UC-NRLF SB MMQ 7TD 5 CENTS WNA5L0 SAW MJackson JW%tP r ^|tomes| Sayings OF THE SOUTHERN Parities ALL THE LATEST g AH* BECT t ^ $ THOS. W. JACKSpN, PUBLISHER, CHICAGO, ILL. THOMAS W. JACKSON. On a Slow Train Through Arkansaw By THOS. W. JACKSON FUNNY RAILROAD STORIES SAYINGS OF THE SOUTHERN DARKIES ALL THE LATEST AND .BEST MINSTREL JOKES OF THE DAY THIS BOOK SENT POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF 25 CENTS THOS. W. JACKSON, Publisher CHICAGO, ILL. ert- \ fa 3-9 Copyright 1903 BY THOS. W. JACKSON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED it 4 J?* tjt t A, DQNQMyE & CO t| PRIHT5R8 AND 0INOER3, 4Q7-4?9 ggAJtJQR^ ST., CHIQASQ, tfAl/J On a Slow Train Through Arkansaw You are not the only pebble on the beach for there is a little rock in Arkansaw. It was down in the state of Arkansaw I rode on the slowest train I ever saw. It stopped at every house. When it come to a double house it stopped twice. They made so many stops I said, ''Conductor, what have we stopped for now ? ' ' He said, " There are some cattle on the track.' ' We ran a little ways further and stopped again. I said, " What is the matter now?" He said, " We have caught up with those cattle again.' ' We made pretty good time for about two miles. One old cow got her tail caught in the cow-catcher and she ran off down the track with the train. The cattle bothered us so much they had to take the cow- catcher off the engine and put it on the hind end of the train to keep the cattle from jumping up in the sleeper. A lady said, " Conductor, can't this train make any better time than this?" He said, "If you ain't satisfied with this train, you can get off and walk." She said she would, only her folks didn't expect her till the train got there. A lady handed the conductor two tickets, one whole ticket and a half ticket. He said, 5 M151463 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw "Who is the half ticket for?" She said, "My boy." The conductor said, "He's not a boy; iTHE SLOW TRAIN On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 7 he's a man. Under twelve, half fare, over twelve, full fare." She said, "He was under twelve when we started.' ' The news agent came through. He was an old man with long gray whiskers. I said, "Old ON THE SLOW TRAIN man, I thought they always had boys on the train to sell the pop corn, chewing gum and candy/ ' He said he was a boy when he started. They stopped so often one of the passengers tried to commit suicide. He ran ahead for half a mile, laid down on the track, but he starved to death before the train got there. 8 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw We had a narrow escape of being killed. Just as we got on the middle of a high bridge the en- gineer discovered it was on fire, but we went right across. Just as the last car got over, the bridge fell. I said, " Conductor, how did we ever get across without going down?" He said, "Some train robbers held us up." We ran a little further and stopped again. Some one asked the conductor what was wrong. He said a cow had kicked the fireman in the jaw. The engineer had stopped to tie the cow's foot up. The conductor collected half fare from a lady for her little girl. It made her so mad she asked the conductor what that said on his cap. He said, " Train conductor." She said it ought to be "Train robber." He said he only took what was fare. There was a lady on the train with a baby. When the conductor asked her for her ticket, she said she didn't have any, the baby had swallowed it. The conductor punched the baby. There were three kinds of passengers who rode on that train. First class, Second class and Third class. I said, "Conductor, what is the difference between the First class and Third class passengers, they are all riding in the same car?" He said, "Just wait a while and I will show you." We ran a little ways and stopped again. The con- ductor came in and said, "First class passengers, keep your seats ; Second class passengers, get off and walk; Third class passengers, get off and push." For a crooked road, she was the limit. In order to get the engine around the curves they On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 9 had a hinge in the boiler. The fireman had a wooden leg and was crossed-eyed, half of the time he was shoveling coal in the headlight in- stead of the fire-box. It was so crooked we met ourself coming back. The curves were so short they called them corners. The engineer had to shave every day to keep the rocks from knocking off his whiskers. The conductor was the tallest man I ever saw. I said, " Conductor, what makes you so tall?" He said it was because he had had his leg pulled so often. He said he was born in the top of a ten story building. He came high, but they had to have him. He said he had been running on that road for thirty years, and had only taken in one fare, that was the World's Fair. An old lady said to the porter, "Are you the colored porter ?" He said, no, he wasn't colored he was born that way. She said, "I gave you a dollar, where is my change ?" He said, "This car goes through; there is no change/ ' There was a Dutchman on the train, he was trying to ride on a meal ticket. The conductor told him he would have to pay his fare. He said, " How much does it cost to ride to the next sta- tion ?" The conductor said, "Thirty cents.' ' The Dutchman said, " I will give you twenty-five." The conductor told him it would cost him thirty. The Dutchman said, "Before I will give more than twenty-five I will walk." The conductor stopped the train and put him off. The Dutch- man ran ahead of the engine and started to walk. The engineer began to blow the whistle. The io On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw Dutchman said, " You can vissel all you vant, I wont come back." There was an old man and woman on the train by the name of Jessup. There happened to be a place where, the train stopped by the name of Jessup's Cuv. The old man went to the car ahead. When the brakeman came in and hollered, " Jes- sup's Cut!" the old woman jumped up and holler- ed, "My God! who cut Jessup?" They ran a little ways further and stopped again. Somebody said, "Conductor, what have we stop- ped for now?" He said, "We have reached the top of the hill. It is now down grade; we will make a little better time and have an entire change of scenery." And so we did. "Are you married?" "Yes, I married a spiritualist." "How are you getting along?" "Medium." I hear they are going to vaccinate the entire police force of Chicago. I don't see what they want to do that for, a policeman never catches anything. "We had a big wooden- wedding over at our house." "How was that?" "My sister married a blockhead." " Do you know that my sister is a duchess now?" "No. How did she come to be a duchess?" "She married a Dutchman." On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw n " I got a letter from father the other day. He has gone in the hog business. I wrote and told told him that there was lots of money in hogs, to stay with it." "What do you know about hogs?" " I know all about hogs ; I was raised with them." "You must be from Missouri." " Do you think that Shakespeare wrote all those plays that they say he did?" " I don't know, I never thought much about it, but when I die, if I am fortunate enough to go to Heaven, I will ask him." "In case he ain't there, then what?" "Oh, well! then you ask him." "My girl is a dressmaker; she makes wrappers for cigars. There is just one thing wrong with her; she is cross-eyed. She is a good girl; she is honest but she looks crooked." "Do you read the papers?" "Yes." " Have you noticed the number of railroad acci- dents that have happened lately? Just the other night at a wedding it so happened that Johnny Carr was going to be married to a young lady of the same name. Just as the preacher was pro- nouncing the ceremony a rifle ball came through the window, struck the preacher in the breast and killed him." "Well, what has that got to do with a railroad accident?" "They say he was killed while coupling cars. " Only yesterday at the hotel I am stopping at, 12 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw one of the chamber-maids was found lying in a room dead ; her false hair had come down, wrap- ped around her neck and choked her to death. They say her death was caused by a misplaced switch." The only difference between you and a man that takes the wool off a lamb's back and dyes it is, he is a lamb's dyer and you are a d 1 . What is the difference between that ten dollars you owe me and Tennessee. What is the difference? Tennessee I will see. The ten you owe me I will never see. There was a little town on the line called Holder. There was a newly married couple on the train. They were holding hands and warming right up to one another when the brakeman came in and hollered, " Holder! Holder!" He said it was all right if he did, they were married. The conductor told a fellow that the next place was where he got off. He said, " Which end of the car shall I get off of?" The conductor said, " Either one; both ends stop." There was a young fellow on the train. He couldn't get a seat. He was walking up and down the aisle and swearing. There was a preacher in the car. He said, " Young man, do you know where you are going, sir? You are going straight to Hell." He said, "I don't give a darn; I've got a round trip ticket." The brakeman came in and hollered, ''Twenty minutes for dinner!" When the train stopped we all rushed for the dining-room, I ordered two On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 13 soft boiled eggs. When the waiter brought them in, she opened one and said, " Shall I open the other?" I said, "No, open the window." She said, "Ain't the eggs all right?". I said, " Yes, they are all right, but I think they have been mislaid." One fellow in the excitement drank a cup of yeast thinking it was buttermilk. He rose im- mediately. &pe* A FOUR MILE RUN The waiter was handing me my coffee just as the conductor was hollering, " All aboard." She flipped and fell and spilled the coffee down my 14 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw back. When she got up she said, " Excuse me, will you have some more?" I said, "No, you can bring me an umbrella." When I looked out I saw the train was going. It was down grade, I had to run it for four miles ; caught the hind car; just as I pulled myself up on the steps the train stopped, backed in on the siding and laid four hours to take on wood. When we started a young lady asked the con- ductor if her uncle would meet her at the depot when she got off. Of course he was supposed to know. At one place we stopped a fellow ran up to the conductor and said, ' Is this my train ? ' ' He said, "I don't think so. The company has got their name on it." The fellow said, "I am going to take it." The conductor said, "You want to be careful about that, for there has been several trains missed here lately." The stations were so close together when they stopped at one they had to back up to whistle for the next. There were some of the wealthiest ladies on that train I ever saw. The train stopped, one lady said to the other, " This is your town, and the next one is mine." Pretty soon they hollered out, " Skeetersville ! " That was my town where I got off. I saw a sign that read "Hotel." I went over and registered. They gave me a room on the first floor, that is from the roof. It was one of those rooms when you rent it the roof uses it. When I went to bed I had a creeping sensation come over me. I got up and told the landlord that there were bugs in On A Slow Train Through Arkansaiv 15 the bed. He said there wasn't a single bed- bug in the house ! I told him that he was right about it, they were all married and had large families. I remember the hotel was on the bluff and it was run on bluff. Skeetersville was a very appro- ^bfej^^A^AtijiwgS^ tMr&^&him&iA4)^jJttn>\ 1 SlllBll^^^^BN(^Kt ^^^^b^^fl ^Hiffli ktmA MhHk xw&r*m ""^JtaVV I- sjSZZ&i^L^z- <*5 L^LlEzH dtxt HOTEL SCENE IN ARKANSAW priate name for the place, for the musquitors was all there. They would come around and look on the register to see what room you had. The landlord told me he had just adopted a new set of rules. He. handed me a list of them. They read something like this: Rule One : In order to prevent the guests from carrying fruit from the table, there will be no fruit. 1 6 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw Married men without baggage will leave their wives in the office. Old and feeble gentlemen will not be allowed to play in the halls. Guests will not be allowed to use Indian clubs or dumbbells in their rooms. If they want exercise they can go in the kitchen and beat the steak. I set right up to the table and beat mine. Guests will not be allowed to tip the waiters, as it is liable to cause them to break the dishes. (I promise you there was no dishes broken while I was there.) Guests at . this hotel wishing fine board, will please call for saw dust. Biscuits found riveted together can be opened with a chisel furnished by the waiter. The use of dynamite is positively prohibited. Guests needn't mind paying their board, as the hotel is supported by a good foundation. Guests on retiring at night will leave their money with the night clerk, for he will get it anyhow. If you want the bellboy, wring a towel. If you get hungry during the night, take a roll in bed. Base-ball players wanting exercise will find a pitcher on the table. If you want to write take a sheet off the bed. If you find the bed to be-a little buggy and you have a nightmare, just hitch the mare to the buggy and drive off. The landlord took me out for a drive. There is some fine farms down there. He showed me a farm that you could raise anything on. He said On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 17 they could raise potatoes as large as your head. They could raise cabbage that would weigh over a hundred pounds. I said, "This is certainly a remarkable country. How do you account for it all?" He said, " It is the climate. That is the secret of it all. It is the climate.' ' I said, "Old man, do you know that in the City of Chicago there is a building that is twenty-two stories high that hasn't got any stairs or elevator to it?" "How do they get up in it?" "They climb it." He said, "Do you know, that all we need in this country is a little more rain and a little better society." I said, "That is all that Hell needs." I had only been there about a week when the landlord told me I had been bombarding against his house. I told him I hadn't been doing any bombarding, but I had been doing some bum boarding. You couldn't get a square meal. They fed us on round tables. CONUNDRUMS. Did you ever hear the story about the black crow? No, I never did. It's a bird. Did you ever hear the story about the two holes in the ground. No. Well, well. What is the greatest neglected vegetable in the world. A policeman's beat. Why is a pocket handkerchief like a ship at sea ? Because it gets many a hard blow and occasionally goes around the horn. 1 8 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw Why are eggs always cheaper on the docks? Because the ships lay to. Suppose you should break your knee, where should you go to get another? To Africa, that is where the negroes. Can you tell me the difference between a pair of pants and a pie? What is the difference? A pair of pants has to be cut before they are made: a pie has to be made before it is cut. Why is a horse with his head hanging down like next Monday? Because its neck's weak. Why does a hen lay an egg? Because it is beyond the power of Carrie Nation to hatch it. Suppose a lady should break her knee, where should she go to get another? To Jerusalem, where the Shee-neys grow. Why do the stars in the American Flag rep- resent the stars in Heaven? Because it is be- yond the power of any nation on earth to pull them down. What is the difference between Christian Science and a lean woman? One is a humbug, the other is- a bum hug. If you kiss a young lady she calls it faith. If you kiss a married woman she calls it hope. If you kiss an old maid she calls it charity. My next stop was Potts ville. When I got there the county fair was going on. It looked like Fourth of July. Talk about the streets of Cairo ! they wasn't in it with Pottsville. I went out to On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 19 the fair grounds. I met a one-legged man selling lead pencils. I asked him how business was. He said he couldn't kick. I saw a fellow turning a hand-organ with a sign on his hat that said, "Help me, I am blind/ ' I said to him, M How do I know you are blind? You prove to me you are blind, and I will give you a quarter/ ' He said, "Let me see the quarter.' ' I went a little ways further; saw a sign that said, " Fortunes told " ; went in and had mine told. The fortune teller looked at my hand and told mine. He said I was going to get married and have lots of clothes. I asked him how he could tell. He said by my clothes line. He told me I had been eating onions. How do you suppose he knew that? I told him I hadn't breathed it to a soul except him. He said that I would be without money until I was forty years old and then I would be used to it. I saw a lot of fellows throwing balls at babies. You get a cigar for every baby you hit. I thro wed for ten minutes, and never hit a baby. I began to get homesick right away. I suppose it was because I missed the children. I went to the postoffice. There I saw some signs that read, "Postoffice open from now till then." "From here to there." "Pistol cards for sale." "Leave your address with the undertaker." "Stamp your letters and not your feet." "Lick the stamps and not the Post Master." "Office closes at six o'clock on the last Saturday of each week." " By order of the Post Hole office man." A man came in and said to the Post Master, " Is there a letter here for me?" The Post Master 20 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw said, "What is the name, please ?" He said, 4 'Louder." The Post Master said, "I want to know your name." He said, " Louder. J. H. Louder. If you wasn't working for Uncle Sam I'd take a tooth pick and come around behind there and clean your ears." I went to the hotel, picked up a paper, read the heading of a piece that said, "Big Railroad Wreck. No one hurt! Ten Texas steers and a brakeman killed I The heading of another piece read like this, " Big shoe store burnt in the East. One thousand soles lost, all the heels were saved." I read another piece that said, "A man jumped in the river and committed suicide ! They say there was a woman at the bottom of it!" I read some of the advertisements. One read, "Wanted, young lady to work in a bakery. She must be from the East and well bred and she will get her dough every Saturday night." Another read, "Wanted a man and wife to work on a farm. They must speak German and French and understand horses and cows." "Young man wants position in bank handling money. Has no objections to leaving town." " A man that never done a day's work in his life wants a position as night watchman." " Large dog for sale Will eat anything. Very fond of children." While I was there I was arrested for gambling. The judge fined me ten dollars. I said : " Judge, I wasn't playing for money, I was playing for chips." He said chips was just the same as money. So I gave him ten dollars worth of chips. In Arkansaw they believe in doing everything On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 21 right. I stopped at a place where there was one doctor, two shoe makers and a blacksmith. The doctor killed a man. They didn't want to be without a doctor, so they hung one of the shoe makers. I stopped at one place where they had lost all track of the day of the week. They were holding church on Monday for Sunday. Some of the people down there have a queer way of naming their children. I stopped with a family that had two twin boys. One was named Pete and the other Repete. At another place they had two twin girls. One they called Kate, the other Du- plicate. I stopped with a family by the name of Wind. They had a daughter. Her name was Helen Augusta Wind. We came to a sign in the forks of a road that read like this, "Take the right hand road for the distillery. If you can't read, ask the blacksmith. ' ' At another place I was at they were going to have an entertainment. It was to be home talent, of course. I received an invitation and was also asked to take part in the play, which I agreed to do. They put my name on the program, and, of course, I was expected to do something, I re- member the first number on the program was a young lady. She came out to sing. She had a kind of a Montana voice. It was a beaut. It was Hell-ena. She had it vaccinated but it didn't take. The next was a young fellow. He sang a song that was dedicated to the milkmen of that place, entitled, " Shall We Gather at the River." When he started to sing the boys went out and got a lot 22 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw of duck eggs and throwed them at him. You ought to have seen him duck eggs. They have a different way of encoring you down there. They don't clap their hands when they want you to come back. They all holler, " Come back." When we got through they hollered, "Come back! Come back!" One big fellow dared him to come back. It came my turn next. I said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I will recite you a little poetry. I will take for my subject, "The Lights.' ' ' ' The lights that shine tonight in this grand theater Are not as bright as the lights that shine tonight in Denver, Colorata." They wanted me to sing. I told them I had just received a message saying I had a very bad cold. They insisted I should sing anyhow. I agreed to sing. I said the first part of the song is awfully simple. The second part is simply awful. If you have any tears to shed go to the wood-shed and shed them. When I started to sing I received the greatest ovation of eggs that anybody ever re- ceived. I hollered "Fowl!" Before I got half way through the song over half of the audience was on the stage. They said if they could find a rail they would show me a trick. They lifted me up on their shoulders and escorted me to the city limits and told me not to come back and I didn't come back. I kept on going until I got to Fort Smith. When I got there the first place I came to was a saloon. I walked right in and called for a glass of seltzer. The bartender poured it out and set it on the bar. I heard a noise on the out- side. I walked to the door to see what it was. On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 23 When I came back my seltzer was gone. There was no one there but the bartender and myself; I knew he must have taken it. I hit him. In came a policeman and arrested me. He took me down to the jail, opened up a door and said, "This is your cell, sir." I found it to be a perfect sell. The windows, they were great. I was just surrounded with bars and couldn't get a drink. United States court is held there for the Indian Territory. All the tough characters are brought there for trial. They usu- ally have a hanging about every Friday. There are a great many people who leave Fort Smith by the rope route. There is a scaffold in the jail yard that accommodates ten at once. The hangman is an old man. He has the distinction of being the champion hangman of the world. He has sprung the trap on eighty-seven men and has shot to death seven. When he gets them on the scaffold he hollers, "Get your feet up even!" When he puts the rope around their necks he tickles them under the chin and tells them he is going to make angels out of them. While I was in Fort Smith a policeman found a man lying on the sidewalk who had fainted, he took him to the police station. When he got there he discovered the man was dead. They searched him and found a six-shooter and forty dollars. The policeman took the six-shooter; the judge fined him forty dollars for carrying con- cealed weapons. Look at the condition of the working man to- day, where is he? The tinners are continually 24 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw going up the spout. The plumbers are always in the gutter. The paper-hangers are up against the wall. The bakers are compelled to raise the dough. The police has to be on the beet in order to live. The shoe-makers have to work on their uppers and they get waxed in the end. The clock-makers are run on tick and they are never on time. The old washwoman is always in soak and she is the only one you see hanging out on the line. When I left Fort Smith I remember it was on a Friday night. The 13th day of the month. I had berth 13, and there was a cross-eyed porter on the car. There was a newly married couple in the next berth to me. During the night she wanted a drink of water." She said, " John, get up and get me a drink of water." He said, " Dear, you get up and get it." She said, "How will I know what berth you are in when I come back?" He said, "I will stick my foot out in the aisle." When she came back every man in the car had his foot sticking out in the aisle. The next morning the porter brushed my clothes. I thanked him. He said, "Look hyer, boss! You is the sixth man I'se brushed off dis mawnin' ; I ain't seen any dust yet." I said, " There has been over a hundred porters brushed my clothes; none of them ever got any dust out of them." He said, "You shore carries de dust in your pocket." The next morning I was riding m the chair car. On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 25 There was a fellow sitting along side of me. He seemed to be mighty sleepy. I said, "Did you take a berth last night?" He said, "Yes, but I had an upper berth, and had to get up before I went to bed." I said, "Do you see that scar on my face? That is my berth mark." "How is ALL FEET LOOKED ALIKE TO HER that?" "I took a sleeper not long ago and got in the wrong berth." A boy fell over a lady's valise and said he was just getting over the grip. There were two brakemen on the train. One was a new man making his first trip. The old 26 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw brakeman said to the new one, "I will call the station in one end of the car, and you call the THE SLOW 'WESTON A DOWN GRADE NIGH LITTLE ROCK, GWIEN A PERTY GOOD HICKERY same in the other end." When the train whistled for the station the old brakeman came in and called out the name in the front end of the car. On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 27 The new brakeman in the hind end hollered, " The same in this end!" The old brakeman told him the name of the next station and said, "When we get there you call the name in both ends of the car." When the train whistled for the station the new man came in the car. He started to call the station, but had forgotten .the name. He stood for a moment, then said, " This is it, people ; this is it." There were several prisoners on the train bound for the states-prison at Little Rock. When we got there we all knew it. The brakeman came in and hollered, "Little Rock! Change clothes. Four years for refreshments. Free conveyance to the state house with all the latest improvements." When I got off the train I stepped into a hack, and told the driver to take me to a good hotel. He started off with a sudden jerk. After he had drove several blocks I stuck my head out of the door and told him not to drive quite so fast, as I had on a pair of bad shoes. He said, "What has that got to do with me driving fast, you having on a pair of bad shoes ? " I told him that when he started the bottom dropped out of the hack and I had been running ever since. Little Rock is a very interesting place. I started out to see some of the sights. I got on a street car to take a ride. The car was crowded. I was standing up in the aisle holding on to a strap when the car struck a short curve. I fell over on a big, fat lady's lap. She gave me a shove and said, "What are you, a Laplander or a Highlander?" When the conductor came in I saw he was an old friend of mine. I thought I would have a little chat 28 On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw with him. I said, "It is a nice day." He said, "Fair." I had my nickel in my mouth. The car came to a sudden stop and I will be darned if I didn't swallow the nickel. I was in an awful fix. I went to see a doctor. He made me cough up two dollars. I next visited the Court House. They were try- ing a fellow for biting off a man's ear. The judge bound him over to keep the piece. The next one was arrested for stealing a peck measure. The Judge asked him what his business was. He said he was a tailor. The judge said, " You are discharged. If you are a tailor you have a right to take any man's measure." They brought another fellow in charged with stealing nine bottles of beer. The judge told him he would have to go back and get the other three. He couldn't make a case out of nine. The next one came up had been fighting. The judge said, " What is your name? " He said, "John Smith." "What is your business?" He said he was a locksmith. The judge said, "Ten dollars. Locksmith up." A policeman brought in three Chinamen and an Irishman. The Chinamen had been smoking opium. The Irishman was booked for getting drunk and disturbing the peace. The judge said to the first Chinaman, "What is your name?" He said, "Ah Sin." "Thirty days." He said to the next China- man, "What is your name?" He said, "Ah Chung." "Thirty days." He said to the next Chinaman, "What is your name?" He said, "Ah Bung." "Thirty days." The judge said to the On A Slow Train Through Arkansaw 29 Irishman, "What is you name?" He said, "Ah Hell, I suppose it is thirty days anyhow." I think a married woman should take her name from the position her husband holds in life. You take a baker's wife; she should be called Dora. A shoemaker's wife should be called Peggie. A street car conductor's wife you would call her Carrie. A brewery man, he should have a wife with a cork leg ; then he would get his hops for nothing. When I marry I am going to call my wife muskmellon, then she cantaloupe. I had an old friend living in Little Rock by the name of Work. I started out to find him. I was standing on the street corner. A policeman asked me what I was waiting for. I told him I was look- ing for Work. He said, "If you are looking for work go down to the City Hall and you can get a job sweeping the streets if you are out for the dust." I called him a lobster, then he pinched me. I saw some funny things happen while I was in Little Rock. I saw a runaway team come down the street. It ran into a butcher wagon and knocked the liver right out of it. Saw a fellow drive a team over a man. After he got over him he stopped and hollered, "Look out!" The fellow said, "What's the matter? Are you coming back again?" I saw a fellow running down the street. A policeman stop- ped him and asked him if he was training for a race. He said, "No, he was racing for a train." Little Rock is noted for pretty girls. I met one of the first girls of the town. That is, the first as 3