REGULATIONS CONCERNING St-P [IGHT OF f AY FOR CANALS, DlTClES, AND RESERVOIRS, PERMISSION TO USE RIGHT OF WAY FOR TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES, ELECTRICAL PLANTS, CANALS, RESERVOIRS, TRAMROADS, ETC, OVER THE PUBLIC LANDS AND RESERVATIONS. FOR IRRIGATION Under sections 18 to 21, act of March 3, 1891 (2G Stat, line,), the act of February 20. 18!>7 (21) Stat.. r,99), and the act of May 11. 1S9S (:;o Stat.. 404). FOR OIL PIPE LINES Under act of May 21. 1890 (29 Stat. 127). FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF RESERVOIRS ON PUBLIC LANDS FOR WATERING LIVE STOCK Under act of January 13, 1897 (29 Stat. 484). FOR TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES. ELECTRICAL PLANTS. AND FOR CANALS AND RESERVOIRS FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN IRRI- GATION Under act of February 15, 1901 (31 Stat.. 790). FOR TRAMROADS Under act January 21. 1895 (28 Stat, 635), and Section 1 of the act of May 11. 189S (30 Stat.. 404). FOR MUNICIPAL OR MINING PURPOSES Under act of February 1, 1905 (33 Stat, 028). APPROVED SEPTEMBER 2S, 190r,. Amendment of circulars of July 8, 1901, June 20, 1902, and March 1, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. RIGHT OF WAY FOR RAILROADS, CANALS, RESERVOIRS, ETC. F. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., April 25, 1906. AMENDATORY CIRCULAR. In accordance with the agreement made by and between the Depart- ment of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, paragraph 2 of the circular of February 11, 1904 (32 L. D., 481), and paragraphs 3 and 66 of the circular of September 28, 1905 (34 L. D., 212), except the last clause in each relative to construction in advance of approval or specific permission, which will remain as at present, are hereby amended so as to read as follows : Whenever a right of way is located upon a forest or timber-land reserve, the applicant must enter into such stipulation and execute such bond as the Secretary of Agriculture may require for the protection of such reserves. This amendment applies to forest or timber-land reserves only, not to national parks. W. A. RICHARDS, Commissioner, Approved April 25, 1906. E. A. HITCHCOCK, Secretary. 25229b3mlO-06 REGULATIONS CONCERNING RIGHT OF FAY FOR CANALS, DITCHES, AND RESERVOIRS, PERMISSION TO USE RIGHT OF WAY FOR TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES, ELECTRICAL PLANTS, CANALS, RESERVOIRS, TRAMROADS, ETC, OVER THE PUBLIC LANDS AND RESERVATIONS. FOR IRRIGATION Under sections 18 to 21. act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat, 1905), the act of February 26, 1897 (29 Stat., 599), and the act of May 11, 1898 (30 Stat, 404). FOR OIL PIPE LINES Under act of May 21, 1896 (29 Stat, 127). FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF RESERVOIRS 'ON PUBLIC LANDS FOR WATERING LIVE STOCK Under act of January 13, 1897 (29 Stat., 484). FOR TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES, ELECTRICAL PLANTS, AND FOR CANALS AND RESERVOIRS FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN IRRI- V GATION Under act of February 15, 1001 (31 Stat.. 790"). FOR TRAMROADS-^ITder actTTanuary 21, 1895 (28 Stat., 635), and Section 1 of the act of May 11, 1898 (30 Stat, 404). FOR MUNICIPAL OR MINING PURPOSES Under act of February 1, 1905 (33 Stat, 628). APPROVED SEPTEMBER 28. 1905. Amendment of circulars of July 8. 1901, June 26, 1902, and March 1, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. Q r \ .~M RIGHT OF WAY FOR CANALS, DITCHES, AND RESERVOIRS. Sections 18, 19, 20, and 21 of the act of Congress ap- proved March 3, 1891 (26 Stat, 1095), entitled "An act to tions - repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes," grant the right of way through the public lands and reserva- tions of the United States for the use of canals, ditches, reservoirs heretofore or hereafter constructed by corpora- tions, individuals, or associations of individuals upon the filing and approval of the papers and maps therein pro- vided for. When the right of way is upon a reservation not within the jurisdiction of the Interior Department, the application must be filed in accordance with these regulations, and will be submitted to the Department having: jurisdiction. But where the right of way is Military res- , . , . . i ervations. wholly within a military reservation, the application should be filed with the War Department, direct. A map and field notes of the portion within any reserva- tion must be submitted, in addition to the duplicates required herein, except in the case of a forest or timber land reserve. This map and field notes must conform to all the provisions of this circular, and the local officers will forward them to this office. The word adjacent, as used in section 18 of the act, in connection with the right to take material for construe- lands - tioh from the public lands, must be construed according to the conditions of each separate case (28 L. D., 439). The right extends only to construction, and no public timber or material may be taken or used for repair or improvements (14 L. D., 566). These decisions were rendered under the railroad right-of-way act, and are applied to this, as the words are the same in both. The sections above noted read as follows : SEC. 18. That the right of way through the public lands and res- Right of way ervations of the United States is hereby granted to any canal or f a^fo ditch company formed for the purpose of irrigation, and duly tions. organized under the laws of any State or Territory, which shall have filed, or may hereafter file, with the Secretary of the In- terior a copy of its articles of incorporation, and due proofs of its organization under the same, to the extent of the ground occu- (3) pied by the water of the reservoir and of the canal and its lateVals, on^ndj juie'n t ancl flf * y feet on each side of tne mar 8 lnal limits thereof ; also lands. the right to take from the public lands adjacent to the line of the canal or ditch, material, earth, and stone necessary for the con- in reserva- struction of such canal or ditch : Provided, That no such right of way shall be so located as to interfere with the proper occupation by the Government of any such reservation, and all maps of loca- tion shall be subject to the approval of the Department of the Control of Government having jurisdiction of such reservation, and the privilege herein granted shall not be construed to interfere with the control of water for irrigation and other purposes under authority of the respective States or Territories. Right of way SEC. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the u n surveyed benefits of this act shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of this canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands within twelve months after the survey thereof by the United States, file with the register of the land C .' Map, filing office for the district where such laud is located a map of its canal or ditch and reservoir ; and upon the approval thereof by the Secretary of the Interior the same shall be noted upon the plats in said office, and thereafter all such lands over which such rights of way shall pass shall be disposed of subject to such right of Damages for way. Whenever any person or corporation, in the construction of any canal, ditch, or reservoir, injures or damages the posses- sion of any settler on the public domain, the party committing such injury or damage shall be liable to the party injured for such injury or damage. Right of way SEC. 20. That the provisions of this act shall apply to all canals, for Individuals. ,., . ditches, or reservoirs heretofore or hereafter constructed, whether constructed by corporations, individuals, or association of individ- uals, on the filing of the certificates and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir has been or shall be con- structed by an individual or association of individuals, it shall be sufficient for such individual or association of individuals to file with the Secretary of the Interior and with the register of the land office where said land is located a map of the line of such / canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in a case of a corporation, with > ^~ the name of the individual owner or owners thereof, together with the articles of association, if any there be. Plats heretofore filed shall have the benefits of this act from the date of their Forfeiture, filing, as though filed under it: Prorhlcd, That if any section of said canal, or ditch shall not be completed within five years after the location of said section, the rights herein granted shall be forfeited as to any uncompleted section of said canal, ditch, or reservoir, to the extent that the same is not completed at the date of the forfeiture. Extent of SEC. 21. That nothing in this act shall authorize such canal or right of way. ditch company to occupy such right of way except for the pur- pose of said canal or ditch, and then only so far as may be nec- essary for the construction, maintenance, and care of said canal or ditch. The act approved May 11, 1898 (30 Stat, 404), entitled "An act to amend an act to permit the use of the right of way through public lands for tramroads, canals, and reservoirs, and for other purposes," makes an important declaration in section 2 as to the purposes for which the rights of way under the act of 1891 may be used, but does not authorize the approval of any application for right of way for purposes other than irrigation. (28 L. D., 474; 32 L. D., 452 and 461.) The language of the act of 1898 is as follows : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled "An act to permit the use of the right of way through the public lands for tramroads, canals, and reservoirs, and for other purposes," approved January twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following : " That the Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized Amending , act of January and empowered, under general regulations to be fixed by him, to 21, 1895. permit the use of right of way upon the public lands of the United States, not within limits of any park, forest, military, or Indian reservations, for tramways, canals, or reservoirs, to the extent of the ground occupied by the water of the canals and reservoirs, and fifty feet on each side of the marginal limits thereof, or fifty feet on each side of the center line of the tramroad, by any citizen or association of citizens of the United States, for the purposes of furnishing water for domestic, public, and other beneficial uses. " SEC. 2. That rights of way for ditches, canals, or reservoirs c ^ m f e ^^f heretofore or hereafter approved under the provisions of sections 3, 1891. eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one of the act entitled 'An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes,' ap- proved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, may be used fqr purposes of a public nature ; and said rights of way may be used for purposes of water transportation, for domestic purposes or., for the development of power, as subsidiary to the main pur- pose of irrigation." 1. These acts are evidently designed to encourage the much-needed work of constructing ditches, canals, and reservoirs in the arid portion of the country by granting right of way over the public lands necessary to the main- tenance and use of the same. The eighteenth section of the act of 1891 provides that The privilege herein granted shall not be construed to interfere with the control of water for irrigation and other purposes under authority of the respective States or Territories. The control of the flow and use of the water is there- wa^ei"* fore, so far as this act is concerned, a matter exclusivelv / under State or Territorial control, the matter of adminis- tration within the jurisdiction of this Department being limited to the approval of maps carrying the right of way gr?nt ture on"fakes f ^nd over ^ e P u blic lands. In submitting maps for approval streams. under this act, however, which in any wise appropriate natural sources of water supply, such as the damming of rivers or the appropriation of lakes, such maps should be accompanied by proof that the plans and purposes of the projectors have been regularly submitted and approved in accordance with the local laws or customs governing the use of water in the State or Territory in which the same is located. No general rule can be adopted in re- gard to this matter. Each case must rest upon the show- ing filed in support thereof. f 2 - The act is not in the nature of a grant of lands; but it is a base or qualified fee, giving the possession and right of use of the land for the purposes contemplated by the law, a reversionary interest remaining in the United States, to be conveyed by it to the person to whom the land may be patented, whose rights will be subject to those of thG grantee of the right of way. All persons settling on a tract of public land, to part of which right of way has attached for a canal, ditch, or reservoir, take the same subject to such right of way, and at the full area of the subdivision entered, there being no authority to tor rteht cti of ma ^e deduction in such cases. If a settler has a valid ubse 0n uenti d G ^ m ^ land existing at the date of the filing of the map entered. o f definite location, his right is superior, and he is en- titled to such reasonable measure of damages for right of way as may be determined upon by agreement or in the courts, the question being one that does not fall within ri^hto/wa f ^ e j ui> i s diction of this Department. By section 21 of the act above quoted it will be seen that the approval of ,-- a map of a canal, ditch, or reservoir does not necessarily V J"^ carry with it a right to the use of land 50 feet on each side, the approval of the Department granting only such right of way as the law provides. The width necessary for construction, maintenance, and care of a canal, ditch, or reservoir is not determined. 3. Whenever a right of way is located upon a forest or timber-land reserve, the applicant must file a stipulation under seal, incorporating the following: stipulations (1) That the proposed right of wav is not so located as as to right of : ' l L ' way on forest to interfere with the proper occupation of the reservation reserves. by the Government. (2) That the applicant will cut no timber from the reserve outside the right of way. (3) That the applicant will remove no timber within the right of way except only such as is rendered necessary by the proper use and enjoyment of the privilege for which application is made, and that he will also remove from the reservation, or destroy, under proper safeguards as deter- mined by this Office, all standing, fallen, and dead timber, as well as all tops, lops, brush, and refuse cuttings on the right of way, for such distance on each side of the central line as may be determined by the General Land Office to be essential to protect the forest from fire to the fullest extent possible. (4) That the applicant will furnish free of charge such assistance in men and material for fighting fires as may be spared without serious injury to the applicant's busi- ness. The applicant will also be required to give bond to Bond, the Government of the United States, to be approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, such bond stipulating that the makers thereof will pay to the United States " for any and all damage to the public lands, tim- ber, natural curiosities, or other public property on such reservation, or upon the lands of the United States, by reason of such use and occupation of the reserve, regard- less of the cause or circumstances under which such dam- age may occur." A bond furnished by any surety com- pany that has complied with the provisions of the act of August 13, 1894 (28 Stat, 279), will be accepted, and must run in the terms of the stipulation above quoted. The amount of the bond can not be fixed until the appli- cation has been submitted to the General Land Office, when a form of bond will be furnished and the amount thereof fixed. No construction can be allowed on a reservation until NO construc- tion on reserve an application for right or way has been regularly filed in advance of accordance with the laws of the United States and has special permis- been approved by the Department, or has been considered by this Office or the Department, and permission for such construction has been specifically given. 4. Canals, ditches, or reservoirs lying partly upon im- Right of way surveyed land can be approved if the application andand uru accompanying maps and papers conform to these regula- tions, but the approval will only relate to that portion traversing the surveyed lands. ( For right of way wholly on unsurveyed land, see paragraphs 16 and 17.) 8 5.~Any incorporated company desiring to obtain the benefits of the law is required to file the following papers and maps with the register of the land district in which the canal, ditch, or reservoir is to be located, who will for- ward them to the General Land Office, where, after exam- ination, they will be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior with recommendation as to their approval : incorporation * First. A copy of its articles of incorporation, duly cer- tified to by the proper officers of the company under its corporate seal, or by the secretary of the State or Terri- tory where organized. state laws. Second. A copy of the State or Territorial law under which the company was organized (when organized under State or Territorial law), with certificate of the governor ( or secretary of the State or Territory, under seal, that the same is the existing law. (See eleventh subdivision of this paragraph.) Filing wfth Third. When said law directs that the articles of asso- State officer. ciation or other papers connected with the organization be filed with any State or Territorial officer, the certificate of such officer that the same have been filed according to law, w r ith the date of the filing thereof. state el differen Fourth. When a company is operating in a State or organization f Territory other than that in which it is incorporated, the certificate of the proper officer of the State or Territory is required that it has complied with the laws of that State or Territory governing foreign corporations to the extent required to entitle the company to operate in such State or Territory. No forms are prescribed for the above portion of the /" " due proofs v required, as each case must be governed to *" some extent by the laws of the State or Territory. Form i. Fifth. The official statement, under the seal of the com- pany, of the proper officer that the organization has been completed, that the company is fully authorized to pro- ceed with construction according to the existing law of the State or Territory, and that the copy of the articles filed is true and correct. (See Form 1, p. 32.) Form 2. Sixth. A true list, signed by the president, under the seal of the company, showing the names and designations of its officers at the date of the filing of the proofs. (See Form 2, p. 32.) Evidence of Seventh. A copy of the company's title or right to risht to appro- * - J priate water, appropriate the water needed for its canals, ditches, and reservoirs, certified as required by the State or Territorial 9 laws. If the miner's inch is the unit used in such title, its equivalent in cubic feet per second must be stated. In cases where the right to appropriate the water has not been adjudicated under the local laws, a certified copy of the notice of appropriation will be sufficient. In cases where the notice of appropriation is accompanied by a map of the canal or reservoir it will not be necessary to furnish a copy of it if the notice describes the location sufficiently 'to identify it with the canal or reservoir for which the right-of-way application is made. In cases where the water-right claim has been transferred a num- ber of times it is not necessary to furnish a copy of each instrument of transfer; an abstract of title will be ac- cepted. Eighth. A copy of the State or Territorial laws govern- water-right ing water rights and irrigation, with the certificate of the governor or secretary of the State or Territory that the same is the existing law. (See eleventh subdivision of this paragraph.) Ninth. A statement of the amount of water flowing in Flow of Wilt 61*. the stream supplying the canal, ditch, or reservoir, at the point of diversion or damming, during the preceding year or years. For this purpose it will be necessary to give the ma-ximum, minimum, and average monthly flow in cubic feet per second, and the average annual flow. All available data as to the flow is required. The method of measurement or estimate by which these results have been obtained must be fully stated. In case there is no well- defined flow which can be measured, the area of the water- shed, average annual rainfall, and estimated rim-off at the point of diversion or damming should be given. Tenth. Maps, field notes, and other papers, as herein- Maps, etc. after required. Eleventh. If certified copies of the existing 1 laws re-, certificate as . . . to State laws. gardmg corporations and irrigation, and of new laws as passed from time to time, be forwarded to this office by the governor or secretary of the State or Territory, the applicant may file, in lieu of the requirements of the second and eighth subdivisions of this paragraph, a cer- tificate of the governor or secretary of state, under seal, that no change has been made since a given date, not later than that of the laws last forwarded. 6. Individuals or associations of individuals making , Applications & l>y individuals. applications for right of way are required to file the 859005 si 2 . 10 information called for in the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth subdivisions of the previous paragraph. Associa- tions of individuals must, in addition, file their articles of association; if there be none, the fact must be stated over the signature of each member of the association. Maps on 7. The maps filed must be drawn on tracing linen in duplicate, and must be strictly conformable to the field ruing in notes of the survey thereof. They must be filed in the nee. land office for the district in which the right of way is located; but if located in more than one district, dupli- cate maps and field notes need be filed in but one district, other canals, and single sets in the others. The maps should show other canals, ditches, laterals, or reservoirs with which connections are made, but they must be distinguished from those for which right of way is desired by ink of a different color. Field rotes. 8. Field notes of the surveys must be filed in duplicate, separate from the map, and in such form that they may Not on map. be folded for filing. Complete field notes should not be placed on the map, but only the station numbers where deflections or changes of numbering occur, station num- bers with distances to corners where the lines of the pub- lic surveys are crossed, and the lines of reference of initial and terminal points, with their courses and distances. Typewritten field notes with clear carbon copies are pre- ferred, as they expedite the examination of applications. The field notes should contain, in addition to the ordinary FUJI data, records of surveys, the data called for in this and in the following paragraphs. They should state which line of the canal was run whether middle or a specified side line. The stations or courses should be numbered in the field notes and on the map. The record should be so complete that from it the surveys could be accurately retraced by a competent surveyor with proper instru- Deciination. mcnts. The field notes should show whether the lines were run on the true or the magnetic bearings, and in the latter case the declination of the needle and date of deter- mination must be stated. The kind and size of the instru- ment used in running the lines and its minimum reading Methods of on the horizontal circle should be noted. The line of survey should be that of the actual location of the pro- posed ditch and, as exactly as possible, the water line of the proposed reservoir. The method of running the grade lines of canals and the water lines of reservoirs must be described. 11 9. The scale of the map should be 2,000 feet to an inch Scale - in the case of canals or ditches and 1,000 feet to an inch in the case of reservoirs. The maps may, however, be drawn to a larger scale of 1,000 feet to an inch in the case of canals or ditches and 500 feet to an inch in the case of reservoirs when absolutely necessary to properly show the proposed works. 10. All subdivisions of the public surveys represented on the map should have their entire boundaries drawn, and on all lands affected by the right of way the smallest legal subdivisions (40-acre tracts and lots) must be shown, and the section,- township, and range must be clearly marked on the map. 11. The termini of a canal, ditch, or lateral should be t fixed by reference of course and distance to the nearest P ints - existing corner of the public survey. The initial point of the survey of a reservoir should be fixed by reference of course and distance to the nearest existing corner outside the reservoir by a line which does not cross an area that will be covered with w r ater when the reservoir is in use. The map, field notes, engineer's affidavit, and applicant's certificate (Forms 3 and 4) should each show these con- nections. 12. When either terminal of a canal, ditch, or lateral is connections on unsurveyed upon unsurveyed land, it must be connected by traverse land - with an established corner of the public survey, if not more than six miles distant from it, and the single bearing and distance from the terminal point to the corner com- puted and noted on the map, in the engineer's affidavit, and in the applicant's certificate (Forms 3 and 4). The notes and all data for the computation of the traverse must be given in the field notes. 13. When the distance to an established corner of the w /^f"^^^ public survey is more than 6 miles, this connection will surveyed n iand be made with a natural object or a permanent monument which can be readily found and recognized and which will fix and perpetuate the position of the terminal point. The map must show the position of such mark and course and distance to the terminus. The field notes must give an accurate description of the mark and full data of the traverse as required above. The engineer's affidavit and applicant's certificate (Forms 3 and 4) must state the con- nections. These monuments are of great importance. 14. When a canal, ditch, or lateral lies partly on unsur- veyed land, each portion lying within surveyed and 12 unsurveyed land will be separately stated in the field notes and in Forms 3 and 4 by connections of termini, length, and width, as though each portion were independent. (See paragraphs 11, 12, and 13.) reservoir on un r 15. When a reservoir lies partly on unsurveyed land its ' initial point must be noted, as required for the termini of ditches in paragraph 11, and so that the reference line will not cross an area that will be covered with water when the reservoir is in use. The areas of the several parts lying on surveyed and unsurveyed land must be separately noted on the map, in the field notes, and in Forms 3 and 4. whoify t on ^tnf- 16. Maps showing canals, ditches, or reservoirs wholly surveyed land. U p On unsurveyed lands may be received and placed on file in the General Land Office and the local land office of the district in which the same is located, for general informa- tion, and the date of filing will be noted thereon ; but the same will not be submitted to nor approved by the Secre- tary of the Interior, as the act makes no provision for the approval of any but maps showing the location in connec- tion with the public surveys. The filing of such maps will not dispense with the filing of maps after the survey of the lands and within the time limited in the act grant- ing the right of way, -which map, if in all respects regular when filed, will receive the Secretary's approval- 17. In filing such maps the initial and terminal points will be fixed as indicated in paragraphs 12 and 13. with'puwk-'sur^ 1^- Whenever the line of survey crosses a township or vey corners, section line of the public survey, the distance to the near- est existing corner should be ascertained and noted. In the case of a reservoir the distance must not be measured across an area which will be covered with water when the reservoir is in use. The map of the canal, ditch, or res- ervoir must show these distances, and the field notes must give the points of intersection and the distances. When corners are destroyed by the canal or reservoir, proceed as directed in paragraphs 21 and 22. naiTS? f Ca ~ 1{) - The ma P must bear a statement of the width of each canal, ditch, or lateral at high-water line. If not of uni- form width, the limits of the deviations from it must be clearly defined on the ma]). The field notes should record the changes in such a manner as to admit of exact location on the ground. In the case of a pipe line, the , diameter of the pipe should be stated. The map must Source of supply. show the source of water supply. 13 20. In applications for right of way for a reservoir, the res ^Poj c r lty of capacity of the reservoir must be stated on the map in acre- feet (i. e., the number of acres that will be covered 1 foot in depth by the water it- will hold ; 1 acre-foot is 43,560 cubic feet). The map must show the source of ^^^ of water supply for the reservoir and the location and height da m. eigbt of of the dam. 21. Whenever a corner of the public survey will be covered by earth or water, or otherwise rendered useless, marked monuments (one on each side of destroyed corner) must be set on each township or section line pass- ing through, or one on each line terminating at, said corner. These monuments must comply with the require- ments for witness corners of the Manual of Surveying Instructions issued by this office, and must be at such distance from the works as to be safe from interference during the construction and operation of the same. In case two or more consecutive corners on the same line are destroyed, the monument shall be set as required in the Manual for the nearest corner on that line to be covered. 22. The line on which such monument is set will be determined by running a random line from the corner to ments. D be destroyed to the first existing corner on the line to be marked by the monument, setting on the random line a temporary mark at the distance of the proposed monu- ment. If the random line strikes the corner run to, the monument will be established at the place marked ; if the random line passes to one side of the corner, the north and south or east and west distance to it will be measured and the true course calculated. The proper correction of the temporary mark will then be computed and a permanent monument set in the proper place. The field notes for the SW o).n ld to notes surveys establishing the monuments must be in duplicate and separate from those of the canal or reservoir, being certified by the surveyor under oath. They must comply with the form of field notes prescribed in the Manual of Surveying Instructions issued by this office. When appli- cation is made for a canal or reservoir which is con- structed and in operation, the method to be adopted in setting the monuments, being governed by the special features of each case, must be left to the judgment of the surveyor. No field notes will be accepted unless the lines Field notes on which the monuments are set conform to the lines to public sur- shown by the field notes of the survey as made originally under the direction of this office, and unless the notes are 14 in such form that the computation can be verified and the lines retraced on the ground. Forms 3 and 23. The engineer's affidavit and applicant's certificate must both designate by termini (as in paragraphs 11 to 17, inclusive) and length each canal, ditch, or lateral, and by initial point and area each reservoir shown on a map, for which right of way is asked. This affidavit and this certificate (changed where necessary when an appli- cation is made by an individual or association of individ- uals) must be written on the map in duplicate. Appli- cants under the act of March 3, 1891, must include in the Purposes, certificate (Form 4) the statement: "And I further cer- tify that the right of way herein described is desired for the main purpose of irrigation." (See Forms 3 and 4. f~ NO changes pages 32 and 33.) No changes or additions are allowable * In forms. in the substance of these forms, except when the facts differ from those assumed therein. 24. When maps are filed, the register will note on each the name of the land office and the date of filing, over Notations by his written signature. Notations will also be made on flee. the records of the local land office, as to each unpatented tract affected, that application for right of way for a canal (or reservoir) is pending, giving date of filing and name of applicant. The register will certify on each map, over his written signature, that unpatented land is Affected by the proposed right of way. The maps and field notes in duplicate, and any other papers filed in con- nection with the application, will then be promptly trans- mitted to the General Land Office with report that the required notations have been made on the records of the r~ local land office. Any valid right existing at the date ^-^ of the filing of the right of way application will not be affected by the filing or approval thereof. (See para- graph 2.) If no unpatented land is involved in the application, the local officers will reject it, allowing the usual right of appeal. approval? 118 f - ; " ) - l T P on the approval of a map of location by the Sec- retary of the Interior, the duplicate copy will be sent to the local officers, who will mark upon the township plats the lines of the canals, ditches, or reservoirs, as laid down on the ma]). They will also note the approval in ink, on the tract books, opposite each tract marked as required by paragraph 24. 26. When the canal, ditch, or reservoir is constructed, 15 an affidavit of the engineer and certificate of the appli- cant (Forms 5 and 6) must be filed in the local office, in duplicate, for transmission to this office. No new map construction. will be required, except in case of deviations from the right of way previously approved, whether before or after construction, when there must be filed new maps and field notes in full, as herein provided, bearing proper forms, changed to agree with the facts in the case. The ca ^ ende<1 Io ~ map must show clearly the portions amended or bear a statement describing them, and the location must be de- scribed in the forms as the amended survey and the amended definite location. In such cases the applicant m ent! inqul must file a relinquishment, under seal, of all rights under the former approval as to the portions amended, said relinquishment to take effect when the map of amended definite location is approved by the honorable Secretary. If the canal or reservoir has been constructed on the loca- tion originally approved, and is to be used until the canal or reservoir on the amended location is ready for use, the relinquishment may be made to take effect upon the completion of the canal or reservoir on the amended location. 27. The act approved February 26, 1897 (29 Stat., 599), entitled "An act to provide for the use and occupation of reservoir sites reserved," permits the approval of appli- cations under the above act of 1891 for right of way upon reservoir sites reserved under authority of the acts of October 2, 1888 (25 Stat,, 505, 526), and August 30, 1890 (26 Stat., 371, 391) . The text of the act is as follows : Be it enacted &y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all reservoir Right of way on segregated sites reserved or to be reserved shall be open to use and occupation reservoir sites. under the right-of-way act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety -one. And any State is hereby authorized to improve and occupy such reservoir sites to the same extent as an individual or private corporation, under such rules and regulations as the Secre- tary of the Interior may prescribe: Provided, That the charges for water coming in whole or part from reservoir sites used or occu- pied under the provisions of this act shall always be subject to the control and regulation of the respective States and Territories in which such reservoirs are in whole or part situate. When an application is made under this act a reference to it should be added to Forms 4 and 6. In other respects the application should be prepared according to the pre- ceding regulations. 16 Right of way for oil pipe lines. OIL PIPE LINES. 28. The act approved May 21, 1896 (29 Stat, 127), entitled "An act to grant right of way over the public domain for pipe lines in the States of Colorado and Wyo- ming," is similar in its requirements to the right-of-way act of March 3, 1891, and the preceding regulations fur- nish full information as to the preparation of the maps and papers. Applicants will be governed thereby so far as they are applicable. 29. The text of the act is as follows : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the right of way through the public lands of the United States situate in the State of Colorado and in the State of Wyoming outside of the boundary lines of the Yellowstone National Park is hereby granted to any pipe-line company or corporation formed for the purpose of transporting oils, crude or refined, which shall have filed or may hereafter file with the Secretary of the Interior a copy of its arti- cles of incorporation, and due proofs of its organization under the same, to the extent of the ground occupied by said pipe line and twenty-five feet on each side of the center line of the same ; also the right to take from the public lands adjacent to the line of said pipe line material, earth, and stone necessary for the construction of said pipe line. of SEC. 2. That any company or corporation desiring to secure the benefits of this act shall within twelve months after the location of ten miles of the pipe line if the same be upon surveyed lands; and if the same be upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve months after the survey thereof by the United States, file with the register of the land office for the district where such land is located u map of its line, and upon the approval thereof by the Secretary of the Interior the same shall be noted upon the plats in said office, and thereafter all such lands over which such right of way shall pass shall be disposed of subject to such right of way. SEC. 3. That if any section of said pipe line shall not be com- pleted within five years after the location of said section the right herein granted shall be forfeited, as to any incomplete sec- tion of said pipe line, to the extent that the same is not completed at the date of the forfeiture. SKC. 4. That nothing in this act shall authorize the use of such right of way except for the pipe line, and then only so far as may be necessary for its construction, maintenance, and care. RESERVOIRS FOR WATERING STOCK. 30. The act approved January 13, 1897 (29 Stat., 484), entitled "An act providing for the location and purchase of public lands for reservoir sites.'' is as follows: Reservoirs Be H exacted b)i the Rotate and House of Representatives of the water for live T itcd States of America in Conyrcxx assembled. That any person, stock - live-stock company, or transportation corporation engaged in Extent. Piling map. Forfeiture. Use and ex- tent. 17 breeding, grazing, driving, or transporting live stock may construct reservoirs upon unoccupied public lands of the United States, not mineral or otherwise reserved, for the purpose of furnishing water to such live stock, and shall have control of such reservoir, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and the lands upon which the same is constructed, not exceeding one nun- dred and sixty acres, so long as such reservoir is maintained and water kept therein for such purposes: Provided, That such reser- voir shall not be fenced and shall be open to the free use of any person desiring to water animals of any kind. SEC. 2. That any person, live-stock company, or corporation de- File declara- , , ^-, tory statement, siring to avail themselves of the provisions of this act shall file a declaratory statement in the United States land office in the dis- trict where the land is situated, which statement shall describe the land where such reservoir is to be or has been constructed ; shall state what business such corporation is engaged in ; specify the capacity of the reservoir in gallons, and whether such company, person, or corporation has filed upon other reservoir sites within the same county ; and if so, how many. SEC. 3. That at any time after the completion of such reservoir Construction of reservoir, or reservoirs which, if not completed at the date of the passage of this act, shall be constructed and completed within two years * after filing such declaratory statement, such person, company, or corporation shall have the same accurately surveyed, as herein- after provided, and shall file in the United States land office in the district in which such reservoir is located a map or plat showing the location of such reservoir, which map or plat shall be trans- mitted by the register and receiver of said United States land office to the Secretary of the Interior and approved by him, and thereafter such land shall be reserved from sale by the Secretary of the Interior so long as such reservoir is kept in repair and of ^esrvoir n e water kept therein. SEC. 4. That Congress may at any time amend, alter, or repeal this act. 31. Although the title indicates that lands are to be so] ^ lands sold for reservoir sites, the act does not provide for the sale of any lands, and therefore no lands can be sold under its provisions. The act, however, directs the Sec-' retary of the Interior to reserve the lands from sale after the approval of the map showing the location of the reservoir. 32. Any person, live-stock company, or transportation Declaratory .' i i T . . . statement filed. corporation engaged in breeding, grazing, driving, or transporting live stock, in order to obtain the benefits of the act must file a declaratory statement in the United States land office in the district where the land is located. 33. When the applicant is a corporation it should file Articles of in- 1 . corporation, also a copy or its articles of incorporation and proofs of its organization, as recaiired in paragraph 5, subdivisions 8590 05 ii 3 18 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11. If these papers are filed with its first declaratory statement, a reference thereto by its num- ber will be sufficient in any subsequent application by the company. 34. The declaratory statement must be made under oath and should be drawn in accordance with Form 9 (page 35), and must contain the following statements: claratorystate- First. The post-office address of the applicant ; the county in which the reservoir is to be or has been con- structed; the description by the smallest legal subdivi- sions (40-acre tracts or lots) of the land sought to be re- served, under no circumstances exceeding 1(50 acres; that the land is not occupied or otherwise claimed; that to the best of the applicant's knowledge and belief the land is not mineral or otherwise reserved; the business of the applicant, including a full and minute statement of the extent to which he is engaged in breeding, grazing, driv- ing, or transporting live stock, giving the number and kinds of such stock, the place where they are being bred or grazed, and whether within an enclosure or upon unen- closed lands, and also from where and to where they are being driven or transported ; the amount and description of the land owned or claimed by the applicant in the vi- cinity of the proposed reservoir ; that no part of the land sought to be reserved is or will be fenced, but the same will be kept open to the free use of any person desiring to water animals of any kind; and that the lands so sought to be reserved are not, by reason of their proximity to other lands reserved for reservoirs, excluded from reserva- tion by the regulations and rulings of the Land Depart- ment. etc L of a riser' . Second. The location of the reservoir described by the voir - smallest legal subdivisions (40-acre tracts or lots), its nrea in acres, its capacity in gallons, the source from which water is to be obtained for such reservoir, whether there are any streams or springs within 2 miles of the land sought to be reserved; and if so, where. .I ! o h ry d 8titc- Third. The number, location, and area 'of all other res- ervoir sites filed upon \iy the applicant, especially desig- nating those located in the same county. :>.">. Upon the filing of such declaratory statements there will be noted thereon the date of filing over the signature of the oflirer receiving it, and they will be numbered in regular order, beginning with No. 1. The register will make the usual notations on the records, in pencil, under 19 the designation of " Reservoir declaratory statement, No. ," adding the date of the act. For the filing of such reservoir declaratory statement the local officers will be authorized to charge the usual fees. (Sec. 2238, U. S. Fees> Rev. Stat.) The declaratory statement will be forwarded with the regular monthly returns, with abstracts, in the usual manner. In acting upon these statements the fol- lowing general rules will be applied : First. No reservation will be made for a reservoir con- res er?oir ity and taining less than 250,000 gallons, and for a reservoir of. nrea reserved - less than 500,000 gallons capacity not more than 40 acres can be reserved. For a reservoir of 500,000 gallons and less than 1,000,000 gallons capacity not more than 80 acres can be reserved. For a reservoir of 1,000,000 gallons and less than 1,500,000 gallons capacity not more than 120 acres can be reserved. For a reservoir of 1,500,000 gal- lons capacity or more 160 acres may be reserved. Second. Not more than 160 acres shall be reserved for ^"attStt! this purpose in any section. reservoirs. Third. Not more than 160 acres shall be reserved for this purpose in one group of tracts adjoining or corner- ing upon each other. Fourth. A distance of one-half mile must be left be- tween any two groups of tracts which aggregate more than 160 acres. Fifth. The local officers will reject any reservoir de- claratory statement not in conformity with these rules. Sixth. Lands so reserved shall not be fenced, but shall Lands not to . . be fenced or be kept open to the free use of anv person desiring to used for other 'if i j T-P i i j 4. purposes- water animals or any kind. It lands so reserved are at any time fenced or otherwise inclosed, or if they are not kept open to the free use of any person as aforesaid desir- ing to water animals of any kind, or if the reservoir applicant attempts to use them for any other purpose, or if the reservation is not obtained for the bona fide and ex- clusive purpose of constructing and maintaining a reser- voir thereon according to law, the declaratory statement, upon any such matter being made to duly appear, will be canceled and all rights thereunder be declared at an end. Seventh. Notwithstanding the action of the local offi- ^^ai. faith cers in accepting any such declaratory statement, the Commissioner of the General Land Office will reject the same if upon considering the matters set forth therein it does not appear that the declaratory statement is filed 20 Construction. Map and field notes of con- structed reser- voir. Notations by local land of- fice. Approval. Reservation. Annual proof of m a 1 n t e - nance. in good faith for the sole purpose of accomplishing what the law authorizes to be done. 36. The reservoir, if not completed at the date of the act, shall be completed and constructed within two years after the filing of the declaratory statement; otherwise the declaratory statement will be subject to cancellation. 37. After the copstruction and completion of the reser- voir the applicant shall have the same accurately surveyed and mapped, in accordance with the instructions of para- graphs 7 to 24, inclusive, so far as they are applicable. The map and field notes, which are not to be prepared in duplicate, must be filed in the proper local office. The map must bear Forms 10 and 11 (page 37), and the field notes must be sworn to by the surveyor. 38. When the map, field notes, and other papers have been filed in the local office, the date of filing will be noted thereon and the proper notations will be made on the local office records, as in the case of the declaratory statement. The maps and papers will then be promptly forwarded to this Office. 39. The map and papers will be examined by this Office as to their compliance with the law and the regulations, and to determine whether the amount of land desired is warranted by the showing made in the application. If found satisfactory they will be submitted to the honorable Secretary, and upon approval the lands shown to be nec- essary for the proper use and enjoyment of the reservoir will be reserved from other disposition so long as the reservoir is maintained and water kept therein for the purposes named in the act. 40. Upon the receipt of notice of such reservation from this Office the local officers will make the proper notations on their records and report the making thereof promptly to this Office. 41. In order that this reservation shall be continued it is necessary that the reservoir " shall be kept in repair and water kept therein." For this reason the owner of the reservoir will be required during the month of Jan- uary of each year to file in the local office an affidavit to the effect that the reservoir has been kept in repair and water kept therein during the preceding year, and that all the provisions of the act have been complied with. Form 1'2 (page 3fi) will be used for this affidavit. Upon failure* to'file such affidavit steps will be taken looking to the revocation of the reservation of the lands. 21 42. If the reservoir is located on unsurveyed land, the u declaratory statement may be filed, the lands being de- land - scribed as closely as practicable. 43. The duty of this Office in examining the maps and th ^e rpo r s e e g uia f papers of all these applications is to ascertain whether the tlons - provisions of the acts of Congress are properly complied with; whether the proposed works are described in such a manner that the benefits to be granted under the various acts are defined so as to avoid future uncertainty; and whether the rights of other grantees ?f the Government are properly protected from interference. The above regulations are made for these purposes. 44. The widely different conditions to be considered in the operations proposed by the applicants make k impos- sible to formulate regulations that will furnish this Office with the data necessarv in all cases. This Office will . A dditionai data called for therefore call for additional information whenever neces- if needed, sary for the proper consideration of any particular case. PERMISSION TO USE RIGHT OF WAY FOR TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES, ELECTRICAL PLANTS, CANALS, AND RESERVOIRS. 45. The act of February 15, 1901 (31 Stat., 790), en- titled ''An act relating to rights of way through certain parks, reservations, and other public lands," is as fol- lows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Permit for tlie United States of America in Congress assembled. That the "v'eV f public Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized and em- i< inds > 1 ' esei ',^ a ~ powered, under general regulations to be fixed by him, to permit the use of rights of way through the public lands, forest and other reservations of the United States, and the Yosemite, Sequoia 1 , and General Grant national parks. California, for electrical plants, poles, and lines for the generation and distribution of electrical power, and for telephone and telegraph purposes, and for 'canals, ditches, pipes and pipe lines, flumes, , tunnels, or other water con- duits, and for water plants, dams, and reservoirs used to promote irrigation or mining or quarrying, or the manufacturing or cutting of timber or lumber, or the supplying of water for domestic. Extent of public, or any other beneficial uses to the extent of the ground occupied by such canals, ditches, flumes, tunnels, reservoirs, or other water conduits or water plants, or electrical or other works permitted hereunder, and not to exceed fifty feet on each side of the marginal limits thereof, or not to exceed fifty feet on each side of the center line of such pipes and pipe lines, electrical, telegraph, and telephone lines and poles, by any citizen, associa- tion, or corporation of the United States, where it is intended 22 Pnrks and by such to exercise the use permitted hereunder or any one or more of the purposes herein named : Provided, That such permits shall he allowed within or through any of said parks or any forest, military, Indian, or other reservation only upon the approval of the chief officer of the Department under whose supervision such Telegraph park or reservation falls and upon a finding by him that the "ines. same is not incompatible with the public interest : Provided fur- ther. That all permits given hereunder for telegraph and tele- phone puri>oses shall be subject to the provision of title sixty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and amendments rei-mif re- thereto, regulating rights of way for telegraph companies over vocable. the public domain: And provided fiirllicr. That any permission given by the Secretary of the Interior under the provisions *of this act may be revoked by him or his successor in his discretion, and shall not be held to confer any right, or easement, or in- terest in. to. or over any public land, reservation, or park. 46. This act, in general terms, authorizes the Secretary of the Interior, under regulations to be fixed by him, to National grant permission to use rights of way through the public lands, forest and other reservations of the United States, .and the Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant national parks in California, for every purpose contemplated by acts of January 21, 1895 (28 Stat., 635), May 14, 1896 (29 Trnmrond8 Stat.. 120), and section 1 of the act of May 11, 1898 (30 not affected. gt a t.. 404), and for other purposes additional thereto, except for tram/roads, the provisions relating to tram- road*, contained in the ami in section 1 of the act of 1898, aforesaid, remaining unmodified and not being in any manner extended. Although this act does not expressly repeal any provi- sion of law relating to the granting of permission to use rights of way, contained in the acts referred to, yet con- sidering the general scope and purpose of the act. and Congress having, with the exception above noted, embod- ied therein the main features of the former acts relative Prior acts to * ne granting of a mere permission or license for such use, it is evident that, for purposes of administration, the later act should control in so far as the same pertains to the granting of permission to use rights of way for pur- poses therein specified. Accordingly all applications for l>crmixx't P 0one lines in. efit ol the Indians interested therein. The provisions of the latter act and the nature and character of the rights authorized to be secured thereunder differ materially from the provisions contained in this act and the rights authorized to be conferred thereunder. Applicants, there- fore, desiring to secure permanent rights of way through Indian reservations or other Indian lands for telegraph 26 and telephone purposes will be required to submit their applications therefor under the act of March 3, 1901, supra, in accordance with the then current regulations issued thereunder. (For existing regulations under said act, see regulations approved March 26, 1901.) 54. All applications for the use of a right of way under 6 ^ this act, through any lands designated therein, for tele- Rev, stat. graph and telephone purposes, must be accompanied by an official statement from the Post-Office Department showing that the applicant has complied with its regu- lations under title sixty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States and amendments thereto. loc^offlce 1 re" ^- Upon the filing of an application under this act, the register will note the same in pencil on the tract books, opposite the tracts traversed, giving date of filing and name of applicant, and also indorse on each map the date of filing over his written signature. If it does not appear affected lands that some portion of the public lands or parks designated in the act would be affected by the approval of such maps, they will be returned to the applicant with notice of that fact. If vacant public land or lands in any park so designated are affected by the proposed right of way, the register will so certify on the map and duplicate over his signature, and will promptly transmit the same to the General Land Office with report that the required nota- tions have been made. Applications. 5(5. Upon receipt of applications for right of way by the General Land Office, the same will be examined and then submitted to the Secretary of the Interior with rec- ommendation as to their approval. Permission to use rights of way through any park designated in the act will chie? P offlcer of oll ty ^ >e granted upon approval of the chief officer of the havPnV^iraper- Department under whose supervision such park falls and or S re8ervation k ll P on a finding by him that the same is not incompatible with the public interest. If the application, and the showing made in support thereof, is satisfactory, the Sec- retary of the Interior will give the required permission in such form as may be deemed proper, according to the fea- tures of each case ; and it is to be expressly understood, in accordance with the final proviso of the act, that any per- voked y or b modi- mission given thereunder may be modified or revoked by time. at !iny the Secretary or his successor, in his discretion, at any time, and shall not be held to confer any right, easement, or interest in, to, or over any public land or park. The 27 final disposal by the United States of any tract traversed pjfj/,"^ , n s d " by the permitted right of way is of itself, without further ^^ per " act on the part of the Department, a revocation of the permission so far as it affects that tract, and any permis- sion granted hereunder is also subject to such further and future regulations as may be adopted by the Department. 57. When permission to use the right of way applied read's! 1011 n for is given by the Secretary of the Interior, a copy of the original map will be sent to the local officers, who will mark upon the township plats the line of the right of way and will note in pencil, opposite each tract of public land affected, that such permission has been given, the date thereof, and a reference to ihe act. TRAMROADS. 58. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to per- tr ^r^g not mit the use of rights of way for tramroads through the ^.y 1 ! r g y public lands of the United States, not within the limits of vution - any park, forest, military, or Indian reservation under the provisions of the act of Congress of January 21, 1895 (28 Stat, G35), as amended by section 1 of the act of May 11, 1898 (30 Stat., 404) . The act of January 21, 1895, supra, entitled "An act to permit the use of the right of way through the public lands for tramroads, canals, and reser- voirs, and for other purposes," is as follows : Be it enacted ~by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Secre- tary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered, under general regulations to be fixed by him, to permit the use of the right of way through the public lands of the United States, not within the limits of any park, forest, military, or Indian res- ervation, for tramroads, canals, or reservoirs to the extent of the Extent o f ground occupied by the water of the canals and reservoirs and rl ht of way. fifty feet on each side of the marginal limits thereof ; or fifty feet on each side of the center line of the tramroad, by any citizen or any association of citizens of the United States engaged in the business of mining or quarrying or of cutting timber and manu- facturing lumber. This act was amended by section 1 of the act of May 11, 1898, xtipm, as follows: Be it cnaclcd !>>/ the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State* of America in Congress assembled. That the act entitled "An act to permit the use of the right of way through the public lands for tramroads, canals, and reservoirs, and for other purposes," approved Jamiary twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following : 28 Amends act "That the Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, author- ni ' ize - ary 1 (33 Stat., 028), 1905, reads as follows: SEC. 4. That rights of way for the construction and mainte- nance of dams, reservoirs, water plants, ditches, flumes, pipes. tunnels, and canals, within and across the forest reserves of the United States, are hereby granted to citizens and corporations of the United States for municipal or mining purposes, and for the purposes of the milling and reduction of ores, during the period of their beneficial use. under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and subject to the laws of the State or Territory in which said reserves are respec- tively situated. 29 61. This act grants rights of way througk forest re- serves to citizens and corporations of the United States for the objects therein specified, during the period of their beneficial use, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and subject to the laws of the State or Territory in which said re- serves are respectively situated. All applications for the right of way for the purposes set forth in said act, must be submitted thereunder in ac- cordance herewith. 62. The right granted is not in the nature of a grant of r ;^t ture of lands, but is a base or qualified fee, giving the possession and right of use of the land for the purposes contem- plated by the act, during the period of the beneficial use. When the use ceases, the right terminates and thereupon proper steps will be taken to revoke the grant. No right, whatever, is given to take from any part of ma ^g rl ai ght to the reservation any material, earth, or stone for construc- tion or other purposes, nor does it give any right to use any land outside of what is actually necessary for the construction and maintenance of the works. 63. Applications for right of way under this act should of be made in the form of a map and field notes, in dupli- cate, and must be filed in the local land office for the district in which the land traversed by the right of way is situate; if in more than one district, duplicate maps and field notes need be filed in only one district and single sets in the others. The maps, field notes, evidence of water rights, etc., and, when the applicant is a corpo- ration, the articles of incorporation and proofs of organi- zation must be prepared and filed in accordance with paragraphs 4 to 23, inclusive, appropriate changes being made in the prescribed forms so as to specify and relate to the act under which the application is made. 64. An affidavit that the applicant is a citizen of the citizenship. United States must accompany the application, and if the applicant is an association of citizens, each must make affidavit of citizenship, and a complete list of the members thereof must be given in an affidavit of one of them. A copy of their articles of association must also Articles of 1 J _ association. be furnished, or if there be none, the fact must be stated over the signature of each member of the association. If the applicant is not a native-born citizen, he must file the usual proof of naturalization. The applicant 30 must set forth in the affidavit the puropses for which the right of way is desired. 8hcwn e on p miip? *>*' When application is made for right of way for water plants, the location and extent of ground proposed to be occupied by buildings, or other structures necessary to be used in connection therewith, must be clearly desig- nated on the map and described in the field notes and forms by reference to course and distance from a corner sepa rate of the public survey. In addition to being shown in drawing. .... connection with the main drawing, the buildings or other structures must be platted on the map in a separate drawing on a scale sufficiently large to show clearly their dimensions and relative positions. When two or more of such structures are to be located near each other, it will be sufficient to give the reference to a corner of the public survey for one of them, provided all others are connected therewith by course and distance shown on the map. and M s e e nsl ns The applicant must also file an affidavit setting forth the dimensions and proposed use of each of the struc- tures and must show definitely that each is necessary to a proper enjoyment of the right of way granted by the act. stipulation. (jo. The applicant must file with each application under this act a stipulation, under seal, incorporating the con- ditions set forth in subdivisions 1, 2, 3, and 4 of para- graph 3. Bond. The Applicant will also be required to give bond to the Government of the United States, to be approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, such bond stipulating that the makers thereof will pay to the United States " for any and all damage to the public lands, timber, natural curiosities, or other public property on sucli reservation, or upon the lands of the United States, by reason of such use and occupation of the re- serve, regardless of the cause or circumstances under which such damage may occur." A bond furnished by any surety company that has complied with the provi- sions of tiie act of August 13. 1894 (28 Stat.. 270), will be accepted, and must run in the terms of the stipulation above quoted. The amount of the bond can not be fixed until the' application has been submitted to the General Land Office, when a form of the bond will be furnished and the amount fixed. 31 No construction can be allowed on the reservation until an application for right of way has been regularly filed in accordance herewith and has been approved by the Department, or has been considered and permission specifically given by the Secretary of the Interior. 67. Upon the filing of an application, under this act, Notation by the register will note the same in pencil on the tract books, opposite the tracts traversed, giving date of filing and name of applicant, and also indorse on each map the name of the land office and the date of the filing over his written signature. If it does not appear that some portion of the public lands in reserve would be affected by the approval of such maps, they will be returned to the applicant with notice of that fact. If unpatented lands are affected by the pro- posed right of way, the register will so certify on the map and duplicate, over his signature, and will promptly transmit the same to the General Land Office, with report that the required notations have been made. 68. Upon the approval of a map of location by the Sec- retary of the Interior, the duplicate copy will be sent to the local officers, who will mark upon the township plats the lines of the right of way as laid down on the map. They will also note the approval in ink on the tract books, opposite each legal subdivision affected, with a reference to the act mentioned on the map. W. A. RICHARDS, Commissioner. Approved: September 28, 1905. THOS. RYAN, Acting Secretary. FORMS FOR "DUE PROOFS" AND VERIFICATION OF MAPS OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR CANALS, DITCHES, AND RESERVOIRS. FOEM 1. I, , secretary (or president) of the Company, do hereby certify that the organization of said company has been completed ; that the company is fully authorized to proceed with construction according to the existing laws of the State (or Territory) of - , and that the copy of the articles of association (or incorporation) of the company filed in the Depart- ment of the Interior is a true and correct copy of the same. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my name and the corporate seal of the company this day of - , in the year 19 . [Seal of company.] , of the Company. I, , do certify that I am the president of the Com- pany, and that the following is a true list of the officers of the said company, with the full name and official designation of each, to wit: (Here insert the full name and official designation of each officer.) In witness whereof I have hereunto set my name and the corporate seal of the company this day of - , in the year 100 . [Seal of company.] , President of the Company. FOBM 3. STATE OF , County of , . , and ending on the - - day of - . IB . "[and that the survey of the said (canal, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) This clause to be omitted in applications for telephone and tejesraph lines. (32) 33 accurately represents (a proper grade line for the flow of water, and accurately, represents a level line, which is the proposed water line of the said reservoir)], and that such survey is accurately represented upon this map and by the ac- companying field notes. "[And 'no lake or lake bed, stream or stream bed, is used for the said (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) except as shown on this map.] Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of - . 19 . [SEAL.] Notary Public. FORM 4. I, , do hereby certify that I am president of the Company ; that - , who subscribed the accompanying affidavit, is the chief engineer of (or was employed to make the survey by) the said com- pany ; that the survey of the said (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs), as accurately represented on this map and by the accompanying field notes, was made under authority of the company ; that the company is duly authorized by its articles of incorporation to construct the said (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) upon the location shown upon this map ; that the said (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs), as represented on this map and by said field notes, was adopted by the company, by resolution of its board of directors, on the day of , 19 , as the definite location of the said (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) described as follows (describe as in Form 3) a [and that no lake or lake bed . stream, or stream bed is used for the said (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) except as shown on this map] ; and that the map has been prepared to be filed for the approval of the Secretary of the Inte- rior, in order that the company may obtain the benefits of' (sections 18 to 21, inclusive, of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1891. entitled "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes," and section 2 of the act approved May 11, 1898) : and I further certify that the right of way herein described is desired for the main purpose of irrigation. Attest : , President of the Company, [Seal of company.] . Secretary. FORM STATE OF , County of - , ss: , being duly sworn, says that he is the chief engineer of (or was employed to construct) the (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) of the Company; that said (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) have been constructed under his supervision, as follows: (Describe as required in para- " This clause to be omitted in applications for telephone and telegraph lines. 6 Here insert the description of the act of Congress under which the application is made when filed under some other act than that of 1891 and 1898. c Or, where filed under other acts than that of 1891 and 1898, state the purposes for which right of way is applied for. 34 graph 23) a total length of constructed (canals, ditches, and laterals) of miles, and a total area of constructed reservoirs of - acres; that construc- tion was commenced on the day of - , 19 , and completed on the day of - , 19 ; that the constructed (canals, ditches, laterals, and reser- voirs), as aforesaid, conform to the map and field notes which received the approval of the Secretary of the Interior on the day of , 19 . Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of - , 19 . [SEAL.1 'Notary J'ultlic. FORM 0. I, , do certify that I am the president of the Company; that the (canals, ditches, laterals, and reservoirs) described as follows ( describe | , as in Form 5) were actually constructed as set forth in the accompanying affi- davit of - , chief engineer (or the person employed by the company in the premises), and on the exact location represented on the map and by the Held notes approved by the Secretary of the Interior, on the day of , 1!) ; and that the company has in all things complied with the requirements of the act of Congress" (March 3, 1891. granting right of way for canals, ditches, and reservoirs through the public lands of the United States). President of the Company. Attest : [Seal of company.] , Secretary. FORM 7. [Under act February 15. 1901.1 STATE OF County of . .ss: , being duly sworn, says he is the chief engineer of (or person employed by) the company, under whose supervision the survey was made of the grounds selected by the company for structures for electrical purposes under the act of Congress approved February in. 1901. said grounds being situated in the quarter of the quarter of section . township . range , - - principal meridian: that the accompanying drawing correctly represents the locations of the said structures; and that in his belief the structures represented are actually and to their entire extent required for the necessary uses contemplated by the said act of February 1.1, 19O1 (.",1 Stat., 790). Chief Enr/inecr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of - , 19 . ISKAL.J . Votary Public. " Here insert the description of the act of Congress under which the application is mack-, when filed under sonic other act than that of 1891. 35 FORM 8. [Under act of February 15, 1901.] I, , do hereby certify that I am the president of the com- pany ; that the survey of the structures represented on the accompanying draw- ing was made under authority and by direction of the company, and under the supervision of - , its chief engineer (or the person employed in the prem-- ises), whose affidavit precedes this certificate ; that the survey as represented on the accompanying drawing actually represents the structures required in the quarter of the quarter of section , of township , of range , - principal meridian, for electrical purposes, under the act of Congress, approved February 15, 1901 ; and that the company, by resolution of its board of directors, passed on the day of - , 19 , directed the proper officers to present the said drawing for the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, in order that the company may obtain the use of the grounds required for said structures, under the provisions of said act approved February 15, 1901 (31 Stat, 790). President of tJie Company. [Seal of the company.] Attest : Secretary. FORM 9. Reservoir declaratory statement. [Under act of Jan. 13, 1897 (29 Stat, 484).] RES. D. S.-> LAND OFFICE AT - , No. . } , , 19. I, - , of - , do hereby certify that I am president of the company, and on behalf of said company, and under its authority, do hereby apply for the reservation of land in County, State of , for the construction and use of a reservoir for furnisiiig water for live stock under the provisions of the act of January 13, 1897 (29 Stat, 484). The location of said reservoir and of the land necessary for its use. is as follows : - - of section in township . of range M., containing acres. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the said laud is not occupied or otherwise claimed, is not mineral or otherwise reserved, and that the said reservoir is to be used in connection with the business of the appli- cant of The land owned or claimed by the applicant within the vicinity of the said reservoir (within three miles) is as follows: - . I further certify that no part of the land to be reserved under this application is or will be fenced ; that the same shall be kept open to the free use of any person desiring to water, animals of any kind ; that the land will not be used for any purpose except the watering of stock and that the land is not, by reason of its proximity to other lands reserved for reservoirs, excluded from reserva- tion by the regulations and rulings of the laud department 36 The water of said reservoir will cover an area of - acres, in of section . in township , of range of said lands; the capacity of the reservoir will be gallons, and the dam will be feet high. The source of the water for said reservoir is and there are no streams or springs within two miles of the land to be reserved except as follows : - . The applicant has filed no other declaratory statements under this act except as follows : No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. No. , land office, area to be reserved acres. Total, acres, of which Nos. are located in said county. And I further certify that it is the boiia fide purpose and intention of this applicant to construct and complete said reservoir and maintain the same in accordance with the provisions of said act of Congress and such regulations as are or may be prescribed thereunder. [Seal of company.] . Attest : STATK OF Count a of -. being duly sworn, deposes and says that the statements herein made are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of - , in the year 19 . L SEAIj. \ , Notary I'ublic. NOTE. When the applicant is a corporation the form should be executed by its presi- dent, Tinder its seal, and attested by its secretary. When the applicant is not a cor- poration or an association of Individuals, strike out the words in italics. LAND OFFICE AT I, - , register of the land office, do hereby certify that the fore- going application is for the reservation of lands subject thereto under the pro- visions of the act of January K'>. IX'.iT: that there is no prior valid adverse right to the same; and that the land is not. by reason of its proximity to other lands reserved for reservoirs, excluded from reservation by the regulations and rulings of the land department. Fees, $ -- paid. , Register. 37 The description of the business of the applicant should include " a full and minute statement of the extent to which he is engaged in breeding, grazing, driving, or transporting live stock, giving the number and kinds of such stock, the place where they are being bred or grazed, and whether within an inclosure or upon uninclosed lands, and also from where and to where they are being driven or transported." Circular June 23, 1899. FOBM 10. STATE OF , County of , ss: , being duly sworn, says that he is the person who was employed to make the survey of a reservoir covering an area of - - acres, the initial point of the survey being - (here describe as required by paragraph 23) ; said reservoir having been constructed upon the quarter of the quarter of section , township , range , - - principal meridian, as pro- posed by reservoir declaratory statement, No. , which was filed in the local land office at - , under the provisions of the act of January 13, 1897 (29 Stat., 484) ; that the said survey was made on the day of , 19 ; that the dam and all necessary works have been constructed in a substantial manner ; that the reservoir has a capacity of - gallons, and at the time of said survey contained gallons of water. Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of - , 19 . [SEAL.] Notary Public. FORM 11. I, , do certify that I am the president of the company which filed (or that I am the person who filed) reservoir declaratory statement, No. , in the local land office at ; that the reservoir proposed has been constructed upon the quarter of the quarter of section , township , range , principal meridian, covering an area of acres, the initial point of the survey being - (describe as in Form 10) ; that the dam and all necessary works have been constructed in a substantial manner in good faith in order that the reservoir may be used and maintained for the pur- poses, and in the manner prescribed by the said act of January 13, 1897 (29 Stat, 484), the provisions of which have been and will be complied with in all respects. [Seal of company.] , President of the Company. Attest : Secretary. FOKM 12. STATE OF , County of , ss: , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the president of the company which filed (or that he is the person who filed) reservoir 38 declaratory statement, No. , in the local land office at ; that the res- ervoir constructed in pursuance thereof, as heretofore certified, has been kept in repair ; that water has been kept therein to the extent of not less than gallons during the entire calendar year of 19 ; that neither the reservoir nor any part of the land reserved for use in connection therewith is or has been fenced during said years, and that the said company has in all things com- plied with the provisions of the act of January 13, 1897 (29 Stat, 484). President of - Company. Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of , 19 . [SEAL.] , Notary Public. o c