FRM'JH LANGUAGE. il and Easy Method O.F LEARNING THF BY Dr. P. HKNN. FIUST COT-iSb. NEW VORT E. STEIGER & CO. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FROM THE LIBRARY OF PROFESSOR FELICIEN VICTOR FACET BY BEQUEST OF MADAME FACET NO. \ STEIGER'S French Series. AHN'S Practical and Easy Method OP LEARNING THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. BY Dr. P. HENN. First Course. OF THE UWVERSITV NEW YORK: E. STEIGER & CO. NOTE. The excellence of ANN'S Practical and Easy Method of Learning the French Language, both as a guide for beginners, and as a manual for teachers, is allowed on all hands. Still, there i. not an edition of this book extant, in which greater or less deficiencies do not occur. A due regard to the educa- tional requirements of our time and country, has induced the * publisher to issue this new edition, containing a funda- mental Treatise on French pronunciation, com- plete Paradigms of Declensions and Conjugations in so far as they occur in the book itself, and full and accurate Vocabularies of both the French and English words used in the exercises. For the convenience of teachers and private learners, a Key to the Exercises has been issued. The publisher trusts that these important improvements, whilst making this edition of AHN'S Method more serviceable to both pupil and teacher, will, at the same time, render the acquisition of French a short and attractive task. NEW YORK, August 1873. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1673, by B. Steiger, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. E. STEIGER, NEW YORK, Printer and Electro*yoer , TABLE OF CONTENTS. A SHORT GUIDE to FRENCH PRONUNCIATION. Page ) . The Alphabet vn 2. Vowels vm 3. Consonants xn 4. Some Exceptions and Difficulties xv 5. Connection of Word* xvi FIRST PART. French and English Exercises. 1. 2. Definite Article le, la 1 3. 4. The Adjective bon, bonne 1 5. 6. Possessive Pronoun mon, ma ] 7. 8. Indefinite Article un, une 2 9. 10. Possessive Pronoun ton, ta 2 11.12. Feminine of Adjectives. General Rule: add e to the Masculine 2 13. 14. Indicative Present; first and second persons singular of avoir 3 15. 16. Indicative Present; first person plural of avoir 3 17. 18. Indicative Present; second person plural of avoir; Past Participle with avoir 3 19. 20. Possessive Pronouns notre, votre 4 21. 22. Personal Pronoun il, elle 4 23. 24. Relative Pronoun, Nominative qui, Accusative que 5 25. 26. Recapitulation; use of the word ' 'did ' ' for the Perfect Indefinite in French 5 27. 28. Demonstrative Pronoun ce, cet, cette 6 29. 30. Recapitulation 6 III 134762 IT Page 31. 32. Possessive Pronouns continued; son, sa , 7 33. 34. Possessive Case of Nouns 8 35. 36. Preposition a. Idiom je pense a .' 8 37. 38. Omission of e and a in the Article le, la, before a vowel or silent h; Adjectives of the same termination in both genders 9 39. 40. Formation of the Feminine of Nouns. General rule: add e to the Masculine 10 41. 42. Comparative of Adjectives. Possessive Pronoun le mien, la mienne 10 43. 44. Adjectives of the same termination in both genders 12 45. 46. Demonstrative Pronoun celni, celle 12 47. 48. Names of Persons; a, to, at, in 13 49. 50. Plural of the Article, Nouns, and Adjectives. General rule: add s to the Singular 14 51. 52. Cardinal Numbers. Names of the months. The Impersonal Verb il y a 15 53. 54. Plural of the Possessive Pronouns mon, ma; le mien, la mienne, and of the Personal Pronoun il, elle 17 55. 56. Plural of the Possessive Pronouns notre, votre; le notre, le votre. . 18 57. 58. Plural of the Demonstrative Pronoun ce, cet, oette 18 59. 60. Adjective tout, toute 19 61. 62. Use of de la and & la before Feminine Nouns, and of de 1' and a 1' before Masculine or Feminine Nouns beginning with a vowel or siknt h 20 63. 64. Use of da and au before Masculine Nouns 21 65. 66. The Plural of au, a la, a 1' and of du, de la, de 1* 22 67. 68. Adverbs of Quantity and Number, pen, beancoup i in minion. la ligne digne le compagnon I'Allemagne the line worthy the partner Germany IV. SOME EXCEPTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES. 36. Mark the occasional sounds of the following letters: e=a in lafemme imprudeniment differemment the wile imprudently differently ce=eu " Toeil Toeillet 1'oeillere 1'oeillade the eye the pink the eyetooth the glance c=g " second je seconde il seconde second I second he seconds x = s " six dix soixante Bruxelles six ten sixty Brussels x =z " deuxieme dixieme sixieme le sixain second tenth sixth the stanza ti in the middle of words, when it comes before another vowel, is very often pronounced like ce in cedar. la nation la fraction 1'attention leVenitien the nation the fraction the attention the Venetian ent final in The Third Person Plural of any French verb, is silent. ils jouent ils rient ils sautent ils lisent they play they laugh they jump they read 37. The Apostrophe (') does not change the pronunciation of the following syllable, and only denotes the elision of one vowel before another. Thus: instead of: we write and read: le ami 1'ami the friend instead of: ce est that is we w^ite and read: c'est je aime j'aime I love si il if he s'il 38. The Trema ( "* ) placed over the second of two vowels, denotos that they are to be pronounced as distinct letters: 1'ai'eul hair Saul Noel 1'h^roine the grandfather to hate Saul Christmas the heroine m 39. In Dividing Words into Syllables, it may be proper to observe the following rules: In French, there are as many syllables in a word, as there are vowels or diphthongs. A single consonant between two vowels, is joined to the latter. Two different consonants or the two same consonants must be separated. There are many combinations, however, which always belong to the same syllable; namely: bl, br, cl, cr, dl, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pi, pr, tl, tr, vr, ch, ph, th, gn, and, of course, all diphthongs. le pe re Far me la ter re le mat tre the father the army the earth the master la mou che la li gne le fia ere Dieu the fly the line the cab God V. CONNECTION OF WORDS. 40. In current reading and speaking, the last syllable of a word is generally joined to the first of the following, if that commences with a vowel or non-aspirated h. In this connection, however, some letters change their regular sound, namely: d is pronounced like t g is pronounced like k s or x z The t of et, and is never pronounced. grand homme. rang &ev& bon ami. gran-thomme. ran-keleve. bo-na-mi. great man. elevated rank. good frieud. vous 6tes aimable. il est six heures. vou-ze te-zaimable.> i-lest si-zheures. you are amiable. it is six o'clock FIRST PART. FRENCH AND ENGLISH EXERCISES. 1. le (m.), la (f.), the pdre, father frere, brother m6re, mother sceur, sister et, find Le p&re, la mere. Le frere et la soeur. 2. The sister and the brother. The father and the mother. * ,9. bon (m.), bonne (f.), good est, is Le bon pre, la bonne m6re. Le p6re est bon, la m&re est bonne. Le bon frdre, la bonne so3ur. Le frdre est bon, la soeur est bonne. Le p6re et la m6re. 4. The good brother, the good sister. The father is good, the mother is good. The good father, the good mother. The brother is good, the sister is good. The brother, the sister. 5. mon (m.), ma (f.), my Mon p&re, ma mere. Mon bon pdre, ma bonne m&re. Mon p6re esf bon, ma m&re est bonne. Mon frere et ma soeur. Mon bon frere et ma bonne soeur. Mon fr6re est bon, ma soeur est bonne. Le bon frre et la bonne soeur. 6. My good brother, my good sister. My brother is good, my sister is good. My good father and my good mother, My father is good, my mother is good. _ 2 7. tin (m.), une (f.) t a, or cm Un p&re, une mre, un frere, une sceur. Tin bon p&re, une bonne radre, un bon frere, une bonne soeur. Un pere est bon, une mere est bonne. Mon pere est un bon pere, ma mere est une bonne mere. Mon frere est un bon frere, ma soeur est une bonne soeur. 8. A brother and a sister. A father and a mother. A good brother, a good sister. A good father and a good mother. The brother and the sister. My sister is a good sister. My brother is a good brother. My mother is a good mother. My father is a good father. 9. ton (m.), ta (f.), thy a, has; aussi, also Ton p6re est bon, ta mere est bonne. Ton pre a une bonne S03ur, ta mere a un bon frdre. Mon frere est ton pre. Mon pre est aussi ton pere, et ma mere est aussi ta mere. 10. Thy brother, thy father, thy mother, thy sister. Thy mother has a good father and a good sister. My brother is also thy brother. My sister is also thy sister. Thy father has a good brother. 11. grand (m.), grande (f.), large, long, tall petit (m.), petite (f.), small, short, little le livre, the book; la plume, the pen Le livre est bon, la plume est bonne. Mon livre est petit, et ma plume est grande. Ton pere a un bon livre, ta soeur a une bonne plume. Mon fr6re est grand, et ma sceur est petite. Ton petit frere et ta petite soeur. Ta soeur ajna plume, et ton frere a mon livre. Ton petit livre est un bon livre. 12. My pen is small; my book is large. Thy father has a good pen; thy mother has a good book. My brother is short, and my sister is tall. Thy little sister is a good sister. The book is good. 13. je, 7; ai, have; j'ai, / have; ai-je? have I? tu, thou; as, Aos; tu as, thouhast; as-tu? 7ias thou? J'ai un livre et une plume. Tu as un bon livre et une bonne plume. J'ai un bon frere; tu as une bonne sceur. J'ai un grand livre; mon frere a aussi un grand livre. Ma sceur a une petite plume. As-tu une soeur? J'ai une soeur et un frere. As-tu ma plume ? J'ai ton livre et ta plume. 14. Hast thou a brother ? I have a brother and a sister. I have a good father. My mother has a little pen. Hast thou a large book ? I have a large book. Hast thou a good father? I have a good father and a good mother. 15. nous, we; avons, have; nous avons, we have; avons-nous ? have we ? le jardin, the garden Nous avons un bon pere et une bonne mre. Nous avons aussi un bon frere et une bonne soeur. Le jardin est grand. J'ai un petit jardin. As-tu aussi un jardin? Nous avons un grand jardin. Mon petit frere a aussi un jardin. Ma petite soeur a un bon livre. Nous avons un grand livre et une petite plume. 16. We have a large garden. I have a good book. My little brother has also a book. The garden is small. My mother is good. My father has a good pen. My little sister has a large book. We have a little garden. We have a good brother and a good sister. 17. vous, you; avez, have; vous avez, you have; avez-vous? have you? achete', bought; vu, seen Yous avez un bon pere et une bonne m6re. Avez-vous aussi un bon frere? J'ai un livre. J'ai achet^ un livre. Nous avons vu un grand jardin. Avez-vous vu le grand jardin ? Mon fr&re a aussi vu tm grand jardin. J'ai achete* une plume. As-tu achete' une bonne plume ? As-tu TU mon livre ? J'ai vu ton livre et ta plume. Avez-vous vu mj, petite soeur? Mon pdre a achete un jardin. Ta scour a achete' un petit livre. Avez-vous vu rnon frere? Nous avons vu ta soeur ct ton frere. 18. Have you seen my father? We have seen thy father and thy mother. Have you bought a good book ? I have bought a book and a pen. We have seen a little garden. Have you seen my little brother? I have seen thy little sister. Thy brother has bought a pen. My mother has bought a large garden. 19. notre, our; votre, your oncle, uncle; tante, aunt Notre pSre est un bon pere, et notre mere est une bonne mere. Mon pere est ton oncle, et ma mere est ta tante. Ton frere a vu notre mere. J'ai vu votre soeur. Avez-vous vu notre petit frere? Votre livre est bon. Yotre frere a une bonne plume. Notre pere a achete' un grand jardin. Nous avons vu* votre oncle et votre tante. As-tu aussi vu notre jardin? 20. Our brother is a good brother, and our sister is a good sister. Thy father is my uncle, and thy mother is my aunt. Have you seen your father ? Our book is small. Your garden is large. Your sister has bought a pen, and your brother has bought a good book. Have you seen your aunt ? 21. il, he, it; elle ; sJie, it mais, but; tres, very; tres-bon, very good Mon pere est bon; il a aussi un bon frere. Ma mere est bonne; elle a aussi une bonne soeur. Ton livre est petit, mais il est bon. Avez-vous vu notre jardin? II est tres-grand. J'ai achet^ une plume; elle est tr&s-bonne. Nous avons vu votre oncle; il a achetd nn grand livre. 22. Our mother is good; she has also a good brother. My father is tall; he has also a tall sister. Have you seen our uncle? He has a large book. I have bought a garden; it is very small. Thy pen is small, but it is very good. 23. qui (m. & f. nom.), who, which, that que (m. & /. ace.), whom, which, that Nous avons un pere qui est bon. Vous avez une mere qui est bonne. J'ai un livre qui est tres-bon. Ma sceur a une plume qui est tres-bonne. Le livre que vous avez achete', est bon. Le jardin que nous avons vu, est tres-grand. As-tu vu le livre que mon frere a achete' ? Le livre que votre frere a achete, est bon, mais il est tres-petit. J'ai achete aussi un livre, mais il est grand. Yotre oncle a le livre que vous avez vu. 2. My uncle has the book that you have bought. Have you also bought a book? I have seen the garden which your brother has bought. We have a mother who is good. You have a father who is very good. The garden which you have bought, is large. My father, whom you have seen, is very tall. Your brother has a pen which is very good. 25. le chapeau, the hat, bonnet le canif, the penknife la montre, the watch le cheval. the horse un enfant, ) aeMd une enfant, ) Ou avez-vous trouve' mon Where did you find (have you chapeau ? found) my hat ? trouve*, found pour, for perdu, lost ou, where J'ai un petit chapeau. Ton chapeau est grand. Mon frdre a une montre. As-tu aussi une montre ? Ma montre est petite, mais elle est tres-bonne. J'ai perdu un canif. Avez- vous trouve' mon canif? Ma mere a achete' un chapeau pour ma soeur. As-tu vu le chapeau que ma mere a achete'? Nous avons trouve' un livre. Avez-vous perdu un livre ? Ou as-tu achete' ta plume? Notre pere a achete' un cheval. Votre oncle a un boa cheval. Nous avons vu le cheval que votre pere a achete'. Mon frere est un enfant; il est tres-petit. 26. My sister is a child; she is very little. Have you seen the horse that your father has bought? Your auiit has lost a book. My sister has found the penknife which you have lost. Where drdstrthon find (hast thou found) my pen? Have you seen the bonnet which my mother has bought for my sister? Where did- you lose (have you lost) your hat? Where hast thou seen my watch ? My horse is very small, but he is very good. Have you a large garden ? 27. ce, cet (m.), cette (f.), this, that cet is used instead of ce before a vowel or silent li. ce rameau, this branch cet habit, this coat cet arbre, this tree cette fleur, this flower Ce cheval est bon. Ce rarneau est grand. Ce livre est petit. Cet enfant est notre frere. Cette plume est pour ma sceur. Cet habit est pour mon oncle. J'ai trouve' un livre. Ou avez-vous trouve ce livre? Ma mere a achetd ce chapeau. Ton frere a vu cet arbre. Votre petit frere est un bon enfant. Ou as-tu achete' cette fleur? Cette montre est tres-bonne. Ce chapeau est pour cet enfant. 28. This hat is for my brother. This tree is very small. He is very good. Where di*Uyrer, to celebrate la colere, anger la fete, the feast, birth-day la passion, the love, affection chaque amide, each, every year le deTaut, the defect, fault ce qui, ce que, that which, which, la fortune, the fortune what la place, the place Fe'colier, the scholar J'espere que tu trouveras ton livre. Nous espdrons que nos parents arriveront bientot. Ma sosur espere que tu n'ou- blieras pas son cahier. Ma fortune n'est pas trds-grande. Les homines esperent toujours. Nous celeljrerons demain la fete de notre pere. Ces dcoliers ce'lebrent chaque anne'e la f6te de leur maitre. Je prdfere mes livres a ceux de nion cousin. Ma mere preTere le the* au cafe*. Nous preTdrons ce violon a cette flute. Mon oncle possede beaucoup de jardins et de prairies. Nous possedons une tr6s-belle maison. Tout ce que je possede, est a YOUS. Je r^glerai mes affaires et les v6tres. Mode'rez votre colere. Celui qui modere ses passions est heu- reux. Je cederai rna place a ce monsieur. C'est un homme qui exagere tout. Vous exagdrez les deTauts de cet enfant. 150. Have you celebrated the birth-day of your aunt to-day? We celebrate her birth-day every year. I hope that we shall yet celebrate this day. We hope that my brother will be good. I prefer my boots to yours. Do you prefer these apples to those pears ? We shall always prefer our duties to all pleasures. You exaggerate every thing. We exaggerate nothing. I will give my dog to my brother. If you do not moderate your anger, you will be unhappy. This man was formerly very rich; he possessed many houses and much land (terres). Now he 13 poor; he possesses nothing. You formerly possessed nothing, and now you possess a large fortune. 68 employer, to employ, spend Indicative Present. J'emploie, / employ nous employons, we employ tu emploies, thou employest vous employez, you employ il emploie, he employs ils emploient, they employ Imperfect j'employais, / was employing, I employed Future. j'emploierai, / shdtt employ Conditional j'emploierais, / should employ envoyer, to send payer, to pay, pay for nettoyer, to clean essayer, to try aboyer, to bark essuyer, to wipe, dry up eflrayer, to frighten Famitid (f.), friendship propre, proper, clean, neat I'humeur (f.), temper mordre, to bite la dent, the tooth la jeunesse, youth la larme, the tear la faute, the fault, mistake voJontiers, willingly For the sake of euphony, son is used instead of sa before a vowel or silent h, as: son amitie for sa amitie, son hunieur for sa huineur. Employez bien votre temps. Celui qui emploie bien son temps, est tres-sage. La mauvaise hurnenr de mon frere m'effraie. Je paie tout ce que j'achete. Nous payons souvent bien cher les fautes que nous avons faites. Nous envoyons notre domestique chez votre cousin. Mon pere paiera tout ce que nous avons re9U. Si vous ne payez pas mon cousin, vous per- drez son amitie. Nous paierions volontiers votre cousin, si nous avions requ de Targent. Mon pere a perdu ses dents dans sa jeunesse. Ma chambre n'est pas propre; vous ne nettoyez ja- mais ma chambre. Mon frere nettoie toujours ses habits. Pourquoi ce chien aboie-t-il ? Les chiens qui aboient, ne mor- dent pas. Le chien de notre voisin a mordu mon frere. Essayez cette plume; elle est tres-bonne. Yous n*avez pas essuye' vos mains. J'essuierai mes mains a mon mouchoir. Essuyez vos larmes, ne pleurez plus. Vous avez effraye* ces enfants. Mon frere effraie toujours les enfants. If you do not employ the time of your youth well, you will not be happy. My sister employs her money well. How do you spend the greater part of your time ? This dog barks the whole night. A dog which barks, does not generally bite. Clean your shoes. You have not yet cleaned your teeth. I am sending three francs to this poor family. You send nothing to your brother. We are sending a basket of fruit to-day to our sister. Have you paid the gardener ? We will pay the gardener to-morrow. Caroline has cried; she is drying up her tears. My pen is not good; I will try yours. The table is not clean; you never wipe the table. I was much (tres) frightened be- cause I had lost my book. We have paid for the cloth which we have received from the tailor. placer, to put, place, lay Indicative Present. je place, I place nous plaqons, we place tu places, thou placest vous placez, you place il place, he places ils placent, they place Imperfect, je plail ? II se porte tres-bien, depuis qu'il est a la campagne. Et vous, comment vous portez-vous? Je me pcrte toujours bien. Mes soeurs ne se portent pas bien. Que faites-vous? Je m'habille. Vous habillerez-vous aussi? Nous nous habillerons plus tard. Charles, ne te laveras-tu pas aujourd'hui? Je me laverai dans un moment. Mon oncle arri- vera co soir; nous nous amuserons bien. Hatez-vous, il est tres-tard. Je me rejouis de vous trouver. J'aime celui qui se rejouit du bonheur de sea amis. Pourquoi vous affiigez-vous ? Je m'afflige de la mort de mon cousin. A quelle heure vous levez-vous ordinairement ? Je me leve toujours a six heures, et je me couche a neuf heures. Mon frere se levera demain a troia heures; il partira pour Baltimore. Nous nous levons plus tard que vous. Autrefois nous ne nous levions pas si tard. Si vous avez fini votre theme, nous nous promenerons un peu. Vous vous promeriez toute la journe'e. Venez ici, reposez-vous un peu. Comment s'appelle ce jeune homme? II s'appelle Henri. Et vous, comment vous appelez-vous ? Je n^appelle Godefroi. How does (Mrs.) your mother do? She is very ill. How do your brothers do? They are very well. At what hour does (Mr.) your father go to bed? He goes to bed at ten o'clock, and rises at five. At what hour will your sisters rise to-morrow ? They will rise at seven o'clock. My brother goes 80 to bed later than I. Why does your uncle rise so late? We will rest a little. When you have (shall have) written your exercise, we will take a walk. I walk every day in my aunt's garden. What is your neighbor called? What is your friend called ? And you, what are you called ? I am named William. My father and mother are rejoiced to see you. I am rejoiced to find that you are happy. I love him (celui) who rejoices when his friend is praised (when one praises his friend). What are you doing, Henry? I am dressing (myself). Will the children wash (themselves) ? They will wash (themselves) in an hour. Has my brother come with Mr. Green? You are mistaken, your brother will not come (ne viendra pas) to-day. I will make haste and finish (make haste of to finish) my exercise. At what hour does your uncle go to bed? He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Affirmatively. je me suis lave*, / have washed, did wash myself tu t'es lave*, thou hast washed thyself il s'est lave, he 1*as vxished himself nous nous sommes lave*s, we have wasJied ourselves vous vous etes lava's, you have washed yourselves Us se sont lava's, they have washed themselves Interrogatively. me suis-je lavd ? have I washed myself? t'es-tu lave*? hast thou washed thyself? s'est-il lave*? has he washed himself? nous sommes-nous laves ? have we loashed ourselves? vous etes-vous lava's ? have you ivashed yourselves? se sont-ils laves ? have they washed themselves? Negatively. je ne me suis pas lave*, / have not ivashed myself tu ne t'es pas lave', thou hast not washed thyself il ne s'est pas lave', he has not washed himself nous ne nous sommes pas lave*s, we have not washed ourselves vous ne vous etes pas lave*s, you have not washed yourselves ila ne ee Bont pas lava's, they have not washed themselves 81 Negatively and Interrogatively. ne me suis-je pas lave* ? have I not washed myself? ne t'es-tu pas lave* ? hast thou not washed thyself? ne s'est-il pas lave' ? has he not washed himself? ne nous sommes-nous pas lavds ? have we not washed ourselves? ne vous &tes-vous pas lavds ? have you not washed yourselves? ne se sont-ils pas lavs ? have they not washed themselves? < _ ^ P je me suis couche* hier soir a / went to bed at ten o'clock last dix heures, night je me suis bien amuse* samedi, I was much amused on Saturday toute la matine'e, all the morning toute la soire'e, all the evening tant, so much dans peu de temps, in a little time J'ai vu hier votre frere. Yous vous tes trompd, mon frSre n'est plus ici. Je ne me suis pas trompe, je lui ai parld. A quelle heure vous tes-vous couche's hier ? Nous nous sorn- mes couche's a onze heures et demie. Mon frre ne s'est pas encore levd. Ou avez-vous e'te'? Je me suis promene' toute la matine'e. Je me reposerai un peu. Tes sceurs ne s'e'taient pas encore habille'es, lorsque nous sommes venus. Pourquoi ne vous tes-vous pas encore lave? Je me serais lave", si j'avais eu de 1'eau. Nous avons dtd a la campagne la semaine derniere, nous nous sommes bien amuse's. Mon voisin est trs- malade; il s'est trop afflige' du malheur de son fils. Faites votre theme; hatez-vous un peu; nous nous promenerons plus tard. Rejouissez-vous, mes enfants, votre oncle arrivera ce soir. Have you not yet asked him for it (it to him) ? You went to bed that evening at eight o'clock; you always get up late. Charles dresses (himself) quickly. Thou hast not yet washed (thyself). He who gets up late, will never be well. Who has lost his book? Have you lost it, Charles? You are mistaken; I never lose my books. Will you walk to-day ? My brother will walk to-day with his teacher, because he has been very industrious. How do your sisters do? Are they not 82 in (at) the country? I think that they are not very well. Were you much amused yesterday? We are always much amused (we amuse ourselves always well) when we are at our aunt's. I am very tired, I shall go to bed in a little time. Why do you make so much haste? It is not late yet; the school has not yet begun. 175. en, of him, of her, of it, of them en, with him, with her, with it, with them, some, any y, there, thither, within y, to it, to them Avez-vous des pommes ? Have you any apples? Oui, j'en ai. Yes, I have (some). Etes-voQs content de cette Are you satisfied with this pen? plume ? Oui, j'en suis content. Yes, lam (satisfied with it). Mon frere a-t/41 parte de cet Has my brother spoken of that homme ? man? Oui, il en a parld. Yes,he has (spoken of him). le concert, the concert oui, yes le theatre, the theater non, no A-t-on parld de mon malheur ? Oui, on en a parM. Etes- vous content de ce livre ? Oni, j'en suis content. Avons-nous des plumes ? Oui, nous en avons. Avez-vous du pain ? Oui, j'en ai. Mon fr&re est-il au jardin ? Non, il n'y est pas. Avez- vous pensd a mon affaire ? Non, je n'y ai pas pensd. Avez- vous ete au concert? Non, nous n'y avons pas dte. Totre frere a-t-il des oiseaux? II en a beaucoup. A-t-il aussi des fleurs? II n' en a point. Combien de freres avez-vous? J'en ai trois. Avez-vous aussi une soeur ? Oui, j'en ai une. As-tu requ des lettres? J'en ai requ une de mon pere. Seras-tu ce soir chez monsieur Monge ? Je n'y serai pas. Avez-vous e'te' au theatre ? Nous n'y avons pas encore dtd, 176. Have you any fruit? Yes, I have (of it). Have you also any friends? No, I have none (of them). Has your aunt many children? She has seven (of them). Has your cousin 83 been to Rome ? No, he has not been there. How many pens hast thou ? I have ten. Has thy sister written the letters ? She has written three. Is your cousin in your room? She was (there) ; but she is no longer there. Have you any flowers ? Yes, we have (of them), but we do not give you any (of them). 177. m'en, some to me nous en, some to us t'en, some to thee vous en, some to you lui en, some to him, to her leur en, some to them il m'en donne, he gives some to me il lui en donne, he gives some to him, to her, to it ii y a, there is, there are il y avait, there was, there were il est arrivd quelque chose, something has happened arriver, to happen le monde, people As-tu donnd du pain au pauvre ? Je lui en ai donnd. Si tu ne lui en as pas encore donne", il t'en demandera. Mon cousin a beau coup de fruits; il m'en donne tous les jours. T'en donne- t-il aussi ? II nous en donne souvent. II n'aime pas les enfants du voisin; il ne leur en donne jamais. Yous avez e'te' aujour- d'hui au concert; je vous y ai vu. Y avez-vous vu mon oncle? il y e'tait aussi. Non, je ne 1'y ai pas vu. II y avait beaucoup de monde. Je n'y ai jainais vu tant de monde. On dit qu'il est arrive^ un grand malheur. On en parle dans toute la ville. Mon ami m'en a parle* aussi. 178. Have you been to Paris? I have never been there. Has the teacher been to the church ? He has not been there. My father has four horses; my uncle has three (of them). How many apples have you? I have two. I have many pears; I will give some (en) to my sisters. The king has (is) arrived in (a) Berlin; we have spoken to him. These pens are good; buy a dozen of them. The queen gives money to the poor; people often speak of it (one speaks often of it). Have you %ny bread? Yes, I have. 84 179. du pain, bread, when some or any bread is meant de bon pain, good bread, when so/Tie or any good bread is meant de la viande, meat, some or any meat de mauvaise viande, bad meat, some or any bad meat des fleurs, flowers, some or any flowers de belles fleurs, beautiful flowers, some or any beautiful flowers de bon drap, some good cloth de bons fruits, some good fruit du drap bleu, some blue cloth des fruits murs, some ripe fruit Nous avons mangd de bons fruits. Yous avez bu de bonne eau, mais YOUS avez bu de mauvaise biere. Donnez-moi de bon papier. Ces messieurs ont de beaux jardins et de grandes maisons. Nous avons bu du vin excellent. La servante a achete' de bon sel, de bonne moutarde et de mauvais poivre. Charles a lu des livres franqais. Yous avez des chiens fideles. Mon oncle a de beaux chevaux. Cette demoiselle a de bonnes amies, d'aimables freres et des livres utiles. Les Franqais ont toujours eu de bons ge'ne'raux. Notre ge'ne'ral a de braves soldats. Cette mere a des enfants tres-appliques. Nous avons achete de tres-belles fleurs. 180. Here is good paper and good ink. We have drunk bad wine and good beer. My uncle has beautiful gardens and large meadows. We have faithful friends and amiable brothers. This bookseller sells beautiful penknives. Our gar- dener has excellent fruit. My mother has purchased for me three pairs of black stockings. Give me better bread and better meat. Have you any good mustard ? Have you any good bread? Yes, we have. Have you any good books? No, we have not. Do you sell white hats ? Tell me what you sell; I will pay you well. 181. le savon, the soap rouge, red 1'essuie-main (m.), the towel chaud, warm la patience, the patience froid, cold le poisson, the flsh apporter, to bring l'6tang (m.), the pond souhaiter, to wish rarement, seldom, rarely settlement, only 85 Ce marchand vend du papier, de 1'encre efc des plumes. Apportez-moi de 1'eau, du savon, et un essuie-main. Souhaitez- vous de 1'eau chaude ou de 1'eau froide ? Je vous donnerai des pommes et des cerises, si vous tes sages et appliques. Mon fr6re a de bonne encre et de bon papier. Nous avons eu de beaux chiens. Tu as peu de patience, mon ami. Avez-vous achete des crayons et des canifs ? Mon voisin vend de bonnes plumes. Ma soeur a de jolis gants. Combien de livres franqais avez-vous ? II y a des poissons dans cet e'tang. II y a beau- coup d'oiseaux dans notre jardin. Votre cousin a peu de livres et encore moins d'argent. Les bons maitres aiment les bons e^coliers. Votre frre parle toujours de bon vin et de bons fruits, mais rarement de belles estampes et de livres utiles. 182. Bring me some vinegar and oil, some knives and forks. Hast thou any good pens and ink ? I have no good pens, but I have excellent ink. Thy paper is good. I have bought some very bad paper. Where did you find or buy (have you found) these beautiful towels ? Our neighbor has bought some white linen, red cloth, black hats, and beautiful stockings. You are always speaking of dresses and of visiting (de visitcs), but seldom of exercises and business. I do not like those who speak only of their amusements, and who never think of their duties. SECOND PART. PARADIGMS. I. DECLENSION. Singular. Plural, Nom. le pre, the father les pres, the fathers Gen. da pere, of the father des peres, of the father Dat. au pere, to the father aux peres, to the fathers Ace. le pere, the father les pres, the fathers Noin. la m6re, the mother les meres, the mothers Gen. de la m&re, of the mother des meres, of the mothers Dat. a la mere, to the mother aux meres, to the mothers Ace. la mre, the mother les m&res, the mothers Nom. 1'ami, the friend les amis, t7ie friends Gen. de 1'ami, of the friend des amis, of the friends Dat. a Tami, to the friend aux amis, to the friends Ace. 1'ami, the friend les amis, the friends Nom. mon frere, my brother mes freres, my brothers Gen. de mon fr^re,o/my brother de mes freres, of my brothers Dat. a mon frere, to my brother a mes freres, to my brothers Ace. mon frere, my brother mes freres, my brothers Nom. un jardin, a garden Gen. d'un jardin, of a garden Dat. a un jardin, to a garden Ace. un jardin, a garden Nom. une maison, a house Gen. d'une maison, of a house Dat. a une maison, to a house Ace. une maison, a house 86 87 II. CONJUGATION. avoir, to have; eu, had Present Tense. Future Tense, j'ai, I have j'aurai, / shall have ^ ^ tu as, thou hast tu auras, thou wilt have il a, he has il aura, he will have jnous^avons, we have nous aurons, we shall have vousjivez, you have vous aurez, you will have ils ont, they have ils auront, they will have Imperfect Tense. Conditional, j'avais, I had j'aurais, / should have tu avais, thou hadst tu aurais, thou wouldst have il avait, he had il aurait, he would have nous avions, we had nous aurions, we should have vous aviez, you had vous auriez, you would have Us avaient, they had ils auraient, they would have Compound Tenses. j'ai eu, I have had j'aurai eu, I shall have had j'avais eu, I had had j'aurais eu, I should have had tre, to be; ete, been Present Tense. Future Tense, je suis, I am je serai, I shall be tu es, thou art tu seras, thou wilt 'be il est, lie is il sera, he will be nous sommes, we are nous serons, we shall be vous 6tes, you are vous serez, you ivill be ils sont, they are ' ils seront, they will be Imperfect Tense. Conditional, j'e'tais, I was je serais, I should be tu e'tais, thou wast tu serais, thou ivouldst be il e'tait, he was il serait, he would be nous dtions, we ivere nous serions, we should be vous e'tiez, you were vous seriez, you would be ils e'taient, they were ils seraient, they would be Compound Tenses. j'ai e*td, I have been j'aurai dte*, I shall have been j'avais dte* ; I had been j'aurais e'te, I should have been 88 parler, to speak; parld, spoken Present Tense. Future Tense. Je parle, / speak je parlerai, / shall speak tu paries, thou speakest tu parleras, thou wilt speak il parle, he speaks \\ parlera, he will speak nous parlons, we speak nous parlerons, we shall speak YOUS parlez, you speak vous parlerez, you will speak ils parlent, they speak i] s parleront, they will speak Imperfect Tense. Conditional je parlais, I spoke je parlerais, I should speak tu parlais, thou spokest tu parlerais, thou wouldst &c. il parlait, lie spoke il parlerait, he would &c. nous parlions, we spoke nous parlerions, we should &c. vous parliez, you spoke vous parleriez, you would &c. ils parlaient, they spoke ilsparleraient, they ivould&c. Compound Tenses. j'ai parld, I have spoken j'aurai parle, I shall have spoken j'avais parld, / had spoken j'aurais parl, I should have spoken flnir, to finish; fini, finished Present Tense. Future Tense, je finis, I Jinish Je finirai, / shall Jinish tu finis, thou finishest tu finiras, thou wilt Jinish il finit, he finishes il finira, he will finish nous finissons, we finish nous finirons, we shall finish vous finissez, you finish vous finirez, you will finish ils finissent, they finish Ils finiront, 'they will finish Imperfect Tense. Conditional je finissais, I finished Je finirais, I should finish tu finissais, thou finishedst tu finirais, thou wouldst finish il finissait, he finished il finirait, he would finish nous finissions, we finished nous finirions, we should finish vous finissiez, you finished vous finiriez, you would finish ils finissaient, they finished ilsfiniraient, they would finish Compound Tenses. j'ai fini, I have finished j'aurai fini, I shall have finished j'avais fini, / had finished j'aurais fini, 1 should have 89 veiidre, to sell; vendu, sold Present Tense. .Future Tense, je vends, I sell je vendrai, I shall sett tu vends, thou sellest tu vendras, thou wilt sell il vend, he sells il vendra, he will sell nous vendons, we sell nous vendrons, we shall sell vous vendez, you sell vous vendrez, you will sell ils vendent, they sell ils vendront, they will sell Imperfect Tense. Conditional. je vendais, / sold je vendrais, / should sell tu vendais, thou soldst tu vendrais, thou wouldst sell il vendait, he sold il vendrait, he would sell nous vendions, we sold nous vendrions,we should sell vous vendiez, you sold vous vendriez, you would sell ils vendaient, they sold ils vendraient, they would sell Compound Tenses. j'al vendu, I have sold j'aurai vendu, 1 shall have sold j'avais vendu, I had sold j'aurais vendu, I should have sold acheter, to l>wy; achete, Bought Present Tense. Future Tense, j'achete, I buy j'acheterai, I shall buy tu achetes, thou buyest tu acheteras, thou wilt buy il achete, he buys il achetera, he will buy nous achetons, we buy nous acheterons, we shall buy vous achetez, you buy vous acheterez, you will buy ils achetent, they buy ils acheteront, they will buy Imperfect Tense. Conditional, j'achetais, / bought j'acheterais, / should buy tu achetais, thou boughtest tu acheterais, thou wouldst buy il achetait, he bought il acheterait, he would buy nous achetions, we bought nousachete"rions,w;esft0wZd&w/ vous achetiez, you bougJit vous acheteriez, you would buy ils achetaient, they bought ilsacheteraient^Ae^/wo^^&wi/ Compound Tenses. j'ai achete', I have bought j'aurai achete', I shall have bought j'avais achete', I had bought j'aurais achete', I should have &c. 90 appeler, to call; appele, called Present Tense. Future Tense, j'appelle, / call j'appellerai, I shall call tu appelles, thou callest tu appelleras, thou wilt call il appelle, he caUs il appellera, Tie will call nous appelons, we call nous appellerons, we shall call vous appelez, you coll vous appellerez, you will call ils appellant, they catt ils appelleront, they will call Imperfect Tense. Conditional, j'appelais, I called j'appellerais, I should call tu appelais, thou calledst tu appellerais, thou wouldst call il appelait, he called il appellerait, he ivould call nous appelions, we called nous appellerions,we should call vous appeliez ; you called vous appelleriez, you would call ils appelaient, they called ils appelleraient, they would call Compound Tenses. j'ai appele*, ITiave called j 'aural appel^, I shall have called j'avais appel^, I had called j'aurais appeld, J should have &c. regler, to rule; regie, ruled Present Tense. Future Tense, je regie, / rule je reglerai, / shall rule tu regies, thou rulest tu regleras, thou wilt rule il regie, he rules il reglera, he will rule nous regions, we rule nous reglerons, we shall rule vous rglez, you rule vous regler ez, you will rule ils reglent, they rule ils regleront, they will rule Imperfect Tense. Conditional, je r^glais, / ruled je reglerais, / should rule tu re'glais, thou ruledst tu reglerais, thou wouldst rule il reglait, he ruled il reglerait, he would rule nous reglions, we ruled nous reglerions, we should rule vous re'gliez, you ruled vous regleriez, you would rule ils reglaient, they ruled ils regleraient, they would rule Compound Tenses. j'ai re'gle', I have ruled j'aurai re'gle', / shall have ruled j'avais r^gle, I had ruled j'aurais re'gle', / should &c. 91 employer, to employ; employe, employed Present Tense. Future Tense, j'emploie, I employ j'einploierai, I shall employ tu emploies, thou employest tu emploieras, thou wilt &c. il emploie, he employs il emploiera, he will &c. nous employons, ive employ nous emploierons, we shall &c. vous eraployez, you employ vous emploierez, you will &c. ils emploient, they employ ils emploieront, they will &c. Imperfect Tense. Conditional, j'employais, I employed j'emploierais, I should employ tu employais, thou employ edst tu emploier ais, thou wouldst &c, il employait, he employed il emploierait, he would &c. nous employions, we employed nous emploierions, we should &c. vous employiez, you employed vous emploieriez, you would &c. ils employ aient, they employed ils emploieraient, they would &c. Compound Tenses. j'ai employe", Zftave employed j'aurai employe', I shall have &c. j'avais employe', I had &c. y&ureiisemi)\oj, I should have &c. placer, to place; place, placed Present Tense. Future Tense, je place, I place je placerai, I shall place tu places, thou placest tu placeras, thou wilt place il place, he places il placera, he ivill place nous pi aeons, we place nous placerons, we shall place vous placez, you place vous placerez, you will place ils placent, they place ils placeront, they will place Imperfect Tense. Conditional, je plaqais, I placed je placerais, I should place tu placais, thou placedst tu placerais, thou wouldst place il plac. ait, he placed il placerait, he would place nous placions, ive placed nous placerions, we should place vous placiez, you placed vous placeriez, you would place ils placaient, they placed ils placeraient, they would place Compound Tenses. j'ai placd, / have placed j'aurai place', I shall have placed j'avais placd, / had placed j'aurais place'. I should have &c. 92 manger, to eat; mange, eaten Present Tense. Future Tense, je mange, / eat je mangerai, / shall eat tu manges, thou eatest tu mangeras, thou wilt eat il mange, Tie eats il mangera, he will eat nous mangeons, we eat nous mangerons, we shall eat vous mangez, you eat vous mangerez, you will eat ils mangent, they eat ils mangeront, they will eat Imperfect Tense. Conditional je mangeais, I ate je mangerais, I should eat tu mangeais, thou atest tu mangerais, thou wouldst eat il mangeait, he ate il manger ait, he would eat nous mangions, we ate nous mangerions, we should eat vous mangiez, you ate TOUS mangeriez, you would eat ils mangeaient, they ate ils mangeraient, they would eat Compound Tenses. j'ai mange, I have eaten j'aurai mange', I shall have eaten j'avais mange, I had eaten j'aurais mange', I should have &c. se troinper, to be mistaken Present Tense. je me trompe, / am mistaken tu te trompes, thou art mistaken il se trompe, he is mistaken nous nous trompons, we are mistaken vous vous trompez, you are mistaken ils se trompent, they are mistaken Imperfect Tense. je me trompais, / was mistaken tu te trompais, thou wast mistaken il se trompait ; he was mistaken nous nous trompions, we were mistaken vous vous trompiez, you were mistaken ils se trompaient, they were mistaken _ 93 Future Tense. Je me tromperai, / shall be mistaken tu te troinperas, thou wilt be mistaken il se trompera, he will be mistaken nous nous tromperons, we shall be mistaken vous vous tromperez, you will be mistaken ils se tromperont, they will be mistaken Conditional. je me tromperais, / should be mistaken tu te tromperais, thou wouldst be mistaken il se tromperait, he would be mistaken nous nous tromperions, we should be mistaken vous vous tromperiez, you would be mistaken ils se tromperaient, they would be mistaken Compound Tenses. je me suis trompe', / have been mistaken je m'e'tais trompd, / had been mistaken je me serai trompe', / shall have been mistaken je me serais trompe', I should have been mistaken Write the following exercises in all tenses: je 1'ai, / have it je ne Pai pas, / have it not Pai-je? have I it? ne l'ai-je pas ? have I not it ? je le cherche, / look for it je ne le cherche pas, / do not look for it je lui donne, I give Mm je ne lui donne pas, 1 do not give him je le lui prte, / lend it Mm je ne le lui pr6te pas, / do not lend it Mm j'en parle, I speak of it je n'en parle pas, / do not speak of it THIRD PART. VOCABULARIES. Note. The plural of French nouns is added only when irregular; adjectives whose feminine differs from the masculine, are always given in full. 1. FRENCH AND ENGLISH VOCABULARY containing all French words occurring in this book, with their meanings, but only as used in the French Exercises. A. a, has a, to, at, in; a la mode, in the fashion, fashionable; a present, now aboyer, to bark achete, bought acheter, to buy achever, to complete, end actif, active, active Adolphe, Adolphus 1'aflaire (f.), the business, work s'affliger, to grieve I'Afrique (f.), Africa l'age (m.), the age agreable, agreeable, pleasant (j')ai, (I) have aimable, amiable (il) aime, (he) loves, likes (j')aime, (I) love, like aimer, to love, like alle, gone allez, go, are going 1'ame (f. ), the soul 1'Amerique (f.), America 1'ami (m.), the friend 1'amie (f.), the friend ramitie" (f.), the friendship s'amuser, to be amused 1'an (m.), the year 1'anglais, English 1'animal, les animaux (m.), the animal 1'annee (f.), the year, chaque annee, every year 1'annee bissextile (f.), leap-year Aout (m.), August (month) appeler, to call, name; s'appelle, is called; s'appeler, to be catted, to be named 1'appetit (m.), the appetite apporter, to bring applique, appliquee; diligent appris, learnt apres, after 1'arbre (m.), the tree 1'ardoise (f. ), the slate 1'argent (m.), the money, silver arrive, arrivee; arrived; il est arrive quelque chose, something has hap- pened arriver, to happen arrose, watered as, hast 1'Asie (f.), Asia assez, enough attendre, to wait aujourd'hui, to-day 1'aune (f.), the eU aussi, also, as 95 1'Australie (f.), Australia, autant, as much, as many 1'autre, the other autrefois, formerly autrement, otherwise, differently avancer, to advance avant, before avec, with (vous) avez, (you) have (nous) avons, (we) have Avril (m.), April B. le banquier, the banker le has, the stocking bas, basse, low batir, to build battre, to beat beau, bel, belle, beautiful, fine beaucoup, much, many le beurre, the butter la bibliotheque, the library bien, well le bien, the benefit, good, that which is right, the property, estate, fortune bientot, soon la biere, the beer blamer, to blame blanc, blanche, white la boite, the box bon, bonne, good le bonheur, (the) happiness les bontes (f.), the kindness, good will la botte, the boot le boulanger, the baker le bouquet, the nosegay X^ la bouteiUe, the bottle la brebis, the sheep Bruxelles, Brussels bu, drunk c. le cadeau, les cadeaux, the present le cafe, the coffee le cahier, the copy-book la campagne, the country le canif, the penknife la canne, the cane car, for, as ce, cet, cette; ces; this, that; these, those c'est, that is, it is ce qui i that which, which, what ce que ) ce sont, these are, they are ceci, this ceder, to cede, give, yield cela, that celebrer, to celebrate celui, celle; ceux, celles; that, those celui-ci, celle-ci; ceux-ci, celles-ci; this, these celui-la, celle-la; ceux-la, celles-la; that, those cent, a hundred cent un, a hundred and one le, la centieme, the hundredth la cerise, the cherry la chaise, the chair la chambre, the room changer, to change, alter la chanson, the song chanter, to sing [bonnet le chapeau, les chapeaux, the hat, chaque annee, every year, each year le chat, the cat le chateau, les chateaux, the castle, country-seat chaud, chaude, warm le chemin, the way, road la chemise, the shirt cher, chere, dear; dearly cherche, sought chercher, to seek, look for le cheval, les chevaux, the horse un cheveu, a single hair les cheveux (m.), the hair la chevre, the goat chez, at the house of; chez moi, to or at my house; chez le boulanger, at the baker's; chez mon frere, to, at my brother's; chez mon pere, at my father's le chien, the dog le chocolat, the chocolate choisir, to choose Chretien, Christian cinq, Jive cinquante, fifty le, la cinquantieme, the fiftieth le, la cinquieme, the fifth le citron, the lemon le coflre, the box, trunk la colere, anger combien ? how much, how many ? commencer, to begin comment ? how ? le commerce, trade, business le concert, the concert connu, known conseiller, to advise, recommend content, contente; contented, pleased centre, against la corbeiUe, the basket le cordonnier, the shoemaker le corps, the body corriger, to correct se couchei, to go to bed la couleur, the color court, courte, short le cousin, the (male) cousin la cousine, the (female) cousin le couteau, les couteaux, the knife couter, to cost la cravate, the cravat le crayon, the pencil cree, created (je) crois, (I) believe cruel, cruelle, cruel, fierct la cuiller j la cuillere ihe s P n la dame, the lady dans, in; danspeu de temps, in a little time le de, the thimble Decemhre (m.), December le defaut. the defect, fault defendre, to defend, forbid deja, already demain, to-morrow demander, to demand, beg, ask, ask for demeurer, to live, dwell demi, demie, half demi-douzaine (f.), half a dozen la demoiselle, the young lady la dent, the tooth depuis, since, ago depuis quand ? since when, how long ? le dernier, la derniere, the last descendre, to descend, come down desirer, to desire, wish for deux, two le devoir, the duty Dieu, God difficile, difficult dimanche (m.), Sunday dites, say, tell dix, ten dix-huit, eighteen le, la dix-huitieme, the eighteenth le, la dixieme, the tenth dix-neuf, nineteen le, la dix-neuvieme, the nineteenth dix-sept, seventeen le, la dix-septieme, the seventeenth . the servant (m.f.) la domestique donne, given dormer, to give donnez-moi, give (to) me dormi, slept doucement, softly, gently, slowly doux, douce, sweet, gentle la douzaine, the dozen douze, twelve le, la douzieme, the twelfth le drap, the cloth; de bon drap, some good cloth; du drap bleu, some blue doth E. Veau, les eaux (f.), the water 1'ecole (f.), the school 1'ecolier (m.), the scholar of 97 Pouter, to listen, listen to e'crit, written un ecu, a crown, dollar effacer, to efface, strike out effrayer, to frighten 1'eglise (f. ), the church eleve, educated elever, to bring up, educate elle, she, it; elles, they, them Emilie, Emily employer, to employ, spend en, in; of him, of her, of it, of them, with him, with her, with it, with them, some, any encore, still, yet, again 1'encre (f. ), the ink; de 1'encre, some ink, any ink 1'encrier (m.), the inkstand 1'enfant (m. & f . ), the child; des enfants, some children, any children ensemble, together entre, between, among envers, towards, to envoye, sent envoyer, to send esperer, to hope essayer, to try Tessuie-main (m.), the towel essuyer, to wipe, dry up est, is; est a, belongs to 1'estampe (f.), the engraving et, and 1'etang (m.), the pond ete, been etre, to be 1'etude (f.), the study eu, had 1'Europe (f.), Europe eux, they, them exagerer, to exaggerate excellent, excellente, excellent F. facile, easy fait, (he) makes; made, paid (of a faites, make, do la famille, the family la farine, the flour, meal la faute, the fault, mistake faux, fausse, false, treacherous, in- sincere la femme, the woman le fer, (the) iron la fete, the feast, birthday le feu, les feux, the fire Fevrier (m.), February fidele, faithful la fille, the daughter, girl le fils, the son fin, fine,yme fini, finished fiuir, to finish la fleur, the flower; des fleurs, some flowers, any flowers; de belles fleurs, some beautiful flowers la flute, the flute font, make fort, forte, strong la fortune, the fortune la fourchette, the fork frais, fraiche, fresh, new le franc, the franc, twenty cents le frangais, French Fran9ois, Francis le frere, the brother froid, froide, cold le fromage, the cheese le fruit, the fruit; de bons fruits, some good fruit; des fruits murs, some ripe fruit G. le gant, the glove le general, les generaux, the general Godefroi, Godfrey grand, grande, large, long, tall, great la grand'mere, the grandmother gros, grosse, large, coarse Guillaume, Wittiam la guitare, the guitar 98 H. sliabiller, to dress one's self 1'habit (m.), the coat, dress, garment se hater, to make haste, to hurry haut, haute, high Henri, Henry 1'heure (f. ), the hour, time of the day; tout a 1'heure, presently, just now heureux, heureuse, happy, fortunate hier, yesterday 1'homme (m.), the man honnete, honest 1'huile (f.), the oil huit, eight le, la huitieme, the eighth 1'humeur (f. ), the temper ITiyene (f.), the hyena I. ici, here ignorant, ignorante, ignorant il, he, it; il aime, he loves, he likes; il est arrive quelque chose, something has happened; il fait, he makes, il trouve, he finds; il vend, he setts il y a, there is, there are il y avait, there was, there were ils, they immortel, immortelle, immortal ingrat, ingrate, ungrateful; unthankful 1'innocence (f.), innocence instruit, instruite, learned intelligent, intelligente, intelligent J. le jambon, the ham Janvier (m. ), January le jardin, the garden le jardinier; the gardener (m.) la jardiniere, the gardener (f.) je, I; j'ai, J have; j'ai raison, I am right; j'ai tort, J am wrong; j'aime, I love, Hike; je parle, I speak; je pense a vous, I think of you Jean, John jeter, to throw, throw away le jeu, les jeux, the play, game jeudi(m.), Thursday jeune, young la jeunesse, youth joli, jolie, pretty jouer, to play le jour, the day la journee, the day Juillet (m.), July Juin (m.), June la, the la, her, it la, there laborieux, laborieuse, industrious le lait, the milk la larme, the tear las, lasse, tired le latin, Latin se laver, to wash one's self le, the le, him, it le leur, it to them le lui, it to him les legumes (m.), the vegetables les, the, them les leur, them to them les lui, them to him la lettre, the letter leur, leurs, their le leur, la leur, les leurs, theirs leur, them, to them leur en, some to them leve, lifted, raised lever, to lift, raise; se lever, to rise.. get up le libraire, the bookseller la ligne, the line le lion, the lion lire, to read le livre, the book la livre, the pound la loi, the law Londres, London long, longue, long 99 lorsque, when, at the time when louer, to praise Louis, Louis Louise, Louisa lourd, lourde, heavy lu, read lui, he, him; to him, to her, to it lui en, some to him, to her, to it lundi (m.), Monday la lune, the moon M. madame, Mrs.; mesdames, Mesdames mademoiselle, Miss; mesdemoiselles, Misses Mai (m.), May la main, the hand mais, but la maison, the house le maitre, the master le mal, les maux, the evil malade, sick, ill le malheur, (the) misfortune malheureux, malheureuse, unhappy, unfortunate la malle, the box, trunk mange, eaten manger, to eat le marchand, the tradesman mardi (m.), Tuesday Marie, Mary Mars (m.), March Mathilde, Matilda le matin, the morning la matinee, the morning me, me, to me m'en, some to me me le, it to me me les, them to me mechant, mecnante, naughty le m&lecm, the physician meilleur, meilleure, better; le meilleur, la meilleure, the best; le meilleur homme de la ville, the best man in town le meme, la meme ; les memes, the same mener, to lead, guide, bring le menuisier, the joiner mercredi (m.), Wednesday la mere, the mother; mon pere et ma mere, my parents le metal, les metaux, the metal midi (m. ), midday, noon; midi et de- mi, half past twelve le mien, la mienne; les miens, les miennes, mine mieux, better le, la millieme, the thousandth minuit (m.), midnight la minute, the minute mis, put, laid la mode, the fashion; a la mode, in the fashion, fashionable moderer, to moderate modeste, modest moi, I, me le moineau, les moineaux, the sparrow moins, less, fewer le mois, the month le moment, the moment mon, ma, mes, my le monde, the world, people monsieur, Mr., messieurs, Messrs.; ce monsieur, this gentleman la montagne, the mountain la montre, the watch montrer, to show le morceau, les morceaux, the piece mordre, to bite la mort, death mortel, mortelle, mortal le mot, the word le mouchoir, the pocket-handkerchief la moutarde, the mustard mur, mure, ripe K. ne..jamais, not ever, never; no., pas, not, no; ne. .plus, not more, no more, no longer; ne. .point, not at att, no le negociant, the merchant 100 nettoyer, to dean neuf, neuve, new neuf, nine \e, la neuvieme, the ninth noir, noire, black le nombre, the number non, TIO notre, nos, our le notre, la notre; les notres, our* nous, we, us, to us nous en, some to us nous le, it to us nous les, them to us nouveau, nouvel, nouvelle, new Novembre (m.), November la nuit, the night O. obeir, to obey Octobre (m.), October Voiseau, les oiseaux (m.), the bird en, one, people 1'oncle (m.), the uncle onze, eleven le, la onzieme, the eleventh ordinairement, usually ou, or ou? where? oublier, to forget oui, yes P. la page, the page le pain; thebread; du pain, some oread, de bon pain, some good bread la paire, the pair le papier, the paper parce que, because les parents (m.), the relatives; mes parents, my parents paresseux, paresseuse, idle (je) parle, (I) speak parle, spoken parler, to speak partager, to share, divide parti, partie, gone away, set out, de- parted, started la partie, the part pas de, no la passion, love, affection la patience, the patience pauvre, poor payer, to pay, pay for pendant, during penser, to think; je pense a vous, 1 think of you perdre, to lose perdu, lost le pere, the father; mon pere et ma mere, my parents personne. .ne, no one petit, petite, small, short, little peu, little, few le peuple, the people Philadelphia Philadelphia la pierre, the stone la place, the place placer, to put, place, lay le plaisir, the pleasure la plante, the plant pleure, cried, wept pleurer, to cry, weep la plume, the pen la plupart, the greater part plus, more la poire, the pear le poisson, the fish le poivre, the pepper la pomme, the apple; des ponrmes, some apples, any apples la porte, the door porter; to carry, wear; se porter, (to carry one's self), to be; se porter bien, to be weU posseder, to possess pour, for pourquoi? why? la prairie, the meadow preferer, to prefer le premier, la premiere, the first a present, now prete, lent prefer, to lend 101 pns, taken le prix, the price se promener, to walk, take a walk (tu> promets, (thou) promisest promis, promised prompteinent, quickly prononcer, to pronounce propre, proper, clean, neat proteger, to protect la prune, the plum punir, to punish Q. la qualite, the quality quand, when quarante, forty le, la quarantieme, the fortieth le quart, the quarter quatorze, fourteen le, la quatorzieme, the fourteenth quatre, four quatre-vingts, eighty le, la quatre-vingtieme, the eightieth quatre-vingt-dix, ninety le, la quatre- vingt-dixieme, the nine- tieth quatre-vingt-un, eighty-one le, la quatrieme, the fourth que? what? que, that, than, as; whom, which, that quel, quelle, quels,quelles, which, what qui, who, which, that; who ? le quintal, les quintaux, the hundred- weight quinze, fifteen; quinze jours, a fort- night le, la quinzieme, the fifteenth R. raison, right; j'ai raison, I am right raisonnable, reasonable le rameau, les rameaux, the branch rarement, seldom, rarely re9u, received refuser, to refuse regler, to ~vk, settle la reine, the queen se rejouir, to rejoice, to be rejoiced remplir, to Jill, fulfil, do rendre, to give back, to restore rendu, paid (of a visit} repondre, to answer, reply se reposer, to rest reste, remained, stayed, stayed behind retourner, to return, go back revenu, returned riche, rich, nothing rincer, to rinse la robe, the gown, dress le roi, the king la rose, the rose rouge, red le ruban, the ribbon S. sage, wise, good (as to conduct} salir, to soil, dirty la salle, the room samedi (m.), Saturday s'appelle, is called le savon, the soap se, himself, herself, itself; themselves, one another sec, seche, dry le second, la seconde, the second la seconde, the second (of time} seize, sixteen le, la seizieme, the sixteenth le sel, the salt la semaine, the week sense, sensee, sensible sept, seven Septembre (m.), September le, la septieme, the seventh la servante, the maid-servant settlement, only d, so, if s'il vous plait, if you please si .ne, if not, unless 102 le slen, la * ienne, les siens, lea sien- neo, his six, six le, la sixieme, the sixth la Boeur, the sister la sole, the silk le soir, the evenlig la soiree, the evening; toute la soiree, all the evening soixante, sixty soixante et dix, seventy soixante et onze, seventy-one soixante-douze, seventy-two le, la soixantieme, the sixtieth le, la soixante-dixieme, the seventieth le soldat, the soldier le soleil, the sun son, sa; ses, his, her, its sont, are; sont a, belong to (are to) sorti, sortie, gone out souhaiter, to wish le soulier, the shoe la soupe, the soup souvent, often le succes, the success le sucre, the sugar sur, on, upon T. la table, the tabk le tailleur, the tailor tant, so much, so many la tante, the aunt tard, late la tasse, the cup te, thee, to thee t'en, some to thee tele, it to thee te les, them to thee le temps, the time, weather; dan a pen de temps, in a little time la terre, the earth, land la tete, the head le the*, the tea le theatre, the {heater le theme, the excrcis* le tien, la tienne, les tiens, les tien- nes, thine le tigre, the tiger toi, thou, thee la toile, the linen ton, ta, tes, thy tort, wrong; j'ai tort, Jam wrong toujours, always tous les jours, every day tout, every thing, att; quite tout, toute, tous, toutes, aU; tout b 1'heure, presently, just now; tout le monde, every body la tranche, the piece, slice le travail, les travaux, the work travailler, to work treize, thirteen le, la treizieme, the thirteenth trente, thirty trente et un, thirty-one trente-deux, thirty4wo le, la trentieme, the thirtieth tres, very triste, sad trois, three le, la troisieme, the third se tromper, to deceive one's self, to be mistaken trop, too much, too many le troupeau, les troupeaux, thejlock (il) trouve, ( he) finds trouve, found trouver, to find, meet with, like tu, thou U. tin, une, a, an; one 1'un, 1'une, the one utile, useful V. le vaisseau, les vaisseaux, the ship (il) vend, ( he) setts vendre, to sett vendredi (m.), Friday vendu, sold 103 venez, come venu, come le verre, the glass vert, verte, green vertueux, vertueuse, virtuous la viande, the meat; de la viande, some meat, ara/mectf/demauvaise viande, some bad meat la vie, (the) life Vienne, Vienna vieux, vieil, vieille, old vif, vive, lively la ville, the town le vin, the wine le vinaigre, the vinegar vingt, twenty vingt-deux, twenty-two vingt et un, twenty-one le, la vingt et unieme, the twenty-first le, la vingtieme, the twentieth le violon, the violin la visite, the visit vite, quickly voici, here is, here are voila, there is, there are le voisin ) , lavoisine f ^e neighbor, m. <&f volontiers, willingly votre, vos, your le, la votre, les votres, yours voulu, wished vous, you, to you vous en, some to you vous le, it to you vous les, them to you vu, seen Y. y, there, thither t within, to it, to them. 104 2. ENGLISH AND FRENCH VOCABULARY, containing all English words occurring in this book, with their meanings, but only as used in the English Exercises. a, an, un, nne active, actif, active Adolphus, Adolphe to advance, avancer to advise, conseiller (the) affection, la passion Africa, TAfrique (f.) after, apres again, encore against, centre the age, 1'age (m.) ago, depuis agreeable, agreable all, tout, toute; tous, toutes; tout already, deja also, aussi to alter, changer always, toujours America, 1'Amerique (f.) amiable, aimable among, entre and, et (the) anger, la colere the animal, I'animal, les animaux (m.) to answer, repondre any, en the appetite, Tappetit (m.) the apple, la pomme; some apples, any apples, des pommes April, Avril (m.) are, sont; are going, allez arrived, arrive, arrivee as, que, car, aussi; as many, as much, autant Asia, 1'Arie (f.) to ask, ask for, demander at, a; at the time when, lorsque; at the house of, chez ; at the baker's, chez le boulanger; at my father's, chez xnon pere; to or at my house, chez moi August (month), Aout(m.) the aunt, la tante Australia, I'Australie () B. the baker, le boulanger; at the laker' 's, chez le boulanger the banker, le banquier to bark, aboyer the basket, la corbeille to be, etre, se porter ; to be amused, s'amuser; to be catted, s'appeler; to be mistaken, se tromper; to be nam- ed, s'appeler; to be rejoiced, se re- jouir; to be well, se porter bien to beat, battre beautiful, beau, bel, belle because, parce que been, ete the beer, la biere before, avant to beg, demander to begin, commencer (I) believe, (je) crois belong, sont a; belongs to, est a the benefit, le bien the best, le meilleur, la meilleure; (Tie best man in town, le meilleur homme delaville better, meilleur, meilleure 105 between, entre the bird, 1'oiseau, les oiseaux (m.) the birthday, la fete to bite, mordre black, noir, noire to blame, blamer the body, le corps the bonnet, le chapeau, les chapeaux the book, le livre the bookseller, le libraire the boot, la botte the bottle, la bouteiUe "bought, achete the box, la boite, le coffre, la malle the branch, le rameau, les rameaux the bread, le pain; some bread, any bread, du pain; some, any goodbread, de bon pain to bring, mener, apporter to bring up, clever the brother, le frere ; to my brother's, chez mon frere Brussels, Bruxelles to build, batir the business, le commerce, I'aflaire (f.) but, mais the butter, le beurre to buy, acheter C. to caU, appeler; is called, s'appelle the cane, la canne to carry, porter; to carry one's self, to be, se porter the castle, le chateau, les chateaux the cat, le chat to cede, ceder to celebrate, celebrer the chair, la chaise to change, changer the cheese, le fromage the cherry, la cerise the child, renfant(m. & f.); some child- ren, any children, des enfants the chocolate, le chocolat to choose, choisir Christian, Chretien the church, 1'eglise (f.) to clean, nettoyer clean, propre the cloth, le drap; some good cloth, de bon drop; some blue cloth, du drap bleu coarse, gros, grosse the coat, 1'habit (m.) the coffee, le cafe cold, froid, froide the color, la couleur come, venu, venez to come down, descendie to complete, achever the concert, le concert contented, content, contents the copy-book, le cahier to correct, corriger to cost, couter the country, la campagne the country-seat, le chateau, les cha- teaux the cousin (m. &f.), le cousin, la cousine the cravat, la cravate created, cree cried, pleure a crown (coin), un ecu cruel, cruel, cruelle to cry, pleurer the cup, la tasse the daughter, la fille the day, le jour, la journ^e (the) death, la mort to deceive one's self, se tromper December, Decembre (m.) the defect, le defaut to defend, defendre to demand, demander departed, parti, partie to descend, descendre to desire, desirer differently, autrement 106 difficult, difficile diligent, applique, applign^e to dirty, salir to divide, partager to do (his duty), remplir; do, faites the dog. le chien the dollar, 1'ecu (m.) the door, la porte the dozen, la douzaine the dress, la robe, rhabit(m.) to dress one's self, s'habiller drunk, bu dry, sec, seche to dry up, essuyer during, pendant the duty, le devoir to dwell, demenrer E. each year, chaque annee the earth, la terre easy, facile to eat, manger eaten, mange to educate, clever educated, eleve to efface, eflacer eight, huit eighteen, dix-huit the eighteenth, le, la dix-huitieme the eighth, le, la huitieme the eightieth, le, la quatre-vingtieme eighty, quatre-vingts eighty-one, quatre-vingt-un eleven, onze the eleventh, le, la onzieme the eU, ratine (f.) Emily, Emilie to employ, employer . to end, achever English, 1'anglais the engraving, 1'estampe (t) enough, assez the estate, le bien Europe, ITSurope (f.) the evening, le soir, la soiree; aU the evening, toute la soiree every body, tout le monde; every day, tons les jours; every thing, tout; every year, chaque anne'e the evil, le mal, les maux to exaggerate, exagerer excellent, excellent, excellent^ the exercise, le theme F. faithful, fidele false, faux, fausse the family, la famille the fashion, la mode; fashionable, in the fashion, a la mode the father, le pere; at my father' a, chez mon pere the fault, la faute, le defaut the feast, la fete February, Fevrier (m.) few, peu;/eicer, moins Jierce, cruel, cruelle fifteen, quinze the fifteenth, le, la quinzieme the fifth, le, la cinquieme the fiftieth, le, la cinquantieme fifty, cinquante to fill, remplir to find, trouver (he) finds, (il) trouve fine, beau, bel, belle; fin, fine to finish, finir finished, fini the fire, le feu, les feux the first, le premier, la premiere the fish, le poisson five, cinq the flock, le troupeau, les troupeaux the flour, la farine the flower, la fleur; some or any beauti- ful flowers, de belles fleurs the flute, la flute for, car, pour, pendant to forbid, defendre to forget, oublier 10T the fork, la fourchette formerly, autrefois the fortieth, le, la quarantieme a fortnight, quinze jours fortunate, heureux, heureuse the fortune, la fortune, le bieu forty, quarante found, troiive four, quatre fourteen, qnatorze the fourteenth, le, la quatorzieme the fourth, le, la quatrieme a franc, tin franc (twenty cents) Francis, Fra^ois French, le fran9ais fresh, frais, fraiche Friday, vendredi (m.) the friend (m. &f.), 1'ami, 1'amie the friendship, 1'amitie (f.) to frighten, eflrayer the fruit, le fruit; some good fruit, de bons fruits; some ripe fruit,des fruits murs to fulfil, remplir G. the game, le jeu, les jeux the garden, le jardin the gardener (m. &f.), le jardinier, la jardiniere the garment, 1'habit (m.) the general, le general, les generaux gentle, doux, douce this gentleman, ce monsieur gently, doucement to get up, se lever the girl, la fille to give, donner, ce"der to give back, rendre give (to) me, donnez-moj given, donne the glass, le verre the glove, le gant go, allez to go back, retourner to go to bed, se coucher the goat, la chevre God, Dieu Godfrey, Godefroi gone, alle, allee gone away, parti, partio gone out, sorti, sortie good, bon, bonne; sage; the good will, les bontes (f.), the good, that which is right, le bien the gown, la robe the grandmother, la grand' mere great, grand, grande green, vert, verte to grieve, s'affliger to guide, mener the guitar, la guitare H. had, eu a (single) hair t un cheveu; the hair, les cheveux half, demi, demie; half a dozen, demi- douzaine; half past twelve, midi et demi the ham, le jambeu the hand, la main to happen, arriver (the) happiness, le bonheur happy, heureux, heureuse has, a hast, as the hat, le chapeau, les chapeaux (I)have, (j')ai; (toe) have, (nous) avons; (you) have, (vous) avez he, il, lui; he finds, il trouve; he likes, loves, il aime; he makes, il fait; he setts, il vend the head, la tete heavy, lourd, lourde Henry, Henri her, son, sa, ses ; her, la, elle; to her, lui; of her, en; herself, se here, ici; here is, here are, voici Tiers, le sien, la sienne; les siens, les siennes high, haut, haute 108 him, le, lui; to him, ltd; of him, en; himself, se his, son, sa, ses; le sien, lasienne; les siens, les siennes honest, honnete to hope, esperer the horse, le cheval, les chevaux the hour, 1'heure (f.) the house, la maison how, comment ? how many , combien ? how much, combien? how long, depuis quand ? o hundred, cent a hundred and one, cent un fte hundred-weight; le quintal, les quintaux the hundredth, le, la centieme to hurry, se hater Me hyena, 1'hyene (f.) I. I, je, moi; / am right, j'ai raison; I am wrong, j'ai tort; I like, I love, j'aime; / speak, je parle; I think of you, je pense a vous idle, paresseux, paresseuse if, si; {/. .not, si. .ne if you please, s'il vous plait ignorant, ignorant, ignorante ill, malade immortal, immortel, immortelle in, dans, a, en; in a little time, dans peu de temps industrious, laborieux, laborieuse the ink, 1'encre (f.); some ink, any ink, de 1'eucre the inkstand, 1'encrier (m.) (the) innocence, 1'innocence (f.) insincere, faux, fausse intelligent, intelligent, intelligente (the) iron, le fer is, est; is called, s'appelle it, il, elle, le, la; to it, lui, y; of it, en; it to him, le lui; if to me, me le; it to thee, te le; it to them, le leur; it to us, nous le; it to you, vous le; it is, c'eet its, son, sa, see; le eien, la sienne; les siens, les siennes itself, se J. January, Janvier (m.) John, Jean the joiner, le menuisier July, Juillet (m.) June, Juin (m.) just now, tout a 1'heure K. the kindness, les bontes (f.) the king; le roi the knife, le couteau, les couteaux known, connu IM the lady, la dame; the young lady, la demoiselle laid, place, mis the land, la terre large, gros, grosse ; grand, grande the last, le dernier, la derniere late, tard Latin, le latin the law, la loi to lay, placer to lead, mener (the) leap-year, 1'annee bissextile (f. ) learned, instruit, instruite learnt, appris the lemon, le citron to lend, preter lent, prete Zess, moins the letter, la lettre the library, la bibliotheque (the) life, la vie to lift, lever lifted, leve to like, aimer, trouver; Hike, j'aime; he likes, il aime the line, la ligne the linen, la toile the lion, le lion to listen, listen to, ecouter 109 pen; in a little time, dans pen de temps to live, demeurer lively, vif, vive London, Londres long, long, longue; grand, grande to look for, chercher to lose, perdre 'lost, perdu Louis, Louis Louisa, Louise (the) love, la passion; to love, aimer; I love, j'aime; he loves, il aime low, bas, basse M. made, fait the maid-servant, la servante make, faites; (they) make, font; to make haste, se hater (he) makes, (il) Mt the man, I'homme (m.) many, beaucoup; too many, trop March, Mars (m.) Mary, Marie the master, le maitre Matilda, Matbilde May, Mai (m.) me, me, moi; to me, me the meadow, la prairie the meal, la farine the meat, la viande; some meat, any meat, de la viande; some or any bad meat, de mauvaise viande to meet with, trouver the merchant, le negociant Mesdames, mesdames Messrs., messieurs the metal, le metal, les metaux midday, midi (m.) midnight, minuit(m.) the milk, le lait [les miennes mine, le mien, la mienne, les miens, the minute, la minute (the) misfortune, le malheur Miss, mademoiselle; Misses, mesde- moiselles the mistake, la faute to moderate, moderer modest, modeste the moment, le moment Monday, lundi (m.) the money, 1'argent (m.) the month, le mois the moon, la lune more, plus the morning, le matin, la matinee, att the morning, toute la matinee mortal, mortel, mortelle the mother, la mere the mountain, la montagne Mr., monsieur Mrs., madame much, beaucoup; too much, trop; how much ? combien ? the mustard, la moutarde my, mon, ma; mes to name, appeler naughty, mecnant, mechante neat, propre the neighbor (m. & f.), le voisin, la voisine never, ne. .jamais new, neuf, neuve; nouveau, nouvel, nouvelle; frais, fraiche the night, la nuit nine, neuf nineteen, dix-neuf the nineteenth, le, la dix-neuvieme the ninetieth, le quatre-vingt-dixieme ninety, quatre-vingt-dix the ninth, le, la neuvieme no, non; pas de; ne. .pas; ne. .point; no longer, ne plus; no more, ne plus; no one, personne. .ne noon, midi (m.) the nosegay, le bouquet not, ne . . pas; not at all, ne . . point; not ever, ne . . jamais ; not more, ne plus nothing, rien , , ne 110 November, Novembre (m.) pleased, content, contents now, a present ;just now, tout allieure the pleasure, le plaisir the number, le nombre the plum, la prune Q^ the pocket-handkerchief, le mouchoir to obey, obeir thepond, 1'etang (m.) October, Octobre (m.) poor, pauvre of, de; of it, en ^ sses j' P ? 6 ^ often, souvent fce pound la livre old, vieux, vieil, vieille W promets to pronounce, prononcer o^Amr^autrement . proper, propre our,, le, la notre; les notres protect protege* !* to punish, punir i^ page, la page puf, mis paid Co/ a visit), fait, rendu topuf, placer the pair, la paire tte paper, le papier [ma mere Q" my parents, mes parents; mon pere et the quality, la qualite the part, la partie; the greater part, la the quarter, le quart plupart the queen, la reine (the) patience, la patience quickly, vite, promptement to pay, pay for, payer gw#e, tout f/ie pear, la poire the pen, la plume ** f/ie penci/, le crayon to raise, lever f/ie penknife, le canif [on raised, leve the people, le peuple;peop/e, le monde, rarefy, rarement the pepper, le poivre read, lu Philadelphia, Philadelphie to read, lire Me physician, le medecin reasonable, raisonnable nljupon rVUg^l ^vp blishers. 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