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It may indeed serve as a sample of two long cherished projects, guides to the choice of classical and of theological books : but the special sting, which drove me from less irksome labours, was the discovery, in the spring of this year, that many even of our best Cambridge students no longer concern themselves with the general history of Greek and Roman literature. In some respects recent changes have worked well ; philoso- phy, history, comparative philology, are more intelligently studied : but the free and open range of reading, where the learner follows mainly his native bent and powers, has lost its charms. In the first instance, as in duty bound, I address myself to our own tirones, but I also wish to serve teachers, editors, librarians and booksellers. It is not to the credit of England that our editions of the classics are often launched into the world on an apparatus slender for an inquisitive schoolboy. If we are to mend, bibliography must be rescued from the contempt under which it rusts. To see farther than the giants of the past, dwarfs must fain climb upon their shoulders. M. h VI ADVERTISEMENT. I have taken as a basis the Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die romische Litteraturgeschichte von E. Hiibner^ Berlin Weidmann 1872. Whatever changes seemed ex- pedient I have freely made. Rash and lawless Athe- tesen, as those of Lehrs in Horace, Ribbeckin Juvenal, I have omitted, holding with Madvig^ that if the mania for destructive criticism spreads, and is not thrown off as a passing fever, classical studies themselves will be forsaken by reasonable men, desirous of firm and common ground on which to stand and advance. Mr Munro has kindly weeded the titles relating to Lucretius and Ca- tullus. But the chief change consists in very large additions * ; in the original e. g. the article * Cicero ' occupies less than 5 pages, and the whole book but 119. I have saved room by curtailing titles and by the use of abbreviations ; a reference once for all to the guide to the choice of classical books hy Joseph Bickersteth Mayor M.A. (London Bell 1874) enables me to pass over many recent English publications. Some may be surprised to see old editions registered, but I know that scholars of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries often did more for interpretation than has ' When I met prof. Madvig at the Leyden tercentenary in February 1875, he expressed himself very strongly in this sense ; in print also his high authority has always demanded reason and evidence for every change, 2 Taken in most cases from the authorities named pp. 3 — 5, but often from actual inspection of the books themselves or from the prefaces of the principal editions and from special bibliographies. To many a friend, often of thirty years' standing or more, I needed no introduction. For bibliography my debt is greatest to Schweiger, Bahr, Teuffel, Engelmann and Lowndes; but for mastery of the subject and con- densed power Bernhardyis superior to all his rivals. ADVERTISEMENT. vii been done since; the notes amassed in Burman's Pe- tronius or Drakenborch's Livy or Oudendorp's Apu- leius are by no means obsolete lumber, but to this day necessary to all serious students of those authors. The catalogues of the libraries formed e.g. by John Mitford, Gottfried Hermann, Otto Jahn, prove that those who are most abreast with the rising tide of knowledge are most fearful of losing the inheritance of the past. In saying this, I may appear to contradict one who has laid classical students under great obligations, by his sympathetic and learned portrait of one of the noblest of the race: but Mr Pattison, I doubt not, laments, as much as I do, the fashionable neglect of 'the living works of dead authors,' though he says ^ : * Well done, or ill done, or half done, however, Isaac Casaubon's books are now consigned to one common oblivion. They are written in Latin, and scholar's Latin of the renaissance is a peculiar language, accessible to a very circumscribed public. But this is not all. Even for this circumscribed public of scholars Casaubon's books have but a secondary value. Philology is a science, not a fine art ; and it is the fate of science that the books, in which it is consigned, are in a constant state of supersession. A work of literature may be surpassed but not superseded. The interpreter of the classics w^orks for his own age only. He is the medium through which we read an ancient book, and the medium must be in the language and mode of our own day. It must possess all the latest improvements. The books of the scholars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries have therefore for us little more than an historical interest. They will be visited only by those curious 1 Is. Casauhon by Mark Pattison London 1875 487 — 8. VIU ADVERTISEMENT. enquirers, who may wish to acquaint themselves with the history of learning. The biographical data will be of more interest than the philological matter. Yet as history makes itself from age to age, the oldest names must tend to recede from view. We cannot afford to know all about everybody. How many years will elapse before another reader will go through, as the i)resent writer has done, the bulky folio of Isaac Casaubon's printed epistles \ or the seven volumes of unprinted answers of his correspondents in the Burney collection V For my part I question whether one in ten of those who read the Augustan history, or Suetonius, or Theo- phrastus, or Strabo, or Athenaeus, feels at liberty to slight Casaubon; and I am sure, that those who know his Persius best, endorse Scaliger's well-known saying. In- deed whoever in any age has traversed the whole compass of ancient learning, must remain a witness to all time. If Mr Pat ti son however is speaking not of things as he thinks they should be, but as they are, his statement is borne out by one who, more than any Englishman of our time, knows from bitter experience, iraOwv e/juade, the fickleness^ of English literary taste : ' In taking leave of this department of his trade, Mr Bohn cannot help lamenting the enormous depreciation ^ I can answer this challenge at once ; years ago, when inquiring into the life of Casaubon's friend Richard Thomson of Clare, I 'went through ' and indexed the letters of Casaubon and Scaliger. Probably other liviug Englishmen have done the same. He would be a bold man e.g. who would undertake to name the printed correspondence of men of letters during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which the venerable president of the Chetham society has not digested. ^ Catalogue of the third and concluding portion of the stock of Mr Henry George Bohn London Sotheby July 1872. ADVERTISEMENT. IX which has taken place of late years in the mercantile value of foreign, and especially classical and philological, literature ; books of intrinsic value, which formerly used to sell readily for guineas, and many of them neither superseded nor even displaced by other editions, now sell for shillings, for no other reason that the wTiter can perceive than that recondite learning in this country is giving way to ephemeral and light reading.' *The purcha^sers at the present sale will have the benefit of this state of things.' This hint may be of service to librarians, to scholars forming their private libraries, to all who wish to do much, at small cost, .for the benefit of a college or a poor student. A very large proportion of the Latin classics may now be purchased, in good editions, for the sum of ten pounds. The great lexicons of Stephanus, Gesner, Scheller and Forcellini (this last in the older editions) may be picked up for sums varying from 65. to 20s. To the self-taught isolated student this state of the market offers a rare opportunity, and it is certain that, while many who live by teaching the classics, affect to despise them, others are rising, dissenting ministers, national schoolmasters, ladies, men occupied all day in labour or in trade, who covet the learning which the others disdain. I should hail with pleasure the announce- ment that such a nonconformist divine had received from his congregation a set of quarto variorum editions of the Latin authors ; or that such a Manchester^ merchant had ^ Hear the quiet complaint of a German resident {journal of pMlology VI 27) : ' The bulk of this paper was written in Manchester, where there is no large library,' He was compelled to have recourse to the private library of a friend. X ADVERTISEMENT. added to Owens college library the folio translations of the classics, or two hundred editions of Horace \ I make no apology for inserting the ecclesiastical writers in their places. Bahr, Bernhardy, Teuffel, following the example of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the call of Niebuhr, have devoted much attention to the fathers. Htibner says : *Dass die gesammte christliche romische Litteratur des dritten bis sechsten Jahrhunderts mit aufgenommen werden masste, versteht sich von selbst: wie man die romische Litteratur des dritten bis sechsten Jahrhunderts darstellen konne, ohne Manner wie Tertullian, Prudentius, Hieronymus und Au- gustinus eingehend zu besprechen, ist.mir von jeher nicht deutlich gewesen.' What a harvest philology may reap on the field of the church, we have learnt from Ronsch and Paucker; the historian and antiquary will also find there untold stores of new materials. I have given lists of the earlier English translations and have specified the editions which contain a complete index. Except in the case of technical authors, I have seldom cited recent translations ; for the translator's art for two centuries has sunk amongst us too often to the level of a trade; the Elizabethan translators are mostly models of chaste and manly English. The two series of Latin classics issued by Yalpy and Lemaire do indeed contain between them indexes to most of the authors, but as many libraries do not comprise these collections, I have named the indexes of many separate editions besides. To return to the point from which I started. I regard 1 The purchase of classical books on a large scale is not quite exploded ; twice in my life I have been consulted for the purpose by libraries with which I had no sort of connexion. . ADVERTISEMENT. XI him as in no liberal sense a classical scholar, who does not by degrees make himself acquainted with more than the mere titles^ of all classical authors. It is now easy and cheap to procure, in Teubner's series, the best texts of the entire range of ancient letters ; if a man has these on his shelves, and consults e.g. Dio or Suetonius or Pliny or Gellius or Plutarch, as he finds them quoted ; if he reads in English translations parts or the whole of works which he lacks time to read in the original ; if, on running over a page or two of a lexicon, or of such books as Schwegler's history or Becker's Gallus, he finds that he can estimate the comparative value of the authors cited, knows approxi- mately their dates and the subjects of which they treat, then he has done that which they left undone who forced me to this toil, burdensome alike to me and to the printer. 1 Some few years ago a Latin poet (I do not mean Plautus) was edited by an Englishman ignorant of his name ; yet the nickname has stood for centuries pUloried on the threshold of the commentaries. I have been taken to task in print for preferring new sumpsimus to old mumpsimus, Publilius to Publius Syrus. JOHN E. B. MAYOR. St John's college Cambridge 30 Sept. 1875. Additions are generally marked by square brackets ; the article Cicero, having been rewritten throughout, has no such mark. A few books have been twice entered by mistake (Koch 15 — 6, Werner 132—3, Kellner and Burckhardt 164—5, Dressel 212—3). ERRATA. P. 12 1. 17 read reliquiae. ' „ 1. 3 up „ 365 for 265. 13 1.8 ,, Ussing. 14 1. 17 ,. 333 for 303. 17 1. 11 , , n. 45—48. 201. 7 ,, 337 for 377. 22 1. 15 (cf. 28 1. 19) read p. 65 for 462. 25 1. 11 up read 1864 for 1861. „ 1. ult. „ 290 ,, 298. 29 1. 6 up „ 334 „ 331. 30 1. 9 „ Greifswald. 31 1. 19 ,, frilhesten Zeiten. 35 1.18 ,, L. Lang e for L. L. Lange. 40 1. 2 and 12 (also pp. 42, 59 bis, 60, 61 ) read Allen for Alan. 46 1. 15 read 59 for 56. 48 1. 11 up „ P. „ A. „ 1. 5 up „ 1677. 541. Sup „ Sommerbrodt. 55 1, 8 up ,j Denker, eine. 66 1. 17 „ T. Newton. 601.5 „ Botoner. 64 1. 14 „ 1769. 73 1. 14 „ 256—263 E. (i. e. Eiese). 76 1. 3 „ Gottingen. 77 1. ult. „ Heimreich. 79 1. 19 „ ex Ponto i 7 30. 86 1. 4 „ see Wagenseil and Hadr. 93 1. 18 read 1863 4to. „ 1. 11 up „ E. Bahrens. 96 1. 5 „ 1827. 1. 14 ,, Is. Grangaeus. 100 1. 1 „ V 1445. P. 101 1. 8 up „ Wolfflin. 103 1. 8 „ Constant. „ 1. 12 dele 118—9. 104 1. 6 read Arevalo. 107 1. 4 „ V. (i.e. von). 109 1. 2 up before H. L. insert Orien- tius ed. 113 add Dracontii Orestes tragoedia Rec. Eud. Peiper Bresl. 1875. 114 1. 4 read 1495. 115 1. 3 up in marg. add 63 b.c. — 14 A.D. 121 1. 7 read 1681. 122 1. 3 >» 1785 without the dash. 123 1. 16 up ,, I. for J. 129 1. 18 ,, Strassb. 1756. 130 1. 17 ,, 343—8. 138 1. 6 j> Melanchthon. 142 1. 6 up I. for J. 143 1. 19 up F. C. Wex. 145 1. ult oeuvres. 155 1. 14 up it. (i.e. etude). „ 1. 10 „ Beitrdge. 176 1. 11 and 13 up read Dever- liug. „ 1. 12 up read 149. 178 1. 15 ,, J. I. for J. T. 182 1. 6 ,, XXVII. 187 1. 3 ,, Eossel. 188 1. 11 »» 666. „ 1.9 up ,, Yen. '50. 202 1. 8 ?) collections. 204 1. 15 „ Liidecke. 211 1. 11 ,, '61. ,, 1.14 up ,, '62—5. 1-1 i{ II A (,' V UNI VK I J, SIT Y () CAiAh\)liSL\ INTEODUCTION. § 1. Idea and method. 1. Connexion of Greek and Roman antiquity. 2. Position of the history of literature among the other branches of classical philology. § 2. Preliminary. 1. Nationality and language. 2. National character. § 3. Scope and division. § 4. Sources. 1. Commencement of literary notices. L. Aelius Stilo Praeconinus. Ser. Clodius. I. A. C. van Heusde disquisitio de L. Aelio Stilone Ciceronis in rhetoricis magistro etc. Inserta sunt Aelii Stilonis et Servii Claudii fragmenta. Utrecht 1839. The fragments in E. Egger Latini sermonis vetustioris reliquiae selectae. Paris 1843 3 sqq. Cf. § 44 1. L. Cornelius Sisenna. F. Ritschl de veteribus Plauti interpretibus (1839) in his Parerga 355 sqq. Cf. § 40 9. 2. M. Terentius Varro, his contemporaries and suc- cessors. Cf. § 45 5. 3. Cicero's writings on literary history. Cf. § 46 3. M. 1 2 SOURCES. 4. C. Suetonius Tranquillus de viris illustrihus (cf. §97). F. Ritschl Suetonius de viris illustrihus (1843) in hi^ Parerga 609 sqq. C. F. Hermann disputatio de scnptoribus illustrihus, quorum tempora Hieronymus ad Eusebii chronica adnotavit. Marburg 1848 4to. Th, Mommsen iiher den Ghronographen vom J. 354 in the Ahh. der K. Sachs. Ges. der Wissensch. II 1850 549 sqq. esp. 673 sqq. G. Suetoni Tranquilli quae supersunt omnia rec. Car. Lud. Roth. Leipzig 1858 257 sqq. * G. Suetoni Tranquilli praeter Gaesarum lihros reliquiae ed. Aug. Reifferscheid. Inest vita Terentii a Frid. Bitschelio emendata atque enarrata. Leipzig 1860 3 sqq. 363 sqq. Eusehi chronicorum lihri duo edidit Alfred S eh one. Vol. II (I is not yet published). Special title of the volume : Eusehi chronicorum cano- num quae supersunt edidit A Ifred Schone. Armeniam versionem Latine factam e lihris manuscriptis rec. H. Petermann. Hieronymi versionem e lihris ms. rec. A. Schone. Syriam epitomen Latine factam e lihro Lon- dinensi rec. E. Roediger. Berlin 1866 fol. A. von Gutschmid in the Jahrb. fiir classische Philologie 1867 677 sqq. The same de temporum notis quibus Eusehius utitur in chronicis canonihus. Kiel 1868 4to. § 5. Modern histories of Roman literature. 1. The earliest studies in literary history. Laurentius Mehus vitaAmhrosii Traversarii (before his ed. of Traver- sarii epistolae vol. I Flor. 1759 fol.). G. Tiraboschi storia della letteratura Italiana. 14 vols. Modena 1771 — 1795 4to. often reprinted. A. H. L. Heeren Geschichte des Studiums der classischen Litteratur seit dem Wie- deraujiehen der Wissenschaften his zum Schluss des 15. Jahrhunderts. 2 vols. Gottingen 1797 and 1801 (also in Heeren's historische Schriften vols. 4 and 5. Gottingen 1822). * J. Bernays Joseph Justus Scaliger. Berlin 1855. *G. Voigt die Wiederhelehung des classischen Alter- thums Oder das erste Jahrhundert des Humanismus. Berlin 1859. J. Schiick zur Characteristik der italianischen Humanisten. Breslau 1857. The same Aldus Manutius und seine Zeitgenossen in Italien und Deutschland. Berlin 1861. [*Ambr. Firmin-Didot Aide Ma- nuce et VHellenisme a Venise. Paris 1875. *A. A. Renouard annales de Vimprimerle des Aide. 3rd ed. Paris 1834. The s&vue * annales de Vimprimerie des Estienne. 2nd ed. ibid. 1843. * Jacob Burckhardt die Gultur der Renaissance in Italien. Basel 1860. Beriah Botfield praefationes et epistolae editionihus principihus auctorum veterum prae- RENAISSANCE. 6 positae. Cambridge 1861 fol. H. A. Erhard Geschichte des Wieder- aufbluhens wissenschaftlicher Bildung, vornehmlich in Deutschland, bis zum Anfange der Reformation. 3 vols. Magdeburg 1827—32. Histories of the universities of Vienna by R. Kink (Vienna 1854) and J. Aschbach (ibid. 1865), of Erfurt by *Kampschulte (Trier 1858—60). Lives of Jac. Wimpheling by P. v. Wiskowatoff (Berl. 1867) and L. Schwarz (Gotha 1875); of Jo. Sturm by C. Schmidt (Strassburg 1835) ; of Petrarka (Leipzig 1874) and * Jo. Eeuchlin (Leipzig 1871) by L. Geiger; of Ulr. v. Hutten by *D. F. Strauss (3 vols. Leipzig 1858 — 60; cf. *Hutteni opera 5 vols, and suppl. 2 vols. Leipzig 1859 — 89, ed. by Ed. Booking), of Melanchthon by *C. Schmidt (Elberfeld 1861, cf. Melanchthon's opera ed. by C. T. Bretschneider and H. E. Bindseil. 28 vols. Halle and Braunschweig 1834— 60 4to. ) ; of *Is. Casaubon by Mark Pattison (London 1875). For England cf. the *his- tory, fasti, annals and *Athenae of Ant. Wood; the annals and memo- rials of Cambridge, *Athenae and Memoir of Margaret countess of Rich- mond and Derby (Cambr. 1874) by C. H. Cooper ; the * register of Mag d. coll. Oxf. by J. E. Bloxam (Oxf. 1853—73 4 vols.); the Vdstory of Cambridge University by J. B. Mullinger (Cambr. 1873); the histories of C. C. C. Cambridge byR. Masters (ibid. 1753 4to.) and of St John's college by Tho. Baker (Cambr. 1869); the catalogues of mss in the university and college libraries; Sam. Knight's lives of Erasmus (Cambr. 1726) and Jo. Colet (London 1724, Oxford 1823) ; cf. Colet's de sacramentis Lond. 1867, super opera Dionysii ibid. 1869, enarratio in ep. ad Rom. ibid. 1873, in 1 ep. ad Cor. ibid. 1874, all ed. by J. H. Lupton); Eog. Ascham's Scholemaster (Lond. 1863); the Oxford re- formers (Colet, Erasmus, More) by F. Seebohm (2nd ed. Lond. 1839); lives of Sir John Cheke (Lond. 1705, Oxf. 1822) and Sir Thos. Smith (Lond. 1698, Oxf. 1820) by John Strype.] G. Bernhardy Grundriss 5th ed. 96—161. 2. loll. Alb. Fabricius hihliotheca Latina, 5tli ed. Hamburg 1721-2 3 vols. 8vo. Ven. 1728 2 vols. 4to. Best ed. [yet not containing all that is in the foregoing] *nunG melius delecta rectius digesta et aucta diligentia I. A, Ernes ti. Leipzig 1773 1774 3 vols. Svo. [The same *bibliotheca Latina mediae et infimae aetatis. 3rd ed. with the additions of Chr. Schottgen and V. D. Man si. 6 vols. Flor. 1858 4to. W. Cave scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia Uteraria best 1—2 4 LATER LATIN AUTHORS. ed. with tlie additions of Henry Wharton. 2 vols. Oxford 1740—3. repr. Basel 1741—5 fol. Casim. On din commentarms de scriptoribus eeclesiae antiquis. 3 vols. Leipzig 1722 fol. *Sebast. le Nain Tille- mont memoires pour servir a Vhistoire ecclesiastique. 16 vols. Paris 1693 — 1712 4to. (to a.d. 513). Remy Ceillier Mstoire generale des auteurs sacres et eccUsiastiques. 23 vols. Paris 1729 — 63 4to, with table generale by Rondet 2 vols. ibid. 1782; new ed. 16 vols. ibid. 1868—69 4to. (to the 13th cent,). G. Lumper Mstoria theol. critica de vita, scriptis et doctrina ss. patrum . . . trium primorum saeculorum. 13 vols. Augsburg 1783 — 99. Jo. Georg Walch bibliotheca patristica ed. Danz. Jena 1834. *J. A. Mohler Patrologie. Regensburg 1840 (to Lactan- tius). Job. Alzog Grundriss der Patrologie. Freiburg in Br. 1866 (a larger work in 2 vols, is announced). The KircJienlexikon of Wetzer and Welte (12 vols. Freiburg im Br. 1847—60; new ed, preparing), Herzog's Real-Encyclopodie fiir protestantische Theologie und Kirche (21 vols. Hamburg 1847 — 66), and the dictionary of Christian biography announced by Murray contain lives of the fathers and accounts of their works. * Adolf Ebert Geschichte der christlich-lateinischen Literatur von ihren Avfangen bis zum Zeitalter Karls des grossen. Leipzig 1874.] Christ. Falster quaestiones Romanae s. idea historiae litterarum JRomanarum. Leipzig und Flensburg 1718, loh, Nic. Funccius de origine, de pueritia, de adolescentia, de virili aetate, de imminenti senectute, de vegeta senectute, de inerti ac decrepita senectute linguae Latinae. Giessen, Marburg and Lemgo 1720 — 1750, 6 vols. 4to, F. A. "Wolf Geschichte der rmnischen Litteratur, ein Leitfaden fiir akademische Vorlesungen. Halle 1787; the same Vorlesnngen iiber die Geschichte der romischen Litteratur herausgegeben von Giirtler. Leipzig 1832. 3. Joh. Christ. Fel. Bahr Geschichte der romischen Litteratur, 4th ed. 3 vols. Carlsruhe 1868 1869 1870. Three supplements contain (1) the christian poets and his- torians [ibid. 2nd edit. 1872], (2) the theology and (3) the Roman literature of the Carolingian age, ibid. 1837 1840. Eeinh. Klotz Handbuch der lateinischen Litteraturgeschichte. vol. I. Leipzig 1846, No more published. [The biographical articles in *A. Pauly Real-encyclopddie der classischen AlterthumsvAssenschaft. 7 vols. Stuttgart 1839-52. Vol. i by W. S. Teuffel in 2nd ed. ibid. 1864-6.] HISTORIES OF ROM. LIT. 5 4. *Gottfr. Bernhardy Grundriss der romischen Lit- teratur, 5th ed. Braunschweig 1869 — 1872. 5. Ed. Munck Gesch. d. rom. Litt. 3 vols. Berlin 1858—1861. [Popular.] 6. Th. Mo mm sen romische Geschichte, [the chapters on literary history. Mommsen's history has been trans- lated into English.] T. *W, S. Teuffel Geschichte der romischen Litera- tur. Leipzig 1875, 3rd ed. [translated by W. Wagner 2 vols. Lond. 1873]. 8. Chronological aids. *Henr. Clinton fasti Romani. 2 vols. Oxford 1845 4to. *E, W. Fischier romische Zeittafeln von Roms Grilndung bis auf Augustus Tod. Altona 1846 4to. [*C. Peter Zeittafeln der rom. Geschichte. 4th ed. HaUe 1867 4to.] [9. Bibliography. J, P. Krebs Handhuch der philologischen BucherJcunde. 2 vols. Bremen 1822—3. *F. L. A. Schweiger Handhuch der classischen Bibliographie. Pt. ii Leipzig 1832 — 4. L. W. Briiggemann a view of the English editions, translations and illustrations of the ancient Greek and Latin authors. Stettin 1797. Suppl. ibid. 1801. W.Wagner Grundriss der class. Bibliographie. Breslau 1840. * Bibliotheca philo- logica published half-yearly since 1848 by Vandenhoeck and Euprecht in Gottingen. The general bibliographies of Brunet and Grasse. *E. Klotz index bibliothecae G. D.Becki. Leipzig 1835. Catalogues of the libraries of *Fr. Jacobs (Berlin 1849), *K. Lachmann (ibid. 1852), *G. Hermann (Leipzig 1854), Ph. Wagner (ibid. 1856), E. F. Wuestemann (Gotha 1857), F. G. Schneidewin (Berlin 1857), H. Dohrn (ibid. 1857), *G. Stallbaum (Leipzig 1861). *Otto Jahn's Bibliothek.-pt. 1 Bonn 1870. *Wilh, Engelmann bibliotheca scrip- torum classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum. Leipzig 1858. Conti- nuations by C. H. Herrmann (Halle 1871, bringing the list down to 1869), and Rud. Kluszmann (ibid. 1873, to Midsummer 1873). Jos. B. Mayor guide to the choice of classical books. London and Cambridge 1874. English editions are given by Watt and Lowndes, and in the 6 ETRUSCAN. English Catalogue, and those of every nation in the national bibliogra- phies registered by Jul. Petzholdt bihliotheca bibliographica. Leipzig 1866. I. The first period of Eoman literature (the Latin literature) From the commencement to the decemviral legislation. General. § f). The Roman nationality and language in comparison with the other nations of Italy. Schleicher in Rhein. Mus. xiv 1859 329 sqq. *W. Corssen iiber Aussprache, Vocalismus und Betonung der lateinischen Sprache. 2nd ed. recast. 2 vols. Leipzig 1868 1870. A. Fabretti corpus inscriptiomim Italicarum et glossarium Italicum. Turin 1867 fol. [*Th. Aufrecht has promised to prepare a history and grammar of the Italian dialects for the Oxford press, to contain about 70 sheets.] 1. Etruscans. L. Lanzi saggio di lingua Etnisca. 3 vols. 2nd ed. Flor. 1824. C. 0. Miiller die Etrusker. 2 vols. Breslau 1828. L. Steub iiber die Urbewohner Rhdtiens und ihren Zusammenhang mit den Etrus- hern. Miinchen 1844, J. B. Vermiglioli le antiche iscrizioni Peru- gine. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Perugia 1834 4to. Cf. G. C. Connestabile di Giambattista Vermiglioli, il sepolcro dei Volunni and monumenti della necropoli del Palazonne. 3 vols. Perugia 1855 1856 4to; iscrizioni etrusche e etrusco-latine del museo di Firenze. Flor. 1858 4to. *Th. Mo mm sen die nordetruskischen Alphabete auf Inschriften und Miinzen, in the Mittheilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft zu Zurich vii 1853 4to. Cf. the same in the Monatsberichte der Berliner Akademie 1857 6. Lorenz in Kuhn's Beitr. zur vergl. Sprachf. iv 1865 1 sqq. v 1868 204 sqq. [W. Corssen iiber die Sprache der Etrusker. Vol. i Leipzig 1874. Vol. ii pt. 2 is announced.] The Faliscan dialect : E. Garrucci in the annali delV instittito di corrispondenza archeoto- UMBRIAN. SABELLIAN. 7 gica at Eome xxxii 1860 211 sqq. Th. Mommsen in the Monatslerichte der Berliner Akademie 1860 451 sqq. 2. Umbrians. B. Lepsius inscriptiones Umhricae et Oscae etc. Leipzig 1841 8vo. and fol. *Th. Aufrecht and A. Kirchoff die umbrischen Sprach- denkmaler. 2 vols. Berlin 1849 1851 4to. *Pli. E. Huschke die igu- vischen Tafeln nebst den kleineren umbrischen Inschriften. Leipzig 1859. The same zu den altitalischen Dialekten {seiparsite issue from the 5th suppl. of the Jahrb.) Leipzig 1872. A. Kirchoff das Stadtrecht von Bantia. Berlin 1853. L. Lange die oskische Inschrift der tabula Bantina und die romischen Volksgerichte. Gottingen 1853. 8. Sabellians : (1) the Sabine nations (Marrucini, Marsi, Aequi, Yolsci), (2) the Samnites or nations of the Oscan tongue (Sidicini, Frentani, [Campani,] Lucani, Appuli). *Th. Mommsen die unteritalischen Dialekte. Leipzig 1850 with 17 plates and 2 maps. The same on the Bantine law (621 — 636 u. c). Corpus inscr. Latinarum i (Berlin 1863 fol.) 197. W. Corssen de Volscorum lingua. Naumhurg 1858 4to. The s&me zum osk. Dialekt in Kuhn's Zeitschr. xi 1862 321 sqq. 401 sqq. xiii 161 sqq. 241 gqq. zum Sabell. Dialekt. ibid, xv 241 sqq. altoskische Spraclidenkmdler in griechischer Schrift ibid, xviii 187 sqq. H. Bruppacher Versuch einer Lautlehre der oskischen Sprache. Ziirich 1869. E. Enderis Versuch einer Formenlehre der oskischen Sprache mit den oskischen Inschriften und Glossar. Ziirich 1871. *Ph. E. Huschke die oskischen und sabel- lischen Sprachdenkmale. Eberfeld 1856. Frentanian dialect : C. I. L. 1 194. addenda 555. 4. Messapians. Th, Mommsen Die unterital. Dial. 41 sqq. The same in Hermes III 298. L. Maggiulli e duca di Castromediano le iscrizioni Mes- sapiche raccolte. Lecce 1871 12mo. 1. Earliest poetry in Latium. § 7. The idea of carmen and the Saturnian verse. [*John Wordsworth fragments and specimens of early Latin with introductions and notes. Oxford 1874]. 8 SATURNIAN VERSE. [F. G. Schneidewin Flavii Sosipatri Charisii de versu Saturnio commentarioluSj ex cod. Neap, nunc primum ed. Gottingen 1841 4to]. G. Hermann elementa doctrinae metricae § 525. Leipzig 1816 606 sqq. H. Diintzer and L. Lersch de versu quern vacant Saturnio. Bonn 1838. W. Th. Streuber de inscriptionibus quae ad nunierum Satumium referuntur. Zurich 1845. W. Diintzer in Zeitschr. filr Gymnas. xi 1857 1 sqq. The same zur Lehre vom saturnischen Vers in Philol. XXVIII 1869 230 sqq. xxx 445 sqq. W. Corssen origines poesis Homanae. Berlin 1846. 195; the same uher Aussprache etc. (cf. § 6) 11^ 961 sqq. R. Westphal ilher die Formder dltesten romischen Poesie. Tiibingen 1852. The same griechische Metrik 2nd ed. 1868 (pt. ii of the 3Ietrik der Griechen von A. Rossbach und R. Westphal) 36 sqq. *F. Ritschl titulus Mummianus. Bonn Lectionskatalog for 1852 4to. inscriptio columnae rostratae Duellianae. Bonn 1852 4to. 20 sqq. cf. the same in Rhein. Mus. ix 1859 3 sqq. and poesis Saturniae spicilegium I. Bonn 1854 4to. 0. Ribbeck in Jahrb. 1858 199 sqq. F. Bucheler ibid. 1863 328 sqq. A. Sp en gel die Gesetze des saturnischen Versmasses in Philol. XXIII 1866 80 sqq. K. Bartsch der saturnische Vers und die altdeutsche Langzeile, Beitrag zur vergleichenden Metrik (Leipzig 1867) contains a collection of monuments in Satumian verses 50 sq. Th. Korsch de versu Saturnio. Moscow 1868. cf. also § 35. § 8. Carmina sacra. 1. The lay of the Salii. Tob, Gutberleth de Saliis Martis sacerdotibus. Franeker 1704 andinPolenus thesaur. antiq.y 793 sqq. Egger Lat. serm. vet. rel. 73 sqq. Corssen orig. poes. Rom. 25 sqq. Th. Bergk commentatio de carminum Saliarium reliquiis. Marburg 1847 4to. 2. The lay of the fratres arvales, *G. Marini gli atti e monumenti de' fratelli arvali. 2 vols. Rom. 1795 4to. pi. 41. *F. Ritschl ^rtscae Latinitatis monumenta epigraphica pi. 36. C. I. L. I 28. R. H. Klaus en de carmine fratrum arvalium liber. Bonn 1836. Corssen orig. poes. Rom. 86 sqq. Th. Bergk in Zeitschr. filr Alterthumsw. 1856 n. 17 — 19. [*W. Henzen acta fratrum arvalium. Berlin 1874.] 3. Formulae of dedication and of cursing. Indigi- tamenta. Prophecies. The lays of Marcius (in Livius XXV 12). EAELIEST VERSE. 9 W. Ambrosch uher die Religionsbucher der Romer in Zeitschr. fur Philos. und hath. Theologie in 1841 (2) 221 sqq, (4) 26 sqq. and sepa- rately Bonn 1843. Guicherit de carminibus fratrum Marciorum et de carminibus triumphalibus militum Romanorum. Leyden 1846, The sortes. Th. Mommsen C I. Z. I 267 sqq. n. 1438—1454. § 9. Carmina publica. 1. The carmen rogationis (in Livius ill 64 § 10) and the sayings of the fetiales (ibid. I 32). 2. The dedicatory inscription of the triumphatores. Th. Mommsen C. I. L. i 149 sqq. The thorax linteus of the Veientine king Lars Tolumnius (in Livius IV 20 §§ 5—22). § 10. Carmina privata, 1. Convivial songs. Blagoweschtschensky^Ze carminibus convivalibus eorumque in ve- tustissima Romanorum historia condenda momenta. St Petersburg 1854 (cf. M. Hertz in Jahrb. 1870 304). 2. Neniae. Elogia. G. Gnrtius iiber die Etymologie des Wortes elogium in Berichte der K. Sachs. Ges. der Wissensch. (phil. histor. Kl.) 1864 1 sqq. A. Fleck- eisen in Jahrb. xciii 1866 3 sqq. H. Diintzer in Kuhn'a Zeitschr. XVI 1867 275 sqq. [E. Liibbert de gentium rom. commentariis domes- ticis. Giessen 1873 4to. 0. Hirschf eld in Fhilologus xxxiv 85 — 95.] The elogia Scipionum. Th. Mommsen C. I. L. i 28—34. § 11. Carmina ludicra, 1. Versus Fescennini. C. A. C. Klenze philologische Abhandlungen (contributions to the history of the old italian tribes, especially from the remains of their languages, after C. Lachmann) Berlin 1839 55 sqq. 93. Corssen orig. poes. Rom. 124 sqq. A. Th. Bromann de versibus fescenninis. XJpsala 1852 4to. A. Rossbach die romische Ehe, Leipzig 1853 340 sqq. 10 EARLIEST PROSE. 2. Jeering songs of the soldiers in the triumph. G. H. Bernstein versus ludlcri in Bomanorum Caesares priores olim compositi. Halle 1810. 2. Earliest prose in Latium. § 12. Age of written notices. Th. Mommsen unterital. Dial. 1 sqq. Corssen Aussprache V 1 sqq. *A. Kirchlioff Studien zur GescMchte des griechischen Alpha- bets 2nd ed, Berlin 1867 103 sqq. B. Modestow der Gebrauch der Schrift unter den romischen Konigen, Berlin 1871. [Wordsworth as cited § 7.] § 13. Treaties and other public documents. [Seethe histories of Schwegler, Cornewall Lewis and Momm- sen.] 1. The deed of foundation of the Aventine temple of Diana. Cf. the inscriptions Orelli 2489. 2490. Henzen 6121. 2. The treaty of alliance made by the second Tar- quinius with Gabii. 3. The treaties of alliance with Carthage. Th. Mommsen romische Chronologie 322 sqq. J. Aschbach in Sitzungsher. der Wiener Akademie 1859 422 seqq. A. S chafer in Rhein. Mus. XV 1860 396 sq. 488. xvi 288 sqq. E. Miiller in Verhandl. der Frankfurter Philologenversammlung 1861 79 sqq. H. Nissen in Jahrb. 1867 321 sqq. and in the Marburg Lectionshatalog for 1870 4to. 4. The treaty of alliance made by Sp. Cassius Yecel- linus with the Latins. Th. Mommsen in Hermes v 1870 228 sqq. 5. The lex de clavo pangendo in Livius Vll 3. Th. Mommsen romische Chronologie 172 sqq. 6. The lex Icilia de Aventino puhlicando. 7. The treaty of alliance with Ardea. Th. Mommsen romische Chronologie 93 sqq. EARLIEST PROSE. ( ' i 11 § 14. Chronological and historical notic€^l . 1. The calendar. *Tli. Mo mm sen die romische Chronologie bis auf Gasar. 2nd revised ed. Berlin 1859. The same C. I. L. i 293—412 and in Ephemeris epigraphica corporis inscr. Lat. supplementum. Berlin 1872 33 sqq. *Pliil. Ed. Huschke das alte romische Jahr und seine Tage, eine chronol. rechtsgesch. Untersuchung. Breslau 1869. 2. The lists of the eponymous magistrates (the fasti), W. Henzen C. I. L. i 415— 479 and Th. Mommsen ibid. 483—552. [Bullet. delV inst. 1872 157—160. Ephemeris epigr. 1872 157 sq. Hermes vii 474 sqq. Borghesi oeuvres iii 391 sqq.] 3. The annales maximi. E. HUbner in Jahrh. 1859 401 sqq. Th. Bergk Beitrdge zur lateinischen Grammatik. Halle 1869 27. * Historic orum Romanorum relliquiae. Dispos. rec. praefatus est Herm. Peter. Vol. prius. Leipzig 1870. cf. W. Teuffel and Th. Pliiss in Jahrb. 1871 275 sqq. § 15. Legal and political notices. 1. The libri augurales. 2. The commentarii magistratuum. \Gomm. aedilium K. W. Nitzsch die r'dm. Annalistik (1873) 210 — 5. 220.] 3. The leges regiae and the iit^ Papirianum. *C. G. Bruns fontes iuris Romani antiqui. Ed. II aucta emendata. Tubingen 1871. H. E. Dirksen Versuche zur Kritik und Auslegung der Quellen des romischen Rechts. Berlin 1823 234 sqq. [E. C. Clark early Roman law. The regal period. London 1872.] 11. The second period of Eoman literature (Italian literature) The period of struggle and of prime. General. § 16. The legislation of the twelve tables. *Legis duodecim tabularum reliquiae. Edidit constituit prolegomena addidit Bud. Scholl. Leipzig 1868. B.C. 12 POETRY. § 17. The increasing influence of Greek literature, 1. The public games. *L. Friedlsinder in Marquardt's Handhuch der romischen Alter- thiimer iv Leipzig 1856 471 sqq. *E. Hubner iscrizioni esistenti sui sedili di teatri ed anjiteatri antichi in the annali of the Eoman institute 1856 52 sqq, 1859 122 sqq. *Th. Mommsen C. I. L. i 370 and in the commentarii diurni. 2. Education in school. G. Bernhardy Grundriss 5th ed. 35 — 95. 1. Poetry. 284—204 § 18. Andronicus Livius (about 470 — 550 u. c). 1. Odyssey. 2. Carmen triumphale. G. Hermann elem. doct. metr. 617 sqq. H. Diintzer L. Livii Andronici fragmenta collecta et inlustrata. Berlin 1885. E. Kluss- mann L. A. dramatum reliquiae. Pars prior. Rudolstadt 1849 4to. L. A. Odyssiae reliquae ex rec. 0. Giintheri. Stettin 1864 4to. ^ 3. Tragedies. The chorus of Roman tragedy. 4. Comedies. *F. G. We] eke r die griecMschen Tragodien mit Biicksicht auf den epischen Cyclus geordnet. 3 vols. Bonn 1841 iii 1332 sqq. Salmasius on the scr. hist. Aug. ii 828. A. G. Lange vindiciae tragoediae Romanae. Leipzig 1822 4to. 22 (and in his vermischte Schriften. Leipzig 1832 15 sqq.). *0. Eibbeck scenicae Romano- rum poesis fragmenta. i tragicorum Latinorum reliquiae. Leipzig 2nd ed. 1871 1 sqq. 243 sqq. ii comlcorum Latinorum praeter Plautum et Terentium reliquiae. 2nd ed. Leipzig 1873 1 sqq. [contain complete indd. The fragmenta' veterum poetarum Latinorum of Henr. Ste- phanus (Paris 1564) and Petr. Scriverii collectanea veterum tra- gicorum . . . quibus accedunt . . . notae G. J. Vossii (2 vols. Leyden 1620) contain notes]. W. Grysar in Abhandlungen der Wiener Akad. der Wissensch. xv 1855 265 sqq. 0. Jahn in Berichte d. K. Sachs, Ges. der Wissensch. (phil. hist. Kl.) 1856 294 sqq. The same in Hermes ii 1867 225 sqq. L. M tiller in Jahrb. 1866 566 sqq. B.C. NAEVIUS. PLAUTUS. 13 5. Language of the early poets in general. F. W. Holtze syntaxis priscorum scriptorum Latinorum usque ad Terentium 2 vols. Leipzig 1860 1861. § 19. Cn. Naevius (about 490 to about 560 u. c). 264—191 E. Klussmann Cn. Naevii poetae Romani vitam descripsit, carmi- ^'^' num reliquias collegit, poesis rationem exposuit. Jena 1843. M. I. Berchem de Cn. N. poetae vita et scriptis. Munster 1861. 0. Jahn in Hermes ii 1867 243 sqq. [Ussin6 om . . . Naevius in Verhandl. d. Kopenh. Ges. d. Wiss. 1869 233—245.] Tragedies. — Praetextae. — Comedies. — Bellum Pu- nicum. Kibbeck trag.^ 6 sq. 277 sq. 1st ed. 348 sq. com. 5 sq. J. Vahlen Cn. Naevi de hello Punico reliquiae, Leipzig 1854 4to. § 20. T. Maccius Plautus (about 500—570 u. c). 254—184 1. Name and circumstances of bis life. G. E. Lessing Abhandlung von dem Leben und den Werken des Plautus (1750) in his sdmmtl. Werke herausg. von Lachmann iii 1 sqq. (Maltzahn iii 15 sq.) *Fr. Eitschl de Plauti poetae nominibus and de aetate Plauti (1841) in Parerga zu Plautus und Terenz i (all published). Leipzig 1845 3 sqq. 45 sqq. C. E. Geppert in Jahn's Archiv ix 262 sqq. The same Plautinische Studien I II. Berlin 1870 1871. M, Hertz T. Maccius Plautus oder M. Accius Plautus? Berlin 1854. The same de Plauti poetae nominibus epimetrum. Breslau 1867 4to. cf. L. Muller and F. Bticheler in Jahrb. 1868 212 sqq. J. Brix ausgew. Kom. i 1864 3 sq. W. Teuffel (1863) in his Studien und C harakteristiken (1871) 255 sqq. 2. Works. *Fr. Eitschl die fabulae Varronianae des Plautus (1843 1844) in Parerga 71 — 245. The same die plautinischen Didaskalien (1841) ibid. 249 sqq. a. Manuscripts. *Fr. Eitschl ilber die Kritik des Plautus, eine hibliograpMsche Untersuchung (1836) in his Opuscula philologica ii 1868 1 sqq. The same iiber den Maildnder Palimpsest des Plautus, Zuschrift an G. Her- mann (1837) ibid. 166 sqq. iiber die jiingsten plautinischen Studien (1846) ibid. 202 sqq. W. Studemund der plautinische Trinummus im Codex 14 PLAUTUS. Ambrosianusm Rhein. Mus. xxi 1866 674 sqq. A. Spengel T. Maccius Plautus. Kritik, Prosqdie, Metrik. Gottingen 1865. b. Editions and criticism of the text. [Commentaries by *Dion. Lambinus. Paris 1576 fol. and often. Fr. Taubmann. Witteb. 1612 and *1621 4to. *Jo. Ph. Parens. Neustadt 1619 4to. MS. notes by Greaves, Hermann and Kuarus in the Cambridge library.] *M. Acci Plauti comoediae. Accedit com- mentarlus ex variorum notis et observationibus. Ex recensione loh. Frid. Gronovii. Editio novissima, 2 vols. Amsterdam 1684. The Vulgata, containing the 20 comedies and some fragments. *T. M. P. comoediae. Ex recensione et cum apparatu critico Frid. Eitschelii. I Bonn 1848 (Prolegomena, Trinummus, Miles gloriosus, Bacchides). II Bonn 1850 (Stichus, Pseudulus, Menaechmi, Mostellaria). iii 1. 2. Elberfeld (Leipzig) 1853 1854 (Persa, Mercator). Still wanting therefore Amphitiruo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Captivi, Curculio, Casina, Cistellaria, Epidicus, Poenulus, Eudens, Truculentus. F. Eitschl znr Plautus- litteratur in Rhein. Mus. xxvii 1873 303 sqq. T. M. P. comoediae. Ex recognitione Alfredi Fleckeiseni 2 vols. Leipzig 1850 1851. (i Am- phitruo, Captivi, Miles gloriosus, Eudens, Trinummus; ii Asinaria, Bacchides, Curculio, Pseudulus, Stichus). *AusgeioahIte Komodien des T. M. P. fiir den Schulgehrauch erkldrt von Julius Brix. i 2nd ed. Leipzig 1873 {Trinummus). ii 2nd ed. 1870 {Captivi). in 2nd ed. 1873 {Menaechmi). The same de P. Truculento. Liegnitz 1868 4to. *Ausgewdhlte Komodien des T. M. P. erkldrt von Aug. 0. Fr. Lorenz. II Mostellaria. Berlin 1866. iii Miles gloriosus 1869. With elaborate introduction. The same in Philol. xxviii 1869 183 sqq, 357 sqq. 661 sqq. XXX 430 sq. 578 sqq. xxxii 270 sqq. 406 sqq. and in the Berlin G. Progr. of 1872 4to. *T. M. P. Truculentus cum apparatu critico Guil, Studemund et epistula eiusdem de codicis Ambrosiani reliquiis edidit illustravit Andr. Spengel. Gottingen 1868. W. Studemund com- mentatio de Vidularia Plautina. Greifswald 1870 4to ; emendationes Plautinae. Greifswald 1871 4to. [*Mostellaria ed. S. Bugge. 1873. Thesame in Philologus xxx 636 sqq. xxxi 247 sqq.] Cf. L. Mercklin symholae exegeticae ad Curculionem Plautinam. Dorpat 1851 4to. W. Wagner de Plauti Aulularia. Bonn 1863. The same an ed. with notes. Cambridge 1863. [The same *Trinummu8 with notes. Cambridge 1872. The other plays will follow ibid.] Eich. Miiller de Plauti Epidico. Berlin 1865. A. KieB&Ung zum Pseudolus in Rhein. Mus. xxin 1868 411 sqq. and plautinische Analecten ibid, xxiv 115 sqq. The same in Jahrb. 1868 609 sqq. H. A. Koch in Jahrb. PLAUTUS. 15 1871 826 gqq. Th. Bergk ibid. 1872 121 sqq. A. Luchsin Hermes VI 1871 264 sqq. 0. Seyffert in Philol xxvii 1869 434 sqq. Th. Hasper de Poenuli Plautinae duplici exitu (also in Jahrb. supplem. v). Leipzig 1868 2 pts. M. Haupt in Hermes v 1870 175 sq. H. A. Koch, L. Miiller and A. Fleckeisen zum mil. glor. in Jahrb. 1870 61 sqq. 66 sq. 69 sqq. Bugge in Philol. xxxi 1871 247 sqq. O. Lorenz (on the mil. glor.) ibid, xxxii 270 sqq. A. Fleckeisen (on the Truculentus) in Jahrb. 1871 809 sqq. 1872 71 sqq. c. Subjects and models. W. Grauert tifter die Contamination der lat. Comiker in his hist. phil. Analecten. Miinster 1833 116 sqq. W. A. Becker de comicis Ro- manorum fabulis mdxime Plautinis quaestiones. Leipzig 1837 82 sqq. Th. Ladewig Uber den Kanon des Volcatius Sedigitus. Neustrelitz 1842 4to. The same in Philol. 1846 276 sqq. Kitschl Parerga 271 sqq. An Anonymus (1851) in Eitschl's Opuscula ii 732 sqq. W. Teuffel in Rhein. Mus. viii 1853 25 sqq. and in Jahrb. 1867 32 sqq. J. L. Klein Geschichte des Dramas ii Leipzig 1865 268 sqq. W. H&hn scaenicae quaestiones Plautinae. Greifswald 1867. Fr. Schmidt uber die Zahl der Schauspieler bei Plautu^ und Terenz. Erlangen 1870. d. Language and metres. [A complete index in the ed. of lac. Operarius in usum Delphini. 2 vols. Paris 1679 4to. in Valpy's reprint 5 vols. Lond. 1829, in ed. Naudet 4 vols. Paris 1832. Glossaries in the Bipont ed. 2 vols. 1779 — 80, and in those of J. A. Volpi 4 vols. Ven. 1788. Mich. Span 7 vols. Vienna 1792— 3 12mo. C. H. Weise 2 vols. Quedlinb. 1847. Lexicon Plautinum hy Jo. Ph. Parens. 2nd ed. Hanau 1634.] F. Kitschl Prolegomena to the trinummus (1848) and in many papers, now collected in Opuscula ii. Add by the same neue plauti- nische Excurse. I Leipzig 1869, and in Rhein. Mus. xxiv 1869 482 sqq. ; Canticum und Diverbium bei Plautus ibid, xxvi 1871 699 — 637. xxvii 186 sqq. J. B. Loman spec, critic, in Plautum. et Ter. Amsterdam 1845. M. Grain plautinische Studien. Stralsund 1858 4to. The same Bemerkungen zur lat. Lautlchre mit bes. Beriicksichtigung plan- tinischer Prosodik. I Ueber die Bildung der lat. Ortsadverbien auf im. Berlin 1864 4to. (Wilhelmsgymn.) H. A. Koch archaische Formen bei Plautus in Rhein, Mus. xxv 1870 617 sqq. A. Spengel de vv. creti- coram mu Plautino. Berlin 1861. F. Schultz de obsoletis coniu- gationum Plautinarumformis. Conitz 1804. 4to. W. Studemund de canticis Plautinis. Berlin 1864. die Cantica der Cusina in Zeitschr. fUr Gymnas. xviii 1864 526 sqq. zur Litteratur des Plautu>s in Jahrb, 1(3 ■ PLAUTUS. 1865 55 sqq. plautinische und unplautinisehe Wortformen in Hermes I 1866 281 sqq. ilber A. Spengels T. Maccius Plautus in Jahrb. 1866 49 sqq. Osc. Seyffert de Bacchiacorum vv. usu Plautino. Berlin 1864. The same Philol. xxix 1869 385 sqq. xxx 433 sq. G. Schmilinsky de proprietate sermonis Plautini usu linguarum Romanicarum illustrata. Halle 1865. H. Bocksch de casuum quam dicunt attractione apud Plautum et Terentium. Breslau 1865. A. Fleckeisen in Jahrb. 1867 630 sq. *E. Lubber t grammatische Studien (Der Conjunctiv und das Futurum exactuvi im dltern Latein). pt, I Breslau 1867. C. Fuhrmann die Vergleichungssatze bei Plautus in Jahrb. 1868 841 sqq. 1870 687 sq. and de particularum comparativarum usu Plautino part I. Greifswald 1870. Fr. Hirth de interiectionum usu Plautino Terentianoque. Spec. I, Kostock 1869. H. A. Koch archaische Formen bei P. in Rhein. Mus, XXV 1870 617 sqq. Th. Bergk Beitrdge zur lateinischen Grammatik I. Halle 1870. The same in P/iiZoL xxxi 1871 229 sqq. W. Christ die Gesetze der plautinischen Prosodie in Rhein. Mus. xxiii 1868 569 sqq. The same in Philol. xvm 1862 180 sqq. E. Ballas grajnmatica Plautina. Specimen /, de particulis copulativis. Greifswald 1868, B. Jonas de verbis frequentativis et intensivis apud comoediae Latinae scriptores I. Jena 1871 4to. *C. F. W. M tiller plautinische Prosodie, Berlin 1869. Nachtrdge zur P. P. Berlin 1871. K. Dziatzko Rhein. Mus. XXVI 1871 97 sqq. (on diverbia). F. Biicheler in Jahrb. 1871 273 sqq. K. Dziatzko ibid. 819 sqq. e. Ancient commentators. Prologues. F. Kitschl de veteribus Plauti interpretibus in Parerga 180 — 238, 357 sqq. The same in the prolegomena XL sqq. C. Dziatzko de prologis Plautinis et Terentianis quaestiones selectae. Bonn 1863. The same ilber die plautinischen Prologe. Luzem 1866 4to. Cf. W. Wagner in Jahrh. 1865 279 sqq. [f. Of English translations one is memorable as the original of the comedy of errors. Menaechmi. A pleasant and fine conceited Comoedie^ taken out of the most excellent wittie Poet Plautus. Chosen purposely from out the rest, as least harmefull and yet most delightfull. Written in English by W. W. London Printed by Tho. Creeke, and are to be sold by William Barley, at his shop in Gratious-streete. 1595 4to 20 leaves. Wood-Bliss Ath. Ox. i 766 — 7 assigns this to William Warner and adds that he ' englished other comedies of the said author, but none of them were published before the said year, but this one.' Cf. Warton- Hazlitt hist. Engl, poetry iv 323. Keprinted in Nichols six old plays I 109 sqq.] ENNIUS. 17 [P. Dahiel published at Paris in 1564 Queroliis, antiqua comoedia, nunquam anteliac edita, quae in vetusto codice vianuscripto Plauti Au- lularia inscribitur, witli 5 distichs by Geo. Buclianan 'de auctore liuius comoediae.' S. C. Klinkhamer recensuit et illustravit. Amsterdam 1829. Text with preface *Rud. Peiper Aulularia sice Querolus Theodosiani aevi comoedia liutilio dedicata. Leipzig 1875.] § 21. Q. Ennius (515 — 585 u. c). 239 B 1. Life. F. Eitter der Dichter Q. Ennius in Sardinien, auf dem Aventinus zu Rom, in Aetolien, sein romisches Biirgerrecht und sein Verhdltniss zur romischen Aristokratie in Zeitschr. filr Alterthuinswissenchaft 1840 45 — 48. 0. Jahn in Hermes n 1867 242 sqq. 2. Annales. Tragedies (and comedies). Saturae. Euemerus. [Notes by Herm. Column a (Naples 1590 4to, repr. with additions by Fr. Hess el Amsterd. 1707 4to) and by P. Merula (on the annals Leyden 1595 4to). MS. notes by Hermann in the Cambridge library.] * Ennianac poesis reliquiae recensuit loannes Vahlen. Leipzig 1854. Supplements by the same in the Rhein. Mus. xiv 1859 552 sqq. xvi 591 sqq. and (against A. Gobel) in Zeitschrift filr die dsterreichischen Gym- nasien 1859 268 sqq. 500. *L. Miiller de re metrica poetarum Latinorum praeter Flautum et Terentium libri septem. Leipzig 1861 65 sqq. H. Planck E. Medea commentario perpetuo illustrata cum fragmentis cet. Gottingen 1807 4to. A. Petermann iiber die Satire des E. i and II. Hirschberg 1851 1852 4to. B. ten Brink Varronis locus de urhe Roma. Ace. Q. Ennii apologus Aesopicus et reliquiae Euhemeri versibus quadratls. Utrecht 1855. G. Ungermann E. poeta versu hexametro in litteras Latinas inducto quatenus meritus sit. Coblenz 1866 4to, 0. Jahn in Hermes iii 1868 191. G. Eoper de Ennii Scipione. Danzig 1868 4to. [Th. Bev gkquaestiones Ennianae. Marburg 1844 4to. specimennovum Halle 1860 4to. krit. Studien zu E. in Jahrb. 1861 316 sqq. 495 sqq. 617 sqq. de Ennianis reliquiis. Halle 1863 4to.] New fragments. Th. Mommaenin Rhein. 3Ius. xvi 1861 449. xvii 143 cf. 313. M. Haupt in Hermes i 1866 401. L. Muller in Rhein. 3Ius. xxv 625. M. 2 18 PACUVIUS. CAECILIUS. § 22. M. Facuvius (about 534—622 u. c). Eibbeck trag.^ 75 sqq. cf. first ed. 278 sqq. O, Jahn in Ber. der K. Sachs. Ges. der W. [pliiloL histor. Kl. ) 1856 301 and in Hermes ii 1867 229 sqq. W. Teuffel Caecilius Statins, Facuvius, Attius und Afranius, Tubingen 1858 4to 7 sqq. § 23. Statins Caecilius (about 535 — 588 u. c). C. CaeciUi Statii deperditarum fabularum fragmenta ed. L. Spengel. Miinchen 1829 4to. Eibbeck com.^ 35 sqq. Teuffel Caecilius Statins, etc. 1 sqq. I. Becker in Philol. iv 1849 78 sqq. § 24. P. Terentius (569—595 u. c). 1. Life. Suetonius vita Terentii ed. by *F. Eitscbl in Eeifferscheid's Sueto- nius 26 sqq. 479 sqq. W. Teuffel (1853) in Studien und Charakteristiken (1871) 280 sqq. 2. The six comedies. Didascaliae. * Eitscbl Parerga 263 sqq. C. E. Geppert iiber die terenzischen Didaskalien in Jahrb. suppl. xviii 1852 550 sqq. I. A. Becker de Bomanorum censura scaenica. Accedunt variae de didascaliis Teren- tianis quaestiones. Mainz 1854 4to. W. Wilmanns de didascaliis Terentianis. Berlin 1864. Dziatzko§20 2e. A. Kobl didascaliae Terentianae explicatae. Halle 1865. C. Dziatzko iiber die teren- tianischen Didaskalien in Jihein. Mus. xx 1865 570 sqq. xxi 64 sqq. a. Manuscripts. * F, Eitscbl de emendatione fabularum Terentianarum. Breslau 1838 4to (intended for tbe 3rd vol. of tbe opnscula). Tbe same in Rhein. Mus. viii 1853 289 sqq. C. E. Geppert znr Geschichte der terentianischen Kritik in Jahrb. suppl. xviii 1852 28 sqq. J. Brix de Terentii libris a R. Bentleio adhibitis. Brieg 1852 4to. Tbe same de Terentii fabuUs post R. Bentleium emendandis. Liegnitz 1857 4to. [Fr. Umpfenbacb zu den Terenzhss. in Philologus xxxn 1873 442 — 477. R. Ellis in The Academy 1872 458 sq.] b. Eecension of Calliopius. 0. Jabn iiber die Subscriptionen in den Hss. romischer Classiker in Ber. der K. SdcJis. Ges. der Wissensch. (pbilol. bistor. Kl.) 1851 327 sqq. esp. 362 sqq. A. Eeifferscbeid de Latinorum codd. subscriptionibus commentariolum. Breslau 1872 4to, TERENTIUS. 19 c. Editors. [Notes by Faernus (Flor. 1565 2 vols.) Muretus (Ven. 1575 and often), *Fr. Lindenbrog (Paris 1602, Francof. 1623 4to); Jo. Weitz (Leipzig 1610), Parens (Neustadt 1619 4to, with a very full index), Gruyet (Strassburg 1657), A. H. Westerbov (with Donatus, Eugra- phius, Calpburnius, and Lindenbrog and good indices 2 vols. Hague 1726 4to), * J. Fr. Gronov (ed. Frotscher, Leipzig 1833), A. Drakenborch (on the Andria in Grauert's Analekten. Munster 1833), *D. Ruhnken (ed. L. Schopen, Bonn 1825; also in the London reprint of Zeune's ed. 2 vols. 1820). Notes by Beaulieu, Casaubon and Eeiz in the Cambridge library.] * P. T. A. covioediae ex recensione et cum notis Ric. Bentleii. Cam- bridge 1726 4to (Amsterdam 1727 4to, Leipzig 1791, last by Vollbehr Kiel 1846). cf. G. Hermann de Rich. Bentleio eiusque editione T. (1819) in his opiiscula ii 263 sqq. JP. T. comoediae recensuit Alfr. Fleckeisen. Leipzig 1857. * P. T. comoediae ed. et apparatu critico instruxit Franc. Umpfenbach. Berlin 1870. [R. Klotz Andria mit Icrit. u. exeg. Anmerkungen. Leipzig 1865. *W. Wagner Hautontimo- rumenos Berlin 1872. *C. Dziatzko ausgewdhlte Komoedien. i Phormio. Leipzig 1874.] d. Language and metres. [A complete index in the ed. in usum Delphini Paris 1675 4to (and in Valpy's reprint 3 vols. London 1824). Good indd. in edd. Parens, Ja. Kokert (Lubeck 1651, 1667), Mart. Huygeus (Amst. 1710 8vo, Lond. 1713 12mo), Dav. Hoogstraten (Amst. 1718 12mo), Fr. Hare (Lond. 1725 4to), Westerhov, R. Bentley (Amst. 1727 4to), Zeune 2 vols. Leipzig 1774.] Ed. a Bruner quaestiones Terentianae. Helsingfors 1868. B. Born de diverbii apud T. versibus. Magdeburg 1868 4to. [A. Ronspiess de conivgationis lat. formis apud Terentium. Jena 1873 4to.] C. Conradt de versuum Terentianorum structura. Berlin 1870. H. A. Koch in Jahrb. 1871 826 sqq. Th. Bergk ibid. 1872 121 sqq. [E. Rummler quaestiones terentianae. Halle 1873.] e. Prologues and periochae. A. L. R. Liebig de prologis Terentianis et Plautinis. Gorlitz 1859. f . Ancient commentators. Scholia. Ritschl Parerga 361 sqq. L. Schopen de Terentio et Donate eius interprete. Bonn 1821 4to. The same specimen emendationis in Aelii Donati commentarios Terentianos ad novam totius operis edi' 2—2 20 TERENTIUS. ATTIUS. tionem indicandam propositum. Bonn 1826 4to. The same unedierte Scholien zum Terenz. Bonn 1832 4to. The same uber die Pariser Uss. des Eugraphius. Bonn 1852 4to. A. Bichter Donati commentarii quern usum haheant ad illustrandam singularium T. vocum corruptelam. Bonn 1854. Euanthius K. Dziatzko in Bhein. Mus. xxv 1870 438. F. Umpfenbach die Scholien des Codex Bemhinus zum Terentius in Hermes ii 1867 377 sqq. W. Studemund ilher die editio princeps der TerenzschoUen des Bembinus in Jahrh. 1868 546 sqq. A. Steubing analecta critica quae ad testimonia veterum Terentiana spectant. Mar- burg 1872. [g. Translations. Terens in englysh. 4to 24 leaves (Brit. Mus. Assigned by Warton to Eastall). Andria The first Comoedie of Terence, in English. A further- ance for the Attainment vnto the right knowledge and true proprietie of the Latin Tong. And also a commodious meane of helpe, to such as haue forgotten Latin, for their speedy recouering of habilitie to vnderstand, write and speake the same. Carefully translated out of Latin, by Maurice Kyffin. Hand frustra Spero. Printed at London by T(homas) E(ast) for Thomas Woodcocke 1588. 4to. 44 leaves, dedicated to Lord Buck- hurst's sons, William, Henry and Thomas Sackville. Ei. Bernard Terence in English. Cambr. Jo. Legat 1588, 1607 4to (repr. 1614, 1629, 1641). Valuable evidence for the dialect of Lin- colnshire. Tho. Newman The Two First Comedies of Terence. Fitted for SchoUers Priuate action in their Schooles. London 1627. ' To the SchoUers of Pavles Schoole, T. N. wisheth increase in grace and learning'. Geo. Webbe Andria. London 1629 4to. Nic. Vdall Floures for Latine spekynge selected and gathered out of Terence, and the same translated in to Englysshe. London Tho. Berthelet 1533 and often. With additions by J. Higgins. London Tho. Marshe 1581.] 170—104 § 25. L. Accius (about 584 to about 650 u. c). 1. Life. C. Stahlberg commentationis de L. Attii vita et scriptis particula. Halle 1844. Teuffel Caecilius Statins etc. 14 sqq. D. Detlefsen in Bhein. Mus. xviii 1863 266 sqq. 2. Tragedies. Praetextae. Bibbeck trag. 114 sqq. and 298 sqq. 257 sqq. and 849 sqq. The same Philocteta des Accius. Kiel 1872 4to. cf. 0. Jahn in Hermes ii 1867 234. TOGATAE. MIMUS. 21 3. Other writings. *J. N. Madvig de L. Attii didascalicis (1831) in his opuscula i 87 sqq. Gr. Hermann de L. Attii libris didascalicon. Leipzig 1842 4to. F. Eitschl de vocalibus geminatis deque L. Attio grammatico in his monum. epigr. tria. Bonn 1852 22 sqq. § 26. ThQfabulae togatae. J, H. Neukirch de fabula togata Romanorum. Accedunt fahularum togatarum reliquiae. Leipzig 1853. 1. Titinius. Eitschl Parerga IH sqq. Bibbeck com.^ 133—159. 2. T. Quintius Atta (fabout 676 u. c). 78 b.c. Kibbeck com.^ 160 — 4. 3. L. Afranius (about 600 u. c). 154 b.c. Teuffel Caecilius Statins etc. 37—43. Kibbeck coni.^ 164—221. K. Nipperdeyin Rkein. Mus. xviii 1863 31. § 27. The Atellanae. E. Munk de fahulis Atellanis. Leipzig 1840 (contains the frag- ments). L. Pomponius (flor. cir. 660 u. c). Novius. 94 b.c. Eibbeck com.2 225— 254. 254—272. § 28. The mimus. 0. Jahn prolegomena to his ed. of Persius (Leipzig 1843) 84 sqq. C. J. Grysar der romische Mimus in Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akademie (philol. -histor. Kl.) xii 1854 237 sqq. M. Hertz iiber den romischen Mimus in Jahrb. 1866 581 sqq. 1. D. Laberius (649 — 711 u. c). 105—43 Eibbeck com.2 279— 301. b-c- 2. Syrus. Eibbeck com.^ 309—391. Ed. Wolfflin der Mimograph Publilius Syrus in Philol. xxii 1865 437 sqq. and *P. S. sententiae. Adjidem codd. optim. rec. Ed. "Wolfflin. Accedit inc. auct. liber qui v. d. de moribiis. Leipzig 1869. [A. Spengel recensuit. Berlin 1874. A. Nauck in the melanges greeo-romains (1869) iii (2) St Petersburg 1872. W. Meyer 22 SYRUS. LUeiLIUS. in Sitzungsher. der hair. AJcad. philol. Classe ii 4 1872. Wolffin has a complete ind. The editions of Grnter (Leyden 1708) and Jo. Com. Orelli (Leipzig 1822 with suppl. 1824) have useful notes. Ei. Taverner appended to his proverbs or adagies . . . gathered out of the Chiliadesi of Erasmus (Lond. 1539) Mimi Pvblianif that is to saye^ quiche and sentenciouse verses or meters of Pvblivs.] § 29. The remaining dramatic literature of the seventh century of the city. The Roman stage. L. Friedlander in Marquardt iv 523 sqq. [B. Arnold das altro- mische Theatergebdude. Wiirzburg 1873 4to.] 1. Tragedy. C. lulius Caesar Strabo. C. Titius. Eibbeck trag. 227 sqq. F. Biicheler coniectanea Latina (Greifs- wald 1868 4to) 1 sqq. Atilius. Santra. Q. Tullius Cicero (cf. § 46 2). Eibbeck com.^ 32 sq. trag.^ 228, ed. 1 347. 2. Comedy. Trabea. Atilius. Aquilius. Licinius Imbrex. luventius. Luscius. Valerius. Turpilius. Eibbeck com.^ 31 sqq. 85—111. Eitschl Parerga 208. P. Grau- toff Turpilianarum comoediarum reliquiae. Bonn 1853. 148—103 § 30. G. Lucilius (about 606 — 651 u. c). 1. The satura (cf. § 21 2). Is. Casaubonus de satyrica Graecorum poesi* et Rom^norum satira libri duo. Paris 1605 4to (and Halle 1774 8vo). C. L. Eoth de satirae natura commentatio. Nurnberg 1843 4to. The same de satirae Romanae indole eiusdemque ortu et occasu. Heil- bronn 1844 4to. The same zur Theorie und inneren Geschichte der r'omischen Satire. Stuttgart 1848. E. Szelinski de nominibus per- sonarum . . . apud poetas satiricos Romanos. Konigsberg 1862 4to. J. Schultz de prosodia satiricorum Romanorum capita duo. Konigs- berg 1864. A. Petermann de satirae Romanae auctore eiusque inventore. Hirschberg 1846 4to. The same iiber den Ursprung und Begriff der romischen Satire. Glogau 1856 4to. V. Holzer de Pauli glossa quae B.C. LUCILItJS. LUCRETIUS. 23 est sill) verho satura. Erfurt 1870 4to {Festprogramm of the gymnasium). J. P. J. Schnitzler de satirae Romanae novae natura et forma. Rostock 1870. 2. C. Lucilius. C. LuciUi...satyrarum quae supersimt reliquiae. Franciscus Jani f. Dousa collegit disposuit et notas addidit. Leyden and Amsterdam 1661 4to. repr. Padua 1735 etc. C. L. saturarum reliquiae. Edidit, auxit, emendavit F. Dor. Gerlach. Zurich 1846. [L. Muller emendavit et adnotavit. Leipzig 1872 with a complete ind.]. L. Varges specimen quaestionum Lucilianarum in Rhein. Mus. iii 1835 15 sqq. The same C. Lucilii satirarum quae ex libro tertio supersunt fragmenta. Stettin 1836 4to. L. F. Schmidt C. L. satirarum quae de libro IX supersunt disposita et illustrata. Berlin 1840 4to. C. F. Hermann de satirae Romanae auctore ex sententia Horatii. Marburg 1841 4to. I. A. C. van Heusde studia critica in G. L. Utrecht 1842. The same epistola ad C. F. Hermannum de 0. L. Utrecht 1844 (reply to a criticism of K. F. Hermann's). A. Petermann dissertatio de C. L. vita et car- minibus. Breslau 1842. The same in the Hirschberg Pro^ramm for 1846 and 1851 4to. C. Lachmann in the Lectionscatalog of Berlin for 1849 and 1851 4to. F. Ritschl in his mon. epigr. tria (1852) 30 sq. K. Nipperdey in the Jena Lectionscatalog of 1858 4to. L. Miiller de re metrica poet. Lat. 70 sqq. Rhein. Mus. xxvi 1871 677. R. Bouterwek das erste Buck des L. in Rhein. Mus. xxi 1866 339 sqq. The same quaestiones Lucilianae. Elberfeld 1867. [The same de L. satirico Merseburg 1871 4to. The same in Philologus xxxiii 1873 344—6. 691 — 7.] J. lit gen Luciliana. Bonn 1865. A. Fiirth quaestiones Lucilianae. Bonn 1866. 'E. Stsidlex de sermone Luciliano. Jena 1869. [C. M. Francken coniectanea critica ad G. Lucilii librorum decadem II et III. accedit cod. Turnesiani ad L. fragmenta Noniana collatio^ Amst. 1871 4to. The same luciliana et lucianea in Mnemosyne 1873 237 — 292. In the Cambridge library are MS. notes by Reiz and Her- mann and an unkno'wn hand.] § 31. T. Lucretius Carus (655 — 699 u. c). 99—5.: B.C. 1. Life. Th. Bergk in the Marburg Lectionscatalog of 1846 — 7 4to. H. Pur- mann quaestionum Lucretianarum specimen. Breslau 1846 4to. The same neue Beitrdge zur Kritik des Lucretius, Naumburg 1849 4to. cf. Philol. Ill 1848 66 sqq. 551 sqq. vii 733 sqq. The same quaes- 24 LUCRETIUS. tiones Lucretianae. Lanban 1858 and 1860 and Cottbus 1867 4to. On the gens Memmia cf. H. Saiippe in Ph'ilol. xxii 1865 182. H. Usener in Bhein. Mus. xxiii 1868 678. Eemarks by Lachmann and Munro in their editions. 2. De rerum natura libri sex. Editor. Th. Berg'k in Philol. xi 1856 384 and in the Halle Lectionscatalop of 1865 4to. H. Usener in Rhein. Mus. xxii 1867 444. a. Tradition and criticism of the text. J. N. Madvig disputatio de aliquot lacunis codicum Lucretii (1832) in his opnscula i 305. J. Siebelis quaestiones Lucretianae. Leipzig 1844. J. Be mays L. in Rhein. Mus. v 1847 533 sqq. Lotze quaestiones Lucretianae in Philol. vii 1852 696 sqq. W. Christ quaestiones Lucre- tianae. Munchen 1855 4to. E. Q o eh e\ quaestiones Lucretianae criticae. Salzburg 1857 4to. The same in Rhein. 3Ius. xii 1857 449 sqq. and in Zeitschr. filr ost. Gymn. 1857 421 sqq. K. Winkelmann Beitrage zurKritik des L. Salzwedel 1857 4to. Th. Bergk in Jahrb. 1861 317 sqq. 505 sqq. H. Sauppe commentatio de T. L. C. cod. Victoriano. Gottingen 1864 4to. E. Bouterwek Lucretianae quaestiones gram- maticae. Halle 1861 and de L. codice Victoriano. Halle 1864 4to. (cf. F. Polle in Philol. xxv 1867 259 sqq. and H. Purmann in Jahrb. 1867 644 sqq.) [*H. A. J. Munro in Journal of Philology ii (Cambridge 1872) 120 sqq. iii 115—127 (cl. K. Ellis ibid, ii 219—228). The same and *N. P. Howard ibid, i (1868) 113—145. The same ibid, iv 120—325 (cl. E. Ellis ib. Ill 260-275), 243—250. The same in Journal of clas- sical and sacr. philol. i 17 (see ind.). Jul. Jessen iiber Lucrez und sein Verhdltniss zu Catull und Spdteren [hes. Arnohius). Kiel 1872 4to. J. A. Reisacker Hor. und sein Verhdltniss zu Lucr. Breslau 1873 4to.] b. Editions. [*Dion. Lambinus (Paris 1570 4to). Tho. Creech (Oxf. 1818 with the notes of *Ei. Bentley),] *T. L. C. de rerum natura libri sex. Carolus li SiGhm annus recemuit et emendavit. The 2nd vol. Caroli Lachmanni in T. L. C. de rerum natura libros commentarius. Berlin 1850 (repr. 1853 — 1855. 1866. 1871). *T. L. G. de rerum natura libri sex recognovit lacobus Bernaysius Leipzig 1852 (often reprinted). *T. L. G. de rerum natura libri sex. With notes and a translation by H. A. J. Munro M.A. (first ed. London 1864). Second edition revised throughout and enlarged. 2 vols. Cam- bridge 1866 (ii translation). [Third edition revised throughout, 2 vols. Cambridge 1873]. Commentaries byF. Susemihl and A. Brieger in LUCRETIUS. Philol. XIV 1859 550 sqq. xxiii 455 sqq. 623 sqq. xxiv 422 sqq^ x^v 67 sqq. XXVII 28 sqq. xxix 417 sqq. [xxxii 478 sqq. xxxiii 431 sqq. "' P. Langen ibid, xxxiv 28 sqq. W. Horschelmann i^i Zwcr. librum alir Leipzig 1874]. c. Language. [Complete indd. in the edd, of Dan. Parens (Francof. 1631), of M. Fay in us. Delphini (Paris 1680 4to. and in Valpy's reprint 4 vols. Lond. 1823), of Volpi (Padua 1721), of Wakefield (Lond. 1796 3 vols. 4to, Glasgow 1813 4 vols. 8vo, both containing R. Bent ley's notes), of Eichstadt (Leipzig 1801), of P. A. Lemaire (Paris 1838 2 vols.) and in the edd. of Creech, Oxford 1807, 1818, London 1835. Good indd. in the edd. of M. Maittaire (London 1713 12mo), Haver- camp 2 vols. Leyden 1725 4to, containing the notes of Lambinus and Creech]. F. W. Altenhnr g adnotationes ad T. L. C. aliquot locos. Schleusin- gen 1845 4to. The same de usu antiquae locutionis in L. de r. n. car- mine ohviae. Gotha 1857 4to. C. Proll de formis antiquis Lucretianis. Breslau 1859. 'R. '^ch.Vihexi deLucretianaverhorumformatione. Halle 1865. F. Polle de artis vocahulis quihusdam Lucretianis. Dresden 1866. Cf. Jahrh. 1866 756 sqq. 1867 34. F. W. Holtze syntaxis Lucretianae lineamenta. Leipzig 1868. G. Kiihn quaestiones Lucre- tlanae grammaticae et metricae. Breslau 1869. [E. Biichel de re me- trica Lucr. Bielefeld 1874 4to.] d. Philosophy. J. Reisacker quaestiones Lucretianae. Bonn 1847. The same Epicuri de animarum natura doctrina a Lucretio discipulo tractata. Coin 1855 4to. The same der Todesgedanke bei den Griechen. Line his- torische Entwickelung mit besonderer Bucksicht auf Epicur und den romischen Dichter Lucretius. Trier 1862 4to. G. F. Schomann schediasma de Epicuri theologia. Greifswald 1861 4to. [H. Hemp el die Ethik des Lucr. Salzwedei 1872 4to. F. Hofer zt(.r Lehre von der Sinneswahrnehmung in Lucr. IV. Seehausen 1872 4to. C. Martha le poeme de Lucr. morale, religion, science. Paris 1869. F. Sie- mering quaestionum Lucretianarum partic. I et II. Konigsberg 1867. .1. Jess en quaestiones Lucretianae. Gottingen 1868. The same in the Festgruss an die Kieler Philologenversammlung 1869 52 sqq. and Lucrez im Mittelalter in Philol. xxx 236—8]. In general. F. Polle die Lucrezlitteratur seit Lachmann und Bernays in Philol. XXV 1867 489 sqq. xxvi 3867 298 sqq. 523 sqq. 20 CATULLUS. [e. For the translations by Evelyn and Mrs Lucie Hutcliinson see H. A. J. Munro in Journal of class, and sacr. philol. iv 121 — 139. That of Tho. Creech seven times printed between 1G82 and 1731 has useful notes.] § 32. a Valerius Catullus (667 to about 700 u. c). 1. Life. L. Schwabe quaestionum Catullianarum I. i. vol. i (1) of his ed. Giessen 1862. 0. Kibbeck C. V. C. ; eine litterarhistarische Skizze. Kiel 1863. W. G. Vorlander de C. ad Leshiam carminibus. Bonn 1864. B. Eichter de V. G. vita et carminibus partic. I. Freiburg 1865 4to. [H. H. Heskamp de Cat. vita et ordine quo carmina ama- toria sunt scripta. Miinster 1869. Al. Riese in Jahrb. 1872 747— 756.] 2. Works. a. Manuscripts. M. Haupt in his quaestiones Catullianae. Leipzig 1837. The same in his observationes criticae. Leipzig 1841 and in Ber. der Sachs. Ges. der Wiss. (philol. histor. Kl.) 1849 256 ; in the Lectlonscatalog of the Berlin university for 1855 and 1857 and in Hermes i 1866 44, [vii 180]. *G. V.G. liber. Ludovicus Schwabius recognovit et enarra- vit. ir (1) of his ed. Giessen 1866. (Only i (1) and ii (1) have yet appeared). The same in the Dorpat Lectionscatalog for 1864 and 1865 4to. (cf. A. Riese in Jahrb. 1866 257 sqq. [and in Verhandl. der 22 Philologenvers. zu Meissen Leipzig 1864 111 — 129 die Wiederauffi,ndung und erste Verbreitung Catulls im 14. Jahrh.]. W. Frohner in Philol. XIV 1858 568 sqq. A. Rossbach in the Breslau Lectionscatalog for 1859 4to. b. Editions. [Early edd. generally with Tibullus and Prop. Paris 1605 fol. with the notes of Muretus (Yen. 1554), Achilles Statins (ibid. 1556), Jos. Scaliger (Heidelb. 1600), Dousa sen. and iun. (Leyden 1592). Utrecht 1680 with most of the same notes. Passeratius (Paris 1608 fol. most full on Prop.) very copious in illustration, as is J. A. Volpi (Gatullus Padua 1737 4to.). Catullus alone ed. Is. Voss (London 1684 4to). F. W. Doring (2 vols. Leipzig 1788—92. 1 vol. Altona 1834). An explanatory commentary is much needed.] Q. V. G. Veronensis liber ex recensione Caroli Lachmanni. Berlin 1829 (3rded. 1874). Catullus Tibullus Propertius recensuit M. Haupt. CATULLUS. 27 Leipzig 3rd ed. 1868. C. liber carminum recognitus et emendatus a Theodoro Heyse (with Germ, imitation). Berlin 1855. sm. 4to. C. V. C. carmina recognovit A. Bossbach. Leipzig 1854 (ed. ii 1860). C. Ve- ronensis liber. Recognovit apparatum criticum prolegomena appendices addidit E. Ellis. Oxford 1867 (text London 1866 16mo). Catulli Tibulli Propertii carmina. Accedunt Laevii Calvi Cinnae, aliorum reliquiae et Priapea, Bee. etpraef. ^si Luc. Miiller. Leipzig 1870. The same in Rhein. Mus. xxv 1870 166 sqq. xxvn 183. c. Models. Arrangement. Publication. Criticism of the text. Ancient imitations. F. Briiggemann de G. elegia Gallimachea. Soest 1830 4to (cf. the editors of Callimachus Valckenaer, Nake, Meineke). H. Palda- mus romische Erotik. Greifswald 1833. P. Bosscha tentamen in poemate Gallimachea Gatulliano. Dordrecht 1841. *J. Frohlich in Abhandlungen der Miinchener Akademie iii (3) 1843 691 sqq. v (3) 1849 235 sqq. vi (2) 1851 257 sqq. [*H. A. J. Munro in Journal of classical and sacred philology iv 1859 289 — 290. The same in Journal of philo- logy II 1—34 Catullus' 29th poem, iv 231—242 Gatullus' Uh poem.] W. Frohner in Bhein. Mus. xiii 1858 147 sqq. W. Th. Jungclaussen zur Ghronologie der Gedichte des Q. V. G. Itzehoe (Meldorf) 1857 4to. F. Kitschl (on the epithalamium) in the Bonn Lectionscatalog for 1857 4to. 'R. Klotz emendationes Catullianae. Leipzig 1859 4to. Zehme de G. carmine lxiii. Lauban 1859 4to. I. Pohl lectionum GatulUanarum specimen. Euskirchen 1860 4to. Fr. Haase in his Miscellanea philol. Breslau 1861 4to. A. Weise zur Kritik des G. Naumburg 1863 4to. Th. Bergk in the Halle Lectionscatalog for 1864 4to. A. Franke de artijiciosa carminum Catullianorum compositione. Adiectum est H. Useneri de C. carmine lxviii epimetrum. Greifswald 1866. Th. Momm- sen in Hermes i 1866 68, ii 128. E. Westphal C. Gedichte in ihrem geschichtlichen Zusammenhang ubersetzt und erldutert. Breslau 2nd ed. 1870. *Otto Jahn in Hermes ii 1867 240 sq. C. Bet tig Ga- tulliana in the Bern Lectionscatalog for 1868, 1870 and 1871 4to. J. Mahly in Jahrb. 1871 341 — 357. F. Heussner observationes grammaticae in 0. Veronensis librum. Berlin 1870. C. P. Schulze de Gatullo Graecoriim imitatore. Jena 1872. F. C. Hultgren ob- servationes metricae in poetas elegiacos Graecos et Latinos, pars prior. Leipzig ' 1871 4to. [Fr. Teufel de Gatulli Tibulli Propertii vocibus singularibus. Freiburg in Br. 1872. Ad. Eeeck de catullianorum carminum re grammatica et metrica. Breslau 1872. K. Hupe de genere dicendi Gatulli. MUnster 1870. P. Weidenbach de Gatullo 58 MINOR POETS. CINNA. Callimachi imitatore. Leipzig 1873. *E. Balirens analecta CatulUana. Jena 1874]. [d. Complete indd. (1) by Hor. Tuscanella (Bale 1569, 1592, Hanau 1608, 1618). (2) in the edd. ad usim Delphini (Paris 1685 4to), Volpi, Sillig (Gottingen 1823), Jos. Naudet Paris 1826. Good ind. in ed. Maittaire London 1715 12mo. and in Coring.] § 33. The remaining poets of the seventh century of the city, 1. Epic poets. a. Hostins. A. Furius of Antium. Tanusius Geminus (Yolusius ?). M. and Q. Cicero. Sallustius. A. Weichert poetarum Latmorum Hostii, Laevii, C. Licinii Calvi, C. Helvii Cinnae, Valgii Riifi, Domitii Marsi aliorum vitae et carminum reliquiae. Leipzig 1830 351 sqq. *M. Haupt in bis ohservationes criticae 98 sqq. Tb. Bergk in Jahrb. 1861 322, J. Becker A. Furius Antias in Zeitschr. filr die Alt.-Wiss. 1848 597 sqq. R. Unger de Tanusio annalium scriptore. Neu-Brandenburg 1855 4to. A. Scbone die Empedoclea des Sallustius in Jahrb. 1866 751 sqq. On Q. Cicero see § 46 6. 82-36 b. P. Terentius Yarro Atacinus (672 to about 718 u. c). F. Wii liner de P. T. A. vita et scriptis. Miinster 1829 4to. Tb. Bergk in Rhein. Mus. i 1842 372 sqq. R. Unger eplstola de Varrone Atacino. Friedland 1861 4to. A. Riese Varronis Satir. Menipp. 261 —3 (cf. § 45 2). 0. C. Helvius Cinna. Weichert 147 sqq. M. Haupt in his qiiaestiones Catullianae 99. L. Miiller in his Catullus 87 — ^.praef. xxxviii sqq. 2. Lyric poets. a. Pompilius. Valerius Aedituus. Porcius Licinus. Q. Lutatius Catulus. Sueius (?). H. Usener in Rhein. Mus. xix 1864 150 sq. xx 147—51. L. Miil- ler ibid. XXIV 553—7. 0. Ribbeck ibid, xxvii 181 sqq. [*Fr. Ritscbl in Reifferscbeid's Suet. 489—497. The fragments of Sueius in L, Miiller' s Lucilius 1872 xxx, 311—4, 322.] B.C. VAL. CATO. LAEVIUS. ' 20 b. Q. Valerius of Sora. Volcacius Sedigitus. Th. Ladewig uber den Canon des Vulcatius Sedigitus. Neustrelitz 1842 4to. H. Iber de Volcatii Scdlgiti canone. Miinster 1865. [^{eifferscheid's Suet. 32—3, 517—8.] c. Valerius Cato (not the author of the dirae). Valerii Catonis carmina recensuit et praemissa commentatione animad- versionibus illustravit C. Putschius. Jena 1828. * Carmina Valerii Catonis cum animadversionibus Aug. Ferd. Naekii etc. cura ^Lud. Schopeni. Bonn 1847 and Nake's Opuscula i SOS s(iq_. C. F.Her- mann die pseudo-virgilischen dirae und ihre neuesten Bearbeitungen (1831 1849) in bis //esamweZfe Abhandlungen 112 sqq. M. Scbmidt in Philol. VIII 1853 190 sqq. Valerii Catonis quae feruntur carmina. Recensuit notisque instruxit F. G. Gbbbel. Praemii-43 B.C. I. Life and works in general. *Drumann v (1841) 216—716, vi (1844) 1—685. C. R A. Bruckner Leben des C. vol. i (all published) Gottingen 1852. *"W. H. D. Su- ringar ilf. T. C. commentarii rerum suarum etc. 2 vols. Leyden 1854. Chr. C. J. Bun sen in Rhein. Mus. xi 1857 477 sqq. and in Jahrb. 1858 447 sqq. F. Hoffmann in Philol. xiii 1858 645, xv 662 sqq. W. Funkii&er den Gehalt von G.'s Charakter und Schriften. Ziillichau 1859 4to. W. Forsyth Life of M. T. C. London 2nd ed. 1869. A. Deuerling C.'s Bedeutung fur die rom. Litteratur. Augsburg 1866. *G. Boissier O. et ses amis. 2nd ed. Paris 1870. W. Hartung de O. pro- consulatu Ciliciemi. Wurzburg 1868. W. Teuffel in Studien und Charakteristiken (1871) 289—338. [Bust of Cicero. See E. Hiibner die antiken Bildwerke in Madrid. Berlin 1862 115 sq.] Complete editions : [See the bibliography to 1834 in Orelli onomasticon i 197—492, III 344 — 361; with the Nachtrdge und Berichtigungen by J. P. Krebs in Jahn's Archiv xi 1845 97—151, 196—228. Opera omnia ed. P. Vic- torius Yen. 1534—7 fol., ed. Rob. Stephanus 3 vols. Paris 1538—9 fol., ed. P. Manutius 9 vols. Ven. 1540—56, ed. Car. Stephanus 4 vols. Paris 1555 fol., ed. D. Lambinus 4 vols. ibid. 1566 fol. (some additions in ed. 9 vols. ibid. 1572 — 3), ed. J. A. Ernes ti 5 vols, in 7 (vol. VIII clavis) Halle 1774 — 7.] *M. T. C. opera omnia exrec. I. C. Orellii. Editio altera emendatior, curaveruntl. C. Orellius, afterwards C. Halmius et I. G. Baiterus. IV vols. Ziirich 1845 — 1862. Add v (1, 2) Ciceronis scholiastae by Orelli and Baiter 1833, vi— viii Onomasticon Tullianum 1836 — 1838 and C. Halm's Beitrage zur Berichtigung und Ergdnzung der cicero- nischen Fragmente. Leipzig 1862 (from the Sitzungsber. der k. bayr. 48 M. CICERO. Akad.). M. T. C. scripta quae manserunt ovinia recens. E. Klot?: 2nd ed. 11 vols. Leipzig 1863—1870. *M. T. C. opera quae super- sunt omnia ed. I. G. Baiter eiC.L. Kayser. 11 vols. Leipzig 1860 —1869. [*C. F. A. Nobbe ed. stereot. in 1 vol. Leipzig 1869.] [Car. Stephanus thesaurus Ciceronis. Paris 1556 fol. G. L. F rob en penu Tullianum, vol. iv of Gruter's ed. 4 vols. Hamburg 1618 — 9 fol.] Marii Nizolii thesaurus Ciceronianus. Basel 1559 and Venedig 1570 fol., *cur. I. Facciolati. Padua 1734 fol. (London 1820 3 vols). *J. A. Ernesti clavis Ciceroniana ed. A. H. Rein. Halle 1831. *C. G. Schiitz lexicon Ciceronianum. Leipzig 1807 4 vols. cf. Orelli and Baiter's Onomasticon Tullianum. II. Worlis. 1. Poetical worlis. Orelli IV 1012 sqq. 2. Speeches. Orelli ii, Baiter and Kayser iii — v. Jos. Klein Uber eine Hs. des Nlcolaus von Cues nehst ungedruckten Fragmenten Ciceronischer Reden. Berlin 1866 (cf. K. Halm in Jahrb. 1866 623 876. H. Sauppe in gott. gel. Anz. 1866 1581 sqq.)- [Edd. of all or of many speeches: cum doctorum ... commentariis. Paris 1536 fol. (contains the learned notes of F. Sylvius Basel 1532). Fr. Hotoman comm. in oratt. Clc. vol. i (all published; also in Hoto- mani opera 3 vols. Orleans 1599 — 1600 fol. cum correctionibus *P. Manutii et annotationibus D. Lambini. 3 vols. Ven. 1571. *P. Manutiiin Cic.ofa'tt. comm. curavit C. G. Bichterus. 2 vols. Leipzig 1783. D. L,i^mbini Tullianae emendationes ex ed. princ. (1566) accu- ravit F. N^Klein. Coblenz 1830 with additamenta. pt. i ibid. 1831 in 4to. Nie. Abrami comm. in tertium vol. orationum. 2 vols. Paris 1631 fol. *ex recens. lo. G. Graevii cum eiusdem animadversionibus et notis integris Fr. Hotomani, D. Lambini, F. Vrsini, A. Manutii ac selectis aliorum etc. 3 vols, in 6. Amst. 1695—9. *Gaspar Garatoni ed. post Graevianam locupletior. 9 vols. Naples 1777 — 88 (as far as the or. in Pis. add or. p. Milone cum adnn. et vers. ital. G. Garatonii Bologna 1817 and Wernsdorf's ed. of the orr. Philipp.) cum animadversionibus M. A. F errata. 3 vols. Padua 1729. Edd. of select speeches: Chr. Cellarius Ciza 1657 (last ed. Jena 1764). C. A. Heumann {p. Marc, p. Lig., p. JDeiot.) and J. M. Heusinger {p. Sex. Roscio Amer., Phil, n) Eisenach 1749. B. Weiske oratt. fill Leipzig 1806. oratt. ^m ibid. 1807. J. A. Otto cum notis Hotomanni, Abrami, 3Iureti, Manutii, Graevii ac selectis aliorum. CICERO. SPEECHES. 49 Hrd ed. 3 vols. Magdeburg 1820—22. *Aug. Mattliiae oratt. VI Leipzig 1830. oratt. VII ed. 3 ibid. 1837. Edd. of single speeches : i. p. P. Quinctio (673 = 81). Jac. Fac- ciolati exercitationes in iliias priores Cic. oratt. 2nd ed. Padua 1731. F. L. Keller semestrium ad G. Ubri sex 3 vols. Ziirich 1842 — 51. S. J. E. Eau disp. iuridica ad C. or. p. Qu. Leyden 1825. J. Frei der Eechtstreit zwischen P. Qu. u. S. Naevius Ziirieh 1852 4to. ii. p. Sex. Eoscio Amerino. "W. Biichner rec. selectas varior. adnot. suasque adiecit Leipzig 1835. *E. Osenbrliggen mit Einleitung und Comm. Brunswick 1844. W. G. Gossrau Quedlinburg 1853. *K. Halm (Germ.) 6th ed. Leipzig 1870. S. Karsten Utrecht 1861. Fr. Eichter (Germ.) .Leipzig 1864. cf. schol. Gronov. in Orelli iv 424—437. S. N. J. Bloch observatt. Copenhagen 1814—6 4to. E. Wolfflin in PJiilologus xxxiv 142 — 4. A. Fleckeisen in Jahrb. 1866 548—550. H. Kratz ibid. 1863 550—1. G. Kriiger ibid. 1868 207. A. Eussner ibid. 1873 519 sqq. M. Haupt in Hermes in 207—9. A. Eberhard lectt. Tull. Bielefeld 1872 4to. iii. p. Q. Eoscio comoedo {7 678 = 76). C. A. Schmidt ed. iZZ. Leipzig 1839. Unterholzner in Savigny's Zeitschr. i 248 sqq. J. A. C. Eovers de Gic. or. p. E. c. Utrecht 1826. A. Hanedoes de Cic. or. p. E. c. Leyden 1844. Puchta civilist. Schr. 1851 272 sqq. Germ, by Osenbriiggeain Jahn's Arcliiv xi 544 — 576. iv. p. 31. Tullio (682 or 683 = 72 or 71). See among the fragments (n. Iviii). Savigny verm. Schr. in 228 sqq. Keller semestria i 3. J. G. Huschke analecta litt. Leipzig 1826 77—290. E. Jul. Eichter cum ind. Latinitatis recudend. curavit Niirnberg 1834. V. divinatio in Gaecilium. vi — xi in Verrem (684=70). *G. T. Zumpt reci et expl. Berlin 1831. Fr. Creuzer and G. H. Moser or. de praetura (lib. ii) mit Anmerkungen Gottingen 1847. *K. Halm divin. and iv v erJddrt 6th ed. Berlin 1874. Fr. ELchter viertes (1866) and fUnftes (1868) Buck erkldrt Leipzig. H. Degenkolb die lex Ilieronica und das Pfdndungsrecht der Steuerpcichter, ein Beitrag zur Erklarung der Verrinen Berlin 1861. xii. p. M. Fouteio (685 = 69). B. G. Niebuhr orationum p. M. F. et C. Eabirio fragmenta ex menibranis Vat. Eome 1820. Jos. Klein iib. e. Ilandschr. d. Nic. v. Cues 57 — 78. xiii. p. A. Caecina (685 = 69). *C. A. Jordan i-ec. annotationibus cum superiorum interpretum turn suis explanavit Leipzig 1847. comm. decod..Tigernseensior.p. G. Halberstadt 1848. 0. Zejss in Zeitschr. f. d. Alt. Wiss. 1848 n. 109—111. xiv. de imp. Gn.. Pompei, formerly called p. lege Manilla (688 = (iQ). M. 4 50 CICEKO. SPEECHES, C. Benecke explanavit Leipzig 1834. *K. H a,lm explanavit ibid. 1848. *tlie same (Germ.) 6th ed. Berlin 1870. G. W. Gossrau mit Einleitung Quedlinburg 1854. Fr. Eichter (Germ.) Leipzig 1871. J. A. Keinhard de aliquot locontm in Cic. p. I. 31. fide historica Freiburg i. Br. 1852. L. Yielhaber in Zeitschr.f. d. osterr. Gymn. 1867 611-4. XV. J). A. Cluentio Hahito (688 = 66). J. Classen recensuit Bonn 1831. W. Eamsay with introd. and notes 2nd ed. Oxford 1869, C. Niemeyer lib. d. Process gegen A. ij. II. Kiel 1871 4to. xvi — xviii. de lege agraria contra P. Scrvilium Rulhim (691= 63). B. Lauredani (rather Car. Sigonii) in Cic. orr. de lege agr. comm. Yen. 1558 4to. A. Turnebi commentarii Paris 1576 4to (in Turnebi opera Strasb. 1600 i 13 — 71). A. W. Zumpt rec. et explanavit Berlin 186L cf. F. Eichter in Jahrl). lxxxvii 251—272. H. C. Gebhardt observ. crit. Hof 1851 4to. xix. p. C. Rabirio perduellionis rco (691 = 63). See n. xii. XX— xxiii. inL. Catilinam (691 = 63). Edd. M. A. Muret Paris 1581. L. Benecke (Germ.) Leipzig 1827. *K. Halm (Germ.) 8th ed. Berlin 1873. Fr. Ei«hter (Germ.) Leipzig 1869. Cf. L. Vielhaber in Zeitschr. f. d. osterr. Gymn. 1862 816-7. For their genuineness cf. J. C. G. Boot or. 1 in Cat. a Cic. male abiudicari demonstravit Amst. 1857. P. Epkema de or. i in Cat. frustra a Cic. abiudicata ibid. 1857. C. Franke J. Bakinm or. i in Cat. a Cic. male abiudicasse Sagan 1863 4to. Madvig op?t?c. acfl<7. II 338 — 351. On the conspiracy cf. Drum ami V ^11—611. E. Hagen Catilina Konigsberg 1854. L. Lange rom. Altcrth. Ill (1) 216—249. xxiv. p. L. Murena (691 = 63). A. W. Zumpt rec. et expU- cavit Berlin 1859 (cf. Zumpt in Zeitschr.f. Gymn. xiv 1860 881— 905, XV 337—360, K. Halm ibid, xvi 337—366; 833—840). With Germ, notes by G. Tischer (Berlin 1861), H. A. Koch (Leipzig 1866), *K. Halm (2nded. Berlin 1872); Engl, by *W. E. Heitland (Cambridge 1874). XXV. p. P. Sulla (692 = 62). C. F. Frotscher doctisslmorum homimtm commentaria in Cic. or. p. P. S. post Garatonium dcnuo ed., integras Ernestii, selectas Beckii, ScJinetzii, Wolffii, Matthiae suasque adnott. adiecit Leipzig 1832. *K. Halm svperiorum interpretum covimentariis snisque adnott. explanavit Leipzig 1845. *The same viit deutschen Anmerkuv gen 8th ed. Berlin 1873. Fr. Eichter /«> den Schulgebr. erkl. Leipzig 1869. C. Cmm^Q Beitrage zur Kritik des Cic. I Greiffenberg 1860 4to 21—5. xxvi. p. Archia (692 = 62). C. Fr. Hiilsemaun cum carminibus CICERO. SPEECHES. 51 Archiae gr. et lat. Lemgo 1800. *R. Stuerenburg (Lat. Leipzig 1832. G-erm. ibid. 1839). C. W. Nauck ilhers. u. erkl. Luckau 1844 4to. *K. Halm viit deutschen Anmerkungen 8th ed. Berlin 1873. Fr. Richter filr den Schulgebr. erkl. Leipzig 1872. C. D. Ilgen opuscc. Erfurdt 1797 ii 9—91. J. Th. Netscher disp. iur. lit. de Cic. or. p. A. Leyden 1808. K. H. Frotscher krit. u. erkl. Bemerk. Schneeberg 1821. Fr. Jacobs inErsch u. Gruber Encyclop. i (5) 137 sqq. G. Auten- rieth in Blatter f. d. hair. Gymn. in 1867 322 sqq. J. Lattmann Cic. orationis p. A. revera esse auctorem demonstratur Gottingen 1847. xxvii. p. L. (Valerio) Flacco (695 = 59). Mai auctor. class, ii 1 — 36. C. A. Poortman diss. lit. iurid. de Cic. or, p. Fl. Leyden 1835. Drumann v 619—631. Pluygers lectt. tull. Leyden 1856 44—66. G. A. Jordan annott. crit. Soest 1868 4to. W. etlin. g librorum mss. qui Cic. or. p. Fl. continent qiialis sit condicio Hameln 1872 4to. xxviii — xxxi. Four sipeeches post reditum ; 28 or. cum senatui gratias eglt, 29 or. cum populo gratias egit, 30 de domo sua ad pontijices (these three Sept. 697 = 57) : 31 de haruspicum responsis (698 = 56). Fr. A. Wolf rccogn., animadvv. integras ler. Marklandi et J. M. Gesneri suasque adiecit Berlin 1801. B. Weiske Dankreden an d. Volk u. an d. Senat Leipzig 1800. H. Wagner Cic. or. p. red. in sen. rec, ex- planavit, defendit Leipzig (1858). J, M. Gesner Cic. restitutus in comm. acad. Gott. in 223—284. J. A. Savels 1) de vlndicandis Cic. r oratt. (including p. Marcello) Cologne 1828 4to, 2) or. p. red. in sen. cum notis Marklandi, Gesneri, Wolfii, Manutii, Garatonii ed. ibid, 1830, 3) de Cic. or. p. domo sua Essen 1833 4to. Th. Lucas quaest. Tull. spec. Hirschberg 1837 4to. G. Lahmeyer or. de har. resp. hahitae origo Tulliana Gottingen 1850. J. P. Pompe v. Meer- dervoort ami. ad or. q. Cic. fertur de har. resp. Leyden 1850. A. Dietzsch in Rliein. Mus. xii 1857 529 sqq. Madvig opusc. i 192. xxxii. p)- P- Sestio (March 698 = 56). 0. M. Miiller cum comm. ed. Koslin 1827. cur. sec. ibid. 1831. *K. Halm Leipzig 1845 (Lat.). Berlin 4th ed. 1873 (Germ). H. A. Koch fur den Schulgebr. erkl. Leipzig 1863. *Madvig opusc. i 411—508, 524—534. *A. S. We sen- berg obss. crit. in or. p. S. Viborg 1837. H. Wrampelmeyer librorum mss. qui Cic. orr. p. Sest. et p. Gael, continent ratio qualis sit Gottingen 1868 4to. cod. Wolfenb. II 1874 4to xxix— xxxvi. H. Keil in Eos I 15—23. in Rhein. Mus. xvi 315 sq. xxxiii. (interrogatio) in P. Vatinium testem (same date). *K. Halm superiorum interpretum commentariis suisque adnott. explanavit Leipzig 1846. xxxiv. p. M. Caelio Eufo (698 = 56). lo. Casp. Orelli orr. p. 4—2 52 CICERO. SPEECHES. M. C. B. et p. P. Sestio cum annott. in us. scJiolarum Ziiricli 1832. *Madvig opusc. i 375 — 410. J. Klerk de Cic. or. p. C. Leyden 1825. Schwabe quaesit. CaMl. GS—i. 66 — 7. Bake schol. hypom. iii 266 sq. H. Vollenliofen de emend, aliquot loc. Leyden 1839. H, Wrampelmeyer cod. Wolfenh. n. 205 pars I Caelianam spectans Hannover 1872 4to. W. Oetling lihrorum mss. qui Cic. or. p. C. continent condicio etc. Gottingen 1868 4to. C. L, Ka,jser in Heidelb. Jahrb. 1870 417 — 429. C. Barwes quaest. tull. spec, i ad Gael. or. spectans Gottingen 1868. XXXV. deprovinciis consularihus (end of May 698 = 56). G. Tiseher mit deutschen Anmerkungen Berlin 1861. *Madvig opusc. ii 1 — 13, xxxvi. p. L. (Cornelio) Balho (698 = 56). F. Sylvii comm. decla- rata Paris 1531 4to. F. C. Eumpf olss. in Cic. or. p. B. Giessen 1810 4to. P. J. Elout ad Cic. or. p. B. Leyden 1828. *Madvig opusc. II 13 — 59. W. Biichner annott. crit. ad or. p. B. Schwerin 1866 4to. xxxvii. in L. {Calpurnium) Pisonem (699 = 55). Eleven fragments (of the missing exordium) first publ. by Jos. Klein ilb. e. Hds. des Nic. V. Cues Berlin 1866 49 sq. cf. Gbtt. gel. Anz. 1866 1582—6. K Halm in Jahrb. xciii 623—8. xxxviii. p. Cn. Plancio (700 = 54). Edd. Fr. Sylvius Paris 1531 4to. etc. G. Garatoni Bologna 1815. Orelli Leipzig 1825. *E. Wunder Leipzig 1830 4to. E. Kopke (Germ.) ibid. 2nd ed. 1873. cf. G. de Man de Cic. or. p. PI. Utrecbt 1809 4to. H. Keil obss. crit. Erlangen 1864 4to. *G. G. Cobet in Mnemosyne xi 199, 203, 313—333. J. F. C. Campein/a/tr&. 1867 265—273. G. Wolff in Philologus xxviii 1869 365. xxxix. p. C. Babirio Postumo (700 = 54). Cf. K. Halm ilb. Cicero'' s Bede p. C. B. P. Munich 1855 4to (from Abhandl. d. bair. Akad. vii 3). B. ten Brink in Philologus xi 92—100. xl. p. T. (Annio) Milone (702 = 52). Edd. Fr. Sylvius Paris 1526 etc. 4to. G. Garatoni Bologna 1817. * Orelli Leipzig 1826. E. Osenbriiggen 2nd ed. (Germ.) by H. Wirz Hamburg 1872. *K. Halm (Germ.) 7th ed. Berlin 1874. J. Wagener Paris 1860. Fr. Eichter (Germ.) 2nd ed. Leipzig 1873. Cf. C. W. Elberling narratio de T. Annio Milone Copenhagen 1840. C. Wex in Jahrb. 1861 207—213. L. Lange obss. in Cic. or. Mil. Giessen 1864—5 4to. xli. p. M. Marcello (708 = 46). Edd. F. A. Wolf Berlin 1802. B. Weiske Leipzig 1819. *Fr. Eichter (Germ.) Leipzig 1870. Cf.F. Passowverw. Schr. Leipzig 1843 258 sqq. A. L. G. Jacob de or. p. M. Ciceroni vel abiudicanda vel adiud. Berlin 1813. xlii. p. Q. Ligario (708-46). Edd. C. Benecke (Germ, with CICERO. RHETORIC. 53 2J. Deiot. and p. Arch.) Leipzig 1836. A. F. Soldan Hanau 1839. *K. Halm (Germ.) 7tli ed. Berlin 1874. Fr. Eichter (Germ.) Leipzig 1870. H. Kratz ilbers. u. mit kritisch-exeg. Anmerkungen Stuttgart 18C9 4to. cf. P. H. A. Zillesen ^0 or. p. L. Leyden 1826. xliii. p. rege Deiotaro (709=45). Edd. A. F. Soldan Hanau 1836. *K. Halm (Germ.) 7th ed. Berlin 1874. Fr. Eichter (Germ.) Leipzig 1870. Cf. Muret in his opusc. iii 858 sqq. xliv. — Ivii. The 14: Phillppicae (Antonianae; 710 and 711 = 44 and 43). Edd. G. Faernus Eome 1563. G. G. Wernsdorf notis varior. ed. Graevianae,. . .integro Garatonii commentario nondum edito et suis anlmadvv. instruxit. 2 vols. Leipzig 1821 — 2. orr. I II ed. *K Halm (Germ.) 5th ed. Berlin 1875. H. A. Koch (Germ.) Leipzig 1870. Iviii. (cf. xii). Fragments of speeches; esp. of the two Cornelianae {p. C. Cornelio, de maiestate of 689 = 65, cf. Ascon. 56 — 81 Or.), of the or. in toga Candida (690=64), and of the or. p. M. Aemilio Scauro (700 = 54). A. Mai sex oratt. partes ined. 2nd ed. Milan 1817, auctor. class. II 277 — 325. A. Peyron orr. p. Scauro, p. Tullio et in Clodium fragmenta inedita; or. p. Milone a lacunis restitutam edidit Stuttgart 1824 4to. *K. Beier orr. p. Tullio, in Clodium, p. Scauro, p. Flacco Leipzig 1825, with indd. by G. Hertel ibid. 1831. Cf. K. Halm Beitrage zur Berichtigung und Ergdnzung der cic. Fragmente Leipzig 1862. The spurious or. pridie quam in exilium iret in Orelli ii^ 1412 sqq. in Baiter-Kayser xi 156 — 164. The spurious debate between Sallust and Cic. in Baiter-Kayser xi 147—155 (cf. § 42 2 d above). On the speech in DCass. xliv 23 — 33 cf. Fr. Straumer de Cic. quae fertur or. Chemnitz 1872 4to. lix. Language. *H. Merguet Lexicon zu den Reden des Cicero mit Angahe sdmmtlicher Stellen Jena 1873— 4to. As yet (April 1875) 7 parts (to arbitror) have appeared. Ix. Translations. Thos. Dr ant is said (Wa.vton hist. Engl, poetry sect. 58 ad fin. ) to have translated the p. Archia in 1571, but no copy appears to be known. Chr. Wase Cic. against Catiline in four invective orations London 1671. 3. Rhetorical writings. Orelli I and IV 929 sqq. 1055 sqq. Baiter and Kayser I ii. Collected edd. P. Manutius 4 pts. Venice 1546. D. Lambinus 4 pts. ibid. 1569. C. G. Schutz 3 vols, in 6 Leipzig 1804—8. J. C. Orelli or., Brut., top., opt. gen. or. cum annot. C. Beieri et editoris Ziirich 1830. The commentaries of J. L. Strebaeus (Strebe'e,' 54 CICERO. RHETORIC. t cir. 1550) contain valuable materials. Cf. H, Jentsch Aristotelis ex arte rhet. quaeritur quid hdbeat Cic. Berlin 1866. i. Bhetorica [cle inventione I. ii). Edd. with the rhet. ad. Ilerenn. Pet. 'Buxva&n ih.e younger cum integris Lamhini, Vrsini, Gruteri, lac. Gronovii notis et ineditis animadvv. Graevii et Oudendorpii Leyden 1761; repr. *G. Garatoni Naples 1777; Fr. Lindemann Leipzig 1828. Cf. F. Bader de Cic. rhett. libris Greifswald 1869. Commentary of Victorinus (in Orelli's scholiastae) and excerpta ex Grillii commento in Halm rhet, lat. min. 596 — 606. Germ, by W. Binder Stuttgart 1872 16mo. ii. Deoratore I. iii (699 = 55). Edd. Z. Pearce Cambr. 1716, '32, Lond. '46, '71, '78, '95. 0. M. Muller Ziillicliau 1819, Berlin 1838. E. J. F. Henrichsen Copenhagen 1830. C. G. Kuniss (Germ.) Leipzig 1837. *Fr. Ellendt 2 vols. Kouigsberg 1840. C. W. Piderit (Germ.) 4th ed. Leipzig 1873. Jo. Bake Amst. 1863. Cf. C. Frankel Nachtrcige zu EllendVs Comm. iib. Cic. de or. 6 parts Dorpat 1855—60. Fr. Eitschl in Ehein. Mus. xxvi 1871 494—6. Germ, transl. by R. Kuhner Stuttgart 1858. iii. Brutus de Claris oratoribus (early in 708 = 46). Edd, J. C. F, Wetzel Halle 1793 (repr. A. 0. Linsdorf verborum locuiyletissimum ind. adiccit Copenhagen 1804). H. Meyer and G. Bernhardy Halle 1838. C. Peter Leipzig 1839. K, G. Kuniss (Germ.) Leipzig 1843. *Fr. Ellendt Konigsberg 1844. *0. Jahn (Germ.) 3rd ed. Berlin 1865. C. Beck 3rd ed. Cambr. U. S. 1853. C. W. Piderit (Germ.) 2nd ed. Leipzig 1875. Cf. H. Jordan die Einleitung des cic. Br. in Hermes vi 196—213. J. Mahly in Ehein. Mus. sx 637—640. Germ, by W. Binder Stuttgart 1871 16mo. iv. Orator ad M. Brutum (708 = 46). Edd. H. Meyer Leipzig 1827. C. Peter and G. Weller (Germ.) Leipzig 1838. F. Goller ibid. 1838. *0. Jahn (Germ.) 3rd ed. Berlin 1869. K. W. Piderit Leipzig 1865. Cf. Bake de emendando Cic. or. Leyden 1856 4to. Piderit in Eos i 401—9, ii 168—181, and in Jahrb. 1865 372—4, 765 — 72. H. Eckstein obss. gramm. ad Cic. or. c. 45—48 Leipzig 1874. Germ, transl. by W. S. Teuffel Stuttgart 1861. J. Somme- brodt ibid. 1870 16mo. V. Partitiones oratoriae (or departitione oratoria). Edd. H aup tman n Leipzig 1741. *K. W. Piderit (Germ.) ibid. 1867. Cf. the same zur Kritik v. Cic. p. o. Hanau 1866 4to. Jahrb. 1867 275—283. Sauppe in gott. gel. Anz. 1867 1863 — 77. Jo. Sturm in p. o. Cic. dialogi jv Strassburg 1565. vi. Topica ad C. Trebatiutn (710 = 44). Edd. Ach. Statius Louvaiu CICERO. PHILOSOPHY. 55 1552, with "Boethius often in 16th cent. e.g. Paris 1554 {Boethii opera and Orelli's Cic. v^ (1) 269 sqq.) Cf. F. Bucheler in Fhilologus XXI 1864 123—6. vii. De Optimo genere oratorum (710 = 44). Edd. Ach. Statins Paris 1551 4to. etc. 0. Jahn (Germ, with the orator). viii. Technical language. J. C. T. Ernesti lexicon technalogiae Latinorum rhetoricae Leipzig 1797. *E. Volkmann die EhetoriJc tier Griechen u. Romer 2nd ed. Leipzig 1874. Useful material in G. J. Vos commentarii rhetoric i (4th ed. 2 vols. Leyden 1643 4to, and in his works), and in *L» Ore sol theatrum vet. rhetorum Paris 1620, also in Gronov thes. antiq. Gr. x (i). *L. Spengel in Rhein. Mus. xviii 1863 481 — 526 'die Definition und Eintheilung der Rhetorik bei den Alten.' Indd. (imperfect) to the de or. ed. Pearce (also ed. Cockman Oxford 1696), and in the Oxford reprint (1714, '16, '18) of the Delphin ed. of the oratorical works. 4. Historical and political writings {commentarius consulatus sui, laudationes of Caesar, of Cato and of Porcia, admiranda, dveKhoTa etc.). Orelli IV 992, 994. C. Gottling^e ill. T. C. laudatione Catanis et de C. lulii Caesaris Anticatonihus Jena 1865 4to (with additamentum). 5. Philosophical writings. Orelli IV 1 sqq. 9-74 sqq. 1056 sq. Baiter and Kayser vi — viii. Cf. Fr. Gedike Cicero: hist, philosophiae ant. ex omnibus illius scriptis collegit 3rd ed. Berlin 1815. E. Kiihner Cic. in philosophiam merita Hamburg 1825. J. C. V. Heusde Cic. ^iXoTrXdruv Utrecht 1836. W. Thomas de Aristotelis i^urepiKocs \6yots deque Ciceronis Aristotetelio more Gottingen 1860. G. M. Bernhardt de Cicerone Graecae philosophiae interprete Berlin 1865 4to. Fr. Bucheler aca- demicorum philosophorum index Herculanensis Greifswald 1839 4to. V. Clavel de Cic. Graecorum interprete Paris 1869. A. B. Krische zii Cicero''s Academica (in the Gottinger Studien 1845 126 sqq.). The same die theologischen Lehren der griechischen Denker eine Prilfung der Darstellung Cicero^s (Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der alten Philos. i) Gottingen 1840. i. De republica I. VI (begun 700 = 54, published before Cicero's de- parture for Cilicia 703 = 51). Edd. of the fragments. A. Mai (Rome 1822 4to, in auctor. class. 1828 i 1—386 Rome 1846). F. Steinacker, Leipzig 1823. G. H. Moser accedit Fr. Creuzeri annot, Frankfort 1826. K. F. Heinrich Bonn 1828. Fr. Osann Gottingen 1847. •^6 CICERO. PHILOSOPHY. A. Fouillce (Fr.) Paris 1868. The somnium Scipionis (see under Macrobius § 122) ed. J. D. Buchling (Germ, with *D. W. Triller's notes) Leipzig 1800. *J. J. Ochsner (Germ.) in Ciceronis eclogae 3rd ed. Ziirich 1828. J. Diibner Paris 1857. *C. Meissner Berlin 1869. Cf. G. N. du Eieu schedae Vaticanae Leyden 1860 1—126. Giraud sSances de Vacad. des sc. mor. et pol. Febr. and Mar. 1861. M. Haupt in Hermes iv 148—9. K. S. Zacharia staatswiss. Betracht- migen ub. Cic. Bilcher vom Staat Heidelberg 1823. M. S. Gratama de Cic. de rep. et de legg. libris diss, iurid. Groningen 1827. J. v. Persijn de politica Cic. doctrina in libris de rep. Amsterdam 1827. Gernhard opusc. lat. Leipzig 1836 373 sqq. *de Cic. somn. Scip.' Bouhier in his Tusculanes de C. (Paris 1737) and remarques sur C. ibid. 1766 481—90. • Translations. Germ, by F. v. Kobbe Leipzig 1841. Of the som- nium Sc. Greek (by Planudes?) in the Aldine Cicero, in Moser's ed. 547 sqq. in C. F. Hess Cic. Cato , . , . . gr. interp. Halle 1832 70 sqq. in F. Briiggemann Somn. Sc. Graece Conitz 1840 4to. Engl, by J. New- ton London 1577. Augustine's scholar Favonius Eulogius, in A. Schott quaestt. Tull. (Antwerp 1613), in Graevius' ed. of the de off. (1688) and in Orelli yi (1) 397 sqq. Cf. Suringar hist. crit. scho- liast. Lat. I 170 sqq. ii. De legibus (? begun cir. 702 = 52, resumed 708 = 46, not completed). Edd. Jo. Davie s Cambridge 1727, '45 (repr. R. G. Eath Halle 1809. *G. H. Moser and Fr. Creuzer accedunt annott.ined. Victorii, Grae- vii, Wyttenbachii Frankfort 1824). J. F. Wagner Gottingen 1804. * J. Bake Leyden 1842. C. F.Feldhtlgel 2 vols. Zeiz 1852-3. Texts by *J. Vahlen (Berlin 1871) and P. E.Huschke iurispr. anteiust.'^ Leipzig 1874 19 — 84. Cf. E. Horrmann de tempore quo Cic. libros d. I. scripsisse videatur Detmold 1845 4to. * J. N. Madvig emendatt. in Cic. de legg. et acad. Copenhagen 1826. opusc. acad. ii 130 — 166. K. Halm in Jahrb. 1859 759—788. Vahlen in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. 1860 1—32. 1861 19—24. A. Reifferscheid in Rhein. Mus. xvii 269—296. A, Baumstark in Philologus xix 633 — 649. Huschke in Rudorff's Zeitschr. f. Rechtsgesch. xi 1872 107 — 161. A. Matthia verm. Schriften Altenburg 1842 1—33. Germ, by A. W. Zumpt Leipzig 1841, M. Haupt in Hermes v 186 — 7. iii. Paradoxa (April 1708 = 46), often ed. with de off. Edd. J. D. Buchling (Germ.) Berlin 1798. A. G. Gernhard (with Cato) Leipzig 1819. H. L Borgers Leyden 1826. J. C. Orelli (with Tusc.) Ziirich 1829. G. H. Moser Gottingen 1846. Cf. Bardili in Hauff's Fhilologie ii (2) Isqq. 0. Heine inP/it7o%Hs x 116— 125. Detlefsen CICERO. PHILOSOPHY. 57 iu Sitzungsber. cler Wiener Akad. xxi 1855 110 — 129. Germ, by J. F. Scliroeder Leipzig 1841. *E. Kuhner Stuttgart 1864. Engl. Kob. Whittinton Southwark Jo. Kedman (1540) 16mo. iv. Consolaiio (709 = io). The genuine fragments in B a iter-Kay ser XI 71 — 75. The spurious consolatio (Ven. 1583 etc. also in Lipsii opera, and Sigonii oi^era, Milan 1732, vi 822—878) is in the edd. of Gothof red, Ernesti, Nobbe, Klotz. Ci. K.Hsilm. Beitrdge zu den Cic. Frag- menten Leipzig 1862 32 — 5. Er. Schneider (Breslau 1835) and B. A. Schultz (Greifswald 1860) de consol. Cic. V. Ilortcnsiiis. Fragments in Baiter-Kayser xi 55 — 67. Cf. Halm Beitrdge 35 — 9. On its relation to Aristot. irpoTpeirTtKds cf. * J. Bernays die Dialogendes A. Berlin 1863 116 sqq. *I. Bywater in Journal ofphilol. ii 1869 60 — 3. H. Usenerin Bhein. Mus. xxviii 1873 391—2. vi. Dejinihus bonorum et malorum (first half of 709 = 45). Edd. Jo. Davies Cambridge 1728, '41 (repr. Oxford 1809. E. G. Kath Halle 1804). J. F. Bremi (i — iii. ' comm. in iv. v. optimus mens magister communicavit cum Goerenzio' Okelli). J. A. Gorenz Leipzig 1813. Orelli (with acad.) Zurich 1823. Fr. Otto Leipzig 1831. * J. N. Madvig Copenhagen 1839. ed. alt. emend. 1869 (cf. D. Bockel Bemerkk. Thurgau 1863 4to. E. Unger in Philologus xx 1863 372—7. XXI 481—95. O. Heine in Jahrb. 1866 245—53 and in Gott. gel.Anz. 1871 182 sqq. Iw. Miiller i— ii observv. Erlangen 1869—70 4to. G. F. Schomann opii^. iii 391—401). H. Alan Dublin 1856. D. Bockell (Germ.) bks. i ii Berlin 1872. H. Holstein (Germ.) Leip- zig 1873. Germ. J. G. Droysen Leipzig 1840. *E. Kuhner Stutt- gart 1860. J. H. V. Kirchmann Leipzig 1874. vii. Academica (709 = 45) first -in two books, Catulus and Lucullus (extant), then [a. posteriora) in four (i and fragments extant). Edd. J. Davies Cambridge 1725, '36 (notes of *P. Faber etc. repr. by E. G. Eath Halle 1806). J. C. F. Wetzel (Germ.) Brunswick 1799. Fr. Hiilsemann Magdeburg 1806-. J. A. Gorenz 2 vols. Leipzig 1810. J. C. Orelli (with de finibus and Aug. c. Acad.) Zurich 1827. *J. S. Eeid revised and explained Cambridge 1874. Cf. *Wopkens lectt. Tull. I c. 1 — 8. J. C. Eanitz de llbr. acad. Leipzig 1809 4to and in Beck acta semin. pliilol. Lips, ii (1) 165 — 173. Brandis in Bhein. Mus. iii 543 sqq. K. Fr. Hermann in Philologus vii 466 — 476. The same de Philone Larissaeo i ii Gottingen 1851 — 5 4to. C. J. Grysar Die Akademiker Philo u. Antiochus Cologne 1849 4to. A, B. Krische ilb. Cic. Akad. Gottingen 1845. C. J. H. Engstrand de libris Cic. acad. 58 CICERO. PHILOSOPHY. Upsala 1860. C. Chappuis de Antlochi Asc. vita et doctrina Paris 1854. Germ, by A. Westermann Leipzig 1841. viii. Tusculanae disputationes (begun 709 = 45, completed and publisbed 710 = 44, after vii and before xii and xiii). Edd. Jo. Davies accedunt emendatt. B. Bentleii Cambr. 1709 (these conjectures assailed by J. C. Schroeder append. Cic. epp. sel. Delft 1721, 1724, and by Jac Gronov on Minucius Felix, are omitted in edd. Cambr. 1723, '30, restored '38.repr. 11. G. Bath Halle 1805,, *[Tlio, Gaisford] ace. i2. B. emendatt. Jiactenus ineditae Oxf. 1805. These new emeiidd. repr. by Bardili in Seebode Archiv ii 199—228, by Orelli and Moser). F. A. Wolf Leipzig 1792, 1807, 1825. J, C. Orelli ace. Fr. Fabricii adnott.^ lo. I. Beiskii Ubellus var. Icctt.., lo. I. Hottingeri spicileg., F. A. Wolfii scholarum excerpta Zurich 1829 (repr. Oxford 1834, with Wolf's notes in Engl.). Pt. Klotz (Germ.) Leipzig 1835 — 43. G. H. Moser (notes of Davies etc. copious, but ill-digested) 3 vols. Hannov. 1836—7. G. Tischer (Germ.6 by G. Sorof Berlin 1872). *E. Kuhner 5th ed. Hannover 1874. P. H. Tregder Copenhagen 1841. C. Jourdain (Fr.) Paris 1842. Fr. Dubner (Fr.). ibid. 1851. G. A. Koch (Germ. 2 pts.) Hannover 1854—7. *M. Seyffert emend., comm. crit. adiecit Leipzig 1864. *0. Heine (Germ.) 2nd ed. ibid. 1873. , S. G. Cavallin Lund 1870. C. Meiss- ner (Germ.) Leipzig 1873. Cf. *Wopkens lectt. Tull. i c. 9—21. Bouhier Tusculanes de Cic. 3 vols. Paris 1737. Bemarques sur Cic. ibid. 1768. *A, S. Wesenberg adnott. in Tusc. spec, i Viborg 1830. emendatt. Cic. Tusc. i — iii Copenhagen 1841 — 4 4to. J. Bake scholica hypomn. iv 68 — 114 Leyden 1852. 0. Heine de Cic. Tusc. Halle 1854. de fontibus Tusc. Weimar 1863 4to. J. P. Binsfeld in Bhein. Mas. XXVI 1871 302 sqq. Bo gen de locis aliquot e Cic. Tusc. etc. Neuss 1856, 1861 4to. J. Schlenger in Philologus xii 1858 280—292. H. Muther and O. Heine in Jahrb. 1862 491—501. G. Queck ibid. 1863 418—421. H. Muther in Zeitschr. f. d. Gijmn. 1861 494—500. 1864 701—8. Eitter Bemcrkk. zu Cic. T. i § 22 Zerbst 1846 4to. G. Zietzschmann de Tusc. disp. fontibus Halle 1868. Fr. Kayser de Crantore (Heidelberg 1841) 34 sqq. A. Matthia verm. Schr. 44—51. Engl. Jo. Dolman London T. Marshe 1561 12mo, dedicated to bp. Jewel. Chr. Wase ibid. 1683. Germ. *B. Kuhner Stuttgart 1856. E. Klotz Leipzig 1841. ix. Timaeus (after acad., i.e. 709=45 or 710=44). In Orelli iv^ 995—1010. Baiter-Kayser viii 131—144. H. Stephanus Cicero- nianum lexicon gr.-lat. Paris 1557. Turin 1743. J. A. Fabricius Hippolyti opera Hamburg 1718 fol. ii fin. [J. G. Huber] s. 1. et a. [cir. 1749. 'Pp. 25 — 52 continent singulorum verborum ind. nullius CICEEO. PHILOSOPHY. 59 ntilitatis' Oeelli. very few printed]. Cf. K. Fr. Hermann de intcrpr. Timaei Plat, a Gic. relicta Gottingen 1842 4to. X. De nat.deorum I. in (710 = 44. Cf.E. B ehr cited § 108 1). Jo. Davies cumnotis P. Manutii,Petr. Victorii,G amerarii, Fulv. Ursini{Ca,m.- bridge 1718. '23. '33. '44. Oxford 1807 ; repr. E. G. Eath and C. G. Schutz (Halle 1819), G. H. Moser and Fr. Creuzer with notes by D. Wytten- bach * Leipzig 1818). L. F. Heindorf Leipzig 1815. H. Alan Lon- don 1836. *G. F. SchomaBn mit deutschen Anmerkungen 3rd ed. Berlin 1865. cf. his oimsc. iii 274—383. Heidtniann zur Kritik li/. In- terpretation von C. n. d. Neustettin 1858 4to. I. Becker comm. crit. ad Cic. I n. d. Budingen 1865. K. Klotz adn. critt. i — iv Leipzig 1867 — 8 4to. L. Spengel Philodemus irepl evce^eias Mtinchen 1863 4to. H. Sauppe de Ph. libro qui fuit de pietate Gottingen ind. lect. 1864 4to. Th. Gompertz herkulanische Studien ii (Philodemus) Leipzig 1866. J. Vahlen Zeitschr. f. d. osterr. Gymn. 1873 241 n. B. Lengnick ad emendandos expUcandosque Gic. I. de n. d. quid ex Ph. irepl ei'cre/Setas redundet Halle 1872. E. Mulier Gic. I. de n. d. non ex- tremam manum accessisse Bromberg 1839 4to. Heidtmann ep. crit. ad Schomannum Stettin 1856 4to. zur Kritik u. Interpr. v. C. n. d. Neustettin 1858 4to. *T. Wopkens lectt. Tull. 1. ii. On the relation of the n. d. to Minucius FeUx see A. Ebert in Abhandll. d. scichs. Ges. d. Wiss. phil. hist. CI. v 328 sqq. 358, 382 sqq. An ed. by prof. Jos. B. Mayor is in preparation. Translation Engl. London 1683. Germ, by J. Fr. v. Meyer, 2nd ed. Frankfort 1832, *J. F. Sehroeder (Leipzig 1841), G. H. Moser (Stuttgart Metzler 1855 16mo), *Ea. Kuhner (ibid. Hoffmann 1869), J. H. v. Kirchmann Leipz. 1874. xi. Gato maior or de senectute (early in 710 = 44). Edd. J. G. Grae- vius (with de off.) Amst. 1688. J. F. Wetzel (with Lael. and parad.) Lignitz 1792. 1808 (1817). J. A. Gotz (Germ, with somn. Sc.) Niirn- berg 1801. *A. G. Gernhard (with parad.) Leipzig 1819. P. A. Eeijnders (with Lael.) Groningen 1825. F. W. Otto Leipzig 1830. E. Klotz Leipzig 1831. J. J. de Gelder Leyden 1832. *J. N. Madvig Copenhagen 1835. G. Tischer (Germ.) Halle 1847. *J. Sommerbrodt (Germ.) 7th ed. Berlin 1873. *H. Alan Dublin 1853. C. W. Nauck (Germ.) ibid. 1855. G. Lahmeyer (Germ.) 3rd ed. Leipzig 1872. C. Meissner (Germ, with somn.) Berlin 1870. G. Klingberg med forklarande anmaerkn. Stockh. 1874. Cf. P. J. V. der Ton G. m. explic. et e gr. potiss. fontibus illustr. Louvain 1821 4to. comm. ad quaest. de Cic. G. ibid. 1822 4to. H. J. Nassau atZ/ioft. in Cic. de sen. Groningen 1829. Th. Mo mm. sen iib. e. Le7jdncr Hds. V. Cic. G. m. in Monatsher. der Berl. Akad. 1863 10—21. J. G. Sauppe 60 CICERO. PHILOSOPHY. ein Rheinaiier Cod. des C. m. in Philologus xxi 535 — 9. 675 — 9. G. Lah- meyer ibid, xxiii 473 — 81 (cl. xxi 284—307). Eiidiger in Zeitschr.f. Gymn. 1864 798—9. J. Miihly in neues schweiz. Mus. vi 1866 243—250. C. Meissner in Jahrb. 1871 57—65. G. Lund Tidskr. f. Philol. yii Copenhagen 1868. Engl. Will. Botaner Caxton 1481 fol. Rob. Whitinton London Jo. Byddell 1540 16mo. anon, (dedicated to Wm. Paulet, marq. of Winch.) ibid. Tho. Marshe 1569 32mo. *Tho. Newton ibid. Tho. Marshe 1577. Sir Jo. Denham (in verse) ibid. 1648 12nio. W. Austin ibid. 1671. 1684. Germ. *Fr. Jacobs Leipzig 1841. K. G.Bauer, ibid. 1841. *E. Kith ner Stuttgart 1864. Greek. Theod. Gaza Basel 1524 etc. ed. Goetz (Niirnberg 1801). ed. (with Gr. oisomn. Sc. etc.) P. C. Hess Halle 1833. xii. De divinatione. xiii. De fato (both 710 = 44). Edd. Jo. Davies Cambridge 1721, '30 (repr. R. G. Rath HaUe 1807. * G. H. Moser with notes of Fr. Creuzer and C. P. Kayser Frankf. 1828). H. Alan London 1839. De dlvin. alone. Edd. * J. J. Hottinger Leipzig 1793. A. 0. L. Giese ibid. 1829. P. Bohmer Probe eines Comm. zu Cic. d. d. Oels 1870 4to. O. Meltzer in Jahrb. cv 430— 1. Be fato alone. Edd. S. Gesner Wittemberg 1594. *J. H. Bremi Leipzig 1795. Cf. O. Heine Stoicorum dootrina de fato Naumbui'g 1859 4to. *Th. Wopkens lectt. Tull. b. in. Th. Schiche de fontibus C. de div. Jena, 1875. Germ. *Fr. Jacobs (both) Leipzig 1868. * R. Kvihner {d. d. alone) Stuttgart 1868. xiv. Laelius or de amicitia (710 = 44). Edd. (cf. xi and xvi) J. G. Lenz Hildburgh. 1778. A. -G. Gernhard Leipzig 1825. *C. Beier ibid. 1828. J. J. de Gelder Leyden 1834. *M. Seyffert (Germ.) 2 pts. Brandenb. 1844—5. C. W. Nauck (Germ.) 7th ed. Berlin 1875. G. Lahmeyer (Germ.) 2nd ed. Leipzig 1870 (cf. Philolo- gus XXIX 554 — 7). Gernhard opusc. Leipzig 1836 322 —339. Jo. Hille- brandt nexum sententiarum Laelii explicuit et perp. adnot. adiec. Sagan 1844 4to. E. Vogel collatie triiim codd. Zweibrucken 1839 4to. G. F. W. Lund Bidrag etc. [Cal^ m. a,nd Lael.) Nykiobing 1851. 0. F. Kleine adnott. in Cic. Cat, mai. et Laeliinri Wetzl&r 1855 4to. C. E. Putsche in Philologus xii 1858 293 — 301. *Th. Mom m&ende Laelii cod. Didotiano in Rhein. Mus. xviii 1865 594 — 601. R. F. Braxator quid in conscriben- do Cic. L. valuerint Aristot. Eth. Nic. de amicitia libri Halle 1871. H. S. Anton in Zeitschr. f. d. Gymn. 1873 185—8. H. Hana de C. Laelio Leyden 1832. Engl, the erle of Wurcestre Caxton 1481 fol. Jo. Harryngton London 1562 32mo. * Tho. Newton ibid. 1577. Germ. Schreiber and Grosse Halle 1827. *Fr. Jacobs Leipzig 1841. *R. Kuhner Stuttgart 1864. CICERO. PHILOSOPHY. Gl XV. De gloria I. II (complete end of July 710 = 44). Fr. Sclineider meletem. in Gic. de gl. in Zeitschr. f. d. Alt. Wiss. 1839 n. 28—9. Fragments in Orelli iv^ 998—9. Baiter-Kayser xi 69—71. xvi. De officiis [710 = 4:A). Edd. J. G. Graevius with Cafo, LaeZ,, •parad., somn. Sc. and variorum notes) Amst. 1688. 1710 (repr. by * Garatoni 2 vols. Naples 1777, with additions ; add Graevii scholia in Gic. off. prim. cd. Bother "Wittenberg 1824). Z. Pearce London 1745, '61. 3rd ed. Cambridge '77 (Lond. '78). Oxford 1811 12mo. J. F. and J. M. Heu singer Brunswick 1783 {*siiis animadvv. auxit C. T. Zumpt ibid. 1838). J. F. Degen (Germ.) Berlin 1800 (ed. 4, recast by E. Bonnell ibid. 1811). A. G. G ernliar d sc/ioZiis J. Fac- ciolati suisque animadvv. instr. Leipzig 1811. * C. Beier 2 vols. ibid. 1820 — 1 {indd. ad Cic. de off. orationumque fragmenta ed. G. Hertel ibid. 1831). E. Stiirenburg ibid. 1834, '43 (exhaustive grammatical collections). C. G. Zumpt ed. min. Brunswick 1837, '49. C. Words- worth London 1841. H. Alan Dublin 1841. G. F. W. Lund Copenhagen 1849. G. F. Unger (Germ.) Berlin 1852. J. v. G ruber (Germ. ) 2nd ed. Leipzig 1866. *H. A. Holden Cambridge 1869. 0. Heine (Germ.) 3rd ed. Berlin 1866. Cf. G. B. Bardili in Hauff's Philologie i (2) 1803 1—64. ii (1) 25—66. Fr. Binkes de analysi et constitutione doctrinae in Cic. de off. Amsterdam 1819 4to. E. G. Lilie de stoicc. philos. mor. ad Cic. de off. Altona 1808. J. E. Thorbecke princip. philos. mor. et officiorum e Cic. opp. philos. Leyden 1819 4to. J. F. Sachse de lihrorum Cic. de off. indole atque proposito Quedlinburg 1825 4to. S. Gratama Cic. philos. de iure, civit. et imperio princip. Groningen 1827. C. J. Grysar prolegg. ad Cic. off'. Cologne 1844. C. J. Benoit historica de Cic. off. comm. Paris 1846. Lund de emendandis Cic. de off. Nykiobing 1848. J. Heller in P7iii!o%MS xii 302— 15. G. F. Unger ibid, suppl. Ill 3 — 106. H. Sauppe coniect. Tall. Gottingen 1857 4to. C. J. Dahlbeck de officiis Cic. Upsala 1860. H. Mutherin Zeitschr. f.d. Gynm. 1863597—603. G. Malernonnulli loci exCic. o/. (Karlsruhe 1867?). F. Cadet examen dii traite des devoirs de C. Eeims 1865. A. Desjardins les devoirs, essai sur la morale de Cic. Paris 1865. G. 3. J eannet unde liaiiria7itur Cic. off. ibid.lS&l . Fr. Bittner de Gic. et Amhr. off. libris Bres- lau 1848 4to. N. Leques conferimtur Gic. et Amir, deoff. lihri Toulouse 1849. Fr. Hasler iih. d. Verhdltniss der heidn. u. christl. Ethik Milnchen 1866. D. Leitmaier Vergleichung v. Gic. off. u. der gleichnamigen Schr. des Amhr. Augsburg 1866. F. Winter zur ErUarung v. Cic. off. Magdeburg 1872 4to. MS. notes by Jo. Taylor in the Cambridge library. Engl. Bob. Why tin ton London W. de 62 CICERO. LETTERS. Worde 1534. ibid. Jo. Byddel '40 16mo. (Orelli adds '82, '91). Nic. Grimalde ibid. 1553, '6, '8, '68, '74, '83, '90. n.d. 16mo. J. Brinsley bk. I ibid. 1616. (? The same) Cic. offices, transl. grammatically ibid. 1631 12mo. Germ. *J. J. Hottinger Zurich 1820. A. W. Zumpt Leipzig 1840. *R. Kiihner Stuttgart 1859. Fragments of uncertain date, xviii. Transl. of Xcn, oeconomicns, I. IJI, cir. aet. 20. Li Orelli iv^ 974—9. Baiter-Kayser xi 50 — 4. xix. Flat. Protagoras. In Orelli 979. Baiter-K. 54 — 5. xx. De auguriis (after 703 = 51, when C. became augur). In Or. 980. B. K. 55. 6. Letters. Orelli III and IV 968 sqq., Baiter and Kayser ix. x. *B. E. Abeken Cic. in seinen Brief en Hannover 1835. Engl. London 1854. *A. S. Wesenberg emendatt. Cic. epp. Copenhagen 1840. Leipzig 1873. H. A. Koch emendatt. in Cic. epp. Putbus 1855 4to. Ehein. Mns. xii 268—279. F. Biicheler ibid, xi 509—535. K. Halm ibid, xviii 460 — 3. H. A. Kleijn obss. crit. in Cic. epp. favi. Leyden 1860. J. v. Gruber quaestio de temporibus atque serie episto- larum &iceronis Stralsund 1836 4to. M. Haupt in the 'Berlin Lections- catalog for 1855 and 1856, '57 4to. D. Detlefsen in Jahrb. suppl. iii 1857 111—131, and 1863 550—571. B. Nake historia critica M. T. C. epistularum Bonn 1861. The same in Jahrb. 1864 60 — 68, in symbola philol. Bonnens. (Leipzig 1868) 373 — 384, and de Planci et Ciceronis epistulis Berlin 1866 4to. F. Hofmann der kritische Apparat zu Ciceros Briefen an Atticus Berlin 1863. G. Boissier sur la maniere dont furent . . .publiees les lettres de Cic. Paris 1863. G. Bardt quaestiones Tullianae Berlin 1866. los. Krauss ill. T. C. epistularum emendationes i Cologne 1866 4to. ii Leipzig 1869. P. Kriiger in Hermes v 1870 146 sqq. 0. Hirschf eld ibid. 296 sqq. a. Edd. of all the letters. C. G. Schiitz ordine chronologico dis- positae 6 \ol8. Halle 1809 — 12. *A. S. Wesenberg 2 vols. Leipzig 1872-3. b. Epp. {ad fam.) 1. xvi (691—711 = 63—43). P. Victorius Flor- ence 1558. P. Manutius Yen. 1574 '5, '79 foL '89 fol. etc. (of. *C. G. Eichter P. Man. comm. in Cic. epp. ad divv., ad Q. jr. et ad Brutum. Ace. eiusd. scholia et Ilieron. Ragazonii in easdem Cic. epp. comm. 2 vols. Leipzig 1779 — 80). J. G. Graevius cum notis inte- gris Victorii, Manutii, Bagazonii, Bambini, Ursini, 2 vols. Amst. and Leyden 1677. Amst. 1693 {* ed. novissima post Graevianam locuplctior 4 vols. Naples 1777). J. A. Bengel Stuttgart 1719. * Chr, Cellarius recens. et annott. ilhistravit indicesque plures adiccit; CICERO. LETTERS. G3 auct. et emend, shid. G. Cortii Leipzig 1722, '35, '49, 71. ^Jo. Ross (Engl.) 2 vols. Cambridge 1749. J. C. P. Wetzel Liegnitz 1794. J. A. Martini-Laguna i Leipzig 1794 4to and 8vo (cf. Jalin'sArcMv 1833 ii 249—67, 365—382. J. C. Orelli P. Victorii curae tertiae in Cic. epp. Martini-Lagunae in Cic. epp. commentarii reliquiae Zurich 1840 4to). Selections. B. Weiske clarorum vironnn epp. Leipzig 1792. C. H. Frotseher ep. ad Lucceium (v 12) Anna- berg 1838. W. H. Suringar M. Gaelii Bufi et Cic. epp. mutnae (1, viii) Leyden 1845. Cf. R. Jacobs in Jalirh. 1862 732—4 (on 1. xm). *J. A. Liebmann Fr. Oudendorpii scholia in sel. epp. Leipzig 1839. J. Miiller zur Kritik u. ErJcl. der Br. Cic. an P. Lentulus Innsbruck 1862. 0. Epp. ad Atticum 1. xvi (from 686 = 88 to the last year of C.'s life). Edd. Seb. Corradus Venice 1544 fol. *P. Manutius Yen. 1547 etc. *P. Victorius Florence 1571. H. Stephanus Paris 1577. "^ J. Gr. Graevius cum eiusd. annott. et notis integris Victorii, Manutii, Malaespinae,Lambini...2 vols. Amsterdam 1684 (the ed. 1727 is abridged). * J. C. G. Boot rec. et iiliistr. 2 vols. ibid. 1865—6. (Cf. J. G. Hull em an diatr. in T. Pomp. Atticum Utrecht 1838). d. Epp. ad Q. fratr. 1. in (694—700 = 60—54). Edd. (a) with epp. ad Brut. * P. Manutius (comm. alone Yen. 1557, '62) Frankfort 1580. *anon. cum notis integris Victorii, Manutii, Ursini... Hague 1725. (j8) alone. J. Hoffa recogn. et illustr. Heidelberg 1843. ep. i 1 (on the government of a province) ed. Fr. Hotoman Lyon 1564 4to. (in Hotomani opera in 1417). J. Facciolati Padua 1731 (? 1738). J. M. Ge sner (in his enchirid. Gottingen 1745 58 sqq.). 6. Epp. ad Brutum 1. ii (questioned). Edd. (see above). Genuine or spurious? James Tunstall epist. ad C. Middleton Cambr. 1741. Conyers Middleton the epistles of Cic. to Brutus and of Br. to Cic. with a diss, in which the authority of the epp. is vindicated London 1743. J. Tunstall ohss. on the epp. hetw. Cic. and Br., repre- senting evident marks of forgery in those epp. London 1744. Jer. Markland remarks on the epp. of Cic. to Br. and of Br. to Cic. London 1745. Bahr and Teuffel favour the authenticity. So also K. F. Hermann in the Gottingen Lectionscatalog of 1844 and 1845 4to. in the Gott. gel. Anz. 1844 1934 sqq. 1845 961—981, 1310 sqq. in the Abhandl. der Gotting. Ges. der Wissensch. ii 189 sqq. in 143 sqq. ; cf. A. "W. Zumpt de C. et Bruti mutuis epistolis quae vulgo feruntur Berlin 1845 4to and in the Berliner Jahrb. 1845 (2) 722 sqq. C. Nip- lerdey in Abh. der K. Sachs. Ges. der Wissensch. v 1865 71 n. 15. 64 CICERO. FRAGMENTS. Selections with notes by F. A. Stroth Berlin 1784. B. Weisk« (Germ.) Brunswick 1796. *A. Matthiji 4tli ed. by F. H. Miiller Leipzig 1849. C. F. Supfle (Germ. 7tli ed.) Karlsruhe 1873. * Fr. Hofmann i (Germ.) 3rd ed. Berlin 1874 (with a literary history of the epp.). J. Frey (Germ.) 3rd ed. Leipzig 1873. Fragments. InBaiter- Kayser xi 38 — 50. Cf. A. Stinner tie eo quo C. in epistoUs ^isus est sermone I— III Oppeln 1849, 1854, 1864 4to. Translations. Engl. G. Gylby an epistle. ..of exhortation to his brother Quintus (i 1), wherein the office of a magistrate is. ..described. London Eowl. Hall 1561 16mo. A. Fleming a panoplie of epistles ibid. 1576 4to (contains 'selected epp. out of Cic.'). J. Webbe the familiar epistles of M. T. Cic. ibid. Edw. Griffin n. d. 12mo. Fr. * L. Mongault lettres de Cic. a Atticus 6 vol. Paris 1714, '38. Amst. '41 etc, Hague 1759. Paris 1802. Vr^yo^i lettres a Brutus Paris 1744 (with an answer to Tunstall). Germ. *C. M. Wieland and F. D. Grater 7 vols. Zurich 1808—21. *K. L. F. Mezger Stuttgart 1859 etc. 7. Fragments. Edd. C, Sigonius Venice 1559, '60 and in his opera vi 662—818. A. Patricius ibid. 1578 4to. N. E. Lemaire Paris 1831. In edd. Nobbe, Klotz, Orelli, * Baiter-Kayser, a. De iure civili in artem redigendo, Orelli iv^ 979 — 80. Baiter- Kayser XI 55. Cf. W. Rein Privatrecht Leipzig 1858 55 sqq. H. E. Dirksen hinterlass. Schr. i 1 — 20. 342. G. de Caqueray explication des passages de droit prive contenus dans les oeuvres de Cic. Eennes 1857. A. Desjardins de scientia civ.ap. Cic. Beauvais 1858. b. Historical, a Commentarius consulatus stii graece compositus (694 = GO, ad Att. I 19 § 10, ii 1 pr. Plut. Caes. 8, DCass. xlvi 21) and a Latin work on the same subject. j8 aveKdora perhaps the same with expositio consiliorum suorum (Baiter-Kayser xi 75 — 6). y admiranda {ibid. 76—7). c. Poetical e.g. a Translation of Aratus (Orelli i\2 1014 — 33. Baiter-Kayser xi 96 — 129. G. Schulz quaestt. crit. ad Cic. Aratea Neuruppin 1868 4to). ^ Transl. from Homer (Or. 1012—3. B. K. 89—91). 7 de suo consulatu I. Ill (694 = 60. Or. 1048—51. B. K. 130— 5. J. Mahly in Philologus xxv 544 — 51). 5 de temjmriUus meis I. Ill (699 = 55 relating to his troubles; some identify this with y. Or. 1051—2. Berger de Xivrey Vinstitut 1860 ii n. 296—7). e Marius (an epic Or. 1048. B. K. xi 129—30). Cf. F. M. Frantzen de Cic. poeta Abo 1800. J. A. C. v. Heusde Cic. ^i\oir\druv 25 sqq. CICEKO. 65 34 — 65. Drumann vi 681 — 4. Drobisch in Verhandll. d. sacks. Ges. d. Wiss. XVIII 94 sqq. V. Faguet de poetlca Cic. facultate Poitiers 1857. [Helps to the study of Cic. Petr. Victorius explicatt. suarum in Cic. castigatt. Lyon 1540, '52, '60. M. A, F err a tins epistolarum I. VI, in quibus quae in oratt. M. Tullii duhia occurrunt, illustrantur Venice 17B8 4to. Seb. Corradus quaestiirae partes duae (life and works of Cic. with emendations Yen. 1537, Bas. '56, '58) Leipzig 1754. in Cic. Brut. Florence 1552 fol. A. Turnebus opera Strassburg 1600 fol. (on or, p. C. Bab., de leg. agr., acad., delegg., de fato). H. Stepha- nas m qiiamplur. Cic. locos castigatt. Paris 1557, id. Pseudocicero ibid. 1557, Halle 1737. *M. A. Muretus in his opera, ed. Kuhnken ii iii (on Catil., Deiot., Phil., Tusc. I, off., Jinn.), F. Fabricius hist. Cicero- nis (Cologne 1564 etc. Blidingen 1727 ed. J. M. Heusinger) in Orelli vii (i) 1 — 109. F. Ursinus in omnia opp. Cic.notae Antwerp 1581. C. Middleton Life of Cic. 2 vols. London 1741 4to (and often; best in Spanish by Jos. Nic. de Azara 4 vols. Madrid 1790 — 2 4to). * J. A. Ernesti praefatt. et notae in Cic. opp. 2 vols. Halle 1806. *A. Matthia verm. Schrr. Altenburg 1833. *J. N. Madvig opuscc. acad. i ii Copenhagen 1834 — 42. Jo. Bake scholica hypomne- mata 4 vols. Leyden 1837 — 52. C. A. Benecke de Cic. etymologo Konigsberg 1835. E. Sturenburg Materialien zu einem Lexicon Cice- ronianum Hildburghausen 1854 4to. Jul. Theobald de annominationis et allitterationis apud Cic. usu Bonn 1853. H. Allen obss. in loca aliquot Cic. Dublin 1863. B. Bardt quaestiones Tullianae Berlin 1866. *C. G. Cobet var. lectt:^ Leyden 1873 292, 458—477. novae lectt. ibid. 1858 ind. (also in Mnemosijne vii — xi). Paul studia Cic. Berl. 1875 4to. L. Friedlander de nonnullis locis Cic. in quibus verba poetarum latent Konigsberg 1860 4to. H. Lieven die Consecutio Temporum des Cic. Riga 1872 4to. C. F. W. M tiller krit. Bemerkk. zu lat. Prosaikem Landsberg 1865. E. J, W. Schuppe de anacoluthis Ciceronianis Berlin 1860. A. Tit tier in Jahrb. 1869 489—501.] Quinti Ciceronis reliquiae recogn. Fr. Buecheler Leipzig 1869. A. Eussner commentariolum petitionis [Q. Ciceronis] examinatum atque emendatum Wiirzburg 1872 4to. [Q. Cic. 652—711 ( = 102—43) Drumann VI 719—751. C. H. Blase de Q. C. vita Cologne 1847. Edd. with the epp. M. Cic. ad Q. fr. etc. Hague 1725. C. G. Schwarz Altdorf 1719, Niirnberg 1721. J. Hoffa Leipzig 1837. J. W. Tijdeman in Q. Cic. de petit, cons, adnott. Leyden 1838.] M. 66 CICERO. HORATIUS. 8. Old commentators. Orelli (ed. i) v. *I. N. Madvigii de Q. Asconii Pediani et aliorum veterum interpre- tum in C. oratlones commentariis disputatio critica Copenhagen 1828. Rhetores Latini minores. Emendabat C. Halm. Leipzig 1864. On the text of the scholiasta Bobiensis on Cicero's speeches L. Ziegler in Ehein. 3Ius. xxvii 1872 420—437. [W. H. D. Suringar in hist. crit. scholiastarum kit. Leyden 1834 1 116—253. A. Kies sling d^ Asc. cod. pistoriensi Greifswald 1878 4to. Th. Mommsen in Ehein. Mm. xvi 1861 147. C. G. Cobet in Mnemosyne xi 204, 221. J. F. Gronov coniect. in Asc. ibid. 191 — 4. S. H. Einkes ibid, x 199, xi 181. A. Kiessling and R. SchoU Q. Asc. P. oratt. Cic. V enarratio Berl. 1875. Scholia Bobiensia edd. A. Mai Milan 1814 = Frankfort 1815, in auctor. class, ii Rome 1828. Cramer and Heinrich Kiel 1816 4to. in Orelli v^ (2) 217—376. Cf. H. Ziegler in Siprogr. Munich 1873.] III. The third period of Roman literature. (Universal literature.) General. § 47. The altered position of literature. 1. Poetry. 65- -8 § 48. Q. Horatius Flaccus (8 Dec. 689—27 Nov. 746 n. c.) 1. Life and works in general. Eeifferscheid's Suetonius 44 — 48, 387—392. C. Franke fasti Horatiani. Accedit epistola C. Lachmanni Berlin 1839. A. Noel des Vergers etude biographique sur Horace (from the ed. ad modum MinelUi by Bond) Paris 1855. A. Eiese in Jahrb. 1866 474 sqq. 868 sqq. [Masson vita Horatii Leyden 1708. * Walckenaer 7asf. de la vie et des poSsies d'H. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Paris 1858. W. E. Weber Q.H. F. als Mensch u. Dichter Jena 1844. I. G. F. Estre hora- tiana prosopographeia Amst. 1846. S. Karsten Q. H. F. ein Blick auf scin Leben ilbers. v. M. Schwach Leipz. 1863.] B.C. HORATIUS. 67 2. Satirarum I. IT. Carminum I III. Epodon liber. Carmen saeculare. The fourth book of the odes. Epistu- larum I, II (with the ars poetica). a. Manuscripts. Th. Bergk in PliiloL xiv 1858 389. L. Muller in Jahrh. 1862 723 sqq. 0. Keller in Rhein. Miis. xviii 1863 281 sqq. xix 211 sqq. 631 — 7. K. Zangemeister ibid. 321—339. b. Editions. [Cf. H. Eiedel Ilor. en zijne uitgevers Leeuwarden 1870. Edd. * Geo. Fabricius Basel 1555 fol. 1580 fol. with Aero and Porphyrio. M. A. Muretus Yen. 1555, '59, '61. *D. Lambinus Paris 1579 foL, (repr. Coblentz 1829), 1604 fol., which ed. adds the notes of Turnebus and * Theod. Marcilius. *J. Cruquius Leyden 1597 4to. *Lae- vinus Torrentius Antw. 1608 4to. *D. Heinsius Leyden 1629 12mo. * J. M. Gesner Leipzig 1752, '72, new ed. by J. C. Zeune ib. 1788 often reprinted. C. Fea and F. H. Bothe Heidelberg 1821—7. F. G. Doering i^ by G. Kegel Leipzig 1839, ii^ 1835. Fr. Bitter 2 vols. Leipzig 1856—7. H. Diintzer (Lat.) Brunswick 1849, (Germ.) Pader- born 1868—9. W. Dillenburger 6th ed. Bonn 1875.] [Odes and epodes. Edd. C. W. Mitscherlich 2 vols. Leipzig 1800. Wm. Braunhard with scholia 4 pts. Leipzig 1831 — 8. Th. Obbar (Germ.) Jena 1848. C. E. Wickham Oxford 1874,] [Satires. Erklart von * L. F. Heindorf Breslau 1815, neu bearb. von E. F. Wiistemann Leipzig 1843, von L. Doderlein ibid. 1859. * W. E. Weber Des Q. H. F. Satiren iibersetzt und erklart Stuttgart 1852.] [Epistles. Erklart t-on * F. E. T. Schmid 2 vols. Halberstadt 1828 —30. * ed. S. Obbarius (book i) 2 vols. Leipzig 1837—47. Ep. ad Augustum comm. illustr. H, Eiedel Groningen 1831. De arte poetica ed. L. Q. Sahl Copenh. 1802. C. G. Schelle Leipzig 1806. Machacek Prag 1827. The Cambridge library possesses many edd. of Hor., collected by the Rev. M. D. Babington for use in a contemplated edition.] * Q.H.F. ex rec. et cum notis atque emendationibm Richardi Bent lei i Cambridge 1711 4to, Amsterdam 1713, 1728 4to with Is. Verburg's index. Leipzig 1764, 1826 and * Berlin 1869 in 2 vols, with index by ■*C. Zangemeister. [cf. R. Johnson Aristarchus Anti-Bentl. Not- tingham 1717. Jer. Mark land ep. crit. ad Fr. Hare Cambr. 1723. Bentleii curae noviss. ad Hor. in mus. crit. Cantabr. 1 194 sqq.] *Q. H. F. rec. et interpretatus est I. C. Orellius 3rd ed. by J. C. Baiter and 5—2 68 HORATIUS. H. Sauppe Zurich 1850—2 2 vols. {ed. minor 1868). Edd. by P. Hofman Peerlkamp {carmina ed, II Amsterdam 1862, ep. ad Pis. Leyden 1845, satirae Amsterdam 1863). With Germ, notes by C. W. Nauck and G. T. A. Kruger 2 vols. Leipzig 1851, 1853, 8th and 7th ed. 1874 and 1872. Satires by * C. Kirchner and W. S. Teuffel 2 vols. Leipzig 1854—7, [by*Ad. Th. Herm. Fritzsche bk i Leipzig 1875J. Texts by A. Meineke (Berlin 1834 1844 1854 etc.) and M. Haupt Leipzig 1871, [by * H. A. J. Munro illustrated from gems by C. W. King Lon- don 1869]. * Q. H. F. opera. Itecensiierunt 0. Keller et A. Holder I II (hi not yet out) Leipzig 1864 — 70. Q. H. F. carmina. Becogn. et praef. est L. Miiller Leipzig 1869. The same zu H. in lihein, Mus. XXV 1870 561 sqq. A. Kiessling ilher die Aufnahme der liorazi- schen Oden im ersten Jahrhundert. Verhandl. der Kieler Fhilol. Versamml. 1870 28 sqq. c. Models. Th. Arnold ilher die griechischen Studien des Horaz Halle 1855 1856 4to. * H. H. Garcke quaestionum de Graecismo H. pars prior Halle 1860. C. Campe Horaz und Anacreon in Philologus xxxi 1871 667 sqq. A. Bischoff iiber horazische Lyrik i Schaffhausen 1872. [J. Reis acker Hor. in seinem Verhclltniss 2;u l/ucre^ Breslau 1873 4to. J. J. lit gen de Hor. Lucilii aemulo Montabaur 1872 4to.] On the ars poet. A. Michaelis de auctorilms quos a. p. secutus esse videatur Kiel 1857 4to. L. Spengel in Fhilol. xviii 1862 94 sqq. J. Vahlen in Zeitschr. filr osterr. Gyninas. xviii 1867 1 sqq. [d. Criticism and interpretation. T. Mommsen Bemerkungen zum 1. Buck der Satiren des Horativs Frankf. a.M. 1871 4to. G. Bernhardy de Hor. ep. ad Fisones Halle 1847. Bosscha vindiciae Horatianae Deventer 1836. H. Diintzer Kritik u. Erkldrung der hor. Gcdichte 5 vols. Brunswick 1841 — 6, *Fr. Jacobs lectiones Venusinae in his verm. Schr. v 1 — 404, vi 3—22, VIII 110 — 129. * J. G. Graevius scholia ad Hor. od. libr. I II ed. F. H. Bothe Heidelb. 1821. W. T. Streuber de Hor. ad Fis. ep. Basel 1839. F. A. Hoffmann vindiciae Venusinae Neisse 1873 4to.] [e. Language. Complete indd. by Th. Treter Antw. 1576, Frankf. 1600, improved by D. Avemann Brunswick 1667, and still further by Yerburg in the Amst. edd. of Bentley; in the ed. in mum Delphini of L. Desprez Par. 1691 4to and often, best by Valpy 1825; in the edd. of Homer 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1792—4, Gence (Par. 1828), Doring, Braun- hard. Bitter, Holder-Keller; best by Lemaire (Par. 1831 vol. iii of his ed.) and Zangemeister with Bentley's ed. Berl. 1869. Cf. J. A. Voigt iiber den Gcbraiich des Adjectivs bei Hor. Halle 1844 4to. VERGILIUS. 69 Fr, "W. Dahleke de tisu infinitivi Jioratiano i Breslau 1854. Fr. J, Hester de infinitivi natura et apud Hor. usu Miinster 1858. A. Roth- maler de Hor. verborum inventore Berl. 1862. * C. Zangemeister de Hor. verbis singularibits ibid. 1862. G. Ebeling de casuum usu hora- tiano Wernigerode 1866 4to. de imperativi ucu hor. ibid. 1870 4to. J. Neuss qiiaest. hor. grammaticae Miinster 1870.] [f. Translations. T. Drant Satyres Lond. Tbo. Marshe 1566 4to. Arte of poetrie, pistles and satyrs englished and to the earle of Ormounte by Tho. Drant addressed ibid. 1567 4to. John Ashmore selected odes of Horace ibid. 1621 4to. Sir T. Hawkins odes and epodes ibid. 1625 4to, '31 18mo, 3rd ed. enlarged '35 12mo, '38. Hen. Eider odes and epodes ibid. 1638 12m6, '44. Ben Jonson arte of poetry ibid. 1642. J. S(niith) odes and epodes loith select satires and epistles ib. 1649. Germ. * C. M. Wieland sat. and cp. with introductions and notes 2 vols. 4th ed.. Leipzig 1819 etc. often. * C. Passow Episteln. Ueber das Leben und Zeitalter des Dichters. Uebersetzung. Leipzig 1833. L. Doderlein sat. and ep. 2 vols. ibid. 1856, 1860. On the influence of Hor. down to the middle age see H, Pal damns de imitatione Hor. Greifsw. 1851 4to.] 3. Old commentators (Porphyrio, not Aero). Scholia Horatiana quae feruntur Acronis et Porphyrionis post G. Fabricium nunc prinium emendatiora ed. F. Pauly. Ed. 2 2 vols. Prag 1861. Acronis et Porphyrionis commentarii in Q. Horatium Flaccum ed. F. Hauthal 2 vols. Berlin 1864 1866. G. Linker ^u Aero und Por- phyrio in Zeitschr. fiir die osterr. Gymnasien ix 1858 813 — 823. H. Usener comment, de scholiis Horatlanis Bern 1863 4to. The same in Rhein. Mus. xxiii 1868 490 sq. E. Schweikert de Acrone qui fertur Horatii scholiasta Coblenz 1871. 0. Keller ilber Porphyrion, Pseu- doacron und Fulgentius, Scholiasten des Horaz, in symbol, philol. Bonn. II (1867) 491 — 502. W. Meyer Beitrdge zur Kritik des Horazscholiasten Porphyrion Miinchen 1870 4to. [* Pomponii Porphyrionis comm. in Q. H. F. Rec. Gul, Meyer Leipzig 1874. M. Petschenig zur Kritik der Horazscholiasten and zu den Scholiasten des Horaz, both Berlin 1874. Suringar hist. crit. scholiastarum lat. m c. 13.] § 49. P. Vergilius Maro (15 Oct. 684—21 Sept. 735 70-19 \ B.C. u. c.) 1. Life and works in general. Eeifferscheid's Suetonius 52—72, 399—404. [H. Keil vita Very, de comm. Val. Probi sublata in his ed. of Probus (below n. 4). E. Wolff- lin in Philolog. xxiv 153—5.] 0. Ribbeck before his small text ed. and to VERGILIUS. in the prolegomena of the larger ed. Henry in Jahrh. 1867 419 sqq. On the name H. Hagen and Th. Creizenach in Jahrh. 1867 COS, 1868 294—6. [Kitschl kl.:phil. Schr. ii 779—781.] 2. Bucolica (eclogae X). Georgicon I, IV. Aeneidos I. XII. [a. See Heyne-Wagner iv 635—749. Edd. Geo. Fabricius cum comm. Donati et Servii Bas, 1551 fol. ib. 1561 fol. with ind. to the schoL G. V. Guellius Antw. 1575. P. V. M. hue. ge. Aen. et in ea Servii comm. longe auctiores ex hihlioth. P. Danielis. ace. Fulgentii lih. de eont. Virg. auetlor...item Philargyrii comm. Par. 1600 fol. * J. L. de la Cerda 3 vols. fol. Madr. 1608—17, Lyon '12—9, Col. '28, '42—7. Fr. Taub- mann Wittenb. 1618 4to. N. Abram Toulouse 1644. C. Kuaeus ad usum Delph. Par. 1675, '82 4to and often. * P. Bur man cum integris et emendat. comm. Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Ace. F. Ursini, G. Fa- hricii, F. Nannii, Jo. * N.Heinsii notae nunc primum editae 4 vol»» Amst. 1746 4to (has ind. to V. and to Servius). * Ph. Wagner hreviter enarravit Leipzig 1861. * A. Forbiger 4th ed. 3 vols. ib. 1872—5. * J. Conington and H. Nettleship {Aen. only) r* 1872, ii2 1872, ni2 1875 Loud. * E. Benoist avec un comm. crit. et explic. 3 vols. Par. 1867—72. * B. H. Kennedy Lond. 1875 12mo.] [MSS. See Heyne-Wagner iv 603—632, 0. Eibbeck _proZ<'<7. ad opp. mai. 218—368, append. Verg. vi — viii, 24 — 38. The Medicean printed by * P. F. Foggini Flor. 1741 4to, the Vatican (n. 3225) by Giov. G. Bottari ajitiquiss. Virgiliani cod. fragmenta et pictiirae Eome 1741 fol.] The great ed. of * C. G. Heyne and G. Ph. E. Wagner 5 vols. Leipzig 1830 1832 1841. P. Vergilii Maronis opera rec. Otto Eibbeck I — III Leipzig 1859—62, prolegomena critica ad P. V. M. opera maiora 1866, IV appendix Vergiliana 1868. A. Weidner Commentar zu V.'s Aeneis bk. i ii Leipzig 1869. With Germ, notes by Th. Lade wig Berlin 6th ed. 1871. Texts by M. Haupt (Leipzig 1873), Th. Ladewig (BerUn 1866), 0. Eibbeck (Leipzig 1867). [b. Bucolica (eclogae) x (713—715 u.c. 41 — 39 B.C.) G. A. Gebauer de poetarum gr. hucol., imprimis Theoeriti, carm. in eclogis a V. expressis 1 Leipzig 1861. The same quatenus V. in epithetis imitatus sit Theoc- riium ib. 1863 4to. E. Buttner Ub. d. Verhdltniss von V. Eel. zu Theokr. Insterburg 1873 4to. Germ, with notes by * J, H. Voss ed. 2 Altona 1830 2 vols. F. W. Genthe mit einer Einleitung iih. F's Leben und Fortlehen als Dichter und Zauberer 2nd ed. Leipzig 1855 16mo. * H. Fritzs che ^i. VERGILTUS. 7lv Theocrit u. V. ib. 1860. Klimpfinger Theokritus u. V. i ii Suczawa 1867—8. G. Bippart Beitrdge zur Erkl.u.Krit. d. V. (eel. i ii) Prag 1869 4to. J. F. Westphal de V. hue. Eostock 1871. C Schaper de eclogis V. inter pretandis et emendandis Posen 1872 4to. F. G. Sche- ma nn de Romanorum anno saeculari ad V. eel. IV in opuse. acad. i 50 — 60. Co bet in 3Inemosyne x 1861. [c. Georgica (717—724 u.c. 37—30 b.c.) C. Schaper de georgicis a V. emendatis Berlin 1873 4to. Unterberger F.'s Georg. ein literatur- gesch. Versuch Brixen 1863 4to. Germ, with notes by * J. H. Voss 2 vols. Altona 1800. Erkl. v.'E. GUsbt Halle 1872. Mommsen zu den Scholien derverg. Georg. in Rhein. Mus. xvi 442 — 453, cf. xvii 143—4. G. Thilo Servii in V. georg. i 1—100 comm. Halle 1866 4to. H. See- mann annott. in V. georg. iv 1 — 314 Neisse 1870 4to. C. Daubeny on Roman husbandry Oxf. 1857, on the trees and shrubs of the ancients ib. 1865.] [d. Aeneis (from 725 u.c. 29 b.c.) J. Henry notes of a twelve years' voyage of discovery in the first six books of the Eneis Dresd. 1853. Aeneidea Lond. and Edinb. 1873. C. W. Nauck V. Aen. I 1—405 erkl. Konigsb. 1862 4to. C. W. Thiel mit Erlduterungen 2 vols. Berl. 1834—8. G. W. Gossrau annot. perp. illustr. Quedlinb. 1846. * H. Nettleship suggestions introductory to the study of the A. Oxf. 1875. On the legend of Aeneas see Klausen Aeneas u. d. Penaten 2 vols. Heid. and Gotha 1839 — 40, the histories of Schwegler and Cornewall Lewis and L. Preller r'dm. 3Iythologie.] L. Cholevius epitheta ornantia quibus utitur V. cum iis comparata quibus posteriores epici Latini, maxime quidem Silius, carmina sua dis- tinxerunt I Konigsberg 1865. Delcasse des idees philosophiques re- pandues dans les poemes de V. Strassburg 1870. [G. Boissier un poete theologien in Rev. d. d. mondes civ (Mar. 1873) 199—222, 538—566.] C. Schaper iiber die Entstehungszeit der V. Eclogen in Jahrb. 1864 633 sqq. 769 sqq. A. Nauck in melanges greco-romains (1869) in 2 St Petersburg 1872. [* H. A. J. Munro in journal of class, and sacr. philol. rv (see ind.) and Virgil and Seneca in journ. of philol. ii 144 — 6. * H. Eichards notes on the Aen. ib. v 134 — 141. H. Steudener Vergiliana Halle 1873 4to.] 3. The pseudovergilian poems culex, Ciris, moretum, copa, catalecta. O. Uihheck prole g. of his appendix Vergiliana. F. Baur in Jahrb. 1866 357 sqq. L. Muller in Rhein. Mus. xxiii 1868 656 sqq. J. Klein ibid. XXIV 607 sqq. [K. Schenkl krit. Bemerkk. zu den sogen. carm. minora d. V. in 72 VERGILIUS. SCHOLIA. Zeitschr. f. d. ost. Gymn. 1867 771—800. Nake Val. Cato 221 sqq. * Jos. Scaliger P. V. M. appendix Lugd. 1572 (1573), Antw. 1575 fol., ed. Lindenbruch Leyd. 1595 (1617), J. Sillig in Heyne-Wagner IV, A. Forbiger iii, 0. Ribbeck iv. Also in Wernsdorf ^oef, lat. min. R. Peiper in Zeitschr. f. Gymn. 1868 770—7. J. Klein in Rhein. Mus. xxiv 607—614, J. Mahly in Heid. Jakrb. 1870 769—796, 801—839. M. Haupt in bis Vergil] [a. Culex. Ed. Fr. Taubmann Wittenb. 1609, 16184to. Fr.Baur ist der... Culex ein Jugendgedicht des V.? in Jahrh. xciii 357 — 377. M. Haupt in Monatsher. der Berl. Akad. 1858 646—659, 1873 546—8. Engl, by E. Spenser in teares of the muses Lond. 1591 4to.] [b. Ciris (dedicated to Messalla's son cos. b.c. 3). Ed. Fr. Taub- mann Wittenb. 1618 4to. H. Beck rolegg. *Friedlander Sittengesch. i** 97, 159, 273, ml 151 (his portraits), 285, 339—45, 347—351, 372—90 (chrono- logy), 396 — 404. F. Kortiim gesch. Forschungen Leipz. 1863 217 sqq. P. Giese de personis a M. commemoratis Greifsw. 1872.] [Essays by * Lessing and Herder on epigrams and epigrammatists, by Lessing on Mart. Edd. 4 vols. Par. 1601 4to (notes of *Heraldus, *Marcilius, H.Junius etc.), J. Gruter Frank! 1602 16mo, L. Ea- miresius de Prado Par. 1607 4to, * M. Eader (Ingolst. 1602, 1611) Mogunt. 1627 fol. (with analecta 23 pp.), * Par. 1617 fol. (unites the notes of ed. Par. 1601 and 1607), * P. Scriverius 3 vols. Leyd. 1619 16mo, C. Schrevelius ib. 1670 (with notes of J. F. Gronov and variorum). * D. Heraldus animadvv. ad libb. xii M. Par. 1600 4to, Hadr. Beverland in Stosch mus. crit. i 48 sqq. A. de Eooy coniecturae crit. in M. Utr. 1764, animadvv. crit. in 31. Harderw. 1787, C. Zarotti 31. epigr. medicae autphilos. considerationis enarr. Ven. 1657 4to. Van Eldik in verslagen en medcd. d. Akad. v. W. 1868. Th. Eoeper in Philologus x 573 — 6. Fr. Schmieder epitaphia ap. 31. interpr. Briegae 1828 4to, 31. de spect. i— ii ib. 1837—8 4to. 0. Hirschfeld Gott. gel. Anz. 1869 1506—10. Cf. W. A. Becker Gallus and Char ikies, K. F. Hermann and Marquardt Privatalterth. J. Kehrein in Jahn's Archiv iv 541 — 53 (on the de spect.).] A. Brandt de M. poetae vita et scriptis ad annorum computationem dispositis I Berl. 1853. L. Friedlander de temporibus librorum 31. Domitiano imperante editorum et silvarum Statii Konigsb. 1862 4to, de temporibus librorum 31. X et XI ib. 1865 4to, de nonnullis locis corruptis in 31. epigr. ib. 1867 4to, de personis quibiisdam a 31. commemoratis ib. 1870 4to. H. F. Stobbe in Philol. xxvi 1867 44—80, xxvii 630—641. Th. Mommsen in Hermes iii 1868 120—6. Haupt ibid, v 30—2, 188, VI 387—8, [VII 186-7, 373—4]. A. Scotland in Philol. xxix 1869 184—7. * 31. V. M. epigrammaton libri. Ed. F. ^Y. Schneidewin 2 vols. STELLA. EUFUS. 95 Grimma 1842, and ex recensione sua denuo recognita Leipzig 1853. [Another epigr. in anthol. lat. 276 E.] 0. Guttmann ohservationum in M. V. M. partic. V Breslau 1866. [Al.TittlerinJa/ir&. 1865 185. F.Biiclieler i6. 1866 610. E.Unger de locis quibusdam 31, Friedland 1869 4to. Teuffel in Rhein. Mus. XXVI 488—491, XXVII 352. Jul. Steup ib. xxvii 62—72, 192.] [Engl. Warton hist. Engl, poetry sect. 59. A. Amos Martial and the moderns Cambr. 1858. Tim. Kendall flowers of epigrammes Lond. 1577. Tho. May select epigrams of M. ib. 1629. E. Fletcher ib. 1656. J. Wright ib. 1663 12mo. Anon, select epigrams ib. 1689. Cotton ib, 1695. In W. Hay's sel. ep. of M. (Lond. 1755 append.) and in Bohn's Martial (1860) some versions from the English poets are collected. Germ. K. W. Eamle'r 7 vols. Leipz. 1787—94, * A. Berg Stuttg. 1864 — 9. On Fr. and Germ, versions M, V. M. als Mensch u. Dichter Berl. 1843.] [Language. Complete ind. by Jos. Langius Strassb. 1595, Par. 1601 4to, '07 4to, '17 fol., in ed. V. Collesso m ms. Delph. Par. 1680 4to and often (e. g. Valpy 3 vols. 1823), ed. Lemaire 3 vols. Par. 1825-9. A good ind. also in ed. M. Maittaire Lond. 1716 12mo.] Arruntius Stella. L. Verginiiis Eufus. Vestricius SparinDa. [Stella cos. probably 101 a. d. Orelli inscr. 784. Mommsen in Hermes iii 124—6, Stobbe in Philol. xxvi 76—7, xxvii 632 sqq. often named by Mart, and Stat. Dolling ilb. d. Dichter St. aus Patavium Plauen 1840 4to. Dodwell ann. Stat. Oxf. 1698 235 sqq.] [Verg. Eufus cos. 63, 69, 97 (PI. ep. ii 1, v 3 § 5, vi 10 § 4, ix 19 § 1, Hermes vi 127 — 8). The odes ascribed by C. Barth to Vestr. Sp. (PI. ep. Ill 1) and printed by him {advers. xiv 5 and with venatici et bucolici lat. Hannover 1613), by Wernsdorf {poet. lat. min.), by C. A. M. Axt (Frankf. 1840) and in Eiese anthol. lat. 918—921, are spurious Otto and L. Lersch in Zeitschr.f. Alterth. 1842 845—878.] The spurious Turnus. [Egger (in Bahr § 157 n. 3) and L. Quicherat {rev. de Vinst. publ. 1869 341—5, 371—2, 397) have shewn that the fragment first publ. by Balzac in his entretiens iv 4, then byBurman, Wernsdorf, Meyer anthol. 190, is the work of Balzac, who afterwards inserted it in his works among 'ficta pro antiquis.'] L. Miiller in Ehein. Mus. xxv 1870 436—8. 96 lUVENALIS. § 63. D. Junius luvenalis (about 47 — 188) Sulpicia, and other poets of the second century. [Seven vitae printed by 0. Jalm (1851) and Synnerberg (w. infr.), H. Dodwell ann. Quintil. §§ 37 — 41. J. V. Francke examen crit. D. 1. 1, vitae Altona 1820 and de vita luv. quaestio alt. Dorp. 1837 fol. C. A. Bauer ill. einige Nachrichten aics dem Leben des luv. Eegensb. 1833, G. Pinzger in Jahn's Jahrb. 1835 261 sqq. "VV. Teuffel ih. 1845 103 — 16. E-pkema prosopographia luv. Borghesi eeuvrcs V 633. * C. Synnerberg de temporibus vitae carniinumque luv. rite constituendis Helsingfors 1866. G. Boissier J", ei son temps in Rev. d. d. mondes June 1870 141 — 174. * Martha les moralistes sous Vempire ram. 249 sqq. Munding Ub. d. Sat. des I. in relig. u. sittl. Bedeutung Eottweil 1865 4to. Fr. Eiihl zu den vitae luv. in Jahrl. 1874 868—9.] [Edd. *P. Pithoeus Par. 1585, *F. Grangaeus ib. 1614 4to (also tbe notes of Autumnus and Calderinus), * N. Eigalt ib. 1616 12mo, Henninius Utr. 1685 and '95 4to (with notes of earlier edd.), G. A. Euperti 2nd ed. 2 vols. Leipz. 1819—20 (and Lond. 1820), N. L. Acbaintre. ace. * Hadr. et C. Valesioriim notae 2 vols. Par. 1810, C. Fr. Heinrich 2 vols. Bonn 1839—40 (Germ.) Tbe Cambridge library has ms. notes by Tho. Stanley, Hadr. Beverland and John Taylor. I have (from Jahn's sale) Bo t tiger's commentary and some collations; also a few notes of Jo. M it ford.] [Scholia, ed. P. Pithoeus (1585), A. AV. Cramer Hamb. 1823, L. Schopen in Heinrich 1839 i 156 — 440 (cf. L. Schopen unedierte Sclioll. zu Juv. s. in Bonn 1847 4to), * 0. Jahn 1851 171—385 (cf. his Fersius cxvi— cxxxi), C. Bartli obss. ad luv. scJiol. ed. F. Fiedler Vesal. 1827. K. Fr. Hermann de scholl. ad luv. gen. deteriore Gott. 1849 4to, Gigch appar. crit. ad luv. Leyd. 1849, ad luv. eiusque scholl. ib, 1840. Mai scholl. ined. vatic, in spicil. Eom. ix append. Notes. * J. N. Mad- vig opusc. I Copenh. 1834 28—63, ii 1842 167—205. F. Eitschl in Ehein. 3Ius. ix 478 — 480. Lehmann antiqq. Rom. domest. in luv. sat. illustr. I Halle 1867. Prof. jLewis of Cork and his brother are engaged on an ed. with illustrations from ancient art.] The inscription of Aquinum in Hen z en 5599. W. Teuffel in Jahrb. xliii 1845 ]03 sqq., in Rhein. Mus. xx 1865 153, 473 sqq., xxi 155 sqq,, in his Studien und Charakteristiken (1871) 410 sqq. B. Borghesi intorno all' eta di Giovenale (1847) in his auvres v 49 — 76. C. F. Hermann in the Marburg Lectionscatalog of 1839 and in those of Gottingen for '43, '47, '54 4to. *L. Friedlander de iiomini- bus personanim in luv. satiris Konigsberg 1872 4to. SULPICIA. ' 97 [On cod. P see F. Kiilil in Philol. xxx 676—7. On an ancient Vatican fragment Mai class, auct. in xviii sqq. Du Eieu schedae Vat. Leyden 1860 131 sqq.] A. G'ohel Sitzungsher. der Wiener ATiad.xxixl859 73 sqq. Fr. Straucli de personis luvenalianis Gottingen 1863. *B. Lupus vindiciae luvenalianae Bonn 1864. 0. Meinerz vind. luv. Konigsberg 1866. [The same ^ur Kritik u. Erkl. d. luv. Conitz 1871 4to.] A. ■\yidal J. et se& satires, 4tudes Utteraires et morales Paris 1869 (cf. H. Weil in Jahrl). 1870 222—4). Haupt in Hermes vi 1871 389. H. Wilcke demonstratur...quid elocutio luv. a Persiana differat Stendal 1869 4to. Ed. with commentary and scholia by C. F. Heinrich 2 vols. Bonn 1839. *D. lunii luvenalis saturarum I. V. Cum schoUis veteribus rec. et em. 0. Jahn Berlin 1851 (vol. ii commentary has not appeared). The same * A. Persii Flacci, D. lunii luvenalis, Sulpiciae saturae Berlin 1868. Text by C. F. Hermann Leipzig 1854. Thirteen satires of J. With a comm. by John E. B. Mayor i^ Lond. 1869—72. [Sat. libri V. Erkl. v. A. Weidner Leipzig 1873, P. Doetsch chrestomathia luv. ib. '75.] [Engl. W. B. that -which seems best is ivorst [s. x paraphrased) Lond. 1617 12mo (Madrid 5 Sept. 1612). Sat. x also by Sir Jo. Beaumont, by J. H. (Lond. 1683 4to), by Tho. Shadwell (ib. 1687 4to). * Geo. Chapman (s.v) ib. 1629. Jo. Biddle (i ii) ib. 1634. * Eob. Stapyl- ton (I— VI) Oxf. 1644, (i— xvi) Lond. 1647, ib. 1660 fol. B. Holyday Oxf. 1673 fol. (with good notes), * Jo. Dry den etc. Lond. 1693 fol. and often. Germ. * W. E. Weber Halle 1838. * J. C. v. Siebold Leipz. 1858. A.Berg Stuttg.1869. * W. Herzberg and W. Teuffel 3 parts Stuttg. 1864 — 7. Imitations by Seb. Brant (of s. x in Narrcnschiff a. 26), Boileau and Sam. Johnson. The Italian of Silvestri da Eovigo Yen. 1758 etc. has useful notes.] [Language. Complete indd. in edd. Par. 1602 4to, ib. 1607 4to, Freiburg Br. 1608 4to (by Jos. Langius), Par. 1613 4to, ib. 1614 4to, ed. L. Prateus in usum Delph. ib. 1684 4to and often (e.g. by Valpy 3 vols. Lond. 1820), Henninius, Euperti, Achaintre, Lemaire (Par. 1823—5 2 vols.), 0. Jahn (1851). A good ind. in the ed. of M. Mait- taire Lond. 1716 12mo. H. Wilcke demonstratur, etc. as above. L. 0. Kiaer sermonem luv. certis legibus astrictum demonstrare conatus est Copenh. 1875.] [Sulpicia. Mart, x 35, 38. Aus. id. xiii s. f. Sid. c. ix 262—3. Two iambic verses in schol. Vail, to luv. vi 537. In an Aus. ms. (hence Fulg, myth. pr. 'Sulpicillae Ausonianae loquacitas') the 70 verses ascribed to S, Often printed with Aus. (1517, '58, '75, '80, 1004), with Petr. by J. M. 7 98 SULPICIA. HADRIANUS. FLORUS. SAMMONICUS. Dousa Leyd. 1585, in Pithoei epigr. vet. Par. 1590, and with P.'s luv. 1585, in Boxhorn poetae sat. min. Leyd. 1633, with tJanoru7» notes in 2)oet. lat. min. of P.Burman (Leyd. 1731 4to) and Wernsdorf (Altenb. 1782). Ed. Jo. Gurlitt cum comm. C. G. Schwarzii i ii Hamb. 1819 "ito, C. MonnardFrankf. 1820, C. L. Schlager Mitau 1846, 0. Jahn (with luv. 1868), *E.Bahrens I. c. 37 — 40, who dates it shortly after Aus. Germ, by H. Diintzer in d. rom. Satiriker Brunsw. 1846 ii. C. Barth advers. xxviii 13. misc. ohss. vi 353, vii 329.] L Corn. G. Boot de Sulp. quae fertur satira Amst. 1868 4to. [* E. Bahrens de Sulp. quae vacatur sat. Jena 1873. E. Ellis in journal of philologij Y 1874 265 on Sulpiciae satira. M. Hertz in Jahrb. 1874 573—5.] Hadrianus. Florus (§ 99). Annlanus. [On H. see Spartian. 14 — 16, 25, *Tillemont, A. Haackh in Pauly Eeal-Encyl. in 1028 — 45, F. Gregorovius Gescli. Hadrians Konigsb. 1851, C. Knaut H. als Regent u. als Charakter Berl. 1871 4to, Burman anth. lat. i 86, ii 288, M. Haupt in Hermes in 217, 0. Jahn in Philolog. xxviii 10, H. Stadelmann d. Kaiser H.u. d. Dichter Fl. in Jahrb. 1872 333; the same in Zeitschr.f. d. hayr. Gijmn. 1872 192—7; the laudatio funehris on Matidia in Mommsen Abhandl. d. Berl. Akad. 1863 483 sqq. the speech to the troops in Renier inscr. de VAlg. 5, a letter in Henzen acta arv. (1868), rescripts in *Hanel corpus legum (Leipz. 1857) 88 — 101, D. Adr. sent, et epistt. gr. lat. in H. Stephanus gloss. 1573 fol. 299—305 (also in Vulcanius Leyd. 1600 fol. and Valpy Lond. 1825 fol.), in the Dositheus of M. Goldast Gen. 1601 and of E. Bocking (Bonn 1832), in Fabric, bibl. Gr. xii Hamb. 1740 and in A. Schulting iurispr. vet. Leyd. 1717 4to.] L. Miiller Butil. Namat. 24 — 31, 34 — 44, and in Rhein. Mus. xxv 1870 337—344. [H. Keil gramm. lat. vi 617—29. Lachmann Terent- ian. Maur. xiii— xv. Meyer anth. lat. 206—221.] § 64. Sammonicus Serenus. Septimius Serenus. Commodianus. 1. Sammonicus Serenus the younger (f under Cara- calla). [Edd. G. Humelberg Zur. 1540, 1581 4to. Often printed with Celsus. In the corp. poet, of Maittaire and of Weber. Cf. J. B. Morgagni opusc. Naples 1763 i 191 — 226. C. G. Gruner varr. lectt. in Q. S. S. I II Jena 1782, 1803 4to. F. A. Reuss lectt. Samm. i Wiirzb. COMMODIANUS. TERENTIANUS. OLYMP. NEMES. 99 1836—7 4to, E. Meyer Gesch. d. Bot. ii 209—217. Sprengel Gescli. d. Arzneik. ii 235 sqq. Hecker Gesch. d. Heilh. ii 24 sqq. Thier- f elder in Kiiclienmeister Zeitschr. f. Med. Y (2) 1866. Choulant Bucherk. d. Alt. Med. Leipz. 1841 210-2.] Q. S.S. de medicina R. Keuchenius rest, emend, illustr. Amst. 1662, 1706. P. Bnimnn poet. Lat. min. Leyden 1731 4to ii 185 sqq. J. Chr. Gottl. Ackermann Leipz. 1786, L. Baudet Paris 1845. L. Miiller Rutil. Namat. 44 — 51 [fragments of Septimius Serenus; also in Werns- dorf ^oei. lat. min. and Meyer anth. lat.]. On the christian poets in general see C. F. Bahr's suppl. to his rUni, Litteraturgesch. (above § 5 3). On the poems ascribed to TertuUian see § 108 2. 2. Commodianus (about 249). Edd. by [* N. Eigalt Toul 1650 4to, Par. '66 fol. (with Cyprian), in hihl. patr. max. xxvii, Galland iii, in the collect. Pisaur. v,] *Henr. Leon. Schurzfleisch Wittenb. 1704 4to [suppl. with glossary and ind. ib. 1709 4to], in Migne iii, with Min. Felix by [J. Davies 1712 and] Fr. Oehler (1847). [J. B, Pitra spicil. Solesm. Par. 1852 i carm. apolog. IV suppl. to c. a. and imtr.l, A. Ebert zu G. carm. apol. in Ahh. der k. sacks. Ges. der Wissensch. v 1868 38 sqq. [id. Gesch. d. chr.-lat. Lii. Leipz. 1874 86—93], M. Haupt in Hermes v 1870 316—7. E. L. Leimbach ilher Commodians carm. apol. Schmalk. 1871 4to. L. Miiller in Jahrh. '68 435, [id. de re metr. 445,] [*H. Eonsch das c. a. des G. in Zeitschr. f. hist. Theol. 1872 (2), 1873 (2). * H. A. J. Munro ci a metrical Latin inscr. (of L. Praecilius Fortunatus) in trans, of the Cambr. philos. soc. x (2) 1861 4to. Jacobi deutsche Zeitschr. f. christl. Wiss. 1853 n. 26.] § 65. Terentianus Maurus (end of the third century). T. M. de litteris syllabis et metris e rec. et cum notis Laur. S ante nil od. Dav. lac. van Lennep Utr. 1825 4to; rec. Car. Lachmannus Berl. 1836; in Gaisford's Hephaestion Oxf. 1855 i^ 215—315, ii'- 346— 642. [* H. Keil grammatici lat. vi Leipzig 1874. Cf. Hofman-Peerl- kamp in hill. crit. nov. ii 1 — 42. R. Dawes misc. crit. ind. E. West- phal gr. Metrik. i^ 127—8, 138—153. In Cambr. library ms. notes by E. Bentley and Jo. Taylor.] § 66. ]\i. Aurelius Olympius Nemesianus (end of the third century). Cynegetica. Eclogae. In Burman poet. Lat. min. i 317 sqq. 451 sqq. [Maittaire and Weber corp.poet. Wernsdorf p. I. m. i 83—120, 253 sqq. iv 790 sqq. 7—2 100 OPTATIANUS. AVIENUS. 800 sqq. v 144 sqq.] In Stern's ed. of Gratins (§54 1) and in Haupt's ed. of Ovid's halieutica (§ 53). Cf. Haupt on Calpurnius (§ 57 2). [J. Mahly der O. C. des Soph. Bas. 1868 append.] On Palladius cf. § 114. Tiberianus (?). Versus Platonici a quodam Tiberiano de Gr. in Lat. transl. in Hanpt Ov. halieut. xxvi, 65 sqq. and in Quicherat biblioth. de Vecole d. chartes 4th ser. iv 1858 267 sqq. Eiese anthol. nA^O. [M. Zink Fulgentius Wiirzb. 1867 4to 69 sqq.] § 67. Publilius Optatianus Porphyrius (about 828). Panegyric on Constantine [in Pithoeus epigr. Par. 1590, Lyon '96, P. Welser opp. Niirnb. 1682 fol.], Wernsdovi poet. lat. min. ii 366 sqq. IV 822 sqq. v 1455 sqq. the paneg. in Migne xix. * P. 0. P. carmina rec. etpraef. L. Miiller Leipz. 1870, id. de re metr. 466 — 71. [Cf. Fabric. bibl. med. et inf. lat.] On Lactantius (and the author of the phoenix) cf. § 119 1, on Ambrosius § 119 4. § 68. Rufius Festus Avion us (end of the fourth century). Metaphrasis periegesios Dionysii. Ora maritima, Me- taphrasis phaenomenon Arati. Smaller poems. [Edd. of the whole works Ven. 1488 4to, Eamirez de Prado Madr. 1634 4to,N.E. 'Lemo.ire poet. lat. min.VBx. 1826v, J. A. Giles (text from Wernsdorf) Oxf. 1^35. In Maittaire corp. poet. lat. and collect. Pis. v. The descr. orbis ed. * H. Friesemann Amst. 1786. Cf. Jo. Wasse in misc. ohss. i 373—90, Fr. Oudendorp (?) ib. v 64—80, 164—172, symb. litt. II Brem. 1745 569—584. Cf. Oudendorp (?) I. c. 1 385, v 64; transl. with notes by J. As true in mern. pour I'hist. nat. de Langiiedoc Par. 1737 4to; F. A. Ukert Geogr. der Gr.u. Romer ii Weimar 1821 473 — 484. The Aratea in Aratus ed. Buhle (1793—1801) and Matthiae (1817). See above § 54 2. In the Cambr. library ms. notes on the ora mar. and descr. orbis. A. Holder in Pauly Real.-Encycl. i^ 2149 — 2153. Serv. Aen. X 272, 388. Vivien de Saint-Martin le nord de VAfrique dans Vantiquite Par. 1863 78. Boekh inscr. 372.] Iu!;cr. in Keller mann vi^iZes(Kome 1835 4to) 37, 43 n. cf.Fabretti AUSONIUS. 101 742, 507, [Meyer anth. lat. 278, 899, Eiese a. I. 876]. J. B. de Eossi in ann. clelV inst. xxi 1849 315. In Wernsclorf s poet. lat. niin. v (from him the two geographical poems in the Bipont. Mela Strassb. 1809, the metaphr. in Bernhardy Dionys. Ferieg. Leipz. 1828). C. Miiller geogr. Gr. min. ii Par. 1861. Cf. W. Christ Avieii u. d. dltesten Nachrichten fib. Iberien u. d. Westkiiste Europas Miinchen 1865 4:to (Bayer Akad.). L. F. de Saulcy etude topogr. sur I'Ora marit. de R. A. in rev. archeol. XV 1867 51—62, 81—98. Haupt in Hermes iv 1869 330, v 189, vii 1872 13 (on the phaenomenon). K. Miillenhoff deutsche Alterthumsktinde i 1871 73—210 (cf. [A. v. Gutschmid in lit. Centralb. 1871 523—6], W. Christ in Jahrb. 1871 707—715, C. Miiller in Philol. xxxi 1871 106— 121). On Priscian's periegesis see § 123 ; on Avianus § 55 2. § 69. Declmus Magnus Ausonius cos. 379 (about 309 till after 392). Idyllia (Mosella), epigrammata, ephemeris, parentalia, commemoratio professorum Burdigalensium, epitaphia lie- roum, XII Caesares, clarae urbes, sententiae VII sapien- tium, eclogarium, epistulae, periochae in Homerum, prae- fationes, oratio panegyrica ad Gratianum (§ 111). [Paulin. epp. 10, 11 (cf. Aus. technopaegn., epp. 19 — 25), Symm. ep. i 13 — 43. Fabric, bibl. med. et inf. Lat. Bayle. *Hist. lit. de la France I (2) Par. 1865 281—318. C. G. Heyne opusc. vi 22—34. 0. Clason Heidelh. Jahrb. 1872 461—6.] [Edd. Ei. Croke Leipz. 1515 4to, Th. Pulman Antw. 1568 16mo, E. Vinet Bord. 1580 4to, * 1590 4to, * J. Tollius Amst. 1671. Mosella alone ed. M. Freher Heidelb. 1619 fol. J. F. Christius villaticiim Leipz. 1746 275—97. *L. TroBS Hamm 1824. Many pieces in Werns- doripoet. lat. min. The hid. VII sap. in Wolfflin Publil. Syr. 149 — 152. Cannegieter in mise. obss.x 161 — 200. In Camb. libr. a good ms.] Bee. a * los. Scaligero with * Ausonian. lectt. Lyon 1575 etc. Ed. in usum Delphini by Jul. Floridus with J. B. Souchay's diss, de vita et scriptis A. Par. 1730 4to. Bipont. 1785. Mosella lat. und deutsch nebst e. Anhang entli. e. Abriss v. d. Dichters Leben, Anm. zur Mosella, d. Ged, auf Bissula v» Ed. Booking Berlin 1828 4to (and in * Jahrb, 102 AUSONIUS. lU VENOUS. d. V. v.Alterthimsfr. im Bheinl. yii 1845 60 sqq. Cf. C. C. C. Volker in symh. philol. Bonn 18G4 447 — 53). J. C. J) emogeot etudes hist^et litt. sur A. Bordeaux 1838. [P. G. Deydou un poete hordelais : Aiisone ib. 1838. C. 0. Axt qiiaestt. A^is. Leipz. 1873.] E. Kohler in Rheiri^BIus. xii 1858 434—6, [L. Urlichs ib. xvii 471—3], L. Miiller [ib. xxiii 200-2, XXV 635], Jahrb. 1865 876, 1866 866—8. Th. B'dhse de re metr. A. Berlin 1868. K. Dezeimeris note sur V emplacement de la viUula d^A. Bord. 1869 {acad. des sciences de Bord.). On tlie Bissula {idyl 7) A. Bacmeister alemannische Wanderungen i (Stuttgart 1867) 76 — 92. Haupt in Hermes [iv 150—1], v 34—7, [vii 183—4]. [Transl. Hen. Vaughan ed. Grosart (1871) ii 132—8 {id. 6), cf. ib. i336 — 7 (from Aus.ep.25 50 — 61). Sir Jo.Beaumont ed. Grosart (1869) 258—9 {id. 16). French. E. F. Corpet 2 vols. Par. 1843.] [Language. Complete ind. in ed. in us. Delph. (1730, and by Valpy 3 vols. Lond. 1823). A. Meurer de Aus. genere dicendi Miinster 1873, A. Zingerle spatere lat. Dichter 1873 27—44 (on imitations of Ter. Hor. Verg. Ov. Stat.).] > On Drepanius see § 111. § 70. The christian poets of the fourth century. 1. C. Yettius Aquilinus luvencus (about 330). [Fabric, bibl. med. et inf. Lat. Funccius de veg. 1. 1, sen. iii 19 sqq. Galland hibl. pair. iv. Gams Kirchengesch. v. Span, ii 326 sqq. Arevali and Pitra prolegg. Ad. Ebert Gesch. d. christl.-lat. Lit. Leipz. 1874 109 — 116 doubts -whetber luv. is author of the newly found pieces. Daniel in Ersch u. Gruher Encycl. ii (30) 235 sqq. On the mss. J. C.Aretin Beytrdge Munich 1807 vii 243, Halm and Keif- f ersch eid in Ber. d. Wien. Akad. l 153, lix 110, lxiii 746 sqq. OHG. glosses from a Bodl. ms. in Pitra 259 sqq. Cf. E. v. Eaumer Bin- wirkung des Christenth. auf d. AHD. Sprache Stuttg. 1845 103. "W. Stokes on the Juv. glosses in A. Kuhn Beitr. z. vergl. Sprachf. vii (4) 1873. Edd. hist, evang. Ipswich Eeg. Oliver 1534, Th. Poelmann (with Sedulius etc.) Bas. 1551, G. Fabricius^oito Pr. Wittenb. 1692 4to { = opusc. misc. ii 493 sqq.). Prolegg. of Arevali, Obbar, *Dressel. Gams Kirchengesch. v. Span, ii 336 sqq. Middeldorpf theologia Prud. i ii Bresl. 1823—7 4to ( = Zeitschr. f. Mst. Tlieol. ii 2 127 sqq.). Diss, by Brys (Louv. 1855), Hudes hy I'abbe Bayle (Par. '59), L. Paul (Strassb. '62). C. G. Schmidt Zeitschr. f. luth. Theol XXVII 1866 [Prudentiana). J. Kayser Beitrage ii 190 — 211, iii 373 sqq. A. Ebert christl. lat. Lit. 243—283. Early ms. (Par, n. 8084) Hermes IV 352. Cf. Halm Sitzungsb. d. Wien. Akad. l 156, Eeiff erscheid ih. Lix 123, Lxiii 731. N. H. Gundling olss. sel. in 53 sqq. {=neue BiUi- oth. XXVI 475), ohss. depatriaA.P. C. Edd. Galland viii, hihl. max. pair, v, V. Giselinus Antw. 1564, * F. Juret (c. Symm. Par. 1580 4to), *M. J. Weitzius Hanau 1613 (with variorum notes), *Is. Grangaeus Par. 1614 (c. STjmm.), Andr. Moller Freib. 1659 {cathem. 11), * J. A. Schier Leipz. 1763 {perist, 2, which is also in Fr. a Puteo mem. de la vita di S. 104 PRUDENTIUS. PAULINUS* Lorenzo Eome 1756). Fr. Meriani oUs. crit. in Pr. tJlm 1789 4to. Euinart acta mart. Daniel thes. hymn, i 119—142. Wackernagel das deutsche Kirchenlied i n. 27 — 47. Hertzberg in Philol. ii 585 sqq.] Edd. *Nic. Heinsius (Amst. 1667), S. Cliamillard ad us. Delph. Par. 1687 4to (Lond. 1824, 3 vols.), * Chr. Cellar ins Halle 1703, '39. Maittaire ii. Faustin. Areval 2 vols. Eome 1788—9 4to. Migne Lix, Lx. A. P. C. carmina rec. et expl. Th. Obbarius Tiib. 1845; * ad Vaticc. all. codd.fidem rec. ill. expl. A. Dressel Leipz. 1860. [E. De- lavigne de lyrica ap. P. poesi Toulouse 1848.] CI. Brockhaus A. P. C. in s. Bedeiitung f. d. Kirche seiner Zeit. Anliang : Uehersetzung d. Apoth. Leipzig 1872. [Engl. Sir Jo. Beaumont ed. Grosart (1869) 231—7 cathem. 10. M. Prior has verses 'to the Eev. Dr F. Turner bishop of Ely, who had advised a translation of Prudentius.' Turner himself translated the whole (see the Christian's mag. 1761 230). As the hymns were extracted in the breviary (Daniel thes. hymn, i 119 — 143, Mone lat. hymn, i 204, 377, Dressel p. v) Pr. was studied during the middle ages, and vernacular glosses are common pressel xxiv, mss. 134, 136, 292 of St. G&V, Hattemer Denkm. des Mittelalt. i 264. Eaumer Einicirkiing d. Chris- tenthums auf d. deutsche Sprache 104 sqq. Milnchn. gel. Anz. 1846 n. 72. El. Steinmeyer Glossen zu P. in Zeitschr. f. deutsches Alterth. n. F. iv 1 — 109); a ms. in C. C. C. C. has an anglo-saxon gloss (Mone Anzeiger 1839 233). Germ. J. P. Silbert ^. C. P. Feyergescinge, heil. Kcimpfe u. Siegeskronen Vienna 1820. In St. Bees school statutes (1583) abp. Grindal recommends Palingenius, Sedulius and Pr. (Strype ii 17 312).] [Language. Complete ind. in ed. in us. Delph. Good ind. in Weitz, Cellarius, Teolius Parma 1788 2 vols. 4to, Arevali, Dressel (cf. Obbar xvii — xx). A. E. KanteckifZe Prudenti...genere dicendi quaes- tiones Miinster 1874.] Ch. Morel recherches sur vn poeme latin du IV siecle rctrouve par M. Delisle in rev. archeol. xvii 1868 451—7, xviii 44—55. ib. 1869 300 sqq. (Eiese anthol. n. 13, cf. §78). Th. Mommsen in Hermes iv 1869 350—363. [E. Ellis in journal of philology i (2) 66—80. J. B. Eossi bull, di arch, crist. 1868 49—58, 61—75. Ebert 301—2.] § 71. Meropius Pontius Anicius Paulinus of Nola (about 353—431). [Uranius de ohitu S. P. ad Pacatum (in the edd. and acta sand.) Sid. ep. IV 3, c. IX 301. Aus. epist. 19 — 25. Indd. to Aug., Hier., Ambr., Sulp. Sev. Lives by Fr. Saechino in Paulin. ed. Eosweyde Antw. FALTONIA. ENDELfiCHIUS. 105 1G22, enlarged in acta, sanct 22 June. Tillemont xrv, Ceillier x (=viii2). Funcc. veg. I. I. sen. in 41 sqq. hist. lit. de la Fr. i^ ind. ii^ 179 — 199. Ampere in rev. d. d. mondes Oct. 1835. Ad. Buse P. v. N. u. seine Zeit. 2 vols. Eatisb. 1836 (Fr. by L. Dancoisne Par. 1858). Souiry Saint P. 2 vols. Par. 1852. G. Fab re etude sur P. de N. Strassb. 1862. Henke in Herzog Eeal-Enc7jcl. d. prot. Theol. A. Eabanis St. P. deN. Bord. 1840. Ampbre hist. litt. de la France avant. Charlemagne i^ Par. 1867. Ebert 283—300. W. S. Gilly Vigilantius and his times Lond. 1844. August! Beitr. zur christl. Kunstgesch. i Leipz. 1841 147 — 79. Brockhaus Prudentius 272 — 8. c. xi — xiii de nat. S. Fel. (cf. Dungal in bibl. max. patr. xiv 215 sqq.) first ed. Mura- tori anecd. lat. i Mil. 1697, Naples 1776, J. A. Mingarelli anecdd. Kome 1756 4to. From these Beda's prose vita Felicis. Muratori ed. ib. cult. (Aug. ep. 31 'adversus paganos') in Oebler Min. Fel. Two poems from a ms. of P. ed. A. Mai Nicetae et P. scripta e vat. codd, Eome 1827 and in class, auct. ib. 1833 v. Barth adv. xxxiv 1. Kiese anth. lat. n. 928. G. Cuper in epp. Belg. ad Magliahecchi i 339 — 350., P. A, Becchetti P. ep. ad Alethitim in anecd. litt. Eome 1773 ii.] Edd. F. Chifflet Dijon 1662 4to. [BiU. max. pair, vi.] * J. B. Le- brun des Marettes 2 vols. Par. 1684 4to. *L. A. Muratori Verona 1736 fol. [Galland viii.] Maittaire ii. With Marius Victor, Merobaudes, Orientius etc. in Migne lxi. Carm. euchar. ed. L. Leipziger Bresl. 1858. [Engl. *Hen. Vaughan i 337—9 (abridged from c. 10 109—331), several short pieces ib. 340 — 5, 345 — 351 (Le Brun app. 21 — 4 'to his wife Therasia'); more in his life of P. ib. iv 251 — 331, from ed. Lond. 1654. Ital. in G. S. Eemondini della Nolana eccL storia Naples 1751 fol. II.] Anicia Faltonia Proba. J. Aschbach d. Anicier u. d. ram. Dichterin P. {Sitzungsber. d. Wiener AJcad. LXiv 1870 369 sqq.) Vienna 1870. [Ore Hi inscr. 1132. Eiese anth. lat. 735. Isid. orig. i 38 § 25, de scr. eccl. 5. Mansi cojic. viii 150. Funccius veg. I. I. sen. in § 100 sq. Fabricius med. et inf. Lat. Fabricius-Ernesti i'381 — 5. J. Fontanini de antt. Ilortae Eom. 1708 4to II c. 1 — 4. The cento Verg. ed. Meibom Helmst. 1597 4to, J, H. Kromayer Halle 1719, L. H. Toucher cenfones Horn. Leipz. 1793, bibl. max. pair, v, Maittaire il, collect. Pis. v, Migne xix. Cf. 0. Delepierre tableau de la litter, du Centon 2 vols. Par. 1375 4to.] [Severus Sanctus] Endelechiiis. Licentius. Carmen in genesin, ■ • 106 CLAUDIANUS. Wernsdorf s poet. Lat. min. ii 53—61, 218—29, rv 504—44. En- delecliius [ed. * J. Weitz Frankf. 1612, Mhl. pair. max. vi, Galland VIII, W. Seber Leyd. 1715, in Gerh. Outhov (^e iudic. lehovae Gron. 1721,] F. Piper Gottingen 1835, [J. A. Giles Lond. 1838, Eiese n. 893. Cf. C. A. Heumann in acta erud. viii 218. There is an ind. in ed. Weitz. Hist. lit. de la France ii 54 — 7. Fabricius med. et inf. Lat. s. V. Severus. Paulin. Nol. ep. 28 = 9 § 6. Sid. ep. viii 4. Licen- tius in Aug. ep. 26. Cf. Aug. de ord. i 2, 3, 4, 8, c. Acad, ii 3, 4, iii 1, 4. The car7n. in gen. in Maittaire ii, collect. Pisaur. v, ed. * Jo. Weitz Frankf. 1625. Hil. Arel. opp. Kome 1731, Leo opp. ed. Quesn. i.] The carmen in genesin in Hilarii Pictav. opp. Par. 1693 (below § 119 3) 1370 sqq. Migne xix. § 72. Claudius Claudianus (at the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth century). Raptus Proserpinae, gigantomachia, de hello Gildonico, de hello Getico, panegyrici, epithalamia, idyllia, epigram- mata, I. II in Biifinum, I. II in Eutropium, [Aug. civ. D. V 26, Oros. vii 35. Funccius veg. I. I. sen. in § 67 sq. Gesner prolegg. Hand in Ersch u. Gruber Encycl. i (21) 259 sqq. Bessell ib. i (75) 195. Merian in mem. de Vacad. de Berlin xx 1764 and with his Fr, transl. of the r. Pros. ib. 1767. Class, jonrn. n. 58, 59. J. Jortin tracts Lond. 1790 ii 178 — 82. I have Burman's copy of his edition, with some con-ections. E. Vogt d. polit. Bestrebgn. Stilicho^s i Col. 1870 4to. *Am. Thierry Enfm, Eutrope, Stilicon Par. 1865. Doubtful poems in Eiese anthol. Lat. n. 743 — 58, cf. ii xxvii sq.] The inscription Orelli 1182. Edd. los. Scaliger Leiden 1603 24mo (cf. J. Bernays in Ehein. 3Ius. xv 1860 163 — 5), [J. Pulmannus Antw. 1571 16mo etc. St. Claverius Par. 1602 4to, C. Barth Hanau 1612, Frankf. '50 4to,] * Nic. Heinsius Leiden 1650, '65 (ed. Bipont. 1784), * J. M. Gesner (with complete prolegomena) Leipzig 1759, P. Burman cum notis variorum Amsterdam 1769 4to, G. L. Konig Gott. 1808 (in- complete). [J. C. Orelli Prob. et 01. cons., in .Puf. Ziir. 1845 4to. L. Jeep r. Pros. Turin 1874, Text *L. Jeep Leipz. 1875,] [J. Parrhasius comm. in CI. Bas, 1539 4to.] G. B. Walch comm. de CI. raptu Pros. Gott. 1770 4to. [Th, Hertel de nonnulUs CI. carm. locis Torgau 1848 4to, Kochly coniect. epica i Ziir, 1851 4to,] J, Schrader zii Claudlan in Hermes v 1870 326. W. Th. Paul quaestt. CI. Glogau 1857 4to, the same quaestt. CI. Berl. 1866 4to. Berchem de C. C. epith. Hon. et Mar. Crefeld 1861 4to. [H. Chotard quid ad PERVIGILIUM VEN. 107 historiam conferat C. Paris 1860. Fr. Osann in comm. semin. philol. Giss. 1857 n. 5. J. Svedborg de CI. de r. Pr. quaestt. Tips. 1860 4to.] Edm. Vogt CI. carm. quae Stiliconcm praedicant fides hist. ...recensetur Bonn 1863. G. Zeiss CI. u. d. r'dm. Heidi v. 359—408 i ii Landshut 1863 — 5 4to. K. Schenkl in Sitzungsher. d. Wien. Akad. xliii 1863 32—42 [on the 77 gr. verses yiyavroixaxia]. P. Schultz de Stil. Usque qui de eo agunt fontibiis, CI. impr. et Zosimo Konigsberg 1864. I. H. Ney vin- diciae CI. sive de CI. CI. fide hist. Marb. 1865 4to. E. Unger in the Friedlander Gratulationsprogr. 1869 4to. L. Jeep quaestt. crit. ad emend. CI. panegyr. Leipz. 1869, Rhein. 3Iiis. xxvii 1872 269—277, [618—24, XXVIII 291 — 304, XXIX 74 — 80, xxx 1 — 25 die Kritik des C. mit Ausschluss des r. Pros. Degen de CI. cod. Vrat. saec. XII vel XIII Bogasen 1874 4to. E. Forster d. Eaub u. d. Riickkehr d. Persephone Stuttg. 1874.] L. Jeep in acta soc. philol. Lips, i (2) 1872 345 — 90, Festprogr. of the Thomasschiile Leipzig 1872 4to 43 sqq. [EngL Leon. Digges rape of Pros. Lond. 1617, '28 4to. Hen. Vaughan ed. Grosart 1871 ii 255 — 64 (epigr. 2, also by Jo. Beaumont ed. Gr. 259—61, Tho. Eandolph, Ed. Fenton, Fr.Fawkes, Cowley; epigr. 18, also by Fr. Fawkes, S. Boyse 6 cons. Hon. pr. 1 — 12 in Chalmers 562). In cent. 18 Jab. Hughes, W. Warburton, W. King, in cent. 19 J. G. Strutt, A. Hawkins, H. Howard. French. H. de Guerle and A. Trognon 2 vols. Par. 1840 — 3, revised ib. 1865. Germ. G. v. Wedekind Darmst. 1868.] [Language. Complete ind. in edd. G. Pirrho in us. Delph. Par. 1677 4to (also in Valpy 3 vols. Lond. 1821), N. L. Artaud 2 vols. Par. 1824. Good ind. in Gesner.] § 73. The pervigilium Veneris and the carmen de figuris sententiaritm. 1. Pervigilium Veneris. [Ersch u. Gruber Encycl. iii (18) 240 sqq. Edd. Lipsius elect. 5, in Pithoeus errones Ven. Par. 1587, in Baudii amores Leyd. 1638 with many edd. of Catullus, in Lotichius Petron. Par. 1629 4to witi notes of Dousa, Lipsius, Pithoeus, Weitzius. A. Eivinus Frankf, 1644 4to. (J. le Clerc) with variorum notes Hague 1712, In Sana don's Horace (with notes of S., Bouhier and de la Monnaye) Par 1756 vii. *Wernsdorf poet. lat. min. iii (of. iv 854 sq. v 1465 sq.) E. C. F. Schulze Gott. 1812 4to. J. C. Orelli Ziir. 1831 (with Phae drus). E, du M^ril poeseos popularis. . . .reliquiae Par. 1843. Diss, by H. Paldamus Greifsw. 1830 4to, G. H. Heidtmann ib. 1842, 01. Jacobi Lund 1867 4to.] 108 ANNIUS. FLORUS. CARM, DE FIG. * P.V, adnotahat et eniendahat F. Biicheler Leipzig 1859 12md. The same in Rhein. Mus. xv 1860 445 sqq. Eiese antliol. lat. n. 200. *0. Miiller de Annio Flora Berl. 1855 18 sqq. F. C. Gobel de epTiijmniorum rationibus Gott. 1858 56 sqq. Th. Bergk in the Halle Lectionscatalog 1859 4to. L. Miiller in Jahrh, 1861 639—53, [E. Bahrens ih. cv 55—6, cvii 66—7.] J. Miihly in FhiloL xxiii 1866 356—61. K. Schenkl in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. xviii 1867 233—43. [Engl *Tho. Stanley (with Anacr.) Lond. 1651, Tho. Parnell. Germ. * G. A. BUrger.] [Language. Indd. in edd. Eivinus and Le Clerc] 2. Incerti auctoris carmen de figuris vel schema- tibus. [First ed. from ms. Par. 7530 by Qnicher at biblloth. de Vec. d. chartes I 51 — 78, lb. ser. iv t. iii 160 sqq. iv 79 sqq. F. G. Schneidewin Gott. 1841. H. Sauppe ep. crit. ad Hermannum Ziir. 1841 152 — 70. H. L. Ahrens in Zeitschr. f. Alterth. 1843 162 sqq. Bergk and Mommsen ib. 1845 81 sqq. Fr. Haase Haller allg. I. Ztg. 1844 386—400. W. Christ Bhein. Mus. xx 67 — 8. L. Muller ib. xxin 683 — 4 and de re mefr. 345.] In Halm's rhett. Lat. min. (§ 86 2) 63—70. Riese anthol. n. 485. Cf. F. Ritschl in Bhein. Mus. xvm 1863 138—41, 320. [H. Krupp de carm. inc. auct. de f. Jena 1874.] § 74. Claudius Rutilius Namatianus. • De reditu suo I. II (a.d. 416 see i 135 — 6). [Funccius veg. I. I. sen. c. iii §§ 79 sq. Hist. lit. de la France ii 70 — 6. Ampere hist. lit. de la France avant le XII siecle Par. 1839 n 83 sqq. Gibbon misc. works in 257 — 64. Beugnot hist, de la destr. dii paganisme ir 183 sqq. Edd. Jos. Castalio Rome 1582, in Pithoei epigr. vet. Par. 1590, Theod. Sitzmann Lyon 1616, '23, C. Barth Frankf. 1623, T. J. Almeloveen Amst. 1687 (with variorum notes), C. T. Damm Brandenb. 1760, J. C. Kapp Erlang. 1786, * J. S. Gruber Niirnb. 1804. In Mai tt aire ir, collect. Pis. iv, Weber corp. poet. Notes in misc. obss. in 363 — 9. Jo. Beckmann Vorrath Id. Anmerkgg. Gott. 1795 76—89. C. A. Crusius probabil. crit. Leipz. 1758 55—63. J. F. Herelius in Klotz acta lit. ii 110 sqq. 357 sqq. J. Jortin tracts Lond. 1790 ii 316—24. An ind. in ed. Gruber.] Burman^o^f. Lat. min. u, Wernsdorf v 3 — 208, 540—74, 1491 sq. illustr. *A. G. Zumpt Berl. 1840 (cf. his obss. Berl. 1836 4to). . , '-^/. MEROBAUDES. CL. MAR. VICTOR. pRm^JlUS. ' 100 With Fr. transl. by F. Z. Collombet Lyon 1842. * CL R.^N/'de. reditu ' suo I. II. Ace. Hadriani Flori Apuleii Anniani Sereni al. saec. ah it. (?. X 2)oett. reliquiae. Rec. et pi-aef. estli. Miiller Leipz. 1870 and in Rhein. 3Ius. XXIV 1869 636. [Jo. Draheim schedae Rutilianae Berlin 1874. (*A. V. Eenmont) C. R. N. iibers. u. erl. v, Itasius Lemniacus Beii. 1872.] § 75. Flavins Merobaiides (about 435) and otlier christian poets of the fifth century. 1. Merobaudes. [Sid. c. IX 278—302.] The inscription Orelli 1183 (a.d.435). [N. Antonio bihl. hisp. vet. iii c. 3 § 63 sq. Dietz in Velasquez Gesch. d. span. Dichtkunst 20 — 1.] Fl. Mer. carminum orationisque reliquiae ex memlr. Sangall. ed. a B. G. Niebuhrio Sangallen 1823 (Bonn 1824). With Corippns by *I. Bekker {scr. hist. Byz.) Bonn 1836. [In Weber Corp. poet. C. F. Heinrich in Rhein. Mus. ii 532 — 43. Hofman-Peerl- kamp in hibl. cr. nova ii 105 — 11. A. Hansen de vita A'dtii Dorpat 1840, G. Wurm de rebus gestis A'^tii Bonn 1844. * Am. Thierry in rev. d. d. mondes July 1851. The laiis Christi in A, Eivinus de Christo reliquiae vett. poett. Leipz. 1652, Claud, epigr. 48, Eiese anthol. lat. 878.] 2. Claudius Marius Victor (Yictorinus). Orientius [Secundinus], [On Victor see Gennad. v. ill. 60, hist. lit. de la France ii 244 — S, Leyser poett. med. aevi 51, Ebert christ. lat. Lit. 353 — 6. Mary- La f on hist, du midi de la France Par. 1841 i 335 sqq. Edd. Jo, Gagneius Lyon 1536, Par. 1545, G. Morel Par. 1560 4to, in G. Fa- bricius corp. poett., Maittaire ii, collect. Fisaur.\, bibl. max. patr, viii. A. Mai class, auct. v 382 ascribes to Victor 100 hexameters de nativitate, vita, passione et resurrectione Domini, many of which are from (Tert.) carm. adv. Marcionem. The epist. ad Salmonem in Wernsdorf p. I. TO. III.] [On Orientius acta ss. 1 May, N. Antonio bibl. Hisp. iv 1 270 sqq. hist, lit. de la France ii 251 — 6, Fabricius med. et inf. Lat. Ebert I. c. 392—6, 3. Grimm. Berl. AJcad.lSol 654 sqq. Edd. M.A.Delrio Antw. 1600, A. Eivinus Leipz. 1651, Martene vett. scriptt. nov. coll. Eouen 1700 4to, thes. nov. anecd. Par. 1717 fol. v, bibl. patr. max. viii, Gall and X, coll. Pisaur. vi.] Both in Migne lxi. * H. L. Schurtzfleisch Wittenb. 1706 app. Weimar 1716 4to. 110 SIDONIUS. MAMERTUS. RUST. HELPID. [Secundinus, St. Patrick's nephew f 448. His hymims in laudem Patricii in Jo. Colgan triadis thaumaturgae acta Louv. 1647 fol. Ja. Ware Patricio adscr. opusc. Lond. 1656, Muratori anecd. lat. iv, Galland x.] § 76. C. Sollius Apollinaris Modestus Sidonius (about 430 to 480). [Funccius de inerti I. I. sen. iii 7 sqq. hist. lit. de la France ii 550 — 73, Fabricius-Mansi med. et inf. Lat. Tillemont xvi. Ampere hist. lit. de la France av. le XII siecle Par. 1839 ii 216 sqq. Roth in MUchn. gel.Anz. 9 Dec. 1840. Ebert christ. lat. Lit. 400—10. *Am. Thierry rev. d. d. mondes June and Sept. 1857, Ozanam ib. Apr. 1855, Pat in in journ. d. sav. 1838.] [Edd. E. Vinet Lyon 1552,] J. Woweren Par. 1598, J. Savaro Paris 1599, *1609 4to, G. Elmenhorst Hannover 1677, S. A. opera notis illustr. a *Iac. Sirmond Paris 1614 (cur. Ph. Labbeus 1652) 4to (Sirmond opp. Paris 1690, Yen. 1728 i). [bihl. max.patr. vi, Galland X, Migne Lviii. Text by J. Eyssenhardt promised by Teubner. A. Germain essai sur S. A. Montpellier 1840.] M. Fertig Apollinaris Sidonius und seine Zeit i — iii Wiirzburg and Passau 1845 — 1848 4to. N. Eschewsky C. S. A. S. Moscow 1855. * G. Kaufmann die Werke des C. S. A. S. als eine Quelle filr die Geschichte seiner Zeit Gottingen 1864. The same in N. Schiceiz. Mus. filr Philol. v 1865, [in Raumer hist. Taschenh. 1869 30 — 40.] Chaix St. Sidoine Ap. et son siecle Clermont-Ferrand 1867 2 vols. (cf. G. Kaufmann in gdtt. gel. Anz. 1868 1001—20.) [Language. An ind. in ed. Elmenhorst. *H. Kretschmann de latinitate Ap. Sid. i Memel 1870 4to.] Mamertus Claudianus. Rusticius Helpidius Dom- nulus. [On CI. Ecdicius M. see § 119 11. On R. H. D. Leyser hist, poett. med. aevi 79, hist. litt. de la France iii 165 — 7, Earth adv. xxvi 9. Named in the subscriptions to lulius Paris and to Mela. Edd. in G. Fabricius poett. chr. Bas. 1564, hihl. max.patr. ix, coll. Pisaur. vi, A. RivinustZe Christo... poett. Leipz. 1652. Ebert Gesch. d. chr. -lat. Litt. 396—9, who ascribes c. de Chr. benef. to the deacon R. Elpidius Theoderie's physi- cian, and the tristicha (in Goldast manuale hihl. Frankf. 1610) perhaps to R. H. D.] Eustici Elpidii c. de Christi beneficiis ^^. H. Milller Gott. 1868 4to. Cf. 0. Jahn in Per. d. sdchs.- Ges. d. W. in 1851 345—7. SEDULIUS. PETROCORIUS. DRACONTIUS. Ill § 77. Caelius Sedulius. Paulinus Petrocorius. Dracontius. Alcimus Ecdidlus Avitus. 1. Sedulius (about 460). [Isid. vir. ill. 7. Bayle. Ware script. Hihern. Jo. Colgan act. ss. Hibern. i 316. Fabricius med. et inf. Lat. Ceillier x. Funccius veg. I. I. sen. iii § 90 sqq. Kayser Beitr. z. Gesch. u. Erkldrimg d. Kirchenhymnen Paderb. 1866 sq. ii 212—29, iii 315 sqq. 334 sqq. Eiese anthol. lat. n. 491—3, 719. Barth adv. x 9. The collatio V. etN. T. is wrongly ascribed to Asterius in ftifiZ. patr. 1644 viii, b.p. max. ix. The hymnus acrost. in the breviaries Daniel thes. hymn, i 143 sqq. E. du M.eril poes. pop. 142 sqq. The cento de Verbi incarn. first in Martene and Durand vet. scr. coll. ix 125 sqq.] [The prose opus paschale ed. Fr. Juret Par. 1578 and in the bibl.patr. On the editors (of the poem) Turcius Eufus Asterius and Abun- dantiiis see Bahr iv^ 108. OHG. glosses Raumer Eimoirkung d. Christenth. auf d. AHD. Sprache 116. A ms. in C. C. C. Cambridge.] Edd. [bibl.patr. max. vi, Galland ix, coll. Pisaur. v], Chr. Cellarius Halle 1704, 1739, [J. F. Gruner Leipz. 1747 carm. pasch.], H. J. Arntzen Leeuw. 1761, *F. Arevali Eom 1794 4to, Migne xix, Mait- taire ii. [Language. Indd. in Cellarius, Gruner, Arevali,] [On a later Sedulius Scotus see L. Miiller in Rhein. 3£iis. xx 358 — 9, Aem. Grosse S. S. carmina Konigsb. 1868 4to, 8. S. c. XL ex cod. Brux. ed. E. Dummler Halle 1868 4to, H. Hageu anecd. Helvet. 1—38. The biblical commentator (cf. Mai script, vet. ix, spicil. viii) seems to be a third Sedulius.] 2. Paulinus Petrocorias (or Petricordiensis, about 470). [Hist. litt. de la France ii 469 — 73, Funccius veg. 1. 1, sen. in §99, Ebert Gesch. d. chr.-lat. Lit. 385—8, 511—3.] Edd. [Fr. Juret Par. 1585, bibl.patr. max. vi, coll. Pisaur. vi]*Chr. Daum cum notis Fr. Jureti, Gasp. Barthii cet. Leipz. 1681, Migne lxi, [rev. et trad, par E. F. Corpet Par. 1852. An ind. in Daum.] 3. [Blossius Aemilius] Dracontius (about 480). [Isid. scr, eccl. 24, Ildefons. scr. eccl. 14. Fabricius med. et inf. Lat., Leyser hist. poet. med. aevi 60 sqq. Funccius veg. I. I. sen. in § 97—8, N. Antonio bibl. Hisp. vet. in 3 § 69. Papencordt Gesch. d. 112 DRACONTIUS. ALCIMUS. AUSPICIUS. Vandalen in Africa 374 — 9. Earth adv. ind. Ebert Gesch. d. chr.-lat. 'Lit. 366—76. Edd. hexaem. G. Morel Par. 1560, * Jo. Weitz Fraukf. 1610, G. FabriciVis^oefi, chr. (Bas. 1564). A. Kivinus Dr. libellorum higa Leipz, 1651, coll. Pisaur. v, hibl. max. pair, viii, ix, Galla,nd ix, A. Mai spicil. v xii and 192 (note of I)r. metrum de virginitate).] Witli Sirmond's Eugenius Tolet. Par. 1619 (in S.'s op2^. ii Par. 1696, Yen. 1728) * F. Arevali Eome 1791 4to, J. B. Carpzow Helmst. 1794. Libh. II et III em. ac suppl. C. E. Glaser i ii Breslau 1847 — 8 4to. Migne lx. Append, ad opp. ed. ab Ang. Mai Eome 1872. [Carmina minora ex cod. Neap. ed. Fr. de Duhn Leipzig 1873. R. Ellis in journ. of philol. v 252-61. E. Bahrens in Jahrb. 1873 69, 265—71, 647 — 8, 852, Biicheler in Rhein. 3Ius. xxvii 477, Ribbeck ib. xxvui 461—72, M. Schmidt ib. xxix 202—3, Schenkl Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. xxiY 485—99.] L. Muller in Jahrb. 1866 390 sqq. 4. Alcimus [Ecdidius Avitus] (f 523). [Leyser hist, poett. 85 sqq. hist. litt. de la France iii 115—42, acta ss. 5 Febr. (cf. 11 May 631), Guizot hist, de la civil, en Fr. 18 lepon, Ebert chr.-lat. Lit. 376—85, Parizel S. Avite Louv. 1859, V. Cuche- val de s. A. opp. Par. 1863, Binding Burgund. Konigr. Leipz. 1868 168 Bqq. A. Pannenborg A. A. in c. de bello Sax. in Forschungen zu d. Gesch. 1873 xiii 413—5. Edd. M. Molter Bas. 1546, J. Zehner Leipz. 1604. Martene anecd. v 49, Baluze misc. i 361, D'Achery spicil. ni 304, Mabillon vet. anal. 386, bibl. max. patr. ix, Galland x, J. Fer- rand Av. epist. IV ed. et ill. Cabilone 1661 4to. Rhein. 3Ius. xxi 271—2 (his epitaph).] In G. Fabricius poelt. christ. Bas. 1564. * Aviti opp. studio lac. Sirmondi Paris 1643 4to (in S.'s opp. ii Par. 1696, Yen. 1728). Mait- taireii, [coll.Pisaur.Yi], Migne nx. cf.Delisle, Eilliet andBordier etudes paleogr. et hist, sur des papyrus du VI^. siecle Par. 1866 4to. 5. Auspicius. Amoenus, Paulinus Pellaeus {aet. 83 A.D. 4G5]. In Migne lxi 1006 — 8, 1076—82 [ib. lxxxviii 81 sqq. as Yen ant. Fort. misc. i 16J. Paulinus in bibl. patrum (Paris 1579) viii app. [in Daum's Paulin. Petrocor.^ coll. Pisaur. vi, *L. Leipziger P. carm. euchar. prolegg. et adnott. instr. Bresl. 1858. See Ebert chr.-lat. Lit. 388—92]. § 78. The poets of the Latin anthology. [* Jos. Scaliger catalecta Itejd. 1573, '95, 1617, P. Pithoeus epi- grammata Paris 1590, Lyon 1596, Geneva 1619.] *Anthol. vet. lat. ANTHOLOGIA. ORESTES. , 113 epigrammatum et poematiim. . .cum notis viror. doctor, et adnot per- pet. ed. Petr. Burmannus Secundus i ii Amst. 1759 1773 4to, edit. Burnt, digessit et auxit Henr. Meyer i ii Leipz. 1835. [A. Mai class, auct. Ill, scr. vet. v.] Anthol. lat. s. poesis Lat. supplem. pars prior: carm. in codd. scr. rec. Al. Eiese i ii Leipzig 1869 1870 [careless, see E. Bahrens in Rheln. Mus. xxx 1875 306 — 8]. Part ii, the metrical inscrip- tions, will be published by F. Biicheler (*Bucheler anthol. epigraph. lat. spec. I Greifsw. 1870 4to, spec. II in Rhein. Mus. xxvi 1871 127—45, 491 — 3). [*rr. Eitschl anth. lat. corollarium epigraph. Berl. 1853 4to and in Rhein. Mus. i 1842 133—5, Fr. Dubner ib. iii 1835 478—83, in Jahrb. m 307—16, * Th. Mommsen in Rhein. Mus. ix 1854 296—301, 480 and in Hermes i 13,3 — 4, D. Euhnken emendd. in Mnemosyne in 1854 59 — 61, Pressel in rev. de philol. i 403 sqq. 0. Jahn in Philolog. XXVI 6, I. Klein in Rhein. Mus. xxi 135—7, 0. Eibbeck ib. xxvi 406 — 10, Conrads de anthol. lat. I. IV Bonn 1853, Frohner in Philologus xiii 172 sqq. K. Schenkl in Zeitschr.f. ost. Gymn. 1863 571—7, 716, and zur Kritik spdterer lat. Dichter Vienna (Akad.) 1863, H. Usener in Rhein. Mus. xxii 628—9, Fr. Passow verm. Sehr. 75 sqq.], L. Miiller in Jahrb. 1867 483—8, 601—4, 783—7, 799—806, in Rheiii. Mus. xxv 1870 453—5. A. Eiese in Jahrb. 1870 282. Haupt in Hermes [ii 13—5], V 25—6 [vii 13—188]. E. Bahrens [lectt. lat. Bonn 1870 31—5] in Jahrb. 1872 48—55, [355-64, ib. 1873 60—6.] Anon. Orestis trag. ed. C. W. Miiller Eudolst. 1858 4to. F. Haase m.iscell. philol. in 6 Bresl. 1861 4to. A. Eothmaler Nordh. 1865, Jahrb. 1867 861—70, L. Miiller Rhein. 3Ius. xxi 1866 455 sqq. L. Schwabe Dorpat 1867 4to. An. 0. tr. emend, ed. lac. Maehly Leipzig 1866 16mo, * Or. tr. carm. epicum saec. p. Chr. n. sexto compositum emend, ed. Car. Schenkl Prag 1867 {Zeitschr.f. d. ost. Gymn. xviii 1867 81—95, A. Eiese ib. 433 sqq.). H. Hagen in Philol. xxvii 1868 157—68. [E. Bahrens in Jahrb. 1872 636—8, in Rhein. Mus. xxvi 493—4. Ang. Mai app. ad opp. ed. ab A. M. Eome 1871.] [The names of the poets of the anth. are given by Meyer and in Bahr b. ii c. 10, e. g. Luxorius (Eiese n. 18, 203, 287—375), L. Muller- in Jahrb. xcv 783 — 6, Eiese anth. ip. xxiv — v, xxvii, Schubert quaestt, de anth. cod. Salm. Leipz. 1874.] § 79. The cliristiaii poets of the sixth century. A rat or (f 554). Venantius Honorius Clemen tianus Fortunatus (about 535 — 600) etc. Flavius Cresconius Corippus (about 570). [Maximianus.] M. 8 114 ARATOR. VEN. FORT. CORIPPUS. MAXIMIANUS. [Arator. Cassiod. varr. viii 12. Ennod. epp. Venant. vit. Mart, i 22 — 3. Leyser hist, poett. 146 sqq. C. Leimbach in theol. Stud. m. Krit. 1873 225—70, Ebert chr.-lat. Lit. 490—3. Edd. (with Juvencus and Sed.) Lyon 1588, Bas. 1537, 1551, (Wynkyn de Worde) circ. 1595 4to, bibl. max. patr. x, Galland xii, coll. Pisaur. ti, * Jo. Sirmond Ennod. ad fin. (and opp. i). J. A. Fabrioius designed an ed. and had a collation of the Cambridge ms. MSS. with OHG. glosses E. v. Eaumer Einwirk. d. Christenthums auf d. altJwchd. Spr. Stuttg. 1845 102 sqq.] * Arator cum tribus epist. ed. suasque et al. obss. adi. H. J. Arntzen Zutphen 1769,Migne lxviii, de actis apost. ed. A. Hiibner Neisse 1850. [Venantius. Bed. h. e. i 7, Greg. Tur. h. Fr. v 8, gl. mart, i 40. Leyser hist, poett. 151 sqq. hist. lit. de la France iii 464 — 91, J. J. Liruti notizie delle vite et opere scr. da letterati di Friuli Ven, 1760 fol, I c. 12, Thierry temps Meroving. iii rec. 5, Guizot cours d'hist. Oza- nam civilis. chrSt. chez les Francs c. 9, Lobell Greg. v. Tours^ Leipz. 1869 311 sqq. F. Hamelin de vita et opp. V.F. Eennes 1873, Ebert chr.'lat. Lit. 493 — 516, Ampere hist. lit. ii 275 sqq. Mabillon vet. anal. 387. E. Diimmler in Im neuen Reich 1871 641 — 56.] [Ed. in bibl. max. patr. x, Galland xii, A.Duchesne hist. Franc, scr. Par. 1636 fol. i, coll. Pisaur. vi, Maittaire ii. New poems in notices et extr. des mss. xii (2) Par. 1831 4to 75 sqq. (by Gu^rard). On his hymns (e.g. Vexilla regis prodeunt, Quern terra pontus aethera, Pange lingua gloriosi proelium certaminis, Crux jidelis inter omnis) see Daniel thes. hymn. 1 159 sqq. Wackernagel d. deutsche Kirchenlied i n. 76 — 87, J. Kay ser Beitrdge Paderb. 1866 1 118 sqq. 136 sqq. His barbarisms collected in ed. Brouwer ad fin. =bibl. max. patr. x 617.] Edd. Christ. Brouwer Mainz 1603, '16 4to. M. A. Luchi i ii Eome 1786 4to. In Migne lxviii. Th. Bormann ilber d. Leben V. F, Fulda 1848 4to. Cf. Bo eking' s ed. of Aus. Mosella (above § 69). Corippus de laudibus lustini Aug. min. I. IV [ed. Tho. Dempster Par. 1610, N. Rittershusius Altdorf 1664 4to,] * A. Goetzius ib. 1743 ; ex rec. *P.F.F(ogginii)Eome 1777 4to, in SsLQer'spanegyrici (§ 111) IL lohannidos s. d« bellis Libycis I. VII first publ. by P. Mazzucchelli Milan 1820 4to. Complete in *L Bekker's Merobaudes (§ 75 1). Cf. E. Unger electa crit. Neubrandenb. 1852 4to. M. Haupt in Hermes [ii 12, VII 188, viii 14 — 5,] III 149, [J. Partsch ib. ix 292, Heyne opusc. vi 115 sqq. A complete ind. in Goetz and Foggini.] [Maximianus. See *Jos. Scaliger opusc. Par. 1610 337 — 47, Menagiana iii 241 sqq. Edd. (sometimes under the name of Cornelius Gallus, as 1501 4to by Pomponius Gauricus, often with Catullus) Th. Pulman Antw. 1569,' P. Pithoeus epigr. Lyon 1596, Maittaire ii, EUGENIUS. COLLECTIONS OF POETS. AUGUSTUS. 115 * Wernsdorf poett. lat. min. iii, iv 832, v 1461, vi, J. A. Giles Lond. 1838. Cf. Souchay in mem. de Vacad. d. inscr. xvi 1751 399 sqq. J. H. Withof in encaen. crit. J. Fontanini hist. lit.Aquilei. Borne 1742 4to I c. 3 §§ 1—5. Engl, (as from Gallus) by Hov. Walker Lond. 1689, '93.] [Eugenius ii (bp. of Toledo 645 — 657). See Ildefons. scr. eccl. 14, Leyser hist, poett. 188, N. Antonio hibl. Hisp. v 5 §252, Ebert chr.- lat. Lit. 569—70. Edd. *J. Sirmond Par. 1619 (in S.'s opp. ii) with the Dracontius of A. Eivinus Leipz. 1651, bibl. max. patr, xii, Migne Lxxxvii. The eleg. de philomela Eiese anthol. n. 758 (cf. iipp. xxxvi — vii, 115, Heid. Jahrb. 1871 587) seems not to be his. Edd. Wernsdorf _pog^ lat. min. vi, Ch. Nodier Par. 1829, Lersch in Zeitschr.f. Alterth. 1846 n. 49, 50, K. Schenkl zur Kritik sp. lat. Dichter Vienna (Akad.) 1863.] A collection of christian poets by F. Biicheler is to appear in the Vienna corp. scriptt. cedes, lat. [Teubner announces a corpus poet. lat. to be edited by L.M tiller. Earlier collections corp. ^oe«. lat. Lyon 1603, 4to etc. Gen. 1627 2 vols. 4to. M. Maittaire opp. et fragm. vet. poett, lat. I II Lond. 1713 fol. * collectio Pisaurensis omnium poematum i — vi Pesaro '66 4to. J. K. Malatesta corp. vet. poett. lat. cum ital. versione Milan '31—65 35 vols. 4to. In one vol. ed. W. S. Walker Lond. 1828 etc. less complete than ed. Jos. Molini Flor. 1827—9, *W. E. Weber Frankf. 1833.] [Christian poets. Foett. eccl. opp. 3 vols. Aid. 1501 — 4 4to, Bas. 1541, *Geo. Y&hxiGiuB poett. vett. eccl. opp. Bas. 1564 sm. fol. A. F. Hurez 4 vols. Cambray 1822—6. Many also in the general corp. poett. of A. Fichet Lyon 1616 4to; of Ja. Crispin Col. 1627 and in Maittaire; in the collections of the fathers; Jod. Chlichtoveus elucidator. eccl. Bas. 1517, '9 fol. Geo. Cassander hymni eccl. Col. 1556 (and in his opp. Par. 1616 fol.); A. Ellinger hymnor. eccl. libri III Frankf. 1578, * Jo. Weitz heortologium Frankf. 1648. J. M. Thomasius opp. Eome 1742 fol. II 351 — 434. * H. A. Daniel thes. hymnolog. 5 vols. Halle 1841 sqq. F. J. Mone hymni lat. med. aevi 3 vols. Freib. 1853 — 5, Ph. Wacker- nagel d. deutsche Kirchenlied I Leipz. 1864. E. C. Trench sacred lat. poetry^ liondi. 1874. *'2. Jjey sex hist. poett. med. aevi Halle 1721. P. Albert de poesi chr. quarto p. Chr. n. saec. Dijon 1858. Alb. Thier- f elder de Christianorum...hymnis usque adAmbrosii fewpora Leipz. 1868, * J. M. Neale essays on liturgiology.} 2. Prose. § 80. Augustus (23 Sept. 691—19 Aug. 767 u.c). [J. A. Fabricius Aug. fragm. Hamb. 1727 4to.] A. Weichert imp^ Caes, Aug. opp. reliquiae Grimma 1841 4to. * Bes gestae divi Aug. ex 8—2 116 MAECENAS. AGRIPPA. MESSALLA. monum. Ancyrano et Apolloniensi ed. Th. Mommsen Berl. 1865, C, I.L. Ill 769 sqq. A. W. Zumpt de mon. Anc. supplendo Berl. 1869 4to. Tb. Bergk in the Halle Lectionscatalog of 1869 4to. [id. * Aug. rer. a se gest. ind. cum gr. metaphrasi Gott. 1873. *G. Perrot exploration arcMoL. de la Galatie Par. 1862 sqq, fol. W. Brambach in Bheln. Mus. xx 605. The mon. Anc. in many edd. of Tac. and Suet. E. Egger examen crit. sur les historiens d'Avg. Par. 1844 421 — 56. C. Cavedoni opusc. vi (2). * K. Hock rom. Gesch. I II Brunsw. 1841 — 3, Beule Auguste Par. 1867.] 1. C. Cilnius Maecenas (t746 u. c. = 8 B.C.). [*J. H. Meibom Maecenas Leyd. 1653 4to. Kiese antJiol. lat.ii. 779—80. H. J. Mattbes in symb. lit. v 1—36.] A. Lion Maecenatiana s. de C. C. M. vita Gott. 1824. * P. S. Frandsen C. G. M. e. hist. Un- tersuchung ilh. dessen Leben Altona 1843. 63—18 2. M. Vipsanius Agrippa [691 — 741 u. c.]. B.C. A. Letronne recJierches geogr. sur le livre de mensura orhis terrae par Bicuil Par. 1814 (cf. § 114 9). [G. C. Gebauer exercitat. acad. 1777 ii 803—44, Le Blond in mem. de Vacad. d. inscr. Par. 1780 37 — 68, E. Mecenate de vita Agr. Kome 1821, D. v. Lakeren Mattbes de Agr. meritis Amst. 1840, J. H. v. Eck quaestt. hist, de M. V. A. Leyd. 1842, A. F. Motte 4tude sur 31. A. Gent 1872, A. Preuner in Pauly Eeal- End. i^ 599 — 609.] * P. S. Frandsen M. Vipsanius Agrippa Altona 1836. * F, Ritscbl d. Vermessung d. rom. Beichs unter Aug. d. Welt- karte d. Agr. u. d. Kosmographie d. Aethicus in Ehein. Mus. i 1842 481 — 523. Cf. Cbr. Petersen ibid, viii 161—210, 377—403, ix 85—106, 422— 442. K. Miillenbof f ilb. d. Weltkarte u. Ghorographie d. Kaisers Aug. Kiel 1856 4to. A. v. Gutscbmid in Ehein. Mus. xn 1857 619 sqq. Marquardt Handbuch iii (2) 163 sqq. 3. M. Yalerius Messalla Corvinus. • [Tibull. I 7, IV 1, (Verg.) catal. 11.] C. v. Hall ill. V. M. C. 2 vols Amst, 1820. Wiese de M. V. M. vita et studiis doctrinae Berl. 1829 H. Jordan in Hermes iii 1868 426—8. [D. G. Moller de M. M. G. Altdorf 1689 4to, Burigny in mem. d. Vacad. d. inscr. xxxiv, E. Mece nate vita V. M. C. Eome 1821 (cl. giorn. arcad. xi 91 sqq.), Borgbes: oeuvr. numism. i 408 sqq. Nipperdey in Ehein. Mus. xix 282 sqq Meyer orat. rom. fragm.^ 503 sqq. Westermann Gesch. d.rom. Bered samk. § 69 n. 33 sqq. A forgery (15tb cent.) de progenie Augusti first ed witb Florus Bas. 1532 fob; in Sylburg scr. hist, rom., in tbe Bipont POLLIO. VITRUVIUS. 117 scr. hist. Aug. min. (1789), in the Eutr. of Hearne and Havercamp; separately by C. G. Tzscliucke Leipz. 1793 and R. Mecenate Rome 1820. Germ, by Fr. Hoffmann Stuttg. 1833. Fr. by N. A. Dubois Par. 1844. * C. F. "Weber and J. Gasar de M. V. 31. qui dicitur Ubello depr. A. Ill Marb. 1873—4 4to.] § 81. C. Asinius Pollio (679—758 u.c). 75 b.c. [J. H. Felsius de A. P.hibliotJieca Jena 1753 4to. Becker rom. Alterth. i 460—2. Mai spicileg. Vat. v pp.xiii, 212. G. H. Eckliard de C.A.P. iniquo optt. Latinitatis auctorum censore Jena 1743. Clemen C. A. P. Lemgo 1842 4to. Meyer orat. rom. fragm.^ 487—91. Wester- mann Gescli. d. rom. Beredsamk. § 69 n. 24 sqq. 0. Hendecourt de vita A. P. Louvain 1858. W. Teuf fel in Pauly Beal-Encijcl. i« 1859— G5. M. Haupt in Berlin prooem. aest. 1855, Welcker gr. Trag. 1423-6.] *I. R. Thorbeke de C.A.P. Leyden 1820. Drumann ii 1835 2— 12. F. Jacob A. P. Liibeck 1852 4to. B. Luzzato ricerche star, su C. A. P. Padua 1867. [Paul Bailleu quomodo Appianus in hellorum civilium libris II — V usus sit Asinii Pollionis historiis Gott. 1875.] § 82. Technical writers, orators and scholars under Augustus and Tiberius. 1. Yitruvius Pollio [cir. 740 u. c. = 14 B.C.]. The gro- matici. [Marini i (on the life and work of V.). G. L. Stieglitzs Archaol. d, Baukunst Weimar 1801. Archdolog. Unterhaltt. Leipz. 1820. H. C. Genelli Briefe ilh. V. i Brunsw. 1802, ii Berl. 1804 4to. Edd. G. Phi- lander Lyon 1552, '86 4to, D.Barbarus Yen. 1564 foL, Jo. deLaet (with variorum notes and Baldi lexicon) Amst. 1649 fol., B. Galiani (with Ital. transl.) Naples 1758 fol., A. Rode with Germ, transl. 2 vols. Berl. 1800 4to (1 vol. fol. of plates 1801), * S. Stratico (with notes'of Pole- nus etc.) Udine 1825 — 30 4 vols. 4to, A. Marini Rome 1836 4 vols. fol. E. H. F. Meyer Gesch. d. Botan. Konigsb. 1854 i 382—91, H. Brunn de ind.Plin. Bonn 1856 4to 57 — 60, Haubold ojmsc. acad. Leipz. 1829, H. Heringa ohss. crit. Leeuw. 1749 c. 16, A. Hirt in Wolf 3Ius. d. Alterth. Berl. 1807 i 219—33, P. Wesseling ohss. Amst. 1727, W. Wilkins in philol. mus. Cambr. 1832 536 sqq. Detlefsen in PhiloV. XXXI 375—434, L. Gerlach ih. xxxii 188—90, 0. Jahn ih. xxvi 16, XXVIII 10, N. Wecklein ih. xxxi 435 — 9.] V. P. de architectura I. X rec. ...LG. Schneider 3 vols. Leipz, 1801—1807. *Ad ant. codd. ed. V. Rose et H. Miiller-Strubing 118 GROMATICI. HYGINUS. Leipz. 1867. D. Detlefsen Vitruv als Quelle d. Plinius in Philol. xxxt 1871 385—434. [L. Gerlach ib. xxxii 188—90, 0. Jahn ib. xxvii 16, XXVIII 10, N. Wecklein ib. xxxi 435—9, A. Miiller in Jahrb. 1872 691 — 7.] Jos. Hanpt M. Cetius Faventinus (extract from Yitiuvius) etc. in Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. lxix 1871 31 sqq. [Engl. W. Newton 2nd ed. Lend. 1792 fol. W. Wilkins (civil architecture only) 2 vols. ib. 1812—7 4to. J. G wilt Lend. 1825. Fr. CI. Perrault 2nded. Par. 1684 fol. Germ. *Fr. Reber Stuttg. 1865 (cf. his Gesch. d. Baukunst im AltertJi. Leipz. 1866 and Philolog. xxvii 185 — 91).] [Language. B. Baldus de verborum V. signif. ace. vita V. 1612 4to (also in de Laet, improved in Stratico; a lex. also in Rode. Bald. Orsini Dizionario Vitruviano i ii Perug. 1801. Reisig-Haase Vorlesungen 877 sqq. Funccius viril. aet. ii 6 §§ 6 sqq.] * Die Schriften der romischen Feldmesser herausgeg. und erlctutert vwi F. Blume, K. Lachmann [Th. Mommsen und] A, Rudorff 2 vols. Berlin 1848 1852. Hygini gromatici liber de munitionibus castrorum ed. Lud. Lange Gottingen 1848. [W. Rein and E. Wolf flin in Pauly Real-Encycl. i^ 594—6, Zeiss in Zeitschr. f. Alterth. 1840 n. 106—8. On the language * A. F. Pott ib. '54 219 sqq.] 2. C. Julius Hyginus. [Suet. gr. 20. Chr. B. Bunte de C. I. H. vita ef scriptis I Marb. 1846. B. Klotz lat. Literaturgesch. 98 — 104.] Mythographi Latini cet. ed. Th. Muncker 2 pts. Amsterdam 1681. * Auctores myihograpld Latini cum not. var. ed. A. van Staveren Amsterdam 1742 4to. Hygini fabulae ed. Chr. B. Bunte (with elaborate introduction) Leipz. 1856. * M. Schmidt Jena 1872. Hyginus pMlosophus de imaginibus caeli ed. L. Hasper Leipz. 1861. Car. Lange de nexii inter C.I. H. opera myth, et fabularum, qni nomen eiiis prae se fert, librum. ace. fab. sel. Mainz 1865. Cf. [*Th. Wopkens advers. ii 216—26 Leipz. 1835. K. Schwenck in Rhein. Mus. i 1842 475—8, n 473—7, xiii 152, 477. R. Forster der Raub d. Perseph. Stuttg. 1874 68—72, 87, 89, 90, 289—90. Bernhardy Eratosth. Berl. 1822 129 sqq. v. Staveren in misc. obss. 1x413 — 24, Valckenaer i6. x 108 — 28. E. J. Kiehl in Mnemosyne ii 1853 82—90 {anecd. H.), C. Halm in Ber. d. Akad. Munich 1870 i 317— 26, R. Schone in Hermes vi 125—6], Wolfflin in Philol. x 1855 303—9. C. Bursian in Jahrb. .1SQ& 761 — 84. id. ex H. genealogiis excerpta Ziir. 1868 4to, [emendd. Hyg. ib. Jena 1874 4to,] M. Schmidt in Philol. xxiii 1866 47—71, xxv 416—33, Rhein. Mus. xx 1865 459—62. [0. 'Rihheck proleg. Very. 117—21.] FESTUS. SANTRA. CAPITO. 119 [Language. Indd. in edd. Par. 1578, Lyon 1608, Leyden 1670, * Hamb. 1674.] 3. Fenestella. M. Yerrius Flaccus. L. Mercklin de Fen. hist, et poeta Dorpat 1844 4to. J. Poetli de Fen. historiarum scriptore et carminum Bonn 1849. [Lersch /Siprac/i- philos. d. Alien iii 172 sqq. Grafenhan Gesch. d. Philolog. iv 239 — 43, G. F. Grotef end in Zeitschr. f. d. Alterth. 1843 n. 22—3.] [Edd. of Festus, Ant. Augustinus Ven. 1559 (in his opp. Lucca 1765 fol. vii), * Jos. Scaliger Par. 1576, '84, '93, * F. Ursinus Eome 1581, A. Dacier (witli variorum notes) Par. 1681, Amst. 1699 4to, * F. Lin- demann Leipz. 1832 4to. Of the fasti P. F. Foggini/asforww a V. F. ordinatorum reliquiae, ace. V. F. operum fragmenta omnia Eome 1779 fol,, ib. 1826 fol. (by A. Nibby), in Orelli inscr. ii 379 sqq. in F. A. Wolf Suet. IV.] [The tract de sacerdotiis et magistratihus Romanorum I. II, extant as Fenestella's, is the work of A. D. Fiocchi f 1452. Genuine fragments in Poeth and in Havercamp's Sallust.] The calendarium Praenes- tinum (between 752 and 763 2 b.c— 10 a.d. [Suet. gr. 17]) in G. I. L. 1 295, 311—9. Cf. Th. Bergk in Jahrb. 1872 37 sqq. The fragments in Egger's Varro (§ 45 6). *S. Pompei Festi de verborum sign, quae super- sunt cum Pauli epit. em. et ann. a G. 0. MUllero Leipz. 1839 4to. Cf. H. Keil in Rhein. Mus. vi 1848 616 sqq. Festi codicis quaternionem XVI denuo e^?. Th. Mommsen in Abh. der Perl. Akad. of 1864 57—86, W. S ch ady Je Mari Victorini 1. 1 cap. IV quod inscribitur de orthographia Bonn 1869. See Bugge in the Jahrb. 1872 91—108, [Ribbeck proleg. Verg. 175 — 7, Merkel on Ov. fasti xciv sqq. H. E. Dirksen hinterl. Schr. I 64 — 108, W. Corssen in Philologus xx 730—7, L. Mercklin obss. Dorpat 1860 4to, Eeifferscheid's Suet. 242—4. Th. Bergk in Rhein. Mus. xix 606, Philologus xxix 328—9, Fr. Hultsch ib. xxii 345 and in his scr. metrologici II Leipz. 1866, M. Hertz in Jahrb. 1872 270 and in Rhein. Mus. xvii 310—1. Indd. in ed. Amst. 1699, Leipz. 1832, 1839.] Santra. Sinnius Capito. L. Preller ausgew. Aufsdtze 377 — 8. [Lersch in Zeitschr. f. Alterth. 1839 n. 13, 43 and Sprachphilos. d. Alt. iii 165 sqq. Egger lat. serm. vet. reliq. 18 — 21, 63 — 8.] M. Hertz Sinnius Capito etc. Berlin 1845, [id. in Philologus i 586, J. Becker in Zeitschr. f. Alterth, 1847 n. 133, Mercklin in Jahrb. f. wiss. Kritih 1845 n. 101—2.] 120 JUEISTS. ORATORS. RHETORICIANS. 4. The jurists C. Aelius Gallus, Q. Antistius Labeo, C. Ateius Capito. Huschke iurispr. anteiust. Leipz. 1867 29 — 33, 50 — 8. [Tac. ann. III 75, Gell.xmlO, 12, dig. i2 2% 4.7. C. W.E.Heimbacli incl. to adv. i 1828), J. Fr. Cliristius noctt. acad. Halle 1729 30—46, J. J. Hottinger in mus. Turic. 1782 i 349 — 63, D. Euhnken notae ad V. P. integrae Hannover 1815, Jo. Scheff er in misc. obss. viii 456 — 60, IX 168 — 78, 345 — 50, W. Warburton emendations in BiUioth. Brit. La Haye 1736 vii 256—94, P. Bur man sylloge epistt. iii iv Leyd. 1726 4to.] [A. Berndt quaestt. crit. Veil. Freiburg 1873, K. Halm in Bhein. 3Ius. XXX 1874 485—494, in Jahrh. 1874 397—402, A. Tittlertft. 1869 606, A. Eussner in spec. crit. Wiirzb. 1868 30 — 1, K. E. Georges in Philol. XXXIII 334, Fr. Giese quaestt. crit. Veil. Miinst. 1868, M. Haupt in Hermes iii 228, H. Reichau de fontium delectu, quern in Tib. vit. descrih. V., Tac, Suet., Dio Jiabuerint Kiinigsb. 1865, M. Haupt in Ber. d. sacks. Ges. d. W. 1849 190—200.] [Engl. Eob. Le Grys Lond. 1632. Germ. *Fr. Jacobs Leipz. 1793.] [Language. A complete ind. in ed. E. Eigne z in us. Delph. Par. 1675, 1726 4to. Good indd. in edd. J. H. Boeder Strassb. 1642, '63, '82 (improved in edd. J. H. Gruner Coburg 1782 and Frotscher; repr. in ed. Burman and Euhnken), Hudson, Ch. Cellarius Leipz. 1707 12mo, M. Maittaire (?) Lond. 1713, Krause (also in ed. Valpy 1822, abridged in Lemaire 2 vols. Par. 1822). Worterhuch by G. Aen. Koch Leipz. 1857. Kiitz prolegg. xlvi— lv.] A. Cremutius Cordus. Aufidius Bassus. [Jul. Held de vita scriptisque A. C. G. Schweidnitz 1841 4to, C. Eathlef de A. G. G. Dorpat I860.] Th. Mommsen in Ahh. d. sacks. Ges. d. W. VIII 1861 558—9. [G. v. Paucker Domitian w. G. G. Milan 1861. Pkilol. VI 139, 753—4.] K. Nipperdey in Bkein. Mus. xvii 1862 438 sqq. [K. Christensen de fontt. Gassii Dionis Berl. 1871 60—3.] 54B.C— § ^^- -^i^iiaeiis Seneca the rhetorician (about 700 to 38A.D. 791 u.c). P. Rutilius Lupus (under Tiberius). 1. Seneca. [Funccius immin. I. I, sen. vi § 11 sqq. N. Anton, hibl. Hisp. vet. I C.4, Lips, elect, i 1, Fr. Jacobs in Nacktrage to Sulzer in 332 sqq.] Annaei Senecae oratorum et rketorum sententiae divisiones colores [Edd. with the works of the son N. Faber Par. 1587, '98 fol., J. Gruter Heidelb. 1593 fol., Andr. Schott ib. 1604, Par. '7, * '13 fol. (with varr. notes), J. F. Gronov Leyd. 1649 12mo, * '72 (with the notes of *J. Schulting), Bipont. 1783,] C. Bursian Leipz. 1857, [* A. Kiessling ib. 1872.] C. Bursian spicil. crit. Zurich 1869 4to. H. G. Hofig de S. '--■V ' '''' RUTILIUS. VAL. MAX. ' /• />129 rhet. codcl. SchoIUanis Gorlitz 1858 4to. J. Vahleli m^^i^nein. 3Ius. xAt/ 1858 5i6— 64, J. Klein in Jahrb. 1802 704 sq^ 18(33' vfe-gflq. A. Kiessling in Rhein. Mus. xvi SO—Gl, in J5etfr. ^. Kritik lat. FroialUer, (Bas. 18G4) 32—47, in the neue Beitr. z. K. d. Rh. S. Hamb. 1871 4to.* * J. Korber ilb. d. Rhetor S. u. d. rom. RhetorUc s. Zeit. Marburg 1864. CI. Konitzer quaestt. in S. patrem crit. Bresl. 1864, id. Beiti: z. Kritik d. Rk. S. Breslau 1866 4to, Zeitschr. f. Gymn. 1868 966—70. F. W. Muller in Jahrh. 1866 483 sqq., Zeitschr. fiir Gymn. xxii 1868 490 sqq. K. Wachsmuth quaestt. crit. in S. rhet. Posen 1867 4to. H. MUUer in Rhein. 3Ius. xxi 405—28, [xxiv 636—7, xxv 451,] Zeitschr. f. Gymn. 18G8 81—93, 715—6. 0. Rebling ohss.crit. in A. S. patrem Gott. 1863. [M, Haupt in Hermes iii 344 — 5, M. Sander quaestt. syntact. in S. rhet. Greifsw. 1872, 0. Gruppe quaestt. Annaeanae Stettin 1873.] 2. Rutilius Lupus. [Aquila Romanus. lulius Rufi- nianus.] [Funccius de inert, et deer. I. I. sen. v § 2.] * P. R. L. dejignris sententiarnm et elocutionis I. 7J [in the rhett. Int. of Fr. Pithoeus Par. 1599 4to and C. Capperonnerius Strassb. 1599 4to, J. M. Gesner primae lineae art. orat. Jena 1745, '53], Rec. et annot. adiecit D. Ruhnkenius. ace. Aq. R. et lul. Ruf. libri Leyden 1768. [enlarged by * C. H. Frotscher Leipz. (1831) 1811. ed. F. Jacob Liibeck 1837.] Text * rhett. Lat. min. ex codd. emend. C. Halm Leipz. 1863. [Toup ohss. ad R. L. in Friedemann and Seebode misc. crit. i n. 39, with notes by Bardili. * E. Volkmann die Rhetorik d. Gr. u. Romer Leipz. (1872) '74. J. C. T. Ernesti lex. technol. Lat. rhet. Leipz. 1797.] F. Haase de fragmentis R. L. a Sch6pfero (1837) suppositis Bresl. 1856 4to. J. MJihly in Philol. xiv 1859 764—8. G. Dzialas quaestt. Rut. Bresl. 1860, id. rhetorum ant. de figuris doctrina I Bresl. 1869 4to. I. G. Frohlich in Jahrh. 1864 202—11. C. Schmidt de R. L. quaestt. Bresl. 1865 4to. J. Simon in Philol. xxviii 1868 628—59. [W. Wensch Aq. Rom. de figuris liber Wittenb. 1861 4to, M. Haupt in Hermes n 9—10, A. Meineke in Jahrb. 1863 369.] § 87. Valerius Maximus (under Tiberius). [D. W. Moller de V. M. Altd, 1684 4to, J, Perizonius animadv. hist. c. 3, Jan. Eutgersius r'arr. lectt. vi 16, H. E. Dirksen hinterl. Schr. I 109—32 (from Abh. d. Berh Akad. 1845), Kempf in his prolegg., Fr. Diibner rcy. de philol. i 260—3.] V. M. factorum et diet. mem. I. IX [Eld. Abr. Torrenius Leyd. 1726 4to, with notes of Glareanus (Baj. 15C2), Pighius (Antw. 1567),. M. 9 > / 130 VAL. MAX. MELA. * Lipsius (Antvr. 1585 etc., also in his works), Coler (Frankf. 1601), *Vorstius (Berl. 1672), ined. emendations of Barth, Guyet and Gudius, notes of *Perizoniusetc. ; with Obsequens etc. ed. C. B. Hase 3 vols. Par. 1823. The epitome in Mai scrijptt. vet. in (3) 1828, du Eieu sched. Vat. Leyd. I860.] * cum inc. auct. fragm. de praenominn. rec. C. Kempf Berl. 1854. id. de inc. auct. fragm. de praenn. ib. 1854 4to. novae quaestt. Val. Berl. 1866 4to. * V. M. I. IX. lulii Paridls et lanuarii Nepotiani epitomis adiectis ed. C. Halm Leipz. 1865 [and in Miinclin. gel. Anz. 1854 i n. 29—31, emendatt. Val. Munich 1854 4to, Jahrb. 1874 <02— 8]. [F. 0. Mencken in misc. Lips. nov. iv 365 — 77, J. Vahlen in IlJiein. Mus.xi 586—94, F. Eyssenhardt iZ>i(L xvii 378— 92.] C. Fortsch emendatt. Val. I II III Naumb. 1855—70 4to. C. Elschner quaestt. Val. Berlin 1865 4to. [G. Meyncke quaestt. Val Bonn 1865.] F. Zschech de Cic. et Livio V. M. fontihus Berlin 1865. C. F. Gelbcke quaestt. Val. ib. 1865 4to. G. Becker in Jahrb. 1867 337—9. H. J. Heller in Fhilol. xxvii 1868 34—38 and xxviii 361—4. K. Seelisch de casuum obliq. apud V.M. usu Miinster 1872. [M. C. Gertz in tidskr. J'.phil. X 3, E. Blaum in Jahrb. 1873 611 — 6, I. I. Cornelissen in Mnemosyne 1873 295—305.] [Engl. Speed Lond. 1678. Free versions (cent. 14) in Germ, by Heinr. Muglein, in Fr. by Simon de Hesdin and Nic. de Gonesse.J [Language, (cf. Kempf 34 — 43). Complete ind. in ed. P. J. Cantel in us. Delph. Tar. 1679 4to and in ed. * C. B. Hase. Excellent ind. by M. Benedictus in ed. Torrenius (repr. in ed. Valpy 3 vols. Lond. 1823). Good ind. in edd. J. P. Miller BerL 1753 and J. Kappius Leipz. 1782.] § 88. Pomponius Mela (under Claudius). [See the jproZ^(7<7. ofTzschuckei.] P. M. de chorographia I. III. [Edd. * Is. Vo s siu s Hag. 1668 4to, repr. Franek. 1700. Jac. Gronov Leyd. 1085, '96. Abr. Gronov Leyd. 1722, '48 with notes of Hermolaus Barbarus, J. P. Olivarius, Fred. Non. Pintianus, P. Ciaconius, Andr. Schott, *Is. Vossins, Jac. Gronov, P. J. Nunnesius and Jas. Perizonius (the last two from vilsc. obss. Yii viii). Jo. Eeynolds Exeter 1711, Lond. '19, '39, Eton (where till lately it was a textbook) '61, '75, 1814 all 4to. * C. H. Tzschucke 7 vols. Leipz. 1807.] * G. Parthey BerL 1867, id. in Monatsber. d. Berl. Acad. 1:^65 52- — 40, cf. C. Bursian in Jahrb. 1869 629—55. [K. E. G eorges in Philolog. xxxi 489. M. Haupt in Hermes Y 313.] COLUMELLA. Q. CURTIUS. 131 [EiigL * Arth. Golding (with Solinus) Lond. 1585, '90 4to.] [Language. Tzscliucke i xxxiv — xlyiii, with his ind. verb. ibid. 2—136.] § 89. L. luniiis Moderatus Columella (under Claudius). [Barth advers. xxxvii 7. Funccius de imm. I. I. sen. x § 38. Pref. of Gesner and Schneider. E. Meyer Gesch. d. Botanik. 58—80.] De re rustica I. XII, The inscription in Henzen 5598 (Mommsen I. R. N. 578). In the edd. of the scrijJt. rei rusticae § 37 3. [Ed. J. H. Eess i (all pnbl.) Flensb. 1793. Bk. x in Wernsdorf poett. lat. min. Fr. Hultsch in Fhilolog. XXII 345 and' in metrologic. ii, L. Friedlander obss. misc. Konigsb. 1861 4to, M. Haupt in Hermes v 327.] [Engl. anon. Lond. 1745 4to.] § 90. Q. Curtius Rufus (under Claudius). [Perizonius C. R. restitutus Leyd. 1703, S. P. Berg liist. crit. Q. C. R. Greifsw. 1802 4to. C. A. Mauermann Arrianus et Q. C. R. com' parantur Bresl. 1835 4to, Chassang hist, da roman dans VantiquiU Par. 1862 313 sqq.] Q. C. R. de rebus gestis Alexandri I. VIII [Edd. Fr. Modius Col. 1579, '91, M. Eader ib. 1628 foL Jo. Freinsheim 2 vols. Strassb. 1640, ib. '70, 4to, * H. Snakenbur: with variorum notes Delft 1724 4to, Fr. Schmieder 2 vols. Gott. 1803,] * mit krit. u. exeget. Anm. v. J. Mutzell 2 vols. Berl. 1841. ed. C. T. Zumpt Brunsw. 1846, '9. Texts by E, Foss Leipz. 1859 [new ed. at press]; (id. quaestt. Curt, Altenb. 1852 4to); *E. Hedicke (Berl. 1867; id. quaestt. Curt. spec. ib. 1862) and Th. Vogel (/. d. Schulgehr. erkl. vol. i books iii— v Leipzig 1870 with introduction on the history and language), cf. id. in Jahrb. 1870 547 sqq. W. Berger de Q. C. R. aetate Carlsruhe 1860. U. Kohler in Rliein. Mus. XIX 1864 184—96; A. Hug in Beitr. zur Krit. lat. Prosaiker (Basel 1864) 1—20, in Rhein. Mus. xx 117—29, id. quaestt. Curt. I Ziir. 1870 4to and P/iiZoL xxxi 1871 334 sqq. M. Haupt in Hermes v 1870 186. W. Teuff«l Studien u. Charakteristiken (1871) 387 sqq. H. Alanus obss. in Q. C. R. Lond. 1885 12mo. A. Eussner spec. crit. Wurzburg 1868 and in Verhaudl. der Wurzburger Philologeiwers. (Leipzig 186 J 4to) 158 sqq. The same in Philol. xxxii 1872 155 sqq. C. Kaun de Clitarcho Curtii auctore Bonn 1868. Th. Wiedemann iiber das Zeitalter des Geschichtschreibers C. R. in Philol. xxx 241—34, 441—3, xxxi 342—8, 9—2 132 Q. CURTIUS. SENECA. 551— G2, 757— C8. E. Gruuauer Beitr. z. Texteskniik d, Q. C, 11 Fraucnfeld 1870 4to. E. Krah C. als Scliullectilre i ii Insterburg 1870-1 4to. [0. Schuessler de Q. Curd Ruji cod. Oxon. A. Leipzig 1874 4to. J. Jeep zu Q. C. in Jahrb. 1874 745—754. E. Hedicke ib. G89— 647.] [Eugl. * Jo. Br en de Lond. 1553 4to, '61 4to, '70 16mo, '84, '92 4to, 1602, '14 4to. Eob. Codrington ib. 1652 4to, '70, '73. anon. ib. 1680. J. Bowes ib. 1687.] [Language. Complete ind. in ed. M. Le Tellier in iis, Delph. Par. 1678 4to. Good ind. by Freinsbeim Strassb. 1640, * 1670, improved by Snakenburg (also in edd. Valpy and Le Maire 3 vols. Par. 1824). J. H. Ernesti tisurpata a C in particulis latinitas Leipz. 1719, J. Miitzell de translatiomim ap. C usu Berl. 1842 4to, 0. Eicliert Wortcrh. Hannover 1870, E. Griindler w6. d. Gchr. einiger Praepos.h. C. Tarno- witz 1874 4to.] § 91. L. Annaeus Seneca the philosopher (about 8 B.C. = 746 u. c. to Q5 A.D.). [Erasmus {ep. xxviii 12) and Scliott praef. Sen. Lives by Pe- trarch, J. Lipsius (cf. his manuductio), D. Gothofred, N. A. Delrio prolcg. I. II ad syntagm. trag. lat., Fr. Salvator (Eome 1674), Diderot (1779), F. Niischeler (Zur. 1783 Germ.), J. G. K. Klotzsch (2 vols. Wittenb. and Zerbst 1799—1802), T. F. G. Eeinhard Jena 1817. Jo. Dry den comparison of Sen. and Plut. [Works xvii ed. Scott), Herder S. Philosoph w. Minister (179:), E. Goguel S. le philosophe Strassb. 1868, Stahr Aristot. unter d. Rom. 89 sqq., Delambre hist, de Vane, astron. i 270 sqq. E. J. M. Werner de Senecae philos. Bresl. 1826, H. A. Schick de causis quibus Zeno et Sen. in philos. discrepent Rintel 1821 4to. C. A. Thibout S. de sapientis humanitate Utr. 1825. Edd. M. A. Muretus Eome 1585 fol. J. Gruter Heidelb. 1594 fol. A. Schott * cnni notis var. ib. 1604 fol. * J. Lipsius Antw. 1605, '32, '52 fol. (cf. ep. ad Belg. cent. I 22), Ch. Aubert cumnotisvar. Par. 1613, '19 fol. P. Scriverius and Dan. Heinsius cum not. var. 2 vols. Amst. 1019. *J. Fr. Gronov 2 vols. Amst, 1672 (with the notes of L. Fromond on n. q. and apocol). F. E. Ruhkopf 5 vols. Leipz. 1797—1811. N. Bouillet 5 vols. Par. Lemaire 1827—30. E. F. Vogel Leipz. 1829.] With critical apparatus by *C. E. Fickert 3 vols. Leipzig 1842—5. * L. Annaei Senecae opera quae eupersunt rccogn. et rer. indie, locupl, (uliecit F. Haase 3 vols. Leipzig 1852 — 3. E. F. Gelpke de S. vita Bonn 1848 4to. H. Lehmann in PhiloJ. VIII 1853 aoy— 28, Claudius und Nero und ihre Zeit (Gotha 1858) 8—17, iil5 — 22. [B. Borghesi ocuvres iv 391 sqq. Volquardseu Ehren- SENECA. 133 rcttinip des S. Hadersleben 1839 4to, Marx ilh. d. Leiden des S. in Ah- handl. d. g'dtt. Ges. d. W. 1872, Volkmann in Msijer'a 2Jddagofj. Revue 1857 259—70, 1858 104—35, F. Bohm S. u. sein Werth auch f. iinsere Zeit Berl. 1856 4to, H. Schiller Nero 612—3, 628 sqq., H. Peter Gesch.'Boms iii 344 — 51, E. F. Werner de S . pJiilosophia Bresl. 1825, B. ten Brink de S. eiusque in phllosophiam meritis Ghent 1827 4to, G. Herzog de S. philosophia Bernburg 1828, H. Doergens S. disci- pUnae mor. cum Antoniniana comp. Leipz. (1857). The histories of philosophy by B rue ker, Bitter, Brandis, * Zeller, * C, Martha Z^s moralistes sous Vemp. rom. Par. 1865 1 — 123, G. Boissier le christianisme et la morale de S. in rev. d. d. mondes xcii 1871 40 — 71, Baarts S. de deo Marienwerder 1848 4to, C. E. Fickert S. de nat. deor. Bresl. 1857 4to. The spurious correspondence with St Paul in Haase's ed. ni 476—81, better by Kraus in Tilh. Quartalschr. 1867 609—24. See * J. B. Lightfoot in St PauVs ep. to the Phil. Lond. 1868 260—331. A. Nehring d. geolog. Anschauungen des S. Wolfenb, 1873 4to. Frag- ments of lost works Haase iii xv — xxi, 419 — 67, F. Osann de S. scriptis deperdltis i — iii Giessen 1846 — 8 4to. The liher de morihus in J. Conr. Orelli opusc. sent, i 269—75, Wolfflin Puhlil. Syr. 136—48, id. in Philol. VIII 184 — 7, IX 680 sqq. 0. Greard de litteris . . .quid censuerit L. A. S. Par. 1867. Muretus opp. iii Euhnk., J. P, Martyr Eizo. vida de L. A. S. Madr. 1625 4to, Jo. Jortin tracts 1790 ii 324—403, J. A. Fabricius in "Wiedeburg's human. Mag. 1794 337 — 73.] Fr. Jonas de ordine lihrorum L. A. S. Berl. 1870. A. Martens de L.A. S. vita et de tempore quo scripta eius composita sint Altona 1871. E. Opitz de Latinitate S. Naumburg 1871 4to. Holzherr der Philosoph L. A. S. i ii Eastatt 1858—9. W. Bern- hardt d. Anschauung d. S. vom Universum Wittenb. 1861 4to. H. Siedler d. religids-sittUche Weltanschauung d. S. Fraustadt 1863 4to. [E. Burgmann S.'s Theologie Berl. 1872. 0. Greard de litteris et litterarum studio quid censuerit L. A. S. Par. '66, Havet Vapocolocyntose de S. in rev. polit. et litt. '74 7 Febr.] F. Haase in the Breslau Lectionscatalog 1852 — 1859 4to. M. Haupt in Berlin Lectionscatalog 1864 and '6 4to, in Hermes iv 1869 146 and v 32 177. K. Schenkl in Per. d. Wiener Akad. xliv 1864 3—69. 0. Matthia ohss. crit. in S. Berl. 1865. C. F. W. Miiller in Jahrh. 1866 483 — 503. J. Bartsch in Bhein. Mus. xxiv 1869 271 sqq. F. Jonas in Hermes vi 1871 126 sqq. F. Schulthess de L. A. S. qu. nat. et epist. comm. Bonn 1872. [M. C. Gertz studia critica in. . .Senecae dialogos Leipzig 1874. H. A. Koch obss. crit. Naumburg 1874 4to, and zii S. de clem, in JaUrh. 1874 560. Aem. Hermes quaestt. crit. in L, A, S. epist. 134 SENECA TRAG. II Mors 1874. Lariscb e. Beitrag zur Kritik des 1 Buchcs v. d. n. q. des S. Patsclikau 1874 4to, * J. N. Madvig advers. crit. ii 335—517, E. Bahrens in lectt. lat. Bonn 1870 40 — 6^ J. J. Cornelissen coniectanea lat. Deventer 1870 4to. Separate edd. de ira Michaelis in Mnemos. vi 52 sqq. de clem. Jo. Calvin comm. Par. 1532 4to (and in his opp. Amst. viii). L. I in Engl, verse Lond. 1653 4to. de prov. ed. J. H. Acker Budolst. 1711, B. A. Nauta Leyd. 1825. In Engl, verse by E. S(lier. burne) Lond. 1648 (ded. to Chas. I), cons, ad Marc. ed. D. Cbytraeus Eost. 1571, H. C. Micliaelis Haarl. 1840, Fr. Heidbreede de S. c. ad M. Bielefeld 1839 4to. In Engl, verse by Sir E. Freeman Lond. 1635 4to. cons, ad Pol. Spalding in Ahhandl. d. Berl. Akad. 1806 216—29. de tranqu. an. ed. Jo. Chokier Liege 1607, '53, P. Mil Her Jena 1671, B. Thorlacii opusc. acad. vi 171 — 96 Copenb. 1822. Hirscbig Leyd. 1825. de vita heata. E. Caro quid de v. h. senserit S. Par. 1852. Cf. Ambr. de Jacob et v. h. Descartes lettres 3 — 12. nat. qu. G. D. Koler Gott. 1819, J. F. Gronovii notae pr. ed. C. E. Fickert i ii Bresl. 1846—8. epp. F. C. Matthia ohss. Frankf. 1808 4to. ed. J. Schweigbauser 2 vols. Strassb. 1809. de henef. Engl. * Artb. Gold- ing Lond. 1578 4to. Ital. Ben. Varcbi Flor. 1554 4to etc. French Fr. Malberbe.] [Whole prose works. Engl. * Tho. Lodge Lond. 1614, '20, '32 fol.] [Language. Be latinitate S. by Bohmer (Oels 1840 4to). A. Hoppe ilb. d. Sprache des S. Lanban 1873 4to, C. Nagler de particit- larum usu apud S. Halle 1873, A. E. Schnell ohss. in S.Bevn 1847 4to.] L. A. S. tragoediae. [Edd. J. Lipsius Antw. 1588, ib. '89, Heidelb. '89, M. A. Delrius in his syntagma trag. lat. 8 vols. Antw. 1594 4to, Paris 1619 4to, J, Gruter Heidelb. 1604, Jos. Scaliger and D. Hein- 8ius Leyd. 1611, P. Scriverius with varr. notes ib. 1621, '51, J. Fr. Gronov ib. 1661, * Amst. 1682, J. C. Schroeder 2 vols. Delft 1728 4to, T. Baden 2 vols. Copenb. 1819—21, F. H. Bothe 3 vols. Leipz. 1819 with ined. notes of J. Fr. Gronov, * J. Pierrot 3 vols. Par. Le- maire 1829 — 32.] Accedunt inc. orig. tragoediae tres. recens. E, Peiper et G. Eichter Leipzig 1867. Cf. G. Eichter de S. tragocdiarum auctore Naumburg 1862. The same in Rhein. Mas. xviii 1863 29 — 46, xix 360—79, 521—7, in Jahrh. 1867 260—4, 1869 769—91. E. Peiper jprac/. in S. trag. supplem. Leipzig 1870 4to. [F. G. C. Klotz de A. S. uno trag- ocdiarum quae supersunt omnium auctore Wittenb. 1802 4to, de Octavia ib. 1804, A. Zingerle zu spat. lat. Hichtern Innsbr. 1873 12—23, * F. Jacobs Nachtr. zu Sulzer iv pt. 2 332 — 408, H. G. Pilgramm de vitiis trag. Sen. Gott. 1765 4to, F. G.Welcker in Bheiji. Mus. suppl. ii 1447— OCTAVIA. ^ A.ITOKOXOKVVTWGL^. 135 56, * C. E. Sandstrom cU Sen. trag. Ups. 1872, F. G. P. Habruclicr quaestt. Annaeo.n. Konigsb. 1873, F. A. Lange quaestt. metr. Bonn 1851 23 sqq. B. Sclimidt de emendandarum S. trag. rationibus prosod. Berl. 1860, M. Hoche d. Metra d. Trag. Sen. Halle 1862, E. Peiper in Zeitschr.f. Gymn. xviii 69-4 sqq. H. Weil rev. archeol. i 1865 21^—35, G. Boissier les tragedies de S. ont-elles et4 representees Par. 1861. Med. et Troad. cum annott. I. Fr. Gronovii ed. A. Mattliiae Leipz. 1828. M. Eader comm. ad Med. Munich 1631 12.] L. Miiller in Jahrh. 1864 409—22, 473—91, 1867 61 sqq., [de re metr. 118—30,] B. Schmidt ohss. crit. in S. trag. Jena 1865, in Rhein. 3Ius. xvi 1861 586 — 91, in Jahrb. 1868 781—800, 855—80. [* H. A. J. Munro in journ. of philol. VI 70—77. C. W. Swahn de Hipp. Sen. i Holm 1857, J. Kohler Sen. Oed. cum Soph. 0. r.'comp. Neuss 1865 4to, W. Braun de S. Troad. Wesel 1870 4to, Widal sur trois tragg. de S. imitees d'Eur. Par. 1854, Klein GescJi. d. Dramas ii 351 — 468, Fr. Strehlke ilb. Corneille n. Racine als Nachahmer d. alt. Tragodie Danz. 1856 4to, Sam. Petitus obss. IC.3, A, Henneberger adnn. ad S. Med. et Troad. Meiningen 1862 4to, Madvig advers. crit. ii 109 — 27, F. Leo comm. in lion. Bilcheleri 1873 29—60, Jo. Jortin tracts 1790 ii 404—24 (also in misc. obss. i 68 — 80, 281 — 91), notes of Jos. Scaliger in his opusc.y of Lipsius in his opera, J. Kapp _pmciiZM7?z crit. Erl. 1786, J. Tollius in Ja. Palmeri apol. pro Luc. Leyd. 1704 478—515.] [Engl. Jasper Heywood Troad. Lond. 1559 12mo, ib. n. d. 12mo, id. Thyest. ib. 1560, id. Here. fur. ib. 1561. Ah Nevyle Oed. ib. 1563. Jo. Studley Medea ib. 1566, id.^^aw. ib. 1566. T(ho.) N(uce) Octavia ib. n. d. 4to. Tho. Newton tenne tragedies ib. 1581 4to (contains the above, with Studley's Hipp., Newton contributed the Thebais, see War ton hist. Engl, poetry sect. 57 fin.). E. Sherburne Medea ib. 1648, id. Troades ib. 1679, id. (4 plays) ib. 1702. E. Prestwich Hijyp. ib. 1651. S. P(ordage) Troades ib. 1660 12mo. Jo. Wright Thyestes ib. 1674. J. T(albot) Tro. ib. 1686 4to.] [Language. Schroeder's ed. has a good ind. by J. P. Grimsehl, a better is in ed. Pierrot.] W. Braun d. Trag. Octavia u. d. Zeit ihrer Entstehung Kiel 1863 4to. The same in Jahrb. 1866 875—9 and in Rhein. Mus. xx 1865 271—87, XXII 245—75, G. Eichterin Jahrb. 1867 260—4. [Biicheler in Rhein. Mus. XXVII 474 — 5, Fr. Eitter Oct. Curiatio Matemo vindicatam ed. Bonn 1843, Vater in Jahn's Archiv xix 1853 565—618.] * Divi Claudii aTroKoXoKwrwacs. Rec. F. Biicheler in Symb: philol. Bonn. (1864) 31—89 [and with Petronius Berlin 1871]. K. Schenkl in JBer. d. Wiener Akad. xliv 1864 3—30, [Hermes vi 126, A. Baumstark 136 CORNUTUS. PROBUS. PLINIUS. in Philol. xviii 543—9, A. Eiese ibid, xxvii 321 — 3, A. Stahi Agrippina Berl. 1867 307—43. Flogell Gesch. d. kom. Lit. ii 33 sqq. An ed. by Schuster Utr. 1844. B. Heinsius oratt. 627 sqq. Leyd. 1627.] Annaeus Cornutus. G. I. de Martini disput. litt. de L. A. C. Leyden 1825. 0. Jalm proleg. to Persius viii — xxiv. L. A. C. de nat. dcorum rec. F. Osann Gott. 1844. ['Rihhec'k prolegg. Verg. 123 sqq.] § 92. M. Valerius Probus (under Nero and the Fla- vian Caesars). [Suet. gr. 24, Grafenhan Gesch. d. class. Phil, iv 286—93, W. Brambacli lat. Orthogr. 31 — 7.] Grammatici Lat. ex rec. H. Keilii i (1857) pp. Lii — IV and iv (1864) pp. xvi — xxxi, v (1867) xvii — xxiv and in Jahrb. 1867 638—43 and in Symh. philol. Bonn. 93—100. Contents : catholica and instituta arUum 1 sqq. with minor works and the fragment de litteris singularihus with the notanim laterculi edente Th. Mommseno 265 sqq. Buschke in iurispr. anteiust.^ 129 — 43 sqq. Cf. § 49 4, W. Teuf fel in Rhein. Mus. xxvi 1871 488—91 [ = Stud. u. Char. 442-5.] H. Wentzel de Proho artifice Lat. Oppeln 1867 4to. * J. Steup de Prohis grammaticis Jena 1871, in Ehein. 3Ius. xxvi 1871 314 — 7, xxvii 62—72, 192. [0. Jahn ibid, m 1845 618—21, J. v. Eichenfeld and St. Endlicher analect. gramm. Vienna 1836 4to n. 7 and 8, Fr. Osann Beitr. z. gr. u. lat. Liter atur gesch. ii Kassel 1839 n. 4 166 — 280, H. Keil M. V. P. in Verg. hue. et georg. comm. Halle 1848, F. W. Schneidewiu in Ehein. Mus. iii 140 — 8, W. H. D. Suringar in hist. crit. schol. lat. II Leyd. 1834 8—31, L. Lersch Zeitschr. f. Alterth. 1843 n. 79 sqq., Mommsen in Ber. d. scichs. Ges. d. W. 1853 91 — 134, 0. Jahn Persius cxL — Lviii, Biibheck prole g. Verg. 136 — 65 and in Jahrb. lxxxvii 351 — 5, Wollenberg de P. carminum Verg. editore Berl. 1857 4to, A. Eiese de comm. Verg. qui M. V. P. dicitur Bonn 1862, M. Haupt in Hermes iv 155 — 6, VI 391, vii 374 — 5, Buchelerin Jahrb. xciii 65 sqq.] § 03. C. Plinius Secundus (23—23 Aug. 79 a.d.) 1. Plinius. [Plin. ep. Ill 5, vi 16, 20, Suet. Reiffersch. 92—3, D. G. Moller de Plinio Altdorf 1688 4to, Cuvier in hiogr. univ. On the later literature see L. V. Jan in Philol. iii, xii, xxi, in Ber. d. Bayr. Akad. 1862 221 — GO, D. Detlefsen Philol. xxviii, Jahrb. lxxvii; on the earlier A. J. a Turre-Rezzonico disquiss. Plin. 2 vols. Parma 1763 — 7 fol. Robert of PLIXITJS. 137 Crieklade Jeclicated to Henry II his abridgement of tlie 7/. n. in 9 bock^ (MS. Eeg. 15 C XIV Brit. Mus.). E.Meyer Gesch. cl. Botanilc ii 127—33, G. Montigny qiiaestt.inPl.n. h. de anivialihm Bonn 1844, G. Oelimichen (cited § 45 4 p. 45), L. Boss archclol. Anfsatze ii Leipss. 1861 352—77, J. C. Elster prolegg. ad exc. PL ex I. XXXV Helmst. 1838, H. E. Dirks en d. Quellen des h. n. des PZ., insbes. die rom.-rechtl. in his liinterL Schr. I 133 — 48, 0. Vorhauser die religids-sittl. Weltanschauung des P. Innsbr. 1860 4to. Mommsen in his Solinus xxi sqq., V. Eose iih. d. Medicina PI. in Hermes viii 18 — 66, W. Tomaschek in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. 1867 700 — 8 (on geography). Edd. of the hist. nat. S. Gelenius with variorum notes Lyon 1582 fol. J. de Laet with variorum notes 3 vols. Leyd. 1635 12mo. * J. Fr. Gronov with variorum notes 3 vols, ib. 1669 (G.'s notes repr. in ed. Valpy, best in Sillig vi), J. Hardouin in us. Delph. 5 vols. Par. 1685 4to, 2 vols. ib. 1723 fol., 2 vols. Bas. 1741 fol. J. P. Miller 5 vols. Berl. 1766, J. G. F, Franz with variorum notes 10 vols. Leipz. 1788—91. * C.Alexandre, F. Ansart etc. 10 vols. Paris Lemaire 1827—31 (repr. 11 vols. Turin 1829), C. H. Weise 1 vol. Leipz. 1841 4to, * A. de Grandsagne, Cuvier etc. 6 vols. Par. 1838—8.] * J. Sillig 8 vols. Gotha 1853—8, *D. Detlefsen 5 vols. Berlin 1866—73. The same in Jahrb. 1858 481 sqq. 656 sqq., in the Sijmb. philol. Bonn. 1867 697 sqq., in Philol. xxvm 1869 284-309, 701-16, [xxx 265-310,] xxxi 336-42, 385—434, [xxxii 600-68, xxxiv 40—9, Rhein. Mus. xv 265—88, 367-90, XVIII 227-40, 327-8]. Text by L. von Jan 6 vols. Leipzig 1854-65 {ed. alt. emend. byC. Mayhoff 1869 sqq.) The same in Ja//r&. 1866 681 sqq. [id. de auctoritate codd. PI. 1858 4to, id. in Ber. der Miinchn. Akad. 1862 221—60, in Munchn. gel. Anz. 1852 n. 70—3, in misc. philol. lib. Bresl. 1863 29—37]. Chrestomathies by [J. M. Gesner Leipz. 1722, '76, A. Beck Hadamar 1828, J. C. Elster i— in Helmst. 1851—3 4to, L. T. Gronov PI. h. n. libri de aquatil. Leyd. 1778] L. Urlichs Berl. 1857; by the same vindiciae PI. Greifsw. 1853 4to, Erlangen 1866, de numeris etc. Wiirzb. 1857 4to, [Rhein. Mus. xiv 599—612, xviii 527—36, Eos 1865 353 sqq.]. A. Fels ^e codd. antiq. in qnibus P. n. h. ad nostra tempera propagata est fatis, fide atque auctoritate Gott. 1861 4to. Th. Bergk exercitatt. PI. Marb. 1847 '61 4to. O. Jahn in Ber. d. sachs. Ges. d. W. 1850 105—42, in Rhein. Mus. ix 1854 315 sqq. H. Brunn de auctorum indicihus PI. Bonn 1856 4to. A. Brieger de fonti- bus librornm XXXIII — XXXVI n. h. PI. quatenus ad artem plasticam per- tinent Greifsw. 1857. A. Schottmiiller de C. P. S. libris grammaticis I Leipz. 1858. *L. Grasberger de usu PL Wurzburg 1860. * E. Opitz quaestt. PL Naiimburg 1861 4to. L. Eummler C. P. *S'. philosophumena Stettin 1882. Friese die Kosmologie des P. i Breslau 1862 4to. C. 138 PLINIUS, MUCIANUS. Maylioff lucuhratt. PI. Neustrelitz 1865, [novae lucuhr. Leipz. 1874,]i D. Nolten quaestt. PL Bonn 1866. G. Wustmann in Rhein. Miis. XXII 1867 1—24, [xxiii 225—47]. M. Haupt in Hermes iv 145, vi26 sqq. 186 390—1. * H. Nissen vita^ scriptis, rjenere dicendi Vienna 1857 4to, J. H. L. Meierotto de T. morihus Berl. 1790 fol., D. H. Hegewisch Aiifsdtze Kiel 1801 71 sqq. Pref. of F. Haase, C. Nipperdey, N. Bach (vol. ii), L. DSderlein (vol. ii), Euperti, Kitter, J. S. Gestrich de vita et scriptis T. Lund 1805, F. W. Silvern Kunstcharakter des T. in Abh. d. BerL Akad, 1822—3 Berl. '25 73 — 136, Staudlin Oesch. d. Scepticismus ii 297 sqq. N. Bach in allg. Schulztg. 1831 n. 105—9, 1832 n. 129—30, Conz iih. d, hist. Ktuist der Alien in Mus, f. class. Lit. Ztlr. 1795 151 sqq., F. Ancillon melanges Par. 1809 i 23^—65, F. Both ilb. Thuc. m. T. Munich 1812 4to (in Poppo Thuc. i 381—90), J. W. Silvern in AbhandJ. d. Berl. Akad. 1822—3 73—136, K. T. Welcker Festreden Freib. 1828 68 sqq. W. Botticher das Christliche in T. 3 pts. Berl. 1840, id. proleg. to Lex. Tac. and de vita, scriptis ac stilo T. Berl. 1834, F. H. A. Haage T. ah im- pietatis crimine vindicatus Luneb. 1840 4to, F. A. Scharpff polit. u. relig. Ansichten des T. Eottweil 1843 4to, A. J. Kahlert T. sentcntiae de diis et de deoriim regimine Bresl. 1844, Neust. '7 4to, M. T. Fabian quid T. de divino iiumine iiidicaverit Lyck 1852 4to, * A. C. v. Heusde de Hooftio et T. Gron. 1838 4to, A. Schwegler rom. Gesch. i 115, H. J. Kirschbaum quid T. senserit de rebus publ. Jena, 1856, J. Baumann in Jahrb. lxxix 257—81, J. G. Pfaff d. Ansichte7i des T. iib. d. sittlich Gate Marb. 1858, Fr. Voigtland quid senserit T. de divina rer. hum. modcratione Schleusingeu 1870 4to, Jul. Fechner de T. historica arte (Germauicus and Seianus) Bromb. 1867 4to, E. v. Bosse in Jahn's Archiv xi 452— 67, F. D. Gerlsbch rom. Geschichtsschreiber Stuttg. 1855 197—207, Th. Finck Tac. Germ. 1857 1—224, P. Dubois-Guchan T. et son siecle 2 vols. Par. 1862 (apology of Caesarism by a prcfet), P. Savalete siir T. ib. 1864, * G. Sievers T. u. Tiberius i ii Hamb. 1850 — 1 4to (also in his Stud. z. Gesch. d. rom. Kaiser Berl. 1870), C. Schmidt la sac. civ. dans le monde rom. 499 sqq.] W. S. Teuffel ilber Sallustius w. T. Tiib. 1868 4to (cf. §42 2 f ). K. Hoffmeister d. Weltanschauung d. T. Essen '31. [C. Zell Ferienschr. HI Freib. '33 67—129.] 2. Works. Dialogus ds oratorihus. Agincola. Ger- mania. Hidoriarum I. XIV. Ah excessu divi Augusti I XVI. 142 iV EDITIONS. DIALOGUS. •♦'■'• , • \ Editions.V ' . [S«e in Panckoucke (vol. vii of liis ed. with Fr. transl. Par. 1830 — 8, 43) ' Mhliographie de 1055 ed. de T.' also Euperti's pref. * J. Lip- sius Antw. 1574, 1600 4to, '07 and '68 fol. (notes repr. in edd. Gron., Em., Bekker etc.), C. Picliena etc. Flor. 1600, Frankf. '07 4to, J. Grxitev c. not. var. Frankf. '07, M. Bernegger Strassb. '38, *J. Fr. Gronov 2 vols. Amst. '72, '85, Th. Pvyck 4 vols. Leyd. '87 12mo, * J. and A. Gronov c. not. var. 2 vols. Utr. 1721 4to, J. A. Ernesti 2 vols. (Leipz. '52, '72, cwr. J. J. Oberlin 1801 etc.), J. Naudet 6 vols. Par. Lemaire 1819, G. H. Walther 4 Tols. Halle '31—3, G. A. Ruperti 4 vols. Hannover '32 — 9, N. Bach 2 vols. Leipz. '34 — 5, L. Doderlein 2 vols. Halle '41—7, * J. C. Orelli 2 vols. Ziir. '46, i^ '59, Fr. Bitter 4 vols. Cambr. '48.] C. T.ahl. Lipsio I. F. Gronovio N. Heinsio I. A. Ernestio F. A. Wolfio emend, et illustr, ah I. Bekkero ad codd. recogn. 2 vols. Berl. '31. Texts by C. Halm^ 2 vols. Leipz. '74, F. Haase 2 vols, ib. '55, C. Nipperdey (i — iii ann. hist, fragm. Berlin 1871 — 4). [G. Andresen review of the literature for 1873, exclusive of the Germ., in Jahresher. d. philol. Vereins zii Berl. (in the Zeitschr.f. Gymn.) 1 — 40. K. Halm in Jahrb. '74 408—416, J. Froitzheim ib. 201—5, C. Jacoby ib. 205—210, H. Probst ib. 211—2.] Dialogue. [A. Westermann Gesch. d. rom. BeredtsamJc. 233 — 41, Fr. Hesse de Plin. min. dialogi . . auctore Magd. 1831 4to, J. J. Kramarczik (same title) Heiligenst. 1841 4to, A. Wittich in Jahn's Arcliiv v 1839 259 — 92, A. G. Lange verm. Schrr. 3 — 14, H. Gutmann in Jahn's Arcliiv XV 139—56, H. C. A. EiehstJidt de dial, de or. Jena 1839 4to, J. G. Ek in Tidskr. f. FMl. July 1859 1-11, C. L. Urlichs in Festgruss d. Wiirzb. philol. Ges. 1868 1—16, in Eos ii 230, 351—2, A. Dryander coniecturae Halle 1851 4to, L. Spengel spec, emend. Munich 1852 4to 9 — 15, J. F. 'Klo^Bvuiinn prolegg. Bresl. 1820, '33 4to, A. Goring de dial, de or. Liib. 1829 4to, G. F. Strodtbeck Materninae personae in dial, de or. vultus ironicus Heilbr. 1831 4to, Vidal in dial, de or. disp. Par. 1850, F. Deycks de dial. Tac. de or. Miinster 1856 4to, A. Schau- bach de vocum quarundam in Tac. d. vi Meiningen 1857, Voss in Tidslcr. f. Philol. vii. Edd. E. Benzel TJps. 1706, C. A. Heumauu Gott. 1719, J. H. A. Schulze Leipz. 1788, *E. Dronke Gobi. 1828, J. C. Orelli Ziir. 1830, ib. '46 4to, W. Botticher Berl. 1832, P. C. Hes3 Leipz. 1841, C. P. Pabst (Germ.) ib. 1841.] A. Michaelis Leipzig '68. [filrd. SchuJgebr. erkl. v. *G, Andresen Leipzig '72, F. Bitter in Ehcin. Mus. xx 518—32, xxi 534— 50J F. A. TACITUS. AGBICOLAi' * A'il43 ' Eckstein prolegg. in T. dial, cle or. Halle *35 4ta,}y. Scliopen ' J' diorthotica in T. dial. Bonn '58 4to, F. Weinkaaff de ^mli'^^e .or.^ auctore Coin '57 — 9 4to, H. Sauppe in Philol. xix 256 — 63, J. Classen -^ t in Eos I 1 sqq. J. Steiner lib. d. cl. de or. des T. Kreuznach '63 4to. ' K. Nipperdey in Rhein. Mus. xix '64 270—92,559—90. C. Halm in Jahrb. '64 148—51, [id. and Eibbeck in Rheiri. Mus. xxviii 499—508,] L. Miiller in Jahrb. '68 417 sqq. M. Haupt in Hermes iv 155, v 178, G. Andre sen in the acta societ. philol. Lips, i '70 103 — 82, [and in Zeitschr. f. Gijmn. '71 305—28,] W. Teuf fel in his Studien und Charalc- teristiken '71 435 — 41. [E. Walter de Tac. studiis rhetoricis Halle '73, Wopkens-Frotscher advers. ii 55—66, H. Kappel de emendatt. a G. Andresenio ed. Rostock '73, C. Meiser Progr. Eichstatt '71, notes by Tlio. Tyrwhitt in Euhnkenii opusc. ed. Kidd Lond. 1807 p. lxix sqq. Madvig advers. ii 541 — 70.] Agricola. [Edd, J. A. Bosius c. notia Boxhornii Jena 1664, C. Schubart c. iwtis Biichneri Leipz. 1683, M. Engel Leipz. 1788, J. C, Schliiter Duisb. 1808, C. F. Eenner and J. C. Fincke Gott. 1802, ed. 2 by A. Schlegel ib. 1816, N. J. Bloch Copenh. 1814, E. Dronke Gobi. 1824, Fulda '43, F. G. V. Hertel Leipz. 1827, G. L. Walch (Germ.) Berl. 1828, C. L. Both (Germ.) Niirnb. 1833, F. Diibner Par. 1843, '66, r.Bitter3 Bonn 1852.] Edd. *F. G. WexBrunsw. '52, [C. Tiicking (Germ.) Paderb. '69,] F. Kritz^ Berl. 74, A. A. Drager^ (Germ.) Leipz. '78, P. Hofman Peerlkamp^ Leyd. '64. [A. Gerber de T. reriim sc77^t07-e Leutschau 18G1 4to, C, L. Urlichs in Eos i 549 sqq., L. Spengel in Milnchn. gel. Anz. '53 n. 25 — 7, W. Jiinghans ilh. T. Agr. Liineb. '72 4to, A. Mohr lib. T. Agr. Meiniugen '23, Walch before his ed., Woltmann before his transl. (Prague '17), Niebuhr ^cZ. Schr. i 331, N. Bach in Schulzeitg. '31 II 851—2. Contributions to criticism by J. H. T. Briiggemann Dusseld. '24, H. C. A. Eichstadt Jena '30, H. E. Foss Altenb. '37 4to, Fr. Brandes Eost. '38 4to, A. G. Gernhard Weim. '38 4to, E. A. H. Heimburg Jena'39 4to, *F. C. Wex Schwerin '40 4to, W, Pfitzner Neubrandenb. '42 4to and in Zeitschr. f. Alterth. '47 n. 13 — 4, E. F. Dronke Fulda '42 4to, C. G. Herzog Gera '40—5 4 pts 4to, E. Seyf- f ert Kreuznach '45 4to, J. B. Hutter Munich '49 4to, J. G. Schneider I— III Coburg '48—52 4to, G. M. Busch Eostock '53 4to, Fr. Kritz Erf. '57 4to, J. Miiller Fiume '58 4to, A. J.F. Henrichsen (Germ.) i ii (1) Altona '58—71 4to, G. Liep Kreuznach '61 4to, J. Pfaff Erl. '67 4to, C. L. Urlichs Festgrnss V^^iirzh. '68 6—8, K. Meiser Blutt. f. bair. Gymn. v 3.] K. Schenkl in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. xn '61 421—37, 144 TACITUS. AGRICOLA. GERMAXIA. C. NipperJey in Bhein. Mus. x\iii '63 350—65, xix 97—113, [J. Ber- uays ibid, xvi 319—20, F. Kitter ibid, xx 518—32,] J. Classen symbol, crit. Ill Hamb. '66 4to, E. Hubner in Hermes i 438—48, [G. F. Schomann dbp. Greifsw. 1859 = o;7?/sc. acad. iv 203—20, E. Wolf- flin in P/«7oZ. xxvi 122 — 9,] C. L. Urlichs de vita et honoribus Agr. Wiirzb. '68 4to. C. Hirzel ilb. d. Tendtnz des A. Titb. 71 4to. J. Gantrelle rev. de Vinstr, Belgique '70 27—46, {ibid, xiv 333 — 53,] E. Pohlmann annott. in C. T, Agr, G(5tt. 1871, G. Andre sen in Zeitschr. f. Gymn, xxv '71 305 sqq. [id. Enstehung u. Tendenz des Tac. Agricola Berl. '74, reviewed by A. Eussner in Jahrb. '75 346 — 350.] J. Imelmann in Jahrb. '72 131 — -5. [Germ. Nissen Hamb. 1847, A. Bacmeister Stuttg. 1872.] Oermaiiia, [See in Schweiger, Balir, Teuffel the very copious literature. P. Cluverius Germaiiia ant. Leyd. 1616, '31 fol. C. Breuker quo lure Sail. Tacito in .... Germ auctor fiiisse putetur Cologne 1870 4to, W. J. C. Miltzellin Zeitschr. f. Gymn. 1847 86 sqq. '56 716—7, Pb. Hess obss. inT. G. i—iii Helmst. '27— 34 4to, Wolfflin in PMZoZ. xxti122--3, A. Altliamer scholia in T. G. ISliirnb. 1529 4to, id. comm. in T. G. ib. '36 4to, Aosta '80, Amberg '609, Frankf. '17, F. Pas sow verm. Schrr. 40 — 64, F. W. Altenburg vb. Caesar's u. Tac. Ansichten v. d. Religion der Deutschen Sclileusingen 1827 4to, U. J. H. Becker Anmm. u. Excurse zii T. G. 1 — 18 Hannover '30, W. Engelber: in Zeitschr. f. vaterl. Gesch. Ill Mlinster '52, J. N. Sehmeissev Bemerl-gg. z. G. d. T. aus d'. Nibelungenl. etc. Const. '53, H. Scliweizer-Sidler Bemerkgg. z. T. G. I 11 Ziir. '60 — 2 4to and in Jahrb. lxxxv 115 — 23, * G. Waitz in Forschgg. z. deutschen Gesch. ii (2) Gott. '62 and deiitsche Verfassungsgesch. i^ Kiel '65, H. Braudes in Ber. ilb. d. germ. Ges. zii Leipz. '63 19 — 44, G. Kaufmann in Bhilol. xxxi 490—510 and e. Misverstdndniss des T. Strassb. '74, P. D. C. Hennings ti. agrar. Verfassg. d. alt. Deutschen Kiel '69, Fr. Mtinscher zur Erklclr. d. G. d. T. i ii Marb. '63—4 4to, A. Baumstark wr^ettfsc/ie Staatsalterth. Berl. '73, J. G. Graevius atZ T. G. dictata in Seebode's Archiv 1826 88—104, '28 89 sqq. Edd. Herm. Con ring-* Helmst. 1678 4to (better in his opp. v Brunsw. 1730 fol.), J. C. Dithmar c. not. varior. Frankf. 1725, '49, 'QQ, C. H. Joer- dens Berl. '83, '94, J. Kapp c. ohss. Longolii ed. 2 cur. P. C. Hess Leipz. 1824, Fr. Passow Bresl. '17, Fr. Etihs c. 1—10 (Germ.) Berl. '21, * J. F. K. Dilthey (Germ.) Brunsw. '23, Fr. W. Altenburg Hild- burgh. '26, G. L. Walch (Germ.) i Berl. '29, Th. Ki sling Leipz. '32, J. V. Gruber (Germ.) Berl. '32, F. D. Gerlach (Germ.) i ii Br s. '35—7, Fr. Bitter* Bonn '53, L. Tross Hamm '41, M. Weishaupt Soloth. TACITUS. HISTOKIES. ANNALS. 145 '44, L. Doderlein (Germ.) Erl. '50 4to, Bloch (Dan.) Copenh. '54, Schrant Leyd. '56.] Jac. Grimm Gott. 1835, M. Haupt Berl. '55, Th. Finck Gott. '57, F. Kritz^ Berl. '69, F. Thudichum Giessen '62, L. Curtze c. 1—10 Leipz. '68, [0. TiickingS (Germ.) Paderb. 1873,] H. Schweiger-Sidler2 Halle '74, B. Huppe (Germ.) Miinster '68, J* A. Holtzmann germ.i Alterthiimer Leipz. '73, *Holtzmann- Holder (Germ.) ib. '73. Germ, translations. J. Horkel Berl. '47, Fr. Thudichum Giessen '62.] K. Mullenboff in Haupt's Zeitschr, f. deutsches Alterth. ix 1853 223—61, [id. Germania ant. G. T. lib. post M. Hauptium cum aliorum veterum auctorum locis de Germania praecipuis ed. Berl. '73. Cf. H. Scbweizer-Sidler in Jahrb. '74 417 — 420.] E. Kopke deutsche Forschungen Berl. 1859 223—6. F. Miinscber Beitrdge zur Erkldrung d. G. Marb. '63 4to. C. Halm in Ber. d. 'Munchn. Akad. '64 12 sqq. Th. Wiedemann in Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte iv 1864 171 sqq. [ibid, x 595 — 601, G.Waitz ibid. 602.] A. Kiese in Eos ii 193—203, [A. Banmstark ibid, i 39—64, n 487—96, E. Gobel ibid, i 516—25.] A. Eeifferscheid in symbol, philologorum Bonnensium (1867) 623, A. Eussner in Jahrbilcher 1868 650 sqq. Histories. Ed. by *C. Heraus^ 2 vols. Leipz. 1875. K. Nipperdey in the Jena. Lectionscatalog 1855 4to. J. Classen symbol, crit. ii Frank! . '63 4to, III Hamburg '66 4to. * J. Miiller Beitrdge zur Kritik u. Erkldrung des T. I— III Innspruck '65—73. [*E. Wolfflin in Philol. xxvii 113— 44, F. Bitter ibid, xxi 601 — 53, Detlefsen ibid, xxxiv 40 sqq., A. Bockh kl. Schrr. iv '74 340—6, Borghesi ceuvres v 287—328. Critical contributions by F. Jacob Liib. '40 4to, L. Doderlein Erl. '41 4to, C. Nipperdey Jena '55 4to, L. XJrlichs in Eos i 250 sqq., A. Grummo Gera '72 4to, C. Meiser krit. Studien Munich '73 4to. On the sources 0. Clason Tac. u. Suet. Bresl. '70. On special points Volcker der Freiheitskampf d. Bataver unter Claudius Civilis Elberf. '61 — 3, C. Hagge zu d. Feldzuge d. Vitellius u. Otho Kiel '64 4to, J. G. Miiller d. tac. Ber. iib. d. Ursprung der Juden in Stud. u. Krit. '43 893—958, Leonhard (same subject) EUwangen '56 4to, H. E. Dirksen d. romischrechtl. Mittheilungen in T. Hist, in hinterl. Schrr. i 204—12.] Annals. Edd. by * C. Nipperdeyj^ Berl. '74, ii^ '73, F. W. Otto Mainz '54, A. Drager (Germ.) Leipz. i^ '73, ii '74. [* Th. Wopkens-Frot scher ad- vers. II 352—424, L. S. Obbar obss. in T. an. xv 44 Kudolst. 1845 4to, Ed. Pasch zur Kritik d. Gesch. d. Tiberius Altenb. '66, C. Peter Gesch. Boms III 143 sqq.] B. Borghesi ceuvres v 287 sqq. L. Spengel iu M. 10 146 TACITUS. SOUECES. TKANSLATIONS. Abh. der M'dnchner Ahad. vii 1855 (2) 695 sqq. and in Philol. xxiii 644 sqq. W. Pfitzner die A. kritisch beleuchtet I Halle '69. 0. Clason de T. ann. aetate quaestt. geogr. Kostock '71. [K. A. Miiller zum ersten Buck der Ann. in Philologus xxxiii 314 — 334. Fr. Eitter Philol. XVII 662—72, L. Urlichs in Eos i 248—7, ii 223—32, E. Heraus stud. crit. in Medic. T. codd. Cassel '46, zur Krit. u. Erkldi: d. T. Hamm '59 4to, E. Wolfflin in Philol. xxvi 94 — 6. Aids to criticism and interpretation by J. P. E. Greverus Oldenb. 1827 4to, P. Peter- sen I Kreuzn. '29, ii Gobi. '35, F. Jacob i— iv Liib. '37—42 4to, K. O. Miiller Gott. '41 4to, L. Bisclioff Wesel '45 4to, C. Halm Speier '46 4to, W. H. Scbmoller Blaubeuren '49 4to, L. Urlichs in Jahrh. *5i 52 sqq. 154 sqq. 300 sqq. in Philol. xvii 349—50, L. Spengel ibid, xxiii 644 — 51 and in Abh. d. MUnchn. Ahad. '55 vii 695 — 727, E. Wurm in PMZoZ. viii 361—70, ix 86—105, W. G. Pluygers Leyd. '59 4to, C. Sirker Treves '60, Neuwied '67 4to, C. Krafft hist. u. geogr. Excurse zu T. An. i ii Maulbronn '64 4to, W. Pfitzner d. Ann. krit. beleuchtet i Halle '69, Fr. FroitzlieimtZe T.fontibus in an. I Bonn '73 (cf. Jahrb. cix 201 — 5), H. Wolffel emendationes in Taciturn Niirnberg 1856, Fr. Thoma observationes criticae in Taciturn Bonn 1866, F. Schontag zur Kritik und Erklarung des Tacitus Eatisbon 1872 4to, Nic. Heinsius in Taciti ann. I II in misc. observationes ix 282 — 95, 382—96.] Sources. [Meier otto de fontibus T. Leipz. 1795 fol. H. Justus de fide T. Zittau 1827, E. E. Prutz de fontibus quos in conscribendis rebus a Tiberio ad mortem Ner. auctores secuti videanturB. all e '38, L. Schiller in Zeitschr. f. Gymn. vii '53 280 — 91, Friedlieb ilb. Jos. Tac. Suet, u. Dio als Quellen zur Kenntniss christl. Zustdnde in Th. Wiedemann ostr. Vierteljahrsschr. f. hath. Theol. i '62.] C. Hirzel comjyaratio eorum quae de imp. Galba et Othone relata legimus apud T. etc. Maulbronn 1851 4to. Th. Wiedemann de T., Suet. etc. scriptoribus imp. Galbae et Othonis Berl. '57. A. Schmidt de quibusdam auctoribus Pomanis quos in describendis annorum 68 et 69 p. C. n. gestis T., Plut., Suet, secuti sunt Jena '60 4to. H. Peter d. Quellen Plutarchs Halle '65 40 sqq. E. Egli in Biidinger's Untersuchungen zur rom. Kaisergesch. i Leipzig '68 265—363. H. T. Karsten de T.fide in VI prioribus ann. libris Utr. '68. E. Weidemann d. Quellen der ersten 6 B. v. T. Ann. i ii Cleve ^68 —IB 4to, *Th. Mommsen in Hermes iii 107, iv 295—316, v 161—73. * 0. Clason Plut. u. T. Berlin '70, J. Kipper ex T. historiis dilucide intellegi non posse quomodo bellum inter Othonianos et ViteUianos gestum sit I Eostock '71 4to. * H. Nissen in Bhein. Mus. xxvi '71 497 — 548. [Transl. * Hen. S a vile the ende of Nero and beginning of Galba. Life TACITUS. LANGUAGE. PLINIUS THE YOUNGER. 147 ofAgricola Oxf. 1581 4to (ib. '91, Lond. '98, '605 all fol.). Ei. Greneway Annales. Germanie Lond. 1598, '604, '12, '22, '40 all fol. Germ. Jac. Micyllus Maintz 1535 fol. Fr. Bitter Leipz, 1864—8. Dutch * P. C. Hooft Amst. 1681 fol. etc. Ital. *B. Davanzati Flor. 1637 fol. etc. Fr. de la Bletterie and Dotteville Par. 1788 7 vols. etc. Bureau de la Malle ib. 1790 3 vols, etc. J. L. Burnouf 6 vols. ib. 1827—31.] Language and style. [J. G. Walch de T. eiusque stilo Leipz. 1714, J. E. Wernicke de elocutione T. Thorn 1829 4to, '30. A. Gerber and E. Wolfflin are engaged on a lex. Tac. {Philol. xxix 559). Lundblad de stilo T. Lund 1789 4to, J. T. Buhle de T. stilo Brunsw. 1817, Fr. Giinther in Athendum II Halle '17 258 — 90, K. L. Roth T. synonyma et per fig. ev 5ia Si/otc dtcia Niirnb. '26 4to, W. T. Jungclaussen de Tac. sermonis proprietate Kiel '48 4to, * C. J. Grysar in Zeitschr.f. ost. Gymn. '53 1 — 42, C. Gobel de poetico T. stilt colore Berl. '59. Complete ind. in ed. Jul. Pichon in us. Delph. 4 vols. Par. 1682—7 4to, (4 vols. Yen. 1707—8 4to, repr. in ed. Valpy 10, or 8, vols. Lond. 1821). Good indd. in edd. Gronov, Oberlin, Naudet, Ruperti, * Homer 4 vols. Lond. 1790 — 4. Jo. Wordsworth Thucydidis cum T. comparatio Oxf. 1866. M. A. Muretus or. 14.] B. G. Niebuhr iiber den Unterschied zwischen Annalen und Historien (1828) in his kleine Schriften ii 229 sqq. A. Drager iiber Syntax und Stil des T. ^ Leipz. '74. E. Wolfflin in Philol. XXIV 1865 115—23, xxv 92—128, xxvi 92 sqq., xxvii 113 sqq., xxix 557 sqq., 723 — 4. U. Zernial selecta quaedam capp. ex genetivi usu T. Gott. '64, id. de elocutione T. Burg '68 4to. F. Hiittemann de u^u subiunc- tivi rel. et dbs.ap. T.incontionibusobliquis Miinster '64. P. Spitta iZe T. in componendis enuntiatis ratione I Gott. '66. [A. G eih ev departicularum in sermone T. proprietate Kaschau '63 4to, depart, an Pesth '65 4to, C. Sirker tac. Formenlehre Beih '71, P. Joachim deelocutione T. i Gorlitz '62 4to.] M. Morgenroth die condicional. sententt. ap. T. Leipz. '68. P. Czensny de infin. Taciteo I Bresl. '63. Storch Bemerkungen zur Gramm. des T. Memel '68 4to. A. Greef de praepositionum usu apud T. I Gott. 1869. H. C. Mau6 de praep. 'ad' usu Tac. ib. '71. R. Schmidt de ellipsi Tac. Dramburg '71 4to, [G. Andresen de voca- bulorum ap. T. collocatione Berl. '74, R. Macke d. Substantiva des T. Plon '74 4to, cf. philol. Anz.'li 210 — 7. A. Gerber de usu praeposs. ap. T. Gliickst. '71 4to, de coniunctionum temp, usu T. ib. '74 4to.] § 97. C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus (61 — 2 to before 114), COS. 100. [* Jo. Masson C. P. S. m«a(inedd. Hearne Oxf. 1703 and Cortins, alone Amst. 1709, best in Arntzen paneg.), Cellarius (enlarged by 10—2 148 PLINIUS THE YOUNGER. Gesner), Titze {epp. Prag 1820) before their edd. G. E. Gierig Leben d. j. P. Dortmund 1796, J. A. Schiifer iih. d. Charakter d. j. P. I— IV Anspacli '86 4to and before bis transl. Ch. B. Lehmus Charakter d.j. P. Soest. 76 4to, Westermann Gesch. d. rom. Beredsamk. §85, Maffei Verona illustr. viii (2) 68 sqq. J. Held Werth d. Briefsamml. d.j. P. in Bezug auf rom. Literaturgesch. Bresl. 1833, E. Cauvet ^wr P. le j. Toulouse '57 (in rev. de Vacad.), Grallet P. Ze j. e< ses ceuvres Montpellier '65, J. Geisler de P. vita Bresl. '62 4to, H. Scboentag de C.P. moribus scriptisque Eottenb. '63 4to, J. J. Tanzmann de C. P. CI S. vita, ingenio, moribus Bresl. '65, * H. Bender d. j. P. nach s. Brief en Tub. '73, 0. Boari de P. testam. inscr. Mantua 1773 4to, *Merivale hist. C. Schmidt sur la societe civile dans le monde rom. Strassb. 1853 382 sqq. Neubert antiqq. litt. ex P. epp. Jena 1757 4to, 3. Ij. Vssing om de Reiser Trajan tillagte Breve til P. Copenh. 1860 4to, Ore Hi hist. crit. epp. P. et Trai. usque ad a. 1552 Ziir. '38 4to, Marquez delle ville di P. il giov. Eome 1796. On the epp. Gr. Thom- sen in dansk maanedskr. 1858 158—68, '59 152—8, Holm ib. 158—68, J. J. L. V. d. Brugghen quaestt, de iure civ. in ann. acad. Lugd.-Bat. ^5—6 Leyd. '27 4to 29—92.] [Edd. H. Stephanus c. notis Is. Casauboni Par. 1591 etc., J. Gruter Frankf. 1607—11, Chr. Cellarius Leipz. 1693, 1700, J. M. Gesner ib. 1739 (cur. W. A. Ernesti ib. '70, * G. H. Schafer ib. 1805, repr. 2 vols. Par. Lemaire 1822), *G. E. Gierig ib. paneg. 1796, epp. 2 pts. 1806.] * C. P. C. S. epistt. I. IX, epist. ad Traianum I. paneg. ex rec. H. Keilii, ace. ind. nom. cum rerum narratione auctore Th. Mommseno Leipz. '70, id. text ib. '53, id. de P. epp. emendandis I II Erl. '65 — 6 4to, de schedis Amhrosianis rescriptis panegyr. PI. Halle '69 4to and lo. Aurispae epist. ib. '70 4to. Cf. H. Sauppe in Philol. xxx 134 — 5. [Epp. alone Jo. Veenhusiusc. notis var. Leyd. 1669, *G. Cortius andP. D. Longolius Amst. 1734 4to, J. Seibt (Germ.) Vienna 1829, E. Gros 2 vols. Par. '38, *M. Doring (Germ.) 2 vols. Freiberg '43; Traianus a Conr. Rittershusio Amberg 1608, C. B. in epp. PI. et Tr. ib, 1609. *Ausioahl mit Amn. v. G. A. Herbs t Halle 1839. Paneg. in the edd. of ihe pane gyrici (last by *Aem. Bahrens Leipz. 1874). Separate 6dd. J. Lipsius Antw. 1600 4to, '04 4to, '22 4toetc. (also in Lipsii opp.), J. G. Graevius c. not. var. Leyd. 1675, J. Arntzen c. not. var. Amst; 1738 4to, * C. G. Schwarz Niirnb. '46 4to, Fr. Diibner Par. 1843.] [PI. and the Christians (*D.G. Haen el corp. legumLeipz. 18574to79a A. D. 104). Diss, by Fr. Baudouin (with the edict, vet. principum rom. de Christianis Bas. Oporin. n. d. repr. by Eittershusius and Veen- PLINIUS THE YOUNGER. 149 husius), J. G. Vossius Amst. 1654, '6 (also in his opp. Amst. 1701 iv), * Chr. Kortholt Keil '74 4to, Jo. Tesmar Marb. '81 4to, J. F. Kober Gera '83 4to {de PL S. Christianismo), J. H. Albinus (i.e. G. C. Kircbmaier?) i ii Wittenb. '9-3 4to, * J. H. Bohmer Leipz. 1711, 2ncl ed. Halle '29 (diss. iur. eccl. ant.), J. H. Bartels Wittenb. '27 4to, C. A. Heumann Gott. '31 4to (also in bis sylloge diss. ib. '43 i), J. A. Hall- bauer Jena '38 4to, G. L. Schelhas ib. '38 4to (no doubt the same with the foregoing, H. heing praeses), *J. L. Mosheim dereb. Christ, a. Const. Helmst. 1753 4to 104, 145—52, 218—20), *N. Lardner {credibility pt. II c. 9), J. G. Schickedanz i ii Dessau '69 — 70, Kickebusch {Hymno- philus in misc. Lips. nov. ui 521 — 35), Semler Leipz. '88 (in neu. Vers. d. Kirchenhist. aufzukldren), where he denounced the letters as forgeries ; answered by A. C. Havers aat Gott. '88 and Gierig ii 499 sqq.), Corrodi Beitr. z. Beforderung d. vernilnjt. Denkens Winterth. '90 xiii 1 — 35, Sam. Petit var. lect. iv 152 sqq. Augusti Archdol. iv 22 sqq. Francke Gescli. Trojans 539 sq., F. H. Kriill P. d. j. u. d. Erstlings- kirche in Bithynien in osterr. Zeitschr. f. kath. Theol. xi 1872 (4)^ Teipel in Zeitschr. f. d. Gymn. 1861 530—8.] *H. Holstein de P. min. elocutione Naumb. 1862 4to, Magdeb. '68 (Leipz. '69) 4to, id. in Jahrb. '72 205 sqq. * Th. Mommsen zur Lebensgesch. d.jiing. PL in Hermes in 31 — 114, 139 [Fr. par C. Morel Par. '74]. * H. F. Stobbe zur Chronologic d. Briefe d. P. Die processe d. Priscus u. Classicus in Philol. xxx 347 — 93. [C. Peter ib. xxxii 698 — 710, G. Gemoll de temporum rations in PL epp. Halle '72, Car. Mayhoff novae lucubratt. PL Leipz. '74, J. C. Held obss. in PL pan. Baireuth 1824 4to, M. Haupt in Hermes v 26 — 8, J. Dierauer in M. Biidinger Unters. z. r'dm. Kaisergeseh. i Leipz. 1868 187 — 217. J. A. Sehneither loea PL iun. quae ad ius civ. pertinent Groningen 1827.] [Whole works. Germ. E. Thierfeld 2 vols. Munich 1828—9, E. Klussmann Stuttg. 1869 sqq. Ejjp. Engl. Abr. Fleming (selections) in his panoplie of epistles Lond. 1576 241 — 313. Germ. * J. A. Schaf er 2 vols. Erl. 1801—2, '24. Fr. L. de Sacy {epp. and pan.) Par. 1722 4to etc. Paneg. Engl. Sir Bob. Stapylton Oxf. 1664 4to.] [Language. Complete ind. to epp. in ed. Cortius, to pan. in ed. Schwarz and on the panegyrici ed. J. de la Baune in us. Delph. Par. 1676 4to (repr. by Valpy). Good ind. in Schafer. Wensch lexici pliniani spec, i ii Wittenb. 1837 — 9 4to, E. Klussmann philol. Anz. '70 159—65, K. Kraut ub. Synt. u. Stil d. j. PL Schonthaler '72 4to, * J. P. Lagergren de vita et eloc. C. P. S. Ups. '72, E. E. Oestling de 150 SUETONIUS. eloc. P. min. a vere classica . . ahhorrente i— iii ib. '39 4to, Er. Moeller dicendi genus epist. Cic. et PL Copenh. 1790.] § 98. C. Suetonius Tranquillus (about 75 till about 160). [Mommsen ind. nom. in Keil'a C. Plin. Caec. Sec, Suid. s. v. TpdyKvWos, Bayle, Tillemont, Funccius deimm. 1. 1, sen. ix§§51sqq. A. Politian^rae/. in Suet. Edd. (see J. v. Gruber in Jahn's Jdhrh, suppl. Ill 1834 141— 9) Tb. Pulmannus Antw. 1574, L. Torrentius ib. 78, (* '91 or '89 4to also in edd. Graevius and Burman), Is. Casaubon Gen. '95 4to, *Par. 1610 fol. (also in edd. Boeder, Grae- vius, Burman, F. A. Wolf), Th. Marcilius Par. '10 fol. (also in ed. Graevius and Burman), J. H. Boeder Strassb. '47 4to, '88 4to, J. G. Graevius Utr. '72, '91, 1703 all 4to, * P. Burman Amst. 2 vols. 1736 4to, J. A. ErnestiLeipz. '48, '75, *F. Oudendorp Leyd. 1751, *F. A. Wolf 4 vols. Leipz. 1802, C. G. Baumgarten-Crusius 3 vols. ib. '16—8 (repr. 2 vols. Tur. '23—6, 2 vols. Par. '28 by C. B. Hase), * J. H. Bremi (Germ.) Ziir. '20. Edd. of ^r., rh. etc.E.Vinet Poitiers 1556 4to, Acb. Statins Eome '65, Par. '68, (E. J. Eicbter vit.Hor. Zwickau 1831 4to), L. Tross (with Tac. G. Hamm '41), F. Osann Giessen '54. Cf. *D. Eubnken scholia Leyd. '28, Poret exam. crit. des Cesars d. S. Par. '19 4to. M. Bernegger diatr. in S. Strassb. 1623, '55 4to, P. de Almeida in S. comm. Haag 1727 4to, anon, in misc.ohss. vi 598 — 605, J. Lipsius ad Suet. comm. Offenb. 1610, B. Tborlacius Suet., Dio, Josephus et Philo in Galig. comparati Copenh. 1797, E. Unger Suetoniana Friedl. 1864 4to. MS. notes by E. Bentley in Brit. Mus., by Casaubon, Dorville, P. Burman in the Bodl., by P. Manutius in the Cambridge libr. C. G. Miiller ad S. ohss. cum auctario animadvv. Reinesianarum Leipz. 1804, G. H. Walther obss. Torgau '13. On the sources of Suet., F. C. L. Schweiger Gott. 1830 4to, A. Krause Berl. '31, E. Prutz Halle '38, H. Eeichau Konigsb. '65, Lehmann Clau- dius 39 sqq. 0. Clason Plut. u. Tac. Berl. '70 70—3, id. Tac. u. Suet. Bresl. '70.] Edd. by Roth and Eeifferscheid § 4 4. cf. § 113 i, 119 5. [A. Wittich de rhetoribus Lat. eorumque scholis Eisen. '53.] J. Eegent de C. S. vita et scriptis Bresl. 1856. [Th. Bergk in Pliilol. xvi 627—36, K. E. Georges ib. xxxii 477, 0. Jahn ib. xxvi 17, xxviii 10.] G. Becker quaestt. crit. de C. S. T. de vita Caesarum libris Fill Memel '62 4to, id. in Jahrb. ['61 672—3,] '63 193 sqq., '64 839 sqq. symbol. pliilol. Bonn. (1867) 687—94. *H. E. Thimm deusuatqueelocut. C. T. S. Konigsb. '67. G. Dederding de S. vita Gaes. ZJena'71. [H. E. Dirksen hinterl. I FLORUS. 151 Schr. I 213—42, E. Miller melanges Par. '68 413—26, 435—6, cl. 389— 96 (Gr. fragments), H. Doergens iih. S. de vir. ill, Leipz. '57, M. Hertz in. Jahrb. '73 337—40, W. Eoscher ib. 560.] [Engl. *Pliilem. Holland Lond. 1606 fol. by several hands with life and notes by Andr. Marvell ib. '70, '72 etc. Germ. A. Stahr Stuttg. 1857. H. Dorgens S. Lebensbeschreibgn. ber. B'dmer Leipz. '63, id. S. Leben Caesuras ib. '64.] [Language. A complete ind. in ed. A. Babelonius in us. Delph. Par. 1684 4to (also in Valpy 3 vols. Lond. 1826, improved Lond. 1718), good indd. in edd. Boeder, Graevius and Burman (by M. Berneg- ger), *Baumgarten-Crusius III.] § 99. lulius Florus (under Hadrian). [Lip sins elect, ii 5, Nic. Anton, biblioth. Hisp. vet. I 16, hist. litt. de la France i 255 — 65, Funccius de immin. I. I. sen. ix § 71 sqq. Tille- mont, D. G. Moller de L. A. F. Altdorf 1684 4to, Graevius, Duker, 0. Jahn pref. Villemain notice (in ed. Pancoucke), Heintze de F. rhetore Weimar 1787 4to (and in his opusc. 250 sqq.), C. H. Hausotter de suspecta F.fide Leipz. '47 4to, Beger apol. pro F. adv. Graevium (in Gia,exii praefatt. et epp. Hamb. 1707). Edd. E. Vinet Poitiers 1554 4to, Par. 76 4to, J. Stadius Leyd. 1584 etc., J. Gruter and Cl. Sal- masius Heidelb. 1609, Cl. Salmasius Leyd. '38, '48, Franeker '90 4to c. not. var., J. G. Graevius (Utr. '80, Amst. '92, 1702, with pref. by J. F. Fischer Leipz. '60), C. A. Duker (Leyd. '22, *'44, 2 vols. Leipz. 1832), G. L. F. Pancoucke Par. 1840.] lull Flori epitomae de T. Livio bellorum omnium annorum DCC I. II. rec. et em. 0. Jahn Leipz. 1852 [praef. xli sqq. the fragment of P. Annius Florus Virgilius orator an poeta). F. E. Kohler obss. crit. in I. F. Gott. '65. J. Reber d. Geschichtswerk d. F. Freising '65. Recogn. C. Halm with Lucii Ampelii liber memorialis recogn. E. Wolf- flinLeipzig '54. [E. Wolf flin in Philol. xxix 557—8.] L. Spengel iib. d. Geschichtsbilcher d. Fl. in Abh. d. Milnchner Ahad. xxxvi 1861 319—50. C. Heyn de Floro hist. Bonn '66. M. Haupt in Hermes iv 149—50, [vii 188. H. Jordan i6. VIII 85— 7. A. E us sner in P/iiZoZ. xxxiv 167 — 77. id. ad Fl. in spec. crit. Wiirzb. 1868 35.] H. Sauppe de arte crit. in Fl. belUs recte facienda Gott. '70 4to. [On the dial, of P. Annius Florus see Fr. Eitschl in Bhein. Mus. i '42 302—14, A. Riese anthol. n. 87, 245—52, E. H. 0. Muller de P. Annio F. poeta Berl. '55, L. Miiller Eutil. Namat. 26 — 31. Mommsen, Halm, Spengel, Reber identify him with the historian. Meinert in Wien. Jahrb. :S24 169—201, Gossrau de Fl. aetate Quedlinb. '37 4to, 152 AMPELIUS, GRAN. LICINIAN. *C. Halm in Jahrb. lxix 172—96, J. Freudenberg krit. Bemerkgn. zu F. Bonn '66, id. in Rhein. Mus. xxii 25—30, H. Miiller ibid, xxvi 350 — 2, Jahrb. cm 565—75, H. G, Plass de auctoribus eius quae vulgo fertur L. A. F. epit. Verden '58, K. E. Georges in Philol. xxxii 477, E. Unger ibid, xxxiii 448. The Cambr. library has ms. notes by a hand of cent. 16, 0. Jahn's Handexemplar was in his sale n. 5201.] [Engl. Edm. Bolton Lond. 1618, E. M. B. ib. '36, M. Casaubon ib. '58, Jo. Davies of Kidwelly ib. '67 etc.] [Complete ind. in ed. Anna Fabri in us. Delph. Par. 1674, 1726 both 4to, Lond. 1714, '27, Yen. '15 4to, Bassani '87 4to (also in Valpy 2 vols. Lond. 1822). Good ind. by Jo. Freinsheim Strassb. 1632, '69 (also in ed. Schrevelius Amst. '54, '60, '74 and N. E. Lemaire Par. 1827).] Ampelius. [Salmasius praef. (also in the edd. of Duker and Fischer), Tzschucke diss, before his ed. Heerwagen in Miinchn. gel. Anz. 1846 255 sqq. Zink in Eos ii 317 sqq. Edd. Salmasius Leyd. 1638 and with Florus e.g. ed. Graevius and Duker. Alone C. H. Tzschucke Leipz. 1793, F. A. Beck (Germ.) ib. 1826, P. Canal Yen. '41, E. Wolf flin Leipz. '54.] C. E. Glaser iiber das Zeitalter des Ampelius in Rhein. Mus. ii 1843 145 sqq. E. Wolf flin de L. A. I. mem. quaestt. crit. et hist, Gott. '54. F. Biichelerin Rhein. Mus. xiii '59 179 sqq. H. Jacob quaestt. Amp. Cleve '60 4to. L. Urlichs in Rhein. Mus. xvii 632—7. M. Zink in Eos II 317—28. A. Eussner spec. crit. Wiirzburg '68 37—42. [M. Haupt in Hermes vi 391.] Obsequens see§ 83. § 100. Granius Licinianus (under Hadrian ?). C. G. L. annalium quae supersunt . . . ed. K. A. F. Pertz Berl. 1857 4to, ed.philologorum Bonn, heptas Leipz. '58. [P. de La garde in Zeitschr. f. Gymn. '58 341—3, 714—7, K. Pertz in Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. d. W. '58 347—9, 527—8.] H. Heerwagen de G. L. fragmento annal. I. A'ZFINurnb. '58 4to 7 sqq. G. Linker andK. Keil in Jahrb. '58 628— 60. [K. Bursian ibid. 650.] D. Com-p&rettiin Rhein. il/rts. xiii 457 sqq. C. M. Francken in the suppl. iii ('60) of the Jahrb. 235 sqq. J. A. Wynne in Philol. xv 357—62. [C. G. Schmidt ib. xiii 223—6, B. ten Brink ibid. 755, ibid, xxi 165—6, * J. N. Madvig iiber den G. L. kl. philol. Schriften Leipz. 75 391—408.] § 101. The grammarians Aemilius Asper, Flavins GRAMMARIANS. 153 Caper, Yelius Longus, Q. Terentius Scaurus, C. Sulpicius Apollinaris. Fl. Sosipatri Charisii artis grammaticae I. V. Diomedis a. g. I. Ill etc. in H. Keil gramm. Lat. i 1857 (cf. § 92). F. Osann de Fl. Capro et Agroecio gramm. Giessen 1849 4to. W. Christ in PUlol. xviii 165—70. [On Asper see Suringar hist. crit. scholiast. 1 95 — 7, 124—42, 255 — 8, Grafenhan Gesch. d. class. Fhilol. iv 75—8, 285—6, Bergk Zeitschr. f. Alterth. '45 118—9, 125—6, 129, H. Hageri in Fhilol. xxv 353—7, J. Becker ib. v 722, H. Keil Frohi comm. Halle. '48 109—15, 0. Rib- beck prolegg. Verg. 128—36, E. Teuber de Servii vita Bresl. '43 43 eqq. M. Hertz in Rhein. Mm. xvii 578 — 87. Two tracts are wrongly ascribed to Caper de orthographia 22S0 — 46 Putsch, de verbis dubiis 2247—50. Cf. Ritschl parerga 361—4, Ribbeck I. c. 166, Funccius de inert. I. I. sen. iv § 5, Grafenhan I. c. 89 sqq. 99, 156, 217, W. Brambach lat. Orthogr. AS sqq., W. H. D. Suringar hist, schol. Lat. Leyd. '34 i 71 sq. 103 sq. 113, 191—3, ii 217—20, Agroecius de orthographia et proprietate et differentia sermonis is in Putsch 2266 sqq. Cf. Funccius I. c. § 15. Caesellius Vindex Grafenhan I. c. iv 68—71, 121—2, Brambach I. c. 38—41, Ritschl parerga 360, Putsch 2314, ind. Gell. A. Kretzschmer de G. fontibus 1860 95— 8, Osann Beitrdge z. Lit. Gzsch. ii 329 sqq., Lersch Zeitschr. f. Alterth. 1841 n. 131, J. Becker in Fhilol. iv 78—81. C. Sulp. Apollinaris ind. Gelh anth. lat. n. 653 R. Ribbeck I. c. 173—4, Grafenhan I. c. iv 229 sqq, Aelius Melissus ind. Gell. Grafenhan I.e. 217, 226 sqq. Lersch Sprachphil. iii 152. Velius Longus de orthographia in Putsch 2213 — 38, Ribbeck I. c. 169—71, Brambach I. c. 46—7, Gell. xviii 9. On Urbanus see Ribbeck I. c. 167 — 9. Q. Terentius Scaurus de ortho- graphia in Putsch 2249 — 64, Ribbeck I. c. 172, Biitsehl parerga 375 — 6, Grafenhan I. c. iv 300 — 1, Brambach I. c. 47 — 9, Usener in Rhein. Mus. xxiv 108 — 9, Osann I. c. ii 250 sqq., Th. Bergk in Fhilol, XXX 677—82, Funccius I. c. iv § 4. Charisius. Christ in Fhilol. xviii 120—39, M. Hertz ib. xi 680 and in Rhein. Mus. xx 319 sq., Usener ib. XXIII 491 — 3, F. Osann I. c. ii 319 — 40, L. Spengel in Miinchn. gel, Anz. '40 n. 62 sqq. H. 'Keilin Hermes iSSS, Riese in Heidelb.Jahrb. '71 586—7, Niebuhr in Jahrb, '26 391 sqq., Funccius I. c. iv § 11, Fr. Oehler in Rhein. Mus. xvii 55 sqq., H. Keil in Fhilol. iii 90—8, G. F. Grotefend in Zeitschr,/. Alterth. '41 n. 45—6, J. Becker ib. 'oQ 435— 6, M. Hertz in Jahrb. '72 852, L. Miiller ib. '68 437—8.] [Diomedes. Christ in Fhilol. xviii 127—39, Funccius I. c, § 12, 154) GRAMMARIANS. FRONTO. 'Osann I. c. ii n. 12, J. Frey in RJiein. Mus. xiiQBA, 0. Jahn ib. ix 629 — 30, Eeifferscheid SueL 370— 3, Westphal griech. Metr. i^ 131—2, 157—67, 203—4, 213, M. Haupt in Hermes i 42—3, 0. Jahn in Philol. taivi 7, K. E. Georges ib. xxxiii 334, M. Hertz in Jahrb. '72 462, E. Klotzift. '63 428, L.Mulleri&. '66862— 8, '68435— 6,F.Biiclieler coniectan. lat. Greifsw. '68 4to.] § 102. M. Cornelius Fronto (about 90' till about 170) COS. 143. [* Th. Mommsen (?. Chronologic d. Brief e Fr. in Hermes viii 198 — 216. Baunoujourn. d.sav. Sept. 1816, G. Boissier inrev. d. rf. wion^Z^s Apr. '68, hist. lit. de la France i (1) Par. 1865 282—6, 445, E. Muller M. Aur. ins. Briefen an F. Eatibor '69 4to, Westermann Gesch. d. rom. Beredsamk. § 89, Fr. Eoth iib. d. Schrr. d. Fr. u. lib. d. Zeitalter d. Antonine Niirnb. '17 4to (also in his Samml. etlicher Vortrcigc Frankf. '51), Niebuhr kl. Schrr. i 236, ii 52—72, F. Jacobs in Zeitschr. f. Alterth. '38 n. 126—7 and in Wolf's AnaleJct. 1 108—27, app. 246—50, F. A. Eckstein in Ersch u. Gruber Encycl. i (51) 442 — 6, M. Hertz Renaissance u. Rococo 26 — 9, id. in Jahrb. '66 577 — 84, A. P. Sonpe de Fr. reliquiis Amiens '53, H. E. Dirksen hinterl. Schrr. i 243 — 53, Contribu- tions to criticism etc. by C. Chr. G. Kessler Leipz. '29 4to, L. Schopen Bonn '30, '41 4to, J. Mlihly in Philol. xvii 176—8, 0. Jahn ib. xxviii 7, E. Klnssmann ib. xxvii 240, A. Eussner in Rhein. Mus.xxv 541 — 7 and in Jahrb. '73 522—3, F. Biicheler ib. '72 565, M. Hanpt in Hermes 1 23—4, VIII 15, E. V. Leutsch in Philol. xxx 176, C. F. W. Miiller in Jahrb. '66 487—91, id. krit. Bemerkgn. Landsb. a. d. W. '65 4to and in Rhein. Mus. xx 166, J. Miitzell in Zeitschr. f. Gymn. '59 640, A. Eiese in Jahrb. '65 146, H. Usener ib. 267, J. Vahlen Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. '68 146, J. E, B. Mayor in joum. of class, a. sacr. phil. i 20, A. Schafer inBlochmann's Program. Dresd. *44 12sqq. and in Philol. XXVI 574—5, M. Hertz ib. xix 159—62, Vogel de Gellii vita Zittau '60 19—22, Orelli chrestomathia Fr. after his Tac. dial. Zur. 1830. Mai and Niebuhr reprint the de differentiis vocabulorum which appears a3 F.'s in the gramm. of Gothofred 1327—35 and Putsch 2192—203. The speeches in Meyer fragm. orat. rom. 611 sqq.] The inscription Eenier inscr. de VAlgerie n. 2717. Edd. by A. Mai 2 vols. Milan 1815, Rome '23, '46 and B. G. Niebuhr Berl. '16. * M. Cornelii Frontonis et M. Aurelii imperatoris epistt, L. Veri et T. Anto- nini Pii et Appiani epistt. reliquiae . .rec. S. A. Naber Leipz. '67, Henr. Alanus (Allen) obss. crit. in Fr. Dubl. '41, '67, M. Haupt in the Berlin Lectionscatalog '67 4to and in Hermes vi 388, [H. Jordan ib. 69 — I VOLUS. MAECIAN. GAIUS. 155 81,] K. Ellis in the Journal of pMlologrj i (1) Lond. '68 15—20. [Chr. "W oidsw 01 th ibid. (2) 160.] E. Klussmann emendatt. Fr. Gott. 71, [id. inJahrb. '74 636 — 8;*eniendatt. Fr. Inest epist. crit. Guil. Studemund Berl. '74. E. Bahrens in Jahrb. cv 632 — 4, Madvig advers. crit. ii 613 — 6, J. J. Cornelissen, V. Herwerden and Cobet in Mnemosyne '73. K. Schenkl in Zeitschr. f. d. ost. Gtjmn. '75 30—4.] [Fr. by A. Cassan 2 vols. Par. '30. On the language see Naber 273 sqq. Freund has the new words in his lexicon.] § 103. L. Yolusius Maecianus (f 175). [Jo. Wunderlich de L. V. M. Hamb. 1749 4to, Funceius veg. I. I. sen. VII § 20, Kudorff rom. Rechtsgesch. i 111 — 8.] L. Volusii Maeciani distributio partiiim ed. by [E. Vinet in H otto- man de re numar. Par. 156B,3.F.Gronov desest.lLeyd. 1691,Graevins thes. ant. rom. xi, E. Booking Bonn 1831 and in corp. iur. anteiust. 183 sqq.] * Th. Mommsen in Abh. d. sacks. Ges. d. W. in 1853 281 sqq. *HuschkeiMm2)r. anteiust.^ B%Q — 400. *metrolog. script. ed.F. Hultsch II '66 17—22, 61—71. [C. F. Hommel palingenesia Leipz. 1767 i 353—60, the legal fragments.] § 104 Galus the jurist (about 110 till about 180). [Savigny verm. Schrr. iii 155 sqq. 205 sqq. Haubold instiit. % 237 n. oo, Zimmern Gesch. d. rom. Privatr. i (1) 341 — 50, Eudorf f rom. Rechtsgesch. i 173 — 6, A. H. Dittmar de nom. aet. studiis ae scriptis G. Leipz. 1820, Pernice in Erseh u. Gruber Encycl. i (14 pt. 2) 85 sqq. E. Schrader in Heidelb. Jahrb. '23 n. 60—4 (also separate), H. Degenkolb inPozl's Vierteljahrsschr. '72, Jacobi iib. G. U.S. Inst. Berl. '43, E. Glasson et s. G. Par. '67, Puchta Einl. in d. Rechtsgesch. 446 sqq., 478 sqq. Haubold opusc. Leipz. '25 i Ivii sqq. 665 sqq. Klenze and Booking Gaii et Justin, instt. ^erl. '29 4to, Gans Scholien z. G. ib. '21, C. F. Elvers promptuarium Gaianum Gott. '24, Huschke G. Beitrage z. Krit. u. z. Verstdndniss s. Instt. Leipz. '55 and in Zeitschr. f. Rechtsgesch. vii 161 — ^92, A. v. d. Hoven ibid. 257 — 9, v. Bethmann-Hollweg ibid, v Weimar '66, Hommel palingenesia Leipz. 1767 i 55—126. Contributions] to criticism etc. E. Brinkmann Schleswig 1821, C. A. D. Unter- holzner Berl. '23, H. E. Dirksen zur Krit. u. Auslegung 104 sqq., Puchta Leipz. '37 4to, J. v. Ass en i^ Leyd. '49, ii '55, M. S. Mayer Tiib. '53, K. M. Poschmann i— m Leipz. '54—62, F. P. Bremer in Rhein. Miis. xv 484 — 8, P. Kr tiger krit. Versuche in Gebiete d. rom. Rechts Berl. '70 113 — 39, *E. Gneist instt. et regularum iur. rom. syn- l56 GAIUB. GELLIVS. tagma Leipz. '58, C. A. Pellat manuale iur. synopticuni^ Par. '64, E. v. Maubeuge de ratione qua Visigothi G. inst. in epit. redegerint Halle '42 4to, W. V. Swinderen collat. inst. lustin. c. inst. G. in ann. acad. Gron. '21 4to, Fr. Potter v. Loon (same title) Gron. '23.] * Th. Mommsen Gaius e. Provinzialjurist in Jahrb. d.gem. deutschen Rechts III 1 sqq. Gail institutionum commentarii IV e cod. rescr. bibl. capit. Veron. nunc primum editi (by I. F. L. Goschen) Berl. 1820, '24, *0. Lachmann '41 and '42. Gai inst. comm. IV emend. E. Booking^ Leipz. ^&Q, *Husclikein iurispr. anteiust.^ 14A — 387, [also separate; *W. Studemund cod. Ver. denuo collati apographum ed. Leipz. '70 4to and 8vo,] id. Mittheilungen antiquar. Inhalts aus d. Palimpsesten d. Gains {Verh. d. WUrzb. Philol. Vers.) Leipz, '69 4to. * H. Dernburg d. Inst. d. G. e. Collegienheft aus d. J. 161 Halle '69. [Translations. Ital. Gius. Tedeschi 2 vols. Verona '57. French. M. L. Domenget Par. '43, '66. EngL E. Poste Lond. '71, J. T. Abdy and B. Walker^ Cambr. '74.] [Language. Kudorff iib. d. lexical. Excerpte aus d. Inst. d. G. Berl. Akad. '65 4to, *F.Fabriciusa(Z Huschkii iurispr. anteiust. indd. Leipz. '68.] § 105. A. Gellius (about 115 till about 165). *L. Friedlander [Sittengesch. iii 414—20,] de A. G. vitae tempori- bus Konigsb. 1869 4to. [*M. Hertz A. G. u. Ammianus Marcellinus in Hermes viii 1874 257 — 802, Aug. de civ. D. ix 4, Lupus epp. 1, 5. P. Lambecius Vi\j Real-Enc. iv 1141 — 4, H. E. Dirksen hinterl. Schrr. II 449 sqq., Ko-mmel palingenes. ii 515—614.] 2. Domitius Ulpianus {praefectus praetorio under Severus Alexander). *D. V. quae vacant fragmenta «. excerpta ex U. libro singularium regu- larum (also the fragmentum de iurejisci, Dositheus and other fragments) ed. Ed. Booking^ Bonn 1855 (with the exemplum cod. Vaticani). U, fragmenta rec. loh. Vahlen ib. '56, ed. * Huschke Leipz. 1874, extracted from iurisprud. anteiust.^ 525 — 603 (Dositheus 323 sqq., cf. § 112 3). *F. P.Bremer dfe f/Zp.inst. Bonn '63. [Cujacius o^jp. vi, Schulting iurispr. anteiust. Leyden 1717 4to 543 — 58, J. Cannegieter U.fragmm, Utrecht 1768 4to, Leyd. 1774 4to, J. G. Heineccius opp. univ. iur. vii, J. Lectins de vita et scriptis D. U. Gen. 1601 (also in Otto thesaurus i), Bynkershoek obss. viii 15, Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. vii §§ 42 sqq., Savigny verm. Schriften iii 28 sqq. 57 sqq. 76 sqq. 237 sqq. G. E. Heimbach lib. U.'s Fragmente Leipz. 1834, F. A. Schilling de U. fragmm. Bresl. '24, animadvv. crit. ad U. fragmm. i — iv Leipz. '30—1 4to, Rudorff U. de off. procons. Berl. '65 4to (Akad.), id. Rechtsgesch. i 189—93, Fitting Alter d. Schrr. 34—44, Gneist instt. syntagma Leipz. '58, K. D. A. Roder zur Berichtigung v. U. Fragmm, lULIUS PAULUS. SCR. HIST. AUG. 169 Gott. '56, Eosek de natura latinitatis iustinianeae H.erm.armst. '51, *B. Brissonius de verborum quae ad ius civ. pertinent signijicatione ed. J. G, Heineccius Halle 1743 fol. *H. E. Dirks en mamtaZe latinitatis f on- ■ tium iur. civ. rom. Berl. 1837 4to.] 3. lulius Paulus {praef, praet under Severus Alex- ander). [Cuiacii opp. V, vi.] L. V sententianim adjilium recogn. L, Arndts Bonn 1833 with the varietas scripturae by G. Hanel ib. '34. id. in the lex Rom. Visigothorum Leipz. '49 4to. Huschke iurisprud. anteiust.^ 413 — 523. [Hommei palingenesia ii 3 — 300.] De iuris dictione edlctum. Edicti perpetui quae reliqua sunt, adnot, ed. A. F. Eudorff Leipz. '69, [id. Rechtsgesch. i 192—5,] F. P.Bremer •die Rechtslehrer w. Rechtsschulen im rom. Kaiserreich Berl. '68. [Fitt- ing d. Alter der Scliriften 44 — 50, Th. Mommsen Zeitschr.f. Rechts- gesch. IX 106 — 7, 111 — 2, 114—6, J. A. Schulting iurispr. vet. anteiust. "Leyd. 1717 4to, Leipz. '37 4to (where is also Bertrand vita I. P.), A. A. •Pagenstecher I. P. in his sylloge diss. Bremen 1713, E. A. 0. C. Pagenstecher P. iniuria vapulans Wetzler '26 4to (and in his tractat, iur. Herborn '34 4to i n. 7), F. C. Conradi P. ah iniuria criticorum vind. Helmst. '33 (and in his parerga ib. '40), Zimmern Privatr. i (1) 368—71, 374—8, Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. vii §§ 5 sqq. K. Witte in Ersch and Gruber Encycl. in (14) 221 sqq.] § 110. The scriptores historiae Augustae (under Diocletian and Constantine). [Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. viii §§ 26 — 37, Tillemont hist, des emp. IV, H. Diintzer in Jahrh. v. Alterthumsfr. in Rheinl. iv 47 sqq.] Aelius Spartianus. Yulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio. Flavius Yopiscus. Aelius Lampridius. lulius Capitolinus. E. E. Hudemann in Philol. vii 585 sqq. ix 189 sqq. Edd. * Is. Casaubonus Paris 1603 4to, Claud. Salmasius Paris 1620 fol., London 1652 fol., Jan. Gruter Hanau 1611 fol. * cum notis var. 2 vols. Leyd. '71. Scriptt. h. A. H. Jordan et F. Eyssenhardt rec. 2 vols. Berl. 1864 (cf. Hermes i 159, 335, iii 423), * rec. H. Peter 2 vols. Leipz. '65, id. hist. crit. scr. h. A. ib. '60, id. exercitatt. crit. in scr. h. A. Posen '63 4to. [J. Centerwall Spart. v. Hadr. i Ups. 'o9» A. Becker ohss. crit. Bresl. '38.] * H. E. Dirksen die scr. 170 SCR. HIST. AUG. h. A. etc. Leipz. '42. G. Bernhardy de scr. h. A. I II Halle '45 — 6 4to. Fr. Eichter in Rhein. Mus. vii '50 16 — 51, [F. Biicheler ih. xiy 633—4,] A. Krause de fontibus scr. h. A. Neustettin '57 4to. B. Schulz in Zeitschr.f. Gymnas. '65 932 — 7. J. Oberdick in Zeitschr. f. bsterr. Gymn. '65 737—45, '68 340—3, [L. Vielliaber ih. '67 626—30,] A. KiesslinginJ^. Schweiz. Mus. v '66 327—38. 0. Hirschfeld iu Hermes iii 230 — 2. I. Brunner Vopiscus kritisch gepruft in Biidin- ger's Untersuch. z.r'om. Kaisergesch. ii '68 1 sqq. [J. Miiller ih. iii 33—116, Dandliker ih. in,] M. Haupt in Hermes i 45, in 217—20, IV 152 sqq. [322, 332,] J. Plew de diversitate auctorum hist. A. Konigsb. '69, E. Brocks de ir 'priorihus h. A. scriptt. ib. '69, [J. J. Cornelissen coniectanea Lat. Deventer '70,] * C. C. Paucker de latinitate scr. h. A. Dorpat '70, C. Czwalina de epistiilarum actorumque quae a scr. h.A. prof eruntur fide I Bonn '70, Aem, Bahrens in Jahrh. '71 649 — 64, C. W. Mullerift. '66 491, H. Stadelmann ib. '72 333—8, J. Golischift. 646 — 8, id. Beitrcige zur Kritik der s. h. A. Schweidnitz '70 4to, K. E. Georges in Philol. xxxii 697, 0. Jabn ih. xxviii 10, E, E. Hudemann ^&. VII 585 — 8, IX 189 sqq. [H. Cannegieter de vmt. n. Par. '64, *Hanel corpus legum 175—80.] On Solinus see§ 93 3. § 111. The panegyrists of the thh'd and fourth centuries. Claudius Mamertinus (291 and 298). Eumenius (296—311). The orations to Maximianus (307) and Con- stantinus (313). Nazarius (321). Mamertinus the younger (362). Latinus Pacatus Drepanius (391). [Tillemont emp. iv, v, Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. vi §§ 3, 4, 10 sqq. hist. litt. de la France i (1) 417—23, (2) 44—52, 92—5, 198—200, 419—23, J. G. Walcb parerga acad. Leipz. 1721 849 sqq. C. Fr. Miiller de Pacati paneg. Wittenb. '85 4to, C. G. Heyne opusc. vi 80—118, J, Burckhardt d. Zeit Constantins 62 — 6, Wopkens- ¥ T ots cher advers. 11 Leipz. 1835 285 — 99,0. G. Schwarz ohss. crit. ad Pacat. Altdorf 1727 4to, Man so Leben Constantins 198 sqq. Westermann Gesch. d. rom. Beredsamk. § 90, 0. Monnard de Gal- lorum oratt. ingenio Bonn 1848 79 seqq. Fr. Baudouin annott. in Pacat. et Eumen. Par. 1570 4to, Pacati paneg. ed. Jo. Scheff er Holm 1651, Ups. '68, 0. Bittersliiisius in Goldast paraenet. Lille '04 4to, J. G. Morlin de panegyr. Niirnb. 1738 4to (also in Bidermannus select, scholast. 11), D. Wyttenbach bibl. crit. 11 (1) 10 — 35.] Edd. by 0. Rittershusius and Jan. Gruter Frankf. 1607 12mo, *Par. '43 12mo etc., Cbr. Oellarius Halle 1703, [C. G. Schwarz Altdorf 7 parts '39—48 4to, L. Patarol Yen. '43 4to,] W. Jager 2 vols. NLirnberg '79 [append. '90,] *H. J. Arntzen 2 vols. Utr. '90— 5 4to ; *id. Drepanius Amst. '53 4to. Fr. Eyssenhardt lectt. panegyr. Berl. 1867 4to. H. Riihl de XII panegyr. Lat. Greifsw. '68. M. Haupt in Hermes iv 151 sqq. [332, v 314], E. Bahrens in Bhein. Mus. xxvii 215—25. [id. *panegyrici Lat. XII Leipz. '74.] [Language. Oomplete ind. in ed. J. de la Baune in us. Delph. Par. 1676 4to, Yen. 1728 4to (also in Valpy 5 vols. Lond. 1838).] 172 GRAMMARIANS. On Ausonius cf. § 69, on Corippus § 79, on Enno- dius§119 13. § 112. Grammarians , and rhetoricians of the fourth and fifth centuries. 1. Atilius Fortunatianus, Marius Victorinus (about 850 ?). (CaesiusBassus [see § 58 6], luba, Sacerdos.) [On At. Fort, see J. Casar iu Pauly Real-Encycl, i^ 2025—6, H. Wentzel symh, crit. Bresl. 1858 11—3, Westphal Gr. Metrik i^ 128, 153—7, M. Hertz in Jahrh. '66 580, L. Muller ih. 863—4. (An- other) M, Vict. cow7?i. on Cic. rhet. in Orelli v^ 1 — 180, Suringar liist. schol. Lat. I 153 sqq., C. L. Kayserin Philol. v 706— 18. The theologi- cal works of Marius V. {de Trinitate c. Arium I. IV, de ofioovalc^ recipiendOi de generatione Verbi dlvini^ ad lustinum Manicliaeum c. duo principia Manichaeorum et de vera came Christi; de verbis scr. factum est vespere et mane dies units in bibl. max. patr. iv, Galland viii, Migne viii who prints, after Mai 7iova coll. iii, comm. on Gal. PhiL Eph. and a tract de physicis. Cf. Sirmond opp. i, Hier, vir. ill. 101, chron. a. 2370, Aug. conf. VIII 3 — 6, Ceillier vi = iv*, Beugnot destr. du paganisme i 174 sqq. On his grammatical and metrical works cf. Westphal aZ?^/. gr. Metrik 43—4, 127 sqq. 135—6, 143, 147—8, Mai atict. class, in 504 sqq., Lersch Zeitschr. f. Alterth. '40 109, class, mus. ix '45 284 — 90, Grafenhan Gesch. d. class. Philol. iv 91 — 3, H. Wentzel I. c. 55 — 63. Poems {de fratribus VII 3Iaccabaeis, 3 hymns de Trinitate, de Pascha s. de ligno vitae, de lesu Christo) in Maittaire ii, in collect. Pisaur. v, Migne v, *A. RivinusreZt^'Miae Victorinorum Gotha 1652, cf. Launoi ojyp. Gen. 1731 ii (1) 634 sqq. On luba Westphal Gr. Metrik ii (2) '65 146—9, =1^ '67 223 sqq. Wentzel I. c. 18—25, H. Keil quaestt. gramm. '60 15 — 22, B. ten Brink lubae Maurusii de re metr. reliquiae Utr. '54. On M. P. Sac. Funccius de inerti I. I. sen, IV § 21, Osann I. c. 299 sqq. H. Wentzel I.e. 28 sqq. 40—3, M. Haupt in Hermes i 31 — 2, H. Keil de M. P. S. I. de metris Halle '72 4to, L. Muller in Eliein. Mus. xxvii 284—6, Steup ib. xxvi 318 sqq. and de Probis 149—66, W. Christ in Philol. xviii 130—1, 178—9, Westphal Gr. Metr. i^ 133—4, Grafenhan I. c. 135 sqq.] M. V. ars gramm. de orthogr. et de metr. ratione I. IV. in T. Gais- ford's scriptt. Lat. rei metr. Oxf. 1837 and in * H. Keil's gramm. Lat. VI (1) '71 (where also Maximus Victorinus, Caesius Bassus, Atilius Fortunatianus) ; \}Iarius Plotius Sacerdos ibid. (2) '74.] id. quaestt. GRAMMARIANS. DONATUS, SERVIUS, SERGIUS. 173 'gramm. J II de M. V. arte gramm. Halle '71 — 2 4to. [L. M tiller in Bhein. Mus. xxii 648, xxv 313, id. in Jahrb. '6& 863, K. Thiemann ib. '73 429—32, 0. Hens e Jcrit. Blatter i Halle '72 70—1, Osann Beitrage n 358— 80.] Analecta gramm. max. partem anecd. ed. los. ab Eiehen- feld et St. Endlicher Vienna '37 4to. H. Wentzel symb. crit. ad hist, script, rei metr. Lat. Bresl. '58. F. A. Eckstein in the Halle Programm '61 4to. W. Christ in Philol. xviii 109 sqq. R. Westphal Metrik der Griecheni 126. Th. Bergk in Philol. xvi 636—47 and in the HaUe Lectionscatalog for '61, '63 4to. W. Schady de M. V. Lie, IV de orthogr. i Bonn (cf. § 82 3). [* H. Keil M. V. excerpta de orthogr. Halle '74 4to. *0. Hense de luba artigrapho. adi. sunt artis VIII libr. prior, reliq. in acta soc. philol. Lips, iv '75 1 — 321.] A different person from the rhetor Q. Fabius Laurentius Victorinus in Halm's r/te«. Lat. {§ 86 2) viii- ix, 153—304. 2. Aelius Donatus (about 355, cf. § 24 2 sq.) and his commentators Marius Servius Honoratus, Sergius, Flavius Mallius Theodorus etc. Donati ars and the others in Keil's gramm. Lat. iv, Fl. M. T. de metris ed. (ed. princ.) I. Fr. Heusinger Wolfenb. 1755, Leyd. '66, and inGaisford's script. Lat. rei metr. 525 — 67. [KeiH. c. vi.] R. West- phal Metrik d. Griechen i^ 130 — 1. [On the fame of Donatus Zappert in Ber. d. Wien. Akad. ix (1) 205 sqq. A mediaeval vita Donati in B. & gen anecd. Helvet. cclx — i. Suringar hist, schol. Lat. ii 31—58, Grafenhan Gesch. d. class. Philol. iv 315 — 8. On Servius and Sergius HagenLXxxix — xcvi, cxcii — cciii, 143 — 58. Grafenhan ib. 107 — 9. On the comm. of Don. on Ter. cf. Usener in Bhein. Mus. XXIII 493—5, K, Dziatzko ib. xxix 445—62, 511—2, W. Hahn zur En- stehungs gesch. der Schol. d,D. zum T. Halberst. 1870 4to. On Servius eomm. Verg. above 72—3, Bohmer lectt. Serv. Oels '58 4to, J. J. Cornells sen cod. Daventr. descriptio Berl. '71 4to, E. Teuber de Servii vita et comm. i Bresl. '43, Grafenhan I. c. 93 — 4, 325 — 7, L. Mil Her in Jahrb. xciii 563 — 5, Bhein. Mus. xxv 340 — 1. L. v. Santen Servii centrimetrum Leyd. 1788, Klein Gobi. 1825 4to. On F. M. T. cos. 399 {corp. inscr. Gr. 6232 etc.) A. Ruben de vita F. M. T. Utr. 1694, Leipz. 1754.] 3. The grammarians and metrici of the fifth century Cledonius, Pompeius, Consentius, Rufinus, Euty- ches, Phocas etc. . . 174? CLEDONIUS, POMPEIUS. FORTUIf ATI ANUS. [On Cled. see F. Osann Beitrdge ii 314 — 6. Pompeii comm. artis Donati ed. F. Lindemann Leipz. 1820, Keil v 83—312. Osann I. c. 311—3, Grafenhan Gesch. d. class. Philol. iv 108 — 9, Keil de gramm. Lat. injim. aet. Erlangen '68 4to 3 — 4. Ars Consentii de nomine et verbo in Putsch 2017 — 74, de barb, et metapl. ed. Buttmann Berl. '17» both in Keil v 334 — 401. On Eufinus of Antioch see Osann I. c. 307 — 8. His versus et excerpta de compositions et metris oratt. in Gaisf ord scriptt. rei metr., in Orelli's Cic. v^ 183 sqq. in Halm rhett.. Lat. 575 — 84; cf. Riese anthol. Lat. n. 732. Eutyches de verbo edd^ Jo. Camerarius Tiib. 1537 4to, Putsch 2143—89, Lindemann gramm. Lat. i, Keil v, cf. Osann I. c. 162—5. On Phocas (author of a life of Verg. in verse and of epigrams Wernsdorf p. Lat. min. in 347 — 8) see Funccius de inerti I. I. sen. iv § 13. Audax de Scauri et Palladii libris excerpta ed. Keil i ii Halle '72 — 3 4to. Cf. id. in; Hermes i 332—3.] In H. Keil's gramm. Lat. v *68, cf. anecdota Helvet. ad gramm. Lat. ed. Herm. Hagen Leipz. '70, Eufinus in Gaisford Z. c. [and in Keil vi (2) '74.] H. Keil in Hermes 1 330. The grammarian Papirius. W. Br amh a, ch. in Ehein. Mus. xxv 1870 171 sqq. [id. lat. OrtJiogr, 55—6.] Fulgentius see §§ 105, 123. 4. Fortunatianus, Julius Victor, Arusianus Messius (about 395) and other rhetoricians. Julius Valerius the translator of Pseud ocallisthenes (before 340) ; itinerarium Alexandri (about 340). The rhetoricians in Halm's rhett. Lat. (§ 86 2) 22 sqq. On Arusianus Messius [M. des Amorie v. d. Hoeven de nonnulUs locc. vett. scrr. cum app. de Arus. Mess. Amst. 1845 27 — 48,] M. Haupt in Hermes in 223. [Ar. M. in Mai's Fronto, in Lindemann corp. gramm. i 201 — 66. Cf. Suringar hist. cr. scholiast. Lat. ii 202 — 6, Osann Beitrdge ii 349 — 51, Grafenhan Gesch. d. class. Philol. iv 194 — 6. On Fort, see Halm Per. d. Miinchn. Akad. ii '62 13 sqq. J. Simon hrit. Beitrdge zur Jihet. d. F. Schweinfurt '72 4to. Sulpicius Victor in Pithoeus ant. rhett. Par. 1599 4to 240—75, in Halm 313—52. lulius Victor in Mai scriptt. vet. Eome '23, '35 4to i (4) xxxvi, (6) 47 sqq. in Ore Hi Cic. yi 195 sqq. in Halm 371— 418. Cf. id. in Ber. d. Munchn. Akad. '63 389 — 419, F. Meister quaestt. Quintil. Liegnitz '60 4to 19 sqq. A. VIBIUS SEQ. NOTAE TIRONIANAE. 175 Damien de C. I. V. Par. '52.] Tul. Val. epit. first publ. by lul. Zacher" Halle '67. GL K.M eu s el in Jahrb. '69 282 sqq. Pseudo-Callisthenes prim. ed. C. Miiller (with lul. Val.) at the end of Dubner's Arrian Par. '46 XXVIII sqq. 153 sqq. I. Zacher Pseudocallisthenes ; zur Kritihu... Gesch. d. dltesten Aufzeichnung d. Alexandersage Halle '67. [An ed. of lul. Val. and the epit. by W. Forster is announced by Teubner. First publ. by A. Mai with the itin. Alex., then enlarged in cZass. awcf. vii,. of. spicil. Vat. viii 513 sqq., J. Mahly in Hopfner and Zacher. Zeitschrift fur deutsche Philolologie in 1871 416 sqq. Wackernagel ib. I 120 sqq., Bahrens in Jalirh. '72 636, Geier in Wiener Jahrb, Gcxiii 200 sqq. Also printed in Lemaire's Curtius.] It. Al. ad Constantium Aug. prinium ed. Ang. Mai Milan '17 4to, [Frankf. '18, also in Mai class, auct. vn,] F. Haase in misc. philol. II Bresl. '58 4to, M. Haupt in If ermes V 189. it. Alex. [edd. C. Miiller I. c. 155 — 67,] *D. Volkmann Naumburg '71 4to, *C. Kluge de itin. A. M. Bresl. '61. [L etr on n e Joztr7i. d. sav. '18 401 sqq., Dronke in See- bode krit. Biblioth. '28 n. 67, Hulleman ad Ptol. reliqq. Utr. '44 26 sqq. 88 sqq. 151, Bahrens in Jahrb. '73 68—9, E. Peiper in Philol. xxxiii 742 — 3, J. Grion in rivista di Jilol. '73, C. Kluge de itin. Al. Warsaw '61. Muratori {antt. it. med. aevi in 957 sqq.) published c. 1— 32.J 5. Yibius Sequester (end of the fourth and begin- ning of the fifth centuries). Edd. Fr. Hessel Eotterd. 1711, *J. J. Oberlin Strassb. '78, [L. Baudet with Fr. transl. Par. 1843,] * V. S. de fiuminibus...a Conr, Bursian recogn. Ziir. '67 4to. [Liidecke in Gott. gel. Anz. '68 561 — 9, M. Hertz in Jahrb. '66 275.] 6. Notae Tironianae and glossaries. J. Gruter at the end of inscriptt. ant. Heidelb. 1603 fol. and after the ed. of Seneca by A. Schottus. U.F. Ko^^ palaeogr. crit. ii Mannheim 1817 4to [lexicon Tironianum]. I, Tardif in mem. de Vacad. des inscr. et belles lettres ser. 2 iii '54 101—71; [biblioth. de I'ecole des chartes ser. 3 I 540 sqq. iv 402 sqq.] Th. Sick el [Urkunden d. Karolinger i 326 — 39 and Lex. Tir. d. Gottweiger Bibl. in] Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad.^xxvin '61 3 sqq. W. Schmitz in Rhein. Mus. xviiil45— 8, [xxiii 199, XXV 161—3, 312, 429—31,] xxvi 146—8, 343—4, [616—8,] xxvii 468 sqq., [xxviii 339—40, 485—7,] in symb. philol. Bonnens. '67 529—53. id, de Eomanorum tachygraphia and also on the Madrid notae in Pansteno- graphikon i '69 (1) 11 sqq. and (2) 1 sqq. [id. ib. '74 193—208, 337—463, in Jahrb. '67 852, '68 699, M. Hertz i6. 236. V. Eos e ars notaria.. 176 GLOSSARIES. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. Tironische Noten u. Stenographie im 12. Jahrh. (from John of Tilbury) in Hermes viii 303 — 326, Osc. LehmanniZg Jiotis Tir. et Senecae Leipz. '69, G. Michalis in his Zeitschr. f. Stenogr. '59 n. 1, Wild ub. Tiro u. d. Tir. Noten Passau '70, J. W. Zeibig Gesch. u. Lit, der Geschwind- schreibeliunst Dresd. '63 — 7, notarum laterculi ed. Th. Mo mm sen in Keil gramm. Lat. iv, Walch hist. crit. I. L. iv § 28, Funccius de vir. aet. I. L. I c. 8 % 8, F. J. Anders Gesch. u. Lit. d. Stenogr. Coslin '58 81 sqq.] CyrilU, Philoxeni aliorum veterum glossaria ed. [B. Vulcanius Leyd. 1600 fol.] Phil. Labbaeus Par. '79 fol. [repr. as an append, to Yalpy Steph. Thes. I. gr.] (cf. Philol. xvii 159, Rhein. Miis. xvii 159 sqq, Th. Bergk in the Halle Lectionscatalog for summer 1864 p. v n. 4). Placidi glossae ed. A. Mai in class, auctorum coll. iii Rome '31, [427 — • 503, ib. n 501—74, vii 649—86, viii, cf. W. Meyer in Rhein. 3Ius. xxix 179 sqq.] Diibner in Rhein. Mus. v. WelcTcer u. Nake iii '33 477 sqq. 699 sqq. R. Klotz in Archiv f. Philol. u. Pddag. ii '33 439 sqq. 485 sqq. Single glossaries published by Osann Giessen '26 4to, Fickert Naumburg '43 4to, [Fr. Oehler in Jahn's Archiv xiu,] Hildebrand Dortmund '45 4to, Gott. '54, Peter Zeitz '50 4to, Deycks Miinster '54 4to. [Th. Mommsen in Hermes viii 67 — 74, G. Thomas in Ber. d. Milnchn. Akad. '68 ii 369—409, cf. Halm and K. Hofmann ih. '69 il 1—13, 197—200.] M. Haupt ib. in 149 sqq. vi 12 and in the Berliner Lectionscatalog of '71 — 2 4to. A. Wilmanns and H. Usener in Rhein, Mus. XXIV 362—91, F. Ritschl ib. xxv 456—63, [H. A. Koch it. xxvi 549 — 53, H. Usener ib. xxiii 491, xviii 253 sqq. Th. Mommsen ib. XVI 147,] H. Kettner in. Hermes vi 165 — 77, id. zur Kritik fZer glossae Placidi Dramburg '72 4to. [Luctatii Placidi grammatici glossae. Rec. et illnstr. A. Deuerling Leipzig 1875. See G. Corsi le glosse Lat. dl Luttazio Placido Pisa '46 from ann. d. univ. tosc. i (1) 140 — 74, A. D euerling zur Emend, u. Erkl. d. Plac. Glossen in Bldtt.f.d. bair. Gymn. VIII 150—62, A. Miller ib. vii 295—303, A. F. Rudorf f ub. d. Glossen. d. Phil. u. Cijr. Berl. '66 4to, K. E. Georges in Philol. xxxi 543, H. Kettner zu Varro und lateinischen Glossaren Halle 1868 4to, Ducange gloss, praef. §§42 sqq. hist. litt. de la France xxii introd. •Ch. Thurot extraits de divers mss. Lat. pour servir a Vhistoire des doc- trines grammaticales au moyen age in notices et extr. d. I. biblioth. imp. XXII (2) '68. Fr. Haase de med. aevi studiis philol. 32 sqq. Hilde- brand in Zeitschr. f. Gymn. vii 113 sqq.] § 113. Historical, statistical and geographical abridge- ments of the fourth and fifth centuries. AURELIUS VICTOR. 177 1. The clironographer of 354 A.D. [the chronicon Cus- piniani), Anonymi orhis descriptio (after 353). * Th. Mommsen ilh. d. Chronographen v. J. 354 in Ahh. der h. sacks. Ges. der Wissensch. ii 1857 547—668 and in C. I. L. i 233 sqq. [also in Urlichs cod. topogr. urh. Bomae Wiirzb. '71, cf. Pallmann Gesch. d. Vdlkencanderung ii 196—248, G. Waitz Nachr. d. Gdtt. Ges. d. W. '65 81—114.] The periochae of Livius and Obseqnens see § 83 e. Vetus orbis descriptio. Ed. lac. Gothofredus Geneva 1628 [also in J, Gronov geographica ant. Leyd. '97 4to, and Hudson geogr. Gr. min. Ill Oxf. 1712,] and the liber lunioris philosophi in A. Mai's class, auct. nova coll. iii '31 385 — ^^415 [and thence in Bode scriptt. myth, ii Celle '34]. Both texts in C. Miiller's geogr. Gr. min. ii Par. '61 513 sqq. 2. S. Aurelius Victor (about 360). lulius Exupe- rantius. Caesares. Epitome de Caesarihus. I)e viris illustri- hus urhis Bomae. Origo gentis Romanae. [Inscr. in Orelli n. 3715, Gruter p. 286 5.] [Tillemont emp. iv, Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. viii §§ 38 sqq. D. G. Moller de S.A. V. Altdorf 1685 4to.] Edd. Andr. Schott Douay 1577, Antw. '9, Frankf. 1606 fol. Often with the script, hist. Aug., Anna Fabri in usum Delph. Paris '81 4to, [ib. 1726 4to,] S. Pitiscus Utr. 1696, *H. J. Arntzen Amst. 1733 4to, J. F. Gruner Coburg '57, Erlangen '87, Fr. Schroter 2 vols. Leipz. 1829—31. [E. Keilz Bresl. '72.] J. Mahly in Jahn's Archiv fur Philologie xvm '52 132—53, cf. xix 314—9. H. Rotter de auctore I. de or. g. Rom. Cottbus '58 4to. H. Jordan in Hermes iii 389 — 425, C. Aldenhoven fil. ibid, v 150—4. [*E. Wolfflin in Rhein. Mus. XXIX 282—308 'Aurelius Victor.' id. Gael. Antip. '72 28. Theod. Opitz in Rhein. Mus. xxix 186—8 ' zu der Schrift origo gentis Romanae,' in acta soc. philol. Lips, ii '74 199—279 quaestt. de S. A. F., L. Jeep A. V. de Caes. hist, e Vepit. de Caess. in rivista di jilol. '73 i 505 — 13, M. Hertz in Jahrb. '68 572, R. Volkmann obss. misc. lauer '73 3, Roulez bullet, de Vacad. de Brux. '30 xvii (1) 261 sqq. Baguet ib. (2) 144 sqq.] [Engl. G. W. the epit. with Justin Lend. 1606 fol. Germ. A. Gloss 3 vols. Stuttg. 1837—8, A. Forbiger ib. '69.] M. 12 178 AUR. VICT. DICTYS. DARES. [Language. Complete ind. in ed. Anna Fabri. Good ind. by P. L. Loticli in Arntzen and Yalpy 2 vols. Lond. 1829.] lull Exnperanti opusc. a Conr. Bursian recogn. Zurich 1868 4to. [In O. Jahn's library was Eosch de I. Ex. Altdorf 1691 4to, Qu. whether the same as D. G. Moller de I. Ex. ib. 1690 4to?] M. Haupt in Hermes iii 342. J. Mahly in Jahrb. '72 143—4. [Printed in many old edd. of Sallnst, and by Wasse, Kortte, Havercamp, Volpi, Miller (Berlin 1751), Burnouf (Paris 1822), Planehe (ibid. '25), Fro t sober ('25), Gerlach '31. Cf. Linker emendd. zu Sail. Vienna '54 29 sqq. Ber. d. Wien. Akad. '54 286 sqq. Ludeke in G'ott. gel.Anz. '69 77—80.] 3. Dictys (L. or Q. Septimius). Dares. Hege- sippus. [J. J. de Brincken de D arete Phrygio Liineb. 1736 4to, J. G. Ec- cius de D. P. Leipz. '68 4to. J. T. Nesselius de Dictye Ups. 1728, J. Perizonius de hist, helli Troi. Diet. Cr. Gr. et eius interpr. Lat. Sept- imio in ed. Amst. 1702 and in Dederich. Anna Fabri in us. Delph. Par. 1680 4to, * Amst. 1702 4to, U. Obrecht Strassb. 1691.] * Dictys Cretensis. Ed. A. Dederich Bonn '33. * Dares ex excidio Troiae. Ed. A. Dederich ib. '35. * Dictys Cr. ephemeridos belli Troiar.i I. VI recogn. F. Meister Leipzig '72. [cf. class, joum. xxx 92 sqq. Dun lop hist, of fiction c. 6. G. Paris in Romania '74 329 — 44 first printed hist. Daretis Frigii de origine Franconim. Cf. Zarncke in Ber. d. sachs. Ges. d. W. 1866 iv 275. The mediaeval poets Conrad of Wiirz- burg and Herbart of Fritzlar used Dares; also the troubadour Benoit de Ste. More (cir. 1150) in his destruction de Troyes A. Joly 7?. d. S. 31. et le roman de Troie 2 vols. Par. '70 — 1, Albert of Stade (cent, xiii) in his Troilus (ed. Th. Mertzdorf Leipz. '75), and Joseph of Exeter (cent, xii) in his six books de hello Troiano.] cf. G. F. Hildebrand in Jahrhilcher '38 276 sqq. [G. Korting Dictys und Dares, zur Geschichte der Troja Sage Halle 1874, * H. Dunger die Sage vovi trojanischen Kriege in den Bearheituvgen des Mittelalters Dresden 1869, *F. Meister iib. Dares Bresl. '71 4to, J. Schmidt in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. '69 819—30, G. F. Hildebrand in Jahrb. xxiii 278 sqq. H. Dunger ib. cvii 662—5, E. Eohde in Philol. xxxii 749—51, *Wopkens-Frotseher advers. Leipz, '35 ii 162 — 215 (on Dictys from misc. obss. ii), H. Pratje quaestt. Sail, ad L. Septimium et Sulp. Sev. Sallustii imitatorcs spectantes Gott. '74, R. Volkmann obss. misc. lauer '73 18—9.] HEGESIPPUS. EUTROPIUS. 179 [Engl. Jo, Lydgate (Warton hist. Engl, poetry ss. 3, 23 and ind.), Tho. Paynell Lond. 1553 (Dares from the French). [Language. Complete ind. in ed. in us. Delph. (and in Valpy Lond. 1825). Good indd. by S. Artopoeus (in ed. Obrecht) and in Dede- rich.] [ hello iudaico; opus morte C. F. Weheri interruptum absolvit C. I. Caesar Marb. '64 4to. Hegesippus or Egesippus a loose translation of Josephus bell.Iud. often published in cent. xvi. In hihl, pair. max. v, Galland vii, Migne xv. C. Paucker subrelicta addendorum lexx. Lat. Dorpat 1872 n. 2 and spicil. add. etc. Mitau 75 225 makes it probable that Ambrosius is the author. Cf. J. F. Gronov ohss. eccl. cc. 1, 21. In the Cambr. MS. Kk 1 27 (of which the 'lost leaf was carried off by Uf f enbach) f. 42 b. ii ad fin. is the rubric 'beatissimi Ambrosii episcopi translatio ex Josepho'.] 4. Eutropius (f about 370) with two Greek meta- phrases. [D. G. Moller de E. Altdorf 1685 4to, Tzschucke in his ed. Func- cius de veg. I. I. sen. viii §§ 44 sqq. Manso Leben Constantins 214 sqq. U. Kohler qua rat. Liv. ann. 1860 38 sqq. Mommsen d. Chro- nograph V. 354 601, Th. Opitz de Aur. Vict. 267—9, W. Hartel E. u. Paulus diac. in Ber. d. Wien. Akad. lxxi '72, A. Kocher de loanneAnt. Bonn 1871 17—24, A. Eussner in spec. crit. Wtirzb. '68 33—5, M. Haupt in Hermes vii 12. Breviarium ah u. c. Edd. E. Vinet Poitiers 1553, Par. '60, Bas. '81, etc. H. Glareanus Freib. '54, P. Merula Leyd. '94,] Chr. Cellarius Zeitz 1678, Jena 1716, etc. '55, Anna Fabri in usum Delph. Paris 1683 4to, [Oxf. '96, Par. 1716, '26 4to, Lond. '16,] Thorn. Hearne Oxf. 1703, S. Havercamp Leyd. '29, [J. F. Gruner Coburg '52, '65,] * H. Verheyk Leyd. '62, '93, * C. H. Tzschucke Leipz. '96, 1804, F. W. Grosse (Germ.) Halle 1813, F. Hermann Ltibeck '18, C. Eamshorn (Germ.) Leipz. '37, R. Dietsch ib. '53 [new ed. at press,] * W. Hartel Berl. '72. Th. Momm- sen in Hermes i 468. E. Schulze de Paeanio Eutr. interpr. in Philol. XXIX 285—99 and in Hermes vi 84 sqq. W. Pirogoff de E. libr. indole ac fontibus i Berl. 1873.] [The Gr. of Paeanius in edd. Cellarius, Hearne, Havercamp, Verheyk, alone ed. C. F. Schmid Lauenberg 1736, J. F. S. Kaltwas- ser Gotha '80. Weber de Latine scriptis quae Graeci transtulerunt Cassel '52 ii 16, 21, Suid. s. vv. afxiaafeLv, AvpT)\iav6s, Evrpo-mos, KamTwv. Niceph. Greg, in Lambec. de hihl. Vindob. viii 136. Engl. Nic. Hawarde Lond. 1564.] 12—2 180 HIST. MISC. RUFUS FESTUS. CURIOSUM URBIS. [Complete ind. in ed. in «s. DeJph. (also in Valpy Lond. 1821) and in Havercamp. Good indd. in edd. L. Reinbard Hamb. 1729, Ger- manicus Sincerus Frankf. n. d. ('32), Verheyk. Wdrterhilcher by G. F. W. Grosse Stendal 1819, G. Seebode Hannover '37, * 0. Eicbert Bresl. '50.] Historia miscella. Fr. Eyssenbardt rec. Berl. 1869 (cf. G. Waitz in G'ott. gel. Anz. '69 754 sqq.). [Early edd. P. Pitboeus Bas. 1569, H. Canisius Ingolst. 1C03 (Munich 1854), J. Gruter in scriptt. Lat. hist. Aug. min. Hannover 1611 fol. L. A. Muratori scriptt. rer. it. Milan 1723 fol. i.] 5. [S.] Rufus Festus (after 369). The lists of the regions {curiosum and iiotitia). Breviarium rerum gestarum. populi Romani. Edd. by [H. Meibo ra- ins Helmst, 1588,] Cb. Cellarius Zeitz 1673, * Halle '98, witb Eutropius by Havercamp and Verbeyk, by C. H. Tzscbucke Leipz. 1793, W. Munnicb Hannover 1815, E. Mecenate Eom. '29, W. Forster de Ruji breviario eiusque codd. Vienna '72 4to. [id. text witb tbe above disser- tation ibid. '74. E. Jacobi de F. hr. fontihus Bonn '74 rev. by C. Wa- gener philol. Anz. '75 49 — 52. Cf. Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. viii 54 sqq. D. G. Moller de Sexto Rufo Altdorf 1687 4to, Verheyk, Tzscbucke and Miinnich before tbeir edd. Beugnot destr. du pagan- isme I 258 sqq. ii 133 sqq. C. Wagener in Philol. xxxiii 371 — 3.] * Die Regionen d. St. Rom mit einleit. Abhandlungen u. e. Comm. v. L. Preller Jena '46. * Mirabilia Romae e codd. Vatic, emendata ed. G. Par- tbey Berl. 1869, [also in Montfaucon diar. ital. Par. 1702 4to 283 sqq. Nibby in effemer. lit. di Roma 1820 62 sqq. 147 sqq. 378 sqq. Tb. Grasse Beitrage z. Lit. u. Sage des Mittelalt. Dresd. 1850 4to, Mass- mann in Jalirb. lxiii 266 sqq. 275.] H. Jordan in Hermes ii 414 sqq. in * Topographic d. St. Rom im Alterth. ii Berl. '71 537—670. * Cod. Romae topogr. ed. C. L. Urlichs Wurzb. '71, [Tb. Mommsen in Abh. d. sachs. Ges. d. W. '50 601-5. H. Jordan ib. 1—236, 299—312; on tbe mirabilia id. ib. 357 — 536, 605—643 ; the anon. Einsiedl. (cent. IX {ib. 329—56, 646—63), Mabillon vet. anal. Par. 1723 fol. 364 sqq. G. Hiinel in Jahn's ArchivY 115 sqq. On tbe late date of tbe regio- naria see Sarti in Bunsen Beschreibung Roms i 173 sqq. Becker rfym. Alterth. i 711 sqq. Seebode's Archiv v (4) 115 sqq. Tbe curiosum in Muratori inscr. iv 2126 sqq. The notitia witb most edd. of the notitia dignitatum. The spurious P. Victor de regg. often with Mela, in Graevius thes, ant. iii and in Adler Beschreibung d. St. Rom TABULA PEUTINGER. ITINERARIES. 181 Hamb. 1781 4to, the spurious Sextus Rufus ibid, and in Muratori I. c. 2125 sqq. Separately ed. W. Miinnicli Hannover 1815. Cf. E. H. Bunbury in class, mus. x 1846 373 sqq.] 6. Peutinger's map and itineraries. Tabula itineraria Pent. Ed. Fr. Cbr. de Sclieyb Vienna 1753 fol. T. i. P. denuo collata emendata et nova C. Mannerti introductione instructa Leipz. 1824 fol. Alfr. Maury carte de la Gaule de Pent, (from the rev. arch.) Par. '60, [id. in rev. arch. '64 i 60 — 3,] E. Paulus Erklarung d. Peutinger-Tafel Stuttg. '67, *La table de Peutinger d'apres V original conserve a Vienne etc. by Em. Desjardins. Par. '69 fol. (five parts have appeared). [Early edd. M. Velser Ven. 1591 4to and in his opp. Nurnb. 1682 fol. Abr. Or t eli u s ^arer<7o?i Antw. 1598, 1624 fol. Ber- tius geogr. vet. Leyd. 1718 fol. C. Horn orbis ant. Amst. 1653 fol, N. Bergier grands chemins de Vemp. rom. Bruss. 1728 4to ii, Cf. Grasse tresor s. v. Peutinger, Biihr rom. Liter aturgesch. iii 218 — 9. Special routes H. Schmid Rhein and Moselle in Verhandl. d. preuss. Geiverbver. 1833, F. W. Schmidt upper Danube Bresl. '44, A. Pauly from Vindonissa to Regino Stuttg. '36 4to, Seefried in oberbair. Archiv f. vaterl. Gesch. xxx 1869 332—46, E. v. Wietersheim Gesch. d. Volker- icanderung ii exc. c] *Vct. Romanor. itineraria c. notis varior. ed. P. Wesseling Amst. 1735 4to, * Itin. Antonini Augusti et Hierosolymitanum ed. G. Parthey et M. Pinder Bei'l. 1848, L. B>enieT itineraries la Gaule Par. '50 [soc. des antiquaires de France), [Fortia d' Urban itineraires anc. ib. '45 4to,] Alex. Bertrand les votes Eomaines en Gaule; voies des itin. (from the rev. arch.) ib. '63. K. L. Roth in Jahrb. d. Ver.v. Alterthumsfr. im Rheinl. xxix, xxx '60 1 sqq. On the itin. Alexandri see § 112 4. [Petersen in Phein. Mus. viii 387 sqq. Delisle in comptes rend, de Vacad. des inscr. '67 m 308 sqq. Aures concordance des voies apolli- naires et de Vitin. de Bord. a Jerus. et comp. avec Vitin. d'Antonin Nismes '69, M. Pinder inBer. d. Berl. Akad. '60 316, A. de Barthelemy it. de Bord. in rev. archiol. '64 ii 98 — 112. The it. Hieros. also in P. Bertius geogr. vet. Amst. 1618 fol. ii and in Berggren Flavius Josephus FUhrer der Pilger Leipz, 1854. Cf. W. Tomaschek in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gijmn. '67 710—2, *T. Tobler Palaestinae descriptiones ex saec. IV VVISt. Gallen '69, id. de locis Sanctis quae perambulavit Antoninus martyr c. A.D. 570 ib '63. id. descriptiones terrae sanctae ex saec. VIII IX X XII XV ib. '74. Three silver cups (now in the mus. Kirchnerianum at Home) engraved with itineraries were found in 1852 at Yicarello {aquae 182 lUL. HON. NOTIT. DIGNIT. POLEM. SJLY. COSM. RAV. ApolUnares) ed. Jos. Marchi la stipe tributata alls divinita delV acque Apollinari Eome '52 4to, W. Henzen in Rhein. Mus. x 20 sqq. and in Orelli inscr. iii n. 5210, A. Jacob les trois itin. des aquae Ap. Par. '59, Garucci in rev. archeol. '62 i 254 sqq. '70 ii 124 — 9, Fiorelli scoverte archeol. fatte in Italia dal 1846 — 66 Naples '68 52. Fr. Biiclieler in Bhein. Mus. xxviii 476 'ad itin. Syri cuiusdam'.] 7. lulius Honorius (the so-called Aetliicus). [Printed with Mela Leyd. 1696, 1722, J. Brandis in Rhein. Mus. IX 293—6, Petersen ib. 85 sqq. Ethicus Fr. by L. Baudet Par. '43.] F. Eitschl and K. Miillenbof f as cited § 80 2. d'Av^zac sur Ethicus in viSm. de I'acad. des inscr. ser. ii Par. 1852 4to. K. A. F. Pertz de cosmogr. Ethici I. Ill Berl. '53. H. Wuttke d. Kosmogr. d. Istriers Aithikos im lat. Auszug d. Hier. Leipz. '53, id. d. Aechtheit d. Auszugt aus d. Kosmogr. des A. geprilft ib. '54. 8. Notitia dignitatum (between 398 and 408). Notitia provinciarum et civitatum Galliae. Notitia pi'ovinciarum et civitatum Africae. Not. dign. et adminisirationum omnium tam civilium quam militarium inpartibus orientis et occidentis. [Ed. Guid. Panciroli Yen. 1593, 1602, Gen. 1623 fol. and in Graevius thes. ant. rom. vii,] * rec. Ed. Bocking 2 vols. Bonn 1839 — 53. * id. iib. d. notitia dignitatum utriusque im- perii ib. '34. W, Braiah&Gh not. provinciarum et civitatum Galliae in Rhein. Mus. xxiii 262 — 302. Notit. Africae in Bocking ii 615 sqq. 0. Seeck quaestt. de not. dign. Berl. '72, [id. in Hermes ix 217 — 242, W. Tomaschek in Zeitschr.f. ost. Gymn. '67 712 — 5, A. Miiller in Philol. XXXII 562, BacliMsf. iur. rom. iii 4 s. 3 § 6.] 9. Polemius Silvius (about 450). Polemii Silvii laterculus published by Th. Mommsen in Abh. d. sdchs. Ges. d. W. iii 1860 231—77, [vii 694—6,] and in C. I. L. i 233 sqq. [Transl. in rev. arch4ol. xiii, xiv. A. v. Gutschmid in Rhein. 3/ms. xvii 326— 7. Earlier edd. acta ss. June vii 178 — 84, Migne xiii 675 sqq.] 10. The cosmographer of Eavenna (end of the seventh century). [Edd. PI. Porcheron Par. 1688, with Mela by J. Gronov Leyd. '96j DICUIL. PALLADIITS. GARG. MART. PHYSICIANS. 183 and A. Grono v ib, 1722. M. Pinder iib. d. Kosmogr. des G. E. in Ahh. Berl. Akad. Oct. 1853, A. Jacobs de Gallia ah anon. B. descripta Par, '58, W. Tomascliek in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. '67 709—10, Hase in journ. d. sav. '55 644 sqq. Eckermann in Erseh u. Gruber Encycl. Ill (20) 30 sqq. Bock in annuaire de la bibl. roy. de Belg. xii Bruss. '51 161 sqq. F. Borscli iih. d. Stud. d. Antiqq. d. Mittelalters Marb. '20 4to 7—20.] * Eavennatis anon, cosmographia et Guidonis geographica. Ed. M. Pinder et G. Parthey Berl. 1860. * Th. Mommsen iib. d. Unteri- talien betreffenden AbscJmitte d. rav. Kosmogr. in Ber. der sacks. Ges. d. W. '51 80 — 117. G. B. de Eossi sopra il cosmografo Eav. (from the giornale Arcadico) Kome '52, A. von Gutschmid zur Frage iib. d. Original d. rav. Kosmogr. in Ehein. Mus. xii 438 — 41, G. Parthey in Hermes iv 134—7, [id. in Abh. d. Berl. Akad. '58 4to, Ber. d. B. Akad. '59 627 — 35. A cosmography by a Burgundian (cent. 13) in 129 trochaic tetrameters from Isid. orig. xiv 3 sqq. G. H. Pertz Abh. d. Berl. Akad. 1847 4to.] Dicuil. *D. lib. de mensura orbis terrae a G. Parthey rec. Berlin 1870. [ed. C. A. Walckenaer Par. '07, * A. Letronne ib. '14. See T. Wright biogr. Brit. lit. i Lond. '42 372—6.] § 114. Palladius Eutilius Taurus Aemilianus praef. urhi A.D. 359 [?]. [Funccius de immin. I. I. sen. x § 40, hist. lit. de la France ii 297 — 301.] De re rustica I. XIV (book XIV in distichs) in script, rei rust. § 37 8, [xiv in Wernsdorf poet. lat. min. vi, cf. iii 342, 396, iv 853.] B. Borghesi dichiarazione Wuna lapide Gruteriana (Turin acad. 1835) in oeuvres in 1864 463 sqq. 0. Jahn in Ehein. Mus. in 141. [Gruter t/iscr. 1080 1, E. H. F. Meyer Gesch. d. Botanik ii 328—33. Engl. Tho. Owen Lond. 1803. Fr. Cubaris-Dupaty Par. '44.] Gargilius Martialis (under Sever us Alexander). G. M. quae supersunt {ed. A. Mai [in class, auct. i Eome 1828 387 — 413, in '31 416—23]), ed. in Germaniapr. Luneb. 1832. *G. M. de cura bourn ed. Chr. Th. Schuch Donaueschingen '57. IPlinii iunioris una cum Gargilii Martialis medicina nunc primum edita a Val. Eose Leipzig, biblioth. Teubneriana 1875. Cf. Hermes viii 20—66. This supersedes the mediaeval compilation Plinius de re medica, as far as 184 PHYSICIANS. APICIUS. VEGETIUS. antiquity is concerned. G. M. de arh. in Seebode's ArcJiiv '30 n. 35. The fragm. de cura boum in the script, rei rust. Cf. Meyer Gesch. d. Bot. II 228 — 36. Fragm. de olerihm in V. Eos e anecd. ii Leipz. '70 61, IOC— 60 and his Aristot. pseudepigr. 273—4. PHn. Val. edd. Th. Pigh i- nucci Kome 1509 fol. A. Torinus (with Soranus) Bas. '28 fol. in med. lat. Yen. '47 fol. Bas. '49 fol. J. G. Giinz de PL V. Leipz. 1736 4to. Meyer I. c. 398—412. C. Paucker addenda lexx. lat. Dorpat '72 100-1 etc. has collected new words from Plin. Val., ib. 95 — 6 from Marcellus Empiricus (cf. J. Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. ix § 31, Grimm lib. Marc. Burdig. Berl. Akad. '49 4to, E. Meyer I. c. 305—15, Kose in Hermes I. c. Edd. J. Cgrnarius Bas. 1536 fol. and in med. ant. Yen. '47 fol. Par. '67 fol. ii, cf. Bur man poet. lat. min. ii 389—95), ib. 98—9 etc. from Theodorus Priscianus (Funccius de inerti I. I. sen. x § 3, E. Meyer I. c. 286—99, Choulant Handb. d. BiicherJc. d. Med. 216—8. Edd. H. Neuenar Strassb. 1532 fol., S. Gelenius Bas. '32 4to, in med. ant. Yen. '47 fol., J. M. Bernhold unfinished Anspach 1791).] Caelius Apicius. [Fabricius-Ernesti bibl. lat. ii c. 24, Bayle, Funccius de immin. I. I. sen. X § 29 sqq. Meyer Gesch. d. Bot. ii 236 — 49, Fr. Jacobs in Ersch u. Gruber Encycl. i (4) 402 sqq. J. H. Dierbach Flora Api- ciana Heidelb. '31. C. T. Schuch Gemiise u. Salat d. Alien i Eastatt '53, W. Teuffel in Pauly Real-Encycl. i^ 1241 n. 2. Good indd. in Almeloveen and Bernhold.] De re coquinaria I. X. Edd. [G. Humelberg Zfir. 1542 4to, M. Lister Lond. 1705, Th. J. ab Almeloveen Amst. '09, D. Bernhold Bayreuth '91 (new tit. Ansbach 1800), Chr. Th. Schuch Heidelb. '67, id. in Ja 7irt. suppl. xix 209—28.] § 115. Flavius Vegetius Renatus (about 384 — 395). Epitoma rei militaris. [Funccius de veg. I. I. sen. viii § 67, Fabricius-Ernesti bibl. lat. Ill c. 13, Marquardt Handb. d. rom. Alterth. iii (2) 235 — 6.] Edd. P. Scriverius with the notes of Fr. Modius and Stewechius 2 vols. Antw. 1607 4to, 2 vols. Wesel '70, [Jos. Yalart Par. 1762,] Nic. Schwebelius Nurnb. '67 4to, * c. wo«. varior. Strassb. 1806, * Car. Lang Leipz. '69. [ms. notes of Fr. Lindenbrog at Hamburg, *Fr. Oudendorp in misc. ohss. vi — ix, Turpin de Crisse' commentaires 3 vols. Montargis 1779 4to, 2 vols. Par. '83 4to, A. Eussnerin Jahrb. '73 524. An extract byEabanus Maurus ed.!!. Biimmlei in Zeitschr. MODESTUS. sym:machus. 185 /. deutsches Alterth. N. F. iii 443—51.] Th. Mo mm sen in Hermes i 130 sqq. [Gemoll ih. vi 113—8.] [Engl. 1) Jo. Lydgate (?) ms. in the Bodl. 2) 'dedicated to Tho. Id. Berkeley' ms. in Magd. coll. Ox. 3) 'by Clifton' cent. 15 in ms. Lansd. 285 74. 4) 'imperfect, three hooks' ms. Harl. 5) Wm. Caxton by order of H. VII, from the Fr. (after 'Chrystyne of Pyse' Par. 1488 fol.) Westm. 1489 fol. 6) Jo. Sadler Lond. 1572 4to (ded. to the earl of Bedford). OFrench. J. de Vignay from the library of ' the good duke Humphry' ms. Cambr. Ee 2 17.] [Complete ind. in ed. Lang.] Mod est i lihellus de vocahulis rei militaris ad Taciturn Augustum in the Vegetius of Stewechius. (WeseL 1670 I 359 sqq.) On [the spurious] Modestus cf. A. Peyron notitia lihror. hibl. Tanrin. Par. 1820 85 sqq. Vegetii Benati artis veterinariae s. mulo-medicinae I. IV in the script, rei rusticae (§ 37 8). [K. E. Georges in Philol. xxxi 489, C. F. G. Juncke de chordapso Veg. Leipz. 1832 4to, Funecius de veg. I. I. sen. ix § 32. Engl. Lond. 1748.] § 116. Q. Aurelius Symmachus [praef. urhi A.D. 384, consul 391). Epistidarum I. X. Speeches. [Orelli inscr. 1187 ( = Wilmann 1235), J. Gothofredus vita fifywm. in Parens, Funecius dg ve^. Z. Z. sew. vi§§ 20 sqq. Fabricius- Ernesti iii c, 16, Heidenheim in his Vierteljahrsschr. Ziir. 1867, C. G. Heyne opusc. vi 6 — 18, J. Burckhardt Constantin 491 — 7, 0. Clason Heidelb. Jahrb. '72 461—70, 526—53, 573—89, 865—73. On the controversy respecting the altar of Victory a.d. 384 {ep. x 61, Ambr. ep. 17, 18, Prud. c. Symm.) see Villemain melanges ii, H. Eichter das westrom. Reich 650 sqq. 587 sqq. 599—600, B. F. Schmieder des S. Griinde filfs Heidenthum u. d. Amhrosius Gegengrilnde Halle 1790, Beugnot destr. da paganisme i 450 sqq. E. v. Lasaulx Untergang d. Hellenismiis Munich 1854 90 — 8, A. F. Manoury Ambr. ep. et Symm. • relatio de ara Vict. Par. '54.] Susiana ad Symmachum. Ed. J. Gurlitt Hamburg 1816 — 8 4to. E. Morin sur la vie et les ecrits de S. Par. '47. L B. de Eossi in ami. delV inst. archeol. xxi '49 283 sqq. [0. Koren quaestt. Symm. Vienna 74.] 186 SYMMACHUS. AMM. MARC. Edd. Fr. luretus Paris 1580, * 1604 4to, lac. Lectius Lyons 1587, '98, Gen. 1601 12mo, [G. Schioppius Mainz 1608 4to,] I. Ph. Parens [Neust. a. d. H. 1617,] Frankf. ['42,] '51, [Migne patrol, xviii, *Q. Aurelii Symmachi relationes. i?ec. Guil. Meyer Leipz. 1872.] 0. Clason (le Symmachi epist. cod. Par. Bonn '67.' K. Schenkl in Zeitschr. f. ost. Gymn. '60 412—6. M. Haupt in Ilermes ii 8, in 149, 220—1, [iv 33—5, V 317,] VI 389—90, [vii 16—7, J. Mahly in Jahrh. '62 869—71, L. MiiUer ib. '67 498, C. F. W. Muller ib. lxxiii 324—34.] The speeches discovered by A. Mai first pubHshed at Milan 1815, in Niebuhr's Fronto (§ 102), and with additions in Mai's scriptt. vet. nova coll. I Eome '25 ('31) [id. iur. civ. anteiustin. reliq. ib. '23, and with his Cic. de rep. ib. '46, A. Peyron adn. ad invent, hihl. Bohb. .182 — 4, H. C. A. Eiuhstadt de S. oratt. Jena '16 4to. The epp. ad Aus. with Vinet's ^us. Bord. 1590 4to. J. Ph. Parens calUgraphia Symm. and * lex. Symm. Neustadt a. d. H. 1617 ; id. electa Symm. in all his edd.] §117. Ammianus Marcellinus (wrote 389 till after 391). [Liban. ep. 230, 983. Funccius de immin. I. I. sen. ix § 62, de veg. I. I. sen. viii §§ 57 — 66, Fabricius-Ernesti bibl. lat. in c. 12, Bayle s. v. MarcelUn^ J. J. Chif let de A. M. vita et libris Louvain 1627, D. G. Moller de Taclto Altd. 1684 4to § 16, id. deAmm. ib. '85 4to, M. Dona- tus in Gruter thes. crit. vi, N. Aagard animadverss. in Amm. Sora 1640 4to, M, Boxhorn animadverss. in Amm. ib. '54 4to, J. L. E. Putt- mann de Murciis Leipz. 1779 4to, (also in his opusc. iur. crim. ib. '89), J. M. Gibert in mem. de Vacad. d. inser. xxxv 665 sqq. G. Bruining in his rebus Belg. Leyd. 1818, Auer Kais. Julian Vienna '55 22 sqq. Cramer Miscellaneen ed. Eatjen 139 sqq. H. Wuttke de Thucydide Leipz. '39 11 — 21, Eitter in Rhein.Mus. in 321 sqq., Ukert Geogr. d. Gr. u. Rom. in (2) 359, Deycks in Jahrb. d. Altcrthumsfr. in llheinl. XIX 7 — 8, Salmasius epp. 4, 6, C. G. Heyne opusc. vi 35 — 51 (also in Wagner 'sed.),PallmannFo^ito ziei e formules Visigothiques ined. publiees d^apres un ms. de la bibl. de Madrid Par. '54 4to. J. G. 0. Biedenweg comm. ad formulas Visigothicas novissime repertas Berl. 1856. [Fitting in Zeitschr. f. Bechtsgesch. xi 222—49, Eudorff rom. Bechtsgesch. i 288—91, 303, G. Hanel in Ber. d. sdchs. Ges. d. W. '65 1—18, Dernburg Gaius 119 sqq. Degenkolb in Pozl Vierteljahrsch. xiv '72 500 sqq.] 3. The lex Eomana Burgundionum (Papianiis, 517 — 534). L. B. ed. Cuiacius 1566 '86 fol., Schulting iurispr. 1717, '37, *44, J. C. Amaduzzi Eome '67 fol., F. A. Biener ius civ. anteiust. 1501-^ COKPUS lURIS. ANON. VALES. JORDANIS. 209 41, P. A. Barkow Greifsw. 1826,] *F. Bluhme in Pertz monum. Germ., Leges iii '63 497 sqq. id. in von Sybel's Mstor. Zeitschrift '69 234 sqq. [and in Bekker u. Kuth erJahrb. d. gem, d. Bechts ii '58.] 4. (Tribonianus). The codex lustinianeus (I. XII, 529), institutionum I. IV and digestorum lustiniani Augusti I. L (533), the novellae and edicta (the corpus- iuris civilis). Glosses and extracts. Corp. iur. civ. recognoverunt A. et M. fratres Kri«gelii> Aem. Her- mann (vol. 2), Ed. Osenbrtiggen (vol. 3). 4th repr. 3 vols. Leipzig 1848 — 9 fol. *Digesta lustiniani Aug. recogn. adsumpto in operis societa- «em P. Kriigero Th. Mommsen2 vols. Berlin '68— 9 4to (with a stereo- typed ed. of the text i Berlin '69 4to.) id. in Jahrb.filr das gem. deutsche Recht V '61 407 sqq. and in: Zeitschr. filr Eechtsgesch. vii '68 480 sqq. lustiniani institutiones [ed. *E. Schrader Berl. '32 4to,] P. Kr tiger Berl. '67. id. Kritik des iustin. Cod. ib. '67. [id. * codicis fragmenta Veronensia ib. '74 fol.] Text of the institutions by Ph. E. Huschke Leipz. '68. Cf. [B. Brissonius dictionarium iuridicum ed. J. Ch. Heineccius Halle 1743 fol.] *H. E. Dirksen manual'e Latinitatis fontium iuris civ. Romanorum Berl. 1837 4to. [F. A. Biener Gesch. der Novellen Justinian^ s ib. '24.] § 127. Historians of the sixth century. 1. De Constantio Chloro, Constantino Magna- et aliis imperatorihus excerpta auctoris ignoti [the anonymus Valesii] (after 526). Ed. by Henr. Valesius with Ammianus Marc. Par. 1636 4to and in most subsequent edd. of Ammianus. G. Waitz in gott..gel. Anz:. 1865 81 sqq. W Sittenhach Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen 4^4:. [F. Gorres zur Kritik des an. Val. in Jahrb. 1875 201—212.] 2. Jordanis (wrote 551 — 2). [D. G. Mo Her de Jornande Altd. 1690 4to, du Buat in Abhandl. d. bayr. Akad. d. W. i 97 sqq. S. Freudensprung de Jordane eiusque libellorum natalibus Munich 1837 4to,. J. Jordan J. Leben u. Schrr. Ansb. '43 4to, Selig Cassel magyarische Alterthiimer Berl. '48 293 sqq. Stahlberg Beitrage z. Gesch. d. deutsch. Historiogr. im MA. Mullheim M. 14 210 JORDANIS. GILDAS. GREG. TURON. '54 4to, E. V. Wietersheim Gesch. d. Volkerwanderung Leipz. '59 — 60 II 137 sqq. E. Kopke deutsche Forschungen Berl. '59 44 sqq. Bess el in Ersch u. Gruber Encycl. i (75) 101 sqq.] De rebus Geticis sive de Gothorum sive Getarum origine (extract from a lost work of Cassiodorus) and de origine mundi et actibus Romanorum ceterarumque gentium (ex- tract from riorus) in Garet's Cassiodorus, in Gruter's hist. Augustae scriptt. Lat. min. Hanau 1611 fol., {bibl. pair. max. xi,] The work de or. mundiT^xxbl. byFr. Lindenbrog Hamburg '11 4to and in L. Muratori's scriptores rerum Italicarum i Milan 1723 4to. [C. A. Gloss J. de Getarum origine Stuttg. '61.] H. v. Sybel de fontibus libri I de o. m. et a. g. Berl. 1838. Jac. Grimm iib. Jornandes u. d. Geten ('46) in his kl. Schriften III 171 sqq. C. Schirren de ratione quae inter lord, et Cassiodorum in- tercedat comm. Dorpat 1858. Cf. A. v. Gutschmid in JahrbUcher 1862 124 sqq. W at tenh a, ch Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen 55 sqq. 3. Gildas Sapiens (about 493—577). [Acta 88. Jan. ii 952 sqq. hist. lit. de la France iii 279—84, C. W. Scholl de ecclesiast. Brit. hist, fontibus Berl. 1851.] Liber querolus de calamitate, excidio et conquestu Britanniae in Th. Gale hist. Britannicae scriptores XV Oxf. 1691 fol., in C. Bertram's Britannicarum gentium historiae antiquae scriptores tres (with the spurious Ricardus Coriniensis, cf. C. Wex in Rhein. Mus. iv 1846 346 sqq, [and pref. to Ricardi de Cirencestria specul. hist, ii Lond. 1869]) Copenh. 1759. Migne lxix, [rec. J. Stevenson Lond. '38, A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs councils and eccles. documents relating to Gr. Britain i Oxf. '69. Germ. San Marte (A. Schulz) Berl. '44.] monu- menta hist. Britannica i Lond. 1848 fol. 1 sqq. and preface 59 sqq. [Lipsius in Ersch u. Gruber Encycl. i (67) 231 — 40. Varin m4m. presentes a Vacad. des inscr. ser. v (1) 37 sqq. 130 sqq. 158 sqq.] 4. [Georgius Florentius] Gregorius of Tours (80 Nov. 538—17 Nov. 594). [Fabricius-Mansi, Bahr rom. Literaturgesch. iv^ 270 — 86, hist, litt. de la France iii 372 — 97, Ruinart praef., L. de la Ravalidre in mem. de Vacad. des inscr. xxvi 598 sqq., Schrockh xvi.] Historiae Francorum I. X and theological works. Edd. Theod. Ruinart Par. 1699 fol. [bibl. max. patr. xi,] Migne lxxi. Liber de cursu stellarum ed. Fr. Haase Bresl. 1853 4to. [C. G. Kries de G. T. vita et scriptis Bresl. '38. R. Kopke hi. Schrr. Berl. '72 289—321, VERGUNDUS. COLUMBANUS. ALDHELM. 211 Kiilb in Ersch u. Gruber i (90) 15 sqq. Dupuy vie de St. Gr. Sveque de Tours Par. '54. * J. Guadet and Taranne G. hist. eccl. des Francs (text and transl.) 4 vols. Par. '36 — 41, H. Bordier hist. eccl. des Francs 2 vols. ib. '59 — 62 12mo, G. Guizot and A. Jacobs hist. eccl. 2 vols. ib. '61, (ib. '63 12mo). *H. L. Bordier le livre des miracles et autres opus- cules 4 vols. ib. '57 — 65. Ch. Chevalier origines de Veglise de Tours Tours '71, G. Eichter Annalen des frdnkischen Reichs Halle '73,] * J. W. Lobell G. V. Tours u. s. Zeit^ ed. Th. Bernhardt Leipz. '69. A. Jacobs geographic de G. de T. Paris '58. A. Lecoy de la Marche de Vautorite de G. de T., etude critique sur le texte de I'hist. des Francs ib. 61. Wattenbach Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen^ 76 — 82. [Germ. W. Giesebrecht 2 vols. Berl. '51. Monod etudes crit. sur les sources de Vhist. merovingienne i Par. '72. Hadr. Valesius rerr. Franc, l. VIII 3 vols. Par. 1646 fol. C. le Cointe annal. eccl. Franc. 8 vols. ib. 1665 — 83 fol. The hist. Franc, in the collections ofEreher, Duchesne and Bouquet.] [5. Yergundus (Verecundus).] [An African bp. t cir. 552. Leyser hist, poett. med. aevi 146, Vict. Tunnens. chron. an. 552. His comm. super cantica eccl. I. IX, excerp- tiones de gestis Chalced. cone, and poems de resurrectione et iudlcio and de paenitentia in Pitra spicileg. Solesm. iv.] [6. Columbanus (t 615).] [Ma bill on acta ss. ord. Ben. saec. ii, Knottenbelt de Columhano Leyd. 1839, Ozanam etudes germaniques (in his ccuvres Par. 62—5 in IV), B. Haureau singularitis hist, et litt. Par. '61 12mo, Th. Wright biogr. Brit. lit. i 142 — 63. Works in Patr. Fleming collectanea sacra Augsb. 1621, ed. Tho. Sirinus Louvain '67 fol. hibl.patr. max. xii.] [7. Aldhelm t 709.] [See H. Wharton Anglia sacr. ii 1, acta ss. 25 May, bibl. max. pair. XIII, Leyser hist. poett. med. aevi 198 sqq. Schrockh xix, Ceillier XVII, opp. ed. J. A. Giles Oxf. 1844, Migne lxxxix, Mai class, auct. v 1833 501—99, * Jaff^ biblioth. rer. germ, iii Berl. '66 38 sqq. Hartel in Cypr. iii 308 sqq. gives the full text of c. 11 Giles (not Aldhelm's). Canisii lectt. ani. v (=i Basn.), L. Miiller in Rhein. Mus. xxi 124 sqq., H. Hagen ant. und mittelalt. Rdthselspoesie Biel 1869 27 sqq., T. Wright biogr. Brit. lit. i Lond. 1842 209—22, J. Klein in Rhein. Mus. xxiii 625, Beifferscheid Suet. 449—50, Mommsen Solinus xxxv, 212 ALDHELM. ISIDORUS. J. Casar in Pauly Real.-Encycl. i^ G89, A. Ebert 585—95, Zarncke in Ber. d. sacks. Ges. d. W. xxi. On the mss. see Halm in Ber. d. Wien. Akad. l 114. On OHG. glosses v. Kaumer Einwirkung d. Chris- tenth, auf d. ahd. S]»r.. 113, Steinmeyer in Haupt's Zeitschr. f. detitsche Aiterth. n. F. iii 2 ( = xv) 369 sqq.] [Language. Cerda adverse suera e. 165, Barth adv,era. ind. J. Fr. Gron.ov olsSi ecc/. ind.J § 128v Isidorus of Hispalis (about 570—640).. [Fvmccius de inerti I. I. s. iv § 20, L. Cams sjpan. Lit. im Mittel- alter Mainz 1846 i 14 sqq. * Arevalo Isidoriana (i ii of.lais ed.), acta ss. 4 Apr., Fabricius med. et inf. Lat., Florez Espana sagr. iv, v, vi, VIII, XXX, XXXVIII, Gams Kirchengesch. v. Spanien 3 vols. Eatisb. 1862 — • 74,, Cave,. Ceillier xvii = xi2, N. Antonio bibl. 1 1. v c. 3-4, Schrockh xix, xx, Mabillon ann. ord. Ben. saec. 2, Cenni de antiqq. cedes. Hisp. ii diss. 6, J. L. de la Cerda advers. sacra Lyon 1626 317 Kqq. (the liber glossarum,. also in Gothofiedus auctt. ling. lat. Gan. '22 4to app., M. Martinius lex. philol. Utr. '98, 1711 fol. T. Gaisford scriptt. metr. Oxf. 1837, cf. J. E. I. Walch in acta soc. lat. len. iii 252 sqq. J. S. Semler in nov. misc. Lips, vii 717 sqq.), Eiese anth. lat. n. 493 — 4, H. Grotius colL.rer. Goth. Amst. 1653, Eoncalli rei. lat. scriptt. chron. Padua 1787 4to, C. F. Eosler de Is. hist. Goth. Vand. Suev. Tiib. 1803 4to, ad Is. hist. Vand. ib.. '04 4to, H. E. Dirksen hinterl. Schrr. i 185—203, M. Haupt in Hermes i 37—40. * Is. de nativ. Bom. epist. versio francica. E cod. Par. ed. arniott. et glossario instruxit Ad. Holzmann Carlsr; '36, cf. K. Hofmann in Ber. d, hayr. Akad. d. W. '69 I 557—63. G. Friedlein in Jahrh. '63 661. * H. Hertzberg die Hist. u. d. Chron. des I. Gott. '74, id. die Chron. des I. in Forschungen zur deutschen Gesch. xv '75 289 — 362, * H. Dressel d&Is. origg. fontibus Gott. '75. Edd. of origg. by B. Vulcanius Bas. 1577 fol. in Gotho- f redus I. c. by F. W. Otto Leipz. 1833 4to. Cf. Meyer Gesch. d. Betan. 11.390 sqq. M. F. de Santarem aur lacosmogr. Par. 1849 — 52 i 22 sqq. Spengler in Henschel's Janus in (1) 54 sqq. Oehler in Jahrh. suppl. xiii 230, sqq. On the forgeries fathered on Is. see *P. H ins chins decretales pseudp-Isidorianae Leipz. '63.J Originum sive eiymologiarum I. XX and numerous other (historical, antiquarian and theological) writings. [Edd. Jo. Grial Madr. 1599 fol., ib. 2 vols. 1778 fol., Ja. Breul Par. 1601 fol. Col. 1617 fol.,] * Fans tin. Areralo 7 vols. Eome 17W— 1803 BEDA. BONIFATIUS. 213 4to, Migne lxxxi — lxxxiv. Etymologiarum I. XX ed. F. W. Otto in Lindemann's corpus gramm. Lot. in Leipz. 1833 4to. De natura rerum. Bee. G. Becker Berl. '57. [id. in Philol. xiv 410 — 1, K. Zangemeister in Rhein. Bias, xxiii 383*, "W. Schmitz ib. xxviii 485—7,] cf. Watten- bacli Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen 62 sciq^. [*H. Dress el de Isidori originum fontibus Gott. '75,] §129. Beda und Bonifatius. Beda [Fabricius med. et inf. Lat., Cave, CeilHer xviii, ttcfa s.-?. 10 May, Mabillon act. ss. ord. Ben. saec. hi p. 1, Schrockh xix, T. Wright biogr.Brit. lit. i Lond. 1842 263—88, A. Ebert Gesch. d. ehristl. Idt.Lit. Leipz. '74 595—611, Petri in Ersch u. Gruber i (8) 308 sqa.' Wattenbach Deutschlands Geschicktsqu.^ Berl. '73 102—3, T. D. Hardy catal. of Brit. hist, i— in Lond. '62—71 ind. Halm rhett. lat. inin. 607 — 18, M. Cantor mathem. Beitrdge zum Culturleben'QS 279 sqq. K. Werner B. d. Ehrw. u. s. Zeit Vienna '75, J. A. Ginzel Uirchenhist. Schrr. Vienna '72 ii, Weiss in Freib. Zeitschr. f. Theol. xviu, G. G. Scholl in Herzog Real-Ermykl. Edd. of hist. eccl. * J. Smith Bedae opp. hist. Cambr. 1722 fol. Abr, Wheloc ib. 1643 fol. (in these edd. with the Anglo-Saxon, of which Dr Sehepper promises a new ed.), Sx)s. Stevenson opp. hist. 2 vols. Lond. 1838, in mojium.hist. Br it. liOn^.'^ AS fol. *E. Hussey Oxf. '46, G. H. Moberly ib. '69. Engl. Tho. Sta- pleton Antw. 1565 4to, St Omers 1622, Jo. Stevens Lond. 1723, L. Gidley Oxf. 1870. H, Wharton Bedae opp. quaedam theol. necnon hist. Lond. 1693 4to (the copy in St. John's library has a collation of pp. 241 — 251 in the hand of the donor Tho. Baker), Ja. Ware Bedae epp. duae necnon vitae abbatum Dnhl. '64. Lives of abbots of Wearmouth transl. by Wilcock Sunderland 1818, Abr. Cronholm Bedae h. e. critice examinata Lund. '41, C. ■Gf. Scholl de eccl. Britonum Scotorumque hist, fontibus Berl. '51, K. Schmid Gesetze der Angelsachsen i^ xlviii sqq., Lappenberg Gesch. v. Engl, i xliV sqq. Edd. Par. 1521 and '44 3 vols. fol. Bas. '63, Col. 1612 and '88 8 vols, fol.] J. A. Giles 12 vols. Lond. 1843, Migne xc — xcv. Cf. H. Gehle de B. ven vita et scriptis Leyd. '38, G. Oppert in Jahrb. '65 822 sqq. H. Usener in Rhein. Mus. XXIV 110 sqq. Bonifatius- Edd. J. A. Giles 2 vols. Lond. 1844, Migne lxxxix^ Cf. A. Wilmanns in Rhein. 3Ius. xxiii 403 — 5. P. Jaffd vitae S. Bonifatii (from the bibl. rerum German, in) BerL '66. [Sayous de epistolis sive sancti Bonifacii sive ad sanct. B. Paris 1866. Hist. litt. da la France iv 92—120, act. ss. June 5. Epp. ed. N. Serarius Main-?: 1605, '29 4to, bibl. max. pair, xiii, Marteue and Durand vet. script. 214 BONIFATIUS. IX Par. 1733 fol., S. A. Wiirdtwein Mainz 1789, * Ph. Jaffe I.e. 8— 315, id. in Forschungen zur deutschen Gesch. x 897 — 426, Diinzelmann ib. XIII 1 — 32, A. Mai class, auct. viii 475 sqq. de octopartibus orationis, Bursian in Ber. d. munchn. Akad. 1873 457 sqq. C. P. Bock in the Freiburg Diocesanarchiv in 1868 221 — 72 (20 aenigmata in 385 hex- ameters), J. P. Miiller^onj/. 2 vols. Amst. '69— 70, * B etth erg Kirch- engesch. Deutschlands i Gott. '46, Wattenbach Deutschlands Gesch- ichtsqu? Berl. '73 105 — 6, L. Oelsner Jahrb. d. frank. Reichs unter Peppin Leipz. '71 28—41, 165 sqq. 489—94, Hefele Gesch. d. Bin- fiihrung d. Christenth. in Wiirtemberg 351 sqq. Statuta in D'Achery ypicil. IV ( — iBasn.), Labb^ cone, vi append., Mansi xii. Lives by L. Pfaff Fulda '28, M. Schmerbauch" ib. '29, J. B. M. Schwarz Munich '38 4to and Fulda '55, J. C. A. Seiters Mainz '45, J. H. Schulte in niederdeutscher Spr. Miinster '52, Warendorf '60, G. W. Cox Oxf. '53, F. H. Reinerding Wiirzb. '55 (pp. vi 339), J. B. Heinrich Mainz '55, L. Muttersen Fulda '55, D. Erdmann Berl. '55, W. F. Heydler Frankf. a. d. 0. '55, C. M. Welte Annaberg '69, A. Werner Leipz. '75, T. Wright biogr. hrit. lit. i Lond. '42 308—34, Pertz monum. Germ. hist, ii, Mabillon acta ss. ord. Ben. saec. in pt. 2, * A. Neander Denkiciirdigkeiten.} LIBRARY "^ UNIVEKSITY OF (:ALlF^)R>iiA. J INDEX. Accius 20 G. Acilius 32 Aero 69 Valerius Aedituus 28 Aelius Gallus 120 Aelius Melissus 153 Aelius Spartianus 169 Aelius Stilo 143 Aelius Tubero 3G Aemilius Asper 152 Aemilius Macer 75 Aemilius Scaurus 36, aenigmata 109 Aetliicus 82 Aetna 90 Afranius 21 Agrippa 116 Agroecius 153 Albinus 75 Postumius Albinus, 32 Albucius Silus 121) Alcimus Avitus 112. Aldhelm 211 Cincius Alimentus 31 Ambrosius 192 Ammianus Marcellinus 186 Amoenus 112 Ampelius 152 Andronicus Livius 12 Pompilius Andronicus 43 Annaeus Cornutus 136 annales maximi 11 Annianus 98 P. Annius Floras 98 108 151 ar.onymi orbis descriptio 77 anonymus Valesii 209 Anser 30 anthologia 112 Coelius Antipater 36 Antistius Labeo ] 20 Antonius orator 35 Antonius Gnipbo 43 Caelius Apicius 184 ApoUinaris Sidonius 110 Sulpicius ApoUinaris 153 Apuleius 158 Aquila Romanus 129 Aquilius 22 Arator 114 Arellius Fuscus 12D* Arnobius 167 Arruntius Stella 95. Arvales, lay of the S, Arusianus Messius 174 Asconius Pedianus 66 Sempronius Asellio 3S Asinius Pcdlio 117 Aemilius Asper 152 Ateius Capito 120 Atellanae 21 Atilius com. 22 Atilius Fortunatianus 172 Atta 21 Atticus 37 Attius 20 Aufidius 36 Aufidius Bassus 128 libri augurales 11 Augustinus 198l/}v.'«?^"'«-* ■ Augustus 115 Avianus 84 Avienus ICK) Caelius Aurelianus 122 Aurelius Opilius 43 Aurelius Victor 177 Ausonius 101 Auspicius 112 Ajifidius Bassus 128 Caesius Bassus 91 Saleius Bassus 92 Beda 213 Furius Bibaculus 29 bible 195 bibliography 5 Boetius 206 Bonifatius 214 breviarium alaricianum 208 Brutus 44 Statius Caecilius 18 Caecina 44 Caelestius 112 Caelius Apicius 184 Caelius Aurelianus 122 Caesar 37 Caesar Strabo 22 Caesellius Vindex 153 Caesius Bassus 91 Calliopius 18 Calpurnius 88 Calpurnius Piso Frugi 35 Licinius Calvus 30 canon Murat. 168 Martianus Capella 203 Flavins Caper 153 Ateius Capito 120 Sinnius Capito 119 lulius CapitoUnus 169 carmen 8 c. de figuris sententi- arum 108 c. in Genesin 106 , c. de Phoenice 190 21G INDEX. carmen rogationis 9 carmina ludicra U c. privata 9 c. piibUca 9 c. sacra 8 Cascellius 44 Cassianus 200 Cassiodorus 207 Cassius Hemina 35 Cassius Severus 120 Cato censorius 32 Valerius Cato 29 Cato Uticeusis 44 Catullus 26 Catullus mimograplius 87 Lutatius CatuluR 28 36 Cornelius Celsus 121 cenotaphia Pisana 121 Censorinus 162 Cestius Pius 120 M. Cetius Faventinus 118 Charisius 153 chronicon Cuspiniani 77 chronicon Pascliale 195 Cicero 28 47 Q. Cicero 22 28 65 Cincius Alimentus 31 Cinna 28 Claudianus 106 Claudianus Ecdicius Ma- mertus 110 201 Ap. Claudius Caecus 30 Ap. Claudius Pulcher 44 Claudius Quadrigarius 36 Cledonius 173 Ser. Clodius 143 Cluvius Kufus 138 codex Gregorianus 188 c. Hermogeniamis 188 c. lustiniancus 209 c. Theodosianus l88 Coelius Antipater 36 Columbanus 211 Columella 83 131 comedies 12 commentarii magistra- tuum 11 Commodianus 99 compendiums of the 4tli and 5tli centuries 176 Consentius 173 consuUatio 189 Corippus 114 Cornelia Gracchorum 35 Cornelius Celsus 121 Cornelius Epicadus 43 Cornelius Gallus 75 Cornelius Nepos 42 Cornelius Severus 75 Cornelius Sisenna 1 36 Cornificius 30 43 Annaeus Cornutus 136 corpus iuris civilis 209 Coruncanius 30 Cosconius 43 cosmographer of Eaven- na82 Crassus orator 35 Cremuti^s Cordus 128 Curiatius Maternus 92 Curtius 131 Curtius Nicia 43 Cyprianus 166 CyriUus 176 Damasus 103 Dares 178 anonymi orhis descriptio 177 Dictys 178 Dicuil 183 digesta 209 Diomedes 153 dirae 29 Domitius Marsus 75 Donatus 19 73 173 Dositheus 158 Dracontius 111 Drepanius 171 drinking songs 9 edicta 209 edictum Diocletiani 171 edictum perpetuum 169 edictum Thcodorici regis 208 elegy de Maecenatis ohitu 81 e. de morihundo Maecc- nate 81 elegy mix 81 e. de philomela 115 elogia 9 e. Scipionum 9 Endelechius 106 Ennius 17 Ennodius 202 Cornelius Epicadus 43 epicedion Drusi 81 Etruscans 6 Euantliius 20 Eucherius 20l Eugenius 115 Eugippius 203 Eugraphius 20 Eumenius 171 Eusebius 2 194 Eusebius Verc. 196 Eutropius 179 Eutyches 173 lulius Exuperantius 178 Papirius Fabianus 121 Fabius Pictor 31 Fabius Eusticus 138 fabulae togatae 21 Fannius 35 fasti 11 119 fathers of the church 162 189 M. Cetius Faventinus 181 Minucius Felix 162 Fenestella 119 Fescennini versus 9 Pompeius Festus 119 Eufus Festus 180 Nigidius Figulus 44 Firmicus Maternus 191 Valerius Flaccus 91 Verrius Flaccus 119 Flavins Caper 153 P. Annius Floras 93 108 151 lulius Florus 151 AtUius Fortunatianuei 172 174 Venantius Fortunatus 114 fragvienta Vaticana 188 fragmentum de lure iisci i8S INDEX. 217 Frontinus 140 Fronto 154 Fulgentius 158 206 M. and Q. Fulvius No- bilior 35 Furius Antias 28 Furius Bibaculus 29 Arellius Fuscus 120 Gains the jurist 155 Junius Gallic 120 Aelius Gallus 120 Cornelius Gallus 75 Plotius Gallus 43 T. Gallus 73 games, the public 12 ■ Gargilius Martialis 183 Gaudentius 200 A. Gellius 156 Cn. Gellius 36 Gennadius 195 Germanicus 82 GUdas 210 glossaries 175 Antonius Gnipo 43 Gracchi 35 grammarians 44 11-9 152 172 Granius Lioinianus 152 Gratius 82 Gregorius the great 208 Gregorius of Tours 210 (fromatici 118 Guido 183 Hadrianus 98 Haterius>120 Hegesippus 179 Eusticius Helpidius 110' Cassius Hemina 35 Hermas 1-67 Hieronymus 2 193 HUarius 191 Hirtius 37 historians 30 35 169 176 Idstoria Apollonii regis Tyrii 161 scriptores historiae Au- giistae 169 historia miscella 179 Ilomerus^ Latinus 90 lulius Honorius 182 Horatius 66 Hortensius 30 37 Hostius 28 Hyginus 118 Idatius 194 Licinius Imbrex 22 indigitamenta 8 institutiones 209 lohannes Biclarien^s 104 lordanis 210 Isidorus Hispalis 212- itineraries 181 itinerarium Alexandri 175 Itala 195 luba 172 173 lulianus 112 liulius Exuperantius 178 lulius Florus 151 lulius Honorius 182 lulius Eufinianus 129' lulius Severianus 122 lulius Valerius 175 lulius Victor 174 I UNIVEKSTTY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAKY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. 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