v^mmmmmmm CITY PLANNING A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF THE SUBJECT ARRANGED FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS, PLANS, PHOTOGRAPHS, NOTES AND OTHER COLLECTED MATERIAL WITH ALPHABETIC SUBJECT INDEX BY JAMES STURGIS PRAY CHAIRMAN, SCHOOL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, HARVARD UNIVERSITY AND THEODORA KIMBALL LIBRARIAN, SCHOOL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1913 CITY PLANNING A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF THE SUBJECT ARRANGED FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS, PLANS, PHOTOGRAPHS, NOTES AND OTHER COLLECTED MATERIAL WITH ALPHABETIC SUBJECT INDEX BY JAMES STURGIS PRAY CHAIRMAN, SCHOOL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUKE, HAHVABD UNIVERSITY AND THEODORA KIMBALL LIBRARIAN, SCHOOL OP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, HARVARD UNIVERSITT CAMBRIDGE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1913 Copyright, J91S, ]\\ Hmivaku Iniversitv Press. THK UNIVKRHITY PRE88, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface 5 Definition of the Field of City Planning 5 Usefulness of the Classification 5 Practical Application of the Classification to Arrange- ment of Existing Material 7 This Classification in Relation to other Classification Schemes 9 Library of Congress Classification 9 Forthcoming Landscape Architecture Classification 11 Adaptations to other Systems of Classification . . 11 Organization of this Classification 12 Headings 12 Numbering 13 Indentation 14 Explanatory notes 14 Cross-references 14 Summary Outhne 15 Geographical Table 15 Index 15 Publication of Preliminary Outline 16 Acknowledgments 16 Summary Outline 19 Classification Scheme 23 Geographical Table 77 Subarrangement of Material under Individual Coun- tries and Cities 80 Alphabetic Subject Index to the Classification . . 83 Stack Annex 2024830 PREFACE DEFINITION OF THE FIELD OF CITY PLANNING The term City Planning is used to signify ''the intelligent control and guidance of the physical conformation, growth, and alteration of cities, towns, or considerable parts thereof, considered in their entirety"; ^ or, more briefly, the organi- zation of the physical city, town, or district to fit it to its complex use. It includes the planning of towns, suburbs, villages, and any considerable urban, suburban, or even intimately related rural districts. Material other than that embraced under the above definition is included in this out- line only when the subject-matter is treated or considered as having a definite relation to the city plan or its elements. For the purposes of this classification, planning includes re-planning, and the two are regarded as virtually synony- mous. Current usage sanctions three different meanings for the phrase city plan: first, the form of organization scheme, conception — purely subjective; second, the drawings, graphic expressions of this conception; third, the physical city re- sulting from the carrying out of this conception, the scheme realized; these two latter uses being strictly objective. We use the phrase in only the first of these senses, the subjective — the scheme or form of organization. USEFULNESS OF THE CLASSIFICATION That all the topics here included have been found neces- sary in order adequately to care for the arrangement of the ideas now current in city planning — whether expressed in literal or graphic language — is an impressive indication of not only the present magnitude of the subject of City Plan- ning itself, but also the volume of thought already on record within this field. So far as we know, this is the first comprehensive, systematic setting forth of the scope and » Professor Frederick Law Olmsted, Chairman of the National Conference on City Planning. 5 PREFACE varied character of this field to such a scale. Yet, so clearly hav»- the relations and scopes of the principal divisions here made of the subject now established themselves, and so far have wo l>een dominantly influenced in choosing for main heads and subheads units of area and the objects upon them distinpiishrd by function, that we believe no radical rn)rKani7,ation of this field is ever likely to occur, and that this elaty^ification, which ha.s been i)repared with unusual carr and had already the helpful criticism of many minds reprrscntin^ nu\ny parts of the field, can be adopted with unusual assurance as to its usefulness for an indefinite time to come. Certain parts of the cla.^sification nuist, of course, Ih' expanded frt)m time to time as the corresponding parts of the subject develop. The numbering of the scheme allows for this expansion. The approach to city planning to-day is still from many directions. The number of these directions, will, as time passes, increase rather than diminish; but, from whatever relateil, contributory, or overlapping field one comes to city planning, onr camiot hope to grasp the problem of the city plan as a whole or the true relation of one's special field to it without reference to some such comprehensive and systematic analysis, expressed or implied, as is here pre- sented. Moreover, however the directions of approach and hence the points of view differ, the organization of the modem city for health, efficiency, and beauty — not to say economy — remains essentially the same, and therefore such a com|)rehensive classification should be useful alike to the municipal official, the business administrator, the civil engineer, the sanitary expert, the transportation engi- neer, the housing reformer, the architect, and the landscape architect, as well as the representative of any one of various other si)ecial services, in proportion as his occupation enters and contributes to the field of city planning; and the index will show him (juickly at what points his special material is provided for. Thus, to all who arc concerned with city planning the chissification aims to be useful either for the classification of collected material, for the indication of relations between special parts of the whole field, or for a comprehensive presentation and .systematic analysis of the 6 PREFACE subject. In this last way, it is thought that the classification will be particularly useful to students of city planning in colleges and technical schools where the subject is to any extent taught. There is much in the rapid spread of the city-planning movement to-day that is unintelligent, superficial, inju- rious to the best interests of those living and working in cities. It is hoped that such a comprehensive view and sys- tematic handling as here given may help in some small measure to a more general rational conception of this vital field. However this may be, it is issued in response to a demand which has been expressed by practising city plan- ners, city administrators, instructors and students, and librarians, as well as by professional men in the related fields already mentioned. The very newness of city planning as an art, science, and profession renders the even development of a classification scheme impossible. Certain portions must be scarcely more than suggestive, but even here, in calling attention to the dearth of published material in particular sections of the subject, the classification scheme is useful in pointing out special fields of desirable research. As the joint authorship of this city-planning classification implies, the principle has been recognized that, to be gener- ally useful, any classification intended as this is to cover the arrangement both of ideas and of actual material, must be a compromise between a theoretical organization of the subject and an arrangement guided merely by existing mate- rial. If wholly the former, the classification will not be usable in libraries; while if based only on library needs, its services to those actively interested in city planning must be greatly diminished. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE CLASSIFICATION TO AR- RANGEMENT OF EXISTING MATERIAL The forms of material which might occur in a collection re- lating to city planning are: published literature, including books, pamphlets, reports, periodical articles, and clippings; graphic material, published or in original form, including maps, plans, drawings, photographs, plates, postcards, and 7 PREFACE miscellaneous pictorial matter; mamiscript material, in- cluding notes and hihliographical references. All these forms of material are represented in the Library of the School of Ijindscape Architecture at Harvard, for which this City-plnnninK Scheme was originally developed. In fact, the Scheme originated and has been worked out directly in connection with the organization of the extensive and rapidly growing collections on city j^lanning in this Library. In preparing one outline of the subject to cover material in such diverse forms, it is obvious that certain sections will be developed to provide more particularly for published literature and certain others more j^articularly for graphic njaterial. In fact on certain topics given in the outline, per- haps nothing has been uritten at all, although there may be many photographs. The development of the scheme, therefore, while considerably in advance of the literature of the subject in parts, is yet proportionate in consideration of the total material covered. The proportions of the scheme have furthermore been affected by the necessity to represent various points of view as well as various physical entities, and by the desirability of suggesting various possible arrangements. For the same material may often hv arranged in a number of different ways to serve different objects, as shown by the following illus- tration: a lot of postcards rei)resenting residential streets in various industrial cities might be classified either in 1675, Residential districts, or 2235, Residential streets, or 5320, Industrial cities, according to the way in which the owner of these cards would wish to consult them. If he had three copies of each, they could be arranged in all three places. Such duplication is seldom possible, and people have to be content with cross-references. Manuscript notes ofTer much the same possibilities of arrangement as the postcards just given as an illustration, and may be handled with a similar flexibility. The value of the classification for the arrange- ment of notes is very great to those interested professionally in city planning and constantly collecting data. In con- nection with the u.se of the classification for notes, it is sug- gested that by making a check mark in the printed index to the classification whenever a topic is looked up to find the 8 PREFACE number to apply to the particular note in question, the user will have constantly an up-to-date index to the material he has already assembled. The use of the classification for arranging bibliographical references is also important. The authors have had continually in mind the use of this scheme for the arrangement of the extensive City-planning Bibli- ography in preparation by the School of Landscape Archi- tecture in cooperation with the Library of Congress, of which a Check List appeared in the May, 1912, issue of the magazine "Special Libraries." As stated in the Prefatory Note, and also at the end of the Check List, where a sum- mary tentative outline was offered, the Harvard City-plan- ning Scheme has been officially adopted by the Library of Congress for the classification of titles in the City-planning Bibliography. THIS CLASSIFICATION IN RELATION TO OTHER CLASSIFICA- TION SCHEMES Library of Congress Classification In looking about for a basis on which to construct a clas- sification scheme for its special Library of Landscape Archi- tecture, including City Planning, for which there was no adequate provision in any existing classification, the School of Landscape Architecture decided that it was wiser to choose one which could be related to some general scheme already worked out, that could care for whatever material in allied fields it should be desirable to have in the Library. Mr. Sidney Kimball, then Assistant in the School, made a study of existing classifications, on the basis of which the School decided to adopt the Library of Congress Classifica- tion, because it is comprehensive, generally known through the wide circulation of printed catalogue cards numbered according to it, and adapted in principle to serve as a basis for the arrangement of the special field of the Library. This principle is a combination of logical subdivision with convenient sequence, allowing a maximum of elasticity in development. Its simple sequential system of numbering was found easy to use in the Library, and convenient of application to the outline of the subject without forcing. 9 PREFACE In com>^|M,mlcMieo with Mr. Charles Martel, then Chief Chis^ifirr <.f the I.ihrarv of (\)nKress. a place was assigned the suhjects in the peiuTal Lil.rary of Congress scheme (in which no ne Architecture - only material included under City Planning in its stricter definition will be classed in NAC; all other material will go in the appropriate Library of Congress class, c. g., Land and Housing, HD; Transporta- tion. HE; Architecture, NA(A); Public Health, RA; Roads and Pavements. TK; Building Laws, TH. This City-plan- ning Classification Scheme will however be used by many people technically interested in city planning who wish to use it as a complete basis of arrangement for all the material which they may collect on the whole subject, including affili- atj'd fields. Provision has therefore been made in this Scheme an it now stands for such a use, in connection with material on affiliated fields, with a reference in the more important cases, to the Library of Congress class where a fuller subdivision of the subject may be found. Those who find this Scheme full enough as it is may disregard these references entirely. Those who wish to go further may consult the Library of Congress classes referred to, the in- dexes in the backs of the "Schedules" containing these classes, and also the alphabetical li.st of subject headings published by the Library of Congress. 10 PREFACE Forthcoming Landscape Architecture Classification It is of interest to note the relation to this City-planning Scheme of the Landscape Architecture Scheme (NAB) in preparation by Professor Henry V. Hubbard and Theodora Kimball, of which a brief summary and adaptation appeared in the January, 1913, issue of the quarterly "Landscape Architecture." This forthcoming scheme will contain carefully worked-out cross-references to the City-planning Scheme, and each might well contain material not proper to the other according to the point of view; as, for instance, in the case of Parks, which in the City-planning Scheme are treated primarily as unit areas of a city and in the Landscape Architecture Scheme primarily as landscape compositions. Adaptations to Other Systems of Classification There appears to be no reason why this outline of the sub- ject of city planning, very much as it stands, should not be used in connection with other systems of classification in general use. For instance, at present the Dewey Decimal Classification contains no special provision for city planning. The New York State Library states that section 710 in that system is the place where a city-planning sub-class might be developed. The decimal system of numbering might be applied to the outline of this City-planning Classfication somewhat as follows: .01-.08 Bibliography through Museums, .11-. 17 Collected Works through General Special (or these form headings could be rearranged to conform with general decimal classification practice); .2 City-planning moimnent; .3 Legislation; A Methods of technical procedure; .5 Study and teaching; .6 Composition of city plans; .7 Elements of city plans; .8 Types of city plans; .9 Geographical arrangement. The subheads would be similarly numbered in decimal fashion so that a paper on, for instance, the economic aspects of city planning, might have for its classification number 710.623; or again an article on suburban station grounds, 710.71333. Of course some adjustments would have to be made, but the authors believe that the outline, as an outline of the subject, could stand. 11 PREFACE ORGANIZATION OK TIH^ ( I.ASSIFICATION Headingi It should be stated that the first series of main headings (see the Summar>' Outline) through 300, General special, have been selected from those in general use by the Library of C^ongress. They might be termed "form headings," since they refer particularly to the form in which the material api>ears, e.g., a Periodical, a Dictionary. The phrase "C.eneral special" is used as a heading for material, which, though general, is not comprehensive but deals with some 9j)€cial pha.'^e of the general'topic, e. g., under the heading Conduits. Wires, the topic 2857, Relation to street maintenance, appears under General special. This head- ing has been used consistently throughout this scheme, sometimes with subheads, often alone, with a gap in the numbering to permit the insertion of future subheads if desired. The second series of headings beginning with 500, City- planning movement, constitute a systematic subdivision of the field, adjusted to meet the demands of classifying ma- terial which, as physical objects, can stand in the files only in one place. Aspectual subdivisions, and provision for arrangement from different points of view, need not encum- ber the simplicity of the outline for use with graphic material representing objects alone. As has been stated earlier in this introduction, certain headings applj' more to literature and certain others more to pictorial matter. Use of the topics will soon reveal this distinction. Certain subheads have been provided uniformly under all the principal ele- ments; beyond this, an exact uniformity of phrase under all subheads has not been sought: it has seemed better to use whatever phrases were most expressive in the given in- stance. However, as far as possible, corresponding parts of the outline it.'^elf have been constnicted as uniformly as possible, to offer mnemonic advantage, for instance, under Vegetation, Special uses (4870), the topics have been arranged in the same order as the large headings under Elements. In order to present the subject clearly, each major sub- 12 PREFACE division of the outline is developed to a certain proportion, even if the subheads are given only as cross-references, e. g., Squares, 4400. In minor cases, however, only typical topics have been given under a heading, often in order to make clear the kind of material which should be classified there. These type subheads have been generally chosen because they rep- resented actual existing material, e. g., 1246, to cover a couple of recent magazine articles on the influence of avia- tion on the planning for total effect of the city as seen from above. Gaps have been left in the numbering for the inser- tion of similar subheads. In arranging a series of subheads, a coherent sequence has been preferred to an alphabetic arrangement, on account of the advantage gained for pictorial material, as shown by section 3820 -f. Minor structures. In general, the sequence of the actual material as arranged by this scheme has been carefully considered. Numbering The numbering of the Scheme requires some explanation. The system is that employed by the Library of Congress, a sequence of simple cardinal numbers, with gaps left between the numbers assigned the topics given, in order to allow for the insertion of new topics. Further expansion may be provided for by the use of decimals, as in Library of Congress Class HD, section 9000 + . The numbering of the City-planning Scheme has been done loosely, since the subject is growing so rapidly, and may develop at an unexpected point or in an unexpected way. Several hundred numbers have been left open to provide for such emergency. In classifying material in a library using the Library of Congress Classification, the numbers of the outline would be preceded by NAC, the general class designation for city planning. For a collection wholly on city planning and using only this scheme, NAC need not be used, since the numerical designation is suffi- cient. In a collection using the forthcoming Landscape Architecture Scheme (NAB) and this scheme (NAC), B might be used for Landscape Architecture and C for City Planning, or whatever mnemonic device the owner preferred. 13 PREFACE Indentation It has not Imhmj possil)leto express exact coordination and subordination of heads and subheads by the indentation. Often iniportance or bulk of material has pulled a logically subordinate topic into a more important place. Further- more, indentation by exact logical arrangement would make many of the lieadings too far to the right of the page for convenient printing; and the insertion of headings to show th(M)retical relations, where not necessary for clearness, would render the outline clumsy for use in classifying material. Explanatory Notes Notes have been given tlu-oughout the scheme explaining the meaning of a heading and what material should be clas- sified under it, wherever the authors felt these points were not self-evident. Cross-references Cross-references have been freely made between headings containing related material and further to call attention to headings under which the same material might be arranged from different points of view. In making these cross-refer- ences, where there has been no doubt as to the connection, the number referred to has alone been given without the cor- responding heading. In doubtful cases, the heading referred to has been given in addition to the numerical reference. The authors do not feel that it was advisable to give referred- to headings except in doubtful cases, on account of the great increa. CITY-PLANNING CLASSIFICATION If used in connection with Library of Congress Classification, prefix NAC to numbers. Bibliography. General only. Special bibliographies go with the special subjects. Cf. Library of Congress Class Z (Bibliography). Periodicals. Subdivided by language. Only general periodicals go here; local with 6800 +, City planning by special countries and cities. (1) (General.) 2 American and English. 4 French. 5 German. 14 Other. 15 Yearbooks. Societies. Proceedings, sets of publications. . . . For works on formation of societies, their activities, etc., see 513. (20) (General.) 21 International. 22 United States. 23 Latin America. South America, Central America, Mexico. 25 British Empire. 28 France and Belgium. 29 Germany, Austria. 31 Hungary, Bohemia. 32 Italy. 33 Scandinavia, Holland. 35 Spain and Portugal. 36 Switzerland. 39 Other. 23 CITY PLANNING Congresses. Conferences. Conventions. I'rtMMtHlings, etc. (40) (General.) 42 r«'rnijun'nt. Armngt-d .•ilplmhotirally by n:iine of congress. U\ Occi\nionii\. .\rrangrtl rlironologically. KXHIBITIONS. Kxhibitions in ronncction witli Congressps go here, but with rroas-reforcncc from Congresses. Cf. 546, 940. {50) ((lonoral.) 52 International. Local. 55 United States. 60 10 u rope . 65 Other. Museums. (70) (General.) Local. 75 United States. 80 Europe. 85 Other. Collected works. General series. E. g. StadtebnuHche Vortriige. ISO Several authors. 185 Individual authors. 100 Encyclopaedl\s, dictionaries, glossaries, lists of terms. 19") Directories h ioc, r a phy. 2()0 Collective. 20.-) Individual. A-Z. History, historical development of city plans, his- toric fonns ot city with examples. Cf. 6800+, which gives opportunity fbr a purely geograph- ical arningenient. This section 210+ may be used to group matenal for .si>ocial puri)oses. & h 210 Comprehensive, general. 24 CITY PLANNING History, historical development of city plans, his- toric forms of city with examples (continued). European. 212 General. By period. 215 Ancient cities. 217 Preclassic. 219 Classic. 225 Mediaeval cities. 230 Modern cities. 235 Oriental. 240 American. 245 Other. General works. 250 Comprehensive treatises. 254 Outlines, syllabi, charts, diagrams, etc. 258 Pocket-books, tables, etc. 260 Partial works. Treating two or more subdivisions of the general subject. Essays, addresses, lectures. Cf. 542. 265 Collective. Miscellaneous. 270 Single. When general; specific go with subject. (280) General collections of material in special forms. Classify here only material which it is desired to keep together as a collection rather than to distribute by subject. 282 Atlases and general collections of plans. 284 Portfolios and general collections of paintings, drawings, sketches, etc. 286 Albums and general collections of photographs, prints, plates, postcards, etc. 288 General collections of lantern slides. 290 General collections of clippings, excerpts, etc. 292 General collections of manuscripts, notes, etc. 294 General collections of books and pamphlets. Chosen as typical; e. g. " ten books on city planning for an office hbrary." 25 CITY PLANNING General special. 300 Name. Use of terms. Citv pliiiming or Town planning, Civic design, Munici- pal iinpn)vi-nicnt, Civic improvement, Civic betterment. 305 Purpose, utility. 310 PieKl, scope. Relation to other arts, sciences, and professions. CMty planning as an art, science, or profession. 320 (;«>iH'ral. 322 Requirements. 321 Opportunities. ( "iTY-rLANNING MOVEMENT. Muncipnl improvement, Civic betterment movement, etc. 500 General. 505 CJeneral special. rur])osfs, aitivities, jirogress, etc. Organiz.\tion. r>l() (Jeneral. Agencies, organizations. Cf. (1542). 512 General. 513 Societies. 515 Ghambers of commerce, boards of trade. 517 Clubs, city clubs, women's clubs, etc. 520 Resources. 525 Campaigns, organization of work, etc. Education of public. Awakening of interest, public advertising, publicity. 540 General. 542 Ix^ctures. Cf. 2rK)+. 544 Publications, propaganda. 54(5 Demonstrations, exhibitions. Cf. {'A))+, 'Mi). 548 Teaching in public schools. Cf. 900+. •Action by community. 565 Direct improvement of conditions. 569 Support of existing official agencies. 26 CITY PLANNING City-planning movement (continued). Action by community (continued). 571 Unofficial employment of experts. Cf. 875, 1540. 573 Initiating and securing of legislation. Cf. 700 + . Special aspects. 580 Village improvement movement. Cf. 5605. 582 Garden city movement. Cf. 5350. 584 Rural improvement movement. 586 Women in city planning movement. (600) (Special places.) See 6800 +, City planning by special countries and cities. However, if desirable, a shorter geographical table, such as Library of Congress Table I of Class N, may be inserted here. Legislation. Cf. 573. If a special collection is being made in this field, under each subdivision given here, local legislation might be arranged alphabetically by country or city. See also note under 760 +, Regulative legislation 700 General. Creative. 705 General. 707 General acts. e. g. British Housing and Town Planning &c. Act, 1909. Creation or empowering of administrative agents. Cf. 1520 + . 712 General. 714 City-planning departments, commissions, etc. Cf. 1535. 716 Other. Creation of public properties, rights, etc. 720 General. 722 Acquisition of land and other privately owned property. Eminent domain. Condemnation of land, taking of land, etc. 724 Excess condemnation. 728 Redistribution of land. "Lex Adickes." 735 Creation of easements, rights-of-way, etc. 740 Acquisition of privately-owned utilities. 27 ("ITV PLANxNING Legislation (continued). Re(;ul-\tive. 760 (leneral. (765) (Special.) For regulative legislation relating to special subjects (e. g. Districts, Streets, Buildings. Parks) see the special sub- jects, subhead Legislation. See Index, under liegislation. Special countries. Put hero, if desirable, collected legislation of special countries or localities. 77.') United States. 780 luirope. 785 Other. Method.s ok tkchnical procedure. Professional practice. Cf. subhead Special professional considerations under Ele- ments (e. g. Bridges). See Index, under Professional con- sideration.s. 800 General. 805 General special. 810 Legislation. Regulation. Collection and presentation of data. Making of surveys. , In general; local works go in 6800+. Cf. Data 1300+. Put here Melhoiis of collecting and presenting data, etc. DisPu.s.sion.s or general collections of data go in 1300 + . 815 General. Special classes. 820 Topographic, etc. Cf. 1320 + . 822 Social, etc. Cf. 1400 + . 824 Legal and administrative. Cf. l.V)0 + . 826 Economic and financial. Cf. 154.5 + . Forms of presentation of data. 830 General. 28 CITY PLANNING Methods of technical procedure. Professional PRACTICE (continued). Collection and presentation of data. Making of surveys. Forms of presentation of data (continued). 832 Reports, tabulations, compilations, censuses, etc. Cf. 852. 834 Maps, etc. Cf. 854. 836 Models. Cf. 856. 838 Photographs, etc. Design, economic and esthetic. Making of city- plans. Cf. 914, 1200. 840 General. 842 Studies. 844 Preliminary planning. 846 Revision and amplification. 848 Details. Presentation of city plans. 850 General. 852 Reports. Cf. 832. 854 Drawings, plans, etc. Cf. 834. 856 Models. Cf. 836. 858 Estimates. 860 Direction or supervision of construction and maintenance. Cf. subhead Construction and maintenance under the individual Elements, (e. g. Streets, Parks). See Index. 875 Consultation. Cooperation of experts. Cf. 571, 1540. 880 Competitions. Material relating to .special competitions maybe classified by the subject of the competition, or grouped here, according to convenience. 29 CITY PLANNING Study and teaching. Cf. '>4S. This »t'ction 900+ is for professional study and tcnohlMg. 0(K) Cwi\vni\. ())+, .')4t). 945 Observation and travel. 947 City-planning study tours. 950 Experience in offices of competent practitioners. Special countries. 960 United States. 962 England. 964 France. 966 Germany. 978 Other. Special schools. Including catalogues and bulletins. Note: word "8ch4 Sewage. C^. 2890, 4520. 34 CITY PLANNING Composition of city plans. Planning. Replan- NiNG (continued). Data. Fundamental conditions. Population . . . environment. Public health and safety. Disposal of wastes. Water borne (continued). 1466 Surface water. Cf. 2890. 1470 Non-water-borne. 1472 Garbage, refuse, rubbish, etc. Dumps, incinerators, etc. Cf. 4538. 1474 Street cleaning. 1475 Snow removal. 1476 Lighting. Cf. 1260, 3870. 1478 Fire protection. Cf. 2652, 2888, 3540 +, 3568. 1479 Conflagrations. Fires. Cf. 1617. 1480 Defence. Cf. 2625, 3810+. 1485 Other. 1490 Public education. Cf. 3570. 1495 Public recreation. Cf. 3575, 3728, 4000 +. 1499 Other. Legal and administrative conditions. Limitation.s of existing legislation, administrative con- ditions, etc. Cf. 824. 1500 General. Legal. Cf. 700 +. But here only Laws as data. 1505 General. 1510 Laws relating to public property, rights, etc. 1515 Laws relating to private property, rights, etc. Administrative. Cf. 712 +, where laws relating to creation of ad- ministrative agents should go. 35 CITY PLANNING Composition of city plans. Planning. Replan- NiN(i (con (in lied). D.\TA. Fuiuijiincntal conditions. Legal and administrative conditions. ' Administrative {continued). 1 :._>() (WmutuI. Public agencies. 1525 Cioneral. 1526 Clencral special. 1527 Relation of federal, state, and muni- cipal agencies. Cf. 712 + , 1590. 1530 Existing. City engineers' departments, departments of public works, street departments, water and 8«'wer:ige boards, park departments, harbor boanls and port directors, etc. 1535 Specially created. City-planning departments, city-planning commissions, art commissions, etc. Cf. 714. 1540 Public consultation of experts, official em- ployment of experts. Cf. 571, 875. Private agencies. 1541 Public service corporations. (1542) (Societies, etc.) See 500 -f-. Economic and financial conditions. Re- sources. Cf. 826. 1545 (leneral. I'A'ononiic. 1550 General. 1555 .\d vantages (or disadvantages) of situation of city. a. 1340+. L')57 Natural resources. Fertile soil, mineral wealth, water-power, etc. Cf. 1380 + . ' 1559 Comniorcial and industrial opportunities. 1563 Use of land, land values. Cf. 4016, anil Library of Congress Class HD (section relating to Land). 36 CITY PLANNING Composition of city plans. Planning. Replan- NiNG (continued). Data. Fundamental conditions. Economic and financial conditions. Economic. Use of land, land values (continued.) 1565 Stability and convertibility. 1567 EfTect of design and improvements on land values. 1568 Effect of taxation on land development. Financial. Municipal finances. Cf. Library of Congress Class IIJ (Public finance). 1570 General. Income. 1575 General. 1580 From taxation and assessment, better- ments, benefit assessments, etc. 1585 From franchises, etc. 1588 From municipally-owned property and enterprises. Municipal forests, leases of city lands, munici- pal operation of public utilities. 1590 From federal or state grants. Govern- mental aid. Cf. 1527. 1594 From gifts, bequests, etc. 1595 Expenditure. Estimate and apportion- ment. Organization and subdivision of city area BY dominant function. DISTRICTING. Districts. 1600 General. 1605 General special. 1607 Relative size of districts. 1609 Control of undeveloped land. 1611 Development of new districts. Extensions. 1613 Effects of change in type of occupancy. 1617 Replanning of burned districts. Cf. 1479. 1620 Legislation. Zoning. Cf. 3460. 37 CITY PLANNING Composition of city plans. Planning. Replan- NiNG (continued). Organization . . . Districts {continued). 1025 Administrative districts. 1027 Civic rontons. Cf. 3720, (l')70j. M:itori!il umy be grouped in 1627 or 3720, according to point of view desired. Husiness districts. Industrial districts. a. 2r»40+, 3iy()+. \{VA{) Clencral. 1031 General special. 10.33 U(^lati<)n to transportation facilities. 1()3.") Location, urban fs. suburban. Industrial sub- urbs, "garden city" principle of location and development, etc. Cf. rylinO. 1()40 Density of development, intensiveness of oc- cupancy, general character of build- ing development. Height, cf. 34S0 + ; materials, cf. 3510 + ; fireproof- ing, of. 3540 + ; etc. 1045 Financial districts. Cf. 3000. 1050 Manufacturing districts. Cf. 2740, 3195, 3595. ir).'>5 Warehouse, shipping districts. ("f. 27 IS, :J20U, MW). ItUiO Market districts. Cf. 2S27, 3010, 4425. 1005 Wholesale districts. 1070 Retail districts. Cf. 3210, 3600. Residential districts. Cf. I430 + . 2235 + , 3230+. 33S0+, 3620+, 5.530+ 1075 CJeneral. 107() (Jonoral special. 1()77 Density of d(>volopinent. Intensiveness of occupancy. Number of houses to acre. 38 CITY PLANNING Composition of city plans. Planning. Replan- NiNG {continued). Organization . . . Districts. Residential districts (continued). Urban. 1679 General. 1680 General special. 1682 Relation to business encroachment. 1683 Relation to through traffic. Suburban. Suburbs. Cf. 5330, 5350. Garden suburbs may be put here or in 4350. 1685 General. 1686 General special. 1687 Relation of growth of suburbs to trans- portation facilities. 1690 Special types. Districts distinguished by predominant cost of residences. 1694 General 1695 High-cost. Cf. 3637, 3642, 3652. 1696 Medium-cost. Cf. 3638, 3643, 3653, 3658. 1697 Low-cost. Cf. 3639, 3644, 3654, 3659. Districts distinguished by predominant type of residences. 1698 General. Houses in-block. Cf. 3235, 3635+. 1700 General. 1701 Single. Cf. 3636 + . 1702 Apartments (high-class). Cf. 3642. 1703 Tenements. Slums. a. 3644. Detached houses. Cf. 3240, 3650 +. 1705 General. 39 CITY PLANNING Composition of city plans. Planning. Replan- NiNG (coritimied). Organization . . . Districts. Rksidkntial districts. Special types. Detached houses (continued). 17(M) Single. Cf. :{(K.1+. 1 7( )7 Seini-detached. Cf. :«)r,6+. 1708 Other. AtMuciLTUKAL Districts, agricultural belts, forest belts. Cf. i:isn+, (3244). 1715 (leneral. 1720 Agricultural belts. 1723 Market-garden areas. 1724 Allotment gardens. (1725) (Forest belts.) See 4160, Forest reservations. Recreation areas. Cf. (324.^)), 4000 + . 17:^0 (leneral. Distribution. 1731 Cleneral special. 1733 Relation to transportation facilities. Boundary areas. Boundaries. Cf. 1715 4", Agricultural and forest belts. 1745 General. 1748 Approaches and entrances. Cf. 2750 +, Terminal facilities. 1750 City boundaries. Cf. 381.5, City walls. Organization and subdivision of city area into streets and blocks. Land subdivision, in the larger sense. a. 3000 +. 1800 General. 1805 General special. 1810 Location of main thoroughfares. Cf. 2170+. 1812 Determining centers, goals, foci. 1814 Determining connecting routes. 40 CITY PLANNING Composition of city plans. Planning. Replan- NiNG (continued). Organization . . . streets and blocks {continued). 1820 Location of minor streets. Cf. 2220 +. Types of plats. Cf. 5635+. 1830 General. Formal. Cf. 5635+. 1835 General. 1837 Gridiron. Cf. 5637. 1839 Gridiron and diagonal. Cf. 5639. 1841 Radius and round-point. Cf. 5641. 1844 Other. Informal. Cf. 5645 + . 1845 General. 1847 Rectilinear. Cf. 5647. 1849 Curvilinear. Cf. 5649. 1851 Composite. Cf. 5651. Elements of city plans. Cf. 916. 1900 General. Collective. Channels of transportation. Of persons commodities, power. Ways, conduits, wires. Cf. 1440, and Library of Congress Class HE (Transpor- tation and communication). 2000 General. 2005 General special. 2010 Special aspects. 2011 Topographic. 2012 Social. 41 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans {continued). Channels of transportation. Special aspects {continued). 2013 Hy^iionic. 2014 l^conoinic. 2015 Esthetic. 2016 Historic. 2020 IvOgislation. 2025 Special professional considerations. 2026 Data. 2027 Oesifin. 2028 Construction and maintenance. 2029 Cost. Streets, roads. Footways. 20r)0 General. 2055 General special. 2057 Influence of traffic on street-form, street- plan, etc. Congestion of traffic. 2058 Influence on streets of changes in means of transportation. Development of motor traffic. 2060 Special aspects. 2070 Legislation. Including street-traffic regulation. 2075 Special professional considerations. 2076 Data. Traffic censuses, data on vehicles (e. g. motor trucks). 2077 Design. 2078 Construction and maintenance. 2079 Cost. 2085 Form, (Straight or curved. 2090 Orientation. Cf. .3060. 2095 Ix>ngth, continuity. 21(K) Gratlient. 2103 Treatment of steep gradients. Width. Cross-section. Cf. 2.3riG. 42 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Channels of transportation. Streets, roads. Footways. Width. Cross-section (continued). 2105 General. Special components. (2107) (Separate roadways.) See 2115, Mul- tiple streets. (2108) (Walks.) See 2252, Footways. (2109) (Planting strips. Parking. Reserva- tions.) See 4875-1-, Street planting, and 2382, Street- railway reservations. 2110 Special topography. Hillside streets. 2115 Streets specially subdivided. Multiple streets. 2116 Parked streets. 2118 Streets with irrigation canals. E. g. as in Boulder, Colo. 2119 Double-deck streets, two-story streets. Surface. Pavements. Cf . Library of Congress Class TE (Roads and pave- ments). 2120 General. 2121 Special kinds, arranged alphabetically. 2122 Gutters, curbs. 2124 Drain inlets, man-hole covers, etc. Cf. (2306). 2128 Crossings, isles of safety. Street junctions. 2135 General. 2136 Intersection of lines of traffic, avoidance of collision points. 2138 Viaducts to avoid crossings at grade. Cf. 2513, 37404-. 2150 Proportion of street area to block area. Relation to buildings. 2155 General. 2157 Set-backs. Cf. 3081. 43 CITY PLANNING Elkments of city plans (continued). Channels of transportation. Streets, roads. Footways. Relation to buildings (continued). 2159 EntToachnicnts of buildings, balconies, stoops, marquees, projections, etc. 2101 Arcades, colonnaded streets, covered street- ways, galleries. 21(>3 Relation to heiglit of buildings. Cf. 3083, 3480 +. Thoroughfares. Highways. "Traffic streets." Cf. 1810 + . Including intorurban highways. 2170 General. 2175 General special. 2 ISO Special forms. 21S2 Radial. 2183 Circumferential, peripheral. Ringstrassen. 21S4 Diagonal. 21SS Other. Special uses. For business traffic. Cf. 4891. 2195 General. 2197 Traffic squares. Roundpoints. Cf. (4420). 2199 Cabstands. 2201 One-way streets. For pleasure traffic. Drives. a. (4196), 4893. 2205 General. 2207 Formal. Boulevards, etc. 2209 Informal. Parkways, etc. 2211 Concourses. 2213 Bridle paths. 2214 Bicycle paths. Local streets. Cf. 1820. 2220 General. 44 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Channels of transportation. Streets, roads. Footways. Local streets (continued). 2225 General special. Special uses. 2230 For business. As frontage for business buildings, etc. Cf. 1630+, 4891. 2233 Business squares. For residence. Residential streets. Cf. 167.5 +, 4892. 2235 General. 2236 Urban. 2237 Suburban. 2238 "Places," residential squares. Special forms. 2242 Alleys. Cf. 3181. 2244 Private ways. Footways. 2250 General. 2252 Sidewalks. Walks. 2254 Independent footways. 2256 Steps, ramps, etc. 2258 Promenades, malls, etc. Cf. 4197. 2262 Footbridges and tunnels. Cf. 3740 +. Highway bridges and tunneh. Cf. 3740 + 2270 General. 2272 Special purposes, to cross water, railroads, highways, etc. 2276 Approaches. Cf. 2405. 2278 Draws. 2282 Elevators, lifts, etc. a. 2526. 45 CITY PLANNING Elkments of city plans (continued). Channels of transportation. Streets, roads. Footways. Highway bridgos and tunnels {continued). 22S4 Subsidiary u.se.s. 2280 Bridge.^. Culverts. 228S Tunnels. Street furniture, ("f. ;i.s(K). 22*M) General. 2292 Street name-plates. Cf. (:}s.")<)). 2294 Poles and wires. a. 23SG. 2296 Police-boxes, fire-alarm boxes. Letter-boxes. (2298) (Clocks.) See 3855. (2302) (Drinking fountains, troughs.) See 3849. 2304 Hydrants. (2306) (Man-hole covers, drain inlets, etc.) See2124. (2308) (Waste cans, etc.) See 3860. 2309 Other. (2310) (Street lighting, street-lighting fixtures, lamp- posts, electroliers, etc.) See 3870. (2315) (Street planting.) See 4875 + . 2320 Street decoration for festivals. Sub-surface utilities in relation to the street. 2325 General. 2328 Special subways. Cf. '24()«), Rapid transit subways. (2329) (Special utilities, e. g. sewerage, tele- phone.) See 2850 + . Street-railways. Rapid-transit facilities. Including interurban street-railways. Cf. 1633, 1687, 1733, (2780), 2807. 2350 General. 2355 General special. 2356 Relation to street. Connections betw^een transportation lines at different levels, subway approaches. a. 2105-f-. 46 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Channels of transportation. Street-railways. Rapid-transit facilities. General special (continued). 2357 Obstruction of surface traffic by street- railway structures. 2360 Special aspects. 2370 Legislation. 2375 Special professional considerations. Surface railways. 2380 General. 2382 Street-railway reservations. 2384 Tracks. Width, spacing, curvation, etc. 2386 Trolley poles and wires, underground cables, etc. Cf. 2294, 2850 +. 2390 Elevated railways, including street-railway bridges and viaducts. Cf. 3740+. 2400 Subways, tunnels, tubes, underground rail- ways. 2405 Non-surface stations and station approaches. Escalators. 2410 Shelters, waiting stations, transfer stations. Cf. 3675. 2420 Street-railway terminals. Car-barns, yards. Railroads. a. 2714, (2785), 5316. 2450 General. 2455 General special. 2457 Electrification. 2460 Special aspects. 2470 Legislation. 2475 Special professional considerations. 2480 Stations. Cf. 3605. Material may be grouped under either number, according to point of view desired. 2483 Union stations. 47 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Channels of transportation. Railroads {continiied). Station places. Station squares. Station grounds. a. (4423). 2485 (JeiKTal. 2486 Urban. 2487 Suburl^an 2488 \illage. 2490 Train yards. 2495 Freight houses and yards. Rights-of-way. 2000 Cleneral. 2502 Through lines. 2504 Belt lines. 2510 Crossings. 2512 At grade. Grade crossings. 2513 Not at grade. , Cf. 2138. Railroad bridges and tunnels. Cf. :}74() + . 2515 General. 2516 To cross land. . 2517 To cross water. 2520 Special uses. 2522 Freight tunnels. 2524 Draws. 2520 Elevators, lifts. a. 2282. 2528 Bridges. 2529 Tunnels. Waterways and waterfronts, Commercial. Cf. (2790), 5317, and Library of Congress Class TC (Hydraulic engineering). 2550 General. 2555 General special. 2560 Special aspects. 2570 Legislation. Including port regulation. 48 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Channels of transportation. Waterways and waterfronts, Commercial (continued) . 2575 Special professional considerations. Rivers, canals. Cf. 1376, 5265. 2580 General. 2585 Channels. 2588 Locks. (2590) (Banks.) See 2640 + , Waterfronts. (2595) (Bridges.) See 3740 +, and references from there. Bays, harbors, basins. 2600 General. 2605 Channels and anchorages. Location, marking, dredging, etc. 2608 Lighthouses. 2610 Harbor lines, bulkhead lines, etc. Protective works. Cf. 3800. 2615 General. 2617 Breakwaters, jetties, etc. 2619 Sea walls. 2625 Defensive works. Cf. 1480, 3810+, 5313. 2630 Harbors and basins for special purposes. E. g. fishing fleet, yachting fleet. Waterfronts. For recreational waterfronts, see 41 70 + . 2640 General. 2645 General special. Special. 2650 Capacity, frontage. 2652 Fire protection. Cf. 1478. Docks, slips, etc. 2660 General. 2665 Special. E. g. size. 49 ( ITV PLANNING Elemknts of eirv plaxs (continued). C'hannkls of tkansportation. NN'atkhways and waterfronts, Commercial. Waterfronts. Docks, slips, etc. {continued). 2670 Docking apparatus. 2675 Ferry slips. Wharves, piers, jetties, quays, etc. For recreation i)iers, see 4199. 2680 General . 2685 Special. E. g. length. 2690 Administration quarters, including quar- antine, revenue service, accom- modation for employees. Special jirovision for passengers. Cf. 2800 +. 2695 General. 2697 Landing stages. 2699 Slielters, waiting places, etc. 2701 Areas for vehicles. K. (/. cai-s, cabs, motor vehicles. Special jirovision for freight. Cf. 2S20 + . 2710 General. 2712 Freight handling apparatus. 2714 Railroad lines. Cf. 24.50+. 2716 Areas for vehicles. E. g. drays, motor trucks. 2718 W^arehouses, sheds. Cf. 360."). 2720 Areas for handling and storing special classes of freight. Grain, grain elevators. 2"23 Lumber, coal, stone, gravel, etc. — yards, a. 3197 50 27*29 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans {continued). Channels of transportation. Waterways and waterfronts, Commercial. Waterfronts. Wharves, piers, jetties, quays, etc. Special provision for freight. Areas for handhng. . AreigH {continued). 2724 Oil, chemicals, explosives. 2725 Perishable goods, cold storage goods. 2729 Other. 2730 Storage areas. For roofed storage areas, see 2718. P'or storage areas for special classes of freight, see 2720 +. 2735 Shipyards. Drydocks. 2740 Industrial areas, utilization of waterfront by manufacturing plants. Cf. 1650. Terminal facilities. 2750 General. 2755 General special. 2760 Special aspects. 2770 Legislation. 2775 Special professional considerations. Types, by mode of transportation. (2780) (Interurban street-railways.) See 2350 + . (2785) (Railroads.) See 2450+ . (2790) (Waterways and waterfronts.) See 2550 +. 2795 Aerial transportation terminals. Aviation landing places. Cf. 4384. Types, by kind of traffic. Passenger. Cf. 2695 + . 2800 General. 2805 General special. 2807 Relation to local transportation and rapid transit. Cf. 2350 + . Freight. a. 2522, 2710 + . 51 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans {continued). Channels of tkansportation. Terminal facilities. Types, bj' kind of traffic. Freight {continued). 2820 General. 2825 General special. 2S27 Relation to markets. Cf. 1660. 2829 Transshipment. "Free ports." Conduits. Wires, 2850 General. 2855 General special. 2857 Relation to street maintenance. 2860 Sjiecial aspects. 2870 Legislation. 2875 Special professional considerations. Conduits, pipes, etc. Culverts, see 2273. Cf. Library of Congress Cliua TD. (Sanitary and municipal engineering.) 2880 General. 2S.sri Water-supply and distribution, including aqueducts. For monumental aqueducts, see 3740 +• Cf. 14.56. 2888 Auxiliary high-pressure fire-protection water-supply. Cf. 1478. 2890 Sewerage and surface drainage systems. Cf. 14.52, 1462+. 2895 Subsurface drainage systems. Cf. 14.52. 2900 Gas distribution. 2905 Pneumatic tubes. 2910 Other. Wires. Cf. 4856. 29L5 General. 2920 (Jeneral special. 2922 Removal of overhead wires. .52 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Channels op transportation. Conduits. Wires. Wires (continued). 2925 Power, light, and heat wires. 2930 Telephone and telegraph wires. 2935 "Wireless" apparatus. Blocks * and lots. Land subdivision. In usual sense. Cf. 1800+ and 3380 + . Put here gen- eral material relating to both blocks and lots, putting special material relating to one alone under Blocks or Lots. The full subdivision is given under each of the three head- ings to provide for the arrangement of graphic material. For printed material, use principally Blocks and lots, and Lots, putting under Blocks only special material such as would come in 3150-3220. 3000 General. 3005 General special. 3010 Special aspects. 3011 Topographic. 3012 Social. 3013 Hygienic. 3014 Economic. Real estate. 3015 Esthetic. 3016 Historic. 3020 Legislation. Restrictions. • Cf. 1620. Zoning. 3025 Special professional considerations. 3026 Data. 3027 Design. 3028 Construction and maintenance. 3029 Cost. Size, shape, orientation, topography. Adaptabil- ity to development. Cf. 3120+, 3270+. 3040 General. 3045 Size. Dimensions. Cf. 3125, 3275. * Block is used in the sense of an area of ground, not in its popular sense, houses in-block. 53 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Blocks and lots. Land subdivision. Size, shapo . . . Adaptability to development (cotitinucfi). 3()')() Shape. Proportions. Cf. ai30+, 32H(). 'M)i\{) Orientation. Cf. 2090, 3140, 3290. Hot)') Topography. Cf. 314.5, 3293 + . .S()7() Relation to street. For relation of block nrea to street area, see 2150. Cf. 31.5.5, 3305 + . H plat ion of area to buildings thereon. Cf. 31»)5+, .3315 + . 8075 General. 3077 Proportion of built-over area. 3070 Disposition of built-over area. 3081 Building lines. Cf. 2157, 3460. 3083 Building heights. Cf. 1640, 3460, 3480 + . 3087 Disposition of unbuilt-over area. Cf. 3177, 3327. 3089 Courts, gardens, etc. Cf. 3179, 3329 + . 3091 Passageways . a. 3181. Blocks. See pote under 3000 + . Blocks and lots. 3100 General. 3105 General special. •^ll''> Special professional considerations. Size, shape, orientation, topography. Adapta- bility to development. Cf. 3040 +, 3270 +. 3120 General. •^125 Size. Dimensions. a. 3045, 3275. 54 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Blocks and lots. Land subdivision. Blocks. Size, shape . . . Adaptability to development (continued) . Shape. Proportions. Cf. 3050, 3280 + . 3130 General. 3131 Rectangular. Cf. 3282. 3133 Tapering. 3135 With one side or more curvilinear. 3139 Other. 3140 Orientation. Cf. 3060, 3290. 3145 Topography. Cf. 3065, .3293 + . 3150 Relation to other blocks. 3151 EquaUty. 3152 Dominance or subordination. 3155 Relation to street. Cf. 3070, 3305 + . 3160 Subdivision into lots. 3163 Fluctuation in sizes of component lots. Relation of area to buildings thereon. Cf. 3075+, 3315 + . 3165 General. 3167 Proportion of built-over area. 3169 Disposition of built-over area. 3177 Disposition of unbuilt-over area. Cf. 3087 +, 3327. 3179 Courts, block interiors. Cf. 3089. 3181 Passageways, alleys, etc. Access to in- teriors. Cf. 2242, 3091. 3183 Corner reservations. Cf. 3308. 55 CITY PLANNING Klkmknts of city plans {continued). liLOCKS AND LOTS. LaND SUBDIVISION. Blocks {continued). Spocial types of occupancy. Business. a. 1630+. 3190 (ioncral. 3195 Manufacturing plants. Hiiildiiins and grounds. Cf. 3595. 3197 Brick-yards, lumber-yards, tan-yards, stock-yards, etc. Cf. 2725. 3199 Pleasure grounds for employees. .3'2IM) Warehouses. Cf. 1655, 3605. 3205 Office buildings. Cf. .3600. 3210 Retail shops. Cf. 1670, 3600. 3220 Other. Residence. Cf. 1675+, 3380 +, 3620 +. 3230 General. 3235 Houses in-block. Cf. 1700+, .3635+. 3240 Detached houses. Cf. 1705 +, 3650 +. (3244) (3245) (Agriculture.) See 1715 -1-. (Open-air recreation.) See 4000. Lots. See note under 3000 + . Blocks and lots. 3250 General. 3255 3205 3209 General special. Special professional considerations. Cost. Size, shape, orientation, topography tability to development. Cf. 3040+, 3120+. 3270 General. Adap- CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Blocks and lots. Land subdivision. Lots. Size, shape . . . Adaptability to development {continued) . 3275 Size. Dimensions. a. 3045, 3125. Shape. Proportions. Cf. 3050, 31 30 + . 3280 General. 3281 Shape. 3282 Rectangular. Cf. 3131. 3284 Unusual shapes. 3285 Proportions. 3286 Oblong. 3289 Other. 3290 Orientation. Cf. 3060, 3140. 3293 Topography. Cf. 3065, 3145. 3295 Hillside lots. 3300 Relation of lots to other lots. 3304 Treatment of lot boundaries. Walls, fences, hedges. Cf. 3825. Relation to street. Cf. 3070, 3155. 3305 General. 3306 General special. 3308 Corner lots. Cf. 3183. 3310 Frontage. 3311 Depth. 3312 Grade. Relation of area to buildings thereon. Cf. 3075 +, 3165 + . 3315 General. 3317 Proportion of built-over area. 3319 Disposition of built-over area. 57 CITY PLANNING Elkmknts of city PhASS (continued) . Blocks and lots. Land subdivision. IX)TS. Rolation of arou to Iniildings . . . (continued). :\:\'27 Disposition of uiihuilt-over area. Cf. 30S7+ .3177. 3321) Gardens. (3330) (Dooryard). See 4901. (333 1 ) ( Backyard . ) See 4902 . 3334 Other. Special types of occupancy. (3340) (Business.) See 31 90 + , Blocks. Residential. Land subdivision for resi- dences. Cf. 1675+, :v2:iO+, :W20+. 3380 General. 3385 Large estates, 3390 Suburban places. 3395 Building lots. House lots. Structures. Architectural and engineering, except structures constituting channels of transportation. For tlicse sec 2000 +. 34(M) General. 3405 General special. 3410 Special aspects. 3415 Esthetic. 3416 Historic. 3419 Other. (3420) (Legislation.) 3425 Special professional considerations. Buildings. Cf. Library of Congress Class NA (Architecture) and TH (Building construction). 3440 General. 3445 General special. 344S Relation to surroundings. a. 4550 +, 4600 +. 3450 Special aspects. 3452 Social. 58 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Structures. Buildings. Special aspects (continued). 3453 Hygienic. 3455 Esthetic. General effect of style, scale, etc. Consistency. 3456 Historic. 3460 Legislation. Including building laws, building codes, restrictions affecting appearance, etc. Cf. 1620, Zoning; 3081. Building lines; 3083, Building heights. 3465 Special professional considerations. 3466 Data. 3467 Design. 3468 Construction and maintenance. 3469 Cost. Form. 3475 General. 3480 Size. Height. Cf. 1640, 2163, 3083, 5660. 3489 "Skyscrapers." Cf. 5660. 3490 Style. Architectural. Cf. 5690. 3500 Special elements. 3502 Domes, spires, towers, etc. 3504 Roofs, etc. 3506 Walls, doors, windows, etc. 3509 Other. Materials. * Cf. 1640, 5680. 3510 General. 3515 General special. 3517 Color. Cf. 1256. 3520 Structural materials. 3521 Wood. 3523 Brick and tile. 59 CITY PLANNING Elkmknts of city plans (continued). STIUCTimES. Buildings. Matorials. Structural materials (continued.) 3524 Stone. 352G Concrete. 3527 Reinforced concrete. 3528 Iron and steel. 3529 Other. Special surface treatment. 3535 Stucco-plaster. 3539 Other. Types of construction.* Cf . 1478, Hud Library of Congress, Class TH (Build- ing construction). 3540 General. 3542 Fire-resistive. Masonry walls, incombustible floors. 3543 Semi-fire-resistive. Masonry walls, wooden floors. 3544 Combustible. Wooden walls and floors. 3549 Other. Buildings for special uses. Cf. 4600+. Probably better to concentrate mate- rial here in 3.560+ unless there is a special reason for doing otherwise. If it is desired to subdivide under each group, buildings may be arranged alphabetically by kind of building. 35tJ0 General. Collective. 3563 Public buildings. Including federal, state, and municipal buildings. 3565 Administration. Including capitols, city halls, court houses, etc. 3568 Special municipal services. Including pumping stations, water-towers, standpipes, power houses, gas tanks, fire stations, police stations, prisons, etc. Cf. 4500 +, Open spaces devoted to operation of special municipal services. • Classification by Professor C. W. Killam, Harvard University. 60 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Structures. Buildings. Buildings for special uses [continued). 3570 Educational buildings. Schools, libraries, museums, etc. Cf. 3722. 3575 Buildings for recreation. Opera houses, theatres, auditoriums, etc. Cf. 3728. 3580 Public baths, gymnasia, etc. 3585 Hospitals, asylums, etc. 3590 Churches. 3595 Buildings for manufacturing. Factories, mills, etc. Cf. 3195. 3600 Buildings for business and commerce. Shops, office buildings, banks, etc. Cf. 3205, 3210. 3605 Buildings for transportation and storage. Raih-oad stations, Cf. 24S0; Warehouses, Cf. 1655, 2718, 3200, etc. 3610 Markets. Cf. 1660. 3618 Hotels, clubs, etc. Residences. Cf. 1430 +, 1675 + , 3230 +, .3.380 + . 3620 General. 3625 General special. (3630) Special types. Houses in-block. Cf. 1700 +, 3235. 3635 General. 3636 Single. Cf. 1701. 3637 High-cost. Cf. 1695. 3638 Medium-cost. Cf. 1696. 3639 Low-cost. Cf. 1697. 3641 Multiple. 3642 High-cost. High class apartments. Cf. 1695, 1702. 61 CITY PLANNING Elemknts of city PhXNS {continued). Stki'ctuues. builuincjs. liuildiiifis for sju'cial uses. Hositlences. Sp(H'ial types. Houses in-block. Multiple {continued). 3043 Medium-cost. Cf. 1696. 3644 Low-cost. Tenements. Cf. 1697. 1703. Detached houses. Cf. 1705 + , 3240. 3650 General. 3651 Single. Cf. 1706. 3652 High-cost. Cf. 1695. 3653 Medium-cost. Cf. 1696. 3654 Low-cost. Cottages. Cf. 1697. 3650 Semi-detached. Cf. 1707. 3658 Medium-cost. Cf. 1696. 3059 Low-cost. Cf. 1697. 3669 Other. Minor buildings. 3670 General. 3675 Shelters, pavilions. a. 2410, 4137, 4345. 3677 Public comfort stations. 3681 Bandstands, etc. 3684 Booths, street-stands. 3687 Greenhouses. Cf. 4.')45. 3689 Other. 62 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Structures. Buildings (continued). Building groups. Cf. 4550 + . Probably better to concentrate material here in 3700+ as under Buildings, unless there is a special reason for doing otherwise. 3700 General. 3705 General special. 3710 Design. Of groups as wholes. Interrelation of buildings in groups. For design of buildings individually, see 3440 + . (3715) Building groups for special uses. This section may be expanded to correspond with 3560 + . 3720 Administrative, etc. Cf. 1627, 3565, (4570). 3722 Educational, etc. Cf. 3570. 3724 Exposition groups. Cf. (4.585). 3728 Recreational, etc. Cf. 3575. 3739 Other. Bridges. Viaducts. Including monumental aqueducts. Cf. 2138, 2390. 2885, and Library of Congi-e.ss Class TG (Bridges, etc.). Put here general material on bridges and viaducts con- sidered as structures, e. g. bridge design — architec- tural and engineering considerations. For special treatises on Bridges in connection with transportation, see note under 3790. 3740 General. 3745 General special. 3750 Special aspects. 3760 Legislation. 3765 Special professional considerations. 3770 Form. 3780 Materials. (3790) (Bridges and viaducts for special uses.) See the special uses: 2270 +, Highway bridges; 2262, Footbridges; 2390, Street-railway bridges; 2515+, Rail- road bridges. 63 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans {continued). Structures {continued). 3800 Dams. Dikes. Levees. Cf. 1454, 2(il5 + . Defensive works. Cf. 14S(), 2(V2r», Mil. 3810 CJoneriil. 3812 Fortifications. Forts. 3815 City walls. City gates. Cf. 1745 + . Minor structures. Cf. 3670+, Minor buildings. 3820 General. 3825 Walls, fences, gates, etc. Boundary struc- tures. Cf. 3304. 3830 Monuments, monumental arches, obelisks, etc 3840 Statues, including monumental statues. 3845 Fountains, basins, etc. 3S49 Drinking fountains, troughs. Cf. (2302). (3850) (Street name-plates.) See 2292. 3855 Clocks. Cf. (2298). 3857 Flag]3oles, flagstaffs. 3860 Street and park furniture. Seats, waste cans, etc. Cf. 2290 +, Street furni- ture, and 4141, Park furniture. Material may be grouped according to point of view. 3870 Lighting-fixtures, lamp-posts, electroliers, etc. Cf. 1470, (2310). 3872 City scales. 3875 Illuminated signs, etc. 3878 Kiosks. Advertising kiosks. 3880 Billboards. Posters. Billboard nuisance. 3882 Shop signs. ( 'ommercial street signs. 3885 Other. 64 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Structures (continued). 3890 Other. Open spaces, public and quasi-public, other than for traffic. Cf. 1495, 1730, 4930. 4000 General. 4005 General special. 4010 Special aspects. 4011 Topographic. 4012 Social. 4013 Hygienic. 4014 Economic. 4015 Open spaces as obstructions to traffic. 4016 Effect of open spaces on land values. Cf. 1563 +. 4020 Esthetic. 4021 Preservation of natural landscape. Cf. 4225. 4022 Types of treatment, formal and informal. 4025 Historic. 4030 Legislation. 4035 Special professional considerations. Park systems. Put here ouly material on park systems as sucli. For the components of park systems, see 4100 +, Parks and reservations; 2209, Parkways; 4300 +, Playgrounds. 4040 General. 4055 Special professional considerations. 4060 Park systems for special types of cities. Cf. subdivisions of 5200 +. 4085 Industrial cities. Parks and reservations: Cf. 4935. 4100 General. 4105 General special. 4106 Encroachments on public parks, buildings in parks. 65 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Open spaces . . . other than for traffic. Parks and reservations. General special (continued). 4108 Private concessions. 4120 Legislation. Including park regulation. 4125 Special professional considerations. 4120 Data. 4127 Design. 4128 Construction and maintenance. 4129 Cost. Provision for comfort and pleasure. 4135 General. 4137 Resting places, shelters, etc. Cf. 3675. 4139 Outdoor eating places, refreshment places. 4141 Park furniture. a. 3800. Reservations. 4150 General. 4155 General special. 4160 Forest reservations. Cf. (1725). Shore reservation^. Recreational water- fronts. Cf. 2640+, Commercial waterfronts. 4170 General. 4175 General special. 4177 Combination with commercial utiliza- tion. 4179 Misuse, defacement of shores. Special situations. 4181 Seashore. Marine parks. Cf. 1370. 4182 Lake. Cf. 1370, 1374. 4183 River. Cf. 1376. 00 CITY PLANNING Elements op city plans (continued). Open spaces . . . other than for traffic. Parks and reservations. Reservations. Shore reservations. Recreational water- fronts. Special situations (continued). 4184 Island. Cf. 1372. 4190 Types of treatment, formal and informal. (4195) Provision for special forms of recreation. (4196) (Drives, shore boulevards.) See 2205 +. 4197 Promenades, embankments. Cf. 2258. 4199 Recreation piers. 4201 Bathing beaches. 4203 Boating facilities. 4205 Winter-sport facilities. 4210 Reservoir reservations, not primarily parks. Cf. 4510. 4220 Summit reservations, outlooks, etc. Cf. 1356. 4225 Places containing special natural features. Of. 4021. 4230 Places of special historic interest. Cf. 1276. 4240 Large parks. Country parks. Small parks, commons, garden squares, neigh- borhood parks. Cf. (4450). 4250 General. 4255 Types of treatment. Public gardens, etc. Cf. 4940. 4260 General. 4265 Botanical gardens. 4270 Zoological parks. 4274 Other. 4275 Open-air theatres. Settings for pageants. 67 C:iTY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Open spaces . . . other than for traffic. Parks and reservations (continued). 42S0 Open-air concert and beer "gardens." 4290 Amusement parks. Street-railway parks. Playgrounds, athletic fields. Provision for special sports. Cf . Library of Congress, Class GV (Sports and amuse- ments). 4300 General. Playgrounds. 4310 General. 4315 General special. 43 K) Distribution of playgrounds. 4318 As social centers. 4330 Legislation. 4335 Special professional considerations. 4336 Data. 4337 Design. 4338 Construction and maintenance. 4339 Cost. 4345 Shelter buildings. Cf. 3675. 4350 Swimming pools, wading pools. 4355 Apparatus. (4360) (Planting.) See 4945 4370 Athletic fields, ball grounds, etc. 4375 Stadiums. 4380 Race- tracks. Speedways. Cf. 2209, Parkways. 4384 Aviation grounds. Aerodromes. Cf. 2795. 4385 Provision for other special sports. 4395 Drill grounds. Squares. The subheads enclosed in curves are given to complete the classification of squares. Unless for special purposes, it is not intended that material shall be classified here under those subheads, but rather in the places referred to. 4400 General. 68 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Open spaces . . . other than for traffic. Squares (continued). 4405 General special. 4415 Special professional considerations. (4420) (Traffic.) See 2197. (4423) (Station places. Station squares.) See 2485 + 4425 Market places. Market squares. Cf. 1660. 4430 Congregating places, fora, exchange places. 4435 Architectural, Monumental. Cf. (4575). (4440) (Business.) See 2233. (4445) (Residential.) See 2238. (4450) (Garden.) See 4250 + . Cemeteries. For Churchyards and Graveyards, soc 4650, Grounds of churches. 4480 General. 4485 General special. 4495 Special professional considerations. Open spaces devoted to operation of special municipal services. Location and design, including location of buildings in area. For construction, engineering features, see Library of Congress, Class TD, (Municipal engineer- ing). For Buildings, see 3568. 4500 General. 4501 General special. 4505 Special professional considerations. 4510 Water-supply areas. Including reservoirs, basins, filtration plants. Cf. 1456, 4210. 4520 Sewage disposal areas. Including sewerage plants, sewage disposal plants, sewage farms, filtration beds. Cf. 1464. 4538 Municipal dumps. Cf. 1472. 4540 Yards, stables, for use of municipal depart- ments. "City yards." Areas for storage of municipal equipment. E. g. equipment for street cleaning, garbage and rubbish removal. 69 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Open spaces devoted to operation of special MUNICIPAL SERVICES (continued). 4545 Municipal nurseries. Greenhouses. C'f. :i687. 4549 Other. (Jkounus of Building Groups. Cf. ;i70() + . This section need not be used unless de- sirable for special reasons, but all material grouped in .3700+. 4550 Generah 4555 General special. 4565 Special professional considerations. Special types. (4570) (Civic centers.) See 1627, 3720. (4575) (Architectural and monumental squares.) See 4435. (4585) (Exposition grounds.) See 3724. Grounds of Single Buildings. Cf. 3560 + . This section need not be used unless de- sirable for special reasons, but all material grouped in 3560 +. 4600 General. 4605 General special. 4615 Special professional considerations. 4620 Special types. Cf. 3560, Buildings for special uses. Same subdi- visions can be used here, with same intervals of num- bers: e. g., Churchyards, Graveyards, 4650. Vegetation. Cf. 1715-f , 416( (Horticulture, etc. 4800 General. 4805 General special 4810 Special aspects. 4811 Climatic. 4813 Hygienic. 4814 Economic. 4815 Esthetic. 4820 Legislation. 70 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Vegetation (continued) . Special professional considerations. 4825 General. 4830 Data. Choice of vegetation. Vegetation adapted to urban conditions, to particu- lar purposes. 4835 Design. Planting design. Construction and maintenance. 4840 General. 4842 Cost. 4844 Soil preparation and cultivation. Irrigation. Drainage. Cf. 1380 + . 4846 Protection. Tree guards, railings, etc. Prevention and mitigation of adverse con- ditions. 4850 General. 4852 Insect pests, spraying, etc. 4854 Smoke. Cf. 1449. 4856 Wires. Cf. 2915. 4858 Underground gas-leaks. bPECIAL FORMS. 4860 Trees. Cf. 4885. 4861 Shrubs. Cf. 4886. 4862 Herbaceous plants Cf. 4887. 4863 Turf. Cf. 4888. 4870) Special uses. Street planting. Including roadside improvement. Cf. (2109), (2315). 4875 General. 71 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Vegetation. Special uses. Street planting (continued). 4880 General special. 4882 Selection of trees, etc., in regard to width of streets. Special forms. 4885 Trees. Cf. 4860. 4886 Shrubs. a. 4861. 4887 Flower beds. Cf. 4862. 4888 Turf strips. a. (2109), 4863. Special uses. 4891 Business streets. Cf. 2195 +. 4892 Residential streets. Cf. 223.5 + . 4893 Parkways, boulevards. a. 2207, 2209. Lot planting. 4000 General. 4901 Dooryard gardens. a. (3330). 4902 Backyard gardens. Cf. (3331). 4905 Vacant lot gardens. 4907 School gardens. 4909 Other. Building decoration. 4910 General. 4912 Vines. 4914 Window gardens, \vindow boxes, balcony gardens. 4916 Plants (e. g. bay trees) in tubs, boxes, pots. 4919 Roof gardens. 72 CITY PLANNING Elements of city plans (continued). Vegetation. Special uses (continued). Planting of open spaces, public and quasi- public, other than for traffic. Cf. 4000 +. 4930 General. 4935 Parks. Cf. 4100 + . 4940 Public gardens. a. 4260 +. 4945 Playgrounds. Cf. (4360). 5000 Other elements. Types of City Plans. General only, or collections of works on individual cities illu.s- f rating types; other works on individual cities go with 6S00+, City planning, by special countries and cities arranged geo- graphically. 5200 General. 5205 General special. Types distinguished by climate Cf. 1330 + . 5210 General. 5215 Temperate. 5220 Hot. 5225 Cold. 5230 Types distinguished by Types of population, races, nationalities. Cf. 1400+. Types distinguished by relation to topography. Cf. 1340 +. 5250 General. 5255 Coast or shore cities. Cf. 1370. 5260 Island cities. Cf. 1372. 73 ( ITV PLANNING Types of city plans (continued). Types distinguished by relation to topogra- phy (continued). 5265 River cities. Cf. i:{7(), 2r),s()-|-. 5270 Cities on plains. Cf. 13.52. 52S0 Cities in valleys. Cf. i:{.54. 5285 Cities on sloping sites. Cf. i:«»). 5290 Hilltop cities. Cf. 135G. Types distinguished by dominant function. 5300 General. 5305 Governniontal. 5310 Military and naval. ' 5311 Military. Cf. 3810+. 5313 Naval. Cf. 262.5. Commercial. 5315 General. 5316 Railroad centers. Cf. 2450+. 5317 Ports. a. 2550+. 5319 other. Industrial. Cf. 163.5, 4085. 5320 General. 5321 Manufacturing. 5322 Mining. 5324 Other. 5325 Educational. University cities. 5330 Residential. Cf. 1675 + . 5331 Suburban cities and towns. Cf. 1685+, Suburban districts. 5333 Resorts, health and pleasure. 74 CITY PLANNING Types op city plans (continued). Types distinguished by dominant function (con- tinued) . 5350 Garden cities. Garden suburbs. Garden vil- lages. Cf. 582, 1635, 1GS5. For convcuienco all CJardcn City literature may be collected here with gcographi<;al ar- rangement (use same relation of nuinlicrs as given in geographical table); or local material may be put witli 6800 +, City planning, by special countries and cities. 5550 Other. 5552 Utopias, etc. Types distinguished by size of city. 5600 General. 5605 Villages, To 5000 inhabitants. Cf. 580. Village improvement literature may be collected here. 5610 Small cities. 5000-50,000. 5615 Medium-sized cities. 50,000-100,000. 5620 Large cities. 100,000 to one million. 5625 Largest cities. One million and over. Types distinguished by style of city plan, architectural character of city. 5630 General. Dominant types of plat. Cf. 1800 + . This section 5635+ is provided particu- larly to classify graphic material. Formal. Cf. 1835 + . 5635 General. 5637 Gridiron. ^ Cf. 1837. 5639 Gridiron and diagonal. Cf. 1839. 5641 Radius and round-point Cf. 1841. 5644 Other. 75 CITY PLANNING Types of Cut Plans {continued). Types distixcjiished by style of city plan. . . . Dominant types of plat {continued). Informal. Cf. 1845 + . 5t)4o General. 5647 Rectilinear. Cf. 1847. 51)49 Curvilinear. Cf. 184'J. 5t)51 Composite. Cf. 1851. 5()<)0 Dominant height of construction. Skyscraper cities. Cf. 3480+. 5680 Dominant building materials. Brick, wood, etc. Cf. 3510 +, 3-540 + . 5690 Dominant architectural style, a. 3490. 6800 City planning, by special countries and cities 6984 arranged geographically. See Geographical table, and Subarrangement of material under individual countries and cities, following. 70 GEOGRAPHICAL TABLE. This table is substantially that given at the end of Class N, of the Library of Congress Classification, there designated as Table II. It is here numbered ready to use in connection with this City Planning Scheme. It will be noted that the gap left after the number assigned to a country (e. g. Canada, 6S29, Mexico, 6831) can be used for a se])arate niunber assigned to works on indiviflual cities of that country if the user so desires. In that case, for example, works on City Planning in Canada would be numbered G829, while a work on the Plan of Cal- gary would be numbered 6830 Cal, {Cal being the abbreviation formed from the first few letters of the city name). The School of Landscape Architecture uses this method, which for a very small collection niiglit not be worth while. It was considered best to publish a full geographical table, especially to pro- vide for the arrangement of descriptive material, photographs, and postcards which might be assembled as data from all over the world. COUNTRY SUBDIVISIONS. 6801 America. 6803 North America. 6805 United States. By sections. To be used only if desired. See note under 6827, Cities. 6810 New England. 6811 South. 6814 Central. 6817 West. 6819 Pacific States. 6825 States A-Z. 6827 Cities A-Z. It is most convenient to arrange material alphabetically by cities as far as possible. 6829 Canada. 6831 Mexico. 6833 Central America. 6835 British Honduras. 6837 Costa Rica. 6839 Guatemala. 6841 Honduras. 6843 Nicaragua. 6845 Salvador 77 GEOGRAPHICAL TABLE 6S46 Panama. G847 \\'est Indies. 6849 Bahamas. 6851 Cuba. 6853 Haiti. 6855 Jamaica. 6857 Porto Rico. 6858 Other. 6859 South America. 6861 Argentine Republic. 6863 Bolivia. 6865 Brazil. 6867 Chile. 6869 Colombia. 6871 Ecuador. 6873 Guiana. 6875 Paraguay. 6877 Peru. 6879 Uruguay. 6881 Venezuela. 6883 Europe. 6885 Great Britain. England. 6887 England. Local. 6889 Scotland. 6891 Ireland. 6893 Wales. 6895 Austria-Hungary. 6897 France. 6899 Germany. 6901 Greece. 6903 Italy. 6905 Netherlands. 6907 Holland. 6909 Belgium. Flanders. 6911 Russia. 6913 Scandinavia. 6915 Denmark. 6917 Iceland. 6919 Norway. 6921 Sweden. GEOGRAPHICAL TABLE Europe (continued). 6923 Spain. Spain and Portugal. 6925 Portugal. 6927 Switzerland. 6929 Turkey. 6931 Other Balkan States. 6933 Bulgaria. 6935 Montenegro. 6937 Rumania. 6939 Servia. 6941 Others. 6943 Asia. The Orient. 6945 Southwestern Asia. Near East. Levant. Asia Minor. Turkey in Asia. 6947 Persia. 6949 Central Asia. 6951 Southern Asia. India. Ceylon. 6953 Indo-China. 6955 French Indo-China. 6957 Indonesia. Malaysia. 6959 Dutch East Indies. 6961 Philippines. 6963 Eastern Asia. 6965 China. 6967 Japan. 6969 Northern Asia. Siberia. Russia in Asia. 6973 Africa. 6975 North. 6977 South. 6979 Austraha. 6981 New Zealand. 6983 Pacific Islands. 6984 Special A-Z. 79 SUBARRANGEMENT OF :\IATERIAL UNDER INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES AND CITIES. It will vory often bo necessary to subdivide the material aceunuilated for individual cities. The simplest method of doing this is to use the number for the city followed by the numbers for the topics as given in the general classification scheme. For example, a man living in Chicago has besides the general city-plan reports for Chicago a large collection of dipjiings and excerpts relating to Chicago. The designation of Chicago in his files is 6827 Chi (see explanation at begin- ning of geographical table). His reports, which he arranges chronologically, are numbered 6827 Chi 1909, 6827 Chi 1911, 6827 Chi 1912. By taking the letter A to follow 6827 Chi he can designate that detailed material is to be kept separate from the general chronological arrangement. He then looks over the Summary Outline of the Classification, noting the numbers of the topics on which he has material, and pro- ceeds to designate his clippings as follows, e. g. those on 1- • 6827 Chi ^^ ^,^ ^ 6827 Chi Busmess districts, XlfiorT' those on streets, » oc\K.r\ ! , 6827 Chi , _ , tho.se on Flaygrounds, a 4^00 ^ ^ ^^ ^^' alterna- tive method to the one just described would be to boil down and renumber with letters or small numbers the Summary Outline and then to use these designations in the way just described. This could be done by each individual, especially if he wishes to have only a small number of subdivisions. Although the numbers resulting from the first method are somewhat long, this disadvantage is far outweighed by the following advantages: a man has only one outline to re- member, and only one set of numbers; since the subdivisional numl)ers under an individual city are the same as the num- bers on the general subject, there is an automatic cross-ref- erence both ways — a person wanting everything on play- 80 GEOGRAPHICAL TABLE grounds knows he must look under 4300 both in the general arrangement and under such cities as have been subdivided, while a person studying Boston's playgrounds (6827 Bost A 4300), and wishing to compare these data with general data, can look instantly in 4300; furthermore, material which might appear on any minute topic relating to a given city can be cared for immediately by specific number taken from the fuller scheme. In case it is desirable to separate material relating to sections of a city from that relating to the city as a whole, this might be placed last and perhaps designated B, so that after general reports and material on special subjects desig- nated e. g. 6827 Bost 1912, X43M~' *^®^^ ""^'^^^^^ '^^ ^- 0- 6827Bost ^ , B Rox ' Roxbury section of Boston. The above suggestions serve to indicate the possible treat- ment of a large bulk of local material. The particular pur- pose for which the material is to be used will of course determine the amount and character of subdivision that will be worth while. 81 ALPHABETIC SUBJECT INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION Referenoea are to numbers of topics in the Scheme Acre, Number of houses to, 1677. Acts (Legislative), 707. Addresses, lectures (General), 265-270. " Adickes, Lex," 728. Administration quarters (Waterfronts) , 2690. Administrative agents, 1520-(1540). Creation or empowering, 712-716. Administrative building groups, 3720. Administrative buildings, 3565. Administrative conditions, (Data), 1520-1540. Collection and presentation of data, 824. Administrative districts, 1625-1627. Advertising, Public, (City planning movement), 540-548. Advertising kiosks, 3878. Aerial transportation terminals, 2795. Aerial views, 1244. Aerodromes, 4384. Aesthetic, see Esthetic. Agricultural belts, 1720. Agricultural districts, 1715-1725. (Agricultural occupancy of blocks), (3244). Air (Data), 1447. Albums (General), 286. Alleys, 2242. (In blocks), 3181. Allotment gardens, 1724. Amusement parks, 4290. Anchorages (Harbors), 2605. Ancient cities, 215-219. Apartments, (High class), 3642. Districts with, 1702. Apparatus, Playground, 4355. Apportionment, Estimate and (Data), 1595. Approaches. City, 1748. Elevated or subway stations, 2405. Highway bridges and tunnels, 2276. Subways, 2356. Aqueducts (Conduits), 2885-2888. Aqueducts, Monumental, 3740-3790. Arcades, 2161. Arches, Monumental, 3830. Architectural materials, see Building materials. Architectural squares, 4435, (4575). Architectural style, 3490. Types of city plans distinguished by, 5690. Architecture, see Structures, 3400- 3890. Architecture, Civic, see PubUc build- ings; Types of city plans distin- guished b}^ architectural style. Art commissions, 1535. Art, Civic, Municipal, 1235. Artificial topography, 1347. Assessment, Income from (Data), 1580. Asylums, 3585. Athletic fields, 4370-4375. Atlases (General), 282. Auditoriums, 3575. Avenues, see Sti'eets, roads. Aviation. Grounds, 4385. Influence on planning for appear- ance of city, 1246. Landing places, 2795. B Backyard gardens, (3331), 4902. Balconies (Encroachments on streets), 2159. 83 INDEX Balcony gardens, 4914. Ball grounds, 4370-4375. Bandstands, 3G81. Banks (Buildings), 3600. (Banks, of commercial rivers, canals), (2590). Baseball grounds, 4370. Basins (Water-supply), 4510. Bjvsins, fountains, 3S45. Ba^sins, harbors, 2600-2630. Bathing beaches, 4201. Baths, Public, 35S0. Bay trees, in tubs, boxes, etc., 4916. Bays, harbors, 2600-2630. Beaches, Bathing, 4201. Beauty, Civic, 1235. Beauty, Organic, of city, 1242. Beer " gardens," 4280. Belt lines (Railroad), 2504. Belts, Agricultural, 1720. Belts, Forest, 1725. Benefit assessments, 1580. Bequests, Income from (Data), 1594. Betterment, Civic, see Civic better- ment. Betterments, 1580. Bibliography. General, 0. Special, see the special subjects. Bicycle paths, 2214. BiUboards, 3880. Biography, 200-205. Birdseye views, 1244. Block, Houses in-, see Houses in- block. Blocks (Areas), 3100-(3245). Area, Proportion to street area, 2150. Development, Adaptability to, 3120-3145. Dimensions, 3125. Interiors, 3179. Orientation, 3140. Shape, 3130-3139. Size, 3125. Topography, 3145. Blocks and lota, 3000-3395. Development, Adaptability to, 3040-3065. Dimensions, 3045. Orientation, 3060. Shape, 3050. Size, 3045. Topography, 3065. Blocks and streets. Organization and subdivision of city area into. 1800-1851. Boards of trade (In city-planning movement), 515. Boating facilities, Provision for, 4203. Books (General collections), 294. Booths, street-stands, 3684. 1 Botanical gardens, 4265. Boulevards, 2207, Planting, 4893. (Boulevards, Shore), (4196). Boundaries. City, 1745-1750. Lots, Treatment, 3304. Boundary areas (Of city), 1745- 1750. Boundary structures (Walls, fences), 3825. Breakwaters, 2617. Brick and tQe (Buildings materials), 3523. Brick-yards, 3197. Bridges, 3740-3790. Form, 3770. Materials, 3780. Bridges, Foot, 2262. Bridges, Highway, 2270-2284. Bridges, Over commercial rivers, canals, (2595). Bridges, Railroad, 2515-2529. Bridges, Street-railway, 2390. Bridle paths, 2213. Building codes, 3460. Building construction. Types of, 3540- 3549. Building decoration (Vines, window boxes), 4910-4919. Building development, see Buildings; Districts. Building groups, 3700-3739. Grounds, 4550-4585. Building laws, 3460. Building lines, 3081. Building lots, 3395. Building materials, 3510-3539. (Business districts), 1640. Tjrpes of city plans distinguished by, 5680. 84 INDEX Buildings, 3440-3689. Form, 3475-3509. Grounds, 4600-4620. Height, 3083, 3480-3489. (Business districts), 1640. Relation to street, 2163. Types of city plans distinguished by, 5660. In parks (Encroachments), 4106. Materials, see Building materials. Relation to Block and lot area, SOT.'S-SOOl. Block area, 3165-3183. Lot area, 3315-3334. Streets, 2155-2163. Size, 3480-3489. Surface treatment, 3535-3539. Buildings, Historic, 3456. Buildings, Shelter, see Shelters. Bulkhead lines, 2610. Burned districts, Replanning, 1617. Business blocks, 3190-3220. Business buildings, 3600. Streets as frontage for, 2230. Business districts, 1630-1670. Business encroachment on residential districts, 1682. (Business lots), (3340). Business squares, 2233. Business local streets, 2230-2233. Business streets (In general). Planting, 4891. Business traffic streets, 2195-2201. c Cables, Underground, 2386. Cabstands, 2199. Campaigns, City-planning, 525. Canals, 2580-(2595). Canals, Irrigation, Streets with, 2118 Capitols, 3565. Car-barns, 2420. Cemeteries, 4480-4495. Censuses (Data), 832. Centers, Determining location of main thoroughfares, 1812. Centers, Civic, see Civic centers. Chambers of commerce, 515. Change in tjqje of occupancy, Effects of, 1613. Channels (Commercial rivers), 2585. (Harbors), 2605-2608. Channels of transportation, 2000- 2930. Charts, General, 254. Chemicals, Areas for handhng and storing (Waterfronts), 2724. Churches, 3590. Churchyards, 4650. Circulation (Data), 1440. Circumferential thoroughfares, 2183. Cities. Large (Types of plans), 5620. Largest (Types of plans), 5625. Medium-sized (Types of plans), 5615. Small (Types of plans), 5610. Special (Arranged geographically), 6800-6984. City. Area. Organization and subdivision by dominant function, 1600- 1740. Organization and subdivision into streets and blocks, 1800-1851. At night. Lighting effects, 1260. Boundaries, 1750. Historic forms, 210-245. History (Data), 1415. Organic beauty, 1242. Sites, 1340-1376. Economic advantages (Data), 1555-1559. See also phrases beginning with words City and Municipal. City and country, 1422-1426. City clubs, 517. City engineers' departments, 1530. City forestry, see Vegetation. City gates, 3815. City halls, 3565. City plan, see City plans. City planning. As an art, scienct>, or profession, 320-324. By special countries and cities ar- ranged geopgraphically, 6800- 6984. Field, scope, 310. Purpose, utility, 305. 85 INDEX City planning (continued) (Term). 300. See also City plans. City-planning commissions, 1535. Creation, 714. City-planning departments, 1535. Creation, 714. City-planning movement, 50()-(600). City plans. Composition, 1200-1851. Elements, 1900-4950. Historical development, 210-245. Making, 840-84S. Presentation, 8.50-858. Types, 520O-5G90. City walls, 3815. Cityward movement, 1424. Civic art, 1235. Civic beauty, 1235. Civic betterment (Term), 300. Civic betterment movement, 500- (600). Civic centers, 1627, (4570). Civic design (Term), 300. Civic improvement (Term), 300. Civic spaces, see Squares. Civil engineering, see Street, roads Footways; Surveys. Clay (Soil), 1382. Climate (Data), 1330-1336. Types of city plans distinguished by, 5210-5225. Climate, topography, soil, etc. (Data), 1320-1392. Climatic aspects of vegetation, 4811. Clippings (General collections), 290. Clocks, (2298), 3855. Clubs. (Buildings), 3618. (In City-planning movement), 517. Coal, Areas for handling and storing (Waterfronts), 2723. Coast cities (Types of plans), 5255. Coasts (Topographical data), 1370. Cold climate. Types cf city plans dis- tinguishedocks, 2735. Dumps, 1472. Municipal, 4538. Dust prevention, 1450. E Earthquakes (Data), 1392. Easements, Creation of, 735. Eating places. Outdoor, 4139. Economic and financial conditions. Resources, 1545-1595. Economic aspects. Blocks and lots, 3014. Channels of transportation, 2014. General, 1225. Open spaces, 4014—4016. Vegetation, 4814. Economic conditions (Data), 1550- 1565. Collection and presentation of data, 826. Education, Public (Data), 1490. Education of public (in regard to city planning), 540-548. Educational building groups, 3722. Educational buildings, 3570. Educational cities (Tjtjcs of plans), 5325. Efficiency of the community, 1225. Electrification of railroads, 2457. Electroliers, (2310), 3870. Elements of city plans, 1900-4950. Study and teaching, 916. Elevators, lifts, etc. (Highway bridges and tunnels), 2282. (Railroad bridges and tmmels), 2526. Elevated railways, 2390. Embankments (Shore), 4197. Eminent domain, 722-724. Employees. Accommodation for (Commercial waterfronts), 2690. Pleasure grounds (Manufacturing plants), 3199. Employers' model housing, 1433. Encroachments. Buildings on street, 2159. Business on urban residential dis- tricts, 1682. Public parks, 4106. Encyclopedias, 190. Engineering, Civil, see Civil engineer- ing. Engineering, Municipal, see Municipal engineering. 88 INDEX Enterprises, Municipal, Income for city planning from, 1588. Entrances (City), 1748. Enviionment (Data for city planning). Man-made, 1400-1499. Natural, 1320-1392. Equipment, Municipal, Areas for stor- age, 4540. Escalators, 2405. Essays (General), 265-270. Estates, Large private, 3385. Esthetic aspects. Blocks and lots, 3015. Buildings, 3455. Channels of transportation, 2015. General, 1235-1260. Open spaces, 4020-4022. Structures, 3415. Vegetation, 4815. Estimate and apportionment (Data), 1595. Estimates, 858. Excerpts (General collections), 290. Excess condemnation, 724. Exchange places, 4430. Exhibitions, City-planning (50)-65. (In city-planning movement), 546. Study of city planning in, 940. Expenditure (Municipal finances), 1595. Experience under competent practi- tioners, 950. Experts. Consultation, cooperation of (Pro- fessional practice), 875. PubUc consultation, Official em- ployment of, 1540. Unofficial employment of, 571. Exposition building groups, 3724. Exposition grounds (4585). Extensions, 1611. F Factories, 3595. Facts, see Data. Federal agencies for city planning. Relation to state and municipal agencies, 1527. Federal buildings, 3565-3568 Federal grants (Income for city plan- ning), 1590. Fences, 3304, 3825. Ferry slips, 2675. Festivals, Street decoration for, 2320. Fields, Athletic, 4370-4375. Filling of low or submerged areas, 1347. Filtration beds (Sewage disposal), 4520. Filtration plants (Water-supply), 4510. Financial conditions (Data), 1570- 1595. Collection and presentation of data, 826. Fmancial districts, 1645. Fire alarm boxes, 2296. Fu-e-proofing (Business districts), 1640. Fire protection, 1478. (Waterfronts), 2652. Fire-protection water-supply. Auxiliary high-pressure systems, 2888. Fire-resistive type of building con- struction, 3542. Fire stations, 3568. Fires, 1479. Flagpoles, flagstaflfs, 3857. Floods, Protection from, 1454. Flower beds (Street planting), 4887. Fluctuation in sizes of lots, 3163. Foci, Determining location of main thoroughfares, 1812. Footbridges, 2262. Footways, 2250-2262. Footways (Streets, roads. Footways), 2050-2328. Footways, Independent, 2254. Fora, 4430. (Forest belts), (1725). Forest reservations, 4160. Forests, Municipal, Income from (Data), 1588. Formal types of plats, 1835-1844. (Types of city plans), 5635-5644. Fortifications, forts, 3812. Fountains, 3845-3849. Fountains, Drinking (2302), 3849. Franchises, Income from (Data), 1585. " Free ports," 2829. Freight, Special provision for (Water- fronts), 2710-2729. 89 INDEX Frciplit handling api)aratus, 2712. Freight houses and yards (Railroad), 2495. Freight terminals. 2820-2829. Freight tunnels (Railroad), 2522. Frontage. Business buildings (Local streets), 2230. Ix)ts, 3310. (VVaterfronUs), 2650. Fundamental conditions. Data, 1300- 1595 "Furniture," Park, 4141. " Furniture," Street, 2290-(230S). " Furniture," Strwt and park, 3860. G Galleries (Street), 2161. Garbage disposal, 1472. Garden cities (Types of plans), 5350. Garden city literature, 5350. Garden city movement, 582. Garden city principle (Industrial dis- tricts), 1635. Garden squares, 4250-4255, (4450). Garden subiu-bs, 168.5-1687. (Types of plans), 5350. Garden villages (Tj^pes of plans), 5350. Gardens, 3089, 3329- (3331). Allotment, 1724. Backyard, (3331), 4902. Balcony, 4914, Botanical, 4265. Concert and beer, 4280. Doorj-ard, (3330). 4901. PubUc, 4260-4274. Planting, 4940. Roof. 4919. School, 4907. Vacant lot, 4905. Window, 4914. Garbage. 1472. Gas distribution (Conduits, etc.), 2900. Gas-leaks, Underground (Injury to vegetation), 4858. Gas tanks, 3568. Gates, 3825. Gates, City, 3815. General collections of material in special forms, (280)-294. General works, 250-294. Geographical arrangement of special countries and citie.='. 0800-6984. Geological character of soil (Data), 1382. Gifts, Income from (Data), 1594. Glossaries. 190. Goals, Determining location of main thoroughfares, 1812. Government, Municipal, see 714, 1225, 1.52,5-1.540. Governmental aid (Income for city planning), 1.590. Governmental cities (Types of plans), 5305. Grade, Viaducts to avoid streets cross- ing at, 2138. Grade crossings, 2512. Gradient of streets, 2100-2103. Steep, 2103. Grain, Areas for handling and storing (Waterfronts), 2722. Grain elevators, 2722. Grass, see Turf. Gravel, Areas for handling and storing (Waterfronts), 2723. (Soil), 1382. Graveyards, 4650. Greenhouses, 3687. ■Mimicipal, 4.545. Gridiron and diagonal type of plat, 1839. (Types of city plans), 5639. Gridiron type of plat, 1837. (Types of city plans), 5637. Ground forms, see Topography. Ground water (Data), 1386. Ground water. Soil (Data), 1380-1386. Grounds. Building groups, 4550-4585. Single buildings, 4600-4620. Station, 2485-2488. Groups, Building, see Building groups. Gutters, 2122. G3rnmasia, 3580, H Harbor boards, 1530. .1 j Harbor lines, 2610. ' Harbors, 2600-2630. i Health, Public, see Public health. 90 INDEX Health resorts (Types of plans) 5333. Heat, light, and power wires, 2925. Hedges (Lot boundary), 3304. Height of buildings, see Buildings, Height. Herbaceous plants, 4862. High-cost multiple houses in-block, 3642. High-cost residential districts, 1695. High-cost single detached houses, 3652. High-cost single houses in-block, 3637. High-pressure auxiliary fire-protection water-supply systems, 2888. Highway bridges, 2270-2284. Highways, 2170-2211. Hillside lots, 3295. Hillside streets, 2110. Hills, (Topographical data), 1356. Removal, 1347. Hilltop cities (Types of plans), 5290. Hilltops (Topographical data), 1356. Historic aspects. Blocks and lots, 3016. Buildings, 3456 Channels of transportation, 2016. General, 1270-1276. Open spaces, 4025. Structures, 3416. Historic features in cities. Preservation, 1276. Historic interest. Places of. Reserva- tion, 4230. Historic type, Truth of city plans to, 1272. History of city planning, 210-245. History of the city (Data), 1415. Hospitals, 3585. Hot climate, Types of city plans dis- tinguished by, 5220. Hotels, 3618. House Icrts, 3395. Houses, Number to acre, 1677. Houses, Detached, 3650-3669. Blocks occupied by, 3240. Districts with, 1705-1708. Houses in-block, 3635-3644. Blocks occupied by, 3235. Districts with, 1700-1703. Housing, 1430. Hydrants, 2304, Hygienic aspects. Blocks and lots, 3013. Buildings, 3453. Channels of transiwrtation, 2013. General, 1215. Open spaces, 4013. Vegetation, 4813. Illuminated signs, 3875' Improvement, Civic, Rural, etc., see Civic improvement. Rural im- provement, etc. Improvement of conditions, (City- planning movement), 565. Improvements, Effect on land values, 1567. Incinerators (Disposal of wastes), 1472. Income (Municii)al finances), 1575- 1594. Individuality (of cities), Preservation, 1274. Industrial arciia (Water-fronts), 2740. Industrial cities (Tjtjcs of plans), 5320-5324. Park systems for, 4085. Industrial conditions (Data), 1435. Industrial districts. Business di.s- tricts, 1630-1670. Industrial opportunities (Data), 1559. Industrial suburbs, 1635. Informal tj-pes of plates, 1845-1851. (TjTJes of city plans), 5645-5651. Insect pests, 4852. Instruction, see Study and teaching. Intersection of lines of traffic, 2136. Interurban highway's, 2170-2211. Interurban street-railways. 2350. (Terminals), (2780). Iron and steel (Buildings), 3528. Irrigation (Soil), 4844. Iirigation canals, Streets with, 2118. Island cities (Tj-pes of plans), 5260. Island reservations, 4184. Islands (Topographical data), 1372. Isles of safety, 2128. Jetties (Protective works), 2617. Jetties, wharves, piers, etc., 2680- 2729. Junctions, Street, 2135-2138. 91 INDEX K Kiosks, 3878. Lake shore reservations, 4182. Lakes (Topographical data). I^ge, 1370. Small, 1374. Lamp-posts, (2310), 3870. Land {Cf. Topography). Acquisition. 722-724. Condemnation, 722. Convertibility and stability, 1565. Redistribution, 728. Taking, 722-724. Use (Data), 1563-1565. Land, City, Income from leases of (Data), 1588. Land, Undeveloped, Control of, 1609. Land drainage, 14.'52. Land forms, 1350-1356. Land subilivi.'^ion (in the larger sense), 1800-1851. (Blocks and lots), 3000-3395. (Residential), 3380-3395. Land values (Data), 1563-1567. Efifect of design and improvements, 1567. Effect of open spaces, 4016. Landing places, Aviation, 2795. Landing stages, 2697. Landscape, Natural, Preservation, 4021. Landscape architecture, see especially Blocks and lots; Open spaces; Vegetation. Lantern slides (General collections), 288. Large cities (Types of plans), 5620. Large estates, 3385. Large parks, 4240. Largest cities (Types of plans), 5625. Laws, see Legal conditions ; Legislation Lectures (General), 265-270. (In city-planning movement), 542. Legal and administrative conditions (Data), 1500-1540. Legal conditions (Data), 1505-1515. Collection and presentation of data, 824. Legislation. Blocks and lots, 3020. Bridges, 3760. Buildings, 3460. Channels of transportation, 2020. Conduits. Wires, 2870. General, 700-785. Initiating and securing (City-plan- ning movement), 573. Open spaces, 4030. Parks and reservations, 4120. Playgrounds, 4330. Professional practice, 810. Raikoads, 2470. Street-railways, 2370. Streets, roads. Footways, 2070. (Structures), (3420). Terminal facilities, 2770. Vegetation, 4820. Waterways and waterfronts, Com- mercial, 2570. Wires. Conduits, 2870. Letter-boxes, 2296. Levees, 3800. " Lex Adickes," 728. Libraries. (Buildmgs), 3570. Study of city planning in, 940. Lifts, elevators, etc. (Highway bridges and tunnels), 2282 (Railroad bridges and tunnels), 2526. Light, heat, and power wires, 2925. Lighthouses, 2608. Lighting, 1476. Lighting effects, 1260. Lighting fixtures, 3870. Lines, Building, 3081. Loam (Soil), 1382. Local streets, 2220-2244. Locks (Canal), 2588. Lot boundaries, Treatment, 3304. Lot planting, 4900-4909. Lots, 3250-3395. Depth, 3311. Development, Adaptability to, 3270-3295. Dimensions, 3275. Grade, 3312. Orientation, 3290. Shape, 3280-3289. Size, 3275. 92 INDEX Lots (continued) Subdivision of blocks into, 3160- 3163. Topography, 3293-3295. Low areas. Filling of, 1347. Low-cost multiple houses in-block, 3644. Low-cost residential districts, 1697. Low-cost semi-detached houses, 3659. Low-cost single detached houses, 3654. Low-cost single houses in-block, 3639. Lumber, Areas for handUng and stor- ing (Waterfronts), 2723. Lumber-yards, 3197. M and Maintenance, see Construction maintenance. Maps, 834. Malls, 2258. Man-hole covers, 2124, (2306). Manufacturing, Buildings for, 3595. Manufacturing cities (Types of plans), 5321. Manufacturing districts, 1650. Manufacturing plants, 3195. Utilization of waterfront by, 2740. Manuscripts (General collections), 292 Marine parks, 4181. Market districts, 1660. Market-garden areas, 1723. Market places, 4425. Market squares, 4425. Markets. (Bmldings), 3610. Relation to terminal facihties, 2827. Marquees (Encroachment on streets), 2159. Marshes (Topographical data), 1352. Materials, Building, 3510-3539. Types of city plans distinguished by, 5680. Materials, Structural, 3520-3529. Mediaeval cities, 225. Medium-cost multiple houses in- block, 3643. Medium-cost residential districts, 1696. Medium-cost semi-detached houses, 3658. Medium-cost single detached houses, 3653. 93 Medium-cost single houses in-block, 3638. Medium-sized cities (Types of plans), 5615. Methods of technical procedure. Pro- fessional practice, 800-880. MiUtarj' cities (Types of plans), 5311. Mills, 3595. Mmeral wealth (Data), 1557. Mming cities (Types of plans), 5322. Minor buildings, 3670-3689. Minor streets, Location, 1820. Minor structures, 3820-3885, Model housmg, 1432-1433. Models, 836, 856. Modem cities, 230. Monumental arches, 3830. Monumental .sciuarcs, 4435, (4575). Monumental statues, 3840. Monuments, 3830. Motor traffic, Influence on streets, 2058. Motor trucks (Data), 2076. Movement, City-planning, 500-(600). Multiple houses in-block, 3641-3644. Multiple streets, 2115. Municipal, Cf. City, and also second words of certain phrases be- ginning with mimicipal, e. g., Mvmicipal nurseries, see Nur- series. Municipal art, 1235. Municipal buildings, 3563-3568. Municipal engineering, see Conduits. Wires; PubUc health and safety; Sewage disposal; Streets, roads. Footways; Water-supply. Municipal finances (Data), 1570- 1595. Municipal government, see 714, 1225, 1525-1540. Municipal improvement (Term), 300. Municipal improvement movement, 500-(600). Municipal model housing, 1432. Mimicipal services. Buildings for, 3568. Open spaces devoted to operation of, 4500-4549. Museums, (70)-85. (Buildings), 3570. INDEX N Name (City planning), 300. Naine-platcs, Street, 2292, (3850). Natural features, Special, Reservation of places containing, 4225. Natural resources (Data), 1557. Naval cities (TjT)es of plans), 5313. Neighborhood parks, 4250-4255. Night, City at. Lighting effects, 1260. Noise prevention, 1451. Notes (General collections), 292. Nuisances. Billboard, 3880. See also Public health and safety, 1445-1485. Nureeries (Plants), Municipal, 4545. Obelisks, 3830. Obstruction of surface traffic by street- railway structures, 2357. Obstructions to traffic, Open spaces as, 4015. Occupancy. Change in tj-pe, Effects, 1613. Intensiveness. (Business, industrial districts), 1640. (Residential districts), 1677. Office buildings, 3600. Blocks occupied by, 3205. Offices, Experience in, 950. Official agencies. Support of (City- planning movement), 569. Oil, Areas for handling and storing (Waterfronts), 2724. One-way streets, 2201. Open-air concert " gardens," 4280. Open spaces, public and quasi-pubUc, other than for traffic, 4000- 4620. Opera houses, 3575 Opportunities for city planning as an ait, science, or profession, 324. Organic beautj of city, 1242. Organizations (In city-planning move- ment), 512-517. Orientation. Blocks, 3140. Blocks and lots, 3060. Lots, 3290. Streets, 2090. Outdoor eating places, 4139. Outlines (General), 254. Outlooks, 4220. Overhead wires. Removal of, 2922. Pageants, Settings for, 4275. Paintings (General collections), 284. Pamphlets (General collections), 294. Park departments, 1530. Park furniture, 4141. Park regulation, 4120. Park systems, 4040-4085. Parked streets, 2116. (Parking), (2109). Parks, 4100-4290. Planting, 4935. See aho phrases beginning with Park, e. g., Park furniture, and subdivisions in the text, 4100 -|-. Parks, Amusement, 4290. Parks, Country, 4240. Parks, Large, 4240. Parks, Neighborhood, 4250-^55. Parks, SmaU, 4250-4255. Parks, Street-railway, 4290. Parks, Water, see Shore reservations, 4170-4205. Parks, Zoological, 4270. Parks and reservations, 410C-4290. Parkways, 2209. Planting, 4893. Partial works (treating two or more subdi\'isions of the general sub- ject of city planning,) 260. Passage-ways, 3091, 3181. Passenger terminals, 2800-2807. Passengers, Provision for (Water- fronts), 2695-2701. Paths, Bicycle, 2214. Paths, Bridle, 2213. Pavements, 2120-2128. Pavilions, 3675. Peat (Soil), 1382. Periodicals (1)-14. Peripheral thoroughfares, 2183. Perishable goods. Areas for handling and storing (W'aterfronts), 2725. Pests, Insect, 4852. 94 INDEX Photographs, (General collections), 286. (Presentation of data), 838. Piers, etc., 2680-2729. Piers, Recreation, 4199. Pipes, 2880-2905. Places, see Squares. " Places " (Local streets), 2238. Plains (Topograpliical data), 1352. Cities on (Types of plans), 5270. Planning, 1200-1851. Preliminary, 844. Plans (General collections), 282. (Presentation of city plans), 854. Plans, City, nee City plans. Planting, see Vegetation, 4800-4945. Planting design, 4835. (Planting strips), (2109). Plants, see Vegetation, 4800-4945. Plates (General collections), 286. Plats, Types of, 1830-1851. Types of city plans distinguished by, 5635-5651. Playgrounds, 4310-(4360). Planting, 4945. See also subdivisions in the text, 4310 +. Playgrounds, athletic fields, etc., 4300-4385. Plazas, see Squares. Pleasure grounds for employees, 3199. Pleasure resorts (Types of plans), 5333. Pleasure traffic streets, 2205-2211. Plots, see Lots. Pneumatic tubes, 2905. Pocket-books (General), 258. Poles and wires (Street furniture), 2294. Trolley, 2386. Police-boxes, 2296. Police stations, 3568. Pollution of streams, 1458. Pools, Swimming and wading, 4350. Population (Data), 1400-1499. Types of city plans distinuished by, 5230. Port directors, 1530. Port regulation, 2570. PortfoUos (General), 284. Ports. Directors, 1530. Regulation, 2570. (Types of plans), 5317. Postcards (General collections), 286. Posters, 3880. Power-houses, 3568. Power, fight, and heat wires, 2925. Practice, Professional, see Professional practice. Practitioners, Competent, Experience under, 950. Prairies (Topographical data), 1352. Preliminary planning, 844. Preservation of historic features in cities, 1276. Preservation of natural landscape, 4021. Prevaifing winds (Data), 1336. Prints (General collections), 286. Prisons, 3568. Private concessions (In parks), 4108. Private property. Laws relating to, 1515. Private ways, 2244. Proceedings. Congresses, conferences, conven- tions (40)-46. Societies (20)-39. Profession (of city planning), 320- 324. Professional considerations, Special. Blocks, 3115. Blocks and lots, 3025-3029. Bridges, etc., 3765. Buildings, 3465-3469. Cemeteries, 4495. Channels of transportation, 2025- 2029. Conduits. Wires, 2875. Grounds of biulding groups, 4565. Grounds of single buildings, 4615. Lots, 3265. Municipal services, Areas devoted to operation, 4505. Open spaces, 4035. Park systems, 4055. Parks and reservations, 4125-4129. Playgrounds, 4335-4339. Raihoads, 2475. Squares, 4415. Street-railways, 2375. Streets, roads. Footways, 2075- 2079. Structures, 3425. Terminal facifities, 2775. 95 INDEX Professional, etc. {continu^fd) Vegetation, 4825-4858. Waterways and waterfronta, Com- mercial, 2575. Professional practice, 800-880. See also I'rofessional considera- tions, Special. Projections, 2159. Propaganda (In city-plannihg move- ment), 544. Promeniwlea, 2258. Shore, 4197. Property, Private, Laws relating to, 1515. Property, I*ublic. Acquisition, 722-724. Income from (Data), 1588. Ljiws relating to, 1510. Protection, Fire, see Fire protection. Protection from floods, 1454. Protective works (Ihirbors, etc.), 2G15-2619. Public, Education of (In regard to city-planning), 540-548. Public advertising, 540-548. Public baths, 3580. Public buildings, 3563-3568. Pubhc comfort stations, 3677. Pubhc education (Data), 1490. Public gardens, see Gardens, Public. Public health (Aspect of city plan- ning), 1215. Public health and safety (Data), 144&- 1485. Public property, see Property, Public. Public recreation, 1495. Public safety, see Public health and safety, 1445-1485. Public schools. Teaching of city planning in, 548. Pubhc service corporations, 1541. Public utihties. Income from municipal operation of (Data), 1588. See also the special utihties, e. g., Street-railways, Lighting. PubUc works, see the special kinds of public works, e. g., Streets, Reser\'oir3, Parks. Pubhc works, Departments of, 1530. Publications (City-planning move- ment), 544. Pubhcity (City-planning movement), 540-548. Pumping Stations, 3568. Q Quarantine quarters, 2690. Quays, wharves, etc., 2680-2729. R Race-tracks, 4380. Radial thoroughfares, 2182. Radius and round-point type of plat, 1841. (Types of city plans), 5641. Raihngs (Protection of vegetation), 4846. Railroad bridges and tunnels, 2515- 2529. Railroad centers (Types of plans), 5316. Raib-oad stations, 2480-2483, 3605. Railroad tunnels and bridges, 2515- 2529. Railroads, 24.50-2526. Bridges, 2515-2526. Crossings, 2510-2513. Electrification, 2457. Legislation, 2470. On wharves, piers, 2714. Rights-of-way, 2500-2504. Stations, 2480-2483, 3605. Grounds, 2485-2488. (Terminals), (2785). Tunnels, 2515-2526. Yards, 2490, 2495. Railways, se« Railroads. Railways, Street, see Street-railways. RainfaU (Data), 1334. Ramps, 2256. Rapid transit facilities, 2350-2405. Relation of terminal facilities to, 2807. Real estate, 3014. Reclamation, 1347. (Of shores), (1368). Reconstruction, see Construction and maintenance. Recreation, Buildings for, 3575. Recreation, Open-air. (Occupancy of blocks), (3245). See also Open spaces, 4000-4620. 96 INDEX Recreation, Public CData), 1495. Recreation areas, Distribution, 1730. Recreation piers, 4199. Recreational buUding groups, 3728. Recreational waterfronts, 4170-4205. Rectilinear type of informal plat, 1847. (Types of city plans), 5647. Redistribution of land, 728. Refreshment places, 4139. Refuse disposal, 1472. Regulations, (765). As subdivision of special subjects, see Legislation. Reinforced concrete, 3527. Replanning, 1200-1851. Burned districts, 1617. Reports, 832-852. Requirements of city planning as an art, science, or profession, 322. Reservations, 4150-4230. Comers, 3183. (Separate roadways), (2109). Street-railway, 2382. Reservations and parks, 410CM:290. Reserv'oir reservations, 4210. Reservoirs, 4510. Residences, 3620-3669. See also Houses. Residential blocks (Areas), 3230-3240. Residential cities (Types of plans), 5330-5333. Residential districts, 1676-1708. Residential lots, 3380-3395. Residential squares, 2238, (4445). Residential streets, 2235-2238. Planting, 4892. Resorts, Health and pleasure (Types of plans), 5333. Resources. Economic and financial (Data), 1545-1595. Natural (Data), 1557. Resting places, (Parks, etc.), 4137. Restrictions. Affecting appearance of buildings, 3460. (Blocks and lots), 3020. Retail districts, 1670. Retail shops, 3600. Blocks occupied by, 3210. Revenue service quarters, 2690. Revision and amplification of city plans, 846. Rights-of-way. Creation 735. (Raikoad), 2500-2504. Rights, Laws relating to. Private, 151."). Public, 1510. Ringstrassen, 2183. River bank reservations, 4183. River cities (Types of plans), 5265. Rivers. (Commercial waterways), 2580- (2595). (Topographical data), 1376. Roads, 2050-2328. Roadside improvement, 4875-4893. (Roadways, Separate), (2107). Rock (SoU), 1382. Roof gardens, 4919. Roofs, 3504. Roimd-point and radius type of plat, 1841. (Types of city plans), 5641. Round-points, 2197. ^.■ Routes, Determining location of main thoroughfares, 1814. Rubbish disposal, 1472. Running tracks, 4370. Rural improvement movement, 684. Safety, Isles of, 2128. Sand (Soil), 1382. Sanitation, see Public health and safety, 1445-1485. Scale, in general effect of buildings, 3455. Scales, City, 3872. School gardens, 4907. Schools. (Bmldings), 3570. (For study and teaching of city planning), 980-998. Schools, PubUc, Teaching of city planning in, 548. Seacoast (Topographical data), 1370. Seashore reservations, 4181. Seats, 3860. Sea walls, 2619. Semi-detached houses, 3656-3659. Districts with, 1707. 97 INDEX Semi-firo-resistive type of building Slides, Lantern (General collections), construction, 3543. i 288. Scries. Collected works, 180-185. \ Slips, Ferry, 2675. Services, Municipal, see Municipnl Slopes (Topographical data), 1356. services. Set-backs, 2157. Sewage ilisposal, 1464. S«'wage dispo.es of plans), 5552. Vacant lot g.anlens, 4905. \'alleys (Topographical data), 1354. Cities in (Typos of plans), 5280. \'alues, Land, see Land values. \\>getation, 4800-4925. \'ehicles (Data), 2070. Areas on wharves and piers for, 2701, 2716. \'iaducts, 3740-3790. Street-railway, 2390. To avoid crossings of streets at grade, 2138. Views (E.sthctic aspects), 1250. Aerial, 1244. Birdseyo, 1244. \'illage improvement literature, 5605. \'illage improvement movement, 580. \'illage station grounds, 2488. \'illages (Types of plans), 5605. Vines, 4912. \istas, 1252-1254. \olcanoes (Data), 1392. W Wading pools, 4350. Waiting places (Wharves), 2680. Waiting stations (Street-railway), 2410 (Walks), (2108). Walks. Sidewalks, 2252. Walls. (Lot boundary), 3304, 3825. (Of buildings), 3506. Walls City, 3815. \\'alLs, Sea, 2619. Warehouse districts, 1655. Warehouses, 3605. Blocks occupied by, 3200. (Wharves, etc.), 2718. Waste cans, (2308), 3860. Wastes, Disposal of, 1460-1474. Water, see Water bodies, 1360-1376. Water, Ground (Data), 1386. Water, Surface, 1466. Water, Underground, Flow of (Data), 1386. \^■ater boards, 1530. Water bodies (Topographical data), 1360-1376. W ater jwwcr (Data), 1557. Water-supply, 1456, 2885-2888. ^^eas, 4510. .\.u.\iliary high-pressure fiie-proteo tion systems, 2888. Water-supply and distribution (Con- duits, etc.), 2885-2888. Water-table (Data), 1380. Water-towers, 3568. Water traffic, see Waterways and waterfronts. Waterfronts (Topographical data), 1360-1376. Industrial utiUzation, 2740. Use of, 1367. Waterfronts, Commercial, 2640-2740. Waterfronts, Recreational, 4170-4205. Waterfronts and waterways, Com- mercial, 2550-2730. (Terminals), (2790). See cdso subdivisions in the text 2550 +. Ways (Channels of transportation), 2000-2930. Ways, Private, 2244. Wharves, etc., 2680-2729. Wholesale districts, 1665. Window boxes, 4914. Window gardens, 4914. Windows, 3506. Winds, Prevailing (Data), 1336. Winter sport facilities, 4205. " Wireless " apparatus, 2935. Wu-es, 2915-2930. Wires, Overhead (Injury to vegetation), 4856. Removal, 2922. Wires and poles (Street furniture), 2294. Trolley, 2386. Wires. Conduits, 2850-2930. Women in city-planning movement, 586. Women's clubs, 517. Wood (Biuldings), 3521. Works, Defensive, see Defensive works. Works, Protective, see Protective works. 102 INDEX Yards. Brick, 3197. Freight (Railroad), 2495. Lumber, 3197. Municipal, 4540. Stock, 3197. Street-railway, 2420. Tan, 3197. Train, 2490. Yearbooks, 15. Zoning, 1620. Zoological park.s, 4270. 103 000 013 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed.