iJniVERSlTY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEG(7 LA JOLLA. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA SAN °lf,f |f|. 3 1 822 01962 2869 Social Sciences & Humanities Library University of California, San Diego Please Note: This item is subject to recall. Date Due JL ! ;. NOV 1 1995 CI 39 (2/95) UCSD Lt>. EARLY AMERICAN FICTION 1774-1830 A COMPILATION OF THE TITLES OF WORKS OF FICTION, WRITTEN BY WRITERS BORN OR RESIDING IN NORTH AMERICA, AND PRINTED PREVIOUS TO 1831. BY Oscar Wegelin REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION l^ctD fork PUBLISHED BY THE COMPILER I913 THE EDITION OF THIS WORK IS LIMITED TO ONE HUNDRED AND TWO COPIES IB's (S>scar TOegelin PREFACE wf yf/3 This work is an enlarged and Corrected edition of a list orig- inally issued in 1902. The compiler has since that date collected all additional titles which he has been enabled to discover as well as to correct many errors printed in the earlier edition. In my collations I have used a method not in general use, but which I believe when better understood will be followed by other workers in the bibliographical field. In all cases where I am enabled to give full collations I include in each instance the title leaf as the first two pages which are included in those unnumbered and which are bracketted. All paginations given in brackets denote the fact that such pages are unnumbered. For Example, a work whose pagination is given as pp. [3], -4-197,- [3] would have the first three pages (including title leaf) unnumbered, these unnumbered pp. being followed by pp. 4 to 197, these numbered pages in turn being followed by 3 unnumbered pages. I have followed this rule in all but a few cases. When the Author's name is printed in brackets, it denotes that the book in question was issued anonymously. In all but a few instances I have noted only the first edition of each publication. In the compilation of this list I have omitted all works which are of a purely Juvenile Character, as well as a number of titles which are only partly fiction, such as the numerous Narratives which made their appearance immediately following the War with Tripoli. Oscar Wegelin. ANONYMOUS TITLES. Adsonville: ] or | Marrying out. | A Narrative Tale. | [lo lines from Byron] | Albany: | Published by S. Shaw, No. 47, State-Street. | J. C. Johnson, Printer. | 1824. | i2mo. pp. [3]-VI-VIII,-[i7]-2-285. Adventures of Alonso. By a Native of Maryland. London: 1775. Svo. Alexis, or the Cottage in the Woods, a novel from the French. Boston: 1796. i2mo. Amelia; | or, the | Faithless Briton. | an . original American Novel. I founded upon recent facts. | To which is added, | Amelia, or Malevolence Defeated ; | and | Miss Seward's ] Monody on Major Andre. | Boston: | Printed for and sold by W. Spotswood, and | C. P. Wayne. | 1798. | i2mo. pp. [3], 2-61, and the Monody has separate title and pp. [3] -22. * Published with Galatea a pastoral romance by M. De Florian. First appeared in the Columbian Magazine for Oct. 1787, and Supple- ment to the first volume of the magazine. (Dec. 1787.) Bakhtiar Nameh, I or | The Royal Foundling, | a Persian Story. I exhibiting | a portraiture of Society in the East. | Translated into English | by a Citizen of Philadelphia. | [5 lines of Prose] | Philadelphia : | Published by Edward Parker, No. 178, Market Street. | 1813. | WilHam Brown, Printer, Church Alley. | i2mo. pp. [3], IV-X, [i]-Xi, [i], 2-266. Berkeley Hall: | Or, the Pupil of Experience. | A Novel. | In Three Volumes. | [Six line quotation from Shakespeare.] | Vol. I. I London: | Printed for J. Tindall, | Great Portland Street, Oxford Street. | 1796. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 324; 402. Camden: A tale of the South. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 vols. i2mo. 5 u- The Castle of Serrein, or Abode of Perpetual Pleasures : In a series of Letters by Seignora R.. Interwoven with her own memoirs, etc., Portsmouth, N. H., 1800. i2mo. pp. 150. * Title taken from an advertisement on the last page of The Oriental Philosopher by Sherburne, where the book is advertised "To be ready in a few weeks." Changing Scenes, | Containing | a description of men and Manners of | the present day. | with | humorous details of the Knickerbockers. | In two volumes. | By a Lady of New- York : I [4 lines of verse] | New-York : | Printed for the author. | 1825. | 2 vols. i2mo. * Bound in boards with title printed on front cover. Vol. i has pp. [5],-[6]-287. I have not located a set, and therefore cannot give colla- tion of Vol. 2. The I Christian Indian ; [ or, | Times of the First Settlers, j [5 lines from Thomson] | [The first of a Series of American Tales] I New York: | Published by Collins and Hannay. Collins and Co., | E. Bliss and E. White, and W. B. Gilley. | J. & J. Harper, Printers. | 1825. | i2mo. pp. [5] ; 6-251. The I History | of | Constantius & Pulchera, | or | constancy rewarded. | An American novel. | "I never let a virtuous mind despair, | For Constant hearts are love's peculiar care." | "Fortune her gifts may variously dispose, | And these be happy called, unhappy those: | But Heav'n's just balance equal will appear, | While those are placed in hope, & these in fear: | Nor present good or ill, the joy or curse, | But future views of better, or of worse." | Printed at Leominster [Mass.] I by Charles Prentiss. | 1797. j i2mo. pp. 102 and pp. 5 "list of books for sale by Robert B. Thomas, in Sterling." * Another edition was printed in New York: 1801. Cynthia, | with the tragical account of the | unfortunate loves | of I Almerin and Desdemona : | being | a novel. — | Illustrated with a variety of the chances of for- \ tune; moralised with many observations, | whereby the reader may reap both pleas- ure and profit, | [double rule] | Printed at Northampton, Massachusetts, | by William Butler; | M,DCC,XCVIII. | i2mo. pp. [3], 4-108. * An edition was printed in Hartford: 1797. See Loshe. The Early American Novel. P. 108. 6 Dangerous Friendship; | or, | The Letters | of | Clara D'Albe. | Translated from the French | by a Lady of Baltimore. | Bal- timore: I Printed by Joseph Robinson, | No. 4, Nor.a Charles- Street. I 1807. j i2mo. pp. [3],-IV,-[i],-2-22o, and leaf of errata. Essays of Howard: or. Tales of the Prison. Originally printed in the New York Columbian. New York, 181 1. 8vo. pp. 99. Female Friendship, or the Innocent Sufferer. A Moral Novel. Volume the first. [2 lines of verse]. Hallowell: Printed by Howard A. Robinson, for Nathaniel Cogswell, 1797. 2 vols. pp. 126-120. ♦This work has the distinction of being the first book printed East of Portland, Maine. The Florida Pirate, or. An Account of a Cruise in the Schooner Ezperanza, with a Sketch of the Life of her Commander . . . With an Engraving. New York: W. Borradaile, 1823. i2mo. pp. 24. The Fortunate Discovery: or, the History of Henry Villars, by a Young Lady of the State of New York. New York: Printed by R. Wilson for Samuel Campbell, 124 Pearl Street, 1798. i6mo. pp. 180. Grace Seymour. | Vol. i. | New -York: | Flam Bliss, iii Broad- way. I 1830. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5].-6-i93; [i] ; [3],-4-i86. The I Hapless Orphan ; | or, | Innocent Victim of Revenge. | A novel, | Founded on Incidents in real life : | In a Series of Letters from Caroline | Francis to Maria B . | In Two Volumes. | Vol. i. | By an American Lady. | [5 lines of prose.] I Printed at the Apollo Press, in Boston, | By Belk- nap and Hall: | Sold at their office. State Street, and at | the Bookstores in Boston. | MDCCXCIII. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3], -4-226; [3], -4-234 and leaf of copyright. The Hero ; or, The Adventures of a Night ; a Romance Trans- lated from the Arabic into Iroquese ; from the Iroquese into Hottentot ; from the Hottentot into French, and from the French into English. Philadelphia: 1817. i2mo. 7 The History of the Duchess of C . From Adela and Theodore. Written by Herself. New York: E. Duyckinck, 1814. 32mo. pp. 128. The Irish Emigrant. | An Historical Tale founded on ] Fact, | By an Hibernian. | [3 lines from Philips] | Vol. i. [ Win- chester, Va. I Published by John T. Sharrocks. | J. Foster, printer, | 1817. | 2 vols. i6mo. pp. [3],-IV,-[i],-6-20o; [3],-4- 200. Justina; I or, j The Will. | A Domestic Story. \ [3 lines of Verse.] | In Two volumes. | Vol. i. | New York: | Charles Wiley,-3 Wall-Street. | J. & J. Harper, Printers. | 1823. | 2 volumes, i2mo. pp. [3], -2-238; [3], -4-245. Lafitte I or the | Baratarian Chief, \ A Tale. | Founded on facts. I New York: 1828. | i6mo. pp. [3], 4-106. * First published in the Aubern, {^sic} N. Y., Free Press. Laura. By a Lady of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1809. i2mo. Lord Rivers. A Novel. Newbern, N. C, 1802. i2mo. * Possibly a translation of "Briefe von und an Lord Rivers," pseud. of Johann Carl Wetzel, 178-? The Lottery Ticket : An American Tale. Printed for the Trus- tees of the Publishing Fund, by Hilliard and Metcalf, Cam- bridge, 1822. 8vo. pp. 51, Margaretta: or, the Intricacies of the Heart. Philadelphia: 1807. i2mo. * A work entitled Margaretta. A Romance, was published in Philadelphia. By S. F. Bradford; 1807. The Memoirs of Lafitte, or the Barratarian Pirate: a Narra- tive founded on fact. New York: J. M. Danforth, 1804. i2mo. pp. 95. [Woodcut Portrait.] MoNiMA ; I or I The Beggar Girl. | A Novel, | founded on fact. | Written by a Lady of Philadelphia. | Philadelphia: | Printed by Eaken & Mecum. | 1803. | i2mo. pp. 458. *The following title which is probably another edition is given in Loshe. T/ie American Novel. P. in. Monima: or, the Beggar Girl. Founded on Fact. By an American Lady. New York: 1802. i2mo. 8 MoRELAND Vale ; | or the | Fair Fugitive. | By a Lady, | of the State of New-York; Author of | Henry Villars. | [4 Hnes from Life.] | New-York: | Printed by L. Nichols & Co. | For Samuel Campbell, | No. 124 Pearl-Street. | 1801. | i6mo. pp. [2], Blank leaf, [i], -2-184, [2]- Nahant, I or I "The Floure of Souvenance." | Philadelphia : | H. C. Carey and L Lea Chestnut Street. | 1827. | 8vo. pp. [5], -6-3 1. * The "Floure of Souvenance" is another name for the Foreget-me- not. If the author hoped that his work would not be forgotten he was very much mistaken. The work hardly deserves to be classed as a work of fiction, yet I can think of no other heading under which it might be catalogued. National Tales. | [2 lines. Anon.] | [2 lines from Southey.] | New- York : | Published by W. B. Gilley, Bliss and White, | Wilder and Campbell, and | J. V. Seaman. | 1825. | i2mo. PP- [3]>-IV.-V,-[3],-io-264 and leaf of advertisement. * Volume II was printed with the following title. National Tales. | [4 lines. Anon] | [2 lines from Palmyn, A Poem.] | Vol. II. New- York: I Published by A. P. Houston, William St.: | Thomas Desilver. Market-St., Phila | delphia; and S. Southwick, Jr., | State-St., Albany, f 1825 I i2mo. pp. [5],-6-264. New I Moral Tales : | selected and translated | from the French of Madame De Genhs. | By An American. | New-York: | Wilder and Campbell. | 1825. | i2mo. pp. [5], -6-233. The Orphans; an American Tale. Addressed chiefly to the Young. New York, 1825. i2mo. pp. 123. The Orphan of Wyoming, | or | The Fatal Prayer. | [Memoirs of Henry Nugent.] Printed and Published By H. C. Lewis. Apollo Press, City of Washington, 1814. i2mo. Plain Sense : or. The History of Henry Villars and Ellen Mor- daunt. A novel. Philadelphia. 1799. i2mo. Rachel: | A Tale. | Be cured | Of this diseased opinion, and betimes; | For 'tis most dangerous. | Shakspeare. | Phila- delphia : I Published By M. Carey & Son, | No. 126, Chest- nut Street, j 1818. | i2mo. pp. 173. Resignation. | An American Novel. | By A Lady. | [10 lines from Young] | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | Boston: | Printed for the Author. | By John B. Russell, Congress-Street. | 1825. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5], -6-408, leaf or errata.; [6] ,-7-444. 9 Rosa; | or, | American Genius | and | Education. | New York: | Printed for the Author, | By Isaac Riley. | i8io. | i2mo. pp. [5], -2-263. The Sanfords^ or home scenes. N. Y., 1830, 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 202; 280. Saratoga; a Tale of the Revolution. Boston, 1825. 2 vols. The Sicilian Pirate, or the Pillar of Mystery: A Terrific Ro- mance. New York: E. Duyckinck, 1815. i6mo. A Sketch | of | The Olden Time; | or, | General Lee's Fare- well Dinner, | at | New- York. | Founded on Fact. | Being the first of a series of | Revolutionary Tales. | By an Antiquary. | New-York; | Published By G. & C. Carvill, 108 Broadway. | 1829. 1 8vo. pp. [5], 6-44 and slip of erratum, also brown paper covers. The Slave of Passion, or the Fruits of Werter. Philadelphia: 1802. i2mo. The Soldier's Orphan. A Novel. New York: 1812. i2mo. Tales | of an ] American Landlord; | Containing | Sketches of Life South of the Potomac. | [Line in latin from Virgil.] | [Line in EngHsh] | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | New-York: | Published by W. B. Gilley, 92 Broadway. | J. Seymour, Printer, j 1824 | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3], -IV, [i], 14-233; [3]' 4-257- Tales of the Emerald Isle; or. Legends of Ireland, by a Lady of Boston, author of "Tales of the fireside" and "Stories for Children." | New York. W. Barradaile, 113 Fulton St. Nov. 1828. I i2mo. pp. 258. Tales | of | the Fireside. | By a Lady of Boston. | [4 lines from Goldsmith] | [2 lines from Horat. Car. Lib. 11. 3.] | Boston: | Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins. | 1827. j i2mo. pp. [7] ,-8-225. The Templar; | or, | Tales of the Passaic | Hackensack, N. J. 1822. *A collection of short tales, purporting to have been related, to beguile the time, b) a party who had fled from N. Y. to escape the yellow fever in 1799, and who was residing temporarily at Belleville, on the Passaic. 10 The Two Sisters, or the Exiles of Roseville Castle. A Moral tale founded on facts connected with the French Revolution. Providence: 1825. i2mo. The I Vestal, j or | A tale of Pompeii. | [5 lines from Childe Harold] | Boston: | Published By Gray and Bowen. | MDCCCXXX. I i2mo. pp. [3],-IV,-[i],-VI,-XII,-[i].-2-22o. Village Sketches, | or [ Tales of Somerville. | [2 lines of verse] | Morristown, Pa. | Printed by David Sower, Jr. | 1825. I i2mo. pp. [7],-IV,-[i],-io-i54 and Slip of errata, [engraved Title]. The I Witch of New England, | A Romance ] " Call you theis (sic) Witches? | They be tumblers methinks." I Middleton. | Philadelphia : | H. E. Carey & I. Lea. Chestnut Street. | 1824. | i2mo. pp. 217. The Yankee Traveller: or, Adventures of Hector Wigler, Concord, 1817. i8mo. pp. 107. The I Young Emigrants. | A Tale | designed for Young Per- sons. I By I The Author of Morals of Pleasure. | [4 lines from Mrs. Barbauld] | Boston. | Published by Carter and Hendee. | MDCCCXXX. | i2mo. pp. [3], -4-240. Yorktown I an Historical Romance. | in two volumes. | [4 lines from Byron] volume i. | Boston: | Wells and Lilly — Court Street. [ 1826. | 2 vols. 8vo. pp. [2], -280; 255. Auberteuil, PIilliard D'. Miss Mac Rae. Roman Historique. Philadelphia, 1784. i6mo. Bancroft, Edward. History of Charles Wentworth, Esq. Lon- don: 1770. 8vo. Belknap, Jeremy, The | Foresters | an | American Tale : | being a I Sequel to the History | of | John Bull the Clothier. | In a series of Letters to a Friend. | [Printers Device.] | Printed at Boston, | by L Thomas and E. T. Andrews, | Proprietors 11 of the Work | Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street. \ MD.CCXCII. I [Plate By Seymour.] i2mo. pp. 216. * The second edition considerably enlarged, and containing the Clavis Allegorica, [Key to the Characters] v>fhich is not found in the first edition, was published at Boston by Thonnas and Andrews, 1796. i6mo. pp. 240. This work which is the third work of fiction written and published in the United States, passed through numerous editions. It was first published in the Columbian Magazine, 1792. Bingham, Caleb. Atala; | or the | Love and Constancy | of ] Two Savages in the Desert. \ Translated from the French of F. A. Chateaubriand, ] By Caleb Bingham, A. M. | [Pub- lished according to Act of Congress.] | Boston: | Printed by David Carlisle, | For Caleb Bingham, No. 44. Cornhill. | 1802. I i2mo. pp. [51,-6-177- [Bleecker, Ann Eliza.] The | History | of | Maria Kittle. | By Ann Eliza Bleecker. | In a Letter to Miss Ten Eyck. | Hartford: | Printed by John Babcock. | 1802. | i6mo. pp. 72. * Originally published in volumes i & 2 of the New-York Magazine; or. Literary Repository. 1790-1791. [Botsford, Margaret.] Adelaide. | A New and original Novel. | by I A Lady of Philadelphia. | [2 lines from Metastassio.] I [4 hues from Lee.] | In two volumes | Vol. i. | Philadelphia. 1 Printed by Dennis Hearth, | No. 316 Market Street. | 1816. | 2 vols. i2mo. vol. I. has pp. IV, [3], 8-251. * I have not seen the second volume. Brackenridge, H. H. Modern Chivalry? | Containing the | Ad- ventures I of I Captain John Farrago, | and | Teague O Regan, | his servant. | [rule] | Volume i. | [rule] | By H. H. Brackenridge, | [rule] | Quicquid agunt homines, nostri, far- rago libelli. I Juvenal. | [double rule] | Philadelphia : | Printed and sold by John M'Culloch, No. i, | North Third-street. | M.DCC.XCII. I [Entered according to Act of Congress.] *Coll: — Half-title "Modern Chivalry." | the lettering between dia- mond shaped border-[-title as above, one leaf, verso blank-j-the text pp. [5] to 156. On pp. 98, and 123 the word Chivalry in the head- line is spelt "Chivarly." Vol. II. The title reads precisely the same as in Vol. I, with the same arrangement except for the following, Volume II, instead of Volume I: an apostrophe is inserted between the "O" and the "R" in O'Regan; and the date is printed "M.DCC.XII." Coll: — Title one leaf, verso blank+text, pp. [5] to 156. Pages 155- 156 is a Postscript. It is probable that there should be a half-title, though in the copy here described there was only a half-title in the first volume. 12 Vol. III. Modern Chivalry: | Containing the | Adventures | of 1 Captain John Farrago, | and | Teague O'Regan, | his Servant. | [rule of crosses] Volume III. | [rule of crosses] By H. H. Brackenridge. I [rule] Quicquid agunt homines, nostri, farrago li- | belli. Juvenal, [rule] Pittsburgh: | Printed and Sold by John Scull, j M.DCC.XIII. j [rulel [^Entered according to Act of Congress.'] Coll: — Title, one leaf, verso blank — "Introduction," pp. [v] to Ixvii, the novel commences on the verso of page Ixvii, with a new numera- tion though the first page is not numbered — the novel, pp. [i] to 99 — "Conclusion | of the third volume." | one page, the verso blank. Pages 95 to 99 is "Appendix," the first page being unnumbered. The pagination is peculiar throughout, the "Introduction" is paged on the right-hand corner of each page, so that one page is numbered on the front edge, the next on the edge at the back of the volume, the "Appen- dix" is paged the same way, while the text of the novel is paged in the ordinary manner on the front edge of each leaf. Page xvi in the "Introduction" is numbered "x". It is difficult to say whether there should be a half-title, as there are no sheet signatures. The peculiarity of the date should be noticed. Evidently the Pittsburgh printer had the second vol. of the Philadelphia edition before him with the printer's error of date, and slavishly followed the error, only making it 1813 instead of 1812. Brackenridge about this time removed to Pittsburgh, and no doubt wrote the third volume there. In the intro- duction is a long satirical poem on the Order of the Cincinnati. Vol. IV. Title reads the same as in Vol. II, except for Volume IV and the date, which is "M,DCC,XCVII." Apparently set with the same type. Title, verso blank, & pp. [5] to 160. Possibly should have half-title. Chivalry in the head-line is spelt "Chvalry" on p. 61 and "Chilvary" on p. 68. Since the above was set up I have examined the copy in the N. Y. Public Library and find that the copy there has a half title to each of the four parts. [Brackenridge.] IVIodern Chivalry, | Containing | the | Adven- tures I of a I Captain, &c. | Part II. | Quid Vetat Ridentem Dicere Veriim. \ Published for the Author. | Carlisle: | Printed by Archibald Loudon. | 1804. | i2mo. pp. [3], -4-216. ♦This is the first edition of this part, which is really Vol. 3 Part i. In the Conclusion to this part the author writes as follows. "These concluding pages I had written, and had printed off, to this point of the game, if I may so express myself, this 19th of Nov. 1804; and had intended to publish." Part II. of this volume was issued with the following title. Modern Chivalry, | Containing | the | Adventures | of a I Captain | &c. | Part II. — Vol. II. [Line in latin as in Part II. Vol. i] Published for the Author. | Carlisle: | Printed by Archibald Loudon. I 1805. I i2mo. pp. [3],-4-2i4-[i],-2i6-225,-[i]. The type in this part is slightly different from the above. In many respects this last part is the most important of the entire work, as it contains much regarding the author's connection with the impeached, Penna. Judges, Shippen, Yeates and Smith, as also the address to Gov. M'Kean asking for Brackenridge's removal. This part was probably issued in February or March, 1805. The two parts comprise the first issues of this volume and all earlier editions were issued without them. The above titles are without doubt the first issues of all of the parts of this first work of fiction partly written and printed west of the Alleghenies. A number of editions were printed prior to 1830, but I give only the above as I understand that a bibliography of this inaportant book is now in preparation. 13 [Bradford, Ebenezer]. The | Art of Courting, | displayed in j Eight Different Scenes; | the principal of which are | taken from Actual Life, | and published for | the Amusement of j The American Youth. | [2 lines from Horace] | [2 lines from Creech.] | Published according to Act of Congress. [ New- buryport: | Printed by William Barrett. | West Corner of Market-Square. | 1795. | Small 8vo. pp. XL- [i], -14-225. [Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins.] Fort Braddock | letters; I or I a Tale | of the French and Indian Wars, | in America, | at the beginning of the | Eighteenth Century. | Worcester: | PubHshed by Dorr & Rowland. | 1827. | i6mo, pp. [3],-IV- VI,-[i],-8-98. [Woodcut frontispiece "The Martyr and the Quedah.] * The above is the first edition. The second bears title as follows. Fugitive Tales, | No. i. | Fort Braddock Letters; | By J. G. C. Brainard. [ Washington, D. C. | Printed and published by Charles Galpin. | 1830. I i6mo. pp. [3],-iv,-[i],-8-97. A third edition is entitled as follows. The | Fort Braddock Letters, | A tale of the Old French War; | or | the Adventures | of | Du Quesne, Dudley and Van Trontp: \ with the capture of | Captain Kidd. | Peekskill: | Huestis & Brewer, Printers. \ 1832. | i6mo. pp. [3L-VI,- [i],-8-i28. [Woodcut frontispiece of Weshop]. Originally published in the Connecticut Mirror. [Brown, Charles Brockden.] Wieland; | or the | Transfor- mation. I an I American Tale | [4 lines of verse] | Copyright Secured | [device] | New-York: | Printed by T. & J. Swords, for H. Caritat. | 1798. | i2mo. pp. 298. [Brown.] Arthur Mervyn; | or, | Memoirs | of the | Year 1793. I [double rule] | By the Author of Wieland; and Ormond, | or the Secret Witness. | [double rule] | copy-Right secured. | [double rule] | Philadelphia : | Printed and Published By H. Maxwell, | No. 3, Lsetitia court — and Sold by Messrs. | T. Dobson, R. Campbell, H. and P. Rice, | A. Dickens, and the Principal | Booksellers in the neigh- | bouring States. | 1799. | i2mo. pp. [3] -IV, [i] 2-224. ' * Second part. New York. 1800. lamo. [Brown.] Edgar Huntley; | or, | Memoirs I of a | Sleep-Walker. I by the author of Arthur Mervyn, | Wieland, — Ormond, etc | , Vol. I. I Philadelphia: | Printed by H. Maxwell, No. 3 Letitia Court, I and sold by Thomas Dobson, Asbury Dickins, | And the Principal Booksellers. 1799. | 3 vols. 8vo. pp. 250-252-193. * At the end of Vol. 3 is Death of Cicero, a Fragnnent, pp. 48, probably written by Brown. 14 [Brown.] Ormond; or, the Secret Witness. New York, 1799. i2mo. [Brown.] Jane Talbot, | A Novel. | By the Author of | Arthur Mervyn, Wieland, Ormond, | Edgar Huntley, and | Clara Howard. | Philadelphia, 1801. | i2mo. pp. 346. [Plate by Sey- mour] . * Another edition Boston: 1827. i2mo. [Brown.] Clara Howard, in a Series of Letters. Philadelphia, A. Dickins, 1801. i6mo. pp. iv., 5-268. Brown. Carwin, the Biloquist, ] and | other American Tales | and pieces. | by | Charles Brockden Brown, | author of j Wieland, Ormond, Arthur Mervyn, | &c. &c. | In three vol- umes. I Vol. I. I London: | Printed for Henry Colburn and Co. I Public Library, Conduit Street. | 1822. | 3 vols. i2mo. PP- [7]rIV,-[i],-2-256; [5],-2-287; [3],-2-259,-[i]. and 2 leaves of advertisement. * Contains besides Carivin the following tales, all posthumous. Stephen Calvert, Jessica, and the Scribbler. The above is the first and I believe the only early edition of Carwin. Brown, W. H. Ira and Isabella, Boston: 1807. i2mo. Butler, James. Fortune's Football : or, the Adventures of Mer- cutio. Founded on matters of Fact. By James Butler. Har- risburg, Pennsylvania: 1797. 2 vols. i2mo. [Cheney, Harriet Vaughan.] A Peep at the Pilgrims in Six- teen Hundred and Thirty-Six. A tale of Olden Time. By the author of Divers unfinished manuscripts, &c. In two vol- umes. Boston: Wells and Lilly. 1824. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 306; 276. [Cheney.] The Rivals of Acadia, an old story of the New World. [4 lines from Shakespeare] Boston: 1827. i2mo. pp. 271. [Child, Lydia Maria.] Hobomok, | A tale of Early Times. | By An American. | [4 lines from Bryant] | Boston ; | Pub- lished by Cummings, Hilliard & Co. | Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf. I 1824. I i2mo. pp. [3],-iv,-[i],-6-i88. [Child.] The Rebels, | or | Boston before the Revolution. | By | The Author of Hobomok. | [4 lines from Bryant] | Boston : | Cummings, Hilliard, and Company — Washington Street. | 1825. I i2mo. pp. [5],-vi,-[i],-8-304. 15 [Cooper, James Fenimore.] Precaution, | a [ Novel. | In Two Volumes. | [2 lines of verse] | Vol. I. | New-York: | Published by A. T. Goodrich & Co. | 1820. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5],-2- 286; [5], -2-340. [Cooper.] The Spy; | A Tale of | the Neutral Ground. | "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, | Who never to himself hath said, I This is my own, my native land." — By | the Author of "Precaution". |In two Volumes. Vol. I. | New-York: ] Wiley & Halsted, 3, Wall-Street. | Wm. Grattan, Printer, 1821. ] 2 vols. i2mo. pp. xii,-25i ; 286. [Cooper.] The Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susquehanna; A Descriptive Tale, by the Author of "Precaution." [4 lines of verse] In two volumes. New-york: 1823. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 246; 284. [Cooper.] The Pilot; a Tale of the Sea. By the author of the Pioneers, &c. &c. List ye landsmen all to me. In Two Vol- umes. Vol. I. New York: 1823. i2mo. pp. viii,-258; 293. [Cooper.] Lionel Lincoln; | or, | The Leaguer of Boston. | In two volumes. | "First let me talk with this Philosopher." | By the Author of the Pioneers, Pilot, &c. | Vol. I | New-York : 1 Published by Charles Wiley. | D. Fanshaw, Printer, | 1825. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [7],-viii,-x,-[i],-xii.-[i],-2-263; [5], -6-270. [Cooper.] The Last | of | The Mohicans; | a Narrative of | 1757. I By the author of "The Pioneers." ] [2 lines of verse.] | In Two Volumes. | Vol. I, | Philadelphia :t | H. C. Carey 81 I. Lea — Chestnut — Street. | 1826. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-iv,-xi,- [2], -2-282; [5], -2-289. [Cooper.] The Prairie: a tale. Philadelphia: 1827. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 252 ; 276. [Cooper.] The | Red Rover, | a Tale. | By the | Author of the Pilot, &c. &c. I "Ye speak like honest men : pray God ye prove so !" I In Two Volumes. | Vol. I. | Philadelphia : | Carey, Lea & Carey. — Chestnut — Street. | 1827. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5],- 6-274; [3], 4-262. 16 [Cooper.] The Wept | of | Wish Ton-Wish: | A Tale; | By the author of the Pioneers, Prairie, &c. &c. | [4 lines from Rog- ers] I In two Volumes. | Vol. I. | Philadelphia : | Carey, Lea & Carey — Chestnut Street. | 1829. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3]- iv,-[i]-vi-x,-[i],-i2-25i ; [3], -4-234, and 6 pp. of adv. [Cooper.] The Water- Witch ; or, The Skimmer of the Seas: a tale. Philadelphia: 1830. 2 vols. i2mo. CouLTERSHOGGLE, MuNGO. Goslington Shadow: | a romance of the I Nineteenth Century | [line from Ovid] | [lines from old Scotch song] I by Mungo Coultershoggle, Esq. | in two vol- umes. I Vol. I. I New York: | J. & J. Harper Printers | 1825. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 245 ; 236. [Coultershoggle, Mungo.] Leslie Linkfield; ] A Novel: | By the Author of Goslington Shadow | [2 lines of verse] | In two volumes Vol. I. j Rochester : | Printed by Edwin Scran- tom. [sic] I 1826. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5], -vi-xii,-[i], -10-251 ; [5], -6-224. * The author's name is given in the copyright. Dallas, R. C. The | Siege of Rochelle ; | or the Christian Hero- ine. I Translated | from the French of Madame De Genlis. | By R. C. Dallas, Esq. | Three volumes in one. | Philadelphia. ( Published by M. Carey, | no. 121 Chesnut Street. | July 21, 1813. I i2mo. pp. [3],-vi-viii,-[i], x-xii, [i], -2-285, ^.nd 4 pp. of adv. Dallas. Felix Alvarez; or, Manners in Spain. New York; J. Eastburn & Co., 1818. 3 vols. i2mo. °Also^ London: 1818. 3 vols. i6mo. [Davis, John.] The | Original | Letters | of Ferdinand | and | Elizabeth. | [3 lines Elisabeth to Ferdinand.] | New York, Printed and Sold. | July, 1798. | i2mo. pp. 144. Davis. The Farmer of New Jersey: a Tale. New York, 1800. i2mo. [Davis.] The | Wanderings of William ; | or, | The Inconstancy of Youth. I Being a sequel to the Farmer of | New-Jersey, j A Tale. | By the Translator of Buonaparte's Campaign, Au- 17 thor I of Ferdinand and Elizabeth, and Poems written Chief- I ly in South Carolina. | [4 lines from Shakespeare] | Phila- delphia. I Printed for R. T. Rawle. | 1801. | i2mo. pp. [2],- iii-xii,[i], 2-299. [Davis.] Walter Kennedy: | An | American Tale. | [6 lines from Shakespeare] | London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, | Paternoster-Row. ] 1805. | i2mo. pp. [3],-iv-vii, [2], -192. [Davis.] The | First Settlers | of | Virginia, | an historical novel, I exhibiting a view of the Rise and Progress | of the Colony | at James Town, | a picture of Indian Manners, The Counte- nance I of the Country, and its Natural | productions. | The Second Edition cotisiderably enlarged. \ New-York: | Printed for L Riley and Co. | No. i City-Hotel, Broad- Way. | 1806. I i2mo. pp. [5],-vi-xii,-[i],-i4-284. Davis. The Post Captain; or, the Wooden Walls Well Manned: Comprehending a view of naval Society and Manners. First American, from the Fifth London Edition. Brooklyn, 1813. i2mo, [Davis.] Captain Smith, | and | Princess Pocahontas, | an In- dian Tale, I Philadelphia: | pubHshed by Benjamin Warner; | and for sale at his stores, in Philadelphia | and Richmond, Virginia. | Wm. Greer . . . printer. | 1817. j i6mo. pp. [3],- iv,- [ I ] ,-6-90. [Frontispiece entitled "Pocahontas ran with mournful destraction to the Block".] * Contains on pp. 87-90 "A Memoir of the Author." A condensed version of "The First Settlers." See Loshe, p. 75. [Flint, Timothy.] Francis Berrian, | or | The Mexican Pa- triot. I [7 lines in Spanish from Quevedo.] | In two volumes. I Vol. I I Boston : | Cummings, Hilliard, and Company. | 1826 I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3].-IV,-[i],-7-299; [3], -4-285. [Flint.] The | Life and Adventures | of | Arthur Clenning. | In two volumes. | By the author of "Recollections of Ten Years in the | Valley of the Mississippi," "Francis Berrian," &c. I Vol. I. I Philadelphia: | Towar & Hogan, No. 225, Market Street. | 1828. | 2 volumes. i2mo. pp. [5], 6-236: [5]. 6-175. 18 [Flint.] George Mason, | the | Young Backwoodsman; | or | "Don't give up the Ship." | A Story of the Mississippi. | By the author of Francis Berrian. | Boston: | Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins. | 1829. | i2mo. pp. [3], -4-167. [Flint.] The | Shoshonee Valley; | a romance. | "Dulcia lin- quimus aroa ; nos patriam fugimus." | In two volumes. | Vol. I. I By the author of Francis Berrian. | Cincinnati: | Published by E. H. Flint, | 1830. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. V,-[7],- 323 ; 264. [Foster, Hannah.] The | Coquette; | or, the ] History of Eliza Wharton ; | A | Novel ; | Founded on Fact. | By a Lady of Massachusetts. | Boston : | Printed by Samuel Etheridge | for E. Larkin, | 1797. | i2mo. pp. [5],-6-26i-[i]. [Furman, Garrit] Redfield ; | a | Long Island Tale, | of the | Seventeenth Century. | [6 lines from Iliad] | New-York: | Published by O. Wilder, & Jas. M. Campbell. | Printed by A. Spooner, Brooklyn. | 1825. | i2mo. pp. [5],-6-ii, [2],-i4- 214. Gazer. Giles, Frederick De Algeroy | the Hero of Camden Plains. I A revolutionary Tale. | By Giles Gazer, esq. | [7 lines from Julian the Apostate] | New-York : | Published by Collins and Hannay, Colhns and Co., | E. Bliss and E. White, and W. B. Gilley. | J. & J. Harper, Printers. | 1825. [ i2mo. pp. [5]-VI-VIII,-[i]rio-235. Hale, Sarah Josepha. Northwood; A Tale of New England. | by Mrs. S. J. Hale. | [One line from Two Foscari] | [4 lines from Thomson] | Volume i. | Boston: | Published. By Bowles & Dearborn, | Ingraham & Hewes, Printers. | 1827. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3], 4-258, [3] ; 4-242. Hall, James. Winter Evenings. A Series of American Tales. Philadelphia: Thos. T. Ash, 129 Chestnut St. 1829. i6mo. pp. 263. Haralson, Archibald. Sainclair, | or the Victim to the Arts and Sciences. | and Hortense, | or the victim to novels and Travel, | a novel in two volumes. | Translated from the French of Madame de Genlis. \ By Archibald Haralson. | To which is prefixed | a tale of the Celebrated M. Florian, | entitled | Claudine, | or | the Savoyarde. | [2 lines in French 19 from La Fontaine] | Georgetown, D. of C. | Published by Richards and Mallory, for | M. Carey, M. Thomas, E. Earle, A. Finley, | and J. Delaplaine, Philadelphia; | East- [ Burn, Kirk and Co., and E. Duyckinck, | New- York; Edward J. Coale, and J. Cush- | ing, Baltimore. ] November, 1813. | i2mo. pp. [3], -IV-X,- [3], -14,192- [5], -198-246. [Hart, Catherine Julia.] Tonnewonte, | or | The Adopted Son of America. | A Tale, | Containing scenes from | Real Life, I by an American. | [8 lines from Goldsmith.] Two volumes in one. | Vol. i. | Watertown, N. Y. | pubHshed by James Q. Adams. | 1825. | i2mo. pp. Vol. i. [8], [i], 2-138; Vol. 2, 141-275. blank leaf between the two vols. Vols. 2 has imprint Albany: | PubHshed by Daniel Steele and Son., | 1824. I * Another edition as follows. Tonnewonte, | or | the adopted Son of America. ] A tale, | containing Scenes from | Real Life, ] By an American. | [8 lines from Goldsmith] ] Two volumes in one. | Vol. i. | Albany: | published by Daniel Steele and Son. | 1825. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [8],-[i]-2-i38; [6] -144-275. The imprint in Vol. 2. is Watertown: | Published by James Q. Adams. | 1824. I An edition with first word of title changed to Tonna- wanda, was printed at Rochester, N. Y. [Circa, 1828]. [Hassall, Miss.] Secret History: or, the Horrors of St. Do- mingo, in a series of letters, written by a Lady at Cape Fran- cois to Colonel Burr, late Vice President of the United States. Principally during the command of General Rochambeau. Philadelphia: 1808. i2mo. [Hawthorne, Nathaniel] Fanshawe, | a tale. | "Wilt thou go with me?" — Southey. | Boston: | Marsh & Capen, 362 Washington Street. | Press of Putnam and Hunt. | 1828. | i2mo. Title with copyright on verso, followed by pp. 3-141. * This is the first separate publication by the author of the "The Scarlet Letter." [Heath, James E.] Edge-Hill, | or | the Family of the Fitz- royals. | A novel. | By a Virginian. | [2 lines from Gray] | in two volumes. | Vol. i. | Richmond: | Printed and Pub- lished by T. W. White. | 1828. | 2 volumes. 8vo. pp. iv,-5-222 ; 224. 20 [Hentz, N. M.] Tadeuskund, | the | Last King of the Lenape. j An j Historical Tale. | Boston: | Published by Cm innings, Milliard, & Co. | Printed by HilHard and Metcalf. j 1825. | i2mo. pp. [3], -4-276. Hitchcock,, Ends. Memoirs | of the | Bloomgrove Family. | In a series of Letters to a respectable Citizen j of Philadel- phia. I containing Sentiments on a | Mode of Domestic Educa- tion; I Suited to the present State of Society, Government, | and Manners, in the | United States of America: | and on | the dignity and Importance of the | Female Character. | Inter- spersed I with a variety of interesting Anecdotes. | By Eno.'^ Hitchcock, D. D. | Vol. i. | Printed at Boston, | by Thomas and Andrews, | at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street. | MDCCXC. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 299; 300. Hitchcock. The | Farmer's Friend, | or the History of | Mr. Charles Worthy. | Who, from being a poor Orphan, rose, through Va- | rious Scenes of Distress and Misfortune, to Wealth I and Eminence, by Industry, Economy and Good | Conduct. I interspersed with many | useful and Entertaining Narra- | Tives, | Suited to please the Fancy, improve the Understanding, | and mend the Heart. | By Enos Hitchcock, D. D. I Author of "Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family." | Published According to Act of Congress. | Printed at Bos- ton, I By I. Thomas, and E. T. Andrews, | Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street. | MDCCXCIII. | i2mo. pp. XII,-i3 to 271. [HoPKiNSON, Francis.] A | Pretty Story | written in the Year of Our Lord 2774, | By Peter Grievous, Esq, | A. B. C. D. E. I Veluti in Speculo. \ Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by John Diinlap, \ M,DCCLXXIV. | i6mo, pp. 29. * The first work of fiction written and published in America, ante- dating "The Power of Sympathy" by 15 years. In 1776 Hopkinson published the "Prophecy," and in 1777 The Political Catechism, which serve to work out the sequel of his novel. [Hopkinson.] A | Pretty Story | written in the | year of our Lord 2774. 1 By Peter Grievous, Esq; | A. B. C. D. E. | Veluti in Speculo. \ The Second edition. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by John Dunlap. | M,DCC,LXXIV. | i2mo. pp. [5],- 6-32. 21 Imlay, Gilbert. The | Emigrants, &c, | or the | History ] of | An Expatriated Family, | being | A deHniation of English Manners, | drawn from real characters, | written in America, | By G. Imlay, Esq. | Author of The Topographical Descrip- tion of its Western Territory. | Vol. I. | London. | Printed for A. Hamilton, near Gray's-Inn-Gate, | Holborn j 1793. | 3 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-n-Xn,-[i], 2-221; [3],-2-222; [3],-2- 192. [Irving, Peter.] Giovanni Sbogarro. | A | Venetian Tale. | [Taken from the French] | By | Percival G . | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | [Qiiot.] \ New York: | Printed by C. S. Van Winkle, | loi Greenwich Street. | 1820. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 275 ; 296. [Irving, Washington] A History | of [ New York, | From the beginning of the World to the | end of the Dutch Dynasty. | Containing | Among many surprising and curious matters, the Unutterable | Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, the Disas- trous I Projects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric | Achievements of Peter the Headstrong, the three | Dutch Governors of New Amsterdam ; being the only | Authentic History of the Times that hath ever been, or ever | will be Published. | By Diedrich Knickerbocker. | [2 lines in Dutch] I In two volumes. | Vol. i. | Published By Inskeep & Bradford, New-York; | Bradford & Inskeep, Philadelphia; Wm. MTl- I Henney, Boston ; Coale & Thomas, Baltimore ; | and Mor- ford, Willington, & Co. Charleston. | 1809. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5],-VIII-XXIII,-[i],-2-268; [3],-2-258; [View of New Amsterdam (Now New York). | As it appeared about the year 1640, while under the Dutch Government. | [In vol- i. as a frontispiece,] * The frontispiece is issued in two states, but the one noted, is the first state and more uncommon than the other. J Irving, Washington.] The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. . . . New York: Printed by C. S. Van Winkle. 1819-20. * Originally Issued in seven parts. 8vo. [Irving.] Bracebridge Hall; or, The Humorists. A Medley, by Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. [4 lines from Christmas Ordinary,] in Two Volumes. Vol. i. New York: Printed by C. S. Van Winkle. No. loi Greenwich Street. 1822. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 309-316. 22 I [Irving.] Tales of a Traveller, By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent, Phila- delphia: H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1824. 4 Parts. 8vo. pp. 165; 212; 135; 161. Jackson^ Daniel, Jr. Alonzo and Melissa, or the Unfeeling Father. An American Tale. By Daniel Jackson, Jr. Battle- boro: Published by Holbrook and Fessenden. 1824. i6mo. pp. 240. * Really written by Isaac Mitchell, [q. v.] A number of editioas were printed. Jennings, W. The | Foundling | of | Belgrade: | A transla- tion from the French. | By W. Jennings. | [2 lines in Latin from Horat. de arte poetica.] j New-York: | Printed & Pub- lished by D. Longvvorth, | At the Shakespeare-Gallery, | No. II, Park. I 1808. I i2mo. pp. [5],-io-i9i. [JuDAH, Samuel B. F.] The | Buccaneers ; | a Romance of our own Country, | in its Ancient Day ; | Illustrated with | Divers Marvellous Histories, | and | Antique and Facetious Epi- sodes ; I gathered from the | most authentic chronicles & Affirmed records extant | from the | Settlement of the Nieuw Nederlandts, | until | the time of the famous | Richard Kid : | Carefully collated from the laborious researches, | and minute investigations, of that excellent | antiquary and sublime phil- osopher, I Yclept I Terentius Phlogobombos. | [2 lines from Shakespeare.] | In five books. | Boston: | Munroe & Francis, 128 Washington-Street. | New- York:- Charles S. Francis, 252 Broadway. 1827. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-IV-XXVII,- [2], -30-263; [3], -4-384. * Another and more uncommon edition, with this imprint, "The Imprint whereof is at New York, A. D. 1827." A Libelous publication which was suppressed, and pages xxi-xxiv of the preface or, as Judah calls it, "A Short Proem," etc., extracted or cut from all copies. I am unable to trace a copy which contains these leaves. [Lawson, James.] Tales and Sketches, | by a cosmopolite. | [2 lines from Burton's Anatomy] | New York: | Elam Bliss, in Broadway; | 1830. | 8vo. pp. [5], 6-256. [Leggett, William.] Tales and Sketches, by a Country School- master. New York, 1829. i2mo. pp. 9, 248. [Portrait.] 23 [Lennox (Charlotte).] The Female Quixote; | or| the | Adventures | of | Arabella. | Vol. i. | The Second Edition: | Revised and Corrected. \ London: | Printed for A. Millar, over-against | Catharine -Street in the Strand. | M.DCC.LIL 1 i2mo. pp. vi, [lo], [i],-2-27o; [3], [i], 322. Lennox. Henrietta. A Novel, By Mrs. Charlotte Lennox, In two volumes. Vol. i. 1758, 2 vols. 8vo. * Same, Dublin, 1786. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. xii. 228-viii; 231. * The plot of Burgoyne's Play of the "Heiress" was taken from this novel. [Lennox.] Sophia, A Novel. London, 1768. 2 vols. i2mo. [Lennox.] Euphemia; a Novel. London, 1790. 4 vols. i2mo. [McHenry, James.] The | Spectre of the Forest, | or, | Annals of the Housatonic, | a | New-England Romance. | By the Author of "The Wilderness". | [6 lines from McCarrocher] | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | New-York: | E. Bliss and E. White, No. 128 Broadway. | Johnstone & Van Nor den, Printers. \ 1823. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5],-vi,-xvi,-[3],-20-226; [5], -6-244. * Page xvi in the preliminary leaves in Vol. i. Should be printed xvii. [McHenry, James.] The Wilderness, or, Braddock's Times. A tale of the West. New York: E. Bliss, 1823. 2 vols. i6mo. pp. 288-299. [McHenry.] O'Halloran, or the Insurgent Chief, an Irish His- torical Tale, of 1798; by the Author of "The Wilderness and The Spectre of the Forest," Philadelphia, Carey & Lea, 1824. 2 vols. i2mo. [McHenry.] The Hearts of Steel, an Irish Historical Tale. Philadelphia. [1826]. 2 vols. i2mo. Mackay, Samuel. The | Magdalen Churchyard, | from the French of | J. J. Regnault Warin, | Author of | Romeo and Juliet, The Castle of Strozzi, etc. | Translated | By Samuel Mackay, A. M. | Ex Professor of the French Language in | Williams College | [3 lines from Young] | vol. i. | Boston. Hastings, Etheridge and Bliss, . 1809. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 205; 207; 378, [2]. 24 Mannering^ Guy. Rosalvo Delmonmort. | A | Tale: | By | Guy Mannering. | [3 lines of poetry] | Boston: | Published by Thomas G. Bangs, | No. 7 State-Street. \ 1818. | i2mo. pp. [5], 6-196. Mitchell, Isaac. The Asylum, | or, | Alonzo and Melissa. | An American Tale, | Founded on Fact. | By I. Mitchell. | [8 lines from Dwight] | In two Volumes. | vol. i | Poughkeep- sie : I Published by Joseph Nelson. | C. C. Adams and Co. Printers. | 181 1. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-iv-xxviii,-[i],-30,- 264; [3], -4-278. [Woodcut frontispiece in Vol. i. engraved by Alex. Anderson.] * This work was condensed and revised and attributed to Daniel Jackson, Jr., a number of editions being issued under his name. For an account of the controversy regarding its authorship, see Neiv York Times Saturday Re-vieiv of books, June 4, 1904, June 11, 1904, Sept. 3, 1904, Sept. 17, 1904, Jan. 21, 1905, Jan. 28, 1905, and March 4, 1905. See also, The Early American Novel. By Lillie D. Loshe. New York, 1907. pp. 53-56. [Morrison, John B.] An | original Tale; | Isabella of Brooke, | Contrasting the manners | & customs of the Early | Settlers of I Pennsylvania & Virginia | with the polished Refinements of the I present age. | "our ancestors — A gallant Christian race, | Patterns of every virtue, every grace, | Confest a God they knelt before they fought, | and prais'd him for the vic- tories he wrought. | By A Pennsylvanian. | Pittsburgh. | Pub- Hshed by the author, | 1830. | i6mo. pp. 118. * The Certificate of the Clerk of the Western District of Penn- sylvania, states, that on the 15th of May, in the jear 1830, John B. Morrison of said District, deposited in his office the title of a book [the above] the right whereof he claims as Author and Proprietor. [Morton, Sarah Wentworth.] The | Power of Sympathy: | or, the I Triumph of Nature. | Founded in Truth. | In two volumes. | Vol. I. | [4 lines of poetry.] | [device] | Printed at Boston, | by Isaiah Thomas and Company. | Sold at their Bookstore, No. 45 Newbury Street. | And at said Thomas's Bookstore in Worcester. | MDCCLXXXIX. | ° Collation. Vol. I. Title, i p. [I] ; dedication, i p. [Ill] ; preface, 2 pp. [v.-vi] ; text pp. 7-138. Vol. 2. Preface, 1 p. [1-2]; text, pp. 3-158. ♦Reprinted, Boston: N. D. 550 copies printed. Murgatroyd, Matthew. The | Refugee. | A Romance. | By Captain Matthew Murgatroyd, | of the Ninth Continentals in the Revolutionary War. | [3 lines from Winter's Tale] | In 25 two Volumes. | Vol. I. | New-York : | Published by Wilder & Campbell, ] No. 142 Broadway, | D. Fanshaw, Printer, | Murray-Street. | 1825. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [7] .-8-325; [5].-6- 308. [Neal, John.] Keep Cool, a novel. Written in hot weather. By Somebody, M. D. C. &c., &c. Author of Sundry works of great merit-never-published, or read, from his-story. Re- viewed by-himself. "Esquire". [2 lines from Milton.] [2 lines from Solomon Gun-dy.] In two Volumes. Baltimore: Pub- lished by Joseph Gushing. William Wooddy, Printer. 1817. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 239; 196. [Neal.] Logan, | A Family History. | [line from Brutus.] | In Two Volumes. - Vol. I, | Philadelphia: H. G. Carey & I. Lea-Chestnut St. | 1822. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5], -6-317; [3],- 4-341, and leaf of errata. [Neal.] Errata; | or, the works of Will. Adams. | A tale by the Author I of 1 Logan, Seventy-Six, and Randolph. | [line from Revelations 12, I.] | New-york: | Pubhshed for the Pro- prietor; and for sale at the Principal | Bookstores in the United States. | 1823. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5],-vi,-xiii,-[4],- 18-325; [ 3]. -4-364- [Neal.] Randolph, | a novel. | [4 lines from Tom Moore.] | By the author of Logan — and Seventy-Six. | In two volumes. I Vol. I. I [Philadelphia;] Published | For whom it may con- cern. I 1823. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5],-vi,-[i],-8-339; [3],-4- 346, [i]. * The figure 4 on p. 4 is printed upside down. [Neal.] Seventy-Six. By the Author of Logan. In two volumes. Baltimore: J. Robinson, 1823. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. vi, 13-268; 13,260, [i]. Neal. Brother Jonathan : or tlie New Englanders. In three vol- umes. William Black, Edinburgh: and T. Gadell, London. MDCCGXXV. 3 volum.es. i2mo. pp. [2], 421; [4], 451; [4], 452. Neal. Rachel Dyer : | A North American Story. | By John Neal. I Portland : | Published by Shirley and Hyde. | 1828. | i2mo. pp. [3],-IV-XX,-[i],-22-276. 26 [Neal.] Authorship, | A Tale. ] By a New Englander over-Sea. [ Boston: | PubHshed by Gray and Bowen. | 1830. ] i2mo. pp. [3],-iv,-[i],-2-267. [Paulding, James Kirke.] The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan by Hector Bull-Us. New York, Ins- keep & Bradford, 1812. i2mo. pp. 153. [Paulding.] Koningsmarke, | The Long Finne, | A story | of the New World. | [4 lines from Fragment of Minutes of Council in New York.] | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | New York: | Charles Wiley, No. 3 Wall-Street. | Johnstone & Van Nordcn, Printers, j 1823. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5], -6-236; [5],- 6-298. [Paulding.] John Bull in America; | or, | The New Munchau- sen. I New- York : | Charles Wiley, No. 3 Wall-Street. | G. F. Hopkins, Printer. | 1825. | i2mo. pp. [3], IV-XVII, [i], 2- 226. [Paulding.] The | Merry Tales | of the | Three Wise Men of Gotham. | Edited by the Author of | John Bull in America. | [cut of 3 men in a bowl at Sea] | [4 Hues of verse.] | New- york: | G. & C. Carvill, 108 Broadway: | Sleight & Tucker, Printers, Jamaica. | 1826. | i2mo. pp. [3], -4-324. [Paulding.] Tales | of | The Good Woman. | By a Doubtful Gentleman. | [9 lines from The New Republic of Letters.] | New- York : | Published by G. & C. & H. Carvill, 108 Broad- way. I 1829. I i2mo. pp. [5], -14-367- [Paulding.] Chronicles | of | The City of Gotham, | From the Papers of | a Retired Common Councilman. | Containing | The Azure Hose. | The Politician. | The Dumb Girl. | Edited by the Author of | "The Backwoodman", "Konigsmarke," "John Bull I in America", &c. &c. | New York: | G. & C. & H. Carvill. | 1830. | i2mo. pp. [3],-iv-ix,-[2],-i2-27o and slip of advertisement preceding title. [Porter, Henry H.?] The | Betrothed of Wyoming. | An His- torical tale. I [5 lines from Campbell.] | Philadelphia: | Sold by the principal booksellers; and in New-York, | Boston, Baltimore, and Washington. | 1830. j i2mo. pp. [3], iv-viii, [l], 10-231. 27 [Potts, Stacy G.] Village Tales, | or | Recollections of By-Past Times. | by Oliver Oakwood. | [2 lines of verse] | Trenton, N. J. I Published by Joseph Justice, | 1827. | i2mo. pp. [3]-iv, [i], vi-vii, [2], 10-252. * Published with printed board covers. Title on front cover. Advertisement of Printer on end cover. Also issued in cloth bindings. [Relf, Samuel.] Infidelity, | or the | Victims of Sentiment, j A novel, | in a series of Letters. | [line from Young] | Phila- delphia: I Printed by W. W. Woodward, No. 17, | Chestnut- Street. I 1797. I i2mo. pp. [4], -5-10, [3], -14-190. Ross, Mrs. The balance of comfort ; or, The Old Maid and Mar- ried Woman. A Novel. By Mrs. Ross.. New York, C. Wiley & Co., 1817. 2 V. i6mo. [Ross.] Hesitation; | or, | To marry, or not to marry? | By the author of | The Balance of Comfort, The Bachelor and Mar- ried Man, I &c. I In Two volumes. | [eight lines of poetry.] Vol. I. I New-York: | Published by W. B. Gilley, No. 92 Broadway. | Clayton & Kingsland, Printers. | 1819. | i2mo. pp. 273. Vol. II. 1 New-York: | Published by W. B. Gilley, 92 Broadway. | C. S. Van Winkle, Printer. | 1819. | i2mo. p. 259. RowsoN, Susannah. Victoria, a novel. London, 1786. 2 vols. i2mo. RowsoN. Charlotte. | A Tale of Truth. | by Mrs. Rowson, | of the New Theatre, Philadelphia: | Author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille De Chambre, &c. | In two volumes. | [2 lines Romeo & Juliet.] | [5 lines of verse.] | vol. i. | Phila- delphia: I Printed by D. Humphreys, | For M. Carey, No. 118, Market-Street | M.DCCXCIV. i2mo. pp. [3], vi-viii,- [i],-io-87; [3], -4-83 and 9 pp. of advertisement. * This is the first American Edition of this celebrated work. RowsoN. Charlotte. | a tale of Truth. | By Mrs. Rowson, | of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; | Author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille | De Chambre, etc. | [7 lines of Poetry] — Second Philadelphia Edition. — Vol. i. | Printed for Mathew Carey, [ No. 118 Market- Street. | Oct. 9, 1794. | 2 volumes. i2mo. pp. VI,-7-i69, [r]. 28 RowsoN. The | Inquisitor; | or, [ Invisible Rambler. ] In Three Volumes. | By Mrs. Rowson, Author of Victoria. \ The first American Edition. | Volume i. | Philadelphia- Printed | and sold by William Gibbons, No. 144 | North Third-Street, | 1793. I i2mo. 3 vols in i. pp. viii, 9-202 and leaf of Advertise- ment. * Second American Edition. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1794. 3 vols in I. i2mo. pp. 246. Rowson. Mentoria. Philadelphia. 1794. i2mo. Rowson. Trials of the Human Heart. A Novel. By Mrs. Row- son of the New Theatre, Philadelphia, Author of Slaves in Algiers, or a struggle for freedom, Inquisitor, Charlotte, Fille De Chambre, etc., Etc. [6 lines of Poetry.] Philadelphia, 1795. 4 vols, in 2, i2mo. * The above title is presumed to be correct. I cannot, however, vouch for this, as I have been unable to personally collate a copy, and the bibliographical works which I have consulted do not give full title. The above is copied from a prospectus of the work published in Phila., By Mrs. Rowson in 1794. This interesting broadside gives the address of the Authoress as Seventh and Chestnut Sts. Rowson. Reuben and Rachel; | or, | Tales of Old Times. | A novel. I By Mrs. Rowson, | Author of Charlotte, Trials of the Heart, | Fille de Chambre, &c, &c. | [13 lines of verse.] | Published according to Act of Congress. | Boston: [ Printed by Manning & Loring, | For David West, at Book-Store, No. 56, Cornhill. Sold by him, and by the Author, in Winter- Street; I Also by Ebenezer S. Thomas, Charleston, South- \ Carolina, and by Solomon Cotton & Co. Baltimore. \ 1798. ( l2nio. pp. [3]-iv, [i], 2-364. 2 volumes in one. title or rather half title to Vol. 2 is on p. [171]. RowsoN. Lucy Temple; or, The Three Orphans. London, n. d. i2mo. * Sequel to Charlotte Temple. RowsoN. Sarah ; or. The Exemplary Wife ; or, Sincerity. Boston. Chas. Williams, 1813. * First published as a Serial in the Boston Weekly Mag., 1805. RowsoN. Rebecca ; or, the Fille De Chambre. The Second Ameri- can Edition, corrected and revised by the author. Boston: 1814. i2mo. RowsoN. Charlotte's Daughter: | or, ] The Three Orphans. | a I Sequel to Charlotte Temple. | By Susannah Rowson, | Author of Rebecca, The Inquisitor, Reuben and Rachel, Vic- toria, etc. I to which is prefixed, | A Memoir of the Author. | Boston : | Published by Richardson & Lord. | J. H. A. Frost Printer, | 1828. | i2mo. pp. [3], 4-184. [RoYALL, Anne.] The Tennessean, A Novel, Founded on Fact. New Haven, Printed for the Author, 1827. i2mo. pp. 372. [Rush, Rebecca.] Laura. By a Lady of Philadelphia. New York: 1809. i2mo. [Rush.] Kelroy, a Novel; by a Lady of Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia: 1812. i2mo. [Sanford, Ezekiel.] The | Humours of Eutopia: .| A Tale I of I Colonial Times. | By an Eutopian. | [line in latin from Virgil] I In two volumes. | Vol. i. ] Philadelphia: | Carey, Lea & Carey- | Chestnut Street. | 1828. ] 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-iv,-[i],-6-2i5; [3],-4-230. Seaborn, Adam. Symzonia; | a | Voyage of Discovery. ] by Captain Adam Seaborn. | New-York: | Printed by J. Sey- mour, 49 John-Street. | 1820. | i2mo. pp. [6],-vii,-[i],-ix- xii,-[i],-i4-248. * Pages [3-4] consist of a plate entitled, "Sectional view of the Earth," etc. [Sedgwick, Catharine Maria.] A | New-England Tale; | or, ] Sketches ] of | New-England Character and Manners, j [4 lines from Burns.] | New York: | Published by E. Bliss & E. White, 128 Broadway. | 1822. | J. Seymour, Printer. | i2mo. pp. [7],-viii,-[i],-6-277. [Sedgwick.] Redwood; | a Tale. | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | [7 lines from Paley] | New-York: | E. Bliss and E. White, 128 Broadway. | J. Seymour, Printer. 1824. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [5] vi-xi, [2], 14-275; [3], 4-290 and leaf of errata. [Sedgwick.] The | Travellers. | A tale. | Designed for Young People. I By the | Author of Redwood. | [3 lines from Childe Harold] | New- York : ] Published by E. Bliss and E. White, 1 and sold by Collins and Hannay, New-York, and Cummings, I Hilliard, and Co. Boston. | 1825. | i6mo. pp. [5],-6-i7i. 30 [Sedgwick.] Hope Leslie; | or | Early Times in the Massachu- setts. I By the Author of Redwood. | [8 lines signed E.] | in two volumes. | Vol. i. | New York: | PubHshed by White, Gallaher, and White, | No. 7 Wall-Street. \ 1827. | i2mo. pp. vii, 13-279; 296. [Sedgwick.] Clarence; | or, ] A tale of our own times, j By the I Author of "Hope Leslie", &c. &c. | [2 lines from Bishop Heber] | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | Philadelphia. | Carey & Lea. - Chestnut Street. | 1830. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [7], -8-302; [3], -4-286 and 6 leaves of advertisement in Vol. 2. Sherburne, Henry. The | Oriental Philanthropist, | or | True Republican. | [8 lines of Poetry.] | By Henry Sherburne, A. B. I Published according to Act of Congress. | Printed for Wm. Treadwell & Co. Ports- \ mouth, N. H. and sold by them at the Portsmouth | Book-Store, and by the principal Book- sellers in I the United States. | 1800. i2mo. pp. [3], -4-8, [i], 10-21S, [i]. [SiDDONS ?] Tokeah; | or, | The White Rose. | [7 lines from Goethe] | In two volumes. | Vol. i. | Philadelphia: | Carey, Lea & Carey, — Chesnut Street. | Sold, in New York, By G. & C. Carvill, - in Boston, By | Munroe & Francis. | 1829. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-4,-[i],-6-2i2; [3], 6-208. Smith, Charles. Zaida; | or, | The Dethronement of Muhamed iv. I A Novel, | founded on Historical facts. | Translated from the German of | Augustus Von Kotzebue. | by Charles Smith. I Copy-right secured. | New York: | Published by Burnton and Darling, | 116 Broadway. | Deare and Andrews, Print- ers. I 1803. I i2mo. pp. - 213. [Smith, Margaret Harrison.] A Winter in Washington; or, Memoirs of the Seymour Family, New York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1824. 2 vols. i2mo. [Smith.] What is Gentility? A Moral Tale. City of Washing- totij Published by Pishey Thompson, 1828. i2mo. pp. 257. Snelling, W. J. Tales of the North West. Boston: 1830. i6mo. 31 [Sproat, p. W.] The | Savage Beauty, | A Novel. \" Knowledge is Wealth". \ "Prevention is better than remedy." | by a Wild American. | Philadelphia: | Printed By S. Roberts, No. 6, Decatur Street. \ 1822. | i2mo. pp. [5], 6-136. [Talbot, Mary Elizabeth.] Rurality. | Original Desultory Tales. I By | Miss Mary Elizabeth Talbot. | [8 lines from Byron] | Providence: | Marshall and Hammond, Printers. | 1830. I i2mo. pp. [5], -6-196. * A copy which I have not seen was described in a bookseller's catalogue as having a frontispiece. [Tenney, Tabitha.] Female Quixotism: exhibited in the Ro- mantic Opinions and Extravagant Adventures of Dorcasina Sheldon. Newburyport, Thomas & Whipple, 1808. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 180,-213. * This once popular work passed through several editions. Duyck- inck says: "We have met with no earlier copy than this." [Boston, 1829]. [Tucker, St. George.] The | Valley of Shenandoah; or, | Me- moirs I of I the Graysons. | 2 lines from Sir. H. Wotton. | In two volumes. - Vol. i. | New-York. | Charles Wiley, 3 Wall-Street. | 1824. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-iv-vii,-2-3i6, [3],- 2-320. [Tucker.] A | voyage to the moon: | with | some account | of the I manners and customs, science and philosophy. | of the | people of Morosofia, | and | other lunarians. | By Joseph Atterley. | "It is the very error of the moon ; j She comes more near the earth than she was wont, | And' makes men mad."- Othello. \ New- York: | Elam Bliss, 128 Broadway. | 1827. I i2mo. pp. 264. [Tudor, Willl\m.] Gebel Teir. | [10 lines in Greek from Aristo- phanes, The Birds.] | Boston: | PubHshed by Carter & Hen- dee, I Corner of Washington and School Streets. | 1829. | i2mo. pp. [5],-vi,-viii,-[i], -14-158, and leaf of adv. [Tyler, Royall.] The | Algerine Captive; | or, the j Life and Adventures | of | Doctor Updike Underbill: | Six years a prisoner among the Alge- | rines. | [3 lines from Shake- speare.] I volume I. I Published according to Act of Congress. I Printed at Walpole, Newhampshire, | By David Carlisle, 32 Jun. I and sold at his bookstore. | 1797. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3] ,-iv,- [i ] ,vi-xiii,- [2] ,-xvi-xxiii,- [2] ,-26-214 ; [3] riv-ix,- [4] ,- 14-241. * Another edition. Hartford: Peter R. Gleason and Co. i8i6. i6mo. pp. [3],-iv,-[i],-vi-vii,-[2],-io-2S2. [ViCERY, Eliza.] Emily Hamilton, | a novel. | Founded on in- cidents in real | life. | By a young lady of | Worcester County. I [Printer's device.] | Published according to an act of Con- gress. I Worcester: | printed and sold wholesale and retail, | by Isaiah Thomas, Jun. | Proprietor of the work. - June, 1803. I i2mo. pp. 249. [Walker, Ambrose.] The Highlands; | A tale of the Hudson. | In two volumes. Vol. i | [device] | Philadelphia; | Printed for the Author, | At no. 24 Arch-Street, - A. Walker, Agt. | 1826. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 232; 239. Ware, Henry, Jr. The Recollections of Jotham Anderson. Sec- ond Edition enlarged. With other pieces of a Similar Charac- ter. Boston: 1828. i2mo. Warren, Caroline Matilda, The | Gamesters; | or | Ruins of Innocence. | an | Original novel, | founded in Truth. | By Caroline Matilda Warren. | [4 lines from Night Thoughts] | Boston: | Printed for Thomas & Andrews, D. West, E. Lar- kin, White, | Burditt, & Co. C. Bingham, J. West, W. Pel- ham, Man- I ing & Loring, B. & J. Homans, O. C. Greenleaf, I E. Cotton, and J. Milliquet. [ 1805. | David Carlisle, Printer, Cambridge Street \ i2mo. pp. [3],-iv-vii, [i], 2-304. [Watkins, Tobias.] Tales of the Tripod; or a Delphian Eve- ning. By Pertinax Particular. Baltimore, 1821. i6mo. pp. 162. [Watterston, George.] The | Lawyer, | or | man as he ought not to be. | A tale. | — j Pittsburgh : | Printed for and Pub- lished by Zadok Cramer, and Sold at his | Bookstore [Frank- lin's Head] Market Street. | — | 1808. | i2mo. pp. [3],-iv,- [i],-vii,-[2],-io-236. * Another edition Charlestown: 1829. i6mo. pp. 180. Watterston. Glencarn ; | or, | The Disappointments of Youth : j A- novel. | By George Watterston, Esq. | Author of the Law- yer, &c. I [4 lines from Horace in Latin] | [2 lines from Cic: De La. in Latin] j Two Volumes in one. | Vol. i. | Alex- 33 andria: | Printed by Cotton & Stewart, ] and sold at their Book-Stores, in Alex- | andria and Fredericksburg. | 1810. | i2mo. pp. [3],-4-[i]r6-i33; [3],-i38-265. [Watterston.] The | L . . . . Family at Washington; | or | a Winter | in | the Metropolis. | Washington : | Printed and Published by Davis and Force. | (Franklin's Head,) Penn- sylvania Avenue. I 1822. i2mo. pp. [5],-i4-i59- Wells, Helena. The | Step-Mother; | a domestic tale, | from Real Life. | By Helena Wells, | of Charles-Town, South- Carolina. I [4 Hnes from Shakespeare] | In two volumes. | Vol. I. I The 2nd edition. | London: | Printed for T. N. Long- man, and O. Rees, | Paternoster Row, and W. Creech. | Edinburgh, | 1799. | 2 vols. i2mo. pp. viii, 2 leaves mis- printed viii, [i], 2-245; [i],-[2], [i], 2-246, [2]. Wells. Constantia Neville: or, the West Indian. By Helena Wells, author of the Stepmother. Second edition. London: 1800, i2mo. Winkfield, Unca Eliza. The ] Female American, | or the I Extraordinary Adventures | of | Unca Eliza Winkfield, | Compiled by herself. | Newburyport: | Printed for & Sold by Angier March, | North-Corner of Market-Square. i2mo. pp. [5], -6-213. [Frontispiece engraved on copper labeled Unca Eliza Winkfield.'] * Probably printed about 1790. An edition in two i2mo. volumes was printed in London in 1767. Also Vergennes, Vt. J. Shedd & Co., 1814. i6mo. pp. 270. [Wood, Sally Sayward Barrell Keating.] Julia, and the Illu- minated Baron. A Novel. Founded on Recent Facts which have transpired in the course of the late revolution of Moral Principles in France. By a Lady of Massachusetts. Ports- mouth, New Hampshire: 1800. i2mo. * The first novel written in Maine. [Wood] Dorval; | or the | Speculator. | A Novel, | founded on recent facts. | By a Lady, | author of "Julia." | [4 lines of prose] I [Printers Device] | Portsmouth, N. H. | Printed at the Ledger Press by Nutting & Whitelock, | (for the author.) 1801. I i2mo. pp. [3], iv-vi, [i], 8-285. * The copy I have seen had only the first 2 numerals of the date printed on title, probably due to the paper slipping while in the press. 34 [Wood.] Amelia: or, the Influence of Virtue. An Old Maid's Story. By a Lady of Massachusetts. * The above was entered for copyright in 1802 but I have failed to trace a copy. [Wood.] Ferdinand & Elmira: | A Russian Story, | By a [ Lady of Massachusetts ; | Author of Juha, The Speculator, and Amelia. | [12 lines from Churchill's Apology.] | Baltimore: | Printed for Samuel Butler, | By John West Butler, South Gay Street. | 1804. | i2mo. pp. [5],-6-3ii. [Wood.] Tales of the Night, By a Lady of Maine. Author of Julia, etc. Portland, Printed and published by Thomas Todd, 1827. i6mo. pp. 74, 90. WooDWORTH, Samuel. The | Champions of Freedom, | or | the Mysterious Chief, | A Romance of the Nineteenth Century, \ founded on the | events of the War, | between the | United States and Great Britain, which terminated in March, 181 5. [ In two volumes. | By Samuel Woodworth. ] [4 lines from Montgomery] | Vol. i. | New-York: | Printed and Pub- lished by Charles N. Baldwin, Bookseller, | No. 49 Division- Street. I 1817. I 2 vols. i2mo. pp. [3],-iv-viii,-[i],-2-28o; [3],- 4-336. * An edition dated 1816, is noted in Loshe. The Early American Novel., but as the work was copyrighted in 1817 I am inclined to believe this to be an error. INDEX TO ANONYMOUS TITLES, NOT CATALOGUED AS SUCH. PAGE A History of New York 22 A New England Tale 30 A Peep at the Pilgrims 15 A Pretty Story 21 A Voyage to the Moon 32 A Winter in Washington 31 Adelaide 12 Amelia 35 An Original Tale 25 Arthur Mervyn 14 Authorship 27 Bracebridge Hall 22 Captain Smith 18 Clara Howard 15 Clarence 31 Chronicles of Gotham 27 Dorval 34 Edgar Huntley 14 Edge-Hill 20 Emily Hamilton 33 Errata 26 Euphemia 24 Fanshawe 20 Female Quixotism 32 Ferdinand & Elmira 35 Fort Braddock Letters 14 Francis Berrian 18 Gebel Teir 32 George Mason 19 Giovanni Sbogarro 22 Hesitation 28 Hobomok 15 Hope Leslie 31 Infidelity 28 Jane Talbot 15 PAGE John Bull 27 Julia 34 Keep Cool 36 Kelroy ^^ Koningsmarke 27 Laura ,q Leslie Linkfield ij Lionel Lincoln jg Logan 26 O'Halloran 24 Ormond j. Precaution jg Randolph 26 Redfield ".*]' 19 Redwood ,0 Rurality ,3 Secret History 20 Seventy-Six 26 Sophia 24 Tadeuskund 21 Tales and Sketches 23 Tales of a Traveller 23 Tales of the Good Woman 27 Tales of the Night 35 Tales of the Tripod 33 The Algerine Captive 32 The Art of Courting 14 The Betrothed of Wyoming 27 The Buccaneers 23 The Coquette 19 The Diverting History of John Bull 27 The Female Quixote 24 The First Settlers of Va 18 The Fort Braddock Letters 14 87 PAGE The Hearts of Steel 24 The Highlands 33 The History of Maria Kittle 12 The Humours of Eutopia 30 The L Family 34 The Last of the Mohicans 16 The Lawyer 33 The Life and Adventures of Arthur Clenning 18 The Merry Tales 27 The Original Letters of Ferdinand 17 The Pilot 16 The Pioneers 16 The Power of Sympathy 25 The Prairie 16 The Rebels i5 The Red Rover i6 The Rivals of Acadia 15 The Savage Beauty 32 PAGE The Shoshonee Valley 19 The Sketch Book 22 The Spectre of the Forest 24 The Spy 16 The Tennessean 30 The Travellers 3° The Valley of Shenandoah 32 The Wanderings of William 17 The Water Witch 17 The Wept of Wish-Ton- Wish 17 The Wilderness S4 Tokeah 3^ Tonnawanda 20 Tonnewonte 2° Village Tales 28 Walter Kennedy 18 What is Gentility 3» Wieland H U UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 878 805 I