UC-NRLF B 3 T2t, Sb3 J GIFT or ■-J THE PAROCHIAL LIBRARY IN C HRISr C HURC H BOSTON THE PAROCHIAL LIBRARY of the €ig!)teent{) Centurp in C H K 1ST C HU KC H BOSTON By A Proprietor of Christ Church B 5 r O 5\C Privately printed at the Sierrymount 'Press in the Year of our Lord MDCCCCXVII [ Two Hundred Copies printed ] IfBRARV SCHOOL A Or Preface \N acknowledgement is due to £Mtss Con- A. \. stance ^shenden^ who^ after having made a study of the history of the Christ Church Library^ freely placed her data at my disposal, ^Iso to .Mrs. Wilda C, S. Veck, who cata- logued the library in 191 4. This Catalogue was carefully collated and revised in 1 9 1 6. Six volumes Jncluding four new titles^ were then added^ which had been un- earthed from among the miscellaneous books in possession of the Church, In 1 9 1 7 another vol- ume was discovered and added to the Catalogue, To-day the books have merely an antiquarian interest^ and it has not seemed desirable to give detailed collations. Accordingly the list is pre- sented here in the form of a simple title-cata- logue^ although sufficiently explicit to indicate the character of the works, Percival Merritt. unstan in the East. Lon- don, 1 741. 4to. Sermon in Qhrist Churchy Boston 65 . . . Sermon [on similar occasion] March i8, i 741-2. By William "Best, D.D. Lofidoriy 1742. 410. Sermon [on similar occasion] March 1 7, i 742-3. By James Kingy D.D., Re6lor of St. rf'j Reply to Dr. Snape . . . , by H. ^Millsy A.M. Londony 17 18. 8vo. H Contents in manuscript on inside cover. he Courayer^ Pierre Francois. A Defence of the Validity of the English Ordi- nations, and of the Succession of the Bishops in the Church of England ... by the Rev. Father Peter Francis Le Courayer, Canon Regular and Librarian of St. QenevievCy at Taris. Trans- lated into English by Dan. Williams^ Presbyter of the Church of England, To which is prefixed a Letter from the Au th or to the Translator. London^ 1725. 8vo. Leland, John, M.A. The Divine Authority of the Old and New Tes- tament Asserted ... 2 vols. 2d ed. London^ ^1Z9~ 1740. 8vo. Leslie, in Qhrist Churchy Boston 69 Leslie, Charles, M.A. The Case Stated Between the Church of %ome and the Church oi England, Wherein is Shewed, that the T)oubt and the "Danger is in the Former, and the Certainty and Safety in the Latter Com- munion. 5th ed. London, 17 14. 8vo. Bound together with : Ex Bullario Laertii Cherubini, %^mae 1638 . . . Constitutio T:'auli A^. 63. n.d. 8vo. The Proceedings of the Parliament of 'T^aris upon the Pope's [Innocent X/] Bull, Concerning the Franchises in the City of "K^me . . . Londony 1688. 8vo. \Lucas, ^^B^chard.\ An Enquiry after Happiness ... by the Author of Pradical Christianity. 2 vols, [bound in one] . Vol. II entitled Humane Life: or, a Second Part of the Enquiry after Happiness. 3d ed. London, 1697, 1696. 8vo. Manuscript poetry on fly-leaves. M MArcellinus, dAmmianus. Ammiani Marcellini Rerum Gesta- rum qui de xxxi supersunt libri xviii. Ope MSS. codicum emendati ab Henrico Valesio & audiori- bus Adnotationibus illustrati. Necnon Excerpta Vetera de Gestis Constantini & Regum Italiae. fwith- Editio posterior, f Tarisiis, 1681. Fol. b^^k^*^ Autograph on title-page : Valentine 'J^orris. iWfprJp P^^^^ 70 The Parochial Library gVLede, Joseph, B.D. The Works of The Pious and Profoundly- Learned Joseph Mede, B.D. Sometime Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. London^ 1664, 1663. Fol. Copy imperfedl, lacking fore-title, pp. 753-1 129, and Tables, &c.,pp. [1-30]. N NElson, Robert, The Life of Dr. Qeorge "Bull, Late Lord Bishop of St. T>avidSy with the History of those Controv^ersies in which he was Engaged. 2d ed. London^ 1714- 8vo. Engraved portrait by Van der (^ucht. 3^wcome, '^eter, M.A., Vicar of Hackney, A Catechetical Course of Sermons for the whole Year. Being, an Explanation of the Church-Cate- chism, in fifty two distin6t Discourses on so many several Texts of Scripture. Vol. II only. 3d ed. London^ 17 12. 8vo. yS^wman^ Samuel ?\ A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures ; Together with the Books of the Apocrypha. By S. N. 4th ed. Cambridge^ 1698. Fol. [^chols. in Qhrist Churchy Boston 7 1 S^cliob, Willimn, D.D. A Conference with a Theist; . . . with the Addi- tion of Two Conferences; the One with a Machia- velian, the Other with an Atheist. 1 vols. 3d ed. London^ 1723- 8vo. Manuscript poetry on fly-leaves of both volumes. o THe Oxford Methodists : being an Ac- count of some Young Gentlemen in that City, in derision so called. . . . To which is pre- fix'd A Short Epistle to the Reverend Mr. White- field, A. B. of Tembroke-CoWtgQ,, Oxon. 3 d ed. Lon- don, 1738. 8vo. Other Tradls in this volume are: The Conduft and Doftrine of the Reverend Mr. Whitejield Vindicated. Londoji, 1739. 8vo. A Sermon Preached at the Parish- Church of '^exly in Kenty on Whitsunday, 1739. ^7 Q^orge Whitejieldy A.B. o^ "Pem- broke College, Oxford. Londo?!, 1739. '^'^^^ The Nature, Folly, Sin, and Danger of being Righteous over- much . . . beingthe Substance of Four Discourses lately Preached . . . hj Joseph Trappyjy.T). London, ijt,(). 8vo. Observations and Remarks on Mr. Seagrave^s Conduft and Writings. London, 1739. 8vo. The Bishop o^ London's [Edmund ^ibson'] Pastoral Letter to the People of his Diocese. 3d ed. London, 1739. ^v°* The Rev. Mr. Whitejield' s An?>WQr to the Bishop of L(?W(?//'j last Pastoral Letter. London, 1739. 8vo. A Supplement to the Rev. Mr. Whitejield' s Answer by a Presbyter of the Church of England, n.d. 8vo. Methodism 72 The Parochial Library Methodism Displayed ; or Remarks upon Mr. Whitejield'' s Answer ... by James '^ate, M.A. Lo?ido7i, n.d. 8vo. The True Spirit of the Methodists and their Allies. . . . London, 1 740. 8vo. The Imposture of Methodism Display' d ... by William 'bowman, M.A. London, 1740. 8vo. IT Contents in manuscript on inside cover. P)Otter, John, D.D., Lord Bishop of Ox- ford, A Discourse of Church-Government: wherein the Rights of the Church, and the Supremacy of Christian Princes, are Vindicated and Adjusted. 3d ed. London, 1724- 8vo. The Present State of the Republick of Letters. For April, 1728. Vol. I. [Periodical.] London, 1728. Other Trads in this volume are: Animadversions upon Sir Isaac J^zvt07i's book, Intitled the Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. By -iJlrthur 'Bed- ford, M.A. London, 1728. 8vo. The Present State of the Republick of Letters. For April, 1729. Vol. III. London, 1729. 8vo. A Chronological Essay on the Sacred History from the Cre- ation of the World to the Birth of Christ. By Thomas "Brett, LL.D. London, 1729. 8vo. ^ Contents in manuscript on inside cover. Trideaux, in Qhrist Churchy Boston 73 Vrideaux^ Humphrey, D.D., Dean of 5\(j?r- wich. The Old and New Testament Conneded in the History of the^^ic^^ and Neighbouring Nations, from the Declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ. 3 vols. Vol. I, 4th ed. Vols. II and III, ist ed. London, 17 18. 8vo. ^uffendorf, Samuel von. Baron. Of the Law of Nature and Nations. Trans- lated into English [by "Basil K^nnet and others]. 2d ed. Oxford, 17 10. Fol. R REeves, William, M.A.,Re6tor oi Crane- ^ ford in {Middlesex. The Apologies oi Justin Martyr, Tertullian and d^inutius Felix, in Defence of the Christian Re- ligion, . . . Translated from their Originals. 2 vols. 2d ed. London, 1716-1717. 8vo. '^R^gers, John, D.D., Canon of Wells. A Vindication of the Civil Establishment of Religion . . . ; with an Appendix containing a Letter from the Reverend Dr. {Marshal, and an Answer to the same. London, 1728. 8vo. Scott, 74 The Parochial Library S SCott, John, D.D., late Redor of St. qiles' s in the Fields, Pra6tical Discourses Concerning Obedience and the Love of God. Vol. II only. 2d ed. London^ 1701. 8vo. Sharp, yohn, late Lord Arch-Bishop oiTo' k. [Sermons.] 4 vols. London. Vol. I, 5th ed. 1722. Vol. II, 1715. Vols. Ill and IV, 1716. 8vo. Engraved portrait by %^ White in each volume. Shuckford, Sa?nuel, M.A., Reftor oi Shelton. The Sacred and Prophane History of the World Conneded, from the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the ^Assyrian Empire . . . and to the Declension of the Kingdoms oijudah and Israel. . . . Vols. II and III. London. Vol. II, 2d ed. 1 73 1. Vol. Ill, 1737. 8vo. Smalbroke, "^chard. Lord Bishop of St. L^avid's. A Charge Delivered to the Reverend the Clergy of the Diocese of St. T)avid's,in a Triennial Visi- tation of the same in August, 1 728. London, 1 729. 8vo. Other Sermons in this volume are: A Defence of the Lord Bishop of St. T>avUs. London^ i 729. 8vo. A in Qhrist Churchy Tioston 75 A Charge Deliver' d to the Clergy oi ^Middlesex at the Pri- mary Visitation Held May 19, 1 731. By T)ajiiel Water land Archdeacon of t^/^^/^j^;v. Londo?iy 1731. 8vo. Christianity Vindicated against Infidelity, a Second Charge Deliver' d to the Clergy of . . . unstan' s in the West, on Friday, Dec. 16, 1720. By William Lupton, D.D. London, 1720. 8vo. H Contents in manuscript on inside cover. Stanhope., Qeorge., D.D., Dean oi Canterbury, A Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels, Appointed to be Used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-Days Throughout the Year. Vols. II-IV. London. Vol. II, 3d ed. 1715. Vol. Ill, 3d ed. 1714. Vol. IV, 2d ed. 1715. 8vo. Stillingfleet^ 76 The Parochial Library Stilling fleets Edward, B.D. Origines Sacrae, or a Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith, as to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures. 3d ed. Lon- don, [1666]. 4to. StillingJleet,Edward,'D.X).,T>t2inoi^\.,Paurs, Origines Britannicae, or, the Antiquities of the "British Churches. London^ 1685. Fol. Bound with this volume is: The Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation oi%^berty Earl of Essex ^ and Henry y Earl of Southampton at Westminster the 19th of February, 1600 . . . London, 1679. Fol. Stillingjieet, Edward, Lord Bishop oi Worces- ter. Ecclesiastical Cases Relating to the Duties and Rights of the Parochial Clergy, id ed. London-, 1702. 8vo. T TRapp, Joseph, M.A., Minister of the United Parishes of Christ-Church, and St. Leonard' s Foster-Lane, London, The Church of England Defended against the Calumnies and False Reasonings, of the Church of %ome. London, 1727. Svo. Autograph on title-page: T.Jervoise. Trapp, in Qhrist Churchy "Boston 77 Trappy Joseph, D.D. A Reply to Mr. Law's Earnest and Serious An- swer ... to Dr. T^rapp's Discourse of the Folly, Sin, and Danger of being Righteous Over-much. London, i74i- 8vo. Other Tradls in this volume are: A True State of the Controversy with Mr. Foster on the Sub- ject of Heresy. By Henry Stebbing, D.D. LondoUy 1736. 8vo. An Answer to Dr. St ebbing' s True State of the Controversy with Mr. Foster y ... by James Foster. London y 1737. 8vo. A Reply to Mr. Foster"* s Answer to the True State of the Controversy . . . hy Henry Stebbingy'D.T). London, 1737.8VO. Self-Love and Vertue Reconciled only by Religion . . . [Isaac Watts yT>.T>.] Londony 1739. ^^o- The Analogy of Reason, or the Doftrine of the Trinity Proved by Natural Principles. By the Author of the Ground and Nature of Human Knowledge. London, 1739. 8vo. The Doftrine of Justification by Faith ... by ^Arthur 'Bed- ford, M.A. London, 1741. 8vo. An Essay on Redemption, Being the Second Part of Divine Redlitude. \J. 'Ba/guy.] London, 1741. 8vo. ^Text following page 100 completed in manuscript. A Letter to a Gentleman Dissenting from the Church of England ... by John White, B.D. London, 1743. 8vo. ^ Contents in manuscript on inside cover. w WAke, William, Archbishop oi Canter- bury, translator and editor. T he Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, St. 78 The Parochial Library St. 'Barnabas, St. Ignatius, St. Clement, St. Toly- carp, . . . 3d ed. London, 1719. 8vo. Autograph on title-page : H. Tr'msham. Walker, John, M.A., Reftor of St. ^Mary s Exeter. An Attempt towards Recovering an Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy of the Church of England, . . . who were Sequester'd, Harrass'd, etc., in the late Times of the Grand Rebellion. London, 17 14. Fol. War burton, William, A.M. The Divine Legation q{ Otiose s Demonstrated, on the Principles of a Religious Deist . . . Vol. I only. 3d ed. London, 1742. 8vo. Manuscript notes on fly-leaf. Water land, Daniel, D.D., Archdeacon of Middlesex. The Dodrinal Use of the Christian Sacraments Considered in a Charge Delivered to the Mid- dlesex Clergy, May 12, 1736. London, 1736. 8vo. Other Trads in this volume are: The Christian Sacrifice explained, in a Charge ... to the