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The study of prophecy identifies in the mind the God of revelation with the God of nature and of history; and, if investi^ted in a ritrht spirit of seriousness, may be mightily instrumental in establishing a strong and practical sense of reli^on in the heart of the inquirer— f7idford, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of tlie Soutliorn District of New-York. \^4 rcE Prophecy conslilutes so large and im- portant a part of divine revelation, that no apology can be needful for any attempt, however feeble, to elucidate its meaning, ex hibit its fulfilment, and render the study of it interesting to the youthful reader. Most works on the fulfilment of prophecy presuppose, on the part of their readers, a more extensive knowledge of sacred geogra- phy and general history than probably most of them possess ; the writer of the following pages has therefore endeavoured to enliven his work by such an admixture of history and of descriptive geography, as he supposed would serve to render the subject intelligible and attractive to general readers. The in- formation which it contains has been derived from the most authentic sources, and espe- cially from the publications of those travel- 4 SCRIPTURE 1>R0PHECY. lers whose researches have, within the last few years, thrown such a new and unex- pected light upon the subject of Scripture prophecy. In crediting quotations, he has usually, for brevity's sake, given only the name of the author ; but by referring to the following list, the reader will generally find the full title of the work quoted, and, if it be a book of travels, the year in which the author per- formed his journey. A Journey Southward from Damascus, in the year 1836. By C. J. Addison, Esq. History of the Expedition of Alexander. By Arrian. Translated by J. Rooke. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land in 1810-11. By J. L. BURCKHARDT. History of Arabia, Ancient and Modern. By Andrew Crichton. Travels in Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land, in 1801. ByE. 1). Clarke, LL.D. History of the Decline and Fall of the Ro man Empire. By Edward Gibbon. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. O Travels in the Holy Land, and other places mentioned in Scripture, in 1832-3. By Rev. R. S. Hardy. Historical Researches into the Politics, intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Na- tions of Antiquity. By A. H. L. Heeren, Professor of History in the University of Gottingen. Christian Researches in Syria and Pales- tine, in 1823. By Rev. W. Jowett. Narrative of a Journey from India to Eng- land, in 1824. By George Keppel. Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land, in 1836. By Lord Lindsay. Travels from Aleppo to Jerusalem, in 1696. By Henry Maundrell. Dissertations on the Prophecies. By Tho- mas Newton, D. D., Bishop of Bristol. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, and Ancient Babylonia, in 1817-20. By Sir Ro- bert Ker Porter. Travels in Palestine and Syria, in the year 1830. By George Robinson. 6 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. The Pictorial Bible, being the Old and New Testaments, illustrated, &c. To which are added original notes, explanatory of the history, geography, natural history, and an- tiquities of the sacred Scriptures. Three volumes. Imp. 8vo. This treasury of Scripture illustration was published in London, in 1838, and at once became a standard work. From a recent London journal we learn that "Mr. John Kitto, the author of it, when a boy of eleven years, had his organs of hearing destroyed by a fall from the roof of a house. But notwithstanding this, he has travelled exten- sively, and resided for some time in Bagdad, during a pe- riod when plague, flood, famine, and war were desolating that unhappy city. It was during his sojourn in the East, that Mr. Kitto, in despite of the disadvantages under which he labours, accumulated that store of knowledge, observation, and comparison which has rendered his com- mentary on the Bible so novel and valuable." On the subject of Prophecy, his literary researches, as well as his personal acquaintance with several of the places referred to by the prophets, have enabled him to point out some circumstances which previous writers had overlooked. Narrative of a Journey to the Site of Baby- lon, in 1811 ; and a Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon. By C. J. Rich, the East India Company's Resident at Bagdad. Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the Site of Nineveh, in 1 820. By the same author SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 7 Travels along the Mediterranean and Parts Adjacent, in 1816-18. By Robert Rich- ardson, M. D. A Relation of a lourney begun An. Dom. 1610. Fovre Bookes. Containing a De- scription of the Turkish Empire, of iEgypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote parts of Italy, and Hands adioyning. By George Sandys. Third edition, London, 1632. Travels and Observations relating to seve- ral parts of Barbary and the Levant, in 1722. By Thomas Shaw, D. D. Travels through Syria and Egypt, in the years 1783, 4, 5. By M. C. F. Volney. Mr. Keith has well remarked, that Volney, " from the manner in which he generalizes his observations, and marks the peculiar features of the diiferent districts of Sy- ria, with greater acuteness and perspicuity than any other traveller whatever, is, although * he meant not so, neither did his heart think so,' the ever-ready purveyor of evi- dence in all the cases which came within the range of his topographical description of the wide field of prophecy, — while, at the same time, from his known, open, and zeal- ous hostility to the Christian religion, his testimony is alike decisive and unquestionable." Narrative of a Voyage along the Shores of the Mediterranean, including a Visit to Egypt, Palestine, etc. By W. R. Wilde, M. R. L A. 8 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. To originality, either of matter or manner, the present work makes but little pretension ; and should it answer the end for which it is designed, the writer claims no other merit than that of diligence in collecting, and judg- ment in arranging, the materials of which it is composed. S.B.w. New- York, April 1, 1841. In preparing the work for a new edition, the whole has been carefully revised : some new matter has also been introduced, drawn from the following authorities : — Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petrea : a Journal of Tra- vels in 1838. By Edward Robinson, D. D. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrea, and the Holy Land. By Rev. Stephen Olin, D. D. Neither of the above works were published until after the appearance of the first edition of this volume. S. B. W. t CONTENTS. Chap. Page I. lutroductory Observations 11 II. Prophecies concerning the Posterity of Ishmael 41 III. Prophecies concerning the Jews 71 IV. Prophecies concerning the Jews, concluded .. 101 V. Prophecies concerning the Holy I^and 145 VI. Prophecies concerning Ammon and Moab 189 VII. Prophecies concerning Philistia 21V VIII. Prophecies concerning Nineveh 227 IX. Prophecies concerning Babylon 245 X. Prophecies concerning Tyre 313 *^ FULFILMENT SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. Propnecy defined— Large portion of Scripture consists of proplie- cy— Extent and subjects of Scripture prophecy — Christ the grand theme of prophecy — The prophets — ^Different modes in which God communicated his will to them— Memner in which they published their predictions — Style of the prophetic writings — Prophecy an emanation of the divine goodness — The prophetic denunciations always conditional — Fulfilment of prophecy proves the inspiration of Scripture — Infidel objection — Contrast between Scripture pro- phecy and heathen oracles — Use of unfulfilled prophecy— Succes- sion of Scripture prophecy— Object of the present work. By the word prophecy we understand the foretelling of future events — the declaration be- forehand of "things that shall be hereafter:" not such things, however, as may be conjectur- ed by human sagacity, or expected from the re- gular operations of nature, but such as can be foreseen by none but the omniscient God, and foretold by those only to whom the " Father of lights" shall reveal them. Man, by the use of history, may acquire some information respect- 12 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. ing the things that are past ; but he " knows not what shall be on the morrow :" prophecy, so far as it goes, draws aside the veil which hides coming events, and lays open the scenes of the future.* Every reader of the Bible must have ob- served how large a portion of the inspired volume is of a prophetical character. Scrip- ture prophecy began to be uttered in Paradise, by our first parent, before the fall ; " its parts are distributed over the various dispensations of religion for upward of four thousand years ; and it ceased only with the last accents on the lips of the last of the apostles." Thus extensive in the period of its delivery, prophecy is not less so in regard to the sub- jects which it embraces, and the period of time to which it refers. The fate of nations, and of individuals, the rise and fall of kingdoms, the succession of empires, the desolation of * The words PROPHESY, predict, and foretel, are prt cisely the same in meaning, but are derived from different languages. The word prophesy is of Greek origin, being composed of the two words rrpo, before, and ^VH-f-i I speak; predict is a compound of the two Latin words pre, he- fore, and Dico, / speak ; the word foretel is, of course, formed by the union of the two English words before and teU. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. W mighty cities and countries, are among the objects of prophetic vision. It points to events near and remote, and embraces the most pro- minent and remarkable facts in the history of the world from its creation to the present day ; while its unfulfilled predictions stretch forward to the period when it shall be declared that " time shall be no longer." But the grand subject of Scripture pro- phecy was the progressive development of the person and kingdom of the promised Messiah — the Redeemer of the world. " The testimony of Jesus, ^^ observes St. John in the Revelation, (xix, 10,) " is the spirit ofprophecy^^ — the scope, design, and consummation of it. " To him give all the prophets witness,^^ (Acts x, 43,) is the lan- guage of another inspired apostle. They were chosen of God to testify beforehand, " the suf- ferings of Christ and the glory that should follow." ** Messiah's name attuned each lofty string, The world's Redeemer, and his people's King ! He in his glory, in his grief, appear'd The Star that led them, and the Sun that cheer'd. For him the kindling inspiration glow'd, And words of fire from lips terrestrial flow'd. Him, in his own supernal light they saw, And track'd his suffering path with trembling awe. 14 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Beheld him conflict with the powers beneath, Victorious burst the iron grasp of death, A conqueror from the realms of hades rise. And pass triumphant through the cleaving skies. They view'd his empyreal throne sublime. High raised o'er every realm of earth and time ; And hail'd that morn commenced whose cloudless sun An everlasting course through changeless years shall run." — Bulmer's Messiah's Kingdom. Under the Old Testament dispensation, pro- phecy directed the eye of hope to a future Saviour, and was, as the apostle beautifully expresses it, " a light shining in a dark place," increasing in splendour and brightness, " until," at length, in " the fulness of time," the " day" of the gospel " dawned" on the world, *' and the day-star arose" in the hearts of the faithful. As the Jlrst coming of Christ was the centre of Old Testament prophecy, so the leading design of the New Testament predictions is to confirm our faith in his second coming, and teach us to be " looking for and hastening unto the day of the Lord," 2 Peter iii, 12. The catalogue of Scripture prophets em- braces men from almost every rank and station in society. Among them were kings, princes, patriarchs, priests, and legislators. The greater part, however, were taken from the lower walka SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 15 of life — husbandmen, shepherds, fishermen, &c. ; but the office and the calling dignified the men. Their natural talents, education, and habits were as dissimilar as their occupations ; but they all gave indubitable evidence that they were " moved" to the prophetic office " by the Holy Ghost." Various means were employed by Jehovah in making known his will to the prophets. He " spake unto them," says the apostle, " in di- vers manners." The usual method seems to have been by the direct agency of the Holy Spirit, impressing upon the mind of the indi- vidual the message which he was to deliver. Sometimes predictions were delivered by the ministry of angels. Judges xiii, 2-5 ; Zech. i, 4 ; Luke i, 13. In some instances, as in the case of Abraham, and of Samuel, the word of the Lord came in an audible voice. Gen. xxii, 15-18 ; 1 Sam. iii, 1-14. Sometimes his deter- minations respecting the future were communi- cated in dreams, instances of which are record- ed in Gen. xv, 12-16; xxvii, 12-15; and Jer. xxxi, 26. The dreams of Joseph, Pharoah, and Nebuchadnezzar, were also prophetic. At other times he made use of visions, which differed from dreams, in that they generally consisted of scenes and representations which appeared 16 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. to a person when he was awake, and in pos- session of his natural powers and faculties. After the prophet had attentively considered the vision, its import and signification were usually made known to him. Ezekiel viii, ix, xxxvii ; Daniel viii, x, xi. The book of Revelation, also, consists of a series of prophetic visions. Rev. i, 9, &c. " The method of communication which the Deity adopted in respect of Moses seems to have differed from all these : and whatever is to be understood by the phrase, * The Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend,' (Exod. xxxiii, 11,) a superior kind of illumination is doubtless in- tended. It was the highest degree of inspira- tion."* But however various were the methods of communicating the divine will, they were always such as produced, in the mind of the person who received the communication, a con- viction that it was from God, and enabled him to say, with confidence, " The word of the Lord came unto me." When the prophets had received their mes- sage, they proceeded to publish it, which they did in various ways. Sometimes it was writ- ten out, and posted up where it might be read * CoUyer's Lectures on Scripture Prophecy. SCRIPTURE PROPHFCY. 17 by persons who passed by. Hab. ii, 2. When Jeremiah received the promise of Juaah's resto- ration from Babylon, he was commanded to " write the words in a book," (Jer. xxx, 2,) doubt- less that, being placed in the hands of the peo- ple, it might be a source of consolation to them during the years of their captivity. But the more general method seems to have been that of proclaiming the predictions aloud m some public place ; thus Jeremiah was commanded by God to " stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there" his word, Jer. vii, 2 ; at other times we find the same prophet publish- ing his message at the city gates, (xvii, 20,) and also at the gate of the king's house, (xxii, 1, 2;) and Jonah publicly declared in the streets of Nineveh the judgments of God against that city. Jonah iii, 4. Upon some important occasions, when it was necessary to rouse the fears of a disobedient nation and recall them to repentance, the prophets adopted extraordinary modes of expressing their convictions of im- jpending wrath, and endeavoured to awaken the apprehensions of the people by the most strik- ing illustration of threatened punishment. Thus Jeremiah made bonds and yokes, and put them upon his neck, to indicate the subjection to which Judea, and the neighbouring nations, 18 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. should be reduced by the king of Babylon. Jer. xxvii, and xxviii. On another occasion, having assembled the elders of the priests and people, and announced to them the judgments of God against Judah and Jerusalem, he took an earthen bottle and dashed it to the earth, saying, " Even so will the Lord break this people and city, as one breaketh a potter's vessel that cannot be made whole again," Jer. xix, 11. So Isaiah "walked naked and barefoot," (Isa. xx, 2,) and Ezekiel publicly removed his household stuff from the city, (Ezek. xii, 1-12,) more forcibly to represent by these actions some corresponding calamities which awaited nations obnoxious to God's wrath ; this symbolical method of ex- pressing important circumstances being not un- usual among eastern nations. The greater part of the prophetic writings are poetical, and, like all oriental poetry, highly figurative, abounding in metaphors drawn from the manners and customs, climate, natural phe- nomena, &c., of eastern countries. Some knowledge, therefore, of oriental customs and forms of speech is often essential to a full un- derstanding of the literal meaning of a predic- tion. Of this some instances will occur in the course of the present volume. The purpose of God in the dispensation of SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 19 prophecy was one of pure and unmixed bene- volence to mankind. From the primeval pro- mise in paradise, to the last of the apocalyptic visions, " good will to man" breathes in every prediction. The redemption of the world by Jesus Christ, the future glory of the chiurch, and the universal extension of the kingdom of the Messiah, were the leading subjects of Scrip- ture prophecy, and the themes on which the prophets delighted to dwell. Many of their pre- dictions, it is true, consist of denunciations against ungodly cities and nations , but even here " mercy and judgment met together ;" the design of these threatenings was to "lead men to repentance," and however apparently positive the terms in which they are express- ed*, they were always understood to be con- ditional ; their execution depending upon the effect which they might produce on those to whom they were addressed. This we learn from the testimony of God himself, as given in Jer. xviii, 7, 8, where he says, " At what in- stant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it ; if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them." Thus, when " the men of Nine- 20 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. veh repented at the preacliing of Jonah," the Lord " repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them, and he did it not," Jonah iii, 10 ; and because Ahab humbled himself be- fore the Lord, the execution of the divine judg- ments against his house was suspended until after his death. 1 Kings xxi, 29. One of the benefits derived from prophe- cy, is the conclusive and irresistible evi- dence which it affords of the truth of divine revelation. " There is a voice which comes to us from the desolate sites where Babylon and Nineveh once stood in splendour, and reigned in power — from the prostrate condition of fallen Egypt — ^from the wonderful annals and remark- able preservation of the Jewish nation — from the desolation of Judea and the surrounding countries" — testifying that God himself was the instucter of the prophets, and that through his inspiration they declared in the beginning what should come to pass in the latter days. The foreknowledge of future events is one of the strongest proofs that can be given of a super- natural communication with the Deity. It mani- fests, in an equal degree with miracles, the in- terposition of a divine agency. It is as impos- sible for man, who " knoweth not what a day may bring forth," to predict the events which shall SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 21 occur a hundred years hence, as it is for him with the word of his mouth to heal the sick or raise the dead. "The voice of Omnipotence alone can perform the latter, — the voice of Om- niscience alone can reveal the former, — and both are alike the voice of God." In one particular, indeed, the evidence of pro- phecy is more forcible than that of miracles ; for while the proof from miracles loses something of the vividness of its effect (though none of its authority) from the distance of time, the force of the argument from prophecy is increased from that very cause. It is a growing evidence, gathering strength by length of time, and afford- ing from age to age, as its predictions are gradu- ally fulfilling, fresh proofs of its divine origin. " As a majestic river expands itself more and more the further it removes from its source, so prophecy, issuing from the first promise in paradise as its fountain head, acquired addi- tional strength and fulness as it rolled along, and will still go on increasing in extent and grandeur, until it shall finally lose itself in the ocean of eternity."* The opponents of Scripture have attempted to invalidate the evidence of divine inspiration * Sir William Jones. 22 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. arising from prophecy, by alleging that the pa- gan nations of antiquity had their prophets and oracles as well as the Hebrews. It is true that they had numberless pretenders to the gift of prophecy. Their history abounds with stories and predictions of augurs and oracles ; and be- cause it is known that these were the offspring of fraud and cunning on the one hand, and of ignorance and superstition on the other, infidels have affected to believe that all predictions of futurity are founded on the same basis, and therefore reject the prophecies of Scripture. It is, however, an easy matter to show the perfect contrast which exists between those contempti- ble mockeries of divine omniscience, and the sublime and holy predictions contained in the Bible. The ancient heathen, when about to make war, or settle a colony, or undertake any event of importance, consulted their gods in order to ascertain their prospects of success. One mode of obtaining the desired information was by the observance of omens, which were interpreted by persons called augurs or soothsayers. Thus the most important events of state, as well as the concerns of private individuals, would often depend upon the direction in which birds might happen to fly, the greediness of chickens in SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 23 devouring their food, accidental rencounters, words spoken by chance, and afterward inter- preted into good or bad omens, eclipses, comets, unforeseen accidents, with an infinity of chi- meras of like nature.* But their most esteemed method of determin- ing future events was by answers from oracles, or gods who were supposed to reside in par- ticular places, and to reveal, through their at- tending priests, the secrets of the future to those who consulted them. There are said to have been about three hundred of these oracles in different parts of the world ; but the principal ones were in Greece. They were generally located in the recesses of some thick wood or dark cavern, or in the secret places of temples. The most distinguished of them was the ora- cle of Apollo, at Delphi, which was consulted in cases of importance by most of the princes of the times in which it flourished. The ora- cles were accessible only at stated periods ; and whoever consulted them was required to make large presents to the god before he could obtain the information he desired. Numerous ceremonies were also to be performed, and sacrifices to be offered, and, in case the omens were unfavourable, no answer was given. As * Rollin's Ancient History. 24 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. the priests were themselves the sole judges of the omens, it was easy for them to evade every question respecting which it might be inexpe- dient for them to commit themselves. When, at length, the answer was pronounced, it was often couched in such obscure and doubtful terms, that it needed another oracle to explain its meaning. Sometimes it was expressed in so artful and ambiguous a manner, that it was capable of two opposite interpretations, and, therefore, however the event turned out, the credit of the oracle was sustained. For this the Delphian oracle was notorious. History relates, that when Croesus, after presenting a most munificent donation, consulted this oracle in relation to his intended invasion of Persia, he received this reply : — KpoLuog *AXvv 6ca(3ag fieydlijv &pxvv KaraTivaei. Crofesus, crossing the Halys, shall destroy a great empire. This he naturally understood to mean that he should destroy the Persian empire, and, on the strength of this prediction, he commenced a war which terminated in the loss of his own. When, after his defeat, he reproached the oracle with having deceived him by a false prediction, he was told that the oracle had only declared that a great empire should be destroyed, and SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 25 tliat lie ought to have made a second inquiry to ascertain whether his own or the Persian em- pire was intended. By this evasion, the jug- gling priests saved the credit of their oracle, and the unfortunate king found he had been outwit- ted. When Pyrrhus inquired of the oracle what would be the issue of his war with Rome, he received a response in Latin, so " cunningly devised," that it might, with equal propriety, be rendered, Pyrrhus shall conquer the Romans, or, The Romans shall conquer Pyrrhus. When- ever they gave a more direct answer, and the event did not happen to correspond thereto, they accounted for the failure by pretending that some of the initiatory ceremonies had not been rightly performed, or that the gods were unfavourable to the person who made the in- quiry. The servility and corruption of the pagan oracles were notorious. Through intimidation, or bribery, they were frequently induced by public men to give such answers as would pro- mote their own schemes. " Demosthenes, in one of his speeches to the Athenians, publicly charged the Delphic oracle with being gained over to the interests of King Philip ; and the Greek historians give other instances in which it had been corrupted by money, and the pro- 26 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. phetess sometimes deposed for bribery, and sometimes for lewdness."* " The pagan oracles uttered no spontaneous predictions ; unless a direct appeal was made to them, they observ^ed a prudent silence. In saying nothing, they exposed themselves to no detection ; and when they did speak, it was always with sufficient precaution."! None of their predictions went deep into futurity. They relate chiefly to the termination of affairs then actually in hand, the preparatory circumstances of which were well known, and the issue speedily to be determined. There was not even the pretence of foresight beyond a few years. Being thus consulted only in matters of immediate emergency, the result of which could often be foreseen by persons of ordinary saga- city, it is not surprising that the event should sometimes accord with their predictions. This served for a long series of years to keep up their credit ; but at length their numerous frauds and impostures began to open the eyes of the more sagacious heathen, some of whom openly ridiculed their pretensions, and held them in utter contempt. They continued, however, to maintain their influence over the multitude until after the time of Christ, when, as the light * Watson^s Institutes. f Home's Introduction. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 27 of the gospel gradually dispelled the darkness in which the heathen world was enveloped, the oracles fell into disrepute, and at last entirely ceased. From this pitiful scene of juggling and im- posture, let us now turn to the prophets of the Bible. We find these imposing no bewildering ceremonies on those who consulted them, and seeking no concealment in the delivery of their predictions. Their prophecies were not oracu- lar responses " spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth," but were publicly proclaim- ed in the most frequented places — in the courts of the temple, in the streets of cities, in the assemblies of the elders — and were afterward generally committed to writing, so that they might be " known and read of all men." While the priests of paganism " taught for hire, and the prophets thereof divined for mo- ney," driving a gainful trade, and communicat- ing their oracles only upon the inducement of large gifts, the prophets of the Lord, on the contrary, were distinguished for their incor- ruptible integrity. Even Balaam, who, we are told, " loved the wages of unrighteousness," while under the influence of divine inspiration could say, " Though Balak should give me his 28 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God," Num. xxii, 18 ; and his subsequent conduct evinced the since- rity of his declaration. Num. xxv, 11-13. As they were not to be corrupted by bribery, so neither could they be influenced by fear or intimidation. Their office frequently compel- led them to deliver the most unwelcome mes- sages under the most trying circumstances. They were often required to denounce the judg- ments of the Almighty against a rebellious peo- ple, and rebuke the iniquities of those who were exalted in rank and encircled with power. But " they concealed no truth which they were com- missioned to declare, however displeasing to their nation, or hazardous to themselves." Yea, they " stood before kings," and boldly reproved them for their sins. Their fearless integrity often exposed them to "bonds and imprison- ment," and sometimes even to death itself. "Thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee," was the reproach addressed to Jerusalem by our Lord. Matt, xxiii, 29-37. In their predictions we discover neither arti- fice nor ambiguity. They had a clear, deter- minate, and consistent sense, and were spoken with all the confidence of truth, and generally SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 29 with the plainness of history. Although a veil of obscurity hung over some of the prophecies which referred to distant events, until their ac- complishment enabled men to " understand the interpretation," yet even these were never de- lusive in their character, or capable of double and contrary significations. While the pagan oracles " hardly dared to assume the prophetic character in its full force, but stood trembling, as it were, on the brink of futurity, conscious of their inability to venture beyond the depth of human conjecture,"* the genuine prophets of the Almighty " looked through the course of succeeding ages, and proved, by the very sweep and compass of their predictions, that they were under the in- spiration of Him to whom * a day is as a thou- sand years, and a thousand years as one day.' "t They beheld with a clear and steadfast eye, and declared with authority and confidence, events so distant, so contingent, and at the time of their prediction so improbable, that no hu- man foresight could have anticipated them. "Their prenunciations of the state of various people, — as the Jews, and the Arabians, and the Egyptians, — delivered thousands of years ago, offer, at the present moment, the most * Bd. Watson's Apology. t Watson's Institutes. 30 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Striking graphic delineation of these people as they actually are. Their picturesque represent- ations of the fate of ancient cities — the fisher- men that dry their nets on the rocks and rubbish of Tyre, the doleful creatures that nestle in the ruins of Babylon and Nineveh — give, with all the accuracy of a Flemish picture, the vivid re- alities of their present situation."* . In the subjects of their predictions the Hebrew prophets are inconceivably superior to the ora- cles of paganism. The predictions of the lat- ter were altogether destitute of dignity and importance, — the mere guesses of fortune-tel- lers at the issue of matters of local, personal, and temporal concern, — having no higher object in view than to promote the worldly schemes, and gratify the vain curiosity of kings and princes. The prophecies of Scripture, on the contrary, embrace subjects of the highest im- portance to the present and eternal welfare, not only of individuals and nations, but of the whole human race, and are inseparably connected with the religious hopes and expectations of mankind. Their prophecies formed but a small part of the public instructions of the prophets ; they also taught the people all the practical parts of * Chalmer's Evidences. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 31 a divine religion ; they proclaimed the being and providence of God ; they upheld religion and piety in the worst times, and at the greatest hazards ; they exposed the pretensions of the pagan deities ; they called men to repentance, conversion, and newness of heart ; and they proffered the merciful promises of pardon and grace. In the midst of this course of doctrine, and in order to encourage the people to yield to it, they delivered their sacred oracles of a Saviour to come.* The purity of their lives, the intrinsic excel- lence of their instructions, the disinterested zeal, and undaunted fortitude with which they discharged their ministry, the miraculous pow- ers which they exercised, and the wonderful accomplishment of their predictions, fully de- monstrate the claims of the Hebrew prophets to a divine commission, and prove that they were, what the Scriptures declare them to have been, " holy men of God, who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," 2 Peter i, 21. " Can then the prophecies of Scripture be pa- ralleled with the dark, venal, and delusive ora- cles of heathenism, without impiety?" Who that has any knowledge of both, would for a moment think of seriously comparing the one * Bishop Wilson's Evidences. 32 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. with the other, or pretend that they have equal claims to divine inspiration ? "In the contrast, the interpreter of pagan oracles stands abashed before the prophet of the Lord, like the witch of Endor before the rising spirit of Samuel."* While the fulfilment of prophecy thus esta- blishes the divine authority of the Scriptures, the prophecies which yet remain to be accom- plished answer even now an important end. They open our prospect into the future, encour- aging us to put forth our utmost efforts, and to expect the accomplishment of our warmest wishes for the conversion of the world. While the mighty conflict between truth and error is still going on, we see how it will terminate, and know that the powers of darkness will at last be overthrown, and that, to use a prophetic phrase, " at even tide it shall be light." " Lo, radiant truth on high, With outstretch'd arm, the lamp of prophecy Hangs o'er a darken'd world," and the light which it affords has cheered the church in her darkest hours, and been her con- solation and support in the most troublous times. * Stowe's Introduction to the Study of the Bible. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 33 " Long in this weary wilderness, the word That speaks of happier scenes hath been her stay ; And urging oft her rude and cheerless way Through many a thorny brake, her tearful eyes Have tum'd in holy transport to the skies, And realized, by faith's transpiercing power. The bliss of that anticipated hour, When, glorious, seated on his conquering throne, Messiah's sway a subject world shall own ; When earth's wide realms Jehovah's praise shall sing, And bow the suppliant knee to heaven's immortal King." Bulmer's Messiah's Kingdom. With a brief chronological view of the suc- cession of Scripture prophets, mentioning the leading subjects of their prophecies, we will close the present chapter. " The first man, Adam, has an undoubted right to stand at the head of the prophets, as he does at the head of the human race. His declaration concerning marriage, * For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife,'' is so truly prophetic, that no doubt can be formed on the subject. There was then nothing in nature or experience to justify such an assertion ; and he could have it only by divine inspiration. The millions of instances which have since occurred, and the numerous laws which have been founded on this princi- ple among all the nations of the earth, show 34 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. with what precision the declaration was con ceived, and with what truth it was published to the world."* After the fall, guilty man was not thrust oul of paradise till prophecy had whispered some hope of a future Saviour, in the promise that the " Seed of the womarC^ should " bruise the head of the serpent." " Enoch, the seventh from Adam," is called a prophet in Jude 14, 15, where a fragment of one of his prophecies is preserved. Noah, one hundred and twenty years before the deluge, was divinely premonished of that tremendous judgment ; and previous to his death he delivered predictions respecting his sons. Abraham received prophetic annunciations of the " Seed*^ in whom " all the families of the earth should be blessed ;" of the multiplication of his posterity, their affliction for four hundred years in a strange country, and their subsequent possession of the promised land. Isaac foretold the subjection of Esau's de- scendants to those of Jacob. Instructed by the spirit of prophecy, " Jacob, when he was a dying," predicted the advent of " Shiloh," and told his sons what should be- fall their posterity in future days. * Dr. A. Clarke. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 35 Joseph was favoured with prophetic dreams himself, and had the gift of interpreting those of others ; he also foretold the redemption of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. After the exodus, prophecy rekindled its torch. Moses, who was one of the most eminent of the prophets, predicted the coming of the Mes- siah, under the designation of a prophet like unto himself, and foretold some of the most remote events of the Jewish history. About the same time, also, the unwilling prophecies of Balaam were delivered. After the death of Moses there seems to have been a cessation of prophecy for about four hundred years. " The word of the Lord was precious in those days ; there was no open vision," until the period when " Samuel was established to be a prophet" in Israel. 1 Sam. iii, 1,20. The age of prophecy, emphatically so call- ed, now commenced. From this time to the close of the Old Testament, the succession of prophecy was uninterrupted. First came Da- vid, and tuned his harp ; mingling in his psalms devotion, poetry, and prophecy together. The succession was kept up by some seers of minor note, until the appearance of those remarkable prophets Elijah and Elisha, whose histories 36 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. form so prominent a part of the two books of Kings. Jonah prophesied during the reign of Jero- boam II., king of Israel. Amos, Hosea, and MicAH, prophesied about the same time, or soon after, and denounced the judgments of God against the corruptions of Israel and Judah, and also against the inhabitants of Philistia, Edom, Ammon, and Moab. Contemporary with these, also, was Isaiah, the prince of the prophets, who continued until the time of Hezekiah, king of Judah. From the number, variety, and explicitness of his predic- tions concerning the advent, character, ministry, sufferings, and death of the Messiah, and the future glory of the church, Isaiah has, not un- aptly, been denominated the evangelical pro- phet. He also testified against the crimes of the Jews, and declared the fate of Babylon, Philistia, Moab, Egypt, and Tyre. Nahum came next, bearing " the burden of Nineveh ;" then Joel, whose prophejcies relate principally to the Jews ; and Zephaniah, who predicted also the punishment of Philistia, Moab, Ammon, and Nineveh. Habbakuk flourished in the reign of Jeho- iakim, and foretold the captivity of Judah by the Chaldeans, as did also Jeremiah, who lived SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 37 to see tlie fulfilment of his prediction, and ut- ter his Lamentations over the desolation of the holy city. He likewise foretold the termina- tion of their captivity at the end of seventy years, and denounced the divine judgments upon several other nations. EzEKiEL, who followed the Jews in their captivity, predicted the calamities which God, through the instrumentality of Nebuchadnezzar, would bring upon Judea and the surrounding countries. About this time, also, it is supposed that Obadiah delivered his prophecy concern- ing the destruction of Edom. In Babylon, Daniel arose, and pointed out the succession of the four great empires of Assyria, Persia, Greece, and Rome. He likewise fixed the precise time of Messiah's appearance, and foretold the rise and fall of antichrist, and the universal prevalence of the true religion. Haggai and Zechariah returned with the Jews from Babylon ; they reproved the languid nation for their delay in rebuilding the temple, encouraged them by promises of future prospe- rity, and delivered several predictions relative to the Messiah and his kingdom, and the future condition of the Jews. Mala CHI, the last of the Old Testament pro- phets, flourished in the days of Nehemiah. He 38 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. reproved the priests and people for their hypoc- risy and general wickedness, and predicted the coming of Christ, and of the " Messenger" who should " prepare the way" before him. " Here is a succession of divinely inspired men, by whom God * at sundry times and in divers manners spake unto the fathers,' from the beginning of the world down to the restora- tion from the Babylonish captivity, a period of three thousand six hundred years." A pause of four hundred years then elapsed, during which every whisper of prophecy was hushed, "until Christ our Lord arose — ^pre- ceded, according to the prophetic declaration, by his precursor — and predicted the destruction of Jerusalem, and the dissolution of the Jewish polity." He was followed by St. Paul, who prophe- sied the recovery of the Jews ; and predict- ed the rise of the papal apostacy, under the designation of "the man of sin — the son of perdition," 2 Thessalonians ii, 3. Last of all came St. John, who, in the prophetic visions of the apocalypse, foreshows the most remark- able revolutions and events in the Christian church from his own time until the final and complete triumph of Christianity, and the per- fecting of its glory in the heavenly world, when, SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 39 to use the apostle's own expression, " the mys- tery of God shall be finished." The revelations of the beloved disciple close the dispensation of prophecy, and the canon of Scripture to- gether. " The vision is then shut up, the testi- mony is sealed, and the word of the Lord is ended." " It is obvious that the wide range and pro- digious extent of Scripture prophecy gives the subject an importance and sublimity, a sort of impress of divine magnificence, which, when verified by the respective fulfilments, surpasses all that we could have conceived. We have not merely one or two oracular declarations, but a whole system of prescient grandeur, run- ning through all time, and stretching to the consummation of all things."* The prophecies of Scripture may be divided into three classes. 1. Prophecies relating to the Jewish nation in particular. 2. Prophecies relating to other nations and empires. 3. Prophecies relating to the person and kingdom of the Messiah. The majority of these predictions have al- * Wilson's Evidences. 40 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. ready met their accomplishment ; some are at the present time in course of fulfilment, while others, as we have before observed, look for- ward to the far-distant future. It is our purpose in the following pages to select some of the most striking and remarkable of those predictions which have been fulfilled, or now are fulfilling in the world, and trace their accomplishment in the history of the na- tions, and in the present state of the people and countries to which they refer. We shall then see how wonderfully " the history of the world has responded to the prophecies of the Bible, and echoed back to the * holy men' who utter- ed them, a complete assurance that they * spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.'"* * M'llvaine's Lectures. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 41 CHAPTER 11. PROPHECIES RESPECTING ISHMAEL'S POSTERITY. The Arabs descended from Ishmael — Prophecies respecting Ishmael — ^Refer to his posterity rather than to himself— Hagar and Ishmael sent out from Abraham's family — Their sufferings and deliverance in the wilderness— Reflections — Ishmael lives an unsettled life — ^His sons the founders of twelve tribes — His pos- terity, according to the prophecy, become a "great nation" — They are a " wild" people — They retain the manners and customs of their ancestors — They live in a state of hostility with all othei nations — Are robbers by profession— Manner in which they justify their robberies — Their hospitahty — The Arabs have maintained a perpetual independence — Were never conquered by the Egyp- tians, Assyrians, or Persians — Alexander's projects against them defeated by his death — Were not subdued by the Romans — Do not acknowledge the authority of the Turks — Objections of Gib- bon refuted by himself— Character of the Arabs, by Sandys — Testimony of Volney — Concluding reflections. One of the promises made to Abraham, was, that he should be the " father of many nations." This promise was abundantly verified. Since the days of Noah and his sons there has been no man whose posterity is equally numerous, or to whom so many nations refer their origin. The most distinguished branches of his family are the Arabs and the Jews, the former the de- scendants of Ishmael, the latter of Isaac. Con- cerning each of these nations there are some remarkable prophecies, and both of them exist at the present day, separate and distinct from 42 SCRIPTURE PROPHECir. the rest of mankind, and from each other, a standing proof of the power and providence of God, and of the truth of divine revelation. The principal prophecy concerning Ishmael and his posterity is contained in the language of the angel to Hagar, when she fled from the face of her mistress. " And the angel of the Lord found her in the wilderness, and said unto her, * Return to thy mistress and submit thyself under her hands.' And the angel of the Lord said unto her, * I will multiply thy seed exceed- ingly that it shall not be numbered for multi- tude. Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael ; and he will be a wild man ; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him : and he shall dwell in the pre- sence of all his brethren,'" Gen. xvi, 9-12. Some additional circumstances are contained in Genesis xvii, 20, where, in answer to Abra- ham's prayer, " O that Ishmael might live be- fore thee !" Jehovah graciously assures him, " As for Ishmael, I have heard thee : behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly: twelve princes shall he be(/et, a*^ 1 1 will make him a gTeat nation." SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 43 " The usual idiom of the Scripture requires us to understand in both passages what is said of Ishmael personally to be true also of his de- scendants. Indeed, it is rather his posterity than himself that is primarily intended. When it is said, * I will multiply him exceedingly — I will make him a great nation,' the word * him' obviously means his posterity ; for no one can imagine that he himself was meant to be multi- plied in virtue of this promise, neither can one man be called a nation, — so, likewise, when it is said * his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him,' it is evident that one man could not subsist alone in open enmity to all the world, nor could one man's hand be literally against every man's. There is, moreover, not the slightest hint in Scripture, nor any reason to believe, that Ishmael lived personally in a state of opposition to his bre- thren. Throughout this whole prediction, there- fore, Ishmael must be viewed as the representa- tive of his posterity. What is declared of him, and promised to him, was intended to be affirm- ed of his descendants and fulfilled in them."* For several years after his birth, Ishmael and Jds mother remained in the family of Abraham, and, until the fourteenth year of his age, ho * Bush's Notes on Genesis. 44 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. doubtless expected to be the sole heir of his father. At this period, however, the birth of Isaac, who was to be the heir of the promises, caused a great change in the condition of Ish- mael, who, irritated probably at being super- seded in the inheritance by his younger bro- ther, appears to have treated him with rudeness and contempt. This did not escape the jealous eye of Sarah, who in consequence insisted on the immediate expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael from the family. Abraham, however, was loth to proceed to such extremities. His feelings were different from those of Sarah, who fixed her affections exclusively on Isaac, and re- garded Ishmael as an intruder and a rival : but Abraham, as the father of both, felt a paternal affection toward each, and the course proposed by Sarah " was very grievous in his sight be- cause of his son." It was however in ac- cordance with the designs of God, and Abra- ham was directed to comply. In this, as in various other instances, the patriarch manifest- ed his exemplary faith and obedience. It was painful to his feelings as a father to concur in so severe a measure ; but some gleam of futu- rity was afforded to enlighten the darksome but appointed path. "And God said unto Abraham, ' Let it not be grievous in thy sight SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 45 because of the lad, and because of thy bond- woman : in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice ; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed,'" Gen. xxi, 12. With a small supply of provisions and a bot- tle of water, Hagar, with her son, who was now about sixteen or seventeen years old, was sent forth to find a home in some of the surrounding districts. Directing her steps toward her na- tive country, she wandered with the lad in the wilderness of Beersheba. In a few days the water is spent, and poor Hagar pants along the solitary desert, turning hither and thither in search of some scanty supply. Not a drop is to be found ; and at length, arriving at some shrubs, she sat down with her exhausted, and, as she supposed, dying son, beneath the wel- come shade. Unable to witness his expiring agonies, she laid him under one of the shrubs and retired to a short distance ; "for she said, * Let me not see the death of the child,' and she sat over against him, and lifted up her voice and wept," Gen. xxi, 16. Who can imagine the pangs of that excruciating moment, or the bitterness of the tears she shed ? A more finish- ed picture of distress it would be difficult to 46 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. conceive. Had there been any ear to hear, any eye to pity, or any hand to relieve the sufferers, their cries and tears might have been mingled with hope ; but as far as human aid was concerned, their situation was apparently desperate, and however much we may blame, we can scarcely be surprised at Hagar's distrust of the promises made to her on a former occa- sion, when she saw that son who was to be the father of a great nation, ready to perish before her eyes. But God was not unmindful of his promises : at this critical moment an angel again appeared to the desponding mother, and directed her to a well of water close at hand, whence she replenished her bottle and supplied her fainting son. The wanderers then con- tinued their journey as far as the wilderness of Paran, where they took up their residence. " In this distressing circumstance in the life of Hagar, a superficial observer might see nothing but a curious concurrence of ordinary events. The insolence of Ishmael irritated the temper of Sarah ; she procured his expul- sion and that of his mother from her household ; retiring in disgrace, she narrowly escaped de- struction in the wilderness, and afterward took up a casual residence in the vicinity. But if we pay a proper attention to these events, we * SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 47 shall view them with another eye. Every cir- cumstance was connected with a vast pro^d- dential plan. The folly of Ishmael, the con- duct of Sarah, the compliance of Abraham, the various occurrences connected with the settle- ment in Paran, concurred to accomplish the predestined purposes of Jehovah ;"* for God does not always, nor even generally, bring his predictions to pass by miraculous means, but by the operation and concurrence of natural causes. Ishmael, in consequence of his ex- pulsion from his father's house, and the way of life into which he was thus forced, became early inured to hardships ; and his freedom from restraint, and the habit of reliance on himself which his mode of life must have induced, did much to foster that love of liberty and inde- pendence of character which was ascribed to him by the prophecy, before his birth. " He dwelt in the wilderness of Paran, and became an archer," Gen. xxi, 20. *• The expres- sion, * he became an archer,' " observes Profes- sor Bush, " unquestionably denotes warlike character and practices. It is but another mode of saying that he began to "be distinguish- ed for lawless and predatory habits, as his de- scendants have always been." * Cox's Female Scripture Biography. 48 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. It was also specified that he should be the father of " twelve princes." In a subsequent part of the Mosaic history, we find a notice of the fulfilment of this prediction. Moses, when enumerating the immediate descendants of Ish- mael, concludes his account in these words : — " These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns, and by their cas- tles ; twelve princes according to their na- tions ;" by which we understand, not that Ish- mael's twelve sons were independent sovereign princes, but that they became the heads or founders of so many distinct tribes,* in the same manner as the sons of Jacob were the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. Of Ish- maePs personal history we have no further knowledge, except that he joined with his bro- ther Isaac in paying the last tribute of respect to his father, and that he died in the one hun- dred and thirty-seventh year of his age. Gen. XXV, 9, 18. We have now seen the accomplishment of the prediction so far as Ishmael himself is con- cerned ; but, as was before observed, the pro- * The Arabs of the present day are divided into sepa- rate tribes, the heads of which are commonly called EmirSj or princes. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 49 phecy refers not so mucli to Ishmael personally, as to his posterity: we will, therefore, proceed to trace its fulfilment in the history and present state of the Arab tribes. " / mil multiply him exceedingly — / will make him a great nation.^'' — This prediction was ful- filled as soon as in the course of nature it could be accomplished. In process of time, the de- scendants of Ishmael became a " great nation," and such they have continued to the present day. They are mentioned in Scripture under the names of Ishmaelites, Hagarenes, and Arabians. It must not be forgotten, however, that under the general name of Arabs many persons con- found two distinct classes of people, who, though inhabiting the same countries, are of widely difl^erent characters. One class live in cities and towns, and subsist by agriculture and commerce ; the other class comprise the roving, pastoral tribes, who inhabit the desert and dwell in tents. The latter are the posterity of Ishmael, and are commonly distinguished from the other Arabs by the name of Bedouins.* * The word Bedouin is a corruption of the Arabic hadwi, which is derived from the substantive hadw^ " an open country, a desert," and signifies an inhabitant of the desert. 4 50 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. The numbers leading this wandering and pre- carious mode of life are incredible. They are not confined to the deserts of Arabia. " From the banks of the Indus on the east, to those of the Senegal on the west, are colonies of them to be met with ; and between north and south, they are scattered from the Euphrates to the island of Madagascar. Of all nations they have spread themselves farthest over the world ; the Tar- tar hordes have not occupied so wide an extent of the globe."* He will he a wild man. — The original signifies literally " a wild-ass-man,"t for the word which our translators have rendered" wild," is the same that is applied to the onager, or wild ass, in other parts of the Scriptures. The figure is very striking. The principal qualities of the wild ass are savage independence, prodigious swift- ness, a disposition to assemble in troops, and a fondness for the wilderness ; all which strongly characterize the descendants of Ishmael. The description of this animal in the book of Job will recur to the recollection of every student of the Bible. * Niebuhr's Travels in Arabia. t This form of expression is still used among the Arabs, who employ the term " wild ass," to designate a person of a contumacious, untractable disposition. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 51 *' Who hath sent out the wild ass freel Or who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass 1 Whose house I have made the wilderness, And the barren land his dwellings. He scorneth the multitude of the city, Neither regardeth he the crying of the driver. The range of the mountains is his pasture. And he searcheth after every green thing." Job xxxix, 5-8. Nothing can be more descriptive than this of the wild, wandering, lawless lives of the Be- douin Arabs, whose descent from Ishmael is admitted by the learned, and gloried in by themselves. God himself has sent them out free ; he has loosed them from all political re- straint. The wilderness is their habitation, and in the parched land, where no other human be- ings could live, they have their dwellings. Claim- ing the barren plains of Arabia as their patrimo- nial domain, they have, from the days of their great ancestor, down to the present time, ranged the wide extent of the burning sands which separate them from all surrounding nations, as rude, savage, and intractable as the wild ass himself Theij scorn the city, and therefore have no fixed habitation. " It is in the lonely wilderness and the rugged mountains that their attachments centre ; because it is there that they can live without ceremony and without 65 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. control. Their sterile sands are dearer to them than the spicy regions of the south, and they would consider the security of cities but a poor compensation for the loss of their indepen- dence. The tent* they regard as the nursery * The common Arab tent is of an oblong figure, vary- ing in size according to the wants or rank of the owner. A length of from twenty-five to thirty feet, by a depth or breadth not exceeding ten feet, form the dimensions of a rather large family tent. The height of the centre poles, which are made higher than the others, in order to give a slope to throw off the rain, varies from seven to ten feet ; but the height of the side posts seldom exceeds five or six feet. The covering of the tent is usually black goat's hair, so compactly woven as to be impervious to the heaviest rain ; but the side coverings are often of coarse wool. The front of the tent is usually kept open, except in winter. The interior is divided into two apartments by a curtain hung up against the middle poles of the tent. One of these apartments is for the men, and one for the wo- men. Sometimes there is a third apartment for the cattle SCRIPTUJIE PROPHECY. 53 of every noble quality, and the desert as the only residence worthy of men who aspire to be the unfettered masters of their own actions. They cannot imagine how existence can be endured, much less enjoyed, except in a dwell- ing of goat's hair which they can pitch and re- move at pleasure."* They may be said to have no lands, and yet the range of the mountains is their pasture ; they pitch their tents and feed their flocks wherever they please ; and they search after every green thing — are continually looking after prey, and seize on every kind of property that comes within their reach. " Even in the ordinary sense of the epithet * wild,' " observes the editor of the Pictorial Bible, " there is no other people to whom it can be applied with more propriety than to the Arabs, whether used in reference to their cha- racter, mode of life, or place of habitation. We have seen something of the Arabs and their life, and always, we felt the word wild to be pre- cisely that by which we should choose to cha- racterize them. Their chosen dwelling place is the inhospitable desert, which offers no at- tractions to other eyes, but which is all the dearer to them for that desolation, inasmuch as it se- cures to them that independence and unfetter- * Chricton. 54 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. ed liberty of action which constitute the charm of their existence, and which render the minute boundaries and demarcations of settled dis- tricts, and the restraints and limitations of towns and cities perfectly hateful in their sight. The simplicity of their tented habitations, their dress, and their diet, we can also characterize by no more fitting epithet than ' wild ;' and that epithet claims a still more definite application when we come to examine their continual wan derings with their flocks and herds, their con- stant readiness for action, and their frequent predatory excursions against strangers or against each other." Except in the article of religion, their man- ners and customs have suflered little or no change during the long period of upward of three thousand years. Their manner of living, in many respects, forms a perfect picture of primitive usages, as described by the sacred writers. Coming among them we can hardly help fancying ourselves carried back to the ages which immediately succeeded the flood. " The forms we see present us the picture of the old patriarchs with scarcely a single alteration. We may listen to their language, number their pos- sessions, partake of their food, examine their dress, enter their tents, attend the ceremonies SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 55 of their marriage festivals, and present ourselves before the prince, still all is the same. At the well they water their flocks ; they sit at the door of their tents in the cool of the day ; they take ' butter, and milk, and the calf which they have dressed,' and set it before the stranger ; they move onward to some distant place, and pitch their tent near richer pasturage ; and all the treasures they possess are in camels, kine, sheep, and goats, men servants and women servants, and changes of raiment; we may stand near one of their encampments, and as the aged men sit in dignity, or the young men and maidens drive past us their flocks, we are almost ready to ask if such a one be not Abra- ham, or Lot, or Jacob, or Job, or Bildad the Shuhite, or Rebekah, or Rachel, or the daugh- ter of Jethro, the Midianite ; we seem to know them all. The mountains, and valleys, and streams partake of the same unchangeable- ness ; not a stone has been removed, not a barrier has been raised, not a tree has been planted, not a village has been collected to- gether. The founder of the race might come again to the earth, and he would recognize, without effort, his own people and his own land." * * Hardy's Tra els in the Holy Land, etc. ^6 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. His hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him. — Bearing in mind what has already been said respecting the collective import of the name Ishmael in this prediction,* we can have no difficulty in understanding this as a declaration that his posterity should exist in a state of perpetual hostility to the rest of mankind. And there is certainly no people to whom this applies with greater truth than to the Arabs ; for there is none of whom aggression on all the world is so remarkably characteris- tic, f In the words of Gibbon, which strikingly correspond with those of the prophecy, "they are armed against mankind." They have all along infested Arabia and the neighbouring countries with their robberies and incursions. " Plun- der, in fact, forms their principal occupation, and takes the chief place in their thoughts ; and their aggressions upon settled districts, upon travellers, and even upon other tribes of their own people, are undertaken and prose- cuted with a feeling that they have a right to what they seek, and therefore without the least sense of degradation. They have reduced robbery to a science, and digested its various branches into a complete and regular system.":]: " They regard the profession as honourable, and * See page 43. t Bush. t Pictorial Bible. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 57 /he character of a successful and enterprising robber invests a Bedouin with as high a dis- tinction in his own eyes, and in the eyes of his people, as the most chivalrous acts would win among the nations of Europe. The plundering of a solitary traveller is in their eyes as much a military exploit, as the sacking of a town, or the reduction of a province."* " They rob in- discriminately, enemies, friends, and neigh- bours. It is no protection to speak the same language, or to profess the same religion. The caravan on its pilgrimage to Mecca is consider- ed to offer as lawful a booty as the bales of the rich merchant, or the stores of the infidel stranger."! Travellers crossing the desert are compelled to go armed, in large companies or caravans, and to keep watch and guard like a little army, and then they scarcely ever escape being plundered : even when they procure the services of one of the Arabs as a guide, it only ensures them protection from the assaults of the tribe to which the guide belongs. This plundering life they justify " by alleg- ing the hard usage of their father Ishmael, who, being turned out of doors by Abraham, had, they say, the open plains and deserts given him by God for his patrimony, with permission * Chricton. t Hardy. 58 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. to take whatever he could find there. And on this account they think they may, with a safe conscience, indemnify themselves as well as they can, not only on the descendants of Isaac, but on every body else ; always supposing a sort of kindred between themselves and those they plunder. And in relating adventures of this kind, they think it sufficient to change the expression, and instead of saying, * I robbed a man of such and such a thing,' to say, ' I gain- ed it.' "* But they do not confine their preda- tory excursions to the desert : they make fre- quent hostile inroads in the neighbouring coun- tries, to supply those wants which the recesses of the desert have denied. " The poverty of their own land is with them an honourable ex- cuse for relieving their necessities at the ex- pense of their wealthier neighbours. They affirm that in the division of the earth, the rich and fertile parts were assigned to other branch- es of the human family ; and that the descend- ants of the outlaw, whose hand was to be against every man, may recover, by force, the hereditary portion of which they have been unjustly deprived."! This character of the Arabs, which is con- * Sale's Preliminary Dissertation to the Koran, t Chricton. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 59 firmed by ancient history, and by every modem writer who has traversed their wide and barren wilds, is of itself sufficient to verify the predic- tion of the text. But besides this, the different tribes are continually at variance among them- selves. Burckhardt assures us that there are few tribes which are ever in a state of perfect peace with all their neighbours, and adds, that he could not recollect this to be the case with any one among the numerous tribes with which he was acquainted. These wars, however, are seldom of long duration ; peace is easily made, but broken again upon the slightest pretences. This dark side of the Arab character has a beautiful contrast in their well known hospi- tality. The moment the fierce marauder ceases to be in a state of war, he becomes quite an- other man. The hungry Bedouin always di- vides his scanty meal with a still more hungry wanderer. The traveller who seeks his pro- tection, or confides in his honour, he entertains without inquiry, or the hope of remuneration, lie regards him not merely as a guest, but as a member of the family, and when he departs he is dismissed with blessings, perhaps with gifts. So long as he remains, his life and pro- perty are secure ; and should a robbery occur, the host, if he possesses the means, will in- 60 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. demnify him for whatever loss he may incur while under his protection. The hospitality of the x\rabs was greatly extolled in ancient times, and those of the present day exercise this virtue no less than their ancestors did.* And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. — The word translated " dwell," signi- fies literally to tabernacle, and refers to the practice of dwelling in tents, which has almost universally prevailed among the descendants of Ishmael, and to which there is an allusion in Isaiah xiii, 20. The meaning of the passage, taken in connection with the previous declara- tion, " He shall be a wild man," imdoubtedly is, that the posterity of Ishmael, notwithstand- ing the constant hostility subsisting between them and other nations, should maintain a per- petual independence, and should continue to pitch their tents " in the presence," or in the face " of all their brethren," in spite of all at- tempts to conquer or dispossess them ; and no- thing is more notorious than that they have never been effectually subdued ; although con- tinually annoying the surrounding countries with their predatory incursions, yet every attempt to extirpate them has proved abortive, and they * Chricton. — ^Niebuhr. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 6) are at present, and have continued from the re- motest ages, a separate, free, independent, and invincible nation. The country in which they dwell lies be- tween Egypt and Assyria, yet they were never subject to either of those powerful nations. Se- sostris, the most renowned monarch that ever swayed the sceptre of Egypt, who, in the pride of his power, caused his chariot to be drawn by conquered kings, who were yoked to it like beasts of burden, was compelled, as Diodorus Siculus informs us, to draw a line of defence across the Isthmus of Suez, to secure his terri- tory from the incessant depredations of the Arabs and Syrians. The Assyrians, Medes, and Persians found them alike invincible. Cam- byses, when he invaded Egypt, was obliged to obtain permission of the Arabs to pass through their dominions ; and Cyrus, the deliverer of the Jews, and the conquerer of Babylon, could never impose conditions on this free, independ- ent people. Herodotus, the historian who lived nearest those times, expressly states that "the Arabs were never reduced by the Per- sians to the condition of subjects, but were con- sidered by them as friends, and opened to them a passage into Egypt, which without their assistance would have been utterly impracti- 62 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. cable." And in another place he says, that " while Phenicia, Palestine, Syria, and all the neighbouring countries were taxed, the Arabian territory remained free from paying any tri- bute." Some time after we find them assist- ing the Egyptians against the Persians ; so that they appear to have acted as friends or enemies to the Persians, as it suited their in- terests or inclinations.* Alexander the Great, who overturned the Persian empire, and conquered Asia, never stretched his powerful sceptre over the wan- dering tribes of the desert. When other na- tions sent embassies of submission, the Arabs alone disdained to acknowledge the conqueror, and despised his menaces. Mortified at their indifference, and determined to chastise their presumption, he raised a prodigious force ; but death interposed ; in the very midst of his pur- poses Alexander was cut off, and the Arabs thus escaped the fury of his arms, and were never subdued by any of his successors. We find them afterward, sometimes at peace and sometimes at war with the neighbouring states ; sometimes joining the Syrians, and sometimes the Egyptians ; sometimes assisting the Jews, and sometimes plundering them; and in all * Newton on the Prophecies. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 63 respects acting like a free people who neither feared nor courted any foreign power what- ever.* In the course of time the sceptre of the world passed into the hands of the Romans : but while they subjected all other nations, they were never able to reduce Arabia to a Roman province, although at different periods of their power they made several attempts to do so. The flatterers of Trajan have, it is true, num- bered among his exploits, the subjugation of all Arabia and part of India, and coins were actually struck in commemoration of these ex- ploits ; but the most he was able to accomplish was the reduction of a few individual tribes ; the great body of the Arabs still continued with impunity to make incursions and depredations in Syria and the other Roman provinces, and eluded the vengeance of their enemies by re- tiring within those natural barriers of rocks and sand which bade defiance to their pursuers. " The Roman eagle, which spread her resist- less pinions over all countries, and which neither the storms of the north coidd terrify, nor the supposed barriers of the world confine, found no rest for the sole of its foot on the barren sands of Arabia, and returned unsuc- * Newton. — Oollyer. 64 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. * cessful from the pursuit of the rough sons of Ishmael." We have thus seen that the Arabs escaped the yoke of the most powerful nations of antiquity. Whoever were the conquerers of Asia, they re- mained free ; and they have transmitted their independence unimpaired to the present times. The descendants of the " wild man" still spurn the chains of a foreign conqueror. The Turks have now been for several centuries masters of the adjacent countries ; but their jurisdiction has never been acknowledged by the Arabs, and they are so little able to restrain the depre- dations of these fierce wanderers, that they are compelled to pay them a sort of tribute, in order to ensure the safe passage of the pilgrims who annually go in great companies or caravans to Mecca, and whom, after all, they frequently plunder with impunity. But notwithstanding the united testimonies of ancient and modem history in favour of the uninterrupted freedom of the posterity of Ish- mael, one writer has attempted to bring the alleged fulfilment of the prophecy into dis- credit. Mr. Gibbon, unwilling to pass by an opportunity of cavilling at divine revelation, observes, " The perpetual independence of the Arabs has been the theme of praise among SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 65 strangers and natives ; and the arts of contro- versy transform this singular event into a pro- phecy and a miracle, in favour of the posterity of Ishmael. Some exceptions, that can neither be dissembled nor eluded, render this mode of reasoning as indiscreet as it is superfluous : the kingdom of Yemen has been successfully sub- dued by the Abyssinians, the Persians, the sul- tans of Egypt, and the Turks : the holy cities of Mecca and Medina have repeatedly bowed under a Scythian tyrant ; and the Roman pro- vince of Arabia embraced the peculiar wilder- ness in which Ishmael and his sons must have pitched their tent in the face of all their bre- thren." For a full reply to these unqualified assertions, we need refer to no other writer than Mr. Gibbon himself, who, by the conces- sion which he is compelled to make upon the truth of an historian, furnishes a complete re- futation to his own objections. In the pas- sage immediately following the one we have just quoted, without the intervention of a single sentence, he says, " Yet these exceptions are temporary or local ; the body of the nation has escaped the yoke of the most powerful mo- narchies ; the arms of Sesostris and Cyrus, of Pompey and Trajan, could never achieve the con- quest of Arabia ; the present sovereign of the 5 66 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Turks may exercise a shadow of jurisdiction, but his pride is reduced to solicit the friend- ship of a people v^hom it is dangerous to pr evoke , and fruitless to attack. The long memory of their independence is the firmest pledge of its perpetuity ; and succeeding generations are ani- mated to prove their descent, and to maintain their inheritance. Their domestic feuds are suspended on the approach of a common ene- my ; and in their last hostilities against the Turks, the caravan of Mecca was attacked and pillaged by fourscore thousand of the confede- rates. When they advance to battle, the hope of victory is in their front, and in the rear the assurance of a retreat. Their horses and ca- mels, who in eight or ten days can perform a journey of four or five hundred miles, disappear before the conqueror ; the secret waters of the desert elude his search, and his victorious troops are consumed with thirst, hunger, and fatigue, in the pursuit of an invisible foe, who scorns his efforts, and safely reposes in the heart of the burning solitude." Yemen is the only Arabian province which had the appear- ance of submitting to a foreign yoke ; but even here, as Mr. Gibbon himself acknowledges, seven of the native princes remained unsub- dued ; and even admitting its subjugation to have SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. G7 been complete, the perpetual independence of the Ishmaelites remains unimpaired, for this is not their country. The accounts given of the Arabs by travel- lers fully accord with the prophecy respecting them. Sandys remarks, " They dwell in tents, which they remoue, like walking cities, for opportunity of prey, and benefit of pasturage. They acknowledge no soueraigne : not worth the conquering, nor can they bee conquered : retiring to places impassable for armies, by reason of the rolling sands, and penury of all things. A nation from the beginning vnmixed with others : boasting of their nobilitie, and at this day hating all mechanicall sciences. They hang about the skirts of the habitable countries ; and hauing robbed, retire with a maruellous celerity." Volney, in his account of the Bedouins, ob- serves, " It is not without reason that the inha- bitants of the desert boast of being the purest and best preserved race of all the Arab tribes : for never have they been conquered, nor have they mixed with other people by making conquests ; they have in every respect retained their primi- tive independence and simplicity. Every thing that ancient history has related of their cus- #8 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. toms, manners, language, and even their pre- judices, is almost minutely true of them to this day ; and if we consider, besides, this unity of character, preserved through such a number of ages, still subsists, even in the most distant situations, that is, that the tribes most distant from each other preserve an exact resemblance, it must be allowed, that the circumstances which accompany so peculiar a moral state are a subject of most curious inquiry." How is it that this remarkable people have never changed their situation, or altered their habits of life? Other nations have not con- tinued the same. How have the modem popu- lation of Egypt, Italy, and Greece, degenerated from the powerful nations who formerly occu- pied those countries ? How are the French and English polished and refined from the an- cient Gauls and Britons ? Men and manners change with times, but in all ages the Arabs have continued essentially the same. The character of Ishmael remains unobliterated in the features of his descendants, and, at the close of thirty-seven centuries, they still continue, in accordance with the prophetic description, a numerous people, living in a state of wild and lawless independence. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 69 Who can fairly consider all these particulars, and not see the hand of God in the whole affair, from the beginning to the end. It was impos- sible for any human eye to have pierced the cloud of unveiled time ; or for any uninspired tongue to have foretold the destinies of this outcast child, and of his unborn descendants. But He who collects into one point of view the past, the present, and the future, as scat- tered rays of light are sometimes collected in a common centre, uttered the memorable pre- diction, whose fulfilment we have just been considering — a prediction, the fulfilment of which was, in the natural course of events, so highly improbable, if not altogether impossible, that, as nothing but a divine prescience could have foreseen it, so nothing but a divine power could have brought it to pass. " Of no other, among all the streams of population by which this earth has been covered, was such a pro- phecy uttered ; and of no other would it have been true. The surrounding countries of Egypt, Syria, and Persia, have once and again changed their rulers and their race. Arabia has ever continued the same. The march of conquest has been around her, but has never penetrated into her wilds : that which was true of her in the time of Moses, has been equally so in 70 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. every subsequent period of time ; and will still continue until another prophecy be fulfilled, and even * Arabia's desert ranger' shall bow before the power that is supreme: then the horse shall no longer stand ready caparisoned to pur- sue and plunder the passing traveller ; * Holi ness unto the Lord,' shall be inscribed ' upon its bells ;' then shall Isaac and Ishmael again meet together in peace, to worship at one altar the God of their fathers, and Jesus Christ whom he has sent : their hand shall be with every man, and every man's hand with them."* ♦Hardy, SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 71 CHAPTER III. PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE JEWS. The purpose of God in raising- up the Jewish nation — Their co- venant with God at Sinai — Their covenant solemnly renewed on mounts Ebal and Gerizim — Calamities which awaited them if they violated the commands of God — Blessings promised in case of obedience — Moses foresaw and foretold their future apostacy, and the evils which would consequently befall them — They were to be invaded by a distant nation, who should treat them with extreme cruelty, and take from them all their cities— This prophecy fully accomplished by the Romans— The miseries which, from famine and other causes, they endured in the course of the war — Great numbers sold as slaves, and sent into Egypt — The sanctuaries are brought into desolation — The great body of the people are driven out of their own land — The few who remain there are miserably oppressed — The Jews are dispersed among all nations. No prophecies better deserve the attention of the Biblical student, or more clearly esta- blish the truth of divine revelation, than those respecting the Jews, a people raised up by Pro- vidence, in a time of general apostacy, to pre- serve, through the darkness of succeeding ages, the light of the knowledge of God. The waters of the deluge had scarce dried up from the face of the earth, when the sons of men again began to work iniquity in the sight of their Maker ; and the venerable patriarch " who had seen the whole human race, his own family excepted, cut off for their wickedness, 72 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. lived to see the descendants of that family be- come almost as nmnerous and as profligate as the generation which had been destroyed by the flood." That the knowledge of the one true God might not be utterly banished from the earth, the Lord determined to set apart one people to be the witnesses of his grace and the depositaries of his truth, that he might thus " preserve his testimony among the nations until the arrival of that * time of refreshing' which he had predetermined, and the coming of which he made known with increasing distinctness, as its date approached. To accomplish this object, Jehovah did not see fit to make choice of any existing nation, but determined to give a nation existence, to watch over it from its birth, subjecting its infancy to his guidance and instruction, and forming its character with a view to the great object of its being."* The early history of the Jewish nation is one unbroken series of divine mterpositions. At the age of seventy-five years, Abraham jour- neyed from the land of the Chaldeans, not know- ing whither he went, " but obeying a divine voice which called him from among a nation of idolaters, to become the father of a new peo- ple, and of a purer faith, at a distance from his ♦Pictorial His*>ry of Palestine. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 73 native country." Led by the Spirit of God, he entered the land of Canaan, where Jehovah ap- peared to him, promised that he would multi- ply his posterity as the stars of heaven, and as the sand upon the sea-shore, and give them that land for an inheritance ; and assured him that in his " seed should all the families of the earth be blessed," Gen. xii, 7; xxii, 17, 18. Two hundred and fifteen years after this, his grand- son Jacob, " a Syrian ready to perish," with a few individuals, went down into Egypt, where his descendants, although " evil entreated and afflicted," " became a nation great, mighty, and populous," (Deut. xxvi, 5,) and whence they were delivered by the special interposition of Heaven. Guided by " a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night," they proceeded to Mount Sinai, where they entered into a solemn covenant with God, to serve and obey him. Under circumstances of the most terrific gran- deur, Jehovah then delivered to the people the moral law, or the ten commandments ; after which, he communicated to Moses the laws by which they were to be governed as a nation, and the ceremonies to be observed in their re- ligious worship. Forty years they were con- demned to wander in the wilderness as a pun- ishment for their sins, during which time the 74 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Lord fed them with " bread from heaven " and " gave them water out of the flinty rock." When at length they approached the borders of the land of Canaan, and viewed, for the first time, their promised inheritance, Moses, then about to surrender at once both his life and his trust, recounted, in the ears of the people, the mercies of God toward them, and the many de- liverances he had wrought out for them. He then assured them that their prosperity in the land which they were now about to enter, de- pended entirely upon their conformity to the divine precepts, and urged upon them the duty and necessity of obedience, as well from a con- sideration of the goodness of God and the bless- ings that should follow, as from the fearful judgments which awaited them in case of their apostacy. That these admonitions might make a more lasting impression on the minds of the people, Moses directed Joshua that as soon as they en- tered tha promised land, he should lead them to mounts Ebal and Gerizim, and there solemn- ly renew their covenant with God. Six of the tribes were to stand on the side of mount Geri- zim, and the remaining six on mount Ebal, op- posite, while the priests and the Levites, with the ark of the covenant, occupied the narrow S^CRIPTURE PROPHECY. 75 valley between : when the priests read from the book of the law the blessings which should be the reward of their obedience, the tribes on mount Gerizim responded, " Amen !" So he it ! while the tribes on the opposite mountain gave a like response to the curses which were denounced on the disobedient. Deut. xxvii, xxviii. It is impossible for human imagination to con- ceive a spectacle more imposing, more solemn, more likely to impress the whole people with deep and enduring awe, than this final ratifica- tion of their covenant, as directed by the dying lawgiver. In the open day, and in a theatre, as it were, created by the God of nature for the express purpose,* after a sacrifice offered on an altar of stones, the people of Israel testified their deliberate acceptance of that constitution which God had enacted for them. They accepted it with its inseparable conditions, maledictions * " A better situation for performing his ceremony,'' observes Mr. Hardy, " could not be conceived; as the hills are at such a distance from each other, that the hosts of Israel might stand between their summits, and the voice from either be heard distinctly, on a calm day, throughout the whole assembly." The two mountains are each about seven hundred feet in height, and are separated only by the narrow valley of Shechem, which is not more than two or three hundred paces broad. 76 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. the most awful, which they imprecated on their own heads, in case they should violate its sta- tutes — ^blessings equally ample and perpetual, if they should adhere to its holy and salutary provisions.* When the countless multitudes which thronged the ascent of either mountain, with one voice responded the loud "Amen!" as the blessings and curses were severally pro- nounced by the priests, the full burst of soimd " must have reverberated among the hills with true sublimity, and have ascended in majestic volume toward heaven." Having given the necessary directions for the performance of this impressive ceremony, Moses proceeded to enlarge on the blessings of obedience ; but, with a dark and melancholy foreboding of the final destiny of his people, he laid before them, still more at length, the fatal consequences of apostacy and wickedness. The sublimity of his denunciations surpasses any thing in the oratory or the poetry of the whole world. Nature is exhausted in furnish- ing terrific images ; nothing excepting the real horrors of the Jewish history — the miseries of their sieges, the cruelty, the contempt, the op- pressions, the persecutions, which for ages this scattered, and despised, and detested nation has *Rev. H. H. Millman. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 77 endured — can approach the tremendous male- dictions which warned them against the viola- tion of their law.* These prophetic denuncia- tions are contained in the twenty-eighth chapter of Deuteronomy, from which we give the fol- lowing extracts : — " It shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments, — the Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thy enemies : thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them : and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. — The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart : and thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways : and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. — Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof : thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee ; thy sheep shall be given to thine ene- mies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them. Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and * Rev. H H. Millman. 78 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. fail with longing for them all the day long. — The fruit of thy land, and all thy labour, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up ; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed al- ways : so that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. — The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known ; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone. And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a by- word among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee. — The stranger that is with- in thee shall get up above thee very high ; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him : he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.* All these curses shall come upon thee because thou heark- enest not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments ; and they shall be * The " head" and the " tail" are common forms of ex- pression in the East, to denote the most elevated and the most degraded conditions. Mr. Roberts, in his Oriental Illustrations, observes, " It is amusing to hear men of rank in the East speak of their dependants as tails. Has a ser- vant not obeyed his master, the former asks, ' Who are you 1 are you the head or the tail V Should a person be- gin to take food before those of higher caste, it is asked, * What, is the tail to begin to wag before the head 1' " SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 79 upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever. The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth ; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand ; a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favour to the young. — And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee. And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daugh- ters, in the siege, and in the straitness where- with thine enemies shall distress thee ; the man that is tender among you, and very deli- cate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave : so that he will not give to any of them the flesh of his children which he shall eat : because he hath nothing left him of the siege, and in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy gates. The ten- der and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tender- ness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband 80 SCRIPTURE PROPHECy. of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter, and toward her children which she shall bear : for she shall eat them for the want of all things, secretly in the siege and slaraitness wherewith thine enemies shall dis- tress thee. — The Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance. — And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye Were as the stars of heaven for multitude ; be- cause thou wouldst not obey the voice of the Lord thy God. — And ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all peo- ple, from one end of the earth even unto the otlier. — And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest : but the Lord shall give thee there a trem- bling heart, — and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee ; and thou shalt have fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life. In the morning thou shalt say, * Would God it were even!' and at even thou shalt say, * Would God it were morning!' for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. And the Lord shall bring thee again into Egypt with ships, — and there ye shall be sold unto SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 81 your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you." Such were the judgments with which Moses, by the authority of God, threatened the Israel- ites in case of their disobedience. On the other hand, corresponding blessings were promised if they remained faithful to God, and kept their covenant with him. " It shall come to pass if thou wilt hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his com- mandments^ that the Lord thy God will set theo on high above all the nations of the earth.— ' The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face. — - The Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods, — and in the fruit of thy ground ; — and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. The Lord shall establish thee a holy people unto himself, — and all the people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of thee." Thus the national prosperity of the Israelites was made to depend on their obedience to God. No attentive reader of the Bible can have fail- ed to perceive how strikingly this was the case through the whole period of their Scrip- ture history. " If they yield to disobedience or 6 82 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. idolatry, the meanest of their neighbours, Mo- abites, Midianites, Amalekites, even the subject and tributary Canaanites, can rise in arms to their discomfiture and degradation. Let them serve the Lord faithfully, and * one' of them may ' chase a thousand,' the * daughter of Zion' may * shake her head' at the countless hosts of the * great king, the king of Assyria.' "* The denunciations of Moses are to be re- garded not merely as conditional threatenings, but as clear and distinct predictions. Instruct- ed by the spirit of prophecy, he not only warn- ed the people of the consequences of disobe- dience, but also foresaw and plainly foretold their future apostacy ; " I know," said he, " that after my death ye will utterly corrupt your- selves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you ; and evil will befall you in the latter days ; because ye will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger with the work of your hands," Deut. xxxi, 29. See also verses 16-21. To notice all the prophecies of Scripture re- specting the Jews, would occupy a volume, and embrace the whole history of that people from their first existence to the present time ; * Professor Fausett. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 83 we shall, therefore, give our attention chiefly to some of the most striking prophecies of Moses, which, although partially fulfilled in every apostacy and calamity of the Jews, and especially in their subjection by Nebuchadnez- zar, yet refer more directly to their final and fearful overthrow by the Romans, and their subsequent dispersion over the face of the whole earth. In our notices of these predic- tions, we shall take them up as nearly as pos- sible in the order of their fulfilment. " The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far^ from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth, a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand^ — A description very similar to this is given of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah : — " Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel, saith the Lord : — a nation whose language thou knowest not, neither un- derstandest what they say," Jer. v, 15. He also compares them to eagles : — " Our perse- cutors are swifter than the eagles of heaven," Lam. iv, 19. But the description of Moses, in its full extent, can be applied to none of the in- vaders of Judea with so much propriety as to the Romans. They truly came " from far, from the ends of the earth." The soldiers compos- 84 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. ing the armies with which they subdued Pales- tine were mostly from Gaul,* Spain, and Bri- tain, countries which formed the limits of the then known world. The Roman generals, Vespasian and Adrian, who were the two great- est instruments in the destruction of the Jews, both came for that purpose from Britain, which in those days was considered and denominated the end of the earth. Indeed, it is said that the soldiers of Cesar were unwilling to follow him to the conquest of Britain, because they ima- gined that he was passing the limits of the world. The " eagle" was the standard of the Roman armies, and the flight of that bird was an apt and forcible representation of the rapidi- ty of their conquests. The language of the Ro- mans, too, was far more unintelligible to the Jews than was that of the Chaldeans : Dr. A. Clarke says that the Latin tongue is more for- eign than any other to the structure and idiom of the Hebrew. The invaders of Judea are further character- ized as " flj nation of fierce countenance,^ which * The ancient name of France. t This expression will remind the historical reader df the language of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, who, after an engagement in which he obtained a victory over the Ro- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 85 shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favour to the young.'''' — This was true of both the Chaldeans and the Romans in their treat- ment of the conquered Jews. Of the former it is said that they " slew their young men with the sword, — and had no compassion upon young man or maiden, old man or him that stooped with age," 2 Chron. xxxvi, 17. The Romans were of a haughty, warlike spirit, but the his- tory of their conduct toward other nations fur- nishes no parallel to the inflexible, unrelenting, indiscriminate cruelty which they exercised toward the Jews. When they took Gadara, " they slew all the youth, having no mercy on any age whatever."* On the capture of Japha, " after the fighting men were killed, they cut the throats of the rest of the multitude, partly in the open air, partly in their own houses, both young and old ; so that there were no males remaining except infants, who, with the women, were carried as slaves into captivity."! The whole number killed in the fight and the sub- mans, was walking about the field of battle ; and seeing the wounds of the Romans all in front, and marking the fierceness of their countenance, preserved even in death, he exclaimed, that if he had such soldiers he would subdue the world. — Colly er^s Lectures. * Josephus, Wars, book iii, chap. 7. f Ibid. 86 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. sequent slaughter amounted to fifteen thou- sand. The inhabitants of Jotapata, to the number of forty thousand, met with a similar fate.* On taking Tarichea, Vespasian gave the inhabit- ants an assurance that their lives should be spared, but compelled them to leave the place, and go to Tiberias, where, in violation of his promise, he barbarously slew all the " old men, together with others that were useless, who were in number twelve hundred." Of the re- mainder, upward of thirty thousand were sold as slaves.! When they took Gamala, they slew all the inhabitants they found in it, with- out regard to age or sex ; they spared not so much as the infants, of whom many were flung down by them from the citadel. None escaped except two women who hid themselves.^ ** Patient submission and resistance met One common fate : the snowy locks of age In dust and gore lay clotted : nor the blush That mantled on the lovely virgin's cheek, Alternate yielding to the paly hue Of blanching fear ; nor the mute eloquence Of helpless infancy, that playful smiled In its destroyer's face, could mercy find." The Jews in Palestine were not the only suf- * Josephus, Wars, book iii, chap. 7. t Ibid. t Ibid., book iv, chap. 1. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 87 ferers in this war. At Alexandria, in Egypt, a conflict arose between the Jews and the other inhabitants of that city, in consequence of which the Roman governor sent two legions of soldiers and five thousand other troops to attack the quarter of the city in which the Jews resided, with orders to slay the people and set fire to their houses. " The soldiers did as they were bidden ; — no mercy was shown to the infants, and no regard had to the aged ; but they went on in the slaughter of persons of every age, till all the place was overflowed with blood, and fifty thousand of them lay dead upon heaps."* " And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, in all thy landJ^ — The cities of the Jews were mostly built in commanding posi- tions, and strongly defended by art. This was especially the case with Samaria and Jerusa- lem, which, in the ancient mode of warfare, were considered almost impregnable. But strong natural positions and massive fortifica- tions could not protect an ungodly people from the threatened judgments of the Almighty. When Israel forsook the Lord, her defence de- parted from her, and her strong cities fell into * Josephus, "Wars, book ii, chap. 18. 88 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. the hands of her enemies. " In the reign of Ho- shea, king of Israel, Shalmaneser, king of Assy- ria, came up against Samaria, and besieged it ; and at the end of three years they took it : and the king of Assyria did carry away all Israel unto Assyria ; — ^because they obeyed not the voice of the Lord their God, but transgressed his co- venant, and all that Moses, the servant of the Lord, commanded," 2 Chron. xviii, 9-12. In the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah, Jeru- salem, after a siege of two years, was taken by Nebuchadnezzar, who brake down its walls, and carried the people of Judah into captivity. And finally, when the Jews had filled the mea- sure of their iniquity, by rejecting and crucify- ing the Saviour, the Romans under Titus, and afterward under Adrian, " came and took away their place and nation." Every fortress was reduced, every city was taken, the walls of Je- rusalem were broken down, and the city utterly destroyed ; and since that period the Jews have never possessed a town or a strong hold in their native land. The prophecy then goes on to show the ex- tremities of famine to which, in the course of these sieges, the people would be reduced. " And thou shall eat the fruit of thine own body^ SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 89 the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, in the siege, and in the straitness v)herewith thine ene- mies shall distress theeP — ^This terrible denun- ciation has been more than once fulfilled. Six hundred years after the time of Moses, Samaria, the metropolis of the kingdom of Israel, en- dured the first of those dreadful sieges by which the two capitals of the Jewish kingdoms ap- pear, by some awful fatality, to have been dis- tinguished beyond all the other cities of the world. So great was the famine in the city on this occasion, that the most worthless substi- tutes for food were sold at an enormous price, and a woman " boiled her son and did eat him," 2 Kings vi, 24-29. Jeremiah pathetically de- scribes the horrors of the famine in Jerusalem when it was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, and closes his description by saying, " The hands of pitiful women have sodden their own chil- dren ; they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people," Lam. iv, 3-10. But the unparalleled sufferings of the Jews by famine during the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, far exceed any thing of the kind which they, or any other people, ever before endured. The account is given by Josephus, who was him- self present at the siege. He says, — " The famine overcame all other passions ;" filial re- 90 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. verence and parental affection were alike for- gotten ; " children snatched from the mouths of their fathers the very food they were eating ; and what was still more to be pitied, the mo- thers did the same as to their infants ; and when those that were most dear were perish- ing under their hands, they were not ashamed to take from them the very last drops that might preserve their lives."* " If so much as the shadow of any kind of food did anywhere ap- pear, a war was presently commenced, and the dearest friends fell to fighting one with another about it, snatching from each other the most miserable supports of life."t " Famine devour- ed the people by whole houses and families : the upper rooms were full of women and chil- dren that were dying of hunger, and the lanes of the city were full of the dead bodies of the aged ; the children and the young men wander- ed about the market-places like shadows, all swelled with the famine, and fell down dead wheresoever their misery seized them.":j: — " Some persons were driven to such terrible distress as to search the common sewers and old dung-hills of cattle, and what they before could not endure so much as to see, they now * Wars, book v, chap. 10. f Ibid., book vi, chap. 3. t Ibid., book v, chap. 12. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 91 used for food."* Little do those who are sur- rounded by plenty know what are the horrors of famine, and to what extremities human na- ture may be driven. But the most horrible in- cident yet remains to be told ; an incident in itself so incredible that Josephus declares he would not have related it, had there not been at the time he wrote innumerable living witnesses of its truth. A lady of high con- sideration, " eminent for her family and her wealth," had been plundered of all her sub- stance and provisions by the soldiers, who en- deavoured to sustain themselves during the famine by breaking into private houses, and robbing the occupants of what little food they had. Driven to madness and desperation by her hunger, she killed the child that was suck- ing at her breast, " and then roasted him, ate one half of him, and secreted the remainder." Allured by the smell of dressed meat, the sol- diers rushed into the house, and threatened to kill her if she did not show them what food she had gotten. With bitter irony she assured thfem that a fine portion had been saved for them, and then produced the half-eaten body of her child ; when they were struck with horror and amazement at the sight, she said to them, " This * Wars, book v, chap. 13. 92 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. is mine own son, and what hath been done was mine own doing. Come, eat of this food, for I have eaten of it myself. Do not pretend to be either more tender than a woman, or more com- passionate than a mother. But if you be so scrupulous, and do abominate this my sacrifice, as I have eaten the one half, let the rest be left for me also." Upon this the men went out trembling and affrighted ; and the story being soon spread over the city, did so affect the famishing people, that they desired nothing so much as to die, and esteemed those already dead to be happy, since they had not lived long enough either to hear or to see such miser ries.* How strikingly did these events fulfil the prophecies of Moses, uttered at least fifteen hundred years before ! " The tender and deli- cate woman among you, which would not ad- venture to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bo- som, and toward her son, and toward her daugh- tei*, — and toward her children which she shall bear, for she shall eat them for the want of all things se- cretly in the siege and straitness wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates." Deut. xxviii, 56, 57. * Josephus, Wars, book vi, chapter 2. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 93 It was also foretold that their numbers would be greatly diminished by the calamities that should overtake them. " Ye shall he left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude.^^ — This prediction was fearfully accomplished in the immense slaughters of the Jews which took place during their contests with the Romans. From the accounts furnish- ed by Josephus, the number of Jews who were destroyed in the course of the war which ter- minated in the capture of Jerusalem by Titus, must have been little less than a million and a half; eleven hundred thousand perished in the siege of Jerusalem alone. About forty-five years after the close of this war, the Jews in Egypt and Cyprus revolted, and slew upward of four hundred thousand of the inhabitants of those countries ; but although they obtained at first some partial successes, yet they were finally defeated by the Romans under Adrian, who af- terward became emperor of Rome. The mur- ders committed by the Jews in the commence- ment of the insurrection were fearfully retali- ated by the conquerors. The loss of the Jews was immense : according to their own tradi- tions, as many fell in this disastrous war as originally escaped from Egypt under Moses — six hundred thousand men. About fifteen years 94 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. after this, the standard of revolt was again raised by an individual who assumed the name of Barchobab, The son of a star, and pretended to be the Messiah. The Jews at once hailed him as their promised deliverer, and the insurrection soon spread through the whole of Palestine. The insurgents obtained possession of the ruin- ed site of Jerusalem, and made themselves mas- ters of most of the strong holds in the country ; but after a contest of nearly five years, they were entirely subdued by the Romans under Adrian and Severus. The historian Dio Cas- sius states, that during this war five hundred and eighty thousand Jews were slain, besides those who perished by famine, disease, and fire. In consequence of these desolating wars, the people who had been " as the stars of hea- ven for multitude," were " left few in number ;" the land of Judea was almost deserted, and wild beasts went howlinoj along the streets of the desolate cities. Besides the immense multitudes thus destroy- ed, vast numbers were reduced to slavery. Of the captives taken by Titus at the siege of Jerusa- lem " those above seventeen years of age were sent baund to Egypt to work in the mines ;" those under that age were sold, and " at a very low price, because the numbers sold were so SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 95 great, and the purchasers but few." Indeed, so little value was set upon the captives, that ** eleven thousand of them were suffered to per- ish for want of food." " The whole number of those who were carried captive during this war, amounted to ninety-seven thousand."* " After their last overthrow by Adrian, many thousands of them were sold ; and those who could not be sold were transported into Egypt, and perished by shipwreck, or famine, or were massacred by the inhabitants. "f Fifteen hun- dred years before this, when the Israelites had just been triumphantly delivered from the bond- age of Egypt, Moses specified among the judg- ments that should befall them, that they should again be carried into Egypt as slaves, and in such numbers that purchasers should not be found for them : — " And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships ; and there ye shall he sold unto your enemies for hondmen and for bondwomen, and no man shall buy you?'' " Egypt, indeed, was the great slave mart of ancient times, and several of the conquerors of the Jews had before sent, at least, a large pro- portion of their captives thither to be sold."| * Josephus, Wars, book vi, chapters 8 and 9. t St. Jerome, as quoted by Bishop Newton. X Pictorial Bible. 96 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. " / will bring your sanctuaries into desolation,^^ Lev. xxvi, 31. — The word " sanctuaries," is here used to denote those places which were set apart for the service and worship of God, especially the temple. These were destroyed when Jerusalem was taken by the Chaldeans. From 2 Kings xxv, 8, 9, we learn that they " burned the house of the Lord ;" and in Psalm Ixiv, 7, 8, it is said, — " They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, They have defiled by casting down the dwelling-place of thy name to the ground. They said in their hearts, ' Let us destroy them together :* They have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land." On the return of the Jews from the Babylonish captivity, the temple was rebuilt, and was stand- ing when Jerusalem was besieged by the Ro- mans. When the city was taken, the Roman commander was greatly desirous to preserve this building from the general destruction ; " But Cesar could not save what God had doom'd," and, in spite of his utmost efforts, the second temple shared the fate of its predecessor. " And ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.^^ — This predic- tion was accomplished, first, when Shalmanezer SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 97 " carried Israel away into Assyria," (2 Kings xvii, 6,) again, when Nebuchadnezzar carried Judah captive to Babylon, and, finally, when the great body of the Jews were driven out of their country by the Romans under Titus and Adrian. That he might effectually destroy any hopes the Jews might still entertain of re-establishing themselves in Palestine, x\drian founded a new city on the site of Jerusalem, and peopled it with foreigners. He also placed the image of a swine over one of the gates ; and, on pain of death, prohibited any Jew from entering the city, or even approaching so near as to view from a distance its sacred height. " Tertullian and Jerome say, they were pro- hibited from entering Judea."* It is certain that since that period comparatively few Jews have been found there. " While the country has been successfully overrun by Greeks, Christians, Saracens, and Turks, the ancient poprietors of the soil have alone been denied a possession therein."! Sandys, who visited Palestine in 1611, says, the country " is for the most part now inhabited by Moores and Arabi- ans ; — Turkes there be few, but many Greekes, with other Christians of all sects and nations. Here be also some lewes, yet inherit they no * Bishop Newton. t Pictorial Bible. 7 9S SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. part of the land, but in their owne country do live as aliens." The number of Jews now liv- ing in Palestine is probably not more than twelve thousand, of whom about one half are to be found in Jerusalem, and the remainder prin- cipally at Hebron, Tiberias, and Saphet, these four places being regarded by them with pecu- liar and superstitious veneration. That, after their expulsion, a miserable rem- nant would continue to be found in the land of their fathers, was intimated by the prophet, who in the following words clearly foretold the abject condition to which they should be re- duced, and the haughty deportment of their rulers toward them : — " The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high, and thou shalt come down very lowT — The condition of the Jews in Palestine has for many centu- ries furnished a striking commentary on this prediction. " They have not only lived as aliens in the land that was once their own, but of all the aliens found in that land, they are the most oppressed and degraded."* " Their condi- tion is more insecure, and exposed to insult and oppression, than in Egypt and Syria, from the frequent lawless and oppressive conduct of the governors and chiefs."! Van Egmont and Hey * Pictorial Bible. t Game's Letters from the East. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 99 nam, speaking of the Jews at Saphet, observes : — " The Turks, by a variety of oppressions, fines, and the like unjust practices, squeeze them to such a degree that they may be said to pay for the very air they breathe. They lead the poorest and most deplorable life that can be conceived." The author of " Three Weeks in Palestine" thus describes their condition in Jerusalem : — " Every thing about them exhi- bited signs of depression and misery : they are outcasts from the common rights and sympa- thies of man ; oppressed and despised alike by Mohammedans and Christians." They are said to consist chiefly of persons advanced in life, who come to Palestine from various parts of the earth, and submit to these oppressions, that they may have the satisfaction of spending their remaining days in the land of Israel, and lay their bones in the sepulchres of their fathers. They were not only to be thrust out of their own land, but also to be dispersed through the whole world. " The Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from one end of the earth even unto the other. ^^ — And where on the face of the earth is there a trading nation in which the Jews are unknown ? They have been spread over every province of the habitable globe ; they 100 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. have used almost every tongue, have lived in every climate, and under every form of govern- ment, " Neither mountains, nor rivers, nor deserts, nor oceans, — which are the boundaries of other nations, — have terminated their wan- derings." They abound in Turkey, Poland, Holland, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Germany, and the northern states of Africa, ^ especially Tunis and Morocco. In Italy, Portugal, France, Britain, Hindostan, Persia, Egypt, and the United States, they are more thinly scattered. They have long been established in China, which abhors the foreigner, and in Abyssinia, which it is almost as difficult to reach as to quit. They are found also in New-Holland, Japan, and the West Indies ; in Switzerland, Sweden, and the isles of Greece ; on the rock of Gibraltar, and at the Cape of Good Hope. They have drunk of the Tiber, the Thames, and the Tigris ; of the Niger, the Ganges, and the Mississippi. " They have trodden the snows of Siberia, and the sands of the burning desert ; and the European traveller hears of their exist- ence in regions which he cannot reach, — even in the very interior of Africa, south of Timbuc- too." In a word, they are to be found every- where, and are everywhere living witnesses of the divine foresight, government, and veracity. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 101 CHAPTER IV. THE PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE JEWS: CONCLUDED. The Jews, according to the prophecy, are everywhere persecuted and oppressed — Their treatment by Mohammed and his followers —Their treatment in Christian comitries, Spain, Germany, France, England — Striking accordance between the language of prophe- cy and the facts of history — The Jews are violently deprived of their cliildren — They become a proverb and by- word among all people — Were often driven to desperation by their calamities — Tlie greatness and duration of their plagues — Their wonderful preservation in spite of every effort to destroy them — While the Jews have been preserved, the great nations who formerly op- pressed them Eire utterly extinct — The Jews a standing miracle and a perpetual evidence of the truth of the Bible — Promises of their conversion — Probable causes why so few have as yet been converted — Increase of interest on the subject of their conver- sion — Extracts from the report of a deputation sent by the Church of Scotland to visit the Jews in various parts of the world, and ascertain the prospects of a mission among them— The Jews have greater claims upon Christians than have any otlier people — Ex- tract from St. Paul — Hymn by Charles Wesley. It is our purpose in this chapter to follow the Jews in their dispersion, and exhibit the fulfilment of the prophecies which relate to the treatment they should meet with in the various countries whither they were driven. ^^ And among these nations shalt thou have no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest^ hut the Lord shall give thee a trembling heart, and failing of eyes^ and sorrow of mind : — and 102 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. thou shah he only oppressed and spoiled evermore. ^^ ' — How remarkably have these predictions been accomplished in the entire history of the Jews since their final dispersion ! The terrible calamities which befell them in their contests with the power of Rome were but " the begin- ning of sorrows." Their expulsion from Judea was only the prelude to the various banish- ments, persecutions, and oppressions which in every age, and in almost every part of the world, have been the lot of this unhappy race. Ter- tullian, who wrote in the latter part of the se- cond century, thus describes the general con- dition of the Jews in his day : — " Dispersed and vagabond, exiled from their native soil and air, they wander over the face of the earth, without a king, human or divine ; and even as strangers, they are not permitted to salute with their footsteps their native land." Such continued to be their condition until about A. D. 360, when they were elated with the prospect of being again restored to their own country. Julian, the Roman emperor, having abjured the Christian faith, and wishing to show his opposition to Christianity, and to falsify the prediction of Christ respecting Jeru- salem, (Luke xxi, 24,) issued an edict for the rebuilding of the temple, and the restoration SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 103 of the Jewish worship in all its original splen- dour. The whole Jewish world was in com- motion. The scattered tribes flocked from the most distant quarters to the holy city, in order to be present and help forward the great national work. Their property, as well as their per- sonal exertions, were freely contributed. The materials for the building were provided, and workmen were already employed in digging the foundations, when, suddenly, flames of fire came bursting from the ground, accompanied with the most frightful explosions. No in- ducement could prevail on the labourers to continue a work which appeared to excite the anger of Heaven. The enterprise was abandoned as being at once hopeless and im- pious ; and in the death of Julian, who about the same time was slain in battle by the Per- sians, the Christian world beheld the ven- geance of God, and the Jew the extinction of all his hopes. Under the successors of Julian, the edict of Adrian against the Jews was renewed, and un- til the seventh century they durst not so much as come near to bewail the desolation of their city, without first bribing the Roman guards who were placed there to prohibit their ap- proach. Throughout the Roman empire they 104 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. were deprived of most of the privileges of citi- zens; their synagogues were frequently de- stroyed by mobs ; they were forbidden by law to celebrate some of their religious festivals ; they were restricted in the right of bequeathing their property; and their testimony was not admitted in courts of justice in any cause in which a Christian was interested, not even if a Jew were himself a party in the suit. In the fifth century, the Jews of Alexandria, to the number of about forty thousand, were expelled from the city ; their synagogues demolished, and their houses plundered by the populace.* When Mohammed commenced his career of ^imposture and conquest, and the valleys of Arabia rung with the triumphant battle-cry of his followers, The Koran or death ! the Jews of that country were among the first of whom he endeavoured to make proselytes ; and failing in his efforts, they became the first victims of his sanguinary teaching. The favour with which he was at first disposed to view them, was, by their persevering refusal to embrace his religion, converted into implacable hatred, with which he pursued them to the last mo- ment of his life. The storm first fell upon a colony of Jews at Medina, who, after defending * Gibbon's Decline and Fall. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 105 themselves for fifteen days, were compelled to surrender. Mohammed issued immediate or- ders for a general massacre, and it was with extreme reluctance that he yielded to the im- portunity of his allies, and consented to spare the lives of his captives. But their property was confiscated, and the wretched band of se- ven hundred exiles, with their wives and chil- dren, were driven out of the country to seek a refuge on the confines of Syria. At another place, seven hundred Jews, who had surrender- ed at discretion, were dragged in chains to the market place, and there put to death ; their wives and children were sold for slaves, and their possessions seized by the conquerors. In , one district, the Jewish shepherds and husband- men were allowed a precarious toleration, be- ing permitted, during the pleasure of the con- queror, to remain and cultivate their grounds on condition of paying him one half of the pro- duce : but, in the reign of Omar, the successor of Mohammed, these also were banished the country. The spirit of rancour and hostility which the impostor himself manifested toward the Jews he also infused into the hearts of his followers, who, except where interest prompted a different course, never failed to imitate his example. In all Mohammedan countries no 106 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. class of persons have been so universally op- pressed and degraded as the unfortunate Jews. In many parts of the East the tyranny exer- cised over them is still so severe as to afford at the present time a literal fulfilment of the prediction, " Thy life shall hang in doubt before th^e, and thou shall have fear day and night, and shall have none assurance of thy life." " For the murder of a Jew, a Persian has only to cut around a finger, so as to draw blood, and the offence is expiated."* Nor has their condition been more tolerable in lands that are called Christian. They have found the adherents of popery as cruel, oppres- sive, and intolerant, as the followers of the false prophet, as will be seen by the following ac- count of their treatment in some of the princi- pal countries of Europe. In Spain, Sisebut, who reigned in the begin- ning of the seventh century, raised a cruel per- secution against the Jews, who were then very numerous in that country, and, having been for some time tolerated, if not protected, by the government, appear to have attained a consider- able degree of prosperity. But the wealth which they had accumulated by trade and the * Alexander's Travels from India to England. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 107 management of the finances, invited the avarice of their masters ; and they might be oppressed without danger, as they had lost the use, and even the remembrance of arms. Ninety thou- sand Jews were compelled to receive baptism ; the fortunes of those who refused to receive that rite were confiscated, their bodies were tortured, and it seems doubtful whether they were permitted to leave the country. The ex- cessive zeal of the king was moderated even by the clergy of Spain, who declared that bap- tism ought not to be forcibly administered ; yet, with a singular inconsistency, they decided that those Jews who had already been baptized, should be constrained to observe the outward rites of a religion which they disbelieved and detested.* But this tolerant spirit soon evapo- rated, and not many years elapsed before the Jews were made the victims of another severe persecution. Laws were enacted, prohibiting, under the severest penalties, the observance of any of the festivals or peculiar rites of Juda- ism. For observing the passover, the new moon, or the feast of tabernacles, for making a distinction in meats, — for violating the Chris- tian sabbath, or the festivals of the church, either by working in the fields or manufactures, * Gibbon's Roman Empire. 108 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. — ^the general punishment was one hundred lashes on the naked body ; after this the offender was to be put in chains, banished, and his pro- perty confiscated to the lord of the soil. They were not allowed to marry without a clause in the act of dower that both parties would be- come Christians ; and all who offended against this law, even the parents concerned in such marriage, were to be fined or scourged. The Jew who read, or allowed his children to read. Dooks written against Christianity, suffered one hundred lashes ; on the second offence the lashes were repeated, the offenders banished, and their property confiscated. Several other enactments of a similar character also disgraced these statutes ; and if they were not everywhere fully carried into effect, they were only pre- vented from being so by their extreme and hor- rible cruelty. A few years after this, the Moors invaded and effected the conquest of Spain, in which they were materially assisted by the Jews, and in consequence, that people were regarded with high favour during the continuance of the Moorish government in that country, which was upward of three hundred years. During this period the Jews rapidly increased in numbers, wealth, and influence. They were the most enlightened class in the SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 109 kingdom ; they were the cultivators and posses- sors of the soil ; they were distinguished for their skill as physicians, and were not unfre- quently promoted to high and responsible offices in the state. On the decay of the Mohammedan power, and the re-establishment of popery, the superior education, the business talents, the wealth and industry of the Jewish population, rendered them too important a class of the community to allow their rights to be rashly interfered with, in a country where the nobles were engaged almost wholly in war, and the lower orders were sunk in the deepest degradation. In the thirteenth century, however, the condition of the Jews began to decline. The superstitions of the people, and the animosities of the priests were bitterly directed against them, and constant attempts were made to encroach upon their rights. They were declared inca- pable of civil offices ; they were compelled to attend a Christian church three times a year ; and were required to live in certain specified streets, and thenceforth particular districts were known in every city as the Jews' quarter. These petty annoyances, however, afforded but a feeble presage of the fearful hurricane that at last arose. The attack commenced at Se- 110 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. ville, in 1391. The populace, having been in- cited by a sermon preached in the cathedral by the archbishop, made a general assauU upon the Jews' quarter, and of seven thousand fami- lies, upward of one half were killed, while the remainder sought safety by a pretended con- version to Christianity. Similar scenes took place in Cordova, Toledo, Valencia, and in all the cities where large numbers of Jews were found. Many thousands were butchered ; not a few left the kingdom, seeking a refuge in Italy, Turkey, and the states of Barbary ; and it is calculated that two hundred thousand were forced into a profession of Christianity. As soon as the violence of the storm had passed over, many of these new converts relapsed into Judaism, and many more, while they attended the public services of the church, continued to observe in private the usages of their ancient religion. To put an eff'ectual stop to this, the pope issued a bull for the establishment of the inquisition in Spain. This horrible tribunal established its head quarters at Seville; but four inferior inquisitions were also erected in other places. It was invested with power to summon every individual suspected of secret attachment to Judaism ; and such was the un- sparing severity with which it proceeded, that, SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Ill in the course of a single year, upward of two thousand persons were put to death in Seville and the immediately surrounding country ; seve- ral were imprisoned for life, and seventeen thou- sand suffered lighter punishments. At last a large stone building was constructed for con- taining a large number of prisoners ; combusti- ble materials were laid around the outside of the walls, while the wretched inmates were left to perish by a lingering death. The au- thority of the inquisition extended only over those Jews who, having professed the Catholic faith to avoid persecution, were suspected of insincerity in their attachment to it. Those who had never renounced Judaism, continued as yet to enjoy comparative security. But their turn soon came. Ferdinand and Isabella, hav- ing succeeded in expelling the Moors from Spain, were ambitious of the glory of deliver- ing the land from every taint of heresy. To effect tliis, nothing was now wanting but the expulsion of the Jews. Accordingly, in 1492 an order was given that every unbaptized Jew should leave the country within four months ; all who remained after that period were to be put to death. Upon the issuing of this edict, the minds of the unhappy people were filled with astonish- ment and horror. From one end of Spain to 112 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. the other the voice of lamentation was lifted up. Every appeal to the justice or mercy of Ferdinand, or his queen, was alike in vain. Banishment or conversion were the only alter- natives. The Jews on this occasion manifest- ed their attachment to their religion by prefer- ring it to every thing else. Upward of three hundred thousand left all that was dear to them on earth, and went forth in search of lands where they might be allowed to worship the God of their fathers in peace.* This calamity was considered by the Jews almost as dreadful as the capture and ruin of Jerusalem. Misfortune continued to follow the exiles wherever they went. The account of their sufferings is heart rending ; our limits permit us only to mention in general, that the richer part of them withdrew first to Portu- gal, where the Jewish faith had hitherto been tolerated, and which country they were permit- ted to enter on paying a toll of eight crusados a head. But the contagious influence of the proceedings in Spain soon extended to the sis- ter kingdom ; and the wretched exiles, after being made the objects of new forms of oppres- sion and injustice, were at last, under circum- stances of extreme cruelty, expelled from that * Encyclopedia Brittannica. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 113 country also. Others, who directed their course to the states of Barbary and Morocco, were sub- jected to the horrors of shipwreck, famine, and pestilence ; some were set ashore on desert islands by the inhuman ship owners, and some were sold as slaves. Some went to Italy, where the hardest fate of all awaited them, in the cruel treatment they met with from their own countrymen, who inhospitably refused to receive them ; thousands lay perishing with hunger on the shore, till even the pope [Alex. VI.] interfered by a sentence of banishment against the resident Jews, which was, however, revoked on their paying a considerable sura. But notwithstanding all the sufferings to which they were exposed, and which so considerably diminished their numbers, large communities were formed by the descendants of the exiles in Barbary, Turkey, and Italy. In Spain there were now no professed Jews, nor have they since been tolerated in that country ; with the exception of three or four thousand, who reside at Gibraltar, under the protection of Great Bri- tain. In Germany, although the Jews gradually became the objects of aversion to all classes, the protection of the emperors, and the ordi- nances of the popes, preserved them from gene- 8 114 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. ral attack until the time of the crusades. When the horde of fanatics, who, in the year 1096j under the command of Peter the Hermit, com- menced the first crusade, were assembled near Treves, a city on the banks of the Rhine, it was suggested that before they attempted to rescue the sepulchre of Christ from the hands of the infidels, they ought to take vengeance on those worse unbelievers who had been his murderers. With one impulse they rushed into the city. The choice of death or conversion was given to the miserable Jews, and only a few escaped the general massacre. Fathers presented their breasts to the sword, after hav- ing slain their own children to prevent their being brought up as Christians, and the women, to escape the brutality of the soldiers, fastened stones to their bodies, and threw themselves into the river. Similar scenes were repeated in Cologne, Mentz, Worms, and in all the cities of the Rhine ; and the progress of the armies was marked by the blood of the Jews, till they reached the plains of Hungary. Upon a mode- rate computation, not less than seventeen thou- sand are supposed to have perished. The minds of those who escaped were filled with consternation, and many fled to Siberia, Mora- via, and Poland. Some, however, still clung SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 115 to the land which gave them birth, and fifty years of comparative quiet elapsed for them to multiply again their devoted race, and acquire wealth to undergo their inalienable doom of pillage and massacre. The second crusaders in 1146 attacked them with the same perse- cuting' spirit as their predecessors ; but upon this occasion the greater part saved themselves by a timely flight. A frightful havoc, how- ever, took place among the Jews in the cities of Cologne, Mentz, Worms, Spires, and Strasburg. From the time of the crusades the condition of the Jews in Germany continued unsettled and degraded. History abounds with instances of the injustice which they suflfered from the ra- pacity of the princes, and the tumultuous as- saults of the people. From certain states and «ities they were interdicted altogether. In others they had a right of residing, and a par- ticular part of the city was assigned them ; but they were frequently expelled from the streets to which they had a legal right, in order that a sum of money might be extorted from them for permission to return to their dwellings. The popular fury was ever ready to break out against them, and needy princes held out the threat that unless their coffers were replenish- ed by contributions from the Jews, an incensed 116 SCRIPTURE PROPHECr. populace would be let loose upon them. Upon other occasions the necessity of their conver- sion was insisted upon, and they were com- pelled to pay large sums to avoid being forcibly baptized. Enthusiasts arose, who considered themselves commissioned by Heaven to pro- claim war against this unhappy people. • In the thirteenth century, a nobleman, named Rhind- fleish, proceeded through many of the most pop- ulous towns of Germany, followed by a multi- tude who destroyed whole communities of Jews. In 1337, a peasant, named Armdler, pursued a similar course, till his atrocities awaked the tardy justice of the emperor, by whom he was put to death. A few years later, when the whole of Europe was desolated by a plague, it was reported in Germany, that the Jews had caused the plague by poisoning the public wells. The effect of this report was terrible. At Basle, the adult Jews were put in a vessel on the Rhine, which was set on fire ; the chil- dren being spared that they might be educated as Christians. It would be tedious to relate the manner in which the Jews were put to death in other cities ; but from Switzerland to Sibe- ria the land was drenched with innocent blood.* * "About this time, [1349,] the Jews throughout the world were arrested and burned, and their fortunes con- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 117 For some centuries after this, little change was effected in the condition of the Jews in Ger- many. The laws enacted by Frederick the Great, in 1750, for the regulation of his Jewish subjects, were of the most intolerant descrip- tion. In France, under Pepin, Charlemagne, and their immediate successors, the Jews enjoyed the same protection and privileges as other persons. On account of their superior intelli- gence and education, they were frequently pro- moted to offices of trust : they were the physi- cians, and the ministers of finance to nobles and kings ; they engrossed much of the foreign commerce ; their vessels crowded the ports, and their merchandize encumbered the quays of the seaports. This state of prosperity continued with little abatement until the tenth century, when the Jews began rapidly to decline from a learned, and influential, and powerful class of the community, to miserable outcasts, the com- mon prey of clergy, nobles, and citizens ; and existing in a state worse than slavery itself. fiscated by those lords under whose jurisdiction they had lived, except at Avignon, and the territories of the church dependant on the pope. Each poor Jew, when he was able to hide himself and arrive in that country, esteemed himself safe." — FroissarVs Chronicles, 118 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Even in this wretched situation, though de- prived of every thing else, and denied the com- mon rights of humanity, they were still pos- sessed of gold. By their loans to the nobles, they had a hold on most of the estates of the country; they had also articles of value in pawn from all classes of the community ; even the priests, when in want of money, scrupled not to pledge to them the sacred vessels of the churches. The people were galled by the fact that they stood in the relation of debtor to this despised race ; and the usurious interest exact- ed by the Jews, increased the popular odium against them. In the year 1180, Philip 11. issued a decree annulling all debts due to the Jews, and requiring them to surrender all the pledges held by them. A few years after, an- other edict was issued, which confiscated all their immoveable property, and commanded them immediately to sell all their moveables, and leave the country. Obliged to part with their effects at the lowest prices, they sadly depart- ed, bearing with them little but their destitute wives and children, from the scenes of their birth and infancy. Before twenty years had elapsed, the necessities of the king induced him to allow the Jews, on payment of a sum of money, to re-enter France, which they did in SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 119 great numbers. The necessities, the cruelty, or superstition of succeeding kings, varied the modes of Jewish persecution. Louis VIII. for- bid them receiving interest from their debtors. ■^ Louis IX. annulled by law one third of all debts due them ; he also published an edict for the destruction of their sacred books [the Tal- mud] of which twenty-four carts full were burn- ed in the city of Paris. By other laws they were forbidden to hold social intercourse with Christians. In the province of Brittany all debts due to them were annulled ; those who held property belonging to them were allowed to re- tain it ; and no punishment could be inflicted on any person for killing a Jew. In 1239, the Jews of Paris, Orleans, and several other ci- ties, were attacked by mobs who committed frightful ravages. To complete their misery, and to mark them out as objects of inevitable persecution, they were compelled to wear a conspicuous brand upon their dress ; this con- sisted of a piece of blue cloth sewed on the front and back of the garment, and was to be worn by both sexes. In France, as in Germa- ny, monstrous reports were circulated of their sacrilege and cruelty. They were accused of throwing poison into the rivers, of practising magic, and of holding correspondence with in- 120 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. fidel kings. They were proscribed, plundered, burned to death. In some places they were compelled by torture to confess themselves guilty, and on their confession were burned In other places all Jews were burned without distinction. At Chinon a deep ditch was dug, an enormous pile raised, and one hundred and sixty of both sexes burned together. Those who survived the persecution, purchased their lives by the payment of a large sum of money ; and then, as the height of mercy, were permit- ted to collect the rest of their effects and leave the kingdom. Yet still they sought — even paid a price — to live in a land that oppressed them. Unhappy race ! the earth, perhaps, afforded them no safer asylum. Six times were they banish- ed from the country : as many times did they purchase permission to return ; but it was only that they might heap up new treasures to be- come again the victims of avarice and super- ' stition. At length, in the year 1397, during the reign of Charles VI., they were, for the seventh and last time, commanded to quit the kingdom. This sentence was rigidly enforced ; the greater part of the exiles withdrew into Germany, Italy, and Poland ; and for several centuries after, very few Jews were found in France. * SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 121 In England, though from interested motives they were for a time tolerated by the monarchs, the Jews became objects of popular hatred, partly from superstitious motives, and partly from the odium which was at that time attach- ed to the custom of lending money upon inte- rest, as well as from the rigour with which the practice was exercised by them. They, however, suffered but little, except from the exactions of the sovereigns, until the accession of Richard I. On the coronation of that mon- arch, some Jews, supposing themselves to be unknown, had incautiously ventured, contrary to an express prohibition, to attend as specta- tors of the ceremony. Being discovered, an attack was made upon them by the populace, which ended in a general assault upon the Jews. Their houses were broken open and pillaged, and in many instances set on fire. Richard in vain endeavoured to put a stop to the tumult, which continued to rage for two days ; and after it had subsided, such was the state of the public feeling, that the government either would not, or dared not, bring to justice those who had been engaged in it. Intelli- gence of what had been done by the populace of London soon spread through the country, and similar outrages took place in Norwich, 122 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Stamford, and several other towns, in which the Jews were plundered, maltreated, and slain. The country was swarming with soldiers who were preparing to join the crusade to the Holy Land, and who considered themselves justified in robbing the rich Jews, to aid them in their pilgrimage. At York, the Jews took refuge in the castle, and made a vigorous defence ; but finding their situation hopeless, they destroyed every thing of value they possessed, cut the throats of their wives and children, set fire to the castle, and then killed themselves. During the two following reigns, the history of Eng- land abounds in instances of the oppressions to which the Jews were subject, and of the vast sums extorted from them by the necessities of the monarchs. The tyrannical proceedings of King John toward this unhappy race are well known, and in particular, his ordering that a rich Jew of Bristol should lose a tooth daily till he paid ten thousand marks.* The Jew lost seven teeth before he yielded. Their situa- tion was in no degree improved under Henry III. The superstitions of the people, and the necessities of the government, subjected them to every varied form of contumely and wrong. After the king had repeated his extortions so * About eighty thousand dollars. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 123 frequently that the Jews made the vain threat of leaving the kingdom, he sold them to his brother for five thousand marks, with full power over their persons and property. At last, in the reign of Edward I., without any known pretext afforded by their conduct, an edict was issued for their expulsion from the country al- together ; and after having been deprived of all their possessions, the wretched race, amid the mockery and triumph of the common people, proceeded to the shore, and finally left the island. The number of the exiles amounted to fifteen, or as some say, sixteen thousand. The Jews were not permitted to return to England until the reign of Cromwell, nearly four hun- dred years after. The foregoing particulars form but a small portion of the dark catalogue of the calamities and persecutions which have befallen this un- happy race. But enough has been said to show how strikingly the facts of history have corresponded with the language of prophecy. Indeed, it would be scarcely possible to sum up the leading particulars of the Jewish history since the destruction of Jerusalem, in more graphic and forcible language than that of the sacred oracle which predicted their fate: — 124 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. " They ham been plucked out of their own land, and scattered among all people from one end of the earth even to the other. And among these nations they have had no ease, neither has the sole of their foot had rest ; hut the Lord has given them a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind. They have been oppressed and spoiled ; their lives have hung in doubt before them ; they have feared day and night, and have had no assurance of their lives.^^ But there are some further particulars in the prophecy which will require our notice. One of the judgments which Moses denounced against the Jews was, that they should be vio- lently deprived of their children : — " Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given to another peo- ple, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with long- ing for them all the day long.^^ When Jerusa- lem was taken by Titus, all the captives under seventeen years of age, amounting to many thousands, were taken from their parents and sold into slavery. And in modern times, es- pecially in France, Germany, Spain, and Por- tugal, the children of Jews have often been for- cibly taken away and given in charge of the priests, that they might be educated as Chris- tians. When the king of Portugal published SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 125 the decree for the banishment of the Jews from his kingdom, " he also issued a secret order to seize all the children under fourteen years of age ; to tear them from the arms — the bosoms of their parents, and disperse them through the country, to be baptized and brought up as Chris- tians. The secret transpired, and lest they should conceal their children, it was instantly put into execution."* How great a calamity the Jews considered this, may be judged from the fact, that many parents who were unable to conceal their children, destroyed them with their own hands : frantic mothers threw their infants into wells and rivers, choosing rather to see them perish before their eyes, than fall into the hands of their enemies, to be educated in any other religion than their own. Moses also predicted that the Jews should be- come " an astonishment, a proverb, and a by-word among all nations, whither the Lord should lead them ;" and Jeremiah declared that they should be " a reproach, a proverb, a taunt, and a curse in all places "\ And such has been the case. Among Christians, Mohammedans, and pagans, they have been the objects not only of oppres- sion and persecution, but also of the bitterest * Millman. f Jeremiah xxiv, 9. 126 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. scorn and contempt. Among all nations, the cun- ning, the avarice, and the usury of the Jews are proverbial ; and their very name has been used as a term of peculiar reproach and infamy. In Spain it was once made a ,penal offence to call a man a Jew. Mr. Lane informs us that the Egyptians, when quarreling, lavish upon each other the vilest names, such as " son of a dog, pig," and an appellation which they think worse than any of these, namely, " Jew." The same writer also states, that it is common to hear an Arab abuse his jaded ass, and after applying to him various opprobrious epithets, end by calling the beast a Jew.* The empe- ror Constantine, in a public document, terms the Jews the most hateful of all people.f In most countries they have been without a character or place in society. The very lowest, the dregs of the population, scorned fellowship with them, and avoided them as a contamination. They have been required to live in particular streets, separate from the rest of the inhabit- ants,J and compelled to bear about with them * Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. t Rev. H. H. Millman. t That portion of the city of London to which the Jews were formerly restricted still goes by the name of the Old Jewry. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 127 the mark of degradation, and expose themselves to the insults of the populace by wearing a brand on their dress, a cap of a peculiar colour, or some other badge of distinction. In short, they have been *' Scattered abroad Earth's scorn and hissing ; to the race of men A loathsome proverb ; spumed by every foot ; And cursed by every tongue ; their heritage And birthright bondage ; and their very brows Bearing, like Cain's, the outcast's mark of hate." It was foretold that their afflictions should be such that they should he mad for the sight of their eyes which they should see : — and what language can better describe the desperation to which they were reduced, and the agony of mind they endured when they were dying of hunger by thousands in the streets of Jerusalem — when they saw their holy temple wrapped in flames, and y<^Z^ that they were forsaken of God — when they slew their wives and children, and afterward killed themselves, to avoid falling into the hands of their ferocious foes — when their children were torn from their arms — when they were stripped of their possessions, and driven as houseless wanderers from the land of their birth, and the homes of their youth, to seek a refuge they knew not whither^ Calamities 128 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. such as they have endured never yet fell to the lot of any other people. Finally, it was declared that their plagues should be wond^ul — even great plagues — and of long continuance. How great and wonderful their plagues have been, we have already shown ; but their greatness is not more won derful than their duration. For nearly eighteen centuries have this devoted people " drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury ; they have drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out ;" and although in most countries their condition is now infinitely supe- rior to what it formerly was, they are still a dispersed and generally despised people ; and in many lands the hand of the oppressor is yet heavy upon them. What other nation has sufFerd so much, and yet endured so long 1 Nay, what other nation, except the Arabs, has subsisted a distinct and unmixed people in their own country, so long as the Jews have done while dispersed among all countries ? What principle of vitality has kept them alive under the " great fight of aflflic- tion" which they have had to encounter ? What is it that has enabled them to sustain, for ages, such a weight of oppression without being an- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 129 nihilated by it ? What but the power and pro- vidence of that God who had decreed both their calamities and their continuance ? "I will scatter them," said Jehovah, " among the hea- then, and will draw out a sword after them. And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant vnth them, for I am the Lord their God,'' Levit. xxvi, 33, 44. "I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth,'' Amos ix, 9. And again, " I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven them : but I will not make a full end of them," Jer. xlvi, 28. The promise of the Eternal was thus pledged for their preservation, and the utmost efforts of the uncircumcised have been unable to effect their destruction. Kings have employed the severi- ty of their edicts, and the hands of the execu- tioner ; they have been murdered by thousands in popular tumults, robbed of their property, and bereaved of their children. They have from age to age run through misery and oppres- sion, and torrents of their own blood. Perse- cution has unsheathed the sword, and lighted the fagot ; papal superstition and Mohammedan 9 130 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. barbarity have smote them with unsparing ferocity ; penal statutes, and deep prejudice have visited on them most unrighteous chas- tisement ; and notwithstanding ail, they sur- vive ! Every means has been employed to exterminate them ; all nations have united in the design of destroying them. Their steps have been dogged by an ever-following curse ; go where they would they have been despised, reviled, and trodden under foot. No other peo- ple ever suffered the hundredth part of their calamities, and still they live ! " Like the bush on Mount Horeb, Israel has continued to bum without being consumed." For nearly eighteen hundred years have they been dispersed among the nations, and " left to the mercy of a world that everywhere hated and oppressed them — shattered in pieces like the wreck of a mighty vessel in a storm — scattered over the earth like fragments upon the waters." " They have had no temple, no sacrifice, no prince, no certain dwelling places. Forbidden to be governed by their own laws, to choose their own magis- trates, to maintain any common policy ; every ordinary bond of national union and preserva- tion has been wanting ; whatever influences of local attachment, or of language, or manners, or government, have been found necessary to SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 131 the preservation of other nations, have been denied to them ; all the influences of internal depression and outward violence which have ever destroyed and blotted out the nations of the earth, have been at work with unprecedent- ed strength, for more than seventeen centuries, upon the national Israel, and still the Jews are a distinct and numerous people, unassimilated with any nation, though dispersed among all nations. Their peculiarities are undiminish- ed ; their national identity is unbroken."* How- ever remote from their native land, they are still Jews ; however distant from each other, they are still brethren. Indeed no people, not even the most settled nation of Europe, have preserved their race so pure and unmixed as have the scattered and wandering Jews. " In France, who can separate the race of the an- cient Gauls from the various other people who from time to time have settled there ? In Spain, who can distinguish exactly between the first possessors, the Spaniards, and the Goths and the Moors, who conquered and kept possession of the country for some ages ? In England, who can pretend to say with certainty which families are descended from the ancient Britons, and which from the Romans, or Saxons, or * M'llvaine's Lectures. 132 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Danes, or Normans ? The most ancient and honourable pedigrees can only be traced up o a certain period, and beyond that there is no- thing but conjecture and uncertainty."* No such obscurity, however, rests on the descent of the Jews. They may not be able to distin- guish the particular tribe to which they belong, but they know certainly that they are the seed of Jacob, the children of Abraham.! Meanwhile, what has become of those migh- ty nations who were the rods of Jehovah's an- ger in chastising the Jews ? " Has not the Lord, according to his word, made a full end of them ? While Israel has stood unconsumed in the fiery furnace, where are the nations that kindled its flames ? Where are the Assyrians and the Chaldeans ? Their name is almost forgotten ; their existence is known only to his- tory. Where is the empire of the Egyptians ? The Macedonians destroyed it, and a descend- ant of its ancient race cannot be distinguished among the strangers who have ever since pos • sessed its territory. Where are they of Mace- * Bishop Newton. t The distinctive character and preservation of the Jew- ish nation were also foretold by Baalam when he prophe- sied that the people should dwell alone, and should not he reckoned [or mingled] among the nations. Num. xxiii, 9. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 133 don ? The Roman sword subdued their king- dom, and their posterity are mingled insepa- rably among the confused population of Greece and Turkey. Where is the nation of ancient Rome, the last conquerors of the Jews, and the proud destroyers of Jerusalem ? The Goths rolled their flood over its pride. Another na- tion inhabits the ancient city. Even the lan- guage of her former people is dead. The Goths ! — where are they ? The Jews ! where are they not? They witnessed the glory of Egypt, and of Babylon, and of Nineveh ; they were in mature age at the birth of Macedon, and of Rome ; mighty kingdoms have risen and perished since they began to be scattered and enslaved ; and now they traverse the ruins of all, the same people as when they left Ju- dea, preserving in themselves a monument of the days of Moses and the Pharaohs, as un- changed as the pyramids of Memphis, which they are reputed to have built." " You may call upon the ends of the earth, and will call in vain for one living representative of those powerful nations of antiquity, by whom the people of Israel were successively oppressed." They have passed away ; their shadows alone haunt the world and flicker upon its tablets. But the Jews walk in every street, dwell in every 134 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. capital, traverse every exchange, and relieve the monotony of the nations of the earth. " Empires have sunk, and kingdoms passed away ; But still, apart, sublime in misery, stands The wreck of Israel ;" " and should the voice which is hereafter to gather that people out of all lands, be now heard from Mount Zion, calling for the children of Abraham, no less than four millions would instantly answer to the name, each bearing in himself unquestionable proofs of that noble lineage."* An exact estimate of the number of Jews now living in the world is of course unattain- able ; but it is generally believed to be nearly equal to what it was in the time of their great- est prosperity, under David and Solomon.f Their preservation in such numbers, for so many centuries, under circumstances of such singular disadvantage, and in defiance of such cruel measures as have been employed against them, can be deemed nothing less than an ex- * M'llvaine's Lectures. t There are supposed to be about two and a half mil- lions in Europe ; Asia probably contains one million ; Af- rica, about six hundred thousand, and America, twenty thousand. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 135 isting, perpetual miracle. " It can be explained by no fortuitous circumstances ; it admits of no evasion ; it stands forth a palpable, bold, unequivocal proof of the superintendence of Providence, the truth of prophecy, and the di- vine authority of the Bible." He that " would see a sign," before he will believe the Scriptures, may in the Jews behold " a sign and a wonder," than which none can be greater. Their universal dispersion, their terrible calamities, and their wonderful preser- vation, are circumstances that Kind no parallel in the history of other nations : yet every fea- ture in their extraordinary history was distinct ly foretold more than three thousand years ago, and recorded in the oldest book of which the world has any knowledge. The man who after seriously reviewing the history of this " pecu- liar people," and comparing it with the predic- tions of Scripture, " will not believe Moses and the prophets, neither will he be persuaded though one arose from the dead." But will the Jews always continue an outcast wandering race, objects of the world's scorn shut up in darkness and unbelief? " Is there no balm in Gilead ?" And will " the health of the daughter of Israel" never be " recovered ?' 136 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. " Hath God cast away his people ? God for- bid !" Rom. xi, 1. Their sorrows shall not last for ever. There are prophecies yet unfulfilled, which " speak better things" respecting them than those of whose truth they have been so long the living witnesses : — " Though dimm'd be Israel's glory now — Forlorn but not forsaken — Hope doth impart a fervent glow, The breath of prayer to waken, That still the bright and morning star May shed a healing ray ; The harbinger, to realms afar, Of Israel's happier day." — T. G. Nicholas. Yes ; the " God of Abraham" will yet be mindful of the " seed of Abraham." " They shall return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king ; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days," Hosea iii, 5. With " the fulness of the Gentiles," shall they also be brought in ; " and so all Israel shall be saved ; as it is written, * There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungod^ liness from Jacob,^ " Rom. xi, 26. " The Jews, now buried in the grave of tradition, and super- stition, and mammon, shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and live." Their spiritual blindness shall be dispelled by the light of the SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 137 gospel ; and they shall become true worship- pers of the God of their fathers, and of " Jesus Christ whom he has sent." " The cross shall then be raised in glory, amid the hosannahs of the people who once raised it in shame and sorrow, amid execrations ; and they who re- jected Him who was ordained a 'light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Is- rael,' ' shall look on Him whom they have pierced, and mourn' at the deeds of their fa thers, while they rejoice at the grace so unde- servedly manifested to themselves."* It is perhaps scarcely to be wondered at, that so few Jews have hitherto been led to em- brace Christianity. The treatment which for centuries they endured, in countries called Christian, was not such as was likely to win them over to the faith of the gospel. Although during this period there were not wanting those who laboured to effect their conversion, yet the influence of their preaching was counteracted by the bitter and persecuting spirit with which t was enforced. In modem times, the Pro- testant churches which have so nobly exerted themselves to send the glad tidings of salva- tion to all nations, have strangely neglected the Jews. Indeed, they would seem almost to * Fraser's Magazine, Sept., 1840. 138 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. have considered them as a people " given over to a reprobate mind," whose conversion it was hopeless to attempt or desire. While " sea and land" have been " compassed to make pro- selytes," and the heralds of the cross have been despatched to China and Greenland, to India and Greece, to the far off isles of the sea, and to lands " But little noticed, and of little note," comparatively few have been found to care for the souls of that people to whom were first " committed the oracles of God," and " of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came." But we trust that " another spirit" is about to animate the churches. The case of the Jews is awakening an interest which it never before excited ; and many a pious heart is beating in unison with that of the apostle when he ex- claimed, " My heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved," Romans x, 1. During the past year a deputation from the Church of Scotland visited the principal settle- ments of the Jews in Europe and Western Asia, and the facts collected by them, the re- sults of patient personal investigation, are of the most interesting and encouraging charac- ter. Although this chapter has already been SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 139 extended beyond the original design of the writer, yet he cannot refrain from making a few extracts from the report which the deputa- tion, on their return, presented to the general assembly of the Scottish Church. At Smyrna, which contains several thou- sand Jews, one of the deputation unexpectedly entering the house of a respectable Jewish family, surprised a young man in the act of reading the New Testament. The gentleman expressing his delight at finding him thus en- gaged, inquired his opinion of the book he had been reading. He replied, " It is the best book in the world, and the Old Testament is the next best." When asked why he did not openly avow himself a Christian, he replied, that im- prisonment and banishment would be the imme- diate consequence of his doing so ; but if these restraints were removed, he and several other young men in Smyrna would publicly embrace Christianity. At Pest, the capital of Hungary, Dr. Keith, one of the deputation, was detained by ill health longer than he intended. This city contains upward of eleven thousand Jews, and , the doctor says, — " There are at least three thousand who wholly disregard the Talmud, and renounce the superstition and mummery 140 SCRIPTURE PROPHECy, of the synagogue * They have a simple form of worship ; the master preaches to the congre- gation, which consists of from fifteen hundred to two thousand, on their own sabbath, from the texts of the Old Testament. It is the easiest thing to discuss with them the Messiahship of Jesus. There are inquirers from time to time. One aged Jew said, ' O, it is a hard thing to re- nounce opinions which have been believed from youth as undoubted.' If I had remained a few weeks longer at Pest, every hour of the day some inquiring Jew would have come to ask respecting Christ. — The number of Jews in Hungary is two hundred and fifty thousand, at the lowest estimate, and some rate them at double that number. This is a place in which, * The Jewish rabbins pretend that besides the written law, God communicated to Moses many other laws and regulations which were not committed to writing, but transmitted orally from one generation to another, and hence called " the tradition of the elders." The Talmud is a collection of these traditions, with a commentary upon them, and is an immense work, comprising several folio volumes. Many of its requisitions are frivolous and ab- surd, and others profane and unscriptural, yet the rabbins teach, and most of the Jews believe, that it is of equal, if not superior authority to the Bible. For a further ac- count of it, see Prideaux's Connections, Clarke's Com- mentary on Matthew xv, 2, and Watson's Dictionary, page 631. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 141 according to inquiry, there are promising open- ings for a mission to the Jewish nation ; to them the simplicity of the gospel is altogether un- known ; as yet they know nothing of the gospel but from the corruptions of the Greek and Ro- man Churches ; and yet conversions are made from year to year. If the Jew can be convert- ed to such a faith, O, may he not be led rather to Jesus Christ, without shocking his natural feelings at the idolatry of the Gentiles 1 Shall the call be in vain ? It is for the general assem- bly — it is for the church of Christ to answer." Another of the deputation reports, that " the London Society for the Conversion of the Jews have an interesting and effective mission in the south of Palestine, its head quarters being Jerusalem." He further states that " it is the testimony of Professor Tholuck [of Germany] that since the beginning of the present century more Jews had been brought to the knowledge of the Christian faith than during all the centu- ries preceding from the death of Christ. One of the ministers of Berlin said he had baptized with his own hand, of late years, one hundred and twelve Jews." To the present improved condition of the Jews in a temporal view, we have already 142 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. adverted, [page 128.] In most countries ot Europe they are not only free from persecu- tion, but receive the same protection from the laws, and enjoy nearly the same privileges as other citizens. Every succeeding year seems to bring with it some additional proof of their altered circumstances, and of the diminution of Gentile prejudices. Increase of kindly feeling on the part of Christians toward the Jews will naturally produce some degree of reciprocal feeling on their part, and dispose them to a more favourable investigation of the claims of Christianity. From various accounts it ap- pears that in several places a spirit of religious inquiry is already awakened among them ; that the Talmud, which has hitherto been the great- est obstacle to their conversion, is fast falling into disrepute ; and that, weary of waiting for a Messiah who has so long disappointed their expectations, many are beginning to ask among themselves whether "he that should come," has not already appeared. Under these circum- stances may we not hope, that even now the day of their " redemption draweth nigh," and that " the veil" which " is upon their heart" is about to be " taken away?" 2 Cor. iii, 15, 16. Surely, if missionaries possessing the requisite qualifications were to go among them, like the SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 143 apostles of old, " visiting from house to house," and " preaching in the synagogues," showing to them from their own " Scriptures that Jesus is Christ," the unbelief which has hitherto been proof against both the force of argument and the argument of force, would yield to the influence of truth spoken in love. As Christians, we owe the Jews a debt of gratitude which can never be fully repaid. To them, instrumentally, we are indebted for the Scriptures, not only of the Old, but also of the New Testament ; for " the glorious company of the apostles," as well as " the goodly fellowship of the prophets" were Jews. We ought, then, to do at least as much for them as we do for those nations who have no special claims upon us. " Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." " Have they stumbled that they should fall ? God forbid : but through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. — For as ye [Gentiles] in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief; even so have these also now not believed God, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. Now, if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them be the riches of the 144 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Gentiles ; how much more their fulness ? — If the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead?" Rom. xi, 11, &c. " Father of faithful Abraham, hear Our earnest suit for Abraham's seed ; Justly they claim the softest prayer From us, adopted in their stead, Who mercy through their fall obtain, And Christ by their rejection gain. Outcasts from thee, and scatter'd wide. Through every nation under heaven. Blaspheming whom they crucified, Unsaved, unpitied, unforgiven ; Branded like Cain, they bear their load, Abhorr'd of man, and cursed of God. But hast thou finally forsook, For ever cast thy own away 1 Wilt thou not bid the murderers look On Him they pierced, and weep, and pray 1 Yes, gracious Lord, thy word is past ; All Israel shall be saved at last. Come then, thou great Deliverer, come. The veil from Jacob's heart remove : Receive thy ancient people home I That, quicken'd by thy dying love, The world may their reception find. Life from the dead for all mankind." Charles Wesley. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 145 CHAPTER V. PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE HOLY LAND. Interesting associations of this land— Its situation, extent, and character— Pro{rfiecies respecting it — Were partially fulfilled du- ring the Babylonish captivity— More fully accomplished after its subjection by the Romans— Present state of the country agrees with the prophecies— The land is desolate— Testmony of Sandys, Volney, Maundrell, Addison, Hardy, Jowett, Burckhardt, and Joliffe— The highways are desolate— Extracts from Hardy, Vol- ney, Richardson, Jowett, and Addison— The cities are waste — Ruinous state of the ancient cities and towns as described by modem travellers — Flourishing condition of Galilee in the time of Josephus — Contrast exhibited in its present state — Scripture accounts of the former populousness and abundance of tlie Holy Land, doubted by some writers— Confirmed by the positive testi- mony of history, and by the present indications of the country — Testimony of Gibbon and Volney to these facts — Remarkable ve- rification of Scripture prophecy, from Volney's Ruins — Unfulfilled prophecies of the restoration of the Jews, and the future pros- perity of the Holy Land — Poem. We have shown in the two preceding chap- ters how literally and fearfully have been ac- complished the threatenings of Jehovah against the disobedient Jews. We will now proceed to exhibit the fulfilment of those prophecies which refer to their ancient country : for the judgments of the Lord were not pronounced against the people only : God " cursed the ground" also, for their sakes ; and the land in which they dwelt was, equally with themselves, ' the object of prophetic denunciation. 10 146 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. There is no other spot on the face of the earth that is regarded by the Christian with feelings of such intense interest and curiosity as the Holy Land. Every portion of its varied territory, its mountains, its valleys, its lakes, its rivers, and even its deserts, are rendered sacred in his eyes, by some deeply interesting asso- ciation. There it was that Jehovah establish- ed the commonwealth of Israel, inspired his prophets, sent angels to converse with men, and manifested his power and his presence in a peculiar manner. There the worship of the one true God was preserved and perpetuated for more than fifteen centuries ; for " in Judah was God known, and his name was great in Israel," while all the rest of the world was sunk in the grossest superstition and idolatry. " Blest land of Judea ! thrice hallow'd of song, "Where the holiest of memories pilgrim-like throng, In the shade of thy palms, by the shores of thy sea, On the hills of thy beauty, my heart is with thee. With the eye of a spirit I look on that shore Where pilgrim and prophet have linger'd before ; With the glide of a spirit I traverse the sod Made bright by the steps of the angels of God." Whittier. But, above all, this land is hallowed as be- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 147 ing the place which was honoured by the per sonal ministry of the Messiah — the Son of God. " Here his blessing was heard, and his lessons were taught. Here the blind was restored, and the healing was wrought," and here he accomplished the mystery of man's redemption by the offering of himself as an atonement for the sins of the world. This interesting country — ^the scene of Scrip- ture history, the theatre of miracle and of pro- phecy — ^lies on the eastern shore of the Medi- terranean Sea, which forms its western bound- ary, between the thirty-first and thirty-fourth degrees of north latitude. It is bounded on the north by the mountains of Lebanon ; on the south by the deserts of Arabia ; and on the east by the desert of Syria and the Dead Sea. As early as the time of Abraham, this favour- ed spot was designated by God as the chosen residence of his " peculiar people." " To thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever," was the promise of Jehovah respecting it, to that patriarch. Nor was it unworthy of the distinc- tion thus conferred upon it ; for although incon- siderable in point of extent, being only about one hundred and eighty miles long, with an average breadth of not more than seventy, yet such was the salubrity of its climate and the fertility 148 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. of its soil, that it was not only abundantly ca- pable of supplying the wants of its inhabitants, even when most densely peopled, but also fur- nished a large surplus of com which they dis- posed of to the Phenicians of Tyre and Sidon. 1 Kings V, 11; Ezek. xxvii, 7; Acts xii, 20. " It had enough of mountain, and stream, and lake, and sea, to render it complete in its own resources ;" while the natural barriers, with which it was surrounded on all sides, rendered it easy of defence against foreign invasion. " Nor must it be forgotten, that its position, al- most in the centre of the three great continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, was the most de- sirable that could have been chosen * when the fulness of time was come,' and the blessings of revelation and redemption were to be scat- tered among the dwellers upon earth."* The general appearance and character of the country were thus accurately described by Mo- ses to the children of Israel while on their way thither : — " The land whither thou goest in to possess it, is not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed and wateredst it with thy foot, as a gar- den of herbs : but the land whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and / * Hardy. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 149 drinketh water of the rain of heaven. — For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains, and depths that spring out of valleys and hills ; a land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig- trees, and pomegranates ; a land of oil-olive, and honey ; a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it," Deut. viii, 7-9; xi, 10, 11. The abundant supply of water is thus promi- nently mentioned, " as being the most import- ant circumstance in an oriental country, where its value is incalculable. Only one who has travelled in the East, and knows practically the astonishing difference between a watered and unwatered country, can enter into the full force of this foremost characteristic of the Pro- mised land. The reader who looks on a general map will see at a glance that there is no coun- try in Western Asia more liberally supplied with streams of water. The benefit of these streams is incalculable, although, as is the case in those regions with all streams of no consider- able magnitude, they are [except the Jordan] rather winter torrents than rivers."* Unlike Egypt, which is exceedingly plain and level, Canaan was diversified with hills * Pictorial Bible 150 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. and valleys, which not only added to the beauty of the scenery, but also, by varying the tempe- rature of the country, rendered it capable of producing the fruits of the most distant cli- mates. Under the sway of the Canaanites it brought forth in such abundance, that even the spies sent by Moses, while they endeavoured to dissuade the Israelites from attempting to possess it, were constrained to say concerning it, " It is a good land which the Lord our God doth give us," Niun. xiii, 27 ; Deut. i, 25. In other parts of Scripture it is called " the plea- sant land," Psa. cvi, 24 ; Zech. vii, 14 ; " the glory of all lands," Ezek. xx, 6 ; and in many places it is termed " a land flowing with milk and honey." Such then was the country which God gave to Israel for a possession : — " A land of com, and wine, and oil, Favour'd with God's peculiar smile, With every blessing blest." But its glory and abundance were to continue only so long as the Israelites remained faith- ful to their covenant with God. Before they set foot on their promised inheritance, Jeho- vah, by the mouth of his servant Moses, thus solemnly warned them of the consequences of violating his commands : — SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 151 " If ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me, I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins. — And your liighways shall be desolate ; and I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries into desolation. — And I will brir.g the land into desolation : and your ene'^nies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it. And I will scatter you among the heathen, and I will draw out a sword after you, and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths,* as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land ; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths," Levit. xxvi, 21, 22, 31-34. " The generation to come of your chil- dren that shall rise up after you, and the stran- ger that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses which the Lord hath laid upon it ; and * The land shall enjoy her sabbaths — ^that is, it shall lie waste and uncultivated. The expression has reference to that injunction of the Mosaic law by which the Jews were forbidden to cultivate the ground every seventh year ; this year was called " the sabbath of the land," because in it the land had rest. During this sabbatical year the people were to subsist on the superabundance of the preceding year, in which the ground produced a treble crop. Leviti- cus XXV, 2-7, 21, 22. 152 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and burning,* that it is not sown, nor beareth,nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim, which the Lord overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath : even all nations shall say, * Where- fore hath the Lord done this unto this land? What meaneth the heat of this great anger V Then men shall say, ' Because they have for- saken the covenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which he made with them when he brought them out of the land of Egypt,' " Deu- teronomy xxix, 22-25. The faithful warnings of Moses being disre- garded by the Jews, Jehovah, in after times, sent other prophets unto them, " rising up early and sending them, and saying, ' Turn ye from the evil of your doings, and dwell in the land that the Lord hath given to you and to your * These expressions are not to be understood literally, being only strong figures of speech to denote extreme de- solation and barrenness ; and in this way they are still used in the East. Mr. Roberts, in his Oriental Illustra- tions, says, " When a place is noted for being unhealthy, or the land very unfruitful, it is called kenthago poomy, a place or country of brimstone. Trincomalee, and some other places, have gained this appellation on account of the heat and sterility of their soils." SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 153 fathers for ever : and go not after other gods to serve them, and provoke me not to anger with the work of your hands ; and I will do you no hurt.' — Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear, but walked every one in the imagination of their evil heart ;" and in consequence there- of, the Lord has brought upon their country " all the curses which were written" in his book " concerning" it. This was accomplished, first, when Judah was carried away captive by Nebuchadnezzar, at which time the land lay desolate seventy years. Jeremiah, the " weeping prophet," thus mournfully describes the affliction of the land at this period : — " How hath the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, And cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel, And remembered not his footstool in the day of his anger ! The Lord was an enemy : he hath swallowed up Israel, He hath swallowed up all her palaces ; He hath destroyed her strong holds, And hath increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation. The Lord hath cast off his altar, He hath abhorred his sanctuary, He hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces. He hath destroyed and broken her bars ; 154 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Her king and her princes are among the Gentiles. All that pass by her clap their hands, They hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jeru- salem, Saying, * Is this the city that men call the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth !' Our inheritance is turned to strangers, Our houses to aliens. For this our heart is faint ; For these things our eyes are dim ; Because of the mountain of Zion which is desolate. The foxes walk upon it. The crown is fallen from our head ; Wo unto us, that we have sinned !" Lam. ii, 1, 6, 7, 9, 15 ; v, 2, 17, 18, 16. But the predictions of Moses were more espe- cially fulfilled in the judgments visited upon Judea and its inhabitants by the Romans, and the almost perpetual desolation of the country since that period. While the Jews are now in their " enemies' land," suffering the punishment of their sins, the actual state of their own land, as it now is, and for many centuries has been, exactly corresponds with the prophecies de- livered by their leader and lawgiver, upward of three thousand years ago. " / will bring your land into desolation — your land shall he desolate. — The accomplishment of this prediction is coniirmed by the testimony SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 155 of history, and of every traveller who has visit- ed the country. In the first and second centu- ries, Palestine was devastated by the wars with the Romans, until the country was literally converted into a desert. It continued subject to the power of Rome until it was seized \ipon and laid waste by the Arabian tribes collected under the banner of Mohammed. It was after this torn in pieces by the civil wars between the two rival sects of Mohammedans, wrested from the caliphs by their rebellious governors, taken from them by the Turcoman soldiers, several times invaded by the European crusa- ders, retaken by the mamalukes of Egypt, ra- vaged by Tamerlane and his Tartars, and at last reduced to subjection by the Turks. It is easy to conceive the lamentable condi- tion of a country almost depopulated by a series of desolating wars, frequently changing mas- ters, and at length falling under the dominion of a wretched and tyrannical government like that of Turkey, which, while it has strength sufficient to oppress the miserable inhabitants, and deprive them of the fruits of their industry, is yet unable to protect them from the hordes of wandering Arabs who people the surround- ing deserts, and to whose predatory incursions they are continually exposed. 156 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. " Thus moum, beneath the oppressor's rod, The fields where faithful Abraham trod, Where Isaac walk'd by twilight gleam, And heaven came down on Jacob's dream." J. Montgomery. To the desolate condition of the land all tra- vellers bear witness. Sandys, in 1610, speak- ing of Palestine and the adjacent lands, says, — " These countries, once so glorious and famous for their happy estate, are now, through vice and ingratitude, become the most deplored spec- tacles of extreme miserie. Those rich lands at this present remaine waste and overgrowne with bushes, receptacles of wild beasts, of theeues and murderers ; large territories dis- peopled or thinly inhabited ; goodly cities made desolate ; sumptuous buildings become mines ; glorious temples either subverted or prostituted to impiety; true religion discountenanced and oppressed ; all nobility extinguished ; no light of learning permitted, nor vertue cherished : violence and rapine insulting ouer all, and leaning no security save to an abject mind, and vnlookt on pouerty." Speaking of Syria in general, of which coun- try Palestine now forms a part, Volney re- marks, — " The people, denied the enjoyment of the fruit of their labours, restrain their industry SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 157 to the supply of their necessary wants. The husbandman only sows to keep himself from starving. The condition of the peasants is miserable. The art of cultivation is in the most deplorable state ; the husbandman is des- titute of instruments, or has very bad ones ; his plough is frequently no more than the branch of a tree, cut below a bifurcation, and used without wheels. — In the mountains they do not prune their vines, and they nowhere ingraft trees. — In the districts exposed to the Arabs, as in Palestine, the countryman must sow with his musket in his hand. Scarcely does the corn turn yellow, before it is reaped, and con- cealed in matmoures, or subterranean caverns. As little as possible is saved for seed corn, be- cause they sow no more than is barely neces- sary for subsistence ; in a word, their whole in- dustry is limited to a supply of their immediate wants ; and to procure a little bread, a few onions, a wretched blue shirt, and a bit of wool- len, much labour is not necessary." At the conclusion of his work, he says, that after hav- ing lived for some time in these " once flour- ishing and populous, but now desolate and bar- barous countries," he could not, on his return to France, avoid feeling a kind of surprise, when, " instead of those ruined countries and 158 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. vast deserts," to which he had been accustom- ed, he found himself in a well-cultivated and populous territory. Maundrell, when journeying southward from Nablous,the ancient Shechem, observes, — "All along this day's travel from Kane Leban to Beer, [which lies about ten miles north of Je- rusalem,] and also, as far as we could see around, the country presents nothing to the view in most places but naked rocks, mount- ains, and precipices, at sight of which pilgrims are apt to be much astonished and balked in their expectations ; finding that country in such an inhospitable condition, concerning whose pleasantness and plenty they had before formed in their minds such high ideas, from the de- scription given of it in the word of God." Of the once fertile plain of Jericho he says, it is now " extremely barren, producing nothing but a kind of samphire and other marine plants ; and in many places where puddles of water had stood in the road, we observed a whiteness on the ground, which we found to be a crust of salt, raised by the water out of the earth." Of the plain of Acre (the ancient Ptolemais) he tells us : — " It was once a delicious plain ; but it is now for want of culture, overrun with rank SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 159 weeds, which at the time when we passed it were as high as the horses' backs." Burckhardt states, that " the greater part of the valley of the Jordan is a parched desert, of which a few spots only are cultivated by the Bedouins. Of the celebrated plain of Esdraelon, where the tribe of Issachar " rejoiced in their tents," and whose soil is the richest of any in Pales- tine, Mr. Addison says, — " After riding among undulating hills for about an hour, we entered the broad flat plain of Esdraelon. It is silent and solitary over its wide extent, presenting an appearance very similar to the desert plains leading to Palmyra. It possesses a most fer- tile soil ; and the rich black mould, parched and dusty, was covered with a dense and luxu- riant crop of thistles and weeds. In no part of the wide surface of this lifeless plain could a tree be seen, a single village, a single town, a single cultivated enclosed field, or a solitary human habitation." Mr. Hardy remarks, that " the soil is in some places more than six feet thick, and exceedingly rich, and were the plain well cultivated, it would be one of the most productive in the world. It is about fifty miles long, and twenty broad." He observed " a 160 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. few small villages scattered over its surface but not perhaps a hundredth part of the num- ber it is well able to sustain." Dr. Clarke terms it " a solitude," and compares it to " a vast meadow covered with the richest pasture." Mr. Jowett says, — " We counted, in our road across the plain, only five very small villages, consisting of wretched mud hovels, chiefly in ruins. On this noble plain, if there were perfect security from the government, — a thing now unknown for centuries, — where we saw but five small villages, twenty-five good towns, each with a population of one thousand souls, might stand at a distance of three miles from each other." Mr. Jolifie, writing from Jerusalem, says, — " From the centre of the neighbouring eleva- tions is seen a wild, rugged, and mountainous desert ; no herds depasturing on the summits, no forests clothing the acclivities, no waters flowing through the valleys ; but one rude scene of melancholy waste, in the midst of which the ancient glory of Judea bows her head in widow- ed desolation." " All around Jerusalem," says Dr. Richardson, " the general aspect is blight- ed and barren ; the grass is withered ; the bare rocks look through the scanty sward ; the grain itself, like the starving progeny of famine, SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 161 seems in doubt whether to come to maturity or die in the ear." Mr. Hardy says, — " In looking at some of the barren hills of Judea, where the beast wan- ders not, the bird flies not, and the grass grows not, I have seen the impress of the curse of God, in more dreadful characters than are to be seen elsewhere on this side the grave ; a sight rendered still more striking by the beau- tiful flowers, and the patches of flourishing grain, that here and there present themselves, as if to show what the land was once, and what it again may be, when the blessing of the Lord shall rest upon the city and upon the field, and the labour of man's hand be refreshed by the former and latter rain." The highways shall he desolate. — There have probably been few countries between the va- rious parts of which there was so frequent and regular an intercourse as in Pales- tine, while inhabited by the children of Israel. Three times every year were all the males, from every part of the country, required, by the precepts of their law, to present themselves before the Lord in Jerusalem, on which occa- sions they were not unfrequently accompanied by their wives and families. Deut. xvi, 16 ; 11 162 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Luke ii, 41-44. On the recurrence of these pe- riodical pilgrimages, the "highways," — throng- ed with persons of all ages and of both sexes — old men and venerable matrons, the time of whose departure was at hand, young men re- joicing in their strength, and the daughters of Israel blooming in youth and beauty — some journeying on foot, others travelling by the va- rious modes of conveyance used in those days — must have presented a spectacle of the most picturesque and animated character. But now, how changed the scene ! " The paths are de- serted where the tribes once approached from the most distant parts to the festivals of the temple."* " The ways of Zion do mourn be- cause none come to her solemn feasts. — The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man ceas- eth." " In the interior parts of Syria there are neither great roads, nor canals, nor even bridges over the greatest parts of the rivers and torrents, however necessary they may be in winter. Between town and town there are neither posts nor public conveyances. — No- body travels alone, from the insecurity of the roads. One must wait for several travellers who are going to the same place, or take ad- vantage of the passage of some great man, who * Hardy. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 163 assumes the office of protector, but is more fre- quently the oppressor of the caravan. These pre- cautions are, above all, necessary in the countries exposed to the Arabs, such as Palestine. — It is remarkable, that we never see either a wagon, or a cart, in all Syria."* " Among the hills of Palestine, the road is impassable, and the tra- veller finds himself among a set of infamous and ignorant thieves, who would cut his throat for a farthing, and rob him of his money for the mere pleasure of doing it."t Mr. Jowett, speaking of his journey across the great plain of Esdraelon, says, — " We saw very few persons on the road ; we might truly apply to this scene the words of Deborah, — The highways were unoccupied^'' Judges v, 6, 7. In another place he remarks, — " From the win- dow of the khan where we are lodging, we have a clear view of the tract over which Eli- jah must have passed, when he girded up his loins, and ran before the chariot of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel. 1 Kings xviii, 44-46. But in the present day, no chariots are to be seen — not even a single wheel carriage of any descrip- tion whatever. — The roads among the mountains are so neglected — such mere single foot paths — that it is difficult to imagine in what way cha- * Volney. f Dr. Richardson. 164 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. riots could now convey the traveller to Jerusa- lem, or over the chief part of the Holy Land." " What a contrast," observes Mr. Addison, " does the present aspect of the land bear to its past state ! Where are now the towns and villages mentioned in the Roman itineraries, the numerous * vi(B publiccBJ' or public highways therein enumerated, and the population and productions of time past, when ' the land was full of horses, neither was there any end of chariots,' Isa. ii, 7. — There is now no such thing as a carriage or chariot in the whole country, nor a single carriage road." Your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. — The one was the necessary result of the other. The country being desolate and un- cultivated, its ancient cities, once so numerous, powerful, and populous, as a natural and an inevitable consequence, have fallen to decay. Jerusalem, once " beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth," is now nothing more than an ordinary Syrian town of the third or fourth class, with a population of not more than from twelve to fifteen thousand. " This town," remarks Volney, " presents a striking example of the vicissitudes of human affairs : when we behold its walls levelled, its ditches SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 165 filled up, and all its buildings embarrassed with ruins, we can scarcely believe we view that celebrated metropolis which formerly withstood the efforts of the most powerful empires, and, for a time, resisted the arms of Rome herself; — in a word, we with difficulty recognise Jeru- salem." "Jerusalem," says Mr. Hardy, "is one of the dullest places I ever entered ; — it has lost its rank in political importance — there is now no higher power than a delegated go- vernor, who is a person of comparatively low rank." Dr. Olin tells us that a large number of the houses are in a dilapidated and ruinous condition ; and that nearly the whole popula- tion are in a state of the most abject poverty and wretchedness, the result of oppression, the absence of trade, and the utter stagnation of all branches of industry. " How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people ! How is she become as a widow ! She that was great among the nations, And princess among the provinces, How is she become tributary ! From the daughter of Zion all her beauty is departed ; • Her children are gone into captivity before the enemy ; — For the Lord hath afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions." Lam. i, 1, 5, 6. Samaria, the capital of the short-lived and wicked kingdom of Israel, is reduced to almost 166 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. complete desolation. This city was beautifully- situated. It occupied the summit of a large, well- shaped, oval hill, surrounded by a fruitful valley, and enclosed on all sides by hills equally beau- tiful. " It would be difficult," says Dr. Robinson, " to find in all Palestine a situation of equal strength, fertility, and beauty combined. In all these particulars it has very greatly the advan- tage over Jerusalem." Concerning this place the following prophecies were delivered : — *' Samaria shall become desolate; For she hath rebelled against her God." — Hos. xiii 16. " I wiU make Samaria as a heap of the field, And as plantings of a vineyard : And I will pom* down the stones thereof into the vaUey, And I will discover the fomidations thereof. — Mic.i,6. Samaria was taken, after a seige of three years, by the king of Assyria. 2 Kings xvii, 5, 6. Jose- phus (Ant. b. xiii, c. 10) tells us that it was again taken, after a seige of one year, by John Hyr- canus, who razed it to the ground. It was re- built, and strongly fortified, by Herod, who gave it the name of Sebaste. The present appear- ance of the place shows the literal fulfilment of Micah's prediction . Nothing but a few ruins now remain to testify its former greatness : the stones are "poured down into the valley;" and the plough claims undisputed dominion over the en- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 167 tire site, except the small spot on the eastern slope occupied by the miserable village which still retains the name of Sebaste. — Olin — Maundrell. Jericho, which in the time of Christ was se- cond only to Jerusalem, is so utterly destroyed that the precise spot where it stood is now mat- ter of speculation. The village of Rihah, long but erroneously supposed to occupy its site, is spoken of by Dr. Olin and others as one of the meanest in Palestine. Bethel, now called Beitin has been deserted for ages. " Its ruins," says Dr. Robinson" cover a space of three or four acres. They consist of very many foundations and half-standing walls of houses and other build- ings. A few Arabs had pitched their tents here for the summer, to watch their flocks and fields of grain ; and they were the only inhabitants." From the same authority we learn that Seilun, the ancient Shiloh, is a desolation covered with ru- ins of comparatively modern date, among which are many large stones and fragments of columns, shewing it to have been an ancient site. Of Bethshan "the only remains are large heaps of black hewn stones, many foundations of houses, and the fragments of a few columns ; the present village, called Bysan, contains about seventy or eighty houses, and the inhabitants are in a miserable condition from being exposed to the 168 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. depredations of the Bedouins." — Burckhardt. Lydda, now called Ludd, described by Jose- phus as being not inferior in size to a city, has, says Volney, " the appearance of a place lately ravaged by fire and sword. From the huts of the inhabitants to the palace of the Aga is one vast heap of rubbish and ruins." Arimathea has so utterly passed away that its site is now unknown ; and so also of many other once flourishing cities. Ceserea, the once splendid city of Herod, exhibits an awful contrast to its former magni- ficence, by the present desolate appearance of its ruins. Not a single inhabitant remains ; jackals and beasts of prey, with a few birds and lizards, are the only living possessors of this once crowded city. — Clarke — Hardy. Dr. Robinson, travelling in the *' hill-country" of Judea, says, " Many of the hills were marked with ruins, showing that this tract of country was once thickly inhabited : " and again, " The country is full of sites of ruins," &c. Josephus says of Galilee, — "The country is rich and fruitful, and is all cultivated. Moreover the cities lie here very thick ; and the very many villages that are here, are everywhere so full of people, by the richness of the soil, that the very least of them contains above fifteen thousand in- habitants." What a contrast does this descrip- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 169 tion present to the present condition of this ter- ritory. There is not now in all Galilee a single city containing more than six thousand inha- bitants ; and the numerous cities which then studded the shores of its beautiful lake, have, with the single exception of Tiberias, long been abandoned to utter desolation. " When," observes Mr. Addison, " we survey the silence and solitude of these shores, and cast our eyes over the expanse of water, whose blue surface is checkered by no boat or sail, we are led to draw a vivid and melancholy comparison be- tween the past and present state of this now solitary region. Along this wide-extended line of coast, now so silent and deserted, once stood the flourishing and populous cities of Mag- DALA, Bethsaida, Chorazin, Capernaum, Sic. Tn the ruined harbours, and in the lone and solitary bays which extend around the deserted sites of these once flourishing cities, bustling fleets of boats and vessels, whether for peace or war, were fitted out. Now no boat is to be seen upon its waters, and no trace of man upon its shore, except where a few flat-roofed houses, a few palm trees, two solitary minarets, and the dome of a little mosque, close to the water's edge, marked the little town of Tabareah, the humble representative of the ancient Tiberias." 170 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. In the country beyond Jordan are the desolate remains of several ancient cities. The ruins of Djerash, supposed from its situation and the simi- larity of the name to be the ancient Gerasa, are of the most magnificent character, and prove the former magnitude and importance of that city.* Of the many populous and extensive cities with which, in the days of its prosperity, the Holy Land was so thickly settled, there are now we beleive, only four that contain over five thou- sand inhabitants : these are Jeruslem, Hebron, Saphet, and Nablous, (the ancient Shechem,) the three latter of which are computed to contain each a population of about six thousand souls. " When we survey the present deplorable state of this country, the poverty of the villages, the scantiness of the population ; and when we cast our eyes over the sites of the ruined cities, and regard the crumbling fabrics of past times mouldering to pieces, the towering column and the sculptured stone half covered by the burying sand,"t what a mournful contrast do we witness to the time when the land, " flowing with milk and honey," was the " glory of all lands ;" when it was also "full of silver and gold, and there was no end of its treasures," and Jerusa- * Burckhardt. t Addison. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 171 lem, its metropolis, was " the joy of the whole earth!" What a wonderful attestation does it furnish of the truth of Scripture prophecy! " The land is a witness as well as the people. The Israelite in our streets, whose appearance was delineated with such graphic precision by the legislator prophet more than thirty-three centuries ago, is not a surer evidence of the inspiration of the sacred volume," than the general desolation, and almost depopulation, of the land in which they formerly dwelt. Indeed, so striking is the general aspect of poverty, desolation, and barrenness which this region now exhibits, that some writers have adduced it as an objection to the truth of Scripture, affirming that so barren, wretched, and inconsiderable a country could never have been the pleasant and fruitful land which the sacred writers represent it to have been, or have sustained the immense population which are said to have inhabited it. But these ob- jectors are either ignorant or forgetful that the present desolation of the Holy Land was dis- tinctly foretold by the prophets ; and therefore, so far from being an objection to the truth of the Bible, it is, on the contrary, a strong con- firmation of it; while its ancient fertility and populousness, which they aflfect to deny, is 172 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. established by evidence, independent of Scrip- ture,which can neither be gains ayed nor refuted. Of the province of Galilee, Josephus says, in addition to what we have already quoted, [page 168,] that "its fruitfulness was such as to invite the most slothful to take pains in its cul- tivation." Of the provinces of Judea and Sa- maria, he tells us that " they are each of them very full of people, which is the greatest sign of excellence and abundance."* Tacitus, the Roman historian, who, it should be remem- bered, was strongly prejudiced against the Jews, speaking of their country, says, — " The soil is rich and fertile ; besides the fruits known in Italy, the palm and balm tree flourish in great luxuriance."! " Those," observes Mr. Wilde, " who ex- claim against the infertility and barrenness of this country, should recollect that want of cul- tivation gives it much of the sterile and barren appearance which it now presents to the tra- veller. The plough used in that country is one of the rudest instruments of any implement of the kind I have seen. It does little more than scratch the soil, making a furrow scarcely three inches deep." We cannot fairly judge of its former capabilities by its present con- * Wars, book iii, chap. 3. f Hist., book vi, sec. 6. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 173 dition. Successively wasted by the Romans, Saracens, and crusaders, and then falling under the iron yoke of Turkish despotism, and ex- posed to hordes of plundering Arabs, it is im- possible that it should now present the appear- ance of fertility and abundance which it an- ciently did. Yet even under these unfavourable circumstances it still exhibits such manifest tokens of its former productiveness and high state of cultivation, as to enable the traveller to " discover without difficulty that this fine country was not surpassed in beauty and exu- berant production by any country of Western Asia."* " The fruits," remarks Mr. Joliffe, " surpass in richness any thing that I have else- where met with." " Were good government, good faith, and good manners to flourish in this land for half a century, it would literally be- come again a land flowing with milk and honey."t " Under a wise and beneficent govern- ment," observes Dr. Clarke, "the produce of the Holy Land would exceed all calculation. Its perennial harvest,^ the salubrity of its air, its limpid springs, its rivers, lakes, and match- less plains, its hills and vales, — all these, added to the serenity of its climate, prove this * Pictorial Bible. f Jowett. t Levit. XX vi, 5 ; Amos ix, 13. 174 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. land to be indeed a field which the Lord hath hlessedy Speaking of a portion of the country then under the sway of a comparatively mild governor, he says, — " It was pleasing to ob- serve the effects of better government ; — the cultivation was everywhere marvellous ; — ^the hills, from their bases to their summits, were entirely covered with gardens ; all of these were free from weeds, and in the highest state of agricultural perfection. — A sight of this territory can alone convey any adequate idea of its surprising produce."* Even the most barren and rugged mountains are capable of cultivation, and were anciently made to contri- bute greatly toward the support of a large population. From the base to the summit they were hewed into terraces, which were covered with soil. Upon these they "planted the fig, the olive, and the vine, and sowed corn, and all kinds of pulse, which, favoured by the usual spring and autumnal rains, by the dew which never fails, by the warmth * The doctor here speaks of the country between Na- blous and Jerusalem. Its short-lived prosperity, however, passed away with the government of the pacha under whom it arose ; and this region now presents the same desolate aspect which it did when visited by Maundrell, whose description of it is given on page 158. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 175 of the sun, and the mild climate, produced the finest fruit, and most excellent com."* Traces of this kind of cultivation are still to be seen in the mountainous districts of the Holy Land, and are mentioned by almost every tra- veller.! By no writers is the former excellence of this country more positively asserted than by Gibbon and Volney, men whose devotion to the cause of infidelity was so notorious that none will suspect them of being influenced in their statements by any prejudices in favour of divine revelation. The former says, — " Syria, one of the countries that have been improved by the most early cultivation, is not unworthy the preference. The heat of the climate is tempered by the vicinity of the sea and moun- tains, by the plenty of wood and water ; and the produce of a fertile soil affords the sub- sistence, and encourages the propagation of men and animals. From the age of David to that of Heraclius, the country was overspread with ancient and flourishing cities. "| Volney, after estimating the number of inhabitants in Syria, observes, — " So feeble a population, in * D'Arvieux. t Maundrell, Shaw, Volney, Clarke, Hardy, Jowett, dec X Decline and Fall, chap. 61. 176 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. SO excellent a country, may well excite our astonishment ; but this will be still increased if we compare the present number of inhabit- ants with that of ancient times. We are in- formed by the philosophical geographer, Strabo, that the territories of Jamnia and Joppa in Palestine, alone, were formerly so populous, as to be able to bring forty thousand armed men into the field. At present they could scarcely furnish three thousand. From the accounts we have of Judea in the time of Titus, and which are to be esteemed tolerably ac- curate, that country must have contained four millions of inhabitants ; but at present there are not, perhaps, above three hundred thousand.* If we go still further back into antiquity, we shall find the same populousness among the Philis- tines, the Phoenicians, and in the kingdoms of Samaria and Damascus." After stating that some writers have called in question these facts, he proceeds to show the fallacy of their objections ; and then he adds, — " There is nothing in nature or experience to contradict the great population of high antiquity : without * The word "Judea," as used by Volney in the above statement, must be understood as including the whole of Palestine, and not merely the Roman province of Judea, which comprised only the southern section of the country. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 177 appealing to the positive testimony of history, there are innumerable monuments which de- pose in favour of the fact. Such are the pro- digious quantities of ruins dispersed over the plains, and even in the mountains, at this day deserted. On the most remote parts of C arm el are found wild vines and olive trees, which must have been conveyed thither by the hand of man ; and in Lebanon, the rocks now abandoned to fir trees and brambles, present us in a thousand places with terraces, which prove they were anciently better cultivated, and consequently much more populous than in our days." Thus the Scripture accounts of the ancient fertility and populousness of the Holy Land are fully confirmed, both by the testimony of history, and the present indications of the country, " even our enemies themselves being judges." It was predicted that the desolation of the country would be such as to excite the asto- nishment of those who should witness it. " The generation to come of your children, and the stranger that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land. Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this land 1 What meaneth the heat of this 12 178 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. great anger /"' More than three thousand years after these words were spoken, Volney, a dis- tinguished traveller, but a professed infidel, and a scoffer at the Scriptures, visits this smit- ten country. He is a stranger from a far land. Deeply impressed with the melancholy aspect of every thing around him, he exclaims, — ** The history of past times strongly presented itself to my thoughts. — I enumerated the king- doms of Damascus and Idumea ; of Jerusalem and Samaria ; and the warlike states of the Philistines ; and the commercial republics of Phoenicia. This Syria, said I to myself, then contained a hundred flourishing cities, and abounded with towns, villages, and hamlets. Everywhere one might have seen cultivated fields, frequented roads, and crowded habita- tions. Ah ! what are become of those ages of abimdance and of life ? What are become of so many productions of the hand of man ? — Alas ! I have traversed this desolate country, I have visited the places that were the theatre of so much splendour, and I have beheld nothing but solitude and desertion. I looked for those an- cient people and their works, and all I could find was a faint trace, like to what the foot of a traveller leaves on the sand. The temples are thrown down, the palaces demolished, the SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 179 ports filled up, the towns destroyed; and the earth, stripped of its inhabitants, seems a dreary burying place. — Great God ! from whence pro^ ceed such melancholy revolutions? For what cause is the fortune of these countries so strik- ingly changed ? Why is not that ancient popu' lation reproduced and perpetuated?^^* This remarkable verification of a Scripture prophecy occurs in a work written with the avowed de- sign of overthrowing the religion of the Bible. How truly is it said, " He maketh the wrath of man to praise Him !" Thus have the threatened judgments of the Lord been visited upon the inheritance of Israel. The land is brought into desola- tion, — the highways are desolate, — the cities are waste. " To hill and mountain the devouring curse Hath clung ; and rivers down unpeopled vales Like mournful pilgrims glide." And this state of desolation, we are assured, is to continue so long as the Jews " are in their enemies' land," Levit. xxvi, 34. " Thus there may almost be said to be a kind of sym- pathetic feeling between the bereaved country * Volney's Ruins, chap. 2. 180 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. and its banished people;" the land, lying deso- late, mourns the absence of her children, awaits their return, and refuses to be comforted till they are restored to her. And they shall be restored. The " sure word of prophecy" hath declared it. " The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." Even the very terms of the threat- ening, — " the land shall enjoy her sabbaths, while she lieth desolate without them," — indi- cate that a period shall arrive which will termi- nate at once the dispersion of the people, and the desolation of the country. The same prophecy also expressly declares that if the people shall confess their iniquity, and humble their hearts, then the Lord will "remember his covenant with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob," and will also " remember the land," Gen. xvii, 7, 8, 19 ; xxviii, 14; Levit. xxvi, 40-45. The writings of the later prophets abound with predictions of the restoration of the Jews to their own land. It is true that these predic- tions were delivered previous to their return from the Babylonish captivity, and that the greater part of them were spoken with especial refer- ence to that event ; but still there are many which were not, and could not have been, ful- filled at that time, and must, therefore, refer to a restoration which is yet to come. Such is SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 181 the promise contained in Isaiah Ixi, 4, where it is said, — " They shall build the old wastes, They shall raise up the former desolations, And shall repair the waste cities, The desolation of many generations." These words cannot refer to the return of the Jews from Babylon, for they were not there " many generations :" indeed, some of the very individuals who were carried there at the com- mencement of the captivity lived to return to Jerusalem, and witness the founding of the second temple. Ezra iii, 12. The return of the Jews from Babylon was but a partial one ; the great body of the people did not return to their own land. But Ezekiel (xxxix, 25-30) foretels a restoration so com- plete that there shall be "none of them left among the heathen." This prophecy, there- fore, yet remains to be fulfilled. There are other prophecies in which the return of the Jews to their own land is con- nected with their subjection to the kingdom of the Messiah. Thus in Ezekiel xxxiv, 11-13,23, it is said, — " Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, as a shepherd searcheth out his flock In the day that he is among his sheep that are scat- tered; 182 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. So will I seek out my sheep, A.nd will deliver them from all places whither they have been scattered. And I will brmg them out from the people, And gather them from the countries, And will bring them to their own land, And feed them upon the mountains of Israel. And I will set up one Shepherd over them, And he shall feed them, '^^lliig Even my servant David ; ' " He shall feed them, and he shall be their Shepherd." A prediction of similar import is found in Ezekiel xxxvii, 21, 24, 25. " I will take the children of Israel from among the hea- then whither they be gone. And will gather them on every side. And bring them into their own land. And David my servant shall be King over them, And they shall have one Shepherd ; And they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob my servant, Wherein your fathers have dwelt. And they shall dwell therein for ever ; And my servant David shall be their Prince for ever." These predictions, as Dr. A. Clarke* ob- serves, can refer only to the times of the Messiah, who is here intended by the terms Shepherd, and David, which are also applied * See his notes on these passages, and Dn the parallel texts. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 183 to him in other passages, both of the Old and New Testaments * So, also, they are under stood by the Jewish rabbins, who, in these prophecies, read, instead of " David," Messiah the son of David. David, king of Israel, had at this time been dead upward of four hun- dred years, and there has never since been a ruler of any kind, either in the Jewish church or state, of that name. Moreover, the Jews have been no nation since the return from Babylon ; they are no nation now ; and it is only in the latter days that they can expect to be a nation, and that must be a Christian nation. We are obliged, therefore, from the evidence of these prophecies, — from the evidence of the above facts, — from the evidence of the rabbins themselves, — and from the evidence of the New Testament, to consider these texts as applying to Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, who has been a light to lighten the Gentiles, and will yet be the glory of his people Israel. That they shall again be restored to the country of their ancestors, is the universal expectation of the Jews themselves. They * Isa. Iv, 3, 4 ; Jer. xxx, 3-1 1 ; Hosea iii, 4, 5 ; Matt, xii, 23; xxi, 9 ; John x, 14-16 ; Heb. xiii, 20. 184 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. never forget the "pleasant land," but re tain, under erery variety of outward circum- stances, the same imperishable attachment to their ancient heritage. The burden of their song is unchangeable : — " If I forget thee, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth ; If I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy." Psalm cxxxvii, 5. " No matter what the station or rank ; no mat- ter what, or how distant, the country where the Jew resides, he still lives upon the hope that he will some time journey Zionward."* But ere this takes place, they must abandon their fallacious hopes of a future Messiah, and acknowledge as their Saviour and Redeemer him whom their fathers rejected and crucified. Then may they expect the fulfilment of their dearest wishes — the realization of their long- cherished hopes. " An exile of eighteen cen- turies has not extinguished the heaven-char- tered title of the * seed of Abraham' to the final and everlasting possession of the Promised Land." Gen. xvii, 7, 8. The word of the Lord * WUde. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 185 concerning Zion, which he hath neither forgot- ten nor forsaken, is, — "Behold I have graven thee tipon the palms of my hands ; Thy walls are continually before me. Thy children shall make haste ; Thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee." Isa. xlix, 14-23. God will " remember the land," and gather together unto it his ancient people. From the thousand lands in which they are scattered shall the weary-footed wanderers direct their steps toward the home of their fathers ; " and the ransomed of the Lord sflall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads." They shall build up the waste places of Jerusalem, and inhabit again the mountains of Israel. " The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them ; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing : the glory of Leba- non shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and of Sharon. — Violence shall no more be heard in their land, wasting nor de- struction within their borders ; but they shall call their walls Salvation, and their gates Praise. The people also shall be all right- 186 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. eous ; and they shall inherit the land for ever. — I the Lord will hasten it in his TIME." ■'And slie, being desolate, shall sit upon the ground."— Tsa. iii,26. Who is this tha^ mournful sits Beneath the palm tree's shade 1 To the conqueror stern submits, In trophied pride array'd 1 None sustains the head depress'd, None the word of comfort speaks ! Lo, her sorrows soil her breast, Her tears are on her cheeks ! Ah ! it is Zion in captivity That thus sits desolate ! Her sad estate A minish'd band of trembling elders see. Silent beneath her ruin'd towers they stand ; Or, lowly on the ground. In floods of sorrow drown'd, Bewail Jehovah's hand, In judgment resting still on their once favour'd land. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 187 Who but will join in deep lament, With thy sad sons in banishment 1 Who will not mingle tears with thine, Defiled, deserted Palestine 1 While o'er the scene of thy solemnities They turn their wond'ring eyes, And see the Gentile there. Where once thy house of prayer » Received the radiance of the orient skies. Ye who love the sacred land To ancient Israel given. Ye who seek to understand The mysteries of heaven, Listen to the raptured tones IP Of Zion's loftiest lyre, Form, with Abraham's favour'd sons. One sweet harmonious choir. From each respondent comes the strain. That He who in disdain Disown'd Jerusalem, Will yet recall her to his arms again. Her sons shall from the dust arise, Hear the heralds of the skies, Hail with joy Messiah's name, ^ Him the Prince of life proclaim, Loud, though late, hosannas raise, Christ, the son of David, praise. Then shall the Lord his ancient word fulfil ; To David's head the regal crown restore ; Again his temple build on Zion's hill ; Replant his vine, to root it out no more. 188 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Israel's mountains then shall bear The withering curse no more ; Truth and justice ruling there The blessing shall restore. The sacred land, now desolate, Shall then regain its lost estate ; Then shall the towers of Zion stand secure ; Her bright foundations sure, Reflecting heaven's own beams, shall ev^more endure. Haste, then, ye days of glory, when the light Now beaming from the star of prophecy Shall fade, absorb'd in perfect vision bright : When Zion's watchmen, seeing eye to eye. From all her walls shall shout salvation nigh : When with the herald's voice Re-echoing wilds rejoice, And loud winds waft it to the listening sky. Mrs. Bulmer. -^ SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 189 CHAPTER VI. PROPHECIES RESPECTING AMMON AND MOAB. The Ammonites and Moabites descended from Lot — Were noted for their hostility to the Jews— Prophecies respecting the Ammon- ites — The Ammonites as a nation are perished — Contrast be- tween the fate of the Ammonites and that of the Jews — The country of Ammon until recently but little known — Desolation of Kabbah foretold— Fulfilment of this prediction — Testimony of Seetzen, Burckhardt, Buckingham, and Lord Lindsay — General desolation of the country — Prophecies respecting Moab — The Moabites carried captive by Nebuchadnezzar— Are destroyed from being a people — Their country desolate and almost uninhabited — Their ancient cities ruined and deserted — Many of these ruined sites still retain their ancient names — Conclusion. " I WILL make of thee," said Jehovah to Abra- ham, " a great nation ; and I will bless him that blesseth thee, and I will curse him that curseth thee," Gen. xii, 2, 3. The latter part of this prediction is strikingly illustrated by the fate of the various nations which at different times have risen up againt the Jews " to do them hurt." Among these we find the Ammonites and Moabites, who were the descendants of Ben- ammi and Moab, the two sons of Lot. Gen. xix, 37, 38. Both of these nations were gross idola- ters, and were distinguished for their enmity to the Hebrews, embracing every opportunity 190 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. to harass and oppress them. They refused them a passage through their country when on their journey from Egypt to Canaan, and like- wise hired Balaam to curse them, but God turned his curse into a blessing. Deut. xxiii, 3-5. In the time of the judges they invaded and subdued the land of Israel, and oppressed the people for eighteen years. Judges iii, 12-14. In the reign of David, however, they were in their turn conquered by the Israelites, and re- mained in a state of subjection, paying tribute to the kings of Israel, until after the death of Ahab, when they revolted, (2 Kings iii, 4, 5,) and though afterward several times defeated, they do not appear to have been ever again entirely subdued. They acted as the auxiliaries of Ne- buchadnezzar when he invaded Judea in the reign of Jehoiakim. They reviled and insulted the Jews when Judea was laid waste, and pro- fanely exulted over the destruction of Jerusa- lem, and the desecration of the temple. For this, as well as for their general wickedness, the judgments of the Lord were pronounced against them. Isa. xvi, 6-14 ; Jer. xlviii ; xlix, 1,2; Ezek. XXV, 1-10 ; Amos i, 13-15; Zeph. ii, 7-10. The prophecies respecting these nations are of a kindred character, and have been most SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 191 literally fulfilled. We will first notice those which refer to the land and people of AMMON. " The word of the Lord," saith Ezekiel, " came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against the Ammonites, and prophesy against them; and say unto the Ammonites, Hear ye the word of the Lord God ; thus saith the Lord God, — * Because thou saidst, Aha, against my sanctuary, when it was profaned ; And against the land of Israel, when it was desolate ; And against the house of Judah, when they went into captivity ; Behold, therefore, I will deliver thee to the men of the east for a possession. And they shall set their palaces in thee, And make their dwellings in thee : They shall eat thy fruit, and they shall drink thy milk. And I will make Rabbah a stable for camels, And the Ammonites* a couching-place for flocks : * By the word " Ammonites," we must of course under- stand the chief city or cities of the Ammonites, for it is not expressive of desolation that flocks should pasture any- where in the open country ; but it is eminently so, that they should be stabled among the ruins, and fed upon the sites of cities once populous and flourishing. That this is the sense is shown by the context, as well as by other passages. — Pictorial Bible. 192 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. And ye shall know that I am the Lord. Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, And will deliver thee for a spoil to the heathen ; And I will cut thee off from the people, And I will cause thee to perish out of the countries ; I will destroy thee ; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord.'*' Ezek. xxv, 1-7. From these predictions, and from some others of a similar import, (Zeph. ii, 7-10,) it will be seen, that the Ammonites were to perish as a nation — that Rabbah, their capital, was to be utterly ruined — and their country to become desolate. / mil cut thee off from the people — / mil cause thee to perish out of the countries — / will destroy thee. — The Ammonites suffered in common with the neighbouring nations, when Nebuchadnez- zar invaded Judea and the adjacent countries, and carried the inhabitants into captivity, but, as was foretold by Jeremiah, (xlix, 6,) they were, on the subversion of the Babylonish em- pire, permitted to return to their own land. After this we find them exposed to the various revolutions with which the people of Syria and Palestine were visited, being sometimes sub- ject to the kings of Egypt, and sometimes to those of Syria. During the persecutions of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes, the Ammonites SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 193 exercised great cruelties against such of them as lived in their parts : in consequence of this they were attacked by Judas Maccabeus, who defeated them in several battles, and took the city of Jazer, with the adjoining towns.* This was their last conflict with the descendants of Israel ; their power was broken, and from this period they rapidly declined, until at length, in accordance with the prophecy, they became extinct as a nation. They were gradually blended with the Arabs, and Origen, who lived in the fourth century, assures us that in his days they were only known under this general name. There is in this particular a striking diflfer- ence between the fate of the Ammonites and that of the Jews. The latter, though they have for many centuries been dispersed among all nations, have survived to this day as a distinct people ; and their renowned land has never, since they left it, ceased to be known and regard- ed with interest, because they once occupied it. But for ages the existence of the Ammonites as a nation, or even as a tribe, has been extinct ; none are now called by their name, nor do any claim a descent from them. And as to their * 1 Maccabees v, 1-8 ; Josephus, Ant., book xii, chap. 8, sec. 1. 13 194 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. country, it has only been within the last few- years that it has been noticed by European travellers, or that any information concerning it has been acquired. Till then its situation generally was collected from Scripture intima- tions, which, with some information from an- cient writers concerning its towns, formed the amount of what was known respecting the land of Ammon. And even now, while the antiqua- rian traveller knows that he is in that land, re- cognises the names which the Bible has made familiar, marks the position and character of sites and ruins, and, whether he intends it or not, collects information to confirm the truth of Scripture prophecy, — the few inhabitants, while they preserve the names which the Am- monites gave to their towns, have no traditions concerning that people, nor do they know whose land it is that they occupy. So utterly is the memory of the Ammonites perished, that it would at this day be unknown that such a people ever existed, or that the country in question was ever in their possession, were it not that the sacred book preserves the record - of their history and doom.* They are " cut off from the people," and are "no more re- membered among the nations." * See Pictorial Bible, note on Ezek. xxv 7-10. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 195 I will make Rabhah a stable for camels, and the Ammonites a couching-place for flocks. Ammon shall be a perpetual desolation. — The precise and striking manner in whicl^ the prophecies re- specting this city have .*en accomplished, gives the place more interest than it could his- torically claim, although even that is not incon- siderable. Rabbah, called also Rabbath-am- mon, was a city of great antiquity, having been the capital of the Ammonites before the He- brews entered the land of Canaan. It was taken from the Ammonites by David, (2 Sam. xii, 26-29,) but when the tribes beyond Jordan were carried into captivity, the Ammonites re- gained possession of the cities which had been taken from them. Although Rabbah appears to have been seve- ral times wholly or partially destroyed in war, by the kings of Babylon, and the Greek mo- narchs of Syria and Egypt, yet the successive conquerors, down to the time of the Romans, appear to have rebuilt and improved the city, being sensible of its advantageous situation, so that it very long maintained its rank as the local metropolis. From Ptolemy Philadelphus, by whom it was restored and fortified, it re- ceived the name of Philadelphia, but some of the ancient writers continued to call it by its 196 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. old name. The character of some of its ex- isting remains shows that the place was im- proved and embellished while possessed by the Romans ; but after their time it seems to have lost its consequence, although the date of its final desolation is unknown. In the time of Jerome it still subsisted under the name of Phi- ladelphia. The Orientals, however, preserve old names with remarkable tenacity, and the ruin- ed city of the Ammonites is still called Amman by the natives of the country. The researches of Seetzen, Burckhardt, Buckingham, G. Robin- son, and Lord Lindsay, have made us fully ac- quainted with this site, concerning which we had previously no information. The principal ruins lie along the banks of a small river, call- ed Moiet Ammon, [the water of Ammon,] and occupy an area formed by the openings of two valleys. At the point where the valleys meet, and commanding the entrance, there is a high hill, on the summit of which are the remains of a strong and extensive fortress — almost a town in itself — the walls of which are formed of huge blocks of stone, resting one upon an- other, without any cement, and appear to be of very remote antiquity * * This was probably the strong hold which Joab wished David to have the honour of taking, after he had himseif SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 197 Although this town has been destroyed and deserted for many ages, there are still some re- markable ruins which attest its ancient splen- dour. Among these, Seetzen and Burckhardt enumerate a square building, highly ornamented, which has been, perhaps, a mausoleum ; the ruins of a large palace ; a magnificent amphitheatre of immense size, and well preserved ; a temple with a great number of columns ; the ruins of a large church; the remains of a temple with columns set in a circular form, and which are of extraordinary size ; the remains of the an- cient wall, with several other edifices. Burck- hardt further states, that a large portion of the site is " covered with the ruins of private build- ings — but nothing of them remains, except the foundations and some of the door posts." When Mr. Buckingham visited Rabbath-ammon, he halted for the night with a tribe of Arabs,- who were found encamped among the ruins, in a hollow behind the top of the threatre. Next morning he makes the following remark in his journal : — " During the night I was almost en- tirely prevented from sleeping, by the bleating of the flocks, the neighing of mares, and the barking of dogs." He also describes, among taken the lower town, which he calls " the city of wa- ters." — Pictorial Bible. 198 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY* the rtiins, a building surrounding " an open square court, with, arched recesses on each side. The recesses in the northern and southern walls were originally open passages, and had arched doorways facing each other ; but the first of these was found wholly closed up, and the last was partially filled up, leaving only a narrow passage, just sufficient for the entrance of one man, and of the goats which the Arab keepers drive in here occasionally for shelter during the night." The latest accofunt of Rabbah is that given by Lord Lindsay, who thus describes it: — " We descended a precipitous stony slope into the valley of Ammon, and crossed a beautiful stream,* bordered at intervals by strips of stunt- ed grass, often interrupted ; no oleanders cheer- ed the eye with their rich blossoms ; the hills on both sides were rocky and bare, and pierced with excavations and natural caves. Here, at a turning in the narrow valley, commences the antiquities of Amman. It was situated on both sides the stream. The dreariness of its present aspect is quite indescribable — it looks like the * The Moiet Ammon. It has its source in a pond a few hundred paces from the south-west end of the town, and after passing under ground several times, empties it' self into the Jabbok. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 199 abode of death ; the valley stinks with dead camels ; one of them was rotting in the stream ; and although we saw none among the ruins, they were absolutely covered in every direc- tion with their dung. That morning's ride would have convinced a skeptic. How runs the pro- phecy ? — * / will make Rahhah a stable for camels t and the Ammonites a couching-place for flocks ; and ye shall know that I am the Lord P Nothing but the croaking of frogs, and screams of wild birds broke the silence, as we advanced up this valley of desolation. — It was a bright, cheerful morning, but still th^ valley is a very dreary spot, even when the sun shines bright- est. Vultures were garbaging on a camel, as we slowly rode back through the glen, and re- ascended the akiha by which we entered it. Amman is now quite deserted except by the Bedouins, who water their flocks at its little river. We met sheep and goats by thousands, and camels by hundreds, coming down to drink, all in beautiful condition." When the prophets of Israel pronounced the doom of Rabbah, more than a thousand years had given uninterrupted experience of its stability ; for a thousand years has it now lain ^esolate ; yet still it is not so utterly ex- tinct but that the Bedouin, who alone frequents 200 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. the spot, can fold his cattle in its temples and palaces, fulfilling the divine prediction, that the proud Rabbah of the Ammonites should be " a stable for camels, and a couching-place for flocks." The whole country also partakes of the same desolate character. Mr. G. Robinson says, — "To the southward of the river Zerka (the Jab- bok of the Scriptures) commences the country anciently inhabited by the Ammonites ; a coun- try in those days as remarkable for its rich productions, as for the number and strength of the cities which covered its surface. It is now one vast desert, having long since ceased to be inhabited by man in a civilized state." It con- sists of a series of extensive plains, having a rich soil, but exhibiting no traces of cultivation Mr. Buckingham, viewing one of these plains from an eminence, observes, — " Throughout its whole extent were seen ruined towns in every direction, both before, behind, and on each side of us ; generally seated on small eminences,all at a short distance from each other ; and all we had yet seen bearing evident marks of former opulence and consideration. My guide, who had been over every part of it, assured me that the whole plain was covered with the finest soil, and capable of being the most productive SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 201 corn land in the world. It is true that for the space of thirty miles there did not appear to me a single interruption of hill, rock, or wood, to impede immediate tillage ; and it is certain that the great plain of Esdraelon, so justly- celebrated for its extent and fertility, is inferior in both to this plain. Like Esdraelon, it ap- pears also to have been once the seat of an active and numerous population." " While numerous ruins indicate how rich and populous the country once was, it is now without fixed inhabitants. The wandering tribes resort to it in the summer months, for the sake of the pasturage which it offers ; but when they have left, the ashes and dung of their encampments are the only signs of human occupation which the country affords. Thus truly has Ammon be- come " a desolation," as the prophets foretold."* We now pass on to the prophecies respect- ing MOAB, which are more numerous, and equally explicit. " Against Moab, thus saith the Lord of hosts, Wo unto Nebo ! for it is spoiled ; Kiriathaim is confounded and taken ; Misgab is confounded and dismayed. ♦ Pictorial History of Palestine. I 202 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. The spoiler shall come upon every city, And no city shall escape ; The valley also shall perish, And the plain shall be destroyed. Give wings unto Moab, That it may flee and get away : For the cities thereof shall be desolate, Without any to dwell therein. Moab hath been at ease from his youth, And he hath settled on his lees ; And he hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel, Neither hath he gone into captivity. Therefore, behold the days come, saith the Lord, That I will send unto him wanderers that shall cause him to wander. Thou daughter that dost inhabit Dibon : Come down from thy glory and sit in thirst. For the spoiler of Moab shall come upon thee. And he shall destroy thy strong holds. Moab is confounded ; for it is broken down ; Howl and cry ; Tell ye it in Arnon, that Moab is spoiled. And judgment is come upon the plain country ; Upon Holon, and upon Jahazah, and upon Mephaath, And upon Dibon, and upon Nebo, And upon Kerioth, and upon Bozrah, And upon all the cities of Moab, far or near. And joy and gladness is taken From the plentiful field, and from the land of Moab. And Moab shall be destroyed from being a people. Because he hath magnified himself against the Lord." Jer. xlviii. "Moab shall be a perpetual desolation." Zeph. ii, 9. SCRIPrrRE PROPHECY. 203* These predictions began to be accomplished when Nebuchadnezzar, five years after the de- struction of Jerusalem, invaded Moab and car- ried away its inhabitants ; thus, according to the prophecy, causing to wander from their home, the people who had never before " gone into captivity." Although they were probably permitted to return to their own land when Cyrus overtlirew the kingdom of Babylon, yet it does not appear that they were ever again an inde- pendent nation. They were successively sub- ject to the Persians, Syrians, Egyptians, and Romans ; and have now, like their brethren the Ammonites, long since been destroyed from being a people ; their very name was lost, many centuries ago, and they have become mingled with the Jews and Arabians. Respecting the land and cities of Moab, the prophecies are remarkably full and explicit, but not more so than the evidence of their complete fulfilment, which the present state of that country furnishes. Moab shall be a perpetual desolation. The valley shall perish, and the plain shall be de- stroyed. — The land of Moab lay on the eastern side of the Dead Sea, to the south, and partly to the north, of the river Amon. The surface 204 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. of the country is more diversified with hill and dale than is that of the Ammonites, further east. The valleys, through which streams flow at all times of the year, are generally beauti- fully wooded. Although the land now lies de- solate, and the sand and salt of the desert and the Dead Sea encroach upon its borders, there is not wanting abundant evidence of its ancient fertility and numerous population. The land thus desert is eminently fertile in its natu- ral character, and continues to afford rich re- turns in the few spots which are under cultiva- tion. The extraordinary number of ruined towns, often in close proximity to each other, testify that the ancient populousness of this re- gion was in full accordance with the rich cha- racter of the soil. The country may now be said to be abandoned, except by a few wander- ing and hostile Arab tribes, who pasture theii flocks on the wild herbage of its once cultivated plains. Vestiges of the ancient field enclo- sures may still be traced ; and there are re- mains of ancient highways, which in some places are completely paved, and in which there are milestones of the time of Trajan, Au- relius, and Severus, with the number of the miles still legible upon them. These latter facts show that the land of Moab continued SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 205 to be populous and cultivated, down to a period considerably subsequent to that in which the canon of Scripture was closed.* There could, therefore, in the times of the prophets, have been no probability that it would ever be re- duced to that state of utter desolation " in which it has continued for so many ages, and which vindicates to this hour the truth of Scripture prophecy." The cities shall he desolate, without any to dwell therein. The spoiler shall come upon every city, no city shall escape. — We have already adverted to the ancient populousness of the land of Moab. There are few modem coun- tries so thickly covered with inhabited towns as Moab is with ruined and deserted ones. The accounts of this region were, until the early part of the present century, uncommonly meagre ; " for, through fear of the predatory Arabs by whom it is frequented, none of the numerous travellers in Palestine ventured to explore it. * Seetzen, who, in February and March, 1806, not without danger of his life, undertook a tour from Damascus down to the south of Jordan and the Dead Sea, and thence to Jerusalem, was the first to shed a new and altogether unexpected light upon the topogra- * Pictorial Bible — Irby and Mangles — Burckhardt. 206 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. phy of this region, and thereby upon our pro- phecy. He found a muhitude of places, or at least ruins of places, still bearing the old names."* Since that period it has been visited by several other travellers. Burckhardt men- tions the names of forty ruined sites, which he passed in the course of his route through this country. Messrs. Irby and Mangles tell us, " the whole of the plains are covered with the sites of towns, on every eminence or spot convenient for the situation of one." Among the ruins are the remains of temples, sepulchral monuments, and other edifices. In some of the buildings are stones twenty feet in length, and so broad that one constitutes the thickness of the wall. Many of these sites of ruins still bear names corresponding to those by which the cities of Moab are designated in Scripture. Burckhardt says, — " The ruins of Eleale, Hesh- bon, Meon, Medeba, Dibon, and Aroer, all situated on the north side of the Arnon, still subsist, to illustrate the history of the children of Israel.f To the south of the wild torrent Modjeb [Arnon] I found the considerable ruins * Gesenius on Isaiah. t Before the time of Moses, that part of Moab ^hich lay north of the Arnon, had been conquered by the Amo- rites, from whom it was afterward taken by the Israel- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 207 of Rabbat Moab." This city, which was the capital of Moab, was called Rabbath-moab, to distinguish it from the Ammonite city of the same name ; it is sometimes also called Ar ; the Greeks called it Areopolis. The ruins which still bear the name of Rabba are situ- ated about twenty-five miles south of the Amon, on a low hill which commands the whole plain ; those which now appear are comprehended within the circuit of a little more than a mile. There are several remains of private buildings, but none entire ; and the only conspicuous objects among the ruins are the remains of a temple or palace, of which the walls and several niches are still stand- ing, the gate of another building, two Co- rinthian columns, and an insulated altar in the plain : no traces of its walls are now to be found. Jerome says the city was overthrown by an earthquake when he was a young man. — The name of Dibon is still preserved in a ruined town called Diban, situated in a fine ites, and given to the tribe of Reuben. When the tribes beyond Jordan were carried into captivity, the Moabites recovered this part of their old territory : they held it in the time of Isaiah and Jeremiah, and most of the cities of Moab mentioned by these prophets once belonged to the Israelites. 208 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. plain, about three miles north of the Arnon. The ruins, which are of considerable extent, present nothing of interest. — Heshbon, now called Heshan, was situated about sixteen miles north of the Arnon. The ruins of a consider- able town still exist, and cover the sides of an insulated hill. There are a number of deep wells cut in the rocks, and also a large re- servoir intended to hold water for the summer supply of the inhabitants. — The name of Me- deba is still preserved in that of Madeha, ap- plied to a large ruined town situated on a round hill about six miles south-east of Hesh- bon. Here is an immense, well-built tank or cistern, one hundred and thirty yards wide by one hundred and fifteen deep, which, as there is no stream at Medeba, might still be of use to the Bedouins, were the surrounding ground cleared of the rubbish to allow the water to flow into it ; but, as Burckhardt remarks, such an undertaking is far beyond the views of the wandering Arabs. Not a single edifice is stand- ing ; but on the west side of the town are the remains of a temple, built of large blocks of stone, and apparently of great antiquity.* — Several other places might also be enumerated, * Pictorial Bible — Seetzen — Burckhardt — Irby and Man- gles — G. Robinson. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 209 but as they " are remarkable for nothing but what is common to them with all the cities of Moab — their entire desolation" — it is needless to enter into further details. Of all the cities in this region, Karrak, a frontier town on the southern border, is the only one now inhabited by man. In the early ages of Christianity it was an important city, and the seat of a bishopric ; but " its walls have mostly fallen down, and Karrak can now justly lay claim to nothing more than the name of village." " The spoiler hath come upon Moab, And hath destroyed her strong holds ; Her cities are desolate, without any to dwell therein." " In view of the prophecies and facts in rela- tion to the land of Moab, we may observe, that we have here an evidence of the genuineness and truth of the sacred records. Here is a pro- phetic description of a land and its numerous towns, made nearly three thousand years ago, and in its minutest particulars it is sustained by all the travellers of modern times ; — every successive visiter brings some additional con- firmation of the truth of the prophecy. — The remains of once splendid cities, dilapidated walls, half demolished temples, and fragments broken and consumed by time, proclaim to the 14 210 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. world that those cities are what the prophets, under the inspiration of God, foretold they would be."* That such numerous cities, which had sub- sisted for so many ages, should, all of them, ever be reduced to such a state of utter desola- tion and desertion as that in which we now find them, was, in the time of the prophets, an event so utterly improbable as to surpass all human conception. They were then, and at a period long subsequent, in the most prosperous and flourishing condition. Their fate could only have been foreseen by Him who knoweth the end from the beginning, and to whom the events of the future are as manifest as those that have long been past. * Bames on Isaiah. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 211 CHAPTER VII. PROPHECIES CONCERNING PHILISTIA. The Philistines— Their origin and country— Prophecies coBcem« ing tliem — The Philistines as a people are extinct— Their country neglected and well nigh depopulated — Its present condition as described by Volney and Addison— Ancient Gaza destroyed and forsaken— Description of modern Gaza— Askelon desolate and uninhabited — Description of its ruins — Description of the valley between Askelon and Gaza — Former strength and importance^ and present state of Ashdod— Ekron is utterly destroyed. The Philistines were descended from Miz- raim, the second son of Ham, by whom Egypt was originally peopled. They seem to have left that country at an early period, and to have ' fixed themselves on the western coast of Ca- naan, expelling the Avites, by whom it had been previously occupied. The period of their set- tling in Canaan is unknown, but it must have been considerably before the time of Abraham. They soon became so powerful as to give to the whole country the name of Palestine, by which it was known even in the time of Moses, (Exod. XV, 14,) and under which it is mention- ed by Greek and Roman writers. The part of Palestine actually occupied by the Philistines was, however, of very inconsiderable extent, being merely a narrow strip extending about 212 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. sixty miles along tlie coast from the " river of Egypt," nearly to the bay of Joppa. This tract of country, wliich, as travellers inform us, is still called Phalastin by the natives, is naturally very fertile : on the distribution of the land of Canaan among the Israelites it fell to the lot of Judah, but the people of that tribe were never able to dispossess the Philistines of it. In the time of Joshua, the country of the Philistines was divided into five principalities or lord- ships ; namely, Gaza, Askelon, Ashdod, Gath and Ekron. The following are some of the principal prophecies concerning this people, and their country : — " Thus saith the Lord God ; * Behold, I will stretch out my hand upon the Philistines, And destroy the remnant of the sea-coasts.' " EZEK. XXV, 16. " Baldness is come upon Gaza ;* Askelon is cut off with the remnant of their valley." Jer. xlvii, 5. * Shaving the head was anciently, in Eastern countries, a token of mourning, and was commonly practised on oc- casion of the death of a relative, or in a time of general calamity. Isa. xxii, 12 ; Jer. xvi, 6 ; Micah i, 16. In al- lusion to this custom, the prophets use the term " bald- ness" in a figurative sense, to denote the misery that would follow the infliction of God's judgments upon guilty cities and nations. Thus in the present case, the expres- SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 213 ** For three transgressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof. I will send a fire upon the walls of Gaza which shall devour the palaces thereof. And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, And him that holdeth the sceptre from Askelon ; And 1 will turn my hand against Ekron ; And the remnant of the Philistines shall perish." Amos i, 6-8. * The king shall perish from Gaza, And Askelon shall not be inhabited." Zkch. ix, 5. ** For Gaza shall be forsaken, And Askelon a desolation : They shall drive out Ashdod at the noon-day, And Ekron shall be rooted up. Wo unto the inhabitants of the sea-coasts, The nation 'of the Cherethites !* The word of the Lord is against you ; Canaan, the land of the Philistines, 1 will even destroy thee that there shall be no inhabitant. And the sea-coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks." Zech. ii, 4-6. " The remnant of the Philistines shall perish.^* — The Philistines were the most powerful and lasting enemies that the Israelites had to en- sion " baldness shall come upon Gaza," signifies no more than that it should be visited by some heavy calamity ; and in this sense the word is used in several other pro- phecies. See Isa. xv, 2 ; Ezek. vii, 18 ; Amos viii, 10. * The Cherethites were Philistines, as were also the Pelethites. 214 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. counter. The history of the wars between the two people fills a large space in the histo- rical books of Scripture, and these contests continued to be waged from the commence- ment of the Jewish commonwealth to its disso- lution at the captivity. After the return of the Jews to their own country, the wars between the two nations were revived ; but in the time of the Maccabees, the Philistines were com- pletely subdued by the Jews, who took pos- session of the whole country. After this the Philistines did not long remain as a separate people ; they probably became incorporated with the Jews who settled in their country, and hence, though they are before us from the commencement to the close of the Old Testa- ment history, they are not once mentioned in the New Testament. " / will destroy the land of the Philistines that there shall he no inhabitant; and the sea-coast shall he dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks.''^ — When this prophecy was de- livered, and for many ages after, the land of the Philistines was a rich and well-cultivated region, with a numerous population, and strong- ly fortified cities. There could at that time have been no human probability of its eventual SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 215 desolation ; yet the words of the prophecy con- tain an accurate description of the state of that country at the present day, and for several cen- turies past. It partakes of the general desola- tion of Judea and the neighbouring states. Mr. Addison says, — " We were now in the country anciently inhabited by the warlike Philistines, the uncircumcised generation who at different times smote the Hebrews with great slaughter, and, in the memorable battle in which the ark of God was taken, * slew of the Israelites thirty thousand footmen.' We were traversing the land renowned for the wonderful exploits of Samson. The country is vastly different from what it was in those times. The vineyards of Timnath no longer exist ; nor are lions now anywhere to be found. At the present day, * three hundred foxes turned tail to tail,' with *a firebrand in the midst between two tails,' might range throughout the land without doing much damage, there being no longer * the shocks and the standing corn, with the vineyards and olives,' to be burned up with fire, as at the pe- riod when Samson revenged himself on the Philistines for the loss of his wife. By the expression, " it shall be without an inhabitant," we are to understand that the coun- try should be in a great measure depopulated ; 216 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. not that it should be literally without a single inhabitant. That this is the meaning of the prophet is evident from the words which im- mediately follow, and in which he describes the kind of persons by whom the country should be occupied. " And the sea-coast shall be dwell- ings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks." And this, Mr. Richardson says, is the literal truth at present with respect to the Phi- listine coast in general, and in particular of Askelon and its vicinity. But the most striking corroboration of the divine prediction is that supplied by Volney, in the account which he gives of the modern state of the land of the Philistines. " In the plain between Ramla and Gaza, we meet with a number of villages, badly built, of dried mud, and which, like the inhabitants, exhibit every mark of poverty and wretchedness. The houses, on a nearer view, are only so many huts, sometimes detached, and sometimes ranged in the form of cells around a court-yard, enclosed by a mud wall. In winter, the people and their cattle may be said to live together, the part of the dwelling allotted to themselves being only raised two feet above that in which they lodge their beasts. — The environs of these villages are sown, at the proper season, with SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 217 grain and water-melons ; all the rest is a de- sert, and abandoned to the Bedouin Arabs who feed their flocks on it. At every step we meet with ruins of towns, dungeons, and castles with fosses, and sometimes a garrison, consisting of the lieutenant of an Aga, and two or three Bar- bary soldiers, with nothing but a shirt and a musket ; but more frequently they are inhabited by jackals, owls, and scorpions." " I will send a fire upon the walls of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof, — The king shall perish from Gaza. — Gaza shall he for^ sakenP — Gaza was situated on the Mediterra- nean coast, about sixty miles south-west of Je- rusalem, and was the most southern of the Philistine principalities. Its situation as a frontier defence against Egypt, rendered it at all tim6s a place of importance, and exposed it to many revolutions. In the year three hun- dred and thirty-one before Christ, it was taken, but not destroyed, by Alexander the Great, af- ter the siege of Tyre ; in one hundred and ninety-eight before Christ, it was taken and plundered by Antiochus, king of Syria ; and one hundred years later, it was utterly destroyed by Alexander Janneus, king of Judea. It lay de- solate about forty years, when it was rebuilt by 218 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. Gabinus, the Roman governor of Syria. It was afterward, according to Josephus, again destroyed by the Jews, with several other towns, to avenge a massacre of their country- men at Cesarea. This explains the expres- sion used by St. Luke, who, in mentioning Gaza, observes that it was then " desert." Acts viii, 26. Thus it appears that the Gaza which exist- ed in the time of the prophets did actually be- come ruined and desolate. It was also literally " forsaken," as the modem town, though it re- tains the name, does not occupy the site of the old city, having been built nearer the sea. As modern Gaza is the only place of any note now existing in the country formerly occupied by the Philistines, some account of it, though not exactly illustrating the prophecy, may not be altogether out of place. The best description is that of Sandys, of which the following abridgment comprises the substance : — " It stands upon a hill surrounded with valleys, and those again well-nigh environed with hills, most of them planted with all sorts of delicate fruits. The buildings mean, both of forme and matter ; the best but low, of rough stone, arch- ed within, and flat on the top, including a quad- rangle ; the walls surmounting their roofes, ^ SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 219 wrought througli with potsheards to catch and strike downe the refreshing winds, having spouts of the same, in colour, shape, and sight, re- sembling great ordnance. Others covered with mats and hurdles ; some built of mud ; amongst all, not any comely or convenient. Yet there are some reliques left, and some impressions, that testifie a better condition ; for divers simple roofes are supported with goodly pillars of Pa- rian marble, some plaine, some curiously carved A number broken in pieces doe serve for thresh- olds, jambs of doores, and sides of windowes. On the north-east corner and summitie of the hill are the mines of huge arches, sunke low in the earth, and other foundations of a stately building. — On the west side of the city, out of sight, and yet within hearing, is the sea, seven furlongs off,* where they have a decayed and unsafe port, of small auaile at this day to the inhabitants. In the valley, on the east side of the city, are many straggling buildings." " This is a more complete account of Gaza than any which later travellers give ; and the most of it is still applicable, except that some of the ancient remains of columns, &c., have disappeared. The town being surrounded by, and interspersed with, gardens and plantations * Recent travellers make it more. 220 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. of olive and date trees, has a picturesque ap- pearance ; and the interior, though mean, dis- appoints expectation rather less than do most Syrian towns." — Pict. Bible. " Askelon shall he a desolation. — Askelon shall not he inhabited." — ^Askelon was situated about twelve miles north of Gaza, and was accounted the most strongly fortified town on the Philis- tine coast. It was seated on a hill which pre- sents an abrupt, wave-beaten face to the sea, but slopes gently landward, where a ridge of rock winds around the town in a semicircular direction, terminating at each extremity in the sea. On this rock the walls were built, the foundations of which remain all the way around, and though generally ruined, maintain in some places their original elevation, wliich was con- siderable ; they are of great thickness, and flanked with towers at different distances. It is remarkable that the ground falls within the walls, as it does on the outside ; the town is, therefore, situated in a hollow, so that no part of the b/iildings could be seen from without the walls. In the early ages of Christianity, Askelon became the seat of a bishopric ; and in the time of the crusades, the degree of consequence SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 221 which it still retained, and the strength of its position, caused its possession to be warmly contested between the Christians and the Sa- racens. Since the expulsion of the Christians it has ceased to be a place of any importance. " Sandys, early in the seventeenth century, describes it then as * a place of no note ; more than that, the Turke doth keepe there a garri- son.' It is now of still less note, being an en- tirely deserted ruin, — * a scene of desolation,' says Mr. Joliffe, * the most complete I ever wit- nessed, except at Nicopolis.' " — Pict. Bible. The fullest description of the present state of Askelon is that given by Mr. Addison, which, though too lengthy to be inserted en- tire, is yet too interesting to be altogether omitted. The following abridgment embraces the most important particulars : — " We now crossed a bare, uncultivated country, and the guide, pointing to a hill in front, upon which some crumbling walls were visible, announced to us * the ruins of Askelon.' We ascended to the summit of the eminence, and clamber- ing through a gap in the walls, over loose masses of stone, imbedded in cement, we gazed over a hollow valley, within which lay ex- tended the solitary ruins of the once populous and flourishing city. On an eminence above 222 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. towered the tottering walls of a ruined monas- tery, and around, in every direction, extended a succession of bare, arid sand-hills, bordered by a low and desolate sandy coast. " Descending into the hollow, we wandered amid masses of masonry, heaps of stone, and mounds of rubbish. Here and there we per- ceived the mutilated shafts of gray granite columns, and some broken pillars of coarse mar- ble. The foundations of walls and the ruins of houses encumbered the ground at every step, and the remains of gardens and of courts, once attached to the domestic habita- tions of the city, were plainly distinguishable on all sides. These confused heaps present a scene of thorough desolation ; not a single column is erect, nor a single shaft entire. " We wandered down to the sea-shore, and crossed over the shattered masses of wall which once formed the defences of the town toward the sea. Askelon was the principal maritime town of the Philistines ; now not the vestige of a port is traceable. A wild, soli- tary, naked coast stretches far away on either side, and no safe refuge for ships is now any- where to be distinguished. " The ruined monastery before alluded to was the last inhabited dwelling on the spot. A SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 223 few monks here sheltered themselves amid the ruins of the once populous city, and for a long time struggled against the genius of deso- lation which brooded over the place ; they cul- tivated a little garden, and subsisted on the charity of distant brethren. Their resources, however, at last diminished — the support from abroad was withdrawn — ^the building was gradually allowed to go to ruin ; some of the monks sought refuge in other establish- ments, and the last of the inhabitants of As- kelon was laid in his sandy grave many a year back. Upon this forlorn spot, where once was congregated a large population, and where once stood the proudest of the five satrapies of the Philistines, there is now not a single inhabit- ant. There is not a dwelling near the place, and the surrounding country is deserted and uncultivated. Askelon is become * a desola- tion,' it is ' not inhabited.' " '^Baldness is come upon Gaza ; Askelon is cut off with the remnant of their valley ^ — The pro- phet in this passage evidently alludes to the valley lying between Gaza and Askelon. San- dys gives an interesting description of the na- tural beauty and fertility, and at the same time neglected and desolate condition of this 224 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. tract of country. He says, — " Wee past this day through the most pregnant and pleasant valley that ever eye beheld. On the right hand a ridge of high mountaines, whereon stands He- bron ; on the left hand the Mediterranean Sea, bordered with continuous hills, beset with varietie of fruits ; as they are for the most part of this daye's ioumey. The champaine betweene, about twentie miles over full of flowry hils ascending leasurely, and not much surmounting their ranker valleys, with groves of olives and other fruits dispersedly adorned. Yet is this wealthy bottome (as are all the rest) for the most part uninhabited but only for a few small and contemptible villages, possessed by barbarous Moores, [Arabs,] who till no more than will serve to feed them : — the grasse waste-high, unmowed, uneaten, and use- lessly withering." " / will cut off the inhabitants from Ashdod. — Ashdod shall he driven out at noon-day. ^^ — This town was situated between Ekron on the north and Askelon on the south. It was nearer to the sea than the former, but not so near as the latter, which seems to have been the only one of the five that stood close out to the shore. It was anciently a place of much importance, SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 225 and was surrounded by a wall of great strength. It is distinguished for having sustained the longest siege recorded in history, having been besieged for twenty-nine years by Psammitti- cus, king of Egypt. In the time of the Mac- cabees, it was taken and destroyed by the Jews. It was probably to this event that the preceding prophecies referred. Under the Ro- mans, Ashdod was rebuilt, and it is mentioned in Acts viii, 40, under the name of Azotus. "In the early ages of Christianity it became the seat of a bishopric, and it continued to be a fair village till the time of Jerome. It is now an inconsiderable place. Volney says, — " Leaving Yabna, we met successively with various ruins, the most considerable of which are at Ezdoud, the ancient Azotus, famous at present for its scorpions. This town, so pow- erful under the Philistines, affords no proof of its ancient importance." "/ will turn my hand against Ekron. — Ekron shall be rooted up" — This was the most north- ern of the Philistine cities. " In the time of Jerome it was a large village, and was then called Accaron. In the time of Breidenbachius, whose Travels were first published in 1486, it had declined from a village to a solitary cot- 15 226 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. tage or hut, which still bore the ancient name. No traces of the name or site can now be dis- covered." — Pict. Bible, Dr. Robinson found, near the spot where Ekron must have been situated, a village named Akir, which, he says, "there seems no reason to doubt, answers to the ancient Ekron. It is of considerable size ; but we could perceive nothing to distinguish it from other modern villages of the plain. Like them it is built of unburnt bricks or mud ; and exhibits to the eye of the traveller no marks of antiquity." Whether this village occupies the site of the ancient city of the Philistines or not, the integrity of the prophecy is not in any way affected by it, Akir being only a modern village, exhibiting no marks of antiquity. The Ekron of Scripture is " rooted up : " so completely has the prediction been accomplished, that not a ruin is left to designate the spot on which the city stood. Thus have the prophecies respecting Philistia been accomplished: the people have perished, and the land is mostly desolate ; ancient Gaza has been demolished and forsaken ; Askelon is a desolation, and its ruins do not shelter a single inhabitant ; the inhabitants are cut off from Ashdod ; and Ekron is rooted up. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 227 CHAPTER VIII. PROPHECIES CONCERNING NINEVEH. Obscurity of its early history — Its situation, and antiquity — Its extraordinary dimensions — Diodorus's account of it — Was not a compactly built city — Probable number of inhabitants — Nineveh a commercial city — Was an exceedingly wicked as well as great city — Jonah's mission — Repentance of the Ninevites — Their relapse — Nahum foretels the fall of Nineveh — Remarks on Na- hum's prophecies — Substance of his predictions — Zephaniah's prophecy respecting Nineveh — Prosperous state of Nineveh when these prophecies were uttered — Nineveh taken by the Medes and Babylonians — ^Particulars of its siege suid capture, showing the Uteral fulfilments of the prophecies— The final and utter desolation of Nineveh foretold— AccompUshment of this prediction — Notices respecting the site of Nineveh, from several modem travellers — Conclusion. " Of the early history of the great Assyrian empire, little is with certainty known. The bewildering antiquity of its origin — the im- mensity of its dominion — the splendiftir and gigantic bulk of its cities — and the utter deso- lation that, for long ages, has overspread them, invest the subject with the character of a mag- nificent dream. Yet that such cities as Nine- veh and Babylon have existed, and with a grandeur perhaps never since equalled, we can- not but believe. The ashes still remain to prove that the Titanic forms have been ;" and their extent and splendour are recorded on the page of both sacred and profane history. 228 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. " There are few ruins of ancient cities around which lingers a stronger interest than those of Nineveh. It was one of the first founded cities in the world. Its reputed great- ness has almost the air of an eastern fable. It was the theatre of an extraordinary mission of one Hebrew prophet, while another foretold its desolation in words of brief but terrible im- port."* Nineveh was the capital of the first Assy- rian empire, and stood on the bank of the river Tigris. There is some uncertainty as to its exact site, but the testimony of most ancient writers concurs with the local traditions to fix it on the eastern bank of the river, opposite the modern town of Mosul, where there are seve- ral extensive mounds of decayed ruins, and where the little village of Nunia [Nineveh] still preserves the remembrance of its name. It was one of the most ancient cities of the world, having been founded shortly after the deluge, by Asshur the son of Shem,t Gen. x^ 1 1 , but it did not rise to any considerable greatness until many centuries after, when, about the year 1230 B. C. it was enlarged ly * American Biblical Repository, vol. ix. t From him also the country derived its name ; Asshur being the Hebrew word for Assyria. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 229 Nintis, its second founder, and became the great- est city in the world, and mistress of the East. In Jonah iii, 3, it is said that " Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days' journey;" that is, the circuit, or circumference, of the city was three days' journey : and with this agree the accounts of ancient writers, who estimate the circuit of Nineveh at four hundred and eighty stadia,* which will make three days' journey, one hundred and fifty stadia being, ac- cording to Herodotus, the common computa- tion of a day's journey for a foot traveller. In form, the city was not square, but oblong ; its greatest length extended along the bank of the Tigris, while its breadth reached from the river to the eastern hills. As none of the ancient historians who men- tion Nineveh lived till after its destruction, their accounts, derived from old records and reports, are necessarily brief and imperfect. The best account is that given by Diodorus, who states, that Ninus, one of the kings of As- syria, having surpassed all his predecessors in * If Roman stadia are here meant, it would make the circumference of Nineveh to be sixty miles ; but if, as is more probable, Greek stadia are intended, then it would be only forty-eight miles ; the Roman stadium being one- eighth, and the Greek one-tenth of a mile. 230 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. the glory and success of his arms, resolved to build a city of such state and grandeur, that it should not only be the greatest then in the world, but such as no king after him should easily be able to exceed. Accordingly, having brought a vast number of his forces together, and provided every thing vv^hich his design required, he built near the Tigris a city very famous for its walls and fortifications. Its length was one hundred and fifty stadia, its breadth ninety, and its circumference four hundred and eighty.* It was surrounded by a wall one hundred feet high, and so thick that three chariots could easily be driven upon it abreast ; and the wall was fortified and adorned with fifteen hundred towers, each of which was two hundred feet high. Diodorus adds, that the founder was not deceived in his expectations, for no one ever after built a city equal to it in the extent of its circumference, and the magnificence of its walls.f * This statement of the form and dimensions of ancient Nineveh corresponds with the local features of its sup- posed site ; for though it might have stretched its front along the river to any extent, yet its breadth was limited to about ten miles, that being the width of the plain be- tween the river and the range of hills which formed the eastern boundary of the city. t Pictorial Bible. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 231 We must not, however, suppose that the whole of the vast enclosure of Nineveh was covered with compact streets and buildings; it doubtless, like ancient Babylon, and like many large Oriental cities of the present day, contained extensive plantations and gardens, as well as pastures for the " much cattle" that were in the city. Jonah iv, 11. "The extent of Eastern cities, therefore, forms but little guide in estimating the number of their inha- bitants. The compact, close streets of our cities, present a striking contrast to the scat- tered mansions of the East, surrounded with their extensive courts and gardens, occupying at least an even portion of the whole area. An equal space, therefore, was far from containing an equal number of men as with us."* Of the population of Nineveh we have no account, except the statement in Jonah iv, 11, that it contained " more than sixscore thou- sand persons that could not discern their right hand from their left." By this form of expres- sion, young children are commonly understood, and as these are generally reckoned to form one-fifth of the inhabitants of any place, the population of Nineveh may be estimated to have been upward of six hundred thousand * Heeren's Historical Researches. 232 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. persons. This calculation exhibits the force of the remarks made in the preceding para- graph ; for the city of London, which does not occupy more than one -fourth of the grouna which Nineveh did, contains a population of two millions. Nineveh was situated very commodiously for the purposes of commerce. The river Tigris opened a ready communication with the Per- sian Gulf, Southern Asia, and the shores of the Indian Ocean. Of these advantages the Nine- vites seem to have duly availed themselves, for they are said by Nahum to have " multiplied their merchants as the stars of heaven," Na- hum iii, 16. But as in other great and rich cities, so in Nineveh, there prevailed extreme depravity of morals. So great was the wickedness of its inhabitants, that Jehovah commissioned the pro- phet Jonah to " go to Nineveh and cry against it," Jonah i, 2. The word of the Lord came unto him, saying, " Arise, go up to Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preach- ing that I bid thee." So Jonah arose, and went to Nineveh, and proclaimed tnrough the streets of the city, " Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" Jonah iii, 1-4. The threat- ened overthrow was, however, averted by the SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 233 general repentance and humiliation of the peo- ple. The king, as soon as he heard the mes- sage of tlie prophet, arose from his throne, laid aside his robes, and covered himself with sack- cloth. He also proclaimed a fast ; and the people put on sackcloth, and cried mightily to God, and turned from their evil ways ; for they said, " Who can tell if God will turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not ?" " And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way ; and God repented of the evil that he had said he would do unto them ; and he did it not," Jonah iii, 5-10. The repentance of the Ninevites appears, however, to have been more deep than lasting. Their sudden reformation proved to be of no long continuance ; " like the morning cloud, and the early dew," it soon passed away, and they turned again to their folly, increasing in wickedness until their iniquities again aroused the righteous anger of an offended God. Ac- cordingly, some years after, we find the pro- phet Nahum foretelling the final and utter destruction of Nineveh ; indeed, his whole pro- phecy relates to the overthrow of that city and the proud empire of which it was capital. Speaking of Nahum, Bishop Lowth remarks, — " None of the minor prophets are equal to 234 SCRIPTURE PROPHECT. him in boldness, ardour, and sublimity. His prophecy forms a regular and perfect poem ; the exordium is not merely magnificent, it is truly majestic ; the preparation for the destruc- tion of Nineveh, and the description of its downfall and desolation, are expressed in the most vivid colours, and are bold and luminous in the highest degree."* Dr. A. Clarke ob- serves, that his description is " so lively and pathetic, that he seems to have been upon the spot to declare to the Ninevites the ruin of their city." The following passages embrace the substance of his predictions : — "THE BURDEN OF NINEVEH. " God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth ; The Lord revengeth, and is furious ; The Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries ; And he reserveth wrath for his enemies. The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, And will not at all acquit the wicked : The Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and the storm, And the clouds are the dust of his feet. Who can stand before his indignation 1 And who can abide the fierceness of his anger 1 " The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble ; And he knoweth them that trust in him. But with an overrunning flood He will make an utter end of the place thereof, * Lectures on Hebrew Poetry. SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 235 And darkness shall pursue his enemies. What do ye imagine against the Lord 1 He will make an utter end : Affliction shall not rise up the second time. For while they be folden together as thorns, And while they are drunken as drunkards, They shall be devoured as stubble fully dry." Chap, i, 1-3, 6-10. " The gates of the river shall be opened, And the palace shall be dissolved. Take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold ; For there is none end of the store and glory Out of all the pleasant furniture. She is empty, void, and waste ; And the heart mclteth, and the knees smite together." Chap, ii, 6, 9, 10. * Wo to the bloody city ! It is all full of lies and robbery. Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts ; And I will show the nations thy nakedness, And the kingdoms thy shame. And it shall come to pass That all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, And say, * Nineveh is laid waste.' " — Chap, iii, 1, 5, 6. These predictions were delivered soon after the carrying away of the ten tribes by the Assyrians, and about the time of Sennacherib's invasion of Judah, in the reign of Hezekiah. At a subsequent period, during the reign of Josiah, the fall of Nineveh was foretold by the prophet Zephaniah, in the following words : — 236 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. " The Lord will stretch out his hand against the north, And destroy Assyria ; And will make Nineveh a desolation, And dry like a wilderness. And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, All the beasts of the nations. This is the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly, That said in her heart, * I am, and there is none beside me.* How is she become a desolation, A place for beasts to lie down in ! Every one that passeth by her shall hiss and wag his hand." Zeph. ii, 13-15. When these prophets predicted the desola- tion of Nineveh, that city was in the height of its glory, and its king the mightiest monarch of his day ; " For all the East was his, From Indus westward to the Hellespont, — From north of Caspian to the Persian Gulf, A host of nations, whom no tongue could sum. All called Assyria lord ; and year by year. To giant Nineveh new warriors sent To guard her monarch's state, and grace his throne." Atherstone's Fall of Nineveh, The destruction of Nineveh was accomplish- ed by the confederate forces of the Medes and Babylonians ; but there is considerable discre- pancy in the accounts of ancient writers, as to the time when, and the principal agents by SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 237 whom it was effected. " In the circumstances of the great event, however, these writers sub- stantially agree with one another, and with the inspired writers ; and as the circumstances alone are mentioned by the latter, and as cir- cumstantial corroborations are of the most in- terest and importance, we shall confine our notices to them. We shall follow the account of Diodorus, which is not only the most com- plete and connected which remains to us, but is proved to be generally accurate by the re- markable illustration which it affords to, and receives from, the prophecies of Scripture "* It was foretold by the prophet, that a great destruction should befall the Assyrians while they were in a state of drunkenness. " While they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be de^ voured as stubble fully dry^ — On the advance of the allied forces of the Medes and Babylo- nians, the king of Assyria marched against them, and defeated them in three successive battles. Elated with these victories, the As- syrians abandoned themselves to revelry and feasting. The invaders, " being informed, by some deserters, of the negligence and drunken- ness in the enemy's camp, assaulted them un- * Pictorial Bible. 238 SCRIPTURE PROPHECT. expectedly by night, and falling orderly on them disorderly, and prepared on them unprepared, easily made themselves masters of the camp, slew many of the soldiers, and drove the rest into the city." " Thy shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria,''^ Nahum iii, 18. — These words plainly intimate that the Assyrians should, in the day of their calamity, be deserted by those upon whom they relied for assistance. And such was the fact. The Assyrians despatched messengers to the various tributary provinces, calling upon them for succour ; but they, instead of rendering any aid, either continued in a state of inactivity, or went over to the enemy. Even the Bactrians, who had actually marched with a large army to their assistance, before they reached Nineveh, were induced to renounce their allegiance and join the invaders. The Assyrians being now shut up within the walls of the city, took the most active mea- sures for their defence. The city was well stored with provisions, and the strong and lofty walls seemed to defy any force which the be- siegers could bring against them. Such were the strength and resources of the place, that nothing of any consequence was effected by the besiegers for two years. But the end came SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. 239 at last, and in the manner which the prophet had foretold. " With an overrunning flood will he make an utter end of the place thereof. — The gates of the river shall be opened." — These passages clearly indicate the agency of an inundation in effect- ing the overthrow of the city. And this, ac- cording to Diodorus, was the case. He says, — " There was an old tradition, that Nineveh could not be taken unless the river first be- came an enemy to the city. In the third year of the siege, the river, being swollen by continual rains, overflowed part of the city, and threw down twenty stadia of the wall. The king, then imagining that the oracle was ac- complished, and that the river was now mani- festly become an enemy to the city, cast aside all hope of safety ; and to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy, he built a large funeral pile in the palace, and having collected his gold and silver, and royal vestments, together with all his household, placed himself with them in an apartment built in the midst of the pile, and burned them, himself, and the palace together. When the besiegers heard of the death of the king, they entered in by the breach which the waters had made, and took the city." Thus 340 SCRIPTURE PROPHECY. was the prophecy of Nahum literally fulfilled ; the gates of the river were opened, and the palace was dissolved, or burned. It is worthy of re- mark, that the agency oi fire, as well as water, in the destruction of Nineveh, was also foretold by the prophet. Nahum iii, 13, 15. It was predicted that the besiegers would find much spoil when they took the city. — " Take ye the spoil of silver, and the spoil of gold; for there is none end of the store,^^