GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF wiscoisrsxisr, Organization and Government of Cities Under General Law Chapter 40a of the Statutes as amended by the laws of 1899, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1907 and 1909. COMPILED TJNDEK DIRECTION OF J. A. FREAK Secretary of State MADISON, WIS. DEMOCRAT FEINTING Co., STATE PRINTER 1910 :*:'*: : V: I l\ 0* H O r4 rH O O CD > H c 8- O (D cd M o bO CD P4 O O cd (D c: H CO c o o CB M CO -p ^ cd o o CD O General Charter Law Chapter 1. Division into Classes. 925 1. Four classes. SECTION 925 1. For the exercise of the cor- porate powers herein mentioned the cities of this state now ex- isting or that may be created under the provisions of this chap- ter shall be divided into classes as follows: Cities containing a population of one hundred and fifty thousand or over shall constitute the first class; cities containing a population of forty thousand or over and under one hundred and fifty thousand, the second class; cities containing ten thousand or over and under forty thousand, the third class ; cities containing less than ten thousand, the fourth class, The population, as affecting the class to which any city shall belong, shall be determined by the last national or state census, unless a census is taken under the direction of the trustees of a village seeking to be incorpor- ated as a city under the provisions of this chapter, or under the direction of the board of a town which contains an unincorpor- ated village which, alone or in connection with adjacent terri- tory, seeks to become so incorporated, or of the common coun- cil of any city now incorporated seeking to adopt such pro- visions for its government. Any city incorporated hereunder shall pass from one class to another when it has sufficient pop- ulation and its common council shall by ordinance or resolu- tion make publication thereof and make proper provisions for such change in the city government. Cities under special charters shall be divided into like classes, determined in the same manner. 925 la. Apportionment of joint debts with town. SECTION 925 la. Whenever the common council of any city incorporated un- der a special charter shall adopt this chapter for its government M19435 4 GKXKRAL 'C'l'lA^TER LAW OF WISCONSIN. and a. patent shall be issued theieto as hereinafter provided, and such city shall have been previously jointly indebted with the town in which it was situated, its liability for its proportion- ate share of such indebtedness shall continue as if such incor- poration under this chapter had not been made. The liability of such city for such share of its indebtedness may be adjusted by the method herein pi-escribed, vv/,.: the common council may, by an ordinance or resolution, elect to have the share of the indebtedness of the city ascertained; notice of the pa>s- age of such ordinance or resolution shall be given by the mayor to the chairman of the board of the town jointly indebted with such city, and if commissioners of such indebtedness havo been created such notice shall also be given them; said town board, commissioners, if any, and common council shall meet at a time and place to be designated in such notice and pro- ceed to apportion the amount, of such indebtedness which said city and town shall bear. Such apportionment shall be based upon the equalized value of the taxable property in the city and town according to the last equalization thereof made by the county board. A certificate of such apportionment shall be executed by the mayor and the chairman of the town board and filed in the office of the county cler^, and be the basis upon which taxes to pay such indebtedness shall thereafter be levied. Duplicates of such certificates shall be filed with the city and town clerk for that purpose. Thereafter such city and town shall each be liable for the portion of such indebtedness so fixed and shall provide for the payment thereof according to the terms of the instrument evidencing it, or otherwise accord- ing to the nature of the obligation. In like manner such town and city may divide property owned by them jointly, but until a division is made such property may be jointly held and used. Chapter II. Adoption of this Chapter by Existing Cities. 925 2, Application oi act. SECTION" 5)25 2. No city now nicoi por- ated shall be affected by the provisions of this chapter unless such city has adopted or shall adopt the same or some 1 part thereof f r its government in the manner hereinafter provided. 925 3. Effect of adoption. SECTION f>25 8. When the common council of any city now incorporated, by a three-fourths vote GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, 5 of all the members thereof, .shall have adopted this chapter for its government and a, patent shall have been issued as herein- after provided, such city shall cease to exist as a. corporation under its charter and the laws creating* such corporation or adopted for its government, and shall constitute a municipal corporation under this chapter and be governed by its pro- visions. 925 3m. (Ch. 230, 1907.) Cities: change from special to general charter initia- tive. SECTION 925 3m. Whenever a petition, signed by not less than ten per cent, of the electors of any city operating under a special charter, shall be -presented to the common coun- cil of such city, asking that the question of the adoption by such city of chapter 4()a, statutes of 1898 and the amendments thereto, <.r some part thereof, be submitted to a vote of the elec- tors of such city, the common council of such city, at its next regular meeting after tin 1 filing of such petition with the clerk of such city, shall provide, by resolution, that the question of the adoption of said chapter 40a and the amendments thereto, or .some part thereof, be submitted to a vote of the electors of such city, and shall determine a day not less than thirty nor more than sixty days after the passage of such resolution upon which day such election shall be held. 925 3n. (Ch. 230, 1907.) Adoption: election; notices; publication; ballot. SECTION 925 3n. Notice of election on the proposition of adopting chapter 40a, statutes of 1898 and the amendments thereto, or some part thereof, shall be given by publication of a copy of such resolution in some newspaper published within such city, once each week for four successive weeks, immediately preced- ing the day of holding such election. Such election shall be con- ducted in the general manner in which elections for city offi- cers are conducted and canvassed in such city ; and the form of the ballot shall be " for the adoption of chapter 40a" and " against the adoption of chapter 40a." When said petition shall be for only part of chapter 40a, the ballot shall con- tain "for the adoption (naming part) " and "against the adop- tion (naming part)." 925 3o. (Ch. 230, 1907; in effect June 20, 1907.) Patent. SECTION 925 3o. If the majority of the votes cast at such election are in favor of the adoption of chapter 40a 6 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. or some part thereof, the city clerk shall certify that fact to the secretary of state and thereupon a patent shall be issued as pro- vided in section 925 5, the last state or United States census being taken as the basis upon which to determine the classifica- tion of such city. 925 4. Ordinance; publication; final action; census. SECTION 925 4. Whenever an ordinance is offered for the purpose of adopting this chapter in place of an existing charter such ordi- nance shall lie over at least thirty days before final action shall be taken thereon, in the meantime it shall be published at least once in the official paper of the city, if there be one, otherwise in some newspaper to be designated by the council, together with a notice of the time when said proposed ordinance will be con- sidered. Such ordinance shall provide for a census to be taken, unless it is proposed to have the city classified accord- ing to the last census taken under the laws of the United States or of this state. Such census shall be taken as nearly as practicable as provided by law for taking the census in case of the incorporation of villages. Final action on such or- dinance shall not be taken except at a regular meeting of the council; and in case such ordinance is defeated it shall not be lawful for said council to consider an ordinance for the same purpo-e for the space <>i cue year thereafter. 926a. (Oh. 165, 1899.) Action to determine validity of proceedings. SECTION 1, ch. 165, laws of 1899. In any case, whether occurring here- tofore or hereafter, where the common council of any city in- corporate by special act shall have undertaken and assumed to adopt in whole or in part the provisions of the general city charter law of this state, and such city and its officers shall have assumed thereafter in good faith to act under, and to ex- ercise the powers conferred by, the provisions of law so as- sumed to he adopted, any question of the validity of such as- sumed adoption and of the ordinance and proceedings therefor may be tested by certiorari or by any ether proper action or proceedings brought directly for the purpose of vacating or set- ting aside the same at any time within three months after such assumed adoption, but not thereafter; provided, that, as to all such cases c-ccurring prior to the taking effect of this act, such direct action or proceeding may be commenced within 'three months after the passage and publication of this act. but not GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF. WISCONSIN. 7 thereafter. No such assumed adoption nor any ordinance or proceeding for such adoption of the whole or any part of such general city charter law shall be in any manner called in ques- tion or held to be invalid in any action or proceeding except one brought directly for that purpose within the time herein- before limited therefor, unless the same shall have been duly vacated or set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction. The provisions of this act shall in no manner affect pending actions. 925 5. Governor to issue patent. SECTION 925 5. If said ordi- nance be adopted the result shall be certified under the cor- porate seal of the city to the secretary of state, together with a copy of all the proceedings relating thereto and the result of the census taken for the purpose of determining the classifica- tion of said city ; thereupon the governor shall issue letters patent under the great seal, reciting the facts, defining the boundaries of the city and constituting the same a body cor- porate and politic by the name of the city of - (specifying the name of such city) and declaring that the same shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter applicable to the cities of the - - class (specifying the class) ; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any city now incorporated and existing frcm adopting the provisions of this chapter regardless of its present population. 925 6. (Ch. 101, 1907.) Officers to continue after. SECTION 925 6. Whenever this chapter shall be adopted by a city now incorporated the officers of such city shall continue in office with all the powers herein conferred until the expiration of the term for which Ihfij !<<}< i'fxi>rd shall be conclusive evidence in all courts ami places of t hie incorporation of the city mentioned and of all the facts t >in recited. 925 14. (Ch. 36, 1901.) Ward boundaries, how changed. SECTION 92514, as amended by ch. 36, laws of 1901. The number and boundaries of the wards of any city organized under the provisions of this chapter may be changed by ordinance adopted by a vote of at least three-fourths of all the members of the common council, provided, said ordinance must be introduced at a regular meeting of the council in May and before final action is taken thereon shall be published in the official paper of the city, if any, otherwise in a newspaper designated by such ordinance, once 10 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. in each, week for four successive weeks, and when the bound- aries of any wards are fixed by any ordinance the number of wards and boundaries thereof or of any of said wards shall not be again changed for a period of twD years except by adding thereto such territory as may at any time be added to the city limits; provided further, that the territory of the wards shall be contiguous and compact and that no ward having a popula- tion of less than eight thousand shall be created in cities of the first class, or less than fifteen hundred in cities of the second class, or less than one thousand in cities of the third class, or less than five hundred in cities of the fourth class. And pro- vided further, that the common council of all cities of the first class may, by a two-thirds vote of all its members, on or before the first day of December, or as soon thereafter as is practi- cable after each state or United States census is taken and the result thereof as to its population is made known, redistrict, readjust and change the boundaries of wards so that they shall be as nearly equal in population as may be, and to that end such council may create new wards and consolidate old ones, but no ward shall be created having a population less than eight thousand nor exceeding twenty thousand. In redistrict- ing such cities the original numbers of the wards and their geographical outlines shall as far as possible be retained and the wards so created and those the boundaries of which are changed shall be in as compact form as practicable. When- ever the number of wards in any such city of the first class shall be changed in the manner aforesaid, and a "new ward or wards created, such Avard or wards shall have the same number of aldermen, supervisors, and ward 'officers as other wards in such city, and shall be in all respects subject to the provisions of the charter of such city. ' Any alderman or ward officer holding office and who resided in any such territory at the time it shall be declared a ward, shall continue in such office for the term for which he was elected and until his success, r is elected and qualified, and shall be an officer of the ward so cre- ated. The inspectors of election and ballot clerks appointed for any such district shall continue to act in Jheir several capacities Avhen such district is constituted a ward, until re- moved or their successors are appointed. In all other cases where a new ward is so created or eld wards consolidated, and the creation or consolidation shall cause vacancies in the offices to which any ward, by reason of the formation, is entitled the common council shall forthwith order in the manner provided by the charter of such city, a special 'election to fill all such GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN: 11 vacancies as are by the charter of such city elective, provided that if any such ward is created AVI thin thirty days before any general or municipal election, such vacancies shall be filled thereat. All other vacancies shall be filled in the manner pro- vided by the charter of such city. The common council shall in ordering such election, fix the term for which the officers shall be elected. . 925 14. (Ch. 123, 1905.) Same. Chapter 123, laws of 1905. SECTION 1. Section 925 14, of the statutes of 1898, as amended by chapter 36 of the laws of 1901, is hereby amended as. to cities of the second, third and fourth classes so that the same shall read as follows: Section 925 14. An ordinance fixing- the number and bound- aries of the Avards of any city of the second, third or fourth class organized under the provisions of chapter 40a of the statutes of 1898 as amended, may be introduced at any regular meeting of the common council. The question of the adoption of such ordinance shall by a majority vote of the members of the com- mon council elect, be submitted to the electors of such city at the next regular municipal election. The city clerk shall pub- lish a notice that said ordinance shall be so submitted at the same time and in the same manner that notice of said municipal election shall be published, and such notice shall set forth the proposed ordinance at length. He shall also prepare ballots to l)o used by the electors in voting -on said proposed ordinance, Avhich shall intelligently express the voter's intention and Avhich shall be substantially in the following forms: For adoption of ward ordinance. Against adoption of ward ordinance. If a majority of the A r otes cast are in favor of the adoption of such proposed ordinance the common council shall forthwith thereafter at a regular meeting take action on such proposed ordinance and may by at least a majority vote of those present adopt the same; and Avhen the boundaries of any Avards are fixed by any ordinance the number of wards and boundaries thereof, or of any of said wards shall not be again changed for a period of two years except by adding thereto such territory as may at any time be added to the city limits; provided fur- ther, that the territory of the Avards shall be contiguous and compart and that no ward have a population of less than fif- teen hundred in cities of the second class, or less than one thou- sand in cities of the third rhiss. or less than five hundred in cities of the fourth class. In redistricting such cities the orig- 12 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN:. inal numbers of the wards and their geographical outlines shall as far as practicable be retained and the wards so created and those the boundaries of which are changed shall be in as com- pact form as practicable. Whenever the number of wards in any such city shall be changed in the manner aforesaid, and a new ward or wards created, such ward or wards shall have the same number of aldermen, supervisors and ward officers as other wards in such city, and shall be in all respects subject to the provisions of the charter of such city. Any alderman or ward officer holding office and who shall reside in any sucK territory at the time it shall be declared a ward, shall continue in such office for the term for which he was elected and until his successor is elected and qualified, and shall be an officer of the ward so created. The inspectors of election and ballot clerks appointed for any such district shall continue to act in their several capacities when such district is constituted a ward, until removed or their successors are appointed. In all other cases where a new ward is so created or old wards consolidated, and the creation or consolidation shall cause vacancies in the offices to which any ward, by reason of the formation, is en- titled, the common council shall forthwith order in the manner provided by the charter of such city, a special election to fill all such vacancies as are by the charter of such city elective. All other vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided by the charter of such city. The common council shall in order- ing siich election fix the term for which the officer shall be elected. Section 2. Said section 925 14, as amended by said chapter 36 shall continue in full force in its present form as to cities of the first class, but as to cities of the second, third and fourth class is hereby repealed so far as it conflicts herewith. 925 15. Village officers to hold. SECTION 925 15. Such city shall be deemed fully incorporated from and after the issue of the patent av, aforesaid, but the village or town board and all other officers of such village or town embracing the territory incor- porated within the limits of said city shall continue to exercise the powers and perform the duties of such officers as defined by the general statutes relating to villages or towns until the first meeting of the common council at which a quorum is present. Until a. city clerk shall have been chosen and quali- fied all oaths of office and other papers shall be filed with the village or town clerk. When the city clerk shall have qualified GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN'. 13 such village or town clerk shall deliver to him all proper rec- ords, papers and files in his office belonging to the city clerk, who shall thereupon become the legal custodian of the same. 925 16. City election. SECTION { .)'2i> 16. Within ten days after the incorporation, of any city under this chapter the village board or the town board shall fix a. time for the first municipal elec- tion, designate the place or places where the same shall be held and appoint three inspectors of election for each polling place. The polls of such election shall be opened at six o'clock A. M. and closed at six o'clock P. iM. ; ten days' previous no- tice of the time and place of election and of the officers to be elected shall be given by the proper- village or town clerk by publication in some newspaper in the county, if there be one, and by posting written or printed notices in three public places in said city. In all other respects such election shall be con- ducted as is prescribed by chapter 5, except that no registra- tion of voters shall be required ; but the failure to give such notice shall in no way invalidate said election. At the close of such election the inspectors shall count the ballots and make returns thereof, stating therein the number of votes for each office, and deliver Mich returns to the village or town clerk, who shall lay the same before the village or town board. Such board shall meet within one week after such election, canvass said return' and declare, the result; the village or town clerk .-shall notify the persons elected to the respective offices and issue the proper certificates of election. All officers chosen at such, election or appointed by the mayor-elect, except justices of the peace and aldermen, shall hold for a term ending on the third Tuesday of April next following and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified; provided, that in case the first Tuesday of April shall be fixed as the time of the first election the term of office 1 of tin 1 several officers chosen shall commence on the third Tuesday rf April succeeding and continue as other- wise pr; v'ded in this chapter. Chapter IV. Annexation and Detachment of Territory. 925 17. What cities. SECTION 92;") 17. Territory lying adjacent fa> any city organized under the provisions of this chapter or ad- jacent to any city oruuni/ed under a. special charter which, by 14 GEXKKAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. ordinance, has declared such city to be of a certain class ac- cording to the provisions of section 925 1, and has adopted, in the manner provided by section 925 4, sections 925 17 to- 925 21, inclusive, may be annexed to such city in the manner heieinafter set forth. 925 18. (Ch. 124, 1907.) Annexation: petition, signers; rejection. SECTION 925 18. A majority of the electors and the owners of at least one-third of the taxable property according to the last tax roll in territory adjacent to such , city may together present, a petition to the common council of such city, asking for an- nexation thereto; provided, that if no electors reside therein such petition must be signed by the owners of at least one- half of the taxable prcperty desired to be annexed before' the council shall have power to act thereon; provided further, that the council may, upon the petition of one-half of the resident electors and of the owners of one-half of the real estate within the limits of the territory proposed to be annexed, pass an ordi- nance annexing such proposed territory when the proposition to annex has been submitted to a vote of the electors of the dis- trict to be . annexed and a majority of the resident electors have voted in favor thereof. Whenever a proposition to annex territory has been submitted to a vrte and rejected, the same or substantially the same proposition shall not be again submitted within two years thereafter. 925 19. Ordinance, action on. SECTION 925 19. At any regular in ei- ting of the common council after the filing of said petition with the city clerk an ordinance may be introduced providing for the annexation of such adjacent territory. Final action on said ordinance shall not be taken except at a regular meeting of the council and not earlier than thirty days after the same is introduced ; and in the meantime the same shall be published at least once in each week for four successive weeks in some newspaper printed and published in said city, if there be one, otherwise in some newspaper to be designated by the council. 925 20. Vote; adjustment of debts and property. SECTION 925 20. A vote of three-fourths of all the members of said council in favor of sa'd ordinance, taken by ayes and noes and recorded, shall be necessary to its adoption. Any controversy that may GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 15 aiise between the city and the town or towns from which such territory is detached in respect to the division of property or the adjustment of existing indebtedness shall be determined by the circu't court in a proper proceeding brought for that pur- p se. or the adjustment of such indebtedness may be made as piovided in section 925 \a. 925 21. Ordinance; collateral attack; limitation. SECTION 925 21. The adoption of >said ordinance shall operate to annex such territory to said city and to the ward or wards designated therein ninety day.: after the same is parsed and published. The valid- ity of the proceedings annexing such territory shall not be called in question collaterally in any court of this state, nor be called in question in any other manner in any such court un- less the action or proceeding therefor be commenced within ninety days after such ordinance is adopted. 925 21a. (Ch. 149, 1903.) Detachment of territory; debts, property. SECTION 925 2la. Upr.n the petition of a majority of property owners own- ing three-fourths of the taxable real estate which it is proposed *to detach, according to the last tax roll, within the corporate limits cf a city of the second, third or fourth class, whether incor- porated under the provisions of this chapter or by special char- ter, and which said taxable property is within a section adja- cent to the boundary lines of any such city, the common council may by ordinance detach such real estate from such city. Such ordinance shall require for its adoption the affirmative vote of three-fourths of all the members of such common council and if so adopted, the said property shall be detached from such city and attached to the towns or towns to which the same shall be annexed and shall be taxable therein. Provided, however, that if a petition signed by five per cent, of the electors of such city be presented to such common council, within ninety (90) days after the passage of such ordinance, demanding that such ques- tion be submitted to the electors of such city then such common council shall cause such question to be submitted to the electors of such city at the next ensuing election, and in case a majority of the electors vrting on such question shall vote in favor of such proposition, then and thereafter said property shall be de- tached therefrom and attached to the town or towns to which the same by reason thereof becomes annexed and shall be tax- able therein. 16 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. It is further provided that such common council may by a majority vote of all its members submit to the electors of such city at the next ensuing municipal election the question of de- taching such real estate from such city, and in case a majority of the electors voting on such question shall vote in favor of such proposition, then and thereafter said property shall be de- tached therefrom and attached to the town or towns to which the same by reason thereof becomes annexed and shall be tax- able therein. Any indebtedness properly chargeable to sucn detached property may be adjusted between such city and the town or towns as provided by sections 925 21 a or 925 20, and the proceedings for such adjustment may be begun by either the town or city. Any property interest of such de- tached territory shall vest in the city. 925 21b. (Ch. 493, 1907.) City boundaries; surveys; record, effect, test. SKCTJO.N 925 21b. All cities whether organized under a, general or special charter are hereby continued as bodies corporate by the name and, style which they now bear, until the same is duly changed. The district or territory now embraced within the lim- its and boundaries of such cities, as now described, shall con- tinue to be the boundaries of such cities until changed by law. Any city may direct -a survey of its present boundaries to be made, and when properly attested such survey may be filed in the office of the register of deeds in the county or counties in which such city is located and when so filed such survey and plat shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein set forth, and after the lapse of one year such a survey and plat shall be con- clusive evidence of such facts. Any citizen may, by appropriate legal procedure, test the correctness of said survey and plat. The time such action is pending shall be excluded from the above limitation of time. Subsequent extensions of the boundaries of such cities may be surveyed and such surveys filed in the man- ner .above provided and may be tested in the same manner and with like effect as a survey and plat of the original boundaries. Chapter V. Officers, Their Election, Appointment, Quali- fications, Compensation; Vacancies. Of cities of first class. SECTION 925 22. Officers of cities of the first class shall be a mayor, two aldermen from each ward, constituting a common council, a treasurer, comptroller, attor- GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 17 ney, clerk, engineer, tax commissioner, an assessor for each ward, i\ board of public works, a school board, a board of com- missioners of the public debt, a board of health, one or more city physicians, a, chief of police, a chief engineer of the fire department, one or more harbor-masters where required, i>f />< h,iired to perform under the general laws. He shall keep an accurate account with the treasurer and charge him with all tax lists presented to him for collection and all sums of money paid into the treasury. In cities of the second, third and fourth clashes he shall be ex-offic:o secretary of the board of pub- lic works and board of school commissioners, and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the council. Within thirty days after the close of each fiscal year he shall 'make and cause to he published in the official city paper a finan- cial statement showing the receipts and disbursements on account of each fund during the last preceding fiscal year. Copies of any and all books, papers, documents or instruments duly filed and kept in his office and transcripts from the records of the pro- ceedings of the council, certified by him under the corporate seal of the city, shall be evidence in all courts and places in like man- ner and with the same force and effect as if the originals were produced. He shall also have power to administer oaths and affirmations authorized to be taken by and under these statutes. Every such clerk may in writing appoint a deputy and shall file -such appointment in his office; such deputy shall aid in the per- formance of the duties of such clerk under his direction, and in case of h's absence or disability or of a vacancy in his office -shall perform all such duties during such absence, disability or the continuance of such vacancy; and every such clerk and his sureties shall be liable upon his official bond for the acts of such deputy. 28 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF \YIsro\SIX. 925 42. City attorney. SECTION 1)25 42. The city attorney shall conduct all the law business et" the city and of the departments thereof and all other law business in which the city shall be in- terested; he shall, when requested, furnish written opinions upon subjects submitted to him by the mayor -or council or any of its committees or any other department. He shall keep a docket of all the cases to which the city may be a party in any court of record, in which shall be briefly entered all steps taken in each cause, which docket shall at all reasonable hours be open to pub- lic inspection. It shall also be his duty to draft all ordinances, bonds, contracts, leases, conveyances and such other instruments as may' be required by the officers of the city, to examine and in- spect tax and assessment rolls and all other proceedings in refer- ence to the levying and collection of taxes and assessments, and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the charter and ordinances. He may appoint an assistant, who shall have power to do all the acts required by law of the city attorney; provided, that he shall be responsible to the city for the acts of such assistant, and that the city shall not be liable for nor have- any authority to pay compensation to such assistant. 925 43. Treasurer. SP;CTION 92543. The city treasurer shall col- lect all city, county and state taxes, receive all moneys belonging to the city, keep an accurate 'account of the same in suitable bo-o-ks prepared for that purpose, and pay over the money in his hands according to law. He shall keep a detailed account of the money received and disbursed by him in such manner as the council shall direct; his books shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any voter of the city. He shall make a re- port to the council each month and as much oftener as required, which report shall embrace a statement of the receipts and dis- bursements in his office, and ten days preceding every annual election he shall make and file in the city clerk's office a full and minute report of all the moneys received and disbursed by him, of all tax certificate^ vouchers and other effects of pecuniary value in his possession, and of all other transactions relating to- his office from the date of the like report of his predecessor to the date of the report required to be made out by him. He shall keep an accurate account of each of the separate funds in his custody. Except as herein and otherwise provided he shall have such power and authority and perform such duties as treasurers in villages and towns are required to perform under these stat- GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 29 ates. Ho shall receive no fees or per diem except the salary fixed by the council prior to his election, but all fees collected by him shall be paid into the city treasury at the end of each month. 925 44. Comptroller: city 1st class. SECTION 925 44. In cities of the first class the comptroller shall, on or before the first day of October in each year, make to the council a detailed state- ment of the expenses of the city and the several wards thereof during the last fiscal year, and such report shall also contain a statement of the estimated expenses of the current fiscal year, as the same has been prepared by the council, and an estimate of the probable income for that year from sources other th'an taxa- tion. He shall examine all estimates made by the board of pub- lic works of public work to be done and all contracts made by them, and shall countersign the same if they are legal and the necessary funds shall have been provided for the proposed work ; and no such contract shall be valid until so countersigned. He shall keep a list of all certificates for the payment of which special taxes are to be levied, and make and file with the city clerk a list of all the special taxes to be levied each year in time for their insertion in the tax roll in the form of a schedule of special taxes, and shall certify the correctness of the same, and such certified schedule shall be prima facie evidence of the legal- ity and regularity of the taxes levied in pursuance thereof. He shall report monthly to the council the condition of the several funds of the city and a statement of all outstanding contracts and claims which will be payable out of each fund. All claims and demands against the city founded on contract shall be audited and adjusted by him, and he shall make a monthly state- ment to the council of such claims, and n>o such claim shall be al- lowed until it shall have been so certified. He shall examine and countersign all city orders before the same shall be valid. He may administer oaths and take testimony as to any question which it may be his duty to decide, and shall keep a record of all his acts and d ings, which shall be open to the inspection of all persons. He may appoint a deputy for whose action he shall !< responsible, and such deputy may act for his principal during Ms sickness or absence. Comptroller: other cities. SECTION 92545. In all other cities the comptroller shall, on or before. the first day of October in each year, file with the city clerk a detailed statement of the 30 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. expenses of the city and the wards thereof during the last fiscal year, and such statement shall also contain an estimate of the- expenses of the fiscal year and the income for that year from sources other than taxation. He shall countersign all contracts made with the city if the necessary funds shall have been pro- vided to pay the liability that may be incurred thereunder, and no such contract shall be valid until so countersigned. He shall make a list of all certificates for the payment of which special taxes are to be levied in each year in time for the same to be in- serted in the tax roll in the form of a schedule of special taxes, and certify the correctness of the same, and such certified sched- ule shall be prima facie evidence of the legality and regularity of the taxes levied in pursuance thereof; but no irregularity in the making of such list shall invalidate any such special tax, He shall report monthly, in writing, to the council the condition of the several funds of the city and of the condition of all outstand- ing contracts and claims which may be payable out of each fund. He shall examine and countersign all city orders before the same shall be valid, but shall not countersign any order before the money is in the treasury to pay the same. He shall examine all claims presented against the city, whether founded on contract or otherwise, and determine as to each whether it is properly itemized and sworn to ; if on contract, whether the items charged are correct, whether such claim was incurred by proper author- ity, and generally determine its correctness. For the above pur- poses he may swear witnesses and take testimony. If he does not find any objection to any claim he shall mark his approval thereon ; if he disapproves, or approves in part and disapproval in part, he shall report to the council his reasons therefor, and in all cases shall report the evidence taken by him. No claim shall be considered by the council or referred to a committee till it shall have been thus examined and reported on by the comp- troller. He shall examine each month the treasurer's accounts as reported and kept by him and report as to the correctness of the same, and also any violation by the treasurer of his duties in the manner of keeping his accounts or disbursing moneys. The comptroller shall procure a claim book at the expense of the city, in which all claims against it shall be entered as fast as the same are filed; said book shall be provided with an index and be in such form as to provide for the entry of the name of the claim- ant, number of claim, date of filing, amount claimed, date of the- report of the comptroller, whether approved and for how much r date of allowance or disallowance by the council, amoun" allowed, date of the order issued to pay the same, number of such order GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. 31 and date of cancellation of the same. The comptroller shall per- form the duties of a member of the board of public works and such other duties as are required of him under the provisions of this chapter or by the council. In case the office of comptroller is dispensed with the duties pertaining thereto shall be discharged by such officer or officers or board as the council shall designate by resolution or ordinance. 925 46. (Ch. 2, 1909.) Cities 4th class: newspaper publications. SECTION 925 46. The council, in cities of the fourth class, at its first meeting or as soon thereafter as may be, shall designate one or more newspapers printed in the city, if there be any printed in such oily, and if not, shall designate a newspaper having a general circulation in said city and printed in the county in which such city is located, in which shall be published all ordinances, notices, and other proceedings required by law to be published, and said council may establish by ordinance such rates for such printing and publishing as to them may seem just and proper, provided, that the price for such printing shall not exceed the legal rate for like work as the same is or may be established by law, and in cities in which no newspaper is printed, all ordinances, notices, ami <>tli< r proceedings required by laiv to be published, shall be posted in three public places in said city. 925 46a. Advertising and publication of proceedings. SECTION 925 46a. The council of cities of the second and third classes, and of all cities incorporated under a special charter and having a population in excess of ten thousand and less than fifty thou- sand, shall, on or before the second Tuesday of April in each year, direct the clerk of said city to advertise in the official' news- paper or newspapers, if there be such, and if not, in any news- paper published in such city, for proposals to do the advertising for said city in the English language for the next ensuing year thereafter and for the publication of all ordinances, notices and for all the city advertising required by law or any resolution or ordinance of the council, and also for proposals to publish the proceedings of the council in the English language as may be ordered thereby. Such advertisement shall invite separate bids for the advertising required and for publishing such proceedings, and invite such b'ds from all daily newspapers published regu- larly in said city for at least two consecutive years next prior to the date of the bids, if two or more such papers are published 32 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. therein ; and if there be no two such papers, then from all news- papers published regularly at least once a week in said city for not less than two consecutive years next prior to the date of the bids ; and shall require the delivery of such proposals in writing, duly sealed and directed to said clerk, on or before the first Tuesday of May of the then current year. No bids for either kind of work shall be considered by said clerk except from a newspaper which has been so published. Such bond or deposit shall be required with each bid as the council may direct. Said clerk shall, on the first Tuesday of May in each year, at twelve o'clock noon, in the presence of the mayor or an alderman, open all such bids or proposals, and thereupon, in such presence, enter upon a record to be kept by him for that purpose all said pro- posals for either kind of work with the respective prices for which such newspaper or newspapers shall offer to do either the advertising or the publication of said proceedings. And there- upon said clerk shall transmit all such proposals to the council at the next meeting held after the opening thereof, and a state- ment of all such proposals, designating therein the newspaper or newspapers which shall have offered respectively to do such ad- vertising or such publication of proceedings, or both, at the low- est prices for the year ensuing. The council shall thereupon at said meeting by resolution designate and award such advertising and such publication to the newspaper or newspapers published in said city which shall respectively offer to do such advertising and such publication of proceedings, or either thereof, at the lowest price for the year then ensuing. And if two or more bids shall be received for either such advertising or publication for the same price, then such advertising or publication or bnth shall be let to such lowest bidding newspaper or newspapers as the council may elect. And whenever the successful bidder for the advertising or for the publication' of proceedings as aforesaid, or for both, shall have executed the contract, he or they shall ex- ecute and file with the city clerk such bond f:.r the faithful per- formance of such contract as the council may require, and after such contract and bond shall have been duly approved as afore- said such newspaper or newspapers shall thereupon publish all s*uch ordinances, notices, council proceedings and other proceed- ings as are required by the charter, by resolution or ordinance of the council to be published in a newspaper, and which such news- papers shall have contracted to publish for the compensation specified in their proposals and contract, and no lower or higher, and shall receive no other compensation therefor: provided, however, that said council shall reject all bids exceeding legal GEXKkAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. 33 rates for like work, and in case of the rejection of all bids for either advertising or publication of proceedings for such cause it shall thereupon be the duty of the said council to direct said clerk to readvertise for proposals for such advertising- or publi- cation, as the case may be, in the manner hereinbefore provided, and said clerk shall thereafter transmit to said council the pro- posals so received by him in the manner aforesaid. The said council shall designate the newspaper or newspapers receiving the contract for such advertising as the proper official newspaper or newspapers of the city. 925 46m. (Ch. 249, 1909.) School boards : proceedings ; printing, publication. SEC- TION 925 46m. The official proceedings of regular and special meetings of boards of education in all incorporated cities and villages in this state, including a full statement of all receipts and expenditures, shall be printed and published in such man- ner as the board of education shall direct. 925 47. Proof of publication. SUCTION 925 47. When any ordi- nance, notice, resolution or other proceeding shall have been pub- lished a copy of such publication, together with the affidavit of the printer or his foreman, stating the length of time the same has been published, shall be filed with the city clerk, and such affidavit shall be conclusive evidence of the publication thereof, and the bill for such publication shall not be audited until such affidavit is so filed. * 925 48. Duties of other officers. SECTION 925 48. All other of- ficers elected or appointed under and by virtue of the authority of this chapter shall perform such duties as are required to be performed by like officers under these statutes and also such as are prescribed by the council. Chapter VII. The Common Council, Its Powers. 925 49. How constituted; ordinances; mayor's vote. SECTION 925 49. The mayor and aldermen shall constitute the common council, and the style of all ordinances shall be: "The common council of the city of - - do ordain as follows." Whenever 3 34 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. in this chapter a majority or a certain proportion of the members of the common council is required to take any action or to form a quorum, the mayor shall not be counted in determining such majority or proportion; nor shall the mayor have any vote ex- cept in case of a tie. 925 49a, (Ch. 190, 1907.) Ordinances: style; unfinished business. SECTION 925 49a. In cities of the first class the aldermen elected from the various wards and the aldermen at large, when elected in any city, shall constitute the common council and the style of all ordinances shall be "the common council of the city of do ordain." The common council shall be a continuing body, and unfinished business pending before it shall not lapse or go down with the council year, but all pending business be- fore the common council, or any committee thereof, at the term- ination of any council year, shall be considered as pending be- fore the common council of the next succeeding council year, or the corresponding committee thereof, and may be acted upon and disposed of by the council of such succeeding year as if no change in the council had taken place, by the expiration of a council year. 925 50. Meetings. SECTION 92550. The council shall hold its first meeting in each year on the third Tuesday of April, and shall thereafter hold a regular meeting on the first Tuesday of each month, and at such other times as the council may direct. The mayor may call a special meeting by a written notice to each of the members, to be served personally or left at their several places of abode at least six hours prior to the time for such meeting. 925 51. Rules; quorum; proceedings; ayes and noes. SECTION 925 51. The common council shall determine the rules of its own proceedings. Two-thirds of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, excepting in cities where- in the council does not exceed five members, and in such cities a majority of the members thereof shall constitute such quorum, but a smaller number may adjourn ; their sessions shall be open to the public ; the ayes and noes may be required by any mem- ber ; and on the adoption of any ordinance or resolution assessing or levying taxes or for the appropriation or disbursement of GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 35 money or creating any liability or charge against the city or any fund thereof the vote shall be taken by ayes and noes, and every such vote shall be entered at length upon the journal. The council shall be the judge of the election and the qualifications of its own members, and may punish them or other persons present by fine for disorderly behavior ; may compel the attend- ance of its members upon its meetings, and employ the police of the city for that purpose; may fine or expel any member for neglect of duty as such member or for unnecessary absence from sessions of the council. At all confirmations by the council the vote shall be taken viva voce and shall be recorded by the clerk in the journal; a concurrence -of a majority of all the members shall be necessary to a confirmation. 925 52. Powers of council, enumeration of. SECTION 925 52. The council shall have the management and control of the finances and of all the property of the city, except as herein otherwise provided, and shall likewise, in addition to all other powers here- in and elesewhere in these statutes vested in them, have full power and authority to make, enact, ordain, establish, publish, enforce, alter, modify, amend and repeal all such rules, by-laws and regulations for the government and good prder of the city, for the benefit of its trade and commerce, and health of the in- habitants thereof, for the prevention of crime and for carrying into effect the powers vested in said council as they shall deem expedient; such council shall have power to declare and impose penalties and enforce the same against any person or persons who may violate any of the provisions of such ordinances, rules, by-laws or regulations; and such ordinances, rules, by-laws and regulations shall have the force of law, provided that they be not repugnant to the constitution of the United States or of this state or of the thereof; and for the aforesaid pur- poses such council shall have authority by ordinance, resolution, by-law or regulation : 1. To license, regulate or prohibit the .exhibition of common showmen or shows tin /. company or corporation the full right and privilege to build and own such water-works and to maintain, operate and icgulate the same; and in doing so to use the streets, alleys and br'dges of the city in laying and maintaining the necessaiy pipe lines and hydrants for such term of years and on such conditions as may be prescribed by such crdinanee or contract : and may also by contract or ordinance provide for supplying liom such water-works the city with water for fire protection and for other puipovs. and also the inhabitants thereof with water for such term of years, for such price, in such manner and subject to such limitations as may be fixed thereby. 34. (Ch. 209, 1905.) To provide for lighting the streets. public grounds and buildings with gas or otherwise, and heat- ing buildings with steam or otherwise and for furnishing light and heat to the inhabitants of such city upon such terms as may be provided by ordinance; and for such purpose may own and operate its own lighting and heating plants, or con- tract by ordinance or otherwise with any person, persons, com- pany or corporation, for a term not exceeding ten years at any one time, at such price, on such terms and subject to such limi- tations as may be prescribed by such ordinance or contract; Provided, that the foregoing provision for furnishing light and heat to the inhabitants shall not apply to cities of the first class. of>. To estahlish and regulate boards of health. ;*b'. To provide for the abatement or removal of all nuisances under the ordinances or at common law. and the punishment of the authors thereof or persons continuing the same bv penalties of fine or imprisonment, and define and declare what shall be GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 41 deemed nuisances; but nothing herein shall be construed to oust {i ny court (,!' jurisdiction to enjoin or direct the abatement and removal of nuisances in the streets or any other part of the city or within its jurisdiction by indictment or otherwise. :\1. To prohibit any per- n from bringing, depositing or hav- ing within the limits of the city any putrid carcass or other unwholesome substance, and require the removal or destruction of the same by any person who shall have upon or near- his prem- ises any such substances, or any putrid or unsound rX'of, pork, fisli or hides, and on his default, authorize the removal or de- struction thereof by some officer or officers of the city at the expense of such petson or persons. UH. To prohibit the ringing of bells, blowing of horns and bugles, crying of g .ods, and all other noises, performances and devices tending to the collection of persons on the streets or sidewalks by auct'oneers or others for the purpose of business, amusement or <.1herwi:-e. .'W. To regulate or prohibit the use of steam whistles within the limits of the city. 40. To piovide for sprinkling the streets at the cost of the city or ol the lots < r parts of lots flouting thereon. 41. To compel the owners or occupants of buildings or grounds to remove and keep snow, ice, dirt or rubb'sh from the sidewalV, street, or alley opposite thereto, and to remove from the lots owned or occupied by them all such substances as the board of health shall direct ; and, on their default, authorize the removal or destruetion thereof by some officer of the city at the expense of such owners or occupants. 42. To prohibit all persons from riding or driving any horse, ox, mule or other animal on any sidewalk in said city or in any way doing da.mage to such sidewalks. 43. To regulate the sale of bread within the city, prescribe the si/o and weight of bread in the haf arid the quality of the same, and provide for the sei/ure and forfeiture of bread bilked contrary to such regulations. 44. To require every merchant, reta'ler, trader and dealer in merchandise or property of any description which is sold by measure or weight to e;iuse his weights and measures to be sealed. ;nid provide lor the punishment of persons using false weights and measures. The standard <>f such weights and meas- ures shall be conformable to those established by law. 4.1. To regulate the weighing ;md sale of hay, coal and lime, and the places thereof; the measuring and sale of wood; the cutting and sale of ice ;md to restrain the sale of impure ice. 42 GENERAL CHARTER LAW Otf WISCONSIN. 46. To license and regulate auctioneers, distillers, brewers and pawnbrokers and keepers or proprietors of junk shops and places for the sale and purchase of second-hand goods, wares and merchandise. 47. To license, regulate or restrain hawkers, peddlers and run- ners or solicitors for steamboats, vessels, cars, railroads, stages, public houses and other establishments, and other runners or solicitors for mercantile houses from other cities or towns for the sale of goods, wares and merchandise by sample, order or otherwise; and keepers or proprietors of gift book stores, gift concerts and other gift enterprises; fix and regulate the amount of licenses under this subdivision, prescribe the time for which such licenses shall be granted, provide and enforce penalties for carrying on either of said trades, kinds of business or employ- ments without license, and regulate the manner in which they shall be carried on; provided, that no such license shall be granted for a less term than three months nor for a longer term than one year. 48. To regulate or prohibit the keeping of any lumber yard and the placing, piling or selling of lumber, timber, wood or other combustible material within the fire limits of said city. 49. To provide for the inspection and regulation of stationary steam-engines and boilers. 50. To provide for the appointment of inspectors, weighers and gangers, regulate their duties and prescribe their fees. 51. To regulate the use of locomotive engines within the city, direct and control the location of railroad tracks in the streets, regulate the speed of railway trains within the city and require railway companies to construct and maintain at their own ex- pense such bridges, viaducts, tunnels or other conveniences at public railroad crossings as the council may deem necessary; also to regulate the running of street railway cars, the laying down of tracks for the same, the transportation of passengers thereon and the kind of rail to be used. 52. To provide for the appointment of watchmen and police- men, regulate the police and prescribe their duties. 53. To compel the owners and occupants of all houses, stores and other buildings to number the same in such manner as the council may from time to time prescribe. 54. To declare the weed commonly called the Canada thistle and other noxious plants and weeds in the city a public nui- sance and provide for the abatement of the same, as the city is authorized by law to abate other nuisances. 55. (Ch. 99, 1903.) To direct and regulate and require the GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 43 planting and preserving of ornamental shade trees in and along the streets and on the public grounds, and may require traces to be planted by the owners of lots in front of said lots and all im- proved, streets and may plant trees and charge the expense there- of against the lot and may authorize all of said work to be done by and under the jurisdiction of the park commissioner. 56. To erect and construct, or permit, cause or procure to be erected and constructed, float, pivot or draw bridges over the navigable or other waters within the jurisdiction of the city, keep the same in repair and regulate the use there'of; said bridges to have draws of suitable width when necessary for the purposes of navigation. f>7. To provide fo/ the preservation of any harbor within or of the city ; prevent any use od to warrant the payment in full to each of such beneficiaries. 925 52r. (Ch. 671, 1907.) Pensions after twenty-two years service: limitations. SECTION 925 52r. Any member of the police department of any such city after having served twenty-two years or more in such department, may make application to said board to be 4 50 GKXKRAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. retired from Mich department, or, lie m;iy be retired by the said board of its own motion; in either of which eases the said board shall order and direct that such member shall be paid a monthly pension of a sum equal to one-half of the monthly compensation allowed such member as salary at the date of his retirement; or if any member shall be discharged after serv- ing twenty-two years or more, the said board shall order or direct that such person shall be pa'd a monthly pension equal to one-half the monthly compensation allowed to such member as salary at the date of his discharge. The said board, upon the recommendation of the chief of police, shall have the power to assign any member retired or drawing pension to the per- formance of light duties in such department where in their judgment it shall be advisable. No person shall be entitled to receive any benefit from any such pension fund other than that prescribed by this act; and in no event shall any allowance be paid any widow after her re-marriage, or to any minor child after it attains the age of sixteen years. 925 52s. (Ch. 671, 1907.) Pensions exempt from legal process. SECTION 925 52s No sum of money due or to become due to any pensioner under this act shall be liable to attachment, levy or seizure by or under any legal or equitable process whatever, whether the same remains with the city treasurer or his agent, or is in course of transmission to the pensioner entitled thereto, or is in the possession of the pensioner, but shall inure wholly to the benefit of such pensioner. 925 52t. (Ch. 671, 1907.) Witness; attendance; clerk hire; printing. SECTION 925 52t. Said boards herein provided for shall in addition to other powers herein granted, have power to compel witnesses to attend and testify before it upon all matters connected with the operation of this act n the same manner as is or may be provided by law for the taking of testimony before notaries public ; and its president or any member of said board may ad- minister oaths to such witnesses. The said board shall have power to appoint a clerk and shall provide for the payment of all its necessary expenses, including clerk hire and printing, from said funds, provided that, no compensation or emolument shall be paid. to any member of said board for any duty re- quired or performed under this act, GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 51 925 52u. (Oh. 671, 1907.) Old pension funds; transfer. SECTION 925 52u. In all cities of the second or third classes having paid police depart- ments, in which prior to the passage of this act a pension fund hiis been created under existing laws, and pursuant to which laws moneys have been collected and are now held by the proper officers of any such policemen's pension fund, all such funds either in money or securities shall, immediately upon the pas- sage of this act, be paid over and transif erred to the proper officers mentioned and provided for in this act, who shall have power to receive, sue for, and collect the same; and such funds shall be devoted to the purposes herein mentioned and pre- scribed. All pensions heretofore provided for in cities of the second, third or fourth class by the officers of board of any such policemen's pension fund shall be continued pursuant to the provisions of law existing at the time such pensions were oideied and provided for. Any pending or ungranted claim heretofore existing or made for a- pension on or out of any policemen's pension fund heretofore existing, is hereby con- tinued, and if established or allowed, shall be paid out of the fund herein provided for pursuant to the provisions of law existing at the time such claim arose. 925 52v. (Ch. 671, 1907.) Scope of act. SECTION 925 52v. The provisions of this act shall be amendatory of the charters of all cities of the second or third class in this state, and any provisions in any such charters in conflict herewith are hereby superceded, and the provisions of any act or law now in force or effect so far as they conflict with the provisions of this act are repealed; provided, however, that this act shall in no way affect or apply to the provisions of any act or law in reference to another department in any of said cities. 925 53. Officers' accounts. SECTION 925^53. The council shall examine and adjust the accounts of the clerk, treasurer and all other officers or agents of the city after the same shall have been audited by the comptroller. 925 54. Corporate authority. SECTION 92554. The corporate au- thority of the city shall be vested in the mayor and common council. 52 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. Chapter VIII. Actions, Appeals, Bonds, Sureties. 925 55. How actions brought. SECTION 925 55. All actions brought to recover any penally or forfeiture or (ItnKind founded upon, tort or bond shall be rt quired to perfect the appeal. 925 59. Action of council final. SECTION 925 59. The determin- ation of the council disallowing in whole or in part any claim shall be final and conclusive and a bar to any action in any court founded 011 such claim, unless an appeal be taken from such determination as in this chapter provided. 925 60. Appeals, how taken; costs. SECTION 925 60. When- ever any. claim against a city organized under the provisions of this chapter shall be disallowed in whole or in part by the council the claimant may appeal from the decision disallowing said claim to the circuit court of the county in which such city or some part thereof is situated by causing a written notice of appeal to be served on the clerk of such city within twenty days after the disallowance of such claim, and by executing a bond to the city in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, with two sureties to be approved by the city clerk, conditioned for the faithful prosecution of such appeal and payment of all costs that shall be adjudged against the appellant. The clerk, in case such appeal is taken, shall make a brief statment of the proceedings had in the case before the council with its decision thereon, and shall transmit the same, together with all the papers in the case, to the clerk of the circuit court. Such appeal shall be taken, tried and determined in the same manner as cases originally commenced in said court; provided, however, that whenever an appeal is taken from the allowance made by the council upon any claim and the lecovery upr.n such appeal shall not exceed the amount allowed, exclusive of interest upon such allowance, the appellant shall pay the costs of appeal, which Nhall be deducted from the amount of the recovery; and when the cost exceed the sum recovered judgment shall be rendered against the appellant for the amount of such excess. 54 GENERAL CHAIiTKR LAW OP WISCONSIN, Chapter IX. The Police Court. 925 61. (Ch. 223, 1905.) Effect of section Police justice. SECTION 925 61. IP every city which shall adopt this chapter for its government and which shall at the time of such adoption have a court or judge, by whatsoever name or title such court or judge shall be called, having the jurisdiction herein conferred upon police courts, the jurisdiction and proccdme < f such court or judge shall continue unaffected by this chapter until such court or the office of such judge shall be abolished, and in the meantime no police justice shall l)e elected and no police court established in such city under this chapter. In every other city governed by this chapter a police justice shall be elet'ted every fourth year as other city officers are elected; his term of office shall commence the first day of May succeeding his election and continue for four years and until his successor shall have qualified; provided, that in cities of the third and fourth clas.-es the council may, by ordin- ance, abolish the p*olice court there'n, and thereupon the juris- diction herein conferred upon such court sha'l be exercised by the municipal court or courts cf the city or county located in such city, if there be any such, and if there be none, then by the justices of the pea.ce of the city. 925 62. His compensation Clerk of court. SECTION 925 62. In cities of the first class the council shall fix the salary of the police justice. In cities of the second, third and fourth classes it may, at its option, fix a salary for such justice which shall be in lieu of all fees and co t^. In every city of the first class the police justice^may appoint a clerk,' who shall keep the docket, records and papers of the court and shall be paid such salary ii'i the council may from time to time allow; but no change in the salary of the clerk shall take effect during the term of office of the judge in wh'ch it was made. Such clerk may administer oaths as well in the performance of his duties as in other cases. 925 62a. (Ch. 84, 1899.) Fees of certain officers in certain cities having no police court. SECTION 925 62a. In cities of the second, third and fourth clashes having no police court, the common council may fix and regulate from time to time the fees or compensation of officers and magistrates for services performed in all actions or GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN, 55 prosecutions for any violation of the charter, ordinances or by- laws of the city and no greater fees or compensation than shall be so fixed shall be charged or recovered. 925 63. Fees to officers in cities of first class. SECTION 925 63. In cities of the first class the police judge, the clerk of the police court and the police officers attending such court and serving its process shall receive no fees, and all costs collected in said court shall be paid into the city treasury and credited to the general fund. 925 64. Name; when open. SECTION 925 64. The court held by the police justice shall be called the police court. It shall be open daily, Sundays and legal holidays excepted. 92565. Jurisdiction. SECTION 9 f 25 65. In cities of the first class the police court shall have jurisdiction to try and sentence all offenders against the ordinances of the city, to try all misde- meanors triable before a justice of the peace, to issue warrants for the apprehension of persons charged with the commission of offenses not so triable, to examine such alleged offenders and commit or hold them to bail the same as a justice of the peace of the city might do but for this chapter. In cities of the sec- ond, third and fourth classes the police court shall have the civil and criminal jurisdiction of a justice of the peace within the .limits of such city and exclusive jurisdiction of offenses against the ordinances of the city.* 925 66. Justices no criminal jurisdiction. SECTION 925 66. No justice of the peace in any city wherein there shall be a police court under this chapter shall have any criminal jurisdiction of offenses committed in such city, nor any authority to issue war- * Jurisdiction of police court extended. (SEC. 1, ch. 21, 1899.) There is hereby conferred upon the justice or judge of the police court in any city of the first class having a police court which is a court of record, the same powers in respect to the examination of persons in such city alleged to be insane, and the commitment of persons adjudged to be insane to the hospital or asylum, as is con- ferred by chapter 32 of the revised statutes upon the county judges in their respective counties. Such cases before said police judge or justice shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law in similar cases before county judges. 56 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, rants for the apprehension of any alleged offender for an of- fense committed therein, nor to examine or commit or hold to bail any such offender charged with any crime or misdemeanor committed in said city. In case of the absence, sickness or dis- ability of said police justice he may, by an order in writing to be filed in said court, appoint a justice of the peace or a court com- missioner in said city to discharge his duties during such ab- sence, sickness or disability, and the person so appointed shall have all the powers of &aid police justice while administering such office. 925 67. (Ch. 41, 1903.) Punishment. SECTION 925 67. Any person who is con- victed in the police court of the violation of any ordinance may be sentenced to punishment by fine or imprisonment or both, and any person so convicted or convicted therein of any misdemeanor may be sentenced to pay a fine and the costs of the prosecution or be imprisoned in the county jail or house of correction, in the alternative, 'and when proper facilities for that purpose shall exist in the jail or house of correction the court may order the prisoner to be kept at hard labor duntiir the term uf his im- prisonment, if he shall .have the ability to labor. 925 68. Docket. SECTION 92568. There shall be kept in ever? police court a docket wherein shall be entered the substance of every complaint, date of the issuance of the warrant and date and substance of the return thereof, the plea of the accused, the names of the witnesses, the names and verdict of the jury, if, any, and the judgment of the court. 92569. Complaint, warrant, execution, form of. SECTION 925 69. The following shall be snsta.ntia.ily the forms to be used in said court in cases of prosecutions for the violation of ordinances : Complaint. STATE OF WISCONSIN, ) c City pf - -. f In the police court of said city. A. B. complains on oath to the police court of the eity of that 0. D. did, as the deponent verily believes, on or about the GENERAL CHAETEB LAW OF WISCONSIN, 57 day of , A. D, 18, at said city, violate an ordinance of said city, to- wit: (here insert the title and date of the ordi- nance or the chapter and section of the general ordinances), in that he did thon and there, contrary to said ordinance (here insert the act or omission complained of), .wherefore the com- plainant prays that C. I), be arrested and dealt with accord- ing to law, A. B., Complainant. Subscribed and sworn to before me this - - day of - , A. D. 18. E. F., Judge (or Clerk). Warrant. STATE OF WISCONSIN, , ss. c:tv of : In the police court of said city. The slate of Wisconsin to the chief of police or any police officer of the said city, or the .sheriff or any eons-fable of the county of- -: You are hereby commanded to arrest and bring before said court as soon as may be, and safely keep subject to the order oi said court, the body of C. D., chained with violating one of the ordinances of the c'.ty of - . Dated - E. F., Judge (or Clerk). Execution. STATK OF WISCONSIN, j V ss of- -. ) In the police court of said city. The stale of Wisconsin to the chief cf police or any police officer of said city, or to the sheriff or any constable of the county of - , and to the keeper of the common jail of said county, Greeting: AVhereas, the said city of - , on the - - day of, A. D. 18 , recovered a, judgment in the court above named against - for the sum of - - dollars and cents and for the co.vts of suit, amounting to the sum of - dollars and cents, for the violation of (here insert the number, title and date of the ordinance or the chapter and section of the general ordinances), in that he did, on the day of - , 18 , at the said city (insert the act complained of). You are hereby commanded to levy distress of the goods and chattels of said 58 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, , excepting such as the law exempts, and make sale thereof according to law to the amount of said sums, together with your fees and twenty-five cents for this writ, and the same return to me in thirty days, and for want of such goods and chattels whereon to levy to take the body of said - and him convey and deliver to the keeper of the common jail in - county, and the said keeper is hereby commanded to re- ceive, keep in custody in said jail the said - - for the term of - - unless the said judgment, together with all the costs and fees, are sooner paid or he is discharged by due course of law. Given under my hand this - - day of - , 18 . , Judge (or Clerk). The form of commitment shall be substantially the same as that of the execution, omitting all that relates to the levy and sale and return of the writ. 925 70. Juries, how selected. SECTION 925 70. In cities of the first class whenever any accused person shall demand a trial by jury in said court the judge shall direct the officer in attendance or some .cither suitable person to prepare a list of twenty-four qualified jurors, and the prosecuting officer or some person de- signated by the court for that purpose on one part and the ac- cused or his counsel on the other shall each strike off six names, the prosecution striking off the first name, and the defense the second and so on alternately, and the remaining twelve shall thereupon be summoned and shall serve as jurors. In cities of the second, third and fourth classes the jury shall be selected in -the same manner as in justice courts in criminal cases. The venire may be in the following form: STATE OF WISCONSIN, ) City of - -. [ S In the police court of said city. The state of Wisconsin to (here insert the names of jurors) : You are hereby summoned and required to attend said court forthwith to serve as jurors therein in an action there pending, wherein the - - is plaintiff and C. D. defendant. Hereof fail not at your peril. Dated - . E. F., Judge (or Clerk). If any juror or jurors named in the venire shall not be found or shall be unable to serve a talesman or talesmen shall be called, and if qualified shall take the place on the jury of such juror or GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, 69 jurors ; provided, that either party shall have a right to challenge such talesmen for cause and at least two talesmen peremptorily. 925 71. Costs. SECTION 925 71. The costs taxable in the police courts shall be the same as in justice courts for similar services, and in cities of the second, third and fourth classes such costs shall be paid to the judge and the officers earning tjiem. respec- tively, unless such judge or officers shall be paid a salary, fn which ease such costs shall be paid into the city treasury. Chapter X. Fire Department. 925 72. Organization and support of. SECTION 925 72. In every city governed by this chapter, not having a paid fire department, it shall be competent for the council to provide by ordinance for the organization and management of volunteer fire com- panies, and to appropriate from the general fund such sums as shall be deemed requisite for the aid of such companies in pro- curing apparatus and outfit and maintaining and housing the same, and to provide by ordinance for the appointment of a chief engineer, fix his term of office, designate his authority, and fix suitable penalties for the violation of any of the provisions of such ordinances. 925 73. Fire limits. SECTION 92573. In every city so governed the council may designate fire limits within which no buildings having wooden outside walls shall be constructed or repaired so as to increase their value beyond a percentage to be fixed in the ordinance, and may by ordinance prescribe special fire limits within the general fire limits, within which special fire limits they may require such building material to be used and such additional precautions to be observed, both in the construction of new buildings and the repairing and maintenance of existing buildings as they may from time to time designate, for the pre- vention of fires and the spread and communication thereof, and pro vide any proper remedy for the enforcement of such ordi- nances or any particular provision thereof, and to that end they may provide for the appointment of a building inspector, desig- nate his authority, fix his term of office and compensation. 60 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, 92574, Paid department, SECTION 925 74. It shall be competent for the council of every city to provide by ordinance for the es- tablishment or continuance of a paid fire department to be en- tirely under the control of the city government, and maintain it at the sole expense of the city, for the appointment of a chief engineer of the fire department and as many assist ants as may be deemed necessary and fix their salaries, and for the appoint- ment and compensation of as many firemen as shall from time to time be necessary. 925 75. Apparatus, engine-house, signals, etc. SECTION 925 75. In every city governed by this chapter in which a paid fire de- partment shall have been established, either under this chapter or before its adoption, it shall be competent for the council to provide for the purchase and maintenance of all necessary fire- engines and apparatus for the extinction or prevention of fires, for the construct-on and maintenance of all necessary engine- houses and fire stations, fire alarms, fire signals, telegraph or tele- phones, and for the u^e of all known means of extinguishing or preventing fires, and appropriate the necessary sums for carry- ing the foregoing provisions into effect. 925 76. Fire account.' SECTION 925 76. In every such city the city treasurer shall keep a separate account with the general fund, to be called the fire account, in which shall be entered all dis- bursements for or on account of the fire department and all ap- " propriations made and taxes collected for its use. 925 77. Relief fund. SECTION 925 77. The council may establish a fund for the relief of firemen injured in the discharge of their duties, and for the relief of the families of firemen who may lose their lives in the discharge of their duties or in consequence thereof, and provide for the management and distribution of such fund or the proceeds thereof, and require all active firemen to contribute not to exceed two per cent, of their wages to said fund. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 61 Chapter XI. The Board of Public Works. 925 78. Organization and terms. SECTION 925 78. There shall be a department known as the board of public works to consist of three commissioners. In cities of the first and second classes the commissioners shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council at their first regular meeting or as soon thereafter as may be. The members of the first board shall hold their offices one, two and three years respectively, and thereafter for three years or until their successors are qualified. In all other cities the board shall consist of the city attorney, city comptroller and city engineer or surveyor; prov:'ded, that the council, by a two- tliirds vote, may determine that the board of public works shall consist of other public officers or persons and provide for the election or appointment of the members thereof, or it may, by a, like vote, dispense with such board, in which case its dut ; es and powers shall be exercised by the council or a committee thereof, or by such officers or boards as the council shall designate. 92579. Officers. SECTION 52579. The members of the board of public works shall, on the first Tuesday in May of each year choose a president of the bfard from their number, and in cit'es of the first class a secretary ; in other cities the city clerk shall be the secretary of the board by virtue of his office. 925 80. City engineer. SECTION 92580. In cities of the first class the mayor with the approval of the council shall appoint some competent person as engineer, whose term of office shall -continue for one year and until his successor is qualified unless he shall be sooner removed for cause. The engineer shall keep his office in some convenient place to be designated by the council, and it shall be his duty to do all engineering work required by said council or the board of public works. He shall possess the same powers to make surveys and plats with : n the city as county surveyors; and like validity and effect shall be given to his acts and to all plats and surveys made by him as are or may be given to the acts, plats and surveys of county surveyors. 925 81. Engineer's records and report. SECTION 92581. In cities of the first class the engineer shall keep on file in his office, and 62 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. in all other cities in the office of the city clerk, a record of all his official acts and doings and also ;i eopy of all plats of lots, blocks and sewers embraced within the city limits, all profiles of streets-, alleys and sewers and of the grades thereof, and of all drafts and plans relating to bridges and harbors and of any buildings belonging to the city ; and shall at the same place keep a record of the location of all bench marks and permanent corner stakes from which subsequent surveys shall be started; which said records and documents shall be the property of the city and open to the inspection of parties interested, and shall be deliv- ered over by said engineer to his successor or to the board of public works. In cities of the first class on the last Tuesday in March of each year, and in all ether cities whenever requested. the engineer shall make a report' of all doings of his department to the board of public works. 925 82. Compensation of board. SECTION 925 82. The commis- sioners of public works in cities of the first class shall be each paid an annual salary to be fixed by the council before their appointment and at the time other salaries are fixed under this chapter; in all other cities Ihe salaries of the attorney, comp- troller and engineer respectively shall be in full for their serv- ices as members of such board. 925 83. Oath and bond in cities of first class. SECTION 925 83. In cities of the first class each member of the board of public works shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take ai* oath of office and file the same in the office of the city clerk, and give a bond to the city with sufficient sureties, in such form and sum as the council may direct, for the faithful performance of his duties. 925 84. Rules for board. SECTION 925 84. The council may make s'uch rules from time to time as they may deem proper, not con- travening any of the provisions of this chapter, for the gov- ernment of the board of public works and the manner in which the business of said board shall be conducted. 925 85. Quorum; record; report, SECTION 925 85. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for doing business, They GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 63 shall keep ji record of all their proceedings, which shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any elector of such city, and shall make a report to the council on or before the first day of March in each year, and oftener if required. 925 86. Duties. SECTION 925 86. It shall be the duty of the board under the direction of the council, to superintend all public works and keep the streets, alleys, sewers and public works and places in repair. 925 87. Care of school buildings. SECTION 925 87. In cities of the first and second classes all repairs and alterations of school buildings and premises shall be under the charge O'f the board of public works, and in other cities under the charge of the board of education; but such repairs or alterations, except or- dinary repairs costing not more than two hundred dollars, shall first be approved by the council. 925 88. Use of streets. SECTION 925 88. No building shall be moved through the streets or any obstruction be placed therein without a written permit therefor granted by the board of pub- lic works ; said board shall determine the time and manner of using the streets for laying or changing water or gas pipes, or placing and maintaining electric light, telegraph and telephone poles therein ; provided, that its decision in this regard may be reviewed by the council. 925 89. Repair of streets. SECTION 925 89. In case any corpora- tion cr individual shall neglect ''to repair or restore to its former cond'tion any street, alley or sidewalk excavated, altered or taken up, within the time and in the manner directed by the board, ,-aid board shall cause the same to be done at the expense of said corporation or individual. The expense theren-f, when chargeable to a lot-owner, shall be certified to the city clerk by the board, and if not paid shall be carried into the tax roll as a special tax against the lot. 925 90. Contracts, how let. SECTION 925 90. All piiblic work, th estimated cost of which shall exceed two hundred dollars, shall 64 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. .be let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder; all other public work shall be let as the council may direct. When the work is directed to be let to the lowest responsible bidder or is required to be so let under the previsions of this section, the board of public works or such officers as shall be designated to discharge its duties shall advertise for proposals by publishing a notice in the official newpaper at least once in each week for at least two successive weeks. Before such proposals are ad- vertised for a profile of the AVI . therein, or to any lot or lots or parcels of land therein, such public work or improvement may be done by the use of a patented article, material or process, in whole or in part, or in combination with articles, materials, or processes not patented, and any bid accepted or contract let for such work or improve- ment shall be as valid and binding- as if no patented article, ma- in ial < r process had been used ; provided, however, said city shall have obtained from the owner of said patented article, materials or pro-L'.es:-?, befoie advertising for bids thereon, a binding agreement to furnish to any contractor, desiring to bid upon such work as a whole, the right to use said patented article, ma- terials and processes in the construction of said work, and also to furnish to any contractor said patented article itself upon the payment of what the authorities cr urtcr work* to supply the city and its inhabitants with light or ivater may, by ordinance, fix the rat as to be charged for light or water furnished the inhabitants thereof, and provide for the collection of the same either quarterly or senii-annually in ad- vance or otherwise provided, such rates, shall be uniform for like services in all parts of the city. The provisions of the next fol- lowing section shall apply to the listing and collection of unpaid rates or charges for light or icaicr so furnished, so far as they are applicable. 925 99. Penalty for non-payment; lien. SECTION 925 99. On the first day of January and July in each year the board of public works shall furnish the city treasurer with a list of all lots or parcels of real estate to which water has been, furnished by the city during the preceding six months and the amount due for GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 69 the same. If such amount is not paid within ten days there- after a, penalty of ten per cent, shall be added and the treasurer shall proceed to collect the said dues with said penalty, together with five per cent, thereon for his fees. He shall have all the authority in collecting said tax vested in him for the collection of general city taxes. Said dues shall be a lien on the real estate to which the water was furnished front the time said list is placet in the hands of said clerk, and all sums that have accrued during the preceding year and are not paid by the first day of Novem- ber in any year shall be reported by the treasurer to the clerk, who shall insert the same in the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property. All proceedings in relation to the collec- tion, return and sale of property for delinquent city taxes shall apply to said tax. 925 99a. (Ch. 362, 1901.) Contract, how let. SECTION 925 99a, After the council shall have ordered the laying of any water pipe, the board of public works, shall advertise for and receive bids to do the work so ordered, having first procured to be carefully prepared and put on file in the oifice of the board, for the examination and guidance of bidders, plans and specifications describing the work to be done and the kinds and qualities of materials to be used, as directed by the council, and shall let the contract to the loVest responsible and reliable bidder ; provided, however, that the board shall have the right to "reject all bids and readvertise for proposals if they believe none of the bidders are responsible or that any agreement has been entered into between bidders to prevent competition ; and provided further, that the contract shall not be binding until approved by the council and counter- signed by the comptroller. 925 99b. (Ch. 362, 1901.) Work, how paid for. SECTION 925 99b. Such contract may at the option of the city, except as herein otherwise pro- vided, require the contractor to receive as payment for so much of the work as has been assessed against the lots, tracts or par- cels of land, opposite to the front of which any water pipe shall extend certificates, against such lots, tracts or parcels of land, respectively, or improvement bonds, and the residue of such contract, shall be paid out of the waiter works fund, in the city treasury, and such certificates and bonds shall be issued and col- lected in the same -manner as is now provided in .sub-chapter 18 cf chapter 40a. statutes of '1898, for issuing and collecting certificates and improvement bonds for street improvements. 70 GENE UAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 925 100. (Ch. 260, 1907.) Water pipes; laying of: assessment against lot owners. SECTION 925 100. 1. The board of public works, before lay- ing any water pipe along any street, alley or other line in said city, shall assess against the several lots, parts of lots or parcels of land which may front or abut on the proposed line of water pipe, or which may be contiguous to and used in connection with any such lot -or parcel of land, such sum as such lot or parcel of land will be, in the judgment of said board, specially bene- fited by reason of laying such water pipe, not to exceed, how- ever, the amount prescribed in the next section ; One assessment. 2. Xo lot. parcel of land or part thereof shall be subjected to the payment of more than one assessment for water pipe laid in the same street or alley. Notice. 3. Before making such assessment they shall give notice by publication in the official city paper to the owners of such lots or parcels of the time when and place where they will meet to hear objections to the proposed, assessment, and they shall make no assessment of benefits upon such lots, nor any ap- portionment of any part of the cost of laying such pipe between different lots, until after such hearing. The owner of any such lot may appear at such time and place and be heard upon the question of assessment and apportionment. Cities 4th class. 4. In cities of the fourth class wherein a water system was constructed and water wP es laid along the public streets, previous to the adoption of chapter lOa, statiit'-s of 1898, by said city for its government, entirely at the public expense; the common council may by a majority vote of all the members thereof, cause watier mains to be extended from such system along the public streets and alleys as they may direct at the expense of such city, the same to l)C constructed as other public worJfs as provided by such statutes. 925 101. Basis of. on regular lots. SECTION 925 101. A regular lot (not corner) which may front or abut on the line of water pipe shall be assessed an amount equal to one-half of the cost, as estimated by said board, of furnishing and laying a regular minor water pipe of approved materials and manufacture with the required openings for connections with private service water pipes along- the front of said lot. unless such board shall, after GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 71 such hearing, diminish such assessment which, shall in no event exceed such half; such minor pipe to be not less than four nor more than six inches in diameter, as said board may determine. Every irregular lot, part of lot or other parcel of land fronting or abutting on such line of water pipe, and likewise any parcel of land or lot which shall be contiguous to any parcel of land or lot or part of lot so fronting or abutting, and which in the judg- ment of said board is or may be most advantageously used in. connection therewith, shall be assessed for such water pipe the amount which in their judgment shall be as nearly as may be in just proportion to the amount assessed for regular lots as compared with the special benefits derived by each from the laying of said water pipe. 925 102. On corner lots, etc. SECTION 925 102. Every corner lot .and every lot, part of lot or parcel of land which may front or abut on irore than one street on which it is; proposed to lay a line of water pipe, shall be assessed for every such line of pipe ; but the aggregate of the assessments therefor on any such lot or parcel of land shall be as nearly as may be in just proportion to the amount assessed for regular lots as compared with the special benefits derived by them respectively from the laying of such water pipe ; and in making such assessment the board shall take into consideration the situation of such lot or parcel of land with respect to its different fronts, and all subdivisions thereof by sale, contract, use or occupation in severalty, and may assess subdivisions separately, and may also assess any subdivision of such lot or parcel of land in connection with any other part of such lot or other lot or land contiguous thereto and most ad- vantageously used in connection therewith. 925 103. Apportionment if lot subdivided. SECTION 925 103. Whenever any lot or parcel of land shall be subdivided by sale or contract or by use or occupation in severalty, after- the assess- ment of special benefits as herein provided, said board of public works may, after ascertaining such facts, at any time before the special assessment shall have been inserted in the tax roll, make an equitable apportionment of the benefit tax against such lot or parcel of land among the different subdivisions thereof. 925 104. Reports of assessments; notice. SECTION 925 104. The said board of public works shall file reports of such assessments 72 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. with the comptroller in cities of the first class and with the city clerk in other cities, who shall record the same in a book kept for that purpose and give notice .thereof to the parties interested by publishing the same once in each week for three successive weeks in the official paper. Any person feeling himself ag- grieved by the report of said board may, within twenty days after the completion of the publication of notice by the comp- troller, appeal from such report to the circuit court of the county in .which the city or any part thereof is situated. Such appeal shall be taken and conducted in like manner and like security for costs shall be required as provided by law in cases of ap- peals from the decisions of the council of said city to said court on the return of assessment of benefits or street improvements. Such appeal shall raise the sole question of the relative amount of the assessment as between different l;). Board of education; members; election; notice; term; vacancy. SECTION 925 113n. 1. Where the electors have decided in the affirmative under the preceding section, the board of education shall consist of- seven commissioners elected at large from the territory of such city. The members of .such board shall be divided as nearly equal as may be into three classes. One class of three members shall be elec- ted for one year, one class of two members for two years, and those of the remaining class for three years. Such commissioners shall be elected at the annual spring election held in such city. The names of the candidates for the office of school com- missioner shall be printed upon a separate ballot under the title "school commissioners." 2. At the annual spring election next after the time when the change of school system and school district boundaries shall go into effect, there shall be elected seven commissioners to con- stitute the board of education for such school district. All qualified electors within such city shall be entitled to vote for such commissioners at such election. GffiNEKAL rilAHTKR LAAV OP WISCONSIN. 79 3. At the first election held for the office of school commis- sioner the two persons receiving the highest number of votes shall he elected for three years, the two receiving the next high- est number of votes shall be elected for two years, and the three receiving- the next highest number of votes shall be elected for one year. Each elector voting at such first election shall be en- titled to vote for seven candidates. Thereafter such electors shall elect at each spring election commissioners for the term of three years. Each elector shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are commissioners to be elected and tlie ones receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. 4. The votes cast at such election shall be canvassed and re- turn thereof certified to the common council. The common council shaU canvass the returns of such election and shall de- clare the re-.ult thereof as f : r city officers. 5. The persons elected in accordance herewith shall constitute the b:>ard of education of such school district. The term of of- fice of each such commissioner shall commence ori the first day of .May following such election and each commissioner shall hold office until his successor is elected and qualified. Vacancies in such br-ard of education shall be filled by appointment by the mayor of such city subject to the approval of the council. No- tices of election under this statute shall be given as in other elec- tions in said city. 925 114. Annual meeting. SECTION 925114. The first meeting of the board each year shall be held on the first Monday in May or as soon thereafter as may be. At such meeting the board shall elect one of its members president and another vice-pres- ident. The president rhall preside and preserve order at every me; --ting of the board at which he shall be present, and perform such other duties as the board shall by rule, by-law or resolu- tion from time to time require of him. It shall be the duty of the vice-president to discharge the duties of . the president in his absence. 925 115. Secretary and superintendent. SECTION 925 115. In 'Cities of the first class the board of education shall, annually at its first meeting or as soon thereafter as may be, elect a secretary who shall not be a member of the board. In other cities the city clerk shall be ex officio secretary of the board. In cities not under the supervision of a county superintendent the board 80 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. shall, in like manner at such meeting or as soon thereafter as may be, elect a superintendent of schools for the city who shall not be a member of the board. These officers shall hold their respective offices for one year and until their successors shall have been elected, unless sooner removed by a resolution adopted by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the board. 925 116. Authority of board. SECTION 925 116. The board of edu- cation shall have authority : 1. To establish and organize such high schools arid so many district schools and branches of the same, primary schools, night schools and kindergartens as they shall deem expedient. "2 To establish and change from time to time such and so many school districts as shall include all the territory of the city, and to afford to the people of the city such district school facil- ities as the circumstances of the city and its various parts may from time to time require ; provided, that in cities adopting this chapter or being newly organized under it the school districts already established shall remain until otherwise ordered by the board. 3. To purchase and preserve such school apparatus as may from time to time be required. 4. To grade the schools and prescribe the course of study to be pursued therein and the text-books to be used ; provided, that such text-books shall not be changed oftener than once in five years 5. To employ teachers of all grades and fix their salaries. 6. To prescribe rules of order for the regulation of their own meetings and deliberations, and alter and repeal the same from time to time as they shall see proper. 7. To appoint all necessary standing and special committees. 8. To enact, amend and repeal all necessary rules, regulations and by-laws for the government of the schools, teachers and school officers. 9. To fix the salaries and prescribe the duties of the superin- tendent of schools in cities not under the supervision of a counfy superintendent, to authorize him to appoint such assistant super- intendents, either for general or special service, as they may deem necessary, and fix the salaries of such assistants ; to fix the salary of the secretary of the board and his assistants : prescribe his duties, whether he be the city clerk or one specially elected by the board, and in the latter case to authorize such sec- retary to appoint such assistants as they may deem necessary. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 81 10. To contract for and purchase all necessary fuel for the schools and school offices, provide for lighting the same, appoint janitors for the school buildings and school offices and fix their salaries. 11. To estimate the expenses of the public schools as herein- after provided. 12. To exercise all the powers necessarily incident to the pow- ers herein conferred. 925 117. Monthly and special meetings. SECTION 925 117. It shall be the duty of said board to hold monthly meetings at such times as it shall from time to time prescribe ; special meet- ings may be held under such rules and regulations as the board may fix. 925 118. School buildings ; office for board. SECTION 925 118. It shall be the duty of the board of public works, except as pro- vided in section 925 87, under the direction of the council, to erect and keep in repair all school buildings, and to provide suitable offices for the board of education and its secretary, if there be one other than the city clerk, and the city superin- tendent of schools, if any. In the absence of permanent school buildings, or proper offices for the transaction of school busi- ness, the board of public works may rent suitable rooms, tem- porarily, for schools or offices or either. 925 118a. (Ch. 194, 1909.) Cities, 3rd and 4th class: school buildings; sites; con- struction; contracts. SECTION 925 118a. In all cities of the third and fourth class the expenditure of all sums of money appropriated for the purchase of a school site, or sites, or for the erection, enlargement, alteration, or repair of school build- ings and for the maintenance of schools, shall be under the di- rection and authority of the board of education. Whenever the estimated cost of the buildings to be erected, enlarged, alterecT, or repaired exceeds one thousand dollars, the board of education shall make, or cause to be made, plans and specifications setting forth clearly and in detail the work to be done and the material to be used and an estimate of the cost of the same. After these plans and estimates have been adopted by the board and ap- proved by the common council said board shall give at least ten days' notice by advertisement in the official city paper, or in fi 82 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. one designated by the common council, of the reception of bids for the execution of the proposed work. All bids must be sealed and accompanied by a satisfactory bond in such sum as may be 'designated in the advertisement for bids, signed by the bidder and two or more sureties, who shall be residents of this state, and who shall justify as to their re- sponsibility and by their several affidavits show that they are worth in the aggregate at least double the amount of the bond in property not by law exempt from execution in this state, or by a bond of a surety company duly licensed to transact busi- ness in this state, such bond and sureties to be approved by the board previous to the opening of the accompanying bids or pro- posals, and shall be conditioned that the bidder will enter into a contract with the required sureties, for the price mentioned in his propoal and according to the plans and specifications on file, in ease the contract shall be awarded to him; and in case of failure on his part to execute a contract with satisfactory sureties, said bond shall ;be prosecuted in the name of said city and judgment recovered thereon for the full amount of the pen- alty thereof as liquidated damages, in any court having juris- diction of the action, unless the common council shall by resolu- tion direct that no action be commenced; provided that a certi- fied check for not less than five per cent, of the estimated cost of said proposed work may be received by said board in lieu of the bond hereinbefore provided for. The power to reject any and all bids shall be deemed to exist unless expressly waived. All contracts entered into under this provision shall be let to the lowest bidder, except as hereinafter provided. When- ever the lowest bid for any work to be let by the board shall exceed the estimates, or seem to said board to be unreasonably high, the board is authorized to reject all bids and to re-adver- tise the work anew; or whenever no proper bids shall be re- ceived, or whenever the lowest bid exceeds the estimate, or the l<.-west bidder shall be in the judgment of said board incom- petent, or otherwise unreliable for the performance of the work for which he bids, the said board shall report to the common council a schedule of all the bids received together with such recommendations as the board shall choose to make with their reasons therefor, and the common council may authorize the board to let the work to the lowest competent and reliable bid- der ; or the council by vote of two-thirds of all its members may authorize the board to have the work done under the supervision of such person or persons as the board may designate. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 83 A written or printed contract shall be entered into for the completion of the work with a bond in such sum as the board may designate for its full performance. Said bond shall be ex- ecuted by two or more sureties for the contractor, guarantee- ing 1 to the satisfaction of said board the performance of such contract by the contractor under the supervision and to the satisfaction of said board, each of which sureties shall make affidavit that he is a resident of the state of Wisconsin, and that he is the owner of real estate in the state of Wisconsin, free from incumbrances, subject to execution, of a cash value e issuance, by ordinance heretofore adopted has been di- rected to be made in the manner provided by section 925 133 of the statutes, shall be issued, and further proceedings in re- gard thereto shall b;> taken, in accordance with the provisions of this act. 925 134. Claims, etc., to be verified. SECTION 925 134. All claims and demands against the city shall be itemized, verified by the oath of the claimant or si me one in his behalf, and filed with the clerk, who shall deliver the saine to the comptroller for ex- 92 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. ami nation, who shall within thirty days thereafter examine such: claim or demand and return the same to the clerk with his re- ]><:rt thereon in wiitint/, \\ h , sha'l place the same l)eforc the council for action at its next meeting. When the .council shall have taken final action any person aggrieved may appeal from such action in the manner provided in this chapter. 925 135. Payment of employees. SECTION 925 135. The council may provide for the payment of persons employed by the board of public works on monthly pay rolls and shall prescribe the form of the same; provided, that- said pay rolls shall be verified by said board, be examined and countersigned by the comptroller and pa-sed upon by the council the same as other claims. Chapter XVI. Assessment and Collection of Taxes. 925 136. (Ch. 211, 1899.) Property to be taxed. SECTION 1)25 ]:}('). All property in the city subject to taxati< n under these statutes, shall be subject to taxation for all purples authorized by this chapter; but the common council of any. city may provide by ordinance for the levy and collection of a. poll tax of one dollar and fifty cents e-ich, a^es-ed upon the electors of such city, with such exemptions as provided in sub-division 1 of chapter 1240 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898 ; and the same proceedings may Be had for the enforcement of such ordinance and of judgments tendered for the violation thereof, as in actions for the violation of other city ordinances. 925 137. Duties of assessors. SECTION 925 137. The assessor or assessors elected or appointed under this chapter shall, within the time and in the manner prescribed by law for making tEe a ^ eminent of property for taxation under these statutes make an accurate assessment of all property in the city subject to taxation ; provided, that in cities of the first class the tax com- missioner shall perform such duties in relation to the assess- ment of property for taxation as may be prescribed by the council; and provided further, that the assessment roll for the entire city or the roll for each ward of the city shall be made as the council may direct. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 93 925 138. Return and examination of rolls. SECTION 925138. When the assessment roll or rolls shall have been completed in cities of the first class the same shall be delivered to the tax commissioner, and in all other cities to the city clerk, who shall thereupon give notice by publication in the official paper of the city for ten -days that on a certain day or days therein named said assessment roll or rolls will be open for examination by the taxable inhabitants, which said notice may assign a day or days certain for each ward, where there are separate assess- ment rolls for such wards, for the inspection of such rolls. On such examination the tax commissioner, assessor or assessors may make such changes as may be necessary to perfect the assessment roll or rolls and after the corrections are made the said roll or rolls shall be submitted by the tax commissioner or city clerk to the board of review. 925 139. (Ch. 371, 1907.) Board of review: members. SECTION 925 139. 1. In cities of the first class, the mayor, clerk, tax commissioner and assessor or assessors shall constitute a board of review, and in all other cities the mayor, city clerk and such officer or officers, other than assessors, as the common council shall, by ordinance, determine shall constitute a board of review. Salaries. 2. In all cities except those of the first class the common council, shall, by ordinance, fix the salaries of the mem- bers of the board of review. 925 140. Meeting of. SECTION 925 140. The board of review shall meet on the first Monday of July of each year and proceed as prescribed by these statutes. 925 141. Delivery of rolls. SECTION 925 141. When the roll or rolls shall have been examined and completed by the board of review the assessor or assessors shall deliver the same, as com- pleted and verified as required by these statutes, together with all statements of valuations, to the city clerk, who shall preserve the same in his office. 925 142. (Ch. 186, 1899.) Estimates of expenses. SECTION 925 142. On or before the first day of October in each year the board of public works, 94 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. if there be one, shall file with the city clerk a detailed state- ment of the amount of money that will be required for the ensuing fiscal year in such department, and the city comptroller or the officer performing his duties shall likewise file a statement of the amount required by the police and fire departments, the general and library fund, and for the purpose of paying inter- est for the ensuing year on the public debt and five per cenfT. of the principal thereof. The city clerk shall place such esti- mates before the council at its next regular meeting, and the council shall thereupon by resolution, levy such sunis of money as may be sufficient for the several purposes for which taxes are authorized not exceeding the amount provided by section. 925 142a. And in making such levy they shall take into con- sideration the estimated amount that will be received by the city during the fiscal year from licenses or from any other source. 925 142a. (Ch. 262, 1899.) City levy; limitation. SECTION 925 142a. The common council shall have the power to levy annually such sum or sums. of money as may be sufficient for the several purposes for which taxes are authorized to be levied and to apportion the same into such funds for city or ward purposes as they may provide by ordinance or resolution; provided, a tax levied for any one year for municipal purposes, together with the tax required to be levied for state, county, county school and school district pur- poses, -and for delinquent taxes for the preceding year, shall not exceed three and one-half- p;T cent. of. the assessed value of the real and personal property in the city in that year.*' 925 143. (Ch. 196, 1901.) Tax roll and warrant; apportionment School tax. SECTION 925 143. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to make out a complete tax roll in the manner and form provided by law, and as soon as practicable after the levy shall have been made by the council as prescribed in the preceding section, and the certificate of the c: unty clerk showing the amount of state and county taxes apportioned to the city shall have been re- ceived, to cause the same to be extended upon such tax roll upon a uniform percentage by setting opposite the description of each lot, tract or parcel of land, and to the name of each per- Kc.n named in said roll, in proper column-', such proportionate *School Tax Levy. SECTIOX 1, ch. 81, laws of 1899. All cities of the third and fourth class operating under a special or general charter are hereby authorized to levy annually a special tax for school purpO'Ses not exceeding one mill on the 'dollar of the assessed valuation of all the real and personal property in said city for that year in addition to the total tax now authorized to be levied by such cities. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 95 (,f the sums of taxes so levied as may be chargeable upon such let, tract or parcel of land or against such person, and also enter and extend upon such tax roll all special assessments required to be entered thereon. To such tax roll shall be ap- pended a warrant signed by the mayor and clerk, substantially in the following form: To - , city treasurer of the city of - : You are hereby required to collect from each of the persons and corporations named in the an- nexed tax roll, and from the owners or occupants named of the real estate described therein, the taxes set down in such roll, opposite to their respective 1 names and to the several par- eels of land therein described; and in case any person or cor- poration upon whom any such sum or tax is imposed shall re- fuse or neglect to pay the same, you are to levy and collect the same by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the per- son or 1 corporation so taxed, and out of the moneys so to be collected, after deducting your fees, you are first to pay to the treasurer of said county, on or before the second Monday of February next, the sum < i : - - for state taxes, you are to retain and pay out as city treasurer according to law the sum of - , and the balance of said moneys you are required to pay to said treasurer for county purposes on or be- fore the fifteenth day cf March next ; by which day you are further required to make return to said treasurer of this war- rant with said roll annexed, together with your doings thereon as required by law. Dated the - day of - -, 19 . , Mayor. > , Clerk. And in cities where the school district system is in force the city clerk shall, upon the receipt by him of the statement or statements of the amount of school tax apportioned to the part of the dis- trict or -districts respectively within such city, extend the same upon the tax roll and apportion the same as required by law. And in such cities the warrant for the collection of taxes shall* in addition to the other aforesaid directions, therein require the city treasurer to pay out according to law, from the money so collected by him, to the person or persons lawfully entitled thereto the amount of the district school tax collected by him thereunder. 925 144. Evidence, roll and warrant as. SECTION 925 144. The tax roll and warrant thereto attached shall be prima facie evi- dence in all courts that the property therein described and per- sons therein named were subject to taxation and to the special 96 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. assessments therein entered, and that the assessment was just and equal, and the same shall be delivered ta the city treasurer on or before the fifteenth day of December in each year. 925 145. Taxes, cancellation of. SECTION 925 145. After the tax roll shall have been thus delivered to the treasurer it shall not be lawful for the council to remit, annul or cancel any tax spec- ified therein except in the following cases: 1. When a clerical error has been made in the description of the property or in the extension of the tax. 2. When improvements on lots were considered in making the assessment roll, where the improvements did not exist at the time fixed by law for making the assessment. 3. When the property is exempt by law from taxation. 4. When a person has been assessed the same year for the same property in more than one ward or place. 925 146. Assessments, how carried out. SECTION 925 146. All special assessments shall be carried out on the tax roll in a sep- arate column or columns opposite the lots or tracts upon which the same may be a lien, and the treasurer shall have the same authority with reference thereto as if the amount of such lien was a general tax. 925 147. (Ch. 195, 1901.) Treasurer's notice. SECTION 925 147. On the receipt of such tax roll the treasurer shall give one week's notice thereof in the official paper; such notice shall specify that the taxes must be paid on or before the thirty-first day of January following. 925 148. Collection of taxes. SECTION 925 148. On the expiration of the time specified the treasurer shall proceed to enforce the collection of such taxes in the manner provided by law; pro- vided, that in cities -of the first class he shall issue his warrant, directed to the chief of police of the city, requiring him, within a time specified therein, to collect such taxes on personal prop- erty as shall then remain unpaid, and the chief of police re- ceiving such warrant shall possess all the powers given by law to town treasurers for the collection of such taxes, and be sub- ject to the liabilities and entitled to the same fees as town treas- urers in such cases. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 97 925 149. Bond of chief of police. SECTION 925 149. Before the treasurer shall sign his warrant to the chief of police such chief of police shall give a bond to the city, in such sum and with such sureties as the council may prescribe, for the payment to I he city treasurer .< f all taxes by him collected or received by virtue of such warrant. 925 150. Return of tax warrant. SECTION 925 150. Within the tiire required by these statutes in the case of town treasurers for the return to the county treasurers of the delinquent taxes on person:}] and real property, the said chief of police, in cities of tlie first class, shall return his warrant for the collection of taxes of personal property to the treasurer. 925 151. Apportionment of taxes ; delinquent returns. SECTION 925 151. Out of the taxes collected the treasurer shall first pay the state tax to the county Jreasurer, and shall then set aside all sums of money levied for school taxes, then moneys levied for the payment of judgments, then all sums raised as special taxes in the order in which they, are levied, then taxes for the pay- ment of principal and interest on the public debt, then taxes for bridge purposes, then for fire purposes, then for streets and other public improvements, and lastly county taxes. Delinquent returns shall be made to the county treasurer in all respects as required by these statutes, and thereafter such proceedings shall be had with reference to the delinquent taxes so returned as are provided for in case of delinquent returns from towns. 925 152. (Ch. 194, 1901.) Treasurer's fees. SECTION 925 152. The city treasurer shall he entitled to receive and collect as fees for the collection of taxes O'ne per cent, upon all sums collected prior to or on the thirty-first day of January, and three per cent. up>n all sums collected by him thereafter; and in case of a distress and sale made by him of goods or chattels for the payment of any taxes lie shall reseive such fees as are allowed to constables for simi- lar service. The city treasurer shall keep in a book to be pro- vided for that purpose true accounts of all fees by him received as treasurer from any source, and such book shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times, and he shall have O'li file and 7 98 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. make return to 'the council, duly certified on oath, an itemized statement of all fees or other moneys received and paid out 'by him as treasurer; he shall receive no further compensation for his services as treasurer than is hereinbefore specified; provided, thai in cities where the Imisurer receives a salary the fees col- lected shall belong to and be paid into the treasury. 925 153. Provisions directory. SECTION 925 153. The di reel ions herein given for the assessing of lands and personal property and levying and collecting taxes shall be deemed directory only, and no error or informality in the proceedings of any of the officers intrusted with the same, not affecting the substantial justice of the tax, shall vitiate or in anywise affect the validity of such tax, or assessment. Chapter XVII. Eminent Domain. 925154. For what purposes power exercised. SECTION 925 154. All cities of the first class governed by this chapter shall have the power to condemn lands for streets, alleys, public grounds. parks, cemeteries, sites for school and other public buildings, and lands to be used for purposes of drainage and water distribution and other public municipal purposes not here enumerated by the following proceedings. 925 155. Petition for opening streets. SECTION 925155. As to streets it shall be competent for any ten resident freeholders in any ward to petition the council for the opening, widening, extension or change of any street in such ward, and if the land proposed to be taken for that purpose shall lie in two or more wards, then ten resident freeholders of each of the wards shall be required to join in the petition. Such petition shall be ad- dressed to the common council and shall designate in general terms the location, extent of the proposed laying out, widening, extension or change, but need not contain a particular descrip- tion of the land proposed to be taken. For the purposes of such petition 'a person in possession of land under a contract of purchase and sale or 1 n bond for a deed shall be deemed ri. freeholder, GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 99 925156. Proceedings. SECTION 925 1,16. When such petition shall be presented to the council it shall, prior to the adoption of any resolution thereon, be referred to the board of public works, and said board shall make a report to the council stating whether or not such petition is sufficiently signed, and if so, giving a particular description of each lot, parcel or subdivision of land proposed to be taken and a plat of the proposed s-treet, widen- ing, extension or change. Upon the coming in of such report the council may, if the petition be reported sufficiently signed, by a vote of a majority of its members adopt the public use any land for the opening, widening, ex- tension or changing of any street or alley and directing the city attorney to commence and prosecute the proper proceedings therefor; and in the case of the opening or extension of public grounds, or acquiring lands as a site for a school or other public building, or lands for purposes of drainage or water distribu- tion, or the taking of lands for any public municipal purposes not herein enumerated, the council may, without a petition therefor and by a vote of a majority of its members, adept a resolution declaring it to be necessary to condemn land for such purpose, describing it in general terms only, and directing the city at- torney to commence and prosecute the proper proceedings there- for. Before any resolution provided for in this section shall be adopted it shall be referred to the board of public works, who shall thereupon make a particular description of each lot, par- cel or subdivision of land proposed to be taken and a plat of the proposed street or alley, public ground, building site, drain or water-pipe, or land to be used for other public municipal pur- poses and report the same to the council. 925 159. Duty of city attorney; notice to land-owners. SECTION 925 159. Whenever, by any resolution adopted under any of the preceding sect ions of this sub-chapter, it shall be declared necessary to condemn any lands and the city attorney [is] di- rected to commence and prosecute proceedings therefor, it shall be his duty to prepare and present, as scon as may be, a petition to the circuit court of the county in which the land proposed to be taken or some of it shall lie, for the condemnation of the land mentioned in the resolution for the purpose therein designated, and to prepare and file with said petition a sworn list of the names and residences, so far as they are known to him or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained by him, of persons own- ing -or being interested in the lands proposed to be taken, and said petition shall have annexed thereto copies of the original petition, if any, the resolution of the council and the report o* the board of public works as to the proposed condemnation. Said attorney shall thereupon prepare a notice substantially in the following form: GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, loi STATE OF WISCONSIN In the matter of (here insert the object of the .proceedings) in the city of - In the circnit court of the county of - . Tn whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that a petition for the condemnation oi real estate has been presented to said court in the above entitled matter by the city oi - - by its city attorney. All persons in- terested in said matter may answer said petition at any time within twenty days after the service of this notice exclusive of the day of service. Dated - . A. B., City Attorney. Such notice shall be served upon the owners of the land which is proposed to be condemned and all persons inlet e; led therein in all respects like a summons in a civil action, except that in cases of service by publication and mailing or by publication alone, the publication shall be made in the official paper of the city, and except that service within the state may be made by any police officer of the city named in the notice instead of the sheriff of the proper county, and the return or returns of such police officer upon such notice or copies hereof shall have the same force and effect as the return of the sheriff of the proper county by himself or by either of his deputies. The filing of said petition shall be deemed the commencement of a suit. Within twenty days after the service of such notice upon any party owning or being interested in any real estate proposed to be condemned such party may serve an answer to such petition upon the city attorney, and file the same as in cases of answers in civil actions. No notice of retainer or of appearance without an answer shall be of any avail. When the time for answering shall have expired the city attorney may call up said matter for hearing upon a notice of three days, excluding the day of service and Sunday and legal holidays, and without notice to parties who have not answered, and such proceedings shall have preced- ence over all other matters not on trial ; and the court shall there- upon impanel a jury, as in civil eases, to determine whether or not it is necessary to take such land for the public use. Such jury shall view the premises in question in the same manner as in civil actions, when a view is ordered by the court, at the ex- pense of the city, and shall return into court as in such cases; and if no answer shall have been served the city attorney shall produce such evidence as he deem>j material as lo the necessity for such condemnation, and if an answer or answers shall have 102 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, been served the issue shall be tried by the court and jury as other issues of fact, and in either case the court shall thereupon in- struct the jury. The jury shall thereupon retire to consider their verdict, which shall be either, "We, the jury, find that it is necessary to condemn the real estate sought to be condemned in this proceeding for the public use," or, ''We, the jury, find that it is not necessary tj condemn the real estate nought to be con- demned in this proceeding for the public use." Upon the com- ing in of the verdict judgment shall be entered condemning the land sought to be condemned to the public use for the purpose set forth in the petition, or dismissing the petition, as the verdict shall require. If the jury shall disagree a new jury shall be im- mediately impaneled and proceedings shall thereupon be had as before. If two juries shall disagree the matter shall be con- tinued to the next term of the court, when it may be again called up and like proceedings had thereon. If three juries shall disagree the proceedings sha.ll be dismissed. No appeal from a judgment of condemnation shall be allowed, but the supreme court may review such judgment upon a writ of certiorari sued out within thirty days after its entry and not thereafter. 925 160. Costs. SECTION 025160. The eoxts of the foregoing pro- ceedings shall be paid by the city, and if the jury shall find that it is not necessary to condemn the lands in question or if the proceedings shall be abandoned, any party who shall have put in an answer shall recover from the city his disbursements neces- sarily made or incurred and taxable attorney's fees not to ex- ceed twenty-five dollars. 925 161. Abandonment of proceedings Controversy as to com- pensation. SECTION 925161. If the city shall not, within one year after the entry of a judgment of condemnation, cause the benefits and cl am ages by reason of such condemnation to be assessed as provided in this subchapter, and shall not have, in the proper fund available for that purpose, a sum sufficient 1o pay the excess -of damages -over benefits, the condemnation pro- ceedings shall be deemed to have been abandoned. At the ex- piration of one year after the entry of such judgment the comp- troller shall, upon demand, furnish to the mayor or any person who shall require it a certificate showing whether or not there was at the end of such year, in any fund available for that pur- po.:e, a sum sufficient to pay such excess of damages over benefits, GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 103 and such certificate shall be prima facie evidence -of the facts therein certified. If it shall appear that there is in any fund a sufficient sum available for that purpose at the expiration of such year or at any time prior thereto, and after such assess- ments of benefits and damages shall have been made and con- firmed, the city may take possession of the land condemned j an order on the city treasurer shall be issued as in other cases in favor of the person in whose favor any excess of damages over benefits shall have been assessed, upon the certificate of the city attorney that such person is entitled to receive the same. If the city attorney shall refuse to give >any such certificate the party or parties claiming the same may apply to the circuit court at the foot of the judgment of condemnation for a decision awarding such amount to him or them, and upon such applica- tion and eight days' notice thereof to the city attorney the court shall proceed in a summary manner to inquire as to the rights of the parties in the premises, and may make up an issue upon such application and submit the same to a jury in a proper case, and shall make and file a decision in writing as to who is entitled to draw the amount in controversy, and on filing a certified copy of such decision with the city clerk an order shall be issued in accordance therewith. If any two or more parties shall claim the same sum, or if the city attorney shall be in doubt as to whom such sum should be paid, he may in like manner apply to the court for a decision as to the rights of the parties in respect to such sum, and upon such application and eight days' notice thereof to the parties interested the court shall proceed in like manner to ascertain and decide who is entitled to said sum or any part thereof, and the city treasurer shall in like manner pay the same out upon and according to such decision. An appeal from any such decision may be taken to the supreme court by any party interested therein, including the city, within thirty days after the filing of the same, and such sum shall not be paid while such appeal is pending nor until the matter shall be fin- ally determined. Such appeal shall be taken upon like notice and undertaking as: an appeal from an order in a civil action, and like proceeding shall be had thereon in the supreme and the circuit court. 925 162. Rights of Menor. SECTION 925 162. If any person not owning the land condemned shall have a lien thereon or a lease- hold or other interest therein, he shall receive a portion of the excess of damages over benefits awarded by reason of such con- 104 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, damnation in proportion to the lien or interest he may have in such land, to be ascertained upon the principles of equity ; and if the parties cannot agree the matter may be decided by the court at the fcot of the judgment of condemnation upon the Ap- plication of a party or the city attorney as provided in the pre- ceding section. The term " excess of damages over benefits" shall, when used in this chapter, be construed to include any sum which shall be assessed as damages and not offset by -i UN- assessment of benefits, as well as the balance in favor <;f a parly in whose favor damages have been assessed and against whom benefits have been assessed. 925 163. Title to fee. SECTION 925163. When any land shall be condemned under this subchapter for public grounds or sites for school or other buildings, the city shall take a fee-s'mple title to such land. In all other oases the fee shall remain in the <>\vner. his heirs and assigns, and the city shall take by the condemna- tion only such an interest as shall be necessary and convenient for the uses and purposes for which the land is condemned. 925 164. New proceedings. SECTION 925 164. Condemnation pro- ceedings under this subchapter shall in no case be a bar to sub- sequent proceedings for the condemnation of the same premises or any part thereof for the same or a diffeient pin pose ; and the same land may be condemned more than once for different pur- poses, each consistent with the other. 925 165. Vacation of streets, etc. SECTION 925 165. When a street or alley shall be changed by proceedings under this subchapter so much of the original street or alley as shall be left out of it as changed shall bo deemed vacated without any other proceed- ing, and the fact of such vacation shall be taken into account in assessing benefits and damages by reason of the condemnation proceeding :. 925 166. Asses 3 mi.nt of damages and benefits. SECTION 925 166. It shall be the duty of the council, within three months after any judgment of condemnation shall have been entered, to adopt a resolution directing thi> board <-f public works t / make an assess- ment of L. ;::;:'es by rea-on of Mich condemnation, and in the GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 165 ease of condemnations for opening, widening, extending or chnuging streets or alleys or for opening public grounds,, parks and cemeteries the council may also direct said board to make an assessment <;1 benefits. Such re.-clnt ion shall be certified by the city clerk to the board of public works immediately after its adop- tion and approval. When such assessment shall have been made and reported to the council that body may, by resolution, con- firm the same or refer the matter back to the board for a new ax-rssment or may, by resolution, abandon the condemnation pro- civding. If the council shall, for more than three months after the entry of a judgment of condemnation, neglect to order an assessment of damages or benefits and damages, as the case may be, the proceeding shall be deemed to have been abandoned, and if the council shall not, within one year 'after the entry of judg- ment of condemnation, confirm an assessment of damages or of benefits and damages, and make provision for paying the excess of damages over benefits the proceedings shall be deemed to have been abandoned. 925 167. Method of making assessment. SECTION 925 167. When the city clerk shall have certified to the board of public works a resolution of the council requiring an assessment of damages or benefits and damages to be made under this subchapter, said board shall immediately proceed to -assess the damages by reason of the condemnation mentioned in such resolution as follows: Opposite each description of the land condemned the board shall set down in separate columns the Damages sustained by the owner by reason of the taking of the land, the damages, if any, to the adjoining property of the same owner, the total damages, and in cases wherein benefits may be assessed, the benefits which will in their judgment accrue to his lands in the vicinity of the condemned land by reason of the condemnation in question, the ex- ec- s of damages over benefits,' and the excess of benefits over dam- ages, each such sum being set opposite the proper description. No benefits shall be assessed against any lot, parcel or subdivision every part of which shall be one thousand feet or more distant from the nearest land condemned, and no benefits exceeding five per cent, of the assessed value thereof according to the last as- sessment roll shall be assessed against any lot, parcel or, subdi- vision by reason of any one condemnation proceeding, and no benefits exceeding three per cent, of the assessed value thereof according to said assessment roll shall be assessed against any lot, parcel or subdivision the whole of which is more than five i6 GENERAL CHARTER LAW Otf' WISCONSIN, hundred feet distant from the nearest land condemned by reason of any one condemnation. In assessing such damage or damages and benefits the board of public works shall proceed as in case of benefits and damages on account of public improvements, giv- ing like notices and opportunities for correction and reporting the assessment to the council in like manner. 925 168. Entry of special taxes. SECTION 925 168. When such assessment shall be confirmed by the council the city clerk shall transmit the same to the comptroller, who shall thereupon report to the city clerk a list of special taxes to be entered in the tax roll on account thereof, which list shall have set opposite each description against which benefits not offset by damages or an excess of benefits i/ver damages shall have been assessed the amount of such benefits or excess, which amount shall be levied upon the land described as a, special tax and be collected the same as other taxes. 925 169. Damages, how paid. SECTION- 925 169. The cost of each condemnation shall be paid out of the general city fund, except the cost of condemnation for streets and alleys and public grounds less than five acres in extent, which shall be paid out of the ward fund or funds of the proper ward or wards, if any, otherwise from the general fund, and the cost of condemnation for other purposes as to which there are special funds, such as the water fund or sewerage fund, if any, shall be paid out of such fund, and all special taxes levied and collected on account of any condemnation shall he credited 1o the fund out of which the cost of tin 1 condemnation is paid. 925 170. Exercise of power by cities of other than first class. SECTION 925 170. Cities of the second, third and fourth classes may, at their option, condemn lands for any of the purposes mentioned in the first section of this subchapter, either under the provisions of section 927 and sections 895 to 904, inclusive, of these statutes or under the foregoing provisions of this sub- chapter. 925 171. Appeal. SECTION 925 171. Any party aggrieved by any assessment of benefits or damages or both may appeal to the cir- GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, 107 cult court therefrom, within the time, in the manner and upon the security prescribed on appeals from assessments of benefits and damages on account of public improvements, and like pro- ceed, ngs shall be had thereon. Such appeal shall not affect any special tax levied on account of an excess of benefits over dam- ages, but the amount recovered by the appellant properly ap- plicable in reduction of such assessment and the costs, if any, shall be paid out of the proper fund; also the amount recovered by way of increasing' any damages assessed or for damages when none have been assessed, with the costs, if any. 925 171a. (Ch. 493, 1907.) Park commissioners: jurisdiction; streets. SECTION 925 171a. The park commissioners of all cities shall under the di- rection of the common council have the same jurisdiction and control for park purposes over that part of public streets, lying and being between the curb and the sidewalk as such commission have over the public parks and may cause trees to be planted and cared for, and the proper surface to be sodded, planted or otherwise cared for in the same manner park lands are cared for. Chapter XVIII. City Improvements. 925 172. Grade of streets; damages. SECTION 925 172. The coun- cil shall have authority to establish the grade of all streets and alleys in the city, and to change and re-establish the same as it may deem expedient; provided, that whenever it shall change or alter the permanently established grade of any street any person thereby sustaining damages to his property on such street shall have a right to recover such damages in the manner set forth in this subchapter. 925 173. Record of grade. SECTION 925 173. The grade of all streets shall be established and described, and. the adoption of such grades and all alterations thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk. No street shall be worked until the grade thereof is established and recorded in the manner herein set forth. 925174. Streets and sidewalks. SECTION 925 174. The streets shall be divided into a carriage way and a sidewalk on each side thereof ; the sidewalk shall be for the use of persons on foot, and no person shall be allowed to incumber the same with boxes or 168 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, other material ; but such sidewalk shall be kept clear for the uses specified herein. 925 175. Opening, paving and grading streets, etc. SECTION 925 175. The city may cause streets and alleys to be opened, leveled, graded, regraded, graveled, regraveled, macadamized, paved and repaved with stone, wood or other material or improved in any other manner, and may cause such streets and alleys to be swept, sprinkled and cleaned; but no street shall be graded, j -rav- eled, paved, macadamized or improved, where the expense ex- ceeds five hundred dollars, except upon the vote of two-thirds of the members of the council elect. The expense of such work or improvement may be paid in whole or in part by the city or by the property to be benefited thereby as the council shall direct. but in no case shall the amount assessed to any parcel of real estate exceed the benefit accruing thereto by such improvement, except in case of sidewalks ; provided, that where work is ordered to be done and the expense thereof is made chargeable to partic- ular property the city shall in no case be responsible for the pay- ment therefor except in cases where the cost of the improvement exceeds the benefits. 925 175a. (Ch. 77, 1903.) Portion of street for park purposes; damages; benefits. SECTION 925 17fm. In case the common council of any city of the second, third 'or fourth class shall determine to improve any street, avenue or boulevard under the provisions of sections 925175 and 925178 of the statutes of 1898, the board of pub- lic works, or if there be no such board of public works, the officer or officers designated to perform its duties, may, as a part of such improvement, set aside and provide for the improvement of a portion of such street, avenue or boulevard for park pur- poses, and may determine in what manner the same shall be im- proved, and may assess the damages and benefits resulting from such entire improvement, including the cost of the improvement of the part of such street, avenue or boulevard sr,< set aside 1 for park purposes, to the several parcels of land affected thereby as provided in section 925 178 of said statutes, and shall include such determination in the report required to be made and filed by them. 925 176. Improvements upon petition. SECTION 925 176. In any city whenever the owners of more than one-half of the frontage GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 109 of the lots upon that part of any street proposed to be improved shall petition the common council to improve such street or part of street by stone paving, macadam or otherwise as set forth, to be made in such manner as shall be fully specified by the city surveyor and approved by the mayor, and upon advertisement setting forth clearly such specifications, such city may contract for such work to be done by the low r est responsible bidder if deemed reasonable in cost, or in case of macadam it may have tin' work done by men in the employ of the city; provided, that such improvement, unless made to connect with streets somewhat similarly improved, shall be imade to extend upon such street not less than the length or width of three blocks of lots and the street crossings between. The cost of such improvement when made shall be assessed to the respective owners of the lots front- ing on such street in the ratio of each owner's number of feet front to the entire length of such improvement, exclusive of street crossings, which shall be chargeable to the city as its pro- portion of expense, and such crossings shall be made to conform with the street so improved. The word street as herein used may be construed to mean two or more streets when the whole taken together would form one continuous drive. 925 176a. (Ch. 108, 1903.) Permanent sidewalks. SECTION 925 176a. The provisions of subdivision 176, as well as the provisions of subdivisions 1 90 to 197a, inclusive, shall apply in cities of the fourth class, to the building of sidewalks or curbs of cement, stone or other perman- ent material; provided, that such permanent sidewalk or curb shall be made to extend not less than the length or width of one block, on one side of the street. 925 177. Crosswalks, expense of. SECTION 925177. The expense of all crosswalks at the intersection of streets or alleys and across public grounds shall be paid by the city at large or the proper ward. The expense of maintenance, relaying, keeping in repair and cleaning of streets, in all cases where the .streets shall have been constructed to the established grade and graveled, planked, macadamized or paved as required by the council, shall be paid out of the general fund of the city or the ward fund of the proper ward. 925 178. Damages for change of grade, SECTION 925 178. Before the council shall change or alter any established grade or order 310 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. any work to he done on any street at the expense of the roal estate to be benefited thereby, it shall order the board of public works, or if there 'be no such board, the officer or officers desig- nated to discharge its duties, to view the premises and determine the damages and benefits which will accrue to each parcel of real estate by such change or alteration of grade; the entire cost of the contemplated work or improvement upon the street, the bene- fits and damages that will -accrue to the several parcels of real estate thereby, and the amount that should be assessed under the provisions of this subchapter to each parcel of such real estate as benefits accruing thereto by such contemplated work or im- provement. 925 179. Report. SECTION 925 179. Said board shall make and file in their office a report showing their determination on the ques- tions required to be considered by them under the provisions of the preceding section. 925 180. (Ch. 152, 1907.) Street alterations: report; notices. SECTION 925 180. Notice shall be given by the board of public works that such re- port is open for review at their office and will be so continued for the space of ten days after the date of such notice and that on a day named therein, which shall be not more than three days af- ter the expiration of said l< n days, said board will be in session to hear all objections that may be made to such report. Much notice shall 'be published in I/if official n-r it's pa per of l/ie cifif at lisf once and our copy of such notice shall be posted in each, hi nek of I he pa>rt of the street proposed to 5b hn proved or the (/rade: of wtfiich, it is proposed to cJianeje. Ruch pwstett no- tices shall be printed in Ijjpc not smaller than pica, ftuch publication and posting shall l>e made /nv dtu/s prior to the date of hearing objections as aforesaid. No irregularity in the form of such report, nor of said notice shall affect its validity if it fairly contains the information required to be conveyed thereby. At the time specified for hearing objec- tions to said report, said board shall hear all parties interested who may appear for that purpose, reduce to writing all ob- jections that may be made and all evidence that may be offered to sustain the same, and may review, modify and correct saicl report as they deem just, and thereupon a complete and final report shall be made and filed by said board with the city clerk together with all objections and evidence taken before them to GENERAL CIIARTKR LANV OF WISCONSIN. Ill sustain the slalcd. No irregularity in -the form of said report or manner of conducting the proceedings by said board, or in the proof of publication or in the affidavit of posting shall affect the legality of said report, unless it shall appear that the owners of the property affected by the proceedings were clearly misled by such irregular ihj and have not had, an opportunity to be heard. At such hearing any member of the board may admin- ister oaths as may be necessary in conducting it. * 925 181. Action on report. SECTION 925 181. The city clerk shall publish a notice in the official paper at least once that the said report is on file in his office arid that the common council will, at a meeting to be held at the time stated in the notice, consider the said report and hear all objections which may be made there- to, and determine what portion of the cost of the improvement, if any, shall be paid by the city at large. At least one week shall intervene between the first publication of such notice and the said meeting. The council may at such meeting, or at an adjourned meeting, confirm or correct such report or refer it back to the board for further consideration. 925 182. Assessment of benefits. SECTION 925 182. Subject to the limitations hereinbefore mentioned the council may determine the amount to be paid by the real estate as benefits on , account of the improvement of a street and the amount that shall be paid by the city at large, or the ward fund of the wards in which said improvement is made. 925 183. Notice of final determination. SUCTION 925 183. When a final determination shall have boon reached by the council the city clerk shall publish notice in the official paner of the city once in. each week for two successive 1 weeks that a final determina- liou has been made as to the damages that will accrue to the real estate in case of the change of a,n established en 1 therefrom to the circuit court., and such appeal shall be taken, tried and determined and bonds for costs shall be given and costs awarded in like manner as in case of appeals from the disallf wance of claims under this chapter; provided, that in case any contract shall have been made for making the improvements said appeal shall not affect said contract, but a certificate against the lot in question for the amount of benefits assessed to such lot shall be issued notwithstanding such appeal ; and in case the ap- pellant shall succeed the difference between the amount charged in the certificate so issued and the amount adjudged to be paid as benefits accruing to the parcel of real estate described in such certificate shall be paid by the city at large or out of the ward fund as the council may direct. 925 185. Remedy exclusive. SECTION 925 185. The appeal given by the last section from the report of the board of public works as confirmed by the council shall be the only remedy of the owner of any parcel of land or of any person, interested therein affected by said improvement for the redress of any grievance he may have by reason of the making of such improvement or of the change of any established grade covered by said report. 925 186. (Ch. 88, 1903.) Bids, advertisement for; contract. SECTION 925 186. When any of the works before mentioned shall have been ordered to be done and the plans for the same containing a description of the work, the materials to be used and such other matters as will give an intelligent idea of the work required shall have been filed with the city clerk where the same can be inspected by per- sons desiring to bid on such work, the board of public works shall advertise in the official paper of the city for bids for doing such work for such length of time as. it may think the interest of the city demands, not les;s than once a week for four successive weeks. The board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a printed form for the contract, with sureties required, and fur- nish the same to all persons desiring to bid, and shall not con- sider any bid unless accompanied by a contract with sureties as prescribed by the form so furnished, completed, with the ex- ception of the signatures on the part of the city. The notice published shall inform bidders fully of this requirement. In every city whether operating under a general or special char* GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 113 % * tor, no special assessment or certificate thereof or tax sale certifi- es 1<> based thereon shall be held to be invalid for the reason that any contract which has been heretofore or may hereafter be let contains, on the part of the contractor, a guaranty or any pro- vision to keep the work done under such contract in good order or repair for a limited number of years, when such guaranty or provision was inserted therein for the purpose of insuring the proper performance of such work in the first instance. All sucH provisions in contracts for doing public work, inserted for iKe purpose aforesaid, are hereby legalized, and all such provisions shall be deemed prima facie to have been inserted for that pur- pose, unless the time during which the contractor is required to keep the work in good order or repair shall exceed five years. Right and authority is hereby given to such cities to insert in contracts for the pavement of streets with asphalt the provision that the person, firm or corporation entering into any contract with such cities for the paving of its streets with asphalt shall in said contract agree, with such city to permit such city to reserve and keep in its possession an amount equal to ten per cent, of the total contract price for such work as a guaranty for the per- formance of the conditions contained in such contract; and fur- ther to furnish such city at the time of the making of such con- tract with ?, bond or undertaking in the sum equal to twenty- five per cent, of the contract price of such work, conditioned for the faithful performance of all conditions and covenants con- tained in such contract and particularly the provisions contained in such contract with reference to the keeping in good order and repair for a definite number of years the paving work done. Such bond or undertaking shall be executed by said person, firm or corporation and by some surety or guaranty company on their behalf. 925187. Rejection of bids. SECTION 925 187. The board of public works shall have power to reject any and all bids if, in their opinion, any combination has been entered into to prevent free competition ; otherwise the contract shall be let as prescribed in the subchapter entitled "Board of public works." 925 188. Certificate to contractor. SECTION 925 188. Whenever any work has been done under contract as provided in this sub- chapter and the same shall have been approved by the board of public works, the contractor shall be entitled to a certificate there- a 114 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. for as to each parcel of land against which benefits shall have been assessed for the amount chargeable thereto. Said certifi- cate shall be in such form as the board may prescribe. The amount chargeable to the city shall be paid as the contract for the work may provide. 925 189. (Ch. 174, 1907.) Contractors' certificate: conclusiveness. SECTION 925 189. 1. After the expiration of nine months from the dalr nl' said certificate the same shall be conclusive evidence of the legality of all proceedings up to and inclusive of the issue thereof, and it may be transferred by indorsement; Appeals. 2. This shall not affect any appeal From the re- port of the board of public, works as confirmed by the council. Payment. 3. If said certificates are not paid before the first day of November of the year in which they are issued' the same may on or before the fifteenth day of November of said year be filed with the comptroller in cities of the first class and with the city clerk in all other cities, and when so died the comptroller's statement of special assessments to be placed in the next tax roll shall include an amount sufficient to pa> said certificates, with interest thereon at the legal rate from the date of such certificates, to the time when the city treasurer is required to make return of delinquent taxes, and thereafter the same proceedings shall be had as in case of other taxes, except that all moneys collected by the city treasurer and all moneys collected by the county treasurer on account of such taxes, and all the tax certificates issued to the county on the sale of the property for such tax, if the same is returned delinquent, shall be delivered to the owner of the same on demand. 925 190. Payment for work. SECTION 925 190. When a contract is let for doing any work specified herein, and such work is charge- able to the real estate to be benefited, it may provide that the amount so chargeable may be paid with certificates against the lots or in special improvement bonds, or the proceeds of the sale of such bonds, or that payment may be in part made in certifi- cates, part in cash and part in special improvement bonds or the proceeds thereof. 925 191. Notice concerning bonds. SECTION 925 191. As soon as the amount chargeable to the real estate is finally determined the GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 115 council may cause a notice to be published in the official paper substant : ally in the following form: City Improvement Notice. Notice is hereby given that a contract has been (or is about to be) let for - - (describe the work and street) and that the expense of said improvement chargeable to the real estate has been determined as to each parcel of said real estate, and a statement of the same is on file with the city clerk. It is pro- posed to issue bonds chargeable only to the real estate to pay the special assessments, a.nd such bonds will be issued covering all of said assessments except in cases where the owners of the prop- erty file with the city cleric, within thirty days after the date hereof, a written notice that they elect to pay the special assess- ments or a part thereof on their property, describing the same, on presentation of the certificates. 925 192. Issue and execution of bonds. SECTION 925 102. After the expiration of said thirty days the council may issue special improvement bonds covering all of the assessments except such as the owners have filed notices of election to pay 'as provided in the preceding section. Said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and clerk, be sealed with the corporate seal of the city, and con- tain such recitals as may be necessary to show that they are chargeable only to particular property, specifying the same, and the number and amount of said bonds, and such other provis'ons as the council shall think proper to insert; such bonds shall in no event be a general city liability. 925 193. (Ch. 132, 1899.) Terms and sale of bonds. SECTION 925 193. Said bonds may be annual or semi-annual interest coupon bonds or regis- tered bonds without interest coupons as the common council may direct, the total issue in each shall be. payable in annual installments for a period not exceeding ten years from the date of issue, and shall draw interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, interest payable annually or semi-annually as the common council may direct; such bonds may be of such denomination as the common council shall determine and shall be sold at not less than par. The proceeds of the sale of such bonds shall be credited by the city treasurer to the special fund for the improvement of such street or streets, and may be paid 116 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. to the contractor for such work when payment is due him and the council shall so direct, or the contractor may take such bonds as payment for work done with the permission of the council. 925 194. Record of assessments. SECTION 025 194. The city clerk shall carefully prepare a statement of the special assessments on which the bonds are issued and record the same, together with a copy of said bonds, in his office. 925 195. Payment of bonds. SECTION 925 195. The city treasurer shall, out of the special fund hereby created for that purpose, pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds as the same become due and charge the same to said fund. 925 196. Collection of assessments Redemption. SECTION 925 196. In each year after the issuing of said bonds, until all of them are paid, when the tax roll for the year is prepared suffi- cient of the special assessment on each parcel of land covered by said bonds to pay the annual installment of the principal and the interest on the amount of sa'd special assessment then unpaid shall be extended on the tax roll as a special tax on said prop- erty, and thereafter this tax shall be treated in all respects as" a,ny other city tax, and when collected the same shall be a special fluid for the payment of such bonds arid interest, and shall be used for no other purpose. Any bondholder or bondholders may redeem from any tax sale, as fully as if owners of the land, un- der section 1165. 925 197. Limitation of actions. SECTION 925 197. Every action or proceeding to avoid any of the special assessments or taxes levied pursuant to the same, -or to restrain the levy of such taxes or the sale of lands for the non-payment of such taxes, shall be brought within nine months from the end of the period of thirty days limited by the city improvement notice provided for by section 925 191, and not thereafter. This limitation shall cure all de- fects in the proceedings, and defects of power on the part of the officers making the assessment, except in cases where the lands are not liable to the assessment, or the city has no power to make any such assessment, 'or the amount of the assessment has been paid or a redemption made. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 117 925 197a. Foreclosure of bonds; procedure; lis pendens. SECTION 925 197a. The special improvement bonds herein mentioned shall be a lien against all lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against which special assessments have been made, which lien shall take precedence of all other claims or liens thereon, and when issued shall transfer to the holders thereof all the right, title and interest of such city in and to the assessment made on account of the improvement mentioned therein and the liens thereby created, with full power to enforce the collection thereof by foreclosure in the manner mortgages on real estate are fore- closed; but the time of redemption therefrom shall be fixed by the court, and a copy of the bond foreclosed may be filed as a part of the judgment roll in said action in lieu of the original thereof. If within ninety days after the commencement of the annual sale of lands for taxes the amount to pay any instalment of principal or interest shall not have been collected by the city, the owner or owners of at least one-third in par value of the bonds issued on any single improvement may proceed in his or. their own names to collect the same by foreclosure thereof, and shall recover, in addition to the amount of said bonds and interest, all costs against the property of the party or parties in default; provided however that the owner of any property covered by such bonds, or the holder of a lien thereon or other person interested in the property may redeem the same at any time before judgment by paying to the county clerk the amount due against such preperty, together with ten per cent, addi- tional thereon, which shall be in full for all costs chargeable to such property in such action. Any number of the holders of such bonds for any single improvement may join as plaint- iffs in any such action, and any number of the owners of or other persons interested in the property covered by the assessment upon which such bc/nds are issued and on which they are a lien may be joined as defendants in any such action ; and in case more than one action of foreclosure shall be commenced upon the bonds issued on account -of a single improvement such actions may be consolidated. Any holders of bonds for the same im- provement who do not join as plaintiffs may be made defendants and their rights adjudicated in the action. Such bonds shall be equal liens upon the property for the assessments represented by them, without priority one over another, to the extent of the several assessments against the lots and parcels of land against which the special assessments shall have been made. Upon the commencement of any such action the plaintiff shall 118 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. cause a notice thereof to be filed in the offices of the county clerk and county treasurer, designating the particular property affected by such foreclosure; and thereafter no redemption of any such property from such assessments shall be had without payment of all costs theretofore accrued in such action except as hereinbefore provided. -925 199. Care of parks. SECTION 925 19.9. Until such time as the council shall provide for a board of park commissioners the public parks shall be under the charge of the board of public works. 925 200. (Ch. 93, 1909.) Public parks. SECTION 925 200. 1. The council shall have full power to legislate with reference to public parks. Curtive clauses. 2. All proceedings heretofore taken ~by ] for lln cxldhlixhment of parks at tJve expense of the city, without first hnv-'unj submitted the question of such estab- lishment to a vote of the electors, are hereby declared to be valid. Chapter XIX. Sidewalks. 925 201. Grade of. SECTION 925 201. In all cases where the grades of sidewalks shall not have been specially fixed by ordinance the sidewalks shall be laid to the established grade of the street. 925 202. How constructed. SECTION 925 202. The council may from time to time by resolution establish the width, determine the material and prescribe the method of construction of stand- ard sidewalks, and the standard so fixed may be different for different streets. 925 203. Contract; expense. SECTION 925 203. Whenever a street shall be -improved for the first t'me or the grade thereof changed and the street improved so as to conform to the new grade, the grading of the sidewalks shall be considered a part of the improvement, shall be let by contract with the other work of improving such street, and the expense thereof shall be pro- * Section 925198 repealed by Chap. 32, 1897. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 119 videcl for and borne in all respects like that of improving the street, but the construction of the sidewalk shall be done by the owners of the abutting lots or parcels of land or at their expense ~as hereinafter provided. 925 204. (Ch. 425, 1909.) Sidewalks ; how laid. SECTION 925 204 1. It shall be the duty of the owner of every lot or parcel of land abutting up -n any street, or streets to lay at his own expense such side- walk as shall be ordered by the city council, in the same manner ami itn-dc)' I IK s74, 1907.) Such xidcintll; in nil cases shall be constructed by contract. Repair. 3. (Ch. (574, 1907.) And in all cases where the sidewalk shall be out of repair should any portion thereof be in such condition that the board <}' public works or of- ficers performing Ih duHrs of xnc/t hoard do not deem it necessary to order the removal of the whole thereof, it shall be the duty of the board of public works or offict rs i>< rfonn ing UK duties of such board to repair or cause the same to be repaired. Expense. 4. (Ch. 674, 1907.) The board of public works or officers performing Hn duties of such board shall keep an accurate account of the expenses .- f laying and repairing side- walks in front of each lot or parcel of land whether the work be done by contract or otherwise, and to report the same to the comptroller who shall annually prepare a statement of the ex- pense so incurred in front of each lot or parcel of land and re- port the same to the city clerk, and the amount therein charged to each lot or parcel of land shall be by such clerk entered in the tax roll as a special tax against said lot or parcel of land, and the same shall be collected in all respects like other city taxes upon real estate. Contract: payment; certificate against lot. 5. (Ch. 425, 1909.) Provided that in case the laying or repairing of any sidewalks, as above provided, shall be done by contract, such con- tract may provide that -any person to whom a contract is awarded for the laying or repair of such sidewalk, shall re- ceive in payment certificates against the lot or parcel of land in front of which such sidewalk is laid or repaired, and it shall be the duty of the board of public works or officers per- forming the duties of such board, after the completion and ac- GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 121 ceptance of such w-:/rk to issue such certificates on the request of the person entitled to receive them. Certificates. 6. All such certificates shall be signed by the mayor and clerk, countersigned by the comptroller and de- livered to the person entitled to receive the same, said certifi- c;ites shall be proceeded with and shall have the same affect as other certificates given for street improvements chargeable 1o lots or parcels of land, as provided in section 925 189. Repairs. 7. It shall be the duty of the owner of every lot or parcel of land abutting upon a street to keep in repair the sidewalk in front of such lot. Such duty shall be enforced and such repairs made, and the cost thereof assessed and collected, in case the owner shall fail to make them, by the same officers and in the f-ame manner as prescribed in this and the preced- ing section for the enforcement of the duty to lay and the lay- ing and collecting the cost, if necessary, of new sidewalks. 925 205a. (Ch. 20, 1899.) When to be maintained at expense of city. SECTION 925 2050. Whenever the council shall by resolution or ordinance so determine, the sidewalks of the city shall be maintained and kept in repair by and at the expense of said city, after such j-jdewa.lks shall have been first laid by the lot owner and ac- cepted and approved by said city. 925206. Snow and ice. SECTION 925 206. It shall be the duty of the board of public works to keep the sidewalks of the city clear of snow and ice in all cases where the owners or occupants of the abutting lots fail to do so, and the expense of so doing in front of any lot or parcel of land shall be included in the state- ment to the comptroller required by the last section, and in his statement to the city clerk and in the special tax to be levied as therein provided. 925 207. Rules. SECTION 925 207. The council may from time to time make all needful rules and regulations by ordinance for carrying the aforesaid provisions into effect, for regulating the use of the sidewalks of t*he city and preventing their obstruction. 122 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. Chapter XX. Sewers. 925 208. Districts. SECTION 925208. All cities shall have full power to construct systems of sewerage and to provide for the payment of sewers by the city, by sewerage districts or by abut- ting property owners, but no city shall enter upon such con- struction until it shall have been divided into sewerage districts and a plan shall have been adopted in the manner hereinafter specified; provided, that it shall not be necessary before any part of the system is constructed that the plan shall be deter- mined upon in all its details, but it shall be settled so far as re- lates to that portion of the system, upon which the construction is commenced; and provided further, that this section shall not apply to cities heretofore divided into sewerage districts and which have adopted a system of sewerage. 925209. Plans and diagrams. SECTION 925 209. The board of public works shall cause diagrams of the plans of the sewerage for each district to be prepared showing the lots and parcels ot land, the main sewers, minor sewers, man-holes, catch-basins and all other matter pertaining to the system. 925 210. Notice. SECTION 925 210. On the completion of such dia- gram notice shall be given in the official paper of the city sub- stantially in the following form : Notice is hereby given that a plan for sewerage for the dis- trict bounded as follows : , has been prepared and is now open to inspection at the office of the city clerk. All persons owning or interested in real estate in said district are entitled to .examine the same at any time within thirty days after the first publication of this notice a.nd file objections to said plan. On the day of - , 18 , this board will be in session to consider a,ny objections that may have been filed, and all per- sons desiring to be heard before the board can then be heard. Dated . Board of Public Works. The day for the hearing specified shall be within thirty days after the last publication <;l' said notice, which shall be pub- lished at least once in each week for four successive weeks. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 123 925211. Hearing; report. SECTION 925211. On the day specified for said hearing the board shall take up and consider all ob- jections made to the plan as proposed, and take down in writ- ing any testimony that may be oft'ered to sustain said objections. When the board shall have concluded said hearing they shall report the proposed plan, with the objections, their rulings thereon and the evidence taken, to the council. The council shall then examine the same and may approve the plan as pro- posed or change it in such manner as they think proper, and approve as changed or modified by them, or may reject the plan and direct the board to propose a new plan, in which case pro- ceedings shall be had as before. 925 212. Filing diagrams. SECTION 925 212. When the plan for any sewerage district is finally determined complete diagrams of the same shall be prepared in duplicate and certified to be correct by the board of public works ; one of such diagrams shall be filed in the office of the city clerk and one in the office of the register of deeds of the county within which the city is located. 925 213. Report and action thereon. SECTION 925 213. On or be- fore the first Monday of March in each year the board shall pre- sent to the council a report of the sewers necessary or advisable to be constructed during the ensuing year. The council shall, as soon as practicable, consider said report ; they may approve the same or make such additions or changes as to them seem best and adopt the report as changed or modified. No sewer shall be constructed during the ensuing year, except such as shall have been determined upon in the manner aforesaid, unless by a vote of three-fourths of all the members of the council. The board shall proceed to construct the sewers determined upon when and as ordered by the council. 925 214. (Ch. 221, 1907.) Sewers : plans, specifications ; bids ; construction by city. SECTION 925 214. After the council shall have ordered the con- struction of any sewer the board of public works shall advertise for and receive bids to do the work so ordered, having first pro- cured to be carefully prepared, and put on file in the office of the board, for the examination and guidance of bidders, plans 124 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. and specifications describing the work to be done and the kinds and qualities of materials to be used, as directed by the council, and shall let the contract to the lowest responsible and reliable bidder; provided, however, that the board shall have the right to reject all bids and readvertise for proposals if they believe none of the bidders are responsible or that any agreement has been entered into between bidders to prevent competition; and provided, further, that the contract shall not be binding till approved by the council and countersigned by the comptroller. When no proper bids shall be received for any such work the council, by a two-thirds vote of hall annually prepare a statement of the e.r/>< n.^e so incurred in front of each lot or parcel of land, and report the same to the city clerk, and the amount therein charged to each lot or parcel of land shall be In/ sue// clerk < iilcred in the tax roll as a special tax against Mid lot or parcel of land,, and th\? same shall be collected in all respects like oilier eih/ faxes upon real estate; provided, that no street shall lie paved, or repaved by order of the council unless the water and gas mains and service pipes and necessary sewers and their connections shall, as required by the council, be first laid and constructed in that portion of such street so to be paved or repaved. 925 224. Private drains. SECTION 925224. It shall be the duty of the said board to see that private drains and sewers are con- structed from every lot in said city which in their judgment re- quires it, and that such drains or sewers are made to communi- cate with the public sewers in a proper manner, and they may require such number of drains and sewers to be constructed as they deem expedient. 925 225. Form and construction of. SECTION 925 225. The said bmrd shall prescribe the location, arrangement, form, materials and construct: on of every drain and sewer for every lot empty- ing into the public sewers and determine the manner and plan of the connection of the same ; the work of construction shall be in all cases subject to the superintendence and control of said GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 129 heard ami be executed in compliance with their orders; but the co 4 ol' such private sewers shall not be included in the estimate of the cost of tlie general plan of sewerage in any district and shall he charged upon the lot or lots for the benefit of which they shall be constructed. 925 226. Construction of private drains. SECTION 925 226. The said hoard .-hall have at their office, ready for the examination of the pai ties, interested, the specifications of any private drains or sewers so ordered to be constructed, and shall give to the lot- owners six days' notice in the official paper to construct the same, designat'ng therein a reasonable time within which the work shall be completed; and in case any lot-owner neglects to do the work required of him to be- done within the time so speci- fied they shall advertise for proposals and let the same by con- tract, and at the completion of the contract shall give to the con- tractor a. certificate or certificates against such lot or lots, which shall be proceeded with and shall have the like effect as other cer- tificates g'ven for work chargeable to lots. 925 227. Contractor may enter on lot. SECTION 925 227. Any per- son who has taken such contract to construct a private drain or sewer from any lot may enter upon such lot and construct there- on such drain or sewer, and shall have free ingress and egress upon the same with men for that purpose, and may deposit all the necessary building materials and generally do and perform all things necessary to a complete execution of the work. 925 228. Connection of private drains. SECTION 925 228. No private drain shall be connected with any public sewer without a permit therefor having first been issued in such manner as the council shall have provided. 925 229. Wrongful connection, obstruction, etc. SECTION 925 229. No person shall be required to make connection with any public e.ewer until his lot or part of lot is so used or improved as to make such connection desirable; and no person shall break open or make such connection except by the consent and direc- tion of the board of public works or the officer or officers dis- charging their duties, and any person who shall do so, or who, 9 130 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. shall wilfully or maliciously obstruct, damage or injure any public or private sewer or drain, or wilfully injure any of the material employed or used for the purposes of sewerage shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail not to exceed three months. 925 230. Sewers, where laid. SECTION 925 230. Any contractor or other person acting under the direction of the board of public, works may lay sewers in and through any alleys and streets, and through any breakwater into any lake, and also in any high- ways of the county, whether within the limits of said city or not ; provided, that it shall be the duty of such contractor to repair. such streets, alleys, breakwaters and highways and restore the same to their former condition upon the completion of such sewers. 925 231. Diagrams, effect of. SECTION 925 231. Either of the duplicate diagrams filed as the final determination for a plan of sewerage for any district, after the expiration <>!' nine months from the date of such filing, shall bo conclusive proof of the regu- larity of the proceedings to establish the plan of sewerage shown on such diagram. 925 232. Plan, how changed. SECTION 925 232. When a, plan of sewerage has been finally determined upon it shall not be changed except by a vote of three- fourths of all the members of the council in favor of the same; such change shall be by ordi- nance, passed at a regular meeting, after the same, as proposed, shall have been published at least once in each week for two suc- cessive weeks in the official paper. 925 233. New diagrams; effect of. SECTION 925 233. When such change shall have been determined upon duplicate diagrams shall be prepared, certified and filed as before, showing the plan of sewerage as changed, and after nine months from the date oH such filing the said duplicates shall be conclusive proof of the regularity and legality of the proceedings to establish such plan ; if any change made renders useless any existing sewer the ex- pense of such change shall be paid by the general fund. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN, m 925 234. Improvement bonds; notice of issue. SECTION 925 234. \Yhenever a, (ontiact shall have been let for the construction of any sewer and the amounts have been determined that are chargeable to the lots or parcels < f land abutting on the "streets or alleys through which said sewer is to be constructed, if the council deems it for the best interest of the property owners affected by the special assessment for the construction of said sewer it may cause a notice to be published in the official paper once in each week for two successive weeks, substantially in the following form : Improvement Bonds for Sewerage Assessments. Notice is hereby given that a contract has been let for the con- struction of a sewer 'as follows (describe the street or alley) ; that a statement showing the amount of the special assessment chargeable to the lots and parcels of real estate benefited by -said sewer or abutting on the street (or alley) through which said sewer is to be constructed is now r on file with the city clerk; all parties who desire to pay the special assessment on presentation of the proper certificate are hereby required to file their notice to that effect with the said clerk before the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice; the city will issue its six per cent, semi-annual interest coupon bonds payable in annual in- stalments for an amount sufficient to cover the special assess nients which the parties owning the property do not elect to pay on the presentation of certificates in the manner stated ; said bonds will be a charge upon the particular lots only against which said special assessments are levied. Dated this - - day of , 18. , City Clerk of the City of . 925 235. (Ch. 170, 1907.) Sewerage bonds: issue. SECTION 925 2:}r>. /. The council shall then Itavc the puircr lo /sx/y," x?/r// bonds for an amount sufficient to cover all special assessment* which f/te fxir/ies do nof elect to i;aij in accordance -with suck notice. Said honds may he annual or semi-annual interest coupon bonds, or registered bonds without Interest coupons, as Ihc council may direct. The total issue in each case, shall be payable in annual installments for a period not r./vr, ditnj I en years from the date of issue, and shall draw interest nol <.><<< how that they ;nv chaigeable only to partic- ular property, specifying the same, and the number and amount of said bonds, and such other provisions as the council may think proper to be inserted; they shall !. ' signed by the mayor and clerk and sealed with the corporate sea! uf the city. Such sewer improvement bonds shall in no event be a, general city liability. 925 236. Bonds, how sold. SECTION 925 23(>. Any portion or any instalment or instalments oF said bonds may bo sold by the council at not less than p:ir value, and the proceeds, on being collected -by the city treasurer, shall be paid to the sewerage con- tractor when due him ; or the contract may provide that the con- tractor shall lake the bonds as payment on his contract at their par value, but he shall be charged with accrued interest. 925 237. Payment of bonds. SECTION 925 237. The city treasurer shall pay the interest on and principal of said bonds as the same become due and charge the amount to the proper fund. 925 238. Assessments, collection of. SECTION 925 238. In each year after the issu'ng of said bonds, until all of them are paid, when the tax r; II fer the year is prepared sufficient of the special assessment on each parcel of land covered by said bonds to pay the annual instalments of principal with the interest on the amount of said special assessment then unpaid shall be extended on the tax roll a,s a, special, tax against the property, and there- after such tax shall be treated in all respects as other city taxes. and when co'.lccted ^hall (- n-titute a spec'al fund for the pay- ment of such bonds and interest and shall be used for no other purpose. Any bondholder interested in the particular district may have the same light of redemption as any other person un- der the provisions of section 1165. 925 239. Change of system. SECTION 925 239. "Whenever any- city shall have adopted a system of sewerage, and in the opinion of GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 133 the council such system has proved insufficient, inadequate or dangerous to the public health, such council shall have full power to alter or amend the same and adopt more approved methods, and to so change the system as to obviate the objections to the existing system, either by altering or modifying the same or by abandoning it, and adopting an entirely new system. In case the council shall decide to amend its system or adopt a new one it may proceed in the mode prescribed in this subchapter or by the law in pursuance of which such sewer or sewers were constructed to make the necessary plans, surveys, specifications and estimates, to let contracts and assess the expense of such work upon the lots or parcels of land thereby benefited, or in the discretion of the council it may cause the whole cost of such con- struction, alteration or change to be borne by the city, or to cause such portion of the estimated cost of construction, alteration or change of sewers as it shall designate to be borne by the city and the balance to be assessed upon the lots or parcels of land which may be benefited. It shall be lawful for any such city to issue its coupon bonds for an amount sufficient to cover the cost of constructing any such sewers, which bonds may bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum and become due at such time as the council shall determine, as provided in this subchapter. 925 239a. Special taxes for sewers, vote on. SECTION 925 239cr. The council of any city of the second or third classes, whether existing under this chapter or special law, may levy, for a term not exceeding five years, a, special tax not exceeding one-fourth of one per cent, per annum upon all the property taxable in such city for either of the following purposes : 1. For the planning, construction and completion of a general system of sewers and drains or cither of them. 2. For the planning, construction and completion of any change or reconstruction of an established system of sewers and drains or either of them ; or 3. For such portion of the expense of such planning, construc- tion and completion as said council may not find it lawful or expedient to charge' to the particular property benefited thereby in the manner provided by the charter of such city or by this chapter. Before any such tax shall be levied or any contracts or obli- gations entered into in contemplation thereof said council shall cause to be made and prepared a plan and specifications for the 134 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. improvement proposed to be made, together with an estimate by the city engineer or surveyor, as the case may be, of the probable cust of such improvement; and said council shall adopt and cause, to be published, together with an -abstract of the plan aforesaid and the engineer's estimate thereon, in the official city paper a resolution submitting to the electors of said city the question wild her a speeial sewerage tax in an amount and for a number of years to be specified in said resolution, and not ex- ceeding the limits aforesaid, shall be levied, and shall accompany Ka'd publication with a, notice that said question will be sub- mitted to a vote of Mich electors at a time therein to be named. Such vote shall he taken not more than sixty nor less than twenty days after the publication of the said plans, estimate and resolution in the manner' other municipal elections are held in such cities, and may be held either at the regular municipal elec- tion or at a special election to be held for the purpose, and in either ca; -e the votes shall be received, counted and canvassed by the officers and in the manner prescribed for regular municipal elections. The ballots for such election shall in all cases be upon a separate ticket, and shall read: Yes. No. For sewerage lax Said ballots shall be marked in the manner prescribed by chap- ter 5. If a majority of all the votes cast upon said question shall be in favor of such sewerage tax then the council may ad- vert'se for bids and let the contract for such work to the lowest bidder or bidders, if the lowest bid shall be deemed reasonable, and levy an annual tax not exceeding the amount and for the time authorized by the electors, which tax shall be placed upon the tax roll and collected in the same manner as other special charges. No city shall contract to pay more in any one year pursuant to this section than the amount of the special fund available in such year; but the proceeds of any such tax may be anticipated by the issuance of special sewerage bonds in the manner and under the limitations prescribed by this chapter, and such tax when collected may be devoted to a special sewerage bond sinking fund. 925 239b. Curative provision. SECTION 925 2397;. In any case in which airy city having power under its charter as it existed prior (J-ENEEAL CHARTEB LAW OF WISCONSIN. 135 to April 12, 1889, to construct sewers and provide for the pay- ment thereior shad have attempted to amend its charter by adopting the provisions of sections 9^5 208 to 925 239a, inclu- sive, for the consti net ion of sewers, and the proceedings for the adoption of said sections shall be or be claimed to be invalid by ieas: -,u of or on account of irregularities or defects in the pro- c( edmiis lor such adoption, and such sewer or se\v r ers shall never- ttieless have been actually constructed under such proceedings, the cm i inion council of any c.ty may charge the cost of the construction thereof to the various lots, pieces or parcels of land abutting upon the street or streets in which said sewer shall have been constructed, to the same extent a.-; though such sections 925208 to 925 239a, had been legally adopted. 925 239c. Assessments. SECTION 925 239c. In case the common council of any such city shall desire to charge the cost of any such sewer to the abutting property as provided in section 925 32t)b it may, by an ordinance or resolut.on to be passed at any regular meeting of said council, declare that the cost of any such hewer which has so been constructed shall be chargeable to 1 he several lots, pieces or parcels of land abutting upon the street or streets in winch said sewer or sewers shall have been con- structed, and it shall then be the duty of the board of public works or the council of such city, if it has no such board, to make an assessment against -all lots, parts of lots and parcels of land or abutting on the street or streets in which any such sewer shall have been so constructed in the manner provided by sections 925 208 to 925 239a, inclusive, which assessment, when so made, shall be a valid lien on each lot, piece or parcel of land abutting on the street or streets in which any such sewer shall have been constructed in the same manner and with like effect as though such sewer had been constructed under the pro- visions of said sections, and shall be carried into the general tax roll assessed against each such lot, piece or parcel of land, and collected in the same manner as general taxes are collected in such city. The cost of such sewer which may be charged against the abutting lands^as aforesaid shall not include the cost of construction across street intersections nor of catch-basins made in connection with such sewer. 925 239d. (Ch, 251, 1907.) Separate sewer district. SECTION 925 239d. Any city which is or may hereafter be divided into separate sewer dis- 136 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. tricts may issue bonds for the construction of sewers in any sewer district and for the payment of the principal and inter- est of such bonds, may levy an annual tax again- 1 the property of such sewer district only, if the common council shall so deter- mine. Bond issue, (a,) Such bonds may be issued by the common council the same in all re- poets as if said bonds were made a general city liability, except fhat no election of the voters of the entire city shall in any care be he'd to authorize the issue of said bonds, but if within thirty days after the passage, by the common council of the city of the ordinance authorizing the issue of bonds for such purpose and levying a tax against the property of such sower district only, there shall be filed in the office of the city clerk a petition in. writing signed by not le?.s than ten per cent, in number of the voters in said district who voted therein at the hist general state election, asking for the submission of the question of issuing such bonds to a vote of the people, then such question s-hall be submitted as provided in section 943, excepting thai such election shall be held in the one sewer district only. Valuation. (b) The ordinance providing for the issue of such bonds shall recite the assessed valuation of the sewer dis- trict in addition to reciting the valuation of the entire city. Chapter XXI. Harbors and Bridges. 925 240. Duty of Board of public works. SECTION 925 240. In every city governed by this chapter, where there shall be any oc- casion for harbors or bridges or either, the board of public works, under the direction of the council, shall have charge 01 the construction, repair and maintenance thereof. 925 241. Location and construction of. SECTION 925 241. The council may determine, by ordinance or resolution, the location of all harbors or bridges and the manner of their construction, and by ordinance may adopt, fix and change, from time to time, dock lines along the w^ater fronts within the boundaries of such city, conforming as near as practicable to the original meander lines and survey thereof, and require the riparian owners to GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 137 build and maintain docks for the protection of the banks of such stream; and upon the failure of such owners to perform such work as directed the board of public works may cause such work to be done and the expense therefor charged to the abutting lot or lots. The mode of proceeding shall be similar to proceed- ings in the case of building sidewalks. 925 242. Repair of. SECTION 925 242. Whenever the council shall by resolution declare it to be necessary to construct or repair any harbor, dock, wharf, breakwater, channel or bridge it shall be the duty of the beard of public works to prepare an estimate of the cost of such work and file it with the city clerk, who shall submit the same to the council; thereupon the council may by resolution direct the work to be done. It shall then, be the duty of the board of public works to advertise for bids for doing the work and furnishing the material, the same as in the case of work to be done and materials furnished in the construction of streets, and they may receive bids and award contracts to the lowest bidder or bidders in the same manner as in the construc- tion of streets. The work contracted to be done, when finished, fjhall be accepted by said board before final payment shall be made to the contractor or contractors. The contract may pro- vide fo;iuned by the comptroller, out of the general fund and charged to the harbor account. 925 248. Erection of breakwater; assessments. SECTION 925 24S. In rase it shall be nere-sary to protect any land from be- ing washed away by any lake, river or /other water the council may by ordinance provide for the protection of such land by a wall or dock breakwater, to be constructed as it may prescribe, and may direct the board of public works to make an assessment of the benefits accruing to the land so protected and other lands benefitted by such wall. The boundaries of assessment districts shall be fixed and determined by the council. The cost of sucfi protection shall be raised as follows : One-half thereof, or such lessor proportion as the council shall direct and orcler, shall be paid out of the general fund or out of a special fund to be raised for the purpose, and the balance shall be levied and raised by the assessment of special benefits upon the real estate within the boundaries of the proper assessment district. The entire cost of protecting public grounds and the ends of streets shall be borne by the city. Such assessments shall be made, corrected, reported to the council and confirmed thereby the same as assess- ments for other public works, and certificates or improvement 140 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. bonds may be issued thereon in the same manner and with like effect as in the case of other public works. An appeal to the circuit court may be taken from any such assessment, upon like notice and security, witii'n tho same time and with like effect as in the case of other public works, and like proceedings 'shall be had thereon. 925 248a. Harbors; change of boundaries; assessments. SECTION 925 248a. Any city may, at its option, in lieu of proceedings under sections 925 240 to 925 248 inclusive, have the power to construct, repair, improve and maintain any harbor within or of the city, so as to make it navigable and available for the lar- gest class of vessels, by dredging channels and slips, building docks, dykes, wharves, piers and breakwaters or by such other plan of improvement as the cmincil may prescribe and adopt; and when any such improvement shall have been ordered the board of public works shall make^an assessment of the benefits accruing to the lands benefited thereby. In order to facilitate the improvement < f any harbor or any portion thereof the coun- cil may, by ordinance, establish harbor districts, to be numbered from one upwards, along the bays, rivers, creeks, sloughs, slips and pockets lying wholly or in part within the city, each of which districts shall contain such area and embrace such lands and territory to be improved and benefited as the council may by such ordinance prescribe and determine ; and after the forma- tion of any district the cost of any improvement made within it shall be assessed to the property therein according to the bene- fits accruing to such property by reason of such improvement. The council may at any time, by a vote of three-fourths of all its members elect, vacate, alter or change the boundaries of any harbor district or consolidate or re-arrange the harbor districts; provided, that before any district shall be established, altered or vacated the notice required to be given in the establishment of sewerage districts under -section 925 210 shall first be given, and sections 925 209 to 925 212 inclusive are hereby made applicable to the establishment, alteration and vacation of har- bor districts. In case it shall be necessary to dredge any chan- nel or make any other improvement outside of any dock lines or harbor districts the cost thereof shall be assessed as benefits against the platted property or subdivisions of land nearest to or benefited by such improvement. Assessments for harbor im- provements shall be made, corrected and reported to the council as assessments for street improvements, and certificates or im- GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF -WISCONSIN. 141 r^ provement bonds may be issued thereon and collected in the manner and with like effect as in the case of street improve- ments, and all provisions contained in this chapter relating to special assessments and proceedings and special improvement bonds in the case of street improvements are hereby made ap- plicable. The council may provide that a sum not exceeding I en per cent, of the amount of any assessment for the benefits shall be added as an additional assessment of benefits to cover the co4 of engineering, superintending and all other necessary charges upon the city by reason of such improvements; provided, that the whole nun assessed shall not exceed the benefits. They may also provide that any portion of the entire amount of any sum assessed 'as benefits shall be collected and in the treasury before any work' shall be done or improvement made under this subchapter. Like remedies, appeals and limitations as in the case of street improvements may be taken and are applicable. 925 248b. Condemnation. SECTION 925 2486. Any city may exer- cise the right and power to condemn any lands, whether sub- merged or not, that may be necessary for the improvement of any harbor, and to that end may exercise all the powers granted by sections 925 154 to 925 171 inclusive and in the manner therein provided. Chapter XXII. Miscellaneous. 925 249. Ineligibility to office. SECTION 925 249. No member of Ilie council shall, during the term for which he is elected, be eligible to any other municipal office except the office of mayor, existing a-t the time of his election or created by the council subsequent thereto. 925^-250. Charters repealed. SECTION 925 250. The adoption of this chapter by any city now .organized shall repeal the existing charter provisions of such city, except as to the special pro- visions relating to time, manner, sale and place of sale of in- toxicating liquors or the amount of license fee which may be ex- acted therefor, and except such acts -or parts of acts as may be specially retained by the provisions of this chapter, 142 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 925 251. What laws not affected. SECTION 925251. The adop- tion of this chapter by any city shall not be deemed to repeal or modify chapter ;I78 of the laws of 1885, entitled "An act in rela- tion to the police force and fire department of the city of Milwaukee," nor any acts amendatory thereof, nor any act 01 part of an act limiting the amount of the public debt of any city or its' proportion to the taxable property thereof or the amount or rate of taxation in any city of the first class; but said acts and said provisions shall remain in force in the cities to which they relate and to which they are applicable the same as if this chapter had not been passed or had not been adopted by such city or cities.. 925 252. Inhabitants not disqualified. SECTION 925 252. No per- son shall be incompetent to act as judge, justice of the peace, witness or juror, by reason of his being an inhabitant of any city, in any action or proceeding in which the city shall be a party in interest. 925^253. General laws in force. SECTION 925 253. The general laws f<:r the government of cities, villages and towns, the assess- ment and collection of taxes, the preservation of public and pri- vate property, highways, roads and bridges, the punishment of offenders, the collection of penalties and the manner of con- duct ing elections shall be in force in all cities .organized under the provisions of this chapter except as otherwise herein pro- vided. 925 254. Application of criminal laws. SECTION 925254. The general laws for the punishment of bribery, misdemeanors and ((irruption in office shall be in force and shall apply to all offi- cers elected or appointed under the provisions of this chapter. 925 255. Officers not to be concerned in contracts. SECTION 925 255. No city officer shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any improvement or contract to which the city is a party, and whenever it shall appear that such is the case such contract shall be absolutely void and the city shall incur no liability GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 143 whatever thereon. No city officer shall )>< accepted as surety on any 1>> ml, contract or other obligation made to the city. 925 256. Private property Garnishee. SECTION 925 256. No real or personal property of any inhabitant of a city or of any cor- poration therein shall be levied on or sold by virtue of an at- tachment or execution issued to satisfy any contract, debt or obligation of said city, or for any judgment against it, nor shall any person or corporation be held liable as garnishee of said city- 925 257. Forms. SECTION 925 257. The use of any forms prescribed by the statutes of this state, as far as the same are applicable, shall be as legal and of the same force and effect as the use of the forms prescribed by this chapter. 925 258. Reconsideration of claims. SECTION 925 258. In case any person shall present his claim or demand against any city or- ganized under the provisions of this chapter and the council shall disallow such claim in whole or in part it shall not again consider or allow such claim. 925 259. (Ch, 272, 1901.) City marshal. SECTION 925 259. The city marshal shall be known as such or as captain or chief of police, in the discre- fion of the council, and shall have command of the police force of the city under the direction of the mayor. He shall give a bond similar in form to that required by law of constables. He shall possess the powers, enjoy the privileges and be subject to the liabilities conferred and imposed by law upon constables, and be taken as included in all writs and papers addressed to constables. It shall be his duty to obey all lawful written or- ders of the mayor or common council ; to arrest with or without process, and with reasonable diligence to take before the police justice every person found in the city in a state of intoxication or engaged in any disturbance of the peace or violating any law of the state or ordinance of such city. He may command all persons present in such case to assist him therein, and if any person, being so commanded, shall refuse or neglect to render such assistance he shall forfeit not exceeding ten dollars. He shall be entitled to the same fees allowed to constables for simi- lar services; for other services i en tiered the city such compel!-? station as the common council shall fix. 144 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. 925' 260. Attorney's opinions. SECTION 925 260. The opinions of the city attorney shall be filed with the city clerk and recorded in a hook to he kept for that purpose. 925 261. Ordinance books; proof of ordinance. SECTION 925 261. The city clerk shall keep a hook to he known as an "ordinance book," in which he shall enter at length, immediately after its passage, in a plain and distinct hand-writing, every ordinance adopted by the council and append thereto a note giving the date of its passage, page of the journal containing the record of the final vote upon its passage, the name of the newspaper in which said ordinance was published and the date and proof of its publication. Any ordinance may be proved by the certi- ficate of the clerk, under seal of the oily, and when printed or published in pamphlet form and purporting to be published by- the authority of the city shall be read and received in all courts and places as evidences of its adoption. 925 263. Existing ordinances in force. SECTION 925 263. When- ever a city or village shall be incorporated under the provisions of this chapter the ordinances in force there! n at the time of such incorporation shall continue to be in force and be the ordi- nances of such new corporation so far as the same are not in- consistent with the provisions of this chapter, until amended. altered or repealed. 925264. Duties of officers. SECTION 925264. In case of the fail-. lire to prescribe the duties of any officer elected or appointed under the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of these stat- utes, so far as the same are applicable, shall be deemed and taken to be the guide in determining the duties of such officer. 925 265. Rewards. SECTION 925 625. When any heinous offense or crime has been committed against life or property within any such city the mayor, with the consent of a majority of the al- dermen, may offer a reward for the apprehension of the crim- inal or perpetrator of such offense. 925 266. No exemption from assessments. SECTION 925 266. No lot or parcel of land in any city shall be exempted from the GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 145 payment of its portion of any tax for the improvement of streets or the building 1 or repairing of sidewalks upon which su<'h lots or parcels of land may border, excepting only property belonging to the United States or this state. 925 268. Canvass of votes. SECTION 925 268. The council of each city shall meet, on or before the second Tuesday of April in each year, and proceed to canvass and declare the result of the annual municipal election. 925 269. (Ch. 102, 1903.) Jurisdiction of justices, constables, etc., in city in two or more cotmties. SECTION 925 269. In all cities organized under this chapter or which shall adopt any part thereof, whoso territory shall lie in more than one county, the following provisions shall apply when adopted by the council of any such cily in the manner prescribed in and by section 926: 1. All justices of the peace and police justices shall, before entering upon the duties of their offices, take and subscribe as many oaths of office and execute as many official bonds as there are parts of counties within said city, which bonds shall have two or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the mayor, and shall be in the form provided by the statutes ; the approval of the sureties shall be endorsed upon such bonds, and the said justices of the peace and police justices shall cause one of such bonds, together with their oath of office, to be filed in the office of the clerk of the c'rcuit court of each of said counties, and a copy of said bond, duly certified by either of said clerks, shall be prim a facie evidence of the contents and execution thereof. Bach of said justices of the peace and police justices shall have jurisdiction both civil and criminal co-extensive with the limits of each of the counties in which said city or any part of it is situated, and ma.y issue process and do all things in either of said counties that any just'ce of the peace of siich county may lawfully do. Each of said justices of the peace and police justices shall keep and hold his office within the corporate lim- its of said eitv, irrespective of the ward in which he shall re- side; prov : ded, that in case of appeal or certiorari in civil cases the papers shall be transmitted to the circuit court of either of said counties in which said iustice has jurisdiction, the cir- cuit court first obtaining jurisdiction of such appeal to retain such jurisdiction to the exclusion of the other circuit court, unless there be a county court having civil jurisdiction, and 10 146 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. then to the county court of the county in which such action was tried; and provided further, that in case of an appeal in criminal cases or in examinations in which the justice has not final jurisdiction the papers shall be transmitted to the circuit court of the county in which the offense is charged to have been 'committed; and all commitments in criminal cases shall be made to the common jail of such county, except commit- ments for violations of a city ordinance; and provided further. in all cases, if a cause shall be removed from the justice before whom the same was commenced, the papers shall be transmits ted to the nearest justice in said city, if he be competent to try the cause, but if there shall be no such justice, or if he be absent or sick, the papers shall, in civil cases, be transmitted to the nearest justice of the peace of the county in which the defend- ants or either of them was served with process, and in crim- inal cases they shall be transmitted to the nearest justice of the peace of the county in which the offense was charged to have been committed, and such nearest justice may hear, try and de- termine the same; the said just 'res of the peace and police jus- tices shall perform the same duties, receive the same fees, and be liable to the same penalties as other justices of the peace. "When execution shall be issued by either of said justices of the peace or police justices in actions of tort, and the defendant shall be imprisoned thereon, he shall be committed to and im- prisoned in the jail of the county in which the cause was tried. 2. In all cases of the adjournment of any criminal case or examination or of a case brought for the violation or non-ob- servance of any ordinance, in default of giving the recogniz- ance provided by law the accused may be put in charge of an officer or committed to the police station or lock-up of said city or to the jail of the county in which the offense is charged to 'have been committed. All commitments or executions upon judgments for violations of ordinances shall be directed to the keeper of the jail of the county in wh:ch the ward is situated where the action shall have been tried in which such execution or commitment is issued, and such keeper is hereby required to receive and keep in custody all such persons so committed un- til they be discharged by due course of law or by payment of the penalty and costs, including all subsequent costs and ex- penses made thereon. And for all such purposes said city shall have the use of the jails of the counties in which it or any part of it is situated for the imprisonment of all persons liable to be imprisoned ; and all persons committed to either of said jails shall be under the charge of the sheriff of the county to which they may be sent. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 147 3. In all actions triable by jury, brought before either of said justices of the peace or police justices, when a jury shall have IK 'en duly demanded the proper officer shall make a list of eighteen persons who shall be qualified to serve as jurors in cc-urts of record in either of said counties in which said city or any part of it is situated, and the jury shall be struck and summoned as provided by law; and talesmen, if any be needed, may be summoned from either of said counties. 4. The chief of police, policemen, city marshal and his depu- ties shall possess all the powers and enjoy all the rights of a constable in either of the counties in which said city or any part of it is situated, and shall be subject to the same liabilities; he may serve and return summonses, attachments, executions, warrants, commitments and all other writs issued by any jus- tice of the peace in either of said counties, and his return thereon shall be evidence of the service thereof. And any process issued by any justice of the peace of either of said counties, directed to the ^sheriff or any constable thereof, may be served by said chief of police, policemen, city marshal or his deputies; and any such process properly served and returned by him shall be valid. 925 270. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Cities, 2nd, 3rd. 4th class: sewer or drainage districts. SECETION 925 270. The common council of any city of the second, third or fourth class, whether existing under the general charter law or special charter, may, 'by ordinance divide such city into surface or storm water sewer or drainage districts. 925271. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Drains: construction; plans; damages, benefits, expense. SUCTION 925 271. Whenever the common council of any such city shall deem it exped : ent or necessary for the public health or- for other reasons to cause to be constructed surface or storm water siewers or drains in any portion of such city and at the expense of the property benefited they shall make an order that the board of public works or if there be no such board, the officer or officers designated to discharge its duties 1 , to prepare and report plans and specifications for the improvement proposed to be made and the entire costs of the contemplated improvement : to view the premises affected by the proposed improvement and determine the damages and benefits which will accrue to each parcel of real estate thereby and the amount that should be as- sessed to each parcel of real estate as benefits or damages ac- cruing thereto by such contemplated work or improvement. US GUNKRAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 925 272. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Report. SECTION 1)25 '21'2. Report. Said board shall make and file in their office or if there be no Such hoard, the officer or officers designated to discharge its duties, shall file in the office of the city clerk a report, showing their or h's determina- tion on the question required to be considered by them or him under the provisions of the preceding section. 925 273. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Assessment of damages: report; notices; hearing. SEC- TION 925 273. Xc/tice of assessment of damages; final report. Notice shall be given by the board of public works or the officer or officers designated to discharge the duties of such board by publication in the official newspaper of the city at least once in each week for two successive weeks. That such report is open for review at his or their office and will be so continued for the spare of twenty days after the date o-f such notice; and that on a day mimed therein, which shall not be more than three days after the expiration of said Iwenty days, said board, officer or officers designated as aforesaid will be in session to hear all ob- jections thai may be made to such report. No irregularities in the form .of such report nor of said notice shall affect its validity if it fairly contains the information required to be conveyed thereby.. At the time specified for hearing objections to said re- port said boa i-d, officer or officers designated as aforesaid shall hear all parlies interested who may appear for that purpose, reduce to writing all objections that may be made and all evi- dence that may be offered to sustain the same, and may review, modify and correct said report >as they deem just; and thereupon a, complete and final report shall bo made and filed by said board, officer or officers designated as aforesaid with the city clerk to- gether with all objections and evidence taken before them to sustain the same and proof of publication of said notice; but no irregularity in the form of said report or manner of con- ducting the proceedings by said board, officer or officers desig- nated as aforesaid shall affect the legality of said report. At such hearing any member of the board, officer or officers desig- nated as aforesaid may administer such oaths as may be neces- sary in conducting iti 925 274. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Hearing before council; notice. SECTION 925 274. Ac- tion on report. The city clerk shall publish a notice in the official paper at least twice, that said report is on file in his GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 149 office and that the common council will, at a meeting to be held at the time stated in tin- notice, consider the said report and . hear all objections which may be made thereto and determine what portion of the costs of the improvement, if any shall be paid by the city at large. At least two weeks shall intervene between the first publication of such notice and the said hear- ing. The council, at .such meeting or at an adjourned meeting or at the next subsequent regular meeting or any adjournment thereof, may confirm, correct or modify such report or refer it back to the said board, officer or officers designated as aforesaid for further consideration. 925 275. (Oh. 673, 1907.) Council's determination. SECTION 925 275. Assessment benefits. Subject to the limitations hereinbefore mentioned the council may determine the amount to be paid by. the real estate as benefits on account of the proposed improvement and the amount that shall be paid by the city at large if any. 925 276. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Final determination: notice. SECTION 925 276. Notice of final determination. When a final determination shall have been reached by the council the city clerk shall publish notice in the official paper of the city once in each week for two suc- cessive weeks that a final determination has been made of the benefits and damages, if any, to be assessed to the several pieces of real estate affected by. the proposed improvement and that the same is on file in his office and open to inspection. 925 277. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Appeal; contracts not affected. SECTION 925 277. Rem- edy of land owner. If the owner of any parcel of land affected by said improvement feels himself aggrieved by reason of the determination made by the council, he may, within twenty days after the date of such determination, appeal therefrom to the circuit court and such appeal shall be taken, tried and deter- mined and bonds for costs shall be given and costs awarded in like manner as in case of appeals from the disallowance of claims under chapter 40a of the statutes; provided that in case any contract shall have been made for making the improvements said appeal shall not affect >aid contract but a certificate against the l<,'t in question for the amount of benefit-; assessed to such .lot 1 be issued notwithstanding such appeal and in ease the ap- pellant shall succeed tin* difference between Ihe amount charged 150 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. , in the certificate so issued and the amount adjudged to be paid as benefits accruing to the parcel of real estate described in such. certificate shall be paid by the city at large or out of the proper waul oi' stoi m water sewer district fund as the council may de- termine. 925 278. (Ch. 673, 1907.) No further appeal. SECTION 925 278. Remedy exclusive. The appeal given by the last section from the report of the board of public works, officer ( r ot'liceis designated as aforesaid as con- firmed by the council shall be the only icinedy of the owner of any paicel of land or of any person interested therein affected by said in pi , Yemeni for the redress of any grievances he may have by icayrn laying of surface or storm water sewers or drains in the storm water district or storm water sewer districts and that the expense of said improve- ment chargeable, to the 1 real estate in said district (s) to be benefited has been determined as to each parcel of said real estate and a statement of the same is on file with the city clerk where a map of said district is also on file. It is proposed to issue borch chargeable only to the real estate in said district (s) benefited by said improvement to pay the special assessments except in cases where the owner of the property shall file with the city c ] erk within thirty days after the date hereof a writ- ten noti v :!: ..t he or they elect to pay the special assessments or GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 153 a part thereof on their property describing the same on presen- 1, -i lion of the certificates. 925 287. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Bonds: issue, form, contents. SECTION 925 287. Issue and execution of bonds. After the expiration of said thirty aid improvement as determined by the common council and may issue general city improvement bonds for -the payment of the city's shaie of said improvement as herein provided and payable out of the proceeds of said special tax; or may older the same paid out of the general fund of the city or out of the ward fund of such waul or wards as the council may detcrmin--. 154 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. 925 290. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Assessments, bonds: recording. SECTION 925 290. The city clerk shall carefully prepare a statement of the special as- sessments on which the bonds arc issued and record Ihe same together with a copy of said bonds in his office. 925 291. (Ch. 673, '1907.) Bonds; payment; fund. SECTION 925 291. Payment of bonds. The city treasurer shall, out of the special fund hereby created lor that pin pose, pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds as the same become due and charge the same to said fund. 925 292. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Assessments: collection; redemption. SECTION 925 292. Collection of assessment; redemption. In each year after the issuing of said bonds until all of them are paid and the tax roll for the year is prepared sufficient of the special assessment on parcel of land covered |)y said bonds to pay the annual installment of the principal and interest on the amount of said special assessment then unpaid shall be evidenced on the tax roll as a special tax on said property and thereafter .this tax shall be treated in all respects as any ether city tax and when collected the same shall be a special fund for the payment of such 'bonds or interest and shall be used for no other purpose. Any bondholder c/r bondholders may redeem from any tax sale as fully as if owners < f the land under section 1165, of the statutes. 925 293. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Special tax: action to avoid or restrain; statute of lim- itations. SECTION 925 293. Every action or proceeding to avoid any of the special assessment or taxes levied pursuant to the same or to lestrain the levy of such taxes or the sale of lands for the non-payment of such taxes shall be brought within nine months from the end of the period of thirty days limited by the city improvement notice provided for *by section 925 286 and not thereafter. The limitation shall cure all defects in the proceedings and defects of power on the part of the offi- cer making the assessment except in eases where the lands are not liable to the assessment or the city has no power to make any such assessment or the a. mount of the assessment has been paid or a redemption made. GENERAL CHARTER LAW OP WISCONSIN. 155 925 294. (Ch. 673, 1907.) Bonds: foreclosure; preferred lien; redemption; joinder of parties; costs; lis pendens. SECTION 925 294. Fore- closure of bi.-ndsj procedure; lis pendens. The special improve- ment l)oii(l herein mentioned shall be alien against all lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against which special assessments have been made, which lien shall take precedence of all other claims or liens thereon, and when issued shall transfer to the holder thereof all the right, title and interest of such city in and to the assessment made on account of the improvement mentioned therein and the liens thereby created, with full power to en- force the collection thereof by foreclosure in the manner mort- gages on real estate are foreclosed; but the time of redemption therefrom shall be fixed -by the court, and a copy of the bond foreclosed may 'be filed as a part of the judgment roll in said action in lieu of the original thereof. If within ninety days after the commencement of the annual sale of lands for taxes the amount to pay any installment of principal or interest shall not have been collected by the city,* the owner or owners of at least one-third in par value of the bonds issued on any single im- provement may proceed in his or their own names to collect the same by foreclosure thereof, and shall recover, in addition to the amount of said bonds and interest, all costs against the property of the party or parties in default, provided, however, that the owner of any property covered by such bonds, or the holder of a lien thereon or other person interested in the property may redeem the same at any time before judgment by paying to the county clerk the amount due against such property, together with ten per cent, additional thereon, which shall be in full for all costs chargeable to such property in such action. Any number of the holders of such bonds for any single improve- ment may join as plaintiffs in any such action and any num- ber of the owners of or other persons interested in the property covered by the assessment upon which such bonds are issued and on which they are a lien may be joined as defendants . in any such action; and in case more than one action of fore- closure shall be commenced upon the bonds issued on account of a single improvement such actions may be consolidated. Any holders of bonds for the same improvement who do not join as plaintiffs may be made defendants and their rights adjudicated in the action. Such bonds shall be equal liens upon the prop- erty for the assessments represented by them without priority one over another, to the extent of the several assessments against Hie lols and parcels uf land against which the special assess- 156 GENERAL CHARTER LAW OF WISCONSIN. merits shall have been made. Upon the commencement of any such action the plaintiff shall cause a notice thereof to be filed in the office of the county clerk and county treasurer, desig- nating the ^particular property affected by such foreclosure; and thereafter no redemption of any such property from sucR assessments shall be had without payment of all costs theretofore accrued in such action except as hereinbefore provided. TABLE OF REFERENCE. 157 TABLE OF REFERENCE Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Cities Under Both General and Special Charters. Alderman, number elected in 3rd and 4th class, Sec. 926-107 (Ch. 92, '05) Annexation of territory, 928 Assessments against corporate property, foreclosure, lien, 959-38 Bill Posters, licensing, 959-80 (Ch. 206, '01) Bonds, heretofore issued, curative acts 926-106 (379, '03); 943g (443, '07); 943m (Ch. 60, '09) Board of Education, securing evening lectures, 926-103, (Ch. 336, '01) Breakwaters, Sec. 959-71 to 959-78 (Ch. 293, ''05, Ch. 59, '07) Building lines, establishment, Sec. 959-35m (Ch. 619, '07) Building Material, deposit on streets, Sec. 926-102 (Ch. 273, 01) Cemetery Trusts, Sec. 959-82 to 959-84 (Ch. 179, '05) City Attorney, assistance, Sec. 926-160 (Ch. 135, '07) City Commission Plan, adoption, etc., Sec. 959-17a to 959-17J (Ch. 162, '09) City Lighting Commission, Sec. 926-lOlj to 926-lOln (Ch. 467, '07) Change of name, Sec. 959-36, 959-37 Claims disallowed, notice, service, appeal, 926-100 (Ch. 68, '01) Condemnation of riparian rights, Sec. 959-39 Condemnation of lands beyond city limits, Sec. 959-61 to 959-68 Condemnation, title acquired, 959-89 (Ch. 240, '05) Contagious Diseases, destruction, appropriation, Sec. 940a Department Stores, licensing, Sec. 959-60 Employment Agencies, free, Sec. 926-161 to 926-171 (Ch. 434, '03; Ch. 373, '07) Exhibitions, licensing, Sec. 930 Firemen's Pension Fund, Sec. 959-46e to 959-46n, Ch. 214, '07 Franchises, granting of acceptance, 940h application,, publication, 940b, Ch. 519, '09 bids for extension, Sec. 040f 158 TABLE OF REFERENCE. Franchises, granting of continued certified check, bond, Sec. 940g curative act, Sec. 943t (Ch. 145, '07) ordinance, submission to vote, etc., Sec. 926-139 to 926-143 (Ch. 387, '03) referendum, Sec. 940j specifications, Sec. 940d terms of, Sec. 94i submitted to vote, Sec. 926-139 to 926-143 (Ch. 387, '03) Gambling, Sec. 959-70 (Ch. 270, '05) Harbor Improvements, Sec. 926-108 to 926-113 (Ch. 97, '05) Health Reports, duties of phys., etc., Sec. 926-148 to 926-15G (Ch. 93, '07) Inspection of Illuminating Oils, local, Sec. 959-95 to 959-101 (Ch. 459, '05) Inspection of Steam, Gasoline and Electric Machinery, Sec. 959-92 to 959-94 (Ch. 280, '05) Libraries annual report, Sec. 935 (Ch. 68, '09) annual tax in rase of gift, Sec. 931a (Ch. 310, '01) directors, appointment, term, etc., Sec. 932 (Ch. 98, '01) directors, organization, duties, Sec. 933 (Ch. 307, '07) donations, Sec. 936 establishment, maintenance, tax, Sec. 931 (Ch. 43, '05) free use of books, etc.. Sec. 934 (Ch. 265, '01) gifts, bequests, transfer of, Sec. 936a (Ch. 98, '05) reports, (Ch. 98, '05) sites, condemnation, Sec. 931b (Ch. 404, '03) Lectures, Sec. 926-103 (Ch. 336, '01) Lighting; furnishing; without limits, Sec. 926-101 (Ch. 327, '07) Lighting Commission, Sec. 926-lOlj to 926-lOln (Ch. 467, '07) Memorial Day appropriation, Sec. 959-81 (Ch. 458, '07) Mobs, liability for injuries, etc., Sec. 938 to 940 Municipal Loans bonds, issuing, vote on, Sec. 943 (Ch. 208, '07; 413, '09) bonds for railroad aid, Sec. 942 (Ch. 309, '99) bonuses, Sec. 940k county bonds for telephones, Sec. 942a (Ch. 309, '99) debts, lacking constitutional levy, Sec. 942c (Ch. 413, '09) form and execution, Sec. 956 liability of territory, detachment, adjustment, Sec. 944 sinking funds, Sec. 958, 959 subscription for railroad stock, Sec. 945, 955 temporary purposes, orders, Sec. 941 vote on bond issue, Sec. 957 Municipal Debts cancellation books, court certificates, bonds, Sec. 959-7 division of territory, transcripts, Sec. 959-8 exchange of bonds; extension of payment, Sec. 959-3 TAliU'] OK REFERENCE. 159 Municipal Debts continued in what paid, Sec. 959-6 moneys, how applied, Sec. 959 "> new bonds; sale of, when payable, Sec. 959-4 refunding of bonds, Sec. 959-2 Municipal Ownership, Utilities, Sec. 927-11 to 927-19 (Ch. 665, '07) Navigation; obstruction, removal, liability, Sees. 959 90, 959-91 (Ch: 279, '05) Official Bonds, payment of premiums, Sec. 929-2 Official liability for neglect, Sec. 959-1 Officers, terms, Sec. 926-147 (Ch. 233, '05) Officers, eligibility, Sec. 97Gm (Ch. 437, '09); Sec. 976s (Ch. 69, '09) Orders, demand of payment, proof, judgment, Sec. 929-1 Palmists and Fortune Tellers, Sec. 959-111 (Ch. 456, *09) Park and Boulevards acceptance, conditions, Sec. 959 lo claims, allowances, Sec. 959-15 funds, disposition claims, liability, Sec. 959-16 park commissioners, appointment, duties, Sees. 959-11, 959-12 parks, etc., free, Sec. 959-13 power of board, Sec. 959-14 purchase of lands, Sec. 959-17 Plumbers' Licenses application, Sec. 959-54 cities 4th class, may adopt, Sec. 959-59m (Ch. 491, '09) examiners, sec. 959-55; duties, Sec. 959-56 inspectors of plumbing, Sec. 959-57 license, where required, Sec. 959-53 rules, for materials, Sec. 959-58 violations, penalty, Sec. 959-59 Police and Fire Commission appointment, Sec. 959-40 (Ch. 181, '09) approval of appointment, Sec. 959-41 (Ch. 61, '07) chief, suspension, hearing, Sec. 959-45 (Ch. 61, '07) cities, 4th class, Sec. 959-41 1 to 959-41n (Ch. 187, '09) examinations, Sec. 959-44 (Ch. 178, '99) good behavior, suspension, removal, Sec. 959-45 (Ch. 61, '07) rules, Sec. 959-42; 959-43 salaries, fees, reports, pensions (Ch. 178, '99) vacancies; promotion, Sec. 959-46 Police Regulations; fights, etc., Sec. 926-134 (Ch. 138, '03) Public Improvements, powers, Sec. 926-157 to 926-159 (Ch. 364, '05) Questions submitted to vote, special election, Sec. 926-31 (Ch. 531, '07) Railroads, subscriptions of stock, Sec. 946 (Ch. 299, '09); Sec. 955 (Ch. 46, '09) Refunding bonds, for Special Assessments , applicable to what cities, Sec. 959-18 bonds, a lien, foreclosure, Sec. 959-27 bonds, received for taxes, 'Sec. 959-28 160 TABLE OF REFERENCE. Refunding bonds, for Special Assessments continued city charters, effect on, Sec. 959-29 , -exchanged, sold, placed in sinking fund, sec. 959-24 extension of special assessments, Sec. 959-22 form, interest, loan to pay, Sec. 959-20 holder of lien, may pay tax, Sec. 959-25 how issued, Sec. 959-18, 959-19 limitation on lien, holder, Sec. 959-26 new improvements, Sec. 959-21 tax roll, tax for interest and prin., Sec. 959-23 Reorganization as Village, Sec. 927-m (Ch. 421, '07) Rubbish, removal, tax, Sec. 927p (Ch. 187, '07) School Superintendents; duties, Sec. 926-115, 926-116 (Ch. 86, '09) School Superintendents; conventions; attendance, Sec. 926-117m (Ch. 253, '09) School Superintendents; not eligible to membership school board, Sec. 926-117 (Ch. 388, '05) School Boards; organization, Sec. 926-117 (Ch. 388, '05) School Tax, limitation, Sec. 926-104 (Ch. 387, '01) School Tax; special, limit, Sec. 926-145 (Ch. 67, '07) Sidewalks; repair, notice to abutting owners, Sec. 926-114 (Ch. 277, '05) Street Improvements application for extension, irregularities, roll, Sec. 959-31 assessments, extension of, Sec. 959-30 (Ch. 363, '03) bonds issued, form, foreclosure, evidence, Sec. 955-33 building lines, Sec. 959-35m (Ch. 619, '07) concrete pavements, material, construction, Sec. 959-30^, to 959- 30j (Ch. 539, '09) contractors' guaranty of repairs, Sec. 926-15 (Ch. 88, '03) contractor to take bonds, Sec. 959-32 property, fronting, not exempt, Sec. 959-35 (Ch. 329, '09) tax roll, Sec. 959-34 Street Railways, parallel lines, joint use, Sec. 940J-41 to 940J-44 (Ch. 536, '07) Street Railways, tracks on bridges and viaducts, how laid, Sec. 959- 30Z to 959-30n (Ch. 517, '07) Street Sprinkling, Sec. 959m-l to 959m 3 (Ch. 253, '07) ; Sec. 959p (Ch. 387, '09) Taxation for Special Assessments, Sec. 926-135 to 926-138 (Ch. 71, '01) Trade schools, establishments, Sec. 926-22 to 926-30 (Ch. 122, '07); (Ch. 155 and 401, '09) Vacation of grounds for public purposes, Sec. 926-125k to 926-125q (Ch. 569, '07) Voting booths, cities 4th class, location, Sec. 926-132, 926-133 (Ch. 61, '01) Water Power; cities 4th class, may acquire, Sec. 926-126 (Ch. 204, '07) by referendum enly, Sec, 926-127 (Ch; 485, '09) TABLE OF REFERENCE 161 Water and Lighting Plants cities 3rd and 4th class, may purchase or build, Sec. 926-128 to 926-131 (Ch. 143, '01) contract for increase of supply, Sec. 959-50 franchises; contracts; taxation, Sec. 959-49 franchise, how granted, Sec. 959-52 purchase of plant; bonds, election, Sec. 959-51 Water and Light Franchises condemnation; purchase; lease, Sec. 927-1 judgments; collection; tax, Sec. 929 pipes, laying of, Sec. 927-3 water rent, retention for taxes, Sec. 927-2 water and light rent, collection, tax, Sec. 927-4 (Ch. 174, '01) Water Supply, to adjoining municipality; contracts, Sec. 959-47 11 INDEX. CHAPTER I. CLASSES OF CITIES. Apportionment of joint debts, with towns, 925 la, p. 3. Four classes, 925 1, p. 3. CHAPTER II. ADOPTION OF GENERAL CHARTER LAW BY EXISTING CITIES. Action to determine validity of proceedings, 926a, p. 6. Application of act, 925 2, p. 4. Census, 9254, p. 6. Certification of results of election, 925 30. Change from special to general charter, 925 3m, p. 5. Common council, duties, 925 3m, p. 5. Effect of adoption, 925 8, p. 4, Effect on existing officers, 925 6, p. 7. Election; notices; publication; ballot, 925 3n, p. 5. Ordinance; publication: final action; census, 925 4, p. 6. Patent, when to issue, 925 3o, p. 5. Patent, issuing by governor, 925 5, p. 7. Petition for change of charter, 925 3m, p. 5. Resolution submitting question to vote, 925 3m, p. 5. CHAPTER III. INCORPORATION OF CITIES NOT HERETOFORE INCORPORATED. Census, 9259, p. 8. Certification to secretary of state, 925 12, p. 9. Election; notice; publication, 925 10, p. 8. Election, how conducted, 925 11, p. 8. Election returns, 925 12, p. 9. Election of city officers, 925 16, p. 13. Patent, issuing, 925 12, p. 9. Patent, recording, powers; evidence, 925 13, p. 9. Petition by electors of village, 9258, p. 8. Population required, 925 7, p. 7. Question, how submitted to vote, 925 9, p. 8. Resolution submitting quest ion to vote, contents, 925- 9, p. 8. Village officers to hold until city officers elected, 925 15, p. 12. Ward boundaries, how changed, 925 14, p. 9, 11. 11 162 INDEX. CHAPTER IV. ANNEXATION AND DETACHMENT OF TERRITORY. Annexation: Cities that may, 02517, p. II. Debts and property, adjustment, 925 20, p. 14. Ordinance, 92519, p. 14. Ordinance: collateral attack, limitation, 925 21. p. 15. Petition: signers: rejection, 92518, p. 14. Vote required, 92520, p. 14. Detachment: Debts and property, adjustment, 925 21a, p. 15. Ordinance, 925 21a, p. 15. Petition, 925 21 a, p. 15. Vote, 925 2 la, p. 15. City boundaries: surveys, etc., 925 21b, p. 16. CHAPTER V. OFFICERS; ELECTION; AITOINTMKNT. Aldermen, cities 1st class, 925 22a p. 17. Aldermen, other cities, 925 23a, p. 18. Annual election, 92524, p. 18. Certificate of election or appointment, 925 29a, p. 21. Cities, first class, 92522, p. Hi. Cities of other classes, 925 28, p. 17. Election, when held, 925 22a, p. 17. Elections, how held, 92529, p. 21. Officers; cities 1st class, 925 22, p. 16. Officers; other cities, 92523, p. 17. Officers: how chosen, 915 25, p. IS. Officers; terms, 92526, p. 19; 925 26a, p. 20. Officers; eligibility, 92527, p. 20. Officers; commencement of terms, 925 28, p. 21. Officers; terms, duties, 925 33, p. 28. Officers; oath of office, 92534, p. 28. Officers; bond, 92535, p. 23. Officers: removal, 92536, p. 28. Salaries, 92530, p. 21. Special elections, 925 32, p. 22. Vacancies, how filled, 925 31, 925 31b, p. 22. CHAPTER VI. OFFICERS; POWERS AND DUTIES. Appointments, 925 38b, p. 25. Clerk, appointment, etc., 925 41, p. 27. City attorney, 92542, p. 28. Comptroller, cities 1st class, 925 44, p. 29. Comptroller, other cities, 92545, p. 29. Mayor, cities 1st class, 92537, p. 24. Mayor, other cities, 92538, p. 24. INDEX. 163 N<>\vspap<>r publications, cities 4th class, 1)2540. p. 31. Officers, duties. 1)2548, p. 33. President of council, 925 38a, p. 25. Proceedings: publication, 025 4Ga, p. 31. Proof of publications, 925 47, p. 33. School board proceedings; printing, publication, 925 40m, p. 33. Treasurer, 02543. p. 2S. Vacancies, cities 1st class, 02530, p. 20. Vacancies, other cities, 925 40, p. 20. Vacancies, mayor and aldermen, 025 K3m. p. 20. CHAPTER VII. COMMON COUNCIL: POWERS. Corporate authority, 025 54. p. 51. Mayor's vote, 92549, p. 33. Meetings, 925 50, p. 34. Membership, 92540, p. 33. Officers' accounts, 025 53, p. 51. Ordinances, style, 92549, p. 33, 025 49a, p. 34. Police pension's, cities 2nd, 3rd class, 1)25 52h, 025 52v, p. 45-51. Powers, 925, p. 35. Rules; quorum, proceedings, etc. ,92551, p. 31. CHAPTER VIII. ACTIONS, APPEALS, BONDS, SURETIES. Actions, how brought, 025 55, p. 52. Appeals in penal cases, 925 57, p. 52. Appeals on claims; costs, 925 GO, p. 53. Claims; tort cases, 925 58, p. 52. Claims: action of council final, 925 59, p. 53. Judgments; costs: imprisonment, 925--50, p. 52. CHAPTER IX. POLICE COURT. Clerk: duties: salary, 92502, p. 54. Complaint, warrant, execution, 925 09. p. 50. Costs, 92571, p. 59, Docket, 92508, p. 50. Juries: selection, 925 70, p. 58. Jurisdiction, 92561, p. 54; 92505, p. 55. Justice of the peace, jurisdiction, 9250(5, p. 55. Officers; fees, 025 62a, p. 54. Officers, in cities 1st class, 025 03. p. 55. Police justice, 025 01, p. 54. Police justice, fees, salary, 025 02, p. 54, Punishment, 02567, p. 50. Title of court: sessions, 02504, p. 55. 164 INDEX. CHAPTER X. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Apparatus; engine house; signals, etc., 925 75, p. 60. Fire account, 925 76, p. CO. * Fire limits, 92573, p. 59. Organization and support, 925 72, p. 69. Paid department. 92574, p. 60. Relief fund, 92577, p. (50. CHAPTER XI. HOARD OK PIHLIC WOKKS. Bidders; incompetent, 92591, p. (Hi. City engineer, 92580, p. 61. City engineer, records, reports, 925 81, p. (51. Compensation, 92582, p. 62. Contracts, how executed, 92593, p. 6(i. ontracts, how let, 92590, p. 63. Oontracts for improvements, 1st class, 925 90b, 925 90c, p. (54. Contractor, duties, liabilities, 925 92, p. (Hi. Contractor, estimates, deposit, 925 94, p. (57. Duties, 92586, p. (53. Guaranty deposits with bids, 925 90a, p. (54. Oath, bond, 92583. p. 62. Officers, 92579, p. 61. Organization: terms, 925 78, p. (51. Quorum; record; report, 925 85, p. 62. Rules, 92584, p. 62. School buildings, care, 925 87, p. 63. Streets, use of, 92588, p. 63. , Streets, repairs. 925 89, p. 63. CHAPTKR XII. WATERWORKS AND LIGHTING. Assessment against owners, 925100, 925101, 925103, pp. 70, 71. Assessments, report of notice, 925104, 925 105, pp. 71. 72. City ownership, rates, collection, indebtedness, 925 98, p. (58. Commissioners, election, 925 95a. p. (57. Contract, how let, 925 99a, p. 69. Council powers, 9259(5. p. (57. Land may be acquired, 92597, p. (58. Operation, 92595, p. (57. Pipes, laying, assessment, 925 100. p. 70. Rent, non-payment, penalty, lien, 925 99. p. (58. Water mains, expenses, 925 10(5. p. 72. Work, how paid for. 925 !)9b. p. (59. CHAPTER XIII HEALTH COMMISSIONERS. Abatement of nuisances. 925 Ilia, p. '7-1. Appointment, 925 107, p. 73. Duties, 925108, p. 73, 925112, p. 7.1. Duty of police and other officers, 925 112a, p. 75. Physicians to report, 925 lllb. p. 74. Recommendations, 924 110, p. 73. Rules, 925109, p. 73. .Salary, assistants. 925 111. p. 73. INDEX. 165 CHAPTER XIV. SCHOOLS. Annual meeting, 925 114, p. 71). Board membership, 925 113n, p. 7S. Board, authority of. 925116, p. 80. Buildings, 925118, p. 81. Buildings, 3d and 4th class, etc., 925 118a, p. 81. Change of boundaries and systems. 925 1 IB, p. 75. Change of system, 4th class, 925 113a, p. 77. Expenses, estimates of, 925 119, p. 84. Monthly and special meetings. 925 117, p. 81. Secretary, election, 925 115, p. 79. Special election, adopting, 925 113n, 925 113m, p. 78. Superintendent, election, 925115, p. 79. Tax, property, levy, collection, 925 119m, p. So. CHAPTER XV. FINANCE AND EXPENDITURES. Bonds, issuing, 925133, p. 89. Borrowing money, 925 12(5, p. X7. City orders, 925 124, p. 87. Claims, 1st class, 925 121a, p. 86. Claims, verification, 925134, p. 91. Debts, how contracted, 925123, p. 86. Deposits, how drawn, 925129, p. 88. Employes, payment of, 925 135, p. 92. Fiscal year, 925120, p. 86. Funds, how drawn upon, 925 121, p. 86. Funds, deposit of, 925^-1^7, p. 87. Funds, special, 925122, p. 86. Interest, 925128, p. 88. License moneys, bonds, 925 132, p. 88. Loans, temporary, 925 130, p. 88 Loans, how authorized, purposes, 925 131, p. ss. Treasurer's statement, 925 125, p. 87. CHAPTER XVI. ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAX MS Assessment rolls, return examination, 925 138. p. 93. Assessment rolls, delivery of, 925 141, p. 93. Assessments, how carried out, 925146. p. 9(5. Assessor's duties, 925137, p. 92. Board of review, members, salaries, 925 179. p. 93. Board of review, meetings, 925 140, p. 93. Bond of chief of police, 92514!). p. 97. City lew. limitation, 925 142a. p. 94. Collection of taxes. 925-148, p. 9(5. Expenses, estimates of. 925-142. p. 9)>. Property taxed. 925-136. p. 92. Provisions directing only. 925 153. p. 98. v Taxes, cancellation of. 925145. p. 96. Taxes, apportionment of, 925 151, p. 97. Tax roll and warrant. 925143. j>. 94. Tax roll and warrant prima facie evidence. 925 144. p. 95. Tax roll and warrant return of. 925 150, p. 97. Treasurer's notice. 925147, p. 96. Treasurer's fees, 925 152, p. 97. 166 INDEX. CHAPTER XVII. EMINKNT DOMAIN. Appeals from assessments, 925 171, p. IOC. Assessment, method of making. 925 107, p. 105. City attorney, duty. 925150, p. 100. Damages, assessment of, 925 16(3, p. 104. Damages, how paid, 925 Ki9, p. 100. For what purposes exercised, 925 154, p. 98. Lienor, rights of, 925162, p. 103. Park commissioners: jurisdiction, 925 171a, p. 1 Petition for opening streets, 925 155, p. 9S. Petition as to alleys, 925157, p. 99. Powers of cities, 925170. p. 10(5. Proceedings 92515(5. p. 99. Proceedings, without petit ion. 925 158, p. 100. Proceedings, costs of, 925160, p. 102. Proceedings, abandonment of, 925101, p. '102. Proceedings, new, 925104, p. 104. Streets, vacation of, 925105. p. 104. Taxes, special, entry, 925 10X, p. 100. Title to fee. 925103, D. 104. CHAPTKR XVIII. ClTY I M I'ROV KM KXTS. Actions, limitation of, 925 197. p. 116. Assessment of benefits, 925 182, p. 111. Assessments, record of, 925 194. p. 110. Assessments, collection of, redemption. 925 190, p. 110. Bids: advertisement, contract. 925 ISO. p. 112. Bids, rejection, 925187, p. 113. Bonds: issue and execution. 925192, p. 115. Bonds; notice, 925191, p. 114. Bonds; terms, sale, 925 193. p. 115. Bonds; payment of, 925195, p. 110. Bonds: foreclosure, 925 197a, p. 117. Certificate to contractor, 925 18S, p. 113. Contractor's certificate, 925 189, p. 114. Crosswalks, expense of, 925 177, p. 109. Damages, change of grade. 925-478, 925179, pp. 109, 110. Land owner's remedy, 925 184, p. 111. Notice of final determination. 925 183. p. 111. Parks, care of, 925199, p. 118. Park's, power of council, 925 200, p. 118. Remedy, exclusive, 925185, p. 112. Sidewa'lks, 925 176a, p. 109. Streets and sidewalks, 925174, p. 107. St reets, grade, damages, 925 172, p. 107. Streets, grade, record, 925 173, p. 107. Streets, opening, paving, grading, 925 175. p. 108. Streets, for park purposes, 925 175a, p. 108. Streets, improvement, petition. 925 17(5. p. 108. Streets, alterations, report, notices, 925 180, 925 181, pp. 110, 111. Work, payment for. 925190, p. 114. INDEX. 167 CHAPTER XIX. SIDEWALKS . Construction 1)25202, p. 118. Contract expense, 925203, p. lls. Default- of lot owner, 925205, p. 119. Grade, 925201, p. 118. Laid by city, 925205, p. 119. Laying, replacing; notice, 925204, p. 119. Maintained by city, when, 925 205a, p. 121. Rules, 925207, p. 121. Snow and ice. 925207, p. 121. CHAPTER XX. SEWERS. Apportionment of benefits, etc., 925 217, p. 125. Assessments, notice, 925216, p. 124, 925 239c, p. 135. Bids, 925214, p. 123. Bonds, for improvement, 925 234, p. 131. Bonds, issue, 925235, p. 131. Bonds, how sold, 925236, p. 132. Bonds, payment, 925237, p. 132 Bonds, assessment, collection, 925 238, p. 132. Construction by city, 925214, p. 123. Contractor, payment, 925215, p. 124, 925220, p. 126. Cost, how paid, 925218, p. 125. Curative provisions, 925 239o, p. 134. Diagrams, filing, 925212, p. 123. Diagrams and plans, 925209, p. 122. Diagrams, effect of, 925231, p. 130. Diagrams, new, effect, 925 233, p. 130. Districts, 925208, p. 122. Districts, separate, 925 239d, p. 135. Drains, private, 925224. p. 128. Drains, form, construction, 925225, p. 128, 925226, p. 129. Drains, contractor may enter lot, 925 227, p. 129. Drains, connection, 925228, p. 129, 925229, p. 129. Hearing report, 925 211, p. 123. Lateral sewers, 925223, p. 127. Laying, where, 925230, p. 130. Notice of plans, 925210, p. 122. Plans, specifications, etc., 925214, p. 123. Plans, change of, 925232, p. 130. Power of boards of public works, 925 222, p. 127. Report and action thereon, 925 213, p. 123. Streets, paving, drains, etc., 925 223, p. 127. Sureties to contracts, 925221, p. 127. System, change, 925239, p. 132. Tax, collection, 925219, p. 126. Taxes, special, 925 239a, p. 133. CHAPTER XXI. HARBORS AND BRIDGES. Accounts, separate, 925 243, p. 137. Assessment of benefits, 925244, p. 138, 925245, p. 138. Board public works, duties, 925240, p. 136. Breakwater erections, assessments, 925248, p. 139. 168 INDEX. Condemnatioh, 925 248b, p. 141. Construction, 925241, p. 136. Contracts for dredging, 925 247, p. 139. Harbors, change of boundaries, assessments, 925 248a, p. 140. Location, 925241, p. 136. Repairs, 925242, p. 137, 925246, p. 138. CHAPTER XXII. M ISCELLANEOUS. Appeals, 925277, 925278, pp. 149, 150. Assessments, exemption, 925266, p. 144. Assessments, special; bonds, recording, 925 290, p. 154. Assessments, collection, redemption, 925 292, p. 154. Assessment of damages, 925273, p. 148. Attorney's opinions, 925 260, p. 141. Bids, advertising for, 925-279, p. 150. Bids, rejection, 925282, p. 151. Bonds, issue, 925287, p. 153. Bonds, interest, redemption, 925 288, p. 153. Bonds, notice of, 925286, p. 152. Bonds, special assessments, 925 290, p. 154. Bonds, payment, 925 291, p. 154. Bonds, foreclosure, 925294, p. 155. Canvass of votes, 925268, p. 145. Certificates, negotiability, assessment, 925 284, p. 151. Charters repealed, 925250, p. 141. City marshal, 925259, p. 143. Claims, reconsideration of. 925258, p. 143. Council's determination, 925275, 925 276, p. 149. Contracts, form, 925280, p. 150. Contractor's pay, 925 283, p. 151. Curative provisions, 925 281, p. 150. Drainage districts, 925270, p. 147. Drains, construction, plans, damages, etc., 925 271, p. 1 Expense, method of meeting, 925289, p. 153. Forms, 925257, p. 143. Hearing before council, 925274, p. 148. Inhabitants not disqualified, 925 252, p. 142. Inoligibility to office, 925249, p. 141. Instice; constable; jurisdiction, 925 269, p. 145. Laws in force, 925253, p. 142. Laws not affected, 925251, p. 142. Laws, application of criminal laws, 925 254, p. 142. Notice of contract and bond, 925286, p. 152. Officers not to be interested in contracts. 925255, p. 142. Officers, duties, 925264, p. 144. Ordinances, in force, 925263, p. 144. Ordinance books: proof, 925-^261, p. 144. Private property, garnishee, 925 256, p. 143. Rewards, 925265, p. 144. Reports, 925272, 92527:5, p. 148. Sewer districts, 925270, p. 147. Gaylord Bros.. I Be , Stockton, Calif. M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off M19435 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY