BANCROFT LIBRARY •o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF NEVADA Directory of Industries GIVING NAME OF FIRM, LOCATION, NATURE OF BUSINESS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ARRANGED BY INDUSTRIES \J Issued by FRANK W. INGRAM Labor Commissioner CARSON CITY. NEVADA STATE Printing Office Joe Farnsworth. Superintendent 1922 179 * Carson City, Nevada, July 31, 1922. Hon. Emmet D. Boyle, Governor of Nevada. Sir : I herewith transmit the first Industrial Directory of the State of Nevada compiled by the Commissioner of Labor to meet the demand for this information both inside and outside of the State of Nevada. The information has been taken from the biennial survey of employ- ment conditions in the State, conducted in the months of October and November, and this office has excluded any reports showing less than three employees, in order that the pamphlet may better meet require- ments of the inquiries received. In securing the original mailing list from which inquiries were made, tax lists, telephone directories, and city license lists were used, in addition to the cooperation given by county officials who aided in securing the names of employers throughout the State. However, omissions have undoubtedly occurred, and it is expected that such omissions- be reported so that future revisions of this directory may be complete. Very truly yours, ^/Uf^yx>f^Ld,B^^ Labor Commissioner. V^' /> \i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation Nevada Industrial Directory A. FARMING AND STOCK-RAISING Name and Address Business Employes Adams, McGill Co., Inc., Ely Stock-raising 92 Agee, H. A,, Wells Farming 6 Alazzi, E., Yerington Farming 6 Aldaz, J. P., & Co., Reno Stock-raising 4 Allerman, F. A., Gardnerville : Farming 8 Ambrosetti, Frank, Lovelock Farming 10 Anderson. John, Lovelock Farming 8 Anxo, Cadet, Co., Alpha Farming 3 Archabal, Balbino, Tuscarora Farming 5 Arena, Pete P., Co., Austin Stock-raising 7 Baker, Philip W., Baker Farming 3 Bardoni & Co., G., Fort Churchill Farming 11 Bartels, Ernest, Gardnerville Farming 15 Bellander. Alex, Baker Farming 3 Biaggi, John, Gardnerville Farming 5 Birango & Bros.. J. T., Reno Farming 6 Blackwell, W. L., Thompson Farming 4 Bleak L. & L. S. Co., Logandale..*.., Stock-raising 14 Bliss, G. D. & R. O., WinnemuGca Stock-raising 12 Blundell, Thomas, Wadsworth Farming 3 Bowler, J. F., Austin Stock-raising 5 Bonamici, A., Sparks Farming 3 Brentwood Stock Farm, Lurline Stock-raising 8 Brooks & Peckham, Reno Farming : 15 Bruneau Sheep Co., Mountain Home, Utah Farming 25 Buralli & Co., G., Dayton Farming 6 Burkham & Savini, Yerington Farming 12 Byrnes, Jas. P., Fernley Farming 4 Campbell, J. L., Genoa Farming 4 Cardelli, Tancredi, Dayton Farming 5 Carpenter, L. W., Lovelock Farming Carter, John & Leslie, Lee Farming 8 Casazza, Mrs. P., & Sons, Reno Farming 13 Chango & Aldax, Minden Stock-raising 4 Cheresola, D., Wadsworth Farming 15 Churchill Creamery, Inc., Fallon Farming 18 Circle Bar Ranch, Winnemucca Farming 3 Clubine, Charles W., Lamoille Farming 3 Clark Bros., Battle Mountain Stock-raising 4 Collins, G. K., Lida , Farming 3 Consolidated Coppermines Co., Ely Farming 10 Conwaj% John H. & Mrs. Jos., Caliente Farming 5 Cook, Fred W., Genoa Farming 3 Cordes, Fritz, Gardnerville Farming 3 Costa, Pedro, Jiggs Farming 10 6 Nevada Industrial Directory yamc and Address Business Employes Dangberg L. & L. Co., Minden Stock-raising 82 Day, C. E„ Wellington Farming- 4 Dean Ranch, Beowawe Farming 10 Depaoli, M. P., Wadswortli Farming 6 Dieringer. Geo. A., Austin Farming 3 Dolf, Thos., Fallon Farming 7 Dorey, Paul H., Austin Farming 7 Doutre, Steven, Aurum Farming 6 Dressier. Wm., Minden Stock-raising 15 Dubol-g, C. H., Beowawe Farming 5 Dunphy, Wm., Estate (Jennie D. Meyer, 1162 Flood Bldg., San Francisco) ...Stock-raising 19 Dunn, Mrs. A., & Christensen, J, H., Reno Farming 4 Ecluparri, Juan, Hawthorne Farming 4 Ellison Ranching Co., Laytou, Utah Farming 60 Ellisondoberry, John, Carson City Farming 3 Elorga & Segura. Eureka Stock-raising 3 Etchart, Pete, Winnemucca Stock-raising 5 Eureka L. & L. S. Co., Eureka Stock-raising 40 Faretto & Sons, A., Reno Farming 10 Faris, Estate of James, Battle Mountain Farming 17 Femeli. Mrs. Fa-xh, Yerington Farming 5 Fernalda, Frank N., Elko Stock-raising 10 Ferretto Bros., Steamboat .Farming 4 Fife Bros., Reno ...Farming 4 Flat Creek L. & L. S. Co., Platora Farming 4 Forgnone, Mrs. C. P., Paradise Valley Stock-raising 6 Frank Ranch & Cattle Co., Fallon Farming 11 Freeman, John W\, Co., Stillwater Farming 19 Fredericks, J. F., Sweetwater Farming 6 Fulstone, F. M., Wellington Stock-raising 8 Gabrice Brothers, Rebel Creek Farming 4 Gandolfo, J. S.. Austin Stock-raising 4 Garavanta L. & L. S. Co., Wadsworth Stock-raising 5 Garchitorena, Fermin, Elko Farming 3 Gardner Ranch Co., Alamo Farming 18 Gardner, W. J., Ruby Valley Farming 6 Garson, Paul, Verdi Farming 5 Gartez, Charles, Winnemucca Stock-raising 5 Gastranga, Jose, Paradise Farming 4 Gerlach Livestock Co., Gerlach Stock-raising 42 (Jibbs, W. H., Clover Valley Farming 6 Glaser Brothers, Halleck Farming 6 Glenbrook Sheep Co., Carson City Stock-raising 3 Glock. Alphonse, Minden Farming 6 Godecke, Sr., Henry, Gardnerville Farming 3 Goodwin, E, L., Arthur Farming 5 Gorham & Co., F. E., Winnemucca Farming 6 Green, L. L., Reno Farming 3 Griffin, Thomas, Carlin Farming 5 Griswold-Henderson L. S. Co., Elko Stock-raising 24 Nevada Industrial Directory 7 yame and Address Business Employes Grosso, Charles, Rose, & Justin, Wellington....Farming 7 Haiidley Bros., Eureka Farming 12 Hansen, Wm. M., Gardnerville Farming 4 Hasquet, Martin, Co., Eurelva Farming 5 Heise L. & L. S. Co., Gardnerville Farming 6 Heidtman, Louis, Gardnerville Farming ..: 3 Hellwinkel, Chris, Gardnerville Farming 7 Henningsen Brothers. Gardnerville Farming 3 Hickson, John, Austin Farming 10 Highland Cattle Co.. Beowawe Farming 9 Hoffman & Yetter, Pahrump Farming 5 Howard, E. F.. Dayton Farming 6 Hunter-Banks Co., Elko Stock-raising 5 Hylton & Clayton, North Fork Farming ....: 10 Hylton & Clayton, Elko Stock-raising 8 Hylton & Hanna, Lee Farming 4 Iowa Laud Co., Lovelock Farming 6 Jacohson, Chas. Wm., Gardnerville Farming 5 Jenkins Co., W. T., Battle Mountain Farming 56 Jensen, A., Jr., Sweetwater Farming 6 Jensen Bros., Reno Farming 12 Jensen, Christina, Preston Farming 3 Jensen, Hans C, Simpson Farming 8 Jones Co., D. L., Gardnerville Farming 3 Juaristi, Vincenti, Jiggs Stock-raising 5 Kearns, Estate of Thomas, North Fork Farming 7 Kent L. & L. S.' Co., Stillwater Farming 15 Keough, Chas. D., Manhattan Farming 6 Klaner, J. F., Elko Farming 19 Kleppe, E. J„ Reno Farming 3 Knemeyer, Edward F., Mason Farming 4 Laborde Bros. & Co., Austin Stoclv-raising 21 Laing, C. A. & L. M., North Fork Farming 3 Lampe, Wm., Gardnerville Farming 4 Land Development Co., Battle Mountain Stock-raising 8 Lay Land & Stock Co., Sulphur Farming 7 Lequana, Marcus, Eureka Farming 4 Linebarger, H, L., Carlin Farming 3 Litster, Mrs. E., Austin Farming 5 Long, H. J., Fallon.... Farming 6 Lovelock Lands, Inc., Lovelock Farming 4 Luhrs, Henry, Minden Farming 5 Lusette, John, Steptoe Farming 9 Madalina, E. D., Reno Farming 3 Maionchi Brothers, Yerington Farming 15 Madelina, G. D., Reno. Farming 3 Mariana, Leopold©, Dayton Farming 5 Mariluch, Leopold©, Schellbourne Farming 3 Markley, E. H., Elko Farming 3 Matley, John B., Reno Farming 4 Mclntyre Investment Co., Samuel, Halleck Farming 20 8 Nevada Industrial Directory ^■ame and Address Business Employes McKay, James T.. Smith Farming 4 McNett, D. H., Arlemont Farming 3 Mendes, W. F., Duclavater Farming 3 Merliley & Young, Jiggs Farming 4 Miller, Henry. Fallon Farming 6 Mirandelbrock Brothers, Jimgo Stock-raising 4 Millett, Christina, Millett Farming 5 Moida & Franchi, Fallon :.. Farming 5 Molini Brothers, Dyer Farming 6 Monte, John, Sr., Wadsworth Farming 7 Moorman, Wm., »& Son, Kimberly Farming 3 Muddy Valley Irrigation Co., Overton Farming 11 Muller, Herman, Gardnerville Farming 5 Murray Sheep Co., Garrison, Utah Farming 17 Murphy, E. C, Deeth Farming 8 Xeddenrip, Fritz, Gardnerville Farming 3 Nehls. O. B., Paradise Farming 4 Nevada-Cal. L. & L. S. Co., Constantia, Cal Stock-raising 65 Noble & Smith Sheep Co., F. W., Elko Stock-raising 9 Ogilvie & Son., P. J., Lee Farming 3 Ollinghouse, H. I., Pioche Stock-raising 3 O'Neil Bros., Inc., Wells Stockraising 39 Oppio, A. S., Sparks Farming 4 Ox Yoke L. & L. S. Co., Wells.. Farming 8 Oyarcabel, Martin, Amos Farming 3 Pacific Livestock Co., Amos Farming 65 Pahrump Valley Co., Pahrump Farming * 9 Palmer, E. E., Beatty Farming 4 Parker, James O., Wabuska Farming 5 Parrish, W. H., Ibapah, Utah Farming 3 Pasquale & Co., Alfonso, Paradise Valley Stock-raising '. 4 Pattani, Joe, Tuscarora Farming 4 Patterson Co., Adam, Dyer Farming 3 Pence, Emily A., Mountain Home, Idaho Stock-raising 5 Peraldo, G., Paradise Farming 3 Perry, C. C, Yerington Stock-raising 14 Phillipi, Joe C, Austin Stock-raising 6 Pierini Brothers, Carson City Farming 4 Plymouth L. & L. S. Co., Wellington Farming 14 Potts Brothers, Potts Farming 9 Pradere, Mike, Dayton Farming 3 Pratt, G. W., North Fork Farming ^ 3 Quilici, Joe, Dayton Farming 3 Rafifetto, L., Reno Farming 3 Ralph, J. A., Wells Stock-raising 4 Ricami, Fabio. Dayton Farming 3 Ricci & Venturi, Dayton Farming 3 Riordan, James, Co., Lund Farming 6 Riverside Ranch, lovelock Farming 10 Rodgers Ranch, Lovelock Farming 25 Rosaschi, Ambro, Yerington Stock-raising 21 Nevada Industrial Directory 9 yame and Address Business Employes Riiddell Estate, Lovelock Farming 4 Russell Land and Cattle Co., Elko Stock-raising 21 Sala, Mike, Cherry Creek Farming 3 Saldubhere, G., Cherry Creek Farming 5 Sansinena, Pete, Cedarville, Utah Stock-raising 3 Saval, Joe, Battle Mountain Stock-raising 13 Saval Livestock Co., Elko Farming 6 Scatena, George, Yerington Farming 3 Schacht, M., Minden Farming 4 Schmidtlein, Austin Stock-raising 6 Schvvake, H. R., Gardnerville Farming 3 Scossa & Monconi, Yerington Farming 3 Settlemeyer, Arnold, Gardnerville Farming 6 Settlemeyer, E. R., Reno Farming 5 Settlemeyer, Frank, Genoa Farming 5 Settlemeyer, H. W., Gardnerville Farming 4 Sharp Land & Cattle Co., Sharp Stock-raising 5 Shoer, C, Wells Farming 3 Short, AV. C, Reno Farming 4 Siard. Sylvian, Winnemucca Stock-raising 13 Smiley, W. J., Deeth Farming 3 Sorani, P., Sparks Farming 3 Springmeyer, F. C, Gardnerville Farming 5 Steptoe Livestock Co., Wells Stock-raising 9 Stewart, F. B., Paradise Valley Farming 3 Strosuider, I, A., Yerington Farming 7 Stock Farming Co., Wm. F., Paradise Valley.. Stock-raising 13 Stodieck, J. H., Gardnerville Farming 3 Stoker, B: E.. Lovelock Farming 5 Sullivan, D. O., Reno Farming 3 Sweet, D. F., Twin Falls. Idaho Farming 3 Swuingle, C. G., Hazen Farming 10 Tanaka, Charles, McGill Farming 6 Taylor, John G., Lovelock Farming 102 Terry, R. C, Minden Stock-raising 5 Thorley, Thos. A., Cedar City, Utah Stock-raising 3 Tippett Mercantile Co., Tippett Farming 3 Uhalde, John, Ely Stock-raising 8 Union Land & Cattle Co., Deeth ^Farming 5G Union Land & Cattle Co., Gerlach Stock-raising 18 Union Land & Cattle Co., Reno Farming 9 Union Land & Cattle Co., Tuscarora Farming 75 Union Land & Cattle Co., Willow Point Stock-raising 5 Urrutia, Saturnino, Dayton Farming 4 Utah Construction Co., McDermitt Stockraising IG Walsh, J. F., Austin Farming 14 Walsh & Sons, Patrick, Austin Farming 22 Walts Brothers, Reno Stock-raising 6 Wedertz, C. E., Wellington Farming 8 Weeks, S. C. & S. J., Wells Farming !... 4 Wennhold, Dick, Gardnerville Farming 4 10 Nevada Industrial Directory Name and Address Business Employes Western L. & L. S. Co., Touopah Stock-raising 4 Whipple, J. L., Snnnyside Farming 5 Williams Estate Co., Fallon Stock-raising 07 Williams, Geo. B., Battle Mountain Stockraising 42 Williams, Geo. B., Fallon Stock-raising 9 Williams, Geo. B., L. & L. S. Co., Fallon Stockraising 22 Williams, John P., Derby Farming 11 Wilson, Geo. W., Wilson Station Farming 13 Winder, G. W., Fallon Farming 3 Winters, Ira L., Carson City Stock-raising 4 Wood, L. J., Round Mountain Stock-raising G Wright, Jube J., Elko Stock-raising 3 Yarbrough, Robert, Fallon Stock-raising 3 Yelland, Louis A., Aurum Fanning 3 Yparraguirre Bros., Sweetwater..... Farming 21 Yriarte & Valencia, Eureka Stock-raising 6 B. MINES, MILLS, AND SMELTERS Alto Divide Mining Co., Tonopah Mining d Amalgamated Pioche M. & S. Co., Pioche Mining and smelting 4 American Borax Company, St. Thomas Mining 23 American Carrara Marble Co., Carrara Marble quarrying 13 Arizona Silver Mines Co., Unionville Mining 17 Arrowhead Mining Co., Arrowhead Mining 8 Austin-Nevada Con. M. Co., Austin Mining 3 Balea Gold Mining Co., Mina Mining 4 Ben Hur Divide Mining Co., Tonopah Mining Berry Bros., Virginia City Mining 3 Betty O'Neal Mines, Battle Mountain Mining 39 Big Chief Mining Co., Midas Mining 6 Black Panther Mining Co., Reno Mining 10 Blue Horse Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 6 Bristol Silver Mines Co., Pioche Mining 52 Brougher Divide Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 11 Boston Ely Con. M. Co., Ely Mining 14 Buckingham Mining Co., Battle Mountain Mining 4 Bullion Con. M. Co., Goldfield Mining 7 Buhl Mining Co., Jarbidge Mining :. 8 Burdick & Perkins, Searchlight Mining 7 California Crude Oil Co., Mina Mining 7 Carson River Corporation, Dayton Mining 4 Cash Boy Con. M. Co., Tonopah Mining 20 Catlin Shale Products Co., Elko Oil shale 24 Chalk Mt. Silver Lead Mines, Reno Mining 3 Cherry Creek Silver M. Co., Cherry Creek Mining 3 Columbia Lease, Beatty Mining 4 Comstock Home M. Co., Virginia City Mining 11 Comstock Leasing Co., Virginia City Mining 44 Comstock Tunnel & Drainage Co., Sutro Mining 4 Consolidated Coppermines Co., Kimberly Mining 7 Con. Cortez Silver Mines Co., Cortez Mining 14 Nevada Industrial Directory 11 yamc and Address Business Employes Consolidated Mayflower Mines, Pioneer Mining 8 Con. Spanish Belt S. M. Co., Tonopah Mining and milling 39 Continental Flnorspar Co., Beatty Mining 7 Con. Virginia Mining Co., Virginia City Mining 88 Copper Canyon Mining Co., Battle Mountain.. Mining 13 Dalil, James, Battle Mountain Mining 12 Darms Coal Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 3 Delno Leasing Co., Montello Mining 21 Divide Extension Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 4 Duplex Mining Co., Searchlight Mining 4 Electric Gold Mines Co., Tonopah Mining 7 Elko Prince Mining Co., Midas Mining 50 Elkoro Mines Co., Jarbidge Mining 114 Ely Calumet Leasing Sj'udicate, Ely Mining 9 Eureka Croesus Mining Co., Eureka Mining 39 Eureka Hamilton Mines Co., Tonopah Mining 3 Eureka Holly Mining Co., Eureka Mining 15 Eureka Uncle Sam Con. M. Co., Eureka Mining 8 Fravel Paymaster M. Co., Reno Mining 12 Fish Valley Merger Oil Co., Tonopah Mining 3 Fovvnes. Henry C, Austin Mining 5 Giant Mines Co. of Nevada, Tonopah Mining 5 Gibraltar Silver Mines Co., Tonopah Mining 3 Giroux, Joseph L., Marietta Mining 5 Gold Canyon Dredging Co., Dayton Dredging 21 Golden State M, Co., of Tonopah, Tonopah Mining 9 Goldfield Con. Mines Co., Goldfleld Mining 9 Goldfleld Deep Mines Co., Goldfield Mining 40 Goldfleld Development Co., Goldfleld Mining (5 Goldfleld Great Bend M. Co., Goldfleld Mining 8 Gold Zone Divide M. Co., Tonopah Mining 10 Grandma Con. Mines Co., Goldfleld Mining 7 Gray Mining Co., Contact Mining 3 Halifax Tonopah M. Co., Tonopah Mining 10 Halton, H. E., Alameda, Calif. Mining 3 Harr, Milton K., Hilltop Mining 27 Heidtman, H. C, Bermonds Mining 3 Homestake Con. Mines. Copper Canyon IMacer mining 31 Ilotaling Estate Co., Dayton Mining 3 Jim Butler Tonopah M. Co.. Tonopah Mining 3 Jumbo Extension M. Co., Goldfield Mining 3 Justice Leasing Co., Silver City Mining 3 Kansas City-Nevada Con. M. Co., Fallon Mining 5 Kelley & Hopkins, Mountain City Mining 15 Keever, Frank B., Battle Mountain Mining 9 Kernick Divide M. Co., Tonopah Mining 8 Klondyke Portland Mines Co., Goldfleld Mining 3 Knox Divide Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 3 Lake Valley M. Co., Ely Mining 25 La Toska Mining Co., Oreana Mining 7 12 Nevada Industrial Directory Name and Address Business Employes Leadville Mining Co., Gerlach Mining 45 Liming Con. Mines Co., Tonopah Mining 7 Lynn Big Six Mining Co., Carlin Mining ^ 4 MacXamara Crescent M. Co., Tonopali Mining 9 MacNamara M. & M. Co., Tonopali Mining 19 Manliattan Ext. Coal & Oil Co., Yerington Mining 4 Mexican Milling Co., Virginia City Milling 13 Mineral Point Mines Co., Hawthorne Mining 19 Monarch Gold Mines Co., Reno Mining 3 Monarch Pittsburg M. Co., Tonopah Mining 5 Montana Tonopah Mines Co., Tonopah Mining 6 Natural Soda Products Co., Argentite Mining 10 Xevada-Bellevue Copper Co., Contact Mining 3 Nevada Consolidated Copper Co., McGill Smelting 201 Nevada. Consolidated Copper Co., Ruth Mining 137 Nevada Douglas Con. Copper Co., Ludwig Mining 9 Nevada Mills Mining Co., Fairview Mining 3 Nevada Lime & Rock Co., Ehret. Mining 115 Nevada Packard Mines Co., Lower Rochester.. Mining 63 Nevada Protective M. Co., Carson City Mining 4 New California Tonopah M. Co., Tonopah Mining : 12 New Sutherland Divide M. Co., Goldfleld Mining 4 New Tonopah Dividend M. Co., Tonopah Mining 5 Nicklas Mining Co., Battle Mountain Mining 4 Olson, O. B., Lessee, Jarbidge Mining 4 Olympic Mines Co., Simon Mining 49 Pacific Tungsten Co., Mill City Mining 3 Phoenix M. & M. Co., Searchlight Mining and milling 3 Pioche Mines Co., Pioche Mining 9 Pittsburg Comstock M. Co., Virginia City... Mining 3 Portland Mines, Goldfleld Mining 7 Prince Con. M. & S. Co., Pioche Mining and smelting 46 Putney & Co., Manhattan Mining 3 Pacific Portland Cement Co., Mound House....Mining 100 Red Hill Florence Mining Co., Goldfield Mining 9 Red River Lumber Co., Sulphur Mining 15 Reorganized Belcher Divide M. Co., Tonopah. .Mining 5 Reorganized Crackerjack M. Co., Goldfield Mining 7 Reorganized Kewanas M. Co., Goldfield Mining 7 Reorganized Pioneer Mines Co., Pioneer Mining 7 Richmond-Eureka M. Co., p]ureka Mining 7 Rochester Silver Corporation, Rochester Mining 109 Round Mountain M. Co., Round Mountain Mining 36 Rescue Eula Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 18 Sierra Nevada Mexican & Union Shaft, Virginia City Mining 4 Silver Hills Ex. M. Co., Tonopah Mining 6 Silver Hills Nevada M. Co., Tonopah Mining 15 Silver Pick Con. Mines Co., Goldfield Mining 15 Silver State Chemical Co., Winnemucca Milling 6 Simon Silver Lead Mines Co., Simon Mining 38 Nevada Industrial Directory 13 Business Employes Name and Address Spearhead Gold Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 7 Spruce Monarch Con,, Tobar Mining 20 Standard Metals Co,, Reno Mining 17 Star of the West M. Co,, Gold Peak Mining 33 Stone Cabin Lease, Tonopah Mining 4 Sunshine Mines Co. of Nevada, Winnemucca.. Mining 10 Tonopah Belmont Dev. Co., Tonopah Mining 437 Tonopah Divide Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 44 Tonopah Extension M. Co., Tonopah Mining and milling 307 Tonopah Hasbrouck Mining Co., Tonopah Mining 8 Tonopah Midway Con. M, Co,, Tonopah Mining 19 Tonopah Mining Co. of Nevada, Tonopah Mining and milling 172 Tonopah North Star Dev. Co., Tonopah Mining 11 Thomas, M. E., Palisade Mining 4 Trio-Lite Products Co., Carlin Milling 9 Union Con. M. Co., Virginia City Mining 10 United Comstock Mines Co,, Gold Hill Mining and milling 441 United Comstock Pumping Associatiou, Virginia City Mining 24 United States Gypsum Co,, Arden Mining 71 Veta Grande Mining Co., Minden Mining 9 Virginia Louise M, Co., Pioche Mining 34 Ward Leasing Co., East Ely Mining 4 Warrior Gold Mining Co., Simon Mining 4 Well I]mma Mines, Silver City Mining 5 West End Chemical Co., Las Vegas Mining 51 West End Con. M. Co., Tonopah Mining and milling 188 Western Chemicals, Inc., Tonopah Mining 12 Western Ore Purchasing Co,, Hazen Mining 7 White Caps Mining Co., Manhattan Mining 17 White Leghorn Mining Co., Yerington Mining 6 White Star Plaster Co., Moapa „ Placer mining 50 Williams & Everett, Holbrook Mining 3 Yellow Pine Mining Co., Goodsprings Mining 5 Yellow Tiger Con. M. Co., Goldfield Mining 6 C. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Anderson & McShee, Winnemucca General contractors 3 Armstrong & Baker, Fallon Road building 9 Brown, C. B., Winnemucca Plumbing 5 Campbell & Kelly, Tonopah Foundry 20 Canyon Power Co., Lahontan Electric power 9 Carlisle & Co. of Nevada, A., Reno Printing 24 Carson Brewing Co., Carson City Manufacturing soft drinks.... 6 Carson City Coal Gas Co., Carson City Manufacturing gas 3 Carson Creamery Co,, Carson City Manufacturing butter 3 Chism» E. W., Reno Manufacturing ice cream 8 Christiansen & Jensen, Reno Paving 11 Churchill County Eagle, Fallon Printing 3 Crane Company of Nevada, Reno Plumbing 3 Cremer Erickson Co., Reno Flour mill 4 14 Nevada Industrial Directory 'Same and Address Business Employes Crescent Creamery, Reno Manufacturing butter 20 Douglas Milling & Power Co., Gardnerville Power and light 3 Elko Milling Co., Elko Milling .: 3 Ely Publishing Company, Ely Printing 3 Fallon Standard, Fallon Printing 3 Fowler. E, K., Reno Contractor 8 Frank Bros., Inc., Reno Manufacturing soft drinks.... 3 Frandsen, T. M., Reno Contractor 15 Free Press Publishing Co., Elko Printing 6 Green & Lake, Reno Printing 7 Gregory, Fallon Building 3 Hale, Harold P., Elko Printing 8 Hanson, Walter E., Lovelock Hay baling 4 Heinecke Construction Co., Carson City Paving 14 Hobart Estate Co., Reno Mill 11 Hoffman, J. L., Gardnerville Contractor 5 Lovelock Publishing Co., Lovelock Printing 3 Martin, G. W., Yerington Threshing 11 McGinty, A. L., Elko Contractor 5 Meyer, Jacob C, Reno Plumbing 4 Minden Butter Manufacturing Co., Minden....Butter making 8 Minden Flour Milling Co., Minden Milling 8 Mutual Creamery, Reno Manufacturing butter 5 Nevada Engineering & Supply Co., Reno Foundry 24 Nevada Packing Co., Reno Meat packing 63 Nevada Sheet Metal Co., Tonopah Metal work 3 Nevada State Journal, Reno Printing 28 Pacific Manure and Fertilizer Co., Lovelock.. ..Manufacturing fertilizer... 4 Pacific States Constr. Co., Steamboat Construction 16 Pitt Mill & Elevator Co., Lovelock Milling 8 Redmond Page Co., Mason Contractor 98 Reno Blacksmith Shop, Reno Blacksmith 4 Reno Brewing Co., Inc., Reno Manufacturing soft drinks.... 10 Reno Evening Gazette, Reno Printing :.. 45 Reno Flour Mill, Reno Milling 3 Reno Plumbing and Heating Co., Reno Plumbing 10 Reno Press Brick Co., Reno Manufacturing brick 10 Reno Printing Co., Reno Printing 8 Reno Wall Paper & Paint Co., Reno Painting and paperhanging.... 9 Riverside Mill Co., Reno Milling 8 Rockwell & Sutton, Reno Contractors 4 Silver State, Winnemucca Printing 4 Smith & Peterson, Reno ; Construction 8 Todd, Louis A., Reno ...Manufacturing cigars 5 Tonopah Daily Times, Tonopah Printing 8 Union Mill & Lumber Co., Reno leaning mill *... 7 United Cattle & Packing Co., Reno Packing 9 U. S. Reclamation Service, Fallon Reclamation 78 Verdi Lumber Co., Verdi Lumber mill 104 Nevada Industrial Directory 15 Name and Address Business Employes Wagner, Wm., Reno Plumbing 7 Windle & Brackett, Winnemucca Printing .^.. 4 Yerington Creamery Co., Mason Bntter manufacturing 4 D. RAILROAD LINES Bullfrog Goldfield R. R. Co, Ludlow, Calif Railroad 15 Eureka Nevada Railway Co., Palisade Railroad 24 Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R., Los Angeles....Railroad 1327 Nevada Central R. R. Co., Austin Railroad 11 Nev. Copper Belt Ry. Co., Salt Lake City Railroad 22 Nevada Northern Ry. Co., East Ely Railroad 96 Pioche Pacific Ry. Co., Pioche Railroad 6 Southern Pacific R. R. Co., San Francisco Railroad 3237 Tonopah & Goldfield R. R. Co., Goldfield Railroad 84 Tonopah & Tidewater R. R. Co., Ludlow, Cal... Railroad 8 Virginia & Truckee Ry.. Co., Carson City Railroad 152 Western Pacific Ry., San Francisco Railroad 680 E. TRADES AND MERCHANDISE Adams & Miller, Mina General merchandise 3 Army Store, Reno General merchandise 4 Associated Oil Co. of Nevada, Reno Petroleum products 6 Austin & .Jarvise, Fallon Butcher shop 3 Austin Commercial Co., Austin General merchandise 3 Baird, Gavin, Reno Tailoring 3 Barlow, B. J.. Goldfield Grocery 7 Beckley, Will, Las Vegas Clothing 3 Bible, J. H., Fallon General merchandise 5 Bissinger & Co., Reno Hides 4 Boggs Brothers, Las Vegas Grocery 6 Bools & Butler, Inc., Reno Harness 4 Bradley, T. A., Reno Hardware 12 Bradley Theater, Elko Moving pictures 5 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Reno Adding machines 4 Campbell. Frank, Reno Grocery 4 Campton Commercial Co., P]ly General merchandise 15 Cann Drug Co., Reno Drugs 3 Carson Electric Shop, Carson City Electrical supplies 3 Carson Valley Bank, Carson City Bank 3 Carson Water Co., Carson City Water 6 Case, J. B., Paradis^ General merchandise 3 Chiatovich & Co., Tonopah Grocery 3 Churchill County Bank, Fallon Bank 6 ('lark Forwarding Co., Ed. W., Las Vegas General merchandise 3 Colorado Grocery, Reno Grocery 7 Commercial Hardware Co., Reno Hardware : 5 Conant Brothers, Inc., Reno (Jrocery 22 ('ononelos Co., Louis, McGill General merchandise 4 Consolidated Warehouse Co., Reno Warehouse 3 Cook & Co., John S., Goldfield Bank 4 16 Nevada Industrial Directory Name and Address Business Employes Copper National Banlv, East Ely Bank 4 Crystal Confectionery, Reno Candy and ice cream 4 Davidson, G. D., Sparks Jewelry 4 Davis, Mrs. J. M,, Virginia City Stationery 7 Devincenzi, L., Reno Florist , 4 Domiels & Steinmetz, Reno Furniture 10 Drappo, E. L., Reno Wood and coal 3 DuPont Pharmacy, Elko Drugs 4 Eagle Drug Co., Winnemucca Drugs 7 Edwards Hardware Co., Reno Hardware 5 Elite Cigar Store. Reno Tobacco 4 Elko Drug Co.. Inc., Elko..... Drugs 3 Elko Lamoille Power Co., Elko Power and light 12 Elko Lumber Co., Elko Lumber 5 Elko Water Co., Elko Water 5 Elwell, W. H., Las Vegas Furniture 4 Ely Light & Power Co., East Ely Power and light 7 Ely Lumber & Coal Co., Ely Lumber and coal 7 Ely Packing Co., Ely Wholesale butchers 30 Ely Water Co., East Ely Water 7 Plnnis-Brown Co., AVinnemucca Wholesale produce 5 Eshelman Co., Chris., Elko Ice 3 Esmeralda Power Co., Tonopah Power and liglit 3 Fabri & Co., Inc., Yerington General merchandise 3 Fallon Slaughtering & Supply Co., Fallon Wholesale butchers 6 Farmers Bank of Carson Valley, Minden Bank 3 Farmers Coop. Mercantile Co., Minden General merchandise 6 Farmers & Merchants Nat. Bank, Eureka Bank 3 Farmers & Merchants Nat. Bank, Reno Bank 5 First National Bank, Ely Bank 4 First National Bank, Lovelock Bank 4 First National Bank, Winnemucca Bank 10 First National Bank of Elko, Elko Bank 7 First State Bank of Las Vegas, Las Vegas Bank — 7 Flanigan Warehouse Co., Reno Building materials 5 Fowler & Cusik, Reno Shoes 5 Fraley's, Reno Clothes 11 Fredericks & Beck, Virginia City Hardware 4 Gallagher, J. H., Ely General merchandise 3 Garcia, G. S., Elko Saddlery 5 Ginsburg Jewelry Co., Reno Jewelry 4 Golden Rule Mercantile Co., Elko General me^phandise 8 Golden Rule Mercantile Co., Reno General merchandise 27 Golden Rule Mercantile Co., Winnemucca General merchandise 5 Golden State Bakery, Reno Bakery 7 Goldfield Consolidated W^ater Co., Goldfield.... Water 6 Goldfield Meat & Grocery Co., Goldfield Meat and groceries 6 Granada Theater, Yerington Motion pictures 4 Gray, Reid & Wright, Carson City General merchandise 5 Gray, Reid & Wright, Reno General merchandise 76 Gray, Reid & Co., Fallon General merchandise 27 Nevada Industrial Directory 17 ISlame and Address Business Employes Hay, J. S., Elko Grocery 3 Henderson Banking Co., Elko Bank 10 Henry Drug Co., Inc., Reno Drugs 3 Herz & Bros., Inc., Reno Jewelry 11 Hesson Co., A, W., Elko General merchandise 8 Hilp's Drug Store, Reno Drugs 5 Hobart Estate Co., Carson City...: Lumber and fuel 3 Hobart Estate Co., Minden Lumber and fuel 3 Hodges-Cook Mercantile Co., Pioche General merchandise 6 Hoffman, G. A., Tonopah Drugs 4 Horton Mercantile Co., Battle Mountain General merchandise 5 Howard Bros., Gardnerville General merchandise 3 Howe, A. H., Inc., Reno Brokers 3 Howland, Marta L., Reno Millinery 3 Humphrey Supply Co., Reno Butchers and grocers 27 Ideal Beauty Shop, Reno Beauty parlor 5 Imelli Meat Co., Carson City Butcher shop 3 Imelli Meat Co., Gardnerville.. Butcher shop 4 Jensen, Arendt, Co., Gardnerville General merchandise 3 Jost, Peter, Las Vegas Bakery 3 Kanters, Esther Urquhart, Reno Clothes 3 Kellison & Poicia, Sparks Candy store 4 Kelly & Lindsay, Carson City Bakery 5 Lane & Co., A., Reno Fuel 7 Las Vegas Pharmacy, Las Vegas Drugs 6 Las Vegas Land & Water Co., Las Vegas Real estate 5 Lemaire & Sons, Inc., Battle Mountain General merchandise 5 Lewis & Lukey, Reno Clothes 6 Lindley & Co., Reno : Groceries 5 Linebarger, W. F., Carlin General merchandise 4 Lothrop & Davis Co., Tonopah Groceries 4 Low, Jim, Co., McDermitt General merchandise 3 Lyon County Bank, Yerington Bank 6 Majestic Theater, Las Vegas Moving pictures 6 Manheim, A. B., Reno Candy store 7 Manning & Co., L. H., Sparks General merchandise 5 Mariner Music Co., J. D., Reno Music 4 Martin Cash Grocery, Reno Groceries 3 Martin Wood and CoalYard, Reno Wood and coal 6 Marymount, L., Inc., Tonopah Clothes 3 Mason Mercantile Co., Mason General merchandise 4 Mason Valley Bank, Yerington Bank : 5 Mathews Cash Grocery, Reno Groceries ....: 5 McCullough Drug Co., Reno Drugs 4 Meyers, A. G., Carson City Groceries 4 Milburn, J. J., Co., Reno Clothes 7 Mill Street Market, Reno Meats and groceries 4 Mine Workers Mercantile Co., Tonopah Meats and groceries 15 Mitchell Co., W. I., Reno General merchandise 7 Moore. S. R., & Co., Tonopah Real estate 3 Morrall Co., R. O., Winnemucca General merchandise 3 18 Nevada Industrial Directory Name and Address Business Employes Morris & Levy, Inc., Reno Dry goods 24 Muller's Drug Store, Carson City Drugs 3 National Cash Marl^et, Reno Meats 4 Nevada-California Power Co., Tonopah Power and light 20 Nevada Savings and Trust Co., Reno Bank 8 Nevada Fire Insurance Company, Reno Fire insurance 6 Nevada First National Bank. Tonopah .Bank 8 Nevada Hardware and Dev, Co., Reno Hardware 4 Nevada Machinery and Electric Co., Reno Elec, pumping, refrigerating.. 4 Nevada Market Las Vegas Meat market 4 Nevada Wholesale Grocery Co., Elko.... Groceries 7 Nixon Estate Company, Reno Real estate 3 Novacovich Mercantile Co., Reno Groceries 7 Nevada National Ice and C. S. Co., Tonopah. .Ice _ 7 Nevada Paint and Wallpaper Co., Reno Paint and paper 5 Nevada Valleys Power Co., Lovelock Light and power 4 Palace Bakery, Reno Bakery 12 Palace Market, Las Vegas Meat market 7 Palace Postcard House, Reno News-stand 12 Palace Theater, Fallon Motion pictures 4 Pearce, F. J., Las Vegas Tobacco 6 Peck Co., E. C, Reno Real estate 5 Penny Co., J. C, Ely General merchandise 6 Penny Co., J. C, Las Vegas General merchandise 6 Penny Co., J. C, McGill General merchandise 5 Penny Co., J. C, Tonopah General merchandise 7 Piercy, Jos. C, Tonopah Drugs 4 Prater Co., N. C, Virginia City Groceries 3 Preston, F. A., Lovelock Meat market 4 Progress Bakery, Tonopah Bakery 5 Purity French Bakery, Reno.. Bakery 12 Purity French Bakery, Sparks Bakery 6 Quilici Bros., Dayton General merchandise 6 Quoug High Lung Merchandise 4 Raftice, Mrs. K. A., Carson City Stationery 3 Red River Lumber Co., Reno Lumber 2G Reinhart Co., Elko General merchandise 3 Reinhart Co., E., Winnemucca General merchandise 24 Reno Drug Co., Reno Drugs ; 3 Reno French Bakery, Reno Bakery 8 Reno Grocer Co., Reno Groceries 11 Reno National Bank, Reno Bank 16 Reno Meat Co., Inc., Reno Meat market 5 Reno Mercantile Co., Reno Hardware 4 Reno Power, Light and Water Co., Reno Power and light 81 Reno Sporting Goods Co., Reno Sport goods 5 Reno Stationery Company, Reno Stationery 6 Rotholtz Cigar Co., Ben, Reno ^ Tobacco 8 Rowlands, R. IL, Oreana Lumber 3 Royal Baking Co., Ely Bakery • 5 Russell Co., Geo., Elko General merchandise 16 Nevada Industrial Directory 19 yame and Address Business Employes Samoville & Flagg, Reno.. Fiiriiitiire 5 Seheeline Banking & Trust Co., Reno Bank 5 Security Savings & Loan Association, Reno.... Savings and loans 4 Silenfeld, Soloman, Reno Clotties 4 Skaggs, O. P., Reno Meat and groceries 7 Shiels-Mclntosh Drug Co., Reno... Drugs 5 Smoot, C. M., Carson City Confectionery 3 Sparks, Bank of, Sparks Bank 6 Squires Grocery, Winnemucca Grocery 4 Soutliwortli Co., Tonopah General merchandise 9 Standard Oil Co., Reno Petroleum products 95 Stephenson Drug Co., Winnemucca Drugs 6 Steptoe Drug Co., Ely Drugs 3 Stewart & Co., J. W., Tonopah Explosives 3 Stockgrowers and Ranchers Bank, Reno Bank 4 St. Pierre Nevada Shoe Store, Reno Shoes 7 South.side Grocerteria, Reno Groceries 5 Sugar Plum, The, Reno Confectionery 5 Sunderlands, Inc., Reno „ Shoes 5 Sutton, Ethel F., Reno Hairdressing 3 Swift & Co., Reno Meat packing 1.5 Tait, Herbert E., Reno Shoes 10 Thompson Co., A. S., Pioche General merchandise 3 Tonopah Banking Corporation, Tonopah Bank 9 Tonopah Electric and Tire Shop, Tonopah Auto accessories 9 Tonopah-Goldfleld Amusement Co., Tonopah.. ..Moving pictures 8 Tonopah AVater Co., Tonopah Water 7 Truckee River General Electric Co., Reno Power and light 37 Twilegar, Mr. and Mrs. A. J., Goldfield Moving pictures 5 T. & D. .Jr. p]nterprises, Reno Moving pictures 24 Union Building & Loan Association, Reno Investments 7 Union Ice Co., Reno Ice 11 Union Oil Co. of Nevada, Minden Petroleum products 3 United Cattle & Packing Co., Goldfield Meat (wholesale) 4 Union Oil Co. of Nevada, Reno Petroleum products 10 Valley Lumber Co., Winnemucca Lumber 3 Verdi Lumber Co., Elko Lumber 5 Verdi Lumber Co., Reno Lumber 31 Verdi Lumber Co., Sparks Lumber 6 Verdi Lumber Co., Winnemucca Lumber 3 Virginia & Gold Hill W. Co., Virginia City Water 24 Wallace, W. H., Fallon General merchandise 31 Walsh, E. J., Carson City Groceries 5 Ward. M. E., Las Vegas Groceries 15 Ward's, Inc., Reno Clothes 3 Warren, W. G., Carson City Motion pictures 4 Washoe County Bank, Reno Bank 29 Washoe Market, Reno Meat market 4 Washoe Wood and Coal Yard, Reno Wowl and coal 5 West Hardware Co., Yerhigton Hardware 5 Western Cigar Co., Reno Tobacco : 20 Nevada Industrial Directory Name and Address Business Employes Whitehead, Harry H., Sparks Groceries 5 Wigwam Theater, Reno Motion pictnres 13 Williams, S. E., Tonopah General merchandise 4 Wilson, N. E.. Co.. Reno Drugs G Wilson-Bates Furniture Co., Ely Furniture 3 Winnemucca Mercantile Co., Winnemucea General merchandise G Winnemucca W. L. & P. Co., Winnemucca Water, light and power 17 Winnemucca State B. & T. Co, Winnemucca.-.Bank 5 Wintermantel & Coi, G. W., Elko Jewelry 3 Wonder Millinery, Reno Millinery 3 Wood-Curtis Co., Reno Produce 4 Woolworth Co., F. W., Reno 5- and 10-cent store IG Yerington Mercantile Co., Yerington General merchandise 3 G. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Cheney, Downer, Price & Hawkins, Reno Lawyers 3 Goldfield Hospital Association, Goldfleld Hospital 4 Hood, Dr. J. A., Elko Physician 5 Lewis, A. Parker, & Craven, Alice, Reno Hospital 5 Martin, Dr. Roy W., Las Vegas Physician 5 Mason General Hospital, Mason Hospital 3 Reno Optical Co., Inc., Reno Optician 4 Ross-Burke Co., Reno Funeral directors 5 Shaw Hospital, Elko Hospital 8 Steinmiller, G. C, Reno Dentist 3 Steptoe Valley Hospital, East Ely Hospital 13 Taylor Optical Co., Inc., Reno Optician 5 Tonopah Miners Hospital Assn., Tonopah Hospital 9 H. HOTELS, CAFES, SALOONS, BARBER-SHOPS, ETC. Abelman & Brown, Tonopah Soft drinks 4 Acme Bar, Fallon Soft drinks 3 Altenburg, Fred, Battle Mountain Hotel G Anderson Hotel, Reno Hotel 3 Arlington Hotel, Carson City Hotel 12 Beckers, Reno Restaurant 5 Belmont Cafe, Tonopah Restaurant 18 Beowawe Mercantile Co., Beowawe Hotel 7 Big Meadow Investment Co., Lovelock Hotel 3 Blake & Silva, Tonopah Cabaret -... 12 Brooks Home Hotel, Yerington Hotel 4 Burnsmead, H. R., Reno Soft drinks 3 Bush Hotel, Winnemucca Hotel 4 Carpenter & Osborne, Tonopah Hotel 4 Carroll Buffet, Inc., Reno Soft drinks 4 Casino Lunch Counter, Reno Lunch counter 14 Chew Co., Geo. W., Reno Hotel 6 Colbrandt Cigar Co., Reno..... Billiards 4 Colonial Hotel Co., Reno Hotel : 7 Commercial Barber Shop, Reno Barber-shop 4 Nevada Industrial Directory 21 yame and Address Business Employes Conton Barber Shop, Reno Barber-shop 3 Cornelius, Mrs. Hulda, Reno Hotel 3 Cosmopolitan Barber Shop, Reno Barber-shop 3 Cosmopolitan Shoe Shine Parlor, Reno Bootblack 4 Cottage Cabaret, Tonopah t Cabaret 4 Crystal Cafe, Winnemucca Cafe 5 Day, Ollie, Elko Rooming-house 3 Davis, H. K., Winnemucca Hotel 7 De Luxe Hotel, Reno Hotel 3 Easton, Estate of Wm., Austin Hotel 3 Elite Cafe, Reno Cafe 10 Eureka Hotel, Eureka Hotel 3 Fayant. J. B., Golconda Restaurant 3 Fitzgerald's, Tonopah Barber-shop 4 Fransden Apartments, Reno Apartments , 3 Frantz, Theodore. Reno Barber-shop 3 French Cafe, Reno Cafe 3 Gallery Hotel, Reno Hotel 6 Garcia & Turrilas, Reno Hotel 6 Glenbrook Improvement Co., Glenbrook Hotel 11 Golden Barber Shop, Reno Barber-shop 4 Golden West Hotel, Carson City Hotel 4 Goldfield Hotel, Goldfield Hotel 9 Goodwine, J. N., Las Vegas Restaurant 5 Harrington House, Tonopah Boarding-house 5 Hansen, Walter, Reno Restaurant 12 Henrickson, A., Lovelock Hotel 3 Hicks, C. W., Ruth Barber-shop 4 Hines, S. M., Elko Restaurant 7 Hinkel Brothers, Reno Dining-room 13 Home Hotel, Reno Hotel 3 Home Restaurant, Yerington Restaurant 4 James, Albert, Las Vegas Hotel 3 Kane's Cafe, Inc., Reno Cafeteria 17 Karus, Chas. H., Reno Billiards 3 Ketta, Paul, Reno Bakery and lunch counter 10 Knezevich. Angelica & Angelica, Tonopah Restaurant 14 Le Clerc, Arthur, Tonopah Restaurant 5 Lusich & Pretinovich, Reno Restaurant 27 Mayer Hotel Co., Elko Hotel 20 McWilliams Cafeteria, Reno Cafeteria 9 Miller, John F., Las Vegas Hotel 8 Mina Hotel, Mina Hotel :. 6 Miuden Inn, Minden Hotel 10 Mineral Cafe, Reno Restaurant 11 Mirror Barber Shop, Reno Barber 6 Mizpah Bar, Tonopah Bar 3 Mizpah Grill, Tonopah Restaurant 6 Moana Springs, Reno Resort 3 Monarch Cafe, Reno Cafe 10 22 Nevada Industrial Directory yame ami Address Business Employes Mozetti, J.. Reno Hotel 4 Nevada Cafe, Sparks Cafe 3 Neves, C. F., Tonopah Restaurant 4 New Tuscan© Hotel, Reno Hotel 3 New York Restaurant, Reno .'.Restaurant 5 Northern Hotel, Ely Hotel 5 Numan, Mrs. Laura, Reno : Restaurant 5 On & Co., Elko Restaurant 3 Overland Cafe, Reno Cafe 20 Overland Cafe. Winuemucca Cafe 13 Overland Hotel, Inc., Reno Hotel 13 Pershing Hotel Co., Lovelock. Hotel 7 Persing, U. G.. Reno Barber 3 Pioneer Hotel, Reno Hotel 5 Pole & Co., Louie, Winnemucca Restaurant 7 Preston & Meyer, Reno Soft drinks 7 Reading Brothers, Wellington Hotel 5 Reno Securities Co., Reno Hotel 34 Richards, J. L., Winnemucca Soft drinks 3 Ritchford Hotel, Gardnerville Hotel 3 Riverside Hotel Co., Reno Hotel 49 Royal Cafe, Yerington Cafe 6 Sam Kee Co.. Reno Rooming-house 4 Saturno Hotel, Reno Hotel 3 Shumaker & Baroni, Reno Soft drinks 14 Sing Hi, Tonopah Restaurant 3 Star Hotel, Elko Hotel 5 Stevens & Gavin, Reno Lunch counter 5 Toscano Hotel, Reno Hotel 4 Turrillis & Co., Felix, Reno Hotel 3 Whitten, Mrs. Lillian E., Reno Rooming-house 3 Wilcox, Sam, Reno Restaurant 12 AVoo Sing, Fallon Restaurant 4 Zerangue, Mrs. Annie, Reno Hotel 4 I. TELEPHONES AND TELEGRAPHS Bell Telephone Co. of Nevada, Reno Telephone 102 Churchill County Tel. & Tel. System, Fallon.. ..Telephone and telegraph 12 Con. Power and Telephone Co., Las Vegas Telephone 7 Elko Telephone and Telegraph Co., Elko Telephone and telegraph 11 Moapa Valley Telephone Co., Overton Telephone 3 Nevada Tel. & Tel. Co., Tonopah Telephone and telegraph 14 Postal Telegraph and Cable Co., Reno Telegraph 11 United Farmers Tel. & Tel. Co., Gardnerville..Telephone 6 Western Union Telegraph Co., Reno Telegraph 65 White Pine Telephone Co., Ely Telephone 5 Yerington Electric Co., Yerington Telephone 6 Nevada Industrial Directory 23 J. TRANSFERS, GARAGES, AND STABLES Business Employes Name and Address Mack Bros., luc, Reuo x Garage 5 Midland Garage, Inc., Tonopah Garage 7 Nevada Cadillac Co., Reno Garage ; 5 Nevada Transfer, Reno Garage 12 Nevada Vulcanizing Works, Elko Garage 3 New Dorris Garage, Fallon Garage 4 Newman- Warren Co., Elko Garage 4 Osen Motor Sales Co., Reno Garage 8 Overland Livery Sales Co., Reno Garage 3 Overland Trail Garage, Lovelock ...Garage 6 Plaza Garage, Ely Garage 4 Red Arrow Garage, Carson City Garage 3 Reno Garage, Reno Garage 10 Reno Taxi, Reno Taxi 4 Reno Traction Co., Reno Street car 14 Revada Sales Co., Reno Garage 15 Shearer Electrical Co., Reno Anto accessories 6 Sierra Auto Supply Co., Reno Garage 20 Steinheimer Bros., Reno Garage 6 Tedford, J. N., Fallon Teaming 6 Tonopah Trucking Co., Tonopah.. Trucking 3 U. & I. Garage, Yerington , Garage 5 Van Leer, E. L., Elko ..Garage 3 Western Garage, Reno Garage 6 Winnemucca Garage, Winnemucca Garage 6 Wittenberg Warehouse & T. Co., Tonopah Garage 14 K. LAUNDRIES, DYERS, AND CLEANERS Economy Laundry, Reno Laundry 15 Elko Cleaning and Dyeing Works, Elko Laundry 4 Ely Home Laundry, Ely Laundry 3 Jacobs, Seymour Co., Inc., Elko Cleaning 4 Las Vegas Cleaning Works, Las Vegas Laundry 3 Mikado Laundry, Reno Laundry 7 New Method Cleaners, Reno Cleaners 4 Reno Steam Laundry, Reno Laundry 27 Royal Laundry, Reno Laundry 17 Society Cleaners, Reno Cleaners 6 Sun Wah Laundry, Elko Laundry 4 Tonopah Laundry Corporation, Tonopah Laundry 10 Toya, F. K.. Elko Laundry 4 Troy Laundry Co., Reno Laundry 30 Troy Power Laundry, Ely Laundry 9 Troy Steam Laundry, Las Vegas Laundry 12 Wet Wash Laundry, Reno Laundry 7 Winnemucca Steam Laundry, Winnemucca Laundry 6 ®