THE CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING THE CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING BEING AN ACCOUNT OF THE; RELATIONS BETWEEN FIBRES AND DYES, THE FORMATION OF LAKES, AND THE GENERAL REACTIONS OF COLLOIDS, AND THEIR SOLUTION STATE BY W. P. DREAPER, F.I.C., F.C.S. ILLUSTRATED BY CURVES AND NUMEROUS TABULATED RESULTS LONDON J. & A. CHURCHILL 7 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET 1906 , M" The introduction of a sulphonic acid group into the dye molecule has a disturbing effect on the forma- tion of metallic lakes. For instance, Alizarine red S (powder) is (i) (2) \S0 3 Na The addition of copper sulphate to a solution DYES AND LAKES, AND THEIR PROPERTIES 39 of this dye will not produce a lake or precipitate. If, however, the corresponding barium salt is produced by adding barium chloride to the solution before the addition of copper salt a precipitate is obtained (Dreaper, /. S.C.I., 12, 272). In the same way, Diamine Fast Red F. will also give a lake with copper sulphate if the -SO 3 group is in combination with barium . The action of the sulphonic acid group is effective in preventing the lake for- mation, even although it is far removed from the lake-forming group, as will be seen in this particular case. /OH CH-N - N CK- TTT.M xr rw ^ C 6 H/N = N C 6 H 3 < OH (2 It is difficult to explain the cause of this action. It may be found, perhaps, in the greater solubility of the sulphonic acid, and the partial neutralisation of this effect by formation of a barium salt. The presence of an amido group may also materi- ally interfere with the formation of lakes, even if the OH groups are present in the ortho position. It would almost seem that here the action is of a different nature, the acid nature of the | _ QJJ groups being in part neutralised by the proximity of the NH 2 group. The reason why certain colours are mordant dyes is becoming increasingly involved. The Liebermann and v. Kostanecki law is no 40 , CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING longer accepted, owing to our increased knowledge on the subject since the year 1885. Buntrock in 1901 was the first to throw doubt on this law. He discovered that derivatives of groups in the ortho position would dye on mordants. (Rev. Gen. des Mat. Col. 1901, 99.) In the same year, Noelting established the fact that bodies like hystazarine and quinizarine (di- hydroxyanthraquinones, 2. 3 and i. 4), also i. 3. 5. 7 tetrahydroxyanthraquinone, and i. 8 -hydrodioxy- 2. 4. 5. 7, tetranitrochrysazine were also capable of being mordant colours. V. Georgievics in 1902 pointed out that the hydro- xyanthraquinones do not follow the above law. In the years 1887 an d 1889, v. Kostanecki extended and enlarged the original law which then stood as follows : (1) Nitroso-phenols are mordant colours when in the ortho position. (2) Phenolic colours dye on mordants when they contain two OH groups in the ortho position. (3) Orthoquinonedioximes are mordant colours. (4) Ortho-oximes are mordant colours. In the year 1904, Moehlau and Steimmig (Rev. Gen. des Mat. Col. 1904, p. 360) return to this subject. The following law is propounded. In an aromatic hydroxyl derivative when an OH group is in a position near to the chromophore, the body is a mordant dye. Picric acid is not a mordant because the com- pounds with metallic oxides are soluble. But trinitro-resorcinol DYES AND LAKES, AND THEIR PROPERTIES 41 OH NO, NO 2 OH NO, dyes wool on chromium or iron mordants, shades which are very fast against the action of soap. Nitro-amido-phenol-sulphonic acid OH NO, /\ NH, S0 3 H dyes wool, on chromium, iron, or aluminium mor- dants and the shades also resist the action of soap. Ortho-hydroxyazo-benzene-/>-sulphonic acid. OH N = N.C 6 H 5 SO 3 H and nitro-phenol-sulpho-azo-/3-naphthol OH NO 2 /\ N = N \) OH S0 3 H both dye on these same mordants. Quinonoid Colours. From the point of view~of NOH M . OH d\ colour the group NQH . , is equivalent to 42 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING ~, OH (2) ine group ^ analogous in grouping to OH (2) NOTT r V seems also to & lve colouring-matters the property of dyeing on mordants. Noelting and Trautmann have found that 8- hydroxyquinoline and its derivatives OH N. are mordant colours. 6-Methyl-5-keto-8-isonitrosoquinoline O ca, OH.N is also a mordant colour. In a further communication Prud'homme (Rev. Gen. des Mat. Col., 1904, p. 365) doubts whether this rule of Moehlau and Steimmig can always be applied ; they having themselves pointed out that the chromo- phores CH == CH CO and CH = N- are not powerful enough to transform ortho hy- droxyls into mordant colours. He also points out that Scheurer had previously shown that dehydrated mordants will not combine with mordant dyes. Quite recently, further investigation tends to DYES AND LAKES, AND THEIR PROPERTIES 43 show that in some cases alizarine lakes are not chemical compounds. (W. Biltz, Ber. 1905, P. 41430 From a study of their formation, alizarine iron lakes are said to be of the nature of chemical com- pounds ; but Alizarine Red S.W. lake on chromium oxide is said to be formed by absorption. It may be that these lakes resemble the tannic acid ones, or are similar to Linder and Picton's dye compounds (Trans. Chem. Soc. 1905, p. 1934), where both actions seem to be involved. The formation of alizarine lakes may be due to solid solution, absorption, or they may be chemical compounds. Variations in the concentration of solutions of alizarine dyes in contact with oxides of iron, or chromium, in the hydrogel state, give interesting results. For instance, the following table, showing the effect of hydroxide of iron on alizarine, is instruc- tive. Initial concent. End do. Col. abs. per grm. of bath. of hydroxide. .OOO5 . . .OOII4 . . .0677 .01 . . .00234 . . .134 .02 . . .00242 . . .308 .04 . . .00261 . . .655 .06 . . .0028 . . i.oi .10 . . .00326 . . 1.695 .15 .. .00369 .. 2.57 In the case of Alizarine Red S.W. on chromium hydroxide, the following results were obtained : 44 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Initial concentration. .01 .02 .03 05 075 .IO 50 End do. .00034 .0031 .00776 .01876 .0341 05 417 No. 2. No. i. Strength of solution, FORMATION OF LAKES IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION. The relative nature of the reactions indicating chemical action, or absorption, respectively, is seen in the above curves. No. i indicates chemical ac- tion in the case of an alizarine iron lake, and No. 2 absorption in the case of alizarine on chromium hydroxide. The decreased absorption of alizarine dyes on a dehydrated mordant, as compared with the same mordant in a highly gelatinised state, is shown in the following ratios : DYES AND LAKES, AND THEIR PROPERTIES 45 Alizarine 1/6 Gallein . . . . . i/n Alizarine Yellow G.G.W. . 1/9-5 It is suggested that the reason why alizarine will not dye in the absence of lime is that it is necessary for the alizarine to be in the quinonoid state, and that this state only occurs in the presence of alkali. O COH= { \ OH -CO - It must always be remembered, that the alizarin aluminium lake may not be so insoluble as the double calcium one. To decide in practice whether a dye belongs to the mordant class it should be sufficient to make experiments with wool mordanted with the following metals: aluminium, iron, chromium, copper, and tin. The value of the mordant dye will, of course, depend on the brilliancy and fastness of the shades produced. These are most important factors, especially from the wool-dyer's point of view. In the case of the nitroso dye compounds the ortho position between the O and NOH groups is essential to a mordant dye. In some cases dyes which possess an OH group in the ortho position with regard to azo groups, may possess the property of dyeing on mordants. This action, in which closer grouping evidently gives rise to what may be termed a more concen-- 46 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING trated effect, is an instructive one. It gives us an insight into the structure of the molecule. Closer grouping seems to be more favourable to combined action. This is seen in the two nitro-salicylic acids, and the relative acid nature of the i. 2. 3 and 1.2.5 compounds (/. C. 5., 88, 338) respectively. The typical dye, Congo Red, which led to the discovery of the series of dyes which dye vegetable fibres directly, is produced from benzidine ; and hence this series of dyes have sometimes been known as the benzidine -colours. With the extension of this class, and from their varied origin, they are now known generally as " cotton dyes/' or sometimes as " direct dyes." Generally they are prepared by diazotising cer- tain bases ; and combining the products with amines, phenols, or their sulphonic acids. Sometimes the dyes are mixed products. In the preparation of these, advantage is taken of the fact that the first molecule of the amine, &c., is taken up at a greater rate than the second one. In this way these mixed products are easily pre- pared. V. Georgievics, in discussing the possible cause of the attraction of the cotton fibre for these dyes, has pointed out that it cannot be due to the presence of the diphenyl group, for certain dyes only possessing one azo group are known to dye cotton without a mordant. The so-called sulphur dyes have recently become of great importance in cotton-dyeing, on account of DYES AND LAKES, AND THEIR PROPERTIES 47 their fastness and the ease with which they can be applied. The sulphur dyes originated with the researches of Croissant and Bretonniere about thirty years ago. Sawdust, horn, &c., were fused with alkali and sulphur. As a result, products soluble in water were obtained which were capable of dyeing yellow brown shades. This substance was known in com- merce as Cachou de Laval. To-day, the class of sulphur dyes is an extensive one, and they are classified by Pollak as follows : (1) Dyes from simple benzene and naphthalene derivatives. (2) Dyes from diphenylamine derivatives. (3) Dyes from anthraquinone derivatives. (4) Dyes made by the help of sodium thio- sulphate. (5) Dyes made by the help of chloride of sulphur. This classification is a rough and ready one, but the chemistry of the subject is very involved. The fact that it is almost impossible to isolate the inter- mediate compounds, which are formed during the manufacture of the dyes, renders it very difficult to follow the change which take place. Vidal, Meyen- berg, Green, and Perkin have attempted to throw light on this most interesting subject. Vidal believes that sulphide dyes produced from compounds of simple structure, and at low temperatures, are pro- bably thiazine derivatives. These sulphur dyes are insoluble. They are brought into solution by dissolving in sodium 4$ CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING sulphide. At the same time, they are reduced to their leuco-compounds, so that subsequent oxidation is necessary to reproduce the colours in situ. This may be brought about in some cases by simple ex- posure to the air ; or in others by the use of oxidising materials, such as hydrogen peroxide. Instead of sodium sulphide, neutral sodium sul- phite has been recommended as a solvent, and is used in conjunction with glucose and alkali, which serve to reduce the dye to the leuco condition. The addition of salt to the dye-bath greatly increases the dye fixed. The other insoluble dyes which are pro- duced in the fibres, such as indigo, or aniline black, present interesting problems to the student. From the fact that they are produced by oxida- tion, the dyeing process is probably of a physical nature. The production of aniline black on the fibre is a complicated process from the chemical point of view. Here again, the intermediate products are not easily isolated, and this makes it difficult to follow the reaction. The basic dyes are usually hydrochlorides of organic bases. The combination between the base and acid is a weak one ; entirely different in its nature from that of the sulphonic acid azo dyes, are very stable compounds. These bases form lakes with tannic acid, which were at one time of great service in the dyeing of cotton goods, and are still used for this purpose ; DYES AND LAKES, AND THEIR PROPERTIES 49 and also in the production of lakes for pigment colours. Although at the point of saturation, these com- pounds seem to combine in the ratio of their chemical equivalents in the ordinary sense of the word. Pararosaniline hydrochloride /C fi H 4 -NH 2 is a typical example of this class of dye. It has also been more recently suggested that in some cases the alizarine lakes are absorption com- pounds (see page 43). Identification of dyes. Of the many schemes suggested, only that recently advanced by Prof. Green in conjunction with Messrs. Yeoman and Jones (J.S.D. and C. 1905, p. 236) is noticed here. This scheme, like the earlier one proposed in 1893 by the first of these investigators, entails the reduction of the dyes to their leuco-compounds. Originally zinc dust was used as the reducing agent, reoxidation being effected by exposure to air, or else by chromic acid. Nitro, nitroso, and azo compounds were com- pletely destroyed on reduction. Dyestuifs having an ortho-quinonoid structure gave leuco-compounds which were readily reoxidised by air to their original state. Para-quinonoid compounds giving leuco- compounds required chromic acid for reoxidation, 4 50 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Sodium hydrosulphite is now recommended as a reducing agent in place of zinc dust ; and the state- ment is made, that the leuco-compounds formed remain in great part attached to the fibre, while washing will remove the fission products of the azo dyestuffs. A persulphate is used in place of the chromic acid. The following general behaviour of the various chemical groups of dyestuffs is noted. Decolourised by hydrosulphite. Not decolourised Not altered by but changed to brown, original Colour restored on exposure to air. Use of persulphate required to restore. Colour not re- stored by air or persulphate. hydrosulphite. colour restored by air or persul- phate. Azines Triphenyl Nitro-, Pyrone, acri- Most dyestuffs Oxazines methane group. Nitroso-, dine, quino- of the Thiazines and azo- line, andthia- anthracene Indigo groups. zole groups. group. Some mem- bers of anthra- cene group. Further tests with other reagents are given in the original communication with a complete range of colours dyed on wool and silk. The point of interest is the way the leuco-com- pounds are held by the fibres. Further details should be of value. The action may be due to the colloidal nature of these compounds. The different rate of solubility of dyes in different solutions is important, but before we consider this point the relative solubilities of dyes in aqueous solution at varying temperatures is given. The results are stated in grammes per 100 cc. of solution DYES AND LAKES, AND THEIR PROPERTIES 51 for some of the best known dyes. (Pawlewsky, Chem. Zeit. 73, 773.) Dye. 20 C. 60 C. 100 C. Martius Yellow . .002 .OI 13 Violet R. . -03 .86 27.24 Cyanine .04 .21 1. 21 Magenta .22 1.28 12.23 Picric Acid . I.I4 2.94 9.14 Erythrosine 4-56 12.7 24.58 The increase in solubility at high temperatures is great in some cases. The relative action of picric acid in solvents has been studied with the following results. (Sisley, Rev. Gen. des Mat. Col. 1902, 90.) Water H 2 S0 4 (.5% sol.) Ether Toluene Amyl-alcohol i.oo 43 3.56 8.60 1.49 In toluene dichroism The colour of the solution varies greatly, it is almost colourless, and possesses a not found in an aqueous solution. This is attributed by Marckwald (Ber. 1900, 1128) to electrica] dissociation. At any rate a difference in molecular state is indicated. The following table shows the ratio of picric acid taken up by toluene and water in mixtures of the same at a temperature of 20 C. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING I I 4.02 2.63 I 4.40 I 1.6 I I 1.24 2.38 I i-i5 I 1.63 I 0.72 All in water 55 SOLUTION MIXTURE. RATIO TAKEN UP. Solution 10 grms. per litre. 100 cc. OH, .25 cc. Tol. 100 cc. ,, .100 cc. ,, 50 cc. ,, .100 cc. ,, Solution 3 grms. to litre. 100 cc. OH 2 .25 cc. Tol. 100 cc. ,, .100 cc. 50 cc. .100 cc. Solution i grm. to litre. 100 cc. OHj .25 cc. Tol. 100 cc. .100 cc. 50 cc. .100 cc. ,, Solution .1 grm. per litre. 100 cc. OH 3 .25 cc. Tol. IOO CC. ,, .100 CC. 50 cc. .100 cc. Sisley explains these abnormal results with dilute solutions by assuming the dissociation of picric acid in dilute solutions ; this being complete at .1 grm. solution strength ; and that the toluene cannot ex- tract the colour ion. Similar results were obtained with ether and amyl alcohol as follows : Ratio of OH 2 to Ether or Amyl Alcohol 100 : 100. 10 grms. to litre sol. . I : 1.79 . . I : .209 I grm. . . I : 0.129 . . I : .071 .1 grm. . - > I : .01 . . I : .0101 .01 grm. . . All in water . . All in water In these two cases we have dilution also interfering with extraction from aqueous solution. It might be pointed out that these results may be also explained by accepting the association theory of solution. CHAPTER IV ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS OUR knowledge of the action of fibres on certain metallic salts in aqueous solutions is incomplete. The subject is one of great interest to the dyer. Many of the difficulties he has to contend with are due to variations in the mordanting processes. Aluminium mordants. There is a general im- pression that these mordants act by producing a basic salt on wool and silk fibres ; a corresponding amount of acid remaining in solution. This may, or may not, be the case according to the varying condition of solution. Washing in water after the mordanting process is said to render the salt fixed more basic by the removal of acid, or an acid salt. The rate of mordanting may, therefore, increase with the basicity of the solution. This is noticed in practice. Many neutral and stable salts are said to be free from any action of this nature, and will not act as mordants. The influence of the basicity of aluminium salts on the actual absorption results is indicated in the following table. Aluminium sulphates were pre- pared, and solutions containing 200 grms. per litre 54 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING of the respective salts were taken. The fibre was cotton. (Liechti and Suida, J.S.C.I. 1883, 537.) Composition of sulphate used. % A1 2 O 3 taken up. A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + i8H v O (normal) . . 12.9 A1 : (S0 4 )-(OH) 6 .. 51.0 A1 4 -(S0 4 ) 3 -(OH) 4 . . 58.7 A1 2 -S0 4 -(OH) 4 The last and most basic salt dissociated so rapidly, that the experiment could not be completed. It will be seen that a slight increase in basicity over the last salt mentioned would produce an in- soluble compound on the cotton fibre irrespective of any combination with the cotton fibre itself. Some of these salts have been prepared, and are in- soluble. These experiments are not so complete as they might be. The composition of the salts pre- cipitated on the fibre has not been ascertained. They have only been expressed in terms of the hydrate. The fact that these basic salts cannot be obtained directly by the addition of alumina to the normal sulphate is important. There does not seem to be any tendency for the solution to redissolve any alumina actually precipitated in the fibre. The fact that a salt is a basic one is not, however, any indication that it will act as a mordant. Basic chlorides and oxychlorides of alumina can be pre- pared, yet they are very indifferent mordants. Very little of the metal can be fixed on the cotton fibre by solutions of these salts. ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS 55 On the other hand, the sulphites and thiosulphates of alumina are available as mordants. The basic thiocyanates, and the acetates and sulphacetates are of great value. In practice, it is advisable to supplement the direct fixing action of the fibre, by some secondary reaction. For instance, suitable substances may be present, which in themselves form insoluble com- pounds by loose combination with the alumina. As an alternative process the mordanted fibre may be passed through a suitable alkaline bath. Such materials as oil mordants, or tannic acid, are used as a preliminary treatment. Their action is suf- ficiently clear. The alumina is sometimes fixed as arsenate, phosphate, or silicate. It is worthy of note that all these precipitates are of a colloidal nature. Turkey red mordanting. The process of fixing alumina on the cotton fibre assumes fresh importance from the fact, that the mordant must contain fatty acids in some shape, or form. The modern method of dyeing Turkey red, differs materially from the older processes of dyeing which originated in the East, many years ago. Le Pileur d'Alpigny published an account of these older processes in 1765. The original process took between three and five weeks to complete, and it is quite unnecessary to try and follow the many operations entailed. To-day Turkey red may be dyed in three days, or even less, using artificial alizarine in the place of madder, and 56 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING soluble oils in the place of olive oil, or other fatty matters of a more or less obscure nature. Alizarine (dihydroxyanthraguinone), C 14 H 8 O 4 , may be regarded as a weak dibasic acid. It is even capable of decomposing sodium acetate. It contains two OH groups in the ortho position. It combines with most of the metallic oxides forming insoluble lakes. A serious study of these compounds has been undertaken by Liechti and Suida (J.S.D. and C. 1885, 271; 1886, 102, 120, 131, 146) and the chief results obtained are as follows : Alizarine combines with calcium to form normal or basic alizarates as the case may be. At a high temperature, or if a solution of the basic alizarates be heated, the normal salt, C 14 H 6 O 4 -Ca, is always formed. On the other hand, the aluminium lakes are formed with great difficulty in the absence of calcium salts. The presence of ammonia helps the reaction. Basic aluminium alizarates are formed, and are more insoluble than the normal salt. In the production of a Turkey red on cotton, it is essential that a compound lake of aluminium be formed. A great many of these have been prepared, varying in their properties and reactions. The normal lake is (C I4 H 6 O 4 ) 3 Al 2 -(CaO)-H 2 O/ and is readily soluble in ammonia. In practice the alizarine lake is a compound of alizarine, calcium, aluminium, and fatty acids and therefore little can be said of the actual com- position of these lakes as present on the fibre. ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS 57 The actual operations entailed in the produc- tion of this colour are said to be as follows (" Manual of Dyeing/' p. 558) : (1) Oiling. (2) Sumacing. (3) Mordanting. (4) Dyeing. (5) Clearing. (1) To-day, little seems to be used for oiling but the so-called sulphated oils. These are probably sulphonic acids. At any rate, their usefulness lies first in their solubility in water, and, secondly, in the fact that they are readily decomposed by steam, &c. Bodies similar to the oxidation products pro- duced from olive and castor oils in the older pro- cesses are said to be formed at the same time. This has, however, been denied. (2) The object of sumacing is to introduce tannic acid into the fibre in order that it may subsequently precipitate and hold a larger proportion of alumina. (3) The mordanting operations consist of treating the fibre with aluminium salts ; and subsequently completing the fixation of the alumina on the fibre. (4) The dyeing which follows these operations sup- plies the alizarine, and lime necessary. A minimum temperature of 70 C. is necessary to complete the formation of the lake. (5) The clearing operations are generally two soapings. These remove any impurities, and here the formation of the lake is also modified. At this stage stannous chloride is sometimes 58 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING added to give " fire " to the colour. It is generally supposed that this does not enter the lake, but simply acts physically. Tin oleate is formed which acts as a varnish on the fibre. A certain propor- tion of the fatty acids in the soaping solution is fixed on the fibre. This roughly represents the action and process of dyeing Turkey red. Further light has been thrown on these reactions by Persoz (Bull. Soc. Ind. de Mulh. 1903, 193). When mordanted cotton is dyed with 2 grms. of 10 per cent, alizarine, and an equivalent quantity of lime per litre, a deep red colour is produced in a few minutes. If at this stage the fibre be washed and dried, the shade produced is a dull yellowish brown. If this be treated with a fatty acid and steamed, a bright red colour is produced. If, on the other hand, the dyeing is prolonged to say one hour, this brightening action will not take place. These experiments indicate that there are two possible modifications of the compound lake of alizarine, alumina, and lime. The former can be transformed into the latter by steaming, and will not then develop ; nor can it be reconverted into its first form by any known means. It is, of course, just as easy to argue that when the final and satu- rated lake is formed it will not combine with the fatty acids. The first " modification " may simply be a compound still containing aluminium in a state capable of combining with the fatty acids. This explains the object of having the fatty acid ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS 59 present before the mordanted fibre enters the dye bath. It is well known that the so-called alizarine reds, which are dyed with subsequent oiling, are inferior to Turkey reds in fastness, and colour effect. The chief constituent of the modern soluble oils is said to be ricinoleic acid, free or combined with alkalies. Boiling the oil with dilute hydrochloric acid decomposes the sulphonic acid compound liber- ating this acid. (Noelting and Binder, Bull. Soc. Ind. de Mulh. 1888, 730.) On the other hand, the superiority of soluble oil prepared from castor oil over that from olive oil is stated to be due to the fact that in the former case an acid sulphonic ether of an unsaturated acid is present. In the latter case we have the corresponding derivative of a saturated acid. This is held to in- dicate that the former product will have a higher oxidising power and consequently be a better mordant for this purpose. (Benedikt and Ulyer, Monat. Chem. 8, 208.) Further research must decide which of these views is the correct one. Prepared in the pure state the above ricinoleic acid gives lakes, as bright as those prepared with the oleins. Purified aluminium ricinoleate after drying is pulverulent. Its formula is A1 2 O(OH) 2 (C 18 H 33 O 3 ) 2 . This compound heated with water and alizarine begins to attract the colouring-matter at 40 C., It then melts and gradually assumes a bright red colour, while the temperature is being carried up to 105 C. 60 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING This would seem to indicate that it is necessary for the fatty acid to melt before it can enter into combination. This lake is unaltered by boiling soap solution. Alcohol and ether dissolve this lake with difficulty, and then cotton may be " dyed " with this solution. It would be interesting to know something of the fastness of the colour, dyed in this very mechanical way. Fischli (ibid.) also denies that oxidation takes place in the fixing of ricinoleic acid on the fibre. This he confirms by analysis. He also shows that mere heating in dry air will not " develop " the colour of the lake, but if steam is present, the colour develops instantly. Micro- scopical examination shows that steam favours the formation of the alizarine-lime-alumina-fatty-acid lake. Immediately after the steaming, the cloth has a sticky feel partly due to the melting of this lake. In this way it penetrates the fibre. It is also contended that tin, if present in the soap liquor, actually enters into combination with the mordant. One of the most extraordinary statements made in connection with the formation of these lakes is that light is an important factor in the formation of the fatty mordants. (Storck and Coninck, Bull. Soc. Ind. de Rouen, 1887, 44.) Much work remains to be done on this subject. Iron mordants. The lakes formed with alizarines are quite fast, and not dependent on either the pre- sence of lime or fatty acids for their colour, although the latter greatly aids in the fixing of the iron, and lime is distinctly beneficial. ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS 61 It is stated that the iron must be introduced into the cotton fibre in the ferrous state and oxidised in situ. If not, the colour is not fast. It is known that many dyes are much faster if produced in situ, but this is the only known case where a mordant acts in the same way.* A ferric ferrous compound may be produced in the case of alizarine, and is said to have the following constitution (C 14 H 6 O 4 ) 3 Fe 2 'FeO. The fact that mordants are for the most part of a basic nature was noticed as early as the year 1849 by Gonfreville. When cream of tartar was used he considered that it entered into the composition of the lake, and in some way, or other, prevented the " rubbing off." Acids were considered to lessen the affinity of the wool for the mordant, and at the same time to increase the power of diffusion. Rouard and Thenard {Ann. de Chimie, 74, 267) held the idea that wool could not decompose alum, but simply absorbed it. It could all be removed by boiling water. The fibre would decompose cream of tartar on boiling, acid being taken up and neu- tral tartrate left in the solution. He considered that wool boiled with tartar and alum might contain alum, tartrates of alumina, potash, and free tartaric acid. Later on, Chevreul denied that the alum could be washed out by water, and Bolby stated that actual decomposition took place ; a basic salt being depo- sited on the fibre leaving the solution more acid. Schiitzenberger considered that wool exerted some special attractive force retaining the alum in this * If the mineral colours are excepted. 62 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING way. The idea that the wool precipitates the basic alum by removing the acid from the solution was first put forward by Liechti and Hummel. (J. S.C.I. T 3> 357-) The addition of organic acids, or acid salts, was said to prevent the too rapid precipitation of the resulting basic salt on the fibre. They considered also that the appearance of a well mordanted wool points to the presence of a salt, and not a hydrate. These authors also support the idea that a salt is precipitated, by pointing out that in "single bath" dyeing the liquid is always acid. It is difficult, however, to see the connection between these two operations . In the latter case the already formed lake is present, the acid playing the part of a more or less active solvent, as in the case of a logwood-iron lake ; or else by directly influencing the fibre state. Harvey pointed out in 1872 (Monit. Sclent. 1872, 598) that in the case of very concentrated solutions of alum, more sulphuric acid than alumina is ab- sorbed. This has been recently confirmed by v. Georgievics. It appears that with a 24 per cent, solution of alum, and a proportion of water to fibre of 30 : i, alumina and sulphuric acid are taken up in their normal proportions. The affinity of wool for acid is stronger in dilute solutions, and stronger for the alumina in strong solutions. The relative curves cross each other at 24 per cent. Although wool will take up large quantities of sulphuric acid from concentrated solutions of this acid, yet in dilute solutions water plays the part of ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS 63 a base just as it precipitates basic salts from solutions of the heavy metals. Alum is said to be so far dissociated in solution that the whole of the SO 3 can be titrated with sodium hydroxide using phenol-phthalein as indicator (Carey Lea). It is also noticed that wool mordanted with alum reacts acid ; the indication is that the acid is present in the free state. Chromium salts. The mordanting of wool by bichromate was at one time simply regarded as a case of absorption, the bichromate being taken up by the fibre. The idea that the bichromate splits up into a chromate which remains in solution, and chromic acid which is absorbed by the fibre is put forward by E. Knecht. (J.S.D. and C. 1889, 186.) It is assumed that the chromic acid combines with one of the fibre constituents to form an insoluble chromate. This has been disputed, it being held that the dissociation of the salt is due to the presence of ammonia, due to the decomposition of the fibre material on boiling. Knecht found that the ammonia given off is not sufficient to account for more than a thousandth part of the change. He also denies that the presence of alkaline salts in the wool bring about the action. Taking a sample of wool and mordanting it after treatment with hydrochloric acid, he found the chromium distributed as follows : Total bichromate in solution . . .030 grm. Total chromate . . . . .112 ,, Chromic acid on wool '.-. , . . .057 64 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING He does not uphold Nietzki's assertion that a chromate of chromium is formed in the fibre. It is held that if this action, which is represented by the following equation, took place serious damage to the fibre must result. 5Krp 7 + 5H,0 = 2 Cr,(CrO 4 ) 3 + icKOH + 30, He agrees that a certain amount of oxidation goes on, but that it is not of this order. Whatever the state of the chromium, it is capable of easy reduction. This is practised by immersing the mordanted wool in sulphurous acid. The action of assistants in chromium mordanting such as tartaric, oxalic, or sulphuric acids is said to be primarily that of the liberation of chromic acid .Tartar, lactic acid, and oxalic acid also act as reducers. It is necessary that the mordants shall be pro- perly fixed on the fibres, and shall not be merely precipitated on the surface. The presence of sulphates, chlorides and other salts in the mordanting bath prevents the dissocia- tion of the mordant salt. The state in which dichromate of potash is pre- sent in aqueous solutions has been studied by Abegg and Cox (Nature, vol. 71, 281). They deter- mined the proportion of free chromic acid present in solutions of different strengths, the presence of chromic acid being indicated by the following reac- tion : ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS 65 Complete dissociation is calculated to take place at a dilution of 1000 litres. At greater concentra- tions the following results were obtained At 100 litres . . 99% At 10 litres . 91% At i litre . . .- 62% These figures indicate, that the greater part of the salt is decomposed into chromic acid, in solutions corresponding in strength to those used in mor- danting wool. In the mordanting of cotton, for alizarine, it has been shown that the presence of calcium salts as well as aluminium salts is necessary. It is also found necessary to have a metallic monoxide present in the case of wool-dyeing (Mohlau and Steimmig). With pure alumina mordant on wool, no lake formation seems to take place in the absence of calcium, barium, strontium, or magne- sium compounds. The same effect is noticed with iron mordants. In this case magnesium gives the best results. It is said that the same effect may be noticed with chromed wool. Chromium chloride, and chromium fluoride, are both used for mordanting wool. Little is known about the nature of the reactions in these cases. Iron mordants on cotton and wool have received little attention from the theoretical point of view. The probable nature of the reactions may be taken to be of a simpler nature than in chromium mor- danting. Copper mordants. The results obtained by these 5 66 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING mordants in practice is satisfactory, but little is known of the actions which take place. Copper finds little use except in the case of wool-dyeing. No figures are available which indicate in any way the course of the reaction in this case. It may simply be a case of absorption. On the other hand, basic compounds may be fixed in the fibre ; or some chemical action may even take place, which leads to the same result. Other metallic mordants. Little is known as to the actions involved in the use of these compounds. Some of them give satisfactory shades, and leave little to be desired on the score of fastness, but beyond this our knowledge does not extend. The salts of nickel and titanium are of interest in this connection. Tannic Acid. This substance is of the greatest value to the dyer of cotton and some other vegetable fibres. The well-known property of tannic acid of form- ing lakes with basic dyes is taken advantage of. The vegetable fibres also seem to have an attractive power for this acid, perhaps because of its colloid properties. The fact that antimony tannate gives faster lakes with the basic dyes, is perhaps against any theory of direct chemical combination between the acid and the fibre. O. N. Witt holds (Chem. Zeit., 12, 1885) that in these lakes there is no distinct molecular ratio between the colour base, and the tannic acid. There seems to be a definite saturation point, however, ACTION AND NATURE OF MORDANTS 67 for a solution of night blue has been used volu- metrically for the estimation of tannic acid by direct precipitation. These lakes are soluble in excess of tannic acid, and also in acetic acid. The latter reaction is some- times made use of in printing, the acetic acid being subsequently driven off by heat. The lakes containing antimony are more resistant to the action of alkali. The tannic acids are little used on wool, and on silk they play the part of a dye, rather than a mor- dant. The bleached acid has a use in the weighting of light colours on this fibre, and in blacks the amount of tannin lake held by the silk fibre is of an extraordinary nature in some cases. The action of tannic and gallic acid on fibres generally is entered into more fully elsewhere. A series of results obtained by observing the action of different mordants on silk both in the "raw" and " boiled off " state are given byP.Heer- mann (Farb. Zeit. 3, 1903). The mordants chosen were basic ferric sulphate, basic chromium chloride, acetate of alumina, and stannic chloride. The in- fluence of time on the mordanting process is indi- cated in the table on p. 68. The figures given indicate the increase of weight of 100 parts of fibre. It is unfortunate that these experiments were not conducted on such lines that the composition of the precipitated mordants could be given. The decrease in the weight of mordant fixed during the period of seven, and fourteen days, may 68 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Q O g H Q w o K CTxCOO H H ro in ^S'R S-K. 3 ddoddddddddddddddddd do 1 iOt^O\OO O O > J ^N tXOOVO O Tfuiro>J^rOJ-iO' Lr 'O\O N & ooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 i sa^^o^^o'^^^o^a^SS^S^^vS^^^ M ooooooooooooooooooooooo d i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d i ' dddddddddddddddddddddd i i = ^? i 1 ^"^ * ffi /~\ ^ " K 5"5 = l ^ S $ S : & 5 J '5 . JH ^ o . . J* ^ S EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 199 tions of primuline. The conditions of dyeing were kept constant in all cases. After drying the sample lots of silk were boiled out for the periods indicated, and the resulting shades were carefully compared with standard samples ; or else the dye in the soap solution was estimated by colorimetric methods. In this way, the loss of colour on boil- ing off was estimated with a sufficient degree of accuracy. The ratio of colour removed in the case of these Dye. Developer. "In- grain" x. "Direct" y- X y Remarks. Primuline C 6 H 5 .OH 0.20 0.74 i - C 6 H 4 (OH) 2 (i. 3 ) 0.17 0.75 i " C 6 H 4 .OH.COOH(i.2) 0. 12 0.75 i 6^2" " C 10 H 7 .OH/3 . 0.15 0.63 i 4.2 ' NH 4 .OH 0.08 0.50 i ^ " C 6 H 5 .NH 2 . O. IO 0.70 i Azo dye. " C 6 H 5 .NH 2 0.05 0.61 \ I2.O Azo triple dye. C 6 H 5 .NH 2 . 0.07 0.32 I 4T6 Na 2 CO 3 " C 6 H 4 .(NH 2 ) 2 (i. 3 ) . 0.052 0.80 i 15.4 " C 10 H 7 .NH 2 /3 . 0.27 0.79 i " C 10 H 7 .OH/3 . 0-27 0.76 I 200 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING dyes is seen in the table on p. 199. The influence of the solvent (soap, or sodium carbonate) seems to alter the rate of "boiling out" materially. It is very difficult to reconcile these results with any purely chemical, or solid solution, theory. The stumbling-block is the altered fastness of dyes dyed ingrain and direct, and the indication that the dyes may be fixed in two ways. The difference between the fastness of the phenolic and amine dyes respec- tively may be explained in other ways. The affinity of these dyes from primuline for cotton seems to vary greatly, and here again the metaphenylenedi amine colour has a fair affinity for this fibre, and the beta-naphthol one very little. These results are obtained when dyeing this fibre direct. It is therefore quite clear that a difference in dyeing properties is apparent when amines are used in place of phenols in the production of these dyes. Another point of importance was indicated. It was shown that the colours produced in the two cases, direct and ingrain, were not identical in shade, as shown in the table on p. 201. This might indicate some difference either in the action or state of the dye. This has since been suggested by Brand (Proc. Soc. Ind. de Mulh., Feb. and April 1901) as being due to a secondary action between the diazo compounds and the wool. In my paper I indicated that the fact that some developers w r ould not act on the diazotised primu- line might be taken as a possible proof that there EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 201 was some action between the diazo compound and the fibre. The same explanation has more recently been put forward by Hepburn (J.S.D. and C. 1901, 279). Taking the case of para-nitraniline, the fastness of the dye against washing is said by Brand to be due to the paranitrodiazobenzene being partially reduced at the expense of the fibre substance to Dye. Developer. Colour obtained. Method of dyeing. Primuline C C H,OH . . Yellow. Ingrain. 5 J Do., slightly darker. Direct. C (i H 3 .NH 2 . . Yellow (brown shade). Ingrain. ? j Do., slightly darker. Direct. C 6 H 4 (OH) 2 i. 3 . Orange. Ingrain. Do., redder shade. Direct. C t; H 4 (NH) 2 i. 3 ! Red-brown. Ingrain. 5 1 Do., redder shade. Direct. C,H 4 .OH.COOH Yellow. Ingram. 5? Do., slightly duller. Direct. para-nitraniline. The excess of diazo compound would react, forming dinitrodiazoamidobenzene. This substance is very insoluble. It is just possible that a similar reaction may take place in the case of diazotised primuline, and that it is this compound which is so sensitive to light, but it is not so easy to explain the subsequent action of the developers. It is held by Rossi (Rev. Gen. Chem. 1901, 670) that silk will also act on diazo compounds as a reducing agent, diazoamido or azoamido compounds 202 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING being formed, the difference being determined by the stability of the diazoamido compounds. This reaction once ended, the resulting compounds are held mechanically by the fibre. The reduced action of some developers may, Resistance of Phenolic dyes to the action of soap. (Dreaper.) 10 20 30 40 50 6omins. Time of boiling out. - FASTNESS OF INGRAIN COLOURS. A : C 6 H 5 .OH (ingrain). B ; do. (direct). C : C 10 H r .OH/3 (ingrain). D : do (direct). E : Primuline (direct). however, be due either to the diazo compounds being held by the fibres by some secondary chemi- cal action, or else to the molecular aggregates of these developers being too large to enter the fibre substance in the form in which they are present in the solution. EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 203 If some such reducing action takes place as is indicated when these dyes are developed in silk, what is the corresponding action in the case of cotton ? The curves drawn from the above tables (see Resistance of Amine dyes to the action of soap. (Dreaper.) 10 20 30 40 50 6omins. Time of boiling out. FASTNESS OF INGRAIN COLOURS. A :C 6 H 5 .NH 2 (ingrain). B : do. (direct). C : C 10 H 7 .NH 2 /3 (ingrain). D; do. (direct). E: Primuline (direct). p. 202) will also illustrate the relative resistance of the phenolic dyes towards the action of the standard soap solution. They show the general results which may be expected in practice, and the relative fast- ness of the dyes. The extra fastness of the ingrain dye in the case of, say, cotton fibre and the phenolic dyes 204 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING after a treatment with soda is certainly difficult to understand, from a purely physical point of view. Mineral colours, however, which are " developed " or formed on the fibre are certainly more resistant to the action of such solutions, and it is not likely that anything more than a modification in the physical state of the precipitate, and its position in the fibre, are the cause of this extra fastness over that of the same mineral colours applied direct. In the same way, the similar curves obtained from the corresponding amines are recorded (see p. 203). It will be noticed that in this case the amine with the higher molecular weight is the less resistant to the action of the soap liquor. In this respect it differs from the corresponding phenol. No general law can be given, as it is known that the resorcinol dye is not so fast as either the phenol or naphthol compounds. Pauly and Binz (Zeit. /. Farb. Text. Chem. 1904, 373) consider that the dyeing property of silk and wool is due to the tyrosine present in albuminoid combination, and that it reacts by virtue of its phenolic character. Pure tyrosine gives similar re- sults, but some albuminoids like salmine and scorn- brine, do not react in this way. Silk reacts (dyes) better than wool, because it has more tyrosine in its composition in the ratio of 10 per cent, to 3-3i P er cent - It is not clear, however, that silk does dye better than wool. It is generally acknowledged that the reverse is the case. Silk may dye more readily, it EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 205 is true, but these authors do not attempt to show that a standard dye will be taken up in the ratio of 10 to 3. 5 at the saturation-point by the two fibres, which should follow if this theory is correct. The presence of tyrosine in the silk fibre is indicated as follows. This fibre gives on oxidation an indophenol or oxazine reaction in a similar way to that obtained with a mixture of a />-diamine and a phenol. If silk be soaked in a .05 per cent, solution of dimethyl />-phenylenediamine in the presence of acetic acid and sodium acetate, and bromine water added, the silk fibre takes a slate grey colour. In the absence of silk (or wool) no such colour is pro- duced. This reaction takes place with tyrosine itself. 1.4 amidonaphthol will react in the same way. Erdmann's patented process for dyeing feathers, &c., is based on this reaction. Some evidence brought forward by Knecht (J.S.D. and C. 1902, p. 103) complicates, and in a way tends to disprove the amido-acid theory. The substances he isolated from wool and silk dyed with night blue would only combine with basic dyes, and not with acid ones. He also separ- rated a compound from silk which was stated to combine only with acid dyes. The results obtained up to the present time by different investigators may be summed up as follows. Colours may be obtained by treating silk and wool with nitrous acid, and phenols or amines, 206 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Therefore, silk or wool may be dyed in this way. Deamidated fibres can be dyed as well as the original ones, so that the dyeing property of silk or wool is not necessarily due to NH or NH. 2 groups. The relative action of the diamine colours on animal and vegetable fibres is difficult to under- stand, when considered from the chemical point of view. For instance, cotton may be dyed black, and wool be left white on dyeing in the cold with Diamine Black, BWH. In a paper on the " Chemistry of Wool/* M. Matthews (/. Franklin, Inst. CLIX., No. 5, 397) favours the amido-acid theory for the following reasons : (1) NH 3 is among the products of destrutcive distillation of wool. (2) Wool is easily hydrolised by dilute alkaline solutions. (3) It readily combines with acids, and even with boiling dilute sulphuric acid. (4) The nitrous acid reaction. (5) The well-defined basic properties of the fibre. The following so-called " coefficients of acidity " are given: Wool ... 57 Silk . . . 143 Albumin . . 20.9 Gelatin . . . 28.4 All these facts may be readily allowed, but the evidence of the chemical nature of dyeing must ultimately rest on a more direct foundation, in view of the conflicting nature of the evidence, when it is EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 207 considered from a general point of view, and is taken in conjunction with other recorded facts. Even if the substantive colours owe their attri- butes to the grouping>N - R - N.-hydroxyazobenzene we get an intense yellow in acid, neutral, or alkaline solutions. Salt formation is therefore unlikely in this case. Again, />.-amidoazobenzene and p. -dimethyl amidoazobenzene dye wool an intense yellow in a solution containing a small proportion of acid. The same shade is obtained, however, if the proportion of acid is increased to 6, 12, 20, or even 120 molecules of acid to each molecule of dye. Further experiments showed that the hydro- chlorides of w.w'-diamidoazobenzene and tetra- methyl-w.w'-diamidoazobenzene gave different re- sults. After an addition of 6 to 10 molecules of hydrochloric acid to each molecule of base the wool remained quite white. The following conclusions were drawn from the experiments. The groups NH 2 and N(CH 3 ) 2 in EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 211 the meta-position to the azo groups, and the pre- sence of the sulphonic acid groups impart to the chromogen dyeing properties which result in the formation of loose salts with the animal fibres. A different state of affairs is assumed in the case where the OH, NH 2 , or N(CH 3 ) 2 groups are in the para-position. In the latter case the dyeing pro- perties cannot be overcome by the addition of alkali to solutions of the phenDlic dye-stuff, or of acid to the basic substances. Most of the substantive dyes for wool and silk contain the amido- and hydroxyl-groups in the ortho- and para-positions relatively to the chromophor, and can be regarded as giving quinone derivatives as isodynamic forms. When, however, these groups are present in the meta-position, quinone formation does not occur, and the dyeing is only a question of salt formation, and that of a loose nature. In the other cases where true dyeing is said to take place, the action is probably due to a condensa- tion in the nucleus between the dye-stuff and the fibre. In answer to a severe criticism by v. Georgievics, which is noticed elsewhere, in which the conditions of the experiments are attacked, Binz and Schroeter they bring further evidence in support of their case (Ber. 1903, 3008). Azobenzenecarboxylic acid is a dye-stuff in the same sense as the corresponding sulphonic acid, but it will dye only in neutral solution. Again, />-.benzeneazo-trimethylammonium hy- droxide dyes wool, but the colour is destroyed by the 212 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING addition of hydrochloric acid in equivalent quantity to the dye-stuff fixed. The fact that chrysoidine and Bismarck brown give darker shades in the presence of hydrochloric acid is noted in confirmation of the idea that p.- amidoazobenzene yields with the fibre a condensation product, and not a salt. It is therefore contended that azobenzenesulphonic acid and carboxylic acids, m-amidoazobenzenes and quaternary ammonium bases of the azo compounds dye with simple salt formation. On the other hand, ortho- and para-amido- azobenzenes and most of the ortho- and p.- hydroxyazo compounds cannot give normal salts. Here a condensation of the fibre substance with the quinoid nucleus of the dye-stuff is said to take place. These experiments will require extending before such definite statements can be accepted. For instance, they do not agree with Prof. Green's results obtained with the sulphonic acids. These authors still further defend themselves against a second criticism by v. Georgievics (Ber. 1904, 727). They deny that the neutral sodium salt of azobenzene-/>. -sulphonic acid is capable of dyeing wool in neutral solution. They claim that the wool used must have contained free sulphuric acid. They also consider that the fact that alcohol will remove the dyes from the fibre is not proof that there is no combination between the dye and fibre. EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 213 The solvent action may be due to decomposition of the fibre dye compounds first formed. They do not seem to meet the statement that benzene will act in the same way. They also deny that picric acid is extracted by alcohol from wool after dyeing. Many of the contradictory results obtained by different observers may be due to the different con- ditions of dyeing, fibre state, &c. Hirsch's experiments might well be compared with the above in their general effect. Examining the tinctorial values of the three isomeric hydroxyazobenzenes (Zeit. /. Farb. und Text. Ind. 1904, p. 177), Prager criticises the results obtained by Binz and Schroeter. He will not allow that dyeing may be a condensation in the nucleus between the quinoid dye-stuff, and the substance of the fibre. The ortho- and para-hydroxyazobenzenes are capable of assuming the quinone type, but the meta-compound cannot apparently assume an isodynamic form. The meta-compound should therefore not act as a dye. In practice it is found that the meta-compound will dye wool, as well as the para-compound. These results are held not to favour the condensation theory. Collecting some of the facts recorded in this chapter and elsewhere, the conflicting nature of the evidence in favour of a simple chemical theory will be at once realised. 214 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING 1884. Miiller Jacobs. Amido-azobenzene will not dye cotton, di- and triamidobenzenes will do so. 1889. Ewer and Pick. Naphthylenediamines. Position of amido groups determines dyeing power on cotton ( QI a 3 positive dyes). 1889. Hirsch. /3-Naphtholsulphonic acid R. dyes wool. Naphthionic acid fixed by wool (acid or alkaline). Sulphanilic acid has very slight affinity for wool. 1894. Green. Colourless sulphonic acids have no affinity for animal or vegetable fibres. Dehydro- thiotoluidinesulphonic acid an exception in the case of animal fibres. Colour derived from metaphenylenediamine and primuline will dye cotton, that from /3-naphthol will not. 1902. Binz and Schroeter. Azobenzene m.m'- disulphonic acid and />.-azobenzenesulphonic acid dye wool from an acid bath ; />.-oxy-azobenzene dyes wool in acid, neutral, or alkali bath, />.-amidoazo- benzene and />.-dimethylamidoazobenzene dye in acid bath of any strength. Hydrochlorides of w.w'-diamidoazobenzene and tetramethyl-w.w'-diamidoazobenzene, dye wool in neutral solution, but not acid. 1903. Binz and Schroeter. Azobenzenecarb- oxylic acid and ^.-benzeneazotrimethylammonium hydroxide will dye in neutral baths, but not in acid. 1904. Prager. o.- w.-and />.-bydroxyazobenzenes dye wool in acid solutions. 1904. Binz and Schroeter. The sodium salt of EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 215 azobenzene ^.-sulphonic acid is not capable of dyeing wool. It will be at once seen that the reactions which take place in dyeing are, from a chemical point of view, of such a nature that it is difficult to appreciate their true value. It is not easy to explain the action of some dye solvents on dyed mixtures of cotton and silk. It is well known that some dyes may be dissolved out of the silk fibre and not taken out of the cotton by a solution of ammonium acetate. In this way " shot " effects may be produced. It is generally agreed that cotton is comparatively inert as an absorbent of dyes, yet under these con- ditions we have an enormously increased attraction as compared with silk. With these dyes we may even obtain black cotton and white silk. A further study of the relative " absorption " of the dyes in the respective fibres under varying conditions may clear up this point, and will be considered. In the year 1884 Bcettinger discovered a dye which he named Congo Red. He found that it possessed the then extraordinary property of dyeing cotton direct from aqueous solution as well as it dyed silk. The whole subject of the action of these direct dyes on cotton (and other fibres) is little understood. In a general way, there seems to be some connec- tion between the constitution of the dye molecule and its action. It seems to be important that the 216 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING amido-groups occupy the para-position, and that the ortho-positions be occupied by a hydrogen radical. The meta-position seems to have little influence in the dyeing or tinctorial properties. The double chromophorous group ~ N ^ N I^ in the tetrazo dyes seems to influence the dyeing in some way, but the presence of this group alone does not suffice to make the dye a " direct " one. The primuline dyes do not contain this group, nor are they azo dyes at all. They possess the chromophorous group <^> c - Some dyes contain both this and an azo group ; a dye of this nature is Cotton Yellow R. It may be said here that the view of chemical action occurring in the dyeing of these colours is unsatisfactory so far as the dyeing of cotton is con- cerned. In fact, the advent of these dyes has been as unexpected, and revolutionary, from the theoretical as from the practical point of view. The fact remains that there are many dyes which dye cotton direct under conditions which seem to exclude any chemical action. In certain cases, the affinity of the cotton for the dye is so great that the bath is almost exhausted. This is so in the case of Diamine Fast Red F. In other cases a great proportion of the dye is left in the solution. The facts known about the dyeing of these dyes are incomplete. The dye in most cases is readily removed by water. This is, of course, noticed with other dyes on silk. The amount of EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 217 dye taken up seems to vary with the concentration but no careful work has been done on this subject. The results could not fail to be interesting. The addition of neutral salts and their great effect on the rate of dyeing in solutions containing these substances is very instructive. Their action from a chemical point of view is difficult to gauge. The fact that these dyes are less soluble in the salt solu- tions possibly accounts for their action, and this fact seems to point to a physical rather than a chemical process. The fact also that these dyes will, when on the fibre, combine with or form lakes with the basic dyes seems to show that the dyes are not in combination with the fibre (Knecht, J.C.D. and C. 1886, 2). The attraction of these dyes for wool and silk is also a strong one, as is seen when the test of resistance is applied to the action of the ordinary solvents (water, &c.). The factor which operates in the case of cotton therefore seems to have a similar value in the dyeing of silk or wool. A point which must be noticed is, that these dyes seem on the animal fibres to have a greater resistance to the action of light than the same colours on cotton. It seems strange, also, that these dyes are taken up more readily in alkaline solutions by cotton, and more readily in acid solutions by silk. Diamine Milling Black is even said to dye well in a solution containing 7 ozs. of soap and 2i8 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING ij ozs. of soda to a gallon (Text. Manuf. 1901, p. 3I9). In the practical dyeing of cotton three supple- mentary processes are used to increase the fastness of these dyes, viz., diazotising ; treatment with metallic salts; or the "coupling" process. From their action it will be necessary to briefly describe them here. Diazotising produces shades which are very resistant to the action of soap solutions at the boil, and sometimes to light. After dyeing, the fibre is put through a solution of nitrous acid, subsequently washed, and " devel- oped " in solutions of amines, or phenols. In practice /3-naphthol, m.-phenylenediamine or resorcinol are chiefly used as developers. In the case of primuline, chloride of lime gives a very fast yellow if it follows the diazotising process. The increased fastness produced by the treat- ment with metallic salts is also noticeable. The shades are faster against the action of soap and light. Treatment with copper sulphate, although it does not act so universally as was at first claimed, gives very satisfactory results in many cases. Diamine Sky Blue F.F. is greatly increased in fastness. Diamine Brill. Blue G. is claimed to give as fast colours as vat indigo blue in this way. At one time it was thought that treatment with copper sulphate would increase the fastness of all dyes. EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 219 Bichromate of potash gives greater fastness against soaping with Diamine Jet Black and Diamine Brown M. Fluoride of chrome is also used with Diamine Bronze, Fast Red F., &c., to produce the same effect. Where the action is not that of a mordant it is obscure. The process known as coupling has been already referred to. Here basic dyes are added to the bath and fixed by direct combination, or lake formation. The difficulty attending the production of a satisfactory theory to explain the varied results obtained in the dyeing of cotton has been increased by the addition of still another class of dyes, viz., the sulphur dyes ; it would, perhaps, be more correct to say by the extension of this class, for Cachou de Laval may be considered a member of this group. These colours are produced by soaking the cotton fibre in a hot alkaline bath in the presence of sul- phide of sodium. The colours are developed and fixed by subse- quent exposure to the air (oxidation). The extra fastness of dyes produced in the fibre is generally noticeable. In this case the dye is soluble in the alkaline bath by reduction, and subsequently by oxidation insoluble dyes are produced in the fibre itself. In some cases a more energetic oxidation is necessary. Immedial Blue C. may be developed by hydrogen- peroxide or by the combined action of steam and alkali. 220 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Until we know more about the constitution of these dyes it is only possible to speculate as to the exact nature of their development. In the dyeing of indigo, also, some similar action plays at least a secondary part. Indigo is present in the dye vat in a soluble and reduced form. Subsequent oxidation of the indigo white after absorption in the fibre produces the insoluble indigo in situ. The dye so formed is remarkably fast against the action of light, or soap solution. It may, however, " rub " badly if the operation of developing is improperly conducted. So far as we know we can reproduce the condi- tions of formation of these " oxidation " dyes as they exist in the presence of a fibre. There is no reason to think that the formation of the insoluble dye-substances in the fibre material takes a different course to that taken in solution, in the above cases. The action of tannic acid on organic colloids is an instructive one. The tanning of leather is of such a nature, that the theoretical work connected with tanning should be closely followed by those interested in the general operations of dyeing. The nature of the attraction which silk exhibits for tannic acid is indicated as follows. It is more readily removed from the fibre by a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid than by a solution of sodium carbonate. The reaction between oxy cellulose and basic dyes has been studied by Vignon (Compt. Rend. 125, 448). It is found that this substance has a greater EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 221 attraction for these dyes than the unaltered cellu- lose. This will be seen in the following table, which gives the results obtained with one gramme of fibre. Fibre, Safranine, Methylene blue, Cellulose . . .000 g. absorbed .002 g. absorbed Oxycellulose . .007 g. ,, .006 g. ,, The same investigator (Compt. Rend. 1887, 125, 357) has made an attempt to determine the mole- cular groups which confer on certain dyes the property of dyeing cotton direct. Compounds having similar constitutions to these dyes were taken. The basic substances were employed in the form of their hydro- chlorides, and their action in the presence of cotton carefully noted. The following table shows the relative absorp- tion of a number of organic substances. Substances absorbed by cotton, Neutral bath, Alkaline bath, Ammonia .... .2--4 . . .2 Hydroxylamine . . . .o-.3 . . .2 Hydrazine . . . . 1.2 .. 1.7 Phenylhydrazine . . . 3.6 . . 2.9 Aniline ..... .1 .1 Dimethylaniline ... .o .o Diphenylamine .... .4 .4 o.-Phenylenediamine . . .4 .6 m -Phenylenediamine . . 6.4 . . 2.4 />.-Phenylenediamine . . 6.7 3.2 Benzidine . . . . 6.0 .. 5.6 Tetramethylbenzidine . . 7.0 6.3 Benzidinesulphonic acid . . 7.4 . . 4.8 Diamidostilbenedisulphonic acid . 3.5 .. 3.6 Dianisidine .... 6.Q . . 5.7 Diamidonaphthalene . . . i.o 1.7 The following conclusions are drawn by Vignon 222 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING from the results recorded in this table. Fixation is held to be due to chemical action depending on molecular grouping. The dyeing is not due to the benzene nucleus containing free nitrogen atoms, or two nitrogen atoms joined together to form azo- groups, since diphenyl, ammonia, hydroxylamine, and azobenzene are not absorbed. The diamines, with the exception of o.-phenylenediamine and the hydrazines are absorbed to a considerable extent, and the absorption appears to be independent of the degree of saturation of the azotised molecular groups. It is argued from these results that the dyeing property seems to be due to the grouping >N R N< or >N N< that is to say to the hydrazine N atoms united directly, or indirectly by means of aromatic residues. It is further argued that in the case of the direct colouring-matters the nitrogen atoms unite with the cellulose molecule and then become pentatonic. >N-N< A A The fact that benzidine and tetramethylene- benzidine are absorbed by cotton, whereas the methyl iodide compound of the latter in which the nitrogen atoms are already pentatonic is not taken up, also lends support to this theory. The thermo-chemical investigations of Vignon are instructive (Bull. Soc. Chim. 1890, 3, 405 and Compt. Rend, no, p. 909), and are held by that investigator to support a chemical theory. Dealing EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 223 first with silk in the " raw " and " boiled off " state, the following results ware obtained : Raw Silk, Boiled-off Silk, Reagents N/i sols. Calc. for Cal.formolJ Calc. for Calc. for 100 grms. wt. in grms. 100 grms. mol. wt. Water . .10 3-5 -15 5-2 Pot. Hydrate . i-35 47.0 1.30 45-25 Sod. Hydrate . i-55 53-95 1.30 45-25 Ammonia 65 22.65 50 I 7-4 H 2 S0 4 . 95 33-iQ .90 31-35 HC1 95 33-10 .90 31-35 HNO 2 . .90 31-35 85 29.60 KC1 .20 6-95 .10 3-50 6.65 6.00 The above figures represent the heat-units evolved, the average temperature of the experiments being 12 C. The formula for gum silk was taken as C 141 H 232 N 48 O 56 , and that of the boiled off silk as the same. The alkalies removed some of the silk gum. The total number of heat-units evolved was 6.0 in the case of ungummed silk, and 6.65 in the case of the raw silk. The results obtained in the case of wool were different. Reagent N/i sol. KHO NaHO . HC1 H,S0 4 . Heat-units per i oo grms. 1.16 95 99 Heat-uuits for 24.50 24.30 20.05 20.90 224 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING These experiments were made on unbleached woollen thread. Turning to cotton it was noticed that the rise in temperature took seven or eight minutes to reach its maximum. The following results were obtained : Reagents. Cotton thread unbleached. Cotton wool bleached. per 100 grms. C 6 H 10 5 . per 100 grms. C 6 H 10 5 . KHO . .80 1-3 - . . 1.4 . . 2.27 NaHO . . .65 1.05 1-35 , - 2. 2O HC1 .40 65 .40 .. .65 H 2 S0 4 . . .38 .60 .. .36 .. .58 The effect of bleaching on the thermo-chemical reactions in the case of cotton is important. Vignon considers that the difference is due to the presence of oxycellulose in the latter. These results would in themselves indicate that a chemical reaction may take place under the recorded conditions. It has, however, been shown (Goppels- roeder, Centr. /. Text. Ind., No. 38) that both indigo and Turkey Red are attracted with greater avidity by oxycellulose and chlorocellulose, but there does not seem to be much evidence that chemi- cal action can take place in the dyeing of these colours. Furthermore (Chem. Zeit. 23, 1891), Vignon ex- perimented with the object of increasing the activity of cellulose fibre by chemical means. Treatment with ammonia at 100 200 C resulted in the fibre taking up nitrogen. The result in the calorimeter with this product indicated that the fibre was more EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 225 basic. This treated fibre will attract large quantities of acid dyes giving dark shades. The influence of this treatment seems to be very great, and the attraction for dyes is increased. Experiments with stannic and metastannic acids also give important results when they are " dyed " with phenosafranine. Stannic acid absorbed 63 per cent, of the dye in a standard solution. Metastannic acid absorbed o per cent, of the dye in a standard solution. The more strongly acid oxide fixes the most colour. Vignon sums up the results of his experiments (Chem. Zeit. 10, 1891), and considers that the following facts are in favour of a chemical theory. (1) Thermo chemical reactions of fibres. (2) Increased affinity shown by ammonia treated cotton. (3) Action of the oxides of tin. The chief arguments in favour of chemical action are summed up by v. Georgievics as follows : (1) Magenta, methyl violet and chrysoidine are decomposed by silk and wool, hydrochloric acid remaining in solution. (2) Rosaniline base is colourless. The salts are coloured. Wool is coloured when dyed from an ammoniacal solution of the base (Jaquemin). (3) The red solution of amidoazobenzenesulphonic acid dyes a yellow shade. This is the colour of its salts. (4) Picric acid and Naphthol Yellow are taken 15 226 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING up in quantities proportional to their molecular weights. (5) The thermo- chemical reactions of the fibres. It is pointed out, however, that the decomposition of the basic dyes is brought about also in the presence of porous inorganic materials, as the following figures will show. The presence of an animal fibre is not necessary. Colouring-matter. Amount taken. Cl in same, Colour left in sol, Cl left in sol. Magenta .2045 .0166 .08 .0158 Methyl violet .2007 .0152 .09 .0152 Chrysoidine .2015 .0309 .122 .0265 It will be seen that the proportion of colour base taken up by the porous material is 53 per cent, against only 8 per cent, of the chlorine. Glass beads will act in the same way, decompos- ing the hydrochloride of the base.* Wool takes up more hydrochloric acid at 45 than at 100 C, so does porcelain. It is said that a rosaniline base can exist in two forms, and that the base is dark violet if precipitated in neutral solutions. The base, therefore, may exist in two forms : (i) As carbinol (colourless) ; (2) As ammonium base (coloured). A colourless aqueous solution of the base does not, therefore, exist as Knecht states, and Jacque- * It has recently been stated that Jena glass will not act in this way, owing probably to its great insolubility. EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 227 min's experiments may be explained as follows. The wool and silk absorb the base from the solution, and since the alkali is not taken up by the fibre the wool is coloured red. There seems to be some doubt as to the existence of the coloured ammonium base. H. Weil considers that the colour is due to unchanged magenta in the precipitate. V. Baeyer (Ber. 1904; 2849) also doubts the existence of v. Georgievics' coloured ammonium base. Hantzsch (Ber. 1900, 752), on the other hand, holds that the rosaniline bases are capable of existing. (i) True colour base : H;N.C 6 H 4 (2) Pseudo ammonium base : (3) Imide or anhydride base : H,N.C fl H c /^-=-\. H 2 N.C (; H 4 > -\ = / Further work on the absorption of dyes by in- organic substances has been undertaken by Gmelin and Rotheli (Zeit. f. angew. Chem. 1898, 482). Glass beads were dyed for eleven weeks under identical circumstances with (i) Magenta ; (2) Ma- genta and ammonia ; (3) Rosaniline base. They were all dyed to the same shade. Each lot was then washed with alcohol. The two last lots soon lost their colour. The first kept its colour for some time, and was even then not decolourised. 228 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING It is argued from these results that magenta may dye in two ways, the one chemical, and the other mechanical. These results are held to confirm the existence of two states of one magenta base, and that the carbino] base is fairly stable, and requires strong acids to convert it into the ammonium base. The conversion of the one into the other in the presence of silk is explained by assuming that the silk acts as an acid. Some experiments on the alkylation of magenta compounds also seemed to point to chemical action. A skein of silk dyed with magenta was allowed to stand in the cold in contact with methyl iodide in methyl alcohol. Side by side, and in the same mixture, were rosaniline base, rosaniline hydro- chloride (magenta), rosaniline stearate, and the amido-stearate of the same base. The only change noticed was the alkylation of the rosaniline base. This changed to a deep blue. The inference is that the magenta is present in the silk in a state corresponding to the hydrochloride, stearate, &c. In other words, it is combined with the silk. Unfortunately, it was not proved at the same time that the insoluble basic salts act in the same way as the base itself, and not as the normal hydro- chloride. Until it is settled that the magenta is not present in this state on the silk, these results are inconclusive. At a temperature of 35-4o C alkylation took place in all cases. They all turned dark blue. EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 229 The colour of amidoazobenzenesulphonic acid on the fibre is held by v. Georgievics to be yellow because the amount of dye present is not sufficient to dye it red. Attempts have been made by Prudhomme (Rev. Gen. des Mat. Col. 1900, 4, 189) to replace the fibre by a liquid for experimental purposes, with the object of studying the results obtained under these conditions. Taking a solution not miscible with water, he dissolved salicylic acid or a weak base (acetanilide) in the same. A substance like phenylgly- cocoll may be added containing both basic and acid groups. " Dyeing " with basic colours, different shades to those of the solution were obtained in the " artifi- cial fibre." They corresponded with those obtained on silk with the same dyes. Similar results were obtained with the sulphonated acid colours, using acetanilide as the " artificial fibre." That silk and wool behave like amyl alcohol containing the above substances is the conclusion drawn from these ex- periments. The presence of salt-forming groups in the alky- lated diazo direct dyes is said to be proved (Mayer and Schafer, Ber. 27, 3355), and this is put forward as a possible explanation of the absorption of these dyes by cotton. The impurities present in the cotton fibre may influence its dyeing properties in some cases. Schunck suggested (/.S.C./., 815), that this should be tested by dyeing samples of the cotton after each of the following operations ; treatment with carbon 230 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING disulphide, alcohol, boiling water, hydrochloric acid, and then alkali. The evidence in favour of the presence of carboxyl groups in the silk molecule is fairly satisfactory. Carboxyl compounds are formed when silk is decom- posed by barium hydroxide (Schutzenberger and Bourgeois), and by dilute sulphuric acid (Cramer), or alcoholic potash (Richardson). The result of dyeing wool with both acid and basic dyes at the same time, seems to offer some support to the chemical theory. Weber shows that this may be done if a skein of wool be dyed with Scarlet R. After being carefully washed, it will take up magenta. The percentage of this second dye will also be the same as that taken up by a white skein. Furthermore, the lakes produced by the combination of acid, and basic dyes are soluble in alcohol, but this solvent will not remove these dyes from the fibres. It has not yet been shown that a second acid dye will not enter a saturated fibre already dyed with a colour of this class, or that a basic dye will not ad- here to a basic dyed fibre. This would necessarily follow if the second colour did not displace the original one. Further work is necessary before these points can be cleared up. Weber's statement that the benzidine dyes are attracted both in the free state and as salts, is con- firmed by Gmelin and Rotheli (Zeit. /. angew. Chem. 1898, 482). The barium salts of benzopurpurin 4B and benzoazurin %G were prepared in as pure a state as possible. They both dyed cotton, and EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 231 subsequent analysis proved that the dye was present on the fibre as the barium salt, and that no decom- position had taken place during the process of dyeing. Owing to their reduced coefficients of diffusion they dyed very slowly. Correspondingly they did not bleed when once on the fibre. A microscopical examination of fibres in sections gives the following results : Wool dyed with Crystal Violet or Malachite Green shows equal distribution of dye throughout the fibre. Cotton dyed with the direct dyes shows in cross section that the dyes are more concentrated in the centre of the fibre. Under the same conditions silk seems to be dyed equally throughout. A similar result was noticed by the writer with the primuline dyes in the case of silk. Returning to the basic dyes, these authors pre- pared the salts of palmitic and stearic acids, and dyed silk with them. The fibre was then dissolved in hydrochloric acid, but no fatty acids could be traced in the solution. They also record the fact that the benzidine salts of Naphthol Yellow S were decomposed on dyeing, the benzidine remaining in the solution. This is, perhaps, the place to notice some ex- periments of Schunck and Marchlewski (J.S.D. and C. 1894, 95). The tinctorial effect of plant extracts is greatly increased by boiling with acids, and the conclusion arrived at is that the effect pro- duced is due to the decomposition of the glucoside 232 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING and rhamnosides of the colour-substances present in the extracts. It is, therefore, necessary to assume hydrolysis to explain the actions noticed in practice when glucosides are used in dyeing. It has been assumed that chrome mordants split up the glucosides in dyeing, and fix their colour constituents only (Hummel and Liechti). The authors find that in practice this assumption is correct. In dyeing cotton with datiscin, rutin and quercitrin the sugar is left in the solution. In the case of ruberythric acid the decomposition did not take place. It will be seen from the facts recorded in the last two chapters, that the evidence brought forward to prove that the action of dyeing is a chemical one, is both voluminous, and diverse, in its nature, and that many of the facts which at first sight seem to support this hypothesis appear less definite on further examination. One of the most striking examples of this is seen in the fact that such an inert substance as porcelain will split up the basic hydrochlorides, in much the same way as silk will do under similar conditions. The base may be held by combination in the second case ; but it is clear that the action may take place in the absence of any organic matter whatso- ever, be it an amido-acid, or of any other constitution. It is therefore a matter of difficulty to give to the recorded facts their true significance. The fact that most of the work done on this subject is of a qualitative nature, whilst in many EVIDENCE OF CHEMICAL ACTION IN DYEING 233 cases the reagents, and fibres, are in an unknown condition of purity, greatly increases the difficulty of the problem. It is not possible therefore to do more than record the results obtained in many cases, and leave the future to sift out the grain, and carefully weigh it as evidence against the facts which seem to favour a wider theory of dyeing. It would seem that generally speaking, certain facts indicate that dyeing may be due to chemical action ; but it is an exceedingly difficult thing to prove from these that the action is really of this order. Until the time comes when we are able to explain the actions which take place when colloids react in the presence of solvents, and definitely assign to these phenomena their true value, it will be difficult to establish a strictly chemical basis for the reactions which take place in dyeing ; or even to prove that such action is a determining factor in the processes of dyeing, mordanting, and the formation of certain lakes. CHAPTER X PART PLAYED BY COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION IT will have been gathered from the reactions shown by colloids in general, and from the fact that both dyes and fibres belong to this class, that the part played by these bodies in dyeing may be an import- ant one. It has even been suggested that the fixation of the dye-stuff on vegetable fibres is analogous to the act of diffusion through colloids. This idea was first put forward by Muller Jacobs (Text. Colour- ist, Oct. and Nov. 1884). Some time before this Schumacher (Physik der Pftanze\ experimenting with such typical colloids as starch, cellulose fibre, membranes, &c., noticed that there was not only an absorption of liquids, but also of the solids in solution. He noticed that : (1) The relative absorption of solids is greater, the more dilute the solution. (2) The absorption decreases as the temperature increases. (3) Total exhaustion does not take place even in very dilute solutions. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 235 These results are applied to the absorption phenomena of vegetable fibres, and an attempt made to explain the action of dyeing with these fibres, which, unlike the animal ones, do not so directly absorb ordinary acid and basic dyes, and therefore cannot be so readily brought into line with any so-called chemical theory. This explanation of the action of dyeing there- fore originated in an attempt to explain more particularly the specific action of vegetable fibres towards dye-stuffs. To accept this theory we must allow that the action of dyeing is due to the separation of the sparingly soluble colloid dye from the diffusible crystalloid, or solvent, by the dialytic action of the membrane itself ; which then becomes obstructed, (1) by the formation of insoluble precipitates ; (2) by the gradual obstruction of the colloids in the interstices of the fibres. In order to dissolve these sparingly soluble or non-permeable bodies, we must first dissolve them in crystalloids or easily permeable solvents. Dr. Jacobs describes an interesting series of experiments with the artificial membranes obtained, when a concentrated and neutral solution of alu- minium sulphate is introduced into a not too dilute solution of Turkey Red oil. Membranes are in this way formed round the drops ; and the diffusion of substances through them can be easily observed. For instance, when alizarine is mixed with the outer solution the colour diffuses into and colours 236 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING the cell walls, but there is a total absence of colour in the interior solution. These experiments were carried further, and alizarine and a neutral solution of alumina gave a red lake in the cell wall, but here again the interior remained colourless. This investigator proposed the following classifi- cation of dyes in the place of Bancroft's scheme, which divide them into substantive and adjective colours : (1) Such substances as easily pass through colloids or fibres. (2) Such substances as pass with difficulty (colloids). (3) Substances which will not pass at all. These classes are not considered to be distinct but to merge into one another and overlap. The object of dyeing is, therefore, to fix certain substances within the fibre in such a way that the fibre cannot be easily deprived of them by the action of solvents. The means by which this action may take place are considered to be (1) By producing precipitates in the fibre. (2) By complete separation of a sparingly soluble colloid from the diffusible crystalloid or solvent, by the dialytic action of the membrane itself. The mordanting and dyeing actions are therefore considered by this investigator to be based on the action of two, or more, differently permeable bodies. It is claimed also that this action may even give rise to actual decomposition of certain chemical com- pounds. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 237 The action of mordants in the fibre is a double one. It may either form precipitates with the dyed material, or else reduce the permeability of the fibre substance. The reason why vegetable fibres do not dye easily is also explained by assuming that they are more easily permeable than the other fibres. This is perhaps not the generally recognised view of the case. Similarly, mercerising or oxidation of the fibre does not act by reducing this action, but by increasing it in some cases. The presence of albumin, casein, &c., on the fibre increases the colloidal nature of the fibre, and therefore the laws of dialysis will produce more powerful effects. In this way Miiller Jacobs attempts to explain the action of dyeing. The effect of tannic acid in its mordanting action is to narrow the interstices of the fibre, and then combine with the dye to form a precipitate. The proof of this action is said to be demonstrated by the fact that in dyeing alizarine on an aluminium mordant the latter must be present in great excess. Fifteen times the alumina necessary to form the normal salt (C 14 H 6 O 2 .A1 2 O 5 ) must be present to give the best result. The action of acids, tartar, &c., is said to prevent the superficial fixing of colours. An attempt to extend this theory to the animal fibres is based on the fact that oiled cotton will dye 238 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING red with rosaniline hydrochloride. It is considered that this is evidence that the dyeing of animal fibres is not a chemical action. In this and in other ways this theory is supported. For instance, many organic colloids are hardly diffusible into animal fibres owing to their insoluble nature. The sulpho-acids of these substances being more soluble in water give better results. They can more readily penetrate the fibres. Alizarine carmine and sulph-indigotine are given as examples. They are both more soluble than alizarine and indigo, and therefore dye the fibres in a more satisfactory way. On the other hand, these sulpho-acids may be too diffusible for vegetable fibres. Assuming also that the dyes become more like precipitates, as their nature becomes more compli- cated, and as the amount of carbon they contain increases, it might be expected that the complex members of a group of colouring-matters would require to be present as sulpho-acids for dyeing purposes. This seems to be the case with the rosani- lines. The ami do-benzenes are also quoted as an example. (1) Amido-azobenzenes (Aniline Yellow) is spar- ingly fixed on cotton even as the sulpho-acid. (2) Diamido - azobenzene (Chrysoidine) dyes cotton well. (3) Triamido - azobenzene (Phenylene Brown) dyes well. This action with the sulphonic acids is not a COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 239 general one. For instance, the indulines are in- soluble, and sulpho-acids form more or less readily, but these will not dye cotton. It is considered that they are, in this case, too diffusible. The general conclusions arrived at were as follows. The permeability of a substance increases with rise in temperature, and fibres with narrow interstices require a higher temperature in dyeing. Wool would come into this class. It is also con- sidered that when mordanted cotton is dyed at a low temperature, the relatively large interstices become smaller by deposition of the dye-stuff, and then a gradual rise in temperature is required to complete the dyeing operation. If, on the other hand, the cotton is immersed initially in the boiling dye-bath, the colour will pass through these large interstices, and the material remain undyed. The mordant in this case is dehydrated, and the colour cannot be fixed. From this point of view the case of the colour- less sulphonic acids and their absorption is of in- terest. Is dehydrothiotoluidine sulphonic acid the only one in a highly colloidal state ? This might be capable of direct proof. This theory has been roughly outlined. Further particulars will be found in the original papers. There is direct evidence from the work of Picton and also from that of Krafft (Ber. 1899, 32, 1608), that high molecular dye-stuffs, such as the direct azo dyes, are colloids. A series of experiments with Magenta, Methyl 240 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Violet and Methylene Blue gave values by the ebullioscope in alcoholic solutions very near to the true molecular weights. In water, however, the colloidal state is taken up. This result may be due to dissociation, and the less soluble nature of the base ; or perhaps to asso- ciation. It is interesting to note also that tannic acid is said to be a very perfect colloid (Strutz and Hofmann), and to consider, as we have done else- where, the action of this acid. In the case of wool and silk, Krafft considered that the fibre itself takes part in the interaction in dyeing ; but that in the case of cotton the action is of a more indeterminate nature. We may learn much concerning the properties of colloids in the hydrogel state, and their action, from a study of the phenomena which occur in the formation of coloured lakes, for pigments and print- ing purposes. This subject has been more or less exhaustively studied from the practical point of view by O. Weber. The results in detail may be studied in the original papers. It is well known that basic dyes (hydrochlorides) will fix themselves on indifferent substances, such as starch, cellulose, alumina, china clay, &c. In this way pigments may be formed. The dyes are, however, very loosely held, yield- ing readily to water. They are also very fugitive to light (Weber, J.S.C.I. 10, 896). It is also noticed that these dyes do not give COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 241 identical shades on these different media. This effect is also noticed in the case of dyeing on fibres, with this class of dyes. The shades obtained on cotton, wool, and silk, will often materially differ from one another, so that this action seems to be a general one. The student will at once realise the general nature of these dyeing operations. It is interesting to note that tannic acid, which has been of great value in the dyeing of cotton with basic dyes, is not much used in the pro- duction of lakes. When, however, the manufac- turers will trouble to prepare their basic lakes in this manner, they are well repaid. The fastest possible lakes are produced from these dyes in this way. The fact that those lakes produced in indifferent substances, are so extremely fugitive under the action of light deserves attention. A comparison between their fastness on textile fibres, and on the indifferent substances, should be of interest. It is noticed also that the attraction which these inert substances have for basic dyes is modified by the nature of the acids which enter into their constitution. Roughly speaking, the amount of dye fixed is inversely proportional to the respective strengths of the acids, with which the bases are in combination. As a proof of this Weber gives the following results, which show the relative amounts of colour taken up by 100 parts of alumina. Under the standard 16 242 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING condition of the tests 2 grams of alumina were sus- pended in 500 cc. of water. Colour used. Absorbed by 100 pts. A1 2 O 3 . Bismark Brown G. 8.3 Acetate of Magenta 7.13 Methyl Violet B. 4.87 Brilliant Green 3.85 Magenta 3.53 Indazine M. 1.96 Methylene Blue B. 1.62 Thioflavine T. 1.43 Solid Green, Cryst. 1.21 Safranine G.G.S. .83 There seems to be a good deal of evidence to prove that these dyes when present on inert sub- stances are in the form of basic salts, varying in constitution between the normal salts, and the bases themselves. That they are not present as simple colour bases is proved by the fact that the bases themselves are for the most part colourless. This fact is to be remembered in connection with the dyeing of these colours on fibres. These basic salts, unlike the normal ones, are very insoluble in water. For example, a " dissociation " lake may be produced on china clay by precipitating Benzaldehyde Green in the presence of Glauber's salt, or acetate of soda. ; With this reduction in the "acidity" of these precipitated basic compounds, a corresponding loss in intensity of colour is noticed. The lakes pro- duced in this way are partly decolourised, and an addition of tannic acid will develop the colour in some cases to the extent of fifty per cent. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 243 If one of these basic lakes be washed with boil- ing water, only traces of colouring-matter go into solution, and the lakes ultimately become colour- less. In the same way, tannic acid, by reducing the basicity of the colour salt, will bring the colour back to a great extent. This reaction is important and the action of solvents on basic dyes present in the fibre area cannot be correctly estimated by the altered colour-effect produced in this way. It is known to every silk dyer, that washing with water will decrease the intensity of the shade in many cases, and a subsequent treatment with weak acid will bring the colour back. This subject should receive further attention. Light should be thrown on the state in which these dyes are present in the silk fibre. In the formation of lakes with tannic acid the action seems to be of an indefinite nature (O. N. Witt). The amount of tannic acid required to produce a true lake of a thoroughly saturated nature, as compared with the amount required to precipitate the basic dye perfectly from an aqueous solution, is indicated in the following table. Colouring-matter. T ' ^ actually T. A. required for absorbed. mere precipitation. Magenta . . . 622 .. 173 Methyl Violet . . 510 . . 138 , v Solid Green . . 1324 .. 456 Methylene Blue . . 620 . . 198 Chrysoidine . . 322 . . 194 Weber was unable to indicate the course taken by the interaction between the dye and tannic 244 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING acid. It does not follow in the lines of chemical attraction, as indicated by the constitution of these dyes. The action seems rather to be on the lines of colloid precipitation, and may be regulated by the state of the precipitate. For instance, 100 parts of the magenta tannic acid compound will absorb 160 extra parts of tannic acid if present in excess, while 100 parts of the chrysoidine tannic acid compound will only absorb 60 extra parts of tannic acid under the same conditions. The fact that the tannates of antimony, zinc, tin, lead, or iron will give better and faster lakes than tannic acid alone (Witt) is an interesting point. Many organic acids form lakes (or insoluble compounds) with the basic dyes, and nearly all the aromatic acids act in this way. A similar result is also obtained with phosphoric acid, arsenious acid, or silicic acid when present as their alkaline salts. The action of albumin on some dyes is of interest. For instance, Diamine Scarlet B C 6 H 4 .N = N C H 4 .O.C 2 H 5 . QTT C 6 H 4 .N = N-C 10 H 4 ; SQ3Na SO 3 Na gives a very clear solution, and is not precipitated by dilute acids. If this be added to a solution of albumin a decided precipitate is obtained. It is, however, very difficult to filter, being of a slimy nature. To precipitate all the dye a large excess of albumin is necessary. If, however, the solution COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 245 be heated to 80 C the albumin coagulates, and carries down with it the whole of the dye, in the form of brilliant scarlet flakes. If this precipitate is boiled with water it will give up some of its colour to the solution. The lake is also slowly decomposed by soap solution at 50 C. The lake on drying gives a heavy solid, which shows little sign of swelling, or solution, in water, and soap solution at 80 C scarcely affects it. Acetic acid may take the place of heat in pre- cipitating the lake, but this acid will not precipitate either the dye, or the albumin by itself. This action is not confined to direct dyes. Sul- phonated basic dyes, azo dyes, and sulphonated nitro bodies act in the same way. It would seem that for two substances of the above nature to " precipitate " one another, one of them must be in a state near to the point where actual precipitation, or coagulation, takes place. Gelatin, for instance, is incapable of this precipi- tating action, but albumin in a sensitive condition, at either 80 C or in the presence of cold acetic acid, will precipitate the dye. The influence of the dye itself also helps, or retards, this action. Diamine Scarlet will precipi- tate albumin in the cold. Eosine, on the other hand, will only act in this way at a high temperature. It is said that the shades obtained correspond exactly with those obtained on wool, or silk. If the basic dye had combined with the albumin in the cold, a precipitate would probably have been 246 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING formed, and this indicates, so far as it goes, that the action between the albumin and the basic dye is not of a chemical nature. For some reason the fastness against light of these precipitated lakes varies with the nature of the precipitant. Albumin lakes are said to be four times as fast as the corresponding barium lakes, using the same dyes. The extremely fugitive nature of the basic dyes on a china clay basis has been already noticed. This may be due to two causes : (1) Difference in size of the dye aggregates. (2) Difference in the way the dyes are held. Arguing from the extraordinary sensitiveness of diazotised primuline, when produced in a colloid substance, the size of the aggregates may affect the action. The matter is one which demands attention, and a further study of this matter may lead to interesting results. Surface-Concentration and Devolution Effects. A modified theory on the above lines was recently brought forward (Dreaper, J. S.C.I. 1905, 233), to explain the general action of dyeing. It is founded on the work of Linder and Picton (J.C.S. 1892, 61, 148 and 1895, 63) and others, and attempts to explain the dyeing action on lines which are usually regarded as physical, although it is not denied that chemical action may supplement the actions, which lead to the general absorption of the dye by the fibre. The work on pseudo-solution undertaken by COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 247 Linder and Picton has hardly received the notice it deserves by those interested in the subject of dyeing. The dividing line between perfect solution, and suspension has broken down. The difference be- tween the two states, is only one of aggregation ; although it is not to be inferred from this, that any substance may, by successive stages, pass from the former to the latter state. This action is neither a reversible one in many cases, nor is it necessarily a complete one. In solutions of colloids the relation- ship between the solution, and the colloid (solute), is never complete, as in the case of a crystalloid. Solution stops short at some intermediate stage, and consequently, as has been explained elsewhere, the usual phenomenon of a lowered freezing-point of the solution is not in evidence to the same degree as in a perfect solution of a crystalloid. So far as appearance goes there is little difference between a colloid, and a crystalloid in dilute solutions ; but an examination of the physical properties of the former in solution indicates that the differences in the solu- tion state must be appreciable. An interesting case of a colloid in a state of pseudo-solution is that of arsenious sulphide, which can be prepared in a state of such fine suspension, that the solution will pass easily through a porous pot without separation of the solid. This is in itself a fact of general interest, but when we study the action of metallic salts on these pseudo-solutions the results at once become of 248 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING interest to the dyer. In their action on these solu- tions, the different salts divide themselves into sharply denned groups, corresponding with their valency. As a general result the effect of the addition of these salts, is to degrade the state of the pseudo- solution. The aggregates become larger in size, and may even be precipitated. The salts of tervalent metals possess the highest coagulating power. Biva- lent metals only act with one tenth of the effect and univalent metals with less than one five- hundredth part of the intensity in the first case. This difference in the power of precipitation, even extends to the same metal when the valency varies (e.g., with iron). One molecule of aluminium chloride possesses the same coagulating power as 16.4 mole- cules of cadmium chloride, or 750 molecules of sul- phuric acid. When the coagulating action of salts on a solu- tion of arsenious sulphide is studied in detail, unexpected results are obtained. As an example, when barium chloride is used as a coagulating medium, the barium is carried down, and the chlorine left in solution. Similar results are obtained with calcium chloride. The precipitated metal is retained, even after thorough washing with water, but another salt in solution will replace it. This action is one of mass, and is not due to selec- tive affinity, as it is reversible, and depends entirely on the proportion of the second salt in solution. For example, both calcium and cobalt salts will coagu- COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 249 late in this way, yet either will replace the other if present in sufficient quantity in the solution. It will at once be seen that the influence of these experiments, on a strictly definite chemical theory of dyeing, is a disturbing one. A theory of mass action and the resulting affinity which is able to disturb such a system as that represented by barium chloride in solution might clearly take the place of a chemical theory of dyeing, and explain the experiments of Vignon and Knecht on the one hand, and of v. Georgievics on the other. It will be seen, that we may equally expect a similar action with, say, rosaniline hydrochloride. In fact, with such an example before us, we can hardly set any limit to this action. Extending their experiments to other substances Linder and Picton found that dye-stuffs such as Hofmann's Violet, Methyl Violet, and Magenta, gave interesting results. The solutions of these dyes are so far perfect that the aggregates present are not sufficiently large to scatter light, as some of the arsenious sulphide solutions do, yet they were non-filterable. These results are altogether abnormal, from the point of view of the standards set up by these investigators for arsenious sulphide solutions, and we are clearly here face to face with an extension of the action in the case of these basic dyes. Further experiments, however, showed that the porous material itself will absorb the dye if broken pieces of it were left in the dye solution. The 250 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING authors did not carry these experiments to their logical conclusion, by identifying the action as similar in its nature to that of barium chloride, or they would have looked for a decomposition of the basic hydrochloride in the porous material. The cause of the decomposition of basic dye-stuffs in this porous material is uncertain. It is either due to a colloid state set up on the surface of the porous material, or else is due to " surface action." Our knowledge of the actions which are associated with surfaces is incomplete, at the present time. It is possible to explain them in the following way. The material of which a porous pot is com- posed, by virtue of its liberal surface, and, as we know, slight solubility, will present to the solution a large surface in a colloidal state, and this by its action may decompose the basic hydrochloride, and precipitate the base. It is just possible that capillary action may play a considerable part in the action. It must, however, not be lost sight of, that this action is directly connected with surface action. In fact, it is caused by it. The secret of capillary action being the greatly increased attraction at small distances (Hawkesbee). The dissociation of the basic dye in solution, if it takes place, and its influence on such an action as the above, should make experiments on this subject important. Dyeing fibres and porcelain material, with dyes dissolved in mixtures of alcohol and water COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 251 in varying proportions, should be undertaken, and their relative actions noticed. The influence of the addition of sodium chloride, or other salts, on pseudo-solutions of arsenious sul- phide is, by analogy, of great importance. The solution becomes non-filterable, and there- fore degraded in the scale of solubility. The action of such substances on dye-solutions is well known. The importance of this action is considered by the writer, to be not so much that caused by a decreased solubility of the dye in the solution, as the solid solution theory requires, but that the increase in the size of the aggregates and their degradation in the scale of solution, is the important condition; and that this is the cause of the modified result obtained in the presence of a suitable fibre. Furthermore, the effect produced by filtration shows that the degradation of the arsenious sulphide solution is specific. The effect is as if all the aggregates present are increased in size. From this and other considerations, the writer has put forward the hypothesis that in any system of a hydrosol, and to a modified extent in the case of a hydrogel, the size of the aggregates is determined by the two factors, the mutual attraction of the molecules and the solvent action of the solution. This latter factor may be the attraction of the solute molecules for those of the solution. When an equili- brium is actually set up between these two opposite forces, the aggregates will be of a definite size, and remain so until the system is modified by some 252 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING secondary action, and the colloid either degraded in the scale of solubility, or the reverse. It will be seen that the action of salts on a solution of a direct dye is capable of explanation. It has already been pointed out that the direct dyes do not give true solutions in water. That is to say, they give pseudo-solutions. The action of salts should give the same results in both cases, and there is no evidence at present that such is not the case. The influence of different solvents on the mole- cular weights, or size of the aggregates, is undoubted. For instance, the following table shows the number of double molecules of nitrogen peroxide in different solvents (Walker). Solvent. Double mols. at 20. Double mols. at 90 C. Per cent. Per cent. Acetic acid . . 97.7 ... 95.4 Ethylene chloride .95.8 ... 91.3 Chloroform . . 92.3 ... 85.5 Carbon bisulphide . 87.3 ... 77.5 Silicon tetrachloride . 84.3 ... 77.4 It will therefore be seen that for some reason, probably owing to the relative attractions between the solvent molecules, and those of the solute, the state of aggregation varies greatly with different solvents. In the case quoted the state of aggrega- tion is never very great, at least, as compared with that known to exist in the case of the so-called colloids, but it will sufficiently well indicate the action which takes place. The influence of increased temperature may also COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 253 be indicated in terms of the molecular state of the solution. The increase in molecular weight in more concen- trated solutions, is indicated also in the case of a solution of alcohol in benzene, and for this purpose the following table is quoted. Concentration. Mol. weight Per cent. (Alcohol = 46). 494 -. 5 2.29 . . .-. . . .82 3.48 .100 8.8 . . . . . . . 159 14.6 . . . . * . . 209 This would also seem to indicate that association increases with molecular strength of solution. Effect of concentrated solutions. The increased effect produced in concentrated solutions of dyes is also 'explained by assuming that the size of aggre- gates is constant in any solution of this nature. From this point of view, the aggregates are larger rather than more numerous in the more concentrated solution. So that we have alternate means of producing larger aggregates. (1) By degrading the solution by means of the addition of salts. (2) By increasing the concentration of the dye solution. Both of these methods answer in practice, but as will be pointed out later on, the former is likely to be the more efficient, owing to the addi- tional effect produced by " surface concentration/' 254 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING and, in practice, the saving in dye material is an important factor. We know that molecular aggregation extends to the state we call solution, and this is a further proof that there is no dividing line between a colloid and a perfect solution. It is therefore suggested that the aggregates are, within certain limits, constant in number rather than in size, as the strength of the solution alters. With increased concentration, there comes a time when the aggregates are so large that their relations to the solvent assume a new phase. The point at which they occupy a space larger than the physical conditions of the liquid will allow may be a critical one. In crystalloids, which do not pass through the colloid state, but are controlled in their desolution by molecular forces which directly determine their ultimate solid state, this point is a sharp one, and gives rise to a separation of the salt, probably in the crystalline form. With colloids, or substances which take a hy- drated form, the course adopted is a different one, and between the pseudo-solution state, and that of the absolutely dry substance, there is no sharply defined dividing line ; but merely a slow passage from one state to the other as determined by the relative proportion of water molecules present, although the actual point at which the hydrosol is coagulated, may be a critical one. With decreased amount of solvent certain other phenomena come into more active play, and COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 255 an automatic separation of the colloid material may actually take place from these secondary causes. Closely connected with the subject of the con- stant size of the aggregates in a hydrosol is the mechanism by which this can be determined ; here we must assume molecular migration (Dreaper, J.S.D. and C. 1905). This is not an impossible condition. Actual atomic migration has already been assumed by Poisson, and this being so, it is held by the writer that the forces which are called molecular are similar in their nature to those which are called atomic. Such a migration is a necessary adjunct to any theory of association between a liquid, and a solute. There is also a certain amount of evidence that these changes do occur in a solution, and that they can be actually observed, as the case of very viscous solutions, like those of nitrocellulose in organic solvents. The observed fact of the " ripening " of such solutions is held to be due to an action of this kind. Several months elapse in some cases before the ultimate state of equilibrium between the solvent and solute is reached. If we assume this action, it is also possible to explain the slow dialysis of colloids through mem- branes, which is theoretically possible, and has been observed in the case of nitrocellulose by de Mosenthal (J.S.C.I. 1904, 292). If we assume the migration of individual molecules from one aggregate to another, it is possible for these aggregates to pass gradually through a membrane, 256 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING by some such secondary action, although they themselves are incapable of passing directly from one side to the other. In the action of dyeing there is a constant play of altered conditions due to temperature, alteration in concentration, &c., and consequently, a constant variation in size of the aggregates, which in itself will entail this roving state of the individual mole- cules. It has also been established by Linder and Picton (ibid.) that a 4 per cent, solution of arsenious sul- phide is non- filterable under ordinary conditions. This would indicate that the aggregates are larger in size, and support the above conceptions. Support is seemingly given to these views by the observed action of the following complicated and obscure cases in general dyeing. If a logwood iron lake be dissolved in a dilute solution of oxalic acid, it will, as is well known, dye silk and other fibres a deep black colour. In its original state the lake is insoluble. The particles or aggregates have in its preparation been so de- graded in the scale of solution, that they are no longer within the limits of dyeing requirements. By the gradual addition of oxalic acid to a suspen- sion of this lake in water, the size of the aggregates is in some way gradually reduced, passing by stages of colour from black through brown to an almost golden colour, as the proportion of oxalic acid is increased. Assuming that the lake in its more soluble state COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 257 passes through a corresponding state of pseudo- solution, we arrive at the following conclusions. The aggregates in this state come into close enough relation with the fibre substance for de-solution to take place from whatever cause, be it surface attraction, or concentration, or mass attraction at short distance. At any rate, the solution state, whatever it be, is disturbed by the presence of the fibre, and the solution state is degraded with the precipitation of the lake in the substance of the fibre. Alizarine lakes in the " one bath " method of dyeing also seem to act in the same way. From the above theoretical considerations, it would also be expected that, if the molecular pro- portion of oxalic acid be increased, a point will ultimately arrive when from one cause or the other a decreased de-solution effect will be produced. This actually occurs in practice. It would follow also that at this stage a further addition of lake, or a reduction in the amount of free acid, would increase the size of the dye aggregates, and cause a reversal of the action. This is also actually observed. The colour-effect in the solution is also completely reversible, and runs parallel with the dyeing results. Under certain conditions silk and wool fibres are capable of attracting from aqueous suspension certain insoluble amines (Pokorng, Bull. Soc. Ind. Mulh. 1893, 282), if they are in a state of fine division. Naphthylamine, if dissolved in a small quantity 17 258 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING of alcohol, and poured into water, will impregnate wool in twelve hours in the cold. The fixing is said to be entirely mechanical, and the amine is easily removed by water. These results have been confirmed by P. Werner (ibid.), and further experiments show that the result is directly influenced by the proportion of alcohol to water. As the alcohol increases from 5 to 30 per cent, the absorption increases. Beyond this a reverse action sets in on similar lines to that of the logwood-iron-lake solution, and with essentially different substances he obtained the same effect. As the alcohol increases so does the solubility. Up to a certain point this leads to increased dyeing effect. Beyond this, the action of the alcohol on the hydrated fibre state, and the decreased size of the aggregates, tell against absorption. The action of a more efficient solvent (alcohol) on dyes in fibres is to reduce the size of the aggre- gates. Under these circumstances the dye, or part of it, may leave the fibre. This is noticed in many cases, and it tends to indicate that such dyeing actions in mixed solvents is more due to the solution state than to the fibre state, but a great deal more work will have to be done on this subject before it will be possible to apportion to each action its qualifying effect. The action played by water is still obscure. It may be that it is indicated by the statement made by Pokorng, that while pure alcohol will not extract some dyes from the fibre, yet 95 per cent. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 259 alcohol will do so. (See page 167.) This may indi- cate that the pure alcohol cannot enter the fibre, and that a semi-hydrated state is necessary before the colour can be extracted. Otherwise some more complicated and unknown action is involved. Experimental evidence as to the relative solu- bility of the dyes in mixtures of alcohol and water, both in the presence, and absence, of a fibre substance are wanting. Also there is no evidence available to show whether the fibre absorbs more water than alcohol from mixtures of the same. Both these points will be made the subject of investigation. It is possible that the dye aggregates are associated with solvent molecules, in fact, are doubly complex in this way. The same applies to the fibre. If we have molecular migration, the aggre- gates may even join up loosely with the fibre aggre- gates, and in this way the fibre and dye be held together by some such secondary attraction. The third case given as evidence in favour of these theoretical conclusions is taken from some work done by Binz and Bing (Zeit. /. angew. Chem. 25, 1902), on the relative action of salts on the dyeing of wool with indigo, in cases where the alkalinity of the bath varies. The addition of neutral salts, such as Glauber's salt, sodium chloride, &c., does not intensify the shade so long as the alkali is only present in sufficient quantity to dissolve the indigo white. In the pre- sence of excess of alkali, the addition of neutral salts has an intensifying action, and as a result, 260 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING darker shades are produced on the fibre. The presence of i - 8 per cent. Nad, for instance, doubles the amount of indigo absorbed by the fibre. In the presence of a large excess of alkali, this increased dyeing effect on the addition of salts is not nearly so pronounced. It is not difficult to see that here, also, we may find an explanation of the effect of these substances in the presence of excess of alkali ; when the state of solution is of a more perfect nature, it might be expected that the action of salts would be correspondingly reduced, and this would natur- ally effect the dyeing result. It must always be remembered that the fibre state may also be pro- foundly modified by the presence of these substances in solution. So that, as is pointed out, by a careful adjust- ment of the excess of alkali to that of the salt, a satisfactory state of the fibre, or one of maximum absorption, may be obtained, and the best dyeing effect be produced. This is the condition which would naturally be aimed at by the practical dyer, from the point of view of economy. It is of great importance to note that the alkali is evidently not fixed on the fibre in any way, and it is only necessary to take account of the fixation of the indigo white. V. Georgievics (Der Indigo, 1892, 55) has shown that it is only the latter which is fixed, the alkali remaining in the solution. The results obtained by Koechlin as a result of a study COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 261 of the absorptive power of cotton for tannic acid are of interest from this point of view. It is known that tannic acid gives pseudo-solutions. Experimenting with different strengths of solution abnormal results were obtained. The point of maximum absorption seemed to coincide with a concentration of .2 per cent. Beyond this reversal seemed to set in, for a cotton saturated in a .5 per cent, solution still absorbed tannic acid in a .2 per cent, solution. The state of aggregation, or else the mutual attraction of the tannic acid for the cotton fibre, is altered subsequently in a .02 per cent, solution, for in this the cotton just begins to lose tannic acid. If figures could be obtained showing the relative action of cotton and mercerised cotton with regard to this reversal, the results would be of interest. In some such way as this it might be possible to indicate whether the action was due to the fact that the latter is in a more highly colloidal state, or whether the additional hydroxyl groups play a part in the action. A further study of this subject is contem- plated. It has already been noticed that the addition of acetic acid to the tannic acid solution greatly in- creases the proportion of the latter acid absorbed by the fibre. Apart from the value of this observa- tion from the practical point of view, its possible influence on our knowledge of dyeing is obvious. The action is as difficult to explain in this case as in the case of silk or wool dyeing with sulphonic 262 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING acids, or carboxyl dyes in the presence of stronger acids. Surface concentration also, as the writer has pointed out, must play an important part in any theory of dyeing. If the action of dyeing were purely chemical in its nature, this concentrating effect would have an important bearing on the rate of dyeing, but from the point of view of pseudo-solution it occupies a still more important position. Assuming that dyeing is an action which is independent of any actual attraction between the fibre substance and the dye, it is very difficult to see how the fibre can attract the dye, or hold it. It is this difficulty which made Cross and Bevan (J.S.C.I. 13. 354) accuse O. Weber of assuming a one-sided penetrability for the dye substance. That is to say, that the dye would diffuse into the fibre, but would not diffuse out again. If, however, one realises the possibility of this concentrating action at surfaces, the matter at once assumes a different aspect. J. J. Thomson (App. of Dynamics to Phys. and Chem., p. 251) pointed out that the most stable arrangement of any solution will be accompanied by minimal surface energy. The result of this action is distinctly seen in practice. There is a tendency with most salts to concentrate at surfaces, and for a similar reason, and to a correspondingly greater extent, in capillary tubes. For instance, in the case of graphite or meer- COLLOIDS IN DYEING A ND LAKE FORMATION 263 schaum, this concentration in the case of potassium sulphate is nearly 25 per cent. It will be seen that the influence of this action in dyeing may be a profound one, for with the additional concentration of the pseudo-solution of the dye we shall have a rearrangement of the aggregates. The size of these will correspondingly increase within the capillary spaces of the fibre substance owing to this action. The rate of diffusion will correspondingly de- crease, and we shall arrive at a state where the osmotic action is greatly in excess of the exos- motic one. This can produce but one effect, viz., a concentration of the dye substance in the fibre area, and a state of " one-sided penetrability" is arrived at. When it is also recognised that the salts will also concentrate about and in the fibre area, it is easy to realise the possible result of this general action. The effect of the concentration of the assistant and its influence on the state of aggregation may, it is held, be seen in the dyeing of silk with ordinary acid colours. If the dyed silk be introduced into water, some of the dye is readily removed. With the decrease in the concentra- tion of the acid the aggregates may decrease in size, and be partly removed, or tend to re- enter the dye solution. This action is, therefore, a reversible one. As a result, therefore, of this concentration effect, it is obvious that the dye may be degraded 264 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING in the scale of solubility ; that it may actually become insoluble. In the case of dyeing with logwood lake by the a one bath" method, the fact that the colour of the silk fibre is not black, but dark brown, until the skein is finally washed in water, indicates that the dye state is one of degradation, rather than complete dissociation from the solution state during the time of dyeing. In this case it is probable that the concentration of oxalic acid in the fibre area is small as compared with that of the dye-stuff. If this were found not to be the case it might indicate that some secondary attraction between the dye and fibre substances comes into play, and to that extent accounts for the displacement of the equilibrium of the dye solution within the fibre area. The intensity of this surface concentration varies with different acids and salts. An elaborate series of experiments was conducted by Gore on this subject (Birmingham Nat. Hist, and Phil. Soc. IX. i, 1893). The effect is directly dependent on the area of the surface. For instance, if a dilute solu- tion of acetic acid be filtered through fine white sand, nothing but pure water will percolate through, the whole of the acetic acid being kept back by this action. The following results chosen at random from a very full list in the original paper will illustrate the relative action of substances. Ten per cent, solutions were used in each case. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 265 HC1 lost 2.88 per cent. Tartaric acid lost 1.42 per cent. HI ,, i.o Citric acid nil ,, HN0 3 ,, 2.5 CaCl, 3.1 HC10 45 , 4.4 NaCl 2.77 We have therefore, a physical reason for the concentration of substances in solution at surfaces, and the influence of this action cannot be neglected. It will be seen that this is still more evident when it is noticed that this tendency to concentrate is stronger in the case of substances, in a state of pseudo-solution, than with salts which are more soluble. In the case of substances of high molecular weight these surface concentrations may be so in- tensified by mechanical movement that the sub- stances may heap up and form visible films of solid, or very viscous matter (Ramsden, Proc. Roy. Soc. 72, 156). The size of the aggregates undoubtedly affects the general result. For instance, Gore found that the following substances gave positive, or negative surface attraction results, as indicated. It will be seen that substances in suspension give abnormal results. Picric acid in solution ... No result in suspension . ; Result Salicylic acid in solution No result in suspension . . . Result Methyl orange . . . . Orange G. .... It may be that the molecules of soluble substances like, say, sodium chloride "salt out" dyes by means 266 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING of the greater attraction between the solution and solute molecules in the case of more perfect solutions. In the case where these colloid substances are separ- ated by the above mechanical means, they are not always resoluble in the solution. They are some- times even insoluble. The action of aggregation is non-reversible under these conditions. These separated films vary greatly in their physical properties. They may be membranes, membrane-fibrous, or fibrous as the case may be; or they may even consist of particles lying side by side. The special surface viscosity which accompanies these separations, and which is indicated by a resistance to " shear," develops at very different rates. These concentrations also occur at the inter- surfaces of two solutions, and give rise to distinct surface tension phenomena at the junction of aqueous colloid solutions of different concentrations (Quincke, Drudcs Ann. 10, 478). In this action, coupled with the above laws of aggregation, and possibly, molecular migration, we have an explanation which will satisfy the dyeing conditions in a great many cases such as the " one bath " method, indigo and Cf sulphide " dyeing, the dyeing of direct colours on cotton, &c., without bringing in any complication due to chemical action. Dr. W. H. Perkin, senr., has pointed out (J.S.C.I. 1905, p. 235), that the surface character of silk, wool and cotton respectively can be shown to pro- COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 267 duce different results under the following conditions. A skein of cotton was worked for some time in an emulsion of olive oil and carbonate of potash, such as was used by Turkey-red dyers. On wringing it out afterwards, nothing but pure water left the skein; the cotton was practically free from oil. On repeating this experiment with a silk skein the water was still nearly pure, but the silk retained a large amount of oil. By substituting a wool skein for silk, and after rinsing the skein in water, the oil ran from the wool in quantity on wringing. These experiments are of interest. The oil particles, or aggregates are of course much larger than in any case of pseudo-solution met with in dyeing, but the results produced show the very different nature of the absorption of such substances by these three typical fibres, and also indicate that the absorption which may, in this case, be taken to be of a physical nature, is very pronounced. Dr. Perkin states also that the behaviour of these different fibres in relation to the oil corresponds closely to their dyeing power. This would not, however, seem to be a universal rule, especially with the direct colours, yet the phenomena recorded are certainly suggestive in their nature. Some experiments of Chabrie (Comptes Rend. 115, 57) roughly indicate the limit at which it might be expected that concentration might take place in the fibre area. Experimenting with capillary tubes of a diameter of .07 mm., interesting results 268 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING were obtained; on passing a solution of albumin slowly through such a tube a separation takes place, and only pure water passes through. The albumin is concentrated in the tube to such an extent that ultimately all flow is stopped. This would, in a case of dyeing, indicate the ultimate absorption point, or the dyeing limit, and the size of the inter-spaces in different fibres, and of the same fibre in different states of hydration, would of course greatly modify the action. The influence of this action is, therefore, evident, and will have a definite bearing on the best condition of the fibre substance for dyeing purposes, the object being to bring the greatest possible number of fibre molecules in contact with the dye aggregates without ultimate damage to the fibre itself by disintegration. A good example of this action is seen in the in- creased action of dyes on powdered wool under standard conditions. In the cotton fibre, when the cellulose which has once been dried is not easily rehydrated, the aid of hydrating substances is necessary to obtain the best effect. Mercerising increases the power of the fibre in this direction. The mass action of a fibre will depend on its original construction modified by its capability of entering the hydrogel condition in the presence of water. Extended treatment with water itself will, to a certain extent, take the place of the action of reagents in inducing this state. Continued boiling in water will induce this state in the cotton COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 269 so that its attraction for certain dyes is materially increased (Hiibner and Pope). The bleeding of direct dyes on cotton indicates that the dye is loosely held, in fact, very much in the way it might be expected if the dye were precipi- tated, or held by de-solution, and subject to re- solution, either by molecular migration, or otherwise. The experiments on the influence of temperature on the ultimate dye state of the fibre made by Brown indicate some such action as the above. When the solubility of a dye increases with temperature, we may assume that, in the case of the direct dyes, which give pseudo -solutions (Schultz), the aggregates are correspondingly smaller at higher temperatures. Keeping this in mind, let us examine the results obtained with Kalle's Direct Yellow G. The amount of dye absorbed by silk, wool, or cotton increases up to 80 C. Beyond this point the curves for silk and cotton turn one way, and that for wool the other. In the case of a fibre which gives increased absorption beyond this point, we must either have a more or less sudden change in the fibre state, or else the decrease in the size of the dye aggregates will allow of their more rapid diffusion into the fibre area. In the case where a decreased absorption is recorded, the increase in dye absorption may be due to the aggregates becoming too small to be degraded in the fibre substance under the altered conditions. Such a case, where the absorption of a 270 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING colour by silk and wool becomes greater in the one case, and decreases in the other, does not support a theory of dyeing which assumes a common cause of attraction (tyrosine) in these two fibres. The action may be complicated by changes in the fibre state, and it is necessary to consider the possibility of dissociation effects. The writer has for some time sought an explana- tion of the abnormal fastness of Night Blue on silk fibres against the action of boiling soap solution, in light shades. In darker colours the fastness is not anything like so pronounced. Up to a certain shade the dye will withstand a treatment extending over half an hour. It would seem that here we have a case of dyeing, where the dye is held in two ways. The first portion is either in a very degraded state of solution, or else it is held by direct attraction or affinity. This may be one of the cases in which dyeing is in one stage a process of chemical action. Taking everything into account, the writer suggests that the natural order of the phenomena which take place in dyeing is something of the following nature, depending on the factors ; (1) A solution state of the dye, within certain limits of aggregation, determined by the laws of size. (2) A fibre state corresponding to this state of aggregation, and of a permeable nature. (3) Effective localisation of the dye within the fibre area, due to surface concentration phenomena. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 271 (4) Localisation of any salts, acids, &c., within the fibre area. (5) The indirect entrance of the dye aggregate by molecular migration, with subsequent reforma- tion of an even more complex nature within the fibre area, under conditions mentioned under (4). (6) De-solution, due to secondary attraction between the fibre substance and the dye, or by reduced surface energy phenomena, or concentration effects. (7) In some cases, primary or chemical action may play some part at this stage. This may, even in some cases, take the place of de-solution phenomena. (8) In the case of basic dyes, dissociation effects may lead to the isolation of very basic salts in a state of high aggregation within the fibre area. We have seen that barium chloride and other salts undergo decomposition in the presence of colloids, like arsenious sulphide. It is, therefore, not to be wondered at if actual decomposition of the basic hydrochlorides takes place within the fibre area. It is known that these dyes suffer decomposition of a partial nature, at any rate, by capillary action. It is also well known that the basic dyes become very insoluble when, by losing part of their hydrochloric acid, they become basic salts. It is not difficult to indicate a state of affairs which would offer a satisfactory explanation of the fixing of these dyes in animal fibres, or degraded hydrogels, or even in the pores of such a com- 272 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING paratively inert substance as porcelain, or china clay. It is difficult to imagine that the action of dyeing is a strictly chemical one. For instance, it is noticed that in mordanting cotton with tannic acid the best results are obtained by immersing the cotton in the boiling solution and allowing it to cool. The mordanting takes place at the lower temperature. The solution of tannic acid will be of a more perfect nature at higher temperatures, and therefore the aggregates will be correspondingly smaller. They will increase in size as the solution cools, and there- fore become more readily fixed, especially if they re-form within the fibre area. This action is recorded by Brown (J.S.D. and C. 1901, p. 94), and is an interesting one, which is comparable in many ways to the reduced dyeing effect noticed in certain cases, at temperatures above 80 C. The solvent action of alcohol, or benzene, on dyes which are already fixed on the fibre is an indication, perhaps, that these dyes are chiefly held by de- s olution rather than by any process of primary, or chemical attraction. In the presence of a solvent of higher power the aggregates are correspondingly smaller. A new system is set up, and the dye, or part of it, leaves the fibre. There is no question here of solid solution, but simply that of solution following de-solution. The direct fixation of the dye may be due there- fore to three causes : (i) De-solution, including dissociation effects. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 273 (2) Pseudo or secondary action. (3) Primary or chemical action. These three phenomena may overlap each other, there being no strict, or hard and fast division between them. It is held that there is evidence to indicate, that all substances during precipitation pass through the pseudo solution state. An equilibrium between the relative attraction of the solution and solute molecules, on the one hand, and the molecular attraction of the solute molecules for each other will be established in any system. In the case of very insoluble compounds the solution attraction is unable to break down the aggregates of the solute beyond a certain point. In some cases, and by certain means, an abnormal state of aggregation may be induced in the case of these very insoluble substances, and we then arrive at a condition which, as in the case of some metals, is regarded as the colloid state. Analogy would suggest that this state is equivalent to the state of supersaturation in the case of a crystalloid, or a gas. At this point in the case of a dye which is in a state of pseudo-solution, the only change which will take place will be due to molecular migra- tion owing to local influences; or to the tendency to set up an ultimate state of equilibrium over the whole system. Such is the de-solution theory advanced to explain the action of dyeing. The chief objection to it is, perhaps, that this action will be of too irregular a nature to explain the definite results obtained 18 274 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING in some cases, which indicate that the ratio of absorption of certain dyes is in direct relation to the combining weights of the dyes absorbed. It has, however, been recently shown (see p. 121) that the salts of calcium, strontium, barium and potassium are precipitated by colloids in the ratio of their chemical equivalents (J. Billitzer, Zeit. Phys. Chem. 1903, 45, 307). The phenomena which present themselves in the presence of pseudo-solutions are sufficiently well marked to demand attention. The conditions of surface concentration have been observed, and studied from a mathematical point of view ; the experimental results recorded are beyond dispute. The fact that de-solution may take place in the presence of a liberal surface has also been observed in the case of pseudo-solutions. The action of precipitating agents on colloids is a definite one, as shown by the replacement of one metal by another, under the laws of mass action, as recorded by Linder and Picton, and the addi- tional statement made by Billitzer, that the different metals are originally precipitated in the ratio of their chemical equivalents, when they are carried down by the degraded colloids. These precipitating actions are clearly definite, although they may not be strictly chemical in their nature. This phenomenon of de-solution is, it is held, seen in the remarkable result obtained by Hallett on dissolving the colour off dyed yarn. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 275 When dark shades of indigo were stripped in this way, the dye extracted by the solvent was also thrown out in the insoluble form as a precipitate. So that we have here a system where the one-bath method of dyeing may be seen reversed. Start- ing with the dye already fixed on the fibre, the conditions of dyeing may, from this point of view, be so far realised, that a condition of equilibrium may be established in which the indigo may be present on the fibre, in solution, and in the insoluble state as an actual precipitate. The suggestion I have made, that an arsenious sulphide solution may be regarded as equivalent to an " artificial fibre substance," and that if we can have such an action with barium chloride, a similar action with a basic hydrochloride, or even a sulphuric acid salt is quite possible, has recently received confirmation (see p. 278). W. Biltz (Chem. Centr. 19052, 524) has shown that if the ordinary dyeing process be represented by the formula Cn fibre C dye liquor ' where C fibre is the concentration of dye-stuff in the dyed fibre, C dye liquor is that in the dye-bath, and the index n is greater than i (it is frequently found to be a whole number), then working with inorganic colloids and a suitable dye-stuff, there is no essential difference between the dyeing properties of coloured inorganic colloidal substances and organic dye-stuffs. The comparative experiments were conducted 276 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING with benzopurpurin on the one hand, and molyb- denum blue, and vanadium pentoxide on the other. In both cases the composition of the coloured fibre after dyeing, at a given temperature, depends on the conditions of the dyeing process, the con- centration of the dye-stuff, and the nature of the salts added to the dye-bath. Furthermore, with the substitution of the hy- drogel of alumina for the organic fibre the same relations hold. In the same way some experiments made by W. Biltz and P. Behre (ibid.) with dialysed solutions of Immedial sulphur dye-stuffs, which were free from alkaline sulphides, showed that these dyes were "coagulated" (or salted out) by electrolytes, and that the coagulating power of these substances increased with the valency of the cathion. This same effect, it will be remembered, is noticed in the coagulating experiments with arsenious sulphide solutions. Again, in the case of these dyes similar absorp- tion results were obtained when the hydrogels of alumina, zirconium dioxide, ferric oxide, and stannic oxide were substituted for textile fibres. In this way the experimental results have shown that in the cases under consideration there seems to be a direct relation between the dyeing of the fibre, and that of inorganic hydrogels. It is interesting to note that in the original work on the subject of the absorption of inorganic colloids by fibres (Biltz, Chem. Centr. 1904, i, 1039), the COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 277 absorption is also increased by the addition of salt to the solution. The general conclusions arrived at were that, by comparison, the solutions of the organic dye- stuffs were subject to more complete exhaustion than those of the inorganic colloids, and that the shades produced are faster against washing, and rubbing. The addition of electrolytes to the solu- tion led to more complete absorption in both cases. Increasing the temperature of the dye-bath also has the same general effect. Weighted silk had an increased affinity for inorganic and organic colloids. The absorption was retarded by the presence of ' protective col- loids " in both cases. A direct comparison between the dyeing action of molybdenum blue, vanadium pentoxide, ruthenium oxychloride, and silver, with benzopurpurin also indicated that they were of the same order when dyed on silk and cotton. The concentration, con- dition, and additions to the dye liquor affected the results (Ber. 1905, 2963). The hydrogel alumina absorbed methylene blue, colloidal silver, and benzopurpurin ; the fibre being replaced by this inorganic hydrogel without the absorption effect being altered. In the case of the sulphur dyes colloidal solu- tions were prepared by dialysing solutions for ten to fourteen days. Cotton, aluminium hydrate, ferric hydrate, and oxide of tin, absorbed the dyes from these solutions (Ber. 1905, 2973). 278 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Certain absorption results may take place with inorganic colloids, which have been long recognised in the preparation of lakes. The absorption seems to be of the same order as that which occurs in the dyeing of silk, or cotton with certain colours. If the inorganic colloids are in the hydrosol state they may be absorbed by fibres or inorganic colloids. They may even be carried down by barium sulphate. If the inorganic colloids are in the hydrogel state, they may absorb dyes in the same way as fibres. Quite recently Linder and Picton, returning to this subject (Trans. Chem. Soc. 1905, 1930), show that ferric hydroxide is coagulated by a solution of Soluble Blue, C 38 H 28 N 3 (SO 3 Na) 3 , or Nicholson's blue (C 37 H 28 N 3 .SO 3 Na) in the same way as it is by ammonium sulphate. At a certain critical point a red coagulum separates which contains all the iron and the sul- phonic acid, an equivalent amount of sodium chloride remaining in solution. After extraction with alcohol a red precipitate remains, which, is decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid, or salt solution. The hydrox3r-ctye-sulphonate is decomposed. The solution takes a deep blue colour. With Methyl Violet, C 19 H 12 (CH 3 ) 5 N 3 .HC1, no coagulation takes place. Chlorides only coagulate ferric hydroxide in highly concentrated solutions. . With arsenious sulphide the order is reversed. COLLOIDS IN DYEING AND LAKE FORMATION 279 With Methyl Violet a hydrosulphide derivative is precipitated and hydrochloric acid remains in solution. Aniline Blue has no such power, but sodium salts only coagulate arsenious sulphide in highly concentrated solutions. Hofmann's Violet or Magenta acts in the same way. These dye salts continue to take up the dye with avidity to an extent equal to four or five times the amount required to coagulate the hydroxide. No decomposition takes place here ; the dye is absorbed as a whole, not as a sulphonic acid. Similar results we :e obtained with Methyl Violet and arsenious sulphide. These absorption results are^confined to the class of dye originally taken up. The action here is therefore of a different nature from that by which basic dyes are held by a direct dye already present in a fibre. It will be remembered that similar absorption results were obtained with tannic acid lakes. The evidence here is, therefore, that the original action by which the two hydrosols are coagulated is of a chemical nature. This practically exhausts itself before the colour absorption stage commences ; and this is of a physical rather than of a chemical character , in the case of the mutual attraction be- tween the dye and the coagulum. These results led Linder and Picton to support the writer's de- solution theory rather than Witt's hypothesis of solid solution. They further consider that the action itself is of an electrical character depending on the properties of the reacting units, by reason 280 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING of which two oppositely charged hydrosols in strong aqueous solution seem to be mutual coagulants. The fibre substance is of course already present in the insoluble state, and when in a hydrated condition may possibly be taken as equivalent to the coagula of the above experiments. It must not be taken for granted in the present state of our knowledge that the dyes are always precipitated in the fibre by direct attraction. To do this it would be necessary to ignore the phenomena of surface concentration, which is particularly marked in the case of pseudo-solutions. This may, of course, be an electrical phenomenon. It will be realised that the influence of these general actions in the case of colloids cannot fail to be of value to the dyer in the art of dyeing and printing. These reactions also explain much that is obscure in the formation of lakes within the fibres, as in the case of alizarine colours ; or in their direct production for industrial purposes. They may equally modify our ideas on tanning, and the manufacture of leather. CHAPTER XI THE ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS, AND DYED FABRICS THERE seems to be evidence that the presence of light may materially alter the dyeing results obtained in some cases. The action of light in causing the fading of dyes present on the fibres is also a very important one to the dyer. The action of light on organic compounds in general is but little understood. Our knowledge of this subject is incomplete, but it is already clear that the further study of it will bring forward many interesting facts for the consideration of the dyer. The list of substances which may be altered by the direct action of light under certain conditions is an extensive one. This has long been known to those specially interested in this subject from a light recording, or photographic point of view. The action of light has been divided into two classes, viz., Photo-chemical and Photo-physical. The division is perhaps an arbitrary one, but in the first case it is assumed that a direct action takes place which involves re-arrangement in the molecule itself. In the second case, the action is 282 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING said to be equivalent to, say, the polymerisation of formaldehyde. Marckwald, in attempting to explain the action which takes place in cases where the alteration is followed by a reverse action in the dark, considers that the actions which take place in this case are not to be explained by either of these causes. To the above classes he therefore adds a third, and suggests that this special reversible action shall be termed photo-tropical. Examples of this are seen when] light acts as quinoquinoline, or t etrachlor-/3-ket onaphthalene . In comparing "_; the action of light on organic compounds we can either estimate the change which takes place in colour, or in the absence of this, by some direct chemical change which is brought about by the action itself. The latter method is of course of a more direct and satisfactory nature than the former, in most cases, although variations in colour are valuable indications that some change is in progress. As an introduction to the study of this subject the following researches on the general action of light on organic substances are of interest. They indicate the possible nature of these reactions in the case of dyes. For example, Ciamician and Silber have con- clusively shown that this action may give rise to chemical change. Benzophenone dissolved in alco- hol is reduced to benzpinacone and aldehyde. Under the same influence the aromatic orthonitro- ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS 283 benzaldehyde is transformed into nitrosobenzoic acid. The action is indicated as follows : CHO f XOOH 4 ^ Here we have an action which leads to the internal re-arrangement of the molecule rather than to decomposition. Sachs and Kempf (Ber. 1902, 2707) have also shown that a similar change takes place with the aniline compound of orthonitrobenzaldehyde. As a result of the action nitrobenzanilide is produced as follows : CH:NC, ; H 5 CO.NH.QH 5 The conclusion arrived at is that all aromatic compounds containing nitro groups in the ortho position are sensitive to light. From a general point of view this is of interest, the action of the light being sufficient to induce intra-molecular change or migration when the side groups are in close proximity (the ortho position). The mordanting power of ortho-hydroxy compounds probably depends in the same way on the proximity _ Q TT and combined action of the _ Q H groups, as has been noticed elsewhere. When the action of light is accompanied by colour change, as it is in many cases, the actions of this class are classified under the term chromo- tropy. This phenomenon is very clearly shown 284 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING by the various substitution - products of buta- dienedicarboxylic acid; for instance of H,C = C - CO. >0 H 2 C = C - CO/ These compounds are all coloured. They are red, brown, violet, or yellow, as the case may be. These compounds undergo more or less rapid change under the influence of light. The ultimate effect of this change varies in its nature ; it is some- times permanent and sometimes temporary. The triphenyl derivative, when exposed to the direct action of sunlight for a few minutes, changes its colour to blood -red. Its original colour is, however, slowly recovered in the dark. If, however, the first exposure is greatly pro- longed, and extends for several days, or even months, the change is of too profound a nature for any subse- quent reversal of the action, with regeneration of the original form, to take place. In this case the final products of the action seem to be two white aldehydes, with different melting-points, but with the same composition, and molecular weight as the original substance. The yellow diphenyl derivative yields three distinct and colourless aldehydes with different melting-points. It is not to be supposed, however, that the products of the action of light are always colourless. The dark red piperonyl derivative yields two new aldehydes, which possess great tinctorial properties. ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS 285 These results indicate that our present view of chromophores must be widened (Stobbe, Chem. Zeit. 1904, 919). The conversion of anthracene into dianthracene under the influence of light is a reversible one. The exact conditions of this change have been 'examined by Weigert (Chem. Zeit. 1904, 923), and Luther and Weigert (Zeit. Phys. Chem. 1905, 53,385), who have found that under definite conditions, and with dilute solutions true equilibria are established. The source of light in the case of these experiments was the elec- tric arc. As a result of this investigation it was found that the amount of dianthracene formed depended on : (1) The character of the light. (2) The change is proportional to the light intensity, and the surface exposed, or to the radius of the cylindrical vessels used. (3) The action is independent of the thickness of the layer through which the light passes. (4) The action is ! inversely proportional to the volume of the solution, and independent of the amount of anthracene in solution. Both the temperature and the nature of the solvent have an influence on the result, and are important factors in determining the equilibrium. As is well known, the leuco bases of many organic substances are readily oxidisable. Others are rela- tively stable. The action of light seems to influence these results. If these substances are embedded in collodion their sensitiveness is greatly increased. This is said to be due to the combined nitric 286 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING acid affording an additional supply of oxygen under the influence of light. The fact has been noticed also that an addition of quinoline to the collodion greatly increases the sensitiveness to light. We have here, therefore, a second, or foreign, substance influencing the reaction (Konig. Chem. Zeit. 1904, 922). In these actions it has been noticed that the greatest effect is produced by complementary light. This result seems to be a general one, as noticed later on. A very decided colour-change which is brought about only in the presence of a third substance, which happens in this case to be a textile fibre, is seen in the following instance. When cotton yarn is padded with a 5 per cent, solution of meta- tungstate of soda, and exposed to light, a rapid change takes place with the production of a blue colour. This is evidently due to the reduction of the salt. The action is seemingly a reversible one, for if the yarn is subsequently stored in a dark place, the blue shade is discharged. If the blue fabric, or yarn be immersed in water, the coloured compound is removed from the fibre. In this state, and away from the influence of the fibre substance it gradually resumes its colourless form, even under the influence of strong light. It would seem, therefore, that the presence of the fibre substance is the modifying factor in this reaction. Turning to the action of dyes themselves under ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS 287 the disturbing action of light, the following facts have been noticed. The constitution of the dye has a great influence on the " fastness " of the dye against light. An elaborate series of direct trials have been made by Brownalie (J.S.D. and C. 1902, 296) and as a result the following tabulated con- clusions have been arrived at. (1) The diphenyl base plays little, or no part in the action. (2) Colours derived from phenol, or its homo- logues, and their sulphonic, or carboxylic acids are fast to light. (3) Colours derived from hydroxybenzenes and homologues containing more than one hydroxyl group are fugitive. (4) Colours derived from the amines of the benzene series, and their sulphonic acids, or car- boxylic acids are fugitive. (5) Colours derived from alpha and beta naph- thols, and their sulphonic acids are not fast to light. (6) Colours from alpha and beta naphthylamines, and their sulphonic acids are fugitive. (7) Those from amido naphthols, and their sul- phonic acids vary. The 2.6.8 monosulphonic acid,, and the disulphonic acids are fast. The, and acids are fugitive colours. (8) The colours from the dihydroxynaphthalenes,. and their sulphonic acids agree closely with the corresponding amidonaphthols. (9) Replacing amido by hydroxyl groups results in increased fastness. 288 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING (10) The salt-forming groups SO 3 H and CO. OH cause no difference in fastness. The auxochromic NH 2 and OH groups play important parts in the action. In the case of mixed colours the same rules are followed. If the two separate constituents are fast, so is the dye. This is very well seen in the case of the direct colour Diamine Fast Red F, the com- position of which is -p . ,. ^Salicylic acid ^Amidonaphtholsulphonic acid. If, on the other hand, both are loose, the dye itself will be an unsatisfactory one in this respect. Delta- purpurine 56 is given as an example. Benzidine^ 3 naphthylaminesulphonic acid 2.6 ^3 naphthylaminesulphonic acid 2.7 In mixed dyes, that is to say, where one of the constituents is fast and the other loose, the dye generally stands midway between the two in the scale of fastness, but there are many exceptions to this rule. Three theories have been put forward to explain the cause of this action. They are of an indirect nature, and may be briefly summarised as follows : (i) The oxygen theory. The dyes under the influence of light interact with oxygen, and form colourless compounds. Berthollet in 1792 came to the conclusion that oxygen combined with the colours, and made them pale. ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS 289 The colour at the end of the exposure is, from this point of view, proportional to the resistance to this action. (2) The ozone theory. The colours are decom- posed or altered by the production of ozone (or hydrogen peroxide) in the fibre, chiefly by evaporation of moisture. (3) Reduction theory. The dye is reduced by cotton fibre, or directly by the action of light. Experiments conducted in the presence of oxi- dising agents have given conflicting results. The presence of sodium hydrosulphite solution also gives varying results. Whatever be the cause of the results obtained in the presence of oxidising, or reducing reagents, it is important to note that dyed fabrics always show an increased fastness against the action of light in vacuo. This effect is very marked. Similar experiments with sensitive organic com- pounds are wanting. They should be of equal interest. A typical example of this action may be seen when cotton dyed with Diamine Sky Blue B is placed in long glass tubes, which are subsequently exhausted by water suction to a pressure of 10 mm. (9 mm. of which are due to water vapour), and exposed for fourteen days to bright light. The shade remained absolutely unchanged. A comparison trial, which was exposed to the light side by side with the other one, but under ordinary conditions, had entirely lost its colour. The cotton was quite white- 2QO CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING The same blue cotton sealed in a tube in an atmosphere, of oxygen gas lost its colour even more rapidly than the above comparison sample. On the other hand, the colour remained unaltered in an atmosphere of either hydrogen, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, or coal gas. When exposed in nitrous oxide gas the effect produced was very similar to that noticed in the case of oxygen. It is evident, therefore, that dyed samples in the absence of oxygen will not fade. Berthollet in 1792 noticed that the fading action of colours seemed to be intensified in the presence of an alkali. In the same way an acid condition seems to retard the fading action. The fact that the fading is intimately connected with the presence of oxygen may, therefore, be taken as established. It remains to trace the actual action which takes place. It has been noticed that the evaporation of water at ordinary temperatures leads to the formation of ozone in very small quantities. The fading of the colours may, therefore, be due to the direct interaction between the ozone, or hydrogen peroxide so formed, from the oxygen in the air ; colourless compounds of unknown composition being produced. The action seems also to be proportional to the moisture present at the time of the experiment. Under the influence of the light vibrations the oxygen molecule may be more readily split up, and an action of the following order induced : ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS 291 2 ^ O + O and this may take place more readily when the oxygen is associated with water molecules. Whatever the action, the result is clearly seen in the alteration in colour. The most favourable atmosphere for this lading action is a hot, moist, and alkaline one. It has also been noticed that the presence of such seemingly inert substances as alcohol and pyridine vapour will greatly influence the rate of fading. It is greatly accelerated in their presence. Although our knowledge is incomplete, we may at least assume that the action is a very com- plicated one, and beyond recording certain facts, we are confined to most indefinite speculations. The influence of the fibre is also a factor to be considered. All fibres do not act in the same way. The fastness of the same dye varies on different fibres. Methylene b]ue on cotton is faster than on wool. Indigo on the other hand gives more fugitive shades on wool than on cotton. Colours dyed on cotton, oxycellulose, trinitro- cellulose and jute are said to be all equally fast. This might be put forward as an argument that there is no chemical action in dyeing these fibres, the dye being present in all cases in the same state. On silk eighty-four per cent, of the colours experi- mented with showed no difference ; sixteen per cent, were said to be slightly faster. 292 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING There are therefore three factors, at least, which may, under these same conditions, influence the rate of fading, viz., the physical condition of the dye in the fibre, that is to say, its state of division ; the possibility of some chemical action between the fibre and dye, and the transparency of the fibre substance in its relation to the passage of the light rays. The statement that cotton colours are fast in solution, but not on the fibre, is not correct. The general conclusion arrived at, therefore, in the present state of our knowledge, is that the action is an oxidising, and not a reducing one. In the absence of oxygen there is no change in colour, due to the direct action of light. The action is also proportional to the moisture present on the fibre. It is clear also that the constitution of a colour determines its stability. An advance in our knowledge of this subject was made by Depierre and Clouet (J.S.D. and C. 1885, 245), when these authors discovered that the action of light depended upon its nature. It might be expected that the so-called chemical rays would have a greater efficiency in this action in the same way that they have a greater influence in the decomposition of photo- chemical salts. As a matter of fact, this is not the case. It must, however, be remembered that we have here a disturbing action in the case of dyes, due to colour-filtering effect. This natural screen may therefore in its action veil, or modify, the ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS 293 original effects of the light. The most active rays may only have a chance of acting superficially in some cases, at any rate, and, therefore, have their normal action incidentally modified. Less active rays which are passed on through the superficial screen may actually have a greater cumulative effect. Dufton (J.S.D. and C. 1894, p. 92) has shown that in any case the waves which are most readily absorbed are the most active ones. That is to say, the colours complementary to those reflected pro- duce the greatest effect. This seems to be a general law. The absorption of rays may, as in the cases given at the beginning of this chapter, produce a state of strain in the dye molecule leading to a different state of equilibrium, or formation of fresh compounds, and apart from this the formation of active " oxygen " compounds would seem to bring about the change in the dye which leads to the change in colour. Assuming the quinonoid theory of colour, it would be necessary to allow that the structure of the dye molecule is profoundly modified. The whole subject is of extreme importance to the dyer, and should receive more attention. For instance, it has been generally allowed that the basic colours produced on an antimony tannin lake are fast as compared with those on tannic acid itself. This action is an obscure one, and hardly agrees with the contention that dyes in the presence of acids are faster against light. 294 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING It has been stated elsewhere that the action of light is an important factor in the dyeing of Turkey Red on cotton. Another case of the influence of light in the process of dyeing is that noticed by Pokorng (Bull. Soc. Ind. Mulh. 1893, 282). Wool and silk " dyed " with naphthylamine become darker in shade on exposure to light. The shades produced by subsequent treatment with nitrous acid are also much darker than those from the original skein. The action of light on diazotised primuline or silk has even been made the basis of a photographic process by Messrs. Green, Cross and Bevan and Farrell respectively. There is clearly plenty of scope for further re- search on this interesting and almost untouched branch of the subject. The action of light on the natural colouring- matters present in the vegetable fibres is well known. It is taken advantage of in the bleaching of linen, and was at one time universally used for this purpose. In the case of cotton the action is greatly in- creased if the fibre is previously treated with a soda dye-bath. Such a sample will be well bleached before the other one is appreciably lightened in colour, under the same conditions. The fact has been recorded that some dyes in solution will dye the glass containing vessel to a far greater extent on the side which faces the light. This is possibly due to the more solvent action of the water on the glass in the presence of light, or ACTION OF LIGHT ON DYEING OPERATIONS 295 even to its decomposition, rather than any action in the dye itself. The action seems to be a very slow one. To the student this subject is an absorbing one. It may be attacked either from the point of view of the fibres, or from that of the reactions which take place when light acts on organic compounds. In either case important results must follow a careful study of the subject. Two changes which take place under the influ- ence of light rays, and which are both connected with indigo, are of interest. The first is that noticed by Kopp (Bull, Soc. Ind. de Mulh). Kalle's indigo salt is very sen- sitive to light when present as the bisulphate compound. A dyeing process has even been founded on this fact. The nature of the reaction is unknown. The second is that benzylidineorthonitroaceto- phenone is converted into indigo by the action of light by intermolecular oxidation. No action takes place in the dark, very little in the red rays, more in the green, and the influence reaches a maximum in the violet (Engler and Dorant, Ber. 28, 2497). The inference is that the action is closely connected with the presence of the chemical rays. The student might also refer to some work done by W. Straub (Archiv fur Exp. Path, und Pharm. 5 1 * 383), on the action of light on eosin under special circumstances. The complete decolorisation of this dye required 296 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING 65 molecules of oxygen. The action is ascribed to the production of eosin peroxide in the case in question. It will be remembered that the fastness of lakes depends on the nature of the " absorbing" material. Quite recently W. E. Evans (Eng. Pat. 19795, 1905) has shown that light influences the drying of materials. It is said that the action may either hasten, or retard this operation according to its nature. CHAPTER XII METHODS OF RESEARCH IT is considered advisable for the benefit of students and others, who contemplate starting original work on this subject to outline briefly the methods used by previous workers, so far as they have been published. The methods used are simple in their nature, and in many cases are similar to those used in the practice of dyeing. Direct weighing method. The fibre is carefully weighed on a chemical balance, before and after, the experiment. The process is not, as a rule, a satisfactory one. For instance, it has been used to record the actual gain in weight of fibres which have been mordanted under different conditions. The net gain in weight is registered, and this, perhaps, in ordinary dyeing, mordanting, or weighting, experiments may be satisfactory, yet the actual nature of the addition in many cases, can be only guessed at, or is even unknown. This must be determined by actual chemical analysis. This, in many cases, is a very difficult 298 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING operation, and entails the elaboration of special methods. It is probable that in the future such a rough and ready method of estimation will receive little support except, of course, in cases where the re- action between fibre and substance absorbed can be readily ascertained, and is beyond question. For instance, it might be a satisfactory method of showing the different results obtained by the treat- ment of silk with pure tannic acid. On the other hand, it would be a very unsatisfactory way of indicating the action of silk on stannic chloride solution, or wool on bichromate solution. Any further experiments on the action of mordants, can have very little value, if they are simply of this nature. The composition of the salt fixed must be clearly determined, and any alteration in the composition of the mordant solution itself, noted. The condition of the fibre, in these experiments may have a disturbing effect on direct weighing. The percentage of moisture must be estimated, and allowed for. This method is not satisfactory in the case of dyeing with aniline colours, unless they are present in large quantities. Even here, it is advisable to check the amount of dye left in the solution, by processes mentioned further on in this chapter. Much of the present uncertainty of the reactions in dyeing, is clearly due to the primitive nature of many of the recorded experiments. Such a state of METHODS OF RESEARCH 299 affairs would not be tolerated in any other branch of chemical or physical work. The conditions of the fibre state must not be allowed to vary without record. Perhaps the most difficult problem in connection with such work is the standardising of a fibre state, which shall be constant and easily reproduced at will. Such treat- ment as is generally adopted in practice, which may entail the use of solutions of acid or alkaline reaction, is of a doubtful nature. The action of such reagents is disturbing and specific and, with our present knowledge, it is im- possible to estimate their influence on the fibres, with any certainty, or indicate their effect on the absorption values. Ultimate analysis. This is only satisfactory in rare instances, for the reasons which hold in the above case. It may be used to estimate the percentage of nitrogen in silk. The percentage present in the fibre is 17.6. The greatest care must, however, be taken to exclude the possibility of any other nitro- genous substances being present, and so interfering with the result. Persoz (Monit. Sclent. 1887, 597) suggests that silk be reduced to a powder after treatment with 30 per cent, hydrochloric acid. The nitrogen factor is then increased to 18 per cent. The advantage of this procedure is doubtful. Estimation of ash. This may be useful to indi- cate the presence of mineral matter in the case of 300 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING the absorption of inorganic mordants. The com- position of the ash should, however, be determined and the possible action of incineration on its com- position allowed for. Direct analysis. Wherever possible this method should be adopted. For instance, if this method had been used throughout in Heermann's ex- perimental work on the action of mordants the results obtained would have been of greater value. The work necessary to devise special methods of analysis to meet the requirements of the work is often of a tedious nature. It may even be im- possible to devise such direct methods of determining the actions involved, but whenever possible they should be used. The methods in use for ordinary analysis are, of course, available. Acidimetric methods are useful to estimate acids, alkalies, and the absorption of these sub- stances by fibres, if special precautions are taken. In some cases acid colours may be directly estimated by a standard solution of Night Blue. In the same way tannic acid is said to give good results when used to estimate basic colours. Knecht has recently recommended the use of titanium salts for the volumetric method of esti- mating dye-stuffs insolution(/.S.C. and D. 24. 154). This should be useful in many cases. The estimation of alizarine and mordant colours is a difficult operation. Their " mordant value " METHODS OF RESEARCH 301 may be obtained by the method suggested by the writer (J.S.C.I., 12, 997). Solvent action of reagents. This has been used to indicate the way in which colours are held by fibres. This method was adopted by the writer to determine the relative " fastness " of ingrain and direct dyed colours. Other cases will also have been noticed where this method is made use of, particularly where alcohol has been used to extract dye from the fibre. Benzene, and amyl alcohol, have also been used for this purpose with success. Direct colour estimation. The numerous tincto- meters in vogue may be used for this purpose. With the Lovibond instrument a direct colour-record may be kept of any dye solution. It may even be used for the estimation of dyes on fabrics. Mills and Hamilton used the tinctometer to estimate the relative absorption of dyes by fibres. This method is a very accurate one when the amount of colour present in a solution is small. Estimation by dyed sample. A shade is matched by direct dyeing on the same fibre under standard conditions. This method is useful in cases where the dye-bath is exhausted. Relative dyeing properties of fibres. This may sometimes indicate changes like those which take place during the mercerising action, or in the nitra- tion of cotton fibre. 302 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF DYEING Thermo chemical reactions are recorded by special means, and involve the use of a calorimeter. Dissociation and association effects in solution. -The student is referred to the standard books on physical chemistry for information on this subject. Temperature. The control of the temperature during experiments in dyeing is often of great importance. This may be effected by the use of a thermostat. Spectroscopic examination. Formanek recom- mends this process of analysis for the detection of colouring-matters, particularly of the variations in colour noticed after treatment with certain reagents, such as ammonia, nitric acid, &c. Polarised light. Chardonnet has used this method to distinguish the different states of ni- tration in nitrocellulose. Hiibner and Pope indicate that they are using this to indicate change in the fibre state during the process of mercerising. To a great extent the investigator must be guided by the problems before him, and the general and recognised methods of analysis should be utilised wherever possible to the exclusion of such tests as the mere weighing of the fibres before and after treatment, or comparative dye trials. The student should make certain that when- ever possible his work shall be of a quantitative nature, and that the conditions of the experiments are accurately recorded. METHODS OF RESEARCH 303 Special attention should be given to reactions which take new directions or are modified in the presence of fibres. Such particulars as deal with the physical con- stants of solutions must be sought for in the recog- nised text-books on the subject. INDEX OF AUTHORS ABEGG, 64 Armstrong, 37, 103 Appleyard, 25, 175, 188 Arrhenius, 114 BANCROFT, 33 Baeyer, 227 Bauer, 143 Behre, 276 Benedikt, 59 Bemmelen, 116, 118, 127 Bentz, 194 Bergmann, 140, 180 Berthollet, 5, 140, 183, 288 Bevan, see Cross Billitzer, 121, 274 Biltz, 43, 124, 275, 276 Binder, 59 Bing, 259 Binz, 204, 209, 213, 214, 259 Bolby, 6 1 Bourry, 30 Boettiger, 215 Brand, 200 Bretonniere, 47 Bronnert, 21 Brown, 100, 269, 272 Brownalie, 287 Buntrock, 40 CAREA LEA, 63 Carter, 158 Chabrie, 267 Champion, 25 Chaptal, 5 Chardonnet, 302 Chevreul, 5, 61, 140, 183 Ciamician, 282 Clouet, 292 Collingwood, 98 Coninck, 60 Cox, 64 Cramer, 28, 80, 230 Croissant, 47 Crompton, 103 Cross, 15, 21, 79, 172, 173, 262. 294 Crum, 142 D'APLIGNY, LE PILEUR, 5, 55, 140, 183 De Girardin, 5 De Saussure, 142 De Mosenthal, 144, 255 De Vitalis, 5 Depierre, 292 Donnon, 134 Dorant, 295 Dreaper, 18, 39, 104, 113, 152, 163, 165, 173, 174, 195, 202, 246, 255 Duclaux, 123 Dufay, 181 Dufton, 293 Duschak, 180 ENGLER, 295 Erdmann, 80 Esson, 148 Evans, 296 Ewer, 214 FABER, 13 Far r ell, 194, 294 20 306 INDEX OF AUTHORS Fischer, 29, 151 Fischli, 60 Flick, 30 Fornianek, 302 Franklin, 137 Freudenberger, 137 Friedemann, 122 GARDNER, P., 19 Gardner, W. M., 97, 158 Geiger, 128 Geigy, 35 Georgievics, v., 34, 40, 46, 62, 151, 170, 176, 189, 211, 215, 229, 249, 260 Gelmo, 77, 91 Gillet, 93 Gladstone, 129 Gmelin, 227, 230 Gonfreville, 61 Goppelsroeder, 224 Gore, 264 Graham, 109 Green, 13, 37, 47, 49, 190, 207, 214, 294 Guthrie, 129 HALLITT, 152 Hamilton, 145, 301 Hanofsky, 21 Hantzsch, 227 Harcourt, 148 Hartl, 1 80 Harvey, 62 Hawkesbee, 250 Heermann, 67, 300 Hellot, 4, 140 Henri, 123, 137 Hepburn, 201 Hibbert, 129 Hirsch, 93, 95, 208, 213, 214 Hirst, 209 Hoff, Vant, 168, 179 Hollman, 83 Hood, 147 Hiibner, 82, 269, 302 Hulett, 1 80 Hummel, 62, 187, 232 Hwass, 146 JACOBS, MULLER, 214, 234 Jannasch, 180 Jaquemin, 225 Jones, 49 Jones, H. C., 103 KAUFER, 148 Kempf, 283 Kilmer, 81 Klobbie, 116 Knecht, 25, 26,63, I 3 I T 54> i$6, 158, 187, 188, 193, 205, 217, 249, 300 Krechlin, 260 Kohlrausch, 106 Konig, 286 Kopp, 295 Korte, 1 80 Kostanecki, v., 39, 40 Kraflt, 135, 239 Kuenen, 133 Kuhlmann, 185 Kurz, 201 Kuster, 177 LEFEVRE, 19 Levy, 207 Liechti, 54, 56. 62, 170, 192, 232 Liebermarm, 39 Liesegang, 124 Linder, 43, 123, 246, 256, 274 _2 7 8 Linnebarger, 126 Lowry, 104 Lubavin, 128 MACQUER, 140, 182 Masson, 22 Marchlewski, 231 Marckwald, 51, 282 Martini, 22 Matthews, 206 Mayer, 123, 137, 229, INDEX OF AUTHORS 307 Mendeleef, 103 Mercei. 17 Meyenberg, 47 Mills, 84, 145, 148, 301 Minajeff, 82 Moehlau, 40 Mohlau, 65, 147, 207 Morris, 129 Musprat, 185 NASSO, 128 Neisser, 122 Noetling, 40, 59 Nollet, 113 Nietzki, 64, '.08 ORICELLI, 2 Ostwald, 1 80 PALEWSKY, 51 Paterno, 128 Pauly, 204 Payen, 128 Perkin. 33, 266 Persoz, 5, 58, 184, 299 Picton, 123, 135, 239, 246, 274 Pick, 214 Pickering, 103 Plaff, 128 Pliny, 2 Pollak, 47 Pokorng, 147, 167, 257, 258, 294 Pope, 82, 269, 302 Pouillet, 22 Prager, von, 33, 146, 189, 213 Prud'homme, 42, 94, 229 QUINCKE, 266 RAMSAY, 1 14 Ramsden, 265 Rennie, 148 Richard, 24 Richards, 180 Richardson, 27, 230 Rossi, 201 Rotheli, 227, 230 Rouard, 61 SACHS, 283 Sabaneeff, 128 Schafer, 229 Schaposchnikoff, 82 Scheurer, 17, 82 Schmidt, 177 Schmidner, 151 Schneider, 179 Schroeter, 209, 213, 214 Schultz, 269 Schumacher, 234 Schunck, 229, 231 Schiitzenberger, 61, 230 Sheppard, 175 Shields, 129 Silber, 282 Silbermann, 151 Sisley, 51, 167 Skita, 29 Steimmig, 40, 65 Stern, 17 Stobbe, ^85 Storck, 6u Straub, 295 Suida, 20, 21, 54, 56, 77, 91 Spon, 146, 147 TAKAMINE, 84 Tauss, 80 Thenard, 61 Thompson, 143 Thomson, 262 Tollens, 13 Tomasso, 127 Tompkins, 18 Trantmann, 42 Tyndall, 135 ULRICKS, 189 Ulzer, 59 VANINO, 180 Veley, 129 Vergnaud, 5 Verguin, 33 308 Vidal, 47 Vignon, 95, 130, 207, 220, 224, 249 Voigtlander, 112 WALKER, 137, 175, 252 Washburn, 77 Weber, 132, 138, 149, 173, 175, 230, 240, 262 Weigert, 285 INDEX OF AUTHORS Weil, 227 Werner, 258 Wilhelm, 132 Willstatter, 207 Wilson, 163 Witt, 34, 66, 1 68, 173, 243, 279 YEOMAN, 49 ZACHARIAS, 150 INDEX ABSORPTION, 42, 44, 86, 1 17, 1 18, 124, 1 60, 171, 177, 179, 1 80, 197, 207, 234, 276, 279 causing decomposition, 24 compounds, 44, 279 strength of, solution on, 44, 171, 179, 234 maximum, 188, 261 of organic substances, 221 Absorptive power of silk, 85 cotton, 87 wool, 85 Acids., action of, 84, 162, 167 in dyeing, 89, 149, 154 basic colours acid colours, 93, 154, 191 Acid salts, 18 Adjective colours, 33 Aggregates, size of, 251, 254 Alanine, 28, 29 phenyl, 3, 29 Albumen, action of, 128, 192, 244 Albumenoids, reactions of, 83 Alcohol, action of, 213, 227, 272 Alkalies, action of, 95, 261 absorption by fibres, 87 Aluminium chloride, 21 salts, 54, 59 Alizarates, 49, 61 solution in alcohol-ether, 60 Alizarines, 38, 43, 45, 56 quinoid form of, lakes, 45 Alkylated diazo dyes, 229 Alum, 61, 183 Amido acids, 25 Amido acids, theory of, 25, 186, 206 Amidoazobenzenes, 210, 238 Amidoglyceric acid, 28 Amido groups, 35, 36, 39 Amine dyes, 195, 211 Amines, absorption of, 147, 257 Ammonium sulphate, action of, 128 acetate, 215 Amorphous substances, 109 Amyl alcohol, 169 Aniline, black, 48 yellow, 238 Antimony mordants, 67 Animalising fibres, 224 Arganine, 29 Aromatic acids, absorption of, 179 oxy derivatives, 30 phenols, 159 Arsenious sulphide, 247, 251, 256 Artificial fibre substance, 228, 275 membranes, 235 Asbestos, dyeing of, 147 Assistants, action of, 64 Association theory, 103 Atomic migration, 255 Atropine hydrochloride, 207 Auxochromes, 35 Azobenzenecarboxylic acid, 211 Azo dyes, 35, 212 Azo triple dyes, 196 BARIUM chloride, action of, 180, 271 salts, dyeing with, 149, 230 3io INDEX Basic colours, 34, 48, 91, 242 action of light on, 240, 241, 246 decomposition of, 93, 187, 226, 241, 250 dyeing with, 91, 93, 99 lakes of, 48, 244 Benzidine salts, 207, 209 Benzoic acid, 178 Berberine hydrochloric! e, 145 Bleaching, 82 cotton, 82 silk, 75 wool, 78 " Boil off " liquor, 75 standard, 76 Borax, action of, 74 Bronzing effect, 168, 170 CACHOU de Laval, 47 Calcium salts, influence of, 45, 56, 58, 65, 81 Calico-printing, 5 Capillary action, 142, 144, 250 Carboxyl groups, 38 Casein, 237 Cellulose, 12, 79 action of reagents on, 12, 15, 18, 20, 224 acyl derivatives, 20 alkyl derivatives, 20 catalysing action of, 2 1 constitution of, 13 regenerated, 13 thiocarbonate, 13 Centrifugal action, influence of. 137 Chemical action, 147, 154, 180, 192, 208, 222, 225 Chemical theory of dyeing, 7, 1 80, 1 86 Chromate of chromium, 64 Chromium mordants, 43, 63, 65 Chromogens, 34 Chromophores, 34, 42 Chrysoidine, 238 Classification of dyes, 33, 236 Coagulation, an electrical effect, 280 Cochineal, 2 Colloid theory of dyeing, 234 Colloids, 9, 102, 107, 239 absorptive power of, 115, 276 action of barium sulphate on, 126, 176, 180 action of electrolytes on, 127 carrying down power of, 120 classification of, 122, 125, 138 dehydration of, 126 diffusion of, 112, 135 electrically charged, 122 hydration of, 127 inorganic, absorption of, 124, i 86, 276 molecular weight of, 125 power of coagulating, 122, 127 precipitation of insoluble salts, 124 reactions of, 116, 120, 128, 248, 274 separation by centrifugal force, 137 freezing, 128 water in, 126 Colloidal silica, 127 Colour acids, 90, 132, 156, 191 Colour of dyed fabrics, 200 sensibility, 175 Complementary light, 286 Condensation theory of dyeing, 212 Congo Red, 46, 215 Constitution of dyes, 34 influence on fastness, 287 Copper mordants, 45, 65 Cotton, 12, 142 acid salts, 18 acids on, 16, 84 alkalis, 18, 79 reagents on, 8 1 , 1 84 INDEX Cotton dyes, 46, 135 mercerised, 18 mordants on, 54 nitrated, 16, 20 preliminary treatment of, 230 solutions of, 12, 17 Coupling dyes, 218 Crystalloids, 109 DEAMIDATED fibres, 194 Degraded solutions, 265 Dehydration of colloids, 127, 157 Dehydrotheotoluidine sulphonic acid, 190 De-solution, 104, 246, 251, 272 by capillary action, 268 cause of, 207 Developed dyes, 202 Developers, action of, 196 Diamine colours, 39, 131 ,206, 2 1 8 Diamino acids, 29 Dianisidine hydrochloride, 207 Diazobenzene, 209 Diazo reaction with silk, 29 wool, 200 Diazotised fibres, 29, 193 primuline, 190 Diazoxylene, 209 Diffusion, 112 through membranes, 112, 236 of colloids, 112, 135 of dyes, 135, 136 Dinitrodiazoamidobenzene, 201 Dye in free state, 149, 230 Dyes, 32, 34 acid, 34 action of /3 rays on, 137 basic, 34 classification of, 33, 236 constitution of, 34, 36 dissociation of, 130, 150 identification of, 49 influence of constitution on shade, 37 solubility of, r 5o, 122, 151 Dyes, solution state of, 1 36 vegetable dyes, 32 Dyeing, 57, 94, 131, 140, 165, 214, 270 cause of, 211 cotton, 82, 99, 169, 200 and silk, 215 conditions of, 72, 197, 204, 260 deamidated fibre, 206 inert substances, 226, 232, 240 inorganic colloids, 277, 278 in alcohol, 167, 178 in alcohol-ether, 60, 133 in benzene, 132, 178 in different solvents, 132, 167 in molecular proportions, 189 in neutral solutions, 91 ingrain colours, 173, 195, 200 jute, 12 part played by water, 258 with acid colours, 93, 192 with mixed colours, 145 with nitro colours, 208 wool, 91, 145 Dyewoods, 2 EBULLIOSCOPE, 240 Electrical dissociation, 51 Endosmosis, 263 Exosmosis, 263 Exothermic reaction, 22 FARADAY'S LAW, 106 Fastness of colours, 241, 287 Fibres, n action on mordants, 56, 58 dye compounds, 193 microscopical examination of, 231 physical properties of, 1 1 , 141, 142, 171 reactions of, 76, 169, 186 state of, 72, in, 1 17 312 INDEX Fibroin, 27, -195 Pick's law, 1 66 Flax, 79 Fluorescence, 170 Formaldehyde, action of, 98 Fuchsine, 33 GALLIC acid, action of, 128, 158 absorption by colloids, 158, 163 cotton, 162 silk, 158 hide powder, 164 Gelatine, action of, 163, 173 Glucosides, 231 Gly eerie acid, 28 Glycocol, 29 Greiss' reaction, 36 Guldberg's law, 154 HEMP, 79 Homatropine hydrochloride, 207 Hood's law, 99, 148 Hydrate theory of solution, 103 Hydrated irons, 104 Hydration, non-reversible, 268 Hydrazine grouping, 222 Hydrocellulose, 13, 79, 82 Hydrogels, in, 116 Hydrogel state, in, 116, 125 Hydrolysis, 21, 129 Hydrosol state, in, 116, 125 Hydrosols, in, 279 Hydrosulphites, 50 Hydroxyanthraquinones, 40 Hydroxyazobenzenes, 213 Hystazarine, 40 INDIGO, 32, 295 dyeing, 144, 185, 220, 259, 275 salt, 295 Ingrain colours, 173, 197 resistance to soap, 198, 202 on cotton, 204, 218 on silk, 195, 217 Ionic theory, 104 Ionic hydrates, 104 Ions, 1 06 Isonitrolic acid, 169 Iron mordants, 43, 60, 65, 68 JUTE, 79, 172 dyeing of, 172 KERATINE, 24, 98 Kermes, 2 LACTIC acid, 28 Lakes, 56, 61, 240 albumen, 83, 192, 244 alizarine, 38, 43, 56 double, 56 fatty acids in, 60 fugitive, 241 nature of. 58, 43, 190, 241, 243 steaming, 60 Lanuginic acid, 25 reactions of, 25 Laws of aggregation, 266 chemical action, 148, 154 diffusion, 165 distribution, 154 dyeing, 146, 154, 171, 176 levelling up, 114 Leucine /3, 29 Leuco compounds, 37, 48, 50 Lichens, dye from, 2 Liebermann and v . Kostanecki's law, 39 Light, action of, 30, 60, 135, 281, 282, 291 in vacuo, 289 on anthracene, 285 on dehydration, 296 on dyes, 291, 295 onnatural colouring-matters, 294 on organic compounds, 282, 294 theory of, 288 Liquids degraded to solid state, 23 INDEX 313 Liquids, mutual solubility of , 133 Liquocellulose, 81 Logwood, 32 lakes, 256 MADDER, 32 Magenta, 170, 188, 193, 239, 249 alkylation of, 228 base, 227 Magnesium chloride, 21 Mass action, 190, 248 laws of, 190 Mauveine, 33, 100 Mechanical theory of dyeing, 7, 142 Mechanico-chemical theory, 150 Membranes, 112 diffusion through, 1 1 2 inert, 112 semi-permeable, 113 Mercerised cotton, 19, 133, 237 heat developed during, 20 linen, 20 Metallic salts, 218 Metastannic acid, 225 Metatungstate of soda, 286 Methyl violet, 249 Millon's reagent, 25 Mineral colours, 4 Moisture, influence of, 132, 149 Molecular conductivity, 106 migration, 113, 255 state, 51, 252 Mordants, 4, 53, 61 aluminium, 53, 61, 65 basic, 53 chromium, 43, 63, 68 copper, 45, 65 fatty acids, 56 iron, 43, 60, 65, 68 nickel, 66 on cotton, 53 silk, 53 wool, 53 tin, 43, 57, 68 titanium, 66 Mordant dyes, 38, 40 Mordanting action, 143, 157, 184, 236 i NAPTHIONIC acid, 209 Naphthol sulphonic acid R., 209 Neutral salts, action of, 96, 259 Nickel mordants, 66 Night blue, 193, 270 lakes, 193, 205 Nitro-amidophenolsulphonic acid, 41 Nitro-cellulose, 16, 20, 185 Nitrophenolsulphoazo - j3 - naph- thol, 41 Nitrosalycilic acid, 46 Nitroso dyes, 41, 45 Nitrosophenols, 40 Nitrous acid, action of, 194 OIL mordants, 57 One-bath dyeing, 114 Optical properties of solutions, 137 Orchil, 32 Orthohydioxyazobenzol - p.- sul- phonic acid, 41 Ortho-oximes, 40 Orthoquinonedioximes, 40 Osmosis, 114, 164 Osmotic pressure, 114 Oxycellulose, 19, 220 Oxygen theory, 289 Ozone, action of, 289 PARANITRANILINE red, 201 Paranitrodiazobenzene, 201 Pentatomic nitrogen, 222 Persulphates, 50 Phenolic dyes, 40, 195 Photochemical rays, 28 1 Phototropical rays, 282 Photophysical rays, 281 Physical action, 8, 140 Picric acid, 40, 51, 52, 176, 186, 189 Primary attraction, 104 21 INDEX Primuline colours, 152, 200 Pseudo solution, 104, 108, 134, 246 of dyes, 239 Purple of Tyre, i Pyrogallol, 160 QUINIZARINE, 40 Quinone theory, 37 RAMIE, 79 Research, methods of, 297 Reversible actions, 99, 161, 171, 248 Rhamnosides, 232 Ricinoleic acid, 59 aluminium, salt of, 59 Rosaniline hydrochloride, 48 acetate, 99 SALTS, action of, in dyeing, 96 Salt formation theory, 228 Sand, action of, on solutions, 145 action in dyeing, 147 Schiff's reaction, 19 Secondary attraction, 104, 273 Serene, 28 Sericine, 28 Silica, effect of wetting, 22 Silicic acid, 1 16 Silk, 27, 141, 182, 204 acids on, 30, 84, 179 alkalies on, 30, 76 analysis of, 27 bleaching, 75 boiling off, 73 composition of, 27, 230 decomposition of, 28 fibroin, 27 gum, 27, 73 mordants on, 68 theories of, 70 primuline dyes on, 201 solution of, 31 Single bath dyeing, 62, 114, 256 Soap, action on silk, 75 in Turkey Red dyeing, 58 Sodium carbonate, 74 sulphate, 98, 152 Solid solution, 8, 43, 168, 174, 190 Solids, action on wetting, 22 Soluble oil, 59 Solutions, 51, 103, 104, f26, 249 chemical action in, 125 concentrated, 253 non-reversible, 125 of colloids, 1 08, 246, 256, 277 Solubility, 105 of dyes, 132, 166 Solvent action, 166 Stannic acid, 225 Stannic chloride, 68 Steaming, 60 Stereochemical examination, 207 Strength of fibres, 17 dye solutions, 102 Suint, 78 Sulphanilic acid, 209 Sulphonic acids, 35, 95, 190, 238 Sulphur dyes, 46, 219, 276 Sulphuric acid on wool, 88 Sumacing, 57 Surface action, 183 Surface character of fibres, 266 Surface concentration, 246, 253, 262, 264 Surface energy, 262 Surface tension, 266 Surface viscosity, 265 TANNIC acid, 66, 128, 240, 272 absorption of, 66, 158, 160, 164, 220, 237 lakes, 66, 237 nature of, 66, 237 Tanning, 157 Temperature of dyeing, 100, 102, 147, 152, 269 mordanting, 69, 157 on wetting solids, 22 influence of, 69, 100, 234 Tervalent oxygen, 105 INDEX 315 Tetranitrochrysazarine, 40 Tetrazo dyes, 36 Thermochemical reactions, 223 Thiazine derivatives, 47 Tin mordants, 59 Trihydroxybenzenes, 160 Trinitroresorcinol, 40 Turkey Red, 55 Tyrosine, 28, 29, 204, 205 ULTRA-MICROSCOPICAL measure- ment, 157 VARIATION in shade on dyeing, 241 Victoria Blue 4R., 145 Viscose, 13 WEIGHTED silk, 277 Woad, 3 Wool, 24, 141 acids on, 24, 62, 77, 84, 87, 154, 156 alcoholic potash on, 77 alkalies on, 26, 77 bleaching, 94 composition of, 26 dyeing, 91, 153, 166, 170, 182, 204, 230 fatty acids in, 78 hydrolysis of, 77 ingrain colours on, 217 mordants on, 26, 61 nitrous acid on, 24, 30 physical structure of, 24 preliminary treatment of, 94, 191 sodium sulphate, on, 98 sulphonic acids on, 95, 154 sulphur in, 24 Printed by BALLANTYNE & Co. 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