UC-NRLF S853 .JT B 3 MOD Bfit. ATE OF MORTALITY! u { < JONES. 1 — LIBRARY OF THE -"^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. i Chus ^ A SERIES OF TABLES OF ANNUITIES AND ASSURANCES CALCULATED FROM NEW RATE OF MOETALITT T AMONGST ASSURED LIVES: WITH EXAMPLES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION, &c. &c. &c. BY JENKIN JONES, ACTUARY TO THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY LONDON PUBLISHED BY LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN k. LONGMANS; AND JONES & CAUSTON, 47, EASTCHEAP. EDINBURGH: A. & C. BLACK. 1 *'"'i*%. 1/?4IV£RS1TY I -•'^% - :RsiTY * or PRACTICAL EXAMPLES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION OF THE TABLES. COMPOUND INTEREST, TABLE I. Interest is a remuneration allowed by a party bor- rowing money to the party lending it^ and is payable at periods agreed upon at a certain annual rate for every £ 1 00. Where it is so paid^ the Interest is called '' Simple Interest," but where it is not so paid and is added to the sum lent whereby the sum due from the borrower is increased by that amount upon which (instead of upon the original sum) he will have to pay interest— such interest is called ^^ Compound Interest." EXAMPLE 1. What will £450 amount to in 12 years at 4 per cent. Compound Interest ? If £100 were lent for one year at 4 per cent, its B amount at the end of the year would be £100 + 4 = £104, and this divided by 100 would give the amount of £l at the same rate at the end of the year, or £1.04 from which we may easily determine the amount of any other sum in one or more years ; for if 1 : 1.04:: 1.04: (1.04 x 1.04) = 1.04^ =1.0816 the amount of £l at 4 per cent, at the end of two years, and in like manner; if I : 1.04:: 1.04' : (1.04x 1.04") = 1 .04^ = 1.1 24864 — the amount of £ 1 at 4 per cent, in three years; and so on for any number of years; the amount of £l obtained for any given number of years at the given rate of interest multiplied by the amount of £l at the same rate for one year will give the amount for the succeeding year, and in this manner Table I. has been constructed, on reference to which, under the head of 4 per cent., against 12 years, we find £1,601032 which multiplied by 450 will give £720.4644^ = £720 9s. 3Jd., the amount of £450 in 12 years, at 4 per cent, as required; and so with any other amount at the same or any other rate per cent. The Rule being — Find the amount of £l in the Table under the given rate per cent, against the given number of years, and multiply it by the sum of which the amount at the same rate and for the same period is required. If the interest is payable half yearly the rule is — * To persons unacquainted with Decimals, it would be useless to give a rule for the conversion of shillings, pence, and farthings into decimals, and vice versa, such persons, therefore, are referred to works on Arithmetic. To those who are acquainted with Decimals it is unnecessary to do so. Take one half of the annual interest and double the number of years, and proceed as iV* the case where interest is paid annually. For example^ if in the above case the interest were payable half yearly, the amount would be obtained thus — Under column 2 per cent., in Table 1, and against 24 years, we find £1.608437 — the amount of £l at 2 per cent, per annum in 24 years, or, which is the same thing, the amount of £l at 2 per cent, per half year in 24 half years, which, multiplied by 450, gives £723.79665 =£723 15s. lid.— Answer. And if interest were payable quarterly the rule would be — Take one fourth of the annual interest and multiply the number of years by 4, and proceed as in the case where interest is paid annually. If, in the above example, the interest were paid quarterly, we should refer to column headed 1 per cent., in Table 1, and against 48 years, we should find £1.612227 the amount of £l at 1 per cent, per annum in 48 years; or, which is the same thing, the amount of £l at 1 per cent, per quarter, for 48 quarters of a year, which, multiplied by 450, would giw^ £725.50215 = £725 10s. 0|d.— Answer. It evidently matters not whether the ^' rate" be called the rate per annum, or per half year, or per quarter, as the amount of any sum at a given rate of interest manifestly depends upon the number of conversions of interest into principal. EXAMPLE 2. The amount of £450 in 12 years at 4 per cent., Compound Interest, payable annually, - - being £720 9s. 3^d. n payable half yearly // £723 15s. lid. // // quarterly // £725 lOs OW. it is required to find the total amount of interest realized. This will evidently be the difference be- tween the sum lent and its amount at the end of the time, and will be respectively, £720 9s. 3|d.— £450 = £270 9s. 3|d., Amount of interest realised upon £450 in 12 years, at 4 per cent, interest, payable yearly. £723 i5s. 11 d.— £450 = £273 15s. lid., do. do. pay- able half-yearly. £725 10s. 0|d.— £450 = £275 10s. 0|d, do. do. pay- able quarterly^ DEFERRED SUMS CERTAIN. TABLE II. The present value of a sum of money to be received at the end of any number of years, is that which, laid out at a given rate per cent, will amount at that rate, to the sum to be received at the expiration of the given period. EXAMPLE. In exmaple J, of Compound Interest £720 9s. 3Jd. = £720.4644 is stated to be the amount of £450 at 4 per cent, in 12 years. £450, therefore, ought to be shewn by Table 2, to be the present value of £720 9s. 3^d. to be received at the expiration of 12 years, supposing interest to be 4 per cent. On referring to Table 2, under the head 4 per cent., and against 12 years, will be found £".624597, the present value of £'1 to be received at the expi- ration of 12 years, which multiplied by 720.4644 will give £450, the present value required. This sum might have been obtained by dividing£720.4644 by 1.601032 the amount of £l in 12 vears. For if 1.04 ; 1 :: 1 : r^j the present value of £l at 4 per cent. Compound Interest to be received at the ex- piration of one year; and similarly, — if 1.04 : 1 :: i^ : i:^ — present value of £l at the same rate to be received at the expiration of two years : and so on for any number of years. In this manner Table 2 has been formed — ujiity being divided by the amount against each age at the several rates per cent, in Table 1 ; and it is manifest that when the present value of £l for any number of years at a given rate is found, that the Rule for finding the present value of any other sum at any rate per cent, will be Mul- tiply the present value of £\ at the given rate and the given number of years by any other amount of which at that rate and for that teryn the present value is re- quired. ANNUITIES CERTAIN— AMOUNTS. TABLE III. An Annuity Certain, is a sum of money pavable at fixed periods without being subject to anv contin- gency. 6 EXAMPLE. What will an Annuity of ^20 per annum amount to in five years, at 6 per cent. Compound Interest ? On reference to Table 3_, under 6 per cent, against 5 years will be found 5.637093, the amount of an Annuity of .^'l at that rate and for that term, (or, as it is usually called, the number of years purchase,) which multiplied by 20 gives £'112,74 1 86 =.£^112 14s. lOd. — Answer. The results contained in the Table were obtained thus : — The last payment of an Annuity of £l, at 6 per cent, and upon which no Interest is received is £1.000000 The last payment but one, and upon which one year's Interest accrued 1.060000 Their Sum — Amount of Annuity in 2 years 2.060000 The last payment but two, with 2 years' interest 1.123600 Their Sum — Amount of Annuity in 3 years 3, 183600 The last payment but three, with 3 years' Interest 1.191016 Their Sum — Amount of Annuity in 4years 4.374616 The last payment but four, with 4 years' Interest 1.262477 Their Sum £5.637093 amount of Annuity of £l forborne 5 years (or the number of years purchase) and agrees with the amount given above as taken from the Table ; and by proceeding in this manner the Amount of an An- nuity for any rate and for any period may be obtained. The Rule for the construction of the Table being To £l .00000, add the amount of £l at the expiration of one year, at the ^iven rate of interest obtained from Table 1, which will give the amount of an anjiuity at that rate forborne two years, to this sum add the amount of £l in two years, which will give the amount of the aimuity for three years, and so on (as in the above example) to the end of the period required. The Table being formed, the rule for finding the amount of any other sum annually will he,Obtainfrom Table 3 the Amount of an Annuity of£\ at the^iven rate per cent, and for the given tenn, ajid multiply it by the annuity, whose amount, at the same rate and for the same period is required. If the annuity is payable half yearly, Take the quantity from the Table under half of the rate per cent, opposite twice the number of years, and multiply it by one- half of the annuity. If payable quarterly, Take the quantity opposite one-fourth the rate per cent, and opposite four times the number of years, and multiply it by one-fourth of the annuity. Or the amount of an Annuity might be found by the following Rule : — Obtain from Table 1 the amount of £ I at the given rate of Literest and against the given nmnber of years ; subtract unity from it and divide the remainder by the Interest of £{ for one year at the same rate. 8 which will give the mnourit of an Annuity of £\ at that rate and for that term, and multiply the quotient by the Annuity ivhose amount is required Table 3 might also have been formed in this manner though not so readily. The reason of this rule is manifest, for when unity is deducted from the amount of ^£"1 at the given rate and for the given term obtained from Table \, the remainder must be the total amount of interest realised, and this amount accrued by putting by the interest due each year, upon which also interest was obtained, therefore the diiference between the amount of ^1, at any rate and for any term, and £\, the sum originally laid out^ is equal to the amount of an annuity of the interest of £l B,t the same rate and for the same term. The above example might therefore have been obtained thus. From the amount of ^£"1 at 6 per cent, in five years, which, by Table 1, is ^1.338226, take £\, the original sum laid out, and the difierence <£0.338226 is the total interest realised, or the amount of an annuity of £.06 at 6 per cent, in five years ; then, by the common rule of proportion : — If ^.06 : £0 338226 ::£'l : .56371 -the quantity, given above as obtained from Table 3, to the nearest 4th place of decimals, which, multiplied by 20, gives ^112.742=^112 14s.l0d. as before. Table 3, has been constructed upon the suppo- sition that the annuity is payable at the end of the year ; if it were payable at the beginning of the year each of the amounts in that Table ought to be in- 9 creased by one year's interest ; the amount of the last payment, therefore, reckoning interest at 6 per cent, upon which one year's interest accrued would be =£^1.060000 The last but one upon which two years interest had been received 1.123600 Their sum f 2.183600 the amount of an annuity payable at the beginning of the year, laid by for two years, which is equal to the amount of an annuity payable at the end of the year for three years less unity ; so that where the annuity is payable at the hegirming of the year, the rule is Subtract unity from the amount of an annuity payable at the end oj the year — in Table 3 — at the given rale of interest opposite one year more than the time. ANNUITIES CERTAIN— PRESENT VALUES. TABLE IV. 1st. Immediate Annuities. — The present value of an Annuity to be entered upon immediately and to continue for a term of years, is that sum which paid down now and invested at a given rate of Interest will, at the expiration of the term, c 10 amount to the same sum as will the Annuity itself invested in like manner. EXAMPLE 1. What is the present value of an Annuity of .^'SO per annum to continue 4 years^ reckoning Interest at 4 per cent.? On referring to Table 4^ under the head of 4 per cent, and opposite to 4 years will be found .^'S. 629895 the present value of an Annuity of £} at that rate and for that term, which multiplied by 30, gives £'108.89685=^108 18s.— Answer. Proof. — By Table 1, under the head of 4 per cent, and against 4 years we find ,£'1.169859^ the amount of c^'l in 4 years at 4 per cent.^ which multiplied by 1 08.89685 =<£'127. 3938 =£127 7s. lOd., the sum to which £108.89685 the present value of an An- nuity of £30 at 4 per cent, will amount to in 4 years^ and By Table 3, under 4 per cent, and against 4 years will be found £4.246464, the amount of an Annuity of £l in 4 years at 4 per cent.^ which multiplied by 30 =£127.3939 = £127 7s. lOd. the amount of an Annuity of £30 at the same rate and for the same term^ thus proving the accuracy of the present value as determined from Table 4. The total present value of an Annuity for a term of years is manifestly equal to the sum of the present values of each yearns payment^ and by the continued addition of these at the several rates of Interest Table 4 has been formed. For example — by Table 2. 11 .£0.961538 is given as the present value of .^l to be received at the expiration of 1 year at 4 per cent. Interest. £0.924556 ditto ditto at the expiration of 2 years. £1.886094 Sum of the above^ or present value of an Annuity of £\ for 2 years. £0.888996 present value of£l to be received at the expiration of 3 years. £2.775090 Sum of the above, or present value of an Annuity of £l for 3 years. £0.854804 present value of £l to be received at the expiration of 4 years £3^629894 Sum of the above^ or present value of an Annuity of £l for 4 years^ &c. &c. 2nd. Perpetual Annuities. — The present value of a Perpetual Annuity is that sum which paid now and invested at a given rate of Interest will per- petually produce the same amount as will the An- nuity itself invested in like manner. It is manifest that if £100 were sunk at 5 per cent, that it would be the present value of a Perpe- tual Annuity of £5^ and consequently that £20 would be the present value of a Perpetual Annuity of £l^ for— If £ 5 : 100 :: 1 : 20 or If £.05 : £1 :: 1 : 1^= 20— and in a similar manner the present value of a perpetuity at any other rate of Interest might be found^ there- 12 fore The present value of a perpetuity of £\ may he found by dividing £l by the Interest of £\ at the given rate for one year, and the quotient multiplied hy any other perpetuity will give the present value of such perpetuity, EXAMPLE 2. What is the present value of a Freehold Estate producing £l50,per annum^ reckoning Interest at 4 per cent.? At the end of Table 4^ under column headed 4 per cent, will be found 25 =;^^ which multiplied by £150 = £3750. — Answer. Now at 4 per cent. £3,750 sunk will yield .£150 per annum, therefore £3,750 invested at 4 per cent, and never withdrawn, is equal to a Perpetual An- nuity of £150 invested in like manner, it producing annually exactly that sum. 3rd. Deferred Annuities. — The present value of an Annuity not to be entered upon until the expi- ration of a given period, is that sum which paid down now and invested at a given rate of Interest will, at the end of the period during which the Annuity is deferred, amount to the sum which will then^ at the same rate of Interest, purchase the Annuity in ques- tion to be entered upon immediately, EXAMPLE 3. What is the present value of an Annuity of £30, to be entered upon at the expiration of 4 years and then to continue 10 years, reckoning Interest at 4 per cent.? 13 By the exemplification of the construction of Table 4, it has been shewn that the total value of an annuity for any given term is equal to the total ot the present values of each year's payment through- out the term, consequently if the present value of the firsts or any number of year's annuity, is deducted from the present value of the annuity for the whole term, the difference will be the present value of the annuity for the remainder of the term. In the present case 4 + 10 = 14 — the period during which the annuity is deferred, added to the period it is to be continued when entered upon, and on re- ference to Table 4, under 4 per cent., and against 14 years, will be found 10.563123, the present value of an annuity of ^1, to be entered upon immediately, and to continue 14 years, and in the same column opposite 4 years will be found £"3.629895, the present value of an annuity of fl, to be entered upon imme- diately, and to continue four years, therefore ^10.563123— £3. 629895 =f6.933228,present value of an annuity of £\, to be entered upon at the ex- piration of four years, and then to continue ten years, which, multiplied by30 = £207,99684 = £207 1 9s. 1 1 d. the present value of an annuity of £"30 deferred for the like period and to be continued for the same term. Proof. — On reference to Table 1, under the head of 4 per cent., and against four years, will be found £"1.169859, the amount of £l in four years, at 4 per cent. which,multiplied by 207. 99684 gives£243. 3268, which will be found to be the present value of an annuity of £30, to be entered upon immediately, and 14 to continue ten years ; for, by Table 4, under 4 per cent, and against ten years, we find £^. 1 10(396^ the present value of an annuity of.^"!^ to be entered upon immediately, and to continue ten years, which, multi- plied by 30, will give ^243.3268, as before. If the annuity were a Deferred Perpetuity, the present value would be found in a similar manner ; the general rule being, From the present value of the annuity for the whole of the term, at the given rate of interest, subtract the present value of the ajinuity at the same rate for the term during ivhich it is to he defeiTed. And, consequently, the value of a deferred annuity subtracted from the value of the whole term annuity, will leave the value of the temporary an- nuity, i. e, of the annuity for the term deferred. NEW RATE OF MORTALITY. TABLE V. The numbers in column 2, of Table 5, against each age in column 1 are the numbers which have com- pleted or survived those ages out of the 100,000 who completed their 10th year of age, and from which, by the simple rule of Proportion, the number who might be expected to survive any given age or die within the term, out of any other number, at any age, &;C. may be ascertained. 15 EXAMPLE 1. Out of 3,500 persons living at the age of 20, how many may be expected to survive the age of 40 ? On reference to Table 5, it will be found that there are at 20 years of age 93/268 persons living, of whom 78.653 survive the age of 40; then As 93.268 : 78,653:: 3500 : 2952 /zmr/j/, tlie num- ber out of 3500 at the age of 20 who may be ex- pected to survive the age of 40. EXAMPLE 2, It is required to determine the number of deaths that may be expected out of 3500 persons alive at the age of 20 during the next 20 years ? By Table 5, it appears that the number living at the age of 20 is 93,268 and the number livino- at the age of 40 is 78,653, therefore 93.268 — 78.653 = 14.615 the number who died during the interval, hence 93,268 : 14.615 :: 3500 : 549 the number who may be expected to die in 20 years or before attain- ing 40 years of age, out of 3500 alive at 20 years of age. PROBABILITIES OF LIFE. TABLE VI. EXAMPLE 1. Required, the probability of a person aged 30, dying within and surviving one year ? 16 On reference to column 2^ in Table 6, and against 30 years of age, will be found .0084248, the proba- bility of a person aged 30 dying in one year ; and on reference to column 3, in the same Table and against the same age, will be found .9915752, the probability of a person aged 30 surviving one year ; and the two added together will give unity or cer- tainty, for it is manifestly certain that a person at any age will either survive a given period or die within it, from which it follows that if we know the probability of a person at any age dying within any given period, and subtract it from unity, the dif- ference or remainder will be the contrary proba- bility, or the probability of surviving the given period ; and, on the other hand, if we subtract the probability of surviving from unity , the remainder will give the probability of not surviving, or of dying within the given period. The probabilities of dying within one year are obtained by dividing the number of deaths against each age by the number living at the same age, and the quotient subtracted from unity gives the pro- bability of surviving one year. Or, the probability of surviving one year may be obtained by dividing the number living one year older than the given age by the number living at the given age, and the quotient subtracted from unity gives the probability of dying within one year. And in this manner Table 6 was constructed. 17 EXAMPLE 2. Required the probability of a person aged 16, sur- viving the age of 20 ? This will evidently be the number living at the age of 20, divided by the number living at the age of 16, or by Table 5, |?|- = .97190 EXAMPLE 3. Required the probability of a person aged 16, dying in the 21st year of his age. The number who die in the 21st year of age, being the decrement set against age 20, according to Table 6, is 680, and this divided by 95965, the number living at 16, will evidently give the probability of one of that number dying in the 21st year of age, or J-^; this probability might have been obtained by subtracting the probability of the life surviving the 21st year of age, from the proba- bility of its entering upon that age, or the probability of its surviving the 20th year of age, thus : — .Q3268 92588 680 ' . . . — . — — — = as beiore, and 95965 95965 95965 ' this will be manifest upon inspection, as the first numerator is the number living at 20, and the second, the number living at 21, and the difference is the number of deaths which occur within the 21st year, and the denominator the number living at 16, is common to each of the three fractions. From the above it will appear that, the rule for D 18 determining the probability of a life surviving any age is. Divide the number living at the advanced age by the number living at the present age. And of its failing in any year of age, Divide the number of deaths tvhich occur in that year"^ by the Jiumher living at the present age; or sub- tract the probability of the life surviving the given year from the probability of its entering upon that year. EXAMPLE 4. Suppose a Life Assurance Office to have 2000 policies in force, averaging £1000 each policy, viz., 200 at 25 years of age ; 300 at 30 ; 400 at 35 ; 500 at 40 ; 300 at 45 ; 200 at 50 ; 50 at 55 ; and 50 at 60 ; it is required to determine the number and the amount of claims by deaths that may be expected to be made within one year. The probabilities of surviving and of dying in Table 6, being the probabilities of one person at the given ages dying within, or surviving one year, it is manifest that the probabilities of any other number dying within, or surviving that period, will be obtained by multiplying such probabilities by the number in question. Hence, Probability of one Number Probable Age. Person dying in of number of one year. Persons. Deaths. 25 .0077700 x 200 = 1.55400 30 .0084248 x 300 = 2.52744 * The number of deaths which occur in any year is represented by the decre- ment set opposite the next younger age. 19 Age. Probability of one Person dying in one year. Number of Persons. Probable number of Deaths. 35 .0092877 X 400 = 3.71508 40 .0103619 X 500 = 5.18095 45 .0122120 X 300 = 3.66360 50 .0159386 X 200 = 3:18772 55 .0216643 X 50 = 1.08321 60 .0303362 X 50 = I number of Deaths that may 1.51681 Tota] be expected. . 22.42881=22^ nearly, which multiplied by £1000, the amount of each policy, gives ^£^22,429, the whole amount of claims that may be expected. This number, and the amount being determined from the policies in force at the beginning of the year, only indicates the probable number and amount of claims that may be expected to arise out of that number only, and upon the supposition that all the policies continue in force, except those which become claims. But as an addition will be made during the year, by the introduction of new business, and as some policies may lapse, or be surrendered, they must be taken into account before a comparison can be made of the number of deaths that might be expected, with the number that actually occurred. Of the new policies, and those surrendered, it may be assumed that taking one with another, they were each in force one half- year, or, which is the same thing, that one-half of them were in force the whole of the year. In making tlie comparison at the end of the year, there- 20 fore, one-half of tlie number of neiv policies at each age, should be added to the number in force at each age at the beginning of the year, and one-half of those lapsed or surrendered at each age should be deducted from the number in force at each age, the numbers being thus corrected, the number of deaths expected according to the Table may be obtained as above. An office may, therefore, with very little difficulty, ascertain whether the amount of claims during the year is more or less than they had reason to expect. EXAMPLE 5. Required the probability of two lives aged 16 and 21, both surviving 5 years ? The probability of a life aged 16, surviving 5 years,, by Table 5 is ^; and of a life aged 21, surviving 5 years, is ^^; and these two quantities multiplied to- gether will give the probability in question. For unity or certainty bears the same ratio to either of the probabilities as the remaining probability does to that required, viz., ^g . 92588 .. 89137 . 92588 ^ 89137 * 95965 " 92588 * 95965 92588 = ^^^^^ = .92885 Answer. 95965 Then to find the probability of any two given lives, both surviving a given period, the rule is simply, 21 3Iulliphj the separate probabilities together, and the product will be the probability/ required ; and the same rule applies to the probability of any two lives, both failing in, or within any given period, and in a similar manner the probabilities of three or more lives surviving, or failing within a given period, may be obtained. EXPECTATION OF LIFE. TABLE VII. By Expectation of Life is meant the average number of years that a person, at any age, may yet expect to live, taking one life with another. For example, a person aged 30, (see Table 7, 30 years of age,) according to the experience amongst assured lives many expect to live 34J years nearly, or, in other words, he may expect to attain the age of 64|- years nearly. The total-existence enjoyed in any one year by the number of persons alive at any age at the expiration of one year, will manifestly be as many years as there are persons who survive the year, added to the existence enjoyed by those who die within the year. And of those who die within the year, it is probable that as many die at equal intervals during the first half year, as die at the same intervals during the last half of the year, or, in other words, that of 22 those who die in any one year, taking one life with another, it may fairly be assumed that, upon an average, they each enjoy one-half year's existence — therefore, the total existence enjoyed at the expira- tion of a year, by those alive at any given age at the beginning of the year, is equal in years to the number who survive the year, plus one-half of those who died within the year. EXAMPLE. Required the number of years that a person aged 90, may expect to live. On reference to Table 5, i( that, of 13] 9 persons alive at of 90. appears the age Who enjoyed between them in each year as many years as there are persons, or the under- mentioned number of years. To which we must add one- half of the num- ber who died in each year or Which gives. 892 survived 1 year. 892 2134 I105i 570 „ 2 ^» 570 161 731 339 „ 3 >) 339 115i 454* 184 „ 4 ?y 184 774 2614 89 „ 5 }? 89 474 136* 37 „ 6 yy 37 26 63 13 „ 7 yy 13 12 25 4 „ 8 1 „ 9 „ 10 yy yy 4 1 H 1 2 n 1 2 Sum = ^-2788* 2129 + 659| And this divided by 1319, gives 2.11, or % years expectation of life to a person aged 90, and agrees with the expectation as given in Table 7, opposite to 90 years of age. The 659*, the sum of all the halves of the number 23 of deaths in each year, is manifestly one-half of the number who were alive at the age of 90 ; the expec- tation might, therefore, have been obtained by dividing the sum of all who survived that age 2129, by the number alive at that age 1139, and adding to the quotient ^ for 27S8i _ 2129 + 6591- _ 2129 ^ i 1319 1319 1319 + i = 2.11 so that a Table of the Expectations of Life may easily be formed, by first obtaining the successive sums of the numbers surviving each age. and then dividing them by the number living at each age, and adding ^ to the quotient, and in this manner Table 7 was constructed. COMPARATIVE EXPECTATIONS OF LIFE. TABLE VIII. This Table speaks for itself, and sets forth the Expectations of Life as deduced from various rates of mortality, and also amongst the different descrip- tions of assured lives, and will be found not only very interesting, but very important, particularly as from the Irish experience, it appears that, of that class of assurances, at some of the younger ages, the Expectation of Life is as much as 6 years less than that obtained from the combined English town and 24 country experience. — (See observations on the Irish experience, in ^' Introduction/'') LIFE ANNUITIES AND ASSURANCES. TABLES IX. X. AND XI, ANNUITIES. Required the Value of an Annuity of £l per annum, on a life aged 97, reckoning interest at 3 per cent ? If this were an annuity certain, its value would be equal to the sum of the present values of ^1, to be received at the expiration of 1 and 2 years, but as the payment of the annuity is contingent upon the existence of the life the value of each year's pay- ment of the Life Annuity will be less than that of an annuity certain^ in the ratio oi unity or certainty to the probability of the life surviving each year. By Table 2, under the head of 3 per cent., we find. .970874 = present value of £\y to be received at the expiration of one year. .942596 = ditto ditto, two years, and, by Table 5 we find the number living at the ages 98 and 99 to be respectively 4 and 1, and these, divided by 13, the number living at 97 will give -^ and ^, the probability of a life aged 97 surviving 98 25 and 99 years of age; the latter — the oldest age which can be survived according to the Table. The present value of the first year's payment^ therefore, on a life aged 97, will be As 1 : -i :: .970874 = i-^-^^^ And of the second, As 1 : 7^ :: .942596 = — And the total value will be ( 4 X 970874) + 1 x (.942596 ) __ 4.826092 13 "" 13 =^•^'^1 as given in Table 12, in column headed 3 per Cent., opposite to 97 years of age. Now the value of a fraction is not altered in any degree by multiplying its numerator by any quantity provided Y^e also multiply its denominator by the same quantity. For example, if we multiply the numera- tor and denominator of the fraction ^, by 2 and by 30, we get \, and ^-g, each of which is still equivalent to ^, for if the fraction in question be of 60 shillings, ^ of it is 30s., and ^ of it being 15s., ^ths. is necessarily 30s., and, in like manner^ ^th. of 60s. being Is., the |J ths. must be 30s. and so with any other fraction. If, for example, we say, the probability of a person living 1 year is |^, of another ?, and of a third g^ths, their probabilities are each equal to |^, this being premised, what follows will appear clear. The following are the quantities given above, from D 20. which the value of an annuity, on a life aged 97, at 3 per cent, interest, was obtained . (4 X .970874) + (1 x .942"596) _ J3 -0.371 which, expressed in words, is the number living at 98 years of age, multiplied by the present value of £l, to be received at the expiration of 1 year,^Zws the number living at the age of 99, multiplied by the present value of ^1, to be received at the expiration of 2 years, divided by the number living at the age of 97. Now, if we multiply each of the quantities in the numerator and denominator by .056858 the present value of <£l, to be received at the expiration of 97 years, (the same as the age of the life,) we shall get (4 X .055202) + (1 X .053594) 13 X .056858 i e. the number living at 98, multiplied by the pre- sent value of ^1, to be received at the expiration of 98 years, plus the number living at 99, multiplied by the present value of .f'l to be received at the expira- tion of 99 years, divided by the number living at 97, multiplied by the present value of ^1, to be received at the expiration of 97 years, which is equal to :^^ = .37. as before, and in a similar manner, the value of an annuity at any other age may be obtained. ![_ But the D and N columns for the rates 2|^, 3, and •27 3 J per cent, in Tables 9, 10, and II, contain the numerator and denominator that will obtain at each age ; the quantities in column D being the number living at each age, multiplied by the present value of £l, to be received at the expiration of as many years as the age, and the quantities in column N, opposite to each age, are respectively the sum of all the quantities in column D., at all the ages older than the given age; therefore, T/ie quantity in column N, opposite to any age, divided by the quantity in column J), at the same age, will give the value of an annuity at that age. And in this manner the values of the annuities at 2^ 3, and 3h per cent, in Table 12 were obtained. For example, at 2|- per cent. (See Table 9.) Nat 98 = 00^676 ^ .^44 the value D at 98 = 0.35573 of an annuity of £l per annum on a life aged 98, and agrees with the value given in Table 12. N at 97 = 0^44249 ^ 3^3 ^^^ ^^^^^ D at97 = 1.18503 of an annuity of £\ per annum, on a life aged 97, as also given in Table 12- Column S in Tables 9, 10, and 11, is the sum of the quantity at each age, and at all the ages older than the given age in column N, and is useful in find- ing the values of increasing and decreasing annuities. ASSURANCES. The diiference between the value of an Annuity 28 and that of an Assurance is, that in the former, as has already been shewn, each yearns payment depends upon the probability of the life surviving each year of age, whereas, in the latter, the value depends upon the probability of the Mi^ failing in each year, and in the calculation of the premiums, the sum assured is, in all cases, assumed to be payable at the expiration of the year in which the life fails. The present Value, therefore, or ^' Single Pre- mium '' for an assurance on a life at any age, is equal to the sum of the present values of <£l certain, to be received at the expiration of 1, 2,3, &c., &c. years to the end of life, multiplied respectively by the proba- bility of the life failing in each year. EXAMPLE. Required, the single premium to secure £\ on a life aged 97, reckoning interest at 3 per cent. By Table 2,— .970874 = Present value of £l to be received at the expira- tion of 1 year. „ .942596 = ditto ditto, 2 years „ .915142 = ditto ditto, 3 „ And by Table 5, — — = Probability of a life aged 97 failing in or before comple- ting the 98th year of age. ^ = ditto 99th year. 1= ditto 100th ditto. Then, 13 ( 9 X .970874 ) + (3 x .942596) + (1 x .915142) ^^ yn ^ = .96005 29 the Single Premium required ; but if^ as in the case of Annuities (see page 26) we multiply the numerator and denominator by .056858 the present value of ^'l to be received at the expiration of 97 years, (the same number of years as the age,) the value will not be altered, and we shall have ( 9 X .055202) + (3 X .053594) + (1 x .052033) 1 3 X. 056858 -.Jb005 as before, and in a similar manner the single pre- mium for an assurance at any other age may be found. But we have already got each of the denominators that would obtain at each age (the number living at each age multiplied by the present value of ^1, to be received at the expiration of the same number of years as the age) — in column D, and the quantity in column M, opposite to any age, is equal to the sum of the decrements opposite to that age, and all the ages older than the given age in Table 5, multiplied respectively by the present value oi £\. to be received at the expiration of one year more than the given age, as, for example : Present value Deere- ""^ ^^ ^"^,** ^Se- ment the end of one year more than the age. 99 1 X .052033 = .052033 =M, opposite to 99 years of age 98 3 X .053594 = .160782 Sum = .212815 = M, ditto, 98 97 9 X. 055202 = .4968 18 Sum = .709633 =M, at 97 and the last quantity, .709633, is the sum of the pro- ducts in the numerator above, and agrees with the 30 quantity in Table 10, in column M, opposite to 97 years of age^ and the quantity in column D^ opposite to 97 is .73915^ and corresponds with the pro- duct of the quantities in the above denominator. Then —^ =.96005 as before, and agrees with the quantity in Table 15^ in column headed^ ^^ Single Premium^'^ opposite to 97 years of age, so that, where the columns D and M, are formed the rule to determine the single premium is. Divide the quantity in column M opposite to the age hy the quantity in column D, opposite to the same age. and, in this manner, the single premiums at each asre in Table 15 were obtained. If the annual premium for an Assurance were £l per annum, its equivalent present value, or ^^ Single Premium," would manifestly be £l paid down,^ added to the present value of an annuity of £*!, to be paid during the life in question, or on a life aged 97 .27439 =N, opposite to 97 "^ .73915 = D, do. ,.,. ,, .73915 + .27439 1.01354 which IS equal to ^g^^^ = -j^gy^ then by the simple rule of proportion. If 1.01354 , .70962 = M, at97 .70962 .73915 .73915' .73915 =D, at 97 • .73915 1.01354 .70962 = M, at 97 „^^. . = . . XT ^ n/? .70014 1.01354 =N, at 96 the annual premium for an assurance of jf'l on a life aged 97, and corresponds with the quantity given in * The Annual Premium for an assurance is always paid at the beginning of the year. 31 Table 15, in column headed ^^ Annual Premium/' opposite to 97 years of age. The rule^ therefore, to determine the annual pre- mium for an assurance of £^1 is, D ivide I he quantity in cohuim M, opposite to the given age, hy tJie quantity in column iV, opposite to the age one year younger; and, in this manner, tlie annual premiums at each age, in Table 15, were obtained. It is also manifest from the above that the annual premium might have been obtained by the following rule : Divide the Single Premium by 1 plus the value of an annuity on the life at the given age. Column R is the sum of the quantity at each age, and all the ages older than the given age in column M, and is useful in finding the values of increasing and decreasing assurances. LIFE ANNUITIES.— SINGLE LIVES. TABLE XII. It has already been shewn, in page 27 that the rates 2J, 3, and 3^ per cent, in this Table, have been constructed from the D and N columns in Tables 9, 10, and 11, but as D and N columns have not been constructed for any other rates of interest, it was found to occupy less time to calculate the remaining rates by the ordinary method. As the payment of an annuity depends upon the 32 party being alive when it becomes due, and as an annuity is considered to be due at the end of each year, it is manifest that the value of an annuity on a life aged 99, the oldest age in the Table, is equal to ; and on a life aged 98, the value, if the life were certain to survive the year, would at the end of the year be equal to £l, plus an annuity on a life aged 99, the present value of which reckoning interest at 3 per cent, is manifestly. 1 +0 X .970874 = .970874; but as the life is not certain to survive the year, this value must be diminished in the ratio of certainty or unity to the probability of its surviving the year, and will be A . 1 c^n^onA .970874 ^., As 1 : |:: .970874 : — - — = .243 and corresponds with the value given in Table 12, under 3 per cent, and opposite to 98 years, and by proceeding in this manner from the oldest to the youngest age, the rates 2, 4, 4|^, 5, 6, 7, and 8, per cent, have been computed, and is the method adopted by Mr. Milne in his excellent treatise on annuities. The rule being Multiply U7iily added to the value of an annuity on a life one year older than the given life by the present value of £\, due at the end of 1 year, and by the pro- bability of the given life surviving 1 year, and the product ivill be the value of an annuity on the given life. The table being formed, the value of any other amount at any given age and rate of interest, may be readily obtained by the following rule : 33 Multiply the anmiity of £\ at the given age and rate per cent, by the annuity^ whose amount is required, and the product will be the value of such annuity. EXAMPLE 1. Required the value of an Annuity of ^150 per annum, on a life aged 54 reckoning interest at 3 per cent ? By Table 12, opposite to 54 years of age, will be found 12.385. the present value of ^1 per annum on a life at that age, which, multiplied by 150 = £1857.75 =^1857. 15 the value required If it were required to find what annuity should be granted in consideration of a sum to be paid down, the rule would manifestly be Divide the sum to be paid down by the present value of an annuity of £\ on the given life at the given rate of iideresiy as for EXAMPLE 2. What Annuity ought to be granted on a life aged 54 in consideration of jf" 1857. 15 paid down, reckon- ing interest at 3 per cent ? 12.385 was shewn in the last example to be the value of an annuity at 3 per cent, on a life aged 54. 1857.75 ^,_ ^ J , then .^ oog = X 1 50 Answer, — and corresponds 12.385 ^ ^ with the annuity in example 1, whose present value was shewn to be £1857. 75 = f 1857.15. E 34 LIFE ANNUITIES— JOINT LlV^ES. TABLE XIII. The same reasoning employed with respect to Annuities on Single Lives^ is applicable to Joint Lives, the rule to determine the value of an annuity on the latter being, Multiply unily added to the value of an annuity on two Joint LiveSy respectively , one year older than the two given lives, by the present value of £\, due at the end of one year, and by the probability of the two given lives jointly surviving one year, EXAMPLE. Required, the value of an Annuity on two Joint Lives aged 89 and 84, reckoning interest at 3 per cent ? The two lives one year older than these respectively, are aged 90 and 85, and, on reference to Table 13, in the column headed, '' Older," will be found 90, and in the column on the right, headed, " Younger," will be found 85, opposite to which, in the column headed, 3 per cent, will be found, 0.946 the value of an annuity on two joint lives, aged 90 and 85, And on reference to Table 6, it will be found that .7076180 is the probability of a life aged 89, surviving one year .8103215 ditto 84 years, ditto 35 then .7070180 x .8103215 = .57340 the probability of the lives jointly and by Table 2 .970874 surviving one year present value of <£*! at 3 per cent, due at the end of one year, then 1,946 x .970874 x .57340 = 1.083 the value of an annuity on the two lives aged 89 and 84 as required^ and which corresponds with the value in Table 13, opposite to 89 and 84, in column head- ed 3 per cent., and in this manner by beginning at the ages at the several rates of in- terest, all the joint lives, where the difference of age is 5 were obtained, but it was not thought necessary to print the values of any joint lives at an older age than 90. 99 & M\ len 98 II 93 // 97 // 92 if m // 91 if 95 // 90 if 94 // 89 If 93 // 88 ff 92 // 87 n 91 // 86 a 90 // 85 H 89 // 84 &c. &c. And in a similar manner all the other quantities at the several rates of interest and differences of age in Table 13 were obtained; the value of the oldest of the two given lives at the given difference of age being first obtained, and then the values of the next two respectively, one year younger, &c. 36 The Table being formed, the value of an Annuity for any amount at any of the given ages, and rates of interest, may be obtained in the following manner. Multiply the value of the annuity of £\ at the given ages and rate of interest by the annuity, ivhose value is required, and the product ivill be the value of such annuity. EXAMPLE 1. Required the value of an Annuity of £^0 per annum on two joint lives aged 71 & 51, reckoning interest at 3|- per cent ? On reference to Table 13, in column '' 3 J per cent/' opposite to 71 & 51, will be found 5.487, which, multiplied by 30, gives 164,610 = ^164 12 2, the value required? EXAMPLE 2. Required the value of an Annuity of £50 per an- num on two joint lives aged 7 1 and 53, reckoning interest at ^^ per cent ? It will be found, on reference to Table 13, that both these ages are not contained in the Table, but against 71, the older age (in finding the values of annuities on joint lives, the older age is the index of the two ages), we find opposite to the column headed ^* Younger,"' that age 53 falls between 5 1 and 56, and the value at 3^ per cent, on 71 & 51 is 5.487 and 71 // 56 // 5.240 Dilference 0,247 37 and this being the difference for 5 years, -|th or, 049 subtracted from 5.487 will give the value on 71 & 52 ^^« // 098 ditto ditto, on 71 & 53 -^ths // 147 ditto ditto, // 71 // 54 -> // 196 ditto ditto, // 71 // 55 then 5.487-098 = 5.389, which, multiplied by 50 = ^269,450 =£"260 9, the value of an annuity of £50 per annum on two joint lives, aged 71 & 53, as required. And in a similar manner the value of an annuity at any other ages not found in the Table may be obtained. TWO JOINT LIVES AND THE SURVIVOR. An Annuity on the Last Survivor of two lives signifies an Annuity to be paid until the expiration of both lives. It is manifest that an annuity during the joint conti- nuance of two lives added to an annuity on the last survivor, are together equal to the sum of similar annuities on each of the lives, for in the case of the JointLives, the annuity would cease at the first death, and in the other on the death of the last survivor, consequently the value of the annuity on the last sur- vivor may be obtained by subtracting the value of an annuity on the Joint Lives from the sum of the annuities on the two single lives. EXAMPLE. Required the value of an Annuity of £30 per 38 annum, on the last survivor of two lives aged 51 and 36, reckoning interest at 3^ per cent? On reference to Table 12, in column headed 3 J per cent, will be found opposite to ages 5 1 and 36 12.795 = Value of annuity of jfi'l on a life aged 51, 17.037 = ditto ditto 36^ 29.832 = Sum And on reference to Table 1 3, in column headed 3j per cent, will be found 11.260, the value of an annuity on the two joint lives; then 29.832 — 11.260 = 18.572, which multiplied by 30, gives 55,7160 = £65 14 4 — Answer. And in a similar manner the value of an annuity of any other amount may be obtained, the rule being. From the sum of the valuea of an annuity of £\ on the separate lives at the given late, deduct the value of a similar annuity at the same rate on the Joint Lives and midtiply the difference by the annuity whose value is required. ABSOLUTE REVERSIONS— PRESENT VALUES. TABLE XIV. The mode of constructing this Table is explained in page 42. EXAMPLE. What is the present value of the Reversion to ^£"5000, or which is the same thing, the Single Pre- mium for an assurance of £5000 to be received at 39 tlie end of the year, in wliicli a life aged (JO may fail, reckoning interest at 4 per cent. ? By column 4 per cent, in Table 14, opposite to 60 years of age will be found .59943, the present value of the reversion of ^1 on the failure of the life in question ; then .59943 X 5000 =^2997.15 =f 2997 3 the value required. LIFE ASSURANCES— SINGLE LIVES. TABLE XV. EXAMPLE I, What Single Premium should be charged for an assurance of f 2500 on a life aged 55, reckoning interest at 3 per cent. ? By column headed ^^ Single Premium," in Table 15, and opposite to 55 years of age will be found .62075 the Single Premium to assure £l on the given life; then ,62075 X 2500 =^155L875 =^1551 17 6, the Single Premium required. EXAMPLE 2. What Annual Premium should be charged for an assurance of £4000 on a life aged 65^ reckoning in- terest at 3 per cent. ? By column headed Annual Premium in Table 15, and opposite to 65 years of age, will be found. 07745, the Annual premium for an assurance of ^1 on the given life, then .07745x4000 =^309.8 =.£309 16, the Annual Premium required. 40 The quantities in Table 15 were obtained by means of the D. N, and M, columns in Table 10, as explained in pages 28—31. The mode of obtaining the same results by the ordinary method will be illustrated in the following EXAMPLE. 3. Required the Single Premium for an assurance of ^1 on a life aged 97, reckoning interest at 3 per cent. By Table 2 .970874= Present value of £], to be received at the ex- piration of 1 year. // .942596= ditto ditto, 2 years. // .915142= dittoditto, 3 // and by Table 5 ^^~^ = Probability of a life aged 97 failing in or before completing the 98th year of age. ^~~^ = ditto ditto, in 99th ditto 13 // ^= ditto ditto, in 100th ditto Then (see page 28) (1^ X .970874) + (^ X .942596) + f_i_x .915142) =.96005 Single Premium re- ^ 13 quired as contained in Table 15, in column headed '' Single Premium/' opposite to 97 years of age. 41 Let us, however, separate the positive from the negative quantities, and we shall have ( if x .970874) + (^ X 942596) + (i§ X .915142)=Positive quantities. If we divide each of these by .970874, the present value of ^1, to be received at the expiration of one year, and multiply them again by that quantity, their value will still be the same, and we shall have .970874[j|+(^x 970874) + (j^x942596)| But the sum of the two last quantities, as was shewn in page 26, is equal to jf 0.37 1— the value of an annu- ity on a life aged 97, if, therefore, we substitute this value we shall have ^ + 0.371 )> = 970874 + (.970874 x 0.371) Let us now bring down the negative quantities from the original expression which are, ( ^ X 970874) + (^ X 942596) But these have just been shewn to be equal to .0.371 the value of an annuity on a life aged 97, this quan- tity, therefore, must be subtracted from the above expression, which will give ,970874 + (.970874 X .0.371) -0.371. Now the middle quantity is the present value of £0.371 to be received at the expiration of one year, (for the present value oi £i due at the end of any number of years, multiplied by any other sum, gives the present value of that sum for the same period), and if we subtract it from the last quantity we shall have .01082 or the discount for one year of the value of 42 the annuity;* then 970874— .01 082 = .96005, as before. The rule, therefore, for finding the Single pre- mium for an assurance by the ordinary method is From the prese7it value of £\ at the given rate of interest due at the end of one year subtract the discount for one year of the value of an annuity of £\ on the given life at the same rate of interest. And by this rule the quantities in Table 14 were obtained. The Rule to determine the annual premium as shewn in page 31, is Divide the single premium by 1 plus the value of an annuity on the life. And in a similar manner it might be shewn, that the Rule to determine the Single Premium for an assu- rance on two Joint Lives is From the present value of £\ at the given rate of interest due at the end of one year^ subtract the discount for one year of the value of an annuity of £\ on the Joint Lives at the same rate of interest. And for the Annual Premiums Divide the single premium by 1 plus the value of an annuity on the Joint Lives. And in this manner Table 16 was formed. And similarly — To find the Single Premium for an Assurance on the Last Survivor of Two Lives. * The discount of any sum is manifestly the difference between that sum and its present value, and may be obtained by multiplying the discount of £1 by any other sum, whose discount is required. 43 From the present value of £\ at the given rate of interest due at the end of one year, subtract the discount for one year of the value of an annuity of £\ on the last survivor, of the two lives at the same rate of interest. And for the Annual Premium — Divide the single premium by 1 plus the value of an annuity on the last survivor. And in this manner Table 17 was formed. LIFE ASSURANCES.— JOINT LIVES. TABLE XVI. The quantities in this Table were constructed by the following rules (see page 42.) To find the Single Premium. From the present value of £\ at the given rate of interest, due at the end of one year, subtract the discount for one year of the value of an annuity of <£] oji the Joint Lives at the same rate of interest. To find the Annual Premium : Divide the Single Premium by £\ plus the value of an annuity on the Joint Lives, EXAMPLE 1. Required the single and annual premium for an assurance of £\ on two lives aged 53 and 18^ rec- koning interest at 3 per cent,? By column 3 per cent, in Table 2^ and opposite to one year^ will be found 44 ,970874 the present value of ^1 at 3 per cent. due at tlie end of one year. And 1-. 970874 = .029126 = discount of ^1 at the same rate for one year. By column 3 per cent in Table 13^ opposite to 53 and 18, will be found, 11.776, the value of an annuity of £l on the two Joint Lives. And .029126 x 1 1.776 = . 34297 = the discount of the annuity for one year. Then .970874 -.34297 = .62790 the single premium required, and corresponds with the quantity in column ^^ Single Premium," in Table 16, opposite to ages 53 and 18. ^ , .62790 .62790 ^.^.. .i a 1 -1-11 776 ""^ 12 77(3 = .04915 the Annual Premium required, and corresponds with the quan- tity in column *^ Annual Premium," in Table 16, opposite to ages 53 and 18. And in a similar manner, the premiums at all the other ages in the Table were calculated, from which the Premiums, for assurances of any other amount may be readily obtained as shewn in the following examples. EXAMPLE 2. Required the Single Premium that would be charged according to Table 16, to effect an assu- rance of ^2000 on two lives, aged 54 and 29 ? On reference to the Table in column, headed " Single Premium," and opposite to ages 54 and 29, 45 will be found .64306, the Single Premium for an assurance of £"1 on the two lives, which, multiplied by 2000 gives ^1286.12 =£1286 2 5, the Single Premium required. EXAMPLE 3. What Annual Premium should be charged for the above assurance ? On reference to Table 16 in column, Annual Pre- mium per <£l, and opposite to ages 54 and 29, will be found .05247 which multiplied by 2000 = 104.94 = ^104 18 10, the Annual Premium required. LIFE ASSURANCES.— LAST SURVIVOR. TABLE XVII. The quantities in this Table were constructed by the following rules, (see page 42.) To find the Single Premium : From the present value of £i at the given i^ate oj interest clue at the end of one year, subtract the discount for one year, of the value of an Annuity of £l on the last Survivor of the two lives at the same rate of interest. To find the Annual Premium : Divide the Single Premium by 1 plus the value of an annuity on the last survivor, EXAMPLE 1. What Single and Annual Premium should be charged for an assurance of <£l on the last survivor 46 of two lives aged 46 and 41, reckoning interest at 3 per cent.? By Table 12, in column 3 per cent, the value of an annuity of ^1, on a life aged 46 years is 15.204 Ditto, ditto, 41 ditto .16.821 Sum =32.025 By Table 13, in column 3 per cent. the value of an annuity of ^1 on two joint lives aged 4 6 and 4 lis. . 12.488 Difference. • 19.537 = Value of an annuity of ^1 on the last survivor, (see page 37). By Table 2, the present value of £l at 3 per cent, due at the end of 1 year = .970874 and 1— .970874 = .029126 the discount of ^1 at 3 per cent, for one year. Then .029126 x 19.537= .56902 the discount for one year of the annuity on the last survivor. And .97087— .56902 = .40185 = the Single Premium required, and corresponds with the quantity in column *^^ Single Premium"^ in Table 17, opposite to ages 46 and 41. The Annual Premium, therefore, is equal to .40185 .40185 ^^^^^ , , 1 + 19.537 = 20:537= -^^^^^^ ^^^ corresponds with the quantity in column " Annual Premium per £{," in Table 17, opposite to the ages 46 and 41. And in a similar manner the Premiums at the other ages in the Table were found, from which the value of an assurance of any other amount may readily be obtained as shewn in the following examples. 47 EXAMPLE 2. What Single Premium should be charged for an assurance of £5000 on the last survivor of two lives aged 60 and 50^ reckoning interest at 3 per cent.? By Table 17_, opposite to ages 60 and 50^ in column *^ Single Premium per £\," will be found »51671, the single premium for the assurance of £l, on the survivor of the two lives^ which_, multiplied by 5000, gives £2583.55=^2583 11 the single premium required, EXAMPLE 3. What Annual Premium should be charged for the above assurance ? Bj Table 17^ opposite to ages 60 and 50^ in column headed *^ Annual Premium per£j_,''^ will be found .03114^ the annual premium for the assurance of £l^ on the last survivor of the two lives, which^ multiplied by 5000 gives £155.70 = £155 14, the annual premium required. VALUATION OF POLICIES— SINGLE LIVES. TABLES XVIII & XIX. Let it be assumed that the Annual Premium upon an assurance is ^1. Then the value of all the future Premiums_, where the Annual Premium has just been paid, is evidently equal to the value of an annuity of ^1 on the given life. 48 And where the premium is just due, but not paid, the value is evidently greater by that amount, and is equal to ^1 plus the value of an annuity of £l on the given life. The value of the future premiums, when estimated at any intermediate period between two successive payments, may, therefore, be obtained by deducting the value of ^1 on the age of the assured, at the date of the last payment, from the value increased by unity of a similar annuity on the age at the next payment, and adding to the former a part of the difference, proportional to the time elapsed since the last pay- ment became due ; and the several values thus ob- tained are given for each year and month in Table 18, And the value of the future payments of any other Annual Premium may be obtained by multiplying the quantities in the Table by such Annual Premium. The quantities in Table 19, show the Single Pre- mium required for an assurance of <£ 1 on each age, from 1 to 70 with interpolated values for months in each year. And the value for any other amount may be obtained by multiplying the quantities in the Table by such amount. The Value of a policy at any time is manifestly the difference between the *^ Single Premium,^'' for the sum assured on the age of the party, at the time the policy is proposed to be valued, and the then value of all the future premiums, expected to be received on such policy. 49 EXAMPLE 1. Required the value of a policy of £4000, effected at an annual premium of ^100 13 4 = £100.667 on a life aged 39, but now aged 57 years and four months ? By Table 19, in column, headed 4 months, and opposite to 57 years, will be found .64561, the single premium for an assurance of £l on a life aged 57 years and 4 months. Then .64561 x 4000 = 2582.4= Single Premium for an assurance of £4000 on a life aged 57 years and 4 months. And by Table 18, in column, headed 4 months, and opposite to 57 years, will be found 11.501, the value of the future premiums of f 1 per annum, on a life aged 57 years and 4 months. Then 11.501 x 100.667 = 1157.8 = Value of future Premiums. And 2582.4—1157.8 = 1424.6 = f 1424 12 the value of the policy as required. EXAMPLE 2. Required the value of a policy of £"3000, effected at an Annual Premium of ^68 8 0, =68,4 on a life aged 36, but now aged 60, upon which the premium is just due, but not paid. In this case the premium being just due, but not paid, the value of the future premiums will be 11.188, G 50 the quantity in Table 1 8, opposite to 59 years and 12 months, {i.e. unity added to 10.188, the quantity opposite to 60 years of age,) multiplied by 68.4, which gives 765.25. And by Table 19, the Single Premium for an assurance of ^''l, on a life aged 60, is .67414, which, multiplied by 3000, is equal to 2022.42. Then, 2022.42— 765.25 =£^1257. 17 =£1257 3 5 = the present value required. If the premium in this case had been just paid, the value of the future premiums would be equal to 10.188, the quantity opposite to 60 years of age mul- tiplied by 68.4=696.85. And 2022.42-696.85 = 1325.57=^1325 11 5 = the value required; which, it will be observed, is equal to the above value, plus £6S Ss., so that the value of a policy, when the premium has just been paid, is equal to the value of the policy upon which the premium is due and not paid, plus the payment then made. If one or more bonuses have been added to a policy, find the value at the present age of the sum assured by the policy, plus the amount of such bonuses, and proceed as before. The value of a policy which had been effected by the payment of a single premium is manifestly equal to the single premium that would be required for an assurance of the same amount at the present age, and may be obtained from Table 19. 51 TEMPORARY ANNUITIES AND ASSURANCES. Comparative Advantages of the Z), iY, and M Method, and the Ordinary Method of Calculating the Values of Annuities and Assurances. The D and N system was first employed by Mr. Griffith Davies^ the Actuary of the Guardian Assu- rance Company, and the Formulae used by him are somewhat analagous to those originally pointed out by the late Mr. Barrett. The following examples will serve to show the superiority of the new method. EXAMPLE 1. Required the value of an Annuity of £'20 per annum on a life aged 36^ to continue 10 years, reck- oning interest at 3 per cent. Rule by the D. and N. columns. From the quantity in column N at the present as^e, subtract the quantity in the same column at the advanced a<^e, and divide the difference by the quantity in column D at the present age. In Table 10, 515312.329 = the quantity in column N, opposite to 36 the present age. ,, 287000.704 ditto, opposite to 46, ■ the advanced age. 22831 1.625 = difference. ,, 28228.483 =: the quantity in column D. opposite to 36 the present age. 52 228311.625 ^ ^^^ ,^ then "oqooq'Tqq ="*^^"^ ^^^ value required. Rule, by the common method — From the value of an annuity on the life at the pre- sent age, subtract the value of an annuity on the life at the advanced age, multiplied hy the present value of£l at the given rate of interest due at the end of the term for which the annuity is to continue^ and by the proba- bility of the life at the present age, surviving that term. By column, headed 3 per cent, in Table 12 18.255 = present value of an annuity of £^1 on a life aged 36. Do. do. 15.204=do. do. 46. By Table 2, in column 3 per cent, opposite 10 years, .744094 = Present value of £\ at 3 per cent, due at the endof 10 years. By Table 5 73526 = Probability of a 81814 life aged 36, living 10 years. 73526 Then 15.204 x ,744094 x ^YgY^ = 10. i 67 And 18.255—10.167 =8.088 as before. The rule to find the value of a DEFERRED ANNUITY, by the D and N columns is. Divide the quantity in column N, at the age the Annuity is to be entered upon by the quantity in column D at the present age. 53 EXAMPLE 2. Required the Single Premium for an assurance of £3000 on a life aged 40 for the term of 7 years, reckoning interest at 3 per cent.? Rule by the D and M columns. From the quantity in column M at the present age subtract the quantity in the same column at the advanced age, and divide the difference hy the quantity in column D at the present age. In Table 10, 11384. 144 = the quantity in column M, opposite to 40, the present age. u 9732.454 Ditto opposite to 47 the advanced age, 1651.690 = difference u 241 11,6 15= the quantity in column D, opposite to 40, the present age. ^, 1651.690 ^^^^ - . , I,. ,. , , Ihen 04111 ^ig = '^Q^^^ which, multiplied by 3000 gives f'205.5=.£'205 10 0, the single premium re- quired. Rule by the common method. From the value of an annuity on the life, at the present age, subtract the value of an annuity on the life at the advanced age y multiplied by the present value of £\. due at the end of the term for which the assur- ance is to continue, and by the probability of the life surviving that term ; and multiply the difference thus 54 obtained by the discount of £ I, for one year; then sub- tract this product frofn the present value of £\, due at the end of one year, multiplied by unity minus the product of the probability of the life surviving the term, and the present value of £l, due at the end of the term. In column 3 per cent of Table 12 17. 123 = the present value of an annuity of <£l at three per cent, on a life aged 40. M 14.864= do. do 47 In ditto of Table 2, .813092 = the present value of fl^ at 3 per cent, due at the end of 7 years Ditto .970874 = do. do. at the end of 1 year. And 1—970874 = 029 126= discount of£l at 3 per cent, for one year. From Table 5 we obtain 4lil, the probability of a life aged 40 surviving 7 years. From which we obtain, according to the rule .970874[l— ^mi X .813092 |-.029126J^17.I23— -ggx. 813092x14.864] = .24240— .17388 = .06852. And .06852 x 3000- £205.5 = £205 10 as before. The rule to find the value of a DEFERRED ASSURANCE by the D and M columns is, 55 Divide the quantity in column M, at the advanced age, by the quantity in column D at the present age. The above examples in Temporary Annuities^ and Assurances, without exhibiting the length of the operations of the multiplications and divisions, are sufficiently illustrative of the superiority of the D and N method. Other examples, much more striking, might be given, but the subject will be found fully illustrated in the treatise on Annuities and Assu- rances, by D. Jones, published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in which will also be found a very extensive collection of formulae for all cases involving one and two lives.* *This Formulae is contained in No. 7, of the work, price sixpence, which may probably be obtained separately, and as it is printed in octavo, it might with advantage be bound up with the present work. TAB LES COMPOUND INTEREST, Showing the Amount of £1 improved at Compound Interest, for any number of years not exceeding 100. Years. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 ^ Cent. li ^ Cent. 2 W Cent 2i W Cent. 1.010000 1.020100 1.030301 1.040604 1.051010 1.061520 1.072135 1.082856 1.093685 1.104622 1.115668 1.126825 1.138093 1.149474 1.160969 1.172579 1.184305 1.196148 1.208109 1.220190 1.232392 1.244716 1.257163 1 269735 1.282432 1.295256 1.308209 1.321291 1.334504 1.347849 1.361327 1.374940 1.388689 1.402576 1.416602 1.430768 1.445076 1.459527 1.474122 1.488863 1.503752 1.518790 1.533978 1.549318 1.. 5648 11 1.580459 1.596264 1.612227 1.628349 1.644632 1.015000 1.030225 1.045678 1.061363 1.077284 1.093444 1.109845 1.126492 1.143389 1.160540 1.177948 1.195616 1.213550 1.231754 1.250231 1.268984 I 1.288019 1.307339 1.326948 1.346851 1.367055 1.387562 1.408376 1.429502 1.450945 1.472709 1.494800 1.517222 1.539980 1.563080 1.586527 1.610324 1.634479 1.658997 1.683882 1.709141 1.734777 1.760799 1.787211 1.814019 1.841229 1.868847 1.896879 1.925333 1.954212 1.983525 2.013277 2.043477 2.074129 2.105240 1.020000 1.040400 1.061208 1.082432 1.104081 1.126162 1.148686 1.171659 1.195093 1.218994 1.243374 1.268242 1.293607 1.319479 1.345868 1.372786 1.400241 1.428246 1.456811 1.485947 1.515666 1.545980 1.576899 1.608437 1.640606 1.673418 1.706886 1.741024 1.775845 1.811362 1.847589 1.884541 1.922231 1.960076 1.999890 2.039887 2.080685 2.122299 2.164745 2.208040 2.252200 2.297244 2.343189 2.390053 2.437854 2.486611 2.536344 2.587070 2.638812 2.691588 3#'Cent. Sic^Cent. 1.025000 1.050625 1.076891 1.103813 1.131408 1.159693 1.188686 1.218403 1.248863 1.280085 1.312087 1.344889 1.378511 1.412974 1.448298 1.484506 1.521618 1.559659 1.598650 1.638616 1.679582 1.721571 1.764611 1.808726 1.853944 1.900293 1.947800 1.996495 2.046407 2.097568 2.150007 2.203757 2.258851 2.315322 2.373205 2.432535 2.493349 2.555682 2.619574 2.685064 2.752190 2.820995 2.891520 2.963808 3.037903 3.113851 3.191697 3.271490 3.353277 3.437109 1.030000 1.060900 1.092727 1.125509 1.159274 1.194052 1.229874 1.266770 1.304773 1.343916 1.384234 1.425761 1.468534 1.512590 1.557967 1.604706 1.652848 1.702433 1.753506 1.806111 1.860295 1.916103 1.973587 2.032794 2.093778 2.156591 2.221289 2.287928 2.356566 2.427262 2.500080 2.575083 2.652335 2.731905 2.813862 2.898278 2.985227 3.074783 3.167027 3.262038 3.359899 3.460696 3.564517 3.671452 3.781596 3.895044 4.011895 4.132252 4.256219 4.383906 1.035000 1.071225 1.108718 1.147523 1.187686 1.229255 1.272279 1.316809 1.362897 1.410599 1.459970 1.511069 1.563956 1.618695 1.675349 1.733986 1.794676 1.857489 1.922501 1.989789 2.059431 2.131512 2.206114 2.283328 2.363245 2.445959 2.531567 2.620172 2.711878 2.806794 2.905031 3.006708 3.111942 3.220860 3.333590 3.450266 3.571025 3.696011 3.825372 3.959260 4.097834 4.241258 4.389702 4.543342 4.702359 4.866941 5.037284 5.213589 5.396065 5.584927 TABXiS X. COMPOUND INTEREST, Showing the Aiiiount of£l im})roved at Compoun Cent. 2 ^ Cent. 2i #■ Cent. 3 #* Cent. 3i#' Cent. 1 .990099 .985222 .980392 .975610 .970874 .966184 2 1.970395 1.955884 1.941561 1.927424 1.913470 1.899694 3 2.940985 2.912201 2.883883 2.856024 2.828611 2.801637 4 3.901965 3.854385 3.807729 3.761974 3.717098 3.673079 5 4.853431 4.782645 4.713460 4.645828 4,579707 4.515052 6 5.795476 5.697187 5.601431 5.508125 5.417191 5.328553 7 6.728194 6.598214 6.471991 6.349391 6.230283 6.114544 8 7.651677 7.485925 7.325481 7.170137 7.019692 6.873956 9 8.566017 8.360517 8.162237 7.970866 7.786109 7.607687 10 9.471304 9.222184 8.982585 8.752064 8.530203 8.316605 11 10.367628 10.071117 9.786848 9.514209 9.252624 9.001551 12 11.255077 10.907504 10.575341 10.257765 9.954004 9.663334 13 12.133739 11.731531 11.348374 10.983185 10.634955 10.302738 14 13.003702 12.543380 12.106249 11.690912 11.296073 10.920520 15 13.865051 13.343232 12.849264 12.381378 11.937935 11.517411 16 14.717872 14.131263 13.577709 13.055003 12.561102 12.094117 17 15.562249 14.907648 14.291872 13.712198 13.166118 12.651321 18 16.398266 15.672560 14.992031 14.353364 13.753513 13.189682 19 17.226006 16.426167 15.678462 14.978891 14.323799 13.709837 20 18.045550 17.168638 16.351433 15.589162 14.877475 14.212403 21 18.856980 17.900136 17.011209 16.184549 15.415024 14.697974 22 19.660376 18.620823 17.658048 16.765413 15.936917 15.167125 23 20.455818 19.330860 18.292204 17.332110 16.443608 15.620410 24 21.243384 20.030404 18.913926 17.884986 16.935542 16.058368 25 22.023152 20.719610 19.523456 18.424376 17.413148 16.481515 26 22.795200 21.398630 20.121036 18.950611 17.876842 16.890352 27 23.559604 22.067616 20.706898 19.464011 18.327031 17.285365 28 24.316440 22.726715 21.281272 19.964889 18.764108 17.667019 29 25.065782 23.376074 21.844385 20.453550 19.188455 18.035767 30 25.807705 24.015836 22.396456 20.930293 19.600441 18.392045 31 26.542282 24.646144 22.937702 21.395407 20.000428 18.736276 32 27.269586 25.267138 23.468335 21.849178 20.388766 19.068865 33 27.989689 25.878954 23.988564 22.291881 20.765792 19.390208 34 28.702662 26.481728 24.498592 22.723786 21.131837 19.700684 35 29.408576 27.075594 24.998619 23.145157 21.487220 20.000661 36 30.107501 27.660684 25.488842 23.556251 21.832252 20.290494 37 30.799506 28.237127 25.969453 23.957318 22.167235 20.570525 38 31.484659 28.805051 26.440641 24.348603 22.492462 20.841087 39 32.163029 29.364582 26.902589 24.730344 22.808215 21.102500 40 32.834682 29.915844 27.355479 25.102775 23.114772 21.355072 41 33.499685 30.458960 27.799489 25.466122 23.412400 21.599104 42 34.158104 30.994049 28.234794 25.820607 23.701359 21.834883 43 34.810004 31.521231 28.661562 26.166446 23.981902 22.062689 44 35.455449 32.040622 29.079963 26.503849 24.254274 22.282791 45 36.094504 32.552337 29.490160 26.833024 24.518713 22.495460 46 36.727232 33.056490 29.892314 27.154170 24.775449 22.700918 47 37.353695 33.553192 30.286582 27.467483 25.024708 22.899438 48 37.973955 34.042554 30.673120 27.773154 25.266707 23.091244 1 49 38.588074 34.524684 31.052078 28.071369 25.501657 23.276564 50 39.196113 34.999689 31.423606 28.362312 25.729704 23.455618 j ANNUITIES CERTAIN— I'RESENT VALUES, Showing the Present Valve of £1 jjcr Annum for any number of years not exceeding 100. Years. 4 f Cent. 4i#'Cent. 5 #* Cent. 6^] .77347 38 .36408 .29653 .24570 83 .84693 .81482 .78474 39 .37242 .30447 .25306 84 .85535 .82471 .79595 40 .38104 .31271 .26075 85 .86369 .83458 .80710 41 .38996 .32134 .26879 86 .87200 .84438 .81830 42 .39918 .33028 .27728 87 .88022 .85414 .82945 43 .40869 .33962 .28611 88 .88843 .86391 .84055 44 .41849 .34923 .29540 89 .89650 .87357 .85164 45 .42857 .35925 .30497 90 .90444 .88306 .86257 46 .43884 .36948 .31487 91 .91216 .89233 .87332 47 .44934 .38000 .32512 92 .91962 .90134 .88374 48 .46004 .39077 .33565 93 .92070 .90992 .89366 49 .47088 .40176 .34646 94 .93320 .91782 .90287 50 .48192 .41306 .35762 95 .93908 .92496 .91120 51 .49311 .42452 .36899 96 .94378 .93068 .91792 52 .50446 .43620 .38065 97 .94743 .93510 .92309 53 .51597 .44810 .39258 98 .95231 .94106 .93004 54 .52759 .46020 .40481 TABX.S XV. LIFE ASSURANCES— SINGLE LIVES. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium for the Assurance of £1 on a Single Life, according to the Mortality obtained from the combined exjierlence of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per cent. Single Annual Single Annual Age. Premium. Premium. Age. Premium. Premium. ]0 .29061 .01193 55 .62075 .04767 11 .29456 .01216 56 .63139 .04988 12 .29863 .01240 67 .64205 .05224 13 .30284 .01265 58 .65274 .05474 14 .30718 .01291 59 .66344 .05741 15 .31165 .01318 60 .67414 .06025 16 .316-25 .01347 61 .68480 .06328 17 .32099 .01376 62 .69541 .06649 18 .32585 .01408 63 .70595 .06992 19 .33086 .01440 64 .71640 .07357 20 .33600 .01473 65 .72673 .07745 21 .34128 .01508 66 .73694 .08159 22 .34669 .01545 67 .74700 .08599 23 .35226 .01583 68 .75689 .09068 24 .35797 .01624 69 .76662 .09567 25 .36383 .01665 70 .77617 .10100 26 .36985 .01709 71 .78553 .10668 27 .37603 .01755 72 .79469 .11274 28 .38236 .01803 73 .80364 .11921 29 .38886 .01853 74 .81239 .12612 30 .39552 .01905 75 .82092 .1.3352 31 .40235 .01960 76 .82923 .14143 32 .40936 .02018 77 .83732 .14991 33 .41654 .02079 78 .84518 .15900 34 .42389 .02143 79 .85281 .16875 35 .43144 .02210 80 .86021 .17924 36 .43917 .02280 1 81 .86740 .19053 37 .44710 .02355 82 .87440 .20278 38 .45524 .02434 83 .88126 .21616 39 .46358 .02517 ! 84 .88799 .23091 40 .47214 .02605 85 .89465 .24734 41 .48093 .02698 86 .90123 .26577 42 .48995 .02797 87 .90774 .28658 43 .49919 .02903 88 .91419 .31029 44 .50863 .03014 89 .92053 .33740 45 .51826 .03133 90 .92673 .36837 46 .52804 .03258 91 .93276 .40404 47 .53795 .03391 92 .93857 .44498 48 .54798 .03530 93 .94405 .49143 49 .55812 .03678 94 .94910 .54302 50 .56836 .03835 95 .95362 .59885 51 .57870 .04000 96 .95726 .65219 52 .58912 .04176 97 .96005 .70014 53 .59960 .04361 98 .96382 .77558 54 .61015 .04558 TABZ.S XVZ. LIFE ASSURANCES— JOINT LIVES. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum paj^able at the decease of the first of Two Assigned Lives, accordino- to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning interest at 3 per Cent. Age. Annual Annual Single Age. Annual Annual Single I 1 2 'remium Prem. 3er Cent, per £1. Prem. per £1 . Premiun per Cent 1 Prem. Prem. Older. Younger Older. 27 Younger , per £1 per £1 14 14 11 i .02044 .41238 12 2 7 7 .0237C 1 .44958 17 2 9 .0244^ .45665 15 10 2 .02000 .40719 22 2 10 11 02546 .46641 15 2 1 7 .02080 141673 27 2 13 8 02685 .47966 16 11 1 8 .02035 .41137 2S 13 2 8 8 .024.32 .45503 16 o 2 5 .02119 .42121 18 23 2 10 2 12 1 1 02504 .02606 .46227 .47227 17 12 17 2 2 1 5 3 2 .02072 .02160 41567 .42585 28 2 15 1 .02753 .48587 29 14 2 9 9 .02487 .46062 18 13 2 2 2 .02110 .42014 19 2 11 3 .02563 .46804 18 2 4 .02202 43059 24 29 2 13 2 16 5 6 .02070 .02823 .47827 .49222 19 14 2 3 .02150 .42474 1 19 2 4 11 .02247 .43548 1 30 10 15 2 9 2 10 10 11 .02493 .02545 .46117 .46638 20 10 2 2 5 .02121 .42139 20 2 12 6 .02624 .47398 15 2 3 10 .02192 .42946 25 2 14 9 .02737 .48444 2J 2 5 10 .02293 .44053 1 1 30 2 18 .02898 .49872 21 11 2 3 3 .02161 .42600 31 11 2 11 .02551 .46693 16 2 4 9 .02236 .43432 16 2 12 2 .02607 .47230 21 2 6 10 .02342 44568 21 26 2 13 2 16 9 2 .02689 .02807 .48007 .49076 ZZ 12 17 2 2 4 1 5 8 .02204 .02282 .43074 .43930 31 2 19 6 .02976 .50539 22 2 7 10 .02392 45097 32 12 17 2 12 2 13 3 5 .02613 .02671 .47288 .47840 23 13 2 5 .02248 .43563 22 2 15 2 .02758 .48631 18 2 6 7 .02329 .44442 27 2 17 7 .02880 .49723 23 2 8 11 .02445 •45642 32 3 1 2 .03058 .51220 24 14 2 5 1, .02294 44067 33 13 2 13 7 .02678 47900 19 2 7 7 .02380 .44972 18 2 14 9 .02739 .48462 24 2 10 .02501 46201 23 28 2 16 2 19 7 2 .02829 .02958 .49272 .50.387 25 10 15 2 2 5 7 6 10 .02281 .02343 •43918 .44586 33 3 2 11 03145 .51919 20 2 8 8 .02433 .45515 34 14 2 14 11 02746 .48529 25 2 11 2 .02559 .46775 19 24 2 16 2 18 2' 1 02810 02904! .49102 49927 2.C 11 2 6 7 .02329 .44431 29 3 9 03039 .51068 16 2 7 11 .02395 .45118 34 3 4 9 03237 52635 21 2 9 9 02488 .46071 26 2 12 5 .02621 .47363 35 10 ' 2 15 5 1 1 02771 48759 LIFE ANNUITIES— JOINT LIVES. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the decease of the first of two Assigned Lives, according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. Ag( Annual ^ Annual Single Age. Annua Annual Single 1 I founger. ' 'remium er Cent. 1 1 Prem. Prem. per £1. per £1. ] Premium Prem. Prem. jer Cent, per £1. per £1. Oider. "5 Older. "' f ounger* ^ 35 15 5 2 16 4 . 02818 49175 ^1 36 3 15 2 . 1 03759 .56344 20 ' 2 17 8 . 02885 49761 41 4 1 l'. 04054 .58192 25 2 19 8 .02983 50599 1 1 30 3 2 6.03126 51768 42 12 3 6 10 .03343 .534401 35 3 6 8. 03333 53369 17 22 3 7 3 9 9 .03387 .53762 .03452 .54234 36 11 2 16 11 02845 .49414 27 3 10 11 .03544 .54887 16 2 17 11 ! 02894 .49840 32 3 13 8 .03682 .55830 21 2 19 3! 02964 .50437 37 3 17 9 .03889 .57177 26 3 14! .03067 .51290 42 4 4 1 .04204 .59075 31 3 4 4' .03217 .52480 1 1 36 3 8 9 .03436 .54120 43 13 3 9 .03452 .54235 37 18 3 10 .03498 .54564 12 2 18 6 .02923 .50088 23 3 11 4 .03565 .55039 17 2 19 6 .02974 .50521 28 3 13 3 .03662 .55700 22 3 10 .03048 .51130 33 3 16 2 .03808.56658 27 3 3 1 .03155 .51997 38 4 7 .04028.58033 32 3 6 3 .03313 .53214 43 4 7 4 .04366.59981 37 3 10 11 .03545 .54893 44 14 3 11 4 .03567 .55050 38 13 3 1 .03005 .50780 19 3 12 4 .03616 .55385 18 3 12 .03059 .51224 24 3 13 9 .03686 .55862 23 3 2 8 .03135 .51840 29 3 15 9 .03788 .56533 28 3 5 .03248 .52724 34 3 18 10 .03941 .57506 33 3 8 4 .03415 .53966 39 4 3 6 .04176 .58910 38 3 13 2 .03660 .55685 44 4 10 9 .04537 .60904 39 14 3 1 10 .03092 .51493 45 10 3 13 1 .03655 .55654 19 3 3 .03149 .51945 15 3 13 10 .03690 .55887 24 3 4 7 .03228 .52571 20 3 14 10 .03741 .56224 29 3 7 .03348 .53471 25 3 16 4 .03815 .56704 34 3 10 5 .03522 .54739 30 3 18 5 .03921 .57381 39 3 15 8 .03783 .56499 35 4 1 8 .04084 .58371 40 4 6 8 .04333 .59803 40 10 15 3 2 11 3 3 8 .03145 .03184 .51916 .52227 j 45 4 14 5 .04721 .61845 20 3 4 10 .03243 .52688 46 11 3 15 8 .03783 .56501 25 3 6 6 .03327 .53323 16 3 16 5 .03820 .56736 30 3 9 .03452 .54238 21 3 17 6 .03873 .57079 35 3 12 9 .03(137 .55531 26 3 19 .03950 .57561 40 3 18 3 .03914 .57335 31 4 1 3 .04063 .58246 j 36 4 4 8 .04235 .59250 %l 11 3 4 10 .03241 .52667 41 4 10 .04501 i. 607 15 16 3 5 8 .03283 .52985 46 4 18 4 .04917 1.62798 21 3 6 11 .0334/: .53451 26 3 8 8 .03432 . .54095 47 12 3 18 5 .03919 .57363 31 3 11 3 .03562 i .55024 1 17 3 19 2 .03957 .57602 TABX.E XVI. LIFE ASSURANCES— JOINT LIVES. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the decease of the first of two Assigned Live?, according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. A ;e. An mi al Annual Sinsjle Age A nnui ii Annual Single Premium per Cent. Prem. ' Prem. per £l.'per £1. Premium per Cent. Prem. per £1. Prem. per £1. Older. Younger- Older. Younger. 4:7 22 4 3 1 .04013 .57943 52 22 4 15 5 .04772 .62008 27 4 1 11 .04094 .58429 27 4 16 10 .04842 .62442 32 4 4 3 .04212 .59122 32 4 18 11 .04946 .02938 37 4 7 11 .04395 .60140 37 5 2 1 .05105 .03071 42 4 13 7 .04680 .61641 42 5 7 2 .05359 .64787 47 5 2 6 .05124 .63755 47 52 5 6 15 7 4 4 .05766 .06367 .66438 .68615 48 13 4 1 3 .04062 .58240 18 4 2 .04102 .58479 53 13 4 17 7 .04879 .62615 23 4 3 3 .04161 .58823 18 4 18 3 .04915 .62790 28 4 4 10 .04246 .5931 1 23 4 19 4 .04965 .03028 33 4 7 5 .04371 .60011 28 5 9 .05039 .63372 38 4 11 4 .04565 .01046 33 5 3 .0.5148 .63867 43 4 17 5 .04871 .62583 38 5 6 4 .05317 .64609 48 5 6 10 .05343 .64720 43 48 5 6 11 10 6 .05591 .00026 65748 .07414 •£9 14 19 4 4 4 5 3 1 .04213 .04255 .59128 .59366 53 6 13 4 .06665 .69596 24 4 6 4 .04317 .59710 5€ 14 5 1 7 .05079 .63552 29 4 8 1 .04406 .60202 19 5 2 4 .05117 .63726 34 4 10 9 .04538 .60910 24 5 3 5 .05169 |.C3962| 39 4 14 11 .04745 .61964 29 5 4 11 .05247 .64306 44 5 1 6 .05075 .63535 34 5 7 3 .05362 .64801 49 5 11 6 .05577 .65690 39 44 I 10 16 10 9 .05543 .05839 .65556 .66718 50 10 4 6 10 .04343 .59856 49 6 G .06301 .68389 15 4 7 6 .04374 .60028 54 6 19 8 .06983 .70566 20 4 8 4 .04418 .60266 25 4 9 8 .04482 .60610 55 10 5 5 3 .05263 .64374 30 4 11 6 .04576 .61104 1 15 5 5 10 .05292 .64499 35 4 14 4 .04716 .61822 20 5 6 8 .05332 .64671 40 4 18 9 .04937 .62894 25 5 7 9 .05387 .64907 45 5 5 10 .0.5291 .64496 30 5 9 5 .05469 .65247 50 5 16 6 .05824 .66663 1 35 40 5 5 11 15 10 8 .05590 .05784 .65745 .66508 51 11 4 10 3 .04511 .60764 45 6 2 1 .06103 .67693 16 4 10 11 .04544 .C0939 50 6 11 11 .06596 .69369 21 4 11 10 .04590 .61178 55 7 6 5 .07321 .71538 26 4 13 2 .04657 .61522 31 4 15 1 .04756 .02017 56 11 5 9 9 .05487 .65323 36 4 18 1 .04905 .62743 16 5 10 4 .05518 .65450 41 5 2 10 .05141 .63835 21 5 11 2 .05559 .65619 46 5 10 5 .05521 .65465 26 5 12 4 .05617 .65853 51 6 1 9 .06088 .67638 31 36 5 5 14 16 1 8 .05703 .05832 .66194 .66692 52 12 4 13 9 .04689 .61684 41 6 10 .06041 .67469 17 4 14 6 .04724 .61859 46 6 7 8 .06385 .68673 T^BZiS XVI. LIFE ASSURANCES— JOINT LIVES. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the decease of the first of two Assigned Lives, according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per cent. Age. Annual i 4.niiual Single Age. Annual iinnual Single 1 ] Premium )er Cent. Prem. Prem. , . per £. per £1.1 i Premium Prem. 1 Prem. per Cent, per £1. per £1. Older. 1 ^ounger. I Older. Younger. 56 51 ( 3 18 2 06909 70344 61 11 6 16 4 06817 . 70065 56 7 13 7 07681 72505 1 16 21 6 16 11 6 17 8 06844 06883 70146 70266 57 12 5 14 6 05725 66278' 26 6 18 8 .06935 70422 17 5 15 2 .05758 664061 31 7 2 .07009 70644 22 5 16 .05801 .66575 36 7 2 5 .07121 .70973 27 5 17 3 .05862 .66805 41 7 6 1 .07304 .71492 32 5 19 .05952 .67143 46 7 12 4 .07616 .72336 37 6 1 9 .06089 .67644 51 8 1 11 .08096 .73542 42 6 G 4 .06315 .68437 56 8 16 4 .08815 .75164 47 6 13 8 .06684 .69651 61 9 17 9 .09888 .77246 52 7 4 10 .07242 .71317 57 8 13 .08064 .73466 62 12 17 7 2 10 7 3 5 .07142 .07170 .71031 .71113 58 13 5 19 7 .05978 .67239 22 7 4 3 .07211 .71229 18 6 3 .06018 .67367 27 7 5 4 .07266 .71384 23 6 1 2 .06059 .67534 32 7 6 11 .07344 .71602 28 6 2 5 .06122 .67763 37 7 9 3 .07463 .71928 33 6 4 4 .06217 .68098 42 7 13 3 .07662 .72456 38 6 7 3 .06364 .68603 47 7 19 11 .07997 .73303 43 6 12 2 .06608 .69409 52 8 10 2 .08509 .74500 48 7 1 .07004 .70629 57 9 5 6 .09277 .76105 63 7 11 11 .07597 .72287 62 10 8 6 .10426 .78164 58 8 9 6 .08475 .74424 63 13 7 9 9 .07487 .71992 59 14 6 5 .06249 .68207 18 7 10 4 .07517 .72074 19 6 5 8 .06284 .68331 ! 23 7 11 2 .07559 .72188 24 6 6 8 .06332 .68495' 28 7 12 4 .07618 .72342 29 6 8 .06399 .68723 33 7 14 .07699 .72555 34 6 10 .06499 .69054 38 7 16 6 .07827 .72881 39 6 13 2 .06657 .69563 43 8 11 .08044 .73417 44 6 18 5 .06922 .70385 48 8 8 1 .08404 .74261 49 7 6 11 .07345 .71605 53 8 19 .08949 .75447 54 7 19 6 .07977 .73254 58 9 15 5 .09771 .77037 . 59 8 18 4 .08915 .75374 63 11 .11000 .79064 60 10 6 10 3 .06511 .69095 6^ 14 7 17 1 .07855 .72951 15 6 10 8 .06537 .09176 19 7 17 9 .07888 .73032 20 6 11 C .06574 .69299 24 7 18 8 .07932 .73145 25 6 12 C .06624 .69459 29 7 19 IC .07993 .73292 30 6 13 11 .06695 .69683 34 8 1 7 .08079 .73501 35 |6 16 C .0680C .70015 39 8 4 4 ■ .08216 .73827 40 |6 19 5 .0697C .70528 44 8 9 C .08452 .74372 45 7 5 2 .07257 .71360 49 8 16 £ .08838 .75214 50 7 14 2 ! .0770S 1 .72578 54 9 8 £ .09421 .76385 55 8 7 8 S .0838? ( .74215 59 10 6 C 1 .10298 .77952 60 9 7 £ ) .0938e » .76318 64 11 12 £ t .11611 .79946 TABZ.E XVZ. LIFE ASSURANCES— JOINT LIVES. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the decease of the first of two Assigned Lives accordinir to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. ° Age. Annual Annual Single Age. Annual Annua] $>iric7]a . Premium per Cent. Prem. per £1. Prem. per £1. Premium per Cent. Prem. per ^1 oiiigit; Older. 65 Younger Older. Younger Prem. per £1 10 8 4 6 .08224 .73848 68 13 9 11 1 .09554 .76038 15 8 4 11 .08247 .73900 18 9 11 8 .09582 .76691 V 20 8 5 7 .08281 .73982 23 9 12 5 .09621 .76763 25 8 6 6 .08327 .74087 28 9 13 5 .09673 .76859 30 8 7 10 .08390 .74232 33 9 14 11 .09747 .76993 35 8 9 8 .08483 .74442 38 9 17 2 .09857 .77191 40 8 12 7 .08629 .74765 43 10 1 .10049 .77529 45 8 17 9 .08888 .75319 48 10 7 6 .10376 .78083 50 9 6 .09300 .76152 53 10 17 6 .10877 .78878 55 9 18 5 .09922 .77308 58 11 12 8 .11635 .79979 60 10 17 3 .10861 .78855 63 12 15 10 .12791 .81453 65 12 5 4 .12266 .80812 68 14 9 11 .14497 .83270 66 11 8 12 10 .08640 .74788 €9 14 10 1 1 .10056 .77541 16 8 13 4 .08665 .74844 19 10 1 9 .10086 .77593 21 8 14 .08700 .74920 24 10 2 6 .10126 .77663 26 8 15 .08749 .75024 29 10 3 7 .10181 .77757 31 8 16 3 .08814 .75164 34 10 5 o .10259 .77888 36 8 18 3 .08912 .75.368; 39 10 7 6 .10376 .78083 41 9 15 .09072 .756971 44 10 11 9 .10586 .78423 46 9 7 .09352 .76254; 49 10 18 9 .10937 .78971 51 9 15 10 .09792 .77075; 54 11 9 5 .11472 .79752 56 10 9 1 .10456 .78214; 59 12 5 8 .12285 .80835 61 11 9 3 .11464 .79740 64 13 10 5 .13521 .82277 66 12 19 3 .12968 .81654 69 15 6 9 .15339 .84042 67 12 9 1 8 .09084 .75721 70 10 10 11 5 .10569 .78397 17 9 2 2 .09109 .75773J 15 10 11 10 .10591 .78432 22 9 2 11 .09147 .75849! 20 10 12 5 .10622 .78482 27 9 3 11 .09197 .75948 25 10 13 4 .10667 .78552 32 9 5 4 .09267 .76088 30 10 14 6 .10724 .78042 37 9 7 5 .09370 .76288 35 10 16 1 10804 .78767 42 9 10 10 .09543 76G18 40 10 18 8 10932 78962 47 9 16 11 .09847 .77174 45 11 3 3.11162 79306 52 10 6 4 .10317 77984 50 11 10 9 .115.38 79845 57 11 6' .11027 79105 55 12 2 2 .12109 80610 62 12 2 2 12107 80608 60 12 19 7 .12980 81674 67 13 14 l' 13704 . 82472 65 4 6 .14302 83081 [ 70 1 6 4 9.16237 84791 TABXiS XVXX. LIFE ASSURANCES— LAST SURVIVOR. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the extinction of the last survivor of two Assigned Lives according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. A ge. Annual Annual Single Age. Annual Annual Single Premium per Cent. Prem. per £\. Prem. per £1. Premium per Cent. Prem. per £1. Prem. per £1. Older Young(!r Older. Younger 14 14 14 9 .00737 .20198 27 12 17 16 11 18 5 .00846 .00921 .22510 .24036 15 10 14 1 .00705 .19509 22 1 1 .01004 .25633 15 15 2 .00758 .20662 27 1 1 10 .01090 .27241 16 11 14 .00725 .19947 28 13 17 5 .00871 .23020 16 15 7 .00780 .21133 18 23 19 1 9 .00959 .01036 .24596 .26238 17 12 17 14 11 16 1 .00746 .00803 .20396 .21613 28 1 2 6 .01126 .27888 29 14 17 11 .00896 .23544 18 13 15 4 .00767 .20856 19 19 7 .00979 .25170 18 16 6 .00827 .22113 24 29 I 1 5 13 3 .01069 .01164 .26859 .28553 19 14 15 9 .00789 .21331 19 17 .00851 .22624 30 10 15 16 11 18 C .00844 .00923 .22496 .24080 20 10 15 .00752 ,20525 20 1 2 .01010 .25755 15 16 3 .00813 .21823 25 1 2 1 .01104 .27491 20 17 6 .00877 .23150 30 1 4 1 .01203 .29234 21 11 15 6 .00773 .20988 31 11 17 5 .00870 .23000 16 16 9 .00837 .22324 16 19 .00952 .24634 21 18 1 .00903 .23690 21 26 1 10 1 2 10 .01042 .01140 .26358 .28147 ZZ 12 17 15 11 17 3 .00795 .00862 .21461 .22839 31 1 4 11 .01244 .29935 22 18 8 .00932 .24243 32 12 17 17 11 19 7 .00895 .00981 .23512 .25196 23 13 16 5 .00819 .21949 22 I 1 6 .01075 .26975 18 17 9 .00888 .23369 27 1 3 7 .01179 .28817 23 19 3 .00961 .24811 32 1 5 9 .01287 .30651 24 14 16 10 .00843 .22450 33 13 18 5 •00921 .24039 19 18 4 .00915 .23911 18 1 3 .01011 .25778 24 19 10 .00991 .25394 23 28 1 2 2 1 4 5 .01110 .01219 .27610 .29507 25 10 15 16 17 4 .00799 .00868 .21526 .22965 33 1 6 8 .01332 .31388 20 18 10 .00943 .24471 34 14 19 .00948 .24578 25 1 5 .01022 .25991 19 24 1 10 1 2 11 .01043 .01147 .26373 .28261 26 11 16 5 .00822 .22013 29 1 5 3 .01261 .30208 16 17 11 .00897 .23495 34 1 7 7 .01379 .32143 21 19 6 .00973 .25045 26 1 1 1 .01056 .26609 35 10 17 10 .00890 23445 TABZ.E XVZX. LIFE ASSURANCES— LAST SURVIVOR. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the extinction of the last survivor of two Assigned Lives, according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. Age. Older. 35 Younger. Annual Premium per Cent. 36 37 38 39 40 41 15 20 25 30 35 11 16 21 26 31 36 12 17 22 27 32 37 13 18 23 28 33 38 14 19 24 29 34 39 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 n 16 I 21 26 31 19 7 1 1 6 13 8 1 6 I 1 8 7 Annual j Single Prem. per £1. 18 2 3 4 7 9 Prem. per£I. Age. Older. Younger. .00977 .25135 .01076 .26984 .01185 .28927 .01304 .30928 .01429 .32917 00917 .23961 010071.25706 0111l!.27610 6j.01225'. 29615 0.01350|. 31673 7 .014811.33716 18 11 41 42 .00944' 91.010381 2 111.01147! 5 4.01267 7 11 01398; 10 9.01536 19 5 .00972 115 1 3 8 16 3 19 1 11 10 10 01071 01184 .01311 .01448 01593 1 2 1 4 ;i 7 |l 10 |1 13 18 .24489 .26288 .28252 .30316; .32431 .34528 .25031 .26889 .28913 .31039 ;. 33215 35367 OlOOl 25583 01104 .27500 012231.29586 ,01356i.31775 .01500.34010 .01654 .36220 1 8 1. 1 11 2 1 14 4 19 4 1 1 3 |1 3 6 1 6 2 ,1 9 i 1 9 .009381.24360 .01031 i.26153 .011391.28130 .012641.30276 01404 .32529 01557 1.34828 01718'.37097 00965 '.24885 ,01002. 26736 ,011761.28772 ,01308 '.30986 .01454.33308! 43 44 45 46 47 36 41 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 12 17 Annual Annual Premium Prtm. per Cent, per £1. 1 12 4^.01615 1 15 8.01784 Single Prem. per £1 19 10 .00992 1 4 7 10 13 17 11 .01095 3 .01214 .01352 2 .01 507 6 .01676 1 .01855 5 .01021 7 .01129 1 .01254 .01399 3 .01562 14 10 .01741 18 7 .01929 2 5 8 11 1 3 5 9 12 16 10 19 1 1 4 6 10 13 17 .01051 3 .01164 11 .01296 .01448 5 .01620 2 .01809 2 .02009 8.00983 8 .01083 01.01201 9i. 01339 0|.01500 8 .01681 71.01880 .35670 .37997 .2.5421 .27331 .2943-2 .31712 .34101 .36529 .38914 .25968 .27941 .30107 .32457 .34916 .37411 .39855 .2a533 .28567 .30800 .33221 .35748 .38314 .40825 .25234 .27107 .29204 .31.505 .33998 .36599 .39237 2 1 10 .020921.41807 2 4 7 11 1 14 11 19 3 3 2'.01010' 4.01115 9 .01239 8 .01385 01554 ,01745 ,01956 .02180 9.01039 0.01149 .25761 .27695 .29856 .32230 .34796 .37472 .40185 ; 42812 '.26296 .28293 TAB]:.E XVIZ. LIFE ASSURANCES— LAST SURVIVOR. Shewing the Single and Annual Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the extinction of the last survivor of^ two Assigned Lives according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. Ag e. Annual fVnnual Single Age. Annual Annual Single Premium per Cent. Prem. per £1. Prem. per £1. Premium per Cent. Prem. per £1. Prem. per £1. Older. ' ifounger. Older. ^ ifounger. 47 22 1 5 7 .01279 .30522 sz 22 1 6 9 .01338 .31484 27 1 8 8 .01432 .32969 27 I 10 1 .01505 .34074 32 1 12 2 .01610 .35609 32 1 14 1 .01704 .36910 37 1 16 3 .01812 .38363 37 1 18 9.019371 .39952 42 2 9 .02036 .41149 42 2 4 2 .02208 .43121 47 2 5 6 .02273 .43834 47 52 2 10 2 16 2 6 .02508 .02822 .46269 .49211 48 13 1 1 4 .01068 .26845 18 1 3 8 .01184 .28907 53 13 1 2 3 .01112 .27632 23 1 6 5 .01321 .31205 18 1 4 8 .01233 .29758 28 1 9 8 .01482 .33727 23 1 7 7 .01380 .32160 33 1 13 5 .01670 .36444 28 1 11 1 .01556 .34828 38 1 17 8 .01884 .39279 33 1 15 4 .01766 .37748 43 2 2 5 .02120 .42136 38 2 3 .02013 .40878 48 2 7 5 .02371 .44879 43 48 2 6 2 12 5 .02300 .02619 .44131 .47346 49 14 19 1 2 1 4 5 .01099 .01220 .27404 .29533 53 2 19 .02951 .50331 24 1 7 3 .01364 .31900 .54 14 1 2 10 .01141 .28182 29 1 10 8 .01534 .34499 19 1 5 5 .01270 .30374 34 1 14 8 .01732 .37292 24 1 8 6 .01424 .32849 39 1 19 2 .01958 .40208 29 1 12 2 .01609 .35597 44 2 4 2 .02210 .43144 34 1 16 8 .01831 .38602 49 2 9 6 .02474 .45936 39 44 2 1 2 7 10 11 .02093 .02398 .41819 .45162 50 10 10 6 .01025 .26040 49 2 14 9 .02736 .48439 15 12 7 .01131 .27976 54 3 1 9 .03088 .51463 20 1 5 2 .01258 .30170 25 1 8 2 .01409 .32609 55 10 1 1 3 .01064 .26763 30 1 11 9 .01587 .35283 15 1 3 6 .01174 .28743 35 1 15 11 .01797 .38157 20 1 6 2 .01308 .31007 40 2 9 .02038 .41157 25 1 9 5 .01470 .33552 45 2 6 1 .02303 .44166 30 1 13 4 .01665 .36380 50 2 11 8 .02583 .47008 35 40 1 18 2 3 6 .01900 .02177 .39474 .42783 51 11 1 1 1 .01053 .26562 45 2 10 .02502 .46207 16 1 3 3 .01164 .28558 50 2 17 2 .02859 .49542 21 1 5 11 .01297 .30820 55 3 4 8 .03233 .52612 26 1 9 1 .01456 .33334 31 1 12 11 .01644 .36089 56 11 1 1 10 .01092 .27273 36 1 17 4 .01865 .39046 16 1 4 2 .01208 .29315 41 2 2 5 .0212C .42130 21 1 6 11 .01348 .31647 46 2 8 1 .02408 .45208 26 1 10 4 .01518 .34272 51 2 14 C .0269£ 1 .48101 31 36 1 14 1 19 6 5 .01723 .01971 .37181 .40364 52 12 1 1 e .01085 t .27092 41 2 5 4 .02266 .43764 17 1 4 C ) .0119t ) .29151 46 2 12 3 .02611 .47270 TABXiS XVZZ, LIFE ANNUITIES— LAST SURVIVOR. Shewing the Single and Annual Premiums required to secure a Sum payable at the extinction of the Last survivor of Two Assigned Lives according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. Age. A nnual Annual Single Age. Annual Annual Single Premium per Cent. Prem. for £1. Prem. for £1. Premium per Cent. Prem. for £1. Prem. for £\. Older. Younger. Older. Younger. 56 51 2 19 10 .02991 .50664 61 16 1 4 11 .01246 .29962 56 3 7 9 .03387 .53771 21 26 I 7 1 10 10 5 .01392 .01571 .32344 .35043 57 12 2 5 .01121 .27792 31 1 15 10 .01790 .38072 17 4 10 .01242 .29897 36 2 1 2 .02060 .41425 22 7 9 .01389 .32300 41 2 7 10 .02390 .45082 27 11 4 .01568 .35003 46 2 15 10 .02792 '.48949 32 15 8 .01784 .37997 51 3 5 2 .03259 .52807 37 2 11 .02046 .41270 56 3 15 6 .03776 .56454 42 2 7 2 .02360 .44762 61 4 6 4 .04317 .59713 -47 2 14 6 .02726 .48349 52 3 2 7 .03130 .51800 62 12 1 3 1 .01153 .28377 57 3 11 .03551 .54942 17 22 1 5 I 8 7 8 .01279 .014.33 .30528 .32984 58 13 3 .01150 .28319 27 1 12 5 .01621 .35702 18 5 6 .01277 .30490 32 1 17 .01852 .38877 23 8 8 .014.32 .32966 37 2 2 9 .02136 .42325 28 12 5 .01620 .35748 42 2 9 9 .02489 .46082 33 16 11 .01848 .38829 47 2 18 4 .02916 .50034 38 2 2 6 .02126 .42198 52 3 8 3 .03412 .53955 43 2 9 2 .02458 .45782 57 3 19 3 .0.3962 .57643 48 2 16 11 .02848 .49443 62 4 10 10 .04540 .60922 53 2 5 6 .03277 .52946 58 3 14 6 .03725 .56121 63 13 18 1 3 1 6 8 4 .01183 .01315 .28887 .31105 59 14 3 7 .01181 .28858 23 1 9 6 .01476 .33035 19 6 3 01314 .31100 28 1 13 6 .01673 .36490 24 9 6 .01477 .33649 33 1 18 4 .01917 .39694 29 13 8 .01675 .36512 38 2 4 4 .02217 .43240 34 18 4.01916 .39681 43 2 11 10 .02592 .47095 39 2 4 2!. 02209 .43141 48 3 11 .03047 .51133 44 2 11 31.02564 .46825 53 3 11 6 .03575 .55108 49 2 19 6.02977 .50553 58 4 3 3 .04162 .58831 54 3 8 8 .03433 .54105 63 4 15 6 .04777 .62124 59 3 18 2 .03910 .57316 64: 14 1 4 3 .01213 .29409 60 10 1 11 .01098 .27381 19 1 7 .01351 .31693 15 4 3 .01213 .29406 24 1 10 5 .01520 .34295 20 7 1 .01352 .31717 29 1 14 7 .01728 .37237 25 10 6'. 01523 .34339 34 1 19 8 .01984 .40528 30 14 8.01731 .37283 39 2 6 1 .02304 .44172 35 19 9:. 01986 .40542 44 2 14 .02702 .48133 40 6 0'. 02298 .44102 49 3 3 9 .03185 .52239 45 •2 13 6 .02676 .47879 54 3 14 11 .03747 .56270 50 3 2 3 .03114 .51671 59 4 7 6 .043751.60034 1 55 3 12 .03598 .55274 64 5 7 .05030 .633341 60 4 2 2 .X)4107 .58511 65 10 1 2 6 .01126 .27888 61 11 1 2 6 .01125 .27873 15 1 14 11 .01245 .29940 I TA8LS XVXX. LIFE ANNUITIES— LAST SURVIVOR. Shewing the Single and Annual Premiums required to secure a Sum payable at the extinction of the last Survivor of two Assigned Lives according to the combined experience of various Life Offices, reckoning Interest at 3 per Cent. Age. Annual Annual Single Age. Annual Annual S ingle _ Premium per Cent. Prem. for £1. Prem. for£l. Premium per Cent. Prem. for £1. Prem. for jei. Older, i Younger. Older. Younger, 65 20 1 7 9 .01389 .32295 68 18 1 6 11 .01344 .31583 25 1 11 4 .01566 .34971 23 1 10 2 .01510 .34153 30 1 15 8 .01785 .37994 28 1 14 3 .01714 .37068 35 2 1 1 .02055 .41376 33 1 19 5 .01970 .40350 40 2 7 11 .02395 .45124 38 2 5 10 .02291 .44024 45 2 16 4 .02818 .49182 43 2 13 11 .02697 .48078 50 3 6 7 .03331 .53357 48 3 4 2 .03207 .52405 55 3 18 7 .03931 .57442 53 3 16 6 .03824 .56772 60 4 12 .04600 .61233 58 4 11 .04552 .60983 65 5 6 .05300 .64537 63 68 5 7 6 4 5 5 .05369 .06219 .64830 .68107 66 11 1 3 1 .01153 .28363 16 1 5 6 .01276 .30476 69 14 I 4 9 .01239 .29839 21 1 8 7 .01428 .32903 19 1 7 7 .01380 .32154 26 1 12 3 .01613 .35655 24 1 11 3 .01554 .34796 31 1 16 10 .01843 .38764 29 1 15 5 .01769 .37792 36 2 2 7 .02130 .42244 34 2 9 .02037 .41163 41 2 9 10 .02490 .46091 39 2 7 6 .02377 .44937 46 2 18 10 .02941 .50244 44 2 16 2 .02809 .49102 51 3 9 9 03487 .54489 49 3 7 .03351 .53503 56 4 2 6 .04127 .58619 54 4 2 .04009 .57926 61 4 16 10 .04840 .62434 59 4 15 9 .04787 .62172 66 5 11 9 .05587 .65733 64 69 5 13 6 11 2 5 .05660 .06569 .66024 .69282 67 12 1 3 7 .01180 .28846 17 1 6 2 .01310 .31027 70 10 I 3 .01149 .28281 22 1 9 4 .01468 .33523 15 1 5 5 .01269 .30351 27 1 13 3 .01665 .36356 20 1 8 4 .01417 .32736 32 1 18 1 .01905 .39549 25 1 12 .01599 .35448 37 2 4 2 .02208 .43124 30 1 16 6 .01825 .38527 42 2 11 10 .02591 .47078 35 2 2 2 .02109 .41994 47 3 1 5 .03070 .51322 40 2 9 4 .02468 .45869 52 3 13 .03651 .55630 45 2 18 7 .02928 .50137 57 4 6 8 .04332 .59800 50 3 10 1 .03503 .54607 62 5 1 11 .05097 .63636 55 4 4 1 .042051.59082 67 5 17 11 .05894 .66929 60 65 5 5 19 9 5 .05036.63357 .05973'.67210 68 13 1 4 2 .01209 .29335 70 6 18 10 .06942 .70444 a o w ^ ^ ^ M c2 -*j tH Cd o o ^ H « h-; Ph 0) bXD r/) c W C/) h-( 1 c; 1 1-^ C^ h^ l-H o V fu ^ c? ^ H o 1 OJ ^ .2J o 3 1-H c £-1 c < <1 t) »J? c <: o t^ o ^ (D ft CO M O H 09 ir> * « N bD O O CD t>» CO o< 00 m » CO G^ o o t>. o "*' ■* CO CO CO ^ 't t^ o ■^ CO I— < ^ C^ CO CO CO »o -*' "^ CO CO CO 01 Ol 'it at o* lO -t CO i-O C7S O Tf t^ O (N Tf cj q O t>; co" CO CO oi '5-i (?< C>< C< (?« (N 00 C» ^ O CO ■^ w t>. c f* >o CO r-j c; t^ ci 't "?» O X lO w "t -?{ c; 1-. r4 -I r-I O O ©» '?« •?< f?! 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CO O ■* 05 lO "^ G^ I— ' C5 CO CO CO CO ci < C5 <7* O CO O l-H CO -r -* q X q -^ c< C^ t— I I— I ,-H I— 1 ox ox ox ox ox O ©< O C5 O Tf CO 1-1 c; t>- C X CO CO ^ r^ d d d> d CI Oi G^ ©< C* O CO CO X X O CO c< c>- o< >o q cj q q CO CO CO co' oi (^ ox ox ox o^ CO UO O 'i' i-i l>. 1— c O X ■— I t>. CD •«* CI i-j ci (N ci ci oi CI CI G^ CI ox r}< C> LO CO CO CO lO CO t>» t» c; t>- LO q r-< CJ c« c< c* c< -^ CO CO LO rH !>. CO LO CO ^ q i-^ lo CO I— I d d d d d C< C< C< CJ d X C» '-' C>. 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Tij t^ C>I t>^ CD CO r-> rH rH rH rH CO Tt< O CI (M CJ O rH CO "H o i>. -^_ q t^ d »o lio lO ^ r^ r^ r-^ r^ r-l 0^ 00 c:3 Tt< Tj< CO GQ 00 Tt< CO CO CO O 00 lO CO O O Oi C5 Ci (M Ol r-H r-l i-H (M -1 CO Oi CO C^ O CN CO ^ q 00 lo c^i q d OO' 00 00 t>I f— 1 I— * (—1 (— 1 r-< C>. 05 Tf< S^ 5< ^ CO (N O C^ q q q t^ CO i> c>I c>^ d d rH rH rH rH rH CC Oi^ CO (X> CO O lO o o o CD q q q d »o lo LO Tj5 r^ r^ r" r^ r-l 09 -«* lO >— 1 ^^ "<# CO (M 00 CO c>. Ol CO c>. o c< d d 05 C5 05 CN <^^ rH rH r-i rM 1— 1 CO Oi t>» rH Tf CO C^ 00 q C>. Tj^ r-H 00 d 00* 00* oo' t>I rl rH 1—1 I— I rH Gi (M !>. ^ CD 00 00 CD Tt< rH iq (3^^ q q q t>I i> d d d rH rH rH 1— 1 rH (N Tj< rH CO -^ 00 Tj< o >o O q q q q q o o »o -^ Tj5 r-l r-l r-l r^ r-l 5 o T ■ H H t^ O ; '^ (?» O Oi C5 O O > c< q q '^ rH 00 00 00* 00 00 t^ rH — r-l rH rH O -* C 05 rH CO (?J rH 00 CD iq (?* q iq (?< i> !>^ d d d rH rH rH rH rH t^ O CD C5 O O* CO ''^ C5 O q »q (N q iq O O lO -^ Ttl r-l r-l r-l r-i r-l V !>. 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CO 00 c^ o c* q l>; d d d d 00 rH 1-^ rH I— 1 i—l rH lO CO CO !>• CN UO CO O rH iq CM q C-; ^ 00 00 t^ c>^ c-^ r—t r-l f^ r-l t—i CO ^ C-* >o O (M (M rH C3 l>- r- 00 O rH 00 t>: d d d o r-l r-l r-l ^- r-l O ^ Tj^ Oi "H '.t* O CD r- l>. q G^ q q rH id id TjH ■<#■ Tj5 r-l ^' r-l rl r" a3 O .-1 (H CO -* CO CO CO CO CO lO O t-- 00 CJ 00 CO CO CO CO O rH (M CO -^ tJ^ "^ "^ "^ "^ O CD l>. CO CI TT ■^ '^ ^^ Tf •d o H H H > S , o w ^ »-^ cq .0 < 't-i H -:3 a; '0 O &-< H <1 tf hH -< 1 PIh 0) W > C:: ►-^ Ph QJ 1 fco CD CI W C/J CI n O) i4 fii (4 P^ H 1 CO N >o i>. t>. lo 1—1 CO o -^ 00 i?< "* 1— 1 1^ cc o CO O CO 'O 00 O C5 CJ lO 00 CO CI O 10 i-i 0> C* 1^ (>. (Jl C^ O C5 CO 00 ;^ 2* CO CO CO (M c-j ^ ^ ^' d d c d ci f?' CO t^ CO "C -t CO 00 -t — 't; :o C ?0 CO O CO CO d 00 00 00 t> t>i OJ -^ CO ci 00 '-' »0 05 CO CO "^ O CO CO o C^. t^ ^ CO CO O CO t>. 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GO 05 O — < kO lO kO O CO (?? t^ CO C>1 CM lO r-i GO kO CM (M CO CO -^ kO CM CO T(< kO CO CO CO CO CO CD CM t^ C^ 05 CM Ci kO I— I CD t— I kO O t>. t^ 00 l> OO 05 O --I CO CO CO i>. t^ CO C? kiO rH f-( CO Tif O CO O CM r» 00 00 GO GO 00 t^ CM CO -^ kO CO t^ {>• i>. c* c* l>. «>• (M C^ C5 00 CO CM kO C5 -* O 05 05 05 O r-( O !>• GO O •-< kO "O kO CO CO CO 00 tI^ CO CO O CM 05 CD CO i-H CM CM CO tJ* CM CO Tf* kO O CO O CO CO CD CO 00 C5 CM CO O CD lO kC CO CO t>. )>■ 00 05 O -H CO CO CO C>. !>. 00 CO CM O CM k-O kO !> 00 C>- "* 05 t>. r* t^ c>. o. CD CM CO -* lO CO C^ i>. o. c^ t>. c- c- CO O CM O kO CO C- -"^ CD rl GO 00 c::5 o o CO C>. 00 05 — lO kO kO kO CO k-O 05 kO -^ "* i>. CO o «>. ^ O -H (?? CM CO O? CO -^ kO CD CO CD CO CD CO Tfi O >— I kO o r- 00 -^ 05 Ti^ Tti tJ< »0 O CO !>• GO C5 O -— I CO CD CO «>• t^ CO ■* O 05 (M !> t^ 05 O 00 CO r-i CO O l>. CO CD CO CM CO ^ kO CO C^ O '-' CM CO -^ lO kO kO tO kO kiO CO «>• GO 05 O O kO kO kO O "-• CM CO -* CD CO CO CO CO uO CO C^ GO 05 O CO CO CO CO O !>• LEGAL DECISIONS ON LIFE ASSURANCE! A DIGEST OF ALL THE REPORTED CASES, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. Ross versus Bradshaw. Trinity Term, 17G1. Concealment of circumstances on a life insurance is not so fatal if the life be warranted good, as if it be a common insurance. " Where there is a warranty, then nothing need be told ; but it must in general be proved, if litigated, that the life was in fact a good one, and so it may be though he have a particular infirmity. The only question is, whether he was in a reasonably good state of health, and such a life as ought to be insured on common terms."-— Lord Mansfield. 1. W. Black. 312. See also on this pointy Willis versus Poole. 2 Park on Ins. 935. Stackpole versus Simon. Hilary Vac. 1779. Where a Broker, who effected an insurance, told the Underwriters that the person for whom he acted would not warrant, but he believed the party to be a good life. Held, that the Underwriters were liable. 2 Park on Ins. 932. Patterson versus Black. Hilary Vac. 1780. Where an insurance is made upon the life of a man who goes to sea, and the ship in which he sailed is never afterwards heard of, the question whether he did or did not die within the term insured, is a fact for the Jury to ascertain from the circumstances which shall be produced in evidence before them. 2 Park on Ins. 920. LocKYER versus Offley. 2Qth Maij,\im. On an Insurance on a man's life for a year, if, some short time before the expiration of the term, he receives a mortal wound, of which he dies after the year, the insurer will not be liable. — 1. T. R. 260. — ■ A supposed case by Willes, J. DwYER versus Edie. Hilarij Term, 1788. The holder of a note given for money won at play, has not au insur- able interest in the life of the maker of the note. 2 Park on Ins. 914. TiDSWELL versus Ankerstein. An executor in trust has a sufficient interest to enable him to make assurance in his own name, on the life of a person who has granted an annuity to the testator. Peahens N. P. 204. Anderson versus Edie. Trinity Term, 1795. A bona fide creditor has such an interest in his debtor's life, that he may insure it and recover upon the policy. 2 Park on Ins. 915. AvESON versus Lord Kinnaird, and others. Qth Feb. 1805. In an action by the husband upon a policy of insurance on the life of his wife, declarations by his wife, made by her when lying in bed, apparently ill, stating the bad state of her health at the period of her going to M. (whither she went a few days before in order to be exam- ined by a surgeon, and to get a certificate from him of good health, preparatory to making the insurance) down to that time, and her ap- prehensions that she could not live ten days longer, by which time the policy was to be returned, are admissible in evidence to shew her own opinion, who best knew the fact of the ill state of her health at the time of effecting the policy, which was on a day intervening between the time of her going to M. iind the day on whicli such decUirations were made ; and particularly after the plaintiff had called the surgeon as a witness to prove that she was in a good state of health when examined by him at M., this judgment being formed, in part, from the satis- factory answers given by her to his enquiries. 6 East, 188. Holland, Executor of O'Hara, versws Smith, Executor of Kendrick. 4th March, 1806. Where a policy of insurance has been effected on the life of a debtor, as a security to the lender of money, and the lender charges the pre- miums to the account of the debtor, who pays them, if the principal is afterwards paid, the debtor, or his representative, is entitled to the policy. 6 Esp. 11. GoDSALL and others^ versus Boldero and others, Directors of the Pelican Life Insurance Company, 2oth Nac.imi. A Creditor may insure the life of his Debtor to the extent of his debt; but such a contract is substantially a contract of indemnity against the loss of the debt ; and therefore, if, after the death of the debtor, his executors pay the debt to the insuring creditor, the latter cannot afterwards recover upon the policy ; although the debtor died insolvent, and the executors were furnished with the means of payment by a third party. — 9 East, 72. Want and others, versus Blunt and others, Directors of a Life Assurance Society for the benefit of Widoios and Female Relatives. l-2th Feb. 1810. W here one, as a member of a Life Insurance Society for the benefit of widows and female relatives, entered into a Policy of Insurance with the society for a certain annuity to his widow after his death, in consi- deration of a quarterly premium to be paid to the Society during his life, and the Society covenanted with him and his executors, &c., that if he should pay to their clerk the quarterly premiums on the quarter- days during his life, and if he should also pay his proportion of contribu- tions, which the members of the Society should, during his life, be called on to make, in order to supply any deficiences in their funds, then, on due proof of his death, the Society engaged to pay the annuity to his widow ; and by the rules of the Society, if any member neglected to pay up the quarterly premiums for fifteen days after they were due, the policy was declared to be void, unless the member (continuing in as good health as when the policy expired) pay up the arrears within six months, and five shillings per month extra : — Held, that a member insuring, having died, leaving a quarterly payment over-due at the time of his death, the policy expired ; and that a tender of the sum by the member's executor, though made within fifteen days after it became due, did not satisfy the requisition of the policy and the rules of the Society which required such payment to be made by the member in his lifetime, continuing in as good health as when the policy expired. — 12 Easty 183. "Watson versus Mainwabing and others, Directors of the Equitable Ir„surance Office. 6th May, 1813. It is not to be concluded that a disorder with which a person is afflicted before he effects an insurance on his life is a "disorder tending to shorten life," within the meaning of the declaration required by the Equitable Insurance Office, from the mere circumstance that he after- wards dies of it, if it be not a disorder which generally has that tendency. — 4 Taunt. 763. HuGUENiN versus Raylby — the Albion Insurance Company. 6th May, 1815. The conditions of a life insurance required a declaration of the state of the health of the assured, and the policy was to be valid only if the statement were to be free from all misrepresentation and reservation : the declaration described the assured as resident at Fisherton Anger ; she was then a prisoner in the county gaol there : — Held, that it was a question for the Jury whether the imprisonment were a material fact, and ought to have been communicated. — 6 Taunt., 186. HiGGiNS versus Sakgent and others. Nov. 1823. Interest is not recoverable in an action of covenant upon a policy of Assurance upon the life of A., by which a certain sum was made pay- able six months after due proof of his death, although the money in- sured was not paid at the time stipulated for that purpose. — 3 D. Sf JR. 613. 2 B. Si- C. 348. Maynard versus Rhodes. SthNov.lB2A. Where an insurance was efFected on the life of A. for the benefit of B., and the Insurance Office acted upon A.'s own representation as to the state of his health, and it turned out that he was not an insurable life:— Held, that B. could not maintain an action on the policy, althou"-h he was not privy to the representation. 5 Dowl. and Ryl 266, 1 C. and P. 360. Morrison versus Mustpratt. ^\it January, 18-27. A female upon whose life it was proposed to effect an insurance was represented to the insurers, in December, 1822, by A., a medical man, as enjoying^ ordinarilj', a good state of health. The same representa- tion was repeated by A. in March, and the insurance was effected in April, 1823. Between December, 1822, and March, 1823, she had been ill with a pulmonary attack, and was attended by B. ; but no disclosure of these circumstances was made to the insurers. In April, 1824, she died of a pulmonary disease : — Held, on motion for a new trial, that the Jury ought to have been called on to consider whether the illness in 1823, and the attendance of B., ought to have been dis- closed to the insurers ; and that it was not sufficient to direct them generally to consider whether or not there had been any misrepresenta- tion.— 4 Bing, 60. 12 Moore, 231. BoLLAND versus Disney, tlie Amicable Assurance Society. 2Ut May, 1827. In the policies effected by the Amicable Society, there is no exception as to death by the hands of justice. A person insuring his life in that office afterwards suffered death for a criminal offence, the policy was not thereby avoided. 3 Muss. 351. Bui see The Amicable Society App. Bolland and others, Resp. page 6. LiNDENAU versus Desborough, Secretary to the Atlas Insurance Company, \2th Nov. 1828. If the assured, at the time of effecting the policy, conceals anything material for the plaintiff to know, the policy is void ; and it matters not whether or not the assured considered it material or.not ; and what 6 amounts to a misrepresentation, or to a material concealment, is a question for the Jury 5 the fact that, on a life policy, an unusually high premium was paid, is quite immaterial, and therefore not to be taken as a proof that the Office considered the party to be a bad life. — 3 31. Sc R., 45. 8 jB. ^ C. 586. 3 C. ^ P. 350. Everett versus Desborough, Secretary to the Atlas Insura^ice Company. 21th May, 1829. 1. — In an insurance upon the life of another, the life insured, if applied to for information, is, in giving such information, impliedly the Agent of the party insuring, who is bound by his statements, and must suffer if they are false, although he is unacquainted with the life insured, and the servant of the Insurance Office undertakes to do all that is required by his Office. 2. — Plaintiff effected an insurance on the life of H, with whom he was unacquainted, desired the Agent of the Insurance Office to do all that was requisite. The Agent knew H well, and made the usual inquiries. One of th e terms of the contract was, a reference to the usual Medical Attendant of the life insured. H. having given a false refer- ence : Held, that the Plaintiff could not recover. — 5 Bing, 503. M. and P. 190. The Amicable Society Appellants, James Bolland and others, Respondents. 1830. H. F. assures his life in January, 1815, and pays premiums regulary till 1824. In June, 1815, H. F. commits a felony, of which he is con- victed in October, 1824, and for which he is executed in Nov. 1824. Bill filed in 1825, by the representatives of H. F., claiming under him and in his right, for payment of the sum alleged to be due on the In- surance, and decree in favour of the representatives : but the judgment reversed by the Lords, on the ground, that, by the general policy of the law, the insurance became void as to those claiming under and in right of H. F., in consequence of the death being occasioned by his own crim- inal act. 2 Dow and Clark, 1. 4 Bligh, N. S. 194. Richard Halford versus Kymer ajid others. Directors of the Asylum Life Insurance Company. Uh May, 1830. The stat. 14 Geo. 3, c. 48, s. 1, enacts that no insurance shall ha made on lives, or any other event, wherein the person for wliose bene- fit the policy shall he made shall have no interest ; and that every such assurance shall be void : and by s. 3, it is enacted that in all cases where the insured hath interest in such life or event, no greater sum shall be recovered or received from the insurers than the amount or value of the interest of the insured in such life or other event. In order to render a policy valid within the meaning of this Act, the party for whose be- nefit it is effected must have a pecuniary interest in the life or event insured ; and therefore a policj'^ eff'ected by a father on the life of his son, he not having any pecuniary interest therein, is void. — 10 B. and C. 724. J. G. S. Lepevre and others^ Trustees of the Promoter Life Assurance Company, versus Boyle. \^th January, 1832. A policy was effected by A. upon her own life with an Insurance Company: it was by deed, executed by three Trustees of the Company : A. afterwards assigned it to B. and died. The money due on the policy was paid to B. by a check drawn by the Trustees on the Bankers of the Company, and he gave an acknowledgment of having received the money from the Trustees. By the deed of trust the Board of Directors were to cause all monies belonging to the Company to be deposited wdth the Bankers in the name of the Trustees, and such monies were not to be withdrawn but for the purposes of the Compan j^, and by checks signed by the Trustees, or by three or more Directors under some authority to be given by the Trustees. After the payment to B. it was discovered that the policy was void on account of fraud : — Held, that, under the circumstances, the three Trustees were the proper plaintiffs in an action to recover back the monev so paid to B. — 3 B, Sf Add. ^11. SwETE versus Fairlie, and another, — tJie Globe Insurance Office. 2Sth Feb, 1833. A policy of insurance on the life of another person, who, at the time of the insurance, is in a good state of health, is not vitiated by the non- communication by such person of the fact of his having, a few years before, been afflicted with a disorder tending to shorten life, if it ap- pear that the disorder was of such a character as to prevent the party from being conscious of what had happened to him while suffering under it- 6 C- and P- 1. Dtjckett — the Provident Life Assurance Company — versus Williams — the Hope Insurance Company. Hilary Term, 1834. Before effecting a policy of life insurance, a declaration and state- ment of health, and freedom from disease, &c., was signed by the assured. "By one clause it was stipulated that '• if any untrue averment was contained therein, or if the facts required to be set forth in the above proposal were not truly stated,'' the premiums were to be forfeited, and the assurance to be void. Held, that as the health, &c. of the party whose life was insured was untruly stated, though not to the knowledge of the party making the declaration and statement, the premiums, &c. were forfeited, and could not be recovered back. 2 Cramp, and Mees. 348 4 Tyr. 240. Wainwright, Executor of Abercromhy, deceased, versus Bland and others, three of the Directors of tlie Imperial Life Assurance Company. '2,1th June, 1835. A party, on insuring her life, made false rei3resentations as to her object in effecting the insurance, and also as to her having obtained similar insurances from other offices, both of which facts were found by the Jury at the trial to be material to be known by the Insurance Com- pany. — Held, that the policy was thereby avoided, although such false representations were in answer to parol inquiries not comprised in the list of printed questions required by the regulations of the Office to be asked of the assured ; and although the policy, as framed, was only to be void on false answers being given to such printed questions. — 1 Tyr. Sf Gr. 417. 1 Moody a)id Rob. 481. Chattock versus Shawe and others, Directors of the Eagle Insurance Company. nth July, 1835. Where a policy of insurance contains a warranty that the assured ^' has not been afflicted with, nor subject to, gout, vertigo, fits," &c. such warranty is not broken by the fact of the assured having had an epileptic fit in consequence of an accident. To vacate such policy it must be shown that the constitution of the assured was naturally liable to fits, or by accident or otherwise had become so liable. — 1 Moody S^ Bob. 498. 9 HucKMAN versus Fernie, Managing Director of the British Commei'cial Insurance Company. Easter Term, 1838. In an action on a Policy of Insurance effected by the plaintiff on the life of his wife, the declaration averred that the plaintiff had made statements (inter alia) that the wife was not afflicted with any disorder which tended to shorten life, and that she had led, and continued to lead, a temperate life. The defendant pleaded, that before the making of the policy, and on divers times after that day, the wife had been, and w^as afflicted with certain disorders, maladies or diseases— to wit, deli- rium tremens and erysipelatous inflammation of the legs, all which the plaintiff before, and at the time of making the policy, well knew. It ap- peared that at the time the policy was effected, the wife had been examined at the Insurance OfHce, and answered several questions put to her, but did not apprise the Company of her having been affected with those complaints. Tbe Jury found that the plaintiff had not any knowledge of her having had these disorders -.—Held, that upon the issue raised on these pleadings, the wife not being the general agent of the husband to effect the policy, but only sent to answer particular questions, her knowledge was not in this respect the knowledge of the husband. The wife had for several years been attended by A. B. up to her marriage with the plaintiff, and nearly to the time the policy was effected. After her marriage C. D., the medical attender of her husband's family, prescribed for her for a cold, or some trifling matter. In answer to the question put to her at the Ofiice, " who is your usual medical attendant," she replied, C. D.:— Held, that the learned Judge ought not to have left it to the Jury, on this evidence, to say which of the two was her usual medical attendant, but whether C. D. could be called her usual medical attendant at all. 3 Meeson 6f Welsby, 505. Rawlins, a Director of the Eagle Insurance Company, versus Desborough, Secretary to the Atlas Assurance Company. 26th Feb. 1840. 1. A party whose life is insured, is not the general agent for the assur- ed: and therefore the policy is not void by reason that such party failed to communicate a material fact, as to which he was not interrogated by the insurers, unless he was aware of the materiality of the fact and 10 studiously concealed it. 2. It is a question of fact for the Jury whether a fact, not communicated, was, under the circumstances, one which the assured ought to have communicated. — 2 Moody S^ Rob, 328, Craig, Bart, versus Fenn and others — the Asylum Life Insurance Company. WthBec. 1841. In an action against an Insurance Office on a life policy, it is no ob- jection to a Special Juror being sworn, that he is a director of another insurance office, unless that office has granted a policy on the life in question, and the amount of that policy be unpaid . 1 Carrand Marsh 43. SouTHCOMBE versus Merriman, and others, Direcwrs of Life Insurance Company. nth March, 1842. Ill an action to recover the amount of a policy upon a life insurance, where the rules of the society stipulate that the insured shall be of sober and temperate habits, it is sufficient, on a plea denying the sober and temperate habits of the insured, for the defendants to shew that his habits were intemperate ; and it is no answer to this plea, that the plaintiff prove the intemperance not to have been to such a degree as to injure the health of the insured, or to shorten his life. 1 Carr and Mar. 286. ^^^ Jones and Caisston, Printers, 47, Eastcheap, London. f / A / / ■-" -■ -^ o