UC-NRLF 63D PERSONAL JOURNAL GAPTAOI E, P, A-HDEBS O^T'T dStyJui Cvmrnartdiay a?- ' R CO o I A PERSONAL JOURNAL SIEGE OF LUCKNOW BY CAPTAIN E. P. ANDEESON, 2$tli Regt., N.L, COMMANDING AN OUTPOST, AUTHOR or THE "TRANSLATION OF THE GOOL-I-BAKAWLI,' &c., &c, EDITED, "TCSril A PBE^ACS A.71D INTRODUCTION, , BY T. CAKNEGY ANDEESON, LIEUT. \Wi Regt. NJ. LONDON: W. THACKEE AND Co., 87, NEWGATE STEEET, CALCUTTA : THACKEE, SPINK AND Co. BOMBAY : THACKEK AND Co. 1858. " Ne cede mails, Sed contra audentior ito." VIRGIL. (Do not yield to misfortunes, but advance to meet them with greater fortitude.) NENfcY MORSE STEPHENS Extract from BRIGADIER INGLIS'S Despatch, dated Lucknow, September 26, 1857 : " At Captain Anderson's post they also came boldly forward with scaling ladders, which they planted against the wall; but here, as elsewhere, they were met with the most indomitable reso- lution, and theteaders being slain, the rest fled, leaving the ladders, and retreated to their batteries and loopholed defences, from whence they kept up, for the rest of the day, an unusually heavy cannonade and musketry fire." 511493 DEDICATION. TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE SIB HENBY HAVELOCK, K.C.B. I FEEL sure I consult the wish of my brother in dedicating the records of this memorable siege to the memory of the gallant and lamented Sir Henry Havelock, the Tutor of the garrison, and the TJltor of our murdered friends and relatives. It was to his energy and dauntless bravery that the first news of relief was brought, on the 25th September, 1857 ; and though the removal of the sick, wounded, &c., &c., was not accomplished ti]l the 22nd of November, still all the praise was due to the first gallant band of 2,500 men under Havelock, which, notwithstanding the armed hosts opposed to it, fought its way through them to our suffer- ing countrymen's relief. G-eneral Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B. , lived not VI to hear that his country had rewarded him. His spirit passed to a higher tribunal, to be judged for all that the man had done during an eventful life. He breathed his last on the 24th November, 1857. To his memory the following pages are dedicated. The author thus wrote, in mentioning the news of their first relief: ""We were very glad, I assure you, to see the first relieving force under Havelock and Outram. They saved us, as we were getting very weak in numbers ; but their force was small ; and after fighting its way into Luck- now, it could not get out with us, as we had so many ladies, children, and treasure in cash." THE EDITOE. n tfje Beatfj of Sir ^enrg f^abekrcfe, Who died at Lucknow of dysentery, brought on from over fatigue and anxiety, November 24, 1857. " O let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners come before thee : accord- ing to the greatness of thy power, preserve thou those that are appointed to die." Psa. Ixxix., ver. 12. The funeral rite is over, The mighty spirit's fled ; A nation mourns in sadness, Brave Havelock is dead. The vital spark is extinct, We shall see his face no more ; And we, who lately worshipped him, His great loss now deplore! Oh! speak the word but softly, For our bosoms sore have bled; A nation's woes are outpour'd, Great Havelock is dead. The Hero of so many fights Is dead, and great's our grief, 'Twas he who earned the laurel, And to Lucknow brought relief. When those we lov'd were struggling With foes, and worse, with death ; 'Twas he who saved them to us Now he's breath'd his latest breath. But we'll reverence his memory, Say how gallantly he led ; The foremost in a dozen fights Brave Havelock is dead. Oh ! speak the word but softly, For our grief is new and great; We shall hear no more of Havelock, Whose deeds our hearts elate. We have lost him at a moment When he'd gained the hope of years Distinction hard-fought, dearly-earn'd, And now we mourn in tears The loss of one, whose very name, Like Gilead's soothing balm, Brought comfort to the heart of all, And direst pain could calm. Oh! speak the word but softly, That mighty spirit's fled : A nation mourns in sadness Great Havelock is dead! T. C. ANDERSON, (Lieut. 12th Regt. Bengal Army.) INTRODUCTION. THE Editor deems it necessary to make a few remarks by way of introduction to this narra- tive of the Siege of Lucknow, in order to the right understanding of it. Captain Anderson was placed in command of an outj>ost, which was situated in his own house ; and had under his command eighteen men and one subaltern officer, making his force consist of twenty men, including himself; and yet, with this little Band, he held his place for five months, not- withstanding there were nine (9-pounder) guns playing on his house day and night. There never was such a siege as that of Lucknow ; nor can history furnish anything approaching a parallel to it, either in the ex- traordinary circumstances of its siege, or the bravery of its garrison, including that of the INTRODUCTION. ix ladies and women shut up there. The Spartan women of old were celebrated in having cut off their hair to make bow-strings for their hus- bands, but the heroism of our sisters at Luck- now surpasses any of their deeds. When we reflect on the privations and hor- rors to which they were subjected, one can hardly believe that it is not from a long dream that we have awakened. Hope was so long de- ferred, that we had truly almost numbered the heroic little garrison with the dead. Let Britons feel proud of their countrymen and women, and remember, whenever dangers threaten them, that the same God, who watched over our relatives at Lucknow, ever watches over us, and nerves the weak heart in the hour of trial, and always defends the right. Too much credit cannot be awarded them for their endur- ance during all the trials of those five months. Each member of that garrison should receive the Victoria Cross, as a memorial of Her Ma- jesty's favour, and in recognition of their bravery. X INTRODUCTION. I commit these pages to the Public, ear- nestly trusting that they may receive a fa- vourable reception, and that any faults may be attributed to me, and not to the Author, whose time was very limited for writing, besides being much harassed by sickness and grief. T. C. ANDERSON. Feb. 22nd, 1858. PEEFACE. THE incidents related in the following pages are from the commencement of the siege to its termination, on the relief of the garrison by the force under Sir Colin Campbell. Captain Anderson was subsequently appointed to the Commissariat charge of the Division, under Colonel Grant, sent to Bithoor ; but ill health has so shaken his constitution, that he pur- poses visiting England immediately. Colonel Grant, in his despatch, attests to the value of the services of Captain Anderson, which were " very arduous/' In order to give the Public the earliest benefit of his notes, I have deemed it right to publish them in their present form, xii PREFACE. though the style might have been improved, had there been sufficient time to re-write the journal LONDON, February, 1858. P.S. Additional copies of Captain Ander- son's Journal of the Siege of Lucknow being required, I have taken the opportunity of correcting a few errors which escaped obser- vation during the rapid printing of the earlier copies. March, 1858. A PERSONAL JOURNAL SIEGE OF LUCKNOW. CHAPTER I. FOR many months before affairs had reached that fearful state, to which this narrative al- ludes, most people might have observed the surly and "sinister glances of the natives of Lucknow, as well as those of our Sepoys, who were on duty at the Residency, in the city. For my own part, I felt satisfied that some- thing was about to occur, and I did not hesi- tate to state my opinion openly ; moreover, at a later period, I urged the necessity of some , steps being taken to collect our Oude Pension- ers, so as to have a body of men able to oppose our Sepoys, should they attempt to give trouble ; but, as to the extent to which the Bengal mu- tiny finally reached, I imagine few individuals had formed any opinion. Whilst affairs were B in this state, and during the time that various daily occurrences seemed to prognosticate evil, the mind of a great and generous man was at work that man was Sir Henry Lawrence, the Chief Commissioner at Lucknow, by whose wonderful foresight the little garrison of the said place was eventually saved from total an- nihilation ; when I say annihilation, I mean that such would most probably have been the awful result, had Sir Henry not laid up a vast supply of grain. If we had run short before relief arrived, we should have had to retreat on Cawnpore ; and with our sick, wounded, ladies and children, I think any reasonable person will admit such would have been totally im- possible. Although almost every thinking European in the place must have, more or less, observed the signs of the times, few, I imagine, ever supposed that what they then saw was but one symptom of that great Mutiny, which ex- tended from Calcutta to the Punjab, and finally shook the foundation of our immense Indian empire to its very base. At this critical con- juncture, Sir Henry Lawrence proved himself a man of consummate wisdom, and an indivi- 3 dual ably fitted for the emergency : he acted with caution, and without creating the least alarm, he calmly prepared for the coming strug- gle. Business was regularly carried on in the public offices up to the latest moment ; but. at the same time, great warlike preparations were in progress at the Residency, the spot chosen to be the place where the European inhabitants were to make their "grand stand/' Earth- works and defences were thrown up, and, as far as time and circumstances would permit, the whole position was strengthened by bat- teries, ditches, and stockades'; besides this, ammunition w^as collected, guns were brought in, and last, not least, grain in vast abundance was stored within our intrenchments. Not- withstanding all these ample arrangements, I am sorry to add, that some individuals have hinted that " more might have been done ;" however, had their opinions been taken before the curtain of futurity was drawn up, I have no doubt that their foresight would have been found about on a par with that of a certain personage of notoriety, who said that an intel- ligent young civilian was "beside himself," when the individual alluded to wrote in to say B 2 4 that he had good reason to suppose that his district would be soon up in arms ! ! I differ entirely with such ungrateful people ; and I feel proud to acknowledge that I believe Sir Henry Lawrence (by the aid of a merciful God) was the mortal chosen to be the means of saving the little garrison of Lucknow ; and I thank Providence we had such a man at such a fearful time. Long may the memory of this great man rest in the minds of all true Britons. Alas ! that he was not spared to re- visit his country at the close of such a glorious career. CHAPTER II. AT nine o'clock, p.m., of the 30th May, 1857, the Sepoys at the cantonment four miles from Lucknow broke into open mutiny. The native troops consisted of the 13th, 48th, and 71st regiments of Native Infantry, the 7th Native Cavalry was at Modkeepore, some miles off. The firing first commenced at the lines of the 71st N. I. The Europeans were lying under the guns, which opened with grape on the mu- tineers ; but as the rebels were partially hidden by the huts, few of them were killed. Briga- dier Handscomb, although advised not to do so, approached too close to the lines, and was im- mediately shot. All this took place just as the evening gun fired. Poor Grant of the 71st, who was on duty, was shot at his post ; one man of the guard tried to conceal this officer under a soldier's cot, but to>no purpose, he was killed by the rest who came up to the spot. Lieut. Chambers of the 13th N. I. had two very narrow escapes, he first of all received a shot- wound, and fell flat on his face, upon which a heavy fire of musketry was opened on him, but most fortunately not a single bullet hit him. With great difficulty Chambers managed to reach his own house, where his servants washed and dressed his wound, and he then imme- diately mounted his horse, and galloped to the part of the cantonment where the Europeans were located When doing so, he came upon a body of fifty of the rebels, and he had to charge right through them ; here, again, he was fortu- nate, he rode through them without receiving a single wound, of course the darkness alone favoured his escape, as the whole body fired a volley right at him as he passed. After this, the Sepoys went about setting fire to the officers' houses, and all was noise and uproar. At the Residency, in the city, we were all very anxious ; all that we could see were bright flames rising up from the cantonments, and every now and then we heard the report of a gun, followed by rather sharp musketry fire. Early the next morning I rode up to can- tonments, and on the road I met an unfortu- nate European merchant and his wife. The poor man had an infant in his arms, and his wife was walking beside him ; he told me that- some villagers entered his house, and after in- sulting both him and his wife, they plundered all his property. These unfortunate people had been in the fields all night, expecting every moment that the villagers would follow up and murder them ; they appeared tired and dirty ; the man had escaped with only his trousers, and he had a rough cloth thrown over his shoulders, but no shirt, shoes, or hat On reaching cantonments I found the few men of the native corps (who had remained faithful) all drawn up on their respective pa- rades. The Europeans, with the cavalry and guns, were in advance, and a fire was being kept up on the mutineers, who were in rapid retreat across an open plain. The cavalry did nothing, and were like the rest, in a state of mutiny ; the greater part, I understand, then and there galloped over to the mutineers. At the lines I saw the bodies of a few of the Sepoys, who had been killed the previous night by grape ; the wounds were frightful one man had a hole of four inches diameter through his chest, his face was cut open, and he had a broken leg ; all seemed to have died in fearful 8 agonies. The grain merchants in the Bazar were rushing about, and saying that during the night the mutineers had broken into their shops and plundered all their property ; their mat doors were lying on the ground, here and there were bags for grain, and numerous broken earthenware pots, &c., all proving that their account was but too true. At a well I observed marks of blood, and a bystander told me that a wounded mutineer had crawled there, and being overcome by thirst, and having no cord to draw water, the wretched creature could re- sist the temptation no longer, so he terminated his miserable existence by throwing himself into the well. During the confusion, and whilst all the military men were at their posts, an officer's wife, with five little children, remained in her house (i. e., whilst the mutineers were setting fire to most of the buildings in the place). She would most certainly have been murdered, had not a noble Seik protected her ; he made her leave the house, and he hid her in the vicinity till he got an opportunity of making her safe over to her husband, who had been absent on duty, having been suddenly called away when the alarm was given in canton- ments. Here, again, we have to thank Sir Henry, as he had previously insisted on all ladies leaving the cantonment, and this person, who now escaped so fortunately, was the only one who remained, thinking that nothing would really occur. If Sir Henry's directions had not been attended to by all the other ladies, the loss of life would have been some- thing very awful. Just about this period, I was struck with something rather extraordinary that I saw in the city. One evening I was passing through a gateway near the King's palace, and I there observed the head of a half-grown buffalo. It seemed but lately killed ; and it was placed with the horns downwards, and over the lower jaw, and through the horns, was a garland of small white flowers. I mentioned this to some of the residents at Lucknow, but no one seemed to think it was a matter of any impor- tance ; but I cannot help thinking that it was one of the many ways in which the fanatic Mussulmen endeavoured to make us detested by the Hindoos. I fancy it was as much as to 10 say, "See, the Europeans kill buffaloes in your very streets ! " After all these occurrences, a general rise in the city was fully expected. Men were seen, here and there, with figures dressed up as European children ; and, much to the amuse- ment of the mob, the heads of these dolls were struck off with sword cuts. I was told this by two or three men who actually saw what I now describe. Seditious placards were found stuck up in all the principal streets, calling upon all good Mussulmen and Hindoos to rise and kill the Christians. An unfortunate per- son, named " Mendes," went to his house in the city, and thinking that all was quiet, he fell asleep in an upper room. He had not been there long, when several armed men (supposed to have been some of our police) rushed in and killed him with sword cuts. The body was brought in, and it was indeed fearful to see the way in which it had been cut about Another old man, who had formerly been in the King of Oude's service, also got a sword cut, but escaped into the Residency. The body of a female (supposed to be a native Christian) 11 was brought in, literally cut into four pieces. Reports now spread that the Rajas were col- lecting all their forces to attack Lucknow ; and the general belief amongst the natives in the garrison was, that the Mussulmen had determined on killing every Christian in Oude before the end of the feast of Ramazan. As a sort of proof of the intentions of the Mus- sulman population, it is as well to state that they now assembled in immense numbers at all the mosques, and afterwards paraded about the city, to let us see, I imagine, that they mustered very strong. Men were also seized with letters directed to our Sepoys ; and our private servants began to complain that the grain merchants and shopkeepers would not supply them with food without getting ready money; and as these people always before trusted our servants for months, it was direct proof that the shopkeepers knew what was going to occur. Government paper was sel- ling as low as thirty-seven rupees for the hundred, and even less ! One day, a Fakir came up to a European sentry, and after giving him abuse (which the man did not understand), he drew his hand across his own 12 throat, as much as to say that the sentry and the rest of the Europeans would soon be slaughtered. This rascal got 150 lashes for his pains, and was placed in irons at once. Other individuals were seized within our in- trenchments, in the very act of altering the elevating screws of our guns. They were also duly punished. Preparations were now made for public executions ; the mutineers who were caught were hung at the Muchee Bawan, a native fort, which Sir Henry Lawrence had strengthened, and which it was intended to hold ; but subsequently it was blown up, after the retreat from Chinhut. The city police were drawn up in a line, three or four deep, opposite the gate of the Muchee Bawan ; the troops inside the fort were all ready at the loopholes, and at every commanding spot. On the day I allude to, nine wretched men were marched out of the fort gate, and their countenances told plainly that they were muti- neers. Most of them were fine stout men, and they walked up to the gallows with a firm and determined step. They did not, however, re- main calm. When the fatal noose was being adjusted, some begged most humbly for 13 pardon; others called out to the mob, and asked if there were not any good Mussulmen or Hindoos present, to save them from the cursed Feringees, or Christians ? A wretched Hindoo, when about to die, called out, " Alas ! alas ! you Mussulmen caused all this ! " An- other poor wretch said, " Save me ! save me ! I have a wife and some little children, who must starve I" The sentence had been passed, and there was now no hope for pardon ; at a given signal five men were launched into eternity, and it was a melancholy sight to see the shudder that came over the four other men, who were on the gallows immediately opposite, as they saw the drop fall, and then observed five men dangling in the air before them : an instant or so more, and they were themselves in a similar position, their drop having fallen. CHAPTER III. FOR a considerable time after the occurrences mentioned in the preceding chapter, every day was sadly marked, either by the news of Europeans having been cut up, or by the arrival of parties from the various districts around Lucknow, who came dropping in, one after another, and all looking most miserable and care-worn. The persons I allude to had, in most instances, lost all they possessed, and had managed only to escape with the clothes they had on their backs. A young civilian had a fortnight of the most intense anxiety ; he dare not remain in his house, as he well knew that there were people about him who wanted to take his life, and yet, as he had received no orders, he dare not leave his dis- trict to come into Lucknow. Many of the district officers were kept at their posts, as their withdrawal would have created alarm, and made matters worse than ever ; and under these circumstances, it rested with each man to 15 make the best arrangements he could ; and to prepare, if possible, to secure a retreat at the last moment. The gentleman I allude to managed most cleverly. He pitched several tents, and kept perpetually moving from one to another ; and as they were at some distance apart, he did not create suspicion by saying, when he left one, that he would return probably in a couple of hours or so. Thus, by a well arranged plan, this young civilian escaped with his life, after having remained at his post till the last moment ; and, moreover, being often for two whole weeks without any settled abode, deprived of rest and proper food, and on several occasions actually surrounded by mutineers, amongst whom he rode during the night without being recognized. It was during these days of intense anxiety (i.e., for us at Lucknow) that I was suddenly called one afternoon to join a party of volunteers, about to proceed into the district to escort a party of European fugitives from Seetapore. I was told by the person who came to me, that Sir Henry Lawrence wanted some volunteers to accompany a party of Seiks who were going out under a Captain Forbes, I did not lose a single 16 moment. I ordered my horse, and being joined by a Frenchman named Geoffroi, I rode up the cantonments to the Residency. It would seem that Captain Forbes did not expect volunteers, as he proposed to me that I should take charge of some elephants that were going out for the fugitives ; however, I declined the honour, stating that I had come to form part of an escort for the Seetapore refugees, and not for elephants. Upon this Captain Forbes politely permitted me to join his party, or else I should most certainly have returned to Lucknow, as I had no idea of being made an elephant driver, although I was fully pre- pared to assist in escorting the unfortunates we were expecting. We had not gone far from the cavalry station of Modkeepore (which is just beyond the cantonment), when we observed a body of men in a clump of trees ; and on advancing further we found that we had fortunately come upon the Seetapore people, who were half inclined to think we were enemies, instead of friends, as we appeared so suddenly. There were ladies on horseback, and in various kinds of vehicles, both European and native. Buggies 17 were filled with children, and all the party looked tired and careworn. We were not long in escorting them to the city, where they all were put up for a day or so at the Re- sidency, till arrangements could be made for their proper accommodation. I will now de- scribe the Seetapore mutiny, as related to me by an officer of the 41st Regiment N. I. " We were all very anxious about Lucknow, having heard of the Barrackpore, Delhi, and Meerut affairs. One Sunday afternoon (i.e., 31st May, 1857), I saw a man mounted on a camel coming into Seetapore from the Luck- now direction. He appeared very tired, and he looked at me, and passed on ; he then came back, and wanted to know if I was an officer. I said, I was ; he then added, ' The troops at Lucknow have risen, and have been chased out of the station by the Europeans ; when I left, bullets and round shot were flying about/ &c., &c. After this, the man asked for Mr. Christian's house; and having pointed out the direction, I hastened to inform our colonel, who said it was a matter of little importance; in fact, he did not entirely believe the report. "I had not been home an hour, when I 18 got an order to be ready to march with a wing of the corps towards Peer Nuggar ; and when we reached the bridge there, we found that the passage had been blocked up with empty carts, by orders of Captain Sanders, who had this done to stop the mutineers advancing from the Lucknow direction. We remained there that day and the next, and returned on the 3rd to Seetapore, having heard of the mutiny of the 1 Oth Oude Infantry. The men were, as usual, dismissed on the parade ground as soon as we came in, but I remarked that they gave a very unusual shout as they broke off. I never remember their having been guilty of making any such unusual noise at any former time when dismissed from an ordinary parade, and I felt rather suspicious as to what this really meant. About an hour or two after this the whole corps 'was up/ and I went and brought over my children to Major Apthorp's. The Major determined on asking Christian's advice, but poor Christian said that he did not care if all the regiments did mutiny ; that he had 300 police and a number of armed servants and Chuprassies on whom he could depend!! and that he would, with these, 19 make f a stand' to the last. I now thought it was better to ask our colonel if I could be of any use in the lines ; but he replied, that he was himself going with some companies to the Treasury, and that there was really nothing in all this to be the least alarmed about, " All the officers and ladies were now assem- bled at the colonel's house, and in the verandah some officers were standing with guns, &c., in their hands. Just then, a soldier rushed up from one of the streets in the lines, and made a signal to us not to move ; he then ran to the rear-guard, said something, and again rushed back. The men of the rear-guard and others (some seventy in number) now assembled, and said, they would remain with us. In the mean- time, the colonel rode off to the Treasury with four companies, and on the way, the Sepoys were beating their breasts > and saying, that they would fight to the last for their colonel, and would not permit the rascals of the 10th to- do any harm. The poor old colonel, on hear- ing all this, turned to his adjutant, and said, 1 Is it not affecting to see the devotion of the men?' " Our colonel now formed up the companies c 2 20 at the Treasury, but as there appeared no symp- tom of any disturbance, he was about to return ; upon this, the adjutant, Lieutenant Graves, said, that he did not like the looks of the men ; that, in fact, he did not think they would obey the order to march back from the Treasury. Just then, the colonel gave the order, 'Threes, left shoulders forward/ and at that moment, a Sepoy of the Treasury guard stepped forward, and shot him dead, and he fell from his horse. The adjutant, on seeyig this, turned his horse's head towards cantonments, but had hardly done so, when a volley was fired at him. He received a bullet- wound in the temple, and his horse was shot under him ; he then ran on foot for a few paces, when he fortunately met the havildar major of the 41st N.I., who gave him his pony, and thus he managed to reach the lines.* " We now heard a constant musketry fire ; and of the seventy men who were first with us, only twenty or so remained ; they had dropped off one by one, on various pretences, * Lieut. Sm alley and the Sergeant-Major have not been heard of since; we suppose they were killed on the spot, when the colonel fell. 21 and Major Apthorp now offered those re- maining a sum of 8,000 rupees (in the name of the officers), if they would accompany us to Lucknow ; they agreed, and we started off forthwith, as there was no time to lose : as we went off, we saw the bungalows in our lines on fire, and we all were rather alarmed (when we had only got two miles), by hearing a cry raised, that armed men were following us up. We found that this was a party of nineteen men, who said they had come to protect us ; we were afraid to trust them, however, so they were made to keep behind till we reached Peer Nuggar. Here we consulted as to whether they should be allowed to join us or not, and as we could not well reach Lucknow without their aid, and also as we felt ourselves a match for them, in case of any treachery on their part, we de- termined to let them accompany our party. " In the distance, the whole horizon seemed to be lit up by the fires in the cantonments we had left, and we were thankful that we had escaped at least so far. Some villagers on the road, on seeing our Christian drummers, said, ' If we had only some horsemen here, we would cut up every one of you/ Well, we reached 22 Baree, and there we managed to send in a scrap of paper to Sir Henry Lawrence, to ask for a party to be sent out to escort us into Lucknow." As far as I have since been able to glean (from people who came in), it would appear, that poor Mr. Christian was finally obliged to retreat, when too late, and he had managed to get across a river (i. e. y the one on the banks of which the bungalows in the civil lines were built), when he was shot down. It is reported that Mrs. Christian, on seeing her husband fall, threw herself on his body, and was cut down immediately after. Another account I heard was, that the ladies were seen rushing from Mr. Christian's house, and that rounds of musketry were fired upon them as they ran screaming towards the river. A report also got abroad, that Mr. Christian was only wounded, and was alive up to the 8th of June, 1857. The person who told me said that he himself had escaped with his wife into the jungle, where he was chased by the villagers, and he had to pay four men one rupee each, for every coss, or two miles, to show him the road. This person also said, 23 that the mutineers were holding auctions in the villages to sell off the plundered pro- perty of officers, and that at these sales the rascals danced wildly about, and cried out, " See the nice things that the officers have brought for us from England!" At one of the out-stations a horse was seen to gallop in, at full speed, with his flanks all bespattered with blood, and without a rider ; it would seem, that some poor fellow had rid- den to save his life, and had been shot some distance from his house ; and that the horse, on finding that he had lost his rider, at once made off for his stable, where he arrived, snorting and terrified, and stood quite still, till seized by some natives. When all these dreadful murders were going on in the districts around, a poor little child, of only two years of age, had escaped, while its father and mother had been killed. It would appear that the poor little creature wandered for a day or two about a large house, from room to room, calling out "Mamma," and not a soul amongst the servants would come near it ; and there it might have died of starvation, had it not met a worse fate. A Sepoy recruit was 24 passing this spot, and on hearing the cries of the child, he entered the bungalow ; but no sooner did he observe that it was the child of a vile CHRISTIAN, than he at once dashed its brains out with the butt of his musket. News of every sort now began to come in from every quarter ; and on the 26th of June a salute was actually fired at Lucknow, for the fall of Delhi, which event did not occur till the 19th of September, 1857. Besides this, it was said, that an attack on Lucknow was inevitable ; and amongst the thousand rumours that spread over the garrison, one was, that the enemy intended to enter Lucknow, carrying setars or harps, and arrayed in marriage garments. It was stated, that they would make their ap- pearance during the night, in palkees, at a time when such processions are mostly seen in native cities. Such reports as these were very easily believed by all the CROAKERS* of the garrison, and vivid comparisons were imme- diately drawn between Troy and Lucknow ; and it was said, if the former city was lost by a horse, why should we not fall by a palkee ! ! * A name given to individuals, who spoke in a gloomy way during the siege. 25 CHAPTER IV. WHEN matters began, day by day, to assume a still more serious appearance even than be- fore, and murders were even more frequent, Sir Henry Lawrence deemed it expedient to enrol all the European and Eurasian writers in the public offices as volunteers, and he directed arms and ammunition to be served out to them. Some of these men were taken into the volunteer cavalry (which was also com- posed of officers, civil and military), and the re- mainder were drilled as infantry. At the commencement, when these men were first brought together (to be regularly drilled by sergeants from Her Majesty's 32nd Regiment), the chance of ever making them act in a body seemed almost a hopeless task. There were men of all ages, sizes, and figures. Here stood a tall, athletic Englishman there came a fat and heavy Eurasian, with more width across the waist than about the chest. Next to the Eurasian came another of the 26 same class, who looked like a porter barrel (i. e., short and squat), and the belt round his waist very closely resembled a hoop. Not far off you observed an old, bent-double man, who seemed too weak to support the weight of his musket and pouch. Such, dear reader, to a casual observer was the general appearance of our volunteers ; but we must not always judge by appearances. Amongst this awkward-looking body there sprung up, during the siege, bold, intrepid, and daring men ; and I may say, in fact, that the whole of them, more or less, did excellent ser- vice ; and, had it not been for our volunteers, we should never have been able to garrison the place. It was very creditable to these men that they so soon fell into military ways, and finally became a willing and obedient body, and fit for most ordinary duties required of a soldier. Of course there were some instances where, for marked bad conduct, punishments were absolutely necessary to keep up disci- pline, but such was not to be wondered at, when we remembered that most of these men had never been subject to any kind of re- straint ; their only duties had been to attend 27 office regularly, and write during the time they remained there, and, consequently, they had the mornings and nights all to themselves ; but now they were suddenly in a very altered po- sition, and were obliged to be present at their respective posts or guards, between stated hours, both by day and night ; and, besides, they had to do sentry duty, with firelock and belts, &c., &c. At first some of these men did not quite approve of this sort of work ; they thought it was rather degrading to carry a musket, and they did not see why they should obey a ]ieu- tenant, or why they were not in every respect just as good men as even the Brigadier him- self ! A few went so far as to forget them- selves, and the punishment they promptly met with just quietly intimated to the others that martial law was the order of the day, and that, for whatever they now did, they were respon- sible to the military authorities. However ludicrous these volunteers appeared when simply r"rawn up in line, it was posi- tively nothing to the figure they cut when put into motion by the words of command, "March!" and "Mark time!" from the drill 28 sergeant. All the spectator could observe were some dozen pairs of very indifferent legs, simultaneously jerked out to their full stretch and then as quietly dragged back again, as if the owners of these said legs had all made a terrific kick at some very dangerous reptiles, and then thought better of it. It was, in fact, painful to observe the constrained attitudes of certain individuals, and amongst the number was a little man, very prim, and " stuck up," who really appeared to have led himself to suppose that the fate of all Oude de- pended on his placing his left foot as far as possible from his right ; and it seemed that he was urged to attempt this difficult feat simply because a tall grenadier fellow beside him had succeeded in stretching his compass- like legs over some yard- and a quarter of ground. Not long after the word "March!" came the order to " Charge ! " and I verily be- lieve that the most morose or grave person on earth could not have refrained from laughter ; for whilst the little prim man was doing his utmost to dislocate both his hip joints for the good of the Honourable Company, another, with the rotundity of a beer barrel, was vainly 29 trying to make himself into a light infantry soldier, and had succeeded in getting up a very puffed appearance, and had bathed himself in perspiration by endeavouring to "double" a distance of some twenty yards. He looked exactly what one might fancy a " walrus" would appear in his last expiring throes ! Notwithstanding all these little absurdities, I must admit that the drill-sergeants eventu- ally succeeded in making these recruits load and fire pretty well; and, after all, this was indeed the main object, and not such an easy matter to accomplish, as very many of the volunteers had never before handled a musket, and had probably never seen a balled cartridge. Amongst them, however, there were some Europeans who had good guns and rifles of their own, and so had some of the Eurasians, and these individuals did good work with them in all the attacks. You might often see a man run out during an alarm, with a musket in one hand and a double-barrelled gun in the other, and the latter was generally reserved for " close quarters/' i. e., when the enemy came up rather close to our works. These volunteers were now appointed to different outposts and garri- 30 sons, and from this time they commenced to do regular sentry duty. They had strict or- ders to challenge all persons approaching their posts, and were constantly reminded of the necessity of being " particularly on the alert," a phrase which at last became so common, that the staff officers, who came round, were always laughed at when they made use of it. As to the further peculiarities of our volun- teers, and the anecdotes connected with their first attempts at soldiering, I must refer the reader to the next chapter. CHAPTER V. THE house I lived in at Lucknow was the one I had occupied ever since the annexation of Oude, in which province I was an Assistant Commissioner. When the buildings about the Residency were being put into a state of de- fence, my house was one of those chosen to become an outpost. The wall of the enclosure round it was thrown down, and a stockade was put in its place. Within this stockade was a ditch ; then a mound of about five feet ; then another deep ditch, with pointed bam- boos placed at the bottom. This little outpost was situated on the Cawnpore road ; and as we had the enemy (throughout the siege) only forty yards dis- tant from us on the left, and some seventy to eighty yards to our front, it was one of the most exposed outworks in the place. Besides this, we were always under a very heavy fire from the enemy's guns no less than nine can- non of sizes (from six to eighteen and twenty- 32 four pounders) were in positions so as to keep up an incessant fire by day and night ; and when it is remembered how dose the enemy's artil- lery was planted, some idea may be formed as to the effect of their shot and shell on this building. Amongst the heavy ordnance there \va< a Company's eight-inch howitzer, which had fallen into the enemy's hands during the retreat from CHINHUT. This immense piece used to throw eight-inch shells clean through two walls of the house, and right into the only room where the volunteers and myself had to sleep. From the above, it will be seen that this outpost was one of the most advanced out- works of the whole Residency position, it being the outer house of our left flank, facing the Cawnpore road. To our right was the Cawn- pore battery ; and immediately in our rear were four other little garrisons, called "The Post Office/' " The Judicial Commissioner's/' " Mrs. Sago's" (formerly a girls' school, called after the head mistress), and "The Financial Commissioner's;" these were respectively to our right, centre, and left rear. During attacks, shell were thrown over our house from the 33 "Post Office/' and a musketry fire from " Sago's," and " The Judicial Commissioners/' swept our left face most completely/' Being thus situated, we had to commence our work of "keeping a sharp lookout" for some considerable time before we were actually besieged. Field officers now began to go their rounds at night, and the volunteer sentries regularly challenged people passing on the Oawnpore road. Attached to this garrison, which was placed under my command, were eight volunteers, and amongst them were two foreigners, one an Italian, and the other a Frenchman. The former was a Signor Bar sotelli, and the latter a Monsieur Geoffroi. Both of these gentlemen behaved most admi- rably during the siege, and shot several of the enemy ; and their conduct, in every way, was highly praiseworthy. Later in the siege, I had nine Europeans and a sergeant of Her Majesty's 32nd Foot placed under my orders ; and thus, with a subaltern officer and myself, we mus- tered, in all, only twenty men ! Before any fighting commenced, Mr. W. Capper, of the Bengal Civil Service, volunteered D 34 to become one of my little garrison ; and he is also included in this number. Before proceeding further, I cannot praise too much the conduct of this young civilian, whose energy, coolness, and bravery, were alike conspicuous during our weary and ha- rassing siege. First of all, Mr. Capper went manly to work, with firelock and pouch, and did regular sentry duty as a common soldier ; and a precious good and attentive one he was. After this, at my request, he assisted me in my duties in the capacity of an officer, and was accordingly relieved from sentry duty, although we both, of course, " turned out " during every attack, with our musket and pouch. He is an instance of a gentleman putting aside all pride, and subjecting himself (for the good of the State), to all manner of exposure, danger, and fatigue, and acting under the orders of a military officer whose rank, in a civil capacity, was under his own. I am also happy to add that we never had a difference of opinion in duty matters throughout the siege. Mr. Capper was a Deputy Commissioner, at a salary of 1,000 rupees ; he had the entire 35 charge of a district; and he is the person mentioned in Chapter III., who managed so cleverly to elude the vigilance of a set of ruffians who were watching a favourable op- portunity to take his life. I have thus far been particular to mention these three gen- tlemen volunteers by name, so that there may be no mistake as to whom I allude when I introduce any anecdote connected with the other volunteers. Whenever any of these three gentlemen, therefore, may be the subject of my future remarks, I shall mention them by name. As regards the other volunteers, of either my own or other garrisons, I reserve to myself the right of speaking of them generally; my object being simply to describe laughable occurrences, without the most remote wish to hurt the feelings of any individual. And now, having said so much, I shall proceed with my narrative. It must be remembered that, at the com- mencement of the siege, volunteers kept chang- ing from post to post, as they met friends or relatives. We, therefore, had an opportunity of seeing all sorts of odd characters. One of the very first persons who gave trouble was an 36 European, who had formerly been in the Com- pany's army. I had been out dining, and on my return, I found all my servants in a great state of alarm. They told me that the " sahib," or gentleman (who had introduced himself only the same day), had been threatening all of them ; and, moreover, that he had beaten a couple of the Eurasian volunteers, and was then marching up and down in the verandah, with a drawn sword, and behaving altogether like a madman. On learning this, I walked upstairs, and found the gentleman, as described I knew my best plan was to go up to him at once ; and, in doing so, I took the precaution of edging up to his sword arm. To my great astonishment, he said nothing; but looked bewildered. He had, evidently, been drunk, and was now " coming round" I said, "I understand you have been threatening my servants, and ill-treating two Eurasian volun- teers." He replied, "IVe done nothing of the sort. I have been doing sentry duty, as these niggers wanted to kill me. I saw what they were about, the devils! Ha! ha!" " Well," I added, " before saying any more, be 37 good enough to give me up that sword/' He laughed, and said, "Well, I've no sort of objection to do that/' and forthwith he handed it over to me. I now called the two volunteers, and my servants, and investigated the case ; and I found that the drunkard was in the wrong. I now told this man that I should report the whole affair, and he began to speak in rather a loud tone of voice ; and this brought over a couple of stout Europeans from another gar- rison. As soon as they saw the man's state, they asked permission to take charge of him till morning. I accepted their offer, and 'off went the drunkard. The guard where he was taken to was a pretty strong one, so there were more sentries than at my post. The prisoner was put under a sentry, and his bed was taken over to him. He remained perfectly quiet for some time, and then suddenly raised himself on the bed, and was about to make a rush at a sickly-looking Eurasian who was sentry over him. Just then, a strong hand was placed on his throat, and when the drunkard looked round, he saw a stout Englishman standing over him. The 38 prisoner now began to kick and swear ; but another European came up, and whilst the drunkard swore he would kill every one about him, his arms and legs were fastened down to the cot, and a rope, doubled, was passed be- tween his teeth, as the noise he made was enough to alarm the whole garrison. After this, the prisoner was carried, on the cot, to the main guard of Her Majesty's 32nd Kegi- ment, and I never saw him afterwards. I heard, however, that he had become a steady man, and that the poor fellow lost his life whilst doing duty at our guns during an attack One evening, on account of some noise in the street, I had to "turn out" the volun- teers, and whilst under arms, I observed that one man was absent. I went to hunt him up, and found him dancing madly about the room, in a bewildered state. He could not find his musket ; and then he had upset all his percus- sion-caps ; and, moreover, could not find his cartridges. I never saw such terror depicted in any man's countenance ; and as a sort of punishment for his carelessness, I hinted that it was just possible (if people did not keep 39 their arms, &c., all ready), that the enemy would rush in and cut them to pieces. Another volunteer of the same class came up to me one day, and said, in the gravest manner possible, " What are we to do, sir, if we are charged by elephants ?" I could hardly answer the man for laughing; but when I recovered my gravity, I told him that such was a difficult question to answer properly ; but, at all events, whether able to keep off such huge animals or not, Government would expect each individual to make the attempt. The little man seemed satisfied, but his expression plainly told that he had considerable doubts in his own mind as to the ultimate chance of his ever escaping with life if exposed to such a fearful encounter ! ! One fine evening before dark I had to pass the spot where a volunteer sentry was placed ; he was a tall, slim, and girlish-looking youth, with an uncommonly black face. As I ap- proached him, he shouted out, " Who comes there V although he saw who I was, and, more- over, he knew my name. This was done, of course, to show how attentive he was to orders. I gave the usual reply, and was about to proceed, when this warlike man brought his musket down to 40 the charge, and said, " I'm sorry I cannot let you pass, sir, till I call the sergeant of the guard/' Now, all this might have spoken very well of the volunteer had he then and there ex- pired on the spot after such a noble deed, and nothing more been heard of him ; but, alas ! time often tells some tales that are not always very pleasant. On a very dark night, not long after this, the same individual was on sentry when a person approached his post. Now, whether from fear, or otherwise, I cannot say, but this is certain, viz., that he never halted the person as he did me, nor did he recollect that his duty was to stand firm and call the sergeant ; but, putting his musket over his shoulder, he trotted off to the guard ! ! Whilst conducting the stranger, by keeping well in front, he also kept a careful glance to the rear, to see that he did not lay himself open to an attack, and thus he led the way, and finally called out, as he reached the guard-room, " Ser- geant, somebody 's come/' The sergeant re- plied he was very happy to hear so, and warned the brave man not to bring such intelligence for the future, and led him to understand that a sentry should not leave his post till properly relieved. 41 At the beginning of the siege drunkenness was, I am sorry to say, rather common amongst the volunteers, and several got into rows ; one man shook his fist in the face of an European sentry whilst in a state of intoxication, another beat a native severely, and so on, day after day, till they were punished with severity. On one occasion a lot of these Eurasians met at the quarters of a very quiet individual of their own class, and there commenced to drink very hard. After they had expended all their grog, they called upon the master of the house to provide them with money to purchase more ; this he positively refused to do, and it ended in these drunkards upsetting all his chairs and tables, and then leaving the place, calling him a horrid miser. It was often amusing to listen to the remarks of these volunteers during the nights we were visited by grand rounds. On one of these oc- casions a young fellow was in a great state of anxiety as to how he was to present arms. Signor Barsotelli, however, consoled him by saying, " Never mind, sir, make a leetle noise ; who's to see in the dark?" Another night, when our good Italian was suddenly called up 42 from a sound sleep, he exclaimed, "I think these grand round officers do this for their own amusement/' However, nothing on earth could keep Signor from the steady performance of his duty. In another moment there he stood, with a musket in one hand and a double-bar- relled rifle in the other, at his side was a huge cavalry sword, and pendant over his breast hung his ammunition pouch, resembling very much an Italian hand-organ. This latter part of Signor 's military equipment was rather in his way than otherwise, but he did not exactly know where else to put it ; and he was not a little pleased when told that the pouch of the English soldier is worn at the back. What with a gun in both hands, and a huge sword constantly getting between his legs, he had quite enough to do without the extra anxiety about the horrid cartridge pouch, which con- tained some sixty rounds of balled ammunition into the bargain. Before closing this chapter, it may not be out of place to mention what I heard said one evening by some men of Her Majesty's 32nd Foot. They were talking about the sad death of a cavalry officer, who was killed at Modkee- 43 pore( on the night of the mutiny in canton- ments. One soldier said, " Poor young fellow ! he was hardly seventeen years of age, so I hear." His comrade added, " I wouldn't care so much about his age ; but fancy, the rascals would not let the poor fellow put on his boots he had only one boot on when we found him/' This gives a good idea of a soldier's notion as to how a person should be killed it speaks volumes as to the true Englishman's idea of " fair play/' The fact was, this honest fellow could not bear to think that the poor young officer had been surprised ; had he heard that he had been killed in fair fight, he would have certainly thought nothing of it. One of this party, whilst speaking of the siege, said, "I'm sure there'll be some wet eyes for me at home by this time, I was such a pet at OUT house." A comrade said, " What, Bill ! you a pet ? queer folks, I think, as would make a pet of you." This last remark struck me as rather laughable, as Bill was certainly a very rough- looking individual, and not one that a lady would be likely to fall in love with at first sight. CHAPTER VI. MATTERS now began to get worse and worse, each day, and even the men who had re- mained faithful to us up to this time began to be very anxious; so much so that one evening a Sepoy sentry suddenly threw down his musket at his post, and bolted away as fast as possible. He was observed by an European sentry, who fired at him, but missed him. On the 12th June, 1857, the Police Battalion stationed in the city broke into open mutiny, and marched away towards the Dil-Kusha Park. Some little delay occurred before in- telligence reached the authorities at the Re- sidency, so that the mutineers got off some considerable distance. A party of about 200 of Her Majesty's 32nd Foot, some Seik cavalry, and a few mounted volunteers, with a couple of guns, went in pursuit. I joined this expedition, having nothing better to do. We came up with the mutineers when they had almost crossed the 45 Dil-Kusha Park, and found them retreating in tolerable order, but rapidly, towards a large village. The Seiks and the mounted volunteers charged over the plain ; the former in a compact mass, and the latter galloped here and there after the stragglers. I daresay some twelve or fourteen men were cut down in this manner ; and on our side we lost only two Seiks ; and a civilian, named Thornhill, was severely wounded in the arm and breast. The mutineer who wounded Mr. Thornhill defended himself uncommonly well for some time. He was charged by five of the volun- teers one after another, but by keeping his bayonet right before his body, he managed to make each horse shy just as the rider had got to almost the proper distance to make a cut. At last, up came an able-bodied gentleman, named MacRae, who cut the fellow right over the forehead, and as he was falling, another volunteer, at the same instant, galloped past, and ran the mutineer through the ribs with his sword. Our guns opened on the retiring body with grape, but with little effect, as the distance was too great ; however, soon followed round shot and shrapnell, and the 46 deep gaps which appeared now and then midst the mass as it moved off, told plainly that a good many had bitten the dust. It now began to get late, and the order was given for the party to return. I suppose that the loss of the mutineers in this retreat could not have been less than forty killed. As we approached the town of Lucknow, we lost our way, and I firmly believe that the city watchmen tried to lead us into an ambus- cade, as they pointed to us to take a road to our front, and when we advanced, a sharp fire of musketry opened from a lot of gardens in the immediate vicinity. The men were now halted, and most fortunately an officer of the party knew the proper road, and we at once diverged to our right, and thus entirely avoided the other route. Soon after this, the Muchee Bawan proved to be not so strong as it was expected, and all the Government treasure was removed to the Residency. News arrived of the party under Captain Hayes being massacred. It was re- ported that Captain Hayes was run through the body by his own men ; that a young gen- tleman, named Fayrer, had his head cut ofi 47 as he was quietly drinking at a well ; that Lieutenant Barbor cut down one and wounded two mutineers before he fell ; and that Captain Carey only saved his life by the speed of his horse. Here is another instance of the fidelity of our native soldiers. Fancy men turning upon a few officers in this cowardly manner, and then murdering them in cold blood, with- out any cause whatever ! But let us not dwell over what might tempt us to call down a curse on such ruffians. Let us calmly await the pleasure of Him who hath said, " Vengeance is mine, I will repay." And in doing so, let us rest assured that He can send a balm to heal the many, many fond hearts that have suffered by all these horrid events, which it now becomes the duty of the narrator to de- scribe to the best of his ability. As we were at Lucknow, we had to trust of course to the reports that were brought in of these murders, and amongst them we heard also of a party having left Shahjehanpore for Seetapore, as the latter place was considered safer ; also, it would appear that they were escorted by men of the 28th Regiment N.I. As this little party approached Seetapore, 48 a Sepoy came running up to them, and called out "Victory! victory!" meaning, I sup- pose, that all the Seetapore folks had been killed, or driven away. Whereupon the 28th set to work, and deliberately murdered almost all the party. It is said that they all met death in the calmest manner possible, that most of the ladies and gentlemen were on their knees, with their arms across their breasts, and their eyes fixed towards heaven. On the 16th June, several rich men of the city were seized on suspicion. We heard that amongst them were some fat, portly old crea- tures, who got into such a horrid state of alarm, at the idea of being hung, that they humbly prostrated themselves on the ground, and vowed they were quite innocent. After this, when some of them got off, it was said by the natives that they had attempted to leave the city with all their wealth, but were followed out by some of the Lucknow rascals, and killed on the road. We heard also that the Nana/s men at Cawnpore had an idea that the whole of the European intrenchment was mined; and it was said by the natives that the Bithoor Raja (i.e., the Nana) intended to 49 drive a couple of hundred asses towards the intrenchment at night, and that he fully be- lieved the Europeans would consider it an attack, and blow up their mines, after which he fancied he could safely rush in and take the place. Some of our private servants now became alarmed, and most of them began to run away, and we were put to great incon- venience. On the 28th June, at 2 o'clock a.m., the rains regularly set in, and the change was pleasant. On the 30th June, a party consisting of some 300 of Her Majesty's 32nd Regiment, some 24 volunteer cavalry, 150 Seiks and Hindostanees, with an 8-inch howitzer, and eleven field guns, moved out to attack a large body of the mutineers at a place called Chin- hut. Our force went up the road in column, with the howitzer and other guns in advance. The mutineers had taken up a very strong position; their centre formed a sort of semi- circle across the road, and their right rested on a grove, and their left on an intrenched village, in which they had some guns ; there were also a couple of guns right in the enemy's centre, and pointing down the road our troops went 50 up. The intrenched village to the right was full of men; the body in the centre was un- doubtedly very strong; and the grove to the left was filled with skirmishers. As our attacking party approached the enemy's position, the Europeans were formed into a sort of line on both sides of the road. The enemy at once opened fire with their guns, situated on the road, and our 8-inch howitzer immediately returned the compliment. The first two shots from the enemy's guns killed a havildar of artillery and a horse. On this, the native artillerymen took our guns down a slope into very bad ground, and they were got out with much difficulty: and dur- ing the fight some of our native artillerymen, with their guns, also went straight over to the enemy, and this, of course, caused much alarm and confusion. After a little delay, however, these guns were got out of the broken ground, and brought to bear on the intrenched village to the enemy's left, from which the enemy also returned a sharp fire. For about twenty minutes a con- stant discharge of musketry was kept up from both sides; and in the meantime an officer 51 rode up with orders for the troops to the left of the road to move up to the grove. This was done, and the Europeans kept up a sharp lire on the enemy's skirmishers, who were posted there. From some unaccountable cause, our troops to the right were seen to retire; those on the left, at the grove, now commenced to fall back, and on reaching the road, they found all the rest had gone. This seemed the signal for a regular retreat, and such it really became. The volunteer cavalry faced about, and fronted the enemy several times, and did good service ; the Seiks and Sepoys with the party both behaved very well indeed, and kept up a fire, as they retreated, on the enemy. The splendid 8-inch howitzer and three guns fell into the hands of the enemy, who rapidly followed up our retreating force. This sad affair cost us no less than the lives of 112 men of Her Majesty's 32nd Regiment, and five officers ; and had the cavalry of the enemy done their duty, very probably not a single man would have returned, as the distance they retreated was between seven and eight miles. This disaster was caused by Sir H. Lawrence having been deceived by his spies. He had no E2 52 idea that the enemy mustered so strong ; and, moreover, he was urged to send out this party by people at Lucknow. I understand that he regretted this step up to the day of his death ; and there is no doubt the thoughts of this sad disaster affected his general health. Gentle- men who were out say that the mutineers mustered between six and seven thousand men. Some even went so far as to say that their force amounted to nearly double this number. But, notwithstanding such fearful odds, and the fact of our native artillery hav- ing deserted us, some officers seem to think that the enemy were in retreat themselves when our force retired ; and many now believe that, if we had only taken out European gun- ners, we should at least have been able to re- tire without much loss. The men of Her Majesty's 32nd Foot did all they could ; but I fancy the force they had to fight was far too strong for them, even under the most favour- able circumstances ; and, as for the enemy being in retreat, such is most unlikely, as they followed our men very close, and the greater part of the soldiers who fell had not a single wound, but were completely exhausted, and 53 deliberately laid down on the road to be killed, as they positively were dying of thirst and over-fatigue. Alas ! alas ! that such good, brave souls should have perished in this manner ! So soon as our troops reached the Iron Bridge, one party went off to the Muchee Bawan, and the remainder came into the Resi- dency : all the men were completely knocked up, and looked most miserable. The enemy kept up the pursuit, and we were now really and truly besieged at Lucknow. The gates were shut, and our guns opened. The muti- neers soon filled the streets, and came howling up close to the outposts, where we were all ready for them ; they also forthwith com- menced getting guns into position. At my garrison a sharp fire was kept up from our loopholes ; but the enemy brought a gun to bear on the pillars of our verandah, and soon brought it down with a terrible crash. Mr. Capper happened to be in the verandah, and was firing out of a loophole, when a shot struck one of the pillars, and down it came. This gentleman was buried under some three or four feet of masonry, and, wonderful to say, he came out almost unhurt. There was, I 54 fancy, no other such wonderful escape during the whole siege as this, and Mr. Capper has every reason to thank Providence for having his life spared in such an extraordinary man- ner. As the immense beams of the verandah were falling, they were suddenly checked by a single stout beam (which had been raised about two feet from the floor of the said verandah, and formed a step for the volunteers to fire off), and in the interim Mr. Capper's head, most fortunately, got under the space between this beam and the verandah floor, so that the other beams came down at a slant, instead of flat. When we heard that he was buried, we all rushed to his assistance, and heard only a low voice, saying, " I'm alive ! Get me out ! Give me air, for God's sake I" Some one remarked, " It's impossible to save him ;" upon which Mr. Capper's voice was heard to proceed, as if from a vault, saying, " It is possible, if you try." We set to work at once, and a long and tedious affair it was. First we had to displace huge pieces of masonry, and, as we did this, the broken bricks and lime kept filling up the little air-holes, and poor Mr. Capper was con- 55 stantly obliged to call out for "more air/' During this time, be it remembered, the enemy kept up an incessant fire of round shot and musketry on the spot, knowing that we were working there ; and all we had to protect us was about six inches of the wall, that just covered our bodies, as we lay flat on our sto- machs, and worked away with both hands. After labouring for three-quarters of an hour, and when we were all quite exhausted, we managed to get the whole of Mr. Capper's body pretty free ; whereupon we set to work to get his legs out, and it was some little time before we could enable him to move his lower limbs. Throughout all this, a corporal, named Oxenham, of Her Majesty's 32nd Kegiment, behaved most nobly, and exposed himself con- siderably, so as to expedite the work of dig- ging out our unfortunate volunteer, whose ap- pearance amongst us seemed like as if one had risen from the grave ; we fully expected, at least, to have found that all his limbs had been broken ; whereas, on the contrary, he had merely a few bruises, and felt faint. On the 1st July, the whole force at the Muchee Bawan was withdrawn into the Resi- 56 dency, and this affair was arranged uncom- monly well. The ammunition was all collected in one place ; the guns were spiked and dam- aged as much as circumstances would permit ; and at a given signal (at midnight), the force marched out, whilst a slow match, attached to a train leading to the magazine, was lighted. Just as our men reached the Eesidency, a magnificent explosion took place, and Muchee Bawan was instantly in ruins. Strange to say, not a single man was wounded when this movement took place, although the mutineers were in possession of the whole city, and had been firing on the Residency and the Muchee Bawan throughout the day. The officers and soldiers lost all their property, as no baggage could be removed ; and the best proof that this movement must have been managed well, is, that the enemy were not aware of what was being done. After our troops had retired down the road, the enemy seemed to have gained an inkling of what had occurred, as they brought some guns, but it was too late ; two round shot came screaming down the street, and hurt none, as our men had now reached 57 the Eesidency gate. Some little excitement took place, as the gate was locked, and the person who had the key could not be found for a little while ; and during this trying period, the troops outside fancied themselves in rather an awkward position ; and so they might have been, had cavalry been in pursuit ! As our men were leaving, a soldier of Her Majesty's 32nd Foot was lying intoxicated at the Muchee Bawan. A sergeant tried to get the man to accompany him, but to no purpose ; all he got were harsh and angry words. He therefore told the man that if he would not come away, that he could not wait to be blown up or killed by the enemy, and then he left him. Strange to say, the next morning, the drunken man came into the Residency. He was quite naked ! and when asked how he had escaped, he replied, " Sure I didn't see e'er a man in the place/' How the poor creature ever managed to get in, is a perfect miracle ; the streets must have been lined with men ; but, perhaps, in the darkness, and as he was naked, they may have mistaken him for a mendicant, as some of this class do wander about in this indecent manner, when not checked by our police. 58 CHAPTER VII. WE were now, to use a slang expression, " fairly box'd up" at Lucknow. A man could not show his nose without hearing the whiz, whiz of bullets close to his head. The shots, too, came from every direction ; and when a poor fellow had nearly jerked his head off his shoulders in making humble salutations to passing bullets, he would have his penance dis- agreeably changed into a sudden and severe contortion of the whole body, to avoid a round shot or shell. So soon as a man left his post, he had no time for meditation, his only plan was to proceed rapidly, in fact, to walk slow, at some places, was very, very dangerous, and many a poor fellow was shot, who was too proud to run past places where bullets danced on the walls like a handful of peas in a frying-pan. I had no less than five horses shot in the enclosure about my house : two of them were my own. The servants who attended them all ran off so soon as they saw that matters 59 had reached this fearful state, so the poor animals were left without any person to give them water or food. Some were wounded, and others were almost dead. To go near them was impossible by day, and at night it could only be managed with difficulty. At last some of the horses died, and the stench was so fearful, that, to prevent a pestilence, we were obliged to drag them away, and throw them into a well. Those that were wounded, we had to get out as well as we could, and let them loose into the city. One poor horse of mine had his leg broken; I had, therefore, to creep upon my hands and knees to cut the rope he was fas- tened by, and then I found the poor brute could not walk. However, no time was to be lost ; so I got a person to prick him up in the rear, whilst another pulled at the head-rope ; thus, on three legs, and actually hopping along, this poor horse was driven out of the place. All we dreaded was their dying, and our having no means of removing them. My poor little pet dog, whilst playing about the place, was shot through the bowels, and came running up, yelping most piteously, with the blood gushing from the wound. A tame pigeon, 60 too, as it hopped about at the doorway, had its head shot off. I have merely mentioned these little circumstances to show how dangerous it was to go much about, as bullets came from all sides. Soon after the falling of the verandah upon Mr. Capper, the cannonade on the whole upper part of the house became so severe that we were forced to leave the upper de- fences for want of cover, and retire on the lower story. Just before this, I was firing from a loophole on the stall's, when a round shot came and carried away a large piece of masonry about a foot above my head. The bricks flew all about me, but I was not hurt. At about the same moment, another shot carried away the greater part of our parapet, and went clean through the body of one of our Seiks, who was also in the act of firing. The poor fellow never moved ; the shot had made a hole of four inches in diameter in his chest, and had passed through his back. It was now high time to look to the lower defences, as we had no place where we could fire from in the upper part, as round shot and shell began to sweep the whole of the top rooms from end to end. 61 Now the only room in the lower story, which was fit for us, was occupied by a huge Eurasian and his wife ; but rather than put these folks to any inconvenience, I remained in a passage with the volunteers and some Seiks, as uncomfortable as any one could be. Our miseries had now, indeed, begun in real earnest ; we had no place to either bathe or dress ; and to cook food was impossible, as we had no servants. We therefore subsisted, for some little time, on biscuits, sardines, &c., &c. Both of these individuals were fond of the bottle, and when "in their cups/' they were like cat and dog. The man used generally to get sleepy, and retire to his couch, whilst his wife became dreadfully loquacious. This lady, I beg to state, did not address me ; her con- versation was with the Eurasian volunteers ; but T had the benefit of it all, having no place to sit in but the passage, where this horrid female persisted in coming, much to my disgust. First of all, she would give all the dark gentry about her a full and true account of her pa- rentage ; and though we well could see that she had never been out of India, she used to talk of her " dear Ireland/' Then came a long 62 description of all the gentlemen who had made love to her before she had reached the shady side of forty ; and, finally, we had the inte- resting description of all the difficulties that her fond husband had to surmount before he was honoured with her hand and heart. She would tell us, too, that her husband was not dark, oh no, he was only sunburnt ; but if we did not believe her, all we had to do was to bare his arm up to the elbow, and we should find it like snow. But this was not the only way in which this horrid woman was disagreeable ; she used some- times to get the real "blue devils/' and then she would beat her bosom, and tell the Seiks on guard that we should all be cut up; that no troops could come to our assistance, &c., &c. At last, she got so bad, and was such a perfect nuisance, that I reported her conduct, and got both her and her husband removed from our garrison. Had she remained, she would probably have made every Seik desert from us, by reason of all her gloomy con- versations. I had, I found, been rather con- siderate at first to this class of people, who do aot appreciate the principle of " suaviter in 63 modo," they require also the "fortiter in re," to keep them in some sort of awe of the per- sons they are supposed to be placed under. We were now surrounded, night and day, by all the city blackguards, as well as the mutineers, and they must have been very numerous, if we may judge by the uproar they made. On one occasion, as we were turned out on account of some alarm at night, I heard a soldier say to another, " I say, Bill, I'm blow'd if these here Budmashes* don't yell like so many cats/' Bill replied, " Yes, they do, and I only wishes I was behind them with a tin pot of biling water as they opens their d d mouths/' Another European, who was close at hand, and had been quite distracted by the incessant noise of one of their war clarions, remarked, " I only wish I had a holt of the black rascal as plays that ; I'd not kill the vagabond, I'd only break that infernal hin- strument over the bridge of his nose/' Having the enemy always so close to us, we were obliged to be constantly on the alert, and it became absolutely necessary to visit the sen- tries several times in every hour throughout * Rascals, men of bad reputation. 64 the night. Our poor men were very hard worked, and had often to go on sentry duty after, perhaps, digging in the batteries, &c., &c., for a couple of hours before ; on this account we had to make every allowance for their being both tired and sleepy ; but, nevertheless, as the lives of the whole garrison depended on the vigilance of the outposts, it became an officer's bounden duty to keep the men at their work. One night I observed a sentry who certainly seemed asleep ; he had his head bent down on his breast, and he did not challenge me as I came up to his post. I watched him for a little, and then, to give him a chance, I called out, guns. Tin- advanee was slow and steady, till jn i -i H wa ;MI i ii,.. ,1,-n-k, when in r\\ -hed a l"ly of Europeans into the Bailie Guard gate, midst the din of shouts and cheers from tin- \\hole of (he garrison. Oh, what a joyful day lor us; we were saved! TheEunp, .-,1 hold of all the m-w comers, and eml.raeed them, and the night passed in askijig repeated (ju< :U>ut what had taken plan* in the "outer world' since we were beseigecL Tlu'iv was. .Inulitlrss, many a prayrr otl'nvd up in secret for our merciful and wonderful y W. THACKER & Co., 87, Newgate Street, London. Calcutta: THACKER, SPINK, & Co. ; Bombay: THACKER & Co.; also, E. MARLBOROTTGH & Co., Ave Maria Lane, London ; and all News agents in England and India, THE LEADING INDIAN QUARTERLY. Price 7s. 6d., THE CALCUTTA KEVIEW. The CALCUTTA REVIEW, commenced in 1843, has long re- ceived the support of the most accomplished writers on every subject of interest connected with Anglo-India, and its largely increasing circulation proves the high estimation in which it is now held. CONTENTS OF RECENT NUMBERS. No. LVIIL, Dec., 1857. 1. India and Comparative Philo- logy, 2. The Abkari Mehal Revenue Handbook. 3. Sir John Malcolm. 4. Wilson's Glossary Judicial and Revenue Terms. 5. 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E OF AKHAIi HOUS; : DIN AFORE Ml !.;.- - I IKOE1 O1 tJB Bl W LI : : : :.- ' - , and i' ; , i . | t . D . . . ; [] g ,^, [)jfE1 COT'J PESHAWUK FIELD Dem j ' i . , , . ' . Days Horse .A : -iitry and Lifi : i 3 , i I I 08 ; ' ' ' ;