P A 2087 A578 1844 MAIN University of California. FROM THE LIBRARY OF DR. FRANCIS LIEBER, Professor of History and Law in Columbia College, New York. THK GIFT OF IMICHAEL REESE, Of San Francisco. 1 8 7 3 . I NEW SERIES OF LATIN SCHOOL BOOKS, CROCKER & BREWSTER, Wo. 47 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, Publish the following Books, which constitute a regular series of elementary Latin works designed for the use of Schools: Infill CtraBSfimar. A Grammar of the Latin Language, for the Use of Schools, and Colleges. By Professor E. A. ANDREWS and Professor S. STODDARD. This Grammar has been adopted in most of the schools and colleges of this country. It is distinguished for its copiousness, its philosophical arrangement, and the scientific precision of its rules and definitions. The following works have been prepared by Professor ANDREWS, for the purpose of completing the series, of which the Grammar of Andrews and Stoddard is the basis : Questions on the CJraBiiiii^i'. Questions on Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar. This little volume is intended to aid the student in examining himself in regard to the preparation of his lessons, and the teacher in conducting his recitations. Lessons. First Lessons in Latin, or an Intro- duction to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar. This volume is designed for the younger classes of Latin students, to whom the larger Grammar might, at first, appear too formidable, and for all who, at any period of life, may wish to acquire an accurate knowledge of the first principles of the language. The work is complete in itself, containing the prominent rules and principles of the Grammar, with easy reading and writing lessons, serving to illustrate those principles. It is also furnished with numerous grammatical references, and a dictionary of the Latin words and phrases occurring in the lessons. Latift Header. The First Part of Jacobs and Boring's Latin Reader, with a Dictionary and Notes; adapted to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar. The plan of this edition of the Latin Reader, which was in a great degree new, has been so highly approved, as to lead to its introduction, with suitable modifications, into all the subsequent volumes of the series. Instead of the grammatical notes usually found in works of this kind, numerous references are every where made to those principles of the Grammar which serve to explain the peculiarities of form or construction which occur in the lessons. The application of these principles is gen- erally left to the sagacity of the student, and by this means a wholesome exercise of his faculties is fully secured. Latin Exercises 5 adapted to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar. The exercises contained in this volume are designed to illustrate the principles of the Latin Grammar in its various departments, and to render their application easy and familiar to the student. The plan and arrange New Series of Latin School Books. ment of the work are such, that, under the direction of a judicious teacher, the student may commence the use of it almost as soon as he takes up his grammar, and continue it, at least as an occasional exercise, until he has finished his preparatory course. It is intended to smooth his way to original composition in the Latin language, both in prose and in verse. A Key to Latin Exercises 5 adapted to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar. This Key, containing all the lessons in the Exercises fully corrected, is intended for the use of teachers only. RoiIUE. The Viri Romae of Lhomond, adapted to' Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar ; with Notes and a copious Dictionary. A careful perusal of this book, after the student has made himself master of the Reader, will constitute a good preparation for reading the easier Latin classics, which, without some such intermediate work, are commonly read under great disadvantages. It will at the same time ren- der him familiar with the principal characters and most prominent events of Roman history. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War ; with a Dictionary and Notes. The text of this edition of Csesar's Gallic War has been formed by reference to the best modern German editions. The Notes are grammatical, and are intended to afford that kind and degree of assistance which the student may be supposed to need at his first introduction to a genuine classic author. The Dictionary, which, like all the others in the series, has been prepared with great labor, contains not only the usual significations of each word, and its derivation, but an explanation of all those phrases which might otherwise perplex the student. [The above work is nearly completed, and will soon be put to press.] $alliest. Sallust's History of the War against Jugurtha, and of the Conspiracy of Catiline ; with a Dictionary and Notes. The plan of this edition of Sallust is the same as that of the preceding work. The text of Cortius has, in many instances, been exchanged for that of Kr'itz or Gerlach, and its orthography is, in general, conformed to that of Pottier and of Planche, and is, consequently, in most cases, the same as is found in school editions of the other Latin classics. Ovid. Selections from the Metamorphoses and Heroides of Ovid ; with Notes, Grammatical References, and Exer- cises in Scanning. These Selections are designed as an introduction to Latin poetry. They consist of the most interesting fables from Ovid, with numerous brief notes explanatory of difficult phrases, of obscure historical or mytho- logical allusions, and especially of grammatical difficulties. To these are added such Exercises in Scanning as will serve fully to introduce the student to a knowledge of the structure and laws of hexameter and pentameter verse. New Series of Latin School Books. ANDREWS AND STODDARD'S LATIN GRAMMAR has long since been intro- duced into the LATIN SCHOOL OF THE CITY OF BOSTON, and into most of the other principal Classical Schools in this country. It is adopted by all the Colleges in New England, viz., HARVARD, YALE, DARTMOUTH, AMHERST, WILLIAMS, BOWDOIN, WATERVILLE, MIDDLEBURY, BURLING- TON, BROWN UNIVERSITY at Providence, WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY at Mid- dletown,and WASHINGTON COLLEGE at Hartford; also at HAMILTON COL- LEGE, New York, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, city of New York, CINCINNATI COLLEGE and MARIETTA COLLEGE, Ohio, RANDOLPH MACON COLLEGE, Virginia, MOUNT HOPE COLLEGE, near Baltimore, MARYLAND INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION and ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, Baltimore, and the UNIVER- SITIES OF MICHIGAN and ALABAMA ; and has been highly recommended by Professors Kingsley, Woolsey, Olmstead, and Gibbs, of Yale College; Professor Beck, of Harvard College ; President Penney and Professor North, of Hamilton College; Professor Packard, of Bowdoin College; Professor Holland, of Washington College ; Professor Fisk, of Amherst College, and by Professor Hacketfc, of Brown University; also by Messrs. Dillaway and Gardner, of the Boston Latin School ; Rev. Lyman Colman, of the English High School, Andover ; Hon. John Hall, Principal of the Elling- ton School, Conn. ; Mr. Slialcr, Principal of the Connecticut Literary Institution, at Suffield ; Simeon Hart, Esq., Farmington, Conn.; Pro- fessor Cogswell, of Round Hill School, Northampton ; President Shan- non, of Louisiana College, and by various periodicals. As a specimen of the communications received from the above sources, the following extracts are given : It gives me great pleasure to bear my testimony to the superior merits of the Latin Grammar lately edited by Professor Andrews and Mr. Stoddard. 1 express most cheerfully, unhesitatingly, and decidedly, my preference of this Grammar to that of Adam, which has, for so long a time, kept almost undisputed sway in our schools. Dr. C. Beck, Professor of Latin in Harvard University. I know of no grammar published in this country, which promises to answer so well the purposes of elementary classical instruction, and shall be glad to sep it introduced into our best schools. Mr. Charles K. Dillaway, Master of the Public Latin School, Boston. Your new Latin Grammar appears to me much better suited to the use of student* than any other grammar I am acquainted with. Professor William M. Holland, Washington College, Hartford, Conn. I can with much pleasure say that your Grammar seems to me much better adapted to the present condition and wants of our schools than any one with which I arn acquainted, and to supply that which has long been wanted a good Latin grammar for common use. Mr. P. Gardner, one of the Masters Boston Lot. Sch. The Latin Grammar of Andrews and Stoddard is deserving, in my opinion, of the approbation which so many of our ablest teachers have bestowed upon it It is believed that, of all the grammars at present before the public, this has greatly the advantage, in regard both to the excellence of its arrangement, and the accuracy and copiousness of its information; and it is earnestly hoped that its merits will procure for it that general favor and use to which it is entitled. H. B. Hackett, Professor of Languages in Brown University. The universal favor with which this Grammar is received was not unexpected. It will bear a thorough and discriminating examination. In the use of well- defined and expressive terms, especially in the syntax, we know of no Latin or Greek grammar which is to be compared to this. Amer. Quarterly Register. The Latin Grammar of Andrews and Stoddard [ consider a work of great merit. I have found in it several principles of the Latin language correctly ex- plained which I had myself learned from a twenty years' study of that language, but had never seen illustrated in any grammar. Andrews's First Lessons I con- 3 New Series of Latin School Books. sider a valuable work for beginners, and in the sphere which it is designed to occupy, I know not that I have met its equal. Rev. James Shannon, President Qf College of Louisiana. These works will furnish a series of elementary publications for the study of Latin altogether in advance of any thing which has hitherto appeared, either in this country or in England. American Biblical Repository. We have made Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar the subject both of reference and recitation daily forseveml months, and I cheerfully and decidedly bear testimony to its superior excellence to any manual of the kind with which I am acquainted. Every part bears the impress of a careful compiler. The principles of syntax are happily developed in the rules, whilst those relating to the moods and tenses supply an important deficiency in our former grammars. The rules of prosody are also clearly and fully exhibited. Rev. Lyman Cole- man, Principal of Burr Seminary, Manchester, Vt. I have examined Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, and regard it aa superior to any thing of the kind now in use. It is what has long been needed, and will undoubtedly be welcomed by every one interested in the philology of the Latin language. We shall hereafter use it as a text-book in this institution. Mr. Win. H. Shaler, Principal of the Connecticut Lit. Institution at Siiffield. This work bears evident marks of great care and skill, and ripe and accurate scholarship in the authors. It excels most grammars in this particular, that, while by its plainness it is suited to the necessities of most beginners, by its fulness and detail it will satisfy the inquiries of the advanced scholar, and will be a suitable companion at all stages of his progress. We cordially commend it to the student and teacher. Biblical Repository. Your Grammar is what I expected it would be an excellent book, and just the thing which was needed. We cannot hesitate a moment in laying aside tho books now in use, and introducing this. Rev. J. Penney, D. D., President of Hamilton College, New York. Your Grammar bears throughout evidence of original and thorough investiga- tion and sound criticism. 1 hope, and doubt not, it will be adopted in our schools and colleges, it being, in my apprehension, so far as simplicity is concerned, on the one hand, and philosophical views and sound scholarship on the other, far preferable to other grammars ; a work at the same time highly creditable to your- selves and to our country. Professor A. Packard, Bowdoin College, Maine. This Grammar appears to me to be accommodated alike to the wants of the new beginner and the experienced scholar, and, as such, well fitted to supply what has long been felt to be a great desideratum in the department of classical learning. Professor S. North, Hamilton College, New York. From such an examination of this Grammar as I have been able to give it, 1 do not hesitate to pronounce it superior to any other with which I am acquainted. I have never seen, any where, a greater amount of valuable matter compressed within limits equally narrow. Hon. John Hall, Prin. of Ellington School, Conn. We have no hesitation in pronouncing this Grammar decidedly superior to any now in use. Boston Recorder. I am ready to express my great satisfaction with your Grammar, and do not hesitate to say, that 1 am better pleased with such portions of the syntax as 1 have perused, than with the corresponding portions in any other grammar with which I am acquainted. Professor N. W. Fiske, Amherst College, Mass. I know of no grammar in the Latin language so well adapted to answer the purpose for which it was designed as this. The book of Questions is a valuable attendant of the Grammar. Simeon Hart, Esq., Farmington, Conn. This Grammar has received the labor of years, and is the result of much re- flection and experience, and mature scholarship. As such, it claims the atten- tion of all who are interested in the promotion of sound learning. N. Y. Obs. This Grammar is an original work. Its arrangement is philosophical, and its rules clear and precise, beyond those of any other grammar we have seen.* Portland Christian Mirror. 4 LATIN EXERCISES; ADAPTED TO ANDREWS AND STODDARD'S LATIN GRAMMAR. BY PROF. E. A. ANDREWS. S IXT H EDITION. BOSTON : PUBLISHED BY CROCKER AND BREWSTER, 47 Washington Street. 1844. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1839, By CROCKER AND BREWSTER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. STEREOTYPED AT THE BOSTON TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. PREFACE. V^ THE following Exercises form the concluding volume of a series of elementary Latin works, the basis of which is the Latin Grammar of Andrews and Stoddard. In addition to the Grammar and Exercises, the series includes, under the title of " First Lessons in Latin," an abridgment of the Grammar, with short reading les- sons and corresponding exercises in syntax ; and also an edition of " Jacobs and Boring's Latin Reader," with copious references to the larger Grammar. The volume now offered to the public consists of exercises de- signed to illustrate the principles of orthoepy, etymology, syntax, and prosody, as exhibited in the same Grammar, and to render their application easy and familiar to the student. The exercises in syntax are divided into two parts. In the first, which contains only short sentences, intended to illustrate the more important principles of syntax, the rules are arranged in such a manner, as to prevent, in a great degree, the introduction of idioms not previously illustrated. In the second part, the order of the rules in the Grammar has been preserved, and the number of exam- ples has been proportioned, in some degree, to the importance or difficulty of the rule. Subjoined to these are other examples, illustrative of the more important remarks and exceptions under each rule. To the examples of English and Latin sentences, ar- ranged in corresponding columns, are added others, consisting of English sentences only, with notes designed to aid the student in his choice of words and phrases, and to lead him to the right con- struction. In the syntactic part of the work, Dr. Kenrick's Exer- cises, adapted to his translation of Zumpt's Grammar, have furnished many of the most valuable materials ; and whatever was wanting in that work to complete the plan of these exercises has been supplied from other sources. 4 PREFACE. The prosodial exercises are taken from Bradley's Prosody, and will be found particularly useful to those who wish to acquire the art of writing Latin verses an art, as experience has shown, highly useful in improving the classical taste of those who practise it, and scarcely requiring more time or labor for its acquisition than is often spent in decrying it. In regard to the mode of using this work, much must be left to the judgment of the teacher, who Avill be guided, in this respect, by a consideration of the age and attainments of the student. In general, the exercises in etymology, and the shorter ones in syntax, can be corrected after the first perusal of the Grammar ; while the remaining parts should be studied in connection with a thorough review of those portions of the Grammar to which they relate. In commencing the study of this work, it may be best for the student to write the principal part of his exercises; but subsequently, and especially in reviewing it, oral translations will probably be found more useful. By this means, English words and phrases become permanently associated with the corresponding Latin expressions, so that the latter are immediately suggested by the former. The exercises in hexameter and pentameter verses can be com- menced as soon as the student is well acquainted with the principal rules of prosody. With these it may be found useful to connect the composition of what are called nonsense verses, or lines correctly constructed, according to the rules of prosody, but without regard to the meaning of the words of which they are composed. An accurate knowledge of the mechanical structure of the verse may, in this way, be readily acquired ; after which the transition will be easy, on the part of those who possess some share of poetical genius, to the composition of sense verses. When the student is familiar with the exercises contained in this volume, he will be prepared to commence original composition ; which should always be accompanied with a careful perusal of the best Latin classics, from which alone a pure idiom can be acquired. BOSTON, December 25, 1838 LATIN EXERCISES. ORTHOEPY. Divide and accent the following words : 18. Nemo, eques, munus, timor, pauper, fcedus, caecus, gigas, consiiles, homines, corpora, opttmus, urgetur, cupidi- tates, amittttur; lucrum, agri, ambulacrum, ThemistOcles ; nullus, verbum, virtus, doctus, agnus, omnis, scrips!, pastor, naphtha, Anacharsis. 19. Genera, sequora, eripi, muneribus, venerabilis, frugalTtas, Gaditanus, perltus, amatus, audltus; egregius, patricius, Agrippa, Euphrates, Euclides. 2O. LongissTmus, princlpes, vespera, Vespasianus, ob- lecto, colendus, arundines, vertuntur, sententia, patrlbus. (a.) Palladium, gratia, patientia, sedeo, Mediolanum, do- leo, morior, otium, oleagmus, Adria, Trinacria, Admageto- bria; (6.) producere, munera, laurea, Eupolis, volucribus; (c.) induo, artuum. 511. Lustratio, contemplor, contrarius, planctus, con- temptor ; miserabiltter, magiiificentia, sedificatio, vehere, ve- hemens, lacryma, Pasiphae, Pasithea. 23. Aboleo, adoro, adtgo, ambtgo, circumeo, dectdo, diluo, ebibo, eloquor, inaudax, inuro, obeo, obambulo, pereo, pererro, prsedlco, praelero, profero, profluo, prodesse, prodigo. 6 EXERCISES IN ETYMOLOG1. redeo, redigo, relevo, subactus, subitus, suborno, rupi- capra, agricola, millepeda, capripes, noctivagus, centimanus, misericors, breviloquens, superstes, aedifico, maledico, mul- tirnodis, quomodo, comTnus, propediem, quilibet, alicubi, praeterea, sicubi, quamobrem. . Scientia nulla res est praestantior. Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit. Ad Csesarem Augnstum delatum est, L. Cinnam insidias ei struere. Cinnam ad se accersivit, dimissisque omnibus, indicium exposuit, adjecit locum, socios, diem, ordmem in- sidiarum ; et cum sua in eum beneficia plunma commemo- rasset, pro quibus ille infandam ccedem paraverat, his verbis desiit : " Vitarn tibi, Cinna, iterum do, prius hosti, cum te in hostium meorum castris invenerim, nunc insidiatori ac par- ricide. Ex hodierno die inter nos amicitia incipiat ; et quarn libenter ego tibi vitam do, tarn libenter tu mihi earn debeas." Post hnec, detiilit ei ultro consulatum, questus quod non auderet petere ; amicissimum fidelissimumque habuit. Heres illi solus fuit : et nullis amplius insidiis ab ullo petltus est, id dementia consecutus, quod antea severitate frustra quoesiverit. ETYMOLOGY. PART I. NOUNS. The following questions are inserted as examples of exercises on the declensions. What are the terminations of the several cases in the first declension in each number? in the second declension? in the third? in the fourth? in the fifth? What is the termination of the nom. sing, in the first declension? nom. plur. ? gen. sing. ? gen. plur. ? dat. sing ? dat. plur. ? ace. sing.? ace. plur.? voc. sing.? voc. plur.? abl. sing. ? abl. plur. ? Similar questions should be proposed in regard to the other declen- ions, varying their order, till each termination can be readily given ETYMOLOGY TERMINATIONS OF NOUNS. 7 without reference to its connection ; after which promiscuous exercises on all the declensions can be introduced. What is the root of aula ? cur a 1 galea ? insula ? litera ? luscinia ? machma ? penna ? sagitta 1 Stella 1 toga ? What is the root of animus 1 clypeus ? corvus 1 gla- dius ? numerus ? puer ? socer ? aper 1 faber ? magister 1 antrum 1 bellum 1 negotium ? What is the root of poema ? stemma ? anclle ? aquilo ? regio ? ferrugo ? formldo ? homo ? caro ? animal 1 Titan ? career ? mel ? agmen 1 tibl- cen 1 f rater 1 crater 1 fcr 1 hcpar ? cor ? ebur ? pictas ? mas ? ales ? clades ? comes ? lebes ? miles ? seges 1 obscs 1 Ceres 1 classis ? cuspis 1 sanguis 1 Us ? mos ? custos 1 bos ? faidus 1 cor- pus ? palus ? virtus ? jus ? laus ? stirps ? dens ? forceps ? frons ? auceps ? comix ? conjux ? lex 1 apex ? senex ? nix ? nox ? What is the root of cantus ? currus ? exercitus 1 veru 1 Jides 1 spes ? fades 1 The student will perceive that the roots of many nouns and adjec- tives are not found in the nominative singular. For the purpose of supplying the true root, as well as for determining the declension, the termination of the genitive singular is given in the dictionary, since, in all the declensions, the root may be found by removing the termi- nation of this case. Give aula, dat. sing.; cur a, gen. plur. ; galea, ace. sing.; insula, abl. plur. ; litera, ace. plur. ; luscinia, abl. sing. ; mach- ma, nom. plur. ; penna, gen. sing. ; sagitta, voc. plur. ; stella, dat. plur. ; toga, voc. sing. Give animus, nom. plur. ; clypcus, voc. sing. ; corvus, abl. sing. ; focus, ace. sing. ; gladius, gen. plur. ; lucus, ace. plur. ; numerus, dat. plur. ; occanus, dat. sing. ; trochus, dat. sing. ; puer, abl. sing. ; Lucifer, ace. sing. ; socer, gen. plur.; aper, ace. plur. ; auster, dat. sing. ; fabcr, nom. plur. ; liber, abl. plur. ; magister, voc. sing. ; onager, dat. plur. ; Tcucer, abl. sing. ; antrum, ace. sing. ; atrium, nom. plur. ; bellum, ace. plur. ; exemplum, abl. plur. ; negotium, dat. sing. ; saxum, gen. plur. ; Tullius, voc. sing. Give poema, abl. sing. ; schema, nom. plur. ; stemma, gen. plur. ; epigramma, gen. sing. 8 ETYMOLOGY TERMINATIONS OF NOUNS. Ancile, dat. sing. ; mantlle, abl. sing. ; rete, gen. plur. ; ovile, ace. plur. ; aquilo, gen. sing. ; bubo, ace. sing. ; rcgio, ace. plur. ; oratio, nom. plur. ; ratio, gen. plur. ; latro, abl. sing. ; ferrugo, dat. sing. ; formido, ace. plur. ; grando, gen. sing. ; origo, gen. plur. ; virgo, dat. plur. ; homo, ace. sing. ; caro, abl. sing. Animal, nom. plur. ; vigil, ace. sing. ; Titan, dat. sing. ; Siren, ace. plur. ; career, dat. plur. ; calcar, abl. sing. ; j^w/- vinar, nom. plur. ; m/, nom. plur. ; agmen, dat. sing.; crimcn, nom. plur. ; carmen, abl. plur. ; gramcn, abl. sing. Tibicen, ace. sing. ; mater, nom. plur. ; frater, abl. plur.; accipiter, ace. sing.; crater, ace. plur.; /ar, abl. sing. ; hepar, dat. sing. ; cor, nom. plur. ; ebur, abl. sing. Pietas, ace. sing. ; ms, abl. plur. Ales, gen. sing. ; clades, ace. sing. ; crates, dat. plur. ; comes, gen. plur. ; dks, gen. plur. ; lebes, nom. plur. ; miles, ace. plur. ; vulpes, dat. sing. ; pedes, abl. sing. ; seges, abl. plur. ; oises, nom. plur. ; heres, ace. sing. ; Ceres, abl. sing. ; as, dat. sing. Classis, ace. sing. ; messis, nom. plur. ; ow's, gen. plur. ; pellis, dat. sing. ; vz7/s, ace. plur. ; sitis, ace. sing. ; Aprilis, abl. sing. ; cinis, dat. sing. ; cuspis, ace. sing. ; sanguis, abl. sing. ; 7/s, nom. plur. ; Quiris, gen. plur. Mos, abl. plur. ; ros, abl. sing. ; arbos, ace. sing. ; efos, ace. plur.; saccrdos, dat. plur.; custos, nom. plur.; 60s, ace. sing., dat. plur. Fo&dus, nom. plur. ; corpus, abl. sing. ; frigus, dat. plur. ; munus, ace. plur. ; ncmus, dat. sing. ; vulnus, gen. plur. ; tcmpus, ace. sing. ; palus, ace. sing. ; juventus, abl. sing. ; virtus, nom. plur.; Jz*s, ace. plur. ; tellus, ace. sing. ; /GMS, abl. plur. ; sus, dat. plur. Stirps, abl. sing. ; dens, nom. plur. ; wzons, dat. plur. ; cliens, gen. plur. ; forceps, ace. sing. ; frons, ace. plur. ; auceps, dat. sing. Comix, gen. sing. ; conjux, dat. plur. ; cr?/z, dat. sing. ; lex, ace. plur. ; nutrix, ace. sing. ; frux, abl. plur. ; - apex, nom. plur.; index, abl. sing.; pontifcx, ace. sing.; supellez, ace. sing.; senez, abl. plur.; mz, abl. sing.; woz, gen. plur., ace. plur. ; Thrax, gen. plur. Cantus, abl. sing. ; currus, gen. sing. ; exercitus, ace. plur. ; JluctuSy abl. plur. ; sendtus, dat. sing. ; facws, dat. plur. ; vcru, abl. sing. ; pecu, abl. plur. ; Jides, abl. sing. ; spes, nom. plur. ; fades, gen. sing. ETYMOLOGY TERMINATIONS OF PRONOUNS. ADJECTIVES. Give dltus, abl. sing, fern., nom, plur. neut., ace. plur, masc. ; Jidus, gen. plur. masc., ace. plur. fern., abl, plur. longus, ace. sing, masc., abl. sing, masc., gen. plur. fern., ace. plur. neut. ; benignus, voc. sing, masc.; asper, dat. sing, fiiasc., nom. plur. neut., abl. sing, fern, Miser, nom. sing, neut., nora. plur. fern. ; fegcr, nom. plur. masc., ace. sing, fern., dat. sing. neut. ; sacer, gen. plur. fern., ace. plur. masc., dat. sing, fern.; alius, nom. sing, neut.; solus, gen. sing. ; alter, dat. sing. Alacer, nom. sing. neut. ; celeber, nom. plur. masc. ; pa- luster, ace. sing. fern. ; salubcr, ace. plur. neut. ; terrester, gen. plur. Brcvis, ace, sing, neut., abl. sing. ; dulcis, nom. plur. masc., abl. plur.; omnis, nom. plur. neut, gen. plur.; tres, gen. plur., ace. plur. neut; altior, dat. sing., ace. sing, neut., nom. plur. fern. ; felicior, abl. sing., dat. plur., ace. plur. neut. ; gravior, gen. plur. Audax, dat sing., nom. plur. neut., abl. plur. ; ingens, ace. sing, neut., ace. plur. fern. ; kebes, ace. sing. masc. ; dives, abl. sing., gen. plur.; dcscs, nom. plur. masc.; bipes, ace. sing. masc. ; compos, abl. sing. ; coelebs, abl. sing.; anceps, nom, plur. masc., gen. plur.; pauper, gen. plur.; senex, gen. plur.; concors, dat. sing.; vetus, gen. plur.; uber, ace. plur. neut.; voluccr, gen. plur.; memor, gen. plur. What is the root of arctus 1 its comparative ? its su- perlative? What is the root of capax? its comparative I its superlative ? What is the root of clemens ? its com- parative? its superlative ? Compare miser, saluber, pulcher. PRONOUNS. Give ego, ace. sing., abl. plur. ; tu, dat. sing., ace. plur. ; sui, abl. sing., gen. plur. Ille, ace. sing, neut., gen. plur. fern. ; iste, dat. sing., ace. plur. fern. ; hie, abl. sing, fern., dat. plur. ; is, dat. sing., dat. plur. ; istic, abl. sing. neut. ; idem, ace, sing, fern., abl. plur. ; fpse, nom. sing, neut, nom. plur, masc. ; qui, ace. sing, masc.. 10 ETYMOLOGY CONJUGATIONS. acc. plur. neut. ; quicunque, abl. sing, fern,, dat. plur. ; quis- guisj abl. sing, neut, dat. plur. ; quis, acc. sing. neut. ; quis- nam, acc. sing. masc. ; nunquis, acc. plur. neut. ; cujas, acc. sing. ; siquis, gen. sing., nom. plur. neut. ; quisque, nom. sing. neut. ; unusquisque, abl. sing. masc. ; quitibet, dat. sing. ; quivis, acc. sing. fern. ; quidam, gen. plur. fern, ; meus, voc. sing. masc. ; noster, dat. sing. neut. VERBS. What are the personal terminations of the active voice? of the passive voice ? What are the terminations of the second and third roots in the first conjugation ? second conjugation ? third conjugation ? fourth conjugation ? Give the terminations of the parts formed from the first root in the first conjugation, active voice passive voice in the second conj. act. pass. in the third conj. act. pass. in the fourth conj. act. pass. Give the terminations of the parts formed from the second root from the third root. The student should be exercised on the terminations af verbs, in each conjugation, voice, mood, tense, person, and number, till he can give the required termination of any part, and, on the other hand, can decide readily where any given form is found. Give the principal parts of the following verbs in both voices : Laudo, to praise; muto, to change; voco, to call; com- pleo, to Jill ; moveo, to move; terreo, to terrify; duco, to lead; mitto, to send; jacio, to throw; nutrio, to nourish; punio, to punish ; vestio, to clothe. NOTE. Do is a sign of the present tense, did usually of the perfect, but when it denotes continued or customary action, of the imperfect. These auxiliaries are used especially in interrogations. A sentence may be changed from the declarative to the interrogative form, by prefixing an or nitm, or by annexing the enclitic ne to the first word in the clause ; as, audis, thou hearest ; an audis? num. audisf or audisne? dost thou hear ? Give the Latin words corresponding to the following Eng- lish forms : ETYMOLOGY CONJUGATIONS. 11 ACTIVE VOICE. I praise, thou wilt praise, he was praising ; we have praised, ye may praise, they had praised. I was changing, thou hast changed, he had changed ; we shall have changed, ye will change, they change. I will call, thou rnayst call, he would call; we might have called, ye call, they had called. I have filled, thou shouldst have filled, he will have filled; we would have filled, ye fill, they were filling. I had moved, thou mightst move, let him move; we may move, ye will have moved, they will move. I may terrify, thou wast terrifying, he would have terrified; we terrify, ye might terrify, they have terrified. I might lead, lead thou, let him lead; we will lead, ye had led, they would lead. I may have sent, thou wilt have sent, he sends ; we will send, send ye, they can send. I might have thrown, thou hadst thrown, let him throw; we would throw, ye will throw, let them throw. I shall have nourished, nourish thou, he was nourishing j we nourish, ye were nourishing, they will nourish. I punished, thou mayst have punished, he had punished; we should have punished, ye punish, they punished. I shall clothe, thou shouldst clothe, he clothed ; we have clothed, ye will have clothed, they could have clothed. I do call, dost thou praise? did he move? do we send? ye did terrify, imp., did they punish ? To praise ; to be about to move; to have led ; of calling ; by sending; to lead, supine. 162, 14. I was about to praise, thou mayst be about to call, he will be about to lead ; we may have been about to throw, ye are about to punish, they would have been about to clothe. PASSIVE VOICE. I am praised, thou wast praised, imp. t he will be praised ; we may be praised, ye had been praised, they were praised. I was changed, imp., thou shalt be changed, he had been changed ; we would have been changed, ye have been changed, they shall be changed. 2 ETYMOLOGY CONJUGATIONS. I shall be called, thou wilt have been called, he may be called ; we would be called, ye are called, they should have been called. I have been filled, thou wilt be filled, let him be filled; we shall have been filled, ye may be filled, they are filled. I had been moved, be thou moved, he will have been moved ; we were moved, perf., ye should have been moved, they may be moved. I may be terrified, thou couldst be terrified, he was terri- fied, imp. ; we would be terrified, ye will be terrified, they were terrified, perf. I might be led, thou wast led, imp., he has been led ; we should have been led, be ye led, they had been led. I should have been sent, thou art sent, he will be sent ; we have been sent, ye might be sent, let them be sent. I would have been thrown, thou mayst be thrown, he is thrown; we shall be thrown, ye might have been thrown, they are thrown. I shall have been nourished, be thou nourished, he was nourished, imp. ; we might be nourished, ye had been nourished, they will be nourished. I could be punished, thou art punished, he would have been punished ; we shall be punished, ye were punished, perf., they are punished. I may have been clothed, thou wilt have been clothed, he was clothed, imp. ; we had been clothed, ye can be clothed, they might have been clothed. Am I called ? art thou moved ? is he changed ? were we led? perf.; had ye been nourished? have they been pun- ished ? To be praised, to be about to be moved, to have been led, sent or being sent, to be punished, part, in dus. 162, 15. I ought to be praised, thou deservedst to be called, he has deserved to be sent ; we may deserve to be praised, ye will have deserved to be punished, they might have deserved to be clothed. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICES. They will praise, I am changed, ye call, we are filled, ye will have been moved, he leads. We are terrified, they send, thou wilt be nourished, ye were punished, imp., I throw, they will have been clothed. ETYMOLOGY CONJUGATIONS. 13 Be thou called, he may change, I have praised, I will fill, ye were clothed, perf., be ye filled. Let him be praised, I am nourished, thou art clothed, he leads, we shall have been nourished, they will change. We were sent, imp., they had been terrified, I lead, he will be filled, we shall have been clothed, I am led. Thou art called, ye might have been nourished, he sends, they fill, we might have been led, ye did call, imp. We have been clothed, thou wast praised, thou leadest, let him be sent, lead ye, they should be punished. I may move, they may be filled, he is nourished, thou sendest, we shall have led, ye nourish. Let them be filled, I did praise, perf., we have been ter- rified, be ye clothed, they might have been sent, we shall change. He would be terrified, I was praising, they have been sending, we have been led, ye will be punished, we had filled. We had been called, ye have changed, thou terrifiest, ye are led, we were sending, they had been throwing. PART II. NOUNS. FIRST DECLENSION. A hall ; of care ; to a helmet ; an Aula ; cura ; galea ; in- island ; O muse ; by a machine. sula,acc.;musa; machina. Altars; of doves; for boats; Ara; columba ; cym- spears ; O nightingales ; with ba ; hasta, ace. ; luscinia ; arrows. sagitta. An abridgment ; of Midas ; for Epitome ; Midas ; tia- a turban ; a comet ; O son of ras ; cometes, ace. ; Pri- Priam ; by the north wind. amides ; Boreas. SECOND DECLENSION. The mind ; of a raven ; for a Animus; corvus; clyp- shield ; a sword ; O master ; in a eus ; gladius, ace. ; dom- grove. mus; lucus. 2 14 ETYMOLOGY DECLENSION OF NOUNS. Numbers ; of rivers ; for gar- dens ; clouds ; O swans ; from the rocks. Of Bacchus ; O boys; a father- in-law ; for the evening ; wild boars ; by workmen. Caves ; by war ; rocks ; for examples ; O defence ; of scep- tres. O Virgil ; of the Greeks ; to the gods ; O son ; lyres ; Al- pheus. Numerus ; fluvius ; hor- tus ; nimbus, ace. ; cyc- nus; scopiilus. Liber ; puer ; socer, ace.; vesper ; aper ; faber. Antrum ; bellum ; sax- urn, ace. ; exemplum ; praesidium ; sceptrum. Virgilius ; Danaus ; de- us ; filius ; barblton ; Al- pheos, ace. THIRD DECLENSION. Flowers ; of reason ; reeds ; with flesh ; for a boat ; O spring. Trees; for a reward; of the mouth ; with the bones ; clouds ; peace. Of a crown ; for a seat ; pea- cocks ; images ; in order ; to Apollo. To the Anio ; milk ; O consuls ; animals ; in a prison ; of honey. From the rivers ; showers ; of a cup ; corn ; to Jupiter ; with strength. To the heart ; piety ; males ; by sureties ; of a vessel ; of ducks. O guests ; of a bird ; from fir- trees ; rest ; hostages ; to heirs. Of brass ; to Ceres ; O birds ; in the dust ; a helmet ; Romans. For grandchildren ; honors ; a tree ; of keepers ; O the times ; with disgrace. Anvils ; in safety ; for the coun- try ; of a crane ; the earth ; by fraud. Beams ; in winter ; for the fore- head ; of prinees ; leaves ; voices. Flos ; ratio ; arundo, ace.; caro; linter; ver. Arbor, ace. ; merces ; os ; os ; nubes ; pax. Diadema ; sedile ; pa- vo, ace.; imago; ordo; Apollo. Anio ; lac, ace. ; con- sul ; animal ; career ; mel. Flumen ; imber, ace. ; crater ; far, pi. ; Jupiter ; robur. Cor ; pietas, ace.; mas ; vas ; vas ; anas. Hospes ; ales ; abies ; quies, ace. ; obses ; heres. ^Es ; Ceres ; avis ; pul- vis ; cassis ; Quiris. Nepos ; honos ; arbos, ace.; custos; tempus; ded- ecus. Incus ; salus ; rus ; grus; tellus, ace.; fraus. Trabs, ace. ; hiems ; frons ; princeps ; frons ; vox, ace. ETYMOLOGY ADJECTIVES. 15 Of the cuckoo ; the thumb ; for Coccyx ; pollex, ace. ; an old man; snows; in the night; senex; nix; nox; rex. O king. The Tiber; from a seat; in the Tiberis, ace. ; sedlle ; sea ; of birds ; with oxen ; for mare ; avis ; bos ; sus. swine. Thirst ; a tower ; by force ; in Sitis, ace. ; turris, ace. ; the country ; of mountains ; of vis ; rus ; mons ; bos. oxen. Of a cloak ; a hero ; lamps ; to Chlamys ; heros, ace. ; poetry ; O Orpheus ; the air. lampas, ace. ; poesis ; Or- pheus; aer. FOURTH DECLENSION. Of a song ; for a chariot ; in the Cantus ; currus ; flue- waves; O grief ; spits; armies. tus ; luctus; veru, ace.; exercitus. At home ; for the tribes ; of a Domus ; tribus ; do- house ; upon the knees ; ice ; by mus ; genu ; gelu, ace. ; the senate. senatus. FIFTH DECLENSION. For the common people ; of Plebes ; fides ; dies ; faith ; by days ; for things ; hopes ; res ; spes, ace. ; fades, faces. ADJECTIVES. FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS. A good boy ; of faithful friends ; Bonus puer 2 ; fidus on a lofty rock ; of avaricious amicus ; altus rupes 3 ; men ; for kind mothers ; with a avarus homo 3 ; benignus full hand. mater 3 ; plenus manus 4 . A rough beard ; a free voice ; O Asper barba 1 ; liber wretched fortune ; of tender grass ; vox 3 ; miser fortuna 1 ; with ill health ; sacred temples. tener gramen 3 ; seger val- etudo 3 ; sacer templum 2 . Another time; no letter; for Alius tempus 3 ,acc.; nul- 16 ETYMOLOGY PRONOUNS. Penelope alone ; of any fountain ; to each pole ; other books. lus litera* ; solus Penelo- pe 1 ; ullus fons 3 ; uterque polus 2 ; alter liber 2 . THIRD DECLENSION. Sharp mind ; a vinegar ; of a cheerful celebrated monument : in a healthy place ; woody places ; by a winged dove. In a short time ; cruel tyrants ; sweet fields ; O brave breasts ; with a heavy burden ; of all men. In deeper water; of a shorter life ; a more cruel war ; to sweeter fountains ; in happier ages ; with many words. Daring deeds ; happy men ; to the huge Cyclops ; of the cunning Ulysses ; dull weapons : in rich fields. More capacious cups; dearest friends ; a more cruel mind ; a most merciful judge ; with a very loud Toice ; of a milder punishment. A very celebrated event; in very difficult times; most magnifi- cent gifts ; in a very high place ; with better fortune ; a very worth- less man. Acer acetum 2 ; alacer animus 2 ; celeber monu- mentum 2 ; saluber lo- cus 2 ; Silvester locus 2 ; volucer columba 1 . Brevis tempus 3 ; cru- delis tyrannus 2 ; dulcis arvum 2 ; fortis pectus 3 ; gravis onus 3 ; omnis ho- mo 3 . Altior aqua 1 ; brevior vita 1 ; crudelior bellum 2 ; dulcior fons 3 ; felicior seculum 2 ; phis verbum. 2 F acinus 3 audax, ace.; felix vir 2 ; ingens Cy- clops 3 ; solers Ulysses 3 ; hebes telum 2 ; dives ager 2 . Capaxscyphus 2 ; carus amicus, 2 ace. ; crudelis animus, 2 ace.; clemens judex 3 ; altusvox 3 ; mitis pO3na 1 . Celeber res 5 ; difficilis tempus 3 ; magnificus do- num 2 ; superus locus 2 ; bonus fbrtuna 1 ; nequam homo 3 . PRONOUNS. Of me ; with thee ; me ; to her- self; of us ; itself. To him ; with them ; of them ; to her ; this ; them. Ego ; tu ; ego ; sui ; ego ; sui, ace. Ille ; ille ; iste, fern. > iste ; hic y neut.; hic^wmse ETYMOLOGY CONJUGATION OP VERBS. 17 His ; to them ; with this ; the same ; for the same ; of the same. Of himself; of themselves ; to whom ; of whom ; whomsoever ; what? Some one ; if to any one ; lest any ; for each ; of a certain one ; my son. Is ; is ; istic, masc. ; idem, pi. ace. fern. ; idem, sing. ; idem, pLfem. Ipse ; ipse,/ew.; qui, sing. ; qui, pi. fern. ; qui- cunque, sing. masc. ; quis? sing. neut. Aliquis, ace. fern. ; si- quis ; nequis, sing, ace. neut. ; unusquisque ; qui- dam ; meus filius, voc. VERBS. SUM. We are ; ye will be ; thou hast Sum. been ; they had been ; I shall have been ; he was, imp. He would be ; they may be ; she Sum. may have been ; we would have been ; be ye ; to be about to be. Thou wouldst be ; to profit ; Fore ; thou canst ; I have been able ; I sum. may be able ; to have been able. prosum ; pos- FIRST CONJUGATION. He accuses; I was building; thou hast ploughed ; they had condemned ; we shall have wan- dered ; ye might have dwelt. I may be invited ; thou hast been praised ; I shall be freed ; we are reconciled ; let them be slain ; to be about to be sacrificed. He has given; I had tamed; thou mightst have helped ; to have washed ; they have been killed ; we shall have been surrounded. 2* Accuso ; aedifico ; aro ; damno ; erro ; habito. Invito ; laudo ; libero ; concilio ; macto ; sacrif- ice. Do ; domo ; juvo ; la- vo ; neco ; circumdo. 18 ETYMOLOGY CONJUGATION OF VERES. They have stood ; it thunders ; ye may have forbidden ; we had drunk ; it may be folded ; thou hast been tamed. Thou abhorrest ; he was flat- tering ; he has despised ; we had helped ; ye will dislike ; they will have accompanied. I may endeavor; thou wouldst blame ; he may have delayed ; we might have ruled ; rejoice ye ; to be about to buy. Sto; tono; veto; po- to ; plico ; domo. Abomlnor ; adulor ; aspernor ; auxilior ; aver- sor; comltor. Conor; criminor; cunc- tor ; dominor ; laetor ' r mercor. SECOND CONJUGATION. I restrained ; thou wast covet- ing; he had grieved; we may want ; ye might flourish ; they may have had. I have dared; thou wilt in- crease ; beware thou ; ye will have blotted out; ye were favor- ing ; they will weep. I have been taught ; thou hadst been moved ; he will be soothed ; we shall be held; ye. are admon- ished ; they may have been seen. It pleased ; it has been lawful ; it may be clear ; it would pity ; it may have behoved ; it will repent. I was fearing; thou hast con- fessed ; he declared ; we may de- serve ; ye would pity ; they would have promised. Coerceo ; aveo; doleo ; egeo ; floreo ; habeo. Audeo ; augeo ; ca- veo; deleo; faveo; fleo. Doceo ; moveo ; muT- ceo ; teneo ; admoneo ; video. Libet, imp. ; licet ; li- quet ; miseret ; oportet ; prenitet. Vereor ; confiteor ; pro- fiteer ; mereor ; misere- or ; polliceor. THIRD CONJUGATION. I have driven ; thou nourish- est ; he had strangled ; we shall drink ; ye will have fallen ; they were singing. Ago ; alo ; ango ; bi- bo ; cado ; cano- ETYMOLOGY CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 19 I had taken ; thou wast pluck- ing ; he has yielded ; we might decree ; ye may have girded ; they would have shut. Shall I consult 1 dost thou be- lieve? could he desire 1 have we lived? could ye have said? can they have learned ? Lead thou ; say thou ; do thou ; let him feign ; flee ye ; let them cast. To strike ; to have joined ; to be about to hurt ; to be loved ; to have been left ; to be about to be placed. I had been sought ; thou hast been ruled; he had been loosed; we may have been despised ; ye will be taken away ; they will have been beaten. I was led ; thou hast been taken ; she might have been sent ; thou mayst be destroyed ; they had been deceived ; ye may have been known. I was growing young ; thou hast grown old ; he may have fallen asleep; we should have become silent ; ye will grow rich ; they would grow dull. I have obtained ; thou mayst be angry ; he will have spoken ; we should have obtained ; ye may have forgotten ; they suffer. Capio; carpo; cedo; cerno; cingo ; claudo. Consiilo? credo? cu- pio ? dego ? dico ? dis- co ? Duco ; dico ; facio ; fingo ; fugio ; jacio. Ico ; jungo ; liedo ; diligo ; relinquo ; pono. ; rego ; solvo ; sperno ; sustollo ; tun- do. Duco, imp. ; capio ; mitto ; perdo ; fal\o,fem. ; cognosce. Juvenesco ; senesco ; obdormisco ; conticesco ; ditesco ; hebesco. Adipiscor, fern. ; iras- cor ; loquor ; nanciscor ; obliviscor, fern. ; patior. FOURTH CONJUGATION. I was sleeping; thou art mad; Dormio ; insanio ; cus- he had kept ; we will finish ; ye todio ; finio ; servio ; eru- will have served ; they have in- dio. structed. I have drawn ; thou speakest Haurio ; effutio ; obe- 20 ETYMOLOGY IRREGULAR VERBS. foolishly ; he may have obeyed ; dio ; sentio ; venio ; vin- we should have felt ; ye would cio. come ; bind ye. I have been kept ; thou wast in- Custodio,yem. ; erudio, structed ; he is entangled ; we may imp. ; impedio ; redimio ; be crowned ; ye would have been vincio ; punio. bound ; let them be punished. I have been flattered ; thou wilt Blandior ; assentior ; assent ; he had tried ; we should experior ; ordior ; potior ; have begun ; ye would obtain ; mentior. they may have lied. IRREGULAR VERBS. I may wish ; thou hadst wished ; Volo ; volo ; volo ; no- he was wishing; we shall be un- lo; malo ; malo. willing ; ye are more willing ; to have been more willing. To bear ; bear thou ; to have Fero. borne ; to be about to bear ; borne; to be borne. Made ; about to be made ; to Fio. have been made ; to be about to be made ; let them be made ; it had been made. Going ; of going ; he goes ; I Eo. was going ; we went ; ye may go. I shall hate ; to hate ; we be- Odi ; odi ; coepi ; mem- gan ; ye remember ; they were ini ; aio ; inquam. saying ; say thou. SYNTAX. SYNTAX. PART I. SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE AND VERB. <> 209. A verb agrees with its subject-nominative in number and person. NOTE. / and we take the first person of the verb ; thou and you, the second person ; all nouns, and the pronouns he, she, it, and they, the third person. I write. Thou admonishest. The hour comes. We hear. Ye see. Virtues adorn. Thou wast playing. The king will rule. Death has taken away. The moon was shining. The bird has been singing. The wolf had followed. The time may come. The hands should labor. The enemy should have fought. The trees will have grown. The mistake will be removed. The law is established. The money may be received. Carthage was destroyed. A supplication was decreed. An opportunity is waited for. The senate has been convened. Physicians are deceived. I have been disturbed. Csecilius would demonstrate. Caieta shall be adorned. Ego scribo. Tu moneo. Venio hora. Ego audio. Tu video. Virtus orno. Tu ludo. Rex rego. Mors eripio. Fulgeo luna. Cano avis. Lupus sequor. Tempus venio. Manus laboro. Hostis pugno. Arbor cresco. Error tollo. Lex constituo. Pecunia recipio. Carthago deleo.* Supplicatio decerno. Occasio capto. Senatus convoco. Medicus fallo. Ego perturbo. Csecilius demonstro Caieta orno. 22 SYNTAX. SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE AND YErvtf. The books might be preserved. The consuls have disagreed. Were the soldiers sleeping] Democritus might have laughed. The apples will have fallen. Let the boys learn. Troy would be standing. Laws will have been given. Treaties may have been broken. Men may understand. Who has spoken 1 The gates will be open. The leaves had been scattered. I should be silent. Ye have feared. The dogs will pursue. The she-goat follows. Thymcetes advises. The enemies threaten. The frogs wander. Years glide away. Wilt thou confess ? We shall die. Ye have rejoiced. They had promised. A shout is heard. The stag will be caught. A story is told. The times are changed. Wars were prepared. Friends have been found. The ship will be sunk. The money has been paid. The grass is cropped. Let industry be praised. Be ye advised. Let thieves be punished. Ye may be trusted. Life should be preserved. The shout might have been heard, The town will have been burned. Liber conservo. Consul dissideo. Dormio-ne miles? Democritus rideo. Pomum cado. Puer disco. Troja sto. Lex do. Fredus rumpo. Homo intelligo. Quis dico? Porta pateo. Spargo folium. Ego taceo. Tu timeo. Canis persequor. Sequor capella. Thymcetes hortor. Minor hostis. Vagor ran a. Labor annus. An fateor? Morior. Laetor. Ille polliceor. Clamor audio. Cervus capto. Fabiila narro. Tempus muto. Bellum paro.* Amicus invenio. Navis mergo. Pecunia solvo. Gramen carpo. Laudo industria. Moneo. Punio fur. Credo. Vita servo. Clamor audio. Oppidum incendo. imp. SYNTAX. ADJECTIVES. <> 05. Adjectives, adjective pronouns, and parti- ciples, agree with their nouns, in gender, number, and case. Envious age flies. A free people desired. One disgrace remains. That law commands. The noblest men have come. A great error prevails. Icy winter comes. The old wood was standing. Human counsels have failed. The men alone remained. The careful husbandman sows. Direful wars are prepared. Small things increase. Dark night comes on. All the grove will be green. Greater glory may be obtained. The bright stars were shining. Cultivated fields will flourish. Let impious crimes be punished. A mournful crowd follows. The ancient Romans conquered. Ther^ is no delay. The great pine is agitated. The swift stags fly. The ripe apple falls. Conquered Carthage fell. My eyes are deceived. The night is cold. Delay is not safe. Our whole army has been de- stroyed. Honorable actions will be re- warded. A destructive war is at hand. Fugio invidus aetas. Liber populus desidero. Unus dedecus resto. Is lex jubeo. Homo nobllis venio. Magnus error versor. Venio glacialis hiems. Silva vetus sto. Humanusconsiliumcado. Vir solus permaneo. Diligens agricola sero. Dirus paro bellum. Parvus res cresco. Nox ater ingruo. Nemus omnis vireo. X Magnus gloria obtineo. Lucidus sidus fulgeo. Cultus ager floreo. Impius crimen punio. Moestus cohors sequor. Vetus Romanus vinco. Nullus mora sum. Ingens pinus agito. Velox cervus fugio. Mitis pomum cado. Victus Carthago cado. Meus oculus fallo. Frigidus nox sum. Mora non tutus sum. Noster omnis exercitus intereo. Factum honestus remu- nero. Bellum exitiosus impen- deo. SYNTAX. ACCUSATIVE AFTER VERBS. 229. The object of an active verb is put in the accusative. Benefits procure friends. Dido founded Carthage. Autumn pours forth fruits. The anchor holds the ship. The earth produces flowers. Scipio destroyed Carthage. The king had drawn out the forces. Hast thou a son 1 Care follows money. Neptune shook the earth. He made a law. Hope cheers the husbandmen. I follow thee. Rage furnishes arms. Idleness consumes the body. The mother produces a letter. The wind drives the clouds. Aurora restores the day. I have lost a day. The bee loves flowers. The sirens invite Ulysses. The sailor ploughs the sea. Alexander routed Darius. Overcome anger. Hope gives strength. Truth does not offend me. You will easily avoid hatred. We are leaving our pleasant fields. Romulus founded Rome. Numa waged no war. I have read your letters. Sincere faith unites true friends. Cyrus founded the Persian empire. Virtue bestows tranquillity. Beneficium paro amicus. Dido condo Carthago. Autumnus frux effundo. Teneo ancora navis. Terra pario flos. Scipio deleo Carthago. Rex educo copice. Habeo-ne filius? Cura sequor pecunia. Neptunus terra percutio. Lex fero. Spes alo agricola. Tu sequor. Furor arma ministro. Consumo inertia corpus. Mater epistola profero. Ventus ago nubes. Aurora dies reduco. Dies perdo. Flos amo apis. Siren Ulysses invlto. Na.uta seco mare. Alexander Darius fugo. Vinco ira. Spes do vis. Non ego offendo veritas. Odium facTle vito. Linquo dulcis arvum. Romulus Roma condo. Numagero nullus bellum. Lego tuus litera. Sincerus fides jungo ve- rus amicus. Cyrus fundo Persicus im perium. Virtus largior tranquil ITtas. SYNTAX. PREDICATE-NOMINATIVE. <> 210. A noun in the predicate, after a verb neuter or passive, is put in the same case as the subject, when it denotes the same person or thing. See also R. 1. Indolence is a vice. Anger is a short madness. I am not a shepherd. Men are mortal. Death is certain. Caesar was accounted great. Thou art a judge. We are not ignorant. Cicero was esteemed eloquent. The soldiers sleep secure. You will become a poet. Varro was esteemed a learned man. Aristides was called just. The soul is immortal. Avarice is a vice. Life is short. Virtue is its own reward. I have been your friend. Hunger is the best cook. I was your leader. The tree has been a twig. Catiline was brave, but (his) cause was unjust. Experience is the best master. A true friend is a great treasure. A poem is a speaking picture. A picture is a silent poem. Virtue is the best nobility. Beauty is a frail possession. 3 Inertia sum vitium. Ira furor brevis sum. Non ego sum pastor. Homo sum mortalis. Mors sum certus. Caesar magnus habeo Sum judex. Non sum ignarus. Cicero habeo disertus. Miles dormio securus. Tu fio poeta Varro existimo doctus vir. Aristides voco Justus. Anima sum immortalis. Avaritia sum vitium. Vita sum brevis. Virtus sum suus merces. Tuus amicus sum. Fames sum bonus coquus. Dux ego vester sum. Arbor virga sum. Catilma sum fortis, sed causa sum injustus. Experientia sum bonus magister. Amicus verus thesaurus sum magnus. Poema sum loquens pic- tura. Pictura sum mutus po- ema. Virtus sum bonus no- bilitas. Forma bonum fragflis sum. 26 SYNTAX. GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 211. A noun which limits the meaning of another noun, denoting a different person or thing, is put in the genitive. The love of money increases. Necessity is the mother of arts. Scipio routed the forces of Han- nibal. The sun is the light of the world. He received the fruit of his virtue. Observe the boldness of the man. Sleep is the image of death. Helen was the cause of the Trojan war. Croesus was king of the Lydians. The memory of past evils is pleas- ant. The course of life is short, (that) of glory eternal. The love of country prevailed. The infirmity of nature is blamed. Pan is a god of Arcadia. Juno was the wife of Jupiter. The horns of the moon decrease. The dog follows the tracks of the hare. The soldier fears the arrows of the enemy. Codrus was the last king of the Athenians. Semiramis was the wife of Ninus. Cresco amor nummus. Mater ars sum necessitas. Scipio fundo Annibal co- piae. Sol sum lux mundus. Virtus is fructus capio. Video homo audacia. Somnus imago mors sum. Helena causa sum bel- lum Trojanus. Rex Lydus Croesus sum. Jucundus sum memoria praeteritus malum. Vita brevis sum cursus, gloria sempiternus. Amor patria vinco. Natura infirmitas accuso. Pan Deus Arcadia sum. Juno Jupiter conjux sum. Cornu luna decresco. Canis lepus vestigium se- quor. Miles timeo sagitta hostis. Codrus sum rex ulterior Atheniensis. Semiramis sum Ninus ux- or. Neptune is the god of the waters. Neptunus sum numen aqua. Honor is the reward of virtue. Honos sum prsemium vir- tus. Penelope was the wife of Ulysses. Penelope conjux Ulysses 011TYI & sum . per/. imp. SYNTAX. 27 DATIVE AFTER VERBS. <$> 222. A noun limiting the meaning of a verb, is put in the dative, to denote the object or end, to or for which any thing is, or is done. Piso brought assistance to (his) brother. I give thanks to you. The body is restored to the earth. Applause was given to you. I will give (my) fears to the winds. They favored the undertakings of Catiline. They do good neither to them- selves nor to any other. L. Otho restored to the equestrian order (their) dignity. I do not envy the fortune of any citizen. Tell me the truth. The grass returns to the plains. Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none. The enemy surrendered them- selves to Caesar. Pardon not your own faults. You may pardon the faults of others. Let us not open (our) ears to flat- terers. Paris gave the apple to Venus. Juno had offered him cities. Minerva had promised him wis- dom. You sow for yourself, you reap for yourself. Vulcan made arms for Achilles. Piso frater auxilium fero. Ago tu gratia. Reddo terra corpus. Do tu plausus. Metus trado ventus. Catillna incoeptum faveo. Nee sui nee alter prosum. L. Otho equestris ordo restituo digmtas. Haud invideo fortuna ul- lus civis. Dico" ego verum. Redeo gramen 6 campus. Fortuna multus do nimis, satis nullus. Hostis 6 sui Caesar trado. Tuus culpa ne ignosco. Alius culpa ignosco. Ne patefacio auris adu- lator. Paris Venus do pomum. Juno is urbs offero. Minerva is sapientia pro- mitto. Tu sero, tu meto. Arma facio Vulcanus A- chilles. 162,4. *pl. 528 SYNTAX. ACCUSATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. 235. (1.) Twenty-six prepositions are followed by the accusative. Ariovistus sends ambassadors to Caesar. Roses shine among the lilies. Few come to old age. He waited at the sea below the town. The slaves were in the power of the prosecutor. Your good-will toward me, and mine toward you, are equal. There is a grove near the river. They divided the captives among themselves. The plebeians encamped near the bank of the Anio. The spear passes through both (his) temples. Vulcan possessed the islands near Sicily. King Gentius was led (captive) before the chariot of Anicius. Behind me was ^Egina, before (me) Megara. (The temple of) Janus was twice shut after the reign of Numa. The hands of Vitellius were bound behind his back. To live according to nature is the chief good. I hid the gold behind the altar. Ariovistus led his forces past the camp of Cassar. Ariovistus legatus ad Cae- sar mitto. Rosa fulgeo inter lilium. Paucus venio ad senectus. Expecto ad mare infra oppidum. Servus penes accusator sum. Tuus voluntas erga ego, et meus erga tu sum par. Sum lucus prope amnis. Divide inter sui captivus. Plebs prope ripa Anio consido. Eo hasta per tempus uter- que". Vulcanus teneo insula propter Sicilia. Ante Anicius currus duco Gentius rex. Post ego sum ante Megara. Janus 6 bis post Numa regnum claudo. Vinco pone tergum Vi- tellius manus. Finis bonum c sum se- cundum natura vivo. Secundum ara aurum ab- scondo. Ariovistus praeter castra Caesar suus copia trans duco. sing. * nom. c gen. pL SYNTAX. /JV AND SUB. > 235. (2.) In and sub, denoting tendency, are fol- lowed by the accusative ; denoting situation, they are followed by the ablative. All Italy calls me back into my country. An incredible multitude came to- gether into the Capitol. I have a letter in (my) hands. The kingdom was in the power of the enemy. The army of L. Cassius was sent under the yoke. War is concealed under the name of peace. The kingdom is in the power of the enemy. Many and weighty thoughts are in my mind. The poison flows into all parts of the body. He terminated a very great war in Africa. I now say nothing against that man. He fought in battle hand to hand. A slave of Clodius was seized in the temple of Castor. He endeavored to make an attack upon the province of Brutus. I rest the whole cause in your clemency. Obstinacy in very small matters is blamed. There are many (things) in our customs derived from the Py- thagoreans. He prepared a master and tyrant for our children. 3* Italia cunctus ego in pa- tria revoco. Multitude incredibilis in Capitolium convenio. In manus epistola teneo. Regnum sum in potestas hostis. L. Cassius exercitus sub jugum mitto. Sub nomen pax bellum lateo. Regnum sum in hostis potestas. Cogitatio multus et gravis sum in animus meus. Venenum in pars omnis corpus permano. Bellum magnus in Africa conficio. Jam nihil dico in homo iste. In acies commus pugno. Servus Clodius in Castor templum comprehendo. Conor impetus facio in Brutus provincia. Causa totus in humamtas vester repono. PertinacTtas in res parvus reprehendo. Multus sum in institutum noster a Pythagoreus ductus. In noster liberi dommus et tyrannus compare. 80 SYNTAX. lative. ABLATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. Eleven prepositions are followed by the ab- Learn from me. He spoke concerning the nature of the war. They took up arms for the com- mon safety. They undertook the business with- out any delay. Think of yourselves and (your) children. He shall call (them) Romans from his own name. One part commences at the river Rhone. He spoke with a low voice. As a field without culture, so is the mind without learning. I have received a consolatory letter from Caesar. Alcibiades was brought up in the house of Pericles, (and) in- structed by Socrates. He went out of the camp. The arrow was driven up to (its) feathers. The water rises up to (his) waist. I had the most learned men daily with me. Salute Cicero in my name 5 . We are ready to refute without obstinacy, 'and to be refuted without anger. Men could scarcely keep their hands from you. Cognosco ex ego. De natura bellum dico. Arm a pro salus commu- nis capio. Negotium sine ullus mora suscipio. Cogito de tu et liberi. Romanus suus de nomen dico. Unus pars initium capio a flumen Rhodanus". Cum vox suppressus dico. Ut ager sine cultura, sic sine doctrma animus sum. A Caesar literae accipio consolatorius. Alcibiades ediico in do- mus Pericles, erudio a Socrates. E castra exeo. Sagitta ago penna tenus. Aqua surgo pubes tenus. duotidie ego-cura habeo homo doctus. A ego salus dico Cicero. Refello sine pertinacia, et refello sine iracun- dia paro. Manus a tu homo vix ab stineo possum. 204. b Ut. from me. SYNTAX. 31 ABLATIVE OF CAUSE, &c. 247. Nouns denoting the cause, manner, means, and instrument, after adjectives and verbs, are put in the ablative without a preposition. The moon shines with a borrowed light. They seek safety by flight. He was beaten with rods. We live by hope. Neptune struck the earth with his trident. I will speak with a very loud voice. He quieted the voice of the people by his authority. Old age comes with silent foot. Affected with a severe disease, he died. His mind is disturbed by sudden grief. Thou failest by imprudence. They drive our (men) from the rampart with slings, arrows, and stones. The poets have introduced the gods both inflamed with anger and raging with passion. Red with the blood of citizens, he thought of nothing but the ruin of the state. He had overcome (his) enemies by a show of clemency. He suffers all the injuries of war with a patient mind. Are we able to surpass Plato in eloquence? The king's ambassador openly opposes us with money. The seas, when agitated by the wind, grow warm. Luna luceo alienus lux. Fuga salus peto. Credo virga. Spes vivo. Neptunus tridens suua terra percutio. Dico vox clarus. Auctoritas suus vox pop- iilus sedo. Pes tacitus venio senectus. Affectus gravis morbus, pereo. Mens subitus dolor turbo. Tu imprudentia labor. Fuada, sagitta, lapis, nos- ter de vallum deturbo. Poeta et ira mflammatus et libido furens induco deus. Cruentus sanguis civis, nihil nisi de respublica pernicies cogito. Adversarius species cle- mentia vinco. Injuria omnis bellum ani- mus aequus patior. Plato eloquentia supero possum ? Rex legatus pecunia ego aperte oppugno. Mare ventus agitatus te- pesco. SYNTAX. INFINITIVE MOOD. 239. The subject of the infinitive mood is put in the accusative. 270. The infinitive, either with or without a sub- ject-accusative, may depend upon a verb. 1. We know that the sun is the light of the world. Terence says that complaisance begets friends. The Pythagoreans believed that souls migrated from one animal to another. They report that a day had passed without the sun. Zeuxis said that he wished to draw a picture of Helen. Caesar commanded the soldiers to depart from the town. 2. I desire to see you. Dare to despise riches. I was able to touch the branches. I cannot understand. Alexander wished to be feared. He longs to relate the dangers. They have endeavored to renew the war. Virtue cannot be lost. No man can be happy without virtue. You seem to entertain some hope. Themistocles could not take rest. Money cannot change nature. Paris said that Hector waged cruel wars with a bloody hand. Scio sol sum lux mundus. Terentius dico obsequi- um amicus pario. Pythagoreus credo amma ex unus animal in alter discedo. Fero dies eo sine sol. Zeuxis dico sui volo simu- lacrum Helena pingo. Caesar miles ex oppidum exeo jubeo. Tu cupio video. Audeo contemno ops. Possum contingo ramus. Intelligo non possum. Alexander metuo volo. Gestio narro periculum. Conor renovo bellum. Virtus amitto non possum. Beatus sum sine virtus nemo possum. Videor habeo spes non- nullus. Themistocles somnum ca- pio non possum. Natura mutopecunia nes- cio. Paris dico Hector ferreus bellum sanguineus ma nus moveo. SYNTAX. 33 CONJUNCTIONS. 278. Copulative and disjunctive conjunctions, and some others, connect words which are in the same con- struction. You love modesty, goodness, and virtue. Neither the senate nor the peo- ple has any power. Wash your hands and sup You have the right arid the power. The sun sets and the mountains are darkened. It was night and the moon was shining. Marius and Sulla waged a civil war. Ulysses was not beautiful, but he was eloquent. The winds subside and the clouds disperse. We are leaving the bounds of our country and our pleasant fields. Riches are now given to none but to the rich. DilTgo pudor, et bonitas, virtusque. Nee senatus nee populus ullus vis habeo. Lavo inanus tuus et coeno. Habeo jus et potestas. Sol ruo et mons umbro. Nox sum et fulgeo luna. Marius et Sulla civilis bellum gero. Non formosus sum*, sed sum facundus Ulysses. Concido ventus fugiOque nubes. Ego patria finis et dulcis linquo arvum. Do opes nullus* nunc nisi dives. an injury. The tongue kills more than the sword. It is better to receive than to do Accipio praestat quam fa- cio injuria. Multus lingua neco quam gladius. Two or three friends of the king Amicus rex duo tresve are very rich. Man is compounded of body and soul. Neither embroidered purple nor the sceptre of Priam moved him. Neither a tongue nor a hand was wanting to (his) purpose. He adds a fleet and an army. imp. b pi. perdlves sum. Homo compono c ex cor- pus et amma. Nee pictus purpiira nee sceptrum Priamus ille moveo. Nee lingua nee manus desum consilium. Classis et exercitus ad jungo. per/. 34 SYNTAX. 204. PART II. APPOSITION. 204. A noun, annexed to another noun, or to a pronoun, and denoting the same person or thing, is put in the same case. Tigranes, the Armenian king, received Mithridates in (his) fear and flight. Hannibal took by force Sagun- tum, an allied city. The sacred mount is beyond the river Anio. Otho, a brave man, (and) my friend, restored dignity to the equestrian order. We have sent a consul, a very brave man, with an army. Philosophy, the mother of all the arts, is the invention of the gods. How often have you endeav- ored to kill me (while) consul ? Brutus, the illustrious founder of your family", freed (his) coun- try. Romulus built the city (of) Rome. The mountain Cavennes ob- structed (his) passage with a very deep snow. Let us consider nothing evil% which is appointed either by the immortal gods, or by nature, the parent of all. I am very intimate with Fabi- us, a most excellent and learned man. Mithridates in timor ac fuga Tigranes, rex Ar- menius, excipio. Hannibal Saguntum, fozderatus civitas, vis ex- pugno. Mons sacer trans Anio amnis sum. Otho, vir fortis, meus necessarius, equestris or- do restituo dignitas. Consul mitto, vir for- tis cum exercitus. Philo sophia, omnis mater ars, sum inventum deus. Quoties tu ego consul interficio conor ? Brutus patria libero, prseclarus auctor nobili- tas tuus. Romulus condo urbs Roma. Mons Cabenna altus nix iter impedio 6 . Nihil in malum, du- co d , qui vel a deus im- mortalis, vel a natura, parens omnis, constituo. Fabius, vir bonus et homo doctus, familiariter utor. 204. APPOSITION. 35 I heard this from P. Vedius, a great knave, but yet an intimate friend of Pompey. I cannot blame that in you, which I approved in myself, both as praetor and consul. I rescued this city, the habita- tion of us all, the bulwark of kings and foreign nations, the seat of the empire, by the punish- ment of five mad and abandoned persons. R. 1. C. Junius (when) dicta- tor, dedicated the temple of Health, which he vowed (when) consul, and founded (when) cen- sor. R. 2. Philosophy was the in- ventress of laws, (and) the in- structress in morals and educa- tion. R. 3. The Gauls ascended in- to the Capitol (with) so much silence, that they did not dis- turb even the dogs, a watchful animal in respect to nocturnal noises. R. 4. (We,) the Roman youth, declare this war against you. Let (us) senators collect to- morrow into a public stock all the gold, silver, and stamped cop- per. R. 5. Two very powerful cit- ies, Carthage andNumantia, were destroyed by the same Scipio. R. 6. Dicsearchus, having enu- merated other causes, (as) inunda- tions, pestilence, and devastation, then computes how many more men have been destroyed by the violence of men, that is, by wars Hie ego ex P. Vedius, magnus nebulo, sed Pom- peiusfamilidris, audio. Non possum is in tu reprehendo, qui in ego ipse, et prcetor, et consul probo. Ego urbs hie, sedes omnis ego, arx rex ac na- tio exterus, domicilium imperium, quinque homo amens ac perdttus pcena redimo. C. Junius aedis Salus, qui consul voveo, censor loco, dictator dedico. Philosophia inventrix lex, magistra mos', et dis- cipllna sum. Gallus tantus silentium in Capitolium evado, ut ne canis quidern, sollici- tus animal ad nocturnus strepltus, excito 7 . Hie tu* juventus Ro- manus indico bellum. Aurum, argentum, ses signatus omriis^ senator crastmus dies in publi- cum confero*. Duo urbs potens, Car- thago atque Numantia, ab idem Scipio deleo. Dicaearchus, collectus ceterus causa } , eluvio, pestilcntia, et vastttas, deinde comparo, quan- tus* multus deleo homo homo impetus, is sum, 36 APPOSITION. 204. or seditions, than by every other calamity. R. 8. There are two Roscii, of whom the surname of one is Capito. Attus Clausus, who afterwards had the name of Appius Claudi- us, fled from Regillum to Rome. The decemvirs published the laws, which have the names of the twelve tables, engraved upon brass. R. 10. CnaBus and Publius Scipio seem to me to have been fortunate. All being condemned, perished, one by one accident, another by another. R. 11. Tell me, wife of Xeno- phon, whether, if your neighbor has a better gold ring than you have, you would prefer hers or your own? " Hers," she replied. What if she has a dress or oth- er female decoration of greater value than you have, would you prefer hers or yours ? " Hers," she replied. Clitipho has gone. Q,. Alone? A. Alone. Q. Who is at the door ? A. I. Q,. Whose (servant) are you? A. Amphitruo's. bellum aut seditio, quam omnis reliquus calamitas. Duo sum Roscius, qui alter Capito cognomen sum. Attus Clausus, qui pos- tea Appius Claudius sum nomen, ab Regillum Ro- ma 1 transfugio. Decemvir lex, qui tabu- la duodecim sum nomen, in ses incisus, in publi- cum propono. Ego CncBus et Publius Scipio fortunatus vid- eo. Damnatus omnis, alius alius" casus pereo*. Dico ego, Xenophon uxor, si vicina tuus bonus habeo aurum, quam tu habeo, utrum ille, an tuus malo p ? " Ille," inquam. Q,uis ? si vestis, et cete- rus ornamentum mulig- bris pretium magnus ha- beo, quam tu habeo, tuus- ne an ille malo ? " Ille* respondeo. Abeo 9 Clitipho. Q.So- lus ? A. Solus. Q. Quis ad foris 1 * sum? A. Ego. Q. Quis sum ? A. Amphitruo. lit. nobility. b imp. e lit. among evils. d 260, R. 6. * gen. f 262. s sing. 224. * 205, R. 2, Exc. * 260, R. 6. i 257. * 256, R. 16. * 237. m pi. n 207, R. 32. subj. 261, 2, & R. 2. pres. 176. 204. APPOSITION. 37 English to be turned into Latin. Darius, king of the Persians, made war upon the Scythi- ans 6 . Philo, the head c of the Academy, fled d from home* in the Mithridatic war 7 , and came to Rome*'. Nero was com- mitted' 1 , for the purpose of* instruction ; ', to Seneca, even then a senator. From that day the north k winds prevailed'. If you wish to remove 771 avarice, luxury, its mother, must be removed". Solon said that the administration of govern- ment is comprised^ (in) two thing s q , rewards r and punish' ments r . Cato, (when) an old man, began 8 to write history. Experience 1 , an excellent" instructor", has taught me this 10 . Nature has given to man hands (as) assistants 1 in many arts v . Ambassadors from Ptolemy and Cleopatra, kings of Egypt, came to Rome. What shall I say concerning memo' ry, the storehouse 31 of all things ? infero. 6 224. c princeps. <* profugio. ' 255, R. 1. / 253. * 237. h trado. * for the purpose of, in. J discipllna. * Septenlrio. * sum. m tollo. n 274, R. 8. administration of government, res publTca. p contineo. "249, 1. r sing. * insti- tuo. ' usus. " egregius. * magister. w 231. x ministra. y g en - * thesaurus. Ennius bore two burdens, which are reckoned 6 the great- est, poverty and old age. Marius was influenced*" by cupidity and anger, very bad advisers d . The Trojans were wander- ing about 6 without fixed habitations 7 , and with them the abo- rigines, a savage^ race of men. The Germans celebrate (in) songs Tuisco and (his) son Mannus, the source h and founders* of the nation. By chance, the ancient city Clazomence was near. Q,. Caccilius was questor in Sicily after /(was) ques- tor j . (When) a young man, /devoted^ much of (my) time 1 to philosophy. The two ordinary consuls of that year had perished" 1 , one n by the sword, the other" by disease. The vultures seen by Romulus, presaged that the city (of) Rome would be warlike p . The poet Anacreon g is said to have been choked 7 " by the stone 8 of a raisin* : the senator Fabius ) by a single" hair" in a draught" of milk. a imp. b puto. c grassor. imp. d consultor. ' to wander about, vagor. / without fixed habitations, sedlbus incertis. e agrestis. * orlgo. * conditor. J lit. after me, &c. * tribuo. * 212, R. 3. 38 APPOSITION ADJECTIVES. 205. " sing, placed at the end of the sentence. n alter. polliceor. p bel- latrix. ? 279, 9. r strangulo. * acinus. < uva passa. " unus. * pilum. * haustus. It is related that Pisistrdtus 1 , the tyrant of Athens', when a drunken d guest" had said' many (things) against him, replied^, that he' 1 was not more angry* with him' than if any one had run fc against him' blindfold"*. The Rutuli, a na- tion", for that age and country, flourishing 7 ' in riches 5 , pos- sessed 7 " Ardea. Drusus is said* to have brought back' from the province (of) Gaul, the gold formerly given to the Serio- nes at the siege" of the Capitol ; and not", as is the common report", wrested* (from them) by Camillus y . Tiberius re- joiced that, in* the island (of) Caprcce, the branches of a very old"" ilex, now drooping 66 to the earth" and sickly drf , revived" at his' 7 arrival*^. The sea was given (as) a king- dom to Neptune, one' 1 ' 1 (of the) brothers" of Jupiter. I com- mend to you" Caius and Lucius Mummius jj . Marius, (when) seventh time" consul, died at an advanced age ", in his own house mm . memoriae proditur. 6 239. lit. of the Jlthenians. d ebrius. ' convlva. / 263, 5, R. 2. g dico. h 239. * to be angry, suc- censeo. J 223, R. 2. * incurro, 206, 3. ' 208. m obligatis octt- lis, 257. n gens. ut in. p proepollens. 9 250. r habeo, imp. ' trado. ' refero. u obsidio. * and not, nee. " common report, farna. * extorqueo. * 248, I. z apud. aa vetus. ' 6 de- missus. cc terra. dd languens. ee convalesce. // 208. e e ad- ventus. hh alter. "sing. JJ pi. kk scventhtime, septimum. ll at an advanced age, senex. mm 221 , 1. R. 3, (1 .) ADJECTIVES. $ 205. Adjectives, adjective pronouns, and parti- ciples, agree with their nouns in gender, number, and case. A faithful friend is known in Amlcus certus in res adversity. incertus cerno. Past time never returns. Prateritus tcmpus nun- quam revertor. Familiar things easjly glide Usitdtus res facile e from the memory. memoria dilabor. Alexander himself demolished Ipse Alexander Thebae Thebes. diruo. 205. ADJECTIVES. 39 I received many letters from you, all written with care. The best laws, without any ex- ception, will be taken away by this law. Death is shameful in flight, glorious in victory. In a state, the rights of war are most carefully to be observed. No forgetfulness will ever blot out my remembrance of your fa- vors to me. R. 1. The city which they call Rome, I foolishly supposed (to be) like this our (city.) R. 2. In a free state, the tongue and the mind ought to be free. Menelaus and Paris, being armed, fought for Helen and (her) riches. (1.) Many sons and daughters placed Metelluson the funeral pile. Ten free-born (youths,) ten vir- gins, all having fathers and moth- ers living, (were) chosen for the sacrifice. (2.) Benefit and injury are con- trary to each other. He made his intention and en- deavors clear to all persons. (3.) The king and the royal fleet departed at the same time. Exc. The safety of all, (their) children, (and their) fortunes, are very dear to you. R. 3. A great part of the men were either wounded or killed. The slaves conspired to arm themselves and seize upon the citadel. Multus a tu accipio epistola, omnis diligenter scriptus. Bonus lex hie lex sine ullus exceptio tollo. In fuga fcedus mors sum, in victoria gloriosus. In respublica maxime conservandus sumjus bel- lum. Meus tuus erga ego meritum memoria nullus unquam deleo oblivio. Urbs, qui dico Roma, puto stultus ego hie nos- ter similis. In civltas liber, lingua mensque liber sum debeo. Menelaus et Paris ar- mdtus pugno propter He- lena et divitise. Metellus multus Jilius Gijilia in rogus impono. Decem ingenuus, de- cem virgo, palrlmus om- nis, matrimusque, ad sac- rificium delectus. Inter sui contrarius sum beneficium et injuria. Perspicuus suus con- silium, conatusque omnis facio. Rex regiusque classis una profectus sum. Tu omnis salus, liberi, fortuna, sum a earns. Magnus pars homo vul- nerdtus aut occlsus sum. Servitium conjuro, ut arx armdtus occupo 6 . 40 ADJECTIVES. 205. Three thousand two hundred of the Samnites were slain. Lofty Ilium was consumed. Pergamus was destroyed by the sword. R. 7. (1.) A clear spring re- flects the image of (a person) looking into it. The avaricious (man) will never be satisfied. The chaste blush even to speak of chastity. Old (men) are least subject to contagious diseases. (2.) I see and approve the bet- ter, I pursue the worse. Gnats seek for acid (things) (but) do not fly to sweet (things.) He who has lost (his) credit, has lost every (thing.) (3.) Postumius, an enemy of his father, (and) an old neighbor and acquaintance, accuses Murena. R. 8. To advance was difficult, to retreat hazardous. R. 9. What is the matter ? Fear has more celerity than anger. R. 10. It (is) astonishing how much that availed to the harmony of the state. R. 11. No artist can by imita- tion attain to the skill of nature. R. 12. Varro was the most learned of the Romans. Plato (was) decidedly the most learned of all Greece. R. 13. I am not surprised that Vatinius should despise rny law, an enemy. Samnis ccesus s>um tres mille ducenti. Altus c crematus c sum Ilion. Excisus 6 sum Perga- mum ferrum. Fons perlucidus imago intuens red do. Avdrus nunquam sum contentus. Erubesco pudicus eti- am loquor de pudicitia. Senex minlme sentio morbus contagiosus. Video bonus* probo- que, deterior d sequor. Culex acidus peto ; ad dulcis non advolo. Omnis d perdo, qui fides perdo. Murena accuse pater- nus inimicus, Postumius, vetus viclnus ac necessa- rius. Progredior arduus sum, regredior pcriculosus. Quis negotium sum 1 Multus timor quam ira celeritas habeo. Is mirus quantus pro- sum ad concordia civitas. Natura sollertia nemo opifex consequor possum imitor*. Varro sum doctus Ro- manus. Plato totus Graecia fa- cile doctus. Non admirorVatinius/ quod meus lex contemno, homo inimicus. 205. ADJECTIVES. 41 I witnessed your devotedness (when) a youth. I will be satisfied with our own friendship. R. 14. Add to this the cool, un- failing flow of fountains. R. 15. Servilius Rullus first served up an entire wild boar at a feast. That part of the Helvetian state, which had inflicted a re- markable calamity on the Roman people, first suffered punishment. L. Philippus approached near- est to the two most illustrious orators, Crassus and Antony. Spain was subdued last of all the provinces. R. 17. At break of day the top of the mountain was occupied by Labienus. I have long been desirous of visiting Alexandria and other parts of Egypt. Through the midst of the city flows the river Marsyas, celebra- ted in the fabulous songs of the Greeks. R. 18. After (they) entered the Roman territory, the consuls ad- vance to meet the enemy. (They) separated with minds mutually irritated. Studium tuus t adoles- cens, perspicio. Contentus sum nosier ipse amicitia. Addo hue foris gelidus perenmtas. Solidus aper primus in epula3 appono Servilius Rullus. Q,ui pars civitas Hel- vetius insignis calamitas popiilus Romanus infero, isprinceps po3na persolvo. Duo superus orator, Crassus et Antonius, L. Philippusjpropzor accedo. Hispaniapostferws om- nis provincia perdomo. Primus lux superus mons a Labienus teneo ff . Jam pridern cupio fc Alexandria, reliquusque JSgyptus viso. Urbs medius inter fluo Marsyas amnis, fabulosus Grsecus carmen inclytus. Post qu am in ager Ro- manus venio*, obviamhos- tis- 7 consul eo. Irritatus utrinque ani- mus discedo*. a sing, b lit. that being armed they would seize. 275, 111. R. 4. / 229. * 145, II. A U5) * 228. c fern. d pi. English to be turned into Latin. The drones* are without a sting 6 , as it were" imperfect bees, and rf the slaves' of the true bees. The auxiliaries' of the king, embarrassed and confused 5 ', because' 1 they had 42 ADJECTIVES. 205 marched 1 in no order, betake' themselves to flight. Cattle*, (when) dispersed 1 , follow the herds of their own species"*. Jugurtha, by secret" paths", gets the start p of the army of Metellus. The ears have properly 7 been placed 7 " in the higher" parts of the body', since they ought" to receive* sound, which naturally ascends*. A hundred brazen bars y close the gates of war. Dionysius used* to harangue 00 from a lofty tower. In the Alps white bb hares (are found, ) cc for which rfd , during the winter", the ancients^ believed that snow served** for food' 1 ' 1 . Verres placed tents, composed" of curtains of fine linen jj , near** the very mouth 11 of the harbor. * fucus. b aculeus. c velut. d et quasi. * servus. / auxilium. * impediu ac perturbo. h quod. * to march, iter facio. i conjicio. * pecus, udis. l dispello. m genus. n occultus. iter. p to get the start, antevenio. * rede. r collSco, 280, 1. * altus, pos. ' pi. M debeo, 263, 5. * percipio. w 247. * to ascend, sublime feror, 266,1. y vectis. * soleo. ao concionor. bb candidus. ce 209, R. 4. dd 223. ee hibernis menslbus, 253. //antiquus. * B 227, R. 3. hh pro cibatu. '* intentus. JJ curtains of fine linen, carbaseus velum. kk propter. ll introitus. Caesar erected*, on the extremity* of the bridge, a tower* of four stories*, and gave the command* of that place f to T. Volcatius 8 ". Virgil invokes Ceres and Liber, because* their productions 1 are most necessary j for* the service' of men. Neither" 1 meat, drink 11 , wakcfulness , nor sleep, are salutary* for us 7 , without a certain 1 ' limitation 8 . The wall and the gate had been struck 1 by lightning". Neither could Pompey bear* an equal, nor Caesar a superior. Nightingales lay 10 , in the beginning 1 of spring, at the most y , six eggs. The Eunuch was acted" twice in a day. Sergestus is carried in the great z Centaur. Let an indulgent 40 friend, as is just 66 , set off cc my good (qualities) against my faults". The age in which 6 " Pericles lived frst ff produced** at Athens** an almost 1 '* perfect orator. constituo. b 205, R. 17. c 79, 3. d tabulatum. ' to give the command, prseficio. / 224. * 229. h quod. * fructus. i 126, 5, (a.) & 127. * ad. * utilllas. m non before each nominative. n humor. vigilia. r saluber. ? 222. r quidam. * mensura. f tango. u de coslo. * fero, ind. imp. w pario. x primus. y at the most, citm plurtmum. * fern. dulcis. bb sequum. cc com penso. R.7,(2.) "253. // 205, R. 17. ** fero. 254. ** prope. 206. RELATIVES. 43 I begin" to seek 6 not only gratification , but also glory, from this pursuit^ since 8 it has been approved by your judg- ment, a most grave and learned* man 5 . The Samnites said that they* had tried 4 all' (methods, to ascertain) if they could support*, by their 1 own strength", so great a weight" of war. Mithridates said p that he ft had taken 9 Cappadocia by his own power r alone" ', without the assistance' of any u of the soldiers. Do you not think" that my prayers' 1 , (when) present", would have benefited* him y , to whom my name, (when) absent 10 , had been an honor*? (Their) swiftness and the country** (being) unknown 66 to the enemy, de- fended most" (of them.) A free state" and a monarch are naturally 77 hostile** to each other 7 '' 1 . Do you fear" lest your house, (the house) of so distinguished^- 7 a man and citizen, should be deserted" ? incipio. * peto. e oblectatio. d studium. * postquam. /eru- ditus. B R. 13, second paragraph. h 239. ' experior, 272. I R. 7, (2.) * tolero. l suusmet. m ipse, gen., R. 13. n pi. moles. p 280, 1. 2 capio, 272. r opera. * unus, R. 13. * auxilium. " quisquam. puto. " R. 13. * prosum, 268, R. 5. " 223. * 227. regio. 66 ignarus. cc tutor, R. 2, (2.) dd plerusque. ** civltas. ff 247. eg inimlcus. hh to each other, inter se. ** ve- reor. JJ so distinguished, tails. ** 262. RELATIVES. 206. Relatives agree with their antecedents in gender and number, but their case depends on the con- struction of the clause to which they belong. The hour which has passed Hora, qui praetereo, cannot return. non redeo possum. Bring thou flowers which the Affero a flos qui amo bee loves. apis. Caesar, for the reasons which I Caesar, hie de causa have mentioned, determined to qui commemoro, Rhenus cross the Rhine. transeo decerno. He is rich, whose mind is tran- Dives sum, qui animus quil. tranquillus sum. The foundation of permanent Fundamentum perpetu- fame is justice, without which us fama sum justitia, si- there can be nothing praise- ne qui nihil possum sura worthy. laudabilis. 44 RELATIVES. $206. The husbandman plants trees, whose fruit he himself will never see. How can it be imagined that there is any animal which hates itself? Who has been found, that blamed my consulship, except Clodius ? All (persons) by nature follow those (things) which seem good, and avoid the contrary. Dicaearchus has written three books, which are called Lesbi- acs. There is no nation which we can fear. The Egyptians consecrated no animal, but for some advantage which they received from it. We are not those to whom nothing appears to be true. I will explain those things which you desire, as well as I can. I expect, with the utmost so- licitude, the arrival of Menander, whom I sent to you. Why am I compelled to cen- sure the senate, whom I have al- ways commended ? All the reasons which you mention are very just. The consuls came to that army which I had in Apulia. (1.) The Helvetians appoint a day, on which day all should as- semble upon the bank of the Rhone. Csesar knew that the day was near, on which day it was neces- sary that corn should be distrib- uted to the soldiers. Arbos sero agiicola, qui adspicio fructus ipse nunquam. dui possum coglto sum aliquis 6 animal, qui sui odi c . Quis meus consulatus, prseter Clodius, qui vitu- pero d , invenio. Omnis natura is se- quor, qui videor bonus, fugioque contrarius. Dicaearchus tres liber scribo, qui Lesbiacus vo- co. Null us sum natio, qui pertimesco'*. ^Egyptius nullus bel- lua, nisi ob aliquis utili- tas, qui ex is capio", con- secro. Non sum is, qui nil verus sum videor 7 . Is, qui volo,utpossum% explico. Adventus expecto 71 Me- nander, qui ad tu supe- rus cura mitto. Cur sendtus cogo, qui laudo semper, reprehen- do? Omnis causa, qui com- memoro, Justus sum. Consul ad is exercitus, qui in Apulia habeo, venio. Helvetius dies dico, qui dies ad ripa Rhoda- nus omnis convenio*. Caesar intelligo dies insto^, qui dies frumen- tum miles metior opor- tet c . 206. RELATIVES. 45 (2.) I, who console you, cannot (console) myself. For the most part, men will- ingly believe that which they de- sire. (3.) The desires which arise from nature are easily satisfied without any harm. Ambigatus, desiring to relieve his kingdom from a burdensome population, declared that he would send his sons to the set- tlements which the gods should point out by auguries. I trust, such are your prudence and temperance, that you are in good health. (I) who, such is my inatten- tion, often did not come near you for many days, while you were here, am now daily distressed be- cause I cannot run to you. (a.) Most persons require those (things) from friends, which they do not themselves give. He who does not fear death, procures for himself a great se- curity to a happy life. (b.) I have the letters which you sent to Nero. (4.) (Those) who seem to be doing nothing, are often doing greater (things) than others. (He) who wishes the kernel to be (extracted) from the nut, cracks the nut. (5.) The grove of Hammon has a fountain (which) they call the water of the sun ; it flows luke- warm at day-break, and cold at mid-day, when the heat is most intense,. Ego, qui tu confirmo, ipse fc ego non possum. Fere libenter homo is t qui volo, credo. Qui cupiditas a natura proficiscor facile expleo sine ullus injuria. Ambigatus, exonero prsegravans turba* reg- num cupiens, filius mit- to sui in qui Deus do c , augurium sedes ostendo. Spero, qui tuus pru- dentia et temperantia sum, tu valeo". Qui, qui meus negli- gentia sum, multus saepe dies ad tu, cum hie sum, non accedo, nunc quo- tidie, non sum tu, ad qui cursito 6 , discrucior. Plerusque, qui ipse non tribuo amicus, hie ab is desidero. Qui mors non timeo, magnus is sui presidium ad beatus vita compare. Habeo qui ad Nero litercE mitto. Qui nihil ago videor, saepe magnus ago quam alius. Qui e nux nucleus sum volo, frango nux. Hammon nemus fons habeo ; aqua sol voco ; sub lux ortus" tepidus mano, medius dies quum vehemens sum color, frigidus fluo. 46 RELATIVES. (6.) (a.) At this age, which we have mentioned, Hannibal went with his father into Spain. The people whom you know being judges. (6.) 1 opened the folds of the door in the narrow passage. (7.) The Volscians, being beat- en in a pitched battle, lost Vol- scae, the best city which they had. Agamemnon, when he had de- voted to Diana the most beautiful thing which had been born in his kingdom in that year, sacrificed Iphigenia. P. Volumnius placed in the list of proscribed persons L. Julius Calidus, the most elegant poet whom our age has produced since the death of Lucretius and Catul- lus. (8.) Pausanias was unwilling to return to Sparta, and betook himself to Colonae, which place is in the Troad. (9.) The Helvetians are bound- ed on one side by the river Rhine, which separates the Hel- vetian territory from the Germans. Caesar determined to advance to the Scheldt, which flows into the Meuse. (10.) The winds had carried me from Sicily to Leucopetra, which is a promontory of the Rhegian territory. There is a river in Britain, which is called the Thames. Caesar came to Gomphi, which is a town of Thessaly. (11.) A few conspired against Hic p , qui dico, tetas Hannibal cum pater in Hispania proficiscor. Judex q , qui nosco r populus*. Ostium qui in angipor- tus sum patefacio foris. Volsci, acies victus, Volscae, civltas, qui ha- beo bonus, perdo. Agamemnon, quurn de- voveo' Diana qui in su- us regnum pulcher nas- cor ille annus p , immolo Iphigenia. P. Volumnius L. Julius Calidus, qui post Lucre- tius Catull usque mors multo elegans poeta noster 33tas fero, in pro- scriptus numerus refero. Pausanias Sparta redeo nolo, et Colona, qui locus in ager Troas" sum, se confero. Helvetius contineo u- nus ex pars Jlumcn Rhe- nus, qui v ager Helvetius a Germanus divido. Caesar adjlumen Seal- dis, qui w influo in Mosa, eo constituo. Ex Sicilia ego ad Leu- covjkra, qui w sum prom- ontorium ager Rhegmus ventus defero. F lumen sum in Britan- nia, qui" appello Tame- sis. Caesar Gomphi perve- nio, qui 1 " sum oppidum Thessalia. Conjuro paucus contra 206. RELATIVES. 47 the republic, concerning which (conspiracy) I will speak as truly as possible. (12.) You are not reading my words, who have been banished to the Ister. (13.) The Lacedaemonians killed their king, Agis, (a crime) which never before had happened among them. (14.) In regard to what you write, that you wish to know what is the state of the republic ; there is very great discord. (15.) The ambassador of king Attalus demanded, that the ships and captives, which had been tak- en in the naval battle at Chios, should be restored. (16.) This I will very briefly say, that no one was ever so shameless, as silently to wish from the immortal gods so many and so great things as they have be- stowed upon Cn. Pompey. (17.) Hannibal had not expect- ed that so many nations in Italy would revolt to him, as revolted after the defeat at Cannae. The other citizens in a state are wont to be such as are the leaders. Be such, as you would wish to be considered. respublica, de qui quam vere* possum dico. Nee metis verbum lego, qui submoveo ad Ister. Agis rex, Lacedaemo- nius, qui nunquam antea apud is accido, neco. Qui scribo tu volo scio, qui sum y respublica sta- tus ; summus dissensio sum. Attalus rex legatus postulo, navis m captivus- que, qui w ad Chius na- valis pro3lium capio, re- stituo. Hie brevlter dico, ne- mo" 1 unquam tarn impii- dens sum, qui a deus im- mortalis tot et tantus res tacitus audeo* opto, quot et quantus deus immorta- lis ad Cn. Pompeius def- ero. Non spero Hannibal fore" at tot in Italia pop- tilus ad sui deficio, quot deficio post Cannensis clades. Quails in respublica princeps sum, tolls reli- quus soleo sum civis. Qualis habeo volo, ta- ils sum. a 8 162, 4. * 138, 2, 4th paragraph. e 266, 1. * 264, 7. * 264, 12. / 2U4,1. *fut. h 145, II. 3. 264, 5. J 272. * 207, R. 28. ' 251. m 239. n 272. ace. p 253. sing. r 183, 3, N. & 162, 7. ' 257, R. 7. * 263, 5, R. 2. " 204. masc. w ncut. * 127, 4th paragraph. y 265. * 264. aa fore, &c. : lit. that it would come to pass that, &c. 268, R. 4. 48 RELATIVES. $ 206. English to be turned into Latin. The Delphic tablet", which is now 6 in the Palatium, will serve as a proof' that the old Greek letters' were almost the same as f the Latin now are. No animal, which has blood, can be without a heart. Sardanapalus was born in the thirty-third degree*" from Ninus and Semiramis, who founded Babylon. Timoleon, which h is thought 1 a more difficult (thing,) bore prosperous-' more wisely than adverse fortune. Socrates appears* to me, as h is agreed 1 among all, to have first 771 called off" philosophy from hidden things. (He) takes away p the greatest ornament of friendship, who takes from it (mutual) respect 7 . The earth never disobeys 7 " com- mand*, nor ever restores without usury what she has re- ceived*. tabula. 6 hodie. 227, R. 3. * indicium, 227, R. 2. ' 239. / qui, 207, R. 27, 3d paragraph. e locus. * id quod, (13.) * puto. J secundus. k videor. l constat. m primus, 205, R. 15. n avo- co, 242, R. 1. occultus. p tollo. ? verecundia. r recQso. * imperium. ' accipio. The horses, which* were drawing Darius, pierced 6 with spears, and maddened c with pain d , had begun" to shake off / the yoke, and dash*" the king from the chariot' 1 . The mem- ory of Hortensius was so great' that, without (any thing) written >, he would repeat* those (things) which 1 he had med- itated" 1 with himself, in the same words in which he had thought" (them.) Those, whose 1 fathers or ancestors have been distinguished* 1 by some (species of) renown 9 , generally*" study to excel in the same kind of glory*. Let every one exercise' himself in the art which 1 he understands". Brute animals" do not move"" themselves from that place in which 1 they were born. Hannibal was doubtful* whether* he should pursue (his) march* into Italy, or engage"* with Roman cc army which should offer rf( * itself. a (3.) 6 confodio. c efferatus. d dolor. e coepi. / quatio. * excutio. h 242. * tantus. J scriptum. * reddo. * (3.) (a.) ** com mentor. n cogito, 266, 1. majdres. p praesto. 8 gloria. r plerumque. * laus. * 260, R. 6. " nosco. * brute animals, bestia. w commoveo. * incertus. y utrum. z to pursue a march, intendo coaptum iter, 265. consero manus. bb 206, (7.) lit with that army which should first, &c. cc gen. pi. dd 266, R. 4 207. DEMONSTRATIVES. 49 Thrasybulus, when he had fled" to Phyle b , which is a very strongly fortified 6 fortress 01 in Attica, had not more than thirty of his (men) with him. Mankind 8 have fenced 7 with walls^ their united' 1 dwelling-places*, which J we call* cities. Do you think' that those" 1 who are said to divine, can an- swer" whether the sun is p larger than 7 the earth, or as large as r (it) seems (to be?) What (can be) more miserable than this", that he m who has been* consul-elect 1 as many" years as r he has" (lived,) cannot be chosen"* consul ? It is (a say- ing) of the Stoics 1 , that no ball" 1 is in all respects y such as another ball is ? . a confugio, 263,5, R. 2. b 44 & 237. c mumtus, sup. d cas- tellurn. * homo, pi. f sepio. e moenia. A conjungo. * n dioe,lling- place, domicilium. i (8.) k dico. l censeo. m 239. n 272. whether, ne, joined to the adjective. p 2(35. 256, R. 3. r 206, (16.) '256. * elect, designatus. "tot. * habeo. * fio. * 211, ((i.) y res, 250. * 266, 1. As many' kinds 5 of orators are found', as d we have said that there are* of oratory f . There is, at Syracuse, 5 " a prison, made by that most cruel tyrant'', Dionysius, which 1 is called the stone-quarries J . When the Carthaginians had heard* that Attalus and the Romans had departed* from Oreum, they feared" 1 lest they should be surprised" within Rhium, that 1 is, the strait" of the Corinthian gulf. Pliny affirms that this p is even' the fairest 7 " part of philosophy, to conduct' public business. Equestrian games having been feigned', the virgins, who had come to the show", became" a prey, and this p (was) immediately a cause of war. a tottdem. b genus. ' reperio. d quot. * 272. / oratio. '254. h 248,1. * (8.) J Lautumiae. * 263, 5. ' proficis- cor, 272 & 270, R. 3. m vereor. n opprimo. fauces, f (13,) last paragraph. q etiam. r pulcher. * ago. ' simulo. spec- taculura. * sum. DEMONSTRATIVES. ^207. R. 20. We are speaking of Loquor de is amicus, such friends as are known in qui nosco vita communis ; common life" ; from this number ex hie numerus ego 6 ex- our examples must be taken. emplum sumo. Darius left, as defenders of this Darius is pons, dum 5 50 DEMONSTRATIVES. 207. bridge in his absence, the princes whom he had brought with him from Ionia and ^Eolis. In this number was Miltiades. The Volsci had prepared aux- iliaries to send to the Latins. In- censed at this, the consuls led (their) legions into the Volscian territory. Cassivellaunus sent forth his charioteers from the woods, and engaged with these, to the great hazard of our cavalry ; and by this fear prevented (them) from making wider incursions. R. 21. The peevishness of old men has some excuse, not, indeed, sufficient, but such as seems capa- ble of being admitted. Your grief (is) indeed natural, but (it) ought to be greatly mod- erated. R. 22. I do not like it, that I have hitherto (received) no letter from you respecting these things. R. 23. Q,. Catulus was learned, not according to the ancient, but according to our manner. The Capitol was built of hewn stone ; a work to be admired even in the present magnificence of the city. Julius Tutor and Julius Sabi- nus took part (in the conspira- cy ;) the former a Trevirian, the latter a Lingonian. Neither Thracian Orpheus, nor Linus, shall excel me in song, al- though (his) mother should aid the former, and (his) father the latter; Calliopea Orpheus, and Linus the beautiful Apollo. ipse absum e , custos relin- quo princeps, qui sulcum ex Ionia et JEolis duco. In hie sum numerus Mil- tiades. Volsci compa.ro auxil- ium, qui mitto d Latlnus. Hie ira e , consul in Vol- scus ager legio duco. Cassivellaunus esseda- rius ex silva emitto 7 , et magnus cum periculum noster eques^ cum is con- fligo 7 ; atque hie mctus late vagor prohibeo 7 . Morositas senex habeo aliquis* excusatio 1 , non ille quidem Justus, sed qui probo possum videor*. Tuus dolor humanus is quidem, sed magnope- re moderandus. Ille moleste fero, nihil ego adhuc hie de res habeo tuus liter cc k . Q,. Catulus non anti- quus ille mos', sed hie noster sum erudltus. Capitolium saxum" 1 quadratus substruo ; opus vel in hie magnificentia urbs conspiciendus. Misceo sui Julius Tu- tor et Julius Sabmus; hie Trevir, hie Lingon. Non ego carmen 71 vin- co nee Thracius Orphe- us, nee Linus ; hic mater quamvis, atque hie pater adsum ; Orpheus Calli- opea, Linus formosua Apollo. $207. DEMONSTRATIVES. 51 R. 24. The Sidonian Antipa- ter was wont to utter hexameter verses without premeditation. The celebrated Medea is said to have formerly fled from the same Pontus. Did you prefer that insignifi- cant person to all of us, and to Plato himself? R. 27. The most remote region of heaven (still) remains, which is also called the ether. Whatever is right, is also use- ful. Nothing is generous which (is) not also just. What (is there) excellent, (which is) not also difficult 1 The rule of utility is the same as that of virtue. As consul, you have shown yourself the same that you had always been. The servants were of the same character as (their) master. How feeble are the sayings of the rhetoricians concerning the power of virtue ! Even those who assent to them, go away the same as they had come. Virtue is the same in man as in God. The Academicians and Peripa- tetics were once the same. I placed Tiridates, born of the same father as myself, in posses- sion of Armenia. Antipater ille Sidonius soleo versus hexameter fundo ex tempus. Ex idem Pontus Me- dea ille quondam profu- gio dico. EgOne omnis, et Plato ipse, nescio quis ille an- tepono /( ? Resto ultirnus crelum complexus, qui idem aether voco. Quisquis honestus sum, idem sum utilis. Nihil sum liberalis, qui non idem Justus. Q,uis praBclarus non idem arduus 1 Idem utilitas, qui ho- nestus sum regiila. Idem existo consul, qui sum semper. Servus idem mos* sum 7 , qui domlnus. Rhetor dictum quam exilis sum de virtus vis! Qui etiam qui assentior idem abeo, qui venio. Virtus idem in homo ac Deus sum. Academicus et Peripa- teticus quondam idem sum 7 . Tiridates ego, idem egocum 7 pater 7 " genitus, in possessio Armenia de- duco. as common life knows. * 225, III. c 266,3. <* 264, 5. * 212, R. 3. J 260, R. 4. n pi. 224. * 211, * 247. / imp. e pi. h 138, 2. * 212, R. 1. l 249, II. m 247. R. 8, (2.) ' 222, R. 7. r 246. INDEFINITES. $207 INTENSIVES. R. 23. I want not medicine, I console myself. He acquired to himself the greatest glory. He who knows himself will feel that he has something in him divine. Non egeo medicma*, ego ipse consolor. Sui ipse pario laus magnus. Q,ui sui ipse nosco*, aliquis sentio sui habeo c divinus. 250, 2. * 145, VI. & 162, 7. * 272, English to be turned into Latin. I hate a wise (man) who is not wise for himself*. The wise (man,) who neither profits 6 himself nor others, is wise in vain*. Wilt thou, when God has given thee a mind, than which* nothing is more excellent * or divine, so debase* thyself as* to think* that there is no difference * between thee and some* quadruped? We have this primary 1 desire"* from nature, that we should preserve" ourselves . You were unwilling to go into (your) province. * 222. * prosum e 224. d is wise in vain, irrltA pollet sa- pienfcA, 250. * 256. / pnustans. B projicio. * 262, R. 1. puto. / nihil interesse. * aliquis. ' primus. m appetitio. w con- BCITO, 2G2. * ipse, agreeing with the object, 133, 2. INDEFINITES. 207. R. 29. Finally you xvill ascer- tain, whether the Faberii incline at all to promote this design of mine. Should they have any' (such inclination,) it is of great service; but if not, let us exert ourselves in every way. Demque intelltgo, ec- quid Faberius inclino* ad hie meus consiliutn adjuvo*. Si quid sum, magnus sum adju men- turn ; sin minus, quicun- que ratio contendo. $207. INDEFINITES. R. 30. If you are in Epirus, Tu si sum in Epirus, send to us some letter-carrier of mitto ad ego de tuus ali- quis tabellarius. Iste quidem ars, si mo- yours. These arts, if indeed they avail to some purpose, avail to sharpen, do altquis*, valeo ut acuo* and, as it were, to stimulate the et tanquarn irrlto ingerii- understandings of boys, that they um puer, quo facile pos- may more easily learn greater sum magnus disco*, (things.) Even a moderate orator fixes Teneo auris vel medio- the attention, provided only there cris orator, sum / modo be something in him. R. 31. In the golden age, no one had either a disposition or a motive to injury. The gods being duly propiti- ated, the consuls performed the levy more severely and exactly, than any one remembered (it) to have been performed in former years. R. 33. I happened to be walk- ing along the sacred way, (when) there ran (to meet me) a certain (man,) known to me by name only. R. 34. Jupiter is not less afraid of evil than any one of you. Painters and poets have always enjoyed an equal license of at- tempting any thing they please. R. 35. Every very learned man despises the Epicureans. The best (men) most regard posterity. The consul P. Licinius was di- rected to appoint the earliest pos- aliquis 5 in is, Aureus seculum* non sum quisquam 1 aut ani- mus in injuria aut causa. Deus rite placatus, de- lectus consul habeo acri- ter iritenteque quam prior annus quisquam memini' habeo. Eo forte via* sacer ; ac- curro quidam, notus ego nomen tantum. Jupiter non minus quam tu* quivis formldo malum. Pictor f atque poeta quiHbet audeo" semper sum aequus potestas. Epicureus doctus quis- que contemno. Bonus quisque maxime posteritas servio. P. Licinius p consul de- nuncio 7 , ut exercitus p sible day for the army to assem- dies 7 " primus quisque di- ble. co convemo". 265. 6 275, III. R. 3. c lit. if there shall be any (thing.) d 232, (2.) 262. / 263, 2. g 138, 2. * 253. * 226. 1 145, II. & 183, 3, N. * 254, R. 3, 2d paragraph. l 212.R.2. N. 2. m 275, 1. n 275, III. R. 1. 223, R. 2. * dat. pass impers. r fern. ' lit. for assembling, 275, III. R. 3. o 54 INDEFINITES. $ 207, English to be turned into Latin. See how much* more odious 6 a tyrant Verres was c to the Sicilians'*, than any one of those who preceded* ; since they ornamented f the temples of the gods, he even took away ff their* monuments and decorations 4 . C. Gracchus deserves to be read- 7 ' by youth*, if any 1 other (deserves it,) for he is capable' 71 not only of sharpening", but of nourishing" the understanding . Virtue has nothing grand 73 in it 7 , if it has any thing venal. Alexander halted r at Babylon* longer* than any where" ; nor did any place more injure* military discipline". There is not any one 1 of any y nation 2 , who may aa not arrive 66 at virtue, having 00 nature (as) his guide. Would any y city have patience with" fhe proposer' 6 of a law of this kind 77 , that a son or grandson should be con- demned^, if his father or grandfather had done wrong 7171 ? * 256, R. 16. \ teter. c 265. * 222, R. 7, N. of those who preceded, superiurum. / orno, 263, 5. B sustollo. h repeat deorum. * ornamentum. i 274, R. 8. * 225, III. * si quis- quam. m to be capable, possum. n 271. ingenium. p magnif'icus. * 208. r consisto. ' 254. diu, 194, Gtlt paragraph. " us- quam. * noceo. < 223, R. 2. x 138. 107. * gens, 212. * possum. i6 pervenio. cc nactus. dd to have patience with, fero. " later, 77 istlus modi. eg 262, R. 1. hh to do wrong, delinquo. When the morals' 1 of friends are correct 6 , there should then be c between them, without any exception, a community of all things, plans'* (and) wishes. Whom will you show* me that sets 7 some 5 value upon time 71 ? The gods neglect trivial things*, nor descend to- 7 the petty fields^ and vines' of individuals" 1 ; nor if blight" or hail has done injury , in some way or other p , does this require the notice of Jupiter 7 . This is the dictate of nature*", that we turn" (our) counte- nance* to the auditors", if we wish" to inform" them of any thing*. Spiders y weave*"* (their) net, that, if any thing bk be entangled", they may destroy 6 * 1 * it. Is any one" enraged with boys 77 , whose age does not yet es know the differences 7 '* of things? In proportion as*' any one 1 is more crafty -^ and subtle", the more n (is he) hated 7717 " and suspected"", (his) reputation 00 for probity^ being taken away 77 . mos. emendatus. c 260, R. 6. d consilium. * do. / pono. * 138, 2. h 223. * trivial things, minima. J to descend to, per- sequor. * apettyjield, agellum. l viticula. "* singulus. n uredo. 207. INDEFINITES. 65 to do injury, noceo. p in some way or otner, quippiam, 232, (2.) * to require notice, 4/-C.., animadverto, 274, R. 8, & 225, 111. r lit. is riven by nature. * dingo, 273, 2. { vultus. M 225, IV. v 260, II? " doceo, 231. * 137, 1, (c.) * aranea. texo. " 138, 2, 4th paragraph. ca 145, VI. dd 262. ee num quis. // 223, R. 2. * ? nondurn. A;I discrlmen. ** in proportion as, quo, 25G, R. 16. ^versutus. kk callidus. "hoc. mm invisus, comp. nn sus- pectus. opinio. pp gen. qq detraho. It is a dishonorable" excuse, and by no means 6 to be re- ceived c , if any one confesses^ that he has acted" against (the good of) the republic, for the sake 7 of a friend. De- mosthenes used to say*, that he was grieved 71 , if at any time 1 he was outdone J by the early fr industry of artisans*. Pains' 71 must be taken 71 that there may be no p dissensions 7 among friends 7 ". We must take care" lest it be said that there was in us any 1 conspicuous" fault. Augustus performed" (his) journeys in a litter 10 , and generally in the night*, and that y slowly*, (so) that he went to Tibur or Praeneste in two days 66 ; and if he could cc get dd to any place" e by sea, he pre- ferred to sail-^. The senate decreed that the consul should look to \i ss that the republic received 7 ' 71 no injury". * turpis. b by no means, minime. c accipio, 274, R. 8. d fateor. ' facio. / causa. s aio, 145, II. 1. h doleo. * if at any time, si quando, instead of si aliquando. i vinco. k anlelucanus. ' oplfex. m opgra, sing. n do, 274, R. 8. fio. p that no, ne quis. * dissid- ium. r gen. pi. ' caveo, 225, III. R. 1. * lest any, ne quis. insignia. * facio, 145, II. 1. w lectica. * pi. y 207, R. 26, '3d paragraph. z lentus, lit. and those slow journeys. ia procedo, 145, II. 1. " biduum, 253. cc possum. dd pervenio. ee if to any place, si quo. ff to prefer to sail, potius navigo, 145, II. 1. ee to look to it, video. hfl capio, 273, 1. ** that no injury, ne quid detriment!. In Numa Pompilius, in Servius Tullius, in the other kings, of whom there are many excellent" (institutions) for estab- lishing 6 the state , does there appear any d trace* of elo- quence? I saluted Rufius, doing f something 8 ', I believe, on 71 the exchange { of Puteoli- 7 ; afterwards I bade him fare- well fc , when he had asked me whether I had any commands'. The whole" 1 of Sicily undergoes the census" every fifth year. Thirty-three Attic talents are paid p to Pompey every thirtieth day. There is scarcely one (man) in ten q in the forum, who knows 7 " himself. The deepest 3 streams flow' with the least sound. The freshest* eggs are best" for hatching . I think 1 * it very foolish not to propose the best' (things) for imitation*. 56 POSSESSIVES. ^ 207. Credulity is an error rather y than a fault, and creeps' most readily*" into the minds of the best bb (men.) tt eximius, 205, R. 7, (2.) & constituo, 275, III. R. 3. e res- publica. d numquis. ' vestigium. / ago. * aliquis, 138, 2, 4th paragraph. h in. * emporium. J lit. of the Puteoldni. k to bid farewell, jubeo valere. l whether I had any commands, numquis volo, 265. m totus. n to undergo the census, censeo, pass. 279, 14. p solvo. 5 one man in ten, decimus quisque. r 264, 7, 3d para- graph. ' lit. each or every deepest, fy-c. ' labor. u aptus. * excludo, 275, III. R. 3. w credo. * 275, III. R. 3. * magis. * irrepo. ao facile. " lit. each best, 279, 14. The Stoics choose" to call 6 every thing" by its own name. There are as many* voices in the world/ as ff men, and each' 1 has his own d . All (things) came* to the mind of Antonius', and that fc too each 1 in its own* place, where they could be of most avail" 1 . The Siciili, as soon as ever" they saw diseases spreading , from the unhealthiness 77 of the place, dropped off 7 , each to their neighboring r towns. The multitude of Grecian painters is so great, and the merit* of each in his own department' (is) so great, that while" we admire the best" 7 , we approve* even the inferior". placet, lit. it is pleasing to the Stoics. b appello. c quisque. * its own, suus. e totldem. / orbis. e 206, (16.) h lit. and to each its own. i 145, II. 1. J 225, IV. 5th paragraph. k 207, R. 26. l 279, 14. m to be of most avail, plurimum valere. n as soon as ever, ut primum. vulgo, 272, R. 5. F gravitas. ? dila- bor, 209, R. 11, (4.) r propinquus. * laus. * genus. u quum. * miror. w summus, 205, R. 7, (2.) * probo. y neut. pi. POSSESSIVES. 209. A verb agrees with its subject-nominative in number and person. The swallows depart in the Abeo hirundo hibernus winter months. mensis. Peace is produced by war. Pax pario bellum 60 SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE 209. Philosophy dispels our errors. The neck of peacocks shines with various colors. The earth, from the small seed of a fig, produces a large trunk. Thirty tyrants, placed in au- thority by the Lacedaemonians, kept Athens in slavery". The states of Thessaly pre- sented the children of Pelopidas with a large estate. R. 1. 1 expelled the kings, ye are introducing tyrants ; I ob- tained liberty, which did c not (previously) exist, ye are not willing to preserve it (when) ob- tained ; I freed my country at the risk of my life, ye care not to be free (even) without risk. R. 2, (1.) The Albans made an attack upon the Roman territory ; (they) pitch their camp not more than five miles from the city ; (they) surround (it) with a ditch. (2.) I am holding a wolf by the ears, as 7 (they) say. (He) who gives himself up to pleasure, is not worthy the name of a man. Some prefer military to civil affairs. R. 3, (1.) Evening is approach- ing, and I must return to the villa. The traveller hides himself (under) a safe shelter, while it rains upon the earth. At night, it lightens without thunder. (2.) According as (one) lives happily, (he) lives long. Philosophia discutio error noster. Pavo cervix varius co- lor nit co. Terra ex ficus parvus granum magnus truncus procreo. Triginta tyrannus, a Lacedsemonius prseposT- tus, Athenae servitus op- pressus teneo. Civttas Thessalia Pe- lopldas liberi multus ager 6 dono. Ego rex ejicio, tu ty- rannus introduce ; ego libertas, qui non sum, pa- rio ; tu partus servo non volo ; ego caput metis periculum patria libero, tu liber sine periculum sum non euro. Albdnus in ager Roma- nus impetus facio ; cas- tra ab urbs haud plus quinque mille d passus* loco, fossa circumdo. Q,ui aio, auris teneo lupus. Qui trado sui volup- tas, non sum dignus no- men g homo. Sum, qui urbanus res* bellicus antepono*. Advesperascit, et ego' ad villa revertor*. Tutus lateo arx viator, dum pluit in terra . Noctu sine tomtrus fulgurat. Proinde ut bene vivi- tur, diu vivitur. SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE. 209. When we come to the end, we are all equal 1 . ,, (3.) An orator must observe what is becoming, not in senti- ment only, but also in words. The young man must acquire, the old man must enjoy. Which (of the two) should hon- est (men) inquire, what porters and laborers, or what the most learned men have thought ? The disciples of Pythagoras were obliged to be five years si- lent. It must either be denied that a God exists, or (those) who admit it must confess that he is engaged in something. Moderate exercise should be used, and not the body only be relieved, but (also) the mind much more. (4.) Wisdom is never dissatis- fied with herself. I am ashamed of you. I am not sorry that I have lived. (5.) It is the part of a philoso- pher to entertain not a loose and indefinite, but a fixed and definite notion respecting the immortal gods. To a learned and well-informed man, to live is to think. (6.) Building began in a certain part of the city. They began to contend with arms. R. 4. Why should I multiply words 1 Before (I speak) to the subject, (I will say) a few (words) con- cerning myself. 6 61 Q,uum ad exttus ven- tum cst, omnis in aequus sum. Orator" 1 quis decet n video non in sententia" so- lum sed etiam in verbum. Juvenis" 1 paro t senex utor. Uter bonus qutero, quis bajiilus atque operarius, an quis homo doctus sen- tio"? Pythagoras discipulus quinque annus taceo. Aut nego Deus sum, aut qui Deus sum conce- do^, is fateor is aliquis ago. Utor exercitatio modt- cus, nee corpus 8 solus subvenio, sed animus mul- tus r magis. Sapientia* nunquam sui' pcenitet. Ego tu pudet. Non p&mtet ego vivo. Sum philosophus", de deus immortalis habeo non errans et vagus, sed stabilis certusque senten- tia. Doctus homo et erudl- tus vivo sum cogito. JEdifico" cceptum est in quidam pars urbs. Arma discepto" c&p- tum est. Quis" multus. Antequam de res, pau- cus de ego. SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE. 209. (We will treat) of this at an- other time. R. 5. A short time having in- tervened, the enemy, upon a sig- nal being given, rushed down from all parts, and hurled stones and darts within the rampart : our (soldiers) at first, with unimpaired strength, bravely resisted, and from (their) more elevated sta- tion, despatched no weapon in vain. R. 6. I am Miltiades, who conquered the Persians. To us, indeed, who love you, it will be agreeable. Be ye all present in mind, who are present in body. R. 7. What we wish, we also readily believe, and what we our- selves think, we hope that others think. (Him) whom you would render docile, you must at the same time render attentive. The victims going before con- stituted not the least considerable part of the triumph. The Numidians took posses- sion of those places which were called Numidia. R. 10. The town (of) Stabiaa existed as late as the consulship of Cn. Pompey and L. Cato r . R. 11. A great multitude of abandoned men and of robbers had assembled. The rest of the fleet fled, after the ship of the pretor was lost. A p-irt repair to the neighbor- ing cities. (*2.) Gaul takes great delight in Hic alias. Brevis spatium inter- jectus, hostis" ex omnis pars, signum datus, de- curro, lapis gaesumque in vallum cotijicio : noster primo integer vis forti- ter repugno, neque ullus frustra telum ex locus superus mitto. Ego sum Miltiades, qui Persa vinco. Ego quidem, qui tu amo, sum gratus. Adsum omnis animus , qui adsum corpus . Q,ui volo et credo li- benter, et qui sentio ipse, reliquus sentio spero. Qui docilis volo" facio, simul attentus facio opor- tet. Pars non parvus tri- umphus swmvictima pra> cedens. NumTda possideo is lo- cus, qui NumidiaoppeZ/o. Stabise oppidum sum usque ad Cn. Pompeius et L. Cato consul. Magnus multitude per- ditus homo latroque con- venio. Ceterus dassis, praeto- rianus navis amissus y , fugio, Pars urbs pcto finiti- mus. Jumentum maxime 209. SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE. beasts of burden, and procures them at a great price. (4.) As one brought aid to an- other, they began to resist more boldly. It had happened that we saw each other unexpectedly. The best obeyed the com- mands of Vocula. R. 12. At (the lake) Regillus, in the war with the Latins, Castor and Pollux were seen to fight on horseback, in the Roman line. Fineness, closeness, whiteness, (and) smoothness, are regarded in paper. (2.) Passion and reason are a change of the mind for better and worse. The search and investigation of truth is especially appropriate to man. (3.) The forehead, the eyes, the countenance, often deceive. The chiefs of the Istri, and the prince himself, had betaken them- selves to Nesattium. (4.) As it happened, about the same time, both Marcellus came to Rome to deprecate disgrace, and the consul Q,. Fulvius to hold the comitia. (6.) I wish to know what you and Sextus think concerning the whole affair. By the advice of Phocion, De- mosthenes, with others, was driv- en into exile, by a decree of the people. (7.) If neither thou nor I have done these (things,) poverty has not permitted us to do (them,) Gallia delecto* ', isque im- pensus paro pretiurn *. Quum alius alius sub- sid.iumfc.ro, audacter re- sisto co3pi. Accido, ut alter alter necopinato video. Bonus quisque Vocula jussum pareo. Apud Regillus, bellurn Latinus 66 , in acies Roma- nus Castor et Pollux ex equus pugno video. Specto in charta tenui- tas, densitas, candor, Ice- vor. Affectus et ratio in bo- nus malusque mutatio animus sum. Imprimis sum homo 64 proprius verum inquisitio atque investigatio. Frons, oculus, vultus, persaepe mentior . In Nesattium suipn'n- ccps Istri et regulus ipse recipio cc . Forte sub idem tem- pus dd , ct Marcellus ad deprecandus ee ignominia, tt Q. Fulvius consul co- mitia causa /7 Roma venio. Tu ipse cum Scxtus, scio volo ?? , de totus res quis existimo hh . Phocion consilium De- mosthenes cum ceterus, populiscltum in exilium expcllo. Hie si neque ego ne- que tu facio, non sino egestas ego facio. 00 64 SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE. 209. You and I were together all Ego atque tu omnis that time. ille tempus una sum. I began to be in safety, and he Ego in tutum, et ille in danger. in periciilurn sum ccepi". * lit. oppressed with,fyc. b 249, I. c See note, p. 10. d 256, R. 6. e 212. / lit. which. e 244. * 224. * 2(54, 6. 1 225, III. * 274, R. 8. l lit. in an equal (condition.) m 225, III. "265. pi. *264. 3 224. r 256,R. 16. '229. R. 6. ' 215, (1.) 211, R. 8, (3.) " pass. inf. * pres. " 229, R. 3. * lit. to the consuls, Cn. Pompcy and L. Cato. y 257. "pass. 252. " gen. ce sing. dd ace. 235, (2,) 5th paragraph. 275, II. // lit. on account of the comitia. ss 260, R. 4. sing. 2C5. " 209, (7,) 3d paragraph English to be turned into Latin. In these places which we a inhabit* t the dog-star e rises'* af- ter the solstice; among* the Troglodytes, as authors write 7 , before the solstice. If (those things) which thou dost are shameful', what* matters (it) that no one* (else) knows (it,) since thou a knowcst (it?) The most excellent kings of the Persians, as we* think j , were Cyrus and Darius, the son of Hystaspis. It concerned^ the Athenians* more to have firm roofs in (their) dwelling-houses" 1 , than a most beautiful stat- ue" of Minerva ; yet I a would rather be^ Phidias 7 , than even r the best carpenter*. If wild animals' love" their off- spring", how indulgent 10 ought" we a to be towards our chil- dren 1 ' ! * R. 1,2(2 paragraph. b incolo. c canicula. d exorior. ' apud. / as authors write, ut scribltur. * turpis. h 214. N. 3. l 239. / judico. * interest. * 219. m domicilium. n signum. malo, imp. 260. * me esse, 271, R. 3. * 210. r vol. faber tigna- rius. * a wild animal, fera. " diligo. v partus. w qua indulgentia, 211, R. 6. * debeo. liberi. Nature has defended" trees from cold 6 and heat by a bark c sometimes double^. Pompey, Lcntulus, Scipio, (and) Afra- nius, perished", in the civil wars, by a miserable death f . (His) long 3 ' hair' 1 set off 1 Scipio, and his personal appearance j , not elaborately neat*, but truly manly and military. The excellence 1 and greatness of the mind shine out'" in despis- ing" wealth. Hunger and thirst are removed by meat and drink. There was in Miltiades both p the greatest 7 kindness r 209. SUBJECT-NOMINATIVE. 65 and wonderful affability'. Galba, having taken' the hand of Piso, said, Thou and /" speak to-day to one another" with the greatest openness*. tutor. b frigus, pi. c cortex. d gemlnus. ' R. 12. / by a miserable death, foede. e promissus. h caesaries. * to set off, ador- no. J personal appearance, habitus corpuris. k elaborately neat, cul- tus munditiis. l praestantia. m eluceo, R. 12, (2.) n 275, III. R. 4. depello, R. 12, (2.) P both, and, quum turn, R. 12, (4.) 9 summus. r humanitas. * coimtas. r apprehendo, 237, R. 5. M the pronoun of the first person is placed first. v loquor. w to one another, inter nos. * simpliciter. (Ye) have erred greatly , Rullus, tliou and some 6 , thy col- leagues, who hoped that ye might c be popular in overthrowing 61 the republic. The leader himself, with certain 6 principal men f , is taken. Atticus stimulated' all by his zeal* ; in which number were L. Torqudtus, C. Marius, the son, and M. Cicero. The consuls, Sp. Postumius and T. Veturius, were vanquished 1 at the Caudine ; battle. Hannibal and Philopos- mcn were destroyed* by poison. The city and Italy were consumed 1 by internal war. Let religion and faith be pre- ferred" 1 to friendship. It is incredible how much 71 my brother and I esteem M. Lasnius. Peace is obtained 1 * by war: (those,) therefore, who wish to enjoy that 7 long r , ought to be exercised in war. The wolf prowls about" the flocks by night'. * vehementer. 5 nonnullus. c possum, 272. d everto, 275, II. * aliquot. / a principal man, princeps. B incito. h studium * supero. 1 Caudlnus. k absumo. l R. 12, (2.) m antepono. n 214. facio, 265. p pario. 9 is. r diutmus. * to prowl about, obambulo. ' by night, nocturnus. (3.) No one ever consulted a soothsayer how 6 (one) ought to live c with* parents, brothers, (and) friends. If Deiotarus had not returned* from his journey, he would have had to slcep f in the room" which, the next night, fell in\ We ought to have resisted Caesar 1 (when he was) weak- 7 ', and it* would have been 1 easy ; now he has eleven legions, the pop- ulace of the city" 1 , (and) so many tribunes of the people. At Castabalum, the king meets Parmenio", whom he had sent forward to explore p the pass 7 by r which (he) must pen- etrate' to the town' called Issus". haruspex. b quemadmodum. e 162, 15, & 265. d cum, repeated with each noun. ' 261, 1. / cubo, 162, 15, & 261, 1. 6* 66 PREDICATE-NOMINATIVE. * conclave. * corruo. * 223, R. 2. J imbecillus. * is. ' 259, R.4. m 211, R. 4. " 224. to sendfoncard, proemitto. f 275, II. & III. R. 3. the puss, Her saltfis. r per. 162, 15, imp. 1 urbs. u Jif . Issus by name. PREDICATE-NOMINATIVE. 210. A noun in the predicate, after a verb neu- ter or passive, is put in the same case as the subject, when it denotes the same person or thing. Atticus presented to each of the Athenians seven raodii of wheat ; which kind of measure is called at Athens a medimnus. They say that there is a wild animal in Pasonia, which is called the Bonasus, with the mane of a horse, in other respects like a bull. After Hostilius, Ancus Marti- us, the grandson of Numa Pom- pilius by a daughter, was appoint- ed king by the people. It is noble and meritorious to come forth the voluntary defender of one's country. A slave, when he is manumit- ted, becomes a freedman. Rome, afterwards so great, was once a pasture for a few oxen. Eight legions, near the Rhine, (were) the principal strength of the empire. The emperor Titus Vespasian was called the darling of the hu- man race. The town of Prestum was called by the Greeks Posidonia. R. 1. M. MarceJlus, (after) Atticus Atheniensis singulus septem modius triticum do ; qui modus mensur a medimnus Athe- nse appello. Trado in Paeonia fera a sum, qui Bonasus voco*, equlnus juba 6 ceterus* taurus d similis. Post Hostilius, Numa Pompilius, nepos ex filia, rex a populus Ancus Mar- tius const ituo. Pulcher" dignusque sum 7 patria, volens pro- dco defcnsor. Servus, quum manus* m\tto,Jio libertlnus. Roma posteatam mag- nus, paucus olim pascua bos sum. ProBciputis imperium robur, Rhenus juxtaocto legio. Imperator Titus Ves- pasianus delicicB huma- nus genus dico. Oppidum Paestum a Gr&cusPosidonia appello M. Marcellus, magnifl- 210. PREDICATE-NOMINATIVE. 67 having exhibited a most magnifi- cent show in (his) aedileship, died very young. The people of Crotona were once reckoned among the most prosperous in Italy. (He) who is born unlucky, lives a sad life. R. 2. This city is Thebes. Formerly crowns were an or- nament of the gods. That day was the Nones of No- vember. R. 3, (1.) Aristseus is said to be the inventor of olive oil. All cannot be either skilled in law or eloquent. (2.) The Scythians always re- mained either untouched or un- conquered by foreign power. (3,) (a.) Socrates may justly be called the father of philosophy. The mind of man, not his cof- fer, ought to be called rich. (6.) Servius Tullius was with great unanimity declared king. P. Sulla was proclaimed consul by all the centuries. (c.) Mercury is reckoned the messenger of Jupiter. Socrates was judged by the or- acle of Apollo (to be) the wisest of all (men.) N. 1. Xanthippe, the wife of Socrates the philosopher, is said to have been very peevish and quarrelsome. N. 2. You yourself are called a shrewd and discriminating judge of the ancients. R. 4. Philip, having been giv- en to Alexander, (when) a boy, cus ft munus sedilitas* edi- tus', dccedo admodumjw- venis. Crotoniatae quondam in Italia cum primus bed- tus numero k . Q,ui natus sum inftlix, vita tristis decurro. Hie urbs sum Theba. Olim corona deus ho- nos sum k . Is dies sum Nones No- vember*. Aristaeus inventor ole- um sum dico. Omnis non possum aut jurisperltus sum aut di- sertus. Scytha perpetuo ab alienus imperium aut in- tactus aut invictus maneo. Socrates parens philo- sophia jus" 1 dico possum. Animus homo dives non area appello debeo. Servius Tullius mag- nus consensus rex decldro. Consul omnis centuria P. Sulla renuntio. Mercurius Jupiter nun- tius perhibeo. Socrates omnis sapiens oraculum Apollo jucttco. Xanthippe, Socrates philosophus uxor, mord- sus admodum smnferoet jurgiosus. Ipse subtilis vetus ju- dex et call id us audio. Philippus, Alexander puer comes et custos salus 63 GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. $ 211. as his companion, and the guar- datus, non ut rex modo, dian of (his) health, loved (him,) sed etiam ut alumnus not only as king, but also as a eximius carltas diligo. foster-child, with marked affec- tion. R. 5. In a tranquil sea, any QuilTbet nauta tran- one of the sailors can direct the quillus mare n guberno ship; (but) when a furious storm possum: ubi srevus orior has arisen, there is need of a man tempestas, turn vir et and a pilot. gubernator opus sum. R. 0. Androgeus perceived Androgeus sentio me- that he had fallen into the midst dius delapsus p in hostis. of the enemy. " 266, 2. & 211, R. 6. c 234, II. * 222. e 205, R. 8. / 209, R. 3, (5.) * 247. * 125, 3. * gen. i 257, R. 5. * 145, II. 1. * adj. m 247. " 257, R. 7. 243. f 249, English to be turned into Latin. ( Those,) who were" with Aristotle, were catted* 3 Peripatet- ics, because they disputed (while) walking in the Lyceum. P. Scipio Africanus was chosen* a third time prince", in the Senate. Cornelia, of 7 the family of the Cossi, was made 5 a vestal virgin. C. Claudius Centho, (and) afterwards^ P. Cornelius Asina, were appointed 1 regents i by the senators*. Hail, (thou) first' of all, called" 1 the father" of (thy) country! That Phasellus, which you see, (my) friends , declares p that (it) has been 7 the swiftesf of ships 8 . a 145, II. 1. 6 dico. e inambulo. d lego. ' princeps. /ex. * capio. h inde. * creo. i interrex. * pater. l 206, R. 15. m appello. n parens. hospes. * aio. 239, R. 2. r celer. 212. GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 211. A noun which limits the meaning of another noun, denoting a different person or thing, is put in the genitive. The Athenians choose two Atheniensis bellum duo leaders of the war ; Pericles, a dux deligo, Pericles, spec- GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. man of tried merit, and Sopho- cles, a writer of tragedies. The statues of Polycletus are absolutely perfect. Numa was the founder of the divine law, Servius the author of every distinction (of rank) and of the orders in the state. Modesty is the guardian of all the virtues. The countenance is a sort of silent language of the mind. The wealth and resources of in- dividuals are the riches of the state. The power of nature is very great. The life of the dead consists in the memory of the living. The vision of both eyes is the same. The beginnings of all things are small. The race of all the Gauls is exceedingly devoted to religious observances. (Those) descended from the Sabines, wished a king to be elected from their own body. The followers of Pompey, by reports and letters, were publish- ing throughout the world the vic- tory of that day. Erana was not like 7 a village, but (like) a city. Amidst almost impassable sands are the pyramids, raised like mountains by the zeal and wealth of kings. R. 2. Hannibal related to An- tiochus many (circumstances) re- specting his own fidelity and (his) hatred of the Romans. tdtus virtus vir*, et Sopho- cles scriptor tragccdia. Polycletus signum plane perfectus sum. Numa divmus auctor jus sum, Servius condi- tor omnis in civitas dis- crlmen orduque. Gustos virtus omnis verecundia sum. Vultus sermo quidam tacitus mcns sum. Singulus facultas et copia divitiae sum civitas. Vis sum permagnus natura. Vita mortuus in me- moria vivus pono. Idem obtutus sum am- bo oculus. Omnis res principium parvus sum. Natio sum omnis Gal- lus admodum deditus re- ligio 5 . Oriundus* ab rf Sablnus suus corpus 6 creo rex vo- lo. Pompeianus per orbis terra b fama ac literae vic- toria is dies concelebro. Erana sum non vicus instar, sed urbs. Inter vix pervius arena sum instar mons eductus pyramis certamen et ops rex. Hannibal Antiochus multus de fides suus et odium in Romdnus com- memoro. 70 GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. $211. R. 3. And now my illustrious spirit will descend beneath the earth. I pray that there may long remain to the nations, if not a love of us, at least a hatred of one another. R. 4. Then the Salii celebrate in song the praises and the deeds of Hercules. R. 5. The cause of the poverty of Abdolonymus was (his) hon- esty. Are you my servant, or I yours 1 The knees of the boldest sol- dier have trembled a little, when the signal of battle was given, and the heart of the greatest com- mander has palpitated. R. 6. Datames conducted to the king, on the following day, Thyus, a man of very large stature. Caesar sent to Ariovistus Va- lerius, a young man of the high- est valor and most amiable man- ners. The servant of Panopio was a man of wonderful fidelity. R. 7. King Tarquin lived near (the temple) of Jupiter Stator. I have read in what manner you were conducted from (the temple) of Vesta. Verania, (the wife) of Piso, was very sick. R. 8, (1.) Who is there who can compare the life of Trebo- nius with (that) of Dolabella ? Agesilaus, after he had entered into the port, which is called (the Et nunc magnus ego sub terra 6 eo imago. Maneo*, quseso, gens, si non amor nos, at certe odium sui. Turn Salii carmen laus Hcrculeus et factum fero. Causa Abdolonymus paupertas sum probitas. Tu ego, aut tu ego ser- vus sum 1 Signum* pugna datus, ferox miles paululum genu tremo, et magnus imperdtor cor exsilio. Datames Thyus, homo magnus corpus* posterus dies ad rex duco. Caesar ad Ariovistus Valerius mitto, superus virtus* , et humanitus ado- lescens. Servus Panopio sum homo admirabilis Jidcs 1 . Habito* Tarquinius rex ad Jupiter Stator. Lego,quemadm6dum a Vesta duco'. Verania Piso graviter jaceo*. Quis sum, qui possum confero vita Trebonius cum Dolabella 1 Agesilaus quum venio" in portus, qui Meneldus GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 71 port) of Menelaus, being attacked with disease, died. (2.) Solon made it a capital offence, if any one, in a sedition, had been of neither party. Of what rank was Fidicu- lanius? Of the senatorial. (3.) It belongs to a great citi- zen, and a man almost divine, to foresee impending changes in public affairs. Hamilcar said, that it did not suit with his valor to deliver up to his adversaries arms received from his country for the annoy- ance of the enemy. It is the duty of a judge to consider, not what he himself may wish, but what law and reli- gion require. It is the part of a judicious teacher to observe to what each one's genius inclines him. It is not less the part of a commander to conquer by art than by arms. It deserves consideration, whether it is the duty of a brave man and a good citizen to continue in that city in which he cannot be his own master. It is incident to every man to err; to no one, except a fool, to persevere in error. It seems to belong peculiarly to a wise man to determine who is a wise man. The inexpensiveness of Augus- tus's furniture is apparent, his couches and tables even now remaining, most of which are voco, in morbus implici- tus, decedo. Solon caput sancio, si quis in seditio non alterii- ter pars sum p . Fidiculanius quis sum ordo ? Scnatorius. Impendens in res pub- licus commutatio pros- picio, magnus quidam civis et divlnus poene sum vir. Non suus sum virtus, dico Hamilcar, arma a patria acceptus ad versus hostis adversarius trado. Sum judex, non quis ipse volo ? , sed quis lex et religio cogo% cogito. Doctor intelUgens sum, video, quo fero ? natura suus quisque. Non minus sum impe- rdlor, consilium supero quam gladius. Considerandum sum, sumne 7 , vir fortis et bo- nus civis, sum in is urbs, in qui non futurus sum r suus jus*. Quivis homo sum erro ; nullus, nisi insipiens, in error persevero. Statuo qui sum 7 sapi- ens vel maxime videor sum sapiens. Augustus supellectilis parsimonia appareo, eti- am nunc residuus lectus* atque mensa qui pie- 72 GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 211 hardly elegant enough for a pri- vate person". It would be tedious, and not suitable to the work*, (which I have) undertaken, to discuss what Roman first received a crown. (4.) Tyre, founded by Agenor, brought under its dominion, not only the neighboring sea, but whatever (sea) its fleets visited. All (property) which was the woman's becomes the man's, un- der the name of dowry. Thebes became (a possession) of the Roman people, by the right of war. Hannibal reduced under his own power the country which lies between the Alps and the Apennines. (5.) Plato occurred to my mind. As often as you shall step, so often may your valor occur to your mind. (6.) It has long been my (part) to lament (the state of) public affairs. In these so great dangers, it is your (part,) Cato, to consider what is to be done. Who professes that it is his (part) to speak upon all ques- tions? R. 10. Sabinus's backwardness in preceding days encouraged the Gauls. Caesar, on account of the an- cient injuries of the Helvetians to the Roman people, sought satisfaction from them in war. rusque" vix privatus ele- gantia sum. Longus sum" nee insti- tutus opus, dissero quis- nam Roman us primus corona accipio 7 . Conditus ab Agenor Tyrus, mare non viclnus modo sed quicumque y classis is adeo ditio suus facio. Omnis 6 qui mulier sum virjio dos nomen. Theba3 oulus Romd- nus jus Hannibal qui inter Al- pes Apenninusque ager* sum, suus ditio facio. Venio ego 3 * Plato in mens. Quotiescunque gradus facio, toties tu aa tuus vir- tus venio in mens. Sum meus jam pridem, res publicus lugeo. Hie tantus in peric- iilum sum tuus, Cato, video quis ago 7 . Q,uis profiteer, sum suus, de omnis queestio dico? Gallus hortor superus dies Sabinus cunctatio. Caesar pro vetus Hel- vetii in']\iria. populus Ro- manus ab is poena 6 bel- lum repeto. 211. GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 73 R. 11. Now, O Muses, we Pierides, magnus mine shall need 66 lofty language. sum os opus. R. 12. L. Paulus, victorious in L. Paulus, tantus bel- so great a war, was not deprived lum victor, non despolio of a triumph. triumphus cc . The war with the Helvetii Bellum Helvctii con- being finished, ambassadors came fectus, legatus ad Cresar to congratulate CaBsar. gratiilor dti convenio. a R. 6. * p i 162, 20. d 246, R. 2. * R. 1. / lit. the resem- blance of, 210. g 262, R. 4. * 257, R. 1. i gen. 1 all. * imp. 1 fern. sing. 265. m 264, 7. n 263, 5, R. 2. or, appointed un- der penalty of death, 247. * 264, 12. s 265. r 266, 1. ' lit. of his own right, R. 8, (2.) < 257, R. 7. " 205, R. 2, (2.) * lit. of private elegance. w ind. pres. x lit. not of the work. y 233. * 212, R. 3. oa R. 5, 1. lit. there will be need of. cc 251. " 276, II. The whole hope of the people of Utica* was in the Cartha- ginians; of the Carthaginians, in Hasdrubal. The Persians, after a dominion 6 of so many years, patiently received the yoke of slavery. If your neighbor has d a garment of greater value" than you have, would you prefer 7 yours, 5 or his 1 Caesar adapted' 1 the year to the course of the sun, (so) that (it) should consist 1 of three hundred and sixty-five days*. Marathus, a freedman of Augustus, writes, that his* stature was Jive feet and three fourths 1 . Great is the power"* of con- science. There was a dispute of one day upon" this one subject . I know not what the opinion of the people is p of me. The proof 7 of eloquence is the approbation of the hear- ers 1 '. The privation of every pain' has been rightly called* pleasure. The whole life of philosophers is a meditation" on death. You seem to me to follow the opinion" of Epichar- mus. Will you make mention of your consulship 1 The life of all (persons) depends on" yours* alone". I admired Pompey's virtue and greatness^ of mind. The attack* of Saguntum was the origin of the second Punic war. Thales, the Milesian, said, that water was the first principle 66 of (all) things. We pursue" health, strength'^, freedom" from pain, on their own account ff . people of Utica, Uticenses. b imperium. c accipio. d 261, 2 * pretium. / malo, pres. 258, 1. 1, (1.) e R. 3, 3d -paragraph. h ao- commodo. * sum, 262. J R. 8, (1.) * is, 208, (6.) * dodrans m vis. n de. res. p 265. 5 effectus. r audio, pres. part. ' dolor. 1 nom!no. * commentatio. sententia. v ex. * unus, 205, R. 13 7 74 GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 211. y magnitude. * oppugnatio. aa causa. bb first principle, principium. ec expeto. dd pi. et vacuitas. ff on their own account, propter se. GENITIVE. R. 6. Tarquin had a brother Aruns, a young man of mild character*. Volusenus, a man of great sagacity 1 and bra- very" , was tribune of the soldiers. The loss d of Sicily and Sardinia troubled* Hamilcar, a man of great f spirit. Do you reprove* me, (you) man of three letters; (you) thief: (you) scape-gallows' 1 1 Bibracte is a town of very great in- fluence* among the ^Edui. L. Quinctius, the only-' hope of the empire of 'the Roman people, was cultivating a field of four acres* , across the Tiber. Ambassadors from the Latins and the HernTci brought' a golden crown, of small weight, into the Capitol. The breadth of the Hercynian forest extends" 1 a journey of nine days for (a traveller) unincumbered". Cresar advanced three days' journey p . The Athenians committed 7 to Miltiades a fleet of seventy ships. The Caspian sea (which is) sweeter (than) others'", breeds* serpents of vast magnitude, and fishes of a very' different" color from others. We sometimes" see clouds of ajiery color. Caesar forbade that the camp should be fortified 1 with a rarnpart y , but ordered a trench of Jiftccn fuct to be made in front* against the enemy. A good man is characterized by"" the greatest^ piety towards the gods. a ingenium. 6 consilium. c virtus. d 274, R. 5. ' & ngo, imp. /ingens. B vitupero. h scape- gallows, fur trifurclfer. * auctorftas. J unlcus. fc jugeris, 94. l fero. m pateo. "expedltus. procedo. 'via. ? do. T 256. * alo. longe. u diversus. * aliquando. " veto. * 272. y vallum, 'atronte. aa lit. is of. " supfirus. ABLATIVE. CsBsnr is said to have been of tall stature, fair 1 com- plexion , dark d eyes, and sound" health. Good health is pleasanter-^ to those who have recovered^ from a severe* disease, than (to those) who have never had' a sickly body. Marcellus labored under^ unfavorable reports, because, in the middle fc of the summer, he had led' his soldiers to quar- ters at Venucia" 1 . Curio was so devoid of memory 11 , that often , when he had laid down* three 7 (heads) in speaking 1 ", he would add a fourth 7 . Among* the Romans, scribes were deemed' mercenaries ; but" among the Greeks, no one was 211. GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 75 admitted to that office, except* of respectable birth*, and known y industry and Jiddity. Cato was characterized in all things by* singular sagacity and industry ; for he was a skilful 66 farmer, experienced" 6 in public affairs**, a great commander, and a respectable 6 ' orator. Augustus was in- formed 7/ of what age ee , stature, and complexion** , (every one) was", who- 7 '-' visited fci his daughter Julia. Caesar sent to Ariovistus, Valerius, a young man of the highest 11 valor and courtesy ' m . a trado. 6 candidus. c color. d niger. 'prosper, /jucundus. * recreo, pass. h gravis. * lit. been of. 3 lit. was of. k 205, R. 17. *abdaco. m 237. n lit. of no memory. aliquoties. p propono. ' 205, R. 7, (2.) r 275, III. 4. * apud. ' existlmo. u at. nisi. v honestus. * locus. y cognltus. z characterized by, lit. of. aa pru- dentia. 66 solers. cc peritus. dd respublica, sing. " probabilis. // to be informed, certior fio, 145, II. 1. ** eetas. h * color. " 265 H quicunque. kk adeo, 26(3, 1. ll superus. mm human! tas. Masinissa is induced*, by no (degree of) cold 6 , to cover his head c . The servants of Milo were of faithful and reso- lute' 1 minds' towards 7 (their) master. I have told* you by letter 71 what my feelings 1 were-' towards* the farmers of the revenue'. Of those 771 men who are of some n estimation and rank p , there are in every (part of) Gaul two classes' ; the one r (that) of the Druids, the other of the knights. Murena was (a man) of moderate talents 8 , but of great fondness 1 for ancient things, of much industry", and great labor". You remember" how much I was afflicted. Dionysius commanded boys* of extraordinary y beauty z to stand 00 near 66 (his) table. Between Labienus and the enemy there was a river of diffi- cult passage c and rugged dd banks. * adduco. 6 frigus. c lit. that he should be of covered head. d prsesens. 'animus, /in. s declaro. h per literas. * voluntas, sing. 1 lit. of what feelings I was, 205. * erga. * a farmer of the revenue, publicanus. "* is. n allquis. numgrus. p honos. 5 genus. r alter, 207, R. 32. * ingenium, sing. * studium. M gen. "memini. w of how great grief I was, 265. * 223, (2.) y eximius. z forma aa consisto. 66 ad. cc transitus. dd prseruptus. R. 7. Hasdriibal, (the son) of Gisgo, was a very able* and distinguished 6 general. Hasdriibal, (the son) of Hamilcar, was occupy ing c a camp near the Black Stones, among the Ausetani. By chance I see there Byrrhia, (the servant) of this (man). Strato, (the disciple) of Theophrastus, aimed* (to be) a natural philosopher" ; his (disciple,) Lyco, was 76 GENITIVE AFTER NOUNS. 211 copious * in expression*, (but) meagre' 1 in matter*. I do not suppose' that you are ignorant* what' Antiochus wrote in opposition to m (the sentiments) of Philo. * magnus. Belarus. c habeo, 145, If. d volo. e a natural phi- losopher, physlcus. -^locuples. g oratio. h jejunus. 'resipse, pi. 1 arbitror. k to be ignorant, ignore. l pi. m contra. R. 8, (1.) The features of the mind are more beautiful than (those) of the body. Julius had been the quiestor of Albucius, as you of Verres. Among the very numerous 6 and great vices, there is none more common c than (that) of ingratitude?. I had rather" depend upon 7 my own judg- ment ff , than (upon that) of all others. " lineamentum. 6 multus. c frequens. d ingratus animus. ' malo. f to depend upon, sto. B 245, II. R. 8, (2.) From* the beginning of the Roman name, a law 6 was established 6 , that no one d of the Romans could" be of more than 7 one city. The law is, if the father of a family dies*' intestate* 1 , let his slaves* and his money belong-* to his kinsmen* and relations'. Leave riches to the rich m : do thou prefer virtue to riches". The orator Arrius played-', as it were , the second p (part) after Crassus 5 . The senate at Nola was attached to the Romans* ; the common people to Hannibal. You know me to be wholly* devoted to Pompey 1 . * inde a. 6 jus. c compiiro. d ne quis. 'possum, f more than, plus quam. * 261, R. 1. ft intestate. * familia, sing. J sum. * agnatus. * gentllis. m Lit. suffer riches to be of the rich. n 224. quasi. p fern. pi. q gen. r lit. of the Romans. * totus. ' lit. Pom- pey's. R. 8, (3.) Anger, on account of fl another's 5 fault', is (characteristic) of a narrow d mind* ; nor will virtue ever be guilty 7 of imitating^ faults' 1 , while she represses* (them.) Tiberius wrote back y to the prefects*, (who) recommended 4 that the provinces" 1 should be loaded" with tribute": ("It) is (the part) of a good shepherd to shear p (his) sheep, not to flay 9 (them.") Pergamus, Ephesus, Miletus, in short r , all Asia, came under the power* of the Roman people. " ob. 6 alienus. c peccatum. d angustus. * pectus. / to be guilty of, committo. s lit. that she should imitate, pres. 258, I. (3.) * vitium. * compesco. J to write back,rescnbo. k prseses. * sua- deo, lit. recommending. m 239. n onSro, 274, R. 8, & 270, R. 3 GENITIVE AFTER PARTITIVES. 77 last clause. 250. p tondeo. under the power, fio, R. 8, (4.) deglubo. r denique. * to come R. 8, (6.) It is our (part) to submit patiently 6 to the wishes c of the people. It was more becoming in you d to celebrate" the birth-day of Epicurus, than for him f to pro- vide* by will, that it should be celebrated'. To do', and to suffer bravely^, is (the part) of a Roman. This is (the duty) of a father* , to accustom * (his) son to do right of his own accord*, rather than' through fear of another 7 ' 1 . fero. 6 modice. c voluntas. d lit. it was more yours. * ago. / ille, lit. than it was his. e caveo. h fortis, 192, II. 4, (*.) * pa- trius. 1 consuefacio. * su;\ sponte. l rather than, potius in the former, and quam in the latter clause. m of another, alienus. R. 10. Epicurus neglected many (of the) ornaments of style* of Plato, Aristotle (and) Theophrastus. The faults of early 11 youth of Thcmistoclcs were corrected by great virtues. Activity^ of genius is reckoned' an honor 7 , on account of e the mind's passing over' 4 many things, in a short time. "oratio. b iniens. e emendo. d celeritas. ' habeo /laus, 210 * propter. h passing oner, percursio. PARTITIVES. . Nouns, adjectives, adjective pronouns, and adverbs, denoting a part, are followed by a genitive de- noting the whole. Mithridates, the last of all the independent* kings, except the Parthian, was crushed, under the auspices of Pompey , by the treach- ery of his son Pharnaces. On the right and left, about two hundred, the noblest of his kinsmen, accompanied Darius. R. 1. Justice seeks for no reward. 7* Mithridates, ulterior omnis jus suus rex, prae- ter Parthicus, auspicium 6 Pompeius 6 , insidioe films Pharnaces opprimo. Dextra laevaque, Da- rius ducenti ferine nobilis propinquus cormtor. Justitia nihil expete premium. 78 GENITIVE AFTER PARTITIVES. No one of mortals is wise at all times. R. 2, (1.) Of (all) the Greek arts, medicine alone Roman dig- nity does not practise, though so profitable. Of insects, some have two wings each, as flies; some four, as bees. (2.) Black wool takes no color. Degenerate dogs bend their tails under their bellies. (3.) The last of all the Roman kings was Tarquin, to whom the name Superbus was given from his character. The Indus is the largest of all rivers. Rome has become the glory of the world. (4.) Thales, the Milesian, first of all among the Greeks, ascer- tained the reason of the eclipse of the sun. In the days of Phocion, there were two factions at Athens, one of which espoused the cause of the people, the other (that) of the nobles. N. 1. The most excellent of the Persian kings" were Cyrus and Darius, the son of Hystaspes : the former of these fell in battle among the Massagetae. N. 2. No one of us is without fault. I have less strength than either of you. N. 3. Give (me some) proof if you are (one) of these priestesses of Bacchus. Caninius Gallus, (one) of the Nemo mortdlis ornnis hora sapio. Solus mediclna ars Graecus non exerceo Romanus gravitas, in tantus fructus. Insectum quidam bini gero pinna, ut musca; quidam quaterni, ut apis. Niger* lancf nullus color bibo. Degener canis cauda 7 sub alvus-'' flecto. Posterns omnis sum rex Romanus Tarquini- us, qui cognomen Su- perbus^ ex mos do. Indus sum omnis flu- men magnus. Res fiopukher h Roma. Ratio defectus sol apud Grsecus investigo primus omnis Thales Milesius. Sum' Phocion tempus Athense duo factio, qui units popiilus causa ago, alter optimas. Excellens rex Persa sum Cyrus et Darius, Hystaspes filius : prior hie apud Mass age tas in prcelium cado. Nemo ego sum sine culpa. Parvus habeo vis" quam tu utervis. Cedo signum, si hie Baccha sum. Liber ] Sibylla Canini- GENITIVE AFTER PARTITIVES. 79 Quindecimviri, had demanded that a book of the Sibyl should be received. N. 4. Thales was the wisest among the seven. The sense of sight* is the most acute among all our senses. The Borysthenes is the most charming among the rivers of Scythia. Themistocles sent to the king, by night, (one) of his servants whom he accounted the most faithful. N. 5. There were two wives of Ariovistus. Two daughters of these the one was slain, the other taken captive. In the beginning different kings exercised, some their mental, oth- ers their corporeal powers. N. 6. BaBtica surpasses all the provinces. Brutus proposed to the people that all the race of Tarquin should be banished. Attains persuaded almost all the Macedonians to remain. R. 3. There is much evil in example. There is much good in friend- ship, much evil in discord. He who has little money, has also little credit. What business hast thou ? The senate formerly decreed, that L. Opimius should see that the republic received no detri- ment. us Gallus Quindecimvir, recipio postiilo. Thales sapiens in sep- tem sum. Acer ex omnis noster sensus sum sensus video. Borysthenes inter Scy- thia amnis sum amcenus. Themistocles noctu dc servus suus, qui habeo Jidelis, ad rex mitto. Duo sum Ariovistus uxor. Duo Jilia hie alter occido, alter capio. Initium rex diversus pars ingenium, alius cor- pus exerceo\ Boetlca cunctus provin- cia prsecedo. Brutus ad populus fero, ut omnis Tarquinius gens exsul sum'. Attalus Macedo fere omnis m , ut maneo', per- suadeo. Sum multus malum in exemplum. Sum multus bonum in amicitia, multus malum in discordia. Q,ui habeo paululus pe- cunia, habeo etiam pau- lulus Jides. Ecquis habeo negoti- uml Decerno quondam se- natus, ut L. Opimius video, ne quis respublica detrimentum capio". GENITIVE AFTER PARTITIVES. When king Attalus had bought a picture of Aristides for six hun- dred thousand sesterces, Mummi- us, suspecting that there was some virtue in it, which he did not un- derstand, recalled the picture. N. 3. For a long time no news was brought to me. Who is ignorant that it is the first law of history that (the historian) should dare to utter nothing false ? and, secondly, that he should fear (to utter) nothing true? N. 4. Apelles formed, with most consummate art, a head and the upper (parts) of the breast of a Venus. At Pergamus, in the secret and retired (parts) of the temple, whither it was not lawful to go, except for the priests, timbrels re- sounded. R. 4. Crassus, along with the greatest courtesy, had also suffi- cient severity. Caesar was wont to say that he had long since acquired abun- dance of power and glory. In many places, truth has too little stability, and too little strength. Is it not misery enough for Roscius, that he has cultivated his estates for others, not for him- self? He always has favorers enough, who does right. N. 2. I was not even suspect- ing in what part of the world you were. Wherever the right of citizens Quum rex Attalus Ar- istides tabula sexies ses- tertium emo, Mummius suspicatus aliquis in is virtus sum , qui ipse nes- cio, tabula revoco". Jam diu nihil novus ad ego affero. Q,uis nescio, primus sum historia lex, ne quis falsus dico audeo ? de- inde ne quis verus non audeo ? Apelles Venus capufc et superus pectus polltus ars perficio. Pergamus, in occultus ac reconditus templum, quo praeter sacerdos adeo fas non sum, tympanum sono. Crassus, in superus comitas, habeo* etiam se- veritas satis. Soleo* dico Caesar sui jam pridem potentia glo~ rmque abunde adipiscor. Multus in locus parum jirmamcntum et parum vis* veritas habeo. Parwnne miseria sum Roscius, quod praedium suus alius non sui colo ? Sat habeo famtor sem- per, qui recte facio. Ubi terra sum 7 *, ne suspicor quidem. Ubicunque terra et GENITIVE AFTER PARTITIVES. 81 has been violated, it pertains to the common cause ofliberty. I think (we) must remove to Rhodes, or to some other place. Our tyrannicides are far dis- tant. N. 3. Tacfarinas had arrived at such a degree of insolence, as to send ambassadors to Tiberius. We have arrived at such a pitch of luxury, as to be unwill- ing 7 to tread, unless upon gems. N. 4. Afterwards the consul came into the town (of) Cirta. In the mean time I became ac- quainted with you. N. 5. I could wish that you would not neglect to write to me, so far as you shall be able to do it. N. 6. The next day Csesar has- tened on his way to Bibracte. The day before, the Germans could not be restrained. N. 7. Lynxes see most clearly of all quadrupeds. This concerns you least of all. Sulpicius Gallus was most de- voted to Greek literature of all the nobles. gens violo" jus civis, is pertineo ad communis causa libertas. Migrandum Rhodus, aut aliquo terra arbltror. Noster tyrannicida Ion- ge gens absum. Tacfarinas hue arro- gantia venio, ut legatus ad Tiberius mitto*. Ed delicia" pervenio, ut nisi gemma r calco no- lo. Postea locus consul pervenio in oppldum Cir- ta. Tu interea locus cog- nosco. Volo* ne intermitto, quoad is facio possum, scribo ad ego. Postridie is dies Cae- sar Bibracte eo contendo. Pridie is dies Germa- nus retineo non possum*. Lynx omnis quadrupes cerno acute. Hie ad tu parum omnis pertineo. Sulpicius Gallus magis omnis nobilis Graecus lit- erse* studeo. lit. of their own right. b 247. e 9, 2 217. Verbs of accusing, convicting, condemning, and acquitting, are followed by a genitive denoting the crime, Thrasybulus proposed a law, that no one should be accused nor fined for things previously done. Some persons, if they have spoken rather cheerfully in afflic- tion, charge themselves with a crime, because they have inter- mitted grieving. The judges were so provoked with the answer of Socrates, that they capitally condemned a most innocent man. Coelius, the judge, acquitted of injury him who had libelled the poet Lucilius, by name, upon the stage. You have brought yourself to such a situation, that, before you convict me of a change of judg- ment, you confess yourself to be convicted, by your own judgment, of the greatest negligence. Thrasybulus lex fero, ne quis anteactus res ac- cuse neve multo. Quidam, si in luctus hilare a loquor, peccdtum sui insimulo, quod doleo intermitto 6 . Socrates responsum 6 sic judex exardesco, ut caput homo d innocens condemno, Ccelius judex absolve injuria* is, qui Lucilius poeta in scena nominatim laedo. In is locus tu deduco, ut, antequam ego com- mutatus judicium co- arguo / , tu superus negli- gentia, tuus judicium, convinco s fateor. * 256, R. 9, 2rf paragraph. f 263, 3. * perf. * 266, 3. c 247. * 229. ' pi. English to be turned into Latin. The informer" accused 1 ' of treason 6 Apuleia Varilia, grand- daughter of the sister of Augustus 4 *. Caesar accused of ex- tortion* Cornelius Dolabella, a man of consular dignity 7 , and one who had enjoyed a triumph*. These two (things) con- vict* most persons of inconstancy 1 and weakness J ; if they 8* 90 GENITIVE AFTER VERBS OF ADMONISHING, &C. 218, either despise* a friend in prosperity 1 , or desert (him) in adversity. a delator. 6 arcesso. e majestas. d Begin this sentence with the accusative and end with the subject and verb. e to accuse of extortion, postulo repetundarum. / of consular dignity, consularis. e one who has enjoyed a triumph, triumphalis. Begin with the subject and end with the genitive and verb. * convince. * levltas. i infirmitas. * contemno. ' prosperity, bonae res. m adversity, rnalse (res.) <> 21S. Verbs of admonishing are followed by a genitive denoting that in respect to which the admo- nition is given. Caecina admonishes (his) sol- Caecina miles tempus diers respecting their difficulties ac necessitas moneo. and perilous circumstances. Misfortunes reminded (them) of Res adversus admoneo religious rites. rcligio. We remind grammarians of Grammaticus qfficium their duty. suus commoneo. Jugurtha, according as he had Jugurtha viritim, uti distinguished each one, reminded quisque effero, commone- (them) individually of his favor. facto bencficium suus. This defence there is no one Qui defensio nemo in Sicily who does not possess sum in Sicilia, quin ha- and read, and who is not remind- beo, quin lego, quin ed by that oration of your crime tuus scelus et crudelitas and cruelty. ex ille oratio cammo- nefio. English to be turned into Latin. I admonish' 1 scholars 6 of this one c (thing,) that they love* their teachers' not less than their studies 7 . I loill advise 5 you also somewhat* respecting* our precautions^. We are warned 5 of many (things) by prodigies k , of many in the entrails (of victims.) I beg* (you) to admonish 11 Terentia respecting* (her) will. This ring reminded 771 me of Piso. moneo. b discipulus. e ace. R. 1. d 273,2. * preceptor. / lit. the studies themselves. e admoneo. h altquis, R. 1. * de, R 1 i cautio. * ostentum. J oro, 273, 2. m commoneo. 220. GENITIVE AFTER CERTAIN VERBS. 91 <> 219. Refert and interest are followed by a geni- tive of the person or thing whose concern or interest they denote. It was more for the interest of the republic, that a Ligurian for- tress should be taken, than that the cause of M. Curius should be well defended. I will show how much it con- cerns the common safety, that there should be two consuls in the state. R. 1. We inform (our) absent (friends) by letter, if there is any thing which it concerns either us or themselves that they should know. This very much concerns you, O judges, that the causes of re- spectable men should not be esti- mated by the enmity or falsehood of witnesses. Plus intersum respub- lica castellum capio" Li- gur 6 , quam bene defendo" causa M. Curius. Ostendo quantus d sa- lus communis intersum, duo consul in respublica sum tt . Epistola certus 8 facio absens, si quis sum, qui is^ scio aut noster aut ipse intersum. Vester, judex, hie max- ime intersum, non ex si- multas aut levitas testis causa honestus homo pondero. gen. pi. c 278. d 232, (2,) last paragraph. ' comp. GENITIVE AFTER CERTAIN VERBS. 220. Many verbs, which are usually otherwise construed, are sometimes followed by a genitive. 1. The horse, dismayed at the serpent, pants for breath. I did not hear sufficiently, nor yet did (the nature) of (their) conversation escape me. 2. Refrain from anger and fierce contention. Cease at length from tender complaints. Anhelo attonitus ser- pens equus. Nee satis exaudio", nee scrmofallo b tamen. Abstineo ira e cali- dusque rixa. Dcsino mollis tandem qurrela. GENITIVE OF PLACE. 221. It is time to give over the battle. He communicates his plans to his father's servant. 3. The prison had now been filled with merchants. The earth swarms with wild beasts. These things make me weary of life. Now you relieve me from all labors. 4. Cleanthes, the Stoic, is of opinion that the sun rules, and holds the supreme power. Ser. Galba obtained the su- preme command by arms. The Helvetians were hoping that, by means of three very pow- erful nations, they should obtain the command of all Gaul. Tempus desisto pugna. Paternus servus suus particlpo consilium. Compleo jam mercdior career. Terra/era scato. Hie res vita ego sat- uro. Ego omnis jam labor levo. Cleanthes StoTcus sol domlnor et res potior puto. Arma Ser. Galba res* adipiscor. Helvetii per tres potens populus totus Gallia sui potior possum spero. imp. b pass. ' pi. d gen. pi. GENITIVE OF PLACE. <> 221. The name of a town in which any thing is said to be, or to be done, if of the first or second declen- sion and singular number, is put in the genitive. Artemisia, the wife of Mau- solus, king of Caria, made that noble sepulchre at Halicarnassus. There are often such varieties in the weather, that it is different at Rome and at Tusculum. Paulus jjEmilius went to the temple of Jupiter Trophonius at Lebadia. The expectation of letters de- tains me at Thessalonica. Artemisia, Mausolus, Caria rex, uxor, nobilis ille Halicarnassus facio sepulchrum. Tempestas tantus dis- similitude saepe sum, ut alius Tusculum, alius Roma sum. Paulus ^Emilius Leba- dia templum Jupiter Tro- phonius adeo. Ego literse expectatio Thessalonica teneo. GENITIVE OF PLACE. 93 Dionysius taught children at Corinth. I seem to be at Rome when I am reading your letters. R. 1. Conon resided for the most part in Cyprus, Iphicrates in Thrace, Timotheus in Lesbos, Chares in Sigeum. Miltiades had (his) home in Chersonesus. (I) was not allowed to stay at Malta. R. 2. At Tarsus, a city of Cilicia, is a river named the Cydnus. The Greeks, having heard of the flight of the king, resolved to break down the bridge which he had made at Abydus. R. 3. Tullus Hostilius thought that the bodies of the youths would be more healthy in service than at home. The saying of Plato is too sublime for us, lying on the earth, to look up to it. Clodius was caught at Csesar's house. Dionysius Corinthus puer doceo. Roma videor sum cum tuus liters lego. Conon multum Cyprus vivo, Iphicrates in Thra- cia, Timotheus Lesbos, Chares in Sigeum. Miltiades domus Cher- sonesus habeo". Mellta sum non licet . Cilicia civitas Tarsus flumen sum nomen 6 Cyd- nus. GraBcus, auditus rex fu- ga c , consilium ineo pons interrumpo d qui ille Aby- dus facio. Credo Tullus Hostilius saluber militia quam do- mus juvenis corpus fore. Plato vox altus' sum quam ut is-^ ego, humus stratus, suspicio possum. Clodius deprehendo domus Csesar. a imp. * 250. clause, f 229. c 257, R. 5. d 275, II. e 256, R. 9, last English to be turned into Latin. In war, Laslius honored Scipio as a god ; at home, Scipio venerated 5 Laelius as a parent . The mother of Darius'*, when the news' of 7 Alexander's death was brought " (to her,) put on' 1 mourning 1 , and, tearing^ (her) hair fc , threw' her body on the ground 1 ". Hercules is honored most at Tyre. colo. 6 observe. / de. * perfero, 257, R. 1. * crinis, 157, R. 5 * abjicio. lit. in place of a. parent. d 279, 10. ' fama. sumo. * vestis lugubris. J lacSro, m end with accusative and verb. 94 DATIVE AFTER ADJECTIVES. 222 DATIVE AFTER ADJECTIVES. 222. A noun limiting the meaning of an adjec- tive, is put in the dative, to denote the object or end to which the quality is directed. The Jugurthine war was car- ried on by Q,. Metellus, second to no (man) of his age. Q. Catulus said that Pompey was indeed an illustrious man, but already too great for a free state. The Lacedemonians were wont to consider rather" what was useful to their own rule, than to the whole of Greece. The degrees of honor are equal to the highest and lowest men; (those of) glory unequal. Nothing is more suitable to the nature of man than beneficence and liberality. Who (is) dearer to a brother than a brother ? Death is common to every age. I see not why the son might not have been like the father. His death was correspondent to a life spent in the most virtu- ous and honorable manner. I think it necessary for me to philosophize. You have done (what is) very agreeable to me, in sending me Serapion's book. Your discourse against Epi- curus was pleasing to our (friend) Balbus. Bellum Jugurthmus gero per d. Metellus , nullus secundus saeculum suus. Q,. Catulus dico sum quidem praeclarus vir 6 Pompeius, sed nimius jam liber respubUca. Lacedcemonius is po- tius intueor, quis ipse dominatio, quam quis uni- versus Grcecia utilis sum d . Honor* gradus superus homo et inferus sum par ; gloria dispar. Beneficentia-^ ac libe- ralltas nihil sum natura homo accommodatus. Quis amicus frater quam frater? Mors communis sum omnis &tas. Non video cur filius non pater similis sum possum d . Is mors consentaneus vita sum sancte honeste- que actus. Ego philosopher arbi- tror necessc sum. Facio ego pergrdtus, quod ff Serapion liber ad ego mitto. Jucundus Balbus nos- ter sermo tuus contra Epicurus sum. DATIVE AFTER ADJECTIVES. 95 Antony is equal to Catiline in wickedness. The enemy is at Cyrrhestica, which part of Syria is adjoining to my province. Why have you been so familiar with him, as to lend him money 1 I fear lest the name of philoso- phy may be hateful to some good men. Men can be very useful to men. R. 1. The defeat of the Athe- nians happened, not by the valor of their adversaries, but by their own insubordination ; because, not obeying their commanders, they wandered about the fields. Let the overseer be obedient to (his) master. R. 2. Thou art like thy master. The investigation of truth is peculiar to man. This is indeed common to all the philosophers. The family of D. Brutus was not averse to the design. R. 3. I am conscious of no offence. R. 4. I spend all (my) time in these studies, that I may be the better prepared for practice in the forum. R. 5. Jugurtha stations his foot-soldiers nearer the mountain. The Ubii live nearest to the Rhine. R. 6. This accorded with the letters which I had received at Rome. Often you appeared somewhat impudent, which is very foreign from your true character. Antonius scelus* par sum Catillna. Hostis sum in Cyr- rhestica, qui Syria pars propior sum provincia noster. Cur tarn familidris hie sum, ut aurum commodo? Vereor, ne quidam bo- nus vir philosophia no- men sum invisus. Homo homo maxime utilis sum possum. Clades Atheniensis non hostis virtus sed ipse immodestia accido ; quod non dictum audiens imperdtor suus dispalor in ager. Villicus dominus dic- tum audiens sum*. Dominus similis sum. Inquisitio verum sum proprius homo. Hie quidem cornmunis sum omnis philosophus. Domus D. Brutus non alienus consilium sum. Ego nullus noxa j con- scius sum. Ego omnis tempus in hie studium consume, quo pardtus ad usus fo- rensis sum possum*. Jugurtha propior mom pedes colloco. Ubii propior Rhenus incolo. Is sum conscntaneus cum is litercB, qui ego Roma accipio. Saepe, qui' a tu alienus sum, subimpiidens videor 96 DATIVE AFTER VERBS. 223. R. 7. Homer has sunk to the Homerus idem alius same repose as others. sopio" 1 quies n . * 247, R. 4. b 210. e lit. this rather. d 265. pi. / 256 B 273, 6. A 250. i 260, R. 6. J 213. * 262. 206, (13.) m pass. n 249. English to be turned into Latin. It is proper , first to be (one's) self 6 a good man, then to seek c another like one's self d . Agitation of mind is natural" to us. Fame is never equal to thy labor. The system f of the Cynics is unfriendly 5 to modesty* 1 , without which there can be nothing right, nothing virtuous 1 '. It is easy for an innocent (man) to find words ; it is difficult for a miserable (man) to observe^ due bounds* in (his) words'. The change of an inveterate habit" 1 is disagreeable 1 to elderly (men.) Most p (persons) say that their own 7 dangers are nearer to them q than (those) of others. Reason is the peculiar' good of man ; other (things) are common to him with the animals. Many punishments'" are not less disgraceful' to a prince, than many funerals to a physician. We wish to be rich, not for ourselves alone, but for our children, relatives 1 , friends, and, most of all", for the republic. par. b (one's) seJf, ipse. c quaero. d one's self, sui, R. 2. ' pro- prius. / ratio. e inimlcus. h verecundia. * honestus. i teneo. k due bounds, modus. ' gen. m mos. n gravis. comp. ? pie- rusque. 208. r supplicium. ' turpis. all, maxime. DATIVE AFTER VERBS. <> 223. A noun, limiting the meaning of a verb, is put in the dative, to denote the object or end, to or for which any thing is, or is done. We ought to grant much to Tribuo multus senec- old age. tus debeo. Mithridates promised the king Mithridates polliceor that he would kill Datames, if the rex sui Datames inter 223. DATIVE AFTER VERBS. 97 king would allow him to do what he pleased. The high-priest committed to writing the events of every year, and exhibited the tablet at (his) house, that the people might have the means of becoming acquaint- ed (with them). Clisthenes intrusted the dowry of his daughters to the Samian Juno. You must be the servant of philosophy, that true liberty may be your portion-'. Give attention to your health, to which hitherto, while you have been attending upon me, you have not had sufficient regard. Why do you yield, and give way to fortune ? Different duties are allotted to different ages. He did not perceive that he had given immortality to mortal things. Your (servant,) Nicanor, ren- ders me excellent service. A share of my trouble I impart to no one; of my glory to all good (men.) Verres paid nothing to the cities for corn. I have no one to whom I owe more than to you. R. 2. No man can serve pleas- ure and virtue at the same time. He will not resist anger, to whom nothing has ever been denied. It is established by nature, that 9 ficio 6 , si is rex permitto', ut, quicunque volo d , licet* facio. Pontifex maximus res omnis singulus annus mando* liter 'ce, et pro- pono 7 tabula domus, po- testas ut sum populus cognosce^. Clisthenes Juno Sami- us filia dos A credo. Philosophia servio 1 oportet, ut tu contingo verus libertas. Indulgeo valetudo tu- us, qui quidem tu adhuc, dum ego deservio, servio non satis. Cur succumbo, cedoque fortuna ? Officium non idem dis- par at as tribuo. Non sentio, sui res mortalis immortalitas do. Nicanor tuus opera ego do egregius. Onus meus pars nemo impertio ; gloria bonus omnis. Civitas pro frumentum Verres nihil solvo. Ego habeo qui plus quarn tu debto k nemo. Voluptas h , simul, et virtus nemo servio pos- sum. Non resisto ira, qui nihil unquam nego. Natura constituo 1 , ut DATIVE AFTER VERBS. 223. it is not lawful to injure another, non licet* suus commo- for the sake of one's own advan- dum causa noceo alter. tage. Venus married Vulcan. Venus nubo Vulcdnus. Hannibal persuaded Antiochus Hannibal Antiochus to go with (his) armies into Italy, persuadeo, ut cum exer- citus in Italia proficiscor. (2.) Caesar directed that two Csesar duo acies hostis battalions should repel the enemy, propulso, tertius opus (and) the third should complete perficiojubeo. the work. * 80, IV. * 270, R. 3, last clause. e 266, 3. <* 266, 1. '262. / 145,11.1. * 275, III. R.I, (1.) * pi. * 262, R. 4. J lit. may accrue to you. * 264, 7. * perf. m 247. English to be turned into Latin. If, after you have taken food, you seem to yourself* able 5 to follow 6 me, it is for you to determine 4 . The moderate and wise man will obey' the f old precept, and never* either rejoice* or grieve immoderately 4 . Caesar demanded* ten hostages from the enemy. Nature has not been so hostile* and unfriendly to the human race 1 as"* to have devised n so many salutary things for the body , but none for the mind . I was not born for a single*" corner; this whole world is my native country 7 . Many, when they acquire*" wealth*, know not /or whom they acquire 1 , nor for whose sake* they labor*. Excessive" liberty issues" in excessive servitude, both for nations, and individuals*. (He) who wishes his virtue to be made public y , labors not for virtue, but for glory. tu, 132, 5 227. Sum, and several other verbs, are followed by two datives, one of which denotes the object to which, the other the end for which any thing is, or is done. A large house often becomes a disgrace to the owner. I wish that thing may prove a pleasure to him. Sad wars, and rage, and treach- ery, were her delight. The song and the lute were al- ways dear to Crethea. Let him have myself for his ex- ample. Apply for that office, in which you can be of great service to me. Amplus domus dede- cus dommus saepe^/?0. Utinam is res is vo- luptas sum". Hie tristis bellum, ira- que 6 , insidiaeque sum cor. Crethea carmen 6 sem- per et cithara 6 sum cor. Habeo c ego ipse sui documentum. Peto is magistratus in qui ego magnus utiKtas sum possum. 106 TWO DATIVES AFTER SUM. He was of great use both to me and (my) brother Quintus. I am very anxious that Lucul- lus may be so educated that he may equal (his) father. I will take the greatest care, that nothing may be done other- wise than as we desire, and as it ought to be. I only dare say thus much of myself, that my friendship has been a pleasure to more (persons) than (it has been) a protection. He hopes this thing will be a great honor to him. It was lately a very high honor to our (friend') Milo, that he checked all trie attempts and madness of P. Clodius. He was a great assistant to that very brave man his father, in (his) dangers. Alexander, when he saw that a long siege would be a great hin- derance to him in regard to other (things,) sent heralds to the Tyr- ians. It is to me not less a care what the republic will be after my death, than what it is now. It was replied to the Roman ambassadors, that Hannibal had no leisure, in such a critical state of affairs, to hear embassies. R. 2. To play on the pipe, to dance, to surpass one's fellow- pupils in science, are trifling (things) in reference to our cus- toms ; but in Greece they were formerly a great honor, R. 3. Too much confidence is wont to prove a calamity. Sum et ego et Quintus f rater magnus usus. Sum ego magnus cura, ut Lucullus itaerudio, ut pater" 2 respondeo. Ego sum maxime cura, ne quis no secus, quam volo, quamque oportet. Ego de ego tantus au- deo dico, arnicitia meus voluptas multuSf quam presidium sum, Qui res sui magnus honos speroforc. Honos superus nuper noster Milo sum., quod omnis P. Clodius cona- tus furorque comprimo. Hie sum vir fortis, pa- rens suus, magnus adju- mcntum in periculum. Alexander, quum lon- gus obsidio magnus sui ad cetcrus impedimentum video' fore, caduceator ad Tyrius mitto. Ego non parvus cura sum, qualis respublica post mors meus sum / , quam qualis hodie sum f . Respondeo legatus Ro- manus, Hannibal, in tan- tus discrlmen res, non opera sum legatio audio. Canto tibia 6 , salto, in doctrma 6 antecedo con- discipulus, ad noster con- suetudo levis sum ; at in Groecia olim magnus laus sum. Nimius fiducia tas soleo sum, 228. DATIVE AFTER PARTICLES. 107 R. 4. Perseus hastily collected Perseus auratus statua all the gilded statues into the omnis raptim, ne prada fleet, lest they should become a hostis sum, in classis con- prey to the enemy. gero. R. 5. The sea is a destruction Exitium sum avidus to greedy mariners. mare nauta. 263, 1. *pl. c 260, R. 6. * 223. 263, 5. / 265. English to be turned into Latin. With what" bravery the soldiers of Caesar fought 6 , (this) is a proof, that, the battle being once against 6 (them) at Dyr- rachium, they spontaneously^ demanded* punishment upon themselves. L. Cassius was accustomed, in judicial pro- ceedings 7 , to inquire^ybr whose benefit* 1 it was 1 . Apply * to that pursuit* in which you are* (engaged ;) that you may"* be an honor to yourselves, a benefit" to your friends, and a gain to the republic. It was ascribed p to cowardice' 1 in Q. Hortensius, that he had never been engaged r in a civil war*. C. Caesar, the propretor', with (his) army", marched" to the assistance of the province of Gaul. Medea persuaded the Corinthian matrons" not to impute" (it) to her as a crime, that y she was absent* from (her) country. quantus. b dimico, 265. c adversus, 257, R. 7. d ultro. * deposco. / a judicial proceeding, causa. * quaero. * bonum. * plup. 265. J incumbo. * studium. l pi. m possum. n utili- tas. ernolumentum. p tribuo. ? ignavia. r intersum, 266,3. ' 224. ' pro prcetore. u 249, III. * proficiscor. w 223, R. 2. * verto. y quod. * absum, 266, 3. DATIVE AFTER PARTICLES. <> 228. Some particles are followed by the dative of the end or object. Had Antiochus been willing to Antiochus, si pareo be guided by the advice of Han- volo consilium 6 Hannl- nibal, he would have contended bal, prope Tiber quam for empire nearer to the Tiber TJwrmopyfa de summa than Thermopylae. imperium dimico*. Caesar fortified a camp as near Ca3sar quam proxime 108 ACCUSATIVE AFTER VERBS. 229 as possible to the camp of the enemy. What wonder is it that many went forth to meet such a man on his approach* ? The quaestors of the province, with (their) fasces, were in at- tendance upon me. It is said by the Stoics to be the chief good to live conforma- bly to nature. It can be well with no wicked, foolish, and indolent man. N. But suddenly, after a few days, when I was not at all ex- pecting (it,) Caninius came to me. What is Celsus doing ? Pray what says Sannio ? What do you desire ? possum hostis c castra, castra communio. Quis habeo admira- tio rf talis vir adveniens obvidm prodeo multus? Quaestor provincia cum fascis ego prcesto sum. Superus bonum a Sto- icus dico 7 , convenienttr natura vivo. Improbus et stultus et iners nemo bene sum pos- sum. At tu repente paucus post dies*", quum minime expecto' 1 , venio ad ego Caninius. Quis ego Celsus ago? Quis aio tandem ego* Sannio? Quis tu j volo? 261,1. ing. f 269. 223, R. 2. * 253. pi. d 212, R. 3. 3, 5, R. 2. * pi. 263 * lit. approach- J sing. ACCUSATIVE AFTER VERBS. <> 229. The object of an active verb is put in the accusative. God made the world. The Syrians worship a fish. Miltiades freed Athens and all Greece. Swarms of bees form honey- combs. A learned man always has riches in himself. Rivalry nourishes talent; and sometimes envy, sometimes ad- miration, excites imitation. Deus mundus cedifico. Piscis Syrus veneror. Miltiades Athence to- tusque Greed a libe.ro. Apes examen jingo fa- vus. Homo doctus in sui semper divitice habeo. Alo semulatio ingem- um a , et nunc invidia nunc admiratio imitatio accen- do. $ 229. ACCUSATIVE AFTER VERBS. 109 Pompey restored the tribuni- tian power, of which Sulla had left the image without the real- ity You say right, and so the thing is. Many things in your letter pleased me. Your ancestors first conquered all Italy. The voluntary virtues surpass the involuntary. No one avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure. They lost not only (their) goods, but (their) honor also. All men admired (his) diligence, (and)acknowledged (his) abilities. Turn over that book of Plato's diligently which is upon the soul. Time does not only not lessen this grief, but even increases it. When Apollo says this, " Know yourself," he says, " Know your own mind." R. 3. But why (should I say) more 1 Let us look at the origin of divination. R. 4. The earth shook for thirty-eight days. Caesar sent around all the neighboring region, and sum- moned auxiliaries from thence. Tarquin resolved to send to Delphi. R. 5. Dicaearchus wishes to make out that souls are mortal. The philosopher will show that 10 Pompeius tribunitius potestas restituo, qui Sul- la imago sine res relin- quo. Recte dico, et res sic sui habeo. Multus ego in epistola tuus delecto. Majores vester pri- mum universus Italia de- vinco. Virtus non voluntari- us vinco virtus voluntari- us. Nemo voluptas ipse, quia voluptas sum g ,fugio. Non sol urn bonum sed etiam honest as deperdo. Ornnis diligentia ad- miror, ingenium agnosco. Evolvo diligenter Pla- to is liber qui sum de ani- mus. Dies non modo non leva luctus hie sed etiam augeo. Cum Apollo, " Nosco tu," dico, hie dico, " Nos- co animus tuus." Sed quis 6 multus ? or- tus video haruspicma. Terra dies 6 duode- quadraginta moveo. Cassar dimitto circum omnis propinquus regio, atque inde auxilium evo- co. Tarquinius Delphi mit- to statuo. Dicaearchus volo effi- cio, animus sum mortdlis. Magnus sum sol, phi- 110 ACCUSATIVE AFTER VERBS. the sun is great ; how great it is, losophus probo ; quantus the mathematician (will show.) sum d mathematicus. R. 6. God never repents of his Nunquam primus con- first design. silium* Dcus prenitet. You are weary of patrician, Tsedet tu a patricius, they of plebeian magistrates. hie plebeius magistrate. R. 7. If I mistake not, we Eg, nisi ego fallit, ja- shall be brought down. ceo. It does not escape me, that Non ego prceterit, usus practice is the best instructor in sum bonus dico 7 magis- speaking. ter. pi. 235, R. 5. e 253. d 265. 215. / gen. ' 2CG, 3. English to be turned into Latin. I both write and read something" ; but when I read I per- ceive by 6 comparison how badly I write c . Vircingetorix gives a signal to his (men,) and leads d (them) from the town. The soldiers, whom the Persians call Immortals' , had golden collars', garments' 1 embroidered' 1 with gold, and sleeved 4 tunics, adorned also with gems. Some^ living crea- tures* have a rational principle 1 , some only a vital princi- ple" 1 . The Egyptians consecrated almost every species n of brute animals . When Timanthes saw p that he could not imitate with his pencil' the grief of Agamemnon, he covered" his head. There are men, who are neither ashamed* nor tired 1 of their licentiousness" and ignominy" ; who seem to rush", as it were* on purpose", into popular odium*. When the sons of Brutus stood 00 , tied 66 to the stake, men pitied - * their punishment, not more than the crime cc by which they had merited punishment. * aliquis. * ex. e 2G5. <* edaco, 242, R. 1. * 230. /tor- ques. e vestis, sing. h distinctus. * manicatus. i quidam. * lining creatures, anirnans. l a rational principle, animus. m a vital princi- ple, an I ma. n genus. a brute animal, bestia. p lit. Timanthes, when he saw, 2G3, 5. 9 penicilluin. r obvolvo. * 264, 6. * to be tired, tcedet. u libido, 215, (1.) infamia. " irruo, 264,6 * as it were, quasi. y de industria. z lit. the odium of the people " a 145, II'. " deligatus. cc scelus. 230. TWO ACCUSATIVES AFTER VERBS. Ill *> 230. Verbs signifying to name or call, to choose, render, or constitute, to esteem or reckon, are followed by two accusatives denoting the same person or thing. Antony called his flight victo- ry, because he had escaped alive. The order of the Persian march was this; the fire, which they call eternal and sacred, was car- ried before on silver altars ; the Magi next sung the customary song. The Julian clan call lulus the founder of their name. The people made Ancus Mar- cius king. M. Furius Camillus proclaimed P. Cornelius Scipio regent. The recollection of pleasures enjoyed renders life happy. Thunder upon the left we reckon a very good omen on all occasions, except at elections. R. 2. Wisdom offers herself to us as the surest guide to pleas- ure. Antonius fuga suus, quia vivus exeo, victoria voco. Ordo agmen Persa sum 6 talis; ignis qui ip- se sacer et ceternus voco, argenteus altare prgefe- ro 6 ; Magus propior pa- trius carmen cano 6 . lulus gens Julius auc- tor nomen suus nuncu- po c . Ancus Marcius rex populus creo c . M. Furius Camillus P. Cornelius Scipio interrex prodo. Voluptas perceptus re- cord atio vita bedtus fa- do. Fulmen sinister auspi- cium bonus habeo ad om- nis res d praeterquam ad comitia. Sapientia certus sui ego dux praebeo ad vo- luptas. a gen. pi. b 145, II. 1. c sing. d lit. for all things, English to be turned into Latin. Ennius properly called b anger the beginning 6 of madness. Our ancestors callcd d the supreme council the senate. His (followers) saluted Octavius (as) Ccesar. The Albans ap- point" Mettus Fujfetius dictator. The whole city pro- claimed* Cicero consul. Socrates thought 5 himself an inhab- 112 TWO ACCUSATIVES AFTER CERTAIN VERBS. 231. itant and citizen of the whole world. If you think* any one (your) friend, whom 1 you do not trust- 7 as much* as' your- self % you are greatly" 1 mistaken". Timoleon reckoned that a glorious 77 victory, in which there was more of clemency 7 than of cruelty. c initium. d appello. e creo. / declare. . 3, R. 2. J credo. k tantusdem. l quant hementer. n to be mistaken, erro. diico. p praeclarus 3 x bene. 6 dico. * existimo. * 223, g arbitror. ;us. m ve- 212, R. 3 231. Verbs of asking, demanding, and teaching, and celo (to conceal,) are followed by two accusatives, one of a person, the other of a thing. Philosophy has taught us all other things, and especially what is most difficult to know our- selves. They are ridiculous who teach others, what they themselves have not tried. Eloquence enables us to teach others what we know. I have never prayed to the gods for riches. Quintius implores this of you. I earnestly request this of you. This favor I request of you in my own right, for there is noth- ing I have not done for your sake. The Achseans also were beg- ging assistance from king Philip. Caesar was daily demanding of the iEdui the corn which they had promised. R. 2. Staberius began to de- mand hostages from the inhab- itants of Apollonia. Philosophia ego quum ceterus res omnis, turn, qui sum difficilis, doceo, ut egomet ipse nosco . Ridiciilus sum, qui, qui ipse non experior, is doceo ceterus. Eloquentia efficio, ut is, qui scio, alius doceo possum 6 . Nunquam diviticB deus rogo. Quintius tu hie obsc- cro. Hie tu vehementer ro- g- Meus jus c tu hie bene- Jicium rogo : nihil eriim non tuus causa d facio. Acha?i quoque auxili- um Philippus rex oro. Quotidie Caesar JEdui frumentum qui polliceor* Jlagito. Staberius obses ab Apolloniates exigo ccp- pi. 231. TWO ACCUSATIVES AFTER CERTAIN VERBS. 113 You will see what your past Quis actus tuus vita, life and studies demand of you. quis studium a tu fiagi- to, tu video. The whole province demanded Hie a ego munus 7 uni- of me this service. versus provincia posco. R. 3. I inquired of Masinissa Ego Masinissa de suus concerning his kingdom ; he in- regnum ; ille ego de nos- quired of me concerning our re- ter res pubttcus percon- public. tor. R. 4. Caesar detains Liscus ; Caesar Liscus retineo ; he inquires of (him) alone (re- qutsro ex solus is, qui in specting) those (things) which he conventus dico. Idem had spoken in the assembly. He secreto ab alms quaro. asks the same things privately of others. a 262. * 273, 1. e 249, II. ^ 247. ' 266, 3. / 212, R. 3. English to be turned into Latin. I have accustomed (my) son not 5 to conceal from me those (things) which other young men do without their fathers' knowledge . Although^ nature declares, by so ma- ny indications', what she wishes 7 , seeks*, and wants' 1 , we nevertheless, I know not how, turn a deaf ear', and do not' hear those things of which* we are admonished 1 by her. Catiline, in many ways, instructed the youth", whom he had enticed , in evil deeds. The Agrigentines^ send am- bassadors to Verres to instruct 9 him in the laws. I did not conceal from you the conversation" of Ampius. Fortunately* it happened' that" T had written to Cassius four days be- fore, the very thing'" of which you remind 1 me. The ambas- sadors of Enna* received y this commission* from their fellow-citizens, to go to 66 Verres, and demand back" from him the image of Ceres and Victory. * consuefacio. 6 ne, 2G2. c without the knowledge of, clam, with the ace. d quum. ' signum. / 265. ff anqulro. /l desidero. * to turn a deaf ear, obsurdesco. J and not. nee. k 234. l moneo. w modus. n juventus. illicio. p Agrigentlni. 9 doceo, 264, 5. f sermo. * comrnode. r evenio. u quod. * quatriduum. w id ipsum. * Ennenses, adj. y habeo. * mandatum. oa 273, 2. " 233, (2,) 2d paragraph. cc reposco. 10* 114 ACCUSATIVE AFTER NEUTER VERBS. <> 232. Some neuter verbs are followed by an accu sative of kindred signification to their own. (1.) I dreamed a wonderful Mirus somnio somnium. dream. I think that your fathers are Ego vester pater vivo (still) living, and such a life, in- arbitror, et is quidem vi- deed, as alone deserves the name ta, qui sum solus vita of life. nominandus. The next day Hortensius en- Postridie in theatrum tered into the theatre, I suppose, Hortensius introeo 6 , pu- that we might participate in his to, ut suus gaudium gau- joy. deo. With a loud voice, I swore a Magnus \o\juro verus most true and glorious oath, pulcherque jusjurandum, which the people, with a loud qui populus magnus vox voice, swore that I had sworn ego \erejuro c juro. truly. (2.) A certain Elysius was bit- Elysius quidam gravi- terly lamenting the death of his ter filius mors mcereo. son. a 209, R. 1, 2d paragraph. 176. c 272. English to be turned into Latin. Siccius Dentatus celebrated 11 three triumphs with his com- manders. Why do not those 6 decemvirs pursue c the same measures* as e in the consulship-^ of L. Cotta and L. Torqua- tus? Among other prodigies, it rained flesh. No one was so unfeeling^ as not to weep at the misfortune h of Alcibiades. (He) who runs (in) the stadium, ought to labor* and strive-* to conquer*. Let no one deny 1 this. The Philseni hastened"* to prosecute n (their) journey. Upon the broom-grounds in Spain, much of the honey ? tastes' 1 of that herb. I neither thirst for honors nor desire glory. triumpho. 6 iste. c curro : the verb is understood in the first clause, and expressed in the perfect in the second. d cursus. " qui, 207, R. 27, 3d paragraph. / 257, R. 7, 2d paragraph. e ferus. ft casus. * enltor. J contendo. * 273, 1. l to deny, eo infitias m matQro. " pergo. spartaria, pi. p pi. 5 sapio. 233. ACCUSATIVE AFTER COMPOUND VERBS. 115 <> 233. Many verbs are followed by an accusative depending upon a preposition with which they are compounded. Alexander determined to go to the temple of Jupiter Ammon. Pythagoras both traversed E- gypt and visited the Persian Ma- gi- Timotheus joined to him as al- lies the Epirots, and all those na- tions which are adjacent to that sea. Thirty tyrants stood around Socrates, but could not break his spirit. Marcellus invested Syracuse for three years. (1.) CaBsar plunders and burns the town, gives the booty to the soldiery, leads his army across the Loire, and reaches the territo- ries of the Bituriges. Hannibal led ninety thousand infantry, and twelve thousand cav- alry, across the Ebro. (2.) The ship is brought to Syracuse. The fleet was brought, the fifth day, to Pachynus. A certain (man) related, as a prodigy, that, at his house, a ser- pent had wound himself around a bar. (3.) The planet Venus is called Lucifer, when it goes be- fore the sun. The Venetians dwell around a gulf of the sea. Apollonius laughed at philoso- phy. The Samnites descend into the Alexander adco Jupiter Hammon templum statuo. Pythagoras et ^Egyp- tus lustro et Persa" Ma- gus adeo. Timotheus socius ad- jungo Epirota omnisque is gens qui mare ille ad- jaceo. Triginta tyrannus Soc- rates circumsto, nee pos- sum animus is infringe. Marcellus tertius annus circumseded* Syracuse. Caesar oppldum diripio atque incerido, praeda miles dono, exercttus Li- ger transduco, atque in Bituriges finis pervenio. Nonaginta mitte pedes" duodecim mitte eques* Hannibal Iberus traduco. Appcllo navis Syracu- se. Classis Pachynus quin- tus dies oppcllo. Quidam refero quasi ostentum, quod anguis domus vectis circumjicio* Stella Venus* LucTfer dico, quum antegredior sol Veneti sinus circumco- lo mare. Apollonius irrideo phi- losophia. Samnis descendo in 116 ACCUSATIVE AFTER COMPOUND VERBS. plain which lies between Capua and Tifata. The Euphrates flows through the midst of Babylonia. R. 1. History ought not to go beyond the truth. R. 2. I remember that certain persons came to me. Lentulus demanded that it should be permitted him to be borne into the city in triumph. N. Why have you any concern with this thing ? Why do you accost her ? Laying waste the fields, he comes to the town. planities, qui Capua Ti- fatdque interjaceo. Euphrates Babylonia medms pcrmco. Historia non debeo egrcdior veritas. Ad ego adeo quid am memlni. Lentulus postulo, ut triumphans sui inveho* licet in urbs. Quis tu 7 hie curatio sum res? Quid tu Tile aditio sum ? Populabundus ager ad oppidurn pervenio. Ut. of the Persians. 236, R. 2. c 212. * 266.3. 8 239. R. ]. /S226. 'sen. English to be turned into Latin. Caesar, having obtained possession of the camp*, com- manded the soldiers to surround' the mountain with a work. The river Eu rotas flows around d Sparta, which (river) hard- ens childhood to the endurance* of future military service 7 . Atticus determined^ to die, and departed on the fifth day after he had adopted 11 this design. The river Marsyas flowed through 1 the middle j of the city (of) Calcnce, celebrated* in the fabulous songs of the Greeks. Pythagoras went over 1 many barbarous" 1 regions on foot". Mount Taurus passes Cilicia, and is joined to the mountains 71 of Armenia. I in- deed 5 am earnestly desirous r to ?ncct s not only those whom I myself have known, but those also of* whom I have heard and read. If I shall meet with" Clodius, I will write you* more (particulars) from his conversation". Agesilaus transported (his) troops over* the Hellespont, and used such despatch^ that he completed* his march in thirty days oa . Alexander, having ordered 56 Hephsestion to sail along cc the coast of Phoenicia, comes to the city (of) Gaza with all his forces d(f . The pirate sailed past' the. whole island (of) Ortygia. * to obtain possession of, potior. b 245, I. e circumyenio. d cir- 234. ACCUSATIVE AFTER VERBS PASSIVE, &,C. 117 cumfluo. * patientia. / militia. e decerno. h ineo. * interfluo. I 205, R. 17. * incljHus. l obeo. m lit. of barbarians. n pi. 247. prsetereo. p dot. 3 / indeed, equidem. r to be earnestly desirous, aveo. * convenio. ' de. u to meet with, convenio. * lit. to you. serrno. 253. to transport over, trajicio. y celeritas. z conficio. " 257, R. 5. ec to sail along, pratervehor. *<* 249, III. $ 234, I. When the active voice takes an accusa- tive both of a person and thing, the passive retains the latter. Be assured I was not asked (my) opinion. Apollo is asked for words. L. Marcius, a Roman knight, under the instruction of Cn. Scipio, had been taught all the arts of war. You will need to be taught a few (things.) I believe that Cassius was kept in ignorance respecting Sulla alone. R. 1. Then he puts on the crested helmet of Androgeus. The leader of the flock is di- vested of his horns. II. The countenance of the beautiful Daphne is suffused with a modest blush*. The hill, gently sloping in front, gradually sunk to the plain. The south wind flies forth with humid wings, (having) his terrible countenance covered with pitchy darkness. III. An endless night must be spent in sleep. Sad nights are spent in watch- ing. Scio ego* non rogo sententia. Apollo posco verbum. L. Marcius, eques Ro- manus, sub Cn. Scipio dis- ciplma omnis militia ars edoceo. JPaucus doceo*. Credo celo c Sulla unus. Cassius de Deinde comans Andro- geus galea induo. Dux grex cornu exuo. Daphne pulcher vere- cundus suffundo os ru- bor. Coll is from lemter fastigdtus paulatim ad planities redeo". Madidus Notus evolo ala, terribilis piceus teo tus callgo vultus. Nox sum perpetuus unus dormiendus. Nox vigilo amarus. a 239. & 274, R. 8. as to, 4*c. ' imp. pass, impers. d lit. Daphne is suffused 118 ACCUSATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. 235 English to be turned into Latin. Have we been kept so long ignorant* of this? This could no longer be concealed from Alcibiddcs 1 . The maiden' delights to be taught the Ionic dances' 1 . Nor is corn' only demanded f from the rich earth*. The tender checks' 1 of the maiden are tinged*, her countenance^ being suffused with blushes*. I am pressed with as many troubles', as" 1 there are fishes swimming" in the sea . * to keep ignorant, cel. 6 dat . c virgo. d motus- * seges, pi. J posco. e humus, lit. nor is the rich ground called upon for corn alone. * gena. * inficio, lit. the maiden is tinged as to her tender cheeks. J os. * to be suffused with blushes, rubeo. l adversus. m as many as t tot quot. " pass. unda, lit. as the sea is swum by fishes. ACCUSATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. <> 235. Twenty-six prepositions are followed by the accusative. I beg you to come to me im- mediately at Vibo. Caesar was at the gates. On the seventh (day before) the ides I came to my house d . The soothsayers directed to turn the image of Jupiter towards the east. Manlius displayed the spoils of enemies slain to (the number of) thirty. The cities of Asia voted a sum of money for a temple. As long as Hannibal was in Italy, no one pitched a camp in the field against him, after the battle at Cannae. No one observes what is before his feet. Oro, lit ad ego Vibo statim venio. Caesar sum 6 adporta. Septimus idus c venio ad ego. Haruspex jubeo simuf lacrum Jupiter ad oriens converto. Manlius profero spoli- um hostis caesus ad tri- ginta. Ad templum civitas Asia pecunia" decerno. Q,uamdiu Hannibal in Italia sum, nemo adver- sus is post Cannensis pugna in campus castra pono. Qui sum ante pes t ne- mo specto. 235. ACCUSATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. Neoptolemus had been edu- cated in (the house of) Lyco- medes. I can scarcely contain myself'', (my) mind is so agitated with fear, hope, (and) joy. An army was stationed in the forum, and in all the temples which are around the forum. Collatia, and whatever territory there was around Collatia, was taken from the Sabines. About the calends we shall be either at (our) farm near Formiae, or at (that) near Pompeii. The Clusini heard that the Tuscan legions had been often routed by the Gauls on this side of the Po. It was decreed, that Antony should lead (his) army this side the river Rubicon. Libo took possession of an island, which is opposite to the harbor of Brundisium. The second Punic war appears to have especially excited the permanent hatred of Hamilcar towards the Romans. Among the Germans (those) robberies are attended with no disgrace, which are committed beyond the bounds of each one's state. The planet Jupiter revolves below Saturn. The field of the Tarquins, which lay between the city and the Tiber, having been conse- crated to Mars, became from that time the Campus Martius. Neoptolemus apud Ly- comedes educo. Vix sum apud ego ; ita animus commoveo inetus, spes, gaudium. Exercitus in forum, et in omnis teinplum, qui circum forum sum, col- loco. Collatia, et quisquis circa Collatia ager 3 ' sum, Sabinus adirno. Ego circiter calender aut in Formianum sum, aut in Pompeianum. Clusini audio 6 ssepe a Gallus cis Padus legio Etrusci* fundo. Decerno, ut Antonius exercitus citra flumen Rubicon educo. Libo in siil a, qui contra Brundismus* portus sum, occupo. Hamilcar perpetuus odium erg a Horn anus maxime concito videor secundus bellum Pum- cus. Apud Germanus latro- cinium null us habeo infa- mia, qui extra foiis quis- que civitas facio. Infra Saturnus Jupi- ter^ stella fero*. Ager Tarquinius, qui inter urbs ac Tiberis 1 sum, consecratus Mars, Martius deinde campus sum. 120 ACCUSATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. 235. The Belgse alone forbade the Teutones and Cimbri to come within their territories. Atticus was buried near the Appian way, hard by the fifth mile-stone. Death often appeared before the eyes of Rabirius. A crown is to be given on ac- count of the preservation of citi- zens. Caesar being slain, the govern- ment appeared to be in the hands of Brutus and Cassius. From the heart and lungs the blood is diffused through the veins to every part of the body. Behind the Riphaean moun- tains live a happy people, whom (they) call the Hyperboreans. Vergasillaunus concealed him- self behind the mountain. The Aretho, a navigable river, flowed near the very walls of Am- bracia. I suppose I shall be at Laodi- cea about the first of August. Vulcan held the islands near Sicily, which are called the Vul- canian (islands.) Marcellus received a wound from a dagger, in his head, near the ear. Above the moon, all things are eternal. The Tuscans sent colonies be- yond the Apennines. Antiochus was driven beyond the summits of the Taurus. Belgae solus Teutones Cimbrique intra Jims suus ingredior prohibeo. Atticus sepelio juxta via Appia ad quintus lapis. Rabirius" 1 mors ob oc- ulus saepe versor. Ob civis servatus" co- rona do . Occlsus Caesar, res- publica penes Brutus vi- deor sum et Cassius. Ex cor atque pulmo sanguis per vena in om- nis corpus diffundo. Pone mons Riphaeus gens dego felix, qui Hy- perborei appello ? . Vergasillaunus post mons sui occulto. Aretho, navigabilis am- nis, prater ipse Ambra- cia mcEnia fluo 4 . Prope calcndce sextilis* puto ego Laodicea fore. Vulcanus teneo insula proptcr tSicilia, qui Vul- canius nomino. Marcellus pugio r vul- nus accipio in caput se- cundum auris. Supra luna sum seter- nus omnis. Tusci trans Apennlnus colonia mitto. Antiochus ultra jugum Taurus exigo. a lit. to Vila. * imp. c 326, 3. d lit. tome, scarcely in my senses. e 212. h lit. of the Tuscans, 'pass. '79,1. m 211,R. 5. " 274, R. 5. ' 209, R. 2, (2,) 2d paragraph. t * " 209 pi. / or, I am i adj. J 211. 274, R. 8. 326, 5, 3d paragraph. r 247. 5 235. ACCUSATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. English to be turned into Latin. Concerning" friendship, all, without exception* 1 , are of Uie same mind c . The Greeks stationed** their fleet over against* Athens, near f Salamis 5 . Democrltus explains the reason* why cocks crow 4 before day-light j . Curio pleaded* a cause in opposition to 1 me before" 1 the centumviri. The next" day, about the same hour, the king led forward^ his ? forces into the same place. The soldiers marched r about 3 fifteen days, The caper' flourishes" even in uncultivated" fields, without" the labor of the husbandman*. Caecma was reminded" 3f (his) hatred* and ill-will "towards Fabius Valens. On my word cc , without dd joking, he is a pretty ee fellow ff . a de. 5 without exception, ad unum. c lit. think the same (thing.) d constituo, at the end of the sentence. ' over against., ex adversum. /apud. e ace. in a, 74 & 80. h causa. * cano, 265. J day-light, lux. * dico, at the end of the sentence. l in opposition to, contra. m apud. n posterus. circa. p to lead forward, admoveo. 9 207, R. 36, 3d paragraph. r to march, iter facio. * circlter. ' capparis. u convalesce. " desertus. w citra. * rusttcus. y admoneo. z pi. " invidta. 65 erga. cc on my word, mehercules. dd extra. '* VI- lus. ff homo. Homer was many years" before Romulus, since 6 he was not later (than) the elder d Lycurgus. Laws are silent* among arms. The Romans directed 7 Antiochus to confine his kingdom* within mount Taurus. The Germans pass* whole days near 1 the hearth and the fire j . The field has been mortgaged fc /0H ten mince. The fault lies' 71 with" you j . Friendship is to be desired" of p itself, and for q itself. I cannot 7 " watch what is behind 8 me. (The temple of) Janus' was twice shut after the reign of Numa-^. Lentiilus had kept awake" the preceding" night, contrary to w (his) custom j . The affair came near to* a secession of the peopled A few outposts y of cavalry were seen near z the river* '. A little before aa these times bb , the servants and clients were burnt cc along with' 7 ' 4 (their) masters-'. The Belgae are nearest to the Germans, who inhabit' " on the further side of ff the Rhine. Julius Csesar was capable of enduring 5 ^ labor** beyond^ belief' . a abl. 253. 5 siquidem. c infra. d superior. ' to be silent, sileo. /jubeo. B to confine his kingdom, regno. h ago. 'juxta. J Place the, verb at the end of the sentence. * to mortgage, oppono pignori 11 122 ACCUSATIVE AND ABLATIVE AFTER IN, SUB, &C. 235 1 ob. m sum. "penes. expSto, 274, R. 8. p per. * propter. r non queo. * pone. ' nom. a to keep awake, vigilo. * proxinms. w contrary to, prseter. * near to, prope. y static. * secundum fla supra. bb these times, hsec memoria. cc cremo, 145, II. 1. dd along with, una cum. '* incolo. // on the further side of, trans gf capable of enduring, patiens. hh 213. ** ultra. ACCUSATIVE AND ABLATIVE AFTER JJV, SUB, &c. $ 235. (2) (5.) Codrus threw himself into the midst of the enemy, in the dress of a servant, that he might not be recognized. A virtuous life is the way to heaven, and to the assembly of those who have heretofore lived. The soldiers of Csesar advance beneath the mountain upon which the town (of) Ilerda was situated. Many of the Carthaginians, in (their) precipitate retreat, rushing one over another, were trampled down in the narrow (passages) of the gates. I will write to you, concerning this matter, from Rhegium. Cranes sleep (with their) head concealed beneath (their) wing. 258, 1. 2, (2) Codrus sui in medium immitto hostis, vestis fam ularis, ne possum , ag- nosco. Probus vita via sum in cizlum, et in ccetus is, qul jam vivo. Miles Ca?sar sub mons in qui oppidum pono* Ilerda, succedo. Multus Carthaginien- sis in pmeceps fuga, ru- ens super alius alius, in angustia porta obtero. Hie super res scribe ad tu Rhegium. Grus dormio caout sub" ter ala conditus. English to be turned into Latin. Darius made a bridge over* the rivcr b Istcr. Pain is reck- oned among" the greatest evils. My consulship is ncar a (its) close d . The election 6 was held 7 near 5 the close d of the year Wisdom is often (found) even under a mean* 1 garb 1 . Domi- tius, without your knowledge i , sought safety in flight*. in. b flumen. e duco. d exitus. * comitia. / habeo * sub. h sordidus. * palliSlus. 1 without ones knowledge, clam. * 247 236. ACCUSATIVE OP TIME AND SPACE. 123 ACCUSATIVE OF TIME AND SPACE. <> 236. Nouns denoting duration of time, or extent of space, are put, after other nouns and verbs, in the accusative, and sometimes, after verbs, in the ablative. Dionysius was tyrant of Syra- cuse thirty-eight years. A city was once besieged by the whole of Greece for ten years, on account of one woman. Fields, when they have rested many years, are wont to bring forth a more abundant crop. The name of the Pythagoreans flourished so much, for several ages, that no others were thought learned. Augustus used to sleep, at the most, not more than seven hours, and even those not uninterrupted, but so that he waked three or four times in that interval. The city (of) Saguntum was by far the most opulent of the towns of Spain, situated nearly a mile from the sea. Persia is bounded by continued chains of mountains on one side, which (side) extends in length one thousand six hundred stadia, in breadth (it extends) one hun- dred and eighty. Zama is distant five days' jour- ney from Carthage. R. 2. Mithridates, who in one day killed so many Roman citi- Duodequadraginta an- nus tyrannus Syracusse sum Dionysius. Decem quondam annus urbs oppugno ob unus mulier ab universus Grae- cia. Ager, quum multus an- nus quiesco, uber effero fructus soleo. Multus SfBculum sic vigeo Pythagoreus no- men, ut nullus alius doc- tus videor. Augustus non amplius quum plurimum quam septem hora dormio, ac ne is quidem continuus, sed ut in ille tempus spa- tium ter aut quater ex- pergo. Urbs Saguntum longe opiilens urbs Hispania sum, situs passus mille ferme a mare. Persis perpetuus mons jugum ab alter latus clau- do, qui in longitude mille sexcenti stadium, in lati- tudo centum octoginta procurro. Zama quinque dies iter ab Carthago absum. Mithridates, qui unus dies* tot civis Romanus 124 ACCUSATIVE OF PLACE. 237. zens, has reigned, from that time, trucido, ab ille tempus three and twenty years. annus jam tertius et vi- cessimus regno. King Archelaus was possessing Rex Archelaus quin- Cappadocia for the fiftieth year. quageszmus annus Cap- padocia 6 potior. 253, * 245, 1. English to be turned into Latin. Babylon has a citadel including twenty stadia in (its) cir cuit 6 ; the foundations of the towers are sunk c thirty feet into the earth; walls* twenty feet wide* support the hanging / gardens. Nestor was now living the third age of man*, and had no cause to fear A , lest, (when) speaking* the truth concerning himself, he should seem either too- 7 insolent or loquacious. * complexus. fc ambitus. c demitto. d p His. * pi. * vereor, 274, R. 8. * praedico. d paries. * latus. nimis. / pen- ACCUSATIVE OF PLACE. <> 237. After verbs expressing or implying motion, the name of the town, in which the motion etids, is put in the accusative without a preposition. The consul Lserinus led his legions to Agrigentum, which was occupied by a strong garri- son of the Carthaginians, and fortune favored his undertaking. The Acheans being driven by the Heraclidce from Laconia, took possession of the abodes which they now occupy; the Pelasgi migrated to Athens. Darius, not ignorant with how valiant an enemy he had to do, commanded all the auxiliaries of Lserinus consul Agri- gentum, qui teneo a Car- thaginiensis validus prre- sidium, duco legio, et ad- sum fortuna inceptum . Achaei ab Heraclidse ex Laconlca pulsus, is occupo sedes qui nunc obtineo ; Pelasgi Athene? commigro. Darius, haud ignarus quam cum strenuus hos- tis res sum 6 , omnis lou- 237. ACCUSATIVE OF PLACE. 125 distant nations to be assembled ginquus gens auxilium at Babylon. Babylon contrdho jubeo. R. 2. Ambassadors came to Ad ego legatus venio me into the camp near Iconium. in castra ad Iconium. R. 4. I came frequently to the Venio consul Antoni- house of the consul Antony for us domus saepe saluto c the purpose of saluting (him.) causa d . The Vagenses invite the cen- Vagensis centurio trib- turions and military tribunes to unusque militaris domus their houses. suus invlto. I will go into the country, and Ego rus eo, atque ibi there I will stay. maneo. R. 5. Ambassadors passed over Legatus in Africa tret- into Africa. jicio. The Lacedaemonians sent Pau- Lacedsemonius Pausa- sanias with a fleet to Cyprus and nias cum classis Cyprus the Hellespont. atque Hdlespontus mitto, a 224. & 265. c 275, III. R. 1. <* 247. English to be turned into Latin. The Egyptians seek Apis tt , with their heads shorn* ; (when) found, he is conducted* to Memphis". Many nations once'* went" to Delphi, to the oracle of Apollo. Gold used to be exported annually 7 , on account 5 ' of the Jews, from Italy to Jerusalem. M Livius had borne his disgrace 71 so impatiently', that he rcmoved j into the country, and for* many years absented himself from the city" 1 . King Attains sent presents to P. Africanus" from Asia as far as to Nu- mantia. When I was approaching to p Sida in (my) ship 7 , letters were delivered 7 " to me from my (friends.) All the Gauls in high spirits* and full of confidence depart to f Alesia. The Thracians, not daring to trust' themselves to (their) ships, dispersed" to (their) houses. Laelius and Scipio were wont to flee from the city to the country, as if 1 * (escaping) from prison*. a 79, 1. * derado, lit. (their'} heads being shorn. c deduce. d quondam. * proficiscor. / quotannis. * nomen, 247. h igno- minia. i segre. J migro. k per. z to absent one's self, careo. m 250, R. 1, (2.) n dat. as far as to, usque ad. ^ ad. 247. T reddo. in high spirits, alacer. ' committo. " dilabor. v evolo, ^ 145, II. 1. w as if, tanquam. * vinculum,^Z. 11* 126 ACCUSATITE AFTER ADVERBS & INTERJECTIONS. 238. ACCUSATIVE AFTER ADVEBRS AND INTERJECTIONS. <> 238 5 1. The adverbs pridie and postridie are often followed by the accusative. 2. The interjections en, ecce, O, heu, and pro, are sometimes followed by the accusative. 1. Acusius reported that his Acusius nuntio T Clum- son Quintus had gone to Caesar tus films ad Ceesar pro- on the 29th of May ; (and) that ficiscor 6 quartus c calen- Philotirnus the Rhodian had ar- dae Junius; Philotimus rived the day before that day. Rhodius pridie is dies venio. Augustus used to commence Augustus postridie no journey on the day after the nundmcB nusquam proli- fair. ciscor rf . 2. O mighty power of error ! O vis magnus* error J O glorious day, when I shall O pra&clarus dies quum go to that divine assembly and ad ille divlnus animus company of minds ! consiliurn coetusque pro- ficiscor 7 ! Ah me miserable ! why am I Heu ego miser ! cur compelled to blame the senate, senatus cogo, qui laudo which I have always praised ? semper, reprehendo 1 * imp. & 272. c 326,3. * 145, n. 1. e sup. / 263, 5. English to be turned into Latin. On the night of the day before" the feast of Minerva 6 , a fire broke out' around the forum. There will be d a hunt on the day after the games of Apollo'. O senseless 7 (that) thou (art) if thou fearest death^ when it thunders! O ex- cellent 71 guardian 1 of the sheep, a wolf! O wretched-' and unhappy that day in which* Sulla was appointed 2 consul ! O your delightful 771 letters! O mad n and miserable man! " lit. ichich was the day before. b a feast of Minerva, Quinquatrus. 'orior. d futurus sum. ' of Apollo, Apollinaris. / demens. e lit. if then thoufearest, fyc. h priEclarus. * custos. i miser. * 253. ' renuntio. "* suavis. n amens. 239. SUBJECT-ACCUSATIVE. 127 SUBJECT-ACCUSATIVE. 239. The subject of the infinitive mode is put in the accusative. I desired that you should un- derstand this. We think that you can very easily explain that. You know, Piso, that I think the same (thing.) It is evident, that man consists of body and mind. It is innate to all, and as it were engraven on the mind, that there are gods. I deem it not improper, that I should write to you what I think upon that affair. Do you think that such excel- lent men did such things without reason? Let us remember, that justice should be observed even towards the lowest (persons.) I am very glad that you have got safe to Epirus. It is, as it seems to me, highly decorous, that the houses of illus- trious men should be open to il- lustrious guests. I think that these four things should be (found) in an accom- plished general ; a knowledge of the art of war, courage, authority, and good fortune. R. 2. I should feel ashamed to say that I do not understand, if you yourselves understood. Volo tu hie intdligo. Censeo tu facile is ex- piano possum. Scio, Piso, ego scntio iste idem. Perspicuus* sum 6 homo e corpus animusque con- sto. Omnis innatus" sum 6 , et in animus quasi in- sculptus a , sum deus. Non puto sum alienus, ego ad tu, quis de is res sentio c , scribo. Tu tarn egregius vir censeo tantus res ge.ro sine causa? Memini d etiam adver- sus infer uajustitia servo. Tu in Epirus salvus venio vehementer gaudeo. Sum 6 , ut ego videor, valde decorus a , pateo do- mus homo illustris illus- tris hospes. Ego existimo, in supe- rus* imperator quatuor hie res insum oportet ; sdentia f res militaris, virtus, auctoritas, felici- tas. Pudet ff ego dico non intelligo, si tu ipse intel- ligo*. 128 VOCATIVE. 240. I hear that you are about to Dico* tu audio, quaes- say, that you have been his ques- tor ille sum. tor. 205, R. 8. * 269. ' 265. * 260, R. 6, & 183, 3, N. ' sup. f 204, R. 10. * 261, 1. * 270, R. 3, last clause. English to be turned into Latin. It is evident" that laws were devised 6 for the safety of the citizens. It follows 1 *, therefore, that the law is to be reck- oned" among-^ the best things. Law is the distinction be- tween what is just and what is unjust^ ; and I think* that no* other j ought to be accounted* a law z . Let the citi- zens"* be persuaded" of this , that the gods are the rulers^ and directors' of all things, and that those (things) which are done r are done by their power" and authority', and that the same deserve" well of" the human race. it is evident, constat. 6 invenio. e ad. d it follows, necesse est. e habeo. f in. s lit. the distinction of (things) just and unjust. h puto. ' and no, nee. Callus. k habeo, 274, R. 8. l lit. any law. m dat. 223, R. 2. " perf. pass. 260, R. 6, 2d paragraph nom. p dominus. ' moderator. r gero, 265. " ditio. * numen " mereor. * optime. w de. VOCATIVE. 240. The vocative is used, either with or with- out an interjection, in addressing a person or thing. You, Hannibal, know (how) to Vinco scio, Hannibal; conquer ; (but) you know not how victoria utor nescio. to make use of victory. What more important affair, O Qui res unquam, pro holy Jupiter ! ever occurred, not sanctus Jupiter ! non mo- in this city only, but in any coun- do in hie urbs, sed in try? omnis terra 6 gero c mag- nus? Good gods, what is there long O deus bonus, quis in the life of man ! sum in homo vita diu ! The city, my (dear) Rufus, Urbs, urbs, meus Ru- 241. ABLATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. 129 stick to the city, and live in that fus, colo, et in iste lux light. vivo. Caesar, having fallen in disem- Caesar, prolapsus in barking from the ship, exclaimed, egressus navis, " Teneo " I have you fast, O Africa." tu," iriquam, " Africa." Some fraud is concealed ; trust Aliquis lateo error ; not the horse, O Trojans. equus ne credo, Teucri. Whither do you hasten, re- Quo moriturus d ruo ? solved to die ? * 229, R. 5. * pi. c pass. <* 274, R. 6. English to be turned into Latin. Ah a , ancient house, by how different 6 a master* art thou (now) governed ! O (ye) immortal gods ! men do not kno\v d what 6 a revenue frugality^ is 5 ". When Alexander the Great stood 71 by the tomb of Achilles, at* Sigseum, he said, O fortunate youth, who found j a Homer (to be) the herald of thy virtue ! O philosophy, (thou) guide of life, (thou) searcher* after virtue, (thou) banisher 1 of vices! what would"* the life of man have been" without thee 1 O night ! who hadst almost brought eternal darkness over this city p . O q (ye) immortal gods ! guardians r and preservers" of this city, what wickedness' have ye seen ! Go, go, my goats u , once" a happy flock ! Tell me, Damcetas, whose flock (is this?) Begin, Damcetas ; (and) do you, Menalcas w ' , follow in (your) turn*. In what condition* is the state*, (O) Panthus a "? tt O. 6 dispar. c dommus. d intelllgo. ' quam magnus. / par- Bimonia. e 265. h adsto, plup. 263, 5, & 233, (2,) 2d para- graph. * in. 1 264, 8. * indigatrix. ' expultrix. m possum. n prcs. to bring over, affero. p 224. 9 pro. r custos. * con- servator. r scelus, pi. u capella. quondam. w 44. * in turn, deinde. y locus. z res summa. 54. ABLATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. 241. Eleven prepositions are followed by the ablative. It was noticed that Pompey's Animadverto longe 6 a line had advanced farther than vallum acies Pompeius usual from the fortification. progredior. 130 ABLATIVE AFTER PREPOSITIONS. 241. The year was quiet, in respect to foreign wars. But for you, I could not live to-day till sunset. The destitute traveller will sing in presence of the robber. Nothing is more discreditable than to engage in hostilities with him with whom you have lived on friendly terms. The pretor rose from his seat, and departed. We have wrested the sword from the hands of Catiline. Circe was born of Perseis, the daughter of Oceanus. I depart from life as it were from an inn, not as from home. Manlius paid the creditor (his) claim in the presence of the peo- ple. Hercules passed the river Ti- ber by swimming, driving the herd before him. It is proper to contend for the laws, for liberty, (and) for one's country. A great and memorable deed is not performed without dan- ger. The water of the river Trebia, having been swollen by a shower in the night, was as high as (their) breasts. Ab externus bellum quietus annus sum. Absquc tu sum c , hodie nunquam ad sol occasus vivo. Canto vacuus coram latro viator. Nihil est turpis, quam cum is bellum gero, qui- cum d familiariter vivo e . Praetor de. sella surrigo atque abeo. Catilina ferrum de ma- nus extorqueo. Circe sum e Perseis, Oceanus filia, natus. Ex vita discedo tan- quam ex hospitium, non tanquam ex domus. Manlius res creditor palam populus solvo. Hercules Tiberis flu- vius, prce sui armentum agens, no-^ trajicio. Convenit dimico pro lex, pro libcrtas, pro pa- tria. Non facio sine pcricu- lum facmus magnus et memorabilis. Aqua Trebia flumen sum pectus tenus, auctus nocturnus imber. impers. 6 256, R.9. e lit. were it without you, 261, 1. 136, R.I. 266, 1. / 275, III. R. 4. English to be turned into Latin. The deserters* were compelled to fight with those to whom they had deserted 6 , and to stand by e those whom they had 242. ABLATIVE AFTER COMPOUND VERBS. 131 left. How fortunate I am in other respects'*, were it not for' this one f (thing!) Titus had wept profusely* in presence of the people. We departed' 1 /row' the forum when it was now growing towards evening >. The Belgae, upon (their) way k , began to assault a town of the Remi. To my face 1 they often safely speak evil of me. For n joy, I know not where I am . CaBsar stationed the legions before p the camp. Q,. Pompey, without any recommendation 11 of ancestors, obtained 7 " the highest* honors. Antiochus was directed to extend his do- minion' as far as" the Taurus. a perfuga, b transeo. c ab. d res, 250. ' were it not for, abs- que. f fern. B ub^rtim. h discedo. * de. J it grows toioards even- ing, advesperascit. * ex itinere. l to my face, me palam. m lit. evil (things). n prae. 265. p pro. 2 commendatio. r adi- piscor. * suramus. ' to extend one's dominion, regno. u as far as, tenus. ABLATIVE AFTER COMPOUND VERBS. <> 242. Many verbs compounded with a, ab, abs, de, e, ex, and super, are followed by an ablative depend- ing upon the preposition. The agents of Sulla being in Conqulro minister* search of Cresar (to put him) to Sulla Caesar ad nex, mu- death, he, having changed his to vestis* nox urbs eld' dress, escaped by night from the bor. city. Relieve the city from, perhaps, Exonero vanus forsi- a groundless fear. tan mctus civltas. When Atticus had refrained Atticus quum biduum from food two days, (his) disease cibus sui 6 abstineo, levis c began to abate. morbus sum coepi. The pretor was commanded to Decedo provincia prae- depart from the province. tor jubeo. The fox escaped from the well. Vulpecula evddo pu- tcus. Friendship is excluded from no Amicitia nullus locus place. excludo. I wish we could wipe away the Utmarn hie omnis fle- tears from all these. tus abstergeo d . 132 ABLATIVE AFTER COMPOUND VERBS. 242. I am absent both from (my) house and the forum. As soon as Metellus had set foot out of doors, he excelled almost all his fellow-citizens in virtue, honor, and dignity. R. 1. My porter kept no one from seeing me. They say the soul exists, after it has quitted the body. He will never keep his sacri- legious hands from me. He ought to detest that sus- picion. The Ibises avert pestilence from Egypt, as they kill and con- sume the winged serpents. The Lacedaemonians desisted from their long contention, and of their own accord yielded to Athens the supremacy of the sea. Et domus absum et fo- rum. Metellus simul ac pes limen ejfero, omnis prope civis virtus, gloria, digni- tas supero. Nemo a congressus me- us jam tor meus absterrco. Aio animus maneo, e corpus cum excedo. Nunquam a ego sacri- legus manus abstineo. Ab iste suspicio ab- horreo debeo. Ibis averto pestis ab dEigyptus, quum volucer angiiis interficio atque consume. Lacedaemonius de diu- tinus contentio desisto, et suus spontis* Athenien- sis imperium maritlmus principatus concede. 257. b 229. e comp. d 263, 1. ' 249, II. English to be turned into Latin. The disgrace" of others 6 often defers' tender minds from faults. Timoleon, with wonderful'* good fortune', drove f Dionysius from every part^ of Sicily. Let us return* to those who have departed* from life. The Dolopes were in- habiting Scyros, whom Cimon banished from the city and island. By my own grief, O Romans-', I warded off* from k you and your children devastation*, conflagration, (and) rapine" 1 . * opprobrium. 6 of others, alienus. e absterreo. d incredibilis ' (Tvod fortune, felicltas. / depello. e every part, omnis. ft 260 R 6. i excedo. i Quiris. k a, R. 1. l vastltas. m pi. 243. ABLATIVE AFTER OPUS AND USUS. 133 ABLATIVE AFTER OPUS AND USUS. <> 243. Opus and usus } signifying need, are usually limited by the ablative. There is need of magistrates, without whose prudence and dili- gence the city cannot exist. When the testimony of facts is at hand, what need is there of words 1 The body, that it may be strong, has need of much food, much drink, much oil, lastly, of much labor. It was decreed that Octavius should go to Rome, and should take back the ships which the consul did not need. Is there need of any man's tor- menting himself? There is no occasion for a long speech. The next (thing) is, that we should inquire whether there was any occasion for a fleet or not. What occasion have you for our assistance? What occasion was there for a letter ? I am now in want of your ad- vice, your affection, and your fi- delity. There is no occasion for rea- son or argument, (to show) why pleasure should be sought for and pain avoided. R. 1. There is need of haste. There was no cause why there should be need of haste. 12 Magistrdtus opus sum, sine qui prudentia ac dil- igentia sum civitas non possum. Ubi res testimonium" adsum, qui opus sum verbum 1 Corpus 6 , ut valeo, mul- tus cibus, multus potio, opus sum, multus oleum, longus demque opera. Decerno Octavius Ro- ma decedo c , reducoque navis, qui consul 6 usus non sum d . An quisquam 6 sum usus homo sui ut crucio ? Oratio longus nil* opus sum. Propior sum, ut, opus sum 7 classis necne, quae- ro. Q,uis tu opera noster opus sum ? duis opus sum lite"- ra? Nunc ego et consilium opus sum tuus, et amor, eijides. Non opus sum ratio, neque disputatio, quam- obrem voluptas expeto r , fugio* dolor. Maturdtus opus sum. Sum nihil, cur prope- rdtus opus sum' 1 . 134 ABLATIVE AFTER DIGNUS, &C. 244. R. 2. What do you need in Qui tu 5 opus sum ut order to be good? To be willing, sum bonus? Volo. Atticus gave all things from his Qui amicus suus opus own property which his friends sum, Atticus omnis ex needed. suus res familiaris do. Verres said that many (things) Multus sui opus sum* were necessary for himself, ma- aio^ Verres, multus ca- ny for his dogs which he had nis suus, qui circa sui about him. habeo*. ;>Z. * 226. e 262,R.4. * 266,1. '234,11. /265,R.2. * 274, R. 8, & 265. * 264, 7, 4th paragraph. 272. i imp. English to be turned into Latin. We need your authority and advice". The Athenians sent PhilipTdes to Lacedaemon to make known 6 of how speedy 6 assistance (tbey) stood d in need. Nothing in civil dissen- sions" is safer than despatch-^, when there is more ff need of acting 11 than of deliberating*. Xenomenes has promised-' every (thing) which would be necessary 11 for you. sum, 266, 1 ; lit. magis there qu; tt consilium. b nuncio, 264, 5. e celer. * sum, 26 ere was need. * discordia. / festinatio. e more than, lam. * R. 1. * consttlo, R. 1. 3 polliceor. * R. 2. ABLATIVE AFTER DIGNUS, &c. $ 244. Dignus, indignus, contentus, praditus, and fretus, are followed by the ablative. (Those) who are endued with virtue, are alone rich. (He) who is content with his own is truly the richest. C. Laelius, when a certain ill- born fellow said to him that he was unworthy of his ancestors, replied, " But, by Hercules, thou art not unworthy of thine." Every one ought to be content Clui virtus preeditus sum, solus sum dives. Q,ui suus a contentus sum is vere dives sum. C. Laelius, cum is qui- dam malus genus 6 natus dico indignus sum suus majores, " At, Hercijle," inquam, " tu tuus haud indignus." Qui quisque e tempus* 244. ABLATIVE AFTER DIGNUS, &C. 135 with that time which is given him to live. Epicurus affirms that the gods are furnished with human limbs. Philosophy is content with few judges. Epici Ipiciirus said that natural rich- es were easily procured, because nature was content with little. I see nothing in this Sulla deserving hatred, many (things) worthy of compassion. I think these things shameful and unworthy of me. Pompey is a wise man, and endued with a certain lofty mind. Relying on your fidelity and wisdom, I have taken up a greater burden than I feel myself able to support. ad vivo 8 do is /, contentus sum debeo. Epicurus confirmo, de- us membrum humanus sum pr&dfotus. Sum philosophia pau- cus contentus judex. Epicurus naturalis di- vitiae dico parabilis sum, quod parvus sum natura contentus. Nihil video in hie Sul- la odium dignus, miseri- cordia dignus multus. Turpis hie et ego in- dignus puto. Pompeius sum homo sapiens, et altus quidam mens prceditus. Fides sapientiaquev es- ter fretus, multus onus d sustollo, quam fero ego possum intelligo. pi. & 246. c 223. <*212,R. 3. ' 275, III. R. 3. /206, (3,) (a.) English to be turned into Latin. It is unworthy of God to do any thing" in vain, and with- out a motive 6 . The virtue of excellent men is worthy of imitation, not of envy. I think c that he d , who has no sense of shame e , is worthy, not only of blame f , but of punishment. Relying on s your intelligence, I say' 1 less 1 than the cause re- quires^. Most (persons,) trusting to e their talent, think and speak at once* ; but certainly the same (persons) would speak considerably 1 better, if they would take one" 1 time for" thinking and another" 1 for speaking. quis, 137, 1, (a.) * caus a. pu to. has no sense of shame, quern non pudet. h dissero. * brevlter. 1 desidero. * simul. R. 32. "ad. 276, III. R. 3. * 206, (3,) (a.) * who / reprehensio. e fretus. l aliquanto. m 207 136 ABLATIVE AFTER UTOR, &C. $245 ABLATIVE AFTER UTOR, &c. <> 245, I. Utor, fruor, fungor, potior, vescor, and dignor, are followed by the ablative. Augustus rarely* used any other than a home-made gar- ment, made by his wife, and sis- ter, and daughter, and grand- daughters. Tiberius enjoyed excellent health, although, from the thir- tieth year of his age, he managed it at his own pleasure, without aid or advice of physicians. Hannibal, having possessed himself of the ring of Marcellus, along with his body, sent letters to Salapia, drawn up in his name. There is a certain race of men who are called Helots, of whom a great multitude till the fields of the Lacedaemonians, and dis- charge the duty of slaves. I will use another word hereaf- ter, if I shall find a better. That is every one's own, which every one enjoys and uses. Use the good while it is pres- ent ; seek not for it when it is ab- sent. No one has lived too short a time, who has discharged the per- fect duties of perfect virtue. When we call corn Ceres, and wine Bacchus, we use a familiar kind of speech ; but do you think any one so mad as to believe that Vestis non temere ali- us quam domesticus utor Augustus, ab uxor, et so- ror, et filia, et neptis con- feet us. Tiberius valetudo pros- per 6 utor, quamvis a tri- cesimus aetas annus arbi- tratus c suus is rego<*, sine adjumentum consili- umve medicus. Annulus Marcellus si- mul cum corpus Hanni- bal potltus, Salapia' lite- ral mitto is nomen com- positus. Sum genus quidam homo, qm f Helotae^ vo- co, qui ingens multitudo ager Lacedaemonius colo, serv usque munus fungor. Verbum utor post alius, si invenio ff bonus. Is sum quisque A pro- prius, qui quisque jfrwor atque utor. Bonum utor*, dum ad- sum j ; cum absum*, ne require*. Nemo parum diu vivo, qui virtus perfectus per- fectus fungor munus. Cum frux Ceres, vinum Liber dico, genus ego quidem sermo utor usi- tatus ; sed ecquis tarn < 245. ABLATIVE AFTER L^ETOR, GAUDEO, &C. 137 that is a god which he feeds up- amens sum puto', qui ille, on 1 qui vescor m , deus credo" sum ? a lit. not without special cause, 6 sup. c 249, II. d 263, 2. 237. / neut. sing. 206, (10.) 211, R. 3, 3d paragraph. *>210,R.2. =145, VI. "222,11.2, * 260, R. 6. J 260. * 263, 5. < 260, R. 5. m 266, 1. n 264, 1. Nature leads" (us) to favor 5 those 6 who are entering up- on d the same dangers" which we have gone through f . The wise (man) both remembers past* (things) with gratitude' 1 , and so enjoys* present (things,) as to perceive * how great* and how pleasant' they are" 1 . We see that the blessings" which we possess , the light which we enjoy p , and the breath which we draw 7 , are given and imparted to us by God r . a fero. 6 273, 2. c 223, R. 2. d to enter upon, ingredior, 266, 1. ' ace. f perfungor. B prseteritus. h lit. gratefully. i po- tior. '262. k quantus. l jucundus. "266,1. n commo- dum. utor. p fruor. 5 duco. r 248, 1. 245, II. Lcetor, gaudeo, glorior, jacto, nitor, sto, fido, confldo, muto, misceo, epulor, vivo, assuesco, and consto (to consist of,) are often followed by the ablative without a preposition. Every species of vine naturally Omnis vitis genus nat- delights in warmth, rather than in uraliter Icetor tepor po- cold. tius quam frigus. Rejoice in this so distinguished Gaudeo tuus iste tarn good fortune of yours. excellens bonum. The Helvetii gloriod insolently Helvetii suus victoria in their victory. insolenter glorior. Here first Cyllenius, poised on Hie primum par nitor equal wings, alighted. Cyllenius ala consto. Their new kingdom depended Regnum is novus fra- upon fraternal harmony. ternus.s^o concordia. You shall not escape, though Plaud effugio, quamvis you trust to the aid of a horse. opsjido equinus. Scipio was trusting to his alii- Scipio affimtas Pom- ance by marriage with Poinpey. peius confldo. 12* 138 ABLATIVE AFTER L^TOR, GAUDEO, &,C. 246. What joy has been exchanged for what sorrow ! Then we construct couches on the winding shore, and feast upon the rich food. The pleasantness of the house arose not from (its) structure, but from the forest. Some nations live on fish and the eggs of birds. No one can rely upon the vigor of (his) body, or the stability of (his) fortune. The prosperity of all of us, who engage in public affairs, depends not upon truth alone, but also up- on report. I am wont to take pleasure in nothing so much as in the con- sciousness of my attentions. R. 2. We properly glory in virtue. The safety of the state depend- ed upon the life of Pompey. III. I am in great fear, but in- dulge good hopes. In every part of Gaul, of those men who are of some rank and estimation, there are two classes ; the one is that of the Druids, the other that of the knights. In the same rank was Sex. ^Elius. Q,ui gaudium qui mcc- ror mu to ! Turn litus curvus ex- truo torus, et daps epulor oplmus. Domus amcenitas non cedificium, sed silva con- sto. Quidam natio piscis atque ovum avis vivo. Nemo possum aut cor- pusjirmitas, aut fortuna stabilitas confido. Salus omnis ego, qui ad res publica accedo non veritas solum, sed etiamfama nitor. Nullus res tam lator soleo, quam meus offici- um conscicntia. In virtus recte glorior. Pompeius in vita nitor salus civitas. Magnus timor sum, sed bene spero. In omnis Gallia is ho- mo, qui aliquis sum nu- merus atque honor, genus sum duo ; alter sum Dru- ides, alter eques. Numerus idem sum, Sex. English to be turned into Latin. All (kinds of) corn delight* most of all 6 in open jields, and (such as are) inclined towards^ the sun. When we are freed* from pain, we rejoice f in the very release* and exemp- tion h from all uneasiness* ; but all that-* in which we delight f is a pleasure. May there be no grove* in which Apollo may glory 1 more. The youth is leaning upon m a headless" spear. 246. ABLATIVE OF THE SOURCE. 139 All were desirous that Caesar should abide p by the terms* which he had proposed*". The Phoenicians, (when) upon the deep, trust' to the Cynosure (as) their nocturnal guide. The Veneti trusted 1 much in the nature of the place. Many mingle the fodder" with much salt. They ever delight" to collect" fresh spoils 1 , and to live by plunder^ '. Oratory* de- pends aa upon action, not upon imitation. Men accustomed bb to constant" and daily labor, when by reason rfd of the weath- er" they are kept 7/ from work**, resort' 1 ' 1 to the ball, to the tali, or to dice. a IsEtor. < s most of all, maxlme. c recllvis. d ad. e privo. / gau- deo. e liberatio. * vacuitas. i molestia. J is. k lucus. l jac- to. m nitor. n purus. cupio. p sto. 5 conditio. r fero, 266, 3. * fido. ' conf ido. u pabulum. juvat, lit. it delights (them.) to convecto. * praeda. y raptum. z oratio. %a consto. &t assues- co. cc assiduus. dd causa. ee tempestas. // prohibeo. ss 252. AA to resort, me confgro. ABLATIVE OF THE SOURCE. 246. Perfect participles denoting origin are often followed by the ablative of the source, without a prepo- sition. O thou, descended from Sat- Ortus Saturnu*, cura urn, the care of great Cresar is magnus Ca3sar fatum do" committed to thee by the fates. tu. Lucius Catiline, descended Lucius Catiiina, nobi- frorn a noble family, was of a lis genus natus, sum inge- wicked and depraved disposition, nium 6 malus pravusque. We exhort him to say from Hortor fari quis san- what race (he is) sprung. guis crctus. O Maecenas, sprung from royal Maecenas, atdvus edi- ancestors. tus rex c . Archias was of noble birth. Archias natus sum lo- cus nobilis. Tasgetius was of very illustri- Sum superus locus na- ous birth. tus Tasgetius. Litavicus and his brothers were Litavicus atque is fra- young men, born of a very high ter sum amplus familia family. natus adolescens. 140 ABLATIVE OF THE SOURCE. 247. Your will can retain unharmed, in the state, a man of noble birth, of the greatest talents, (and) of the most exalted virtue, (who is,) moreover, most obliging and grateful. There was a certain Myscelos, descended from the Argive Alem- onis. The low birth of Servius Tulli- us did not restrain (him,) though sprung from a mother (who was) a slave. He is descended from free par- ents. R. 1. A Trojan Caesar shall spring from an illustrious race, who shall limit his empire by the ocean, his fame by the stars. R. 2. Caesar ascertained that most of the Belgas were sprung from the Germans. Nutus tuus possum ho- mo, superus locus natus, superus ingenium, supe- rus virtus, officiosus pras- terea, et gratus, incolu- mis in civitas retineo. Sum Argollcus gene- rdtus Alemonis quidam Myscelos. Servius Tullius obscu- ritas non inhibeo, quam- vis mater serva credtus. Liber parens sum ori- undus. Nascor pulcher Troja- nus orlgo Caesar, imperi- um Oceanus, fama qui termlno aster. Cassar reperio, pleri- que Belgae orior ab Ger- mdnus. a perf. * all. 211, R. G. c 204. English to be turned into Latin. Publius Africanus caused it to be believed , that he was not sprung b from the human race , but from a divine stock. You see me, a consul, sprung d from an equestrian family". The Sabine maids of honorable f families' came to Rome* on account' 1 of the games. What kind of person 4 does the grandson^ of Tantalus and son k of PC fops seem to you (to be ?) We understand' that Latinus was the son m of Fau- nus and of the Laurentiari nymph Marlca. Ancus Martius was the grandson of Numa Pompilius by a daughter" 1 . Mer- cury was the son k of Jupiter and Maia. to cause to be believed, fidem facio. 6 satus. c sanguis. d ortus. ' locus. / honestus. B 237. h causa. * what kind of person qualis. 1 prognatus. k natus. l accipio. m genltus. n by a daughter, filia ortus. 247. ABLATIVE OF CAUSE, &.C. 141 ABLATIVE OF CAUSE, &c. $ 247. Nouns denoting the cause, manner, means, and instrument, after adjectives and verbs, are put in the ablative without a preposition. Morals have been corrupted by the admiration of wealth. Every one is most attracted by his own pursuit. Some are moved by grief, oth- ers by passion. I agree with those who think that all these things are regulated by nature. He who fears that which can- not be avoided, can by no means live with a quiet mind. It cannot be told how much I was delighted with your yester- day's discourse. Some amusement is allowed to youth by the consent of all. All Italy has been inflamed with the love of liberty. He offended no one in deed, word, or look. The Roman people expressed their pleasure by a very great shouting. I wondered that you had writ- ten to me with your own hand. I perceive that you are rejoiced at my moderation and forbear- ance. We are inclined by nature to love mankind. All men are captivated by pleasure. Mos corrumpo admi- ratio divitice. Suus quisque studium maxime duco. Alius dolor moveo, alius cupiditas. Assentior is qui hie omnis rego natura puto. Q,ui is, qui vito non possum, metuo, is vivo animus quietus nullus modus possum. Dico non possum, quam hesternus disputatio tuus delector". Do concessus omnis aliquis ludus adolescen- tia. Totus Italia desiderium libertas exardeo. Nemo res, verbum, vulr tus oflfendo. Magnus clamor suus populus Romanus sig- nifico voluntas. Admiror, quod ad ego tuus mamts scribo 6 . Laetor tu noster mod- eratio et continentia vi- deo. Natura propensus sum diliO c homo. Voluptas capio omnis. 142 ABLATIVE OF CAUSE, &-C. 247. We judge of the uneasiness and pain of the body by the mind, but perceive not the dis- ease of the mind by the body. The wise (man) is accustomed to measure the use of money, not b'y (its) magnitude, but (its) ra- tional employment. The enemy having been con- quered, the Roman king tore in pieces, by means of swift horses, Mettus Fuffetius, the violator of the treaty. Both the robber and the cau- tious traveller are girded with a sword. How many more men have been destroyed by the violence of men, by wars and seditions, than by every other calamity ! Neptune struck the earth with his trident. We especially admire him who is not moved by money. A saying of Caesar's is pre- served to the pilot alarmed by so great danger ; " What dost thou fear? Thou art carrying Caesar." Thence they come to Sidon, a city famous for its antiquity and the renown of its founders. Men, suffering by a severe dis- ease, when they are made restless by heat and fever, if they drink cold water, seem at first to be relieved. R. 1. I cannot write the rest by reason of my tears. R. 2. Many on account of friendship had followed Caesar from the city. Corpus gravitas d et dolor animus judlco, animus morbus corpus non sentio. Sapiens soleo usus pe- cunia non magnitude sed ratio rnetior. Hostis vinco, rex Ro- manus ruptor foedus Met- tus Fuffetius pernix equus distraho. Et latro et cautus prae- cingo* cnsis viator. Quantus' plus homo deleo impetus homo, bel- lum aut scditio, quam omnis reliquus calami- tas! Neptunus tridcns suus terra percutio. MaxTme admiror is, qui pecunia non moveo. Exto ad trepidus tan- tus discrimcn gubernator vox Caesar; "Quis ti- meo? Caesar veho." Inde Sidon^ venio' 1 , urbs vctustas famdquB conditor inclytus. Homo aeger morbus gravis, quum cestus fe~ brisque jacto, si aqua geltdus bibo*, primo rel- evo videor. Non pro; lacrima pos- sum reliquus^ scribo. Multus ex urbs ami- citia causa Cassar sequor 247. ABLATIVE OP CAUSE, &C. 143 I desired this more on your Vester magis hie causa account than my own. volo, quam meus. R. 3. The ediles divided to Frumentum vis ingens, the people, with the greatest qui ex Africa P. Scipio fidelity and acceptableness, a mitto,sediles, ewmsuperus large quantity of corn, which Jides et gratia divido. P. Scipio had sent from Africa. R. 4. Appius had given to Appius turma aliquot Scaptius several squadrons of eques do Scaptius, per cavalry, by means of which he qui Salaminius coerceo. might coerce the Salaminiaris. a 265. 6 273, 5. e 275, III. R. 3. * 229. R. 6. * 80, 1. A 248, R. 1, & 184, 2. * 261, 2. ipL English to be turned into Latin. Many diseases are cured" by abstinence and rest. Men were born for the sake b of men. Proud Rome herself is ruined c by her own prosperity 11 . Let us always worship* God with a pure mind. Many, being seduced 7 by the hope of greater riches' 1 , have lost 5 " what they possessed 71 . A dis- course 4 ought ; ' to be more embellished* with thoughts 1 than words. Pharos guides" 1 the course of ships by nightly fires from (its) tower. Timanthes, when he wished" to express the size of the sleeping Cyclops, painted satyrs near p (him,) measuring his thumb with a thyrsus. The Roman republic was established by the genius, not of one (man,) but of many. The king of the Parthians, terrified by the renown of Nero, sent his children (as) hostages' to Caesar. No tree r can be planted 5 of such long duration by the cul- ture of a husbandman' as by the verse of a poet. Athenagoras, who had dared to export corn in a famine, was beaten" with rods". The expectation of a gladiatorial show" had in- creased* by (means of) rumor, and by the talk y of the com- petitors. euro. 6 causa. c frango. d bonum,pl. ' veneror. / allicio. e perdo. h tit. present (riches.") * oratio. J debeo. * ornatus. l sen- tentia. "* rego. n cupio. magnitude. p juxta. 5 230, R. 2. T stirps. * semmo. ' lit. so lasting a tree can be planted by the culture of no husbandman. " caedo. * virga. w a gladiatorial show, inunus. * cresco. y pi. 144 ABLATIVE OF CAUSE, &C. 247. On the death of Marcius", L. Tarquinius was created king, with all the votes of the people. A camp servant 6 was once c found d near the bed-chamber" of Augustus, girt 7 with a hunting-knife*. Betis, looking at' 1 Alexander not only with an undaunted', but even with a haughty' countenance, uttered no word* in answer* to"* his threats. Dionysius sent a ship adorned icith garlands" to meet Plato p ; (and) him- self, in a chariot of four white horses', received r (him) on the shore when he landed*. I came in a very heavy' rain to Capua, the day before the nones" ; the consuls had not yet arrived", but were about to arrive. A good man retains, with unfading" memory, benefits received* ; but (those) which he has himself conferred y he remembers, as long as* he who has received"" (them) is grateful. lit. Marcius being dead, 257. b a camp servant, lixa. c quon- dam. d deprehendo. * cubiculum. / cinctus. * culler venatoris. * to look at, intueor. * interritus. ' contumax. * vox. ' to utter in answer, reddo. m ad. n adorned icith garlands, vittatus. obviam. p 228, 1. * a chariot of four white horses, quadriga alba. r ex- cipio. * when he landed, egrediens, 274, 3. ' very heavy, maximus. " 326, 3. * venio. ** immortalis. * percipio. y tribuo * as long as, tamdiu quoad. accipio. The Roman commander walked" in the gymnasium, in b a cloak and slippers , and gave (his) attention** to the palaestra. The Romans borrowed* (their) armor-'' and military weapons from the Samnites ; the insignia of (their) magistrates prin- cipally* from the Tuscans ; and executed h with 1 the greatest' zeal, at home*, what 1 appeared" 1 useful" among allies or enemies. When Isocrates perceived 77 that orators were heard with severe judgment*, but r poets with 1 pleasure, he is said to have cultivated* a rhythm', which we might use even in prose". The Romans sent" ambassadors to" the consuls, to announce 1 (to them.) that they should collect" with 1 care the relics of the two armies. It has been estab- lished* by nature, that those (things,) which we have written with 1 labor, we think 00 are also heard with 1 labor. Danaus first 66 came from Egypt to Greece by sca cc . The Roman people placed statues in every quarter" to Marius", and performed a supplication ff with incense and wine. Augus- tus used to play ff * at dice hh , marbles", or nuts, with little" boys, whom he collected** from all quarters", especially""* Moors" 71 and Syrians. 248. THE VOLUNTARY AGENT. 145 inambalo. 6 cum. e crepida. d opgra. * sumo. * plerusque, lit. most of the insignia. h exsequor. * R. 3. * 221, R. 3. ' and what, que annexed to the relative. n / anna. supSrus. videor. r autem idoneus. apud. f video. q severe judgment, severitas. 279, 3, 3rf paragraph. ' sequor. f nurnerus, pi. u oratio. * 145, I. 3. * 225, 4. * 264, 5. * 273, 3. * compare, impers. ; lit. it has been so established. M puto. bb 205, R. 15. cc by sea, nave. dd in every quarter, vicatim. " 223. ff to perform a supplication, suppiico. es 145, 2, 1. kh talus. " ocellatus. ?/ parvulus. ** conquiro. n from all quarters, undlque. mm proecipue. nn ace. THE VOLUNTARY AGENT. < 248. The voluntary agent of a verb in the pas- sive voice is put in the ablative with a or ab. Alcibiades was educated in the house of Pericles and instructed by Socrates. Perdiccas is slain at the river Nile by Seleucus and Antigonus. Alexander the Great was car- ried off by disease at Babylon : Philip was killed near the theatre by Pausanias, when he was going to see the games. A public slave was sent to kill Marius with a sword, which (slave) had been taken by that commander in the Cimbrian war. The father of Casticus had been called a friend by the senate and Roman people. Divico replied, that the Helvetii had been so instructed by their ancestors, that they were accus- tomed to receive hostages, not to give (them.) Caesar found on inquiry, that 13 Alcibiades educo in domus Pericles, et eru- dio a Socrates. Perdiccas apud flumen Nil us interfcio a Sehu- cus et Antigonus. Alexander Magnus Babylon mors consu- mo : Philippus a Pausa- nias, quum specto 6 eo ludus, juxta theatrum oc- cido. Interficio c gladius Ma- rius mitto servus publi- cus, qui ab is impcrdtor helium"* Cimbricus capio. Casticus pater a send- tus populusque Romdnus amicus appello. Divico respondeo, ita Helvetii a majorcs s- us instituo, uti obses ac- cipio, non do, consuesco. Reperio Csesar in quae- 146 THE VOLUNTARY AGENT. the commencement of the flight had been made by Dumnorix and his horsemen. The same day Cresar was in- formed by scouts, that the enemy had encamped near the mountain. Corisidius informs Caesar, that the mountain, which he wished to be occupied by Labienus, was held by the enemy. Ariovistus replied that he had not crossed the Rhine of his own accord, but had been invited by the Gauls, and was occupying set- tlements in Gaul ceded by them. The Arverni and Ruteni were vanquished in war by Q,. Fabius Maximus. The father of C. Valerius Ca- burus was presented with the freedom of the city, by C. Va- lerius Flaccus. Miltiades exhorted the keepers of the bridge not to let slip the opportunity afforded them by for- tune of giving freedom to Greece. R. 1. The inner teeth, which are called the jaw-teeth, masticate the food. The Suevi bathe in rivers. All things change, nothing per- ishes. R. 2. Some said that Sulla had died by robbers, others, by indi- gestion. Otho did not disguise, that it was of no moment whether he fell in battle by the enemy, or in the forum by creditors. 248. ro', initium fuga facio a Dumnorix atque is eques. Idem dies ab crplorator Caesar certus/izczo, hostis sub mons consido. Considius Caesar dico, mons, qui a Labienus occupo volo, ab hostis tcnco. Ariovistus respondeo, transeo Rhenus sui non suus spons, sed arcesso a Gallus, et sedes habeo in Gallia ab ipse concede. Bell urn supero Arverni et Ruteni a Q. Fabius C. Valerius Caburus pater a C. Valerius Flac- cus civltas 7 dono. Miltiades hortor pons custos, ne a fortuna datus occasio libero* Graecia dimitto^. Interior dens, qui ge- nuinus voco, conficio esca. Suevus lavo in flumen. Ommsmuto; nihil in- tereo. Sulla nwrior alius a la- tro y alius crudttas dico. Otho non dissimiilo, nihil refero, ab hostis in acies, an in forum sub creditor cado. a 254. * 276, II. c 275, III. R. 3. d 253. * 275, III. R. 4. / 249, I. e 275, II. * 262. 249. THE ABLATIVE OF THAT WITH WHICH, &C. 147 THE ABLATIY'E OF THAT WITH WHICH, &c. <> 249, I. A noun denoting that with which the action of a verb is performed, though not the instru- ment, is put in the ablative without a preposition. God has filled the world with all good things. The inhabitants of Crotona formerly desired to enrich the temple of Juno with choice paintings. Nature has adorned Germany with armies of very tall men. The son of Papirius (when) consul dedicated the temple of Quirinus, vowed by his father (when) dictator, and adorned (it) with the spoils of the enemy. Neptune filled the sails with favorable winds. The queen filled the cup with pure wine. Come, my companions, and fill with me your laps with flowers. Uttering such exclamations she was filling the whole house with groans. The sun is of so great a size that it enlightens and fills all things with its light. All the cities are filled with grief and slaughter. The neck of the bull is bur- dened with the plough. He loads the ships with pro- visions. Covered with gold, they champ the yellow gold beneath their teeth. Deus bonum omnis ex- pleo mundus. Crotoniatas quondam templum Juno egregius pictura locupleto volo. Natura Germania dec- 6ro altus homo excrcitus. /Edes Quirinus, ab dictator pater votus filius Papirius consul dedico, exornuque hostis spolium. Neptunus ventus im- pleo velum secundus. Reglna implco merum patera. Comes accedo, et ego- cum vester Jlos replco sinus. Talis vocifero gemitus tectum omnis repleo. Sol tantus magnitude sum ut cunctus suus lux illustro et complco. Luctus atque ccsdes omnis oppidum complco. Taurus cervix onero ardtrwn. Commcdtus navis one- ro. Tcctus aurum, fulvus mando sub dens aurum. 148 ABLATIVE OF ACCORDANCE. 249. English to be turned into Latin. Bagophanes had strewed" the whole way with flowers and garlands; placing 6 silver altars on either side, which he heaped not only with frankincense, but with every species of c odors. The pillars'* which sustain the whole weight' of the hanging-' gardens were built 5 of stone; above the pillars the surface' 1 was paved* with square^ stones, supporting* the earth' which they laid 7 ' deep upon 771 (it.) Hamilcar subdued" the greatest and most warlike nations, and enriched all Africa with horses, arms, men, (and) money. " consterno. 6 dispuno, 257, R. 5. e every species of, omnis. d pila. ' onus. / pensllis. e instruo. h solum. * sterno. J quad- ratus. k patiens. ' 213. m to lay upon, injicio. n sublgo. locu- pleto. p pres. ABLATIVE OF ACCORDANCE. < 249> II. A noun denoting that in accordance with which any thing is, or is done, is often put in the ablative without a preposition. At home he maintained such a Intra paries alo is reputation as no poet has, in my gloria, qui nemo quidem, opinion, acquired. meus judicium poetacon- sequor. Pompey will conquer according Pompeius Sullanus* to the manner and example of mos ezemplumque vinco. Sulla. Socrates, according to the tes- Socrates, omnis erudi- timony of all learned men, and tus testimonium, totusque the judgment of all Greece, was judicium Grcecia, philos- the prince of philosophers. ophus omnis sum prin- ceps. We dissent widely from those Ab is, qui pecus 6 ritus who, like brute animals, refer ad voluptas omnis refero every thing to pleasure. longe dissentio. * adj. * pecus, udis. 249. ABLATIVE OF ACCOMPANIMENT. 149 English to be turned into Latin. He erected upon piles a very lofty tower after b the man- ner c of the Pharus at Alexandria 4 *. Perseus, driven' by contrary 7 winds, is carried now hither, now thither, like 5 a watery cloud. It may with probability' 1 be concluded 4 , that he is properly first according to his own judgment, who is j second according to the judgment of all others. Similar to this*, at least' in my judgment, are those" 1 (passages) in which words are withheld" from modesty . Then arose p the celebrated 7 Demetrius Phalereus, the most accomplished 7 ^ in my opinion 10 , of them 8 all. They are unwilling to feed* a glutton", and they are wise", at least 2 in my opinion 1 ". to erect upon, superpono. 6 in. c exernplum, ace. d at Alex- andria, adj. limiting Pharus. e actus. f discors. ff exemplum. A probabiliter. * conficio. J 266, 1. * qui. 206, (17.) l at least, quidem. m neut. n subtraho. from modesty, pudoris gratia. p ex- sisto. 207, R. 24. T polltus. * iste. * alo. M homo edax. * to be icise, sapio. w sententia. ABLATIVE OF ACCOMPANIMENT. 249, III. The ablative denoting accompaniment is usually joined with cum. Turnus extends both his hands Turnus duplex cum with his voice towards the stars. vox manus ad sidus tendo. I remarked that along with your Dico ego, cum ceterus other honorable distinctions this tuns laus hie sum vel was even the greatest, that you magnus, quod non solum not only said what was necessary, qui opus sum a , dico 6 ; sed but also omitted to say what was etiam qui non opus sum' 1 , not necessary. non dico b . With peace a cheaper rate of Urbs cum pax laxus provisions returned to the city. etiam annona redeo. Among other things, the am- Cum ceterus res lega- bassadors were bringing to the tus ille quoque eximius Capitol that choice gift also. donum in Capitolium af- fero. 13* 150 ABLATIVE OF ACCOMPANIMENT. 249. There he ordered the clouds to abide, and with the lightnings the winds producing cold. Thrice and four times he shook the terrific locks of (his) head ; with which he agitates the earth, the sea, (and) the stars. Great cities perish with their walls ; and the fires turn to ashes whole nations with their tribes. The woods with the mountains are set on fire. The Caucasus is kindled, and Ossa with Pindus, and Olympus, greater than both. The Don smoked in the midst of its waves, and the swift Isme- nus with Arcadian Erymanthus. The same accident dries the Thracian rivers Hebrus with the Strymon. The light terrifies the infernal king with his wife. In the chapel of Concord men were stationed with swords. Perception is lost at the same time with life. Caesar with all his forces set out in pursuit of the Helvetii. Illic consisto nubes ju- beo, et cum fulmen faci- ens frigus ventus. Terrificus caput con- cutio terque quaterque caesaries c ; cum qui terra, mare, sidus, moveo. Magnus pereo cum moe- nia urbs : cwmque suus totus populus incendium gens in cinis verto. Silva cum mons ardeo. Caucasus ardeo, Ossa- que cum Pindus, mag- nusque ambo Olympus. Medius Tanais fumo in unda, et celer Ismenos cum Phocalcus Eryman- thus. Fors idem amnis Is- marius Hebrus cum Stry- mon sicco. Lumen infernus terreo cum conjux rex. In cella Concordia cum gladius homo col- loco. Pariter cum w'tasensus amitto. Caesar cum omnis copia Helvetii sequor coepi. 266, 1. * 266, 3. e sing. English to be turned into Latin. Along with* her blood she pours forth 5 her c life. He hates the string, the bow, his e hand, and with his c hand, his' rash weapons. The hostile* Trojans* demand punishment/ with blood. I am borne, with my c companions and my c son, an exile to the deep. I would have destroyed* the son and the 250. ABLATIVE DENOTING IN WHAT RESPECT. 151 father with the (whole) race h . The god plunges* him head- long^ into the liquid waves, with a part of the stern torn away*, and with the helm. a along with, parlter cum. 3d paragraph. d infensus. 7, 3d paragraph. h genus. 6 to pour forth, fundo. c 207, R. 35, * Dardanidee. / pi. g extinguo, 162, * projicio. i prseceps. * revello. ABLATIVE DENOTING IN WHAT RESPECT. $ 250, A noun, adjective, or verb, may be followed by the ablative, denoting in what respect their significa- tion is taken. I am inclined to think that, in eloquence, C. Gracchus has no equal ; he is grand in diction, wise in sentiment, (and) dignified in his whole style. The wild bees are rough in their appearance, much more pas- sionate, but excellent in labor. Pamphilus was a Macedonian by nation. Tullia, the wife of Tarquin, was not dissimilar in her charac- ter, who, to salute her husband king, drove her affrighted horses over her bleeding father. R. 1, (1.) Cato, exempt from all human faults, always had for- tune in his own power. Apelles painted a picture of king Antigonus, wanting one eye, and made it oblique, that what was wanting to the body might seem rather to be wanting to the picture. Eloquentia quidem nescio an habeo a par ne- mo C.Gracchus; gran- dis sum verbum b , sapiens sententia b , genus totus gravis. Apis silvester Jwrridus sum aspectus, multus 6 iracundus, sed labor pr&- stans. Pamphilus sum** Mace- do natio. Non abhorrco mos Tul- lia, Tarquiniusuxor, qui, ut vir rex saluto, super cruentus pater consterna- tus ago equus. Omnis humanus viti- um immunis Cato, sem- per fortuna in suus potes- tas habeo. Pingo Apelles Antigo- nus rex imago alter ocu- lus orbus, obliquusque facio, ut qui corpus de- sum d pictura potius de- sum videor. 152 ABLATIVE DENOTING IN WHAT RESPECT. .250. A mind free from uneasiness makes (men) perfectly and abso- lutely happy. We have not seen a sword out of the scabbard in the city. The mind during sleep is free from sensations and cares. Whenever we are free from (our) necessary business and cares, then we long to hear, to see, and to learn something new. (2.) While they are free from one kind of injustice, they fall in- to another. You will show that death is free from every evil. I hope that our friendship wants not witnesses. Can he, who is not, want any thing? While we are free from guilt, let us bear all human (events) with patience and moderation. How long shall he, who excels all enemies in wickedness, be without the name of an enemy ? As long as I shall live, I will be uneasy at nothing, while I am free from all guilt. You want not my prayers and encouragement. The one, as Isocrates said, wants a bridle, the other spurs. His oration abounded with ev- ery grace. Dumb animals are destitute of the affections of men, but they have certain impulses resembling them. Almost the whole of Spain abounds in mines of iron, brass, gold, (and N , silver. Perturbatio vacuus an- imus perfecte atque ab- solute beatus efficio. Gladius vagina vacuus in urbs non video. Animus per somnus sum scnsus et euro, vacu- us. Cum sum necessarius negotium curaque vacu- us, turn aveo aliquis vi- deo, audio, addisco. Dum alter injustitia genus vaco, in alter in- curro. Doceo careo omnis malum mors. Spero noster amicitia non egco tcstis. An possum is, qui non sum, res ullus careo ? Culpa cum careo, om- nis humanus placate et moderate fero. Quousque is, qui om- nis hostis scelus supero, nomen hostis careo 1 Nee dum sum, angor ullus res, cum omnis va- co culpa. Prcx noster et cohorta- tio rion indigeo. Alter, uti dico Isocra- tes, frenum egco, alter calcar. Oratio is omnis orna- mcntum abundo. Mutus animal huma- nus ajfectus carco, habeo autem similis ille quidam impulsus. Melallum ferrum', sea, aurum, argentum, totus fere Hispania scateo. 250. ABLATIVE DENOTING IN WHAT RESPECT. 153 No part of life can be exempt Nullus vita pars vaco from duty. officium possum. The Minturnenses put Marius Minturnenses Marius, on shipboard, furnished with trav- instructus viaticum, col- elling expenses and garments latusque vestis, in navis raised by contribution. impono. R. 3. I ask what shall be done Qusero, si, qui volo' respecting the money, if there vendo, non sum*, quis shall be none who are willing to pecunia facio h ? sell? 265, R. 3. 6 pi. c 256, R. 16. d imp. gen. / 264, 6. 'fut.perf. h fut. English to be turned into Latin. The Roman state passed 5 its infancy under seven kings, as various in (their) disposition c as the benefit 4 of the republic demanded. The lieutenant of Metellus was C. Marius, born of equestrian rank", pure f in (his) life, excellent 8 in war, (but) most pernicious 11 in peace. The Lacedaemonian Agesi- laus was king in name, not in power, like* the rest of the Spartan kings. Nothing is more scandalous j than a man advanced in agc k , who has no other' argument by which to prove" 1 that he has lived long except" (his) age. Ennius was older than Plautus and Nsevius. tt res. b habeo. c ingenium. d utilttas. ' locus. / sanctus. f optlmus. * pesslmus. * sicuti. J turpis. * a man advanced in age, grandis natu senex. * alius. "* 264, 5. n prseter. * major natu. Romulus chose" a place for his city, both abounding in springs and healthy 6 , (though) in a pestilential district 6 . He placed it on the bank of a river discharging itself d into the sea e , that-'' it might ff both receive (that) from the sea which it necded h , and give 4 (that) of which it had a superabundance*. Pleminius put the tribunes to death*, and, not glutted 1 with (their) punishment (while) living, cast them forth unburied. The mind can never befree n from agitation and movement . a delTgo. 6 salaber. c regio. d discharging itself, influens. * 224, R. 4. / quo. g possum. A egeo, 266, 1. * reddo. i to have a superabundance, redundo. * to put to death, interficio. ' satii- tus. m to cast forth, projicio. n tobefree,ca.reo. motus. 154 ABLATIVE OF PRIVATION AND SEPARATION. 251. ABLATIVE OF PRIVATION AND SEPARATION. <> 251. A noun denoting that of which any thing is deprived, or from which it is separated, is often put in the ablative without a preposition. P. Claudius, when the chick- ens, set free from the coop, would not feed, ordered them to be plunged into water, that, as they would not eat, they might drink. The children of the proscribed, excluded from (their) paternal property, were also forbidden the right of being competitors for honors. These (things) having been atoned for according to the Sib- ylline books, in great measure freed (their) minds from super- stitious fear. R.I. The Portian law removed the rod from the bodies of all Roman citizens. R. 2. P. Lacnas hurled S. Lu- cilius from the Tarpeian rock, and when his colleagues had fled to Sulla, forbade them fire and water. P. Claudius, quum ca- vea liberdtus pullus non pascor , mergo is in aqua jubeo, ut bibo, quoniam edo 6 nolo. Proscriptus liberi, ex- clusus paternus opes% etiam petendus* honor jus prohibco. Hie procuratus ex li- ber Sibyllmus magnus ex pars levo reltgio ani- mus. Portius lex virga db omnis civis Romanus corpus removeo. P. Lrcnas S. Lucilius saxum c Tarpeius dejicio, et quum collega is ad Sulla profugio, aqua ig- m'sque is e interdlco. 262, 5. * 181 e 242. * 275, 11. 224. English to be turned into Latin. You \v\\\ free* us from every uneasiness 1 . Caesar marked some c standard-bearers with disgrace rf , and removed' them from (their) rank 7 . The Athenian people banished g Pho- cion from (his) country. Why should we, by adding ex- pense' 1 to sacred rites^ dcbar j poverty from approaching 11 the gods' 1 Caesar considered" 1 (it) sufficient" for the pres- ABLATIVE OF PRICE. 155 ent to prevent* the enemy from plundering* t foraging* , and laying waste'. * molestia. e nonnullus. d infamia. ' moveo. / lo- 257. * sacred satis. for the r pabulatio, pi. cus. s pello. h sumtus, lit. expense being added rites, sacra, i arceo. * aditus. l gen. m habeo. present, in praesentia. ^resent, in praesentia. Laying icaste, populatio . . prohibeo. * raplna, ABLATIVE OF PRICE. The price of a thing is put in the ablative, except when expressed by the adjectives tanti, quanti, plans, minoris. M. Seius, during a dearth of corn, gave the people a bushel for an as. I know that a white nightin- gale, which is (a thing) almost unheard of, was sold for six thou- sand sesterces, for a present to Agrippina, the wife of Claudius. The vindication of liberty cost Cicero his life. Isocrates sold one oration for twenty talents. King Attains offered a hun- dred talents for one picture of Aristides, a Theban painter. From Verres even the common crier, who pleased, purchased the rank of a senator with money. He sold (it) to some one for a large sum of money. I would most willingly have redeemed the state from destruc- tion at my own private loss. I sell my (goods) for no more than other persons, probably for less. M. Seius, in annona caritas, as modius popu- lus do. Scio sestertius sex, lus- cinia Candidas, qui sum prope inusitatus, veneo", qui Agrippina Claudius conjux doiium* do c . Vindicta libertas Cice- ro d mors sto. Viginti talentum unus oratio Isocrates vendo. Aristides, Thebanus pictor, unus tabula 8 cen- tum talentum rex Atta- lus liceor. Ab Verres et prceco, qui volo, ordo senatorius prctium mercor. AlTquis vendo pccunia grandis. CalamTtas" ego a res- publica meus privatus in- commddum f libenter red- imo. Vendo meus non mul- tus quam ceterus, fortas- se etiam parvus. 156 ABLATIVE OF TIME. 253. R. 2. Chrysogonus bought a vessel of Corinthian brass, for so great a price, that those who heard the price reckoned, thought a farm was selling. R. 3. It is for the interest of the seller that the thing should sell for as much as possible. Chrysogonus vas ali- quis Corinthius tantus pretium mercor, ut, qui pretium enumero audio, fundus veneo arbitror. Venditor expedio, res veneo* quam plurwius. 142, R. 3. 269, R. 2. *227. e 264, 5. 223. / pi English to be turned into Latin. A scruple of gold was worth" twenty sesterces. Caelius pays a rent 6 of thirty thousand (asses). That victory cost c the Carthaginians'* much blood. (That) which is unneces- sary* is dear at a half-penny / . In this suit* Timotheus is found guilty' 1 , and the penalty 4 was fixed J at a hundred tal- ents. Caelius hired 1 a house at a moderate' (price) upon the Palatine hill m . * to be worth, valeo. 6 to pay a rent, hablto. e sto. d dat. opus. / as. 'judicium. * to find guilty, damno. Mis. J * condaco. l non mag no. m Palatine full, Palatium. non oestiiuo ABLATIVE OF TIME. 253. A noun denoting the time at or within which any thing is said to be, or to be done, is put in the ablative without a preposition. The origin of all this wicked- ness shall be explained in its proper time. The senate was at the same time in the temple of Concord. There are three things which at this time may make against Roscius. You wrote me a letter on your birth-day. Suus tcmpus totus hie scelus fons aperio. Sum idem tcmpus se- natus in sedis Concordia Tres sum res, qui ob sto hie tcmpus Roscius. Natalis dies tuus scribo epistola ad ego. 253. ABLATIVE OF TIME. 157 I call to mind in the evening whatever I may have said, heard, or done, every day. During the winter which fol- lowed, the German Usipetes, and also the Tenchtheri, with a great multitude of men, crossed the river Rhine not far from the sea. Cresar set sail about the third watch. The next day the enemy, hav- ing assembled much greater forces, assault the camp, Corinth was taken in the fourth year of the one hundred and sixty-first Olympiad, in the six hundred and eighth (year) of Rome. Who is there who can believe that Apollo answered Pyrrhus in Latin] Besides, Apollo had al- ready ceased to make verses in Pyrrhus's time. The Arabs, Phrygians, and Ci- licians, because they chiefly prac- tise the pasturage of cattle, trav- erse the plains and mountains in summer and winter. The troops assembled, accord- ing to command, in the beginning of spring; and Hannibal, having reviewed the auxiliaries of all the nations, went to Gades, (and) paid (his) vows to Hercules. The male deer have horns, and lose (them) every year at a stated time in the spring ; therefore, they, about this time, seek as unfre- quented (places) as possible. R. 1. The first Olympiad was established 108 years after Ly- 14 Quis quisque dies di- co, audio, ago, commem- oro vesper. Is, qui sequor, hiems t Usipetes German!, et item Tenchtheri, mag- nus cum multitude ho- mo, flumen Rhenus trans- eo, non longe a mare. Caesar tertius fere vi- gilia solvo. Hostis posterus dies, multus magnus copia co- go, castra oppugno. Corinthus capio annus quartus Olympias centes- imus sexagesimus pri- mus, Roma sexcentesi- mus octdvus. Q,uis sum qui credo* Apollo Latme Pyrrhus* respondeo? Praeterea, Pyrrhus tempus" jam Apollo versus facio des- ino. Arabs et Phryx et Ci- lix, quod pastus pecus d maxime utor, campus et mons hiems et cestas pera- gro. Ver primus ad edictum copia convenio ; et Han- nibal, quum reccnseo atixilium omnis gens, Gades proficiscor, Her- cules votum exsolvo. Cervus mas cornu ha- beo, et omnis annus, sta- tus ver* tempus amitto, ideo sub ipse dies quam maxime invius peto. Centum et octo annus 7 postquam Lycurgus lex 153 ABLATIVE OF TIME. $253. curgus undertook to enact his laws. T. Larcius was appointed dic- tator about ten years after the first consuls. By reckoning the years of the kings, it may be discovered, that Pythagoras first reached Italy one hundred and forty years after the death of Numa. R. 2. Carthage was destroyed one hundred and seventy-seven years ago, when it had stood six hundred and sixty-seven years. Demosthenes, who lived nearly three hundred years ago, said, that even then the Pythia took Philip's part. R. 3. We took an afternoon walk in the Academy, principally because that place at that time was free from a crowd. R. 4. At dawn of day Marcel- lus entered Syracuse with all his forces. At this time no state afforded assistance to the Athenians ex- cept the Platesans. scribo instituo, primus pono Olympias. Dictator instituo de- cem fere annus post pri- mus consul T. Larcius. Regius annus dinu- mero^, intelligo possum, annus fere centesimus et quadragesimus post mors Numa primus 71 , Italia Pythagoras attingo. Carthago diruo, quum sto annus sexcenti sexa- ginta septem, abliinc an- nus 1 centum septuaginta septem. Demosthenes, qui db- hinc annus i prope trecen- ti sum, jam turn Pythia cum Philippus facio dico. Ambulatio post merid- iarius conficio in Aca- demia, maxime quod is locus ab turba is tempus vacuus sum- 7 . Sub lux Marcellus om- nis copia* Syracusae in- gredior. Hie in tempus nullus civitas Atheniensis aux- ilium 1 sum praeter Platae- ensis. n 2G4, 7. 6 223. 205, R. 15. * ace. & 227. c pi. * gen. ttdis. gen. / all. g 257. J 266, 3. * 249, III. 2d paragraph. English to be turned into Latin. The catching* of tunnies 6 is from the rising of the Pleia- des 6 to the setting of Arcturus ; in the rest* of the season" they lie 7 in the bottom* of the deep waters*. When the Roman garrison 71 was besieged* by the Lijjustines, a swal- low, taken J from (her) young*, was brought* to Fabius Pio 253 ABLATIVE OF TIME. 159 tor, that, a thread"* being tied" to her foot, he might give notice" by the knots, upon what p day relief would arrive'. Augustus died r on the fourteenth (day before) the calends* of September, at the ninth hour of the day, in the seventy-sixth year of (his) age. Although Homer's age 1 is doubtful", yet he lived" many years before Romulus. The corpse" of Al- exander was transferred to Memphis, and thence, a few years after*, to Alexandria. Socrates, on the last y day of (his) life, discoursed* at large aa on 66 the immortality of the soul; and, a few days before*, when he might easily have been de- livered" from prison dd , refused". Aristides was recalled to (his) country five years after ff he had been expelled. The consul himself so urged ffff the work' 171 , that, on the forty-fifth day after* 1 the timber nn had been taken ^ from the forest 00 , the ships, equipped** and tackled", were launched"" 71 into the water. a captura. b thynnus. c Vergiliae. d 205, R. 17. ' tempus. f lateo. e gurges. h praesidium. * obsideo. J ablatus. * pullus. 1 affero. m linmn. n alliox). significo. p quotus. ? advenio, 260, R. 7, (2.) r obeo. 326, 3. tempus, pi. u incertus. * sum. w corpus. * R. 1. y superus. z dissero. aa at large, raulta. 66 de. cc edaco. dd custodia. *" nolo. ff five years after, post annum quintum quam. ee insto. hh 224. ** quam, without post. JJ detraho. tk instrut:tus. armatus. mm dedaco. nn raa- teries. fle pi. Tyre was taken" in the seventh month after 6 it had begun* to be besieged^. Caesar defeated* Pharnaces, son of Mithri- dates, in a single f battle^, in four hours after h he came in sight*. Gymnasia were invented many centuries J before* philosophers began to prate* in them. As to what"* Flavius says, that I gave security" more than twenty-five years ago* for 7 Comificius, I wish r you would take pains* to ascertain* whether it is" so. If Cn. Pompey had lived" five hundred years ago 10 , death would have extinguished envy, and his exploits* would rest y on the glory* of an immortal" name. The planet Saturn 66 completes" its revolution" in about 6 ' thirty years ; the planet Jupiter 66 completes the same revo- lution ff in twelve years. The tide gs happens twice in the space of twenty-four hours. Pompey, in forty-nine^'' days, added i Cilicia to the Roman empire. The army of Alexan- der, in the space of fifteen days, surmounted^ Caucasus, which divides Asia with a continued chain fcfc . A capio. 6 quam, without post. c coepi. d oppugno. * profltgo 160 ABLATIVE OF THE PLACE IN WHICH. $254. / unus. e acies. h after, quibus, R. I, 3d paragraph. * conspec- tus, '235, (2.) ^ saeculum. k before, ante, i/i tlte first clause, and qu.'im, in the second. l garrio. m 20(5, (14.) n to give security, spondeo. arnplius. f abhinc, with abl. R. 2. 5 pro. r 2(50, If. R. 4. * to take pains, do operam, 26^, R. 4. ' 273, 1. u whether it is, sitne, 2G5. " sum. w abhinc. with ace. x res ffestae. y ni- tor. * 245, II. sempiternus. sus. " fere. // orbis. 4 * adjungo. ii supero. gen. res gestae. y conficio. ss sestus marls. AA undequinquagesimus ' : jugum. ABLATIVE OF THE PLACE IN WHICH, &c. 254. The name of a town in ivhich any thing is said to be, or to be done, if of the third declension or plural number, is put in the ablative without a prepo- sition. I suppose, when you were at Athens, you were often in the schools of the philosophers. Sulla was so far from taking any part, that he was all the while at Naples. There is a strong report at Pu- teoli that Ptolemy is (restored to his) kingdom. Tolumnius, king of the Veien- tes, killed four ambassadors of the Roman people at Fidena3. Some of the Greeks affirm that painting was invented at Sicyon ; others, among the Corinthians. They say that Lysander was wont to remark, that the most honorable abode of old age was at Lacedgemon. At Megara, there long stood in the forum a wild olive-tree, to which valiant men had affixed their arms, which the bark, in process of time, growing round, had hidden. Sum saepe, credo r curn Athence sum, in schola philosophus. Sulla ita quiesco, ut is tempus omnis Neapolis sum. Puteoli magnus sum rumor, Ptolemseus sum in regnum. Tolumnius, rex Veien- tes, quatuorlegatuspopu- lus Romanus Fidence in- terimo. Graecus, alius Sicyon^ alius apud Corinthius re- perio affirmo pictura. Lysander dico aio so- leo, Lacedamon sum ho- nestus domiciiium senec- tus. Megara diu sto oleas- ter in forum, qui vir for- tis afflgo arma, qui cor- tex am bio longus seias occulto, 254. ABLATIVE OF THE PLACE IN WHICH. 161 The learning of the Athenians themselves has long since perished at Athens, (and) yet any illiterate Athenian can easily surpass the most learned Asiatics in the sweetness of his pronunciation. R. 1. Manlius spent his youth in the country. It accidentally happened that we were in the country. The father suffered him to be in the country. Give my compliments to Attica, who, I suppose, is in the country. He has always lived in the country. L. Manlius was accused, be- cause he had banished his son Ti- tus from mankind, and had order- ed him to live in the country. R. 2. A ship has been pre- pared for us both in Caieta arid at Brundisium. R. 3. Memmius relates the crimes of Jugurtha at Rome and in Numidia. We have been acquainted with the crimes of Verres, not only in Sicily, but in Achaia, Asia, Cili- cia, Pamphylia, and, finally, at Rome. Athena jamdiu doctri- na ipse Atheniensis inter- eo, tarnen erudltus homo AsiatTcus quivis Atheni- ensis indoctus suavlter loquor" facile supero. Manlius rus juventa ago. Forte evenio, ut rus sum. Pater hie rus sum pa- tior. Attica salus do, qui rus sum arbitror. Rus semper habito. L. Manlius crimlnor, quod Titus filius ab ho- mo r el ego 6 , et rus habito jubeo. Navis et in Caieta pa- ro ego et Brundisium . Memmius Roma Nu- midiaque facinus Jugur- tha memoro. Verres flagitium non in Sicilia solum, sed in Achaia, Asia, Cilicia, Pamphylia, Roma dem- que nosco. a 275, III. R. 4. & 2C6, 3. c 221. English to be turned into Latin. Timoleon destroyed", from (its) foundations, the citadel which Dionysius had built 6 at Syracuse. Tarquin the Proud died at Cuma. The oracles at Delphi cease. Quinctius was a man of patrician family 6 , who, because** he was lame from a wound, determined" to pass (his) life in the country. disjicio 6 munio. 14* ' gens. d quum. e constituo. 162 ABLATIVE OF THE PLAGE FROM WHICH. 255, ABLATIVE OF THE PLACE FROM WHICH, &c. <$> 255. After verbs expressing or implying motion, the name of a town whence the motion proceeds is put in the ablative without a preposition. Demaratus, the father of king Tarquin, fled from Corinth to Tarquinii, and established his for- tunes there. Caesar departed from Tarrago- na, and came by land* to Nar- bonne, and thence to Marseilles. Dionysius sent for Plato from Athens. Epaminondas the Theban had a slanderer, one Menaclides, also from Thebes. I received your letters from Placentia, then others the next day, written from Blandeno. Csesar retired from Alexandria, happy, as he thought himself 6 . He had gone from Rome, un- acquainted with military affairs. JEschines, (when) condemned, left Athens, and went to Rhodes. The same day I left Capua, and staid at Gales. I received a packet of letters from Rome, without a letter from you. R. 1. I am undone ; for now I am exiled from home; I fear my brother, lest he should be Demaratus, rex Tar- quinius pater, fugio Tar- quinii Corintkus, et ibi suus fortuna constituo. Caesar Tarraco disce- do, pesque 6 Narbon, at- que inde Massilia perve- nio. Dionysius Plato Athe- na; arccsso. Epaminondas Theba- nus habeo obtrectator, Menaclides quidam, in- didem T/tcbce. Accipio tuus literae datus Placentia, deinde alter postridie datus Blandeno. Ceesar Alexandria sui recipio felix, ut sui qui- dem videor. Roma proficiscor res'* militaris rudis. ^Eschines damno cedo Athena, et sui Rhodus confero. Is dies Capua discedo, et maneo Cales 6 . Accipio Roma sine epistola tuus fasciculus liters?. Pereo ; nam domus ex~ ulo nunc ; metuo frater', ne intus sum; porro au- 256. ABLATIVE AFTER COMPARATIVES. 163 within; and moreover, (T fear) lest my father should have re- turned from the country. When Tully returns from the country, I will send him to thee. A way must be tried, by which T may raise myself also from the ground. R. 2. Libo departed from Brun- disium. Bibulus had gone by ship from Ephesus to Syria, about the fif- teenth of August. R. 3. Cotta fled from Sicily into Africa. Clodius came from Sardinia to Rome. Dolabella departs from Del us. The Indians never remove from their country. If Pompey quits Italy, what should you think I ought to do ? tern, pater ne rus redeo jam. Cum Tullius rus red' eo f , mitto is ad tu. Tento^ via, qui ego quoque possum* tollo hu- mus. Libo discedo a Brun- disium. Bibulus circiter Idus Sextilis ab Ephesus in Syria navis 6 profidscor. Cotta ex Sicilia in Af- rica profugio. Clodius ex Sardinia Roma venio. Dolabella Delus profi- ciscor. Indi nunquam migro finis suus. Si Pompeius Italia ce- do% quis ego ago puto J 1 lit. on foot. b pi. c lit. as he seemed to himself. * 213. 229, R. 5, 3d paragraph. / 145, VI. s 274, R. 8. * 260, II. * 261, 2. J 260, ll. R. 4. ABLATIVE AFTER COMPARATIVES. 256. The comparative degree is followed by the ablative, when quam is omitted. Who was ever more knowing duis hie homo sciens than this man? unquamsum? What is more shameful than Q,uis sum temeritas rashness? turpis? Those things which I have Is qui dico sol ipse said are clearer than the sun clarus sum. itself. What is more desirable than Quis sum optdbilis so- wisdom ? pientia ? 164 ABLATIVE AFTER COMPARATIVES. 256. Nothing is more commendable than mildness and clemency. A shameful flight from death is worse than any death. What is more disgraceful than inconstancy, levity, and fickle- ness? Nothing is more delightful than true glory. (My) country is much dearer to me than my life. What can we call more wretch- ed than folly? What is more pleasing than literary ease? Nothing is more inconstant than the common people, nothing more uncertain than the inclina- tion of mankind". There is nothing more pleasing to man than the light of truth. What is better or more excel- lent than goodness and benefi- cence ? Silver is less valuable than gold. Who can speak of the institu- tions of our forefathers better than thou, Scipio, since thou art thyself of most illustrious ances- tors? No man, with more elegance than Scipio, diversified the inter- vals of business with leisure. There is nothing more amiable than virtue ; nothing which more attracts men to love. Tullus Hostilius (was) not only unlike the last king, but even more warlike than Romulus. R. 3. Certainly the ignorance Nihil sum laudabilis placabilitas atque de- mentia. Turpis fuga mors om- nis sum mors malus. Quis sum inconstantia, mobilitas, levitas turpis 1 Nihil sum dulcis verus gloria. Patria ego vita meus multus sum earns. Miser stultitia quis pos- sum dico? Quis sum dulcis otium literatus? Nihil sum incertus vul- gus, nihil obscurus volun- tas homo. Nihil sum homoverltas lux dulcis. Quis sum bonus, aut quis pr&stans bomtas et beneficentia ? Vilis sum argentum aurum. Quis tupotius, Scipio, de majores dico 6 institu- tum, quum sum c clarus ipse majores^? Nemo elegans Scipio intervallum negotium oti- um dispungo. Nihil sum amabilis virtus; nihil qui magis allicio homo ad dillgo'. Tullus Hostilius non solum propior rex dis- similis, sed fcrox etiam Romulus. Certe ignoratio futurus 256. ABLATIVE AFTER COMPARATIVES. 165 of future evils is better than the knowledge. It is fit that our country should be dearer to us than ourselves. R. 4. The Roman people saw nothing with more pleasure than the elephants with their towers. The multitude, when they have been seized with a groundless superstition, are more obedient to their prophets than their generals. Xerxes was defeated by the counsel of Themistocles, more than by the arms of Greece. The hypocrisy of those who do many (things) that they may seem beneficent, is more allied to false- hood than to liberality. R. 6. I am more than thirty years old. The camp extended more than eight miles in breadth. The soldiers fought very brave- ly more than four hours. R. 9. Many feel their own wrongs more deeply than they ought. The consuls had turned the thoughts of the citizens more than usual to themselves. Caesar is said to be about to come sooner than was expected. Old age is naturally rather loquacious. Most of the exploits of Dat- ames are too little known. The corn, in Gaul, on account of the drought, had been unu- sually scanty. R." 10. The Po is inferior to no river in clearness. malum utilis sum qudm scicntia. Decet carus sum/ pa- tria ego qudm egometipse. Nikil libenter populus Rornanus adspicio, qudm elephantus cum turris suus. Multitudo, ubi vanus religio capio, bene vates s qudm dux suus pareo. Vinco Xerxes Themis- tocles magis cons ilium qudm arma Grsecia. Simulatio is qui ut be- neficus videor multus fa- cio, vamtas sum conjunc- tus qudm liber alit as, Plus triginta annus nascor. Castra amplius mille passus octo in latitudo* pateo. Miles amplius hora quatuor fortiter pugno. Multus injuria suus graviter cequus habeo. Consul plus solitus converto in sui civitas animus. Caesar opinio celeriter venio dico. Senectus sum natura loquax. Obsciirus sum Data- mes gestum plerusque. Frumentum in Gallia propter siccitas anguste provenio. Pad us sum nullus am- nis* claritas inferus 166 ABLATIVE AFTER COMPARATIVES. 5*56 Wisdom accounts all human (things) inferior to virtue. R. 11. The Suevi labor to ob- tain corn and other productions, more patiently than would be ex- pected from the customary inac- tivity of the Germans. R. 12. The besieged engaged in battle more fiercely than stead- ily. The design of Maraces was not more sagacious in its plan, than fortunate in its issue. R. 13. The news of the igno- minious peace was more distress- ing than (that) of danger. Galba commanded a much higher cross than the rest to be erected. R. 14. The event shows, that we have aimed at quiet from the beginning, and have sought noth- ing else than the common liberty. R. 15. (His) opinion was un- derstood (as) more severe than he had intended. R. 16. The towers on the walls of Babylon are higher by ten feet than the walls. Augustus bore the deaths of his family a good deal more pa- tiently than their disgrace. It is a custom of the Sicilians sometimes to make the month longer by a single day, or by two days. How much more widely the rule of duty extends than that of law! Sapientia humanus om- nis inferus virtus j duco. Suevi frumentum cete- rusque fructus patienter, qudm pro solitus Germa- nus inertia laboro. Obsessus acriter qudm constanter praeliurn ineo. Consilium Maraces non ratio prudens qudm eventus felix sum. Tristis ignominiosus pax magis, quam pericu- lum, nuntius sum. Galba multus prater ceterus altus statuo crux jubeo. Ego ab initium specto otium, nee quisquam alius libcrtas communis qusero, exttus declare. Sententia graviter, at- quc ipse sentio, excipio. Turris in murus Baby- lon deni pes quam murus altus sum. Allquantus patienter mors quam dedecus suus fero Augustus. Sum consuetude Sicu- lus, ut nonnunquam unus dies longus mensis facio, aut biduu?n. Quantus late officium pateo quam jus regula ! pi. &260.R. 5. e 263,5. <* 211, R. 6. / 269, R. 2. * 223, R. 2. * ace. * 212. / all. 275, III. R. 3. 257. ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE. 157 English to be turned into Latin. Long" labor would be 6 superfluous in (our) studies, if it were impossible 6 to find out any thing'* better than what has gone before". Since we are seeking-^ justice, a thing much* more precious* 1 than any 1 gold, we certainly- 7 ought to shrink* from no irksomeness of labor l . The battle was more fierce in assault" and courage , than regular 9 in arrangement 7 . Marseilles 7 ", more faithful' than prudent 1 , delayed" for a time** the haste of Caesar. I am not afraid", O judges, that", inflamed by my own enmities*, I should seem to utter y these (things) with more willingness* than truth a(l . The road by which all travelled 66 was as long again cc , but it abounded with every thing rfd . I affirm" this to you, that you are /7 in no sg greater danger*' 1 than any one" of us^. The sun is many times H larger than the earth. The more difficult a thing"" 71 is, the more hon- orable nn . a comp. 6 fore, 261, 1. c it is possible, licet. d nihil. * ichat has gone before, prseteritus. / 262, 5. *" R. 16. h cams. * omnis. J profecto. * fugio. ' irksomeness of labor, molestia. m acer. n im- petus. animus, pi. p compositus, R. 12. ? ullus ordo. r Massilia. * faithful, fide bonus. ' consilio prudens, R. 12. u moror. " tirneo. w 262, R. 7. * lit. by the hatred of my oicn enmities. y evoino. z with willingness, libenter. ia with truth, vere. bb commeo, 145, II. 1. cc as long again, alter tantus longus, R. 16, (2.) dd lit. icas abounding, fyc. 213. ee confirmo. // 272. BS nihilum, R. 16. hh discrlrnen. ** quivis. JJ 212. kk aliquam diu. ll multis parti- bus. mm quis, 137, 1, c. nn praeclare. ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE. > 257. A noun and a participle are put in the ab- lative called absolute, to denote the time, cause, or con- comitant of an action, or the condition on which it depends. When pleasure rules, all the Magnus virtus jaceo greatest virtues must lie pros- ornnis necesse sum, vo- trate. luptas dominans. Pompey, on the capture of Pompeius, captus Hie- 168 ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE. 257. Jerusalem, touched nothing that belonged to the temple. In the three hundred and sec- ond year after Rome was built, the form of government was changed again, the supreme pow- er being transferred from the consuls to decemviri. A very great earthquake took place in the reign of Tiberius Caesar, twelve cities of Asia hav- ing been leveled in one night. When the tribunitian power had been granted by the senators to the people, arms dropped (from their hands,) and faction was ex- tinguished. Galba, having fought several successful battles, and taken ma- ny of their fortifications, when ambassadors had been sent to him from all quarters, and hos- tages had been given, having brought about a peace, deter- mined to station two cohorts among the Nantuates. When the Germans heard a shout behind (them,) throwing away their arms, and abandoning their standards, they rushed forth from (their) camp. A jar began to be formed ; why, as the wheel revolves, does a pitcher come forth? The Athenians, having been ap- prized of these events, (and) fear- ing, lest, if the Lacedaemonians were again victorious, they should be reduced to their former condi- tion of servitude, assembled an armv. rosolyma, ex ille fanum nihil attingo. Annus trecenteslrnus alter quain" condo Roma, iterum muto forma civi- tas, ab consul ad de- cemvir translates impe- rium. Magnus terra existo motus Tiberius Caesar principatus, duodecim urbs Asia unus nox pros- t rat us. Concessus plebs a pa- ter tribunitius potcstas, arma cado, et seditio restinguo. Galba, secundus ali- quot prceliumfactus b , cas- tellumque complures is ezpugndtus* , missus ad is undique legdtus, obses- que datus, et pax fac- tus b , constituo cohors duo in Nantuates collo- co. Germanus, post ter- gum clamor auditus b ) ar- ma abjectus, signumque militaris relictus, sui ex castra ejicio. Amphora ccepi insti- tuo ; currens rota cur urceus exeo 1 Qui res cogmtus, Athe- niensis verens, ne, ite- rum Laced&monius vic- tor c , in pristinus sors servttus redigo, exerci- tus contraho 257. ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE. 169 The Arcadians, having armed Armdtus instructuscpiQ and equipped an army, (and) hav- exercitus Areas, adhibi- ing called to their assistance the tus in auxilium Thebd- Thebans, seek by war to recover nus, amissus bellum rep- (their) lost (possessions.) eto. 253, R. 1, 2d paragraph, last clause. *> R. 5. e R. 7. English to be turned into Latin. They* say that ^Eschines, at the request of the Rhodians, read his own oration, and then (that) of Demosthenes, each with the loudest 6 applause . A yoke is made of three spears d , two being fixed in the ground, and one tied 6 across 7 above (them.) Democritus, when his eyesight e was lost t could not distinguish black' 1 from* white' 1 ; but he could, good' 1 from evil, justice J from injustice, honorable from base (things.) Eclipses are not visible* every where, sometimes on account of the clouds', more frequently" 1 on account of the interposition of the sphere of the earth". The old Ro- mans all wished that kingly power should be exercised , as the char ni p of liberty had not yet been experienced' 1 . When a vessel r has been put in rapid motion 8 , after' the rowers have stopped", the vessel itself still retains its movement and progress , though the force" and impulse 1 of the oars 7ms been suspcndcd y . This not only cannot be praised, but not even allowed*, that we should not defend even (those who are) most completely strangers (to us,) though our own friends accuse (them.) Caelius writes that C. Flamini- us fell at 66 Trasymenus, to" the severe** injury 8 ' of the republic, by neglecting the rites of religion^. Scipio, by the overthrow of two cities, destroyed not only actual", but future wars. * 209, R. 2, (2.) * summua. e clamor. d 247. deligatua. f transversus. * lumen, pi. h 205, R. 7, (2.) et. J icquus. k to be visible, cernor. l nubllum. m saepe. n on account of the, in- terposition, fyc., globo terrae obstanle. to exercise kingly power, regno. p dulcedo. ' expertus. r navigium. * to put in rapid motion, conclto. * quum. u inhibeo. * cursus. w impetus. * pul- sus. y intermissus. z concede. ia most completely strangers, alienissimi. bb apud. cc cum. d ' 1 magnus. ee vulnus. ." of religion, religio. eg proesens. 15 170 ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE. 257, WITH A NEGATIVE WORD, IN THE SENSE OF WITHOUT OR UNLESS. Darius entered Scythia without the enemy's giving him an op- portunity to fight. The eye distinguishes white from black without any one's suggestion. What is so like madness, as the empty sound even of the best and most elegant words, without any meaning at the bot- tom? In this war no calamity has happened without my predict- it. Darius Scythia ingre- dior, non faciens hostis pugna potestas. A niger albus, etiam nullus monens, ociilus distinguo. Quis sum tarn furio- sus, quam verbum vel bonus atque ornatus son- Jtus inanis, nullus sub- jectus sententia ? Hie in bellum nihil adversus* accido, non prcedicens ego. 212, R. 3, N. 3. English to be turned into Latin. The Athenians, without waiting? for reinforcements*, march out to battle** against six hundred thousand men. Who is there that would venture' to calK himself a philoso- pher, without giving 5 any moral precepts' 1 ? Nature gave the use of life, as* of money, without fixing* any term k . Nothing can happen 1 unless some cause precedes. * expectatus. R. 5. / dico. sing. c egredior. d prselium. ' audeo, 260, e tradendus. A a moral precept, prseceptum officii. * tanquam. 1 praestitutus. k dies. l evenio. R. 5. Others find fault with what Octavianus said and did, as if, having lost his fleet by a tem- pest, he had exclaimed, that he would gain the victory even against the will of Neptune. The father of Tiberius re- mained alone in the party of L. Antonius, and escaped first to Prseneste, and thence to Naples, Alius dictum factum- que Octavianus crimmor, quasi classis tempestas perditus, exclamo", etiam invitus Neptunus 6 victo- ria sui adipiscor. Tiberius pater solus L. Antonius in pars c perma- neo, ac primo Praeneste, deinde Neapolis rf evado, 257. ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE. 171 and having in vain offered eman- servusque frustra ad pi- cipation to the slaves, he fled into leus vocdtus, in Sicilia Sicily. profugio. Seneca relates that Tiberius, Seneca scribo Tiberi- having suddenly called for his us, subito vocdtus minis- attendants, and no one answer- ter, ac nemo respondens, ing, rose, and, his strength fail- consurgo, nee procul a ing him, he fell not far from the lectiilus deficiens vis c bed. concido. a 203, 2. * R. 7. e pi. * 79, 1. English to be turned into Latin. About" twenty-seven senators followed Vibius Virius home 6 , and feasted with him; and having abstracted* (their} minds as much as they could** by (means of) wine, from the sense of the impending* evil, they all took-'' poison. Phy- sicians, having found the cause of a disease, think* that the cure is found''. Darius, having heard 1 the news of the ill health of Alexander, marched^ with the greatest rapidity* to the Euphrates. Theopompus the Lacedaemonian, hav- ing changed 1 garments" 1 with his wife, escaped from cus- tody as a woman. ferme. 6 237, R. 4. alienatus. * lit. were able to do. im- minens. /sumo. e puto. h perf. * accipio. i contendo. * celerltas. l permutatus. m habitus, sing. R. 7. When nature and virtue are our guides, no error can pos- sibly be committed. Under the command of Pausa- nias, Mardonius was driven from Greece. A spacious house often be- comes a disgrace to its owner, if it be without visitors, and espe- cially if it used once to be fre- quented, when it had another owner. An oath is a religious affirma- Natura et virtus dux erro a nullus modus pos- sum 6 . Pausanias dux Mar- donius Graecia fugo. Amplus domus dede- cus dommus" saepe fio, si hospes careo, et maxime, si aliquando, alius domi- nus, soleo frequento. Sum jusjurandum re- 172 ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE. 257. tion ; what you have promised, ligiosus affirmatio; qui therefore, with the attestation of igitur, Dcus tcstis, pro- Gad, must be observed. mitto, is teneo d . Wisdom is the only thing which Sapientia sum unus banishes sorrow from (our) minds, qui moestitia pello' ex an- suffers us not to shudder with imus, qui ego exhorresco fear; and under the instruction metus non sino% quipra- of which we can live in tranquil- ccptrix, in tranquillitas lity. vivo a possum 6 . Augustus was born in the con- Nascor Augustus, M. sulship of M. T. Cicero and Tullius Cicero et Anto- Aritonius, on the twenty-third nius consul nonus calen- of September, a little before sun- dae 7 October s paulo ante rise. sol exortus. " pass. 209, R. 3, (6.) c 227. * 274, R. 8. e 204, 10. / 326, 3. e adj. 326, 5, M paragraph. English to be turned into Latin. Thales the Milesian (was the) first* (who) predicted an eclipse of the sun, which took place 6 in the reign of Holy at- tes, in the one hundred and seventieth year of the building 6 of the city. A peroration, which is called epilogus, of C. Galba is extant, which, when we were boys, was so much esteemed^, that we even got it by heart 6 . Know 7 that no one dined^ in the consulship of Caninius, that no* crime* was committed 6 in his consulship. Brutus created for his own colleague j Valerius, by whose aid k he had expelled' the kings. My father Hamilcar went into Spain (as) com- mander" 1 when I was a little boy, not more" than nine years old . Augustus travelled 7 ' frequently into the eastern and western provinces, accompanied 9 by Lima. Lentulus, a consular man, and pretor for the second time 7 ", Cethegus, and other men of illustrious* name, were put to death' in prison by the authority of the senate. Isocrates arose" when Gorgias, Protagoras, and the others whom I have just" men- tioned, were already old men. a primus omnium. 6 fio. c 274, R. 5. d lit. was in so great honor. 'to get by heart, edisco. / 162, 4. e 272. h nihil. * malum, 212. J lit. colleague for himself. k adjutor. ' ejicio m imperator. n not more, utpSte non amplius. natus. p roeo 258. CONNECTION OF TENSES. 173 J comes. T for the second time, iterum. ' clarus. { to put to death, neco. " existo. * paulo ante. The effects of thunder (are) wonderful ; money 6 is melt- ed c , while the purse d is entire; the sword is liquefied, while the scabbard remains. Ships cannot enter 6 the harbor of Alexandria against the will f of those by whom the Pharos is occupied^. We know that the muscles* are diseased when they move*" 1 against our will. The sons* of Tiberius Gracchus, grandsons of P. Scipio Africfmus, died- 7 ' in the lifetime of (their) mother Cornelia k , daughter of Africanus. There is a difference between the case of a man' who is op- pressed by calamity, and of one" 1 who seeks better things, when his affairs are in no respect unprosperous* . Octavius died suddenly , as he was leaving' Macedonia 7 , before he could declare 7 " himself a candidate for the consulship* ; leaving behind him (7ws) children, Octavia* the elder, Octa- via the younger, (and) also Augustus. Mithridates carried on war with the Romans forty-four years" with various suc- cess 13 . It is certain that an eclipse of the sun does not take place"* except at the very change 31 of the moon, and y of the moon only* when full. a opus. 6 argentum. c conflo. d loculus, pi. e intro in. f against the icill, invltus. e teneo. h nervus. * liberi. J lit. had an end (exitus) of life. k lit. (their) mother Cornelia being still (adhuc) alive. l there is a difference, fyc. ; lit. his case (causa) is dif- ferent (alius.) m is. n when his affairs, fyc. ; lit. no affairs of his (suus) being adverse. died suddenly, mortem obiit repentmam. p as he was leaving, decedens. q 242. r profiteer. * gen. ' lit. (his) children (liberi) Octavia, fyc. surviving (superstes.) u 236, R. 5. * victoria. w to take place, fio. * at the very change, lit. (Icing) very new. y autem. z non nisi. * pass. 248, R. 1, 2d para- graph. CONNECTION OF TENSES. j I. Similar tenses only can, in general, be made to depend on each other, by means of those con- nectives which are followed by the subjunctive mood. 1, (1.) Such is the corrup- Tantus sum corruptela tion of bad habit, that the sparks mains consuetudo, ut ab of virtue are extinguished by it ; is tanquam i< 265. i pi. 257. 223, R. 2. " 229. 260, II. R. 4. 9 & 9fil 1 R 973 1 3// paratrraph. w 275, II. 264, 1, 34 paragraph. 145,' VI. ' 274; 8. u 209,' R. (3.) " imp. 263, 5, R. 2. y 272. * lit. brought great difficulty to Ccesar. 256, R. 9, 2d paragraph. lb 43, 2. cc smo-. dd 266, 3. 266, 1. // 266,^2. ss 256, R. 9, 24 paragraph. * h ace. 266, 3. JJ pi. ** 225, IV. 5th paragraph. 273. 5. 7nm /i*. /rom mT/^c//. nn 264, 1 , ^paragraph. 275, II. PP 224. 265. English to be turned into Latin. They believed" that he who loas eminent 1 in wisdom* had been a scholar^ of Pythagoras. I do not even now" discuss f what would* be easiest' 1 . There are many (things) probable by which the life of a wise man is regulated 1 . You will per- ceive by' the same books, both what* I did 1 and what* I said. Rabirius was" among 771 those whom he would have been n most mad , if he had opposed?, most base if he had deserted*. Solon, when he was asked r , why he had ordained" no punish- ment for* him who killed 11 his parent, replied, that he had thought* that no one would do it. This ought rather to 178 INDICATIVE MOOD. 259. have been prescribed", that we should take* such y care 2 " in forming'" 1 friendships, that we should at no time 66 begin" to love one y , whom we could ever** hate. Caesar entertaincd r confident hopes*", that, when his demands ff should be known, it would come, to pass gs , that Ariovistus would de- sist hh from his obstinacy' 1 . Ariovistus dcspatched jj a part of his forces to assault kk the smaller camp. When Caesar had sent messengers to the Sigambri to demand 11 that they should surrender to him those who had made war upon mm him and upon Gaul, they replied, that the Rhine terminated"" the empire of the Roman people. * perf. * to be eminent, excello. c 250. d auditor. ' 279, 3, 5th paragraph, f dispute. e 145, R. 2, 2d paragraph. A expeditus. * rego. i ex. * pi. l gero. m cum. " 2G1, 1. amens. p op- pugno, 261, 1. 1 relinquo. r imp. * constituo. r in. " neco, 266, R. 4. puto. w prsecipio, 274, R. 8. * adhibeo. is. * diligentia. aa comparo. bb at no time, ne quando. cc incipio. dd aliquando. " to entertain confident hopes, niagnam in spem venio. ff postulatum, 257. ee that it would come to poss, fore. hh 268, R. 4. " pertinacia. H mitto. kk oppugno, 264, 5. ll 264, 5. mm to make war upon, inffiro bellum. nn finio. INDICATIVE MOOD. <> 259. The indicative mood is used in independent and absolute assertions. It is often employed, also, in conditional and dependent clauses, to denote that which is supposed or admitted. It may likewise be used in interrogations. The liberty of the Roman peo- Libertas ago populus pie is at stake. Romanus. The inclinations of the citizens Diversus voluntas civis have been different. sum. Fear made you good. Tu bonus timor facio. Our reasoning agrees ; our Ian- Ratio noster consentio; guage differs. oratio pugno. The remembrance of slavery Jucundus facio liber- will make liberty more pleasant. tas servitus recordatio. A dispute about a word disturbs Verbum controversia men. torqueo homo, INDICATIVE MOOD. 179 Time itself brings me comfort. Did you dare to speak against me before the conscript fathers 1 How difficult it is not to betray guilt in the countenance ! Riches do not make a king. He is a king who fears nothing. In requiting a favor, we ought, if we believe Hesiod, to imitate fertile fields, which give much more than they have re- ceived. If you are poor, ^Emilianus, you will always continue poor : riches are now given to none but to the rich. Behold the rainbow draws wa- ter; it will rain, I believe, to-day. How often the greatest talents are hidden in obscurity ! As not every field which is cul- tivated is fruitful ; so cultivated minds do not all bear fruit. Who does not very highly com- mend Codrus, the preserver of Athens? R. 1, (1.) Pompey said, " Do you guard and defend the camp ; I will visit the other gates and encourage the garrison." (2.) After the termination of the war, Caesar learned these facts from those who were pres- ent at the conversation. As soon as Philip had saluted me, he immediately set off for Rome. After Caesar had arrived there, he demanded hostages. ipse ego offer o solatium. Tu apud pater con- scriptus contra ego dico audco 1 Quam difficilis sum cri- men non prodo vultus ! Rex non facto ops. Rex sum, qui metuo nihil. In refero* gratia, si modo Hesiodus credo, debco imitor ager fertilis qui plus multus affero quam accipio. Semper sum pauper, si pauper sum, ^Etnilianus do ops nullus nunc, nis dives. Ecce bibo arcus ; pJuo credo, hodie. Ut saepe superus inge- nium in occultus 6 latco! Ut ager non omnis fru- gifer sum qui colo ; sic animus non omnis cultus fructus fcro. Quis Athenae conser- vator, Codrus, non max- ime laudo ? Pompeius, " Tueor," inquam, " castra et de- fendo : ego reliquus porta circumco et praesidium confirmo" Bellum confectus, ab is Cfesar hie factum cog- nosco, qui sermo inter- sum. Philippus, ut ego sa- lufo, stattrn Roma profi- ciscor. Eo postquam Cnssar pervenio, obses posco. 180 INDICATIVE MOOD. 259. "When the Helvetii were in- formed of his approach, they send ambassadors to him. (3.) Cassar was informed, that all the Belgae, who, we have said, constitute a third part of Gaul, were conspiring against the Ro- man people. (4.) Should any thing new oc- cur, take care that I may be in- formed. Salute Pilia and Attica. (5.) Do not commend me here- after to your (friend) Caesar. Do not envy your brother. R. 2. I will satisfy you if I can. R. 3. Volumnia ought to have been more attentive to you, and even that which she did, she mi^ht have done more carefully. You ought long since to have been led to execution, by the command of the consul, (and) that destruction, which you have been long devising against all of us, should have been turned against yourself. The army might have been destroyed, if any one had dared to conquer. If men apply reason to fraud and malice, it would have been better that it had not been giv- en, than given, to the human race. What condition would it not have been desirable to accept, rather than abandon our coun- try? When it would have become them to stand in the line of bat- tle and fight, then they took ref- Ubi de is adventus Hel- vetius certus c facio, le- gatus ad is mitto rf . Caesar certus facio, on> nis Belgae, qui tertius sum Gallia pars dico, contra populus Romanus con- juro. Si quis accido novus", facio f , ut scio. Pilia Atticaque saluto f . Ego posthac ne com- mendo/ Caesar tuus. Ne invideo f frater tuus. Ego, si possum, facio tu satis. Volumnia dcbeo in tu officiosus sum, et is ipse qui facio, possum diligens facio. Ad mors tu duco jus- sus consul, jamprldem oporteo 5 in tu confero pestis iste, qui tu in ego omnis jamdiu machi- nor*. Deleo possum exerci- tus, si quis audeo vinco. Si homo ratio in fraus malitiaque converto, non do ille quam do humanus genus bonus sum. Q,ui conditio non ac- cipio*, potius quam re- linquo* patria? Quum in acies sto ac pugno decet, turn in cas- tra refugio ; quum pro 260. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 181 vallum pugno*, castra trado. uge in the camp ; when it was their duty to fight before the rampart, they surrendered (their) camp. Plato thinks that philosophers should take no part in political affairs, except by compulsion : it would, however, be more reason- able that it should be done spon- taneously. a 275, II. 6 nevt. c comp. * 145, I, 3. ' 212, R. 3, N. 3. f sing. B imp. h 145, 1.2. * 274, R. 8. Plato philosophus ad respublica ne accedo quidem debeo puto, nisi coactus : cequus autem sum* is voluritas fio. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 260. The subjunctive mood is used to express an action or state simply as conceived by the mind. I. For he supposed that in this way he should most easily retain, subject to his power, those speak- ing the Greek language, who lived in Asia, if he intrusted the de- fence of the towns c to his friends. In this battle the Athenians were so much more distinguished for valor, that they routed ten times (their) number of enemies; and so frightened (them,) that the Persians directed their course not to their camp, but to their ships. It seems not out of place to mention what reward was given to Milliades for this victory. II. R. 1. The Pythia directed that they should take Miltiades as their commander ; that if hey should do this, their enter- prises would prove successful. Miltiades returns to Lemnos, 16 Sic enim puto facile sui Graecus lingua* lo- quens, qui Asia incolo*, sub suus retineo 6 potes- tas, si amicus suus oppi- dum tueor trado d . In qui e praelium tantus plus virtus-^ valeo Atheni- ensis, ut decemplex nu- merus hostis profligo* ; adeoque perterreo, ut Persa non castra, sed navis pcto g . Q,ui victoria 71 non ali- enus videor, qualis prae- mium Miltiades tribuo, doceo. Pythia proecipio, ut Miltiades sui f imperator swno j ; is si facio k t in- ceptum prosperus sum 1 . Miltiades Lemnus re- 18-2 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 260 and demands that they should surrender up the city to him, according to their engagement. There was a great dispute among the generals, whether they should defend themselves by their walls, or should meet the enemy, and engage in battle. R. 2. You would have sup- posed that Sylla had come into Italy, not as the avenger of war, but as the promoter of peace; with so much tranquillity did he lead his army through Apulia and Calabria. Could you have thought, that it could ever happen, that I should be at a loss for words 1 Alexander uttered frequent groans, just as if the death of his own mother had been announced ; you would have believed that he was weeping amidst his own con- nections, and not administering, but seeking consolation. R. 3. Grant, indeed, that those are good things which are so esteemed, honors, riches, pleas- ures, and the rest, yet even in the enjoyment of these, immode- rate joy is unseemly. Grant that there is a difference between the dignity of the highest men and the lowest ; there is not one degree of crime in killing illustrious men, and another, the obscure. R. 4. I could relate on suffi- cient evidence, that Augustus was surnamed Thursinus. Brother, with your good leave I would say (it,) this sentiment is very prejudicial to the public, when vertor, et ex pactum pos- tiilo, ut sui urbs lrado m . Inter prcetor magnus sum contentio utrum moenia sui dcfendo j , an obviam co j hostis, acies- que contendo 3 . Puto n Sylla venio in Italia, non bellurn vindex sed pax auctor ; tantus cum quies exercitus per Calabria Apuliaque du- co. Putone unquam accido possum ut ego verbum desum? Alexander, haud secus quam ac si parens suus mors nuntio, creber edo gemitus ; credo is inter suus necessitudo fleo, et solatium non adhibeo sed quaere. Sum, sane, iste bonum qui puto, honor, divi- tise, voluptas, ceterus^, tamen in is ipse potior ? , gestiens laetitia turpis sum. Intersum inter vita dig- nttas superus atque infe- rus ; non alius facinus 1 " clarus homo, alius obscu- rus neco*. Thursinus cognomino Augustus, satis certus probatio r trado 1 . Frater, bonus tuus ve- nia dico, iste sententia maxime obsum respubli* 260. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 183 it is alleged that something is true and right, but it is denied that it can be carried, that is, that the people can be resisted. You can scarcely find a man of any nation, age, or rank, whose felicity you can compare to the fortunes of Metellus. I would not deny that my lan- guage seemed to you harsh and atrocious ; but how much more atrocious do you think that your deeds are, than my words? I should not reckon him sec- ond or third in a chariot-race, who has scarcely quitted the bar- riers, when the first has already received the palm. The third mode of mining would outdo the work of the giants ; galleries being carried through a great space, the moun- tains are excavated by torch- light. I wish you to be persuaded that you can do nothing more ac- ceptable to me, than to assist Lamia in his candidateship with all your resources. It escaped me to write to you before about Dionysius ; if it shall be necessary to send for him, (which I do not wish,) you will take care that we do not give him trouble against his will. Assuredly I should not a little prefer the mind of Socrates to the fortunes of all those who sat in judgment upon him. R. 5. Who would deny that all fickle men, all men of strong desires, in short, all wicked men, are slaves ? ca, quum aliquis verus et rectus sum dico", sed ob- tineo, is sum, resisto possum" populus", nego. Vix ullus gens, setas, ordo homo invenio*, qui felicitas fortuna Metel- lus compare*. Non nego 1 tristis a- troxque tu p video oratio meus ; quantus y credo factum vester atrox sum quam verbum meus? Non in quadriga 2 is secundus numero 1 , aut tertius, qui vix e career exeo*, quum palma jam primus accipio". Tertius ratio effodio " metallum opus p gigas vinco ; cuniculus per magnus spatium actus, cavo mons ad lucerna lumen. Volo tu" persuadeo 56 , nihil tu ego gratus facio possum, quam si omnis tuus ops Lamia in peti- tio juvo cc . De Dionysius fugio ego ad tu antea scribo ; tu tamen video si arces- so dd , (qui nolo,) ne mo- lestus sum invitus". Na3 ego haud paulus y Socrates animus malo, quam is omnis fortuna qui de is judlco. Q,uis nego omnis levis, omnis cupTdus, omnis demque improbus sum servus ? 184 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 260 If we ourselves, who are pre- cluded from all gratification by our business, are nevertheless at- tracted by the games, why should you wonder at the uneducated multitude? Who would not, with reason, wonder that the plane-tree should have been brought from another hemisphere only for the sake of its shade ? What can seem great to him in human affairs, to whom all eternity and the magnitude of the whole universe is known ? One furious gladiator carries on war against his country ; are we to yield to him ; are we to listen to his conditions ? R. 6. So live with an inferior, as you would wish a superior to live with you. Let every one become ac- quainted with his own disposi- tion, and show himself a severe judge both of his own good qual- ities and faults. Do not allow it to happen, that when all (advantages) have been supplied to you by me, you should seem to have been wanting to yourself. If I have defended my own safety against your brother's most cruel attack upon me, be satis- fied that I do not complain to you too of his injustice. Were I to deny that I am af- fected with regret for Scipio, philosophers must see to it, with Si egomet ipse, qui ab delectatio omnis negoti- um impedio, ludus ta- men delecto, qui tu ad- mi ror de multitudo in- doctus ? Q,uis non }us f/ miror platanus, umbra gratia tantum, ex alienus pe- to gg orbis ? Quis video is magnus in res huinanus qui aeter- nitas omnis totusque mundus notussum* mag- nitudo ? Unus furiosus gladia- tor contra patria gero bellum; hie cedo ; hie conditio audio ? Sic cum inferus vivo, quemadmodum tucum superus volo** vivo. Suus quisque" nosco ingenium, acerque sui et bonum et vitium suus judex prabeo. Ne committo, ut, quum omnis tu suppedito JJ a ego p , tute tu desum vi- deo. Si meus salus contra frater tuus impetus in ego crudelis defendo**, satis habeo nihil ego eti- am tucum de is injuria conqueror. Ego si Scipio deside- rium ego moveo nego, quam is recte facio video 260. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 185 what propriety I should do so ; but I should certainly speak falsely. Let the Stoics look to it, whether it be an evil to be in pain. You will say, " Write nothing at all." How shall I better es- cape those who wish to misrep- resent ? R. 7. O war, greatly to be dreaded, since Catiline is to have this pretorian cohort ! I will cause that no good man shall perish. Finally, I will so conduct my- self in the state as to remember always what I have done, and to provide that they shall appear to have been accomplished by virtue, and not by accident. Metellus Pius was asked what he intended to do the next day. The chiefs of the ^Edui said, they did not doubt, if the Romans should conquer the Helvetii, that, in common with the rest of Gaul, they would deprive the JEdui of liberty. sapiens ; sed certe men- tior. Sumrie malum doleo necne, StoTcus video 1 . " Nihil," inquam, a om- nino scribo 1 ." Qui ma- gis effugio is qui volo fingo? O bellum magnopere pertimescendus, cum hie sum 11 habiturus Catilma cohors prsetorius. Perficio ut ne quis bo- nus inter eo 11 . Demque ita ego in respublica tracto, ut me- mini mm semper qui gero, curuque 11 , ut is virtus, non casus, gero videor. Metellus Pius interro- go quis posterns dies fac- turus sum". Princeps ^Edui, non dubito sui, dico, quin, si Helvetii supero cc Roma- nus, una cum reltquus Gallia JEduus libertas sum" eripio. 247. b 272. c lit. the towns to be defended, 274, R. 7. d 266, R. 4. e 206, (17.) / 247. * 260, I. R. 1. h gen. * 211, R. 5, 1. J (2.) * (4.) * 266, 2, & R. 4. OT (1.) n imp. lit. that words should be wanting, fyc. p pi. 7 275, II. & 162, 20. r 247. lit. illustrious men are not killed, fyc. ' perf. u it,d. v 239, 3, 2d paragraph, & 209, R. 3, (6.) w 223, R. 2. * 266, 1. v 256, R. 16. z lit. amomr the. chariots. aa 275, II. 262, R. 4. cc 145, VI. <& 2/4, R. 8. e ' 222. // 249, II zz 273, 5. ''* R. 5. " 279, 14. JJ 263, 5 * fc 261, 2. ll pres. ' mm perf. 183, 3 N. 16* 186 PROTASIS AND APODOSIS. PROTASIS AND APODOSIS. In a sentence containing a condition and a conclusion, the former is called the protasis, the latter the apodosis. 1. They report that Alexan- der said," If I were not Alexander, I would willingly be Diogenes." There are innumerable things of the same kind which I could not endure, if I had not my friend Atticus as a partner of my pursuits. These things seem ridiculous to you, because you were not present, which if you were to see, you could not help weeping. If any one were to dig round these plane-trees and water them, their branches would not be knot- ty, and their trunks unsightly. If the gods were to make phi- losophy a vulgar good, if we were born wise, wisdom would lose what is the best part of it ; it would be among accidental things. 2. The war carried on before Modena followed ; in which, were I to call Atticus only prudent, I should say less than I ought. Even in causes in which we have only to do with the judges, and not with the people, yet, if I were deserted by the audi- ence, I should not be able to speak. I neither could imitate the ora- tions which Thucydides has intro- Alexander dico fero, " Nisi Alexander sum, sum libenter Diogenes." Sum innumerabllis ge- nus idem, qui quidem non fcro, nisi habeo so- cius studium meus Atti- cus noster. Hie tu ridiculus video, quia non adsum, qui si video, lacryma non te- nco. Si quis hie platanus tifcumfodio, si irrigo, non nodosus sum ramus et squalldus truncus. Si deus philosophia bonum vulgaris facio, si prudens nascor, sapien- tia, qui in sui bonus habeo pcrdo a ; inter for- tuttus sum. Sequor bellum gestus apud Mutma ; in qui si tantum Atticus prudens dico, minus quam debeo pr&dico. Ego vero, in is etiam causa in qui omnis ego res cum judex sum 6 , non cum populus, tamen si a corona relinquo c , non queo d dico. Oratio qui historia* suus interpono Thucyd- 261. PROTASIS AND APODOSIS. 187 duced into his history, if I would, nor perhaps would, if I could. If wisdom were given me with this limitation, that I should keep it shut up, and not give it utter- ance, I would reject it. R. 1. If a good reputation is better than riches, and money is so eagerly desired, how much more ought glory to be desired ! There is the greatest accuracy of information in the senses, if they are sound, and all things are removed which hinder and ob- struct. If thou art a god, said the Scythian ambassadors to Alex- ander, thou oughtest to bestow benefits on mortals, not to take away theirs. If a pilot is extolled with dis- tinguished praise, who saves a ship from a storm and a sea full of rocks, why should not his pru- dence be thought peculiar who has attained safety from amidst public commotions? If you love me, if you know that you are loved by me, exert yourself through your friends, cli- ents, guests, (and) in short, your freedmen and slaves, that no leaf may be lost of the books which Sergius Claudius left. Arms are of little value abroad, unless there is prudent manage- ment at home. ides, imitor neque pos- sum, si volo, nee volo for- tasse, si possum. Si cum hie exceptio do ego sapientia, ut ille inclusus teneo nee enun- cio, rejicio. Si bonus existimatio divitiae pr&sto, et pecunia tantopere expeto, quan- tus-^ gloria magis expeto s ! Magnus sum h in sensus verttas, si sanus sum, et omnis removeo qui obsto et impedio. Si deus sum, legatus Scythicus Alexander di- co, tribuo mortalis bene- ficium debeo, non SUUS A eripio. Si gubernator praecipu- us lausfe?-o, qui navis ex hiems mareque scopulo- sus servo, cur non singu- laris is existimo j pruden- tia, qui ex procella civilis ad incolumttas pervenio? Si ego amo, si tu a ego amo scio, emtor k per aml- cus, cliens, hospes, liber- tus denique ac servus tuus, ut scida nequis de- pereo ex is liber, qui Sergius Claudius relin- quo. Parvus sum foris arma, nisi sum consilium do- mus. a plup. b lit. in which the whole matter is to us, <^c. c perf. d pres 124. / 256, R. 16. * ind. 274, R. 8. * ind. * 208, (6.) subj. * 259, R. 1, (4^ 188 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UT, NE, &C. <) 26*2. English to be turned into Latin. The Roman prodigies, Horatius, Mucius, and Claelia, if they were" not 6 in the annals, loould seem at this day fables. Socrates said to his slave, " / would beat thee, were I not angry." If anger were a good (thing,) it would be found iti d every man (who was) most perfect* ; but the most passionate (persons) are infants, old men, and the sick. If ill health had carried off Cn. Pompey at Naples p , he would have dicd f undoubted chief of the Roman people. Your plan ? would be a agreeable* to my wishes 4 , if it were in my power j to spend* all (my) time at your house 2 . Even though Caesar were not the man he is 771 , yet he would seem to deserve to be spoken of with compliment". * fore. b if not, nisi. ccedo. d to be found in, sequor. * lit. every most perfect (man,) 279, 14. / excedo. e consilium. h op- tatus. * lit. to me. i to be in one's power, liceo. * consume. ' lit. with you. m lit. that (man) that he is. n to speak of with compliment, orno, 274, R. 8. ill health, valetudo. f Neapolis. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UT, JYE, &c. 262. A clause denoting the purpose, object, or result of a preceding proposition, takes the subjunctive after ut, ne, quo, quin, and quominus. UT. This is a common vice in great Sum hie communis vi- and free states, that envy is an at- tium in magnus liberque tendant on glory, and (that) they civitas, ut invidia gloria willingly detract from those whom comes sum, et libenter de they perceive to be too eminent. hie dctraho, qui emineo a video alte. It is a custom of mankind, that Mos sum homo, ut nolo they are unwilling that the same idem multus res excello. person should excel in many things. Ariovistus replied that it was Ariovistus respondeo SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UT. 189 the right of war, that those who had conquered, should govern those whom they had conquered, as they pleased. Joined with the evils of cities on the sea-coast, is also this great convenience, that they can carry what their lands produce into whatever countries they please. In punishing injuries the law aims at these three things, either that it may reform him whom it punishes, or that by his punish- ment it may render others better, or that by the removal of bad men, the others may live more secure. R. 1. Hannibal so united his troops by a sort of bond, that no mutiny (ever) existed either among themselves or against their general. Oratory moves the minds of judges, and impels them, so that they either hate, or love, or envy, or wish (the culprit) safe, or pity, or wish to punish. The harangues of Thucydides contain so many obscure and in- volved sentences, that they can scarcely be understood ; which in civil eloquence is a very great fault. Atticus so accepted the office of prefect to many consuls, that he followed no one to the prov- ince. Csesar found at Brundisium (only) so many ships as scantily sufficed for the transport of fifteen thousand legionaries (and) five Hundred horse. jus sum bellum, ut, qui vinco a , is, qui vinco a , quern ad mod um volo A , im- pero. In vitium maritlmus urbs insurn ille magnus commoditas, ut is qui ager effero sui quicun- que volo 6 in terra porto possum. In vindico* injuria haec tres lex sequor 7 , ut aut is qui punio emendo, aut poena is ceterus bonus reddo, aut sublatus ma- lum securus ceterus vi- vo. Hannibal vinculum quid am ita copia copulo, ut nullus nee inter ipse nee adversus dux seditio exsto. Oratio mens judexper- moveo, impelloque ut aut odi, aut amo, aut invideo, aut salvus volo, aut mi- sercor aut punio volo. Thucydides concio ita multus habeo obscurus abditusque sententia, vix ut intelligo ; qui sum in oratio civilis vitium vel magnus. Multus consul prsefec- tura sic accipio Atticus, ut nemo in provincia se- quor. Caesar Brundisium tan~ tus navis c reperio, ut an- guste quindecim mille legionarius miles quin- genti eques transporto possum*. 190 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UT. 262 2Gfi, 1. & 260, R. 4. c 212, R. 3. d lit. as could scarcely transport, ^c. e 275, II. / per/. ' 257. * 265. English to be turned into Lathi. We are all servants of the laws, for this end a , that we may 1 be free. The Romans took Cincinnatus from the plough, that he might be dictator. While 4 you are Pylades, will you say that you are Orestes, that you may die for' your friend? The haughtiness of the last king had caused 7 lib- erty to be the more welcome*. Before old age I was at pains' 1 to live well, in old age, to die well. Every creature 1 loves^ itself, and is attentive* to preserve 1 itself. The physician has done" 1 his part", if he has made every effort to effect a cure p . I wish that* you would answer me. For my part, Y could wish", that you would at last' return. Phaethon desired" to be carried" in his father's chariot. The senate ordered 1 " the decemvirs to inspect the Sibylline books. Csesar resolved 1 to send ambassadors to Ariovistus. Caesar directed y Dolabella to write to me, to come, into Italy as soon as possible. I earnestly* exhort you, my Cicero, to read studiously not only my orations, but these books also concerning philosophy. Italy is (so) planted" with trees that the whole appears (like) an orchard 66 . a for this end, idcirco. 6 possum. c abduco. d cum. " pro. f fa- cio. * Isetus. Place the leading clause last. * to be at pains, euro. 4 animal. 1 diligo. * to be attentive, id ago. ' conserve. m perago. * pL to make every effort, omnia facio. p to effect a cure, euro. * utl. T for my part I, equidem. * imp. ' at last, aliquando. u op- to. * tollo. v impgro. * lit. it pleased Casar. y dico. * magnop- 6re. consitus. bb pomarium. R. 2. Who is he that professes Quis sum iste qui sui himself innocent, in regard to all profiteer" omnis lex 6 in- the laws? Granting this to be nocens? Ut hie ita sum, so, how confined an innocence it quam angustus inno- is to be good according to law! centia sum ad lex bonus How many things do filial duty, sum ! Q,uam multus pie- humanity, liberality, demand ; all tas, hurnamtas, liberalt- of which are beyond (the range tas, exTgo ; qui omnis ex- of ) the public law. tra publtcus tabula sum Although I should pass over Ut superus 6 omitto t 262. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UT. 191 the preceding (considerations,) this, at least, I will not omit to mention, which has excited in me the greatest wonder. Granting that I had the other (requisites) in the highest degree, I have surely had scarcely suffi- cient time to become intimately acquainted with so great a sub- ject. * 264, 7. 249, II. e comp. * 223. ' 260, R. 8. / 212. hie certe, qui ego* mag- nus admiratio moveo, non taceo. Ut superus habeo' cet- erus, tempus 7 quidem certe vix satis habeo, ut res tantus possum cog- nosco. English to be turned into Latin. There are some who think that they have acquired 5 , I know not what wonderful 7 * (thing,) because they have learned 6 that, when the time of death shall come d , they will utterly* perish: suppose this-^ to be so, what has that thing either joyful^ or glorious? No reason 71 occurs to me, why the opinion 9 of Pythagoras and Plato should not be* true; and supposing that Plato alleged ' j no reason, (see how much* I defer' to him" 1 !) he would overpower 71 me even by (his) authority. 264, 6. * adipiscor. c 26G, 3. d 266, R. 4. e totus. / 206, (17.) e laetabilis. h no reason, nihil. i 265. / affgro. * how much, quid. l tribuo, 265. m homo. " frango, 260, R. 8. ipse. p prseclarus 3 sententia. R. 3. It happens, somehow or other, that, if any fault is com- mitted, we perceive it more readi- ly in others than in ourselves. It may happen that a man may think justly, and not be able to express tersely what he thinks. It happens to most men, that through the assistance of the art of writing, they relax their dili- gence in committing to memory. Flo, nescio quomodo, ut magis in alius cerno quam in egomet ipse, si quis delinquo. Fio possum ut recte quis scntio, et is qui sen- lie" polite eldquor non possum. Plerlque accido, ut pre- sidium literse diligentia in perdisco remitto. 192 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UT. 262. It is the fortune of the wise Solus hie contingo sa- man alone to do nothing against piens, ut nihil facia in- his will. vltus. It very often happens that utili- Persiepe evenio, ut utili- ty is at variance with virtue. tas cum honestas certo. 266,1. English to be turned into Latin. It occurred 11 in the memory of our fathers, that a father of a family, who had come* from Spain to Rome, and 6 had left a wife in the province, married another at Rome, and did not send a notice of divorce c to the former (wife.) It hap- pens", in (the case of) poems and pictures, and many* other (things,) that the unskilful are delighted, and praise those (things) which are 1 not deserving of praise 8 . It is best to speak f every day in the hearing of a number^ (of persons,) especially 1 (those) about whose opinions" we are* most* anx- ious- 7 ; for it is seldom* (the case) that any (man) stands in sufficient awe 1 of himself. As fortune does not answer in every point" 1 to (one who) undertakes" many (things,) the consequence is , that he to whom some (things) have turned out p contrary to his plans 9 , becomes* impatient of men and things. it occurred, usu venit. 6 quum. c to send notice of a divorce, mmtium remitto. d completes. ' 274, R. 8. / lit. that ice speak. * lit. many hearing. h 2G4, 1, 3d paragraph. i maxime. J solici- tus. * rams. l to stand in awe, vereor. m in every point, ublque. n lit. undertaking. tin- consequence is, sequltur. p to turn out, ce- do. ' contrary to his plans, contra quam proposuerat. r sum. * 2GG, 1. ' 264,1. " sing. Since you are greatly esteemed by me, and I am very dear to you, it rejnain* for us to rival each other in acts of kindness 6 ; in which 6 I shall conquer you or be conquered by you without displeasured (I,) who could 8 once 7 assist* obscure or even guilty men, cannot now promise (my) aid to P. Nigidius, the most learned^ and most irreproachable' 1 of men 1 : it remains*, therefore, that I console thee, and adduce^ reasons by which I may endeavor y to divert' thee from thy troubles" 1 . The last thing" is, that I entreat arid implore you to be magnanimous*, and remember not 7 only what 7 " you 262. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UT. 193 have received from other great men, but also what you your- self have produced* by (your) genius and study. It is the main thing', in an orator 11 , to seem to those before" whom he pleads such as he himself would wish". a to be greatly esteemed, plurlmi fio, 214. b lit. that ice should con- tend mutually (inter nos) in kind offices (officiis.) c 247. d without displeasure, cequo ammo. ' imp. f antea. e lit. to one the most learned. h sanctus. * lit. of all. 1 reliquum est. * affero. l ab- duco. m molestia. " extremum illud. obs^cro. p ammo max- Imo, 245, III. 9 and not, nee. r is qui. * pario. * main thing, caput. u gen. * apud. v ind. pr. * opitulor. y 260, 1. R. 4. There are letters extant of Cicero to his brother Quintus, in which he exhorts and admon- ishes him to imitate his neighbor Octavius. When the Locrians were going to transport the money from the temple, which was without the city walls, into the city, a voice was heard by night from the shrine (warning them) to refrain ; that the goddess would defend her own temple. You know what Cotta, what the priest thinks ; give me now to understand what you think. See that you be in good health, and love me in return, and up- hold my dignity, if I deserve it. Exto epistola M. Cice- ro ad Quintus frater, qui is hortor et moneo, imitor vicmus suus Octavius. Quum Locrensis, ex templum qui extra urbs sum pecunia in urbs transfero volo, noctu au- dior delubrum vox, absti- neo manus ; dea suus templum defendo . Habeo quis Cotta, quis pontlfex sentio ; facio er- go nunc intelligo tu quis sentio 6 . Facio valeo, egOque mutue diRgo, dignitas- que meus si mereor tu- ear. * 273, 3, 3d paragraph. * 265. English to be turned into Latin. I would rather" (that) a wise enemy should fear thee, than foolish citizens praise (thee.) Ceesar gives (it) in charge b to Labienus to visit c the Remi and other Belgge, and keep* them in allegiance*. You ought f to love me myself, not mine*, if 17 194 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER NE. 262. we are to be true friends. Your own mind ought f to pro- nounce 11 you rich, not the common talk*, nor the amount of your possessions. Whatever comes into existence', of what- ever kind* it is, must needs 1 have a cause in 771 nature. malo. b to give in charge, mando. adeo. d contineo. * of- ficium. / oportet. * 205, R. 7, (2.) h dico. * common talk, hormnum sermo. J to come into existence, orior. * of whatever kind, qualecunque. l must needs, necesse est. m a. JVE. R. 5. Some have acquired (the power) of never laughing. Atticus, as long as he was at Athens, opposed the erection of any statue to him. By the Cincian law it is pro- vided that no one shall receive compensation or a gift for plead- ing a cause. I sent you a copy of the letter which I wrote to Brutus, that, if it should not please you, you might not send (it.) This is the opinion of the Ro- man people, that a pretext of re- ligion has been set up a , not so much that they might hinder you, as that no one might wish to go to Alexandria. Hens and other birds, when they have hatched their young, so defend them, that they even cherish them with their wings, lest they be injured by cold. R. 6. Beware of doing (it.) Beware of pardoning (him.) Take care that I never hear that word from you. Quidam, ne unquam rideo, consequor. Atticus, quamdiu Athe- nae adsum, ne quis sui status pono, resisto. Lex Cincius caveo, ne quis ob causa oro pe- cunia donumve accipio. Epistola, qui ad Bru- tus scribo, mitto ad tu exemplum, ut, si minus placeo, ne mitto. Hie sum opinio popii- lus Romanus, induco no- men religio, non tarn ut tu irnpedio, quarn ut ne quis Alexandria volo eo. Gallina avisque reli- quus, pullus quum exclu- do 6 , ita is tueor, ut et penna foveo ne frigus Ice- do. Caveo, facio. Caveo, ignosco. Caveo, unquam istic verbum ex tu audio. * lit. that the name of religion has been introduced. b 263, 5 262. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER NE. 195 English to be turned into Latin, If life (spent) in exile should seem to you more agreea- ble", you ought to consider 6 lest it should not be safer. Cae- sar had, by letter, directed^ Trebonius not to suffer Marseilles to be carried 6 by force. The senate formerly decreed, that L. Opimius should see that the state f received 5 no h detri- ment 7 . Beware j of doubling* this', that" 1 1 do" every thing which I think p to be for your interest 7 ; or even that you wish for, if I can r in any way* do (it.) Beioare of thinking 1 that, because I write" somewhat jocosely 11 , I have laid aside" anxiety* for the republic^. commodus. * considero, 274, R. 8, 2d paragraph, & 225, III. R. 1. c 145, R. 2, 2d paragraph. d mando. ' expugno. / res- publica. e capio. h that no, ne quis. * 212, R. 3. i caveo. * subj. l ille. m quin. n R. 10. omnis. * existlmo, 2G6, 1. * 219, R. 1. r possum, 261, 2. * modus. ' existlmo. u 266, 3. 256, R. 9, 2d paragraph. w abjicio. * cura. gen. R. 7. It is to be feared that, in a short time, there will be a famine m the city. I was fearing, lest those things should happen, which have oc- curred. If Caesar means to give up the city to plunder, I fear that Dolabella himself may not be able to be of any effectual service to us. I add this also, which I am afraid I shall not justify (even) to yourself. I fear lest we should be shut in, so that when you wish to leave (the city,) you may not be able. A bad man will never abstain from crime on this account, that he thinks it naturally base, but because he is afraid that it may get abroad. Whether Pompey means to Vereor , ne brevis tern- pus fames in urbs sum, Timeo, ne evenio is, qui accido 6 . Si Caesar diripio* urbs do rf , vereor ut Dolabella ipse satis ego prosum possum 6 . Addo etiam ille, qui vereor tu ipse ut probo. Metuo ne intercludo t ut quum vo\o f exeo non licet. Vir improbus nun- quam a scelus ob is causa abstineo, quod is natura turpis judico^, sed quod metuo ne emdno. Utrum Pompeius con*- 196 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER NE. make a stand any where, or pass the sea, is not known ; if he re- mains, I fear he cannot have an efficient army. I see the weakness of your health, and fear that you may not be able to meet your present for- tune. A law was passed in the Comi- tia Centuriata, that no magistrate should kill or beat a Roman citi- zen in violation of an appeal. This also was a noble (act) of Thrasybulus, that when he had the greatest power in the state, he proposed a law, that no one should be accused of things pre- viously done, nor be punished. sisto uspiam volo A , an mare transeo volo, nes- cio ; si marieo, vereor ne exercltus satis firmus ha- beo non possum. Infirmltas valetudo tu- us video, et vereor ne praesens fortuna tuus suf- ficio non possum. Centuriatus Comitia lex fero, ntquis magistra- tus civis Romanus adver- sus provocatio neco, neve verbero. Prseclarus hie* quo- que Thrasybulus^, quod quum multum in civitas possum, lex fero nequis anteactus res* accuso neve multo. 209, R. 3, (3.) * 266, R. 5. c 274, R. 7. <* 274, R. 6. pres. 260, R. 7, (1.) / pi. * 266, 3. * 265. * 205, R. 7, (2.) / 211, R. 8, (5.) * 217. ' lit. lest any statue should be erected. m 275, II. English to be turned into Latin. Although the Greeks had made a drawn battle at Arte- misium, still they dared not remain in the same place ; lest, if part of (their) adversaries' ships had doubled 6 Euboea,they should be assailed c by a twofold 6 * danger. I am afraid 1 that you may not be able to endure* all the labors which I see you undertake. As 7 the senate had not decreed*' the treaty, Hiempsal is afraid" that it may not stand good\ Fear { had seized* the Roman soldiers, that Scipio's wound might be mortal*. Alcibiades warned Philocles, that there was danger that, by the want of discipline' (among his) soldiers" 1 , an op- portunity should be given to Lysander of surprising" the ar- my. Gallus distrusted the small number of the cohorts which were at Placentia 7 ', lest they could not endure 11 a pro- longed'' siege and the assault* of the German army. to make a drawn battle, pari prselio discedo. b supSro, 266 $262. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUO, NON QUO, ETC. 197 R. 4. c premo. d anceps. ' sustineo. / quia. e jubeo. h lit. be. sufficiently Jirm. * pavor. i capio. k inortlfer. l want of dis- cipline, imrnodestia. m gen. n opprirno, 275, JI. small num- ber, paucltas. p 221, I. ? to not endure, palum tolero. r longus, comp. s vis. * timeo. u vereor. Among the Romans there was not only grief for (their) ill success 6 , but fear also that the enemy might straightway* attack/ 1 the camp. There is no e danger, that he, who can paint a lion or a bull skilfully 7 , should not be able to do the same (thing) with ff many other quadrupeds. I fear that I may possibly^ not appear to have consulted* other (men's) benefit^, but (my) own fc glory'. I perceived by your let- ters, that you fear that your former" (letters) have not been delivered to me. I think it right to give (my) readers this precept?, that they should not try q foreign 1 " manners by* theif own, nor think 1 those things which are trifling" to themselves to have been (so) likewise" among others. mosstitia. b for ill success, ex re male gestci. c extemplo. d ag- gredior. e non. / egregie. ff in. h forte. * servio. 1 util- Itas, pL 223, R. 2. k proprius. l laus. m intelllgo. n superus. reddo. p I think it right to give this precept, hoc prsecipiendum videtur. ? refero. r alienus. * ad. ' arbftror. u levis, comp. * par modus, 114, 3. QUO, JVOJV QUO, AND JVOJV QUOD. R. 9. Trees are covered with Obduco liber aut cor- a rind or bark, in order that they tex arbos, quo sum a fri- may be the safer from the cold gus a et a calor a tutus, and heat. The numerous attendance of Sustollo celebritas vir men and women at funerals was ac mulier in funus, quo abolished, that lamentation might lamentatio minuo. be diminished. At this time the republic does Ego non sane hie qui- not interest me ; not as if there dem tempus moveo res- were any thing dearer to me than publica ; non quo aut sum the republic, or should be ; but ego quisquam carus, aut even Hippocrates forbids to apply sum debeo; sed despera- medicine to those whose cure is tus etiam Hippocrates desperate. veto adhibeo medicina. Your plans seemed to the sen- Senatus magnus video 17* 198 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUO, NON QUO, ETC. 262 ate greater than had been expect- consilium tuus quam ex- ed ; not as if it had ever doubted pecto ; non quo unquam of your good intention, but be- de tuus voluntas dubito, cause it was not sure how far sed quod quo progredior you meant to go. volo non satis exploratus habeo 6 . pi. * 274, 2, R. 4. English to be turned into Latin. The Roman soldiers, having fixed their javelins 6 in the ground , that they might climb d the steep* (places) more lightly 7 , ascend^ running 71 . I am thought (to be) too 1 pa- tient and tame^ , not because' I willingly* hear myself reviled', but because" 1 I do not willingly leave my cause, to break out into a passion", and alienate the judges from me. The woman felF at the feet of Sulpicia, and said that she had spoken 3 (those things,) for the sake of terrifying 8 her lover, not because" she knew any thing 7 " about the Baccha- nalia. I have no opportunity' of speaking to" you respect- ing my ancestors", not because they were not such as" ye see me (to be,) but because 00 they enjoyed not* popular fame y and the light of your honor. 257, R. 5. 6 pilum. c ace. d evado. ' arduus. / levis, 206, R. 15. e subeo. * cursus ; lit. by running. nimium. i lentus. * libenter. l to hear myself reviled, male audio. m quia. n to break out into a passion, ut effero iracundia. abalieno. p pro- cido. loquor. r quisquam. * 275, III. R. 1. * facultas. apud. * majores. w qualis. * not to enjoy, careo. y popular fame, laus popularis. * quo. aa quod. QC70 MfWUS. R. 9. Death, which, on ac- Non deterreo sapiens count of uncertain events, daily mors, qui propter incer- impends over us, (and,) on ac- tus casus quotidie immi- count of the shortness of life, can neo, propter brevitas vita never be far off, does not deter a nunquam longe possum wise man from considering the absum, quominus corn- interests of the republic and his modum respublica suus- own que consulo*. 262. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUO MINUS, AND QUIN. 199 The poet is closely allied to Sum finitimus orator the orator, in this respect at least poeta, in hie quidem cer- alrnost the same, that he does not te prope idem, nullus circumscribe his authority within ut terminus circumscrlbo any limits, so as not to be allowed jus suus, quominus is li- to wander where he pleases. cet vagor quo volo. a 258, 1, (1.) English to be turned into Latin. When we have free 6 liberty of choice 4 , and nothing hin- ders* us from being able to do f that which we like best*, all pain should be kept at a distance' 1 . When the law* was brought forward j for fc Cicero's return*, no'" citizen thought that he had a sufficient" excuse for not being present? . The soldiers of Caesar were with difficulty 7 restrained r from burst- ing 8 into the town 2 , and were much dissatisfied" at this thing", because it seemed to have been owing" to* Trebo- nius that they did not get possession y of the town. It did not hinder 4 ' Isocr&tes from being considered an excellent 66 orator, that cc he was prevented 6 from speaking in public by the feebleness 4 ^ of (his) voice. a 226. 6 solutus. c optio. d eligo, 275, III. R. 1. e im- pedio. / to be able to do, facere possum. e lit. which most pleases us, 266, 1. h to keep at a distance, repello, 274, R. 8. i 257, R. 1. i fero. * de. l Ut. recalling Cicero, 275, II. m nemo. n satis Justus. excusatio; lit. to no citizen did there seem to be a sufficient excuse. p adsum ; lit. that he should not be pres- ent. q eegre. T retineo. * from bursting into, quin irrumperent. * 233. u to be much dissatisfied, graviter fero. * ace. w to have been owing, stetisse. * per. y to gel possession, potior. * officio. " to be considered, habeor. 66 summus. cc quod. dd infirm! tas. 00. QZ7/JV. R. 10. I deny that there was Nego ullus gemma aut any jewel or pearl, which Verres margarita sum, quin cow- did not search for, examine, (and) quiro Verres, inspicio, carry off. aufero . Since I left the city, I have al- Ut ab urbs discedo, lowed no day to pass without nullus adhuc intermitto writing to you. dies quin ad tu scribo b 200 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUIN. 262. Such is the confusion of all things, that every man regrets especially his own fortune ; and there is no one who does not wish rather to be any where than where he is. It cannot fail to be charac- teristic of the same man who ap- proves the bad to disapprove the good. Hortensius did not hesitate to defend P. Sulla. There is absolutely nothing wanting to my being completely miserable. There is scarcely a day that this Satrius does not resort to my house. Is sum perturbatio omnis res, ut c suus quis- que fortuna maxtme pce- nitet ; nemoque sum d quin ublvis quam ubi sum sum malo. Absum non possum', quin idem homo 7 sum, qui irnprobus probo ff , probus improbo. Hortensius non dubi- to h , quin P. Sulla dcfendo. Prorsus nihil absum, quin sum miser*. Dies fere nullus sum, quin hie Satrius domus meus vcntito. "Per/. R. 3, (6.) * 258, I. 1, (2.) /211,R.8,(3.) c 262, R. 1. <*278. '209 2GG, 1. * imp. sup. English to be turned into Latin. There is no doubt a that he who is called liberal and kind 6 , aims at e (the discharge of) duty, not at profit^. Oc- tavianus was very near* perishing by the uproar-^ and indig- nation of the soldiery^, because he was thought* to have put a common 4 soldier to death-' by torture*. Since the king- dom of Bithynia has become' the public property" 1 of the Roman people, is there any n reason why the decemvirs should not propose to scll p all the lands, cities, harbors, in short 7 , all Bithynia 1 Caligula was near r removing' the busts' and writings of Virgil and T. Livy from all the libra- ries, one" of whom he cavilled at" as (possessed) of no genius" and very little learning, the other as verbose and negligent in (his) history. a dubius. b benignus. c sequor. d fructus. e to be very near minimum absum quin. / concursus. s soldiery, turba militaris. h credo. * gregarius. 1 to put to death, neco. k discruciatus ; lit. tortured. l fio. m public propertij. public urn. n numquis. "causa, 212. p 274, R. 6. 9 demque. r to be near, paultim absum 3uin. * amoveo. ' imago. u 207, R. 32 * to cavil at, carpa 211,R. 6. 263. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER UTINAM, &,C. 201 <> 283j I. The subjunctive is used after particles of wishing, as ufinam, uti, O and O ! si. 1. O that you would but occu- py with me an humble farm and a lowly cottage! O that Paris had been over- whelmed in the raging waters, when, with his fleet, he was di- recting his course to Lacedasmon ! that some portion of wonted valor would appear ! Would that all the gods and goddesses would destroy thee ! 1 wish he could in some way, however false, repel this accu- sation. Would that those poems were extant, which Cato, in his Ori- gins, has recorded 7 to have been commonly sung at feasts, many ages before his own time, by each of the guests, respecting the praises of illustrious men. The language of Varro gives me hope of Caesar, and I wish Varro himself would apply to the cause ; which he certainly will do, both of his own accord, and still more if you urge him. dat. * pi. e ace. in a, 80, I. & 323, 4, R. / lit. has left recorded. O tantum libct h ego- cum tu a sordldus rus 6 , atque humllis habito ca- saM O utinam tune, cum Lacedsemon c classis peto, obruo h insanus Paris aqua! O, si solitus quisquam virtus d adsum h ! Ut tu omnis deus dea- que per do" I Utinam possum aliquis ratio hie crimen defendo, quamvis falsus. Utinam exto h ille car- men, qui multus saecii- lum ante suus setas in epiilas cantito, a singiilus conviva de clarus vir laus, in Origmes scriptus relinquo Cato. Varro sermo facio ex- pectatio Ca3sar, atque utinam ipse Varro in- cumbo h in causa ; qui profecto cum suus spon- tis, tum s tu instans facio. d 212, R. 3. 278, R. 7. 162, 1, 260, R. 8. English to be turned into Latin. I wish, O Romans*, that you had such an abundance* of brave men, that this were a difficult question to you, whom'*, before all others', you should think 7 deserving of being ap- pointed to the management^ of this war\ The virtue, the 202 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUAMVIS. 263. humanity, of Piso, (his) affection* towards us all, is so great, that nothing can surpass-' (it;) I wish this fr may be a (source of) pleasure to him' ; I see, indeed, that it will (of) glory'. / wish you may covet' 1 the retreat of my 7 * villa, that to its numerous 7 and great r attractions* its greatest recommenda- tion' may be added" by your society . * Quiris. b copia. c deliberatio. d quisnam. * before all others, potisslmus. / puto. e deserving of being appointed to the manage- ment, prseficio, 274, R. 8. h 224. * amor, i supra possit. k ea res. ' 227. m fore. " concupisco. secessus. F noster. 5 tot. T tantus. * dos. ' commendatio. u accedo. " contubernium. QUAMVIS, HOWEVER, OR HOWEVER MUCH. 2. However much I love my Quamvis amo Cn. Pom- friend Cn. Pompey, as I both do peius noster, ut et facio et and am bound to do, yet I cannot debeo, tamen hie, quod praise this, that he did not assist talis vir non subvenio, such men. laudo non possum. There is no possibility of as- Non sum potestas ex sisting the state on a sudden, or tempus aut quum volo when you wish, however much it opitulor res publicus, may be pressed with dangers, un- quamvis is premo pericii- less you are in that station in lum, nisi is locus sum 6 ut which you are allowed to do so. tu is facio licet. a subj. R. 5. 6 261, 2. e Lit. it is permitted to you. English to be turned into Latin. However full your coffers may be, I shall not think you rich while I see 6 you unsatisfied* ; for men estimate* the amount* of riches from what-'' is sufficient for each (indi- vidual.) The question is^ about the acuteness of Epicurus, not (his) morals ; however much he may despise those pleas- ures which he just now* praised, I shall still remember what the chief good seems 4 to him to be. However arti- ficial^ the construction* may be, it ought still to appear natural'. puto. 6 fut. c inanis. d metior. * modus. / from what, ex eo quantum. f the question is, agitur. h modo. * 266, 3. i vinctus * oratio. l solfltus. 263. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER LICET, QUASI, &-C. 203 LICET. Though truth should obtain no patron or defender, yet she is de- fended by herself. A dwarf is not great, though he stand on a mountain ; a colossus will retain its magnitude, even if it stand in a well. Although ambition be itself a vice, yet it is frequently the cause of virtues. Veritas, licet nullus patronus aut defensor obtineo, tamen per sui ipse defendo. Non sum magnus pu- milio, licet in mons con- sisto* ; colossus magni- tude suus servo, etiamsi in puteus sto 6 . Licet ipse vitium sum ambitio, frequenter tamen causa virtus sum. a perf. b fut.perf. English to be turned into Latin. You cannot", although you excel ever so much 6 , advance* all your (connections) to the highest** honors. Perhaps" 1 may have acted-'' rashly, from the impulse of youth ff , in undertaking^ his cause; since*, however- 7 ', I have once un- dertaken it, though all (sorts of) terrors and dangers impend over me, I will give (him) my aid* and encounter' (them.) 260, R. 4. b quantumvis. c perdaco. d amplissimus. ' forsi- tan. / facio. e lit. impelled by youth. h susoipio, 275, II. * quo- niam. J quidem. * to give aid, succurro. ' subeo. QK-3S/, TJJYQUJlM, AC SI, UT SI, VELUT SI, VELUTI AND CEO, WITH PRESENT AND PERFECT. The Stoics give (us) trifling arguments, why pain is not an evil ; as if the difficulty were about the word and not the thing. There are some who as care- fully conform to the party zeal and ambition of Sextus Naevius, Conclude ratiuncula StoTcus, cur dolor non sum malum ; quasi de verbum non de res la- boro b . Sum qui, quasi suus res aut honos ago, ita diligenter S. Nsevius stu* 204 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUASI, &-C. 263. as if their own affair or honor dium et cupiditas mos were at issue. gero. A chapter (of the law) follows, Sequor caput, qui non which does not merely permit, permitto modo, sed plane, but absolutely compels and com- quasi is res tu salutaris mands, that the decemvirs should futurus sum, ita cogo sell your taxes, as if this were atque impero, ut decem- likely to be beneficial to you. vir vester vectlgal vendo c . Fabius mentions the capture Fabius M. Atilius ca- of M. Atilius in Africa, as if pio* in Africa commem- Atilius miscarried at his first 6ro, tanquam M. Atili- landing in Africa. us primus accessus ad Africa offcndo*. As if indeed I did not know Ceu vero nescio adver- that even a woman wrote against sus Theophrastus scribo Theophrastus. etiam femina. 266, 3. bpass. c 258, 1. 1. * 274, R. 5. English to be turned into Latin. Why a do I (say) 6 more c of Gavins; as if v you had been hostile^ to Gavius, and not (rather) an enemy to the name* of citizens? Some-^ think, for this reason*, that God does not exist' 1 , because he does not appear, nor is perceived ; just 4 as if we could see our own mind itself. The Pythag- oreans abstained from the bean, as if, forsooth*, the mind were puffed up* with that food. Since I am entering* on* this discussion, as if I had never 771 heard, never thought, about the immortal gods, receive me (as) an ignorant" pupil, without bias to either side . You who ask ?; , why 7 I have spoken so largely r of a thing* which is plain', and about which all are agreed", do much the same thing" as if you were to ask me, why I look at"" you with two eyes, when I can attain* the same (purpose) with one ? quid. 235, R. 5. ' 229, R. 3, 2. c pi. * infcstus. 222, R. 7, N. / 207, R. 33. e idcirco. h sum. proinde. i vero. * a R ^ ^ impers. / 247. * lit . because he hesitated, 266, 3. * 266, 3. English to be turned into Latin. Hicetas of Syracuse thinks 6 , that nothing in the world* moves'* except the earth; (and that,) as* this 7 revolves' around its axis with the utmost^ rapidity, all the same (effects) are produced 4 , as if the sky moved* while the earth* stood still. Claudius, having been placed upon a litter, was carried l , sorrowful and terrified" 1 , into the camp; the crowd who met" him pitying (him,) as if he was carried away to undeserved p punishment. Nero deprived the con- suls of their power y , and in the room 9 of both r , entered* alone (on) the consulship ; as if it were decreed by fate* that Gaul" could not be reduced but"" in his consulship*. a adj. b censeo. c mundus. d pass. * quum. / 206, (17.) * lit. turns itself. k supgrus. * efficio. 1 pass. * 257, R. I. 1 defero. m trepidus. n who met, obvius. rapio. p insons agreeing with the subject. 7 ace. r uterque. * ineo. ' decreed by fate, fatalis. M pi. " debello. v nisi. * 257, R. 7. honos. MODO, DUM, AND DUMMODO. Go at length from the city ; Egredior aliquando ex lead all thy (associates) with urbs ; educo tucum om- thee ; or if not, as many as pos- nis tuus ; si minus, quam sible ; thou wilt deliver me from multus ; magnus ego me- great fear, provided there be a tus libero, dummodo inter wall between me and thee. ego atque tu murus in- ter sum. Nor did Catiline have any con- Neque Catillna qui cern, provided he could obtain for modus assequor, dum sui 263. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER ANTEQUAM, &C. 207 himself supreme power, by what means he obtained it. The most honorable and up- right men of the city demanded that the slaves should be examined by the torture, and demanded (it) on behalf of a man, who was de- sirous even to be put to torture himself, provided only an investi- gation took place about his fa- ther's death. regnum paro, quisquam pensus" habeo. Postulo homo nobilis atque integer civltas ser- vus in quoestio 6 , postulo autem pro homo qui vel ipse c sui in cruciatus do* cupio', dum de pater mors qucero*. a 212, R.3,N. 3. himself. 266, 3. 6 lit. for torture, f pass, impers. e 207, R. 28. * lit. to give English to be turned into Latin. Deiotarus had recourse to the auspices of virtue, which forbids to regard 5 fortune, provided* (one's) word* be kept 1 . The Peripatetics approve 7 moderation 5 ', and rightly approve (it,) provided 11 they did not commend anger*. Old men's fac- ulties^ remain*, provided only h study and industry remain 1 ; and that, too, not in (the case of) illustrious men only"' and (of) those who are in posts of honor", but also (of those) in private and tranquil* life. If the senate sends another (per- son) against y the spring, T do not trouble myself* ; provided only h that my command be not prolonged?" '. a to have recourse to, utor. 6 specto. c dum. d fides. * presto. f placet, with the dative. g mediocritas. h modo. * iracundia. i ingenium. k lit. faculties remain to old men. l sing. m and that too not only, lit. nor those only. " those who are in posts of honor, honorati. * quietus. y ad. * I trouble myself, laboro. aa that my command be not prolonged, nobis temporis ne quid prorogetur. JSJVTEQUAM AND PRIUSQUJM WITH THE IMPERFECT AND PLUPERFECT. 3. The Gauls crossed into Italy two hundred years before they took Rome. Aristides was present at the na- val battle of Salamis, which took Ducenti annus ante qudm Roma capio in Ita- lia Gallus transcendo. Aristides intersum pug- na navalis apud Salamis* 208 INDICATIVE AFTER ANTEQUAM, &,C. 263. place before his banishment was remitted. There was a law at Athens, that no one should obtain a de- cree of the people, that any one should be presented with a crown in his magistracy, before he had rendered his accounts. Tydides bore off to the camp the fiery steeds, before they had tasted the forage of Troy, and drank of the Xanthus. qui no prius, qudm pce- na 6 exiliurn c libero d . Sum lex Athena?, ne quis populus scitum fa- cio, ut quisquam corona dono in magistratuspn'ws, qudm ratio refero. Tydides ardens averto equus in castra, prius qudm pabulum gusto Troja Xanthusque bibo. 80, I. & 251. c 211. * lit. he was freed. English to be turned into Latin. Epaminondas, when he had come into a party*, in which a disputation was going on 6 about the republic, or a discourse holding 771 about philosophy, never departed thence till* the discourse had been brought d to a conclusion. Mithridates transfixed Datames with his weapon", and killed (him,) before any one could succor (him.) Hasdrubal, having crossed 7 the Ebro 5 " before certain news' 1 of the defeat* ar- rived J , on hearing* that the camp was lost, turned his course' towards the sea. circulus. 6 a disputation was going on, disputaretur, 266, 1. e prius, in the first clause, and quam, in the second. d adduce. ' fer- rum. / transgredior. * Iberus. h faraa. * clades. J accido. * lit. after he heard, accipio. l iter. m habeo. J3JYTEQUJ3M AND PRIUSQUJM, WITH THE PRESENT AND PERFECT INDICATIVE. Every one is involved in a cer- tain plan of life, before he has been able to judge what was best. Before I speak about the suf- ferings of Sicily, it seems to me that I ought to say a few (words) Ante implico quisque aliquis genus vivo , qudm possum, qui bonus sum judlco 6 . Antequam de incom- modum Sicilia dico, pau- cus ego videor c sum de $ 263. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER ANTEQUAM, &C. 209 about the dignity of the prov- ince. 1 was always his friend, before he became an enemy of the state. You will receive no letters from me, before I. shall settle in some place. This I perceived as soon as I saw you, before you began to speak. provincia dignitas dicen- dus rf . Q,ui e sum semper ami- cus, antequam ille res- jfo inimicus. Antequam aliquis locus consido, literse a ego non habeo. Q,ui e ego, simul ac tu asp'icio,priusquam loquor ccepi, sentio. * 275, III. R. 1 . 6 264, 4. c lit. a few things seem to me. d lit. to need to be said, 274, R. 8. e 206, (17.) English to be turned into Latin. We use (our) limbs, before we have learned for the sake" of what use 6 we possess" them. Before I answer about other* things, I shall say a few (words) about the friendship which he accuses* me of having violated 7 , which I deem* a most heavy charge. I have not attempted to excite' 1 pity in others, before 1 1 was myself touched^ with pity. * for the sake, causA. b utilitas. c habeo, 264, 4. d cetSrus. criminor. / lit. which he alleges to have been violated by me. s ju- dieo. h commoveo. * prius, in the first clause, quam, in the second. J capio. AND PRIUSQUJlM, WITH THE PRESENT AND PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE. In all kinds of business, dili- gent preparation must be made before you set about it. Exert yourself, if you can, even now, in any way accomplish the extrication of yourself 6 , and come hither as soon as possible, before all the troops of the enemy collect. Caesar transports his soldiers 18* In omnis negotium|?n- usquam aggredior, ad- hibeo a prseparatio dil- igens. Do opera, si ullus ra- tio etiam nunc efficio possum, ut tu explico, et hue quamprlmum venio, anteqnam omnis copia adversarius convenio. Caesar miles navis flu- 210 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER DUM, &C. 263. over the river in ships, and seizes, unexpectedly, a hill contiguous to the bank, and fortifies itf, before it is perceived by the enemy. But I swear to you, that, pro- vided the fates will permit, I will return, before the moon has twice rilled her orb. I desire (while) beautiful to be- come the food of tigers, before unsightly leanness takes posses- sion of my comely cheeks, and the moisture of the tender prey escapes. men transporto, conti- nensque ripa collis im- proviso occupo, et,prius- quam ab adversarius sen- tio, communio. Sed tu juro si ego mo- do fatum remitto, ante reverto, qudm luna bis impleo orbis. Antequam turpis ma- cies decens occupo mala, tenerque succus defluo prreda, speciosus qusero pasco tigris. 274, R. 8. b lit. that you may extricate yourself. English to be turned into Latin. Do nothing, O conscript fathers, either 6 in Italy or 6 in Africa, before you atone* for the crime d of those who have dared to lay" their sacrilegious hands on the untouched treasures of the temple of Proserpine. Do you condemn a friend before you hear (him) before you interrogate (him)? are you angry with him before he is allowed' to know 5 " either his accuser or his crime 1 a gero, perf. sub. 2GO, R. 6. 6 neque. c expio. d scelus. ' ad- moveo. / he is allowed, liceat. e to know, nosse. DUM, DOJYEC, AND QUOAD. 4. In the following night, Fa- bius sends the cavalry before, so prepared that they might engage and delay the whole army till he himself should come up. In regard to Terentia and Tul- lia, I agree with you that they should follow your judgment ; and that, if they have not yet Insequens nox Fabius eques pra3mitto, sic para- tus ut confllgo atque om- nis agmen moror, dum consequor ipse. De Terentia et Tullia tu assentior ad tu ut refe- ro ; si nondum proficis- cor nihil sum quod sui 263. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER DUM, &C. 211 gone, there is no reason why they should move, till we see how af- fairs stand. Calpurnius Flamma, a tribune of the soldiers, occupied, with a chosen band of three hundred (men,) the hill on which the ene- my were posted*, and thus delayed them till the whole army got clear. If you want an applauder wait- ing till the curtain (rise,) and sit- ting even till the actor shall pro- claim, " Applaud ye," you must mark the manners of every age. The Rhine retains its name, and the impetuosity of its current, where it flows by Germany, until it mingles with the ocean. moveo tt , quoad perspicio qui locus 6 sum res d . Calpurnius Flamma, tribunus miles, cum lec- tus trecenti manus inses- sus ab hostis tumulus occupo; adeoque moror is dum exercitus omnis evddo. Si plausor / egeo aulse- um ? maneo, et usque sedeo^, donee cantor, " Tu plaudo," dico, aetas quisque noto i tu^ mos. Rhenus servo nomen, et violentia cursus, qua Germania prseveho*, do- nee oceanus misceo. a 264, 7. & 212, R. 3. c 265. * lit. the affair is. e lit. pos- sessed by the enemy. / 220, 3. g 229. h fut. part. * 274, R. 8. J 225, III. * pass. English to be turned into Latin. A truce was made for a two months, till ambassadors could be sent to Rome, that the people might decree 6 a peace on" these conditions. Augustus was accustomed to appoint a guardian to royal personages'* under age e or insane 7 , till they grew up, or recovered their intellect s 3 '. We must ask and entreat angry (persons' 1 ,) if they have any power 1 of in- flicting vengeance j , to delay k (it) till 1 their anger subsides" 1 . What more" do you wish for? Are you waiting till L. Me- tellus gives p testimony of q his r criminality 8 , dishonesty', and audacity? a in, with ace. fc jubeo. c appono. d a royal personage, rex. ' un- der age, setate parvus. f rnente lapsus. B to recover one's intellects, resipisco. h lit. angry persons must he asked, fyc. 274, R. 8. 'vis. i lit. of avenging, ulciscor. * differo, 273, 2. l dum. m effervesce n amplius. to wish for, volo. p dico. q de. T iste. * scelus 1 improbitas. 212 INDICATIVE AFTER QUUM. 263. Q.UUM, WITH THE INDICATIVE. 5. Though we may be equally pained in mind when we are pained in body, yet a great addi- tion may be made, if we suppose that some eternal and infinite evil impends over us. When, with a vigorous and attentive mind, we contemplate those things which have passed, then the result is, that regret fol- lows if they are bad, joy if they are good. When it is enjoined that we should control ourselves, it is en- joined that reason should restrain rashness. Ut aeque doleo animus, quum corpus doleo, facio tamen perrnagnus acces- sio possum, si aliquis" acternus et infinitus ego impendeo malum opinor. Quum is qui praetereo acer animus et attentus intueor, tune facio 6 ut aegritudo sequor si ille malus sum, laetitia si bo- nus. Quum pracipio* ut egomet ipse impero, turn hie praecipio, ut ratio co- erceo temeritas. 138,2, 4th paragraph. R. 3, (5.) 6 lit. then it happens. f impers. 209, English to be turned into Latin. In (all) other matters, loss" is suffered 6 when calamity comes; but in (the case of) revenue , not only the occur- rence d of evil, but even the fear itself, produces' calamity. You ask (me) why my Laurentine 7 (farm) delights* me so much ; you will cease to wonder when you know h the con- venience 4 of the situation -^ When the inquiry is instituted*, What can be done* 1 we must also examine 1 how easily it can* (be done.) We never ought" 1 to be more diffident" than when God is the subject . When Gyges had turned the stone p of the ring to his palm, he was not seen by any one 9 , but he himself saw all (things,) and again he r was seen when he had turned" the ring into (its) place. a detrimentum. b accipio. c pi. d adventus. ' afltero. / neut f 265. h cognosce, 145, VI. * opportunltas. i locus. * lit. when it is asked. l we must examine, videndum est. m debeo. n ve- recundus. God is the subject, de Deo agitur. v pala. 8 not any one, nullus. r again he, idem rursus. * inverto. 263. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUUM. 213 Q.UUM WITH THE SUBJUNCTIVE. Though I desire, O judges, to be influenced by all the virtues, yet there is nothing which I more wish than to be and to seem grateful. Antigonus would have pre- served Eumenes, though he had been most hostile to him, if his (friends) had allowed him, be- cause he was aware that he could not be more aided by any one, in those events which now appeared to all to be impending. Since there are in us design, reason, foresight, God must needs have these very things in greater measure". Since solitude and a life with- out friends is full of snares and alarm, reason herself advises (us) to form friendships. Quum omnis virtus, judex, me afficio cupio, tamen nihil sum qui ma- lo qudm ego 6 et gratus sum et videor. Eumenes Antigonus, quum sum is infestus, conserve, si per suus li- cet c , quod ab nullus sui plus adjuvo possum in- telltgo in hie res, qui impendeo jam appareo omnis. Quum sum in ego con- silium, ratio, prudentia, necesse sum Deus hic d ipse habeo magnus. Quum solitudo et vita sine amicus insidias et metus plenus sum, ratio ipse moneo amicitia com- pare 7 . a 264, R. 7. 271, R. 3, 2d paragraph. * 206, (15,) & 205, R. 2, (2.) lit. greater. s. 261, 1 English to be turned into Latin. Plato has immortalized* the genius and various discourses 6 of Socrates by his writings, though Socrates himself had not left a line 6 . There was a vast d number of prisoners (made) in the Punic war, whom Hannibal had sold 6 , as they were not ransomed by their (friends). As I, after so long an in- terval f , had burst those barriers of noble birth 5 ', so that* in future* the way-^ to the consulship should be open* to vir- tue, I did not expect* that the accusers would speak of newness of family"*. to immortalize, trado immortalitati. 6 sermo. c litgra. d in- gens. * to sell, do venum. f after so long an interval, tanto inter- vallo, 236. e nobilitas, 211, R. 5. * so that, nt. * in future, posthac. J aditus. * pateo. l arbitror. m genus. 214 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUUM. 263. QUUM IN NARRATION. R. 2. Pausanias, having been Pausanias, quum semi- carried out half dead from the anlmisdetemplum effero, temple, immediately expired. confestim anima efflo. Hortensius having begun, when Hortensius, quum ad- a very young man, to speak in modum juvenis ordior in the forum, speedily began to be forum dico, celeriter ad employed for more important magnus causa adhibeo causes. coepi". When Alcibiades was carrying Hie quum molior Alci- on these projects, Critias and the biades, Critias, ceterus- rest of the tyrants of Athens sent que tyrannus Athenien- trusty men to Lysander in Asia 6 , sis certus homo ad Ly- sander in Asia mitto. Having been received with Regius apparatus ac- princely magnificence, we pro- ceptus, sermo in multus longed our discourse till mid- noxproduco; quum senex night ; the old man talking of nihil nisi de Africanus nothing* but Africanus, and re- loquor, omnisque is non membering* not only all his ac- factum d solum sed etiam tions, but even all his words. dictum memlni. a 183, 2, N. last clause. * lit. into Asia. c lit. while the old men talked of nothing. d ace. 216. * lit. and remembered, 183, 3, N. ' English to be turned into Latin. Having determined" to anticipate 5 Darius wherever he was 6 , Alexander, that he might leave (things) safe behind 4 (him,) makes Amphoterus commander* of the fleet on' the shore of the Hellespont. When the scouts returned, a great multitude was seen^ from afar 71 ; then* fires began to blaze * through the whole plain*, as the disorderly' multitude en- camped in a scattered way". I frequently listened to" Zeno, when I was at Athens. Milo is said to have walked p through the stadium at Olympia, carrying 11 a living ox upon his shoulders. When Atticus had completed seventy-seven years, he fell sick r . statuo. * occdpo. e 266, 3. d a tergo. ' to make com" mander, prseficio. /ad. *conspicio. * from afar, procul. * 4e* 264. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUl. 215 inde. / colluceo. * all. without in, 254, R. 3. l inconditus m tendo. n in a scattered way, laxius, 256, R. 9, 2d paragraph. to listen to, audio. f ingredior. * sustineo. r to fall sick, nan- ciscor morbum. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QC77. 264. When the relative qui is equivalent to ut with a personal or demonstrative pronoun, it takes the subjunctive. 1. Who is so ignorant, as not to understand that his own safety is involved in that of the repub- lic" ? Who is so great, that fortune may not make him need the aid of the meanest ? Invite those whose characters are not dissimilar to your own. The Roman nation is one which, when conquered, cannot remain quiet. I am a man who never did any thing for my own sake, rather than that of my fellow-citizens. There is nothing so difficult and arduous, which the human mind may not overcome ; and no passions so fierce that they may not be thoroughly tamed by dis- cipline. You have such a consul, as does not hesitate to obey your decrees. Those arts should be acquired, which cause us to be useful to the state. Quis est tarn ignarus, qui non intelligo respub- lica salus contineo suus 1 Quis tantus est, qui non fortuna etiam humi- lis auxilium 6 indigeo co- go? Is voco c qui mos a tu- us non abhorreo. Is sum Romanus gens, qui victus quiesco nescio. Ego is sum, qui nihil unquam meus* potius quam civis meus causa facio. Nihil sum tarn diffi- ctlis et arduus, qui non humanus mens vinco ; nullus tarn ferus affectus, ut non disciplma perdo- mo. Habeo is consul, qui pareo vester decretum non dubito. Disco' is ars, qui effi- cio, ut usus civttas sum. tt lit. that in the safety of the republic is involved his own. * 250, R. 1, (2.) e 260, R. 6. * 211, R. 3, 3d paragraph; & 278, R. 2. 274, R. 8. 216 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 264. English to be turned into Latin. Zeno was by no means* a man 6 who, like 6 Theophrastus, would cut* the sinews of virtue, but, on the contrary", (one) who placed every thing which belonged-^ to a happy life in virtue. You should be r the man A who should first separate 1 yourself from the society of wicked } citizens. What elo- quence* of the philosophers is so exquisite, as 1 to deserve to be preferred" 1 to a well-regulated" state, to public law and morals ? The name of an ambassador should be of such a kind ? , that if 3 may be r safe even amidst hostile* weapons. In war nothing is so trifling' as not sometimes to give" the decisive turn" to a great event" 7 . There is nothing so in- credible, which may not be rendered* credible by the power of language^ ; nothing so rough' and rude aa , which may not, by means of oratory 66 , be brightened cc and adorned**. modus. * is. c ut. d incldo. 'contra. / pertineo, 266, 1. * you should be, te esse oportet. A talis. * sejungo. 1 impius. * oratio. l qui. m 274, R. 8. n bene constitutes. debeo. f of suck a kind, ejusmodi. * that it, qui. r versor. ' lit. of ene- mies. ' levis. u facio. * decisive turn, momentum. " res. * fio. y by the power of language, dicendo. * horridus. ao incultus. bb by means of oratory, oratione. cc splendesco. dd excfilo. DEMONSTRATIVE WORD IMPLIED. How often (such things,) as Quam ssepe forte tem- you would not dare to wish for, ere evenio, qui non au- occur by chance ! deo opto ! At my Laurentine (farm) I In Laurentlnus meus hear nothing that I repent having nihil audio, qui audio, heard 6 ; I say nothing which I re- nihil dico, qui dico pceni- pent having said 6 ; no one de- teo ; nemo apud ego quis- fames another to me with ill-na- quam sinister sermo c car- tured conversation. po. In standing for the consulship, Quisquis sum qui os- whoever he is who shows any tendo alTquis in tu volun- good will towards you, who courts tas d , qui colo, qui domus you, who comes frequently to ventito, is in petitio con- (your) house, he must be reckon- sulatus in amlcus nume- ed in the number of your friends, rus habeo e . Myrrnecides gained celebrity Myrmecides inclares- 264. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 217 by making ants and other small co ex ebur formica et ali- animals of ivory : he made a four- us parvus animal facio 7 : horse chariot which a fly could quadriga facio, qui mus- cover with its wings. ca intego ala. * neut. b lit. to have heard, &-c. e pi. R. 8. / 275, III. R. 4. 212, R. 3. ' 274, English to be turned into Latin. As a I wish to draw 6 a picture of the habits* and life of Epaminondas, I think* I ought 7 not to omit" any thing^ which tends* to illustrate' it. The nobility of Campania* had de- serted the state, and could 8 not be assembled l in the senate ; there was (a man) in the magistracy who had not conferred any new honor 71 upon himself, but by his own unworthiness had deprived the magistracy, which he held p , of efficacy* and authority 7 ". a quum. b exprimo. c imago. d consuetude, sing. * videor. / debeo, 271, R. 2. e prsetermitto. h not any thing, nihil. * per- tineo. J declaro, 275, II. k lit. of the Campanians. l cogo m 235, (2.) n to confer neio honor, honorem adjicio. demo. gero. " jus. * possum. 2. Gracchus chose to confess his fault, though he might have concealed it. Although Cicero, during all the preceding days, had kept his soldiers confined to the camp, on the seventh day he sent out co- horts to forage. 3. Nothing is said by philoso- phers, at least which is rightly said, which has not been con- firmed by those by whom laws have been prepared for states. Who would think any one hap- pier, than he to whom nothing is wanting, which, at least, nature demands; or of more unchange- able fortune than (he) who pos- 19 Gracchus peccatum suus, qui celo possum* t confiteor malo. Cicero, qui per omnis superus dies miles in cas- tra contineo, septimus dies cohors frumentor' mitto. Nihil dico a philoso- phus, qui quidem recte dico, qui non ab is con- firmo a a qui civitas jus describo. Q,uis beatus quisquam puto 6 , quam is c qui nihil desum d , qui quidem na- tura desidero; aut firmus fortuna* quam qui is pos- 218 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 264. sesses such things, as according to the common saying, he can carry ashore with him even from shipwreck? Although Aristides excelled so much in moderation, that he alone, as far as we have heard, was surnamed the Just, yet he was punished with a banishment of ten years. sideo 7 , qui suicum, ut aio, vel e naufragium possum* effero? Quanquam adeo ex- cello' 1 Aristides abstinen- tia, ut unus, qui quidem ego audio, cognomen* Justus appello, tamen ex- ilium decem annus multo. R. 7. ^ 260, II. R. 5. c 256, R. 4. d 266, 1. * all. 211, R. 6. / 4. * 1. * imp. * 210, R. 3, (3,) (a.) 1 276, II. English to be turned into Latin. This" is the state 6 of my c candid at eship rf , as far as can' at present 7 be foreseen^. I wish' 1 that, as far as is consist- ent with your convenience', you would come-' as soon as possible 1 . We have received an excellent' custom, if we observed" 1 it, from (our) ancestors, of petitioning" a judge, so far as he can* do (it) without a breach of integrity^. hnjusmodi. 6 ratio. c nostcr. d petitio. e possum, f adhuc. * provideo. h vo]o, 260, R. 4. * as far as is consistent with your convenience, quod commodo tuo fiat. 24!), II. J 262, R. 4. k as soon as possible, quam primiun. ' prteclarus. m toneo, 261, 1. n r g> 275, II. qufB, ace. pi. p without a breach of integrity, 4. The loss of character and confidence are too great to be capable of being estimated. The Athenian law forbids a sepulchre to be raised higher than five men can finish in five days, and a larger stone to be placed upon it, than will contain the praise of the dead, cut in four heroic verses. Farna ac fides dam- num" magnus sum quam qui cesti mo possum. Extruo veto sepulcrum lex Atheniensis 6 alte quam qui quinque dies homo quinque absolvo c ', nee magnus lapis impono quam qui capio d laus mor- tuus incisus quatuor he- roicus versus. a pl. tgen.pl. e perf. * perf. 264. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 219 English to be turned into Latin. No changing of sides' 1 took place 6 ; fear rather than allegiance restraining^ the Campanians, because they had committed too great' an offence-^ in (their) revolt^ for the possibility of pardon' 1 . The Greeks cut down* both larger and more branching trees than 3 the soldier could k carry along with' his armor" 1 . changing of sides, transitio. 6 to take place, fio. f - ~~ .~ fides. tineo. ' rnajura, 232, (2.) f to commit an offence, delinquo. * de- fectio. h lit. than to whom it could be forgiven : to forgive, ignosco. * imp. i than, lit. than which. k possum. l along with, cum. m arma. 5. The Volsci had provided auxiliaries to send to the Latins. I have sent (an agent) to pay for transporting the statues. When Antiochus Epiphanes was besieging Ptolemy at Alex- andria, Popilius Laenas was sent ambassador to him, to command him to desist from his attempt. The Cydnus is not remarkable for the breadth of its waters, but for their clearness; for, gliding with a gentle course from its fountains, it is received into a pure bottom; nor do torrents rush in to disturb the smoothly- flowing stream. Carthaginian ambassadors came to Rome to thank the senate and Roman people for having made peace with them, and at the same time to ask that their hostages might be restored. Volsci compare auxili- um, qui mitto Latlnus. Mitto d , qui pro signum vectura solvo. Q,uum Antiochus Epi- phanes Ptolemaeus Alex- andria obsideo, mitto ad is legatus Popilius La?- nas, qui jubeo inceptum* desisto. Cydnus non spatium aqua sed liquor memorab- ilis; quippe lenis tractus e fons labor, purus so- lum 6 excipio ; nee torrens incurro, qui placide mano alveus turbo. Legatus Carthaginien- sis Roma venio, qui se- riatus populusque Roma- nus gratia ago, quod cum hie pax facio c , simulque peto ut obses is reddo. 242. *247. e 266,3. * pi. 220 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 264. English to be turned into Latin. The eyes, like" watchmen, occupy* the highest place, that, having thence the widest prospect , they may discharge* their functions'. Letters were invented that they might be a remedy-' against oblivion^. King Philip sent for h Aristotle (as) a teacher for his son Alexander, that he might receive from him instructions* both for acting^ and speaking^. Nero, the successor of Claudius, covered 11 the theatre of Pompey with gold, for' a single day, to make a display to Tiridates, king of Armenia. a tanquam. 5 obtineo. e lit. from which seeing most (things). d fungor. ' munus, sing. / subsidium. e 227. A accio. * preeceptum. J 275, III. R. 1. k operio. J in. m ostendo, lit. which he, might display. 6. Some say that only two trib- unes were appointed at the sa- cred mount. Persons are more easily found to expose themselves voluntarily to death, than to bear pain pa- tiently. There are some who suppose that Caesar thought it was better once for all to encounter the plots, which impended on every side, than to be always guarding against (them.) There are and have been phi- losophers, who thought that God had no management whatever of human affairs ; there are also oth- er philosophers, and these, too, great and noble, who think that the world is administered and ruled by the intelligence and wis- dom of God. There are many who reckon of no value things which seem ad- mirable to others. Sum, qui duo tantum in sacer mons creo tri- bunus dico. Qui sui ultro mors of- fero, facile reperio, quam qui dolor patienter fero. Sum, qui puto opinor Caesar, insidiae undique immmens subeo semel satius sum quam caveo semper. Sum philosophus ac sum, qui Deus omnino nullus habeo censeo hu- manus res procuratio; sum autem alius philoso- phus, et hie quidem mag- nus atque nobilis, qui Deus mens atque ratio omnis mundus adminis- tro et rego censeo. Q,ui quidam admirab- ilis videor, permultus sum qui pro nihilum puto. 264. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 221 English to be turned into Latin. There are many who say, " I know that this will be of no use to him; but what can I do? He asks 6 (and) I cannot resist his prayers." There teas (some one) who suggested 6 that the name d of the month of August ought to be trans- ferred" to September, because * Augustus was born* in the latter' 1 , (and) died* in the former-'. You will find* many (persons) to wliom dangerous plans* seem more splendid than quiet (ones.) In all ages, fewer persons'" have been found* who conquered their desires" than the forces of the enemy**. You willjind nobody who would not rather 11 enjoy the fruits'" of vice" without vice (itself.) a to be of use, prosum. 6 rogo. e suadeo. d appellatio, 272. ' 274, R. 8. / quod. * gigno, 266, 3. * hie. * defungor. J is. k reperio. l consilium. m vir. n cupiditas. lit. than ic'ic. p pi. Place the verbs of the relative clauses last. q malo. r premium. * ne- quitia. 7. There is no orator who does Nemo sum orator qui not wish to be like Demosthenes, sui Demosthenes similis sum nolo. It is no merit to be honest, Nullus sum laus ibi where there is no one who is able, sum integer, ubi nemo or who attempts to corrupt. sum qui aut possum aut conor corrumpo. There is no animal, except Nullus sum animal man, which has any knowledge praster homo, qui habeo of God. aliquis notitia Deus. The Peloponnesus itself is al- Ipse Peloponnesus fe- most wholly in the sea, nor are re totus in mare sum, there any, except the Phliasians, nee praeter Phliasius ul- whose territories do not touch lus sum, qui ager non the sea. English to be turned into Latin. Although Cato had taken up the study of Greek literature (when) an elderly 6 (man,) yet he made such c progress in it, that rf you could not easily find (any thing) which was un- 19* 222 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 264. known to him, either* relating to 7 Greek or" Italian affairs. Look round on* all the members of the state ; you will as- sured\y h Jind none which is not broken and enfeebled 1 . You will not Jind any other j , except Homer and Archilochus, most perfect in the work* of which he has been the inventor'. * arripio. senior, 256, R. 9, 2d paragraph. c tantus. * 262, R. 1. e neque. / relating to, de. * to look, round on, circumspicio. * profect6. * debilito, perf. J any other, quisquam alius. * 206, (3,) (a.) l the inventor, primus auctor. INTERROGATIVE EXPRESSIONS IMPLYING A NEGATIVE. How few judges are there, Quotusquisque ex ju- who are not amenable to the very dex sum , qui non is ipse law by which they try ! We lex 6 teneo qui qusero" ! have all transgressed, some more Pecco omnis, alius gra- heavily, some more lightly ; some vis d , alius levis ; alius ex with deliberate purpose, some destinatus, alius forte im- hurried away by accident. pulsus. How few philosophers are Quotusquisque philos- found, who think their system, ophus' invenio, qui disci- not a display of knowledge, but plina suns non ostenta- a rule of life ; who obey them- tio scientia, sed lex vita selves, and submit to their own puto ; qui obtempero ipse decrees ! sui, et decretum suus pareo ! sing. & 247. 'pass. * ace. pi. 232, (2.) 212. English to be turned into Latin. WJiat old age* is there which can b destroy a divine vir- tue d ? What (reason) is there why" you should thinks that you can divert^ your own culpability on some one else ft ? Who is there, who, if he wished to measure the knowledge of illustrious men by the utility or magnitude of their per- formances 1 , would not prefer a commander to an orator? * old age, vetustas. b possum. c conficio. d vis. ' quamobrem. f coglto. B derlvo. h some one else, allquis. ' res gestse. 264. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 223 7, 1. There is no reason to wonder that Ephyre is called Cor- inth by Homer. There is no reason why the hopes of those, who have devoted themselves to the study of elo- quence, should be diminished, or their industry palsied. What (reason) is there why some one's cough or sneezing, or the awkward driving away of a fly, or the fall of a key from the hand of a careless slave, should throw us into a rage 1 As to the rest, I wish you would be persuaded that you have nothing to fear beyond the com- mon calamity of the state; and though this is very severe, yet we have lived in such a way, and are now of such an age, that we ought to bear firmly things which do not happen to us by our own fault. Non sum qui miror Ephyre ab Homerus nomlnor Corinthus. Non sum, cur is, qui sui studium eloquentia dedo, spes infringOf aut Ian guesco industria, Quis sum cur tussis aliquis aut sternutamen- tum, aut musca parum curiose fugatus ego in rabies ago, aut clavis negligens servus manus elapsus ? De reliquus ita volo* tu persuadeo 6 , tu nihil habeo qui timeo c praeter communis casus civitas ; qui etsi sum gravis, tameri ita vivo et is aetas d jam sum, ut omnis qui non noster culpa nos accido* fortiter fero debeo. c 260, R. 4. R.3. '266,1. rub. act. 262, R. 4. c 274, R. 8. * 212, English to be turned into Latin. I am under no a concern 5 about myself, but I do not know" tohat to do d about the boys. There is no reason why you should doubt whether a man can' raise himself above human (affairs,) who beholds * with indifference^ the mighty^ com- motion* of events, and bears * hardships* calmly 2 , and pros- perity" 1 with moderation." Antony did not know" which way p to turn'. nihil, 232, (2.) 6 to be under concern, laboro. c not to know non habeo. d ago. ' possum. / 266, 1. s with indifference, se- carus. h magnus. * motus. 1 fero. * durus. l plactde. "* se- cundus. n adv. not to know, non habeo. p which way, quo\ 9 lit. to turn himself. 224 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. $264. 8. I have a volume of intro- ductions ; and at my Tusculan villa, as I did not remember that I had used that which is in the third book of the Academic Questions, I put it to the book De Gloria. The next honor to the immor- tal gods Augustus paid to the memory of generals, who had ren- dered the Roman empire very great from being very small. Atticus, who thought that his services ought to be rendered to his friends without party spirit, and who had always kept aloof from such schemes, replied, that he would neither talk nor hold a meeting with any one respecting that affair. Habeo volumen proce- mium ; itaque in Tuscu- lanum qui non mcmini ego utor ille procemium qui sum in Academicus tertius conjicio is in liber De Gloria. Propior a deus immor- talis honor memoria dux Augustus praesto, qui im- perium populusRomanus ex parvus magnus reddo. Atticus, qui officium amicus prsesto sine factio (zstimo, semperque a ta- lis sui consilium removco, respondeo sui neque cum quisquam de is res collo- quor, neque coeo. English to be turned into Latin, Agesilaus, who saw that it would be a very pernicious if it were perceived 6 that any one c was attempting^ to desert' to the enemy, came to the place which the young men had seized 7 without the city, and praised their scheme^, as if they had done (it) with a good intention' 1 . Caesar himself has voluntarily 1 granted^ to me, that I should not* be in that camp which was about to be' (formed) against Lentulus or Pompey, as I was under great obligations" 1 to them". What more devoid of shame" than Tarquin, who carried on war with those who had refused to submit p to his pride ? Phi- losophy can never be adequately 9 praised, since (he) who obeys her r may* live' the whole term" of (his) life without uneasiness". Wretched me w , not to have been present 1 ! a fore. 6 animadverto. 207, R.31. d conor. ' Iransfugio. f capio. e consilium. h animus. * lit, of fiis own icill, 249, II. 1 concede. * 262, R. 5. * 266, 1. m beneficium. n lit. the great favors of whom / had. devoid of shame, impudens. p to refuse to submit, non fero. q satis digne. r qui, 223, R. 2. * possum 1 dego. M tempus. * molestia. w 238, 2. * to be present, adsum. 264. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 177', QUIPPE, OR UTPOTEQUI. The Egyptians, for a long time ^Egyptius olim Persa past hostile to the Persian power, opes infensus, ad spes ad- had been inspired with courage at ventus Alexander erigo the hope of Alexander's arrival; &riimus a ,utpdte quiAmyn- as they had joyfully received even tas quoque transfuga, cum Amyntas, a deserter, and who precarius imperium veni- came with a power dependent on ens laetus recipio. another's pleasure. Scipio did not reject with dis- Scipio is miles non ad- dam the soldiers who survived of spernor 6 , qui ex Cannen- the army of Cannae, as he knew sis exercitus supersum, ut that the defeat at Cannae was not qui neque ad Cannae ig- sustained through their coward- navia is clades accipio ice, and that there were no sol- scio, neque ullus aeque diers of equal standing in the vetus miles in exercitus Roman army. Romanus sum. * lit. had raised their courage. b imp. English to be turned into Latin. A skilful* flatterer is not easily recognized 6 , as he e often humors* (us) even by opposition', and courts' (us) while he pretends* to dispute' 1 , and at last* gives up } (his cause,) and allows himself to be overcome. To me, at least*, the power of the tribunes (of the people) appears very pernicious', as" having been produced" 1 in sedition and for sedition. callidus. 6 agnosco. e quippe qui. d assentor. * adversor, 275, III. R. 4. / blandior. * while he pretends, simttlans. h litlgo. *adextremum. i to giveup, do maims. * quidem. l very pernicious, pestlfer. w nascor, perf. DIGJYUS, IJYDIOJYUS, &c. 9. We are not the cause to Non ego causa mundus the world of bringing back winter sum hiems* sestasque ref- and summer ; we think too highly ero ; nimis ego suspicio, fosf ourselves, if we think ourselves si dignus ego videor pror> 226 SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. worthy of having such mighty (bodies) put in motion on our ac- count 6 ; they have their own laws. (He) who governs well, must have obeyed some time or other ; and he who obeys submissively seems worthy to govern some time or other. The character of Laelius seem- ed a suitable one to discourse about friendship, because we had heard from our fathers that the intimacy of Scipio and Laelius was very remarkable. 264. ter qui tantus moveo ; su- us iste lex habeo. Qui bene impero, pa- reo c aliquando necesse sum ; et qui modeste pa- reo, videor, qui aliquando impero, dignus sum. Idoncus videor Lselius persona qui de amicitia disseru, quum accipio a pater maxlme memorab- ilis Scipio et Luslius am- icitia sum. * 275, I. J Jit. on account of whom such mighty (bodies) should be put, fyc. * 262, R. 4. English to be turned into Latin. The plays" of Livy 5 are not deserving of being read* a second time*. Ccesar had judged Vibullius Rufus a suitable person-' for him to send' messages' to Pompey. In Cato Major I have introduced Cato when old as engaging in the discussion' 1 , because no character' appeared more suitable* to co?werse d respecting age. To name* the conditions of peace belongs to him' who gives, not to him who asks" 1 (them :) but perhaps" 1 am not unworthy of proposing 11 the penalty 1 for myself r . * fabula. Livianus, 211, R. 4. c satis dignus. d lit. which should be read, fyc. ' a second time, itgrum. / a suitable person, ido- neus. ff mandatum. * to engage in a discussion, dispute. * per- sona. / aptus pi. p irrogo. dico. multa. "211, R. 8, (3.) pi. 207, R. 28. peto. for si tan. 10. This is the only sentiment of the Academics, which none of the other philosophers approves. A passion for money is the only (thing) for which Vespasian may justly be censured. Hie AcademTcus sum unus seritentia, qui rel- iquus philosophus nemo probo. Solus sum, in qui mer ito culpo Vespasian un pecunia cupidltas. 264. SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER QUI. 227 There is one thing of which religion, deeply seated in (our) minds, compels us specifically to complain, and (which) we wish you to hear, if you think proper. Lampido, the Lacedaemonian, is the only woman (that is) found in any age, who has been the daughter of a king, the wife of a king, and the mother of a king. a impers. Unus sum de qui nomi- natim ego queror religio infixus animus cogo, et tu audio, si ita videor*, volo. Unus femlna 6 in omnis aevum Lampido Lacedre- monius reperio, qui rex filia, rex uxor, rex mater sum. 212. English to be turned into Latin. It is worthy of remark", that there was only one b period of five years c in which d no senator died. Lately* when I had spoken before 7 the centumvlri, the recollection occurred* (to me,) that, (as) a young man, I had pleaded 71 in the same tribunal* ; my mind went ; further* ; I began to reckon up' whom I had had (as) associates in that trial" 1 , whom in this; I was the only one n who had spoken in both. c period of five years, quinquennium. A * tt notatus. b unus omnlno. d 253. * proximo. / apud. e subeo. A ago. * judicium. J pro- cedo. * ultra. l reputo. "* causa. n only one, solus. 12. The senate determined to destroy Carthage, more because the Romans were willing to be- lieve whatever was said respect- ing the Carthaginians, than be- cause (things) deserving of credit were related. Aspis, inhabiting a country full of defiles and fortified with cas- tles, not only did not obey the king's command, but was in the practice of plundering whatever was on its way to the king. Apelles exhibited his works in a shop, (when) finished, to pass- Magis qui a volo Ro- manus, quisquis de Car- thaginiensis dico credo, quam quia credo arfero, statuo senatus Carthago excldo. Aspis, saltuosus regio, castellu/nque munltus in- cogs, non solum im- perium rex non pareo, sed etiam qui rex porto* abripio. Apelles perfectus opus propono pergtila tranai- 228 SUBJUNCTIVE IN INDIRECT QUESTIONS. 265. ers by, and, concealing himself ens, atque post tabula behind the picture, listened to latens, vitium qui noto the faults which were remarked. ausculto. 274, R. 8. * lit. was being conveyed, 145, N. English to be turned into Latin. The elephants, though* they were driven with great delays'" through the narrow roads, yet c , wherever they went*, rendered' the line of march 7 safer* from the enemy, because, being unaccustomed (to them,) they feared' 1 to approach* (them.) The mountaineers made attacks-*, now on the van*, now on the rear', ichencver either the ground" afforded (them) an advantage , or (men who) had advanced* before or lagged behind', gave them an opportunity 1 ". The soldiers could neither unroll' nor set up' any thing; nor did (that) which had been set up remain, the wind rending 1 * and carry- ing every thing away". sicut. 6 sing. c ita. d incedo. ' prsebeo. / the line of march, agmen. * pos. h lit. to (them) unaccustomed there was fear. i adeo, 275, III. R. 1. J irruo. k primum agmen. l novissimus. m ut- cunque. n locus. opportumlas. ' lit. hiving advanced before, fyc. t progressus. ? moratus. r occasio. * expllco. ' statuo. u perscindo. * to carry away, rapio. SUBJUNCTIVE IN INDIRECT QUESTIONS. <> 265. Dependent clauses, containing an indirect question, take the subjunctive. The Athenians sent to Delphi Atheniensis mitto Del- to inquire what they should do. phi corisulo quisnam fa- cto. The ambassadors of Pyrrhus, Pyrrhuslegatus, pulsus being driven with their gifts from cum munus suus ab urbs, the city, acknowledged to their interrogans 6 rex suus,quis king, who asked them what they de hostis sedes sentio, thought concerning the abode of urbs c templum'* sui vider 265. SUBJUNCTIVE IN INDIRECT QUESTIONS. 229 their enemies, that the city had seemed to them a temple, the senate a council of kings. The brothers Lydus and Tyr- rhenus, compelled by famine, are said to have cast lots which of the two should quit the country with a part of the population. The lot fell on Tyrrhenus, who sailed into Italy. It is uncertain whether it would have been more beneficial to the state that Caesar should be born or not be born. It is asked, why the most learned men disagree on the most important subjects. Learn what it is to live. It is uncertain what each day or night may bring. It is hard to tell what the rea- son is, why we are soonest alien- ated with a kind of disgust and satiety from those (things) which most stimulate our senses with pleasure. or, senatus rex concilium respondeo. Lydus et Tyrrhenus frater fames compulsus sortior dico, utcr e cum pars multitude patria dis- cedo. Sors Tyrrhenus 7 contitigo, qui in Italia perveho. In incertum sum utrum Ca3sar magis nascor res- publica prosum* an non nascor. Quoero, cur doctus ho- mo de magnus res dis- sentio. Disco, quis sum vivo. Quis quisque 71 nox aut diesfiro, incertus sum. Difficilis sum dico* quisnam causa sum, cur is j qui maxime sensus noster impello voluptas, ab is celeriter fastidium quidam et satietas aba- lieno. 276, II. & 274, 3. 2rf paragraph, f 229. i nom. 323, 3, (5.) c 272. <*2IO. 212, R. 2, N. 1, * pcrf. * 205, R. 2, Exc. * 27 266j 1. When a proposition containing either an accusative with the infinitive, or a verb in the sub- junctive, has a clause connected with it, as an essential part, either by a relative, a relative adverb, or a con- junction, the verb of the latter clause is put in the subjunctive. INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES CONNECTED WITH THE ACCUSATIVE AND INFINITIVE. They say that good men culti- Dico vir bonus is justi- vate that justice which is (really tia scquor qui sum, non justice,) not that which is re- is qui puto. puted (to be so.) Critias sent confidential per- Critias certus homo ad sons into Asia to Lysander to Lysander in Asia mitto, inform him, that unless he de- qui is certus" fhcio, nisi spatched Alcibiades, none of those Alcibiades sustollo, nihil things which he himself had es- is res fore ratus, qui ipse tablished at Athens could remain Athens constituo. in force. I have heard some one say this, Audio hie dico quidam respecting certain orators to whom de quidam orator, ad qui he had carried his cause, that he causa suus dcfero, gra- who had refused him had been tus sui sum is qui ne.go more agreeable to him, than he quam ille 6 qui redpio : who had undertaken the cause : sic homo frons c et oratio c so much are men taken by looks magis quam ipse bene- and words, more than by substan- ficium resque capio. tial kindness. a comp. b ace. 278. e sing'. 266. SUBJUNCTIVE IN INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES. 231 English to be turned into Latin. Some think that Julius Csesar, having weighed* his own 6 and (his) enemies' 6 forces, availed himself d of the occasion of seizing supreme power 6 , which he had coveted in early lifeA The camp of Alexander appeared to Darius (in his dream) to shine*" with a great effulgence' 1 of fire, and a little after Alexander (appeared) to be brought* to him in that fashion-' of dress in which he himself had been. Augustus frequently remarked 4 , that whatever 1 was done well enough, was done quickly enough ; and that (those) pursuing" 1 trifling advantages" at no trifling risk , were like (men) fishing with a golden hook ; the loss of which, (if) broken off 7 ', could be compensated 7 by nothing which they could catch r . pensitatus. 6 208, &211, R. 3, 3d paragraph. c 278, R. 2. <* to avail one's self, utor. ' supreme power, dominatio. / early life, prima setas. e colluceo. h fulgor. * adduco. J habitus. k fre- quently remarked, aiebat, 145, II. 1. l quisquis. m sectans. n tri- fling advantages, minima commSda. discnmen. p abruptus. * penso. r by nothing which they coulc could catch, nulla captura. It is not to be denied*, that Hannibal as 6 much excelled 6 other commanders 4 in sagacity', as f the Roman people sur- pass 5 alP other nations 4 in bravery *. I see that this has been the opinion-' of the wisest (men,) that law was neither devised* by the ingenuity' of men, nor is any decree" of the people, but (was) something eternal, which govcrned p the universe 7 . This is no new custom of the senate and Roman people, of thinking 7 " that what is best is most noble. The sentiments-' of Zeno are of this nature* ; that the wise (man)' is never influenced" by favor", (and) never pardons any man's 10 fault* ; that wise (men) alone are beautiful, (even) if they are quite deformed^ ; rich, if they are com- pletely beggars r ; kings, if they live in slavery "; and that he who has stolen a fowl i& , when it was not necessary", has committed no less an offence**, than he who has strangled"* his father. Many (persons) hastily ff believe, that he, who imitates the language*^ of the good, will also imitate their actions' 1 ' 1 . I find that a double portico was constructed by Cn. Octavius fi , near^' the Flaminian Circus, which (portico) was called Corinthian, from the brazen capitals of the columns. 232 SUBJUNCTIVE IN INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES. 266. * infitior, 274, R. 8, 2d paragraph, last clause. b tanto, 256, R. 16. < presto. d 224, R. 5. e prudentia, 250. / quanto. B an- tecedo. h cunctus. * fortitude. i sententia. * excogitatus. 1 ingenium, pi. aliquis. " scitum. quidam. p rego. ? uni- versus mundus. r puto, 275, III. R. 1. * ejusmodi. * 272. ** moveo. * gratia. v any man, quisquam. x dclictum, 223, R. 2. y distortus, sup. z completely beggars, mendicus, svp. aa to live in slavery, servitutem servlre. bb gallus gallinaceus. <* opus. dd has committed no less an offence, nee minus delinqvure. ee suffoco. // tern- fire. es oratio. hh factum. " 248, I. 11 ad. INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES CONNECTED WITH THE SUBJUNCTIVE. Agesilaus, with great industry, made preparations for war ; and that 6 his soldiers might arm c themselves with more care*, and equip 8 themselves in a more striking manner', he proposed rewards with which they should be presented 3 ', whose attention 71 to this point* had been preeminent'. How could Lacedaemon obtain* the enjoyment* of good kings, when whoever was born of the royal family" must be re- garded (as) king. Darius gives orders^ to Mazaeus, that he should burn and lay waste* the country*" ichich Alexander was going to enter* ; for' he thought" (he) might be re- duced" by want of provisions", having nothing but 1 what he had secured? by plundering*. Drusus said to his architect, " Do you arrange 6 " 1 my house so that whatever I do bb may cc be seen rfrf by all (men.)" Piety towards God requires"' that nothing should be demanded ff of him which is unjust and dishonorable^. There is no doubt' 1 ' 1 that" what is ani- mated", and has sense and reason, is better than (that) which is destitute** of these. The Sicilians say, that they implore the senators, that if all their goods" cannot mm (be restored) to the owners, (those) at least may be restored, which can be recognized. a lit. prepared (apparo) rear. b quo. e passive, in a middle or re- flexive sense, 248,1. R. 1, 2rf paragraph. d icitlt more, care,, studio- sitis. e orno, pass. See note c . f in a more striking manner, insig- nius. e orno, 264, 5. h industria. * lit. in this thing. J egregius. * assequor. l tit. that they should enjoy, utor. m plup. n genus. habeo, 274, R. 8, & 263, 5. v to give orders, mando. ? to Iny waste, populor. r regio. * adeo. 274, R. 6. ' quippe. u credo * debello. " want of provisions, inopia. * nisi. y occupo. " ra- pio, 275, III. R. 4. ^ compono. bb ago. te possum. dd per- spicio. ee postulo. // expeto. ee inhonestus. * A lit. it is not doubtful. " 262, R. 10, 2. U ammans. ** careo. 212 R. 2, N. 4. mm nequeo. ^ 266. SUBJUNCTIVE IN INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES. 233 INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES CONNECTED BY RELATIVE ADVERBS AND CONJUNCTIONS. The people loudly exclaim, that they are not willing to obey either one man or a few ; that all are destitute of liberty, whether they serve a king or nobles. Scipio said that he knew this very well, that the Locrians, al- though they had deserved ill of the Roman people, would be in a better condition under the Ro- mans, (though) provoked, than they had been under the Cartha- ginians, (though) their friends. What is more honorable, than for an old man (who has) passed through (all) the offices and em- ployments of the state, to be able to say in his own right, what the Pythian Apollo says in Ennius, that he is one from whom, if not nations and kings, at least all his own citizens seek counsel for themselves? Magnus" vox clamo popiilus, neque sui unus neque paucus volo pareo ; libertas omnis careo, sive rex sive optimas servio. Scipio sui ille satis scio dico, Locrcnsis, etsi male de popiilus Roma- nus mereor, in bonus sta- tus sub iratus Romanus sum, quam sub amicus Carthaginiensis sum 6 . Q,uis sum praeclarus, quam honor c et respubli- ca munus perfunctus se- nex possum suus jus dico idem, qui apud Ennius dico rf ille Pythius Apollo, sui sum is, unde sui, si non popiilus et rex, at omnis suus civis consilium ex- peto f *sup. 245, I. d 266, 1. English to be turned into Latin, The Magi maintain' 1 that the sun is the (god) of the Greeks; the moon, of the Persians; that as often as b she suffers eclipse 6 , ruin and destruction/* are portended to that nation. The soldiers of Alexander sauf that the sea raged the more furiously f as e it rolled 11 in a narrower space 4 between the island (of) Tyre and the main land'. a affirmo. b as often as, quoties. c to suffer eclipse, deficio. d stra- ges. * cerno. / the more furiously, hoc aeries. e quo. * volato, pass. * in a narrow space, arctics, i continens. 20* 234 SUBJUNCTIVE IN THE ORATIO OBLIQUA. 266 <> 266, 2. In the oratio oUiqua, the main proposi- tion is expressed by the accusative with the infinitive ; and dependent clauses connected with it by relatives and particles, take the subjunctive. Then at length Liscus dis- closes, what before he had con- cealed ; that there are some, whose authority is of very great weight with the common people, (and) who, (though) in a private, station, have more power than the magistrates themselves. Aristotle says that certain small animals are produced near the river Hypanis, which live (but) a single day. They say that Tarquin re- marked, that, being in exile, he had ascertained what faithful and what unfaithful friends he had had, since now he could make no return to either. The leaders of the barbarians ordered proclamation to be made, that no one should leave his sta- tion, (and) that whatever booty the Romans had left was theirs, and was reserved for them. R. 1. A response had been made to Pyrrhus by Jupiter of Dodona, that he should beware of the Acherusian waters and the city of Pandosia. R. 5. Themistocles informed Xerxes, that it was contemplated to destroy the bridge^, which he had made over the Hellespont. Turn demum Liscus, qui anteataceo, propono; sum nonnullus, qui auctor- itas apud plebs multum valco, qui privatim mul- tus possum, quam ipse magistratus. Apud Hypanis fluvius Aristoteles aio bcstiola quidam nasco, qui unus dies vivo. Tarquinius dico fero, exsulans sui intdl'igo, qui fid us amicus liabco, qui infidus, quum jam neuter gratia refero possum. Dux barbarus pronun- tio jubeo, ne quis ab lo- cus discedo" ; ille sum prceda, atque \\\erescrvo, quifunque Romanus rc- linquo b . Pyrrhus a Dodonseus Jupiter do dictio ; cavco c Acherusias aqua Pando- siaque urbs. Themistocles ccrtus Xerxes facio, is ergo, ut pons, qui ille in Helles- '0, dissolvo. R. 1. & R. 4. c In the oratio direcla, this icould be cave, or ca- veas. d lit. that the bridge should be destroyed 266. SUBJUNCTIVE IN INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES. 235 <> 266, 3. A clause connected by a relative or cau- sal conjunction to a leading clause, or by a connective of any kind to a preceding dependent clause, and con- taining the thoughts or language of another, indirectly quoted or referred to, has its verb in the subjunctive. This always seems strange to me in the discourse of learned men, that the persons who say they cannot steer in a calm sea, because they have never learned nor given themselves any concern to know, should yet profess that they will go to the helm, when the greatest waves are excited. When to these suspicions in- disputable facts were added, that he had led the Helvetii through the territory of the Sequani, (and) that he was accused by the magis- trates of the ^Eclui, Caesar thought there was sufficient reason why he should either punish him him- self or order the state to pun- ish. Africanus always had Xeno- phon, the disciple of Socrates, in his hands, and, above all things, praised this in him, that he said that the same labors are not equally severe to the commander and the soldier, because the hon- or itself made the labor of the commander lighter. When Caligula was named an heir by persons unknown to him, along with their intimate friends, and by parents among Hie in homo doctus oratio ego minis videor soleo, quod qui tranquil- lus mare guberno sui rie- go a possum, quod nee dis- co nee unquam satis euro, idem 6 ad gubernaculum sui accedo profiteor c , ex- citatus magnus fluctus'*. Q,uum ad hie suspicio certus res accedo 6 , quod per finis Sequjyii Helve- tiiperduco, quod a magis- tratus yEdui accuso, sa- tis sum causa 7 , arbitror Csesar, quare in is aut ipse animadverto,* aut civitas animadverto ju- beo. Semper Africanus So- craticus Xenophon in manus habeo, qui in pri- mus laudo ille, quod di- co idem labor non sum aique gravis imperator et miles, quod ipse honos labor levis facio impera- torius. Quum Caligula ab ig- notus inter familiaris et a parens inter liberi he- res nunciipo, derlsor vo- 236 SUBJUNCTIVE IN INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES. 266 their children, he said they mocked him, because they persisted in living after the naming. Not only the Africans could not be corrupted, but they even sent ambassadors to Lacedsemon to accuse Lysander of having en- deavored to corrupt the priests of the temple. The road from Apamea to Phrygia is through the country of Aulocrene ; a plane-tree is shown there, from which Marsyas is said to have been suspended (when) conquered by Apollo. The reason why the cuckoo puts her young under (other birds,) is supposed to be, because she knows that she is hated by all other birds. co, quod post nuncupa- tio vivo persevere. Non solum corrumpo non possum Afer, sed etiam legatus Lacedae- mon mitto, qui Lysander accuso, quod sacerdos fa- nuin corrumpo conor. Ab Apamea in Phrygia per regio Aulocrene eo ft ; ibi ostendo platanus ex qui pendeo i Marsyas, ab Apollo victus. Causa coccyx subjicio' pullus sum puto quod scio sui invlsus cunctus avis. 206, 1. t 207, R. 27. c 273, 5. * 257. 263, 5. / 8 212. R. 4. * tre.n. * 248, I. R. 1. * act. sulj. pcrf. J 275, / 212, R. 4. * ^ew. III. R. 1. English to be turned into Latin. We have heard of extraordinary 6 kinds of birds in the Hercynian forest 6 , whose plumage shines' 1 in the night' like fire 7 . Augustus broke the legs of Thallus*, his amanuensis' 1 , because he had received five hundred denarii for having be- trayed a letter*. It seems strange- 7 ' that k a diviner does not laugh when he sees (another) diviner. Plato calls' pleasure a bait, because" 1 men are caught by it, as fishes by the hook. No one despises", or hates, or shuns pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because great sufferings attend p on those who do not know (how) to pursue pleasure in a rational manner 9 . accipio. 6 inusitatus. e saltus. d colluceo. * pi. / like fire, ignium modo. g 211, R. 5, 1. h a manu. ' for having betrayed a letter, pro epistolft prodiki, 274, R. 5. 1 mirabilis. * 273, 5 1 appello. m quod videlicet. n aspernor. dolor. p consequor ' a rational manner, ratio. 267. IMPERATIVE MOOD. 237 IMPERATIVE MOOD. $ 267. The imperative mood is used, in the sec- ond person, to express a command, an exhortation, or an entreaty. Begin, Damsetas. Sing, O Muses. Practise justice and piety. Let industry be praised. Let crimes be punished. Doubt, even now, judges, if you are able, by whom S. Ros- cius was slain. Remove far hence, ye profane, and retire from the whole grove. O Jupiter ! preserve, I beseech (thee,) these blessings for us. Conscript fathers, by the majes- ty of the Roman people, aid an unfortunate man ; oppose injus- tice. There is great efficacy in the virtues; arouse these, if per- chance they slumber. The god says to Semele, "Choose (for yourself;) you shall suffer no refusal. And that you may the more believe (this,) let the divinity of the Stygian flood also be witness." Let kings be honored. Be ye advised. Let the first victor have a steed adorned with trappings. Send ye a present to the Pythi- an Apollo, (and) keep yourselves from licentious joy. R. 1. Do no violence to Ceres. Incipio, Damaetas. Dico, Musa. Justitia colo et pietas. Laudo industria. Punio crimen. Dubitoetiam nuncju- dex, si possum, a qui S. Roscius occido". Procul O, procul sum profanus, totusque absis- to Incus. O Jupiter ! servo, ob- sgcro, hie ego bonum. Pater conscriptus, per majestas populus Roma- nus subvenio miser ; eo obviam injuria 6 . Magnus vis sum in vir- tus ; is cxcito, si forte dormio. Semele Deus, " El- igo," aio ; " nullus patior repulsa. Qiioque magis credo, Stygius quoque conscius sum numen c tor- rens." Rex honoro. Monco. Primus equus phalera in sign is victor habco. Pythius Apollo donum mitto, lascivia a tu pro- hibeo. Tu ne violo Ceres, 238 IMPERATIVE MOOD. 267. Trust not too much to beauty. Nimium ne credo co- lor. Do not, I beseech you, despond QUEBSO, animus* ne in mind. despondeo. Let there be no hinderance to Ne quis meus sum dic- my orders ; nor Jet any one pro- turn mora ; neve quis ob ceed more slowly on account of inceptum subitus ego 8 , the suddenness of my enterprise, segnis co. R. 3. Regard nothing else, ex- Facio, ne quis alins cept to recover your health as per- euro, nisi ut quam com- fectly as possible. mode convalesco. Beware of doing it : or, Do it Caveofacio. not. Do not wish for that which Nolo is volo, qui facio cannot be done. non possum. Take care of your health. Cura, ut valeo. 265. * 228. e pi. * ace. ' 211, R. 5, 1. English to be turned into Latin. Let king Antiochus and rt the Roman people have b peace on these conditions'. Let him depart* from the cities, fields, villages, (and) fortresses' on this side of Mount 7 Taurus as far as to ff the river 7 Tanais. Let there be high priests' 1 for all the gods (and) particular priests* for each: and let the Vestal virgins in the city guard 3 the eternal* fire. It is not enough' that poems be" 1 beautiful" : let them be delightful , and impel the mind of the hearer in whatever way 7 * (they) please. At the river 7 Rubicon, Caesar said, " Let us ad- vance 7 whither the prodigies r of the gods and the injustice* of (our) enemies call (us.) Let the die be cast 1 ." Come" as soon as possible . Have great courage*, and good hope. Do not y judge, O Lupus, from our silence*, what we either approve or disapprove. a cum. 248, III. sum, 220. c lex. d excedo. * castel- lum. / 279, 9. e as far as to, usque ad. h pontifex. i a partic- ular prirst, flamen. J custodio. k sempiternus. ' it is not enough, non est satis. m 269. n pulcher. dulcis. p in whatever icay, quocunque. q let us advance, eatur. r ostentum. * iniqultas. ' let the die be cast, jacta alea esto. u cura ut venias. " as soon as pos sible, quam primiim. w f'ac, &c. 262, R. 4. * animus. y noli, &c * taciturmtas. M 265. 268. INFINITIVE MOOD. 239 INFINITIVE MOOD. <> 268. The tenses of the infinitive denote respec- tively an action as present, past, or future, in reference to the time of the verbs with which they are connected. All (men) are wont to meditate long, who wish to transact im- portant business. Pelopidas did not hesitate to engage as soon as he saw the enemy. We shall seek that that, which is doubtful, be granted to us. It is very often said by the enemies of Milo, that the senate have decided the slaughter, in which P. Clodius fell, to have been committed against the state. It was reported, that the temple of the Ephesian Diana had been jointly erected by the cities of Asia. Most persons love those friends best, from whom they hope that they shall receive the greatest ad- vantage. The Britons promised that they would give hostages and would do what Caesar should command. Let each one cease to trust in high things ; death levels all things. R. 1. I remember that I heard at Athens from my (friend) Phae- drus, that Gellius had assembled all the philosophers at Athens into one place. Do you not remember that you exclaimed that all was lost? Soho diu cogito omnis, qui magnus negotium volo ago. Pelopidas non dubito, simul ac conspicio hostis, cunfligo. Postulo ego ille, qui dubius sum, concede. A Milo inimicus saepe dico, csedes, in qui P. Clodius occido 6 senatus jucKco, contra respublica facio. Diana Ephesius fanum communiter a civitas Asia facio, fama fero c . Plerusque amicus is potissimum diligo, ex qui spcro sui magnus fructus capio. Britannus, obses do, quique Caesar irnpero^ sui facio polliccor. Desmo k elatus quis- quam confido res ; omnis mors sequo. Ego Athenas audio ex Phaedrus metis mcmini Gellius Athenae philoso- phus in unus locus con- voco. Nonne memini clamo tu, omnis pereo? 240 INFINITIVE MOOD. 263. I remember that Q,. Scaevola the augur, when he was very far advanced in age, daily afforded opportunity to all of visiting him. I remember that I far preferred Demosthenes to all. I remember that I when absent, and my (friends) when present, were defended by you. You remember that, in the con- sulship of Cotta and Torquatus, many things in the Capitol were struck with lightning. R. 2. We have a decree of the senate, Catiline, according to which it is meet that you should be immediately put to death. It is not enough to censure him who has done wrong, if you do not show the right way. R. 3. Cato declares that while he lives Pontinius shall not tri- umph. The Nervii said that they would do (the things) which were com- manded. R. 4. Caesar perceived that it would be with great danger to the Province, to have warlike men, the enemies of the Roman people, bordering upon an acces- sible country and (one) abound- ing greatly in corn. Pompey had declared that, be- fore the armies should engage, Caesar's army would be beaten. Ego d. Scsevola augur memoria tcneo, curn sum summus senectus", quo- tidie facio omnis con- venio / sui potestas. Recordor longe omnis unus anttfero Demosthe- nes. Et ego absens, et meus prsesens a tu defendo* incmini. Memoria tcnco, Cotta et Torquatus consul, com- plures in Capitoliurn res de coelum percutio. Ilabeo senatus consul- turn, qui ex senatus con- sultum confestim tu intcr- Jicio, Catilina, convenit. Non satis sum rcprc- lirndo peccans, si non do- ceo rectum' 1 via. Cato affirmo, sui* vivus Pontinius non triumplio. Nervii, qui impend, facio dico. Caesar intelllgo, mag- nus cum Provincia peric- iilum sum ut homo belli- cosus, populus Romanus inimlcus, locus" patens maxTmeque frumentarius finitimus habeo. Pornpeius dico, prius- quam concurro acies, fore, uti exercitus Csesar pdlo. * act. imp. * 26C. R. 4. e 245, III. / 275, II per/. *gcn. 257, R. 7. J 260, 1. k 260, R. 6. pass. 269. INFINITIVE MOOD AS A SUBJECT. 241 INFINITIVE MOOD AS A SUBJECT. 269. The infinitive, either with or without a sub- ject-accusative, may be the subject of a verb. Not to show gratitude for favors is base, and is so esteemed among all men : not to love one's parents is impiety. To be shipwrecked, to be over- turned in a carriage, though se- vere, are uncommon accidents; man (is) in daily danger from his fellow-man. It is disgraceful to say one thing and think another; how much more disgraceful to write one thing and think another ! To speak beautifully and ora- torically is nothing else than to use the best sentiments and choicest words. To put a stop to the corre- spondence of absent friends, what is it but to take from life the social intercourse of life ? R. 1. Deny, if you will, that (you) have received money. Publius Decius said it seemed to him in (his) sleep, that while he was engaged with the enemy, (he) fell with very great glory. Non rcfero beneficium gratia" et sum turpis, et apud omnis habeo : pa- rens suus non amo impius sum. Rarus sum casus, eti- amsi gravis, naufragiurn facio, vehiciilum everto : ab homo homo 6 pericu- lum quotidianus. Turpis sum alius lo- quor, alius sentio ; quan- tus turpis alius scribo, alius sentio ! Nihil sum alius pul- chre et oratorie dico, nisi bonus sententia verbum- que lectus dico. Q,uis sum alius tollo e vita vita societas, quarn tollo amicus colloquium absens 1 Nego sane, si volo, pe- cunia accipio*. P. Decius dico, sui in somnus video, cum in medius hostis versor, oc- cido cum magnus gloria. pi. *226. See also 239, R. 2. English to be turned into Latin. To flee when our country is invaded is base. To restrain* our tongue is not the least virtue. It is pleasant c to see the sun. Alas ! how difficult it is not to betray crime in the 21 242 INFINITIVE MOOD AS A SUBJECT. 269. countenance* ! To excel in knowledge is honorable'; but to be ignorant is base. It is one 7 (thing) to speak in Latin*, (but) another to speak grammatically. To die h bravely is more honorable* than to live basely. It is easy to oppress an innocent (man.) a oppugno. * Latlne. h emonor. 6 compesco. c jucundus. * nobilis. * 247. pulcher. / alius. R. 2. Within about twelve years, more than twelve Metelli were consuls or censors, or tri- umphed; so that it appears that the fortune of families now flour- ishes, now declines, now perishes, like that of cities and empires. It is agreed among all that liberty is not due to Modestus, because it has not been given. There is reason to believe that the world and all things which it contains have been created for the sake of man. R. 3. Theophrastus robbed virtue of its ornament, because he denied that to live happily de- pended upon it. Intra duodecim ferme annus, consul sum Metel- lus, aut censor aut trium- pho amplius duodecim ; ut apparel quemadmodum urbs imperiumque, ita gens fortuna nunc floreo, nunc senesco, nunc in- tereo. Convenit inter omnis non libertas Modestus debeo, quia non do*. Credibilis sum homo causa facio mundus qui- que in is sum omnis. Theophrastus spolio virtus suus decus, quod nego, in is pono beate vivo. English to be turned into Latin. It is true that friendship can not exist except between the good. If it is not 6 understood how great the force of friendship and harmony is c , it may be learned 1 from dissen- sion* and discord': for what family (is) so firm 7 that it cannot be r utterly^ overthrown* by animosities-^ and quar- rels* 1 It is just l that the victor should spare the vanquished. It is evident m that laws were invented for" the safety of the citizens. It is necessary that a law should be brief, that it may the more easily be remembered p by the ignorant'. 270. INFINITIVE MOOD AS AN OBJECT. 243 a 266, 3. if it is not, si mintis. c 265. * percipio. pi. f stabilis. g 264. h fundltus. * everto. J odium. * dissidium. 1 sequum. m constat. n ad. oportet. p teneo. ? imperltus. INFINITIVE MOOD AS AN OBJECT <> 270. The infinitive, either with or without a sub- ject-accusative, may depend upon a verb. Habit teaches to endure labor. Epaminondas was taught by Dionysius to sing to the sound of stringed instruments. The Gauls learned from the Greeks to surround cities with walls. The good through love of vir- tue hate to do wrong. R. 1. The city was afflicted, being unaccustomed to be van- quished. Agricola was accustomed to obey, and taught to consult util- ity as well as glory. Each prince possessed the highest excellence ; one was wor- thy to be elected, the other to elect. R. 2. That, in the first place, I should not have been with Pom- pey, and in the second place, with the best (citizens?) That you, Attius, should say this, (who are) possessed of so much wisdom 1 Wretch that I am ! that you should have incurred such mis- fortunes on my account ! The name of one of the con- suls, though nothing else dis- pleased them, was offensive to Fero labor consuetude doceo. Epaminondas canto ad chorda sonus doceo a Dionysius. A Graecus Gallus urbs moenia cingo disco. Odi pecco bonus virtus amor. Mcestus civitas sum, vinco insuetus. Agricola sum perltus obsequor, eruditusque u- tilis honestus misceo. Uterque princeps bo- nus sum ; dignusque alter eligo, alter eKgo. Ego non primum cum Pompeius, deinde cum bonus sum ? Tune hie, Attius, dico, tails prudentia pra?di- tus? Ego miser ! tu in tan- tus aerumna propter ego incido ! Consul " alter, quum nihil alius offendo, no- men invisus civitas sum. 244 INFINITIVE WITHOUT A SUBJECT. 271, the state. That the Tarquins had been too long used to domi- nation ; that it had begun with Priscus ; that after that Servius Tullius had reigned; that the Tarquins did not know how to live as private citizens. R. 3. The people commanded Tullus Hostilius (to be made) king. Nimium Tarquinius reg- num assuesco ; initium a Priscus facio ; rcgno de- inde Servius Tullius ; ncscio Tarquinius pri- vatus vivo. Tullus Hostilius popu- lus rex jubeo. INFINITIVE WITHOUT A SUBJECT. <> 271. The infinitive without a subject is only used after certain verbs, especially such as denote de- sire, ability, intention, or endeavor. Caesar makes haste to depart from the city. Pelopidas did not hesitate to engage as soon as he saw the enemy. The full moon used to produce the greatest tides in the ocean. You are said to be the real father of your country. Demosthenes is said to have carefully perused Plato. The plays of Terence were thought, on account of the ele- gance of (their) diction, to be written by C. Lselius. The bridge over the Iberus was reported to have been nearly fin- ished. The Hyperboreans are said to be beyond the Amazons. Pythagoras is ascertained to have come to Sybaris and Cro- Csesar maturo ab urbs projiciscor. Pelopidas non dubito, simul ac conspicio hostis confilgo. Luna plenus aestus magnus in oceanus efficio consuesco. Verus patria dico sum pater. Lectito Plato studiose Demosthenes dico. Terentius fabella prop- ter elegantia sermo puto a C. Lselius scribo. Pons in Iberus prope efficio nuntio. Ultra Amazon Hyper- boreus sum memoro. Regnans Lucius Tar quinius Superbus Sybaris 271. INFINITIVE WITHOUT A SUBJECT. 245 tone in the reign of Lucius Tar- quinius Superbus. Let not the wicked presume to appease the gods by gifts. Cities could neither have been built nor inhabited without the assembly of men. I desire to know what you think of these things. R. 2. Miltiades, having been long engaged in commands and magistracies, appeared unable to be a private (citizen,) especially as he seemed to be drawn by habit to the desire of command. Silius Italicus was lately re- ported to have put an end to (his) life, on his Neapolitan (estate,) by abstinence from food. R. 3. I wish to be a judge, not a teacher. Timoleon chose rather to be loved than feared. et Croton Pythagoras ve- nio reperio. Donum impius ne pla- co audeo deus. Urbs sine homo ccetus non possum nee adifico necfrequento. Q,uis de is cogito, scio volo. Miltiades, multum in imperium magistratusque versatus, non videor pos- sum sum privatus, prae- sertim quum consuetudo ad imperium cupiditas traho videor. Modo nuntio Silius Italicus in Neapolitanus suus inedia vita Jinio. Judex ego sum, non doctor volo. Timoleon malo sui dil- igo quam metuo. English to be turned into Latin. I wish both to be and to be considered 11 grateful. ^Elius wished to be a Stoic, but he neither was nor aimed b to be an orator. Clodius desires' . to be made tribune of the people. 1 had rather be in health^ than to be rich. I begin to be troublesome to you. It was reported* to Afranius, that large companies 7 , who were on their way ? to Csesar, had halted at the river. The Bructeri formerly came* next to the Tencteri ; now it is said that the Chamavi and the An- grivarii have entered in*. It is related* , that the Venus, who is called Astarte, m.arried Adonis. Our (friend) Calvus wished to be called k an Attic orator. habeo. 6 studeo. c cupio. d to be in health, valeo. * nun tio. / comitatus. e to be on the way, iter habeo. * occurro, imp 4 to enter in, imigro. 21* , . prodo. k R. 3, 2d paragraph. 246 INFINITIVE WITH THE ACCUSATIVE. 2712 INFINITIVE WITH TPIE ACCUSATIVE. 272. The infinitive with the accusative depends on verbs and phrases, which denote either the exercise of the senses or intellectual powers, or the communica- tion of thought to others. Thou knowest that I love truth. Do not forget that thou art Caesar. Poets feign that Briareus had a hundred arms and fifty heads. Publius Scipio used to say, that he was never less idle than when idle, nor less alone than when he was alone. Alexander ordered the tomb of Cyrus to be opened. They say that Socrates replied to some one who complained that his foreign travels had done him no good, "Not without rea- son has this happened to you, for you travelled with yourself." They say that there was a cer- tain Myndarides of the city of the Sybaritae, who, having seen (a man) digging and lifting his spade rather high, complained that he was made weary, and for- bade him to do that work in his presence. Scio ego amo verum. Nolo obliviscor tu sum Caesar. Poeta Jingo Briareus habeo centum brachium et quinquaginta caput. Publius Scipio dico soleo, nunquam sui mi- nus otiosus sum quam cum otiosus, nee minus solus quam cum solus sum. Sepulcrum Cyrus ape- rio Alexander jubeo. Socrates querens qui- dam, quod nihil sui per- egrinatio prosum re- spondeo fcro, " Non immerlto hoc tu evenio, tucum enim peregrlnor." Myndarides aio sum, ex Sybaritae civitas, qui quum video fodiens, et alte rastrum allevans, las- sus sui facio questus, ve- to is ille opus in con- spectus suus facio. English to be turned into Latin. Hesiod says" that no 6 planter of an olive has ever en- joyed* the fruit from it ; so slow a business was it then, but 273. INFINITIVE AND SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER THAT. 247 now they are planted* in nursery-beds ', and, after trans* planting*, their berries are gathered in the second' 1 year. Suppose 1 that some one is now becoming a philosopher j , (but) as yet is not* (one,) what system* shall he choose in prefer- ence to all others" 1 1 * nego. - nego. 6 quisquam. c sator. d percipio. ' sero. / a nursery- ied,plantarium. * lit. the berries of the transplanted (olives.) h 120, 1. ' fingo. ./sapiens. * not as yet , nondum. l discipllna. m in preference to all others, potissimum. INFINITIVE AND SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER THAT. <> 273. When the particle that, in English, intro- duces a clause denoting a purpose, object, or result, it is a sign of the subjunctive in Latin, and is to be ex- pressed by ut, (fee. ; but otherwise it is usually the sign of the infinitive with the accusative. 1. If virtue can produce this effect, that one be not miserable, it will more easily cause that he be most happy ; for there is less difference between a happy and a very happy (man,) than between a happy and a miserable (man.) The sun causes every thing to flourish, and grow to maturity, in its respective kind. Chrysippus has neatly said, as (he has said) many things, that he who runs in a stadium ought to strive and contend, as much as he can, to conquer, but ought by no means to trip up him with whom he is contending. Every virtue attracts us to it- self, and makes us love those in whom it appears to be found. Si possum virtus efficio, ne miser aliquis sum, fa- cile efficio ut beatus sum ; parvus enim intervallum* sum a beatus ad beatus, quam a miser ad beatus. Sol efficio ut omnis j#o- reo, et in suus quisque genus pubcsco. Scite Chrysippus, ut multus, " Q,ui stadium curro," inquam, " enltor et contendo debeo quam maxime possum ut vinco, supplanto is quicum cer- to nullus modus debeo." Onmis virtus ego ad sni allicio, jfaMque, ut is dili ffo, in qui ipse insum videor 6 . 212. * 260, 1. 248 INFINITIVE AND SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER THAT. 273. English to be turned into Latin. Scarcely ever can a parent prevail on himself b to conquer 9 nature, so as d to banish" love towards his children from (his) mind. I arrived at Rome on the fifth day 7 before the Ides of December^, and made it my Jirst business 11 to have an interview with Pansa f , from whom I heard such-' (news) of you as fc I was most desirous 1 (to hear.) If you sail"* im- mediately, you will overtake" me at Leucas ; but, if you wish to recruit p yourself, take particular care q that you have a proper*" ship. a nunquam fere. b to prevail on one's self, indaco animum. e vin- co. d so as, ut. ' ejicio. / 326, 7. * adj. h and made it my first business, nee habui quidquam antiquius quam. * to have an inter- view with Pansa, ut Pansam conveniara. 1 is. * relative. l to be most desirous, maxime opto. m navlgo. " consequor. pi. ? con- firmo. q take particular care, diligenter videbis. r idoneus. 2. It is the impulse of nature, Natura impello, ut ho- that human society should study mo ccetus studeoparo is, to procure those things, which qui suppedito et ad cultus suffice for refinement and for sup- et ad victus. port. If we are not induced to be Si non ipse honestum honest men by the beauty of vir- movco, ut bonus vir sum, tue itself, but by some benefit and sed utilltas aliquis ac profit, we are not honest, but fructus, calidus sum, non cunning. bonus. English to be turned into Latin. We have not ceased* to admonish Pompey to avoid b this great disgrace', but he has left room neither for our prayers nor admonitions. I have very lately^ written a book on the best style" of oratory 7 , which I will tell your (servants) to copy' and send you. When the Athenians had sent to Del- phi to consult* what* they should do respecting their affairs, the Pythia answered that they should fortify themselves with wooden walls. Caesar had strictly-' charged k Treboni- us not to suffer the town to be taken 2 by storm" 1 . Caesar 273. INFINITIVE AND SUBJUNCTIVE AFTER THAT. 249 charges Volusenus, when he had explored" every thing, to return to him as soon as possible . J will give, as a Jirst precept? to him whom I am instructing 7 , carefully 7 " and thor- oughly to make himself acquainted" with whatever causes he is going to plead'. Piso dared to make proclamation" that the senate should resume" their (ordinary) dress. A pesti- lence attacking" the city, compelled the senate to command 31 the decemvirs to inspect the Sibylline books. The dictator commanded the tribunes of the soldiers that they should or- der y the baggage to be collected into one (heap.) desisto. b fugio. c infamia. d very lately, proximo. * genus. f dico, ger. B describe. h 276, II. * quisnam. i magnopere. fc mando. ' expugno. m vis. n 257, R. 5. as soon as possi- ble, quim primum. p I iciJl give as a first precept, hoc primum prae- cipiam. 8 instituo. r diligenter. ' to make one's self acquainted, cognosco. ' ago. u edlco. * redeo ad. v adortus. * impgro. y jubeo. 4. Those who gave to Greece Ille qui Grsecia forma the forms of her republics, wished respublica do, corpus ju- the bodies of her youths to be venis^rwzo labor volo. strengthened by toil. When I have praised some one Q,uum aliquis apud tu of your friends to you, I shall laudo tuus familiaris, vo~ wish him to know from you that I lo ille scio ex tu ego is have done it. facio. 1 wish you would answer me, Volo uti ego respon- whether any, except you, of the deo, numquis ex totus whole college, dared to propose collegium lex audeo fero the law. prseter unus tu. English to be turned into Latin. I will never wish" from the gods, O Romans, for the sake 6 of lessening my own odium d , that you should hear' that L. Catiline is leading an army of enemies ; but (yet) you will hear (it) in three days. Caligula wished f that the Roman people had' (but) one neck. Nature does not allow that we should increase* our own means' 1 by the spoils of others. Augustus did not allow himself to be called 1 sovereign even' by his children or grandchildren. 250 PARTICIPLES. 274. tt opto. 6 causa. c levo. * invidia. ' sulj. f imp. e augeo. * facultas. inf. 1 279, 3. 5. I am sorry that you are dis- Dolet ego, quod stom- pleased. achor". I rejoice that my conduct is Meus factumpro&o 6 abs approved by you. tu, gaudeo. 6, N. Between giving and re- Multus intersum inter ceiving there is a great difference, do et accipio. With what fault do you charge Qui crimen dico, prce- (me,) except that (I) love? ter amo t meus? ind. inf. PARTICIPLES. 274. Participles are followed by the same cases as their verbs. 1. Cicero, being informed of every (particular) by the ambas- sadors, gives command to the pretors. The Latin legions, having been taught, by their long alli- ance, the Roman mode of war- fare, held out for some time. While reading my (writings) exercise your own judgment. Mummius was an impressive speaker, but inclined to avoid not only the labor of speaking, but even of thinking. Law is right reason, command- ing what is right, and prohibiting the contrary. Having burnt the temple of Jupiter, Greatest and Best, Vitel- lius, repenting of the deed, laid the blame upon others. Cicero, per legatus cunctus" edoctusj praetor impero. Aliquamdiu Latmus le- gio, longa societas militia Romanus edoctus, resto 6 . Nosier* legens utor tuus judicium. Mummius sum argutus orator, sed fugiens non modo dico c , verum etiam cogito c labor. Lex sum rectus ratio, imperans honestus*, pro- hibens contrarius". Succensus templum Jupiter, Bonus Magnus, Vitellius, poemtens fac- tum, in alius culpa con- fero 274. PARTICIPLES. 251 How wretched is the bondage of virtue in slavery to pleasure! Of animals some are destitute of reason, others possess it. Alexander, being about to ap- proach the confines of Persia, committed the city of Susa to Archelaus. Vercingetorix, being accused of treachery, replied to all the accusations. We ought to cherish not the body only, but also much more the mind and soul. We shall need to make use of Greek terms. Eudoxus is of opinion that the Chaldees are by no means deserv- ing of credit. No wise man ever supposed that we ought to trust a traitor. Every one must make use of his own judgment. The property of many Roman citizens is at stake, for whom you are bound to consult. Let these leaders at length con- fess, that both themselves and others must yield obedience to the authority of the whole Roman people. 2. I saw Cato sitting in the library surrounded with many books of the Stoics. Tiresias, whom the poets represent as a wise (man,) they never introduce lamenting his blindness. Vitellius advised the senate to send ambassadors to Flavius Sa- Quam miser sum vir- tus famulatus serviens vo- luptas ! Animal alius ratio ex- pers sum, alius ratio utens. Alexander, Persis^m's aditurus, Susa a urbs Archelaus trado. Vercingetorix, proditio insimuldtus , ad omnis cri- men respondeo. Non corpus solum sub- venio, sed mcns atque ani- mus multus magis. Graecus utor vocabu- lum. Eudoxus sic opmor, Chald&us minime credo. Nemo unquam sapiens proditor credo puto. Suus quisque judicium utor. Ago bonum multus ci- vis, qui a tu consulo. Aliquando iste prin- ceps, et sui et ceterus, popiilus Romanus uni- versus auctoritas pareo fateor. Cato video in biblio- theca sedens, multus cir- cumfusus StoTcus liber. Tiresias, qui sapiens fingo poeta, nunquam induco depldram caecitas suus. Vitellius suadeo sena- tus, ut ad Flavius Sa- 252 PARTICIPLES. 274. binus to sue for peace, or at least for time to deliberate. Alexander (when) dying had given his ring to Perdiccas. R. 4. Hold this as certain, that nothing could have come into be- ing without a cause. The Sicilians have recourse to my aid, which they have long proved and known. The Romans have large sums of money invested in Asia. I wish you to be relieved from domestic care. The war being ended, it was ordered that the legions should be discharged. I will find him out and bring him to you. I will do this for you. R. 5. Nothing was so per- nicious to the Lacedaemonians as the abolition of the discipline of Lycurgus, to which they had been accustomed for seven hun- dred years. Cfcuinctius Flamininus came as ambassador to king Prusias, whom both the reception of Han- nibal, and the stirring up of a war against Eumenes, had rendered suspected by the Roman people. Aratus of Sicyon came to the Ptolemy who was then upon the throne, the second (king) after the foundation of Alexandria, and asked for money that he might free his country binus legatus mitto, pax, aut certe tempus ad con- sulto petiturus. Alexander moriens an- niilus suus do Perdiccas. Ille explordtus habeo, nihil fio possum sine causa. Siculus ad meus fides, qui habeo spectdtus jam et diu cogmtus, confugio. Romanus in Asia pe- cunra magnus collocdtus habeo. Domesticus cura tu levdtus volo. Legio, bellum confec- tus, missus Jio placet 1 *. Inventus tu euro et adductus. Hie ego tu effectus reddo. Lacedaemonius nullus res tantus sum damnurn', quam disciplma Lycur- gus, qui per septingenti annus adsuesco, subldtus. Ad Prusias rex legatus Quinctius Flamininus ve- nio, qui suspectus Roma- nus et receptus Hannibal, et bellum adversus Eume- nes motus, reddo. Aratus Sicyonius ad Ptolemseus venio, qui turn regno, alter post Alexandria conditus, pe- toque pecunia ut patria libero. B neut. pi. 2 75, III. R. 1. * pres. 227. 274. PARTICIPLES. 253 English to be turned into Latin. There was greater sorrow from the loss* of the citizens, than joy in the expulsion* of the enemy. Conon derived 6 more sorrow^ from the burning and plundering* of his na- tive place 7 by the Lacedaemonians, than joy* from (its) recovery'*. Regal power was exercised 1 at Rome, from the building of the city to (its) emancipation^ two hundred and forty-four years. The decemvirs were ordered to inspect the Sibylline books, on account of men's (minds) being terrijied k with new prodigies. About eighty years' after the capture" 1 of Troy, the family" of Pelops, which during this whole time had possessed p the command 7 of the Peloponnesus, is expelled by the Heraclidae. * amissus. b fusus. c capio. d tristitia, 212. ' dirutus. f native place, patria. e Isetitia. h recuperatus. * rearal power was exercised, regnatum est. J liberatus. k territus. l lit. about the eightieth year. m captus. " progenies. abl. 236. p obtineo. 9 imperium. R. 6. Alexander restrained his Alexander miles a pop- soldiers from the devastation of ulatio Asia prohibeo, non Asia, alleging that those things perdendus is sum prrefa- ought not to be destroyed, which tus, qui possideo venio a . they came to possess. The king sent Hephoestion into Rex Hephaestion in the region of Bactriana to provide regio Bactriana 6 mitto, supplies for the winter. commeatus in hiemspo- ro. 266, 3. * 204. English to be turned into Latin. He is a fool, who, when he is going to buy* a horse, does not examine 6 (the animal) itself, but its housing 6 and bridle*. Arsanes ravages Cilicia with fire and sword e , that he may make a desert for the enemy ; he spoils' whatever^ can be of use* (to the enemy,) intending to leave the soil, which he could not* defend, barren and naked. Catiline, intending to 22 254 PARTICIPLES. 274. attach the city, departs to the army prepared by Manlius in Etruria. The consul Brutus so reduced the power* of the Vestlni by a single battle, that they dispersed* into (their) towns, for the purpose of defending themselves by (their) walls. a when he is going to buy, emturus. I & 92. 5. ' ferrum. / corrumt inspicio. c stratum. d mas. pi. 92, 5. r ferrum. " / corrumpo. e quisquis. h 227, R. 2. * nequeo. i to attack, signa infero. * to reduce the power, accldo res. ' dilabor. R. 7. In the Sabine war, L. Tarquinius vowed the erection of a temple, in the Capitol, to Jupi- ter, Greatest and Best. I am not displeased that my letter has been circulated ; nay, I have even given it myself to many persons to copy. Mummius was so ignorant, that, after the capture of Corinth, when he had contracted for transporting into Italy pictures and statues formed by the hands of the most eminent artists, he ordered notice to be given to the contractors, that if they lost them, they should give new ones instead. In order that the city might be more easily approached, Augus- tus distributed, to men who had obtained triumphs, the (charge of) paving the roads out of the money of the spoils. JEdis in Capitolitim Jupiter Bonus Magnus, bellum Sablnus facio voveo Tarquinius. Epistola meus pervulgo non moleste fero; quin etiam ipse multus do de- scribo. Mummius tarn rudis sum, ut captus Corinthus, quum magnus artifex per- fectus manus tabula ac statua in Italia porto loco, jubeo prasdico conducens, si is perdo novus reddo. Quo facile urbs adeo, Augustus triumphalis vir ex manubialis pecunia via stcrno distribuo. English to be turned into Latin. The Athenians transported" every (thing) which could be moved, partly to Trrezen 6 , partly to Salamis 5 , and com- mitted the citadel and the performance of the sacred rites to a few elderly persons^. P. Cornelius is ordered to go to Ostia with all the matrons, to meet* the (Idsean) goddess ', 274. PARTICIPLES. 255 and (when) brought*" to land, to deliver her over*, for con- veyance 1 to the matrons. I wrote this letter before day- break^, by a wooden* lamp-stand*, which pleased me greatly" 1 , because they said that you had got" it made when you were at Samos. A division of offices having been made after the victory, Antony undertook 7 " the regulation* of the East ; Octavianus, the bringing back the veterans to Italy, and the settling" them upon the municipal lands. a asporto. b 80, I. c procure. d an elderly person, major natu. ' obviam. / 228, 1. 8 elatus. K to deliver over, trado. 1 fero. J lux. k ligneolus. l lychnuchus. m pleased me greatly, mihi erat perjucundus. n euro. lit. offices having been divided. f recipio. q ordlno. r colloco. PRESENT. R. 8. Law is a supreme rule, implanted in our nature, which commands those things which ought to be done, and forbids the opposite. Every state must be ruled by some counsel, in order that it may be permanent ; and that counsel must either be allotted to one, or to certain select persons, or must be undertaken by the multitude and by all. Many writers, speaking of Trojan affairs, call the country of the Myrmidons Thessaly ; the tragic writers do it most frequent- ly, but it should by no means be allowed them. Lex sum ratio superus, insitus in natura, qui jubeo is qui facio, pro- hibeOque contrarius. Omnis respublica con- silium quidam rego, ut diuturnus sum ; is autem consilium aut unus trib- uo aut delectus quidam, aut suscipio multitude atque omnis. Multus scriptor, de Ili- acus dicens, Myrmidon regio Thessalia voco ; tragicus frequens is fa- cio, qui minime is conce- do. English to be turned into Latin. The same (things) must be done a in the senate, but on a smaller scale 6 , for (we) must leave many others an opportu- oity c of speaking, and d we must avoid the suspicion of a 256 PARTICIPLES. 274. display* of talent. The beauty of the world, and the regu- larity-^ of the celestial phenomena*, compel' 1 (us) to confess, that there is some superior 4 and eternal nature, and that it is to be venerated^ and admired by the human race fc . The exploits of the Romans arc, not to be compared 1 either" 1 with (those of) the Greeks, or of any other nation. It does not seem to me that another topic" should be sought for by us* because these (men) have come, but we should say some- thing worth their hearing . * ago. b apparatus. c locus. d etiam * res. h cogo. * prreslans. J suspicio. of men. l confero. m not either, neque. oftkeir cars. * ostentatio. / ordo. * 225, III. ; lit. race n sermo. lit. worthy PAST. Seleucus, Lysimachus, Ptole- my, were at hand, already pow- erful in resources, with whom Eumenes had to fight. I should long have had to look out for a son-in-law to Arulenus Rusticus, if Minucius had not been prepared, Acilianus and, as it were, providec Tiberius abstained from the Greek language, and especially in the senate ; to such a degree, indeed, that when he was going to mention monopolium, he first begged pardon for being obliged to use a foreign word. Immineo Seleucus, Lysimachus, Ptolemseus, ops jam valens, cum qui Eumenes ditnico a . Diu ego quccro b Aru- lenus RustTcus gener, ni- si paro et quasi provideo Minucius Acilianus. Sermo Graecus Tiberi- us, maximeque in sena- tus, abstineo ; adeo qui- dem ut monopolium nom- inaturus prius venia pos- tiilo, quod sui verbum peregrinus utor c . * imp. 162, 15. b imp. 261, 1. e imp. 266, 3. "English to be turned into Latin. How could" Lacedaemon enjoy b good and just laws, when any one who" had been born d of the royal family* must be taken f as king? lt e (is) more miserable to be consumed by old age, than to resign' 1 for* (our) own country, rather than in any other way >, the ff life which, after all fc , it would 274. PARTICIPLES. 257 be necessary to resign. Cyrus was a most wise and just king, yet the government" 1 was not particularly" desirable", because^ it was controlled 7 by the nod of a single (man.) Numa appointed 7 " many (things) which were to be observed, but those without expense*. * possum ; Lit. how could it happen that, fyc. b lit. then enjoy. c any one icho, quicumque. d 266, 1. * genus. f habeo, imp. 263, 5. e is. h reddo. f pro. J rather than in any other way, potissimum. * after all, tamen. "* respublica. n maxime. ex- peto ; lit. to be desired. p quum. 2 rego. r constituo. * im- pensa. FUTURE. If the Gauls attempt to make Si Gallus bellum facio war, we shall have to recall C. conor, excito ego ab in- Marius from the shades. feri C. Marius. When the studies of the youth Quum studium juve- are to be extended beyond his nis extra paternus limen paternal threshold, it will be ne- profero, jam circumspi- cessary to look out for a Latin do rhetor Latmus, qui rhetorician, the severity and puri- schola severitas castitas- ty of whose school is ascertained, que consto. English to be turned into Latin. Those who aim at the highest (things) will go higher than (those) who, despairing beforehand 6 of reaching the point they wish d ,stop e immediately-^ at the lowest* (point;) for this reason 4 I shall be the more entitled j to excuse, if 1 do not pass over fc even trifling' (things.) Let the teacher not conceal 771 those (things) which shall require correction" ; (let him be) simple in teaching, patient of labor, rather assiduous than immoderate (in his demands.) When the boy shall have attained such p strength in (his) studies as to be able 7 to understand r the first precepts of the rheto- ricians, it will be necessary for him to be transferred" to the teachers' of the art. * nitor. b despairing beforehand, praesumtci desperatione. c ev3- do. d the point they wish, quo velint. e subsisto. / protTnus. r circa. h neut. pi. i for this reason, quo. i lit. pardon ought the 22* 258 PARTICIPLES. 274. more to be obtained (by me.) teacker not be a dissembler. that he can. gister. k praetereo. l minor. m lit. let the emendo. pervenio ad. F is. q lit. r to understand, mente consequi. * trado. ' ma- 3. No one, when he looks at the whole earth, will doubt of the providence of God. The limbs of Alexander, when he had scarcely entered the river, began suddenly to shiver and to be benumbed. The king commands Philip to read the epistle of Parmenio, nor did he remove his eyes from his countenance as he read (it,) think- ing that he might discover in his face itself some marks of con- scious guilt. Alexander, though tracing (it) with all his care, could not ascer- tain to what country Darius had gone ; according to a certain cus- tom of the Persians, who conceal, with wonderful fidelity, the secrets of their king. Nemo, cunctus intuens terra, de divmus provi- dentia dubito. Alexander, vix Ingres- sus flu men, subito horreo artus et rigeo coepi. Rex epistola Parmenio Philippus lego jubeo, nee a vultus Icgens moveo oculus, ratus sui aliquis conscientia nota in ipse os possum deprehendo. Alexander, qui regio Darius peto omnis cura vestigans, tamen explore non possum ; mos qui- dam Persa? arcanum rex mirus celans fides. English to be turned into Latin. The litter in which Tiberius was travelling* 1 being ob- structed 5 by brambles, he almost beat c to death the pioneer*, a centurion of the first cohorts, when he was stretched" upon the ground. All things delight us more when withdrawn^, than when uninterruptedly 8 " enjoyed*. Some serpents, though born 1 out of the water, betake themselves* to the water, as soon as' they are able to make an effort. Dionysius, through fear n of razors , used to singe off p his hair with a burning 9 coal. a veho, pass. b impedltus. f tus. / desideratus. e assiduc. * betake themselves, persequuntur verbero. d explorator vise. e stra- h perceptus. * ortus. J extra. 1 as soon as, simul ac primum. m to make an effort, nitor. " through fear, metuens. rius. f to singe off, adaro, 145, II. 1. * candens. through fear, metuens. culler tonso- 275 GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 259 GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 275. Gerunds are followed by the same cases as their verbs. I am desirous of satisfying the Cupldus sum satisfa- state. do respublica. Absolute power is given to the Decemvir omnis pro- deceinvirs of visiting, whenever vincia obeo, liber populus they please, all the provinces, and ager multo summus po- of depriving free nations of their testas do, quum volo. territories. I thought that no delay ought to Nullus mora interpo- be interposed in pursuing M. An- no insequor M. Antonius tony. puto. I am transported with the de- Equtdern eflfero studi- sire of seeing your fathers. um pater vester video. English to be turned into Latin. The Cornelian law had expressly given to Pompey the power of bestowing* the right of citizenship. The ambassa- dors of the Germans requested of Caesar, that he would give them leave rf to send ambassadors to e the Ubii. At Rome, the right of convoking f the senate did not belong^ to private (individuals.) The consul delayed a little*, for the purpose of ascertaining 1 the feelings j of the soldiers. There can be no just cause to any one of taking up arms against (his) country. J3t/ bearing injuries, you will merit greater praise than by avenging (them.) * definite. 6 dono. c imp. d to give leave, potestatem facio. * in. / voco. g to belong, sum. h parumoer. * experior. i animus. II. R. 2. A rage for ravaging Ago infelix Alexander other men's possessions agitated furor alienus* devasto, et the unhappy Alexander, and urged ad ignotus" mitto. him into unknown regions. 260 GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 275. Logic is the art of discrimina- DialectTca sum ars ve- ting truth and falsehood. rus a ac falsits* dijudico. neut. pi. English to be turned into Latin. We are so formed by nature as to contain 6 in ourselves the principle c of engaging in some pursuit*, and of attach- ing ourselves to some persons' . It was the malady of the Greeks to occupy themselves f in useless literary studies*; and the idle* desire of learning superfluous 1 (things) has seized on-' the Romans also. to be formed by nature, nascor, pcrf. b imp. subj. c pi. d lit. of doing (ago) something. 'lit. of loving (diligo) some (persons.) / lit. to be occupied. e literary studies, literarum studia. h inanis. * supervacuus. J to seize on, invado. GERUNDS. III. R. 1. Avaricious men are Avarus homo non so- not only tormented with the pas- lum libido augeo crucio, sion for acquiring, but also with sed etiam amitto metus. the fear of losing. Frugality is the science of Parsimonia sum scien- avoiding superfluous expense, or tia vito sumtus supervac- the art of using property with uus, aut ars res familia- moderatiori. ris moderate utor. In proportion as any one speaks Ut quisque optime dico well, so he most dreads the diffi- ita maxime dico difficul- culty of speaking. tas pertimesco. English to be turned into Latin. Epaminondas was desirous" of hearing; for from this he thought 6 that it was easiest to learn c . A great part of the Babylonians had stationed themselves** on the walls, eager' to become acquainted f with Alexander. Habit and practice both sharpen * acuteness h in understanding, and quicken 1 the rapidity of expression*. 275. GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 261 * studiosus. b arbitror. c that it was easiest to learn, facilltm6 disci, 239, R. 3. d to station one's self, consto. ' avldus. / cog- nosco. e acuo. A prudentia. * inclto. i eloquor. GERUNDIVES. III. R. 1. A desire seized Romulus and Rernus of founding a city on the spot where they had been exposed and brought up. Hannibal increased his repu- tation by his so bold attempt of crossing the Alps. All judicial proceedings have oeen devised for the sake of ter- minating controversies, or pun- ishing enemies. Either pleasures are foregone for the sake of obtaining greater pleasures, or pains are undergone for the sake of escaping greater pains. The difficulty of supporting an office through weakness, is whol- ly inapplicable to the majesty of God. (5.) Marius perceived that these (things were) merely glo- rious, and did not tend to termi- nate the war. Romulus et Remus cupldo capio in is locus, ubi expono atque edu co, urbs condo. Hannibal opinio de sui augeo, condtus tarn au- dax trajicio Alpes. Omnis judicium aut distraho controversia aut punio maleficium causa reperio. Aut voluptas omitto magnus voluptas adipis- cor causa, aut dolor sus- cipio magnus dolor effu- gio causa. Sustinto munus prop- ter imbecillttas difficultas minlme cado in majestas Deus. Qui Marius gloriosus modo, neque bellum pa- Iro cognosce. English to be turned into Latin. It is not denied that Demosthenes possessed very great power" of eloquence 6 , but it is also c ascertained^ that he was fond? of hearing Plato. I rejoice 7 that you are desirous of bringing about s peace between the citizens. Zcno of Elea 71 endured * every thing rather than disclose' (his) accomplices' 1 in (the plan of) abolishing 1 the tyranny. It is true, that if any one is m ignorant of (the art of) com- posing" and polishing language", he cannot 7 ' fluently 3 ex- press even that r which he knows*. 262 GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 275 6 dico. quoque. vis. / laetor. * to bring about, concilio. tior. 1 indico, subj. * conscius. ' oratio. ? 269. d it is ascertained, constat. ' studiosus. h of Elea, Eleatlcus. * 1 deleo. m 261, 2. is ipse. 266, 1. perpe- facio. GERUNDS. III. R. 2. In the gnat, nature so formed an instrument, that it was at once pointed for boring, and hollow for sucking. The pool produces frogs desti- tute of feet; soon it gives legs suitable for swimming. When I was at Apamea, the leading men of many cities repre- sented to me, that too great ex- penses were decreed for ambas- sadors, as the cities were not able to pay (them.) Tiberius promised that he would rebuild the theatre of Pompey, (which had been) acci- dentally consumed by fire, since no one of the family was able to rebuild it. In culex natura telum it a for mo, ut fodio acu- mindtus pariter, et sorbeo Jistuldsus sum. Limus raria genero truncus pes a ; mox aptus nato crus do. Apamea cum sum, multus civltas princeps ad ego defero, sumtus decerno legatus nimia magnus, cum solvo civi- tas non sum. Pompeius theatrurn, ignis fortuito haustus, Tiberius extruo polli- ceor, quod nemo e fami- lia restauro sufKcio b . * 213. * 266, 3. GERUNDIVES. III. R. 2. Dry wood is a proper material for producing fire. The spring, as it were, repre- sents youth, and exhibits the promise of the future fruits ; the rest of the time is adapted for reaping and gathering the fruits. There are some games not without their use for sharpening the wits of boys. Cleanthes drew water, and Lignum aridus materia sum idoneus elicio ignis. Ver tanquam adoles- centia significo, futurus- que fructus ostendo ; rel- iquus tempus demeto fructus et percipio ac- commodatus sum. Sum nonnullus acuo puer ingenium non inu- tilis lusus. Cleanthes aqua haurio, 275. GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 263 hired out his hands for watering a garden. It is not in my power, nor is it optional with me, not to bestow my labors for removing the dan- gers of men. Wood was brought down from mount Lebanon for constructing rafts and towers. (1.) Iron, when red, is not fit for hammering, nor till it begins to grow white. Coarse paper is not useful for writing, but serves for packages of goods. et rigo hortulus loco ma- nus. Neque ego licet, neque sum integer, ut meus la- bor homo periculum sub- levo non impertio. Materies ex Libanus mons, ratis et turris con- ficio veho. Rubens ferrum non sum (undo, nee donee excandesco. Charta emporeticus non sum scribo, et merx involucrurn usus prsebeo. English to be turned into Latin. The Transalpine Gauls took possession of a a spot not far from thence, for the building 1 of a town, where Aquileia now stands. (2.) Within ten years the Roman people both created decemvirs for enacting laws, and abolished (them.) M. Antonius, triumvir for the settlement of d the common- wealth, brought about 8 the marriage of the daughter of Atticus with Vipsanius Agrippa. The sons of Ancus were now almost of the age of puberty 7 ; for which reason*" Tar- quin was the more urgent' 1 , that comitia should be held 1 , as soon as possible, for the election^ of a king. a to take possession of, capio. 6 condo. c abolished, e republics suf- fro. d constituo, lit. for settling. " lit. was the promoter of, (concili- ator.) / adj. pubes. * for which reason, eo. h to be urgent, insto. * fio. ? creo. GERUNDS. III. R. 3. We are inclined not only to learn, but also to teach. To think well, and to act right- Non sol urn ad disco propensus sum, sed etiam ad doceo. Bene sentio, recteque ly, is sufficient for a good and facio, satis sum ad bene happy life. beateque vivo. 264 GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 275 As the ox was born to plough, (and) the dog to track, so man was born for two things, to under- stand and to act. .Praise cannot induce you to act well. Ccesar was blamed, because, during the performance, he occu- pied himself in reading letters and memorials, or writing answers. The marsh hindered the Ro- mans in pursuing. The character of boys mani- fests itself more openly (while) at play. It is infamous to condemn him from whom you have received money in consideration of acquit- ting (him.) Horses, before they are broken, display great spirit. To teach is not the only prov- ince of an orator, but eloquence is still more important in regard to moving (the feelings.) Ut ad aro bos, ad in- ddgo canis, sic homo ad duo res, ad intelligo et ago nascor. Tu laus alhcio ad recte facio non possum. Reprehendo Caesar, quod inter spccto episto- la libellusque" lego, aut rescribo vaco 6 . Palus Romanus ad insequor tardo. Mos c puer sui inter ludo simpliclter detego. Flagitiosus sum, is, a qui pecunia ob absolvo accipio, condernno. Equus ante domo in- gens tollo animus. Non solus rf sum orator* doceo, sed plus eloquentia circa movco valeo. dat. 206, 3. c pi. * 205, R. 7, (2.) ' 211, R. 8, (3.) English to be turned into Latin. The riper" the berry of the olive, the fatter is the juice, and the less pleasant* ; and the best time c for gathering* (is,) when the berry begins' to grow black. It is best that those who preside over the republic should resemble the laws 7 , which are induced ' to punish, not by passion' 1 , but by justice*. Alexander, having taken-*' the cup, handed* the letter to his physician, and, while he drank, fixed 2 his eyes upon his countenance as he read 771 (it.) 256, R. 16, (2.) & gratus. c sntas. d decerpo. ' all. absolute, 257, R. 1. / 222, R. 2. g duco. h iracundia. * cequitas. J ac- cipio. * trado. * intendo. m lit. reading, 274, 3. 275. GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 265 GERUNDIVES. III. R. 3. (He) who knows himself, will be conscious that he has something divine, and will understand what means he has for acquiring wisdom. Pythagoras went to Babylon, to learn the motions of the heaven- ly bodies, and the origin of the world; thence he directed his course to Crete and Lacedaemon, to become acquainted with the laws of Minos and Lycurgus. The eyelids, which are the covering of the eyes, very soft to the touch, are most skilfully formed, both for inclosing the pu- pils, lest any thing should fall up- on them, and for opening them. Man enjoys great advantages for gaining and acquiring wis- dom. Nature has furnished the mind of man with senses adapted to the perception of things. From the caverns of the earth we draw forth iron, a substance necessary for cultivating the fields. The multitude of cattle were made partly for eating, partly for the cultivation of the fields, part- ly for transporting, partly for clothing the body. Q,ui sui ipse a nosco, ali- quis sentio sui habeo divl- nus, intelligoque quantus instrumentum habeo ad adipiscor sapientia. Pythagoras Babylonia ad pcrdisco sidus motus origoque mundus pro- ficiscor ; inde Creta et Lacedsemon, ad cognosco Minos et Lycurgus lex contendo. Palpebra, qui sum teg- mentum ociilus, mollis tactus, apte facio et ad claudo pupulus ne quis incido, et ad aperio. Homo magnus habeo instrumentum ad obtineo, adipiscorque sapientia. Natura animus homo sensus orno ad res per- cipio idoneus. E terra caverna fer- rum elicio, res ad colo ager necessarius. Multitude pecus par- tim ad vescor b , partim ad cultus ager, partim ad veho, partim ad corpus* vestio facio. a 207, R. 28. * 275, 1., R. 2. e pi. English to be turned into Latin. No one is more unyielding" in b granting 6 pardon, than (he) who has often* had occasion* to ask for it. If you ap- 23 266 GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 275. prove both me and Tacitus, you must / think' the same of Rufus also ; since similarity of character* is the firmest 1 bond for forming friendships. a difficilis. b ad. c do. d comp. * mereo. / you must, ne- cesse est. * sentio, 262, R.4. h mos. * tenax, sup. with vel. GERUNDS. III. R. 4. By gradually re- ceiving to the rights of citizen- ship the Italian allies, who had either not taken up arms, or had laid them down, the forces of the city were more speedily recruited. I indeed think that virtue is given to men, by instructing and persuading (them,) not by threats, and violence, and fear. Socrates, by questioning und interrogating, used to draw forth the opinions of those with whom he discoursed. The laws of Lycurgus train youth in labor, by hunting, run- ning, being hungry, being thirsty, being pinched with cold, and be- ing violently heated. Paulatim recipio in civitas socius Italicus qui arma aut non capio aut depono mature vis civitas reficio. Eqmdem puto virtus homo, instituo et persua- dco non minae et vis ac metus, trado. Socrates percunctor at- que intcrrogo, elicio so- leo is opinio quicum dis- sero. Lycurgus lex erudio ju- ventus venor, curro, esu- rio, sitio, algco, cestuo. English to be turned into Latin. By doing nothing, men learn to do ill. Men do not ap- proach nearer to God in any thing, than in giving safety to men. Make thy 6 life happy by laying aside* all solicitude about d it. It is right 6 that, (a man) should be both 7 munifi- cent in giving, and 5 ^ riot severe* in exacting. Anger should especially be forbidden 1 in punishing ; for (he) who comes y angry to (inflict) punishment, will never observe- 7 ' that medi- um*' which is between too much and too little'. That com- mander cannot keep an army under control" 1 , who does not control himself; nor be severe in judging, who does not 275. GERUNDS AND GERUNDIVES. 267 choose" that others should be severe judges towards him. There is no evil so great, that I do not think it is impend- ing ; but I desist, sirice p there is often more evil in fearing' 1 than in the thing itself which is feared 8 . In (the depart- ment of) philosophy, the high station' of Plato did not deter Aristotle /row writing ; nor did Aristotle, by his admirable" knowledge and copiousness, throw a damp upon" the studies of others. A good prince, by doing well, teaches his citi- zens to do well ; and, while 10 he is greatest in power*, is greater by (his) example. " ago. fc 211, R. 5, 1. c depono. d pro. * convenit. / quurn. e turn. h acerbus. * prohibeo, 274, R. 8. J teneo. * mediocri- tas. ' too much and too little, nimium et parurn. m to keep under control, contineo. n volo. 204. v quum. ? rnetuo. r the thing itself, ipse ille. * timeo. ' high station, amplitude. u admi- rabilis quidam. * to throw a damp upon, restinguo. w quumque. * iraperium. y fut. GERUNDIVES, III. R. 4. Virtue is seen most In voluptas sperno ac of all in despising and rejecting repudio virtus vel magis pleasure. cerno. The body must be exercised Exerceo corpus ut obe- that it may obey the reason, in dio ratio possum, in car- executing business and enduring sequor negotium et in la- Jabor. bor tolero. It (is) a difficult subject, and DifficTlis res ac mul- much and often inquired into, turn et saepe quaesitus, whether, in conferring a magis- suffragium, in magistrd- tracy, or enacting a law, or trying tus mando, aut reusjudi- a culprit, it were better to vote co, aut lex scisco, clam aa secretly or openly. palam fero bene sum. Many persons use care in get- Multus in equus paro ting horses, (but) are negligent in adhibeo cura, in amicus choosing friends. eligo negligens sum. English to be turned into Latin. It has been established* by the civil law, that, in the sale b estates', the faults which were known to the seller 268 SUPINES. 276 should be mentioned^. Who does not know that the chief power* of the orator consists 7 in exciting 5 men's minds ei- ther to anger, or hatred, or grief, or in recalling (them) from these* same emotions 4 to mildness and pity ? The memory should be exercised by learning! , word for word*, as many as possible', both (of) the writings of others and our own m . Elegance in speaking" is improved by the knowledge of let- ters, and is increased by reading orators and poets. 6 lit. in selling. prsedium. d dico. * vis. / exi icito. h hicce. * permotio. i edisco. * ad verbum. ly as possible, quain plurimus. m noster. n gen. expolio. sancio f incite. man SUPINES. $ 276, I. Supines in urn are followed by the same cases as their verbs. Philip was slain by Pausanias at ^Ega?, near the theatre, as he was going to see the games. Divitiacus came to the senate at Rome to implore assistance. Ambassadors came from Rome into the camp of the JEqui, to complain of injuries, and to de- mand a restitution of property, according to the treaty. Perdiccas had gone to make war upon Egypt, in opposition to Ptolemy. The Veientes send ambassa- dors to Rome to sue for peace. Hannibal, unconquered, was recalled to defend his country. II. Many individuals came to Cn. Pompey to beg and beseech Philippus ^Egae a Pau- sanias, quum specto ludus eo, juxta theatrum occi- do. Divitiacus Roma ad senatus venio auxilium postulo. In castra ^Equi lega- tus ab Roma venio que- ror injuria a y et ex fcedus res repeto. Perdiccas JEgyptus oppugno adversus Ptole- maeus proficiscor. Veiens b paxpeto orator Roma mitto. Hannibal invictus pa- tria defendo revoco. Ad Cn. Pompeius mul- tus mortalis oro obsecro $276. SUPINES. 269 that he would not abandon my fortunes. Fabius Pictor was sent to Del- phi to the oracle, to inquire by what prayers and punishments the Romans might appease the gods. The Helvetian war being fin- ished, the ambassadors of almost all Gaul assembled about Caesar to offer congratulations. The cocks understand the stars, and distinguish in the day-time the spaces of three hours by their note ; they go to roost with the sun, and at the fourth military watch, recall us to care and labor. The commanders of the king of Persia sent to Athens to com- plain that Chabrias was carrying on war along with the Egyptians, against the king. que venio., ne meus fortu- na desero. Fabius Pictor Delphi ad oraculum mitto, scis- citor qui prex c supplici- umque dens possum pla- co Romanus. Bellum Helvetius con- fectus, totus fere G alii a legatus ad Caesar gralu- lor convenio. Gall us gallinaceus nos- co d sidus, et terni distin- guo hora interdiu can- tus ; cum sol cumbo eo, quartusque castrensis vi- gilia ad cura laborque ego revoco. Praefectus rex Persa* legatus mitto Athena? que~ ror, quod Chabrias ad- versum rex bellum gero cum ^Egyptius. ace. b 9, 2d paragraph. c 94. d perf. 183, 3, N. ' lit. of the Persians. English to be turned into Latin. Not only old inhabitants of Agrigentum" came (to Verres) to purchase 11 the senator's 17 place, but also new (ones;) and it happened^ that a new one outbid 6 (the old,) and carried off 7 the pretor's*" letters. The people of Veil*, subdued* by (their) unsuccessful battle, send negotiators 7 to Rome to implore peace. The Saguntines requesting* that, as far as they could (do it) safely, they might go to see Italy, guides were given them, and letters sent through the towns that they should treat' the Spaniards kindly"*. Hannibal, uncon- quered in Italy, was recalled to defend his country against Publius Scipio, the son of the man" whom he had himself routed, first, at the Rhone, a second time at the Po, a third time at the Trebia. 23* 270 SUPINES. 276. * inhabitants of Agrigentum, Agrigentlni. * emo. ' senatorius * fio. ' pretio vinco. f to carry off', aufe"ro. f lit. from the pretor * Veientes. * subactus. J orator. * peto. l accipio. m com! ter. n lit. of him. iterum. The sentence, " They come to see the games," may be expressed in either of the following modes, viz. II. R. 4. Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt Veniunt spectatum ludos. 276,11. ad spectandum ludos. ) , onc TTT ad spectandos ludos. / V ^ 95 > m - K - * spectandi ludos ) causa or gratia spectandorum ludorum > < ^ T f T D \ spectandi ludorum j $ ^' 5 > 1U> K * L ut ludos spectent. 262. qui ludos spectent. 264, 5. ludos spectaturi. 274, R. 6. ludos spectare. 271, 3d paragraph, %d clause. The following sentences may be varied in the same manner : I came hither to extricate thee from thy difficulties. Then Romulus, by the advice of the fathers, sent ambassadors to the neighboring states to solicit (their) friendship. Caesar withdrew his forces to the next hill, and sent his caval- ry to sustain the attack of the enemies. He sent prefects and tribunes of the soldiers into the neigh- boring states, for the purpose of demanding provisions. Darius, king of the Persians, sends Megabyzus with a part of his forces to conquer Thrace. Caesar hastened to exhort his eoldiers. Hue venio tu ex diffi- cultas cripio a . Turn, ex consilium pa- ter, Romulus legatus cir- ca viclnus gens mitto, qui societas peto. Copia suus Caesar in proximus collis subduco; equitatusque qui sustineo hostis impetus mitto. Is praefectus tribunus- que miles in fmitimus civitas, frumentum peto b causa dimitto. Darius, rex Persa, mit- to cum pars copia Mega- byzus ad subigo 1 Thro- cia. Caesar ad cohortor b mi les decurro. a 274, R. 6. t 275, II., & III. R. 1. 276. SUPINES. 271 English to be turned into Latin. He fled c to the temple to implore* the assistance of the gods*, and to consult" the oracle. He went to the river to wash away" the blood. They came to attack* the camp. I excluded those whom you had sent to salute f me in the morning. Hippias had been lately sent by the king to defend* the forest 5 . 274, R. 6. * 275, II., & III. R. I. confugio. * 231. ' 278. / 276, II. ' saltus. III. The more brief a narra- Quo brevis eo diluci- tive (is,) the more perspicuous dus et cognosco facilis and easy to be understood will it narratio fio. become. It is difficult to express, how Dijficilis dico sum, much courtesy and affability of quantopere concilio ani- conversation win the minds of mus homo comitas affa- men. bilitasque sermo. Wickedness quickly steals (up- Cito nequitia subrepo ; on us;) virtue is difficult to be virtus difficilis invenio found, and needs a ruler and sum, rector duxque de- guide, sidero. What is so pleasant to know Quis sum tarn jucun- and hear, as a discourse adorned dus cognosco atque audio, with wise sentiments and weighty quam sapiens sententia, words ? gravisque verbum orna- tus oratio ? English to be turned into Latin. Hannibal, incredible to relate", in two days 5 and two nights, reached Adrumetum, which is distant from Zama about three hundred miles. The human mind can be com- pared with no other than** with God himself, if this is proper 9 to be said. To what purpose f (do I say) so many ff things respecting MaxTmus? that you may see it would be wrong* to say, such an old age was miserable. dico. * biduum. c pervenio. d nisi. * fas. / to what "pwr- pose, quorsum. g so many ; lit. these so many. h nefas. 272 ADVERBS. 277. ADVERBS. <> 277. Adverbs modify or limit the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and sometimes of other adverbs. They certainly err greatly, if they indulge the hope that my former lenity will continue for- ever. Whom do I honor? Truly those who are themselves an or- nament to the state. Snows do not fall upon the deep sea. The minds of soldiers are pleased with praises not less than with rewards. I plainly perceive that we are not loved by our youth. The hill was held by the Gauls with a garrison not very strong. At no previous time did such consternation take possession of the senate. R. 1. Julius Caesar married Cornelia, the daughter of Cinna, (who was) a fourth time consul. Juno had heard that from hence a nation ruling far and wide, and proud in war, would come for the destruction of Libya. R. 3. Vibius is an absurd po- et ; but still he is not wholly ig- norant, nor useless. Agesilaus was diminutive in person, and lame in one foot; which circumstance also occa- sioned some deformity. NCR ille vehementer er- ro, si ille meus pristinus lemtas perpetuus spero sum. dui ego orno ? nempe is, qui ipse sum orna- mentum res publicus. Nix in altus mare non cado. Laus hand minus quam premium gaudeo miles animus. A noster juvenis ego non amo plane intclttgo. Collis presidium a Gal- lus non nimis fcrmus te- neo. Non unquam alias ante tantus terror senatus in- vado. Julius Caesar Cornelia, Cinna quater consul filia, duco uxor. Juno audio, hinc pop- ulus, late rex, bellumque superbus, venio excidium Libya. Vibius sum poeta in- eptus ; nee tamen scio nihil, et sum non inutilis. Agesilaus sum corpus exiguus et claudus alter pes; qui res etiam non nullus aftero deformitas. 277. ADVERBS. 273 The people are wont sometimes to neglect worthy (men.) R. 4. Every one perceives an open flatterer. R. 5. Epicrates owed no money to any one. Our coming occasioned not the least expense to any one. I never offended Scipio, not even in the smallest particular. No one is satisfied. R. 6. In the consulship of Piso, not only was it not permit- ted to the senate to aid the state, but not even to mourn for it. Not only was there no place in my camp for any traitor, but not even for a deserter. Populus soleo non nun- quam dignus prstereo. Aperte adiilans nemo non video. Epicrates debeo nullus nummus nemo. Adventus noster nemo ne parvus quidem sum sumtus 6 . Nunquam Scipio ne parvus quidem res of- fendo. Nemo nihil satis sum. Piso consul senatus non soliim juvo res publi- cus, sed ne lugeo quidem licet. Non modo proditor, sed ne perfuga quidem locus in meus castra quisquam sum. sing. * 227. English to be turned into Latin. Cato calls pleasure the bait of crimes*, plainly 1 because men are taken by it as fish by the hook. Polybius, an authority by no means to be contemned , relates that king Syphax was led in triumph. No one was ever so afflicted, as P. I am not unaware* that there is utility in history, and not pleasure alone. I am not ignorant f how fickle are the minds of men. Conon often opposed* the designs of Agesi- laus, and h it was evident, that, but for him*, Agesilaus would have possessed^ Asia as far as to* the Taurus. The Atheni- ans thought* (there was) nothing (which) Alcibiades could not effect. Old men are not only (not) compelled to do what they cannot, but not even as much as they are able. malum. b videlicet. c sperno. d lit. I am so afflicted, fyc. inscius. / to be ignorant, ignore. e obsto. h two negatives. * but for him, si ille non fuisset. /eripio. * as far as to, tenus. l duco. 274 CONJUNCTIONS. 278. CONJUNCTIONS. <> 278. Copulative and disjunctive conjunctions, and some others, connect words which are in the same construction. God alone can be the maker and governor of heaven and earth. In battle swift death comes or joyful victory. We have need to pray, that there may be a sound mind in a sound body. You will be a king, if you do right. Men are more prone to pleas- ure, than to virtue. Virtue can never be taken away; it is lost neither by ship- wreck nor fire. Hold out, and preserve your- selves for prosperous affairs. R. 2. This is my real native country, and (that) of rny brother here. R. 6. There are four elements, fire, air, earth, (and) water. R. 7. To admonish and to be admonished, is the part of true friendship. A wise man remembers past (favors) with gratitude, and so enjoys the present as to observe how great and how pleasant they are. The Veneti have very many ships, and they surpass others in experience in naval affairs. Deus solus possum sum architectus et rector cce- lum ct terra. In praeliurn citus mors venio, aut victoria Isetus. Orandum sum, ut sum mens sanus in corpus sanus. Rex sum, si recte facio. Homo pronus sum ad voluptas, qudm ad virtus. Virtus eripio nunquam possum ; neque naufra- gium, neque incendium amitto. Duro, et tumet res ser- vo secundus. Hie sum meus, ct hie frater meus germanus patria. Quatuor sum elemen- tum, ignis, aer, terra, aqua. Et moneo et moneo, proprius sum verus ami- citia. Sapiens et prseterltus grate memmi et proesens ita potior, ut animad- verto, quantus sum is, quamque jucundus. Et navis habeo multus Veneti et usus nautlcus res reliquus antecedo. 279. ARRANGEMENT. 275 ARRANGEMENT. <> 279. In a Latin sentence, after connectives, are placed, first the subject and its modifiers ; then the oblique cases, and other words which depend upon or modify the verb ; and last of all the verb. 2. C. Asinius Pollio salutes Ci- cero. True glory rests upon virtue. All virtue consists in action. To be free from fault is a very great consolation. A civil war is most pernicious. Nothing can be done in this world without God. Keep in mind your promises. The earth revolves around the sun. A learned man has (his) riches always in himself. 3. It has been said then by the most learned men, that no one is free except the wise man. For what is liberty? The power of living as you choose. Brutus perceived that an attack was made upon him. He there- fore offered himself eagerly to the contest. Will you then, judges, spare this man, whose crimes are so great? Aristotle indeed remarks, that all talented men are melancholic. I do not suppose a knowledge C. Asinius Pollio Cice- ro" salus dico. Verus decus in virtus pono 6 . Omnis virtus in actio consisto. Vaco culpa magnus sum solatium. Civllis bellum pernici- osus sum. Nihil in hie mundus facio sine Deus possum. Promissum tuus memo- ria teneo c . Terra circum sol volvo d . Homo doctus in sui semper divitise habeo. Dico igitur ab erudi- tus vir, nisi sapiens, liber sum nemo. Q,uis sum enim libertas ? Potestas vivo, ut volo. Sentio in sui eo e Bru- tus. Avide ildque sui certamen offero. Hie homo parco igitur, judex, qui tantus pecca- tum sum ? Aristoteles quidem aio omnis ingeniosus melan- cholicus sum. Ego ne utilis quidem 276 ARRANGEMENT. 279. of future events to be even useful to us. Iphicrates was such a general, that no one even of the ancients can be preferred to him. 4. Each to each is dear. New names must be applied to new things. Different things appear best to different persons. 10. Codrus died for his coun- try. A fool knows not (how) to keep silence. Miltiades conquered the Per- sians in the battle of Marathon. As the shadow follows the body, so glory (follows) virtue. Deeds are more difficult than words. The recollection of past trouble is pleasant. 11. Can the fish love the fisher- man ? Poets wish either to profit or please. The hour, which has past, can- not return. No one ought to be called happy before (his) death. 13. (That) man is ungrateful, who does not return a favor. He is a citizen who loves his country. arbitror sum ego futurus res scientia. Iphicrates sum talis dux, ut ne de major natu quidem is quisquam ante- pono. Uterque uterque sum cor 7 . Impono novus novus nomen. Alius e alius videor bo- nus. Codrus pro patria mo- rior. Stultus non nosco si- lentium servo. Miltiades Persa vinco in pugna Marathoriius. Ut umbra corpus se- quor, sic virtus gloria. Sum factum verbum difficiUs. Suavis sum labor prae- teritus memoria. An piscator piscis amo possum ? Aut prosum volo, aut delecto, poeta. Non,quipraetereo, hora redco possum. Dico beatus ante obi- tus nemo debco. Ingratus sum homo, qui non beneficium reddo. Civis sum is, qui patria suus diligo. a flat. / 227. 6 perf. pass. e sing. c 2GO, R. 6. d pass. ' perf. inf. pas*. PROSODY. HEXAMETER VERSE. 31O. A hexameter, or heroic verse, consists of six feet. Of these, the fifth is a dactyl, the sixth a spondee, and each of the other four either a dactyl or a spondee. The lines in the first four of the following exercises are already divided into feet, so that the scanning of them will be completed by marking, and proving the quantity of their syllables by the rules of prosody : the other lines must be divided, as well as marked and proved. 1. Aurea | prlma sa]ta est ocjtas, quse, j vindice | nullo, Sponte su|a,sme | lege fl|dem rec|tumque cojlebat. 2. Po3na me|tusque abe|rant; nee | verba rnijnacia | fixo fare le|gebanjtur ; nee | supplex | turba li|mebant 3. Judicis | ora su|i ; sed e|rant sine j vindice | tuti. Nondum | caesa su|is, pere|grinM77i ut | viseret | orbem, 4. Montibus, | in liquijdas pi|nus dejscenderat | undas : Nullaque | mortajles prce|ter sua | litora norant. 5. Nondum praecipites cingebant oppida fossae ; Non tuba directi, non Eeris cornua flexi, 6. Non galese, non ensis erant ; sine militis usu, Mollia secures peragebant otia gentes. 7. Ipsa quoque immunis, rastroque intacta, nee ullis Saucia vorneribus, per se dabat omnia tellus : 8. Contentique cibis, nullo cogente, creatis, Arbuteos fetus montanaque fraga legebant, 9. Cornaque, et in duris hasrentia mora rubetis, Et, quce deciderant patula Jovis arbore, glandes. 10. Ver erat eeternum ; placidique tepentibus auris Mulcebant Zephyri natos sin6 semine Sores. 24 278 PROSODY PENTAMETER VERSE. 311. 11. Mox etiam fruges tellus inarata ferebat ; Nee renovatus ager gravidis canebat aristis. 12. Flumina jam lactis, jam flumina nectaris ibant; Flavaque de viridi stillabant ilice mella. 13. Fostquam, Saturno tenebrosa in Tartara misso, Sub Jove mundus erat, subiit argentea proles, Auro deterior, fulvo pretiosior cere. 14 Jupiter antiqui contraxit tempora veris, Perque hyemes, aestusque, et inaequales autumnos, Et breve ver, spatiis exegit quatuor annum. 15. Turn primum siccis, aer, fervoribus ustus, Canduit; et ventis glacies astricta pependit. Turn primum subiere domos; dornus antra fuerunt, 16. Et densi frutices, et vinctoe cortice virgce. Semina turn primum longis Cerealia sulcis Obruta sunt, pressique jugo gemuere juvenci. PENTAMETER VERSE. 311. A pentameter verse consists of five feet. It is gene- rally, however, divided, in scanning, into two hemistichs, the first consisting of two feet, either dactyls or spondees, followed by a long syllable ; the last of two dactyls, also followed by a long syllable. The following poem consists of alternate hexameter and pentameter lines, forming what is called elegiac verse. Ariadne Thesco. 1. Quse legis ex illo, Theseu, tibi litore mitto, Unde tuam sine me vela tulcre ratem. 2. Tempus erat, vitrea quo primum terra pruina Spargitur, et tectue fronde queruntur aves. 3. Luna fuit : specto si quid nisi litora cernam; Quod videant, oculi nil nisi litus habent. 4. Nunc hue, nunc illuc, et utroque sine ordine curro, Alta puellares tardat arena pedes. Mons fuit; apparent frutices in vertice rari; Hinc scopulus raucis pendet adesus aquis 5. Ascendo ; vires animus dabat ; atque ita late ^Equora prospectu metior alta meo. Inde ego, nam ventis quoque sum crudelibus usa, Vidi prcecipiti carbasa tenta Noto. 11. PROSODY PENTAMETER VERSE. 279 6. " Quo fugis ? " exclamo, " scelerate, revertere, Theseu Flecte ratem ; numerum non habet ilia suum." Haec ego ; quod voci deerat, plangore replebam : Verbera cum verbis mista fuere meis. 7. Quid faciam ? quo sola ferar ? vacat insula cultu : Non hominum video, non ego facta bourn. Omne latus terrae cingit uiare. Navita nusquam ; Nulla per arnbiguas puppis itura vias. 8. Occurrunt animo pereundi mille figurce ; Morsque minus poenae, quam mora mortis habet. Jam, jam venturos aut hue, aut suspicor iliac, Qui lanient avldo viscera dente, lupos : 9. Forsitan et f'ulvos tellus alat ista leones ; Quis scit an haec seevas tigridas insula habet ? Et freta dicuntur magnas expellere phocas. Quid vetat et gladios per latus ire meum ? 10. Si mare, si terras, pcrrectaque litora vidi, Multa mihi terras, multa minantur aquae. Coelum restabat : timeo simulacra deorum. Destituor rapidis praeda cibusque feris. 11. Ergo ego nee lacrymas matris moritura videbo ? Nee, mea qui digitis lumina condat, erit? Spiritus infelix peregrinas ibit in auras ? Nee positos artus unget arnica manus ? 12. Ossa superstabunt volucres inhumata marinae ? Haec sunt officiis digna sepulcra meis ? Ibis Cecropios portus ; patriaque receptus Cum steteris urbis celsus in arce tuae, 13. Et bene narraris letum taurique virique, Sectaque per dubias saxea tecta vias. Me quoque narrato sola tellure relictam. Non ego sum titulis surripienda tuis. Nee pater est ^Egeus ; nee tu Pittheidos ./Ethree Filius: auctores saxa fretumque tui. 14. Di facerent, ut me summft de puppe videres ! Movisset vultus moesta figura tuos. Nunc quoque non oculis, sed, qua potes, aspice mente Haerentem scopulo, quern vaga pulsat aqua. Aspice demissos lugentis in ore capillos ; Et tunicas lacrymis, sicut ab imbre, graves. 15. Corpus, ut impulsse segetes Aquilonibus, horret ; Literaque articulo pressa tremente labat. Non te per meritum, quoniam male cessit, adoro ; Debita sit facto gratia nulla meo ; Sed nee poena quidem ; si non ego causa salutis, Non tamen est, cur sis tu mihi causa necis. 280 PROSODY CAESURA. 309 16. Has tibi, plangendo lugubria pectora lassas, Infelix tendo trans f'reta longa manus. Hos tibi, qui superant, ostendo mcesta capillos. Per lacrymas oro, quas tua facta movent, Flecte ratem, Theseu, versoque relabere velo. Si prius occidero, tu tamen ossa leges. CAESURA. 3O9. Caesura is the separation, by the ending of a word, of syllables rhythmically or metrically connected. The following exercises consist of lines serving to illustrate the different kinds of cossura. These may be formed into hexameter or pentameter verses by changing the position of one word in each line. The places in which each kind of ccesura occurs are to be marked. 1. Ipse dei clypeus terra ct\m imd tollitur, Mane rubet ; rubet terraque, cum conditur ima. 2. En, proles antiqua redit ; virtus, concordia, Cumque fide pietas cervice altd vagantur. 3. Robora nee cuneis, olentem scindere et cedrum, Nee plaustris cessant vectare ornos gementibus. 4. Sponte juvenco tuus florebit ager cessante ; Oblatas mirabitur incola ditior messes. 5. Non propter vitam quidam faciunt patrimonia, Vitio cseci, scd propter patrimonia vivunt. 6. Sol fugit, et removent subeuntia coelum nubila, Et effusis, gravis decidit imber, aquis. 7. Quod si quis monitis aures tardas adverterit, Heu, referet quanto mca verba dolore ! 8. Arte laboratfe puppes vincuntur ab aequore. Tu tua brachia plus remis posse putes ? 9. Casta placent superis ; venite puru cum veste, Et manibus puris sumite aquam fontis. 10. Corpora sive flammA rogus, seu tabe vetustas Abstulerit, posse pati non ulla mala putetis. 11. Multa dies, variusque mutabilis sevi labor, In melius retulit, multos alterna revisens Lusit, et in solido fortuna rursus locavit. 309. PROSODY C.ESURA. 281 12. Alternis idem cessare tonsas novales, Et patiere segnem situ durescere campum ; Aut ibi flava, mutato sidere, seres farra. 13. Lucus erat nunquam violatus ab longo 8BVO, Obscurutn aera cingens connexis ramis, Et gelidas umbras, alte summotis solibus. 14. Interea colat pax arva ; pax Candida primum Duxit sub juga curva araturos boves. Nitent pace bidens vomerque ; at tristia duri Militis situs in tenebris occupat arrna. 15. Non domus et fundus, non acervus sens et auri Deduxit asgroto domini corpore febres, Non animo curas. Oportet valeat possessor, Si uti comportatis rebus bene cogitat. 16. Hie sades augusta deae, colendi templique Silex religiosa, densis quam pinus obumbrat Frondibus, et procelhi nulla lucos agitante, Kami stridula conifer! modulantur carmina. The lines in the exercises which follow may also be formed into verses by changing the arrangement of the words. The words print- ed in Italics are compound words, which must be divided, and, in one instance, a part is to be placed at the beginning of the next line. 1. Ego non falsa loquar : ter acutum ensem sustulit, Ter recidit manus male sublato ense. 2. Sed timor obstitit et pietas ausis crudelibus, Castaque dextra refugit maiidatum opus. 3. Cor pavet admonitu noctis sanguine temeratse, Et subitus tremor praepedit ossa dextrce. 4. Postque tacitus venit, circumdatus fuscis alis, Somnus, et vana somnia incerto pede. 5. Aures vacent lite, insanaque protinus absint Jurgia : livida lingua, differ tuum opus. 6. Navita non moritur fluctu, non miles cuspide : Oppida, immunia funerei lethi, pollent. 7. Iliados cantabitur conditor, atque M.ironis Altisoni carmina, facientia palmam dubiam. 8. Quacunque so medio agmine virgo furens tulit, Hac Aruns subit, et tacitus lustrat vestigia. 24* PROSODY CAESURA. 309 9. Tune genitum Maia, qui reportet fervida dicta, Imperat acciri. Cylenius ales astitit, Quatiens somniferam virgam, tectusque galero. 10. Atlantiades paret dictis genitoris, et inde Surntna pedum propere illigat plantaribus alls, Obnubitque comas, et galero astra temperat. 11. Principio, mirantur non reddere mare majus, Nat.uram, quo sit aquarum tantus decursus, Quo veniant omnia flumina ex omni parte. 12. Jamque, surgens per confinia emeriti Phcebi, Titanis, late subvecta silenti mundo, Tenuaverat gelidum aera rorifera biga 13. Tale tuum carmen nobis, poeta divine, Quale fessis in gramine sopor ; quale per aestum Restinguere sitim saliente rivo dulcis aquae. 14. Ut sylvae mutantur foliis in pronos annos, Prima cadunt; ita vetus a.'tas verborum interit, Et inodo nata florent vigentque ritu juvenum. 15. Hie radiant flores, et viva voluptas prati, Variata suo ingenio ; illic fulgentibus Toris strata surgunt; hie mollis herba panditur, Non abruptura soporem solicitum curis. 16. Quod caret alterna requie, non est durabile. Hrec reparat vires, novat fessaque membra. Arcus et anna tuac Dianae sunt imitanda tibi ; Si tendere nunquam cesses, erit mollis. 17. ^Equorece aquae miscentur; aether caret ignibus, Caecaque nox tenebris hyemisque suisque premitur. Tamen discutiunt has, praebentque lumen micantia Fulmina : undse ardcscunt fulmineis ignibus. 18. Movit et eoos recessus fama bellorum, Qua Ganges colitur, qui solus in toto orbe Solvere ostia contraria nascenti Phcebo, Audet et impellit fluctus in adversum Eurum. 19. Hie purpureum ver; hlc circumfundit flumina varies humus flores ; hlc Candida populus antro Jmminet; et lentse vites texunt umbracula. Hue ades : sine insani fluctus feriant litora. 20. Dixerat : ille pennas madidantes novo nectare Concutit, et maritat glebas foecundo rore. Quaque volat, vernus color sequitur ; in herbas omnis Turget humus, medioque patent sereno convexa. 305. PROSODY SYNAL^SPHA AND ECTHLIPSIS. 283 SYNAL^EPHA AND ECTHLIPSIS. 3O5. 1. A final vowel or diphthong is cut off in scanning, when the following word begins with a vowel. This is called synalsepha. 2. Final m, with the preceding vowel, is cut off, when the fol- lowing word begins with a vowel. This is called ecthlipsis. The exercises which follow are designed to exemplify the obser- vations on caesura, as well as the remarks in 305 and 306. The introduction of synalaepha or ecthlipsis will not therefore be sufficient to form them into verses, without a change in the position of the words. The sentences in English are intended to be translated into Latin verse, by an application of the rules of syntax, as well as of prosody, to the corresponding words in Latin, which follow them : in these exercises a change in the arrangement of the words is not necessary. 1. Nempe sylva inter varias nutritur columnas, Laudaturque domus, qus prospicit longos agros. 2. Vivite felices, et vivite memores nostri, Sive erimus, seu fata volent nos fuisse. 3. Non pigeat agnamve fetumve capellse sinu, Oblita matre desertwm, referre domum. 4. Regumque ducumque res gestse, et tristia bella, Homerus monstravit quo numero possent scribi. 5. Addictus jurare in verba nullius magistri, Deferor hospes, quocunque tempestas rapit me. 6 Post ver, robustior annus transit in sestatem, Fitque valens juvenis : enim neque robustior aetas Ulla nee uberior, nee ulla est, quse rnagis sestuet. 7. At nisi pectus purgatum est, quse praelia nobis ! Turn scindunt hominem cupidinis quantse acres Cursa solicitum ! quantique timores perinde ! 8. Poma quoque, utprimum senscre valentes truncos, Et habuere suas vires, raptirn ad sidera Nituntur propria vi, haud indiga nostrae opisque. 9. HSBC loca certe deserta et taciturna querenti, Et aura Zephyri possidet vacuum nemus. 284 PROSODY SYNALvEPHA AND ECTHLIPSIS. 305 Hie licet impune proferre occultos dolores, Si modo saxa sola queant tenere fidem. 10. Nee inclementia rigidi coeli conterret eum, Nee frigida vis Boreae, minae hyemisque. Statim axe verso, quin exit protinus in auras, Ut ferat leeta nuncia instantis veris. 11. Dissensuque rumor alitur; ceu murmurat alti Pelagi impacata quies, cum, fracto flamine, Adhuc durat sssvitque tumor, per dubiumque aestum Lassa vestigia recedentis venti fluitant. 12. Aut si fata movent, paratur orbi generique Humano lues matura; dehiscent terraene, Subsidentque urbes ? an fervidus aer toilet temperiem? infida tellus negabit segetes ? 13. Utque, viribus sumtis in cursu, solent ire Pectore in arma prsetentaque tela feri leones ; Sic ubi unda admiserat se ventis coortis, In arma ratis ibat, erat multoque altior illis. 14. Tune poles audire murmura vesani ponti fortis? et potes jacere in dura nave ? Tu fulcire positas pruinas teneris pedibus ? Tu, Cynthia, potes ferre insolitas nives ? 15. Q,ualis ubi Boreas erupit ab Arctois antris, Perverrens aerios campos rapido turbine, It ferus coelo, et insequitur piceas nubes toto cethere, dant victa locum et cedunt cava nubila. 16. Sunt dulces herbce ; sunt, qua? mitescere fiamma Mollirique queant : nee lacteus humor eripitur vobis, nee mella redolentia florern thymi. Prodiga tellus suggerit divitias alimentaque mitia ; atque prsebet epulas sine csede et sanguine. 17. And now ambassadors came from the city of Latinus, Crowned with branches of olive, and supplicating favor. Jamque orator adsum ex urbs Latinus, Velatus ramus o]ea, veniaque rogans. 18. Scarcely had the next rising day fringed the tops of the moun- tains with light, When first from the deep ocean the horses of the sun raise themselves, And breathe forth the light of day from their panting notrils. Posterus vix summus spargo lumen mons Ortus dies, cum primum altus sui gurges toUo Sol equus, luxque elatus naris efflo. 306. PROSODY SYN^ERESIS, SYNCOPE, &C. 285 SYN^RESIS, SYNCOPE, AND APOCOPE. 306. Two vowels which are usually separated, are some- times contracted into one syllable. This is called synseresis. 322, 4. Syncope is the omission of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word. 7. Apocope is the omission of the final letter or syllable of a word. The contraction of one word, at least, in each of the following exer- cises is necessary, in order to form them into verses. The exercises, which are not translated, require a change in the position of the words, but in the English exercises this alteration of the arrangement will not be found necessary. 1. Rure levis apis ingerit flores verno alveo, lit sedula compleat favos dulci melle. 2. Praetereo sapiens argentea : periculum tolle, Jam vaga natura prosiliet fraenis remotis. 3. Super quse ipse jacens, more hirsuti leonis, Visceraque, et carnes, ossa oblisisque medullis, Senuanimesque artus, condebat in avidam alvum. 4. Agros purgamus, agrestes purgamus, dii patrii; Vos pellite mala de nostris limitibus. Neu seges herbis fallacibus eludat messem ; Neu segnior agna timeat celeres lupos. 5. Cum conditor urbis digereret tempora, in anno Suo constituit bis quinque menses esse. Romule, scilicet not/eras arma magis quam sidera; Curaque major erat vincere finitimos. 6. Caprificus findit marmora Messalas, et audax Mulio ridet dimidios equos Crispi. At nee furta nocent chartis, et prosunt saecula, Solaque haec monumenta non noverunt mori, 7. Perpetuoque comans oliva jam deflorescit; Et perosa diva fugit cerisonam tubam : Io fugit terris, et jam virgo non ultima Creditur justa volavisse ad superas domos. 8. Tu mihi, current! ad Candida praescripta supremse callis, spatiurn praemonstra, Calliope, callida musa, requies hominum, dicorumque voluptas j Ut capiam, te duce, coronam cum insigni laude. 9 Hie saucius pectus gravi vulnere venantium, Turn demum arma movet leo ; gaudetque comantea 286 PROSODY SYNTHESIS, SYNCOPE, &-C. $322. Toros cervice excutiens, latronis fixumque Telum impavidus frangit, et ore cruento fremit. 10. Then was life sweet to me ; nor had I any knowledge of cruel Arms, nor heard with a trembling heart the trumpet's sound. Tune ego vita foret dulcis ; nee tristis riovissem Arma, nee audivissem cor micans tuba. 11. Forcible, and perspicuous, and very much resembling a limpid stream, He will pour out his treasures and enrich Latium with a copi- ous language. VeAcmens, et liquidus, purusque simillimus amnis, Fundo opes, Latiumque beo dives lingua. 12. Why is any man in want, who has not deserved poverty, while you are rich ? Why are the ancient temples of the gods falling to ruins? Why, O wicked man, Do you not, for your dear country, take something from so great a hoard ? Cur egeo indignus quisquam, te divite ? Quare Templum ruo antiquus deus ? Cur, improbus, carus Non aliquis patria tantus emetior acervus ? 13. Then Mercury took in his hand the wand, by which he had been accustomed to chase away sweet Dreams, and to bring them back again ; by which he had been wont to enter the gloomy Regions of the dead, and again to animate lifeless shades. Turn dextra virga insero, qui pello dulcis Aut suadeo iterum somnus, qui niger subeo Tartara, et exanguis animo assuesco umbra. 14. The Zephyrs had heard the voice and the sighs of the complain- ing shepherd, And the winds sighed with him in mournful sounds: The river had heard him, and an echoing murmur to his murmurs The water returned, and a complaint to his~coinplaints. Audio Zephyrus vox gemitusque dolens, Et mcestus ventus congemo sonus : Audio rivus, resonusque ad murmur murmur, Et queslus ad questus, ingemino aqua. 15. Streams of silver flow over the verdant plains; The sand, richer than Hesperian Tagus, appears as gold. Through the odoriferous riches the gentle air of the Zephyr breathes, A dewy air, springing up among innumerable roses. Flumen vernans lambo argenteus campus; Ditior Hesperius, flaveo arena, Tagus. Serpo odoriferus per opes levis aura Favonius, Aura, sub innumerus, humidus, natus rosa. 16. Then the poet, rejoicing in the prosperous state of his country, Sought again the harmonious strings of his neglected lyre ; And having attuned with a slender quill its idle strings, He swept the renowned instrument of ivory with a joyful hand. 306. PROSODY DIURESIS, EPENTIIESIS, &/C. 287 Turn, patria festus Icetatus tempus, vates Desuetus repeto filurn canorus lyra ; Et, reses lenis modulatus pecten nervus Pollex festivus nobilis duco ebur. 17. Have you seen (surely you often see) that the drooping lilies wither, Which a shower of rain beats down ? Thus did she waste away with a slow disease, thus did she grow pale, Her last day now drawing near its end. Videone (quin ssepe video) ut languidus marceo Lilium, qui praegravo irnber aqua ? Lentus sic pereo tabum, sic palleo ille, Ad finis extremus jam properans dies. 18. The ship, weighed down by the slaughter of the men, and filled with much blood, Receives frequent blows on its curved side : But after it let in the sea at its leaking joints, Filled to its highest parts, it sunk in the waves. Strages vir cumulatus ratis, multusque cruor Plenus, per obliquus creber latus accipio ictus At postquam ruptus pelagus compages haurio, Ad summus repletus forus, descendo in unda. 19. He admires at a distance the arms and empty chariots of heroes. Their spears stand fixed in the ground, and at liberty in different places Through the plains their horses feed : that care of their chariots And of their arms, which they had when alive, that care their shining Horses to train up, the same follows them, though interred in the earth. Arma procul currusque vir miror inanis. Sto terra defixus hasta, passimque solutus Per campus pascor equus : qui gratia currus Armaque fuit vivus, qui cura nitens Pasco equus, idem sequor tellus repositus. DIAERESIS, EPENTIIESIS, AND PARAGOGE. 3O6, 2. A syllable is often divided into two syllables. This is called diaeresis. 322, 3. Epenthesis is the insertion of a letter or syllable hi the middle of a word. 6. Paragoge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word. Besides the introduction of one of the preceding figures into each of the following exercises, the arrangement of the words must be changed ; in the exercises which are translated, this change may be confined to one word only in each line. 1. Libabant pocula Bacchi in medio aulce^ Dapibus impositis auro, tenebant paterasque. 288 PROSODY - DIAERESIS, EPENTHESIS, &C. 306. 2. Si nulla copia lymphse finiret sitim tibi, Narrares medicis ; quod paravisti (sync.) quanto plura. Cupis tan to plura, nullirie audes /a 3. Ilia est audax malo. Stabant cum atris vestibua Ante toros fratrum sorores, crine demisso : Una e quibus, trahens tela haerentia viscere, Moribunda relanguit ore imposito fratri. 4. Atque hie legates remissos ex .(Etola urbe, Jubet fari, quse referant; et reposcit responsa, Cuncta suo ordine. Turn silentia facta linguis, Et Venulus parens dicto ita infit/art. 5. Hsec proeterea duo oppida disjectis muris, Vides reliquias veterumque virorum monuments,. Hanc pater Janus condidit, hanc urbem Saturnus j Janiculuin fuerat nomen huic, illi Saturnia. 6. Quassae puppes ducuntur in cava navalia, Ne temere dissolvantur in mediis aquis. Ne cadat, et inhonestet multas palmas adeptas, Languidus equus carpit gramina in pratis. Miles, ut non est satis utilis emeritis annis, Ponit ad antiques Lares arma, qusa tulit. 7. Qualis ubi nimbus sidere abrupto ad terras It per medium mare, heu, preescia longe miseris Agricolis corda horrescunt ; ille dabit ruinas Arboribus stragemque satis, late ruet omnia. Venti antevolant, ferunt sonitumque ad litora. Rhceteus ductor talis in adversos hostes. 8. Urbs quoque et tutela tuarum legum lassat te, Et morum, quos cupis esse similes tuis. Nee otia, quse prsestas gentibus, contingunt tibi ; Bellaque irrequieta geris cum multis. In hoc pondere tantarum rerum, mirer igitur Te unquam evolvisse nostros jocos. 9. Ivory surrounds the courts ; the roof is rendered firm by brazen beams j And ores rise up into lofty columns. Atrium cingo ebur ; trabs solido CBS culmen ; - et in celsus columna surgo electrum. And 10. It was night, and through all the lands, the wearied animals, nd the race of birds and of cattle, deep sleep held fast. Sum nox, et terra animal fessus per omnis, Ales pecusque genus, altus sopor habeo. 11. For the cautious wolf shuns the pitfall, and the hawk The sus- pected snares, and the kite the concealed hook. Enim cautus metuo fovea lupus, accipiterque Laqueus suspectus, et opertus milTus hamus. 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 289 12. If the fates would suffer me to pass my life agreeably to my own wishes, And to relieve my cares in my own way, I would first renew the Trojan city and the beloved remains of my countrymen ; The lofty towers of Priam should still stand. Ego si fatum meus patior duco vita auspicium, et meus sponte compono cura, Urbs Trojanus primilm meus dulcisque, Colo reliquiae ; Priamus tectum altus maneo. ENALLAGE, OR VARIATION OF WORDS. In the composition of Latin verse, it will often be found necessary not only to change the prosaic arrangement of the words, but to sub- stitute for some of the expressions, other phrases of the same signifi- cation, but of different length and quantity. In the following exercises, the blanks are to be filled by a word in the preceding line. 33 ? 3. Enallage is a change of words, or a subsitution of one gender, number, case, person, tense, mood, or voice of the same word for another. The plural number is sometimes used instead of the singular ; adjectives instead of adverbs ; possessive adjectives instead of genitives, and genitives instead of possessive adjectives; partici- ples instead of verbs, relatives and verbs, or conjunctions and verbs ; compound instead of simple, and simple instead of com- pound words ; a word or words repeated instead of a conjunc- tion; neuter verbs instead of sum; sum instead ofhabeo; a passive instead of an active voice ; or an impersonal verb instead of a neuter verb with a nominative. Singular and Plural. 1. Time passes on ; and we in the silently fleeting years grow old } And the days speed away, no curb restraining them. Tempus labor ; tacitusque senesco annus ; Et fugio, non frasnum remorans, dies. 2. My father sways the sceptre of Asia, than which there is not a happier land, Scarcely is it possible to pass over its extensive boundaries. Sceptrum parens Asia, qui nullus beatior ora, Finibus immensis vix, teneo, obeunda. 3. Jove had nodded his assent ; each pole was made to tremble by his nod; And Atlas felt the weight of the heaven. Jupiter annuo; tremefactus uterque nutus Sum polus j et co3lum pondus sentio Atlas. 25 290 PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. 4. If there was any one, who to chaplets made of the flowers of the field Could add violets, he was considered rich. Si quis sum, factus pratum de flos corona Qui addo possum viola, dives sum. 5. He shall give you wine, made on those mountains, From which he himself came, under the brow of which he has played. Hie tu vinum do, diffusus in mons ille, A qui ipse venio, qui ludo sub vertex. 6. My mother held me fast, and added also these words with her rosy lips ; "O my son, what great provocation thus excites your ungoverned anger ? Why are you thus enraged ? or whither has your regard for me fled ? " Contineo, roseusque ore hie insuper addo ; " Natus, quis indomitus tantus dolor excito ira ? Quid furo ? aut quonam ego tibi cura recedo ? " 7. All the grove is shattered ; the storms tear off the ancient Branches of the trees; and though for ages penetrated by no San, the bowers of shady Lycoeus have been laid open. Omnis nemus frangor ; rapio antiquus procella Brachia sylva; nullusque aspectus per (Evum Sol, umbrosus pateo sestiva Lycseus. 8. There let the spices, which fertile Panchaia sends forth, And the Eastern Arabians, and rich Assyria, And there also let tears be poured forth in remembrance of me. Thus do I wish verses to be composed on my remains. Illuc merx, qui mitto pinguis Panchaia, Eousque Arabes, et Assyria dives, Et ego memor lacrymse fundor eodem. Sic ego componor velirn versus in os. 9. Seek, O master of the feast, for other guests, Whom the regal splendors of your table may captivate. Me let my friend invite to meals that are quickly dressed. That feast only pleases me, which I am able to give in return. Conviva alins, ccena, quaero, magister, Qui mensa regnum superbus tuus capio. Ego meus amicus ad subitus invito ofella. Hie ego placeo, qui possum reddo, coena. 10. His natal day is come, let us utter before the altars propitious words. Thou, O man, and thou, O woman, whosoever thou art that drawest near, refrain from every adverse sound. Let sacred incense be burned; let the odors be burned, Which the soft Arabians send from their fertile land. Bonus verbum dico, venio natalis, ad ara. Quisquis adsum, vir mulierque, linguft fave. Uror pius thus focus : uror odor, Qui tener e terra dives mitto Arabs. 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 291 11. I desire not riches, nor yet would T be so meanly poor, That a rich man may disdain to enter my house. May a friendly circle also, before my spacious fire, Delight to beguile with me the dulness of a winter night with amusing tales. Divitiae non peto, nee sum tam sordide egenus, Nauseo ut dives tcctum subeo meus. Quin egocum historia ad largus ignis circulus Decipio hybernus t&dium nox amo. 12. Lo, my locks lie dishevelled without order on my neck, Nor do glittering jewels encircle my joints ; I am clothed in a miserable dress ; no gold is in my tresses; My hair is not perfumed with Arabian dew. Ecce collum sparsus sine lex capillus jaceo, Nee premo articulus lucidus gemma meus : Vestis tego vilis ; nullus sum aurum in crinis ; Non Arabus meus ros capillus oleo. Adjective and Adverb. 13. You spend your quiet hours of leisure delightfully at home ; your sweet Children smile around you, and run to you for kisses. Lcetb ago securus domesticus otia ; dulcis Arrideo circum, et propero ad osculum natus. 14. What body of men, O citizens, is brought hither in a black cloud of dust ? Bring arms quickly, furnish darts, mount the walls. Quis globus, O civis, ater caligo volvor ? Fero citd ferrum, (enall.) do telum, scando murus. 15. The lands produce harvests, when by the heat of the burning dog-star The earth annually yields the yellow ears of corn. Rus messis fero, calidus cum sidus sestus Depono flavus quotannis (annuus} terra coma. 16. But the ram himself in the meadows, sometimes with sweetly glowing Purple, sometimes with yellow dye, shall tinge his fleece. Tpse sed in pratum aries, jam suamter rubens Murex, jam muto vellus (enall.) croceus lutum. 17. The winds being changed roar in an opposite direction, And from the lowering west Spring up ; and the air is condensed into a cloud. Mutatus transvers^. fremo, et vesper ab ater Consurgo ventus ; atque aer in nubes cogor. 18. The trees also appear to mourn, their leaves being gone, And the birds do not sweetly sing. Quinetiam ramus positus lugeo videor frons, et non (nullus) dulce queror avis. 292 PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. 19. Plenty relieves not his hunger ; parching thirst his throat Dries up ; and he is deservedly tormented by the now-hated gold. Copia non fames relevo ; sitis aridus guttur Uro; et invisus meritd torqueor ab aurum. 20. Osiris first made ploughs with a skilful hand, And turned up the soft ground with iron. He first committed seeds to the untried ground, And gathered apples from trees before unknown. Primum aratrum manus solers facio Osiris, Et tener humus ferrum solicito. Primum inexpertus committo semen terra, Pomumque ab non notus lego arbos. Adjective and Substantive. 21. O son of ^Eson, fickle and more inconstant than the breeze of spring, Why are your words without their promised weight ? Mobilis ^Esonide, verisque incertior aura, Cur tuus verbum pollicitus pondus careo? 22. At a fixed hour also the morning leads through the realms Ethereal the rosy dawn, and diffuses the light around. Tempus item certus roseus per ora Matuta JEthereus aurora defero, et lumen (enall.) pando. 23. Night had begun to bury the cares of men in her deep Bosom, and sleep had spread abroad her heavy wings. Ccepi hominum altus sopio labor Nox gremium, pigerque ala sopor diffundo. 24. But neither do I always remain confined in my house or in the city ; Nor does the vernal season pass away unenjoyed by me. Sed neque sub tectum semper, nee lateo (enall.) in urbs; Irritus nee ego (enall.) tempus (enall.) vernus eo. 25. Then in the gate with his mouth encompassed with serpents black Cerberus Howls, and stands as a sentinel before the gates of brass. Turn niger in porta serpentum os Cerberus strido, et eeris excubo ante fores. 26. But that primitive age, to which we have applied the epithet golden, Was happy in the fruits of trees and in the herbs, which the earth produces ; Nor did it stain the mouth with blood. At ille vetus aetas, qui facio aurea nomen, Foetus arborum, et, qui humus educo, herba, Fortunatus sum; nee os (enall.} polluo cruor. 27. Nor does she believe that the winter uninjurious destroys not the roses, That the cold months of the year are gay with the herbs 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 293 of other months, Nor that the shoots of spring fear not the tempestu- ous Bootes. Nee credo quod bruma innoxius rosa servo, Quod gelidus alienus rubeo gramen (enalL.) mensis, Veris nee iratus timeo virgultum Bootes. 28. The father and the husband of Lucre tia pardon the deed, which she was thus compelled to commit. " The pardon," said she, "which you give to me, 1 myself withhold." There was no hesitation : she instantly pierces her breast with a concealed poniard, And falls, stained with blood, at her father's feet. Do venia factum coacto genitor conjuxque. " Qui," dico, " venia tu do, ipse nego." Nee mora ; figo suus pectus (enall.) celatus ferrum, Et cado in patris sanguinolentus pes. 29. I do not ask for paternal riches, and the fruits Which a treasured harvest afforded to an ancient ancestor. A small field is enough for me ; it is enough for me if I am able to live in peace in my cottage, And to rest my weary limbs on my accustomed couch. Non ego divitifB patrius fructusque require, Qui fero antiquus avus conditus messis. Parvus seges satis sum ; satis sum tectum requiesco Si licet, et solitus torus membrum levo. 30. I should have thought that, in the first origin of the rising world, no other Days had shone, or had any other temperature : It was then spring; spring the spacious globe enjoyed ; And the east winds with- held the blasts of winter. Non alius primus crescens mundus origo Illuceo dies, aliusve tenor habuisse, Credo : ver ille sum ; ver magnus orbis ago; et hyemis parceo flatus Eurus. 31. Wherefore take courage, for neither does the wisdom of the De- ity Exercise itself in vain, nor will the soul be bounded by those Limits by which this perishable body is bounded ; but, freed from all Earthly pollution, it flourishes, and shall flourish forever. Quare sumo animus ; neque enim sapientia Dei Opera frustra impendo, neque mens arctor iste Limes, qui hoc corpus periturus ; at exsors Terrenus labes vigeo, vigeo ceternumque. Participle and Verb. 32. And now you may admire the barks gliding so swiftly, And now the vessels passing on by cords so slowly. Et modo tarn celeriter (enall.) miror currens (in/in.) linter, Et modo tarn tarde (enaZ/.) funis icns ratis. 25* 294 PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. 33. Do you not also see stones reduced to nothing by time ? Do you not see lofty towers falling, and rocks mouldering away ? Denique non lapis quoque victus cerno ab eevum ? Non altus turris ruens et jmtrescens saxum ? 34. Do we not also see that the tombs of heroes have decayed ? Do we not see flinty fragments falling down, separated from the lofty mountains, Neither bearing nor resisting the mighty force of time ? Denique non monumentum vir (sync.) dilabor video ? Non ruens avulsus silex a mons altus, Nee validus aevum vis (enall.) perferens patiensquef 35. His cheeks were seized with paleness ; with a face as though frozen, he stood, Doubtful whether he should have recourse to flight, or supplicate mercy as one subdued, Or betake himself to enemies so great. Inficior pallor gena; sto os gelatus, Incertus petone fuga. veniave posco subactus, an sese transfero in tantus hostis. 36. Now the vines are tied ; now the vineyards require not the pruning-hook ; Now the weary vintager sings near the remotest rows of his vines ; But still the earth must be turned up, and the mould moved ; And still the weather is to be dreaded by the ripening grapes. Jam vincior vitis ; jam falx arbustum repono; Jam effcetus cano extremos vinitor antes : Solicitandus tamen tellus, movendus pulvisque ; Et jam metuendus maturus Jupiter uva. 37. But Julius Proculus was coming from Longa Alba, And the moon was shining, neither was there any need of a torch ; When the clouds on his left hand were heard to burst asunder with a sudden mo- tion. He drew back his steps ; his hair stood erect with fear ; Splen- did, and more than human, and adorned with a royal robe, Romulus was seen standing before him in the middle of his path. Sed Proculus Alba Longa venio Julius, Fulgeo lunaque, nee fax usus sum ; Cum subitus motus sinister nubes crepuere. Refero ille gradus ; coma (enall.) horreoque ; Pulcher, et major humanus, trabeaque decorus, Romulus in medius visus cst adsum via. Participle and Relative and Verb. 38. What does it profit to rob the vine of the grapes, which are still growing ? And to pluck, with a mischievous hand, the apples which are just formed*? Quid fraudo juvo vitis, qiuE crescunt, uva? Et, mod6 qua nata sunt, malus vello pomum manus ? 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 295 39. This, at least, let her grant to me, who do not ask many things of her, And let her cover my exposed remains with cypress leaves. Hie ego concede saltern, non multus qui rogo, Nudusque cupressinus (enall.) frons tego os 40. You will find that to all the ships, now tossed about in the deep, The sea was smooth when they first left the port. Omnes invenio, nunc jactatus in altum, Navis a portu fretum lenis sum. 41. Moreover the soul asks not for those joys which are fleeting, But for those which are more suitable to itself, and subject to no change ; Joys which, through eternal ages, will never perish. Gaudium quinetiam non hie, gutefugivnt, posco, At sui magis aptus, vicis (enall.} obnoxius nullus, Gaudium, perpetuus qiuz non interibunt per sevum (enall.) 42. There the guilty limbs of Ixion, who dared to tempt Juno, Are turned continually round on a rapid wheel : And Tityus, stretched over nine acres of ground, Feeds with his loathsome bowels birds that are ever preying. Illic Juno tento, Ixion, qui ausus est, Versor celer rota noxius membrum : Porrectusque, Tityus, per novem juger terra, Pasco assiduus ater viscus (enall.) avis. Participle and Conjunction and Verb. 43. In the mean while, Aurora to wretched mortals the fair Light had brought forth, and renews the work and labors of the day. Aurora interea mortalis miser almus Effero lux, et referet opus (enall.) atque labor. 44. In the country also The white sheep carries on her back the soft fleece, And will soon afford employment to the youthful maidens. Rus etiam, tener cura et exhibclit puella, Mollis gero tergum lucida ovis vellus. 45. And when men shall let loose their tongues in revilings Against you, and asperse your names with false Accusations, rejoice, and with a firm mind endure it all. Et cum mortalis solvo lingua in jurgia Vos contra, falsus et onerant nomen vester Crimen, gaudeo, ac fero firmus pectus. 46. Now the flocks and the birds are silent ; now sleep Steals on the miser's cares, and descending passes through the air, And brings to his wearied mind sweet repose. 296 PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. Jam pecus volucrisque taceo ; jam avarus (enall.) somnus Inserpo cura, pronusque nuto per aer, Gratus laboratus et refert oblivium (enall.} vita. 47. Alexander, the Macedonian, weeps, when he had subdued to himself the whole world, And is grieved that nothing remains to be conquered by his arms. Xerxes weeps, because of all his multitudes of soldiers not one, When the next age shall arrive, not one will be living. O Macedonian, I will not commend your tears ; your humane sorrow I applaud, O Persian, and am willing to weep with you. Macedo fleo, sui totus ubi debello orbis, Et indignatur anna nihil (sync.} supersum suus. Fleo Xerxes, quod suus de rnille nemo, aetas, Proximus cum venio, nemo sum superstes. Nolo tuus lacrymas, Macedo ; ego laudo dolor Humanus, et tucum, Persa, volo doleo. Simple and Compound. 48. Lucifer, the morning star, arose above the mountain Casius, And ushered in the day to Egypt, glowing with the rising sun. Lucifer prospicio a CasiA rupe, diesque Immitto in jEgyptus, primus quoque sol calens. 49. First behold the oceans, the kingdoms, and the heaven. The same day shall assign them all to destruction, and, though through many years Preserved, the fabric and system of the universe shall perish. Principio mare, ac terra, coelumque intueor. Dies unus do exitium, multusque per annus Sustentatus, ruo moles et mundus machina. 50. The gods have shown you to us, as a welcome star to the tossed vessel, Which, having weathered two storms, Is still beaten by the waves, and which, its pilot being baffled, is hurried along at random. Tu ego, ceu sidus dulcis trepidus carina, Ostendo deus, geminus, qui, prolapsus procella, Tundor, et, victus magister, trahor jam cnecus. 51. I did not, when a child in my early years, address to you, O my mother, endearing words, Uttered with a lisping tongue. 1 did not embrace your neck with my infant arms, Neither did I sit a pleasing burden on your knee. Non tu blanditise, meus mater, in primus annus, Incertus os dictus, puella fero. Non ego capto tuus collum (enall.) brevis lacertus, Nee gremium insedeo sarcina gratus tuus. 52. When, therefore, the years, as they gently pass away, old age Gradually bring on, he views approaching death in the frame of 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 297 mind, With which he, who has been tossed about with long-continued tempests, Holds in sight a port, and a refuge from his labors. Ergo senectus annus, ut labor (enall.) leniter, Cum sensim/ero, mors iste mens propinquus Aspicio, ut longus, qui, actus tempestas, Portus teneo in conspectus, effugiumque malorum. 53. Thus Boreas, when first rising, shakes with a gentle breeze the waving branches, And murmurs through the quivering Leaves; soon becoming fiercer, he blows out each of his cheeks, And shakes tha strong trunks of the trees with their lofty tops. Haud aliter lenis flamen nutans ramus Surgens agito Boreas, tremulusque susurro Per frons : mox bucca uterque inflo animosior, Et validus quasso truncus cum vertex (enall.) celsus. 54. Afterwards, when all the strength of Boreas has been collected, and a greater blast Through the whole wood is heard, from their deep- est roots The ancient oaks on the ground he lays, and increases the boisterous storm, And covers all the grove with an extended ruin. Post, ubi vis (enall.) colligor, (enall.) majorque tumultus Pertotus sylva audior, ab radix imus Prosterno humi antiquus quercus, rapidusque procella Glomero, latusque impleo nemus omnis ruina. 55. Mars heard these words, and from the snowy rocks of jErnus He rises, and thus with a loud voice urges his active attendants ; " Bring to me, O Bellona, my helmet; my car, O Fear, prepare; let Terror yoke my rapid steeds." Audio (sync.} ille pater, nivales scopulusque ^Emus Jlssurgo, et hortor celer clamor minister ; " Affcro galea, Bellona, ego ; nexusque rotarum Tendo, Pavor ; frceno rapidus jugalis Formido." 56. A bird, fearing the hawk, with trembling wings Dares, when weary, to come for refuge to a human bosom. Nor does the frightened stag, when flying from the savage dogs, Hesitate to trust herself to a neighboring house. Aecipiter metuens, ales penna trepidans Audeo humanus fessus advenio sinus, {enall.) Nee sui committo vicinus dubito teetum Effugiens (enall.} infestus, territus cerva, canis. 57. Remember also that the mind, injured by long rust, Grows dull, and is much less vigorous than it formerly was. The fertile field, if it be not continually renewed by the plough, Will produce nothing but grass with thorns. The horse, who shall have stood still for a long time, will run badly, and among the horses Sent from the starting- place, will run last in the race. Adde quod ingenium Isesus longus rubigo Torpeo, et sum multo minor quam sum ante. Fertilis, si non renovor assiduo (enall.) aratrum, PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. Nihil (sync.) habeo, nisi cum spina gramen, ager. Qui longus tempus sto, male curro, et inter Career (enall.) demissus, ultimo (enall.) eo equus. Repetition and Conjunction. 58. Hope supports the husbandmen, and commits to the ploughed furrows The seeds, which the land may return with a great increase. Spes alo agricola, et sulcus credo aratus Semen, qui reddo magnus foenus ager. 59. The spring is very beneficial to the leaves of the groves and to the woods. In the spring the lands swell and ask for the genial seeds. Ver adeo frons (enall.) nemus, et utilis sylva : Ver tumeo terra et semen genitalis posco. 60. We are exploring other abodes and worlds. An ardent desire of being carried in a fearless flight through the vast expanse of space Impels us. It is delightful, O it is delightful to go among the shining worlds In the air, to roam over the wandering stars of the lofty heaven. Ego sedes alius et exquiro orbis. Ego feror vastum per inane impavidus volatus Ingens amor urgeo. Juvat, O juvat eo per ignis ^Etheris, (enall.) lustro vagus lumen altus ccelum. 61. But now I wander alone through the woods and the meadows, Where the sylvan shades are thick in the valleys. Here I wait for the evening. Above my head the rain and the wind Sound mournfully, and the gloom of the shattered forest is disturbed. At jam solus ager et pascuum obcrro, Sicubi ramosus umbra denser vallis. Hie expecto serum. Supra caput imber et Eurus Sono triste, fractusque agitor (enall.) crepusculum (enall.} sylva. 62. A race temperate and sagacious, industrious and provident, How peacefully and wisely do the bees pass their life ! They have among them the social regulations of a city ; to every one Is appointed his share of labors and his duties. Gens frugi et prudens, providus et operosus, vita Quam placide perago ct sapienter apis ! Urbs habeo consortium (cnaU.) inter suisui ; quique Sto suus pars opus et munia. 63. Atlas carries the world on his strong shoulders, and bent double by its weight Is covered with sweat, and toils under the immense burden. What sinews, and neck, and arms, What strong joints in the legs, must so heavy a load require ! O go on warily, for if the least slip Should befall your steps, we are all lost. 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 299 Robustus fero mundus humerus, et sudo pondus curvus, et ingens moles Atlas laboro. Qui nervus, et cervix, ct brachia, crurum Quam validus nexus, onus tarn gravis posco ! O caute incedas, nam minimus si tibi lapsus Offendo gressus, ruo (enall.) omnia. Sum and Verb Neuter. 64. Here, where Rome now is, was once an unlopped grove, And the city now so large was once a pasture-ground for a few oxen. Hlc, ubi mine Roma sum, incseduus sylva sum (vireo,) Tantusque res sum paucus pascuum bos. 65. But the abode of the wicked lies hidden in thick darkness, Around which are gloomy rivers. At sceleratus (enall.) jaceo sedes abditus in nox profundus, qui circum flumen niger sum (sono.) 66. Soon also distress was inflicted on the corn, so that noxious Mildew consumed the stalks, and the unfruitful thistle was in the fields. The standing corn dies, and a rough wood succeeds. Mox et frumentum (enall.) labor additus, ut culmus malus Edo rubigo, segnisque sum (horreo) in arvum Carduus. Seges intereo, (enall.') subeo asper sylva. Sum and Habeo. 67. Not if I had a hundred tongues, and a hundred mouths, And a voice of iron, could I mention all the species of crimes, Nor enumer- ate all the names of their punishments. Non ego si linguas centum habeam, oraque centum, Ferrum (enalL") vocem, omnis comprehendo (sync.) scelus forma, Possum omnis poana percurro nomen. 68. The Naiad Amalthea, illustrious in Cretan Ida, is said to have hidden Jupiter in the woods. She was possessed of a she-goat, the beautiful mother of two kids, Distinguished among the Dictaean flocks. Nais Amalthea, Cretasus Ida nobilis, Dicor in sylva Jupiter occulo. Hccc habuit haedus matrcm formosam duo, Inter Dictseus grex conspiciendam. 69. With horns lofty and bending upon her back, With an udder which might belong to the nurse of Jupiter, she gave milk to the god> but she broke her horn against a tree, and was deprived of the half part of her beauty. Cornu aerius atque in suus tergum (enall.) recurvus, Uber, qui nutrici posset esse Jupiter, 300 PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. Ille lac do deus ; sed frango in arbor cornu, Truncusque sum dimidius pars decus. 70. This broken horn the nymph took up, and brought it wound round with fresh flowers And full of apples into the presence of Ju- piter. He, when he possessed the sovereignty of heaven, and sat on the throne of his father, And nothing was greater than unconquered Jove, Changed into stars his nurse and his nurse's fruitful horn, To which even now is applied the name of her mistress. Nymphe tollo hie, cinctusque recens herba, Et pomum plenus, ad Jupiter os (enall.) fero. Ille, ubi res (enall.} coelum teneo, soliumque pater (enall.) sedeo, et nihil (sync.) invictus Jupiter major sum Facio sidus nutrix, nutrix fertilis cornu, cui domina nunc quoque nomen esse. Active and Passive. 71. Autumn produces apples; the summer is beautiful with the harvests; Flowers are given us by the spring; fire alleviates the winter. Autumnus pomum do ; formosus sum messis cestas ; Vere prcebentur florcs ; ignis levat hyemem. 72. The huntsman knows well where he may spread his nets for the stags ; He knows well in what valley the foaming boar lingers. Fowlers know the shrubs. He, who holds the hooks, Knows what waters are swum in by many fish. Venator scio bene cervus ubi rete tendo ; Scio bene qui vallis moror frendens aper. Aucupes noscnnt (enall.} frutices. Qui sustineo hamus, Novi qui aqua rnultus piscis (enall.) nator. 73. There is no delay ; they weeping begin their work ; and are emulous to heap the altar of the funeral pile With trees, and to raise it toward heaven. They repair to an ancient wood, the deep retreats of savage beasts. The firs fall down; the oak, cut down with axes, falls crashing; And beams of ash and the yielding oak are cleft with wedges ; They roll from the mountains huge ash-trees. Haud mora ; flens festino, araque sepulcrum Congero arbor certo, crelumque educo. Eunt in antiquus sylva, stabulum altus fera. Picea procumbo; sono, ictus securis, ilex; Fraxineus trabs, cuneus et fissilis robur scinditur; advolvo ingens ornus mons. Variation of Case. 74. She had duly presided over the temple for many years, And performed the cruel rites with an unwilling hand; When two 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 301 youths arrived in a ship with sails, And pressed with their feet our shores. Praesum templum multis is rite annis, Et perago (enall.) invitus tristis sacra manus ; Cum duo juvenis velifer venio carina, Premoque suus pes (enall.) littus noster. 75. Their age was the same, as well as their love for each other; one of them was Orestes, The other was Pylades. Fame still pre- serves their names. They are instantly led to the cruel altar of Dia- na, Bound with both their hands behind their backs. Par sum horurn aetas et amor ; de quibus alter Orestes, Alter Pylades sum. Nomen fama teneo. Protinus Trivia ducorimmitis ad ara. Evincti geminas manus ad suus tergum. 76. And while the priestess prepares the sacrifice, and covers their temples with fillets, And still invents causes for her long delay, " Par- don me, O youths," she said; " I am not thus cruel. I perform sacri- fices more barbarous than the country itself." D unique sacrum paro, et (cnall,} velo tempora vitta, Et (cnall.) tardus causa usque invenio mora, " Non ego crudelis, ignosco, juvenis,'' dico ; " Sacra quam suus facio barbarior locus." 77. "This is the rite of the nation. But from what city do you :>me ? Or why 'have you made such a voyage in a ship so little fortunate ? " She said ; and, the name of their country having been told her, the pious virgin Finds them to be inhabitants of her own city. " Ritus is sum gcnti. E qua tu tamen urle venio ? Quove peto (sync.) parum faustus puppis iter ? " Dico; et auditus patria nomen, pius virgo Censors sum urbs comperio suus. 78. " But let one of you," she said, " fall a victim in our rites. Let the other go as a messenger to my native land." Pylades, ready to die, urges his beloved Orestes to go. He refuses; and each contends to die in the stead of the other. "Alter at vestrum," inquam, " cado hostia sacra. Ad patrius sedes eo nuntius alter." Pylades eo jubeo cams periturus Orestes. Hie nego ; uterque inque vicis pugno morior. 79. While the honorable youths carry on this contest of love, She writes to her brother a letter. She gave her written commands to her brother, and he to whom they were intrusted, (Behold an instance of the vicissitude of human affairs,) was her brother. Dum pulcher juvenis perago certamen amor, Fratri scriptas exaro ille notas. Fratri mandatum do, quique ille do, Frater (humanos casus aspicio) sum. 26 come 302 PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. 80. There is no delay ; they hurry away the statues of Diana from the temple, And a ship carries them secretly through the immense waters. The wonderful friendship of these youths, although BO many years have passed, has even now great renown in Scythia. Nee mora ; tempJo rapio simulacrum Diana, Clamque per hnmensus fero (enall.^ puppis aqua. Minis amor juvenis, quamvis tot annus abeo, In Scythia nunc quoque magnus nomen habeo. 81. Neither do the violets nor the opening lilies always flourish, And the deserted thorn grows stiff, the rose being lost ; And soon hoary hairs will come to you, O lovely youth ! Soon will wrinkles come, which will make farrows in your skin. Nee semper viola nee hians lilium floreo, Et rigeo spina relictus, amissus rosa : Et ad tc jam canus venio, formosus, capillus ; Jam venio ruga, qui tuum corpus arent. 82. Form now an understanding which may last, and add it to your beauty ; That alone remains to the last day of life. Nor let it be made a trifling concern to cultivate the mind with the liberal arts, And to learn perfectly two languages. Jam molior animus, qui duro, et forma astruo ; Ille solus ad extrernos permaneo rogos. Nee levis ingenuis pectus colo artibus Cura sum, et edisco duo lingua. 83. I have often, though unwillingly, drunk bitter juices when sick, And the feast has been denied to me, though asking for it. You will endure sword and fire that you may save the body ; Nor, though thirsty, will you wash your parched mouth with water. Will you, then, refuse to bear any thing that you may be well in mind? But this part of man is of more value than the body. Sa?pe bibo succus seger, quamvis invitus, amarus ; et mensn negor (enall.) ego orans. Ut corpus redimo ferrum et ignis (enall.) patior, Nee sitiens aridus os (enall.} levo aqua. Ut valeo animus quisquam nego tolero ? 4.1 pretium pars hie quam corpus majus habet. Synonymous Words. 84. Alas ! when you least expect it, in the very flower of youth, Death suddenly cuts off at once all the hope of the family. Heu ' m'mime cum reor, in juventa ipse flos, Mors inopinate (('nail.} domus spes protinus abripio cunctus. 85. There is no need of envy ; far from me be the applause of the crowd ; He who is wise, should find a source of joy in the retirement of his own breast. 323. PROSODY: ENALLAGE. 303 Nihil (sync.) opus sum mvidia ; procul absum gloria vulgus ; Qui sapio, in tacitus gaudeo is sinus. 80. You, Zoilus, who are well dressed, ridicule ray threadbare gar rnents. They are indeed threadbare, but, Zoilus, they are my own. Qui pexor (enall.) pulchre, rideo me us tritus, ZoKlus. Sum hie tritus quidem, Zoilus, at meus sum. 87. Aurora, in the mean time, to wretched mortals the fair Light had brought forth, and renews the works and labors of the day. Aurora interea miser homo almus Eff'ero lux, et refero (enall.) opus et labor. 88. Indeed, the approach of death alarms him only, Who, if there should be any existence beyond the grave, trembles for himself: It alarms not him who has passed his life righteously and piously. Scilicet hie unus mors vicinia turbo, Qui sui metuo, (enall.) si quid sum (resto) post funus : (enall.) Non hie, qui recte vita ago (enall.} sancteque. 89. He, when the expected day of death approaches, Looks forward to eternal life ; he, triumphing in a better hope, Even now anticipates in hope the joys of the inhabitants of heaven. Hie, cum maturus dies mors advenio (enall.} oevurn Suspicio ceternus; hie, spes melior triumphans, Coslicola (sync.) jam nunc votis proelibo gaudium. 90. Let the ox plough, or let him impute his death to advanced years. Let the sheep afford us the means of defence against the cold north wind. Let the full she-goats bring their udders to be milked by us. Bos aro, aut letum senior imputo annus. Horrifer contra Boreas ovis arma prcebeo. Uber satur manus pressandus do capella. 91. The color had forsaken rny cheeks ; a leanness had seized on my lirnbs; My reluctant mouth took but little food. Neither were my -slumbers pleasant, and the night was tedious to me ; And, though op- pressed by no particular cause of sorrow, I often breathed a sigh. Effugio (enall.) ore color ; artus adduco macies ; Capio minimus os (enall.) coactus cibus. (enall.) Neque somnus facilis, atque nox sum annuus ego; (enall.) gemitus, nullus laesus dolor, do. 9^. The sacred spring is clear, and more transparent than a crystal stream ; Many think that a deity inhabits it. Above it the water-loving iotos spreads its branches, As though it were itself a grove ; the earta ground it is always green with soft turf. Sum nitidus vitreusque magis lucidus (enall.) fluvius Fons sacer ; ille multus numen habeo credo. Supra qui ramus expando aquaticus lotos, Unus sylva ; tener cespes terra vireo. 304 PROSODY ENALLAGE. 323. 93. Let riches be heaped up together ; whither glory or whither ambition leads, There go, surrounded by a crowded throng Of depend- ants, greeting you early in the morning. But what need is there of many words ? You are at length Brought to this point, that you ex- claim, " Alas ! how much vanity is there in worldly things !" Cumulor (enall.) divitice; duco quo gloria quove Ambitio, stipatus pergo examen densus Mane salutans. Quid multa ? Hue denique volvor eodem, ut exclamo, (enall.) " Heu, quantum inane in res ! " 94. Pluto himself appears seated on a rough throne, awful in gloomy Majesty ; his huge sceptre appears frightful in the dismal Shade ; a gloomy cloud renders his lofty brow More terrible ; and the sternness of his dreadful form becomes more appalling. Ipse, fultus rudis solium, nigerque verendus Dignitas, sedeo ; squaleo immcnsus fcedus Sceptrum (enall.") situs ; sublimis caput moestissimus nebula Aspero ; et rigeo dirus inclementia forma. 95. As the sea quivers when it is brushed by a gentle breeze, As the tender branch of the ash is shaken by the warm south wind, So you might have seen my pale limbs tremble ; The bed was shaken by my body that was laid on it. Ut csquor fit tremulum tenuis cum stringor ventus, Ut stringor tepidus fraxini (enall.) virga notus, Sic meus vibror pallidus membrum video ; Quassus ab corpus, quod impositus sum (enall.) lectus sum. 96. What indeed can it profit one who is about to die to know the causes of things, To connect things that are present with things to come, to roam in thought Beyond the sun and the stars? Surely The same law of death, and the same common grave, await us all. Ecquid enim prosum causa res cognosco, Conjungo (enall.) venturus prsesens, animus vagor Sol atque sidus super, moriturus ? Scilicet cunctus Unus letum lex maneo, et communis sepulcrum. 97. The land of the Romans had not anciently any skilful husband- men ; Fierce wars wholly occupied its active inhabitants. There was more honor in the sword than in the curved plough ; The neglected land produced but little to its owner. Non habeo terra peritus antique (enall.} colonus ; Lasso agilis asper proslium vir. Plus sum mferrum quam curvus honor aratrum ; Neglectus dominus paucus (enall.) produce ager. 98. You are accustomed often to ask me, Priscus, what sort of man I should be, If I were suddenly to be made rich and become powerful. Do you, then, think that any one can say what his future conduct will be ? Tell me, now, if you were to become a lion, what sort of a lion should you be ? 323. PROSODY ENALLAGE. 305 Saepe qu&ro soleo, qualis sum, Priscus, futurus, Si fio locuples sumque subito pollens. Quisquam possum puto mos (enall.} dico futurus ! Dico ego qualis, si fio tu leo, sum ? 99. But neither the woods of the Medians, that most fertile land, Nor the celebrated Ganges, and the river Mermus thick with its golden, sands, Can vie with the praises of Italy, not Bactra, nor the Indians, Nor all Panchaia rich in soils producing frankincense. Sed neque Medi nemus, ditissimus regio^ Nee pulcher Ganges, el auro turbidus Herruus, Laus Italia contendo, non Bactra, neque Indi, Omnis et thurifer Panchaia dives arena. 100. But here in Italy are no ravening tigers, nor the savage race of lions ; Nor do poisonous herbs deceive the wretched people who gather them. Neither does the scaly serpent here sweep his immense folds along the ground, nor to a vast Length extended, curl himself into a circle. At rabidus tigris absum, et ssevus semen (enall.} leo; nee miserandus dccipio aconitum, qui lego, (enall.) Nee rapio maximus orbis per terra, neque tantus Squameus in spira tractu sui colligo serpcns. 101. Let him commend the repasts of a short meal, and salutary Justice, and the laws, and peace with her open gates. Let him faithfully keep secrets intrusted to him ; let him pray and beseech the gods That prosperity may return to the wretched, and forsake the haughty. Is dapes commendo mensa exiguus, et (enall.} saluber Justitia, j'wsque, et apertus otium (enall.} porta. Is tego commissus ; divusqne precorywe oro Ut redeo infelix, desero fortuna arnbitiosus. 102. But he calls the land his own, as far as where the planted poplar Prevents by fixed boundaries the disputes of neighbors ; as though Any thing could be his own, which, in a moment of the fleet- ing hour, At one time by solicitation, at another by purchase, at an- other by violence, at another by the last fate of man, May change its masters, and fall into another's power. Sed appello usque stium, qua populus adsitus certus Refugio limes vicinus (enall.} jurgium ; tanquam Sum proprium quisquam, punctum quiflnxus hora, Nunc prece,nunc pretium, nunc violentia, nunc sors supremus, Muto (enall.'} dominus, et in alter (enall.} jus (enall.} cedo. 103. Neither should you fear that his mind, becoming, perhaps from his regard to futurity, Somewhat averse to the duties of life, should re- fuse to bear labors, And encounter dangers, if the public good should require it. This indifference to worldly things Rather makes the man free and vigorous, and in all things that he undertakes Bold and invin- cible ; and it strengthens him in all difficulties. 26* 306 PROSODY ELLIPSIS. 323 Nee timeo quidem nefortasse, ad munia vita Segnior, hinc mens recuso perfero (enall.) labor, El periculum (sync.)fero, voco si publicus usus. Liber et erectus potius, res et in agendus Fortis vir invictusque cfficio, casus et per cunctus Roboro externus rerum hie despicientia. ELLIPSIS. 323, 1. Ellipsis is the omission of some word or words in a sentence. Many of the lines in the following exercises will require an altera- tion in the arrangement of the words, as well as the introduction of the figure ellipsis, before they can be formed into verses. 1. O Britain, fairest abode of liberty, let this happier lot be thine, To escape both the fate of Rome and the guilt of Rome. Sum tibi, o sedes pulchorrimus libertas, melior sors, nescio et fatum (enall.) Roma et crimen (enall.) Roma. 2 Gray hairs also have not yet spoiled the beauty of my jetty locks, Neither has crooked old age with a slow step approached. Et nondum canus laedo meus niger capillus, Nee curvus senecta venio tardus pes. 3. The poplar tree is the most acceptable tree to Hercules, the vine the most acceptable to Bacchus, The myrtle the most accepta- ble to lovely Venus, to Phoebus his own laurel is the most acceptable. Populus Alcidae sum gratissimus arbor, vitis gratissimus lacchus, Myrtus gratissimus formosus Venus, Phrebus sum gratissimus suus laurea. 4. O wretched me ! with what vast waves are the shores beaten ' How is the day also hidden, obscured by thick clouds ! O ego miser ! quantus fluctus (enall.) litus plangor ! Et dies lateo, conditus nubes (enall.) obscurus ! 5. You now I warn. Happy art thou, who, from another's misery, Shalt learn how to escape thine own misery. Vos nunc ego moneo. Felix sum tu, quicunque, dolor Alter, disco possum careo tuus dolor. 6. He who advises that you should do that which you are already doing, while he advises Applauds you, and by his advice commends your conduct. Qui moneo ut facio is, qui jam tu facio, monendo ille Laudo tu, et comprobo actus (enall.) suus hortatus. 323. PROSODY ELLIPSIS. 307 7. The brooks are dry ; the meadows are despoiled of their beauty by the mildew ; And nothing that felt the blast survives. I saw the flowers fade, I saw the roses die, and I saw the lilies languish. Rivus deficio ; pratuin squaleo rubigo ; Et nihil afflatus vivo. Video ligustrum palleo, Expire rosa video, decresco lilium et ego video. 8. A garden adorned with odoriferous flowers was near, Divided as to its ground by a stream of water softly murmuring : There Tarquin the secret messages of his son Receives, and he cuts down with a rod the tallest lilies. Hortus cultissimus odoratus gramen (synon.) subsum, Sectus secundum humus rivus aqua sonans lene : Illic Tarquinius latens suus filius (synon.) mandatum Accipio, et ille meto virga summus lilium. 9. When the messenger returned, and reported that the lilies were cut down, His son exclaimed, " I understand the orders of my father." Nor was there any delay. The chiefs of the city Gabii being slain, The defenceless walls are surrendered to his generals. Ut nuncius redeo, (sync.} decussusque lilium dico, Natus (synon.) suus aio, " Ego agnosco jussum meus parens." Nee ullus rnora sum. Princeps ex urbs Gabina ca3sus, Moenia nudus trader suus dux. 10. As many shells as the sea-shores have, as many blossoms as the fragrant beds of roses have, As many seeds as the sleep-bringing poppy has, By so many distressing things am I afflicted ; which if 1 should attempt to number, 1 might as well attempt to tell the number of the waves of the Icarian sea. Litus quot concha habeo, quot flos rosarium amoenus habeo, Quotve granum soporifer papaver habeo, Tot adversus res premor; qui comprehendo (sync.) si ego conoi, Ego conor dico numerus Icarius aqua. 11. Man alone, who is capable of acquiring knowledge, who has an ardent desire Of tracing out the causes and mutual relations of things, Enters on a vain pursuit; for death hangs over him with sable wings, And arrests him in the midst of his journey as he is hurrying on. Homo solus, qui sum sagax scire, cui sum summus cupido Scrutari causa et res foedus mutuus, Ingredior vanus iter ; namque immineo is niger ala, Et in medius cursus intercludo is iens mors. 12. Whither do you madly haste ? Although you should possess each Ocean, and although Lydia should pour forth for you her golden streams. And although the throne of Croesus and the diadem of Cyrus should be added to these riches, You never will be rich, you never will be satisfied with gain. 308 PROSODY EPITHETS. 323. Quo vesane tu ruo? Tu tenen uterque licebit oceanus, et Ljdia laxo tu suus rutilus fons, Et solium Croesus Cyrusque tiara jungor, Sum nunquam dives, nunquam satior quosstus. 13. He, who is always desiring more, is always poor; contented with a little, honorably obtained, Fabricius despised the gifts of kings; And the consul Serranus labored at the heavy plough ; And an humble cottage held the heroic Curii. Ille, quicunque cupio, sum semper inops ; contentus honesto Parvo, Fabricius sperno munus rex ; Sudoque Serranus consul gravis aratrum ; Et angustus casa tego pugnax Curii. 14. When I ask you for money without security, you say, " I have not any money ; " Yet you, the same person, have money, if my field is security for me. O Thelesinus, that which you will not trust to me, an old friend, You trust to my lands and to my trees. Behold, Carus has arrested you as a criminal; let my field help you. Do you ask for a companion in your exile ? let my field go with you. Cum ego rogo nummus (ena?l.) de tu (cna/L) sine pignus, " Ego non habeo nummus," inquio ; Tu idem homo habeo nummus, si pro ego spondeo meus agellus. Is qui non credo ego, vetus sodalis, Thelesinus, Colliculus meus credo arborque meus. Ecce, Carus defero tu reus ; meus agellus tu adsum. Tu qutcro comes exilium ? meus agellus eo. EPITHETS. The words printed in Italics in the following exercises are substan- tives, which either require epithets to be added to them, or which have adjectives connected with them that may be omitted. A different arrangement of the words will be required in almost every line. 1. But you, O robbers and wolves, spare this little flock : Your prey should be taken from a herd. At tu, furque lupusque, parco exiguus pecus : prteda sum petendus de grex. 2. O Nile, nature has never discovered to any one your source, Neither has it been allowed to the inhabitants of the earth to see you a small river. Natura non prodo ullus tuus (cUip.) caput, Nilus, nee licet populus video tu parvus. 3. Horace also has delighted my ears, While he brings forth from his Ausonian lyre refined songs. 323. PROSODY EPITHETS. 309 Et Horatius teneo meus (enall.) auris, Dum ferio Ausonius lyra cultus carmen. 4. An image of Minerva is said to have fallen from heaven Upon the lofty heights of the Trojan city. Cosleste signum Minerva credor Desiluisse in altus jugum Iliacus urbs. 5. At the entrance of the hollow cave, the habitation of the god of sleep, poppies in abundance grow, And herbs innumerable; from the juice of which Humid Night collects her sleepy power, and ex- tends it over the earth. Ante fores cavus antrum, foecundus papaver floreo, Et (synon.) innumerus herba ; qui de lac sopor Nox lego, et humidus per terra (enall.) spargo. 6. Thus the violence of the winds, and the rain from which they wished to be screened, compelled mankind at first To build huts with straw, And to plaster their humble habitations around with mud. Sic vis ventus vitandique imbres primum adegit homo, stipula (enall.) tectum ponere, et claudo arctus sedes (enall.) limus. 7. Nor are the wives of the East less renowned in fame : Neither with tears, nor with female cries, Do they deplore their husbands' death ; but, strange to be related, They ascend the funeral pile, and are consumed in the same devouring flames with their lifeless hus- bands. Nee Eous uxor minus celebror fama : Ille non lacrymse, non foemineus ululatus, Ploro fatum (enall.) vir ; (sync.) verurn, mirabilis dicor, Conscendoque rogus,flammaque (enall.) vorax voror idem. 8. The echoing wood resounds with the songs of birds, and every Shrub and every grove rings with music : The blackbirds also join their tuneful notes, and the doves their plaintive sounds; The har- monious lark from above pours forth its strains. Sylva vocalis resono chorus avis, atque (synon.) omnis Virgultum et ornnis nemus ferveo harmonia : Et merula misceo numerus gemitusque palumbes ; Canorus alauda addo desuper modus. 9. He, who once refused to the needy worthless fragments of food, Now lives himself on food obtained by begging. Fortune wanders about with uncertain steps, And in no place remains constant and fixed Vilis qui quondam nego (sync.) alimenta miser, Nunc pascor ipse cibus mendicatus. Fortuna vago (synon.) ambiguus passus, Et permaneo (enall.) certus tenaxque in nullus locus. 310 PROSODY EPITHETS. ^23. 10. But virtue does not produce these evils : we confidently assert, That if every one faithfully performed her sacred duties, Nothing would appear more desirable than sacred virtue; then would the golden ages return : But it is not our lot to live in a golden age. At virtus non parturio hie malum : immo fateor, Si quisque perago suus munia fideliter, sum Nilril (sync.) potior sacer virtus ; jam turn redeo aureus Sueculum : verum non contigit vivo aureus (synccr.) oevuin. 11. In the shady vales in the midst of Ida, there is a place Retired, and abounding with oaks and pitch trees, A place, which has never been touched by the mouth of the ox, Nor of the sheep, nor of the goat delighting in rocks. In nemorosus vallis medius Idae, sum locus Devius, et piceus atque (synon.) ilex frequens, Qui nee ovis, nee capella amans rupes, (synon.) Nee carpor os bos. 12. Nor, O wicked man, while life remains, are you free from pain- ful punishments: Although you may deceive mortal men, yet you can- not fly from yourself; The avenging furies disquiet you ; care, a harassing attendant, preys on you, And dwells as a tormentor in your conscience, which is still mindful of your crimes. Nee, improbus, dum vita maneo, des nullas serumnosas pcenas : Quanquam fallo mortal is homo, tarnen haud ipse effugio tu ; Dirae ultrix tu agito ; tu cura remordeo, comes ssevus, memorque sub pectus habito vindex. 13. The horse obeys the reins in time, And receives with a quiet mouth the hard bits. The fierceness of the African lions is subdued by time, Nor does that savage wildness remain in their disposition, which was once in it. Equus obedio (synon.) habena tempus, Et recipio (synon.) placid us os durus lupus. Ira Prenus leo cohibeor (synon.) tempus, Nee feiusferitas permaneo (c.nall.) animus, qui sum ant6. 14. Thus the mourning nightingale bemoans under the shade of a poplar Her lost young, which a cruel countryman, Discovering them in their nest, had stolen unfledged ; thus she Grieves through the dark night, and, sitting on a bough, her song Renews, and fills the places around with her piteous complaints. Quails mcerens philomela sub umbra populus (enall.) Queror amissus foetus, qui durus arator, Cernens (synon.} nidus, implumis detraho; at ille JY0z caecus fleo, ramusque sedens, carmen Integro, et impleo late locus suus (cllip.) moestus questus. 15. She fears all things and she hopes for nothing: thus anxious, as she is returning with food, is the bird, Who has left her young in a lowly shrub, And thus, while absent from them, is she apprehen- sive of many evils; She fears lest the wind should have torn her 323. PROSODY PERIPHRASIS. 3H nest from the tree, Lest her young should be exposed as a plunder to man, or a prey to serpents. Omnis (syrwn.*) paveo speroque nihil : sic ales asstuo, Qui commitio foetus humilis ornus, Allaturus cibus, (enall.~) et plurimus cogito absens ; Ne ventus discutio nidus arbor, Ne furtum pateo homo, neu coluber praeda. 16. A moth is flying around my burning candle ; And now, and now again it almost burns its little wings. Often with my hand I keep it back when approaching, and " O moth," I cry, " what great desire to die urges you on?" Still it returns; and, although I strive to save it, It perseveres, and rushes into the flames and into death. Musca volito circum meus exurens lucerna ; Alaque parvus suus amburo jam prope, jamque. Ssepe repello manus is (ellip.) veniens; et " Musca," Inquam, " quis tantus libido morior irnpello tu? " Ille tamen redeo ; et, quanquam conor (synon.) servo, Insto, et irruo (enaU.) in flamma exitiumque. PERIPHRASIS. 323 ? 2, (4.) Periphrasis is a circuitous mode of expression. The words in the following exercises, which are enclosed within pa- rentheses, are examples of the periphrasis, and are to be substituted for the corresponding word in the line. When two or more Italic words occur in a line, they must be omitted, and the meaning, which they are designed to convey, expressed by one word only. When there is only one word in a line printed in Italics, it is intended to be omitted, and its meaning expressed by a periphrasis. 1. Thus does the lioness rage when confined in a narrow den, And breaks her fierce teeth by biting her prison. Sic leaena fremo (fera nobilis) in claustrum (enalL) parvus abditus, Et rabidus dens frango carcere praemorso. 2. Whither shall I be carried ? where shall I seek comfort in my affliction? No anchor now holds my bark. Quo feror ? unde (lapsis rebus) peto solatium (enall.) miseria ? Jam nullus anchora (non ulla) teneo) meus (enall.) ratis. 3. Farewell, ye mossy fountains, ye woods, And ye Muses, and the dreams of fabled Pindus. Valeo muscosus fons, (sylvestria tecta) sylva, Musaque (Aonides dese,) et somnium Pindus mendax. 312 PROSODY PERIPHRASIS. 323. 4. Not far hence herds of cattle wander through the spacious fields, And sheep roam over the joyful pastures. Nee procul hinc armentum vagor (synon.) per latus ager, Ovisque (lanigeri greges) persulto laetus pabulum. 5. Then also the birds in safety flew, And the hare wandered fearlessly in the midst of the fields, Nor had their easy credulity hung on the hook the inhabitants of the rivers. Tune et avis (movere pennas per aera) tuto (enall.) volo, Et lepus impavide (enall.) erro in medius ager, Nee sua credulitas fluminum incolas suspendo hamus. 6. The astonished cultivators of the fields see rugged brakes Sweetly blooming with roses, arid hear with surprise among parched Bands The noisy murmurings of a river. Attonitus cultores agrorum video dumetum incultus Suaviter (enall.) rubens (enall.) rosa, sitiensque inter arena Miror garrulus rivus (epithet") murmur. 7. Arrayed in their shining arms, thrice around the blazing Piles they ran ; thrice the mournful funeral fire They encompassed on their steeds, and yelled aloud. Ter, cinctus nitens (synon.) arma, circum accensus Rogus curro ; (enall.) ter nuestus funereus (enall.) ignis Lustro in suus (ellip.) equus, ululoque (ululatus ore dedere.) 8. O robin, a guest most welcome to every house, Whom the severity of the cold compels to seek the aid of man, That thou mayat escape the frosts of the wintry air, O fly hither, And dwell in safety under my roof. Rubecula (hospes avis,) conviva domus quivis gratissimus, Qui inclementiaf rigor is cogo quaero homo (enall.) opem, Hue O confugio, ut fugio frigus hibernus coelum, et vivo tutus (synon.) sub meus lar. 9. That thou mayst relieve thy hunger, food in my window I will place every day; For by experience I have learned that thou wilt repay with a grateful Song whatsoever food any kind hand may bestow. Unde relevo tuus esuries, alimentum (enall.) fenestra Appono quotidie (quoties itque reditque dies ;) Etenim usus edisco quod rependo alimentum (enall.) gratus Cantus, quicunque dono (synon.) bonus (synon.) manus. 10. In the early spring, when the warm breezes gently blow, And when on every tree its vernal honors bloom, Thou mayst freely re- turn to the groves and revisit the sylvan shades, In which music delightful and equal to thine resounds. Ver novus, cum tepidus aura molliter spiro, Et suus honos (enall.) verno in quivis arbor, Pro libitu ad nemus (synon.) redeo sylvestriaque tecta revise, In (ellip,} aui musica laetus parque tuus resono. 323. PROSODY PERIPHRASIS. 313 11. But if again, but if by chance again, the cold Should bring back to my house my beloved bird, Be thou, O returning bird, be thou mindful to repay with a grateful song Whatsoever food any kind hand may bestow. Sin iterum, sin forte iterum,frigus Reduco ad rneus tectum (enalL.) carus (synon.) avis, Sum, redux, memor sum rependo gratus cantus Pabulum, (enall.) quicunque benignus manus do. 12. The Molossian hounds fondly caressed the hare then free from danger, And the tender young of the sheep drew near the wolf; The deers played in peace with the tigress ; The stags feared not the African lion. Molossi blande (enall.} foveo tutus (synon.) lepus, Tenerquc ovis f&tus appropinquo (synon.) vicinum prsebuit latus lupus ; Concors dama cum tigris (epithet) ludo ; Cervus non pertimesco (synon.) Massylus juba. 13. From you shall descend the brave Achilles, Known to his ene- mies not by his back but by his undaunted front, Who, always a victor in the uncertain contest of the race, Shall outstrip the speed of the swift deer. Achilles (expers terroris) tu nascor fortis, Rostis haud tergum sed pectus impavidus (synon.) notus, Qui, persoepe victor vagus certamen cursus, Prseverto (flammea vestigia) celeritas cerva celer. 14. But me first above all things may the sweet Aonian goddesses receive into their favor, Whose sacred symbols, smit with ardent love to them, I bear ; And may they show me the paths of heaven, and the starry orbs, The various eclipses of the orb of Phoebus, and the labors of the moon. Ego vero primum ante omnis dulcis Jlonides dece, Qui sacra fero, magnus (synon.) amor percussus, Accipio ; ccelum atque (synon.) via, et sidcreos orbes monstro, Varius defectus Phosbi orbis, lunaque labor. 15. The god of fire fought against Troy, the god of music for Troy ; The mother of ./Eneas was friendly to the Trojan people, the goddess of war was unfriendly. The sister and wife of Jupiter, favorable to Turnus, hated yEneas ; yet he was secure under the protection of Venus. Often did the fierce ruler of the sea attack Ulysses ; Often did Pallas rescue him from the brother of her father Ignis deus sto in Troja, musiccc prcescs pro Troja; JEneoE, mater sum aequus Trojano popitlo, iniqua belli dea. Proprior Turnus, Jovis soror et conjux ./Eneas oderat ; Tamen ille sum tutus numen Venus. Ssepe ferox pelagi domitor Ulysses (epithet) peto * Ssepe Pallas (synon.) svmspatris fratre eripio 314 PROSODY MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. $ 310. 16. And as a ravenous wolf both seizes on and carries away Through the cornfields, through the woods, the sheep, which has not gone into the fold, So, if the hostile barbarian finds any one in the plains Not yet received within the city, he hurries him away ; He then either follows him as a captive, and receives chains cast upon his neck, Or falls by a poisoned arrow. Utque rapax pecus, qui non intro (se texit) ovili, Per seges, (synon.) per sylva, lupus feroque trahoque, Sic, si qui, acceptus (synon.) nondum (portarum sepe) oppidum, Barbarus hostis in campus reperio, (cpenth.) ago ; Aut captus sequitur ille, (ellip.) conjectusque catena (synon.) col- lum accipio, aut pereo (synon.) venenatus telum (virus habente.) 17. So when a shepherd, while he is collecting branches of trees in the woods, Has wrapped among the leaves a serpent asleep with cold and stiff with frost, And without having seen it, has brought it to the fire ; There is no delay ; scarcely has it felt the flames near it, When the serpent both lifts up its head, and now also turns around its fiery eyes, And moves erect through the house with its forked tongue. Sicut ubi, dum arborum brachia colligo in sylva, anguis Frigor sopitus, pastor, rigens brumaque, Frons implico, appono (synon.) ignisque inscius ; Nullus est mora ; propiiis vix perfero flamma, cum (et jam) Attolloque suus (ellip.) caput, jamque lumen igneus torqueo, Perque tectum (synon.) mico arduus anguis (synon.) os trilinguis. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. The first twenty-two of the following exercises are designed to be literally translated into Latin verse : the words will require a different arrangement, but every word may stand in the same line in Latin, in which it is found in English. The remaining exercises are intended to be more freely translated, and the words in one line may often be introduced into the preceding or following verse. 1. The lamb in company with the wolf (sociata lupo) shall gambol (lasciviet) in (per) the valleys, And the steer shall go (petet) with the lion in safety (tutus) to the stall, (prasepe.) 2. Thus (qualid) the lilies hang down (dedinant) their withering (pallentes) stalks, And blooming (pubentes) roses die beneath the first chilling blasts, (ad primos austros.) 3. And now the morning star (Lucifer) fringed (stringebat) the lofty JEmus with his (ellip.) rays, 310. PROSODY MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 315 And he urges on the rapid chariot (festinam rotam) more speedily than usual, (solito properantior.) 4. And I feared all these things, because I knew (videbam) that I deserved them ; (ellip.) But your anger is lighter (lenior) than my crime, (peccato.) 5. Let the heaven supply (ellip.) dews sweet as nectar, (nectareos,) and let it viands (epithet) Supply, and shed (irriget) silently fertilizing showers, (imbres.) 6. The sea was bright (radiabat) with the image of the reflected (re- percussce) moon, And in the night (epithet) there was a light (nitor) like the light of day, (diurnus.) 7. Let him indeed (sank) receive the price (mercedem) of blood, and look as (et sic) Pale (palleat) as the man (ellip.) who has trodden on (pressit) a ser- pent with naked feet, (calcibus.) 8. And now the sea began to redden (rubescebat) with the morning (ellip.) rays, and from the lofty sky ((Ether -e) The saffron Morn (lutea Aurora) arose in her rosy chariot, (bigis.) 9. Drops (enall.) wear a stone hollow, (cavo ;) a ring is worn out (con- sumitur) by use ; And the crooked ploughshare is worn away (teritur) by the earth rubbing against it, (pressd.) 10. You see that anger, lust, (libido,) vice, (scelus,) every where prevail, (dominentur,) And deceit (fraus) counterfeiting friendship, and malignant envy, And feuds, and treachery, (insidia,) and the snares (retia) of une- qual law. 11. Around the tame tiger (mansueta tigri) flowery bands the sportive (petulantes) Boys in play (per ludum) shall cast, and serpents the wearied Limbs of the traveller shall refresh by licking them with their cold tongues, (recreabuntfrigore lingua.) 12. The field by degrees shall grow yellow (flavescet) with soft ears of corn, (aristd,) And the blushing grape (rubens uva) shall hang on the rough (in- cultis) brambles, And hard oaks shall distil (sudabunt) dewy honey, (enall.) 13. O sleep, thou (ellip.) rest (quies) of all (ellip.) things, O Sleep, thou gentlest (placidissime) of the gods, Thou peace of the mind, from whom care flies away, who the body (eorda,) by its (ellip.) daily Toils (ministeriis) exhausted (fessa,) dost refresh and recruit for labor. 316 PROSODY MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 310. 14. Often, too, when the wind is rising, (vento irnpendente,) you will see stars Falling (labi) swiftly (enall.) from (ellip.) heaven, and, through the shades (umbram) of night, Long trains (tractus) of flame (enaU.) gleaming (albescere) behind them, (a tergo.) 15. Under this tree the dewy (madidi) Fauns (Fauni) often danced, (lu- serunt,) And their (ellip.) pipe heard in the night (fistula sera} alarmed the quiet family, (domum ;) And, while they fled (fugit) through the solitary (solus) fields from midnight Pan, (nocturnum Pana,) Often under this tree (fronde) a rural Dryad (Dryas) lay con- cealed, (latuit.) 16. O mossy fountains, and grass (herba) more soft than sleep, (somno mollior,) And the green arbute-tree, (arbutus,) that covers you with its thin (rard) shade, Keep ofTthe heat (solstitium) from my flock, (pccori;) now comes the summer Scorching ; now the buds swell on the vine, (cpit/ict.) 17. Beneath a hedge, and often (nee rard) on the margin of a bank, there is a little Reptile, (the glow-ivorm,) which glitters by night, and lies con- cealed (latet) by day. Ye great, lay aside your pride, (fastus,) and no longer (nee) despise the lowly, Since even (ct) this little (minimum) reptile has something (el- lip.) which is splendid, (nitcat.) 18. In early spring, when the snow (periph.) on the hoary mountains Is dissolved, and the crumbling (putris) glebe unbinds itself by the Zephyr, Then (periph.) under the deep-pressed (depresso) plough, let my ox begin To groan, and the ploughshare, worn bright (attritus) by the fur- row, begin (ellip.) to glitter. 19. Illustrious souls ! if mortal things at all affect (quid tangunf) The inhabitants of heaven, (c&licolas,) if there is still with you (ellip.) any regard (cura) for the British race, I beseech you, renew (vos instaurate) our ancient vigor ; That, sloth (somno) being shaken off, we may at length aspire (nitamur) to noble things, (ardua,) Mindful of true virtue, and of our fathers' (avita:) fame. 20. Thus the Lagean (Lagea) bark, while in the vast ocean like an island It appeared, (conspecta,) struck against (illisit) the rocks, where the east wind, (epithet,) 310. PROSODY MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 317 Scattering ruin around, (naufragium spargens,) blocks up (operif) the sea ; and now on the waters Both planks, (transtra,) and masts, and colors, (aplustria,) with (eltip.) the torn sail, And seamen, (epithet,) striving against (removentes) the waters, float. 21. For some (pars) commit the dead body to the earth, And strew garlands on the tomb, and obsequies yearly Pay, as though the shades of the dead (manes') required such offerings. Others, (pars,) the funeral pile being in order raised, burn on it the bodies (artus) of the dead, (eliip.) And collect their ashes, and place them in the faithful urn. 22. Their life was like the life (ellip.) of a beast, spent without any regularity ; (nullos agitato, per usus ;) They were a savage people, and destitute as yet of knowl- edge. They had (ndrant) for houses leaves, for food (frugibus) herbs; Water, drunk out of their two hands, was their nectar. No ox panted under the curved ploughshare ; No land was under the cultivation (imperio) of the husband- man, (colentis.) 23. Night had wrapped all things in darkness and in her silent shade, And deep sleep had seized on weary man. 24. The birds were now singing, and the sun hastened from the east, To open with a purple smile the day. 25. The shepherd guides his flocks; he now takes in his arms the tender lambs, And gives them, while cherished in his bosom, the sweetest herbs; He now seeks for the sheep that are lost, and brings back the wandering. 26. The third morning had from the heavens removed the cold shades of night, (ellip.) When they sorrowfully collected together (ruebant) on the hearths the high-raised (altus) ashes and The bones intermingled with each other, and placed over them a warm mound of earth. 27. Begone, ye sleepless cares ; begone, complaints, And the host of envy , with her " jealous leer malign ; " (transfer so tortilis Idrquo ;) Nor thou, O cruel calumny, bring hither thy envenomed scoffs, (anguiferos rictus.) 28. Thus (talis) the Parthian lord leads from the Tigris His barbarian troops, and proudly adorns his head With regal chaplets, gems, and rich attire. 27* 318 PROSODY MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 310 29. For now Eurus collects his strength from the purple east ; Now Zephyr approaches hasting from the west, (sero vespere missus.) Now cold Boreas rages (bacchatur) from the dry north ; (Arcto ;) Now the south wind joins the contest with an opposing front. 30. Androcles, who had fled as an exile from the anger of his master, Wandered over the parched sands of Libya. At length, when wearied and exhausted by his journey, (Lahore vi- arum,) A secret cave presented itself to him at the side of a rock. 31. He enters the cave ; and scarcely had he committed his wearied limbs to sleep, When suddenly an immense lion roars in the cavern. It lifted up its wounded foot, and, uttering a mournful cry, It implored, as well as it was able to implore, the assistance of Androcles. 32. The fugitive slave, struck with the novelty of the circumstance, and hesitating with fear, Scarcely at length moves his trembling hands to the assistance of the lion; (cllip.) But, after having examined the thorn, (for a thorn stuck in the wound,) He carefully and tenderly draws it out of the lion's foot. 33. Now again he roams through the sylvan shades, and the groves j and, like an attentive host, Brings to the cave for Androcles constant food. The man, as the lion's guest, sits down to the feasts prepared for him, (dlip.) And hesitates not to partake of the undressed provisions. 34. But who could bear to live thus solitarily in a cheerless desert ? (ticdia descrtcc vita.) Scarcely could the rage of a revengeful master be more ter- rible. The slave at length resolves to expose his devoted head to certain dangers, And again to seek his paternal abode. 35. Here he is given up by his master ; and, doomed to afford a cruel entertainment to the people, He stands in the theatre as a wretched criminal. By chance the same lion that he had assisted in the desert, (cllip.) fierce and raging with hunger, rushes from the dens, And looks with an astonished countenance on his physician. 36. He looks at him, and, as an old friend recognizing his former guest, He lies down at his well-known feet caressing him, (blandulus.^ PROSODY MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 319 This prodigy (ellip.) was the work of nature alone : she alone, who gave to the lion all his rage, She alone induced him to repress it. 37. The dove, that has been wounded by thy talons, O hawk, Is alarmed at the least rustling of a wing. The lamb, that has been at any time rescued from the jaws of a rapacious wolf, Never dares again to wander from the fold. 38. Happy is the man, who has spent his days in his paternal fields, Whom the same roof shelters (vidct) when an old man, that sheltered him when a boy ; Who leaning on his staff, on the same sand on which he once crept as a child, (ellip.) Relates the long history (scecuhi) of his single habitation. 39. Fortune has not led him through the innumerable vicissitudes of life ; (vario tumultu;) He has neither as a traveller (periph.) tasted of foreign waters; Nor as a merchant has he feared the seas, nor as a soldier the trumpet's sound ; Neither has he undergone the contentions of jarring courts of law. 40. The lofty oak he (qui) remembers when it hung as an acorn (ellip.') on a little branch, And he sees the grove of the same age with himself, with him- self grow old. But yet unbroken is his strength, and the third generation sees him A grandsire still robust with vigorous limbs. 41. For the men add to the noise (sonant) by their clamor, the ropes by their rattling, The heavy waters by the dashing of the waves against each ot ner, (undarum incursu,} and the sky by peals of thunder. The sea ascends in mighty waves, and seems to reach i he heavens, And sprinkles the contiguous clouds with briny dew. 42. May I never so misapply the powers of my mind, As to become the flatterer of kings and the promoter of vice ; Nor may I spend the short space, that I can steal from the grave, In fawning and cringing (caudam submittam) like a fearful dog. 43. There is near the Cimmerians (Cimmcrios) a cave in a long re- cess, Formed of a hollow mountain, the palace and retired abode of lazy Sleep ; 320 PROSODY MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. Into this cave the sun, whether rising, or on the meridian, (medi~ usve^ or setting, Is never able to penetrate with his rays. Fogs, mixed with darkness, Are exhaled from the ground, and a glimmering (crepuscula) of dubious light. 44. Again, to show what virtue, and what wisdom can accomplish, Homer (ellip.} has exhibited Ulysses to our view as an instructive example, Who, having subdued Troy, viewed with an observant eye the cities And manners of many nations, and, While seeking for himself and his associates the means of re- turning over the wide ocean to their own land, (ellip.) Endured many hardships, yet could never be overwhelmed by the waves of adversity. 45. See lofty Lebanon his head advance ! See nodding forests on the mountain dance ! 46. Ah me ! the blooming pride of May (Maii) And that of beauty are but one : A.t noon both flourish bright and gay ; At evening fade, are pale and gone. 47. When winds approach, the vexed sea heaves around; From the bleak mountain comes a hollow sound; The loud blast whistles o'er the echoing shore; Rustle the murmuring woods, the rising billows roar. 48. So the sweet lark, high poised in air, Shuts close his pinions to his breast, If chance his mate's shrill note he hear, And drops at once into her nest. 4 ). Nations behold, remote from reason's beams, (ellip.) Where Indian Ganges rolls his sandy streams, Of life impatient, rush into the fire, And willing victims to their gods expire, Persuaded (percussa cupidine ccccd) the freed soul to regions flies, (scdes iibifata dedere quictas,') Blest with eternal spring and cloudless skies. 50. Subdued at length, he owns Time's heavier tread, Bowed with the weight of ages on his head : So on some mountain's top the lofty pine, With years and tempests worn, in slow decline Droops to the chilling rains, the stormy gales, While wasting age its trembling boughs assails. 320. PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 321 LYRIC AND DRAMATIC MEASURES. In the following table, the numbers in the first column denote the kinds of metre employed in the subsequent exercises; those in the second column refer to the sections, &c. of the Grammar in which those metres are explained. The metres not referred to the Gram- mar are not found in the ancient Latin classics, but their explanation is subjoined to the table 1, 310, I. 12, 312, VI. 23, 314, VII. 34, 316, III. 2, 13, VII. 24, VIII. 35, IV. 3, 310, II. 14, " VIII. 25, IX. 36, " V. 4, 311, III. 15, 313, I. 26, X. 37, VI. 5, * 16, II. 27, 315, I. 38, 317, I. 6, * 17, 314, I. 28, II. 39, " II. 7, 312, IV. 18, II. 29, III. 40, 318, III. 8, V. 19, " III. 30, * 41, IV. 9, * 20, IV. 31, 316, I. 42, " V. 10, * 21, V. 32,) n 11, * 22, VI. 33,5 * The following are the metres above referred to, and which are not contained in the Grammar. 2. T'-- i^vmeter meiurus is a defective hexameter, having an iam- ~ ^ me sixth foot instead of a spondee. 5. The JEolic -pentameter consists of four dactyls, preceded by a spondee, a trochee, or an iambus. 6. The Phal&cian or Pkaleudan verse consists of the penthemimeria of a hexameter, followed by a dactyl and a spondee. 9. The tetrameter meiurus or Faliscan consists of the last four feet of the hexameter meiurus. 10. The tetrameter acephalus is the tetrameter a posteriore wanting the first semifoot. 11. The tetrameter catalectic is the tetrameter a prior e wanting the last semifoot. 30. The trochaic dimeter consists of four feet, the first and two last of which are always trochees, and the second a trochee, spondee , dactyl, or anapest. 323 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 320. The first thirty of the following exercises are designed to be scan- ned ; the succeeding thirty-four require the order of the words to be changed, in order to the lines being formed into verses j the remaining exercises are intended to be translated. The figures prefixed to the exercises refer to the preceding table. No. 8. 1. Haud sic magni conditor orbis; Huic ex alto cuncta tuenti Nulla terrae mole resistunt, Non nox atris nubibus obstat. No. 9. 2. Gratius astra nitent, ubi Notus Desinit imbriferos dare sonos ; Lucifer ut tenebras pepulerit, Pulchra dies roseos agit equos. No. 16. 3. Somnos dabat herba salubris, Potum quoque lubricus amnis, Umbras altissima pinus ; Nondum maris alta secabat. No. 31. 4. Tu ne quaesieris scire, nefas, quern mihi, quern tibi Finem di dederint, Leuconoe ; nee Babylonios Tentaris numeros, ut melius, quidquid erit, pati J Seu plures hyemes, seu tribuit Jupiter ultimam. No. 1, 8. 5. Albus ut obscuro deterget nubila coelo Sffipe Notus, neque parturit imbres Perpetuos, sic tu sapiens finire memento Tristitiam viteeque labores. No. 1, 13, 1, 13. 6. Diffugere nives ; redeunt jam gramina campis, Arboribusque comae ; Mutat terra vices ; et decrescentia ripas Flumina prsetereunt. No. 1, 17, 1, 17. 7. Mella cava manant ex ilice ; montibus altis Levis crepante lympha desilit pede. Illic injusssa veniunt ad mulctra capellae, Refertque tenta grex amicus ubera. No. 17, 22, 17, 22. 8. Has inter epulas, ut juvat pastas ovea Videre properantes doinum ! 320. PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 323 Videre fessos, vomerem inversum, boves, Collo trahentes languido. No. 11, 36. 9. Orane hominum genus in terris Simili surgit ab ortu ; Unus enim rerum pater est, Unus cuncta ministrat. No. 34, 35. 10. Jam veris comites, quse rnare temperant, Impellunt animse lintea Thraciae ; Jam nee prata rigent, nee fiuvii strepunt Hyberna nive turgidi. No. 35, 34. 11. Caris multa sodalibus, Nulli plura tamen, dividit oscula, Quam dulci Lamise, memor Actee non alio rege puertiae. No. 28, 14 12. Scandit geratas vitiosa naves Cura, nee turmas equitum relinquit, Ocior cervis, et agente nimbos Ocior Euro. No. 41, 21. 13. Solvitur acris hyems grata vice veris et Favoni; Trahuntque siccas machinse carinas ; Ac neque jam stabulis gaudet pecus, aut arator igni ; Nee prata canis albicant pruinis. No. 37, 32. 14. Cur neque militaris Inter aequales equitat ; Gallica nee lupatis Temperat ora frsenis ? Cur timet flavum Tiberim tangere ? cur olivum f No. 34, 34, 36, 35. 15. Vos Tempe totidem tollite laudibus, Natalemque, mares, Delon Apollinis, Insignemque pharetra Fraternaque humerum lyra. No. 40, 40, 23, 42. 16. Doctrina sed vim promovet insitam, Rectique cultus pectora roborant ; Utcunque defecere mores, Dedecorant bene nata culpse. 324 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 320. No. 1, 22, 13. 17. Nobilis ut grand! cecinit Centaurus alumno, " Invicte mortalis, dea. Nate puer Thetide, Te inanet Assaraci tellus, quam frigida parvi Findunt Scainandri flumina, Lubricus et Simois." No. 24, 21. 18. At fides, et ingeni Benigna vena est; pauperemque dives Me petit. Nihil supra Deos lacesso ; nee potentem araicum Largiora flagito, Satis beatus unicis Sabinis. No. 17, 13, 22. 19. Ubi hffic severus te palam laudaveram, Jussus abire domum, Ferebar incerto pede Ad non amicos, heu, mihi postes, et heu JLimina dura, quibus Lumbos et inf'regi latus. No. 18. 20. Querceta Fauni, vosque rore vinoso Colles benigni, initis Evandri sedes, Si quid salubre vallibus f'rondet vestris, Levamen segro ferte certatim vati. Sic ille, chartis redditus rursum Musis, Vicina dulci prata mulcebit cantu. 21. Frigora mitescunt Zephyris; ver proterit sestas> Interitura simul ; Pomifer autunmus fruges effuderit ; et mox Brurna rccurret iners. 22. Labuntur altis interim ripis aquce, Queruntur in sylvis aves, Fnntesque lymphis obstrepunt manantibus j Somnos quod invitet leves. 23. Quam variis terras animalia permeant figuris ! Namque alia exterito sunt corpore, pulveremque verrunt Continuumque traliunt vi pectoris incitata sulcum. Sunt quibus alarum levitas vaga, verberetque ventos. 24. Monte decurrens velut amnis, imbres Quern super notas alm A >re ripas, Fervet, immensusque ruit profundo Pindarus ore. 320. PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 325 25. Cum nemus flatu Zephyri tepentis Vernis irrubuit rosis, Spiret insanum nebulosus Auster, Jam spinis abeat decus. 26. Pallida mors asquo pulsat pede pauperura tabernaa Regumque turres : o beate Sexti, Vitee summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam- Jam te premet nox, fabuleeque manes. 27. Nee Cose referunt jam tibi purpurse, Nee clari lapides tempora, quse semel Notis condita fastis Jnclusit volucris dies 28. Purse rivus aquae, sylvaque jugerum Paucorum, et segetis certa fides meee, Fulgentem imperio fertilis Africse Fallit, sorte beatior. 29. Virtus, recludens immeritis mori Coelum, negata tentat iter via ; Cffitusque vulgares, et udam Spernit humum fugiente penna. 30. Quid genus et proavos strepitis ? Si primordia vestra Auctoremque Deum spectes, Nullus degener extat, Nt vitiis pejora fovens, Proprium deserat ortum. No. 16. 31. Utinam modo redirent nostra Tempora in priscos mores ! Sed, ignibus ^Etnse ssevior, Amor fervens habendi ardet. No. 6. 32. Nunc jacet lumine mentis effceto, Et pressus colla catenis gravibus, Declivemque pondere gerens vultum, Cogitur, heu, cernere terram stolidam. No. 17. 33. Anima mea, recogita mecum, recogita, Horrore quo perculsa, ponti videris Imo ex sinu profunditates erutas, Montesque fluctuum imminentes montibus. No. 17, 22, 17, 22. 34. Elusua miser, non est, ut arbitraris, Mors atra filia Noctis, 28 326 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 320. Erebove creta patre sive Erinnye, Vastove sub Chao nata. No. 17, 22, 17, 22. 35. Ast ilia, missa stellate ccelo, Dei Messes colligit ubique, Animasque, reconditas earned mole, in lucem et evocat auras. No. 17, 22, 17, 22. 36. En, viator defesse, et infra despice Vitce terminum viseque, Vide quo laboriosa vestigia Hue, ecce, omnia tendunt. No. 30, 29, 30, 29. 37. Hybla, funde totos flores, Quidquid attulit annus; Hybla, florCtm vestem sparge, Quantus campus Ennae est. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 38. Deus, laudes in Sione manent te, Hie, castis sacris operata, tibi Gens vota tua solvet, victimisque Aras imbuet. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 39. Quique tarn prassens supplicantftm tibi Secundos exitus tribuas votis, Gentes petent te mundi sub utroque Jacentes axe. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 40. Tu, potens rerum pollens validisque Viribus, catena stabili firmas Tractus montium, jugaque inquietis Procellis tunsa. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 41. Tu maris, agitata ventis nigris, Componis terga ; rebelles cohibes Motus gentium, placidaque mutas Tumultus pace. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 42. Ultimi rerum signa tua norunt, Et pavent fines, coruscis quoties Flammis turgidum fremuit sonoro Coelum murmure. 320, PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 327 No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 43. Tu solum terrae, imbrem sitientis, Invisis laetus ; gravidreque nubis De sinu, fundis genitale pigros In semen agros. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 44. Alveus, pleno semper tibi amne, Turgidus loeta no vat fruge arva, Campos floribus, virentes nemorum Recessus fronde. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 45. Tu maceras rore leni sola contumacis terrce, glebas subigisque, Sulcos ebrios amictu viridante Inumbras messis. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 46. Qua feres gressus, annum renovabis Frugum fertilem, vegetansque fetus Per valles cavas saltus riguosque Humor impluet. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 47. Pauper tugurii (apoc.) colonus gestiet, Comitans capellas distentas lacte ; Colles mugient, et sylva, arnica fessis juvencis. No. 28, 28, 28, 14. 48. Spes cupidas aratoris fovebit Fluctuans latis campis seges alma ; Ut canat tibi feriatus festl In umbra carmen. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 49. Quid frustra rabidi canes petitis me ? Cur premis improbum propositum Livor ? Sicut pastor ovem, Dominus regit me : Nil penitus deerit (syruzr.) mihi. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 50. Per mitia pabula viridis campi, Quce amoenitas teneri veris pingit, Nunc pascor placide, nunc latus saturum Molliter explico fessus. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 51. Rivus puree aquae leniter astrepens Restituit robora languidis membris ; 328 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 320. Et spiritus recreat blando fomite Sub face torrida soils. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 52. Cum peteret raens vaga devios saltus, Sequens teneras illecebras errorum, Bonus retraxit, denuo me miserans, In viam justitiae pastor. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 53. Nee si luctifica manu per trepidas intentet tenebras mors vulnera inihi, Formidem pergere, te duce, me pedo Facies securum tuo. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 54. Tu accumulas mensas epulis j merum Tu sufficis plenis pateris ; et caput exhilaras unguento : conficit cemulos Dum spectant anxius dolor. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 55. Tua bonitas nunquam destituet me, Perpetuo favor profususque bonis, Et non solicit domi lure longa Tempora vitas transigarru No. 40, 40, 23, 42. 56. Tecum alta Virtus sedet laurigeram Frontem decora, et Veritas filia, Cui vultus fulgens immortale Radiatur purpureo igne. No. 17. 57. Poe"tse veteres fabulantur Protea Fuisse quendem, qui verteret se in omnes Formas, nee posset contineri ullis vinculis, dum nunc in liquentes undas fluit, Nunc stridet flamma, nunc ferus leo rugit, Arbor viret, ursus horret, anguis sibilat. No. 41. 58. Unica gens hominum altius levat celsum cacumen, Atque levis stat recto corpore, despicitque terras. HSBC figura admonet, nisi terrenus male desipis, Qui recto vultu petis coelum, exerisque frontem, In sublime animum quoque feras, ne gravata pessum, Inferior sidat mens celsius levato corpore. 320. PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 329 No. 29. 59. Quae faciunt vitam beatiorem, Haec sunt, M artialis jucundissime : Ager non ingratus, perennis focus, Nunquam lis, rara toga, quieta mens, Ingenuae vires, corpus salubre, Simplicitas prudens, amici pares ; No. 29. 60. Facilis convictus, sine arte mensa, Non ebria nox sed curis soluta, Torus non tristis attamen pudicus, Somnus, qui tenebras breves faciat, Veils esse quod sis, nihilque malis, Nee metuas diem summum, nee optes. No. 35, 34, 31, 35, 34, 31. 61. Gaudio pectora pulsat Lceto cor trepidum ; lingua avet tuas Promere laudes ; spes bona tacite recreat corpus. Tu viain vitae reseras : De vultu tuo fluvii laetitice Manant j tu tribuis gaudia munifica dexterd. No. 34, 34, 34, 35. 62. Qualis per silentia nigra nemorum, Vallesque irriguas, et domos virides, Fons placidus murmure languido serpit, Peragens secretum iter ; Paulisper vagus, atque agens exiguos Maeandros, sinuat se variis modis, Dum tandem, fugam celerem praecipitans, Maris gremio miscetur. 63. Talis per semitam tacitam devia Diffugiat aetas, non gravis opibus, Rauca jurgia fori non experta, nee palmae decus sanguineum ; Cumque tenebraa instant et lux brevis occidit, Et satura ludo, et laboribus fessa, Membra jacentia mors lenisque sopor Manu placida componant. No. 16. 64. Quae canit altis ramis, garrula Ales clauditur antro caveoD ; Huic licet pocula illita melle, Dulci studio, dapes largasque, Cura ludens hominum ministret, Si tamen, saliens arcto tecto, Viderit gratas umbras nemorum, 28* 330 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 320. Preterit sparsas escas pedibus ; Sylvas tan turn requirit moesta, Susurrat sylvas voce dulci. No. 11,36,11,36. 65. The same Creator gave to the sun his rays; He gave to the moon her horns ; He also gave inhabitants to the earth, and stars to the heaven. Ille do radius Phoebus ; Et do cornu luna; Ille etiarn terra (enall.) homo Do, et coelum sidus. No. 28, 35, 28, 35. 66. The sea is often resplendent in calm weather, Its waves being unruffled ; The north wind often raises in it raging tempests, The waters being agitated. Saepe radio tranquillus serenum Mare, fluctus immotus ; Saepe Aquilo ternpostas (synon.) fervens, ^Equor (enall.') versus, concito. No. 25, 36, 25, 36, 25, 36. 67. Whoever shall wish Cautiously to erect a house that shall stand, Should take care to avoid the sea, Threatening with its waves The top of a lofty mountain, And should shun quicksands. Quisquis porennis volo Sedes cautc (enail.~) pono, Et minans fiuctus, Mare (synon) sperno euro, Altus mons cacuinen, Arena vito bibulus. No. 25, 36, 25, 36, 25, 36. 68. The former of these situations the south wind Assails with all its strength ; The loose quicksands Are unable to bear the pressing weight. Remember to place your house on a low And firm rock. Ille Auster (epithet) Vires totus urget; Hie solutus pendulus Pondus recuso ferro. Memento figo domus humilis saxum certus. No. 25, 36, 25, 36, 25, 36. 69. Although The wind roar, Agitating the waters and covering them with ruins, You, happily screened By the strength of your unmoved rampart, Shall serenely spend your days, Smiling at the fury of the wind. 320. PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 331 Tono quamvis, ruina ^Equor miscens, ventus, Tu, quietus conditus Feliciter (enall.) vallus robur, .ZEvum serene (enall.) duco, Irridens (enall.} ira (enatt.) aether. No. 35. 70. Orpheus, the Thracian bard, bewailing Long since the death of Eurydice, his wife, After he had by his mournful strains made The woods move, and the flowing Rivers stand still, The stag fear- lessly drew near the fierce lions, Nor did the hare fear The dog be- fore her, that was now rendered harmless by the song. Conjux funus (enall.) quondam Gemens, Threicius vates Postquam modus flebilis Curro sylva, mobilis Amnis cogo sto, Jungoque latus intrepide (cnall.) Leo ssevus cerva, Nee timeo lepus visus Canis, jam cantus placidus. No. 35. 71. When a more violent Passion burned within his breast, And the strains, which had subdued all things around him, Could not soothe the sorrows of him, from whom they proceeded, Complaining of the cruel deities, He went to their infernal abodes. There, bring- ing tender strains From his harmonious strings, He weeps, and moves even the infernal regions, And with a sweet prayer Solicits pardon and favor of the gods of the shades. Cum intima flagrantior Pectoris fervor ureret, Nee, qui subigo cunctus, Modus mulceo dominus, Querens superi immitis, Domus infernus adeo. Illic, sonans chorda blandus temperans carmen, Defleo, et moveo (enall.) Tsenara, Et prece dulcis venia Rogo umbra dominus. No. 35. 72. Cerberus, the three-headed guardian of the entrance, stands amazed, Captivated by the unusual song. The cruel goddesses, the avengers of crimes, Who are the authors of miseries, Are now be- dewed with tears in sorrow. The rapid wheel hurries not round The body of Ixion ; And Tantalus, a prey to long-continued thirst, 332 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 320. Heeds not the waters near him. The vulture, while he is delighted with the strains, Tears not the liver of Tityus. Tergeminus stupeo, novus Janitor, captus carmen. Sontes, qui malum agito, Dea, ultrix scelus, Jam moestus madeo lacrymae. Non caput Ixionius Rota velox preecipito ; Et, perditus sitis longus, Tantalus Rumen sperno. Dum sum modus satur, vultur Non traho jecur Tityi. No. 35. 73. At length the monarch Of the shades, commiserating his sor- rows, says, < r We yield. Let us give to the bard as a companion His wife, redeemed by his song : But let this condition accompany the gift, That it shall not be lawful for him to look behind him, Until he shall have left these regions." Who shall lay a restraint on lovers ? Alas ! when near the boundaries of the realms of night, Orpheus looked back on his Eurydice, Lost her, and was undone. " Vincor," tandem arbiter Umbra aio rniserans, " Dono vir comes Conjux, carmen emptus: Sed donum (enall.) lex coerceo, Ne, dum relinquo (enall.) Tartara, Fas sum flecto lumen." Quis amans lex det ? Heu ! prope nox terminus, Orpheus suus Eurydice Video, perdo, et (asyn.) occido. No. 28. 74. The mighty labors of Hercules render him illustrious : He overcame the proud Centaurs ; He stripped from the fierce Nemcan (ellip.) lion his skin ; He pierced also the harpies (volucres) with his unerring darts. No. 28. 75. He took from the watchful dragon the golden (ellip.) apples ; He dragged along Cerberus in a three-fold chain : The conquering hero (victor) is said to have placed their cruel Master as food before the fierce steeds of Diomed. (ellip.) No. 28. 76. The hydra was destroyed by a burning (combusto) poison ;^ The god of (ellip.*) the river Achelous, maimed (turbatus) in his forehead, PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 333 Hid his face, covered with shame, beneath his waters (ripis ;) He laid Ante us prostrate on the African sands. No. 28. 77. Cacua appeased by his death (ellip.) tne anger of Evander ; And the shoulders (ellip.) of Hercules (ellip) which the mighty (altus) globe was soon to press with its weight, These shoulders the boar (setiger) of Arcadia (ellip.) stained with his foam ; His last labor supports on his shoulders the heavens. No. 17. 78. When all thy mercies, O my God (Jehova,) My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost (mens haret) In wonder, love, and praise. No. 17. 79. O how shall words with equal warmth The gratitude declare, That glows within my ravished breast ? But thou canst read it there. No. 17. 80. To all my weak complaints and cries Thy mercy lent an ear, Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learned To form themselves in prayer. No. 17. 81. Unnumbered (qua nullus cequat computus) comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. No. 17. 82. When in the slippery paths of youth With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man (cmum. maturius.) No. 17. 83. Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths, It gently cleared my way, And through the pleasing snares of vice, More to be feared than they. 334 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. No. 17. 84. When worn with sickness, oft hast thou With health renewed my face, And when in sins and sorrow sunk, Revived my soul with grace. No. 17. 85. Thy bounteous hand with worldly bliss Has made my cup run o'er (sat superque m* bedrit copia,) And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my store. No. 17. 86. Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ, Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. No. 17. 87. Through every period of my life Thy goodness I'll pursue, And after death, in distant worlds, The glorious theme renew. No. 17. 88. When nature fails, and day and night Divide thy works no more, My ever-grateful heart, O Lord, Thy mercy shall adore. No. 17. ). Through all eternity, to thee A joyful song I'll raise ; But, O, eternity's too short To utter all thy praise ! No. 25. 10 Lines. 90. Little cricket, full of mirth, Chirping on my kitchen hearth, Wheresoe'er be thine abode, Always harbinger of good, Pay me for thy warm retreat With a song more soft and sweet ; In return thou shalt receive Such a strain as I can give. 320. PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 335 No. 25. 10 Lines. 91. Thus thy praise shall be expressed, Inoffensive, welcome guest; While the rat is on the scout, And the mouse with curious snout, With what vermin else infest Every dish, and spoil the best, Frisking thus before the fire, Thou hast all thine heart's desire. No. 25. 10 Lines. 92. Though in voice and shape they be Formed as if akin to thee, Thou surpassest, happier far, Happiest grasshoppers that are ; Theirs is but a summer's song, Thine endures the winter long, Unimpaired, and shrill, and clear, Melody throughout the year. No. 25. 10 Lines. 93. Neither night nor dawn of day Puts a period to thy play ; Sing then, and extend thy span Far beyond the date of man : Wretched man, whose years are spent In repining discontent, Lives not, aged though he be, Haifa span, compared with thee. No. 17. 94. The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue, ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. The unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display, And publishes to every land The work of an almighty hand. No. 17. 95. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth ; Whilst all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 336 PROSODY LYRIC MEASURES. 320. No. 17. 06. What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark, terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice nor sound Amidst their radiant orbs be found, In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, Forever singing, as they shine, " The hand that made us is divine." 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