LIBRARY w.MVr>ity of California IRVfNE EX L I B R CASSIUS MILTON I S JAY 924 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LICK OBSERVATORY NO. 3. TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC ABSORPTION PHOTOGRAPHIC BAYS OF LIGHT. BY J. M. SCHAEBERLE, Astronomer in the Lick Observatory. Printed by authority of the Regents of the University of California. SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE, : : : A. J. JOHNSTON, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1893. ORGANIZATION OF THE LICK OBSERVATORY Hon. T. G. PHELPS, Hon. C. F. CROCKER, Hon. H. S. FOOTE, Committee of the Regents on the Lick Observatory. MARTIN KELLOGG, EDWARD S. HOLDEN, J. M. SCHAEBERLE, E. E. BARNARD, W. W. CAMPBELL, ALLEN L. COLTON 0. D. PERRINE President of the University. Director and Astronomer. Astronomer. Astronomer. Astronomer. Assistant Astronomer. . ....... Secrft>i,->/. H i TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Determination of the Relation between the Aperture, the Diameter of the Star Image, and the Exposure-Time 2 ' Determination of the Instrumental Constants 4 jj Exposures on Polaris with the Great Telescope, and Comparison with Theory. Table I 9 Tabular values of Q, m', d, and t. Table II - 10 Atmospheric Absorption of the Photographic Rays of Light 15 Method of Observing 16 Method of Derivation of the Fundamental Equation 17 First Series of Observations (Mt. Hamilton) 18 Second Series of Observations (Cayenne) , 28 Third Series of Observations (Mt. Hamilton) .38 Fourth Series of Observations (Mt. Hamilton) 72 Final results based on all the Observations 84 The Law of Photographic Atmospheric Absorption. Equation (181) 85 Table LIX, giving the absorption in magnitudes for each degree of Z.-D... 86 The Probable Error of a Photographic Magnitude - 87 New Units of Brightness and Magnitude 87 Conclusion ___ 88 Works Issued by the Lick Observatory . 90 TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC ABSORPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC RAYS OF LIGHT. By J. M. SCHABBEELK. The remarkable revolution in the methods of charting celestial configurations, brought about by substituting <|br) the photographic plate, the human eye, has opened up a most inviting field of investigation. To obtain results which here- tofore demanded months and years of labor on the part of the observer only a few hours are now required. As a necessary consequence of this radical change in the methods of work many new problems confront the astronomer, some of which must be solved before the information given by the photographs can be presented in its final form. The human eye as normally constituted is most sensitive to a particular set of light rays. If now we could construct a photographic plate, on which the set of rays which are most effective visually would also be most effective photographically, it is probable that the relative brightness determined photo- graphically would not differ from that deduced from direct visual observation. Up to the present time ; however, the plates which have been universally employed in photographic work are so prepared that the action of the light from near the red end of the solar spectrum or where the light is most effective visually is very much less effective than that coming from near the violet end. For this reason it would seem to follow at once, that whatever unit of brightness is chosen, the relation between the visual brightness and that deduced from the action of the same source of light on the photographic plate, can only be considered constant so long as the spectral type remains the same. In general we should expect that for stars of different types of spectra, the relation between the visual magnitudes will not be the same as the relation between the corresponding photographic magnitudes. Investigations relating to the photographic magnitudes of the fixed stars have been made by PICKERING, PRITCHARD, 2 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of CHARLIER, SCHEINER, GOULD, and others; a consideration of the various results seems to show that the different forms of photographic telescopes and plates do not, as a rule, give, under otherwise similar conditions, exactly the same data. As will be shown farther on, the law deduced hy the present writer holds good for the three different telescopes available; two being of 6-inch aperture, and the third 33-inch. SEED plates, Sensitometer No. 26, were used in all cases. This line of work was taken up in 1889, at the suggestion of Professor HOLDEN. An equatorially-mounted DALLMEYER lens, primarily intended for eclipse work at Cayenne, and loaned to the Lick Observatory by the United States Naval Observatory, was first employed for obtaining the necessary data; later on a WILLARD lens, belonging to the CROCKER telescope, was also used. DETERMINATION OF THE RELATION WHICH, FOR A GIVEN STAR, EXISTS BETWEEN THE APERTURE (Q) OF THE TELESCOPE AND THE DIAMETER (d) OF THE STAR'S IMAGE FOR A GIVEN EXPOSURE TIME (t). Some of the results of a preliminary investigation made on Mount Hamilton are embodied in a paper entitled, " On the Photographic Magnitudes of the Fixed Stars." (See Publica- tions of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. I, No. 4.) To obtain a general expression for the brightness of a fixed star, as determined by means of its image impressed upon the photographic plate during an exposure time t, and with aper- ture D, I arranged the following scheme for obtaining the necessary data: With a known aperture of the objective, a series of images of the star were first obtained, the exposure times being respectively 1 s , 2 s , 4 s , 8 s , 16 s , 32 s , 64 s , and 128 s , the telescope being slightly shifted after each exposure to keep the images from overlapping. Other series of similar exposures on the same star and plate were then made with different known apertures. This scheme was then applied to different stars. Now, in the case of any one of these stars, the source of light, during the time of one series of exposures, remains prac- tically constant; hence, it is evident that the relation between the exposure time t, the diameter of the aperture D, and the The Photographic Rays of Light. diameter of the star's image d, must always be such that the expression for the brightness B is a constant quantity for any given star, whatever its magnitude may be. From a discussion of the data given by these plates, I found that the law governing the size and rate of growth of the image could be expressed by means of an equation of the form,* d = a + ft log D + y D log *. (1) In which d is the measured diameter of the image for the aperture D and exposure time t, while or, /?, and y are constants which depend upon the telescope, the atmospheric condition, and the kind of photographic plate employed. Using this theoretical relation between d, D, and t, I showed that if Q represents the theoretical aperture which a standard star (Polaris) would require to produce in the time J, an image having the same diameter d as that produced by any star with a constant aperture Q (6-inch) in the same time f, the equation which serves to determine the magnitude of any star whose image is impressed upon the photographic plate is of the following form: d = 25 in .87. Att, Ther., 76. L. O., Sept. 4, 1889. TABLE III. Ex ^ 73 <> d T T c 2* 43 8' Q Mean Q o c 42 0.30 ii8 18h 17m 73.l 54 0.50 0.45 + 0.05 63 0.55 20 55 18 54 66 .0 52 62 0.45 0.55 0.50 + 0.02 50 0.50 21 33 19 32 58 .4 59 0.60 0.57 + 0.02 66 0.60 48 0.45 22 48 20 47 43.5 59 0.60 0.57 0.07 68 0.65 56 0.70 21 59 29 .7 63 0.70 0.70 + 0.01 55 0.65 10 22 9 27 .8 65 0.70 0.72 + 0.02 75 0.80 56 0.70 1 3 23 2 18 .9 63 0.70 0.70 0.02 72 0.70 Equations of Condition. a 0.76 /? = 0.45 a 0.58/5 = 0.50 a 0.44/3=0.57 a 0.23 /? = 0.57 or 0.11 /3 = 0.70 a 0.09 /? = 0.72 0.04 /? = 0.70 Normal Equations. 7.00 a 2.25 /3 = 4.21 2.25 a 1.18 /?= 1.15 Solution of Normals. "& Att., 71. L. O., Sept. 5, 1889. TABLE IV. Ex-) 710> d T r C 2 s 4 s Q ^ oc 8' 40 0.30 19 45 m jyh 4401 79.4 45 0.30 0.33 -0.12 55 0.40 55 0.65 21 1 19 64 .8 60 0.60 0.65 0.06 70 0.70 60 0.80 21 47 19 46 55.0 67 0.80 0.87 + 0.05 85 1.00 65 1.00 23 28 21 27 35.1 77 1.05 1.03 + 0.06 87 1.05 67 1.05 43 22 42 22 .3 77 90 1.05 1.10 1.07 + 0.05 Equations of Condition. ^ 0.96 ,5 = 0.33 a 0.56,5 = 0.65 a 0.38,5 = 0.87 a 0.15,5=1.03 a- 0.06,5=1.07 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.11 ,5 = 3.95 2.11 or 1.59 ,5=1.22 Solution of Normals. a= 1.057 P = 0.633 (37) (38) (39) T/te Photographic Rays of Light. 23 r. s. X. O. Telescope. L. 0., Sept, 6, 1889. a Arietis. TABLE V. Bar., 25">.90. Att., 71. Ex., 71. T T I 2 s 4* 8' Q Mean Q o c 30 0.15 IQh 40m lyh 39m 80.3 40 0.25 ! 0.23 +0.04 45 0.30 35 0.20 21 3 19 2 64.6 45 0.30 0.28 0.03 50 0.35 40 0.30 21 53 19 52 54 .4 45 0.30 0.33 -0.02 55 0.40 40 0.30 23 4 21 3 40 .3 50 0.40 0.37 0.03 55 040 45 0.40 00 ! 21 59 29.7 55 0.50 0.47 + 0.05 1 60 0.50 Equations of Condition. a 0.99,5 = 0.23 a 0.55 ,3 = 0.28 a 0.37/5 = 0.33 a 0.20,5 = 0.37 or 0.11 ,5 = 0.47 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.22/5= 1.68 2.22 a 1.47/5=0.62 Solution of Normals. a = 0.452 ,* = 0.261 (40) (41) (42) 24 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of U. S. N. 0. Telescope. L. O., Sept. 7, 1889. a Arietis. TABLE VI. Bar., 25.87. Att., 72. Ex., 72. r r c d Q Mean Q C 20" 21" 18" 20" 72 .6 50 60 0.50 0.60 0.55 0.00 21 29 19 28 59.2 60 70 70 0.80 0.85 0.70 0.78 + 0.01 22 17 20 16 49.7 60 70 85 0.80 0.85 1.00 0.88 0.00 23 15 21 14 38 .1 65 75 85 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 + 0.04 31 22 30 24.2 65 75 90 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.03 0.03 Equations of Condition. a 0.74,3 = 0.55 a 0.45 ,5 = 0.78 a 0.31 ,3 = 0.88 a 0.18,5 = 1.00 a 0.07,3 = 1.03 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 1.75,5 = 4.24 1.75 a 0.88,3 = 1.28 Solution of Normals. a =1.113 ,3 = 0.758 (43) (44) (45) The Photographic Rays of Light. 25 V. S. X. O. Telescope. L. 0., Sept. 14, 1889. a Arietis. TABLE VII. Bar., 25i.83. Att., 67. Ex., 67. T * r d 2' 4* 8 s Q Mean Q C 49 0.50 20" 18-" 18" 17 m 73.l 53 0.45 0.50 + 0.02 62 0.55 51 0.55 20 55 18 54 66 .0 57 0.55 0.58 + 0.02 67 0.65 52 0.55 21 33 19 32 58 .4 62 0.65 0.63 0.01 1 72 0.70 55 0.65 22 48 20 47 43 .5 65 I 0.70 0.72 0.02 75 ! 0.80 57 i 0.70 3 22 2 29 .1 67 0.80 0.80 0.01 80 0.90 60 0.80 10 22 9 27 .9 67 0.80 0.83 + 0.02 80 0.90 60 0.80 1 22 59 19 .3 67 0.80 0.83 0.01 80 0.90 Equations of Condition. a 0.75,5 = 0.50 a 0.58 ,3 = 0.58 a 0.44,5 = 0.63 a 0.23,5-0.72 a 0.10/5 = 0.80 a 0.09 ,5 = 0.83 a 0.04/5 = 0.83 Normal Equations. 7.00^ 2.23,5 = 4.89 2.23 a 1.14,5=1.34 Solution of Normals. a = 0.862 = 0.510 (46) (47) (48) NOTE. In the following table it should be remembered that for Polaris the Q refers to a zenith-distance 52 40*, while for a Arietis, it corresponds to the zenith-distance 0. The same remark is to be applied to the comparisons with other stars. 26 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of TABLE VIII. Polaris. 19 7 19 42 20 15 20 41 21 14 22 15 23 25 77.2 72 .8 64 .1 55 .9 49 .5 41 .3 26 .2 9 .0 2 .3 1 70 006 70 60 70 80 65 0.70 0.80 0.85 0.90 1.00 0.85 +0.01 1.05 +0.09 1.00 0.04 1.15 0.05 1.17 0.01 1.22 0.01 1.22 0.05 1.33 +0.05 i 90 65 75 85 70 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 90 70 80 90 70 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.20 95 70 80 95 75 85 95 1.25 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.45 1.30 1.25 Equations of Condition. 0.88 /? = 0.70 oc 0.75 ft = 0.85 oc 0.54/2=1.05 a 0.40/3=1.00 0.31 /?=1.15 <* 0.21 /?=1.17 0.08 /?= 1.22 0.01 /?=1.22 a 0.00 ft= 1.33 Normal Equations. 9.00 a 3.18/3 = 9.60 3.18 1.93/3 = 2.95 Solution of Normals. a=U28 ft = 0.59 (56) (57) (58) The Photographic Rays of Light. U. S. X. O. Telescope. Cayenne, Dec. 15, 1889. Procyon. TABLE XIII. Aneroid, 29 iQ .92. Tho. 'Dry, 80. Ther. ' T T c d & 4 s 8 s Q Mean Q o c !h54m 18" 21 m 84 .4 47 57 0.35 0.45 0.40 0.19 2 12 18 39 79 .9 65 72 1.00 0.90 0.95 + 0.08 2 52 19 19 69 .9 90 105 1.50 1.50 1.50 + 0.17 3 27 19 54 61 .2 82 97 110 1.90 1.70 1.60 1.73 + 0.14 4 10 20 37 50 .5 85 97 115 2.00 1.75 1.75 1.83 + 0.01 5 40 22 7 28.1 87 102 122 2.15 1.95 1.90 2.00 0.16 Equations of Condition. a 1.17/5 = 0.40 a 0.98 /3 = 0.95 a- 0.67 /3= 1.50 a 0.49/3=1.73 a 0.32 /3=1.83 a 0.10/5=2.00 Normal Equations. 6.000- 3.73 /? = 8.41 3.73 a 3.13 /? = 4.04 Solution of Normals. a = 2.31 /?=1.47 (59) (60) (61) 34 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of U. 8. N. 0. Telescope. Cayenne, Dec. 16, 1889. a Orionis. TABLE XIV. Aneroid, 29 in .90. T r c d 2* 43 8 s Q Mean Q o c 60 0.80 Oh4 7 m 18" 58"" 75.0 70 0.85 0.85 0.02 80 0.90 65 1.00 1 23 19 34 66 .1 1.00 0.01 67 1.10 1 51 20 2 59 .2 1.12 _|_0.02 90 1.15 70 L20 2 20 20 31 52 .0 80 1.15 1.17 0.01 90 1.15 75 1.45 3 25 21 36 35 .9 85 1.30 1.33 + 0.04 95 1.25 75 1.45 5 45 23 56 2 .8 85 1.30 1.37 0.03 Equations of Condition. 0.81 /5 = 0.85 a 0.59 0= 1.00 a 0.45 /3= 1.12 a 0.34/5=1.17 a 0.16/5=1.33 a 0.00/5=1.37 Normal Equations. 6.00 or 2.35/5=6.84 2.35 1.36)3=2.39 Solution of Normals. a = 1.40 (62) (63) (64) The Photographic Rays of Light. 35 U. S. X. O. Telescope. Cayenne, Dec. 16, 1889. Sirius. TABLE XV T T c d 2* 4* 8' Q Mean Q o c lh I 7 m 1 57 3 28 4 59 Igh 37m 19 17 2048 22 19 82 .6 73 .1 52 .1 32 .9 87 100 100 125 140 115 140 190 120 1.40 1.35 2.95 2.80 2.60 4.00 3.40 3.90 4.40 1.37 2.78 3.77 4.30 0.14 + 0.23 0.06 0.19 5 51 23 11 24 .7 200 125 175 220 4.20 4.80 4.90 4.80 4.83 + 0.15 Equations of Condition. a 1.08/5=1.37 a 0.75 /3= 2.78 a 0.34 ft = 3.77 a 0.13/3 = 4.30 a 0.07 /3 = 4.83 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.73/3=17.05 2.73 or 1.87/3= 5.74 Solution of Normals. a = 4.90 (65) (66) (67) 36 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of In Table XVI are given the mean values of <2, pressure r temperature, Q , and /for each date and star. TABLE XVI. Date. Star. Mean Z.-D. Pressure. Temper- ature. Qo /=! 1889. December 13. } December 15. V December 16 J a Orionis. ( 67.5 { 44 .3 [ 48 .5 SO'a.OO 29 .92 29 .90 76 80 1.47 1.28 1.40 0.59 0.46 0.47 December 13-.. Rigel. 55 .0 30 .00 76 3.37 0.4& December 15. .. December 16 Procyon. Sinus. 62 .3 53 .1 29 .92 29 .90 80 2.31 4.90 0.64 0.64 The separate results for the value of /=- as found for Cayenne at sea-level are given in Table XVII. TABLE XVII. Star. /-I Weight. a Orionis .. 0.51 1 Rigel Procyon Sinus 0.46 0.64 0.64 1 2 4 In the column headed " weight," a Orionis has been given such small weight, firstly, because it is a variable star, and secondly, because its spectral type is different from the other stars, and consequently the coefficient of absorption may be different. To Rigel has been assigned the same weight, because it was only used on the first night, for which the conditions were rather uncertain. In the case of Procyon the zenith- distance was greater than for any of the other stars, while for giving good measurable images of a star near the horizon Sirius is by far the best source of stellar light. Polaris was photographed on two occasions; the data and results are given in Table XVIII. The Photographic Rays of Light. Cayenne, Dec., 1889. Polaris. TABLE XVIII. d 8 s Q ra' 32" 64* Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. 50 0.35 Dec. 15.. 2 30 1 12 83.7 1.14 55 60 0.35 0.40 0.37 0.40 4.17 3.99 65 0.40 55 0.40 Dec. 17.. 3 18 2 83.8 1.14 60 65 0.40 0.45 0.42 0.40 3.89 3.99 70 0.45 To obtain the computed values of Q, it must be remembered that Polaris has been given the brightness 1.00, and the pho- tographic magnitude 2.00 for a zenith-distance equal to the latitude of Mount Hamilton. As found from both the preceding Mount Hamilton series and the Cayenne observations, the value of the factor/ is very nearly 0.60. In the equation Q=Q (l- 0.60 (70) One would naturally expect that at sea-level the value of the factor / should come out greater than for a considerable altitude, but the figures do not show such a condition of things. 38 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of Perhaps, however, the effect of dew on the object-glass has not been completely eliminated. If a simultaneous series of obser- vations had been carried on for decreasing star-altitudes, the effect of a gradual dewing of the object-glass would have been to cause an increase in resulting value of /. In a clear sky the stars, at considerable altitudes, appeared fully as bright at Cayenne as they do on Mount Hamilton, so far as the observer could judge by estimation. DISCUSSION OF THE THIRD SERIES OF OBSERVATIONS FOR ABSORPTION. After our return from Cayenne the U. S. N. 0. telescope was again set up on Mount Hamilton, and a third series of observa- tions undertaken. At the time I was busily engaged on "A Mechanical Theory of the Corona," so Professor CAMPBELL kindly consented to make the exposures of this series for me while the DALLMEYER telescope was still available. As in the first series, there chanced to be no suitable very bright star on which the exposures could be made. It was finally decided to use ex Andromedae. To utilize the whole time available for making suitable exposures, five different plate-holders were used. Each plate- holder was carefully fitted to the tube, so that the sensitive film in every case was at the same distance from the objective. Variations of an abnormal character in the diameters of the stellar images on the different plates could now be attributed to varying sensitiveness of these plates, as the atmospheric conditions were practically the same for all the plates exposed on any given day. The tabular data and results are arranged as in the previous observations, and therefore require no further explanation. The Photographic Rays of Light. U. S. N. 0. Telescope. a Andromedae. Bar., 25">.95. July 1, 1890. Att., 64.5. Plate No. 1. TABLE XIX. Ex., 63.0. d T r c 2 s 4 s 8" Q Mean Q o c 171l34 m _ 6h29m 78.4 55 60 0.65 0.60 0.65 0.06 70 0.70 60 0.80 17 49 6 14 76 .1 65 0.70 0.77 + 0.01 75 0.80 60 0.80 17 57 6 1 74 .0 70 0.85 0.85 + 0.05 80 0.90 65 1.00 18 39 5 24 66 .5 70 0.85 0.92 + 0.01 80 0.90 65 1.00 19 5 4 58 61 .6 75 1.00 1.00 + 0.03 85 1.00 65 1.00 19 45 4 18 54 .0 75 1.00 0.97 0.08 80 0.90 70 1.20 20 11 3 52 48 .7 80 1.20 1.13 + 0.04 85 1.10 70 1.20 20 36 3 27 43 .8 75 1.00 1.10 0.02 90 1.10 70 1.20 20 49 3 14 41 .3 80 1.20 1.17 + 0.03 90 1.10 Equations of Condition. a 0.92 /? = 0.65 a 0.50 (3 = 1.00 a 0.84 ft = 0.77 a 0.37 ft = 0.97 a 0.78 fi = 0.85 a 0.30 /? = 1.13 (71) a 0.59 ft = 0.92 a 0.24 /3 = 1.10 a 0.21 /5 = 1.22 Normal Equations. 9.00^ 4.75/3 = 8.56 4.75 or 3.10/3 = 4.16 Solution of Normals. 82.4 0.65 0.04 60 0.80 17 32 6 31 78 .8 65 0.70 0.77 + 0.01 75 0.80 65 1.00 18 14 5 49 71 .1 0.95 + 0.07 80 0.90 65 1.00 19 13 4 50 60.1 75 85 1.00 1.00 1.00 + 0.01 65 1.00 20 23 3 40 46.3 75 1.00 1.03 0.06 90 1.10 Equations of Condition. a 1.08 /3 = 0.65 a 0.94/5 = 0.77 0.70 /5 = 0.95 a 0.47/5=1.00 r 0.27 /S = 1.03 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 3.46 /? = 4.40 3.46 a 2.83/5 = 2.83 Solution of Normals. a= 1.220 /?= 0.492 (80) (81) (82) The Photographic Rays of Light. 43 I". S. X. O. Telescope. July 2, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXIII. Plate No. 3. T r ' d Q Mean Q o c 55 0.65 17" 16" 6M7 m 81.6 65 0.70 0.72 0.12 75 0.80 65 LOO 17 36 6 27 78.1 75 1.00 1.00 + 0.08 85 1.00 70 1.20 18 9 5 54 72 .1 80 1.20 1.13 + 0.11 85 1.00 70 1.20 19 16 4 47 59 .5 80 1.20 1.18 + 0.01 90 1.15 70 1.20 20 34 3 29 44 .2 80 1.20 1.22 0.07 95 1.25 Equations of Condition, a 1.04 p = 0.72 a 0.91 /? = 1.00 a 0.73/3 = 1.13 a 0.46^ = 1.18 a 0.24 ft = 1.22 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 3.38/5 = 5.25 3.38 or 2.71 ft = 3.31 Solution of Normals. a = 1.431 /? = 0.564 (83) (84) (85) 44 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of U. S. N. O. Telescope. July 2, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXIV. Plate No. 4. T r e d Q Mean Q o c 60 0.80 17 h 20" 6"43 81.0 70 0.85 0.82 0.03 65 1.00 17 39 6 24 77 .5 75 80 1.00 0.90 0.97 + 0.04 65 1.00 18 19 5 44 70.2 80 90 L15 1.10 1.08 + 0.02 70 1.20 19 19 4 44 58 .9 80 1.20 1.17 0.04 90 1.10 75 1.45 20 39 3 24 43 .2 85 100 1.30 1.35 1.37 + 0.02 Equations of Condition. a 1.02 p = 0.82 a 0.89 ft = 0.97 a 0.68 fi = 1.08 a 0.45 p = 1.17 a 0.23/3 = 1.37 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 3.27 /?= 5.41 3.27 2.54/5 = 3.28 Solution of Normals. a =1.502 /? = 0.642 (86) (87) (88) The Photographic Rays of Light. 45 r. S. X. 0. Telescope. July 2, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXV. Plate Xo. 5. r r c d Q Mean Q o c 17*24* 6" 39- 80.2 60 70 0.80 0.85 0.82 0.03 17 42 6 21 77 .0 65 1.00 0.95 + 0.04 18 22 5 41 69 .7 80 65 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.00 19 22 20 46 4 41 3 17 58 .3 41 .1 85 70 80 90 70 85 90 1.00 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.10 1.15 1.20 + 0.04 0.02 Equations of Condition. a 0.99/5 = 0.82 a 0.87/5 = 0.95 a 0.67/3= 1.00 a 0.44/3=1.15 a 0.21 =1.20 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 3.18/5=5.12 3.1 8 a 2.42/5 = 3.07 Solution of Normals. a =1.323 /5 = 0.472 (89) (90) (91) 46 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of U. S. N. 0. Telescope. July 30, 1890. Plate No. 1. a Andromedae. TABLE XXVI. Bar., 25K86. Att., 67. Ex., 65. r T c d Q Mean Q o c 55 0.65 17 31> 632' 79.0 65 0.70 0.72 0.08 75 0.80 60 0.80 17 47 6 23 77 .3 0.85 0.01 80 0.90 65 1.00 18 5 5 58 72 .8 75 1.00 1.00 + 0.07 70 1.20 19 21 4 42 58 .5 80 1.20 1.18 + 0.07 90 1.15 ( 70 1.20 20 52 3 11 40 .7 1.22 0.04 95 1.25 70 1.20 21 48 2 15 29 .5 90 1.45 1.30 0.03 95 1.25 Equations of Condition. a 0.94/5 = 0.72 a 0.84 ft = 0.85 a 0.74/5=1.00 a 0.44 /3 = 1.18 a 0.21 ytf = 1.22 a 0.10/5=1.30 Normal Equations. 6.00 3.27/5 = 6.27 3.27 a 2.38 /5 = 3.04 Solution of Normals. a= 1.387 /5 = 0.628 (92) (93) (94) The Photographic Rays of Light. 47 U. S. N. 0. Telescope. July 30, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXVII. Plate No. 2. T r c - Q Mean Q o c 60 0.80 17 h 34 m 6 h 29 m 78.4 70 0.85 0.82 0.05 75 0.80 65 1.00 17 50 6 13 75 .5 75 1.00 0.97 + 0.05 80 0.90 60 0.80 18 7 5 56 72 .4 75 1.00 0.93 0.03 85 1.00 70 1.20 19 23 4 40 58 .1 80 90 1.20 1.10 1.17 + 0.06 70 1.20 20 56 3 7 39.9 80 1.20 1.22 0.01 95 1.25 70 1.20 21 54 2 9 28 .3 85 1.30 1.25 0.02 95 1.25 70 1.20 22 24 1 39 22 .5 1.27 0.02 1.00 1.35 Equations of Condition. a 0.92 /5 = 0.82 a 0.83 /5 = 0.97 a 0.74/5 = 0.93 a 0.43 /5 = 1.17 0.19 y3 = 1.22 or 0.10/5=1.25 0.06/5=1.27 Normal Equations. 7.00 or 3.27/5=7.63 3.27 a 2.32/5=3.18 Solution of Normals. a= 1.317 /? = 0.486 (95) (96) (97) 48 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of U. S. N. O. Telescope. July 30, 1890. a. Andromedae. TABLE XXVIII. Plate No. 3. T r c d Q Mean Q o c 17" 38> 17 52 18 10 19 26 _ 6 n 25" 6 11 5 53 4 37 77.7 75 .2 71 .9 57 .5 65 75 85 70 80 90 75 85 95 80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 L10 1.40 1.30 L25 1.70 1.00 1.17 1.32 1.52 0.07 0.01 + 0.08- + 0.10 20 59 3 4 39 .3 100 80 90 1.35 1.70 1.50 1.60 + 0.04 21 57 2 6 27 .7 80 90 1.70 1.50 1.60 0.02 22 27 1 36 21 .9 95 110 1.65 1.60 1.62 0.08 Equations of Condition, a 0.90 /3 = 1.00 a 0.82/3 = 1.17 a 0.72/5=1.32 a 0.42 /3 = 1.52 a 0.19 /3 = 1.60 a 0.09 ft = 1.60 a 0.06/5 = 1.62 Normal Equations. 7.00 or 3.20/5 = 9.83 3.20 a 2.23 /5 = 3.99 Solution of Normals, a = 1.703 /?= 0.654 (98) (99) (100) The Photographic Rays of Light. U. S. N. 0. Telescope. July 30, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXIX. 49 Plate No. 4. T r c d Q Mean Q o c 17 h 41 6 h 22 77.2 60 70 80 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.85 0.07 17 54 18 12 19 29 6 9 5 51 4 34 74.8 71 .5 56 .9 70 85 65 75 90 70 80 95 0.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.25 0.92 L03 1.22 0.04 + 0.03 + 0.07 21 1 3 2 38 .9 80 1.20 1.20 0.06 22 2 3 27 .1 85 1.30 1.30 0.01 Equations of Condition. 0.88/3 = 0.85 a 0.80 ft = 0.92 a 0.71 /3 = 1.03 a 0.41 = 1.22 a 0.19/3=1.20 a 0.09/5=1.30 Normal Equations. 6.00 a 3.08/3 = 6.52 3.08 a 2.13/3 = 3.07 Solution of Normals. a =1.359 /3 = 0.503 (101) (102) (103) 50 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of V . s. N. O. Telescope. July 30, 1890. x Andromedae. TABLE XXX. Plate No. 5. r r c d Q Mean Q o c 17" 44"' 6 h 19 m 76.6 60 70 80 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.85 0.11 17 56 6 7 74 .4 65 1.00 1.00 -f-001 18 14 5 49 71 .1 70 80 90 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.17 -fO.13 19 32 4 31 56 .4 70 80 95 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.22 +0.04 21 4 2 59 38 .3 70 85 95 1.20 1.30 1.25 1.25 0.05 22 3 2 26.5 75 85 1.40 1.30 1.35 0.00 Equations of Condition. a 0.86 ft = 0.85 0.79/3 = 1.00 a 0.70/5 = 1.17 a 0.41/5=1.22 a 0.18/5 = 1.25 a 0.08 /? = 1.35 Normal Equations. 6.00 a- 3.02/5=6.84 3.02 a 2.06/5=3.17 Solution of Normals. a =1.393 /5 = 0.503 (104) (105) (106) The Photographic Rays of Light. 51 U. S. X. (). Telescope. a Andromedae. Bar., 26i".04. August 6, 1890. Att.. 69. Plate No. 1. TABLE XXXI. Ex-) 6g o T T c d Q Mean Q o c I 7 h 44m _ 6 h 19 m 76.6 60 75 85 0.80 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.02 18 32 5 31 (37 .8 70 80 90 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.17 + 0.04 19 29 4 34 57 .0 70 85 95 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.25 0.03 Equations of Condition. ^_0.86yS = 0.93 or 0.62 0=1.17 a 0.42 /?= 1.25 Normal Equations. 3.00 a 1.90 j3= 3.35 1.90 a 1.30/J = 2.05 Solution of Normals. a= 1.589 ft = 0.745 (107) (108) (109) Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of 1". s. X. O. Telescope. August 6, 1890. of Andromedae . TABLE XXX II. Plate No. 2. T r r ' Q Mean Q o c 65 1.00 17* 1 47 m 6" 16 m 76.0 70 0.85 0.92 ! 0.02 80 0.90 70 1.20 18 34 5 29 67 .4 80 90 1.20 1.10 L17 4-0.07 70 1.20 19 32 4 31 56 .4 85 1.30 i 1.20 0.05 90 1.10 Equations of Condition. a 0.84 /? = 0.92 a 0.61/5 = 1.17 a 0.41 /? = 1.20 Normal Equations. 3.00 a 1.86 yff = 3.29 1.86 a 1.25 /? = 1.97 Solution of Normals. a= 1.550 /? = 0.731 (110) (111) (112) The Photographic Rays of Light. u. s. N. 0. Telescope. Andromedae. Poor focus. August 6, 1890. TABLE XXXIII. Plate No. 3. T T C d Q Mean Q o c 17" 50' 6" 13-" 75.5 65 70 80 1.00 0.85 0.90 0.92 + 0.01 18 37 5 26 66 .8 70 80 90 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.17 + 0.02 19 34 4 29 56 .0 70 80 95 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.22 -0.03 Equations of Condition. a 0.83 /3 = 0.92 a 0.60/5 1.17 ,r_ 0.40/? = 1.22 Normal Equations. 3.00 or 1.83 /? = 3.31 1.83 or 1.21 /? = 1.95 Solution of Normals. a =1.545 ft = 0.725 (113) (114) (115) 54 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of V . S. N. O. Telescope. August 6, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXXIV. Plate No. 4. T r c d Q Mean Q oc 65 1.00 17h 52"' 6 h ll m 75.2 1.00 + 001 85 1.00 70 1.20 18 40 5 23 66 .3 80 90 1.20 1.10 1.17 + 0.02 70 1.20 19 37 4 26 55 .0 85 1.30 1.25 0.04 95 1.25 Equations of Condition. a 0.82 ft= 1.00 a 0.59 yS =1.17 cc 0.38 /3= 1.25 Normal Equations. 3.00 a 1.79/5 = 3.42 1.79 a 1.16/5 = 1.98 Solution of Normals. a =1.538 /9 = 0.667 (116) (117) (118) The Photographic Rays of Light. 55 U. S. N. 0. Telescope. August 6, 1890. of Andromedae. TABLE XXXV. Plate No. 5. T r c d Q Mean Q o c 60 0.80 ITU 54m 6" 9' 74.8 70 0.85 0.85 + 0.01 80 0.90 65 1.00 18 42 5 21 66.0 75 1.00 1.00 0.00 85 1.00 70 1.20 19 39 4 24 55.0 80 1.20 1.13 0.02 85 1.00 Equations of Condition. a 0.80 /3 = 0.85 a 0.58 /3 = 1.00 a 0.38 /3= 1.03 Normal Equations. 3.00 a 1.76/? = 2.88 1.76 a 1.12 /?=1.65 Solution of Normals. a= 1.235 /? = 0.469 (119) (120) (121) 56 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of U. s. X. 0. Telescope. a Andromedae. Bar., 25>.85. August 12, 1890. Att., 69. Plate Xo. 1. TABLE XXXVI. Ex, 67. T T : d q Mean Q 17 h 56 18 32 21 50 22 60 6" 7 m 5 31 2 13 1 13 74.3 67 .8 29 .1 17 .8 0.75 0.07 1.00 +0.08 1.25 +0.03 1.22 0.04 65 75 65 75 0.70 0.80 1.00 1.00 95 1.25 70 80 95 1.20 1.20 1.25 Equations of Condition. a 0.79/6 = 0.75 a 0.62 = 1.00 a 0.10 /3 = 1.25 a 0.04/5 = 1.22 Normal Equations. 4.00 a 1.55 ft = 4.22 1.55 a 1.04/5 = 1.38 Solution of Normals. a= 1.280 = 0.581 (122) (123) (124) The Photographic Rays of Light. 57 U. S. N. 0. Telescope. August 12, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXXVII. Plate No. 2. r r c d Q Mean Q o c 17" 59" _ 6 h 4 m 73 .6 60 70 80 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.85 0.04 18 34 5 29 67 .4 75 1.00 1.00 + 0.04 19 29 4 34 57 .0 90 1.10 1.10 0.03 20 45 3 18 41 .6 80 1.20 1.20 + 0.02 21 53 2 10 28 .5 80 1.20 1.20 0.04 22 52 1 11 17 .5 1.25 0.02 95 1.25 Equations of Condition. a 0.77/5 = 0.85 a 0.62/3 = 1.00 a 0.42/5=1.10 a 0.21/3 = 1.20 _ 0.10/5 =1.20 Normal Equations. 6.00 a 2.15/5=6.60 2.15 a 1.20/5 = 2.14 Solution of Normals. a- =1.288 A = 0.525 (125) (126) (127) 58 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of \ . - N . o. Telescope. August 12, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XXXVIII. Plate No. 3. r T r ; d Q Mean Q oc 18" 1"> _ 6 h 2"> 73.4 60 70 80 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.85 -0.03 18 36 5 27 67 .0 1.00 0.00 19 32 4 31 56 4 85 70 1.00 1.20 120 +006 20 48 3 15 41 .5 85 1.30 1.30 + 0.01 21 55 2 8 28 .1 75 85 95 1,45 1.30 1.25 1.33 0.04 Equations of Condition. a 0.76/5 = 0.85 a 0.60 /? = 1.00 or 0.41 /? = 1.20 a 0.21 /3=1.30 a 0.09/5 = 1.33 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.07/5=5.68 2.07a 1.16 /? = 2. Solution of Normals. = 1.439 /? = 0.733 (128) (129) (130) The Photographic Rays of Light. 59 U. S. N. O. Telescope. August 12, 1890. (x Andromedae. TABLE XXXIX. Plate No. 4. r r - d Q Mean Q o c 65 1.00 18" 4 m 5" 59> 73 .0 75 1.00 1.00 0.04 85 1.00 70 1.20 18 39 5 24 66 .5 80 1.20 1.17 + 0.04 90 1.10 70 1.20 19 35 4 28 55 .8 85 1.30 1.25 + 0.02 95 1.25 75 1.45 20 51 3 12 40 .9 85 1.30 1.37 + 0.03 95 1.35 21 58 2 5 27 .5 1.35 .05 100 1.35 Equations of Condition. a 0.75 /3 =1.00 a 0.59/5=1.17 a 0.40 /3= 1.25 a 0.20 /3= 1.37 a 0.09 ft= 1.35 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.03 fi = 6.14 2.03 1.12 yS = (131) (132) Solution of Normals. = 0.548 (133) 60 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of r. s. N.O. Telescope. August 12, 1890. of Andromedae. TABLE XL. Plate No. 5. r T c d Q Mean Q o c I 8 h 7 m 5^56" 72.5 60 65 75 0.80 0.70 0.80 0.77 0.01 18 41 5 22 66 .2 70 0.85 0.85 + 0.01 20 54 3 9 40 .3 L10 + 001 22 1 2 2 26 .9 90 70 L10 1.20 L20 + 003 23 2 1 1 15 .8 80 95 L15 1.25 1.20 0.01 Equations of Condition. a 0.59/5 = 0.77 a 0.51 /3 = 0.85 0.19 /S = 1.10 a 0.09/5 = 1.20 a 0.03/5 = 1.20 Normal Equations. 5.00 or 1.41/3=5.12 1.41 a 0.66/3=1. 24 Solution of Normals. a =1.244 /? = 0.780 (134) (135) (136) The Photographic Rays of Light. 61 U. S. X. O. Telescope. August 13, 1890. Plate No. 1. a. Andromedae. TABLE XLI. Bar., 25' Att., 65. Ex., 64. T T ^ d Q Mean Q o c 17 h 28' 6i 35" 79.5 60 70 0.80 0.85 0.82 0.02 65 1.00 18 22 5 41 69 .7 1.00 + 0.01 85 1.00 70 1.20 19 45 4 18 53 .8 80 1.20 1.17 + 0.04 90 1.10 70 1.20 21 3 3 39 .1 85 1.30 1.25 + 0.03 95 1.25 70 1.20 22 29 1 34 21 .6 85 1.30 1.25 0.03 95 1.25 Equations of Condition. a 0.96/5 = 0.82 a Q.67/5 = 1.00 'a 0.37,3 = 1.17 a 0.19/5 = 1.25 <* 0.06/5 = 1.25 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.25 /? = 5.49 2.25 a 1.55/5 = 2.21 Solution of Normals. a = 1.314 /5 = 0.485 (137) (138) (139) 62 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of U.S. \ . O. Telescope. August 13, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XLTI. Plate Xo. 2 T r C d 2> 4* 8 s Q Mean Q o c . 0.80 17 h 31 m 6 h 32" 79 080 - 001 65 1.00 18 35 5 28 67 .2 75 1.00 1.00 + 0.01 70 1.20 19 47 4 16 53 .4 80 90 1.20 1.15 1.17 + 0.04 70 1.20 21 5 2 58 38 .1 80 1.20 1.22 0.00 95 1.25 70 1.20 22 32 1 31 21 .0 85 1.30 1.25 -0.04 95 1.25 Equations of Condition. a 0.94/5 = 0.80 a 0.61 ,5 = 1.00 a 0.36/5=1.17 ex 0.18/5=1.22 a 0.05/5=1.25 Normal Equations. 5.00^ 2.14/5 = 5.44 2.1 4 a 1.41 /5 = 2.06 Solution of Normals. or = 1.320 = 0.541 (140) (141) (142) The Photographic Rays of Light. 63 U. S. N. 0. Telescope. August 13, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XLIII. Plate No. 3. T r c d Q Mean Q o c 17 h 33 m 6 h 30" 78 .6 65 1.00 1.00 + 0.05 18 37 5 26 66 .9 75 85 95 1.45 1.30 1.25 1.33 0.03 19 50 4 13 52 .8 80 90 1.70 1.50 1.60 0.08 21 10 2 53 37 .1 90 100 120 2.30 1.80 1.85 1.98 + 0.07 22 35 1 28 20 .4 90 105 120 2.30 2.00 1.85 2.05 0.01 Equations of Condition. a 0.93 /?= 1.00 0.60 /?= 1.33 a 0.35 ft= 1.60 a 0.17/5=1.98 a 0.05/3 = 2.05 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.10 /? = 7.96 2.100' 1.37/5=2.73 Solution of Normals. a= 2.121 /?== 1.259 (143) (144) (145) 64 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of V . s. X. O. Telescope. August 13, 1890. a Andromedae. TABLE XLIV. Plate No. 4. r r c d Q Mean Q o c 0.65 1.00 17" 36" 6" 28- 78.2 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.09 0.70 1.20 18 39 5 24 66 .5 0.80 1.20 1.17 + 0.08 0.90 1.10 0.75 1.40 19 52 4 11 52.6 0.80 1.20 1.28 + 0.06 0.95 L25 0.75 1.40 21 15 2 48 36 .1 0.85 1.30 1.32 0.02 0.95 1.25 0.75 1.40 22 37 1 26 20.0 0.85 1.30 1.35 0.05 1.00 1.35 Equations of Condition. a 0.92 /3 = 0.80 a 0.59 /?= 1.17 a 0.35/5=1.28 a 0.16/3=1.32 a 0.05 /S=1.35 Normal Equations. 5.00 2.07 ytf=5.92 2.07 a 1.35/3 = 2.16 Solution of Normals. a = 1.429 yff = 0.592 (146) (147) (148) TJie Photographic Rays of Light, 65 U. S. N. O. Telescope. August 13, 1890. a. Andromedae. TABLE XLY. Plate No. 5. r T c d 2 4 8 Q Mean Q o c 60 0.80 17" 38" 625 m 77 .7 65 0.70 0.75 0.00 65 1.00 18 41 5 22 66.2 70 0.85 0.92 + 0.01 80 0.90 65 1.00 19 55 4 8 51.8 75 1.00 1.03 -0.02 90 L10 21 20 2 43 35 .1 70 80 1.20 1.20 1.17 + 0.02 90 1.10 70 1.20 22 39 1 24 19.7 80 1.20 1.17 0.03 90 1.10 Equations of Condition. a 0.90/5 = 0.75 a 0.59/5 = 0.92 a 0.34,5 = 1.03 a 0.15/5=1.17 tf 0.05/5=1.17 Normal Equations. 5.00 a 2.03/5=5.04 2.03 a 1.30/5=1.79 Solution of Normals. a= 1.226 p = 0.536 (149) (150) (151) 66 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of Exposures on Polaris. In addition to the observations on a Andromedae each plate was exposed on Polaris; ordinarily one set of 2", 4 s , and 8 s ex- posures was made on each plate at the beginning of the night's work, and a similar set at the close. The observations and results are given in Table XL VI. The last column gives the quantity (expressed in magnitudes), found by subtracting the provisional magnitude of a Andromedae from that of Polaris. (See note to Table VIII.) TABLE XLVI. Polaris. Q 1 mf i f Date. Plate. d Q Polaris. a Andro. Polaris. a Andro. \ 1890. 65 II 1.00 ;1 July 1.. 1 70 0.85 0.88 1.25 2.28 1.52 +0.76 75 0.80 65 65 1.00 July I.- 2 70 70 0.85 0.88 1.20 2.28 1.61 + 0.67 75 75 0.80 65 65 1.00 July 2.. 1 70 70 0.85 0.88 1.48 2.28 1.15 + 1.13 75 75 0.80 60 60 0.80 July 2__ 2 70 70 0.85 0.82 1.22 2.43 1.57 + 0.86 75 75 0.80 70 65 1.05 July 2.. 3 75 70 0.90 0.95 1.43 2.12 1.22 +0.90 85 75 0.90 65 65 1.00 July 2.. 4 75 70 0.90 0.93 1.50 2.15 1.12 + 1.03 85 80 0.90 60 60 0.80 July 2._ 5 70 70 0.85 0.85 1.32 2.35 1.40 + 0.95 80 80 0.90 65 60 0.85 July 30.. 1 75 70 0.80 0.87 1.39 2.30 1.29 ! + 1.01 80 80 0.90 60 60 0.80 July 30.. 2 65 65 75 75 0.70 0.80 0.77 1.32 2.56 1.38 + 1.18 The Photographic Rays of Light. 67 TABLE XLVI Continued. Polaris. Q m' J m' Date. Plate. d Q Polaris. a Andro. Polaris. a Andro. 1890. 75 65 1.10 . July 30- 3 80 75 85 80 1.05 0.90 1.02 1.70 1.96 0.85 +1.11 65 65 1.00 July 30- 4 70 70 0.85 0.88 1.36 2.28 1.33 + 0.95 75 75 0.80 60 60 0.80 July 30- 5 65 65 0.70 0.78 1.35 2.54 1.35 + 1.19 75 75 0.80 65 70 1.05 Aug. 6- 1 75 75 1.00 1.02 1.59 1.96 1.00 +0.96 85 85 1.00 65 65 1.00 Aug. 6- 2 75 70 0.90 0.97 1.55 2.06 1.05 + 1.01 85 85 1.00 \ f 65 70 1.05 Aug. 6- 3 70 70 0.85 0.93 1.55 2.15 1.05 1 + 1.10 80 80 0.90 65 65 1.00 Aug. 6- 4 70 70 0.85 0.92 1.54 2.18 1.07 + 1.11 80 - 0.90 65 65 1.00 Aug. 6- 5 70 70 0.85 0.88 1.43 2.28 1.22 + 1.06 75 75 0.80 60 60 0.80 Aug. 12- 1 65 65 0.70 0.77 1.28 2.57 1.47 + 1.10 75 75 0.80 ! . 68 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of TABLE XLVI Continued. Polaris. Q TO' A m' Date. 1890. Aug. 12.. Plate. d Q Polaris. a Andro. Polaris. a; Andro. 2 60 65 65 65 80 80 0.80 0.70 I 0.80 0.77 1.29 2.57 1.45 + 1.12 Aug. 12.. 3 65 65 75 75 90 85 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.02 1.44 1.96 1.21 + r 75 Aug. 12- 4 65 70 70 75 80 85 1.05 1.05 0.90 1.00 1.52 2.00 1.09 + 0.91 Aug. 12- 5 60 60 65 70 75 80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.24 2.48 1.54 + 0.94 Aug. 13.. 1 65 70 75 75 85 85 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.31 1.96 1.41 + 0.55 Aug. 13- 2 65 65 75 75 85 85 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.32 2.00 1.39 + 0.61 Aug. 13- 3 75 75 85 85 90 90 1.45 1.30 L15 1.30 2.12 1.43 0.37 + 1.06 Aug. 13- 4 65 65 75 75 85 80 1.00 . 1.00 0.97 0.90 1.43 2.06 1.22 + 0.84 Aug. 13.. 5 60 60 65 70 75 80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.23 2.48 1.55 + 0.93 In Table XLVII the factor / is given for each plate. As the several values are consistently smaller than for the other series, I was for a time at a loss to account for this difference. A comparison of the negatives developed by W. W. C. with those developed by J. M. S. at once showed that the latter films are considerably darker than the former. As some of the negatives of this third series are darker than others, the following test, as to whether the value of the factor / is a function of the degree of development of the plate, was made: All the plates of the third series were fastened side by side to a large, white, semi-transparent background (a frosted Avindow pane); thus arranged, slight differences of shade could at once be detected. Only two grades of density will be used The Photographic Rays of Light. 69 to designate the degree of opacity, light (L) and dark (D); the corresponding value of / is found in the horizontal line. It should also be remarked that on three of the six nights of observation the moon was nearly full, so that a light development under such conditions would correspond to a considerably lighter development on a moonless night, as the diffused light resulting from the presence of the moon in the sky would, to a certain extent, fog the whole plate. TABLE XLVII. Date. Plate. Develop- ment. Mean Zenith- Distance. /=! REMARKS. 1890. July 1- 1 D 60.5 1.25 0.44 Moon nearly full July 1- 2 D 61.2 1.20 0.40 very windy. July 2- 1 L 68.5 1.48 0.37 Full moon July 2- 2 L 67.7 1.22 0.40 very windy. Julv 2.. 3 L 67.1 1.43 0.40 July 2.. 4 L 66.2 1.50 0.43 July 2.. 5 L 65.3 1.32 0.36 July 30.. July 30- 1 2 L L 59.3 53.6 1.39 1.32 0.45 0.36 Moon nearly full. July 30.. 3 L 53.0 1.70 0.38 July 30- 4 L 57.8 1.36 0.37 July 30- 5 L 57.2 1.35 0.36 Aug. 6.. 1 D 67.1 1.59 0.47 Moon rise near close Aug. 6- 2 D 66.6 1.55 0.41 of observations. Aug. 6.. 3 D 66.1 1.55 0.47 Aug. 6.. 4 D 65.5 1.54 0.43 Aug. 6_. 5 D 65.3 1.43 0.52 Aug. 12.. 1 D 47.2 1.28 0.46 Aug. 12.. 2 D 47.6 1.29 0.41 Aug. 12- 3 D 53.3 1.44 0.51 Windy. Aug. 12- 4 D 52.7 1.52 0.44 Aug. 12- 5 D 44.3 1.24 0.63 Aug. 13.. 1 L 52.7 1.31 0.37 Aug. 13.. 2 L 51.8 1.32 0.41 Aug. 13- 3 L 51.2 [2.121 (0.59) Aug. 13.. 4 L 50.7 1 43 0.41 Aug. 13- 5 D 50.1 L23 0.44 In Table XL VIII the mean results for each day, together with the meteorological factors, pressure and temperature, will be found tabulated. The variations in pressure and tem- perature are altogether too small to enable one to decide just what effect the purely meteorological factors have upon the ab- Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of sorption. Such an effect can, however, probably be considered as evanescent compared with the unknown errors arising from other sources, as, for instance, impurities in the atmosphere. TABLE XLVIII. hsr Mean Zenith- Distance. Pressure. Temper- ature. 2*.. 128 0.0327 0.0301 0.0028 256 0.0360 0.0334 0.0026 512 0.0395 0.0367 0.0028 74 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of From the above comparisons, it will be seen tbat tbe agree- ment between theory and observation is as close as could be expected. The quantity c c' is large, and indicates that the WILLARD lens is much more effective than the DALLMEYER. I have, however, assumed this quantity to be a constant for a Lyrae, as all the other plates of this series were exposed, developed, and measured in the same way. The photographic magnitude (provisional) corresponding to Q= 3.3 is, according to Table II, TO= 0.597, agreeing fairly well with the magnitude given by the standard telescope. . Explanation of the Tables L-LV. The first three columns need no explanation, as the arrange- ment is the same as for the preceding tables. In the fourth column, two independent measures of the diameters of each stellar image are given. As the images are slightly elongated, these measures were made along two diameters, at right angles to each other. The fifth column gives the corrected mean diameter, found by subtracting 0.0027 from the mean of the measured diameters. These two columns correspond to the 2 s exposures. The same explanation applies to the columns for the 4 s , 8 s , and 16 s exposures. In forming the equations .of condition in the previous investigations, I have used the mean of the results correspond- ing to the 2 s , 4 s , and 8 s exposures. In the present case I have treated each set of exposures corresponding to the same value of t separately, and for two reasons: First, the short exposures near the horizon will give more uncertain results than the longer exposures, and there- fore the least weight should be given to the 2 s exposures, and the greatest weight to the 16 s exposures; second, the relation between d, Q, and t may not be exactly the same for this tele- scope as that found for the standard instrument. Any marked deviation from the assumed law, for this instru- ment, would then become apparent through the relations, which would show that the final results are in each case functions of the time of exposure. 77ie Photographic Rays of Light. 75 Crocker Telescope. a Lyrae. Bar-. 25>.92. Att.. 57. Nov. 4, 1891. TABLE L. Ex 5r - 2* 4* 8* 16' T r T d do d '- .8 125 .93 150 118 190 158 225 190 115 140 180 210 13 5 40 64.5 120 85 140 108 185 145 210 178 105 130 180 200 1 5 6 32 7 .0 110 75 130 95 170 133 i 185 155 95 115 150 180 1 34 7 1 77.5 95 60 100 68 145 110 170 138 80 90 130 160 1 48 7 15 79.5 90 60 100 68 145 108 160 128 35 90 125 150 Equations of Condition. Values of Q corresponding to do. a tan 1 ( T^ ) 1 ft 2" 4 s , 16 s a 0.17/3= 2.80 a 0.22 f^ 2.60 2.80 2.70 | 3.15 i 3.20 3.30 (155) a 0.37/7= 2.50 2.50 2.90 3.00 a 0.55/7= 2.00 2.10 2.55 i 2.75 a 0.75 /?= 1.45 1.60 2.20 ! 2.25 a 0.89/3 = 0.80 0.80 1.60 ' 1.90 a 0.96/5 = 0.80 0.80 1.55 1 1.65 76 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of Normal Equations. First Members. Second Members. (156) 2 s 4 s 8* 16 s 7.00 a 3.91 ft = 3.91 a ~ 2.79/3 = 12.95 5.64 13.30 5.82 17.10 8.26 18.00 8.85 Nov. 4, 1891. Solution of Normals. Weight. 1 Time. OS $ = 3.32 4 s ' t/3 = 2.Q3 U = 3.38 8 s - ^ = 2.65 j a = 3.64 16 s -- (/3 = 2.14 (a = 3.68 " 1/3=1.99 (157) (158) (159) (160) Observation Computation. TABLE LI. 2' 4 s 8* 16' 37.2 0.07 0.13 0.08 0.13 42 .9 53 .8 64 .5 73 .0 77 .5 0.14 0.10 + 0.15 +0.10 + 0.13 +0.18 + 0.10 +0.21 0.22 0.22 0.02 +0.06 + 0.05 +0.05 + 0.08 + 0.16 + 0.16 +0.06 0.14 0.01 79 .5 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.12 The Photographic Rays of Light. 77 Crocker Telescope. Nov. 6, 189L a Lyrae. TABLE LII. Bar., 25 i ".84. Att., 46. Ex., 47. 5 4 s 8s 16' ' T T f d do d do d do d | do \ II 1! o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 |! 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2244 4" 11 48.5 145 115 180 148 200 170 235 208 i 140 170 195 23 46 5 13 59 .6 i 140 108 165 135 190 155 220 193 135 160 175 46 6 13 70.5 135 100 150 120 175 140 210 175 I 120 145 160 195 1 49 7 16 79 .7 i; 115 83 125 95 150 118 175 140 ! 105 120 rvrr 140 f**v it -trte 160 2 27 2 34 2 42 7 54 8 1 8 9 85 .2 100 85 2 47 8 14 86 .1 87 .2 87.5 125 110 110 90 100 80 90 75 63 125 120 115 100 100 90 Equations of Condition. Values of Q corresponding to do. " ""LOwl' 4 s 8* 16 s a -0.29/3= 4.00 3.70 3.30 3.40 or 0.46/5 = 3.60 3.20 2.85 3.10 (161) a 0.69/5 = 3.00 2.60 2.40 2.70 a 0.97 /?=f 1.90 L60 L80 1.90 a 1.21 /5 = 1.00 0.80 L10 LOO a 1.26/3 = 0.70 0.50 0.75 0.75 a 1.32/5= 0.40 0.35 0.60 0.60 or 1.33/5= 0.30 0.30 0.40 0.50 1 78 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of Normal Equations. First Membe Second Members. j 4' 8* 16* (162) 8.00 a 7.53/5= 14. 7.53 a 8.27/3= 9.8 ) 13.05 L 8.34 13.20 13.95 957 9.72 Solutio Time. n of Normals. Weight. = 3^56 1 = 4.76 2 = 2'.89 8 m Computation. LBLE LIU. _ (163) (164) (165) (166) 16 Nov. 6, 1891.

7 6 0.18 0.02 + 0.20 + 0.14 + 0.10 + 0.03 0.06 0.18 0.09 0.03 + 0.14 + 0.07 + 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.09 - 0.08 + 0.08 + 053 + 0.17 -0.05 0.04 0.21 053 + 0.04 + 052 + 0.23 + 0.02 0.09 0.06 0.13 The Photographic Rays of Light. Crocker Telescope. Nov. 8, 1891. a Lyrae. ' TABLE LIV. Bar., 26">.03. Alt., 57. Ex., 58. T r s * 4 g ' 'l 3 d do d do d do d do 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23 h 7 m 4h 3401 52 6 125 93 145 113 115 135 1 6' 27 72 2 105 70 90 1 40 7 7 78 .3 100 70 105 73 120 88 145 110 95 95 110 130 2 10 7 37 82.7 85 53 90 60 100 70 120 90 75 85 95 115 2 24 7 51 84 .7 75 43 80 50 90 60 65 75 85 2 33 8 85.9 70 38 75 43 80 48 95 63 60 65 70 85 2 45 8 12 87 .5 55 25 60 33 70 40 75 48 50 60 65 75 2 52 8 19 88 .3 45 18 55 28 65 33 65 38 45 55 55 65 2 57 8 24 88 .9 50 23 55 23 60 30 50 45 55 3 05 8 27^ 89 3 50 18 40 80 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of Equations o/ Condition. Values of Q corresponding to dc " J^i-GOr 2" 8- 16 8 a 0.35/3 = a 0.73^ = a 0.92/3 = a L09/3 = a L19 /3 2.50 1.20 L20 0.60 0.35 0.25 0.10 0.07 2.35 0.95 1.10 0.60 0.70 040 050 1.30 D.90 / -1 e* f '\ a 1.25/3 = a 1.33/3 = nr 1.39/3 = a 1.42/3 = a: 1 45 /3 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.09 006 iCw' (16 D.30 D.20 ).10 "" """ 2 s 4 s . ._ Normal ( 8.00 a j 8.25 a $ 8.00 a ( 8.94 a $ 8.00 a 1 10.04 a 1 6.00 a i 7.40 a /SoZwfion Equations. 8.25/5 = 6.27 9.37/5 = 4.46 8.94 y5 = 5.05 10.86 ft = 3.78 10.04 ft = 3.10 12.84/5 = 3.44 7.40/5 = 3.35 9.32/5 = 3.69 o/ Normals. Weight. J 3.00 2.12 2.68 4 3.36 (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174) (175^ 8 s 16 s Time. 2 s 4 s ( = 8 s . . \ft = ( a = 16 s .. The Photographic Rays of Light. 81 Xov. 8, 1891. Observation Computation. TABLE LY. o c c 4 s * 16- 52 6 + 014 + 009 028 78 .3 82 .7 84 7 + 0.16 0.05 007 -0.10 0.09 008 + 0.10 + 0.03 0.00 + 0.03 + 0.01 85 .9 87 .5 88 .3 88 9 0.03 0.00 + 0.11 0.05 + 0.02 + 0.10 + 0.11 0.08 0.03 + 0.03 + 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.04 89 .3 + 0.05 To see whether any definite relation exists between the values of a and /?, and t (or / and t) for this particular tele- scope, we find, by taking simple means, the following figures: TABLE LVI. Exposure. a ft / Weight. 2" 3.90 2.83 0.70 t 4 3.71 2.70 0.73 2 8 3.49 2.21 0.63 4 16 3.83 2.38 0.62 8 The values of / resulting from the shorter exposures are, for the reason already given, less reliable than those which cor- respond to the longer exposures; there is, however, an evident tendency for / to increase as the exposure time diminishes. I account for this, at least partly, as follows: The correction 0.0027 has only been deduced from observations on a Lyrae, which correspond to exposures of one second and more. The smallest image to which this correction has been applied and found to hold good, has the diameter 0.0099 (see Table XLIX), while the smallest image measured in the series of observations for absorption has a diameter of 0.0045, which, however, was used but once to form a single equation of con- dition, the other values all being greater than 0.0065. It is evident that if the constant grows sensibly smaller as the image decreases from 0.0099 to the above values, the corrected 6 82 Terrestrial. Atmospheric Absorption of diameters for the short exposures at great zenith-distances will be too small, and consequently will have the effect of making the factor/ (and, therefore, also the absorption) greater than it actually is. It is quite probable that the constant does grow smaller within the above range, but as I had no accurate method of testing the law for extremely short exposures, and as there are no evidences pointing to such a conclusion in Table XLIX, I deemed it best to use a constant correction for all the measures. It is of course certain that there is a limit near which this constant becomes a variable, which decreases in magnitude as the exposure time diminishes. A series of exposures on Polaris with this same telescope, in February, 1892, made on a new series of plates, gave the correction 0.0010 for all exposures from 1 s to 256 s duration, but the value of the photographic magnitude was not affected. If we give weights to these results, which are proportional to the exposure times, the value of the factor / becomes / = 0.64 (176) If we take the weighted mean of the separate results of each night, as found for the 2 s , 4 s , 8 s , and 16' exposures, we have the following expressions for Q; the corresponding values of /== ^, and the mean zenith-distances (t) f 1891. November 4 61 3.60 2.16 ((<2)J (181) Explanation of Table. With the aid of equations (181) and (4) the final tabular quantities given in Table LIX have been computed directly for each whole degree of zenith-distance from to 90. Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of The first column gives the observed zenith-distance, the second column the corresponding brightness, and the third column the amount of absorption, expressed in magnitudes, for the same zenith-distance. The brightness in the zenith is placed equal to unity. TABLE LIX. TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC ABSORPTION. Ob- served Zenith- Dis- tance. Photographic Ob- served Zenith- Dis- tance. Photographic Ob- served Zenith- Dis- tance. Photographic Bright- ness. Absorp- tion. Bright- ness. Absorp- tion. Bright- ness. Absorp- tion. B M B M B m 1.00 , 0.00 30 0.87 0.15 60 0.52 0.71 1 1.00 0.00 31 0.86 0.16 61 0.50 0.74 2 1.00 0.00 32 0.86 0.17 62 0.49 0.78 3 1.00 0.00 33 0.85 0.18 63 0.47 0.81 4 1.00 0.00 34 0.84 0.19 64 0.46 0.85 5 1.00 0.00 35 0.83 0.20 65 0.44 0.89 6 0.99 0.01 36 0.82 0.21 66 0.42 0.93 7 0.99 0.01 37 ; 0.81 * 0.23 67 i 0.41 0.98 8 0.99 0.01 38 0.80 0.24 68 0.39 1.03 9 0.99 0.01 39 0.79 0.26 69 0.37 1.07 10 0.99 0.01 40 0.78 0.27 70 0.36 1.12 11 0.99 0.02 41 0.77 0.29 71 0.34 1.18 12 0.98 0.02 42 0.76 0.30 72 0.32 1.24 13 0.98 0.02 43 0.74 0.32 73 0.30 1.31 14 0.97 0.03 44 0.73 0.34 74 0.28 1.39 15 0.97 0.03 45 0.72 0.35 75 0.26 1.45 16 0.96 0.04 46 0.71 0.37 76 0.25 1.52 17 0.96 0.04 47 0.70 0.39 77 0.23 1.62 18 0.95 0.05 48 0.69 0.41 78 0.21 1.71 19 0.95 0.05 49 0.67 0.43 79 0.19 1.81 20 0.94 0.06 50 0.66 0.45 80 0.17 1.93 21 0.94 0.07 51 0.65 0.47 81 0.15 2.05 22 0.93 0.07 52 0.64 0.49 82 0.13 2.19 23 0.93 0.08 53 0.62 0.52 83 0.11 2.36 24 0.92 0.09 54 0.61 0.54 84 0.10 2.54 25 0.91 0.10 55 0.59 0.57 85 0.08 2.75 26 0.90 0.11 56 0.58 0.59 86 0.06 3.00 27 0.90 0.12 57 0.56 0.62 87 0.05 3.30 28 0.88 0.13 58 0.55 0.65 88 0.03 3.70 29 0.88 0.14 59 0.53 0.68 89 0.02 4.18 30 0.87 0.15 60 0.52 0.71 90 0.01 4.96 The Photographic Rays of Light. 87 ON THE PROBABLE ERROR OF A PHOTOGRAPHIC MAGNITUDE. If we differentiate equation (4), regarding m' and Q as vari- ables, we have dm' = 2^- (182) The expression shows that slightly erroneous values of Q, due to constant or accidental errors of observation, will produce large errors in the resulting values of m' when Q is very small. For a given value of t, the error of m' varies nearly inversely as Q. In general the smaller the value of the measured d, the greater will be the error of the resulting value of m'. However, when t is very great, other sources of error (due to (1) imperfect pointing of the telescope, (2) change in the dif- ferential refraction, (3) change in atmospheric absorption, (4) internal reflections in the photographic plate, etc.) tend to diminish the accuracy of the measured results. The value of the probable error, corresponding to a brightness in the neighborhood of that assigned to the standard star, can be obtained from the data given in Table XL VI. Using all the observations of this table. I find that the probable error of an observed magnitude, deduced from the mean of any three exposures of 2 s , 4 s , and 8 s duration, comes out somewhat less than one tenth of a magnitude. NEW UNITS OF BRIGHTNESS AND MAGNITUDE. In the preceding discussion, Polaris has been given the photographic brightness 1.00, and magnitude 2.00, at the zenith-distance 52 40'. From Table LIX we learn that the corresponding brightness and magnitude of the same star, if it were situated in the zenith, would be B = 1.59, and m =1.49. Consequently^ if we change this unit of brightness, so as to make it 1.00 in the zenith, we have only to proceed in the way already outlined on page 11, and in equations (29), (30), and (31) to obtain the new arguments given for Table II, found at the bottom of the page. There seems to be no marked change in the law for increas- ing altitudes of the observer, if the Cayenne results can be 88 Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of taken as a test. Just what the absolute atmospheric absorp- tion is in the zenith is not known, nor is this a necessary datum for the purposes of this paper, as the law has been so determined that only the observed brightness enters into the discussion. In Table LX will be found the final photographic magnitudes of the stars mentioned in this memoir, as determined from the observations. TABLE LX. Star. Place of Observation. Provisional Final Photographic Photographic Magnitude Magnitude (Observed), j (Observed). i aArietis [ Mt. Hamilton... +2.10 +2.61 a Andromedae I Mt. Hamilton... I +1.04 +1.55 aOrionis j Cayenne ... | (+1.30) (+1.81) ft Orionis | Cayenne j (0.64) (0.13) c c Canis Majoris ..'... - - - : Cayenne i (1.45) ( 0.94) a Canis Minoris ! Cayenne j (+0.10) (+ 0.51) a Lyrae Mt. Hamilton...! 0.59 0.08 Polaris ...: Cayenne j (+1.52) (+2.03) The bracketed figures in the above table indicate that the values may be considerably in error, as no impressions of the standard star that were worthy of being used could be obtained at Cayenne; the zenith-distance of Polaris, even at upper cul- mination, being greater than 83. CONCLUSION. In the practical application of the finally adopted values of the absorption at different zenith-distances, the character of the particular kind of plate used and the spectral type of the star observed must be taken into consideration. A plate exposed to the action of two different sources of light of equal intensity (visually), but coming from different parts of the spectrum, Avill not, as a rule, be affected in the same way, for equal exposure times, by these two lights. Con- sequently, the law of absorption of the photographic rays, as determined with a particular kind of plate, may be different for stars having different types of spectrum. Photographic Rays of Light. 89 As some kinds of plates are more sensitive to a particular part of the spectrum than others, it follows that the character of the plate may largely influence the final result obtained for absorption. When we take into consideration the fact that the rays from the blue end of the spectrum appear to be more absorbed near the horizon than the rays from the red end, the force of the above remarks becomes still more apparent. The results given in this paper are derived from exposures made on SEED plates, Sensitometer No. 26, of their scale, and should represent the actual conditions for a normal state of the atmosphere. For an unusually thick sky, suitable for observations of a certain class, it is probable that the value of the factor / is greater than 0.60; while for an unusually clear sky, its value may be somewhat less than the normal value given. It is, of course, evident that within a few degrees of the horizon considerable uncertainty will always exist in all measured data, and consequently also in the computed theo- retical results. MOUNT HAMILTON, October, 1892. 7 WORKS ISSUED BY THE LICK OBSERVATORY. *** I* i s intended to issue, at irregular intervals, two series of works, the first, in quarto, to be known as Publications of the Lick Observatory; the second, in octavo, to be known as Contributions from the Lick Observatory. Occasional pamphlets, such as No. 2 below, may not be included in either series. At the end of every book a list of all the works issued will be given, for the con- venience of librarians and others. For the sake of uniformity, Nos. 3 and 4 below will be counted as Contribu- tions Nos. 1 and 2. 1. Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California, pre- pared under the direction of the Lick Trustees by EDWARD S. HOLDER. Volume 1, 1887. Sacramento, 1887. 4to. [Containing a brief history of the Observatory, with descriptions of the buildings and instruments; observa- tions of double stars by S. "NV. BUBNHAM, 1879, of the transit of Mercury, 1881, by Messrs. FLOYD, HOLDEX, and BURNHAM, of the transit of Venus, 1882, by D. P. TODD; meteorological observations, by T. E. FRASBH, 1880-85; and Reduction Tables for Mt. Hamilton, by G. C. COMSTOCK.] 2. Suggestions for Observing the Total Eclipse of the Sun on January 1, 1889, by EDWARD S. HOLDEN. Printed by authority of the Regents of the Uni- versity of California. Sacramento, 1888. 8vo. [Out of print.] 3. Contributions from the Lick Observatory, No. 1. Reports on the Observa- tions of the Total Eclipse of the Sun of January 1, 1889, published by the Lick Observatory. Printed by authority of the Regents of the University of California. Sacramento, 1889. 8vo. [Out of print.] 4. Contributions from the Lick Observatory, No. 2. Reports on the Observa- tions of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, December 21-22, 1889, and of the Total Eclipse of the Moon, July 22, 1888, to which is added a Catalogue of the Library, published by the Lick Observatory. Printed by authority of the Regents of the University ^California. Sacramento, 1891. 8vo. [Out of print.] 5. Contributions from the Lick Observatory, No. 3. Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of the Photographic Rays of Light, by J. M. SCHAEBERLE, Astronomer in the Lick Observatory. Printed by authority of the Re- gents of the University of California. Sacramento, 1893. 8vo. 6. Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California. Printed by authority of the Regents of the University. Volume II, 1893. Sacramento, 1893. 4to. [Containing double star observations made with the thirty-six-inch and twelve-inch refractors of the Lick Observatory from August, 1888, to June, 1892, by S. W. BURNHAM.] (90) Date Due CAT. NO. 24 161 (**f 970 00178 3270