^^il3DNVS01^ %a3Alfv /OdllVDJO^" ^^ >^OFCAIIFOI?4^ ^ ^ o %83AIN(1-3WV^ ^lOSANCtlfj]^ o "^/iaaAiNomv^ ^^OFCAllFOff^ ^OFCAIIFO«>^ ^6?Aavaan-^^ .^irtMJMIVERS/A ^lOSANCEirx^ o %a3AIN()3WV^ -s>^^-lIBRARYQ^ aWEUNIVERJ//, ^lOS-ANCElfTv ^HIBRARYQ<-. ^IIIBRARYC/ ^JO^ %0dllV3JO^ /. ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^4 %AaviiaiH^ ameunivers/, .>^aOSANCElfj> -;^ — ■^ ^OFCAMFOff/i^ ^OFCAllFOfi*^ %a3AiNn-3W^ ^&AavHaiH^ ^lOSANCElfjs, '%il3AIN(13WV %a3AINa-3Wv ^HIBRARY^/^ ^tllBRARYo^ %ojnv3jo>^ ^lOSANCEl^x. ^OFCALIFOff^ ^«i/odnv3jo'^ ^OFCAIIFO% ^ s "^AiidAiNn-swv o ^^^^■llBRARYQ/r^ ^ ^^^£•lIBRARYQ^^ ^ ?l3DNVsrn^^ rtEUKi L^ 3 \] I 5 ■ tllBRARYQ^ )F-CA1IF0%^ '^JIWO'JO'-' ^ ^ME•UMI" ■^jfuohvi^ov 3"' o vvlO^ \m\ms/A o >^ ?1]DNVS01^ % lUBRARYQ^ -<^l s si rojiWDJO^" IFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCAIIFO%^ 'Anvijgii^'^ ^(?AavaaniNs^ .^^' ^OFC ^/5Ji3AiNn]w^^ "^cAiivjjani^^ "^(^ah' Catalooue of publications \ trbe Diepanic Society of Hmerica r: Catalogue of jpjublications ^ I56tb Street an6 JScoaOwag mew l?orh Copyright, 1907, by The Hispanic Societt OF America z c\Uc>(o Catalooue of publications 8292-H CataloQue ACCOUNT OF THE DEPART- 1 URE WHICH THE MOST | SERENE PRINCE OF WALES | MADE FROM THIS CITY OF I MADRID, ON THE NINTH | OF SEPTEMBER OF THE | PRESENT YEAR OF 1623, | ACCOMPANIED BY OUR LORD THE I KING AND BY THE INFANT CHARLES | AND THE CARDINAL HIS BROTHER, | TO SAN LORENZO EL REAL OF THE I ESCURIAL, WHERE HIS HIGHNESS | TOOK LEAVE OF HIS MAJESTY. C DE- 1 SCRIPTION IS MADE OF VALUABLE | PRESENTS WHICH HIS IVIAJESTY GAVE | TO THE PRINCE OF WALES AND TO | THE OTHER ENGLISH GENTLEMEN, I AND OF THOSE WHICH THE PRINCE] DISTRIBUTED BOTH AMONG THE | MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY I AS WELL AS AMONG OTHERS ILLUS- | TRIOUS BY BLOOD AND CONDITION. | (At end) : CON LICENCIA. En Barcelona, en cafa de Sebaftian y layme Matevad. Ano 1623. 16 leaves:— 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. blank, Title, Rev. Copyright, Introduction, Translation, Note of edition. Rev. blank. Text, 3 blank leaves. No pagination. Signature: A of 2 leaves, 4°., uncut. Title reproduced on cover. Spanish text printed in facsimile 1902 $3.00 2 ALVAREZ de AILLON (PEDRO) y HURTADO DE TOLEDO (LUIS) PER/lVAREZ de AYLL6n I Y\LUIS HURTADO DE TO- LEDO I (Line) I Comedia Tibalda | AHORA POR PRIIVIERA VEZ PUBLICADA I SEGtJN LA FORMA ORIGINAL I POR | ADOLFO THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Tails itioMe^5r iirtiniii£frait^upM;^^^ atiiifhottetitf tii5 oiequa irtille onfxrmS^ cim fJmiiio: mq^ oe tp/bi tt(u>^ qitio/iia a>m>zc cftno hiuotatq^ao(x(>t€nczgoaui dwc paichmtistKt^ nxmainnumtnttmivcniiis f^micc^a^ iri/ef2et mo mncncf^fTmin cAutbo ate rtie p^tuecdt tic If tcuet aam^mlr>4^q^ ittajoe mx2^ f It qiiilii^ mt^Jmtif c^itie^t de qiuicfipne mtuio fivoiiftrt- S onilidbnh'At ntt^^pMcinainfwmtta^ tc incite Mui miofiiat Oiiiit Mt-mt i£>imnm^aU i)c(c f<>Mtntmif0tm0pciibu5qmfpttpaiKig^t^ iK<^'1x^moiiitc^mftiutinuma^ vctuzlnabM tvl^nnpotcflji^cm lI(u^ futumyi pfftSnuTceiiits toflcmtntC^ nuifTrfne^fi mus fl fe lurtmiT ^1 fniiiCtttcqMiiq^ ov^cS fc «n at0 ttetKitnlcfpcmmananfctposttc^h^f^i^ /gc$ imttut (vtj^u^ f^Httnus ^^ucnicY2(| fmi NO 3 10 PUBLICATIONS BONILLA Y SAN MARTIN | (Vignette: Bibliotheca hispanica) | BARCELONA | "L'Aven9" | Ronda de I'Unlversitat, 20 | MADRID | Libreria de M. Murillo | Alcala, 7 | 1903 | 45 leaves : — Title, 1 blank page, Title-page, Rev. Note of publication, Advertencia pp. VI-XI, 1 blank page, Text pp. 1-77 (p. 65 numbered 5), Correcciones, Colophon, 1 blank page $1.00 8 ARS MORIENDI 20 leaves : — 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Page with num- bers : 7979, Text and illustrations within ruled border lines. Facsimile MS. notes, Note, 5 blank pages. No pagination. No signatures, 4°., uncut. Manuscript notes in this volume are those of Ferdinand Columbus and refer to his catalogue. Edition of one hundred printed in facsimile 1902, from the copy in the Columbine Library in Seville $5.00 BANDELIER (ADOLPH F.) THE ISLANDS | OF | TITICACA AND KOATI | BY | ADOLPH F. BANDELIER | (Seal) | NEW YORK | 1908. | (Published by the Hispanic Society of America) In preparation. This book embodies the later results of the long series of investigations which, con- tinued through several decades with distinguished success, give to Mr. Bandelier his eminent position among archaeologists and ethnologists. The author and his wife devoted seven months of the year 1895 to exploration of the Islands of Titicaca and Koati, in Lake Titicaca, and such sections of the lake shores as were geographically and historically connected with them. Ex- tensive excavations were made, and many valuable discoveries followed. The ruins on the islands are described in detail. Numerous ground plans, photo- graphic views, and plates representing the antiquities obtained, accompany the text; also two maps of Lake Titicaca and its islands. Profuse notes impart indispensable documentary information. Some of the subjects treated are: The Basin of Lake Titicaca; the Islands of Titi- caca and Koati, their Physical Aspect and Social Condition; the Indians of the Island of Titicaca; the Ancient Ruins on the Island of Titicaca; the Ruins on the Island of Koati; Aboriginal Myths and Traditions Concerning the Island of Titicaca. 11 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA The general as well as the scientific reader will be interested in Mr. Bandelier's descriptions of the actual customs of the Bolivian (Aymara) Indians of the lake region, and in his picture of the culture of the ancient inhabitants of the two islands. 5 BARAHONA (DIEGO) (Escutcheon) | C Glofa a la obra de | don Jorge Manrrique. Hecha por Die= | go Barahona: dirigida al muy yllu | ftre fciior don Gafpar deftuniga | de auellaneda abad de ca= | ftro. Zc. M.D.xlj. j Title within architectural border. 28 leaves : — 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, Rev. blank. Prologue, Frontispiece: Allegorical cut within floreated border, representing figure of death bearing a coffin, at his feet human remains, Text, 2 blank leaves. No pagination. Signatures: Aij-Aiiij to C-- C iiij, of 8 leaves (last leaf blank), 4°., uncut. Black-letter. Text of the Coplas in single column followed on each page by the corresponding Glosa in double columns. This book is believed to be unique. The place of printing is uncertain. The printer, Pedro de Castro, operated in Salamanca until 1541, in which year he moved to Medina del Campo, and, "no dando reposo a sus prensas, publico algiin libro en este mismo aiio y continu6 sin interrupcion hasta el afio 1550, en que suponemos moriria." cf. Perez Pastor, La Imprenta en Medina del Campo, p. 482. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $4.00 6 BARAHONA de SOTO (LUIS) (Ornamental head-line) |^PRIMERA PARTE | DE LA ANGE- LICA DE LVYS I Barahona de Soto. | f AL EXCELENTISSIMO | Senor Duque de Offuna, | Virrey de Napoles. | "^9^ Con aduertimientos a los fines de los cantos | y breues Summarios a los principios, por | el Prefentado Fray Pedro Ver- \ dugo de Sarria. \ (Vignette) | ^ Y con priuilegio de la Catholica | Mageftad Real, l!^^? Impreffo en Gra- nada en cafa de Hugo | de Mena, a cofta de loan Diaz | mercader de libros. I Ano de. 1586. | ( i^ ) | Efta taffado en | 12 PUBLICATIONS N05 18 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA 260 leaves: — 2 blank. Dedication, Note of edition. Title-page, Rev. 'blank, License, Author's dedication. Sonnets, fF. 1—251 (Introduction, Verses, Text), 2 blank leaves. Signatures: * 2-* 3 (of 4 leaves), A- A 5 to Z-Z 5, Aa-Aa 5 to li-Ii 2, all of 8 leaves, except li-Ii 2 of 4) leaves (one blank), 8°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1904 .... $8.50 BIBLIOTHECA HISPANICA Comedia de Calisto Z Melibea (Unico texto autentico de la Celesti- na). Reimpresion publicada por R. Foulche-Delbosc, . . $2.00 Vida del soldado espafiol Miguel de Castro (1593—1611), escrita por el mismo y publicada por A. Paz y Melia $3.00 La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, y de sus fortunas y aduersidades. Restitucion de la edicion principe por R. Foulche-Delbosc $1.00 Pedro Manuel de Urrea. Penitencia de amor (Burgos, 1514) Reim- presion publicada por R. Foulche-Delbosc $1.00 Jorge Manrrique. Coplas por la muerte de su padre. Primera edicion critica. Publicala R. Foulche-Delbosc $1.00 Comedia de Calisto Z Melibea (Burgos, 1499). Reimpresion publi- cada por R. Foulche-Delbosc $2.50 Peralvarez de Ayllon y Luis Hurtado de Toledo. Comedia Tibalda, ahora por primera vez publicada segun la forma original por Adolf o Bonilla y San Martin $1.00 Libro de los enganos Z de los asayamientos de las mugeres. Publicalo Adolf o Bonilla y San Martin $1.00 Diego de San Pedro. Carcel de amor (Sevilla, 1492) . . . $1.00 See under separate titles. 8 BRITO (El P. M9 Fr. BERNARDO de) SILVIA I DE I LYSARDO. | Recopilada por Lou- | ren9o Craesbeck. | AO ILLVSTRISSIMO | & Reuerendifsimo fenhor Do Rodrigo | da Cunha Bifpo do Porto, eleito Ar- | cebifpo & fenhor de Braga Pri- | maz das Hefpanhas, do | Confelho de fua | Mageftade. | &c. | (Vig- nette) I EM LISBOA I Com todas as licen9as neceffarias | POR PE- 14 PUBLICATIONS DRO CRAESBEECK | Impreffor del Rey. Anno 1626. | Vendemfe na Rua noua em cafa de Paulo Craesbeeck liureiro, | 54 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, License, etc., Dedication, Text ff. 1—46, 2 blank leaves. Signatures: § 2-§ 4, A- A 9 to D-D 5, all of 12 leaves, except § 2- § 4 of 4, and D-D 5 of 8 leaves, sm. 8°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $3.00 9 CAMOENS (LUIS de) OS I LVSIADAS I DE | LVYS DE | Camoes. | (Vignette) | Co todas as lice9as neceffarias | (Line) | EM LISBOA. | Por Pedro Crasbeeck Impref- | for del Rey. An. 1626. | Title within double line border. 150 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, Rev. blank. Licenses, Tasa, Printer's dedication. Sonnets, Text fF. 1-14 (should be 141), 3 blank pages. Signatures: f 2, of 4 leaves, A-A 9 to K-k 9, L-L 8, M-M 8, all of 12 leaves, except M-M 8 of 9 leaves, sm. 8°., uncut. This edition seems to be almost unknown among bibliographers. Graesse and Brunet make no mention of it, nor does Canto in his Collecgao Camoneana. Salva (No. 504) says: En el Catdlogo de Conde, num. 49, se anuncio una edi- cion de Lisboa, 1626, 8°; which, however, he appears never to have seen. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $6.00 10 CANCIONEIRO GENERAL Cancio= | neiro, geral : | Cum preuilegio. | (At end): ACabouffe de empremyr o can9yoneyTo geerall. Com preuilegio do muyto alto Z muyto poderofo Rey dom Manuell noffo fenhor . . . Foy ordenado Z emedado por Gar9ia de Reefende fidalguo da cafa del Rey noffo fenhor Z efcriuam da fazenda do prin^ipe. Come- 90use em almeyryni Z acaboufena muyto nobre Z fempre leall 9idade de Lixboa. Per Herma de capos alema bobardeyro del rey noffo fenhor Z empremjdor. Aos xxviij. dias de fetebro da era de noffo fenhor Jefu crifto de mil Z quynhent? Z xvi anos. 15 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA O S LVSIADAS D E L V Y S D E Camocs. C6 todis a licefas n«cff»ri « EM L I S B O A. 1 Por Pedro Crasbeeck ttnptef fordelRey. An.i6j« ''\ NO 9 16 PUBLICATIONS 238 leaves: — 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title-page, Index, Prologue, Escutcheon, Text fF. I-CCXXVII, leaf without numeration (Colophon, Rev. Escutcheon), 3 blank leaves. Signatures: AAA-AAAA of 4 leaves, a ij-a iiij of 6 leaves, b-b iiji to z-z iiij, A- A iiij to F-F iiij of 8 leaves, except F-F iiij of 6 leaves, 1. 8°., uncut. Text in triple columns, black-letter. Salva says of the original: "Libro rarisimo . . . Durante veintidos afios de resi- dencia en Paris y L6ndres no he visto ninguno de venta. (Salvd, Catalogo, vol. I, p. 88.) "El cancionero portugues tiene muchos mas poetas que el castellano. Este con- tiene solos los del siglo decimoquinto; pero aquel d. vista de las poeslas que pone del rei D. Pedro, que murio en 1367, tambien coloca, 6 contiene algunas del siglo decimocuarto." (Sarmiento, Hist, de la poesia, p. 323), Sarmiento also states (p. 360) that the Portuguese Cancionero General contains poems of more than one hundred and fifty poets who lived in the XVth century. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1904 . . . $55.00 CANCIONERO GENERAL Cancione | ro general | nueuamete | aiiadido ^ | OTra vez ympreffo con adicion de mu | chas y muy ef gocidas obras : las qua | les quien mas pref to querra ver : vaya | ala tabla : y todas aquellas que ternan efta I fefial . + . fon las nueuamente anadidas. | Title within ornamental border. First four lines and cross on last line rubricated. (At end): La prefente obra intitulada cancionero general copilado por hernado del caftillo. Fue impreffo enla imperial cibdad de Toledo por luan de villaquiran imprenfor de libros. Acabofe a veynte dias del mes de Enero Ano del nacimiento de nueftro faluador Ihefu chrifto de mil Z quinientos Z veynte Anos. 216 leaves:— 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title-page, Prologue, Tabla, Text fF. I-CCIII, 2 blank leaves. Signatures: -fij- + iiij. A- A iiij to Z-Z iiij, AA-AA iiij to CC-CC iiij, all of 8 leaves, except BB-BB Iiij of 6 leaves, and CC-CC iiij of 5 leaves, 1. 8°., un- cut. Tabla in double columns. Text in double and triple columns, black-letter. Edition of two hundred printed In facsimile 1904 .... $55.00 17 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA 12 CANCIONERO | LLAMADO | DANQA DE GALANES, | en cl qual fo contienen inumc- | rabies canciones para cantar, y ] baylar, con fus- refpueftas, y \ para defpoforios, y otros | plazeres. | Recopilados por Diego de Vera. \ 5 \ (Figures of man and woman) | EN BARCE- LONA. I (Line) | Por Geronymo Margarit, en la | calle de Pedritxol, delante N. S. | del Pino, Ano 1625. | 66 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, Rev. blank. Text, 5 blank pages. No pagination. Signatures: A 2— A 5 to E-E 5, of 12 leaves, 8°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $4.50 13 CANCIONERO C Cancionero | llamado Vergel de a= j mores recopilado delos mas [ excelentes poetas Caf tella= | nos affi antiguos como | modernos : y con [ diligecia cor | regido. | (Vignette: IVSTA VLTIO) | En Carago9a por Steuan G. | de Nagera. Ano. M.D.L.I. | Title in red and black with ornamental border. 46 leaves: — 9 blank pages. Note of edition. Title-page, Rev. Al lector. Text ff. ii— xxxvi. Woodcut (lady seated at table writing), 5 blank leaves. Signatures : a ij-a vii to c-c vii, of 12 leaves, sm. 4°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $4.00 14 CANERIO (NICOLO de) OPUS NICOLAY DE CANERIO lANUENSIS. Facsimile reproduction, issued under the joint auspices of the American Geo- graphical Society and The Hispanic Society of America. New York, 1907. Edited by Edward Luther Stevenson, Ph. D. This important early Portuguese map is the second of a series, now in course of publication, which will illustrate the gradual expansion of Itnowledge concern- ing the geography of the New World, as known at the opening of the sixteenth century. It bears no date, but there is good reason for believing it was drawn as early as 1502. "Opus nicolay de canerio iamiensis" is the legend appearing in the lower corner on the left, which gives us the name of the author. Little is known concerning Canerio; and we are left to conjecture as to whether this excellent piece of work was done in Portugal, the country whose lancuage he emploj's, or in Italy, his native country. It belongs to the same type as does the Cantino, and it seems probable that they are somewhat modified copies of a common original, 18 PUBLICATIONS CardUa para enfmar alcr aloe ninoe^Conh Docerina £b:tfl:ianaque kcanta. inano0* ENPAMPLONAl PorMathiasMarcs,Anode M.DC. VI. Bfta taffadaporlos SenoiesdelConlejoRcaU gn diez marauedi$» NO 15 19 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA The original map, and the only copy known, from which this facsimile has been made, was discovered a few years ago by L. Gallois in the Archives du Service hydrographique de la Marine, Paris. It appears that the map came to the archives of the State Department in 1669, which was before the first collection of papers relating to French Marine affairs was ordered Itj' Colbert, and more than one quarter of a century before the creation of the Archives of the French Navy. The Canerio map measures 225 by 115 cm. It is drawn with great care and artistic skill. Its reproduction has been difficult by reason of the crinkled and injured condition of the parchment. Every inscription of the map, however, is legible; and this reproduction in ten sheets is true to the original in every detail. Its nomenclature is that of the Cantino map, perhaps of like date; but it contains important additions. The north continental area of the New World has here a farther extension southward than in the Cantino, and at both extremities of the Atlantic coast line Canerio has placed a Spanish flag. It is further notice- able that the southern continent has an added extension of ten degrees. Cane- rio, proud of his countryman, writes "The Antilles of the king of Castile dis- covered by Colonbo, Genoese Admiral — "; Cantino omits the word "Genoese." Canerio gives us on the eastern seaboard of Brazil, for the first time, the names "Porto de Sto Sebastiano" and "Alapago de Sam Palo." Though wanting some of the artistic touches of the Cantino map, Canerio has given us one that is scientifically of greater value, one richer in nomenclature, the oldest known marine chart on which are indicated degrees of latitude. It seems altogether probable that the Canerio map or a copy of the same is the Portuguese sea-chart to which Waldseemiiller refers in the "Supplementum" of the Strassburg Ptolemy of 1513. It is further to be noted that the agreement between Waldseemiiller's Carta Marina of 1516 and the Canerio chart is so strik- ing as to lead to the opinion that the Carta Marina is a printed edition of the Canerio chart on which, however, are to be seen some changes and some im- provements. Canerio's influence was undoubtedly far-reaching on the early sixteenth century cartography of the New World, and this influence was enhanced by the work of Waldseemiiller. $20.00 15 CARTILLA PARA ENSENAR Cartilla para enfenar | aler a los ninos. Con la doctrlna | Chriftiana que fe canta, | Amados her=: | manos. | Agora de nueuo examinada, co- rregida, | y emendada : y con priuilegio de fu | Magef tad impreffa. | (Ornament) | (Radiant disc: ifl S) | EN PAMPLONA: | Por Ma- thias Mares, Ano de | M.DC.VI. | (Line) | Efta taffada por los Senores del Confejo Real. ] en dlez marauedis. | (Line) | 22 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, Rev. Woodcut of Virgin and the child Christ, Text, Verses, Tabla (Multiplication table), Same woodcut as on rev. of title-page, 2 blank leaves. No pagination. Signatures: Aij-A viii of 16 leaves, 4°., un- cut. Black-letter. This book is believed to be unique. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $3.50 20 PUBLICATIONS CATALOGILI BRORVM REPROBATORVM &prae[egcndoru cxiudicio Aca dcmiac Louanienflr, Cum edfflo Carfarca: Maicftatiscinifpatf. o PINCIi€, Ex officina FranciT.Fcndi. Corduben .Anna Domini, M.D.L I. Mandato domlnorum dc confilio (kr\Q.s generalis 1 nquifttfooif. NO 17 21 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA 16 CASTRO (MIGUEL de) Vida del soldado espanol j Miguel de Castro | (1593—1611) | escrita por el niismo | j publicada por | A. Paz y Melia | (Vignette: Blblio- theca hispanica) | BARCELONA [ "L'Avcn9" | Ronda de I'Universi- tat, 20 I MADRID | Libreria de M. MuriUo | Alcala, 7 | 1900 | 134 leaves : — 1 blank, Title, Rev. blank. Title-page, Rev. blank, Intro- duction pp. V-IX, Rev. blank, Text pp. 1-232, 2 blank leaves, 4°. $3.00 17 CATALOGI LI | BRORVM REPROBATORVM | & prselegendoru ex iudicio Aca | demiae Louanienfis. | Cum edi(?to Casfareae Maieftatis cuul- gati. I (Escutcheon) | PINCI^, | Ex officina Francif. Ferdi. Cordu- ben. Anno | Domini, M. D. L I. | Mandato dominorum de conlilio fan- 6laB I generalis Inquifitionis. | 18 leaves: — 2 blank, Note of edition, Rev. blank. Dedication, Rev. blank, Title-page, Preface, Text, Printer's stamp, 3 blank pages. No pagination. Signatures: A ij-A iij to C-C iij, all of 4 leaves, 4°., un- cut. Reprint of the first Valdes Index, Valladolid, 1551, which was itself a reprint by the Inquisitor-General Fernando de Valdes of the Louvain Index of 1550. Two other reprints of the latter appeared in the same year in Valencia and Toledo. For difference in editions cf. Reusch, Der Index der verbotenen Biicher, vol. I, p. 132, et seq. Edition of one hundred printed in facsimile 1896 .... $5.00 18 CATALOGUE OF FERDINAND COLUMBUS LIBRARY Catalogue of the Library of | Ferdinand Columbus | Reproduced in facsimile from the Unique Manuscript in the | Columbine Library | of Seville | by | Archer M. Huntington, ... | ... ] New York | 1905 | 140 leaves: — 3 blank. Title-page, Rev. Copyright, Dedication, Rev. blank, Introduction, Rev. blank. Text, Note of edition, 7 blank pages. No pagination. No signatures. Text in double columns, 1. 4°., uncut. Lettered In gold on cover: Regeftrum librol^ don f ordinandi colon etc. Edition of three hundred printed in facsimile 1905, from the original manuscript in the Biblioteca Colombina of Sevilla .... $70.00 22 PUBLICATIONS CATALOGVSLI BRORVM RBPROBATORVM EX IV DICIO ACADEMI/C LOVANIENSIS CVM EDICTO CAESAREAB HAIESTATIS EVVLCATVS. EXTRAVAGANS SANCTISSIMI DO mininoftrf.D.IuIijpapaetcrtij contra tcncntcs feu lege ces libros prohibitos vcl reprobates. ALIVS CATALOGVS LIBRORVM aucfioricatcillullndimi ac reucrcndiflimi domini D^Ferdi nandidevaldesarchicpifcopi Hirpalen^mquifitons ge ncraiisidC dommotum decofilio fandiae gcneralis inquifitionisiam pridcmrcprobatorii .cum cdidio dorainorum inquiTitora apofto licoru m ciui'catcTolctan.refidetitt quoru cenfura nonulli alij libri nouiffime rcprobati:prf oribus adiunguntinv T O L E T I. EX OFFICINA lOA.DE AIAL A ANNO. D.i^fr . eoN PROHiBiciON dclos dichos fenores inquifidores de Toledo que ningii impreffor ni libreiorii otra perfona alguna im prima ni vendaeldicno Cacalogo de libros pronibidosy reproba dos enfu diftri6io y jurifdicion fin fu licencia y mandado Co pcna de excomunio mayor lat£ femctix y de cincucnta mil marauedis. NO 19 23 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA 19 CATALOGVS LI | BRORVM REPROBATORVM EX IV | DICIO ACADEMIiE LOVANIENSIS | CVM EDICTO CAESAREAE MAIESTATIS | EVVLGATVS. | EXTRAVAGANS SANCTISSI- MI DO I mininoftri, D. lulij papae tertij contra tenentes feu lege | tes libros prohibitos vel reprobates. | ALIVS CATALOGVS LIBRO- RVM I au6loritate illuftriffimi ac reuerendiffimi domini D. Ferdi ] nandi de valdes archiepifcopi Hifpalen. inquifitoris ge | neralis : & dominorum de cofilio fan^las gcneralis | inquifitionis iam pridem reprobatoru, cum | edi6lo dominorum inquifitoru apofto | licoru in ciuitate Toletan. refide^ tiu I quoru cenfura nonulli alij libri | nouiffime reprobati ; prioribus a diunguntur. | (Vignette: Cross and two angels) | TOLETI. | EX OF- FICINA lOA. DE AIALA ANNO.D. 1551. | CON PROHIBICION delos dichos fenores inquilidores de | Toledo que ningii impreffor ni librero ni otra perfona alguna im ] prima ni venda el dicho Catalogo de libros prohibidos y reproba | dos en fu diftri6lo y jurifdicion fin fu licencia y mandado fo pena [ de excomunio mayor latae fentetiae y de cincuenta mil marauedis. | 22 leaves: — 2 blank, Note of edition, blank page, Dedication, blank page, Title-page, Escutcheon: EXVRGE DOMINE, IVDICA CAV- SAM TVAM., Preface, Carta de Edicto, Bull, Text, Printer's stamp, 3 blank pages. No pagination. Signatures: Aij— Aiiij to B-B iiij, each of 8 leaves, uncut. 4 The Louvain Index of 1550 was sent by Charles V to the Inquisitor-General Fer- nando de Valdes, with instructions that it should be printed in Spain. Of this, several reprints, known as the first Valdes Index, were issued in Spain in 1551, from Valencia, Toledo, and Valladolid. cf. Reusch, Der Index der verbotenen Bucher, vol. I, p. 132, Edition of one hundred printed in facsimile 1896 .... $5.00 20 CATHALOGVS | libroru, qui prohibetur mandato Illuftrifsimi & Re | uerend. D. D. Ferdinandi de Valdes Hifpalen, Ar | chiepi, Inquifitoris Generalis Hifpanic-e. | (Escutcheon) | NECNON ET SVPREMI SANCTyE AC I Generalis Inquifitionis Senatus. Hoc Anno. M.D.LIX. editus. I CT Quorum iuffu & licentia Sebaftianus Martinez Excudebat | PINCI^. I C Efta taffado en vn Real. | (At end): Fue impreffo en Valladolid. En cafa de Sebaftian Marti- nez. Ano de 1559 Pedro de Tapia. 24 PUBLICATIONS CATHA LOG VS libroru,qui prohibetur mandato Illuftrifsimi & Re ucrend.D.D.FerdinandideValdesHrfpalen.Ar diiepi»lnqui(itoris Gencralis Hlfpaniae* NECNON ET SVPREMI SANCTi^ AC Gcncralis InquintionisScnatus. Hoc Anno. M.DLIX.cditus. CQu,orumiuflu6ciiccntiaScHanianus JMmtincz Excudcbat P 1 N C I /E. N° 20 C£f>3 tafTado en vn IXf al. 25 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA 42 leaves:— 2 blank, Note of edition, Rev. blank, Dedication, Rev. blank. Title-page, Preliminaries pp. 2-12, Text 13-27 (should be 72), Printer's stamp, 3 blank pages. Signatures: A ij-A iij, B-B iij, of 4 leaves, C-C v to E-E v of 8 leaves, F-F iij of 4 leaves, 4°., uncut. Text within double line border. Reprint of the first independent Spanish index by Vald^s. cf. Reusch, Der Index der verbotenen Biicher, vol. I, pp. 300-;512. Edition of one hundred printed in facsimile 1896 .... $5.50 ^1 CELESTINA (LA) Comedia | de | Calisto Z Melibea | (Burgos, 1499) | Reimpresion pu- blicada | POR | R. FOULCHE-DELBOSC | (Vignette: Bibliotheca hispanica) | BARCELONA | "L'Avcn9" | Ronda de I'Universitat, 20 I MADRID I Libreria de M. Murillo | Alcala, 7 | 1902 | 96 leaves:— 1 blank. Title, Rev. "Macon, Protat Hermanos, Impreso- res," Title-page, Rev. blank, Dedication, Rev. blank, Advertencia, Rev. blank. Text pp. 1-173, Erratas y deficiencias de la edicion de Burgos 1499 que se han subsanado en la presente reimpresion, pp. 174-179, 3 blank pages, 8° $2.50 21a CELESTINA (LA) Comedia | de | Calisto Z Melibea 1 (Unico texto autentico de la Celes- tina) I Reimpresion publicada | POR | R. FOULCHE-DELBOSC ! (Vignette: Bibliotheca hispanica) | BARCELONA | "L'Aven9" | Ronda de I'Universitat, 20 | MADRID [ Libreria de M. Murillo | Al- cala, 7 I 1900 95 leaves: — 1 blank. Title, Rev. "Macon, Protat Hermanos, Impre- sores," Title-page, Rev. blank, Advertencia pp. V-VI, Corrigenda, at end of p. VI, Text pp. 1-180, 1 blank leaf, 8° $2.00 52 l^H? CENSVRA GE | neralis contra errores, quib' recentes haeretici fa- cram I fcripturam afperferunt, edita a fupremo fenatu In- | quifitionis aduerfus hereticam prauitatem & apofta- | fiam in Hifpania, & aliis 26 PUBLICATIONS .s^CENSVRAGE neraliscontraelTores,c]uib^reccnces hserctici facram fcripturam afperfcrunt , edita a fupremo fenatu In. quifitionis aducifus hercticam prauitatem & apofta- fiammHifpania,&:aliisrcgnis, &domimis Ccfarese Magcftatis conftituto. Pinciac. ExofficinaFrancif.Ferdinan.Cordubcn. Cumpriuilegiolmperiali. Tsmdi en guarenta marauedi?. ]^0 22 27 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA regnis, & dominiis Cefareae | Mageftatis conftituto. | (Vignette: EX- VRGE DOMINE, IVDICA CAVSAM TVAM) | Pinciae. | Ex officina Francif. Ferdinan. Cordiibcn. | Cum priuilegio Imperiali. | Taffada en quarenta marauedis. | 34 leaves: — 2 blank, Note of edition, Rev. blank, Dedication, Rev. blank. Title-page, Privilege, Preliminaries, Text, Colophon : Ingenium volitat, Paupertas deprimit ipfum., 1 blank leaf, Printer's stamp, 3 blank pages. No pagination. Signatures: Aii-Av to C-Cv, of 8 leaves, D— D iii of 4 leaves (last leaf blank), 4°., uncut. Reprint of the second Index of the Inquisitor-General Vald^s, Valladolid, 1554, in which 57 editions of the Bible are quoted, arranged alphabetically by place of printing. A description of this index, based upon the later edition, Venice, 1562 (with list of Bibles increased to 103 titles) is given by Reusch, Der Index der verbotenen Biicher, Bonn, 1883-85, vol. I, pp. 199-204. Edition of one hundred printed in facsimile 1896 .... $5.00 CERVANTES. CRITICAL EDITION This Tercentenary issue of Don Quixote de la Mancha, in seven volumes, will be distributed as follows: (1) a facsimile reproduction of the first Madrid edition of the First Part (1605); (2) a facsimile reproduction of the first edition of the Second Part (Madrid, 1615); (3) a facsimile reproduction of the fourth Madrid edition (1605); (4) a critical text, in four volumes, of the First and Second Parts, prepared by M. Raymond Foulche-Delbosc, editor of the Revue Hispanique, with an introduction by Mr. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly. There are three impressions, which will be sold only in full sets, as follows: — The first impression, printed on Arnold hand-made paper, vellum, uncut, will con- sist of one hundred numbered copies, the price of which will be, per volume, $20.00 The second impression, printed on Italian hand-made paper, cloth, uncut, will con- sist of two hundred numbered copies, the price of which will be, per volume $10.00 The third impression, printed on a superior quality of machine-made paper, un- bound, will consist of five hundred copies, the price of which will be, per volume $5.00 All paper used for the various impressions is specially made and will have the Society's seal in water-mark. First Impression, Vol. I CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) EL INGENIOSO | HIDALGO DON QVI- | XOTE DE LA MAN- CHA, I Compitefto por Miguel de Ceruantes \ Saauedra. \ DIRIGIDO 28 PUBLICATIONS AL DVQVE DE BEIAR, | Marques de Gibralcon, Condc dc Benal- ca9ar, y Baiia- j res, Vizconde de la Puebla de Alcozer, Senor de 1 las villas de Capilla, Curiel, y | Burguillos. | Ano, (Vignette: POST TE- NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1605. | CON PRIVILEGIO, | EN MA- DRID, Por luan de la Cuefta. | (Line) | Vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Robles, librero del Rey nfo fcnor. | 337 leaves:— 2 blank, Note of edition, Rev. blank. Title-page, Rev. blank, Tasa, Errata, License, Dedication, Prologue, Verses, Text ff. 1-312, and 4 fF. of text unnumbered. Index, 5 blank pages. Sig- natures : 5[ 3, of 4 leaves, HH-HH 5, A-A 5 to Z-Z 5, Aa-Aa 5 to Qq- Qq 5, all of 8 leaves, *-* 3 to **-** o^ of 4 leaves, 8°., uncut. First edition. Unknown for nearly two centuries and confounded later with the second, which was considered to be the first. The correction of this error is due to Salva, who in his Catalocjue of Spanish and Portuguese books, Part II, Lon- don, 1839, notes the diflFerences in the two impressions of Cuesta and the fact that the first impression does not contain the Portuguese privilege which is found in the second. For most important differences between these two im- pressions, see Rius, Bibliografia critica de las obras de Miguel de Cervantes, vol. I, pp. 2-3. Edition of one hundred numbered copies. Per volume . . $20.00 First Impression, Vol. II CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) SEGVNDA PARTE | DEL INGENIOSO | CAVALLERO DON | QVIXOTE DE LA | MANCHA. | Por Miguel de Ceruantes Saauedra, autor de fu primera parte. \ Dirigida a don Pedro Fernandez de Caftro, Conde de Le- | mos, de Andrade, y de Villalua, Marques de Sarria, Gentil- | hombre de la Camara de fu Mageftad, Comendador de la I Encomienda de Penafiel, y la Zar^a de la Orden de Al- | cantara, Virrey, Gouemador, y Capitan General | del Reyno de Napoles, y Pre- fidente del fu- | premo Confejo de Italia. | Ano (Vignette: POST TE- NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1615 | CON PRIVILEGIO, | (Line) | En Madrid, Por luan de la Cuefta. | vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Robles, librero del Rey N. S. \ 298 leaves: — 3 blank, Note of edition. Rev. blank, Title-page, Rev. blank, Tasa, Errata, Approbations, Privilege, Prologue, Dedication, 29 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Text ff. 1-280, blank page, Index, Colophon, 5 blank pages. Sig- natures : f 2-11 5, A-A 5 to Z-Z 5, Aa-Aa 5 to N-N 3, all of 8 leaves, except N-N 3, of 4 leaves, 8°., uncut. Edition of one hundred numbered copies. Per volume . . $20,00 First Impression, Vol. Ill 236 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) EL INGENIOSO | HIDALGO DON QVI- | XOTE DE LA MAN- CHA. I Compuefto por Miguel de Ceruantes \ Saauedra. \ DIRIGIDO AL DVQVE DE BEIAR, | Marques de Gibraleon, Conde de Barce- lona, y Bafia- | res, Vizconde de la Pucbla de Alcozer, Senor de | las villas de Capilla, Curiel, y | Burgillos. | Aiio, (Vignette: POST TE- NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1605. | Con priuilegio de Caftilla, Ara- gon, y Portugal. | EN MADRID, Por luan de la Cuefta. |(Line) [ Vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Robles, librero del Rey nro fenor. | 338 leaves : — 3 blank. Note of edition. Rev. blank, Title-page, Rev. blank, Tasa, Errata, License, Portuguese privilege, Dedication, Pro- logue, Verses, Text fF. 1—316, Index, 5 blank pages. Signatures: f 2-11 3 (of 4 leaves), HH-lfH 5, A-A 5 to Z-Z 5, Aa-Aa 5 to Rr- Rr 5, all of 8 leaves, 8°., uncut. Fourth edition of the Quijote, being the second impression of Cuesta. Edition of one hundred numbered copies. Per volume . . $20.00 Second Impression, Vol. I 24 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) EL INGENIOSO | HIDALGO DON QVI- | XOTE DE LA MAN- CHA, I Compuefto por Migu£l de Ceruantes \ Saauedra. \ DIRIGIDO AL DVQVE DE BEIAR, | Marques de Gibraleon, Conde de Benal- ca9ar, y Baiia- | res, Vizconde de la Puebla de Alcozer, Senor de | las villas de Capilla, Curiel, y | Burguillos. | Ano, (Vignette: POST TE- 80 PUBLICATIONS NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1605. | CON PRIVILEGIO, | EN MA- DRID, Por luan dc la Cuefta. | (Line) | Vendefc en cafa de Francifco dc Roblcs, librero del Rcy nfo fcnor. | For description see First Impression, Vol. I. Edition of two hundred numbered copies. Per volume . . $10.00 Second Impression, Vol. II 24a CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) SEGVNDA PARTE | DEL INGENIOSO | CAVALLERO DON | QVIXOTE DE LA | MANCHA. | Por Miguel de Ceruantes Saauedra, autor de fu primera parte. | Dirigida a don Pedro Fernandez de Caftro, Conde de Le- | mos, de Andradc, y de Villalua, Marques de Sarria, Gentil- | hombre de la Camara de fu Mageftad, Comendador de la I Encomienda de Penafiel, y la Zar^a dc la Orden de Al- | cantara, Virrey, Gouernador, y Capitan General | del Reyno de Napoles, y Pre- fidente del fu- | premo Confejo de Italia. | Ano (Vignette: POST TE- NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1615 | CON PRIVILEGIO, \ (Line) | En Madrid, Por luan de la Cuefta. \ vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Rohles, librero del Rey N. S. \ For description see First Impression, Vol. II. Edition of two hundred numbered copies. Per volume . . $10.00 Second Impression, Vol. Ill CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) EL INGENIOSO | HIDALGO DON QVI- | XOTE DE LA MAN- CHA. I Compuefto por Miguel de Ceruantes \ Saauedra. \ DIRIGIDO AL DVQVE DE BEIAR, | Marques dc Gibralcon, Conde dc Barce- lona, y Bafia- j res, Vizconde de la Puebla de Alcozer, Senor de | las villas de Capilla, Curiel, y | Burgillos. | Ano, (Vignette: POST TE- NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1605. | Con priuilegio de Caftilla, Ara- 31 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA gon, y Portugal. | EN MADRID, Por luan de la Cuefta. |(Line) \ Vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Robles, librcro del Rey nfo fenor. | For description see First Impression, Vol. III. Edition of two hundred numbered copies. Per volume . . $10.00 See note under Cervantes. Critical Edition. Third Impression, Vol. I 25 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) EL INGENIOSO | HIDALGO DON QVI- 1 XOTE DE LA MAN- CHA, I Compuefto por Miguel de Ceruantes \ Saauedra. \ DIRIGIDO AL DVQVE DE BEIAR, | Marques de Gibraleon, Conde de Benal- ca9ar, y Baiia- | res, Vizconde de la Puebla de Alcozer, Senor de | las villas de Capilla, Curiel, y ] Burguillos. | Ano, (Vignette: POST TE- NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1605. | CON PRIVILEGIO, | EN MA- DRID, Por luan de la Cuefta. | (Line) | Vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Robles, librero del Rey nfo feiior. | For description see First Impression, Vol. I. Edition of five hundred copies. Per volume $5.00 Third Impression, Vol. II 25a CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) SEGVNDA PARTE | DEL INGENIOSO | CAVALLERO DON | QVIXOTE DE LA | MANCHA. | Por Miguel de Ceruantes Saauedra, autor de fu primera parte. | Dirigida a don Pedro Fernandez de Caftro, Conde de Le- | mos, de Andrade, y de Villalua, Marques de Sarria, Gentil- | hombre de la Camara de fu Mageftad, Comendador de la I Encomienda de Penafiel, y la Zar^a de la Orden de Al- [ cantara, Virrey, Gouemador, y Capitan General | del Reyno de Napoles, y Pre- fidente del fu- | premo Confejo de Italia. | Ano (Vignette: POST TE- PUBLICATIONS NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1615 | CON PRIVILEGIO, \ (Line) | En Madrid, Por luan de la Cuefta. [ vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Rohles, librero del Rey N. S. \ For description see First Impression, Vol. II. Edition of five hundred copies. Per volume $5.00 Third Impression, Vol. Ill 256 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) EL INGENIOSO | HIDALGO DON QVI- | XOTE DE LA MAN- CHA. I Compuefto por Miguel de Ceruantes | Saauedra. \ DIRIGIDO AL DVQVE DE BEIAR, | Marques de Gibraleon, Conde de Barce- lona, y Baiia- j res, Vizconde de la Puebla de Alcozer, Senor de | las villas de Capilla, Curiel, y | Burgillos. | Ano, (Vignette: POST TE- NEBRAS SPERO LVCEM) 1605. | Con priuilegio de Caftilla, Ara- gon, y Portugal. | EN MADRID, Por luan de la Cuefta. |(Line) | Vendefe en cafa de Francifco de Robles, librero del Rey nro fenor. | For description see First Impression, Vol. III. Edition of five hundred copies. Per volume $5.00 See note under Cervantes. Critical Edition. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de) PRIMERA PARTE | DE LA GALATEA, | DIVIDIDA EN SEYS LIBROS. I Copuefta por Miguel de Ceruantes. | Dirigida al Illuf- trifsi. feTior Afcanio Colona Abad de\fan6ia 6'o^fl. | (Vignette: FRANGI FACILIVS QVAN FLECTI.) | CON PRIVILEGIO. | Im- preflfa en Alcala por luan Gracian. ] Ano de 1585. | A cofta de 'Qlas de Rohles mercader de libros. \ Vol. I contains 186 leaves: — 7 blank pages, Dedication, Title-page, Tasa, Errata, Privilege, License, Author's dedication, Introduction, Verses, Text fF. 1-172, 2 blank. Vol. II contains 208 leaves :— 2 blank, 33 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA ff. 173-375, 3 blank. Signatures of the two vols.: A-A 5 to Z-Z 5, Aa-Aa 5 to Zz-Zz 5, AA-AA 5, all of 8 leaves (one blank), First 8 leaves of Vol. I without signature, 8°., uncut. Two volumes. Per volume $7.50 n CHRONICLE OF THE CID C Coronica del muy effor= ] ^ado ^ Inuencible caua= | Hero el Cid ruy diaz I campeador delas | Efpanas • ' • | Engraved title-page, containing in upper half under an arch a mili- tary scene. In the lower half the title in black letter. The whole sur- rounded by elaborate ornaments. (At end) : C Aqui fenefce el breue tratado delos nobles fechos y ba- tallas que el buen cauallero Cid ruy diaz vencio/ con fauor ^ ayuda d' nueftro fenor. El qual fe acabo a. ij. dias del mes de julio: por Miguel de Eguia : enla muy noble y leal ciudad de Toledo. Enel ano de nueftro redemptor ^ faluador jefu Chrifto de mil Z quinientos ^ veynte ^ feys Alios. 56 leaves: — 1 blank, Dedication, blank page. Title-page, Introduc- tion, Text, Engraving, blank page, Note of edition, 3 blank pages. No pagination. Signatures: aij— aiiij to f— f vj, all of 8 leaves except £— f vj, of 12 leaves, 4°., uncut. Black-letter. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 . . . $12.00 28 CHRONICLE OF THE CID Cronica del famofo caua | Hero Cid Ruy dlez | campeador ^ ^ I Escutcheon precedes title. Title rubricated. (At end) : ^ Aqui fe acaua la Cronica del muy noble y effor9ado y fiempre victoriofo Cid ruy diez Campeador: A cofta y defpefa delos reuerendos padres Abad monjes t convent© del monefterio de fant 34 PUBLICATIONS Pedro de cardena : fue yniprella cnla nmy noble y leal ciudad de Bur- gos: por arte t induftria de Fadriquc Alcman de bafilea: acabofe a treynta i vn dias del mes de mar9o ano del nafcimiento de nro fefior i faluador jhefu chrifto de mill ^ quinicntos ^ doze anos . • . 136 leaves:— 5 blank pages, Dedication, Title-page, Rev. blank, Pro- logue, Tabla, 1 blank leaf, Text ff. I-CXVI (Privilege, Colophon), Note of edition, 3 blank leaves. Signatures: A ij-A iij of 6 leaves, B- B iiij of 8 leaves, a ij-a v to b-b v, c-c iiij to m-m iiij, all of 8 leaves, n-n iij of 6 leaves, o-o iiij of 8 leaves, p-p iij of 6 leaves, 1. 8°., un- cut. Text in double columns, black-letter. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $25.00 29 CRONICA RIMADA Cronica Rimada | Reproduced in facsimile from the Manuscript in the I Bibliotheque Nationale [ by | Archer M. Huntington, . . . | . . . New York | 1904 | 20 leaves: — 2 blank. Note of edition. Rev. blank, Title-page, Rev. blank, Dedication, Rev. blank, Text in double columns, Facsimile nu- meration of MS. ff. 188-201, 1 blank leaf, 1. 4°. Edition of three hundred $12.00 In preparation. 30 ERCILLA y ZUNIGA (ALONSO de) LA ARAVCA | NA DE DON ALON- | SO BE ERZILLA Y ^V- \ niga, Gentil Hombre de fu Mageftad, y de\la hoca de los Serenifsi- mos Principes de | Vngria. Dirigida a la S. C. R. M. \ del Key don Phelippe nue- \ ftro Senor. \ (Vignette: PERIETAMVS NISI PE- RISSEMVS SOir ISID. S.) | Con priuilegio. | Impreffa en Madrid, en oaf a de Pier- | res Cofsin. Alio. 1569. [ Eft a taffado a tres maraue- dis el pliego. \ 216 leaves: — 1 blank. Dedication, Note of edition. Title-page, Rev. blank. Licenses, Author's dedicatory letter. Prologue. Declaracion de algunas cosas desta obra., Sonnets, Text ff. 1-7, 1 leaf without nu- 35 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA LA ARAVCA N A DE D O N ALON- so DE ERziLL^r cr- iiio'itfGeitnl Hombre de ft Magefliid,yde U boca de los Sereni^imos Pan apes dc Vr}£ria.Diri9id(Ca U S. C.R.M, del Rey don Phelippe nue- Jiro Senor, Conpriuilegio. Jmprejfaen MidridyeH cafi de Pa/*- res Cofin.^no,! J S jf. £/?4 tajjado a tresmanfitedU el'fiego. N°30 86 PUBLICATIONS mcration, pp. 17-392, Sonnets, Index, Errata, Approbation, Portrait of author, 2 blank leaves. Signatures: 4, A— A 5 to Z-Z 4, Aa-Aa 4 to Bb-Bb2 (should be Bb3), all of 8 leaves except Bb-Bb 2 of 4 leaves, Cc-Cc 3 (should be Cc 5) of 8 leaves, 8°., uncut. "Cette premiere ^d. ne renferme que la premiere partie ou les 15 premiers chants, mais on y trouve une dddicnce h. Philippe II laquelle n'est pas dans les Editions post^rieures."— Graesse, Tr^sor de Livres rares et precieux, vol. II, p. 497. Also Brunei, vol. II,. 1045. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 . . . $12.50 31 ERCILLA y ZUNIGA (ALONSO de) SEGVNDA I PARTE DE LA ARAV- | cana de Don Alonfo de Er- zilla y ^uiiiga, que | trata la porfiada guerra entre los Efpanoles, | y Araucanos, co algunas cofas nota- | bles que en aquel tiempo | fuce- dieron. | (Escutcheon: PLVS VLTRA) | EN gARAGOQA, | H Im- prelTo con licencia, en cafa de luan Soler, | Afio de Chrifto, 1578. | 178 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title-page, Rev. blank. License, Preface, Text pp. 2-335, Approbation, Sonnets, 2 blank leaves. Signatures : A 3-A 4 to X-X 4, all of 8 leaves except Y-Y 2 of 4 leaves, 8°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 . . . $12.50 ESCOBAR y MENDOZA (ANTONIO de) HISTORIA DE LA | VIRGEN MADRE DE | DIOS MARIA. | Defde fu purifsima Concepcion fin pecado origi \ nal, hafta fu gloriofa Afumpcion. \ POEM A HEROYCO. \ De Antonio de Mendo9a Efcouar, I natural de Valladolid. | (Vignette) | En Valladolid: For Geronimo Murillo. \ Ano de 1618. | Title-pages within ornamental borders. Vol. I contains 118 leaves :— 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, Rev. blank, Privi- lege, Tasa, Errata, Al doctor Don Ivan de san Vicente, Approbation, Author's dedication, Al lector, Catalogo de los Autores con cuyos testi- monios se comprueua, la verdad de la Historia de la Virgen, Note, Text ff. 1-104, 2 blank leaves. Vol. II contains 150 leaves, 2 blank, Title- 37 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA page, Rev. blank, Text ff. 105-248, S blank leaves. Signatures: ^3 (should be 1I2)-1[4, A-A 5 to Z-Z 5, Aa-Aa 5 to Hh-Hh 5 of 8 leaves, sm. 8°., uncut. Reprinted Valladolid 16:25 under title: Nveva Gervsalen Maria, cf. Salvd Catd- logo, vol. I, pp. 222-223. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903. Two volumes. Per volume $6.00 ESCRIVA (LUDOVICO) See Scriva. 33 FIGUEROA (FRANCISCO de) OBRAS I DE I FRANCISCO | DEFIGVEROA, | Laureado Pindaro | Efpaiiol. I PVBLICADAS \ For el Licenciado Luis Tribaldos \ de To- ledo Chronifta mayor del \ Rey nueftro fenor por las In- \ dias, refi- dente en la Cor- \ tc de Madrid. \ DEDICADAS | A Don Vicente No- guera Referendario | de ambas fignaturas de fu Santidad; | del Cofejo de las dos Magef tades | Cefarea, i Catholica ; Gentil- | hombre de la Camara del | ferenifsimo Archiduq | de Auftria Leo- | poldo. I Emen- dadas, i mui anadidas en | eft a fegunda edicion. \ (Line) | EN LIS- BOA. I Por Pedro Craesbeeck Impreffor del | Rei N. S. 1626. | 54 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, Rev. blank. Licenses, etc., Escutcheon with Latin quotation. Dedication, Discourse (Breve discvrso del licenciado Lvis Tribaldos de Toledo sobre la vida de Francisco de Figueroa), pp. 1-64 (Text, Madrigal etc.. In- dex), 2 blank leaves. Signatures: * 2-* 8, I'-l" 2, A-A to C-C 4, all of 12 leaves, except l"-^' 2 of 4 and C-C 4 of 8 leaves, sm. 8°., uncut. Facsimile of second edition. This edition is not cited by Sah-a or Gallardo, though the former (Catdlogo, vol. I, p. 228) notes the mention made of it by Ticknor (History of Spanish Lit., N. Y., 1849, vol. II, p. 507) and Fernandez ("Pr61ogo" of vol. XX. Coleccidn de poetas). Isted. appeared in 1625 from the same press. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $3.50 84 GUZMAN SUARES (VICENTE de) RIMAS VARIAS | EN ALABANQA DEL NA- | cimiento del Prin- cipe N. S. I DON BALTHAZAR CAR- 1 LOS DOMINGO. | D'lrigi- 38 PUBLICATIONS RIMASVARIAS EN ALABANCA DEL NA- cimiento del Principe N. S. DON BALTHAZAR CAR- LOS DOMINGO. Virigidas a la S. C. R, Mageffad delKcy de dos mtinduSi nucflro Scnor, Por Vicente de Guzman Suares. T.n PortOjCo Iiccc/.',Por luanRoiz Afio de 1^30. NO 34 29 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA das a la S. C. R. Mageftad del Rey de \ dos mundos, nueftro Senor. \ Por Vicente de Guzman Snares. | (Escutcheon) | En o Porto, co lice- cia. Por luan Roiz Ano de 1630. | 56 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title-page, Rev. blank. Licenses, Author's dedication. Preface, Epigrams, Sonnets, Decimas, 1 blank page, Text pp. 1-50, 3 blank leaves. First 8 leaves without signatures. Signatures: ^-§ 4. §§-§§ 4, A-A 4 to C-C 4 of 8 leaves, D of 2 leaves (last leaf blank), 8°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $6.00 35 HIERRO (BALTASAR del) C Libro y prime= | ra parte, delos victoriofos he= | chos del muy vale- rofo ca I uallero don Aluaro de | Ba9a : fefior delas vi | lias d'l Uifo, y facta | Cruz. Capita | general del | mar Oce^ | ano. | Dirigido al muy illuftre fenor | don Luys Qapata. Se= | nor delas villas de Al | bunol, y Torbifcon, | con fus partidas. | Copuefto por | Balthafar dl | Hierro. | Ano de. M.D.LXI. | (At end) : C Aqui haze fin el prefente tractado. El qual fue impreffo CO licecia, en la muy noble ciudad de Granada: en cafa de Rene Rabut junto a los hofpitales del corpus Chrifti. 78 leaves : — 2 blank. Dedication, Note of edition. Title-page, Sonnets, Dedication, Sonnets, Text, 7 blank pages. No pagination. Signatures : A ij— a V to I— I V of 8 leaves, 8°., uncut. Black-letter. Title within ornamental border. Poem is in octavas and divided into six cantos. Salva says of the original: "Hermoso ejemplar de un libro de tan estremada rareza, que no recuerdo haber visto otro. Ni Nic. Antonio ni ningun bibliografo men- cionan d Baltasar del Hierro y Mr. Heber no tuvo esta obra en su biblioteca." Salva, Catdlogo, vol. I, p. 246. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $7.00 36 HONDIUS (J.) NOVISSIMA AC EXACTISSIMA TOTIUS ORBIS TERRARUM 40 PUBLICATIONS NO 35 ra parte ,t>elo5>Dicfo:iofo9l?e^ cjioj oel inuF valcrofo ca uallcroooii2lluarooe Ba0:(eno2OcIasvi llafil^fe^facfa £:ru5Xapita general oel niar®ce# ano« ©irigidoalmu^ilUiRre (enoj oonJLu^s ^apata,Se* fio^oelasvUlasDe Sll bunol^2;o:biTcon. confueparridag. /Copueftopoj Balclpaf^rol l^crro* 2lnoDe.iB.B.3LK3* «||:|§:i§: SFll: k' 3S»'I§': a 41 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA DESCRIPTIO MAGNA | cura & induftria ex optimis quibufcj tabu- lis Geographicis et Plydrograpliicis nuperrimifcp do^lorum virorum obfervationib .' duobus planifphairijs dclincata AuSi. I. Hondio. | Facsimile reproduction in size of the original, issued under the joint auspices of the American Geograi)liical Society and The Hisj)anic Society of America. New York, 1907. Edited by Edward Luther Stevenson, Ph.D., and Joseph Fischer, S. J. This map is the first of a series, now in course of publication, which will illustrate the gradual exj^ansion of knowledge concerning the geography of the New World. It is of great interest, being the work of Jodocus Hondius, the distin- guished cartographer and engraver of the Netherlands. It could not have been drawn by Hondius later than 1611. In comparison with the Waldseemiiller World Map of 1507 it exhibits forcibly the progress of map-making during one hundred years. In size the map is IGO by 246 cm. It is, therefore, larger than that of Waldsee- miiller. In two hemispheres, each about 122 cm. in diameter, it presents the Old World in thoroughly modern outline, and particularly striking is the out- line of America, As Jodocus Hondius was the last of the three distinguished geographers and map- makers — Ortelius, Mercator, Hondius — and this large world map was probably his final, as it certainly is his great masterpiece, it is therefore an important landmark in the history of cartography. Of this map but one copy is known to exist, which copy was found, as was the Waldseemiiller map, by Professor Joseph Fischer, S. J., in the Library of Prince Waldburg Wolfegg of Wolfegg, Germany. It had been carelessly mounted on coarse linen and was attached to an oak stick about which it was rolled. For the purpose of reproduction and preservation it became necessary to remove the torn linen backing that the eighteen sheets might be restored, in a measure at least, to their former condition. This difficult work was accomplished in a masterful manner by the distinguished Librarian of the Vatican Library, Doctor Franz Ehrle. The excellence of the photographic negatives, made with the greatest care, under the direct supervision of Professor Fischer, in Feldkirch, Austria, has rendered it possible to bring out in the reproduction every detail as in the original. Adorned by six large, and by more than forty small engraved pictures which fill the border and the spaces not taken by the two great hemispheres, this map is of no less significance as a cartographical masterpiece than as a masterpiece of engraving. The document is one rich in geographical record of mountains, rivers, local and regional names, and in its legends which are numerous. This reproduction will be of great interest to specialists, collectors, and students of American history. It is issued in eighteen loose sheets in a portfolio, with a brief descriptive text and key-map. The reproduction is ready for distribution, and other numbers of the series will follow within a short time. It is proposed to issue, subject to change, such im- portant maps as the Canerio, Juan de la Cosa, Sebastian Cabot, Paris Portu- guese, Oleveriana, Catalan Map of 1457, with others of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. $24.00 37 HUNTINGTON (ARCHER M.) Poem of the Cid ] Text | Reprinted from the Unique Manuscript | at 42 PUBLICATIONS Madrid | By | Archer M. Huntington, M. A. | Volume 1 1 G. P. Put- nam's Sons I New- York j 3 vols. Vol. II, Translation. Vol. Ill, Notes. (Vol. I) 86 leaves (+15 Illustrations) :— 2 blank leaves, Title, Rev. blank, Frontispiece : Head of Cid, Title-page, Rev. Copyright, Introduc- tion, List of Illustrations, Rev. blank, Title, Rev. blank. Text consist- ing of 75 unnumbered leaves (48th leaf being blank to indicate a leaf missing in the manuscript, and rev. of last leaf blank). Note of edition, Rev. blank, 2 blank leaves. (Vol. II) 86 leaves (+ 15 Illustrations) :— 2 blank leaves. Title, Rev. blank. Frontispiece : Map of Northern Spain, showing towns mentioned in the Poem of the Cid, Title-page, Rev. Copyright, Dedication, Rev. blank. List of Illustrations, Rev. blank. Title, Rev. blank. Text consist- ing of 75 unnumbered leaves (48th leaf and rev. of last leaf blank). Note of edition. Rev. blank, 3 blank leaves. (Vol. Ill) 111 leaves (+20 Illustrations) :— 2 blank leaves, Title, Rev. blank. Frontispiece: Manuscript of the Poem of the Cid, Title- page, Rev. Copyright, Dedication, Rev. blank. List of Illustrations, Rev. blank, Title, List of Abbreviations, Map of Spain, Notes pp. 1-199, 1 blank page. Note of edition. Rev. blank, 3 blank leaves. The text is given in a line-for-line and page-for-page reproduction of the original. The illustrations are taken from photographs made by the author, or under his direction, of places and objects of importance in the Poem. Edition of one hundred numbered copies. 1. 4**., uncut. Text and Translation in black letter. Vol. I printed June 1897, Vol. II, April 1902, and Vol. Ill, July 1903. Per volume $25.00 HUNTINGTON REPRINTS These will be found in their alphabetical places in this Catalogue. They consist of such reprints and facsimiles as were made by Mr. Huntington at various times previous to the organization of the Hispanic Society of America. After that organization these volumes, or such of the various editions as remained, became the property of the Society, which proposes, at intervals, to continue their publication. 43 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA See, in this Catalogue, the following: Account of the Departure of the Prince of Wales, 1623 Ars Moriendi Barahona Barahona de Soto Brito Camoens Cancioneiro General Cancionero General Cancionero Llamado Dan^a de Galanes Cancionero llamado Vergel de Amores Cartilla para Ensenar Catalog! Librorvm Reprobatorvm. Pinciae, M. D.L.I. Catalogue of Ferdinand Columbus Library Catalogvs Librorvm Reprobatorvm. Toleti, 1551 Cathedogvs libroru, qui prohibetur man- dato . . . Ferdinandi de Valdes Hispalen. Censvra Generalis contra Errores Cervantes Saavedra. La Galatea Chronicle of the Cid, 1526 Chronicle of the Cid, 1512 Cronica Rimada Ercilla y Ziiniga. La Aravcana Ercilla y Zuiiiga. Segvnda Parte de la Aravcana Escobar j Mendoza Figueroa Guzman Suares Hierro Index Librorum Prohibitorum Initials and Miniatures . . . from the Mozarabic Manuscripts of Santo Domingo de Silos Jesus Lena Leon Lil)ro de los Tres Reyes de Oriente Maiulamet der Keyserlijcker Maiesteit Merino Oliveros de Castilla Ortiz Pinto de Morales Romancero General Sanchez Santillana Scriva Sepulveda Spanish Documents from the British Museum Tamariz Timoneda Tirant lo Blanch Torre Torres Vega, Garcilasso de la Vega Carpio. Rimas de Lope de Vega Carpio. Romancero Espiritval Villuga HURTADO de TOLEDO (LUIS) y ALVAREZ de AYLLON (PEDRO) r See Alvarez de Alllon y Hurtado de Toledo. INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM See, in this Catalogue, the following: Catalog! Librorvm Reprobatorvm. Pinciae, M.D.L.I. Catalogvs Librorvm Reprobatorvm. Toleti, 1551 Cathalogvs libroru, qui prohibetur mandato . . . Ferdinandi de Valdes Hispalen. Censvra Generalis contra Errores Mandamet der Keyserlijcker Maiesteit 38 INITIALS AND MINIATURES | OF THE | IXth, Xth, AND XIth CENTURIES | FROM THE | MOZARABIC MANU- SCRIPTS OF SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS | IN THE BRITISH 44 PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM I (Vignette) | WITH INTRODUCTION BY | ARCHER M. HUNTINGTON | . . . (Vignette) | SKW YORK | 1904 | 107 leaves:— 2 blank, Note of edition, Rev. blank. Title, 2 blank pages. Facsimile page, Note, Rev. blank. Title-page, Rev. Copyright, Dedication, Rev. blank, Introduction, Description of Manuscripts, 1 blank page, "MANUSCRIPT NUMBER 30,844", 1 blank page. Initial Letters, 1 blank page. Printer's stamp, 5 blank pages. No pagination. No signatures, 1. 4°. Edition of three hundred and fifty printed 1904 .... $25.00 39 JESUS (HERNANDO de) EXPOSICION I DE LOS SIETE PSALMOS | Penitenciales del Real Prof eta Dauid : Co | vn a6lo de contricion, y conuerlion, | y lagry- mas del pecador. | Por Fray Hernando de lefus, Reli- \ giofo Defcalgo Mercenario. \ (Vignette) | En Barcelona, Por Lorenzo Deu, delante | el Palacio del Rey. Ano 1632. | Ven defe en la mefma Enprenta. | 24 leaves: — 7 blank pages. Note of edition. Title-page, Rev. blank, Text, 4 blank leaves. No pagination. Signatures: A 2-A 7 of 16 leaves, sm. 4°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 . . . $3.00 40 LAZARILLO de TORMES La vida de | Lazarillo de Tormes, | y de sus fortunas y aduersida- des I Restitucion de la edicion principe | POR | R. FOULCH]^- DELBOSC I (Vignette: Bibliotheca hispanica) | BARCELONA | "L'Aven?" | Ronda de I'Universitat, 20 | MADRID | Libreria de M. Murillo I Alcala, 7 | 1900 | 41 leaves : — 1 blank. Title, Rev. "Macon, Protat Hermanos, Impre- sores," Title-page, Rev. blank, Advertencia pp. V-VI, Text 1-67, Ap- pendix 68-72, 1 blank leaf, 8° $1.00 41 LENA (PEDRO RODRIGUEZ de) LIBRO DEL I PASSO HON- [ ROSO DEFEN- [ dido por el Exce- 45 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA LIBRO DEL PASSOHON- ROSO DEFEN- dido por elExcelcnteCa- uadero Suero de Quitioncs. Cofilido ifin Uhr9 autiguo de nmnoftr F« ludn it ''fihtdu "fjligiofo^iela Ordtn de i Ftdnctfio. Y Dirigi Jo a Don Manrique de Lara.Coridc de Valencia , Vircy y Capitan general de Cataluha. Con tictneia, En SatdmantA^, En^afade CornelioBonordo* Aao.M.DJ.XXXyiiX. N°41 46 PUBLICATIONS lente Ca- | uallero Suero dc Quinones. | Copilado de vn libro antiguo de mano por F. luan de \ Pineda Religiofo de la Orden de S Francifco. \ Y Dirigido a Don Manriquc de Lara, Conde dc | Valencia, Virey y Capitan general | de Cataluila. | (Escutcheon) | Con licencia. En Sala- manca, I En cafa de Cornelio Bonardo. | (Line) ] Aiio. M.D.LXXX- VIIL I 152 leaves: — 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title-page, License, Author's dedication. Preface, Text fF. 1-139, Tabla, Colophon, 3 blank leaves. Signatures : 1" 2-f 3, of 4 leaves, B-B 5 to T-T 5, all of 8 leaves except T-T 5 of 6 leaves, 8°., uncut. "El P. Juan de Pineda no fue un mero editor de este tratado singular, como parece darlo d entender Nic. Antonio, sino que abrevio la obra, aclaro pasajes oscuros y formo un verdadero epitome, segun aparece por la licencia para la impresion, por la dedicatoria de Pineda, y por el principio y final de la obra. Casi hubiera sido de desear no hubiese alterado y desfigurado tanto el testo primitivo." (Salvd, Catalogo, vol. II, p. 92.) "Esta obra no vi6 la luz publica por segunda vez hasta que D. Jose Miguel de Flores la reimprimi6 en 1784 d continuacion de la Cronica de D. Alvaro de Luna, y en el prologo se dice de esta primera edicion, que es libro rarisimo." (Salvd, Catdlogo, vol. II, p. 92.) Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $6.50 t2 LEON (LUIS de) EXPOSICION I del Miferere. | Por el P. M. F. Luys de Leon, Ca- \ thedratico de V if per as, en la Vni- \ uerfidad de Salamanca. \ (Vig- nette) I En Barcelona, Por Loren9o Deu, delan- | te el Palacio del Rey. Ano 1632. I Vendefe en la mefma Enprenta. \ 18 leaves: — 5 blank. Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title-page, Text, 4 blank leaves. No pagination. Signatures : A 2— A 4 of 8 leaves, sm. 4°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $3.00 t3 LIBRO de los ENGANOS Libro de los enganos | ^ los asayamlentos | de las mugeres [ PUBLI- CALO I ADOLFO BONILLA Y SAN MARTfN | (Vignette: Biblio- 47 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA theca hispanica) | BARCELONA | "L'Aven?" | Ronda de I'UnlversI- tat, 20 I MADRID | Libreria de M. Murillo | Alcald, 7 | 1904 | 38 leaves: — Title, 1 blank page, Title-page, Note of publication, Dedication, 1 blank page, Advertencia pp. 7—17, 1 blank page, Plate, Text pp. 19-65, 1 blank page, Glosario 67-69, Indice 70-72, Adi- ciones y Corrccciones 73-74, Colophon, 1 blank page. . . . $1.00 44 LIBRO de los TRES REYES de ORIENTE Libro I de los | Trcs Reyes de Oriente | Published in Facsimile from the Manuscript | in the Library of the Escorial ] By | Archer M. Huntington | . • . New York [ 1904 | 10 leaves: — 2 blank. Note of edition. Rev. blank. Title-page, Rev. blank, Norte of acknowledgment, Text, 2 blank leaves. No pagination. Edition of one hundred copies $6.00 45 MAIOLLO (VESCONTE de) VESCONTE DE MAIOLLO CONPOSUY HANC CARTAN. | IN JANUA ANNO DNY. 1527. DIE. XX. DECENBRIS. | A facsimile reproduction in four sheets of the parchment map of the world pre- served in tlie Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy. Edited by Arthur James Weise, M. A. The original is in two sheets, the one measuring 82 by 60 cm., the other 93 by 60 cm. The parts are not so drawn as to admit a perfect adjust- ment; they are, however, clearly the two parts of one map. Although a hasty examination of the date suggests the reading 1587, it does not call for the trained eye of the paleographer to detect in the original as we now find it, a forgery. Until Desimoni, a few years since, called attention to the altered date, the reading 1587 had been accepted. Vesconte de MaioUo held a place of first importance among the cartographers of his day. This map exhibits certain very stril^ing features, notably the Pacific coast of the Western Continent. For South America it is continuous, but is "Terra in- cognita." To the northward of "Stretto dubitoso," this coast extends in wide sweep almost parallel to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, approaching the At- lantic seaboard in the region of the Carolinas. In North America we find the regional names "Lavoradore," "Corte-Reale," notably "Francesca" in which country the French flag is particularly conspicuous, "Tera Florida," "Terra de luchatan de Spania." Along the Atlantic coast, which has the erroneous and rapid trend eastward so characteristic of early Spanish maps, numerous French names appear, most of which are repeated in the Verrazano map. "Saminito" (S. Miniato), "Caregi," 48 PUBLICATIONS NO 46 Mandamct dicr Kcyfcrliickcr Mai'eneu/vuyr^^c^uS int laer xlvn . Mcc Diiiticulatic code ^'eclaraticvande^ercprabccrdcbocc kcn,g0cfc6icc bodcn Doctorcn indc Facultcyt vaD T^colo^ic in Du' niucrfitcyt van Locucn>Ducr Dordonnantie eiidcbeud G^edruckt Tc Locuen by Seruacs vanSafiftn.M.D/xIvi. C Cum Gratia & Pxiuilegia* CaPr^Je: Micbiels. 49 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA "Norman "Villa," "Anguilenic," "S. de germano," "Valle Vnbrosa," "anaflor," "diepa." Cuba and Haiti are each without a name, though names are given to many of the islands of the West Indies. The outline of South America re- sembles that of the Turin-S])anlsh map with the exception that MaioUo has the hj^iothctical western coast. Only the explorers Corte Real, Columbus and Ma- gellan, are especially referred to on this map; yet it seems evident that it was designed to call special attention to recent French exploration, that is, the ex- ploration of Verrazano. The Old World has been well drawn, but omits the eastern coast of Asia. The Molucca or Spice Islands are conspicuous. The map is highly ornamented with buildings indicating the location of important cities, or of those supposed to be important; the rulers of little known regions appear in state; flags are numer- ous indicating the respective claims of those nations participating in the recent discoveries. Comj)ass roses and loxodrome lines are numerous, and ships sail the seas over routes now well known. This reproduction is in the colors of the original. $35.00 46 MANDAMET der KEYSERLIJCKER MAIESTEIT Mandamet der | Keyferlijcker Maiefteit/vuytghegeue | int laer xlvi. Met Dintitulatie ende | decljaratie vande gereprobeerde boec | ken, ghefchiet bijden Doctoren inde | Faculteyt van Theologie in Du- ] niuerfiteyt van Loeuen, Duer | dordonnantle ende beuel ] der feluer K. M. I Ghedruckt Te Loeuen by Seruaes [ van Saffen. M. D. xlvi. j C Cum Gratia & Priuilegio. | At foot of title-page, stamped (?) on original: "CaPtfie: Michiels.'* 45 leaves: — 2 blank, Note of edition. Rev. blank. Dedication, Rev. blank. Title-page, Privilege, Text, 5 blank pages. No pagination. Sig- natures : a ij— a v to e— e v of 8 leaves (last leaf blank) ; Rev. of C [viii] is signed d, the signatures d i— d v, e i — e iii, and e v each appearing on rev. of preceding leaf, e v is repeated in its proper place. The original of this volume is in the British Museum. It is believed to be unique. It was also published in French, cf. Reusch, Der Index der verbotenen Biicher, Bonn, 1883-85, vol. I, p. 113; and Petzholdt, Bibliotheca bibliographica, p. 137. Edition of one hundred printed in facsimile 1896 .... $5.50 MANRRIQUE (JORGE) See Barahona. 50 PUBLICATIONS N°48 51 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA 47 MANRRIQUE (JORGE) JORGE MANRRIQUE \ (Line) | Coplas | por la muerte de su pa- dre I PRIMERA EDICION CrItICA | PUBLICALA | R. FOUL- CHE-DELBOSC | (Vignette: Bibliotheca hispanica) | BARCE- LONA I "L'Aven9" [ Ronda de I'Universitat, 20 | MADRID | Libreria de M. Murillo | Alcala, 7 | 28 leaves: — 1 blank, Title, Rev. "Macon, Protat Hermanos, Impre- sores.", Title-page, Rev. blank, Dedication, Rev. blank, Note pp. VII— VIII, Text pp. 1-43, 3 blank pages $1.00 MAPS. See Canerio, Hondius, MaioUo. 48 MERINO (HERNANDO) Las lulianas de Hernando |Merino efpanolo. | (Vignette: SVAVE SEMPER GLOVIS) | 22 leaves: — 2 blank. Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title, Letter, Text, Quotation, Vignette with legend: VANITAS VANITATVM MVNDVS, At foot of page "Hasta uerme en mi deseno todos los que me ueran Torre nigra me diran., 7 blank pages. No pagination. Sig- natures: a ii to d-d ii of 4 leaves, 4°., uncut. Text in double columns. Black letter. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $3.50 49 OLIVEROS de CASTILLA La hifto I ria delos nobles | caualleros ollue | ros de caftilla y ♦ | artus dalgarbe ♦ | (At end) : A loor Z alaban9a de nueftro redemptor jefu chrifto '2; dela bendlta virgen nueftra feiiora f ancta maria fue acabada la prefente obra enla muy noble Z leal cibdad de Burgos a.xxv. dias del mes de mayo Afio de nueftra redempcion mil.cccc.xc.ix. 58 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title, Rev. blank, Introduction, Rev. blank. Index, Text, 3 blank leaves. First four 52 PUBLICATIONS it)illo n^ xtlos nobles aualicroe olfuc NO 49 58 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA leaves without signatures. Signatures: aj-aiiij to gj-giiijj hj- hiij, all of 6 leaves, except aj-aiiij of 8 leaves and hj-hiij, of 4 leaves (last leaf blank), 4°., wood-engravings, uncut. Black-letter. Facsimile of only copy known, formerly in the Biblioteca Mir6 and afterwards in the possession of Mariano Murillo of Madrid. Very interesting on account of the 41 handsomely executed wood-engravings and its xylographic title which imitates the original French engravings of Verard. Impression of the original ascribed to Fadrique de Basilea. cf. Haebler, Tj^iographie ib^rique, pp. 30-32. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 . . . $10.00 50 ORTIZ (ALONSO) CVRIOSO I TRATADO DE TRES | Romances nueuos a lo diuino. | El primero, del primer pecado del | hombre, buelto a la Refurreccion | de nueftro Seiior lefu Chrifto. El | fcgundo, del Refello de la moneda, j buelta al Santifsimo Sacramento. | El tercero, vnas alaban9as de | nueftra Senora. | Compueftos por Fr. Alonfo Ortiz, \ de la Orden de S. Francifco. \ (Vignette) | CON LICENCIA, \ En Barcelona: Por Loren90 Deu, | junto al Palacio del Rey, 1639. | 16 leaves: — 7 blank pages, Note of edition. Title-page, Text, 4 blank leaves. No pagination. Signatures: A2-A 4 of 8 leaves, sm. 4°., un- cut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $3.50 PACHECO y NARVAEZ See Tamariz. PINEDA (JUAN de) See Lena. 51 PINTO de MORALES (JORGE) MARAVILLAS | DEL PARNASO | Y FLOR | DE LOS MEIORES | ROMANCES GRAVES, | burlefcos, y fatiricos que hafta | oy fean 54 PUBLICATIONS NO 51 MAR A VILLAS DELPARNASO Y Flor DE LOS MEIORES ROMANCES GRAVES, burlefcos , y fatiricos cjne hafe oy fean cantado en la Corcc. JtECOPILADOS DE GRAVES Autotes por lorge Pinto de Moral ts C^pitan entretenidg^ CON LICENCIA. En Lisboapor Lorenzo Cxasfcec, 55 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA cantado enla | Corte. | RECOPILADOS DE GRAVES \ Autores por lorge Pinto de Morales \ Capitan entretenido. \ (Vignette) | CON LICENCIA. I En Lisboa por Loren9o Crasbcc, | Afio 1637. | 106 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title-page, Rev. blank. Approbation, License, Text ff. 1-96, Index, 2 blank leaves. Signatures: A 2-A 5 to M-M 5 of 8 leaves, N-N 3 of 4 leaves, 8°., uncut. Ticknor refers to this book but once and then gives its date as 1640, which is no doubt the edition of Barcelona cited by Brunet and Graesse, wlio also make mention of the 1637 edition: "II y a une premiere Edition de Lisbonne, 1637." — Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, vol. IV, 670. See also Graesse, Trdsor de Livres rares et prdcieux, vol. V, p. 301. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $8.00 62 REVUE I HISPANIQUE | Recueil consacre a Vetude des langues, des litteratures et de Vhistoire | des pays castillans, Catalans et portugais | DIRIG^ PAR I R. F0ULCH:6-DELB0SC | Tome XIV. - Numero ■45. I (Seal of The Hispanic Society of America) | NEW YORK | PARIS 1 1906 I Vols. I-XIV (1894-1906) Conditions and Mannee of Publication — The Revue Hispanique is published every three months, forming each year two volumes of about 600 pages each. The price of subscription for current year is 20 francs for all coun- tries within the Postal Union. Single copies not sold. Price of back numbers, 20 francs per year. The Revue Hispanique advertises or reviews the books, pamphlets or periodicals, of which a copy is sent to M. R. Foulche-Delbosc, boulevard Malesherbes, 156, Paris. All communications regarding editing and exchange of the Revue His- panique to be addressed to M. R. Foulche-Delbosc, boulevard Males- herbes, 156, Paris. Communications concerning subscriptions to be addressed : In America, to the Secretary of the Hispanic Society of America, Audubon Park, West 156*^^ Street, New York City. In Europe, to the book-store of C. Klincksieck, 11, rue de Lille, Paris. 56 PUBLICATIONS 53 ROMANCERO [GE] | NERAL, EN QVE SE CON- | tienen todos los Romances que andan | impreffos en las nueue partes | de Romanceros. | AORA NVEVAMENTE | impreffo, anadido, y cmendado. \ Afio (Vignette: C^LESTIS ORIGO) 1600 | Con llcencia, En Madrid, Por Luis Sanchez. | A cofta de Miguel Martinez \ Vol. I contains 222 leaves:— 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edi- tion. Title-page, Rev. blank, Index, Vignette, License, Tasa, Errata, Text fF. 1-208, 3 blank leaves. Vol. II:— 2 blank leaves. Title-page, Rev. blank, fF. 209-368 (very faulty numeration in both vols.), Note, 7 blank pages. Signatures : ^ 3-^ 4 plus HH-HU 2 (8 leaves), A-A 5 to Z-Z 5, Aa-Aa 5 to Yy-Yy 2, all of 8 leaves except Yy-Yy 2 of 4« leaves, 8°., uncut. Title-page and text within ruled border lines. Text in double columns. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1904. Two volumes. Per volume • $15.00 54 SANCHEZ (PEDRO) ARREPENTIMIENTO | QVE EL ALMA TIENE DE | auer ofen- dido a fu Criador. Con | el examen de la conciencia, y | el a<5lo de con- tricion. | Compuefto por Pedro Sanchez del | Quintanar de la Orden. \ (Vignette: I H S) | CON LICENCIA, | En Barcelona, Por Loren90 Deu, delante | el Palacio del Rey. Alio 1642. | Vendenfe en la mefma Emprenta. \ 24 leaves: — 7 blank pages. Note of edition. Title-page, Rev. blank, Text, 4 blank leaves. No pagination. Signatures: A2-A6, of 16 leaves, sm. 4°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 .... $3.50 55 SAN PEDRO (DIEGO de) DIEGO DE SAN PEDRO \ (Line) | Carcel de amor | (Sevilla, 1492) I (Vignette: Bibhotheca hispanica) | BARCELONA | "L'A- ven9" I Ronda de I'Universitat, 20 | MADRID | Libreria de M. Mu- rillo I Alcala, 7 | 1904 | 44 leaves: — Title, 1 blank page. Title-page, Rev. Note of publication. Text pp. 5-86, Colophon, 1 blank page $1.00 57 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA ^i^ss^:?is^^^^^^^mi;^^<:^^^^ss^^^J3^ becbo poi coplfld! pot el mar^iued oeSdrillana cnoerecaooalouqtie oalua. NO 56 58 PUBLICATIONS 56 SANTILLANA (SlGO LOPEZ de MENDOZA, marques de) Bias con= j tra Fortua. | hecho por coplas : por el marques [ de Sati- llana endere9ado al duque | dalua. | Title surmounted by vignette representing Bias and Fortuna. Margin to left of vignette stamped with words : CONDE DE EZPE- LETA (?). (At end) : C Efta obra fue ymprimida enla muy noble y muy leal cibdad d' Seuilla por Staniflao polono. Ano d'. M. y ^niStos ^ dos anos a tres dias del mes de abril. 26 leaves : — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Frontispiece (woodcut of pope kneeling at altar), Rev. blank, Title-page, Prologue, Bias contra fortuna. El marques Yfiigo lopez, al conde de alua. Dedica- tory letter followed by biographical sketch of Bias, and by sentences attributed to him. Text (Dialogue between Bias and Fortuna in rhymes in double columns), 7 blank pages. No pagination. Signatures: a ij — a iiij of 8 leaves, b— b iij of 6 leaves and c— c ij of 4 leaves, 4°., uncut. Black-letter. See Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, vol. Ill, 1163: "Le traite Contra fortuna a ^te impr. separement en 1502, in-4. goth., avec cette suscription: Esta obra fue ym- primida en la . . . cibdad de Seuilla por Stanislas Polono, anno d" M y quientos e dos annos a tres dias del mes de Abril (Maittaire, Index, II, p. 28)." Also Graesse, Tresor de Livres rares et pr6cieux, vol. IV, p. 259. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $5.00 57 SCRIVA (LUDOVICO) VENERIS TRIBVNAL | (Figures supporting roof, below which is woman seated on throne) | LVDOVICO SCRIVA | CAVALLERO VALENCIANO | .M.D.XXXVII | Engraved title-page. (At end) : C Impreffa enla nobiliffima Ciudad de Venecia: alos doze dias del mes de April : del ano de nueftra redempcion de M. D. XXXVII. per Aurelio pincio Veneciano publico impreffor. Con gracia. 59 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA NO 57 60 PUBLICATIONS 76 leaves : — 2 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition. Title-page, Author's dedication, Prologue, Text fF. 1-67, Rev. of f. 67 colophon, 2 blank leaves. Signatures: + ij (of 4 leaves), A— A iiij to I— lij, 8 leaves except I— I ij of 4 leaves (last leaf blank), 8°., uncut. Reprint of un "libro de insigne rareza." (Salva, Catalogo, vol. II, p. 137). Rodri- guez and Jimeno mention tliis book, but have never seen it. They refer to Nic. Antonio and are in doubt as to whether it is in prose or verse. It is in prose. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $6.00 58 SEPULVEDA (LORENZO de) Romances Nue- | uamente facados de hiftorias an= | tiguas dela cronica de Efpafia | compueftos por Loren90 | de Sepulueda. | Anadiofe el Ro- mance dela con= | quifta dela ciudad de Africa en | Berueria, en el ano M. D. L. y I otros diuerfos, como por la Ta- | bla parece. | (Vignette: CONCORDIA, RES PARV^ CRESCVNT) | En Anuers, | En cafa de luan Steelfio. | M. D. LI. | 268 leaves:— 3 blank. Dedication, Note of edition, fF. 1-259 (Title- page, Prologue, Text), Tabla, Vignette, 3 blank pages. Signatures: A 2-A 7 to Y-Y 7, all of 12 leaves, except Y-Y 7 of 11 leaves, 8°., uncut. Reprint of the 1st edition, containing 149 romances. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1903 . . . $10.00 SILVIA de LYSARDO See Brito. 59 SPANISH DOCUMENTS Collection | of | Spanish Documents | Manuscripts in the British Museum published in Facsimile ] by | Archer M. Huntington | (Vig- nette) I New York | 1903 | Ten in number. Edition of two hundred printed In facsimile $30.00 61 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA 60 TAMARIZ (NICOLAS) CARTILLA, Y LVZ | EN LA VERDADERA | DESTREZA, SA- CADA DE I LOS ESCRITOS | DE | D. LVIS PACHECO Y NAR- VAEZ, I y de los Autores que | rcficre. | POR | D. NICOLAS TAMA- RIZ I Tcniente de Maeftro Mayor, de | la Ciudad de Sevilla, | y fu Reynado. [ (Line) | Con licencia, en Sevilla, por los He- | rederos de Thomas Lopez \ de Haro, Ano de 1696. 1 Within ornamental border. 126 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Rev. Note of edition, Title, Rev. blank, Dedication, Approbation, Licencia del Ordinario, Censura, Li- cencia del Juez, Verses, Introduction, Text pp. 1—205, 7 blank pages. Between pp. 18 and 19 1 blank page, Rev. Diagram "Demostrazion de los cinco caminos." Between pp. 44 and 45, page with Diagram "De- mostrazion de los nveve medios proporsionados.", Rev. blank. Sig- natures: * 2-* 4 of 6 leaves, §-4, A-A 4 to N-N 4 of 8 leaves (last leaf blank), 8°., uncut. Edition of two hundred printed in facsimile 1902 .... $9.00 61 TIMONEDA ( JUAN de) Villete de Amor. | (Engraving) | C Cancionero llamado Ville ] te de Amor: copuefto por Baptifta Mon [ tidea. En el qual fe contienen Canciones, | Villancicos, y otras obras diuerfas. | CT Dirigido al muy experto, y auifado lo- | co Luys Quirofillo Truban | examinado en Corte. I C Vende fe en cafa de loan Timoneda, ] Mercader de libros. [ (Line) I Together with Villete de Amor. | (Engraving) | C Enfados de muy grandes | auifos, y prouechofas fentencias, nun | ca impreffos, ni viftos hafta agora. | Pueftos a gef to por Mon- | tidea, grande amigo de | Diamonte. | C Di- rigidos al muy experto, y auifado lo | co Luys Quirofillo Truban | exa- minado en Corte. | C Vende fe en cafa de loan Timoneda, | Mercader de libros. | And: 51 Coplas en que fe tra | ta como Diego Moreno el q j otro tiempo tuuo tanto def= | cuydo de fu muger: agora la mata de celos. | (Engraving representing Diego Moreno and his wife) | 62 PUBLICATIONS MM ems M. ICAR.TILLA, Y LVZ |EN LA VERDADERA| B LOS ESCRITOS g. ^|D. LVIS PACHECO Y NARVAEZ, '^ ^ y de los Autores que ^ refiere. P O R i D.NICOLAS TAMARIZ | \i Temente de Macflro Jl/fayor , r/\va^ IRew ^ovli Citp LATEST PUBLICATIONS NOT IN CATALOGUE FOULCHE-DELBOSC, RAYIVIOND BIBLIOGRAPHIE HISPANIQUE 1906 D. p. pp. 6, 252 $1.25 by mail $1.33 THE CELESTINA. Facsimile of the first known edition, Burgos, 1499. (Commences) : Argumeto del primer auto defta comedia. (Colophon) : NIHIL SINE CAVSA 1499 F. A. DE BASILEA. 98 leaves: — 3 blank, Dedication, Note of Edition, and Note of pages transposed. Text (90 unnumbered leaves). Colophon of original. Printer's Mark of Facsimile edition, 3 blank leaves. Signatures : a i— iij of seven leaves, b— b iiij to 1—1 iij of eight leaves, m— m ij of four leaves. 8°, black letter, uncut. Book contains sixteen Autos, each preceded by its Argumento, and is illustrated by seventeen vignettes. The text on page a i, and the Colophon are within rubri- cated border lines. In the original edition leaves i 8 and 1 8 are transposed. Dedication : To J. Pierpont Morgan, LL. D. This facsimile of the first known edition of the Celestina is dedicated, in acknowledgment of his generosity in permitting the use of the unique original [presented by him to the President of The Hispanic Society of America] and as a token of respect for the great influence he has exerted in the furtherance of the cause of Scholarship, Arts and THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Letters .... Edition of two hundred copies printed in facsimile on hand-made paper, and two copies on parchment, 1909. Copy on hand-made paper, in vellum $10.00 in cloth $8.00 EIGHT ESSAYS ON JOAQUIN SOROLLA Y BASTIDA By Aureliano de Beruete, Camille Mauclair, Henri Rochefort, Leon- ard Williams, Elisabeth Luther Cary, James Gibbons Huneker, Christian Brinton and William F. B. Starkweather, followed by ap- preciations of the press. 2 vols. O. Cloth, pp. 454, 458. 111. 161 & 196. $7.50 net postpaid. RECENTLY PUBLISHED LA REVUE HISPANIQUE, Recueil consacre a I'etude des langues, des litteratures et de I'histoire des pays castillans, Catalans et portu- gais, dirige par R. Foulche-Delbosc. Vols, XVIII & XIX, January- December, 1908. Subscription (taken only for a whole year, including two volumes of 600 pp. each) $4.00 FITZMAURICE-KELLY, JAMES CHAPTERS ON SPANISH LITERATURE. O. Cloth, pp. X, 260 $1.75 by mail postpaid $1.86 HUNTINGTON, ARCHER M. POEM OF THE CID [Popular Edition]. Text, Translation, Notes. 3 vols. Nar. O. Cloth, pp. 160, 168, VIII .200. Each vol. net, by mail postpaid $1.00 PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS BY JOAQUIN SOROLLA Y BAS- TIDA, exhibited by Tlie Hispanic Society of America February 8 to March 8, 1909, with introduction by Leonard Williams. D. p. pp. 166. 64 ill $0.50 by mail $0.56 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS BY IGNACIO ZULOAGA Exhibited by The Hispanic Society of America, March 21 to April 11, 1909, with introduction by Christian Brinton. D. p. pp. 134. 38 ill $0.50 by mail $0.56 FIVE ESSAYS [two Spanish, three French] ON THE ART OF IGNACIO ZULOAGA, by Don Miguel Utrillo, Arsene Alexandre, Gabriel Mourey, Rene Maizeroy and M. Gil, reprinted on the occa- sion of the exhibition of the paintings by Ignacio Zuloaga March 21 to April 11, 1909. D. p. pp. 120 $0.50 by mail .$0.56 FOULCHE-DELBOSC, RAYMOND BIBLIOGRAPHIE HISPANIQUE 1905 D. p. pp. VI, 162 $1.25 by mail .$1.30 STEVENSON, EDWARD L. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION IN TEN SHEETS OF THE MAP OF 1502 (?) OF NIC0L5 DE CANERIO, important as illustrating the gradual expansion of knowledge concerning the geography of the New World. 225 by 115 cm. With explanatory pamphlet $20.00 THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA IN PRESS BANDELIER, ADOLPH F. THE ISLANDS OF TITICACA AND KOATI RENNERT, HUGO ALBERT. THE SPANISH STAGE IN THE TIME OF LOPE DE VEGA. Catalogue of previous 'publications on application. The Hispanic Society of America 156th Street, West of Broadway New York City c/ 3> =J cr <: -n <-» S ^ ^ "^/^aiAiNn 3WV ^2 ^0FCAIIF0% vvlOSANCElfj> o %a3AiNn-3WV ^ ^tllBRARY^/^ %0JI1V3J0^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. •:lOSANCElfj> '^^mmH)fs^ ^V^OSANCELij)^ ^AHMINfl JUV' 315 #-^'BRARYQ,^ 1*3 ^(i/OJIlVJJO'^ ^,.OFCAIIFO% .^WEUNIVERJ/A >- •^ ^. ^lOSANCElfj^. O ^ ^(?Aavaaii-^^ o ^/^aiAiNn-jftV" ^. Aiiviiaiiiv.^ ^^Aiiviianiv lEUNIVER^//; vV lEUNIVERS-//- c -^r ijDNvsoi^ "^AJiaMNii n\v 1 ^^ nimm^-Jt^^^ 3 1158 00670 4737 ^FUNIVERy//;, vo UCSfii lONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 975 070 4 illBRARYQ^ ^lliBRARYQ<- ^ 1 tr^ ' %!^ >i. ■ JJliJIvV FCAllFOff^ Aavaani^ 'c/AiivaiJiry' 'liJ^Y■^U 4s^ EUMIVERi-//, ^lOSANC! o 5 =f %il3AINn]\\V -< .vX^llBRARYO^ ^l-LIBRARYa '^.i/OJIlVDJO'^ '^^^ iEUNIVER% .vWSANCf[fj> ,^^.OFCAIIFO% .^;OFCAIIFO% f %a3AiNn-3Wv* ^<3Aav!i8ii-^^ ^CAavaani^"^ c MLlBRARYa^, \\U LNlVEkV/, vlOSANG[lfj> OJIIVJJO'^ %0JnV3JO>'