mz- * - e-*O CJ/ / " ' "Which style is considered the more fashionable: 1 inquired Felicia, turning to Alfred, whc having met hers, instantly dropped." Page 52. tlim: A NOVEL. B Y HENRY COCKTON. " Mr. AYilkins and Fidcle stopped to gather a variety of wild flowers, when Alfred and Felicia as if they really understood all about it went in advance." Fmje 248. LONDON: OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY, 227 STKAXD. LADY FELICIA. A NOVEL. BY HENRY COCKTON, // AUTHOR OF ' VALENTINE VOX." " 8VLVESTER SOUND," iVr..,Vr. LONDON : OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY, 227, STRAND. M1>CCCLII. LONDON : J. HADDON, PRINTER, CASTL1 CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ... 1 CHAPTER II. MR. WILKINS . .15 CHAPTER III. FELICIA . . . .35 CHAPTER IV. THE CONSULTATION . . .54 CHAPTER V. THE AMBASSADRESS ... .64 CHAPTER VI. THE DISCOVERY . 86 CHAPTER VII. ILLIBERAL VIEWS . . . . .108 CHAPTER VIII. THE RESOLUTION . 135 CHAPTER IX. THE ELOPEMENT . . . .146 CHAPTER X. THE SPECULATION . 164 CHAPTER XI. THE ANNOUNCEMENT . ... 178 CHAPTER XII. REVENGE . 192 CHAPTER XIII. A POPULAR DEMONSTRATION . . .212 CHAPTER XIV. THE HONEYMOON . . . .228 CHAPTER XV. THE SECRET . . . . . .252 CHAPTER XVI. ARISTOCRATIC PATRONAGE . . .262 CHAPTER XVII. THE MARRIAGE OF MR. WILKINS . . .276 CHAPTER XVIII. NOVEL VIEWS . ... 292 CHAPTER XIX. BUSINESS . . . . . .306 CHAPTER XX. THE MYSTERY SOLVED .... 322 CHAPTER XXL THE CONCLUSION . 330 M78923 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE I. , ' INTKODTJCTION. IN the celebrated borough of Sudbury, some years before the patriotic struggles of the enlightened freemen had won for it that political repose and parliamentary independence by which it is now so peculiarly distinguished, there was a glorious electioneering contest between Lord Charles Jocelyn and Captain Coleraine. The immediate cause of this contest was not at the time held to be extraordinary : it was indeed simply this, that Sir William Wardle, whom the freemen had previously elected, had lost his seat merely in consequence of its having been proved before a Committee of the House of Commons that he had performed divers acts of generosity which, by virtue of a singular political fiction then in existence, were designated acts of bribery and corruption. It may to some appear to be strange that a man's generosity should have involved the loss of that which it cost him forty thousand pounds to gain; but such, notwithstanding, was the fact, and the only consolation Sir William had was that of strongly recommending his friend Lord Charles to those by whom that generosity had been experienced. Lord Charles was a Blue; the gallant Captain was a Yellow colours which at that ennobling period of British history com- LADY FELICIA. prehended all the political virtues; but although in point of colour the candidates were opposed, their aspirations were equally pure and patriotic: they both aspired to the honour of representing in Parliament the views and feelings of the independent freemen; and as those views and feelings were based upon the principle of bringing their votes to the best la irket,', e^qh; .^ajidjdate naturally conceived himself to be strictly', if nV)t indeed peculiarly, eligible. Froni'.ttiip gre4t ^principle of political economy those freeinen were 1 never known "Swerve. Nothing could ever induce them to violate it. If not immaculate, they were, in this respect, immutable. Having the privileges of freemen, they exercised those privileges like freemen they sold their votes to the highest bidder, to be collectively sold again. They had no bigoted predilection for this or that particular faction not they ; they had no desire to keep this or that party in power : on the contrary, the more frequently the reins of government changed hands the more gratified they were, provided always that every change involved a fresh election. It will hence be perceived that the honour of representing these highly enlightened freemen was sufficiently great to warrant strong exertions ; and as both the noble Lord and the gallant Captain had been inspired with an exalted appre- ciation of that honour, they resolved on doing all in their power to secure it. The result of the petition against the return of Sir William having been with confidence anticipated, arrangements were made for the canvas before that result was absolutely known. Agents were appointed, committees were formed, musicians were secured, and blazing banners were displayed, while the public-houses were all "open" houses, to which the philan- thropic freemen daily flocked, with a view to the development of their love of enlightened liberty, by eating, and drinking, and singing, and shouting, and thus preparing themselves to fight LADY EELICIA. 3 for that glorious colour to which the superior amount of pay might be attached. There was, however, one freeman residing in the borough and it may be held to be a marvellous fact that there was one who had invariably kept aloof ; who had, in the midst of tempt ations, maintained a position of perfect neutrality ; whom no one had ever been able to bring to the poll ; and who had never been induced even to "name his own terms !" Of course, all his brother freemen held him in contempt ; they pronounced him to be both a fool and a rogue a fool to himself and a rogue to his family; and marvelled that he should thus refuse to exercise that privilege, the sale of which they conceived to be their indisputable and inalienable right. His name was Murray. He was not a rich man ; he had, on the contrary, barely sufficient capital to carry on his business, and as this was known, he was never given up : he was in- variably importuned ; and as the warm solicitations of highly influential men attached to both parties proved in this instance as usual unavailing, they combined to starve him into com- pliance to force him to vote either one way or the other not only by withholding their custom, but by pouring in their bills and demanding immediate payment. Conceiving, however, that as the election was so near he should be able to stand against this, and that when the excit- ing contest was over the virulence of the combination would subside, he still adhered to his principle of neutrality, sustained by the conviction that the purity of his motives for however impolitic they might have been considered, they really were pure would never be permitted by Providence to involve him and his family in ruin. Well, the day of nomination arrived, and the borough presented a series of scenes which in those days of civilization were held to be essential to success. The band of the Blues first paraded the town, playing patriotic airs with more power than precision, 4 LADY FELICIA. and followed by a troop of dauntless freemen bearing aloft with constitutional pride their flags and their banners which boldly proclaimed their noble devotion to the altar and the throne, and armed with bludgeons of every description from the rough hedgestake to the lead-loaded cane. The Blues, however, had not been out long when the equally pure Yellow patriots appeared with their band, banners, and bludgeons ; and as they soon met the Blues in a narrow street, each party prepared to walk into the other's ranks. Both scorned to give way, and the battle commenced. Patriotic blood flew about in all directions. Heads were broken, banners were rent, and musical instruments were hurled into the air amid shouts of "Britons never will be slaves!*' "Yellow for ever !" and " Blue to all eternity !" As the Yellows were the stronger body, they very soon made it appear ; when the Blues, finding most of their best men disabled, beat a retreat, and were pursued by the Yellow patriots with the most enthusiastic shouts of victory. At the end of the street, however, the Blues, who had sent to head quarters for assistance, met a powerful reinforcement, the leader of which called upon them to rally, and promptly sent a detachment round for the purpose of attacking the enemy in the rear. The formidable character of this reinforcement at once caused the Yellows to halt; but they were still determined to stand their ground, and they did so for some time valiantly ; but when they saw the detachment coming down upon their rear with blue colours flying and Blue patriots cheering in a state of wild rapture, they were seized with an universal panic, and finding themselves thus completely hemmed in, they rushed into the houses, barricaded the doors, and then flew to the windows, from which they hurled upon the hot devoted heads of the Blues every article of furniture they could find. At this interesting juncture, a desperate and formidable body of the Yellows rushed to the rescue with shouts of revenge ; LADY FELICIA. 5 when the Blues who had been harassed by the, missiles from the windows for not even a poker, a chair, or a pair of tongs could descend without doing some slight execution, while a bed-post, a table, or a small chest of drawers invariably laid a few low retreated just in time to establish a barricade, with two waggons, a cart, and a showman's van which happened to be passing at the time, and which contained a British lion, whose services they certainly would have solicited, had they been sure of his being a Blue behind which barricade they formed themselves into line, and thus left the Yellows in possession of the field. Broken heads had now to be mended, and beer had to be drunk in considerable quantities, in order to keep the spirits of the patriots up; and when these two grand desiderata had been accomplished, the eventful hour fixed for the nomination arrived. This was the most imposing scene of the day a scene in which the forces of both parties were concentrated and when the candidates appeared upon the hustings, surrounded by their influential friends, a glorious chorus of yells, groans, and cheers burst forth with electric effect. No time was now lost. In the midst of the din, the return- ing officer came forward and opened the proceedings, briefly, it is true, but with infinite tact ; when the highly influential indi- viduals who had the honour to propose and to second the " fit and proper persons" to represent the enlightened freemen of that independent borough, performed their parts with a fine sense of pantomimic propriety. They made a most eloquent display of their arms: their voices of course were not allowed to be heard, but they evidently felt that the eyes of all Europe were upon them, and hence deemed it highly correct to call to their aid the true poetry of motion, in order to strike conviction into the noble freemen's souls. ISTor were the freemen blind to these striking pantomimic appeals : they watched them narrowly, expecting every moment 6 LADY FELICIA. to be called upon to show what effect those appeals had had upon them ; but when the show of hands had been called for, neither that returning officer, nor any other returning officer in Europe could have told on which side the majority stood. This gentle- man, however being a strictly conscientious man guessed at it: he declared the result to be in favour of the Blues, when a poll was demanded on behalf of the Yellows, amid terrific cheers on the one hand, and maniacal yells on the other. The band of the Blues now struck up enthusiastically, and the Yellow band, inspired with the spirit of emulation, struck up too. It was strongly suspected that they played different tunes ; but the particular tune which either played was above suspicion. It was then, and has been ever since, questionable whether the musicians themselves knew what they were playing. Their object was to blow away as hard they could blow, and certainly that object was attained. Meanwhile a highly influential Blue, upon the hustings, was, with unexampled energy, expatiating on the varied virtues and purely patriotic principles of the party to whom he was devotedly attached, and of whom he was one of the most conspicuous orna- ments; but as it was very soon felt that on such an occasion he was rather too long-winded, a detachment of the Yellows, with the view of supporting their own eternal principles, brought a fire engine, laden with liquid filth, and played upon him and all around him, not only with spirit and precision, but with the most refreshing impartiality. To obtain possession of this engine, the Blues now directed all their energies; and as the object of the Yellow party was to retain it, a battle of course immediately commenced, and although many sanguinary battles have been fought for objects of less intrinsic value, there is not on record one in which more heat was displayed, or of which the result more completely involved the destruction of that for which both sides contended ! The engine was utterly demolished ; and when the patriots had LADY FELICIA. 7 fought until they felt that they wanted a little more beer, they retired from the field, as if by mutual consent, while the bands played simultaneously " See the conquering heroes come /" During the two following days, drinking, voting, parading, and fighting, formed the chief constitutional amusements of the people. Every effort was made to buy and bring up the inde- pendent freemen: they were brought from all parts of the country, until both sides experienced some difficulty in polling even one man an hour, when, as the numbers were nearly equal, it was mutually agreed that the poll should finally close at four o'clock. Now it was under these highly exciting circumstances that the Marquis of Kingsborough the noble father of Lord Charles walked gaily into Murray's establishment, ostensibly in order to have a little chat with him, albeit he had just been mysteriously informed that that gentleman was out at the time, endeavouring to borrow a little money to meet a bill. " G-ood morning," said the Marquis, addressing Mrs. Murray, whom he found in the shop alone. " Mr. Murray within ?" " No, my Lord," replied Mrs. Murray, with a feeling of embarrassment inspired by the presence of so great a man. " He is not in the way just now, my Lord; but I expect him in shortly." " Oh ! its a matter of no consequence. I merely called : nothing more. How is business ?" " Dull, my Lord: exceedingly dull." " Indeed ! Dear me ; why how do you account for that ?" " Mr. Murray doesn't vote, my Lord ; and all our best customers have in consequence left us." " Oh ! that's it ! I see ! But dear me he must be a very simple man to injure himself and family in that way! He certainly ought to vote on one side or the other ! A neutral man in a town like this can never expect to get on. I am no advocate myself for exclusive dealing, but, as you know, men in general 8 LADY FELICIA. will not deal with those who refuse to oblige them. Besides, men who have the privileges of freemen, ought to exercise those privileges ; if not, they become, of course, perfectly valueless." " I wish, my Lord, that Mr. Murray was not a freeman." " JN"o doubt of it ; but as he is, he ought not to abstain from acting like a freeman. But you fascinating daughters of Eve have so much influence over us ! I suppose now that you have been persuading him not to vote ?" " JN"o, indeed, my Lord ; I wish him to vote ; but his impres- sion is, that if he doesn't vote at all, he cannot permanently offend either party." " But surely a woman of your good sense cannot fail to perceive that he thus offends both ! He has not, I presume, any very strong political predilections ?" " He never interferes, my Lord, with politics at all !" " Then, let him vote which way he will, he cannot be charged with apostacy. Let him vote by all means. If I were you," continued the Marquis, with a smile, " I wouldn't let him rest until I had driven him to the poll ! It isn't as if you wished him to do anything wrong ! I'd make him go ! that is, I would use all my influence with a view of inducing him to go. It's folly perfect folly for a man thus to lose all his trade, when by the mere act of exercising his right he might be prosperous ! Talk to him the silly man talk to him well ! The idea of a respectable establishment like this having no trade is monstrous ! But come, do some business : for goodness' sake do some busi- ness : send some 'goods up to the Hall : some sheetings and shirtings you know what to send say thirty pounds' worth to begin with." " I feel indeed exceedingly obliged to you, my Lord." " !N~ot at all : not at all. Here, I'd better pay you now." " That, my Lord, is perfectly unnecessary." " It may be ; but thirty pounds in hand shall be always worth as much as thirty pounds in the book." LADY FELICIA. " Tour Lordship is very considerate. Shall I send the bill up with the goods, my Lord ?" " ~No, write down now goods thirty pounds, and put paid to the bill." Mrs. Murray now felt so exceedingly tremulous that she scarcely knew how to hold the pen : she did, however, manage to make out the bill, and the Marquis immediately paid the amount. " Send the goods up," said he, " at your own convenience any day will do and mind that you talk to that silly man well. He ought, for the sake of his family. By the way, what family have you ?" " Two children, my Lord." " Oh ! two ; and another I perceive very well two. Are they boys or girls ?" " Girls, my Lord." " Ah ; then the next child, of course, you expect will be a boy ! Never mind me : I'm an old married man. You do expect a boy I'm sure of it ! Now, listen. Let your husband go at once to the poll, and if it be a boy I'll stand godfather to him ! If it be a girl I'll not neglect her ; but if it be a boy I'll make a man of him. Take no notice of this to any one but your husband. If you'll but persuade him to go to the poll, I'll do what I say. Good morning." For some time after the Marquis had left, Mrs. Murray felt perfectly bewildered. The receipt of the thirty pounds, under the circumstances, had alone been sufficient to cause deep emotion ; but the thought of her boy for a boy she felt sure that it would be her own boy, being the godson of a Marquis, inspired her with rapture ! Feeling, however, that Murray had yet to be persuaded, she regained her self-possession, and calmly awaited his return ; and when he did return, he with an overhanging brow went at once to his desk without noticing her smile. 10 LADY FELICIA. " Have you been successful, my dear ?" she inquired. " JS"o," he replied, angrily, " I have not. You may oblige, people as long as you please : you may even impoverish yourself to oblige them ; but when you want them to oblige you, they'll see you ruined rather than make an effort. The very men whom I have assisted now refuse to assist me. Even Johnson, whom I have constantly served whose cheques I have cashed and kept week after week, when I conceived that he was short at the bank even he although I know that he has plenty of money now couldn't make up the sum if I'd give him the world!" " Well, well, my dear, their conduct is unkind, but we shall be able to manage without them." " Louisa, how you talk ; how can you speak so lightly of that which is to us of so much importance ? Tou know that my credit in London is at stake. I wouldn't let that bill go back." " My dear, we have more than sufficient to meet it ! You want twenty pounds to make up the amount, and while you were out I took thirty." " Thirty pounds !" exclaimed Murray, with an expression of amazement. " Have the Palmers been here then to settle their bill?" " No, dear : no. I've received an order for goods to that amount, and the money you'll find in the desk." In an instant Murray opened the desk, and the six five- pound notes met his wondering gaze. " Why," said he, having convinced himself of their real presence, " who, my dear who has been here ?" " One who, when I told him that business was dull, gave me the order, and paid me at once." u But who who gave you the order ?" " The Marquis ; and a nice, kind, good-tempered creature he is." LADY FELICIA. 11 Murray's countenance fell. " The Marquis !" he exclaimed, " I see ! This is intended for a bribe. Did you in my name promise him a vote ?" " No, my dear, I did not. He gave me the order, which, of course, I felt justified in taking ; and when he insisted upon paying the amount, I was but too happy to receive it." " I have a great mind much as I want money to send it back." " Nay, dear, that would be very unwise. But come in, and then I'll explain all that passed." "With a thoughtful expression, Murray followed his wife, and when they were seated in the parlour behind the shop, she thus continued : " Now my dear, there can, of course, be no doubt that the object of the Marquis in calling here was to induce you to vote for Lord Charles." " Then he'll not gain his object." " But listen, dear ; listen. I say that, notwithstanding this order was given without any direct reference being made to its having been given to induce you to vote, it is quite clear that that was his object in calling. But this is not all. Having, in the course of conversation, very justly ascribed the loss of our trade to the fact of your being neutral, he expressed a hope that instead of injuring yourself and family by keeping aloof, you would ensure prosperity by exercising the privilege you possess, and promised mark! absolutely promised, that if our next dear child were a boy, he would, in the event of your going to the poll, stand godfather to him ! * If/ said he, { it be a girl, I'll not neglect her ; but if it be a boy, I'll make a man of him!'" " And what said you to that ? " " He gave me no time to say a word. Having made this promise he moved to the door, bade me good morning, and hastily left." 12 LADY FELICIA. A pause ensued, during which there was a struggle in Murray's mind between his principle of neutrality and his interest. His wife watched the development of this conflict anxiously; and, when she feared that neutrality would triumph, enforced her own views with all the eloquence at her command, portraying the most brilliant scenes of prosperity, and dwelling especially upon the bright prospects of her boy, until Murray, with a resolute air, rose to leave, when she cried with thrilling intensity, " William, dear ! "William ! "Where where are you going?" " My mind 's made up," said he, thoughtfully. " To what, dear William ? Pray tell me." " To vote." " Grod bless you!" she exclaimed, and embraced him with rapture. " Oh," she added, " you have made me so happy ! But fly, dear ; speak to no one on the way ; don't stop to talk to a soul; and when you have voted come back at once to me." Murray kissed her and left to record his vote, and that vote secured the return of Lord Charles. Of course, when they saw him go up to the poll, both the Blues and the Yellows were struck with amazement, and as they had no knowledge of his having been bribed, they conceived that in order to prove his independence he had absolutely given his vote away, which was held by them to be the most monstrous act of folly it was possible for any sane man to commit. The Blues, notwithstanding this, gave him three cheers ; but the Yellows yelled and groaned with desperation. They moreover broke his windows in the course of the night; but in the morning he received anonymously sufficient to repair them. From this time his business increased rapidly, and when a month had expired, Mrs. Murray was confined with her third child, which, to her inexpressible delight, was a boy ! And oh ! how brilliant, in her gentle judgment, was that dear boy's LADY FELICIA. 13 prospects ! And such a sweet boy ! such a noble boy ! "Who could tell that the patronage of the Marquis would not enable him to become the First Minister of the Crown, the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Lord High Chancellor of England? Why, even then to her the germs of greatness were perceptible ! to her he developed surpassing genius at the breast ! and often while he slept would she sit and gaze upon him with a true mother's feelings of pride, and then clasp him to her heart in the perfect conviction that he was absolutely born to be illustrious ! The Marquis to whom the birth of his protege had become known shortly afterwards called and saw the child, and was really delighted with its appearance; and when the day appointed for its baptism arrived, he performed his promise, and expressed a hope that "his Alfred" would be well taken care of. And he was taken care of: indeed, in one sense, too much care was taken of him, and physical delicacy was the result. Having completed his seventh year, however, he was sent by the Marquis to a boarding school, at which his health improved, and he became a fine boy. He remained here until he was nearly fourteen, when he was about to be sent to Eton with a view to his being prepared for Oxford ; but as at this period the noble Marquis died, the youth's brilliant prospects sank below the horizon. He had by this time received a sound preliminary education; but as Murray was unable to bear the expense of its completion, and equally unable to give him a profession, Alfred went home in order to learn his father's business, with the only prospect then in view of being eventually able to conduct it. To this change mortifying as it was to all concerned Alfred endeavoured to reconcile himself: he endeavoured to acquire tradesman-like habits, and to bring his mind to bear upon the one grand object, but with very equivocal success, for the talent which was in that sphere most applauded, appeared 14 LADY FELICIA. to him to resemble low cunning too closely, while the practices to which it was deemed necessary to have recourse did not accord with his notions of honour. He, notwithstanding, remained at home until he was twenty-one, when his father conceiving that if he were to see how business was conducted in London, it would tend to enlarge his views and to render him more competent to commence on his own account made arrangements with the proprietor of a celebrated establishment in. the metropolis, to which Alfred was transferred, and in which he appeared under the immediate patronage of Mr. Bartholomew Wilkins the principal assistant, and the most accomplished salesman of the day who undertook, with feelings of pleasure and pride, to "polish him positively up." LADY FELICIA. 15 CHAPTEE II. ME. WILKINS. ME. WILKINS was an exquisite of the most exalted caste : his style of dress was distingue. An immense gold chain adorned his vest which was either of white cassimere, crimson velvet, or emerald satin and while his bosom was studded with brilliants, and his fingers were duly embellished with rings, his air was that of a milliner's pet, and his tout ensemble striking. His toilet never occupied less than three hours : it might be said indeed to have occupied the whole of the day, for, as the shop was lined with glass, he was throughout the day engaged in admiring himself in every possible point of view, and really he sometimes appeared to be absolutely lost in admiration. There was not a man in Europe who entertained a higher opinion of his personal appearance, and had it not been for his hands, he, beyond all doubt, would have considered himself not only irresistible, but perfect. Those hands of his were a source of great mental affliction : they were the only real trouble he had. They were large and red, and he could neither reduce the size of them, nor blanch them. Pancy soaps of which he had a great variety were ineffectual: cosmetics of every description failed; even poultices, applied in gloves, night after night, proved unavailing: they were still large and red, still calamitously ugly. JNTor did his nails in the slightest degree redeem them; they were short, and stumpy, and shapeless, and flat, while by some mysterious process of nature, the skin made everlasting efforts to conceal 16 LADY FELICIA. them. He rubbed it down, and trimmed it up, and tried to check its progress by all the means in his power ; but as it would grow, and that in the most ragged manner possible, he had as much trouble to keep it back, as the spirit of supersti- tion has to keep back intelligence. It will hence be perceived, why he could not with any degree of justice to his discernment, or by virtue of any stretch of the imagination consider himself perfect; but with the exception of his inelegant hands, he certainly held his appearance to be faultless. And who could attend to a lady with more grace ? who could address her more eloquently, or in language more suasive and deferential ? What could surpass in beauty his style of showing a shawl? It was great truly great. With what consummate tact would he display its peculiar excellences! With what masterly effect, while throwing it out for inspection, would he strike a stately histrionic attitude ! He was, in this department, the first man of the age, and, in consequence commanded the highest salary on record. His genius, however, was not confined to style: he was highly nay, magnificently imaginative. He was the author of the history of every valuable shawl in stock a history embel- lished with romances of sterling interest. He was, moreover, a student of Indian warfare. He read with avidity all the public despatches and would have a shawl of course nominally from the glorious scene of action, wherever that glorious scene might be, and, as the intrinsic value could not be defined, he would set a price upon it, exactly in proportion to the splendour and importance of the achievement. At first, while listening to these interesting romances, Alfred regarded them as lessons got by rote, to be repeated whenever an opportunity offered, and fancied that he should very soon discover a sameness in them calculated to weaken, if not to destroy their effect ; but when he found that the ima- gination of his mentor was illimitable, that he was never at n LADY FELICIA, 17 loss for something novel, and that his versatility was as striking as the style in which it was displayed, he feared that Ms Pegasus was but a screw, and felt anxious to give the thing up. " I quite despair/' .said he, on one occasion, when Mr. Wilkins had sold a cashmere shawl for a hundred guineas, by virtue of representing it to have been taken from Tippo Saib, at the storming of Seringapatam " I quite despair of ever being able to compete with, or even to approach, you." "Despair, sir !" exclaimed Mr. Wilkins, "Despair! Folly, Mr. Murray, sir ! absolute folly. Can the eaglet soar like the parent bird ? Can a man reach the top of the tree without climbing? Did Hubens, Handel, Shakespeare, Burke, Demos- thenes, or Alexander ? They all excelled in their respective spheres, as I excel in mine ; but was this excellence attained all at once ? Most unequivocally not ! Before a man reaches the top of the tree he must of necessity surmount the lower branches. Emulation, Mr. Murray, emulation and hope are the best half-and-half any student can drink, and beats all the grog he can take to inspire him. Despair ! Had Milton or Correggio despaired, would they ever have been what they were ?" " Perhaps not," replied Alfred, " but they were great men !" " Great men ! Every man is great who can do something better than every other man. I can't write like Milton, it is true ! nor can I paint with Correggio ; but could either of them sell a shawl with me ? They had genius sufficient, no doubt! Milton might have been taught to show a shawl: Correggio might have been instructed how to sell one; but that was not their mission : each stuck to his own sphere, and they both achieved greatness, but neither was greater in Us sphere than I am in mine !" Alfred smiled, and was about to draw a line between the greatness of Mr, Wilkins and that of Correggio; but as a 18 LADY FELICIA. customer happened to enter at the time, the subject dropped without receiving any additional illustration. He nevertheless felt that the "mission" of Mr. "Wilkins was, in his estimation, a high one, although he could not but think that it was far more honourable to grind the colours for a man like Correggio, than to invent with a view to deception, even so brilliant a romance as that which had reference to Tippo Saib's loss at the storming of Seringapatam. The next morning, while the great Mr. Wilkins and his "principal" were engaged in conversation, Alfred had an opportunity of distinguishing himself in that particular "sphere" in which his mentor shone with so much effulgence- A lady entered, and expressed a wish to look at a certain scarf, which was then displayed in one of the windows. She spoke to Alfred, who immediately placed it before her, and as she did not appear to approve of it much, he submitted several to her notice, and although much embarrassed, said a few words occasionally in their favour, while Mr. Wilkins hovered near him, with the view of interposing, in the event of his being unable to effect a sale. At length he showed her one with which she appeared to be quite delighted, and Alfred in consequence, became eloquent in its praise. The lady looked at him earnestly while he was speaking, and seemed to linger at every pause, as if she wished him to proceed, until he blushed and became more embarrassed than ever, when perceiving this, she said, "Yes it is very beautiful. I'll take it." " Allow me, sir," said Mr. Wilkins, coming forward. And having seized the scarf, he folded it up on the instant, while the lady produced a brilliant purse. " WTiere will you permit me to send it ?" inquired Alfred. " Our carriage is at the door," replied the lady, who rose and bowed to Alfred with an elegance the most refined. Having received the parcel from Mr. Wilkins, Alfred fol- LADY FELICIA. 19 lowed, and gracefully handed the lady into the carriage, in which sat an elderly gentleman, who took no notice either of her or of him, and as the carriage drove off, she bowed again, and Alfred returned to the shop. "Bravo!" exclaimed Mr. Wilkins, as he grasped Alfred's hand in a state of enthusiasm. " Well done, sir ! Excellent ! elegant ! good !" " You did it very well, Mr. Murray," observed the principal; " very well very well indeed." " I wonder who she is," said Mr. "Wilkins. "As the carriage didn't drive up until she was about to leave, I hadn't time to examine it minutely, but I'm sure I saw a coronet upon it., However, Mr. Murray has made an excellent beginning, and I have not the slightest doubt of his success." These words of encouragement were pleasing, of course, and Alfred acknowledged them mechanically ; but his thoughts were engaged in reviewing that scene in which he had played so conspicuous a part. An analysis of the feelings with which he had been inspired was perfectly impracticable then: the more he dwelt upon them the more embarrassed he became ; and yet what, after all, had occurred ? She had spoken to him ; but then that voice ! so soft, so silvery, so sweet ! in imagination he heard it still, and it sounded like celestial music ! She had smiled. Well ? Oh ! but what a smile ! In that smile her whole soul seemed centred ; and as she gazed at him as if enrapt, what eloquence beamed from her beautiful eyes ! But what could have been the cause of that electric sensation which ran thrilling through his veins ? Could it have been her exquisite loveliness ? He had seen lovely women before ! TJiey had never inspired him with feelings at all comparable with those which he experienced then! But had he ever before seen one so lovely ? He fancied he saw her still, and felt enchanted : that fascinating smile of the soul c 2 20 LADY FELICIA. re-inspired him with ecstacy ! But while she appeared to gaze with rapture upon him, Mr. Wilkins broke the spell. " Mr. Murray," said he ; and on the instant Alfred started as if from a dream, " we have a beastly thing here, the intrinsic value of which is infinitesimally small, but which it strikes me you '11 be able to make a tidy price of." Alfred approached, and found that the "beastly thing" referred to was a dingy^coloured, ill-looking shawl, which appeared to be worth about eighteenpence. "It's a Frenchman," continued Mr. Wilkins, "and its unrivalled ugliness has been hitherto its sole recommendation. Hence no one has fallen in love -with it ; and as it will never be sold on its own merits, some extrinsic virtue must be attached to it in order to make it move off these premises, to which it has stuck from time immemorial, and to which it will otherwise still stick to all eternity. The man who designed it is, I hope, in heaven; but I wish that he had been there before he had compassed his design; indeed, he had no business to be on earth at all, for his mind must have been in a frantic state of infelicity. If, therefore, you wish to immortalize yourself, sell it." " At what price ?" inquired Alfred. "Why," replied Mr. Wilkins, "there is a legend that it originally cost three guineas ! and this may have been the veritable golden legend, but I don't feel that I have the power to stretch my credulity to that extent. It is, however, worthy of belief that it originally cost something, notwith- standing it was all that something too much ; and as it will not go off at any sacrifice, however tremendous or alarming, we must put a value upon it commensurate with its idiocratic character. Its price has been marked down year after year until it has reached the lowest depths of degradation. "We must snatch it from this abyss. It must rise like the phoenix from its ashes, to which it ought long ago to have been literally LABT FELICIA. 21 reduced; and as it Is a species of phoenix for it may with perfect safety be affirmed that it is the only one of the sort in creation its single existence at a striking price will offer a temptation which cannot long be resisted. Now, let me see. Being a Frenchman it must, of course, be attached to the history of France, and have reference to some stirring period. The revolution! That will do. The unhappy Queen of Louis the Sixteenth was beheaded. Very good. This was her shawl her favourite shawl the shawl which, just before she was dragged to the guillotine, she gave to one of her maids of honour, who, having taken refuge in England, became short of money and sold it to us. Eh ? What do you think of that ? Don't you think it will do ?" "No doubt of it," said Alfred, "but you'll be able to manage it better than I shall." "I don't know so much about that, Mr. Murray. Try at all events what you can do. If you succeed in selling the extraordinary work of art, no matter by what means the sale may be effected, you will prove, sir, to my satisfaction at least, that you are able to sell anything upon earth." "Well ! Alfred, of course, promised to do what he could ; but immediately after that promise had been given his thoughts again reverted to Tier whose mysterious influence had been so irresistible. He tried to take a common sense view of the matter to seduce himself into the belief that there was nothing extraordinary in what had occurred that her fascinat- ing manners were the mere result of social refinement, and that even her smile, of which the effect had been so thrilling, was a purely conventional smile ! Still there was something which he could not define ; some species of magic which defied common sense ; some mystery which he was utterly unable to solve. But, then, who and what was she ? "Was she an aristocratic coquette ? Did s.he lavish upon all such smiles as, those by 22 LADY FELICIA. which he had been enchanted ? It might be so ! And yet how could he believe it ? "What could be her motive ? The gratification of vanity ! The thought of her being vain was no sooner conceived than repudiated. She vain ! Impossible ! No ; his heart told him that she was not only beautiful, but good, amiable, gentle, intellectual, and pure an angel of beneficence and love. Upon her all his thoughts were throughout the day centred; and when the evening came, instead of going with his friend he repaired to his room to enjoy the sweets of solitude. Here fancy held a festival and revelled unrestrained : she created bright visions of hope, love, and joy ; she led him through her realms, in which every sense was dazzled, and united him to her in whose honour the festival had been held ; and even when he had retired to rest she opened before him a series of scenes illustrative of illimitable felicity. In the morning he felt languid and looked somewhat pale, and Mr. Wilkins, who noticed this immediately after he had completed his toilet, looked at him with an expression of anxiety. "Have you," said he, "been taking a black draught this morning?" No," replied Alfred. " Then you want one. You don't look the thing'; and there's nothing in Nature to beat a black draught : it purifies the blood, polishes up the imagination, and sweeps away the cobwebs from every corner of the soul. You must have one, my boy, by all means. Eut what were you doing with yourself all last evening ? Beading, I suppose. Well ! there's nothing like it to begin with ; but when a man has laid a solid foundation, if he be anything of an architect at all, he may build for himself an observatory upon his books, and take a practical survey of all around : he may then .study man as he finds him, with some chance of mastering his subject, and LADY FELICIA. 2 acquire that sound substantial knowledge of the world which books alone never can impart. You should have been with me, my boy, last night! You would then have had a practical illustration of this. We had a glorious evening! Greek meeting Greek ; intellect clashing with intellect ; genius eclipsing genius, and wit darting from soul to soul. That's the style of thing, sir ! that's what I call intellectual recrea- tion! that's the way to prepare a man for the duties of the morrow ! I only wish, Mr, Murray, that you had been there." Alfred could not respond to that wish : he felt, that in imagination at least, he had been throughout the night in far more enchanting society : still his mind was filled with anxiety the most intense ; his eye was upon every carriage that passed, and he panted with impatience for the approach of that, into which he had the previous day handed her who had acquired so much influence over him. " Am I never," thought he, having watched in vain for hours " Am I never to see her again ? My heart prompts me to believe that I shall ; and yet she does not appear." At length a carriage dashed up to the door; but not the carriage : no ; it had a more aristocratic appearance, and Mr. Wilkins prepared for a triumph ; but although it was not the carriage, the lady who alighted from it was the lady ; and as Mr. Wilkins saw this at a glance, he courteously called Alfred forward. Alfred instantly turned pale as death. Her presence at once checked the action of his heart, and he became so exceed- ingly tremulous, that he felt scarcely able to appear before her. He did, however, manage to approach, and having bowed, seemed to inspire a vague notion that she had asked to look at something, but what he was utterly unable to tell. Perceiving his embarrassment, Mr. Wilkins immediately came to his aid. " French cambrics, Mr. Murray ?" said he. " The last 24 LADY TELICIA. consignment are of the most superb texture. Allow me to point them out to you." Alfred blushed deeply, and followed Mr. Wilkins who added, in a whisper, " Courage, sir courage ! nothing on earth can be done without courage !" and having received the French cambrics at his hands, returned to her before whom all his courage had fled. She looked at them for a moment, and then looked at him. She appeared to be endeavouring to recall something to her mind, and, although Alfred did not pretend to understand it, he could not but think that her manners were extraordinary. At length, she said, with some slight degree of hesitation, " Mr. Murray, I think, I just now understood your name to be?" Alfred bowed, and his face became crimson again. " Have you," she added, " been living here long ?" " Scarcely a week," replied Alfred. " Indeed ! You came from the country, I presume ?" " From Sudbury, in Suffolk." " Sudbury ! We have an estate near Sudbury ! Murray," she added, thoughtfully. " Are you the young gentleman in whom the late Marquis of Kingsborough took so great an interest ?" " The late Marquis was indeed extremely kind to me." " Aye ! Tou were one of the Mr. Montague's pupils. " I was with him seven years," returned Alfred. " Exactly ! Oh, I perfectly well remember you now ! It struck me yesterday that I had seen you before somewhere, but I couldn't at all recollect where. I also fancied that you recognized me ! But in that, of course, I may be mistaken. I will, if you please, take this piece." Alfred bowed, and then said, with an expression of intense earnestness, " Will you allow me to know whom I have the honour of addressing ?" LADY FELICIA. 25 The lady smiled, and slightly blushed, as she opened her card-case, and having presented her card, smiled again. Not another word was said on the subject. Alfred glanced at the card, and almost unconsciously placed it in his bosom ; and when the cambric had been packed up and paid for, he handed her into the carriage as before. " Very fair, Mr. Murray, very fair," said Mr. Wilkins, as Alfred re-entered the shop. " I only wish you had a little more confidence. What made you so tremulous ? What had you to fear ? I saw your colour come and go, like that of a regular virgin. Modesty is all very well in a woman, but it's out of its natural element in a man. That which tends to elevate her, depresses him. It is to him a peculiarly sinking virtue : it drags him below the surface of society, to which he never can rise again until he shakes it off. Modesty always keeps a man back, whereas confidence carries him forward ; modesty lingers about the fortress confidence walks up and takes it by storm. Tour retiring men are of no use in this world ! they do but retire from such opportunities as those which they ought to embrace, and thus make way for others to seize them. Women don't like modest men: they like a rattle: they tolerate them only when they are known to have talent, without a tithe of which, others possessing confidence shine. G-o into society. What is a modest man there ? The very incarnation of insipidity, while he who has confidence blazes away. There are some men who act like buffoons in society, and what is the consequence ? Why laughing eyes encourage and reward them. Men, in general, have too much self-respect, too much pride to be so ridiculously vain, and it is, of course, correct that they should have : I don't recommend the cultiva- tion of such an accomplishment; but I hold it to be incumbent upon every man to acquire confidence, which is absolutely essential to success, and in no place is it more essential than in an establishment like this. But you'll gain it by and by, 26 LADY FELICIA. I've no doubt," he added. " You have but to appreciate its importance ; a little experience will do all the rest. Now that lady gave you every opportunity. I saw her chatting to you in the most familiar style." " She knows me," said Alfred. "Indeed! Who is she ?" Alfred gave him her card. " The Lady Felicia Jocelyn !" he exclaimed, with an expres- sion of the most intense amazement. " Well, but how came she to know you ?" "The late Marquis was my godfather." "What! Tour godfather! The kte Marquis ? What Marquis ?" " The Marquis of Kingsborough." " The Marquis of Kingsborough ! Your godfather !" Your godfather!" reiterated Mr. Wilkins, who really looked as if he felt bewildered. "Do you mean to say Grod bless my soul the Marquis of Kingsborough ! Stop : let's have a look at the Peerage." The peerage was referred to, and there it was found that the Marquis of Kingsborough had three daughters, of whom Lady Felicia was the youngest. " Well," resumed Mr. Wilkins, having satisfied himself on this point, "you have to an almost inconceivable extent amazed me. But, having such brilliant connections being as you are spiritually related to one of the first families in England how is it that you are here ? Why don't they give you a commission in the army, place you in the treasury, attach you to an embassy, or send you to Parliament ? They certainly ought to do something } " "I have no claim upon them," said Alfred. " No claim ! I consider that you have a strong claim, as the godson of him from whom they descended, and whose memory of course they revere." LADY FELICIA. 27 " I am afraid,' ' said Alfred, " that you are not doing justice to your practical knowledge of the world. But we'll talk this matter over together quietly, this evening ; and then we can enter fully into the matter without the slightest chance of being disturbed." This was agreed to with pleasure by Mr. "Wilkins, who, having a deep veneration for the aristocracy, began to regard Alfred as one of the " order," and consequently as a superior being. On the other hand, Alfred's spirit was depressed : his vivid imagination had been checked in full career; his fancy had been supplanted by matters of fact which were death to all the hopes he had inspired. Nor can this change be deemed, under the circumstances, extraordinary. The occurrence of anything for which we are unable to account prompts us at once to give the reins to imagination ; but when that which we hold to be a mystery is solved, we " pull up" to contemplate reality. Alfred could now account for all that had occurred between him and Lady Felicia; he could account for her manner the preceding day, which had struck him as being so mysterious, and viewed as the natural effect of curiosity that which he had fondly ascribed to love. Everything appeared to be clear to him then. She had seen him before ; and being unable to recollect where, she had looked at him with the view of refreshing her memory. Could anything be more natural ? But, then, while looking she smiled ! What then ? "Was there anything extraordinary in that ? But why should her smile have had so thrilling an effect ? Simply because while she looked at him so earnestly he couldn't understand the real object she had in view. Thus he sobered down his rapture, thus he cooled his warmest hopes, and thus eclipsed those visions of joy by which he had been so enchanted. But could he ever forget that smile, or cease to remember its effect? "What feelings were those which that smile had inspired ? Were they not in reality those of love ? They must 28 LADY FELICIA. have been! But if even they were, ought he to encourage those feelings ? Had she fallen in love with him, there might have been some ground for hope ; but he felt that to cherish a love for her, she being indifferent, would be madness. But was she indifferent ? He was quite disposed to believe that she was not ; but feared that that belief would have vanity for its basis. She had, it was true, been exceedingly polite ; but was not her recognition of him alone sufficient to account for that politeness ? He dwelt upon this throughout the day, and viewed it in every possible light; but the gulf fixed between her position and his own convinced him that he ought to repudiate an object, the attainment of which he could not but deem hopeless. In the evening, having repaired to a tavern with his friend, he felt somewhat more reconciled to that which he had, by a popular process of reasoning, transferred to fate. He ate a chop and enjoyed it, and so did his friend; but neither said a syllable having reference to the subject under consideration until the brandy had been brought, when Mr. Wilkins thoughtfully filled his glass and proposed as a toast, with due solemnity of expression, " May the prospect which now brightly opens before you, and of which the effulgence is glorious, be realized beyond your most brilliant expectations, and lead to an illustrious career !" "I thank you," said Alfred, with a smile, "but I really have no particularly brilliant expectations !" Mr. Wilkins looked at him intently for a moment, and then exclaimed, " What ! Why, if I were as you are, the godson of a Marquis, I wouldn't give that, sir, to call the King my uncle!" And Mr. Wilkins snapped his middle finger emphatically. " But," said Alfred, "what have I any right to expect ?" " Patronage, power, high consideration, and a lucrative berth to begin with." LADY FELICIA. 29 " But the present Marquis doesn't even know me !" " Of what importance is that ! The very fact of his illustrious father having been your illustrious godfather will alone be sufficient to prompt him to give you a fair, if not indeed a magnificent, start. See what a variety of brilliant berths there are, with salaries ranging from one to five thousand a year, either of which he could procure for you with all the ease imaginable ! See with what facility the thing may be done ! He goes to the Minister and says with that elegant sang froid which so peculiarly characterises our glorious aristocracy ' I want an appointment for a young friend of mine, a gentleman in whose welfare the late Marquis took considerable interest, and who is indeed, in a spiritual sense, related to our family. Have you anything at all good on hand? "What can you give him ?' * Why/ says the Minister, * I've so and so; but that's only worth about a thousand a year ! ' * Well,' says the Marquis, ' give him that give him that : let him begin low give him that.' The thing is done; and there's an immediate end of the matter." "Well," said Alfred, "but assuming that it might be thus easily accomplished, how would it be possible for either the Marquis or the Minister to know that I am competent to fill the vacant office ?" " Competent ! They wouldn't trouble their heads about that. They would take it for granted, of course, that you were competent, and so in reality you are : you must be competent to look at the subordinates while they are doing the work!" "And yet my salary would be considerably higher than theirs!" "Of course! That's legitimate! Work and pay, almost universally, keep pace with each other in an inverse ratio: maximum work ? minimum pay : minimum work ? maxi- mum pay. That's the system a system of which some may 30 LADY FELICIA. complain, but with which, good or bad, you have nothing to do; you are not responsible for it; it was not established by you; there it is, and that's enough. "Without, therefore, presuming to enter into the abstract merits of a system which has worked so well, and which is, moreover, sanctioned by the highest authorities, let us go at once to the primary point ; that is to say, the first step to be taken. You are not known to the Marquis. "Well, your first object will therefore be to make yourself known to him. But how ? By what means ?'' "Why, if at all," replied Alfred, who was anything but sanguine on the subject, " it had better be done, perhaps, by letter." " I think not," said Mr. Wilkins " I decidedly think not : I submit, sir, that that would not be the better plan : it strikes me that the simple course which I shall suggest will have more effect than ten thousand letters. You are known to the Lady Felicia : very well. The familiar style in which she conversed with you this morning prompts me to believe that she is well affected towards you. What follows ? Enlist her ! solicit her advocacy l^get her to speak to the Marquis ; and if your cause be not triumphant I'll die ! I'll stake my existence upon the result. A single word from her will be amply sufficient to start you on the high road to wealth and distinc- tion. Speak, therefore, to her! secure her interest and there you are! all right placed in a position to pursue a magnificent career." " Well," said Alfred, " certainly, the course you suggest is the one most likely to be successful ; but it is at the same time one which I feel I should be utterly unable to adopt." " But why ? What possible objection can be raised ? Can the mind of man conceive the slightest degree of impropriety in the pursuit of such a course ? She knows you : she has known you from boyhood ; and, while from her manner I infer that she respects you, I feel that she would do all in her power LADY FELICIA. 31 to serve you. "What more can you want? Can any man breathing be placed in a better position to solicit a favour ?" " Perhaps not," replied Alfred. " I do believe that I could ask such a favour of any one else, but I feel quite sure that I couldn't ask her." " Well, but why not ? That's the point which puzzles me? Why not ?" " I don't know, and therefore can't explain." " You have, I presume, a high respect for her ? " I have." " And were it in your power to promote her happiness, you would exercise that power ?" " I would by all the means at my command." f " Yery good : then exercise it now. You possess it ! the opportunity of promoting your interests would delight her !" " It might ; but if her efforts should fail, she would be in at least a corresponding degree mortified.'' " Fail ! She would not fail. There wouldn't be the most remote chance of her failing. The Marquis couldn't refuse her ! at her request he'd go to work at once." " He'd consider it, I apprehend, strange that she should take so much interest in me." " He might at first; but when she had explained to him that you were the godson of the late Marquis; that she knew you when you were a boy, and that she had recognized you here, he'd no longer consider it strange, but perfectly natural, and therefore correct. Now I'll tell you how I'd go to work, if I were fortunate enough to have your chance. The very next time she called, I'd delicately intimate in the course of conversation, that had the late Marquis lived he would have placed me in a position very different from that which I occupy now; and if I found that this hint had no effect, I should at once express a wish that the present Marquis had some knowledge of me, seeing that if he had, and I could prevail upon some friend to 32 LADY FELICIA. speak for me, he might be induced to exercise his influence in my favour. This would be sufficient: she'd take it at once! she'd say, l I'll do myself the pleasure of naming you to the Marquis,' and the thing would be done. Don't you see?" "Oh! I understand what you mean, perfectly, and as you appear to be so sanguine on the subject, I'll think about it." " Think about it! do it sir ! do it at once. Never dream of allowing so splendid an opportunity to slip. There's not a man in a million who has such a chance, and if you fail to embrace it, you may never have another, if you live a thousand years! What says Shakespeare the greatest plagiarist Nature ever had what does he say on the subject ? * There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune : Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.' Had those lines been written expressly for you, they could not have been more to the purpose." " Well," said Alfred, there's of course no necessity for being precipitate ! When I have seen and conversed with her again, I shall know, perhaps, better how to act." In the judgment of Mr. Wilkins it was perfectly impossible for Alfred to know better how to act then he ought to have known then: he continued to urge the necessity for immediate action, to show the facility with which patronage can enable a man to achieve greatness, to portray in glowing colours the various phases which in his view, characterised the transition from obscurity to immortality, and to contend for the influence of the Marquis being limitless; and as the more brandy and water he imbibed the more enthusiastic he became, it at length appeared abundantly clear to him, that there was scarcely an office under government to which Alfred was not eligible, or which he could not procure with the most perfect ease. LADY EELICIA. . 33 As a matter of courtesy Alfred listened until the hour prescribed for their departure had arrived ; but his thoughts had reference less to the prospects portrayed by his eloquent friend, than to Lady Felicia herself. It is true, facts tended to dispel the bright visions he conceived, but as the realms of fancy were to him realms of bliss, he continued to revel in them still. In the morning the head of Mr. Wilkins troubled him even more 'than his hands. This he ascribed solely to the energy with which he had enforced his views the previous evening. He was, however, still enthusiastic in the cause, and embraced every possible opportunity of reverting to that which he conceived to be Alfred's grand object. But Alfred although he wished it to appear that he appreciated his friend's solicitude panted for the re-appearance of Lady Felicia without reference to those ulterior views which had alone excited the imagination of Mr. Wilkins. He watched for her with impatience the most intense ; but he watched throughout the morning in vain. Why would she not come? Why should she come? Her curiosity had been gratified! She knew then that she had seen him before! she also knew where she had seen him. What more could she want to know? Nothing ! Then why should she come, unless indeed, with the view of making a purchase? Having recognized him, she had treated him with courtesy and would do so again if she ever had occasion to call again; but weeks, or even months, might elapse before she re-appeared there ! she might indeed never call again: she was not confined to that particular establishment! Why then should her absence be deemed strange? It was true he expected her. But why did he expect her? for what purpose did he wish her to come ? It was not his intention to pursue the course suggested by Mr. Wilkins. The prospects which he had portrayed had not dazzled him. He in reality cared nothing 34 LADY FELICIA. about them. All he cared for was to see her and why ? He knew not: he only knew that he anxiously wished her to come. The day passed ; and but for the hope the blessed hope of seeing her on the morrow his thoughts would have been as gloomy as the night. Her card he looked at a thousand times, and while pressing it passionately to his lips, he resolved on having it framed in gold and wearing it as an amulet. The morrow came : but what to him was the morrow ? Felicia came not with it. Felicia ! Aye ! Felicia : the title he abhorred. The third day came, and his spirit sank. Felicia still absented "herself; and hope ceased to sustain him. Oh! that she had moved in a sphere less exalted. His friend, Mr. "Wilkins, who had become most sincerely attached to him, and who felt deeply interested in his welfare, perceiving his depression, and ascribing it to the assumed fact of his advancement being delayed, did every thing which he thought calculated to cheer him, and suggested the expediency of writing to Lady Felicia, with the view of inducing her to speak to the Marquis at once; but Alfred to whom his friend's enthusiasm on this subject had become painful courteously opposed the pursuit of such a course, by contending that it would be considered presumptuous. No! he would never write to Tier on such a subject : he would never apply to her to promote his advancement ; although he was nothing to her although she did regard him with perfect indifference she was the last in the world to whom it should appear that he was actuated by any selfish feeling. Alfred, however, in thus assuming that she regarded him with indifference, was mistaken; he was not indifferent to her; but in order to explain the nature of the feelings she had inspired, it will be necessary to introduce her formally. LADY FELICIA. 35 CHAPTEE III. FELICIA. LADY FELICIA was a beautiful blonde: her figure was petite, yet perfect ; and while her countenance had a peculiar sweetness of expression, her skin was as fine and clear as that of an infant. She was amiable, elegant, ingenuous, and gentle ; her manners were of the most refined caste : she possessed a true and trusting heart, full of the purest sympathy, and seemed to have been created to be universally beloved. And yet her sisters, Lady Florence and Lady Augusta never loved her. Being fine, bold, commanding girls, haughty and imperious, they regarded the gentle spirit of Felicia with contempt, and proudly assumed an authority over her, which tended to alienate her from them. Even when they were children, they never loved her ; for being a special favourite of the old Marquis, who invariably called her his i: own little angel," while he took but slight notice of them, jealousy prompted them to conceive a dislike to her which proved to be perfectly invincible. JN~or had the Marquis, her father, any deep affection for her : for as her birth and the death of the Marchioness occurred simultaneously, and as by that death he lost a splendid estate, strange as it may seem, he never could look at Felicia without wishing that she had never been born. Being thus virtually excluded from all affectionate inter- course with her immediate relatives, it will not be deemed marvellous that Felicia should have attached herself to one whose devotion she knew to be ardent and pure, notwithstand- D 2 36 LADY TELICIA. ing the social position of that one was inferior to her own. Fidele had been her companion for years ; she knew that Fidele loved her passionately, and that although she was then but her maid, she was not only affectionate and highly accom- plished, but descended from one of the first families in France a family whose wealth and influence excited the brutal vengeance of the sanguinary Robespierre. In Fidele she confided they were, indeed, like sisters and to her she com- municated the fact of her having recognized Alfred. "Fidele," she observed, "I have again seen him whom I yesterday told you I fancied I knew." "Indeed!" said Fidele. "Well, and do you really know him?" " I knew him when he was a boy : and such a sweet boy ! so intelligent, sd handsome, and so affectionate !" " And is he much altered ?" " He has grown amazingly ! but there are the features still. Oh, what a favourite I used to be of his ! how delighted he always was to see me ! The moment the carriage stopped, out Alfred would run, clapping his hands enthusiastically, while his beautiful eyes danced for joy! I remember being very wicked once : I hid myself in a corner of the carriage ; and as he could not see me, he mournfully said, ' She's not well,' and wept. Oh ! how sorry I was ; I sprang from my hiding- place instantly, and kissed the tears away." Fidele looked at her archly, for a moment, and then said, "You did?" " Oh, yes!" replied Felicia, "but we were children then!" " How many tears would he have to shed now, before you would check them with a kiss ?" "You are a wicked girl, Fidele," said Felicia, playfully; "he is now a man !" " And is he still enthusiastic ?" " He was very much embarrassed !" v LADY PELICIA. 37 "Ah" said Eidele, thoughtfully "embarrassed. And is lie really very handsome ?" "If you were to see him," replied Felicia, with a blush, "I think that you would say so !" " Oh, I must see him ! "When can I go ?" " "When you please ! Gro at once. Take a coach ; you will not be gone long." " But how shall I know him from the rest ?" " By his brilliant complexion, and I need not say more : you cannot possibly make a mistake." Delighted with this opportunity of seeing him whom Eelicia had loved when a child, and inspired with a somewhat romantic idea of his personal attractions, Fidele prepared to start immediately, and having sent for a coach, proceeded to the establishment in question, ostensibly in order to make some trifling purchase. On her arrival, the appearance of Alfred struck her at once ; but Mr. "Wilkins came forward: and while he was attending to her with all his characteristic politeness, she had an excellent opportunity of noticing Alfred, who stood as if enrapt. She watched his countenance narrowly, and admired him much, and marvelled that features so pleasing should be so rigid; but although she could scarcely perceive a muscle move, his eyes proclaimed the existence of rapturous emotions. Having effected a purchase in doing which it was by no means apparent to Mr. "Wilkins that she was in any particular haste, while in his gentle judgment she did not sufficiently appreciate the importance of his original observations she bowed to Mr. Wilkins, with an elegance which pleased him, and hastened home to communicate her impressions to Felicia. " Oh!" she exclaimed, "what a love of a man! so elegant, so handsome, and has such eyes ! he is in my view the very perfection of manly beauty. But dear me," she added, "how 38 LADY FELICIA. thoughtful he appeared ; What could he have been thinking about so intently ? Have you no idea ?" " How should I have ?" returned Felicia. " Eut was he very thoughtful ?" " He stood all the time I was there as if lost in admiration of some beautiful vision ; and if it were a vision, " she added? archly, "I think that I can tell who presided ! Can't you?" " How is it possible, dear, for me to tell ?" " Can you not guess ?" " "Why should I guess ?" " Poor feUow. I feel for him. Don't you ?" " What do you mean ?" h f i " Shall I explain ? Do you wish me to explain ? I think not. Besides, there is no necessity for it. What a pity it is that he is not in a somewhat higher social position ; is it not ? But how came you, even as children, to associate ?" " The late Marquis," replied Felicia, was his godfather, and used to take me with him, whenever he went to see his little protege. " The late Marquis his godfather ! Oh ! then his family is distingue?" " Respectable," said Felicia. " And rich ?" " I really don't know ; I should say, that if his family were wealthy, he would not be in business." " Oh, that does not, I apprehend, by any means follow at least not in England. You have merchant princes men, who, notwithstanding they have amassed millions, are in business still !" " True," said Felicia, " but he is not a millionaire." " Then I wish he was. However, he is a very charming person ; and would, I have no doubt, make a most delightful husband." Felicia now felt more strongly than ever, that she still loved him whom she had loved when a child. She could ascribe her LADY EELICIA. 6V emotions to nothing but love. Even the preceding day when unable to recognize him her sensations had been peculiarly thrilling ; but when she had ascertained who he was, she had re-inspired all those beautiful feelings which had formerly given her so much delight. Nor could she for a moment doubt that he still loved her. She felt sure that he loved her! if not, why should he have been so much embarrassed ? why so tremulous ? Why should he have begged so earnestly to know who she was ? and above all why, when she gave him her card, should he have placed it so promptly in his bosom ? He did love her ! fondly ! she knew that he loved her ! But then, alas ! how hopelessly ! Had he been highly connected : had he been in the army or the navy, or the church : had he been a physician, a judge, or a banker, or even a mere member of Parliament, he might have ventured to solicit her hand ; but occupying the plebeian position he did, without influential friends, without wealth or distinction the son of a tradesman, and the servant of a tradesman, without the prospect of being anything but a tradesman himself how could he attempt to make the slightest advance without its being considered in the highest degree presumptuous ! What would the Marquis Florence Augusta what would the whole world say if such a proposal were made ? Why, ridicule the most caustic, and contempt the most galling, would follow as a matter of course ! No ! the idea appeared to be monstrous ! She loed him it was true ; and he loved her ; but never again must they meet on earth ! Oblivion was essential to the happiness of both. Having arrived at this conclusion, Felicia endeavoured to wean her thoughts from him : she " made up her mind " to see him no more: she "made up her mind" to forget him; and with that view associated more with her sisters, notwith- standing their haughty bearing pained her ; but, although she held oblivion to be essential to happiness, oblivion was not at 40 lijLDY FELICIA. her command! do what she might, go where she might, see or converse with whom she might, Alfred was ever present to her imagination : Alfred engrossed all her thoughts. For three weary days and nights she struggled with her feelings, and made every effort in her power to crush them : she had recourse to ridicule ; she summoned all her pride, and sought to inspire her heart with contempt; but ridicule, contempt, and pride combined, were unavailing : Love proudly triumphed over all, and Felicia became pale and spiritless. Fidele, who watched her anxiously, perceived this change with grief; and, prompted by the purest and most affectionate solicitude, made every possible effort to cheer her. She guessed the cause the real cause but feared to breathe a word having reference to it. JSTor did Felicia revert to the subject until the morning of the fourth day, when, in mournful tones, she inquired of Fidele who could not conceal her tears why she wept ? " I weep," replied Fidele, "because your sadness grieves me. If you were to smile, I should not weep !" " Fidele," said Felicia, " I am indeed unhappy. You may have divined the cause you doubtless have but oh ! how I have struggled to forget him !" " Forget whom ?" inquired Fidele. " Forget whom ? The only one on earth whom I care to forget. Have you not then discovered the cause of my unhappiness ? Fidele, you have ever been dear to me: in you I have ever confided, and will confide still : to you, I will, therefore, entrust this secret that the only one whom I am anxious to forget, my heart tells me I love." " I perceive," said Fidele, who now resolved on diverting her thoughts if possible, " and he whom you love or rather fancy you love is the man for whom you had an affection when a child. Eut why should that make you unhappy ? "Why are you so anxious why struggle to forget him? You may as LADY FELICIA. 41 weH strive to forget that you live. Repudiate at once a task so utterly hopeless. Strive rather to subdue this anxiety ; to conquer these feelings which you now ascribe to love, and to smile at the thought of your having condescended to entertain them for one who is of course beneath your notice." " Teach me to do this, Fidele I have endeavoured to teach myself in vain teach me how to treat him with contempt : prove that he is beneath my notice ; prove that he is unworthy of my love: awaken my pride ; stir up the soul of dignity ; fill my heart with scorn, excite my ambition : inspire me with feelings of any description sufficiently powerful to conquer those of love, and you will render me a service indeed." " Do you really wish me to do this ? " "I do." "To embody the objections that may be urged with the view of inducing you to repudiate the idea of loving such a man ? " " State them all : omit none : let me have the whole list, that their combined weight may at once crush those feelings which are unhappily now in the ascendant." " Well, then, in the first place look at your position. You are the daughter of one of the first peers of the realm : you are living in a style of magnificence moving in a most distinguished sphere, and able to command the devotion of the highest nobles in the land. To be a Princess, a Duchess, a Marchioness, or a Countess, appears to be your destiny. Who but a man of high rank would aspire to your hand ? Wlio without a coronet would be considered eligible ? Surrounded by splendour, you have power at your command, with all the collateral advantages of which rank is the germ. This is your position. Now look at that of the man whom you fancy you love. He is the servant of a tradesman trained to servility the obsequi- ous slave of every one who calls to make a purchase excluded from all refined society hopeless of emerging 42 LADY FELICIA. from his grovelling state, powerless, spiritless, low-born, contemned" " Eidele," exclaimed Felicia, with an expression of indignation, " if you proceed thus I shall hate you." "You will remember," said Eidele, "that you engaged me as an advocate, and that it was therefore incumbent upon me to paint him in the very darkest colours, and to make him appear as contemptible as possible, with the view of striking down his pretensions. It is the practice the usual practice. Custom prescribes it, and the highest authorities not only sanction but encourage it. It is, in fact, termed the, sacred duty, of an advocate to do all in his power to wither the hopes and to ruin the reputation of him against whom he appears. But as this practice is displeasing to you and I am sure that it is not very pleasing to me, for I believe him to be at least respectable I'll pursue another course which will be less offensive, seeing that I shall simply state that as you occupy one of the highest social positions, while he occupies one of the lowest, it would be considered madness on your part to descend from your position to his, and thus to exchange wealth and magnificence for poverty and contempt." " Why poverty and contempt ?" exclaimed Felicia. " They would not, I apprehend, necessarily follow?" " Comparative poverty must," replied Eidele : " the contempt of your brilliant connections would." " But what are brilliant connections to one, who in the very midst of them cannot be happy ?" " Do not believe that you cannot be happy in the circle to which you have been ever accustomed. To those who have not been accustomed to it, that circle appears to be a perfect Elysium : thousands upon thousands struggle through life to secure the privilege of moving within it ; and although it is to you of course familiar, and therefore less attractive, you must not even dream of descending from it, for it is indeed exceedingly LADY FELICIA. 43 questionable whether the recollection of what you were, and the thought of what you might have been, would not destroy your happiness for ever. "Wliy should you not be happy, surrounded as you are by all the luxuries and elegancies of life w hy should you not hope to be happier still as the adored wife of some illustrious man, whose name and fame would be immortal ? Besides, it does not follow that because you admire this person you really love him. The passion you have inspired may indeed be but transient. It was quickly conceived, and may be quickly subdued. Call reason to your aid. Think of the unexampled sacrifices you would of necessity have to make in the event of your allowing this passion to supersede reason. All would have to be given up family connections, state splendour all." "And I feel," said Felicia, with an intensity of expression, " that I could give up all for him !" "You may have that feeling now," returned Fidele, "but an appeal to your judgment would soon prove its weakness." " Its weakness ! " exclaimed Felicia. " Its strength is unrivalled ! It surpasses that of all the other feelings combined!" "Its strength may appear to be incomparable at present because it happens to be now in the ascendant. The other feelings have allowed it to reign for a time, but they will not allow it to be permanently despotic ; they will not allow it to trample upon them!" " But it does trample upon them !" " Then its reign will be short." A pause ensued, during which the expression of Felicia's countenance was intensely contemplative, while Fidele dis- played the utmost anxiety to read her thoughts. At length she said, " Fidele, I understood you to say just now that ttie circle in which I move being familiar to me, was therefore the less attractive. Do you think that 'if I were familiar 44 LADY FELICIA. with him that he would appear to me to be less attrac- tive?" "No doubt of it," replied Fidele, who now conceived that she should be able to carry her point triumphantly. " Such familiarity would, indeed, create contempt! You could not associate long with such a man. The more you knew of him the less you would like him." "Then I'll bring it to the test," said Felicia. "I have the utmost confidence in your judgment, and therefore I'll bring this point to the test. I'll see him frequently; I'll converse with him familiarly; I'll accustom myself to him; and then, if indeed there be any truth in your doctrine, his attractions will fade." " But," said Fidele, in a state of alarm, for she did not at all expect this, "would not that be rushing into danger?" "The only danger to be apprehended, according to your view, is that of his incurring my dislike, which you would not hold to be any very great calamity." " But why not abandon the thought of seeing him again ? Why not keep aloof entirely from him?" " Because I have discovered it to be of no use. I have tried it for three days, and found it to be even worse than useless ; absence tends but to strengthen that feeling which I am so anxious to subdue. No; I'll act upon your sugges- tion ; I'll try your plan ; and if it should be successful, I shall have more faith in the soundness of your judgment than ever." " "Well," said Fidele, somewhat hopelessly, for it really was not in her judgment the best course to pursue; "but it will look so strange if you call there frequently." " I do not intend to call at all," returned Felicia, "I mean to have him here." "Have him here!" echoed Fidele, with an expression of amazement " Have him here !" LADY FELICIA. 45 " It will I think be better ; because we shall be able to converse here without the slightest fear of interruption." " But surely you do not mean to send for him ?" . " I do, Eidele ; and I want you to be my ambassadress." " Well, but what earthly excuse can you make ? what can you possibly say ? how can you explain to him why he was sent for?" " No explanation will be needed. He is, as you say, but the servant of a tradesman " " Forgive me!" exclaimed Fidele, earnestly. "Do not be angry with me for that: I had no idea of hurting your feelings, which you know I would not willingly wound for the world. It is true that I said this ; but why did I say it ? what was my motive ? can you not appreciate it ?" "I can, and do I am not angry! I am, on the contrary, gay ! I was merely saying that as he is the servant of a tradesman, he ought to attend to his master's customers; and that as I am one of those customers, he ought to attend to me. I mean to have him here on business ! and all I wish you to do is, to call and select a few pieces of silk for him to bring here. You understand me ?" " I do ; but had it not better be deferred ?" " I never was in a better humour to receive him. You perceive I am not unhappy now ! I feel quite inclined to be playful ! I have not been in such high spirits for days." " But have not those high spirits been induced by the pros- pect of seeing him again ?" " How can you entertain such an idea ? G-o, Fidele, and you shall see how grandly I'll receive him! Don't let him bring many for me to select from. Two or three will be quite sufficient. Don't overload the poor man I And Fidele you can if you like just notice his countenance when you tell him" that they are for me to select from. You, of course, understand." 4b LADY FELICIA. " I fear," said Fidele, " that I understand too much ; but for Heaven's sake remember the immense disparity which exists between your position and his." "I shall not forget it," returned Felicia, and smiled as Fidele left the room. Now Alfred that morning felt more depressed than ever ; he despaired of ever seeing Felicia again : the bright visions by which he had been charmed, had disappeared, and it seemed to be abundantly clear to him, that he was no more to her than the 'most perfect stranger. Nor was Mr. Wilkins in particularly high spirits that morning ; he had discovered that Alfred's estimate of the value of his advice was not even remotely comparable with bis own. He knew that is to say he fancied, which to him was precisely the same thing that Alfred ought to write to Lady Felicia, in order to get upon that glorious line of which obscurity and immortality are the termini, and to commence at once that brilliant career which his vivid imagination had portrayed ; but as Alfred could not see so far as Mr. Wilkins, as he had not had the vast experience of Mr. "Wilkins, as he knew not the influence of a Marquis so well as Mr. Wilkins, and repudiated the idea of writing in opposition to the advice of Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Wilkins felt and very naturally that that advice had been thrown away, and in consequence lost that sublime equanimity for which he had been theretofore distinguished. Eut this was not all ! When Fidele arrived notwithstanding he bowed with all the grace he had in him notwithstanding he actually placed himself before her notwithstanding it could not fail to live in her memory, that he and no one else had attended to her before she absolutely passed Mr. Wilkins, and went direct to Alfred ! Grods ! what could be the meaning of this extraordinary procedure ! He turned and looked with an expression of amazement the most intense ! Could such a thing LADY FELICIA. 47 "be, And overcome him like a summer's cloud Without his special wonder ?" What had he done? what "ignorant sin" committed? He looked back with all the serenity at his command, with the view of recollecting whether anything occurred, when she previously honoured the establishment, calculated to render him in the slightest degree obnoxious ; but no ! the only thing which could be held to be at all remarkable, was the fact of her not appearing to be particularly tied to time ! beyond that, his memory contained no record having reference to her previous visit. "What on earth then could be the cause of this mysterious manifestation of contempt ! He couldn't tell : he couldn't even conjecture ! He only knew that during the whole course of his experience a case of the kind had never occurred to him before, and hence it was indeed a "heavy blow," and a very "great discouragement." " Meanwhile Alfred was attending to Eidele, and as she was exceedingly affable, he got on remarkably well, until, having chosen two pieces of silk, she said, " Will you do me the favour to send these to Kingsborough House, in order that my lady may decide upon one of them ?" when in an instant the colour left his cheeks, and he was seized with an universal tremour. "They are both so very beautiful," continued Eidele, without appearing to notice his embarrassment, " that I really do not know which to choose ; Lady Felicia must there- fore decide for herself. Will you be so obliging as to send them about four ?" "I will" replied Alfred tremulously "I will do so, with pleasure." Eidele rose, and having bowed gracefully to Alfred, left ; she also bowed, as she passed, to Mr. Wilkins ! which was some- thing ! it caused him to feel a little better : he accepted it 48 LADY FELICIA. as a slight composition, but by no means in full of all demands. "Have you not effected a sale?" he inquired, as Alfred stood and looked as if bewildered. "Not yet," replied Alfred, confusedly. " Not yet. Not yet no not yet. Just let me have a word with you," he added, and Mr. Wilkins as a natural matter of courtesy approached him. " Now," resumed Alfred, " these two pieces are to be sent, about four o'clock, to Kingsborough House, for" " Kingsborough House!" exclaimed Mr. Wilkins, "Kings- borough House ! "What, the house of the Marquis of Kings- borough ?" " Yes, in order that Lady Felicia " " Give me your hand," cried Mr. Wilkins, in a state of wild rapture. " Give me your hand. "Why this accounts for all ! That conduct that marvellous conduct which I considered incomprehensible, can now be distinctly understood ! I see it all ! The lady passed me in that extraordinary fashion, because, and solely because, she had been deputed to address you ; and that which I painfully ascribed to contempt, was but an act of strict obedience to orders. I congratulate you fervently ! I give you joy with all my heart ! But now," he added, with an effort to subdue his enthusiasm, " let's look at the matter serenely ; don't let's make a mess of it now. You have to go at four o'clock " " They have to be sent at four o'clock !" " Sent ! What do you mean ? You'll go yourself, of course." " No, she said, send them, not 'bring them." " And have you eaten so many tons of country pudding that you can't understand that when she said send, she meant bring ? Why did that lady pass me to get to you ? Was it because she conceived that I wasn't old enough, or fat enough, or tall enough, to attend to her? or because she had been instructed distinctly instructed to address you ?" LADY FELICIA. 49 " She might have been instructed to address me as a matter of courtesy," said Alfred, " but does it therefore follow, that she wished me to attend there myself?" " Why, what in the name of all the pantheonic gods, is the matter with you, Mr. Murray ? There has been during the last few days some spider spinning his web in your brain, to catch your brightest intellects for slaughter. You have not been yourself; you've been nothing like yourself: what is the meaning of this mighty change ? In spirit and appearance you have been altered for days, and now you are going to allow the same influence to annihilate your judgment ! You have one of the finest chances man ever yet had no man under Heaven ever had a finer chance and yet you refuse to seize it : you have been sent for absolutely sent for to have the foundation of your fortune laid, and yet you hesitate to go! Is there a man out of St. Luke's like you? G-o by all means ; don't hesitate a moment : go boldly ; go with all the confidence of a man. What have you to fear ? Nothing ; but all to hope for. Never allow a chance like this to slip ! It is manifest it must be, even to you, manifest that that young lady whoever she is would not have come here if she hadn't been sent. Is it likely that she would is it anything like likely does it appear to you to be anything like likely ?" - " No," replied Alfred, " doubtless she was sent !" " And by whom ? that's the point ! by whom was she sent ?" " By Lady Felicia, of course !" " Very well then ! Of course she was sent by Lady Felicia ; but why ? for what purpoes ?" " To look at the silks !" " Save you no soul?" inquired Mr. Wilkins, as if doubtful whether Alfred really had one or not. " Of course she was sent to look at the silks ostensibly ! but what was the latent object? Why, to get you up there! Lady Felicia says in E 50 LADY FELICIA. effect of course I don't pretend for one moment to give the very words, but she says in effect to this young lady she didn't say who she was, did she ?" "No," replied Alfred, "but as she said, 'my lady,' I thought she might be Lady Felicia's maid !" " Very likely : come that isn't half a bad guess ; but no matter : she says to her, I know the young man whom you saw in that shop the other day" " Whom she saw ?" " Yes ! she was here about three days ago ; I waited upon her, and I'll bet ten to one she was sent then ; for, now I recollect, she kept her eyes almost constantly upon you. Well ! she says to her, ' I know that young man she might say that gentleman, but that's of no importance I knew him when he was but a child ; the late Marquis was his godfather, consequently, he is spiritually related to our family, and, therefore, I should like to have a little conversation with him, in order to ascertain how his interests can best be promoted ; but as I find that I cannot converse with him in the shop, without being interrupted, or exciting the notice of those around, I have been thinking, that I had better have him here, that he may calmly explain his present views, and thus enable me to exalt his future prospects. Gro, therefore, and look at some silks go straight up to him ; don't let any other soul attend to you : if he should be engaged, say you'll wait and when you have selected two or three pieces, tell him that you wish to have them sent for me to choose from. Don't ask him to come himself, because that would appear to be somewhat too pointed : tell him to send them ; he's certain to bring them, and thus the object I have in view will be attained, as a perfectly natural matter, of course.' Now, what do you think of that ? Isn't it feasible ?" " Certainly, much of it appears to be so !" replied Alfred. " It is so ! its all so ! mark my words, its neither more LADY FELICIA. 51 nor less than the true state of the case. She wants to give you an opportunity of stating your views, and soliciting her interest with the Marquis, and if you fail to embrace so glorious an opportunity, I shall begin to think that you really are about the most verdant goose in creation. G-o at once : go with all the confidence in nature. Heaven and earth ! never allow a chance like this to slip ! There, say no more about it : the idea is too monstrous to be dwelt upon. G-o, sir, and be assured of this, that I wish you warmly and most sincerely wish you all the success you can wish yourself." This Alfred believed; and, certainly, some of the observa- tions of Mr. Wilkins appeared to be perfectly correct. It seemed clear that Felicia had sent this young lady, and that, with the view of enabling him to make his appearance at Kingsborough House ; and, although it was not so clear that her object was that which Mr. Wilkins had suggested, it was manifest that she had some object, the nature of which he panted to ascertain, and yet he felt disinclined to go ! The time drew near ; and Mr. Wilkins, perceiving that Alfred was still irresolute, pulled out his watch, and said, " JSTow, Mr. Murray: punctuality's the life and soul of business ; time's getting on/' " Do you still think," said Alfred, " that Lady Felicia really wished me to go ?" " Most decidedly !" replied Mr. Wilkins. " Nothing can be more abundantly plain. But, even if she did not, what possible objection can you have to attend to her ? But she did ! she sent that lady expressly for the purpose of inducing you to go ! therefore, say no more about it : go boldly, and at once." Well! if Alfred could have invented any excuse in the slightest degree calculated to satisfy Mr. Wilkins, he would not have gone even then ; but as he found it impossible to do this, and as he did not wish to make it appear that he E 2 52 LADY FELICIA. had not sufficient courage to go, he resolutely made up his mind at once, and with a feeling of actual desperation started. Fidele, on her return to Lady Felicia not wishing to attach any importance to the fact of Alfred having been tremulous merely stated, without reference to. his embarrass- ment, that she had selected the silts, and requested them to be brought at four o'clock. This, however, failed to satisfy Felicia : she wished to know how he looked, how he appeared to feel, and how he acted; to which Fidele briefly replied, that like most other inexperienced persons, he appeared to be "exceedingly diffident." Anxiously, and with a throbbing heart, did Felicia watch for his arrival, and when he had arrived, she felt scarcely equal to the task of meeting him. Summoning, however, all the courage at her command, she desired the servant, by whom he had been announced, to show him up, and requested Fidele to assist her in making the purchase, which Fidele at once discovered to be necessary, seeing that he had no sooner entered the room, than Felicia became quite unable to speak. " Oh : you have brought the silks," said Fidele, and Alfred mechanically opened the parcel. " These are the two," she added, turning to Felicia. " They are both very beautiful, are they not ? " They are, n replied Felicia, faintly. " Which do you prefer?' 1 " Upon my word, I don't know." "Which style is considered the more fashionable?" in- quired Felicia, turning to Alfred, whose eyes, having met hers, instantly dropped. " I really am unable to say," returned Alfred. " Which do you think is the more quiet ?" Alfred again ventured to raise his eyes and said, tremu- lously, " I think this." LADY FELICIA. 53 " Exactly," said Felicia, making a strong effort to regain her self-possession. " Then upon that I'll decide. Your friends, I hope, are well, Mr. Murray ?" " I thank you," replied Alfred, blushing deeply, " quite well." " I knew Mr. Murray," said Eelicia, addressing Eidele, " when he was but a youth ! " " Indeed !" said Eidele archly. " Oh, I used to see him frequently when he was at school." " You were, I hope, a good boy at school?" said Eidele, with a playful expression. " I was at least happy," returned Alfred, with a sigh. " And are you not happy now ?" inquired Eelicia. " I cannot expect to be so now. I thought of no social distinctions then." " Well/' interposed Eidele promptly, " it is, I believe, the happiest time: but we must not be unhappy because we cannot all be kings and queens." " It is not, I apprehend, necessary to be either," suggested Alfred, " in order to ensure happiness." "Certainly not!" returned Eidele. "But," she added, with the view of changing the subject, "there is, I presume, quite sufficient here for a dress." Alfred bowed, and Eidele paid him ; but he said no more ; nor did Eelicia utter another word; she kept her eyes fixed upon him earnestly until he had retired, when she sank into a reverie, from which Eidele, perceiving that she had no desire to be disturbed, did not disturb her. 54 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE IV. THE CONSULTATION. DTJEING the absence of Alfred, Mr. Wilkins gave the reins to his imagination, which took him at once to the Treasury, leaped over a variety of lucrative appointments, flew to Sudbury, where Alfred was elected without the slightest opposition, brought him back to town, and went with him into the House to see his friend take his seat, and to hear him deliver his maiden speech, amidst thunders of applause, which had scarcely subsided' when the flight of his steed was checked by the Honourable Member's return to the shop. " Well," he exclaimed, rubbing his hands joyfully, " how did you get on ? how did you get on ? All right ?" " Yes," replied Alfred," I have sold one of the dresses." " Sold one of the dresses ! Do I want to know about your selling one of the dresses ! I'm all on fire to ascertain what has been done to enable you to commence an illustrious career, and you tell me that you have sold one of the dresses. Of course you saw her ?" " Oh yes, I saw her." " Well ! and what did she say ?" " Nothing on the subject to which you allude." " Nothing ! But of course you said something ?" ' " Not on that subject." " No ! Heaven and earth ! why, what could you have been about! Not a word? not a hint? not the ghost of an allusion?" " No. If even I had felt inclined " LA.DY FELICIA. 55 " If even you had felt inclined ! Did you not then feel inclined?" " I was about to say, that if I had felt inclined to do so I had no opportunity." "Why not?" " That lady was there." "What a pity. That was awkward very awkward. But was she there the whole of the time ?" " Yes : she was there when I entered, and there she re- mained." " Then she ought to have known better : she ought to have retired. But it's just like these ladies' maids blister them ! they assume more than their mistresses, twenty to one, and give themselves five hundred times as many airs." "I don't Jcnoiv that she is the lady's maid," said Alfred. "I'll bet ten to one of it!" rejoined Mr. Wilkins. "It's just how they act ! Still I think you might have got in a word or two somehow : you might have introduced the small end of the wedge!" " That I think I have done." "Bravo! Bravo!" " I am not quite sure ; but I think that I have as you say introduced the small end of the wedge." " And yet you told me that nothing had been said on the subject!" " Nor was there on the subject to which you referred. That which Jwish to open, and to which I think the wedge has been slightly applied, is one of far more importance than that which you contemplate." "Indeed!" cried Mr. Wilkins, with an expression of wonder. "One of far more importance ! What what do you mean to say ? more important ? more important than why, what on earth is it ? more important ?" " Aye ! Ear more important." 56 LADY FELICIA. " Well, but what can it be ?" " You shall know all," said Alfred, " by and bye ; we can't conveniently enter into the whole matter here. "When we close we'll go to the house we went to the other evening, and then I'll explain all. I wish to consult you: I want your advice. The subject is one of extreme delicacy, but I feel that in you I may confide." " My dear boy, ' Honour calls me to the field' when a man reposes confidence in me. But just by the way of keeping me off" the rack of conjecture can't you give me a notion the spectre of a hint the merest and most impalpable apparition of an idea of what it is, now ?" 11 1 could" replied Alfred with a smile ; " but if I were to do so without explaining all the circumstances, you would, I am sure, be unable to appreciate its importance. It had therefore much better be deferred until the evening : we shall then be able to enter into the whole matter calmly, and without the chance of being interrupted." "Well ! Mr. Wilkins could not, he conceived, with anything bearing the semblance of courtesy, press the point although he felt, and strongly too, that the slightest intimation would have been a relief. But what on earth could it possibly be ? Something more important than that which he had contem- plated ! Grods ! had he not in imagination planted him in the Treasury ? had he not taken him from the Treasury, to make him a Member of Parliament ? and was he not about to bring him back to the Treasury in order to make him First Lord ? More important ! To what heights did ambition prompt men to aspire ! Did he want to be a duke ? more important ! Well! he supposed that he should know all about it in the evening ; but when he looked at the position of the First Lord of the Treasury ; when he looked at the salary, the patronage, and the power attached to that distinguished position, he really thought it was high enough for any man to aim at. LADY FELICIA. 57 Being utterly unable to guess the point of Alfred's ambition, and having a high opinion of his own power to control his thoughts, Mr. Wilkiiis at once set himself to work, with the view of banishing suspense; and although he was not in this particularly successful, it, in some degree, relieved him until it was time to close, when he and his friend repaired to the tavern. " Now," said Alfred, having ordered a pint of wine, " in the first place let it be distinctly understood, that whatever may pass between us this evening, must be held to be strictly con- fidential." " Most decidedly," returned Mr. Wilkins, " here's my hand and here's my heart." " Very good. Now during the last few days you have observed that my spirits have been somewhat depressed." " I have not only observed it, I have told you of it." " You have, and you shall now know the cause. When Lady Felicia first called I thought her manners most extra- ordinary ; she looked at me with an expression of curiosity the most intense, and seemed to listen with rapture to every syllable I uttered. This, of course, I thought strange ! inexplicable ! but what appeared to me to be more extraordinary still, was the fact of her inspiring me with feelings which I never experienced before. "Well ! she left ; but her vision remained ; and upon that delightful vision I dwelt, giving free scope to fancy, which being thus encouraged, created scenes of enchantment which need not be described. The next day, however, her expression of curiosity was accounted for; she had felt that she had seen me before, but was then quite unable to recollect where. So far, therefore, the peculiar intensity with which she regarded me the preceding day was explained ! Still there was something which I could not fathom some mystery which I could not solve : the feelings with which she had inspired me gained strength, and forced upon me the conviction that I loved her." 58 LADY FELICIA. "Well!" said Mr. Wilkins, having listened with great attention, " all you have to do is, to make her believe it. Do that, and you'll make yourself as safe as the bank. She'll do anything on earth for you then ; she'll promote your interests by all the means in her power, and never know when she's done enough. If you want a woman to serve you, make her believe that you love her. It's about the best game on the board. "Women like to be loved : it gratifies their vanity ; it enhances their own estimate of the influence they possess, and makes them feel as well again. There can't be a safer specula- tion. It's perfectly sure to succeed. Make her believe that you love her no matter whether you do or do not and whatever you want through her you'll have, if it be within the pale of possibility. It's a good scheme of yours ; I like it much : it proves that you know a thing or two ; and now that we have settled this point, let's go to that which you say is far more important than any which I have at present conceived. Now what is it ?" " You have taken such a strange view of the subject," said Alfred, " that I scarcely know how to proceed. When I told you that I loved lady Felicia, I thought you would have under- stood all ; instead of which you regard it merely as the means of inducing her to promote my interests in the manner you have suggested." " Well ! and it will be the means of inducing her to do so, if you can but induce her to lelieve that you love her !" " But I have no thought of inducing her to promote my interests in the way you contemplate ! In loving her, I have a higher object in view !" " But when you talk of loving her, you don't mean to say, I suppose, that you love her as you would one whom you thought of making your wife ?" "I do, indeed," replied Alfred, with a sigh. " Pooh, pooh, pooh ! Mr. Murray : pooh, pooh, pooh ! The LADY FELICIA. 59 thing's absurd ! Ton mustn't dream of anything half so irra- tional. What ! Do you mean to say that you think of making Tier your wife ?" "I do." " "What, the Lady Felicia ! the daughter of the Marquis of Kingsborough ! one of the first peers of the realm !" "Yes." " Then let me advise you, as a friend, not to utter a syllable on the subject to any other soul upon earth ! "Why you perfectly astonish me ! You! a man of sense and education you, who are capable of reasoning with a philosopher you entertain an idea so preposterous !" "Well," said Alfred, calmly; "it may appear to be pre- posterous nay, it may be so in reality still it is an idea which I do entertain, whether its realisation be practicable or not." "Practicable!" echoed Mr. Wilkins, "Practicable! Don't dream of it ! don't allow yourself even to dream, of it ! You might just as well have fallen in love with one of the daughters of the Emperor of China. It's all very well to love her to love her as I love her that is to say, as I love every beautiful woman but to love her with the view of making her your wife, is far beyond the scope of consistency." " But suppose she loves me ?'' suggested Alfred. " To suppose that," returned Mr. Wilkins, " were to suppose what I should call a social impossibility." " Why so ?" inquired Alfred. " Oh ! I don't at all allude to your personal appearance which is perfectly unexceptionable ; nor do I speak with reference to your intellectual attributes, which are, in my judgment, of a high order; but I really don't believe that these aristocratic creatures ever love ! Coronets, wealth, and magnificence are the objects of their affection not men ! What are men to them without rank ?" 60 LADY FELICIA. " Well, but suppose I put it hypothetically suppose that she is au exception to the rule assuming it to be the rule and that, being an exception, she reallv loves me?" " "Well, we'll take it so, if you like ; but even in that case, you'd be as far off as ever ! She'd never be allowed to form an alliance with you ! She might love you fondly passion- ately but would they care a straw about that ? If she wept, she might weep what care they for tears ? If she broke her heart, she might break her heart what do they care about hearts ? Had she five hundred hearts, full of love, and all pure, they'd infinitely rather the whole of them were broken, than see her give her hand to a man like you." " But suppose she felt perfectly convinced that by such a marriage only could her happiness be secured." " Why, they'd say she knew nothing about it. They wouldn't let her know. l What,' the Marquis would say, for one, ' would you disgrace the whole family ? Happiness ! Look for a coronet, girl ! one which will reflect additional lustre upon our race. Love ! fiddlesticks ! don't talk to me about love ; if you do, I'll lock you up in a lunatic asylum !" " Yery good: I anticipate all this," said Alfred; "but suppose she were to act independently of all considerations having reference to her family ?" " Is it conceivable that, in a case of this description, she would do so ? That's the point. Is it conceivable that she would leave a princely home, surrounded by all the wealth, rank, splendour, and magnificence, for which the British Peerage is peculiarly distinguished that she would give up the whole of her brilliant connections, abandon the unrivalled glories of the court, and repudiate all those scenes of enchant- ment which ravish every feeling, and dazzle every sense is it, I ask, conceivable that she would make all these gorgeous sacrifices, merely for the purpose of living with you ?" " She might, it is not impossible! I do not say that LADY FELICIA. 61 she would ; but she might do so ; and if she did, what then/' " My theory of the stars is this, that every star is a separate world ; ? and whenever I see a star shoot that is, whenever I see it attracted from its sphere by another star I say, ' There goes the destruction of both.' Do you understand ? Very well, then ! I hold this to be an analogous case. If she were to shoot if she were to be attracted by you from her own sphere that is, the sphere to which she has always been accustomed I should say the same thing : I say, ' There goes the destruction of both P " " But, why should it be so ?" " You marry. Yery good. One of her friends calls you out ; he shoots you through the head, and she dies broken hearted. That's about the quickest way to settle the matter. Eut, suppose he did not do so suppose you were both allowed to live could you ever be happy ? Could you be happy if she were not ? and is it likely that she would be happy, deprived as she would necessarily be of those luxuries by which she has ever been surrounded ? Say that the luxuries to which I refer have a tendency to create a distaste to cloy, to pall upon those who have them what of that ? It is when they can't get them they feel their loss ! then it is that their appetite returns, and that too considerably keener than ever. But we are talking now precisely as if she loved you, and that with sufficient desperation to make all these sacrifices for you. You have, I suppose, no grounds for believing that she is in so frantic a state of mind have you?" " I don't believe that she is particularly frantic," replied Alfred ; " but I do believe that I am not indifferent to her." " Indifferent ! No ! It would be, indeed, strange if you were ! She knew you when you were a child : her grandfather was your godfather ; and as you have done nothing to forfeit 62 LADY FELICIA. her respect, she respects you. But respect and love are opposite feelings ! they are, indeed, so opposed that they cannot co-exist ! you must not, therefore, take it into your head, that because she respects you she loves you. If she were to give you any reason for believing that she absolutely loves you, it would be a different thing, but" " She has given me reason to believe that she does. I feel convinced that she does."^ " Yery good ! So you may ! But what has induced that conviction ?" " Her general manner towards me. Her eyes tell me that she loves me, and^her smiles confirm the fact." " But we must not imagine that every girl who looks at us, and smiles, is in love !" " I do not imagine anything so absurd ; but there are eyes and smiles which are eloquent indeed ! Besides, why should she feel so embarrassed ? To-day, when I went, she could scarcely speak, and when she did, every word was faint and tremulous." " She might not have been well ! That might have been the cause of her not coming herself 1 But look here, my dear fellow ; the human imagination is a vagabondizing attribute ; there's no stability about the human imagination ; it's here, there, and everywhere, supplying men with reasons for believing whatever they wish to believe. It has been at work in this case; it has pandered to your wishes; it has veiled reality, and caused you to ascribe every look, word, and action to love. That's it ! But if even it were not so ; if even she did in reality love you the thing would be hopeless ; she'd never make the sacrifices we have contemplated ; and as to your love for her, you'd be better without it than with it. Stick to her by all means stick to her with the view of inducing her to promote your advancement ; but don't allow love and his legions to annoy you; if you do, LADY FELICIA. 63 mark my words, you'll be lost. You've a good chance now, a capital chance, a chance of a million, a glorious chance; embrace that ; and make the most of it ! leave no stone unturned, and who knows ? you might in a few years get up to such a pitch, that the world wouldn't know you to be the same man. Make your way! there's nothing like it why not work up to the peerage itself? If you were to do so, that would be the time to talk about loving Lady Felicia." " I wish that she had no title." " No doubt. But she has that's the point it's of no use to wish, we must take things as we find them. I know a girl a beautiful girl I only wish that she had ten thousand pounds ; I'd marry her to-morrow if she had, but she hasn't, and therefore we are as we are." " I should not care for money in that case," said Alfred. "Ah," said Mr. Wilkins, with a smile of great significance, " when you are about ten years older you'll be a better judge of its value. But come," he added, " let's have a chop. "We shall talk about love till it's time to go." The chops were ordered ; and as Alfred, who was not in high spirits made no attempt to re-open the subject, Mr. Wilkins felt that it had been quite exhausted. He therefore started another topic, on which he had it all his own way, and when they had supped and drunk a glass of grog, they with opposite feelings and thoughts returned home. 64 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE Y. THE AMBASSADEESS. ANTIOUS to divert her thoughts from Alfred, Felicia that evening went to a ball. It was one of the most brilliant of the season, and if countenances faithfully portrayed real feelings, all present must have experienced the delights of Elysium. Even Felicia looked happy the joyous glance and conventional smile having -nothing whatever to do with the heart but she felt indeed wretched. She danced, she conversed, she joined the promenade, she did all in her power to enter into the spirit of the brilliant scene around her society having enjoined a look of delight even though the heart bleed but the absence of one threw a gloom over all. She looked calmly round ; she resolved on forming an impartial judgment ; she would not be prejudiced in his favour. Well, was there in all that gorgeous assembly one at all comparable with him ? No ; not one : to her they appeared as so many automata, ticketed with titles, and dressed up for show. Her sisters, Florence and Augusta, were in their glory. They took but slight notice of her : nor did the Marquis trouble himself at all about her ; her principal companion throughout the evening was Alice Hardwicke, a fine high-spirited, light-hearted girl, who having no fortune, was not much annoyed by those who dealt in undying affection, and with her she chiefly conversed until ordered by her sisters to accompany them home. Florence felt sure that she had made a conquest: it was perfectly impossible, in her judgment, for the young Earl of Elfin to resist her last coup, and forty thousand a year was not LADY FELICIA. 65 despicable ; while Augusta, although she had " secured" Lord Loraine, had heard that his estates were dreadfully encumbered, and hence resolved on ascertaining the truth or falsehood of the statement before she took any farther steps. On these interesting " affairs of the heart" they conversed with each other until they reached home ; but not a word was addressed to Felicia. Being neglected, she was silent until she retired to her room, when she gave free vent to her tears. " What has happened ? " inquired Fidele, anxiously. " What has occurred to distress you thus you are not well?" "I am not happy," replied Felicia. " Nothing, I hope, occurred at the ball to annoy you ?" " No, Fidele no." " Was it very magnificent ?" " Yes ; but I never felt more lonely." " Indeed ! Did you not dance ?" " Oh, yes ; but I felt as if in solitude, Fidele, notwith- standing. I have no taste for such entertainments: they impart no pleasure to me now: I have a contempt for the brilliant surface when I look at the hypocrisy and heart- lessness beneath. To the heartless such scenes may be pleasing as evil deeds are to the evil disposed ; but to those who seek pure and tranquil happiness they are abhorrent." " But why should this have thus distressed you ? You knew it all before!" " I never felt it so deeply before ! Oh, Fidele," she added with a sigh, " if I could but exchange this dazzling sphere for one of peace and tranquil joy, I should be indeed the happiest of the happy. Ah, me !" Fidele understood all this perfectly; but not a syllable having reference to the real cause escaped her : she did what was necessary almost in silence, and, having done so, retired for the night. In the morning Felicia felt more wretched than ever. She DO LADY FELICIA. had had a dream a dream in which the purest love and the most heartless tyranny were mingled a dream in which it appeared that she and Alfred were united ; that their union had been early blessed with several sweet children, and that they lived most happily in a delightful little cottage, when the Marquis came, purchased the estate on which it stood, and immediately razed it to the ground. This, although but a dream, had a painful effect ; she viewed it as the harbinger of oppression, and dwelt upon it bitterly, though silently, until her friend, Alice Hardwicke, was announced. Alice Hardwicke ! Alice ! Should she reveal the secret to her ? Would it be safe ? Had she sufficient stability to conceal it ? "Was she not too light-hearted ? somewhat too much of a rattle ? She had not time to answer these questions before Alice appeared. " I am delighted to see you," said Felicia, as they embraced. " This is indeed kind." "I told you," said Alice, with a playful expression, "that I would call and have five minutes' chat. Well! how did you^enjoy yourself last evening?" " JSot much," replied Felicia, " except, indeed, while I was with you." " Why that is the very compliment that I was about to pay, and that with the most perfect sincerity; for with the exception of the time I was with you, I did not enjoy myself at all. That, however, is nothing unusual : I very very seldom indeed derive much pleasure from assemblies of that description : in fact, I don't believe that I really ought to go to such assemblies at all ; nor would I go, were it not to smile at the gilded wings of folly, and to notice how they flutter. I have no business in the 'best' society I speak in a purely mercantile sense I have really no business there, for it is but a mart a marriage mart in which beauty is bartered for gold." LADY FELICIA. 67 " Are you not too severe ?" " Not at all, my love ! I believe that you know that I am not. What business have I there ? "What am I ? The daughter of a general officer. Well ! but what am I not ? An heiress. Should I not have more homage paid me were I the daughter of a sweep with half a million ? Not that I want their homage ! I know its value too well. But were I a paragon of perfection were I celebrated above all others for beauty, wit, intelligence, and sweetness of dispo- sition I should stand no chance in this, the 'best' society, with an idiotic girl worth two or three hundred thousand pounds." " I believe that you are correct," said Felicia. " Wealth is, indeed, the great idol." " And the only one, I fear, sincerely worshipped. Look at that Julia Lollard, for example. There's a fright ! Can any one be more tasteless or inelegant ? Did you ever notice her eyes ? I never beheld so inveterate a cast. It is really quite an optical illusion. When she is looking at you she appears to be directing her attention to something over her left shoulder. She cannot help that, poor thing ; but what a host of admirers she has ! And why ? She is the only child of a man who is said to be worth a million! The men are, however, in this respect, by no means the worst. Lady Hawke last night was in a desperate pet ; I really thought that she would have slapped her daughter Mora for being civil to Lieutenant Wright. 'Have I not,' she exclaimed, 1 told you again and again that he is a beggar ! Let me see no more of it, I desire. Devote your attention to Sir William Elazon, Miss!' 'Well, ma, I do,' said the poor girl, 'but he's so excessively odious!' 'Odious!' retorted the enraged mamma, 'I've no patience with you! Look at his wealth!' Thus, my dear, are girls bought and sold ; thus are their natural feelings outraged. They are sacrificed at the shrine F 2 68 LADY FELICIA. of splendour; and Cupid, once the King of Hearts, is now but the Knave of Diamonds." " Splendour," said Felicia, " instead of being essential to happiness, appears to have a tendency to destroy it." " It has that tendency when hearts are not left really free. They may say what they please about the influence of sp n endour, but freedom of choice is the only true source of happiness. Look at Louisa Delisle and Charles Livingstone ; they were devotedly attached. I do not believe that there were ever two persons who loved each other more fervently ; but their friends interfered; there was not sufficient wealth on either side to enable them to live in splendour, and the match was broken off. Their feelings were not consulted; their hearts were not considered ; their happiness was not for a moment studied. No ; the match was broken off: she was married to a wealthy fool, he was tied to the daughter of a rich banker, and now they are all living in a state of splendid misery. Give me happiness sweet, enduring, tranquil happiness ! I care not who has the splendour." " But how is this tranquil happiness to be secured ?" "I don't know mind! I don't pretend to know but I believe that pure happiness is to be secured by being united to him whom you love." " "Were you ever in love, dear ?" " What really in love absolutely in love with a man ? Well, I never had that question put to me before. Do you mean really truly sincerely in love ?" "Yes." : " Well, upon my word, I don't know. I don't think that I ever was ; but I'm sure that I should like to be : it must be so sweet. Oh ! I should like it dearly ! I know that I should it must be so nice, so delightful ! But then whom is one to fall in love with ? It might be practicable if one were morally blind ; but the idea of falling in love with ones eyes wide open, LADY FELICIA. 69 with any one of the set whom we meet, is absurd. They are all so selfish so glaringly selfish we must look a little below the sphere in which they move, if we think of inspiring pure love." " But would you be content to look below your own sphere?" "Most certainly! If I loved a gentleman he must be a gentleman ; but that is of course understood, for if he had not the feelings of a gentleman, I could'nt love him if, I say, I loved a gentleman, and he loved me, and I felt that our mutual happiness depended upon our marriage, I'd consent without the slightest hesitation, if even we had but sufficient to live in a quiet and moderate style." " But would you not wish to return to the sphere in which you had been in the habit of moving ?" " "Why should I ? why should I wish to return to scenes from which I derive no pleasure ? If I had a brilliant fortune ; if I could go blazing with diamonds, and were thus in a position to command the adoration of the satellites of wealth and splen- dour, my vanity might prompt me to return ; but I should be absolutely mad to wish to return to scenes in which I knew that I should experience nothing but humiliation. How many poor girls are, rendered unhappy by 'being doomed to move in circles in which they are but ciphers! Give me, as I said before, happiness, the great object proposed, the grand aim of our existence, and I should no more think of returning to scenes of heartlessness and hypocrisy, than I should think of undervaluing the blessings of Heaven." "Unfortunately," said Felicia, "this happiness is so vulner- able : we are so susceptible of vagrant thoughts and ephemeral feelings, that it is capable of being wounded by a breath. The grand point is, could you, in a lower sphere, be happy?" " Yes ! in a cottage ! with him whom I loved." This Felicia held to be conclusive ; and as the subject was 70 LADY FELICIA. not pursued, Alice proceeded to give a graphic description of what she termed, " a funny amour" between the Dowager Lady Dewlap and an octogenarian Peer, which ended in his running away with her ladyship's daughter; and having suc- ceeded in painting their portraits to perfection, she left Felicia, with many expressions of affectionate esteem. For some time after the departure of Alice, Felicia dwelt upon all that had passed, recapitulating emphatically every point which had a tendency to strengthen the resolution she had formed. But then, how was that resolution to be carried into effect? In what manner was she to proceed? She could not send for Alfred, in order to declare her views and feelings : nor, if even she did send, would he declare his. "What then was to be done ? That she loved him fervently, she knew: that he loved her with corresponding warmth, she believed ; and that their mutual happiness depended upon their union, she had far less reason than ever to doubt. But how was he to know all this ? Should she write to him ? How could she write on such a subject ? What would he think if she were to do so ? what could he think ? No : she could not write : nor could she enter into any verbal explanation. He ought to have known that she loved him : she knew that he loved her ! But perhaps he did know and omitted to declare himself, solely on account of that " social distinction " to which he had referred. It might be so nay, she felt that it was so ! but how was she to communicate to him the fact that such a declaration would not be displeasing ? He might linger in a state of unhappiness for years : he might, indeed, never declare his love : he might pine and die and all because she omitted to give him sufficient confidence to declare that which she panted to hear him declare. How how was she to act ? Perhaps Fidele could assist her : perhaps she could suggest to her the means by which this primary object could be with delicacy accomplished. In Fidele LADY FELICIA. 71 she must confide, and could with safety. She therefore rang for Fidele, and while doing so made up her mind to reveal all. " You rang, I believe," said Fidele, as she entered, and found Felicia deep in thought. " Oh yes," returned Felicia. " Come and sit down, Fidele ; I wish to consult you on a subject of some importance." % Fidele, who felt that she knew the nature of that subject, approached, and sat beside her. " Fidele," continued Felicia cautiously, " when Mr. Murray stated yesterday that he could not expect to be so happy as he was when at school, because he then thought of no ' social distinctions,' what did you imagine he meant ?" " Merely, I presume," replied Fidele, " that he considered childhood to be the happiest period of existence." " Because," added Felicia, " he thought of no ' social dis- tinctions ' that is to say, because he could then freely love without the fear of any ' social distinction' forming a barrier tween him and the object of his love. "Was not that what he meant?" " It might have been." " It was, Fidele ! I feel sure that it was : but I am not more convinced of the fact, Fidele, than you are ! You know that he loves me: you must have perceived it you did perceive it ! for when he sighed you were anxious to change the sub- ject on which you feared he might dwell. Fidele," she added, with an expression of intensity, " I know that you have an affectionate heart : I know that you are sincerely attached to me, and would be, indeed, delighted to see me happy : I can, therefore, appreciate the motive which has prompted you to say what you have said, in order to induce me to repudiate the idea of having Mm, in whom all my hopes of earthly happiness are centred: you do not believe that my happiness depends solely upon him : you do not believe that I cannot be happy without him : you, on the contrary, fear, that the loss of that 72 LADY FELICIA. splendour to which I have been accustomed would cause me to be wretched that I should long to return to that brilliant sphere in which so many ignorantly aspire to move that, in fact, I should be unable to reconcile myself to a life of pure tranquillity : but be assured, Fidele, that a tranquil life is the highest point of my ambition that the sacrifices of which you have spoken would not be regarded as sacrifices by me and that, if even I valued my social position, I would give it up freely for him, so convinced do I feel, that I should but exchange empty splendour for love, peace, and joy. Seek not, therefore, to turn my heart from him, for that no power on earth can do ! seek rather to aid me in accomplishing that, by which alone my happiness can be secured." " You know," said Fidele, " that I am entirely devoted to you : you know that if I can promote your happiness, I will do so most willingly : you also know that when I appeared to speak in disparagement of him it was done at your request : do not therefore be under the slightest apprehension that I shall either say a word to wound your feelings, or urge anything in opposition to your views : if you believe that the pursuit of the course you contemplate will secure your happiness, hope will prompt me to believe so too ; and if you think that I can in any way promote the attainment of the object proposed, you may command me." " But I want you to see," said Felicia, " as clearly as I see, that happiness will be the result. He loves me, and I love him : he will be devoted to me, and I shall be devoted to him : can anything but happiness spring from such an alliance? Say that we shall not live in splendour: what then? Is splendour essential to happiness ?" " JS"o," replied Fidele, " we well know that it is not, but splendour is not, I would submit, the only sacrifice that you would have to make ; you would have to repudiate your family and connections." LADY FELICIA. 73 " Say rather, Fidele, that they would repudiate me. Eut let us look at that serious point calmly. I have a father whom I am bound to honour ; but does my father really love me ? I have never, I hope, been disobedient: I have never, to my knowledge, done aught to offend him ; but is he an affectionate father to me ? I leave you, Fidele," she added, bursting into tears, " I leave you to answer these questions. And then my sisters," she continued, " are they kind to me ? Have they ever behaved to me like dear sisters ? Do they not seek to humiliate me by all the means at their command, to tyrannize over me and treat me like a slave ?" " They are not so kind," replied Eidele, " as sisters generally are ; but then their whole souls are centred in society." " Yes, Fidele, and such society as that which I could, with great pleasure, give up, "What is such society to me ? Its charms are confined to the designing and the thoughtless ; pride and insincerity form its chief characteristics, and therefore I do not see that I should make any very great sacrifice were I to exchange it for the purer and more tranquil society of him whom I love. Do you not perceive, Fidele, that I must sacrifice either the one or the other ? that I must either give up this hollow-hearted society or sacrifice my happiness for ever ? and can you for a moment hesitate to say which sacrifice you think I ought to make ?" "Happiness, certainly," returned Fidele, "is the one grand object proposed. But how is Mr. Murray you will pardon me for putting the question how is he situated I mean in a pecuniary sense?" " I know not," replied Felicia, " I do not believe that he is rich, nor is it necessary to my happiness that he should be." " JSTo ; that I understand ! Still it would not be so well if he were desperately poor !" " If he were, my feelings towards him would be unchanged ; but he is not : besides, were it found to be necessary, I could 74 LADY FELICIA. always procure for him some lucrative appointment ! I know all the Ministers well ; I was conversing with two of them last evening, and I am sure that either of them would do anything to oblige me." "Would it not be as well," suggested Fidele, "to procure for him some such appointment at once ?" " I am not at all aware of its being necessary. If I find that it is, it can very soon be done. But how am I to ascertain whether it is or not ?" " You might easily inquire if such an appointment would be acceptable." " But how ? Can I send for him in order to make this inquiry ?" " Well, I don't see how you can send for him expressly for that purpose. It might, in the course of conversation, be named." " But how am I to have this conversation with him ?" "I understand," said Eidele, smiling archly. "You mean how are you to communicate to him the fact of your being anxious to have some conversation with him." "I'll not attempt to conceal it," said Felicia. "That is what I mean. It is clear that the first step must be made, either directly or indirectly, by me ; he has manifestly not sufficient confidence to declare his love in the first instance ; and it is, Fidele, on this very point that I am anxious for your advice and assistance." " You wish him, in the first place, to know that a declaration of love would not be offensive ?" " Exactly. Now do suggest something, there's a dear." " Well ; it must, of course, be done indirectly : any direct intimation of the kind would amount to a declaration on your part. Have you any friend whom you could depute to manage the matter delicately for you ?" " I have one," replied Felicia. LADY FELICIA. 75 "Miss Hardwicke?" " No : one in whom I repose the utmost confidence, and upon whose devotion, judgment, and delicacy I can rely: I mean you, Fidele ; you are the only friend in whom I can, in such a case, with safety confide." "I feel proud of the possession of your confidence," said Fidele, " and will, conditionally, undertake the task." " Conditionally ?" echoed Felicia. " Tes ; I will not see you sacrificed without making an effort to save you. If I find that he is unworthy of you ; if I find that he does not really love you ; if I find that he is selfish and unamiable, or discover anything tending to convince me that unhappiness must be the result of your union, I will not promote it; but if, on the other hand, I find that he loves you, and that he is in reality the dear, kind, devoted soul I trust that he is, there is nothing within the scope of my ability that I will not do to bring your hopes to a happy issue." "I accept your conditions," said Felicia, with a smile of confidence. "I willingly subscribe to them all. Exercise your judgment; study him well. I have not the slightest fear of the result. "Will you see him to-day ?" "Shall I?" " Will it not be kind of you to do so ? Will you not thereby relieve him ? Be assured that you will." " Then I'U see him to-day." " There's a dear, good girl. G-o at once. You must not distinctly tell him. But I'll leave all to you. Use your own discretion, and I shall be content." Having no very exalted opinion of rank and splendour as sources of pure happiness, and believing that Alfred loved Felicia as fondly as Felicia loved him, Fidele had no disinclina- tion to perform the task she had undertaken, and therefore prepared for her departure at once. But how was she to commence ? How was the subject to be opened ? This point 76 LADY FELICIA. now occupied all her thoughts, and continued to occupy them until she reached the shop, when she decided upon letting chance prescribe the commencement. As she entered, Alfred who, without being able to tell why, had been expecting her all the morning approached, and bowing tremulously, handed a chair. She wished to see some lawn, and Alfred showed her some lawn, while Mr. "Wilkins, although engaged in completing one of his triumphs, watched him anxiously. "Do you feel more happy to-day, Mr. Murray?" inquired Fidele, with a smile. Alfred smiled too, but very slightly, and blushed as he replied, "I spoke, I believe, comparatively." " You did ; but Lady Felicia feared that you were not happy at all!" " Lady Felicia is very considerate," returned Alfred. " She was when a child. She is also," he added with an earnest expression, "very beautiful." "And as amiable as she is beautiful," responded Fidele. " She has a heart, Mr. Murray as pure a heart as ever beat in human breast." " I believe it," said Alfred, in tremulous accents, and with an expression of the most intense earnestness. " She cannot 'but be pure." "He who secures Lady Felicia, Mr. Murray, will be a happy man." " He must be, if indeed he be able to appreciate her good- ness ; for she is good; I feel that she is." " You do not overrate her. You were enamoured of her once, were you not ?" Alfred moved his head mournfully and sighed. " I mean," added Fidele, "when you were a youth !" "Ah," said Alfred, "as I yesterday observed, I thought of no social distinctions then." LADY FELICIA. 77 " To what social distinctions do you allude ?" " To those, for example, which exist between Lady "Felicia and myself." " Why need they distress you ?" " I have of late held titles in abhorrence." "You are not a republican, I hope, Mr. Murray ?" " No," replied Alfred mournfully, "I am not a republican." " Then why abhor titles ? You do not wish that Lady Felicia had no title?" " I do indeed." "But why?" " I dare not explain," " You dare not explain ?" " If I were to do so I should be deemed one of he most presumptuous men upon earth." " Why presumptuous ? What do you mean ?" " If I were an Earl I should be justified in explaining." " Then you wish you were an Earl ?" " For that purpose I do." "You are a very funny man," retorted Fidele, playfully. " You hold titles in abhorrence, and yet you would have one. But if Lady Felicia had no title, what possible difference could it make to you ? I perceive," she added smiling, " you mean that if she had no title, you would propose for her ! Well! none could blame you! But why should the title make all this difference ? Why not do so as it is ?" " Because I would not incur her displeasure for the world." "Are you quite sure that by pursuing such a course you would incur her displeasure ?" "I fear that I should; but if even I did not, with what chance of success could /propose ? A proposal from me would at least be laughed at/' "You do not know Lady Felicia," said Fidele. "You do not know the natural sweetness of her disposition. Such a proposal, 78 LADY FELICIA. sincerely made, would meet with neither ridicule nor dis- pleasure." " Do you really believe" said Alfred earnestly, " that I should not offend her ?" " I do : I feel convinced that you would not." " If I were sure of that ! " "Be sure of it!" " It would be a great relief if I did but explain to her the feelings with which she has inspired me : if she did but know the nature of those feelings, I should regard it as some con- solation!" " Then let her know at once. You are not a stranger to her ! You were friends in childhood playfellows ! let her know at once." " But how ?" inquired Alfred " how is this to be done ? By letter?" "Yes, write to her. You can mention my name, if you please : you can even say that I encouraged you to write." "You have imparted new life to me," said Alfred. "You have filled my heart with joy ! But the Marquis !" " It will be as well not to consider him at present. If you conjure up all the difficulties at once, they may appear too great to be surmounted. Your first task is to write to Lady Felicia. Enclose the letter in an envelope addressed to me, and I'll undertake to deliver it to her." " I know not how to thank you," said AJfred. " Then make no attempt." " But I do thank you, with all my heart !" "Here is my card. And now about this lawn. Your people will wonder what we have been chatting about so long. This piece, I think, will do." y " ShaU I send it ?" inquired Alfred. " No : I'll take it with me ; I have a coach outside." Alfred packed up the lawn with alacrity, and when he had LADY TELICIA. 79 handed her into the coach, he said, " Allow me again to thank you." "Mr. Murray," returned Eidele, ^1 feel interested in your success, and will do what I can to promote it." Alfred bowed, and the coach drove off. " Well," said Mr. Wilkins, before Alfred had fairly re-entered the shop, " anything up ? anything new ? anything fresh ?" "Yes," replied Alfred, " something of great importance." "You don't mean that!" said Mr. "Wilkins, with a singular expression of doubt mingled with amazement, "You don't mean to say that you've got a brilliant berth to begin with ?" "No," replied Alfred, "but I feel more than ever convinced that Lady Eelicia loves me." "It'll spoil it," said Mr. Wilkins, shaking his head doubt- fully, " I fear it'll spoil it !" "I hope not," said Alfred. " Very good ! So do I ! But give me something substantial. There's nothing substantial about love : there's nothing at all palpable in it ! A lucrative berth is full of meaning ! it means a position in society : it means a splendid establishment : it means an interest in our glorious constitution : it means a full purse, and a balance at the banker's ; but love means nothing but sighs and simplicity : it is but a ghost in an armour of muslin a mere bubble, blown in the sun, but to burst and resolve itself into its original soapsuds. Love is all very well after business ; but do business first. Gret a splendid appoint- ment make that secure and then you may talk about love, if you like. I wouldn't be pestered with it if I were you; because it can come to nothing ! if you loved her like life, you couldn't have her !" " I am not sure of that," said Alfred calmly. " Not sure ! but is it likely ?" " I think that it is. I am at all events going to make an effort to secure her. I shall write to her to-night and explain all." 80 LADY FELICIA. " What ! explain how you love her, and that sort of thing ? Do you mean that ?" "Yes." "Then you'll cut the throat of the finest chance a young man ever had of becoming illustrious. You write to her ; you declare your passion ; you tell her she's the idol of your soul, and so on ; well ! what will be the consequence ? This ! eternal estrangement from that very hour ! You are sure to offend her ! safe as death ! and if you do you'll for ever be done." "I have been led to believe," said Alfred, "that such a declaration will not be displeasing !" " Who has led you to believe it ?" " The lady with whom I have been conversing. She, in fact, advised me to write." " Did you tell her then that you loved Lady Felicia ?" " She appeared to me to know it !" " Stop a bit. A thought strikes me. I think I see a move. She advised you to write." " Yes ; and told me that if I enclosed a letter to her, she would deliver it : she, moreover, said that I might, if I pleased, state that she had encouraged me to write." " Very good," said Mr. Wilkins, with an expression of deep thought. "Then I'll bet ten to one that she was sent by Lady Eelicia, expressly, in order to induce you to write. Now look here. To love Lady Felicia or Lady Anybody else hopelessly that is to say, without half a chance of having her were to put yourself into a state of moral perspiration to no purpose ; but if she is so desperately enamoured of you, that she is willing to make a mob of sacrifices for you, that's a shawl of another pattern, and one too in which you'd be a natural idiot not to speculate. When I, last night, set my face dead against love, I'd no conception of its being at all likely that she *would dream of making the sacrifices which she will have to make ; LADY FELICIA. 81 but now that it appears she has an idea of making these sacrifices, love not only enters into the speculation, but becomes absolutely the leading article. "Write, therefore, by all means. I'll be bound to say she has a mint of money ; in which case you'll not want an appointment at all. But mind Jww you write : a great deal depends upon style ! I don't know whether you are much of a hand at it ; but magnanimity and poetic ardour are indispensable." " I fear," said Alfred, " that my style of composition is not particularly striking; but, perhaps you'll be kind enough to assist me." "By all means; certainly; I'll do so with pleasure! Til think of a thing or two worth the money, and when we shut up we'll go at it. But, heaven and earth! what a fortunate dog ! Why, you have absolutely the luck of a legion. Well ! fortune may be blind ; but she has a fine nose." The composition of this letter now engrossed all their thoughts; and when the time for closing had arrived, they repaired to a private room, and went to work. Under ordinary circumstances Alfred was a somewhat rapid writer, having commenced, he would go on without waiting to enrich his sentences with new thoughts ; but so deeply impressed was he with the importance of this epistle, that he was for some time unable to write at all. The same, however, cannot be said of Mr. Wilkins : he allowed nothing to check his career : he went away triumphantly, and flourished with so much enthusiasm, that three sides of foolscap were filled before he permitted his pen to rest for a moment ! But when he reviewed what he had written, he found that his task was by no means complete : indeed, he made so many erasures and interlineations, that but little of the original remained. This, however, he held to be a matter of no importance : he resolved at once on making a fair copy, and did so with consummate tact. 82 LADY FELICIA. " Now," said he, having completed his task, "just let ine know what you think of this. Here, I'll read it to you. Now : are you ready ?" " I'm all attention," replied Alfred ; and Mr. Wilkins, having effected the clearance of his throat, read as follows : " BRIGHT " Vouchsafe to receive, with all that benignity which consti- tutes one of the sweetest characteristics of your illustrious nature, the fervent declaration of one whose devotion is unrivalled, whose whole soul is centred in your smiles, and who, to secure the supreme felicity of basking in your effulgence, would make any sacrifice, however alarming. " As Jacob loved E/achel or, to come down to our own times as Borneo loved Juliet even so, delicious Pelicia, do I love you. In infancy I loved you ; in manhood I adore you : and had I the wealth of worlds to lay at your feet, I'd deposit the lot, and revere you. " Tou are my idol ! Without you, the world to ine would be an incomprehensible chaos, Tou are my world my atmosphere ! I must breathe that or die. " "When, after seven or eight weary years, I beheld again your incomparable loveliness ; when I heard the celestial music of your voice saw the seraphic expression of your eyes, and gazed upon the smile which danced divinely round your angelic lips, I felt enchanted ! no tongue can express, no pen can describe the ecstatic ardour of the love which you inspired ! neither JEtna, nor Vesuvius, burns so fiercely as the flame which your surpassing beauty kindled. I felt at once ravished and racked ! ravished by the wonderful combination of matchless elegance and unexampled loveliness, and racked by the reflection that I was not a monarch. " Oh ! that I were an Emperor, that I might place you on the throne to be the envy of surrounding nations, and the LADY FELICIA. 83 glory of the world ! And yet, after all, what are rank and magnificence, compared with the pure and devoted love of him who, to secure to you unbounded joy, would sacrifice his life ? What are pride, pomp, and splendour, when compared with connubial felicity, and inexhaustible affection ! Life without love, is the body without the soul, the crown without the head, the violet without the perfume, the moon without the sun. " Deign, therefore, dear one, to grant me an interview, in order that I may pour out my soul in streams of rapture, and lay my fond and faithful heart bare. Of that heart you are supremely the mistress. You have the power to wither it utterly, or to fill it with the purest conceivable joy. It throbs but for you. Day and night it pants to develop itself to you. Do not oh ! do not permit it to pant in vain. Believe it from the tartaric acid of suspense : change its contents from anxiety to rapture. One delicious hour dear divinity of earth will be sufficient for its perfect analysis. Name that hour that blessed hour and I will fly with the wings of immortal love to register my vows of eternal fidelity. " With a pulse beating quickly to urge on the time, and a soul full of thrilling impatience to behold you, " I have the honour, " Sweet Lady Felicia, " To be, " With the highest admiration " And esteem, " Tour Ladyship's " Most devoted Adorer, "ALFRED MURRAY." " There, sir ! " exclaimed Mr. Wilkins, with an air of triumph, " What do you think of that ? That's the style of thing to create a sensation ! Here, you see, you have the two grand principles magnanimity and poetic ardour conspicuously G2 84 LADY TELICIA. developed. You offer to sacrifice everything for her, from the wealth of worlds even to your life, and having thus proved yourself magnanimous enough for anything, you do the ardent by comparing the flame of your love with the blazes of Mina, and Vesuvius." " I perceive ;" said Alfred " oh ! I perceive : but the flight is, I fear, too high : I can't sustain it." " Not sustain it ? "Why I could keep it up for a month !" " No doubt of it ! But I should break down in a moment. The effect of this would be to induce her to regard it as a mere sample of what she might expect in the event of an interview, when, in fact, as far as I am concerned, it is the bulk ! I could add nothing ! You have said all that I could say, and more than I should ever have thought of saying, It is not only the title, but the book ; not only the text, but the whole sermon ! My object has been, to say as little as possible, in order that I may have the more to say when I see her." " Well, then, let's have a look at what you have said." " Shall I read it ?" "Aye, do. Now, then, let's have a specimen of your style." Alfred took up the paper on which he had been writing, and read his epistle, which ran briefly as follows : "DEAE LADY FELICIA! " Pardon ie for thus presuming to address you. Miss Legrange knows why I have not done so before; and how delighted I was to hear that if I did so, it might not be dis- pleasing. " I dare not venture to express to you the warmth of those feelings of love and admiration with which you have inspired me ; but believe me to be, " Dear Lady Felicia, " Ever yours, " ALFEED MUEBAY." LADY FELICIA. 85' " Cold enough," said Mr. Wilkins " quite. And jet I think I see the move. You mean this to be a mere intro- duction?" "Nothing more," replied Alfred. " I understand : so that you can bring in my points when you see her ! Well they might then have more effect. I don't at all dislike the idea : on the contrary, I think it rather good ! Tour first object is to obtain an interview ; and then you can go in to any extent. Jsee! Well, it only affords another proof that two heads are better than one." Alfred was quite pleased that he had not offended Mr. Wilkins; and when he had thanked him for the trouble he had taken, he copied the note in his neatest hand, and sent it enclosed to Fidele. $6 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE VI. - THE DISCOVEBY. I WHEN Fidele had explained the substance of all that occurred during her interview with Alfred, Felicia expected an immediate communication; and although the conviction expressed by Fidele, that he was all that she could wish him to be, gave her joy, she notwithstanding felt painfully anxious when she found that no communication would arrive that night. In the morning, however, the arrival of the note repaid her for all the anxiety she had endured. Having received it from Fidele, she passionately kissed it again and again, and then proceeded to read it with rapture. She had not been mistaken : he did indeed love her ! The note was brief! very brief! she wished that it had not been so brief! Had it extended to fifty or even a hundred and fifty pages, it would not have been too long! She would have read and rehearsed it diligently, until she had committed every word of it to memory it could not have been too long ! Still, brief as it was, it contained sufficient to prove that he dearly loved her. " But," she observed, having several times perused it, " he does not solicit an interview!" " No," said Fidele, " but that he seeks one is of course understood!" " How then are we now to proceed ?" " That depends upon you," replied Eidele, with a smile. " Do you feel inclined to grant him an interview ? or will you reply to his note, and tell him that his temerity and presmnp- LADY FELICIA. 87 tion Lave amazed you ? The pursuit of the latter course would only kill him !" " Then, having no desire to compass his death, I decidedly pre- fer the pursuit of the former. But how is it to be managed ?" " Will you allow him to be my lover for a time ? I'll not altogether deprive you of him ; but if you'll transfer him for an hour or so, I'll invite him to come and see me." " Excellent, Fidele," exclaimed Felicia, " And then" " Why, when he has sufficiently made love to me, I must, I suppose, quietly give him up to you." " But when can this be done ?" "You are anxious, I presume, to see him as soon as possible ?" " Need I confess that I am ?" " Well, the Marquis goes down to the House about four, and Lady Florence will be, of course, with Lady Augusta in the Park : shall I appoint four, or half-past, to-day ?" " Do, there's a dear girl." " Yery good, then I'll write a note at once. We can then arrange about his reception." The following note was accordingly written : " Miss Fidele Legrange presents her compliments to Mr. Murray, and begs to inform him that she will be happy to see him at Kingsborough House, about half-past four. " Mr. Murray will, of course, inquire for Miss Legrange." " Now, how shall I send it ?" inquired Fidele. "Send one of the servants," replied Felicia " send James." " Had it not be better sent by the post ?" " As you please. But a note from you sent to a house of business can excite no suspicion. Besides, if it be sent by the post he may not receive it in time." " Well, then, we'll send it by James," returned Fidele ; and when James had been summoned, she despatched him at once. 88 LADY FELICIA. James, however, did not like this job ; there were, indeed, very few jobs that he did like, but this he having lost at dominoes three pints of half-and-half, and being in the midst of a winning game when summoned was peculiarly unpleasant; still, ascribing it in a philosophic spirit to fate, he proceeded with the note, and having arrived at the shop, near the door of which stood Mr. Wilkins, he delivered it into the hands of that gentleman, with an air of the most superb hauteur, and said in a pseudo-aristocratic drawl, "Ah, note or-r for Mr. Morray." "Does it require an answer ?" inquired Mr. "Wilkins. " Don't know." Mr. Wilkins handed the note to Alfred, who opened it tremulously and turned pale as death and having read it, he made an eifort to compose himself, and said, addressing James, " Very good." " Oh ! " said James, who had watched him with an expression of curiosity, " no ansor oh ! Grood morning," he added with a patronising air ; and throwing rigid dignity into his calves, he by virtue of setting in motion the extensive machinery of his hips very dexterously wriggled away. Alfred then submitted the note to Mr. Wilkins, who had no sooner read it than he exclaimed, " Bravo ! Excellent ! Out and out ! Nothing could be better. Here you have what you want in a style of extreme delicacy a positive appointment but, as a precaution, ' Mr. Murray will, of course, inquire for Miss Legrange.' You certainly are, without any exception, the luckiest fellow alive. Half past four. Well, there are my waistcoats ; wear which you please ; there are also my rings, studs, and pins, take your choice: you are welcome to any- thing I have." " I thank you," said Alfred, " but I shall not require anything of the sort. I shall go as I am." " Gro as you are ! You must do no such thing ; you must go, LADY FELICIA. 89 sir, in style, and the higher the style you go in the better. Your object is to excite admiration." " But not of rings, waistcoats, and pins !" " They are the legitimate germs of admiration. Being, as it were, engrafted on the man, they become part and parcel of the man, and attract admiration to the man. You don't attach sufficient importance to dress, notwithstanding its importance is held to be paramount. Its effect upon men is great ; but its effect upon women is infinitely greater. We cannot dress too well for them ; nor can they dress too well for us. They make their remarks upon us, as well as we make our remarks upon them; and as nothing attracts our admiration so much as a well- dressed woman, so nothing attracts their admiration so much as a well-dressed man. What do we think of women who dress in a tasteless and slovenly manner? and what do you imagine they think of men who display a corresponding want of taste and attention ?" " But," said Alfred, " there is a medium between dressing as you say in a slovenly manner, and coming out in the highest style of fashion!" " True ; but he whose style is the most attractive, is, by virtue of that style, the most attractive man. Society expects every man to dress in the best style he can, and if he doesn't dress well, it is, in the judgment of society, because he can't." "But a man may dress well without being an exquisite! Simplicity, as well in dress as in manners, forms the general characteristic of a well-bred man." " But simplicity will not tell with women : they want some- thing more than simplicity. Why do they admire peacocks ?" " Because they are beautiful !" " They admire their plumage ; and as dress is our plumage, the more attractive it is the more they admire us. Therefore taie my advice, and put on something striking: that em- broidered emerald waistcoat, for instance, looks slap !" 90 LADY FELICIA. "Well," said Alfred, with tlie view of compromising the matter, for he would not have worn the waistcoat for fifty times its value, " I'll try it on ; and as I shall not return to business this evening, I'll go to the old place and wait till you come !" This met the approbation of Mr. "Wilkins, who promised to be there immediately after they had closed ; and when Alfred had obtained leave of absence, he prepared for that interview of which the result he felt certain would either secure or wither his happiness for ever. Now, when James had returned to the servant's hall, he called the elite together, and having laughed for a few moments merrily, with the view of preparing them to receive some humorous communication, said " "Well ! of all the queer goes in natural philosophy, the go I've jest witnessed and experi- enced, is beyond all human comprehension, about the queerest of the queer.'' "WTiat is it? What is it?" inquired the elite eagerly. " Oh ! do tell us what it is !" " Then bring your comprehension to a focus," said James, "and I'll expostulate. Miss Legrange says to me, says she, 'James' I knew in a moment she wanted me to go some- where for her ' James,' says she, ' be kind enough to take this,' and gives me a note, which I subsekently found was addressed to a fellbwe named Morray. Well, I goes ; and when the fellowe took the note, if we'd bin a going to have a hailstorm of stars, if an earthquake had been about to swallow him whole, if all the horrid ghosts in immortal creation had come in a body to take him away and skin him, he couldn't have trembled more. I never saw a fellowe so desperately dished, or one which looked so dead and diabolically doubled up. He was ready to sink into the earth ! His eyes seemed fit to fall out of his head ; his joints was disordered, his blood left his cheeks, and he looked altogether the image of one who had jest bin and done some excruciating murder." LADY FELICIA. 91 "I wonder what he's bin up to," cried one of the elite. "No good," said another, " I'll warrant." " Did you ever see him before ?" inquired a third. "Yos," replied James. "It's the fellowe which brought some silks heor the other day. He's bin doing some dirty swindle, doubtless. But to see the fellow shake ! That was fun if you like ! You'd a split your sides a laughing. I thought drop he must. Look here : here he stood : just look here," he added, and gave a variety of ingenious imitations, which, by exciting the mirth of his friends, enlivened the sphere of their usefulness. "When, therefore, Alfred arrived, and James had informed them of the interesting fact, they all felt exceedingly anxious to see him ; but as he had not only been announced to Fidele, but shown into the room in which she sat working apparently with praiseworthy diligence, the gratification of their natural curiosity was unavoidably deferred. On entering this room Alfred felt very nervous, but as Fidele received him with an air of cheerfulness, he to some extent recovered his self-possession. " "Well, Mr. Murray," said Eidele, with a smile ; "then you adopted the course I suggested." " I did venture to do so," returned Alfred, " but I fervently hope that I have given no offence." " "Well, Mr. Murray, the offence which you have given is not, I apprehend, very great: you will know the extent to which you have offended when you have apologized to Lady Felicia; but if you hope to be forgiven you will explain to her ingenuously the feelings by which you were prompted. Recollect, Mr. Murray, that she whom you seek is no ordinary prize : I speak not with reference to her social position : I allude to those qualities of heart and mind which are the sources, not only of admiration, but of the most intense affection. Let me, therefore, beg of you to 92 LADY FELICIA. be ingenuous. If the hope you have inspired be realized, the result will depend upon you, and you alone ; your devotion will secure the most perfect felicity; but unkindness or neglect will plunge into utter misery one of the most amiable creatures upon earth." " I beg of you," said Alfred, "to believe" " Pardon me," interrupted Fidele, " I feel so much inclined to believe all you would say, that it is really quite unnecessary for me to hear it. Besides, I require no confession ! That you must reserve for Lady Felicia !" "But when may I hope to have the happiness of seeing her?" "Why," replied Fidele, smiling archly, "I could introduce you even now ! and will if indeed you really wish me to do so." " Need I say that the introduction would give me great pleasure ?" "Well, perhaps that is not absolutely necessary: I'll therefore introduce you at once. "Will you do me the favour to step this way?" Anxiously and with considerable embarrassment, Alfred rose and followed Fidele, who, having opened a door which led into a splendid apartment in which Felicia sat apparently reading, said, "I have the pleasure, Lady Felicia, to present to you one who is anxious to make some apology." Felicia, who looked extremely pale, rose and gracefully extended her hand, which Alfred took tremulously, and not only held, but, scarcely knowing what he was about at the time, kissed it ! In an instant Felicia's blushes mounted, but she made no attempt to withdraw her hand, which he still held and pressed as he gazed at her in silence, but with an expression of rapture, until Fidele had politely placed a chair by his side, and retreated to one of the windows with a book. LADY FELICIA. 93 " I have ventured," said lie, at length, with great intensity of feeling " I have ventured to address you ; and in that venture I have embarked every earthly hope I have. I knew that I was presumptuous, and therefore feared that I might offend you : I was painfully apprehensive of incurring your displeasure ; but this kind reception tends to banish my fears, to prove that I was not altogether mistaken, to convince me that I am not wholly indifferent to you, and thus to inspire me with joy ! Lady Felicia, my position is not unknown to you: it is, compared with yours, obscure. I have neither rank, influence, nor wealth; but if through the eyes soul communicates with soul, I may, I think, reasonably infer that you do not therefore despise me. I have but a heart to offer a heart which, whether it be rejected or not, must for ever be devoted to you." " I know not how it is," said Felicia, in tones which to Alfred were musical indeed, " I am perfectly unable to account, for it ; but when I saw you the other morning, I felt notwith- standing the lapse of years as if some sweet sensation had been revived. I knew not what it was, but some youthful feeling appeared to be re-awakened some chord was struck which had vibrated before and the effect was like that of the holy influence of a hymn, which we remember to have heard in infancy. We were but children when we knew each other first, and yet the feelings then created still live." "Such words from you," said Alfred, "re-animate all my hopes. The feelings then created still live ! You loved me when a child ?" "As a child," replied Felicia. "And that is one of the feelings which happily still live. May I not draw that sweet inference ?" Felicia was silent, but that silence was sufficiently eloquent. "lam aware," continued Alfred, "I cannot but be aware, that the course which I would prompt you to pursue involves 94 LADY FELICIA. the sacrifice of that splendour by which you are surrounded ; but I need not suggest to you that splendour is not essential to pure happiness." " I do not believe that it is," said Felicia. " Nor need I remind you that happiness is the one grand object at which we all aim, and to secure which no sacrifice can be too great. If then, this sacrifice were made for me, what on earth would I not do to make you happy ? My whole life would be devoted to the grateful task of rendering your happi- ness complete, and that this is a task which I could perform, your amiable spirit and gentle bearing, the purity of your mind and the natural sweetness of your disposition, forbid me to entertain a doubt." " I will not ask you," said Felicia, " if you are sincere, because that would imply a want of faith, when faith itself is in the ascendant ; but you give me credit for the possession of qualities which in me you have net yet had time to discover." " My heart tells me that you are all that I have intimated, and more; if you were not gentle, amiable, and kind, you would not have received me as you have done to-day; independently of which, my heart's impressions have been confirmed by one whose opportunities of forming a correct judgment, have been ample." " You allude to Fidele. She is a good girl and worthy of all confidence, but her attachment to me has prompted her, perhaps, to say more than an impartial judgment might warrant." Alfred smiled, and again took her hand, and gazed with an expression of the utmost tenderness, and continued to contemplate her beauty in silence, until Fidele, conceiving that it would not be wise to allow their interview to be prolonged, came forward, and said, " I am sorry to disturb you, but you really know not how the time flies." This was held to be very premature. Both Felicia and LADT EELICIA. 95 Alfred, indeed, marvelled at it ! To them it did not appear that they had been with each other two minutes ! still giving Fidele credit for knowing more about the flight of time than they knew they rose, but were even then in no haste to part. " Now," said Eidele, " do you quite understand each other?" "I hope so," replied Alfred, smiling. "But," he added, addressing Felicia, " when shall I have the pleasure of seeing you again ?" "That," returned Felicia, "I must leave to Pidele." " Tes, I'll arrange that," interposed Pidele, " but discretion now enjoins haste. Now, take leave of each other, and part." " Felicia !" said Alfred: and having looked at her rapturously for a moment, he embraced her ! " Grod bless you ! " You have filled my heart with joy ! Grod bless you !'' Felicia fervently bade him farewell, and he followed Fidele, who, having promised that she would very soon write to him, playfully hurried him away. While descending the stairs, he met some of the servants, who looked at him in a somewhat peculiar manner, and smiled ; but he neither understood this, nor cared to understand it : he reached the hall door, which the gouty porter managed, by dint of great exertion, to open, and left the house in a reverie of rapture. He had however, no sooner left, than the servants assem- bled, and felt quite indignant with James for placing him in so ridiculous a light. He was such a nice young man ! so handsome ! so excessively handsome ! so young, and yet so manly ! He shake, and feel fit to drop ! It was their unani- mous opinion, that if he knew what master James had said about him, he would quickly make him shake and feel fit to drop ! He was dressed so nicely, and looked so happy, and had such a lovely head of hair ! They never in their lives saw a more delicious man; and when James appeared, they 96 LADY FELICIA. told him so flatly, and wondered he wasn't ashamed of himself ! But he wasn't ! Not he, indeed ! not a bit of it ! Tie ashamed? No! He knew who ought to be ashamed! he knew who ought to sink with shame ! and, what was more, he could tell if he liked; but he didn't like, and wouldn't tell, and nobody could make him tell. " "Why, what on earth do you mean ?" they inquired. " No matter," replied James. " "What I know, I know ; and what I've seen, I've seen ; what I tells, I tells ; but what I means to keep, flesh don't get out of me I I've seen, within the last few minutes more than I ever saw in my born days before." " Good heavens!" they exclaimed; "why, what have you seen?" "Seen! What have I seen! I've seen enough to make a man's hair stand up like the squills of a prickly porkipine ! I could hardly believe my own eyes. That she so modest, so meek, and so mild that she should ever have done such a thing" " She ! "What, Miss Legrange ? Oh ! do tell us do, James there's a good soul." "I expected as much," said one of the housemaids; "I never thought she was a mite too good." " You never thought" said James, contemptuously " You don't know what you're a-talking about! I never said nothing about Miss Legrange! Miss Legrange, I dare say, is as good as some people ! as it happens, I don't mean Miss Legrange at all!" ""Whom, then, do you mean, James?" inquired the rest, soothingly ; for, as the housemaid who had spoken was no favourite of James, her observations had displeased him. " Whom, then, do you mean ?" " I mean Lady Eelicia." " Indeed ! Well well, James ! well ! "What of her ?" LADY FELICIA. 97 "That's locked up here" said James, striking Ms breast; " and the key's locked itself up." " Oh, but you may as well tell us, you know ; it won't go any further." " No, I know it won't oh, dear me, no ! it would be all over Europe in the course often minutes." " No, indeed, James ; indeed, we'll not say a word about it ; we'll not breathe a syllable to any living soul." " Keep as you are, and then you can't," said James. " It'll be just as good for your health, and less trouble." " But, surely," said one of his favourites, " you might tell us in confidence." " May I trust you ? That's the point. May I trust you ?" " What ! not when we pledge you our honour ?" "That's another thing. If you pledge me your honour, that alters the case. But, look here ! if I have any specie of interruption however inconceivable I shut up at once and for ever." " You shall not be interrupted, James : now, then." " Well, having an ideor that all was not right conceiving that something uncommon was wrong fancying that what was up was made too much of a mystery of imagining that whatever it was, it ought not to be kept so much in the dark knowing that the fellowe had trembled as if he'd been doing a crime supposing that he'd been sent for here to clear him- self if he could, and thinking that he and Miss Legrange had been together long enough, I listened at the door of the room in which I'd left them, and to my unbounded astonish- ment I heard nothing ! not a word ! not a whisper ! not a breath ! all was as still as the silent grave. Ask me not what I thought don't inquire of me what I imagined : question me not about the horrid ideas which flitted across my indignant brain! form your own judgment: judge yourselves : judge of the thoughts that rushed into my mind H 98 LADY FELICIA. judge of the feelings that stuck in my throat. I felt horrid! What! thought I. But just as I was going to follow this thought, a great idea came up and struck me. In an instant in the twinkling of an eye like a flash of forked lightning it struck me, that as I couldn't hear them, they mightn't be there ! and recollecting that there was a door in that room which opened right into the next, I made no more to do, but progressed to the next and listened there, and presently peeped through the key-hole, when, wh&t should I see what should I behold but Lady Felicia Heaven and earth ! a hugging that fellowe like life ! " " "What ! " exclaimed his favourite, " a hugging him ?" " A hugging him." " What ! right down hugging him ?" " What means this illiteration, woman ? as the black man said the other night at the play I tell you that Lady Felicia was a hugging him ! aint that plain English ?" " "Well, but look here, James, you dorit mean to say " " I mean to say neither more nor less than what I do say, and that is that she was a hugging of that fellowe !" " "Well, but surely, James, you're joking !" " Are you a unbelieving Jew ? are you a Turk, or a Greek, or a Hottentot, or what are you ? I'll show you how she did it! then, perhaps, you'll believe me. Look here. You're that fellowe, and I'm Lady Felicia. Now then," he added, embracing her warmly, " now will you believe me ?" "James!" she exclaimed, having very correctly struggled, " Don't be so silly : ha ! done now, do /" "I was only a showing you how it was managed, there's nothing like placing a fact before your eyes." " Well, but where was Miss Legrange ?" " She was at that critical junction a making her way to her own room door." " Then she did not see this ?" LADY FELICIA. 99 " Didn't she ! Was a woman's eyes made to shut at such a time? Could they shut? Would the lids come down? It aint in nature. She saw it all : it aint likely she didn't, although she pretended, of course, not to see." " I won't believe a word of it," said one. " Nor will I," said another. " JN~or I neither," said a third. It's a fib on the very face of it a right down scandalous falsity ! and it's shameful to take a lady's character away so." "Who's a taking away a lady's character?" demanded James. "When I say she was kissed, do I take away her character? Don't you all like to be kissed? Does your character go when you're kissed? If so, you haven't got a mite to bless yourselves with! not one of you!" " But we won't believe she was kissed at all !" " You may believe, or believe me not, I aint a going to undertake to find you all in belief; but if I didn't see them a kissing and a hugging, I'll go for a soldier, and fight till I drop !" "But is it," said one, "likely that she would bemean herself so much as to take up with one like him ? Is it natural ? Look at their different situations !" " Nature," returned James, " don't trouble her head about difference of situations. She didn't make the difference. That aint her work. She made them both flesh and blood, and that's quite enough for nature. 7 ' " Aye, but I mean in the nature of things !" " Well, in the nature of things they may love each other : in the nature of things they may kiss each other ; in the nature of things they may marry each other ! they may do all this in the nature of things." " Marry ! ridiculous. She marry him !" " Is there the ghost of a law to prevent it p" " Don't be so innocent, pray. The idea is stupid. She H 2 100 LAJ)Y FELICIA. many him, indeed ! There, don't say another word about it. It's my belief that it's all made up, and the rights of it ought to be known !" " So Jsay !" cried one of her immediate friends. " And I agree with you" said another. " You'd better go and ask her," interposed James. " I don't know I shan't." " If you do, you don't ought to die a natural death !" " Oh, I aint one to get fellow servants into scrapes ; but I mean to say that such barefaced stories are disgraceful to any sex." "It isn't a story!'' " We know better ! we all know better ! Lady Felicia to do such a thing ! she above all other ladies in the world ! The idea's too monstrous to be swallowed. "We won't have it ! so the less you say about it the better !" Well! James had no desire to say much more about it! He knew what he had seen, and had told them what he knew, and if they wouldn't believe him, why he couldn't help it : he couldn't absolutely compel them to believe ! still he did think it hard that they should be so incredulous, and he told them so pointedly, and that too in tones which could not be mistaken ; but they again declared that they would not believe him, and he, having a contempt for their scepticism, left them. But although this strong declaration was made, and, before him, subscribed to unanimously, the majority of them did believe him, and immediately held a privy council. They had no desire to injure James. They all declared they'd "scorn the action." They wouldn't tell Lady Felicia for the world ! They knew themselves better than that, they hoped. But they of course confidentially told Lady Augusta's maid, who in confidence communicated the fact to Lady Augusta, who, although she thought the secret worth knowing, did not at the LADY FELICIA. same time consider it worth keeping- an it at once to Lady Florence, by whom ik was hailed with malicious delight ! " Discovered at last !" she exclaimed, with an air of triumph, " I knew that there was something beneath the surface of that meekness ; I knew that that soft, smooth tongue was but the organ of rank hypocrisy. The sly, insidious, artful creature !" " But," said Lady Augusta, " you do not imagine that she has really disgraced herself?" " Why, what else can I imagine ? You say that they embraced each other ! "What is the rational inference ? what can any one infer from it, but that instead of being all gentle- ness and purity, she is forward and vicious, if not utterly abandoned. I am glad that the mask has been removed exceedingly glad that her vice has been discovered." " But she may not be vicious !" urged Lady Augusta. " She may have conceived a pure affection for this person !" " Augusta, how you talk ! A pure affection ! She has an affection for him, doubtless ; but, for Heaven's sake, say nothing of its purity." " Well, how are we to act ? Shall we speak to her on the subject ?" " Certainly not. Why should we ?" " I think we ought to put her on her guard !" " What, and thus spoil all ? No : that will never do. Put her on her guard, and she'll deprive us of that amusement, of which I anticipate her pure affection will be the source. Let us appear to know nothing whatever about it ! We shall then be able to watch her actions, without creating the slightest suspicion. By whom do you say it was discovered ?" " By James." " Oh, he it was who witnessed the affectionate scene. I must speak to him privately on the subject." 102 LADY FELICIA. just; no,w. suggested the propriety of appearing t A ) knO'V BOth-Jlg. ai ) 164 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE X. THE " SPECULATION." NOTWITHSTANDING the precautions of the Marquis not- withstanding the belief, with which he had inspired the whole establishment, that the flight of Felicia was ascribable solely to the tyranny of her imperious sister, Florence, the first thing which attracted his attention in the morning, when he opened the fashionable paper of that period, was the following paragraph conspicuously displayed : " ELOPEMENT IN HIGH LIFE. Yesterday morning a noble family, residing not more than a hundred miles from * * * Square, was thrown into a state of the most afflicting consternation, by the sudden and somewhat mysterious disappearance of one of its most lovely branches. "We do not pretend to know at present the particulars ; but the beautiful and highly accomplished fugitive is Lady , the second daughter of a noble Marquis, and " the gallant, gay Lothario" is connected, if not with the government of India, at least with the Indian empire's shawls." With an oath, which startled the servant in attendance, the Marquis rose and paced the room trembling with passion. " The Indian empire's shawls" he exclaimed, furiously. " Leave the room ;" he added, turning fiercely to the servant, who appeared on the instant to wither away, so magical was his ^disappearance. " Had a thunder-bolt fallen and crushed her on the road The Indian empire's shawls ! " Parched with rage he rang the bell, and the sprite who had just before vanished re-appeared. LADY FELICIA. 165 "The carriage! send Lady Augusta here!" cried the Marquis, who continued to pace the room groaning with fury. "Look at this!" he exclaimed, as Lady Augusta entered. "For this curse I have to thank you! One word from you, and all would have been averted.'* Lady Augusta glanced over the paragraph eagerly, and started with a well-defined expression of horror. " The second daughter !" she wildly exclaimed. " The wretches have made a mistake ! they mean me!" and tottering towards a couch, she sank upon it and fainted. The Marquis took no notice of this; he left the room, and proceeded to dress, and when the carriage had been announced he started to call on his friend Lord Thurleigh. " Thurleigh,'' said he, as he entered the room, in which he found his noble friend at breakfast ; " this cursed affair will drive me mad." " Pooh, pooh," said Lord Thurleigh. " Mad ! Make the best of it." "Have you seen this?" inquired the Marquis, pointing to the paragraph in question. His lordship coolly put on his spectacles, and having read the paragraph as coolly took them off. : "'{p 1 ""Well," said he, "it only shows that nothing can be kept from these fellows. How they manage to get their information Grod knows. Now who could have told them of this?" "It matters not now who told them," said the Marquis. " There the thing is ! Now what's to be done ? " " What can be done ? The fact can't be denied ! By the way they say your second daughter. She is the youngest, is she not ?" " Yes, the wretch, the idiot, the fool !" " Well, that's so far good. You may, even now, get over it. 166 LADY FELICIA. Tell them that they have been misinformed, and insist upon having the statement contradicted. And yet, as they don't like to contradict themselves, and never will, however wrong, unless they are absolutely forced to do so, they'll soon ascertain that instead of the second daughter, it's the third, and then another statement will appear in their own vindication. No ; the better plan will be to let it rest as it is* Know nothing of it. Tour name is not mentioned. The appearance of your second daughter, as usual, will prove that they are, at least on that point, wrong : therefore, take no notice of it ; let it die away." " It's easy to say, Thurleigh, ' let it die away;' but an affair of this character is never forgotten." " Oh, that will rub off. All you have to. do is to send him abroad, and the sooner you do so the better. You can then announce the marriage, formally, with whatever embellishments you please." " If the other girls were settled, I shouldn't care so much, but this you see will seriously interfere with their prospects !" " I don't see why it should !" " It must ! Who of any importance would marry a girl whose sister eloped with a fellow like that! It must blast their prospects, necessarily : we shall be the laughing-stock of the whole town!" " I don't see it :" returned his noble friend. I can't see it ! TJiafll blow over. Make no stir about it: keep quiet. It will soon wear away, and be thought nothing of. Do they know of this at home ?" " I have shown it to one of them." " Tell them, when you return, to know nothing about it. It will be perhaps, as well too to get them out of town. They'll be better away, for the present, at least. Pack them off: by next season all will be forgotten, or pretty nearly so; pack them off." LADY FELICIA. 167 This appeared to the Marquis to be about the best thing he could do ; and as his noble friend had no farther advice to offer, he shortly afterwards left him, with the view of ascer- taining how he could most conveniently adopt the suggestion. During his absence, however, instead of keeping the thing quiet, Lady Augusta whose fainting fit was not of long duration did all in her power to let the " world " know, that the newspaper people had made a mistake that instead of the second daughter, they ought to have said the third that it was her sister Felicia who had eloped and that she would rather be burnt alive, than form such a vulgar connection ; while Lady Florence, having ascertained from James, that the Marquis and Lord Thurleigh had been to the church, had her suspicions, and went there too, and saw the register, and thus discovered all. Meanwhile, Mr. "Wilkins who, in order to be home in time for business, had started from Brighton at six returned, much to the satisfaction of the "governor," to whom he at once proceeded to explain the substance of all that had occurred. At first, the "governor" felt incredulous, he openly declared that he could not believe it ; but when Mr. Wilkins had assured him, with due solemnity of expression, that every word of it was gospel, his scepticism vanished. "This then," said he, "accounts for his being so unsettled ! But why not tell me! Surely he might have told me ! A lady of title, do you say ? absolutely the daughter of a peer ?" " Yes !" replied Mr. Wilkins, with feelings of pride " Lady Felicia you'll find it all in the peerage -third daughter of the most noble the Marquis of Kingsborough ! worth a mint, and such an angel ! Jhad the honour of giving her away !" " Then it was a clandestine affair ?" " Of course ! But what of that ? There she is ! as lovely as life, and as happy as all the birds in Paradise ! Heaven and earth ! what a glorious day we had of it ! Magnificent !" 168 LADY FELICIA. " ~No doubt," observed the governor, as a bright and purely business-like thought flashed upon him. " No doubt. But being a clandestine marriage, how did the bride get her 'ward- robe away ?" "How could she? She could'nt bring it with her! nor could her companion bring hers ! They have but one trunk between them." " Dear me ; why that must be very inconvenient ?" " It will be, of course, for a time ; but they'll very soon get a new stock." " Had we not better supply them ?" " Well," replied Mr. Wilkins, " it will be as well !" " I think so ! It must be peculiarly inconvenient for a lady of title to be without a wardrobe ! and I'm sure that if I could in any way promote the interest or the happiness of Mr. Murray, or save his lady from the slightest inconvenience, I should feel the greatest pleasure in doing so. Let us make up a parcel, and send it at once. Let's see : what things will they most require ? A shawl or two a few dresses of course ! a few pieces of lawn some French cambric. Just select what you fancy most likely to suit." Mr. "Wllkins, with the assistance of the governor, did so. They selected a variety of things, and made up "a hundred and twenty pound parcel," which the governor would have doubled " with infinite pleasure" had not Mr. Wilkins suggested the propriety of not overloading them at once. " You'll not have the money just yet, I dare say," observed Mr. Wilkins confidentially. " JSTever mind the money," replied the governor. " I respect aim too highly to think about that. Let him pay when it suits him. If he wants goods to treble the amount he shall have them. But I'll write to him myself. I must congratulate him on his good fortune. He's an elegant, gentlemanly fellow, and I feel quite delighted with his brilliant success." LADY FELICIA. 169 In a state of mind bordering on enthusiasm, the "governor" went to the desk with the view of ponring forth upon paper the ink of his warmest and most profound congratulations. He had however scarcely commenced, when a carriage drew up the very carriage in which Felicia had called and the Marquis having alighted, addressed Mr. Wilkins. " Are you the proprietor ?" he haughtily inquired. " No, my lord," replied Mr. Wilkins. " Do you know me ?" " The carriage, my lord, induces the belief that your lordship is the Marquis of Kingsborough." " Oh ! I wish to speak to the proprietor in private." Mr. "Wilkins, having shown his lordship into a private room, rushed back to deliver the message to the "governor," who immediately obeyed the summons, bowing most profoundly. " You have," said the Marquis, " or had, a person named Murray, living here." "I had, my lord," replied the governor; "but he has left." " Why did he leave ?" " To get married, my lord." , " Do you know to whom ?" " I have just been informed." "By whom?" " By Mr. Wilkins, whom your lordship first addressed." " What does he know about it ?" " He tells me, my lord, that he had the honour of giving the bride away !" Groaning forth an oath which made the governor tremble, the Marquis convulsively clenched his hands, and stamped with indignation. " Who is this person ?" he demanded " this Murray ?" " He is the son, my lord, of an old friend of mine, and a highly respectable young man he is." " Eespectable ! " echoed the Marquis, contemptuously. 170 LADY FELICIA. " Well, my lord, he certainly is respectable ; and, moreover, very intelligent !" " Artful, you mean," said the Marquis. " Artful ! But not quite artful enough. I suppose that he conceives her to be wealthy, does he not ?" " I don't know, indeed, my lord : but I presume that her ladyship is, or will be rich ?" " She hasn't a shilling !" returned the Marquis. " JSTor shall she ever have one from me ! Has lie any property ?" " I believe not, my lord." " Then starvation stares them in the face !" "But your lordship's influence will be sufficient, I appre- hend, to promote" " "What influence I have," interrupted the Marquis, " may be exercised ; but, certainly, not in their favour ! Let them starve !" " Your lordship, on reflection, will not be so harsh." " Harsh ! Just, you mean ! Just ! They shall not be saved from beggary by me ! Do you know where they are ?" " At Brighton, my lord." " At some fine hotel, I suppose P" " I believe so." " Ah ! What little money he may have will there be spent, and then they'll have to face the world naked. But where did this incipient beggar come from ?" " Sudbury, my lord." " Sudbury ! Then, I suppose, this hateful connection was first formed there ?" " I really don't know. It may have been : he never said a word on the subject to me. If I had known it if I had had even the slightest conception of what was about to take place, I should have deemed it my duty to put your lordship on your guard ; but I knew nothing of it ; and, therefore, all I can say is, that I feel extremely sorry that any one connected, or in LADY FELICIA. 171 any way identified with iny establishment should have been so presumptuous. " " Presumptuous indeed !" exclaimed the Marquis. " Still," resumed the governor, " knowing his father so well, I cannot but express a hope that, notwithstanding the young man has incurred your lordship's just displeasure, the influence of your lordship will not be used to crush him." "Crush him! He has crushed himself! They are both crushed effectually! If a look of mine could raise them from the depths of degradation, I'd close my eyes ! They have chosen their own course, and let them pursue it ! Loaded with contumely, let them gravel through the world!" Having obtained all the information he required, the Marquis abruptly took his leave, and, as he passed through the shop, cast a look of contempt at Mr. Wilkins, which that gentleman thought very discourteous. "He doesn't look particularly joyful!" said Mr. Wilkins, when the governor, bowing with profound humility, had attended the Marquis to his carriage. " He doesn't like it much, I presume !" " JSTot much," replied the governor, who, having no inclination to be communicative, thoughtfully returned to his desk. Well ! It was, of course, clear to Mr. Wilkins, that if the governor wished to keep it all to himself, he couldn't make him reveal it ; still he did think it strange that, under all the circumstances, "not much" should have been the only reply vouchsafed. He, therefore, began to imagine what had passed, and drew a series of deductions from ,the haughty and contemptuous bearing of the Marquis, and the somewhat extraordinary taciturnity of the governor, who had been just before so remarkably enthusiastic ; but as all these deductions, based, as they were necessarily, upon apocryphal evidence, failed to impart the full amount of satisfaction required, he 172 LADY FELICIA. resolved, having duly considered the matter, on making another effort to draw the governor out. " I find," said he, having approached the desk, "that a coach starts at four, so that, if you have finished your letter, the parcel had better be sent off at once !" "Well," said the governor, with a look of indecision, notwithstanding his mind had been fully made up ; "I have been thinking that, after all, it had better not be sent ! He may imagine that my object is to thrust the goods upon him." " He'll not imagine that," said Mr. Wilkins. "He'll view it as an act of considerate friendship !" " I fear not," returned the governor ; " and I have too much respect for him to cause him, for one moment, to believe that I am actuated by the slightest desire to make a market of him." " I am quite sure that no such belief will be induced by the adoption of the course you proposed. Instead of thrusting the goods upon him, you merely submit them: if they are not required, all he has to do is to send them back." " He'd not return them : he'd feel, as it were, bound to keep them, whether they were really required or not. No : they'd better not be sent. They say second thoughts are best : they had better not go." " Well ! As you please, of course ! Eut I think it's a pity, after having selected the goods, not to send them." " It's the trouble we have taken that he'll think of! He'll say at once, ' These goods have been selected with great care, and, therefore, whether they suit or not, I must keep them: they must not have all this trouble for nothing!' Besides, the inconvenience that struck me will not be so great as I imagined! Brighton's a large place a fashionable place: they can easily get supplied there ! And, moreover, select for themselves, which, with ladies, is always a great consider- ation. I therefore think that, under all the circumstances, we had better not send the goods at all." LADY FELICIA. 173 " Very good" said Mr. Wilkins. " But if you have the slightest doubt about the money, Til be responsible for the amount." " You'll be responsible ?" " Willingly ; and would if the amount were double." " Tou Jiave, I believe, a little money in the funds ?" " Tou know that I have." " Then keep it there ! Take my advice, Mr. Wilkins : what you have keep ! Tou are, I know, good for treble the amount, and, under ordinary circumstances, I shouldn't for a moment hesitate about accepting your responsibility ; but these are not ordinary circumstances : I know somewhat more than you imagine." " Indeed ! " said Mr. Wilkins. " What is it you mean ?" " "Well," replied the governor, " I'll tell you because it appears, from what you have said, that you might otherwise have reason, and ample reason, to complain of my silence. The fact is, Mr. Murray has made a mistake ! a grand mistake ! an alarming mistake ! The speculation into which he has entered is a failure ! a dead failure ! a miserable failure ! Lady Felicia hasn't a shilling." "Indeed!" " Not" a shilling ! nor will she ever have ! The Marquis has just explained all. Mr. Wilkins was thoughtful for a moment ; but at length he said, "Well! it can't be helped! they must do the best they can !" " But what can they do /" cried the governor. " She has a .title ; but what's a title ? a title won't pay rent and taxes ! nor will it feed and clothe them. A title will do with plenty of money, but what is the use of a title without ? She is highly connected ; she has friends influential friends if friends they may be called but what's the use of having friends, if they'll do nothing for you ? I don't see how they're to get along at all !" 174 LADY FELICIA. " I have not the slightest fear of them," observed Mr. Wilkins. " Well, but what are they to do ! She's fit for nothing ! and he's above his business now ! "What can they do ? There they are, comparatively naked in the world, with a title to live upon nothing but a title ! which is, of itself, utterly value- less repudiated by her family, friends, and connexions, not one of whom will make the slightest effort to serve them." " But how is it possible for us to know that ?" " The Marquis declared to me distinctly, that if a look of his could raise them from the depths of degradation, he'd close his eyes !" " He's a beauty!" observed Mr. Wilkins. " But the Marquis isn't everybody !" " Look at his influence ! And what did he say to me when I mentioned it to him ? ' What influence I have,' said he, may be exercised, but certainly not in their favour,' which, being interpreted, clearly means, that what influence he has will be used against them! That's what I look at: they'd better have no influential friends at all, than have to contend against their influence ! In fact, instead of having influential friends, they have a lot of influential enemies. How then are they to get along ? He has no property : she has no property : her friends won't aid them, and his friends can't. There they are.*' " Then you think there's no hope for them ?" "JSTot the slightest." "Are his friends poor ?" " Poor ! no, they're not poor ; but they haven't got more than they know what to do with. Besides, just look for a moment at the style to which this Lady Felicia has been accustomed. Lapped in luxury brought up in splendour surrounded by magnificence and dressed like a Queen, with all the delicacies and elegancies of life at her command it were madness to LADY FELICIA. 175 suppose that a tranquil existence if even sufficient to support it could be ensured would have any permanent charms for her. A creature petted and pampered as she has been never can be reconciled to mere respectability. Hence, assuming that he had sufficient to enable them to move in a respectable sphere the speculation would be a bad one ; but when we come to look at the absence of all means, the prospect is frightful to contemplate. Had he married a tradesman's daughter he might, and I dare say would, have got on ; but to marry the daughter of a peer without a penny ! Poor fellow, it's all up with Jiim as the Marquis said, starvation stares them in the face." A slight smile played round the mouth of Mr. Wilkins, which the governor observed, and at once resumed. " Look at her!" said he, "What can you expect? Can a creature like that be kept for nothing ? Can a trifle- support her ? Can any business stand against it ? "Will she be content with plain clothing and food ? No ; all will be dissatisfaction and disgust. When she rises she will miss her maid ; when she wants to go out she'll miss her carriage when her finger aches she'll miss her physician; when she dines she'll miss her delicacies her jellies and creams, and her sparkling champagne ; when its warm she'll miss her delicious ices ; when its cold she'll miss her delicious soups : when the evening comes she'll miss her entertainments her conversaziones, soirees, operas, and balls and when she goes to bed she'll miss her gold fringes, her blue satin curtains, and rich damask quilts. Here's a creature who'll miss all the luxuries of life, and who'll hence be from morning till night disgusted, day after day, and year after year and yet although she's the wife of a friend you smile at the frightful prospect." " I smile," said Mr. Wilkins, " not at the prospect, because although sufficiently frightful, no doubt I can't see it. It is not at the prospect of seeing our friend and his beautiful wife 176 LADY EELICIA. reduced to misery, that I smile. I smile because you really know neither the one nor the other. "Why he's a fine high- spirited fellow ! while she" "Why don't you"- interrupted the governor why don't you take a man-of-the- world's view of the matter ? High spirited ! The spirits of a man are in his pocket. If his pocket's full, he's full of spirits : as the money dwindles his spirits dwindle, and when its gone his spirits follow. Spirit's the soul of society, and society's the soul of civilization, but money's the soul of spirit ! Look at that ! I say the soul of spirit ! " " I know you do," said Mr. Wilkins ; " I perfectly well understand what you say; but what I mean by his being high- spirited is, that he is not a man to be easily crushed ! When he finds that her family will render no assistance, his pride will prompt him to prove to them that he can do without it. I have no fear of him ! He is not a man to despair ! He has too much energy too much intelligence ! he'll make every effort to work his way up, and she'll aid him ! if not with her hands, with her smiles, which are frequently far more efficient." "It's all very well," said the governor, "to talk; but it isn't so easy to do. When a man has no money his spirit leads off, and his energies must follow suit." " I don't see that," observed Mr. Wilkins. " We find that they frequently do follow suit; but I don't see that they of necessity must. Besides ! your remarks apply to a state of destitution ! Now, he is not destitute : he's not without money ; nor will he be in any case just yet ! He'll at all events have time to turn himself round, and to ascertain what can be done. As I said before, I've no fear of him ! He'll do something, and promptly too ! He'll not wait till the wolfs at the door." " Well," said the governor. "We shall see ! But mark my words : it's an awful speculation." LADY FELICIA. 177 The parcel intended for Alfred was unpacked, and the goods were duly restored to stock : no letter of congratulation was written by the governor; but Mr. Wilkins sent one by that night's post, in which after playfully hinting the expediency of not going "too fast " at first, and stating, that when he saw him on Sunday, he should have to communicate something " worth while " he sent his four asterisks, thus * * * * to Eidele, and enclosed a half of a hundred pound note. 178 LADY FELICIA, CHAPTEE XI. THE ANNOOTCEMEtfT. "LOUISA! Louisa!" exclaimed Alfred's father, rushing with a letter into the room behind his shop, immediately after the post came in on the Tuesday morning. " Gracious, dear !" cried Mrs. Murray, feeling somewhat alarmed. " What has happened ?" ;> " What has happened?" he echoed, with an expression of rapture. "What has happened ? Joy has happened! fortune has happened! wealth, honour, distinction, everything has happened ! Give me a kiss : give me a kiss : a good, one ! JN"ow then," he added "But don't put yourself at all out! don't be in the slightest degree excited ! Be calm, and cool and read it yourself." Mrs. Murray took the letter eagerly, and perceiving at once that it came from Alfred, her anxiety became still more intense; but when she had read the announcement of his marriage with Felicia, she instantly burst into tears. "My boy!" she exclaimed, with thrilling fervour "my dear, my own, my soul's sweet boy ! My proud heart told me that he would be great ! I always felt that he was lorn to be illustrious !" "Illustrious!" cried Mr. Murray. "There he is! It's all over ! The point's achieved ! My life and soul, though, here's a job ! Isn't it glorious ! Where are the girls ? Julia ! " he shouted, having opened the door. " Come down all of you quick come along. Bob ! run for your uncle Cy ! Tell him LADY FELICIA. 179 to come like a flash of lightning ! * Soul and body ! here's news to be sure." Down came the girls, and away ran Bob for uncle Cy ; and while Mrs. Murray, with feelings of pride, was announcing the happy event to her daughters, Murray rushed to his friend the chemist next door, in whose shop he found some of the mag- nates of the town. " I've just heard from Alfred," said he, as he entered. " How does he get on ?" inquired the chemist. "He's married!" "What, already?" " Yes, and whom do you think to ?" " Can't imagine." " To one of the daughters of our Marquis : the Lady Felicia!" " What ! Why, you don't mean that ! " " It's a positive fact. They were married in London " " What's that ? what's that ?" inquired those around. "Why," replied the chemist, " young Alfred Murray is married to one of our Marquis's daughters." "And ducks!" said Mr. Chubb, who, although a coarse person, held nearly half the mortgages in the borough. " It's true," said Mr. Murray. " And ducks, I teU you !" " Well, but I pledge you my word that it is so." " I'll bet a five pound note of it ! " " I'll not rob you : I tell you i^'s a fact." " Well, but which of them ? Come now : what's her name ?" " Felicia." * It will here be highly correct to explain that Mr. Murray did not mean this strictly, seeing that as Cyrus weighed two and thirty stone, it was physi- cally impracticable. Mr. Murray merely meant that uncle Cyrus should be urged to come quickly, which if he did considering the extremely slow rate at which he usually travelled would be, comparatively, "like a flash of lightning." N 2 180 LADY FELICIA. " Felicia ! Lady Felicia ! Now, are you joking p" " ~No, indeed, I am not." "Well, but oh/' said Mr. Chubb, who felt incredulous still " it seems so out of all character !" " I readily believe it ! " observed the chemist. " He's a fine, handsome fellow!" a very handsome fellow! She saw him, fell in love with him, and married him! That's all natural enough!" ""Well, then, why don't you start off the bells?" said Mr. Chubb. " Well, I don't know about that]' replied Murray. " Start them off, by all means ! We must have a peal on such an occasion as this ! Start them off! " " Well, I'll speak to Mrs. Murray about it." " Start them off at once ! " " Shall I send to the ringers ?" inquired the chemist. " Well, do : I wish you would. It's nothing but right ! We'll have a merry peal. Now will you believe me ?" They were satisfied then quite satisfied then and began to indulge in expressions of amazement mingled with warm congratulations . " I suppose," said one, "they'll make Mm a lord!" "Not a bit of it," returned Mr. Chubb: "he hasn't got bounce enough in him ! WTien they make lords of them which are not kids of lords, they make them of them which bully the lords, and which, when they become lords themselves, grow very mild, and stick to their order ! But," he added, turning to Murray, " we must celebrate this, you know, in some way ! What are you going to stand ? " " Anything you like ;" replied Murray. " Gro. into the Crown, and we'll have a nice lunch. I'll be with you directly. My brother has just passed : I must go and have a word with him." He accordingly left them, and found " uncle Cy '' in a state of steaming perspiration. LADY FELICIA. 181 " Grods in heaven!" said uncle Cy in his characteris- tically ;deep, fat voice, as he blew out his cheeks and wiped his brow, and adjusted his chins of which he had three and another coming " Is the house on fire ? Has the bank stopped payment or what ?" " Come in," said Murray, " Such news ! Come in !" And uncle Cy followed him into the room ; but the moment he entered, the girls flocked round him, and all began to tell him together. " Let's have a solo," said uncle Cy: " a duet may do ; but I can't stand a chorus." Mrs. Murray then went to the point at once. She an- nounced the fact triumphantly ; and having done so, proceeded with her embellishments, until uncle Cy, feeling slightly bewildered, expressed a wish to look at the letter. " Let's read the letter first," said he, "and then we can have a fair start." The letter was placed in his hands, and as he read it, his happy face glowed with delight. " Grods in heaven !" he exclaimed. " There's a boy ! Ha ha ha ! There's a boy ! Why, they'll make him a magistrate ! Ha, ha, ha !" " Hark ! mamma," cried the eldest girl, as the church bells struck up merrily. " Oh ! how delightful ! How sweetly they sound ! They are ringing for Alfred ! I know that they are. Ok ! how I do long to kiss him !" They listened to the joyous peal, and tears began to sparkle in their eyes. Those bells ! They never sounded so before ! The effect was thrilling ! Mrs. Murray wept aloud : Murray himself stood motionless ; the girls were entwined in each other's arms, and uncle Cy exclaimed, " Grod bless him !" " I started them," said Murray, at length ; and the girls ran up and kissed him ; and then they kissed uncle Cy, who, wiping the tears ineffectually from his eyes, cried, " Out with 182 LADY FELICIA. the wine! My heart is full: it swells with warmth and gladness ! Out with the wine ! There's a boy ! Ha ha ha ha ha." The wine was brought ; and when uncle Cy felt sufficiently recovered for while he laughed, the tears flowed freely he said, with an air of solemnity, and in tones which proclaimed deep emotion, " May Heaven shower blessings upon them ! May they be happy G-od bless them !" He put down his glass : he could't drink then : he said that he'd drink it presently.: he wanted to go to the window to think ! and he turned to the window ; and gave vent to his " thoughts," which rolled down his cheeks unperceived. " How often," said the eldest girl, " how often have we heard those bells, and thought them an annoyance : yet now they seem to speak of love, and trusting hearts, and hope, and joy!" Uncle Cy having become somewhat calm again turned to that household god, the Bible, in which were registered the births and deaths of the family, from time immemorial ; and, having ascertained the respective ages of the girls, he drew out his check-book which proved to be another source of amaze- ment to Murray, who never before knew that he had one and wrote five cheques giving to each of the girls guineas for years and told them to get new dresses by Sunday, when he'd come and look at them, and kiss them, and dine with them, and thus duly celebrate the happy event." The girls loved uncle Cy before! they always did love uncle Cy ! he had such a warm heart, was so merry, so kind ! but, albeit their love had been disinterested and pure, they then appeared to love him more than ever. How they did kiss him ! The younger ones were especially enthusiastic, and felt that the world could not produce another uncle comparable with uncle Cy. Murray then thought of his friends at the Crown, LADY FELICIA. 183 and explained to Mrs. Murray the nature of his engage- ment. " Cyrus," he added, " you'll join us ? We are just going to have a bit of lunch, and a glass of wine : of course, you'll join us." "I'm ready for anything," Cyrus replied. "But, I long to see that boy !" " William, dear," said Mrs. Murray, privately. " You'll not remain long ?" " No, my love, no," replied Murray, " I'll not." "Sometimes, dear," she added, with a smile, "when the heart is full of joy, wine makes love to the head." " I'll be careful," said Murray, and giving Cyrus his arm, proceeded at a rapid rate for Cyrus to the Crown. As they entered, they found their friends already uproarious, for, having drank the health of the bride, they were giving their celebrated three -times -three -with-one-cheer-more-and-a little-one-in ! "Who said he wouldn't come?" they exclaimed, having accomplished this feat to their entire satisfaction. " Here he is!" " Now then," said Chubb, addressing Murray, "here you are. We've just drunk the bride's health go in." " All right," returned Murray, " let's sit down, and be comfortable. Grentlemen," he added, " with far more pleasure than I'll venture to express, I join you in drinking the health of the bride!" " Bravo ! Bravo !" cried the guests. " And I join you too !" said uncle Cy, who was hailed with corresponding expressions of approbation. " I don't know the lady," he added, " but this I know she has taste !" " I know her," said the chemist. " She's small, but very beautiful, and appears to be exceedingly amiable and mild." 184 LADY FELICIA. " Is she anything like the Marquis ?" inquired Mr. Chubb. " Because he, you know, appears to be particularly mild, even while he is letting you know the difference ! He reminds me of the old judge which came round last year : he was one of your remarkably mild men : indeed, so mild, that when he was about to pass sentence upon a criminal, he'd make the fellow believe that he was going to upset the verdict, and get him off, until the blow came, and then he knew the difference ! like my old schoolmaster, Eumble : he was another mild man : he'd be so mild if you did anything wrong, that you thought he must mean to forgive you: he was so sorry no one knew how sorry he was he hoped it would never occur again, he sincerely hoped you'd know better in future, only, for this time you had to take that I and he'd give you such a winder, you hardly knew you lived! It's the same with the Marquis: only get under his lash, and you'll feel it : the more he means to give you, the milder he becomes." " Tve seen him in a passion," observed the chemist. " Very likely ! but not with a man which he means to crush. I've seen him in a passion too ! and I've heard he can swear, pretty tidily ! but when he means to crush a man, he'll be as mild as milk." " Well," said the chemist, " it may be so ; and if it be, I hope the lady is not like the Marquis. But, gentlemen," he added, rising, " an observation fell from our friend Cyrus Murray, which reminds me that we have only drunk the health of the bride. He said that ' he hadn't the pleasure of knowing her, but he knew that she had taste,' and I agree with him : she has taste, and has displayed it conspicuously, in choosing him whose health I am about to propose. We all know Alfred Murray : we all know what he is : we all know him to be amiable and intelligent, and, therefore, I need not dwell upon the qualities of his heart and mind before you. He is married : he has married into a noble family, and a brilliant prospect LADY FELICIA. 185 opens before him. Under such auspices, his career may be glorious ! he may become one of the first men of the age ! Wealth and distinction are now within his grasp, and if compassed by him, I shall heartily rejoice. I therefore give you Health, happiness, and prosperity, to Alfred Murray ! May his marriage be the source of domestic felicity, and world- wide renown." This brief speech was hailed with enthusiastic cheers : and when the toast had been drunk, with all the honours, Mr. Murray rose and said, with some emotion, " In the name of my son, I thank you." "Now look you here," said Mr. Chubb, rising, "I ain't nothing much at a speech, because it's right out of my lati- tude ; but I rise on this occasion to do myself the privilege of proposing the health of the father of the son which we drank his good health just now. Gentlemen : you know what I am ; you know my politics, and all about me ; and although I'm not going to lug in politics here, I must say that this marriage betwixt the daughter of one which is a lord, and the son of one which is one of ourselves, only proves that a sort of a revolution is about to take place, in which them which are lords, and them which are not lords, will mix together more than they ever did before. Now, gentlemen, look here : they begin to see the madness of things ; they begin to see it's no go to fling away their daughters upon them which are old men before they want shaving: they begin to see that rank is not rapture ; that titles are but toys ; that coronets are curses to them which wed them, and that pride is but poverty of some sort in disguise : they begin to see that their children won't stand it ! that they won't marry foozles because they are rich, nor idiots because they are lords : they see this, and say to their daughters, ' Look here you've got the affections and sentiments of Nature, which is the great card after all: you've got eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to 186 LADY FELICIA. feel in the regular way look about you; if you meet with a fine young fellow you fancy and feel you'll be happy with, have him! never mind whether he's a lord, or not have him!' and this, it's quite clear to my mind, has been the go in this case ; and I glory in it ! I like to see them mix ! they've got their sensibilities as well as we have! and as such, I give you the health of our friend and may he live to be the grandfather of forty ! " "When the cheering which followed this speech had subsided, Mr. Murray again rose and said, " Q-entlemen : I ' appreciate the compliment you have paid me. I don't know whether our eloquent friend Chubb who ought, after this, to be one of our members [Sear, hear, hear] is, or is not, right in his conjecture having reference to the way in which this happy marriage was brought about, because I've not yet received the particulars; but whether he be correct or not whether the aristocracy, I may say the glorious aristocracy, take the same view of the matter as our clear-headed friend does I beg most respectfully, and with heart-felt sincerity, to give you the health of the noble Marquis !" This was warmly responded to by all but Chubb, who said quietly, "Blow him: I know him!" And as the waiter at this juncture entered the room to announce that the lunch was all ready in No. 2, they were about to adjourn, when Mr. Chubb rose and said, " Hold hard a bit : look here, gentlemen. Before we go to lunch, we can't do less than drink the health of one which is one of the family one which is not more respectable than respected one which we know to be a capital sort which is one of ourselves, right up and down straight, just and jonnick, and no mistake about him; and, as such, I'll give you the jovial good health of the bridegroom's merry-hearted uncle." In the midst of cheers, which were loud and protracted, notwithstanding lunch was ready in No. 2 ? uncle Cy slowly LADY FELICIA. 187 rose, and having blown out his cheeks as if to get up the steam, spoke in a rich, deep voice as follows : " I glory in meeting you on such an occasion, and thank you for the compliment you have paid me. I feel proud of my nephew : and why ? Because I know him to be a noble-hearted boy. I am no advocate for unequal matches ; nor do I consider this an unequal match. He has had the education of a gentle- man an excellent education ; he was at a boarding school for seven years, and his master, Mr. Montague, has frequently told me that he is one of the best classical and mathematical scholars he ever had. He is, moreover, an honourable boy : his moral principles are sound. Handsome, well-formed, high- spirited, full of energy, with a happy disposition and a fine constitution, can you wonder that Lady Felicia should fall in love with him ? Grods in heaven, if I were a woman I should fall in love with the boy myself! All that can be said against him is, that he was not born a lord ; but if a title will weigh against the qualities I have mentioned, a title must be valuable indeed ! But it will not ! and therefore I contend that the match is not unequal." "Certainly not!" they all exclaimed. "Decidedly not! Unequal? No!" and finding, after a pause, that uncle Cy had no intention to proceed, they instinctively rose and repaired to ~No. 2. Here they had lunch oysters au naturel, broiled ham, devilled chickens, maccaroni, veal cutlets, rump steaks, collared eels, lobsters, wine, and cold punch to which they did ample justice ; and shortly afterwards, Murray, recollecting the mild suggestion of his amiable and truly happy wife, rose, and having intimated to the jovial party that he should look in again, retired. On reaching the street, however, he suddenly found himself in the midst of another jovial party, who hailed his appearance with enthusiastic cheers, and hinted, with all the delicacy at 188 LADY FELICIA. their command which wasn't much that the health of the happy couple, was the object of their solicitude. ""Well, my good people," said Mr. Murray, "go and drink their health, and wish them joy. Here's a guinea for you : let it be fairly divided." This inspired the "good people " with additional enthusiasm, during the manifestation of which Murray bowed, and passed on, and having reached home, found the parlour full of Mrs. Murray's female friends, who had flocked in to have the news confirmed, and to offer their warm congratulations. Heavens ! what a grand event it was ! Their anticipations were brilliant in the extreme. In their gentle judgment, the foundation of the fortune of the whole family was laid. Alfred would be created a baronet, at least ! Julia would be at once presented at court, and in all probability marry an earl : and when she^ became a countess, what might she not do for her sisters ! they might all marry lords ! while Bob or rather Master Robert instead of sticking to the shop, would receive some excessively lucrative appointment. They traced the whole family's future career with surpassing ingenuity. Their vivid imagination ran absolutely wild! They had, however, one request to make one earnest request which was, that when the lovely bride honoured the family with a visit which her ladyship would do of course, immediately after the dear delicious honeymoon they might have the delightful privilege of being presented. They presumed that Mr. Murray would now shortly retire : of course he couldn't think of remaining in business! They presumed, that at least the younger girls would be sent to one of the most fashionable seminaries, to be prepared to fill with grace the stations to which they were destined ! they presumed, in short, a thousand things, calculated to inspire, not only Mrs. Murray, but the girls who thought nothing impossible with the most lofty notions ; and left, full of hope that their intimate acquaintance with LADY FELICIA. 189 the family whose friendship they meant to cultivate more assiduously than ever might be highly advantageous to themselves. The bells rang merrily still, and throughout the town nothing but " The Marriage" was thought of. The ladies were especially eldquent on the subject this, however, need not have been recorded and had privately heard from the most authentic sources, a conflicting variety of deeply interesting particulars. Some of them knew how the bride was dressed, how lovely she looked, and what diamonds she wore ; while others knew how many bridesmaids she had, and how brilliantly they were attired ; but they all agreed in this ; that as Alfred, whom they knew and esteemed would be sure to distinguish himself; and as Lady Felicia, whom they also knew and admired, was blessed with "the sweetest disposition in the world," their marriage could not fail to be the source of unmingled joy. And now a fresh rumour arose; a rumour that Mr. Murray was treating everybody absolutely scrambling his money away in order that all might rejoice. The guinea which he had given to the enthusiasts outside the Crown was magnified into an indefinite amount ; which no sooner reached the ears of a highly distinguished coterie of immaculate freemen who were at all times prepared to do anything for beer, and who principally lived by the undoubted exercise of their sound constitutional privileges as freemen than they loyally enlisted a glorious and independent band of musicians o their own peculiar caste in the cause, and proceeded to the house of " The jolly good Trump ! the true-born Briton! the liberalest fellow in the world !" for the nonce Mr. Murray. As they struck up " Haste to the Wedding" before the door, and shouted " Murray for ever ! Joy to the Weddiners ! Long may they never want noth'n. Hooray!" Mr. Murray called Simon Kibble whom he knew to be one of the ringleaders 190 LADY FELICIA. in, and expostulated with him on the extreme impropriety of the proceeding telling him that he had no objection to give them a guinea to enable them to drink his son's health and that of the bride, and explaining to him emphatically that, although he had caused the bells to ring, he by no means approved of such a popular demonstration as that; whereupon Simon Kibble, promising to remove the "jolly nuisance," and slipping the guinea into his own personal pocket, returned to the Sons of Harmony, and having told them that " Murray would' nt stand noth'n, and would' nt have em play," they, inspired with indignation, proclaimed him to be " a muck !" He allus was a muck ! they knew him to be a muck ! he was never noth'n but a muck ! and, despite Simon's efforts to induce them to leave, they struck up " The Rogue's March" furiously. " Now really," said Mr. Murray, going out and addressing the trombone, " this is not kind. Having given you a guinea to leave quietly" " A guinea !" exclaimed the trombone, " who to ?" " Simon Kibble," replied Mr. Murray. The signal was given! They saw Simon pelting up the street, and away they went after him, full cry, with the view of tearing him limb from limb. Shortly after they had started on this benevolent expedition, the local paper which, although bearing Wednesday's date, was published on the Tuesday came in, and Mrs. Murray, by whom it had all been arranged, having called the family into the parlour, read the following felicitous announce- ment : " MABEIAGE IN HIGH LITE. It is with peculiar gratifica- tion that we have to announce the marriage of Alfred Murray, Esq., of London, eldest son of William Murray, Esq., of Sudbury, and godson of the late noble Marquis of Kings- borough, to the beautiful and highly accomplished Lady LADY FELICIA. 191 Felicia Jocelyn, third daughter of the present Noble Marquis of Kingsborough, by Florence Adeliza Elizabeth, only daughter of Kupert, tenth Earl of Fitzgall." " The marriage was solemnized on the 27th inst., and soon after the interesting ceremony the happy pair, having had a magnificent dejeuner, left town to pass the honeymoon at Brighton." " There ! " said Mrs. Murray, triumphantly. " There, William, what do you think of that !" " It reads very well," replied Murray. " But why call me an esquire ?" " Mr. Howe, whom I consulted on the subject, assured me that under the circumstances it was not only correct but indispensable !" " Well, but what do you say they had a dejeuner ? What's that?" " Breakfast, pa, of course ! replied Julia. " Then why not say breakfast?" " Oh ! dejeuner is more elegant more fashionable !" " Oh : that 's it, is it ? Well ! Then in future, I suppose, when I want my breakfast I must say that I want my de- jeuner /" Mrs. Murray smiled, and playfully patted his cheek, and then proceeded to make out a list of the friends to whom she intended to send papers, soon after which, Murray business having no charms for him then rejoined his jovial companions at the Crown, with whom he spent a long and merry evening ; and when he returned, Mrs. Murray although too happy to say anything severe discovered that she had been quite correct in stating that, when the heart was full of joy wine made love to the head. 192 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE XII. BEYEKGKE. the Marquis who as usual received the local paper in the morning saw the marriage of Alfred and Felicia thus paraded, he was furious ! he groaned with rage, and ferociously swore that he would bring down destruction upon the Murray s. He consulted no one. Acting solely upon his own judgment which was not a very safe guide then he sent to order post horses immediately resolved on counteracting the effect of the announcement, at least among those whom he held to be "his own." The preparations for the journey were but slight his inten- tion being to return as soon as possible he did not even take his valet with him : he started with James and his powerful groom, and sought congenial amusement on the road by darkly brooding over the "indelible disgrace," and fiercely invoking the spirit of revenge. On his arrival he put up at the Eose and Crown, and immediately sent for his agent he being the only man whom he wished to see but as the landlord of the Crown as the house was then more commonly called conceived that his friend Murray might like, under the circumstances, to pay his respects, he went to him and told him that the Marquis had arrived. "Indeed!" exclaimed Murray, whom the announcement somewhat startled. " I wonder what he's come down for." "To arrange some business with his agent, I should say: he's just sent for him." LADY FELICIA. 193 " He didn't send for me ?" " No," replied the landlord ; "" but you'll go just to pay your respects, of course ?" " I don't know about that/* said Murray, doubtfully. " He might not like it." "Nonsense, man! These great ones will take all the homage you can pay them, I don't see how you can do less than go! I wouldn't show a want of respect to him now !" " No, but that's not the thing ! I should be indeed sorry to show any want of respect ; but the question is, wouldn't he consider it presumptuous ?" " Presumptuous !" " I mean the question is does he want me to call ? and if so, wouldn't he have sent for me ?" " They never make the first advances : it isn't likely. I should say myself, that you are bound to go! If you don't expect intimate friendship to follow, it may promote a good understanding between you !" " Well, I'll go and speak to Mrs. Murray about it. I'll hear what she says. I should like to see him ! but I'll hear what she says." He then went to consult Mrs. Murray, who, delighted with the prospect of promoting "a good understanding," advised him to go by all means ! and Murray, although he felt nervous, accordingly went. " Now," said the landlord, on reaching the Crown, " do you remain here, in this room, and I'll go and announce you myself." " Aye, do. You can say you know " "Now, don't at all trouble your head about what 'I'm to say I'll go in and do it like print." Having been admitted to the room occupied by the Marquis, the landlord, bowing profoundly, said, "I beg your lordship's LADY FELICIA. pardon; but, Mr. Murray, having heard of your lordship's arrival, is anxious to pay his respects." A dark frown clouded 'the brow of the Marquis, when he heard the detested name of Murray announced, but, having re-assumed an air of perfect tranquillity, he said in a calm tone, " admit him." " Now then," said the landlord, on his return. "All right : come along. All you have to do is to mind your stops. Didn't I tell you he'd like it ? come on." Murray followed, of course, and, on being introduced, bowed respectfully, as the landlord withdrew. " Well, Mr. Murray," said the Marquis, with an expression of the most perfect calmness, " you have, of course, heard of your son's marriage ?" " I have, my lord, and rejoice exceedingly. I hope that he will be all your lordship can wish." " "What property has he ?" " Property, my lord ? He has no property." " What have you to give him ?" " I have a large family, my lord, and what capital I have is locked up in my business." " Then you can give him nothing ?" " I must, of course, be just to the rest of my children." " You mean, that you depend entirely upon your business, the profits of which are not more than sufficient to support them." " I do, my lord." " Then how does he mean to live ?" " I really have no knowledge of his views, my lord ; but I venture to hope that your lordship's influence will be exerted in his favour." " I know nothing of him : I have never even seen him." "Indeed, my lord!" " Were you not before aware of that fact ?" LADY FELICIA. 195 " I really had no conception of it. But I hope, my lord, that they did not marry without your lordship's consent ?" " They certainly did not marry with it." " Dear me ! I am sorry to hear that." " No doubt." " But I nevertheless hope that your- lordship will forgive them." " She was of age : she felt that she had a right to choose for herself, and has chosen. "What's done cannot be undone : they must do the best they can. I have nothing more to say on the subject." " Still, my lord," said Murray, as the Marquis rang the bell, " I do most sincerely hope that your lordship, taking into consideration " "The fact is," interrupted the Marquis, "I have scarcely had time to think about it. I happen to have some business of importance on hand business which has brought me down here and hasn't Mr. Slane arrived yet.?" he inquired, as the servant at this moment opened the door. " Just come, my lord," replied the servant. " Then show him in immediately ! Grood morning, Mr. Murray." Well! Murray most certainly wished to say more much more with the view of propitiating the Marquis ; but as that was entirely out of the question then, he respectfully bowed, and withdrew. On his return to the bar-parlour he found his friend Chubb, who having heard that he had sought and obtained an inter- view with the Marquis, was anxious of course to hear how he got on. " All right ?" he inquired. " Well," replied Murray with a doubtful expression; "I hope so : I think so : I think it's all right." "Only think so?" o2 196 LADY FELICIA. " Well, the fact is, they married without his consent." " Oh, that's it ! I see ! Well, was he in a passion ?" " Not at all ! On the contrary, he doesn't seem to care much about it. He mentioned the fact, it is true : but then, he said c What's done can't be undone ! They must make the best of it ! Jhave nothing more to say on the subject !' " " Then he was calm ?" " Quite so ! He seemed to view it as a matter of no conse- quence at all ! I never saw a man more calm." "Blow him, I know him of old," said Chubb. "He means something ! Mark my words, he means something ! I know I'm right ! I know it ! When he means something he's always calm." " Well, but what can he mean ?" " Here sit down and have a glass of wine." "No, I want to be off: Mrs. Murray will be anxious." " Sit down, I tell you ! We shan't be a month over a pint ! Now, look here," he added, having ordered the wine. " In the first place, who's your landlord ?" " Thompson. But I have a lease, of which five years are unexpired!" " It wouldn't matter if you hadn't : Thompson's all right. Do you do much business up at the Hall ?" " Nothing very considerable ! But I don't believe he means anything of that sort ! Why should he go against me ? I did nothing to promote the marriage ! I knew nothing of it until it was over, and therefore if he were ever so angry, he couldn't be angry with me ! But I don't believe that he's angry at all ! 'The fact is/ said he, 'I have scarcely had time to think about it!' Hes not angry not to say angry! the fact of their having married without his consent may nettle him a little, and very naturally; but that'll soon wear off: I feel convinced of it !" " Oh ; he'd scarcely had time to think about it." " He has some important business on hand business which LADY FELICIA. 197 has brought him down here and that, it seems, has engrossed all his thoughts." " Yes, it may seem." "He said as much." " And thus confessed himself to be an unnatural scoundrel ! His daughter has married without his consent that is to say, she has run away and he hasn't had time yet to think about it ! Murray, I know him ; and if I were under his lash I should fear him." " But I am not under his lash. How can he injure me ? If even I lose the Hall it will be of no very great importance. Besides, why should he injure me ? why should he wish to try to do so ? I had nothing to do with the marriage. But I don't believe that he has any such object. I feel, in fact, sure that he has not." "Well," said Mr. Chubb, "we shall see; I hope I may be wrong of course I hope I may be wr ong, but when he means mischief he's always so calm." " That may be too ; but surely he may be calm without meaning mischief?" " He may be it's possible he may be but the fact of the matter is, he's a man which I don't like, and that's all about it." This confession of prejudice Murray held to be sufficient to account for his friend's apprehensions, and when he had taken a second glass of wine he returned to Mrs. Murray, and com- municated all. "Dear me!" she exclaimed, having heard that the marriage had taken place without the consent of the Marquis. " What a pity ! I am very, very sorry to hear it. And yet it proves that she dearly loves him. But," she added, " the girls must know nothing of this ; it must, of course, be concealed from them, for if either of them were to follow the example I should never be happy again. And yet you say he doesn't appear to 198 LADY FELICIA. care much about it. "Why, I should go out of my senses. "What a lamentable want of feeling these great men must have! I should like to see Alfred a great man, certainly it would be my pride to see -him great, but I'd rather he should move in a less exalted sphere, than see him destitute of feeling. I suppose that, having the affairs of state on their minds, great men cannot feel like other people, and yet I have a perfect conviction, that as far as Alfred's feelings are concerned, no affairs of state, however mighty, could destroy them." Murray was thoughtful; he could not at all understand what the Marquis had in view when [he asked him how Alfred meant to live ! Of course Lady Felicia had property ! of course she had ! In his judgment there could be no doubt about that ! Perhaps she had not a very brilliant fortune ! "Well, that was very likely, and that was doubtless what the Marquis meant when he said, " They must do the best they can." And yet, even assuming that she had not a brilliant fortune, why should he have inquired how Alfred meant to live ? Of course they must live within their income whatever that income might be, and therefore it appeared clear to him, that the only reply to the question, of how they meant to live, must be, that that was how they meant to live! Still the question puzzled him ; it also puzzled Mrs. Murray ; they both dwelt upon it most anxiously, and endeavoured to fathom the meaning involved, but in vain. " How does he mean to live ?" still rang in their ears, and inspired them with apprehension. Having been with his agent in close consultation for nearly two hours, the Marquis had some slight refreshment, and immediately afterwards took his departure. The important business on which they had been engaged did not, of course, transpire, but some idea of its nature may be formed by a careful perusal of the following address, which, in the shape of a hand-bill, was, during the evening, freely distributed through- out the town : LADY FELICIA. 199 "TO THE INHABITANTS OE SUDBTJBT. " The announcement paraded in the paper you patronize, of a certain marriage, between Alfred Murray, Esq., of London, son of "William Murray, Esq., of Sudbury, and godson of the late Noble Marquis of Kingsborough, to the beautiful and highly accomplished Lady Felicia Jocelyn, third daughter of the present Noble Marquis of Kingsborough, &c., &c., &c., must, on reflection, create feelings of the most intense disgust ! "It is unhappily true, that the vulgar man Murray the junior esquire aided by a French woman, and prompted by the senior esquire the one esquire being a common shopman, and the other, as you are aware, a draper in this town : it is, I say, unhappily true, that this profligate has by some foul means succeeded in seducing the inexperienced and unsuspecting Lady Felicia, from the bosom of her noble and affectionate family, from wealth and magnificence, from all the luxuries and elegancies of life, from peace and happiness, innocence and joy, to plunge her into an inextricable abyss of poverty, shame, and despair : all this is true ! it is also true that the highly respectable journalist, whom you patronize, announces the fact with ' peculiar gratification !' " But what is the prospect the ' gratifying ' prospect which opens before this beautiful but most unhappy girl ! She has not a shilling -prize as the profligate thought he had secured! nor is he worth a shilling nor is the respectable senior esquire in a position to support them! What then are they to do ? How are they to live ? Is it to be expected, that the noble Marquis after having had his very heart-strings torn his paternal authority set at defiance, and his ancient and illustrious family disgraced is it reasonable, I ask, to expect that lie will support the vile adventurer ? No ! and if not ! the unhappy lady has but to choose between absolute infamy and utter starvation ! 200 LADY FELICIA. " But the godson forsooth ! of the late noble Marquis ! De mortuis nil nisi lonum ; but can the mother of this godson explain how he became the godson of the Marquis, without a Trtush ? Fathers ! who have daughters whom you love and would protect, whose virtues are your pride your household gods ! Mothers ! whom truth and honoit/r guide! who have no cause to blush ! whose children have no noble godfathers ! can you associate with, countenance, or even tolerate, those who are connected with practices so vile ? Prove .that you are true to the principles of virtue prove your appreciation of all that is pure ! denounce such wretches by all the means at your command, for they merit your severest condemnation. "AN OLD INHABITANT." The effect of this address delivered in every part of the town simultaneously was electric! It appeared, prima facie, to be the most cruel case of seduction on record. The ladies were peculiarly appalled ! Poor Lady Felicia ! Poor dear young lady, what must her feelings be ? And that shocking French woman ! They all knew what French women were! the unscrupulous, disgusting creatures ! The foul means used were drugs, no doubt ! And all because they believed her to be a prize! They pitied the lady they did pity her but they were very glad indeed that she hadn't a shilling. The Murray's had been, at all events, in that respect foiled, but that was not a single tithe of what they deserved ! nothing could be too bad for them / in short, the prevailing impression was, that the father and son were ogres. And then that dreadful Mrs. Murray! "What a truly shameless woman she must be! And her husband had, no doubt, encouraged her in it. They always thought there was something ; and now that they came to recollect, the late Marquis had the reputation of being gay ? Why should he have stood godfather to a child of hers ? That was the question: why ? They didn't want an answer : they only asked why ! LADY FELICIA. 201 That was quite enough for them ! Grood heavens ! why this marriage was a species of spiritual incest ! And yet that very Mrs. Murray had been held up as a pattern of purity and piety, and went with her family every Sunday to church ! It was absolutely awful to contemplate ! They had never heard of .anything more truly appalling ! JNTow, when Uncle Cy received one of these startling bills he was walking in his garden, and conceiving that it related to parish affairs for there had been some talk about adding to the rates, for which he thought there was no necessity, and was, indeed, prepared to contend that there must be some sort of mismanagement somewhere ! he was about to return it to his housekeeper, that she might place it on the table to be read another time ; but as on glancing at it he perceived the name of " Murray," he read a few words, and then called for a chair. Before, however, the chair could be brought, he had hurriedly run through the whole ; and when the chair came he at once sank upon it as if exhausted, and faintly said, "Bring me some brandy." "Dear bless me!" exclaimed the housekeeper, as she perceived the big drops of perspiration on his brow. " Why, what on earth is the matter?" " Some brandy," he repeated, and she rushed into the house. "Now let me be calm," said he; "let me be calm: this is indeed dreadful but let me be calm." " Come," said the housekeeper, on her return, " drink this. Do you feel any better ?" " I shall, I hope, presently. Leave me. I wish to be alone." She obeyed him; but with an expression of anxiety, and had no sooner left than he burst into tears. "All my fond hopes," he exclaimed bitterly, having wept for some time like a child, " are thus withered. But," he added, in tones of indignation, "it's false ! every word of it !" 202 LADY FELICIA. I'll not believe a word ! no foul means were used ! You Jcnoiv all about poor Louisa to be false, and that's a fair sample of the sack. But who is this savage ? This cowardly savage ? I'll find him out ! He shall not escape me ! The villain ! " He rose with the view of calling upon his brother, and as he passed through the passage he met his housekeeper, who was about to speak, when he exclaimed, "Don't believe it !" "Don't believe what ?" she inquired. " It's false ! every word of it ! Don't believe a word !" he continued, and left her to wonder. He had not proceeded far when he saw a fellow flitting about with these bills, and, going up to him, immediately caught him by the throat. "You scoundrel!" he exclaimed. "Tell me at once who employed you ! Speak the truth, and I'll forgive you : if not I'll transport you, as sure as you're alive ! "Who gave you those infamous bills ?" The man was alarmed, and spoke somewhat incoherently: still it might be gathered that he didn't know! He didn't know noth'n about the bills ! He couldn't even read the bills ; and, what was more, he didn't want to ! Blow the bills! " By whom, sir, were you employed ?" He didn't know ! It was some gent ! He never seed the gent afore ! He came in the Tap and gave 'em all a crown a-piece to do it, and said he give 'em another crown if he found they did it well ! That's all he knew ! " "Where did you leave him ?" " In the Tap." "Which Tap?" " The Dragon." " Then come with me." They accordingly went to the Dragon Tap, but found that the bird had flown. LADY FELICIA. 203 " He's safe to come back," observed the man ; " 'cos in course he's got to give us t'other crown !" " I fear not," said Uncle Cy. " But do you remain here, and if he should come, let the landlord know. Til pay you." He then spoke to the landlord, and having explained what he wished him to do in the event of this " gent" re-appearing, he proceeded to his brother's, and there beheld a scene of appalling affliction. The shop was closed, and in the parlour, Mrs. Murray was lying on the sofa, insensible, while the poor girls were shrieking around her. " Cyrus," said Murray, as he grasped his brother's hand, with an expression of despair, " we are ruined, Cyrus ! for ever ruined !" " No," exclaimed Cyrus. " No, William ! No ! We shall find out the cowardly scoundrel yet !'' " Eind him ! I know him already, too well." "Who is he?" " The Marquis." I " The Marquis ! That'll do. I'll trounce him ! If he had fifty coronets, I'd trounce him ! But we'll talk about that by and by." " Are we not ruined, Uncle ?" cried Julia, weeping bitterly. " Euined, my love ! No ! It's a, blow ! It's certainly a blow! but, fear nothing: there is a G-od in heaven, my love, who'll so manage it that truth will be triumphant. See," he added, as Mrs. Murray gave signs of re-animation, " she revives." " William," said Mrs. Murray, faintly, having looked round the room, "William Cyrus my poor dear children !" " Louisa," said Cyrus, soothingly. " Why, why is this ?" " Have you not seen that dreadful paper ?" " What, the squib ! Why, you're not going to be wholly struck down by a squib ? You live in Sudbury, and allow a squib to alarm you ! Pooh, pooh G-ods in heaven ! havn't we 204 LADY FELICIA. seen squibs enough to despise them ! Havn't we, in times of excitement, known the very best amongst us charged with every possible crime, .from kidnapping to murder? And it's not only here, but everywhere else. In the city of London the very centre of civilization I've seen on the walls, as large as life, ' WOTE FOB "WENABLES THE ASSASSIN!' and when I came to look closely at it, I found , added, in the smallest of all small letters, the words l of the King's English.' There are small letters in this ! but we'll have those small letters made larger! well have them made so that people shall see them, and understand the drift of the whole." " But, look at this," said Mrs. Murray, pointing tremulously to the last paragraph. "Look at this ! " " "Well, I see ! But don't we know it's all wrong ! don't we know it's all false ! There, go to bed go to bed and sleep it all away. I'll send for the doctor presently, and then you'll think you really have something to fret about ! G-o to bed : go to bed : good night : God bless you ! but," he added, with an effort to conceal his emotion, " Louisa, don't be a fool !" Assisted by her weeping daughters, Mrs. Murray, whose feelings were those of deep anguish, retired ; but, as she again fainted on reaching her chamber, the family doctor was sent for at once. " I feared this," said Cyrus, "I feared that the shock would be too great for her ; but, let us hope let us hope for the best. "William," he added, with an expression of solemnity, " this is a rough look out : I have treated it lightly before them ; but it really is a serious affair. Now, you say that you know the Marquis to be the villain. In the first place, how do you know that ?" Murray explained to him all that had occurred during his interview with the Marquis, and added, " therefore there can be no doubt." LADY FELICIA. 205 " No," returned Cyrus, " there can be no doubt ; but, unfortunately, all this affords no proof I mean, of course, no legal proof of his connection with these infamous bills. "We cannot prove that he is the author : we cannot prove that he ordered them to be printed ; nor do we know where or by whom they were printed, no printer's name being attached. We are, therefore, in a position to prove legally nothing; but we can, and will, make it quite clear that the Marquis is the man." "But," said Murray, "if even we could prove it legally, we are not able to go to law with him." " Are we not ? " returned Cyrus, significantly " Are we not ? My boy, you don't know all. Place me in a position to prove that he ordered these bills to be printed, or had even the slightest connection with them, and we'll see what we're able to do ! we'll see ! We shall not have to stand still for money. But pen and ink!" he added, "come, let's go to work ! No time shall be lost ! We'll do it right off! We'll let him know, at least, what we mean !" Having had the desk placed before him, he commenced, with a triumphant flourish of the pen ; and as Murray shortly afterwards left him to accompany the doctor up stairs, he proceeded without interruption. He was not a ready writer in general; but on this par- ticular occasion he wrote away as if he felt inspired : indeed, the rapidity with which the pen travelled, amazed him; he had never written half so fast before. "Well," said he, when Murray, having been for some con- siderable time absent, returned " I'm getting on ; I'm getting on !^ But how is poor Louisa ?" "Very faint," replied Murray, "and very much distressed. The doctor says that she must be kept quite quiet. He's going to send her something which he hopes will soothe her." 206 LADY FELICIA. " Well, I hope it will I hope it will. And now let me go on with this I've nearly finished don't interrupt." At this moment Mr. Chubb was announced. " Shall we have him in ?" inquired Murray. " By all means yes :" replied Cyrus j " only talk to your- selves." Mr. Chubb was shown into the room, and grasping Murray's hand, said, " Never mind this ; never mind it, old fellow ! But was'nt I right ? Why, I knew I was right ! I knew it ! I knew he meant something, although I didn't think that he'd go and attack a woman in such a cruel, cold-blooded manner as this. If he'd let Mrs. Murray alone, I shouldn't have thought so much about it- all the rest might have been winked at, and treated with contempt ; but the idea of cutting against her, and that in such a vicious style of virtuous indig- nation, is rotten ! He talks about fathers' < household gods,' as if we didn't know him ! I wonder how many of these 'household gods' he's smashed the prospects of! Look at Mary Ann Jones, which is now in the workhouse ! Look at Lydia Johnson, whose heart he broke ! Look at the girl Cole, which, although so mild and gentle once, has become, through him, a tigress. And yet he talks about honour and virtue ! But what do you mean to do ? how do you mean to work him ? " " Stop a bit," said Cyrus, " Til show you presently." " I'm afraid," observed Murray, " of getting into a law-suit with Mm!" " Don't you be a mite afraid about that," returned Chubb, "he can't stand the racket; for a Marquis, I know he's as poor as a mouse. I know it ! and so does your brother. Everything's dipped that can be dipped, and dipped pretty tidily deep." " Now, then," said Cyrus, having thrown down his pen, " this is what we mean to do, to begin with ; I'll read it. Now, then : LADY FELICIA. 207 " ONE HUNDBED POUNDS BEWAED ! " Whereas, some evil-minded, cowardly wretch, signing himself 'An Old Inhabitant,' has caused to be printed and distributed, certain handbills, reflecting upon the character of my family : Notice is hereby given, that the above reward of one hundred pounds will be paid to any person who will give such information as may lead to the conviction of the author or even the printer thereof! " Signed, " WILLIAM MTJBBAY," " Well," said Mr. Chubb, " Well ! that'U do, as far as it goes ; but why not go into the matter more at large ?" " I have done so here," replied Cyrus, who then read as follows : " TO THE INHABITANTS OF SITDBUBY. " An infamous handbill, designed by one who styles himself ' An Old Inhabitant,' has been issued with the view of denouncing the family of Mr. William Murray of this town. " It appears that Mr. Alfred Murray has been guilty of the crime of marrying the object of his affections the beautiful and amiable Lady Felicia Jocelyn without the consent of the Marquis of Kingsborough. This is, ' the very head and front of his offending.' Loving her with all the ardour of a pure and noble heart, he married her without the consent of him whose consent he well knew not being a lord it would be useless for him to solicit ; and for this crime for a crime it appears to be considered not only is he denounced by this 1 Old Inhabitant,' but his mother as virtuous and as amiable a woman as ever breathed is assailed with the vilest and most cowardly insinuations. " ' Can the mother of this godson,' inquires this ' Old Inhabitant/ ' explain how he became the godson of the Marquis 208 LADY FELICIA. without a blush ? ' I answer, yes ! and will briefly explain for her. Many of my fellow townsmen remember the contest between Lord Charles Jocelyn and Captain Coleraine, when Lord Charles gained the election by one vote only. That vote was given by Mr. William Murray, and the late Marquis promised to stand godfather to his next child. Mrs. Murray had never spoken to the Marquis before ; but he, in due time, performed his promise, and for this, it appears, she is expected to blush ! " But who is this ' Old Inhabitant ?' The statement of a few simple facts will enable you at all events to guess ! " The Marquis yesterday came down post-haste : he arrived at the Rose and Crown at two o'clock, and immediately sent for his agent, Mr. Slane : at a quarter past two Mr. William Murray had a private interview with him : at half past two Mr. Slane arrived, and remaine'd with him, in close consult- ation, for nearly two hours : at half past four the Marquis left the town, and at seven o'clock these infamous bills were issued ! "Who then is this 'Old Inhabitant?' Can there be a doubt about who he is ? No ! there can be no moral doubt on the subject; but we want the legal proof! the legal proof is all that we require, and whoever will give such information as may enable us to get at that legal proof, shall receive from me one hundred pounds, in addition to the reward which has been offered by my brother. " I sign my name which the pitiful coward dared not do and am, " Fellow Townsmen, " CYEUS MUKKAY." "Bravo !" exclaimed Mr. Chubb, "That'll do. That'll show him what you really mean ! It'll also show, that if the boy himself hasn't a shilling, he's got them connected with him., which has. But I don't believe she has got no property ! I LADY FELICIA. 209 know the old Marquis was very fond of her, and 1 don't think he'd leave her destitute, because he could, you know, leave her a little. We can, however, get at his will, and see." "I don't care," said Cyrus, "so much about that. If she hasn't a shilling, that will not afflict me. If she be what I believe she is, he'll rise in spite of their teeth. Marry a girl above you, and she'll pull you up ; marry a girl below you, and she'll drag you down she'll bring you at least to her own level somehow. I have no fear of him." "Nor have I," said Chubb. "But when do you mean to have these bills printed ? r ' " As soon as possible. I'll give these papers to Jackson to- night ; he'll be at the Crown ; if not I can send for him, so that he can have them printed early in the morning." " "Well," said Murray, " I must leave it all to you." " Do so, my boy. "We'll stick to you." " That we will," interposed Chubb, " to the last. But come, let us be off." " Stop a moment," said Cyrus, " we'll just hear how Mrs. Murray is before we go ; " and Murray went up with the view of ascertaining, and when he had announced that she was much more calm, the friends took their leave for the night. For some time after they had left Murray sat alone, wondering what Cyrus meant, by saying that he did'nt know all. He had never imagined that Cyrus was a rich man ; he knew, of course, that he had so me property ; but the way in which he had acted in this affair, coupled with what his friend Chubb had said, convinced him that Cyrus in saying, that he did'nt know all was quite right. This, however, although higlily gratifying, did not engross his thoughts long ; they soon reverted to the position in which he then stood. "What had he done to deserve censure ? JSTo charge had ever been brought against him before, and this was of course unmerited. He had been just to all honourable in his dealings steady, industrious, quiet p 210 LADY FELICIA. and respectable through life and yet he and his family were now the objects of persecution, and might be thenceforward despised by those who had theretofore esteemed them. This he thought cruel, and dwelt upon it mournfully, until it was announced that Mrs. Murray had expressed a wish to see him, when, following the example of Cyrus, he made an effort to look comparatively cheerful. As he entered the chamber as noiselessly as possible, Mrs. Murray, who was sitting up supported by pillows, extended her hand, and with a tranquil expression, intimated a wish for him to sit on the bed beside her. " William,' ' she said calmly, yet faintly, " I may never recover from this cruel blow." " My love,'* said Murray soothingly, " you must not talk thus ; although severe, we must not allow it to crush us. You feel faint and ill, of course, now ; but you' 11 very soon revive." " I fear not, love ; but hear me : I have been indirectly accused of a crime" " "What of that ? Do we not know the accusation to be false ?" " I do, William. That I have ever been faithful" "Why, why is this?" " Still hear me. If my heart should break, I shall die in the sweet consciousness of innocence, and when we meet in heaven, William, you will hear the pure angels proclaim " " Louisa, do not wound my feelings. I have no more doubt of your truth than I have of the purity of those angels. Let this consciousness of innocence sustain you : let it inspire you with fortitude." " William ! " she exclaimed, as she fondly embraced him : " I already feel relieved. Accusations, my love, are the germs of doubt " " Not when they are known to be false ! Louisa, I never had LADY FELICIA. 211 a doubt of your purity. But let us say no more on that subject. I have much to tell you much that will relieve you. Listen, my love. I do not say that all your apprehensions will vanish at once : but listen, and they will be, at least, subdued." He then calmly proceeded to explain to her the substance of all that had passed below, and having placed every point in the most favourable light, succeeded in rendering her comparatively happy. p 2 212 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEK XIII. A POPIJLAB DEMONSTRATION. tlie bills composed by Cyrus had been distributed, a fresh outcry was raised against Murray an outcry proceeding from the purely independent and peculiarly immaculate free- men, who had from time immemorial considered their votes private property, of which it was their duty, as well as their "eternal principle" and "sound constitutional privilege," to make all they could. Here was a man if a man he could be called who had pretended to despise that fine old English practice of buying up and paying for independent votes, which, by virtue of a legal fiction,, had been pronounced bribery who had done all he could to discountenance that practice, to bring it into con- tempt, and thus to take the very bread out of their mouths publicly proclaiming that he had voted for Lord Charles- in consideration of the late Marquis standing godfather to his son ! Could anything in their judgment be more disgusting ! To do that in secret which it was their practice and their pride to do openly, and for which he had so frequently denounced them, appeared to them to be monstrous in the extreme- Nothing could surpass it in turpitude: nothing was too bad for such a man : lie ought to have his house pulled about his ears, the hypocrite ! They thus viewed it as a personal affair between him and themselves ; and, knowing them too well not to know that the explanation on this point would incense them, the agent to whom the cause of the Marquis had been entrusted sent round LADY FELICIA. 213 to the various public-houses certain confidential satellites, with a view of feeling the pulse of the indignant party, and getting up a popular demonstration of disgust. The achievement of this object, however, was known to be impossible until that party had been well filled with beer : they were, therefore, well supplied by those "jolly good fellows" who never "dropped in" without treating them, because they " dropped in" only when they wanted something done j and who "calculated" that towards the evening their jovial friends would be pretty well primed. But this was not the onJy party whose indignation the efforts of Cyrus increased. The ladies connected with that interesting borough deeply felt that, as far as the marriage was concerned, the matter had been made worse by that which appeared to them to be a defence of Alfred's conduct. Cyrus Murray didn't deny that foul means had been used ; he didn't deny that the sole object was wealth; nor did he deny that Alfred had been infamously assisted by that odious French woman the wretch ! They therefore felt justified in assuming that these accusations, at least, were true ; and as to that which had reference to Mrs. Murray's character, it was quite clear to them that there must be something in it ! It was all very well for her to get Cyrus Murray to say that it was solely in consequence of her husband having voted for Lord Charles : but how were they to know that it was solely in consequence of that ? It was all very natural for her to make an attempt to get over it; but was there anything to prove that she had not been guilty of the conduct ascribed 230 LADY FELICIA. the day to which throughout the week she had anxiously looked forward. It could'nt be because Mr. "Wilkins had inti- mated his intention to visit them on Sunday ? Oh no ! and yet well, she would wait until Sunday, and see ; she might know more about it then. And she did know more about it then ; for when on Sunday Mr. "Wilkins arrived, her heart explained the whole matter to her. Mr. "Wilkins had started the previous evening by the mail, and having slept a few hours at the inn., at which it stopped, reached Alfred's hotel before they sat down to breakfast ; and no man was ever received more cordially, not only by Fidele, but by Alfred and Felicia, who shook him warmly by the hand, and expressed to him the pleasure his arrival imparted. This reception, indeed, somewhat touched him; it was so cordial; but having gracefully congratulated Felicia on her appearance which really proclaimed the existence of hap- piness he very soon recovered his self-possession, and began to chat gaily with Fidele. Fidele, however although it was impossible for her not to manifest delight did not talk to him so playfully as before : she felt as if his presence imposed some restraint ; and when their eyes met she blushed, and seemed slightly embarrassed, and laughed considerably less than she did the previous Sun- day. She wasn't sad! not at all! but then she wasn't merry ! Her cup was full of gladness, but she couldn't pour it out. Mr. "Wilkins, nevertheless, rattled on; but Alfred noticed a great improvement, both in his language and his manners the former being much less inflated, while the latter were much more refined the true secret of which was, that he had admired the easy eloquence and gentle bearing of Felicia so much, that he had resolved on adopting her as his model. She was in his view a superior being, and he studied her with profound admiration ; and as she was much more communica- LADY EELICIA. 231 tive then, he was enabled to "pick up something extra" every minute ! With this view he constantly addressed her but always with the most respectful deference and felt that a few more lessons from her and Fidele, would " positively polish him up to such a pitch," that he should be able to shine in the highest sphere, to which his ambition could rationally point, and to prove when he got there, to all around, that he had moved in the best society. - v: ,! He discovered that he had theretofore made a mistake that magniloquence was not eloquence, nor stiffness grace : he could then duly appreciate Alfred's quietude, as well in dress as in language and deportment : he saw clearly then, that to be pompous was to be vulgar, and that a quiet, easy, graceful bearing was, in reality, the very acme of elegance, and regarded the opportunity of studying " the real thing,'' as one of the most fortunate events of his life. After breakfast, Felicia retired with Fidele, with the view of preparing for church ; and Mr. "Wilkins, grasping Alfred by the hand, said, "My boy: I need not ask whether you are happy or not, because I know that you are : I can see it ! I can also see that Lady Felicia is happy, and I rejoice at it most sincerely rejoice. But have you heard from the Marquis?" Alfred drew from his pocket-book an envelope, bearing the seal and signature of the Marquis. " This envelope," said he, contained a letter which Felicia had sent to him, and which he returned, unopened. It is, you perceive, addressed to ' Mrs. Murray ;' but look inside." Mr. "Wilkins did so, and read as follows : " Lady Florence desires that Mrs. Murray will not presume to write to Tier. (( Kingsborough House/ 1 " Lady Augusta announces in order to avoid the annoyance 232 LADY FELICIA. of any attempt to effect a reconciliation that she will neither correspond with, nor own Mistress Murray. * Kingsborough House." " Bather short of paper, at Kingsborough House," said Mr. "Wilkins, sarcastically. " They might have enclosed two notes instead of writing on the inside of an envelope. Eut what effect had all this upon Lady Felicia ?" " Tears sprang into her eyes, but she instantly" recalled them, and assumed an expression of firmness." "Admirable !" exclaimed Mr. "Wilkins. " That's the style of creature! All soul! Rather spitfiery though, on their part," he added, "rather serpentified and splenetic! I don't know what I should do with one of those girls. I should'nt be safe in bed." % "I am rather pleased," said Alfred, "that they made no attempt to conceal their real feelings." " I understand. Any manifestation of kindness might and doubtless would have affected her more. But how are such girls to be tamed ? What are you to do with them when you have got them ? How are you to manage them ? What sort of harness are you to put them into ? You could'nt live in the same house with them, if even you ventured to live in the same street ?" " They are very imperious," said Alfred. " Imperious ! Heaven help their husbands, whoever they may be ! But is this all that you have heard ?" "Prom them," replied Alfred. "Here's a note from my uncle my old uncle Cy one of the warmest-hearted fellows that ever breathed. Look at that." Mr. Wilkins read the note, which ran thus : "MY BOY, " Do you want any money to go on with ? " Only one word Tes, or Ko. " CYBTTS MTIBBAY." LADY FELICIA. 233 " That's the style of correspondence," he exclaimed. " There's no beating about the bush here ! Do you want any money ? Only say! yes, or no. "Well, and what did you say? c my boy.' " "No." " That's right. Don't have any of them yet. It will bring their ideas down from heaven to earth. There's no poetry in money : there's nothing poetic in the sound. But how are you off for that article now?" " I have the note which you sent me! I have not yet broken into that." " JS T ot broken into it yet ?" " Oh, no': I'm not permitted to be extravagant. Unnecessary expenses are not allowed." " "What, not by Lady Felicia ?" " Certainly not." " Have you then an economist as well as an angel." "I have! She will not cause a pound to be spent unne- cessarily." " That'll do," said Mr. Wilkins, " That'll do. The style in which she would expect to live was the only thing I feared." "The style in which she hopes to live is that of pure simplicity. The carriage you left here has not been used once. I have proposed a trip to Lewes, and another to Worthing ; but the Downs were so delightful; and a walk was so very bene- ficial to health! That there were other considerations I suspect!" " But there's no necessity for going on so ! You must do a little to it ! You must, you know, enjoy yourselves now !" " We do," returned Alfred, with a tranquil smile. "We have the purest enjoyment. I believe that Felicia is one of the happiest beings upon earth, while I I cannot express to you how I feel, but imagine every sense I have, charmed by the great Creator, with the view of testing the amount of rapture of which His creatures are capable, and you may form some idea of the ecstacy of which this marriage has been the germ." 234 LADY FELICIA. " Tne operation of those senses is a mystery " said Mr. "Wilkins " a mystery as inscrutable as that of the soul. How they are worked is marvellous : the *very machinery is incon- ceivable ; we perceive the effect, and we sometimes know the cause; but there is a refined something between the cause and the effect, the contemplation of which makes a man feel little. But do we all go to church? Does Miss Legrange go with us?" " Of course !" replied Alfred. " "Well, but I thought the French were Catholics I mean Roman Catholics." " The great majority of them are, but she is a Protestant." " But how is that ?" " I suppose because her parents were Protestants." " "Well ! there's a great deal in that. If mine had been Jews or Muggletonians, I might have been a Jew or a Muggle- tonian : if Pythagoras had been my father, I might have been one of the Metempsychi. I suppose it's a matter of chance, chiefly. But who were her parents ?" "Do you recollect speaking to me about a shawl which you thought would sell, as the favourite shawl of the unfortunate Queen of Louis XVI., which, just before she was dragged to the guillotine, she gave to one of her maids of honour, who, being short of money " u Keep out of the shop :" said Mr. Wilkins. " It isn't fair : keep out of the shop." "But you recollect it?" "I do." " Well then, at the period to which you referred, Fidele was connected with one of the first families in France, whose wealth and influence excited the vengeance of Bobespierre." " Indeed ! I must get up the history of that sanguinary period." " To amuse her ?" " No, but just to show that one knows something about it." LADY FELICIA. 235 " You would not, I know, willingly wound her feelings." " Indeed I would not for the world." "Then never, in her presence, refer to that period. The slightest word haying reference to it has, I understand, a most frightful effect upon her. Her sorrows have not been common sorrows. She has seen her mother, father, uncles, all whom she held dear on earth, lying headless !" " Heaven and earth ! Is it possible ? Oh ! how glad I am that you told me of this." " I'll tell you all one of these days. But you have something to tell me, have you not ?" " Something to teU you ?" " You stated in your letter that you had something to communicate." "Oh yes exactly I remember. But that's of no immediate importance. "We'll talk about that another time." " Has it reference to the Marquis ?" " "Well it has. We shall have, however, plenty of time to talk about that. I shall not leave until to-morrow night." " Indeed ! I am very glad of that. Felicia, my love," he added, as she entered the room at this moment with Fidele, " I have news for you ! Mr. Wilkins does not leave us until to-morrow night !" " That is indeed kind," said Felicia, " Nay," said Mr. Wilkins, " do not call it kind. My object is of a selfish character. It is to enjoy your delightful society." Fidele looked at him, as Felicia slightly bowed, and thought that if that compliment had been addressed pointedly to her, its effect upon her might have been more pleasing. She soon, however, found that she had but little reason to complain, for as they walked to church together he lavished upon her, as pointedly as she could desire, a series of the most graceful compliments he ever thought of. Some of them were, in his judgment, strikingly elegant ; but they all hit the mark at 236 LADY FELICIA. which they were aimed, with sufficient force to make an indelible impression. .' But truth now prompts the disclosure of that which will not reflect credit upon Mr. "Wilkins. He very seldom went to church ! He had been in the habit of spending his Sundays by no means in accordance with canonical prescription. He would rise in the morning and dress for breakfast, over which he would read the weekly journals, picking out murders and monstrosities of all kinds, breaches of promise, and other "legal" diablerie, theatrical critiques, romances in high life, and facetia3 in low ; after which he would dress for the day, and if he had no engagement to dine at Eichmond, Twickenham, Hamp stead, or Greenwich, he would have a French dinner and go to Rotten 'Row ; he would then proceed to some suburban tea-gardens, and having chatted, quizzed, drank, and smoked sufficiently there, he would finish the evening at his favourite tavern with jokes, devilled kidneys, bottled stout, and cigars. All this was, of course, incorrect: there was not, at that period, a bishop on the bench who would not have told him so distinctly : and the only palliation for the pursuit of such a line of conduct was, that, it being the usual practice of those with whom he associated, he had no one with sufficient influence over him to tempt him to follow a more correct example. It must, however, in justice here be added that, having on this occasion been attentive to all that passed having been touched by the impressive chanting of the Te Deum and Jubilate and reminded by a hymn which he had often sung in childhood that he had still religious feelings with inhim he felt so much relieved, so much lighter, so much more satisfied with himself, that he made up his mind, on leaving the church, not only to attend more frequently in future, but to go every Sunday, at least once ! LADY FELICIA. 237 Pidele knew that he had been moved to tears, because she saw one of them fall upon the hymn-book. She, of course, took no apparent notice ; but as it proved to her that, however gay he might appear, he had a heart susceptible of sweet emotions, the incident was pleasing. Having returned to the hotel, the feelings of solemnity which the service had inspired, gave way to others of a more lively caste. They had lunch : and then a walk was proposed, and as the proposition met the views of all, they started, Alfred and Felicia leading the way and it may as well at once be recorded, that when they reached one of their favorite spots, they were allowed to have a very considerable lead ! Whether Mr. Wilkins had tight boots on, or fancied that the shoes of Eidele were not in fine walking condition, was never minutely explained ; but, certain it is, that he hung back in. a very extraordinary style, and equally certain is it, that Fidele made no effort to hurry him on. But that which struck Fidele as being most extraordinary at this period, was the fact of his being silent ! It was very mysterious ! He had scarcely spoken a word for ten minutes Why was he so silent ? "What could he be thinking of ? He could not be unconscious of her presence, because her right hand, which she had gracefully passed through his left arm, had got by some means into his right hand, which was very remarkable ; and, what was more remarkable still, she made no attempt to withdraw it ! He was, moreover, pressing that right hand of hers, and, therefore, he couldn't be unconscious of her presence. Why, then, was he silent ? She had seen his four asterisks, which she conceived repre- sented four letters; and as neither "respects" nor "compliments" could by any possibility be spelt with four letters, she had an idea of asking what letters they were really intended to repre- sent ; but she found that she hadn't the courage to do it. At length, having rejected one stepping stone after another, 238 LADY FELICIA. Mr. Wilkins boldly made up his mind to say something. He had been thinking profoundly of an appropriate exordium, but, as he eventually felt that nothing formal would do, he said, " "Well, what think you now of this marriage ?" " What I have always thought," replied Fidele, " that it will be a source of mutual happiness." " They appear to be very happy !" " They are very happy, and I have not the slightest doubt of their happiness being permanent/' "Nor have I," said Mr. "Wilkins. "But," he added, mysteriously, "how very delightful the marriage state must be !" Fidele had nothing to say to this extraordinary observation, but she felt that it would do, that it would lead to something. "Really," continued Mr. "Wilkins, "my impression is, that it must be delightful in the extreme." Fidele had precisely the same impression ; but she thought it right not to tell Mm so. " Upon my word," he added, " I should have no objection to try it myself." Eidele could say nothing at all to it. What could she say ? The style was so very extraordinary ; it did'nt give her a chance of saying anything. "I have often thought," he resumed, "that marriage that is to say the marriage state must be enchanting." Eidele was determined to say something this time : she would'nt be silent any longer : it was so tiresome she there- fore said, " Have you ? " A pause ensued, and Mr. "Wilkins felt that if he could' nt improve upon this he had better leave off. Still " Have you ?" had to be answered, and he therefore said, " I have." Well, there was an end of it. There was nothing more absolutely demanded ; but Mr. Wilkins was by no means satisfied. He never before felt so much confused, but he had LADY FELICIA. 239 no idea of letting it drop so. He, therefore, having recovered himself a little, resolved on adopting a more playful style, and said eventually, " What do you think of Lady Florence ?" " Lady Florence!" echoed Fidele, quite unable to conceive what Lady Florence had to do with it. " What do I think of Lady Florence?" " Would she suit me, think you ? Do you think she would do? Can you recommend her strongly, as a mild and gentle creature, calculated to make a steady, tranquil style of wife?" Fidele looked at him and smiled. "What think you?'' he continued; "is she, in your view, sufficiently lamb-like ? Would she, in your judgment, suit my taste?" " Admirably," replied Fidele, " if indeed you have a taste for the display of spirit.*' " Spirit ! spirit is the very thing I like to see displayed. I admire spirit, and more especially in a woman : the spirit of love, the spirit of hope, the spirit of gentleness, when she is cherished, and the spirit of resistance when oppressed. The spirit of pride, the spirit of revenge, and all the other evil spirits, I leave out of the question, of course, because no one ccm admire them; but gentleness and amiability, combined with firmness and self-respect, are the germs of all I care to cultivate." " But if the spirit you had to encounter were not that of gentleness ?" " Well, then, that spirit must be subdued. She is, of course, to be tamed?" - " It strikes me that you would have to set her the example : you would have to go through the process first." " Would that be the most effectual way ? If she were to tame me first, would that teach me how to tame her ?" "If tamed at all, it must be by the force of example; I really know of no other force that would do. One must 240 LADY FELICIA. yield. If both held out you'd set fire to each other in a very short time." " But what sort of a husband do you think she would like ? " " Either a nice quiet elderly Duke, with immense possessions and brilliant establishments, who would leave the entire management of everything himself included to her ; or a very young Earl, with magnificent estates, and just sufficient intellect to avoid a commission of lunacy." " Well, I don't like to flatter myself," said Mr. Wilkins, " but as I am neither of these interesting characters, suppose I, as I am, were to attempt to woo her, how should I have to go to work ? Should I have to compare her eyes to fire, her teeth to pearl, her lips to the rose, and her cheeks to sun- illumined peaches ?" " If you were to do so it would have but slight effect. She hasn't a charm of which she is unconscious. The only way to woo her with any chance of success, would be to show her a splendid rent-roll, with the sketch of a brilliant settlement, and offer to place unlimited means at her command. I have no wish to dishearten you," she added, with a smile, " but I know of no other way to woo and to win her." " Then 111 give her up at once," said Mr. "Wilkins ; " 111 think no more of her; I'll turn my attention to one" he added, and as he pronounced that little word, he pressed the hand he held emphatically, " who is as elegant as she is interesting, who has proved her appreciation of pure happiness who has inspired me with feelings which I never before experienced ; who has, in fine, taught me to love." He said no more. He looked at Fidele, who averted her eyes and blushed, and felt somewhat tremulous ; when, finding that she was silent, and that he had, in reality, no inclination to say anything more then, they gradually drew nearer to Alfred and Felicia, who appeared to understand the very object which had kept Mr. Wilkins and Fidele so far behind. LADY FELICIA. 241 A smile from Felicia, and a playful remark from Alfred, on the great inconvenience of having corns, were, however, the only intimations then given of that object being understood : they pursued their walk, conversing upon topics of general interest, and in due time returned to the Hotel. "While at dinner, Mr. Wilkins who was really relieved for although he had made no direct declaration, he had, in his judgment, said enough to begin with felt unusually gay : he chatted to Fidele who, however, said but little addressed Felicia, and rallied Alfred, with so much success, that he fairly established the reputation he had acquired, of being one of the most agreeable persons they had ever had the pleasure to meet. Nor, when they had retired from the table to have the dessert, as before, near the window, did he cease to amuse them. He was full of anecdote, and every one " told:" there was not a single failure amongst them a fact which " polished up" his lively recollection " to such a pitch," that it absolutely teemed with facetiae. Towards the evening, at the suggestion of Alfred, Eidele went to the piano, and very soon electrified Mr. Wilkins. She was, indeed, a brilliant pianist perhaps one of the most brilliant out of the profession but nothing could surpass the ecstacy with which she succeeded in thrilling Mr. Wilkins. He looked at her with an expression of amazement, watched the lightning-like rapidity with which her delicate fingers moved, and listened to the startling music she produced, with feelings of intense admiration. He was " struck." He felt bewildered. His veins tingled with rapture. He had never heard such music before ! It was, indeed, in his view, enchanting. Having accomplished the brilliant finale, she rose, and Mr. Wilkins really didn't know at all what to say. He felt as if he were under the influence of some magic spell, and instead of exclaiming "bravo," "excellent," or "beautiful" 242 LADY FELICIA, which, under ordinary circumstances, he would have felt himself bound to exclaim he looked at her and marvelled, but made no effort to express the admiration with which he had been inspired. "Favour us with one more, dear," said Felicia; and Fidele at once returned to the piano with a hymn-book, and played and sang in the most impressive style the very hymn which had touched Mr. Wilkins in the morning ! This turned the current of his feelings on the instant, and tears again sparkled in his eyes : nor could he check them : he endeavoured to do so, but they were not to be controlled : they continued to flow more and more as she proceeded ; and it is, indeed, questionable whether she could ever before have sung that hymn with so much feeling. As twilight approached, Mr. Wilkins mysteriously wandered to the other window, to which he almost as mysteriously attracted Fidele ; and, while Felicia was hanging fondly upon Alfred's arm, and watching the horizon serenely, he set himself a most extraordinary task, namely, tjiat of arranging and smoothing Fidele's hair, Now, it will be as well here to state that Fidele's hair was not out of order. It was, on the contrary, as well arranged and as smooth as the most fastidious could desire. But Mr. "Wilkins, nevertheless, endeavoured to improve it : he was amazingly particular about this hair; and smoothed it first on the right side and then on the left, and then on both sides at the same time! Of course, Fidele thought this a remarkable proceeding ! She was unconscious of having neglected her hair ! Still she thought that an improvement might possibly be made !- and immediately after this thought had been conceived, an improvement was made in her view, a very decided improvement for while he was thus smoothing both sides at once, he absolutely bent forward and boldly kissed her brow!. LADY FELICIA. 243 And Pidele endured this ? Yes ! she endured it with all the fortitude at her command. She blushed, but she didn't feel angry ! she didn't exactly know how to feel angry ! nor did she particularly wish to feel angry. It certainly was a bold proceeding ; she couldn't conceal that fact from herself ; but having taken all the circumstances into consideration, she eventually made up her mind* to forgive him. Her hair went very well indeed after that. Mr. Wilkins was perfectly satisfied with it ; and he drew her arm in his and took her hand as before, and remained at the window until lights were produced, when they rejoined Alfred and Felicia. It was then extremely questionable which was the happiest of the four. They were all happy then, truly happy, and enjoyed each other's delightful society until they retired to rest. Having arranged with Alfred to have a walk before break- fast in the morning, Mr. Wilkins rose early, and when Alfred appeared they went together down to the beach. The tide was low, and as they walked on the sands, Alfred again calmly inquired of Mr. Wilkins what it was that he had to communicate. " You may as well tell me at once," he added, " it will do away with all conjecture." " "When I assure you," said Mr. "Wilkins, " that it is of no immediate consequence, let that for the present be sufficient. Let us defer it till the month is up, and then we'll calmly talk the matter over." " I'd rather know it now !" urged Alfred. " Why not calmly talk it over now ?" " Well, we certainly can do so ! My only objection is, that it may in some slight degree interfere with your present enjoyment ! and yet, I don't see why it ought to do so !'' " Then be sure that it will not. If it ought not, it shall not ! What is it ?" " Well, I'll tell you ! Last Monday, the Marquis called to E 2 244 LADY FELICIA. see the governor, with whom he in private conversed for some time, and when he left I was informed that Lady Felicia had no property." " I am aware of it," said Alfred. " She will, I understand, be entitled to some on the death of Lady Loftus, her aunt ; but at present she has none. Is that all ?'* " That is the chief point," replied Mr. Wilkins. " The other is merely the declaration of the Marquis, that she shall have nothing from him." " I don't expect anything from him," said Alfred, " nor does Felicia ; but I am satisfied ! I know, of course, that something must be done, and I feel assured that something will be done, to render us at least independent of him." " I have not the slightest doubt of it. I have no fear what- ever. I felt, when I heard that she had no property, that the fact would arouse all your energies. My only fear was, that you might perhaps live a little too fast at first, and thus create some slight dissatisfaction, when the time came to pull in ; but that fear vanished at once, when you told me that economy at her suggestion was the order of the day. But how old is this aunt ?" " About seventy, I believe." "An old maid?" " No, a dowager." " Ah : then that's settled. It's of no use to calculate at all upon her. An old maid might fidget herself to death, and so might a widow of fifty ; but, directly she gets above sixty, regard her as one of the immortals. "Widows above that age won't die. They live as if they meant to be immortal. Their whole proceedings smell of immortality. They'll talk about death, and live all the longer for it : the very exertion of talking about it, tends to promote longevity. They'll sometimes drop ofF, if you happen to be rich ; but the poorer you are, the longer they'll live. They are the most obstinate people upon earth. LADY FELICIA. 245 They'll do nothing to kill themselves when above sixty ! They settle themselves down, and begin life again : it is their spring of immortality. Life insurances then, are a bad speculation : you literally insure their lives then ; for, if they know it, they won't die at all ! We may well call old age second childhood. It is then, that these knowing ones start off afresh, and begin the world again with a better chance than ever. Every child born in the family gives them new life. Children are the dolls of second childhood, with which the old children play with as much delight as they played with the dolls of their earlier infancy. You can't by any means persuade them to die ! They know better ! They have a life's experience to guide them ! jNTow, I've an immortal old grandmother," he continued, " I don't want her to die ; but if I did, she wouldn't ! She's been reckoned immortal for the last thirty years, and seems more immortal now than when I first knew her. She goes like a clock ; and knows, not only how to wind herself up, but how to keep the machinery in order. I'm her favourite grandson : but what of that ? When I have a son, he'll be sure to cut me out ; and when he has a son, he'll be cut out himself, as a natural matter of retributive justice ! If she doesn't go off in fifty years or so, I shall really begin to entertain the belief that she has discovered perpetual motion. I mention these things," he added, " in order to show that it is not only useless, but worse than useless, to calculate upon the death of this aunt." " I should not think of calculating upon it," said Alfred ; " still it may come eventually." " It may. She may die to-morrow, and she may live to see you out. Don't depend upon that ; depend upon yourself. I've no fear of you. You'll get on ! " " I hope so," said Alfred. " But, by the way, do you think of following my example ?" " Do I think of following your example ? In what respect ? 246 LADY FELICIA. Oh ! with Fidele, you mean ! Ah. "Well ! I should nt be in the slightest degree astonished ! The fact is, I admired her before : that which you told me about her family rendered her, in my view, more interesting still; and that which subsequently passed between us convinced me that, if we were to make a match of it, I should'nt be at all amazed." " But, I thought that there was a young lady in town, for whom you had an affection." " Pooh ! If I had married her it would have been merely as a matter of business ; and as a mere matter of business she would have married me. That was understood. It was to have been a mere commercial partnership. I was to manage the shop below, and she was to manage her show-rooms above. The firm was to have been that of ' "Wilkins and Co./ and she of course was to have been the ' Co.' But this is a very, very different affair an affair not of the shop but of the heart." " But suppose this affair of the heart were to involve you in an action for breach of promise to the shop ?" " Breach of promise ! We used to meet on a Sunday, and talk the matter over in a purely commercial spirit, just to ascertain how the speculation would answer, but no promise of the kind was ever made. Besides, this was by mutual consent broken off long ago. She has now another commercial lover, and I believe the deed of partnership between them is all but signed. Such a cold-hearted, calculating matter of business, however, ought not even to be thought of now. The amiable and interesting Fidele has created within me feelings which I never before experienced, and which prompt me to believe that the example to which you allude will at no remote period be followed." " Well," said Alfred, " I congratulate you on the progress you have made. She is a very superior girl, and the fact of your having won her affections alone proves that you are a very superior fellow." LADY FELICIA. 247 Mr. "Wilkins raised his hat, and when Alfred had explained to him all that he had heard of Fidele from Felicia, they left the sands light-hearted and refreshed, and returned to the hotel to breakfast. "What have you been laughing at?" inquired Felicia, " Fidele and I have been watching you on the sands, and you really made us laugh, you were so merry." "Mr. "Wilkins," replied Alfred, "has been introducing a dear friend his grandmother to me. But could you see me laughing at that distance ?" " Through the telescope, distinctly !" " The telescope ! Oh ! it will not do to walk on the sands, then, I find." "But have you really a grandmamma living?" inquired Fidele. " Oh, yes," replied Mr. Wilkins, " and likely to have for the next half century." " Indeed ! She must be very aged ?" " Aged ! Juvenile comparatively juvenile she has just commenced a new era of existence." This was a fine opening for Mr. Wilkins an opening of which he felt bound to take advantage : he therefore amused them while at breakfast, with a series of anecdotes, having reference to this immortal grandmother of his, and succeeded in throwing them into convulsions. Having thus had their appetite taken away for neither Felicia, Fidele, nor Alfred could be said to have the power of making a fair breakfast they prepared to accompany Mr. Wilkins to whose sole direction the proceedings of the day had been confided and shortly afterwards the happy party started for Worthing. Worthing which is not a very lively place now was, at that period, dull in the extreme. But this suited them all the better ! It tended to enhance their enjoyment. Surrounded by 248 LADY FELICIA. attractions, their attention would have been diverted from themselves. They required no amusement but that which they could afford no "life" but that which was within them: they, in short, wanted nothing to excite their admiration, they were so well content to admire each other. Now, the first thing which Mr. Wilkins thought of on his arrival was lunch ; which he ordered, and which they all highly enjoyed: the next thing of which he thought was dinner; which he also ordered privately, and in his own peculiar style : he then thought of a walk a thought which especially delighted Fidele and in order to avoid telescopic observation, he pro- posed to abandon the beach for a time, and seek scenery of a character more rural han marine. There were at that time some very delightful walks about Worthing, and to one of the most delightful Mr. Wilkins led the way. He did not, however, maintain the lead long : having reached a lane sufficiently secluded, he and Fidele stopped to gather a variety of wild flowers, when Alfred and Felicia as if they really understood all about it went in advance. Their admiration of these wild flowers, however lovely as they were with their "quaint, enamelled eyes" was but transient : for Mr. Wilkins gently drew Fidele's arm within his own, and while pressing her hand, led her forward. " Fidele," said he, at length and it being the first time he had thus addressed her, the very sound of her name was delightful " Fidele, do you remember what I said to you yesterday ?" " On what subject ?" inquired Fidele, who well knew, but it had had so sweet an effect upon her that she wished it to be repeated. " The subject was love, Fidele," he replied. " I alluded to one who had taught me to love. You remember ?" "I do." "How wonderful is memory ! how inscrutable its machinery ! LADY FELICIA. 249 how mysteriously it works ! If I knew how impressions were created and retained, as if the mind kept an everlasting record, I might have some idea of the mystic workings of the equally marvellous machinery of love. Love ! " he continued with an expression of tenderness, mingled with estacy " Love ! The very name is a sweet one, while its sound is suggestive of the most delightful feelings of which we are susceptible. But they who really love I find communicate their thoughts without giving them utterance. Their senses are charged with love's electricity for the conveyance of feelings from heart to heart. For example : I have never said that I love you, and yet you know that I do. You have never said that you love me, and yet I know that you love me ! I need not declare that I love you ; nor do I need any declaration from you. We have communicated the interesting fact to each other fifty times at least, even within the last few minutes. Our hearts have done the business our hearts which have become dear friends confiding, sympathetic friends : separate them ten thousand miles, and they'll communicate fondly with each other still. JSTor is it through the eyes alone that this mysterious communication is kept up. Every touch produces an electric thrill. That kiss which I stole last evening, it was but a kiss, and yet what a marvellous sensation it created. Now all this is very mysterious, Pidele. But our hearts, my love, are the engineers. They manage it : they understand each other well, and as they perceive no 'just cause or impediment' why they should not be for ever united, they glory in keeping up the mystic corre- spondence. Independently of which, Fidele, mine will prompt me now to write to you every evening, and yours will prompt you, to write every evening to me. I shall, moreover, every evening, precisely at eleven, be induced Fidele to kiss your signature, and you will find yourself induced at the same time exactly to kiss mine. I shall come down as often as I can .to kiss you. And as soon as I am able to leave the house in which 250 LADT FELICIA. I am engaged, without behaving unhandsomely, we'll commence, my love, that career of happiness of which we have the fore- taste now. Fidele," he added, " you are indeed very dear to me. And now, as I have nothing more at present to say, as I don't expect you to say anything, and as Alfred and Lady Felicia are far in advance of us, I think that we may as well walk a little faster/' Well, certainly Fidele thought this a strange address. The style was not in itself displeasing, but it was in her view so extraordinary ! He had assumed that she loved him ; he had assumed that she would marry him ; he had, in short, assumed all he could assume. But then, was not all that he had assumed true ? She knew that it was quite true : and knowing this, she felt happy. Why, he had simplified the whole matter ! He had not only thus declared himself; he had decided upon the whole course of wooing at once ! But could this be called wooing ? There had been no entreaty no solicitation everything had been taken for granted. Could that be called wooing ? She did think that there might have been a little importunity ! And yet, -to what would it have amounted ? But then, might he not imagine that she had been much too easily won ? But in what had she acquiesced ? She had said nothing to it ! she had not been won yet ! The letters which were to pass between them would afford her ample oppor- tunities of showing that she expected to be wooed a little. Why, of course they would ! and doubtless it was with this view that that course of correspondence had been proposed. Besides, what was the substance of all that he had done ? He had embraced the very earliest opportunity of declaring that she was indeed dear to him, and, without expecting any reply, had left her to think the matter over. Why that was precisely what she had wished him to do : and although the style in which it was done still struck her as being extraordinary, she felt LADY FELICIA. 251 it she could not but feel it to be at the same time peculiarly pleasing. Having rejoined Alfred and Felicia, Mr. Wilkins re-assumed an air of gaiety, and fondly urged Fidele, who was still thoughtful, to throw off all restraint ; and when they had had a delightful round, they returned to the hotel to dine. The dinner was delicious ; and when it had been by all highly enjoyed, Mr. Wilkins came out with a long string of anecdotes having reference to another relation of his an interesting hypochondriacal individual, who had been in the habit of fancying himself transformed into all sorts of animals, from the lion to the lamb ; and as he gave imitations of each animal as he proceeded, the effect was particularly comic. Having thus been kept in a state of merriment until the evening, the party gaily returned to Brighton ; and although Mr. Wilkins bade them all adieu that night having to start by the coach at six o'clock the next morning he was quite unexpectedly summoned at five to have breakfast alone with Fidele. 252 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE XV. \ THE SECEET. IN the course of the ensuing week, Sudbury was visited again by the Marquis. He came down as before, post-haste, and his arrival was announced, as before, to Murray, before whose imagination fresh handbills flitted, and who felt, in consequence, dreadfully alarmed. But the object of the Marquis was business this time, and business, too, "of some importance." He had business with his agent, business with his steward, and business with his attorney ; but his principal business was with Mr. Chubb. All this business, however, was conducted in a most mysterious manner. None but the parties immediately con- cerned knew anything of its nature a fact which teemed with a thousand conjectures, based upon "the best authority." All that was really known of this business was gathered from one of the waiters, who heard Mr. Chubb mysteriously say, " My lord, what I have done I mean to stick to ;" and when the Marquis asked, " Why ?" he replied, " That, my lord, is my business." This was, of course, something to build upon : but what had Mr. Chubb really done ? They didn't blame him for sticking to it ! No ; they by no means blamed him for sticking to it ; but what, in reality, was it ? Their utter inability to ascertain that was felt by the community at large to be galling. During the progress of this business, Cyrus who knew all about it, he being one of the "parties immediately concerned," although he studiously kept aloof was visited by Murray, LADY FELICIA. 253 whose object was to suggest to him the propriety of his seeing the Marquis, in order to expostulate with him, and to show that, having committed an act of injustice, it was his duty to make all the reparation in his power ; but Cyrus, who knew that such an appeal to the feelings of the Marquis would be useless, if not worse than useless, of course refused to adopt the suggestion. " "What," said he, " do such men care about justice ? Might is right, with them, and justice a scarecrow. Had he been acting under any erroneous impression had he been on any point misinformed I would go to him without the slightest hesitation ; but as he knew at the time that he was acting unjustly, an interview would only add fuel to the fire." " My impression, was," urged Murray, " that if it were calmly explained to him, that I really had no knowledge of Alfred's intention, and that all which relates to Mrs. Murray has no foundation whatever, he might be induced, as a matter of justice, to retract those portions at least." " Eetract ! "Would he admit his connection with any part of it ? No : he would at once deny all participation in the matter. Suppose I were to go to him it is questionable whether he would allow me to be admitted but suppose that he did, and I were to point out to him what a cowardly scoundrel he was, to assail an innocent woman, what would be the effect ? In the first place, he'd say that he had nothing to do with it ; and in the next, he'd want to know how I dared to assume that it was done through his instrumentality." " Nay, but you might go more calmly to work." " Calmly ! Grods in heaven ! "Who could speak of such a libel to its cowardly author, calmly ? No : we had better not go near him : we had better leave the matter as it is. An interview could have no good effect ; but it might have a bad one : it might incense him still more ; not that / either care about his rage, or expect that he will ever do anything for 254 LADY FELICIA. Alfred : but it might induce the coward to inflict an additional wound upon the feelings of Lady Felicia. No : let it rest as it is." " Cyrus," said Murray, with a mournful expression, "something must be done. If things go on much longer so, I shall be a ruined man. Having lost all my trade, what am I to do ?" " Have patience," said Cyrus. " It will not be always thus. How much more would you have taken if this had not occurred ? Thirty or forty pounds, perhaps." "Aye, sixty." " Say sixty ; and say the profit would have been five and twenty per cent. ; that's fifteen : an awful loss, certainly, to conjure up ruin ! You have proved to me that you're in a fair position ! You have nothing immediately pressing upon you ! Have patience. Things will come round again by and by ! I see nothing desperate yet : when I do, I'll recommend you to give up business entirely." " "Well, but what am I to do in that case ? How am I to support my family, then ?" "Oh, you'll not be lost. We'll find something for you to do." "Cyrus," said Murray, "this mysterious 'we' puzzles me more than any thing else. You say well do so and so : we'll see about it. "What is it you mean by we ? " " Ah," replied Cyrus, with a smile, " you'll know more by and by. We have not been doing nothing for the last twenty years." " But what have yqu been doing ? I have no knowledge' of your having done anything !" " Very few have, my boy ; very few have ! They who do the most business don't make the [most noise ! Business is to be done very quietly sometimes !" " Certainly, business is to be done quietly ; but yours must be a quiet business indeed." LADY FELICIA. 255 " You'll know all about it, my boy, by and by. In the meantime have patience, and don't be alarmed/' Mr. Chubb was now announced, and as he entered the room, Cyrus inquired if the Marquis had left. " No" replied Mr. Chubb, " he's there still." " All right ? " " Oh, yes. He did'nt like it much though," " I suppose not. Slane there ?" "Yes!" This was, of course, unintelligible to Murray, and as he really had a wish then to bring Chubb out, he ventured to inquire if he had seen the Marquis. " Yes," replied Chubb. " Oh, how is Mrs. Murray ?" " Thank you," said Murray. " Pretty well in health, but her spirits are of course still very much depressed." " Why, of course ? Pooh ! nonsense : why, of course ? She ought to have got over that by this time." " Is the Marquis still angry ?" " I don't know what he may be in his heart ! There may be a storm there ; but he's quite calm outside." " He didn't say anything about me, did he ?" " Not a word." " Then I hope there'U be no more handbills?" " He has something else to think about now." " I heard that he had come down on business. Is it any- thing very important ? " It isn't settled yet." Well, as his friend Chubb would not be " drawn out," and as he felt that his absence would not be disagreeable, Murray rose, and, with a look which seemed to intimate that he hoped to know a little more about it by and by, left the close ones together. " I feel more satisfied than ever," said Cyrus, that we have pursued the right course. As a mere speculation it will be a 256 LADY FELICIA. good one. The thing will pay ; it will build him up, and create no little sensation." " It'll stun a few of 'em, it strikes me," said Chubb. " But the thing must be kept, you know, dark as night. If he has the slightest notion that we want it, he'll make any sacrifice rather than let us have it." " Quite right," returned Cyrus. " "We have only to keep quiet. "We shall get it ; I feel quite sure that we shall get it. The thing can't pay as they manage it now. We have but to keep it to ourselves. We'll not even give the boy the slightest notion of it. I want to see what he'll do. He'll do something ; but I want to know what. He has six months before him ; and in that time, unless I am greatly mistaken, he'll make a spring of some sort. Does the Marquis seem to care much about it ?" " Well, he does'nt seem to care a great deal about it. But then who can tell what he means ? He cares more than he seems to care ; if he did'nt, he would'nt have come down. But that may wear oif. When he comes to look into the manage- ment of it, and finds that it is'nt worth his while to make any sacrifice in order to keep it, the loss of it will not annoy him much until he ascertains what we mean." They then went into a variety of calculations, the whole of which tended to prove that they were right ; and having arrived at this highly satisfactory conclusion, they went to have a pint of wine together at the Crown. As they passed through the gateway of the hotel, they saw James standing stiffly with folded arms, and looking charac- teristically majestic. They had no personal knowledge of James not the slightest ; but as his gorgeous livery proclaimed that he was one of the servants of the Marquis, they felt more deeply interested in his appearance than if he had been one of the private servants of the King. "I'd give a five pound note," said Cyrus, "to have five minutes' private conversation with that fellow." LADY FELICIA. 257 "You can have it cheaper than that/' returned Chubb. " But it won't do for me to be seen with him/' " Of course not ; nor will it do for me to be seen with him publicly. You go into the bar, I'll see if I can manage it." Having ascertained where the landlord was, Cyrus went to him, and said, " Greene, do me a favour. There's one of the servants of the Marquis outside ; now I'm anxious, of course, to learn a little, and with that view I should like to have some talk with him about Alfred you understand? Can't you manage to get him into some private room with me ?" "Oh! yes," replied Greene, "I'll soon manage that. Step in here ; I'll bring him." " Send a bottle of wine in first, and then you can ask him to have a glass with you." " All right," said Greene, who sent in the wine and imme- diately afterwards re-appeared with James. As he entered the room James bowed to Cyrus, and Cyrus said, " How are you, sir ?" and when James had taken his seat at the table, Cyrus passed the wine. " I should like to be just your size, sir," said Cyrus. " I should just like, sir, to be yours" said James. " Ah," returned Cyrus, " Thus it is ; we are never content to be what we are." " Never content," sir ! Why you look the very picture of content ! A man of your size, sir, always looks jolly ! I like the size, sir ! It looks so Shakesperian ! " " "Was Shakespeare stout, sir ?" " Falstaff was, sir ; and he's a Shakesperian character. I always think that a man of your capacity and bodily dimen- sions, sir, looks so aldermanic, the model of justice, with nothing to do but to eat, drink, laugh, and be jovial. He is also the model of substantial respectability Inone of the sort ever come to the workhouse." k 258 LADY FELICIA. " Grood health to you, sir ! You're a very pleasant fellow. You must have seen a great deal of life !" " Life, sir ! I've lived all my life in life !" "Have you been with the Marquis long?" inquired Cyrus, as the landlord rose to leave the room. " Well," replied James, " a few years." " You have lately had a marriage in the family P" " Well, we've had a marriage in the family, but not, you know, what I call a family marriage." " A run-away match, I understand ?" "Yes." " What sort of person is this Lady Felicia ?" " A regular angel, and no mistake ! a regular angel, sir ! Her sisters belong to another parish." " Is she very amiable ?" " I believe you ! I don't think there's another in life like her ! I only wish her husband was a little more nobby ; but he only wants a lift to be as big as the best of 'em !" " You know him, then ? " " Know him ! What Murray ! I know him well ! And, between you and me, I don't care a button about what they say; they may call him what they like ; he's a fine, high-spirited, gentlemanly fellow! But this is, of course, between us!" " Whatever you say to me," observed Cyrus, " I shall regard as being strictly confidential ; and I may as well tell you at once that I am the uncle of Alfred Murray." " You are ! " exclaimed James, with an expression of amaze- ment, I'm proud to know you ; and I'll say again though you are his uncle, and perhaps may not exactly approve of what he's done, that a better-hearted fellow than Mr. Murray doesn't breathe !" " I believe it," said Cyrus, " I firmly believe it. But in what manner was the thing managed ?' ' " I'll tell you. He came with some silks, and she fell in LADY FELICIA. 259 love with him ; he came again, and he fell in love with her : and I don't mind telling you, because, of course, it'll go no further that through me they were speedily married. Had it not been for me, and my what I may call vigilance, they wouldn't have been married so soon, if at all : I was, sir, in fact, what another Shaksperian character calls the instrument of their pleasures !" " There was no under-hand work, I hope ?" said Cyrus. " Under-hand work ! The Marquis was kept in the dark, of course !" " But the lady was not tempted to leave her home by any unfair means ?" " Certainly not ! She went off in the cool of the morning, like a lamb with all her intellects about her." " Alone r " No, her maid was with her the lady's maid." " A French woman ?" " Yes : a Miss Legrange." " What sort of a person is she ?" " A capital sort : speaks forty or fifty languages ; crammed with accomplishments : got 'em wholesale, sir ; and, as she retails 'em, increases the stock : an out-and-out sort : good and amiable : something like Lady Felicia, and just about as much of a maid to Lady Felicia, as a maid of honour is to a Queen." " Is she with Lady Felicia now ?" " Safe ! They're like sisters. I'll warrant they're together. Her boxes went away only yesterday. They wanted to detain 'em : they wouldn't give 'em up : not a bit of it ! But the gentleman who called a Mr. "Wilkins soon let 'em know the difference : he went before a magistrate, and soon settled that !" " Does the Marquis say much about the marriage at home ?" " Well, he doesn't say much before us, of course ; but he's, been in a rage ever since !" s 2 260 LADY FELICIA. " Is he, then, a very passionate man ?" " Don't mention it ! Isn't he ? Can't he go in ? See him out, and see him at home, and you'd hardly know him to he the same individual. People often say to me, what a very nice man the Marquis is ! so quiet, so mild, so remarkable pleasant !' They praise him clean up . to the skies ! But, as . Shakespeare says, ' All the world's a stage,' and the best actors get the most applause. He's now in a rage an awful rage about something. He and his steward can't hit it at all. He will have this account, and will have the other. I wouldn't be his steward for a trifle. But, about this affair, our ladies are the worst : they say most about it : they're always at it, they are. They'd skin poor Lady Felicia if they could, and excru- ciate her afterwards, they would. According to them, she's to beg from door to door in about a fortnight, and I'll warrant they'd like to see her do it." " But they won't !" said Cyrus. "They won't !" " I hope not." " If they see her at all, they'll see her happy !" " That'll gall 'em !" " Then, they shall be galled." " As for that Lady Florence do you know Lady Florence ?" " I may have seen her." "You can't have seen her at all, if you don't know her. You've only got to see her once : you'll know her for ever after that. She's a tigress. You've only got to look at her eyes ; they'll tell you what she is they're as big as coat buttons and such awful blazers they come down upon you like a flash of forked lightning. She's the worst she's ten to one worse than Lady Augusta. She'd have Lady Felicia burnt alive. I do believe that if she were to see her she'd pretty well tear her eyes out." " Let her touch her, if she dare" cried Cyrus indignantly. " Let her lay & finger upon her, if she dare." LADY FELICIA. 261 " I am glad to hear you say that/' said James. " It proves you haven't taken a dislike to her, although she has married in this way. But who that has a heart can take a dislike to her ? Such a man as you can't dislike her. She'll make you like her. The first time you see her you'll love her, and when you come to know what she really is how amiable, affectionate, and good, she'll be just as much to you as if she were your own child." " I feel that I love her already," said Cyrus. " I feel that I love her already, and if" At this moment Greene entered the room, and announced that the Marquis was just about to leave, when James started up on the instant, and said, " Nothing could have given me greater pleasure than the privilege of spending the evening with you, but I must go." " Stop," said Cyrus, as he drew a five-pound note from his pocket-book. " Take this ; buy a ring or something when you get to town. G-ood bye success to you good bye but not a word about your having seen me to a soul." James, who felt this last proof of affection deeply, gave the necessary promise, and took his leave, when the kind-hearted Cyrus, delighted with the information he had obtained, gaily rejoined his friend Chubb in the bar. 262 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTER XVI. AEISTOCEATIC PATEONAGE. HATING prepared themselves for the performance of those duties, which true love converts into pleasures, by intertwining their affections, studying each other's characteristics, and testing the sources of mutual delight, with the view of rendering the sweetness of the honey-moon permament, Alfred and Felicia returned to town. Fidele accompanied them of course, and Mr. "Wilkins engaged furnished apartments for them; Felicia having stipulated for only one week, to enable her to procure an appointment for Alfred, before they went to visit his friends. Her first task, however, was to write to her aunt, for whom she had ever cherished a warm affection, and this task she performed in a style, which she imagined well calculated to remove any unfavourable impression rumour might have created. She therefore sent the letter off at once, and directed the messenger to wait at Richmond for an answer, and being pleased with the manner in which she had succeeded in portraying the happiness of which her marriage had been* the germ, she was not only sanguine of success, in so far as a reconciliation was concerned, but felt sure that her dear aunt would send for her and Alfred without delay, in order to promote, by her advice and assistance, the object they had immediately in view. Anxiously, but without apprehension she was too full of hope to be apprehensive then Felicia awaited the messenger's LADY FELICIA. 263 return, and when he did return, and that too with an answer, she joyously opened the note, which ran thus : "Lady Loftus sends her love to Lady Felicia. She sends her love, but begs to state that, as the accounts she has received are of a character so afflicting, she is not yet prepared to receive her. " Lady Loftus is not indisposed to pity Lady Felicia : she is not indisposed to make every allowance for her youth and inexperience ; nor is she indisposed to believe, that when Lady Felicia degraded herself and disgraced her family, she was labouring under an aberration of intellect seeing that to nothing but a species of insanity can such a monstrous pro- ceeding, in her judgment, be ascribed; but although Lady Loftus feels disposed to view the lamentable affair in this charitable light, she cannot consent to receive Lady Felicia, until she has repudiated utterly the despicable set with whom she is now unhappily associated. " Lady Loftus notwithstanding Lady Felicia is cast off by all whom she ought to have held dear notwithstanding she is, in the view of the world, lost and degraded will, in that case, afford her an asylum ; but she values her own reputation too highly, to venture to do even this, until Lady Felicia's connection with her present low associates shall have ceased. "Lady Felicia may yet be restored to society, and Lady Loftus is willing to assist in restoring her notwithstanding the expense of a divorce is great ! but she cannot consent to render her the slightest assistance, until she has washed her hands for ever of the vulgar set with whom she is now unhap- pily connected. " "When this has been done, the fact may be communicated to Lady Loftus ; but unless it be expressly to announce that fact, any farther communication from Lady Felicia must be deemed by Lady Loftus obtrusive." LADY FELICIA. " Felicia," said Alfred, who had watched her while she read this malicious epistle, and who perceived by the convulsive curling of her lip, which expressed the most intense indignation, that it was galling " Felicia ! If you have been unsuccessful, let it not distress you ! Tour aunt, I presume, is not willing to receive you!" " Not yet," replied Felicia, with an effort to conceal her feelings, "not yet. She sends her love; but she is not yet prepared to receive me." " Well, my dear ! thus let it rest for a time. She writes then in an affectionate strain ?" " She sends her love ! The very first sentence is, ' Lady Loftus sends her love to Lady Felicia. !" " To lady Felicia ! So distant !" Felicia wept. " My sweet girl I" he added, " Be firm, my love ! Come, come, be firm !" " It is so cruel," said Felicia. " I cannot but feel it." " If it be cruel, despise it, as cruelty in every shape ought to be despised. Among men, none but cowards are cruel : among women, none but the vile. Cruelty is accursed by God and man! it demands scorn, not tears. But come," he added, tenderly, " this will never do. What ! Are you my own Felicia, and weep because an aunt, either actuated by malice, or prompted by calumny, refuses to receive you ! Is it the mere fact of her having refused, that you consider so cruel ?" "No, dear: not the fact alone ; but the bitter terms in which that refusal has been conveyed." " Well, but what does she say ?" " Tou had better not know, my love." "Why not?" " It will but annoy you." " It will annoy me much more, my sweet girl, to see you annoyed, while I have no knowledge of the cause ! Besides ! LADY EELICIA. 265 unless I know how she attempts to justify her refusal, I may judge her motives too severely ! Let me see the style in which she writes : I like to see different styles !" " I am really ashamed to let you see it : it is so gross." " Gross ! Oh ! if it be gross, its effect will be but slight ! nay, in that case, it will not annoy me at all ! Now, if you do not allow me to see it, I shall really begin to think that your amiable aunt is a somewhat indelicate person ! Are you afraid that the style will corrupt me ?" Felicia tremulously gave him the note which he read, while she anxiously watched its effect ; but the only effect developed by him was a smile. " Well," said he, having read it attentively, " all this is very amusing ! It would not have been nearly so amusing had it contained any particle of truth! ' The accounts she has received are of a character so afflicting/ Well, they must have been afflicting, if true ! It strikes me that, if she knew the truth, nothing would afflict her more ! Still, she is not indisposed to pity. Oh! no. Pity, however, is a sentiment she does'nt understand. But that appalling ( aberration of intellect,' Eelicia ! That is, indeed, dreadful ! And what an exceedingly charitable view to take of such an awful state of things ! The ' despicable set' has one merit at least ! if despicable, it is very select. But the 'asylum!' Think of that, my love ! If even the worst should come to the worst, she will afford you an ' asylum,' and an asylum is a perfectly proper place for the insane ! But the way in which you are to be restored to society is the richest and most amusing feature of all, seeing that your restoration to 'society' is to be effected by a divorce! The expense of a divorce would be great, she says. It would be, in this case, great indeed! We cannot be divorced without grounds, my sweet one, and therefore these grounds, this pure and amiable creature she must be pure as well as amiable would have which not only proves her affectionate solicitude, 266 LADY FELICIA. but proclaims the extreme delicacy of her feelings ! It has been said that, * to the pure all things are pure.' This is your aunt's illustration of its truth. Beally, my love, we ought to feel exceedingly obliged to her ! I do ! This has had the effect of making me feel thankful that she cannot consent to receive you ; for with such gross ideas, such low and corrupt senti- ments, such despicable feelings and impure thoughts, she is not a fit associate for you. The fact of your being shut out from such pure society, may well induce tears !" " Alfred," exclaimed Felicia, with thrilling intensity, " it is not believe me it is not that !" " I know it, my love ; I was speaking ironically. I was merely endeavouring to prove to you, Felicia, how little, in reality, you have to regret the loss of such impure society. As for the grossness contained in this note, smile at it, my love, as I do, with contempt ; and as it will be deemed ' obtrusive ' to write to her again, until I shall have become the heartless villain she contemplates, you must wait for that interesting event with becoming patience ! It is certainly fortunate," he added, with a smile, " that you have friends willing to assist you in obtaining a divorce ! " " Heaven forbid that such assistance should ever be re- quired!" " Then would you not be divorced ?" " Not for worlds," she exclaimed, clinging fondly to him, with an expression of the most unbounded confidence and love : " Not for worlds ! " Alfred tenderly embraced her, and a compact was sealed, that not another word should be said on the subject. "Well! the " advice and assistance" of Lady Loffcus being now, of course, entirely out of the question, Felicia who had a list of highly influential persons, the whole of whom, she felt sure, would do all in their power to promote the object she had in view set to work to prepare her applications. LADY FELICIA. 267 In the sphere to which she had been accustomed, she had heard appointments spoken of as matters of course : they had, indeed, in her presence been claimed as a right, while anything in the shape of a refusal had been considered a species of personal insult. She had, therefore, no conception of there being the slightest difficulty about the matter; she, on the contrary, felt, that mere courtesy would prompt them to send an appointment at once, and, accordingly, wrote with the utmost confidence. The first person to whom she applied was Lord Lough. She selected him, not because he stood the highest on her list in official importance, but because, having always been extremely attentive to her, he might, she imagined, feel some- what annoyed if she omitted to apply to him first ; and she was, of course, very unwilling to show him the slightest disrespect. In her letter she was eloquent in Alfred's praise. She knew not what appointment to ask for: that she would leave to his lordship, of course : she only knew that Alfred was highly intelligent, and would distinguish himself in any position to which he might have the honour to be appointed. His lordship was evidently pleased with this letter, and in order to show how highly he appreciated the courtesy which had prompted her to apply to him first, he sent the following answer by one of his private servants : " Lord Lough presents his compliments to Lady Felicia Murray. " Had Lady Felicia's application been made a few days earlier, Lord Lough might have been of some service to Mr. Murray ; but he exceedingly regrets that there is, at present, no vacancy either in his immediate department, or in any department over which he has the slightest control." 268 LADY FELICIA. "Dear me!" exclaimed Eelicia, having read this note. { " How very unfortunate ! Only a few days earlier : what a pity: is it not?" " If true," replied Alfred. " True, my love : oh ! it is perfectly true ! He would, I know, have been delighted to oblige us. However, I'll write now to Lord Delolme. He knows me well, and is, moreover, one of the most influential men in the cabinet." She accordingly wrote to Lord Delolme, and by post next day received the following reply : " Downing Street. " MADAM, " I am directed by Lord Delolme to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th instant, and to state that, in conse- quence of the numerous claims on the patronage at his lordship's disposal, and the reductions in progress in the public departments, his lordship can hold out no hope what- ever of an appointment. " I am, Madam, " Tour obedient servant, " Q. P. C. W. E. FOXE." This was somewhat disheartening, certainly ; and more especially coming, as it did, from so important a person as Lord Delolme ! "What could be the meaning of it ? He had spoken, through his secretary, of the public departments in the aggregate, and could " hold out no hope." The " reductions in progress" she ascribed to the "Whigs, and she had a vague notion that the Whigs were the enemies of the country, because she had often heard the friends of the Marquis thus denounce them ; but how it was that appointments, which had been just before so plentiful, should become all at once so remarkably scarce, she was utterly unable to conceive. But although in some slight degree discouraged, she was LADY FELICIA. 269 not by any means dismayed. The next on her list was Sir Nicholas Byrne, and conceiving that a personal interview would have more effect than a letter, she called upon Sir Nicholas, who received her with due courtesy, and listened to her warm introduction of Alfred with the most polite attention. " But," said he, " you forget that our party is not in power!" " Upon my word," said Felicia, " I knew not to which party you belonged!" " Oh ! we are in opposition, and consequently have no patronage! You should apply to some one connected with the government!" " To whom would you advise me to apply ?" " Well, let me see. You know Sir James Joliffe ?*' " Perfectly well." " Apply to him, He'll do something for you. He has the power : I have not. I should feel great pleasure in promoting your views ; but, as I have explained to you, being in opposition, it is perfectly impossible for me to do so." Having expressed her sense of the politeness with w r hich Sir Nicholas had received her, Felicia took her leave, and the next morning called upon Sir James, whose manners were equally courteous. " Well," said he, when the object of her visit had been explained. " I hope that Mr. Murray will be successful, and I regret that it is not in my power to promote his success ; I should be, of course, delighted with the opportunity of doing so, if it were practicable ; but, at present, it really is not. I, at all events, have not the power to procure him an appoint- ment : nor do I think that my colleagues have an appointment to spare ; for the fact is, the present state of parties is so precarious, that every vote is an object. Let me not, however, dishearten you. Why not apply to Lord Delolme?" f "I have done so," replied Felicia. 270 LADY FELICIA. " Well, and what did he say ?" " He said that the claims on his patronage were so numerous that he could hold out no hope." " Exactly : I, therefore, see no chance for Mr. Murray, unless, indeed, an application were made through the Marquis. he might manage it but that, I presume, you wish to avoid. What has Mr. Murray been accustomed to ?" " Mercantile affairs," replied Felicia. " Ah : why doesn't he go to America ? There's plenty of room there for young men of activity and enterprise. He's sure to get on there : here there's no chance for him, unless he can secure the most powerful interest. I am sorry," he added, as Felicia rose somewhat abruptly the idea of Alfred going to America being distasteful " I am very sorry that it is not at present in my power to do anything because, I should be, indeed, delighted to oblige you still, if anything within the sphere of my influence should occur if any office should become vacant, to which I have the power to appoint him you shall certainly hear from me." Felicia bowed, and withdrew ; discouraged, of course ; but she did not despair even then. There were other influential men to whom she could apply, and among them was the Earl of Elfin, whom she had frequently met, and of whom she had for some time considered herself a favourite. Finding, however, that her week was fast wearing away, she wrote to several of these influential persons at once, and was perfectly astonished when she found that all their answers were unfavourable, save one ! She couldn't account for it at all ! People whom she had heard speak of appointments, had spoken of them as things for which they had but to ask, and yet she had applied to more than a dozen persons the whole of whom were highly influential and all their answers had been unfavourable, save one ! "What the meaning of it could be, she was unable to conjecture ! It appeared to be so LADY FELICIA. 271 extraordinary ! Still, this one might possibly make up for all. It was from Sir Percival Potts, who had stated that he would see what could be done: that he would use all the influence at his command, and that he had not the smallest doubt of being able to do something: which was certainly satisfactory as far as it went. Two days elapsed, and Felicia's impatience began to resolve itself into despair ; but on the third day she received a second note from Sir Percival, which she opened with avidity, and read as follows : "Sir Percival Potts presents his compliments to Lady Felicia Murray, and has the pleasure to announce that he has succeeded in procuring through the postmaster-general, an appointment for Mr. Murray, which he hopes Mr. Murray, by strict attention to his duties, will be enabled to retain. " Sir Percival has enclosed the necessary letter of introduc- tion to the postmaster-general, which Mr. Murray will have but to deliver in person, in order to be set on at once. " The appointment is not very lucrative, although it is one which hundreds are anxious to obtain. It is that of one of his Majesty's postmen, and the salary is nominally a guinea per week; but Sir Percival is informed that there are many perquisites receivable principally at Christmas." Having read this note, Felicia's bosom swelled with indigna- tion ! This then was the result of all her exertions ! It awakened a spirit which she could not control, and which prompted her at once to write the following reply : " Lady Felicia Murray, with feelings of scorn, acknowledges the receipt of Sir Percival' s studied insult. "Lady Felicia had imagined that Sir Percival was a gentleman; she is sorry to find that he is not. She returns the' enclosed letter, with all the contempt at her command, and recommends 272 LADY FELICIA. Sir Percival to bestow his distinguished patronage upon one who has the honour to wear his livery." This note she immediately dispatched ; and expecting the return of Alfred, who happened fortunately as she imagined to be from home at the time, she endeavoured to recover that tranquillity with which this "appointment" had so seriously interfered. She paced the room, and anxiously endeavoured to imagine the cause of Sir Percival' s conduct. She was unconscious of having in any way offended him. He had always been exceed- ingly attentive and agreeable, while she had always appreciated his politeness too highly to treat him with the slightest disrespect. What then could have prompted him thus to insult her ? "What could be his motive ? What could he mean? While she was endeavouring to answer these questions, and before the return of Alfred, a carriage drew up, from which Sir Percival alighted, apparently in a state of trepidation. Felicia, who although pale, was firm, at once prepared to receive him, and desired the servant who brought up his card to admit him. " My dear lady," said he, having entered the room, " there must be some mistake ; I am quite at a loss I don't under- stand your note to me at all." " Why have you insulted me ?" demanded Felicia. " In what way, Sir Percival, have I offended you?''' " In no way. But how have I insulted you ? " "Mr. Murray, Sir Percival, although not a man of high birth, is in every true sense of the term a gentleman, and yet you offer him an appointment like that. The insult is gross, sir the animus brutal." " My dear lady, my motives were pure. Is he not in a state of destitution?" LADY FELICIA. 273 " Do we look as if we were ?" " No ; and that has amazed me since I have been here. I expected to find you in miserable lodgings." " By whom were you led to expect that ?" " I'll explain. I have been the cat's paw in this business, I find ; and therefore in order to justify myself, I'll explain that which was to have been kept a secret. Now do me the favour to listen one moment. Having received your first note I called upon the Marquis, in order to ascertain what could be done. I expressed my regret that I was not in a position to do anything just then, and urged him to exercise Ms influence. He replied that he would not directly do anything himself, but suggested that if I would procure the appointment in question I should be the means of saving you both from starvation. I Mnted that such an appointment as that would not be likely to suit Mr. Murray, but he replied, l you don't know him ; he'll be glad of anything ; he is but a shopman out of place, and bitter experience has taught him, that beggars must not be choosers." "Beggars!" exclaimed Felicia, contemptuously. "If it be beggary to apply for an appointment, the whole of the aristocracy are beggars-^-importunate, perpetual beggars ! Through ignorance of the matter I have erred, I perceive. But if I have been a beggar, Mr. Murray has not been one. My applications were not made at Ms suggestion." " The Marquis said that you had made several ; that all whom you had written to had spoken to him, and that he had been the cause of your being unsuccessful ; still, in order, as he said, to save you from utter destitution, he urged me to pro- cure this appointment, and so did your sister, Lady Florence ; and being thus led to believe that the case was indeed despe- rate, I applied to the Postmaster-general at once. This is the only insult I have offered ; but I think that you will now acquit me of the intention to insult you." T 274 3LADY FELICIA. " I do," replied Felicia ; " and have to apologize to you for the warmth I displayed." " No apology is needed : I can well understand your feelings ; and can no longer wonder at your being indignant. I shall certainly tell both the Marquis and Lady Florence that when next they want a tool, they had better not select me. And now, as regards a suitable appointment for Mr. Murray, ministers cannot act independently at present. It is a very close run between them and the opposition. Every vote is important, and if they offend a man like the Marquis, they offend twenty others. Every trimmer and every waverer must now be secured.; all the patronage at the disposal of the Government is now claimed by such men ; for personal interests have become the only spurs to public duty, Mr. Murray must therefore wait. Let him wait until things are a little more secure, and I pledge you my honour that some- thing shall be done. Meanwhile, if you should require any assistance, let your first application be to me." Felicia was about to thank him, but Sir Percival checked her; nor would he hear a word of an apology: he declared that he felt disgusted with the conduct of the Marquis, and having re-assured, her that something should be done, left her comparatively tranquil. She then perceived that she had done too much ; that she had written to too many persons ; and that her very anxiety had induced the belief that they were in reality destitute. She felt sorry for this ; but then who had been the cause ? Why the Marquis ! The Marquis, aided by her sister Florence, how could she cherish feelings of affection for either? had rendered so many applications necessary. It was cruel unnatural ! still, knowing that their object was to humiliate and annoy her, if not absolutely to break her heart, she felt it incumbent upon her to be firm. Soon after the departure of Sir Percival, Alfred returned, LADY FELICIA. 275 and perceiving at a glance that Felicia had been excited, he inquired if anything had occurred. " I have had a visitor/' replied Felicia, " who has explained to me why I have not been successful. I thought it very strange ; but he has accounted for all." " By pointing to the adverse influence of the Marquis, I presume." "Exactly." , " No matter, my love. "We shall be beyond the pale of his influence soon. Tou have had your week, and now it is my turn." " But Sir Percival he it is whom I have had here has pledged me his honour that something shall be done !" " It will not do to wait for that something, my love. I have no faith whatever in the promises of great men, unless, indeed, they promise to annoy you. He said before that something should be done ; that he had not the smallest doubt of being able to do something ! ISTo matter. It is, perhaps, all for the best ! " He then proceeded to explain to her the purport of a letter which he had had just received from his uncle Cyrus ; and having shown her how anxiously they were expected, they decided on leaving town on the foUowing Monday. 276 LADY FELTCIA. CHAPTEE XYIL THE MAEEIAGE OF ME. WILKIKS. IF ever two persons could with truth be said to possess a perfect knowledge of each other, those two persons were Fidele and Mr. Wilkins. They absolutely knew each other's thoughts! which was very remarkable. Words with them were supererogatory. If Fidele wanted anything, Mr. Wilkins by virtue of some extremely occult species of necromancy knew what it was : if Mr. Wilkins wanted anything, it was known to Fidele. This may to some appear incredible! It is, notwithstanding, well worthy of belief, as subsequent events will show. Now, in the first place, it had been arranged that they were to accompany Alfred and Felicia : it had also been arranged that they were at the earliest convenient period to be married ; and as the week for which Felicia had stipulated, and the month prescribed by Mr. Wilkins for the election of a new member of that establishment, of which he had been so distinguished an ornament would both expire on the same day, it occurred to Fidele that one of these arrangements would not be satisfactorily carried into effect. This occurred to her. She did not breathe a syllable on the subject to a soul! How could she ? The point was delicate. It merely occurred to her; and yet Mr. "Wilkins when he came that evening and heard that Alfred and Felicia had decided on leaving town on Monday looked at Fidele and read her thoughts ! " Fidele," said he, "you are perfectly right." LADY FELICIA. 277 " In what, dear ?" inquired Fidele, who, by some means, had taught herself thus to address him. " I quite agree with you," replied Mr. Wilkins. " I think as you think. It must be so. Do me the favour to lend me that ring. Is it sufficiently tight for that finger ?" . " This finger, dear ?" Fidele knew which finger! Let it not be imagined for a moment that she didn't ! But she, of course, very correctly pointed to the wrong one. Mr. Wilkins tried the ring on the right finger, and then inquired if it were really a fit. " Tes, dear ; but what do you mean ?" Pidele made this inquiry obviously because she loved to hear him give expression to his meaning. "I mean," he replied, "that I have a little article to purchase, and an interesting document to obtain, to-morrow, without which our arrangements cannot be completed. You have been thinking of this ; and, very fortunately, seeing that you have just communicated that thought to me : you have just caused a glowing idea to strike me, that if these things be not procured to-morrow, we shall be for three weeks, in the eye of the law, vagabonds upon the face of the earth. I shall leave my present habitation to-morrow, and unless I get the licence before I leave, we shall have to endure a species of excommunication. I'll therefore give you fourteen hours to decide." " Upon what, dear ?" inquired Fidele. ""Whether we are to be married on Monday morning, or wait another month." " My love, you know that I am in no haste !" " Nor am I ! But I don't like the idea of being excom- municated." " But why on Monday morning ?" " Because we start on Monday morning. "We can't be 278 LADY FELICIA. married at Sudbury ; nor can we be married here if I omit to procure the licence to-morrow until we have ceased to be in the eye of law vagabonds, having no recognized place of abode. To-morrow, therefore, at eleven o'clock, I shall expect your decision. And now about the bridesmaid. It is too late now to send for one of my sisters : it is also too late to send for one of Alfred Murray's : shall we have Lady Florence ?" " Lady Florence !" exclaimed Fidele, whom the idea amused. " I wonder what she would say, if she were to be asked p" " Would she not regard it as a compliment ? I want to know that gentle young lady : I should like to have the honour of her company for a few agreeable days. Would you like to call and ask her ?" " Not at present," replied Fidele. " Nor is it necessary. Lady Felicia will act." " Oh ! then you have settled it between you ! Yery good : and Alfred, of course, will give me away." " Give you away ?" "You, I mean: it's all the same. But Fidele," he added, with a serious expression, " I need not, however, be at all apprehensive; still, any one else hearing me talk thus of marriage would imagine that I treated the subject with levity; but you know me better. By the way, have you preserved my letters ?" " I have, dear, the whole of them." "And I have preserved the whole of yours. Be there- fore cross with me at any time, if you dare ! If you be, I'll on the instant produce one of those letters, and convict you of inconsistency ! I think of having them published." "I hope not," said Fidele. " They would make a very nice little volume, and I'm not quite sure that it wouldn't become popular ! "What could we call it ? ' The Loves of the Angels, ' l The Young Ladies' Best Companion,' or ' The True Course of Courtship?' We LADY FELICIA. 279 couldn't call it ' The Course of True Love' because, according to Shakespeare, that ' never did run smooth,' whereas ours has been without a ripple I perhaps Letters of Lovers ' would be the be&t title ? We'll speak to Lady Eelicia, and get her to edit it; 'Edited by Lady Eelicia Murray,' would look well. But, as I was saying, some people might imagine that I regard the subject of marriage with levity, but I feel convinced that those letters of mine have sufficiently proved that I really do do not. We marry to be happy. Yery good. Stop ! Here's a point for profound consideration. Look at Alfred, and look at me. When Alfred is happy, he's perfectly calm : when I am happy, I must be gay ! Now I wonder which enjoys the state of happiness most. We cannot but be happy, it is true ; but which is the happier man he who gives expression to all his happiness, or he by whom it is quietly cherished ? Now there's a job for a philosopher !" ' ^"' " Could a philosopher decide the point ?" inquired Eidele. " He might try," replied Mr. Wilkins. " Would he be the proper person to make the attempt ?" " He would think so." " Can philosophers understand gaiety ?" " They who do not are no philosophers." " But are philosophers ever gay ?" " Graiety is part of their philosophy ! A recluse is not a philosopher! Philosophy is not austere and ascetic. Philosophy loves a glass of wine : philosophy loves to marry ! Philosophy has its amenities as well as its severities ! But which do you think is the happier man ?" " I. feel scarcely competent to form a judgment," replied Eidele; " but I should say that if they be equally happy, neither is the happier man !" " Very good," said Mr. Wilkins. " That isn't so much amiss. But which enjoys happiness most ?" " As far as the show of happiness is concerned, the difference, 280 LADY FELICIA. I apprehend, may be ascribed to temperament ! Certainly," added Fidele, as Mr. Wilkins began to feel that he shouldn't get over it; " Certainly, he who expresses all his happiness does more to inspire those around him with gaiety, than he who keeps it within his own breast ; but is he not more likely to depress them, by giving full expression to his sorrow or his anger ? Mr. Murray is happy ; and although he is calm, he makes us all feel that he is happy. But can he who is habitually calm, and he who is habitually gay endure troubles with an equal amount of fortitude ?" " There's something in that," replied Mr. "Wilkins, who felt that it was all over with him on that point. " There certainly is something in that : not that I can pretend to know anything about it, because I never had any troubles." " Heaven grant that you never may have !" exclaimed Fidele. " I have known " " That is to say," interrupted Mr. "Wilkins, perceiving that her thoughts had reverted to the period of which Alfred had spoken, and to which she had touchingly referred in one of her letters. " That is to say, I never had but one, and that was through a servile thief of a Scotchman." He then proceeded rapidly to relate to her how this "vaga- bond" had served him, and thus amused her until Alfred and Felicia who had been to a concert returned, when he playfully charged Alfred with a malicious intention to put his marriage off for three weeks, and having spent, as usual, a merry hour with them, he bade them adieu for the night. Fidele failed not, of course, to embrace the earliest oppor- tunity of communicating to Felicia the grand point at issue. This was done shortly after the departure of Mr. Wilkins. The consultation was but short, and the result of it was that, precisely at eleven o'clock the next morning., Felicia Fidele could'nt do it herself informed Mr. Wilkins that, if he really LADY FELICIA. 281 were anxious for the marriage to take place on the Monday, Eidele did'nt see how she could offer any objection. The ring and the licence were therefore procured, and due preparations were made for the event ; and on Monday morn- ing, at half-past eight, Fidele became Mrs. Bartholomew Wilkins ! The whole of the arrangements for the day were left to Alfred ; and as there was, of course, no necessity, as in his case, for haste, they returned to his lodgings to breakfast. It is however worthy of remark, that Mr. Wilkins was not so merry that morning : nor did he eat as if he enjoyed his breakfast : everything on the table was tempting, but his appetite was not particularly keen. He looked at Fidele who, although calm, was happy, and whom he had never so much admired before as if he had'nt become exactly reconciled to the novelty of the position in which he had been placed. He smiled, it is true, but did'nt laugh: nor did he "come out" with any anecdotes of a strictly comic character : he certainly said that he had not the slightest doubt that the moon the honeymoon he meant would be as bright at Sudbury as it had been at Brighton; but beyond this he did'nt say much. Alfred was, on the contrary, remarkably gay, and so indeed was Pelicia. They enjoyed the novel position of Mr. Wilkins highly, and didn't fail to rally both him and Pidele but to very little purpose during the progress of breakfast. After breakfast Mr. Wilkins felt a little more buoyant, and when they had started he became lighter still, and continued to improve upon it gradually, until they reached Chelms- ford, when he threw off all restraint and was " himself again !" Here they had lunch, and Mr. "Wilkins both laughed and ate heartily : he very soon made up for the loss of his break- fast : nor did Fidele fail to enjoy herself here, although her countenance still wore a certain thoughtful expression, which 282 LADY FELICIA. none but those who are conversant with these matters can understand. They had then twenty-five miles to go, and as Alfred was anxious to arrive at Sudbury at the time appointed having commissioned his uncle Cyrus to order dinner at the Crown they almost immediately after lunch pursued their journey. The time appointed for their arrival was four o'clock; but Mrs. Murray became so exceedingly anxious, that she couldn't wait till four! nor could Cyrus. They therefore ordered a carriage at the Crown, and at two o'clock started to meet "the boy!" They reached the G-eorge, at Halstead, about three, and shortly afterwards Alfred and his party approached ; and having changed at the White Hart, at Braintree were about to pass through, but, were stopped by one of the postboys, who knew Alfred well, and who informed him that^ his mother and his uncle were there to meet him. Alfred therefore in- stantly alighted, and rushed into the room in which they were. " My boy ! my boy !" exclaimed Mrs. Murray, in tones of thrilling ecstacy, as she fell upon his neck, " Grod bless you ! God bless you ! J> she added, and kissed him, with rapture, again and again. " Ha, ha, ha, ha !" exclaimed Cyrus, as he grasped his hand, convulsively, " Welcome, my dear boy ! Ha, ha, ha, ha !" "Mother," said Alfred, with deep emotion, "Mother!"- He could say no more. Still clinging fondly to him, and looking at him, as a dear mother only can look, she unmanned him. Cyrus went to the window. There was something in his throat: something which continued to swell! he couldn't keep it down, and, therefore, drew forth his handkerchief privately. At length he made a desperate effort, and turned. " The bride, my dear boy," said he ; "I want to see the bride. Come LADY FELICIA. 283 along. G-ods in heaven !" he added, as he felt the tears rolling down his cheeks, " this'll never do : she'll think we're not happy to see her. Louisa : come, come : now, compose yourself. There ! I say, my boy, go and bring her in : I want to fall in love ; bring them all in. Here, here, a glass of wine, and then go and bring them in." Alfred, having led his fond mother to the sofa, left the room, and soon returned with Felicia, who no sooner saw Mrs. Murray, than she flew to embrace her. The beauty of Felicia struck Cyrus with amazement, and as she lingered in the arms of Mrs. Murray, he stood for a moment as if bewildered. " Uncle," said Alfred, " Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins," Cyrus seized them both by the hand, and exclaimed, " I'm glad to see you ! proud to know you ! I have heard of you both ! Grod bless you both ! May you be as you deserve to be happy /" He then turned to Felicia, and having looked at her earnestly, while pressing her hand, said, " I haven't exactly my faculties now. You have taken them away. When I have recovered them I'll tell you what I mean." Fidele and Mr. Wilkins were then presented to Mrs. Murray, while Cyrus rang the bell, and ordered champagne. " Now, sit down," said he, " for Jive minutes. We have plenty of time. We have but eight miles to go. But," he added, how are we to do that eight miles ? How are we to be divided ?" " The ladies," suggested Alfred, " perhaps, would like to go together ?" " I don't think," said Cyrus, " that the ladies would like to deprive us of their society ! I don't think that they have the hearts to do it ! Will you do me the favour to accompany me?" he added, addressing Felicia, who still nestled near Mrs. Murray. 284 LADY FELICIA. Eelicia bowed. " And so will you," said Cyrus, turning to Mrs. Murray. " There, you see, I've won two already ! Tou young dogs are not to have it all your own way ! I must not, of course, to-day attempt to win Mrs. "Wilkins ; but two will be sufficient for me." This was held to be a very good arrangement ; and when the champagne had been twice round, they started. On the road, however, Cyrus had but little to say. He had enough to do to look at Felicia, who conversed almost incessantly with Mrs. Murray. He had quite enough to do to admire her, for in his view it was perfectly impossible for any one to be more intelligent, or more beautiful. She eclipsed all that he had conceived her to be, and his conceptions had been of a very high caste : she was the only one who had ever approached his ideas of perfect loveliness, and he thought of the words of James : " The very first time you see her, you'll love her ; and when you come to know what she really is how amiable, affectionate, and good she'll be just as much to you as if she were your own child." On their arrival at the Crown, they were joyfully received by Murray and his eldest daughter, Julia; and when warm congratulations had been again and again repeated, the ladies retired to dress for dinner. Cyrus had invited Mr. Chubb, as one of Alfred's warmest friends; but Mr. Chubb had declined the invitation on the ground of his not being one of the family. "When, however, it was known that Mr. Chubb was in the house, Cyrus would have him up ; and when he did come up, he was not permitted to go down again. Nor, after the first five minutes, did he wish to go down, for he took so deep an interest in all that concerned Alfred, and found Mr. "Wilkins so exceedingly agreeable, that although he was not, as he said, one of the family, he felt quite as much at home as if he had been. LADY FELICIA. 285 The ladies having rejoined them, dinner was announced, and a really sumptuous dinner it was. Cyrus had told Greene to spare no expense, and Greene was proud of showing what he could do. The most delicious things that he could think of were produced, and he knew he didn't want to be told, he knew that there was no man in the eastern counties capable of getting a dinner up like him ! During dinner, however, delicious as it was, Felicia was the centre of attraction. Her grace, her beauty, her amiable attentions, and easy elegance charmed them. Cyrus shed tears, he was so delighted with her ; and Chubb said privately, and of course in strict confidence, that if " when he was young he ha' happened of her, he'd ha' fallen right dead in love himself." Fidele, they admitted, was very elegant and very beautiful she was exceedingly lady-like and pleasing; but Felicia ! " They may well call her an angel," whispered Cyrus- " True," returned Chubb, " and they may well call the Marquis no matter." After dinner Alfred's sweet little sisters arrived to "kiss dear Lady Felicia," who was delighted with them, and had them all near her, and supplied them with the choicest fruits on the table, and chatted with them all so familiarly, that they very soon became the best friends in the world. They felt that they loved her before they saw her, but then they loved her dearly, while Felicia, in the bosom of so amiable a family, whose affection was so genuine, felt happy indeed. In consequence of a little freemasonry between Mrs. Murray, Felicia, and Fidele, which Cyrus, however, appeared to understand, the ladies retired unusually early, when Alfred, who in his letters had spoken of Mr. Wilkins in very high terms, proposed in a speech of much eloquence and tact, the "health of the bride and the bridegroom." This was received with much warmth, and when they had not only cheered him, but shaken him by the hand with the 286 LADY FELICIA. utmost cordiality, he rose to acknowledge the compliment, amid silence the most profound. " Gentlemen," said he, " when hearts are all right, how soon perfect strangers are converted into friends ! I have a great idea of the knowledge of the heart. I believe that hearts become acquainted with each other, and fall in love with each other : that by virtue of some mysterious species of electricity, they communicate with each other ; that Ithey teach themselves to cling to each other, and nothing clings to that which it abhors. "We say that our hearts tell us to like such and such men, and to dislike such and such others ; and when we say this, depend upon it, there is more in what we say than human reason can define. Grentlemen ! you are strangers to me ; I never saw you before ; and yet I feel that I know that you have warm and generous hearts. My own heart tells me that you have ; your hearts have communicated the fact to mine, and prompted me to respect you. Grentlemen ! I appreciate your friendship, which is the more pleasing to me, because you are connected with one for whom I have a 'brother's love, and of whose friendship any man, whether he be a merchant or a marquis, might be proud. You, sir, are his father: there is no man in Europe, sir, blessed with a more noble-hearted son. You are his uncle ; and of all the affection which I know that you have for him, he is worthy ; while you, sir, who are his friend, possess in that name, sir, a title as honourable to you as if it were that of an earl. [Here Mr. Chubb seized the hand of Cyrus, and, with a mysterious ex- pression, shook it heartily.] Gentlemen ! f> continued Mr. Wilkins, " we are all men of business, and therefore can speak as men of business. This is not a thoughtless, extravagant creature, whom Alfred Murray has married ! She is not one who will squander away every shilling she is able to get hold of not one of those who can think of nothing but drawing- rooms, dress, and dancing ! She is a wife who will take care LADY FELICIA. 287 of number one, and who will not spend a pound unnecessarily ! This has been proved, and the proof, considering the style in which she has lived, not only delighted but amazed me. In society you have seen what she is, you saw how attentive she was to us all, and how delighted she was with those beautiful children ! Amiable, affectionate, elegant, and pure she must command the admiration of all but the vicious. This is one of Nature's matches, gentlemen ! Nature made this match ! and I have a large idea of Nature. I feel that when Nature becomes the study not of the few but of the mass, we shall, in the aggre. gate, act more in conformity with her laws. She is, or ought to be, in all things our guide. We go to her for instruction, and she imparts it : we have but to study to adore her. "We talk of our inventions, and think much of them ; but what are they but copies from Nature! Genius is a flash of Nature's light- ning ! she is the universal genius. Go through the whole of our professions and our trades, and we shall find that Nature is the genius of them all. She is the finest doctor, the finest lawyer, the finest preacher, the finest machinist, the finest chemist, and the finest mathematician: she is the finest weaver, look at her webs; the finest joiner, look at her joints : the finest tailor, look at her bears : the finest draper, look at her birds : the finest tanner, look at her hides. Over all creation Nature presides. We see her in the valleys, and we see her on the mountains ; we see her on the ocean, and we see her in the stars ; we see her in the wonderful trunk of an elephant, and we see her in the very hind quarters of a flea. Look at a flea, we're all after him ; but he who catches one of those fellows catches one of the finest works of Nature. Look at his hind quarters, look at his spring. If we could leap as far in proportion to our size, a leap and a half would take us over Europe. I mention these matters in order to show that in all Nature's works there is much to admire ; and as this match, gentlemen, is one of Na- ture's works, it is worthy of all admiration. Lady Felicia is a 288 LADY FELICIA. wonderful work of nature, and I am happy to say, that through Alfred I should never have known her but for him I have a wife of the same pattern. They have been companions for years, and will be I hope for years to come. I hope that we shall all be companions. I don't know where I may be settled, but this I know, gentlemen, that I tyave so high an appreciation of the kindness of your hearts, that if I live ten thousand miles away, I shall ever cherish a fond recollection of you all." The hand of Mr. Wilkins was again in requisition ; they really felt as if they couldn't shake it enough. They did, however, eventually allow him to sit down ; but he had no sooner done so than he rose again, and in a brief speech pro- posed to them the health of Mr. Murray. This toast was hailed with great pleasure, and after a pause, Mr. Murray slowly rose, and said, in tremulous accents " G-entlemen : I thank you for the compliment you have paid me. My heart is too full to allow me to express what I feel, but if the theory of Mr. Wilkins be sound and I believe that to a great extent it is the expression of my feelings on this occasion, may be dispensed with. Grentlemen, I am glad to see you all. May we long enjoy each other's society in this world, and meet again hereafter." Cyrus then left the room he had evidently something on his mind and during his absence his health was proposed by Alfred, when Mr. Wilkins, who was listened to with the most profound attention, began to explain the characteristics of various domestic animals including the dog, the cat, the rat, and the mouse and eventually gave an elaborate definition of the line which separates instinct from reason. To Murray, and his friend Chubb, this was amusing, but Alfred wondered what detained his uncle, seeing that he had been absent then more than half an hour ! Presently, however, he heard carriages start, and Cyrus re-entered the room. LADY FELICIA. 289 The interesting fact of his having had his health drunk, with all the honours, during his absence, was then communi- cated to him, with due propriety ; and when he had had a glass of wine, with the view of doing full justice to the toast by drinking his own health, he rose and said, in tones of peculiar depth and "fatness:" "Gentlemen: I'm a stout man a very stout man I weigh no-matter-how-many stone ; but were I twice the size which Heaven forbid ! I shouldn't have a breast half big enough to hold the joyous feelings which this happy meeting has inspired. I have seen so much beauty, witnessed so much affection, proved the existence of so much manly friendship, and* heard so many generous sentiments expressed, that were I to call this the happiest day of my life, I shouldn't be very far wrong. I am delighted with Lady Eelicia. I'm delighted with you all. I'm delighted with everybody and everything, and all I can say is, Grod bless you all, and may you always feel as happy as I do now." Murray then proposed the health of Mr. Chubb, and when that gentleman had very appropriately explained, that he agreed with all that had been said by those who had spoken before him, and that he had never enjoyed himself so much since he was born, Cyrus gave them, " The Ladies," and added with much gusto, "When we've drunk their health Grod bless them ! we'll rejoin them." The toast was drunk with enthusiasm, and Alfred then inquired in which room they were. " In which room ?" returned Cyrus. " They're in no room in this house ! They're off, bag and baggage !" "Off! Where?" " Home, of course !" "What! father's?" " JSTo, your own home ! Do you think you hav'nt got a home to go to ?" " Well, but where is it ?" TJ 290 LADY FELICIA. " Not far," replied Cyrus. " One of Mr. Wilkins's fleas would leap tlie distance in no time. Come along." Alfred couldn't understand this at all! He nevertheless followed his uncle, and found a carriage ready to convey them. "Now," said Cyrus, "you are the youngest; mount that horse : we can't all get in here." Alfred accordingly mounted the horse, while Cyrus, Murray, Chubb, and Mr. "WilMns, entered the carriage, when Greene the landlord, who had all his men and many more who did'nt belong to him ready, gave Alfred nine enthusiastic cheers, in the midst of which the happy party started. They had but three miles to go, and Cyrus explained to Mr. "Wilkins on the road that, in order to promote the comfort of all, he had furnished a house at Melford. " You'll feel more at home there," he added; "you'll be more to yourselves, more quiet, more retired than you could be by any possibility at an inn." Mr. Wilkins, of course, highly appreciated this, and expressed his sense of the obligation warmly. " How far have we to go ?" inquired Alfred, riding up to the carriage when within half a mile of the town of Melford. "To the first house on the left," replied Cyrus; and Alfred, perceiving Felicia and her friends on the lawn, galloped off on the instant. "Oh! Alfred," exclaimed Felicia, before he dismounted, " What a beautiful place ! so handsomely furnished, and such a sweet garden !" " I'm glad that you like it, my love," returned Alfred. " I had no idea of this." The carriage now arrived, and when Cyrus had alighted, Felicia said: "I know not how to thank you," and kissed him! Mr. Wilkins then rallied his "run-away wife." It was a fine theme for him, and he made the most of it ; and when they LADY FELICIA. 291 had all walked round the garden together, admiring everything they saw, and seeing everything to admire, they had coffee in what was pronounced to be " one of the sweetest little rooms they had ever seen." Certainly Cyrus had displayed great taste : there could be no doubt about that. Everything was on a small scale splendid ; and everything had been admirably arranged. Felicia knew not how to express her delight : she knew that all had been done to delight her, and felt more happy than ever ! But they all felt happy truly happy and happily they passed the evening together, until at the time appointed the carriages arrived, when after the most affectionate expressions of endearment, and infinitely more kissing than ever took place on any occasion in that house before, Cyrus and Chubb, with Mr. and Mrs. Murray and their beautiful girls, left their happy friends for the night. u2 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE XVIII. tfOVEL VIEWS. FIDELE and Felicia were now more like sisters than ever. There never had been any display of superiority on the part of Felicia ; nor would it have been at any time felt, but for the deferential conduct of Fidele ; but now, although she assumed no more, Fidele ceased to feel that conventional inequality by which she had been almost unconsciously influenced, and, loving Felicia fondly as she did, she regarded her as a sister indeed. Nor did Alfred and Mr. Wilkins to whose manners example had given a refined tone, and whom Fidele now called " Barley" and he admitted that " Bartholomew" was "a mouthful"- appear less like brothers. They consulted each other on every point, and drew out a variety of plans for the future, the chief of which was that of going into partnership, and " carrying all before them ;" but the whole of these well-conceived plans were set aside by a singular observation of Mr. "Wilkins. " Alfred," said Felicia, having dwelt upon the idea which this observation had engendered, " I have been thinking of the playful proposition of Mr. "Wilkins to publish that volume of correspondence which passed between him and Fidele." "A good speculation!" said Alfred, with a smile. "I'll certainly be one of the subscribers!" " Yes, dear ; but that jest of his has been the germ of a thought which may tend to supersede the necessity for your going into business." "Indeed!" " You are an excellent scholar," pursued Felicia. "You LADY FELICIA. 293 write with great purity of expression : you are studious, reflective, persevering, and patient ! Could you not write a novel?" "A novel?" echoed Alfred, thoughtfully. " I feel sure that you could ! " " I fear that I have not sufficient knowledge of the world." " Younger men than you have written novels, my love ! And I feel quite convinced, dear, that you could. I know that you can write with great spirit and feeling, both of which, in a novel, are delightful." " But /have not been a novel reader !" " So much the better,, my love ! You will be likely to write with more originality." " But what description of novel? Not a fashionable novel?" "Why not?" " I have not moved in fashionable circles !" " You mean in what is falsely called the best society. But I have, dear! and I could suggest to you such a host of incidents ! all drawn from real life : and such a variety of singular characters ! Oh ! I feel perfectly sure that you could do it!" " "Well," returned Alfred, " I am certainly not quite sure that I could not ! I like the idea much, and would adopt it with pleasure, if I felt that I could do so successfully." "My love, have confidence. Feel sure that you could. I have heard that, ' They can conquer who believe they can.' Now, do oblige me, dear, by inspiring this belief. Ill give you such a number of kisses ! I'll be kissing you all the time that you are writing." " I shall be able to get on then, no doubt ! " " But seriously,, dear, will you try ?" " Certainly I will, and that with infinite pleasure, although I still feel afraid" " Fear nothing ! You have but to try, to succeed." 294 LADY FELICIA. " I am not quite so sanguine, my sweet girl ! However, I am pleased with the suggestion, and will endeavour to adopt it, although I am unconscious of having the necessary talent." " I know that you have tact, my love, and I have heard that tact is the highest order of talent !" " They may co-exist, my dear : certainly, a man possessing the highest order of talent may have tact ; but I apprehend that tact and the highest order of talent are by no means con- vertible terms. There can be no doubt that he who has tact is enabled to get on faster than he who possesses the highest order of talent, seeing that the highest order of talent generally struggles against the stream, while tact is content to glide smoothly with the tide. There are some men who will not go with the current : there are others who have not the power to stem it : still, although, of course, conscious of not having the highest order of talent, and perfectly unconscious of having the necessary tact, I'll try what I can do, and shall not be entirely struck down if I should fail." " You will not fail : I'll not dream of a failure ; and if I once know that you do, I'll awake you. I have, of course, no idea of how long it' will take ; but we hear of such sums being given for novels, that were you to write only one in a year, it would enable us to live in a style of independence." " Those sums, my love, are, of course, given only to men who have become popular men who are well known, and whose works are extensively appreciated !" " Still, every one of them had a beginning. Besides ! what a delightful place this is to write in ! so quiet, so retired, so suggestive of thought ! Now, which room, dear, shall we con- vert into a study ? this which overlooks the garden ?" " I'll leave that entirely to you ; I don't know how I shall get on, but" " I do ! I know that you will get on excellently well ! And what a pleasing occupation it is ! so intellectual and so LADY FELICIA. 295 independent ! You will sit down immediately after breakfast, and when I fancy that you have written sufficient we'll go out for a walk, and then towards the evening you can do a little more, and when I think that you are tired we'll go out again, or in the winter we can sit together, and while I am reading to you some suggestive work, you can take notes and reflect upon what you have written, and think over what you have still to write. It will be so delightful ! And then I can read what you have written, and soon become sufficiently bold to make observations and to offer suggestions, and tell you how I like it, and that which pleases me, dear, may please many more l'\ " If you were to be my only critic," said Alfred, "I should not be much alarmed 1" " But if the thing be really good, my dear, you need not fear even professional critics ! " " In the works of some men critics look for the beauties : in the works of others, they look for faults." " But we'll be before them ? If there be any faults we'll find them ourselves, and not let the critics see them ! Of course, a thing of this kind, although light, requires thought : it is not to be dashed off and done with like a letter ! you will require some little preparation some training !" " Well, including this necessary training, how long do you imagine that I should be about it !" " I have really no idea : we shall be better able to judge when you have made a beginning ; but suppose that it should occupy six months ?" " That's a long time to speculate upon," said Alfred, thoughtfully. " I am aware of it. And I know what you are thinking of: but we can manage : I can manage it myself! The question with you is, how are we to live in the interim without the assistance of friends ? Now leave that entirely to me, my dear. Don't give it a thought. I know exactly how much we 296 LADY FELICIA. shall require. I've made all my calculations. Let us say six months. It may not require so much time ; nor do I believe that it will, but we'll say six months ; I can manage." " But how, my love ?" " Be kind enough to leave that to me" replied Felicia, playfully. " Now when will you commence ?" " "When you please !" " Then begin to-morrow morning. I'll have the room ready. I'll allow you two hours to draw out a sketch : you must not do too much to begin with." " Very good. Now, what tone am I to take ? Am I to write severely ?" " For a fashionable novel, the truth is at all times sufficiently severe. It has often been remarked, that they who have moved in aristocratic circles, portray aristocratic manners and feelings most severely. This is merely because they know the truth and tell it. Real characters will do, my dear : caricatures are not at all required." " Well," said Alfred, thoughtfully, "we shall see." " I'll ascertain what uncle Cyrus thinks of the plan : he'll be here by and by. But you have made me so happy, by falling so readily into my views, and I feel so sure of your being successful !" He embraced her, and she left him; and the subject at once engrossed all his thoughts. It opened to him quite a new field for contemplation a field too, which he contemplated with pleasure. The idea was, in his view, excellent; and although he had no lofty opinion of his own powers, and could have no knowledge of their extent, he saw nothing insuper- able ! nothing which perseverance might not enable him to accomplish. Hence, instead of waiting until the morning to commence, he began to work at once ; and when Cyrus called, as usual, to take Felicia for a drive, he found him in his appointed " study," deep in thought. LADY TELICIA. 297 " My boy," exclaimed Cyrus, as he entered the room, "what's the matter ? Lost your spirits ? "What's the matter ?'' " I'm endeavouring to work out an idea," replied Alfred, " an idea which pleases me much." " Tou don't appear to be particularly pleased !" observed Cyrus. " I am, uncle, nevertheless, But Felicia will explain the matter to you. I'm busy." " Very good !" returned Cyrus, who didn't, of course, pretend to understand it ; but, as Felicia, who was then dressing, would explain all to him, he said no more, but went to wait for her in the garden. Cyrus, who was not only delighted with Felicia, but almost beyond conception proud of her, visited them daily. He had purchased a horse and phaeton, expressly for the purpose of driving over to Melford, and taking her out, sometimes accom- panied by Fidele and her " Barley," but generally alone ; and nothing pleased him more than to drive her into Sudbury, that all there might see that the Lady Felicia was yet some distance from starvation point. Nor was she the only attraction on these occasions : Ms personal appearance created a sensation. He had previously paid but slight attention to dress : a suit of black put Ofi "anyhow," and a hat of which the shape was anything but distingue, formed the chief characteristics of his daily " turn out ;" but now with his broad- brimmed beaver, turned up at the sides, his blue coat studded with brilliant metal buttons, his primrose waistcoat ample enough to envelope three men? his cassimere "smalls," as they were called in those days, and his black silk stockings and polished silver buckles he looked like " a squire of high degree," and absolutely felt as if he were one ! "My love," said he, when Felicia had joined him in the garden, "Tou have to explain to me the cause of Alfred's 298 LADY FELICIA. thoughtfulness this morning. He says that he is pleased, but he does not appear to be particularly gay ! "What is it all about ?" Felicia explained, and while doing so praised Alfred's talents so highly, and spoke with so much confidence of his success, that Cyrus, whose latent views it suited precisely was perfectly charmed with the idea. " That will do," safd he. " The very thing ! That will just do. You may have noticed, my love, that when he and Mr. Wilkins whom I highly respect have spoken about entering into partnership, I have been silent : not because it might not or could not be managed, but because I've no desire to see him established in business a fact which you will both under- stand by and by. JN~ow this if he can do it, and you appear to be very sanguine on the subject is the very thing that I should like to see him do ! it will, at all events, enlarge his views, and train him to habits of reflection and application. Encourage him, therefore, by all the means of which you are capable your encouragement will go a great way and although I don't pretend to understand much about it, I shall, for your sake, glory in his success." " He'll succeed, dear uncle ! I know that he will. And now," she added, archly, " I want you to do me a favour a favour which involves a secret, which must not at all events at present be revealed." "Well, my love ! let us go into the arbour. -Now then," he added, having led her to a seat, and sat beside her, " what is it ?" " I have no idea," replied Felicia, " how long it will take him to write this novel ; perhaps three or four months ; perhaps five or six ; but to be safe we had better say six months ; and during that time I am anxious for him not to be troubled with matters of a pecuniary nature : in fact, I have undertaken to manage this without him, and hence it is that I want your assistance." LADY EELICIA. 299 " You shall certainly have it, my love ! I'll lend you what- ever sum you may require. How much will you want ?" " Nay ! I do not wish to borrow ; nor will I do so : I'll not tax your kindness in that way : I appreciate your affection : I'll not tax your purse. The favour I wish you to do for me is not to lend me money : it is certainly to get me some, and that in a way which, as I have said, involves a secret. Now, I have a few diamonds, the value of which I don't know, but which I shall never again want to wear." " How is it possible for you to know that ?" said Cyrus. " How is it possible for you to know that ?" "Well, it certainly is impossible fo,g me to know, but I should say that, in all probability, I never shall ! Now, some of these diamonds were given to me by a dear, kind soul, whom you knew." " The late Marquis, I presume." " Exactly : and those if even I never again wear them I am anxious to retain ; but there are some to which I attach no value beyond their intrinsic worth, and those I wish you to sell for me." " Do you wish to have a desperate quarrel with me ? Because if you sell any one of them, or say another word about selling any one of them, we shall have a very desperate quarrel indeed ! "Where are these diamonds ?" " Shall I go and bring them to you ?" " Do so, my love. I should like to see them." Felicia accordingly left the arbour, while he thought of a plan to supply their wants without letting either of them know " too much." " These," said Felicia, on her return, " are the jewels I wish to preserve. To those I attach no importance." "Very pretty," said Cyrus, having examined them; "very very pretty indeed ; and I think that they would look quite as pretty upon you as they would upon any one else ; indeed, 300 LADY FELICIA. I know that they would! and if you don't wear them, or some of them, every time I dine with you, I shall regard it as ; a want of courtesy. Wear them, by all means ! I like to see you look like what you are ! Everything which tends to enhance your natural beauty delights me! "Wear them, my dear ! Don't say another word about parting with one of them ! What money you want, from time to time, you shall have ; but if you say another word about parting with your jewels, you will give me great pain, which I know that you would not do wantonly. These, however, are not the only jewels you have, or will have. Lady Loftus has in her possession a suite of brilliants which willy at her death, revert to you." " Indeed ! I was not aware of that/' " I have had the will of the late Marquis examined, and in that will those brilliants are named." " Can you then tell me what property I shall have in the event of my aunt's death ?" " Yes : five thousand pounds." " Has my aunt the power of bequeathing that sum to any one else ?" " Certainly not. Both the money and the jewels are left in trust for her use during her life, and at her death they become absolutely yours. Her death, however, must not be calculated upon. It is, of course, as well for you to know these things. I have heard of Lady Loftus ! Eut we'll not talk about anything disagreeable now. You preserve your jewels, my love, and if it be only to delight me wear them. And now," he added, " we'll go for a drive. As Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins are at my brother's, shall we go, my dear, and meet them ?" Felicia, of course, with pleasure consented, and as Alfred, who was still "busy," wished to remain at home, they left hirn ? and started for Sudbury. Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Murray had become great friends, and this morning had been appointed for Mr. Murray to LADY FELICIA. 301 explain to Mr. Wilkins the true cause of his trade having fallen off. While, therefore, Eidele was engaged with the girls the whole of whom she had set to work, one to learn Trench, another drawing, another embroidery, and so on Mr. Murray produced the hand-bills, and with an expression of solemnity proceeded with his sad explanation. At first, Mr. Wilkins was exceedingly thoughtful, and shook his head very severely at that which was, of course, understood to be the hand-bill of the Marquis. " Does Lady Felicia know of this ?" he inquired. "No," replied Murray, "nor does Alfred." " That's right. Better keep it from them both if you can. It would only distress them. But," he added, having read the bill issued and signed by Cyrus : " this upsets that altogether!"' " But look at the effect it has had upon my business !" " Oh ! you'll soon get over that." " I fear not," returned Murray. " The trade appears to be irrecoverably lost !" " And will be, doubtless, if you appear to be irrecoverably lost ! Make a stir, and bring it back, sir ! There's nothing in life like a stir." " But what stir can I make ? what sort of a stir ?" "I'll tell you what sort of a stir I should make! I'd renovate the whole establishment. I'd send to London for a man whom I know, and get his estimate for a splendid new front. You have a lease, I suppose ?" " Yes, with five years unexpired." " Well then, in the first place, stick in a new front, and in the next, make a brilliant show, and advertise well. Let it be the cheapest, as well as the most attractive shop in the town. Look more to returns, and less to large profits. Five per cent, upon large returns, will give a man a splendid income : fifty per cent, upon small returns, will hardly enable him to live. 802 LADY FELICIA. Thus the big ones swallow the little ones up ! The little ones can't compete with them in either agriculture or commerce ! Look, therefore, principally to the returns, and with a renovated establishment, you'll soon get your trade back, and twice as much to it; but if you go on in this dull despairing way, people will begin to think that you can't last long, and then, of course, the thing will dwindle down to nothing. Everybody goes where everybody goes : but where nobody goes, sir, nobody will go. Eats abandon a falling house, and in this respect men and women are like them. Let a house have the appearance of prosperity, and people will make it in reality prosperous; but let it have the appearance of poverty, and they'll make it, by keeping away, poor indeed. People don't like the look of poverty ; they can't bear the sight of it, and the poorer they are, the more they admire splendour ! There- fore, stick in a splendid shop front to begin with, and have your name emblazoned as if you were proud of it. Let it be in letters of gold, six feet high !" " But a new front would cost a deal of money, would it not?" J^ "Not so much as you might imagine. But look at the speculation ! never mind a little expense ! Suppose it cost eighty or a hundred pounds! it would soon clear itself! Attraction is the great point, and such a front as that which I mean, would, in a town like this, be of itself a great attrac- tion ; and that, combined with cheapness, would inevitably bring them. They would come. They couldn't keep away. They don't deal with a man to oblige him ! they do it to accommodate themselves. They'll not give him a great price because they respect him ! they'll go to the cheapest market as we do. The more they believe that a man wants support, the less they'll give him ; but the less he appears to want it, the more he'll have. The appearance is the thing ! Now, just think the matter over. Send for this man he'll be glad to LADY FELICIA. 303 come down on speculation, and you can't get it properly done by any one here send for him: he'll give to the place an appearance of prosperity, whereas it looks now like the abode of despair. Now, do think the matter over. Will you ?" Murray not only promised that he would do so, but Was so highly pleased with the suggestion that he went into a variety of calculations with Mr. "Wilkins, who continued to illustrate the expediency of a "grand stir," until Fidele rejoined him, when, unconscious of Cyrus and Felicia having started to meet them, they left with the view of walking home. "Barley, dear," said Fidele, as they passed through the town, " don't you think that if I were to open a school, I should have a fair number of pupils ?" "Yes," replied Mr. "Wilkins; "I have not the slightest doubt of it." "Well, I'm very fond of children, and I'm very fond of teaching ; and Mrs. Murray has just informed me that there is, at the present time, a very excellent opening here !" " Well, my love ?" " Well, dear, suppose I were to open a school." " There is no necessity for it, Fidele !" " Necessity ?" " No one, except as a matter of necessity, would, I appre- hend, think of keeping a school!" " But teaching, to me, is a pleasure !" " It may be, my love, on a small scale ; but it strikes me that, if you had twenty or thirty pupils, you would not find it quite so pleasurable !" " I feel sure that I could manage them." "No doubt of that!" " Well, then, calculate how much in the course of the year I should receive for the instruction of twenty or thirty pupils !" " Why, what are you dreaming about, Pidele ! Do you imagine that I would alloiv you to be pestered" " Nay, dear ! Still, I might render some assistance." 304 LADY FELICIA. " When I can't support a respectable establishment without your assistance except, indeed, in so far as affairs of a purely domestic character are concerned I'll consent, my love, to think the matter over ; but I shall have, even then, to think a very long time before I consent to have you troubled with a school. I don't, of course, know yet where I may settle ; but let me settle where I may, Fidele, I shall always be able to support you, I hope, without bringing your accomplish- ments to market. But look," he added, as Cyrus and Felicia approached. " What a fine-hearted, splendid old fellow he is ! " " Well, my boy," said Cyrus, " I thought we should meet you. Jump up." " Are you going to your brother's ?" inquired Mr. Wilkins. " JSTo : I think not. We haven't time. I have an invitation to dine with you to-day, and I don't want to hurry the horse." JIaving entered the phaeton, Fidele began to chat with Felicia; and as Cyrus knew why the appointment that morning had been made, Mr. Wilkins proceeded to explain to him the substance of all that had passed. " Ah," said Cyrus, " he wants a man like you to join him ! I like your views much, and he shall adopt them, too, if I have any influence over him ; but he wants a little spirit infused into him, and you are the very man to do it !" " I have endeavoured to do so this morning ! " " Ah ! but he wants a man like you to be constantly with him! and I'm not quite sure that it would'nt answer your purpose ! " " I don't know that it would not" returned Mr. Wilkins. " There's a very fine trade to be done ! a capital trade-^-an excellent trade. I think it would answer the purpose of both : but that we can talk about, of course, another time." Well, this idea pleased Mr. Wilkins. Feeling, with Cyrus, that an excellent trade might be done, he thought that it would indeed answer his purpose. But then what was Alfred to do? LADY TELICTA. 305 They had not proceeded far before Cyrus explained to him what Alfred not only thought of doing, but was even then anxiously preparing to do, which induced Mr. "Wilkins to think still more seriously of entering into partnership with Murray. He however said no more on the subject then ; but resolved on embracing the first opportunity of going fully into the matter. On their arrival they were gaily received by Alfred, who with a smile of confidence whispered to Felicia, " I can do it !" and while the ladies were dressing for dinner, he drew Cyrus and Mr. Wilkins into the garden, and there explained to them how easily it was, in his judgment, to be done. They said all they could to encourage him, of course, and he really was in excellent spirts ; but when Felicia and Fidele appeared, to be led in to dinner, his countenance instantly changed. Felicia, solely in order to please Cyrus, wore her best suite of diamonds, and Alfred in consequence became apprehensive that she was, after all, really fond of display. He was there- fore during dinner, exceedingly thoughtful, and began to dread the consequences of that which appeared to him to be the revival of a passion for the splendour she had sacrificed. But when Cyrus having been urged by Felicia had explained to him why she on that occasion wore them, Alfred recovered his spirits, smiled at his fears, and playfully congratulated her on her appearance. Cyrus, having read Alfred's thoughts, enjoyed this, and quietly expostulated with him when Felicia had retired with Fidele for believing that a creature so pure, and so fond of simplicity, could ever regret the loss of that of which she knew the moral worthlessness. But all this was soon set aside by Mr. Wilkins, who reverted to his contemplated partnership with Murray, and as this was a subject which interested not only Cyrus and Alfred, but Felicia and Fidele, nothing else was talked of the whole of the evening. x 306 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTEE XIX. BUSINESS, " BUSINESS is business." The author of this celebrated apothegm is supposed to have been buried for ages in oblivion ; but the apothegm itself is immortal. He might have been the author of " eggs is eggs ;" he might have been the antediluvian Whig, who first, called for "the bill, the whole bill, and nothing but the bill ;" or the legist, who originally enjoined "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ;" or the ancient chartist, who started "the hog, the whole hog, and nothing but the hog :" but certain it is that he was a man of business, who wished to impress upon the minds of men of business, that business is business, and nothing but business ; and equally certain is it, that Mr. Wilkins was one of his disciples ; for, after daily consultations and hourly calculations, within a month from the time that Cyrus offered his suggestion, a new front had been " stuck " into Murray's establishment ; the parlour, and even the garden had been " thrown" into the shop, and on a board of Brobdingnagian dimensions, and in letters of gold, the very largest under heaven, stood proudly forth " MURRAY AND WILKINS." ^or was the presiding genius in his calculations " out !" The attraction of splendour was " immense :" the appearance of prosperity did " draw :" the " big ones" did " swallow the little ones up ;" and " everybody" did go where " everybody" went : for they had no sooner opened than they had a " roar- ing trade ;" and in less than three months they were " carrying all before them !" , LADY FELICIA. 307 Meanwhile Alfred delighted with his new occupation charmed by Felicia, and panting for famepursued his task with surpassing diligence. At first his progress was but slow ; he wrote tremulously ; he was afraid to give expression to his conceptions, and when he had done so, the erasures, the inter- lineations, and restorations confused him ; but as he proceeded he wrote with more confidence, and was able, in a very short time, to dash through a scene with facility. Felicia, however, having watched him with the most anxious solicitude soon became alarmed. He looked pale ! She therefore feared that a sedentary occupation must undermine his fine constitution ; she felt sure that the necessary application was too severe, and frequently declared a fortnight's rest to be absolutely essential to the preservation of his health ; but Alfred, being anxious to get on, did all in his power to allay her apprehensions : he assured her that, although he looked pale, he never felt better that although he seemed thoughtful, his spirits were high ! Still she feared that he studied too much. Well, then, .he wouldn't work so hard ; he wouldn't devote so much thought to it ; he wouldn't sit so long at one time ; he'd begin an hour later in the morning; he'd leave off an hour earlier in the evening; he'd promise anything to calm her fears, and by virtue of these promises he was permitted, without having one " fortnight's rest," to finish the work. It then had to be carefully read. Eelicia had read it again and again ; but it had to be read as a whole. And it really read well ! There were many very beautiful passages in it many beautiful thoughts well expressed ! It was very good very good indeed ! They felt sure that the critics would like it, and if they liked it, everybody else would, of course ! But who was to publish it ? That was the question. They con- sulted Mr. Wilkins on this important point ; and in doing so, consulted the very man ! Mr. "Wilkins had the honour of knowing Mr. Douall, the x 2 308 LADY FELICIA. celebrated publisher of fashionable novels he had known him for years : he knew him when he was one of the first men in one of the first publishing houses in town: he had had, in fact, "many a glass of grog " with him : independently of which, he knew that he had published several novels in the course of that year; the whole of which had been spoken of highly. Mr. Douall was, therefore, the very man ! He would see justice done to it : he would advertise it well : he would, in one word, " push " it into circulation. Accordingly, Alfred and Felicia accompanied Mr. Wilkins to town it was deemed by all, of course, extremely fortunate that Mr. Wilkins happened to know such a publisher and the next morning Alfred was introduced to Mr. Douall, whom he found to be the very quintessence of politeness. His courtesy was indeed of an affectionate caste. Had Alfred been his own son, he could'nt have received him more warmly : he was such a very nice man. Having introduced Alfred as a man of sterling talent, the husband of Lady Pelicia, and so on ; Mr. Wilkins proceeded to introduce the novel, which he said was " a really magnificent thing," and when Mr. Douall having received it with delight had succeeded in inspiring Alfred with a high appreciation of his importance as a publisher, and general amiability as a man, he promised to " peruse it with infinite pleasure," and to give him a final answer in a week. Well, this was held to be an excellent beginning. Alfred was perfectly delighted with the interview, and congratulated Mr. Wilkins on his knowledge of such a man. " He is one of the right sort," said Mr. "Wilkins ; " a gentle- man and a man of the world. He'll have it : I feel sure that he'll have it : and if he should, he'll give you a rattling price. There are things in it which I have seen myself worth the money. It requires but to be pushed, and he's the very man to push it : he is, in fact, the man ! Of course, you can't expect LADY FELICIA. 309 to get so nrncli now as you will by and by, when your name is up ! But Tie' II make it answer your purpose : I feel convinced of it ! you see what he is ! He doesn't look like a niggardly man. I never had any transactions with him, but you can see that he is straightforward, candid, and liberal." * " I like his appearance much," returned Alfred, " and shall feel quite proud of his friendship.'* Having reached the hotel at which they stopped, Felicia who had been anxiously awaiting their return perceived at a glance that they were both highly pleased, and felt, therefore, elated ; but when Alfred had explained to her how warmly he, had been received, and how courteous, encouraging, and friendly, Mr. Douall had been throughout the interview, she was quite overjoyed. " Oh !" she exclaimed, " how I should like to see him ! I know that he is a dear good soul, and I almost love him for being so kind to you." Business ! business again interposed : Mr. Wilkins had business in the city. He had to purchase a lot of goods which were wanted at home, and wished to return to Sudbury that night. He, therefore having again and again expressed his conviction that Alfred would be eminently successful left them, full of hope mingled with joy. The week was before them. How were they to spend it ? "What were they to do ? They would visit all the places of public amusement Alfred might have to describe them: they would read all the papers, and all the magazines, and all the new novels, in order to ascertain whether any one of them were comparable with Alfred's. They would go no, they would not go into the Park. They would go yes ! they'd go down to Brighton that sweet place ! they must spend a day or two there. Should they go down at once, and put up at the hotel where they had passed so many delightful hours together ? Yes ! they'd start in the morning ; remain there 310 LADY FELICIA. two days only two days and then return to London. And they did start for Brighton ; but, instead of two days, they remained the whole week their reminiscences were so enchanting. !; With heads full of visions and hearts full of gladness, they then returned to town, and on the following morning, Alfred called upon Mr. Douall, who received him with even more warmth than before. " Well," said he, having made a few preliminary observa- tions, " I have perused your very interesting novel, and like it much/' "I am happy to hear it," said Alfred. " I think that it will do ! that it will be likely to create a sensation, and make a hit ! provided Lady Felicia's name be attached." " Attached ? in what way ?" inquired Alfred. " As the authoress, my dear sir, of course ! It would take like wild fire! it would be, in a word, the novel of the season." Alfred was thoughtful, he knew not what to say. " You see, my dear sir," resumed Mr. Douall, " the very title will tell ! that alone will give it an impetus ! an impetus that will impart a velocity to the sale. Authorize me, there- fore, to announce Lady Felicia as the authoress, and I shall be able to treat with you liberally." " But," said Alfred, " I should, in that case, be authorizing the announcement of that which is not really true." " My dear sir," returned Mr. Douall, with a most playful smile, " we view these things as mere matters of business. It is, after all, merely nominal. "We place on the title page her ladyship's name instead of yours, that's all ! "What possible difference yes, it will make a difference : it will make a difference of a hundred pounds to you but, in other respects, what difference can it make ? You and Lady Felicia are one LADY FELICIA. 3ll legally, morally, religiously one! bone of one bone, you know, and flesh of one flesh !" he added, laughing very merrily. " Don't you see ! The work belongs to the firm ! We are all fond of our children; and our works are our children ; but your children, I hope, are Lady Felicia's also ! What possible objection, therefore, can you have to our calling this Tier child ?" " She," replied Alfred, " would have a very great objection to it, I know." " But my dear sir, why should she have ? The publication of a work like this, with her name, would do honour to the aristocracy to which she belongs. She would play the sun to the aristocracy's moon : she would give it light, life, and glory. The aristocracy would regard it as an honour, and seize it with avidity. ' Here,' they would say, with an air of triumph, * you talk of rank and talent being inimical, look here ! ' It would sell like wildfire." " I have no doubt that her name would give an impetus to the sale," observed Alfred, " but she would' nt consent to be announced as the authoress, seeing that she really is not." " I am aware," said Mr. Douall, very blandly, " that these high-souled people are scrupulous. I am, of course, perfectly well aware of that. But let's see if we can't overcome these scruples ; let's see whether we can't announce her ladyship's name with a strictly religious adherence to truth. Has her ladyship perused any portion of this novel ?" " Oh, yes ; she has read the whole of it." "Very good. Did she, while perusing it, suggest alter- ations?" "Yes, several." "And those alterations were made, I presume f" " In most cases they were" " Then she at least edited the work ?" "Well, if you call that editing" 312 LADY FELICIA. "It is more, much more, than some editors do. She, by perusing it and suggesting alterations, to all intents and purposes edited the work." " Well, she suggested the work itself." " Then she is absolutely the authoress of the work. But as I perceive that there may be some difficulty in inducing her to consent to be thus announced, suppose we adhere to the gospel truth, and say ' Edited by Lady Felicia Murray.' She can have no objection to that." " That certainly would not be so objectionable. But I must, of course, consult her on the subject.' 1 " By all means ; certainly ; consult her, of course. And let me see," he added thoughtfully, " are you particularly engaged to day ? If not, come and dine with me. Say you'll come." " I shall be most happy to do so," said Alfred. " That's right. I shall be indeed delighted to see you. We poor publishers, you know, don't live in a very grand style. But you II not care much about that ; men of sterling talent seldom care much about grandeur. Say six, and in the interim you can speak to Lady Felicia. By the way," he added with some hesitation, " would her ladyship condescend to honour us with her company ?" " She will come with great pleasure, I am sure," replied Alfred. " We shall feel indeed proud to receive her." Having had his hand pressed and shaken with really unex- ampled energy, Alfred left him ; and on his return to Felicia, explained to her what Mr. JDouall had proposed. At first Felicia was silent and thoughtful : she felt appre- hensive that unless her name appeared, the work would not be published at all." " Did he," she at length inquired, " Did he distinctly say that he could publish it on this condition only ?" " No, my love, no!" replied Alfred; "he merely intimated LADY FELICIA. 313 that if your name were attached, lie could give us a hundred pounds more clearly meaning that it was not a sine qua non that it was not absolutely indispensable !" " Then I think, my dear, that we had better make the sacri- fice. I would, love as you are aware -consent readily to anything which might tend to promote your views : but I don't think that eventually this would do so : on the contrary, I think that its tendency would be to defeat them. Tour object is, to become popular ; and irrespective of all pecuniary considerations, I should glory in your success. But how is it possible for you to become popular if you thus remain unknown ? Besides, my love, there is one point pray do not allow it to influence you unduly still let me name it : I will at once consent, if you wish me to do so ; but the point that I would mention is this : If my name were to appear, it would be said at once by those who would, I fear, rejoice at our downfall: 'He cannot support Tier: she therefore writes to support him ! ' which would place you, my love, in a position, the very appearance of which would give me intense pain. All the credit would then attach to me : whereas I am anxious for it all to attach to you. I would have them know that you possess talent of which they little dream, and that the exer- cise of that talent enables us to live in a style of independence. I, of course, my love, merely suggest this point." " Felicia ! how can I fail to feel its force !" " It would be not only unjust to you ; it would give them apparently a triumph ! Still, if you wish me to consent" " I do not, my love : no ; when it was proposed I hesitated only because I was unwilling to give a flat refusal, and without doing so, I really knew not what to say." They then began to talk of the invitation, with which Felicia was highly pleased conceiving that it might tend to establish a lasting friendship between Alfred and Mr. Douall and at the appointed time they were received by that gentleman 314 LA.DT FELICIA. and his lady with much ceremony, and many expressions of delight. Mrs. Douall who had been a handsome woman, and whose manners were courteous, if not indeed refined had invited two ladies whom she was anxious to provoke to meet " Lady Felicia, the lovely and accomplished daughter .of the noble Marquis of Kingsborough " to whom they were of course very formally presented and when dinner had been announced by a servant, whose livery proclaimed a startling struggle with the gorgeous, Mr. Douall who profoundly bent himself nearly double while offering Felicia his arm led the way into a room which struck Alfred as being, for a "poor publisher," sufficiently magnificent. Nor was the dinner at all unworthy of the highest consi- deration of any "poor publisher" who happened to have an appetite ! everything was done with a view to the superb, and the failure was by no means conspicuous. During the ceremony the gentle elegance of Felicia excited admiration: had she dined with them fifty times before she could not have appeared more at ease. Nor were the graceful and pleasing manners of Alfred unattractive ; but as a pure "piece of acting," the performance of Mr. Douall surpassed all! Business, however, was still business ; and that gentleman when the ladies had retired was not long before he was in it. " Charming lady," said he, " charming lady, Mr. Murray : a very, very, very charming lady: I never had the honour of conversing with a more delightful person. But you can always, sir, tell the true stock! There is always a certain sort of something about them which stamps them I may say abso- lutely stamps them with an air of aristocratic superiority ! By the way, have you spoken to Lady Felicia on that little point ?" LADY FELICIA. 315 "I have," replied Alfred; "but there are certain strictly private considerations which render the announcement of her name inexpedient." " I am very sorry for it very, very sorry for it. Her name* would have sent the work flying through the world. Can nothing induce her to allow us to say, ' Edited by Lady Felicia Murray ? " " She is unwilling to have her name in any way announced." " But it might ooze out that you are her husband ?" t " "Well, I've no objection to that, if it be not paraded." " Oh, there need be no parade. It might be done in a paragragh, as an on dit, for example. ' It is said in the highest circles, that the gifted author of the forthcoming novel is connected by marriage,' and so on. There need be no parade." " Well, if you think that it would assist the sale, let it be done so." " Very good. Well, then the next point is, how are we to arrange ? My system the liberality of which I am proud to say has been highly appreciated is to give an author the full benefit of his first production to give him the whole of the advantage of the sale that is to say, to publish it for him on his own account ; advertise it well, get it well reviewed, push it by all possible means into circulation, get his name up, establish his fame in short to manage the whole matter for him, charging him a mere ten per cent, upon the proceeds. This is my system, and I am happy to say that it has given universal satisfaction. I have, of course, as you are aware, facilities for establishing an author which no other publisher has. I don't say this in any boasting spirit the fact is universally known ; and I may add that, although many of them have left me, for gratitude forms no part of the composition of some men there is not in literature a popular man who does not owe his introduction to me. I brought them all out. They are all 316 I/ADT FELICIA. my literary children ; and although some of them have been ungrateful children running away as soon as they found they could run alone I am proud of them still, and that pride prompts me to wish for many more. The money that I have spent in order to get authors' names up is beyond calculation. I have given them the full benefit of their first productions without imposing any condition ; but I have at length resolved on giving this advantage to an author no more, unless he pledges me his honour as a gentleman, that he will let me have, for at least two years, the first offer of every work that he may write. Do you blame me ? " " I should say, that an author studies his own interests by entering into such an agreement. 1 ' " Of course he does. But there really are some who will not stick to one man. They will run to different publishers in order, I presume, to show their independence." " Well, it certainly strikes me as being unfair, if indeed you are willing to give as much" " My dear sir, I can give 'more. It answers my purpose to give more : for who has the facilities for pushing a work that I have ? I have of late required a written agreement to this effect, but your word will be quite sufficient. Pledge me your honour that you will let me have the offer of every work that you produce within the next two years, and I shall be happy to publish this, your first production, and give you minus ten per cent. the full advantage. of the sale." " As far as the pledge is concerned," said Alfred, " I will, of course, willingly give it ; but suppose, instead of publishing the work on my account, you give me a certain sum for the copyright, and do the best you can with it on your own." " That would not be fair towards you. No : I wish to take no advantage : nor will I. I value your friendship too highly. I am satisfied with my ten per cent. Sometimes it yields me LADY EELICIA. 317 two hundred pounds, and sometimes not so much ; but, if I take one with the other, it pays me sufficiently well." "Two hundred pounds!" exclaimed Alfred. "That's ten per cent, on two thousand." " Oh, that might be almost taken as the average. I don't mean to say that namby-pamby things will do it ; but a work written in your dashing style, is perfectly certain to pay." " "Well," said Alfred, who scarcely knew what to think of it, " I can't be expected to know much about the matter, but I taught that you would have purchased the copyright." " You take my advice," returned Mr. Douall. " I have had some experience, of course, and I don't for a moment hesitate to give you the benefit of it, because you are no common man. Let it be published on your own account. I'll take care that justice is done to it and you'll see how much better it will answer your purpose." " Well then," said Alfred, " let it be so. I place it entirely in your hands, with a feeling of the utmost confidence, and all I can say is, do the best you can." "Depend upon that. I'll announce it immediately, and raise the public mind to the highest pitch of expectation. It shall sell : I'll make it sell : I'll push it into every corner of the globe. And now, when do you think of returning ?" " I have nothing now to detain me in town." " Then return at once, and commence another work, so that it may follow on the heels of this. I'll send you down the proofs to correct ; but, get on with another. Z7Z keep you at work," he added, playfully. If you are idle, I'll haunt you ! Will you commence immediately ? Do, by all means ; because, you see, when your name is up, it will be a thousand pities to let it go down. Therefore, set to work immediately on your return." "With golden visions floating before him, Alfred promised to do so ; and when Mr. Douall had portrayed his impressions of the leading literary men of the day which, under the 318 LADY FELICIA. circumstances, deeply interested Alfred they rejoined the ladies, who were in excellent spirits, and with whom they passed the evening very agreeably. Having explained all to Felicia who had been led to repose the utmost confidence in the honour of Mr. Douall Alfred, anxious to begin work again, proposed that they should leave town the following day, and as Felicia felt equally anxious for every suggestion of Mr. Douall to be adopted, they started by one of the early coaches in the morning. The work was immediately put in hand, and the announdk- ments were certainly of a most attractive character, and calculated to excite the very highest expectation. It didn't " ooze " out ; it came out at once, that " Alfred Murray, Esq." was a " gifted writer," that that " gifted writer " was " allied to Lady Felicia ;" that Lady Felicia was " the young and lovely daughter of the most noble the Marquis of Kingsborough ; and that the work would not only " create a startling sensation," but be " celebrated as one of the most true and trenchant pictures of high life extant !" It was published, and a rush was made to the libraries : " the last new novel" was considered " a great card.'* Felicia ordered a dozen copies, and had them elegantly bound : one for Fidele, who still lived with her, one for Mrs. Murray, one for Mr. Murray, one for each of the girls, one for uncle Cyrus, one for Mr. Wilkins, one for Mr. Chubb by whom she was admired " above all other creatures under heaven !" and one for herself. Papers were sent down constantly, containing very favourable reviews, and Mr. Wilkins, who was frequently in town, ascertained that the work was well known in " the trade ;" that it was understood to have sold very well ; that it was to be found at all the libraries, and that the next, by the same author would, in all probability, sell as well. During the whole of this time Alfred worked very hard : the road to fame was in his view clear, and he made up his mind to pursue it with diligence. Still he was anxious to LADY FELICIA. 319 know how he was going on : he wanted to see the realization of some of those " golden dreams" by which he had so long been enchanted. When, therefore, three months had expired, he wrote to Mr. Douall on the subject, and that gentleman very promptly, and with infinite politeness, appointed a day for " the settlement as far as the thing had gone." Alfred accordingly went up to town, and was received by Mr. Douall with all his characteristic courtesy. He hoped that he was well : he hoped that the delightful Lady Felicia was well : he hoped everybody connected with him was well : he was particularly anxious to know if there had been any increase in the family, and was altogether very pleasing, playful, and affectionate. " Well," said he, having fired a volley of civilities, " our novel didn't go off" so well as I expected : I pushed it well too ! but the public mind is flat : times are not what they used to be : pockets are not so well lined as they were : people haven't the money to spend. This Currency Bill has played vengeance with the circulation pinched everything up. There's nothing stirring: all is spiritless and dull, and, therefore, in spite of every effort, it hangs fire. But you mustn't be disheartened ! it was, you know, but a first production after all ! we shall improve upon it ; the next will tell the tale." " But," said Alfred, " I understood that it sold very well!" " I caused that to be understood by the public at large : I made every earthly effort to induce them to believe it : that was, of course, a mere matter of business. However, I don't know how we stand ! I have directed my clerk to make out the account ; he may have done it by this time : we'll ring and ascertain." A dark veil fell between Alfred and his hopes, and all his bright visions became indistinct. " Mr. Murray's account made out ? " inquired Mr. Douall, of a sleek and obsequious, but very artful card. " Yes, sir/' replied the card in question, "just finished it." 320 LADY FELICIA. " Bring it in." The clerk went for the account, and during his absence Mr. Douall directed Alfred's attention to a painting, which had just been presented to him, he said, by one of the most celebrated artists of the day. The painting, however, had no charms for Alfred ; he wanted to see the account. "Well, how do we stand," inquired Mr Douall, when the clerk had returned." " There's a balance, sir, of ninety odd pounds." " Oh, said Mr. Douall, as he perused the account, while Alfred thought ninety odd pounds would be something. " But," he added, " you have put the balance here on the wrong side." " No sir ; the balance is against Mr. Murray." "Against Mr. Murray!" said Mr. Douall, with a well- defined expression of amazement. Haven't you made Some mistake ? " "No sir; it's all correct." " G-o and bring the books, bills, vouchers, and all. Dear me," he added, as the clerk left the room, " I made so sure that it would sell, that I advertised it more than I otherwise should have done ; but I certainly had no idea of this." Alfred was silent ; the books were produced, and when Mr. Douall had examined them as minutely as if the whole thing had been new to him, he directed the clerk to leave the room. " Well/' said he, " certainly this is correct. It struck me when I found that it hung fire, that it would'nt be a very great card, but I did think that it would, at any rate, have cleared itself. It's a sad job, certainly a very poor beginning. But I'll tell you what I must do : I must give you two hundred for the next." " But I don't understand this" said Alfred. " You said that you would give me the full benefit of the first production, and you bring me nearly a hundred pounds in debt. This surely is not what you meant by the full benefit." LADY FELICIA. 321 "My dear sir, if I had dreamt that the thing would' nt pay and that handsomely too I would'nt have published it, either on your account or on that of any other man alive. But these things are, after all, speculations. "We can't expect them always to succeed. They will, in spite of you, sometimes fail. I'm of course sorry for it very sorry for it. I feel, nevertheless, conscious of having done all I could to make it pay. However, as I said before, in order to meet the thing as far as I can, I'll give you two hundred for the next.'' Alfred took no apparent notice of this ; his eyes were wandering through a labyrinth of charges for composing, correcting, printing, binding, advertising, and a host of et ceteras, which he did'nt understand, and therefore could'nt dispute. The only thing which he understood distinctly was that " the balance of ninety odd pounds was against him." But then what could he say ? He knew what he thought, but how could he prove that what he thought was correct? Mr. Douall endeavoured, with the most affectionate solicitude, to raise his spirits. He playfully alluded to the difficulties and struggles of " other great men," and assured him that his were over that his name was up that he was already popular, and that all he had to do was to achieve immortality. " Now think no more of it," he added, at length. " Don't allow it to depress you for a moment. Finish the work you have nearly completed, bring it to me ? and there's your money. You'll dine with me to-day ?" Dine with him ! Alfred thought not. He didn't feel disposed to dine with any one then. Having left Mr. Douall who up to the last moment laboured to assure him, that in his esteem he occupied a lofty position ! he had a savage dinner alone. 322 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTER XX. THE MYSTEBY SOLVED. ALFBED, on his return to Sudbuiy, was met at the inn by Cyrus and Mr. Wilkins, and when he had explained to them that instead of receiving, as he had expected, " five hundred pounds at least," he had been brought by Mr. Douall nearly a hundred in debt, they didn't fail to express their amaze- ment. " What !" exclaimed Mr. Wilkins indignantly for he felt himself to some extent compromised " Oh ! it's a swindle ! it must be a swindle ! a dirty, disreputable, swindle ! But how does he make it out ?" Alfred produced "the true and particular account," which Mr. Wilkins understood almost as much about as he did, and when he had sufficiently confused himself among the "ads " and the "pars," and the startling figures connected therewith, he said " Let me have this. Til see about this. I shall be in town again in the course of the week. I'll see about it. Leave it to me." "Why, my boy !" exclaimed Cyrus, with a smile, "this is a lucrative profession you've got into. After all your anxiety and care after racking your brains from morning till night, and sticking to work like a leech for months to be rewarded with a balance of a hundred pounds against you a very, very lucrative profession indeed ! We'll have no more of this, my boy ! "We'll see after something that will pay a little better. This is worse than nothing per cent, upon capital. But never mind : keep up your spirits ; you'll know more before you're a week older. It doesn't much matter, after all." LADY FELICIA. 323 " Not matter, uncle ?" said Alfred, "not to have ones hopes blasted" " My boy," promptly interrupted Cyrus, don't give way to any bitter feeling. Do you mark my words. You'll know more before you're a week older ! Before you are a week older, you'll care no more about this than I do, and that is but little. I am glad that you have done what you have done, because you have proved what you can do. I am proud of it, and you may be proud of it too ; but had it turned out more profitable even than you expected, you would never have written another work !" " Why not?" " Because I have something better for you to do ! As I have said, you'll know more in less than a week. Therefore don't fret at all about this. Keep up your spirits, my boy! and above all, say nothing about this failure to Felicia!" " How is it possible for me to keep it from her ?" "You can say that the thing isn't settled: nor is it! Mr. "Wilkins will see about it when he goes to town." " If I live /" exclaimed Mr. Wilkins, energetically. "I will, if I live ! If it be possible to ascertain the truth, the truth shall be ascertained !" " But," said Alfred, " had I not better complete what I am now about first ? I shall have, at all events, a hundred pounds to receive then !" "Have nothing more to do with such a man," returned Cyrus. " Besides, you haven't time to do anything more for this ' celebrated' individual now. But come," he added, "let us be off". Felicia will be anxious." Having left Mr. "Wilkins, who was still most indignant, they started for Melford ; and notwithstanding Alfred's efforts to look cheerful when he arrived, Felicia, at a glance, saw that all was not right. " I fear," she observed, after the first affectionate greeting, T 2 324 LADY FELICIA. " that you have not been so successful as you expected, love have you ?" "Well/ 1 replied Alfred, "the thing is not settled. The account was made out, but not satisfactorily." " Then have you to go up again, dear ?'* " Not at present/' " Dear me ! that is very, very tiresome. He said, distinctly, that he would settle as far as he could. If he were not pre- pared to do so, he ought not to have sent for you. What did he say, dear ?" " He said, that for the next he was willing to give me two hundred pounds." " Two hundred ! Not more than that ! And did you say that you would accept it ?" " Not distinctly. But we shall hear from him again, by and by, I've no doubt." Felicia at once perceived that he wished to avoid the subject, and therefore would not press it then ; but having, during dinner, watched him anxiously, she felt quite certain that something was wrong. While, however, she was watching Alfred, Cyrus was watching her ; and as he saw clearly that Alfred had failed to satisfy her natural curiosity, and that she was in consequence full of apprehension, he made up his mind to relieve them at once, by revealing to them that " profound secret," which he had intended to conceal another week. Accordingly, after dinner Fidele being absent he assumed an expression of deep mystery, and said, " I have something of great importance to communicate something, indeed, so important, that it involves the prosperity and the happiness of the remainder of your lives." He drew nearer to the table, while Alfred and Felicia whom this startling and mysterious exordium amazed looked at each other and marvelled. " The Hall," he resumed, with emphatic deliberation, " has LADY FELICIA. 325 been, as you are, of course, aware, for some time advertised for sale. It is mortgaged, deeply mortgaged, and has been for years : it is mortgaged for more than it will fetch seeing that it has of late been sadly neglected but not for so much as it is absolutely worth. That mortgage was six months ago called in, and various attempts have been made to get another, but as no one could be found to invest more than two-thirds of the present estimated value of the estate, it must come to the hammer nominally, in consequence of the Marquis having purchased a larger estate; but virtually, because he cannot find the money, even with that two-thirds, to clear off the old mortgage. Yery well. Now, on "Wednesday next, the estate is to be sold at Grarraway's, and you shall buy it !" " I !" exclaimed Alfred, with a look of amazement. " I ! I buy it!" " Yes ! You shall buy it, my boy ! Ha, ha, ha I We are not at starvation's door yet." Again, Alfred and Felicia, in a state of amazement, looked at each other, and wondered what he really meant. " My dear," resumed Cyrus, addressing Felicia, " you were born at the Hall : you passed the greater part of your early youth there : you shall pass the greater part of your life there, my love : you shall be, as you deserve to be, its mistress." " But," said Alfred, " tell me distinctly what you mean." " I mean," replied Cyrus, " that you shall buy the estate ; I mean that you shall reside at the Hall in which Felicia was born, and which is dear to her, I know. I have told you that it is mortgaged : I have now to tell you, that we hold that mortgage ! and when I say we, I mean Chubb and myself although my name does not appear. We hold the mortgage ! We have been working together, quietly, for years ! You don't know all, my boy ! although you are a " very popular " man, you don't know all ! nor does your justly " celebrated " 326 LADY FELICIA. publisher. I don't mean to tell you, that when you have purchased the estate, it will be at once absolutely, yours ! But the thing can be managed, my boy ! it can be managed ! and let that, for the present, be sufficient. It has been of late very much neglected : I know that it has : the Marquis must have lost, through neglect, a deal of money ; but, if you, with a view to its improvement, will but work half as hard as you have worked in that lucrative profession, from which you'll now happily retire, it will pay. And now give me a glass of wine, and I'll tell you a little more." Eoth Alfred and Felicia looked as if bewildered, and when Cyrus had had a glass of wine, he thus continued : " Now in the first place, don't say a word about this to mortal ; not a word ; if you do, you will, in all probability, spoil all. There may, nay, there doubtless will be, two or three bidders, whose surveyors have of late been hard at work, but if we keep the thing secret we shall have it. Certain reasons will prompt me to go a little farther than it will answer the purpose of most men to go ; but if we strictly keep what we mean to ourselves, we shall have it, and that without much competition. Understand, that in buying this estate, you can't be said to go against the Marquis. It is publicly advertised ; it is open to be purchased by any one ; and when you have purchased it, my boy, you will not appear to be quite so near starvation point, as some people predicted you would be." "Who were they ?" inquired Alfred. " No matter for the present ; you'll in all probability know by and by. All I wish to observe having reference to the Marquis is, that in purchasing this estate you will not appear to be actuated by any desire to injure him. And now," he continued, " I'll tell you why I have kept this from you so long. In the first place, as the old adage says, ' There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip,' and as I know that you would feel LADY FELICIA. 327 very seriously disappointed, in the event of the estate passing into other hands, I would not in this respect raise your expectations. In the second place, I thought that if I told you what I intended, it might possibly ' ooze' out, as your celebrated publisher would say; in which case I knew that any sacrifice would be made to keep it from us. And in the third place, I wished, my boy, to see what you would do, and although the profession you adopted has, in your case, been amazingly lucrative, I am proud of what you have done, for it proves beyond doubt that you have energy, talent, and perseverance. Nor should I have told you even now," he added, turning to Felicia, " had I not perceived, my dear, that you were full of apprehension, in consequence of Alfred's inability to satisfy you that all was right in town." " All then is not right ?" " Certainly not. This young gentleman has been struggling all this time to get a hundred pounds in debt to his celebrated publisher." " Indeed !" exclaimed Felicia. " Oh ! it's a fact. He has been working hard for a celebrated balance of ninety odd pounds against him." "But I don't understand." " Nor do I, my dear ; nor does Alfred ; nor indeed does Mr. Wilkins, who has taken the matter in hand ; the celebrated publisher alone understands it ; all that we understand is the interesting fact, that when the nominal proceeds of the sale are deducted from the nominal expenses of publication, there is not only a nominal, but an actual balance of ninety odd pounds left for Alfred to pay." " Dear me," exclaimed Felicia, " it was very wrong indeed of Mr. Douall to mislead us." " "What does Mr. Douall, my love, care about that ? "What would he care, my dear, if even he knew that you had absolutely no other resource ? Nothing. Nor need we care much about 328 LADY FELICIA. it. Feeling, however, that when it came to your knowledge you would not only care but fret about the matter, and knowing that while you were kept in the dark, you would continue to be tortured with apprehensions, I made up my mind to impart that secret which I certainly intended to conceal another week." " Tou are, as you ever have been, kind and considerate. I should have felt indeed distressed, had I known this alone." " Of course you would ! But let us say no more about the courteous Mr. Douall : let us fix our attention upon the one grand point, and remember, that the slightest hint may have the effect of frustrating the object we have in view." He then proceeded to enter into a variety of calculations,^ in order to prove to Alfred that the estate, if well managed, would yield a very splendid revenue ; and having remained with them explaining his connexion with the Bank and various other matters, of which they had no previous know- ledge until Pidele and the indignant Mr. Wilkins came home ; he privately gave them one more serious caution, and left them in a state of amazement the most intense. It really appeared to them to be a dream. This accounted for his quiet display of conscious independence. It accounted for the extraordinary willingness on the part of the Bank to afford the firm of Murray and "Wilkins the " accommodation" of which they had spoken so highly. It accounted, in short, for numberless things which had always appeared to be mysteries. Well ! The " writing" was set aside of course. Alfred had got his lovely heroine into an appalling dilemma, and there he left her. He never got her out. She is in it to this very day. There she and the " perfidious one" stand. He had no time to see after either. His time was devoted to Uncle Cy and Mr. Chubb, with whom he was engaged in calculations on and off the estate, until the day before the sale, when they went up to LA.DT FELICIA. town, where they met Mr. "Wilkins, who informed them that Mr. Douall's clerk had " made a mistake." At the time appointed for the sale to commence there were several persons present, who looked like purchasers, and when an hour had been allowed for conversation, business began, and the sale proceeded slowly. Chubb, being known to the agents of the Marquis, kept studiously aloof from Cyrus and Alfred, until the auctioneer, notwithstanding the offers made were insufficient to cover the mortgage, appeared to be really in earnest, when he promptly gave the pre-concerted signal, and Alfred made an offer. This put one of the bidders, who was accompanied by his surveyor, and who appeared to be determined to have it, upon his mettle, and a somewhat severe competition ensued, but Alfred, urged by Chubb and Cyrus, out-bid him, and to Alfred the estate was eventually " knocked down." Chubb then introduced him to the Marquis's solicitor, who promised that no time should be lost in preparing the con- veyance; and when all the necessary arrangements had been made, Alfred took possession of the estate. 330 LADY FELICIA. CHAPTER XXI. THE CONCLUSION. THE expansive powers of a social circle, of which wealth is the centre, are known ; but those powers in the case of Alfred and Felicia were not tested. They had no sooner taken possession of the estate with the reputation of being almost inconceivably rich, a reputation which Conjecture, with B/umour, his wife, can at all times with infinite facility establish, than the neighbouring "gentry" the butterflies who are seen only where the sun shines fluttered round them with fascinating smiles, and expressions of intense admiration ; but Felicia, who loved tranquillity still, and who well knew the value of these conventionalities, gave them no encouragement whatever to persevere in their efforts to " draw her out." She knew the constitution of society, and looked beneath its surface. She knew that if hearts were open, and feelings were material things conspicuously developed, circles of " friends" would be but small ; and therefore pursued her gentle course was courteous and kind to all around her, and enjoyed that sweet tranquillity of soul which purity only can impart^ and which social hypocrisy tends to destroy. But the greatest sensation prevailed in the town. "Where had Alfred procured the money to purchase the estate ? How had it been done ? "Who had made him so rich all at once ? There had been no death in the family of Lady Felicia, because she was not in mourning ! and if the Marquis had made them a present of the estate, why had it been advertised and publicly sold ? Had it been done for a blind ? It might have been ; and yet the Marquis was not the man to conceal his LADY FELICIA. 331 generosity. Perhaps one of Lady Felicia's rich relations had taken pity upon her ! It must have been so : and yet why must it ? Had they not been living in a style of independence ever since they came down ? Had he not been writing novels ? "Who could tell what they had realized ? And yet he couldn't have written a sufficient number in the time. No : it wasn't that they were sure that it wasn't that : what it was they couldn't tell ! nor was it necessary for them to know. The tradesmen's wives who once had a chance of being introduced to Lady Felicia, now reproached themselves bitterly, while the tradesmen who had waited with the utmost impatience, to see Alfred and Felicia wandering about the streets in a state of starvation, for the express purpose of fulfilling the predic- tion of the Marquis humbly solicited their patronage and support. Meanwhile, Alfred was full of energy. He had procured the advice and assistance of the most eminent practical agriculturists of the day: he broke up two-thirds of the park, which had never before yielded a shilling : in short he made every possible effort with a view to the improvement of the estate, and his success was beyond even the most sanguine expectations of uncle Cyrus and Mr. Chubb. About twelve months after they had taken possession, Felicia received a letter from Richmond, stating that Lady Loftus felt exceedingly ill, and was anxious to see her once more. She accordingly, accompanied by Alfred, went to Richmond, and saw her aunt, whose death was then daily expected, and who received her most affectionately : she begged to be forgiven for all the pain she had inflicted, and explained with much emotion, that the accounts which she had heard from Florence and Augusta the whole of which she had proved to be false were of a character so shocking, that she felt it her duty to act as she had done. " Do not leave me, my love," she added, at length. " This house is yours. Do not leave me. I shall not be here long." 332 LADY FELICIA. Nor was she. She died the next day, and left all she possessed to Felicia. This incensed the Ladies Florence and Augusta still more ; for they had been led to expect that all beyond the five thousand pounds, which reverted to Felicia, would be divided between them. They were frantic with rage when the fact became known to them, and charged Felicia with having "wheedled" her aunt on her death bed, not because she wanted the property, but in order to be revenged upon them. No robbery was ever, in their judgment, committed with more consummate impudence ! They wouldn't go while they knew that she was there, nor would the Marquis : they only wished they had gone ! It would have been, however, quite useless : the will was made before Felicia arrived. Florence, about six months after this, married : she married Lord Delorme, who had a spirit as imperious, and a temper as violent, as her own; and having spent the "honeymoon" with him " a honeymoon," characterized by the most furious efforts on both sides to obtain the mastery ! she returned to .Kingsborough house, disgusted with him ; and he left England declaring that he would not even live in the same land with her ! This, however, did by no means intimidate Augusta. She was not to be daunted, not she ! She married the Earl of Ellesmere ; and in a few weeks they arrived at a point of indifference, which prompted them to enter into a compact to keep up " appearances" as man and wife, Jmt not to interfere at all with each other's pleasures. Mr. Ohubb about this time wrote to the Marquis on the subject of an account which was still between them, and which ought long before to have been settled ; and as the Marquis, who had then no agent in Sudbury, was anxious to have "more time," he went down himself, and saw Mr. Chubb ; and when an arrangement had been made for Mr. Chubb had no desire to be severe so long as the thing was arranged in some way the Marquis inquired " how those people got on at the Hall ? " LADY EELICIA. 333 " Excellently well," replied Mr. Chubb. " It is impossible for any man to get on better. Active, intelligent, full of energy, and spirit ; that young man is coining money fast." " I was robbed," said the Marquis, " I see it now daily and hourly robbed." "Very likely, my lord," returned Mr. Chubb coolly. "I think it very likely, indeed. But Alfred Murray is not above attending to his own business ! You should see the estate now, my lord. You'd scarcely know it. It would be worth your lordship's while to ride up and have a look at it. Let me recommend you to do so, my lord. Just go over it." "What, I?" "Why not, my lord? You will find Mr. Murray as gentlemanly a man as you ever spoke to, while his amiable lady is an angel, my lord, if there ever were one upon earth." " Do you forget, Mr. Chubb ?" " JN"o, my lord ; but I think that it's high time for you to forget, or at all events, my lord, to forgive." " To forgive in such a case, is to countenance an example, which i in itself pernicious. No girl ought to marry without the consent of her parents." " I admit it I admit that the example is bad, and therefore one which ought not to be countenanced ; but do you counten- ance an act of disobedience, by forgiving the child who has committed it ? Does nature, or even common justice, prompt a father to crush such a child ? Must he labour to crush her, or hope to see her crushed, in order to prove that he cannot countenance her fault ? WTiat becomes of our paternal affection what becomes of Christianity itself, if such a doctrine be admitted ? The practice is a bad one ; and in the great majority of such cases, lasting misery is the result ; it is seldom, indeed, that true happiness springs from a clandestine marriage ; but is it our duty to mark our disapprobation by rendering that misery more acute, or by wishing that our children may be miserable that they may become outcasts of 334 LADY FELICIA. society that they may, to use the words of a certain handbill, have to choose between infamy and utter starvation ?" " I know what you allude to," said the Marquis ; " but that did not emanate from me." " I don't know, my lord, whom it emanated from ; I only know that it must have emanated from a coward. But, as I was saying, ought we to wish for destruction to alight upon our children because we have neglected to inspire them with that love for us which is the very germ of obedience ? Who ever heard of an instance of a child, whose parents had properly taught her to love them, being in this grand respect disobedient ? Disobedience springs almost invariably from neglect. When I point to the happiness of Lady Felicia, I do not point to it as the result of a clandestine marriage ; because her case on that point is one out of a thousand no, I point to it merely as the result of a combination of purity, energy, and honour. It must, my lord, be remembered that if there ever were a case in which an act of disobedience it may more properly be called an act of independence, seeing that as your lordship had no know- ledge whatever of its being contemplated, you could'nt have forbidden it I say if ever such a case could be held to be venial, that case is Lady Felicia's. She had no dear mother to guide her she never felt the sweet influence of a fond mother's love which I, old and rough as I am, my lord, have felt, and still feel although she is gone and shall continue to feel until the heart over which it ever reigns shall cease to throb. She had no dear mother, my lord : you could'nt attend to her ; and her sisters to say the least were unkind. Ought she not there- fore, my lord, to be forgiven? I speak irrespective of her present prosperity, because that is, of course, adventitious ; but I say, that a father, possessing the heart and the feelings of a father, can't in his own breast, my lord in his own breast I -justify himself in refusing to forgive her." " Does she ever mention me ?" inquired the Marquis, with some emotion. LADY FELICIA. 335 " Frequently ; and I know that if she had but your forgive- ness, her happiness would be indeed perfect." " Then, I'll go and speak to her." "Youwt'ZZ, my lord!" " Yes : I'll go and see her. "Will you accompany me ?" " With much more pleasure than I am able to express." The Marquis rang the bell and ordered his carriage at once, and when it was ready they started for the Hall. Felicia, who was at the window with Alfred playing with their beautiful boy, no sooner saw the carriage approach, than she clung to him as if for protection. " My love !" said he, " why so tremulous ? " He had, however, scarcely spoken, when he recognized James, and then, of course, knew the cause. " Be firm," he added. " Be firm, my love !" The carriage stopped, and when Chubb alighted with the Marquis, Alfred felt that the visit was not hostile. He did not, however, go out to receive them : the Marquis was shown into one of the rooms, and Chubb went to announce his arrival. " The Marquis," said he, addressing Felicia, with an expres- sion of gladness. " The Marquis ! It's all right ! He has come in the most friendly spirit ! He has come to make you happy ! Gro to him, my dear ! " Felicia, still instinctively clinging to Alfred fear, not love, being the lesson which the Marquis had taught her trembled with increased violence. Alfred, however, tenderly led her to the room, and when he found that the Marquis embraced her, retired. "Felicia!" said the Marquis, as he held her in his arms, " I am much pleased to see you. A feeling has been awakened which has long lain dormant. Let all that has passed be, if possible, forgotten. Be happy. Grod bless you. Where is your husband ?" Felicia rushed from the room, and clinging to Alfred, drew him in. * 336 LADY FELICIA. "Mr. Murray," said the Marquis, as he took Alfred's hand, " I have been wrong very wrong. Be prosperous and happy." " I am delighted, my lord, to see you here !" said Alfred. " But you will not leave us yet ?" " I called, but for a moment," replied the Marquis. " Felicia," he added, " write to me : call upon me when you come to town. Grod bless you G-od bless you both." He embraced her once more, and having again shaken Alfred by the hand, he returned with friend Chubb to the carriage. Felicia now felt completely happy. The presence of the Marquis had overpowered her, and rendered her unable to utter a word the fond name of father she had never been taught to utter still, the fact of his having called was, in her view, sufficient, and when Cyrus heard of it, every feeling of resentment vanished. He always spoke of the Marquis respectfully after that, and he had constant opportunities of doing so, seeing that he then resided entirely at the Hall, and there continued to reside until his death, when the estate became Alfred's own. Friend Chubb soon followed his warm hearted " brother :" the loss was too great for him to bear : he saw him in his grave, and wept bitterly, but came out of his house alive no more. His manners were rough, but his nature was kind ; and his pride was to love Felicia, who was, indeed, beloved by all who could appreciate purity, and whose life was that of a gentle spirit, inspired with tranquil joy. J. HADDON, PRINTER, CASTLE STREET, FINSBL'RY. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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