THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES REV. ANDREW JACKSON NEUGKNT Latest Photograph THE EXPERIENCES OF UNCLE JACK Being a Biography of REV. ANDREW JACKSON NEWGENT BY REV. W. ED. SNYDER a Minister in the United Brethren Church A'ineteen Hundred and Elcvtn United Pre'.hren Publishing llnus^ rr. R. Funk, Agent Dayton, Oliio Printed by United Brethren Publishing House W. R.Funk, Agent Dayton, Ohio "?N' f3 T PREFACE HAT which requires an apology should be left iindoiio. Hence, the author of tiiis humble work offers no apology in sending it forth. If it finds favor in the sight of those into whose hands it may fall, he will api)reciate it. If not. it is confidently assumed that the world will pursue its wonted course, and no one will Ih' the worse, if not the wiser. No special literary excellence is claimed for it. It is a feeble, though honest, attempt to preserve from the cold, merciless realm of oblivion a life story that is well worth pre.serving — the life story of one for whom I have come to have the ])rofoundest reverence and affection. My only regret is that it has not been done better. Its chief value consists in the fact that it reveals the fundamental elements of true character and true success. The life of "Uncle Jack" Newgent is a conspicuous illus- tration of the fact that each individual is the architect of his own fate or fortune, that the conditions of success are internal and not external. This has been his life phil- osophy and has been abundantly vindicated by his life record. His right to a proi^er regard among his fellows rests upon his sterling qualities of mauhood, devotion to a great purpose, and personal achievements that have added to the sum total of the world's weal and worth. He belongs to a worthy line of foundation builders whose work underlies the great superstructures of both church and state of the present day. Hence, two purposes have bet^n kept in view in the writing of this sketch — to acknowledge, if not to pay, a debt of honor and gratitude the Church owes to a worthy man ; and by giving special attention to those personal (lualities that make for success always and everywhere, and which were so strikingly exemplified in his character, to preserve the lessons of his life to the i)resent and future generations in the hope that they may thus con- tribute to the ftirther pi"ogress of righteousness. If in this unpretentious little volume these purposes are in any degree fulfilled, I shall be abundantlv satisfied. W. E. Snyder. HH- i^H) INTRODUCTION THE pleasing task of writing an introduction to the life of my noble friend, Rev. A. J. Newgent, has fallen upon me. The intimate association which I have had with him for many years gives me_ a peculiar pleasure in seeing the record of his splendid life placed before the Church. Biography is one of the most important departments of literature, and Mr. Newgent is eminently worthy of the permanent place in history Avhich this volume accords him. I feel that fitting tributes in historic sketches should not only be paid the men of God who have planted the Church in this nation, but posterity should come and say over their graves, as Pericles did over the bodies of his fallen fellow soldiers : "You are like the divinities above us : you are known only by the benefits you have conferred." It is of such a man, thougli still living among us, that Dr. W. E. Snyder gives the accurately drawn portraitui-e in the chapters of this well-written biography. The work has been prepared with good judg- ment and much skill. The incidents of his life are given in sufficient detail, and make the volume exceedingly inter- esting and instructive. Such a publication is of great value, not only to those who enter the ministry, but to the whole Church, and especially to the young. To study the career of one, who. by fortitude and zeal, has carved his way irom humble surroundings to a high place of honor among his fellow-men — passing through varied and strik- ing vicissitudes in the struggle — can but inspire and ennoble other lives. Entering the ministry before our pioneer style of life had passed away in the west, Mr. Newgent adapted him- self to the humblest conditions of society. The fields of labor which he occupied in those early years of his pastor- ate were sufficient to remind him of the privation and hardships of those who had preceded him ; but no condi- tion was humble enough or severe enough to deter him from the work to which his young life had been conse- crated. He could lodge in the loft of the lowliest cabin and subsist upon the cheapest fare. In quest of souls he thought little of anything else. Living among the people, a very small salary' would suffice for him. He knew what it was to live on a moiety of one hundred dollars and less. There have been no dangers or hardships, no toils or privations, no suffering or sorrow sufEcient to daiiut liis heroic spirit. Fortunately, Mr. Newgent is so constructed as to see tlie briglit side of every difficulty, and his inimi- table humor has made his family and friends laugh in the darkest hours of his ministerial life. Unflinching loyalty to the Church has ever marked the career of Mr. Newgent. Though he has been pecu- liarly f;pe from sectarian prejudices or bitterness, his iUtadinient to his own xieople has been conscientious and un\\a\ering. All his energies have been devoted to the advancement of the Church of his ciioice. He has stood for the defense of its dcK-triiies and polity, and those who have drawn him into debate over any feature of our sys- tem have not challenged him a second time. In the earlier days of his ministry he was many times called in debate with the strongest men of other denominations, and has proved himself e'lual to any antagonist who has met him in discussion. Many have gone down before his unanswerable arguments, and not a few have been driven from the contest because they could not stand before the torrent of his eloquence and the indescribable power of his wit. In all his ministerial work these qualities have often been of great advantage to him. Few men could possess such wit and eccentricities as Mr. Newgent com- mands, and use them to advantage without some objection by the people. Hut like all his other gifts, these peculiar qualities have been consecrated to the service of doing good, and in their use he has maintained his ministerial consecration and influence with never a breath of sus- picion cast upon his good name. It is gratifying to his many friends that Mr. Newgent, though retired' from the active work of the ministry, is still in possession of all his mental powers, and no doubt will live to read his own biography. Few men have been so fortunate. To have spent his long and useful life in the most interesting period of the history of the Church, and then remain to read the part he has played in the making of that history, is a privilege that most of Christ's embassadors have never enjoyed. Back when the Pub- lishing House was struggling for existence, he loyally supported the little plant, and never failed to circulate our books and push our periodicals in every charge he has filled. When our institutions of learning were in their infancy, and much opposition was brought against educa- tion, he was a friend of the schools, and again and again has gone into the field to raise money for their support. He has seen the great benevolent boards of the Church and nearly all our connectional institutions come up from the smallest beginnings, and has never failed to espouse the cause of these important agencies for the promotion of Christ's kingdom. Even the conference in which he began his ministry has grown in his day from a handful to a host, and no man has watdiod its growth with deeper pride or more anxious concern than himself. I could write much more in the line of these thoughts, but the chapters of this volume will give in clear light the characteristics which can only be hinted at in the limits of an introduction. The skilled pen of the biographer will bring out in forceful and charming manner the noble traits of the gifted brother whose career he has studied with great care and painstaking interest. Let the book have a wide circulation, let the youth read its inspiring sentiments, and the horizon of their thoughts will be enlarged and the desire to be loyal to God and to every good work will be stimulated and strengthened. T. C. Carter. November 27, 1911. CONTENTS PAOR Preface 3 Introduction . 4 CHAPTER OXK. Ancestry — Picture of pionpor life — Imprisonment and release of Pompey Smash — Little Jack's short-cut in the study of astronomy — The fate of his first pair of breeches 9 CHAPTER TWO The tragic death of the father — Removal to Parke County — School Days — Conversion — Change of church relationship — A remarkable providence. ... 2.3 CHAPTER THREE Call to the ministry — First sermon — The boy preacher — Answering a fool after his folly — Turning a camp-meeting tide — Quieting a skirmish — Takes a wife 39 CHAPTER FOUR Conference membership — Brulitz Creek ministry — The modprn knight and his steed — Abrupt closing of family devotions by a dog-on-the-preacher — An orig- inal marriage ceremony — A case of mistaken iden- tity — A banner missionary collection — Shawnee Prairie pastorate — A cold day in April — The re- demption of Hell's Half Acre — Raiting for a pervese fish — An experience in the whisky business 51 CHAPTER FIVE Six months at Rainsville — A hot-bed of Southern sym- pathizers — A mix-up with saloon men — A sermon on slavery — Fire and brimstone — An antagonist out- witted — A sermon from the book of Nevvgent — Can any good thing come out of Rainsville? 70 CHAPTER SIX The war spirit in Indiana — Breaking up a traitorous plot — Narrow escape from enemies — Assists in se- curing recruits — Becomes chaplain of his regiment • — Exchange of courtesies with a Presbyterian min- ister — An embarrassing predicament — Saves his regiment from capture — Organizes military church — Chased by Johnnies — An exciting homeward Journey 80 CHAPTER SEVEN Plants the United Brethren banner in Terre Haute — Pralrleton pastorate — Difficulty with the sons of Analc — A prayer without an "Amen" — Another com- munity redeemed — Going to the wrong docrtor — A perverse colt — An unintentional immersion — One sermon that was not dry 98 PAGE CnAPTER EIGHT The New Goshen pastorate — An old grudge healed — Dry bones revived — Memorable year at "Dogtown" — "Death in the pot" — The Hittites captured — The "Jerks" — Other remarkable demonsti-ations — A rooster in the missionary collection — First debate — Unpleasant sequel to a horse trade HI CHAPTER NINE Labors at Mattoon. Illinois — A persistent campaign and a arreat victory — Second Nev/ (Joshen pastorate — A coi'ncirtenct' — Success at I'rairieton — Laboring in the shadow — The death of Mrs. Newgent — A bishoii"s trilnite to her character 131 CHAPTER TEN First groat debate — The debate as an institution — The challenge — Opponents get weak-kneed — Prolonging maneuvers — A hungry multitude unfed — Battle be- gins — Questions discussed — An improvised creed for liis opoonent — A premature baptism — An opponent's tril)Ute to his genius — Crowning the victor 138 CHAPTER ELEVEN Subsequent debates — The Owen contest — He got his "Treat" — Opponent's confession — Dressing "Stone" ■ — A scared Baptist — Invades the Lutheran ranks — Measures steel with Doctor Ingram — Dissertation on infant baptism — Opponent's early flight — Con- cludes the debate alone — The Haw debate luo CHAPTER TWELVE Perrysville and Centerpoint — Industry rewarded from an unsuspected source — A "slick wedding" — Fruitful labors" at Centerpoint — A one-sided union meeting — The doctrine of. the resurrection again demonstrated 1 1 1 CHAPTER THIRTEEN Becomes a missionary superintendent — Second marriage — An unexpected welcome — Forms a Quaker friend- ship — The Spirit moves in a Quaker meeting — A Quaker's praver answered — Builds a college — Shows what to do for a dead church — Another tilt on the doctrine of baptism — Conversion of a Dunk- aid preacher — Turns a great movement in the right direction 1°" CHAPTER FOURTEEN Autumn— The fading loaf— Fruit in old age — His later labors — Present home l**" CHAPTER FIFTEEN A Character Sketch 202 CHAPTER SIXTEEN "Lights out," a dirge of the war 219 C II APT Ell One. Ancestry — Picture of Pioneer Life — Imprisonment and Release of Pompey Smash — Little Jack's Short Cut in the Sttidy of Astronomy — The Fate of his First Pair of Breeches. Once upon a time, so lono- aoo that the clironolo.i>T of it has become hidden in the mists of liistorical uncertainties, a man with his family emijiTated from the hill section of northern Ireland to the vicinity of Dub- lin. What his real name was also belongs to the realm of the unknown, but among the unsophisticated rural inliabitants with whom he had east his lot he was character- ized simply as the "new gentleman." In course of time, the somewhat cumbersome title became abbreviated to "new gent," the original appellation finally passing from common usage entirelv. That this new gentleman v^^as a person of some force of character may be inferred from the distinc- tion he seems to have achieved among his new neighbors and the fact that the name has been honored bv men of rank and emi- nence among his descendants, a conspicuous example being Lord Robert Xewgent (or Nugent), the celebrated Irish scholar and statesman. 9 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Among tlie later descendants were three brothers who decided to cast their fortunes with the land of dreams and fancies across the Atlantic. Tlioir names were Edward, William, and Thomas Newgent. On reach- ing America Edward directed his course to- ward the snnnv South, William remained somewhere in the East, while Tliomas struck out toward the vast region of unbroken for- ests on the western slopes of the Alleghe- nies. ITis pilgrimage terminated somewhere in the bounds of Kentucky. He secured a tract of land near Cincinnati, and in pro- cess of time met, wooed, and won a wealth,y daughter of Virginia. He Avas contempo- rary with the Boones in reclaiming this great region of possibilities for civilization; helped to survey the State; taught school on both sides of the Ohio River, Avinning for liimself the title of "Irish Schoolmaster," which, in this case, carried with it no small degree of distinction. He was a soldier in three wars, that of the Eevolution, of 1812, and the Blackhawk War, for which serv- ices he received a pension from the Govern- ment. He professed religion at the ripe age of eighty, and was spared to redeem in part his long neglected opportunities by spend- ing almost a quarter of a century in active Christian service, his long and eventful life 10 The Experiences of Uncle Jack closing, according to an uncertain tradition, in the 103d year of his age. Ue was the father of Charles Xevrgent, who was the fatlier of Andrew Jackson Newgent, the hero of this simple narrative. In Charles Xewgent the elements of char- acter peculiar to his race were exceptionally strong. A most marked propensity was his fondness for a joke. He would take more interest in concocting some new trick to be played on a neighbor or in devising a scheme for merrymaking than in a critical study of the Sermon on the ]Mount, or in solving an intricate theological problem. But while the religious faculty remained somewhat dormant, he was warm-hearted and gener- ous, a good neighbor and citizen, according to the simple requirements of the times. In educational attainments he was far above the average. He was a prominent figure in local political circles, being a Jef- fersonian Democrat of a rather emphatic type. His ever ready Avit and fluency of speech made him a master on the stump and a formidable antagonist in political de- bates. The abilitv to give a humorous turn to anv remark or incident served him well upon such occasions. His peculiar tempera- ment gave him special aptitude as an auc- tioneer, in which capacity he had no su- it The Experiences of Uncle Jack perior. People would attend his sales as much to be entertained hj his witticisms as for the bargains he might have to offer, and those who came to laugh often remained to settle a bill for something they had no thought of purchasing. At the age of nineteen, in the year 1825, he was married to Mary Pugh, of Shelby County, Kentucky, his native county. Her parents Imd come from Scotland and were substantial citizens. Soon after their marriage they moved to Parke County, Indiana, and settled on a tract of land Avhich the Avife had received as a dower from her father. Pioneer life in Indiana need not here be enlarged upon. A solitary dwelling in the interminable and trackless forest; the build- ing consisting of a single room built of un- hewn logs, roofed with hand-split clap- boards ; the chimney covering one entire end of the building; the rough doors swung on wooden hinges; the small windows with greased paper or the tanned skins of ani- mals through which a bit of daylight finds its way with difficulty; the huge fireplace used for both cooking and heating purposes; the few pieces of hand-made furniture — these were some of the outward aspects of domestic life out on the ragged edge of civil- 12 The Experiences of Uncle Jack izatiou. The cabin of the Newgents was typ- ical of those of their neighbors, the nearest of whom lived some fifteen miles distant. The larger wild animals were frequent vis- itors and the war whoop of the Indian had scarcely died away. After a brief residence at this place they moA^ed to Sullivan County. Here, on Sat- urday, September 15, 1838, the subject of this sketch was born. He was the youngest of seven sons. Subsequently the family cir- cle was enlarged by the addition of two daughters. The father's political bias was again asserted in the name, Andrew Jack- sou, assigned to this youngest son, after the great hero of earlv Democracv. The name often has given occasion for humorous touches by the owner, especially in referring to his earlv life. Bv the neighbors and older members of the family, he says, he was dubbed General Andrew Jackson. Later the military title was dropped and he became plain Andrew Jackson, and by suc- cessive stages the name was further abbrevi- ated until the boy was doomed to answer to the simple cognomen of "Jack." Whether this was a process of evolution or of degen- eration, he was destined to win for himself a title that would stand for real worth and attainment; that would represent the love 13 The Experiences of Uncle Jack of little children, as well as the esteeiu of men and women, when the affectionate ap- pellation of "Uncle Jack" would become a household term in multitudes of homes. Perhaps it is to the Scotch blood of his mother that he owes the more solid elenients of his character. The Scotch character stands for thrift, enero-y^ and integrity, so that wherever the hardy Scotchman goes he carries with liiin the best elements of cit- izenship. These combined with the quick wit and genial temperament of the sons of Erin produced in our subject a personality rich in depth and resourcefulness. The emigration instinct, always strong in the pioneer, again became active, and the family set out for a new destination. This time it was Paw Paw Bend in Knox County, Indiana, so named because of its location in a bend of White River, and the prolific growth of paw paw trees for which the fer- tile lands were especially adapted. Our sub- ject was then about eighteen months old. Here he spent the years of early childliood. Some incidents numbered among his earliest recollections and which serve to illustrate the home life and social conditions in which these years were passed, will not be out of place in this connection. 14 The Experiences of Uncle Jack During this period religious services were practically unknown in Paw Paw Bend. The chief diversions were such social func- tions as shooting matches, wood choppings, log rollings, husking bees, and dances. The spelling bee was still of too intellectual a character to win popularity. At all such gatherings the familiar demijolin of corn whiskey was considered an indispensable adjunct. Hence, the announcement of a preaching service to be held at the Newgent home on a following Sunday morning was hailed throughout the settlement as a new thing under tlie sun. Of course everybody would go. The preacher was to be Kev. Nathan Hinkle, a Methodist itinerant. It was out of no particular religious scruples that tlie host, Charles Newgent, volunteered to enter- tain the assemblage on this occasion, yet he had no aversion to preachers or churches, and in common with his neighbors, he was always ready to encourage anything that would break the monotonv and atTord social diversion. It so happened that on Saturday evening before this memorable day, Pompey Smash, a negro fiddler, was passing through the neighborhood and asked to stay over night at Mr. Newgent's. He was informed by the 15 The Experiences of Uncle Jack head of the house that he Avould be furnished lodging on condition that he dispense music for a family dance. The terms were ac- cepted and there was a sound of revelry by night as the little company beat time on the puncheon floor to the droll tunes of their musical guest. Early next morning the congregation be- gan to assemble for worship. The presence of the fiddler led to the suggestion that the time spent in waiting for the arrival of the preacher be used to tlie best possible advan- tage. Accordingly the Ethiopian turned his fiddle — for it was before the violin was in- vented; the familiar demijohn was set in a conspicuous place, and the gentlemen chose their partners. Lest the preacher's sudden arrival in the midst of such hilarious scenes be the occasion of a shock or an offense to his ecclesiastical dignity, a member of the party was dispatched to do picket service. The watchman, having imbibed too freely of the contents of the jug, fell asleep at his post. The dance had gone on merrily for some time in its rapturous excitement; the preacher and church service were utterly forgotten. When, lo! the alarm was sounded. The faithless watchman had al- lowed the company to be taken by surprise. The approach of the reverend was discov- 16 The Experiences of Uncle Jack ered in the nick of time; tlie dance came to an abrupt stop. To prevent the minister from ''smellini;' a rat," a punclieon was re- moved hastily from tlie floor, and the fiddler, tlie fiddle, and the wliiske}' jui>' were thrust nnceremoniousl}' through the opening into the cellar excavation below. And the peo- ple put on their Sunday faces for churcli. After the services a part of the congre- gation, including the shepherd of the flock, remained for dinner. This necessarily pro- longed the imprisonment of the negro, but when it is recalled that the whiskey jug was a prison companion, we may surmise that the hours were not so ''tedious and tasteless" as otherwise they might have been. The solemnities of the day came to an end with the departure of the minister ; the prison was then opened and the prisoner released. An "after service" followed, which, it may be conjectured, was more in harmony with the tastes of the congTega- tion. While unlimited resources lay at the very doors of these pioneer cabins, the back- vroodsmen lacked the facilites for develop- ing them. Their tastes were not so exact- ing as in later days, and beyond the sheer necessities and comforts of the household, ambition did not spur them on. While ordi- 17 The Experiences of Uncle Jack narilj' the faiuilv dined on homely fare, the industrious housewife often became so pro- ficient in the culinary art as to be able to concoct uiost tempi ini>- dishes with the raw products tluit nature placed in easy reach. The sap of the maple tree, wild grapes, paAv paws, and persimmons, as well as the prod- ucts of garden, orchard, and fndd were util- ized in providing for their pliysical wants. l*ersinimons ripened with the early frosts, and when put up in maple syrup, became a staple and most delicious article of diet. By the addition of the proper quantity of whiskey, the standard remedy for most of the ills the flesh is heir to, the mixture af- forded in addition to its other virtues, a sure cure for ague, commonly called "ager." This led to an episode in which little Jack and three older brothers were the leading figures, and which he facetiously labeled "a short cut in the study of astronomy." The children were left alone one after- noon. The oldest of the (]uartet was famil- iar with the process of preparing the com- mon ague antidote. The necessary ingredi- ents were, as usual, within easy reach. So he proceeded to administer the remedy to his younger brothers on the principle that "if a littie did good, more vrould do better." The bearing of this procedure upon the 18 The Experiences of Uncle Jack science of astronomy becomes apparent ^^ lien we remember that anioni^- the un- schooled of that day it was a mooted ques- tion as to whether or not the world is round and revolves upon its axis, an the o-eoora- phies teach. Jack dcM-lared that after tak- ing a few doses it was painfully evident to him that the world did turn round and turned at such a rapid rate that he found it diflicult to keep from falliuii- off. AVhen the mother returned she found the three younger boys lying* on the floor unconscious, and the author of the mischief sitting astride a joist overhead the unceiled room in a hilarious condition. By the free use of sweet milk the younger boys were re- stored to consciousness, but a special treat- ment was reserved for the one who led them into temptation. However, Jack found this short course in astronomy suf- ficient for all practical purposes, and he has never had the occasion or inclination to extend it. His early years were as happy and free from care amid these primitive surround- ings, as childhood life could well be, even in what might be considered more favorable circumstances. Life was simple in the ex- treme, even crude, but it was the best he knew. There was nothing in the lives of 19 The Experiences of Uncle Jack his associates fulL-ulalcd to excite envy or cause discontent with his own lot. But in this connection one incident stands out in hold relief to mar the picture of boyish con- tentment. A single liarment of homespun, or "tow linen," was all that was considered neces- sary in the way of clothing under ordinary circumstances for a boy of that aii'e. It marked a new era in his life when the loose garment which covered the anatomy down to the knees was supx)lemented by a pair of breeches of the same material. Upon one occasion as Jack stood watching liis mother a,s she was measuring the material for the older boys' winter suits, he heard her re- mark that there would probably b(» enough scraps left over to uiake him a pair of breeches. AVith emotions alternating be- tween hope and fear, he waited impatiently for the outcome. His joy was unbounded when he found that his hopes were to be realized. His motlier laid hiui on the floor and tlius marked the pattern. It was seen that the closest econouiy hnd to be used to uiake the goods hold out; so instead of the regulation number of two suspenders which were one piece with the breeches, the material would only war- rant the nmking of one. By extending it 20 The Experiences of Uncle Jack from one side on the back diaa:onally across the shoulder, making connection on the op- posite side in front, the new liabiliment maintained its balance and no special incon- venience was snffered. But alas! his rejoicintj; was soon to be turned into mourn inji'. A few days later, clad in his new outfit, he went with his brothers to the woods to ji;ather pecans. It was a warm autumn afternoon, and in climbing and clubbing the trees and picking up the nuts, the boys found it convenient to cast of unnecessarA' articles of clothing. As Jack had scarcely become accustomed to more than one garment, he could easily dis- pense with the breeches for the time. Ac- cordingly they were removed and hung on a bush near by, and for a time forgotten in the fascination of nut hunting. When the party was ready to start home with the fruits of their toil, he was alarmed to find that his cherished breeches had disappeared. The boys searched diligently but found them not. When about ready to give up in despair, they chanced to observe, a short distance away, a mellow-eyed, crinkly- horned, brindle cow making a meal off the lad's wearing apparel, or perhaps using it for dessert, as though it were a dainty mor- sel. And the last Jack saw of his first pair 21 The Experiences of Uncle JacK of breeches was the lone suspender dangling from the innocent old brindle's mouth, the major part of them having been engulfed in her capacious maw. And to the sorrow of his heart, his wardrobe for another year was limited to the single piece of homespun. 22 Chapter Two. The Tragic Death, of the Father — Removal to Parke County — School Days — Conversion — Change of Church Relationship — A Remarkable Providence. Thus far onr narrative lias covered the childhood of our subject up to the ninth year of his age. At this juncture occurred an event that cast the first real shadow over his youthful pathway. It was the death of his father, the tragic nature of which and the subsequent effect it was to have upon his career, made the shadow all the deeper and more significant. Charles Newgent went with a company consisting of sixty adventurous spirits, upon an expedition to the West, the real object of which seems to be somewhat indefinite. The restless and venturesome spirit of the pioneer, a curious desire to penetrate the mysteries of the great western world, the dream of untold treasures that nature had in store for those who dared to conquer the dragons that guarded them — all mav have figured in this ill-fated enterprise. However that may have been, while crossing the western plains the company was attacked and massacred by a band of hostile Indians. As in the calamities that befell Job's household, one 23 The Experiences of Uncle Jack of the uuinber was k'ft to tell the story. This one was supposed by the savas^es to have shared the fate of all the rest, bein^jj left on the field for dead; but it so hap- pened that in his case the weapon of death did not do complete work. IT(^ was picked up the next day by a party of hunters to whom he was able to give a vague account of the preceding day's terrible tragedy. After the father's death, the mother with her nine children moved bark to their former home in Parke County. Life then took on a sterner aspect for the boy. His tender hands must perform their part in the maintainance of the family. Accord- ingly he hired out to ^Ir. Jesse Maddox, a neighboring farmer. Ilis wages the first year were to be a pair of shoes, ten bushels of corn, and the privilege of attending the district school. The market price of corn was ten cents per bushel. Even at this mod- est stipend he admits that he made money, "though not very much." While in after rears of fruitful labors in the ministry he often remarked that the question that most perplexed him was how to earn vrhat he re- ceived, it is not probable that the question at this time had assumed very serious pro- portions, 24 The Experiences of Uncle Jack The most important stipulation in the contract was the privilege of attending school. But even this is subject to shrink- age when we recall that the school system of Indiana was then in its first stage of development. It afforded no royal path to learning, and the common thoroughfare was neither smooth nor flowery, ^\'e would scarcely expect to find in the schoolroom comforts that the home itself was a. stranger to. Strikingly suggestive of the interior as- pect of those primitive seats of learning are the lines from Whittier's "In School Days" : ''Within, the master's desk is seen, Deep scarred by raps official ; The battered seats, the warping floor, The jack knife's carved initial. "The charcoal frescoes on the wall, The door's worn sill betraying The feet that creeping late to school, Went storming out to playing. ?> To fit the particular building in which our subject first tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge, the picture needs but slight modification. If anything, it should be made even more simple and primitive. The "battered" seats were made of puncheon. Since this word is passing from common 25 The Experiences of Uncle Jack usage, it may be well to explain that pun- cheon is made by splitting a small log in two equal parts. The split edges are then trimmed down, and the pieces thus treated served as a rough substitute for sawed lum- ber. To make them into seats, two holes were bored near each end in the unhewn side. These being at proper angles, wooden pins were inserted into them for legs. The rude seat was then ready for service. It is not to be taken for granted tliat these seats were always made perfectly smooth. What was lacking to smooth them down by the Avorkmen was expected to be completed by the pupils. They finished the task, but often it was a long and painful process, with many a protest from a new gown of home- spun or a pair of "tow-linen," home-grown breeches. Thus, with no rest for the arms or the back, with one side scorched by the heat from the great fireplace and the other chilled by the winter winds creeping through cracks in floor and walls and roof, the children wore away tJie dreary hours. The floor, being composed of this same puncheon, did not easily warp. The recess recreation consisted mainly in carrying fuel from the surrounding forest to feed the every-hungry fireplace. 26 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Whatever dijinity the schoolmaster may have possessed in the eyes of his pupils, cer- tain it is he was not the original of Gold- smith's creation in the "Deserted Village," of whom the wonder was "that one small head conld carry all he knew." Beyond tlie traditional essentials of scholarship, con- sisting of reading, writing, and ciphering, with a specially intimate ac(iuaintance with the spelling book, he did not pretend to lead. His chief business was to govern the school. He proved his divine right to his throne in the schoolroom by his ability to handle the most obstreperous cases the dis- trict could produce. The scholars were on hand as a challenge to liis generalship. The hero of the school was the one who held out longest against his despotic authority. To lick the teacher was the height of his ambi- tion. This realized, his place in the local hall of fame was secure. According to the philosophy of the times "lickin' and larn- in' " went hand in hand, lickin' being es- sential, while larnin' was incidental. The school house was three miles from the Maddox home. The school was main- tained on the basis that "whosoever will may come." There was no penalty for tardiness or absence, but as young Newgent possessed a real thirst for knowledge and 27 The Experiences of Uncle Jack was in the habit of making the most of whatever he undertook, his attendance was more roguhir than the average. However, the sum total of his schooling was limited to three terms of about three months each, an aggregate of nine months. Meager as were his school advantages, they were well im- proved and furnished a foundation for self- culture upon which he built as only a genius can. He learned to read in less than four weeks, and his progress was correspondingly rapid throughout. His real school was not bounded by the walls of the log school house ; it was rather the great school of life with its harsh discipline and inexhaustible curriculum; and in this he grew to be the peer of the ripest products of educational institutions. "Opportunities," he says, in his characteristic way, "the woods has al- ways been full of opportunities. I had splendid opportunities Avhen I vras a boy, and so did m.y companions; but many of them, like some young folks now, failed to see them." He saw what many fail to see, that opportunities are not so much in our environment as in ourselves, and that suc- cess is not determined by outward circum- stances, but by one's own will and energy. A habit early formed was that of turnin^T everything to account in the pursuit of 28 The Experiences of Uncle Jack knowledii'o. ]Mrs. Newgent, anxious to en- courage her ehihlren's propensities for stu(h\ furnished the home with such read- ing matter as lier means would permit. Though the family were separated most of the time, they came together at frequent in- tervals. On these occasions the time was v»-ell spent in reading and in discussing cur- rent topics. Whatever was read became the subject of conversation. These conversa- tions often took the form of argument, in which the various sides of a subject were presented and zealously defended. Thus, he early displayed and developed an apti- tude for argumentative discussion, which made him a master in debate, and is a strong element in all his public discourses. His conversion occurred when he wa.s about ten years old, while still in the serv- ice of Mr. Maddox, abenef it which was not con- sidered in the contract with his employer. This took place during a gracious revival at the Canaan Methodist church, of which his employer was a member and was serving at the time as class leader and janitor. The meeting had been in progress for a number of days; many had found the Savior, and the community was deeply stirred. He had been sent to open the church and build the fire for the evening service. While going 29 The Experiences of Uncle Jack quietly about his duties, all alone, the im- pression came to him quite vividly that he ought to be a Christian, and he resolved to go to the '"mourner's bench" that night. He was never long in making up his mind, and when a decision was once made, it was as a law of the Medes and Persians. So he went to the altar tliat night and each suc- ceeding niolit for more than a week. One evening as he was listening to the sermon, conviction became so intense tliat in his ex- tremity he left tlie house. Though it Avas a cold niglit and the ground was covered with snow, he stole out in the woods. Kneeling in the snow, this youthful Jacob wrestled with God in prayer. How long he tarried, he could not tell, but faith triumphed, and the next lie knew the woods were resound- ing witli his shouts of victory. liushing into the church while the preacher was yet talking, he put an end to the sermon by his shouting and praising God. The congrega- tion was electrified. Soon the demonstra- tion became general, and for a time pande- monium hehl sway; but it was of a sort in which there were both method and meaning, for its source was from above. Like God's servant of old, he could say, "My heart is fixed." He joined the church and from that time never missed an oppor- 30 The Experiences of Uncle Jack timity to pray and testify in public or pri- vate. At that time children did not receive much attention from the church. Churches were strong on saving souls from dam- nation, but the idea of saving the entire life for service had not taken deep root. As a result of the revival there was a large class of "probationers." When the pc^riod of probation had expired, according to the church law, and they were to be admitted into full membership, his name was not on the list. He was not considered a member ; at least that was his version of it, and the only loaical conclusion the case would war- rant. It was a sore disappointment, but of too delicate a nature to mention to his elders. So he kept his feelings to himself. Thus matters stood for little more than a year, when he learned that there was to be a quarterly meeting at the Otterbein United Brethren Church a few miles away. This church belonged to the Rockville Circuit of the Wabash Conference. Rev. William Sherrill was the pastor. The presiding elder, who was to hold the quarterly con- ference, was Eev. Samuel Zuck. Both were strong and good men. Jack had never at- tended a United Brethren service. What knowledge he had of the Church was gained through conversations overheard in the 31 The Experiences of Uncle JacK ]Maddox home. ^Finisters being frequently entertained there, conversation at such times naturally took to relioious channels. As this was an age when churches did not entertain the most fraternal feelings toward one another, these conversations were not calculated, as a rule, to produce a favorable opinion of a rival denomination. His inter- est in churches and religion was genuine, born of a desire to know the truth. Hence, is was not mere curiositj' that led him to obtain his emploj^er's permission to spend Saturday and Sunday with a neighbor in t^ tj cry the Otterbein community so that he might attend the services of the quarterly meeting. The Church proved to be his aflflnity. Whatever misgivings he had, vanished one by one. The general atmosphere of the first service harmonized vrith his tempera- ment. There was spirit in the singing. His heart burned within him as he listened to the eloquent sermon by the presiding elder ; and when the pastor followed, as the custom was, with a warm exhortation, he was en- raptured. He resolved to join the Church. As usual, the decision was made without much preliminary. He knew where he stood, and stood there with both feet. When he returned, his employer, as well as his own folks, was thunderstruck to learn that 32 REV. ANDREW JACKSON NEWGENT When he traveled his first circuit. The Experiences of Uncle JacK he luid become a, fiilMIedged United Bretli- ren. Ilavino- put his hand to the plow, he never turned back. "I have been so busy," is a connnon sayinji,' with him, ''that I have never had time to backslide." It should be said in justice to the church where he first joined, that his name had been entered upon the book, but bj mistake it was placed in the list with the full mem- bers. This accounts for his not beino- re- ceived with the probationers, to which class he belonged, and led to the conclusion that he was not considered a member. Thus an apparently insignificant thing may prove to be a matter of vital importance. As a boy he possessed pronounced convic- tions and a keen sense of religious obliga- tion. This is demonstrated by an incident which occurred while he was in the employ of Mr. Jerry Rush, a short time after leav- ing the service of :Mr. :\faddox. Mr. Rush was a well-to-do farmer and stock dealer. Neither he nor his wife made any profes- sion of relig-ion, thougli their lives were re- garded as exemplary and above question in other respects. Some of the men who worked on the farm, however, were of the baser sort. It seemed strange to young Newgent that a man of ]Mr. Rush's habits would surround himself with men who were 33 The Experiences of Uncle JacK utterly destitute of moral scruples or of the commonest decencies. To him their vulgar- ity and profanity were a source of constant annoyance. At one time as their coarse jests were grating- on his sensitive ears, he was impressed with the idea that this un- couth crowd afforded him a field for mis- sionary work. The impression was not long in taking definite shape. It came with the force of a challenge, a bugle call to duty, a call that he never failed to heed. His mind was made up that he would offer prayer with these men before they retired that evening if Mr. Rush would grant him the privilege. It was a bold resolve, an ordeal from which a braver heart might well have shrunk. Let eloquent tongues proclaim the praise of those who face death at the can- non's mouth, or the inspired pen immortal- ize the hero, who, amid the applause of admiring multitudes, imperils his own life to save another; but who would not count it a worthy act to place a laurel wreath upon the brow of a fourteen-year-old lad who dared to face, not one Goliath, but a company of Goliaths, with the simple weapon of faith, and demand that they bow before their God while he offered a petition in behalf of their needy souls? Yet this 34 The Experiences of Uncle Jack resolute purpose was to undergo a severe test. The fiercest battles are fought in our own hearts. As the time drew near, he felt his courage slipping away. He stole out to the barn for a time of secret prayer, that he might be equal to the emergency. Feeling comforted and strengthened, he started to the house to execute his plan. On reaching the yard gate his courage seemed to take flight, and he could go no farther. He went back to the place of prayer. On the second venture he got as far as the door, when his strength again vanished. Not to be beaten, he went back to the barn to fight the battle to a finish. The third effort won the da v. He hastened to the house, determined not to give the enemy a chance. The men were sit- ting about the fire. Without a word bv way of preliminary, he stepped up to Mr. Rush and asked permission to kneel with them in prayer. The permission was granted, and a solemn hush came over the startled company as they listened while the boy, with trembling voice and stammer- ing accents, poured out his soul to God. He then sought his bed with the consciousness that he had done his duty. A sweet peace filled his soul and he lay for hours in ecstacy of joy, 35 The Experiences of Uncle Jack The next eveninoj the family devotions were repeated. But on the third evening the prayer was forestalled by a preconcerted plan on the part of the men. As the time for prayer approached, oneafter another, they arose and stalked out of the room, and the victor in two hard-fought battles was left alone — defeated and dejected. His sjjirits dropped down to zero. The fiery dart had pierced him through and through. In agony of soul he sought his bed, but not to rest. Out of the depth of his troubled heart he called upon God for comfort. But the fury of the storm seemed only to increase. In his desperation he felt that something must be done. So, about the hour of midnight, he arose, dressed himself, and left the house to go — he knew not where. Through the remaining hours of the night he wandered, directing his course toward the West. Dav- light came, the sun rose above the horizon and pursued its course toward the zenith, but his pilgrimage continued. At noon he found himself in the citv of Terre Haute, then a mere village. Here he tarried for a time to seek employment. Failing in this, he resumed his westward journey. He asked for work at the various farm houses which he passed. While he found kind hearts who, touched by pity for the youthful pilgrim, 36 The Experiences of Uncle Jack ofave him food and temporary shelter, he found no man to hire him until he reached Mattoon, Illinois, nearly a hundred miles from whence he started. Work at that sea- son of the year was scarce, and his term of service at Mattoon was brief. At the end of three days his employer oave him his Avages with the intelligence that his services were no longer needed. He now decided to go back to Indiana. ^Alth his three days' wages in his pocket, with which he expected to pay for his trans- portation at least part of the way, he set out upon the return journey. Within the vicinity of Terre Haute he succeeded in find- ing steady employment and a congenial home. There were two sides to this stor}^ and some months after Jack was settled in his new home he learned the other side. It was glorious news to him. The sequel was that Mr. Rush was converted, joined the Bap- tist Church, and became a zealous leader in religious work. It came about in this waj : When Mr. Rush found that Jack had disap- peared and diligent effort failed to solve the myster3^ of his disappearance, a feeling of remorse over his unchristian conduct so possessed him that for days he was almost in a state of frenzy. Remorse took the form Z1 The Experiences of Uncle Jack of spiritual conviction and genuine repent- ance which led to a glorious conversion. On learning of the whereabouts of his young benefactor, Mr. Rush at once went to see him, and told him his side of the story. He confessed to Jack that he was a guilty party to the scheme the men had used to defeat him. The boy's awkward prayer to- gether with their own antipathy for such pious exercises w^as a source of embarrass- ment to the men, and they agreed among themselves to use the method described to rid themselves of further annoyance. Lit- tle did Mr. Rush realize that those awkward prayers were to' be the means of his salva- tion. "God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform, He plants his footsteps on the sea, He rides upon the storm. "Judge not the Lord with feeble sense. But trust him for his grace. Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face." 38 Chapter Tiiuee. Call to the Ministry — First Sermon — The Boy Preacher — Ansivering a Fool After his Folly — Turning a Camp Meeting Tide — Quieting a Skirmish — Takes a Wife. Providence seemed to ordain that there should be one preacher in the Newgent fam- ily and that tliat one should be Jack. As has been observed, his religious zeal from the time of his conversion at the age of ten, was exceptional. Jnst when the first im- pression looking toward the ministry came to him he could scarcely tell, such impres- sions having been associated more or less with his religious experience from the be- ginning. Bv the time he was thirteen the conviction that he had a "divine call'' to preach the gospel became clear and definite. And the conviction deepened with the pass- ing of time. Of course, no one dreamed of the emotions that were stirring the boy's breast, and to him the ministry was so high and sacred a calling as to seem infinitely beyond his possibilities. Hence, he dared not express his feelings to even his most intimate friends, and so received no sympa- thy or encouragement from any hunmn source. Ue went about his Father's busi- 39 The Experiences of Uncle Jack ness in his own way, rendering such serv- ice to the cause of his Master as a boy of his years was capable of. His zeal knew no abatement, and such dilijience is sure to lead to recognition and reward. The minister who first took a special in- terest in him was llev. Ira Mater, an able preacher and a sympathetic discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Be- tween the man and the lad there sprang up a beautiful friendship, suggestive of that be- tween Paul and Timothy. Rev. Mr. ^Mater frequently invited his young friend to ac- company him to liis appointments, and by way of stirring up the gift that was in this prospective Timothy, sometimes called upon liim to open the service, to exhort after tlie sermon, or perform such other pub- lie ministrations as were convenient. Rev. Mr. Newgent has always gratefully ac- knowledged his indebtedness to this spirit- ual father. This association with Rev. Mr. Mater was during his sixteenth and seventeenth years. He was small and rather delicate for one of his age. His entire youth was a continual conflict with disease, the entire category of which seemed to try their hand upon his slender frame. But wliile his body was frail, his mind was strong and alert. That 40 The Experiences of Uncle Jack his povsitive temperament and seeming dis- position to never give up had somewhat to do in staving off the grim monster, death, is not at all inilikelv. His first regular discourse was preached at the Stedd School House near Foutanet, in Clay Count^^, Indiana. The school house was used as a preaching point and weekly prayer meetings were maintained. He was a frequent attendant at these services, and one evening, on entering the house, he wsls met by the leader who said, "Jack, the peo- ple are expecting j^ou to preach to-night." That he was to preach was simply a sur- mise, his association with IJev. Mr. Mater being the probable foundation of it. But some one surmised out loud and the rumor gained currency'. Observing his surprise at this intelligence, the leader continued, "You had just as well begin here and now," in a manner that indicated that it was a fore- gone conclusion that preaching was to be his life business. And Jack preached. At any rate, if the effort could not be classed as preaching, it was a splendid substitute for it. He announced as a text, "If the rinht- eous scarcely be saved, where shall the un- godly and the sinner appear?" The congre- gation was visibly affected by his fervor and earnestness, some of the more demon- 41 The Experiences of Uncle Jack strative ones i^ivinjj; vent to their feelings in shouts of praise. He was urged to preach the next night, and the meetings were con- tinued for more than a week, heing held at various private homes, Newgent preaching at each service. The divine seal was thus placed upon his ministry, and the meeting marked the beginning of a new epoch in his career. A few weeks later the Kockville quarterly conference granted him a license to preach. The action was taken in his absence. J. P. White was the preacher in charge and Thomas M. Hamilton was the presiding elder. The action of the quarterly confer- ence was almost a superfluous formality, as he was now so greatly in demand that he could not well avoid preaching. The boy preacher was a popular charac- ter. To see a man on the auic meridian of life in the pulpit was at that time quite unusual. The popular prejudice was in favor of men who had spent the major part of their lives on the farm or in business, thus acquiring a competence that would en- able them to proclaim that salvation is free without being embarrassed or embarrassing their congregations on the money question. Hence, a diminutive lad of seventeen, weigh- ing only about eighty pounds, exercising the 42 The Experiences of Uncle Jack ministerial function was in itself sufficient to attract the multitudes. Wherever he preached he was greeted by immense audi- ences. By many he was regarded as a prodigy, though he could not be classed as such, ]>rodigies seldom accomplishing more than to afford amusement for curious spec- tators. It is true, howeyer, that he dis- played qualities unusual for one of his years, though it must be admitted that the greater part of his power lay in his intense religious zeal and earnestness. Some characteristic incidents in this part of his ministry will not only be of in- terest in themselyes, but will at the same time serye to illustrate his unique indiyid- uality. He went on one occasion to fill an appointment at what was known as the Rough and Ready School House. The name was justified by the preyailing social con- ditions. Like Paul on Mars Hill, he found that at least some of the people were very religious, though their religious energy was not always directed to the best advantage. Not infrequently does it transpire that men will fight for their religion even when they are utterly averse to the practice of it, a fact which had a forcible illustration in this particular service. He preached with his usual energy. The house was crowded and 43 The Experiences of Uncle Jack the sermon seemed to be well received. There happened to be present a minister of what was designated as the Campbellite persua- sion. Evidently the sermon did not coin- cide with his theological bias. He asked permission to say a few words as the speaker took his seat. The permission granted, he sallied forth with a tirade of abuse and denunciation of the young l)reacher and his theology in which his pas- sion played a larger part than either his judgment or his conscience. When he finallv ran down, Newgent arose in a calm manner and said, "Brother, with your way of applying Scripture, I can prove that Eve was the mother of a turkey buzzard." "Prove it, then," shouted back the irascible theologue. "Well, the Bible says that Eve was the mother of all living, and that in- cludes turkey buzzards. Let us be dis- missed," and calling the audience to their feet, he pronounced the benediction before his assailant had time to reply. At another time, with his brother, John Newgent, he happened to drop in at a Meth- odist campmeeting in Sullivan County. They arrived just in time for the morning service. A number of ministers were seated on the platform, among them being Rev. Hayden Hayes, the presiding elder. Rev. 44 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Mr. Flaves had met Newaent on a former occasion, and as soon as he saw him enter the camp, rushed back and taking him by the arm, led him to the platform. Hayes was a strong, portly man, and the delicate lad was helpless in his grasp; thus he was led as a lamb to the slaiigliter, and was in- formed that he must preach. Though he vainl}^ sought to be excused, yet he was equal to the emergency. He had proceeded about ten minutes with his discourse, when a man sitting a few feet in front of the platform was converted and began to shout. He continued, and four others in the con- gTcgation broke loose in like manner, all of them having been converted through the ef- fect of the sermon, and the discourse disap- peared in a whirlwind of praise that com- pletely drowned the speaker's voice. Up to that time there had been no move in the meeting. Jolm Newgent was imbued with the old- school Baptist doctrine and had not sympa- thized with his brother's preaching propen- sities. After resuming their journey they rode for a time in silence. Finally the older brother said, "Jack, you know I have al- ways opposed your preaching. But I want to say that I have no further objection to it; but," he added with quivering lips, "I 45 The Experiences of Uncle Jack want you to i)ray for me," The sermon had touched his heart. Though urgent demands were made upon the boy preacher to stay and assist in the meeting, he was unable to do so, and heard nothing furtlier from it until after he had returned from the war, when by chance he again passet durini"' the periodic "big meeting," were usiuilly not less than five or six weeks. The standard mode of travel was by horse- back, and the circuit-rider, in addition to his other qualifications, needed to be efficient in horsemanship. This was scarcely nec- essary in Newgent's case, however. Not being able to own a horse at this time, he secured the loan of one from an accommo- dating neighbor. The hoi*se was as accom- modating as its owner. It was quite well "broke," having endured the rigors of some nineteen winters, and was experienced in the various departments of farm work. It had sowed and reaped — and eaten — its wild oats, and was absolutely reliable, at least to the limit of its physical endurance. At any rate the horse had many acknowledged good points, as a faithful portrait would 52 The Experiences of Uncle Jack have deiiKmstrated. A\'liile it may not liave been in its real element on dress parade, it served the more practical purpose of loco- motion — to a somewhat limited extent. As the rider weighed scarcely a hundred pounds, the horse had no cause to complain at his burden. And when it came to matters of appearance, the odds were not so un- evenly balanced as mii^ht be supposed. The spare-built, smooth-faced youth, clad in his suit of home-spun, which was made with a reckless disreoard of the lines and propor- tions of his anatomy, miij,ht well have re- called the lines of Shakespeare: "A\'()uld that he were fatter, but I fear him not ; Yet if my name were liable to fear, I know of no one whom I would so much avoid." Thus, mounted upon his trusty steed, armed with all the weapons of spiritual war- fare, this modern knight errant of the sad- dle-bags rode forth valiantly to the scenes of the year's conflicts and triumphs. En- route to his first appointment, he found an opportunity to do some pastoral work which led to an episode, without mention of which these chronicles would be incomplete. Pass- ing by the home of one of his prominent S3 The Experiences of Uncle Jack members, he stopped for a brief call. The house stood on the side of a hill, some dis- tance from the road. A flight of steps led lip to the front door. Ascending the steps, he rapped at the door and was kindly admit- ted by the good housewife. All went merry as a marriage bell and the time of his de- I)arture Avas at hand all too soon. He asked the privilege of bowing with the family in prayer before going, which was freely granted. The weather was warm and it was not thought necessary to close the door, though had it been done in this case, it would have prevented a bit of embarrass- ment and incidentally spoiled a good story. As all was so congenial within, the pastor anticipated no molestation from without, and so injudiciously knelt with his back to the open door. As he warmed up to his devotions, he aroused from his slumbers a large New- foundland dog, that had evidently not no- ticed the approach of the stranger, and up to that time was unaware of his presence. The aroused canine at once began an investi- gation, and when he saw what was going on, seemed much offended that he had not been consulted about the matter. He bounded up the steps into the room, and, seizing the preacher by the luxuriant 54 K.imilj Di'volions IntorrupCeJ. The Experiences of Uncle Jack growth of black hair that covered liis dome of thouuht, att'ordinnj an excellent hold for his teeth, he zealously set about the task of removing the supposed intruder from tlie premises. The preaclier was taken una- wares. Before he could assume a defensive attitude, he and the dog were rolling pell- mell, higgledy-piggledy over each other, down the steps, and landed in a confused heap on the ground. Devotions thus came to an abrupt close; the family came to the preacher's rescue. All formalities were dis- pensed with for the time. By the united efforts of the family, the dog and preacher were finally separated without either of them being seriously damaged, and the new pastor of Brulitz Creek Circuit went on his way to face new adversaries and new ex- periences. He reached the home of Mr. Jacob Wim- sett, in Vermilion County, on Saturday evening as the sun was dropping below the liorizon, and there put up for the night. This was in the vicinity of his Sunday morning appointment. It was an old-fash- ioned home even for that day; the home at- mos])here was more hospitable than conven- tional. As the preacher himself was quite democratic in his temperament, no formal- ities were required. He noticed among the 55 The Experiences of Uncle Jack various lueiiibers of the liousehold a .young man and a young woman who seemed as un- obtrusive and as awkward as liimself. No introductions being given, he took it for granted that they botli were members of the family and so gave tliem no particular thought until he was ready to start to church the next morning. As he was about to take his leave, the young man approached him rather diffidently and requested him to wait a. few minutes. "^fe an' the girl," he explained, pointing to the blushing lass on the opposite side of the room, "are a goin' to git married, an' we want you to say the words for us before vou go.'' "All right," said Newgent, in a manner that left the impression that he understood the situation all the while, "give me your license." The document was produced and the twain took their place in front of the preacher, while the rest of the company looked on. Up to this time he had never served in that capacity and had not the slightest idea of a marriage ceremony. Ex- amining the document in a seemingly crit- ical manner for an instant as if to make sure that it conformed to all require- ments, he looked gravely at the trembling 56 The Experiences of Uncle Jack yoiinj]^ couple. "If you are agreed to live together," he said so rapidly as to render his words scarcely int<'lligi])le, "according to the marriage covenant, join your right hands." Scarcely had they time to heed the injunction when he continued, "In the name of God I pronounce you nmu and wife." And the twain were made one. He then hastened to his morning appoint- ment, reaching tlie church before the people began to gather. This was one of the two cliurch-houses on the circuit, and was called Nicholls' Chapel. "Father" Nicholls, one of the wheel-horses of the church, and in whose honor it was named, was sweeping the floor and ]>utting the house in order. His t^sk comph^ted, he went home to get ready for the morning service, without making the acquaintance of the young stranger. Ere long the people began to arrive. By the time Sunday school commenced the house was quite well filled. Newgent took his seat in the rear of the house and received no par- ticular attention. He was not even invited to a place in a Sunday-school class. How- ever, his presence incognito gave him a good opportunity for taking notes. He over- heard frequent remarks concerning the new preacher. The people had heard nothing of him and were expressing doubts about 57 The Experiences of Uncle Jack his beino- in the neighborhood. And when Sunday school closed without his presence being made known, their doubts seemed to be confirmed. Rev. William Jones, a retired preacher and a meml)er of the local class, cajne in just as Huuday school was closing and at once made iuijuirv concerning the pastor. ''We haven't seen or heard anything of him," was the information he received from Father XichoUs. "Whv, there he is now," and Rev. Mr. Jones pointed to the diminutive lad near the door. "That fellow?" Father Xicholls was dum- founded. "That fellow has been here all morning. I supposed he was some hired hand in the neighborhood that had just hap- pened in." Explanations and apologies were freely indulged in, the supposed hired hand enter- ing heartily into the joke. He was intro- duced to the astonished congregation, and the service proceeded to their entire satisfac- tion and delight. Father Nicholls treated him kindly; he piloted him to the afternoon appointment, introducing him to all whom they chanced to meet, invariably accom- panjing the introduction with the story of the forenoon experience. 58 The Experiences of Uncle Jack "If I had been out hunting for preachers," he would say, in telling the story, "I would not have snapped a cap at him." The year's work on this field was a most fruitful one. The membership was doubled, and though the charge was not above the average in financial strength, he received the largest salary of any member of the conference. Little attention was given, at this time, to the cause of missions. Money was not generally recognized as a vital factor in Christian service. Salaries were meager and often consisted in provisions rather than cash. In many places a strong senti- ment prevailed against a paid ministry. Poverty and ignorance were considered nec- essary prerequisites tO' ministerial piety. The General Missionary Board was only about nine years old, and missionary senti- ment had not taken deep root. But New- gent sowed missionary seed with a lavish hand, and had the pleasure of reaping at least part of the harvest. His ability to lead men to loosen their purse strings even then began to be asserted in a marked de- gree. More than half of the missionary con- tributions of the entire conference that year was reported from Brulitz Creek Circuit. 59 The Experiences of Uncle Jack His report attracted attention and won him considei'nl)le distinction at the annual conference. According to custom each pas- tor reported in person in the open confer- ence relative to the different int(M'ests of his charge. When asked about his missionary offering, Newgent replied, "Ilei'e it is," and taking a woolen bag, commonly called a sock, from his pocket he emptied its con- tents on the table. The contents consisted of coins of various denominations just as he had gathered them to the amount of 133.40, the small change giving it the ap- pearance of a larger sum than he actually had. However, this was considered remark- able. Most of the pastors reported nothing. Dr. D. K. Flickinger, the first missionary secretary of the Church, was occupying a seat on the platform near the Bishop, and joined heartily with him in applause at the splendid report and the unique manner of presenting it. The year's work placed the "boy preacher" in a most favorable light, and led to his ap- pointment to the Shawnee Prairie Circuit, the strongest charge in the Conference. The chai'ge had had the pastoral service of Rev. Thomas H. Hamilton, a. mighty man who stood high in the counsels of the denomina- tion. It was characterized by more than the 60 The Experiences of Uncle Jack usual amount of wealth and culture, and withal an air of aristocracy that led to demands upon a pastor that were most ex- acting. Rev. jMr, Hamilton was a favorite on the circuit, and the people had no thought of losing him. His election to the office of presiding elder, however, necessi- tated the change, and when the awkward, and, as they thought, inexperienced lad came among them, they felt that their aris- tocratic tastes were outraged. It was a wet, cliilly day in April when he arrived, and the crestfallen spirits of the people made it still more chilly for him. And when he learned that the matter of rejecting him was being seriously considered, the situation was anything but cheerful. He told the people he would remain until the first quarterly meeting, when the presid- ing elder, Rev. Mr. Hamilton, would be pres- ent, and that be would Avilliugly abide by their decision at that time. This was a judicious step, as it gave him an opportun- ity to prove himself. So he went to work with his usual zeal and by the time of the quarterly meeting he had sixty conversions with about an equal number of additions to the church. All thought of rejecting the pastor had completely vanished. In fact they would not have swapped him off for 61 The Experiences of Uncle Jack the "bijTjgest ^im they liad ever heard fired." Such success as the charge had never known crowned the labors of that year — great re- vivals at all the appointments, the circuit more than doubled in streniith, and en- thusiasm at hi.iili tide. Thus their mourn- inji' was turned into laughin<>-. A unan- imous demand was made for his return for another year, but his restless spirit sought new worlds to conquer. His motto has al- ways been that it is better to go to a needy field and build it up than to go Avliere further advancement is impossible. On this ground he asked to be sent to a new field. One experience on Shawnee Prairie Cir- cuit is worthy of special mention. Contig- uous to the circuit, near Attica in Foun- tain County, was a section of country known as Hell's Half Acre. Its leading spirit was an infidel doctor. His influence and teach- ino-s had so dominated the community that it was found impossible to maintain reli- gious services there. Ministers were consid- ered proud, indolent, and altogether an un- desirable lot. Newgent determined to do some missionary Avork in that benighted place, though repeated efforts to that end had been made in vain. In order to make a favorable impression and avoid the imprecation of being proud, 62 The Experiences of Uncle Jack he dressed in his everv-day t'k>thes and vis- ited the district school, which was the Geo- graphical and social center, and the only place where meetings could be held. He announced tliat there would be services at the school house that evening, to be contin- ued indelinitely, and urged the children to spread the news. The announcement, however, did not pro- duce satisfactory results. The attendance the first three or four evenings did not ex- ceed a half-dozen. The atmosphere was rather chilly and the spiritual barometer did not indicate an early change. It soon became apparent that the old doctor was the key to the situation. If the people were to be reached, it must be done mainly through him. How to capture this Goliath was now the problem, and this problem Newgent set about to solve. The Sundav services having been no bet- ter attended than the preceding ones, he decided upon a. bold move. On Monday afternoon he called at the doctor's home. The doctor answered his knock at the door in person. The old fellow's rough demeanor and uncouth appearance, his ancient cob pipe that had long been entitled to a super- annuated relation, the musty, dingy room wliich the half-open door disclosed — all 63 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Roemed in strikino- harmony Avith his atti- tude toward religion. The ])reacher iutro- - himself. An old i>entleman, the villaije blacksmith, whose father had been a United Brethren preacher, felt it his duty to warn the reverend gentle- man and have him to call off the entire proceedino's. As usual, Newi>ent was firm. He told the j>entleman, however, that he wanted to be fair to both sides, so if those who disai^Teed with him desired, they mi^ht *:;et a. man to follow him and present the other side of the question. This they were only too anxious to do. When the time came, they had their man. By the time Newi>ent and his wife arrived at the little school housc^ that evening it was completely packed and an immense crowd was gathered on the outside. It was with the greatest difficulty that they forced them- selves through the anxious throng and made their way to the front of the building. The opponent was on hand, ready to take his measure and smash all of his arguments. As might be surmised, sympathy was plainly 76 The Experiences of Uncle Jack and emphatically with the southeru advo- cate. If he could not demolish the frail Ab- olitionist, there were enough present who were ready to lend all the assistance he needed. The smell of brimstone was in the air, indicating the presence of that commod- ity in unlimited (|uantities. All that was lacking for a real conflagration was some- thing to touch it off. And that something was momentarily expected. After a brief preliminary exercise, the preacher opened the discussion. Like the great apostle on ^lars Hill, he compli- mented his hearers on their seeming inter- est in the subject at hand. "As the subject of slavery," he said, "is stirring our countrv from one end to the other, and as it is a subject of such vital importance, I take pleasure at this time in presenting (me phase of it. "I wish to observe in my remarks. First, the slave; Second, his master; Third, the law by which he is held in bondage; Fourth, how he is to be liberated ; Fifth, where he is to be colonized." Thus far, well and good. These were familiar topics, and had been discussed pro and con even by the school children. Hence, his opening remarks were according to expectations, and breathlessly they awaited what was to follow. 77 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Their consternation and chagrin can only be imagined when he proceeded to state that the slave is the sinner; his master is the devil ; the law by which he is held in bond- age is sinful lusts and habits; he is to be liberated through the blood of Christ; and heaven is the place of his colonization. Around these propositions he built his dis- course without any reference to slavery as a civil institution. It was strictly a gospel sermon, and his antagonist had no dispo- sition to reply. "Well, we are beat," said the old black- smith after the service was dismissed, "but the boy is the sharpest fellow that ever struck this town." And he was not alone in his conclusion. With a view to holding the audience for the next appointment, he announced that he would preach at that time from the Book of Newgent, the twenty-eighth chapter and thirty-third verse, "Can any good thing come out of Rainsville?" A few days after this announcement, he received a call from an old gentleiuan. The unsuspecting brother had been having trouble over the Book of Newgent. He stated that he and the old woman had been searching the Bible all week and were un- able to find it. He was kindly urged to be 78 The Experiences of Uncle Jack present at the preaching service and assured that his troubles would all be cleared up. Presumably the matter was explained to his satisfaction, as he was not heard from again. The Rainsville pastorate, though brief, was full of thrilling interest, and was not without substantial results for good. He won the respect and confidence of this un- couth people, and had the satisfaction of seeing many of the grosser evils disappear under his ministry. Before he left, the signs of a brighter day were plainly discernible. His influence with them was turned to good account, as will be seen in the next chap- ter. 79 Chapter Six. The War Spirit in Indiana — Breaking up a Traitor- ous Plot — Narrow Escape from Enemies — Assists in Securing Recruits — Becomes Chaplain of his Regiment — Exchange of Courtesies icith a Pres- byterian Minister — An Embarrassing Predica- ment — Saves Regiment from Capture — Organizes a Military Church — Chased by Johnnies — An Ex- citing Homeward Journey. Indiana was a storm center during- the Civil War. her position was a strateoic one. She was regarded as the keystone of the North. With Oliver P. Morton, "Indiana's great War Governor," at the head of affairs, she was held firmly to her moorings, and furnished a larger number of soldiers for the Union Army in proportion to popula- tion than any other State. Yet the State was constantly harrassed by citi/.ens who were unfriendly to the Union cause, and who secretly or openly sympathized with the South. Secret organizations for the purpose of aiding the Confederacy were common. Conspicuous among these was the Knights of the Golden Circle. Yet many not identified with these traitorous organ- izations were utterly disloyal. Hence, much bitterness and not infrequently bloodshed prevailed. It w^as not unusual for men in 80 The Experiences of Uncle Jack official ])Osition to use their influonce against the Government, or even to join the army witli traitorous intent. Rev. ]Mr. Newj^cnt was serving as pastor for the second year on the Clark's Hill charge, Avhen in the fall of 1863, he was "persnaded," as he said, "to go into the army for safety," With his wife he was pay- ing a visit to his father-in-law in Parke County. In the neighborhood lived a man who was captain of Home Guards, but whose loyalty was strongly suspected. A small brother of ^Irs. Newgent sometimes visited with his children, and on returning from one such visit, incidentally mentioned having seen some pretty guns in the barn where they had been playing. Newgent un- derstood the meaning of these guns secreted on the premises of this traitorous man, and telegTaphed the news to Governor Morton. A squad of soldiers was dispatched to the place and some three hundred guns were found. They were confiscated and a trait- orous scheme was thus frustratefi. Newgent at once became the object of a great deal of attention. That he was re- sponsible for the exposure, was generally surmised. A plan was formed to do away with him. On Sundav evening following the episode he was to preach at the Oak 81 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Kidge United Brethren Cliurch in the com- iinmity. In the midst of the service, by a preconcerted ])lan, the liji^hts were suddenly extini^uished, and his adversaries were about to execute their desis^n. lie succeeded in making his escape in the darlvuess by the assistance of an uncle. The outlook seemed rather stormy, and he was convinced that it was safer in the army than out of it. Leav- ing his wife in the care of her father, he hastened to Lafayette where a regiment, the 116th Indiana Infantry, was being formed by Colonel William C. Kise. At that period recruits were hard to get and the work proceeded slowly. Newgent asked the colonel what the chance would be for him to get the appointment of chaplain. "What church do you belong to?" the col- onel asked. "I am a United Brethren," was the an- swer. ''I am sorry," said the colonel, "I like the United Brethr(Mi riiurch and would like to give you the appointment; l)ut this is to be a ^Niethodist reginu^nt ; all the officers are to be jNFethodists, and it is understood that the chaplainshi]) is to be given to a Methodist preacher up in tlie city." "Will you take me, then, as a private?" he asked. 82 The Experiences of Uncle Jack "Cortainly," was the eajr^r reply, "we shall bo .c:la(l to take voii, for recruits are com inn: in awfully slowly." There were then only seven companies started. None of them were complete. Newjrent offered to assist in raisinc: recruits. "If you will nive me transportation pa- pers," he said, "I think I can jjet some men over in Warren County." "Warren County!" exclaimed the colonel in disirust. "It's of no use to i^fo there for recruits. I have had a couple of irood men over there for three weeks and they have ^jot only four men." But Newijent insisted that he be allowed to try. He understood those people and felt that he knew how to ap- proach them. The papers were finally inven him, and he set out for Rainsville in this doubtful territory. rJainsville, it will be remembered, was a headquarters for southern sympathizers, where little more than a year before but one Union man could be found. The task was a challeuije to Newcrent, the kind of a task he deliohted in. Takins: a boy with a drum and flaij, he went to the villasre and nearby points, and soon had the inhabitants inoculated with the war microbe. The pros- pects of a draft about this time proved an effective arjjument in favor of enlistment, 83 The Experiences of Uncle Jack which was used for all it was worth. After an absence of six days he returned to camp with 104 men, wliich was the first full company in the regiment, this, too, from territory that was as completely southern in sentiment as thou,i»li it had been in the verv heart of the Confederacy. The march to camp was a triumphal pro- cession. Tlie company of volunteers was accompanied by several hundred men and boys who fell in on the way. As they came into camp about twelve o'clock on Satur- day nioht with colors flyinu; and irivini; vent to their enthusiasm by sinjiinc; and hollow- innf, it had the effect of a small army, not unlike tliat of Gideon's band, Avhen thev multiplied the effect of numbers by noise and enthusiasm and scared the Midianites out of their wits. Tlie colonel met them with a drum corps and the company was welcomed amid the most extrava^-ant ex- pressions of delio'ht. The fact that recruits were comins; in so slowly _2:ave increased cause for demonstration. When the sjeneral hub-bub liad somewhat abated, the crowd demanded a speech from Newjjent, and tlie demand was imperative. Thou2:h worn by physical exertion and hoarse from much harang^uino;, he gave a brief talk, at the close of which, amid jj^reat applause, some 84 The Experiences of Uncle Jack one moYod that "Rov. Mr, Nowiront he marie chaplain of the rooinient." It was heartily seconded, and shonts of approval hnrst from every section of the camp. So, l)y tren- eral consent the rnle to make it a Methodist refjiment was waived, insofar as it related to the chaplainsliip, much to the satisfac- tion of Colonel Kise, and Newsjent hecame their spiritnal adviser. The ]\rethodist brother, who. it was nnder- stood, was to receive the appointment, came ont the next afternoon (Snndav) to preach to the bovs and fret acnnainted ; bnt on be- ing: apprised of what had taken place the niiiht before, he qnietly withdrew, leavinoj Newcrent in iindispnted possession of the lionors which his tact and enerjrv had won. The recfiment was finally completed and mustered in for a term of six months, thonirh it served considerably over time. Its first service was rendered in en a rd in a: the U. S. Armorv at Detroit, ^fichiaan. The armory was threatened bv General Vallan- dicrham, who had been banished from the United States because of treasonable expres- sions, and had placed himself at the head of a force in Tannda with the purpose of threatenincr the Union from the north. The regiment was Inter sent to reonforce Gen- eral Bnrnsides in east Tennessee. 85 The Experiences of Uncle Jack This was diirinj;- the terrible winter of '63 and '04, when Bnrnsides was besieced In' Confederate (General Longstreet and was shut up in Knoxville. The hardships suf- fered bv the Union soldiers during- that memorable siege are matters of history and need not be recounted in detail here. Amonu' the foremost of the sufferers was Newgent's regiment, the 116th Indiana. All supplies having been cut off, the boys for many weeks had a hard struggle to kee^) from succumbing to hunger and cold. For a time they each had but one ear of corn a day; no tents, and not sufficient clothing for protection even under favorable circum- stances. In the midst of the severest win- ter weather, over three hundred of the men were barefooted. Newgent was the best dressed man in his regiment, and it was with difficulty that he got his dress coat to hang together at the collar: and he suffered no little uneasiness lest his trousers would dissolve partnership with him. A few characteristic army experiences \A\\ suffice in this connection and occupy the remainder of this chapter. On reaching Tennessee, the regiment was stationed temporarily at Greenville. The cai*e-free boys attended services the first Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church in the city. The pastor, Rev. Samuel Mc- 86 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Corkle, treated tlioiu kindly. They were de- lighted with the reception accorded them, and on the followinoj Sabbath a large part of the re-ed barjie Avhich they raised and repaired for the purpose. The barge would carry about twelve men or one horse a.t a trip. It Avas propelled by the men hold- ino; to the cable and thus laboriouslv work- in*? their wav from one side of the stream to the other. Throu^ih the dark, stormy nij^ht tliev toiled, and before davbreak the entire regiment with all appurtenances was out of reach of the enemy. When the rebels reached forth their hand next morning to bag their game, lo ! it wasn't there ! It was a terrible night's work, however. The sick chaplain stayed with the barge un- til the last man was saved. He was twice thrown into the water, and ran a fearful risk in thus exposing himself at so critical a time. After the excitement of the night, by which alone his physical strength was sustained, he suffered a serious relapse. He was confined to his bed at General Curtain's headquarters for about two weeks, when he again reported for duty. The men regarded him as their deliverer, and the satisfaction of having saved his comrades from the hor- rors of a southern prison compensated for all he suffered. For this heroic deed he was 91 The Experiences of Uncle Jack complimented ou dress parade by a special order from the general. The following reference to this incident is found in the "Official Kecords of the Army," Series I., Vol. XXXI. : Tazewell, Tenn., December 14, 1863. Major-General Foster, Knoxville: General: I have the honor of reporting that I arrived here this evening at about dark, having left Rutledge at 9:00 a. m., and Bean's Station at 1:30 p. m. . . . At the crossing of the Clinch River (Evan's Ford) I found a sufficient guard, under the command of Colonel Kise. The river was rising quite rapidly, but the guard had raised and repaired the ferry-boat, which was crossing suc- cessfully, being pulled back and forth by hand upon a cable stretched from one shore to another. I think that it would be well, as a matter of security, to have another boat built there, and will so notify Colonel Babcock. I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. M. POE, Captain and Chief Engineer, Army of the Ohio. As a means for the spiritual welfare of the "boys," he conceived and carried out the idea of organizing a military church. Though there were various religious organ- izations among the soldiers, and some doubt- less on similar lines, yet this was an entirely original conception with him. His church took no denominational name, but was made up of all who were willing to become mem- bers. It was completely officered, and main- tained prayer meetings and church services at stated intervals. Two special revival 92 The Experiences of Uncle Jack meetings were held in whicli about 250 of the "bo3^s'' were converted. TTis spiritual ministrations were not lim- ited to tlie soldiers. AVhenever an oppor- tunity presented itself be would bold serv- ices at nearby cburcbes and school houses. On one such occasion he incidentally, to use his own expression, "chased seven Johnnies for three and a half miles." It was a merry race; like Jehu the entire party rode furi- ously. But as the chaplain had more at stake than his companions in the chase, he managed to maintain his position well in advance of the seven, and was quite willinii- to abandon the chase by the time he reached camp. Not least amono- the interesting- army "ex- periences" was the homeward journey. As previously stated, the regiment served over the time for which they enlisted. The men were impatient and homesick. Their desti- tute condition rendered many of them al- most desperate. Almost half of them were barefooted and all were weakened by hunger and exposure. The morning on which they were to start home the colonel announced that they would proceed to Barbersville, Kentucky, and that there they would find a supply of much-needed clothing and provi- sions. This was a two-days' march, which, 93 The Experiences of Uncle Jack in itself, was no pleasing prospect under the circiiinstances. Tlie ])roiiiise of food and clothing, however, nerved them for the or- deal. It was midnight wlien Barbersville was reached, and to their utter consterna- tion the promised supplies were not there. Things were looking blue. The colonel sjiid to Newgent, "You have the best horse in the regiment. Take a couple of the boys and get out and find something to feed these men before morning." He started, not to forage, but to beg. At the first house he came to he was met by a. woman to whom he stated his mission. She showed him a blood spot on the floor where her husband had been killed by the rebels, and said that all she had was a half-bushel of meal, but she was willing to divide. It was all he se- cured, though he continued the search until daylight. Returning to camp, he threw tlie bit of meal at the colonel's feet, and fell down exhausted, dropping at once into a deep sleep. What happened during the time he slept, when the real situation dawned upon the men, he could only surmise. The next he knew, the colonel had him aroused and was ordering him to ride ahead of the regiment to a little water-mill about twelve miles dis- tant to see what could be found there, and 94 The Experiences of Uncle Jack to arranjjc if possible to feed the men when they arrived. He found a few busliels of p^rain, most of it in a bad condition. When ground into meal it made just one pint each for the men. After tliey liad eaten their morsel, the colonel made them ii little speech in which he told them that the next objec- tive point would be Camp Dick Ilobinson, and for every man to look out for himself until they reached the camp. This they were quite glad to do. And when in a few days they met at the camp, they were in bet- ter spirits, and were pretty well supplied for the rest of the journey. The next way station Avas Camp Nelson. Here they were met by the Provost Mar- shal wlio declared the regiment under ar- rest for pillaging, and ordered them to stack arms. While the authorities were arrang- ing the details for taking care of them, the colonel took advantage of the delay. "At- tention, Battalions," he shouted, "Shoul- der arms — forward march — double quick !" The order was eagerly obeyed. A "double- quick" march was made to Nicholasville. This was a railroad town. Here they or- dered a train for Cincinnati. The train steamed out of the station with its load of animated freight just as the Marshal with his guard galloped in sight. 95 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Tlie authorities at Cincinnati were noti- fied bv wire to arrest tlie reo-iment on its arrival there, but this was anticipated. So they o-ot ott' the train at Covington, crossing the' Ohio Eiver by ferry to Cincinnati. There th(\v got a train for Indianapolis without being detected. The train was pressed into service to convey them on to Lafayette, the home of the regiment. They reached the city on Sunday evening, as the church bells were ringing for the evening services. Newgent, as his custom was, went to church. Possibly he felt the need of it after what he had gone through. He went to the First Methodist Episcopal Church, and at the urgent request of the pastor, de- livered the evening discourse to the delight of the splendid audience. It should be said in justice to Eev. Mr. Newgent that he was not a party to any of the irregularities that almost brought his regiment into disrepute after it had acquit- ted itself so well on the field. He remon- strated with the men and exhorted them to better conduct, but when the pressure of army discipline was removed, the pent-up energies of these raw backwoodsmen were turned loose along various channels and could neither be suppressed nor regulated. The officers of the regiment, with the ex- 96 The Experiences of Uncle Jack ception of Newgent, were summoned before the proper military tribunal at Indianap- olis, to answer for their depredations. They were acquitted, however, being ably de- fended bv Lieutenant-Colonel O. O. Beam. Whether or not the verdict was a just one, is of no special concern to us here. Suffice it to say that our subject, though a young man, so ordered his life as not only to keep himself unspotted from the world, but at the same time to win for himself the confidence of even the most hardened sinners. He was exonerated from all blame in advance, and his name was not broutiht before the court. Chapter Seven. Plants the United Brethren Banner in Terre Haute — Prairieton Pastorate — Difficulty with the Sons of Anak — A Prayer Without an "Amen"' — Another Community Redeemed — Going to the Wrong Doc- tor — A Perverse Colt — An Unintentional Immer- sion — One Sermon That was not Dry. It was in April, 1S64, wlieu Kev. ^Ir. New- gent returned from the war. His own con- ference did not meet until fall, but the Lower Wabash Conference met in its an- nual session in Vermilion, Illinois, about the time of his return. With the view to getting back on the firing line at once, he attended the latter conference, and was ap- pointed to Terre Haute ( Indiana ) Mission. This was strictly prospective work, as the mission was project- the only aspirant for the sitnation. The salary the preceding year was .f 180, and there was not a clnirch paper talccMi (»n the entire charge. Dogtown, the i)la('e wliieli <;ave tlie name and largely the re])utation to the circnit, was a stragglino- village noted only for its oeneral cnssedness. Newgent declared that it had never been named after a good dog, but more likely after the lowest bred cur in the country. The name, however, Avas parti- ally a. corruption of Diona, by which name tlie town had been cliristened ; but the appro priateness of the former name was soevident tliat it naturallv stuck, and the original name was well nigh forgotten. Though the place was utterly fallen from righteousness — if it ever possesed any — and was inclined to evil and evil only, it had the one advan- tage of being well clinrched. It had two church-houses, each serving as the home for two denominations. Thus, four denomina- tions were diligently casting their pearls into this swine-wallow only to have them trampled under foot. The INIethodists and Baptists occupied one house, and the Cum- berland Presbyterians and United Rretliren 116 The Experiences of Uncle Jack tlio otlu'i'. Tlu'v suffered no inconvenience tlii'ouiili lack of room, as the eonildned meni- bersliip of the four churches numbered onl}^ fourteen, seven of whom belonj^ed to the United Brethren. It was one of those mehincholy days, a Sunday afternoon in September, when the new circuit rider arrived to till his first ap- ])ointment at Doji-town. Of course the seven members of liis tlock were present to take liis measure. The task was soon done. They were crestfallen when they saw as their spiritual advisor an unpretentious, boyish-lookino: fellow, somewhat below the standard size, and possessing' little of the air and dii>nity and o-ravity of a ripe circuit rider, accordino- to their staid notions. The faithful seven, like the proverbial birds of a feather, occupied a portion of the house to themselves; their lonii" faces turned full upon the pastor, added to the melancholy of that autumn afternoon. Nor did the small spriukliui*' of stray sheep throughout the plain old buildino- serve to any considerable extent as a counter-irritant. Newji'ent was keeping- a '"stiff upper lip" as he introduced the services. The prelim- inary exercises were about finished, and he was about to beo'in the sermon ; the concjre- gation was dronini>- out a familiao' tune 117 The Experiences of Uncle Jack AvliPii a Yiiw, strapping native came stalking in. He presented a uuiqne appearance. ITe was barefooted, his trousers were rolled n]) to his knees, lie wore no coat, and his checked shirt was nnhnttoued at the collar. No sooner was he seated than another in ex- actly similar manner and costnme followed. One after another followed nntil n])wards in thirty came in, all dressed exactly alike, and so timing their movements as to give time for each to be seated before another fol- loAved, making the procession as long as possible — to the anuisement of the pastor and the stray sheep, and tlie utter conster- nation of the faithful seven. It struck the witty Irishman at once that thev were not trving to install him as the Presbyterians do their pastors, but rather to forestall him after the manner of Dog- town; and he made up his mind not to be forestalled. He was certain they did not want any religion and he had no religion to throw away. lie had his subject in mind, but he thought it best to select a more ap- propriate one. Accordingly, he announced as his text, ''Oh, man of God, there is death in the pot." He talked about twenty min- utes, putting in the entire time telling his funniest stories, and pouring in one broad- side after another of his Irish wit and 118 The Experiences of Uncle Jack liuiiior. It was a hteoiisness as they had been for evil. Jnst hoAv man}' were con- verted could not be definitely ascertained. One hundred sixty-one members were added to the United Brethren Chnrch, besides those that joined tlie other churches of the town. There was an appointment some few miles from Do^town named Liberty. It was prac- tically dead as a chnrch, there beinj? but five names on the roll, and they represented very little in spiritual assets. He bej^an a revival campaign here immediately follow- ing the meeting in town, which proved even more far-reaching in its results. He has al- ways regarded it as the most remarkable revival in his entire ministry. The power of God in the conviction of sinners was ir- resistible. Strong men and women were stricken unconscious in almost every serv- ice. As many as fifty persons could be counted lying in an unconscious condition at one time. A peculiar feature of this revival was the presence of that strange, nervous phenome- non among the people, known as the "jerks." This strange manifestation prevailed in many of the early revivals where unusual 121 The Experiences of Uncle Jack power was disi>laye(l. It was especiallj^ prevalent in what is known as the j^^eat Cuniherland revival w]iieh swept over the eastern part of Kentucky and Tennessee. Whatever the explanation of this phenom- enon, it nsually aeconipanied a deep emo- tional state, saints and sinners alike being subject to it. The mystery of it and the fact that it often became quite violent, especially on persons who resisted the influence of the meetings, gave it much weight in these early revivals. Peter Cartwright, in his well- known autobiography, describes the physi- cal effects of the jerks as follows : "No matter whether thev were saints or sinners, they would be taken under a warm song or sermon, and seized with a convul- sive jerking all over, which they could not by any possibility avoid, and the more the^'^ resisted, the more thev ierked. If thev would not strive against it and would pray in good earnest, the jerking would usually abate. I have seen more than five hundred persons jerking at one time in anj^ large congregation. ]Most usually persons taken with the jerks, to obtain relief, would rise up and dance. Some would run but could not get away. Some would resist; on such the jerks were usually very severe." 122 The Experiences of Uncle Jack The nieetini^ was aoconipaiiicMl hy a vari- ety of spiritual deiuoiistrations, romarkablo both in their character and extent. It was entirely beyond Iniinan control. It contin- ued four months, day ami nii^ht. Most of the time there was no preachinii', for there was no opportunity for a sermon, and none was needed. The people would ji^ather, sinj*- ini>' and shoutin,'>' as thev came, and the siu<>- ing, shontinht upward. Late one night after the service had closed, a family in the neighbor- hood Inward singing in the direction of the church. Not kno\\ing what it meant, they investigated. But on approaching the church tliey noticed that the singing Avas overhead as if produced by an invisible choir in the upper air. Whatever question may enter the mind as to the nature of these phenomena, there is no question as to the genuineness of the work of grace wrought in that section of country. It was swept as completely by the revival as a prairie is swept by fire. And the effects were abiding, even the more ex- traordinary forms of spiritual fervor con- tinuing indefinitelv. This was a season of strenuous physical activity on the part of Eev. Mr. Newgent. This meeting lasted four months, and for three months in addition he was in revival meetings continuously. 124 The Experiences of Uncle Jack From \w\ns; the worst circuit in the con- ference, Doijtown suddenly became the best. It reported tlu* laroest salary. And that year it led the entire denomination in the nuiuber of church papers taken. Prizes were otTered by the })ublisher for the larj^est club in any conference, and also a sweep- stakes prize for the largest club in the Church. Newjient won both the conference and tlie sweepstakes prize, which was the more remarkable when we recall that there was not a i)aper taken on the charge when he was appointed to it. Near the close of his memorable meeting at Dogtown, he announced tliat he would take a missionary offering the follo\\ing t^unday, and urged the people to come pre- pared. The missionary meeting was full of enthusiasm, as all his meetings were when a collection was involved. As he was ex- horting the congregation to give freely to send the gospel to the heathen, the door opened and a boy bearing in his arms a large rooster came walking down the aisle. As an evidence that tl'.e old-time Dogtown spirit was not wholly dead, some mischievous fel- lows planned to have some fun at the preacher's expense by putting a rooster in the missionary collection. Tlie bird was not only large, but also quite game, and was 125 The Experiences of Uncle Jack almost too much for the lad who was to do the presentation act in behalf of the gang. As he proceeded toward the pulpit, his courage began to fail and he hesitated, possibly waiting to see what sort of effect he was producing. The preacher took in the situation at a glance. "Come on," he said to the half-frightened lad, "I'm the fellow who likes chicken." With this encouragement the boy went forward and placed his gift in the hands of the preacher, who received it smilingly and thanked him for his generous contribution to the missionary cause. He asked one of the brethren in the "amen corner" to care for his charge wdiile he finished the service. He kept the rooster until fall and took it to the annual conference. In presenting his report, he related the incident and asked in a jocular vein what should be done with the rooster. A dignified, sober-minded brother moved that the rooster be sold and the pro- ceeds be reported to the missionary fund, and that the undignified proceedings be closed. The motion carried. "All right," said the wiley Irishman, as- suming the pose of an auctioneer, "how much am I offered for the rooster? How much do I hear? How much?" Some one ventured a bid. "Sold," said the preacher- 126 A Unique Missionary Ottering The Experiences of Uncle Jack auctioneer amid a roar of lauj^hter, and tlie conference i)roceeded to more serious mat- ters. It was on tliis charo^e that he had his first debate. His popularity and success in win- ning converts led to a challenge from a brother in the Christian (Disciples) church, who was then serving as pastor at Charles- town, Illinois. The ([uestion discussed was the divinity of Christ. Newgent took the positive position, affirming that "Christ is the very and eternal Cod apart from his human nature." The debate was held at Salisbury, Illinois, creating a great deal of interest and attracting a large crowd. That the contest resulted in an easy victory for our subject was attested by the fact that he received an offer from the elders of his op- ponent's church of fifteen hundred dollars a year to become their pastor, which, at that time, was considered an enormous sum. "I would not preach your doctrine for fifteen hundred dollars a year," he said, "to say nothing of losing my time and self- respect." "We are not asking you to preach the doc- trine," they said, "all we ask is that you become our pastor; you are at liberty to preach j'our own convictions.'' But he was not on the market. 127 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Anotlior interostinj? experience cliiriug this pastorate came as the sequel to a horse trade. One of his neighbors, a brotlier in the Chui'ch, coveted his tine drivino- horse, and bantered liini for a trade. "I have the very liorse you need," lie urged, and offere- with his usual jTood judii'iiieut. It was a case where not only prayer and fastini^, but also perse- verance were re(piired. Perseverance, how- ever, is one of his strong points. As a pas- tor he made it a rule to continue a meeting until success was realized, a rule that sel- dom had to be waived. His labors at jNIattoon were followed by a pastorate of two years on the New Goshen 133 The Experiences of Uncle Jack charge, makinii', with a former pastorate of the same length, an agj^rejiate of four years of pastoral services on this field. Diirinj^ these fonr years he received over six hun- dred members into the Church and built two churcli-houses. His work here was also made memorable by what might be termed his first great debat(% the details of which are reserved for the next chapter. The year follo^^•ing was a dark year in his experience, made so by the failure of his wife's Jiealth, which resulted in her death. He was serving the Prairieton charge, a charge he had served some years before. His labors here were attended by the usual success — gracious revivals, increased spir- itual life and activity, churches thrilled with new zeal and power. A coincidence worth noting in this connection is that his two terms of service on this field resulted in an equal number of accessions to the Church, 203 in each case. "I do not think," he quaintly remarked concerning his second pastorate, "tkat these were the same 203 that I received when I was there before." The sorr}' experiences of many pastors with vacillating church members occasioned and justified the remark. A great meeting at Prairieton stirred up the congregation and led to the rebuilding 134 The Experiences of Uncle Jack of their church. It was, liovvever, a great strugj^le. The cluirch was not stronj? fiDan- ciallv, and the task almost overtaxed their resources. l{ev. ^NFr. Newj^ent hibored un- ceasinii'ly to pull tlie enterprise through to a successful cousiinimation, contributing of his own scanty means over three hundred dollars, which necessitated the selling of some of his household goods. And now, to add to his already heavy bur- dens, came that which for some time had been recognized as inevitable, and under the deep shadow of which he had been labor- ino- with a heavv heart — the of his companion. ''Kitty" Newgent, as she was affectionately called by her husband and in- timate friends, was never strong in body, and for manv months she had lingered near the land of shadows. On the day set for the dedication of the church, for the success of which they both prayed and toiled and struggled so heroically, she passed triumph- antly to her heavenly home. "Her sun went down while it was yet day." She died about eight o'clock in the morn- ing. Bishop Jonathan Weaver, who had been secured to dedicate the church, was on the ground for that purpose. When it was learncHl that the pastor's wife had passed away, the Bishop and members of the 135 The Experiences of Uncle Jack cliiircli suggested that the dedicatory serv- ices be postponed. liiit as she had helped to plan the da3''s program, and was so anx- ious for the success of the occasion, Kev. Mr. Newgent urged that the plans be car- ried out. i^o the jirograni of the day was cjirried out tenderly and lovingly, the church set apart to the worship of Almighty Crod, while he and his three motherless lit- tle ones remained in their sad home by the silent form of the precious wife and mother. Bishop Weaver remained to conduct her funeral. The following account and worthy tribute from his gifted pen was published at the time in the Rclif/ioiis Telescope, the official organ of the United Brethren Church : "Some time ago I arranged with Brother Xewgent of the Prairieton Circuit, Lower Wal)asli Conference, to attend the dedica- tion of a church on his field of labor. Ac- cordingly I left home on Saturday, June 13, and reached Prairieton late in the evening. Upon my arrival therc^ I learned that Brother Newgent's wife was very ill ; yet T supposed she might recover. Sunday morn- ing the bell tolled and I knev.' that some one had passed away. I immediately started for Brother Newgent's home, and on reaching it learned that his Avife had just died. It 136 The Experiences of Uncle Jack was, indeed, a sad siglit. For seventeen years thev had shared the sacrifices and trials in- cident to tlie life of an itinerant. Now ho was left with the care of three little children to fip,ht the l)attles of life alone. lirother NeM'p:ent, as he is wont to do, lahored hard to net the chnrch in readiness for dedica- tion, anticipatinii' a j^ood time. But it was a sad day. A\'e attended to the service and dedicated the chnrch with feelincjs of deep sympathy for the pastor, who, with his lit- tle ones, sat beside the earthly remains of a beloved wife. "Sister Newgent was a patient, kind- hearted Christian woman. She had been in delicate health for a number of years, bnt neither mnrmnred nor complained. And when the end came, she quietly fell asleep in Jesus. On account of her delicate health, Brother Newi^ent, for a number of years, seldom remained away from home over nis^ht. He would fill his appointment and ride home after services. But no nmtter how late at nic^ht he would return, he would always find a lii>ht burninpf, and usually she would sit up until he returned. But the lifjht is p;one out — no, it is burninsj still. 'There's a light in the ^\indow for thee, brother.' " 137 Chapteii Ten. First Great Debate — The Debate as an Institution — The Challenge — Opponents get Weak-K7ieed, Pro- longing Maneuvers — A Hungry Multitude Unfed — Battle Begins — Questions Discussed — An Im- provised Creed for his Opponent — A Premature Baptism — An Opponent's Tribute to his Genius — Croivning the Victor. In the earlier days of the church c^eat stress was hiid upon matters of doctrine. iMooted theological questions occasioned much controversy among the "brethren." Preachers gave special attention to the par- ticular tenets of their respective churches, often decrj'ing with heavy hearts the doc- trinal shortcomings of sister denominations. While this was a faidt of the times which a broader Christian spirit is overcoming, yet it had its compensating features. In an age of controversy it became every man to have some knowledge, not only of his own church, but also of other churches. It is a fact that people generally were better informed on doctrinal lines than in these latter days when the church is swinging so near the op- posite extreme. The doctrinal sermon was then the order of the day, while now it is the rare exception. The public debate was a popular means of testing the merits of rival religious sys- 138 The Experiences of Uncle Jack terns, though in reality it was more a test of the men enjj^aged tlian of their theolog}'. Nor was the debate confined to matters re- ligious. Its field was unlimited. In pol- itics it was a favorite method of testing political issues and lexiders, and of spread- ing political information. The great Lin- coln-Douglas debate is a notable instance. Hence, while it has lost prestige somewhat, the debate once was an honorable and powerful institution. The victor in such a contest was regarded much as the ancient Greeks regarded the winners in the Olvm- plan games. And he was greatly in demand to defend the doctrines of his church against their adversaries. Every pastor needed to cultivate the debating faculty to some ex- tent, at least, for self -protection, just as it was necessary for the early New Englanders to carry their guns with them to church. It was during Kev. Mr. Newgent's second pastorate at New Goshen that he had his first great debate, and was thrust by force of circumstances into the debating arena. Among his numerous converts were a large number who held the faith enunciated by the Rev. Alexander Campbell, and com- monly designated as "Campbellites." This stirred the controversial fires, and in conse- quence he received a challenge from mem- 139 The Experiences of Uncle Jack hers of tliat body to debate publicly certain questions on which the two churches were, perhaps, more content to differ than to agree. He was quite content to promulgate his faith in the ordinary way, feeling that the results of his work were sufficient proof of the genuineness of his theology. Hence, he sought to avoid being pressed into this sort of contest, even proposing to secure a man to represent his church. But they regarded him as the high priest of his profession, and as they had suffered at his hands, they de- manded that he represent his side in per- son. Seeing there was no honorable wav of escape, he reluctantly consented, and pre- liminaries were arranged. His opponent was a Rev. Mr. Price. The place selected was a beautiful grove near the village of West Liberty, Vigo County, Indiana. A vast throng of people were present the day the debate was to open. But they were doomed to disappointment. Just as they were getting ready to begin, repre- sentatives from the opposition approached Rev. ]Mr. Newgent and asked if thev might be permitted to let the Rev. William Holt, D.D., champion their side instead of Mr. Price. Doctor Holt was a recognized giant among the Campbellites. He was a veteran 140 The Experiences of Uncle Jack of thirty-two battles in the debating field, and was one of the foremost expounders of the tenets of his church. Whether or not it was the wish of Mr. Price to be relieved, it was quite evident that, there was a lack of confidence some- where. At any rate the opi>osition felt more secure with their cause committed to the hands of their great captain, armed, as he was, with education and eloquence, and skilled in the art and science of debate. All felt that it was to be a great contest, sig- nificant in its results, and that no chances should be taken. Rev. Mr. Newgent consented to the change on condition that the debate be post- poned a couple of months to afford time for further preparation. The condition was accepted, and the multitudes were sent away hungry, disappointed, and dejected. The responsibilty was thrown upon the Canip- bellites, as their unwillingness to let Mr. Price champion their side was the cause of the postponement. For the Irish circuit rider it was a diplomatic stroke, a bloodless victorv to begin with. The two months were well spent by Rev. Mr. Newgent in preparation for this greater contest. The delay only seemed to increase popular interest in the affair; and when 141 The Experiences of Uncle Jack they agmn mot, the crowd was even larger than before. The discussions consumed eleven davs. However, the time was divided into two sections with an interveninj^j period of four or five weeks. Tt was estimated that from eii^ht thousand to ten thousand people attended daily throughout, anions: them beinaj a lariie uuudier of ministei-s of various denominations. Six boardini*; tents did a thrivine; business. In fact, the debate was the jijreat event of the year. A political campai2:n could not have created more in- terest and excitement. The discussions covered six propositions, a.s follows: 1. The church of which I, William Holt, am a member, is identical in doctrine and practice with the Church of Christ, as re- vealed in the Scriptures. Holt affirmed. 2. Jesus Christ is the very and eternal God, separate and apart from his hunuin nature. New2,ent affirmed. 3. Water baptism is for the remission of the past sins of the penitent believer. Holt affirmed. 4. The Holy Spirit bears a direct, imme- diate, and personal testimony to the believer of his pardon. Newijent affirmed. 5. Immersion is the onlv act of Christian baptism. Holt affirmed. 142 . The Experiences of Uncle Jack fi. After a j)€rsoii is suniciently in- structed in the written Word, the Holy Spirit operates directly upon the heart in reijeneration. Newoent affirmed. In most respects the two men were well matched. Holt was a man of scholarship, a deep, loj^ical thinker, and possessed ora- torical ability of a hioh order, which, with the practice afforded by thirty-two debatino^ bouts, rendered him an antaj^onist not to be despised. Newo;ent, then in his prime, pos- sessed a splendid physique, a strong, musi- cal voice that seemed never to tire, which Avas especially adapted for out-door speak- ing. Though not a product of the schools, as was his opponent, his mind was strong, clear, and alert. He was ever a close stu- dent, not only of books, but of human na- ture. He could readily analyze a proposi- tion as much bv intuition as bv logic, and discern at a glance the weak places in his opponent's position. His wit and humor served him well in such matters. When he turned the shafts of ridicule upon a weak point in the position of an opponent, it was as though all the batteries, field pieces, grape and canister, and every other instru- ment of destructive warfare had been turned loose at once. As there were none of the scholastic or bookish elements in his style, 143 The Experiences of Uncle Jack he invariably had tlie sympathy of the masses. Doctor Holt made the opening address, affirming that his was the only true church — ^'identicnl in doctrine and practice with the Clnircli of Christ as revealed in the Scriptures." He referred to various doc- trines hehl by his church and supported them by Scriptural authority. In most cases they v>ere doctrines accepted by all evangelical churches, affording no ground for controversy. The address was eloquent and logical. When Newgent arose to reply, lie com- plimented tlie brother's address and ex- pressed his a])proval of much that was said. "But now, Mr. :\[oderator," he continued, "I would like to know what church my brother belongs to when he asserts that they believe thus and so. He frequently referred to 'My church.' If he belongs to a church, how are we to know, in the absence of a written creed, what the doctrines of liis church are? Shall we take his statements? That would not be safe, for I find that they differ among themselves on various important points. "According to 3Ir. Webster, he has no church. Webster says, 'The Church of Christ is the universal body of Christ.' Paul speaks of the 'whole family in heaven and 144 The Experiences of Uncle Jack earth.' All saints in heaven and on earth belong to the Church of Christ. This in- cludes the children. When the disciples asked Jesus who was greatest in the king- dom of heaven, he 'called a little child unto him and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily, I any unto 3'ou, except ye be converted and become aK little children, ve shall not enter into the kingdom of heav- en.' ''Hence, his church is not THE Church of Christ, neither is it A church of Christ. Again, according to Webster, 'A church of Christ is a body of Christian believers, ob- serving the same rites and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority.' It denies all creeds and all ecclesiastical authoritv. Hence, it cannot be A church of Christ." He then appealed to the president, urging that, in the absence of a written creed, they should take the writings of their recognized church leaders to ascertain what tlie doc- trines of his opponent's church — granting that it was a church — were. The president so ruled. It then became the duty of Doctor Holt to show that the doctrines indicated were the doctrines of his cliurch according to the church authorities, and also that they were Scripturally sound; and furthermore to prove that other doctrines promulgated 145 The Experiences of Uncle Jack by tlie church leaders, which lie had not mentioned, were in strict linrnionv with the Word. This opened up a l)i<»L»er field than even the i>Teat hi*!,h priest of Campbellisni wius prepared to occupy. Newgent was as famil- iar with the teachings of his opponent's church as Doctor Holt was himself, and had foreseen and pre])ared for this emergency. "I knew you would not be prepared for this, so I thought I would be good to you," he said in a manner suggesting a cat's habit of playing with a mouse just before crush- ing its bones, ''I have, therefore, prepared a creed from the writings of Mr. Campbell and other leaders of your church, which will enable us to ascertain what your church teaches." He then read the following imi)r(>vised creed, the dillerent items of which were based upon statements cited in the writings of recognized authorities of the church Doc- tor Holt was so zealously defending: I. We profess before all men that we be- lieve in Avater baptism by immei'sion ; that it is the great panacea for all spiritual mal- adies. II. Tiiimersion is the line between the saved and the lost. 146 The Experiences of Uncle Jack III. Iininersion is regeneration, con- version, tuul tlie new birth. IV. Inmiorsion is obeyinoj the gospel; it alone is the act of turning to (jod. V. l\e])entance, pardon, justification, sanctification, reconciliation, adoption, sal- vation, a good conscience, a pure heart, love to God, saving faith, acceptable prayer, the reception of the Holy Spirit, and the in- tercession of Christ for us, all depend upon immersion. VI. Immersion is the converting act, and is the most imi)ortant of all the command- ments. VII. The water is the mother of all Christians. VIII. We further believe that the Apos- tles set up the kingdom of Christ on the Day of Pentecost. IX. That the gospel was first preached by Peter, that the first Christian baptism was administered, and that the reign of grace began on the Dav of Pentecost. X. That the kingdom of Christ has apos- tatized and become totally corrupt. XI. That the meaning of the Christian institutions was lost in the Dark Ages, and that no one pleaded the true cause of Christ from tlie great apostasy until Mr. Camp- bell's day. 147 The Experiences of Uncle jack XII. That tlic true foundation of the niillcnial church was lost, and tliat it was hiid aiiain in tlic ])resent centui-y. XIII. That we have restored the ancient gospel. XIV. Thai Mv. (^nnpbell, with others, lias from nothing;, reorf^anized and estah- lislied the kinudoni of Christ on earth. XV. That salvation is alone in the soci- ety to which we belong-, and which was es- tablished in the ])resent century. XVI. ^^'e belieA'e in a reformation ])!'o- duced witliout the II(dy S])irit, without godly sorrow, or mourning, oi- prayer, or anv act of devotion whatever. XVII. That a mere persuasion that the gospel is true is all the faith re(iuired. XVIIT. That even a believer is not ])ar- doned, born of (jod, or in possession of spiritual life until after immersi(m. XIX. That no sinner has a right to pray before immersion. XX. That in regeneration there is no change of the moral f)0A\ers or inward evi- dence of the same. XXI. That sinners are buried in the wa- ter in order to kill them to sin. XXII. That salvation is by works. XXII T. AVe deny the divine call to the work of the ministrv. 148 The Experiences of Uncle Jack The foregoing proiwsitions had been care- fully selected with proof statements by Kev. ]Mr. Newgent. To Rfjuare them by the Word of God was a task that even a greater than Doctor Holt might well have shrunk from. And the opening battle which was to decide the question as to whether or not tlie church of Doctor Holt's choice was identical in doc- trine and practice with the New Testament church resulted in a decided advantage in favor of the Irishman. Among the amusing incidents connected with the occasion was an attempt on the part of the Holt allies to create a demon- stration favorable to their cause. On the day when the subject of baptism was up, a rumor ciime to Xewgent's ears that a pre- tended convert to his opponent's doctrine would present himself for admission to the Campbellite Church at the evening service. A baptismal service would then be held the following morning in a nearby creek in the presence of the crowd, affording ocular evi- dence that the champion of immersion was gaining ground. This, attended with all the pomp and display necessary to make it impressive, it was expected, would prove a staggering blow to Newgent, from which even his wit and humor would not enable him to rally. 149 The Experiences of Uncle Jack He did not give much credence to the rumor, scarcely believinjij that any one wouhl resort to such tactics, but thou<;lit it best to ke('i» at least one eye open. The eveniui; services were held in the churches, both denominations bein<2; r('])resented in the villa«?e. Kach churcli would have preachinjjj by a visiting- minister of its own faith. Or- dinarily those who cared to attend would go to their own church, the champions them- selves remaining at home to rest and gird themselves for tiie next day. Newgent, how- ever, curious to learn whether there was any foundation for the rumor, on that partic- ular evening attended the service at his op- ponent's church. To his surprise, he saw Doctor Holt there, lie then smelled a rat. At the close of the sermon, Doctor Holt arose, delivered a brief exhortation and opened the doors of the church. And the rat smelled stronger. All doubts were dispelled when an old, nisty-looking gentleman limped forward and gave the preacher his hand. This was the convert that the eloquence of Doctor Holt had won to the standard of Campbell- ism — an old, decrepit man, by no means dis- ting-uished for learning or intelligence, who had been imported from an adjoining county for the occasion I ISO RKV. ANDREW JACKSON NEWCJF.NT At age of forty The Experiences of Uncle Jack The doctor was, of c-ourse, glad that one penitent was making the "good confession," and announced that on to-morrow morning at eight o'clock, just before the day's excn-- cises would begin, they Avould repair to the creek and "bai)tize the brother into Christ." At this jun' from some sliii'ht temporary ailment : "I am sorry you are not in good trim," said Doctor Treat, "I had hoped to find a man who would be able to put up a good figlit." "Oh," said Mewgent, "I think I'll feel bet- ter wlien I get my Treat." In his opening remarks. Doctor Treat again indulged in some pleasantry at New- gent's expense. He referred to his oppo- nent as liaving been born in Green County and cradhnl in a sugar trough. NcAVgent re- plied that he had missed it four miles as to 157 The Experiences of Uncle Jack the place of his birth. The su<>ar troup^h part of it, however, he did not deny; but as the trough had served well to cradle the dif- ferent niend)ers of his mother's small family of nine ehildnMi, lie was (piite sure the rude cradle sulTered no violence at his hands. The learned doctor further tried to dis- count the scholarship of his o])])(ment by referring; to a postal card received from him on which there were two words misspelled. To this Newgent also had an answer. "Great speakers," said he, "are usually de- ficient in other lines. I now understand why the doctor is short on debating; all his strength lias gone into his spelling." The usual questions were discussed, six in number, the same as in tlie great Holt debate. The arguments were listened to by thousands of interested and enthusiastic spectators, among tliem ministers and dig- nitaries of various denominations, and per- sons of prominence in educational, political, and professional circles. As to the result of the contest. Doctor Treat's own confession, as brought (mt in the following incident, will suffice: A debate between Newgent and a Kev. Dr. J. W. Stone, of St. Louis, ^Missouri, also a minister of prominence in the Christian Church, was scheduled to take place a few 158 The Experiences of Uncle Jack weeks later. In the meantime Doctor Stone, anxious to learn all he could cou- cerninj;- his opponent, sought an interview with Doctor Treat. He met him at a church dedication at which Treat was otTiciatin'!;. The two men, with others, were entertained for dinner at the same home after the morn- ing service. At an opportune time, Doctor Stone introduced the subject in which lie was especially interested, and the following conversation between the two men took place, being overheard and reported to New- gent by a. gentleman who leaned toward his side of the question : "Are you acquainted with a United Brethren preacher in Indiana of the name of Newgent?'' Doctor Stone inquired. "I am," was President Treat's answer. "Did you not debate with him some time ago?" "I did." "Is he a scholar?" "I do not know." "Is he logical?" "I cannot tell. He claimed that he went to school only a few months." "How long did you debate with him?" "Six days." "What?" said Doctor Stone in astonish- ment, "You debated with him six days, and 159 The Experiences of Uncle Jack could not tell whether or uot he is edu- cated?"' "Well/ continued the university presi- dent, in a nu'ditative mood, "I will say that he is — forccjiiL" Doctor Stone looked blank for a nionient, and then ventured with a smile, "May he he whipped you?" "I don't know," was the i>uarded answer, "hut 1 am inclined to believe that my peo- ple thought he did/' ObsiM'ving that Stone was intensely interested. Treat inquired: "Are you thinking of debating with him?" Stone answered in the affirmative. "Can't you get out of it in some honorable way?" Stone replied that he was not wanting "out of it." "But vou nuiv want out of it," was Treat's not very assuring reply. "Why, is he not fair in debate? Is he not a gentleman?" "Yes," answered Treat, "so much so that all your people who know him love to be with him and hear him talk." And the conversation drifted into other channels. But Doctor Stone, being from :Missouri, waited to be shown. And the debate was held according to schedule. 160 The Experiences of Uncle Jack About this time Doctor Stone was eujo.y- ino- no small de<»Tee of notoriety. He had debated with a Methodist minister in south- ern Illinois, and so completely mastered him that he acknowled<>ed his defeat in sack cloth and ashes, and joined the Chris- tian (Mnirch. Stone was taking- advantaj^e of his uewly-ac(iuired popularity in wacrincj a relentless war against the "sects," as he termed them, when some of the Pedo-Bap- tists secured Newgent to meet him in de- bate. And the challeniie was brought to the great, self-imiKirtant Doctor Stone. "Newgent !" said this supposed Goliath with a contemptuous sneer. "He can't de- bate. He's an Irish jieddler who used to sell table-cloths in my fatlier's neigiilvorhood." The committee informed him that they were willing to risk their case with the Irish ped- dler. However, Stone's visit to Doctor Treat to get information concerning the Irishman would indicate that his contempt was more fcngned than real. The debate was held in a small town in southern Illinois, where the doctor had been making havoc of the "sects." The table- cloth story became current, and much spec- ulation was indulged in concerning the sup- posed vender of household commodities. His coming to the tillage was awaited vrith 161 The Experiences of Uncle Jack intense interest. When the train on which he was schednled to arrive pulled in at the station, a. curious and entliusiastic crowd AvaK waitiniv to o-et a vii^v of the man who dared to dispute the wisdom of Doctor Stone. As he stepped from the car, a gen- tleman who knew him said, jxu'ntinf!^ him out, ''There's the table-cloth peddler." A liearty salute was liiven bv th(» crowd. Newgent, havinent showed this bit of do<»ina up in a bad lii>ht b}' the use of an object lesson. Borrowing- a baby from a mother in the audience, beheld it upbefore the crowd, stat- ini>- that the "little rascal's" heart is corru])t and its only chance for salvation was by bein|i>- baptized according- to the Lutheran formula. "Now,'' he continued, "I want this brother to demonstrate to this audi- ence how a baby must be saved. I want him to change this baby's heart from a state of corruption to a state of purity. I want to see how a baby is saved, for, according- to his theolooy, I have three babies in hell." The brother winced under this outburst of sarcasm. He refuscMl to ba])tize the child, v,hich, had he done so under the circum- stances, would scarcely have made his doc- trine appear less obnoxious. Other peculiar Lutheran tenets ap])eared to the same disad- 165 The Experiences of Uncle Jack vantniio imder similar treatment, and tlio chnrcirs liope of ivaininsi' its lost "Tonnd completely vanished. The debate i)()pular- ized the Ignited Brethren Chnrch, ^i^'ii^S it a stronii: hold in the commnnity. Flag Branch, a tiourishiuji,' rnral church, stands as a monument to Rev. Mr. Newiient's la- bors in that section. Another contest worthy of special note was with a Baptist minister at Blue Sprin.ijs, Tennessee, in 1882. The mode of baptism was a live question throughout that region. The battle line was drawn by the Baptists and I*edo-Baptists. They finally agreed to have the question discussed in a public debate, each side to furnish its champion. Three churches were repre- sented on the immersion side, and seven on the other. The immersionists secured as their representative, Doctor Tngram, a prominent Baptist divine of Virginia. New- gent was selected by the anti-immersionists. The debate was to cover six propositions and to continue six days, one subject being slated for each day. The Baptists were very desirous of includ- ing infant baptism in the list of subjects to be discussed. This was a question that Newgent had never debated, and in which he had very little interest. But to acommo- 166 The Experiences of Uncle Jack date tlie Baptists, lie consented to defend the practice of infant baptism. His oppo- nent pro])osed the question, statinp; it as folloAvs: ''Resolved, That infants are fit sub- jects for baptism." Newgeut consented to aflfirm it. It was slated for the second day. In his openinii' remarks, Newgent said : "Mr. Presi- dent, this is a peculiar question; but my brother ^^•rote it and insisted that I al'tirm it. It is peculiar from the fact that I am not to prove that the child needs baptism, or that there is any command for infant bap- tism, or that there ever was an infant bap- tized. I am simply asked to prove that a child is a fit subject for baptism." At these remarks a storm of protest arose from the immersionists. They expected him to defend the vast array of teaching- that the various Pedo-Baptist bodies had put for- ward on the subject. "Keep cool," he said to the immersionist part of tlie crowd as they were clamoring for a hearing and creating no little con- fusion. "Doctor Ingram and I signed these papers, and we agreed to be governed by the board of moderators. This question simply deals with the child's fitness for baptism. I appeal to the moderators." The moder- ators sustained his position. 167 The Experiences of Uncle Jack He theu iiskcd his opponent whether or not the Baptist Church would baptize a sub- ject until he was converted and became as a little child. His opponent stated that it would not. This jiave him a splendid foun- dation for his address, and, at the same time, removed the last foundation stone from under his opponent, so far as infant baptism was concerned. lie made an earn- est and eloquent address, showing*' tliat the child is a type of the heavenly citizen, and as such possesses special litness for all the sacraments of God's house. While he was talkinc^, his attention Avas called to Doctor Ingram. The doctor, grip in hand, was making rapid strides toward the railroad station. His moderator and some friends were accompanying him, try- ing to persuade him to remain. But he could endure it no longer. The doctor's retreat caused a great sen- sation, relished immensely by the Pedo-Bap- tists, but a bitter dose to the immersionists. There were yet four days of the ])rogram remaining. Newgent's side di^mauded, as they were paying him for his work, that he remain and carry out his part of the pro- gTam. This he did, but as tlie debate had only one end to it during those four days, it spoiled tlie excitement, though it served 168 The Experiences of Uncle Jack well the })iirpose of tliosu who hud employed him. Araon.i»- his later debates Mas one held in 1898 at IMechanicsville, Indiana. Dr. J. W. Haw, of the Christian CMmrch, was his op- ponent on this occasion. Doctor Haw had been holdin,i»' revival meetings in that part of Indiana, and beini^- dogmatic in style and controversially inclined, was unsparing in his denunciations of other denominations. His aggressions and criticisms were disturb- ing the equilibrium of some of the brethren whose churches were being used as a target by this ecclesiastical Nimrod. They wrote to Newgent, then in Tennessee, urging him to champion their side against Doctor Haw in debate, offering him fifty dollars per day and expenses for his time. He consented on condition that the propositions were fair and that the reverend gentleman in question was a representative man in his church. He was referred to a two-column article in a current number of the Christian Stan- dard relating to Doctor Haw. The article was extravagant in the use of adjectives de- scribing the doctor's ability and achieve- ments, stating that he was the leading de- bater in the Christian Church, having had more such battles than any other man in it at that time. This was quite satisfactory 169 The Experiences of Uncle Jack to Newgent, as at that i)eriod he did not care to waste any shot or shell on small lianie. In this, as in all other such contests, New- n-ent ahundantl}' sustained his position and satisfied the expectations of his supporters. His experience, self-control, complete mas- tery of the subjects in hand, humor, and physical endurance made him an antajio- nist that even the oreatest debater in a de- bating church could illy cope with. The general vei'dict of even Doctor Ilaw's own sympathizers was that it was decidedly a O'ne-sided affair. 170 Capter Twelve. Perrysville and Centerpoint — Industry Rewarded from an Unsuspected Source — A "Slick" Wed- ding — Fruitful Labors at Centerpoint — A One- sided Union Meeting — The Doctrine of the Res- urrection Again Demonstrated. A year on the Perrysville charge in the Upper Wabash Conference, followed by a year at Centerpoint, in his oAvn conference, the T^ower Wabash, covering 1874 to 18TG, closed Kev. Mr. Newgent's work in the pas- torate for a season. It was from the latter charge that he received his appointment from the Home, Frontier, and Foreign Missionary Society as Superintendent of the Tennessee Mission Conference. From thenceforth he was destined to serve the Churcli in a larger capacity, though there is no woi'k tliat he regards as more exalted or more vital to the progress of tlie kingdom than that of the pastor. And it is but just to say that there is no work in wh.ich he has been happier or more in his element. The pastor, he regards, as the pivotal nu\n in the church militant, around whose per- sonalitv must revolve all the machinery of its organized life. Hence, in whatever po- sition he has been placed, he has ever been in fullest sympathy with the men on the 171 The Experiences of Uncle Jack firing- line, and has sought in every way to encoiirauc and niap,nify their work. His ' to Perrysville was in r('S]»onse to an ur<;ent appeal from his intimate friend, Dr. J. W. Nye, then a popular pre- siding el«h'r in the Upper Wahash Confer- ence. His work liere was fruitful and con- genial, and marked by some rich experi- ences, which he cai'ries with him as refresh- ing memories. One of these teaches a prac- tical moral lesson, namely, that lionest in- dustry has its reward in more ways tlian one. It need not be explained here that indus- try is a part of his religion. He believes witli Paul that it does not injure, or lower the dignity of a minister to lal)or with his liands. In this, as in other respects, he made himself an example to the flock. Odd moments are always occupied in diversions of a practical character. The outward ap- pearance of the parsonage never failed to testify to his thrift and good taste. A gar- den served as an outlet to his surplus physi- cal energies as well as a means of supple- menting tlie usually modest income. Under his skillful hand it invariably became a thing of beauty and an object of just pride. Some five miles from Perrysville lived a horny-handed son of the soil, a man who 172 The Experiences of Uncle Jack made industry not only the chief olenu*nt in his reli«»i<)n, but the sum total of it. lie was an intidel in his belief — or disbelief — and regarded the church as an imposition, and preachers as an indolent, worthless lot. Passini>- throuuh the villaoe one day, he noticed Kev. ^Ii*. NewG:ent\s o-ardcMi. It was by far the finest he had seen. II is surprise can only be ima<»iued when, upcm inipiiry, he learned tliat tlie owner of it was one of those lazy preachers. A few days later he drove up to the par- sonatic with a barrel of flour, which he un- loaded and unceremoniously rolled upon the porch. This time the surprise was on the pr{»acher, as a reputation for benevo- lence was a thinu' of which, up to that time, the infidel could not boast. He explained that ordinarily he had no use for preach- ers, but as he had found one that was not Iaz3^, he "wanted to help him." The donation was an expression of his reoard for the minister who showed a willinsjness, accord- ing to the infideFs conception of the term, to earn his bread in the sweat of his face. Another incident, picked up at random, occurred one cold day during the winter of his stay at Perrysville. A couple whose appearance did not indicate a superabund- ance of worldly prosperity, came to the par- 173 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Ronaiio to be luarried. Tliev had come from the adjoiniiiii' county, tlie bonndarv between the two counties bein"- tlie Wabash River, on the bank of which Perrysville was lo- cated. The river was frozen over. The conph^ traveled afoot, havinj^- crossed the river on the ice. The preacher explained that they would liave to recross the river before the ceremony could be performed, as the law required that marriajjes be solem- nized in the county in which the license Avas issued. So he conducted the matrimonial candidates to the river. When tlie preacher was satisfied that they had proceeded beyond the half-way point on the river, he ordered the couple to halt and join hands. By this time their presence had attracted the attention of the younoj people who were out on tlie ice in larj^e numbers enjoyinii' the fine winter sport of skatinc;. As the weddini.!; was a public func- tion, no restrictions beint!; placed on attend- ance, the ceremony was performed in the presence of an enthusiastic multitude. The service comjileted, the sjroom, who was unacquainted with ministerial usa,2:es, inquired as to the amount of the fee. To save him the responsibility and further em- barrassment of determininc: the sum to be paid for the service, the preacher suggested 174 The Younji Man s Financial Ratinji Was Over-estimated. The Experiences of Uncle Jack that a dollar would be sufficient, fearing; lest he inient beoan a meetinc: at the same time some few miles in the country. Newgent's meeting immediately develoyjed into a revival of so great proportions that it became the one overshadowing event of the whole country, drawing tlie Methodist pastor's congregation from him and render- ing it impracticable for him to continue. His situation was a rather bmely one. In his extremity he souglit anotlier interview with his fellow pastor, proposing to close his meeting at once if Newgent would join him later in a union revival effort. 176 The Experiences of Uncle Jack This Xcwoent consented to do on three conditions, as follows : 1. That the nieeting-s be held in the United Brethren church. 2. That the United Brethren pastor do all the preachinc;. 3. That tlie United Brethren pastor do the mana.i>inji'. Hardastlieconditions seemed, the brother agreed to them. The conditions, in fact, look esjotistical and perhaps selfish on the surface, but when the United Brethren pas- tor explained his reasons for them they were seen to be neither. On the contrary they were meant for the hio;liest c,ood of both churches, and were abundantly vindicated by the outcome. TTe was intensely anxious that Centerpoint have a s^enuine revival of reliction. To promote such a revival at any cost was his purpose. That this purpose mioht be realized he would not permit mod- estv, formalitv, or anv other creature to stand in the way. The United Brethren Church was the more commodious and had the advantajje in location. This was the reason for the first condition. The reason for the second and third conditions was that Centerpoint had been preached to death. A chano-e of meth- ods was imperative if the people were to be 177 The Experiences of Uncle Jack reached. lie wanted a meetinG; without preachinji', witliout too much liuinan aoency, ])ut where (Jod liiniself inij^lit control to his own glory. Only by having the manage- ment left to him could he apply the remedy needed according to his diagnosis of the case. His plan A\'as now to be put to the test — a revival without preaching, the laity to do the work as they felt divinely moved. The meeting began on a Friday evening. But with no life there could be no real activity. The chariot wheels dragged heavily at the first. On Sunday morning he announced that at four o'clock p.m., a children's uieet- ing would be held. Aside from selected helpers, only children within a certain age limit would lie admitted. Such meetings even at that and in a familiar man- ner accosted him, ''TIcllo ! Is this Jack New- gent?" ITe had been so familiarly knov;n as "Jack,'' that he had resolved to be known by the more grave and dignified appellation of Andrew J. Newgent when he came into his new kingdom. But his expectation perished, as it would have done even had the circumstances been otherwise. A man's name, like his clothes, is a part of him, and if it does not fit, his friends will per- sist in trimming it until it does. The per- 182 The Experiences of Uncle Jack sonality ;ui-iven rioht of way in the cluireh on Sunday morniuG:, Sunday evening, and Monday evening. A new element was thus di if used into (^uakerdom. He held a meet- ing in that same community a few weeks later, in which the Quakers took a leading part, and which resulted in about a hun- dred conversions. The best part of the whole procedure came to light when Newgent called to pay his landlord the small pittance that was due on rent. Rev. Mr. Marshall refused to accept even the nominal amount that had been agreed upon. "Let me explain,'' he said, "I have never told anybody what I am going to tell thee — not even my wife. Some three months ago I moved my foreman out of that house, and began to pray for the Lord to send us a good, live preacher from the North. I had got tired of these slow-going Southern fel- lows. But I forgot to tell the Lord to send a Quaker. So the Lord was free to send whomsoever he pleased. And the first time I heard thee preach, I said, ^There is the answer to my prayer.' Now, it would not do for me to charge rent of the man th.e 187 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Lord sent in answer to my praj'er, when he is living in the property I vacated for him when I besought the Lord to send him. That house is for thee as long* as thee wants it." When this noble soul was called to heaven some years later, Kev. Mr. Newgent was callcNi from a distant State to preach his funeral. Truly, he was a man of God. When the conference projected a college enterprise at Greenville, Kev. Mr. Newgent took up his residence at that place so as to give personal attention and encouragement to the institution. This college was after- wards inoved to White Pine, Newgent being the leading spirit in the matter of reloca- tion. He served as financial agent and supervised the construction of the building. Through his personal efforts the building was erected and paid for. The evangelistic gift and executive fac- ulty, both of which were prominent in our subject, peculiarly fitted him for the duties of Missionary Superintendent amid such conditions as the Tennessee Conference pre- sented. iMuch incipient work liad to be done. The routine work of his office re- quired only a. small portion of his time, leav- ing him free to do the work of an evangel- ist, to encourage weak churches and to sur- 188 The Experiences of Uncle Jack vey new territory to conquer. This narra- tive has already afforded many exaiiij)les of his eonstructive work alono- tliese lines. One more; characteristic incident may not be out of place. Near Limestone, Tennessee, was a church which was so uuproniisinoj that the quar- terly conference seriously considerefl aban- doning- it and disposing- of the property. It was well locatfHl, but there were strong churches on either side, and the little church, overshadowed as it was by these older organizations, had never been able to gain a proper standing. "Let us give it another chance," said New- gent, who was presiding at the meeting. "I will hold a meeting there at the first oppor- tunity, and we will see if it can be saved." He held the meeting accordingly and re- ceived ninety-seven members into the church, and the little, struggling church was lifted to such a position of prestige and prominence that it overshadowed its rivals, becoming a. strong center of religious influence. But it was not enough to merely get peo- ple converted and brought into the church. They must be taught in the doctrines of the church, so as not to get their doctrinal ideas from other sources. 189 The Experiences of Uncle Jack Ono of the strone number of ai)plieants for baptism. Acoordino; to pre- vailinji: custom, all expected to be immersed. It was in order on such occasions for the baptismal service to be prefaced by a ser- mon on baptism. Kev. Mr. Newj^ent took advantaue of the opportunity to make some remarks on the mode of baptism, which was the one live subject in reli,i»ious circles. In his discourse he said: "We often hear i>eople say, '1 want to be baptized as Jesus was.' I do not share this sentiment. For in one essential res])ect Je- sus' baptism was different from ours. It was for a differ(Mit purpose. lie was bap- tized to fulfill the law; we, because we are sinners, either for the foriviveness of sins or because they are foroiven. "But we may be baptized in the same manner in which he was baptized, and if you wish, 1 will tell you what that was. Paul said, 'He was made a. priest like unto his brethren.' Jesus said, 'T am come, not to destroy the law or the ])ropliets, but to fulfdl.' He fulfilled every jot and tittle of the law. Tli(^ hnv required a priest to have 10(1 The Experiences of Uncle Jack the water of eonseeration sprinkled upon his head when he was thirty rears of aiic. Ileuee, if Christ wa.s made a priest like his brethren, it is easy to see that his bai)tisin was the same as that of the priests, liis brethren, and that the water was s})rinkled upon his head at the an;e of thirty; other- wise he would not have fulfilled every jot and tittle of the law." A prominent Dunkard preacher present made a public statement at the close of the discourse to the effect that, while he had al- ways believed and taught that Christ was baptized by immersion, he was now fully convinced that he had been mistaken. When they came to the baptismal service, all the applicants chose the mode of sprinklin*?, thouo'h they had come prepared to be im- mersed. Under his capable and a.iiiiTessive leader- ship the conference maintained a steady orowth. At first its territory was confined to the eastern part of the State. But in the early nineties he, with some other min- isters, advanced to the central and western parts of the State on a sort of missionary- evanjjelistic campaig-n. They held a num- ber of meetinii's and were successful in win- nini? quite a spriuklino- of converts. The work thus accomplished made possible the 191 The Experiences of Uncle Jack organization of what was then known as the Tennessee Kiver Conference in 189(1. One of tlie most important ev(Mits in con- nection with tlie Tenn(\ssee Conference, and which was bronoht about mainly through his intluence, occurred in 1895. It is re- ferred to as follows in Berger's History of the United Brethren Church, page 614 : "About two years ago a movement which had been for some time in process of devel- opment, began to take detinite form, result- ing in considerable additions both of min- isters and laymen to the United Brethren Church. The greater number of these came from the Methodist Episcopal Church, some from the M, E. Church, South, and a. few from other denominations. Those coming from the Methodist churches were attracted chiefly by the milder form of episcopal gov- ernment in the United Brethren Church. There was for them no possible inducement in material or worldly considerations. They could not look for larger salaries or easier fields of labor or lighter sacrifices, nor was the prospect of official promotion better than in the churches from which they came. Nor could thev bring with them anv of the cluirch-houses or other property which they luid aided in building. No thought or hope of this kind was entertained; much less was 192 The Experiences of Uncle Jack any effort made to do ro. Influenced by principle alone, and in the face of present loss, they chose to cast in their lot with us, and they have addressed themselves earn- estly to the work in their new relations. About twenty-five ministers in all, with a considerable number of members, have thus connected themselves with the United Brethren. Amonij the leadini; ministers of the movement are: Dr. T. C. Carter, Rev. W. L. Kichardson, J. D. Droke, and others. They have been ijiven a cordial welcome by the United Brethren Church, not in any spirit of proselytism, for no proselytini2: was done, nor from any desire to reap where others have sown, but mth an open heart and door to receive any persons who love our common Lord and desire to cast their lot with us." It seems a pity, however, that church his- tory is so silent in rejxard to Bev. ^Ir. New- .2;ent's connection with this event, for it was he who turned this movement toward the United Brethren Church. Those who re- fused to tolerate what they considered abuses of episcopal supervision in the two ^eat ^Methodist bodies were in the very act of forminfj a new church. In this movement Dr. T. C. Carter, now Bishop Carter, occu- pied a conspicuous place of leadership, as 193 The Experiences of Uncle Jack he did in every great religious movement in that part of the country. His name was a household word in all that realm, and when he spoke, multitudes reverently listened. Rev. ]Mr, Newgent met him, and sliowed liim a Discipline of the United Brethren Church, believing that it set forth the very prin- ciples of church government for which these great souls were contending, and thus pre- sented the alternative of connecting them- selves with a denomination that afforded what they wanted, or of adding to the num- ber of denominational organizations which many believed were already too many. Doc- tor Carter suggested that Disciplines and other United Brethren literature be sent to the leading ministers of the movement. This was accordingly done; and as a re- sult they decided to connect themselves witli the United Brethren Church. They were formally received in a special conference held in Knoxville, A number of the Bishops, general officers, and leading ministers and laymen throughout the de- nomination attended this conference, which was presided over by Bishop AYeaver. One of the leading ministers of the movement, in delivering the welcome address on that occasion, made use of the following lan- guage : 194 The Experiences of Uncle Jack "I am certain that one-half the member- ship of both churches (the Methodist bod- ies) heartih^ prefer a church government of the people, by the people, and for the peo- ple, to their own. ... In view of these things, I may venture to say that a strong church that will fill the valleys and moun- tains of this country with a religious paper devoted to Arminianism and liberty, and will follow up this plan with men and with churches may expect a glorious welcome." 195 Chapter Fourteen. Autumn — The Fading Leaf — Fruit in Old Age — His Later Labors — Present Home. "We all do fade as a leaf," was the lam- entation of an ancient prophet in a melan- choly mood. The fading leaf speaks in sad but beautiful language of waning vitality. It is the harbinger of autumn, telling us that nature is getting ready to close her books for the season. It brings with it a tinge of sadness mingled witli sweetness ; for there is compensation in even the saddest experi- ences. What would the year be without the pensive days of autmun? They are the golden fringes of the bounteous summer season. Sad, indeed, would they be if the summer has been ill spent. Then might the melancholy wail arise from the forlorn heart, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended." But when autumn looks back upon a springtime of bountiful seed-sowing, and a summer of bountiful reaping, it becomes the year's climax of joy, the beneficiary of all its blessings. Enriched by the summer's heritage, it is beautiful and peaceful and happy. 196 The Experiences of Uncle Jack "We all do fade as a leaf." Maj it be said philosophically. The fadin«- of the leaf re- veals more perfectly its innate qualities, and rounds out its brief existence. The red or brown or yellow, in nuite lanG^uage, tells its life history and closes tlie book. It is said of the aged, sometimes, "They are set in their ways." That is because in them character has become a finished prod- uct. The incidentals and accidentals have become eliminated, and the accumulated results of years of striving and hoping, sor- row and pain, defeats and victories are plainly discernible. Personal traits stand out in bold relief so that all may fittingly say, "Behold the man." Thus, TJncle Jack — for we may now use this affectionate designation, having passed his three score and ten, is now in the au- tumnal glory of a life beautiful and boun- tiful in its fruitage. And so the autumn of his life is enriched and made fragrant by the year's benedictions. Blessed, indeed, is he to whom it is given to enjoy a long period of service, and who can then gracefully let his mantle pass to others whom God has called and prepared to receive it. To grow old sweetly, to let the sun go do^-n amid the splendors of an unclouded evening sky, is the crowning glory of old age. m The Experiences of Uncle Jack Blesised, indeed, then, is Uncle Jack. He approaches this period in life, not only in the spirit of a true pliilosopher, but in the spirit of a true Christian. He still lives in the sunshine, he keeps the windows open to the breezes that brincj to him the fra^jrance of flowers, the song of birds, and the "music of the spheres." The world smiles upon him and he returns its smile. He has lived in an active, changing age, but has always kept up with the procession. He performed a vital part in the changing order in which he lived and moved and had his being; and he who helps to fashion events, who has a part in directing the move- ments of progress, is not likely to be left behind or to be trampled under foot. He not only kept pace with the world, but with a prophet's vision, he anticipated the course of human events. So, as great changes ap- proached, he was ready to march out to meet them. Like a true prophet, he had a message for his own day and generation, but the message was more potent because he had a vision of things yet to be. In him is illustrated the Psalmist's ob- servation concerning the children of God, "They shall bring forth fruit in old age." For him there is no "dead line." The body may lose its agility; it may fail to do the 198 The Experiences of Uncle Jack bidding of the mind properly, but the mind and heart remain abreast of the times. The dead line means more than physical infirm- ity, and it often occurs that the mind lingers near that dread spot while the body is in its prime. The dead line belongs to the mind and not to the body, and hence, taking that view of it, there is no dead line for Uncle Jack. It is given to but few men to continue in the public ministry until they pass their three score and ten. Uncle Jack had never been out of the active connection in some form from the time he entered the ministry until his seventy-third year, giving more than a half-century of unbroken service to the public work of the Church. In the interest of accuracy and complete- ness, more specific mention should be made of his later work. After spending eleven years as presiding elder in Tennessee Con- ference, he returned North for a time, serv- ing as pastor at Veedersburg, Indiana, as college pastor at Westfield, Illinois, as pas- tor at Gluey, Illinois, and three years as presiding elder in Upper Wabash Confer- ence. His work as pastor at Veedersburg included two periods, one of three years', and the other of four years' duration. This 199 The Experiences of Uncle Jack was one of the wealthiest and most influen- tial cluirc'lies in Upper Wabash Conference. Keturuin.i? to Tennessee — now East Ten- nessee — C'onference, he was ai^ain elected to the presiding eldership, serving five years in that relation. Altogether he spent twenty- one? years in the Tennessee Conference, serv- ing five years in the pastorate besides six- teen years in the presiding elder's office. His last work in the pastorate was at Clarinda, Iowa, being called from there to the field agency for Indiana Central Uni- versity at Indianapolis by the trustees of that institution. He has always been in- terested in the educational work of the Church. In his varied experience in reli- gious work he has seen demonstrated in so many ways the need of an educated minis- try. So he entered upon this latter work with a deep conviction of its importance, and with the earnestness and zeal which characterized his labors all through life; but finding his physical strength insufficient for its taxing demands, he was compelled to relinquish it. In the fall of 1910 he again attended the East Tennessee Conference session, desiring only to enjoy its fellowship. He had no thought of assuming again an active rela- tion in the conference, but his brethren were 200 The Experiences of Uncle Jack loath to lot him escape. When the election of })i"08idin_ii; elder was called, their minds once more centered upon him, and he lacked but four votes of being the unanimous choice of the conference. This, however, brought him to face a delicate matter which set a task for his tender conscience. Seeing that his election meant the crowding of a worthy young man out of an appointment, he very generously resigned the office with instructions to the Bishop that this young man be given the place. His present home is at Odon, Indiana. Here he finds himself among sympathetic friends, and is near the scenes of his early childhood. FTe takes pleasure in doing what he can in the local church, setting a whole- some example to the membership by his faithful attendance at all the services and by loyal and liberal support of all its inter- ests. Here he enjoys the hearty good will of old and young alike, and has frequent calls for addresses at various functions, where he is always greeted with unfeigned delight. While not employed in a regular way by the Church, an appreciative public will con- tinue to recognize his worth, and keep ajar the door of opportunity for rendering valu- able service to his fellow men. 201 Chapter Fifteen. Character Sketch. The analysis of a floAver is the work, not of the florist, but of the botanist. The flor- ist sees in the combination of the various parts the beauty of a perfected whole, while the botanist sees the parts separated and classified but loses sight of the flower itself. The florist's viewpoint is preferable to that of the botanist. This is no less true in deal- ing with human life than in the treatment of a flower. However, in the interest of thorou.2;hness, some attention should be ji^iven to a study of the particular elements of character which give to our subject his peculiar individuality and made possible that degree of eminence which he has won for himself. The task is not an easy one. This is true in the case of all men of su- perior strength. The sources of power are so embedded in the depths of one's person- ality as to make them diflicult to trace. In the presence of such men we are instinc- tively aware of their superiority, but if asked to give a reason for our impressions we would be unable to do so. The power of a personality is to be felt rather than ex- 202 The Experiences of Uncle Jack plained or analyzed. It is this invisible, iin-' definable somethin.n- that lifts the man above the level of tlie ooiinnonplace and gives him a commanding!; influence among his fellows. The strength of some characters is due to one or two exceptionally strong traits, Avhile in other particulars they may be correspond- ingly weak. The world sees only the moun- tain peaks of strength and upon them it builds its estimate of the man. To this rule Rev. A. J. Newgent is one of tlie rare ex- ceptions. "Like a tree planted by the rivers of water," the distinctive feature of his life is rather in the full and symmetrical devel- opment of the various qualities of mature and well-rounded manhood. Hence, he is essentially a man of the people — not a man of one class, but of all classes, the embodi- ment of the true spirit of democrarcy. Like Paul, he can be all things to all men with- out sacrificing principle or dignity or los- ing the respect of any of them. His sympa- thies are broad and deep, and go out to all alike. There is no assumed or conscious superiority to create a barrier between him- self and the humblest soul. He observes no arbitrary distinctions. Whoever he chances to meet is at once a friend and brother. He possesses in a large degree the rare faculty of making people feel at home in his pres- 203 The Experiences of Uncle Jack ence. Fads and snobs and artificiality he hates as he hates sin. The p^litter and tinsel show of life are counted as dross, bnt the pure liold of human character that needs no outward adornment is his delight. His well-balanced temperament enables him to so adjust himself to different condi- tions, that he is invariably master of the situation in which he may be placed. In the home, whether marked by riches or poverty, culture or illiteracy, he is always the same ejenial guest. To the children, .young peo- ple, and old folks alike, the presence of "Uncle Jack" is always welcome. In his public ministry, whatever the demands of the occasion, he is ready to meet them. Never is he at the mercy of his surround- ings. Not many months ago, while doing service as field secretary for Indiana Cen- tral University, he was secured by the pas- tor of a country church to hold an all-day meeting. The morning program was inter- fered with by a severe rainstorm, so that be- sides himself and the pastor, only three per- sons were present. Yet, he preached to his small audience with his wonted zeal and earnestness, the effort being pronounced by those who heard it superior to the one in the afternoon, when he had the inspiration of a full house. 204 The Experiences of Uncle Jack He never follows the beaten paths simply because others have walked tlierein. The fact that some one else did a thing in a cer- tain way is not sufficient reason why he should proceed upon the same plan. He imitates no one and it is safe to say no one imitates him, for the reason that he is so intensely oriijjinal ; the processes of his mind are so completely his own that no one could well repeat them. Bishop Edwards once said, "There is one man whose sermons no one has ever tried to copy ; that man is New- gent." This originality has been a valuable asset in debate. His opponent might come with his mind well furnished with all the laws of logic, the tactics known to debaters, and the arguments on both sides of the ques- tion well in hand, only to find his materials practically useless. Rev. Mr. Newgent's method being so unique, his approach to the subject from such unexpected angles, and his presentation of unheard-of arguments in defending his position, while transgressing no valid law of debate or of logic, made him a law unto himself. The opinions of other men rather than being accepted as author- ity, only serve to quicken his thought and incite to investigation. In preaching he is purely extemporaneous, often deferring the selection of a text or theme until after he 205 The Experiences of Uncle Jack enters the pulpit. But his resourceful mind, well stocked with information, the re- sult of general reading and observation, and his aptness at illustration, rendered safe for him what to some men would be a hazardous undertakinpj. While original in his thinking, he never discredits the opinions of others, no mat- ter how widely they may differ from his own. Honesty and sincerity he regards as superior to articles of faith. "If no one gets to heaven except those who believe as I do," he often says, "tlie audience there will be rather small." David said, in his haste, "All men are liars." If Rev. Mr. Newgent should err in his judgment of mankind, it would more likely be in the opposite direc- tion. A source of strength is his faith in men, their possibilities and aspirations for better things. To be a leader of men, this faith is imperative. Beneath the surface shale of human differences, selfishness and error, may be found a sub-stratum of gen- uine manhood. And upon this the true builder must build. He must recognize that he is dealing with intelligent beings who can think and feel, and who are possessed with a sense of honor and self-respect. The man who would inspire others to higher things must not despise or ignore these vital fac- 206 The Experiences of Uncle Jack tors of individual consciousness. There are sacred precincts in every life which the owner has a ri.oht to j^uard as with a flam- ini? sword, and which should not be ap- proached except with unsandaled feet and sanctified hands. That there is more real incentive to noble effort in a vision of the possibilities and beauty of a noble life than in the lash, is a prominent article in Rev. Mr. Newi?ent's faith. The spirit of "anti- ism" and the methods used by a certain type of evano-elists of pourins; out the vials of their sarcastic and vituperative wrath upon men and thini^s in p^eneral are offen- sive to him in the extreme. Hence, the posi- tive note is always dominant in his preach- ing. The secret of oettinor on with men is in knowino- what chord to strike to get the de- sired response. That he knows well the secret, the achievements of his career bear ample testimony. An incident in his boy- hood may not be out of place here, as it il- lustrates the principle by which he has been actuated throuohout his entire life in his relations with men. He was employed at a saw-mill. The loj^s were hauled from the forest to the mill with oxen. That an ox team is no friend to grace, is the general verdict of those who have experimental 207 The Experiences of Uncle Jack knowledge of ox-driving. One large, burly team in particular that was noted for ob- stinacy and general degeneracy, had defied all the skill and whips and profanity the driver could produce. He repeatedly had gone to the woods for his load and returned with the empty wagon. At a critical point in the road the team would balk and refuse to budge until the wagon was unloaded. It became a standing challenge to the entire crowd, different ones of whom accepted the challenge, with the same result. Finally Jack, as he was then called, asked permis- sion to try. He was only a spindlinG; lad of a hundred-weight avoirdupois, and the very suggestion was met with jeers. "Have you ever driven oxen?" he was asked. "No," was the reply, "but I think I have ox sense." They finally consented, but no one expected anything but another failure. The driver offered him the whip. "I don't need the whip," he said, and started for his charge. He made friends with his dumb servants, rubbed their ears, spoke to them coaxingly, and soon had them on the way to the woods. He took the precaution to provide himself with a small bag of corn. He succeeded in getting the log on the wagon and again patted the oxen, and as a reward of merit, gave them each a nubbin, letting them see 208 The Experiences of Uncle Jack that there was more in the bap: that would be available if they proved worthy. Thus, as he said, he "sooked" them alonjjj, and to the astonishment of the mill hands, arrived in an unusually short time with a lar^je \o^. It was not only a lesson to the men, but to himself as well, by which he has profited throu.ijhout his entire life. He has verified the fact many times that "sooking" will suc- ceed with men as well as oxen when the whip will fail. There are two kinds of leadership among men. One is the arbitrary leadership of the boss; the other is natural, a true leadership, which has for its basis personal strength and merit. The former is transient, having no real place among thinking and liberty-lov- ing people. The other is abiding, for the true leader is ever in demand. This latter type is quaintly set forth in Longfellow's "Song of Hiawatha": "As unto the bow the cord is, So is unto man the woman ; While she bends him, she obeys him. Though she leads him, yet she follows.'' It is the woman's leadership — controlling by obedience, leading by following. A para- dox, perhaps, but supported by the logic of actual achievements in every realm of hu- man endeavor. The workman controls the 209 The Experiences of tJncle Jack force of a stream by obeying that force. Should he plant his turbine on the hilltop and command the water to flow up the hill and turn the wheel, the stream would only laugh at his impudence as it rippled on its way. But when he plants his wheel in the current, the stream at once becomes his servant. It is the principle observed by the engineer, the sailor, the electrician, or the aviator in harnessing and utilizing the vari- ous forces of nature. The same principle lies at the basis of all true leadership in soci- ety, church, or state. The strict observance of it has enabled Eev. Mr. New gent to touch the motive springs of character by means of which men are aroused to action. His close sympathy with men ever gives him an unconscious, commanding influence. And this influence is always turned to account in their own uplifting and in the advance- ment of rigliteousness. Out of over a half- century in the public ministry, about one- half of his time has been spent as presiding elder. This official relation does not afford the opportunity for evangelistic and other forms of direct church work as does the pas-- torate; so that definite, visible results can- not readily be computed. Yet, few men have built for themselves greater or more en- during monuments in the line of tangible 210 The Experiences of Uncle Jack results. More than six thousand members have been oathered into the denomination throu<»h his labors. Thirty chnrch-houses stand to his credit as a churcli builder. He has ofliciated at about one hundred dedica- tor^^ exercises, a recojiuition of his ability as a moneY-2;etter. On Chautauqua platforms and special occasions of both a relioious and senii-relij?ious character he has been a prominent ficjure. And his advice is always at a premium in the counsels of the denom- ination. It has been well said, "When God made wit, he pronounced it i>ood." Rev. ^Fr. Newsjent has demonstrated the practical utility of sanctified wit and humor. It is possible, however, that his humor has led to more misconception of his character than any other t]iini>' that could be mentioned. The trait that touches the most popular chord is likely to be so ma. 'in a-' 'L^ "1 -nl >l 1> ul r ih T