N A ri2 ! R52 Environ. Desigr> UC-NRLF 3 117 7ft7 -..J Ik THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.arcliive.org/details/cliarterbyelawsOOroyaricli lEoyal institute OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. Encorporalelr in if)t Scbentft |9enr of Sgailliam IF. Patroness . THE QUEEN. Pateox . . . . H. R. H. prince albert. CHARTER, BYE LAWS. USUI CIVIUM, DECORI URBIUM. LOXDON 1853. PUBLISHED AT THE EOOMS OF THE INSTITUTE 16, GEOSVEIfOH STEEET. H -'X Cr' ll(l\Ti:i) UY J DAVY & SONS, 137, LONG ACRE. THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. /f^'^''^'!!^' Desf0ff SatUiam Wyt d?0Urt6 by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting SHj^^r^aS! our riafht trusty and risrht well ^^^itai of the & ^ O objects of the beloved Cousin and Councillor Thomas Philip institute. Earl De Grey hath by his petition humbly repre- sented unto us That he and divers other of our loving subjects have associated together for the purpose of forming an Institution for the general advancement of Civil Architecture and for pro- moting and facilitating the acquirement of the knowledge of the various Arts and Sciences con- nected therewith It being an art esteemed and encouraged in all enlightened nations as tending greatly to promote the domestic convenience of Citizens and the Public improvement and embel- lishment of Towns and Cities and have subscribed and paid considerable sums of money for those purposes and have formed a collection of Books and Works of Art and have estabhshed a Corres- pondence with Learned and Scientific Men in Foreign Countries for the purpose of Inquiry and Information upon the subject of the said Art And that they have been advised that the object of their Undertaking would be more effectually iviS6?521 CHARTER. I. The Insti- tute incorpo- rated. Name of the Corporation. May use a com- mon seal. May sue and be sued. attained were the same to receive our Royal Sanction and Confirmation and they have be- sought us to grant to them and to those who shall hereafter become Members of the same Society our Royal Charter of Incorporation for the purposes aforesaid ilob) ItnolO gC That we being desirous of encouraging a design so laudable and salutary of our especial grace certain knowledge and mere motion have willed granted and declared and do by these presents for us our heirs and successors will grant and declare That the said Thomas Philip Earl De Grey and such others of our loving subjects as have formed themselves into and are now Members of the said Society or who shall at any time hereafter become Mem- bers thereof according to such Regulations or Bye Laws as shall be hereafter framed or enacted shall by virtue of these presents be the Mem- bers of and form one Body Politic and Corporate for the purposes aforesaid by the name of " THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS" by which name they shall have perpetual suc- cession and a Common Seal with full power and authority to alter vary break and renew the same at their discretion and by the same name to sue and be sued implead and be impleaded answer and be answered unto in every Court of us our heirs and successors and be for ever able and capable in the Law to purchase receive possess and enjoy to them and their successors CHARTER. 6 any Goods and Chattels whatsoever and also be May purchase able and capable in the Law (notwithstanding the limited extent. statutes of Mortmain) to take purchase possess hold and enjoy to them and their successors a Hall and any messuages lands tenements or hereditaments whatsoever the yearly value of which including the site of the said Hall shall not exceed in the whole the sum of Two thousand pounds computing the same respectively at the Rack Rent which might have been had or gotten for the same respectively at the time of the pur- chase or acquisition thereof and to act in all the concerns of the said Body Politic and Corpo- rate for the purposes aforesaid as fully and eifectually to all intents effects constructions and purposes whatsoever as any other of our liege subjects or any other Body Politic or Cor- porate in our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland not being under any disability might do in their respective concerns ^nU b)t Uo hereby grant our especial license Ji- .Land may •' *-' *■ be given to the and authority unto all and every person and institute. persons Bodies Politic and Corporate (otherwise competent) to grant sell alien and convey in Mortmain unto and to the use of the said Society and their successors any messuages lands tene- ments or hereditaments not exceeding such annual value as aforesaid ^nt( our Will and Pleasure is and we fur- ^[^3^30^- ther gi-ant and declare that The Institute of AsiUtef Td British Architects shall consist of three classes of p^J"!'^!','^ 4 CHARTER. Members to be respectively called *' Fellows" ''Associates " and " Honorary Fellows " That the Qualification of Fcllows shall be Architects who have been engaged as Principals for at least seven successive years in the practice of Civil Architecture That the of Associates. Associatcs shall be persons engaged in the Study or Practice of Civil Architecture for a less term than seven years and who have attained the age of Twenty one years but such Associates are Associates are uot to be eligible to liold any Office in the said office^exceptYf Society hereinafter mentioned excepting that of Auditor; or to . t, i • i , j , j_i vote or inter-. Auditor uor havc any right to vote or otherwise affairs. " ^ to interfere in the regulation of the Affairs of the Honorary Said Society That the Honorary Fellows shall be persons unconnected with any Branch of Building as a Trade or Business to be admitted upon such terms and conditions as may be de- termined by any Bye Law or Regulation to be made as hereinafter mentioned And the said are not to vote, HoHorai'y Fellows are not to have any right to except that of votc at the Meetings of the said Society nor to be eligible to any of the Offices of the said So- ciety except that of President as hereinafter mentioned IV. To hold glntJ Our Will and pleasure is And We further general meet- ings- grant and declare that there shall be General Meetings of the Members of the said Body Politic and Corporate to be held from time to time as hereinafter mentioned And that there shall To have a always be a Council to direct and manage the Council. Affairs of the said Body Politic and Corporate CHARTER. 5 And that the General Meetings and the Council shall have the entire direction and management of the same in the manner and subject to the Regulations hereinafter mentioned But our Will and Pleasure is that at all General Meetings and Meetings of the Council the majority of the Members present and having a right to vote thereat respectively shall decide upon the mat- ters propounded at such Meetings the person presiding therein having in case of an equality of numbers a second or casting vote ^nl3f b)t Ho hereby also will grant and v. Councnto declare that the Council shall consist of a Pre- President, three sident three Vice Presidents two Secretaries two Secretaries' T , .1 r, pj 1 i_ 1 and not more and not more than tiiteen nor less than seven than fifteen nor other Members to be elected out of such Mem- o'ther mer^blrs, bers of the said Body Politic and Corporate as pew" ^' shall be of the class of Fellows Provided always that it shall be lawful for the President to be elected out of the class of Members to be called Honorary Fellows And that the said Thomas The Eari de Philip Earl De Grey shall be the first President sideJt, and ple- And the other persons now forming the Council SrScouncu! of the said Society shall be the first Members of the Council of the said Body Politic and Corporate and shall continue such until the first General Meeting for the election of Officers shall be held in pursuance of these presents ^ttt( b)t IKO hereby further will grant and vi. To hold general meet- declare that it shall be lawful for the Members ings for election b CHARTER. of President, of the Said Body Politic and Corporate hereby dents^ "Sere- established to hold General Meetings once in taries, Council, ,-, ^ p j_i i • fi. Treasurer, and thc year or oitcncr tor the piu-poses nerematter two Auditors, i^ei^tioned namely That the General Meetings shall choose the President Vice Presidents two Secretaries and other Members of the Comicil and also a Treasurer and two Auditors one of which Qualification of Auditors shall be a Fellow and the other an Auditors. Associate vn. General "S^j^flt the General Meetings shall make and meetings may make bye laws, establish such Bye Laws as they shall deem to be useful and necessary for the Regulation of the said Body Politic and Corporate for the admission of Members for the management of the estates goods and business of the said Body Politic and Corporate and for fixing and determining the manner of electing the President Vice Presidents and other Members of the Council and other Officers aforesaid and the period of their con- tinuance in Office as shall be deemed necessary or useful for the said Body Politic and Corporate and such Bye Laws from time to time shall or And alter bye ^^7 alter Vary or revoke and shall or may And'makenew ^lakc such uew and otlicr Bye Laws as they shall bye laws. think uiost uscful and expedient so that the same be not repugnant to these presents or to the Laws and Statutes of this our Realm and shall and may also enter into any Resolution and make any Regulation respecting any of the affairs and concerns of the said Body Politic and Cor- CHARTER. 7 porate that shall be thought necessary and proper And we do will and declare that the first of such First general General Meetings as aforesaid shall be held S'^^thi^ si^ within six calendar months from the date of these ™°^' ^" presents Slntl We fin-ther will grant and declare that "^'"i- The _ ^ Council (sub- the Council shall (Subject to the powers vested ject to gene- , , ral meetings) m the (jreneral Meetings) have the sole manage- to manage the ment of the Income and Funds of the said Body Politic and Corporate and also the entire ma- nagement and superintendance of all the other affairs and concerns thereof and the exclusive right of nominating a Librarian and such other To nominate Officers Attendants and Servants as they may other officers. deem necessary or useful to the Society and of removing them if they shall think fit and shall prescribe their respective duties And it shall be lawful for the Council or any three or more Quorum of of them to assemble and meet together when and as often as they shall think fit and do such acts as to them or to the majority of them then present shall appear necessary or fitting for the objects and views of the said Body Politic and Corporate ^ntK We further will grant and declare that ix. The pro- the whole Property of the said Body Politic and Corporation to Corporate shall be vested And We do hereby the FeUows, "^ vest the same solely and absolutely in the first Class of Members thereof called Fellows And that they shall have full power and authority to g^if ITMl sell alienate charge or otherwise to dispose of Jonsen^'^oT"* general meeting 8 CHARTER. the same as they shall think proper but that no sale mortgage incumbrance or other dis- position of any messuage lands tenements or hereditaments belonging to the said Body Politic and Corporate shall be made except with the approbation and concurrence of a General Meeting X. No bye ^Ittf lut Is^tl^) declare it to be Our Royal law to be con- i-tt-.t, ■, ^^^ , -n* i • t-. trarj' to intent Will auQ rlcasurc that no Resolution or Bye Law laws of 'the shall ou any account or pretence whatsoever be made by the said Body Politic and Corporate in opposition to the general scope true intent and meaning of this our Charter or the Laws or Statutes of Ovu- Realm And that if any such rule or Bye Law shall be made the same shall be absolutely null and void to all intents effects constructions and purposes whatsoever Stt ^Wiitnt^^ whereof We have caused these our Letters to be made Patent Witm&& Ourself at our Palace at West- minster the eleventh day of January in the seventh year of Our Reign. By writ of Privy Seal. EDMUNDS. BYE LAWS THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS, Made and established at a General Meeting of the Members, holden on tlie 17th day of January, 1853, in lieu of the then existing Bye Laws. SECTION I. THE COUNCIL. 1. The Council of the Institute shall, besides a President, three Vice Presidents, and two Secre- taries, consist of ten other Members of the class of Fellows. SECTION II. HONORARY MEMBEUS. 2. Persons not being British Architects, but eminent for their works or scientific acquirements, shall be eligible to be associated to the Institute without any contribution, under the designation of Honorary Members, if resident in the United King- dom, or of Honorary and Corresponding Members if resident abroad, and be elected in manner herein- after mentioned. They shall hav^e the privilege of being present at all Ordinary General Meetings, and of access to the Library and Museum, but they shall have no right of voting or otherwise interfering in the affairs of the Institute, nor shall they join in any other discussions than those relating to subjects of art and science. I BYE LAWS. SECTION III. THE ELECTION OF FELLOWS, ASSOCIATES, HONORARY FELLOWS, AND HONORARY MEMBERS. 3. All persons desirous of being admitted Fel- lows, Associates, or Honorary Fellows, must be proposed agreeably to the form. No. 1, in the Ap- pendix, wherein must be inserted the Christian name. Surname, and usual place of residence of the candi- date, and this form must be subscribed by him and by at least three Fellows, who shall certify their personal knowledge of the individual. 4. The recommendation of every candidate must be delivered to the Secretary, who shall submit the same to the Council ; if they shall find the candi- date qualified according to the regulations of the Institute, the recommendation shall be signed by the Chairman of the Council : it shall then be read at the first following Ordinary General Meeting, after which it shall be hung up during that and the two successive Ordinary General Meetings, at the latter of which the candidate shall be balloted for. 5. Every person proposed as an Honorary Member, or Honorary and Corresponding Member, must be recommended by at least three Fellows, who must state the reasons which in their opinion entitle him to such distinction, pursuant to form No. II. in the Appendix. 6. The nomination of all Honorary Members, and Honorary and Corresponding Members, must be approved by the Council, and be read and hung BYE LAWS. 3 up at the first subsequent Ordinary General Meet- ing ; after which the election shall take place at the next Ordinary General Meeting. 7. No election of any Member shall take place at any meeting without due notice thereof having been given in the circular convening the Meeting. 8. The Ordinary General Meeting may dis- pense with the ballot in the case of candidates to be Honorary Fellows, Honorary Members, or Honorary and Corresponding Members, and elect them by show of hands. 9. The proportion of votes requisite for the election of any person by ballot shall be at least four-fifths of the persons voting. In case of the non- election of any person balloted for, or proposed to be elected by a show of hands, no notice shall be taken thereof in the Minutes. No person shall be balloted for a second time, within a period of twelve calendar months, if not elected on the first ballot. 10. An Associate being eligible, and desiring to become a Fellow, must go through all the forms pre- scribed for the election of a Fellow. 11. When a person is elected into any of the Classes, one of the Secretaries shall immediately in- form him of his election by letter, as in the Appendix No. in., if he be elected a Fellow or Associate ; and no Fellow, Associate, Honorary Fellow, Honorary Member, or Honorary and Corresponding Member, shall be considered entitled to the rights and privi- leges of his particular class until he shall have sig- nified his acquiescence in the election. c2 4 BYE LAWS. 12. Every person elected a Fellow or Associate of the Institute shall pay his first annual contribution or his composition within two months of the day of his election, otherwise his election shall be void. 13. Every Fellow and Associate shall be re- quired to sign, as soon as possible after his election, the form A, or B, (No. III. in the Appendix), as the case may be, and, having likewise paid his compo- sition or his first annual contribution, he shall be admitted at the first meeting of the Institute at which he may be present. 14. The President of the Meeting, addressing him by name, shall say — " As President of this Meeting I hereby admit you a Fellow [o?- otherrdse, according to his Class] of the Institute of British Architects." 15. The following shall be deemed grounds for the expulsion of any Fellow or Associate, viz. — Firstly : Of any Fellow ; for having engaged since his election as Fellow in the measurement, valuation, or estimation of any works undertaken, or proposed to be undertaken, by any building artificer, but such as are proposed to be executed, or have been exe- cuted, under the Member's own designs or directions, except as referee or arbitrator ; and, secondly, of any Fellow or Associate ; for the receipt or acceptance of any pecuniary consideration or emolument from any builder, or other tradesman, whose works he may have been engaged to superintend ; or for having any interest or participation in any trade, contract, or materials supplied at any works, the execution BYE LAWS. 5 whereof he may be or have been engaged to super- intend ; or for any conduct which, in the opinion of the Council, shall be derogatory to his professional character. Such charges shall be entertained, con- sidered, and determined by the Council only. No Fellow or Associate shall be expelled unless nine of the Council concur in the vote of expulsion ; and if they so concur, the Member shall be considered expelled on the President of the next Ordinary General Meeting which shall be held, announcing such determination of the Council to the Members present, and one of the Secretaries shall forthwith communicate the same to such Member according to form No. VI. in the Appendix. SECTION IV. THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS, AND OF THE COUNCIL. 16. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Sec- retaries, and the ten other Members of the Council, shall be elected annually by ballot, at the General Meeting of Members only, which shall be held on the first Monday in May. 17. No Member, who has filled the office of President for two successive years, shall be again eligible to the same situation, until the expiration of one year from the termination of his office. 18. Two only of the Vice-Presidents shall be eligible to be re-elected each year. 19. The Secretaries shall be eligible to be re- appointed. 20. Six only of the ten other Members of the Council, who may have served during the whole of b BYE LAWS. any one year, shall be re-elected for the ensuing year. In the event of any vacancies occurring in the Council previously to the Annual General Meeting, such vacancies shall be from time to time filled up at a Special General Meeting, to be called as hereinafter provided, but no Member of the Council, except the Honorary Secretaries, who may have served two whole successive years shall be eligible to be re-elected, until the expiration of one year from the termination of such service. SECTION V. THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF MEMBERS. 21. Noblemen and gentlemen presenting the Institute with a sum of not less than twenty-five guineas, may be elected Honorary Fellows. 22. The contribution of each Fellow residing or practising in London, or within ten miles of the General Post Office, shall be five guineas for admis- sion, and four guineas for annual subscription ; or he may at his entrance compound for his contri- butions by the payment of forty guineas, or at any time after the first year by a payment of thirty-five guineas. Each Fellow residing and practising at a greater distance than ten miles from the General Post Office, shall pay three guineas for admission, and two guineas for annual subscription ; or he may, at his entrance, compound for his contributions by the payment of twenty guineas ; or at any time after the first year by the payment of seventeen guineas, provided always, that should a Member, after having paid his composition practise, or come to reside in the London district, he shall pay such addi- BYE LAWS. 7 tional sum as shall make up the same amount as he would have had to pay as a composition, in the event of his having been resident or practising in London at the time of his election ; and should he not have compounded for his annual contributions, he shall pay two guineas additional admission fee, and the annual subscription of four guineas as a London member. 23. Each Associate residing or practising in London, or within ten miles of the General Post Office, shall pay three guineas for the first year, and two guineas for every subsequent year. Each Asso- ciate residing and practising at a greater distance than ten miles from the General Post Office, shall pay two guineas for the first year, and one guinea for every subsequent year. No Associate shall com- pound for his annual subscription. 24. Honorary Members, or Honorary and Cor- responding Members, shall not be required to contribute to the funds of the Institute. 25. All annual payments shall be due on the first of January, and shall always be paid one year in advance. Every person elected a Member after Michaelmas shall pay his first annual contribution, or his composition, before the 31st of December in the same year, otherwise his election shall be void, but he shall not be required to make any further payment before the first day of the subsequent January twelvemonth. 26. Every Fellow and Associate shall be liable to the payment of his annual subscription, and to all the official acts of the Institute, until he has either 8 BYE LAWS. forfeited his claim to be a Member, or has signified in writing to one of the Secretaries his intention to resign, when, upon payment of all arrears, his name shall be withdrawn from the list of Members. In case a Member whose subscription is not in arrear shall remain abroad more than one year in the pursuit of his professional studies, and shall give previous notice of his intention in writing, he shall pay during such absence only one half of the ordinary subscription. 27. The name of every Member whose annual subscription may be in arrear on the first Monday in May shall be forthwith put up in the rooms of the Institute, with a statement of the amount due, and shall remain there till the arrears shall have been paid, or till the name shall have been transferred to the defaulter's list hereafter mentioned. A letter, in the form No. IV. in the Appendix, shall be forthwith sent by post to every Member whose name may be so put up. Whenever any Member shall during two years permit his annual subscription to remain in arrear, a letter in the form No. V. in the Appendix shall be sent to him by post ; and if the arrears shall not be paid within six weeks after the forwarding of such letter, the name of such defaulter shall be put up for six weeks in the Rooms of the Institute ; and if the arrears be not paid within that time, the defaulter shall, with the consent of the Council, be declared at the next Ordinary General Meeting, to have ceased to be a Member, and one of the Sec- retaries shall forthwith comnnmicate the same to him BYE LAWS. 9 according to the form No. VI. in the Appendix ; pro- vided always that the Council may at any time direct an action to be commenced and prosecuted in the name of the Institute against such defaulter, for the recovery of any arrears of such subscription, which action shall be carried on under the direction of the Council, and the money recovered thereby shall form part of the funds of the Institute. 28. All Members, whether Associates or Fellows, are expected, within twelve months after their elec- tion, to deliver an original Paper to the Council, on some subject connected with Architecture, or to make a donation to the Library or Collection. SECTION VI. THE COUNCIL. 29. The Council shall have the management and direction of all the affairs of the Institute, the appointment and dismissal of the Librarian and attendants, and the prescribing their respective duties, subject to the control of the General Meet- ings. The Council shall meet at the apartments of the Institute at least once in every month during the session, but any three Members of the Council may, by letter to one of the Secretaries, require an Extraordinary Meeting to be called. Due notice of each Meeting of the Council shall be sent by direc- tion of the Secretaries to every Member thereof. 30. All questions shall be decided in the Council by vote, unless a ballot be demanded; in the case of equality, the person presiding shall have a second or casting vote. The determination of the 10 BYE LAWS. Council, whether by vote or ballot, shall, at the desire of any three Members present, be deferred to the succeeding Meeting. 31. The Council shall present a Report on the state of the property and affairs of the Institute to the Annual General Meeting, which shall give an ab- stract of the proceedings during the year, and an account of the funds, including a balance sheet of the receipts and disbursements properly audited. 32. The Council shall have power to make such regulations for carrying into effect the charter and the bye laws, and for the general management of the affairs of the Institute as circumstances shall, in their opinion, render from time to time necessary ; such regulations to be reported to the next Ordinary General Meeting, and to be subject to repeal or alteration by a Special General Meeting of the Members of the Institute to be summoned for that purpose in the manner described in Section XIV. SECTION VII. THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS. 33. The duty of the President shall be ; to take the chair at the Meetings, to regulate and keep order in the proceedings, and to carry into effect the regulations of the Institute. 34. In the absence of the President, the Vice- Presidents in rotation shall take the chair and con- duct the business of the Meeting; and in the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, a Member of the Council, or an Honorary, or other BYE LAWS. 11 Fellow whom the Meeting may elect, shall take the chair. SECTION VIII. THE SECRETARIES. 35. The Secretaries have the same rights as the other Members of the Comicil, and shall, in addition to their usual duties, attend all Meetings of the Institute and of the Council, and see that the minutes of all the proceedings are properly entered in the books provided for the purpose. 36. At the Ordinary General Meetings they shall read the minutes of the preceding Meeting; give notice of any candidate proposed for admission, or to be balloted for ; announce the donations, and read such letters and papers as the Council shall direct. 37. The Secretaries shall have the superin- tendence of the Librarian* and the persons employed * The duties of the Librarian, under the control and direction of the Secretaries, shall be — To assist them generally. To attend at the Rooms from 10 to 5 daily, between the 20th of October and the 31st of August, (excepting the Easter and Christmas weeks), and on the Evenings of Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays during the Session, from 7 to 10. To consider the whole of his time during such attendance to be devoted to the purposes of the Institute. To be in attendance during all Meetings of the Institute, and to take notes, &c., of the proceedings. To keep the minutes of the above-named proceedings, and when required enter the same in the books, to keep the accounts, to prepare notices of meetings, and to make drawings necessary for the illustration of the papers communicated to the Institute. 12 BYE LAWS. by the Institute, subject to the control of the Council. 38. The Secretaries shall have the charge, under the direction of the Council, of managing the cor- respondence, and of printing and publishing the Transactions and proceedings of the Institute. SECTION IX. THE AUDITORS. 39. The Auditors shall be annually appointed to audit the accounts of the Institute, and to report thereon to the Annual General Meeting. SECTION X. THE TREASURER. 40. The Treasurer shall be a banker in London or Westminster, with whom all money belonging to the Institute shall be deposited by the Council, on account and for the use of the Institute. 41. No sum of Money shall be paid by the Treasurer on account of the Institute, except by a warrant of the Council, signed by three Members thereof and one of the Secretaries. SECTION XI. THE PROPERTY OF THE INSTITUTE. 42. The whole of the effects and property of the Institute shall be under the control and manage- ment of the Council, subject to the instructions of the General Meetings. And the Council shall not enter into or vacate any lease or agreement, on account of the said Institute, without the sanction of a BYE LAWS. 13 Special General Meeting of the Institute, or of the Annual Meeting ; due notice having been given of the business to be then taken into consideration ; but the Council shall be at liberty to exchange or dispose of the duplicates of books, casts, or other articles, without such previous sanction. 43. The surplus of the income (after providing for the current expenses,) the composition of each Fellow, less his entrance fee, and the contributions of Hono- rary Fellows, shall be invested in Government Secu- rities, the interest only to be available for the current disbursements, and no portion shall be withdrawn without the sanction of a Special General Meeting. 44. Every paper, which may be presented to the Institute, shall, in consequence of such presen- tation, be considered the property of the Institute ; and the Council may publish the same in any way and at any time that they may think proper, unless there shall have been any previous engagement with its Author to the contrary. But should the Council not pubhsh such paper within eighteen months from its reception, the Author shall have a right to copy the same, and publish it under his own directions. No other person, however, shall publish any paper belonging to the Institute, without the previous con- sent of the Council. SECTION XII. THE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS. 45. The Session of the Institute shall commence annually on the first Monday in November, and Or- 14 BYE LAWS. dinary General Meetings shall be held on every alter- nate Monday (Christmas, Passion, and Easter weeks excepted) until June inclusive ; but it shall be in the power of the Council to vary the commencement and duration of the Session, should it appear neces- sary. The chair shall be taken as soon after eight o'clock as there shall be five Fellows present, and the business of the Institute shall commence forthwith. 46. Every Fellow, Associate, Honorary Fellow, Honorary Member, and Honorary and Corre- sponding Member, shall have the privilege of introducing one Visitor, to be present at the public business of the Institute, whose name shall be written in the book provided for that purpose. 47. At the Ordinary General Meetings no ques- tion relating to the regulation or management of the Institute shall be brought forward ; nor shall any new matter be brought forward after half-past nine o'clock, and the business of the evening shall terminate as soon as may be after ten o'clock. SECTION XIII. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 48. An Annual General Meeting of the Mem- bers of the Institute shall be held on the first Monday in May, to receive and consider the Report of the Council on the state of the Institute, and to elect the officers for the ensuing twelve months. SECTION XIV. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS. 49. The Council may at any time call a Special General Meeting of the Members of the Institute for BYE LAWS. 15 a specific purpose, and they shall at all times be bound to do so on the written requisition of eight Fellows, which shall specify the nature of the business to be transacted. Notice of the time of such Meeting shall be sent to Members at least five days previously, and they shall, at the same time, be informed of the nature of the business to be brought forward, and no other question shall be discussed at such Meeting. SECTION XV. ALTERING THE BYE LAWS. 50. The Council shall, when they consider it expedient to propose the enactment of any new bye law, or the alteration, repeal or suspension of any existing one, summon a Special General Meeting of Members to decide thereon. 51. The enactment of any new bye law, or the alteration, repeal or suspension of any exist- ing bye law, may be recommended to the Council by a recommendation written out and signed by eight Fellows ; and the Council shall decide on the propriety of submitting such recommendation to a Special General Meeting. If their decision be not satisfactory to the Fellows signing such recom- mendation, the Council shall, if required by them, submit the same to a Special General Meeting of Members to be convened for that purpose. 52. No new bye law, nor alteration, suspension, or repeal of any existing bye law, shall be proposed or made except at a Special General Meeting of 16 BYE LAWS. Members duly summoned in the manner described in Section XIV. SECTION XVI. COMMITTEES. 53. The Council shall have power to appoint Committees, for the purpose of investigating specific subjects connected with the objects of the Institute ; and the reports of such Committees shall be sub- mitted to the Council previously to their being laid before the Institute. SECTION XVII. THE ADJUDICATION OF MEDALS AND PREMIUMS. 54. The Reports of the Council on the adjudica- tion of Medals and Premiums shall be submitted to the consideration of the Fellows and Associates, and the final award shall be decided by the Votes of the Fel- lows at an Ordinary or at a Special General Meeting. SECTION XVIII. DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS. 55. The name of every person who shall con- tribute to the collection, the library, or the general funds of the Institute, shall be announced and re- corded in the minutes of the Ordinary General Meet- ing next ensuing, and published in the Report submitted to the next Annual General Meeting. Every person desirous of bequeathing to the Institute any Manuscript, Books, Sculptures, Casts, BYE LAWS. 17 Models, Pictures, or Instruments, is requested to make use of the following form in his will, viz. : " I give and bequeath to the Institute of British Architects in London" \Jiere enu- merate the effects, or' 'property, intended to be bequeathed'] " for the use of the said Society." Every person desirous of bequeathing to the Insti- tute a sum of money or stock, either for the general purposes of the Institute, or to establish a prize for the best production, or any particular subject con- nected with Architecture, is requested to make use of the following form in his will : — " I give and bequeath to the Institute of British Architects, in London, the sum of , for the use of the said Society, and for the purpose of" \Jiere express the particular object in viexv, if any\ Every person desirous of giving to the Institute any lands, houses, or other real property, is recommended not to proceed to carry his intention into execution ztith- out first taking legal advice, in order that the proper forms may be adopted to prevent such gift being void at law, under the Mortmain Act. SECTION XIX. THE COMMON SEAL AND DEEDS. bQ. The common Seal of the Institute shall bear the arms following: gules, two lions rampant guardant or, supporting a column, all standing upon a base argent, the column and base marked D 18 BYE LAWS. with lines chevronny and masoned ; a garter sur- rounding the whole with the inscription, " Institute of British Architects, anno salutis MDCCCXXXIV." being the date of the formation of the Society ; above a mural crown proper, and beneath the motto, " Usui Civium, Decori Urbium." 57. The Charter, the Common Seal, and Deeds of the Institute, shall be deposited in an iron chest. 58. The common seal shall not be affixed to any deed or writing, except at a meeting of the Council, and by their authority ; and such deed or writing shall then be signed by the President, Vice- President, or the Fellow in the chair, and by two of the Fellows present, and by one of the Secretaries, excepting certificates of election of Honorary and Corresponding Members, which may be signed by the President or two Vice-Presidents, and counter- signed by one of the Secretaries. 18a BYE LAWS. 6a. The Council may from time to time admit to the Library and Museum and to the Ordinary General Meetings, subject to such regulations as the Council may make, such persons as they shall think proper, who are not professionally engaged in the practice of Architecture, but who are qualified to concur with Architects in the advancement of Science and Art. Such persons to pay an Annual Subscrip- tion of two guineas, but to have no right to interfere in the aifairs of the Institute ; and they are to be called " Contributing Visitors." (regulations made by the council in pursuance of THE ABOVE BYE LAW 6a.) Every person desirous of being admitted under the last mentioned Bye Law must be proposed agreeably to the form No. VIL in the Appendix, wherein must be inserted his Christian name, sur- name, description, and usual place of residence, and this form must be subscribed by him, and by at least three Fellows, who shall certify their personal knowledge of him. The recommendation of every such person must be delivered to the Secretary, who shall submit the same to the Council, and if they shall consider such person qualified according to the provisions of the above Bye Law No. 6a, the recommendation shall be signed by the Chairman of the Council, and notice thereof shall be given to each Member of the Council in the summons for the next Meeting of the Council, BYE LAWS. \8b at which, or at some adjourned Meeting, the admission or non-admission of such person shall be decided upon, and if he be admitted his name shall be an- nounced at the first subsequent Ordinary General Meeting. When a person is admitted as a Contributing Visitor the Secretary shall immediately inform him thereof by letter, but no such person shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of such admission till he shall have paid his first Annual Subscription. No formal admission by the President of a Meeting, as in case of Members, shall be necessary. The Bye Law 27 shall extend to Contributing Visitors, and their admission shall be subject to its stipulations. In case the Council shall consider it undesirable to admit a person so recommended, an entry shall be made in the Minutes of the Council Meeting stating that his admission was negatived, and no such person shall be proposed a second time before the expiration of twelve calendar months. It shall be lawful for the Council, or any seven Members thereof concurring in a vote at a Meeting specially summoned, to declare that the admission of any Contributing Visitor shall be cancelled, and there- upon notice of such resolution shall be given to him or left at his place of residence specified in the form No. VII., and the current Year's Subscription shall be returned to him. APPENDIX. No. I. A. B. of , having read the Charter and Bye Laws of the Institute of British Architects, and being duly quahfied and wilHng to conform thereto, is desirous of being admitted a [here state the class into zvhich the party is proposed for admissioii]. We, the undersigned, diO, from our personal hiozvledge of him, propose and recommend him to the Council for ballot. Witness our hands this day of Signature of Candidate. FelloAvs. No. II. We, the undersigned. Fellows of the Institute of British Architects, do hereby nominate and recom- mend to the Council for election, as Honorary (Honorary and Corresponding) {as the case may he) Member, A. B. of , his works being known to us, and of sufficient importance, in our opinion, to entitle him to such distinction, (or words of like import stating the qualification of the party proposed.) Witness our hands this day of . Fellows. 20 APPENDIX. No. III. Sir, I have the pleasure to inform you, that on you were elected \_as the case may be'] of the Institute of British Architects. Pre- viously to your being admitted, it is necessary, in conformity with the regulations, that the enclosed form should be signed by you and returned to me, and that your first annual contribution of or composition of in lieu of annual pay- ments, should be paid forthwith to the Treasurer, or to the Librarian, at the rooms of the Institute. If the payment be not made within two months from the present date, your election will become void in com- pliance with the Bye Law No. 12, Section III. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient Servant, N.B. It is desirable that, on your first atten- dance at the Ordinary General Meetings, one of the Gentlemen who nominated you should introduce you to the Chairman for admission in due form. A. FORM TO BE SIGNED BY A FELLOW. I, the undersigned, being elected a Fellow of the Institute of British Architects, do hereby declare that I have been engaged as Prin- cipal for at least seven successive years in the Practice of Civil Architecture ;— that I am not, and will not be, engaged in the measurement. APPENDIX. 21 valuation, or estimation of any works, under- taken or proposed to be undertaken, by any building artificer, except such as are proposed to be executed, or have been executed, under my own direction, or from my own designs, or as Referee or Arbitrator ; — that I will not re- ceive or accept any pecuniary consideration or emolument from any builder or other trades- man, whose works I may be engaged to super- intend ; — and that I will not have any interest or participation in any trade contract or mate- rials, supplied at any works, the execution of which I may be engaged to superintend ; — and I further promise and engage, that I will be governed by the Charter of Incorporation and by the Bye Laws of the said Institute, or as they may be hereafter altered, amended, or enlarged ; — and that by every lawful means in my power I will advance the objects of the said Institute, and will attend the meetings thereof, as often as I conveniently can ; pro- vided that whenever I shall signify in writing to one of the Secretaries for the time being, that I am desirous of withdrawing my name there- from, I shall (after payment of any arrears of Subscription which may be due by me at that period) be free from this obligation. Witness my hand this day of 22 APPENDIX. B. FORM TO BE SIGNED BY AN ASSOCIATE. I, the undersigned, being elected an Associate of the Institute of British Architects, do hereby declare that I am engaged in the study of Civil Architecture, and have attained the age of twenty-one years ; — that I will not receive or accept any pecuniary consideration or emolu- ment from any builder or other tradesman, whose works I may be engaged to superintend ; — and that I will not have any interest or par- ticipation in any trade contract or materials, supplied at any works, the execution of which I may be engaged to superintend ; — and I fur- ther promise and engage, that I will be governed by the Charter of Incorporation and by the Bye Laws of the said Institute, or as they may be hereafter altered, amended, or enlarged ; — and that by every lawful means in my power I will advance the objects of the said Institute, and will attend the meetings thereof, as often as I conveniently can ; provided that whenever I shall signify in writing to one of the Secre- taries for the time being, that I am desirous of withdrawing my name therefrom, I shall (after payment of any arrears of Subscription which may be due by me at that period) be free from this obligation. Witness my hand this day of APPENDIX. 23 No. IV. Sir, It is my duty to inform you that, in con- formity with the Bye Law 27, (an extract from which is annexed), your name was put up in the rooms of the Institute of British Architects, on Monday, the inst, your contribution, amounting to being in arrear since January 1st. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, Hon. Sec. No. V. Sir, It is my duty to inform you that, in con- formity with the Bye Law 27, (an extract ft'om which is annexed), your name will be put up in the rooms of the Institute of British Architects, as a Defaulter, unless the arrears due January 1st, amounting to be paid within six weeks from this date. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, Hon. Sec. No. VI. Sir, It is my duty to inform you that, by a resolution of the Council of the Institute of British Architects, pursuant to the Bye Law No. 15, Section III, you are no longer a Member of the Institute. I am. Sir, Your obedient Servant, Hon. Sec. 24a APPENDIX. Form No. VII. A. B. of having read the Rules and Stipulations hereunto annexed, and being duly qualified and wilHng to conform thereto, as also to the Regulations made and to be made by the Council with regard to Contributing Visitors, is desirous of being admitted a Contributing Visitor to the Insti- tute of British Architects. We, the undersigned, diO, from our personal knowledge of him, propose and recommend him to the Council for admission. Witness our hands this day of Signature of Candidate. Fellows. RULES AND STIPULATIONS. Contributing Visitors to the Institute of British Architects shall be persons who are not profes- sionally engaged in the practice of Architecture, but who are qualified to concur with Architects in the advancement of Science and Art. Upon payment of an Annual Subscription of two guineas in advance they shall have the privilege of being present at all Ordinary General Meetings, and of access to the Library and Museum ; but they shall have no right of voting or otherwise interfering in the affairs of the Institute, nor shall they join in any other discussion than those relating to Science and Art. APPENDIX 246 Contributing Visitors wishing to withdraw their names shall give due notice in writing to the Secre- tary before the commencement of another year ; and the Council of the Institute shall have the power, should they think proper, on giving previous notice in writing to any Contributing Visitor, to remove his name from the hst, and he shall thereupon cease to be a Contributing Visitor. 14 DAY USE ^^M RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED] ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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