A STUDY OF THE HEATS OF DILUTION OF CERTAIN AQUEOUS SALT SOLUTIONS BY ALLEN EDWIN STEARN A.B. Stanford University, 1915 A.M. Stanford University, 1916 M. S. University of Illinois, 1917 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRY / SB I IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1919 - KASTON, PA.: BSCHSNBACH PRINTING COMPANY 1919 A STUDY OF THE HEATS OF DILUTION OF CERTAIN AQUEOUS SALT SOLUTIONS BY ALLEN EDWIN STEARN l! A.B. Stanford University, 1915 A.M. Stanford University, 1916 M. S. University of Illinois, 1917 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1919 EASTON, PA.: ESCHENSACH PRINTING COMPANY 1919 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I wish to express my appreciation of the suggestions of Dr. G. McP. Smith under whose supervision this investigation was carried on. To Dr. J. M. Braham I am also indebted for the use of his calorimeter and his suggestions regarding its manipulation, and to Dr. D. A. Maclnnes for permission to reproduce his drawings of the apparatus. Acknowledgment is also due Mr. R. F. Schneider for assistance during the research. 464191 A Study of the Heats of Dilution of Certain Aqueous Salt Solutions* A. Introduction. i. Purpose of the Investigation. A series of investigations 1 under- taken in this laboratory with the object of studying ionic relationships in aqueous solutions of mixed strong electrolytes has indicated the forma- tion of higher order compounds in the ionization process, in harmony with Werner's ideas in regard to its mechanism. The method of investigation in the papers referred to has been to study the equilibria between aqueous and metallic solutions, using mixed salt 1 G. McP. Smith, Am. Chem. J., 37, 506 (1907); /. Am. Chem. Soc., 32, 502 (1910); 35> 39 (1913); Smith and Ball, Ibid., 39, 179 (1917); Smith and Braley, Ibid., 39, 1545 (1017); 40, 197 (1918); Smith and Rees, Ibid., 40, 1802 (1918). solutions and liquid amalgams. The measurement of some colligative property of aqueous solutions seemed to offer a means of testing these ideas from another point of attack, and consequently it was planned in this investigation to measure the reversible molal heats of dilution of certain mixed salt solutions and to compare these with the heats of dilu- tion of solutions of the single salts. 2. Heats of Dilution. The reversible molal heat of dilution, L D , of an aqueous solution at any concentration is represented by the differ- ence in the heats of vaporization of one mol of water from a solution of that concentration and from pure water. Thus: L D = L v -- L v . Here L D is the reversible molal heat of dilution, L v is the heat of vapor- ization of one mol of water from the solution in question, and L v is the heat of vaporization of one mol of water from pure water. But dT Or _ d In P /p L D - Kl dT . Without a large mass of experimental data on the partial vapor pressure of water in solutions of various concentrations and at various temperatures, there is no method of calculating the value of L D without assuming Raoult's law for cases for which we know it does not hold. For dilute solutions where Raoult's law does hold the ratio p/p approaches unity so that LD is zero. In concentrated solutions, however, "or in dilute solutions where the process of dilution is associated with the formation of new molecular complexes, or with the decomposition of those already occurring, the heat of dilution may have a positive or negative value." 2 If, now, one should measure the reversible molal heat of dilution for a given concentration of solutions of single salts, and then for an equiva- lent concentration of a solution of the mixed salts, one might expect to find the value in the latter case to be somewhere near the sum of the other values unless affected by the formation of new molecular complexes. B, Materials. The strontium chloride was in the form of "pure crystals." Most of the material was recrystallized once from water. This procedure in the light of our results seems unnecessary when it is considered that the heat effects in solutions as concentrated as 0.2 N are so small as to be hardly measureable. The sodium and potassium chlorides were of various brands, all labeled c. P. These materials are easy to obtain in a state of high purity, and inasmuch as small amounts of impurities have no effect 1 Kirchhoff, Pogg. Ann., 104 (1856); Ges. Abh., p. 492. 2 Nernst, "Theoretical Chemistry," Trans. 6th Ger. Ed., p. 143. on the results in this work, it was considered unnecessary to purify them further. C. Apparatus. The apparatus was a very slight modification of the adiabatic calorim- eter of Maclnnes and Braham. 1 The instrument itself was that actually employed by Braham, as were the thermometers, Wheatstone bridge, standard cells, etc. A calorimetric determination of a positive heat effect consisted of measuring the change in resistance of a coil of platinum wire due to the direct dilution of a certain quantity of solution of a certain concentra- tion with a certain quantity of water. Next, a carefully measured quan- tity of electrical energy was introduced into the solution and the corre- sponding change in resistance of the same coil measured. For negative heats a slightly different procedure was followed where these heats were comparatively large. In such cases the procedure was to introduce elec- trical energy into the solution at a carefully measured rate slightly more rapidly than it was taken up in dilution, so that the solution did not cool down below the temperature of the surroundings. The reason for this is that it is much easier to adjust the surroundings to a rising tempera- ture in the calorimeter by means of heating coils, than to a decreasing temperature in the calorimeter where the cooling of the surroundings could not be closely regulated with any degree of satisfaction. After finishing the run as described above, one can calculate the number of calories cor- responding to the electrical energy introduced, and the actual number of calories corresponding to the increase in temperature as measured by the change in resistance of the thermometer. The difference is the num- ber of calories due to the heat of dilution. By this procedure the heat capacity of the calorimeter is measured as a part of every determina- tion, and thus inaccuracies due to calculations from questionable data on specific heats of solutions, water equivalent of the calorimeter, slightly varying conditions of the experiments, uncertainties arising from the calibration of the thermometer, etc., are eliminated. Thus by a simple proportion the heat of dilution can be obtained at once. For if H D is the heat due to dilution, expressed in joules, then H D : EIT = R D : RE, where E is electromotive force, / the current, and T the time in seconds during which the current is passed through the calorimeter heater. R D and R E are the changes in temperature, in resisting units, due, respec- tively, to the dilution and to the electrical heating. H D (in calories) : = RD ' RE where J represents Joule's equivalent, 4.184 joules per calorie. 1 Maclnnes and Braham, /. Am. Chem. Soc., 39, 2110 (1917)- 8 Since the relation between the change in resistance and the tempera- ture change is not linear, any large values of R D or R E would have to be corrected by means of the relation 100 100' in which -Rioo is the resistance of the thermometer in steam at 760 mm. pressure, RQ is its resistance in melting ice, and d' is an empirical constant. Maclnnes and Braham determined RI OO and R for the thermometers employed, and used for d' the value 1.47, recommended by the Bureau of Standards. They found, however, that with the values of R D and R E of the magnitude met with in their work, which were even greater than those met with in this investigation, the correction was too small to affect their numerical results in any way; so that if AR = 0.02395, then At = 0.2395, just 10 times the numerical value of &R. D. Method. The salt solutions were made on the basis of gram equivalents of an- hydrous salt per 1000 g. of water. Their concentration was ascertained by a Volhard determination of the chlorine. The salts used were sodium chloride, potassium chloride and strontium chloride; and the concentra- tions at which the heats of dilution were determined were 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2 weight normal. 1 Points on the strontium chloride curve were also obtained for concentrations of 1.2, 2.0, 2.4 and 2.8 wt. N. Mixed salt solutions of NaCl : l / 2 SrCl 2 ,NaCl : KC1, KC1 : l / 2 SrCl 2 , and KC1 : SrCl 2 were also run at the above mentioned concentrations. These solu- tions were prepared by diluting a volume of the solution of one of the salts with an equal volume of the solution of the same concentration of the other salt. Thus one volume of 0.8 wt. N potassium chloride and one volume of 0.8 wt. N sodium chloride were mixed and called 0.8 wt. N of the mixed salt. The value of the reversible molal heat of dilution was obtained by di- luting the solution of a definite concentration with decreasing amounts of water, and plotting the heat effects obtained against the number of mols of water added. The curve was found to be a straight line (within this region) so that, by extrapolation to zero mols of water added, the value of the reversible molal heat of dilution at the particular concentration could be obtained. Accuracy. The very small values of the heat effects in the case of the more dilute solutions necessitated only approximate results here. Maclnnes and Braham state that heat effects of from 50 to 60 calories 1 Weight normal or wt. N is the number of gram equivalents of anhydrous salt per 1000 g. of water. -30 r \ _ Vpptr Curve.- 3./6 /nob tfCt \ \ ^ i^ !' x. ^ 3 * < -- IOO ISO Water of Di\ui.ion can be measured with an accuracy of from 4 to 5%.* With a total heat effect of from 5 to 20 calories one should not expect much more than 30 to 50% accuracy. In these cases, however, an error of even 100% would change the point on the curve of the concentration plotted against the molal heat effect to such a slight extent that the curve itself would be unaffected. In the case of the larger heat effects, running as high as 600 to 700 calories, the heat change can be measured to within 0.25 to 0.5%, so that the error of the reversible heat value should not be greater than i to 2%. Some justification for the assumption that the molal heat values ob- tained by diluting a certain quantity of solution with varying amounts of water give a straight line when plotted against the number of mols of water of dilution is given in Fig. i. The data for these curves are taken from Tables IV and VII. Accord- ing to Thomsen 2 "the value of the thermal change on dilution always varies with variations in the quantity of water of dilution, and this varia- tion, whether positive or negative, seems to have the character of a hyperbolic function of the quantity of water added." As will be seen, the region of the curve on which the experimental data represented in all the subsequent curves fall is so far from the vertex that the change of slope of the curve has become vanish- ingly small, and it is practically a straight line. (In Fig. i , mols of water of dilution per 10,000 g. of solution are plotted as abscissas, and the molal heat effects as ordinates.) E. Experimental Results. Tables I to VIII give the data for the heats of dilution of various salt solutions and mixtures. Table I gives in considerable detail the results of a run including resistance readings, results of potentiometer readings, etc. Table I is for the case of a negative heat effect, and a sample calcu- lation from the data included in the table is appended. In this table, "Time" is the time in seconds during which heat is passed through the calorimeter heater; "Res." is the resistance of the thermometer in ohms; "R" is the change of resistance of the thermometer in ohms multiplied by io 5 ; "Sol. G." represents the number of grams of solution to be diluted; "Mols H 2 O" represents the number of mols of water (assuming 18 g. to the mol) with which the solution was diluted; 1 It may be stated that to measure the change of resistance due to dilution or to the electrical energy passed into the calorimeter it was not necessary to shift a plug in the resistance box. 2 Pattison Muir, "Elements of Thermal Chemistry," p. 167. Fig. i. Change of molal heat effect with the number of mols of water of dilution over a wide range. 10 "Amp." is the current in amperes through the heating coil of the calorimeter; "E. M. F." is the voltage drop across the terminals of this same coil; "Cal." is the number of calories of electrical energy introduced. The total heat effect of the dilution is given in calories as well as the molal heat effect. The latter value is obtained from the former by dividing it by the number of mols of water of dilution. A few curves representative of the method of extrapolation are given. Mols of water of dilution are plotted as abscissas and molal heat effects as ordinates. Fig. 2 gives the curve for 2.9 wt. N SrCl 2 and that for 0.8 wt. N KC1. The size of the plotted point gives an estimate of the probable ac- curacy of each point. The radius of the circle represents the variation in the molal heat of dilution due to a variation of o.ooooi ohm in the re- sistance measurement. In the remainder of the data, the values obtained by drawing similar curves are given but the curves themselves are not included. Tables III to IX give a condensed summary of some 50 tables of the type of Table I. I. HEAT OF DILUTION OF 3.2 WT. N NaCl. IS 20 2o 50 W