UC-NRLF ^B aos 20"^ iiiiiiisHiiii^i^H GIFT OF ELECTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA REVISION OF L)05. ' OFFICE OF '^ SEC'TY. OF STATE Lincoln, - N^br. LINCOLN, NEB.: STATK .lOURNAL COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1905. rK^;.;:iV¥^■'>/.^^■':•J.: ELECTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA REVISION OF 1905. LINCOLN, NEB : STATE JOURNAL COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1905. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/electionlawsofstOOnebrrich A ' if c *;\ , , ELECTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. GENERAL ELECTION LAW. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, chapter 26.) Section 1. [When held.] The general election of this state shall be held on Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November of each year. [1879, 240.] Sec. 2. [Officers to be elected.] All state, district, county, pre- cinct, and township officers, by the constitution and laws made elective by the people, except school district officers, and municipal officers in cities and villages, shall be elected at a general election to be held at the time provided in the preceding section. Sec. 3. [Qualifications of voters.] Every male person of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, belonging to either of the following- classes, who shall have resided in the state six months, in the county forty days, and in the precinct, township, or ward ten days, shall be an elector. First— Citizens of the United States. Second— Fevsons of for- eign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of natural- ization at least thirty davs prior to an election. Sec. 4. [Disqualification.] No person shall be qualified to vote who is iwn compos mentis, or who has been convicted of treason or felony under the law of the state, or of the United States, unless restored to- civil rights. Sec. 5. [Soldiers and sailors.] No soldier, seaman, or marine in the army and navy of the United States shall be deemed a resident of the state in consequence of being stationed therein. Sec. 6. [Privileges.] Electors shall in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace be privileged from arrest during their attendance at elections, and going to and returning from the same, and no electors shall be obliged to do military duty on the days of election, except in time of war and public danger. Sec. 7. [Officers elected.] One (1) judge of the Supreme Court and two regents of the University shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred seventy-nine (1879) and ev[e]ry second year thereafter, who shall serve for the term of six (6) years. Judges of the district court shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred seventy-nine (1879) and ev[e]ry four years therafter. The governor, lieutenant governor, con- gressman, state treasurer, auditor of public accounts, secretary of state, attorney-general, commissioner of public lands and buildings, superin- tendent of public instructions, and members of the legislature shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred and eighty (1880) and ev[e]ry second year thereafter. In all counties, one county assessor shall be elected in the year 1903 and ev[e]ry fourth year thereafter. In counties (3) 257178 4 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. not under township organization, one (1) county judge, one (1) sheriff, one (1) coroner, one (1) county treasurer, one (1) county clerk, one (1) county surveyor, one (1) county superintendent of public instruction shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred seventy-nine (1879) and ev[e]ry second year thereafter, and in each precinct two (2) justices of the peace and two (2) constables shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred seventy-nine (1879) and ev[e]ry second year thereafter, ex- cept as hereinafter provided, and one (1) overseer of highways for each road district shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred seventy-nine (1879) and annually thereafter, and one (1) county commissioner shall be elected annually who shall serve three (3) years. In counties under township organization, one (1) county judge, one (1) sheriff, one (1) coroner, one (1) county treasurer, one (1) county clerk, one (1) county surveyor, and one (1) county superintendent of public instructions shall be elected at the first general election after the adoption of township organization, and every second year thereafter. At the first general election in each township after the adoption of township organ- ization, one (1) town clerk, one (1) town treasurer, and one (1) overseer of highways in each road district shall be elected annually thereafter, and one (1) justice of the peace and one (1) constable shall be elected at said election, and ev[e]ry second year thereafter, except as hereinafter in this section provided, and at said election, one super- visor shall be elected in each supervisor district, and thereafter each odd numbered year, in the odd numbered supervisor district, and each even numbered year, in the even numbered supervisor district, said supervisor districts to be numbered by the county board at their first regular meeting after the passage of this act or the subsequent adoption of township organization, as nearly as practicable, in the same manner as government sections are numbered in a government township. And at the first general election after the adoption of the township organ- ization in any county, in each city and each village, having one thousand (1000) inhabitants or over, two justices of the peace and two (2) con- stables shall be elected at said election and ev[e]ry second year there- after. Provided, however. That in all cities of the metropolitan class there shall be six (6) justices of the peace, and six (6) constables for €ach of said metropolitan cities and no more, and also one (1) police judge for each of said cities of the metropolitan class. And in all cities of the first class having less than eighty thousand (80000) and more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) inhabitants there shall be elected three (3) justices of the peace and three (3) constables for each of such cities and no more. In each county having a population of eight thousand (8000) inhabitants or more, there shall be elected in the year eighteen hundred seventy-nine (1879) and ev[e]ry four (4) years there- after, a clerk of the district court in and for such county, and in each county having a population of less than eight thousand (8,000) in- habitants the county clerk shall be ex officio clerk of the district court and perform the duties devolving upon the officer by law. All county, precinct, and township officers created by statute or that may be herein- after created shall be elected at such general election as may be pro- vided in the law creating the office or offices. [Amended 1885, chap. 50; ELECTION LAWS OP NEBRASKA. 9 1889, chap. 22; 1891, chap. 23; 1897, chap. 30; 1899, chap. 24; 1903, H. R. 436.] Sec. 8. [Presidential electors.] Electors of president and vice- president shall be elected at the general election in the year 1880, and every four years thereafter, on such day as congress may appoint, said electors to be chosen from the state at large. Sec. 9. [United States senator.] At the general election im- mediately preceding the expiration of the term of a United States sen- ator from this state, the electors shall, by ballot, express their preference for some person for the office of United States senator. The votes to be canvassed and returned in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 10. [County treasurer.] A county treasurer shall be in- eligible to office for more than two consecutive terms. Sec. 11. [Proclamation.] Thirty days previous to any election at which any state officer is to be elected, the governor shall issue his proclamation designating all the offices to be filled by the vote of all the electors of the state, or by those of any congressional, legislative, or judicial district, and transmit a copy thereof by mail to the county clerk of each county. Sec. 12. [Notice.] At least twenty days previous to any elec- tion, the county clerk, in counties not under township organization, shall make out and deliver to the sheriff of his county, or in counties under township organization, to the several town clerks, and to city clerks in cities of the first and second class, three notices thereof for each precinct, township, or ward in which the election in such county is to be held. The notices shall be substantially as follows: "Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday, the day of November, next, at the house of , in , an election will be held for governor, etc., (naming all the state and other officers to be balloted for), which election will be open at eight o'clock in the morning, and will continue open until six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated this day of , A. D. 18—. A. B., County Clerk. Sec. 13. [Posting notices.] The said sheriff or town or city clerk to whom the notices are delivered shall post up in three of the most public places in each precinct, township, or ward the three notices therefor, at least ten days before the time of holding any election. Sec. 14. [Opening polls.] At all elections the polls shall be opened at eight o'clock in the morning, and close at six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day; but if the judges and clerks shall not attend at the hour of eight o'clock in the morning, or if it shall be necessary for the electors present to appoint judges and clerks, or any of them, as hereinafter prescribed, the polls may, in that case, be opened at any time before the time for closing the same shall arrive, as the case may require. Sec. 15. [Oath of officers.] Previous to any vote being taken, the judges and clerks of election shall severally take an oath or affirma- tion according to the form prescribed in chapter on official bonds. 6 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Sec. 16. [Administering oath.] In case there shall be no judge or justice of the peace present at the opening of the polls, it shall be lawful for the judges of election to administer the oath or affirmation to each other and the clerks of election ; and the person administering such oath or affirmation shall cause an entry thereof to be made and sub- scribed by him, and prefix to each poll book. Sec. 17. (Judges and Clerks of election, appointment.) The Clerk of the District Court of each county shall, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year, appoint three (3) judges and two (2) clerks of election in each election precinct in the county to serve for the term of one year. They shall each be of good character, approved integrity, well informed, who can read," write, and speak the English language, and have resided in the election precinct in which they are to serve for one year next preceding his appointment, and be entitled to vote therein. Such judges and clerks shall, during their term of office, act at all general and special elections except City and Village elections held in the county or precinct of which the voting precinct in which they reside forms a part. Pro- vided, that the clerk of the district court of each county shall appoint as judges and clerks for all general and special county or precinct elections, at least fifteen (15) days before the election, three (3) judges and t^'O (2) clerks from a list to be furnished by the chairman of the various county central committees; said chairman to submit to the clerk of the district court at least twenty (20) days prior to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year a list of persons, duly qualified to serve as judges and clerks of election, who have been selected by the various county central committees, and to consist of five (5) names for each voting precinct. The clerk of the district court shall select for each voting precinct one (1) judge and one (1) clerk of elec- tion from the party polling the highest number of votes at tlie last general election in the precinct as shown by the vote cast for the first set of candidates on the state ticket; one (1) judge and one (1) clf'rk from the party polling the next highest number of votes; one (1) judge from the party polling the third highest number of votes, provided such tliird party polled one-tenth of the total vote polled in the county at the preceding election; otherwise the party polling the highest number of votes at the last general election shall be entitled to two (2) judges and one (1) clerk. Two or more parties voting for the same set of can- didates in general shall be considered as one party. In case no names are submitted by any central committee, as herein provided, the clerk of the district court shall select known and recognized members of that party in accordance with the provisions of this act. No person shall be eligible as a member of a board of election who is a candidate to be voted for at such election or who has anything bet or wagerod on the result of such election. If at any time before an election it shall he made to appear to any clerk of the district court by the affidavit of two (2) or more qualified electors of any precinct that any member of the elec- tion board is disqualified under the provisions of this act, he shall at once remove such member and fill the place from the list submitted by the chairman of the same party as the member removed. If any member ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 7 of an election board fails to appear at the hour appointed for the open- ing of the polls, the remainder of the board shall select as a member of such board to serve in his stead, an elector from the same political party, if possible, as the absent member was chosen from. If none of the ap- pointed members of an election board shall appear at the hour appointed for the opening of the polls, the qualified electors present shall elect viva voce as nearly as possible, in conformity with the provisions hereof. Fifteen (15) days prior to any special election, the clerk of the district court shall revise the list of judges and clerks of election within the dis- trict wherein the election is to occur, and all vacancies shall be filled as nearly as possible in the manner in which the original appointments were made. The clerk of the district court shall, within three (3) days after the appointment of aforementioned judges and clerks of election, notify such judges and clerks of their appointment, through the United States registered mail, and order them to appear at their respective polling places at least one half hour prior to the hour fixed for the open- ing of the polls on the day fixed for the election, stating in the order, the day of the week and month and the polling place, as well as the hour for the opening of the polls. Each judge and clerk of election shall appear at his respective polling pi nee on the day and at the hour speci- fied in such order and shall act in the capacity appointed. If any person ordered to serve as judge or clerk of election fails, refuses, or neglects to serve, such person shall be subject to a fine in any sum not less than five (5) dollars nor more than fifty (50) dollars and costs, in the County Court. If the clerk of the district court in any county fails or neglects to perform his duties provided for in this act, he shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten (10) nor more than one hundred (100) dollars, and costs in the district court. Any person selected as a judge or clerk of election may at any time before election day, be excused by the clerk of the district court from serving in such capacity by reason of sickness of self or serious illness of any member of his family or unavoidable absence from the voting precinct on election day. In case of any vacancy by reason of excuse to the clerk of the district court, he shall fill the place from the list submitted by the chairman of the same party as the member excused, and the person selected to fill such vacancy shall be notified of such appointment as provided for in this act. The clerk of the district court shall receive for the services specified in this section, the sum of twenty-five (25) cents for each person appointed under the provisions of this act, the same to be paid out of the iioneral fund of the county. [Amended, 1897, chap. 29; 1901, chap. 29; 1903, H. R. 192.] Sec. 18. [Proclamation.] Upon opening the polls, one of the judges of election shall make proclamation of the same, and at least thirty minutes before the closing of the polls proclamation shall be made in like manner that the polls will be closed in half an hour. Sec. 19. [Ballot box.] Before any ballot shall be deposited in the ballot box the ballot box shall be publicly opened and exhibited, and the judges and clerks shall see that no ballot is in such box; after which the box shall be locked and the key delivered to one of the judges, and shall not be again opened until the close of the polls; and the ballot box shall not be removed from the view of the electors present until the poUs 8 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. are closed and all the votes shall have been counted and canvassed; nor shall two of the judges be absent from the room or building in which the election is held, at the same time, during such voting and canvassing. Sec. 20. [Form of poll books.] The county clerk, previous to the opening of the polls, shall prepare duplicate poll books, in the man- ner and form following: — Poll books of an election, held in precinct, township, or ward, in county, on the day of , A. D. , at which time A. B., C. D., and E. F. were judges, and G. H. and I. K. were clerks of said election — the following named persons voted thereat: NUMBERS AND NAMES OP ELECTORS. No.l. A.B. ~ No. 3. E/F. No. 2. CD. No. 4. G.H. We do hereby certify that the above is a tme list of the persons vot- ing at the above named election. Attest: A. B., G. H., C. D., I. K., E. F., Judges of election. Clerks. TALLY LIST OF PERSONS VOTED FOR, AND FOR WHAT OFFICE, CONTALMNQ THE NUMBER OF VOTES FOR EACH CANDIDATE. Governor. Member of Congress. County Clerk. We hereby certify that A. B. had votes for governor, and C. D. had votes for governor; that E. F. had votes for member of congress, etc. Attest: A. B., G. H., C. D., I. K., E.F., Judges of election. Clerks. Sec. 21. [Ballots.] The ballots shall designate the office for which the persons therein named are voted for. Sec. 22. [Receiving ballots.] One of the judges of election shall receive each ballot from the person offering to vote, at the same time announcing the name of such person in a clear, distinct voice, and if his right to vote be not challenged, or in cities of the first and second class if the name of the person offering to vote is on the register list, his ticket shall be placed in the ballot box without inspecting the names written or printed thereon, and the clerks of election shall enter the name of the voter and the number in each poll book when his ballot is received. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. , 9 Sec. 23. [Ballot boxes.] The county board shall provide a sufficient number of ballot l)oxes, with secure locks and keys, at the expense of the county, for the several precincts or districts; and each ballot box at the close of each election shall be deposited with one of the judges of election, who shall take charge of the same and be re- sponsible for its safe keeping; and he shall convey said ballot box, or cause it to be conVeyed, to the place of holding elections in his precinct, township, or ward, at the next general or special election, and deliver, or cause the same to be delivered, to one of the judges of said election. Sec. 24. [Preservation of order.] Any constable of the pre- cinct, township, or ward who may be designated by the judges of elec- tion is directed to attend at the place of election, and he is authorized and required to preserve order and peace at and about the same ; and if no constable be in attendance, the judges of election may appoint one or more specially, by writing, who shall have all the powers of a regular constable. Sec. 25. [Arrests.] If any person conducts in a noisy, riot- ous, or tumultuous manner at or about the polls, so as to disturb the election, or insults or abuses the judges or clerks of election, and persists in such conduct after being warned to desist, the constable shall forth- with arrest him without warrant, and bring him before the nearest justice of the peace to be dealt with according to law, but such person shall be permitted to vote. Sec. 26. [Duties of officers where registration is made.] The judges in cities of the first and second class where the registry law is in force shall designate one of their number to check on the register the name of every person voting; and no vote shall be received from any person whose name does not appear there, unless he shall furnish the judges his affidavit showing that he is a qualified elector, and a sufficient reason for not appearing before the registrar, and shall also prove by the affidavit of one elector whose name is on the register that such affiant knows him to be a resident of that city, giving his residence by street and number, as the same is in such case required to appear on the register. Said affidavit shall be kept by the judges and by them filed in the office of the county clerk, and all such affidavits may be ad- ministered by either of the judges or clerks of election. Sec. 27. [Challenge.] Any person offering to vote, whether his name be on the register or not, may be challenged as unqualified by any judge or elector; and it is the duty of each of the judges to challenge any person offering to vote whom he knows or suspects not to be duly qualified. Sbo. 28, [Oath.] If any person offering to vote is challenged by one of the judges of the election, or by an elector, one of the judges shall tender to him the following oath or affirmation: "You do solemnly swear [or affirm] that you will fully and truly answer all such questions as shall be put to you, touching your place of residence and qualifications as an elector at this election." Sec. 29. [Questions.] If the person be challenged on the ground that he has not made his declaration of intention to become a 10 BliEOnON LAWS OP NEBRASKA. citizen of the United States, the judges, or one of them, shall put the fol- lowing question, provided that the person so challenged does not pro- duce his intention papers: ''Have you made your declaration of inten- tion to become a citizen of the United States ? " If the person be challenged on the ground that he has not resided in this state for six months immediately preceding the election, the judges or any one of them shall put the following questions: First— ^' Have you resided in this state for six months immediately preceding this elec- tion?" Second— '^HsLve you been absent from this state within the six months immediately preceding this election?" If he answers "Yes," then. Third— '^ When you left, did you leave for a temporary purpose, with the design of returning, or for the purpose of remaining away?" Fourth— * 'Did you, while absent, look upon and regard this state as your home?" Fifth— ^ 'Did you, while absent, vote in any other state or territory?" If the person be challenged on the ground that he is not a resident of the county, precinct, township, or ward where he offers to vote, the judges, or one of them, shall put the following questions: First— "Jlave you resided in this county for forty days last past?" Second— "HavQ you resided in this precinct (or ward) for the last ten days?" Third— ''When did you last come into this county?" Fourth— "When you came into this county, was it for temporary purposes merely, or for the purpose of making it your home?" Fifth— "Did you come into this county for the purpose of voting therein?" SiaDth—^Are you now an actual resident of this precinct or ward?" If the person be challenged on the ground that he is not twenty-one years of age, the following question shall be put: "Are you twenty-one years of age to the best of your knowledge and belief?" The judges of the election, or one of them, shall put all such other questions to the per- son challenged, under the respective provisions of section two of this chapter, as may be necessary to test his qualifications as an elector at that election. Sec. 30. [Refusal to swear.] If any person shall refuse to take the oath or affirmation provided for in this chapter, his vote shall be rejected. Sec. 31. [Final oath if challenge not withdrawn.] If a per- son's vote be challenged, and such challenge be not withdrawn after he shall have answered the foregoing questions, or such of them as may be necessary, one of the judges shall tender to him the following oath: "You do solemly swear (or affirm) that you are a citizen of the United States (or have declared your intention to become such), that you have been an inhabitant of the state of Nebraska for the last six months, and of the county of for the last forty days, and of this precinct for the last ten days; that you have attained the age of twenty- one years, to the best of your knowledge and belief." And it shall be the duty of the clerks of election to write on the poll books, at the end of such person's name, "sworn." Sec. 32. [Residence defined.] The judges of election, or in cities of the first and second class the registrars of voters, in determin- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 11 ing the residence of a person offering to vote, shall be governed by the following rules, so far as the same may he applicable: First— That place shall be considered and held to be the residence of a person in which his habitation is fixed, without any present intention of removing there- from, and to which, whenever he is absent, he has the intention of re- turning. Second— A person shall not be considered or held to have lost his residence who shall leave his home and go into another territory or state, or county of this state, for temporary purposes merely, with the intention of returning; Provided, That six months consecutive residence in this state shall be necessary to establish a residence within the mean- ing of this chapter. Third— K person shall not be considered and held to have acquired a residence in any county of this state into which he shall have come for temporary purposes merely without the intention of making it his residence. Fourth— Jf a person remove to another terri- tory or state, intending to make it his permanent residence, he shall be considered and held to have lost his residence in this state. Fifth— 1£ SL person remove to another state or territory intending to remain there for an indefinite time, and as a place of present residence, he shall be considered and held to have lost his residence in this state, notwith- standing he may intend to return at some future period. Sixth— The place where a married man's family resides shall generally be considered and held to be his residence; but if it is a place of temporary establish- ment only, or for transient purposes, it shall be otherwise. Seventh— If a married man have his family fixed in one place, and he does business in another, the former shall be considered and held to be the place of his residence. Eighth— The mere intention to acquire a new residence, without the fact of removal, shall avail nothing, nor shall the fact of removal, without intention. Ninth— If a person shall go into another territory or state, and while there shall exercise the right of a citizen by voting, he shall be considered and held to have lost his residence in this state. Sec. 33. [Canvass.] When the poll is closed the judges shall immediately proceed to canvass and ascertain the result of the election. Sec. 34. [Same.] The canvass shall be public, and shall com- mence by a comparison of the poll lists from the beginning, and a cor- rection of any errors that may be found therein until they agree. The poll books shall then be signed by the judges and attested by the clerks, and the names therein contained shall be counted, and the number set down at the foot of the poll books. Sec. 35. [Opening ballot box— Excessive ballots.] The ballot box shall then be opened, and the ballots, without being unfolded, shall be counted by the judges. If the whole number of votes cast shall ex- ceed the number of persons voting, as shown by the poll books, the said ballots shall then be replaced in the ballot box, the box locked, and the ballots therein thoroughly shaken. The box shall then be opened, and one of the judges shall draw from the box as many ballots as there shall have been cast exceeding the number as shown by the poll books, and the number so withdrawn shall, without unfolding, be placed in a sepa- rate envelope, sealed, marked "Excessive ballots," and sent with other returns of election to the county clerk in the manner hereinafter pro- vided. 12 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Sec. 36. [Counting vota.] After the poll books have been ex- amined, compared, and signed, and the excessive ballots, if any, shall have been withdrawn, sealed up, and endorsed, the ballots remaining in the box shall be taken out by one of the judges, and the canvass shall be continued by the judges announcing to the clerk the number of votes each candidate balloted for shall have received, after which the ballots shall be strung upon a strong thread. Sec. 37. [Clerk's tally list.] The clerks shall enter upon the tally list of the poll books, to the right of the names of the persons voted for, all the votes as declared read by the judges. The clerks shall ex- press in figures at the end of the tally list of each candidate, within a circle close up to the last tally, the total number of votes cast for said candidate, as follows: w.E.Ar„.id l^|>n^H1Wl^H1lHlLH1LH1LH1® iii^ or certifying the result thereof. [1905, S. F. 42.] Sec. 125Z^ Candidates. How nominated. Hereafter all can- didates for elective offices and delegates to Judicial and Congressional and State Conventions, in all counties having a population of more than 125,000 inhabitants, except those expressly exempt from the pro- visions of this act, shall be nominated: 1. By a primary held in accord- ance with this act, or 2. By nomination papers, signed and filed as provided by existing statutes. 3. This act shall not apply to special elections to fill vacancies. [Id., § 2.] ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 33 Sec. 12bl\ Primaries, When and Where held. There shall be a primary election held at regular polling places in each precinct on Tuesday, 7 weeks preceding the general election in November, 1905 and annually thereafter on Tuesday 7 weeks before the general election in Xovember, for the nomination of aJl candidates, except those exempt from the provisions of this act, to be voted for at the November election, and said day shall be the first day for the registration of voters in all cities and such counties where registration is required. Any primary other than that provided for above shall be held on Tuesday four weeks (4) before the election, except primaries for the election of delegates to District and State Conventions, which primaries shall be held seven weeks prior to said convention. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 125Z*. Notice of primaries how given. At least sixty days before the time of holding such primary the County Clerk shall publish a notice designating the offices for which candidates are to be nominated once each week, for three consecutive weeks in at least two and not to exceed four newspapers of general circulation, published in said county, and shall cause notice of such primary' to be posted at the regular polling place in each precinct in his county; such notice shall state the time when and place where the primary will be held in each precinct therein, together with the offices for which candidates ai'e to be nominated. In case of city election, the city clerk shall cause one publication of such notice to be given in two papers, and shall also post such notice at the regular polling place in each election precinct, such publication and posting to be not more than twenty and not le«iy election until he shall have first stated to the judges of said pri- mary election what political party he affiliates with and whose candi- dates he supported at the last election, and wliose candidates generally he intends to support at the next election,pr0vided that a first voter shall not be required to state his past political affiliations. In cities wherein registration is by law required, no voter shall receive a primary ballot or be entitled to vote until he shall have first been duly registered as a voter, then and there in the manner provided by law. Proridvd, that in cities where registration is by law required no elector shall be per- mitted to vote the ballot of any party except that which he was regis- tered at the last general registration as affiliating with, unless he be a first voter or shall have moved into the precinct since the last preceding day of registration. For the purpose of providing a system of registration of party affiliation, it shall be the duty of the mayor a.nd city council of each city wherein registration is required, to provide in the regis- tration books used for the purpose of registering persons who are quali- fied to vote at the next general election. s])ace for the registi-ation of all persons who may desire to participate in any ]n*imary election. Such ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 3D space shall be provided in said registration books, immediately follow- ing tiie last perpendicular ruled column in such hooks and sliall be headed as follows: ''Party Affiliation." It shall be the duty of the superv'isors of such regular state registration to ask each person who applies to be registered the question, "What political party do you desire to affiliate with?" And the name of the political party given by such party so applying to be registered shall be recorded in the colunm provided in such registration books for that purpose. In case any party applying does not desire to state his party affiliation, be shall not be required to do so, nor shall his failure so to do act as a bar to his registration for the purpose of voting at any election other than a pri- mary election, Ijut shall debar him from voting at any x>rimary election. If the right of such person to vote be not challenged one of the judges of said primary election shall then hand him a ballot of the political party which he affiliates with, which said ballot shall l)e endorsed with the signature of two of the judges upon the back at the l)ottom edge. If the right of such person to vote be challenged, one of the judges of said election shall then propound to such person the questions provided for in Section twenty nine (29) of Chapter Twenty-six (26) of the com- piled Statutes of Nebraska, for the year 1901, and required by said section to be propounded to a voter at a general election when chal- lenged, and in addition thereto the judge shall propound the following questions: First— "What political party do you affiliate with?" Second — "Did you support the candidates of such political party at tlie last election?" (If such person be a first voter this question shall not be propounded to him.) Third— "Do you intend to support a majority of the candidates of such political party at the next election?" If the challenge be not then determined in favor of such person by the judges of said primary election and be not withdrawn, he shall not be allowed to vote until he shall have taken the following oath: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you are a citizen of the United States (or have declared your intention to become such), that you have been an inhabit- ant of the State of Nebraska for the last six months, and of the county of for the last forty days; and of this precinct for the last ten days; that you have attained the age of twenty-one years, to the best of your knowledge; that politically you affiliated with the party, and that you supported the candidates of such political party at the last election, and intend to support the candidates of such political party at the next election. ["] It shall be the dutv of the clerks of snid primar}^ election to write at the end of such person's name "sworn"; said voter shall then be allowed to vote the ticket of the party which he affiliates with. A judge of such primaiy election shall insti*uct the voter that he is to vote for his choice for each office using only the bal- lot of the party with wliich he affiliates, and that he must return the ballot with the edges folded upon which are the signatures of the judges U])])ermost. That upon any person entitled to vote at any priijiary election stating the name of the political party with which he affiliates, the clerks of said primary election shall thereupon, after the nan^.e of the person voting, write the name of such political ]>arty in the column of the poll book prepared for that purpose. [Id., § 19.] Sec. 1257'^ [Registration lists.] The city clerk of each city wherein a registration of voters is required by law, shall immediately 40 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. after each registration day, compile an alphabetical list of the voters of each of the political parties in each precinct in such city, and within five days after each day of registration he sliall furnish to the chaimiau or secretary of each political committee of his city and county, a certi- fied copy of such list, and shall also keep the same accessible to public inspection. He shall also, on the day of the primary, furnish to the officers of the primary election in each precinct, a certified copy of such list for their use at such election. The judges of said primary election shall use such list for the purpose of determining whether or not any person who desires to vote at such primary was registered at the hist registration as affiliating with the party the ballot of which he desires to vote at such primary. When the elector has prepared his ballot he shall fold the same, with the edges upon which are the signa- tures of the judges uppermost, and so folded, so as to conceal the fact thereof and all marks thereon, and hand the same to the judge of the primary election who is in charge of the ballot box. [Id., § 20.] Sec. 125Z". Challengers. The party committee of each precinct may appoint in writing over their signatures, two party agents or representatives, with an alternate for each, who shall act as chal- lengers for their respective parties or elements therein. The right of any person to vote at a primary may be challenged upon the same ground and his right to vote be determined in the same manner as at an election. The member or members of each party committee of any precinct may represent his party at the polling booth during the can- vass and return of the vote at a primary, or he may appoint an agent or designate a member of his committee for that purpose. [Id. § 21.] Sec. 125P. Canvass of votes. Canvass of votes shall, ex- cept as herein otherwise provided, be made in the same manner and by tlie same officers as the canvass of an election. The party committee man of the precinct in a precinct ca.nvass, of the county in a county canvass, or some duly appointed agent to represent each party shall be allowed to be present and observe the proceedings. The precinct election offi- cers shall, on separate sheets, on blanks to be provided for that purpose, make full and accurate returns of the votes cast for each candidate, and shall within twenty-four hours cause to be delivered one copy of such returns as to each political party, to the county chairman of that party and also cause such returns to be delivered to the county clerk, or to the chairman of the city committee and city clerk, if a city primary, pro- vided always, that such returns shall be sent by registered mail where practicable, or delivered in person. The county canvass of the returns of Autumn primary shall be made by the same officers and the manner ]>rovided in Chapter 76 Compiled Statutes of 1903, for the canvass of ilie returns of a November election. The canvassers shall meet and can- vass such returns at ten o'clock A. M. on the Friday following the September primary. Their returns shall contain the whole number of votes cast for each cnndidate of each political party, and n duiilicnte as to each political partv shall be delivered to the countv chainnan of such party. [Id., § 22.] ' Sec. 125P^ Pajty candidates. The person receiving the greatest number of votes at a primni-y as the candidate of a party for an office, shall be the candidate of that party for such office, and his ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 41 name as such candidate shall be placed on the official ballot at the fol- lowing:' election. [Id., § 23.] Sec. 125/'*. City Board of Canvassers: Qucnim: Meetings, when held. The canvass of the returns of a city primary shall be made by the mayor, the city clerk, and the treasurer of such city, any two of whom shall constitute a quorum. Such board of canvassers shall meet at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the second day following the city primary and canvass the vote substantially as provided by section 25 [22] of this act. They shall make and certify duplicate returns as to the votes cast for the candidates and forthwith certify and file one complete return with the city clerk and deliver so much of the other as relates to each party to the respective city chairman. [Id., § 24.] Sec. 125^^ [Vacancy in nomination.] Should any person nominated, either at. a primary election or as otherwise provided for in this act, die before election, or decline the nomination, or should a va- cancy or vacancies arise from any cause before said time, such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the majority vote of the proper committee of the same political party. The chairman and secretary of such cam- paign committee shall thereupon make, and file with the proper officer a certificate setting forth the cause of the vacancy, the name of the per- son so nominated, the office for which he was nominated, the name of the person for which the new nominee is to be substituted, the place of residenc-e of such person so nominated, and, if in a city, the street or number of the residence or place of business, together with the name of the political party with which the party so nominated affiliates and which said committee represents. Such certificate shall be signed by such officers with the names and places of their residence, and severally sworn to by them before some officer authorized to administer oaths. If there be no campaign or political committee of such name, then a mass convention of such party shall fill such vacancy, and the chairman and secretary of such convention shall make and file with the proper officer a certificate in form and manner as herein required to be filed by the chairman and secretary of the campaign or party committee; said certificate so made, executed and sworn to in the manner prescribed herein shall, upon being filed at least eight days before the election, have the same force and effect as the original certificate of nomination or the nominated statement provided for in this act. [Id., § 25.] Sec. 125/-^ Party conunittee. At the September primary there shall be elected in the same manner as candidates for nomination are chosen, one member of the county committee for each voting district for the several parties. The members of the county committee thus elected for each party shall, in consultation with the candidates nom- inated by said party, choose a county chainnan. The county chairman of the county forming any larger political division, such as representa- tive, senatorial, or judicial, or congressional district shall be the mem- ber of the party committee for said political division, and be empowered, m consultation with the party candidates, to choose a chairman for said political division. Each party committee shall be authorized to choose such other officers as may be deemed necessary and to provide for the appointment of such advisory and campaign committe,es as may be ad- visable. The various committees shall for their respective districts 42 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. represent their political parties and exercise such powers as are usual with pai-ty committees. City committees shall be chosen in the same manner by the election of precinct committeemen at each primary elec- tion held to nominate city executive officers. [Id., § 26. ] Sec. 125/-'. Party committees. Any person a resident of the precinct, desiring to have his name ])rinted upon the ofiQcial primary ballot of his party as a candidate for precinct committeeman, may have the saine done by filing with tlie County Clerk at least thirty (30) days before the primary, a nomination paper in manner and form as required by paragraph one of section 3 of this act, signed by at least ten qualified electors of his ]3arty, residents of such precinct, and swoni to as therein required. No fee shall be exacted for such filing. The county commit- tee shall have the power to elect a chairman, vice-chainnan, secretary and treasurer, and each such committee and its officers shall have the powers usually exercised by such committee; and by the officers thereof, in so far as is consistent with this act. The various officers and com- mittees now in existence shall exercise the powers and perfonn the duties herein proscribed until their successors are chosen in accordance with this act. At all meetings of such city, and county committees, each memlier thereof shall have one vote for each fifty votes, or major frac- tion thereof, cast by his party in his precinct at the last general election for the head of the ticket. The duties of the chairman or secretary of any committee may be performed by members of such committee se- lected by them. Any vacancv in any committee office shall be iilled by the committee. [Td.', § 27.] Sec. 125/-'. MisceUaneous Provisions. In case of a tie vote, or in case any candidate for nomination files an affidavit with the board of canvassers that he believes there has been an error in the count, or fraud has been committed, thereupon the said board of can- vassers shall cause the ballot boxes to be re-opened and the ballots therein counted under the direction of the board of canvassers and in their presence, and such re-count shall be deemed final. The said board sliah announce the returns of the election according to said re-count and said announcement shall be binding upon all parties. If after a re- count by the board of canvassers a tie vote should result, the tie shall forthwith be determined ])v lot by the canvassers. [Id., § 28.] Sec. 125/-^ [Names on official ekction ballot.] The name of no person, as a candidate of any political party for any office, shall be placed uT>on the official election ballots, until such candidate shall have iDoen chosen at a primary election in accordance with this act, or to fill any vacancy caused by death, removal or resignation or otherwise, or any candidate so chosen at any primarv^ election, exce]'>t Miien the office to be filled is to ])e filled at a special election or for townsliip or precinct officers, or membei"s of school boards not members of boards of educa- tion, which candidates for offices at special election, or township or pre- cinct officers, shall be nominated as herein or as bv law provided. [Id., § 29.] Sec. 125/'^''. [Objections to certificates.] All certificates of nomination, or nomination statements, which are in apparent conformity with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed to be valid, unless objec- tion thereto shall be duly made in writinii: within three (3) days after tlift filing of the same. In case such obje(.'tiou is made, notice thereof shall ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. 43 forthwith be mailed to all candidates who may be affected thereby, ad- dressed to them at their respective places of residence as given in the certificate of nomination or in the nomination affidavits of such persons on file in that office. Objections to the use of party name may also be made and passed upon in the same manner as objections to certificates and nomination statements. The officer with whom the original certifi- cate was filed, or who made an affidavit to the original nomination state- ment shall in the first instance pass upon the validity of such objection, and his decision shall be final, unless an order shall be made in the matter by a county court, or by a judge of the district court, or by a justice of the Supreme Court at Chambers, on or before the Wednesday preceding the election. Such order may be made summarily upon apjilication of any party interested, and upon such notice as the court or judge may require. The order of the judge, or supreme court justice revising such decision, shall be binding on all county, municipal, or other officers with whom certificates of nomination are filed. [Id., § 30.] Sec. 125l^\ [Certificate, when filed.] No person shall be en- titled to or allowed to file a nomination certificate as provided for in this act, or to have his name placed upon a primary election ballot for any primary election to be held, unless the political party, which he states in said affidavit he affiliates with, polled at the last election before the primary election to be held, at least one per cent of the entire vote in the state, county or other subdivision or district for which he seeks the nomination for office in. [Id., § 31.] Sec. 125^^^ [One party nomination.] In no case shall the candidates of any political party be entitled to be designated upon the official election ballot as the candidate of more than one political party, and shall be designated upon the official ballot as the nominee of the party in whose nomination statement his name appears, or in whose cer- tificate of nomination his name appears as the political party with which he affiliates. [Id., § 32.] Sec. 125/^1 [Records preserved.] Each County and ^lunici- pal clerk shall cause to be preser^^ed in his office for the period of one (1) year, all nomination statements and certificates of nomination filed therein under the provisions of this act. All such nomination state- ments and certificates shall, at all reasonable hours, be open to public inspection. [Id., § 33.] Sec. 125?'*. [Acts repealed.] That sections 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125a, 125&, 125c, 125(7, 125e, 125f, 125^7, V25h, 125i, 125/, 125A-, 1257, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 and 140 of Chapter 26, of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, for the year 1903, as the same now exists, so far as the same conflicts with the provisions of this act, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. [Id., § 34.] VOTING MACHINES. Sec. 125m. [Use authorized.] In all elections hereafter held in this state for presidential electors and members of congress, or either of them, and in all state, district, county, city, town, school district, village, precinct and township elections, and in all other elections here- 44 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. after to be held in this state, or in any political division thereof, for any purpose whatever, voting machines may be used; and at any and all such elections the vote or ballot may be had and taken, and the votes cast thereat registered or recorded and counted, and the result of such election or elections ascertained by voting machines instead of in the mode and manner now established by law; provided, that the use of said machines at any such election or elections shall be subject to the re- quirements, provisions, terms and conditions of this act hereinafter contained. [1905, S. F. 74, § 1.] Sec. 125?z. [State board voting machine commissioners —Dep- uties.] There is hereby created a ''state board of voting machine com- missioners"; said board ta be composed of the goveraor, secretary of state, and auditor of public accounts. The said board shall have power to appoint three deputies, who, when acting for or instead of said com- missioners, shall have and may exercise an equal power and authority, subject to the approval of the commissioners; no member of said board or deputy shall have any pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, in any voting machine; at least two of the deputies of said board shall be master mechanics or gTaduates of a school of mechanical engineering, said dejmties shall be appointed for a term of two years. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 125o. [Same^ Officers— Records.] The deputies of said board shall severally take and subscribe to an oath or affinnation before some person authorized by the laws of this state to administer the same, that they will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties imposed n])on them by law, and file the same with the secretary of state; they shall organize by electing one of their number to be chairman, and one to be secretary, and one to be treasurer; the secretary shall keep a record of all meetings held by the board or its deputies, and of all voting machines inspected and examined by it, and of the action of the board respecting the same. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 125p. [Machine— Examination.] Any person, company or corporation owning or being interested in any voting machine, may apply to the state board of voting machine commissioners, by ap]>lica- tion filed with the secretary of state who shall notify said board to ex- amine such machine and report on its compliance with the requirements of the law and its accuracy, efficiency and capacity to register the will of voters; upon such application the said board or its deputies shall ex- amine such machine, and make report whether in its opinion, or in the opinion of any two of the members thereof, the kind of machine so ex- amined complies with the requirements of this act, and can safely be used at elections to be held in this state under the conditions prescribed by this Act, the report of said board on said machine, signed by the ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 45" members thereof, or any two of them, and all exhibits, drawings, photo- graphs, descriptions, etc., filed in connection with and identifying said mac] line so examined, shall h^ filed in the office of the secretary of state within ten days, and shall be a public record; if the report of the board, or any two members thereof, be that machines of the kind examined can be used, such kind of macliine sliall be deemed to be approved by the Ijoard, and its use as heroin provided sball be autliorized at any such^ election a.s aforesaid to be held in this state, or any civil division there- of; any kind of voting machine not so approved by said board shall not be used at any election; the examination herein provided for shall not be required of each individual machine, but only of each particular kind of machine before its adoption, use or purcliase, as herein provided; when the machine has been so approved, any improvement or change that does not impair its accuracy, efficiency or capacity, shall not render nec- essary the re-examination or re-approval thereof. All examinations shall be in public; sufficient notice shall be given to such interested per- sons as shall file with the commission a notice of their desire to attend such examinations. [Id., § 4.] Sec. 125(7. [Deposit— Disbursements.] Any person, company or corporation, owners or agents for any voting machine, applying to have said voting machine examined shall deposit with the Treasurer, of said board the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars; from and out of said money shall first be deducted and paid all expenses incurred by saidboard in and about the discharge of its duties, including stationery, books, postage and traveling expenses; the balance remaining shall be divided into three equal parts or portions;, each qf said deputies shall receive one of said portions in payment of traveling and other ex- penses and for his compensation as such deputy of said board; the mem- bers of said board shall not receive any compensation or remuneration,, for their sei'vices. [Id., §5.] - ,-.■'. . ,r Sec. 125r. [Approval, requisites of machine.] No voting- machine shall be approved by the state board of voting machine com- - missioners unless it shall be so constructed as to insure e^^ery voter an. opportunity to vote in secrecy; that each machine shall be sc con- structed as to provide facilities for voting for the candidates of at least seven parties or organizations; that a straight party ticket can be voted by the operation of a single device; that the voter may vote for a part of one party ticket, and a part of one or more other party tickets; that, females or other restricted voters can vote when by law such persons are entitled to vote, but that no voter can vote for a candidate or on a ques- tion for whom or on which he is not lawfully entitled to vote; that the voter cannot cast more than one vote for any candidate, or vote for more than one person for the same office, unless he is lawfully entitled to vote-' for more than one person therefor, and in that event can vote for as many persons for that office as he is bv law entitled to votefor, and no. more; that the names of the candidates for presidentir.l electors need not appear on the ballot labels, but in lieu thereof, one ballot in each party column, or row, may contain only the words "presidential elect- ors" preceded by the party name, and the names of the candidates for president and vice president, and every vote registered for such ballot 46 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA.. shall operate as a vote for all candidates of such party for presidential electors, and be counted as such, but it shall provide means for voting a split or irregular ticket for presidential electors; that any voter can by means of irregiiar ballots vote a written or printed ballot of his own selection for any person for any office, provided such person shall not have been nominated by any party. The machine shall be so con- structed that within the period of one minute the voter can cast his vote for all of the candidates of his choice, and that he can change his vote for any regularly nominated candidate up to the time he starts to leave the machine. The voting machine shall have voting devices for the in- dividual candidates arranged in separate parallel party lines, one line for each party, and in parallel office rows, transverse thereto. Each machine must be provided with a lock or locks, the keys of which cannot be interchangeably used, and by the locking of which any movement of the operating mechanism can be prevented, so that it cannot be tam- pered with or manipulated for any fraudulent purpose; and that the doors of the compartment containing the registering mechanism can be locked so that no person can see or know the number of votes registered for any candidate. There shall be a counter the registering face of which can be seen at all times from the outside of the machine, which will show during the election the total number of voters that have operated the machine at that election; there shall be a registering lock, or a counter which cannot be reset and will lock by the part that operates it, and will count up to a million; such lock or counter shall be known as a pro- tective lock, or a protective counter, and shall be so constructed that the- numbers on the lock will be changed or the number on the counter shall be advanced one every time the machine is operated. [Id., § 6.] Sec. 125.S. [Working model.] With each voting machine there shall be provided by the makers a working model for instruction of vot- ers, which shall represent at least five office lines for two party rows, and the devices for voting for two questions, and shall correspond to the equivalent parts of the face of the voting machine, and the operation of tlie model shall be the same in outward appearance as the operation of the machine. [Id., § 6a.] Sec, 125a. [Use authorized— Number.] The County Commis- sioners of any county, the city council of any city, the proper officers of any village, school or other district, precinct and township, may adopt for use at elections in one or more election precincts any kind of voting ma- chine approved by the state board of voting machine commissioners, and thereupon such voting machine may be used at any or all elections held in such election precinct, for voting, registering and counting votes cast at such elections. Provided that no purchase of voting machines shall be made for any voting precinct wholly without the corporate limits of any city or town, excepting in counties in which are located citif^s of the metropolitan class, nor by any city, town or village having less than twelve hundred population, until the question of such purchase shall have been submitted to a vote of the people of such county, city, town or village, who may by a majority vote of those voting on the proposition, authorize such purchase. Tlie number of votes for each machine shall be determined by the proper officers of the district, county, city, town. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIiA. 47 school or other district, village, precinct or township, but shall not exceed 800 votes in any one voting precinct. [Id., § 7.] yEC. 125?/. [Experimental machine.] The proper officers of any district, county, city, town, scliool district, village, precinct or town- ship, may provide for the experimental use at an election in one or more districts, of a macliine which may be law^fully adopted, without a formal adoption thereof, and its use at such election sliali be as valid for all pur- poses as if it had been fonnally adopted. [Id., § 8.] Sec. 125t\ [Machines— purchase when.] The proper officers of any district, county, city, town, school district, village, precinct or township adopting a voting machine shall, as soon as practicable there- after, provide for each polling place designated one or more voting ma- chines in complete working order, together with a mechanical model of same. And if it shall be impracticable to supply each and every elec- tion district designated with a voting machine or voting machines at any election following such adoption, as many may be supplied as it is practicable to procure, and the same may be used in such election dis- tricts within such county, city, township, districts, school districts, village, or precinct, as the proper officers may direct. [Id., § 9.] Sec. 12bw. [Payment— Bonds, etc.] The proper officers of any district, county, city, town, school district, village, precinct, or township, on the adoption and purchase of a voting machine or voting machines, shall provide for the payment therefor in such manner as they deem for" the best interest of such locality, and may for that purpose levy a tax, issue bonds, certificate of indebtedness, or other obligations, which shall be a charge on the particular county, city, district, town, school district, village, precinct or township so adopting said machines; such bonds, certificates or other obligations may be issued with interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable at such time or times not exceeding ten years, as the proper officers may determine, but shall not be issued or sold at less than par. [Id., § 10.] Sec. 125a?. [Ballot label.] The cardboard, paper or other ma- terial, placed on the front of the machine, containing the names of the candidates and offices, or a statement of a proposed constitutional amendment or other question or proposition to be voted on, shall be known in this act as the ballot label, and shall be deemed an official ballot. Two sets of ballot labels for each machine shall be supplied by the officers now charged with the duty of providing ballots at least four working days before the election, and shall be printed in black ink, on clear white material of such size and thickness as will fit the machine, and in as large type as the space will reasonably permit. The ballot labels for each party shall be arranged on the machine, either in columns or horizontal rows and shall be designated in the same manner as the counters for such columns or rows. Where two or more candidates are to be elected to an office, and the name of each of the nominated candi- dates therefor are placed in connection with a separate voting device, all of such voting devices shall be included in one group herein referred to as a multi-candidate group, which will permit the i")rop'?r number of any of said candidates to be voted for and no more, and the ballot label or the pnrt thereof that contains the names of the offices herein called the office caption ballot label, shall be printed in type as large as the 48 ELECTION LAWS OF XEERAPKA. space for such office will reasonably permit and the words below, "volo for two" (or such number as can be voted for) shall be printed to indi- cate that the voter can vote for any two, or such other number as he may be lawfully entitled to vote for, out of the whole number of candidates so nominated. Each ballot label shall have printed close to the margin thereof, in small type, the name of its party and the largest civil or political division thereof to which it is common. Independent nomina- tions sliall be placed upon the party row or rows following the party nominations as they can be arranged on the machine; two or more inde- pendent nominations may be placed upon the same row and the party device in connection with such row may be locked or arranged so that such candidates may be voted for individually. On the ballot label for questions, the statement of the question submitted may be abbreviated to meet the requirements of the limited space, with the words. Yes and No for the voter to indicate his affirmative or negative vote on any such question by operating the proper device therefor. In case any party making nomination shall fail to nominate candidates for some of the offices to be voted for, the spaces on the ballot labels for such offices shall contain the words ''No Nomination." [Id., § 11.] Sec. 125;y. [Sample ballots, diagrams, how furnished.] The officers now charged with the duty of providing liallots shall provide at least two sample ballots for each machine, which shall be arranged in the form of a diagi*am showing such portion of the face of the voting machine as will appear after the official ballot labels have been properly placed for voting on election day. Such samj^le ballots or diagrams nuiy be of a reduced size, but the names of the candidates must be clearly legible, and shall be displayed for public inspection at such polling place during election day. Ballot labels on tinted cardboard shall be furaished free of charge by the officers providing the ballot labels for all instruction models and instruction machines to be used by the county, city, district, town, school or other district, village, precinct or township, for the instruction of voters. Requisition for such sample ballot labels shall be made as provided by the general election laws now in force in this state regarding sample ballots. [Id., § 12.] Sec. 125c. [Election, how conducted.] So far as practicable, at all elections where voting machines are used, the voting machine shall be regarded and treated as a substitute for the paper ballot and ballot- box heretofore used; elections shall be conducted by the election officers as nearly as may be in accordance with existing laws, except as other- wise provided by this act; the arrangement of the polling room shall be the same as near as may be as is provided for elections where paper ballots are used; the compartments now provided for by law, wherein the voter shall prepare his ballot for voting, need not lie provided or used at elections where voting machines are used; official ballots of the kind heretofore recognized by law shall not be furnished to the election districts wliere at any election voting machines are used; the exterior of the voting machine and every part of the jxvlling-room shall be in plain view of tiie election officers; the voting machine shall be placed at least four feet from any table whereat any of the election officers may be en- gaged or seated; a guard-rail shall be constructed at least three feet from the machine, with an opening or openings, to pennit the entrance ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 49 and exit of voters to and from the machine; and the machine shall be so placed that the ballot labels on the face of the machine can be plainly seen by the election officers and the pa.rty watchers when not in use by the voters. [Id., § 13.] Sec. l-io.c'. [Custcdisrs, duties,] For the purpose of prepar- ing the voting' machines for elections and instructing the election officers in their operation, the officers or board adopting the machines may employ one or more persons who shall be known as the voting machine Custodians. Such Custodians shall ])e persons of good eyesight, good reputation, and, if possible, machinists and not actively engaged in politics. If two or more Custodians be appointed, they shall, if possible, be selected, from more than one political party, and shall be retained until removed for cause other than partisanship. Said Custodians shall be svrorn to perform their duties honestly and faithfully, and shall be jjaid for the time spent in the performance of their duties in the same manner as other election officers are paid, and they shall be supplied by the officers or board having charge of the election with the necessarj" fcup]iiies for preparing the machines for election, and report blanks for certifying as to their condition. The said Custodians shall, before each election at which the voting machines are to be used, under the direction of the officers or board having charge of the election, place the ballot labels in their proper places in each machine; adjust the machine for voting in tlie manner required at such election; set the public counter and p]] the candidate counters in the machine at zero; and in every other way put the machine in perfect condition and arrangement for the elec- -ion, an^l then loc^' P/id seal the operating mechanism against any move- ment. The said Custodians shall, after preparing the machines for the election, file with the proper officer of the board adopting the machines a written report upon blanks furnished by such board, certifying that they have examined, and prepared each machine for the election, that each is in perfect working order, and in every way properly adjusted and set for the election, and giving the number and make of the machine and the number registered on the protective counter thereof. Tlie said Custodians shall, under the direction of the officers or board adopting the machines cause each voting machine to be delivered to the proper voting place, together with all the necessary furniture and appliances, not later than one hour before the time fixed for opening the polls of that election, and, after the machine has been prepared for the election, they shall provide suitable protection against its being tampered with or in any way injured; and they shall, on the day of the election, pro- vide sufficient light for the voters to clearly read the ballot labels on the machine and for the election officer to clearly read the vote registered on the counters. The said Custodians shall, after preparing the machines for the election, deliver the keys thereof to the proper officer of the board adopting the machines, who shall deliver them in a sealed envelope to the election officers of the respective election districts, not less than forty-five minutes before the opening of the polls; and shall obtain a receipt therefor. [Id., § 14.] Sec. 125,^;'. [Same— Instruction by.] All election officers must be properly instructed in the use of the voting machine by the Cus- todian of voting machines. [Id., § 15.] 50 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. Sec. 125;^^ [Same— Clerk of board.] If the board adopting the machines do not employ a custodian or custodians as herein pro- vided for, the duties of such custodian shall be performed by the clerk of the board ado])ting the macliiiies. [Id., § 15a.] Sec. 12bz\ [Machine exhibit.] In all places in which voting machines are to be used for the first time, a voting machine or a mechan- ical sample of same of sufficient size to contain the ballot labels for all of the candidates to be voted for, shall be placed on public exhibition in charge of a competent instructor in each election. [Id., ^ 16.] Sec. 125^'. [Election officers, duties before and at close of polls.] The election officers of each election district in which a voting machine is to be used shall meet at the polling place therein, at least forty-five minutes before the time set for the opening of the polls at each election, and if not already done, an^ange in their proper places the furniture, stationery and voting machine for the conduct of the elec- tion. The election officers shall then and there have the voting machine^ the keys for same, ballot labels and stationer>'^ required to be delivered to them for such election. The election officers shall thereupon cause the sample ballots or diagrams and posters of instruction as shall be furnished, to be posted conspicuously within the polling place. If not ])reviously done, they sliall insert in their proper places on the voting machine, the official ballot labels. Before the polls are o])ened for elG<'- tion. while the machine is locked against voting,each election officer shall carefully examine the seal upon the operating lever before it is broken, and sliall examine every" counter, and shall certify on the return sheet, form 2, as to the registry of each counter including the ])rotective lock or counter, and shall not permit any of such counters to be operated thereafter except by electors in voting, and the same shall be subject to the inspection of the party watchers. If any counter for a candidate is found not to register zero and it shall be im])ra('ticable to so set the same, the election of^cers shall immediately enter ujion return sheet, form 2, the actual registry of such counter, together with its designation and shall post a cony of same in a conspicuous position within the jx)!!- ing place. After the close of the polls, the figures so shown u]ion such ounter shall be deducted from the number a])])earint>- thereon at the time of canvassing the vote, and the remainder shall be declared the total number of votes cast for such candidate. If the number on any such counter shall be found to be less than the number shown upon it at the time of oi)ening the polls, indicating that it has been operated up to and beyond nine hundred and ninety-nine, the election officers shall, in such case, add one thousand to such number before deducting the num- ber shown at the opening of the polls and the result shall be declared to be the total numlier of votes cast for such candidato. [Id., ? 17.] Sec. 125.c^ [Offic s and voters, conduct.] After the ojiening of the polls, one of the election officers shall stand near the machine, and shall regulate the admission of voters thereto. He shall always be in full view of the election board, and the party watchers, the election officers shall not allow any voter to ])ass within the guard rail until they ascertain that he is duly entitled to vote. Only one voter at a time shall be permitted to pass within the guard-rail to vote. The election officers shall not themselves remain or permit any other person to re- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 51 main in any position, or near any position, that would permit one to see- or ascertain how a voter votes, or how he has voted. It shall be the duty of one of the election officers to instruct voters in the use of the voting machines. For that purpose he shall take a position near the line of voters about to enter the machine, and he shall ask each voter if he understands how to vote, and to those who are willing to receive in- structions, he shall then and there explain the operation of the machine, •and illustrate it by the instruction model which he shall have with him ^nd permit the voters themselves to operate the parts; if it is an election ^t wliicli one or more questions are to be voted upon, he shall call each T^oter's attention thereto and shall illustrate the method of voting the same; such instructor shall not request or seek to persuade or induce any voter to vote any particular ticket, or for any particular candidate, or Jor or against any particular question. The operating of the voting machine by the voter while voting shall be secret and obscure from all other persons except as provided by this chapter in cases of voting by :assisted voters. No voter shall remain within the voting machine booth longer than one minute, and if he shall refuse to leave it after the lapse •of one minute, he shall be removed by the election officers, or upon their order after having first completed the registration of his vote, as he has prepared it, by means of the operating lever. No voter having entered the machine and returned the operating lever, shall be permitted to re- -enter the same on any pretex whatever; the election officer stationed beside the machine shall inspect the face of the machine after each voter has cast his vote, to see that the ballot labels are in their proper places- and that the machine has not been injured. During elections the door or other covering of the counter compartment of the machine shall not be unlocked or opened or the counters exposed except for good and ;sufficient reasons, a statement of which shall be made and signed by the •election officers, and shall be sent with the returns of the election. [Id.,. :§ 18.] Sec. 125^;^ [Voter, additional instruction.] In case any voter after entering the voting machine booth shall ask for further instruc- tions concerning the manner of voting, an election officer shall give such instructions to him; but no election officer or person assisting a voter shall in any manner request, suggest or seek to persuade or induce any such voter to vote any particular ticket, or for any particular candidate,. or for or against any particular question. After such instructions have been given, they shall withdraw, and such voter shall vote as in the case of an unassisted voter. [Id., § 19.] Sec. 1252''. [Voter, disabled.] Any voter who shall declare that he is unable to read the English language or that he will be unable to operate the voting machine by reason of blindness, total disability of both hands, that he cannot use either hand for ordinary pui^ioses, or by reason of disease or crippled condition, the nature of which he must specify, that he will require assistance in voting, shall upon request receive the assistance of two election officers of opposite political parties. Any election officer or officers who shall deceive any disabled voter, or register his vote. in any other way than as requested, or shall .give information as to what ticket or for what person or measure such ^disabled voter has voted, shall be guilty of wilful fraud, and shall 52 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. suffer the penalties prescribed therefor in the Election Laws. [Id., § 20.] Sec. 125.c\ [Same, at closing poll.] Closing the polls, in cases^ where voting machines are used, shall not be deemed to exclude a voter entitled to vote who shall have passed within the polling place and \ liose name has been checked by the clerk before the time fixed by law for closing the polls, but said voter shall be allowed to complete the act of voting. [Id., § 21.] Sec. 1250". [Irregular ballot.] Ballots voted for any person whose name does not appear on the machine as a nominated candidate for office, are herein referred to -as irregular -ballots; where two or more candidates are to be elected to the same office, the voting devices belong- ing to all the candidates for said office shall be included in a group herein referred to as a multi-candidate gi'oup; in all multi-candidate groups, except presidential electors, the name of each nominated candi- date shall be placed upon or adjacent to a separate key or voting device, and all split ballots which are confined to the nominated candidates shall be voted on such keys or voting devices; except for presidential electors no irregular ballot shall be voted for any person for any office whose name appears on the machine as a nominated candidate for that office; any irregular ballot so voted shall not be counted. An irregular ballot voted for a candidate for any office must be cast in or upon that part of the irregular device provided for voting on such office, or it shall be void and not counted. In voting for presidential electors a voter may vote an irregular ticket, made up of the names of persons in nomination by different parties or partially of the names of persons so in nomi- nation and partially of persons not in nomination, or wholly of names of persons not in-nomination by any party. Such irregular ballot shall be deposited, written or affixed in or upon the receptacle or device pro- vided on the machine for that purpose. Suitable ballots for voting split tickets for presidential electors on voting macliinos shall be printed and furnished by the officers wliose duty it is to provide ballots. Such ballots shall be uniform, and shall be of a size and kind as is best suited to the requirements of the machine in connection with which they are to be used. [Id., § 22.] Sec. 125^''. [Return sheets— Books— Forms— Machine at close— Keys.] In an election district, in which a \oting machine is in use, no tally sheets shall be furnished, but the record of the vote shall be made in ink upon return sheets as hereinafter provided. All Eetum Slieets shall bo liound together in book form in the numner now pro- vided by law for Poll Books. Each book shall contain on a separate sheet, a statem.ent of the condition of the counters, and the delivery of the keys, signed by the election officers of the election district before the polls are opened; followed bv a statement of the number of voters; the return of each office and question voted for, in the same order as the offices and questions are placed upon tlie voting machine; followed ])y a certificate that the record is correct, which shall be signed by the election officers, according to the following forms: Two books contain- ing complete sets of tliese sheets shall be filled out and placiMl in larue scaled envelopes; and shall be delivered fortliwith to the office of the officer to whom the election returns are now delivered. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBBASKA. 53 Form 1. Election Returns and Statement cf Caavass Election District, Ward Municipality County. State of Nebraska, 19. . . . Time Polls were closed Time Returns were Completed Form 2. Statement of the Election Board Certif>^ng to the Con- dition of the Counters of the Voting- Machine Before the Opening of the Polls. The undersigned Election Officers of the Election District of the Ward, of Nebraska, have on this day of , 19 ... , before the opening of the polls care- fully examined each of the individual counters and the Public Counter in the voting machine No which is to be used in this Election Dis- trict, and certify that each of said counters registers 000, except as stated below; and further, that during such examination the voting machine was locked against voting, in which condition it remained until the opening of the polls. The following counters were not set at 000, but read as follows: Number of the Protective Counter The keys of the machine were delivered to this Board in a sealed envelope, which was opened in the presence of the Board on the morning of election. Attest: Clerks. Judges. Form . 3. Election Returns and Statement of Canvass. Official statement of the result of an Election held on the day of , 19. . ., in the Election District of the County of State of Nebraska, made by the Election Board in and for said district. Voting done with the .'.... Voting Machine No Tlie whole number of voters who entered the voting machine, as shown by the Public Counter on the Voting Machine, and verified by the Clerks' list is (Number to be written out in words.) (Number in figures.) Number on the Protective Counter at the close of the polls Fonn 4. Statement and Return of the Votes for the Office of as Shown on the Counters of the Voting Machine, Marked 1. The whole number of votes cast for the office of ........ . was OF WHICI BAIJ.OT AND COUNTER MARKED NUMBER TO BE WRITTEN OUT IN WORDS. COI.TTMN FOR FIGURES. 1 A received , 1 B " 1 C " 1 D " 1 E " 1 F " 1 G " Total Clerks will record the number on each counter on every row from A to G inclusive. To be followed by as many sheets of Fonn 4 as there are candidates to be elected. 54 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Form 5. Statement and Return of the Vote Cast. On Question Number 1. (Statement of Question) Counter marked 1 Yes registered (In numbers.) (Number to be written out in words.) Counter marked 1 No registered (In numbers.) (Nuuiber to be written out in words.) Form 6. Return and Statement of Canvass. Certificate. We, the undersigned Election Officers of the Election Dis- trict of the AVard of , Certify that the statement of canvass on the. . . . (Number of) return sheets of this book was called oft' by one of the Election Officers from the Counters of the voting ma- chine, and recorded in the book by the Clerks; and that another of the Election Officers then called off the numbers as shown on the counters; which were recorded by the Clerks in the additional book; and that each of the books has been carefully compared with the other, and that each sheet contains a correct statement of the votes cast for the office named thereon as shown on the Counters of the voting machine; and that the keys of the machine have been enclosed in an envelope sealed with a paster signed by us, which will be delivered with the returns. Dated this day of 19 ... . Attest: Clerks. Judges. x\s soon as the polls of the election are closed, one of the election officers shall immediately lock the operating lever and the machine against voting with the locks provided therefor, also seal the operating lever, and oj)en the counting compartment in the presence of the watch- ers and all other persons who may be lawfully within the polling place, giving full view of all the counter numbers. One of the election officers shall, in the order of the offices as their titles are arranged on the ma- ehine, read and announce in distinct tones the result as shown by the eounter numbore, giving the designation of each counter, reading the votes recorded for each office on the regular ballots, also the numbers registered on the counters opposite no nominations or blank spaces and on all unused party rows, to the length of the printed ballot label. The counters shall not in any case be read consecutively along the party TOWS or cohunns, but shall always be read along the office columns or TOWS and across the party rows or columns, and the vote as registered shall be entered upon the return sheets in the same order upon the line which has the same designation. The Election officers shall also read the votes recorded for each office on the irregular baHots. Thoy shall in the same manner announce the vote on each (picstion. Each clerk shall simultaneously and independently enter in ink the vote on the official return sIkm^Is as it is announced by the judge, and no official re- turn of any kind shall be made up from any otlicj- imjMM- or record, but shall in every case be made directly from the counters on the machine. The judge shall call the votes deliberately, indicating each counter by ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. O.J its designation, and the clerks shall in every case record the vote in figures in the place on the return sheet for that office, and shall call hack the number of votes, the name of the candidate for whom such vote is recorded, and the designation of such counter. The return sheets shall he compared with one another, and the vote for each candidate shall then be written in ink in full after his name, next to the figures as called from the coiunters. The written statements or returns so made shall be properly signed, and then be distinctly and clearly read in the hearing of all persons present, the counter compartment of the machine shall remain open at least one hour from the time of the closing of the polls until the adjournment of the board, and ample opportunity shall be given to compare the results so certified with the counters of the machine and to make any necessary corrections. The number registered on the protective counter at the close of the polls shall be recorded on the return sheets. Before the adjournment of the board the doors of the machine shall be locked and the keys shall be enclosed in an envelope which shall be securely sealed with a paster signed by the election officers, on which shall be written the number of the machine, and the election district and ward in which it has been used; and such envelope shall be delivered with the returns. All keys for voting ma- chines when not in use shall be kept securely locked by the official hav- ing them in charge. It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to have in his possession any key or keys of any voting machine; and all election officers or persons entrusted with such keys for election pur- poses or for the preparation of the machine therefor shall not retain them longer than necessary to use them for such legal purpose. [Id., § 23.] Sec. 1250'^ [Irregular ballots, return— Machine closed after election.] Whenever irregular ballots have been voted, the election officers shall return all of such ballots in a properly sealed package en- dorsed '^ irregular ballots," and file such package with the election returns; it shall be preserved for six months after such election, and may be opened and its contents examined only upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction; and at the expiration of such time, such ballots may be disposed of in the discretion of the officer or board having charge of them. Nothing in this act shall prohibit the officers having charge of the election on the written request of any of the candidates, from opening the door of the counter compartment in the presence of representatives of the local party organizations after such elections; but in no case, for a period of thirty days, shall any portion of the voting mechanism be unlocked or disturbed except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. [Id., § 24.] Sec. 125^^". [Violation of act— Interfering with machine, etc.] Tlie provisions of the penal code and of the election law relating to misconduct at elections shall apply to elections with voting machines. Any person who shall before or during an election tamper with any voting machine; or who shall interfere or attempt to interfere with the correct operation of the voting machine, or the secrecy of voting; or who shall wilfully injure a voting machine to prevent its use: or any election or police officer, or anyone employed to assist in the care or Od ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. arrangement of the voting machine, who shall permit any person to violate the secrecy of the voting, or to interfere in any way with the correct operation of the voting machine; or any unautliorized person who shall make a duplicate or have in liis possession a ke}' to a voting machine that has been adopted and will be used in elections in this State shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in a state prison for not less than one year nor more than five years. [Id., § 25.] 3360;/ Sec. 125.;^''. [Present laws applicable— Acts repealed.] All laws relating to elections now in force in this state, shall apply to all elections under this act, so far as the same may be applicable thereto; and so far as any laws or parts of laws now in being are inconsistent with or repugnant to this, the same are hereby dechired to have no appli- cation to elections held with voting machines. Sections 125m, 125n, 125o, 125p, 125q, 125r, 125s, 125t, 12ou, 125v, 125w, 125x, 125y, 125z, of Chapter 26 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1901 as heretofore existing and all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. [Id., § 26.] 3360o Sec. 125;^^''. [Judges, clerks, number.] Where voting ma^ chines are used the election board shall consist of two. judges and one clerk and shall be chosen in the manner now provided by law— Pro- vided, however, that when a general registration of voters is held in connection with an election where voting machines are used, then and in that event the election board shall consist of three judges and two clerks. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 57 AUSTRALLA.N BALLOT LAW. Sec. 126. [Ballots printed at public expense.] That all bal- lots cast in election for public officers within this state, shall be printed and distributed at public expense, as hereinafter provided. The print- ing of ballots and cards of instruction for the electors in each county, and the delivery of the same to the election officers, as hereinafter pro- vided, shall be a county charge, the payment of which shall be provided for in the same manner as the payment of other county expenses. The expense of printing and delivering the ballots, and cards of instruction to be used in municipal elections, shall be a charge upon the city or village in which said municipal elections shall be held. [1897, chap. 31, §1.] Sec. 127. [Nomination of candidates by convention.] Any convention or primary meeting, as hereinafter defined, held for the pur- pose of making nominations for public offices, and also voters of the number hereinafter specified, may nominate candidates for public offices, to be filled by election within the state ; a convention or primary meeting within the meaning of this act is an organized assemblage of voters, rep- resenting a political party which at the last election before the holding of such election or primary meeting, polled at least one per cent, of the entire vote in the state, county or other subdivision or district for which the nomination is made. A committee appointed by such convention or primary meeting may also make nominations for public offices, and authorized to do so by resolution, duly passed by the convention or meeting at which said committee was appointed. A state convention of any political party may take action upon any constitutional amendment which is to be voted upon at the following election, and said convention may declare for or against such amendment, and such declaration shall be considered as a portion of their ticket to be filed with the secretary of state and by him certified to the various county clerks. [Id., § 2. Amended 1901, chap. 29, § 3.] Sec. 128. [Party emblem. Repealed, Laws, 1899, chap. 26.] Sec. 129. [Certificate of nomination by convention or commit- tee.] All nominations made by such convention, committee or primary meeting, shall be in writing, shall contain the name for which each per- son is nominated, the name and residence of each person, and if in a city the street number of residence, and place of business, if any, and shall designate in not more than five words the party principal which said convention, committee or primary meeting, represents. Also any party action relative to any proposed constitutional amendment, whether for or against, shall be in writing and shall form a part of such certificate. It shall be signed by the presiding officer and secretary of such conven- tion, committee or primary meeting, who shall add to their signatures 58 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. their respective places of "business, and make oath before* a qualified officer to administer the same, that the affiants were such officers of such convention, committee, or primary meeting, and that said certificates, and the statements therein contained, are true to the best of their knowl- edge and belief. When the nomination is made by a committee, the certificate of nomination shall also contain a copy of the resolution, passed at the convention or primary meeting which authorized the com- mittee to make such nominations. Certificates of nomination of candi- dates for office to be filled by the voters of the entire state, or any division or district greater than a county, including candidates for con- gress, or any party action taken relative to any proposed constitutional amendment shall be filed with the secretary of state, except as in this act otherwise provided. Certificates of nomination for all county, dis- trict or precinct offices, including members of both branches of the Legislature, shall be filed with the county clerk of the respective coun- ties wherein the officers are to be elected, and in case the legislative dis- trict from which such candidate is to be elected embraces more than one county, then in that case the certificates shall be filed with the county clerk of each county included in such district. Certificates for the nom- ination of the judge of the district court shall be filed with the county clerk of each county embraced in such judicial district. Certificates of nomination for municipal officers shall be filed with the municipal clerk of such municipal corporation wherein the officers are to be elected. [Id., § 4. Amended 1899, chap. 26; 1901, chap. 29, § 4.] Sec. 130. [Same — Nominations otherwise.] Candidates for public office may be nominated otherwise than by convention, commit- tee or primary meeting in the following manner: A certificate of nomi- nation containing the name of the candidate for the office to be filled, with such information as is required to be given in certificates provided for in section one hundred twenty-nine [four] of this act, shall be signed by electors residing in the district, or political division in which the officers are to be elected, in the following manner. The number of signatures shall not be less than five thousand, when the nomination is for an office to be filled by the electors of the entire state, and not less than two hundred and fifty when the nomination is for an office to be filled by the electors of the city, county, district, or other division less than the state, and not less than fifty when the nomination is for an office to be filled by the electors of a township, precinct or ward. Pro- vided, That the number of signatures need not in any instance exceed one-fourth of the total number of voters when the nomination is for an office to be filled by the electors of a county, township, precinct, village or ward, and that the signatures need not all I'e appended to one paper. Provided Further, That candidates nominated under the provisions of this section, shall be termed candidates by petition, and upon the ballot upon which their names are printed shall be printed after such names the words ''By Petition." Each elector signing a certificate shall add to his signature, his place of residence, his busnness, and his business ad- dress. Such certificate may be filed as provided for in section one hun- dred twenty-nine [4] of this act, in the same manner, with the same (^ effect as a certificate of nomination made by a party convention, com- ELBC5TI0N LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 59 mittee or primary meeting; Women qualified to vote for any public office may sign nomination papers for candidates for such office. [Id.^ § 5. Amended 1899, chap. 26.] Sec. 131. [New party— Certificates— Contents.] Electors may form new parties and hold their state, district, county, precinct or mu- nicipal conventions and nominate candidates for office. They shall not adopt any of the old party names nor any part thereof, and when such electors to the number of two hundred participate in a state convention, or fifty in a congressional, district or county convention, or twenty-five in any precinct, city, village or ward convention, they may make party nominations for either state or congressional, county, district, precinct, municipal or ward offices, but the certificate of nomination shall contain the name of the new party that said electors may have adopted, and shall state in addition in the certificate of nomination required to be filed by section one hundred and twenty-nine of this act, as the case may require, that said new party had at least two hundred persons partici- pating in said state, fifty in said congressional, district, county or mu- nicipal convention, and at least twenty-five in said precinct, ward, or village convention, and when otherwise in conformity to law may be filed with the respective officers as provided by section one hundred and twenty-nine of this act. [Id., § 6. Amended 1899, chap. 26.] Sec. 132. [Repealed. Laws, 1899, chap. 26, § 2.] Sec. 133. [Certificates— Preservation— Publicity.] The secre- tary of state shall cause to be preserved in his office for the period of two years (2) all certificates of nomination filed therein under the pro- visions of this act; and each county and municipal clerk shall cause to be preserved in his office for the period of two (2) years all certificates of nomination filed therein under the provisions of this act. All such cer- tificates shall be open to public inspection. [Id., § 8.] Sec. 134. [Same— Time of filing.] When nominations are made by a convention, committee, or primary meeting, as provided for in section four (4) of this act, the certificates of nomination to be filed with the secretary of state shall be filed not less than twenty-five days before the day fixed by law for the election of the persons in nomination, and the certificates of nomination herein directed to be filed with a county clerk shall be filed not less than twenty days before election, and the certificates of nomination herein directed to be filed with a mu- nicipal clerk shall be filed not less than fifteen (15) days before election. Certificates of nomination otherwise than by a convention, committee or primary meeting, made according to the provisions of section five (5) of this act, shall when required to be filed with the secretary of state, be filed not less than fifteen (15) days before election; and when required to be filed with the county clerk, shall be filed not less than twelve (12) days before election; and when required to be filed with a municipal clerk, shall be filed not less than ten (10) days before elec- ■^•ion. Certificates of nomination for a new party may be filed with the ecretary of state, county clerk, or municipal clerk within twenty, fifteen, or twelve days before election as the case may require. [Id., § 9.] Sec. 135. [Same— Duties, secretary bf state.] The secretary of state shall immediately upon the expiration of the time within which 60 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. certificates of nomination may be filed with him, certify to the county clerk of each county, within which any of the voters may by law vote for a candidate or candidates named in the certificate, the name and de- scription of each of such candidates, together with the other details mentioned in the certificate of nomination so filed with the secretary of state, and also any proposed constitutional amendment, or party declara- tion relative thereto, lOr other question to be submitted to the people of the state for popular vote. [Id., § 10. Amended 1901, chap. 29, § 5.] Sec. 136. [Declination of nomination.] Whenever any person nominated for public office, as in this act provided, shall at least twelve (12) days before the day of election, if he shall have been nominated as provided in section four (4) of this act, or at least ten (10) days before the day of election if he shall have been nominated as provided in sec- tion five (5) of this act, notify the officer with whom the original cer- tificate of his nomination was filed, in writing, signed by him, and duly acknowledged, that he declines such nomination, the same shall be void, and his name shall not be printed upon the ballots. The officer to whom such notification is given shall forthwith inform, by mail or otherwise, one or more persons whose names are attached to the original certificates of nomination that such nomination has been declined. [Id., § 11.] Sec. 137. [Objections to certificates.] All certificates of nomi- nation which are in apparent conformity with the provisions of this act shall be deemed to be valid, unless objection thereto shall be duly made in writing within three days after the filing of the same. In case such objection is made, notice thereof shall forthwith be mailed to all candi- dates who may be affected thereby, addressed to them at their respective places of residence as given in the certificate of nomination. Objections to use of party name may also be made and passed upon in the same manner as objections to certificates. The officer with whom the original certificate was filed shall in the first instance pass upon the validity of such objection, and his decision shall be final, unless an order shall be made in the matter by a county court, or by a judge of the district court, or by a justice of the supreme court at chambers, on or before the Wednesday preceding the election. Such order may be made sum- marily upon application of any party interested, and upon such notice as the court or judge may require. The decision of the secretary of state, or the order of the judge, or Supreme Court Justice revising such decision, shall be binding on all other county, municipal, or other officers with whom certificates of nomination are filed. In case of a division in any party, the Secretary of State shall give the preference of the party name to the convention held at the time and place designated in the call of the regularly constituted party authorities, and if the faction or factions shall present no other name, the Secretary of State shall select a name or title, and place the same on the ballot after the name of the candidates of said faction. The action of the preceding national con- vention of such party, regularly called, shall determine the action of the Secretary of State, or the court, in its decision. The Secretary of State may be compelled by peremptory order or mandamus proceedings, to perform his duty in this respect [Id., § 12. Amended 1899, chap. 26.] ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 61 Sec. 138. [Vacancy in nomination.] Should any person so nominated die before election day, or decline the nomination, as in this act provided, or should any certificate of nomination be insufficient or inoperative, the vacancy or vacancies thus occasioned may be filled in the manner required for original nominations. If the original nomina- tion was made by a party convention which had delegated to a com- mittee the power to fill vacancies, such committee may upon the occur- ring of such vacancies proceed to fill the same. The chairman and secretary of such committee shall thereupon make and file with the proper officer a certificate setting forth the cause of the vacancy, the name of the person nominated, the office for which he was nominated, the name of the person for whom the new nominee is to be substituted, the fact that the committee was authorized to fill vacancies, and such further information as is required to be given in an original certificate of nomination. The certificate so made shall be executed and sworn to in the manner prescribed for the original certificate of nomination, and shall, upon being filed at least eight (8) days before election, have the same force and effect as an original certificate of nomination. When such certificate shall be filed with the secretary of state, he shall, in certifying the nominations to the various county clerks, insert the name of the person who has thus been nominated to fill a vacancy in place of that of the original nominee; and in the event that he has already sent forward his certificate, he shall forthwith certify to the clerk of the proper counties the name and description of the person so nominated to fill a vacancy, the office he is nominated for, together with the other details mentioned in the certificate of nomination so filed with the secretary of state, and the name of the person for whom such nominee is substituted. A vacancy by death occurring after the time for filing corrective certificate or certificates, to fill vacancy, or after the printing of the ballots, may be filled by the chairman of the party committee, by filing his proper certificate with the Secretary of State, at least six (6) days, and with the county or city or village clerk, at least two (2) days before the election, and the name, office and party of the candidate so nominated shall be printed on adhesive slips, or pasters, by the county or city or village clerk, which shall be delivered to the judges for each voting precinct before the opening of the polls, and pasted by them in the proper place on the ballot before the same is handed to the electors. [Id., § 13.] Sec. 139. [Official ballot — School elections.] Except as in this act otherwise provided, it shall be the duty of the county clerk of each county to provide printed ballots for every election for public offi- cers in which electors, or any of the electors within the county partici- pate, and to cause to be printed in the ballot the name of every candidate whose name has been certified to, or filed with the county clerk in the manner provided for in this act. But in municipal elections the city or village clerk shall provide printed ballots. Ballots other than the offieial white ballot printed by the respective county, or municipal clerks, ac- cording to the provisions of this act, shall not be cast or counted in any election. Nothing in this act contained shall prevent any voter from writing on his ballot the name of any person for whom he desires to 62 BliBOnON LAWS OF NEBRASKA. vote, for any office, and such vote shall be counted as if printed on the ballot, and marked by the voter, and any voter may take with him into the polling place any printed or written memorandum or paper to assist him in making or preparing his ballot, except as hereinafter otherwise provided. Elections for school district officers except for members of the boards of education in cities, are excepted from the provisions of this act. [Id., §14] Sec. 140. [Same— Form— Contents— X mark by voter— Sam« pie ballot.] All official ballots prepared under the provisions of this act shall be white in color, six inches wide, and of a good quelity of news printing paper, and the names shall be printed thereon in black ink. At the top and left side of the ballot shall be printed in black- faced capital type, not less than one-eighth of an inch high, the name of each party having candidates on the ballot; and to the right of each party name, a circle one-half inch in diameter, with leaders connecting the party name to the circle. Over the top circle shall appear the fol- lowing printed instructions: "To Vote a Straight Ticket Make a Cross Within Your Party Circle.'* Every ballot shall further contain the name of every candidate whose nomination for any office specified in the ballot has been certified or filed according to the provisions of this act, and no other names and the name of no candidate shall appear on the ballot more than once. The names of candidates for each office to be arranged as follows: The party polling the highest number of votes at the last general election for the first set of candidates on the state ticket, shall have the right of its nominee immediately beneath the name of the office for which such candidate was nominated ; the party polling the second highest number of votes shall have the second place; the party polling the third highest number shall have the third place, and so on, leaving those candidates whose names appear upon said ballot by petition, to appear beneath all other candidates placed there by nom- ination. The party names at the top of the ballot shall have the same order of priority as is here provided for names of party candidates. In each division, and beneath all candidates placed there by nomination or petition, a blank space shall be provided, into which electors may write the name of any person for whom they wish to vote, and whose name is not printed upon the ballot. The form of the ballot shall, as near as possible, conform to schedule "A" hereof. Each division con- taining the name of the office and a list of the candidates nominated for such office, shall be separated from other groups or divisions by a dis- tinct and heavy line. Any candidate who shall be the regular nominee of one or more party conventions, shall have the party title of each party so nominating him printed after his name. The names of the candidates shall be printed in capital letters one-eighth of an incli high, and fol- lowing each line upon which the name of the candidate and party title is printed, a square shall be printed, each side of which shall be one- fourth of an inch, and leaders shall connect the name of each candidate to the party title and square. The space intervening between the names of the candidates of the same party for the same office, shall be three- sixteenths of an inch, and the space between candidates of different parties shall be one-fourth of an inch. In precincts where there are ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 63 more than one road district, each elector shall only vote for the candi- date for overseer of the district in which said elector resides, and such vote shall be cast in the following manner: Before handing a ballot to the elector who is about to cast his vote, the judge shall ask of such elector the number of the road district in which such elector resides. The judge shall then draw a line with a blue pencil through the names of all candidates for such office except the candidate of the district in which such elector resides. There shall be a margin on each side of the ballot one-half inch wide. Whenever the Secretary of State has duly certified to the county clerk questions to be submitted to the vote of the people, the county clerk shall have printed above the names of all candidates, and below the space for a straight party vote upon the regular ballots the question in such form as will enable the elector to vote upon the .question so presented. On constitutional questions submitted to the voters, where a "For" or ''Against" vote is required, and where any political party has in state convention taken action as a party either for or against such question, the county clerk shall have the name of such political party printed directly after the words "For" or "Against", as the case may be, so as to plainly indicate to the voter the stand taken by such party on such question as shown in schedule "A" of Section 160. The County Clerk shall also prepare the necessary ballots when- ever any question is required by law to be submitted to a vote of the electors of any locality, and not to the State generally. Provided however, that when questions are submitted to the voters of any muni- cipal corporation alone, it shall be the duty of the municipal clerk to provide the necessary ballots. Sample ballots, printed upon red or green paper, and in the form of those to be used on election day, shall be printed and in possession of the county clerk, or municipal clerk, ten days before the day of election, subject to public inspection. The official ballot shall be printed and in possession of the municipal or c®unty clerk at least five days before election, and suT^ject to inspection by the candidates and their agents. At the top of the official ballot shall be printed the words "Official Ballot" and at the top of the sample ballot shall be printed the words "Sample Ballot". Any elector of any elec- tion precinct, district, or municipality, may obtain from the county or municipal clerk not to exceed two sample ballots on or before the day of election. No person other than the county or municipal clerk shall print or cause to be printed any ballot or ballots marked "Official Bal- lots", nor shall any person except said clerk print or cause to be printed anv ballot or ballots upon white paper. [Id., § 15. Amended 1899, chap. 26] 1901, chap. 29; 1903, S. F. 201.] Sec. 141. [Number of ballots.] The county or municipal clerk, charged by this act with the duty of printing and providing bal- lots, shall provide for each election precinct or district in the county or municipality, seventy-five (75) ballots of each kind for every fifty (50) or fraction of fifty (50) voters registered at the last preceding election in the district. If there is no registry in the precinct, district or munici- pality, such ballots shall be provided to the number of seventy-five (75) of each kind for every fifty (50) or fraction of fifty (50) voters who voted at the last general election in the district. When a precinct oi 64 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. district shall be divided or the boundaries changed, the clerk must ascer- tain, as nearly as possible, the number of voters in the new district or districts, and provide therefore a sufficient number of ballots in the above proportion. [Id., § 16, Amended 1901, chap. 29, § 7.] Sec. 142. [Error in ballots.] Whenever it shall appear by nffidavit that an error or omission has occurred in the names or descrip- tion of the candidates nominated for office, or in the printing of the sample or official ballots, the county judge or a judge of the district court sitting at chambers may, upon application of any voter, by order, require the clerk charged with the duty in respect to which such error or omission had occurred, to correct such error, or to show cause why such error should not be corrected. The clerk shall also upon his own motion, correct without delay any patent error in the ballots which he may discover or which shall be brought to his attention, and which can be corrected without interfering with the timely distribution of the bal- lots as hereinafter provided. [Id., § 17.] Sec. 143. [Ballots — Distribution — Unofficial.] Before the opening of the polls the county clerk of the county or the municipal clerk in the case of municipal election, shall cause to be delivered to the judges of election of each election precinct which is within the county (or within the municipality in the case of municipal elections) and in which the election is to be held, at the polling place of the precinct, t' e proper number of ballots as provided for in section 16 [141] of this nf The ballots for each precinct or district shall be enclosed in a sealed packet marked with the proper designation of the precinct or district and at the opening of the polls the package of ballots shall be publicly broken by one of the judges of election. If for any cause the official ballots prepared by the county or municipal clerk as herein prescribed shall not be ready for distribution at any polling place, or if the supply of ballots shall be exhausted before the polls are closed, unofficial ballots, printed or written as nearly as possible in the form of the official ballots, may be used. [Id., § 18.] Sec. 144. [Booths— Guard rails— Election districts.] All of- ficers upon whom is imposed by law the duty of designating the polling places, shall provide in each polling place designated by them a sufficient number of places, booths, or compartments, which shall be furnished with such supplies and conveniences as shall enable the voter conven- iently to prepare his bnllot for voting, and in which electors may mark their ballots, screened from observation, and a guard rail so constructed that only persons within such rail can approach within twelve feet of the ballot boxes, or the places, booths, or compartments herein provided for. Provided, however, that in country places where a sufficiently large room cannot be obtained, the guard rail may be placed within six (6) feet of the ballot box and booths. The number of such places, booths or compartments shall not bo less than one for every fifty voters or fraction thereof registered in the district or precinct, and where there has been no registration of voters, the number of such places, boot4is, or compart- ments shall not be less than one for every fifty electors voting in the precinct at the last general election. No person other than electors en- gaged in receiving, preparing or depositing their ballots, the judges and ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 65 clerks of election, and one qualified elector of the voting precinct from each of the political parties for the purpose of challenging illegal votes, shall be permitted to be within said rail. The expense of providing such places or compartments and guard rails shall be a public charge, and shall be provided for in the same manner as the other election expenses. The officers now charged by law with the division or alteration of elec- tion districts or precincts shall, as far as necessary, alter or divide the existing election districts or precincts in such manner that each election district or precinct shall not contain more than three hundred voters. [Id., § 19.] Sec. 145. [Ballots— Delivery to electors— Additional judges.] At any election the judges of election shall designate two of said judges whose duty it shall be to deliver ballots to the qualified electors. At the same time and in the same manner as Judges of election are now ap- pointed or elected two additional Judges of election for each election district or precinct, in Cities where a registration of voters is required, shall be appointed or elected, the said additional Judges of election shall be paid in the same manner and at the same time as Judges of election are now paid. [Id., § 20.] Sec. 146. [Manner of voting.] When any duly qualified elec- tor shall present himself at the polling place of his election district or precinct for the purpose of voting at any election then in progress, he shall receive from a judge of the election board a ballot on the back of which two judges of the board shall first write their names in ink. The elector then forthwith proceeds alone into a compartment if one be then unoccupied, and prepares his ballot by marking it with a blue pencil in the following manner: If he wishes to vote a straight party ticket he shall make a cross in the circle at the right of the name of his party at the head of the ballot, and his vote shall be considered as a vote for every candidate and endorsed constitutional amendment of that party on the ballot. If the voter does not wish to vote a straight ticket he shall make a cross in the square to the right of every candidate for whom he desires to vote, or, in a presidential election, by making a cross in the circle to the right of the presidential electors of his choice; if he desires to vote for all the electors of one party, or by writing the name of the person for whom he desires to vote, and whose name is not printed on the ballot, in the blank space provided therefor and making a cross in the square to the right thereof; and in case of a question to be submitted to the vote of the people, by making a cross in the square to the right of the answer he wishes to give. When a voter shall have made a cross in one of the circles for a straight party ticket, and shall have also made crosses in any of the squares to the right of the name of any candidates or in either square to the right of any constitutional amend- ment his vote shall be so counted as a vote for said candidates and for or against said amendments, as the case may be, but for all other officers or constitutional amendments his vote shall be counted for the candidates and party action concerning amendments of that party in whose party circle he has made a cross. Wlien two or more candidates of the same party are grouped on the ballot for the same office (as two or more repre- sentatives) a cross in the circle to the right of the group will be a vote 3 66 ELECTION LAWS OP NEBRASKA. for all the candidates in the group; if the voter wishes to vote for one or more of the candidates for that office of another party or parties, he must make a cross in the square to the right of each candidate of his own party for whom he wishes to vote for that office, and also make a cross in the square to the right of the name of each candidate of any other party or parties for whom he wishes to vote for the same office. The voter shall then fold his ballot so as to conceal the names and marks thereon, and to expose the names of the judges of the election hoard upon the back thereof, and shall without delay, and without exposing the names or marks upon the front thereof, and without leaving the en- closure in which the compartments are placed, deliver the ballot so folded to the judge of election, who shall without exposing the names or marks upon the front or face thereof, approve the signatures upon the back thereof, and deposit the ballot in the ballot box in the presence of the elector, and the elector shall forthwith leave the railed enclosure. No elector shall be allowed to occupy a voting compartment occupied by another, nor to remain within the railed enclosure in which the com- partments are situated, more than ten minutes, nor to occupy a voting compartment for more than five minutes. In cities where the registra- tion now is or hereafter may be required by law, no person shall receive a ballot unless his name duly appears on the registration list of the election district, or be established in a manner provided by law his right to vote. When such person receives a ballot a check shall be placed opposite his name upon the registration list, and when he votes his name shall be again checked on such list. Every elector receiving a ballot shall vote before leaving the polling room, or if he does not wish to vote then, he shall, before leaving the polling room, return the ballot so received to a member of the election board. No person receiving a ballot shall, under any pretext whatever, take the same from the polling room, and any person taking a ballot from the polling room shall forfeit and lose his right to vote at the election, and shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and fined not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars. [Id., § 21. Amended 1899, chap. 26; 1901, chap. 29, § 8.] Sec. 147. [Spoiled and unsued ballots.] Any voter who shall by accident or mistake spoil his ballot, may, on returning said spoiled ballot, receive another in place thereof; Provided, he shall not receive to exceed four (4) in all. The judges of election shall cause the unused and spoiled ballots to be made up in a sealed packet, and shall endorse the same with the words ''Unused and spoiled ballots," with the proper designation of the election district, and shall sign such endorsement, and shall return such packet to the clerk of their respective county or municipality, with a statement made up by the members of the election board of the district, showing the number of ballots received for such district, and accounting for them as follows: First, number counted in ballot box, second, number unused and returned. [Id., § 22.] Sec. 148. [Disabled voters.] Any voter who declares to the judge of election that he cannot read, or that by blindness, or other physical disability he is unable to mark his ballot, shall, upon request, receive the assistance of one judge and one clerk, each of different ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 67 political parties of the election officers, one of whom shall be of the voters own political party in the marking thereof, and said officers shall certify on the outside thereof that it was so marked with their assist- ance, and shall thereafter give no information regarding the same; tlie judges shall require such declaration of disability by the voter, under oath before them, and they are hereby qualified to administer the same. No elector other than the one who may, because of his inability to read, or physical disability, be unable to mark his ballot, shall divulge to any one within the polling place the name of any candidate for whom he intends to vote, or to ask or receive the assistance within the polling place in the preparation of his ballot. [Id., § 23.] Sec. 149. [Ballots unidentified not received.] No judge of election shall deposit in any ballot box any ballot, unless the same is identified by the signature of two (2) of the judges of election as herein- before provided. Every person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than ten ($10) dollars, nor more than one hundred (i^lOO) dollars. [Id., § 24. J Sec. 150. [Cards of instruction.] The county clerk of each county shall cause to be printed in large type on cards in English, in- structions for the guidance of electors in preparing their ballots. He fihall furnish six (6) such cards to the judges of election in each election precinct, and one additional card for each fifty registered el'Bctors or fractionalpart thereof in the precinct, at the same time and in the same manner as the printed ballots. The judges of election shall post not less, than one of such cards in each place or compartment provided for the preparation of ballots, and not less than three (3) of such cards else- where in and about the polling places upon the day of election. Such cards shall be printed in large, clear type and shall contain full instruc- tions to the voters, according to schedule ''B" of this act. [Id., § 25.] Sec. 151. [Ballots not counted.] In the canvass of the votes any ballot which is not endorsed as provided in this act by the signature of two (2) judges upon the back thereof, shall be void and shall not be counted, and any ballots or parts of a ballot from which it is impossible to determine the electors choice shall be void and shall not be counted. Provided, that when a ballot is sufficiently plain to gather therefrom a part of the voter's intention, that it shall be the duty of the judges of election to count such part. [Id., § 26.] Sec. 152. [Offenses relating to certificates and ballots.] No person shall falsely make, or make oath to, or fraudulently deface, or fraudulently destroy any certificate of nomination or any part thereof; or file, or receive for filing, any certificate of nomination, knowing the same or any part thereof to be falsely made, or to suppress any certifi- cate of nomination which has been duly filed, or any part thereof, or forge or falsely make the official endorsement on any ballot. Every person violating- any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof in any court of com- petent jurisdiction shall be punished by imprisonment in the peniten- tiary for a period of not less than one year nor more than five vears. [Id., § 27.] 68 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Sec. 153. [Same— Supplies.] Any judge or clerk of election, or printer, or other person intrusted with the custody or delivery of bal- lots, blanks, poll books, cards of instruction, or other required papers, who shall unlawfully open or permit to be opened, any sealed packages containing ballots, or who shall give or deliver to any person not law- fully entitled thereto, an official ballot, or shall unlawfully misplace or carry away, or shall negligently lose, or permit to be taken away from him, or fail to deliver, or shall destroy any such package of bal- lots or any ballot, blank, poll book, card of instructions or required paper; or if any printer employed to print the official ballots, or any person engaged in printing the same shall print, or cause or permit to be printed, any official ballots printed otherwise than the copy for the same furnished by the proper clerk, or print any false or fraudulent ballots, or shall appropriate to himself, or give, or deliver, or knowingly permit to be taken, any of said ballots by any other person than the said clerk, or who knowingly or willfully seals up or causes or permits to be sealed up, or delivers to the said clerk a less number of ballots than the number endorsed thereon; or any person who shall knowingly have in his possession any official ballot illegally obtained, or shall at- tempt to vote any other than the official ballot lawfully obtained, every such person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined not less than fifty (50) dol- lars nor more than three hundred (300) dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, or . both such fine and imprisonment. [Id., § 28. Amended, 1901, chap. 29, § 9.] Sec. 154. [Offenses by public officers.] Every public officer upon whom any duty is imposed by this act, who shall willfully do or perform any act or thing herein prohibited, or neglect or omit to per- form any duty as imposed upon him by the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit his office, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty (50) dollars and not more than three hundred (300) dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term of not less than three months nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [Id., § 29. Amended, 1901, chap. 29, § 10.] Sec. 155. [Electioneering — Obstructing voting — Removing and marking ballots, etc.] No officer of election shall do any elec- tioneering on election day. No person whomsoever shall do any elec- tioneering on election day within any polling place, or any building in which an election is being held, or within one hundred feet thereof, nor obstruct the doors or entries thereto, or prevent free ingress to and egress from said building. Any election officer, sheriff, constable, or other peace officer, is hereby authorized and empowered, and it is hereby made his duty to clear the passage ways and prevent such ob- struction, and to arrest any person so doing. No person shall remove any ballot from the polling place before the closing of the polls. No person shall show his ballot after it is marked to any person in such a way as to reveal the contents thereof, or the name of the candidate or candidates for whom he has marked his vote, nor shall any person solicit the elector to show the same; nor shall any person except a judge of elec- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 69 tion receive from any elector a ballot prepared for voting. No elector shall receive a ballot from any other person than one of the judges of election having charge of the ballots ; nor shall any person other than the judges of election deliver a ballot to such elector. No elector shall vote or offer to vote any ballot except such as he received from the judges of election having charge of the ballot. No elector shall place any mark upon his ballot by which it may afterwards be identified as the one voted by him. Every elector who does not vote a ballot delivered to him by the judges of election having charge of the ballots shall, before leaving the polling place, return such ballot to such judges. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and adjudged to pay the costs of prosecution. [Id., § 30.] Sec. 156. [Election laws— Publication.] It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to cause to be publisl\ed in pamphlet form and distribute through the county clerks of the respective counties, a sufficient number of copies of this law, together with the registration law of the state and such other laws as bear upon the subject of elec- tion, as will place a copy thereof in the hands of each election board. [Id., § 31.] Sec. 157. [Police protection.] The proper authorities of every city shall detail a police officer to each polling place of such city; the proper authorities of every village shall detail the village marshal or constable, and the proper authorities of every country precinct shall detail a constable of said precinct, to the voting places of said village or precinct, upon the day fixed for holding any election therein, and the special duties of such police officer, village marshal or constable, in addition to the preservation of the peace, shall be as follows: a. He shall, as far as possible, remain at or near the entrance of the inclos- ure in which the compartments are placed; he shall not permit any person to enter said inclosure unless duly provided with an official ballot, signed with the names of two judges of the election board. 6. He shall not permit any person to enter the inclosure while the sev- eral compartments therein are occupied; c. He shall not permit any person to leave the inclosure without first voting or surrendering his ballot to a judge of the election board; d. He shall not permit any person to leave the polling room after receiving a ballot, without first voting or surrendering his ballot. [Id., § 32.] Sec. 158. [Acts repealed.] That sections 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155 and 156 of chapter 26 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1895 as heretofore existing and all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed." [Id., § 33.] 70 ELBCJnON LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Sec. 159. SCHEDULE "B." INSTRUCmONS TO VOTERS. 1. Persons desiring to vote must procure their ballots from a judge of the electi-on board. 2. They must then without leaving the polling place, proceed to a compartment and prepare their ballots. 3. The ballots are prepared as follows: If you wish to vote a straight ticket, make a mark in the circle at the top of the ballot to the right of the name of your party, and your ballot will then be counted for every candidate and as approval of party action on any constitutional amend- ment of that party on the ballot. If you wish to vote otherwise than a straight ticket, make a cross in the square to the right of the name of each person for whom you wish to vote or for or against any con- stitutional amendment; if you wish to vote a straight ticket with the exception of certain ofificfes or constitutional amendments, place a cross in the circle at the head of the ticket for which you wish to vote in the main, and then place a cross in the square to the right of the candidates of the other parties for whom you wish to vote, or in the square to the right of the words "For" or ''Against" any constitutional amendment. When two or more candidates of the same party are to be voted for for the same office (as two or more representatives) and the voter wishes to vote for one or more of his own party and one or more of another party, he must make a cross after each candidate for whom he wishes to vote for that office. Do not make any mark on the ballot save as above directed. If you spoil a ballot return it to a judge of the elec- tion board and obtain from him a new ballot; you cannot get more than four in all. Having marked your ballot, fold it so as to conceal the names and marks on the face and to expose the names on the back; then take it to a judge of the ©lection and see it deposited in the ballot box, after which immediately leave the railed enclosure. 4. If you wish to vote for any person whose name is not printed on the ballot, write his name in full in the blank space on the ballot under the proper office you wish him to hold, and make a cross in the square opposite the written name. 5. Do not take any ballot from the polling place; you thereby for- feit the right to vote. [Amended, 1901, chap. 29. § 11.1 Sbo. 160. ■ Schedule "A." OFFICIAL BALLOT. To Vote a Straight Ticket make a cross within your party Circle. Republican (j Democrat Peoples' Independent Democrat 1 (^^ •i ■■ ■ ^J Prohibition o ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 71 Constitutional Amendment: Amendment to the Constitution, Relating to the Number of Justices of the Supreme Court Vote "For" or "Against". . Republican □ Democrat "I r—, Peoples' Independent / '— ' Against Prohibition □ and Their Terms of Office For For Presidential Electors: William H. Carleton Republican Charles H. Chase Republican Joseph G. Dobry Republican James J. Hawe Republican James Hughes Republican Christian Kroeger Republican A ngus C. McLeod Republican Charles J. Phelps Republican Democrat "1 John E. Arnold Peoples' Independent / Demoerat\ Melville D. Cameron Peoples' Independent j Democrat \ Frank J.Everett Peoples' Independent/ Democrat) "William T. Howard Peoples' Independent ( Democrat \ James Langley Peoples' Independent j Democrat ) Donald McLeod Peoples' Independent ) Democrat i Patrick J. Murphy Peoples' Independent / Democrat \ Henry C. RusseU Peoples' Independent J Allan Cameron Prohibition John Dolezal Prohibition Elon E. Greenman Prohibition John Higgins Prohibition Edward T. Hodson Prohibition Joseph Kuduma Prohibition Frank Prokes Prohibition William Bath Prohibition D D D D D D D D n n D D D D D D D n D D D D D D Vote for Eight. A Cross within this Circle o Votes for all the Re- publican Ele-ctors A Cross within this Circle o Votes for all the Democratic and Peoples' Independent Electors. A Cross within this Circle o Vote for all the Pro- hibition Electors. 72 ELECTION LAWS OP NEBRASKA. D D D n D D D D A Cross within thia Circle o Votes for all the Written Electors. Preference for United States Senator: Richard Wilkinson John C. Sprecher. . Grace E. Walthers Vote for One. Republican Q Democrat \ Peoples' Independent / Prohibition D D a For Governor: William H. Newell George W. Meredith . E. Benjamin Judkins Vote for One Republican Q Democrat \ . Peoples' Independent j Prohibition D D n For Congressman, Ist Congressional District: Vote for One. Republican Q Democrat \ j— , Peoples* Independent / I— ' Prohibition □ Elmer J. Burkett. Geo. W. Berge . . Lucius O. Jones. D For Senator, 12th Senatorial District: Nathan V. Harlan , Frank T. Ransom John L. Anderson . , Vote for One. Republican □ Democrat"! r- . . Peoples' Independent j l— ' Prohibition □ D For Representatives, 32d Representative District: Vote for Three. Thomas E. Hibbert. Henry Steinmeyer. . Robert W. Laflin... , Republican □ . Republican □ . Republican □ A Cross within this Circle o Votes for all the Repub- lican Representatives. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 73 D Democrat "1 John Lichty Peoples' Independent / Democrat 1 ,— , , Fred G. Hawksby Peoples' Independent j '— ' \ A Cross within this Circle o Votes for all the Demo- -^ , ^ , ^^ „ Democrat 1 p, cj-atic and Peoples' Inde- Charles Crockett Peoples' Independent / ^ j pendent Representatives. Charles R. Lawson Prohibition Q A Cross within this Circle Dewey L. Whitney. Prohibition □ }■ O I Votes for all the Pro- Wilson Brodie Prohibition □ hibition Representatives. A Cross within this Circle o Votes for all the Writ- ten Representatives. For Justice of the Peace: Vote for One. George W. Overton Republican G Democrat "1 j— . A. W. Gates Peoples' Independent J '-' John Jones Prohibition Q D [Amended 1901, chap. 26; 1903, S. F. 201.] ARTICLE II.— INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. The Initiative. Section 1. [Ordinances proposed by voters.] The right to propose ordinances for the government of any city, or other municipal subdivision of the state of Nebraska shall in addition to being exercised by the mayor and city council of such city or the governing authorities of such other municipal subdivisions of this state, be vested in the voters thereof as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. ["Ordinance," "city," etc., "voters," "mayor and council," construed.] The word "Ordinance" where used in this Act shall mean and include ordinances, orders, resolves, agreements, con- tracts and any measure which it is within the power of the legislative authorities of such city or other municipal subdivision of the state to enact or give the force and effect of law. The word "city" where used in this Act shall mean and include city, county, village, town, school dis- trict or any other municipal subdivision of this state. The phrases "mayor and city council" or "city council" where used in this act shall mean and include the legislative authority of any such city, county, village, town, school district or other municipal subdivision of this state. The word "voters" where used in this Act shall mean persons who are qualified to vote for the respective legislative authorities of the juris- diction governed or to be governed by any such ordinance sought to ho enacted, altered or repealed by such persons. 74 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBEASKA. Sec. 3. [Proposal— Sixers— Filing.] Such proposial shall be written or printed and shall contain the full text of the proposed ordi- nance and, to be mandatory, shall be signed by at least fifteen per cent, of the voters of such city making the same and shall state after each sig- nature the residence, with street and number or if not able to designate residence in that way it shall be designated by the number of the farm or tract of land where petitioners reside. At least ten of the persons signing the same shall make oath before a competent officer that they are themselves duly qualified voters residing as stated after their signa- tures attached to such proposial and that they believe all the other per- sons who signed such proposial are also duly qualified voters and that they believe all the signatures thereto attached to be genuine. Such proposal to be filed with the clerk of such city. Sec. 4. [Same— Submission at special election.] If twenty pei cent, of the voters of such city shall request in such proposal that the ordinance therein proposed shall be submitted to the voters of such city to be voted on at a special election the clerk of such city shall cause the same to be submitted at a special election to be called as hereinafter provided. Sec. 5. [Same, at regular election.] The clerk of any such city aforesaid shall cause proposals, in which request for special election is not made, to be submitted to a direct vote of the voters of such city at the first regular election held after the expiration of thirty days from the filing of such proposal. Sec. 6. [Special elections, when held.] When a request for a special election is included in such" proposal, signed by the proper num- ber of voters, the clerk aforesaid shall cause it to be submitted to a direct vote of the voters of such city at a special election which shall be called by him not less than thirty nor more than sixty days from the filing of such proposal. Sec. 7. [Proposal submitted to council.] If the mayor and city council be convened before such proposed ordinance can be legally submitted to a direct vote of the voters, the clerk aforesaid shall forth- with present to such body a certified copy of the proposed ordinance, and the demand for the sul)mission of the same on file in his oflfice, together with a statement of the number of signatures appended thereto, and thereupon such proposed ordinance shall take precedence in such body over all ordinances introduced by members thereof. And if such pro- posed ordinance is not made law by such mayor and city council within thirty days from the filing of the same with such clerk, the said clerk shall submit the same to the voters according to the provisions of this act. Sec. 8. [Proposal amended by council.] If the mayor and city council shall alter or amend, before enacting the same, any ordi- nance submitted to it under the provisions of the preceding sections then the ordinance proposed and the ordinance as altered or amended by such body shall both be submitted to a direct vote of the voters under the provisions of this act. Sec. 9. [Ballot— Form.] The ordinance as proposed by the voters shall be set forth on the ballot by its title, and shall be designated ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASICA. 75 **As presented by Petition Form A;" the ordinance as altered or amended by the mayor and city council sliall be set forth by its title and shall be designated ''As amended by (legislative authority) "Form B;" below shall be added the statements: ''I vote for Form A" ( ) ''I vote for Form B" ( ) "I vote against both" ( ) Sec. 10. [Affirmance— Rejection.] If the ordinance as pro- posed by the voters and the ordinance as amended and passed by the city council shall together receive a majority of the votes cast on the question, the one receiving a majority of tlie afnrmative votes shall be- come law and the other shall be deemed to have been rejected ; if a ma- jority of the votes cast are against both, both shall be rejected. Sec. 11. [Ballot— One proposal.] If there is but one proposal submitted, the ballots shall be so printed as to give each voter a clear opportunity to designate by a (X) in parenthesis at the right, his answer "Yes" or "No" as approving or rejecting the same. Referendum. Sec. 12. [Ordinances— When to take effect.] No ordinance for the government of any city aforesaid in this state, except as herein- after provided, shall go into effect until thirty days after the passage of the same. Sec, 13. [Petitiofi.] The voters of such city may, within the said thirty days, file a petition with the clerk thereof requiring him to submit such ordinance to a vote of the voters of such city for their re- jection or approval, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 14. [Same— Contents— Signers.] Such petition shall be written or printed, and to be mandatory shall be signed by at least fifteen per cent of the voters of such city. It shall contain the title of such ordinance, or some sufficient description of the same, in other re- spects it shall be in manner and form as prescribed in section three of this act. Sec. 15. [Same— Submission at special election.] If twenty per cent of the voters of such city shall request in such petition that such ordinance shall be submitted to the voters of such city, to be voted on at a special election, the clerk aforesaid shall cause the same to be submitted at a special election, to be called by him not less than fifteen nor more than twenty days from the filing of such petition. Sec. 16. [Same, at regular election.] When such petition does not request that such ordinance be submitted to the voters at a special election, the clerk of such city shall cause the same to be submitted to the voters of such city at the first regular election held after the expira- tion of fifteen days from the filing of such petition, and shall cause the same to be placed upon the official ballots to be used at such election. Sec. 17. [Ordinances— Approval.] Such ordinances submitted to the voters under the six preceding sections shall not go into effect un- less approved by a majority of the votes cast for and against the same. Sec. 18. [Urgent ordinances excepted from act.] All ordi- nances relating to the immediate preservation of public peace or health 76 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. or items of appropriation of money for current expenses of the several departments of snch city, ■which do not exceed the corresponding appro- priations of the preceding year, shall, by a unanimous yea and nay vote of such city council and the approval of the mayor, be deemed to be urgent ordinances, to which sections twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen, of this act shall not apply. Sec. 19. [Laws interfering with voted ordinances.] The mayor and city council shall have no power to enact a law which shall in any manner alter, modify, impair or render nugatory ordinances which have been enacted by a direct vote of the voters of such city under the pro- visions of this act, except by a yea and nay vote of two-thirds of the city council; provided however that no such vote shall be taken within one year from the time of its enactment. Sec. 20. [Ordinances submitted at instance of council.] The mayor and city council may at any time, by resolution, provide for the submission to a direct vote of the voters of any measure introduced in it, pending before it, enacted by it, or enacted by the voters under this act, and may provide in such resolution tliat the same shall be submitted at a special election or the next annual election, and immediately upon the passage of any such resolution for submission the clerk aforesaid siiall cause such measure to be submitted to a direct vote of the voters, at the time specified therein, in manner provided in this act for submis- sion of measures upon proposals and petitions filed by voters, the same to become law if approved by a majority of the votes cast for and against the same. Sec. 21. [Election notice— Publication— Copies of ordinances.] Meetings of the voters under the provisions of this act either at a special election or a regular annual election, shall be called by the clerk of the city. He shall cause notice of every such meeting to be printed in one or more newspapers published in such city and also in the office of the clerk and three or more conspicuous places in such city at least thirty days prior to such election. The clerk shall cause copies of said ordi- nances so referred, to be printed in pamphlet form, and furnish the same to the voters of such city upon their application or order such notice provided in this section shall designate where such copies may be ob- tained. Sec. 22. [Ballots, how prepared and furnished.] All ballots for use in special elections under this Act shall be prepared and fur- nished by the clerk of such city and shall be in form the same as pro- vided by law for election of the mayor and city council of such city. When ordinances under this act are submitted to the voters at a regular annual election they shall be placed upon the official ballots as herein before provided. Sec. 23. [False affidavit, oath, certificate.] Whoever know- ingly or wilfully makes a false affidavit or takes a false oath or signs a false certificate regarding the qualifications of any person to sign pro- posals or petitions under this act, shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding one year, or by both fine and imprisonment. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 77 Sec. 24. [Falsifying, destroying, or suppressing certificates.] Whoever falsely makes or wilfully destroys a certificate of proposal or petition or any part thereof or signs another person's name thereto, or signs or files any certificate of proposal or petition knowing the same or any part thereof to be falsely made or suppresses may [any] certifi- cate of proposal or petition or any part thereof which has been duly filed, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars,^ or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding one year, or by both fine and im- prisonment. Sec. 25. [Unqualified voters— Bribery.] Whoever signs any proposal or petition under this act knowing that he is not a qualified voter in the place where said proposal or petition is made, or who aids or abets any other person in doing any of the acts above mentioned, or whoever bribes or gives or pays any money or thing of value to any person directly or indirectly to induce him to sign said proposal or peti- tion shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year or by both fiiae and imprisonment. Sec. 26. [Officers violating act.] Any clerk of such city, county, town, or school district or other municipal subdivision of the state of Nebraska, who fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of this act shall be punished by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars. Sec. 27. [General election laws applicable.] The provisions of the Statutes of this state relating to election officers, voting places, elec- tion apparatus and blanks, preparation and form of ballots, information to voters, delivery of ballots, calling of elections, conduct of elections, manner of voting, counting of votes, records and certificates of election and recounts of votes so far as applicable, shall apply to voting on ordi- nances, by the voters under the provisions of this act. Sec. 28. [Form, proposal, initiative.] Form or proposal under sections three and four and other sections of this act providing for the initiative is recommended. To the Clerk of . The undersigned voters of do hereby request that the following proposed ordinance be presented to the of this and if not enacted therein that the same shall be submitted to the voters of this at the next gen- eral election (or if a special or subsequent general election state it) for rejection or approval: **An ordinance," etc., ''Be it ordered," etc. Signatures. Street Number. Residence. Sec. 29. [Form, petition, referendum.] The following form of petition under sections twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and following sections providing for the referendum is reconnnended : To the Clerk of the . The undersigned voters of the of do hereby petition that the ordinance of the (describe it) passed by the (date) be referred to the voters of the for rejection or ap- proval. (In other respects it should be in manner and form as pre- scribed for petitions under sections three and four of this act.) ^^ ELECTION LAWS OP NEBRASKA. Sec. 30. [Acceptance of act by city.] This act shall not be- come operative in any city until accepted by the voters thereof. The provisions of this act relative to the proposal of ordinances and submis- sion of the same shall apply to the proposal of this act for acceptance and submission of the same so far as applicable. When accepted in any city in accordance with the above provisions this act shall become operative in such city from and after the date of such acceptance. Pro- vided further that not more than one special election shall be called in any one year under the provisions of this act unless the petitioners for such special election, shall deposit with the city or village clerk an amount equal to the expense of said election which amount shall be for- feited to said city or municipal subdivision in case the said petitioners shall fail to carry the proposition which they favor at said election which proposition they shall concisely state in their petition whether it be a positive or negative proposition. ARTICLE III.— CORRUPT PRACTICES. Section 1. [Election expenses— Limit.] That no candidate for representative or United States senator in the Congress of the United States, or for any public office created by the constitution or laws of this state to be filled by popular election, shall, by himself, or by or through any agent or agents, committee or organization, or per- son or persons whatsoever, in the aggregate, with the intention to pro- mote the nomination or election of such candidate, or in support of, or in opposition to any measure submitted to popular vote do any of the following things which are hereby made unlawful, and the violation of any one or all of which is made a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed six months. First. Furnish, pay for, or engage to pay for, any entertainment to any meeting of electors previous i;o or during an election at which he is a candidate. Second. Give away or treat to any drinks, cigars, or other refreshments. Third. To pay out, give, contribute, or expend, or offer or agree to pay, give, contribute, or expend any money or other valuable thing for the purpose of promot- ing the nomination or election, of any candidate; or, in support of or opposition to any measure submitted to popular vote at any election except for the bona fide expenses of any [c]andidate for public office, and for the purpose of holding and conducting public meetings for the discussion of public questions, and then not in excess of a sum to be • determined upon the following basis, namely: For five thousand voters -or less, $100.00; for each one hundred voters over five thousand and sunder twenty-five thousand, $1.50; for each one hundred voters over twenty-five thousand and under fifty thousand $1.00; and nothing addi- tional for voters over fifty thousand. Any payment, contribution or expenditure, or agreement or offer to pay, contribute or expend any money or thing of value, in excess of the limit prescribed by this act, for any or all such objects and purposes, is hereby declared to be unlaw- ful, and to make void the election of the person making it. But this section shall not apply in cases where such nomination of such candi- date, or of any rival candidate for the same office, shall have been made ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 79 prior to the taking effect of this act. Nothing in this section shall refer to traveling expenses. [1899, chap. 29.] Sec. 2. [Same— Number of voters.] The number of voters shall be taken as equal to the number of votes cast, for all the candidates for the office for which he is a candidate, at the last preceding election held to fill the same; and if at such last preceding election there shall have been more than one like office to fill, so that it cannot be determined who were the candidates for that particular office, then the number of voters shall be ascertained by adding together all the votes cast for all the candidates for such offices and dividing the sum by the number of such offices. Should no election to fill the office for which such person is a candidate have been previously held, the number of voters shall be ascertained by the total number of votes cast within the constituent territory at the last preceding election for state officers for all the candidates for the state office for which at such last preceding election the largest aggregate vote was cast within the state; and should it be impracticable on account of change of boundaries to determine from returns of such last preceding election the exact number of votes so cast within such territory, the board, officer or officers whose duty it may be to receive and canvass the returns of the election at which such person is or seeks to be a candidate shall determine the number according to- their best judgment upon request of any elector, and the number so de- termined shall be taken to be the true number. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 3. [Nomination expenses— Statement.] Every person who shall be a candidate before any caucus or convention, or at am^ pri- mary election for nomination for the office of representative in the con- gress of the United States or for any office which under the constitution or the laws of this state is to be filled by popular election, except town- ship, precinct, and school district officers or village trustees, shall within ten days after the holding of such caucus, convention or primary elec- tion, make out a statement in writing and file the same with the clerk of the county in which he resides, and make out and file a duplicate thereof with the board, officer or officers, if any, empowered by law to issue the certificate of election to such office. Such statement shall set forth in detail each and all sums of money and other things of value contributed, disbursed, expended or promised by him, and, (to the best of his knowledge and belief) by any other person or r>ersons with his procurement in his behalf, wholly or in part in endeavoring to secure, or in any way in connection with his nomination to such office or place, or in endeavoring to secure or defeat, or in any way in connection with the nomination of any other person or persons at such caucus, conven- tion or primary election, and showing the dates when, and the persons by whom and to whom, and the purposes which for each such contril^u- tion, payment, expenditure or promise was made, and such candidate shall subscribe and swear to such statement and such duplicate before an officer authorized to administer oaths. The form of such affidnvit to be appended to each such statement and to each duplicate statement and signed by the candidate, shall be in substance as follows: T. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the foregoing statement is a true <'rid full account of each and all sums of money and other things of value 80 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. directly or indirectly contributed, disbursed, expended or promised by me, and (to the best of my knowledge and belief) by any and all other persons with my procurement in my behalf, wholly or in part, in en- deavoring to secure, or in any way in connection with, my nomination to the office or place of or in endeavoring to secure cr defeat or in any way in connection with the nomination of any other person or persons at the caucus, convention or primary election before which I was a candidate for nomination to the office or place aforesaid; and that it is a true and full statement of the date when, and the person or persons to whom, and the purposes for which each such contribution, payment, expenditure, or promise was made, and the person or persons by whom made when not made directly by myself. (Signature of candidate.) [Id., § 3. Amended 1901, chap. 30.] Sec. 4. [Election expenses— Statement.] Ever\^ person who shall be a candidate for election to the office of representative in the congress of the United States or to any office which under the laws or the constitution of this state is to be filled by popular election, except township, precinct or school district officers, or village trustees, shall within ten days after the election held to fill such office, make out a statement in writing and file the same with the clerk of the county in which he resides and make out and file a duplicate tliereof with the board, or officer or officers, if any, empowered by law to issue the certifi- cate of election to such office or place. Such statement shall set forth in detail each and all sums of money and other things of value contrib- uted, disbursed, expended, or promised by him and (to the best of his knowledge and belief) by any other person or persons by his procure- ment in his behalf, wholly or in part in endeavoring to secure or in any way in connection with his election to such office or place, or in en- deavoring to secure or defeat or in any way in connection with the election of any other person or persons to any office to be voted for on the same day of election or in support of or in opposition to any measure or proposition submitted to popular vote upon the same day of election, and showing the dates when, the persons by and to whom and the pur- poses for which each such contribution, payment, expenditure or prom- ise was made. Such candidate shall subscribe and swear to such state- ment and such duplicate before an officer authorized by law to admin- ister oaths. The form of such affidavit to be appended to each statement -and to each duplicate statement and signed by the candidate shall be in substance as follows: I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the foregoing statement is a true and full account of each and all sums of money and other things of value directly or indirectly contributed, dis- bursed, expended or promised by me, and (to the best of my knowledge and belief) by any and all other persons with my procurement in my behalf, wholly or in part in endeavoring to secure, or in any way in connection with, my election to the office or place of , or in en- deavoring to secure or defeat or in any way in connection with the election of any other person or persons to any office to be voted for on the same day of election, or in support of or opposition to any measure QT propositions submitted to popular vote upon the same day of eleo- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 81 tion ; and that it is a true and full statement of the dates when, and the person or persons to whom, and the purposes for which, each such con- tribution, payment, expenditure or promise was made, and the person or persons by whom made when not made direct by myself. (Signature of candidate.) [Id., § 4. Amended 1901, chap. 30, § 2.] Sec. 5. [Failure to make statements— Penalty.] Any person failing to comply with the provisions of the third section or of the fourth section of this act, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, to be recovered with costs, in an action brought in Tthe name of the state by the attorney general or by the county attorney •of the county of the candidate's residence, the amount of said fine to be :fixed within such limit by the jury, and to be paid into the school fund of said county. [Id., § 5.] Sec. 6. [Same.] No board, officer or officers authorized by law to issue commissions or certificates of election shall issue a commission or certificate of election to any person required by the third or fourth sections hereof to file a statement or statements until such statement or statements shall have been so made, verified and filed by such persor with such board, officer or officers. No person required by the foregoinir sections of this act to file a statement or statements shall enter upon the duties of any office to which he may be elected until he shall have filed all statements and duplicates provided for by the foregoing sections of this act, nor shall he receive any salary or emolument for any period prior to the filing of the same. [Id., § 6.] Sec. 7. [Same— Prosecutions— Charges.] At any time during the term of office of any occupant of an office created by the constitution or laws of this state to be filled by popular election and hereafter filled by such election, pursuant to the constitution or laws of this state (other than the office of member of either house of the legislature or the con- gress of the United States) any elector entitled to vote at such election may present an application in writing, verified by his affidavit, to the attorney-general, setting forth one or more of the following charges against any public officer, to-wit: That such officer in seeking nomination or election, or both, to such office, violated one or more of the provisions of the foregoing sections of this act by expending, contributing or prom- ising or offering an amount in excess of the sum allowed by this act ; or that such officer willfully stated an untruth in some one or more of the statements and duplicates and affidavits made and filed by him pursuant to this act after such nomination or election; or, that any other act or acts declared unlawful or made punishable by any law of this state were committed by such officer, or by his agent or agents, or with his or their consent or connivance by some committee, or organization, or political party of which party he was the nominee, or the agent or agents of any such committee, organization or party, with intent to secure or promote his nomination or election; and further setting forth that the applicant desires said attorney-general to bring an action to have such public office declared vacant on account of such violation or violations of law, and such application shall be accompanied by a (bond in favor of the State of Nebraska in the penal sum of one thousand 82 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. dollars subscribed by two sureties, who shall justify as free holders of the state and in double the amount of such penalty exclusive of all their debts and liabilities and property exempt by law from levy and sale on execution, such bond to be conditioned for the payment of all the tax- able costs for which the state, such applicant, or such occupant of such oHice may become liable on account of such action, if none of such charges shall be sustained therein, fid., § 7.] Sec. 8. [Same.] It shall be the duty of the attorney-general, within ten days after the receipt of si.ch application and bond, to begin an action against such public officer, or to instruct the county attorney of the county in which the officer resides, to bring such action within ten days after such instruction, to have said office declared vacant, and for such other and further relief as may be appropriate in an action against the usurper of any office. Such action shall be deemed to be, and shall be, conducted according to the rules prescribed by law for the action against a usurper of an office, and it shall be the duty of any county at- torney to bring such action within ten days after receipt of such notice from the attorney general. [Id., § 8.] Sec. 9. [Same.] In case such action shall not be brought by either the attorney general or county attorney within the time limited by the eighth section of this act, it shall be lawful for the applicant to bring such action at his own expense and by liis attorney or attorneys, but in such action so brought by such applicant no recovery for costs and disbursements shall be had against the state; Provided, That in any case whether instituted by the county attorney or attorney general, or by the applicant in person, if the court shall at any time pending such action find the bond given as aforesaid inadequate in amount to cover *the costs accrued, or likely to accrue in the cause, or shall find any surety or sureties thereon insufficient, additional bonds or other sureties may be required by the court to be given within such time and upon such terms as the court may order, and upon the failure to comply with any such order of the court, such action may be dismissed at the costs of the applicant and his sureties, [Id., § 9.] Sec. 10. [Same— Cause advanced.] Such action, whether brought by the attorney general, the county attorney or the applicant, shall have the preference on the docket of any court of the state in which the same shall be pending over all other civil actions whatever. [Id., §10.] Sec. 11. [Same— Judgment— Vacancies.] If it shall be de- termined in any such action that any one or more of the charges set forth in the petition has been sustained, judgment shall be rendered declaring void the election of such defendant to such office and ousting and excluding him from such office and declaring the office vacant, and such vacancy shall thereupon be filled in the manner provided by law or by the constitution of this state with relation to filling vacancies occurring in such office, and judgment shall also be rendered against such defendant for the costs of the action, but if none of such charges be sustained, judgment shall be rendered against such applicant and his sureties on the bond or bonds for the costs of such action. [Id., § 11.] ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 83 Sec. 12. [Same— Witnesses— Evidence.] No ^person shall be excused from answering any question on trial of such action relating to any of the acts claimed to have been committed by any party thereto, or by any of the persons, committees, or organizations mentioned or referred to in the seventh section of this act on the ground that such answer would tend to incriminate or degrade the person so testifying, but the testimony so given shall not be used in any prosecution or pro- ceeding, civil or criminal, against the person so testifying, and a person so testifying shall not be liable thereafter to indictment, prosecution or punishment for the offense with reference to which his testimony was so given and may plead or prove the testimony according in bar of such indictment or prosecution. [Id., § 12.] Sec. 13. [Contests.] The election of any person to either house of the legislature of the state of Nebraska may be contested by any elector entitled to vote at the election at which he was chosen, or any of the grounds for which elections to other offices are by the foregoing provisions of this act required to be avoided. Such contest shall be conducted in the manner provided by law for contesting elections to membership in the legislature. [Id., § 13.] Sec. 14. [Political committee defined.] Every two or more persons who shall be elected, appointed, chosen or associated for the purpose, wholly or in part, of directing the raising, collection or dis- bursement, and every two or more persons who shall co-operate in the raising, collection or distribution, or in controlling or directing the rais- ing, collecting or disbursements of money used or to be used to further or defeat the nomination or election of any person or any class or number of persons to public office by popular vote, or to further or de- feat the nomination for such election of any person or any class or number of persons or in support of, or opposition to any measure or proposition submitted to popular vote, shall be deemed a political com- mittee within the meaning of this act. [Id., § 14.] Sec. 15. [Committee treasurer.] Every political committee shall appoint and constantly maintain a treasurer, who shall be a resi- dent of this state, to receive, keep and disburse all sums of money which may be collected or received or disbursed by such committee or by any of its members for any of the purposes mentioned in section 14 of this act; and unless such treasurer is first appointed and thereafter main- tained, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this act for a political committee or any of its members to collect, receive or disburse money for any such purpose. All money collected or received or disbursed by any political committee or by any member or members thereof, for any of the purposes mentioned in section 14 of this act shall be paid over and made to pass through the hands of the treasurer of such commit- tee, and shall be disbursed by him, and it shall be unlawful and a viola- tion of this act for any political committee, or for any member or mem- bers of a political committee to disburse or expend money for any of the objects or purposes mentioned in section 14 of this act until the money so disbursed or expended shall have passed through the hands of the treasurer of such political committee. [Id., § 15.] <^4 ELECTION I/AWS OF NEBRASKA. Sec. 16. [Same— Book.] Every treasurer of a political com- mittee and every person who shall at any time act as such treasurer shall, whenever he receives or disburses money as such treasurer, or for or on account of any of the objects or purposes mentioned in Section 14, of this act, immediately enter and thereafter keep, in a proper book or books to be provided and presei'ved by him, a full, true and detailed statement and account of each and every sum of money so received or disbursed by him, setting forth in such statement each sum so received or disbursed, the object and purpose for which it was received or dis- bursed, and the person from whom it was received or to whom it was disbursed, as the case may be. Every individual receiving or disbursing money aggregating more than twenty dollars, for or on account of any of the objects and purposes mentioned in Section 14 of this Act unless he receives it from, or pays it to the treasurer of a political committee, shall in like manner keep in a book a detailed written account of his receipts and disbursements. [Id., § 16.] Sec. 17. [Statement of receipts and disbursements.] Any person or persons receiving money or other thing of value to disburse or expend on behalf of a political committee, on contracting any obliga- tions on behalf of a political committee, shall keep in writing, and within eight days after each and every election, caucus, convention or primary election in or concerning or in connection with which he shall have re- ceived it, or disbursed or promised it or any part thereof, or contracted any such obligations, or sooner if called on by the treasurer of the com- mittee, furnish the treasurer a detailed written and signed statement of such receipts, expenditures, promises and obligations, setting forth therein each sum so received or disbursed or promised as the case may be, and the date when and the person from whom received or to whom paid or promised as the case may be, and the character of each such obligation, and to whom incurred, and the object and purpose for which each sum was received, disbursed or promised and each such obligation incurred, which statement shall be incorporated in and form a part of the statement and account which the treasurer is to keep. [Id., § 17.] Sec. 18. [Same by treasurer.] Every treasurer of a political committee as defined in this act, and every other person required by section 16 of this act to keep an account, shall, within twenty days after each and every election, caucus, convention or primary election in or concerning, or in connection with which he shall have received or dis- bursed any money for any of the objects or purposes mentioned in sec- tion 14 of this act, prepare and file in the office of the clerk of the county in which such treasurer or person resides, a full, true and detailed ac- coimt and statement, subscribed and sworn to by him before an officer authorized to administer oaths, setting forth each and every sum of money received or disbursed by him for any of the objects or purposes mentioned in section 14 of this act, the date of receipt and each disburse- ment, the name of the person from whom received or to whom paid and the object or purpose for which the same was received and the object or purpose for which disbursed. Such treasurer's statement shall also set forth the unpaid debts and obligations, if any, of such committee, with the nature and amount of each, and to whom owing, in detail and ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 85 if there are no unpaid debts or obligations of such committee, such statement shall state such fact. [Id., § 18.] Sec. 19. [Claims.] No claim against any candidate on account of any obligation incurred or promised made by him in furtherance of his nomination, or of the nomination or defeat of any other person or persons who may be candidates for nomination for any office at the same caucus, convention or primary election, shall be payable or be paid, unless presented for payment within eight days after the caucus, con- vention or primary election. No claim against any political committee shall be payable or be paid unless presented for payment within eight days after the caucus, convention or primary election or elections, in or concerning or in connection with which it shall have been incurred or promised, and no claim against candidate on account of any obligation incurred or promise made by him in furtherance of his election, or to further or oppose the election of any other person or persons voted for on the same day of election, or in support of or opposition to any meas- ure or proposition submitted to popular vote on the same day of election shall be payable or be paid unless presented for paj^ment within eight days after the election in or concerning or in connection with which it shall have been incurred or promised, nor shall any claims not presented within the time herein limited be paid, and it shall be unlawful to pay any claim not presented within the time herein limited, provided, how- ever, that the district court of the county within which such candidate or the treasurer of such committee resides, may, on petition filed and good cause shown for delay, allow claims not presented until after the time herein limited to be paid; two weeks' notice of the filing of such petition having been given to the person, persons, or committee against whom such claim is asserted, and also published in two newspapers of opposite political parties, of general circulation, published in . said county, but should such claim not be shown by the statement required by this act to be filed by such candidate or committee, then after their allowance and payment such candidate or committee, as the case may be, shall file additional statements and duplicates thereof, duly verified, and in the same manner as herein required with relation to their original statements. [Id., § 19.] Sec. 20. [Statements preserved.] Every officer with whom statements or accounts or duplicates thereof are hj this act required to be filed, shall receive and file in his office, and there keep as part of the records thereof for four years after they are filed, all such statements, duplicates and accounts, and they shall at all reasonable times be opened to the public inspection, and copies thereof certified by such officer under the seal (if any) of his office shall be admitted as evidence in all courts with like force and effect that the original would have if produced. After four years succeeding the filing of such papers they shall be de- stroyed by such officer or his successor in office. [Id., § 20.] Sec. 21. [Failure to make statements.] Every treasurer of a political committee as defined in this act who shall wilfully fail, neglect or refuse to make out, verify and file with the county clerk the statement required by section 18 of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five 86 BLHOnON LAWS OF NEBRASKA. hundred dollars, which fine, when collected, shall be paid into the treas ury of the county in which such fine was assessed, to the credit of the school fund of such county. [Id., § 21.] Sec. 22. [Same— Books— Claims.] Every treasurer of a politi- cal committee, and every other person required by section 16 of this aot to keep an account, who shall either. First. Neglect or fail to keep a correct book or books of account, setting forth all the details required to be set forth in the account and statement contemplated in sections 16, 17, and 18, of this act (except that the book or books need not be sub- scribed or sworn to) with intent to conceal the receipt or disbursement of any sum received or disbursed by him or by any other person, or the purpose or object for which the same was received or disbursed, or to conceal the fact that there is any unpaid debt or obligation of such treasurer or committee, or the nature or amount thereof, or to whom owing, in detail; or Second.— Mutilate, deface or destroy any such book or books of account with intent to conceal any fact disclosed by such book or books; or Third.— Having failed to file within the time pre- scribed by this act any statement and account which he is by this act required to file, further fail to file the same within five days after he shall receive notice in writing signed by five resident freeholders of the county in which such treasurer or person resides, requesting him to file such statement and account shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be imprisoned for not less than two or more than six months. [Id., § 22.] Sec. 23. [Naturalization of aliens.] It shall be unlawful for any candidate for any office which is to be filled by popular election un- der the constitution or laws of this state, or for any member of a political committee, to pay, contribute, promise or offer, or to procure or connive at the paying, contributing, promising or offering any money or thing of value for the purpose of procuring, facilitating, or defraying any fees or expenses in connection with the naturalization of any alien or aliens, and any violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or im- prisonment for not less than ten nor more than thirty days, or both. [Id., § 23.] ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. KEGISTEATION OF VOTERS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 76.) ARTICLE I. — CITIES OVER 25,000. Section 1. (Registration Books). It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Council of any Metropolitan City, or City of the First Class, having more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) inhabitants, which shall include all portions of the voting precinct, in which said city is situated, to cause to be prepared books for the registration of names and facts required by this act. Said books to be known by the general name of registers, and to be so arranged as to admit of the entering, under the name of each street or avenue in each election precinct and the numlier of each dwelling on any such street or avenue, if there be a number thereto, and if there be no number, then under such definite de- scription of the location of the dwelling place, as shall enable it to be readily ascertained and found, the names of all legal voters in each dwelling, in each of said precincts, who shall apply for registration. Such register shall be ruled in parallel columns in which, opposite the name of every applicant for registration, shall be entered the words and figures hereinafter provided in this act, and shall be of such size as to contain not less than eight hundred (800) names, and so prepared that it may be- used at each election in any city governed by the provisions of this act, until such time as is in this act provided for the succeedimr general registration, and shall on the inside be in form as follows, to-wit: Term of Residence S a 73 a la fir 0) A 3 2 TJ c CO o 6 o ■72 c o > o C 'S p o (V 3 s < -2 2 Q O o o S > isD C .2 15 IB -£ : a ■ ^ O K [Amended, 1895, chap. 50; 1903. S. F. 215.] Sec. 2. [Supervisors cf registration.] All supervisors of regis- tration in said cities shall hereafter be selected and appointed by the city council, and the said council shall have the power to make all necessary removals in the office of supervisors of re2:istration. It shall be tlie duty of said council, annually in the month of September in each year, for each election precinct, in any such cities to select to serve as supervisors of registration, three (3) persons, two of whom, on state issues, shall be of political faith and opinion different from their asso- ciate and the supervisor appointed to represent the political party in the minority on state issues shall be named solely by such members of said city council; the said supendsors shall be citizens of the United States and of state of Nebraska, of good cliaracter and able to read, write, and speak the English language understandingly, qualified voters 88 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. in said city, and not candidates for any office to he voted for by the electors of the precinct for which they shall be selected, and residents of the precincts for which they shall be appointed. The persons so selected as supervisors shall be notified by the city clerk to appear be- fore the mayor, who shall examine them as to their qualifications, and if he shall be satisfied that they are qualified to serve, they shall each take and subscribe before the city clerk within ten days of the notice of the appointment, the following oath of office: •'I residing at No in the city of do solemnly swenr (or affirm) that T will support the constitution of the United States and of the state of Nebraska, and that I will faithfully and im- partially discharge the duties of the office of supervisor of registration for the election precinct (or ward) No of the city of ac- cording to the laws of the state and the best of my ability; and that I am a citizen of the United States and of the state of Nebraska, a qualified voter in election precinct (or ward) No in the city of and not a candidate for any office to be voted for by the voters of the precinct for which I am appointed supervisor." Whoever shall be nominated and sworn into office as a supervisor of registration shall receive a certificate of appointment from said city clerk, and said certificate shall be in such form as shall be prescribed by the city council, and to specify the election precinct or ward in and for which the i:)erson to whom the same is issued is appointed to serve, and the date of the expiration of his terra of office. The supervisors of registration appointed under the provision of this act shall hold office for one year, unless sooner removed by the mayor, for want of requisite qualifications, or by said council for cause in either of which cas-^s such removal, unless made while the supervisor is actually on duty on the da}^ of registration or revision of registration, and for improper conduct as registration officer, shall only be made after notice in writing to the officer sought to be removed, which notice shall set forth clearly the reason for his removal; Provided, That any supervisor of registration who shall at any time be appointed to fill a vacancy, which fact shall be stated in his certificate of appointment, shall hold office only during the unexpired term of his predecessor. The said supervisor of registration shall have charge and control of the registration of voters and the revis- ion o'f any registration in their respective precincts. Sec. 3. [Challenges.] Any person applying to register may, on any day of any general registration or revision of registration, be chal- lenged in the said cities, and either of the said supervisors in any elec- tion precinct may at any authorized meeting of said supervisors, and one of them shall administer to any person so challenged, the oath or oaths provided by law to test the qualifications of challenged voters, and either of said super\nsors may, at any such meetings, administer to any applicant for registration the oath or oaths provided in this act to be administered to any such applicant, and may also administer to any elector of the election precinct who may be ottered as a witness to prove the qualifications of any person claiming the right to be registered the following oath: ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. 8-> FORM OF OATH TO WITNESS. **You do solemly swear (or affirm) that you are a voter in this election precinct; that you will fully and truly answer all such questions as shall be put to you touching the place of residence and other quali- fications as a voter of (name to be given) now claiming the right to be registered as a voter in this precinct." Sec. 4. [Vacancy.] Whenever, from any cause, there shall exist a vacancy in the office of supervisor of registration, the person ap- pointed to fill such vacancy shall be named by the council as herein- before provided. Sec. 5. [Supervisor— Pay.] Supervisors of registration ap- pointed in pursuance of the provisions of this act, shall each be en- titled to receive three (3) dollars per day for each day's service at any registration, or revision of any registration, which compensation shall be allowed by the city council on the certificate of the city clerk as to the time of service; but no payment shall be made to any person as a supervisor as aforesaid, who shall not have taken, subscribed, and filed the oath or affirmation herein required, and who shall not, during the period of his service, have fully complied with all the requirements of law in anywise relating to his duties; and it shall be unlawful for any person to act as such supervisor without having taken, subscribed, and filed the said oath or affirmation, and any person so unlawfully acting shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars, nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or imprisoned in county jail for not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days, or both, and shall stand committed until all fines and costs are paid. Said supervisors, during the time that they hold such office, shall be exempt from the per- formance of jury duty. Sec. 6. [Supervisor— Qualifications— Failure to serve.] Each and every person appointed by the city council for supervisor of regis- tration, urfder this act, shall, on receipt of notice thereof from the city clerk, appear within five (5) days thereafter before the mayor for ex- amination, and if found qualified shall, unless excused by the mayor by reason of ill health or other good and sufficient cause, be bound to serve as such officer for the term of one year from the date of his appointment, and in case of the neglect or refusal of any such person to comply with the above requirement, or to serve or act, unless excused as aforesaid, the said person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic- tion thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars, nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars, and shall stand com- mitted until such fine and the costs are paid, and said fines shall be for the use of the police fund. Sec. 7. [Same-Powers— Duties.] The said supervisors of registration in each election precinct in any city governed by this act, while discharging any of the duties imposed upon them by this act, shall have full authority to preserve order and enforce obedience to their lawful commands, at and around the place of registration, or revision of registration, dilring the time of registration or revision '90 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. of registration; to keep the access to snch place open and unobstructed; to prevent and suppress riots, tumults, violence, disorder, and all im- proper conduct tending to the intimidation or obstruction of voters; to prevent the disturbance or interruption of the work of registratio--"!, or revision of registration, and the registers from violence or fraud, and to appoint or deputize, if necessary, one or more voters to com- municate their orders and directions, and to assist in the enforcement thereof, and any person neglfctinc; or refusing to act when so appoi:ited or deputized shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and s>'^!l, on con- viction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and shall stand cojn- mitted until such fine and the costs are paid. Sec. 8. [Time of reg-istration. ] Hereafter there shall be, in cities governed by the provisions of this act, a general registration of the qualified voters residing in each election precinct of said cities, at the times herein before provided, and then only, To-wit: The Thnrs- day of the third week, the Friday of the second week, and the Saturday of the first week immediately preceding the day of the November elec- tion in each year. For each and every election held in any of the said cities, other than such as are above designated in this section, there shall be a revision of the general registration, had, as provided in this act, which revision shall be made on the Saturday of the first week immediately preceding the dav of each and every such election. [Amended 1895, chap. 50, § 2.] " Sec. 9. [Same— Duties of supervisors.] The supervisors of registration appointed pursuant to the provisions of this act, shall at the times in this act designated for general registration, m.eet in their respective election precincts, at the places which, as provided in this act, shall be selected for such meetings, and at such times in each election precinct the said supervisors of registration shall openly and publicly do and perform the following acts, viz: 1st. They shall organize as a board by selecting one of their number to act as chair- man, but in case of failure to so organize within fifteen minutes after the time fixed for the meeting, the chairman shall be selected by lot. 2nd. They shall receive the application of registration of such legal voters of their several election precincts as then are, or on the day of election next following the day of making such applications would be, entitled to vote therein, and who shall personally present them- selves for registration, and such ot\]j. 3rd. They shall remain in ses- sion on each of said days of registration, or revision of registration, from the hour of 8 o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock in the evening and administer to all persons who may personally apply to register the following oath or affirmation, viz.: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly answer all such question as shall be put to you, touching your place of residence, name, place of birth, your qualifications as an elector, and your right as such to register and vote under the laws of this State." 4th. They shall then examine the applicant as to his qualifications ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. 91 as an elector, and, unless otherwise provided herein, shall immediately in the presence of the applicant, enter in the registers to be made and furnished, as provided in this act, the statements and acts as above set forth, and in the manner following, viz: First— TJnder the column "Residence" the name and number of the street, avenue, or other location of the dwelling if there be a number; but if there shall not be a number, then such clear and definite descrip- tion of the location of such dwelling as shall enable it to be readily found; and if there be more than one family residing in the dwelling named by the applicant, in such case the said applicant shall give the floor on which he resided (every floor below the level of the ground being designated as the basement, the first floor on or above such level the first floor, and each floor, above that as the second or such other floor as it may be), or the number or location of the rooms occupied by the applicant and whether front or rear. Second— JJuder the column "Address" the name of the applicant, giving the sur- name and Christian name in full, and said names shall be kept by streets and avenues as far as the same can be done. Third— Xjnder the column "Sworn" the word "Yes" or "No" as the case may be. Fourth— Vnder the column of "Nativity" the state, country, kingdom, empire, or dominion, as the facts shall be stated by the applicant. Fifth— JJnder the column "Color" the word "White" or "Black" as the case may be. Si.Tth—VndeY the subdivision of the general column of "Term of Residence," the periods by months or years stated by the applicant in response to the inquiries made for the purposes of ascertaining his qualifications and filling such columns. Seventh— Under the column "Naturalized" the word "Yes" or "No" or "Native" as the fact may be stated. Eir/hth— JJnder the column "Date of Papers," the date of naturalization if naturalized, as the same shall appear by the evidence of citizenship submitted or presented by the applicant in compliance with the requirements of this act. Ninth — Under the column "Court" the designation of the court in which, if naturalized, such naturalization was done, as the same shall appear by the evidence of citizenship presented or submitted by the applicant in compliance with the requirements of this act. Te)}th— JJnder the column "Qualified Voter" the word "Yes" or "No" as the fact shall appear and be determined by at least two (2) of the said supervisors, it being, however, required of said supervisors, to designate asa qual- ified voter any person, who, being otherwise qualified, shall not, at the time of making the application be of age, providpd the time when such applicant shall be of the age of twenty-one (21) shall be subs?qii?nt to the date of his making application and not later than the day of the election immediately following such time of apph'ing. Flcvnifli — Under the column "Date of Application," the month, day, and year when the applicant presented himself for registration. Pec. 10. [Seme.] On the days and at the times in this act designated for any revision of any general regictration, the duly qual- ified supervisors o.f registration shall meet in their respective election precincts, at the places whieli, in accordance v;ith tLj requirements of 92 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. this act, shall have beon provicled for such meetings, and shall openly and nnblicly do and perform the followins: acts, v'wr. Each and every one of the duties and requirements set forth to subdivi=^ions one (1) and three (3) of section nine (9) of this act. They shall in each election precinct receive the application for registration of such leQ:al voters of the election precinct, whose names are not then borne ui)on the resis- tors thereof as qualified voters therein, as shall personally present themselves, and who, on the day of election next ensuing, would be entitled to vote therein, and as to all applications made to them, they shall proceed therewith in the manner provided in subdivision four (4) of section nine (9) of this act, provided, that if upon the examination, as in this act provided for, of any applicant for registration, it shall appear that he has, since the last day of any general registration of voters or any revision thereof in cities governed by this act, moved into or become a resident of said election precinct, the said supervisors shall inquire from where such applicant removed or came; and if it shall appear that such removal was from a place within the said city, they shall inquire if in the election precinct in which he resided at the time of the last preceding general registration (naming su^h time), or in which he has resided at any time subsequent thereto, he has b^en re^^istered, or has applied for registration; and if he shall swear that hf has not, then the said supervisors shall proceed with said applica- t:3n as with that of any other person who may apply to them; but if he shall swear that he has been so registered, the said supervisors shall, before proceeding further, require him to present to them a certificate of removal as provided for in this act, so that his name shall not be on the registers of two election precincts; ancl upon presenta- tion to any board of supervisors of any certificate of removal, the said board shall treat the person presenting the same, in the same manner provided in subdivision four (4) of section nine (9) of this act for applicants for registration. Sec. 11. [Oath of removal.] Any person who shall at any time as provided in this act, have personally a]i])lied to the said super- visors in any such election precinct for registration, and shall have, in the register thereof, been entered as a qualified voter, and who shall, at any time prior to the close of any. general registration, or revision of registration, have removed from the dwelling place under which he shall, as a resident, be. borne upon the register, may, upon any day provided in this act for the meeting of said supervisors, personally appear before the supervisors in any election precinct in which he resided at the tim.e his name was entered upon said register, during the hours provided in this act for the meetings of said supervisors, and publicly take and subscribe before one of said supervisors the follow- ing oath or affirmation, which shall be known as the oath of removal, viz: I residing at No in election precinct No of the city of , do solemnly swear (or alhrm) that I am duly entered in the registers of said election precinct, from said resi- dence as a qualified voter and that I have removed my place of resi- dence to No in election precinct No in said city, and I ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. 93 do hereby request that the proper entries and records be made as the same are provided for by law, and that a certificate of removal be fur- nished me at this time." Upon such oath or affirmation being made and subscribed as herein provided, it shall be the duty of said supervisors to carefully preserve the same and file it within twenty-four (24) hours after the close of any registration or revision, with the city clerk; and upon am^ such person taking and subscribing said oath of removal the said super- visors, if satisfied of the identity of the person making the same with the person he claims to be, as the description of said last mentioned person shall appear on the registers; (and if not satisfied therewith, shall at once, by a police officer, or by any one to whom said board shall especially authorize, make an examination and inquire at the residence of said person, as the same shall be entered upon the registers as to the fact of the removal of such person from said dwelling place; when, if his removal therefrom shall be found by the report of such person to be a fact), shall immediately proceed to strike from said registers the name of such person, by entering in each of the registers, opposite to and against the name of such person, and in the column headed, ''why disqualifi.ed, " the word, ''removed," and in the column headed, ''date of erasing name," the month, day, and year of such striking from said registers such name, and in the column headed, "re- marks," the words, "transferred to," together with the number of the election precinct to which such person shall, in his oath of removal, state he has removed and the initial letters of the name of each super- visor who shall in each of said registers make such entry, and sha'l through the name of such person as the same shall appear on such registers, and there only, draw a red line indicative that such name is erased from the registers of that election precinct, and the name of any such person so found stricken and erased from said registers shall as to his name entered under the column "residence," be there- after considered by all election officers to be stricken from the rolls of that election precinct, and shall be treated as if never entered thereon. If the dwelling place to which any such person shall have removed be within the boundaries of the same election precinct as was his former residence as shown by the registers in said election pre- cinct, the said supervisors shall, in said registers under the number or other description of the dwelling place to which such person has removed, enter his name, and in the several columns opposite and against the same, such words and figures as, prior to the striking from or erasing of the name of such person in the manner in this section above provided, were in the column similarly headed and opposite to and against the name of such person as upon said register it appeared under the dwelling from which he shall have declared he has removed; and if the dwelling place to which he shall have removed shall be within the boundaries of any other election precinct than was the resi- dence under which he was previously entered on said registers, the said supervisors shall fill up, sign, and deliver to such person a certificate, which shall be known as the certificate of removal, and shall be in form as follows, viz.: 94 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. CERTIFICATE OF REMOVAL. Eegistration place of election precinct No , in the city of tliis day of 18. . . To the board of supervisors of election precinct No in tlie city of Tills is to certify that the name of , heretofore residing at No in this election precinct, has been by us, the supervisors of registration in tliis precinct, stricken from the registers of tliis precinct, and the proper erasures made, upon oath of removal and at the request of said above named persons; and that upon said registers in this election precinct were entered as to him the follow- ing statement, viz.: Name Residence Sworn Nativity Color LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. Term of residence County State Naturalized Date of papers Court Qualified Voter Date of application Sec. 12. [Entries on registers.] The said supervisors of reg- istration in each election precinct shall on each daj^ of any general registration before adjournment, enter in each of two books prepared for that purpose, one of which shall be known as the public copy of the registers, and the other of which shall be known as the election bureau copy of the registers, all such names and residences, and all such dates, information, and statements as during the day have been entered by the said supervisors in the registers provided in this act, and the whole five books shall on each of said days, after a com- pletion of said copies of the registers, be carefully compared through- out, so that each of said registers, and the copies thereof shall in every respect agree with each other and contain the name and residence of each person who shall have applied for registration and the facts respecting him, as the same shall have been stated by him and entered in said registers, as provided in this act. The said supervisors shall, in the last day of any general registration, certify each of said copies in the same manner as if it were an original register, and within thirty-six hours after their adjournment on said last day of any gen- eral registration, the said supervisors shall file with the city clerk the election bureau copy of said registers at his office whore tlie same shall be carefully preserved, and the said supervis(^rs shall on the last day of any revision of registration, and before adjournment make a copy of the registers as they shall then be made up for the election next ELECTION LAWS OF NEEIIASKA, ensuing, which copy shall be marked and known as a public copy of the original registers as then existing for the election next ensuing; and the said supervisors shall also make, fill, and certify, on blanks to be prepared and furnished by the city clerk for that purpose, the name and all other particulars as shall be entered against or opposite to the name of any person, which, having been once entered upon said registers shall have been on the days of any such revision of regis- trations for any reason stricken therefrom as provided in this act to- getlier with the name and all such other particulars as shall be entered against or opposite the name of any person who shall on any day of any such revision have been added to the said registers and said blanks so filled and certified shall within twenty-four liours after tlie close of the last day of any revision of registration be left by said supervisors with the city clerk, and it shall be the duty of the city clerk to imme- diately enter, or cause to be entered, in the election bureau copy of the registers of each election precinct on file in his office, all the proper and necessary entries requisite to make said copy conform to said registers and be always a copy thereof. Sec. 13. [Books and blanks.] It shall be the duty of the city ci- ks in said cities, under the direction of the mayor and council, tc 7 t'epare and furnish all necessary registers, books, maps, oaths, cer- tificates, blanks, and instructions for the use of supervisors of regis- tration, and to provide said officers with all necessary supplies, to have and retain the custody of all registers, copies thereof, records, papers, and certificates of every kind required by this act, to be filed and kept in his office. The said city clerk shall for any revision of any general registration issue to each of said judges in each election precinct in said cities, one of the registers of said precinct in use therein at the preceding election, and returned to and filed by him in his office. Sec. 14. [Entry on books at close of day.] The said super- visors of registration in each election precinct in any city governed by the provisions of this act, on each day of any general registration, or revision of registration, and before adjournment shall on each of the registers and on each copy thereof, as in this act provided, shall on each of said days be kept and made, draw in red ink immediately below the last name underneath each dwelling place and below the last figures and words entered opposite to or against such last name in each column, save that of residence, a heavy line as indicating that the entering of names on said registers for the day mentioned in the column headed "date of application," and opposite to or against the name of the last per- son entered under any dwelling place there ceased, and immediately under said r^ed line on each of said registers, said supervisors slnll eacli sign his name, so that no new name can be added without dis- covery. Sec. 15. [Certificates.] The said supervisors of registration shall, in a place to be provided therefor in each of the registers required by this act, fill up, date, and each sign with his name and place of resi- dence, the appropriate and proper certificate, which shall be either printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, and for a gen- eral registration shall be in the form following, to-wit: ^6 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. ''"We, the undersigned supervisors of registration in election pre- cinct No in the city of , do jointly and sev- erally certify that at the general registration of voters, held in said election precinct on the days of 18. . . ., and on the days of ] 8 . . . . , and on the days of 18...., there was registered by us as qualified voters in the said election precinct the names which in this register are entered as of said days, and that the number of such registered qualified voters was and is Dated 18. Supervisors of said election precinct No And said certificates shall be made immediately after the last day of any general registration. And for a revision of any general regis- tration, said certificate shall be in the following form, to-wit: **AVe, the undersigned supervisors of registration in election pre- cinct No in the city of do jointly and severally certify that at a revision of the last general registration of voters held in said election precinct on the days of 18 .... , and on the day of 18 .... , there were by us added to the list of qualified voters of said election precinct the names which in the said registers are so entered as of said days^ and that such number was and is , and that there were stricken from the registered qualified voters of said election precinct^ the names which in the said registers appear on said days to have been stricken off and erased in the manner prescribed by law and that said number was and is , leaving the total number of regis- tered qualified voters in said election precinct for the next ensuing year in said city , which is the number of names now borne in said registers, as such qualified voters for such election.'* Dated 18. Supervisors of said election precinct No Sec. 16. [Delivery of registers.] The said supervisors of registration in each election precinct shall after making and signing the said certificates named in section fifteen hereof deliver all of said registers to the city clerk of such city, who shall retain and carefully preserve all the said registers and on the day of any election the said city clerk shall deliver said registers to the judges of election in the precinct named in said registers. The public copies of the register,— The said supervisors shall at the close of their proceedings on the last day of any registration,, or revision of registration, leave with the said city clerk, where said public copy shall be and remain imtil the next meeting of said supervisors for the purpose of registration, or re- vision of registration, to the end that they may be inspected and cojiied by any voter in said city. But on the day of any election, the judges of election shall take possession of said public copy, and they shall closely retain the same throughout the said day, returning the same ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. ^7 to the city clerk, and shall also, at the close of the canvass and retura of the votes at any election, deliver to said city clerk the registers of each election precinct, which public copy and said registers sliall be carefully kept and preserved by said city clerk. On the first day of any general registration, or revision of registration, the said city clerk shall deliver to said supervisors of registration the said public copy and the registers of their election precinct, and the said supervisors shall retain and preserve the said registers until after the completion of the general registration, or revision of registration, when the same shall be returned to said city clerk. Sec. 17. [Copy from registers.] It shall be the duty of the said supervisors of registration in each election precinct, on each day of general registration or revision of registration, and before adjourn- ing, to copy from the registers the names and residences of all persons registered upon that day, and to make such copy so that the names of those persons having the same residence shall appear together in form as follows: List of voters in election precinct No of the city of on the day of 18. . . NAMES. RESIDENCES. And they shall append thereto a certificate signed by each of said supervisors in the form following, to-wit: "We, the undersigned, supervisors of registration in election pre- cinct No of the city of do jointly and severally certify that the list hereto annexed is a true and correct copy of all the names and residences upon the registers, of all persons who have been registered by us as qualified voters in said election precinct, this day of 18... Silpervisors of said election precinct No And said supervisors shall immediately post said copy in some conspicuous place in the room or building where such registration, or revision of registration is had, and said copy shall be for public inspec- tion and may be copied by any voter of said city. The city clerk shall preyjare and furnish to said supervisors the necessary blanks and forms prescribed in this section. Sec. 18. [Election— Use of registers.] The judges of election in each of said election precincts shall, on the day of any election therein, have with thera, at the polling place in said precinct, the regis- ters provided for in this act. They shall each make use of one of said registers for guidance on said day, and no vote shall be received from any person 7.inless the name of the person ofi'ering to vote be found by at least two of said judges to be upon at least two of said registers as a qualified voter; except that the person offering to vote, whose 4 98 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. name is not on two of said registers, shall furnish to the said judsres his affidavit, suhsoribed and sworn to before the city clerk, or some person designated therefor by the mayor, of any city governed by tliis act, giving his reasons for not appearing before the sn])ervisors of registration on am^ day of registration, or revision of registration, and sliall also set foj'th in said affidavit his place of residence and the facts necessary to show that he is a qualified voter in said precinct, and shall prove before said judges, by the affidavit or oath of at least two free- holders, residents of said precinct in which he offers his vote, for at least one year immediately preceding said election, that they know such person to be an inhabitant and qualified voter of said prer^inct; and upon filing said affidavit and making the proof herein required, the said person shall be entitled to vote. And any person offering to vote at any election may be challenged, and the same oaths shall be put as are prescribed by law. It is hereby made the duty of the city clerk of any such city, on request, to take and certify the affidavits herein required, without fee or reward, and on the day of any election in ar\y such city, the said clerk shall be in his office and keep the same open from 8 o'clock a. m., until 7 o'clock, p. m., on said day, for the purpose of taking said affidavits as herein provided. In case of the absence, on account of sickness or other cause, of the city clerk, the mayor of any such city shall designate some person, authorized to administer oaths, to take and certify said affidavits, at the office of the city clerk only, said person so designated by the mayor shall receive as compensation for each day's service the sum of five ($5.00) dollars, which shall be allowed by the city council on the certificate of said mayor. The chairman of judges in each election precinct, shall, if present, and if absent, then one of the other judges, shall upon any person offering to vote, announce, in a loud, clear, and distinct man- ner, the name of such person, and before any ballots shall be deposited in any of the ballot boxes, at least two of said judges shall examine at least two of said registry lists, and if the name of said voter shall be found on at least two of said registry lists, as a qualified voter, then said judges shall receive and deposit the ballot in the proper ballot box, and at least two of said judges shall write in the appropriate column in said registers, the word "Voted," and opposite to the name and residence of such person, the word ''Yes." And no ballot shall be received by either of said judges, and deposited in any of the ballot boxes at any election, unless the name of the person oiTering to vote shall be found on at least two of the said registers, or such person shall file with said judges the affidavit herein required; and shall also furnish to said judges the proof as in this section required. It sliall be the duty of each of said judges to enter on the register in his possession, in a suitable and separate part thereof, the name and resi- dence of each person voting, wliose name does not appear on at least two of said registers. It shall further be the duty of each of said judges, immediatel}^ on the close of the polls on the day of election to compare the said registers as kept by them, as herein provided, and attach to them a certificate in writing that the same are correctly checked, and within twenty-four hours after the completion of the ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 99 cai'.vass of the votes cast in the eleotion precinct in which they served, to leave all of said registers at the office of the city clerk, whose duty it shall be to file and preserve the same, and in no election precin^^t in any snch city shall any jndge, who has custody or charge of either or any of said registers in this act provided for, ever permit said reg- ister to leave his possession from the time of receiving custody of the same until he shall file the same as herein provided. Sec. 19. [Challenges.] Any person who is a qualified voter in any such city may, upon the date of any registration or revision of registration, challenge and contest the right of any person to be regis- tered in any election precinct, or may require the name of any regis- tered person to be marked for challenge, and on any such day or days sh;^!! be entitled to be heard by the supervisors of registration in any election precinct in relation to the correctness of or additions to any of said registers. Sec. 20. [Place of reg-istration. ] Hereafter the mayor and council of any city governed by the provisions of this act, shall desig- nate and appoint the place of registry in each election precinct in said city and shnll hire all such places as may be necessary and cause the same to be fitted up, warmed, lighted, and cleaned, and the work of reg- istration shall be carried on at the places so designated. But in each election precinct such place shall be in a public, orderly, and conven- ient portion of the precinct, and no building or part of building shall be designated or used as a place of registration, or revision of regis- tration in which, or in any part of which, intoxicating liquors of any kind are sold or have been sold within ten days next preceding the time of using the same, and no place slir.ll be designated or used for any such purpose without the same shall be well lighted with gas. unless there shall be no such place in the precinct attainable which is so lighted. Sec. 21. [Same— Fisihts of political parties.] At each place of registration, or revision of registration in any such city, each politi- cal parly S'lall have tlie right to designate place and keep a challenger, who shall be assigned such position as will enable him to see e-^ch person as he offers to register, and who shall be protected in the dis- charge of his duties by the supervisors and the police. Each political party may remove any challenger appointed by it, and any vacancies which from any cause arise, shall be filled by the same party, power, and authority that conferred the original appointment. Sec. 22. [Removal of voter.] No person who is registered in one election precinct, in any such city, shall register in any other precinct wliile any prior registration remains unerased, or in any other manner than is in this act provided; but if in the event of the revision of any registration in such city, any person shall present himself for the purpose of being registered as a voter, and it shall appear that the name of said person is borne upon the registers of any election precinct other than that in which he shall at the time of such revision, make application for registration, and that since the day of the pre- ceding election or registration he has removed from the precinct in which he was then registered to the precinct in which he shall at the 100 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. time of any sucli revision, apply for registration, and it shall also ap- pear that there is no meeting of the board of supervisors in the pre- <'inet in vrhich his name shall be borne upon the register, then, and in such event the oath of removal may be made before any niember of the board of supervisors in any precinct to which he shall have removed, and the persons so appearing at any such revision shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges to which he would be entitled were the registration a general registration, and the said person mak- ing an original application for registration. Sec. 23. [Concurrent action of majority.] For all powers, authority, and duties, in this act prescribed for or conferred upon, and all actions required of supervisors of registration, or a board of supervisors, save where such authority is specifically allowed to each of said supervisors, the concurrence or assent of a majority of all the supervisors of registration in any election precinct must in all cases be obtained. Sec. 24. [Offices designated.] The several offices of super- visors of registration, in this act named and created, are and shall be, in all courts and proceedings, deemed and held respectively to be elec- tion precinct officers, and it shall be the duty of said supervisors of registration, respectively, or a majority of the said supervisors, to be in constant attendance during the hours and time fixed for the dis- charge of their several duties. Sec. 25. [Records open to inspection.] All data, statistics, and all registers, poll books, and records of every kind and nature, which, under this act, or under any laws of this state, or which in compliance with any ordinance, resolution, order, or direction of the mayor and council of any of said cities, are or may be required to be made, ascertained or kept by, or returned to, or filed with the city clerk, shall at all times during office hours, be open to inspection, ex- amination, comparison, and copying by any voter of said city, free from any charge. Sec. 26. [Special election.] If at any tim6 a special election shall be held in any city governed by the provisions of this act, or in any i^ortion of any such city, the same revision of registration shall be had and made for any such special election, and in the same man- ner as if the said election was a municipal election, for and throughout said city, and each and every of the provisions of this act, not incon- sistent with the terms of this section, shall apply with as full force and effect to any such revision of registration therefor as if the same was for a municipal election in, for, and throughout said city. Sec. 27. [Duties of judges of election.] In each election pre- cinct in said cities, it shall be the duty of the judges of election in each election precinct, immediately after the close of the polls on the day of any election, before proceeding with the canvass of the ballots in am^ box, and while the clerks of election are canvassing their books, to write in ink opposite to and against the name of each person entered in said registers, who is not shown by said registers to have voted, and in the colunm headed, "vote," the word, **no," so tliat the said column may be wholly filled up, and the said judges shall then com- ELECTION LAWS OP NEBRASKA. lUl pare said registers, make them agree and ascertain the number of per- sons who by them are shown to have voted at that polling place that day; and when tbey have made comparisons and ascertained such fact, the chairman of the board of judges, or in his absence, one of the other judges, shall announce the same in a loud voice. Sec. 28. ["Precinct" defined.] The term, precinct, as used in this act, shall be construed to moan and include any precinct, ward, or other division of territory in any city governed by this act, created, designated, and made by ordinance, for election purposes. Sec. 29. [False registration, etc.] If at any registratioa of voters, or at any meeting of supervisors of registration held for such purposes or for a revision thereof as provided in this act, any person shall falsely personate an elector or other person, and register or at- tempt or offer to register in the name of such elector or other person; or if any person shall knowingly or fraudulently register, or offer, or attempt, or make application to register, in or under the name of any other person, or in or under any false, assumed, or fictitious name, or in or under any name not his own; or shall knowingly or fraudulently register in two election districts; or having registered in one district, shall fraudulently attempt or offer to register at any election district not having a lawful right to register therein; or shall knowingly or wilfully do any unlawful act to secure registration for himself or any other person; or shall knowingly, wilfully, or fraudulently, by false personation or otherwise, or by any unlawful means, cause or procure, or attempt to cause or procure, the name of any qualified voter in any election precinct to be erased or stricken from any register of the voters of such precinct, made in pursuance of this act, or otherwise than in this act provided; or by force, threat, menace, intimidation, bribery, re- ward, or otfer or promise thereof or other unlawful njeans, prevent, hinder, or delay any person having a lawful right to register or to be registered, from duly exercising such right; or who shall knowingly, wilfully, or fraudulently compel or induce, or attempt, or offer to compel or induce, by such means or any unlawful means any supervisor of registration, or other officer of registration, to register any person not lawfully entitled to registration in such precinct, or to register any false, assumed, or fictitious name, or any name of any person, except as provided in this act; or shall knowingly, or wilfully or fraudulently interfere with, hinder, or del^y any supervisor of registration, or other officer of registration, in the discharge of his duties, or counsel, advise, or induce, or attempt to induce any such supervisor or other officer to refuse or neglect to comply with or to perform his duties, or to violate any law prescribing or regulating the same or shall aid, counsel, pro- cure, or advise any voter, person, supervisor, or other officer of regis- tration, to do any act forbidden by this act, or in this act constituted an offense, or to omit to do any act by law directed to be done, every such person shall, upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a felony, and shall be pupished by imprisonment in a state prison not less than one nor more than five years. Sec. 30. [Supervisor— Neglect of duty.] If any supervisor of registration, or revision of registration, shall be guilty of any wilful 102 J^ECtION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. neglect of his duty, under this act, or of any corrupt or fraudulent conduct or practice in the execution of the same, he shall on convic- tion thereof, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on con- viction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ton days nor more than sixty davs. or by tine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars, or both. Sec. 31. [Same— Stealing records.] Every supervisor of reg- istration, clerk, or other officer, having the custody of any records, reg- isters, or copy thereof, oaths, certificates, or any paper, document, or evidence of any description in this act directed to be made, filed, or preserved, who is guilty of stealing, wilfully destroying, mutilating, defacing, falsifying, or fraudulently removing or secreting the whole or any part thereof, or who shall fraudulently make an entry, erasure, or alteration therein, except as allowed and directed by the provisions of this act, or who permits any other person so to do, shall upon the con- viction thereof be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be pun- ished for each and every such offense by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than sixty days and shall, in addition thereto, forfeit his office. Sec. 32. [Records— Stealing and destroying.] Every person not an officer, such as is mentioned in the last preceding section, who is guilty of any of the acts specified in the preceding section, or who advises, procures, or abets the commission of the same, or any of them, shall upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a mis- demeanor and for each and every such offense shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than sixty, or by fine of not less than fifty dol- lars, nor more .than five hundred dollars, or both. Sec. 33. [False swearing.] Any person who shall be con- victed of wilfull or corrupt false swearing or affirming in taking an oath or affirmation prescribed by or upon any examination provided for in this act, or upon being challenged as unqualified upon offering to register, shall be adjudged guilty of wilfull and corrupt perjury, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the peni- tentiary not less than one year, nor more than ten years. Sec. 34. [Same— Subornation.] Every person who shall wil- fully and corruptly instigate, advise, induce, or procure any person to swear or affirm falsely, as aforesaid, or attempt or offer so to do, shall be adjudged guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall, wpon convic- tion thereof, suffer the punishment directed by law in cases of wilfull and corrupt perjurv. Sec. 35. [Hindering registration.] Tf at any general registra- tion of voters, or revision thereof, any person shall cause any breach of the peace, or use any disorderly violence, or threats of violence, whereby any such registration or revision shall be impeded or hindered. or whereby the law^ful proceedings of any supervisor of registration or challenger are interfered with, every such person shall, upon con- viction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail ELECTION LAWS OF XEBRASIvA. 103 not less than ten days nor more than six months, or by a fine of not less than fifty ($50) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or both. Sec. 36. [Same.] If any person shall knowingly or wilfnlly obstruct, hinder, assault, or by bribery, solicitation, or otherwise inter- fere with any supeiwisor of registration or other person designated as provided in this act to be present at any registration, in the performance of any duty required of him, or which he may by law be authorized and })ermitted to perform; or if any person, by any of the means before mentioned or otherwise unlawfully shall on the day of registration or revision of registration hinder or prevent any supervisor of registra- tion, or any person designated as provided in this act to be present at such registration, in his free attendance and presence at the place of registration in and for which he is appointed or designated to serve, or in his full and free access and egress to and from any such place of registration or revision of registration, or to and from any room in which any such registration or revision of registration may be had, or shall unlawfully molest, interfere with, remove, or eject from any such place of registration or revision of registration any such super- visor of registration or person designated, as provided in this act, or shall unlawfully threaten, or attempt, or offer so to do, every such per- son shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and; on conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than thirty days, nor more than six months, or shall be fined not less than two hundred ($200) dollars, nor more than one thousand ($1000) dollars, or both, and shall stand committed until the fine and costs are paid. Sec. 37. [Neglect by supervisors.] Any supervisor of regis- tration who shall wilfully neglect, or when called upon, shall wilfully decline to exercise the powers conferred op him in this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdeme-^nor. and upon conviction thereof, shall be punislied by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by a fine of not less than two hun- dred and fifty ($250) dollars, nor more than one thousand ($1000) dollars, or by both fine and imprisonment. Sec. 38. [Same.] If in any election precinct at any general registration of voters, or revision thereof, in any city governed by the provisions of this act, any supeiwisor of registration shall knowin?-ly or wilfully admit any person to registration, or make any entry upon any register of voters, or shall consent thereto, unless a majority of ail supervisors of registration in said election precinct are present and concur, he shall, upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a mis- demeanor, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirtv nor n^ove than sixtv davs, or be fined not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, nor more than one tho^is-^nd ($1000.00) dol- lars, or by both such fine and imiDrisonment. And if any supervisor of registration in any election district shall, without urgent necessity, absent himself from the place of r'^sri strati on in said precinct upon any day of registration, whereby le-s than a majority of all the supervisors in such election precinct shall be present during the hours of registra- tion, or revision of registration he shall, upon conviction thereof, be 104 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by imprison- ment in a county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or sliall be fined not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than one thousand ($1000.00) doHars, or both. Sec. 39. [Duties of county attorney.] Tt is hereby made the spcfial duty of the county attorney of any county in this state to im- i: ediately prosecute all complaints which may be made of violations of any of the provisions of this act to final judginent; and the court before which any conviction for such violatio i shall be had shall not in any case suspend sentence or judgment for more than twenty days; but no indictment or information for such violation shall be brought to trial unless the complainant, if any, if he shall be found, shall have at least two days notice, in writing, from the said county attorney, of the day when he intends to try the same. Sec. 40. [Liquors.] Whoever during the sitting of any board of supervisors of registration in any election precinct in any city governed by the provisions of this act, whether held for the purpose or registration, or revision of registration, shall bring take, order, or send into, or shall cause to be taken, brought, ordered or sent into or shall attempt to bring, take, or send into any place of registration, or revision of registration, any intoxicating liquors whatever, or shall at any such time or place drinli or partake of any such liquor shall be deemed and held guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars, or both, and shall stand committed until the fine and costs are paid. Sec. 41. [Irregularities.] Irregularities or defects in the mode of noticing, convening, holding, or conducting any registration, or revision of registration, authorized by law, shall constitute no defense to a prosecution for the violation of the provisions of this act. Sec. 42. [Boundaries of precincts.] The boundaries of all election precincts and the location of all places of registration, or re- vision of registration shall be publicly advertised in at least one news- paper published and of general circulation in said city in the last issue of the paper selected preceding the first day of any general resristration, or revision of registration, and one notice in the last issue of the paper so selected prior to each day of registration, or revision of registration, and on such day or days only. All advertising provided for in this sec- tion shall be done in one newspaper only published in the city, to be designated by the city council; and all matters advertised shall be |)repared and furnished the journals in which it is to be inserted free from unnecessary verbiage or repetition; Provided, The boundaries of all election precincts, and the location of all places of registration, or revision of registration shall be publicly advertised in at least two newspapers publislied and of general circulation in said city, in the last issue of each of the papers selected preceding the first day of any gen- oral registration, or revision of registration, and one notice in the last issue of each of the papers so selected prior to each day of registration or revision of registration, and on such days only. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 105 Sec. 43. [Costs and expenses, how paid.] The legal compen- sation of all supervisors of registration, the costs and expenses of all necessary notices, posters, maps, advertisempnts, registers and boohs, blanhs and stationery, the rent and cost of fitting up, warming, lighting, cleaning and safe keeping of all places of registration, or revision of registration, and of all supplies of all kinds and nature for all registra- tion in such city shall be a charge, and shall, upon proper certificates and vouchers, be paid out of the general fund of such city, in the same manner as by law provided for the payment of other city expenses out of such fund. ARTICLE IL — CITIES 7,000 — 25,000. Section 1. (Registration books). It shall be the duty of the mayor and council of any city of the first class or any city of the second class, having not more than seven thousand (7000) and less than 25.000 inhabitants, which shall include all portions of the voting precinct in which said city is situated, to cause to be prepared books for the regis- tration of names and facts required by this act. Said books shall be known by the general name of ''Registers" and to be so ruled in parallel columns and arranged as to admit of the entering, opposite the name of each voter, of the street and number or other designation of place of residence of each voter, the name of each voter who shall apply for registration and the facts as required by this chapter. Such register or registers shall be so divided as to permit the names of the voters of each voting district to be registered by themselves, and the part of such register set apart for each voting district shall be of sufficient size to ad- mit of the registration of eight hundred (800) names, and so prepared that it may be used at each registration of voters, in any city governed by this act, for the period of one year, and at each revision of registra- tion, had immediately prior to the General Election held in November of each year as hereinafter provided, new resrister or registers shall be prepared and the names of all voters on said registers not having been erased or dropped from said registers as hereinafter provided, sJiall he carried forward in said new register by the clerk of said board. Said registers shall, as near as may be, on the inside, be in the following form, viz: Terra of Residence m (D ^ o 03 s S o c o 13 tsi 3 0) S 3 2 tn o d CO s H •♦-1 o S 73 © to a d >> '6 bo c o to -a a e cd o c a; i < c^ K 2 en ^ O 0. U CQ 'A « O o- Q ^ « > O K (2 Sec. 2. (Supervisors of Registration— Appointment). At the first Eegular meeting of the city council in the month of August, 1903, in all cities governed hj this act, said council shall elect one member of the Board of Registration of said city for the term of one year and one member for the term of two years, and annually thereafter, at the first 106 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. regular meeting of said city council in the month of August, one mem- ber shall be elected for a term of two years; Which term shall com- mence on the first day of September follovv'ing such election. The two Supervisors of Eegistration so elected, with the city clerk of said city, who shall be ex-officio a member of said board, shall be and constitute the Board of Registration for said city. Said Supervisors of Registra- tion so elected shall belong to opposite political parties and one shall be selected from the party polling the largest vote in said city at the next preceding General Election and one from the party polling the next largest vote: Provided, however: that in case any two parties unite or combine their vote at said election, then and in that case, they shall be considered as one political party and shall have but one member of said board. Said Supervisors of Eegistration shall be Citizens of the United States and of the State of Nebraska, and reside in and be electors of said city, and shall be persons who are not candidates for any office to be filled at the election for which said registration is being had. The City Clerk shall issue and deliver to each of said Super- visors of Registration, so elected, a Certificate of Election and before entering upon the duties of their office said Supervisors of Registration shall each take and subscribe to an Oath or Affirmation th/it "they will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, and will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of the office of Supervisors of Registration according to law and to the best of their ability." Said Supervisors shall organize by the selection of one of their number as chairman and the city clerk shall be clerk of said board. Sec. 3. (Vacancy). Whenever from any cause, there shall exist a vac^incy in the office of supervisor of registration, the same shall be filled by Election by the city council as provided in the preceding sec- tion and the person so appointed shall serve to the end of the tenu. Sec. 4. (Salaries and Expenses) The Supervisors of Regis- tration appointed in pursuance of the provisions of this act shall receive for their services the sum of three ($3.) dollars per day for each day's service at any registration or revision of registration, but shall not receive pay for more than five (5) days service at any one registra- tion or revision of registration; which compensation shall be allowed and paid upon the certificate of the city clerk as to time of service; but no payment shall be made to any person as a Supervisor of Registration as aforesaid, who has not taken and subscribed the oath or affirmation herein required and who has not during the period of his service, fully complied with all the requirements of the law in any wise relating to his duties. The legal compensation of all Supervisors of Registration, the 'costs and expenses of all necessary notices, posters, maps, advertise- ments, registers, books, blanks, stationery and all supplies of any kind, necessary for the performance of their duties, shall, upon proper cer- tificates and vouchers, be paid out of the General Fund of said city in the same manner as by law provided for the payment of other ex]ienses of said city. Said Supervisors shall, during the time they hold said office, be exempt from the performance of jury duty. No extra pay or compensation shall be allowed the city clerk for his services as ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 107 Supervisor of Registration or as clerk of said board as herein pro- vided or for any services herein required to he performed by him. Sec. 5. (Supervisors — Examination — Failure to Servo). Each and every person elected, by the city council of any city governed by this act, Supervisor of Registration, sliail, within five days after receiving notice thereof from the city clerk, appear before the mayor of said city for examination; and if found to possess the qualifications required by this act, shall, unless excused by the mayor by reason of sickness or some other good and sufficient cause, be bound to serve as Supervisor of Registration for the term of tvo ye^rs from the first day of September next following his election: Provided, however: That one of the persons appointed in the month of August, 1903, shall serve for only one year; and provided further; That any person elected to fill a vacancy, during the term for which a Supervisor of Registration has been previously elected, shall only serve during the remainder of the unexpired term. Any one who has been elected Supervisor of Registra- tion, as provided in this act, who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to act as such Supervisor of Registration, or to comply with all the re- quirements of this act, unless excused by the mayor as aforesaid, shall be taken and deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten ($10) dollars and not more than one hundred ($100) dollars, in the discretion of the court, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid or he is otherwise discharged according to law. Sec. 6. (Supervisors — Powers). The said Supervisors of Registration in any city governed by this act, shall, while discharging any of the duties imposed uDon them by this chapter, have full power and authority to preserve order and to enforce obedience to their lawful commands at and around the place of any Registration during the time of, said Registration; To keep access to said place of Registration open and unobstructed and to suppress any and all disorderlv conduct that may disturb said board or any person registering or seeking to register. Sec. 7. (Time of Registration). In each city governed by this Chapter, preceding the General Election to be held in the month of November, 1903, a general Registration of all voters of said cities shall be held and thereafter only a Revision of Registration slip 11 be had previous to each election. Said Registration or Revision of Registra- tion shall be had at the office of the city clerk and shall commence on the first Monday of the Calendar month next preceding the month in which each and every election is held, except school district elections, and shall end on the Saturday next preceding said election. Provided, however: That on the day of each and every election and during all the time that the polls of said election are open, said Board of Registra- tion shall be in session. Sec. 8. (Registration). One the first day of said General Reg- istration and on the first day of any Revision of Registration next after the election of any member of said board by the city council as herein- before provided, said board shall meet at the office of the city clerk and organize by the selection of one of their number as chairman and during the time of said registration or revision of registration as provided for 108 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBKASKA. in the preceding section, the office of the city clerk shall be open each day hotween the hours of 9 A. M. and 12 M. and between the hours of 2 and 5 P. M. and on each Saturday during said registration or revision of registration, between the hours of 7 and 9 P. M. also, for the registra- tion of voters, and it shall be the duty of said clerk of said Board to be present during said time and to register any person applying for registration. When any person shall apply for registration it shall be the duty of said clerk to administer to said applicant the following oath or affirmation, viz: **You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly answer all such questions as shall be put to you touching your place of residence, name, place of birth, your qualifications as an elector and your right as such to register and vote under the laws of this state." Provided, however; That on the absence of the clerk, said oath or affirmation may be administered by one of the other members of said board. The applicant shall then be examined as to his quali- fications as an elector and in his presence his* answers to the questions propounded to him shall be written down in the register provided for that purpose in the manner following, viz: First— Under the column ''residence" shall be written the name and number of the Street, Ave- nue or other location of the dwell iu'x, if there be a number-; but if there be no number, then such clear and definite description of the location of such dwelling as shall enable it to be readily found; and if there be more than one family residing in the dwelling named, by the applicant, in such case the applicant sliall give the floor on which he resides (every floor below the level of the ground being desiu'uated as the basement and each floor above that as the second or such other floor as it may be), or the number or location of the rooms occupied by the applicant and whether rear or front rooms. Second— Under the column ''Name" the name of the aiiplicant, giving the surname and Christian name in full. Third— Urder the column "Sworn" the word "Yes" or "No" as the case may be. Fourth— Under the column "Nativity" the state, countv, kingdom, empire, or dominion, where the applicant was born. Fifth-Under the column "Color" the word "White" or "Black" or other color as the case may be. Sixth— Under the subdivisions of the general column of "Term of Residence", the periods by days, months or years, which he has resided in the precinct. County, or State, respect- ively, as stated by the applicant. Seventh— Under the column "Nat- uralized", the word "Yes" or "No" or "Native" as the fact may be stated: Provided, however: That in case the applicant has not been naturalized but has made "Declaration of his intentions to become a citizen of the United States", the words "First Papers" shall be writ- ten under said column. Ninth— Under the column "Court" the name or designation of the Court in which such naturalization was had or such declaration of intentions was made, as the same shall appear by the evidence presented or submitted by the applicant in compliance with the requirements of this act. Tenth— Under the column "Qualified Voter", the word "Yes" or "No" as the fact shall appear, and any person shall be designated as "qualified" who will be qualified on the day of the election for which registration is being had, though for non- age or lack of time of residence he is not qualified at time of register- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 10.) ing. Eleventh— Under the column "Date of Registration", the day, month and year when the applicant presented himself for registration. On the last three days of said general registration and on the last day of any revision of registration and on each and every day of any Elec- tion, except school district elections, said Board of Eegistration shall be in session in the clerk 's office, and any person feeling aggrieved at the action of said clerk in registering him as "Not a Qualified Voter", may appeal to the full board, from the action of said clerk, and said board shall hear such evidence as to the qualifications of the applicant as may be produced and the Board shall then decide whether said applicant is a qualified voter or not. Provided, however; That no registration shall be required to entitle any person to vote at School District Elec- tions or Elections held for School purposes in any such city. Sec. 9. (Books and Blanks). It shall be the duty of the city clerk of any city governed by this chapter, under the direction of the mayor and council of said city, to prepare and furnish all necessary registers, books, maps, certificates, and other blanks, and all neces- sary supplies for the use of said registration board: All of which shall be kept in the office of the city clerk, except as herein provided. Sec. 10. (Posting— List of Voters) . It shall be the duty of the- clerk of the Board of Registration, provided for in tliis chapter, to pre- pare and post up in a conspicuous place in his office, on the secoBdi Monday of any Registration or Revision of Registration, the names of all persons who then appear on the said registration Books as qualified voters, adding to said lists on each succeeding Monday the names of such as have registered during the preceding week. Said lists shall remain so posted up in the office of the clerk of said board until the close of the polls of the election for which said registration or revision of registration is being had. It shall be the duty of said clerk, after the closing of the registration on the Saturday next preceding any election, to prepare a certified list of the qualified voters of each election district in said city, as the same appear on the registration books in his office, and to deliver the same, or cause the same to be delivered, to the judges of election of each district at or before the time of the opening of the polls of said election. The names of voters on said lists shall be arranged, as far as may be, alphabetically, or by streets or groups, so as to be easily found thereon. Said lists shall also contain the street and number, or other designation of the place of residence of the voter, and the color of the voter, as such facts appear on the original regis- tration books in his office: A blank column shall be left with a heading at the top "Voted", to be filled up by the judges of election as herein- after provided. Sec. 11. (Election— Use of Registers). The judges of election in each election district shall, on the day of any election, have witli them at the polling place in said district a list of the qualified voters of Said district as provided in Section 17 hereof. They shall use said list for their guidance on said day and no vote shall be received from any person unless the name of the person offering to vote be found on said list, except that the person offering to vote, whose name is not on said list, shall present to said judges his affidavit, subscribed and sworn 110 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. to before a member of the board of registration, giving his reasons for not appearing before the board of registration on any day of regis- tration, or revision of registration, and shall also set forth in said affidavit his place of residence and the facts necessary to show that he is a qualified voter in said precinct, and shall prove before said judges by the affidavit or oath of at least two freeholders, residents of said precinct in which he offers his vote, for at least one year immedi- ately preeedink said election, that they know such person to be an inhabitant and qualified voter of said precinct; and upon filing said affidavit and making the proof herein required, the said person shall be entitled to vote; and one of said judges of election shall write the name of such voter in said list of voters and preserve said affidavit and return the same to the city clerk with said list. It is hereby made the duty of the board of registi-ation of any such city, on request to take and certify the affidavits herein required, without fee or reward. One of the judges of election, in each election district, shall announce in a loud, clear and distinct voice, the name of any person offering to vote and before any ballot shall be deposited in the ballot box one of said judges of election shall examine said list and if the name of the person offering to vote is found thereon, his vote shall be received and de- l)osited in the ballot box and said judge of election shall write on said list, opposite the name of said person, and in the column headed, "Voted" the word "Yes." And no ballot shall be received by any of said judges and deposited in any ballot box, at any election, unless the name of the person offering to vote shall be found on said list or such person shall file with said judges his affidavit made before a member of the board of registration showing such person to be a qualified voter. It shall be the duty of one of said judges of election to enter on said list, in a suitable and separate part thereof, the name and residence of each person voting who presents his affidavit made before a member of the board of registration as hereinbefore provided for. It shall be the duty of said judges of election, immediately upon the polls being closed, and before proceeding to canvass the vote, to write opposite the name of each person on said list who has failed to vote at said election, and in the column designated at the head thereof "Voted", the word "Xo". And the number of persons voting at said election, as sliown by said list, shall be compared with the number of ballots cast and with the poll books of said election and the same shall be made to agree before said ballots shall be i^nfolded and canvassed. Within 24 hours after the closing of the polla. )f any election, said list shall be returned to the office of the city clerk by one of said judges of election and the same shall be pre- served in his office. After receiving said list of qualified voters from the city clerk as provided herein, said judges of election shall not allow the same to be taken out of their possession until the. same is returned to the city elerk as lierein provided. Sec. 12. (Challenges). Any qualified voter of any city gov- erned by this chapter, may, upon the date of any registration or re- vision of registration, Challenge and Contest the right of any person to be registered to vote at said election: And it shall be the duty of the ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. Ill clerk of said Board of Registration to notify the person so challenged to appear before said hoard on one of the days -when said hoard is in session as herein provided for, (otlier than the day of any election), at a time named in said notice, and the voter challenging or contest- ing said registration shall be notif ed to appear at the same time: Said notices shall be issued and signed by the clerk of said board and shall he served by the chief of police or any policeman of said city without the payment of any fee therefor: A hearing shall be had upon said challeng6 or contest, before the whole board of registration, and said applicant for registration may be again sworn and examined and wit- nesses may be sworn and examined on the part of said applicant for registration and on behalf of the person contesting or challenging his riglit to register and upon completion of said hearing said Ijoard sliall by a majority vote of the members of said board decide whether said applicant for registration is a qualified voter or not and the status of guch person as a qualified voter or as being disqualified to vote at said election shall be noted on said registration books.. The clerk of said board, by virtue of his office as city clerk and under the seal of the city, is hereby authorized to issue Subpoenas for witnesses on the parr; or behalf of either party, which Subpoenas shall be served by the chief of police or any policeman of said city without the payment of any^ fee therefor. Any person who shall wilfully fail, refuse or neglect tO' appear as commanded in said writ, and any person who shall appear before said board and s'nill wilfully fail, or refuse to testify, having been tendered the same fees as a witness as provided for witnesses in the Police court of said city, she'll be taken and deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor and unon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than one ($1) and not more than ten ($10) dollars, in the discretion of the court, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid, or he is. otherwise discharged according to law. Sec. 13. (Change— Removal— Death). Any person who has registered as a qualified voter for any voting district in any city gov- erned by this act, who shall, at least ten days prior to the day of the election ne'xt ensuing, change his place of residence from said voting district to another voting district in said city, or who may desire to register anew his party affiliation, may apply to the clerk of said bonrd, on any day when the registiifttion books are open for the registration of voters as herein provided, and register anew, in the district of his residence, and the said clerk shall strike his name from tlie registration books as previously registered, noting opposite said name the cause of said erasure, provided, however: that when any person shall have moved only from one place to another in the same voting district, it shall only be necessary to report the same to the clerk of said Regis- tration Board, who shall, in the presence of said voters, change the place of residence as it appears on said registration books to "corre- spond with the new place of residence as stated by the voter. And when it shall come to the knowledge of the said board or the clerk thereof, that any person whose name appears on said registration books as a qualified voter has removed from said city or is dead or, for any cause, has ceased to be a qualified voter in the district where he is registered, 112 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. his name shall be stricken from said registration books and a notation shall be made of the cause of said erasure and how the facts became known to said board, and in case the person is still a resident of the same city, but of another voting district thereof, if such fact is known to said board, a notice by Postal card shall be sent to him notifying him of such erasure and the cause thereof. The names of all persons appear- ing on said registration books as qualified voters, not having been erased as above provided, shall be continued on said registration books at each succeeding revision thereof. It shall be the duty of said Board to use all proper care, to the end that only the names of qualified voters shall be carried forward or be allowed to remain on said regis- tration books as qualified voters at each succeeding revision of registra- tion of the voters of said city. Sec. 14. (Rights of Political Parties). At any registration or revision of registration, in any city governed by this act, each political party shall have the right to designate a challenger who shall be as- signed such position as shall enable him to see each person as he offers to register and who shall be protected in the discharge of his duties by the supervisors and the police officers of the city. Each political party may remove any challenger appointed by it, and any vacancies which arise from any cause, shall be filled by the same party, power or authority that made the original appointment. Sec. 15. (Records open to inspection). All data, statistics registers and records of every kind and nature, which, under this act, or under any laws of this state, or any ordinance, order, resolution or direction of the mayor and council of any such city are or may be required to be made, ascertained or kept, by or returned to, or filed with, the city clerk, shall, at all times, during offices hours, be open to in- spection, examination, comparison, and copying, by any voter of said city, free of charge. Sec. 16. (Special Election). If at any time a special election shall be held in any city governed by the provisions of this act, or in any portion of any such city, the same revision of registration shall be had and made for any such special election, and in the same manner as if the said election was a municipal election, for and throughout said city, and each and every of the provisions of this act, not inconsistent tvith the terms of this section, shall apply with as full force and effect to any such revisions of registration therefor as if the same was for a municipal election in, for and throughout said city. Sec. 17. (Precinct). The term *' Precinct" as used in tliis act, shall be construed to mean and include any precinct, ward, or other division, of territory in any city governed by this act, created and designated, by ordinance, for election purposes. Sec. 18. (False Registration). If at any registration of vot- ers, or at any meeting of the supervisors of registration, held for such purposes, or for a revision thereof, as provided in this act, any person shall falsely personate an elector or other person, and shall register or attempt or offer to register in the name of sucli elector or other person; or if any person shall knowingly or fraudulently register, or offer, or attempt or make application to register, in 'or und^jr the name of any ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 113 other person, or in or under any false, assumed or fictitious name, or in or under any name not his own; or shall knowingly or fraudulently register in two election districts; or, having registered in one district, shall fraudulently attempt or offer to register at any election district not having a lawful right to register therein; or shall knowingly or wilfully do any unlawful act to secure registration for himself or for any other person; or shall, knowingly, wilfully or fraudulently, by false personation or otherwise, or by any unlawful means, cause or procure or attempt to cause or procure, the name of any qualified voter' in any election precinct to be erased or stricken from any register of voters, of such precinct, made in pursuance of this act, or otherwise than in this act provided; or by force, threat, menace, intimidation, bribery, reward, or offer or promise thereof, or by any other unlawful means prevent, hinder or delay any person having a lawful right to register or to be registered, from duly exercising such right; or who shall knowingly, wilfully, or fraudulently, compel or induce or attem>pt or offer to compel or induce, by such means or any unlawful means, any supervisor of registration to register any person, not lawfully entitled to registration in such precinct, or to register any false, as- sumed, or fictitious name, or any name of any person, except as pro- vided in this act; or shall knowingly, wilfully or fraudulently interfere with, hinder or delay, any supervisor, of registration or other officer of registration in the discharge of his duties, or counsel, advise, or induce, or attempt to induce any such supervisor or other officer, to refuse or neglect to comply with or to perform his duties, or to violate any law prescribing or regulating the same, or shall aid, counsel, pro- cure or advise any voter, person, supei*visor, or other officer of regis- tration, to do any act forbidden by this act, or in this act constituted an offense, or to omit to do any act directed to be done, every such person shall, upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the states prison not less than one nor more than five years. Sec. 19. (Supervisor— Neglect of duty) K any supervisor of registration shall be guilty of any wilful neglect of duty, under this act, or of any corrupt or fraudulent conduct, or practice, in the execu- tion of the same, he shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than sixty days, or by fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dol- lars and not more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars. Sec. 20. (Destroying— Or Stealing Records). Every Super- visor of registration, clerk, or other officer, having the custody of any records, registers or copies thereof, oaths, certificates, or any paper or document or evidence of any description in this act directed to be made, filed or preserved, who is guilty of stealing, wilfully destroying, mutilat- ing, defacing, falsifying, or fraudulently removing or secreting the whole or any part thereof, or who shall fraudulently make any entry, erasure, or alteration therein, except as allowed and directed by the provisions of this act, or who permits any other person so to do, and every person, not an officer, such as mentioned in this section, who is guilty of any of the acts specified in this section, or who advises, procures or abets. 114 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. the commission of the same, or any of them, shall, upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished for each and every offense by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days and not more than sixty days, and in case the offender is an officer as above set forth he shall in addition thereto forfeit his said office. Sec. 21. (False Swearing). Any person who shall be guilty of wilful or corrupt false swearing or affirming in taking an oath or affirmation prescribed by or upon any examination provided for in this act, or upon being challenged as unqualified upon offering to register, shall be guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for uot less than one year and not more than ten years, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 22. (Subornation of Perjury). Every person who shall wilfully and corruptly instigate, advise, induce, or procure any person to swear or affirm falsely, as set forth in the preceding section hereof, or who shall attempt or offer so to do, shall be guilty of Subornation of perjury, and shall, upon a conviction thereof be punished by imprison- ment in the penitentiary for not less than one year and not more than ten years in the discretion of the court. Sec. 23. (Hindering Registration). If at any general regis- tration of voters or of any revision of registration of voters, any person shall cause any breach of the peace, or use any disorderly violence, whereby am^ such registration or revision of re-ristration shall be im- peded or hindered, or whereby the lawful proceedings of any supervisor of registration or challenger are interfered with, every such person shall, upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten days and not more than six months or by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 24. (Same). If any person shall wilfully or knowingly obstruct, hinder, or by bribery, solicitation or otherwise, interfere with any supervisor of registration or other person designated as provided in this act to be present at any registration, in the performance of any duty required of him, or which he may by law be authorized and permitted to perform; or if any person by any of the means before mentioned or otherwise, shall unlawfully, on the day of registration or revision of registration, hinder or prevent any supervisor of re<;"is- tration, or any person desip'nated as provided in this act to be present at such registration, in his free attendance and presence at the place of registration in and for which he is appointed or designated to s^r\''e, or in his full and free access and egress to and from such place of registration or revision of registration, or to and from any room in which any such registration or revision of registration may be had, or shall unlawfully molest, interfere with, remove, or eject from any such ])lace of registration or revision of registration any such supervisor of registration or person designated, as provided in this act, or shall unlawfully threaten or attempt or offer so to do, every such person shall ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. 115 be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days and not more than six months, or shall be fined in any sum not less than two hundred ($200.00) dollars and not more than one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 25. (Irregularities). Irregularities or defects in the manner or mode of noticing, convening, holding or conducting any regis- tration or revision of registration, authorized by law, shall constitute no defense in a prosecution for the violation of the provisions of this act. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 3.) Section 1. [Amendments — Proposal — Submission.] That amendments to the constitution may be proposed by joint n^solution in either house of the legislature of this state, and if the same shall be voted for by three-fifths of all the members elected to each of the two houses in the manner provided by section one (1) of article fifteen of the constitution, the amendment or amendments proposed shall be sub- mitted to the electors of this state for adoption or rejection in the man- ner hereinafter provided. [1887, § 1, 114.] Sec. 2. [Same— Publication.] Such amendment, or amend- ments, shall be published in full by the secretary of state in one news- paper to be designated by him in every county in this state in which a newspaper is published, for at least three months before the next elec- tion of members of the legislature ensuing the passage of said proposed amendment, with notice prefixed thereto that at said election said pro- posed amendment or amendments will be submitted to the electors of this state for adoption or rejection. [Amended 1895, chap. 3.] Sec. 3. [Ballots.] At such election on the ballot of each elector voting for the proposed amendment or amendments to the constitution shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to the constitution," and ** Against said proposed amendment to the con- stitution." Sec. 4. [Election— Returns— Canvass.] Public notice that the proposed amendment or amendments are to be voted upon shall be given as provided in the Constitution. The judges and clerks of election shall make return to the County Clerk of their respective counties of the fol- lowing facts: First, the number of electors voting at such general elec- tion at which such amendments were voted upon; Second, the number of electors who voted for said amendment or amendments; Third, the num- ber of electors who voted against said amendment or amendments; Fourth, the number of electors voting at such election who voted for senators; Fifth, the number of electors voting at such election who voted for representatives; Sixth, the number of electors voting at such elec- tion who voted for both senators and representatives. The several county clerks in the different counties shall make return to the board of state canvassers, provijled for in section 53 of chapter 26 of the Com- 113 ELECTION LA^YS OF NEBRASIvA. piled statutes of 1895, in the same manner and within the same time til at they are required to make return of votes cast for officers men- tioned in said last named section, and all such returns shall be directed to tlie Secretary of State and transmitted to him in a separate envelope from the one containing the abstract and return of votes cast for the oTlicers named in said section. The returns from the election officers Siiall be canvassed by the county canvassing board which canvasses the other election returns in the county. The said canvassing board of the county shall foot up from the returns made by the judges and clerks of election, the number of electors voting at the election, the number of electors voting at said election for the amendment or amendments, the number of electors who voted against the amendment or amendments, the number of electors voting at said election who voted for senators, the number of electors voting at said election who voted for representa- tives, the number of electors voting at such election who voted for both senators and representatives and shall enter their findings in the book wherein the canvass of other election returns is made, and from the findings so made the clerk shall make the returns to the state board of canvassers as hereinbefore provided. [Amended, 1895, chap. 4; 1897, chap. 5.] Sec. 5. [Adoption— Proclamation.] If a majority of the votes cast at the election herein provided for, be for the proposed amend- ments, the governor, within ten days after the result is ascertnined. shall make proclamation, declaring the amendments to be part of the constitution of the state. Sec. 6. [Enrollment— Preservation.] Wlienever any amend- ments to the constitution shall have been proposed to, and adopted by the electors of this state, as by this act provided, the same shall be enrolled and numbered in the order of time in which they may be adopted, and preserved by the secretary of state among the public records of his office. Sec. 7. [Two or more amendments— Ballots.] Whenever at a session of the legislature more than one amendment to the constitution or proposition is submitted to a vote of the people it shall be the duty of the secretary of state to provide the ballots containing such proposi- tions or proposed amendments in the form in which they are to be sub- mitted to a vote of the people. [Laws, 1895, chap. 5, § 1.] Sec. 8. [Ballots, how printed.] Said ballots shall be printed, both ''official" and "sample" ballots in conformity with Section 139, Chapter 26, Compiled Statutes. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 9. [Ballots furnished counties.] The ballots printed in conformity with this act shall l)e furnished the county clerks of the sev- eral counties of this state at least twenty days before the election at which said proposition or amendments are to be voted upon. They shall be furnished the various counties to the number now required by Section 140, Chapter 26, Compiled Statutes in the case of ballots con- taining names of candidates to be voted for at said election. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 10. [Ballots— Distribution to voter— Spoiled, etc.] It is hereby made the duty of the county clerk to distribute said ballots at ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 117 the time and in the manner now provided by law in case of ballots containing names of candidates. The official ballots provided for in section 2 of this act shall be endorsed by the election officers, delivered to qualified voters and deposited in the ballot box in the same manner as now provided by law in the case of ballots containing names of candidates. And it is hereby made the duty of election officers to see tliat each qualified voter, when he receives his official ballot containing the names of candidates also receives one of the official ballots provided for in this act. The law now in force relating to spoiled and unused ballots shall apply to ballots furnished in conformity with this act. Sample ballots provided for in Section 2 of this act shall be distributed and used as now provided by law in the case of sample ballots contain- ing names of candidates. [Id., § 3a.] Sec. 11. [Ballots, how printed.] The various propositions or proposed amendments shall be printed on the ballots provided for by law in such manner as will enable the voter to express by a cross mark (X) in a sufficient margin at the right of such proposition or proposed amendment the answer he wishes to give. [1895, chap. 5, § 4; amended, 1897, chap. 5.] Sec. 12. [Separate ballot box.] It shall be the duty of the county commissioners of each county to provide a separate ballot box for each voting precinct in which to deposit the ballots provided for in this act. [Id., § 5.] Sec. 13. [Poll books— Tally lists.] It is hereby made the duty of the clerk of each county to see that the poll books and tally sheets furnished each voting precinct are suitably printed and ruled so as to enable the election officers to. make returns of the votes cast on the various propositions or amendments submitted, and also so as to enable the election officers to make full and complete returns of the facts here- inabove required of them to be made to the county clerk. [1895, chap. 5, § 6; amended, 1897, chap. 5.] Sec. 14. [Failure to make returns.] Should the officers of elec- tion of any election precinct refuse or fail to make return of the votes cast for and against any proposition or proposed amendment to the canstitution they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars. [Id., § 7.] 118 ELECTION LAWa OF NEBRASKA. CITIES OF THE METROPOLITAN CLASS. (^Compiled Statutes, 190;'), Chapter I2a.i Section 1. [Metropolitan cities.] All cities in the State of Nebraska heretofore incorporated as cities of the metropolitan class and all cities which shall attain a i)opulation of one hnndred thousand aOO,000) inhabitants, or more, shall ];e t>ovenied by the i)rovisions of this act. AVhenever any city shall hereafter attain i\ i)()inilation of one hundred thousand (1()(),()()()) iiilinhitants or more, ;nid such fact shall have been ascertained by any national or state census, and shall he so eertified to the governor by the mayor of such city, it, shall thereupon be the duty of the governor by jmblic proclamation to declare such city to be one of the metropolitan class, and thereupon such city shall be subject to the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. [Corporate limits.] The cor])orate limits of such cities may be fixed and determined by ordinance, but shall 1 e and remain as- heretofore until changed or altered in accordance with the provisions of this act or of a general law governing cities and towns. Any city, town or village adjoining any city of the metroi)olitan class may be annexed or merged with such city of the metroi)olitan class, whenever a pro])osition for such merger has been submitted at a general election and a)^proved by a majority of the votes cast on such proposition in each city, town or village. The terms of such pro]iositions shall be fixed by ordinance enacted by the city of the metro])olitan class and by the city, town, or village to be annexed. Sec. 3. [Wards— Election precincts.] Each city goveraed by this act shall be divided into wards, the boundaries of which shall be defined by ordinance and shall be equa'l in population as near as may be. Each ward shall be divided into election precincts for the puipose of registration and election. Sec. 4. [Wards— Councilmen.] Within sixty (GO) days after the ]:)assage of this act the city council shall divide such city into twelve (12) wards and such election precincts as may be necessary. No further division or change of boundaries shall be made of said wards or election precincts unless ninety days or more prior to any general or city elec- tion. Councilmen from each of said wards shall be elected at the next election of city officers. Sec. 5. [Election ordinances.] The mayor and council shall have power to provide for the election of city officers and to prescribe the manner of conducting the same, and the returns thereof, and the registration of voters, and for deciding contested elections in any man- ner not in conflict with the laws of the state or the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. [Officers, election, term.] The first city election in all cities governed by this act shall be held on the first Tuesday in May 19()(), and all succeeding general city elections every three years there after. The officers to be elected at such election shall be mayor, city attorney, building inspector, city clerk, com])troller and councilmen. They shall each and ail be elected by a plurality of all votes cast at said election for such officers respectively, and shall, when properly quali- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 119 fied, bold their offices for three years from the third Monday succeed- ing their election, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Other officers shall be elected at such times and for siirji terms as may be provided by law. Sec. 7. [Elections Polls - Canvass - Certificates — Voters' qualifications.] At all ek^ctions authorized l.y this act, the ])olis sliall be opened at such phice in each election district as may be designated by the mayor or as fixed by ordinance, and they shall be kept open between the hours specified by law for general, state and county elections and shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of such law. The qualification of electors in each ward sliall be the same as is required for electors in precincts under the laws of the state. All election returns shall be canvassed by the coimcil at eight o'clock P. M. on the first Thursday after each city election. The city clerk shall deliver certificates of election to each person found to be elected. Sec. 8. [Election-officers' fees.] At all general elections in cities of the metropolitan class the judges and clerks of such election shall each receive for their entire services at such elections the sum of three ($8.00) dollars. At all special elections in any such city the judges and clerks of such election shall each receive for their entire services at such election, the sum of three ($3.00) dollars, the same to be paid by the city, county or board of education submitting the proposition or propositions to be voted upon at such election. Sec. 9. [Councilman, freeholder.] The city council shall con- sist of one member from each ward, to be chosen by the qualified electors of the entire city by a plurality of votes. Each councilman must be a freeholder in the city and an actual resident of the ward from which he is chosen. CITIES OF THE FIEST CLASS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 13. article I.— cities between 40,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. Sec. 10. Wards.— Each city governed by this act shall be divided into not less than seven wards, the boundaries of which shall be defined by ordinance. Said wards shall be equal in population as near as may be. Each ward shall constitute an election district; Pro- vided, That when any ward sliall contain over five hundred legal voters the mayor and council may by ordinance divide such ward into two or more election districts. Provided further that cities governed by this act shall be divided into wards as herein provided, on or before Janu- ary 1st, 1902. Sec. 11. Precinct Lines— Justices— Constables.— Precinct lines in that part of the county not under township organization within the corporate limits of the city governed by this act, shall correspond in number with the ward and be co-extensive therewith; Provided, That when a ward is divided into election districts, the precinct corresponding with such ward shall be divided to correspond with the election district; and Provided, Further, That no justice of the peace or constable shall 120 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. be elected in such precinct, and the city shall constitute a district for • the election of two justices of the peace and two constables, to be elected at the time provided for the election of such officers in other districts. Sec. 12. Elections, When Held:— Tlio .s^eneral city elections in cities governed by the provisions of this act shall be held on the first Tuesday in April in the year 1905, and on the first Tuesday in May every two years thereafter. Provided, however, that a Special City Election shall be held on tlie first Tuesday in June, 1905, for the purpose of elect- ing seven city aldermen as provided by this act. At all general and special city elections held under the provisions of this act, the polls shall be open in each election district at such places as may be designated by the mayor, or fixed by ordinance, and shall be kept open between the hours of eight o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m. and no longer. Pro- vided, further, that all incumbents in office, including the seven council- men, whose term of office under operation of existing law, expire in the year 1906, shall be privileged to continue in office until the general city election to be held in the year 1907. [Amended 1905, H. R. 228.] Sec. 13. Election of Officers: At the general city election to be held in the year 1905, the following named officers shall he elected by a plurality vote of the electors of the city for a tenn of two years, namely: a mayor, city treasurer, city clerk, tax commissioner and two excisemen. At the general city election to be held in the year 1907, and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected by a plurality vote of the electors of the city, the following named officers: a mayor, city treasurer, city clerk, city attorney, city engineer.^ police judge, water commissioner, tax commissioner, and two excisemen, also seven ward councilmen, said seven ward councilmen to be elected one from each of the several wnrds of the city, and nominated by the party electors of their respecti\'e wards, and elected by the electors thereof. At the special city election to be held on the first Tuesday in June, 1905, as provided in section 12 of this Act there shall be elected by a plurality vote of the electors of the city, seven city aldermen, wlio shall hold their offices respectively until the general city election to be held imder the provisions of this xVct in the year 1909. Said seven city aldermen shall be nominated by the party electors of the entire city, and elected at large and after the year 1909 said seven city aldermen shall be elected for the term of four years in the manner herein provided. Said seven city aldermen and said seven ward councilmen shall constitute the City Council of cities governed by the provisions of this act. The seven councilmen, present incumbents, whose terms of office are extended under the provisions of this act to the year 1907, shall be regarded as ward councilmen. The ]\Iayor shall be ex-officio president of the said council, and shall preside at the meetings thereof, and shall appoint the standing committees of said council, and in the event of a tie vote shall cast the deciding vote. Provided, how- ever, that the Council shall have the power to elect a president pro tern, who shall preside over the meetings of a council in the absence of the Mayor and who shall exercise the powers of the Mayor on his absence from the city. All officers elected under the provisions of this act shall be privileged to hold their respective offices for the term for which they ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 121 were elected and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The term of all officers elected under the provisions of this act shall com- mence on the first Tuesday after their election. [Amended, 1905, H. R. 228.] Sec. 14. Qualification of Officers.— The elective ofncers of the city shall be residents thereof, and qualified electors therein. Each councilman shall also be a resident freeholder in the ward from which he is elected. Sec. 18. Electors— Qualification.— The qualification of electors in the several election districts shall be the same as is required under the laws of the state, and they shall also have resided in the city three months, and in the election district ten days. Sec. 19. Canvass of the Vote.— The city council on the first Monday after any city election shall canvass the returns and cause the clerk to make out and deliver certificates of election to persons found to be elected, and the neglect of such officer so found to be elected to qualify within ten days after the delivery to him of such certificate shall be deemed a refusal to accept the office to which he shall have been elected. ARTICLE II. — cities BETWEEN 25,000 AND 40,000 INHABITANTS. Section 1. [Classification.] That all cities having less th;-* forty thousand (40,000) and more than twenty-five thousand (25,000; inhabitants as ascertained and officially promulgated by the census return and enumeration taken under the authority of the United States or under the authority of the State of Nebraska, shall be governed by the provisions of this act and be known as cities of the first-class having less than forty thousand (40,000) inhabitants. Sec. 11. [Wards, extent— Election districts.] Each city gov- erned by this act shall be divided into not less than six wards, as com- pact in form and equal in population as may be, and no ward shall con- tain less than three thousand (3,000) inhabitants, the boundaries of which shall be defined by ordinance. Each ward shall constitute an election district. Provided: That whenever any ward shall contain over five hundred legal voters, the mayor and council may divide such ward into two or more election districts. Sec. 12. [Same— Precincts— Justices— Constables.] Precinct lines in that part of any county, not under township organization, em- braced within the corporate limits of any city governed under the pro- visions of this act, shall correspond with the ward lines in such city, and such precinct shall correspond in number with the wards of the city and be co-extensive with the same. Provided : That when a ward is divided into election districts, the precinct corresponding with such ward shall be divided so as to correspond with the election district. And Provided Further, That no justice of the peace or constables shall be elected in such precinct, and every such city shall constitute a dis- trict for the election of justices of the peace and constables, and in every such district there shall be elected two justices of the peace and two constables at the times provided by law for the election of such officers in other districts. il22 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Sec. 13. [Election, when held— Polls—Notice.] The general city election in all cities governed by this act shall be held on the first Tuesday in April annually; the polls shall be open at such place in each election district as may be designated by the mayor, or fixed by ordi- nance, and shall be kept open between the hours of eight o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M. and no longer; and the mayor shall cause a notice of all general and special elections in such cities, specifying the purpose for which such election is held and time and respective voting places thereof, to be published in some newspaper pu))lished and of general circulation in the city, for one time at least, ten days before the time of such election. Sec. 14. [Special election— Proclamation.] Whenever the mayor and council shall, b}^ ordinance, declare the necessity of holding a special election for the purpose of submitting the question of issuing bonds to the electors of any city governed by this act; or whenever a vacancy exists in any office required to be filled by a special election, the mayor shall issue his proclamation calling such special election in the manner provided for calling a general election. ,Sec. 16. [Officers, election, term.] At the annual election held in April, 1904, there shall be elected a Mayor, Treasurer, Clerk, City Attorney, Tax Commissioner, Police Judge and one Councilman from each Ward by a plurality of the votes for a term of two ye and bi-annually thereafter. Provided, that in any city [which] has ..^reto- fore been organized under the provisions of a priar act relative to cities of the first class having more than twenty-five and less than forty thousand inhabitants all the elective officers of such city shall hold their respective offices until such election in 1904, and Provided, That an election may be held for school purposes whenever there are vacan- cies to fill by reason of the expiration of the term of office of any mem- bers of the board of education. Sec. 17. [Councilmen.] The Council of each city governed by this act shall consist of one councilman from each ward, (who shall be qualified electors of said city and resident freeholders), to be chosen bj^ the electors of the whole city by a plurality of votes. Each council- man must be and remain during the term of his office, an actual resident of the ward for which he is chosen. W^henever, by reason of an increase of wards in such city, such wards shall be without representation, it shall be lawful and proper at the next succeeding election to elect' one councilman for each of such wards to fill the said vacancy. Sec. 18. [Officers, eligibility— Electors, qualifications.] No person shall be eligible to any elective or appointive office provided for by this act, who is indebted in any manner whatsoever to the State, Count}', School District, or City in which he is a candidate for office; nor shall he be eligible to any elective or appointive office in said city unless he is a qualified voter therein at the time of his election. The qualifica- tions of the electors in the several wards shall be same as is required for electors under the laws of the state. Provided, however, that no pei'son shall be qualified to vote at any municipal election unless he shall have previously resided in said city for sixty days next preceding such municipal election. ELECTION LAAVS OF NEBRASKA. 12.7 Sec. 20. [Officers, terms— Council, president, committees.] The terms of all elective officers shall commence on the Tuesday follow- inp; their election and continue until their successors are elected and qualified. On the first Tuesday following the election the councihnan shall assemble and organize the council by electing by ballot one of their number president, who shall preside, in the absence of tlie mayor, at all meetings of the council; and they shall elect b}^ ballot one of their number president pro tem, whose duty it shall be to preside in the absence of the president and mayor. The president, or president pro tem, when occupying the office of mayor, shall have all the rights and privileges of other members of the council; and the council shall also select the standing committees of the council at the same meeting, and shall, by ordinance, define the duties of said committees. ARTICLE III. — CITIES OVER 5,000 AND LESS THAN 25,000 INHABITANTS- Sec. 9. Wards. Each city governed by this act shall be di- vided into not less than four wards, as compact in form and equal in population as may be, the boundaries of which shall be defined by ordi- nance. Each ward shall constitute an election district; Provided, That when any ward shall contain over five hundred (500) legal voters, the mayor and council may divide such wards into two or more election districts. Sec. 10. Precinct Lines. Precinct lines in any part of any county, not under township organization, embraced within the corpo- rate limits of any city governed by this act, shall correspond with the ward lines of the city, and such precinct shall correspond in number with the ward of the city and be co-extensive with the same; Provided, That when a ward is divided into election districts, the precinct cor- responding with such ward shall be divided so as to correspond with the election districts; And Provided, Further, That no justice of the peace or constable shall be elected in such precinct, and every such city sliall constitute a district for the election of justices of the peace and constables, and in every such district there shall be elected two justices of the peace and two constables at the time provided by law for the election of such officers in other districts. Sec. 11. Elections. When Held. The general city election in all cities governed by this act shall be held on the first Tuesday in April annually. The polls shall be opened at such place in each election dis- trict as may be designated by the mayor, or be fixed by ordinance, and shall be kept open between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock P. M. and no longer. Sec. 12. [Election of officers— Bond— Term.] At the first an- nual election after such proclamation by the Governor, a Mayor, Treas- urer, Clerk and Police Judge and Water Commissioner in cities owning their own water works, who shall also be sewer inspector, and light, heat and power commissioner, shall be elected by a plurality of votes for the term of two years, and biennially thereafter. The council of each city governed by this -act shall consist of two members for each ward, who shall be qualified electors of said city. Each councilman, 124 ELECTION LAAYS OF NEBRASKA. before entering upon the duties of his office, shall be required to give a bond to the city, with two or more good and surficieut sureties, or some responsible surety company; if by two sureties they shall each justify that he is worth at least two thousand dollars over and above all dobts and exemptions; such bond shall be in the sum of one thousand dollars and shall be conditioned for the faithful discharge of duties of the councilman giving the same, and shall be further conditioned tliat if said councilman shall vote for any expenditure or appropriation of money, or the creation of any liability in excess of the amount allowed by law, that such councilman and the sureties signing said bond shall be liable there on. Said bond shall be filed with the City Clerk and ap- proved by the Mayor, and any liability sought to be incurred, or debt created in excess of the amount limited, or authorized by law, shall be taken and held by every court of the state, as the joint and several lia- bility and obligation of the councilmen voting for and the Mayor approving the same, and not the debt, liability or obligation of the city, and voting for or approving of such liability, obligation, or debt shall be conclusive evidence of malfeasance in office, for which such council- man or Mayor may be removed from office. All councilmen shall be residents of the ward from which they may be elected. All council- men's terms of office shall commence the first Tuesday succeeding the day of election, upon wliioh day they shall assemble together and or- ganize the city council, and their term of office shall be for two years. Provided, that the passage of this act shall not affect the terms of office for which any of the city officers above mentioned may have been here- tofore elected; except, in any of said cities, where, at the April election, 1902, two councilmen were elected in each ward, that at the first city election held after this act goes into effect, the councilman receiving the highest number of votes in said respective wards, his term of office shall be for two years, and the one in said respective wards receiving the next highest number of votes, his term of office shall be for one year. And at the end of their said respective terms their successors shall be elected for the term of two years and biennially thereafter. Which facts shall be detennined by the board canvassing the vote. [Amended 1903, H. R. 27.] Sec. 13. Elector's Qualifications— (Canvass of Election— Cer- tificates.) The qualification of electors in the several wards shall be the same as is required for electors under the laws of the state. At a meet- ing of the council on the -first Monday after any city election the returns shall be canvassed and they shall cause the clerk to make out and deliver certificates of election to the persons found to be elected, and a neglect of any such officer to qualify within ten days after the delivery to him of such certificate shall be deemed a refusal to accept the office to which he may have been elected. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 125 CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS AND VILLAGES. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 14.) ARTICLE I. — LESS THAN 5,000 INHABITANTS. Sec. 2. [Wards.] Each city of the second class shall be di- vided into not less than two nor more than six wards, as may be pro- vided by ordinance of the city council thereof, and each ward shall contain, as nearly as practicable, an equal number of legal voters, and an area as equal to each other as practicable. Sec. 3. [Council.] The council of each city of the second class shall consist of not less than four nor more than twelve citizens of said city, who shall be qualified electors and taxpayers under the constitu- tion and laws of the state of Nebraska. Sec. 4. [Councilmen.] Each ward in each city shall have at least two councilmen, who shall be chosen by the qualified electors of their respective wards, and who shall serve for two years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified; and no person shall be eligible to the office of councilman who is not at the time of his election an actual resident of the ward for which he is elected, and a qualified elector under the constitution and laws of the state of Nebraska; and if any councilman shall remove from the ward for which he is elected, his ofiSce as a councilman shall thereby become vacated; Provided, At the first general city election under this chapter, there shall be two councilmen elected from each ward; the one receiving the greatest nuni ber of votes shall serve for two years, and the one receiving the next highest number of votes shall serve for one year, and one councilman for each ward at each annual election thereafter. Whenever tliere shall be a tie in the election of councilmen, it shall be determined by lot by judges of election of the ward in which it shall happen. Sec. 6. [Officers.] At the time of holding the general city election in each year, there shall be elected a mayor, a clerk, a treasurer, a city engineer, and the councilmen hereinbefore provided for, and a police judge shall be elected at each biennial city election; and the mayor, with the consent of the council, may appoint a city attorney and an overseer of streets, who shall hold their offices for one year unless sooner removed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the council. The mayor, by and with the consent of the council, shall appoint such a number of regular policemen as may be necessary, and may also ap- point special policemen from time to time as exigencies arise. All police officers appointed by the mayor and council, in accordance here- with, shall be removable at any time by the mayor. [Amended and took effect March 2, 1881.] Sec. 39d. [Bonds— Election— Petition— Funds.] The mayor and council shall have power to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of the city upon its negotiable bonds or otherwise to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate $50,000.00 dollars for the pur- pose of constructing or aiding in the construction of a system of sewer- age, authority therefor having first been obtained by a majority vote of 126 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. the electors of such city at a general or special election held for that purpose, notice of which election shall be given by publication in some newspaper published in said city at least four weeks prior to the date of such election, and a majority of such electors shall have voted in favor of issuing such bonds; Provided, No such election shall be called until a petition signed by at least ten resident freeholders in each ward of said city shall be presented to the mayor and council asking that an election be called for the purpose herein provided. The indebtedness authorized by this act shall be the limit of liability which any city gov- erned thereby shall in any manner contract for tlie purpose aforesaid, and shall include all indebtedness previously contracted for said pur- pose. The funds derived from the issuance and sale of the bonds herein provided for, shall be used only for the purpose of constructing the main sewers provided for in the system of sewerage that may be adopted by the mayor and council under section four of this act. VILLAGES. Sec. 41. [Board of trustees.] The corporate powers and duties of every village shall be vested in the board of trustees, to consist of five members, two of whom shall be elected to serve one year, three of whom shall be elected to serve two years, said election to take place at the first annual election after passage of this act; and at each alter- nate election thereafter, two shall be elected to serve two years and three shall be elected to serve two years. [Amended 1899, chap. 13.] Sec. 42. [Qualifications of trustees.] Any person may be a trustee who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, and shall be a male citizen of the United States, or declared his intention to be- come such, who shall have been an inhabitant and taxpayer of the village at the time of his election, and resided therein for three months next preceding; and every trustee so elected shall hold his office for the term of two vears, and until a successor is elected and qualified. [Amended 1899, chap. 13.] Sec. 50. [Notice of election.] The board of trustees shall give public notice of the time and i)lace of holding each election; said notice to be given not less than ten nor more than twenty days previous to the election. Sec. 51. [Vacancies.] If, on any day appointed for holding any election under the provisions of this chapter, any of the judges or clerks of election shall fail to attend, the electors present may fill such vacancies from among the qualified electors present. ADOPTION OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT. Sec. 53. [Change from city to village government.] When- ever any city of the second class, containing more than lifteen hundred inhabitants, desires to discontinue its organization as a city, and organ- ize as a village, and one-fourth of the legal voters of such city shall petition the city council, the council shall cause to be published, for at least thirty days, a notice stating that the question of adopting village government will be submitted at the next annual city election. The form of the ballot shall be ''For organization as a village," and ''Against ELECTION LAWS OF NEBKASIvA. 127 organization as a village;" and at the same election the qualified voters shall also vote for five trustees for tlie village. If a majority of the votes cast are "For organization as a village," then such city shall within 60 days after such election be and become a village, and be governed under the provisions of the law relating to villages, unless it shall at some future annual election adopt a city government, in the manner provided herein for its adoption of village government. ABOLISHMENT OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT. Sec. 55c. [Vote.] Any village of the state of Nebraska which maj^ have been incorporated under the laws of this state shall abolish the same whenever a majority of the electors of said village, voting on the question of such abolishment, shall so decide in the manner herein provided. [1885, chap. 17.] Sec. 55rf. [Election.] Whenever a petition or petitions for submission of the question of the abolishment of incorporation to the voters of any village, signed by not less than one-third of the electors and tax-payers of said village, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county in which such village is situated, not less than thirty days before the date of any general election, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to cause said question to be submitted to the voters of said village at such election, and give notice thereof in the general notice of such election; Provided, That no village shall abolish incorporation until all liabilities are liquidated. Sec. 55f. [Ballots.] The forms of ballot shall be respectively, "For Abolishment of Incorporation," and "Against Abolishment of Incorporation," and the same shall be written or printed upon the regular ballots cast for officers voted for at such election, and shall be counted and canvassed in the same manner. Sec. 55/. [Result of election.] If it shall be decided at such election that incorporation of said village be abolished, then from and after the first day of January next ensuing, "Incorporation of said village" shall cease and be abolished, and said village shall thereafter be governed by county commissioners as provided by law. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Sec. 60. [Election.] On the first Tuesday of April of each year, an election shall be held in each city and village governed by this chapter, for officers as in this chapter provided, all of which officers (except councilmen and trustees) shall be elected and hold their respect- ive offices for the term of one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified; at which election the qualified voters of each city may cast their ballots between the hours of nine o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M. [Amended 1899, chap. 13.] Sec. 61. [Qualification of electors.] All qualified electors of this state, who shall have resided within the limits of any city of the second class or village for three months preceding any election therein, shall be entitled to vote at all city and village elections. Sec. 62. [Certificates of election.] Certificates of election for all officers of cities and villages shall be made out under the corporate 128 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. seal by the city council or board of trustees, at their first meeting after any election of such officers. BONDS FOR COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Sec. 129. [Bonds— Conditions.] The mayor and council of cities of the second class shall have and hereby are given the power and authority to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of such city upon its negotiable bonds in an amount not to exceed five (5) per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property within the limits of such city for the purpose of aiding in the building, erecting^ constructing, or repairing and furnishing a county court house, in addi- tion to bonds already voted by the county, autliority for the issuaiico of such bonds having first been obtained by a three-fifths (3-5) vote of the qualified electors of such city voting on a proposition for such purpose at any general or special election; such proposition to be submitted to such electors in the manner now provided by the laws of this state for the submission of propositions to aid in the construction of railroads and other works of internal improvements, such bonds to bear interest not to exceed six per centum per annum, and to be sold for not less than par and run not to exceed twenty years. [1889, § 1, chap. 9.] Sec. 130. [Election.] The election at which any such propo- sition shall be voted upon shall in all respects be conducted and the returns shall be canvassed and declared in the manner now provided by law for such purposes at general elections held in such cities. [Id., § 2.] STEEET RAILWAYS. (Compiled Statutes, IDUo, Chapter 72, Article VIL) Sec. 4. [Submission to electors.] The question of the consent of a majority of the electors of any such city to the constructing and operating of any such street railroad shall be determined by submitting the question to the electors of such city at an election to be held for that purpose, and of which election it shall be the duty of the mayor of any such city, upon the request of the common council of said city, to give at least ten days' notice by publishing a notice in some newspaper pub- lished in such city, which notice shall state the termini of said proposed street railway, as well as describe the precise route between such termini which shall be one continuous line from one terminus to the other, and also name the streets through which said railway is to be constructed, which proposed railway shall not exceed five miles in length; the form in which such notice shall be taken, and the time when such election shall be held, and no election shall hereafter be held except under this provision; Aiid provided further, That no franchise to construct street railways shall be hereafter granted, nor shall any election be hereafter hold to vote upon any proposition to give the consent of the electors of any such city to the construction of any street railway, unless there shall have been filed, at least ten days before such election, a map or plat showing the route and location of the proposed street railway vo ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 129 the eonnty office wherein are kept the record of deeds of real estate and also -^tether the proposed railway along such route is to be a single or doijble track. [Amended 1893, chap. 23, § 2.] Sec. 5. [Election— Proceedings.] Every such election shall be held at the time designated in the notice, and shall be held in the same manner and at the same places as the general city elections, and the returns shall be canvassed by the council of such city at its next meeting after any such election and the result declared, and if a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of the constructing and operating such proposed street railroad, the council shall cause the city clerk to make out a certificate of the result, stating that the consent of a majority of the electors of such city has been given to the constructing and operating of such railroad, and deliver the same to the chief officer of such street railroad company, who shall cause the same to be recorded in the office of the county clerk where the articles of association of sucli street railroad company are recorded, 'and in the same record; and su''h certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated; and thereupon, such street railroad company shall be authorized to proceed and construct and operate such street railroad, as described in its arti- cles of association, or any portion thereof subject to such rules and regulations as may be established by ordinances of such city; Provided, That any street railroad hereafter authorized to be constructed shall be built upon the line or route so described in said notice and plat, and not otherwise, and shall be constructed from one of the termini so fixed continuously to the other, and shall be a single or double track as shown on such plat, but no street railway shall hereafter be constructed, or consent, or authority therefor be given by any city, or its electors, upon, or along any part of anj- street in any city upon or along which any street railway has been already constructed, and where any other com- pany or party owns any street railway upon any part of such street it is hereby authorized and empowered to consent to the use of any part of its railway by any other company upon such terms as may be a^^reed upon by them; Provided, That no such use shall be allowed or enjoyed without its consent; Provided further, That no authority to construct street railway on any street of any city in this state under any franchise hereafter granted, or consent of the electors of any such city thereto hereafter given, shall be operative or effective unless the owners of a majority of the feet front of the real property abutting upon the street or streets upon which it shall be proposed to construct any such street railway shall in writing consent thereto, which written consent shall be filed in the office of the city clerk of the city wherein such street is situated before any election to give the consent of the electors of such city shall be called. [Amended 1893, chap. 23, § 3.] 130 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKj^. OEGANIZATION OF NEW COUNTIES. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 17, Article IL) Sec. 3. [Precincts.] The said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall proceed to divide such county into suitable and convenient precincts, and such commissioners shall give at least thirty days pre- vious notice of the time which they shall fix upon for holding the fi^'st election of precinct and county officers, by conspicuously posting in one of the most public places in each precinct notices of such election, sub- scribed by them, and attested by the clerk; the notices posted in each precinct shall specify the place of voting therein. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 4. [Election.] The voters at such election may assemble at nine o'clock, A. M., in each precinct, and shall select from among their own number two judges and two clerks for the election, who, be- fore tliey enter upon the discharge of their duties, shall take the oath required by judges and clerks of election, any one of whom may ad- minister such oath to the others; and the said election shall be gov- erned by the laws regulating elections at the time. The special com- missioners shall constitute the board of canvassers for such election, and in the discharge of their duties as such, [shall be governed] by the law in force at that time. [Id., § 4.] Sec. 5. [County seat.] At such first election, the voters of the county shall determine the permanent location of the county seat; for this purpose each voter may designate on his ballot the place of his choice for the county seat, and when the votes are canvassed, the place having a majority of all the votes polled shall be the county seat, and public notice of said location shall be given by the county commission- ers within thirty days, by posting up notices in three several places in each precinct in the county, and a copy of such notice shall be recorded by the county clerk in the book of miscellaneous records. [Id., § 5.] Sec. \j. [Same.] In any county where an election has been heretofore held under any law existing at the time of said election, to determine the permanent location of the county seat of such county, and said election shall be declared void by any court of competent jurisdiction in an action instituted for that purpose, the county commis- sioners of said county shall submit, at the next general election to be held sixty days after the entering of such judgment, to the qualified voters of the county seat of the county, as if no election had ever been held in such county. [Amended 1883, chap. XXIV.] Sec. 7. [Succeeding elections.] If no one place has a majority of all the votes polled, as provided in section five, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners within one month after said election, or witliin one month after the officers elected at the first election have qualifiod according to law, to order a special election, and give ten days notice thereof, by posting up three notices in each precinct in said county, at which election votes shall be taken by ballot between the three highest places voted for at the first election; and if tio choice is made at such election, notice of another election shall be given as above provided for, ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 131 to decide between the two places having the highest number of votes at the last election, and the jilace having the highest number of votes shall be the county seat. [G. S., § 7.] Sec. 14. [ Officers. 1 All county and precinct officers elected at the first election herein provided shall continue to hold their respective offices until the next general election held for the same offices in other counties, as provided by the election law in force at that time, and until their successors are elected and qualified. [Id., § 15^] RELOCATION OF COUNTY SEATS. (Gumpiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 17, Article HI.) ARTICLE III.— RE-LOCATION OF COUNTY SEATS. Sec. 1. [Petition to county board.] Whenever the inhabi- tants of any county are desirous of changing their county seat, and upon petition therefor being presented to the county commissioners, signed by resident electors of said county, equal in number to three- fifths of all the votes cast in said county at the last general election held therein, and containing in addition to the names of the petitioners, the section, township, and range on which, or town or city in which the petitioners reside, with their age and time of residence in the county, it shall be the duty of such board of commissioners to forthwith call a special election in said county for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors thereof the question of the relocation of the county seat. Provided, that in case any county seat has been located and re- tained for a period of ten successive years, prior to the passage and approval of this act, in any one place, the said place shall become and re- main the permanent county seat of such county, unless such petition be signed by such electors equal in number to three-fourths of all the votes cast in said county at the last general election held therein. Notice of the time and place of holding said election shall be given in the same manner, and said election shall be conducted in all respects the same as is provided by law relating to general elections for county purposes. The electors at said election shall designate on their ballots which city, town or place they desire said county seat located at or in, and any place receiving three-fifths of all the votes cast shall become and remain from and after the first day of the third month next suc- ceeding such election, the county seat of said county, Provided, that in case any county seat has been located and retained for a period of ten successive years, prior to the passage and approval of this act, in any one place, it shall not be removed unless some other place shall receive three-fourths of all the votes cast at said special election. [1875, 159. Amended 1905, S. F. 255.] Sec. 2. [Canvass of votes.] If it shall appear upon the can- vass of said votes that no one place has received three-fifths of all the votes cast, and if it shall further appear that three-fifths of all the votes cast have been cast in favor of places other than the one where said county seat is then located, it shall be the duty of said board of county 132 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. commissioners to immediately call a special election in the same man- ner as provided in section one of this act. Sec. 3. [Special election.] At which election the electors of said county shall designate upon their ballots either the name of the place where the county seat is then located, or one of the two places, other than the said county seat, which received the largest number of votes cast at the special election first held, and in canvassing said votes no votes shall be counted except such as are cast for one of the three places before mentioned. Sec. 4. [Re-location.] If three-fifths of all said votes so to be counted shall be in favor of the re-location of such county seat at either of the places voted for, the place receiving three-fifths of such votes shnll become and remain from and after the first day of the third month next succeeding said election the county seat of such county. Sec. 5. [Further election.] If it shall appear u])on the can- vass of said vote that no one place has received three-fifths of all the votos legally cast at said election, and if it shall further appear that less than two-fifths of all said votes have been cast in favor of tlie present county seat, said board of county commissioners shall, at the next gen- eral election held in such county, again submit to the electors thereof the question of the re-location of the county seat. Sec. 6. [Subsequent election.] If the present county sent received a less number of votes, at the second special election hereinbe- fore provided for, than either of the other places voted for thereat, tlien the electors shall designate on their ballots the name of one of the two places, other than said county seat, where they desire the county seat so located, and the one of said places receiving the largest number of votes sliall be and become, from and after the first day of January fol- lowing such election, the county seat of said county; but if at said elec- tion only one of the places voted for received more votes than the place Vvhere the county seat is then located, the electors of said county shall designate upon their ballots either the name of the place where the county seat is then located, or of the place which received the highest number of votes cast at the aforesaid special election, and in canvassing said votes no votes shall be counted except such as are cast for one of the two places before mentioned. Sec. 7. [Final result.] If three-fifths of all said votes so to be counted shall be in favor of the re-location of such county seat, the place so receiving three-fifths of all of said votes shall become and re- main, from and after the first day of January next succeeding said election, the county seat of such county. Sec. 8. [Question of re-location not again submitted.] If at either of the elections in this act provided for, more than two-liftiis of the votes cast shall be in favor of the place where the county seat is then located, the question of the re-location thereof shall not be again submitted for the space of two years from the date of said election, and in case the county seat shall be re-located as herein provided for, the question of the re-location thereof shall not be again submitted to the electors for the space of five years thereafter. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 133 COUNTIES AND COUNTY OFFICERS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 18, Article L) Sec. 4. [Transferring territory.] When a majority of the legal voters, residing upon any territory, shall petition the county board of their own county, and also of the county to which they desire such territory to be transferred, for leave to have such territory transferred to such county, it shall be the duty of the several county boards so petitioned to submit the question at the next general election in said counties; Provided, That no such petition shall be granted until after the expiration of three vears from the last submission of the question. [Amended 1885, chap. 36; 1889, chap. 5.] Sec. 5. [Notices of election.] Notices of such election shnll contain a description of the territory proposed to be transferred, tlie names of the counties from and to which such transfer is intended to be made, and sliall be posted with the other notices for general elections. Sec. 6. [Ballots.] The ballots used in the said elections may be in the following form, to-wit: ''For transferring territory," and ** Against transferring territory," when, if a majority of the voters voting upon said question in the county from which said territory is proposed to be taken, and a majority of the voters of the county to which the same is proposed to be transferred, shall be **For transferring territory," then the said territory shall be transferred to and become a part of the county to which it is proposed to transfer the same, on and after the first day of January succeeding such election, and shall be subject to all the laws, rules, and regulations thereof; Provided, That all assessments and collections of taxes, and judicial or other official proceedings commenced prior to said first day of January, shall be con- tinued, prosecuted, and completed in the same manner as if no transfer had been made; And provided further, That all township or precinct offi- cers within said transferred territory shall continue to hold their re- spective offices within the countv to which they may be transferred, until their respective terms of office expire. Sec. 9. [Unorganized territory.] When any unorganized territory lies adjoining to and is not embraced within the boundaries of any county, and a majority of the inhabitants of said territory petition the commissioners of said adjoining county to be attached to the same, the county board of said county shall within sixty days order an elec- tion as provided for in sections 4, 5, and 6, of this act, and said territory shall become attached to and be a part of said county by a majority vote of the same, and be subject in all other respects to the provisions of this act. [Amended 1885, chap. 36.] Sec. 10. [New county.] Whenever it is desired to form a new county out of one of the then existing counties, and a petition praying for the erection of such new county or counties, stating and describing the territory proposed to be taken for such new county or counties, together with the name of such proposed new county or counties, signed by a majority of the legal voters residing in the territory to be stricken 134 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. from such county, shall be presented to the county board of such county to be affected by such division, and it appearing that such new county or counties can be constitutionally formed, and they shall contain not less than 450 square miles, it shall be the duty of such county board to make an order providing for the submission of the question of the erection of such new county to a vote of the people of the county to be affected, at the next succeeding general election of which the notice shall be given, the votes canvassed, and the returns made as in case of election of county officers, and the form of the ballot to be used in the determination of such question shall be as follows: "For new county," and ''Against new county." [Amended 1895, chap. 26.] Sec. 11. [Elections.] If it shall appear that a majority of all the votes cast at any such election, in the county interested, is in favor of the erection of such new county or counties, the county clerk of said county shall certify the same to the secretary of state, stating in such certificate the name, territorial contents, and boundaries of such new county or counties; whereupon the secretary of state shall notify the governor of the result of such election, whose duty it shall be [to] order an election of county officers for such new county or counties, at such time as he shall designate, and he may, when necessary, fix the place of holding election, notice of which shall be given in such manner as the governor shall direct. At such election the qualified voters of said new county or counties shall elect all county officers for said county or counties, except as hereinafter excepted, who shall be commissioned and qualified in same manner as such officers are in other counties in this state, and who shall continue in office until the next general elec- tion for such officers, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and who shall have all the jurisdiction and perform all the duties which are or may be conferred upon such officers in other counties in the state. [Amended 1889, chap. 5; 1895, chap. 26; 1897, chap. 21.] Sec. 12. [Officers.] All the justices of the peace, constables, and other township or precinct officers, who were previously elected and qualified in the county or counties from which such new county has been formed, whose term of office shall not have expired at the time of said election, and whose residence shall be embraced within the limits of said new county, shall continue in office until their terms of office shall expire and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Sec. 13. [Canvass of votes.] The votes for the county officers of said new county shall be canvassed, and returns made, by the county clerk or county clerks of the county or counties from which such new county was formed, as provided by law in other cases. Sec. 24. [Public grounds, how sold.] The county board shall not sell the public grounds as provided in the tliird subdivision in the preceding section without having first submitted the question of sell- ing such public grounds to a vote of the electors of the county. Sec. 25. [Duties of the board.] It shall be the duty of the county board of each county: ^ccovd. [Buildino's.] To erect or otherwise provide a su'tnble court house, jail, and other necessary county buildings, and i'oi that ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 135' purpose to borrow money and issue the bonds of the county to pay the same; to keep the said buildin^^s in repair and to provide suitable rooms and offices for the accommodation of the several courts of record, the county board, clerk, treasurer, sheriff, clerk of the district court, county superintendent, county surveyor, and county attorney, (pro- vided said county attorney shall hold his ofiice at the county seat,) and suitable furniture tlierefor. But no appropriation exceeding fifteen hundred dollars shall be made for the erection of any county buih.ling without first submitting the proposition to a vote of the people of the county at a general election or a special election ordered by said board for that purpose, and the snrae is ordered by a majority of the legal voters voting thereon. [18S7, chap. 28. Amended 1889, chap. 10.] Sec. 25a. [Tax for county buildings— Petition— Proposition.] Whenever it shall be deemed necessary to erect a court house, jail, or other public county buildings, in any county in this state, the board of county commissioners may, and upon the petition of not less than one- fourth of the legal voters of said county, as shown by the poll books of the last previous general election, shall submit to the people of said county to be voted upon, at a special election called by the board of county commissioners for that purpose, a proposition to vote a special annual tax for that purpose of not to exceed five mills on the dollar valuation of the taxable property in said county, for a term of not to exceed five years. [1895, chap. 27, § 1. Amended 1897, chap. 22.] Sec. 2Dh. [Submission of proposition.] The manner of sub- mitting such proposition shall be governed by Section 871, Chapter 10, of the Consolidated Statutes of 1893 [Sec. 27, this chapter]. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 26. [Tax in addition to constitutional limit.] Whenever the county board shall deem it necessary to assess taxes, the aggregate of which shall exceed the rate of one dollar and fifty cents per one hun- dred dollars valuation of the property of the county, except when such excess is to be used for the payment of indebtedness existing at the adoption of the constitution, the county board may, by an order en- tered of record, set forth substantially the amount of such excess re- quired and the purpose for which the same will be required, and if for the payment of interest or principal, or both, upon bonds, shall in a general way designate the bonds and specify the number of years such excess will require to be levied and provide for the submission of the question of assessing the additional rate required to a vote of the people of the county at the next election for county olBcers after the adoption of the resolution, or at a special election ordered by said county board for that purpose. If the proposition for such additional tax be carried, the same shall be paid in money and in no other man- ner. [Amended 1887, chap. 28.] Sec. 27. [Submission to people.] The mode of submitting questions to the people for any purpose authorized by law shall be as follows: The whole question, including the sum desired to be raised, or the amount of the tax desired to be levied, or the rate per annum, and the whole regulation, including the time of its taking effect, or having operation, if it be of a nature to be set forth, and the penalty 136 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. of its violation, if tliere be one, is to be published for four weeks in some news})aper piiblislied in tlie oounty. If tliere be no such news- paper, the publication is to be made by being posted up in at least one of the most public places in each election precinct in the county, and in all cases the notices shall name the time when such question shall be voted upon, and the form in which the question shall be taken, and a copy of the question submitted shall be posted up at each place of voting during the day of election. Sec. 28. [S?me.] "Wlien the question submitted involves the borrowing or expenditure of money, or issuance of l)onds, the projiosi- tion of the question must be accompanied by a provision to levy a tax annually for the payment of interest, if any, thereof, and no vote ado])t- ing the question proposed shall be valid unless it likewise adopt the amount of tax to be levied to meet the liability incurred. Sec. 29. [Canvass,] At the time specified in such notice, a vote of the qualified electors shall be taken in each precinct, at the place designated in such notice. The votes shall be received, and re- turns thereof made, and the same shall be canvassed by the same otlicers and in the same manner as required at each general election. Sec. 30. [Vote— Record— Result.] If it appears that two- thirds of the votes cast are in favor of the proposition, and the require- ments of the law have been fully complied with, the same shall be en- tered at large by the county board upon the book containing the record of their proceedings, and they shall then have power to levy and collect the special tax in the same manner that the other county taxes are col- lected. Propositions thus acted upon cannot be rescinded by the county board. Sec. 53. (Commissioners.) The board of County commissi on- ers, in all counties having not more than one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) inhabitajits, shall consist of (3) persons, and in counties having more than one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,- 000) inhabitants, shall consist of five (5) persons; Provided, That in counties having less than one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) population which have five (5) commissioners, when this act takes effect, the incumbents of said office shall continue to hold and occupy such offices until the expiration of the terms for which elected. Provided, That the electors in any county containing less than one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) inhabitants, may vote at any general election as to whether their county board sliall consist of (3) or five (5) commissioners. Counties under township organization voting to change to commissioner system may vote at the same time as to the number of commissioners desired. Whenever, in counties not under township organization a petition or petitions for tlie submission of the question signed by not less than two hundred electors of the county, voting at the last general election, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk, not less than thirty (30) days beTore the date of any general election, it shall be the duty of said county clerk to cause said question to be submitted to the voters of said county, at such election, and give notice thereof in the general notice ELECTION LAWS OF NEBIJASKA. 137 of such election. The forms of ballot shall be rcspuctivel} : "i'or three (3) commissioners;" "for five (5) connnis-v.oners;" and the san:e shall be written or printed upon the rei^ular l)ailots cast for officers voted for at such election, and shall be counted and canvassed in tlie same manner. If a majority of votes cast at said election on said proposition have written or printed thereon the words, "for five com- missioners," thereafter said county shall have five (5) commissioners, and if a majority of the ballots cast at said election have thereon written or printed the words, "for three commissioners," thereafter the said county shall have three commissioners. Ballots on which appear both "for three commissioners" and "for five commissioners" neither being stricken out shall not be counted as cast on said prop- osition. The commissioners shall have the qualifications of eienlors, and shall be residents of their respective districts but be elected l)y a vote of the entire county at the annual general election. [Amended 1887, chap. 29; 1891, chap. 21; 1903, S. F. 8.] Sec. 54. [Districts.] Each county not under township or- ganization having not more than one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) inhabitants shall be divided into three districts numbered respectively one (j), two (2), and three (3), or into five (5) districts as provided for in section fifty-three (53), which shall be numbered re- spectively one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5); and counties having more than one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) inhabitants, shall be divided into five (5) districts, num- bered respectively one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5), fXnd shall consist of two or more voting precincts, comprising com- pact and contiguous territory and embracing as near as may l3e pos- sible, an equal division of the population of the county, and not subject to alteration oftener than once in three (3) years; and one (1) commis- sioner shall be nominated by each of said districts but shall be elected by the qualified electors of the entire county, as hereinbefore provided. The district lines shall not be changed at any session of the board unless all of the commissioners are present at such session: Provided, That in counties of one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) inhabitants or more, and in counties where a majority have voted for five (5) commissioners, it shall be the duty of the commissioners or supervisors of such county, at their first meeting after the publication of state, or federal census, or after an election deciding to have five (5), to divide said county into five (5) commissioner's districts, as provided for in this bill; Provided further. That the three (3) commissioners of such county whose term of office will expire after said election shall con- tinue to represent the district in which they reside, after the re-district- ing of such county, until the expiration of the terms for which they were elected; And provided further. That at the next general election occurring upon the even year after the division of a county into five (5) districts, one commissioner shall be elected for each of the two (2) re- maining districts, of the two (2) persons elected in such districts, the person receiving the highest number of votes shall hold his office for the 138 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. term of four (4) years, and the person receiving the next highest num- ber of votes shall hold his office for the tenn of two (2) years; and each connnissioner elected therenfter, in pursuance of the provisions of this section, shall hold his office for four (4) years and until his suc- cessor is elected and qualified. [Amended 1887, chap. 29; 1891, chap. 21, 1903, S. F. 8; 1905, H. R. 310.1 Sec. 55. [Term cf office.] At the first election held to choose a board of commissioners under this act in any county, the person having the highest number of votes shall continue in office for four (4) years; the two (2) receiving the next highest number of votes shall con- tinue in office for two (2) years; but if any three or more persons shall receive the same number of votes, their terms of office shall be de- termined by the board of canvassers, and each commissioner elected at the first general election, as herein provided, shall hold his office for iwo or four (4) years, as the case may be, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and each commissioner elected thereafter, in pur- suance of the foregoing section, shall hold his office for four years and until his successor is elected and qualified. [Amended 1905, H. K. 316.] Sec. go. [Precincts.] Each board of county commissioners shall divide the county into convenient precincts; and as occasion may require, erect new ones, subdivide precincts already established, and alter precinct lines. And whenever any portion of territory containing in the aggregate not less than one township of land, and not more than four townships lying contiguous, shall contain not less than fifteen voters, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners, on receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the legal voters therein to constitute such portion of the territory a voting precinct. Sec. 61. [Division of precinct not to affect existing ofTices.] When a precinct shall be divided, any justice of the peace or constable of the original precinct shall continue to act as such in the newly created precinct in which he may reside at the time of the division, the same as if the precinct had not been divided. Sec. 61a. [Precincts in citios cf the first class.] Whenever the mayor and city council of any city of the first class in this state shall by ordinance divide any ward of such city into two or more voting or polling districts, the board of county commissioners of the county in which such city is located shall, for general election purposes also, at their next regular session after the taking efrect of the said ordinance, order the establishment of said voting or pollins: districts in conformity with the provisions of said ordinance, and shall appoint judges and clerks of election for such polling districts as appointments are now made when a vacancy exists in such offices. [1883, chap. XXIT.] ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 139 MISCELLANEOUS ACTS AND PROVISIONS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 18, Article IIL) Section 1. [Bonds for coal.] The board of county commis- sioners of each county in this state are hereby authorized and required to submit to the legal voters thereof, on presentation of a petition of twenty resident freeholders of said county the proposition to issue bonds, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, the proceeds of which shall be applied to defray the expenses of boring and prospecting for coal in their respective counties under the direction of the commis- sioners thereof, and said boards are hereby authorized to issue the said bonds for said purpose, in case the vote shall be favorable to the proposition; Provided, however, That- said commissioners may in their discretion, refuse to submit such inquiry to a vote of the people until the next general election after the presentation of such petition. [G. S., § 1, 249.] INTERSTATE EXPOSITIONS. Sec. 32. [Bonds— Election.] Whenever one thousand (1,000) voters of any county in the state of Nebraska having over one hundred thousand population, shall petition the board of county commissioners, or the board of supervisors to that end, any such county shall be and hereby is authorized to issue the bonds of such county, to become due twenty (20) years from the date thereof and to bear interest at a rate not to exceed five (5) per cent, per annum, to provide for the expenses of promoting the interests of such county by participating in any in- terstate exposition held in the state of Nebraska, and making at such exposition a county exhibits improving or beautifying the grounds, and erecting or aiding in the erection of a suitable building or buildings therefor, and maintaining the same during such exposition, to an amount to be detennined by the board of county commissioners or board of supervisors, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,- 000.00) ; Provided, The board of county commissioners or board of supervisors shall first submit the question of the issuing of such bonds to a vote of the legal voters of such county at a general or special election; such question to be submitted entire after notice to such voters published in any newspaper of general circulation in such county for four (4) weeks next prior to such election; and Provided, That such interstate exposition shall first have been recognized by the Con- gress of the United States by an appropriation of a sum not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00). [1897, chap. 24, § 1.] Sec. 33. [Proposition.] The proposition when submitted shall contain a statement of the amount necessary to be raised each year for the payment of the interest of said bonds and for the payment of the principal thereof at maturity. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 34. [Number of votes to carry.] If two-thirds (2-3) of the votes cast on such proposition at any such election be in favor thereof, the said bonds shall be authorized and the proper officers of the 140 ELECTIOX LAWS OF NEBRASI^^. county shall thereupon issue said bonds and the same shall be and continue a subsisting debt against such county until thev are paid. [Id., § 3.] TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 18, Article IV.) Section 1. [Election.] At any general election that may be hold in the several counties of the state, the qualified voters in any county, may vote for or against tov/nship organization in such county, under the provisions of this act. [18^5, chap. 28, § 1.] Sec. 2. [Same— Petition— Submission.] The county commis- sioners, on petition of two hundred and fifty or more legal voters of the county, shall cause to be substituted to the voters of the county the question of township organization under this act, by ballot, to be writ- ten or printed, or partly written or partly printed thereon, **for town- sliip orp,n7iization, " or, ''against township organization," the votes to be counted, canvassed, and returned in like manner as votes for county ' Ticers. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 3. [When county governed.] If it shall appear by the 3turns of said election that a majority of the legal voters of such county voting at such election are for township organization, then the .county so voting for its adoption shall be governed by and subject' to the provisions of this act, on and after the meeting of the supervisors of the county as hereinafter provided. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 4. [Supervisors districts.] On the second Tuesday after such election adopting township organization in any county the County Commissioners of the county shall meet at the county seat of such county and shall forthwith, and within not more than three days from and after the first day of meeting, divide such county into seven dis- tricts to be known as supervisors districts; such districts to be divided as near as possible with regular boundary lines and in regular and compact form and shape, and each district shall as near as possible have the same number of inhabitants as any other district; but no township shall be divided by any such district; Provided that in counties having cities over one thousand inhabitants, and more inhabi- tants than the average outlying districts, the County Commissioners sliall add enough contiguous territory to such city so that the inhabi- tants in such city and contiguous territory shall equal the inhabitants of two of the other districts, and when so divided such district in which such city is located shall elect two supervisors to be elected at large within such district; Provided, further that if a county is divided with such a city district then and in such event the balance of the territory shall only be divided into three districts, and such city district shall re- ceive number as hereinafter provided. Provided further that if any such city has more than the requisite inhabitants for two districts, then and in such event sufficient outlying territory may ])e added to such city to make three districts. The supen'isors of such city districts shall be elected at large, and the balance of that territory outside of such ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 141 city districts shall be divide-^ so as to create seven districts including such city districts. [Id., § 4.] Sec. 5. [Same— Numbered.] "When the county has been di- vided as in the precedin.j? section provided, the County Commissioners shall at once upon such division, proceed to number such districts from one to seven and they shall in case of a city district as contemplated in the preceding section, give such city district two or more numbers, one odd and one even number. [Id., § 5.] Sec. 6. [Same— Cities— Villages.] In the event any city hav- ing one thousand inhabitants or more shall have enough inhabitants to form one supervisor district then such city shall constitute one dis- trict, or in case the number of inhabitants is less than the number in the other districts then so much contiguous territory shall be added to such city to give it sufficient inhabitants for one supervisor district. Villages may be enumerated with general districts, counting all the inhabitants therein as being within the districts wherein such town or village is situated. [Id., § 6.] Sec. 14. [Place of holding first meeting.] The county clerk shall at least twenty days before the first Tuesday in April designate some central and convenient place in each town for holding the first town meeting. [Id., § 14.] Sec. 15. [Notice of same.] The county clerk shall thereupon make out notices stating the time (which shall be the first Tuesdaj' in April thereafter), and place for holding the first town meeting. Such notices shall be posted by the sheriff in some public place in said town at least fifteen days before holding of the meeting. [Id., § 15.] Sec. 16. [First town meeting— Proceedings.] The first town meeting shall be conducted in the manner as other town meetings here- inafter provided for. [Id., § 16.] Sec. 18. [OfRcers—Election— Bonds— Approval,] At the first town meeting held as provided in section fourteen of this act, the quali- fied electors of each town shall elect by ballot from their own number, one town treasurer, one constable, one overseer of roads in each road district Trlthin the township, three judges of election, and two clerks of election all of whom shall duly qualify as provided by law and shall hold their offices until their successors shall be duly elected and quali- fied. The bonds of the officers mentioned in this section shall be ap- proved by the town board. [Id., § 18.] Sec. 20. [Officers— Election.] All township offices provided for by appointment, as provided for in preceding sections, -shall be filled at the next general election, held in November following such appointment and thereafter the officers elected shall qualify and ass^i^ie their respective office as provided by law in respect to those oiiicos. [Id., § 20.] Sec. 25. [Annual town meeting— Notice.] The citizens of the several towns of this state, qualified by the constitution to vote at general elections, shall assemble and hold annual town meetings at their respective towns on the first Tuesday in April, at such place in such tow^n as the electors thereof at their annual town meetings shall ^42 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. from time to time appoint. And notices of the time and place of hold- ing such meeting, after the first meeting, shall be given by the town clerk by posting up written or printed notices in three of the most public places in said town, at least ten days prior to said meeting. [Id., § 25.] Sec. 26. [Same— Power of electors.] Tlie electors of each town shall have power at their annual town meetings to elect such town officers as may be required to be chosen to direct the institution and defense of suits at law or equity in which such town may be a party in interest; to direct such sum to be raised in such town for the support and maintenance of roads and bridges, or for any other purpose pro- vided by law as they may deem necessary; to take measures and give directions for the exercise of their corporate powers; to impose pen- alties upon persons offending against any such regulations, and to make rules, regulations and by-laws necessary to carry into effect the powers herein granted. [Id., § 25.] Sec. 29. [Same— Powers of electors.] The electors at special town meetings, when properly convened, shall have full power to fill any vacancies in any of the town offices when the same shall not already have been filled by appointment; to provide for raising money for re- pairing highways or buildings, or repairing bridges in case of emer- gency, and to direct the repairing or building thereof; to act upon any subject within the power of the electors at any annual town meeting which was postponed at the preceding annual town meeting, for want of time, to be considered at a future special town meeting, but special town meetings shall have no power to act upon any subject not em- braced in the statement of the notice calling the same. [Id., § 29.] Sec. 30. [Moderator.] The electors present at any time be- tween the hours of nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon of the day on which there is an annual or a special town meeting shall be called to order by the town clerk if present; if not present, then the voters may elect by acclamation one of their number chairman; they shall then proceed to chose one of their number to act as moderator of such town meeting. [Id., § 30.] Sec. 34. [Majority rule.] All questions upon motions made at town meeting shall be determined by a majority of the electors vot- ing, and the presiding officer shall ascertain and declare the result of the votes upon each question. [Id., § 34.] Sec. 35. [Manner of voting.] When the result of any vote shall upon such declaration, be questioned by one or more of the electors present, the moderator shall make the vote certain by causing the voters to rise and be counted, or by dividing off. [Id., § 35.] Sec. 36. [Electors— Qualifications.] No person shall be a voter at any town meeting unless he shall be qualified to vote at general elections, and has been for the last ten days a resident of the town wherein he shall offer to vote. [Id., § 36.] Sec. 37. [Same— Challenges.] If any person offering to vote at any election, or upon any question arising at such town meeting, shall be challenged as an unqualified voter, the presiding officer shall ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 143 proceed thereupon in like manner as the jnclges of general elections are required to do, adapting the oath to the circumstances of the town meeting, and the laws in force in regard to false swearing and illegal voting at general elections shall apply to false swearing and illegal voting at town meetings. [Id., § 37.] Sec. 38. [Meeting— Opening and closing.] Town meetings shall be kept open from the time of opening in tiie morning until six o'clock in the afternoon, unless a majority of the voters present vote to adjourn at an earlier- hour, if the business before the meeting shall have been concluded. [Id., i^ 38.] Sec. 62.7. I Supervisors— Election.] At the next general elec- tion following the adoi)tion of township organization, or the division of any county now under township organization into supervisor dis- tricts as provided by this act, there shall be elected in each supervisor district one supervisor, who shall be nominated and elected by the qualified electors of the district for which such supervisor is elected, and each district shall nominate its supervisor in the same manner as near as may be as other district officers are nominated, and the votes cast for such supervisor in the different townships, cities or wards, within such districts shall be counted, canvassed, and returned the same as is done for county officers. The person who shall receive a plurality of all the votes cast for supervisor within the district shall be declared the elected supervisor for such district and shall receive, a certificate of election from the county clerk the same as other officers. [Id., § 69.] Sec. 62/^. [Supervisors— Term of office.] At the next general election after the adoption of township organization, and the division of the county into supervisor districts as contemplated by this act, there shall be elected in each supervisor district one supervisor, and the supervisors elected in the odd numbered districts shall hold their offices for one year, and the supervisors elected in the even numbered districts shall hold their offices for two years. In double or city districts the ballots shall state which one of the supervisors is elected for the odd, and which one for the even numbered district. Each district shall thereafter elect one supervisor every two years, and each supervisor after the first election as stated above shall hold his office for the term of two years and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. [Id., § 70.] Sec. 62?. [Number of inhabitants, how ascertained.] For the purpose of ascertaining the number of inhabitants in the several dis- tricts provided by this act, the supervisors, or commissioners as the case may be, shall ascertain the whole number of votes cast at the last preceding general election held within ihe county, and shall multiply the number of votes so cast by fiA^e, and this result shall be taken as the whole number of inhabitants of the county or any pni't tliereof as the case may be, and the supervisor districts shall be divided upon the fore- going basis and in accordance with the results thus obtained. [Id., § 71.] Sec. 62/. [Districts— Changed, when.] The su])ervisor dis- tricts may be changed after each state and federal census if it shall !44 ELECTION LAWS OP NEBRASKA. appear from an examination or the number of votes in any district or districts that the inliabitants have become unequal among the several districts. [Id., § 72.] DISCONTINUANCE OF TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. Sec. 63. [Discontinuance.] Any county of the state of Ne- braska which may have adopted township organization, or that may hereafter adopt the same pursuant to tlie constitution and any statute of the state, shall discontinue the same whenever the majority of the electors of said county voting on the question of such discontinuance shall so decide in the matter herein provided. [1885, chap. 43.] Sec. 64. [Question submitted.] Whenever a petition or peti- tions for a submission of the question of the discontinuance of town- ship organization to the voters of his county, signed by a number of electors not less than ten per cent of those voting at the last general election, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk not less than thirty days before the date of any general election, it shall be the duty of said county clerk to cause said question to be submitted to the voters of said county at such election and give notice thereof in the general notice of such election. [Amended 1895, chap. 29.] Sec. 65. [Ballots.] The forms of ballots shall be respectively ''for continuance of township organization" and "against continuance of township organization," and the same shall be written or printed upon the regular ballots cast for officers voted for at such election, and shall be counted and canvassed in the same manner. Sec. 66. [Returns.] If it shall appear from the returns of said election that a majority of the votes cast on the question are against the continuance of township organization, then such organiza- tion shall cease to exist as soon as a board of county commissioners are appointed and qualified, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 67. [County commissioners.] When township organiza- tion shall cease in any county, as provided by this act, the office of county commissioner, which became vacant by reason of its adoption, is hereby restored, and such county is hereby divided into commissioner districts, with the same boundaries and comprising the same territory as such districts had when township organization was adopted. Sec. 68. [Same— Appointment.] On the first Saturday after the first Tuesday of January following the election at which township organization shall be voted to be discontinued, the county commission- ers of such county, for the purpose of temporary organization under this act, shall be appointed by the county clerk, treasurer, and county judge of said county, and their successors shall be elected at the next general election in the manner provided by law in cases of the first election of a board of commissioners in any county. ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 145 BOUNTY FOR DESTRUCTION OF WILD ANIM^VLS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 4, Article L) Sec. 33. [Election.] Upon the petition of fifty taxpay^n-s of any county, to the county commissioners or county board, favorable to granting bounties for the destruction of wild animals, as provided in section one of this act, it shall be the duty of said county commissioners or county board to present the prayer of the said ix'titioncrs to tlie electors of such county at the next succeeding election. [Amended 1885, chap. 6.] Sec. 34. [Ballots.] The voting on the aforesaid proposition shall be by ballot, the ballots having written upon them, "For boun- ties," or "Against bounties," and the votes to be canvassed as other votes are canvassed in precinct elections, and if a majority of the votes cast at such election be in favor of the proposition as contained in this act the same shall be in effect within ninety days after such election. Sec. 35. [Revocation.] Any county desiring to be released from the paying of bounties, as provided in this act, may revoke the same by the same authority and manner of procedure as provided in section five of this act, for the establishment of the same. INTERNAL HIPROVEMENTS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 45.) Section 1. [Bonds.] That any county or city in the state of Nebraska is hereby authori-jed to issue bonds to aid in the construction of any railroad, or other work of internal improvement, to an amount to be determined by the county commissioners of such county or the city council of such city, not exceeding ten per centum of the assessed valuation of all taxable property in said county or city; Provided, The county commissioners or city council shall first submit the question of the issuing of such bonds to a vote of the legal voters of said county or city, in the manner provided by chapter nine of the Revised Statutes of the state of Nebraska, for submitting to the people of a count}- the question of borrowing money. [1869, § 1, 92. G. S., 448.] Sec. 2. [Proposition to vote.] The proposition of the question must be accompanied by a provision to levy a tax annually for the pay- ment of the interest on said bonds as it becomes due; Provided, That an additional amount shall be levied and collected to pay the principal of said bonds, when it shall become due; and. Provided, further. That no tax shall be levied or collected to pay any of the principal of said bonds until after the year 1880. [Amended 1870, 15.] Sec. 3. [Rate of interest.] The proposition shall state the rate of interest such bond shall draw, and when the principal and interest shall be made payable. Sec. 4. [Result of vote.] Upon a majority of the votes cast being in favor of the proposition submitted, the county commissioners, 14G ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. in the case of a county, and the city council, in the case of a city, shall cause the proposition and the result of the vote to be entered upon the records of said county or city, and a notice of its adoption to be pub- lished for two successive weeks in any newspaper in said count}" or city, if there be one, and if not, then witliout such publication and shall tliereupon issue said bonds, which shall be and continue a subsisting debt against such county or city, until they are paid and discharged. PRECINCT, TOWNSPnP, AND VILLAGE BONDS. Sec. 14. [Election.] Any precinct, township, city of the sec- ond class, or village, organized according to law, is hereby authorized to issue bonds in aid of works of internal improveinents, improving streets in cities of the second class and villages, highways, railroads, bridges, court houses, jails, city and town halls and the drainage of swamp and wet lands, within such municipal division, to an extent not exceeding ten per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property at the last assessment within such precinct, township, city of the second class or village, in the manner hereinafter directed, viz: First. A peti- tion signed by not less than fifty freeholders of the precinct, township, city of the second class or village, shall be presented to the county coni- ng issi oners, city council of cities of the second class or board of trustees ('■'. villages, or the board authorized by law to conduct the business within which such precinct, township, city of the second class or vil- lage is situated. Said petition shall set forth the nature of the work contem])lated, the amount of bonds sought to be voted, the rate of in- terest which in no event shall exceed six per cent per annum, the length of time said bonds shall run, which in no event shall be less than ten years and not more than twenty years from the date thereof; and the said petitioners shall give bond, to be approved by the county commis- sioners, city council of cities of the second class, or board of trustees of villages, for the payment of the expenses of the election, in the event that the proposition shall fail to receive two-thirds majority of the votes cr-st at said election. Second. U]wn the reception of such petition the comity commissioners, city council of cities of the second class, or board of trustees of villages, shall give notice and call an election in the precinct, township, city of the second class, or village as the case may be. Said notice, call and election shall be governed by the laws regulntiug the election for voting bonds for a county. [1885, chap. 58. Amended 1899, chap. 49.] Sec. 15. [Issuance of bonds.] If two-thirds of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of the proposition, the county com- missioners, city council of cities of the second class, or board of trustees of villages shall as the case may be, without delay, cause to be prepared and issue the bonds in accordance with the petition and notice of elec- tion; said bonds shall be signed by the chairman of the board of county commissioners, or the person authorized to sign county bonds and be attested by the county clerk, mayor and city clerk of cities of the second class, chairman of the board of trustees and village clerk of villages, and be attested by the respective seals. The county clerk, village clerk ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIvA. 147 of villages, or city clerk of cities of the second class, as the case may be, shall enter upon the records of tlie board, or council, the petition. bond, notice, and call for the election, canvass of the vote, the number, amount and interest, and the date at which each bond issued shall be- come payable; and shall also cause such bonds to be registered in the office of the secretary of state and state auditor, as required by law. [M.J STATE BOUNDABY BrtlDGE BONDS. Sec. 18. [State boundary bridge bonds.] That any county, township, precinct, city, or village in the state of Nebraska may issue bonds to construct, or to aid in the construction of a highway wagon bridge across any boundary river of the state of Nebraska. [1895, chap. 45, § 1.] Se(\ 19. [Same— Submission of question— Amount.] That the question of issuing bonds shall first be submitted to the (|ualified elect- ors of the county, township, precinct, city or village either at a special election called for that purpose or at a general election as hereinafter provided, and if three-fifths (3-5) of the votes cast at such election be in favor of the [)roposition to issue bonds, then such county, township, pre- cinct, city or village, as the case may be, shall issue their bonds in such amounts as shall be specified in the notice of election, not exceeding ten per cent of the assessed valuation of such county, township, pre- cinct, city or village as shown by the last assessment prior to the vote authorizing the issuance of such bonds; Provided, That any county or city that has heretofore made donations to any railroad or other works of internal im]irovement, may issue bonds in excess of ten per cent, and not to exceed fifteen per cent of the assessed valuation of such county or city, if at the election of the qualified electors as herein provided two-thirds of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of such proposition. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 20. [Petition— Notice— Election.] That whenever a ])eti- tion setting forth the amount of bonds askei'. to be voted, when the same shall become due, the rate of interest said bonds shall bear, which shall not exceed seven per cent, per annum, whether payable annually or semi-annually, and if to aid in the construction of a bridge, the name of the person, firm or corporation, to whom said bonds are to be donated, the amount of work to be done on said bridge before said bonds shall be delivered, and signed by not less than twenty freeholders of the county, township, precinct, city, or village, it is proposed shall issue bonds, shall be presented to the county commissioners or board of super- visors of the county it is proposed shall issue bonds, or the county in which is located the township or precinct it is proposed shall issue bonds, or to the city council of the city, it is proposed shall issue bonds, or to the trustees of the village, it is proposed shall issue bonds, said county commissioners or board of supervisors or said city council or said village trustees shall, upon said petitioners giving bond, to be ap- proved by them, conditioned for the payment of the expenses of a special election in the event the proposition to be submitted shall not receive the requisite number of votes for its adoption, give notice and l-!8 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASIv^i.. call a special election in the county, township, precinct, city, or village, Trhich said notice shall contain the conditions npon which honds are to be issued as hereinbefore provided shall be set forth in the petition, which notice shall be published for at least thirty days prior to such election in some newspaper published in such county, township, pre- cinct, city, or village, if any newspaper is publislied therein, and if no newspaper is published therein, said notice shall be published by post- ing such notice at the court house door in the county and in every voting precinct in the county, or in case of a township, precinct, city, or village election such notice, where there is no newspaper published therein, shall be published by posting the said notice in at least four public places in each township, precinct, city, or village for at least thirty days next preceding the day of holding such election, and said election in all other respects shall be p-overned by and conform to the laws of the state of Nebraska regul-Tting general elections; rrovhlvd, however, That u})on request of such petitioners the proposition to issue bonds may be submitted at the next general election after the presentation of such petition, upon giving notice as hereinbefore provided, in which case said petitioners shall not be required to execute any bond for the pay- ment of the expenses of the election as hereinbefore provided; and at which election, whether general or special, the ballot used shall be sub- stantiallv the foUovring form: Shall (iiere enter nan^ie of county, township, p-ecinct, city, or village it is proposed shall vote bonds) issue bonds in the sum of (1 ere insert the amount), dollars, to construct or aid in the construction of, as the case mi^y be, a highway wagon bridge (and if to aid in the construction insert the name of the person, firm, or corporation to whom, said bonds are to be donated, and to levy a tax for payment of principal and interest.) Yt No. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 21. [Eoncls— Eccord— Ilegistration.] If at any such elec- tion the proposition to issue bonds shall receive the requisite number of votes for its adoption as hereinbefore provided, the county connnission- ers or l;o;i.rd of sup'^rvisors, city council, or bonrd of village trustees, shall cause the petition, notice of election, and the result of the vote to be recorded in the pror>er records of the county, city or village, and therenT)on said bonds shall be prepared and issued in accordance with the petition and notice of election and shall be signed and executed by the ofiicers by law authorized to sign and execute bonds issued by a county, township, precinct, city, or a village, and said bonds, when issued by the commissioners or board of supervisors of any county shall be registered in the o(i>e of the county clerk of such county, and when issued by a city or village they shall be registered in the oflice of the clerk of such village or city, and such bond shall then be registered in the offices of the auditor of public accounts and secretary of state as provided by law, and after being so registered said bonds shall be de- livered to the person, firm, or corporation, named in said petition upon their coir'^liance with the terms and conditions upon which said bonds were voted. [Id., § 4.] ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 149 SANITARY DISTRICTS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 55, Article IV.) Section 1. [Sanitary districts— Establishment.] That whon- ever one or more municipal corporations may be situate upon a stream which is bordered by lands subject to overflow from natural causes, or which is obstructed by dams, or artificial obstructions so that the natural flow of water is im])eded so that drainage or the improvement of the channel of such stream will conduce to the preservation of public health, such municipal corporation or corporations and the surrounding lands deieteriously affected by the condition of the stream may be incor- porated as a sanitary drainage district under this act in the manner fonovv'ing: Any one hundred (100) legal voters, freeholders resident within the limits of such proposed sanitary district may petition the county board of the county wherein they reside, to cause the question to be submitted to the legal voters whether they will organize as a sani- tary district under this act, such petition shall contain a definite descrip- tion of tlie territory intended to be embraced in such district according to government survey and the name of the proposed district but no lands not included within any municipal corporation, or within three miles thereof, shall be included in any sanitary district, nor shall any lands not witlii-n an incorporated town be included within any sanitary dis- trict unless the same be within three miles of the channel of such stream or of the area of lands subject to its overflow. Upon the filing of such i:>etition in the office of the county board it shall give notice in one or more newspapers daily, if there be a daily paper in said county, during twenty (20) days prior to such meeting of the time and place where the petition will be heard. At the time so fixed the board shall meet and all persons in such proposed sanitary district shall have opportunity to be heard touching the location and boundary of the proposed district and tliereu])on the county board shall by an order determine the boundaries of such district whether described in such petition or otherwise. After such determination by the county board, or a majority of them, they shall call a special election and submit to the legal voters of the pro- posed sanitary district the question of the organization of such district, and notice in a daily paper, if there be one, shall be given of such elec- tion twenty days prior tliereto. At such election each legal voter resi- dent within the proposed sanitary district shall have a right to cast a ballot with the words therecm, "For Sanitary District," or ** Against Sanitary District," and the ballots cast shall be received, returned, and canvassed in the manner as upon county elections and the result shall be entered of record, and if a majority of the votes cast be in favor of the proposed district such proposed district shall be deemed an organized sanitary district under this act. [1891, chap. 36, § 1.] Sec. 2. [Organization— Trustees— Body politic] On the or- ganization of any sanitary district the county board shall call an election for the election of three trustees who shall hold their offices until their successors are elected and quialified, and annually at the November elec- 150 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. tion in each year there shall be elected one trustee. At the first meeting after election of one or more members, the board shall elect one of their number president, and in case they fail to elect, then the member who at his election received the highest number of votes shall be president of such board. Such district shall be a body corporate and politic by name of Saii'.tary District of with power to sue, be sued, contract, acquire and hold property, and adopt a common seal. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 7. [Same— Election.] x\t the time or before incurring any bonded indebtedness the question shall be submitted to the people in the manner provided by law in cases of borrowing money for internal improvements, [Id., § 7.] SCHOOLS. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 79, Subdivision II.) SUBDIVISION II.— DISTRICT MEETINGS. Section 1. [Annual.] The annual school meeting of each school district shall be held at the school house, if there be one, or at some other suitable place within the district, on the last Monday of June of each year. The officers elected as hereinafter provided shall take possession of the office to which they have been elected upon the second Monday of July, and the school year shall commence with that day. [Amended 1885, chap. 79 ; 1889, chap. 78.] Sec. 2. [Special.] Special meetings may be called by the dis- trict board, or any one of them, on the written request of any five legal voters of the district, by giving the notice required in the next succeed- ing section; and in all notices of special meetings the object of the meet- ings shall be stated, and no business shall be transacted at such meetings except such as is mentioned in the call. Sec. 3. [Notices.] All notices of annual or special meetings, after the first meeting has been held as hereinbefore provided, shall elate the day, hour and place of meeting, which place shall be within the district, and shall be given at least fifteen days previous to such meeting by posting up copies thereof in three public places within the district; but no annual meeting shall be deemed illegal for want of such notice. No schoolhouse site shall be changed nor tiixes voted for build- ing, purchase or lease of a schoolhouse at any district meeting unless notices shall have been given of sucli meejting as above provided, in- cluding therein the fact that such subjects will then be considered. [Amended 1905, II. K. .312.] Sec. 4. [Qualifications of voters.] Every person, male or female, who has resided in the district foi'ty days and is twenty-one years old, and who owms real property or personal property that was assessed in the district in his or her name at the last annual assess- ment, or who has children of school age residing in the district shall be entitled to vote at any district meeting or school election held in any district, village or city. Provided, That all electors at school elec- tions held in cities where registration of voters is required sluUl comply ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 151 with the provisions of such registration ia,w before they shall be entitled to vote. [Amended 1883, chap. LXXII; 1889, chap. 78; 1899, chap. 59.] Sec. 5. [Challenges— Oath.] If any person oil'ering to vote at a school district meeting shall be challenged as unqualified, by any legal voter in such district, the chairman presiding at such meeting shall declare to the person chalieged the qualilicatious of a voter, and if such person shall state that he or she is qualified, and the challenge sliall not be withdrawn, the said chairman shall administer to him or her an oath, in substance, as follows: ''You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you are twenty-one years of age, tliat you have resided in this school district for forty daj's last past, that you own real property in the district or personal property that was assessed in your name at the last assessment (or have children of school age residing in the district) so help you God." And every person taking such oath shall be permitted to vote on all questions proposed at such meeting. Sec. 6. [Perjury.] If any person so challenged shall refuse to take such oath, his or her vote shall be rejected, and any person who shall wilfully take a false oath, or make a false affirmation under the provisions of the preceding section, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and be punished accordingly. Sec. 7. [Challenge to viva voce vote.] When any question is taken in any other manner than by ballot^ a challenge immediately after the vote has been taken, and previous to an announcement of the vote by the chair, shall be deemed to be made when offering to vote, and treated in the same manner. Sec. 8. [Adjournment— Change of site.] The qualified voters in the school district, when lawfully assembled, shall have power to adjourn from time to time, as may be necessary, to designate a site for a school house, by a vote of two-thirds of those present, and to change the same by a similar vote at any annual meeting; Provided, That in any school district where the school house is located three fourths of one mile or more from the center of such district, such school house site may be changed to a point nearer the geographical center of the dis- trict by a majoritv vote of those present at any such school meeting. [Amended 1889, chap. 78.] Sec. 9. [Superintendent to fix site.] When no site can be es- tablished by such inhabitants aforesaid, the county superintendent of the county in which the district is situated shall determine where such site shall be, and his determination shall be certified to the director of the district, and shall be final, except that such decision may be changed by the county superintendent on a written request of two-thirds of the qualified voters of the district. Sec. 10. [Site of school— Purchase— Lease— Tax.] The said qualified voters shall also have power, at any annual or special meet- ing, to direct the purchasing or leasing of any appropriate site, and the building, hiring or purchasing of a school house, and the amount necessary to be expended the succeeding year, and to vote a tax on the property of the district for the payment of the same. Not to con- flict with section 2. [Amended 1889, chap. 78.] 152 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Sec. 11. [Tax rate for general purposes.] That trustees of each School District within the state of Nebraska shall, prior to the annual School District meeting in each year, provided for by section 5427 [1] of this act, prepare an estimate showing the amount of money required for the maintenance of schools during the coming school year, and the legal voters at the annual school meeting each year, shall deter- mine the amount of money required for school maintenance during the coming school year, which shall be an amount sufficient to maintain a school in the manner and for the time provided in section 5440 [14] of the act and the amount of money so required shall be levied as a tax upon all of the taxable property of the school district; Provided, That in Districts having four children or less of school age, the amount levied shall not exceed the sum of four hundred ($400.00) dollars in any year; and in districts having more than four and less than sixteen children of school age, the levy shall not exceed the sum of fifty ($50) dollars per child in addition to the above. The amount of money so voted as being necessary for the maintenance of the school for the coming year; shall be certified by the district school board to the County Clerk of the County in which said School district is located and said amount shall he levied by the County Board on the assessed value of the school dis- trict, and be collected as other taxes; provided. That the amount so levied shall not exceed in any one year two and one-half ($2.50 dollars on the one hundred dollar valuation as assessed and equalized. [Amended 1899, chap. 60; 1903, H. R. 79; 1905, H. R. 180.] Sec. 11a. [Same— No levy--No school.] Where no levy is voted at the annual school district meeting, or where the district votes to liave no school, or where no action is taken by the annual meeting to provide for school, it shall be the duty of the county superintendent of the proper county to make and deliver to the county clerk of such county in which any part of the district is situated not later than the first iMonday in August following the annual meeting an itemized estimate of tlie amounts necessary to be expended during the ensuing year for school purposes in such district. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to levy such taxes on the taxable property of the district, to be collected by the county treasurer at the same time and in the same mamier as the state and county taxes are collected; and when collected to be paid to the treasurer of the proper district on the order of the director counter- signed by the moderator of said district. [1905, S. F. 184.] Sec. 12. [Sajne— Building- purposes.] The legal voters may also, at such meeting, determine the number of mills, not exceeding ten mills on the dollar of assessed valuation, which shall be expended for the building, purchase, or lease of school house in said district, when there are no bonds voted for such purpose, which amount shall be re- ported levied and collected as in the preceding section; rroridcd, That the aggregate number of mills voted shall not exceed twenty-five (25) mills. SUBDIVISION III.— DISTRICT OFFICERS. Section 1. [Election.] The qualified voters of ov(m\v now dis- trict, when assembled pursuant to legal notice, and all existing districts ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. • 153 at their annual meetings shall elect by ballot from the qualified voters of such district, a moderator for three years; a director for two years; and a treasurer for one year; and at the expiration of their respective terms of office, and regularly thereafter, tlieir several successors shall be elected for the term of three years each, and all officers so elected shall hold their offices till their successors are elected or appointed, and qualified; Provided, That officers of existing organi-^^d districts shall continue and discharge the duties of their severrJ off-cr^^ until the ex- piration of the same. Sec. 2. [New district.] When a new district is organized and officers elected at any other time than at the annual meeting, the time in- tervening between the date of such organizntion and the next annual meeting shall constitute the first year in the term of sucli officers. Sec. 3. [Acceptcince.] Within ten days after their election, those several officers shall file with the director, a written acceptance of the office to which they shall have been respectively elected, which shall be recorded by said director. Sior. f). [Vacancy.! District officers an|)ointed to fill vacan- cies shall hold their office until the be.Tinning of the next school year. Officers elected at a special meeting shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term and until their successors are elected and qualified. [Amended 188:), chap. 78.] SUBDrvaSION VI. — HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Section 1. [District board.] Any district containing more than one hundred a-id fifty c' ildren, between the ages of five and twenty-one yerrs, m.iy elect a d;«tT"ict board consisting of six trustees; Provided, The district shall so determine at an annual meeting by a vote of a majority of the voters attending such meetings. When such change in the district board sliall have been voted, the voters at suok annual meeting shall proceed imm.ediately to elect two trustees for the term of one year, two for the term of two years, and two for the term of three years, and annually th.ereafter two trustees shall be elected, wlioso term of office shall be three years, and until tlieir suc- cessors shall, have been elected and qualified. [Amended 1885, chap. 79; 1889, ehap. 78.] Sec. 2. [Oncers.] Within ten days after their election, such trustees shall file with the directors a written acceptance of the office to which they have been elected, and shall annually elect from their own nmnber a moderator, a director, and a treasurer and for cause may re- move the same, and may appoint others of their own members in their places, who shall perform the duties prescribed by law for such officers in the primary school districts in this state, except as hereinafter pro- vided.^ The trustees sliall have power to fill any vacanrv that may occur in their number till the next annual meeting. Whenever in any case the trustees shall fail, through disagreement or neglect, to elect the officers named in this section within twenty days next after their annual meeting, the county superintendent of the county in which such district makes its annual Ireport shall appoint the said officers from the members of said trustees. 154 election laws of nebraska. [rural high schools.] Sec. 9. [Establishment.] Any two or more adjoining school districts in any comity of this State which are not alile or do not deem it expedient to maintain a school of more than eight (8) grades may unite for the purpose of forming one high school district and maintaining one high school as hereinafter provided. [1901, chap. 64.] Sec. 10. [Proposition, submission; adoption.] The proposi- tion so to unite shall be submitted to the njguhir annual meeting of each district proposed to be joined in such high school district, oi at a special meeting called for the purpose, as provided in subdivision two (2) of chapter seventy-nine (79) of Compiled Statutes, and shall require for its adoption a majority of all the qualified voters present at such meeting in each of the districts proposed to be so joined for high school purposes. [Id., § 2.] Sec. 11. [Establishment completed— Name— Mutual support.] When any two or more adjoining school districts in any county shall have voted to unite for high school purposes, the officers thereof shall certify the fact to the county superintendent of said county, who shall thereupon give to such high school district so forniCd an appro- pri.ate name, not borne by any other school district or high school dis- trict in said county, and it shall thereafter be known by such name as the High School District of County, Nebraska. "Where the majority of votes are cast for such a union of districts, and such high school is established, no district can withdraw its sup- port from the union without the mutual consent of all the district ex- pressed by the majority vote of each. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 12. [Enlargement of district.] After any such high school district has been established, if any adjoining common school distri(tt shall, by a majority vote of the qualified voters therein, at any annual or special meeting, express a desire to unite with, and be in- cluded in such high school district for the benefits thereof, it may be done: Providing, this proposition is accepted by a majority vote of all qualified voters at an annual or special meeting in a majority of the school districts so united, or if but two districts, in each. Notice of such acceptance, by the president of the high school district to the moderator of said common school district, shall operate as official proclamation of the incorporation of said common school district in and part of the high school district. [Id., § 4.] Sec. 13. [Trustees— Government.] The directors for the time being of the several school districts so joined for high school puri)oses, provided the number of such districts shall exceed two, shall be the trustees and governing body of such high school district. If the num- ber of such districts shall be two only, the said trustees shall annually choose a third person, having the qualifications of a member of the school board in one or the other of the respective school districts to be a trustee of said high school district, who shall within ten days after his election file with such trustees or one of them a written ac- ceptance of said office. Such trustees shall annually, subseiiuent to the ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 155 nnniial meetings of the school districts so united for high school pur- poses, elect from their number a chairman and a clerk, and shall at the same time elect a treasurer who may or may not be one of their number. They shall also have power to fill any vacancy that may occur in their number or in any of said offices till the same can be reg- ularly filled. [Id., § 5.] Sec. 18. [Bonds.] When authorized by a two-thirds majority vote of all qualified voters present at an annual or special meeting in a majority of the school districts so united, or if there be but two districts so united, in each, said trustees may issue and negotiate the bonds of said high school district for the purpose of raising money to provide for the erection and furnishing or the improvement of a high school building. The bonds so issued shall not, when added to the aggregate of the bonded indebtedness of the several school dis- tricts so united for high school purposes exceed ten (10;0 per c^-nt. of the aggregate assessed valuation of the said several school districts as shown by the last preceding assessment. [Id., § 10.] SUBDIVISION VIT. — COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Section 1. [Election— Term.] There shall be a county super- intendent in each organized county, whose term of service shall be twj> years, and who shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as other county officers. No person shall be eligible to the office of county superintendent who does not hold at least a first grade county certificate issued in this state and in force at the time of his election. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to notify the state superintendent of the election of the county superintendent at the time said election is ascertained. The provisions of this act so far as the same relate to the certificate of county superintendent shall not apply to counties having less than 1000 inhabitants. [Amended 1883, chap. LXXII; 1905, S. F. 221.] subdivision XIV. — schools in CITIES. Sec. 3. [Board of education.] The boards of education con- templated by this subdivision shall consist of six members who shall be elected upon a general ticket from among the legal voters who are tax payers at the time for holding the general city election in each year. At the first election in cities organized under this act two members shall be elected for the term of three years, two for two years, and two for one year, and annually thereafter two members shall be elected for three years and until their successors are elected and qualified and installed in office. Provided, Tliat in cities of the first class having a population of less than forty thousand and more than five thousand inhabitants the board of education shall at the option of the school district consist of nine members who shall be qualified electors of said city, and shall be actual tax payers, who shall be elected at the times and hold their offices for the terms hereinafter prescribed to- wit : At the first annual city elec- 156 ELECTiU-X LAWS UF NEDllASIs^l. tion held after organizing under this act, tliroe memljers shall be elected for the term of three years, three for two years, and three for one year; and annualh' thereafter their successors shall be chosen for the term of three years, and ail members so elected shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Provided further that in cities of the first class having a population of more than forty thousand and less than a hundred thousand, the board of education shall consist of six members who shall be elected in manner following: At the general city election to be held in the year IQOf), and every six years thereafter, there shall be elected two members of said board of education for a term of six years. At the general city election to be held in the year 1907, and every six years thereafter, there shall be elected two memijers of said board of education for a tenn of six years. At the general city election to be held in the year 1909, and every six years thereafter, there shall be elected two members of said board of education for a term of six years. Provided, that incumbents in office whose terms expire subsequent to the general city election of said city for the year 1905, shall be privileged to continue in office until their successors are elected and qualified as herein provided; those whose terms shall first expire shall be superseded by those first elected under the provisions of this act. Said members of the board of education shall enter upon the duties of their office on the first Tuesday succeeding their election. In event of a vacancy among the members of said board of education, said vacancy shall be filled by nomination by the mayor and confinna- tion by the City Council, and such appointment shall continue for the unexpired term. [Amended 1885, chap. 80; 1903, H. R. 152; 1905, H. R. 423.] Sec. 4. [Elections.] That the ballots for the election of mem- bers of the board of education, for authorizing the issuance of bonds, or the purchase of sites, and erection of buildings, shall in all cases be de- posited in boxes especially prepared for that purpose, and be received and returns made by the regular election board; but the returns for the election of members shall be canvassed in the same manner as provided for in the case of city officers; the returns for the issuance of lionds, pur- chase of sites, and erection of buildings, shall be made to, and canvassed by, the board of education. Sec. 8. [Officers.] The term of members elected shall begin with the first Monday in May succeeding their election each year, and the members of the board shall thereupon elect a president and ^^ce- president from their own number, and a secretary either from their own number or outside, in the discretion of the board, and they shall deter- mine the salary of such secretary not to exceed however $720.00 ytev annum, provided that the limitation of salary shall not apply to school districts comprising territor\' within the corporate limits of cities of the first class having a population of more than 40.000 and less than 100,000. Each of said officers shall ser\^e for the term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. They may also elect at any regular meeting one superintendent of public instruction with such ELECTION LAWS OE XEBIlASIvA. 157 salary as the board may deem best, and they may enter into contract with him in accordance with their discretion, for a term not to exceed three years. The election of the officers of the board, of the superintend- ent and teachers, and all elections for filling vacancies on the board shall be by ballot, and no person shall be declared elected except he receive the vote of a majority of all the members of the board. [Amended 1883, chap. LXXII; 1893, chap. 31; 1899, chap. 59, § 3; 1903, II. R. 4-2.] Sec. 15. [Vacancies.] That the boards of education shall have power to fill any vacancies which may occur in their body from among the legal voters who are tax payers; Provided, That any vacancy oc- curring more than ten days previous to the annual city election, and leaving an unexpired term of more than one year, shall be filled at the first city election thereafter, and the ballots and returns shall be desig- nated as follows: "to fill unexpired term." [Amended 1883, chap. LXXIL] Sec. 24. [Limit of taxation— Bonds.] That the aggregate school tax, exclusive of school bond taxes shall in no one year exceed twenty-five mills; Provided that in cities of the first class having a population of more than forty thousand a school tax, exclusive of school bond taxes, may be levied that will yield a revenue of $150,000 each year. But the board of education may borrow money upon bonds which they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue, bearing a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable annually or semi- annual ly at such place as may be mentioned upon the face of the bonds; which loan shall be paid and reimbursed in a period not exceeding thirty years from the date of said bonds. Provided that no bonds sliall be issued nor the question of issue submitted to the voters without the consent of two-thirds of the members of the board of education, and be offered in the open market and sold to the highest bidder for not less than par value of the dollar; and provided further tha* no bonds shall be issued by the board of education without first submitting the proposition of issuing said bonds at an election called for that purpose, or at any regular election, notice whereof shall be given for at least twenty days in one or more papers published within the district to the qualified voters of the district and if a majority of the ballots cast at sueh election shall be for issuing bonds, said board may issue bonds in such amount as may be named in the election notice. Provided that in cities of the first class having over twenty-five thousand inhabitants if such question is submitted at a special election, it shall require to carrv the same a two-thirds majoritv of the votes cast at said election. [Amended 1893, chap. 31; 1897, chap. 70; 1901, chap. 69; 1903, H. R. 482.] 158 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASICA. SUBDIVISION XIV A. — SCHOOLS IX CITIES OF FIIIST CLASS, 25,000-40,000. Sec. 3. [Board of education— Terms.] That the boards of education contemplated by this act shall consist of five members, who shall be elected upon a general ticket from among the legal voters who are freeholders, at the time for holding the general city election. Pro- vided, that the members of boards of education in cities organized under this act, whose terms are unexpired shall hold their offices for the un- expired terms, and until the annual city election of 1904 said boards of education shall consist of six members. At the annual city election of 1903 in cities organized under this act no election shall be held for tlie election of members of the boards of education in said cities. At the annual city election of 1904, held after organizing under this act, there shall be elected two members of the boards of education in said cities, who shall serve for a term of three years and until their succes- sors are elected and qualified; and every third year thereafter their successors shall be elected for a term of three years, and all members so elected shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. At the annual city election of 1905, held after organizing under this act, there shall be elected three members of the boards of education in said cities, who shall serve for aterm of three years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified; and every third year there- after their successors shall be elected for a term of three years, and all members so elected shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. It shall be the duty of the mayor of any city organized under the provisions of this act, to give public notice thereof of the number of persons who shall be chosen by them as members of a board of edu- cation for the school district of (name the city) at the annual election for city officers. Sec. 4. [Elections— Electors— Women.] That the ballots for the election of members of the board of education, for authorizing the issuance of bonds, or the purchase of sites, and erection of buildings, shall in all cases be deposited in boxes especialy prepared for tluit pur- pose, and be received and returns made by the regular election board; but the returns for the election of members shall be canvassed in the same manner as provided for in the case of city officers; the returns for the issuance of bonds, purchase of sites, and the erection of build- ings, shall be made to, and canvassed by, the board of education. Pro- vided that all women of the age of twenty-one years, who are residents and citizens of the cities included under the provisions of this act, and who have property assessed in their own names, or who have children of school age, shall be entitled to vote for members of the board of education, and upon all matters pertaining to the schools of said cities. Any woman desiring to vote as aforesaid shall not be re- quired to register under the general registration laws apyilying to cities coming under the provisions of this act, but liefore she shall be allowed to vote as aforesaid, she shall be compelled to take the oath before the election board in the precinct in which she desires to vote, that she has been a resident of said precinct for a period of ten days, a resident of said county and city for a period of forty days, and a resident of ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 151) the State of Nebraska for a period of six months; that she is twent}"- one years of age, and has property assessed in her own name or has children of school age. Sec. 27. [Limit of taxation— Bonds.] That the aggregate scliool ta^, exclusive of school bond taxes, shall in no one year exceed fifteen (15) mills upon all the taxable property of the district, but the board of education may borrow money upon the bonds, which they are hereby autliorized and empowered to issue, bearing a rate of in- terest not exceeding six (6) per ceotum per annum, payable annually or semi-annually at such place as may be mentioned upon the face of sucli bonds; wliich loan shall be paid and reimbursed in a period not exceeding thirty (30) years from the date of said bonds; Provided, That no bonds shall be issued nor question of issue be submitted to the electors without the consent of two-thirds (2-3) of the members of the board of education, and be offered in open market and sold to the highest bidder for not less than par value on each dollar; and Provided, That no bonds shall be issued by the board of education without first submitting the proposition of issuing said bonds, at an election called for that purpose, or at any regular election, notice whereof shall he given for at least twenty (20) days in one or more papers published within the district, and if a majority of the ballots cast on said proposition shall be for issuing bonds, said board may issue bonds in such amount as shall be named in their election notice; Provided, if said question is submitted at a special election it shall require to carry the same a majority of the votes cast at said election. That no s])ecial election for the submission of the proposition of the issuance of bonds shall be called except upon the affirmative vote of two- thirds of the members elected to the board of education. If at any time two-thirds of the members elected to the board of education shall vote to submit the proposition of the issuance of bonds for school purposes, to the electors of the city, the secretary of the board shall certify such vote to the mayor or acting mayor of the city (naming the purpose for which said bonds are to be issued) and within ten days after the receipt of said notice from the secretary, the mayor, or acting mayor, of the city, shall call a special election of the electors of said city to vote upon said proposition. Notice of said election shall be given for at least twenty days in one or more papers published within the district, and said notice shall specify the purpose for which said bonds are to be issued. The returns of said special election shall, be canvassed by the board of education as provided in Section 4 of this act. SUBDIVISION XV. — SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. Sec. 2, [Voting.] No bonds shall be issued until the question has been submitted to the qualified electors of the district, and two- thirds of all the qualified electors present, and voting on the question, shall have declared by their votes in favor of issuing the same, at an election called for the purpose, upon a notice given by the officers of the district, at least twenty days prior to such election. Sec. 3. [Petition for submission.] No vote shall be ordered upon the issuance of such bonds, unless a petition shall be presented 160 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. to the district board, suggesting that a vote be taken for or against the issuing of such amount of bonds as may therein be asked for, to purchase a site for^ or build a school house, or houses, or for furnishing the necessary furniture and apparatus for the same, or for all of these purposes, which petition shall be signed by at least one-third of the qualified voters of such district; Provided, That the board of education in any city of the metropolitan class may order a vote upon the issuance of such bonds, without a petition therefor. [Amended 1887, chap. 75.] SUBDIVISION XVIL— SCHOOLS IN METROPOLITAN CITIES. Sec. 4. [Board of education.] That the affairs of the school district hereby created shall be conducted exclusively by boards of education, except as otherwise provided by this act. Sec. 5. [Same— Election.] That the board of education of metropolitan cities shall consist of fifteen (15) members, who shall be qualified electors of said city, and who shall be actual taxpayers, who shall be elected at the times and hold their offices for the terms herein- after provided on the first Tuesday after tlio v'^i Monday in November of each year and annually thereafter, there siiall be elected five (5) members at large to serve for three (3) years from and including the first Monday of January following their election, or until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified. All persons elected as members of boards of education shall, before the first Monday in January following their election, take and subscribe to the usual oath of office. In case any person so elected shall fail so to do, his or her election shall be void, and the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be filled by the board as hereinafter provided. No vacancy shall by the provisions of this act be created in the membership of any board of education elected under the provisions of an act of the legislature of the state of Ne- braska entitled, ''An act relative to public schools in metropolitan cities," approved March 31, 1887, but such members shall serve out the terms for which they were elected. Sec. 13. [Vacancies in board.] That the boards of education shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur in their body; Provided, That any vacancy occurring more than ten days previous to the annual school election and leaving an unexpired term for more than one year, shall be filled at the first school election- thereafter, and the ballots and returns shall be designated as follows: "To fill unexpired term." Sec. 24. [Bonds.] That the board of education may borrow money upon the bonds, which they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue, bearing a rate of interest not exceeding six (6;0 per centum per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, at such place as may be mentioned upon the face of such bonds, which loan shall be paid and reimbursed in a period not exceeding thirty (30) years from the date of said bonds; Provided, That no bonds shall be issued nor question of issue be submitted to the electors without the consent of two-thirds (2-3) the members of the board of education, and be offered in open market, and sold to the highest bidder for not less than par value on ELECTION liAWS OF NEBRASKA 161 each dollar; and provided further, That no bonds shall be issued by the board of education without first submitting the proposition of issuing: said bonds, at an election called for that purpose, or at any regular elec- tion, notice whereof shall be given for at least ten (10) days in one or more daily papers published within the district, to the qualified voters of the district, and if a majority of all the ballots cast upon said bond proposition at such an election shall be for issuing bonds said board may issue bonds in such an amount as shall be named in their election notice. Sec. 29. [Elections.] All elections provided for in this act. shall be held in the manner following: 1. The president of the board shall issue his proclamation to the qualified voters of the school district; said proclamation to be published for at least ten (10) days prior to the election in at least one (1) daily paper of general circulation in said school district, setting forth the time when, and place or places where such election will be held, and a full and complete statement of the offi- cers, bond proposition, or question of expenditure to be voted on at said election. 2. At the last regular meeting of the board of education, prior to the election, the president of the board, with the consent of the board, hall appoint three (3) judges and two (2) clerks of election for each •lection district in said metropolitan city, who, before entering upon their duties as such officers, shall take the usual oath or affirmation of office before some person authorized by law to administer oaths, and such oath or affirmation shall be filed with the secretary of the board. (3) If any person so appointed shall not attend at the time and place of holding such election, or shall fail or refuse to qualify as above provided, the electors present at the polls at the hour of eight (8) o'clock A. M. on the day of the election, shall choose some one to fill the vacancy and the person thus chosen shall qualify as before provided. (4). The secre- tary of the board shall prepare duplicate poll books for each election district in the metropolitan city comprised within the school district, and on the morning of the election shall deliver such poll books, together with a ballot box, into the hands of some one of the judges or clerks of election in the several election districts. The poll books shall be in man- ner and form as follows: Poll books of a school election held in the . . . election district of the ward in the city of county, Nebraska, on the .... day of . . . . , 189 . . , at which time .... and .... and .... were judges, and .... and .... were clerks of said election. The following named persons voting thereat: Each clerk shall take one of the poll books and enter therein the names of the persons voting and the order in which they voted. At the close of the election the judges shall compare the lists, and if found correct they shall certify the same to be a true list of the persons voting at said election. At all elections held under the provisions of this act the registration lists of the last city election shall be used witliout revision, unless said electiens pro- vided for in this act shall be liold at the same time and place as a city, county, or state election, in which case the registration lists of the city, as revised for said city, countv, or state election, shall be used. And it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the city clerk of the metropoli- 162 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. tan city comprised within the school district to deliver the registration lists of the city for each election district, respectively, into the hands of some one of the judges or clerks of election in said election district be- fore eight (8) A, M. on the da}' of said election, for use at said election, said delivery to be made at the expense of the school district. (5) Im- mediately before the opening of the polls the judges shall open the ballot box at the place of holding the election, and in the presence of tlie electors, and shall see that no ballots are contained therein, after which the box shall be closed. The judges shall then declare the polls open, and shall proceed to take the ballot of any person offering to vote, and if such person's name is, by at least two (2) of said judges, found upon at least two (2) of said registers as a qualified voter, the ballot shall be put into the ballot box, without the name or the names thereon being inspected. The ballot box shall be kept locked and in the presence of the electors until the close of the polls. No more than one (1) of the judges shall be absent at the same time from the room where the election is being held, from the time of opening the polls until the votes shalh have been counted and canvassed. (6) The judges and clerks shall commence to canvass by counting the votes polled, and if the number cast exceed the number of persons voting, the ballots shall be replaced in the box, and after being mixed, as many ballots shall be drawn out and rejected as there shall have been cast exceeding the number of names on the poll books. If the judges find two or more ballots rolled or folded together, they shall reject all of such votes as fraudulent, and if a ballot contains more than one (1) name for any one office, it shall be deemed fraudulent as to all the names for that office, but no further. (7) The clerks shall set down in their poll books the name of every person voted for, and the office for which such person received votes, every bond proposition and every question of expenditure written full, with the number of votes received for such pei'sons and the num- ber of votes cast for and against said bond proposition or question of expenditure, such number to be expressed in words at full length, and the judges and clerks shall certify to the correctness of the same. (8) The judges of election shall then select some one of the judges or clerks as messenger, and such messenger shall convey the registry list, poll- books and ballot box, with the ballots all re]^laced therein to the office of the board of education, within twenty-four (24) hours after the closing of the polls, and said ballots shall be kept in said office and sub- ject to the inspection of any elector for the space of six (6) months. (9) The judges of election shall possess full power and authority to maintain order during any election, and during the canvass of the votes, and may call on any person present to assist in maint;iining order; and if any person shall refuse to obey the reasonable order of the judges, or shall in any manner interfere with the judges or clerks of election, or any of them in the discharge of their duties. su("h person shall be arrested, nnd on conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one ($1.00) dollar, nor more than fifty ($50.00) dollars, and in addition thereto, may, in the discretion of the court, be imprisoned not to exceed thirty (30) days for every such oii'ense. (10) That the board of edu- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 163 cation shall hold a meeting at the hour of 8 P. M. of the Monday suc- ceeding- any elGction provided for in this act, at which time the secretary of the board in the presence of the board and two disinterested electors sbvll open the election returns and the board shall thereupon canvass the same and dechu-e the result of the election as shown thereby, and the secretary of the board shall is^ue certiticatee of election to such per- sons as may be declared elected members of the board of education. (11) Elections provided for by this act other than elections for members of the board ol education, may be held at any time or place in such metropolitan city decided on by a vote of all the members of the board, Prori'icd, That at all elections held under this act there shall be one polling "place in each election district of the city comprised within the school district . (12) At elections for members of the board of education women may vote atter taking the following oath, to be administered by one of the judges of election: ''You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you are twenty-one (21) years of age, that you have resided in this school district foi forty (40) days last past; that you own real property in the district or personal property that was assessed in your name at the last assessment, or have children of school age residing in the dis- trict, so help you God." (13) Any person offering to vote whose name is not found on two of said registers shall funiish to the said judges of election his affidavit subscribed and sworn to before the secretary of the board of education or before the city clerk or some person desig- nated therefor by the mavor of any city comprised within the school di.<^ • trict, giving his reason for not appearing before the supervisors of registration on any day of reg:istration or revision of registration and. shall also set forth in said affidavit his place of residence, and the facts ner:^ssary to show that he is a qualified voter in said election district, and shall prove before said judges, by the affidavit on oath of at least two freeholders, resident of said election district in which he offers his vote for at least one year immediately preceding said election, that tliey know such person to be an inhabitant and qualified voter of said pre- cinct, and upon filing said affidavit with said judges, and making the proof herein required, such person shall be entitled to vote. Any per- son offering to vote at any election herein provided for may be clial- lenged and the same oaths shall be put as are provided in the general election law. 164 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. IREIGATION DISTEICTS. (Compiled Statutes, 1»05, Chapter 93a, Article IH.) Sec. 2. (Same — Petition — Election.) A petition shall be liled with the board of county coir-iiissioners sic^ned by a majority of tlie said electors of the proposed district who shall also own or hold lease hold estates in a majority of the whole number of acres belonging to or held by the electors of the proposed district, which petition shall set forth and particularly describe the l)Oundaries of said district and shall pray that the same be organized under the provisions of this act. The petitioner must accompany the petition with a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by said board of county commissioners or supervisors, in double the amount of the probable cost of organizing such district, conditioned that the bondsmen will pay all said costs in case said organizations shall not be effected. Such petition shall be published for at least two weeks, before the time at which the same is to be presented, in some newspaper printed and published in the county where said petition is presented, together with a notice stating the time of the meeting at which the same will be presented. When such petition is presented, the said board of commissioners or super- visors shall hear the same, and may adjourn such hearing from time to time, not exceeding four weeks in all; and on the final hearing may make such changes in the proposed boundaries as they may find to be proner, and shall estal)lisli and define the boundaries; Provided, that id board shall not modify said boundaries so as to exempt from the operations of this act any territory within the boundaries of the district proposed by said petitioners, which is susceptible of irrigation by the same system of works applicable to the other lands in such proposed district, nor shall any land which will not, in the judgment of said board, be benefited by irrigation by said system be included in such district; Provided, that any person whose lands are susceptible of irrigation from the same source, shall, upon applica- tion of the owner to said board, be entitled to have such lands included in said district. Such board shall also make an order dividing said district into three divisions as nearly equal in size as may be prac- ticable, which shall be numbered first, second and third, and one director shall be elected for each division. Said board of supervisors shall then give notice of an election to be held in such pro- posed district, for the purpose of determining whether or not the same shall be organized under the provisions of this act. Such notice shall describe the boundaries as esta])lished, and shall desi senate a name for such proposed district, and said notice shall be publisliod for at least three weeks prior to such election, in a newspaper in said county; and if any portion of such proposed district lies within another county or counties, then said notice shall be published in a newspaper pub- lished within each of said coimties. Such notice shall require the electors to cast ballots which shall contain the words, "irrigation dis- ti-ict — yes," or ''irrigation district— no," or words equivalent thereto; ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 165 and also the names of persons to be voted for to fill various elective offices hereinafter prescribed. No person shall be entitled to vote at any election held under the provisions of this act unless he shall be a qualified elector. [Id., § 2. Amended 1903, S. F. 245.] Sec. 3. [Same — Canvass of votes — Proclamation.] Such election shall be conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the state. The said board of supervisors shall meet on tlie second Monday next succeeding such election and proceed to canvass the vote cast thereat; and if upon such canvass it appear that "t least a majority of all the votes cast are ''Irrigation District— Yes" the said board shall, by an order entered on their minutes declare such territory duly organized as an irrigation district, under the name and style therefore desi.gnated, and shall declare the persons receiving, respectively, the highest number of votes for such several offices to be duly elected to such offices. Said board shall cause a copy of such order, duly certified, to be immediately filed for record in the office of the county Register of deeds of each county in which any portion of such lands are situated, and must also immediately forward a copy thereof to the clerk of the board of county commissioners or supervisors of each of the counties in which any portion of the district may lie; and no board of county commissioners or supervisors of any county, in- cluding any portion of such district, shall, after the date of the organi- zation of such district, allow another district to be formed including any of the lands of such district, without the consent of the board of directors thereof; and from and after the date of such filing the organization of such district shall be complete, and the officers tliereof shall be entitled to immediately enter upon the duties of their re- spective offices, upon qualifying in accordance with law, and shall hold such offices respectively until their successors are elected and qualified. For the purpose of the election above provided for the said board of supervisors must establish a convenient number of election precincts in said proposed district, and define the boundaries tlioveof, which said precincts may thereafter be changed by the board of directors of such districts. [Id., § 3.] Sec. 4. [Officers— Election— Bond.] Immediately upon the compliance of any district with the foregoing sections, the board of county commissioners or supervisors shall call a special election for said districts at which an assessor, a treasurer, and a board of three directors shall be elected. The assessor, treasurer, and the member of said board having the highest nmnber of votes shall be elected for the tewn of three years. The member having the next highest number of votes shall be declared to be elected for two years and the member hav- ing the least number of votes shall be elected for one year. In case of a tie, the term of office of the members tying shall be determined by lot. Each year thereafter, there shall be elected, for a term of three years, one member of said board of directors and every three years thereafter, an assessor and treasurer each of whose term of office shall be three years. The members of said Board shall be nominated by and elected by a majority vote of the electors of the district in which he resides. The regular election of said district sliall be held on the first Tuesday in 166 ELECJTION LAWS OF NEBRASICA. February. Within ten days after receiving their certiticates of election, ]iereinafter provided for, said officers shall take and subscribe the offi- cial oath. The assessor shall execute an official bond in the sum of Ji^oOO, the district treasurer an official bond in the sum of not less than *1000 and not less than double the amount of money that may come into his hands, the amount to be determined ])y the board of directors, said bond to be approved by the board of directors, and each member of said board of directors shall execute an official bond in the sum of $1000 which bond shall be approved by the county court of said county where such orfi^anization was effected, and after such approval all bonds shall be recorded in the office of the county clerk thereof. All official bonds herein provided shall be in the form prescribed by law for official bonds for county officers, except the obligee named in said bond shall be said fli strict. Tlie officers elected shall assume the duties of their office the first Monday in March after their election, provided all incumbents shall bold their respective offices until their successors are elected and quali- fied, as above provided. [Id., § 4. Amended 1897, chap. 86; 1903, S. F. 245; 1905, H.E. 271.] Sec. 5. [Same — Election notice.] Fifteen days before any election held under this act, subsequent to the organization of the district, the secretary of the board of directors shall cause notice to be posted in three public places in each election precinct of the time and place of holding the election, and shall also post a general notice of tlie same in the office of said board, which shall be established and kept at some iixed place to be determined by said board, specifying tlie polling places of each precinct. Prior to the time for posting the notices the board must appoint from each precinct, from the electors thereof, one clerk and two judges, who shall constitute a board of election for such precinct. If the board fails to appoint a board of election, or the members appointed do not attend at the opening of tlie polls on the morning of election, the electors of the precinct present at that hour may appoint the board, or supply the place of an absent member thereof. The board of directors must, in its order appointing tlio board of election, designate the hour and place therein the precinct where the election must be held. [Id., § 5.] Sec. 6. [Same— Election officers' duties.] One of the judges shall be chairman of the election board and may: First, administer all oaths required in the progress of an election. Second, appoint judges and clerks, if during the progress of the election any judge or clerk ceases to act. Any member of the board of election, or any clerk tbereof, may administer and certify oaths required to be administered during the progress of an election. Before opening the polls each member of the board must take and subscribe to an oath to faitlifully pei'form the duties imposed upon them by law. Any elector of the precinct may administer and certify such oath. Tbe polls must be opened at eight o'clock on the morning of the election and be kept open until six o'clock p. >r. of the same day. [Id., § 6.] Sec. 7. [S?me— Canvass of votes.] No lists, tally pnin^-, or certificate returned from any election shall be set aside or rejected for ELECTION i.A\VS Oi- .NEBKASKA. 1"* Avant of form if it cim be satisfactorily understood The board of directors must meet at its usual place of meeting on the first JSLonday after each election and canvass the returns. If at tlie time of nieetmg vhe returns from each precinct in the district in which the polls were opened have been received the board of directors must then and there proceed to canvass the returns; but if all the returns have not been received the canvass must be postponed from day to day until all t e returns have been received, or until six postponements have been had. The canvass must be made in public and by opening the returns and estimating the vote of the district for each person voted for and de- claring the result tliereof. [Id., § 7.] Sec. 8. [Same— Records— Vacancy and term of Oxjce.] The secretnrv of the board of directors must, as soon as the result is declared, enter in the records of such board a statement of such results, which statement must show: First, the whole number of votes cast in the district and in each division of the district. Second, the names of the persons voted for. Thin], the office to fill which each person was voted for. Fourth, the number of votes given in each precinct for each of such persons. Fifth, the number of votes given in the district for each of such persons. The board of directors must declare elected the person having the highest number of votes given for each office. The secretary must immediately make out and deliver to such person a certificate of election, signed by him and authenticated with the seal of the board. In case of a vacancy in the office of assessor or treasurer, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the board of directors. In case of a vacancy in the office of member of the board of directors, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the board of county commissioners or supervisors of the county where the office of such board is situated. An officer appointed as above provided shall hold his office until the next general election of said district, and until his successor is elected and qualified. [Id., § 8.] Sec. 13. (Bonds— Election.) For the purpose of constructing necessary irrigation canals and works, and acquiring the necessary property and riglits therefor, and otherwise carrying out the provisions of this act, the board of directors of any such district must, as soon after such district has been organized as may be practicable, estimate and determine the amount of money necessar^^ to be raised, and shall immediately thereupon call a special election, at which shall be sub- mitted to the electors of such district possessing tlie qualifications prescribed by this act, the question of whether or not the bonds of said district shall be issued and the amount so determined; Provided such bonds shall not be issued for more than the actual estimated cost of said ditches. Notice of such election must be given by postinsc notices in three public places in each election precinct in said district for at least twenty days, and also by publication of such notice in some newspaper, published in the county where the office of the board cf directors of such district is required to be kept, once a week for ai least three successive weeks. Such notice must specify the time of holding the election, the amount of bonds proposed to be issued, and 168 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. said election must be held, and the result thereof determined and declared in all respects as nearly as practicable in conformity with the provisions of this act governing the election of officers; Provided that no informalities in conducting such an election shall invalidate the same if the election shall have been otherwise fairly conducted. At such an election, the ballots shall contain the words ''Bonds— Yes," or ''Bonds— No" or words equivalent thereto. If a majority of the votes cast are ''Bonds— Yes," the board of directors shall immediately •cause bonds in said amount to be issued; said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States, in installments as follows, to-wit : At the expiration of eleven years not less than five per cent of said l)onds; at the expiration of twelve years not less than six per cent; at the expiration of thirteen years not less than seven per cent; at the expiration of fourteen years not less than eight per cent; at the -expiration of fifteen years not less than nine per cent; at the expira- tion of sixteen years not less than ten p?r cent; at the expiration of seventeen years not less than eleven per cent: at the expiration of ']or that an election be held within said district to determine whether the boundaries of the district shall be changed as mentioned in said resolu- tion, and shall fix the time at which such election shall be held, and cause notice thereof to be given and posted and published, and sucli election shall be held and conducted, the returns thereof shall be made and canvassed, and the result of the election ascertained and declared, and all things pertaining thereto conducted in the manner prescribed by said act in case of a special election to determine whether bonds of an irrigation district shall be issued. The ballots cast at said election shall have the words, "For Change of Boundary," or "Against Change of Boundar}^" or words equivalent thereto. The notice of election shall describe the boundaries in such manner and terms that it can be readily traced. [Id., § 40.] Sec. 41. [Election— Result— Order.] If at such election a majority of all the votes cast at said election shall be against such change of the boundaries of the district the board shall order that said petition be denied, and shall proceed no further in that matter. But if a ma- jority of such votes be in favor of such change of the boundaries of the district the board shall thereupon order the boundaries of the district be changed in accordance with said resolution adopted by the board. 170 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. Tlie said order shall describe the entire boundaries of said district, and for that pni^pose the board may cause a survey of such portions thereof to be made as the board may deem necessar>^ [Id., § 41.] Sec. 45. [?tedivision of district— Election of officers.] In case of the inclusion of any land within any district by proceedings under this act the board of directors must, at least thirty days prior to the next succeeding general election, make an order re-dividing such district into three divisions, as nearly equal in size as may be practica- ble, which shall be numbered First, Second and Third, and one director shall thereafter be elected by each division. For the purposes of elec- tions the board of directors must establish a convenient number of election precincts in said districts, and define the boundaries thereof, which said precincts may be changed from time to time as the board may deem necessary. [Id., § 45.] Sec. 52. [Same-— Order— Election.] If the assent aforesaid of the holders of said bonds be filed and entered of record as afore- said, and if there be objections presented by any person showing cause as aforesaid which have not been withdrawn, then the board may order an election to be held in said district to determine whether an order shall be made excluding said lands from the district as men- tioned in the resolution. The notice of such election shall describe the boundaries of the district should the exclusion of the said lands from such notice shall be publislied for at least two weeks prior to such election in a newspaper published within the county where the office of the board of directors is situated; and if any portion of such terri- tory to be excluded lie within another county or counties, then said notice shall be so published in a newspaper published in each of such counties. Such notice shall require the electors to cast ballots which shall contain the words "For exclusion," or "Against exclu- sion," or words equivalent thereto. Such election shall be conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the state; Provided, That no particular form of ballot shall be required. [Id., § 52.] Sec. 53. [Election— Order chang-ing boundaries.] If at such election a majority of all the votes cast shall be against the exclusion of said lands from the district, the board shall deny and dismiss said petition and proceed no farther in said matter; but if a majority of such votes be in favor of the exclusion of said lands from the district the board shall thereupon order that the said lands mentioned in said resolution be excluded from the district. The said order shall describe the boundaries of all the lands which it is proposed to exclude, and said district change the boundaries of the district, and for that pur- pose the board may cause a survey to be made of such portions of the boundaries as the board may deem necessary. [Id., § 53.] Sec. 56. [Division of districts.] At least thirty days before the next general election of such district the board of directors thereof shall make an order dividing said district into three divisions, as nearly equal in size as practicable, which shall be numbered, first, second, and third, and one director shall be elected by each division. For the pur- ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. 171 )>ose of election in such district the said board of directors must es- ..ibiish a convenient number of election precincts, and define tliu boundaries thereof, which said precincts may be changed from time to time, as the board of directors may deem necessary. [Id., § 56.] Sec. 58a. [Discontinuance of district.] Whenever a majority of the assessment payers representing a majority of the number of acres of Irrigable land within any Irrigation District organized, or, here- after to be organized under the Act known as House Roll No. 332, Chap- ter 70 of the Session laws of Nebraska, of the year 1805 entitled "An Act to provide for the organization and government of Irrigation Dis- tricts" and now known as Article 3, Chapter 93a of the Eevised vStat- utes, shall petition the Board of Directors to call a special election, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said Irriga- tion District, a proposition to vote on the discontinuance of said Irri- gation District and a settlement of its bonded and other indetedness, it shall be the duty of said Board of Directors, to call an election, setting forth the object of the same, and to cause a notice of such election to be published in some newspaper in each of the counties in which said District is located, and in which a newspaper is published, for a period of thirty days prior to such election, setting forth the time and place for holding such election in each of the voting pre- cincts in said district, and shall also cause a written or_ printed notice of such election to be posted in some conspicuous place in each of said voting precincts. It shall also be the duty of the directors to provide ballots to be used at said election, on which shall be written or printed the words: "For Discontinuance "Yes", and "For Discontinuance, "No", which ballots shall be placed in the hands of the proper election officers in the several voting precincts of such District prior to the opemng of the polls there on the day of such election, and said elec tion shall be conducted in all respects in the same manner as provided by law for the election of Officers of said District. The return of said election together with the ballots cast thereat shall be certified by the several election boards of such district to the Board of Directors within three days from and after said election, which Board shall on or before the third day after said election canvass such returns and declare the result of such election, which result shall be at once re- corded in the records of said District Board; K a majority of said votes shall be for discontinuance "No" there shall not be another election upon the question of a discontinuance of said District during the year in which such election was held. And if a majority of said votes are for discontinuance "Yes", Then said Board shall immediately notify all persons having claims against said District of the result of such election, and may proceed to adjust, settle and compromise any and all such claims, in whatever form the indebtedness of such dis- trict may be; For the purpose of raising money to pay any and all indebtedness of said District, such Board may sell and dispose of the Canal, Franchises and other property belonging to said District at not less than a valuation to be fixed by a board of three appraisers, 172 ELECTION LAWS OF NEBRASKA. one member of which shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of such District. One to be appointed by the Board of County Couunis- sioners of the County in which the said district was originally organ- ized, which two appraisers shall select a third, which board of apprais- ers shall be sworn by the County Clerk of said County, to appraise the Canal Franchises and other property of said District at its cash value; and as soon thereafter as practicable, said appraisers shall make an appraisement, and report in writing their appraisement of all the prop- erty owned by said district, to said board of directors, which Board shall advertise said property for sale at least four weeks in such a manner as in the judgment of the Board shall be to the best interest of the District, and shall state in such advertisement a description of the property, and the time and place when bids in writing for the same shall be opened and considered, and bids orally received and considered, at the time designated in such notice, or as soon there- after as such Board can meet, it shall open and consider all bids re- ceived for the purchase of said property and it shall have the power to reject any and all such bids for such property which are not in the Judgment of said Board a fair and just consideration for said prop- erty, and after bids are thus rejected by said Board, it may by private negotiations vrith any person, persons or corporation sell and convey by deed executed by said Board all of said property for part cash and part in deferred payments bearing the same interest as the bonded indebtedness of such district, and in case said district has no bonded indebtedness the interest upon such deferred payments shall be such as may be agreed upon by said board and the purchaser, not exceed- ing the rate allowed by law. Such deferred payments shall be a lien upon all of the property thus sold by the board which shall have the same force and effect as a mortgage against such property and may when due, be foreclosed in the same manner provided by law for the forecloseure of Mortgages; In addition to such lien, said Board of Directors may require the purchaser of said property to furnish said District with such additional security upon all deferred payments as in its judgment shall make such payments secure, and all Notes, Bonds, Mortgages and other securities shall be made out to and in the name of said Irrigation District, and shall be, together with the money re- ceived by such sale, deposited with the County Treasurer of the County in which the said district was originally organized. And all suits at law or equity brought for the purpose of collecting such evidences of indebtedness, shall be brought in the name of such district by counsel employed by said District Board, and in case said Board shall be dis- organized, such employment shall be by the Board of Commissioners of said County. After a sale of the property and franchises of said district, the board of directors shall with the amount realized from such sale, together with such other funds as such district may have, make settlement, payment and redemption if possible of all outstand- ing bonded and other indebtedness of the District, but shall in no ■case pay more than the market value of such outstanding bonds with ELECTION LAWS OF XEr.RASKA. 173 interest up to the time of payment, and in cases where bonds not yet due, cannot be redeemed by reason of the refusal of the owner thereof to surrender them before due, the said board may invest the surplus money of the District after paying all debts that can be paid, in State, County or otber safe bonds, bearing the same or a greater rate of in- terest if possible as the District bonds thus outstanding for the pur- pose of pa^'ing such outstanding bonds of the district when due. In case the amount realized from the sale of said district property to- gether with other money of said district shall be insufficient for the payment of all the indebtedness of said District, Assessments shall continue to be made against the lands included in said district in the manner provided by law for assessments to pay Bonds and other in- debtedness of Irrigation Districts until a sufficient amount is raised to fully pay all obligations of such district. In all cases where Bonds and other obligations of Irrigation Districts shall be issued after the passage of this Act such bonds and obligations shall become subject to redemption by the Board of Directors of any Irrigation District as soon as the property and franchise of such District shall be sold after such district has elected to discontinue as a district as heroin provided. That after all of the property of said District shall be dis- posed of as above provided, and all of the obligations of such district sliall have been paid, the directors of such district shall file in tlie Office of the County Clerk of eacli County in which said district is located, and in the office of the State Board of Irrigation a report at- tested by the Clerk and Seal of said Board, Stating that said District has disposed of its property and franchises, and become disorganized and discontinued, which report shall be recorded in the Miscellaneous record of such counties, and if any person, persons or Corporation hav- ing any claim against said district not settled or disposed of at the time of the filing of such report shall fail and neglect to bring suit upon such claim within five years from the time of the filing of such report such claim or claims shall be forever barred as against such district as well as against all persons and propertv therein. [1903, H. R. 311.] FEES. (Compiled Statutes, 1905, Chapter 28.) Sec. 24. [Officers of election.] The judges and clerks of elec- tion, also the board of canvassers for the county, at all general elec- tions, shall receive the following pay: For each day's service each person shall receive two dollars. The person making the return of the election to the county clerk shall receive the additional sum of five cents for each mile necessarily traveled: Provided, That in cities of the first class judges and clerks of election shall each receive the sum of six dollars for each election held in said city. [Amended 1883, chap. XLIV.] INDEX. . PAGE A.s8e88or8 — Election 3 A.ttorney General — Election 3 Duty under corrupt practices act 82 A.ustralian ballot law 67 Auditor ot public accounts — Election 8 Ballots— -^ For primary elections 31 Use with voting machines 43 Expense of, public charge 67 Public oflScers. dutv regarding 68 Schedule 'B," instructions for 70 Schedule "A," form of new Australian ... 70 Form for initiative and referendum 74 Furnisliing under initiative and referen- dum 76 Preparation of, by county or municipal clerk 61 Form, contents, specifications 6"2 Order of party ticket upon 62 Directions for marking 62 Sample and official 62 Obtaining sample from clerk 63 Number. 63 Errors in 64 Distribution 64 Delivery to electors 65 Official not to be taken from booth 66 Spoiled and unused 66 Unidentified not deposited in ballot box... 67 Not counted when not signed by judges.. 67 Care and custody of 68 Not to be removed from polls 69 Designate office and person 8 Judge receive from elector 8 Excessive withdrawn 11 Double 12 Defective 12 Excess of names on 12 Surname of candidates 12 Kept twelve mouths by county clerk 14 Fraudulent 24 Peddling or printing same 24 For amendment to constitution 115 Printing and distribution 116 For transferring territory 133 On commissioner election ISii Discontinuance town organization 144 Bounty for wild animals 145 State boundary bridge bonds 147 Irrigation districts 164 Discontinuation of irrigation district 171 Canvass 165 PAGE Ballot box — Examination and custody of. 7 Provided by county board 9 Custody of by judge of election 9 Opening of 11 Separate for election on constitutional amendment 116 In citie-s of metropolitan class ,..118 Board of state canvassers — Members, duties, etc 13 Make abstract of vote 14 Canvass by, to fill vacancy 22 Canvass of vote on constitutional amend- ment 115 Bonds — Election for — Court house J28 Street railways 128 Tax to pay in counties 135 For interstate exposition 139 For internal improvements .145 State boundary bridge 147 For sanitary districts 149 In school districts 155 Cities metropolitan class i-chool purposes .156 Booths and guard rail 64 Bounties for destruction of wild animals 145 Election, ballots 145 Candidates. See Nominations. Campaign expenses — Limitation of 78 Record of, required 79,80 Statement of, required 79 Time for payment 80 Canvass of votes — By county clerk 13 For executive state officers 13 Ballots not endorsed, not counted 67 By judges and clerks 11 By legislature tor state officers 14 For electors, judges, and regents 13 By state board to fill vacancy 22 For county clerk 22 Upon constitutional amendments 115 Cities metropolitan class 118 Cities of first class 120 Cities first class between 25,000-40,000. ...121 Cities over 5.000 and less than 25,000 123 On street railway proposition 129 In elections for new counties 130 For relocation county seat 131 In new counties 133 On tax proposition •. 135 Discontinuance township organization 144 Irrigation districts 164, 165 (175) 176 INDEX. Cards of inatrnctions — page Form of 67 Furnished and posted in booths 67 Certificates of nomination — Time i)t filing 59 Objeiiions to 60 Kuiiotr upon objection 60 Appeal Irom ruling 60 Frauiluleut... 67 Certificiiies of election — 1— ued by secretary of state IS Withheld until statement tiled 81 Issued by county clerk 14 Cities of metropolitan class 118 Cities of first cla-s 121 Cities over 5,000 and less than 25,000 123 Certificate of removal 94 Challenge — To voter at polls 9 Vote rejected when oath not taken 10 Charges preferred — For violation corrupt practices act 81 Cities of metropolitan class — Annexing adjoining cities 118 Wards, etc 118 Election districts, etc 118 Polls, election ofiieers 119 City officials 119 City cou[)cil 119 Cities of first class — Election districts in 119 Justices of peace in 119 Constables 119 General city election 120 City officers, qualifications 121 Precincts 120 Electors 121 Cities from 25,000 to 40 000— Election districts in 121 Genexal city election 122 Electors, qualifications 122 Cities over 5,000 and less than 25,000— Election districts 123 Justice and constable 123 General city election 123 Certificate of election 124 Canvass ot vote 121 Cities of second class and villages — Election districts 125 Councilmen 125 General city election 125 Officers, qualifications 126 Electors, qualifications ~127 Clerk district court — Election 4 Appointment 4 Investment of office 4 Appoint judges and clerks of election 6 Commissioners, county — Provide ballot boxes, etc 7 Election and districting 136 Divide county into precincts 138 Divide county into supervisor districts.... 137 Tem porary appointments 144 Submit bonds for internal improvement8,145 Comini.ssioner public lands and buildings — Election 3 Contesting election — PAOK Under corrupt practices act 83 Groiiiitls of 16 For exe( utive officers by legislature 17 Judici il iillicers 17 County judges 17 Members of legislature 17 Questions subiiiitled to vote 17 County and municipal officers 17 Notice by elector 17 Taking testimony •. 17 Testimony sealed, sent tosec'y of state....- 18 Ballots transmitted lH Meeting ol legislature to hear „ 18 Openinji pallets before legislature lb Evidence preserved 19 Contest for other than state or legislative, 19 Coiuplaint and bond filed 19 Fees, etc 20 ("ompelling witnesses to testify 20 Inspection of ballots 20 Costs, judgment 20 Tie vote 21 Ouster 21 Election declared void 21 Appeal 21 Judgment against sureties 21 Appeal bond 21 Congressmen — Election of 3 Constitutional amendments — Proposed submission IIS Publication notice 116 Ballots, form, etc 115 Election canvais 115 Poll books, returns, etc 117 Constable — Election 4 Arrest at poll 9 Convention or primary meeting — Defined 32 Coroner — Elections 4 Corrupt practices — Act relating to 78 Defined 78 Sworn statement of candidate required... 79 Penalties 81 Certificate of election not i.'isued 81 Charges against public officials 81 Action by attorney general 82 Election void 82 Testimony 83 Counties — Organization of new 130 Transferring territory 133 Ballots at election for transferring terri- tory 133 Unorganized territory 133 New out of existing 133 County attorney — Duties under registration law 1()4 County board — Subtuit sale of public grounds 134 Submit question of tax 135 Submit interstate exposition tax ...139 Submit bounty for wild animals 146 County buildings — Vote upon 135 INDEX. 177 County clerk— page Furnish cards of instruction 67 Certificates of nomination filed with 57 Preserve certificates two j'ears 59 Kequired to correct errors in ballots 64 Election 4 Notice of election by 5 Canvass of votes by 1:3 Cenificate of election by 14 Action in case of tie vote 14 Action on returns Irom legislative district, 14 Abstract of vote sent to Lincoln 15 Canvass of vote for 24 Certify to secretary of state, new county ...l:')4 Issue and register bonds for internal im- provements Ho County officers — In new counties 134 County seat — Elections for 130 Relocation of 131 County tax — Submission to people 135 Disabled voter — Receive assistance of judge and clerk 66 Drinks, cijiars, etc. — Candidates forbidden to give away 78 E Electors^=- Soldiers, sailors, and marines 3 May write upon ballot any candidate's name 61 Directions for marking ballot 65 Disabled or illiterate 66 Right to propose ordinances under initia- tive and referendum 73 Qualifications for general election -3 Privileged from arrest 3 Express preference for U. S. senator 5 Affidavit of, when not registered !) Challenge of 9 Oath when challenged 9 Questions put to, when challenged 9 Residence of, defined 10 In cities of metropolitan class 118 Cities of first class 121 Cities from 25,000 to 40,000 122 Cities over 5,000 and less than 25,000 123 Cities and villages 127 In elections for new counties 130 In town meetings 142 Electors, presidential — Election 5 Notice served upon Ki Meeting and vote 16 Compensation 16 Elections — Void under corrupt practices act 82 Election supplies — Care and custody of 68 Electioneering — Forbidden in and about polls 68 Fees— ^ Judges and clerks of election 173 7 G PAGE General election 3-24 Term fixed by law 3 Officers elected at 3 General election laws — Applicable to initiative and referendum act 73 Governor — Election 3 Sign certificate of election 15 Fill vacancies in electoral college 16 Appoint regent to fill vacancy 22 Proclamation on constitutional amend- ment 116 H High school establishment 153 I Initiative and referendum 73 Act providing for 73 Right to propose ordinance under 73 Signers and filing 74 Submission to voters 74 Submission to council 74 Amendment by council 74 Ballot, form of 74 Referendum, petition, etc 75 Submission 75 Urgent ordinances excepted 75 Mayor and council no power to alter 76 Mayor and council submit 76 Notice of election under 76 False certificate, etc 76 Destroying certificate 77 Unqualified voter, bribery, etc 77 General election laws applicable 77 Formsof proposal 77 Acceptance of act by city 78 Internal improvements — Submission of bonds for 145 Precinct, town, or village 146 Interstate expositions — Election on bonds for 139 Irrigation districts — Election, organization 164 Canvass of vote 165 Officers, canvass, etc 165 Bonds, election, notice 167 Change of boundary 170 Redivisiou of district 170 Discontinuation of. 171 J Judges and clerks of election — Act providing for appointment 6 With voting machines ,56 Duties under registration law luO Designation of two to deliver ballots 65 Assist disabled voter 66 Post cards of instruction 67 Deliver ballots to electors 68 Oath of 5 Proclaim polls open and closed 5 Not absent from room duringvoting 7 Take charge of ballot box 9 Duty wheie registration 9 Examination of challenged voter 9 178 INDEX. Judges and clerks of election — Concl'd. page Feesof 173 In cities of first class 1-4 In villages 125 Judges — yuprerae court — Election -^ District court — Election ^ County — Election 3 Justices of the peace — P^iection 3 lu metropolitan cities 4 Laws- Publication of.. 69 Modilying ordinance voted by people 76 Legislature — Canvass of votes for state officers by 14 Try contests of executive officers 17 Determine contests of its own members.... 17 Legislative districts — Returns from 14 Liquors — At place of registration 104 Lieutenant governor — Election 3 Mandamus — Will lie against secretary of state 60 Municipal clerk — Certify appointment of registration board, 31 Certificates of" nomination filed with 59 Preserve certificate two years 5'J Required to correct errors in ballots 64 Publish proposed ordinances under iuitia- tiveand referendum 76 Prepare and furnish ballots 7() Violations initiative and referendum act, 77 Issue certificates, cities first class 1-1 Issue certificates, over 5,000 1'.24 Issue certificates, cities second class and villages 1-7 Issue certificate of election upon street rail- way proposition 129 Oaths and affirmations— Coic/urfed. page Administration of ^ To challenged voter ^ School districts 1^*^ 61 69 Pasters — Used in case of death of nominee Polls- Police protection at Opening andclosing 2 Proclamation ol. ' In cities of metropolitan class ...ll'J Cities of firstclass ' Cities 25,000 to 40,000 121 Cities over 5,000 and less than 25,000 l23 Poll books — Form of - ° Signed by election board H Tally list 12 Returns of election in 'p Careof 1^ vSealingand custody by county clerk 1.5 For election upon constitutional amend- ments 11'^ School board election cities metropolitan class 1^0 Primary registration — Act requiring the same 26 Penalties 26 Books '■^' Officers ;•■ ['^_ Expenses ^1, Sti Primaries — Notice to be given 27, 33 Defined 26 Registration. N Naturalizing aliens — Unlawful under corrupt practices act 86 Nomination of candidates — By committee 57 Certificate of. 57 By petition 58 Fraudulent certificate ()~ I Signers of certificates 57' Declination of nomination 60 Vacancy in nomination 61 | Death, use of pasters. 61 j O Oaths and affirmations — At primary elections 25 K<*i:istration board 27 Witness belore registration board 25 I To judges and clerks of election 5 Australian ballot required 31, 31 Expenses '^1' "'*' Primary election — Counties over 125,000 32 Candidates— How nominated 32 When and where held 33, :56 Fraudulent voting at -4 Rules — • 25 Challenges 2o, -10 Bribery at 26, 37 Qualification of voters at 26 Penalties 26 Selection of judges and clerks of election in -^6, 7 Precinct — Number of ballots for, when divided G.i Defined for registration 101 Boundaries "0 Probate judge — Canvass for clerk 24 Political committees- Defined 8-? Treasurer of same ^^3 Record kept ^^4 R Registration of voters- Required for party primary 27 Books for 87,105, 109 Sui)er visors 87, 105 Oath of board 88 Challenges 88, 110 INDEX. 179 I IJegistration of voters — Concluded. l*AGE Oath to witnesses H9 Vacancy in board 88, lOU f-upervi.sors, pay, duties, etc 89, 106 Time 90, 107 Removals 92, 111 Certificate of 95 Ke vision 96 Delivery of registers 96 Copiesof 97 Use at election 97, 109 IMaceof 99 iiights of political parties 99, 112 .S|)ecial election 100, 112 •Iiiilues and clerks of election, duties 100 Falsi^ registration 101, 112 K'tcords, stealing 102, 113 FaNc swearing, etc 102, 114 Hinilning 102, H4 Dutic oi county attorney 104 Liquors 104 Irregularities 104, 115 Costs and f-xpenses of 105 Duty o(. judges and clerks under 9 Returu of election — Sent to county clerk 1'.^ Jiegents of university — Election of 3 Hemoval — Certificate of 10, 11 Residence — Of elector defined 10 Resignations — How made 22 Road overseer — Election 4 S Sanitary districts — Vote upon 149 Trustees 149 ^Schools — District meeting, notice, qualification of voters, challenges, 150 Election of olficers 153 New district 153 Vacancy , 157 Acceptance 153 High school district 154 In cities. 155 Limit of taxation for school purposes 152 Bonds 157 In metropolitan cities 160 School elections — Excepted from ballot law 61 Secretary of state — Election 3 Certificates of nomination filed with 59 Shall certify to county clerk 59 Preserve certificates two years 59 Time of filing certificates 59 Decision in case of party division 60 Basis of action national convfention 60 Prepare tabular statement of vote 15 Send messenger for delayed returns 15 Keep abstracts 15 Record vote 15 Sign certificate of election 15 State boundary bridges — page Submission of bonds for 147 State treasurer — Election 3 Superintendent of public instruction — Election 3 Superintendent county — Election 4 Suffrage. See Electors. Surveyor — Election 4 Supervisor township — Election 4 Sheriff- Election 4 Postelection notices 5 Special election — Revision of registration for 100 Taxes— "^ Submitted to vote of people 135 Tie vote- In county or precinct oflScers 14 In contested elections 21 Township ofiicers — Tie vote on 14 Township organization — Election of ofiQcers 3, 4 Vote upon 140 Supervisors, election, etc 140 Change of districts 143 Discontinuance 144 Ballots, canvass 144 Town meetings — Notice, organization, etc 141 Annual, powers, procedure 141 Electors, challenges 142 Treasurer, county — Election 3 Ineligible for more than two consecutive terms 5 U. S. senator — Voters express preference for 5 Preference for 5 V Vacancies — Registration board 88 In nomination, how filled 61 By death 61 Events constituting 21 Manner of filling 22 Expiration of fixed term 22 Appointments to fill 21 Possession of property upon 23 Filled by election 23 Congressman or member legislature 23 Special elections to fill -23 Canvass of vote in special election to fill... 23 In village election board 126 In school boards 157 Villages — Trustees 126 Election notice 126 Vacancies in election board 126 Change from city to village government... 126 Electors, qualifications 127 180 IXDEX. Villages — Concluded. page Abolition of village government 1"27 Ballot, form of 127 Voting — Manner of, at general election 43 Voting machine 43 Act permitting use of 43 Question submitted 43 Secrecy required 45 Election board 50, 56 Ballot label 47 Election — Ilovr conducted 48 Yoiing— Concluded. paOe Custodiaus' duties 49 Voters — Instruction 5' Voters — Disabled 5' Returns 52, 53 W Wild animals — Election for granting bounties for the destruction of 145 Women — May sign petitions for nominations 58 Vote at school elections 158