is considered as coincident with a portion of a cone, touching the sphere in a circle which is the middle parallel of latitude of the country to be represented, and this portion of the cone when developed forms a portion of a sector of a circle. To lay down the meridians and parallels of latitude for this development. 1. Take a straight line, b c a, for the middle meridian of the intended map, and divide it into equal parts, to represent degrees and minutes of latitude according to the scale determined upon for the map. 2. From one of these divisions, a, which is conveniently situated to form the center of the map, set off from a to c the cotangent of the middle latitude, reduced to a radius equal to 57-3 of the divisions pre- viously marked off as degrees, or to 3438 of those marked off as minutes. 3. With c as a center and radius c A, describe the arc d a e for the middle parallel of latitude, and divide it into equal parts to represent ,_ degrees and minutes of longi- tude, the lengths of these parts having, to the lengths of the parts previously set off on the meridian for degrees and minutes of latitude, the ratio cosine of middle latitude : ra- dius. 4. With c as center, describe concentric arcs, through the divisions on c e, for the parallels of lati- tude ; and draw straight lines, D radiating from c, through the divisions on d a e for the me- ridians. In our figure the middle latitude is 55°; a b is equal to the length of 573°, or the radius of the sphere; 4C CONSTRUCTION OF DIALS. 23 A c is equal to the cotangent of 55, or the tangent of 35 reduced to this radius; and c, consequently, is the center for describing the parallels, and the radiating point for the meridians. In drawing a map of small extent, it is usual to make all the meridians and parallels of latitude straight lines ; and to make the extreme parallels, and the meridian passing through the center of the map, proportional to their real magnitude. Another and more exact method is to make the meridian passing through the center of the map, and all the parallels of latitude, straight lines, as in the last method. Then all the degrees on each of the parallels are made proportional to their magnitude, and the lines passing through the corresponding f>oints of division on the parallels •will represent the meri- dians. These will be curved lines, and not straight, as in the last method. This is usually called Flam stead's- Projection, as it was first used by that astronomer in constructing his '• Celestial Atlas:" and it is extremely useful in geographical maps for countries lying on both sides of the equator. A considerable improvement of this method, for countries of large extent, is to represent all the parallels of latitude by concentric circles, according to the principles of the conical development; and then to layoff the degrees on each parallel, proportional to their magnitude *, and draw lines through the corresponding divisions of these parallels to represent the meridians. This delineation, perhaps, will give the dif- ferent parts of a map of some extent in as nearly their due proportions as the nature of the case will admit. We will now briefly explain the manner of con- structing some of the simplest dials by means of the dialling scales. To construct a Horizontal Dial. — Draw on your dial plate two parallel * That is, the degrees on each parallel must have to a degree of latitude the ratio of radius : cosine of the latitude of the parallel. 24 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. lines, a b, c d, as a double meridian line, at a distance apart equal to the thickness of the intended style, or gnomon Intersect them at right angles by another line, ef, called the six o'clock line. From the scale of latitudes take the latitude of the place with the compasses, and set that extent from cto e and from a to f on the six o'clock line, and then, taking the whole of six hours between the parts of the compasses from the scale, with this extent set one foot in the point e, and with the other intersect the meridian line c d at d. Do the same from/ to b, and draw the right lines e d and/ b, which are of the same lengths as the scale of hours. Place one foot of the compasses on the beginning of the scale, and, extending the other to any hour on the scale, lay these extents off from d to e for the afternoon hours, and from b to f for the forenoon. In the same manner the quarters or minutes may be laid down, if required. The edge of a ruler being now placed on the point c, draw the first five afternoon hours from that point through the marks on the line d e, and continue the lines of 4 and 5 through the center c to the other side of the dial for the like hours of the morning. Lastly, lay a ruler on the point a, and draw the last five forenoon hours through the marks on the line/ b, continuing the hour lines of 7 and 8 through the center a to the other side of the dial, for the evening hours, and figure the hours to the respective lines. To make the Gnomon. — From the line of chords, always placed on the same dialling scale, take the extent of 60°, and describe from the center a the arc g n. Then with the extent of the latitude of the place, suppose Lon- don, 51|°, taken from the same line of chords, set one foot in n, and cross the arc with the other at g. From the center at a draw the line a g for the axis of the gnomon a g i, and from g let fall the perpendi- cular g i upon the horizontal meri- dian line a n, and there will be formed a triangle a g i. A plate or triangular frame similar to this triangle, and of the thickness of tin.' interval of the parallel lines ac and b d, being now made and set upright between them, touching at a and b, its hypothenuse or axis a g will be parallel to the axis of the earth when the dial is fixed truly, and will cast its hhadow on the hour of the clay. CONSTRUCTION OF LOGABITHMIC, OR GUNTERS LINES. 25 To make an erect South Dial.— Take the complement of the latitude of the place, which for Lon- don is 90° less 5U = 3 S^ from the scale of latitudes, and proceed in all other respects for the hour lines, as ahove, for the hori- zontal dial ; only re- versing the hours, and limiting them to the 7 ; and for the gnomon making the angle of the style's height equal to the colatitude 38J. To construct an East or West Dial. — Draw the two meridian Hues as before, and intersect it at right angles by another line, upon which set off, from the meri- dian lines, the tangents of 15°, 30°, 45°, &c, for every 15°, re- duced to a radius equal to the intended height of the style. The hour lines are to be drawn through the divisions thus marked, parallel to the meridian lines, and the meridian lines themselves are six o'clock hour lines. The gnomon is a plate in the form of a parallelogram, the breadth of which forms the height of the style or gnomon, and must be equal to the radius to which the tangents have been set off on the dial plate. It is set up between the meridian lines, perpendicular to the dial plate ; and the dial is set up, so that the meridian lines, and consequently the edge of the gnomon, may be parallel to the earth's axis. As the sun only shines on the dial during half the day, if the dial fronts the east, it points out the time from sun- rise'to noon, or, if the dial fronts the west, from noon to night. gdnter's lines. These lines are graduated so as to form a scale of the loga- rithms of numbers, sines, and tangents ; to which are some- times added, for the use of the navigator, lines of the loga- rithms of the sine rhumbs and tangent rhumbs. They may be constructed as follows : — 1. To construct the Line of Logarithmic Numbers marked N o 2G MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. — Having fixed upon a convenient length for the entire scale, which must be exactly equal to the length of twenty of the primary divisions of the diagonal or vernier scale, or ot the beam compasses (p. 48), by which it is to be divided, bisect it, and figure it 1 at the commencement on the left hand, 1 again in the middle, and 10 at the end. The half line, then, is taken for unity, or the logarithm of 10, and, consequently, the whole line represents 2, or the logarithm of 100. The lengths corresponding to the three first figures of the loga- rithms of 2, 3, &c, up to 9, as found in the common table of logs., may now be taken off from the diagonal scale, or the length corresponding to four or even five figures may be osti- mated upon a vernier scale, or upon the beam compasses, if the scale be not less than twenty inches in length. These lengths are to be set off from the 1 at the commencement of the line for the logarithms of 2, 3, &c., to 9, and again from the 1 at the middle of the line for the logarithms of 20, 30, &c, to 90. The divisions thus formed are to be subdivided by setting off, in the same manner, the three, four, or five first figures of the logarithms of Tl, 1'B, 1'8, &c., to 1*9 ; of 21, 2-2, 2-3, &c, to 2-9, and so on, each of the primary divi- sions being thus subdivided into ten ; and these again are to bo subdivided each into ten, or five, or two, as the length of the secondary divisions may admit, by setting off the loga- rithms of 111, 1-12, IIS, &c; or of M2, 1-14, &o.; or of T15, T25, &c; and the scale is completed. iQ 7|3 [-" ; ' t £ 3J2__ " : rniMii|iij|TTrOi] I' 1 j' 1- \ II Note One acute angle of a right-angled triangle being the complement of the other, or the sum of the two acute angles being y equal to 90 J , when one of the acute angles / is given, the other is also given. / Solution. — Extend the compass S from 90°, or radius, on the line of \ X !c sines to the number of degrees in either of the acute angles, and that extent will reach back wards, on the line of numbers, from the hypothenuse to the side opposite this angle. Example. — Given the hypothenuse ab = 250, and the angle a = 35° 30'. 90° 0' Extend from 90° to 35° 30' on the line of sines, and BAC = 35 30 this extent will reach from 250 to 145 on the line of abc = 54 30 numbers '. bo = 145 Extend from 90° to 54° 30' on the line of sines, and this extent will reach from 250 to 203 - 5 on the line of numbers \ ao = 203'5 Case 2. The angles, and one side being given, to find the hypothenuse, and the other side. Solution. — Extend from the angle opposite the given side to 90°, or radius, on the line of sines, and this extent will reach forwards from the given side to the hypothenuse on the line of numbers. Again, extend from the angle opposite the«given side to the angle opposite the required side, and this extent will reach in the same direction on the line of numbers, from the given side to the required side. Or, extend from ratlins, or 45°, on the line of tangents, to the angle opposite the re- quired side, and the extent will reach, in the same direction on the line of numbers, from the given side to the required side; recollecting that, when the angle is greater than 45°, the ex- tent is to be taken on the scale backwards from rad. or 45° to the complement of the angle, but is to be reckoned a forward dis- tance, the logarithmic tangents of angles greater than 45° ex- ceeding the logarithmic tangents of 45°, or radius, by as much as the logarithmic tangents of their complements fall short of it. Examine. — Given the angle a = 35° 30' and side ac = 203 - 5. 90° 0' Extend from 54° 30' to 90°, or rad., upon the line of sines, BAC = 35_30 and this extent will reach forwards from 203'5 to 250 abc = 54 30 on the line of numbers •. ab=-250 Again, extend fiom 54° 30' backwards to 35° 30', on the line of sines, and this extent will reach backwards from 203*5 to 145 on the line of numbers .'. BC = 145 Or extend backwards from 45°, rad., to 35° 30' on the line of tangents, 32 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. and this extent will reach backwards from 203'5 to 145 on the line of num- bers, as before *. Case 3. The hypothenuse and one side being given, to find the angles and the other side. Solution. — Extend from the hypothenuse to the given side on the line of numbers, and this extent will reach from 90 or rad. to the angle opposite the given side upon the line of sines. The other angle is the complement of this. Extend upon the line of sines from the rad. to the angle last found, which is opposite the required side, and this extent will reach from the hypothenuse to the required side. Example. — Given the hypothenuse AB = 250, and the side A.c={203*5. Extend backwards from 250 to 203 - 5 on the line of num- bers, and this extent will reach from 90° to 54° 30' on 90° 0' the line of sines \ A B C = 54 30 Extend from 90 to 35° 30' on the line of sines, and this bac = 35 30 extent will reach backwards from 250 to 145 on the line of numbers \ BC = 145 Case 4. The two sides being given, to find the angles and the hypothenuse. Solution. — Extend from one side to the other upon the line of numbers, and this extent will reach backwards upon the line of tangents from rad. to the least angle, and to the same point, considered as a forward distance, representing the greatest angle, which is the complement of the least. Again, extend on the line of sines from one of the angles just found to rad., and this extent will reach from the side opposite the angle taken to the hypothenuse. Example. — Given ac=203 - 5 and bc = 145. Extend backwards upon the line of numbers from 2035 to 145, and this extent will reach backwards from 45° to 35° 30' on the line of tangents, which is the angle 90° 0' opposite the side 145 \ BA0 = o5 30 If we measure forwards from 145 w 203 - 5, then from rad. to 35° 30' is to be considered a forward distance, and the angle to be taken as the complement of 35° 30', that is, 54° 30', which is the angle opposite the side 203-5 \ abc = 54 30 Again, extend from 33° 38' to 90° on the line of sines, and this extent will reach from 145 to 250 upon the line of numbers '. A B = 250 * The property that tan. : rad. : : sine : cosine, may be made a test of the accuracy of the scale, since the distance from 45 to any angle upon the line of tangents ought to be the same as the distance from the angle to its complement upon the line of sines. THE SECTOB. 38 TFTE PLAIN SCALE. One of these instruments is represented in the annexed figure, being such a one as is usually supplied with a pocket case of instruments. It is made of ivory, six inches long, and one inch and three quarters broad. On the face of the in- strument represented in the engraving, a protractor is formed round three of its edges for readily setting off angles. In using this protractor, the fourth edge, which is quite plain, with the exception of a single stroke in the middle, is to be made to coincide with the line from which the angle is to be set off, and the stroke in the middle with the point in this line, at which the angle is to be set off; a mark is then to be made with the pricking point, at the point of the paper which coincides with the stroke on the protractor, marked with the number of degrees in the angle required to be drawn ; and, the protractor being now removed, a straight line is to be drawn through the given point in the given line and the point thus pricked off. The instrument has on the same face the two diagonal scales already described (p. 10), and on the opposite face scales of equal parts, and several of the protract- ing scales already described (pp. 14-16), according to the pur- poses to which the scale is to be applied : thus, for laying down an ordinary survey, we merely require scales of equal parts, and a line of chords, and these consequently are all the lines placed on many of the instruments in the pocket cases ; but for projecting maps, lines of sines, tangents and semitan- gents are required ; for dialling, the dialling lines ; and for the purposes of the navigator, the lines of rhumbs, and longitudes, the whole of Gunter's lines already described, and two lines of meridional, and equal parts to be used together in laying down distances, &c, upon Mercator's charts. The plain scale i3 sometimes fitted with rollers, as represented in our engraving, making it at the same time a convenient small parallel rule. THE SEOTOB. This valuable instrument may well be called an universal c 3 M MATHEMATICAL [RSI RUMENTS. scale. By its aid all questions in proportion may be solved ; lines may be divided either equally or unequally into any number of parts that may be desired ; tbe angular functions, viz., chords, sines, tangents, &c., maybe setoff or measured to any radius whatever ; plans and drawings may be reduced or enlarged in any required proportion ; and, in short, every ope- ration in geometrical drawing may be performed by the aid of this instrument and the compasses only. The name sector is derived from the tenth definition of the third Book of Euclid, in which this name is given to the figure contained by two radii of a circle, and the circumference between them. The instrument consists of two equal rulers, called legs, which represent the two radii, moveable about the center of a joint, which center represents the center of the circle. The legs can consequently be opened so as to contain any angle whatever, or completely opened out until their edges come into the same straight line. Sectors are made of different sizes, and their length is usually denominated from that of the legs when shut together. Tbus, a sector of six inches, such as is supplied in the com- mon pocket cases of instruments, forms a rule of twelve inches, when opened ; and this cir- cumstance is taken advantage of, by filling up the spaces not occupied by the sectoral lines with such lines as it is most important to lay down upon a greater length than the six-inch plain scale will admit. Among these the most usual are (1 ) the lines of logarithmic numbers, sines, and tangents already described (pp. 2-">- 28); (2) a scale of 12 inches, in which each inch is divided into ten equal parti; and (3) a foot divided into ten equal primary divisions, each of which is subdivided into ten equal parts, so that the whole is divided into 100 equal parts. The last-mentioned is called the decimal scale, and is placed on the edge of the instrument. The sectoral lines proceed in pairs from the center, one line of each pair on either leg, and are, upon one face of the instrument, a pair of scales of equal parts, called the line of lines, and marked l; a pair of lines of chords, marked c; a pair of lines of secants, marked B ; a pair of lines of polygons, marked tol. DESClllI'TlON OF THE SECTOllAL LINES. 35 Upon the other face, the sectoral lines are — a pair of lines of sines, marked s; a pair of lines of tangents up to 45°, marked t ; and a second line of tangents to a lesser radius, extending from 45° to 75°. Each pair of sectoral lines, except the line of polygons, should be so adjusted as to make equal angles at the center, so that the distances from the center to the corresponding divisions of any pair of lines, and the transverse distance between these divisions, may always form similar triangles. On many instruments, however, the pairs of lines of secants, and of tangents from 45° to 75°, make angles at the center equal to one another, but unequal to the angle made by all the other pairs of lines. The solution of questions on the sector is said to be si/Mple, when the work is begun and ended upon the same pair of lines; compound, when the operation is begun upon one pair of lines and finished upon another. In a compound solution the two pairs of lines used must make equal angles at the center, and, consequently, in the exceptional case mentioned above, the lines of secants and of tangents above 45° cannot be used in connection with the other sectoral lines*. When a measure is taken on any of the sectoral lines be- ginning at the center, it is called a lateral distance ; but, when a measure is taken from any point on one line to its corresponding point on the line of the same denomination on the other leg, it is called a transverse or parallel distance. The divisions of each sectoral line are ., - --.._. contained within three parallel lines, &f-~ 7 C the innermost being the line on which \ / the points of the compasses are to be \ ,. — v y placed, because this is the only line of D V ~/ h the three which goes to the center, and \ / is therefore the sectoral line. \ / On the Principle of the Use of the \ / Sectoral Lines. — 1st. In the case of a \ / Simple Solution. — Let the lines a p, \ / a c represent a pair of sectoral lines, a * Since, however, secant : rad. : : rad. : cosine ; and tangent : rad. : : rad. : cotangent ; the line of sines may be used with the other sectoral lines in place of the line of secants, and the line of tangents less than 45° in place of the line of tan- gents greater than 45°, the complements of the angles being taken upon these lines, in either case, instead of the angles themselves. See page 41. 36 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS- and B c, D e, any two transverse distances taken on this pair of lines ; then, from the construction of the instrument, we have a b equal to a c, and a d equal to a e, so that a b : a c : : a D : a e, and the triangles a b c and a n e have the angle at a common, and the sides about this common angle propor- tional (Euc. vi. prop. 0) ; they are, therefore, similar and — In the case of a compound solution, the angles at a are equal, but not common, and the reasoning is, in all other respects, exactly the same. USES OF THE LINE OF LINES. To find a Fourth Proportional to three given Lines. — Set off from the center a lateral distance equal to the first term, and open the sector till the transverse distance at the division thus found, expressing the first term, is equal to the second term ; again, extend to a point whose lateral distance from the center is equal to the third term, and the transverse distance at this point will be the fourth term required. If the legs of the sector will not open far enough to make the lateral distance of the second term a transverse distance at the division expressing the first term, take any aliquot part of the second term, which can conveniently be made such transverse distance, and the transverse distance at the third term will be the same aliquot part of the fourth proportional required. A third proportional to two given lines is found by taking a third line equal to the second, and finding the fourth pro- portional to the three lines. EzamjjJc. — To find a fourth proportional to the numbers 2, 5, and 10. Open the sector till the lateral distance of the second term 5 becomes the transverse distance at 2, the first term; then the transverse distance at 10 will extend, as a lateral distance, from the center to 25, the fourth proportional required. To bisect a given Straight Line. — Take the extent of the line in the compasses, and open the sector till this extent is a transverse between 10 and 10 on the line of lines: then the transverse distance from 5 to 5, on the same pair of sectoral lines, gives the half of the line, and this extent set off from either end will bisect it. To divide a Straight Line into any Number of > qual Parts. — 1 . When the number of parts are a power of U, the operations USES OF THE SECTORAL LINES o I axe best performed by continual bisection. Thus, let it be required to divide the line a b into sixteen equal parts. 1. Make Ana transverse distance between 10 and 10 on the k i k h 1 — S e~; 7 h 5~~ 10 il ■ ■ in Is 14 k b line of lines ; then take off the transverse distance of 5 and 5, and set it off from a or* b to 8, and a b will be divided into two equal parts at the division 8. 2. Make a 8 a transverse distance at 10, and then the transverse distance at 5, set off from a or* 8 at 4, and from b or* 8 at 12, will divide the line into four equal parts at the divisions 4, 8, and 12. 3. Make the extent a 4 a transverse distance at 10, and the transverse distance at 5 will again bisect each of the parts last set off, and divide the whole line into eight equal parts at the divisions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Each of these may be again bisected by taking the transverse distance at 2i or 25, that is, at the middle division between the 2 and the 3 upon the line of lines, and the line will be divided as required. When the divisions become smaller than can be conve- niently bisected by the method just explained, the operation may still be continued to any required extent by taking the extent of an odd number of the divisions already obtained as the transverse distance of 10 and 10, and setting off the half of this extent, or the transverse distance at 5, from the several divisions already obtained. Thus, in the preceding example, by making the extent of three of the divisions, or five, or seven, a transverse distance at 10, the transverse distance at 5, set off from the several divisions already obtained, will divide a b into 32 equal parts. 2. When the number of parts is not a power of 2, the opera- tions cannot all be performed by bisections ; but still, by a judicious selection of the parts into which the line is first divided, many of the after operations may be performed by bisections. Example. — Let it be required to divide the line A l__4- 4 J { — 4 A ^ J B a n into seven equal parts. • 1. Make the whole extent, a b, a transverse distance between 7 and 7 on the line of lines ; then * Greater accuracy is obtained by setting off the distance from botli ends of the extent to be bisected, and then, in case the two points so found do not accurately coincide, taking the middle point between them, as near as the eye can judge, for the true point of bisection. 3b MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. take off the transverse distance of 4 and 4, and set it off fruiu a and B to 4 and 3. 2. Make this extent from a to 4 a trans- verse distance at 10 ; then the transverse distance at 5 Insects a 4 and 8 B in- 2 and 5 ; set off from 3, gives 1, and from 4 gives G ; and thus the line a b is divided into seven equal parts as required. To open the Sector so that the Line of Lines may answer for any required Scale of equal Parts. — Take one inch in the com- passes, and open the sector, till this extent hecomes a trans- verse distance at the division indicating the number of parts in an inch of the required scale; or, if there be not an inte- gral number of parts in one inch, it will be better to take such a number of inches as will contain an integral number of parts, and make the extent of this number of inches, if it be not too great, a transverse distance at the division indi- cating the number of parts of the required scale in this extent. Example. — To adjust the Sector as a Scale of One Inch to Four Chains. — Make one inch the transverse distance of 4 and 4 ; then the transverse distances of the other correspond- ing divisions and subdivisions will represent the number of chains and links indicated by these divisions : thus, the trans- verse distance from 8 to o will represent three chains ; the transverse distance at 4-7, or the seventh principal subdivi- sion after the primary division marked 4, will represent 1 chaius 70 links, and so on. To construct a Scale of Feet and Indie* in such a manner that an extent of Three Indies shall represent Twenty Inches. — 1. Make three inches a transverse distance between 10 and 10, and the transverse distance of 8 and 8 will represent 10 inches. 2. Set off this extent from a to b, divide it by con- tinual bisection into 10 equal parts, and place permanent strokes to mark the first 12 of these divisions, which will represent inches. 3. Place the figure 1 at the twelfth stroke, and set off again the extent of the whole 12 parts, iVom I to 2, 2 to 3, &c, to represent the feet. As an Example of the Use of the Line of Lines in reducing Lines, let it be required to reduce a drawing in the Proportion of 5 to 8. — Take in the compasses the distance between two points of the drawing, and make it a transverse distance at 8 and 8; then the transverse distance of 5 and 5 will be the distance between the two corresponding points of the copy. 2. These two points having been laid down, make the dis- tance between one of them and a third point a transver lance al 8, and with the transverse distance at 5 describe, from USES OF THE SECTOBAL LINES. 39 that pointas center, a small arc. 3. Repeat the operation with the other point, and the intersection of the two small arcs will give the required position of the third point in the copy. In the same manner all the other points of the reduced copy may be set off, each one from two points previously laid down. LINE OF CHORDS. The double scales of chords upon the sector are more generally useful than the single line of chords described on the plain scale ; for, on the sector, the radius with which the arc is to be described may be of any length between the transverse distance of 60 and 00 when the legs are close, and that of the transverse of 60 and 60 when the legs are opened as far as the instrument will admit of: but, with the chords on the plain scale, the arc described must be always of the same radius. To protract or lay clown a right-lined Angle B A c, which shall contain a given number of Degrees, suppose 46°. — Case 1. When the angle contains less than 60°, make the transverse distance of 60 and 60 equal to the length of the radius of the circle, and with that opening describe the arc B c. (Fig. at page 40.) Take the transverse distance of the given degrees 46, and lay this distance on the arc from the point B to c. From the center a of the arc draw two lines a c, a b, each passing through one extremity of the distance b c laid on the arc ; and these two lines will contain the angle required. Case 2. When the angle contains more than 60°. Suppose, for example, Ave wish to form an angle containing 148°. Describe the arc bcd, and make the transverse distance of 60 and 60 equal the radius as before. Take the transverse distance of \ or \, &c., of the given number of degrees, and lay this distance on the arc twice or thrice, as from b to a, a to h, and from b to r. Draw two lines connecting b to a, and a to d, and they will form the angle required. When the required angle contains less than 5°, sup- pose 3 J- , it will be better to proceed thus. With the given radius, and from the center a, describe the arc d g ; and from some point, D, lay off the chord of 60°, which suppose to give the point g, and also from the same point r> lay off in the same direction the chord of 5T4° ( = 60° — 3^°), which would give the point E 'I hen through these two points E and G, draw 40 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. lines to the point a, and they will represent the angle of 3^° as required. From what has heen said about the protracting of an angle to contain a given number of degrees, it will easily be seen how to find the degrees (or measure) of an angle already laid down. LINE OF POLYGONS. The line of polygons is chiefly useful for the ready division of the circumference of a circle into any number of equal parts from 4 to 12 ; that is, as a ready means to inscribe regular polygons of any given number of sides, from 4 to 12, within a given circle. To do which, set off the radius of the given circle (which is always equal to the side of an inscribed hexagon) as the transverse distance of 6 and 6, upon the line of polygons. Then the transverse distance of 4 and 4 will be the side of a square; the transverse distance between 5 and 5, the side of a pentagon ; between 7 and 7, the side of a heptagon ; between 8 and 8, the side of an octagon ; between and 9, the side of a nonagon, &c, all of which is too plain to require an example. If it be required to form a polygon, upon a given right line set off the extent of the given line, as a transverse dis- tance between the points upon the line of polygons, answering to the number of sides of which the polygon is to consist ; as for a pentagon between 5 and 5; or for an octagon between 8 and 8 ; then the transverse distance between and will be the radius of a circle whose circumference would be divided by the given line into the number of sides required. The line of polygons may likewise be used in describing, upon a given line, an isosceles triangle, whose angles at the base are each double that at the vertex. For, taking the given line between the compasses, open the sector till that extent becomes the transverse distance of 10 and 10, then the transverse distance of and will be the length of each of the two equal sides of the isosceles triangle. All regular polygons, whose number of sides will exactly divide 300 (the number of degrees into which all circles are supposed to be divided) without a remainder, may likewise be set oil' upon the circumference of a circle by the line of chords. USES OF THE SECTORAL LINES. -il Thus, take the radius of the circle between the compasses, and open the sector till that extent becomes the transverse distance between 60 and 00 upon the line of chords ; then, having di- vided 360 by the required number of sides, the transverse distance between the numbers of the quotient will be the side of the polygon required. Thus for an octagon, take the dis- tance between 45 and 45 ; and for a polygon of 36 sides take the distance between 10 and 10, &c. LINES OF SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS. Given the Radius of a Circle (suppose equal to two inches); required the Sine and Tangent of 28° 30' to that Radius. — Open the sector, so that the transverse distance of 90 and 90 on the sines, or of 45 and 45 on the tangents, may be equal to the given radius, viz., two inches; then will the transverse distance of 28° 30', taken from the sines, be the length of that sine to the given radius, or, if taken from the tangents, will be the length of that tangent to the given radius. But, if the Secant of 28° 30' is required, make the given radius of two inches a transverse distance of and 0, at the beginning of the line of secants, and then take the transverse distance of the degrees wanted, viz., 28° 30'. A Tangent greater than 45° (suppose 60°) is thus found: — Make the given radius, suppose two inches, a transverse dis- tance to 45 and 45, at the beginning of the line of upper tan- gents, and then the required degrees (60) may be taken from the scale. The tangent, to a given radius, of any number of degrees greater than 45° can also be taken from the line of lower tan- gents, if the radius can be made a transverse distance to the complement of those degrees on this line (see note, page 35). Example. — To find the tangent of 78° to a radius of two inches. Make two inches a transverse distance at 12 on the lower tangents, then the transverse distance of 45 will be the tangent of 78°. In like manner the secant of any number of degrees may be taken from the sines, if the radius of the circle can be made a transverse distance to the complement of those degrees upon this line. Thus making two inches a transverse distance to the sine of 12°, the transverse distance of 90 and 90 will be the secant of 78°. To find, by means of the lower tangents and sines, the de- grees answering to a given line, greater than the radius which expresses the length of a tangent or secant to a given radius. 42 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. For a tangent, make the given line a transverse distance at 45 on the lower tangents ; then take the extent of the given radius, and apply it to the lower tangents ; and the comple- ment of the degrees at which it hecomes a transverse distance will ho the number of degrees required. For a secant make the given line a transverse distance at (Hi on the sines; then the extent of the radius will be a trans- verse distance at the complement of the number of degrees required. Given the Length of the Sine, Tangent, or Secant of any Degrees, to find the Length of the Radius to that Sine, Tangent, or Secant, — Make the given length a transverse distance to its given degrees on its respective scale. Then, If a tattgent under 45" ") the trans- f?9 and f)0 on tr,e sines ") wil Uerse dis-' 4 C> and ir J on ,hc tangents (the ; diiis If a tangent above 4i° (".„„;.„ ",',-' i 46 and -!."> on the upper tangents 1 1 If a secant J tance ot { () and Q Qn the secants J sought. To find the Length of a versed Sine, to a given Number of Degrees, and a given Radius. — 1. Make the transverse dis- tance of 90 and 90 on the sines equal to the given radius. 2. Take the transverse distance of the sine of the com- plement of the given number of degrees. 3. If the given number of degrees be less than 90, subtract the distance just taken, viz., the sine of the complement, from the radius, and the remainder will be the versed sine : but, if the given number of degrees are more than 90, add the com- plement of the sine to the radius, and the sum will be the versed sine. To open the legs of a Sector, so that the corresponding double Scales of Lines, Chords, Sines, and Tangents mag male each a right Angle. — On the line of lims make the lateral dis- tance 10, a transverse distance between 8 on one leg, and on the other leg. On the line of sines make the lateral distance 90, a trans- verse distance from 45 to 45 ; or from 40 to 50 ; or from 30 to 00 ; or from the sine of any degree to their complement. On the line of sines make the lateral distance of 15 a trans- verse distance between 30 and 30. makquois's scales. (Plate II. Fig. 3.) These scales consist of a right-angled triangle, of which the hypothenusc or longest side is time times the tetigth of the shortest, and two rectangular rules. Our figure, which is drawn one-third the actual size of the instruments from which MAEQUOIS'S SCALES. 43 it is taken, represents the triangle and one of the rules, a* being used to draw a series of parallel lines. Either rule is one foot long, and has, parallel to each of its edges, two scales one placed close to the edge and the other immediately within this, the outer being termed the artificial, and the inner, the natural scale. The divisions upon the outer scale are three times the length of those upon the inner scale, so as to bear the same proportion to each other that the longest side of the triangle bears to the shortest. Each inner, or natural scale, is, in fact, a simply divided scale of equal parts (see p. 9), having the primary divisions numbered from the left hand to the right throughout the whole extent of the rule. The first primary division on the left hand is subdivided into ten equal parts, and the number of these subdivisions in an inch is marked underneath the scale, and gives it its name. On one of the pair of Marquois's scales now before us, we have, on one face, scales of 30 and 60, on the obverse scales of 25 and 50, and on the other we have on one face scales of 35 and 45, and on the obverse scales of 20 and 40. In the arti- ficial scales the zero point is placed in the middle of the edge of the rule, and the primary divisions are numbered both ways from this point to the two ends of the rule, and are, every one, subdivided into ten equal parts, each of which is, consequently, three times the length of a subdivision of the corresponding natural scale. The triangle has a short line drawn perpendicular to the hypothenuse near the middle of it, to serve as an index or pointer ; and the longest of the other two sides has a sloped edge. To draiv a Line parallel to a given Line, at a given Distance from it. — 1. Having applied the given distance to the one of the natural scales which is found to measure it most con- veniently, place the triangle with its sloped edge coincident with the given line, or rather at such small distance from it, that the pen or pencil passes directly over it when drawn along this edge. 2. Set the rule closely against the hypothenuse, making the zero point of the corresponding artificial scale coincide with the index upon the triangle. 3. Move the tri- angle along the rule, to the left or right, according as the re- quired line is to be above or below the given line, until the index coincides with the division or subdivision corresponding to the number of divisions or subdivisions of the natural scale, which measures the given distance ; and the line drawn 44 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. along the sloped edge in its new position will be the line required*. Note. — The natural scale may be used advantageously in setting off the distances in a drawing, and the corresponding artificial scale in drawing parallels at required distances. To draw a Line perpendicular to a given Line from a given Point in it. — 1. Make the shortest side of the triangle coin- cide with the given line, and apply the rule closely against the hypothenuse. 2. Slide the triangle along the rule until a line drawn along the sloped edge passes through the given point ; and the line so drawn will be the line required. The advantages of Marquois's scales are : 1st, that the sight is greatly assisted by the divisions on the artificial scale being so much larger than those of the natural scale to which the drawing is constructed; 2nd, that any error in the setting of the index produces an error of but one-third the amount in the drawing. If the triangle be accurately constructed, these scales may be advantageously used for dividing lines with accuracy and despatch ; our figure, as well as the sliding rule (fig. 4), was drawn by the aid of Marquois's scales alone. We proceed to explain a method which we have found to answer well for dividing lines with accuracy and despatch, and which is altogether independent of any error in the con- struction of the triangle. Let a b represent the ,. d line to be divided into any: number, n, of equal parts ; select one of the natural scales, of which n divisions or some multiple p n of n divisions, are nearly equal to a b, but less than it ; then setting the sloped edge of the triangle perpendicular to a b, so that a line drawn along it passes through a, place the rule closely against the hypo- thenuse, making a division of the artificial scale, corresponding * If a r, c represent the triangle in its new position, and the dotted lines represent its original position, we have, by similar triangles, A B C, a' A D, D ... r / ad:aa'::i!c:ba A '---.. i „ : : 1 : 3 ; and therefore a d contains as many division* of the natural as A a' con- tains of the artificial scale THE VERNIER. 45 to the selected natural scale, coincide with the index upon the triangle ; and, moving the triangle along to the rule to the right, until the index coincides with the p nth division from that to which it was set, draw a line along the sloped edge intersecting a b in c. Upon ab as hypothenuse describe the right-angled triangle a b d, having the side a d equal to a c, and placing the sloped edge of the triangle perpendicular to a d, so that a line drawn along it passes through a or d ; slide the triangle along the rule to the right or left, and drawing a line as the index comes into contact with every ^th division of the artificial scale, the line will be divided as required. the vernier. (Plate II. Figs. 1 and 2.) The property of this ingenious little subsidiary instrument will be readily comprehended from what has been already said of the construction and use of a vernier scale (p. 11). It is so constructed as to slide evenly along the graduated limb of an instrument, and enables us to measure distances, or read off observations, with remarkable nicety. In the vernier scale before described, the divisions on the lower or subsidiary scale were longer than those on the upper or primary scale ; but in the vernier now to be described the divisions are usually shorter than those upon the limb to which it is attached, the length of the graduated scale of the vernier being exactly equal to the length of a certain number (n — 1) of the divisions upon the limb, and the number (n) of divisions upon the vernier being one more than the number upon the same length of the limb. Let, then, l represent the length of a division upon the limb, and v, the length of a division upon the vernier : so that [n — 1)l = n v ; and therefore l — v = l l = - l ; n n or the defect of a division upon the vernier from a division upon the limb is equal to the nth part of a division upon the limb, n being the number of divisions upon the vernier*. * If n divisions of the vernier were equal to {n + 1) divisions of the limb, or (n + l) l = mv, then would v — L = L — L = -i; n n or the excess of a division upon the vernier above a division upon the limb would be equal to the nth part of a division upon the limb. With this arrangement, however, we should nave the inconvenience of reading the vernier backwards. 4fi MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Tn fig. 1, six divisions of the vernier are equal to five divi- sions of the limb, and, consequently, the above defect, or L — v, is equal to a sixth part of a division upon the limb, or to 20', since a division of the limb is equal to 2°. In fig. 2, ten divisions of the vernier are equal to nine divi- sions of the limb, and, consequently, l — v is equal to a tenth part of a division upon the limb, or to the hundredth part of an inch, a division of the limb being equal to the tenth part of an inch. In reading off we must first look to the lozenge, as point- ing out the exact place upon the limb at which the required measurement is indicated. If, then, the stroke upon the vernier at the lozenge exactly coincides with a stroke upon the limb, the reading at this stroke gives the measurement required ; but, if the stroke at the lozenge be a distance beyond a stroke upon the limb, then will this distance be equal to once, or twice, or thrice, &c, the difference of a division upon the limb and upon the vernier, according as the stroke at the end of the first, or second, or third, &c, divi- sion upon the vernier coincides with a stroke upon the limb. In fig. 1 the stroke upon the vernier at the lozenge falls beyond the stroke indicating 22° upon the limb, and the stroke at the end of the second division upon the vernier coincides with a stroke upon the limb; the reading therefore is 22° 40'. In fig. 2, the stroke upon the vernier at the lozenge falls beyond the stroke indicating one inch and three-tenths upon the limb, and the stroke at the end of the sixth division upon the vernier coincides with a stroke upon the limb : the reading, therefore, is l - 36 inches, or one inch three tenths and six hundredths. The limbs of the best sextants are now divided at every 1 minutes, and 59 of these parts are made equal to 60 divisions of their verniers. In this case l 10' L - v = od = oo< = 10; so that these instruments can be read off by the aid of their verniers to an accuracy of 10 seconds. The verniers occupy on the limbs spaces equal to 9° 50'*. * That is, according to the graduation of the instrument : but, as the angles observed by a sextant are double the angles moved over by the in- dex, the limb of the instrument is graduated, as though it were double the size; so that the verniers really occupy an are of 1 5J only. MICROMETER. A 7 The limbs of small theodolites are generally divided at every 30 minutes, and 20 of these parts are made equal to 30 divisions of their verniers, which therefore enables us to read 80' off to an accuracy of — , or 1'. In the mountain barometer the scale being divided into rjfoths of an inch, of these parts are made equal to 10 divisions of the vernier, which therefore enables us to read off to an accuracy of TT f 5 ^ths of an inch. In the above explanations we have only considered the case of an exact coincidence between some one of the strokes upon the vernier and a stroke upon the limb. Suppose now that in fig. 1 the stroke at the end of the second division, in- stead of coinciding with a stroke upon the limb, fell a little beyond it, while the stroke at the end of the third division fell a little short of a stroke upon the limb ; then the measure- ment indicated would be something between 22° 40' and 23°, which the observer^ should there be no other mechanism at- tached to the vernier, must estimate by guess, according to the best of his judgment. By the aid, however, of a piece of mechanism, which is called a micrometer, and which we pro- ceed to describe, the excess of the angle indicated above 22° 40' might be exactly computed. The instrument having been nearly set by the hand alone, the vernier is fixed in this position by turning a screw, called the clamping screw, which is shown on the top of the vernier in fig. 2, but is not seen in fig. 1, being at the back of the instrument. The instrument is then set more accurately by the screw at the side of the vernier, shown in both figures, which gives a slow motion to the vernier plate, and to the limb or index bar attached to the vernier. This screw is called a tangent or slow motion screw, and the micrometer consists of a graduated cylindrical •head, bb, attached to this screw, and an index, i, attached to the vernier. -*fcnl Suppose, now, the tangent screw to be of that fineness that, whilst it is turned once round, by means of the milled head h, so that the graduated head bb makes one complete revolution, the vernier is advanced on the limb of the instrument, a distance 48 MATHEMATICAL 1XSTKUMF.NTS. equal to the difference of a division of the limb, and of the vernier: then, in fig. 1, one revolution of the screw advances the vernier a distance equal to 20' ; and, if the cylindrical head bb be divided into 60 equal parts, a revolution of the screw through one of these parts would advance the vernier a distance equal to 20". Suppose, then, that in the illustration above given the screw has to be turned back, so that 14 of these graduations pass the index i, in order to bring the stroke at the end of the second division upon the vernier into coincidence with a stroke upon the limb ; then the corresponding space moved through fry the vernier would be equal to 20" x 14, or 4' 40", and the reading of the instrument would be 22° 44' 40". Similarly, by means of a micrometer divided into ten equal parts, a distance to the thousandth part of an inch may be read off by the vernier in fig. 2. If the micrometer in this case were divided into one hundred equal parts, a distance might be read off to the ten-thousandth part of an inch ; or the same effect may be produced by dividing the micrometer into ten equal parts, and making the screw of such fineness that ten complete revolutions move the vernier through a distance equal to the difference of a division of the limb and of the vernier, or the hundredth part of an inch. THE BEAM COMPASSES. The above engraving represents this instrument, which con- sists of a beam, aa, of any length required, generally made of well-seasoned mahogany. Upon its face is inlaid through- out its whole length a slip of holly, or boxwood, a a, upon which are engraved the divisions or scale, either feet and decimals, or inches and decimals, or whatever particular scale may be required. Those made for the use of the persons en- gaged on the Ordnance survey of Ireland were divided to a scale of chains, 80 of which occupied a length equal to six inches, which, thorefore, represented one mile, six inches to THE BEAM COMPASSES. 49 the mile being the scale to which that important survey is plotted *. Two brass boxes, b and c, are adapted to the beam ; of which the latter may be moved, by sliding, to any part of its length, and fixed in position by tightening the clamp screw e. Connected with the brass boxes are the two points of the instrument, g and h, which may be made to have any extent of opening by sliding the box c along the beam, the other box, b. being firmly fixed at one extremity. The object to be attained, in the use of this instrument, is the nice adjustment of the points g, h, to any definite distance apart. This is accomplished by two vernier f or reading plates, b, c, each fixed at the side of an opening in the brass boxes to which they are attached, and affording the means of minutely subdividing the principal divisions, a a, on the beam, which appear through those openings, d is a clamp screw for a similar purpose to the screw e, namely, to fix the box b, and prevent motion in the point it carries after ad- justment to position, f is a slow motion screw, by which the point g may be moved any very minute quantity for perfecting the setting of the instrument, after it has been otherwise set as nearly as possible by the hand alone. The method of setting the instrument for use may be un- derstood from the above description of its parts, and also by the following explanation of the method of examining and correcting the adjustment of the vernier, b, which, like all other mechanical adjustments, will occasionally get deranged. This verification must be performed by means of a detached scale. Thus, suppose, for example, that our beam compass is divided to feet, inches, and tenths, and subdivided by the vernier to hundredths, &c. First set the zero division of the vernier to the zero of the principal divisions on the beam, by means of the slow motion screw f. This must be clone very nicely. Then slide the box c, with its point g, till the zero on the vernier c exactly coincides with any principal division on the beam, as twelve inches, or six inches, &c, To enable us to do this with extreme accuracy some superior kinds of beam compasses have the box c also furnished with a tangent or slow motion screw, by which the setting of the points or divisions may be performed with the utmost precision. Lastly, apply the points to a similar detached scale, and, if the adjustment be perfect, the interval of the points gh will * The survey of the metropolis is plotted to a scale of 60 inches to the mile. T For a description of the vernier, see preceding article. // D 50 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. measure ou it the distance to which they were set on the beam. If they do not, by ever so small a quantity, the ad- justment should be corrected by turning the screw f till the points do exactly measure that quantity on the detached scale ; then, by loosening the little screws which hold the vernier b in its place, the position of the vernier may be gradually changed, till its zero coincides with the zero on the beam : and, then tightening the screws again, the adjustment will be complete. PLOTTING SCALES. Plotting scales, also called feather-edged scales, are straight rulers, usually about ten or twelve inches long. Each ruler has scales of equal parts, decimally divided, placed upon its edges, which are made sloping, so that the extremities of the strokes marking the divisions lie close to the paper. The primary divisions represent chains, and the subdivisions, con- sequently, ten links each, as there are 100 links on the sur- veying chain. Plotting scales may be procured in sets, each with a different number of chains to the inch. The advantages of this arrangement are, that the distances required can be transferred with great expedition from the scale to the paper by the aid of the pricking-point alone, and the marks denoting the divisions are in no danger of be- coming defaced, as upon the plain scale, by the frequent application of the compasses. One of the best plotting scales consists of two feather-edged rulers, one sliding along the other in a dovetailed groove, so that the two are always at right angles to each other. We shall describe this instrument more particularly when we come to speak of plotting, after describing the instrument? used in surveying. THE PANTAGRAPH. The pantagraph consists of four rulers, a b, ac, df, and ef, made of stout brass. The two longer rulers, ab and ac. are connected together by, and have a motion round a center at A. The two shorter rulers are connected in like manner with each other at f, and with the longer rulers at D and i and, being equal in length to tho portions ad and ae of the longer rulers, form with them an accurate parallelogram, adfe, in every position of the instrument. Several ivory castors support the machine parallel to the paper, and allow it to move freely over it in all directions The arms, ab and PANTAGEAFH. 51 df, are graduated and marked i, 3, &c, and have each a sliding index, which can be fixed at any of the divisions by a milled-headed clamping screw, seen in the engraving. The sliding indices have each of them a tube, adapted either to slide on a pin rising from a heavy circular weight called the fulcrum, or to receive a sliding holder with a pencil or pen, or a blunt tracing point, as may be required. When the instrument is correctly set, the tracing point, pencil, and fulcrum will be in one straight line, as shown by the dotted line in the figure. The motions of the tracing point and pencil are then each compounded of two circular motions, one about the fulcrum, and the other about the joints at the ends of the rulers upon which they are respectively placed. The radii of these motions form sides about equal angles of two similar triangles, of which the straight line b c, passing through the tracing point, pencil, and fulcrum, forms the third sides. The distances passed over by the tracing point and pencil, in consequence of either of these motions, have then the same ratio, and, therefore, the distances passed over in consequence of the combination of the two motions have also the same ratio which is that indicated by the set- ting of the instrument Our engraving represents the pantagraph in the act of reducing a plan to a scale of half the original. For this pur- pose the sliding indices are first clamped at the divisions upon the arms marked h ; the tracing point is then fixed in a d 2 53 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. socket at c, over the original drawing; the pencil is next placed in the tuhe of the sliding index upon the ruler d f, over the paper to receive the copy ; and the fulcrum is fixed to that at b, upon the ruler a b. The machine heing now ready for use, if the tracing point at c he passed delicately and steadily over every line of the plan, a true copy, hut of one-half the scale of the original, will he marked hy the pencil on the paper heneath it. The fine thread represented as passing from the pencil quite round the instrument to the tracing point at c, enahles the draughtsman at the tracing point to raise the pencil from the paper, whilst he passes the tracer from one part of the original to another, and thus to prevent false lines from heing made on the copy. The pencil holder is surmounted hy a cup, into which sand or shot may he put, to press the pencil more heavily on the paper, when found necessary. If the object were to enlarge the drawing to double its scale, then the tracer must be placed upon the arm d f, and the pencil at c; and, if a copy were required of the same scale as the original, then, the sliding indices still remaining at the same divisions upon d f and a b, the fulcrum must take the middle station, and the pencil and tracing point those on the exterior arms, ab and ac, of the instrument. The successful use of the pantagraph in copying very minute and complicated drawings can only be attained by perseverance and experience, and we therefore proceed to mention some of the other means employed for the attain- ment of the same object. In fact, while the pantagraph affords the most rapid means of reducing a drawing, we cannot re- commend its use for enlarging a copy, or even for copying upon the same scale. To produce a Copy of the same Size as the Original. First Method. — Lay the original drawing upon the sheet of paper intended for the copy, and fix them together by means of weights or drawing pins*. 2. With a line needle f prick through all the angles and principal points, making corre- sponding punctures in the paper beneath. 3. Draw upon the copy such of the lines on the original as arc Btraight, or nearly so, by joining the points thus marked upon tli<> paper. * The drawing pin consists of a brass head, with a steel point at right angles to its plane, a represents it as seen edgewise, and is as seen from above. T See pricking point, page 8. T METHODS OF COPYING AND REDUCING DRAWINGS. 53 4. Set off such other points upon the copy, by means of the compasses, as may be desirable, and draw the curved lines upon tracing paper placed over the drawing. 5. Fill in the lines indicated by the points set off by the compasses, and transfer the curved lines from the tracing paper to the copy, by rubbing the back of the tracing paper with powdered black lead, placing it in its correct situation upon the copy, and passing a blunt tracing point* over the lines drawn upon it. Second Method. — A sheet of tracing paper having the under side rubbed over with powdered black lead may be placed upon the paper intended for the copy. The original being then placed over this, the tracing point may be carefully and steadily passed over all the lines of the drawing with a pres- sure proportioned to the thickness of the paper ; and the paper beneath will receive corresponding marks, forming an exact copy, which is afterwards to be inked in. Third Method. — The drawing is placed upon a large sheet of plate glass called a copying glass, and the paper to receive the copy placed over the drawing. The glass is then fixed in such a position as to have a strong light fall upon it from be- hind, and shine through it. By this means the original drawing becomes visible through the paper placed over it, and a copy can be made with precision and ease, without any risk of soiling or injuring the original. To copy with nicety tqjon a reduced or enlarged Scale. — For this purpose we may have recourse to the method of squares, by which, with the aid of the proportional compasses, the most minute detail may be copied with great accuracy. This may, perhaps, be best shown by an example. Let figure 1 in the following engraving represent a plan of an estate, which it is required to copy upon a reduced scale of one- half. The copy will therefore be half the length and half the breadth, and, consequently, will occupy but one-fourth of the space of the original. Our subject is a map of an estate, but the process would be precisely the same if it were an archi- tectural, mechanical, or any other drawing. 1 . Draw the lines f i and f g at right angles to each other. 2. From the point f towards i and g, set off any number of equal parts, as f a, a b, b c, &c, on the line fi, and f i, i k, k I, &c, on the line fg. 3. From the points on the line fi draw lines parallel to the other line f g, as a a, b b. c c, &c, * The eye end of the pricking needle, or the fine point of a porcupine's quill, may be used for this purpose. 5 1 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. g abcdejgh and from the points on f g draw lines parallel to f i, as i i, k k, 1 1, &c, which being sufficiently extended towards g and i, the whole of the original dfawing will be covered with a reti- cule of small but equally-sized squares. This done, draw upon the paper intended for the copy a similar set of squares, but having each side only one-half the length of tbe former, as is represented in figure 2. It will now be evident that, if the lines of the plan ab,bc,cd, &c, figure 1, be drawn in the corresponding squares of figure 2, a correct copy of the original will be produced, and of half the original scale. Commencing then at a, observe where, in the original, the angle a falls, which is towards the bottom of the square marked on the top d e. In the corresponding square, therefore, - ' of the copy, and in the same proportion to- wards the left-hand side of it, which should be determined by the use of the proportional compasses, described at page 4, place the same point in the copy. From thence, finding by the proportional compasses the point on the bottom line of that square, wbere the curved line a f crosses, which is about two- fifths from the left-hand corner towards the right, cross it simi- larly in the copy. Again, as it crosses the right-hand bottom corner of the second square below d e, describe it so in the copy ; and by means of the proportional compasses find the points where it crosses the lines// and g g, above the line / 1, by taking the distances of such crossings from the nearest cor- ner of a square in the original, between the large points of the proportional compasses, and with the small points at their op- posite end, setting off the required crossing on the correspond ing lines on the copy. Lastly, determine the place of tho Platt.2. Vernier to arched. Condon. John If,-,,.. THE SLIDING RULE 55 point b, in the third square below g h on the top line ; and a line drawn from a in the copy, through these several points to b, will be a correct reduced copy of the original line. Pro- ceed in like manner with every other line on the plan, and its various details, and you will have the plot or drawing, laid down to a small scale, yet bearing all the proportions in itself exactly as the original. It may appear almost superfluous to remark, that the process of enlarging drawings by means of squares is a similar opera- tion to the above, except that the points are to be determined in the smaller squares of the original, and transferred to the larger squares of the copy. The process of enlarging, under any circumstances, does not, however, admit of the same ac- curacy as that of reducing. Having now completed the description of those instruments, applicable to the purposes of geometrical drawing, to the con- sideration of which we propose for the present to limit our- selves, in accordance with the plan of our little work, we now propose to add thereto a description of CogrjeshaWs Sliding Rule, and then to conclude this part of our subject with some practi- cal hints * , which we think may prove acceptable to the com- mencing student. coggeshall's sliding rule. — (Plate II. Fig. 4.) Coggeshall's, or the Carpenter's Sliding Rule, is the instru- ment most commonly used for taking the dimensions and finding the contents of timber. It consists of a rule one foot long, having on its face a groove throughout its entire length, in which a second rule of the same length slides smoothly. On the face of the rule are four logarithmic lines marked at one end a, b, c, and d. The three lines a, b, c, are called double lines, because the figures from 1 to 10 are contained twice in the length of the rule, and are, in fact, repetitions of the loga- rithmic line of numbers already described (p. 25). The fourth line, d, is a single line numbered from 4 to 40, and is called the Girt Line, because the girt dimensions are estimated upon it in computing the contents of trees and timber. The lengths upon this line denote the logarithms of the squares of the numbers, from 4 to 40, placed against the several divisions ; and enable us, as will be seen, to obtain approximately the contents of a solid by a single operation. * Extracted from a treatise on drawing instruments, by F. W. Simms, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. 50 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. The Hue c is used with the girt line D, and the two lines a and B, enable us to perform more readily all such operations as have been already described as being performed by the logarithmic line of numbers with the aid of the compasses, the second line B, upon the slider, supplying the place of the compasses. On the girt line is a mark at the point 18-70, lettered g (gallons), which is the imperial gauge point*, enabling us to compute contents in imperial gallons. The back of the rule has a decimal scale of one foot divided into one hundred equal parts, by which dimensions are taken in decimals of a foot ; and also a scale of inches, numbered from 1 to 12, which scale is continued on the slider aud num- bered from 12 to 24, so that, when the slider is pulled out, a two feet rule is formed, divided into inches. — The vacant spaces on the rule are filled up with various other scales and tables, which may be selected to suit the purposes of the various purcbasers. The method of notation on the rule, and the manner of es- timating any number upon it, are the same as have already been fully explained, when treating of the line of logarithmic numbers (p. 28). Problem 1. To multiply two Numbers together. — Set 1 on B to the multiplier on a, and against the multiplicand on B will be found the required product on a. Example. — To multiply 38 by 23. Set 1 on b to 2-3 on a, and against 3-3 on b will be found 7'59 on a, and 759 is therefore the product re- quired!. Problem 2. To divide one Number by another. — Set 1 on B to the divisor on a, and against the dividend on a will be found the required quotient on b. Example. — To divide 759 by 28. Set 1 on B to 2 '3 on a, and against 75-9 on a will be found 33 on B, which is the quotient required. Problem 3. To find a Fourth Proportional to three given Numbers. — Set the first term on b to the second term on a, and against the third term on b will be found the required fourth term on a. Or, against the first term on a, set the se- cond term on b, and against the third term on a will be found the required fourth term on b. Example. — To find a fourth * 18'79 is the diameter of a cylindrical vessel to contain one for each inch of depth. The gauge point for the old wine gallon was at 17-15, lettered W. G., and for the old ale gallon at 18-96, lettered A. G. These marks are consequently found upon rules constructed prior to January, 1826. T The tens must be supplied mentally, as explained at page IS. USES OF THE SLIDING KULE. 57 proportional to the three numbers 3|, 11, and 14. Set 3£, or 3-5, on b to 11 on a, and against 14 on b will be found on A, 44, the fourth proportional required. Problem 4. To find a Third Proportional to two given Numbers. — This is the same problem as the preceding, re- peating the second number for the third term of the proportion. Example. — To find a third proportional to the two numbers 3| and 11 . This is to find a fourth proportional to the three numbers 3^, 11, and 11. Set therefore 3i, or 3 - 5, on b to 11 on A, and against 11 on b will be found on a 34*6, the third proportional required. Problem 5. To square a given Number. First Method, by means of the Lines a and b. — Set 1 on b to the given number on a, and against the given number on b will be found its square upon a. Example. — Required the square of 23. Set 1 on b to 23 on A, and against 23 on b will be found its square 529 on a. Second Method, by means of the Lines c and D. — If the number to be squared lie between 1 and 4, or 10 and 40, or 100 and 400, &c, so that its first significant digit is less than 4 ; set the 1 on c to 10 on d, and against the digits on d, expressing the given number, will be found on o the digits expressing the required square. Then, the square of 1 being 1, of 10, 100, of 100, 10,000, &c, and of -1 being -01, of -01 being -0001, &c, the digits upon c must be estimated at the actual values represented by them as numbered upon the scale, viz., 1, 2, &c, to 16, or at 100 times their values, from 100 up to 1600, or at 10,000 times their values from 10,000 up to 160,000, &c, or, again, at the T ^, if the given square be between 1 and 16, or 100 and 1600, or 10,000 and 160,000, &c, or again between -01 and •16, or -0001 and -0016, &c, and with the 100 on c against the 10 on d, if the given square be between 16 and 1 00, or 1600 and 10,000 &c, or again between -16 and 1, or -0016 and -01, &c. ; and then against the given number on c will stand its square root on d. Example 1. — Required the square root of 529. The given number being between 100 and 1000, set the 1 on o against the 10 on D, and against 5-29 on c will be found 23 on d, the square root required. Example 2. — Required the square root 2601. The given number being between 1600 and 10,000, set the 100 on c against the 10 on d, and against 26 on c will be found 5-1 on d, and 51 is therefore the root sought. Problem 7. To find a mean Proportional between two given Numbers.— Set one of the numbers upon c to the same number on d, and against the other number on c will be found upon d the mean proportional required f. Example. — Required a mean proportional between 4 and 49. Set 4 on c to 4 on d, and against 49 on c will be found on d 14, the mean propor- tional required. If one number exceed the other so much that they cannot both be taken off from the line c, the T^th part of the larger may be taken, and the mean proportional then found, multi- plied by 10, will give the mean proportional required. Also if the second number on c be situated beyond the scale d, the -yi^th part of such secoud number may be substituted for it, and the result multiplied by 10 ; or 1 00 times such number may * The accurate square is 2601, but the fourth figure cannot be esti- mated upon a foot rule, and the third figure only approximately. The solution, in fact, may be considered as obtained to within the 200th part of the whole, but, if greater accuracy is required, arithmetical methods must be resorted to. f If a i m ': r m : ft, then a : I : : a 9 : »" ; and, therefore, log. b — log. a = log. *• — log. «- ; whence the rule given in the text. USES OF THE SLIDING RULE. 59 be taken, and the result divided by 10; or, again, such second number may be multiplied or divided by 4, 9, or any square number, and the result divided or multiplied by 2, 3, or the square root of this number; or, again, the numbers may be both multiplied and divided by any the same number-, and the result divided or multiplied also by the same number, and, in each case, the required mean proportional will be correctly de- termined. Problem 8. To find the Area of a Board or Plank. First Method. — Set 12 on b to the mean breadth in inches on a, and against the length in feet on b will be found upon a the required area in feet and decimals of a foot. If the plank taper regularly, the mean breadth is half the sum of the ex- treme breadths ; but, if the plank be irregular, several breadths should be measured at equal distances from each other, and their sum divided by their number may be taken as the mean breadth. In the latter case, however, greater accuracy would be obtained by finding separately the areas of portions of the plank, and adding them together for the whole area, or by the following. Second Method. — Take the measure- in inches of several breadths at equal distances from each other, and add together half the two extreme breadths, and the sum of all the intermediate breadths. Set 12 on b to the sum thus found upon a, and against the distance in feet, at which the breadths have been measured, upon b will be found upon a the required area in feet and decimals of a foot. Ex- ample 1. — A board, 15 feet long, being 14 inches broad at one end, and 8 inches broad at the other, required its area. The mean breadth is 11 inches, half the sum of 8 and 14. Set, then, 12 on b against 11 on a, and against 15 on b will be found upon a 13-75 or 13f feet, the area required. Ex- ample 2. — An irregular board, 18 feet long, being 7 inches broad at one extremity, 11 inches broad at the other, and the intermediate breadths at each 3 feet of the length being 13 inches, 25 inches, 23 inches, 32 inches, and 22 inches, re- quired its area. By the first method, the sum of the seven breadths divided by 7, gives 19 inches for the mean breadth ; and, setting 12 on b against 19 on a. against 18 on b will be found upon a 28*5 or 28| feet, the area required. By the second method, half of the two extreme breadths added to the intermediate breadths, gives the sum, 123 inches ; and setting 12 on b against 123 upon a, against 3 on b will be found upon a 30f , the area required, a more accurate result than the preceding. BO MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Problem 9. To find the solid Content of squared or four- sided Timber, of the same Size throughout its entire Length. First Method. — Multiply the breadth by the thickness, and their product again by the length (Problem 1), and the result will be the content required. Second Method. — Set the length on c against 12 on d, and against the quarter girt, measured in inches, on d, will be found the approximated content on c in cubic feet : or set the length on c against 10 on r>, and against the quarter girt, measured in tenths of feet, on d will be found the approximate content on c. The approximate content thus found is greater than the true content, and the correction to be subtracted to leave the true content is given in the following Table : — TABLE I. Fraction of breadth equal to excess of breadth over thickness. Excess in inches for each . 12 inches of breadth. Fractional por- tion of approxi- mate content to be subtracted. Percentage mate content tracted. J of approxi- j to be sub- i bre 6 1 app. cont. 11 per cent. 1 I 4 i^ 4 ( » 3 i 2 „ 2 ^ 1 \ or 1-23 „ i 2 41 » | or -S3 „ * n 1 5 i TS5 " )9 or -59 „ i H 5 : 2l » I or -44 „ i M 255 » | or -35 „ A '» lib l-fr | or -23 k or -23 >f 1 I » 1 1 zU » t or -19 " The fractional portion of the approximate contents in column 3 may be found by dividing the approximate contents by the denomination of the fractions. (Problem 2.) If the excess of the breadth over the thickness be compared with the quarter girt, the correction has to the approximate content the duplicate ratio of half the excess to the quarter girt, as shown in the following Table : — USES OF THE SLIDTN'G RULE. 61 TABLE II. Fraction of quarter girt Half the ex- cess of Correction to be subtracted. equal to breadth over half the ex- thickness cess of for each 1 2 breadth over thickness. inches of quarter girt. Fractional portion of approximate content. Percentage of approxi- mate content. k V- g' rt - 6 inches. 5 approx. cont. 25 per cent. 5 „ ^ nearly or $£, „ 17^ or 17-36 „ 1 4 „ 1 11 i 3 „ t" 5 6i or 6-25 „ - I " 2fa » 2i » 4 J! 2 „ 3 's 2J or 2-78 „ 7 « If „ 4^ 2-04 „ h „ 1* „ B 1 ? 1? or 1-56 „ 1* „ 5*1 » li or 1-23 „ I I l^ „ i.'o » 1 A „ It't » lb * or -83 „ A » 1 » 1 3, or -69 „ i't » 11 „ T*S 4 or -6 „ A « s » Tsa » A or -51 „ Ti » A » 3*3 | or -44 „ The correction may also be found as follows : — Set the length upon c against 12 upon d, and against half the excess of the breadth over the thickness upon d will be found upon c the required correction in cubic feet. As the error of the result obtained with the rule may amount to the — goth part of the whole, the correction given above may always be neglected, whenever the excess of the breadth over the thickness does not exceed the £th part of the breadth, or 1| inch for each 12 inches of breadth, and the result may be depended upon to as great an accuracy as can be obtained by the rule. When, however, the excess is more than two inches for each 12 inches of breadth, either the correction should be applied or the first method be used. Examjrfe 1. — Required the content of a piece of timber 10 inches broad, 8 inches thick, and 18 feet long. Since — x — = ,-tt> set 80 on b against 144 on A, and 12 12 144 against 18 on a will be found 10 on b, and the content re- quired is 10 cubic feet. Exaviplc 2. — Required the content of a piece of timber 15 inches broad, 10 inches thick, and 24 €2 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. feet long. Set 24 on c against 12 on d, and against 125, or 12£, the quarter girt on d, will be found on c 26-04, the ap- proximate content. The excess of 15 over 10 being ^rd of 15, Table I. shows the required correction to -r^th of 2604. Set then 25 on b against 2604 on a, and against 1 on b will be found 1-04 on a, which subtracted from 26-04 cubic feet leaves 25 cubic feet, the true content. Problem 10. To find the Content of a Piece of Square Timber, which tapers from end to end. — Set the length in feet upon c against 12 upon d, and against half the sum in inches of the quarter girts at the two ends upon d will be found a content in cubic feet upon c. Again, set one-third of the length in feet upon c against 12 upon d, and against half the difference, in inches, of the quarter girts at the two ends upon D will be found a second content in cubic feet upon c. Add together the two contents thus found for the content required. If the breadth exceed the thickness considerably, the same part of the result must be subtracted, as in Problem 9. Example. — The quarter girts at the ends of a piece of tim- ber 21 feet long, being 22 inches and 10 inches respectively, and the breadth not much exceeding the thickness, required the content. Set 21 upon c against 12 on d, and against 10 upon d will be found 37^ or 37'3 upon c. Again, set 7 upon against 12 upon D, and against 6 upon d will be If or 1-75 upon c. The sum of 37^ cubic feet and If cubic foot is then 39 T V or 39-1 cubic feet, the whole content required. Problem 11. To find the Content of a Round Piece of Timber of the same Size throughout its entire Length. — Set the length in feet upon c against 10-63 * upon d, and against the quarter girt in inches upon d will be found the content upon c. Example. — Required the content of a round piece of tim- ber 32 feet long, the quarter girt being 1 1 inches. Set 32 upon c against 10-63 upon d, and against 11 upon d will be found upon c 34-25 or 32^, the content required. Problem 12. To find the Content of a Bound Piece of Timber, which tapers from end to end. — Set the length in feet upon c against 10*63 upon d, and against half the sum in inches of the quarter girts at the two ends upon D will be found a content in cubic feet upon c. Again, set one-third of the length in feet upou c against 10-63 upon i>, and against half the difference in inches of the quarter girts at the two * A mark is placed upon the rule at this point, 10C3 being the quarter girt in inches of the circle, whose area is a square foot. USES OF THE SLIDING RULE. 03 ends upon d will be found a second content in cubic feet upon c. Add together the two contents thus found for the content required. Note. — In buying rough or unsquared timber, an allowance of about •^th should be made for the bark. A further allowance should also be made for the loss in squaring down the tree to make useful shaped timber. The whole amount of timber to be taken off to make a square piece from a round piece of timber will be 36 per cent., or more than a third of the whole. The timber so taken off must not, however, be considered completely value- less. If the length upon o be set against 12 upon d, instead of upon 10-63 in the two preceding problems, this will be equivalent to an allowance of about 21 j per cent., which may be considered a just allowance. Example 1. — A piece of round tapering timber measures 23 feet in length, the quarter girt at the larger end is 23| inches, and at the smaller end the quarter girt is 15| inches. Re- quired the true content. Set 23 upon c against 10.63 upon d, and against 19| or 19 - 5 upon d will be found 77-5 upon c. Again, set 7§ or 7-66 upon c against 10-63 upon r>, and against 8 upon D will be found 43 upon c. Then the sum of 77*5 cubic feet and 4-3 cubic feet is 8T8 cubic feet, the content required. Example 2. — Required the content of a piece of unsquared timber of the same dimensions as in the preceding example, making allowance of 21| per cent, for loss in squaring down into a useful shape. Set 23 upon c against 12 upon B, and against I9§, or 195, upon D will be found 60-75 upon c. Again, set 7f or 7-66 upon c against 12 upon d, and against 8 upon d will be found 3-4 upon c. Then the sum of 60-75 cubic feet and 3-4 cubic feet is 64-15 cubic feet, the content required. Problem 13. To find the Content of a Cylindrical Vessel in Gallons. — Set the length of the cylinder in inches upon c against the gauge mark at 18-79, marked o, upon d, and against the diameter of the cylinder in inches upon d will be found the required content in gallons upon c. If the number of inches in the diameter lie beyond c, or if this number be greater than 40, so as not to be contained upon r>, the T V n part, or any part that may be convenient, of the number of inches in the diameter may be taken, and the result thus ob- tained, multiplied by 100, or the square of the divisor made use of, will give the content required. Example. — A circular vat 5 feet in diameter being filled to the depth of four feet, required the quantity of liquor in it. Set 48 upon c against the gauge mark at 18-79 upon d, and against 6, the -j^th part of the diameter in inches, upon D will be found upon c 4-9; and consequently 49 x 100 or 490 gallons is the quantity of liquor in the vat. 64 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS PRACTICAL HINTS, ETC.* ON THE MANAGEMENT OF DRAWING PAPER. The first thing to be done, preparatory to the commencement of a drawing, is to stretch the paper evenly upon the smooth and flat surface of a drawing board. The edges of the paper should first be cut straight, and, as nearly as possible, at right angles with each other; also the sheet should be so much larger than the intended drawing and its margin, as to ad- mit of being afterwards cut from the board, leaving the border by which it is attached thereto by glue or paste, as we shall next explain. The paper must first be thoroughly and equally damped with a sponge and clean water, on the opposite side from that on which tbe drawing is to be made. When the paper ab- sorbs the water, which may be seen by the wetted side be- coming dim, as its surface is viewed slantwise against the light, it is to be laid on the drawing board with the wetted side downwards, and placed so that its edges may be nearly parallel with those of the board; otherwise, in using a T square, an inconvenience may be experienced. This done, lay a straight flat ruler on the paper, with its edge parallel to, and about half an inch from, one of its edges. The ruler must now be held firm, while the said projecting half inch of paper is turned up along its edge ; then, a piece of solid glue (com- mon glue will answer the purpose), having its edge partially dissolved by holding it in boiling water for a few seconds, must be passed once or twice along the turned edge of the paper, after which, this glued border must be again laid flat by sliding the rule over it, and, the ruler being pressed down upon it, the edge of the paper will adhere to the board. If sufficient glue has been applied, the ruler may be removed directly, and the edge finally rubbed down by an ivory book- knife, or any clean polished substance at hand, which will then firmly cement the paper to the board. Another but adjoining edge of the paper must, next, be acted upon in like manner, and then the remaining edges in succession ; we say the ad- joining edges, because we have occasionally observed that, when the opposite and parallel edges have been laid down first, without continuing the process progressively round the board, a greater degree of care is required to prevent undula- tions in the paper as it dries. • Extracted from a Treatise on Drawing Instruments by F. W. Sinims, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. DRAWING PAPER. U[> Sometimes strong paste is used instead of glue ; but, as this takes a longer time to set, it is usual to wet the paper also on the upper surface to within an inch of the paste mark, care being taken not to rub or injure the surface in the process. The wetting of the paper in either case is for the purpose of expanding it; and the edges being fixed to the board in its enlarged state, act as stretchers upon the paper, while it contracts in drying, which it should be allowed to do gradu- ally. All creases or undulations by this means disappear from the surface, and it forms a smooth plane to receive the drawing. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS OF DRAWING PAPER. Demy . . . 20 in t>? 15£ in. Columbier . . 35 in. by 23. j in. Medium . . 22S 17* „ Atlas .... 34 26 „ Royal . . '. 24 4 " 19i „ Double Elephant 40 » 27 „ Super Royal . 27i „ 19* „ Antiquarian . 53 31 „ Imperial . 30 „ 22 „ Emperor . . 63 43 „ Elephant . . 28 „ 23 „ MOUNTING PAPER AND DRAWINGS, VARNISHING, ETC. In mounting paper upon canvas, the latter should be well stretched upon a smooth flat surface, being damped for that purpose, and its edges glued down as was recommended in stretching drawing paper. Then with a brush spread strong paste upon the canvas, beating it in till the grain of the can vas be all filled up ; for this, when dry, will prevent the can- vas from shrinking when subsequently removed ; and, having cut the edges of the paper straight, paste one side of every sheet, and lay them upon the canvas, sheet by sheet, overlap- ping each other a small quantity. If the drawing paper is strong, it is best to let every sheet lie five or six minutes after the paste is put on it ; for, as the paste soaks in, the paper will stretch, and may be better spread smooth upon the can- vas ; whereas, if it be laid on before the paste has moistened the paper, it will stretch afterwards and rise in blisters when laid upon the canvas. The paper should not be cut off from its extended position till thoroughly dry; and the drying should not be hastened, but "gradually take place in a dry room, if time permit; if not, the paper may be exposed to the sun, unless in the winter season, when the help of a fire is necessary, care being had that it is not placed too near a scorching heat. In joining two sheets of paper together by overlapping, it uu MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. is necessaiy, in order to make a neat joint, to feather edge each sheet ; this is done by carefully cutting -with a knife half way through the paper near the edges, and on the sides, which are to overlap each other ; then strip off a feather-edged slip from each, which, being clone dexterously, the edges will form a very neat and efficient joint when put together. The following method of mounting and varnishing drawings or prints was communicated some years ago by Mr. Peacock, an artist of Dublin. Stretch a piece of linen on a frame, to which give a coat of isinglass or common size. Paste the back of the drawing, leave it to soak, and then lay it on the linen. When dry, give it at least four coats of well-made isinglass size, allowing it to dry between each coat. Take Canada balsam diluted with the best oil of turpentine, and with a clean brush give it a full flowing coat GENERAL RULES APPLICABLE IN ALL GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS. In selecting black-lead pencils for use, it may be remarked that they ought not to be very soft, nor so hard that their traces cannot be easily erased by the India rubber. Great care should be taken, in the pencilling, that an accurate out- line be drawn ; the pencil marks should be distinct yet not heavy, and the use of the rubber should be avoided as much as possible, for its frequent application ruffles the surface of the paper, and will destroy the good effect of shading or colouring, if any is afterwards to be applied. The following seven useful rules are taken from Mr. Thomas Bradley's valuable work on Practical Geometry: — "1. Arcs of circles, or right lines by which an important point is to be found, should never intersect each other very obliquely, or at an angle of less than 15 or 20 degrees ; and, if this cannot be avoided, some other pro- ceeding should be had recourse to, to define the point more precisely. "2. When one arc of a circle is described, and a point in it is to be deter- mined by the intersection of another arc, this latter need not be drawn at all, but only the point marked off on the first, as it is always desirable to avoid the drawing of unnecessary lines. The same observation applies to a point to be determined on one straight line by the intersection of another. "3. Whenever the compasses can be used in any part of a construction, or to construct the whole problem, they are to be preferred to the rule, unless the process is much more circuitous, or unless the first rule (above) forbids. "4. A right line should never be obtained by the prolongation of a very short one, unless some point in that prolongation is first found by some other means, especially in any essential part of a problem. "5. The larger the scale on which any problem, or any part of one. is con- structed, the less liable is the result to error ; hence all angles should be set off on the largest circles which circumstances will admit of being described, THE PRISM. 67 and the largest radius should be taken to describe the arcs by which a point is to be found through which a right line is to be drawn ; and the greater attention is to be paid to this rule, in proportion as that step of the problem under consideration is conducive to the correctness of the final result. " 6. All lines, perpendicular or parallel to another, should be drawn long enough at once, to obviate the necessity of producing them. " 7. Whenever a line is required to be drawn to a point, in order to insure the coincidence of them, it is better to commence the line from the point ; and if the line is to pass through two points, before drawing it the pencil should be moved along the rule, so as to ascertain whether the line will, when drawn, pass through them both. Thus, if several radii to a circle were required to pass through any number of points respectively, the lines should be begun from the center of the circle ; any error being more obvious when several lines meet in a point. PART II.— ON OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Under this head our principal object will be to consider the construction, and principles of action, of such instruments as are indispensable to assist the vision in making observations upon distant objects, whether upon terrestrial objects for the purposes of the surveyor, or upon celestial objects for the pur- poses of astronomy and navigation. We propose, however, to add a few words upon such other optical instruments, as by their utility, or by the frequency with which they are brought before us, appear to demand our attention. We shall thus be led, in the first place, to review briefly the properties of prisms, lenses, and plane and curvilinear reflectors, and shall then proceed to give descriptions of the following instruments, viz., Microscopes. "1 Such as are adapted to surveying and astronomical Telescopes. J instruments, rather fully. The Camera Lucida. ] Tr , . a The Camera Obscura. } Very briefly. THE PRISM. A collection of straight lines, either conical or cylindrical, representing rays of light, is called a pencil of light, and the axis of the cylinder or cone is called the axis of the pencil. The term medium is used in optics to signify any trans- parent substance, that is, any substance into which a portion of the light falling upon it can pass. The term prism in optics is used to signify a portion of any medium bounded by plane surfaces which are inclined to one another. The bounding surfaces are called the faces of 68 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. the prism ; the line in which the faces intersect is called the edge of the prism ; and the angle at which the faces are in- clined is called the refracting angle. The prism is to he placed so that the axis of the pencil, by which an object is seen through it, be in a plane perpendicular to the edge of the prism ; and the axis of the pencil during and after its passage through the prism still remains in this plane. One effect of a prism of denser material than the surround- ing medium is to bend every ray of light passing through it, and, consequently, the whole pencil, further from the edge of the prism. Another effect of such a prism is to decompose each single ray of white light into several rays of different colours, which rays are bent at different angles, so as to form a lengthened image of different colours, of the point from which the ray proceeds. This image is called the spectrum, and these colours the colours of the spectrum. When, then, any object is viewed through a prism, the two following effects are produced, lstly. The ap- parent position of the object is changed, so that, if the prism be held with its edge * downwards, as in the accompanying figure, the object appears lower than it really is, while, if the prism were held with its edge upwards, the object would appear in a position higher than its actual position. Sndly. The boundaries of the object are indistinctly defined, and fringed with colours. Our figure represents the section of the prism made by the plane of incidence, that is, by the plane which is perpendicu- lar to the edge of the prism, and contains the incident ray of light p q, forming the axis of the pencil under consideration, which proceeds from one point of an object p. aq and AB are sections of the faces of the prism ; a is a point in its edge; and the angle qar is its refracting angle. Now the ray of light, pq, proceeding from the object at p through the medium of the atmosphere, is bent, upon entering the denser medium of the prism, from the direction q t into the direction Q B, nearer to lq k, the perpendicular, at the point of inci- dence q, to the face aq of the prism ; and. w^on emerging hie prism. 69 from the prism into the rarer medium of the atmosphere, in again bent from the direction QRinto the direction rs, further from m r n, the perpendicular to the face a r at the point of emergence r. The eye, being placed at s, sees the point p, therefore, by means of a pencil of light of -which s r is the axis, and p consequently appears at p' on the prolongation of the line sr. A similar effect being produced upon every other point, the entire object is apparently depressed, as re- presented in the figure. The angle tes, or pep', between ers, the direction of emergence, and pet, the direction of incidence, is called the angle of deviation *, The consideration of the properties of the prism is of great importance, as exhibiting in the simplest manner the princi- ples of the refraction and dispersion of light. The prism is also used in optical instruments, to change the direction of the pencils of light by which an object is observed, in order to make the apparent place of this object, as viewed through the prism, coincide with the actual place of other objects seen directly, as in the prismatic compass f, or for the mere pur- pose of convenient observation, as in the Newtonian tele- scope f. * The amount of refraction when a ray of light passes from one medium into another varies with the angle of incidence, so that the sine of the angle of refraction bears a constant ratio to the sine of the angle of incidence. This ratio varies for each different medium, and is called the refracting power of the medium. The deviation of a ray in passing through a prism varies also with the angle of incidence, and has a minimum value when the angles of incidence and emergence are equal: and the refracting power can be determined by finding practically this minimum deviation, as follows : — Place the prism with its edge downwards, so as to receive a small beam of solar light, admitted into a dark room through a hole in a shutter, and let the beam of light, after refraction, be received upon a screen behind the prism. The prism must then be turned round an axis parallel to its edge, so as to vary the angle of incidence, and, consequently, the position of the bright spot upon the screen; and, in one particular position, we shall find the bright spot to remain stationary for an instant, though the motion of the prism is continued. The deviation will then be a minimum, and will be equal to the sum of the sun's altitude and the in- clination of the emergent beam to the horizon. Let S represent this minimum deviation, and A the refracting angle of the prism, and let the . A + S sin. — - — refracting power be represented by p. : then p = " t These instruments will be described hereafter. 70 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. A portion of any medium bounded by two spberical sur- faces having a common axis, or by a spberical surface and a plane one, is called a lens. The effects produced by lenses upon pencils of light de- pend both upon the form of the lens itself, and upon the direction in which the pencil is proceeding with respect to the lens. Lenses consequently receive distinguishing names, to mark either different forms, or different positions with respect to the light falling upon them. These distinguishing names are the following, and the forms and positions of the corresponding lenses are represented in the accompanying diagram, the light being considered to be proceeding from left to right. 1 / 7 V w 1 / \ A I B 5" t 7 » 3 1. Convex meniscus. 3. Double convex. 5. Plano-convex. 2. Concave meniscus. 4. Double concave. 6. Convexo-plam?. 7. Plano-concave. 9. Concavo-convex. 8. Concavo-plane. 10. Convexo-concave. The rays forming any pencil of light must either be diver- gent, parallel, or convergent ; and when a pencil of light passes through an essentially convex lens, that is, one which is thicker in the middle than at the edges, as 1, 2, 3, 5, 0, the rays are made more convergent, so that a pencil of con- verging rays becomes still more convergent, a pencil of paral- lel rays becomes convergent, and a pencil of diverging rays becomes either less divergent, parallel, or convergent: but when a pencil of light passes through an essentially concave lens, that is, one which is thinner in the middle than at the edges, as 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, the rays are made more divergent, so that a pencil of converging rays becomes either less conver- gent, parallel, or divergent, a pencil of parallel rays becomes divergent, and a pencil of diverging rays becomes still more divergent. The sensation of vision is produced by pencils of rays pro- ceeding from every point of the visible object, and entering EFFECTS PRODUCED BY LENSES. 71 the pupil of the eye ; and in order to produce distinct vision the rays of each such pencil must either he parallel or slightly divergent. Thus the sun, moon, and planets are seen dis- tinctly, although so distant, by parallel rays ; and the least distance from the eye at which an object can be seen distinctly varies in different persons, according to the power of the ♦natural lenses which, in fact, form the eye. 1. When any object is brought nearer to the eye than this without the inter- vention of a lens, the vision becomes confused. If, however, the rays of light proceeding from the object were, by the interposition of a convex lens, rendered less divergent or parallel, the vision would be again distinct. 2. It is further necessary for distinct vision that the intensity of the light be not less than a certain intensity, as may easily be exemplified by gradually closing the shutters of a room, and thus dimi- nishing the intensity of the light proceeding from the objects in the room, when they will grow more and more indistinct. 3. Lastly, it is also necessary, for distinct vision of any object, that the axes of the pencils proceeding from its extreme parts enter the eye under an angle not less than a certain angle, so that, however strong a light be thrown upon an object, if this object be very minute, or removed to a distance very great with respect to its magnitude, it will not be seen by the naked eye. If, however, by the assistance of a lens, or combination of lenses, a sufficient number of rays to produce the required intensity of light can be collected from each point of an object, and passed through the pupil of the eye, and if at the same time the axes of the extreme pencils are bent by this lens, or combination of lenses, so as to enter the eye under a sufficiently large angle, while the rays of each pencil are made parallel, or but slightly divergent, then vision will ensue, no matter how minute, how distant, or how im- perfectly illuminated the object may be. When a pencil of rays proceeding from a point of an object passes through a lens, the rays which pass through at different distances from its center will diverge from or converge to dif- ferent points, so that the whole pencil will not any longer diverge from or converge to a single point; and from this cause the image of one point will overlap the image of an- other, and an indistinctness of the object will arise. This source of indistinctness is called the aberration. A combina- tion of lenses may, however, be formed, so that the aberration of one shall be corrected by the aberration of the others. Such a combination is said to be aplanatic. 7« MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Since rays of light proceed in every direction from tue points of visible objects, tbe pencils of light intercepted by a lens for tbe first time are all centrical, that is, their axes all pass through the center of the lens ; but the pencils, upon emerging from this first leus, are already determinate both in extent and direction, and consequently will fall, some of them at least, eccentrically upon a second lens, that is, their axes will meet this lens at different distances from its center. The axes of the most eccentrical pencils will then, after emer- gence, cross the axis of vision nearer to the lens than will those of the more nearly central pencils ; and thus, while the center of the object is seen distinctly, the parts at a distance from the center will be distorted, or vice versa. This source of error is called the spherical confusion. The spherical con- fusion is diminished by dividing the desired deviations, or bendings of the axes, between two or more lenses ; and it is found by opticians to be a good rule to divide the deviations equally amongst the lenses employed. The most important source of indistinctness, however, is the dispersion of each ray into rays of different colours refracted at different angles (p. 68), which is called the chromatic dis- persion* The effect of this dispersion upon a centrical pencil is partly analogous to the spherical aberration, causing the images of neighbouring points to be of finite extent and over- lap one another; and it, moreover, fringes the image with colour. An eccentrical pencil is separated by this dispersion into pencils of rays of different colours, the axes of which are bent at different angles ; and the imperfection arising from this cause is far greater than that from both the spherical aberra- tion and spherical confusion. Before stating the manner in which the imperfections arising from the chromatic dispersion are remedied, it will be expedient to explain what is understood by the focal length of a lens. Now a pencil of parallel rays, after passing through a lens, becomes either convergent or divergent, as the lens is convex or concave, and the distance from the point to which the pencil converges, or from which it diverges, to the surface of the lens, is called the focal length of the lens. To find 2>racticallji the Focal Length of a Convex Lens. — Place a lighted candle atone extremity of a scale of inches and parts, with which the lens has been connected in such a manner as to slide along, and always have its axis parallel to the scale. A flat piece of card is also to be made to slide along, so as to be always in a line with the light and the lens, FOCAL LENGTH OF LENSES. 78 tho lens being between the light and the card. The lens and card are then to be moved along, backwards and forwards, till the least distance between the card and light is discovered at which a clear image of the light is formed upon the card : and this distance is four times the focal length. The imperfection arising from the chromatic dispersion is remedied, for the centrical pencil, by making a compound lens of two or more lenses of different substances, as flint glass and crown glass, which are fitted close together, and are of such focal lengths that the chromatic dispersion of one is counteracted by the chromatic dispersion of the other. The effect of the chromatic dispersion upon an eccentrical pencil is remedied by setting two or more lenses at proper distances depending upon their focal lengths. Such a combination of lenses is called an achromatic eye-piece. When an object is placed at a distance from a convex lens greater than its focal length, the divergent pencils of rays, proceeding from every point of the object, become, after pass- ing through the lens, convergent, and at a certain distance from the lens *, having converged nearly to points again, form there an inverted image of the object. The essential differ- ence between any point in this image, and the corresponding point in the object itself, is, that the latter emits light in all directions, while the light from the former is limited to the pencil which has been transmitted through the lens, and is consequently determinate both in magnitude and direction. If, however, a screen be placed at the required * distance from the lens, a picture of the object in an inverted position will be formed upon this screen, and from each point of this picture light will be emitted in all directions in the same manner as from the points of the object itself. The single pencil of light from any point of the object, transmitted through the lens, supplies, however, in this case, the light for all the pencils emitted from the corresponding point of the image ; and a very strong light must therefore be thrown upon the object to give a moderate brightness to the picture ; more especially if the picture be of larger dimensions than the * If u be the distance from the lens at which the object is placed,/ the focal length of the lens, then v, the distance from the lens at which the image is formed, is determined from the equation - = . The linear magnitude of the image is to that of the object as v to u. 74 MATHEMATICAL 1NSTBUMENTS. object A portion of the light is also absorbed by the lens itself REFLECTORS. When a ray of light is reflected at a plane surface, the re- flection takes place in a plane perpendicular to tbe reflecting surface, and the incident and reflected rays make equal angles with this surface. Thus, if Q a represent a ray of light incident upon a plane re- flector at the point a, and the plane of the paper represent the plane which con- tains q a, and is perpendicular to the re- flecting surface, intersecting it in the line n A r', then making the angle q'ar' in the plane qar' equal to the angle qar, aq' will represent the course of the reflected ray. The effect of a plane reflector upon the pencils of light which fall upon it is to change the direction of all the rays forming each pencil without altering the angles at which the Beveral rays of the pencil are inclined to one an- other, so that the divergency or con- vergency of the pencils remains the same after reflection as before, and the objects from which they proceed appear to be at the same distances behind the mirror as they really are in front of it. Thus, a pencil of light diverging from a point of an object at P, after reflection at the point a of a plane mirror, appears to proceed from the point r' on tin- line rsip', perpendicular to the mirror, at the distance Mr' behind the mirror, equal to the distance mp. The point r'. from which, after reflection, the pencil appears to have di- verged, is called a virtual focus; and the apparent image of the object behind the mirror is called a virtual image. The uses of a single plane reflector in mathematical instru- ments are nearly the same as the uses of a prism: viz., either to alter the apparent position of an object, so as to make its visual image coincide with the real image of some other ob- ject, as in the prismatic compass (described hereafter), or merely to change the direction of the pencils for the purposes df more convenient observation, as in the Newtonian telescope, (see page 84), the diagonal eye-piece (see page 80). &0. When a ray of tight, proceeding in a plane at right angles to each of two plane mirrors, irliicli are inelineil to each other at any angle whatever, is successively reflected at the plane sur- BEFLEOTOBS 75 faces of each of the mirrors, the total deviation of the ray is double the angle of inclination of the mirrors. For let i i and h h represent s sections of the two mirrors made by \ the plane of incidence at right angles to each of them, and let s i represent the course of the incident ray : then the ray s i is reflected at i into the direction i h, making with i i the angle h i a, equal to the angle sii, and is again reflected at n into the direction H E, making, with n h, the angle e ii a equal \ / to the angle ih/i. Now the angle ahv, \ ,' being equal to the exterior angle in h, \j is equal to the two angles hi a and '■* ii a i ; and because the vertical angles avh and ive are equal, and that the three angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles, therefore the two angles vie and seh are, together, equal to the two angles ahv and ii a i, and therefore to the angle ii i a and twice the angle h a I (since ahv has been proved equal to hia and h a i) ; but vie, being equal to the vertical angle sii, is equal to the angle hia: therefore, taking away these equals, the remainder, the angle seh, is equal to the remainder, twice the angle hai. Q.E.D. This property of two plane reflectors enables us by their aid to measure the angle subtended at the eye by any two ob- jects whatever, and is the foundation of the construction of Hadley's Quadrant, and the improvements upon it: viz., Ilad- ley's Sextant, and Troughton's Reflecting Circle, hereafter to be described. Note. — Plane reflectors are usually made of glass silvered at the back ; and, as reflection takes place at each surface of the glass, there is formed a secondary image, which must not be mistaken for the primary and distinct image intended to be observed. ON CURVILINEAR REFLECTORS. Spherical reflectors, or specula, as they are called, produce upon pencils of rays results precisely similar, with one ex- ception, to those produced by lenses. Thus, a concave reflector makes the rays of the pencils incident upon it more con vergent, and corresponds in its uses with a convex lens; while a convex reflector makes the rays of the incident pencils more divergent after reflection, and corresponds in its uses with a e 2 7fi MATHEMATICAL 1NSTBUMENTS. concave lens. The exception to the similarity of the results produced by lenses and reflectors is, that with the latter there is no chromatic dispersion, and the only sources of error are the aberration and spherical confusion, which are common to both spherical reflectors and lenses. For astronomical observations, however, in which case the rays incident upon the object-speculum are parallel, these sources of error are removed by making this speculum of a parabolic form, and another speculum, if it be used, of the form of the vertex of a prolate spheroid. There is great difficulty in procuring flint glass in pieces of large size without flaws, and we are con- sequently limited as to the size of the lenses of good quality that can be formed with such glass ; and. without its use, we have not hitherto been able to form available achromatic ob- ject-glasses. Recourse is, therefore, had to parabolic or spherical specula in the formation of telescopes of large power for examining the heavens * These specula are formed of metal, and the chief objection to them is the impossibility of producing an accurate surface. Even supposing its general form to be correct, there are always minute inequalities arising from the nature of the substance, which cause a waste or dis- persion of light. Great pains are, consequently, taken in their construction to obtain the form and surface of the best possible quality f. MICROSCOPES. The microscope is an instrument for magnifying minute, but accessible objects. A convex lens is a microscope, but the imperfections of such an instrument have been already explained (p. 71), and the greater the power of the lens the * Sir William Herschel's largest telescope was 40 feet long, and the mirror 4 feet wide. Lord Kosse's largest telescope is 56 feet long, and the mirror 6 feet wide. + The following description of the methods employed in forming and polishing parabolic reflectors is extracted in nn abridged form from an account of Skerryvore Lighthouse, by Alan Stevenson, LL.B. F.R.S.E, M.I.C.E., Engineer of the Northern Light Board. " The reflector plate is formed of virgin silver and the purest copper, from the ingot, in the proportion of 6 oz. silver to l(i oz. of copper. The two metals, are formed into pieces of the form of rectangular pamllelopipedB about 3 inches in length, and the same in breadth, and are then tied together with wire, placed in the furnace, and united witli a flux of burnt borax and nitre, mixed to the consistence of cream. The metal thus united is re- peatedly passed through the rolling mill, and annealed in the furnace after each time of passing through, until it comes out a plate 28 inches square. It is then cut into n circular disc ready for hammering ; and great care must il., the dial-plate of a watch is placed upon the top of a nia.st at ( .»0 feet distance from the speculum, and the image of this dial plate formed by the speculum, being viewed through an eye-glass property placed the distinctness of this image denotes the accuracy of the speculum. MICROSCOPES. 79 employed, as a microscope, a drop of Canada balsam or tur- pentine varnish upon a thin plate of glass, of which the surfaces were exactly parallel. This is a very ready way of forming a plano-convex lens, and if kept free from dust will last some time. The compound or achromatic microscope consists of four lenses and a diaphragm, placed in the following order : the object-lens; the diaphragm; the amplifying lens, so called be- cause it amplifies or enlarges the field of view ; the field-lens ; and the eye-lens. The relations between the focal lengths and intervals of the lenses, and the distance of the diaphragm from the object-lens, are determined, so that the combination may be achromatic, aplauatic, and free from spherical con- fusion. The field-lens and eye-lens form what is called the eye-piece ; and the object-lens and amplifying lens form, or tend to form, an enlarged image of the object, in the focus of the eye-piece, which image is viewed through the eye- piece. When the focus of the eye-piece is beyond the field- lens, so that the image is formed between the amplifying lens and the field-lens, the eye-piece is called a positive eye-piece; but when the focus of the eye-piece is between the two lenses of which it is composed, in which case its effect corresponds with that of a concave lens, it is called a negative eye-piece. With a negative eye-piece the pencils proceeding frojn the amplifying lens are intercepted by the field-lens before form- ing an image, and the image is formed between the field-lens and the eye-lens, in the focus of the latter. The best microscopes are constructed with compound object- lenses, which are both achromatic and aplanatic ; and by this means the aperture, and consequently the quantity of light, is much increased. Good compound lenses possessing the re- quired properties have been formed of a concave lens of flint glass, placed between two convex lenses, one of crown glass, and the other of Dutch plate. The magnifying power of any refracting microscope or tele- scope may be practically found, by pointing the object-end of the instruments towards the light, and receiving the image of the object-glass formed by the other lenses upon a screen placed at the eye-end of the instrument, and at a proper dis- tance from it, which may be determined by trial. Then the ratio of the diameter of the object-glass, or of the diaphragm, in the case of the compound microscope, to the diameter of its image upon the screen, gives the magnifying power of the telescope or microscope. In all microscopes it is necessary 80 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. to illuminate the object strongly, in consequence both of the diffusion of the small portion of light, received from the object, over the magnified image, and of the absorption of the light by the several lenses. The "Reflecting Microscope. — In this instrument a concave speculum of short focal length is substituted for the object- lens. The object is placed on one side of the axis of the instrument, so that its perpendicular distance from the axis, together with the distance from the speculum of the point where this perpendicular meets the axis, may be a little greater than the focal length of the speculum. A small plane reflector is placed upon the axis of the instrument at the point where the perpendicular from the object meets it. This reflector is set at an angle of 45° to the axis, and having its plane perpendicular to the plane through the object and the axis. The object being strongly illuminated, the pencils of rays proceeding from it, after reflection at the plane reflector and concave speculum, tend to form a magnified image, but tire intercepted by the field-glass of the negative achromatic eye-piece, called the Huyghenian eye-piece (p. 82); and the image formed after the transmission of the rays through the field-glass is viewed through the eye-glass. In the examination of small objects with a high power, it is necessary that the microscope should be perfectly free from all tremor, the slightest motion being so magnified as to pre- vent a good view from being obtained. Regard must be had, therefore, to solidity and accuracy in the fitting of all the joints and screws : in the choice of an instrument, and for a first-rate instrument, recourse should be had only to a maker of well-known talent, as many so-called opticians are mere sellers of articles of the qualities of which they are totally ignorant. The adjustment of the eye-piece should be ob- tained through the medium of a clamp and slow motion screw of the best kind *, in which the screw acts upon a spiral spring, and by means of which the adjustment for a good focus may be obtained with the greatest possible accuracy, and without the slightest tremor. If the workmanship and fittings of the instrument appear to be satisfactory, a few test objects should be examined with it, to try the quality of the combina- tion of lenses. Two of the best test objects are the Podura jilombea, or Skiptail, a small wingless insect, the size of a ilea, found in damp cellars, and the Navicula Sigma, a small * The bust clamp, referred to in the text, is Dolloml's, or a modification of ]))llond's clamp. TELESCOPES. 8 1 shell found in fresh water pools. The surface of the scales of the Potlura plombea should appear covered with a great number of delicate marks, like notes of admiration. The Navicula Sigma should appear completely chequered with a number of longitudinal and transverse lines. Should the instrument show these test objects well, it may at once be deemed a good one. TELESCOPES. The Refracting Telescope consists of a convex object-glass^ which forms an image of a distant object, and an eye-piece of one or more lenses, which per- forms the office of a microscope g^S for viewing this image. The ^ most simple form of the tele- scope is that called the astronomical telescope, and consists of two convex lenses, the object-glass o, of as great focal length, and, consequently, low magnifying power, as the size of the telescope will permit, and the eye-glass e, of small focal length, and, consequently, high magnifying power. When arranged for distinct vision of a distant object, the distance between the two lenses is equal to the sum of their focal lengths : an inverted image, i, of the object is, consequently, formed in the common focus of the two lenses, and the pencils pro- ceeding from the image consist, after refraction at the eye- glass, of parallel rays, which are the most favourable for distinct vision. The magnifying power of this instrument is represented by the ratio of the focal length of the object-glass to that of the eye-glass, and may therefore be increased either by increasing the focal length of the object-glass, or by diminishing that of the eye-glass. The latter means, however, cannot be resorted to without increasing both the chromatic dispersion and the spherical aberration. Hence, before the means were dis- covered of forming achromatic and aplauatic object-glasses, the only unobjectionable way of increasing the power of the telescope was by increasing the focal length of the object-glass, and astronomers used to attach the object-glass to the end of a long pole. This contrivance was called an aerial telescope. Huyghens used one of 123 feet in length, and Cassini one of 150 feet: That the field of view should be as bright as possible, the image of the object-glass formed by the eye-glass at the place of the eye should not be larger than the pupil of the eye ; and b $ 82 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. the brightness will then vary directly as the square of the dia- meter of the object-glass, and inversely as the square of the magnifying power. The brightness is also diminished by passing through the refracting media; and hence it is always an object to employ as few lenses as possible, consistently with the attainment of the other requisites of a good telescope. Refracting telescopes for astronomical observations are now constructed with achromatic object-glasses, and eye-pieces of two lenses, called celestial eye-pieces, which are of one or the other of the two following constructions : 1. The IIiujghcniaH Eye-piece consists of two convexo-planc lenses, with their plane sides, consequently, turned towards the eye, their focal lengths and the interval between them being as 3, 1, and 2. The lens of greatest focal length, /, is next the object-glass, and is called the field-lens, because it enlarges the field of view. When the telescope is arranged for distinct vision of a distant object, the field-lens is placed between the object-glass and its focus, at a distance from the latter equal to half its own focal length. The pencils of rays from the object-glass, tending to form an image at a distance from the fieid-lens equal to three-fourths of the interval be- tween the two lenses of the eye-piece, are intercepted by the field-lens and brought sooner to a focus so as to form the image i, half way between the two lensas, and consequently in the focus of the eye-lens e. In this eye-piece the refrac- tions of the axes of the pencils are equally divided between the two lenses, by which the spherical confusion is much diminished ; the forms of the lenses are also such as to dimi- nish the spherical aberration, and the relation between the focal lengtbs of the lenses and the interval between them is such as to satisfy the conditions of achromatism. This eye- piece, called a negative eye-piec$ (p. 7'.)). is always to be pre- ferred, when we are only seeking to obtain the best defined and most distinct view of an object, and is the beat eya-pii o for all reflecting telescopes; but when it is necessary to place cross-wires or spider-lines at the place of the image in the Held of view, for the purpose of accurately measuring the n i n Km f an object, at the time of observation, or to apply an apparatus, called a micrometer, for measuring the dimensions REFLECTING TELESCOPES. 83 of an image, the Huygheniau eye-piece can no longer be em- ployed. We have then recourse to Ramsdeiis Eye-piece, called a Positive Eye-piece (p. 79). This consists of two lenses of equal focal lengths, one plano-convex, and the other convexo-planc, so that the convex sides are turned towards one another, the interval between them being equal to two-thirds of the focal length of either. When the telescope is arranged for distinct vision of a distant object, the field-lens /, is placed at a dis- tance from the object-glass o, greater than the focal length of this glass by one-fourth of its own focal length. The focus of the object-glass is then also the focus of the entire eye-piece, and the rays proceeding from the image at i, emerge from the eye-lens e, parallel, or in the condition best adapted for dis- tinct vision. This eye-piece is not achromatic, but the spherical aberration is less with it than with the Huyghenian eye-piece. Whether the eye-piece be positive or negative, a diaphragm is placed at the place of the image so as to intercept all the ex- traneous light. With the eye-pieces of which we have been speaking, the object appears inverted, which is no inconvenience when this object is one of the heavenly bodies. These eye-pieces are consequently called celestial eye-pieces. For the convenient observation of stars near the zenith, a plane reflector or prism is placed in the eye-piece, by which the directions of the pencils are turned, so that the axis of the eye-lens is at right angles to the axis of the instrument. Such an eye-piece is called a diagonal eye-piece. When terrestrial objects are to be viewed, it is generally necessary that they should appear erect, for which purpose the inverted image formed by the object-glass must be again inverted by the eye-piece. The terrestrial, or erect eye-piece, used for this purpose, is coincident with the compound micro- scope already described (p. 79), consisting of an object-lens, a diaphragm, amplifying lens, field-lens, and eye-lens, the two latter forming either a negative or positive eye-piece. In con- sequence of the loss of light consequent upon this construe tion, portable telescopes with celestial eye-pieces are used by navigators for descrying objects at night, and these telescopes are, consequently, called night-glasses. 84 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. By substituting for the convex eye-lens of the astronomical telescope a concave eye-lens of the same focal length, a simple telescope is formed with only two lenses, which shows objects erect. This is called the Galilean telescope, and is the construction used for opera glasses. When M_ arranged for distinct vision of a " distant object, the object-glass and eye-lens are separated by a distance equal to their focal lengths. The pencils of light proceeding from the object, after refraction at the object-glass o, tend to form an image of the object in the common focus of the two lenses ; but, being intercepted by the concave eye-lens e, their rays arc rendered parallel, and, consequently, adapted to produce distinct vision to an eye placed behind this lens. The magnifying power, as in the astronomical telescope, is represented by the ratio of the focal length of the object-glass to that of the eye-lens. Reflecting Telescopes. — Since the discovery of the methods of forming achromatic and aplanatic object-glasses, the magni- tude and available magnifying powers of refracting telescopes are theoretically unlimited ; but the difficulty of procuring flint glass of even texture and free from flaws, in pieces of any considerable magnitude, has hitherto practically placed a limit upon the magnitude and available power of refracting telescopes. By the substitution, however, of reflectors, which are always achromatic, for the object-glasses, telescopes of colossal magnitude have been most successfully constructed. Of reflecting telescopes there are four kinds — the Newtonian, the Gregorian, the (Jassegrainian, and the Herschelian. The Newtonian tele- scope consists of a con- III cave object-speculum, s, a plane reflector m, making an angle of 45° with the axis of the telescope, placed between the object-speculum and its focus, and an eye-piece. The pencils of light proceeding from a distant object tend to form an image after reflection at the object-speculum, lout are bent by the plane reflector, so that the linage is formed at i, on the axis of the eye-piece, and in the focus of the eye-lens. The Gregorian telescope consists of a concave object-spe- culum, 8, a small concave speculum, r, whose focal length is REFLECTING TELESCOPES. 85 short compared with that of the object - specu- lum, and an '"""11 ^=^ eye-piece. The small speculum is placed so that its focus is near the focus of the object-speculum, but a little further from this speculum. The pencils of light proceeding from a distant object, after Reflection at the object-speculum, form an inverted image, h, of the object at the focus of this speculum, and after reflection again at the small speculum form a second image, i, inverted with respect to the former, and, consequently, erect with respect to the object. This telescope has, for terrestrial purposes, the advantage over the Newtonian telescope, of showing objects erect, but yields to it both in the brightness and perfection of the image, because the second mirror increases the spherical aberration produced by the first, and it is extremely difficult to give the mirrors the proper curvature to remedy this evil. The Cassegrainian telescope consists of two specula and an eye-piece, like the Gregorian, but the second speculum is con- vex instead of concave, and is placed between the object- speculum and its principal focus, at a distance from this focus somewhat less than its own focal length. The pencils of light proceeding from a distant object, after reflection at the object- speculum, tend to form an inverted image of the object, but are intercepted, before doing so, by the convex speculum, and made to form the image still inverted, in the focus of the eye- lens. Objects, therefore, are still inverted ; but the spherical aberration of the convex speculum being opposite to that of the concave object-speculum, the whole spherical aberration is diminished. This telescope is also shorter tban the Gregorian. It is, however, inferior to the Newtonian telescope for celestial observations, and not well adapted for terrestrial purposes on account of the inversion of the object. When light is reflected at a mirror or speculum, there will always be a waste and dispersion ; and in consequence of the two reflections, and also of the light intercepted by the plane mirror, or second speculum, the loss of light in all the re- flecting telescopes hitherto described is considerable. Sir W. Herschel, by a very simple contrivance, obtained what is called the front view ; but this construction is only applicable to in struments of very large dimensions. In the Herschelian tele- scope the axis of the object-speculum, s, is slightly inclined to 86 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. the axis of the tube, and the image i, being thus thrown to one side of the tube, is there viewed by the eye-piece. We shall now proceed to explain the best methods of adjusting and testing telescopes, as given by Pearson in his valuable work on Practical Astronomy. Methods of Adjusting and Testing Refracting Telescopes. — Let us suppose that we have a refracting telescope of 3j feet focal length, and 3^ inches aperture. Then, to test the object-glass, lay the tube of the telescope in a horizontal position upon some fixed support about the height of the eye, and place a printed card vertically, but for a celestial eye-piece in an inverted position, against some wall or pillar at thirty or forty yards' distance, so as to be exposed to a clear sky ; then, when the telescope is directed to this object, and adjusted by the sliding tube for distinct vision, the letters on the card should appear clearly and sharply defined, without any colouration or mistiness ; and, if very small points appear well defined, the object-glass may be deemed a pretty good one for viewing terrestrial objects. If the glass be intended for astronomical observations, fix at the same distance a black board, or one-half of a sheet of black paper, and a circular disc of white paper, about a quarter of an inch or less in diameter, upon the center of the black ground ; then having directed the telescope to this object, and adjusted for distinct vision, mark with a black-lead pencil the sliding eye-tube, at the end of the main tube, so that this position can always be known ; and if this sliding tube be gradually drawn out, or pushed in, while the eye beholds the disc, it will gradually enlarge and lose its colour, till its edges cease to be well defined. Now, if the enlarged misty circle is observed to be concentric with the disc itself, the object-glass is properly centered, as it has reference to the tube; but, if the misty circle goes to one side of the disc, the cell of the object-glass is not at right angles to the tube, and must have its screws re- moved, and its holes elongated by a rat-tailed file, small enough to enter the holes. When this has been done, replace the cell, and examine the disc a Becond time, and a slight stroke on tin- edge of the cell by a wooden malli't will show, by the alteration made in the position of the misty portion of the disc, how the adjustment is to be effected, which is known to be right when a motion in the sliding tube will make the disc enlarge in a circle concentric with the disc itself. When, then, the disc will enlarge so as to make a ring of diluted white light round its circumference, as the sliding tube holding the i a is pushed in, or drawn out, the cell may be finally fixed by the screws passing through its elongated holes. When the object-glass is thus adjusted, we can proceed to ascertain whether the Curves of the respective lenses composing the object-glass are well formed and suitable for each other. 11KFKACTING TELESCOPES. 87 If a small motion of the sliding tube of about one-tenth of an inch from the point of distinct vision, in a 3i-feet telescope, will dilute the light of the disc and render the appearance confused, the figure of the object-glass is good ; particularly if the same effect will take place at equal distances from the point of good vision, when the tube is alternately drawn out and pushed in. Such an object-glass is said to be aplanatic. A telescope that will admit of much motion in the sliding tube without affecting sensibly the distinctness of vision will not define an object well at any point of adjustment, and must be considered as having an imperfect object-glass in which the spherical aber- ration is not duly corrected. The achromatism of the object-glass is to be judged of by the absence of colouration round the enlarged disc. When an object-glass is free from imperfection both in respect of its aplanatism and achromatism, it may be considered a good glass for all terrestrial purposes. How far an object-glass is good for astronomical observations can only be determined by actual observation of a heavenly body. When a good telescope is directed to the Moon, or to Jupiter, the achromatism may be judged of by alternately pushing in, and drawing out, the eye-piece, from the place of dis- tinct vision ; in the former case a ring of purple will be formed round the edge ; and, in the latter, a ring of light green, which is the central colour of the prismatic spectrum; for these appearances show that the extreme colours, red and violet, are corrected. Again, if one part of a lens employed have a different refractive power from another part of it, that is, if the glass, parti- cularly flint glass, be more dense in one part than another, a star of the first, or even of the second magnitude will point out the natural defect by the exhibition of an irradiation, or what opticians call a wing at one side, which no perfection of figure or adjustment will banish ; and, the greater the aperture, the more liable is the evil to happen. Another method of determining both the figure and quality of the object- glass is by first covering its center by a circular piece of paper, as much as one-half of its diameter, and adjusting it for distinct vision of a given object, which may be the disc above mentioned, when the central rays are inter- cepted, and then trying if the focal length remains unaltered, when the paper is taken away, and an aperture of the same size applied, so that the extreme rays may in their turn be cut off. If the vision remains equally distinct in both cases, without any new adjustment for focal distance, the figure is good, and the spherical aberration cured; and it may be seen, by viewing a star of the first magnitude successively in both cases, whether the irradiation is pro- duced more by the extreme, or by the central parts of the glass ; or, in case one-half of the glass be faulty and the other good, a semicircular aperture, by being turned gradually round in trial, will detect what semicircle contains the defective portion of the glass ; and, if such portion should be covered, the only inconvenience that would ensue would be the loss of so much light as is thus excluded. The smaller a large star appears in any telescope, the better is the figure of the object-glass ; but, if the image of the star be free from wings, the size of its disc is not an objection in practical observations, as it maybe bisected by the small line by which the measure is to be taken. When, however, an object-glass produces radiations in a large star, it is unfit for the nicer pur- poses of-astronomy. In testing a telescope, if a glass globe be placed at 40 yards distance when the sun is shining, the speck of b'ght reflected from this globe forms a good substitute for a large star, as an object to be viewed. Whenever an object-glass is under examination, it will be proper to have the object examined by it in the center of the field of view; and, when an object-glass is tested for astronomical purposes by the methods described 68 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. above, it is necessary to employ a good negative eye-piece, which generally gives a better field of view than the positive. If any fringes of red or yellow are observed on the edges of a white disc placed on a black ground, when the telescope is adjusted for distinct vision, and the disc carried too near the edges of the field, this species of colouration indicates that the eye-piece is not sufficiently free from spherical aberrations ; and, if the curves of the lenses are suitable for each other, the cure is effected by an alteration in the distance between them, which nms be finally adjusted by trial with a good object-glass. Methods of Adjusting and Testing Reflecting Tdescopcs. — To adjust the specula of a Cassegrainian or Gregorian instrument procure a Ramsden's eye-piece, which will render an object visible in the compound focus of the two lenses of which it is composed ; then hold this eye-piece in front of the Huyghenian eye-piece of the telescope, and, by varying the distance, find the position in which the image of the large speculum is seen, well defined through both eye-pieces, and, if the image of the small speculum is seen precisely on the center of the large one, the metals may be considered as rightly placed ; but, if not, the proper screws must be used in succession, till the required position is determined. When the face of the large metal stands at right angles to the length of the tube, the adjustment may generally be finished without disturbing it ; and, when the bed that receives it has once been pro- perly finished, it will be advisable not to alter it, unless some accident should render such alteration indispensable. To try whether the figures of the metals are adapted for each other. — Let the instrument be directed to some luminous point, as a white disc on a black- ground, or, what is better, to a star : then having adjusted for distinct vision, firstly observe if the disc or star is well defined, and free from irradiations ; secondly, carrying the small speculum short distances beyond, and short of, the place for distinct vision, examine if the disc or star enlarges alike in similar changes of position : if the result be satisfactory, the metals may be considered as well placed, and well adapted for each other. To try whether the large speculum partake of the parabolic form, let the aperture be partially covered, first at the central part, and then round the circumference by tin, pasteboard, or stiff paper; and if on trial the same adjustment for distinct vision be good in both these cases, and also when the speculum is all exposed, the figure may be considered good. If these effects lie not produced, the instrument will be incompetent to perform several of the nicer observations in astronomy. When a mistiness appears in the field, it is a proof that the aberrations are not corrected, and that the figure of at least one of the specula is not perfect. If a telescope is not good with its full aperture, its effect may be greatly improved, by putting a cover on the mouth, with a circular aperture, of about one-half the diameter that the tube has, in such a way that the dimi- nished aperture may fall entirely at one side of the opening of the tube. THE SOLAR MICROSCOPE. Iii this instrument the object itself is not viewed through a combination of lenses, as in the microscopes already de- scribed (pp. 70-81), but a magniiicd image of the object is formed by a combination of lenses, and received upon a screen The term solar is applied to the instrument, because the light of the sun, concentrated by a lens, is made use of to illuminate CAMERA QBSCUKA. 89 (he object to be observed, and the construction is in fill other respects identical with the common magic lantern, and the oxy-hydrogen microscope. In the case of the microscope, how- ever, whether illuminated by the sun or the brilliant oxy- hydrogen light, great regard must be had to the forms of the lenses and the perfection of the setting ; while a comparatively very rough instrument forms a very amusing toy as a magic lantern, exhibiting grotesque figures and scenes, which are painted in transparent colours upon glass slides. The arrangement of the apparatus will be understood from the annexed diagram ; r is a reflector for turning the sun's rays in a direction parallel to the axis of the instrument : c is the lens for concentrating these rays upon the object placed at o, a little further from the first lens, p, of the magnifier, than the focal length of this magnifier, which is one-fourth the focal length of p ; then Ave have p and m, the two lenses form- ing the magnifier, which are of equal focal length, and sepa- rated by an interval equal to two-thirds of the common focal length, as in Eamsden's positive eye-piece : lastly comes the diaphragm, d, placed at a distance from m, tbe second lens of the magnifier, equal to the focal length of this magnifier, which is one-fourth the focal length of m or p. The best forms of the two lenses are, for the first, a plano- convex, and, for the second, a convex meniscus, the radii of whose surfaces are as 1 to 15 ; and the advantage aimed at in this construction is to render the image flat, and conse- quently capable of coinciding with the plane screen upon which it is to be received. A similar purpose is the object of the construction of Eamsden's eye-piece, viz., to obtain, as it is there called, a flat field. The object being placed a little further from p than the focal length of the magnifier, the pencils of rays from each point of the object, after passing through the two lenses, be- come slightly convergent, and, at a distance from the diaphragm depending upon the distance of the object from the lens p, the magnified image is formed inverted with respect to the object. THE CAMERA OBSCUBA. This instrument consists of a plane reflector, upon which 90 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. pencils of light from the various points of a landscape are re- ceived and rellected, so as to pass first through a diaphragm, and then through a plano-convex lens, after which the rays of the pencils become convergent, and form an image upon a screen in a darkened chamber placed to receive it. The dia- phragm and lens are placed in a tube, which is passed through a hole in the chamber just large enough to receive it, so that no extraneous light may be admitted. The distance of the lens from the diaphragm is determined upon the condition that the image shall be distinct. The form of the screen also, that the image may be distinct, is a paraboloid of revolution, or figure formed by the revolution round its axis of a para- bola, whose radius of curvature at the vertex is pf, ^ being the refracting power of the medium of which the lens is formed, and / the focal length of the lens. A curved surface of this form is, therefore, made of plaster of Paris, and placed at a distance from the lens rather greater than the focal length, the exact distance depending upon the nearness or remote- ness of the landscape to be depicted, and being easily found by trial. If the camera be set up in the neighbourhood of a well-frequented thoroughfare, we have then an agreeable suc- cession of distinct and vividly-coloured pictures, differing from finely-executed paintings only by exhibiting the actual motions of the objects viewed, men walking, horses trotting, soldiers marching, banners streaming, and foliage shaking in the breeze. THE CAMERA LUCIDA. This ingenious instrument, the invention of Dr. Wollaston, consists of a quadrilateral prism, of which abcd represents a section made by a plane at right angles to each of its edges, mounted upon an T axle parallel to its edges. This axle A. is attached to the end of a rod sliding in a tube, which has at the other end a clamp for fixing it to the edge of a table, so that the distance of the prism from the table can be shortened or lengthened at pleasure, a b is equal to b c, and ADtoDc, and the angles of the prism are a rlglvl angle at b, ftn angle of L88 at d, and angles cadi 61 80' at a and c. Over the face B a, and projecting beyond a, is a plate of metal having in it a narrow longitudinal aperture, which is just bisected by the edge A of the prism. fa" suRvaram instruments. 01 The axis q b, of a small pencil of light from an object q, directly in front of the face b c, passes straight through this face, and falls upon the face p c, making with it an angle of 22° 30'. It is there reflected- into the direction r s, and falling upon the face d a, at the same angle, is again reflected into the direction st, perpendicular to the face ab, and conse- quently passes straight through this face without refraction. Looking down through the aperture in the metal plate, an image of the object q is seen at p, at a distance from a b equal to the distance of the object itself from b c ; and if a b be placed, by means of the sliding rod before mentioned, at a distance from the table equal to the distance of the object from the prism, and a sheet of paper be laid upon the table at p, the apparent place of the object, as seen through the prism, will coincide with the actual place of the paper, seen through the projecting part of the aperture, and an accurate drawing of the object may be traced upon the paper. If the object y be distant, its image may be brought nearer, and thus made to coincide with the place of the paper, by placing a concave lens before the face b c of the prism. PART III.— SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS. Surveying instruments may be divided into three classes : 1. Instruments for measuring distances. 2. Instruments for measuring angles. 3. Instruments for laying down the survey upon paper, or, as it is called, plotting the survey. Under the first of these classes we propose to describe — 1. The chain. 2. The spirit level and levelling staves. * When a ray of light passes from a denser into a rarer medium it is re- fracted farther from the perpendicular to the refracting surface, so that, if

Bottom of canal' distant 150 feet. | Back 15-78 74-29 | Fore0 .■.m 120-00 0-31 15-78 90-07 921 80-86 Back too 205 300-15 11-05 I 80-86 1 1 -05 91-91 1-12 90-79 1 ! Fore 1 m L'.-l II - I!).". 25U0 120-U0 1M2 I53fM 63-K *>o-7^ | W10 1 1 1 Jn the first column are entered the distances between the several stations, which, being successively added to the pre- ceding total, give the total distances of each station from the starting point : in the next column are entered the distances of the stations from the instrument ; and in the third are 110 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. entered the bearings of the stations from the instrument. In the fourth and fifth columns are entered the readings of the staves ; and in the sixth column the heights above datum of the several stations are computed by adding the back reading to the height last found, and subtracting the fore reading from the sum. The seventh and eighth columns are added for per- forming the reduction of the measured distances to horizontal distances, when the slope is sufficient to render this reduction necessary. In carrying forward the distances to the next page of the book, the total reduced horizontal distance should be carried to the top of the first and second columns instead of the total measured distance along the slope ; but such sub- stitutions should not be made at any other part of the page, as it would interfere with the proof of the distances by adding up the second column, which ought to produce the last dis- tance entered in the first. The levels are proved by subtract- ing the sum of the numbers in the sixth column from the sum of the numbers in the fifth, when the remainder should be the height above datum of the last station recorded at the bottom of the page. To facilitate the reduction of the measured distances to the corresponding horizontal distances, the following table show- ing the reduction upon each 100 feet for each foot difference of level should be inserted in the field book : — Difference of Reduction Difference of Reduction Difference of 11 eduction Level for 100 upon 100 feet Level for 100 upon 1(10 feet Level for 100 upon 100 feet feet distance. of distance. feet distance. of distance. feet distance. of distance. 4 0-08 13 0-S5 22 2-45 5 0-13 14 0-9 S 23 268 6 0-18 15 1-13 24 292 7 0-25 10 1-29 25 3-18 8 0-32 17 1-46 26 3-44 9 0-41 18 1-63 27 3-71 10 0-50 19 1-82 2S 4-00 11 0-61 20 2-02 29 4-30 12 0-72 21 223 30 4-61 When it is required to plot the section on a large scale, and to show every undulation of the surface, it is not neces- sary to remove and re-set the instrument to obtain the height, above datum of every point necessary to be known for this purpose ; but, besides reading the staff at the back and fore station, it may be read off from the same place of the instru- ment, at as many intermediate points as may be deemed BENCH MAIIKS. 1 11 desirable; and these readings, being entered both as back and fore readings, will produce the same effect as back and fore readings of the same points obtained in different positions of the instrument. The distances from the instrument of these points should be omitted from the second column ; but, the distances between them being entered successively in the first column, their respective distances from the instrument may at any time be determined, if required. The height of the in- strument itself may be entered in tin's way as an intermediate sight ; and, as the same height that is added as a back reading is subtracted again as a fore reading, any error in this reading will not at all affect the levels afterwards taken, and, provided it be not greater than the limit within which distances can be laid down and estimated upon the plot, is of no moment. Now, in taking the section of a line of any considerable extent, the scale is seldom sufficiently large to admit of less than six inches being laid down or estimated upon the plot, and conse- quently an error of two or three inches in the intermediate sights would be immaterial. "When observations are made out of the line, to be levelled, in order, for instance, to obtain the height of this line above neighbouring rivers, canals, roads, &c, the readings are to be entered in the same manner as for other intermediate sights ; and, the column of bearing and distance being left blank, no mistake can be made in drawing the section. The bearing and distance of such points, if desirable to be noted, must be entered in the space left for remarks. For the purpose of reference on any future occasion, in order either to check the accuracy of the levels already ob- tained, or for the convenience of commencing a new series in some other direction, marks should be left upon some con- venient fixed points upon which the staff has been held, and the reading noted with the greatest possible care. These bench marks, as they are called, should ordinarily be left at about every half-mile of distance, and may be either on or off the line. In the latter case the readings are to be recorded in the manner already explained for points out of the line. The hooks and tops of gates, copings, sills, or steps of doors, &c, are commonly used for bench marks, and the mark must be made exactly on the point upon which the staff has been held. A stout stake may be driven into the ground for a bench mark, and is by many persons preferred to any other. When a section of considerable length is to be plotted, the horizontal distances cannot be laid down on as large a scale 11- MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. as is necessary for the vertical heights ahove datum, in order that the section may be of any practical use, without making the plot of most unwieldy dimensions. It is therefore usual to make the vertical scale much larger than the horizontal one : thus 4 inches to a mile for the horizontal distances, with one inch to 100 feet for the vertical distances, is a usual combination. In the accompanying figure we have drawn the portion of a section from the portion of the field book at page 109, making use of a scale of 1 inch to 800 feet for the hori- zontal distances, and of a scale of 1 inch to 200 feet for the vertical distances a g is ruled for the datum line; on it are set off from a, the horizontal distances at the points B, c, r>, e, f, g, according to the horizontal scale of 1 inch for each 800 feet, and through the points a, b, c, d, e, f, and o, are drawn lines a a, b b, &c., perpendicular to a g ; on these lines are set off the vertical distances to the points a, b, c, &c, according to the vertical scale of 1 inch for each 200 feet ; and the line a g, passing through all the points a, b, c, &c, will represent the required section. A line is drawn between the stations e, f, at the proper distance from the datum line to represent the level of the canal ; and proceeding in this manner, and making any remarks that may seem desirable, opposite the corresponding points of the section, the work will be completed. Having now explained the construction and use of the most accurate instruments for tracing the level of any portion oi country, we proceed to notice the water level, a very simple in- strument, adapted to give a rapid delineation of any portion of country, an object frequently of greater importance than ac- curacy. It can be made by any workman, will cost but a few shillings, and requires UO adjustment when using it. " a ij is a hollow tube of brass, about half an inch in diameter, WATER LEVEL 113 and about 3 feet long ; c and d are short pieces of brass tube of larger diameter, into which the long tube is soldered, and are for the purpose of receiving the two small bottles, e and/", the ends of which, after the bottoms have been cut off, by tying a piece of string round them when heated, are fixed in their positions by putty or white lead ; the projecting short axis, g, works (in the instrument from which the sketch was taken) in a hollow brass cylinder, h, which forms the top of a stand used for observing with a repeating circle ; but it may be made in a variety of ways, so as to revolve on any light portable stand. The tube, when required for use, is filled with water (coloured with lake or indigo), till it nearly reaches to the necks of the bottles, which are then corked for the con- venience of carriage. On setting the stand tolerably level by the eye, these corks are both withdrawn, which must be done carefully, and when the tube is nearly level, or the water will be ejected with violence ; and the surface of the water in the bottles, being necessarily on the same level, gives a hori zontal line in whatever direction the tube is turned, by which the vane of a levelling staff is adjusted." The instrument, however, with which observations upon the level of a country may be most expeditiously made, and generally with greater correctness than with the water level, is the reflecting level. This in- strument consists merely of a piece of common looking-glass, I I, one inch square, set in a frame fixed against a plate of metal weighing about a pound, and suspended from a ring, r, by a twisted wire, w, so that it may swing freely, but not turn round on its axis of suspension. A fine silk thread, tt, is stretched across the center of the mirror, and a small opening, o, at one side of the mirror. ] !4 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. The instrument is adjusted as follows It is suspended in a frame, constructed to hold it, and bring it soon to rest, at about 50 yards in front of a wall. The observer looks into the mirror, and brings his eye into such a position that its image is bisected by the silk thread, t t; and the point upon the wall, seen through the opening, o, which coincides with the silk thread, is marked upon the wall. The mirror is then turned round, and the point is also marked upon the wall, the reflection of which in the mirror now coincides with the silk thread, when this thread again bisects the image of the ob- server's eye as before. Lastly, the middle point, between the two thus found, is marked upon the wall ; and by turning a screw, s, the center of gravity of the instrument is altered, till the mirror hangs so as to bring the reflection of this last mark upon the thread, when the observers eye is bisected by it. The in- strument will now be in perfect adjustment, and, when the image of the eye is brought upon the thread, all points bi- sected by the thread, whether seen by reflection, or directly through the opening, o, will be on the same level with the eye of the observer. The observations may be made either by holding the instrument at arm's length, or by suspending it from the branch of a tree, or from any post or rail of a con- venient height. Greater accuracy is obtained by suspending it by means of a frame fitting on a three-legged stand, such as already described as used for supporting the more accurate instruments ; but it must not be forgotten that this instru- ment is not to be at all compared with them for minute accu- racy ; but that its advantages are the great rapidity with which it can be used, whether in a very confined space, or in an open country. INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASURING ANGLES. In every map and plan the distances and angles laid down are not the actual distances and angles between the points of which the relative positions are intended to be represented, but they are the distances and angles between the projections- of those points upon the same horizontal plane, and are called the horizontal angles and distances between the points. Now, if our surveying instruments were constructed to measure the actual angles subtended by different objects, the process of calculating all the horizontal angles from these observed angles would be very laborious ; but, by having such instru- * The projection of a point upon a horizontal plane is the point in •which a vertical line through that point meets the horizontal plane. THE PRISMATIC COMPASS. 115 merits as will at once determine by observation tbe horizontal angles, we are saved a vast amount of labour, and also from any errors which might otherwise creep into the calculations. THE PRISMATIC COMPASS. With this instrument horizontal angles can be observed with great rapidity, and, when used with a tripod stand, with a considerable degree of accuracy. It is, consequently, a very valuable instrument to the military surveyor, who can make his observations with it, while holding it in his hand, with ail the accuracy necessary for a military sketch. It is also a useful instrument for filling in the detail of an extensive sur- vey*, after the principal points have been laid down by means of observations made with the theodolite, hereafter to be de- scribed, and for any purpose, in short, in which the portability of the instrument and rapidity of execution are of more im- portance than extreme accuracy. c is a compass •card divided usually to every 20', or third part of a degree, and having attached to its under side a magnetic needle, which turns upon an agate center, o, fixed in the box b ; n is a spring, which, being touched by the finger, acts upon the card, and checks its vibrations, so as to bring it sooner to rest, when making an observation, s is the sight- vane, having a fine thread stretched along its opening, by which the point to be observed with the instrument is to be bisected. The sight- vane is mounted upon a hinge-joint, so that it can be turned down flat in the box when not in use. p is the prism attached to a plate sliding in a socket, and thus admitting of being raised or lowered at pleasure, and also supplied with a hinge-joint, so that it can be turned down into the box when not in use. In the plate to which the prism is attached, and which projects beyond the * The prismatic compass was used for this purpose by the gentlemen en- gaged in making the ordnance surveys. I J 6 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS prism, is a narrow slit, forming the sight through which the vision is directed when making an observation. On looking through this slit, and raising or lowering the prism in its socket, distinct vision of the divisions on the compass card immediately under the sight-vane is soon obtained, and these divisions, seen through the prism, all appear, as each is suc- cessively brought into coincidence with the thread of the sight- vane by turning the instrument round, as continuations of the thread, which is seen directly through the part of the slit that projects beyond the prism. The method of using the instrument is as follows : — The sight-vane s, and the prism p, being turned up upon their hinge-joints as represented in our figure, hold the instrument li- nearly in a horizontal position as you can judge, or, if it be used with a tripod stand, set it as nearly as you can in a horizontal position by moving the legs of the stand, so that the card may play freely. Eaise the prism in its socket till the divisions upon the card are seen distinctly through the prism, and, turn- ing the instrument round, until the object to be observed is seen through the portion of the slit projecting beyond the prism in exact coincidence with the thread of the sight-vane, bring the card to rest by touching the spring n ; and then the reading at the division upon the card, which appears in coin- cidence with the prolongation of the thread, gives the mag- netic azimuth of the object observed, or the angle which a straight line, drawn from the eye to the object, makes with the magnetic meridian*. The magnetic azimuth of a second object being obtained in the same manner, the difference be- tween these two azimuths is the angle subtended by the ob- jects at the place of the eye, and, which is an important point, is independent of any error in the azimuths, arising from the slit in the prism not being diametrically opposite to the thread of the sight-vane. For the purpose of taking the bearings of objects much * The magnetic meridian now makes an angle of 24'' with the true meridian, at London, the north point of the compass being 2i J west of the true north point This angle is called the variation of the com- pass, and is different at different places, and also at the same place at dif- ferent times. Since this variation will affect equally, or nearly so, all azimuths observed within a limited extent and during a limited time, the angles subtended by any two of the objects observed, being the difference of their azimuths, will not lie affected by the variation, and hence the map. or plan, may be constructed with all the objects in their proper relative posi- tions ; but the true meridian must be laid down, if required, by observations made for the purpose. THE BOX SEXTANT. 117 above or below tbe level of the observer, a mirror, e, is sup- plied with the instrument, which slides on and oft' the sight- vane s, with sufficient friction to remain at any part of the vane that may be desired. It can be put on with its face either upwards or downwards, so as to reflect the images of objects considerably either above or below the horizontal plane to the eye of the observer; and, if the instrument be used for obtaining the magnetic azimuth of the sun, it must be sup- plied with dark glasses, D, to be interposed between the sun's image and the eye. There is a stop in the side of the box, not shown in our figure, by touching which a little lever is raised and the card thrown off its center ; as it always should be when not in use, or the constant playing of the needle would wear the fine agate point upon which it is balanced, and the sensibility of the instrument would be thereby impaired. The sight-vane and prism being turned down, a cover fits on to the box, which is about three inches in diameter, and one inch deep ; and the whole, being packed in a leather case, may be carried in the pocket without inconvenience*. THE BOX SEXTANT. This instrument, which is equally portable with the prismatic compass, forming, when shut up, a box of about three inches in diameter, and an inch and a half deep, will measure the actual angle between any two objects to a single minute. It requires no support but the hand, is easily adjusted, and, when once adjusted, but seldom requires re-adjusting. When the sex- tant is to be used, the lid, e, of the box is taken off and screwed on to the bottom, where it makes a convenient han- dle for holding the instrument. The telescope, t, being then drawn * For much valuable information respecting the use of the prismatic com- pass, especially in military surveying and sketching, we can refer our readers to a Treatise on Military Surveying, &c, by Lieutenant-Colonel Basil Jackson, in which the subject is handled with great ability. 113 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. out, the instrument appears as represented in our figure. a is an index arm, having at its extremity a vernier, of which 30 divisions coincide with 29 of the divisions upon the graduated linih, 1 1 ; and the divided spaces upon the limh denoting each 30 minutes, or half a degree, the angles observed are read off by means of the vernier to a single minute. The index is moved by turning the milled head, b, which acts upon a rack and pinion within the box. To the index arm is attached a mirror, called the index glass, which moves with the iudex arm, and is firmly fixed upon it by the maker, so as to have its plane accurately perpendicular to the plane in which the motion of the index arm takes place, and which is called the plane of the in- strument. This plane is evidently the same as the piano of the face of the instrument, or of the graduated limb, 1 1. In the line of sight of the telescope is placed a second glass, called the horizon glass, having only half its surface silvered, and which must be so adjusted that its plane may be pei-pen- dicular to the plane of the instrument, and parallel to the plane of the index glass when the index is at zero. The in- strument is provided with two dark glasses, which can be raised or lowered by means of the little levers seen at d, so as to be interposed, when necessary, between the mirrors and any object too bright to be otherwise conveniently observed, as the sun. The eye-end of the telescope is also furnished with a dark glass, to be used when necessary. The principle upon which the sextant is constructed has been proved at page 75 ; viz. that the total deviation of a ray of light, after reflection successively at the index .glass and hori- zon glass, is double the inclination of the two glasses. Now the limb, 11, being divided into spaces, each of 15' extent, and these spaces being figured as 30' each, the reading of the limb gives double the angle moved over by the index arm from the position in which the reading is zero, or double the angle of inclination of the two mirrors, if these mirrors be parallel when the reading is zero. If, then, the instrument be in perfect adjustment, and any object be viewed by it after reflection at both the mirrors, the reading of the instrument gives the total deviation of the rays of light, by which the vision is produced, or the angle between the bearing of the object from the center of the index mirror, and the bearing of the reflected image from the place of the eye, that is, between lines drawn respectively from the object to the center of the index "lass, and from the reflected image in the horizon "lass THE BOX SEXTANT. 110 to the eye. This angle is very nearly equal to the angle subtended by the object and its image at the place of the eye. differing from it only by the small angle subtended at the object by the place of the eye and the center of the index glass. This small angle is called the parallax of the instrument, and is scarcely perceptible at the distance of a quarter of a mile, while for distances greater than that it is so small that it may be considered to vanish. It also varies with the amount of deviation, and vanishes altogether whenever the center of the index glass is in a direct line between the object and the eye*. To see if the instrument be in perfect adjustment, place the dark glass before the eye-end of the telescope, and looking at the sun, and moving the index backwards and forwards a little distance on either side of zero, the sun's reflected image will be seen to pass over the disc as seen directly through the horizon glass, and if in its passage the reflected image com- pletely covers the direct image, so that but one perfect orb is seen, the horizon glass is perpendicular to the plane of the instrument ; but, if not, the screw at a must be turned by the key, Jc, till such is the case. The key, Je, fits the square heads of both the screws seen at a and b, and fits into a spar% part of the face of the instrument, so as to be at hand when wanted. This adjustment being perfected, bring the reflected image of the sun's lower limb in exact contact with the direct image of his upper limb, and note the reading of the vernier; then move the index back beyond the zero division of the limb, till the reflected image of the sun's upper limb is in exact contact with the direct image of his lower limb, and, if the zero of the vernier be now exactly as far behind the zero of the limb as it was at the former reading in front of it. so that the read- ing now on the part of the limb called the arc of excess, be- hind its zero division f, be the same as the former reading, * We have seen a method given for what is called correcting the parallax, when an observation is made at a short distance, by finding the deviation at this distance, when the angle between the object and its image is equal to zero ; this deviation being given by the reading of the instrument, when the reflected image of the object observed exactly coincides with the object itself, seen through the unsilvered part of the horizon glas3. This deviation, however, is not the parallax, even for a small angle between the object and its image, and, if the angle be not very small, the error introduced by the method will be greater than the parallax itself. + In reading an angle upon the arc of excess, the division to read on the limb is that next in front of the zero of the vernier, or between the zero of the vernier and the zero of the limb, and the divisions of the vernier itself are to be read from the end division, marked 30, and not, as usually, from iy<) MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. the instrument is in perfect adjustment; but, if not, half the difference of the two readings is the amount of the error, and is called the index error, being a constant error, for all angles observed by the instrument, of excess, if the first reading be the greatest, and of defect, if the second reading on the arc of excess be the greatest. In the former case, then, the true augle will be found by subtracting the index error from, and in the latter by adding it to, the reading of the instrument at every observation. This method of correcting for the index error is to be used with the larger instruments, hereafter to be described under the head of Astronomical Instruments ; but in the box sex- tant this error should be removed by applying the key, k, to the screw at b, and turning it gently till both readings are alike, each being made equal to half the sum of the two read- ings first obtained. When this adjustment is perfected, if the zeros of the vernier and limb are made exactly to coin- cide, the reflected and direct image of the sun will exactly coincide, so as to form but one perfect orb, and the reflected and direct image of any line, sufficiently distant not to be affected by parallax, as the distant horizon, or the top or end of a wall more than half a mile off, will coincide so as to form one unbroken line. To obtain the angle subtended by two objects situated nearly or quite in the same vertical plane, hold the instru- ment in the right hand, and bring down the reflected image of the upper object by turning the milled head b, till it ex- actly coincides with the direct image of the lower object, and the reading of the instrument will give the angle between the two objects. To obtain the angle subtended by two objects nearly in the same horizontal plane, hold the sextant in the left hand, and bring the reflected image of the right-hand object into coin cidence with the direct image of the left-hand object. It will be seldom that the surveyor need pay any attention to the small error arising from parallax ; but, should great accuracy be desirable, and one of the objects be distant while the other is near, the parallax will be eliminated by observ- ing the distant object by reflection, and the near one by the zero division : thus, if the zero division of the vernier were a little further from the zero division of the limb, then the first division on the arc of excess; and if the twenty-seventh division on the vernier, or the third from the end division, marked 80, coincided with a division upon the limb, then the reading would be 33'. THE BOX SEXTANT 121 direct vision, holding the instrument for this purpose with its face downwards if the distant object be on the left hand. If both objects be near, the reflected image of a distant object, in a direct line with one of the objects, must be brought into coin- cidence with the direct image of the other object, and the parallax will thus be eliminated. For the purposes of surveying, the horizontal angles between different objects are required, and the reduction of these angles from the actual oblique angles subtended by the objects, would be a troublesome and laborious process. If the angle subtended by two objects be large, and one be not much higher than the other, the actual angle observed will be, how- ever, a sufficient approximation to the horizontal angle re- quired ; and, if the angle between the two objects be small, the horizontal angle will be obtained with sufficient accuracy by taking the difference of the angles observed between each of the objects, and a third object at a considerable angular dis- tance from them. With a little practice the eye will be able to select an object in the same direction as one of the objects, and nearly on a level with the other object, and the angle be- tween this object and the object selected will be the horizontal angle required. At sea the altitude of an object may be determined by ob- serving the angle subtended by it and the verge of the horizon ; but upon land a contrivance, called an artificial horizon, be- comes necessary for correctly determining altitudes. The best kind of artificial horizon consists of an oblong trough, t t, filled with mercury, and pi'otected from the wind by a roof, r r, having in either slope a plate of glass with its two surfaces ground into perfectly parallel planes. The angle s e s' between the object and its re- flected image seen in the mercury is # double the angle of elevation s e it, and, the angle s e s' being observed, its half will consequently be the angle of elevation re- 122 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS quired. If the angle of elevation be greater than 60°, the angle s e s' will be greater than 120°, and cannot be observed with the sextant we have been describing. The pocket sextant is a most convenient instrument for laying off offsets or perpendicular distances from a station line; for by setting the index at 90°, and walking along the station line, looking through the horizon glass directly at the further station staff, or any other remarkable object upon the station line, any object off the station line will be seen by re- jection when the observer arrives at the point where the per- pendicular from this object upon the station line falls, and the distance from this point to the object being measured, is its perpendicular distance from the station line. For the mere purpose of measuring offsets an instrument called an optical square is now very generally employed, which consists of the two glasses of the sextant fixed permanently at an angle of 45°, so that any two objects seen in it, the one by direct vision, and the other by reflection, subtend at the place of the observer an angle of 90°. THE THEODOLITE. The theodolite is the most important instrument used by surveyors, and measures at the same time both the horizontal angles subtended by each two of the points observed with ir. and the angles of elevation of these points from the point of observation This instrument may be considered as consisting of three parts ; the parallel plates with adjusting screws fitting on to the staff head, of exactly the same construction as already described for supporting the Y, and other, levels ; the horizon- tal limb, for measuring the horizontal angles ; and the ver- tical limb, for measuring the vertical angles, or angles of elevation. Tho horizontal limp is composed of two circular plat. iS, i. and v, which lit accurately one upon the other. The lower >>late projects beyond the other, and its projecting edge is sloped off, or chamfered, as it is called, and graduated at every half degree. The upper plate is called the vernier plate, and has portions of its edge chamfered gff, so as to furm with tho chamfered edge of the lower plate continued portions of the same conical surface. These chamfered por- tions of the upper plate are graduated to form the verniers, by which the limb is subdivided to single minutes. The five- inch theodolite' r epr e s e nted in our figure has two such <*■■;■- THE THEODOLITE. 123 A Five-Inch Theodolite. niers, 180° apart. The lower plate of the horizontal limb is attached to a conical axis passing through the upper parallel plate, and terminating in a ball fitting in a socket upon the lower parallel plate, exactly as the vertical axis of the Y level already described. This axis is, however, hollowed to receive a similar conical axis ground accurately to fit it, so that the axes of the two cones may be exactly coincident, or parallel* * Upon this depends, in a great measure, the perfection of the instru- ment, as far as the horizontal measurements are concerned ; and, whe we 124 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS To the internal axis the upper, or vernier, plate of the hori- zontal limb is attached, and thus, while the whole limb can be moved through any horizontal angle desired, the upper plate only can also be moved through any desired angle, when the lower plate is fixed by means of the clamping screw, c, which tightens the collar, d. t is a slow-motion screw, which moves the whole limb through a small space, to adjust it more perfectly, after tightening the collar, d, by the clamping screw, c. There is also a clamping screw, c, for fixing the upper, or vernier, plate to the lower plate, and a tangent screw, < , for giving the vernier plate a slow motion upon the lower plate, when so clamped. Two spirit levels, b, b, are placed upon the horizontal limb, at right angles to each other, and a compass, a, is also placed upon it in the center, between the supports, r, r, for the vertical limb. The vertical limb, nn, is divided upon one side at every 30 minutes, each way from 0° to 90°, and subdivided by the vernier, which is fixed to the compass box, to single minutes Upon the other side are marked the number of links to be deducted from each chain, for various angles of inclination, in order to reduce the distances, as measured along ground rising or falling at these angles, to the corresponding hori- zontal distances. The axis, a, of this limb must rest, in a position truly parallel to the horizontal limb, upon the sup- ports, ff, so as to be horizontal when the horizontal limb is set truly level, and the plane of the limb, n n, should be accurately perpendicular to its axis. To the top of the ver- tical limb, n n, is attached a bar which carries two Ys for supporting the telescope, which is of the same construction as that before described for the Y spirit level, and under- neath the telescope is a spirit level, s s, attached to it at one end by a joint, and at the other end by a capstan-headed screw as in the Y level. The horizontal axis, a, can be lixed by a clamping screw, c, and the vertical limb can then be moved through a small space by a slow-motion screw, i. Before commencing observations with this instrument, the following adjustments must be attended to: — 1. Adjustments of the telescope: viz, the adjustment for parallax. for collimation, 2. Adjustment of the horizontal limb: viz., to set the levels on the horizontal limb to indicate the vertically of the azimuths! axis. describe presently the adjustments of the instrument, we shall explain the method of detecting an inaccuracy in the grinding of the axes. THE THEODOLITE. J.JJ5 3. Adjustment of the vertical limb : viz., to set the level beneath the telescope to indicate the horizontulity of the line of collimation. 1. Parallax and Collimation. — These adjustments have already been described (p. 100) under the head of the Y level. 2. Adjustment of the Horizontal Limb. — Set the instrument up as accurately as you can by the eye, by moving the legs of the stand. Tighten the collar, d, by the clamping screw, c, and, unclamping the vernier plate, turn it round till the tele- scope is over two of the parallel plate-screws. Bring the bubble, b, of the level, s s, beneath the telescope to the center of its run by turning the tangent screw, i. Turn the vernier plate half round, bringing the telescope again over the same pair of the parallel plate screws ; and, if the bubble of the level be not still in the center of its run, bring it back to the center, half way by turning the parallel plate screws over which it is placed, and half way by turning the tangent screw, i. Kepeat this operation till the bubble remains accurately in the center of its run in both positions of the telescope ; ;md, then turning the vernier plate round till the telescope is over the other pair of parallel plate screws, bring the bubble again to the center of its run by turning these screws. The bubble will now retain its position while the vernier plate is turned completely round, showing that the internal azimuthal axis about which it turns is truly vertical. The bubbles of the levels on the vernier plate, being now, therefore, brought to the centers of their tubes, will be adjusted to show the verticality of the internal azimuthal axis. Now, having clamped the vernier plate, loosen the collar, d, by turning back the screw, c, and move the whole instrument slowly round upon the external azimuthal axis, and if the bubble of the level s s, beneath the telescope, maintains its position during a complete revolution, the external azimuthal axis is truly parallel with the internal, and both are vertical at the same time ; but, if the bubble does not maintain its position, it shows that the two parts of the axis have been inaccurately ground, and the fault can only be remedied by the instrument- maker. 3. Adjustment of the Vertical Limb. — The bubble of the level, s s, being in the center of its run, reverse the telescope end for end in the Ys, and, if the bubble does not remain in the same position, correct for one-half the error by the capstan- headed adjusting screw at one end of the level, and for the other half by the vertical tangent screw, i. Repeat the opera- 120 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. tion till the result is perfectly satisfactory. Next turn the telescope round a little both to the right and to the left, and, if the bubble does not still remain in the center of its run, the level, s s, must be adjusted laterally by means of the screw at its other end. This adjustment will probably dis- turb the first, and the whole operation must then be carefully repeated. By means of the small screw fastening the vernier of the vertical limb to the vernier plate over the compass box, the zero of this vernier may now be set to the zero of the limb, and the vertical limb will be in perfect adjustment. With an increase in the size of the theodolite a second telescope is placed beneath the horizontal limb, which serves to detect any accidental derangement of the instrument dur- ing an observation, by noting whether it is directed to the same point of a distant object at the end of the observation to which it has been set at the commencement of the observa- tion. Also the vertical limb, in the larger theodolites, admits of an adjustment to make it move accurately in a vertical plane, when the horizontal limb has been first set in perfect adjustment. This adjustment is important, and should be examined with great care ; and in the small theodolites, when the vertical limb is permanently fixed to the horizontal limb by the maker, an instrument which will not bear the test of the examination which we proceed to describe must be con- demned, till set in better adjustment by the maker. The azimuthal axis having been set truly vertical, direct the tele- scope to some well-defined angle of a building, and making the intersection of the wires exactly coincide with this angle near the ground, elevate the telescope by giving motion to the vertical limb, and, if the adjustment be perfect, the inter- section of the cross wires will move accurately along the angle of the building, still continuing in coincidence with it. A still more perfect test will be to make the intersection of the cross wires coincide with the reflected image of a star in an artificial horizon, and elevating the telescope, if the adjust- ment be perfect, the direct image of the star itself will again be bisected by the cross wires. In the conduct of an extensive survey, the two principal desiderata are accuracy and despatch, neither of which should be unduly sacrificed to the other. To obtain both these ends, the principal points of the survey should be determined by a system of triangles proceeding from an accurately-measured base of considerable length. The angles of these triangles should be observed with a large and perfect theodolite con- THE THEODOLITE. 127 Gtructed for the purpose, or with an altitude and azimuth in- strument; and numerous corrections should be applied for the spherical form of the earth, the refraction of the atmo- sphere, the errors due to the imperfect graduation of the in- strument, &c. The boundaries of the entire country to be surveyed being thus determined with the greatest possible accuracy, and a series of stations laid clown throughout, the spaces included between these stations may be subdivided into spaces of smaller extent, the boundaries of which may be surveyed with considerable despatch by means of the chain, and a portable theodolite, such as we have been describing above, and lastly, the details of the country within these spaces may be sketched with still greater rapidity by means of the prismatic compass. The boundaries of the spaces to be surveyed by the chain and small theodolite should not exceed three or four miles in extent, and the following is the manner of proceeding. Let a, b, c, d, e,f, represent the boundary to be surveyed, and let a, b, and c, be three stations which have been accu- rately laid down by the previous triangulation, of which both b and c can be seen from a, and a can be seen from c. First measure with the chain the lengths of the several lines a b, b c, c d, &c, taking offsets to all remarkable points on either side of these lines in the usual manner, and driving pickets at a, b, c, &c. Measure also the distance from a to a, and from d to c. These measurements having been made, set up the theodolite at a, level it, and clamp the vernier plate to the lower plate of the horizontal limb at zero, or so that the read- ings of the two verniers may be 360° and 180- respectively, this adjustment being perfected by the slow-motion screw, t. Next move the whole instrument round upon the azimuthal axis, till the object b is accurately bisected by the cross wires, clamp it firmly in this position by the screw c, tightening the collar d, and enter in the field book the reading of the com- pass. Now release the vernier plate, and turning it round, bisect the object c, by the cross wires, and enter the readings of both verniers in the field book. Observing, in like manner, the bearings of any other remarkable objects, and, entering the readings in the same way, direct the telescope lastly to a, at which station an assistant must be placed, with a staff held upon the picket there driven into the ground, and, entering the reading of the vernier as before, clamp the vernier plate care- fully, and remove the instrument to a. Level the instrument at a, unclamp the collar n, and, turning round the whole in- 129 MA I ilEMATlCAL INSTRUMENTS. strument upon the azimuthal axis, direct the telescope to the last station a, tighten the collar d, and perfect the adjustment, if necessary, by the slow-motion screw t. Now release the vernier plate, and, bringing it back to zero, if the reading of the compass be the same as the reading previously entered in the field book, we assume our work, as far as it has gone, to be correct ; but, if not, we must go back to A, and go over the work again *. Next release the vernier plate, and enter the readings, when the telescope is directed to the several remark- able points visible from a, and lastly direct the telescope to the next forward station b, as be- fore. In the same manner proceed from b to c, c to d, and d to c ; and, hav- ing directed the telescope at c to the last back sta- tion d, and re- leased the ver- nier plate, direct the telescope to a; and, if all the angles have been correctly mea- sured up to this <*■' time, the reading of the vernier will now be the same as when the telescope was directed to c from the point a. If then we have not been able to make all the compass readings agree at the previous stations, after going twice over the work at such stations we may now consider that our work was correct, and that the error in the compass reading arose from some local attraction, or extraordinary variation of the needle. This verification of the work at c is called closing the tvork. We now come back again to d, and proceed from d to <\ and so on, as before, till we come to some other station, which has been observed either from a or c, and which we again close upon, and at last arriving at /, if the readings agree within a minute or two with the readings for /, previously observed at * If the same result is again arrived at, we may presume that the com- pass is acted on by BOme local attraction, and proceed with the work ; and the accuracy of this presumption will be further tested as we go on. THE CIRCULAR PROTRACTOR. 1^0 a, the whole work may he considered to have heen performed with a sufficient degree of accuracy ; but, if the error amount to more than a minute or two, we must proceed back again from/ to e, and so on till we find out the station at which the error has occurred. If the ground along any of the lines a b, b c, &c, rise or fall, suppose, for instance, along 6 c, then we must direct the telescope from b, so as to make the cross wires bisect upon the staff, held upon the picket at c, a point at the same distance from the ground as the center of the telescope, and then upon one side of the vertical limb is pointed out the number of links to be deducted for each chain from the mea- sured distance b c, to reduce it to the required horizontal dis- tance. This reduction is then to be entered in the field book*. INSTRUMENTS FOR PLOTTING THE SURVEY. In plotting the survey, as in taking it, due regard must be had to both accuracy and despatch, and we should aim to lay down the various points observed with an accuracy propor- tionate to the accuracy of the survey itself. To this end the principal points should be laid down by setting off with the beam compasses the computed sides of the triangles, the angles of which have been accurately observed with the large theodolite ; and the direction of the meridian is to be laid down from an observation of the angle which it makes, with a side of one of these triangles, by means of the computed chords f, which chord is also to be set off with the beam com- THE CIRCULAR PROTRACTOR. The principal points having thus been laid down, the bound- aries observed by the small theodolite may be put in by first laying down upon the paper a large circular protractor. This protractor may be pricked off by means of the circular metallic protractor represented in the accompanying figure, and the lines can then be transferred to any part of the paper by means of a large ruler and triangle, or by any parallel ruler. The circular protractor is a complete circle, a a, connected with its center by four radii, a a a a. The center is left open, and surrounded by a concentric ring, or collar, b, which carries * The method of surveying with the chain and theodolite, explained' above, is called surveying by a traverse. + If a table of chords be not at hand, take out the sine of half the angle from a table of natural sines, and, reckoning the first figure as integral, this will be the chord of the whole angle to radius 5, or, reckoning the first two figures integral, it will be the chord to radius 50. G 3 130 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. two radial bars, c c. To the extremity of one bar is a pinion, d, working in a toothed rack quite round the outer circumfer- ence of the protractor. To the opposite extremity of the other bar, c, is fixed a vernier, which subdivides the primary divisions on the protractor to single minutes, and by estima- tion to 30 seconds. This vernier, as may readily be under- stood from the engraving, is carried round the protractor by turning the pinion d. Upon each radial bar, c c, is placed a branch e e, earring at its extremity a fine steel pricker, whose point is kept above the surface of the paper by a spring placed v^*!}^ 1 **** under its support, which gives way when the branch is pressed downwards, and allows the point to make the necessary punc- ture in the paper. The branches e e are attached to the bars c c, with a joint which admits of their being folded backwards over the instrument when not in use, and for packing in its case. The center of the instrument is represented by the in- tersection of two lines drawn at right angles to each other on a piece of plate glass, which enables the person using it to place it so that the center, or intersection of the cross lines, may coincide with any given point on the plan. If the instru- ment is in correct order, a line connecting the fine pricking points with each other would pass through the center of the in- strument, as denoted by the before-mentioned intersection of the cross-lines upon the glass, which, it may be observed, are drawn so nearly level with the under surface of the instrument as to do away with any serious amount of parallax, when set- ting the instrument over a point from which any angular lines arc intended to be drawn. In using this instrument the ver THE T SQUARE AND PROTRACTOR. 131 nier should first be set to zero (or the division marked 360) on the divided limb, and then placed on the paper, so tbat the two fine steel points may be on the given line (from whence other and angular lines are to be drawn), and the center of the instrument coincide with the given angular point on such line. This done, press the protractor gently down, which will fix it in position by means of very fine points on the under side. It is now ready to lay off the given angle, or any number of angles that may be required, which is done by turning the pinion d till the opposite vernier reads the required angle. Then press downwards the branches e e, which will cause the points to make punctures in the paper at opposite sides of the circle ; which being afterwards connected, the line will pass through the given angular point, if the instrument was first correctly set. In this manner, at one setting of the instru- ment, a great number of angles, or a complete circular protrac- tor, may be laid off from the same point. THE T SQUARE AND SEMICIRCULAR PROTRACTOR. We cannot speak too highly of a method by which a tra- verse can be most expeditiously as well as accurately plotted, by means of the t square and semicircular protractor, the manner of using which is thus described by Mr. Howlett, chief draughtsman, Royal Ordnance Office, in vol. i of Papers i'32 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. on Subjects connected with the Duties of the Royal En giueers: — "As, when away from homo, it seldom happens that the surveyor can obtain a good drawing board, or even a table with a good straight edge, I fix a flat ruler, A, to the table b b b, by means of a pair of clamps, c D, and against this ruler I work the pattern square E, one side of which has the stock flush with the blade: or, if a straight-edged board be at hand, then the square may be turned over, and used against that edge instead of the ruler a. Here, then, is the most perfect kind of parallel ruler that art can produce, capable of carrying the protractor over the whole of a sheet of plotting paper of any size, and may be used upon a table of any form. It is convenient to suppose the north on the left hand, and the upper edge of the blade to repre- sent the meridian of the station. " This protractor is held in the hand while the vernier is set, which is an immense comfort to the sight; and it will be seen that, as both sides of the arm are parallel with the zero and center, the angle may be drawn on the paper against either side, as the light or other circumstances may render desirable." From this description and a mere glance at the engraving, it is clear that angles taken with the theodolite can be transferred to the plot as accurately as the protractor can be set, namely, to a single minute, and that, too, in a rapid and pleasant manner. Another most admirable and expeditious method of plotting, especially useful when it is a principal point to obtain the area of an estate or parish, &c, is to procure or form a table of northings, southings, eastings, and westings *, for all angles made with a meridian line, and for all distances from 1 to 100. These distances may be either links, feet, chains, or estimated in any denomination whatever, and the corresponding northings, southings, eastings, and west- ings will be in the same denomination. This table is in fact nothing more than the products of the sines and cosines ■ if the angles, made with the meridian line, multiplied by the several distances, and the following is the method of using it. Take out from this table the northings, south- ings, eastings, and westings made on each of the lines of the survey, the line from which the angles have been measured being for this purpose assumed as the meridian, no matter in what direction it may lie, and place them in a table, which we may call a traverse table, in four separate columns, being the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth columns of the tablet, headed * This table is the same as the table given in books on navigation, and then called a table of latitude and departure. t The first and second columns of the traverse table contain the courses and distances. THE T SQUAKE AND PEOTBACTOK. 183 N., S., E., and W. respectively. Add up these several columns, and, if the work is so far correct, the sum of the northings will equal the sum of the southings, and the sum of the eastings will equal the sum of the westings. Then in two additional columns enter the whole quantities of north- ing and easting, made at the termination of each of the seve- ral bounding lines of the survey; which quantities will be determined by putting zero for the greatest southing, and adding or subtracting the northing or southing made on each particular line to or from the whole quantity of northing made at the beginning of this line, or at the termination of the preceding line ; and again, by putting zero for the greatest westing, and adding or subtracting the easting or westing made on each line to or from the whole quantity of easting at the beginning of the line. This preparatory table having been formed, the plot may be laid down with great ease and accuracy by means of a plotting scale, formed of two ivory graduated rules, one of which, n it, represents the assumed meridian along which the northings are to be measured, and the other, e e, re- presents the east and west line, and serves to set off the east- ings. The rule, nn, is perforated through- out nearly its whole length with a dove- tail groove, receiving an accurately fitted sliding piece, to which the rule, e e, is fixed by the screw s, so as to slide along, and always have its edges at right angles to the edges of the rule nn. The rule, nn, is to be placed on the paper with its zero division opposite that point of the line assumed as a meridian, at which the plotting is to be commenced, and with its edges parallel to this line, and at such distance from it, that the zero division on the rule, ee, may be upon the assumed meridian. The rule, n n, is then to be fixed by placing weights upon its extremities, or by clamps The scale, e e, being now slid along till either of its edges coin cides with the divisions upon the scale, n n, answering to the whole quantities of northing at the termination of each line of the survey, the divisions upon the scale, e e, answering to the I n[ © 1 134 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. 6 CO o CM t~ Oi CO CO O H r» a> 5 3 t-cco to co co oo as to i» ??> a-a ••* co »o >o ■•si CM CO to ITS O 6 eo oi lO -l CO CM va tOr-, *> °— . • .a rt IOtK !Ot« ov -* co » O ■* t/3^ ^ to i-< 1 IMCOWHlOOitO O lO Ol (M 1Q (M to ' ^-* CO tfi y more than a second, it will he necessary to take the sums of both figures of the seconds, and the division by 10, performed as above, will give the last figure of the se- conds, as well as the decimals. In taking transits of the moon the luminous edge alone can be observed, from which the time of transit of the center must be deduced by the aid of Lunar tables. In observing the larger planets, one limb may be observed at the first, third, and fifth wires, and the other at the second and fourth, and the mean of these observations will give the transit of the planet's center. It will sometimes happen that from the state of weather, or from some other cause, a heavenly body may not have been observed at all the wires ; but, if the declination of the body be known, an observation at any one of the wires may be re- duced to the central wire, so as to give the time of transit, as deduced from this observation. If an observation be ob- tained at more than one wire, the mean of the times of pass- ing the center, as deduced from each wire observed, is to be taken as the time of transit. The reduction to the center wire is given by the formula, u = v cosec. sr, or log. r = log. v-)- log. cosec. w; in which R represents the reduction, it the polar distance of the body observed, and v the equatorial interval from the wire, at which the observation has been made, to the central wire. The equatorial intervals for each side wire must, there- fore, be carefully observed, and tabulated for the purpose of this reduction. The formula r=v cosec. ar is only an approxi- mate value of the reduction, and with large instruments capable of giving results within 0"-05, a further correction is necessary for bodies within 10° of the pole. The whole reduction in this case is given by the formula, r' = — sin. ! (cosec. tr sin. 15 v). The time of any star's passage from one of the side wires to the center wire being observed, the equatorial interval from that wire to the center is obtained by multiplying the ob- served interval by the sine of the star's polar distance ; and the equatorial intervals being deduced in this manner from a great many stars, the mean of the results may be considered as very correct values of the equatorial intervals required THE ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH INSTBUMENT. 153 No star very near the pole should, however, he taken for this purpose. USE OF THE PORTABLE TRANSIT. The large transits in permanent observatories are used to obtain, with the greatest possible accuracy, the right ascen- sions of the heavenly bodies, from which, and the meridian altitudes observed by a mural circle, an instrument consisting of a telescope attached to a large circle, and placed in the plane of the meridian, nearly all the data necessary for every astronomical computation are obtained. For such purposes the small portable transit is not adapted; but it is competent to determine the time to an accuracy of half a second, to determine the longitude by observations of the moon and moon culminating stars, and to determine the latitude by placing it at right angles to the meridian, or in the plane of the prime vertical*. The transit of the sun's center gives the apparent noon at the place of observation, and the mean time at apparent noon is found by subtracting or adding the equation of time, as found in the Nautical Almanack, to 24 hours f. The difference between the mean time, thus found, and the time of the sun's transit, as shown by a clock or chronometer, is the error of the clock or chronometer for mean time at the place of obser- vation. The time shown by a sidereal clock when any heavenly body crosses the meridian should coincide with the right ascension of that body, as given in the Nautical Almanack. The difference between the time shown by the sidereal clock, at the transit, and the right ascension of the body, taken from the almanack, will, therefore, be the error of the clock, -f, or too fast, when the clock time is greater than the right ascension, — , or too slow, when it is less. THE POBTABLE ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH INSTRUMENT. The bending of an unbraced telescope renders it unfit for the determination of altitudes ; but by placing the telescope * The prime vertical is the great circle which passes through the zenith and the east and west points of the horizon. T The astronomical day commences at noon, and conta.ns 24 hours, the hours after midnight being called 13, 14, &c, and the day ends at the next noon. The equation of time is given in the Nautical Almanack for ap- parent noon at the meridian of Greenwich, and the correction to give the equation of time at any other meridian will be found by multiplying the difference for one hour, as given in the almanack, by the longitude of the place, estimated in time. H 3 15-1 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Let-ween two circles braced together, an instrument may be formed capable of observing both the meridian altitudes and times of transit of the heavenly bodies. The increased weight of the instrument, however, must now be prevented from pro- ducing flexure in the horizontal axis, and this has been very ingeniously accomplished by Troughton. By mounting the transit and altitude instrument, as Troughton 's transit-circle may be called, upon a horizontal plate or circle having an azi- muthal motion round a vertical axis, an instrument is formed by which observations may be made either in or out of the meridian. When constructed of a portable size, the altitude and azimuth instrument may also be used in important sur- veying operations ; for, in fact, it may be considered as a rather large theodolite of superior construction. The altitude and azimuth instrument may be considered as consisting of three parts: 1, the tripod carrying the vertical axis about which the instrument turns ; 2, the horizontal revolv- ing plate carrying the vertical pillars, with their appendages ; and 3, the vertical circles •with the telescope. The tripod, a a, is supported by three footscrews, by which the vertical axis is brought into adjust- ment, and carries the lower horizontal plate, which is graduated to show the azimuths or horizontal angles. The vertical axis is a solid metallic cone rising from the center of the tripod to a height about equal to the radius of the horizontal circle. THE ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH INSTRUMENT. 155 The upper horizontal plate, or horizontal revolving plate, vv, carries an index, to point out the graduation, upon the lower horizontal plate, or azimuth circle, which denotes nearly the angle to he read off. The graduations upon the azimuth circle, as w r ell as upon the vertical circle, are subdivided by reading microscopes, the construction and adjustments of which we shall presently explain. The reading microscopes of the azimuth circle are attached to the revolving plate, v v, which also carries two upright pillars. From the center of the upper horizontal plate, vv, rises a hollow brass cone which just fits over, and moves smoothly upon the solid metallic vertical axis rising from the tripod stand. A hori- zontal brace connects the two upright pillars with one an- other and with the top of the hollow brass cone, and keeps the pillars firm and parallel to one another. On the top of each pillar a gibbet piece is fixed, projecting beyond the pillars, and upon the extreme ends of these pieces are carried the Ys for supporting the pivots of the horizontal, or transit axis. The Ys are each capable of being raised or lowered by turning a milled-headed screw. The top of one of the pillars carries a cross-piece for supporting the two reading micro- scopes of the vertical circle ; and to this cross-piece is attached the level, el, by which the adjustment of the vertical axis is denoted. The third portion of the instrument consists of the vertical circle and its telescope. This circle consists of two limbs firmly braced together, and preventing any tendency to flexure in the tube of the telescope, by affording it support at the op- posite ends of a diameter. One of the limbs only is gradu- ated, and the graduated side is called the face of the instru- ment, and the clamp and tangent screw, for giving a slow motion to the vertical circle, act upon the ungraduated limb, and are fixed to the vertical pillar on the side of that limb. The horizontal axis which supports the telescope and vertical circle is constructed exactly as the axis of the transit instru- ment already described ; but, as it might press too heavily on the Ys from the increased load of the vertical circle, a spiral spring, fixed in the body of each pillar, presses up a friction roller against the conical axis with a force which is nearly a counterpoise to its weight. The adjustment of the horizontal axis is denoted by a striding level, as in the portable transit already described. 150 MATHEMATICAL IXSTBOHEKTS. Al'.ll STMKN'TS. Adjustments of the Vertical Axis. — Turn the instrument: round till the level, ll, is over two of the foot-screws, and adjust the level, so that its hubble may retain the same position, when the instrument is turned half round, so that the level is again over the same foot-screws, but in the re- verse position. The error at each trial is corrected, as nearly as can be judged, half by the foot-screws, and half by the adjusting screw of the level itself. Next turn the instrument round 90° in azimuth, so that the level, l l, may be at right angles to its former positions, and bring the bubble to the same position as before, by turn- ing the third foot-screw. Eepeat the whole operation till the result is satisfactory. Adjustment of the Horizontal Axis. — This adjustment is performed in the same manner, as already described for the transit instrument (p. 147), with the single exception that one end of the axis is to be raised or lowered, if necessary, by the screw acting upon its Y, and not by moving a foot-screw. which would derange the previous adjustment, Adjustment of the Circle to its Beading Microscopes. — This is performed by raising or lowering both the Ys equally, so as not to derange the previous adjustment, till the microscopes are directed to opposite points in its horizontal diameter. Adjustment of Collimation in Azimuth. — Instead of taking the axis out of its bearings and turning it end for end, the whole instrument is turned round in azimuth ; but in all other respects the method of performing this adjustment is the same as that already described for the transit instru- ment (p. 148). Adjustment of Collimation in Altitude. — Point the tele- scope to a very distant object, or star, and, bisecting it by the cross wires, read off the angle upon the vertical circle denoted by the reading microscopes. Turn the instrument half round in azimuth, and, again bisecting the same object by the cros^ wires, read off the angle. One of these readings will be an altitude, and the other a zenith distance *, and their sum. therefore, when there is no error of collimation in altitude, will be 90 . If the sum is not Q0 D , half its difference from 01 1 ' * Both the horizontal and vertical circles are usually divided alike into four quadrants, and each quadrant graduated from to i'O ', proceeding in the same direction all round the circles. THE ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH INSTRUMENT. 157 will be the error of collimation in altitude, and this error being added to, or subtracted from, the observed angles, ac- cording as the sum of the readings is less or greater than 90°, will give the true zenith distance and altitude. The error of collimation in altitude may then be corrected by adjusting the microscopes to read the true zenith distance and altitude, thus found, while the object is bisected by the cross wires of the telescope. The error of collimation of this and other astronomical instruments may also be found, or corrected, by the collimator. Use of the Altitude and Azimuth Instrument. — In using the altitude and azimuth instrument, for astronomical purposes, double observations should always be made, with the face first to the east, and then to the west, or vice versa, or several ob- servations may be made with the face to the east, and as many with the face to the west, and the mean of the results, reduced to the meridian, taken as the true results. The place for a meridian mark maybe determined by the methods already ex- plained when describing the transit instrument, or by observing the readings of the azimuthal circle, or noting the times, when any celestial object has equal altitudes. Since the diaphragm of the telescope is furnished not only with the central hori- zontal wire, but with other horizontal wires at equal distances above and below it, so that there may be altogether either three, or five, or seven horizontal wires, the azimuths and times may be observed, when the object observed is bisected by each of these wires. If a fixed star be the object observed, the mean of the times will give the time of the star's passing the meridian, and the mean of the azimuths will give the reading of the azimuth circle when the star was on the meridian, or the correction to be applied to the readings of the azimuth circle to give the true azimuths. If the sun be the body observed, a correction is necessary on account of the change of his de- clination, during the intervals between the observations. The correction for the time, as deduced from a pair of equal altitudes of the sun, is given by the formula, t Correction = — v ~ (tan. D X cos. l^'-L— tan. I.) 720 x sin. 15".^. - in which 5 represents the variation in the sun's declination from the noon of the day preceding the observations to the noon of the day suc- ceeding; t represents the interval between the observations expressed in hours and decimals of an haur ; 158 MATHEMATICAL INSTBDMEKTS. D represents the sun's declination at noon on the day on which the observations are made ; I represents the latitude of the place. 2 is to be reckoned positive when the sun's declination is increasing, and negative when it is decreasing. The correction for azimuth is given by the formula, Correction = \ (d'— d) sec. lat. cosec (r' — t). in which d'— d represents the change of the sun's declination, "I between the and t'— T represents the interval in time, J observations. "When the sun is advancing towards the North Pole, this correction will cany the middle point towards the west of the approximate south point; but when he is approaching the South Pole, it will carry the same point towards the east, and must be applied accordingly. The altitude and azimuth instrument being adapted to ob- serve the heavenly bodies in any part of the visible expanse of the heavens, its powers may be applied at any time to de- termine the data from which the time, the latitude of the place of observation, or the declination of the body observed, may be at once determined. We subjoin some of the formula?, adapted to logarithmic computation, connecting the parts of what may be called the astronomical triangle, of which the angular points are, the pole, p, the zenith, z, and the appa- rent place of the body observed, s. Let pz, the colatitude of the place, be represented by >.. ps, the polar distance of tbe body observed k. zs, the zenith distance of the body observed z. zps, the hour angle from the meridian h. pzs, the azimuthal angle a. Then we have the following formula? for determining the ime, the latitude, and the declination of the body observed. THE ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH INSTRUMENT 159 ili fe «- ^ e- + * ? l -3-©- .< ®- 8 «-©.«-©. -i o.®- N tS- -w «< a •a.s fe s N ° fe"s 8-§ g o g <<§ * o 8 o N N g s ■fcj* -> s o e o g o o 8 O ° .9 c II II II II II II II II -§: §: «: ^: b 'S: b b i I i ? i i -i 1 -< << << 8U N 8 II II S 2 o g il II II II II <<«:«;<< b t? b l 160 M ATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE READING MICROSCOPE The first of the annexed figures represents a longitudinal section of this instrument, and the second represents the field of view, showing the magnified divisions of the limb of the instrument to which the microscope is applied, and the diaphragm, d d, of the microscope, with its comb, c c, and cross wires, w w The diaphragm is contained in the box, 1 1, and consists of two parts moving one over the other, the comb, c c, which is moved by the screw, i, at the bottom of the box. for the purpose of adjustment, and the cross wires, i<> ir, and index, t, which are moved over the comb and the magnified image of the limb, by turning the milled head, h. The micrometer head. m, is attached by friction to the screw turned by the milled head, so that, by holding fast the milled head, the micrometer head can be turned round for adjustment. e is the eye-piece, which slides with friction into the cell, c, so as to produce distinct vision of the spider's lines of the micro- meter. The object-glass, o, is held by a conical piece, d d, which screws further into or out of the body of the instrument, so as to produce distinct vision of the divided limb to be road by the microscope, and, when adjusted, is held firmly in its place by the nut, h b. The microscope screws into a collar, so as to be capable of adjustment with respect to its distance from the divided limb, and, when so adjusted, is held firmly in its place by the nuts, n n, n' it'. TEE BEADING MICROSCOPE. 161 Adjustments of the Beading Microscope. — Screw the object- glass home. Insert the body of the microscope into the collar destined to receive it, and screw home the nuts, n n and n' n' '. Make the diaphragm and spider's lines visible distinctly, by putting the eye-piece, e, the proper depth into the cell, c. Then make the graduated limb also distinctly visible without parallax by turning the nuts, nn, and n' n', unscrewing one and screwing up the other till the desired object is attained. Now bring the point of intersection of the spider's lines upon a stroke of the limb, and turn the micrometer head, m, to zero ; then, turning the screw through five revolutions, if the point of intersection of the spider's lines has not moved over the whole of one of the divided spaces on the limb, the object lens must be screwed up to diminish the power by turn- ing the cone, d d ; and if it has moved over more than one of the divided spaces, it must be unscrewed to increase the power, and then altering the position of the microscope, by turning the nuts, nn and n'n', till distinct vision of the limb is again obtained, the measure of the space, moved over by five revolutions of the screw, must be repeated, as before. When, after repeated trials, the result is satisfactory, the three nuts, nn, n'n', and bb, must be screwed tight home, to render the adjustment permanent. When the microscope has been thus adjusted for distance, the zero of the division on the limb must be brought to the point of intersection of the spider's lines, and the divided head, w, turned, till its zero is pointed to by its index, and then, if the zero on the comb, c c, be not covered exactly by the index, i, the comb must be moved by turning the screw, i, which enters the bottom of the micrometer box, till its zero is covered by the index pin. The adjustment of the reading microscope will now be perfect ; and the graduated limb to be read by it, being divided at every five minutes, the degree and nearest five minutes of an observed angle will be shown by the "pointer or index to this graduated limb ; while the number of complete revolutions, and the parts of a revolution, of the screw, in the order of the numbers upon the micro- meter head, m, required to bring the point of intersection of the spider's lines upon a division of the graduated limb, will be the number of minutes and seconds, respectively, to be added to the degrees and minutes shown by the index of the circle. The complete revolutions, or minutes, to be added, are shown by the number of teeth the index, i, has passed over from zero, and the parts of a revolution, or seconds and 162 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. teatha to be added, are pointed out upon the micrometer head m, by its index. THE COLLIMATOR. n B, is a rectangular mahogany box partly idled with mer- cury, f f, is a float of cast iron partly immersed in tbe mer- cury, b b, are two iron-bearing pieces, screwed to the bottom of the box by short iron screws ; and each of these pieces has two vertical plates turned up, the inner one of which has a longitudinal slit in it, into which slits iron pivots, screwed into the sides of the float, are admitted. The use of these parts is to keep the sides of the float parallel to the sides of the box, and at an inch, or more, from contact with any part of the box, that the mercury may assume a flat surface. H and k are two holding pieces of metal cast along with the float, and are perforated, to receive each a socket. The socket at B re- ceives an achromatic object-glass, and is adjustable by a screw for its focal distance, and the socket at k holds two cross wires ; while another socket, let into the end of the box at R, carries a lens forming an eye-piece; so that the col- y^\ b \} limator is in fact an astro- x^jE | e=n nomical telescope with a A system of cross wires in the common focus of the object-glass and eye-lens. The inclination, as com- pared with the surface of the fluid, of the optical axis of this telescope, or of the line joining the center of the object-glass and the intersection of the cross wires, can be modified by the addition of perforated pieces of iron, held steady by the vertical pin, p, and by their weight depressing the end of the float. The mercury must be as pure as can be obtained, and particles of dust must be constantly excluded by a lid that covers over the top of the box. At m is a circular hole, closed when the instrument is not in use, through which the tele- scope, of which the error of collimation is sought, is to be directed ; and a lamp is placed behind the eye-lens at l, to illuminate the cross wires. Use of the Collimator with an Altitude and Azimuth Inatni- ment.^Place the collimator in the plane of the meridian on the south side of the observatory, and direct it so that the cross wires of the telescope of the altitude and azimuth inatre- THE COLLIMATOR. 103 ment may be seen through it, in the center of the held of view ; then also will the cross wires of the collimator be seen through the telescope in the center of its field of view. Read off the altitude of the cross wires of the collimator, aud then, turning the instrument half round in azimuth, observe again the cross wires of the collimator, and read off the angle upon the vertical limb, which will now be a zenith distance. The difference between the sum of these readings and 90°, is the correction which is to be applied to the altitudes and zenith distances observed with the instrument. Example. — The sun's meridian altitude had been observed on the 20th December, 1826, and the following determination of the error was made immediately after the observations were finished ; viz : — Before reversion the apparent altitude of the cross wires was . . . . . . • 0° 1' 2"'33 After reversion the apparent zenith distance of the cross 89 58 10 -33 wires was Sum 89 59 12 -66 Defect from 90° 47 "33 Correction of errors of collimation, &c. . . 23 "66 f 1' 2" '33 1 Altitude of cross wires corrected = -I . M lM t = 1 26 *00 / 1' 2"-33\ 1 + 23 -66 J Zenith distance . . . = { ^° 58 ' ^'"gg } =89 58 34-00 90 -00 The collimator may also be used for a meridian mark with the transit instrument. When used with a circle for measur- ing altitudes and zenith distances, which has no motion in azimuth, the collimator must be moved from the north to the south side of the observatory, and the mean of the observa- tions in each of these two positions will give the correction for the errors of collimation, &c, as above. PART V.— ON THE GONIOMETER. The last instrument to which we shall call attention iu this little work, is Wollaston's Goniometer, used for measuring the angles of crystals. The following lucid description of the construction and method of using this instrument is extracted from the able article on Crystallography in the " Encyclo- paedia Metropolitans. " 164 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 1. / I a A " ■u "The instruments used for measuring the angles at which the planes of crystals incline to each other, are called Goniometers. " The mutual inclination of any two planes, as of a and b, fig. 1, is indicated by the angle formed by two lines, ed, ef, drawn upon them from any point, c', on the edge at which they meet, and perpen- dicular to that edge. "Now it is known that if two right lines, as gf, dh, fig. 2, cross each other at any point, e, the opposite angles, def,geh, are equal. If, therefore, the lines, gf, dh, are supposed to be very thin and narrow plates, and to be attached together by a pin at e, serving as an axis to permit the point, /, to be brought nearer either to d, or to h, and that the edges, ed, ef, of those plates, are applied to the planes of the crystal, fig. 1, so as to rest upon the lines, e d, ef, it is obvious that the angle, g e h, of the moveable plates would be exactly equal to the angle, def, of the crystal. " The common goniometer is a small instrument for measuring this angle, geh, of the moveable plates. It consists of a semicircle, fig. 3, divided into 360 equal parts, or half degrees, and a pair of moveable arms, d h, gf, fig. 4, the semicircle having a pin at i, which fits into a hole in the moveable arms at e. Fig. 3. "The method of using this instrument is to apply the edges, d e, ef, of the moveable arms to. the two adjacent planes of any crystal, so that they shall actually touch or rest upon those planes in directions perpendicular to their edge. The arm, (///, is then to be laid on the plate, m n, of the semi- circle, fig. 3, the hole at e being Buffered to drop on the pin at ■!, and the edge nearest to A of the arm will then indicate on the semicircle, as in fig. 5, the number of degrees which the measured angle contains. " When this instrument is applied to the planes of a crystal, the points, d and f, fig. 4, should be previously brought sufficiently near together for the edges, de, ef, to form a more acute angle than that about to be measured. The edges being then gently pressed upon the crystal, the points, d and /, will be gradually separated, until the edges co- incide so accurately with the planes that no light can be perceived between them. THE GONIOMETEK. 105 " The common goniometer is, however, incapable of affording very precise results, owing to the occasional imperfection of the planes of crystals, their frequent minuteness, and the difficulty of applying the instrument with the requisite degree of precision. " The more perfect instrument, and one of the highest value to crystallo- graphy, is the reflecting goniometer, invented by Dr. Wollaston, which will give the inclination of planes whose area is less than i^^ of an inch, to less than a minute of a degree. " This instrument has been less resorted to than might, from its import- ance to the science, have been expected, owing, perhaps, to an opinion of its use being attended with some difficulty. But the observance of simple rules will render its application easy. " The principle of the instrument may be thus explained : — "Let ab, fig. G, represent a crystal, of which one plane only is visible in the figure, attached to a circle, graduated on its edge, and moveable on its axis at o ; and let a and b mark the position of the two planes whose mutual inclina- tion is required. "And let the lines, oe,og, represent imaginary lines, resting on those planes in directions per- pendicular to their common edge, and the dots at i and h, some per- manent marks in a line with the center, o. " Let the circle be in such a position that the line, o e, would pass through the dot at h, if extended in that direction, as in fig. 6. " If the circle now be turned round with its attached crystal, as in fig. 7, until the imaginary line, off, is brought into the position o"f the line, oe, in fig. 6, the number 120 will stand opposite the dot at i. This is the number of degrees at which the planes a _. ,_ and b incline to each other. For if the line og be extended in the direction o i, as in fig. 7, it is ob- vious that the lines, oe, o i, which are perpendicular to the common edge of the planes, a and b, would intercept exactly 120° of the circle. " Hence an instrument construct- ed upon the principle of these dia- grams is capable of giving with ac- curacy the mutual inclination of any two planes which reflect objects with sufficient distinctness, if the means can be found for placing them successively in the relative figures. " This purpose is effected by causing an object, as the line at m, fig. S, to be reflected successively from the two planes, a and b, at the same angle. It is well known that the images of objects are reflected from bright planes at the same angle as that at which their rays fall on those planes j and that positions shown in the two preceding 1GG .MATHEMATICAL IHSTBUMEX1 3. Fi } 33. 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Stud-sockets of peculiar form (fig. ID- CHAP. II.— FRAME-WORK PIECES. Frame-work. Advantages of Studa. Brackets (figs. 1 to 6). Coach-bolts. Note.— Clamps (fig. 7). Slit Tables (fig. 16). Sole-blocks (fig. 17). Beds (fig. 20). Rectangles (fig. 19). Examples of Frames. Base- board (fig. 18). Stools (figs. 23 to 26). Posts. Loops (fig. 22). Positions of the Studs and Brackets. Guide-pulleys. Tripod-stretcher. CHAP. III.— SHAFTS AND TUBE- FITTINGS. 23. Mounting of Shafts. 24. Shafts in carriages (figs. 35, 36, 37). 25. Shafts in Tube-fittings (figs. 29, 39). 26. Shaft-rings. ARTICLE 27. Shafts between centre-screws. 28. Adapters (fig. 33). 29. Pinned Shaft-rings (fig. 30). 30. Flauch (fig. 32). 31. Lever Arm or Handle (fig. 34.) 32. Sets of pieces in definite sizes. Note on Bolts. 33. Short Shafts in single bearings. 34. Example— Link-work (fig. 40). 35. Other Mountings of short Shafts (fig. 21). 36. Many independent pieces on a common axis. 37. Example — Ferguson's Para- dox (fig. 41). 33. Remarks. 39. Recapitulations. Note on Professor Farish's method. CHAP. IV.— APPLICATIONS OP THE SYSTEM. 40. System applied to four pur- poses (as follows) : 41. 1st, Elementary Combinations. Example — 42. Roemer's Wheels (fig. 42). 43. 2nd, Models of Macktnes. Examples — 44. Repeating Clock (figs. 43, 44). 45. Parallel Motion Curves (fig. 45). 46. Equatorial Clock (figs. 47to 50). 47. Friction Machine (fig. 46). 48. Models in which the general principles of the system are applicable. 49. Looms. 50. Rope-making Machinery. 51. Organ. 52. 3rd, Fitting up of Apparatus for Mechanical Phihsoplvy (figs. 31, 27, 28). 53. Use of Paste-board. 54. Shears (fig. 51). 55. 4th, Trial of original contri' vxnca. 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With 72 Engravings, new, improved, and extended edition, price 21. 12«. Grf., extra large 4to, extra cloth boards and lettered, THE PRACTICAL RAILWAY ENGINEER : EXAMPLES OF THE MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING OPERATIONS AND STRUCT URI COMBINED IN THE MAKING OF A RAILWAY. By G. D. DEMPSEY, C.E. CONTENTS. Section I.— Curves, gradients, gauge, and slopes. Section II. — Survey and levels for a railway — Parliamentary plan and section— Limits of deviation — Setting out the line — Work- ing plans and sections— Computing quan- tities—Opening the ground. tun- — Retaining walls, brie" -Permanent way and construc- Section III. — Earthworks, cuttings, cm baukments, and drains. Section IV. nels, *:c. Section V.- tion. Section VI.— Stations, &,c. Section VII. — Rolling stock — Carriages, trucks, wheels, and axles— Brakes, and details— Locomotive engines and tenders. 1. Cuttings. 2, 3, 4. Earthworks, excavating. 6, Ditto, embanking, fi. Ditto, waggons. 7. Drains under bridges. S. 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